An experimental analysis of perceptual discrimination in the cat


Transcript of An experimental analysis of perceptual discrimination in the cat



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til© i^t3lF&*Q@ats d»gro$ of &3ct.<a* of

$M tbs of Arts and


\y .,1. v


m at 8 13- m c

ftilflltoisst. tlj© t^xAv^mmtB far the sSsgafe*

tm msp^immkts mm CM^aiaeted ta ^stmf^m fc^ est lo an ab^©t-

mmith gmy isi^^^ar© (pogitlf®) firm f^mt h^t^ms^Xi^'-^mmiMg, v-^^s

gray tr^ost^d |s^r^i?is Cst^-atin®)* f<5r t-hre® ad^tSj^tisl estis the pjfWHidd was

P6slt4w mad tlas b^^ii^nsri^ iw^«tiw. T^i^s mr& vm to ^tearsaiti© '^hlcjts csdT

of fmae' |a»oparti»s -^^^ p:««i^ttd almg ¥it3a four taae^g^ed aegatlv©

p@aitl¥© est i^ild «sht3«3^ the test sabjeet tb© basts ©f »t 3jeast iso ^ the

thp©^ 3P«^ijU3liag ^"qp^lss. eat ch&se <» the baisls


of (Kjtlln© ©Isgly^ &tid thB other <sia^3# onJlj -^^a tbe basi^ of the t®r.ttj3r©*

^laliSd to th@ ©ff^srfelva p?op#rty, la tl^t ti^urs claoices weye leod© sa&ar ib®

objects* Mlail© 'oytlim ami tJirsgs-dis^nsltJcjsl sfeap© choices ^^er© sisd© prlsosril^

sats traia®^ m pr^em abov#, bat, nXth all ob-Jsctg mvlsg h^l*

with fmr laageti'^ ^j^iots cil^srl^ trm it in <h3© or two of tte9

three propsriie^? te:^e3*©j oatliae* tto®HiiiiBn,?ia»asX shape, k cc^rtrol

situation -siss i-atri^ti5@d in t!3@ brigl"^a3ass r^lattcsssship b&tm^ po3iti'»^©^

assd mgati^ trainiisf and test afejects ms rmmr^^*

A» Sa B3s^rla®at I, tba i^^^^^aid eats cfeose ^ant tte fc^sis of all tfepee

prqipertles t®st^ si;^!^' ^ ib© ni^stive-uiKsfeaijgM context and tbe hCfiGlsp^r®

<i»t» eh©^ Sily €*a th© hamXs of ssttili:^ singly-. Stagl* i^roperties mm Inef-

feotiw fis" tknQ pjr^amld eats in the positiv@-taacbaoged context » Outline v^as

#ff€K;tiw for the b^^^r© mts ia botfe ©esitsacts* Ob tl^ basis of this

^ttssi, the oats w&pb ssmimd to have bean resotlj^jg prirsriiy te? the ppaperties

«>f the iKS^sitiw dbjest, not to tlsos® of the asgstiv© objeet.

% eoDsi^riag th© effective ^s^at ppoperties and th© place at i^hioh

choice th© basis of eash fe«5S made, th& characteristics of ttm r«tinsi

l^^e of ismh traiaiBg «fe4®*'*' ®^ «5fa<>i<5« ^sem iafer3?3d, Tfee

«ft^ tskii^ Jxito a^csaamt the*e*3ntrcil restilts, suj^est^

th»t tl^ bsar^ar cfe«y©cteH.5ttes af tl^ retistl isasge isere sffestiv© fna* bc^h

i^4s^:®r<@ mnd pyramid osts, '^bersss tS» inisTnal fi&stures of the iajag* fe©re

@ff«<stii«> tfe© i^aiRisi cats. Tli^se results ^sfei^ laterpret^d to indicate


^arit^ af this tnterpir^t&ticwa i^paa ttm ^oj^pgrstiw atsidi' vlsusl perceptual

Bm» tfeg work mpm «tt.«^i*t@tl^ 1^ ecsisiatet^

t^H® X \mM ^ litiit®4 Ststieii l^altfe Bm^im Te^msh%^ is ^^^^^

psmmml m^^xpt* ap* J-lereeds^ ^Bftea*^ ariglsml stissilatl^ |?ro»

^cbd ^els of tli© ^jocKsspt.^^ grmMi^m^ s^S^ ti^s® ®3?p©x*l^s^s i^a?&

ba^d* ,8®catt^ ^ mf^met ^ 1^* Ir^lj:^^ 1"* tl^iB€83d» 1 ^Ije ta gain

I ©tea^. to thsofe li^psasn -amtt^^ & ostitis ms^^iJBg Urn

mm^t^%^p mA tb© mm kmlpt^ m^esmtim$ uisIsJje^ tliey©f5p€^«

eoasei€sr5^1^@ai^» s^ill of P^m* Alfred Sagtois ^ t^*p©d tiae ^TsaX ci^y

TMs mask 1@ iledic&t^ is Blf#,; S«i^sai» t^cm ^|^K«t ^ ^i@@ise^$«'

aasjaffe i^^r failed t« ^iq^ ttooife thsy mimStsiA*

¥ r#

•»*»«•«« ft <>»(>ae»»e»>**»a

3 ^8»#©r ^ 'Iritis Ct)s Sis!33©2* asg^r^ot Ippe^ci^© C^-*v'it

igiiser of tHsis (T)* sad l^^?«s@at fisfcsl .i^wsiM.© fri.aXs

fugled *^si# I^fl5&0t4^ fsr Ofe^le© 4i» -^^rlai^t ^3

a ^i^m Sisiip<^t Ciiai^ ^ O«srr©0i CSiotais

^^Mii9^*«p©ips^^®d c?i?^%X!!m m fmixiii^ trials

far Cm^mt IV^^rt^ T^tsd 'ia ^^Mssfe Two or

Brt^rfei^as ^jefWfsI is S^j^xl^mt II . ^

i>f f^^JS^ Ssisr^ ? ^ fsr Kscfe Be^l^^^^^



231 sisdl lis ««*•*« » ft « •? «

• «> • • 3^

* o • « « e

m tm SlitI am a

tliat. iif atad^li!^ ^i^rlsEtoeatsp^ t^hS¥l<jr of tb@ stslgJSX* both ia arcter to

t«i« of tf^ effsctlw i^i^rtl^s of QfeJ^tf , ai^ m a <^t^ far det@r^tjii3^

in relstiim to mm^ g^is&r©! prs^^e in th® aj?©is of tJi© oss^ssi^tive

'^sim. Si3a^@{|«©atly, s revi^ #f prevl^s fludiags r&lmmnt to the present

profelesjs mXJX tes la-^efient^d. flimU#, sm» ^mspml e^^icferatl^ms of ^hod

0^5®:^ C<sQ$lsieF&tl<^ li«Xevsjst t«s the Fr©s^ ^rMmt.

ties €iS c^^t^t **db^G%&^ feeijig me of m'mT^ psrti&Xl^ iJidlgpsndsnt losses

at the visml emirstmrnt* (Otfe©^ -^^ss^mt properties- €»f %^ich es^ld be

iomm^ uposa for «ti:K%' sar^ tb® (S«rr«:^md -opoa wfelo^ ofe^ets air© lTOt^» tm

mmrg^ smtm Mith ^Mch. tiisy lutr© liiuKijE»t«<J» sa^ the e«J©i^ reiTIeetesi fro®

ofej^et tad mtrmmd te tii© €iire«rti<a». of m ey© of a pea?e©ivii5g ssrgsijissj.


This i^^^siis refleets ® ^mrnml ems&m for dbtsi^Rtoiug tbs biological rol®

th&t viiiml p©r^,ptiit«il proosjgse? in a gtwa si^iBsl*s &dsptatig«i t& its

is relati-os <2feJ©ets (sash as feK)d» ppey* a ^isber af 1^ nwim stp&^ijsm, etc*)*

food @a,teai noet^jonaailti' ^Usmlit^t #tig«) smel diffareat

ti©s r@a«t«4 t» Is rel£t$4 to &^sp^ti<mal 41ff©rs«ms!* C^ioasd|^> sach

thes 0tber bsnsi, tfee p-^j^jsas ^#^ilci tppsar t«s wiarant lfsv®stig®tloji# C-oose^

qy®ntlji tijti pnsssai ^peri^sesst^, wMefet cfeal 'Kith tl^ properties of g4>J&ets

reacted to tef it*© mtf mmm nm^mtM with tb© aim 4?f faelM.t&i4i3g tiie e(3^psri-

of f^ps^ptasl pp®«as^« la tfeos© ia t^hmr partlesLl2B?l|'

fh® stsd^ 0f eff@<3tiv!e propyl©© of ofejeets aisa hs-s a baariiag upon,

th® prafel®?® i>f t!3!t satisr© fismtim ot psjnlQl^imX mcim^sm -sar pr^^sses

that ^giit t®e®«Kl seXsotl-ve, s^ifyiog^ in ^emml* oi^aaisatiorial. For

ejca^ft,, thd 9l#otr«»l^siail-§^ie®l of I«ttvia, Matias-^imj Pitts,

^'©Calloeh (©.g,., X9^) iiKiteates timt the 3?^tlm of the perforajs a reX^*-

tiveXgr eoe^l^, aiasly^is ^s^m th© i.nfm:^ti.m e^ssitaiuigs^ in the r^tjbnsl imag©,

afe^4rsetii:^i, as it wei?©* ctertaln fos,t«r©s of this infaiiBst4e«si* Th© ia^tuir^ of

ipertsia ©Is.5ss#t- of ist^mm^^m i^^m^^d tjinss csat to bss rsXstsble to ih©

stsitiirgiiX beterior the f^^sg isi r^laticKj t-o eerisiii ©lasses of stl^liiE ofe^-et3.

ffe^, eXatf. of iti the c^ttc tmrm <3»f the fi*og m&m t© l3© ^peel-

sill' rm^pmmt-m tl3@ pj?e)80gstati^ of s ssiallf flir-like spot, iiKSorlsig 1« mla-

tl'm to ©n ariieslat^ \mf^^Evfatsd» {Brogs mtm^ll^ eat fUes*) Juaotfesa* proup

of ?i@ura»« is @sp©eiailj y^spoaslv© to m I&rge, <liHr4c ocsati^st b«»*<i^ m^iag

across t\mir r^^ptt^ fiel^fe. (Frofs aattjqr«^ roa a'Ss^ lsa*g#, m^rix^

I bB iiB^^lai^j a^pai^t in the ms® of» f^ tise ea.t» it is

ii,©st«sl )mtm thst> at tb@ p^sfegil^iesl tli® ijm?sg-stifatlot> of selective

^^iosjsl^* s stalled- «r^e»pstsii^j5g of ill© 3r®iati^sM|>5 feets?«©s ef-

fective pf'qp^rtie© of {*j«ot® aiidL tls® ef«pati-?m of sel,©?jtiv© laaseljimisffi^ m iss-

f©rr!©d fSfsm tt» r<f^mlt3 of ©Ztroti'^Jisfef^®X^)fisfal i^psriia^i© sa^alal* aaioiB^ othar

f!et&<et«d t<i» In this i^i^ard* th® pr^sfwat eptphssis mi^asa ©ffsotiv® ob^ject-

p"opertl«M» be eosmldsreei., csa t!iii s^m basod* r^s & €soiiveai«!St plae©

for a ^taijjB^ analysis of tli^ s©l©CFti<m of p?aperti®s stf t^ rwtlsal

i»a^> tl3© »8tiar# af isfeicfei be inf^CTPsd trm- kamX^i^ at ih& j^a^lcsl am-

iitions (i.©., tfa© iooatl^m of tb© aislaBal la j*lati<m to tte objects reast^d t»)

present at tl» tijs© of p©actic3«.

If» m the otber fegasd* a® Is levied above, th© mrvmB s;^ts®s of

.alsmls ^TB orgsniiied fsrimria^ to enable tfeesa to daaO. -j*!^ ofe>€?ts, ti^a the

rttloEiaXe f<ir %)m 0&pbmlB upon cib^^'t p'ogwti^s %*ml.€l s|$3©sr to hs-v© a



strois^r tfeesja mrm ammaijmm* ia^lic&tlcii of tbe fssct that assist

sidSial is th9.t mrt^in '^obJ@ct-»pro^rtie«'^ ea* p^tiiml issstg© pro^perties esm be

stMl©d. cmi^ wltb, the of tlar-e^-Ktli^siatsloEtBl objects. ^"feilB tfe© retinal

^ a of sae^ ^,^t. It %b $ar« to th&t th» aiximl sad

ayw &m rarely st^EtioEisr^* fh® eosseqismse© of tbis is timt certs^in dynssde

feat'or^s Qt tl^ rstlml im$.9 C9*g«» ^tioa of different parts c»f the issi^ of

the abject, bcitb ia jralatiati to cjttesr pMPtJs of db;^et wod to tb© sTarrssoBd)

^ghich sre #ORSEl(^r«d OS^im (ir^SC-) to be adeqiast© stirmli f«E» s m;^?er of

vlsytallj raided s^etli^ 1^ oim bir sti^il^d &^ '^Itb the use of

tbrt»i!N41®msloEmi dbjects.

aspe^ of tii@ z^tl^mlig b^iM t^ $e@orKi itt43r i^pbdsis of tbe

ismsetst ^«£l2?'-~tlT®t of ^tdrssinisig ib@ i?^3a of th« ii®ia?issiaatggr^ btbavlsr af

th® aisdml iJa «3teJ^«4is<£rt^aatlas»—Is ^EtfiOtii^ in tl^ sboive dlj^usstea^-

'fim^t a ©aa*®^ st^Kl^? of th© <llsert^lmtsa^ bel@i?lsa» of tb© ^siissi b© ^x*

pescted to prswi^ fset® frois %Mch ialter ^^toa ssbere tbe discrisdaa-

t^ p@a0tl^ ms is$ltiat«4 ib@ pXas^t ^ r«isti^ to tb» at

whieb it vias **eb<&s®R*)» E:iis!fBlt«dg5S ®f tbe ^s<?g gi itfbiob eb<^jee Is ^asda %«iasld»

in tom» «BJab]b© to infer th© cfearaeterlstis® %h& mttmX ij^e st tbe

%Xm of ehaic©..

kind of selscti^ fe»ebaKl^ that* few quita taixlea'staa^bl© ro&socm

©f t0<^isal diffltmlty in earperlsssstrntism, bss been r®iatiwlj sseglected in

pbysialegical »nd psjrebolc^ieal investigatiima is thst related to the p^Kseptml

bftfeavicr of tt^ anigial. Thi$ t^^c is treated in & remat articl© by 7Mt»r and

.3afftr<m (X^). tbm® satbars suggest that '^perespttial ba-havi«sf^ is a very


%^p3itt^t ^t^^Xmx^ df 1^ mt^;« tise pert^staj^ ppmBsms itwal^sned la

m oi^saiss's i^setiaa to a giv^a ^jbjeet or ©itmticm. (Th© t«r?s ''^perceptual

Isel^^ior'' im^vsim all Ib^irlw that s@rv#j^ to ^d^i^ tlk@ i>tat0t is^iidixi^

aai,®^!®© ^jP p^f^^^l feehatviisr 3^ Hsi^Ki.) Furtisnei^ca"®, tb©j? suggest thst

l^ofi&aad «ff^a^ts mpc^a tfe® ti!TO2[a5l^lo& af mmwf ixifoimttm at aXi levels ce?

^ sfst«®, and* c«s2^qQs«itiy» v^m. the r^Ksltii^ pear^fti^m. Ths rale c^f

tl>® @t^!i^ «f 'par^^isisjtsl Is^s^l^r t© fe@ ^i^iewlsrljr jml^ayol to

ib© at^f " ®f s^sjeet pro|i®rtl«9» ^ tb® fit^t th© ^^^mm fmt Resold

be iK^iuiasI mt tlsat «^iSBPi^t^i®tl«0 of ^^SJ^^ets my be appreciated via

&%heir isod^lty sysite^ tteim tiais irl@»®2, gprt®®* f^^rtfeestsore, tfeat sny la-

s^^ElaiAti? ^^t^m* Wrm iM.B esm-slidga^tlissfft tbe ij^estlssa arises as to tise

astiar®- ®i3d t1«i1 p^s^ptml ®ff®«t of tis® ljjt®ire«;tl<m!g tfestt attiBt oecmx' b©»

t¥«»e?i, ,^^k^l0, '9'ljsliit, s^w&stfe*sis, md ths vegtllsjX^ seoe© ia tis® ap?-

pr®&0fe of m arilsiaX ta asj i^$m%* tn tim c^isip^e'satliK^ of th» s»i^l'K>bj8»ct

iat^jfmti^ iM^h Mglst iJSfol^© griltsal's ktlUt^ the (ta^y) <^j©ct. and

©atlag it» liom «|>e^2ia/©siXy». a problem of particatlur r^levaac© to th® ^ti^'^

©f 0fej@et larossrtles la tfeat &f tb& effect of mIti*».<s4aX interactiosi Kith

Qbja^ts 'ap>ii %b& eiT^ti'sre vlfaal ^aperti^ of 9b>4?ts. 11s®t problem siicb

«s %:^m a2P® iiattot#l.|' r®3L«.t#>?l t© fim prckUm of ti^ ral# of *'pef^@ptaai fce-

im^isr*- In s)3£f^t«illscriKliiatlm 1« sssn ijj th® fact that the ajce^sution of per-


ell, bshEirlar hmlt^ s)s3lti*-^'3dal mmi^B^ 'QmmqmtimB is sot mc^^rily per-

fb© point® to 1)0 hi^r® (1) that «j» uK5(V®is^t3 or movmimt of ©ngr other

pfipt »f til© tN>^t gug, **^spl<«ist«fy'* iaetolar, sa^ x^as^oaisly be* classified as

s tiaste' s^adElity i^fs^a^ si^ tiavolveds and <3) tb&t tb& «ffect ^spsu vistisl

l^(rc!#|3^ssi &t mx^ iBtmmn^ iw^t^min^tm. is & qmsti^m ^shieh bas yet to l»

psiijseaats is to ^gia i^tmm^m tl^ i^tisie^ «^ mah ^ftmts*

bsiifi23^ Is^aarS^sii thm ppssissfife prabi^ ulll- b© dts€sa^s4- Siaese o«0 of

em^Fxmm s|:^;ie® witfe regard ta tfe© ^ff^ctive prapsrtl«s -sf ablets, tfee

•pms^rst di®<?assiaf5 will iSBjba^ sscperiamts r®3.-«mit t^ tfe© Qm^m^&m of tb®

sst with met e'thiar atd^s^* <^bgtr solml cihosea is il^ aiac© a

ooiisidias^bl^ larger i^3g^3^ g^J©st--4t»esriKiaBti^ e;Kpesri35©ats has beeu

clmne usi^ gs^klsa^ «s @i^J^ts« tfea« has be®a ^aas asitig Qtkmr auisaals, for

'^aj^^, the Bamlt^ af ©xperlaseiKt®- taeiog isther aiiiisals as subjeets

b® siisca^^sad after prsi^entatlcKa of f^mits of th$ pr©se«t ©xperisJisit.

sliapl^ has si^0@t©ci that a 4istitsciioa hgt between stlHaiius*

m^^lailimtioss uhXQh om be ?^adte ^ tl5@ teis af ths esterosi c^jsifigis^-tis»s ©f tb© cfe^t® ^ b«t^8eti ®0B» differentiating sharseteristic of tbetot&i. ^arfa!^ viis color 3r ferightnees) are daflnsd as atiiaLUis-ob.j«et

discrl^i{:@t4ims* F^tt&am c^^serl^lu^loi^ are bdPQ i^tlmd »s dLs»tsti^tmtXixm in «hl^ the mX^ diffeittisitiating c^^rfiat^irlstlc xipm^bloh tb@ ehoii^ ts&n be s^i^ Is tl» ^^tm^m^ ^ssnty&m fi^oree paintddsir t&stemd m iarger identifisl gtlffielus«-^,^ts. (19^5a» p» 213)

This di$timti9£i is g usefoX fro^s of ^les dlscmssing

the kiBe^ of dis<^riJ^Ba]^ «a|)ld^ed iis «aqpi»riS3«iis t!» Wlsco»dto ^^tmral

ApE^if«-t^, &7id %iXl be i^dntalJQ^ here. l»jNiv^» m ^rla^ l^li^ts,

*l3®tt««i** is also a propespty of mtf^^im <sf tiss stimisii>-al>^ot, <^

ar» db^t^pra^m^im* Th® sff^ poiat «^ b© madfe ia r^artl to ]^tt€^s

vsNtmtAs^ ^2pm c^rdg» ija tism be p^rt^t^o^^^ gainst ds^m i^ich the

aai^l is trailed t^ «kltlia^3fh m&<stlj eonstit^^^g tfee **obJ©et*' is

saeb © is l»m easy t© clater^im.

<^iaet»discriaslmtti<»i mmsfijmBts* a wa^smp of m^earttm&s has

b«en p^pf iB ^hicfe aaimls trains^ to £lla€9ri^mt# idsrw-ciijaeasioml

thm ©ffactive i^roperties of ob^scts, tfc© largs ^k5s«*it^ of t^j^ having horn

pii'imx'ily o^E^arsiKi Mitb ^bs ^tvaisr of the aocjuisitiori of lesmiog e©ts» Thos*

«cicpQH,a«ii^ «^d0h hsfm & bearing iip<m Vem premetd. stu^ f&H iato t^a (mte^

gcsriess (1) lxp»ri^nts Sis %Mch tte© ski^s^u^ of ©ffectiveness of a pr^^jerty is

th0 ;»ith %liich a ^scHMmti<» esn b» ft^^d oa tl» be^is o£ that prop*

<^yt awKl (2) €3q:«ris«ats in ^hich db^^o^B ^ilfferiBg ta jsaitipi« properties are

u^d, the )s«asQre df &ifmttv%smas bedU^ the scores dbtaii3»d <m ^«quiv8ut«sice

tests" (faQV«rr, 2953) • Sfoeb t«»tfi new t^^eeis, siffi1.1»r to th» original

di©erisinattdsi is mam r®sp©ot® bat ?iiff«r«nt ia othsars* ar© prftsente-i to the

anieal, a property wottl4 be terae4 effectiva if q»s ob^eetsi, differing oaly

irt th»t prc^rt^^ iiitt3E<« r»set«$ to in tfe© sf^^roprlatte ¥sy*

two ob>ot*^tscriHdnatioa expsarisaeats fSsiUing into th» first eatagsry

imm 'perf^M Isgf CX9^^» 3.9^5^)- first esiseadsasnt (19^5«a)

«9fe>eist ,SK5 m fgttaa?!®. tbe ^Is^sPi^^lmii^ ^Hffered la aole9r.« ferst and

slgii0# tfeft rssmlts obtained >eai th» efej9©t*4if?^riif54mti{m task© indlest© that

''mime difftemissss* f®J^ -^ff^^j*^, tar eoMm^^ o^^r^tvKpm <Uffw«a^ eeeh

41ffferem^s ... assd sfeape dlff&Feaces ar» .^^ssr^aitly XiSi^s effeetlv® per-


Isi tfm smmA mpmtiam^ (19^^) Saaflow traisyed ^^^^s^s to discri^aat©

siimkis-K^jjt^ts Mffmtti^ Im ©©l^gr <Hsi^* int fm^ ami in bg*lj eolor sad

f€iqE*m# fig^iS timt iil®<»rlJ4ii^ti<m i^ss lenxmd eqmHir r©«sdily i^hea tlie

«feJfiNst« 4iffter«d fitter ia css^lw ^i^sm in «^'9r f SiS^miing o«i

tbsia© bss®s usm «5^®i®r tteas » tfes- b&slsf of f^sm: aiossi* Tb® -f®smltsj of tbes©

t^o ®«pipi!fie^s mm^^ tbistt la tte (Hso^liiiiiatl^ao objects* is a

dmims^ pc^^j^^ f^ ttM> sssar^jr* altlj^agii fcam is feXs© ^ffectiw.

Iisoli^dfi^ Isi th© d9cr^Qd «stag<w^- of ^iiqpertiasiat ±^ a sti^ tety Hariow scckJ

ir"*®cfe (i9^5)» 'P^Tt of ^^«h inv€CLv©d -yraiaiag meikm^ ts> 41siori?s4riate ob^K2t>s

dif isi csodor sod fors. Tb« ^b^gsts ner© tbsrt tested iittr^atiacing ob«

>0t« ia Mblch eolssr fsrsa feer© ^ri®d la s mmber of wa^s. m Int^jwting

result 1® tls^, wmt tbe eolor of tb© po^sittve acd a^gstiv© <3fo^ets n^saiued tJjsB

siiis® as ija tl® traiijiisg slttistim* ^th their fcspfss r@v@f^s6d (i.e., poM.ti¥e

eol^s*, iiiggatlv© for®, m* is^ativ® color* positiv® f<«m) th© perforsneasas of the

anises t®adbi. to^^trd chsfm. fhuje, tbe stiiimLE %sesr& presfttxted i<dtb a

f5<Mifli«t sitmtica^ fseither mlm" nor fo2^» t®a«$at t© i2«9s3ua&t«. It my b©

*'*SI:^I^'* ^ffmmmm im^md* tfee d^ff^rmms '^tmm upright andtosrt^d trlaasgl^s* feMle '*forsi*- dlff&p©ac©s ixwoived,, s.g** the differsanceb6t^®©si & Gspos® and a sq-a^re.


- M ; -'v ..i-: -r-:

pp^^«& stisii©^* i^aesms tli© aal^ls in tb© #^p©risa©ftts msntioEj®d previously*

tae^tosd mH^ tm^^^itm trials ^ each probl®EB. I'l^ results sog^st

Umt i^lttiv® ee^ of i^scriMmti<Ki m ttoie^ fessis of 3 cs&ytaia p^j|3©rty do©©

ei^t iJm pmpmpiMS^ 4mimm^ &i iJtmt property In a e^[3lllct

gitmtim. fxi^tmm^sm* 'M.^ property Is dodslaaixt may t» p^?tlj a fuaetian

tb® cat &wd felse ^^nke^f 'ilth ©ff®sti"ei^ oibjeot prs^erties.* Tisese

xm^o^ yiat ^li^^ ma^ %MiS^»m mm- 'ma?i» stsst^at^d tjmals^y and

41©iK>elatim pr®v«»Gt«€i ettmiAim trm^imTf in a|4t« of ibs prsese^se of

Mffmmmm la c^msr and- ^ightwss-.'* (195?» P» ^59) tbss pr®s^ 5^t«r

4jat®r^^:^s this to m»m t^t v&^ms^ Imrni q£ ^i® mt® eff@cti^i^ ob-

^fet |:r^rti®s la tM.s «itmtlm» If mxsth tm %h& ess©* thSfS this dfeiti® sug-

giists a dlffesrea^ l5ete»«n sfet© und ssoe^^rg w-itb regard to effOMjti'a^ properties

of objects*

s <JO^rlj^> at least pepsrd to tb@ eolsr of objeats, rasy aat

th$-%^ m.tM ^0 SKXt dS^«rlEiimt9 m ti» basis of «si«5 Xa«i%1.h of light. i-!o*s©v©r,

^ariialmtii^ oii tls» fat reflected «fsvia iei^tli or br^l^isss-

... i -

n,B8iit#3fgs dlg^lg^mtigo ^;gt%rig!#^g» l^perSjseat^ using pat'tem

silmli ®a^' sis© be mQm^tag to- '^Mthsr tl^ ^sphasis 5^Mt "ap^

©ssiii of lasarsaSjEig a ^i^rlMmtim bssis of a oertsiti p^ogperty or oikki

tlH» 3pe#ai.i© »t eqiiimli©iss« tests* .ii^^ the first cdaiss of iaxp®3*im?5ts»

tfejse adt .i^ri<3*«^ (19^5st» l'^5b)t a^ti^^ied above, also toolved Vs^ six^ 4»t

pattern sti^Mtll* Itk tfe® fljpst experlsjeat (i'^5s) sigiilflcaMt (Siecrisiin&tion

was s!l3tair«Ki <3«5 th@ basis t>t b^th color siKi for% altfem^h eoXor <iis£sri?idEis-

tim* iser© ®mimr If tl^s ©olar©«i pattsim mi^ lsi*ge- Tfe«r@ ^^^^ no diff©r-

etTfee#e in ess© of dlscrimi^tiaci Isetmeea large p^ittems tfes tests i>f eoi-a^

SfKl tar smll |satt#jm ©a ihm Hmsls #f f®m»

Iia t\m m^9S)d mvii^ (I9**'5b)» i^femi stisaill amls^<ms t© tb© irti^lyts

t«m 4istorSMQSti«3iis «@re iitml>^at«5 to thorn obtalsa^ esiag ob^leots, that

dis?srissii4stlc9fi wa® ssapsrior m ^f Q&lotf sad tli® S(Mltloa ©f fearm

to &Ql4«p 4id mot s.p|:^P904ablj the ©as© of «iisorii§ilmtias»

Sss.®atiBll/ glmilsr rmults im:% reported for tlb@ 55<M3^<6ij by v/arr^

( 19536 ) » as a i^as^iape of effeotiifmaiss the p&rmtkt correet on s

miii'tl:^ of t@a»trij6i pr^S&k^mB. i%ttm:xm ciiffarii^ 1m is^lwtt form, cr sis©*

alo^s© and its the four passifol^ ej^iisatlariSj '*;63?® «j3i|»ia5i®et-. Ol»aFl^iJQati<sa

^as s\i|^ri'Q!r esa iij© tstsisg of eaiar, fend t!:^ adsiitloia af foapm «r si«<e

diff#r§S3©©js> to ooi«r ^14 astot ®|^a?«*eiafelj ii£icrsa.s® the e&sss of discrli'dQatlos.

IfMle tbe ai?ail®ble idfets sxj^ptst tim d^immsis- of color as property

of objects 2«f sssf psttiwm® for th© mami&jt o^i^mr «speri3§®ats surest that tto«

l«i«3»ti«^ of tte® diiffsrenti&ilng eoAor asi tlss diB€rl?3iii£j^ is an iKportaat

fs^t«gr. 'i^iistrmj (X953^) reports dat^ iMleating tisat coiar ciiff(^^oes -w^rs

mor® r®a411y dtscrisdmble y^sm Um Qolm^ s*as st tii© bc^^r of tfe© stimlus

emr^t sat^estii^ timt ^tb& mtmrn^ r«#posds mm str^mglj tc the borders thm

, Mr--'


tb® s^«rs Qm?diB»^ ip* ZJ$) these results ecsi3to>^

fcs««is» ?#itb tbe locstlan of tl» diff©ye?stistlng eolor varylag fro© ceistor

to periphery to® p&ttepss.

'fb0x« 1b also an iMlcatld» thst« f^m is thi& dlfiStsp^l-

charaeierlsties #f tfe© fos^, -Iter '-•^^^evmi 1195!^) «^»^s t^isi f^ttem dis;-*

srisalm'ticm aj« sasdsr f^ iKsetoys if a pr-smtrlcaily i^aXsy pattern is to

or titfo irr©gttlar pattw^ are to 4isc^iisiimt^.

Isilth r@gs^ t0 th0 «as9 discrS^simtlcK^ m. the- basis s>f v^lcms

•ertles ^ |Wi*^ir»g ^ ^tjg» S^tfe (1953.) e^il^ i^catii^ that

fari^staerss diserlMmtlasis §r© msiar® ©asllj Isan^ than fosm dlscrisiti&tic^iE.

felthiis tfe© ^eofjd q^^c^ of mp&ri^^^ deslic^ ^sltb @fftscti*^i&

pr^erties of pattam stteali—thos© la ^^ijlval^sjce tests sre rtia fol*

©war© of muy mm m^rimnt x^Ievatst t© t^ pmsmA p3?^lu«JK. F*ai?s .^jod -^s^rea

il9$l) tr^iaedi dsyfe-^isiia^t^ e^s la a tB3N«eh<jics dlscrls4mti<Ki bm to dis-

drtelmt® lus^ows i»tt«a?snES differing 1b tarlg^ta9©®5> ares^ ai^ ^for^- (ratio

ht^isceitsl to vi^rtieal <ilraeasie«js of reetat^Iss)* TIs® authors had presvi-

sstablisl^ ps^ydNqplll^ssal fteietions tmr ^ts^eiMmti^ on thg bssis s^f

e»llsi ®f tl» pra|»rti©@ s^i^i^afsitaly, snd "Ui© j^ttema tis«d. in the ctHf&irjed*

prs^rty trsiati^ situatl<m differed an equal maj^ber ©f J.n»d.*s ta ^ch ^Li's© three di9.ei^lcsis* AfUsr learoit^ tfee piHJijGbsm the aniaaals «er© tested in

a corjflict sit^tism In vMeh p^gltiv© ptofperty (e.g** ^tgbtrj@tss) was

opposed to ajtether poslti^ prqpertj C#»g., area)* flae r«®idts '^re^psalsd that

norff^ Gssts tess3sd t© resp^aod to Ispi^htaess mm oft^ tliatt to sis® «r tagn>^


Xjf msy mmmief &%&%mmi^ <sm M m ther basis &t tfee lit^at^a?a

j'^s^iiad hsm* it is 1® llttl» «vid»s0» ^sloh ^^33^ acm to

e«a^2?@ tl^ est md a^g^r ®,ff#etitn® pi*i3pifi:-S0§ of

Ml© «©rtsdi^ © todms^ ©f Qb;^?3ts ^ patt^ems for th®

K9!^!e^» twm Q%m al©o ®ff'€icti'eB» sad tl^ loeatlon of tbe <ltff@miitl-

bs^tis^®^ f««« mm mm ^ttm^im If oags of il^ f^iw ®t^etrie&liy rsgular

ai3d im^lar. F*^ the cut, csi Vm ts^mv tli© sittiatim

wk^ r«3^iird to ©ffeatiti^ properties ©f ^>fsts is not mXl ymm,^ si-

•tfe«m#i tlsi^^ 4s a s^«tst.i!9» tliSt iri334iMs» is s a:*itic-®l factor* pstteriM,

m% m:^ set ^iiisoil^ #©8^sr^s^ t® Ites^ ©s^slo^ idtlj .isat^a^s siis3@

fiaft l^k of ksM:giX#s3^ absassi ^f#etiv# prs^s^ies of ^^>cts

#f 6K*et rol® 0f ^©s'C^t^ ^arisi^lss Sjsfl^i^if^ less^aij^g is

«M)S!i>@^®es^ s<g^j!S is ij^^3i^iet#. It is slmst p*i>foiingi in co^^id^ with

gfKT s^ant^r tomLefi^® i>f tl^ ^e^pti^sl ©toaei^isties of 3afc|5PiiQit« astols.^'

2X5-216) fbls imL imm app^mr to Ise to osjlj to the lifted

»B^3r 0f 0tw!l@s ti^t Isii?© b©«a toe iia thi® sy©a, bat las© to tb© llrJLtad

ou?^3®r preperti^ »f d&^ts ttet fea^ beeri msS&m^

irmit^, 1^ -"©igs^ps^soa m&<it%mi^ ia ssiiBSl mjbi&«ts iJa OisiQgriisiasrtioti mp&ri.-^

seats, th©r® ha^^ bes^ im ^ystessatic attempts to iteal «ith the role ©f i^cr

Isag ti® elTects visual dteprlvatioa m save^eat dt^cri^jUisttiaw is kitt^is,

tomd that exposure t© patt«r»e«l ligtst a&t safficisui to esmfe^ the ani-

fsais to deveisp psreeptualij, Cfely t)^m ssalsmlB that w«r© aXlofswd to behav©

actlv^iy lii ipfei8.tls«i t0 th© v-imial ©mriiE'OEcaenfe s«'©r© abie to t^srfom siormil^.

SX^^^^ere Eieseii (195^ 19^) biLS dssorlbi^ in ^om ds-tall th@ stl^^nsalities

tl^» It ffis^ b© sigsslficat^ 1b tl>l® J^gaapd that he ari^ Aaresjs (195'^) da aot

report ©5»-«9WMat ^i^^s* a@ p«3RSl^t9Sit Qg'&tsf^s, la tli© kit-

tm-m msSb^<^t^ to i^ttsrae^ dag^mtl^. i^l® §(f factor pr^c^s^ in

visual, dXmriMimti.m ^ttflmsi^ r^'l«ir^ f^rtb^r stiM^.

ffe© see^ 50si siiss of tbe pr&seat ©xperi^KSis sr© ccsfisiE4K?sbIj less

bread tlmi is iM^limd tn th© pr@c^Si!^ secti<ms» Tbsss ®c5®rls^©^.s cooatitute

an fetts^Jt ^t^rmim fcsr th« est in <>bjeet-distrriMmtiQ© situation

thd ©ff©etiv®s&ss of saXy a i^i^ propespties oef c^Jeots (f^nar isj ^ixperinimit I

tla^ of tbs fcraar in gxpsriiseat II). ssddltiGGsl oaiaaera i;© the

roi« qX tb® aiaisal*s pisre^ptis&i feshavi:^ in dlgerl:Eir!fflLti{Si, psrtic^ilsri^ &s

s factor raiiat«si to s^Ie^^tisn of effective d^^ct properti«s.

If tiia» results of mich e:^rt^nts ere t<> Ise scpplicssl^ie ta tl^ iater-

pretiition of bahavlsar ia biologically r«ppfes^it&tiv« situatioss, it %«juld be

desirable for tha prof^rties st^K^ed be r©pr&s«rttativ© of iH'c^rties pf

je&ts tfeat tb« cat would be ess^cted to ©rwoimter in its intsr&ctioti with the

@QV'ironE3@Qt. ?^her«^» the sb^«2t» m^d disGrimiziaiads shc3«aid differ in


ea^mgli pg»optrti€is ^Xlm s^Xeetive process©® & chaatse t?> q^x^tm*

for tte® pj^sslMI-itiF ^rl»s kinds of <ii.^erl^mt<>r7 ^ba^i^r to fee gjsai-

igfejeet-f-rop^rt-les psrseptuaQ. b@hs:¥i» ^ould r<&q,uiy» that the set aot fee

forced 'Vtm sii^s^im lato as^ ^rj® -^tt^s^ of WtiS'-^lor*

<^sfHl for ©tts^» with bsis^ Iss'^i^i^ d^^ij |j3,ts pro^t^ ^ajtXisie shape si^

MjpeertJMm ^ m&^m^ t^s i^^is^&sa fe^c^aas &f sisms^ ^^r^i^es^, with

•*his^ ffloat p«p^|3sl# wi^M ^ip^s tt^t i®ats si^eur t-o fee iat^i^te-:^ in mmls^

Js^tn. si$9»9smt ^3C!jfi^^tl9a 1^ tl^ oaii has r^^ii^ §€1^ ^te^iil^ la

3-959) » th«^ skst^m i^^^j^md rd^tstlng ss stljs^l to be dlscrl^^wisst^

miV0mst also IsH^enxsed a jteoest st^^^ ^ "BaSasH a^d Wlesdl (19^}


Wi»ert #e31s ia ^^saal csi^ssr to b© ^<&cstl^ly sessltiv© to sostrast

^ospt^ sKSfi^tag in s pgrtictilsy dir&<5ti4:si la their rece^^'^ fl«l<^.

fasft'ope «as sSitosiwa aim^e It Ig \it¥i«a1?t«dl^ s prtK:ai&^ foittur© of saajr

€ifejft«ts l^at tfee eitt 3P©aet to, sltboagh it is & taropstt^ %-hieh* to th»

|?r*tl«r*s l@i(9@£Xs%er» |®g iKst sfeiadtied ia tb» cat s visual property


ifesp© m.^ dbosea sises it als© is s prs^jsant Jfesttir© of abjeets to

i^ich the <^t might reset, fhm fVjurther treafesiafKn of shBpB Into oatliise shape

sa?Ki tlBr©#-dii&^^gl^^l ^aape is perlisps sa^swhst artificial. H^weiBtr, the

tsrmnks^s^ teas md®, prljaarily in aos^r to distirigiaS^ )»t5«e©n sarqpertie®* soeh

as 'csatllia©, sr^' fee eamidered as o^cM^ip^iall^ &ml?xg(»m to ooe property

af twoKii^risiimaX stimLl—sis^^ g©osstrlcaX patt®m*~*that fesus beets

a g3mfiit deal la csts aM othea* sixlsaals* aad sh®p© properties other tbssi out-

lii», iffeich imve reeei'^d little ao sttaatioo in tbe literstur©*

ffas method -af tggt. ?3sthQd ^Ki^c^sd la the pres^at- stsK^ for de-

t^r^aij^ the ©ffeotivt^iess the qtialitieig abc^ is s. igadlfiesLtim q£ tbs

*'^tlsod #%tsivalsErt tmse^v^v&ymt stiiaali* CUbs^, 1933)* ^'^e first

step' was to tj^ia ®aiml# to dis^i^mte stimlij© ^3(J»cts differiag i^ all

fear «f tbe prQ|:^)rfciiis Wfee® a perfect ar nii^r-perf^ct, laveX ot per-

for^t^sas T«a« sehi®^?©d, a i^i&s of ''^oritie&l trials*^ ssss Introduc^j in «hich

tb^ poslti^ c^Jest t^as «^»iig®ci ss to ^if tto Id^ntieai mgstive

objeirts (four aae^tiv© dbjieets wssm m^l^^&d i!i tb© pr«S63t «sper^st) in

t^«tf©, or t}wm ot tl^ fmir p-v3|?®rfei«&f sxwu^sistt text-ore, iastlioe, ®»d thre«*

dimmXmml s^|»» fb© rati«^l# to' dstermiasis^ eff©<sti\te properties Is as

foUawss A p?c^3erty Is e?»a®14er«d to be eff«ctlv® if ths snis^X e-s«sist«!fitly

chods®@ § t®st ob^ct diff®rii;% tti© s^^ati^ ete^scts <ki1^ i» that propertjr*

Th© failure of the iQil%«il to do this 3«sds to the ccmcliisi<^ tiat that property

Ib imff@<!tiv0» th© pras@at «3?p<wr5j8ents a j^^iagrty sa» c^^sidered to ba

©ffeeti^ if it €dieit$(l differential (correct) csioiee b»h»vior three car mi»®

tims «ntt sf s total po®sibl« of five ip - .059/ <ar six <ar aore tiieeg i^t of

s total pa^ibO© of t«a =f .O^).

^!^r¥atiof> g>f dis^dgiimtory behavior. A- ^e<»%i m^oF «a^phasis in

this exp^iasent is ?a|>im t^ ^^Ksermtioa ssf the diSiS'isinatoiry behaarioar &t the


to tim result* <^b^Mm^ oa tte erlti^l trial©* Bt*^ thsm is so a ^^

&n attest wm to ree«rd a® aeoaarstei^?' ssssi ^<ss^$t®l3r pojssiM© all

<i:^s^ t© Qp&mt&f msA a^to^is^ sr; ^cp©jpii^eistsl &^t^tim in cat

'th& »3igpari»stsX sitostloa ii»ral.vi9s thet mpM mblmmm^ hj tfe® mt &S! s high

ttest i?t«ti^tleal.ljr iiafsaj^siiaa m tbg afjEsetiv^stss ^ proper*

tl#0 t^t«d e^sii b€t @ i^dbsdUra issniysir tHjKlsc^ sines® tbe 5tu4^ of

tl^ «lribE6aiD. s«PME* m long tiisii sfma p#gKgibij ctsssgplieat* tfee flTsdS^s.

«asl tl56 traitiis^ procedai^ ctj^ild tee jmM®^. r^UtlveX^ «B^3a^as«s at th»

lirdtiaiion of tb© <srp€sri!M£it,, in tlsis ©xparicse®^ tms treated slli^tl^


Bi^^ts mm fi¥# hmm is&t&-^i<mr temlje^ and m& mal»» the^ mr^

m ttx& basis of d^apositissa aod s^psr^t health* th&f mm housed in

ls«fl in a ^oe^ eXmrnd aasi fad m standard eocs^TGi&X cat

foi5^ est^epi fedlag ma in tfee ©j^^ueat. they to bft

iji <KKe@lleiii fe^itli tlNrcftjgho^t %^ m£pssc%smA* three of tbe Cfsts, H7»

FXZi mm mpe^ism^Xi^ m^m* Oftt^ ^ eixl ^ be^a run In

•«&il^sfe the tesk a (iisoriM.asti^ b©ts^»«^ h^isimtsl aiai veartical airipes*

lieHt* ^ audi 1^ mirm tmlt^ t© ©hosas* the smaoth bt^als^^iafe* aad Ki-, 1=6,

WBd "mp^ tiwited. to ©iK^m ti^ rcasgh ia frimt of


p[lstfcarsE t© aeco^s^dat® tb® <^t*^ tst^ cages vshkah ^as as th© startiiiig

hmt iZ) ^ d^testticm hm, mp&rs^tiMg tins sttaa?tS^ feoa? froas (3) trapezoidal

choiTO C^)' a pao®I cori^aiaiug tx-m dos^^ s rair* ^is^ to (5) fiv©

eosl. boxes* M ootlltie cjbra«e3Ujg of tlj^ i^jjpsrat^s is p^esetxted la Figure 1. The

insi<^ of the ®i;:^parstus puinted fist black. Stimlus ab^Jects attscbwi

t0 ijBsh s3^imlBi£^ rods, iM,ch» la tu3m» t^jst© attachad to mm ot tao hBrs

*fhts ap|3®jp®tT3ts ^ij^ ecmstruet^ \sf "mmrs* Mms l^i&r and *.illi©m ward. It^kr^^eiaped ss s ^rt of s i^or mfmrimmt in i^jf^pttsal dig^ri^iaaetioB in

t)m mt eotKlaiJtsd ^i^fer the «lijp©etioa of Iir. Eerl 2^ser»

Figure 1. Diagram of Apparatus Used in Experiments I and II.

Legend: O.D. = opaque door; P.D. = plexiglass door; L.B. = light bar,containing five seven-Matt bulbs; S = shield and reflector for light bar;G.D. = door to goal box (five in all); trough contains shade and (ExperiraentII only) five seven-watt bulbs.


sp^Eaaii!^ til© b®!- approjdri8t©l7 'sm tech in ffscil:- of tts© docjps. fi»

loemti^- -af tl50®© ^ir^ r^lati^ t<> th© t^t of the ^p^ps3?«tus Is imiis^t^ ifi

to ^?pp^ssii^t*Blj sims^dstX .^mi^eat -^ss isse^e?^* Has te«ti<s3 of

fciilb l» & g©is^aiK2k was ^tm% la frotit of th# ^iso cage^sitsrtir^

©igiit teiis^ %m fy-mA, wm ot te^ni. T'to© ligfet. tpm. to.b® «as

the t©p ^ a -pm^f %sfli@Bto a^i-s^sa. A %^m^^* aS^t ii^®3 ¥1^18 smm

laeisi^ 4aff> s^s^i^tid £le»€jr tfoe eb^e® ifm. tlm paisil of box

dsNSP®* & t^s tndsm ^-wM tfe© trs^^fe m tfe@ sid© to© <moice

tlsi WitMjs t3ro«#3 mM & ^js^ MiQd<^ ^s^» i^efe coaM be rais^

^9«^> ttk that (i) tfe® <^^«© bd« is ^iffieirtl^ 3^pg© to aHoite -yss est to be-

M'w %M m mlstiv®!^ ^mt^spal m^mm^ iZ) m m^a^ of paropertis^ of three*

a?'iiKimt4ii^ Ijel^^^ &f tJse est «^ b& f^^lil^ £3^sMr«9^ (4) IJi© ^robabiiitj-

©f s -efflsppeet eboie# hy ^hmmm %m -^^^^oai^d islth 0.5 the stasdsjtl tuo-

c'iaoio® base, l^'his .^a?ia thst the eteis© p^^bJLlltj^ of ^^jcsnreuc© of throe or

v^im ©oTTect castsas ia ® rase 1© .0^-, atid that tkp^ ^ s^£^ eo^peet oat of

five trials t® .05^# ftms, reliable p^oi^itee can ^ cteor^t^ted la & r«la-

' ..,,v---;.,f

0^j[ - j_O

Figure 2. Photograph of Bars Used to Move Objectsin E3q>eriiEeiits I and II

Upper bar inoves horizontally* lower bar icoves vertically. Stimu-lus c^jects attached to 3/l6 inch diameter alundnuia rods, which, in turn,are attached to 5/l6 inch diameter vertical rods indicated in the photo-graph. Each bar contains 5 vertical rods. Rods attached to verticallymorving bar not visible in photograph-


i.'v. ^.'ii: ":; ..iViiu-jj'rov:: ; c:.'.

• .•^.i: -r-- ... v-. ^^-^.' -.u;^,.?-;-, hi:! z:^;;.

UMmlf ti*3^®. }^^^mmmt fi&lM (3.f35» 3-953) tb& efn.ei»ai?y

m essstrastad with s t*^o*ehoi<i^, &^^&mttiB<>

l£sliC3t#d |ja 1% |5h0%ogaps|iiis «^ sl^il^ #^5©ets sif^iar In

ff«lxd?s^. ^Jiicts e«Hisist@d ol" fbisjp fes^lsftess^ (a) aisd f^^^• rough

si;^a^t t)li@s%l3^ prddii@i^ a 3r9«»€a3ibO^ b^sird» rt^^ sf^orflg^ {f^ x^odMim

S3^i3edi88tei^ 1/32 taelii a^m^^ spp?4^-is^teiy I/I6 ^^ss^*) Both sets of

ji3PL ^^8** |^it3t<^ at tli© sssae tim^ip feod « imint trm, tbe ssm Jar.

f0st €^^s?ts for as® SSI «Fit4ssX t^sts ^S£^ ^aate Jbrs^ bales 03*

st^rro^^^, «s tuiicat-^d abo%'-€t., d@|j«Bsdiisg ^pon tl^ rsq^iretmats for t<£xt-ar«.

TIses© ob^sts seer® <i«^lgjs@4 sc* to differ fircss the negative trsirilng. «5fe4®eis

in ssaEst two ^jf tiSiS tisr®® cfejeet ppfSpartl^s tgojtyret ^fiiise, aad three*


1@1 is tease ?/S ta»

Flgor* 3. I^t«3|;mph ?>f '-^^ets Siisllsr to thorn ted in

The objects ducted mm tb© ^smB SipfiBPiswat II, lutf m:"'cept for pro^cted o^xtlis© do mt iiff^ s^-eelal^j fr«used ift Experlasant I.

%p©r figures C%>€ts ilmtt to riglit.) A$ 0, ^ i* -©bj^et

A appears darker in i^otogi^pb thaa 'sias .sefeismHj tb© casis* C%Je^. Etu3?n®d slightly 'a«jtwrd to indicsat® thr@©«4l.sist3®i«3a»l iljapi*

Lower figure: ^Otejeets (left- tf> rigM) F,. H* Jj I* aad CI* tlsjeet

F t-umeed slightly oat^tard, wad apfsearm ^rkm th&n mw ©ctimHj tli®

case* ob^cts J sad I pmrnmit^ to sfe^^er fosltlam to tudl^ii't^ fcriglit-'

ndss differeaeet. ^DbJ^ets J aiad X e@r@ yt«@d ml^ la Iap@rii-seat II,in t^ t^dghtrae^ss-cositroi t®sts# (S-ea t^^, p* 51)



bMls^*gsr®^- mm m^^^m^ to i^rtifiall;^ ^?*¥i:S^ pod? tsmi th© pjrsM.4s vje-r^

risd til® oiiwtl.m w^mt%^ timt esiatiw ote^^ot^*

If ^sgf^^^^t liss mm pp-cp^riijits b» tastasd*.

MmmXmm^ ml^%^ t# liar t^- m%» ttimt is m ix^M^%%m as t©

:3^s^^i*®fttl^* mm ^mm stt^iipt a$pp^Smt@3^ t© ^cjsmt© the «:!^,^ets

•p®r«mfc.» fe«iiji?@r» it ¥»s -^tar^lii^ to tii^ to be sfe&st arfeasefiafole

ti> fesiiit^ til® pr5*i^ of si®©, iia li««3 of s-a tssstsiJsl'ire sty^- of stl?^u,» i^srl-

j^^^^* -^-^ "feegiiSBsi^ ^ «igjd& ssasBlcHs the eat*s hens©

<2«^, with Vm m.% ia It, ^sas tak»» lirss^- ifas eoXae^ arsei ^ tii©

^2rtl;i3all;F s"^^ mm^ tstrspd castj, ass^ tl3s© ligbt. aba^s sndissl*^' esg©

t^urr^ f* f^ tfefe ^t^^ssfeleis. 1^ ^rapped^ i^^»Ji2ig tl3S Faisal

mf^m %%B cftgs* t)ssm %o ttm ^s^onds after tfee. sniaaal ea^tmeed th© <lBt4a3ti<3a

is^ tj» dassr to efcol^ hm raised, thas aU-9«if^ %m sj^Aml to ent^r

tl3@ dtt^lm tsm md- mkm & i^lm* a. s^irect e^ies* hoover it "asm i^flm4

C«©e i^siuted in tlm est»s ofet&laiaig a s^sei of groond horse m&t

<l9p©i3^ii5g ttp©a tise sts^«! sir i^mlopae^t af tfee aet^od sod tia© sts^ of t4^ii>*

%xm tlJ9 e@t». £ii «D. ^ei^s^ is i^^J^ tM mt mm t& b@ laept ttm mkii^

further ©boiees, hm^&t, th^ shssls its tb® trmi^h *^ss ral®^ to s^psmte tb*

mt tfe® stiaiialsiss «3l!>,|eets* aiaJ tlss eat i^mofwssi llpsgg th® chai<^

<^ trainli^ g(is«is»a txsEyslly e«»isi@tj&d «f ti<i«s3t3f trials, asBi ^nr

tw3 sesslcms -mm rm per dte^* Vbrn t^o sessiam i^i^® a 4ay» tboy **er«

^pstmd «t no les© ttes^a #lgfet-4i0iir iat«rvais* eidteri^m fcr o&stmtimi of

tr®iaiiig sfsd iuitiiatioii terstls^' was ap|3f^3flBat«tl.j' ^O- pero^st cc«rpect for

two ea» more ms^c^, aitbo^?#i this ^ri^ S'^K^eft^t fje>m mt to c^t.

th@ir ration hatm w^t in tbs ti^iixSj:^ ^ testii^ situation. Thus,

eaefa csat*® dsiiir ratim divided into fortj si^lZ pieoes ef )^t» which it

wuM e^btalia in the f^rty asaall|f r»m per £^j. If the est JDailed to

sfetSiiQ part of its i^ti<m diiEPti^: a s«ssifl^, it ws» f«Hi tb© ressaiader soon af-

ter t®r®iiEiatioii of tfe* ®«s-si<m. C« ds^s? in '^Meh laxL^r aoe ^©ssioft was nm,

€^ts fe4 th© as^atmt tbsj ifmld have is^i^'yed dssri«g tbe o^tt^ setmlosi,

fit &^^xi3?at©ly th@' tiise the msei^ wmM mv& he&n rm*

In th» «®rl^ sta^s of tj^liiiag af crta ^ sad E?» an stt^^ was

im^ t-a tpaia the saimls to ^ypm the ?|s5<a? feeliiiKi tbe c«rr©ct object. This

p»tfeod proved uxiS33ceessf^» in tfeat relisSale diseri^^ttBiti^ pax^earesane© «ss

a»ver sehi^Ysel. Th©y s|^sr@d t® focu® th©ir sttentiaa v^pm tise doors, paying


itasisd to @Qiter tl^ gois^X osil^ easiU'Stiiig ttee db^»ci ehos^t sees^^

to x^^jsdy s%%m%X(m» 0^%^ 13* «^Jd trB^kmd %^ «oi^st %h»

ft» i^^wa*®! tarainii:^ i^gte^n imolvs^ a s©rl«ts oJf las&lissiosary trials

f^spondl to it (l*e.t aiti^ t^s^ tJw doca* fe!@^.ind it, or eotj^st it, depmid-

ii^ o^a stsg# of c4B?¥ele^^?^ ©f ti» sietiKsd). Th© jKJsltiasi of the> oorreet

dt>j@<3t 1^ mrIM m^^:ms^%mXk^ from t^i&X ta tri&X» in this a»d in

&XX Istor of ^rsis^^. i^bm the eat l^mied t@ do tM$» the f^vor ^^a"*

tiv© ®b^ts li^^ro iJG^ec^a^&d, sad dlserimtrntlaoi tmittijRg begaa. ffe& ^hsd©

t=o ppffw?imt tfeis sat trm s^kiiag f^irtb®? e^io^ m a gives trial # si-

t&c^gb tli^ «2raet cire^i^iar^gts ^ct^tiiag its m» varied from eat to cat. >Mi

ests ii;;c©ept H2 las^ all.d*i@d, sm a gi"i^ trial, %^ eoa^ifroe to make liKsiaTect

sttfig^pts (!.€>•» to contact s«^tivti» or to atti^E^ to <3p&R aegativ©

m l5®ic as tfeey a^^aa^td tbe «9EperiF«ater to be '^d3j©ct-<3ri©at©d.''

Bfe««ija'^ to tfm -^mcte m® a e»t ap^j^ared be r^pc«iciing sechsiiic-

ally to «3l3(3®^ 31^ ©j:^<mt®r®dt ^ar ~s#h«Bi it i^iowed sigJis taf (tewlapis^ a

P»siti<m l^it« Far tea **fr^** trials <m dl^riadriation prcteliesi

mrm sllos^, in i^<^ tlje sha^ «^ »Ejt usdd* Aftsr thstt the sh&d© 4«;as

imUadi up ai^ trial, in ^Msfe tm la^cafreet eholtsss® w^i!^

%%»iiswer the ciiserijaiastiaR beias^^or sbosetl signs of tespeakli^ dam,

fi tm (as f«&' «» mm) trials la tfe© p^^itiv© <3fe^t was prt^eated

ftloiaa* raa« .4 '*lw«iak3U>im*^ vsrloasij^ defio^n bat ms^ffiuliy ijavolwjd

V^Q eonsamti'9© trials in -xljieh tl» sfesds bad to !» ^Qll«dl.

tmt BE^E^to^e. Til® test 'f^&m ms Isegun sft«rr tl» est&blisiiesexit «r

apprcodmt«l^ perc^t corr«ect pt^foss^i^e fs^p ti^s sessioas th© dis-


mimimtim fmw- ^ flva test triais ^(ps vm per sessioiat msh

ts©t trl^ foU^dssg tissw ^ f'Oisr trSiinitJ|t trials, Cn a test triel c>f

the test sls^4©ei^ (Cla^sta ^S^Hf Ij p» 25t arj^ Fl^?ir® 3» p* Zf) ^sm

mb^it**lad f^JT tis® p03^tlT# @timi?is redaelag Mttmi^^sm be*-

f?i^«^ poslti^^ salt ni^tiii® ofejeote to ^ro s^l"^ rmpexs^ to obis, t4«o» ca* t^stm

tl» pr<:^wti»« pmmmt m tlj® trsiati^ trial©. la Tia|>a© as^ Audi-

trsiislijg sbj®*^, sM^^ ^r© aluss^i's tlari^ test trials, ^ii^ Is tb®

%* tm trials m -^i ^ tsst isbj©«te tMt dlfJfe^^ fiNxs tha

Ct^ m^km4. la gi^s^ <sf t?^* f^sr «Ki»^)Clfi!, if ©iid tax*

tore <llffte«9K»s bQ*h fsiledi elicit dm sr ?s9r» e<m?©st <^ie©s wtien

tested sij^ly^ fb&j mm ^^Mmd in -W^ .seeotid series <^ tests.

3» .fl«» trial^r, all pr®vtoti»l^r a^tlvsg properiliss

W t^r@^« if mimms&t teicture, aad out^XlnB aH llBlled

t® «lisit fiv» mam mevmt «lth®r siiagl^ or its th© threa pe^^ibls

$$i^49Atl<i»d ^ tmst t^&se pra^«ptl(»9 mr& o^it^oi^ iis ^ si»g3« test ^Jact*

J^ia -Mid te^st^S dlf£©rantly, Xn thai reeved five tri&ls

la f^z^-g ssas^t ^ all p^@@ibl4i t»stsg %m3L!s^l^ in (1) siai^ <2) ^b&m* Id otbeo*

table 2

fm% C^^^matw sod Tfeeir Dlrectioa of Mmns^^ni tm^ f-ac^

l^i^t -^r^sKlitiaa f«^ Each Trailing O^tmsp in c^cpexteaait I


%^ % %f % vs* %0 % ITS* % ^«

% W» % .1%

*' o • vs.

m» % If®.*




% *T

ITS. % vs. %VS.

% % Ay


VS. By

0 » ^jf^iXiisftj 3«s « tisr&ft^-^isiesi^i^iml g-%^p©| » sovewtt plus taxtTjr®, etc.


fto^ X, sXicmt it l2&ca?@a iasr^ssl^sgl^ ^ricult to get to rmu

tb& t»©t taflsXs ths sn^jssl all-o^^ mtt^ the goel boac fe^iad

trsltaia^ trials, ho*«ie^er. It '4m rmm*^^ ^iXj J^b^ It ohose th© eogrract c^jeot

m thB tiT&t< att€igs^« Sttsts m tl^ise trials t#er© tE^t*@d Just tb©7 ^sBjrSf

^Imvi-igml data* ea#i tPalBini^ m:^ ^^isfe "test trisl tla«i aiyprii^cfe md

eh^ie^ bsha^'loF of tim iii^i^l dfe®©¥i?®d t^^m^<» ^tm^^rd data slieets

-^isre vtmdi -sihioh ppovidted> for «aefei trial* a plao© t© a iiis© drawing iadi*

Xoofelc^t pKsdf^, £8* «^sing, mm i^eeoftS^* 1.^ i.tmB of possible Interest^

mt first s^xrosaobed a posit1y© or a loefgativ© <^^©«t. (Oa the test trials,

tbe t^st 0b;|©at eonslcksp^d to be thfr *'posltlvi# ofe^e^) , A cfeelce wa» de*

iRLtufel as ecsitsctisc tl^ abject, sitlier %"ltfe aose* or vi'orisigse* C-hoioes

scijr©d- m eoiraet or te^sffr^ect a^gCi^Klij^ to K^tfewr the cat first cqq^

tseted a l«itsltlv© or a rwgstlv© sfe^t. Xa «aa«s in the est coistacted

m <^J®ct» aad then n^ved m to ^otb©r object* tl» ato^ct first cimtseted laas

C<m3i4©red to h» it is elioics that trtsl, sXthsaf:h it imB adaiitted to the goal

hm h&hixiA tbm lest {^,3©«t cho®<5a« Sacfe trials ««r© »ot very frwqusnt . B<:fm

©sts oasMs to prefer ta stand in fr«mt of the c*>J$cts rather than C4K»t»et tl»@s»

^^henev^r this oecurredi, tto&y r^airsd to md-t ^sm or tw® seconds be*»

fore the ®xp«ria9©nter wmxid ^)eo the do^.

fc©r@ r^ilf«0t at & dlet^ase firm tfc^ etojCMSt pais^i 1^ Its vlclstt;^* the

Bsm^hi eurv«4 ii^tfew^- fposi deteritisari hm. to obf^ctpoiat at <iirs^ti«a of movs^s^t ebanges

met b© clearlj behi?id a lim X8 ii^bes Vm•

: goal l>s(x da?ars*

,• Csfc) {%) sbsjwet tb© eat l^s, si oaly

' pt&mt to <ibjset ett€SjpsEi» sjid t^ps <asrilj ^^aae &t ®su^

mm% in all 1© tls@ cfe^et ^#iit^XXy alisasssj

t *

ft« ^^e^Bu pst*r#s^ to #41^.^1 stops is m& or momplss^ bsfc^ra I^3|»'^€ti5a3g obiect* T?^ plaint ati^bie^ it ijt,^!^ fsa^ be ^:dLtKi ti^ IB itscs lis®.

S«i9©th |©thi«a^ fi»sj® oetsi^issa bsa: t« g-ml, ia vfeich

aa^ forth ^^hile sming*)

-^fo either e&mt tfae sat*s behs.vlor» It cr^s^es th©313 imfa line* ssist oosfojraj t«> that spsssifi^d ab©w far

€^aie@ that does not c<mf«>rm to that jSEp©eifl<^ fear a®eare of ? or i|. Th-^;ys* the est saj^' aup'Cj&oh cei® object


mi^i«»q\isGtl7 chcsosSJSiE sm^is^Tw ar it mj spppcscb th»efejeet €?v^fstuts21j ohSsea, biit* bef^r© eh'>oi5l?Jg It* lookat ar mre at?j»3ts laot sdjae©»t to t^ o&J©<st ^os«q««r It mf lo^k at sdj^^c^st ob.leKits \hs.n ^sticD ©aca»Cfeoiees are also seami S «t»n a siaooth* earv^ pathasyis m^^f the tamii^ pjsijit of -f^Xf^^ oce».ir« tJie

IS ixus^ line*

«syB^!pte of Choices ao9£^ F» Ht ^ sre provided in Figure ^*

floor ,af ^^c^ hm* 'l^^mA l^^sm km^mtm pmittm

is for #f o^^et $i» i^iisa 3« ^^<s a* b*mm® d» ®3 s^Qtos M|. f* ft



^artfigial traiaii^* SIjks© i^cm &B&mls '«wer» treated 4i€f<^mntXf doriroi:

t*^i«li3g» mm\3xm m tamb&r of t^-a'l« to ^sritari-ssi would laot fe© vbp^

a^faXsi0®s of tbe "^rlaiss ^et^sds bs^» t&s oats orlgiiKdljf tralmd

to tfe© d^or Isghii^ tij® positive sfe^eet, f&iXed B^dB^m a high md

^tafel« levisl i^f i^rfsfw&as® sfter trials, sp|weti)^t#ly 135 wfei^^. were

m tba dis©ri®l»tloa 'ps*;^^?** "X'-l^ f«.rasiiKler of the trials ran vitb the

p0sgitli?5& i^li5%l?3^' alc3o©. F^llwtng tfeig ^ssi^ 25 trials %^jr^ jtob Iti '^ich it

r«5traiii®d to ecsitact. IJNs po-sittv© ci^;^t al'3s». Ift^ 5^ 28?^?© tpisis on

i?, ¥h€^ Si^timl t^alsiii^ -siadlar to tMt of rim for 190 tri«isj

mlj Z& of wr© m tb& ^#©r1jsimttsssi pe^^^m* lb© r^ ^^ere <m tte

c^esx em tb© asi^l* ofe^et prdbisiss* Xt 'ms jc^trali^ %& ccsitact the single

<3feJ®ct for >2 trials, ss&i, after ©ddltleml trislst its- perforwnc® -«;as sui*-

fielmitly hlgfe to bifegls tesiiisg* !0 i<#ftr@ trsissgd ts^ efi«it©ct tim ob^ct

j|Sri» Ite fc«>g.lm4=ii^. H3 «srlt®ri<^ ^ft^ trials, S9 i*hloh were on

Vm dieeriisimtlati problem. f$ mM.9m3L ^i^terloii aftsr 121 trials* 75 of

i^efe few© m, th^ disoriainati^ prcM*^.

All ^af t*^ abow ai^l38l« rgsseiwd or tJawe days' p?ior adsi^tattofi

to tli© ai;^pi«rati^» tbey w«ar^ fad la it> at^ allowed to explore it, th©

©tfeiKr isaiKi, 1^ b@pai traial^ m the first day it was itttrcsdtiedd to the &p»

^sratsis.* TMs est reached eriterloa 4n 120 trials, 95 i>f ^bieh ^^r© 4»i tfe©

^i^rlssimtloi:! pr^MMm*

It is S^ftei^tit:^ that tb« cats trsliaed %9 cfflQtsct th» objeet liryXTi th©

fl 1U:-


l^gtendLiig li®iM®d mktm mp%M^ go to tte» imiiiw c^4®<3t ^^bsi it fe^s

sBat&S gla®&* la no mt ymr^ mm^ tkmn 12 trlmls m^uii^.* m the other haftd*

the mts orlgtealXj trailed tsi tsgen the doors lesnsid quite rapicllj- to spproeeii

1% door thmt wm ^^mus^ ms^irmim^lt^^ tiftem ^wemm tm^rd uXth tbo f&sd

m Ih&s p&rfixemd 1ms wll th» d&m" osK^pimt'e^ eXoset^,

uM.^ tia$ sissgls j^J&et mB pmseated jtlats®. It i=>^s«3idi sfijear thst the behavior

thm mtml immediately ppeosdii^ reixil^sr&emn^ s^mXdt if & hi^ l«i«itl of

p®rffl*^^«is© to be aeiii«rv®d rsfisllj* h& dir&otsd t43(i*sdri4 ^ihstever the expetl.'-

vmster wcsald to <ii«e3*iigi.«ai©^ to be.

fl^iiai|a^ ta^^^g ^ t^j_̂

jg^^a * fhfSt «i«3(lc@ (e^sstaet) p&rfm^mom of

all «?fets Ft 1*6$ «lKfe«iiieHS at a. hi# of &cmr&e^ m the trsining

trisls unm m %h& test dajs. feith ©x«»9ptioQj c^oic© mrt<:ar^^tis^ i^&s

fsapsas-ii©» ?S wa® imrlab!©* ra^iJ3^ Sitm $7 ts l^O pep<^«3t correct, i^ith

s pswstfi l&rnl of p©ris«iit ©^np«^» fkm pero^staf» oif ©arf^t approscbes ^as

genamlly loii®r ttmn tiasf p8a»t9Bsrt«itig& at e-^mect etiaices, sisd ther® w«re «ore

isidl'vl'dt^al dllffars^mses in appr^sh bs^vtsar* tb& gv@r«^9 psroms^i^m rang^

55 p®rc@at foir '^t t«> 95 p«pfl^ for 4% assd :0 $M FIZ Isotii ap-

|3r2>ac&ficli tbB aosnrwt objstxt S5 pm^BSdt of the tiaa.

TeiSit tyjalgs ^ste^ral * r«solt{S of tise teist tarisis ar» presented ia

tstbles 3 md In 3 tm> ii^cstMt for mch pr^rt-y tested far each

m-tf (I) tl30 ^^^ber of tims th&% it directly &ppr<%cb@4. tbs t«MSt o^4®ct» re*

^ifiljm '^©thar it t^ose C«oi&aefte«) that i^;^«t (1*), aad (2) the total

ms^mr 0f cca:<x^t choied9» «^sreSX«ss of saod© of &|^3*««ch For the sp-

proiieja md efeoies scoapes the ast^tsk iadieate* that tiat mam correct ap^mc)ie»

1 : .



- 4-

[^ sA<nv>.

!' # # «

4- « *


c-<^ t^"^O t-> O S|H r4 r-*i


O O O €3^WKif-J iT'S J*^

o H <y; H Ht r4 O O ^


4»HS M M fi*H


..^-^ j^^Kko o o or~* n4 #*t H

o #?vf ^i" M W O f-4 O <S|

^ It

f-^ ^^

M ^ «N! f^^sf ^ ^ # *

q q€5 oi~i r4 :r4

<A ^ ^\ u"^ it'll \r\ \f\

II 1; ^« ^ o

a a a

^ 15 O OiSji- IS*^




«? d^lsas &€mM oecer hf ehanse ® ssxii^- ^ u-pptmimt^lj six- tin^s© in

Ok t!^ t^sis of tbm Ms. pmme^ed ia Tmt^© 3, it esa be s^n that,

ill r<iiati;>s th# test d^J#9t> fe«r of tbe ©sts iiJooLd reect to a

t«si ^JiMst It dlfl^rM fi»5^ tlse n^gatl"^ o^^eets ia mly osse oropertjr.

A,3l1 fli?© «sst^ **^:qis1.^ reset *iifffer@^imlly tmmrsi th* tsst ^ject «&sni it 41

fsn^ ttm ttm i^gatif® ^^ts 4a two properties* xb© penults c^itfdn^ fxi

tij© imilvlstol pf^5p@rty aad pt<3p&x%y'<i^M^tlsm tests sif® indloatsKi bei<^y-

fmmmt* Imtmsttoa of fabl© 3 re-ms^s ti®it t^^i^ese of the ii^bx

.i£iefl<30tlvie« f 1^ m^iml $^sa^m1mi or c^^se t^ ^Jecri more ofl^

tlisii is®el4 «3rp@et«d 1^ fi^^tissse it difj^apsd ftwKS the mgsttw ob^ts

mlF in i^v«a8^# H«gp9#^i*> mmpt %n tuo (the mmmmit''tmXm» eos^iaa-

jpGHP 1^ sad tbf© ??H3f«r«?®?st»t«3rfem^tferspe^ al^p© esKsMmti<»i for

5i«ns«fR@«t diff@i!^iK5#s? did mft tl» eff^cfti^^^s-s of oth©r single €«*

C^litiet., Oatlia© dlffererK:®® wre effeetivte almm Sot thrm of the

fiv@ ^^tt» ianii Fia). It fee sigsifi<?itBt that of these c6ts

{^h srwi fl2) >«re tralr^ to cbaosa the p^j^sdd, easd csalj «ie (lO) to choose

Urn Ix^^pbsre.

effective for t&r»« mts <l*b FB, assd KL2). It i« strikis^ that aii three of

tli»s3 e&t« ti%i£i&d to ebooss tisd p$rm^>^ and tMt tbE<tt6«dis»Q&lai6l shape

«ss ®ff®<2ti-e» far QKiitte^ of^ tmo hm^^e^tme^-^imSi «at».

1:<&3st3»^> TexttBp© Mtteemsm sUmm wre effective f<saf osiX^' %vq of tfee

.«at» iP^ fit)* Again tis&r® ts a suggestim af a (^iffmpmQ& het^mn he^*

V^-'^.- -«v4i:

; -^,!::'"

- -^Bm-m. ...

^gkn^ p^rmAd carts, iii thst tkmm t«o csts- vers, both trsirsed. to ehoo^

tli© pfTzmiidt mid mtt^mr of tte l«isii&f^re oats iH»ild ebooas on tb© bssis of

sf r&suplts ctt <josisia©d-fs^^p(Mrti©s tests i^ith those &f aii^iis>"|ap<^t^j tests

of^osf*. far tfee t^s^aeut tests* st a r^sttml^ hi^h le^i. Fear the tbras

F«RPitj^dLi3g (^tSf scKM ^a^srm of is»ress@d «ff©ctl.^f«ni^s is titei co:?^i£V&d*-proper-

f«p S?> oaly tfae ^s*igisml p^itive ts^isiog abject «a8

^ammt mm^ oftea tha^ '^ooldi fee es^seeted ^hanc^, altbjsj^ thl^ eat M&ild

ths test abisot dlffsri!^ tb© mg^tlv^ otejeeta enil^ aatliTie

aad thp#e«4i^8sai^^sl sfesp© (t^ t«s in e«3etoimtloEi)» F€s» TO, ^suttllne slme

«8» @ff«€stt^, althiHi^lk the eas^lJiedi-pr^^wtlj&s tests ml^r tise mvmeoA^

texture-tla^^dis^^tsaisl eeeMssti^, and tl^ textare-outline^thr^N.

<so£i3iii&tid3i MiMld elicit « »ipdflesi3t n£ts^er t^t ^-yrtmt

iBl^olOQa^.. tise is^tasr h&M^ this vmild &ms^Gh t'm test object ^ ti»

'bmis of acQT pr^perty-e^ie^jE^tlon ex-cs^t the iKr?«iai^«t<Krt'iar© oos^^oatl^.

i^, tisB sowiK^e^-t^ett'or© eossfeiaatt^ wsriM ©Halt batb ag^roaehfea snd

gfaQlc^Sa altigiKigh isalther -^i tbas® 'j^s>t3|^02?tiiid» ^ttemttvQ ^^^m tested

th& f&%l.wp& q£ eat 1^0 to g^3^-3igg tbs test ^jsct the bssis of oer-

ta3ua e«e^biiiati?»^ iiivoiviag isatiiae, ulthoagh i^ilsj© vm eff©eti.-wa sinjgi^,

asft^ \» due to tl^ fa«t that tfe^f tests for cRitiia& w«p» ^^ajdtjcted ©arlier than

tl» 0o»Mned-pt^^3artie© tests* Thus, th© disdmticsa of effectIwneft© «f oat*

iio© mj reflect a p«^«?ftss of dlffereatiatlon, abereby U» aatroai becoi^ sacpe

l^i^ar r«|;«apd to «4?at isd^tltut^ asi «^^t to be reacts to



Vmm ar© lwM,-vMml dlffeiwic®® m to the effeciiverKg^a o^T tb® vsrioa® pa»<^r-»

lHii^j^pli#ri» ag,t® (10 and W) h&m i^lmt^ 'bmm wmetttm^ iA ttm XmmaijsXe>lS'

eff#?Jtive, both f€«r approa«fe sasti for ohoio®« l*<?r m pwsfiertjf was #ffmotive

©ijproaeb-, slilio^ tmatixm mad tferee^lMStsloasl sl^p© - mem sffeetive to

S!h<jia«i* (i|]gr^eb w&mm ^m^M. ^^^^rnrnt to is© mmixigSiil for this cat,

•siaske^ m laf'siaiag trials tfei^ ©at*® iL|^s>a«h ^m^ $&mr&llj Im^.)

fmt 1%, ^tli» ms^ tht0&^''-(MmmXm&l shap®' ©ff^tetiim^ lK»th spiartjach

farther gt\3^ of tM^ mtt^r ^^wM fc© dtetirs^l»« It 'is &mD0&lv&h'XM that s

wait tliB' atilamls* «is«si»at of twihaviuf, in thm sitaatioa*

- PEfS^t at wb^ietfa efe^s^^e |£ m^f^t* In TabS.© 4 are pres^nt^d the

|B3E^i«3t e«3ry«M»l. ©isai©®® sewsi F <^ ?n (i^sclics^^ to ttm table as sfsi the

f®rc«i5t. ^£>»^®t4^ il# 0^ iMom -pr&^^ijm- wtoicfe elicited a greater than ciistioo

^vg^r <E»f €<3rr®et choirs ar© Igscilcatsd rniLf those pro?«a*ti»s jUSeistified

% asterisk® tise i5ii«ioe fc-*-] ©otasi of T«*>i®. 3» P* 39» are i^oljudod). 11»

pmrns^B mm- in mfmmm' to tdtal. p&fifsibld n&^tjar of oorrect choices tbst

tl3# f-^ ^t^sgf^, ^ tstaO. iHss&ibl© Q^?f«0t ts tfee aiasbftr trials

.-; _ -Jw?^



45 %^ #



r4 -p

^ 2S *4

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Of O


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o a»



It ma b» mm th&%9 mlar in ^ssm^ tmijm ms a gn^t^ ^me^

©eai^i:© of eteQi<^s mS^ in th© tiear* as co»traste4 islth far, sltuaticai*

M all ^^tte" isius^s isa^^^i tli^ <^9x>r@tai fsr cibc4.e^ m^msM th# e^re^rt

laear i^^sl^ssss 1^ &t .least tblrt-y pB^erstsg© p^slata* H^wsa ia tlae exeepti^r*

C^i «3^eli^lia» stiy^li') Wmi^ ^sajs a glister p&fma^r]ig# of eoamct ehcdoes! m,i^ «^

f^rtia^© <jf dsttfe p2res^^ats^J i^xpeotsd fli^ijng that seaveiaKit

was imff«etiv€>. This fiisSisg ai^^^r b« qiilt« Isspcartasat, siiic« It

i83^1ies tfeat certsiii klsids rn^mm^ ar^ effeotlw. 1'^^ mo^'mmtit used

ia tl» pr^j^sst stuis^ sms <^ait© stes^f i^latiwly slis®, stud botfe positive

and BWfggtiv* db^e^s w^r© ss>vi^» It -vwrir 'latll l» that asily a r«l6tiv©ly

ir^i. 'iQT th& % d?!t#g'3ry tfee tcstsl 'p©s«ltel0 Is th* nu^SKr of trials rtsn fslmis

th© m]g^r at corrsM^t trials sc^^p^ F or Xh© rationale for tM^ eo^EJUta-tto« Is foll9^»5 A^eortiiai^ to IAwj m^t^ta for s?corlag Ft ^ M, a e«««-

incorrect choic® se^iaped F or lK>wei?«r, cg^4 hsii» bs«i corrected before theofe'j0ist lacan^t3^ *'<m^«m*' $^ «s<mts«t«d» M a tlm cb<xlcs '*'ould

hav© been oorrest sii3kI sei^^ h', Ccmiseq^©i5tiy» tbe* nusfeer correct scar«d F or1^ sfecRiid asst trito tb<& pict«a?e li^Ki tim ^orrei^t choices scor^^ M srecmssfiji^^ss^i'eidf ^h&mm tfee tms^r itaeg>rr8>et scored f shis>ul<l be catisidersd*

*€at f^i-i aft«r tl^ t«rt4i^.tia<ii of this wm^^siimeAt ms studied farU^risgr Brs» S€^i6r> 'n* SE-fflroii, sisd. I^:^. lio^ Mills* As sttoa^t vaa maiiai totraijQ thi)i «8t dis<?riivdriat« i<^utical t^^Qts that aiff«r«d only In direo-ti<m 0f eiew^mt. ilthowgh th& mthoA of sppfroxl^tiou. wsm used, i*i vtichth© differ@?i<5®3 ia sp»di of wmmmt mm trait© ^poss at first* snd grsdusll;^r&<&i«^, the da^scrledissticai lasas acshtewd onlj aftbr a r@lativ»sly 1<5C^ ©jjsi

ardasBss trainiitc period. Thtm d%tmi tmtds ta ©cmfirsi th& present findit^^"^th regard to tte imff5getiimw©s of the kirsd of mcweaent «mloy^ >s@m^

0 .!..- .


tb$t 'b&^mm '^ktfmti.m -me: fm^l'm tfe« astJis* §f tlm positive ®n;^gsr

©Si Iw^issse^ 'bm^B^a&m ^M. p^jm:^M. cats (1.^., tlia ©ffeetiTOmss ^^f t«st*ji35«

feet t^t %lm t^^t triMM mm ess^jda-st^ is ^ e-sKittssEt ^^hisb th© a^^tj-ve

eojrest *^t^3i <3feiJ«^jts*- astsssXS^ tfegt C'i^ssjteig®?!) p^3^sitt''#e treisiS.^, <^Je<*t^»

%h» aeaitjf »f tlie aSilmla, It slsfo rsfl^ a r&latiamfeii? bfttiiistKa tb©

of esit ^ of mtiar® <3f th© tr&irdsg siltuatt^sa ii.©.,

otoJgBSt Is p(as.itiiB^)* tims, tls@f faet that i%o of t^j© i^ar^asld eats \f«r moc^

teari^-e ^es ^ftetiv*©) ss&y feesa to ir^saMt <53^i«® of the iaasMr^s^t

dfej«3t ap5ari^«^4» and tfeea ©bs>3®e tfe* object* sa^? iiaw 4i faring upoa

MM of ^mriMM^mj \mh&^or 'iMmmd in tii& traialii:^ situstlaa.

t^^fjciasa^a^^ m»tba4^ Althoat^i the is&thod pffsmd, in generals t«> b»

mmtsmmi^^t &. muter #f t.€k*5tel«gsl md promdvsp&i sbaarteoesings bees^ apj^reiit

^^rli^ t^ ompm ^ 1^ ^ 1^ Hjrst plas«»t ilXminatl^ of th^


«3fej©eis ms ti^m sh&m» fhig hi&4i th© effect of pro^emix^ a -ssKry dsark>

im^ried **-/**-.^i|se4 aiSKKS* ski tfee m$»smijii& of tb© i^?r^4s, i^iicjb ^^i&siM^

emim^^^ thipm'^iMmm^jamX ^a^pe istd €mU.t9&» at Ii^t s^t s dl9td)as»» It

%hm^ '^^m^ sl^^tA i^t^immm in brightisft^ b^esmi tbt bsssli^phMpii^ esdl the

tl)8 sttel^ wer«$ (^Js0td mi tl^ dixies a|3^^@f^t^ «^r@ le-^ brightly

UliEG^imtsid tl^ c^,^ts in tlsi! e^sstsr) sasl tfae csts resspordisig r©ii«bl^

<as th© trasiMi^ tad^s regt^t^m^ of tl» pc^itic© tt^ c<»Tect J3teJf«K?t» it

mm ^meim^ a^^lsa)?l« ta ^esrmt t^s situstlcm* Ai^th@r prdblesi tbat«

ta «(qi(mt# th8 «*Jects fm" firojeeted «*srf&<!S ares*

A proliai^ S|sp3»i^ to ba^^ arl^ri In r^$E«xif^ of <Ki@M»^<-prcp«rt3«9

t^s^t trials aft<^ sdi^lsi pp^xpi^f t«it$. If %ma to bec<^

pM?ti<RiXar vith regain to th& objects ehos#a, eois^^artaogi of siagle^parope^rty

tests <?o8i?iQed-|ap<>perti«B t«st& wo^t34 only be aeaaisigftsl if tb© tests ^*ere

isasystetiatican^ distril^st^ Is ti3sa» ohsJ^e ia testis, procedure ia the

eaiNi of P12 peHfesta this c<^:s^*a«

jpQ^si^ to th© isiatt^ of tz^ini^ tt0 aais^s in tl» caii^inal

pi^^tmt Vm ppQcetoe ^s^d f<3r FI2 ^p^w» t© l» ti» be^t. It wouid a^ppear

reas^ssabj.© tliat* darti^ syrj;^ pr^«>esiS ^ ads^tstim t© tb© training ^qperatus.


-.-i^- ^x^i

tli0 m% ^^M. Imam t^it^® i^im^ tki that iid^iM Ij^^tee «iit^

th© fact timt, %n mc^r to g#t food* a relatively specific tl^iag- has to ise

d^m0«^i.e.¥ s^^st^et sii Msptstlosit ^ ^lii^ tl» est Is ^thcRsdt

^<!^i4k s^^pm^ t^lm m iMt^tm:^^ tm^tm^B ib@7».

M x^ar^ td th@ db^tm mn^iomm ta b» r^tsii^ ^ th^ ardseel* the

i^)®jlta €3>f tb0 p^i^int et^j^ ietiieatfi oaisiaetl^ £»bj&at ItmLf is

tli^ toeat i^apsisa^ to la tMt osts t«^a®?l to this isespoi^ tlm

b^tm^lijg a iii^ 'im^ &f p^^tmrn® sore 3ra,pS4Iy t\mi <ssts fiisst

trsJ^M t@^ Q^m t^ liil^lM t4» ec^g^^^et ci^J^t*



M ^peria»Ht I» & ^th^ ms adspt@a t^^i.l^i^1^ cats to •sake ^jeet

cUscriailnatims* aad for testiiag thm ^t@r?*^ji© th© laroperties of the

this mp&riminA li«21eat«d that tlse s^>a3p«®t off\9etivs«ess «f the properties

of t)se objects differed ^<ixss eat ts cat seeded t© dep^ad tasm a^lch object

imB i^siti'ws. It m& stsggested that tfe#i^ &^®:resrt. dlffspences may haw becsi

da© to the fact tfest tl» test trials ma^ rmi in a siantesct in x^icb th© nega-

tive traini?^ sfej®cts UTiehgi5g@d,» the positive test cAjject having both

positiif© ani nogative pf^&rtim* It ws© also ssaggestsd that the |^at» at

^icb th© di3<apiMimtioi5 was mdb Mas related to (Sd.ffBrQno&B ia effectiveness

of ©©rtaija larc^pertiee:* '^Ss^rtmnt XI was ctK^^cted in order to oh^^k these

fiadings, to explsr© ftother th© relatiojsshii^s smmg effectivo par<^}drtiesy

the positiv© tridaing object » sikI the plae© at vhich oholee was md»»

fh© ofojeet-properties studied in this exporisieat are texture, outline,

mod tbflpee-dlr^sioaal #hap&, alorn aisd in coa^iaation. Blrectioti of sovemeat

¥ss ©liminated l^offi this foiperiBseast because it m& aot eff©ctii» for any of

the cats in IsjcperiBsent 1^ liberests eaoh of the other thi*e properties was ef»

fectiv© f<ar *t least sem of the oats. a®fc®v«r, in order to change the situa-

tion as little as possihle* all objects were preseinted moving horiaswvtalljr.



In th0 esecsEtim of tfeis mTsp^rlmatf a aare marly st^a^&rd training

protc^^ire ¥as ®^pQLog^, sad s^aHtain new techoiesl snd procedural features

mm i^^rporate<^ iacto the api^mtus and erpdz^U^e^itaX design* Tbsse charges

iidll be- discussed in the s^ropriatd 3«otlc»i$ belc^*

Siib,^ts ware esEpKris^astalii? naive ycsjng aiiuit oog,^ cats. Tl^re

ttfd Hales snd eight S^f^lm* fhss" '^m*e @al^oted snd ^dc^iiisd ixi the

sas© -eaj' as the s-ubjoets ia Is^^pimut !• All ^>^ets gpi^ear^ to remln in

g0s^ Imltfe throqgfeoist tlw ®iK|«spiss®at« th© eats «®r® mt^^j divided into

tm imipst exposed fossr f€!'®a.i©s svsd ^tm ml@# Cm grm^» consistiisg

of 0&ts TO, asd ^8M?© tr^nad to da^sa tb© r<«agh psj^ramid,

tteea either ^oap, coasistisg ^ eats ICl^, H3^, IC^» asad

tr&l!a&$. t9 choose th@ si^ootb h&wiBS^&pe»

ffe© l5?p©rl^fxtal Slttaatiaa

Mmi$i^i^* The mp^mmt^ ms b^isically the mm as that u£«Ki for

fSsgeri^st I, except that a row oof fiw s©ven-v«att iiws^descettt baalbs was

pls^^ in the 1^«»jgh i» the eortisr in froi^t »f 1^ objects. The light

l^rosi i^s© %al^ was 4iff^s«i^ tls^Ki^h * pleoe of i&^sted plesdLglass. This ad«

dititm r^:^r©d th© top aad tl® bott^ of th© ftront sarfs^s af the objects

appemjM«lj^ equal in iHy^siRatim*

Stiimilug objects . Th@ stimltts db^cts tis^ in tim e^periaient are

i23^cat«<i ia Ts3&h9 5 snd Figur© 3 ip* Z7)» Just as la Sxperiaei^ I* they wcire

©eaKterseted b^X«a ^ood styrofoaa and painted «lth s asedlur. gray t^J^ra

," .r/ri *Jf^!i?.'1$:


'Dmertpttm &t fmijtdxi^ fest Objects Used tm Ea^rii^ist II®

A . X H / # » Smooth teeiEisx^roM* Base = Z^l/Z %xi* iSiEi^terj

teeiftet 1-3/8 in,

B ..

' lotigh tru^stedl p^faml^* Sa@@ « 2-1/8 ia.

'1\ , to !^-s« 7/8 in. sqiass^i ii^Btatl?Ki of tssrture

:. '- imried frtm sppzmi^tslj l/32 in. to 1/8 ia*,

with m mrnm^j^ mf apprcadaistelj l/l6 in.

t^st-isr© as easiest B,

1 .

* Sjj^Qth ^^sfaaiid, with 2-1/2 in. liisusi^ter circtilar

to h^mi » 7/S ia» sqoar®; cirds wss eat frcm.

f " Hasjgb fsrra^d. f^are i<l©atie^ to that of'^4®** ^5 otto@r diiasmsioiis are tfeos^ of Clbject

& * Sisooth l^als^ber^ liflth 2^X/B in. ^asr© base.

which sqimir® 'ms' c^ts 3 ia- ^a^ter.

H ^ * Esay^ h8^!^b@re vsith 2-1/8 ia. sqiisa:^ bsse.T€Xt\i3?e &mm as in C%^©t O.


I - 3. II / 2 ¥ ^C€rpt fsr paint, identitjsl to Ofe^^t .4.

^ 1 Bl / 10 ¥ ' ISscept for palat, iclsntical to ^'^Ject B.

a* S©@ also Figap© 3, p. 27.'-

h- 1 Bl / k ¥ !Rsis»s that om part black teaspera psdnt ma Mxed %dthfour paria ^hlts ti^ip^ paint.

1^ .^"'.i. .ji,5.-_;4i V.


(soe part black to f^nsr i^aets ^^t^). In fw^r to ecjiist© tl^ dbjests far

projected oitltx^ sis© and, at tb© Bwm tlss@» .Iseep tfe®s remm&bl^ @q;aivai^Et

in t«ire«-^iTsensiaB£l sis^t It ms mQ&s-s^cj to fcnego xmixs^ pescfect hemi-

sp&iir^. Tfe® **fc®j3is|aier^SE'* "mmt thea* actuaii^- beiaslsplaeroitis, i^thouga

tb© team "hfiaais|5b©3:^^** «111 be rflftsirjed 'her©. Fsiur s^dltioml stsioath head-

spJi«r^ (I) asd tmr sMkttmm^ ns^h pyrsmi^ (^) iB®ye ©aastrae^a fcap use

ifi tests rm in <srster ta eoa^ol for M^tue^ dlf£^ren^$^ b©t^*e«o tfee ob-

jects. (See testtag pr^5©(^jr© beiaw.) ffe« aoi? ^>isis|:^©r©s i^ere j>&lrjt©d so

nsr^SLl" obj&cts p&rt ikX^^k psris ^M.%m)f the tsm p^frai^ds

iia»r# paiated astieeabli' ligfeidt^r t«m th© lightest of tbs tarightnessHMawsal

€il!7j(&ets (cm ^st> bXadk td l^i^ psrts t^lilte)* MX e^Jects ^re attacbad to

fe^riz'^atall^^s&apiriiig ^teiag both trai«iag and testing. tb» su^it^scte

of mmmmt X«^?/8 asd tb@ <:^ix%tlm i;>r tt» cj^cda i*>ss ti^ee sacoiKls.

fr&liilD|f sa'aoediiT^. li^ trsiaiisg procedure ussd in this ecrperiusnt

with tlm Sim oi pr^cbcltsg rell^j3j» 41serijsis®ti«m p&rt&pmxnoe as rapidly as

pataslilbQ:^* fim promdsss^B was «ii«o&ia3JLa'' tisat its«d i$lth cat ?12 in

.i3Ep«*to©iil.. t* flsa fi3?et ^sas® trsisiiii^ «a« bttgvai wlthaot any pttor

adaptfeiton to ibs apparatus. Xa this pha©e the cat was presdnted Hlth the

p®^ti^^ ols^et El<3iae» tfe® isosltloii of tlje objeet iraryiifjg un^rat«^tically

frm trial to trial. If, t^i© proeess of ©scplsariisg the boK» it happensd

to eosatset th© ^^sct* the door behisKi tfee ob^Jecft vfss o|5«m©d and tha cat in-

djieed to mtsar tl^ goal bax ajad ^t th® mor;^! of hisem sseat, >Mch earv««l as

tb© taceniive. If tb© cat ^omd m interast in th© ^j^t, the door behind

ths ol>^0t %?as '*'s?iggl©d^ in an stt^i^ (usually siicoassfiLl) to get the aat*s

attention* It ma usaally, h<Riever> not admitted t© the goal hox «titil it c«h3-

. .<-;: 'ft*'.!. tSrf:.^ ,."


i '^'f t : -C-'tf'

f^ .'-'^ - A':^ ' ,-v?'-v,v ;;.';t- '>-!t.: ...itvl-

. . 'V'^i ---c Z-. ^ -'^ "

ta.<»t«d tbe <^4®ot. la m ease »^ it sllo^ed to t^m ck>or fbis

^^mm of trainix^' 4$<dfitim8d watil t\m eat 3|:^ps>tis^&becl c€mtact«d

ofejwtt MitiKKit pre-slcftisi^ ii^s^itaotta^ dsi^ sfesafsdi^ signs of cUs-

tiarteie©, <m tto^ suoce®si¥® ti^UIs. lis© vmk»r of trials ®»i dsg?3 r©r4\}irad,

fia» a3aat®i?!F tMs? ^mm of the ppobl^ mpi®d trm S (dSQr 1) to ^9 i^y ^) #

tlie tiMMXj of th» iiisll'^ml. ii^t« Mmi^ tissStd eet® 2pe%ml7«d a Xm^er tlsie*

ffes imxt i^s^ of trmtial:^ cmsist®?i of tmi eot^ewtlve trtsls tn

yJaS^h pmtttm atejesst ^ms preseatM in mmh of the f^sltiosis twt<sa,

$Xma^ vith the fmar a^atlw <^Jsst®t I*!® eat wa^ ailoiaad to csmtSKst snjr and

aU, (3b^0ts» iMt was iwsi^fel o^j ishen it eont^ofesd tbi# positl'^© 9b;|«©t.

la the thlM plij^s® tr&ialBg, tbt positlv® sud fo^ a^&ti^

abJSfCts pr^s«Kti«d m in tls® pripriass pimsaj, sitfe t^ posltioii of the

P&sltl"?^9 ^^J©0t vsygrij:^ ?ms^its=^tieal3;|P'. 'Bsm est, iic«w#r, allowed only

tw atte«-fit,s (e^mtaetMJhoicsa®) m s given trikl. ti^ second iiaaoixTect attei??:*

41 trial '^m panisl»d bj the paHiiog Qf the ^setwafisi tfas cat su^

tba« s^;^*^©., to piwri^t fiirthsar dioiees oa tfeat t3*ial« c«i sueh oQisasi<Kis tbe

eat i^emomi fr^^. ths ©h&iee hm smi r^twfmL to ttse startii^ box. t!.^hen«-

mw it pp^ved aesessfssaty tss- la^- -yj® two eoua^emtiv® trials, the t®xt

trig.1 rm -utth mlj tbs> p@&iti%na traints^ obje-^t present* '^mh trials

ccsatisjaed «aitiX tlj® cat s^gproacb^ atid eoscrtaeted ti^ i3bj©st immediately

<»i trial, Oa tlj© JSKst trial the fisiar i^ativ® ofejeefcs reintrochieed

ffi»d ttMi csit &gaiii allwed mX^ two atte^s t© ri£%i the poaitiv« «:^J«ct«

this ppoQe^mis ^ams mpm%a^ oatil tbst eat m& corr^ot m the firet attdi!i^t on

f0tart®en oat of tte« last fifteen trials <?f & thirty-trial sessl&ii. Qooe this

criterion -urn &ski%0mdf the cat mM wertraiimd far t-hr©« days (ninetj

trials)* attl«^ 3»v«rtrai«ii*g mm mttmgt per trial sa© ell<»^. 'I'b©

• ''i'- i- v- '.. -i;'^:'.;. -

- .•

r.vv; .^^l .-.^ ,tU:-

:, ^.-'^-^'''J


j^i^db after an inostreet atteaipt, and the cat retiimsd to the start*

lag bsx.

s&s3l<xa p«r ^^as Atjile most of the <»t8 could nc^

b& ifi(&K»d to nm thirty t^rlnXs pmr <fey durSi^ the ©arl^ stages of trslijii^

ii«9«t tli0 first day op twat)f m mmy trlais as posslMe were run to a

J883^j^m of -Uiirtyi. fheresfter* tMrty trials per d^- x-^sore run. ^ c<a*rect

^^1^ »as stXiid;^ re»®r^d *d'th a giorsel ©f gro^ssnd hors© ^e&t, fehleh c<aj»

stlttstad ap^>raKic!sat«lj 1/30 of ths cat's daily ration* f!ms, it would obtain

its eotiret r&tl<»i ^irisig s dg^*3 i^^slon. If it failed to <!^^taia the eatirs

rsti^, it fad the reminder sfeortly sftear ths ^ t!se «*ssloa.

Testing procedar® . Three ch&£^3 were in the test

proci^^are* 3ia %\m first pla«2©» a iie^ series of t«st trlsls ^wss added, in

^i^sh tb© positive tralaS^i^ ^jeet ^S^S^^ s«r?l^ as th& (xfei aiad cor«

r»€t s^^ot oa trslnia^ trials. TM.s ob;^ct was presented alasrg «ith four

it^tnticglt b:«it cliaftgftd "aa^tive-* ofcj^ts, «hieh iseare ^A^i^d so a$ to bav»

^^•talii positive as mil as c«*tain oegatiw l»rap^rtles> TfeiB situatioa vdll

b© terras tim ^Vasitlve-ua^SBaagj^** c^ta^* It is to be eoatrasted %dth the

mly ^tmtl^m used in ^^rlissst X» ist »hl<^ tijm aa^tive traiaiag objects

^re. ^ip^baa^ed o» ti» te^ trl&Lst mtsd ^^ap& px^sootdd Mlth odd and correct

S3b4«ct that bad both amative positive features, fhis latter coaidition

yiXX b© sailed tim *'»&^tive*^gK?to^»d" coat^Bxt * (Figure 5» 66» provides il»

lt2Strati«3s Ttupms^ix^ th© test situatissn far each tiradaiug graap* property,

asd eo»t@i3tt«)

Tbe ^ccnd cbsoge in s^tbod of testing iiwolv^i fm tasting of both

single ®ad ess^jinsd properties ©ins* the sasie p«riod of tiuse. This was done in

«»d«r to ffiiaSuKiUe any effects of differentiation, 'Which* although ssanifest in

only m» cat in the previews exp&rimsxstf is a factor if^ish ooold interfere ^ith

sL^'f ':&r -^rar


iaterp^tatiae of results.

third tsajar etoge tmolmd the intro<i<K;ticm of a series of

trials in -asfeielj t>ie brl^tness relatiiasships beti^n hsaisi^aer® and pyrsusid

im' tis® t&zt t^^ctB <^srijv^ from, ttmm) mr& reversed. This was d<me in an

attest to rale <mt asiy eontaffiiaatii^ effects iSxm to ths iatrinsic differ-

ences ia brightjaess b©tw©efi hesi^^^bere atid j^nra^d*

fi» speeif^f? p'OS«Hte©s folXoiii!^ ^sritsg t«stii% are as follamt Ifter

:fflei^pl©tl€a ©f gfysrtrsSjais^,. tb® t©«t ^lase '»«ss initiated* iiuxdag this phss#

thirty^two trials ran per sisif- ^fe ft^Jr^r test sisy eaeh of ths t-w©lv©

prcjpert^f-teat co^ltlocts iti^ated in fafele 6 «as mt once. The order of

|2res®atati^ of the t^t ecsiditlcKis ^iss ^msysteiasitieell^ v^rl§^ fr<Kr. to

#ay. fhs Biarai^ in -^sieh tfes test trials iuterspesrsed In tfc^ training

trials was v^«d soBi^iat for PI^b mSt ^31, ?0at atud 133, althsogh

®9 ssQsr® than t^o e^assi^atli?® t«st trials ^r© rm* For P35f 106*

P37s the order ms ia^rlafelj as fallows s Hve nmmoatXm trainiog

trials follQised ^ six test trials, each of lehich vas se^rat^ f5r<^

the otlw by one trainiiig trial, for a total of eleifen trials. This

fiiaet^n-trial series ^'a@ tlj^ repeated, yieldit^ a total of thirfcy-two

trials, lb© positis^ &t i^iQh s. given t©st ob^t «eas proseuted v®ri@d

trm to sulthc»^ In the X^t^ vmx c^i&Gt »«s prms«ati^ an eqa&l

siratar o-f tildes at each pfoini.

fmt trials mre rua for a total of fiitesa 4s^* On tbo first five of

the®«si te^t d^s tise trsiaiE^ aM test objects ware "soaEml*' with respect to

their bright^»s relatiOB^p all objects wer© painted wiiAi the ssiae

imint). These tssts will ^» referred to as *^rig^ta©ss-«wan!ial*' tests. Oa

the i&st t@n days of t<i9tiag» fiv© '^la^i^iiatess-iaorBml" dajs of t®ste were nm,

plus five on i^ch the ferlghtaess relati<!»sships betsfeen the positive said

s - a: V . :.

.^'-'^^ ' '*V;,«'^"? t'V^-

rH^,/;,'- V J'^^ ^



. -

..:t; ... -j- -li: "V'-'i". Ai.""?-

table 6

f#a* ?]tej^ets ti^d far Eseh Test Soistiticai for a8>^s^^r©*posltlv©




_J£ tested

Fa®itivQ« Positive- IvegativB*


f A vs. ll* C- vs. B I vs. D G VS. J

0 k vs. CI F vs. B I vs. Q F vs. J

3-D i vs. B I V3. K H vs. J

m ii Tsrs . 1 1 vs. B 1 VS. 1 I vs. J

vs. S I V®. F G vs. J

& vs. B I vs. € D vs. J

f B vs. >5- a vs. A J vs. C D vs. I

Q B vs. F 0 vs. A J vs. f 3 vs. I

sBid to

B vs* H

S vsu 1

1 vs. A

vs. A.

J vs.

^ v$. S

E vs. 1

H vs. I

B vs. S F vs. i. J vs. CI F vs. I

var. 0 C vs. A S) G vs. I

a. fbe 8&i3reviatic«^ iised in this eoluaw are identified in Table 2,

p. 32,

b. For «ntiy, the first, latter refers to the object listed inTafolj© 5 timt is txid and '*e<B*rect** in that test oonditiixj. llse second letterrefers to the object li^;@d in Table 5t ©f wfhich there are four in that testojaa^ticm. ThWj vs. IF aie^ais tMt tsm sajooth i^asispber© {k) «as -presentedwith tmr roqgh p:yrsmi4® (0).



aftfstive sfejects ims*^ r&mrB^ tht <l8f^®r h®sispher«« smt tbe brighter

^ir» aU. -y^'iSils^^-^lmsIiiiSlaiS the iisterstp^rs^d tmlolJig trials«"»it^>rd rum %4th

the brlghl^ss rerlaiicisisliip r<m7B^* «ml9r df aeoisnre^ice of ^igistisBs®*

m33Eml brlgfetm^s-re^ersed test da^s vsrl©d f^as es.t to catt l»it iwjgre.

thmi %m e^oj^eutii^ t^ei^iitsseas«>-re^\ier®ed ^ster^ rm £^ saa^ oat* the mx?*

aet ^rd&r f'or est Is i^dlj:%t#d isi A^peiiSix A, ^ t^loh asterl^s In

Cfo tlie i{it«r^^piffir^dd tfaiiil^ trials tl^. shads iiasi tusad ss seeded.^

Jtist as m tl® ©^i^trsiuiag trials. Cfe -ybe test trials the est i&m regarded

regardless of tli© daoiee sssdte* If ti^ ^ject oh<^^ (l»^.t first ctaataeted)

-tesp^easewi %q tea 3^J««5t®4 befca?® tfe© sstperiiaentsr oe^d ^sea tjj© door to the

gosi feKK (whieh to^ from on® to two Bem^sM) tb& est s®is rii^iSE^M for eon-

taetlH^ or r^giiainltsg 1» tbs rleialty of sagr ab^ct l^Ejg os^j^h for tfae door

feeMM it to b@ op®i^* I'rials of tliis sort -mm r©,tb®r iaft^u^nti.

Bafaavlartl gn^s^rvations . i^cords of tlie bi^ssTlor of tbe animls oai

«s!tefe trial map® fm^^ Jtaist as ia fiSsi^riifi^at !• Sines It proved ig^^siKle

to ^^bmstWi reBB®!a|j©r* ^ad reooa^ sssctaratalj^ all aspects of tfe© aniJ^is* be-

Imvicr m a tri&l» i^as plae«^ is^n ai^^seh of tb@ saisaX to

«I>J©6^, wt^ vipm tl^ cj^jrrsfetaess of tb©ir cteoi<aB»» The pa?esi^ mode of

cosset uitii the ofejeets ^ms r®e€srd®d as r©ii38tr^r»d> and omj after 1±ie asod©

>of appr<:Na»ah» and tJl:^ objects ap|^*<^^ii^ eoxitacted U9r« r^oordod* rjholc«s

vm^ seor^ m oorreet or incorreet» c^pemdif^ mpcai ^tietber tfee cat i^LPst ccsa-

tacted th© positi^ ^jeot, or the **ocaT©c't** te&t ofejdct* tho place at «hlch

the choice aas n^ifswi m» asc»t«dti©d aeoordit^ to tfc© oriteida for scoring

f# M, md f e^oiyed ia ExperS^ei^ I.

; - i^''' !''>? O-''


TabQ.© 7* IJ^ ^*^3#i^*it jaaasares iiidicstod ap© ttee xa^[^r of trials on

tl^ 4is<rrl^i3ati<3s pr^txLe® (i.e., tlie oSd aisi csa?yeot stiRsalas ^b^ct versus

tb* f^syap ^gati"?® «*^!i5ts)s tte total iw^r of trisls {incli*dtii^ all

IJMassr^ iat«r trials la ^sfelcfe tbs positive '3fej©ct ms pp©sen-t^ aiaae,

plmi, tbte da.s^5^sitixstiiSi trial©), ssid tb© iMu^ier «>f t^i^iuing days required

<X) to tl^sssistj^t© b®tt®r*tfe^i-cfeanee p&rfmrmme (six esrpect oi2t of an sr-

Mti^rtij d©te3?f?3ii^d blo<^ of imi trialsj p » •0O6)f (2) to reach the

p&vfmrmm& crit«>ri<m rsKiiiired baf^ret l^imifi^ o^^ertratiniag (foartwa csot

of tbe ia#t fifMMm trlsl® tsssrfi^ mi tfee first atti^^). Also issdicated in

ts^)^ 7 th& wsfiiXT <5f ^Tfmr^ d^i^ «yi?ertrsisd?^. >^8tna sexI

p^rst^ ©ats. tn m mm s ^bLlfls?«^«« signifleant at the .05 lev-el ob-

taimd, ^tiidli Indicate t)mt thm ti?o training grmi^ss <21d as>t siifffer relii^ly

\n tar^s of t1a« €sas« ^ith ^^eh tb^ l&scrmd ti» diserimiiiatimj^ <sr th®ir

istability of ipmrttsp^mm during owrtraiaiiig*

fz^ining trials m> tgst dg;^s* &i ta!al© 8 are pspafflsntsd tl» s»an

t>er<s©?it contact ©hoi<s©9 (Q'^) and c^^trect trfsoioes scored F or (indicated as

F* in this taM«) for ©sc^ e»t ia tJi© fcrightmasHaorsaal lari^atr»ss-rav©r»^

coRditicjin. liisi^ticii of tl» table rerviMils that^ althosj^ tl^ir daoice per-

fc^iascsB iiia$ relatively \mifor5s «ad quite Idgfa* the cats varied coasideriibly

in Xim ^mKimt of ecsreet c^ioes i^ai^ at a distance. In this ri^ard the

pp^fsid cats sajf have beea sec^^hat msre imiforfn than the l»Bd.s05er© <^tSf al-

thst^b the £ test revsgals «o sy^tes^tie differensses bett^een the two grc»xps.

M^mm*9 f liid ce^jisifcid ia ord®? to co^jore the overall brlghtaese-


t f-4

O $4 f~4 r-4 *H f-»

f^fi ® H

o tr>o m CD

f*^ r*f

C}\ <MHi HI


Hi e

^ 'a h^ iS

€0 H O CS> U-tH H HIP p ^ ^

^ HI CM ^ MS § 8 ^ Q f^iAC*-

H i-i^ -Ik) iXt iXt i-Xs

5 I 2

litJ2 f

f^emi F©r®®si Oatr^ct. C%aio©s (O*) aisi Correct Choices Sesgped

iioos m tl® tmlM^ trials lim

H31 H34 H36

96 37 96 68

95 €^ 97 35 97 96 42 97 68

F30 a7

98 m 62 f6 6i 97 68

99 56 9% 66 100 60 9^ 61 99 71


aeaml me^sm ^tth ikm la^gfetDB83s<-ip©verse«i w0mB» Tbe results indicate ao

$%g!i^fims^ dlffisraiKjes fc^tii*^ brlgfeti^as eonditl^sjs for eitfoKr 0^ or f*

e«3CT«0t ?^oi^s rsjads by esefe est t^iiap «aasb of the t«st o<»s;litli»:& for tfc»

^eew&ig to fe^tli^r tiisj wmt^ F, M» ar i» fs'to 9 'Ijidicat^

tiaid im^^ of ^^Ic^, r^S!rc£b980- of i^t^Si^ thi^ m-m so^sr^ H»

F«r ^® in^s^st pKBpposes © piT^rtj, sar ^ eei^aaticsi of properties,

is <s*msid^?@€l tQ be ©ffectiw If (1) & eat ®ais»8 a total of si». sa» s5ore car*

j^et dioiees itkm total p©s#iKl© Is t«fi) isnder tisst tsri^itiims-^apmai teest

ca«idlti<sa» mid (2) itSkk«s three co* mm correct cholceig (iEJb© total possible is

ftm) w^i&p tiiB feri^tts©s«?**r«(v©nsie4 coiKtltim,. flsose cases in ^teh eriteritm

iMt m34 erlt«rl6si C2)» abc^ iMt ¥llX 1:^ lat«r» Sufflc0

it to say that fal3jsr«> t© seeet tht cgriterlofo {2) is at^ l©sst staggi^ive that

l3rl4gjN^>iEi8»B %st® % faetor ertterii^ into tbe seoeess af tha anisaX in sheeting


*ffe8HP© ar® s&^3f«ii possible mam of ruling sett l^i^tness ss & f&ctorin dstao^Uatisii; the offestiv^sj^ss of a giveot prt^ssrty uaddr tbe ferightxisss-

meml eoe^tifTiit mB ^ Mhlch is indicmted a^b&mm Ami^s&r a^pproAeh «<»tld

i^egaml ferightauss m s fact^ t>iat woul^ help tl» discriiKi3aatl<Mi in tbemvmX c^etditl^ aind hii^lar it in tb& rav^r^l ecssdition* In mish a case it

£3o@t 3pp:*£^^ridt« to tb» ii»st five bi^htiiessHriorisal t^ts,ti^^ior ^ith the flv« bari^itness^reversed tdsts as a isait aad dteterediid

vbetiser or mt ^tatistieaH^r sigaifleaat perfoimsGe is adiieved ^th thesffecjts of ferightiie^ *'c«ac©lle<i c»jt*' statistically* -ihwi this is done, therei® oial^ m» ease awt of tbe nine critical (i»e«, th& txnm In which aprcfserty isas effectiir© oiKker bri#itiw»ss^o3Wial» but n«3t taster brightoess-

csHiditims— fatal© 10 4 10 B below) in viiicfe th* coc^nedsc«w sM xip to the crlt^x^ofi of six (th» tsxture test Sji th& oagatim-


-..g, »rw..wwwiti,iu^«.«iai<i»«w«i.t»w;i^S!^^^triM». .,„,„„ .v^q«fi605^, ., .


m% 101 .i:^ 10^ mk mi im ^ m>



' ' '^'

" % n 31 S 5 ^ 51 ^ 3 ^ 3

% % "5 % %J 3 t 5 t1 f 3 5 5

2 2 2 2 2

a a 3 ^ 1

5 5^5^2 2 5 ^

S 5 ^ ^ 5

P33 1^5 S9? * fat 153 ^5

f .....


• 3 %' 1 I-.' 13 X $ Z 2§ t I 1 I

S ^ 1 t 3% 3 5 $ 34 5 ^ 5

4 t > 33 ^ ^ 3 3

$ ^ S ^ 5

5 3 5 5^5 5 5 5 5


^ Ts^Le^ 19 A 16 B sa?e eiat^r^d tha bia<»sial pr^bilities of

<sli^iQiC® omwsim!^ far essh oa^* ewtiag: critariou (1). Tho;^ ess^ ia whidi

critarioia (X), feiat not srlterlon was s^t- s^re dtesigiat^ \^ following

tfe» «Hfepf • prol3sbllitl»s Tfeble 10 A refer €«i>ly to the efeolees secsred

F ssp M. ^^tms ssHlf^st sd^- a distsQcs©)* and th& probaMilties in

Taixl® 10 B r©f@r onlj to tise choice® ©eoi:^ i c&oiees isiaalfest near

tim ^Jeets). th@ pral3ibiXitl«s lE^€sate€ lii) fable 10 & viex^ calc^ilateti

iMiifig %mi m tl3s^ ttsitsfcl pc«i^Mi© ^mr^* tl^^se in fable 10 3 -mm oalcalated

win^ t<ia sinaia tfe** t^tal isa^aer of correct ahol<s«s s«c«p©cl F or M**» Thiis,

thi^ hig'^riiig «n^«>s iia Ti^btU 10 4 sm Mmtlml idth th^»^ In Table B»

ia tbat mX:^ thuim mm^ is »bli^ six -^ar aei^- ©orr^ei ctiolees isere Tifere

eatared. Tb© t>rq^:@^llitl^g . b<3Ssie(Vw» ®r© diff®r@it, sijEsee thmj reflect tbo

4i8trifeatl<»i s>f a©«ap els©le©a. a^saig the six ©r ,aap® l^t isere ccarrect

la each esse. In fcrisef, the ||nssen<|@ of sis entry Urn. ©itber Tabl© 10 A or

Tal^e 10 S indicate© fear estefe cat» contsstt , and property tested that that

ptop&rtj ®ff©etl'¥t th» lari^tiiai^-'jiox^J. e«Ksiiti£mt aad the pmmme

or B\mmm of *^ ia^cfate^s wisetfc©r or assft tb© ^arlghtt^ss-norsal effective-

xmtB -ms ^tiggted % s rm&rsuX -of brigbti^ss relatiasishlps.

lb© ©B^ntisl f<^tw®gf ©f th® r@js?2lt® ppea^t^d in T&blsa 10 A and 10 B

are itidieatad in Figure 5* 2^ this Figures tl^ positive ajad restive ob;5®«^s

m®^ for eaeh property test^Kl, «^boh c««xt«xt» and e&ch trsining groi4> (i*©.,

hfpispber9«'<|55>s>itlw |5?r^sid*posifeiw) are shos^ii diagi^^asmatically , and the

^!ich8i^©d ocaitexrfc These resalts »i!ouM appear to s^apport the rulingmt of these eriti<^ cases m the basis of tl» brightai«» scares*

*i *€!^i9e** is here <^fin©d as a given ea^iiJaticsa involvii^ cxao cat* qobprsfterty or pr*o|^rtj-K:oii^iimtl£«i tested, ai^ on® contort*

**fhe rationale b^iii^d tJ^se calfl»2lati<ms Is the ssjae as that presented <xi

peg© ^2. ,

; ;v., . , . ,v -.-t..

MiiG^ijSLX ^itsl^illties of CTi^c© Oecarrwtsc© of Cc«T©<st i:aiai^s ade fcgr

lAefe E^^^re-positiw aad ^raaid-positi^ Oat far I^acii Gcmtextaad laeli Property T«&st<^ in which '^i3c or ifsare C^srect Choices

mr& Made in tl» a?ig^^ss-n<a*2sal C^aaditioo ofSa^rl^iit II (De^djsals Catted)

Probabilities 1 Scored

H36 331 EI3^ H36


0066238®120 000

623006 120 032

890B032 032


iro 806


321^ 8'90



032120B 890000 321




Jidii^h i'^i^mid-positive Cats



restedF30 m F3? rl9 F3e ^33 F35 r37








to 321m006

032G06 120









a. theiSB sc<Mre8, th» total possible correct » 10»

b» io entry mam that the eat failed to obtain six jar isor© ctareet, in-cludiog choices secured H»

c, »B** follo«iag ai3 entry laeaais that, in that cooditioQ, fewer th&n threecorrBct mit of five possible choicets yiere raad© VLtv3»r the barightness-reversedt«st conditions.

1131 H32 I0if 106 mh mi ¥Qk E36




iSi TO 0m m?

itm turn §27

^0 017 30?099s 0OOB 056 0003^^*" 005 008 000 000

fjf^8rid<-'|S0sitiir© Oats


Itf a3 a? F19 P33 F35


m 01? »

006 mQ Oa^B QIO 148002 059 W 0X7S§3 059 002 027 008

©S§ 027 mZ 0Q2 200

000 000 000 000 007mo 10^ 027 ^27 000

4. Fop iks^m m(siem<i total possible cca^eet « 1^ *• wber@ '^p*

is Vm xm^sm mermX mmtm^ f a# $m t&sst for ^plaaatisa.



















>•H G-P 03






!^ UO ct3



>TS•H C-POCD UCm 03Cm';m








•H O-Po;hCD 03Cm CDCMd



















> bO•H C-p 03



> M•H CP- 03


1 1^CD CD

> tiO

•H CP> 03


Oh 0


> M•H CPi 03

03^M OCD CS pi

CD CD>M•HCP>oi•H^to O

Oh pi


> bO•H C+-> Ol

03^bOOG CS ^3



O. to
























. o












O 03Cm (U


>t3•H C-P OSOQ) ^Cm 03





U UO 03Cm (1)


>T3•H C4^ cC

O0 f^Cm 03Cm Cm







> c•H O-p

Q) 03Cm CO









O Jh

0) 03Cm CDCm




^^ MO 03Cm (D


•H C4-> 03o0Cm 03CmCm







CO CO 00






0 0

•H C-P 03


0 C

! 130 0> M•H C-P 03

CO oo c

I 'Td

0 0> M•H C+J 03

03^txO O0 C^ ?3

0 0> M•H C+^ OS

CO oo c

I t50 0> ixD

•H C+J 03

03MO0 C

-p ri?H 00 -pO, CO

o 0


0 0h ^0 -H-P CO HK -P0 rH ri

Eh aO





QfM 0.0^





3 Qr-i I


















Pi •H-Po(D







> ns•HP"DOO005





C cU

>H C-P 05O<D U^ 05





O rdCm r>


>t5•H d-U CTi

OO H'•H 03<PCmK—

















I T50) 0)

> MH C-P 05

•H^cn oo dPh

0) 0)

> bQ•H C-P 05

05^MO(D CS ?!



>•H C-P 05

05^MO(I) CS pi

! T!O O> M•H C-P o5

•Ha:to oo c:

Oh 7i

o o> M

•H C-P 05

ojx;MOo c

-P 'T!

?-< oCD -Pa CO

O (D















®H> C•H O-PO(D CT(






•H d







O ctJ

Ch Q)


>t3•H C-P (TO

och u ;

CO CO-p -P

rSo O

o O

InO oj O^ n) CmC

ro 0) >i>t5 >d•H C •H C-P ai jJ Oo o(D J-i

Cm 03Cm Cm





CD O 00



(U (D

> M•H C+J 03

CO oo c

PL, ^

CD 0>•H C-iJ Ol

03^MOO C


> M•H C-P 03

to oo dOh d


•HC-P O!



I t3(D

> M)•H d-P 03

CO Oo d

0Q) -P0-, CO

O 0










d QH •

a 0^



•HH (-0

-P ^3 CZ3 rP !


nu'^r of eats tmr ^shom teat. cmfiXtUm ^Sis effective in both

brightsiess-aorsjsl aocl t^ightmsss-reTer'Ssd tests is indicated.

Tbfi <2ata pF^iseiitad in tsWjm XO A and IQ B and in Figure 5 are de-

s^ibed holm* First of all, th® overall (i.©.> without regard to place at

iihlcli choice is md&} ^ttmatlmmswi of ^ofe siiigle propertj- aad property-

eQe!toimti<m aot affe©t@d by brlght«^S£-i*e.v®rsal •&?ill be icdieated. tiext, the

iSsta Imloatii^ tb& place at '^teieh the e^^oic© was sm^ie will b© deserlbed* and

tij©fi the mm^ ia «hicfe «sff©otiv©i3aess of a prop^rt'^ car* property cogibination

mm adLtigated b^' ^ightmss-2^T@rsai will ba cmsidered.

fextara * Ifispeeticsn of Table 10 A 10 or of Figure 5» reveals

timt if tim entries mark@cS **B" 8.m ralsd oat* aeaie of tb© b&mlspfaere eats

chos© m tl^ basis af t#Kti2f« dlff®r6'2i@&$ alons* 'lt»»j »<»ud eboose neither a

«ai^@9ct), mr s mc^th f^amid Ija ia?efer«nae to foor rtmgh pyramids

(ti*e i]egstiv©*unete3g©d co?3t©rt.). Cm th^ atfcar fm^^ tmr of the fiv©

i^yraaiid eats cbo^ ecsrsetlj m tbe ^^sls of t^cture when th^ test r^ulr^d

the seleotion ©f a roiigb hemisphere frcm four saicx^h hesdss^res (negative-

ttf^banged)* l»it i(^i©» a roiigh pjirfiMl4 ^«®s to b» picked out itam four smooth

pjFfaadds (pdsltlvs-^aa^teanged),

CjQtling* "vihsa tbe tests iavol-s^ed outiine differences caily, all five

of the be^gpbsre ests would ehoose a ssKsoth h©misph©r© ^Itb e circular base

«^th©r than a saooth ''hemlsii^era^ with a square fess© (positive-'unchanged), and

tmat of th© five would choos© & ro^h ''pjrasdd** «ith a circ^ar base in prefer-

ence to a 3fOc;^h i^imi^ viith & ^qmr^ base (n^ative-imchoc^ed). Ho3><ever»

a»ot^ the pfT&gAd mt» aaly coe wc«iM ^ilect a r^Kigh pyramid with a sqixsre base

in f^fereniQe to f<^ rough "pji^^ds** with circular teaea (po»ltive-»unchaui^ed}.

Foisr oat of the five would, <m the other hand, choose & smooth "tei^sphere*

:-n.-v- ^--K -f'


ffaH^*'Klirr#?it^^8ig^_ y:hm ih& objeets ^^fsar^ only in tto©«-

d3j»aisiomX sh©p©> fmky t3m hsmla-phere cat ^«Kild ehe^s© the correct object


stt^ th^n osXj wtemi tt a s©i4>0tfei bs^sjifeeap©, paresented in the contesKt of fow

ssiooth *'pp^5sids'^ vith oir^ t^ses (^o^itive-tmebaf^ed) . In a Hk© maimr»

%6id3f!ls©r«isi** with square l^®«s (p&sitiv€s-m3©iianpsd) • Uas^v&r, ail

i:?yra^d. cats i-itmXd select s sm^tfe ^p^msdd'' ^^th eirculsr base ia preferoiace

f<s\a* ®iKK>thi. circ'ul^^b^sed fc^mi^^res (mgatlve^uncfesagecl).

^g^jji^ i:^^^rtl@-g » '^hea Vm te^te in ^ic^ prqperti^ are c<^iME©d

are eomld^e^s It Is s^mi thst h^^ggher^ gats u(mld ehoom & test ob^ct

ishea it hM & cirtmlsr h&m wm tiie fiHir ^Jiegstiv^'^ ssb^cts Imd sqtjare bases

(all omtMmtiaa© Isival'^^itig c^tli^j both positive- ard t^atiw-tmctenged

eoat«5fts)» Oaij ttro hefml@|^j^ csts, ho¥©vBr> Kc^d ohossse a sjsooth hsmi-

sq^r® ia pr®f©rj^K?© to ®i rowgh **pp^add*' 'H'ith s eireular (t€Qrture»

tla^-diajS'asiioi^X Bh&p® copMrntloag positiw-usaebai^!^ ^mitrnt)* On the

.0tljer haDds t>^® of tb® l^fS^^ser© eats vmM eh&om a ®®ooth '^cieMispberre''

w±th a ©qmre bss* ia praf^retiee to a rcsogh p^r^sdd ^Ith z s^ar© base

{t«rti]ar«»tfejE«©*dSjKi©asioimi eoss^smtlimt Mg&ti^-.ur3s2ibaa^©d context).

Ba ti» eass® of the pgrraM-d-traimd eats, (mX^ tvo cats vj<xtid choose

® tmghf QlrmXsr^haiB&d '*|:u3r«?sld** in pr^fsr^a©© to s smooth, square-based

pyrmiXd. (tesrtns^-oiitlliie eos^^tioaj poslti'«'®-^unchaaged coastext), wl»r©as all

£liN» eats wmld ebodse % roagh^ ^^isra^based ^teslsp&dr®'' in prefcr^iiee to a

smootht eii*mjLl^«ba®ed b@?dj^3^i»po (textiare-KsatXine c^^eial&ati^f negative-

uiashss^esl cfiKJt@3tt)« V/b»n the oorract ^Jeot «as a pcKtgh pyraaaid and the in-

oorr^t «to,^cts mire s^aoth as¥i roi^«^»d* «flth all ob^ets havixig a^uare bases.


QfiXy three pfrSBld cats i^mld chaos?® th© correat object (textupe»thr«e«-

dia^nsl<mal ^tape c<d^in&tlim; po^tiim-un^^in^ed coatfitKt.)* When tl» bases

airetilar» ^ssmmTf all flv@ <^ts w<»2ld ehoose Uie carreci object

<t©5ftts^«tb3r®©--<lia5©mlGaal shape oo^lasetioni pc®ittv««xm©lMK^ed c<»it©3ct).

Flssally, all five cats ¥s>\3ld chocjse & mmr&^h&s&i g^rasdd in preforeao© to

@ elpealsr-based heaiisp!^r©s reg&r^esB of the tesrtisre of tbs objects (outline-

three*«dls®nslonaI shajse co^lostlonj positive* a*^ atgative-uncha^ogod coa-

texts) #

fbfe j^iti^a itt li^gh the ebolt^- Is sBsaoifest* la ordknr to uncovw any

relstionsMp h&tm&n tb© tmture of the efftectiv© pr<3|»rties and tlia pia43e at

^liieh th© correct choice sfss i^de, Fisl®r*s (195^^) Chi»^usr© jaetbod for com^

biaic^ probabilities vses applied to tfe« data ia Tabl©* 10 k 10 B.. Tbe

c«asbin(@d*ppalmbtliti©s for ©very i^instLlt^ tested ia >M>cb t^*'o or more cats bad

©atries (@3tclusiv@ entries rj^rlced ^^B'') mro co&pited. The results ar©

loedlcated la lable 11 aiad again i» Fi^;uro 5> P* ^*

Far chsleess C^aisiderit^tg <K5ly tbs choices ?s«d© at a <£lstazice (F*),

it is apparent tbat for the besalsphere cats, only those tests involving out-

liae dlff#r©i«5©s sdicited a greater-tbai3?-ct^ne© {p <^ .05) n^sb^r of correct

choices. Tba textm^tferee-diBeasioasl shape eoafelnati<wi «as ineffective at

a disttsnc© in both the positive- end the negative-unchanged ccmtexts. For

Psrasiid cats, csi th© oth&r hand, all properties and coaa^inatlons tested,

except for tesitwre, effective at a distai^ in the negative-unchanged

context • In the |:»ositlve-unchan^d contesft both prop©rty-c<^binations in-

volving tbree-dii^asioGal shape differeoces »iere effective, wher^s the

textijre-outline cssnbination was not.

i^ear choices i C^cwaslderlng tbe choices swwie near the objects, it can

b© seen timt in only ease—that of the pyragjjd eats tested in the outline-

vri^Ul- 'ira,-:- •'a^C';' : .^^t.yil^'T-

.U: vV-J ^r'--. ;^'•

C^^fMmA W^mhiMtim CM«squs2*e Ys'li^ f<jp Ftr sad i«»r ChoXttm ferl(Er^s|tjej'«H-pt3slti¥# ssd l^'^^-d»|^sit-t'iP« Cats, far 'tN^eh :'J«»it«3(t «uQd

Ssste l^0p©rty io "Aiiiiofe f'sao €8?- '^^«r« -vat® Seored Six or ''-sare

Scsrr^st sat ^'er© fJ^tffeetsd by -M^tsss® P^-^ktssa in

Am "ate

cmtmt C<mt^-t



3^i IS 8 li&»7*

toIf; 21»6*** 6



4f # dt

t ....



10 4x.a***







tbre€H«di^nsi<H5al ©hspe cas^inatiosi in the positlvet-tsacbangod condition

i^©r© all objects yiere rough ia texttir©), v&s thor© a failwe to aake

s gi?©ater-thaa--c-haric© mt^aer of choices.

The sliigle csaee© ml Include ia the smlysls pafeserrted in fable 11

ar» not ftiia^afous* 13^^ wsmM ch«K>so aa the basis of thr«e-disiensioiial shape

^haa tb» saatlio© and texture «»f all ob^ts i^^are positiv®, text csily in th»

«ear slttrntian Cp » .010 for mmri p » .623 for far) . Irecl^ly the ssas©

sltustiofi hoM-s for P35» I'be dats for P19» hossevsr, iQcoocIusiw. ^^hea

outlim dlff^renees mm tested ia « c^imtert of th© poM.tive texture and

thres-diaeasioaal sh®p©, neither far nesr choi<»s cacceedted th© .05 level

of cxwailfisme (p .120 for farj p - .3^7 f«5r ruear).

The effects of hgl^iitaesf re-g^grsa^.. Farther ^t««iaati«a of tables

W k aaad B» pp. 63 and reveals tim fsXlosiag with regard to the

entries isjark^d & the first th^re i^re seven stioh eases far the

h©5si^ji3®r© cats ever^T cat was affected iii at least owe test corKliti?>n)


wl^ress far th© pp'amid mtSf there mrB mly' two siieh esses* This would

iiidicEte that role of brighttsess wss greater for the hemisii^ere cats- Second-

Igr, all of the ®ff@ct@d hessisphere cases consisted of tests involving

teottors and/«r throe-dissftnsional shape differences. of the pyr&a^d cat

eiusee involved the for testttsre, and the other involved theteorture-

mitliji© coi^teatloR. Thirdlyt it epfpears thst for these sam cases in the

briEhtii^SB^noanaal co^aa^tloan the correct choices ^re Jsade predoseinantly near

tl^ C)b;)ect$. this ce^iasioaa is bas^ Mpcea tkm fact that* with ti^o excep-

tion®, th& Mnofisisl prdbsbilities are assaller for tbe near choices than for

the fer choices. {-Om of the two except!oa» is H32, in which the textare-

three-dltaensional ghape eoi^inattoa in the posdtiveMincheaged condition «ss

affected~-p = .032 for f&r$ p - .264 for near. The other exception «as ?35»


.-v,--. :.i-, :k.- ^jjfU: ^"^/.. 'mi Ma r

n-a. -^-^;:v^- -.


£m ttie text^-^^^ss*.!!!:^ eosbisstiofi in the positl'vrB-^mcbar^^d ©o«t€att

TbB ^igtrjlsBticHa aad posltic^ of Isygorreet Voices . For the purposes

&i mmljsts of til© GXT^xm iBsde caa tbe t^st trisXs, Table 12 prepared* Sa

this tabla are i3di<mt©d tfee percent incorret^ choieejs searai F ar M for each

©sts© not ©rjtered ia fabia iO A 10 B. (I.e., for ewry ^rxtry in Table 12,

five ©r aore enrops i^a^re j^^.} it i@ spp&r^t that fcr th© herdsphere cats

the isaj'3rit>* of &PTmmms choices mk^er tha posltive*unchangod cofidliti<»is

mm at a distaa^ (p * .0^* fc^ two-tailed sign test), «t^r^s those

iii tfe© i£i©gative-ujiohai3g©d eos^tisms "*©re is the vioinity of the

Cp * 016» sseGlxsdli^ zmro peresats, whic^ ar© sseaaainglsss ia this

eotit^ictt i&ifis^, ia thsfs^ oasas* sdl iijs^arrect daaic»s mrm mde at s dls*

taiiQ©). ^Isiil^ly, the acyrjg^id cat^ t®fy3ed to make jKor« errors at s dis-

tance in tJ^ positiir©»as0fesiag©dl e^s^tious. Far tfc»s© cats, tJjere was onlj?

<3Bit «tf s^n^giteen castes In «fei«^ fsw©r tbaa fifty percent of th© erroopa

were scared F ^ H Cp<^ .001)* The ^Eil^ pyr©^^ <sat eiateired wBder the

r^gatlw-orKShs^^ eoMdltign ¥as failed Ib the test for outline,

this cat 33 p^r^mt of its errors at a distam^g.

- the ©ffeet af giagMiiiag trials saoar^ K with those scored ?. In the

ms^fsXB thtis fsr» ehoices soared F and ohoicse seored H ~«?ere both takmi to

iadieat© chalees **at a diet«iee.*' The were included in the distance-

^oi<3e ssstegor^ f^r tws reasons 5 (i) It appeared desirable to distingui^

dholo^ t^®t were olearly s^iaifest in the lassiediate vicinity of the objects

frm those i^re Eaaaifeat at other place. (2) There vera too few

H*ehoices to '^airast luclxKiiisg tl®ss ia a separate category of chdoee. Cons©-

qiientlyi they cortbiiaed with ttse F choices and call^ '^distance-choices."

fhia ratloaal© ^y (sr ®ay not be ^Jastiflable. HoweTrer, Inspection of

^-'i-:-;: -^Uj;, y-^k.-,?*

f-:^ k^.^*''

table XZ

l¥r®sat of Total ire&e® Secared F car for I^oh He^pliere-

Bro^rty Testid Fiv® or For© Errors k«re Med© underthe aH.ghtQe»s-nca«rEaal Cxaodition in SjrperiisiKit II

Sao-sife S®^gp!^r©-p*2*itii?e C^ts

Qsm^ss^ .0

1114 1131 102 104 !06 H14 zoi 1134 voe

f i-oo 111 ^ 90

XOO ^ 100 .86-

33 00 33 1700

40 20 43 17

'KCMie'h Pvrsiisi.€i»»

F19 a3 P35 1^7 m P30 ?33 J35 ^37



50 67 3& 100 10060 33 100 100

50 100 56 fcie

. .:


• ,5© 100




feetlira, Isit- ®^ fop tm cats ija tis© posiitw-maslies^S coaslitleei, sad for

tl^iNi %M f^i^tlw^im^tetg^ 0sgidlM4m« Iii aH ^^m* i^asois )dias«

%s»t«sr@ w ^^ismm*^imm^m^ ^liMmmmsm mm the ftffoctivs*

^s»d^il^ fh& ^m^%mmm ^^ p*9pir&f^(^3toiloei£ tested

$ii tlae |se®iM^MHsa*eiiaa®ed ^^siadlitl^ is^p^ tern mt tO' est. .!lois»ver> the

i ..; - . t :-\v J:-

• -.r ^' -i,^. >^ •:v^^;;.-


dlti*^ with Inspect to **^i«sh ti^ two experi^nts ai^ css^parj^©, it is sow)

tJiat is both eacperiaoeists t!5y& psRPdsild eats t®^3ed to choose <m the basis of

all tfearee of th© single properties j textore, owtitrie, snd three-dimemsiooal

siiape* wh»p®&8 the oaly effesti^ property fer the heasisphsr^ cats vas out-

line. i:orecs*¥©r, t^ z^lstisnBhi]^ bet?«?©®n effective properties aad tbe place

at whiefa choic© was a^ifest we® confirs^* in that texttire> mftsa effectiv»,

w&s effective aalj in the mar sltastioEi, %?h©r«sss outline arsa thr©©-

dlBsmsicsmi shs^ merB, in a nairfc^ of esses, effective in the far situation,

&B mil m %Xk tbe» xm^ situatiax^.

The S?g^iti's^*u)^?teyi:^. -<$0Rt#3ct . It m$^Sft^ m the basis of the

rf^tults of ^spetrijaMit I which indieatedi that mXj ©utHa® «as effective for

thde he^dsi^re eatsu wl^^oa® tmAver^t outline^ tl^ree>«iis3ensianal shape

mr» ®ff««tive for the pgrajsid csts» that tfc© Ijstr^efeetima of the positive-

\K:«3fbsstged e<Ra^tioa ¥cftil(i increase the ©ffsetivaasss for the hemisj^re cats

of properties t^t»i singlj. "Ihls suggestion i«s aat c^afii^eed by ihe results

©f B3Cp®rijr«K* II» Indeed, the mmt apjpsrent effect of th& introdactiaai of

the positivaMiachaaged coi^i^i^ «as b reduction » for the p^nr&i^dd cats, of

ti» ai^jssreot ©ffectiveuess of all three properties testawi siHigly. This ef-

y feet, m the other hand, ttot ^s&n is the case of the h^isphere csits.

fhis findite is quite Intereatiog, arsd sow es^atsetion for it «ould appear to

be required*

If the effectimiess of all the sissgle properties as demonstrated in,

the negative-unchanged eojstext can b© assiajoed, then one possible explanation

f^ the lm££m%%mmm of sli^le ^rc^rties in the positive'-unchenged context

for the p^rmM osts, b^ not for ^ie b^fdspltere eats, presissts itself. This

explanatis»i uo^ild involve iim wssmptioa that the cats vfero reacting posi-

tively to any object i^ving (effective) positive features, without regard for


it5? rjspsttve fegtiires. If this Is trut«» thmt In such a casa as that of the

t^t nm in the positive ecmtext* isi i^iob all ob.5*^t0 h«d sosio p^^tive

f€istur»s» the distrita^Gxi of chei^s smix^ the ols^tg i4oald teod tcf&srd

€th$m»9 «fcieh t@ ^mctly what haii^md* Th© fail^ar* fcjr this i^vKKasoenoo to

be ^sxAtmt %xi tha i^mis|*©r© oats woald a^ypatr to reflect th© relative lack

of eff&tit±mims& of t^jctur© ared tlsr©e«*<5iiaensioQal shape* Thtis« if cxHf out-

lij» isare ©ffdcti"^©, its ©ffecti^sessi^ eoaM mt p^jssil^ be laitigatcd

by the tsres^K^ of sny ather (ineffective) fe&t^ire of the pc^ti^ object.

At lesst two otl»r features of the date stii^ort this hypothesis* Th©

fact 'Uiat a ^ferity of the iB^arrect ohaiofts ws^ i:^ tbs iigprasaid cats in

th© li^ffsctive pasiti^^oaehsnged ct^ditioi^ wiapm imoXfmt. st a distance

£i:@g€®ts that the sMs^ls ^ere> m. a imiESser of tlm^ trial©, rsaeting to one

of the tvs masted properties, oatllae aa* tla*^-diiswG®ionaL shape* which wra

sho^ ia the ssegstiv© esmtasst to he effective art s distance* Furthewsore* th©

ixubtte^tt^m^s of the poaiti>^«%^l»!^^ ontlim-three^^i^nsional shape c<»b*

blmti€si fcir near <^toi^s for these cate also st^ports this li^stxjthesis. Thus,

If» tost mm r@ft£sm» a corriSK^t choice v^re v^K mstds at s distance^ the cats

1^:^ haw teocbd to mke near choices cm the basis of text\2re, in ^ sU

five objects i^o^ pt^itive. {Oa Vm other harad, the sti^s|>ort given bfy this

^i£l«et i© relatively %sesk, i^ias® tl^re «ere only a smtll Bsisber of possible

ecsrect choicee in that situati(»iy doe to tfa^ dos^iir^nce of distaoce choices*

SonseqacKstl?, the statistical tests ^ould appear to provide less reliable

ir*4ic©s of ssipiificance*


t% iribeuld be noted that the present hsnp^theais is contrary to one

point of vie^' Ce.g** Sp«m» 1957) *ihidi stJggests a gr&dietit of inhibiticm

sres^asfii the js^stiv© stlTJaal^s* The present results ssr© interpreted to s»an

that the features of the latgstive objects play & relatively s&inor role in the

-^v r A '.


js-eseist ex|»riissrstal sitmtion. W^^ther the sas» wijuld hold true if caily two

«>l>jests, rather than five obj«0ts> vjosild b» papesented caimot of csxirse b©

s!3s«©r©d h&r@m It shomi4» feoi^v^r, b© pointed out that b<3fth fj&teT (1939)

lis^ia ^akifi# (19^3) sogg^st tlist tlie properties of the positive

trainii^, stiasiuji {m^sXbf ^ssdd pattePB^i- Mls»e«i and Jenkins objects) ore

dominant la t»0"Chol<^ ctiscarimiflistion sltusitlaiis* them experiaients viil

b© dlsca«i«Bd in mor& ^ietsil ia tlias foUc^n^ section.

III» ffe». tla^ ^^QT r^as^ms t^ar this ^^pfessis arss iX) the testing v&b joar©

tte^o^te ia BTp^rimis^ tl$ ia that tiis po^tive»4JS^is®^€i«i# ss ass theI

««ifmt4^*5i;3afi^]^©d imS:mt, mpl^y&d» and ^dditiot^ tests mire Intro*

€tJ2C©<l. SkXlm JTai* tt^ mmmmat of tfce role -^f ferlgbtmse dl:fferenia»3S

I it) « larger rm^lt!!^ of cjats vwa In J!^^eri@^9^- II| (3) tiae t-rsiRini: s»d

^Ob other l^sad* tiftta Jf3^e«4.B^wt J ^s«58,««ed -fils^ it ha9 a

2^ ^H^mssi^ %B diivl^^ isito fivo parts. In Urn fir^ part, the

prapertl^ tlis istlsftil^s ^jssefts tdlX l» r&^orisideinedi frosj the point of vi«v

s»f tte#lr proje^iti^ i^Ksn tb©- retijw of tte© itsA at t-ht tl?**! ^ cho3.e«« ?aa«3©

5t a dl^fei^ee md u»ar the object©* In the second part, e^airj siisllsrlties

fe«timisG tl® r©s-altii' tl3^ p3n&®^t (sxpsrlas^t smS restilts i;8sbilisi»d bgr others


^h«sr stuimls m mh^i^Bi %fill ^sm^sed* I& ti^ third pftrt» s.

t©atativ©s M a^^lsimtiao ©f th» llisdlag& will b* ^fltersdl* aw# so6» »d-

•fiitioasLl sdbe^rvgtlosisfcl «feta SVoss tha preBerit st«d,T sad t!ie fingiiags of an ia-

^iSfpejjd^t e:sp€Krl?t0iit tbe laidter be iatroetaoed in ^p^Ksrt of "Uae axplana-

tloa. la that fia^rtfe paapt is^siiicatlsms of the ?3?es«nt fiindli^s aad of the

«Kp|jtmtiQ£i aff#f^ for thfi^^ fcr tis® oospsnttiw of perQ*ptii6l proo»s»&5

I £so]


msd tfc^ r^^t^omMp Wmm processes t© ^sm^rsX comaraiivai ia&uro»

I^^lgSil emsidteratlQiis Mi31 bts disc*!^^. the fifth |«B*t c^>?s^?it9 will

tte© |W|>0ii® of tfets gro^iioii 1® to IMis^t© wli^t aj^ j^myssM^ the

iMsife a ^^sslse Has ^$ms^ f w K (immit^^ rnlX^ th® sitQ33itloji'*)» and

tlw »it?^l» Is. a <slDDts!f» seared i (fetre^ftir' th® ^^tjcar

3slt«^i^*)* ffeKs is t-^ ppoNsrlsle s c^stesit ?fslt^* far rmM.X'Siig tis©

psfsfe^iit jpi@.;^t# to th&m &f pim^m^ ^e^lJQj'li^sKts gad: to th» of^ratios !;>f

S-^^ far a ^sti€«:sari 'Sfe^^i. e^-^ In tfee far eituatten*

iba^kfpe^id. It ts ©leser tb^* so mmii^redp s bssie property -^f t^ns ob^jeot

is Its r®la%i«sislAp t^' %sssk^«iBd* %}mt this ig: etjuivalerit to the

tli»: ^>Sfi» wltMn this esicfXosed &m& «tll b® oallsd **int©3?£jar'' feattares.)

*It tltsisetl4 IS® palntssi arat ttest feiaj^rtil^ ©ffeets are ignorsd ia thiis sec-tion* Sosjsii^ratim of tfmm ««Jild» }^3mpmPt mt afRawHsistbiy cbaiafe tl» conclu-m%mm 4mm. bml9 ^ this ms^sl»*

m^fmm^t^ -im %\m far ^tt^l©a ^ iattsml ffest«pe», eaaisisting of on©

^sss^ iissi f«sr i^pm^iMX mrmB differing in brightaas®* as a result ^^fffei-sesji dis^i^iti<m@ in •suf tfes flw frojii s\^l^cj«fs of the p^if^mid

ssasss s^^tit^te t^latimlir bc9r«d«^y ths t^ssiture of the objects

m^ern® t® tlis^ail^^ tfeis a&arpiss?-- Other i-«t©3?miX fe^t^aw e^nslst in m uas-

n^a^m&tlt ^M^^^%im dt m&ll darlssr mad I%bt^ ga?ei^ tim»yighoat tbe

tha aatml Is r^iatl'^l^ ewtrlctad th© <^t^3ti<Ki bisx, th» raage of varl*

a%,%m im, t\m i?@t^iml liiiii^ of tbn c^^tj» is not vsTf ^sm^t-

relati^ t© partieuim* <3b;^N^t eo<Kj<wd.tsnt3l^» r^tiaal imge of

«^J&sst« Is ^oD^islBS'&t^Ij mm -wiste* sii^ lo^ilml nmy taka si^ of

th©. <*>^t i® li^^ <Si«wrtlj la fr^aoi, th© i^sr&tsidal tla^a»;'dlgi8asljMSMLl

j^pe WRild hm mpemm^^ W hm^m^t ^ «9tt«apmlt tmtm?^ as wen as W i«*

tsraal f@ati^g. 'rhe rslatlv® eoe^rtetimi tbe <sj£tX|L^̂

the bas© to the

bor<l®r f#atiar^ var^ Inwsjmly %4th <s<s5r^rifeatitm of thp^«

swstiKi li*^ ssigs©' iatt<srrml f<&ati33r«s, siae® th» sjb^ct c«uld never b« -vimmd dl»

3?«ctl^ €i»om Its side. Ife® i^irfa^ t^napa is rm^xmtm&sd siostiy i«t«pnal

fsat^a?^, althssigjb it lifts m «ff©ot ^ip«m «etters»l features wollt sAnc© th«

of th« i^x^t^d are me^ssarlXy sosaerehat Irreguler.

Ss8<g0th l]t@^a^i^^^* Ctfwasriiiwrix^ aaxt th© retinal isa^ of tbs »B^h

b0al^pte<&* it m^sM m^ipmsp that ia tl»» far slt^lqa« (a«tlla» simp» is rtpre*

®©itt»d % bssB?^ f^^Etos^^ ^rs«t«pi«»d fer reiatlv«l3r stjraag brlfibtn»»« con-

trasts. Its thre#»<li^e8agiQafel shap©» m tfc© other harjd, is reprasented by a

H, . : M.^-"^'^- -v:''^*!,-;' -

. •y^lyfeg^-

, .;- '.-v-


-. -v v.^-v


«^ ^rter gross p?©®!^t -Us© th© psys'si^d*

III tlse iie^ ^It^tisgi assist ^j^i^^^daUseii^mgLl sbaye isare

fr^ps^.y b© ssaes ^alSKt a l3S^si;rofu«yi partially oa ooft car both

^tmM* 0liM^t«4t h^^^-^^t tl»»' bri.^x^!iiB$$ t^JfiMr^dQes

tim^imXlf) «ff®ctlv® .|^9®tw«© of 1^ r^tii-atl is^s^es the objects. It

sf^ssfep® pfrmtA osttm* tMs h5.i«itJii»»li? Is 4r»^ ppixsartXy fSpoJB- the ef-

ftestl'BSKiassf «3>f ^tllfSSf lii tim far «lt\istls8:i si^ in tha asar sit\mtioa. i'hft

#ff®ctivssm.®3 of tla!*®^-tt$,s^si©5aaX #iai|>e 1» the mmr situstlcyn* Is

tlti^ p»o|>srtf Is r^y^-s^r^^ed In psart externally* &?<mld t«*>d to sui:^x>rt this

h^p0tl3®sts» sltfea^i^ %4t3^»SEt vea^ taich certainty, dwo to the fkct that tbx^ee-


; -iv, - - r.:i. '.fi J\. j;;!®-if';5,


r:^,,^ ; -,' \

%tm fm" tl^ ^^ii!4i ^sat. fsr the bsrsispb^r® sate, stM (2) tl^e «ff^tlv&-"

^ %m%m^ ^^ ^etr sitiantto for ttsa p^rdig l5i5t- for tl» hsasl-

e'^ls^© «rfts# 1^ «^tl<mal f^etur© of tla© r^ult? aai^pcsgrtlisg thl® e^mfc«fatloo

is mm 4a tte# ^is»s^s ^jlai^s^ in tbt laBPigbtms^revarsod «sc^-ilti?«%» The

lms^i^^mp0 «at0 tppwsgd t^ b* ^s^m^i^^rs^I^ j&ar# afffeeted this iwwrwd

ifem tis© pjTft^^ mt^* M M m^. dUtitoiilt to e0««^iv» #f ©vi©rsll brightness

©fej#«?t, 3% l#fe!i^t to the ®itsa»tl^, "y«? brighter 4aHs«r) ob^t

lii'^pjsatly iM mm ^^iml a "^ckiricsa^ c<^lstis^ of stl^ cbjeets of a dlf*

ftoKit trlgfcti3®«s. (!-«• Urn hr%0i%mm Mft&rmmm mrnXd teiiad %?> '^set «ff**

tfes s^JsNSt th& M5se»at ^«») of tbe ^erreet choi«®s tbat

'mm % hmA^^kmrn est^ m those ^igbtim©*ii?aml t«6t eoadttiosiB

^ SBsar »it«l-l43isk Tkiit» It 1» mmm^mM» sosseliJrite tliat* in tb»

I^i^l®®»*«s0ra^l <s«S3dlti«^» tfe© ©ffeotiveaaoB® «tf t»:Ktare thawH^lp^asioaal

^&p& {In those f«M 1b «hli^ ttisy sffWtivs) i?ss?olv©d th*s© subtle

ifl^«tiim ^ 1^9^ ilNe&Qlts t« ^»8ait3 of OfJImr ExpttKUmaUm

Thr^ f«^ti^s of tl^ prss^at r*s«lts ft|sp««5r to be at ]L©s«t pertly re-

l^tiib^e t^ 3f*@railta ©f ttudies xt»im^ Esther saaiBaXs m »ubject$« the first

i^ieismm 3r«sl« &f m^im» «r ss ^tlmd 1^ bordi&r brightness c^sv-

&i£me^> the ^ot^stssi^ in %tiieh t@st objects sre i^^e^^t^* snei th» third

ommmr^ thB differences in is^ii^^:Svmmm af isaptjaia |:a's^i^i©-s nil a f^nctioa

mXd ts^th©r» it vmM sfJijaar tli^t oailirsa shape is <xil^* fetture of

tlm B%$mO>xm ^^mts t|j#t mm *^^mst$^l^f* «^«M3ti'?»*»that i&t that ms «ffee-

tiv® for 3t l#a«t ^ssle^ finr Qf tN> c&tn* If tbls cim be interpreted

as ifKlle®ti% tbi to&tiomJ- ts^s^rl^t^ of iijfgafsratloa osrH^ tgr the borders

the obje^et®, ttei the r^s^t^ sm siM^Mp to tb^se reporti^d W Wsjmm

(If55^) ^ I^aiiisrl34^ sqd f^^^iaajo (IS^56) » llsase aaitb(M»s, it

1^'ill rtoaXl«d) m|><»rt@il tMt p^f^may^se m Gol.or t^^srli&ljssitioB tasks

was l»ttj^ if tfe» differs^ijitiag eoX^ -ms looted at t^ bordftr of tb» j^,^ct

or t^»m if it lam [email protected]€^ in c«!it«p«

^4ishii^' (19^) r^orted tbstt in tfe» c&m of the rat, extenml

imMmm tim 4i^s<^Pij»i}^«3aslii t«exl to^ 4f»sii^t^ &ltlKK3i^ tbe effect %b Hao

& ftoti^ssa of tfe» reisitiw €t^sspi<^i<»i^r»^ of the ii^«rml l%ur». Bo also

iiif«isi tern h%s> tfest rats rsa«ly to the total fig«r©» t«wii^

indti^ to foi^ |^pt*f1^sa?i®» la this r^ari l» liadio&t^ t^ **Th» »o5t

ii^jorissat fsetor in dtefifdi^ th« part-figijr© is tbe roistion of the stimhia

card to ih» sarrossadir^ frsm*^ ip» XSZ) It woald a|^©ar tt^t, if oo© co?i-

Bi^^mm t^ artliissX^ l^ttiem* tli» e&3eA» aol tlie £m«» as a **8tijm3lii3«QBit,''

r^js^mlj «Kt«rasa featisr^s of the ^stS^ue^nmit*' «sro doadnant in the rat

Ha. J^-^ ^he Qg^tg^- ia t^hich tests, are rjm« It will be recftlled

tfc®t ia ^^peri4r^at II the pjnpamid oats esdaibited an apparotrt. lack of effec*

mtiymm^ pi^spartl&g -test^ singly ^^j^ the t^ts vei^ run in a sitaa-

tioti ifi 'sMoli tb® tmd^^3^fi xsmXVkm trsiala^ ob^jao^ s^rv^ as tbe odd and cor-

ii^ mm pm%ttm msd mom m^tim w^fp$n%m* tha^e mm ppop^rtiea, ho**-

tft^t^l M m eositai^t la -^ieb. the fow i^aticssil. oai^tlvg trairdofc;

.^•^^§ ^^p^ J^^S^s fs-sffirect- object Imvin^ both positive msd

x'm$st'km pre^5«^i®s-» quit© «ff1esti«©. Sis^Qar results have beaa raported

Isf- llt#sen sfjsS rS^^im Clf^3). fb^e lii'8«®tigst«rs used efeiopimseess as sub-

Jssts in m m^mriMmt^ ih^ d^lgn of fcljloh ^ats #^i«®^iaily ti® saj» as t>mt

of H^xp^fl-i!©^ 12. tfea ^id^ls iiBPS tx^ifsed la & twswsholc® sitt^tloo to

^lisari^mte ^fe^^s tSlltSia^ing isk '*color" (blsok vs. ifhito) sad @i&d» Thay

tm^X mn tests f<Kr tfe© f^latiw »ti&s^tmmm pro^jeriy xsxiBfr botfa

l><*M.tiv«-^ajighsa3g»cl ^ra^ tse^atiw-^ia^tiSBa^ed G<wjfditi<^« 11*^ found that twins-

f@r$ regardlitess of the propsa^t^ t»i^t5«l» i^fas bett^ ^itss^ th© oa^tive-uncbanged

e.sis3diti<»S:« "Iteir @^^li&-fiati<»a ftsr tMjs fiadEle^ vss si^Usr to that ©ffered

a^»¥@ th® tixiM^B &t the |a%s^^ ^i^j^riiaftsst— tbat the aaiiaals w«ir«

a-esetig^ pe^tjmM^ to prs|s®rti©s of ths positl^ ^%Jeet«

3£ positj-ga traiate <^.^s^t.* Tba^ pr^mA «5q?®ri«©nt

sls0 d®«^st3?^t»d t^t tb© ©fJ'scstii^^ae^s I'sstees of V» ab>et r^sresoatod

in tbg leetiml im^ m '*iaters^** festia^es difi<er««iti8LU.y effectiv* for

tbi0 l^d^^^»-|x!^sitiv«f Slid p^i^eH^^tivs sat^. If these results are at-

tribatabl# to the fact th&t th® poeltlife ©isdi/or iiegative c^:^jec& was diff^sraat

tm- tb® ti» gr^apSi tl^ tA»^ s^seaewliat eisdlar to the rssults of two

#arli^ ^i^^&rimm^f boib of used pats as subjects. Chan^g (1936; cited

hf Mmm ^mikim9 19^3) ^^pssiasd mts to di^rijsdssata tvo-diwKisional

stimlms p®tt»rs43 tliffi^ir^ is ssad si«e. found ihet rats trainod to

choos© tfe larff&r sf tb© tmo patterns t^«3s^ to resp«3d on tha basis of 5ize»

.7 :y ---^. J:..t- - vc.^- ,.


--.^^ ' ::v-:: --.y:.,

" '


J'-^:t s*'/:^:-


^^basrmB r^ts ^.iwn^ %^ 0m»m smile? p^tsra t«od©d to respond m ths

feaslg 0t tssm* Lat@r --al^ (1^9) ®i«o r&^et^ that r^ts !i8i»d» dlfl^trwrit

m^risX<mm iN^Gtl^m %n t t.:ps»«^l3olce @itmtic^» ^epmMJs^ *whlch of th9

^Imlm m<4& |}<3tslttv©» fibws rats ^^r© tpaii»d to cj^^srSMmte

s cir«l« mx s. i5Mt« baekgrouad jRposs a ^^te circle af t!bm imm on

® black t5^ekjp*^yjid tib© rats f^r i^scwi tb© IsS^a^ cl3pel« positive (this card

mm JsPLs© tlt0 ta^htiKP, #3® to tl» gr«at«r tsstisCl sssoimt of %«ta.t« -^xi tb© o&rd)

teisied t@ i*»ael m tls& bssi© of tb^ '^steolatit* prsff^rties'^ of the positive

A seo-^m pr^jp oif ^t$ tntitift^ to di^rl^a&te @ Xafps l^lack circle

& $^11^ yi^^ «sii?«ijbi» |9^eseiit#4 ot^ a b&^i^rQ«sid« thorn rats

trsi^ t3 ^s^iis 3jK^pBr eirde t^ded t$ z^poad ^sd tlse Imsls of size*

%b0re&s thsjse traiae*! to elsaaf® %M mmUm <sirc:l© cfesse ^i^mSLmaitX^- m the

INi^ji of trl^^tsi^^. 1^ cmmh^m that the ^s^^itlQte |sr«ip^id0 of the

imltive ^ti«ailm0 csrd sr® iap^^rtsasA <S»t®ps5imj^ »f ^t is learnt, %^3i«e«ee

i^^X^te pf(^rtid@ of the- aopMve siiss^i^ itre relstl^l^ \][alz^pc3rtsuit«''

fh® pps^^ flyrn^^s ar® %n parti®! a^srd ^th %3yea:»*s findioigs*

^•mtir* for the c^ts ia the present sst^^^ there wjis 1^ i»dla&tloa that the

^tiasitisa %im the "either • . . <3r . * t^* (I.e., it did not apfpear to be

the- ©a«se tt^t ei,t;^hiMr ©srteriaal feattanae ^ i«ter?s©X featia^eSji bat mt both, vere

elective.) Isdumsel f^twes «ere gsiaersily effective far both groups.

m tlN» ©ther ImA the <llffeimtisl effect of the fnri^^itaess^s^eversed eondl-

tlojis my be asre is^arly c^ssmmt «»ith Haier's firidiiig©.. Tims* io individual

cases ^^r^ t^m^ atid/or thr^e-^lsseajsi^ml shape «iere effective t the bemi*

^^mm mts ^^md mm '^fslliires'* w^te the bH.g^tm«»e*rmrsed cc»iltlan

thm th® pi^^M <^ts« SiisKse smooth h»:sisphere 8tte» e««»reU* the hrlghUo'

ef tfe© tm csfe^Jeetsa it b® th« case tfe&t, i4sere the brigliter ob>ct fcas


ti^iea tfe® ^m^m «^j8Hsi mm positim. will lae ij^i^ in tbs dlseusstcwi to

f^lXm* ttAm m^^^mt%m Is issfi fasfopsd. It is ^afflct^t indicate in tSaa

T^srni^ m¥3^,mi^ t^gt hsi^ aeii 'Imit^^ s sitidi&s* as as the piment

ijstei®y®i»s©»- Sjej is i#srrsed as & ftmcti^m tb© <^>ct that

is p^^tim* fbsf ^nOultstim i^tux^ tli& €tlff@r^^'S dlsec^rerad da not

|i)i@r be an l^lui tli& dst& x^oi"t@cl hers.

Tfe® t%«a a^«t@ of t!:^ reeRsXts tl»is far j>vm&s/t9d are (1) tfa*

3p«tim^y !5®r«lsr f^atyiiBs of tb® is^e tli© oto^etj {2) ti»9 lindt^

®ff®ati¥5egm4B of t^E^e^wNdtosaslmai sl3S|» (ags t«»t#£l her®) textuarej of

^<^ot pf^rii^s m^mmsi^0i^ mtlimXXf as ij!i^«nial fes^&nres of the iieai^ of

%lm ^h^m^*^ tb& first fiii^ag Is sKut -^eiy s?3e^aplsiag, s^Boe It bss bosii,

d«TOK<itr®t#d % a tM.^5®p of !2ith^ im^est^atops* thm sooos^ finding, hoW'*

t^t t\m p^^^miSm tijat ai* «ff^stiwe ajne « fssafitioos of idiich object

|#. |>9^tl^« 1^ s€E^e%tet smtpg^six^t ^Mhm^9 ^ iddi$»tedi above » it has iima

«N8pii*te4 as &. 1^^^ fijKlirsg ^tbef iawstigators. "^^t i« asost 'unexpected

is 1^ rel&tii® st^?e3^th ^ effeetiv^^Gsa of ii:&eraaX Ila&tfxr9@» in that they

ajppfeaa?'^ to inte»f«i^ t^si^patjS^ «ltb dJtewastratioa of effeetivesieiss <rf^

©xterml fe&tw^s ^sasisr <5ertaia oo8idtiti<ms* Carj tb© of tbe iit«t«UHr«

reports b^re» ^^oe ^q^t^ the es^t^^saX featiai^ to dacsiiiate»

Mhid-i was s^spamstX:^ tise <ma» for the pjmi?iid-trsiiisiid cats*

BfS^isli^ {^r both fimHaigs wuldi s^pear to x^e^^jixv expl&sntion.

f« <es«^i6ep the pre^e© asrtJa^^pss^^t'feisaJ^ it b» ins^pucti'Te to d»-»

imt^m^ *m^mmmBSt'^ ^^n^^ais^n**' aad 'pt^^mtix^ HiXf^sOsTttj" (f<K* lack

^f W0 $Mmml- 'im^mm» it la© i5?a4t:^ t# csmi^tte -y^^ adaiticml as-

p^ets tli» slttmtim* om mp»sft is i^elatesS t» tfea fawst tMt bot&

sife^t ani ?!SLt ar# »ilsg« fij® ste^^iid Is f^att^ ths^ fset thet a eosjsi^fes?-

f\m mM.m &t c«t afe^«5t has s ^Safii^ts «ff«st the retinal

to tui^ ^ismis^ei iri 4»tidl W C^ifeso® C195^» Qm^is^e thm to

(if5B)* M i® af p^iemliB* tntfispest l^^r® fK9»i^ timt aomsaeat-pTiKiaeed

^i^SE^pis ikm l»g# ^f tit© ar% itia@)ei^M p^t^ tliaa (teig^ In the

liso^ of hm^M^ssm* F«ar lap^^'d* ^'Isa^iwaftl** featw»» »ay b© trsBos-

f^sps®^ ^tet0 ^'Iwsfste*' l^tyaf««| tfes i^JSte* af 0ia9« of tlj» tK3Pte cbaages Qr^if;

n sf fma* tis « asBociwss^ isf slxi «^uti4ji» sba^ of tba isea^ <3h8Q@(»6

^<ms ssith tli© ta essistitmtir^. tb» b-artes, «ad tb* shspe of

ttee iiit®3msi ^J^taaesa ss^ass fihrnm^^ tetfe®mos«# tfe* aagalar siz» of tlj»

ti^ftisrit wilta iii€sril^«3i« «t sot^ p-^int bsrt%«en ti» d«t<^loa box srtd tl»

Qh^mst, M^iM^* mmhm .^ia© fsr ©ffecti'^a»fS3» ^usSglng frs^as the

®ttm%t'^mmm of tm^^m in tli# mar siti^tio^j. '"f timse g^-5,h@wi, the


ms^ timt wmM $^pmt t$ p%m& in mst^ of tb« Iwisl^^ili^eQn® is thB

«5^ll5£i& ®M|se* et]^giB, te^ffWTf Is ml^ ft^a circular ta

095!»si^?li^ tfes klufe ^ iiesw^^t (i-e*, &f iJm «at si^ of the

Qls^^)'f it ^QiisM ^pp«j<ar tbtt itair^!^ ^ tisa a^^^^s ©sa ri!^^ aat as an

fteti^r «^ tfe® ^mlm mm& a^itt^sl ^Ua^^aga. Tbs i^amld eats

%fei«ls mam &i the obj&^ts we, mvlsgg* ^itli<»2^ tls&s@ tests ^ser® s^fednlsteroii

«i3^esflmt m^stei^ttollj* tte® remits ©a^estsd thsi afe^ast of ob^aet msfve^

iM. m^a^M* p^m^si^m at .aH m aoj the tests ia

fis© e«smqi3®si£^@ af omxtaet & r3»tj^ p^m^d sa^ ^t&smsM::^ mom Miffter*

^B^iio^ 0f c^mt^t %4tk & wsmth ^w^^Ham^* (krn^m^ U> the p^fr»Md$. tins

lj»ii^plaKP» fee elasK^ asi ^€Ks«^w*t. of a ts«tml C^>mf#XdU In tlmt no car*

«!%®a, fTOi^t to ^ff^ereE^tartys at^s^ |sart of it firoB

As m m&^tioml featta?© <af tfe» stt^atioa, iist<KPsetloa with the pspi^add,

^ortleolarly %n tJ3# sitmtl^KSt vmM. s^pm^ to iprofvlds the basis fot

<^iig^ lo S0ra^i^t4.oti &t tkm lmB» hoth h&amam ^ tbsi t«attisra df tfaa sur-

fs^, «#ish ¥ari<&s i?i dN^tht and the ^lst^s«« of «%«s at- different distaiie**

fsm \^ ^ ot^ed:* hss^t th&m mm ateg9S %ii»aii be lajjoiis&l in tbe

CSS© of tl^ be^plw^*

^i-^'i-- i-A-mm ^u.:i^-

.• :;-!.:' .. -0 .\S\<-- ,/•;-.:: v-.-U-!;; j". 'i^?-

...: iq


l!t is ite^fel^ %^ ^m^^t^ tfesi ssmm &mt two, on? ttem oS the abov^

lai&^if fer tl® l^^is^Kjsr® ^t^^ It Is sssggj^istsd that vl^ai **rougiB4eE.?s,'* or

®«2tlm E rs^sg^s m^^i^ ^^©^ C2^<^tw maw3®!st ta»^^ it, c^mtact 5Jith

figM&itl.tM iR; I^w3?sl5 i*«gt®i;^t^ is &. r#X^iv@if difffepi®»tiat©d ser^cs^ con-

fi» ptt tlie .mt>t^ @@^i^t ^iMmm^^$ it i@ p^pos@d timt the ^smal

sa?, at X«^^l^ t^^s f^^itilr^j^ is s ^t^^iiSB is wtslch bath boarder sad li>-

%mml fmtmm p"«^mt» iii^-^reasis^ itth tlie «3l>J®ot:» ¥hic^ tssy be

^^^^^ f^ort^i^s^t it is ps^^j^ad that this pere^taal

las^'^ar «^ wm^%. Ib s ^siifflssiifEEl^ lisrg©*' <3te^ jus stlisaXstloa.

- - M iM 41ffiaaat sa^' &t ppes^ i^^ier all of tise t change

isig^iii®t@d sfewa ar© i?ii^^Bdt^i sithOKtg^ it iroKld 15® |><5S0iblft to clarify th»

^'yNr is* i^mm m^w^Mm^n* 'timme^M^m^ t&«ir© %» evidence that the

i»t»8fl^ ste^&s 1^ fe» #a?fiei®i$i Isgr tJwasitlwes, and that tl» tactusl cons©-

^^immn Qt 0«ata©t silth ti^ ^Jeot ar© *pite. Ss^jortiMat,

Q^Bg ms'Xf stag©© of tjmiai3n^« oassisot with tb© ete^Jecjts was a

<S@ml^iii f^stssp® s>f tb® l^m^i^ of all est*. Iliis e4»jts©t s^^SRsred to bo

*^Kpk>rai€s^** ia mtm^«**l.®.> etemot©ris»d tej setiv® nsbbSj^ of the ob>cts

•5 '.^

'r .--'v.rr^



ny^th d m&i^ mm ^ ^'teriJKgaft** the S0tiv«, estpaoretasry aup-

pecjts of e?5sst®<st sppeaa^ to wstm fcsp* cdrtsin of th© ^idjaaOLs 4gid

3^^s far otl»®?s* ladteed, esrtiiiii ot th« atjl^ig, the contact response

i»t0 s wsnt ^^mm in tha directive of the ob^t, or

into pam^ siamiilii^ 1^ fironfc ^ the ^;5©ct s2*ios^, ^ssaoig tlio^e animals

%?t^s© iijoisiaet f«®|j^m ^^^i[%t@di« ^ 46^ree of d©g«i«u^tioa appeared tc* be

sa^s^t l^s fcsr th© |3S?raB^, tto far bsaiss^er® imts. ftia ssost

proKtomt d®gM^sti^ tKj^jg??^ ia gs:dmls aad -of ra^isrisaeat 1^ mB&

anix^ls Sll^ sisi ^2 sf ^q^i^i^^ai II, all of %^s^ wssre t^paioed to cte30s« tJse

^ ^^les^ii^ ^ not apps^ to bo

^mps <^tmm^ is this r^p@0t freiB (iatperi^SEt X), ssad .pe^^saps ?37«

Of the bia^s^r®' o&tSs sfae^i tli© l»sst ^stiei^itl-^* Tl» Sfei^iij^r of

'?ssr^ii3g af ft^tE^, bst, la ,gi^K«*^, msim thm, rest of tb© cats.

1^ g^s^ii^ ^ta tto te^isi t?» bebaw -^Igor^s^lF in r»l©tioa to th©

sfe^^t^s tisas tl^ iig?sls|83ar^ i^s, aadt tl^ lnl^sr«$»:^ frors this Is that eos^^t

pla^^ a sjsa?© if^Kjrtsfflit roi® in tha sttusticei tap V&9^ m%B tfeaa for the

lipMLs^^si^ eats* It %s s^^epsted that tba ^le of con^^ ^mg he related to

ttiGise |sp«3|5ertl^ ^>f tl^ laeas* ^ffecti^ for th© various cmts»

**Tli» st&tnesstnts m& $t&J«et to a ti^s^smr of critlcl9ne» laot thaJmrnt ssf shlQli Is that Umj reflect the '*gsiaeral i^jressto®"* of the expert'^

wm^m^» fta^^ieg* t^sn & oas^f^ £^&X;rsi® of aotds ^ads at tb© tlm» the be»1^ €^@^'v^« t^^m tor tlsdiB that I~ fs^siS faissself qiilte

to feg^et <^i*taia <ieiails of the cats* h^vlar oa m ^vea trtaiiMle he wm tmm^t^ oti^^r det&ils. txe^ar that he not fcrget the es*s#siti«tl feati^s of tlm cats* s^ppraaoh beto'tor» he tcmd it necessary tore^sKPEl this ^^tot first* at ti^ mp»om of certainty of acctiracy in descrtp-tisQ of the iMs^ of es»»ta£ift with the c^>^<rt^. lb© ia?s«ssioa that thestate^^ts mtlm:^f '^mmtett is j^uit© sTtrai;^* ^md probebly na* too far re-


timm %B ^MXtAm&l w^j^mm Srm m m^Ti^mA ii^ tias '^Itei* that

emi^mt m t^anptrnt ^atiar® ta irisaal dbSmt-^msfiMimtXm in the cat,

tm fisstia mtBf '5^0®* 97 aad l^, i^jre traisiecl s ti*o-<jh^ce discrimlnatioaa

beae to « i^sd^ {l»s^ » 2 l^c^s sq«ar$| ^:lght » l-l,/2 lnshe«)

fmm t iPsetaj^^lsHP #dlid (Ism « H li^sliifts bftinht « 3/*^ Inoh a?\i8r0)-

tl» «fe;^©ts psiiife&d ^ ^9^ym t^ir l^tsieas gli^si to blAck cards,

ii^l5i©li t^i^, iM tssrsi, fs»t^«i@d to the of -Ujs 4iss$rlaiimtiofi sppai^tud*

tim «sts* to pmh tise 4^:* SDistaiaSa:^ the ««a:Te(5t object* thes

efe«5l<i« f^ja^* f5p«Hat ttm m(^& pp^^ted verticall^r,

l36l^ 4it ^tlssi®e«dSj^BiMi©»si ^5s^»*^ ti» lias positive foa? So. 97» and

fh» rm^tm the tpsiaisg ^efo %$ar t^pssi tfee- |^r^«»i^t ^cussion

#asy difficult tasikj§)» ®a3 for Wsi objects -mre avRll3bl«

f^ tm^mt &f^mr th^ tost fo«r 4s^t lemjsd tiMi digepiisinatiofi resctlly.

^» at fix^t i^s aot trained in at^gfes* ssd for '^^sas tl» ob,^ct3

iare^i«it®d te^irsd plmd^2mn» tnVM. to i5h-3%f ispravesseat after IB days

50^* t^ls of tj^itsl!^^ ^^hses tbe as^ativ© ob;5eot ^ then replaced by s

feisijfe 0aapd» 5sh® Imrmd, wmd^lf to to the positiv» gb^Jaet. >/h©a, ho«OTBr*

tto« mgetiv© ba^nfe ^« ¥»?^se©d by a t«Q-i!i^ satsar* pi»ce of ©ray paper*

she sljoais^ ii^r2«R&si^t» b*2t s^viar rsstdssd s hl^, stable level of perfcarsance.

*I as? ira^fet^il to 2r« IjnrlB^ T. QiaK^ f<ar saepport in ttae e9c»c«tion of


f®to 13




n ^1 ^i3rr©<*t m la^ 2 days

fl&tym 100^ talcs© 8Sid 90^

f*r€^. first tisse lOQ?; aehi&vecle^fij m. last 9 4ays, per^

for e«^ta^

im Ii^ieiped 9# aad 1^- cm tri-als d^i035 perfoTBSmee <«i last

7 ^ssj 7^, 71^» 7%*9C$-^ and ISM

6 m Orlterion <»i trials 40-69|f®p^«©@ a:s last 6 days waes

?0l, 9<^, 71^» 90?^, 10<^ aaad


CMt %0, 156 (B^Kjtsfigular Solid*" vs. '^94^-)

saXM vs.Aft«p aa^ 1, mean peTfaesBemee

far csetiset

for ««3iita^t fist


for eoisl^^

1* ^ lOOl c<»Te<jt


'^tm tlie ^mp^ mm m^f%M m thai the ^^<seiMimQd& 'smr^ avsiXat^ for

QmtBst.f ^fe® &^m9d (90 fmomt ecareet m t«o suese»«ive days)

in. tX ^53iitisK38i ^jrs ^ 103 trials. Bfe® th©a achieve tsritertott m the

ftWiX^I^34t^ tl3# ^^m^ for eonisi^ pirss^i^» aire at l^^i sug*

i9Stlv@ tb^ r^lid @3t!^i^ la g^c^ b^ntvior* at Ije&st

^Ism ^®rtaia i^Jaet prc^ertiss^ ta bs p^iotsd to ia to p«rfosrsa sua-

c^itf^all^v fsirtl3©i^^?®» ^© mmrl^ p^esst trsjigfer ^bi»?» by ^'o« 156 firo^ the

first to tl» i^»0aa3^ is3si tfeird srtjsgas of tsaiii^Lc^ mi^esta tji&t the "ateoiiatet,**

*%fey@®-4iia^ssl<S8sal'* fester©® ^f tto f^itiif«& «^^t t«8ai« l*«i^ed Sroai tb© be-

,gimij!|g. f^tiiap» fi>f f? to p©rf©45t tj^^fer l^v© in

r@miti4. I^r^ tim Xm$ pr^'^oiis ti^inli^. pr9@iK&£r& xa a^he

for t^ ms^ psa^p ms^^mssfol* S^i^ & pptag^tod ^^siiild. a^p^r to be c«psble

0f pitmiMm ^mis thm f^^m&ttm ©f a ssasfeer of ey»^&e©^aryt aosl

fh&t© rgs^t^' ^B^gsst that i5!S!?^Effit-|3j»<»iiica^ clsanges la stissala-

ti®s <5r aets^modlatsis^ Qtma^&s alsans da not provide a s^ifficimt caais for

xiwotelQg tlire^-^'sea^isQ^ eff«atlim» Tisis ststeiamt is quit*

tmtetlmlyt siEKse tba vssr^rsull sitm'iioj:^ lacXiiding the chara<rteirt5ti«9

of th^ ol^ja^^ »sit suoh tlis^ V9x^ gr^t eb»t^$ in retinal stlio^aticm

*S«iib©©«|e«^t ^^ml^Kse t©©i» iofiUfiSited ti»t lo. $7 bad actijall:? laaaraad

m *'«i^»-^fltei^^istt®d |K*siti<»i l^it,^ is tfe&t ^ jil^ys choee tbe left-fesuii 8lX«r tb© i^mitiw ^>et i<a» tb» l»ft, and the ri|;ht-band alley^ ^js^ti^. ^^crt. ^ss oQ tbe left* lier <^oi<5e© tfere unaffected by thasmtt^ s>f t^ ^><sts m tlje riglst*


s©0Ba* m s r^s^t It tmmspp bs insportaat to point

^nt tfet ^^li oats 2s®sp=!3i^^ ^p$mrj^iM^^ t© |^stap?aphs of the objacts, as

l^sg th© |*iista0f^l*s® frem sgn of approeeisaatoly 30 d©gre©s

^ lis© aosfml to tim fr^ssttal ^smOj&l pasltiesi. (Such ptesAc^raphs «votee»

It •sisi' thm bi& tsSKi^sidi®^. tMt i9mra@s^«ppoi3Hs®£! olisagafs la vtsml stlraals-tlcwi,

tud p@i%®ps 3ise«M9^-<^ fir© ^srtitisS^ ts^mmars oassHLtlotm for

M Qmi^^j^m^i^: p#rs»^5tsi^ b@^'9l@ml factoid related to the @ffec-

pkmm^ upsm f5s«t tliat* St Itsa^ for tb© ti0isis|tee^ eats:* a B^;5ority of the

j©©i«<^rt s^is^ Ifi, t!^ 38jtligi« t«sts mm in tb© fsr sit\3Sti<m (29 far

t# 10 i»ar iJi- tlj© |f&gitiiii!*-6i@^^sg^ cast©x.t, mi 19 far to 10 ©sar In the

l»r fiifcr s»d di©l^s-*-4S and X7» I'&^jeetimly—ia^ tJ» B«^tiv»-iKschajjg©d

fli® betovlor af tfee CftH eats «xsept Es^erissent I) cturliiig

tiiag tte&t tls^^ t^i^ held isi t^ M^mtXaa h&E \mf^«^ being r«l©as«d

tiste t!i@ «&53ie© to: ms at all i^idieaiiv© af '*visuai searsm*''* Very little

s^^^i^i <»f tl»& ^J@6t^ mm$ alt^mi#t tN(re i^ ^uffi^i^t tim for

It t@ is@e^ Ismtom milmm* p'mi;kmtm^e&^ ir«r^ littO* seasoning, could have

b&m b®fe«9««i tt^ tim that ^>psqt;» «io<«j* to the detention box

«^ topped atad tJsst aisl«lB m^m^t ^lx^ ^try into the d©tKitl<«i boK was

^Bt«^ll:^ cplt© fs^id* Om® in tl® <|®t«Jtio¥i bcs? tbe> G»ts* behavior usually

e*assi®i«d of p^ls^ cr ac^iis^ at tb» pl^dgXasas dooTf with llttla, if

sfeftsRis stteasfci<m h^%m 1^4^ sfe^cts, tloo© tha Im* wiiwi paOaasad fp«a

tb® .^t©i5tim ^srter, th^y n^Od f© d^jieatly to th» ob>et chosen (on those

trisl® @^f«3i?«d F)« It nat st^ reaiiomble* in viev of th» cats* post-

lieM^isr* fbit th&f ms*^ asmlly e^dsasst of 1^ l«>eatiaa of tJis*

X^®!^^ visaal m0.wM^m It is i^k^eetfsjl- b^?* ttet o^^etai!! classes of in-*

fmmittm t^mm^tm^ttte of th® bss'^r® of «3fe!,^et$ laav r^sa^ix^ cosse to serve

tls» psjft of &&mX* Stmm **tfere»*-^isstasl©«^ shsiis®** i^as «ffi^tve for

ili^ p^s^d fssr sit'imti<»}» ist^eamal f«iit«rie® of objects me%

«Xs© fee- <j«^%a#- <>f »lt^tl39f sap4«i^t4o8it fessi »ft©r tsettial ©xplorstion

mi^mum %& ^mm mi^mwtAtmB^ it ds%XX be yiooaXisd that ElftMS

im a brief p^^M ©f i3ms»3i^»3B^i?©dl ia isatt^e^:^ Xlg^t per

«»tl3Sir Mmit kltt^3^ ^t^^s^Mi^ tl^' mm tm^tmss^t 1:^ Klihoat being &1»

ber^ kitt^'if^ msM. pemmrn^y mm thslr e^rt^ h&sdv but t&t tl)»ir bodi«ts.

Cf i» tim© l^ld^ iti «feloh the kittisiis mim .feept vas iwt

eSesorlbe^* / Tlsi« ilatiaii Ji^^wat^ s«asreh sj©<toiil®ss not l» very

ii^p^ttteii In^ mt^ %t im t£t«- ^l^ommm of otlsasn!* idynds «f peroeptusl

la mMaew* ©essl^riag both l^sipto cto®et«rletics and iixt0mai f»ai-

tfe© eat© tmt appear to ia search bah&viar i«i the (isitentloo

l*eai* Ost <sf E3sp®rim»t I» lasas »tuda.®dl totber Dr»« E« Sener,M# Ssffjmi, siijI !tr» I. It 1^ f<3ttnd th^t this s-olr^ail*© search be-

Irsassli^tal^r pgUm to mlmm i^as related to tb© directicsn in whichit rnsit &t%m' mXmm*

' 4.(.,'.:,.*lS<a!««v

V;: * -•


of ofejeets, it is mi^ested that uadter certain eca^tions the fonser

^Gom #dff#«tivi© siitfec^t the mcsmsXt^ Tor prolcmged active seaarch. They

sure <«aisid©yesi to p^^icl* the t^sis fcxp <3rierriing r©s<;ti-?n, which, if

^Kstatd ^j^f^s^ i^mM i«3d tb6 into & sitaati<»i ^teno mx^ detailed in^

fffinsatioa is ii'^ilabla, eit^m* in the for® af visual ebanges produced tsgr

aa^rasBgat te*«aixl t^ ^jibjeet, <ar i^%vi&l iiif<»mstim rs^itiag fr^ contact

leitii it* Fcir san/i^rai slirea^ risii3ti€^»l* th® tactual bjrpothesis is

pc^t&rred at tte present, f<a? tia© findings ia tbis situation. The "addi-

ti<smX isiim!mt%mi** c@tis* h«mmr» pefm^W^j to ^rv^s as m additional

feasis- faf* @i^#Rtatioii»

So®© Ofi»r*^r®tive Fs^^holofieal sad!l«iut^«^ieal O^asielearatiaas

ffe e^^^i^s r.tde in t!^ Brsfvlcras isffctisKi sre atevioijsly highly con«-

.leerturmi* 'jvhil© th& da^ to wM-ch tlssy mlat© MoaM appear to require s&m

iieo«is»iser7 in dxidtep to mkm the stateioests itx sn istsqxialifi^ manner.

If# l}d«%r«ir» saJ3^^«Qat «xp@rS^^sts should sap|K»rt th»ee suggestions, par-

ticularly those ecKt^i«9r»ii^ th« r^latiansblp betwea ©ffectiv© visual propcr-

ti&s ^GtiMil pwdE^oej^aaal belt£vior» tbea c^ax^ain intrl^uiag possitAlities

fca* th& em^mmt%-m st^j of t&atsrs ioflisenclng visual opganizatloQ would

^m3^* Of psrti0ulsr iat«rest is tb© possibility t^t fcdat an ^oiinal learns

^*3iit an db^tf ssM is to di^iao&strate with visiisHy guided behavior, way

smm degree ^p^e^ ui»ORt the iaf<are?5ation it ol^taisis at the s&m tim

Q^mr smmsa^ s^stiem* M be interesting to st^«Sy» for exssfH^t

esare '^opioid * aniiijalss, moh as prii^tes, in equivsl^t sittULtioc^. It is con-

I. -r- - ::i -y-xs-i ifd^i'-. :,k«<JA.:V;,,j:;;^ ^^^^ '^'->

j-M^-- --v-.^^i . .w^^Ci-r^^A- .;v.;^a: -

..^CrA jte*- ':'"^^^^-



1® i-^l^^. 't# til® it^d&pm^mm Qt th» 0ftmttvm»s& of ©srUin po-

t^tiallj vimml p?spertlj©ts of c^^cts tx^ the aiwsosslty for eoi>-

e«^t«aat ttcstml #xp3^3Qmt«9c^/, » pereopfc^l befeavior* Associated ii?lt& this

te^^lisg tia^s^m^mm&t might mf^mt t& Hj^ m is^cemi^^ ppoi^xm^ of

#^ mmmxi^B eer^Uas^csp^r b^^qp Cms cllstii^-al.sli©d ftm. i!«««s»£i(t»

n^mm im&tim iM mlAt&i. prterSl^ t# orimtatloii ijs 3sps9«.» <i»t^tlon of

mttsiM oXm&m &t stteli to be a|sp»?3a^2^ SRi iBcpIaa?®^ i\irfeb®rf etc*).

also fes-'Wi a hmstS3^ upm tfe» stsa*^ lal* m&p$Ll mm$imdsm opei^tl^ la vlsioo^

j^m^imXmXf ^'mlmttm^' w»^s^mm* Of tei^'est lu this rsfisrdi ifi ^ recent

;#i@<s«ai5l«m 0f f^e^tiif^X^r smssd^r^i 4emll^^sms^s i» ttee sttsd^ of tbe 0s?oluticm of

tl^Xaii«o©grtl«tX r^I&tiii^ghips* (.^asmcijji and 19^) 2ja this r©vi®*j, tfae

%m0m. I^t tl3@ Q<msm i^e©s%or of r^ile® and mm&lB possessed atlsalM^e rsfim -feM^fe wr ^^elusi"^^!^ s«:i®ofy» mjdi the projectiisa €jr»a

0f tMs msmmtj timlMmB m3 resferic-tad to om portXoti of pallim.M r^^%lmB IMs @ziia. tbe ^^MiE<®X oa9*t«^» In s^iMils d farther

t©0k sM. TOd^it^«iS|»eifle «:rst«^ waoFf&d withinthB gmmmX ^msorj field, fls®se lawlglit^^ispeclf ®^te!R3 cnsy betl^ tesis for tfet s«^t reflsssd or ^pi<2rltle eognltiv© faactions. '^^bet-

#'W ftestlsii® sap© possSbl® Ij^ ti» dlff^peutlatloa of modalityispeelilc tfcistl«s^ i»l0l, it wooXd. s^ar fi^ ajmtoss? that th© se^^ara*

tim h&imm "^Mmm wrnlmk ws^ tvMj^tG mdbel* LFv audi Po£^t«ap|ills p@^t<srl«ir» tfe» pjlftaar* aaS the pos'ta^lor 2s«2l«ti3j becosjes

usiiP* «s!bI a^r© sfe^i^'^ij iram 1^ m «8o«!sding serlea of raauisftis—opossum,

JWfefefeit, u&t. • * • km s^^tXmml dmml<s>pmmi&' in thsQajssocoptleal pi*o-

^ctim systi» ls5 iB^i*Q<4u6e^ privates- the laftrlnESic nwclal»

mp^e&MH:y pol^riiaar* ileveXo^ grd&tlj ia £nd adsleve tbos^|)®©lfictty of mrt±mX pm^ctim^ tmad e^0f3^ ia ths eoctarinsic

i«*»i#i of a^:^i:5i&:t#©» ( 1.962 » 195)

Spost til® poiat ^ i?i«i* of th@ pr©^«nt aasO^rsls^ oo© of the aost inter-

^atiiig fs<^t®- of tise <lls€n^iois sujss^arlsed aS>9^ is tbe idea of « gradually

Izxlupfiastesc)^ of is^t for vlsa&l* atadltory* ®nd 9osiatio tmmory

modallti®s» Isl^Ll® l53JiTOii Cbo%s*Si ppiasari' «s^>hssis la i^pow inereftsad


betja^jsa. w^ifS&lltim h& drsm ixi Uspm ^ ti» relative indi^seaa»509 of inptit

t© ^se is^litir trm. thB i»^«^e# of t=|j» s-amlts or the r»e«©»ity far»

i^iaM ^i^i^ t^dt f^i^^i*^ lut-^ tbe^ rols of s^tl«inodaX &tf9rmt systems

1b the ifi^a«l pBrmptml- w^^^ ^^^sald t^- <|mlt#- v®l«ai^» It is ppcjposed that

.8 i^soi^i3# hn^M wm!k 'SfSRaXd fee ia st\j^-lsig aMmls before and

&ft^ ablatim of 'i^t#m> p^r^s %h»m s^tmim seo^ mima^WjSh in slt^tions

m tim om r^crta^ he^* ^w^^g^^sis not be prli^tril^ 121^ dif-

f&rmms in c^eitsr fe^f'sr© aasd siltsr ^ l©3i«a, bijt possibl© ehang^ tn

r@l^ls5?is^ps- bat^^siia %hs ©ffscti'^ pi^a*perti«s ob^^et® (l^e.t the ressults

®f 1^ o^^ssm^imi ^ mlm%$.igm me^t^m^^m^) th» avalXsbilit^'^ of correlative

IM'a^^stis^ fSem ©tber i^sc^lit^r s|^st«^» as sl^eeted ^ i^iarspes in obswvable

pmmptm^ bi^Yi«ar« tba kiiid €^ mpm^'^mss^^ sltuatlcKi iittlised ia iimsm ex-

M mMSMm ^ pm^s^y i^ortmt th««p»tioal i^^licstiona af the

pa:'*®®^ flodiufSi ^i#©a^!e<l abewn fottbsr o«Eisid»p&tioa of the two c»cpfi»ris3ants

l^a^ ta sertal^ i^^mt ii^llcatlssss with regard to ssetJstodolQgloal Isvaam of

isfs^fta^io© ths dteslpi and «3?«caatim of perceptual discrlMaatioi ©xperi-

ssenta. First ©f sil» bs^ S^^saatoriit X saot bewa ccialiieriad with th» ai» of ob-

stsr^ir^ rm&rS^s^ m cg*«f!al3^ as pojwitxl^ the 4X»epis^xA%c^ behavior of

tfei ^t$, tbe possible ttuittnlmm ^ mkX^ a distiiiatiQO between far sad


mm- mh^l^m -^mM immp fm*^m pmmat$fd Itmli* As It turned <M]i» this

tia^lte attttmX tti ti^ 4>f tb© rsetiaaX into Its Interaai

aaai «3£^3pml f®®t«3!^». It ism sti^msg esi^^sis givm to tte <ia8ir-

'tfeilitf af .stia% of la^ig^toa.. Is(^\»i^r Isgr sasl .uaffir<3a (1962) tivat

p(»^ii^pt#sl tiss: imlm%.m %Mm k%M #f hskmtanl ^i^* UmdXm» to say, Mto ^^risea^al sitiiisti^ sat hma ^Bl^nsd ^Hm- n^xibllity In tba-

U^mm^rf thm?9 m ^mim in %1m llteratwe^ -ot'fler than comreatis®

fefja t^ stt^i#!|. l^li^ CX93f> Qmm (eite4 fey and J^snkiiis, 19^3)


h8i4 ^st tlsd sXlmtlm ^s$mi <^®1^3&d to perssit m analysis aiiiaig

tlj»^ li^^, ^ em^isiigiiagi wlt^ m siial^wSs of th© sj^bmls* hehssviop whlX#

di®^teJmt|j^» Tfei© pr^i«t ses^iJissp^ti^ str^mgl^r m^mt tbst> at 3«ast

mimm^ mi^^Im- m t% %m pm&SMm ta hamlle sbo^M ise- imluM io the

^^^itSf^i^t^ l^s^ tl^ qt»«tli»a to vS»ti3er or ndt»

f^sr «^s^^ljeft **tfer'®«H43;j^^ii»ml simp©,** or ^outlin®'' is a relatiiwsly 8»««i

fteii'» p!rqps»rty fsr tli® oat catmot b© am-^pisd without taking; into

smma^ ^A^mt M^^wftf mm% m tfm rssm^ and/cr ptmlsl^srit cc^itingdirtoies

&mmiMtM. wiiM mspmm m tisa fe^sis of ti»m ^^^^taiitlfts* thd total

mmmt^ wmulti^ ^jtoirto &f mS>mX la relatioo to tl^ object- disorija*

iimt«!«l« In % wtx^f it wmM Sipgmr that s <3etailgdi analysis of the per-

^e^sitml proee^ st all ^.is^renftl^' avsiliShle for axsal^sls, Inc^ mlingy

®peeifi^8lLl^> tb& ^mm^t^^r pme'^^ss^ml bebfivlor of the 8*ximL» as is


prsc^w^* p@3f^l«5iilarly ia Mtotlsji sr» to 15® wste»tood in stay <ftop?8© of

^ ^i®^ 1^^^ mmmt^ s^Jset. p*€^rti«s, tl» iJi'ep^ies that •mr® eff«otlve.

imtiwi, sttmticHa -gii^® •3lmr'«®di* tia® aim (i) of i^iatiiag diffsormit

ms(9S^ rmgh fee-uaest^dS pjtskM fitm st wrtiesy.iy-'tso^ftng ^ootfe gray bwA*

#1^3®^* ta^?» <»f %\m mt3f tfesat t5^j6|;*»3P® was the <5«n«ct object, and was

Is® 'kms$d lapm ®<sp»' f@fQssMmti<m tfe» pr^3»rtiss Isi s^lc^ the c^^ta dtf-

f&Te4fm^»mmmss^ Mxmsttmt ^aatfsns^ teastia»» outiioa shs^» and three-

41s3©iiigl<?nal mh^^* ffii as^^ th» 9ff@otlvf»ies$ tb©*^ prqpdrties t<w»t

trials imf^ ia isM«5h i«st laibjeets %^a«r« stfljstitated for thi» positive tr«ln-

i)E^ ^^Qt» pri^iKstei altnig *«dtli the fonsr ixoohaagiatl aAgfttiw tr&ii^Li^

i« % t<Nit txiMl th» t99t object w tiM positive training <^

^* fiw ests iisH?© ti^latd to ^Jiserii^mt® ^ ls^»dsaitallyw

i>^ul\.Mi%'.' ^ -i'.:' yy^-- 'rf'''f


trsiif^ai '^^010 l3i t»ig^liKls&r af it® prop^*tl®s. viiseti thus? tested, rwawe

<>f ^J^t m th& tesis «»f laoiflissisit direction

^1^* fhB fcr #3«^ tlj® p^i«ssfiM was ^&ltlv# oto^s© <3si tl» besis

is»t.5,im al^is^f fJNs o^l^r w«i«M sfetad^ m tli© ba^^is of tfa© co^biaed

-^th teat- i^Je<sti? p^?^t^ im s e^iesct tb^ n^^Mv® trfeiisitig

» st1»ti« tbs i^^Mi©^ p©s?4tiv® mm to be dis^ariiBiiisted

frw* t#st- Qfes^it Aleb ^Iter^ it la laivl^ «sia cjo* tsfo of the thrott

ppiapssTtte* tssKt^i^, «tiia8^» SiSit ti3iw-<its^asifi«$&2. shape Cth» positive*

^g|^mr*g^. gt^teoEt) . K^iwnw, a Isri^itasss-C'aistr^l caodltioa ms introduced,

la the lri#stwa{s reXstiomMp l»t«»ef» posittw mad rw»g»tiv© training

tlm mm^ktM &® omsmm^ witfe thm& =af Sacp«rljs»at I, in that, for

tht^ |sp»lil ^^ts* ail tte^ properties -imm ©fl5aetiv» M.ngly In th6 aeg&tive-

miataig^ Q^aei^^i^ ^Ml^* fi^ the b^^plMHPS ostSt ^tline if&s th» «»ly of*

f1^1^ wms tested la^ mxsmp as before


t^Um ^ai^a^im p-^^srt^. <^ hsiMt tfeer© «Ba a aaaflod ^iTfeap^atlaa

#ff^l <^ %lw <5§sst«t lii to t^sts ij^^p^ mi far the pyr^^dd oat8» but

ntst f^sr t\m ^mif^^mm. mt&m ft® sIj^Sj© propKttiesi mt& g«a«paliy eff\»ctiirB

tis®. |^s^?sid eats in fsegatlw-'aajstoi^sd ea«(fc€3£t» f<M? the

Intearpp^tad to jaem tMt tl» eats ^asrft- reg-etli:^ ps»i2^ri^ to tim properties

of fkm pmXttm ^gfejemt* felthost mgm^ far tb© proj3«rtlj»s of ti«t negstiw

^fl^ of til© ^i^ml^ ^'&pm satagorijsed a^«jxi3iag to is^nether ttmy

mt@ i^^f^st^ «t a ^9^tmm m tb© igbjects* ^ laasls of this

CF«t@^.«3rl^s?ttoif til® ®lmi^cterl®tlcs of ttm mtixmX imgm ot the ob^scts at

1sarttl{ti$»^^M^<^itf%^ <3j^^ti^ taken ji^o a^^oat* the ^mHynls suggssta^

tMt. tte l^mtiJS2it-s th& baapdSGm «*f tb@ teg^- "star^ effetctive for fao*^

Oirl^is of t^ fl,iicll«ip5" <to8tis^ in r©l8tl<m to s<^«hat

Hjidi?^ tf^mi^ fw tM rat mad t^ ssK^^y bj? <jtb«r invwstlgstors.

' ffasi iw^*3.tis It^tm'pt^^ in ter®s th& posslbl© Infltaoc© of

tfe®. ta#|3i^ IS©jit*»ss orf tl» sttasolaat atej^ets ts^m thsir effective vls«al prop*

fSKrtly ^cje^i Qfe8«ri?8ti^ «sf c|;mXltatlv» <^«iraetsrlsties of the sasiaals* cil&-

^At^mtmty bsthmt^ %xk %h& present «sKp«a^umv^$ aod psrtl;}r m Irid^peQciimt


fIsf^ intes?|ap«ftaiims m»» am^ldgamd trm the poltjt af view of their

bearii^ tb® cgi^ifstive stxit^ of viss^I s»re«ptuai prooesscs« siod upon tha

; J'.



$w&m 4« mciOT cmm:^ mmm mmm cmmof cBiicmt mn Cr») mm m %km mmmm-'^mnTi^. m>

mmm^fmnm: m m tm TMxmm im&m mm mmm "fm mt m wmmmm xx

a* {-^ *. F*

•i 65 ISO ko 95t 95 35 93 95 40 95 60

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t5 'im 25 95 35 100 751 ?5 95 30 100 ©5 100* 50 95* 60f 95* 65 35 95* 90 95 65B 100 ?5 50 100* 95 95* 30 >5* 60

f lao 95 JJ (Zf

95* 20 ®5 im* k3 95* 55100* 100* 95 95 20 90 65100 95 95 l&O* 50 100* 75

30 95* ^5 100 100 9595 35 95 95 95* 35 100* 90

95 50 95 90 n 50 lao

TO ?35 f37

F* r.'tt


1 100 m 75 100 90 40

45 95 65 lao 65 95 65 100 60

80 100 ?u im 65 100 75 100 75h ao im '95 70 95 60 100 75

55 xm a5 65 95 100 756 ^5 95 ?5 loo 70 90* 65 100* 60

?5 100 75 100 55 95 55 100 60B MO* 65 95 55 100* 55 90* 100* 75

^ 100* 75 IOC* 60 95 100 60

9S ?5* 60 90 50 100* 75 V5* 65ISO* 65 70 100* 75 95 50 60

It ^ 65 100* 55 95* 55 100» 60'i3 ISO 55 95* 60 100 50 i^5 60 100 70

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g. mmm m cmmt cmmm moms^ ?, m, aid s for

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000 000O O H 000

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O ,-i O ."4 0 )-i

000 000H H cyj 000

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<nH v-v 000000 000H O H 000

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Wmfiii 3* 0., mi& ¥m^t S«)a3iti?3a <if ^^kSity pt^9m eats. J. &aim*

pi^tsj® 9^ laetfeasl with »Mte rats. J* co^* ^yslo'^* l^i^7dml. > ii^3» ^

tioBk p«pf«smasae ®srt«« »!• ^bg^^* Psyelio^** 1961, ^lKrX»» 1* StisSl^a la diMPls^LmtlQ^ tercd^ ^ ^^s^yss III* f^Botor^ 1q»

m/s^&, ^ ^^M-* ^» 213-227. (a)

Isetii®^ ^il^arla^ iu both eol^ for®* oaly in coIoTj «wJi only

^§8^^^^^* Tc«?fet lt^atice-Hall» 1951» 183-238.

^d^^^«@^3f»il and rmiXtic^ssBsisn&X «ti»2ll. J. c^x^. rgydwl. »

Bafetlt B», m& i^iesel, f Seo»ptlK« fl9l<ls» biaocalar iat^rttotion* and^wti<«»3. wolsit#0fcaip© 415 tho ^t*s Tiaual ©ortex. J. Ptor»i<xL .» 1962,

:. -


r# Jotei i» fltm ©fleets of c;a^^«t« and partial oocipttel IdbttcXmgt tipoatiamMkml^ ^sl aiaey^a^t dlsoriMnation in the eat, J. g«aBt>

lasiidi^* E* S* ftea ^^isalem of vlsiosj r/* fmWidseaw £>tu(^s of the rat's

@gg?^ii|^e^tl;Qsi. ie* l9i^5 75?«??6.

Sad^, i» Bu. F* v^aeiitativ© aiff^r©sse©« ia ths learning of rets in a dlscriis-

legist !•# E. sad latoa^ At^KM^ osf «alo(p vlsioQ in the

tU 4®igc3jis> 0, B®iatei«tioB rt^suUrgr of etjes in t!» dls-isaiMmtl«a bskmt<^ of cMM^rnismsfS* eggs?* F^snphol* » 13^3* 2^ 85-95 •

1. mid #^^i?^.ja:f!i C* ff C>^. ) l^^g^gal sad fatohealoal bft»»g af b»»

A. St«d^?iisg ^pcsptunl d9mi^^sm& mixm the t#!^li^tao of sonsory^^pri'srstis8i» £* plg»»

'Mmm^ Asmssy l-o 'f%smX mmme^ &ad intensity dij»3rlir4n»tloo In

51, 622-^^*'

gjE^^gs.tlijse ms^c^^' i©fe' lerkt i^cwtice-Hallt i953.» P9»

s, ¥• tb» dlffergfttiai stuspeiase in eaicsal* to ©tlmli varsrlag within

S. !4.imr» Isae^, end f':^3rs, k* E. VisataX pattern perception fol-XgilE^ ©lifdal ©Xieir^ tant-aXvm felr© i^Xsjstatlon la the visuaXeart^, J, i^gsloX* P^|cfega« » X955* 2§» 5^^5B.

%)dn?3f, t* .K|ey®, E* 1#, a»i S«brler, A* M. PerceptuaX eapaelty of tho iao«latod vls^. €5£rt®3: tl» e&t. j'asrt* £. |222S^*» M» 65-7X-


P^cl^oX> , 1953 » ^*8M*36. (ft)

Mei^P®a» J. M. Sff#ct erf' .p«sss©tri«5aX iregul&ritir on vimisl form diserlBSlnatloQ

erlt^jsatlos Ss^^ mosiks^* ^som* g^wsiol * Psychol, » 1953 » 231-236. (c)

i^'} Fsy^^^^yi 4 ® ^ijsa^. Vol. * l!^<?log:icslly ogjantcd

letttoi Swr^ ^^w®lt^f» f.A*» H.lut 1959

^«3»s|,iia3sst Sii|3^«rte»K^I. A»8l^-iarvt» ^isMt^ 5toi^i«r$lty» 1^^58

f^ir^Mi^ fr@t{ie@» VM^n^ Ms^^iistr&tloa Hos|»ltaX» Durham*tetfe asrolto* 195^,

l^5&rt*iiffl® S3»tr^t^r» Dstt««1i«»mi of i'ma^&Xo^jf r^ako 'axivwralty,

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U!:^^¥®«> *# mi^ 24wy» a* A. The relation of

[email protected], aisdro®^ tb«r®|^« jsjod pr©-te-st fighting «x-