AN ESSAY Towardsa‘. _REAL CHA~R~ACTERÃ i* l Alida " ' PHILOSOPHICAL LANGUAGE By JoHN И/Ымы:1).1)."1>ш‹›]"[{пё`оы‚ And FèllowoftbeROT/ÍL SOCIETY". .__-____ LONDQN, Print<id~foxSAz` GELLIBRAND, andvfor ÍÁÜHN MARTÍN Printer tothe ROT/1L s0cIE77;166&

Transcript of AN ESSAY - MPG.PuRe



_REAL CHA~R~ACTERÃi* l Alida " '



By JoHN И/Ымы:1).1)."1>ш‹›]"[{пё`оы‚

And FèllowoftbeROT/ÍL SOCIETY".



Print<id~fox­SAz` GELLIBRAND, andvfor

ÍÁÜHN MARTÍN Printer tothe ROT/1L

’ s0cIE77;166& ’




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ТО the Right Honourable

Í'ïï‘w IL L I А

.l LORD vlscouNT l



Together with fthe гей of thc С О ‘д NС I L and


l» l I., ' „д; NОW nt length Prefent to your

_» ‚‚ — Lord/hip thofe Pnpert I had drnwri

- ‘\ up concerning n Real Charaëter,

‹ ’ and n Phìlofophicall Language ,

which hyßefuernll Orden ofthe So

ту hdfve heen required of Me.

` hn‘ve been the longer about it,pnrtlyI

he‘cnuße it required /ome confidernhle time to reduce the

Colleâîiont I had hy me to thif Purpofejnto n tolernhle or­'

der; ат! partly hecnuß: when this znorlg~ 2pm done in

Writing, and the Imprejm'on of it well nigh fini/hed, it

дарит! (among/l так] other hetter thingy) to he hurnt

in the [ш dreadful!Fire; hy тыс/9,411 that wat Print

ed (excepting only two Copier) and n great part ofthe'l

imprinted Original ivm deßroyed : he rePniring of

which, hnth tit/ien up the атак]! part of my time efver


ßnce. I mention thu` hy та)’ (ус/4170108)’ for thrlt flach@ '

neß‘ and delay, I mnyßem to he guilty of in my obedience

.' to your Uri/err.

. d' ’ I nui

‚ На‘- ,v

` »_ -Yl‘___ ___.- —————___ ___. ._- -—--——-’ """_""м‘.‚—_..'—____—_‚‚—.—


1 am not ‘vain aa to thinlì that I have here com#

Pletely Лифт! thif great undertahLing ‚ with all the adi `

Izianta'get of which ßich a de_ßgn if capable. Nor т the _ ­

other hand, am Ißdij‘ident of thi: Effay, at not to he

lieve it /itßïcient forthe hußneß to which it pretendi",

namely the dißinêl expreßon of all ‘Шла! and notions*

thatfall under difcourje. 1 ’

1 amß’nßhle of/undry defeëît' in thefefoerall party of

this Вод/1: Änd therefore would maliye it my humhle mo

tion to your Lord/hip and thit Society, that you would

hyyour Order appointfome ofour numherJ thoroughly to

examin Ú» conßder the whole, and to ф’ theirthoughtt

concerning what they judge )it to he amendedin it. Рar

ticularly in thoßz Tahlet that concern the Люси’: ofNa«tural bodies 5 whichJifthey were ( @far ac they areyetY

lìnown and ставший) dißinöily reduced and deji‘rihed,

Thu' would very much promote and facilitate the 1111022’

ledg of Naturej which if one great end ofyour Inßitu

tion. And heßdet, the ranging ofthefe thingt into „ад

an order aa the Society /hall approve, would ajjtorda ‘very

good methodforyour Repoíitory, hoth jfor the difpofal

of what you hafve already, and the fupplying ofwhat

you want,towardt` the comp/eating of that Colleöiion, fo

generan/ly даёт: of lateJ hy the hounty of Mf- Daniel

CollwatlJ a worthy Memher of this Society. Änd hy

this meantJ IИди/с! not douht, hut that in a ‘very /hort

jlhace , you would have the maß uß’full Repofitory in

the World. ‘

It it no eaße undertaking to Enumerate ‚Шри!‘ mat

tert aa are to he provided for in ßtch a deßgn; But the

шрифт’ Defining ‚ heing among/i all отдел the maß

nice and dilíïcult, muftl need: render it a ‘very hard tat/ì

for any` one to attempt the doing of thu, for allf1lìinde of'.

:. ; ЬingsJ


iŕliinigpsîÑ-otions, and >VVordsgnbiebjet t? neeeßag/ to

tbe deßgn bere Propoßd _ _ ' _‘Upon nabieb aeeount I be exeufedfor beingßllicitotu about tbe ají/lance of otberr in tbtfe rna‘ttert3

. beeauß: of ‘tbeir great dißîcu ty and `importance.' Tbeeornpleating (угри/9 a deßgnJ being ratbie‘r tbe :verliefa

‘College and an Age, tben ofany ßngle Perfon : тем;

tbe combined Studier ofrnany Studenti“, ainongfìl wborn

tbefewerallЛиге: ofßteb a Wor@ Ливны be dißribut'ed ‚

э ‚


And tbat jforß long a сот/Ё’ oftime ‚ znbereinfu/j‘ïoient

experiinentr ‘та/л be ma e ofit by Praëíice.' g _ ‚

It bas been/ayd concerning tbat ртом Italian Аж:

demyßyled de la Cruleaßonßßing ofrnany eboice Men

ofgreat Learning, tbat tbe] beßozved ßortyyearr inß

nijbing tbeir Vocabulary. /Ind ’tu noel! enougb ÍînonßnJ

tbat tbe/è great Witt oftbe French AcademyJ did begin

tbeir Dié’tionary in tbe _year 1 6 3 9. Andfor tbe baß­

ning of tbe Wага, did di/ìribute tbe Parts ofit amongfí

jez/eral! Committees 5 andyet tbat undertalîing ir (for

ougbt I can underflandjfar enougb from being fini/bed.

Nom if tboß? famour Áßernb/iet тиф/11123 of tbe

great Witt of tbeir Age and Nations, vdid judge tbis

WorbLof Dieìionary-making, for tbe Poli/Ling oftbeir

Language ‚ wortby of tbeir united labour andßudier 5.

Certain/y Шел, tbe Перу‘ bere PropoßsdJougbt not to be'

tbougbt широт/э)’ offuob аудите; it being tu mueb to

befreferred before tbat, ae things are better tben Words,

aa real knowledge if beyond elegancy of lÍJeeeh, ae tbe'

general good ofmankind, u'beyondtbat ofany particu

lar Countrey or Nation.

I ат ‘oeryfenßble tbat tbe то]! uß’full in‘ventionr do

at tbeirjïrß appearanceJ inaliebut a ‘very flow progreß in

tbe World, unie/i даёт! jbrzpard byjozne particular ad


The Е ¿SÉ-¿L

rvantage. Logarithms were an Irwentionof excel/enz

Art and uß’fulntff; Ändyet it waa a conßderahle time,

before the Learned Men in other parts, did ß) Гаги‘ tab@

notice ofthem ‚ a5 to hring them into tje. The А)’: of

Shorthand , is in it;` ‘три! an Ingenieur de'uice , and of

con/iderahle ußefulneßßpplicahle to any Language, much .

naondered athy îrafoailergthat 'have feen the experience

­ ofit in England: Änd yet though it he aho‘ve Three­`

p ратует‘, ßnce it waa Invented , ’tir not to this

day (for ought I can learn) hrought into common pra

¿iice in any other Nation. /Ind there is reaßn enough

to expeöì' the like Fatefor the deßgn here propofed.

The only expedient I can thinlîofagain/î it, is, That

it hefent ahroad into the' World, with the reputation of

ha'ving hin conßdered andapproved of, hy fuch a Soci

ety ai' thu; тыс/пику’ prot/olie, at lea/t , the Learned ¿

part ofthe World,to шаг notice of it, and to gine it[uch

` encouragement, aa it Ли” appear to dcß’r‘ve. f ï

­ And if upon рт!) an amendment and recommen

n dation ‘hy thu’­ Society, the deßgn here торфа’, flJOMlólAhappen to come into common ufe, I_t would парте the

Honour you lne/loin upon it , with ahundant Iтете/1. L

The Бета‘; Inßrumental in any Лис/9 difcofvery aa does

tend to the ‘Uniwetfal goodofМал/фиг’, heingfußìcient

not only toy malîe the Authors ofit famoua, hut ат) the

Times and Places wherein they/ine.' Не that Íînonar how to e/limate, that judgment infli-l

¿ted on Мат/31114222 the Cuife ofthe Confuíïon ,l with n

allthe unhappy confequencer of it , may therehy judge,

'whatgreat advantage and heneßt there will he, in a re

_ medy again/tit’. 'Men are content to lie/low much time

and paint in _the Study of Languagef, in 'order to their

‘ ‚ more eafy caniverßng with thofe ofother Nations. 71;

t ‚ ‘ y fai

Y-. ì


­­"'_____~­___.__ '


.­’»­­­~_-_~’­‘~ ŕ ­­­-­4­~­­~ —-—— l

‚ИМ ОГМЁНГЁдЗГСЗ King of Pontus,­that he 222‘

in Two and twentyßrveral Tongues, vwhich wereЯга/1011

in theßzfoeral Provinces under hià‘ Dominion: `I/Khich,

tho it were a 'very extraordinary attainment ,y yet how

jhort a remedy waa it дамп the Uur/e ofthe Confußon,

сои/Майн; the 'naß multitude of Languages that are in

the World. _ — _ ‚Befides that maßA oh‘vious advantage which would

виде, offacilitating mutual Commerce, amon'gftl theje,

‘сет! Nations of the World, and the improving of all '

Natural knowledge ;` It wouldlilîewi/e ‘very much con

duce to the fpreadingv of the lînowledge of Religion.y

Next to the Gift of Miracles , andparticularly that of

Tongues, pewred out upon the Apo/iles in the plant

ing ofChri/ìianity, There is nothing that can more ¿ße¿Íually conduce to the further accompli/hment of thoft'­

Ртотфг, which concern the difußon ofit, through all

Nations, then the deßgn which ic here propo/ed.

To which it will he properfor me to add, That this

deßgn will lihLewiße contribute much to the clearing of

— ßme ofour Modern dijjî’rences in Religiçm, hy unmask:

ing many wild errors , that/helter themßl‘ves under the

di guiß? ofa/fûeöied p_hraßzs; which heing Philoßtphically

unfolded, and rendered according to the genuine andna

tural importance о)"Words, wid appear to he inconßßen

cies and contradiò’íions. Andfe‘veral of thoße pretended,

myßerious, projfoun'd notions, expreßed in greatfwelling

words, wherehy ßme тел/ё! up for reputation, heing

this way examined,will appear to he, either nonfence, or

тегу/141: andМила.

Änd tho it /hould he ofno other ufe hut this, yet were

it >in thefe days well worth a titans pains andßudy‘, con

дает; the Common mijchiefthat is done, and the many

c. ` h impoßures`

мы AThe ЕР 1s TLB, Ó‘rc.

impoßuret and cheat; that are put upon men , under the‘

difguiße ofaßeëled inßgnijïcant Phrafer.

But what ever may be the zß‘ue of thir attempt, aa to

the eßablzfhing ofa real @hara/fier, and the bringing of

it into Common uje, among/l ßzfveral Найти‘ of the

World Kofwhich I have but 'very/Zender expeëïationrg)

yet ‘И: Ifhall идет: with greater confdence , That the

reducing ofall things and notionr,tofuch kind offïabler,

aa are here торфа! ( were it aa compleatly done aa it

might be j would profve the „зоне/Ё andМаше/1 wayfor

the attainment ofreal Knowledge, that hath beenyet ofl

fered to the World. Änd I fhall addfurther,that thefe

rvery Tablet (aa now they arej do feem to me a much

better and readier courße, )for the entring and training up

ofmen in the knowledge ofthingr, then any other way of

Inßitution that I know of; which I/hould not prefumei

to aßernbeforefuch able j’udger as thoß ofthia Society,

were it not a thing I had well conjidered and were con~vinced of. i

4 I ha‘ve nothingfitrther to add, but only the declaring

myto he maß Zealoufly' devoted to the Honour and

Welfare of the Royal Society , ›

‘Анд particularly KMy Lord,y

Your i Lordlliips’moli

Humble Servant,


‘1i I‘ ‘i’ I» 11'» "‘\"‘o:.o)‘ ‘r 'i' п ­"1vA.






T О ’l‘ Н Е ’


T'may perhapr he‘expeâ'ed hyfilme, that Iмы‘: gine an account of myJ

ingaging in a Work of thi: nature fo unßtitahle to my Cal/ing and Bidi:

ne t. .fFor the ßztitfaèïion ofßich, they mayМед/ё to take notice, that thia'

" Work was fr# undertaken, during that vacancy and lea/ure which Í

­formerly enjoyed in an Academicadßation, to 'which the endeavour: ‘фри-01110

¿ing adkind ofußfu/Íknowledge, where/2y Learning may he improved, if _a very

ßiitahle imployment. 1n the time of that daily and intimate converfè which I

' then injoyed, with that nto/i Learned and excellent Petßn Dr. Seth Шах-дум

pre-fan: Biíhop of Salisbury. I had frequent occa/ion of conferring with him,

concerning the varian: Найдены,- propo/id hy Learned men, orЛи!’ thing: a;

were conceivedyet wanting to the advancement ofß’veral part: of Learning;

among/ì which, thi: ofthe Unìveríili Charafier, wat one of theprincipal, mint

ofwhich he had more deeply con/ìdered, than any other Per/hn that I knew.

Andin reference to thi: particular,he топ/4129’, That a: it wat one of the ‚та/Ё

uÍèfulL/o' hejudged it to he one ofthe fno/i feafìble, among/ì all the reß, ro

‘ёлка! ina re иди’ way. Butfor лира/д attempt to thirpurptfe, which e had

either­ßen шаман! of, the Author; of them did generally mi/iake itt their

foundation: :‚ эры/[1 they did propojê to themfelve: the framing qf/iich aCha

rnâer,from a Diůionary of Words, according to fome particular Language,

without reference to the nature of things, and that common Notion of thaw,

wherein Mankind doe: agree , which muß chiefly he re/peòîed , hejbre any

attempt of thi: nature could Делай any thing , a: to the main end of


It ma:from thisl „изд/110’: of hir, that I had any dil/lint? apprehen/ion

ifthe proper тиф to he птицей, inряд/э an undertaking 5 having in a Treatijê

I hadpubli/hedртаyear; before, торфа! the Hebrew Tonpu'e a: confdiing of

feine/i Radical: , to he the fitte/i ground workfbr juch a def/gn.


Bei/ide: the many Private conference: to thi: purpofe ‚ I muß not Лиз’!

to mention , that Publique account which he hath given to the World, of

hi: thought: upon thi:ЛИК? , in that Learned and [путаю diji‘outfe ßyled

Vindiciœ Academiarum 5 wherein he endeavour: to Vindicate Миф Ancient

and jamon: School: cf Learning , from ‚дм/э rcproacher, whereby jeme Ig

norant and ill-natured men ( taking the advantage у" ММ: had Time: _)

would have expojêd them to contempt and ruine. In which Treatiß: there

i: mention made offome conßderable preparation: , toward: the Def/gn here

торфа’, which hi: other need/ary imployment: would have permitted

him to have profëcuted , would without doubt , long ere thi: .‚ have been ad

vanced to a: great a Perfeè't'ion , a: the Fßa'y infb dificil/t a matter could

have attained. ' ~

It wa: fome con/iderable time after thi:, before I had any thought of

attempting any thing in thi: kind: The occa lon of it wa: , from a

deßre I had , togive firme 'ajßliance to another perjon, who wa: wil/ing to

ingage in thi: deßgn of framing a real Charafter, from the Natural no

tionof thing:5 for the helping Qf whom in ji: worthy an undertaking,

I did @fer to draw up for him, the Table: of Subltance, or the ßncie:

ofNatural Bodies ‚ reduced under theirjêveral Неас115 which I did accord

ing/y perform, much after the ./iznte Method, a: they are hereafter fit

damn: Though in the doing of it , I found much more labour and dißiculty,

then I expeâ‘ed, when I undertook it. But he for whom I had done thz`:,

not liking thi: method, a: being of too great a Compaß, conceiving that

he could füiciently provide for all the chief Radical: , in a much briefer

and more ealy way , did not think л? to make аф- of thejë Table:. 'Upon

which, being my jelf convinced, That thi: which I had begun, wa: the

only courßl for the там; ofßtch a work, and being withal unwiding

to loof: fo much pain: a: I had already taken toward: it, I reßlved ( a:

my lea/nre would permit) to go on with the other Table: ofAccidemg,

And when after many review: and change: I had reduced f a: wed a: I

could) into thqfe Table: , all [imple thing: and пойти, by a Confiderd

tion of them à Priori, I then judged it шефа)’ to attempt the redu

Üion of all other Word: in the Diůionary to thiji' Table:, either a: they

were Synonymous to them, or to be defined by them, which would be a

mean: to try ‘де/Миф of the/ê Table: , and conßquently to ­/upply their

defeä:5 And b_eßde: a great help to Learnen, who withoutдм a direötion,

might not perhap: at be able toßnd out the true place and notion tfmany

Word:. ­

For the farther compleatiug of thi: Work, I found it шеф’) to take

into conßderation, the framing of fach a Natural Grammar, a: might

be ßtitcd to the Philojitphyof Speech, alßraä'ing from thofe many unneceßary

rule: belonging to in_/iituted Language, which proved a matter ofno fina/l

dijfcnlty , coryïdering the little help to be had fitr it , from thofè few Author: `

who had before undertaken todo any thing in thi: kind.

In the doing if theß' thingy, I have not лед/еде‘! any help that I could

procure from other:, and midi acknowledge my much ingaged to Ли‘

dry Learned Men of my acquaintance , for their diret‘ït'ion: , andfurtherance

in /uch matten, a: were mijl ßlitable to their jêveral Studie: and Prqßrf


Amongfì the ‘ф, I muß not Лиге! to make particular mention of the

рта! :1l/dilation’ I have received, in drawing up tlc Table: of Animals


` ~ог11с READ 3R.

from that niet? Learned and [твердые Gentleman , a worthy Member ofthe

Royal Society, Mr.’ Francis Willoughby, who hath made it hi: >particular

hnßneß, in hi: late Travail: through the maß eonfiderahle part: of Europeto inquire after and under/initd the fev'eral ßvecie: cy" Animals, and hy hir

own Ohfèrvation: i: ahle to advance thatpart of Learning , and to add many

„Иду, to what hath heen formerly done, hy the maß Learned Author: in thio

kind. ‘ '

And a: for tho/ê maß dißicult Table: of Plants, I have received the like

дШ/Ътсеэ from one of hi: Companion: in Travail, lllr. уши/ту, Late

Feßow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, who hefìde: hi: other general ’

Knowledge, hath with greatjitcceß apply/ed hint/éh" to the Cultivating, of that

part of Learning. . '

And a:fer theprincipalафиши, which I meg with in any _other part if

thir Work, [риф acknowledge myлад‘ahliged to the continual ‚(ф/{миг Ihave

had, from nay ту? Learned and z'rorthy Friend, ‘В’. “ЧШащЫоуд , then

whom (/ôfar a: Iam ahle tojndge,) thi: Nation сон/‘1 mit, have ayfatded a'

Лис’ Perfon , either for that great India/fry, ar Accnratejndgment, hath in

Philologìcal, and Philofophical matter: , required to рт!’ a Work. And

particularly I ‘пи/Ё wholy a/i‘rihg to hina that tedion: and diyjzicnlt taik, of

fitting the Table: to the DiCtionary , and the drawing up of the Diótionnry it

felf, which upon Луи, I doni# not, will he found to he the maß petfeä, that _. '

wa: everyet ‘идей’ the Englifh Tongue. '

And here I think it prpaer to give notice that there are Диет! Ward:,/

mentioned in the Diäionary , andfrequently при! among/Z [те 'auf/ar.,

which areyet very qne/iionahle a: to their тиф andpropriety : Each of thefe­

were in the Original Coppy niarlqed with an Aßerùk, for the hettcr dißinäion

afthena’, hut hy fome ovetßght, the/e mark: have heen omitted in the Im


_fanyßJa/lßiggq/i , that Для: of thi Enquiríe: here infißed upon (a: par

ticularly th'tß ahout the Letter: of the Alphahet) do firent too minute and

trivial, for any prudent Man to he/low. hi: fèrion: thought: and time a

hout.` Such Perjònrmay know, that the афишу of the true nature and

Caufeof any the nia/i minute thing, doth promote real Knowledge, and there

fore cannot he unßt fr any Man: endeauourt, who i: wil/ing toA contri

hnte to the advancement of Learning. ‘Upon which At'countjöme of the ‘

шф eminent Petjòm, injl/èveral figer, who were Men of hißngß,' have not difdained to he aw­ their pain: ahout the Fir/l Element: of

Speech. `]и\1изСагГаг, i: jâid to have written a Book de Analogia; And the ...all

Emperonr Charles the Great,­to have made a Grammar of hi: vulgar Tongue.

sa did St. Ваш für the Greek; and St. Anftin for the Latin, hath extant in

their Workr. ` ‘

_ Big/ide: diver: afgreat reputation hath Ancient and Modern ‚ who have

Written whole Book: on pnrpafè, concerning the Nnmher of the Letter: in

the Alphabet; Other: have applyeal their difhui/ition: to ­finte particular Let-_

ter: : Mefßla Сон/таз‘, a Great Man,­and a [атом Orator „приз/1 the

Romans, Writ a Book concerning the Letter S. Aclamantius Martyr,

wa: the Author afanather Book,concerning the Lettera-eV. and B. Our Learned

Gataker ha: Puh/:flied a Book concerning Dipthongs. And Jovianus Ponta

nus фетиш! a Learned Мал/м”) 'Iwo Book: de Adfpirationqor the Letter Ht

С Mr»

-w-.v' _1v- v- _

_ . n- .__ ____-___. . . l -

Mr. Franklyn batb Publi/bed a particular Dißonrfe concerning Accents,

\And Erycìus Puteanus batb Written a Book purpofelj, ’de Inter punehone,

of tbe true way of Pointing Claußer and Senteneer. And Миф General/j

bell eßeerned for Мед‘ great .nfefulneß in tbe Promoting of Learning .‘ Wbi'eb'

nu] be a ßgßieient Vindieation againß anjPrcjt/dice: of tbie Папуа.


. [.-T‘HE Introduûion. Il. The Ori inalof Languages,V im ТЫ



The F¿di Part Containing the Prolegomena.

­`’cHAPTEte L .

FШ} Mother Tonguî’s. lV.Their everal UHëprings.

_ ‚ С Н A P. II. l

l. Concerning the various Changes and Corruptions, towhich all vnlf

ar Languages are obnoxious. Il. Particularly concerning the

Èhange of the Euglg'f/J Tongue. III. Whether lany Language for»~

mer! in ufe, be now wholly lofi. П’. Concerning _the firii ­rife and '

occa on of New Languages. pag, 6

l p C H A P. III. . _

l. The Original of Letters and Writing. Il. That all Letters were

_' derived from the Hebrew.` III. The ui'e of Letters is lefà «птицам!

the Kinds of them lefs'numero‘us, than of Languages themfelves.’

IV. Of Notes for Íecrecy 0r brevity. ‚ V. Of a Real Character,

VI. 0f Alphabetsin General. ‘ Pablo

_ _ IcnAtÃnn _, -Í. Of the defeâs in Common‘Alpha'bets, as to the true Order ofthe

' Letters, II. Their juli Number„ III. Determinare Powers, V. Fitting ‘A

Names, V. Proper Figures. VI. ‘Of the Imperfeâions belongin _

to' the Words of Languages, as to their Equivocalneß, Variety ai'

Synonymous Words, Uncertain Phrafeologîesh Improper wayÀ ofWritin о _ u i. ‚ а o l

g_ _ g CHAP. V. ' Pg 4

1,-.That neither Letters not Languages, have been regularly eiiablifhed

by the Kules of Art. Il. The Natural ground or Principlepf lthe fe-v

veraI ways of Communication _an’iongfi Men. III. The Hrfi thing to

be provided for, in the efiablllhmg of a Philofophical Charaâer or

Language, is a juil enumeration 0f all Rich Things _and Notions, to ’

which Names are to be afiìgned. Раз, I9

П’; Second Part Containing _Univ‘eŕfäl Philolophy.

CHAPTER. I.I. H E Scheine of G‘enus's. Il. Concerning the more lGeneral No-l

’ `tions of Things, The difficulty of Efiabliíhing thefe aright.

Ш. Of Tranfcend'entals General. IV. Of Tranlcendentals Mixedi

‘ ‚ V. O

The Contents of. Ню C н ar т l в s.

î Of Tranf'cendental Relations of Aóiion. VI. Of the fcveral No

ons belonging to Grammar, or Logic. Page, 2 I

‚ cHARn. '

I. ConcerningGod. II. Of the feveralThings and No‘tions reduciblc

under that Colleâive Genus of the World. " Pag 5I .

\ ' CHAR m. ­ i'

I. Of Elements and Meteors. Il. Of Stones. III. Of Metals. pag.56

° CHÁR~W~ —" '~

I. Of Plants,Tbe difiiculty of enumerating and defcribingthefe. Il. The

` ` more general diůribution of them. III.' Of Herbs conlidered ae'-d

cordińg to their Leaves. lV. Of Herbs confidered accordin to their —

` Flowers. ‘ V. Of Herbs coníidered according to their See Veffels.

’ VI. Of Shrubs. VII. Of Trees. pag, 67

` ‚ С H A P. V. ‚

I. Concerning Animals, The General difiribution of them. II- Of Exanì

guious Animals. III. Of Iii/hes. IV. Of ë’irds. V. Of Bea/is.

_ VI. A Digreflion concerning the capacity of Noab’s' Ark. pag. tar

_ C Н A P. VI.

I. Of. Parts ofAnimate Bodìes,whether I. Peculiarpr П. General. p. x68


, ‚ I. Concerning the Prcdicament of щита.‘ 1.0i' Magnitude. НО?

S ace. IILOfMea ure. . - a .x81_ P., ‘ f ­(_JHA`P. VIII. ' ‘Pg l

Concerning the Predicament of ita/#hand the lèveral Genus's belong

ing to it. l. OfNaturalPower. I . OfHahz't. III. OfManners- lV. Of

Sen/ibis ,Qgfality V. Of 5 with the various differences and Гре

- cies undereach of thefe. _ y pag.194. ’

C H A _P. IX.

Of the Predicament of Aäìon; The feveral Genus’s under it. ‘12.1.675

ritual Aäion. Hßorporealdäz'm; llIzMotian. lV.0peration. paas

C Н A P. X. ‹

Concerning Relation more private, namely I. Oeconom’cal, or Family Re

lation ç, together with the feveralkînds of things belonging to thof'e

. in that capacity, either as ILPqßcßìons, or lll. Provi/feas. ° pag. 24.9

­ — CHARXI r'

Concerning Relatief; more Publike,­whcther I. Civil. II. judiciary.

Ill. Naval. IV. Military. V. Ecclejiaßical. pag.263

_ °­CHAP. XII. " '

Ъ A General Explication ofthe deíign of the fore-going Tables. Il. Pax"

ticular Inll'ances in theíix principal Genus’s of it. lILSomething to be

` noted concerning Oppojíter and Synonyma’s. JV. An'Account of what

‚ . kind of things ought not to be provided for in (uch Tables. rrp-289

_. ‚ ‚ ' l The

. Of Prepofitions in general. Il. The

l. Óf Tranfcendental

Infiances of the

Of the fccond part of Grammar called Syntax.

Ol` Orthography. I. Concerning

The Contents of the C й A e" r. в rt s.

The Third Part Containing Philofo'phical


‹ с н А P ‘ŕ E к. т.

I. Concerning the feveral Kind: and Part: of Grammar.

Etymologie, The more general Scheme of Integrali and Parti

cles. Ill. Of Noun: in General. IV. Of „шлите; common',I

denoting either Tbingr, At’îianr, or Pnjôm. i V. Rules concerning'

Norm: ofAäion. VI. OÍSu'bßantìite: .4b/1m31. VII. Of ‚трат:

according to the true Philofophical notion of them'. VIII. The

f true notion of a Verb. IX. OF derived Adverbe. X. A general

Scheme of the foreme'ntioncd Derivations.


Page. 297

. Of Partièle: in General. Il. OF the copula'. III. OF Premium- more

generally. IV.l More particularly. V. Of Ínterjeů‘ionr more аспе

rally. VI» More particularly. p. 304k


particular kinds of them enu

merated. III. An Explication of the four lal'i Combinations ofthem,relating to Place or Time. P' 309l

C H A P. IV. ‘. Of Adr'lreŕbs in general. ll. The particular kinds of them. III. Of

Conjunétions. p. 3 ra


I. Of Articles. II. Of' Modes. III. Of Tenles. IV. The moli (11031161

way of cxpreíïîng the differences of Time.

C H A P. VI.

particles, The end and ul'ëoi~ them. II. The

ufual ways for inlarging the fenfe of Words in infiituted Languages..k

Ш. The general Heads of Tranfcendental Particles. Y P318“


great ufefulnefs of thefe Tranliiendental Particles, with

direäions how they are to be applyecl. p. 3a 3



Of' the Accidental diñerences of Words. I. inflexion. Il. Derivation.

III. Compolition. 13.352'

i P~ss4

CHAR x ï

_ Letters. The Authors who have treat«

ed of this Subjeů. II. Abrief Table of all fuch kinds of Simple

found, which can be framed by the mouths of Men. III. A fur.ther Explication of this ­I_"able, as to the Organs of Speech, and as

to the Letters framed by thefe Qrga ns. p. 3 57

d C H A P.



The Contents of the С н A P т в R s.

C Н А Р. XI.

Of Vowels. . ` p. 6' g C H A P. XII. 3 s

Of Confonants. р. 366


lOf Compound Vowels, and Confonants. р. 370

C H A P. XIV. ‹

I. Of the Accidents of Letters, l. Their Names. II. Their Order,

III. Afiìnities and Oppolitions. IV. Their Figures, with a twofoldInûance of amore regular Charaůer for the Letters, The laterl of

which may be Ítyled Natural. V.OÍ` Pronunciation. VLThe feveral

Lettcrs’dißufed by Several Nations. p. 347.

The Fourth Part Containing a Real .Chatta-.étera

and a Philolophical Language. `

i C H A P T E R I. y

The propofaloi` one kind of Real Charaóter ( amongft many other

which might be offered) both for all Integrali, Whether Genur’r, Dif

ference: or Species, together with the derivations and InHexions be

longing to thetn , as likewife for all the {ever-al kinds ofParticler.

~ Pesi-'.385

С Н A P. ‚П.

An Inftance of this Real Charaâer , in the Lord’s Prayer and the

Creed. P395


How this Real CharaCIer may be made effable in diltintEI.l Lan nage..

and what kind of Letters or Syllables may be conveniently a lgned

to each Charaäer. ’ p. 414.

` С А Н P. IV.

Inftance of this Philofohical Language, both in the Lord's Prayer and

the Creed: A comparifon ofthe Language here propofed, with

fifty others, as to the facility and Euphonicalnefs of it. p42 t

C H A P. V. ‚

Direê'tìons for the more eafy learning ofthis Chárafter and Language,

`with a brief Table containing the Radicals , both Integral: and

Particlecg, together with the Charaůer and Language, by which

each of them are to be expreíîed. - p. 439

С H A P. Vl.

The Appendix containing а Comparifon betwixt this Natural Philo o

phical Grammar and that of other жми“: Languages, particu

larly the Latin , in refpeét of the multitude of лишен/Д’) Rule:and of ¿noma/ijn”. concerningI the China Charaêter.' The feveral i

Attemps and Propofals made by others, towards a new kind of

Charaâer'and' Language. The advantage in relpeft of facility,

which this Philofophical Language hath above the Latin. p44:


4 hva «I»,e тьма!” ‘щ g е


AG£6.Lîne1 .Read мёда“) 57.1". .15.1. .r. .B a u' nin ,8m .16.1.11.(A d p- 27P 1.39. dele "На p.3z.l.4g.de1elpoor.pp.4o.’1. 2,83. inydeffr‘rg. p§41.1.?1.1,zz. addYalmlin'iíhr,

difptrjìdiŕîfiìß" Iöbmfuiringao t c preceding line. p.7Q.1.38.r.1r71r.p.73.1.3.r.Lacm1.¢. p.

91.1.7,8.r.oftbis Tribe. p. 9 4.1.19.r.¢xpund. p.9 7.1 11,31.r.Cb1`1-Hing. p.133.1.31.r. Oryrbjnebu. p.

134.1484100- p­139.1.18.çbanna. p.147.1.1o.r.cafim;afler. p.15o.l.o.o,z1.r. Cmotbrauůwp.

153.0/ B1`1Jr.p.156.1.1gJvqlmmpJ57.1.48.Strepjìcerdr.p.159.1.511-.Sbre‘wmoußp~ 1771.10. 81C.

ц-‚мт ‚при‘; organiza! д wfbnbnfuch рлт“ I" p. 181 1.4o.aftcr {uperñcics add ìmypl]

{Exœmah nld fon," -smfu’aœï . ing a мы} и the fide: or limit: ofit.

‚ Internal ; "ldlc" Tanmg’spœkmg’ “r Eatmg‘ p.: 1.1. 49. del: ¢h¢,1.5o.r. the word

Change. p.19a..l.zz.r..lrtx. p.z99.1 35.1'à¢,au¢ity.p.3o9.1.19.r.|bi:.p.3z4.l.

38.1'. jabber .p 346.1.z9.r.flas.p.­368. 1. 12..:«171im 11.390. .8,9.r.up­ward,downward,aôwe,


Раз-чш-Пп-‘з- Le* P­a9s~ mimbmrnF-m naal-HJ 113991»

33.42à p.4oo.n.37,45.8­Q-¿ р.4о4..1.3.п.23. ¿55h n.a7.25­7 n. 37.04F»

n.109.- VDf-b p41 3,816.20. p.­422.1.3. d1. p.427.n.37.-c'z5,abys. p. 4.28.

1.2.de1e 86.1.6. t'äalti. р 4291.19.for 8. rf.

Ínt'he MARGIN.

Age 1o. Read Muffin. р-7=„0’уи. р‚7б. Pnafîtu. p.8 6. Canna. p_8 9. Prrfoliata. Eryngìuhi.

y Spbonlylium. p.9o.CImnpb}lon. p. 91.7’byß'elinum. Chamalryt. p. 92.С'Ь‚шш‚‹:1г).‹г р.935mm..

Bugula. p.95.Car7opbyllma. _. 99. Scorpioidu. Buflmrtjolio. paca.. старшим/щит. 11.10;'.

chammlm, p,1°4.v.olu. Hyo султан. p.1o6. Elm ur. p.1o7. Gfnß‘ularia. p.1o8. Mabul¢b.p.1o9.

Philyrbm. Рунам/м. Tbymtlna. P.U5.Lauronrajiu. p.l 16‚ватт. Corylur. p.x2.3.Pro/cambam.

p.14z.Lmci/2ur.p. 148.&ußra.Cor7lnum. p.15o.dlanh. Cmcbmmus. p. 152. Troglvdjm- 9459



I. 'Ihe Гималаи". Il. The Originalof Languager. Ill. TheMother-tengan, lV. Their рост! Oßïßtringt.

N the handling or mattutina, time here Q. i.

propofed to (гей: of, llhall digelt the things

which to me feem moli proper and material

to be faid upon this occaßon, into four parts 5

according to this following Method.

In the firů Part Ifhall prerpife fome things

as Precognita, concerning fuch Tongues and

Letters as are already in being , particularly

concerning 'thofe various dq‘eůmnd imperfe

äion: in them, which ought to beßtpplyed and

provided againß, in any fuch Language or'

Charaöter, as is to be invented according to the rules of Art.

The fecond Part fh‘all contein that which is the great foundation of

the thing here deligned , namely a regular enumeration and ddŕription

of all thofe things and notions,l to which marks or names ought to be

aíligned according to their refpeûive natures , which may be ftyled the

Scientifcal Part, comprehending Univerjiil Philofòphy. It being the pro.

per end and delign ofthe Íèveral branches of Philofophy to reduce all

things and notions unto fuch a frame, as may exprefi` their natural order,

dependence, and relations. '

The third Part fhall treat concerning fuch helps and Infiruments , .as

are requilite for the framing of thefe more [imple notions into cominued

Speech or Difcourfe, which may therefore be ůiled the Organical or In

ßrnniental Part, and doth comprehend the Art of Natural or Philq/à

phieal Grammar. ‘ _

In the fourth Part I (hall {Нет how thefe more generali Rules maybe applyed to particular kinds of Charaé’ters, and Languages, giving anl

înll‘ance of each. To which lhall b'e adjoyned by way of Appendix, а

Difcoutfe fhewing the advantage of fuch а kind of Philofophical Chara

ůèr and Language, above any ofthofe which are now known, more par

tieularly-above that' which is of moli general ufe in' thefe parts ofthe

World 5 namely, the Latine. -

ЬаШу, There [На]! be added a Diä'ionary of the Englilh» tongue ,‘ in

Which lhall be fhown how all the words of this Language, according to 'B the:l


5. II.

Horat._lib. t.

ЗаЕ. 3s

Gendt. 1,6.

‚ The Original of Languaget.

Book Il

the various equivocal fenfes of them, may be fufliciently expreíled by

the Philofophical Tables here propofed.

I begin with the firíl of thele.

The deÍign of this Treatife being an attempt towards a new kind of

Charaäer and Language, it cannot therefore be improper to prernìfe fome

what concerning thoie already in heing д the ñrll Original of them, their

feveral kind: , the various change: and corruption: to which they are ly

able , together with the manifold defeä: belonging to, them. This

l fhall endeavour to do in the former part of this DiÍcourfe.

There is fcarce any fubjeâ that hath been more throughly fcanned

and debated amongft Learned men , than the Original ot Language:

and Letterr. ’Tis evident-enough that no one Language is natural to

mankind, becaufe the knowledge which is natural would generally гс

main amongfl men, notwithflanding the fuperinduëtion of any other

particular Tongue, wherein they might be by Art. Nor is it much to

be wondred at, that the ancient Heathen, whoknew nothing of Scri

pture-revelation, fhould be inclined to believe, that either Men and

Language: were eternal 5 or,that if there were any particular time when

men did fpring out of the Earth , and after inhabit alone and dilperfedly

in Woods and Caves , they had at firft no Articulate voice, but only fuch

rude founds a's Bealls have 5 till afterwards particular Families increaling,

or feveral Families joyning together for mutual ßfety and defence, under

Government and Societies, they began by degrees and long praëtice to

confent in certain Articulate lbunds, whereby to communicate their

thoughtsnvhich in Íëveral Countries made feveral Languages, according

to that in the Poet,

Cum ‘потер/Эти: primi: animalia ‘ст-1:,

Mutum Ó“ ‘игре perm, glandem atqne'cuhilia propter

‘дяди/ли Ú“ pugnù, deinfu/iihtu, мене itaporro

Pugnahant „мы, quaepqßfahricaverat uhu,

Donec verha qui/m: vocerjënjiifgue notarent

Nomindqne invenêre; dehinc ahjt/t'cre hello,

Oppida трети! munire, Ú ponere lege:,

Ne qui:fur фа‘, neu latro, neu qui: adulter, Sie.

‚ But to us, who have the revelation of Scripture, thefe kind of fern

ples and conjeftures are fufhciently (lated. And ’tis evident enough that

the firfl Language was con- created with our Erft Parents, they immedi

atcly underllandìng the voice of God fpeaking to them in the Garden.

And how Languages came to be multiplyed, is likewife manifelled in the

Story of the Conftdìon of Babel. How many Languages , and whichthey were that fprang up at that Confuíionjs altogether uncertaìn5 whe--l

ther many of them that were then in being, be not now wholly loílgand

many others, which had not the fame original, have not fmce arifen in the

World, is not (I think) to be doubted.

'The moll received Conjeéìure is, that the Languages of the Confuli

on were according to the feveral Families from Noah , which were 7o or

72. though there be very flrong probabilities to prove that they were

not fo many, and that the Eril Dìfperßon did not divide mankind into lo



5'.стр.‘ 1. ‘ruft/f Mantenga

many Colonies. But now the feveral Languages that are ufed in the

world do farre exceed this number. Flin] and Strabofdo both make' Naŕ-Hîß- 111’

mention of a great Mart-Town in Colcbo: named Diófeuria,to which men Í'âìïfjb’m

of three hundred Nations, and of fo many feveral Languageawere wont

to refòrt for Trading. W'hioh, confidering the narrow comрай of Traf

ñek before the invention of the magnetic Needle , mult nCCds be but а

fmall proportion, in comparìfon to thofe many ofthe remoter and un.,

known parts of the world. ' i

Some of the American Hiftories relate, that in every fourfcore miles Minimum@

of that vali Country, and almolt in every particular valley 0f Pern, the Remains

Inhabitants have a dif’tinû Language. And one who for lfeveral years P." b иtravelled the Northern parts of America about Florida, and could fpealt nbfsfieétx. i.;

Их feveralLangua'ges of thofe people, doth aflirm, that he found, upon сВЭР-Ь

his enquiry and e'onverfe with thern,more than a thoufand different Lan

guages amongft them;

As for thofe Languages 'which feem to have no derivation from, or de- è I I I

pendance upon, or afiinity with one another," they are дума Lingue та- ° '

tricer, or Mother-tongues. Of thefe _'j'oßpb Sealiger affirms there are ele- piafńbe ¿e

ven,and not more,ufed in Europe5 whereof four are of more general and E_UFORZGIUUÍ

large extent,and the other feven of anarrower corupafs and ufff‘- 0f the has“

_ more generalTongu'es;

Y I. The Greek was anciently of very great extent, not onely in Europe, EMM»,

but in A/îa too, and Afria , where fcveral Colonies of that Nation were `lîix‘lagu'iriurf»

planted, by which difperfion and mixture with other peòplß it did d'5' с‘ ' P' t'

generate into (счета! тает. Beftdes thofe four that are Commonly ' ‘ '

noted, the Dorit', Ionic, Лада‘, Attic , Herodotur doth mention fout`

feveral Dialeâs of the Ionic. The inhabitants of Rbodet, Cyprus, Crete,

had each of them fome peculiarity in their Language. _And the preferir

Coptic or «Egyptian feetns, both from the wordt and the финал, to be a

branch of this family, and was probably fpred amongli that people-in

the days of Alexander the Great,upon his conquering of them :Though

fome conceive that there were at Май 30000 families of Greek: planted

in that Country long before his time. ‚ ‚ ‚ y

2. The Latin, though this be much of it a derivation from the Greek,

(of which the now French, гриф/Ь, and Italian are (счета! off-fprings i l

and derivations) had anciently four (счет! Dialeéts, as Petrus Спит“ De h‘mena'

Паста out of Verra. = мы

3. The Teutonic or German is now diftinguií-hed into 'Upper and ‘дат. Ème“ .

er. Thetvpper hath two notable Dialetïts. r. The Dani/b, мифах, ог сыр. ,_

perhaps the Get/aie, to which belongs the Languagc'ufed ‘in Denmark,

Noma), Steedelgand, and Wand. 2. The Saxon, to which appertain the

feveral Languages of the Eng/i i, the Scott, the Frißanr, and thofe on „the

North of Elfje.

4. The Slavonic is extended, though with fome variation, through

many large Territories, .Mu/bovin, Huj/ia,Po/and, BobenyíaJ/pndalia, Crpa» ‚ .ç

ш, Lithuania, Dalnutiar, and-is faicl to be the vulgar Language Мед a

топ?“ 6o feveral Nations. ‘ — — сдР- 2h

T 1e Languages of мы extent are, yt . The ¿Ibane/ê, от old Будет,

now Мёд in the mountainous parts-of` Epirm. ` —

a. The European Terror, or щит”, from Whichfome conceive our

‘ ­ ’ B a. ‚ Irlfb

l The firß Mother-Tonguer, Book Il.'

Enquiries ,

chap. 4.

д. 1v.

judges 1a.

udge 8. .


Georg'. Homin'

Epilhin Ви

‚та?!Ori gi ­

nes Gallic.

шары! '

Iri/h to have had its original. As for the ‘Ваш Tongue, that is original

ly no other but the Aßatic Tartar , mixed with Armenian and Per/tlm,

fome Greek , and much Arabie.

3. The Hungarianmfed in the greateft part of that Kingdom.

4. The Finnic, ufed in Finland and Lapland.

5. The Cantabria», ufed amonglt the Bifeainerr , who live near the

Ocean on the Pyrene hills, bordering both upon France and Spain.

6. The Irijb,ìn Ireland, and from thence brought over into fome parts

of Scotland. Though Mr. Сашей’: would have this to be a derivation

from the Wel/h.

7. The old Gault/7J or Britt/h, which is yet preferved in „На, (‘т-„

wall, and Britain in France.

'I 0 this number Mr. Brerevoaddoth add four others, vin.

1. The Arabie, now ufed in the fteep mountains of Granata; which

yet is a Dialeâ' from the Hebrew, and not a Mother-tongue.

2. The Самым, in Eaß-Frijêland.

3. The Idyrian, in the lÍle of Veggt'a.

4. The ‘,ïazjgian, on the North lide of Hungary.

Befides this difference of Languages in their firû derivation , every

particular Tongue hath its feveral Dìaleéls. Though файл werea re~

gìon of а Very narrow compals, yet was it not without its varieties ofthia

kind : witneß the flory concerning'Shihbo/eth and Sz'bboletbg and that '

of the шип, who was difcovered by his manner of fpeech5 and S. Pe

ter’s being known fora Сидит. ’Tis fo generally in other Countries,

and particularly with us in England, where the Northern and Welter-n

inhabitants do obferve a different dialect from other parts of the Nati.

on,as may appear from that particular inltanee mentioned by Verßegan

Whereas the inhabitants about London would lay, Iwould eat more cheefe

if I had it. A Northern man would (peak it thus, Ay Ли! eat mare

cheqß gyn ay had et. ­ And a Wellern man thus , Chad eat more cheejè an

chad it. —

Every one of thefe reputed Mother- tongues,except the Arabie, (and

perhaps the Hungarian) was ufed in Europe during the time of the Ка

та’: Empire. But whether they were all of them fo ancient as the Con

fufion of Babel, doth not appear 5 there wa‘nts not good probability to

the contrary for fome of them.

It hath been the opinion of fome , particularly Boxhornina , that the

Займи Tongue was the common mother from which both the Greek,

L atinßcmran and Per/ian were derived,as fo many Dialeär 5 `ащ:1 'tis laid

that Salrnajîur did incline to the fame judgment. And Philip (Iuvera'w

conjetftures, that both Gernzanr, Gault, Spaniardr, Britanr, Swede: and

Пишут, did anciently ufe one and the fame Language. One principal argument ufecl for this is , the agreement ­of Шок: remote Nationsin

fome radical words. ‚фр!‘ Sea/iger obferves that the words , Father,

Mother, Brother, Band, Ste. are ufed in the Per/ian tongue, with fome lit

tle variety, in the lame fenfe and hgnilication as they are ufed with us.

’ And Baa/requin: relates , that the inhabitants of Tanrica Cherjânejiu have

divers Words in the fame fenfc common with us, as Wine, Silver, Corn,

salt, Faß), Apple, ôte. But this might be merely сайт, ог elfe occalioned

by a mixture of Colonies, and will not argue a derivation of one from


Chap. I. ‚ ¿Ind their'Oßlfpring, ` il

another. О Sothere are fevcral words common to the Turk: , Germam, 3950"# _Ori

Greek:, French, fometimes of the lame, and lòmetimes 0f feveral lignifi- ägzgîïxì

cations;` which is not fulhcìent to argue ’ that all thefe were ofthe fame '


Belidès фей: Ентореащгьеге is likewife great variety of Languages in

other parts of the world. As for the Hebrew Tongue , which is by many

learned men fuppofed to be the fame that Abraham learnt when he came

into Canaan , to which that exprelîion I ai. 1 9. 18. The languageof Ca»

мая, is thought to allude5 this is fuppo ed to be the lirfl Mother tongue

amongft all thofe that are now known in the world , from which there

are fundry derivatiom, as the Chaldee, Syriac, Punic, Arabic, Perßan,

Ethiopie. . l

When the jew: were in Captivity at Babylon, mixed with the Chaldey Hmmm»,

an: for 7o years, in that пай of time they made up a Language diliinft Enqllifiœ ‚

from both, which is Íòmetimes called Syriac, and fotnetimes Cha/dee, and chap‘s”

fometimes Hebrew. Thofe paíTages in the Gofpel, which are laid to be

in the Hebrew tongue, as Talitha Kumi', Elohi, Elohi, Laminajiibachthani, john 5. a. 8e

are properly Syriac5 onely they are called Hebrew, becaufe that was the fás‘î’lflg_

Language which the Hebrew: then ul'ed. A great part of this Syriac Botbmßcog;

tongue is for the jitbßance of the words Chaldee, and Hebrew for the fa- 1- M‘P- l5

ßrion , To degeneratin much from both. ‚ After the Captivity ‘

the pure Hebrew cea ed to be vulgar , remaining onely amongft

learned men , as appears by that place in Nehem. 8. 7, 8. where we find

the Priefis, upon reading of the Lawto the people after their coming‘out

of Babylon,were fain to ex ound it diliinůtly to them, and to make them

underíiand the meaning о it 5 the common people,by long difufe, being

grown {lrangers to the Language wherein ’twas written. So in our Sa

viour's time, the unlearned угли, whofe vulgar Tongue theдуш was,

could not underfiand rhofe partsyof` Mofa: and the Prophet: read to them

in Hebrew every Sabbathday; Which was the reafon of thofe public

fpecches and _declarations of any learned men , who occafionally carrie .

into the Synagogues, after _the reading of the Law: though neither Lukemr;

Priefls, nor Levites, nor Scribes, yet was it ordinary for them to expound iff-,s ‚unto the people the Vmeaning of thofe portions ol Scripture that were ц‘ т

appointed to be read out of the Hebrew , which the people did not un

derfiand 5 and to render their meaning in Syriac, which was their ш!

„gar Tongue, _ ~ ‚

As for Го much of the pure Hebrew as is nowin being, which is onely

that in the old Teftament , though it be fuliicient to exprefs What is there

intended, yet it is fo exceedingly delec’tive in many other words requi

Íite to humane difcourfe , that the Rabbins are fain to borrow words

from many other Languages, Greek, Latin, Зина/1, Sic. as may appear

at large in Buxtorf’s Lexicon Rabbinicum, and a particular Difcourfe

written to this very purpofe by David Cohen de Laraa And, from the

Íeveral defetfts and imperfeftions which feem to be in this Language , it _

may be guelled not to be the fame whichwas con-created with our firlì'

Parents, and fpoken by Adam in Paradijê.

What other varieties of Tongues there have been,or are, in ‘феи/Не,

or America, l lhall not now enquire, ‘


*f ‚ ~. ‚ CHAP. ifa `

‘ faces

‚б Tbe Alteration of Languages.

Book I.



I. Concerning tbe ‘various changer and corruption: to wbicb ad’ «vulgar

Language: are obnoxious. П. Particularly concerning tbe Ницце)’

tbe Engliíh tongue. I 1I. Wbetber an]l Language, formerly in ufo, be

not» tvboß] [v_/l. IV. Concerning the riß and occajìonof ncrv


è I I-lere are three (kieres which may deferve fome farther difquiliti«

` ' on. t. Whether the purefi of thofe Mother-tongue: , which yet

remain, be not now much changed from what they were at the hrfì Con

fulion. a. Whether and how any of the Mother-tongue: have been

quite loft Íince the Confulion. 3. Whether and how other new Langua

ges have Íince arii'en in the world. ~

t. To the Iirftßeûdes the common fate and corruption to which Lan

guages aswell as all other humane things are fubjeâ , there are many

other particular caufes which may occaíìon fuchachangc: The mix

ture with other Nations in Commerce-j, Marriages in Regal Families,

which doth ufually bring fome common words into a Court faihion;

that afieétation incident to fome eminent men in all ages, of coining new

words, and altering the common forms of fpeech, for greater elegance 5

the neceflity of makin other words , according as new things and in­

ventions are dil'covcre . Befides,the Laws of forein Conquelts ufually

extend to Letters and Speech as well as Territories, the Vié’tor com

monly endeavouring to propagate his own Language as fatte as his

Dominions5 which is the reafon why the Greek and Latin are fo uni

_ verfally known. And when a Nation ’is overfpread with feveral Colo

nies of forciners, though this do not a lwaies prevail to abo/¿ß the former

Language, yet if they make any long abode, this mnit needs make fuch a

conûderable change and mixture of fpeech as will very much alter it

from its original Purity.

Thofe learned Languages which have now ceafed to be 'ou/gar , and

remain onely in Books , by which the purity of them is regulated, may,

whilft thofe Books 'are extant and i’tudied , continue the fame without

change. But all Languages that are vulgar, as thofe learned ones for

merly were, are upon the fore-mentioned occalions, fubjetïlr to fo many

alterations, that in tract of. time they will appear tolle quite another

y ‚ ‚ thing then what they were at Eril'.

ggîï’igs 1 The Liturgiesyof S. Bafìl and S. Cbryji/ionz , which are yet tiled in the

chap. 1, ¿6Q`Grcek Churches in their publiek worlhip, the one for ßlernn, the other

’for common days,havc been a long time unintelligible to that people 5k)

much is the vulgar'Greek degenerated from its former purity.

Binet-.likt 3. And Po/ibiur teftiiies , that the Articles of truce betwixt the Romane

and Cartbaginianr could fcarce be „underiiood by the moli learned Ro

man Antiquaries 3 5о years after the time of their making.

ÉI’MIGITHLO If any Eng/rfb man fhould now write or [peak as our forefathers did

gomQmfAnf about Их or feven hundred years pali, we Íhould as little underfland him

slim-Pw as — if he were afortiner5 cf which it were ealie to give feveralproofs


Chap.“ ll.

Т/ае Íteratz'om of Languagef.

by inßance, if it were not inconfiftent with my prefent defign of brevity.

What the Saxon: Language was at their ñrfì arrival into England about

the year 440, doth not appear5 but ’tis той probable that the change:

and difference: .of it, have been fomewhat proportionable in feveral

A es. — ’gAbout the year of Chrift 70o the Lord’s Prayer in EnglIl/ÍJ was thus

rendred: ' °

Uren fader thic arth in heofnas ‚ [ic gehalgud thin noma : to cymeth

thin ric: fic thin Willa fue is in heofnas and in eortho. Uren‘hlafofer

Wirtlic fel us to дав; 5 and forgef us fcylda urna, fue we forgefen fcyld



pag. z3.

gum urum 5 and no inlead ulith in cuflnung. Ah gefrig urich from ifle. l


About 200 years-after,1t was changed thus :

Thu ure fader the eart on heofenurln. Si thin наша gehalgod. Cum

thin ric. Sì thin willa on eorthen fwa, (wa on hcofenum. Syle us to daag

urn dzegthanlican hlaf. And forgif us ure gyltas fwa, fwa We forgifath

tham the with us agyltath. And ne led the us on cofthun'g. Ac alys

us from yñe. Si it (wa. j ’ ’

About the .fame time it was rendred in the Saxon Gofpels , ßid to bc

Tranflated by King Alfred, after this manner.

Fœder ure thu the earth on heofenum, Б thin mma Gehalgod to belcume thin Rice, Gewurthe thin Willa on eorthan fwa fwa on heofnum,

Lijle’s Saxon


urne ge dat hwanlìcan hlaf fyle us to dœg. And forgyf us ure душе, '

fwa fwa we orgivathщит gyltendum. And ne gelœdde thu tls on coû

nung. Ac Alyfe us of yñe.

About 260 years after, in the time of King Нет] the 24, it was ren

dred thus, and fent over by Pope Adrian, an Engbßrman, turned into'

meter, that the people might more eaÍily learn and' remember it. ­

dite {авт m heahtn titl?,Y

@hp name he hallpeu that lith,

@hun mlm; ua thy mlthzllшт z

Q15 hlt lu типе" p-lme, Y

@hat in hearth lizenz it alla.

@hat hulp basan that шт!) ap,

@han [tun it aua this Икс Dap,

,famme alla all that luz halle null,

ña me fnzglhzt ив!) athzr man:

im let aus fall tuta an fnunm'nß,

_ ät lhleln aua fra tht fatale thing. amm.

And about ahundred years after, in the time of Henry the third , it

was rendred thus t

.faust that art tu {каши mate,

ilthathelßt uam it mirth/the hlille,

Qïïamtn anu mat thy Magnum,

Gïhlu hulp will it he all hun,

:ha heaven anu шт‘; alla,

Qa ища" ln'n щиты Slt tra.'

@if ua all mean _unthia hay,

Qian шт: us urz lianes,

S15 me Da lltz minet minuta:

ìLtt ua uut in tunning fall,

@at ftu‘ehll thu [plu ua all. 3mm. About

8 The Alterations of Languages, Book I.

About two hundred years after this in the time of Нету the Vl. ( as

appears by a large manufcript Velume Bible in the Oxford-Library, ИМ

to have been this Kings , and by him to have been given to the Cartha/ì-Y

am in London 5 ) It was rendred thus. _ .

Oure fadir that art in hevenes, halewid be thi name, thi kingdom

come to thee, be thi wil don in eerthe, as in hevene, give to us this day

oure breed over othre fubftanc, and forgive to us oure dettis, as we

forgiven oure dettouris, and lede us not into temptation, but delivere us

from ivel. Amen. ~

In another M.S. of пёс/(1%: Tranllation, who lived in Richard .

the ad’ time, it is rcndred with very fmall difference from this.

About a hundred years after this , ln a Bible let forth with the Kings

licens,tranllated by Thomas Mathew, and printed in the year i 5 57, it was

rendered thus: ‹ I

О oure father which arte in heven halowed be thy name. Let thy

kingdorne come. Thy will be fulfilled, as Wellin erth, as it is in heven,

Geve us this daye oure dayly bred. And forgeve us our treafpafes, even

as we forgeve oure trefpacers. And lead us not into temptacion, but de

lyver us from evyll. Amen. '

After the fame manner it is rendered in the Tranflation of William

Tyndall, with fome little differences in the (решив.

This one infiance may fuliiciently шапке“ Ьу what degrees this Lan

guage did receive its feveralChanges , and how much altered it is now

from what it hath been, and coniequently what is to be expected in fu

ture times. Since Learning began to flourìfh in our Nation, there have

been more then ordinary Changes introduced in our Language : partly

by new artihcial Couptyìtions .­, partly by enjì'anehijing ftrange forein

Words, for their elegance and Íignilicancy, which now make one third

part of our Language, and' partly by refining and mollzfying old words,

for the more ealie and gracefulfound: by which means this lali Centu

ry may be conjeétured to have made a greater change in our Tongue,

then any of the former, as to the addition of new words. '

And thus , in all probability , muli it have been with all other vulgar

Languages. So that ’tis not likely that any of thefe Mother-tongues now

in being,are the fame that they were at the hrli Confulion. So true is that

of the Poet: —

naar. de arte ‘Ut jylv'a fbliis pronos mutantur in annos,

Poética' Prima сайт! r, ita verborum теги.‘ interit mtas,

' Et, juvenurn ritu, florent modo nata vigéntque.

_ Debemur mqgti nos noßrdque­~­­

And a little after,

Multa renafeentur qua: jam cecidere, cade’ntque

Que nunc funi in honore vocabula, ßvolet ußts;

,Queria penes arbitrium (ß, Ú vis, Ó“ norma loquondi.

è. I II' z. As to the fecond Quere, Whether any of the Ancient Languages

be now quite laß, it may be anfwered, That if in fome few hundreds of

years a Language may be fo changed as to be lcarce intelligible; then, in

a much longer tract of time it may be quite abolißted, none of the moli

radical and fubfiantial Parts remaining : For every change isa grae/ualcorruption. l y ‘

’ Before

Chap. Il. 0f new Languages. l 9

Before the ilourilhing of the Roman En1pire,thcre were feveral native L'„¿,.„_ „w

Lan ua es ufed in Ital ,France S ain. In Ital We read of the Me a i- Annonin aag _g J' _ ’ J Y Р . .

an the Het" can, the Sabine, the 0 can the Hetrurzan or Tu can Lan ua~ ‚ф‘ C’V‘De"

’ . ’ g 1b. x9.cap.

gear, which are now thought by Learned men to be utterly loli,and no- ц. ‘

where to befound in the World. _

’Tis probable that there was not onely one Language in fo vali a Ter- armatore

ritory as France, but that feveral Provinces fpake feveral Languages; âëlq‘llëles ‚

But what thofe Languages were, or whether yet extant,is uncertain. As P' '

for the Celta,who,inhabiting the inner part 0f the Country, were КБ fub

jeét to iorcin mixtures, ’tis molt probable that their Language might

be the Britt/h or Weljbwbich is yet fpolsen in fome parts of France. Caf/ir I'te BelloОШ

reports that the Gault were Wont often to pafs over into Britain , to be he", 11b-6

infiruâed by the Druids, amongfi whom there was then no ufe of Books

or Writing , and therefore they muli communicate by Difcourle.' And

Tacitus aiilrms that the Speech of the Briti/b and Gan/r, differed but

little. _ ' l :

It is conceived that one of the ancient Tongues of Spain was the '

Cantabrian, which doth now there remain inthe more barren mountain

ous, inacceíhble parts, where Conquerors are lels willing to purfue, or

deiirous to plant 5 as our Briti/b doth in Риз/ш. But 'tis probable that there

‚. might be feveral other Languages belides this'iu fo great‘a Continent, as

well asin ту, which are now wholly lofi and unknown. '

3. As to the third (hiere , concerning the )Yr/i Riß and occafion of è IVJ

new Languages, that may be fuliiciently anfwered by what was before

fuggelied , concerning thofe many particular emergencies which may

contribute to the introdu ing a change in Languages. '

Somethink that the Ita iam, Spaniard: and Frenc/:,after they were to

tally fubdued by the Romana, and planted with their Colonies, did, afterl

a certain fpace of time , receive the Latin Tongue as their moli vulgar

Speech, and retained it; till afterwards,being feveral times overrun by

the Northern barbarous Nations,thc Goth: and Vandalßand other Tribes

of the Germani, who mixed with them, and after feveral Conquelis reh

ded amongfi them, fomctimes 20, 6o, 200 years togetherg this afford

ed time enough for fuch a thorough coalition betwixt them and the Na

tives , as could not but ¿introduce a great change in the common Lan~

guage , whilfi the Nations were forced to attemper their Speech for the

mutual undcrfianding of one another.

Others conceive that thofe Countries did not at firfi pcrfeélily receive

the Latin from the Rantanr,but did onely make ufe of the moli principal '

radical wordt; negletfting the Grammatical rules of coiwptßtion and {и

jleäion, and withall varyingthe way ofpronunciation, according to the

unufualnefs and difficulty of feveral founds tofeveral Countries: And

that this was the hrfi and chief occalion of thofe'various Medley: or fe

veral Dialeü: now in ufe; which were afterwards fomewhat farther

changed from their Originals , e by thofe feveral Inundations of the Bari


’Tis not much material to difputc, which of thefe caufes had the prin4cipal inßuence in the extraůion of thefe modern Tongues,fo long as itis

granted that both of them might contribute and fufiice for this etieéi.

As for our prefent Eng/lfb, this fccms to be а mixture of the Britz/b, Ho

C man,

1 о The Original of Letters. Book — I.

man, Saxon, Danijli, Norman, according to thefeveral viciíiitudes of

Plantations and Conquefts, thatthis Nation hath undergone. And ac

cordin as fuch Conqueůs have been more or lefs compleat and abfo

lute , Ё) have the Language: been more or lefs generally altered: which

is the reafon why the Saxon Tongue was by our progenitors more fully

` "" introduced in England, then either that of the Frank: amon (i the Gau/r,

` or that of the Gat/n or Lumbardr in Ital), or that of the Got :,Pandalr or

Moor: in Spain.

li'iffbm'” That which feems to be the neweß Language in the World, is the Ma

та“ chap’ lajan , which is now as general and common amongft the Natives of the

Baß-Indie: , as Latin or Freneb is in фей: parts of the World. 'Tis làid

to be but of late invention ‚ occalioned by the concourfe of Fifhermen

from Pega, Sinn, Bengala, and feveral other Nations, who meeting tege

ther at a lace convenient for Filhing, and linding that it was by fituati.

on excee ing commodious for Traflick from feveral parts , did agree to

Еще there a Plantation 5 and accordingl-y built the Town of Malaeea,

which hath lince, for many years, been governed by the Рапида“, and

is now under the power of the Hollander. And, for the more facil een

verfe with one another, they agreed upon a dìliinét Langnage, which prg

bably was made up by feleůin the той foft and eaÍy words belonging

to each feveral Nation. ' Anä

know) that hath ever been at once ‘тетей; if it may properly be

Iiy'lcd a diftinâ Language, and not rather a Medley of many. But this

being invented b rude Filhermen , it cannot be expeëted that it Íhould

have all thofe ad'vantages, with which it might have been furnilhed by

the rulesof Philofophy.

â‘äiïämrîn' I know that the Learned Golive doth añirm фе China Language to be

° ’5' invented by Art 5 but, u on the 'neit difcovery to be made of it at thisno Ju”. diltance, from thofe who ave lived many years in that Country, and pre.

tend to underûand the Language, it appears to be Го exceedingly equivo

eal,and in many refpeëts fo very ifnperfeô‘, that there is little reafon to be

lieve it had any (uch Original.


I. The Original 0f Letter: and Writing. II. That allLetter: were de~

ri'uedfrogn tbe Hebrew. II I. The ufe af Letter: i: lef: ancient, and

tbe kindsqf then: lçß numerous , tlncnof tbe Language: Меж/Ним.

IV. 0f Note: fbr Secrecy or Brevitj. V. 0f real Cbaraòlerr.

V I. 0f Alphabet: in general.

Q. l Aving laid down this brief~ and general View of' Langnagei, 'tis re»

' quifite that fornething Íhould be alfo premiled concerning Letters,

the Inwentz'an of which was a thing of fo great Art and exquifitenefs,

‘мы, w, that Tully doth from hence inferr the divmlty and fpirituality ofthe hu

xib. i. mane jòul,and that it muli needs be of a fart more excellent and abliraët

ed Eß'ence then mere Matter or Body , in that it was able to reduce all

articulate lbunds to :4 Lenen.



this is the onely Language ( for oughtl __

Chap. Ill. All Lettori~ from the Hebrew.y ,' 1 1

ThOlig‘hthC Scripture doth not rnention any thing concerning the in

vention of thel`e5 yet ’tis molt generally agreed, that Adan: , t though

not immediately after his Creation, yet) in procefs of time, upon his ex

perience of their great neeeílity and ufeiulnefs, did fit1-l invent vthe anci

ent Hebrew Charaêzer : whether that which we now call the Hebrew, or

t elle the Samaritan, is a quellion inu'ch debated by fevnral Learned men,

which 1 lhall not now inquire into, or oli'er todeterrnine.

As for thofe particular Alphabet: which are by fome afcribed to Adana, Сидит 0,1; l

Enoch and Noah,rnent~ioned by feveral Authors, and in a late Difcourfe by cutis. f

Thoma: Bangin, they have ib little foundation in any probable reafon or

(tory, that 1 Щи“ not io much as make any farther mention of them.

It hath been abundantly cleared up by many Learned men , that the 5, L

ancient Hebrew Charaâer hath thepriority betiore any other now known .3, `

which is conñrmed by the concurrent teflimony of the bell and moli an

cient Heathen Writers. And 'tis amongft rational arguments none _of the ¿tm-w ch,l ‚

leali, for the Truth and Divine Authority of Scripture, toconlider the ¥°ritar¢k¢­`

general concurrence of all manner of .evidence for .the Antiquity of the ЧМ!" "

Hebrew, and the derivation of all other Letters from it. '

РЕ"; añ'irms in one place, that the ñrfl invention of Letters ought to Nat. Hift.1.7.>

be afcribed unto the ¿[ßrianrg and in another placehe faith, that under îailìzssíâpn,

the name of Syria he underůands the Regions which were ftyled Palef ßinejuda‘a and Phœnicia 5 and in the fame Chapter he afcribes the inven

tion of Letters to the Pbœnicianr. So doth LacanЩитки Bell. Pharfal.'

П). .Phœnicer primi (fanta ß eredz'rnnr) and? l 3

Man/inane rudibur vacemßgnareßgurir.

With фей: agree а'Не1‘ое‹!‹ти, Strabo, l’ Piutarcb, ° Cnrtz’ur, Mela, Btc. парты

who all confent, that the Grecian: did ñrfl receive their Letters from the гс

Phiitniciam` by Сайты, who lived about the time of jo/hua. And that ñbâämpoûac‘

the Panic or Phœnician Tongue was the (Манту?) or the Hebrew, riiinbriiba.

though fomewhat altered from its original pronunciation,` (as is wont шар. Ap.'

1Xin пай of time to befall Colonies planted far from home, among’fl {Нап- Pf3“ ¿C Ee

gers,) is fufliciently manifefied `from therer'naìnders of it that are ex- -rrnfägîr‘

tant in Plantas and other prophane Authors, as they are cited by the B'ffeqvqvd's y

learned Bochart. And that the Phœnicianr were Canaaniter hath proof Efîqmr‘es’ 'f

. . . ‚ ` с ap. 7.

allo ш Scripture, becaufe the fame woman whom Mark 7. 2 6. is Ptyled a Geograph.' ‚

Ań‘yrophirnician, is faid Matth. r 5. 22. to be a Canaanite. ` 1° 2°

That the ancient Greek Character was of very near aliinîty to the

Samaritan , and .that the Latin Letters were of (uch an aflinity t0 the

Greek, and derived from them, being in a manner the fame with the an- дважды

cient Ionic 'Letters , is made very plain by Scaliger , and owned by РЕ”; tanga-ai.,

and Dion'gßur Ha/icarnaßerfr. And Taeitur doth acknowledge that the g‘aï‘oa‘â‘ïrb

ancient LatinCl-_iaraůters were in their lhape and figure ‘Швей the fame ylcipdgcif '

with the Greek. And as for the other Letters that are known , namely, Hmm Щ?- I?

the Будда, Arabic, ‚штора, Armenian, Coptic, Il/yric, Georgian, Gothic, ma ‘u’

there is this cogent Argument to prove .them to be of the fame Origi

-nal , becaulè their Alphabet: do generally obferve the farne order of Let

ters, which, bein init МГ exceedingly irrational, cannot probablyhave ‚

any other reafon nut imitationeExcept onely that of the Arabrfaith Her- $1355?"manana-'Hugo , who,that they might not feern to have borrowed Letters cap, 5, l’

С a y from


Enquirieschap. 5. i


from others, did urpofely difturb the order of the Alphabet-3 to which

he might have ad ed the ¿Ethiopie and Armenian.


There are two general things to be obferved concerning thefe deri.

ved Letters. t. That they are not of fo great Antiquity. 2. That

they are not fo nnrnerour as Languages are.

I. They are not fo ancient, many Nations remaining a long while be

fore they grew fo far civilized as to underliand the ufe of Letters, which

to this day are not known amongft many of the American Nations, nor

the Inhabitants of Lapland: and after the have been known, and of

fome public ufe, it hath been yet aconli erable fpace, before perfong

have written any Difcourfe in their own Language. 'Tis obferved by

Yßhudar of the German, and by Genehrard of the French Tongue, (faith

Mr. Brerewood ) that ’tis not much above 40o years, lince Books began

to be written in thoÍe Languages.

a. And becaufe the ufe of Letter: in particular Countries is not Го ап

cient as Language, therefore are they not of fo патент: kinds, feveral

Nations taking up the ul'e of Letter: from their neighbours, and adapting

' them to their own Tongue. Thus the Spam/h, French, Italian, German,

Vid. Pure/ra:

book 5. chap ‚

7.fe&­ x.

Britz/h, Вид!‘ , Iri/h, &с. do alloi` them ufe the fame Latine Charaëier,

it being probable that they had none of their own, before they learnt

this ofthe Romana. The Coptic or Egyptian Charaf’ter , ever lince Egypt

came under the Dominion of Macedon,hath been the Greek , excepting

only feven Letter: proper to their Tongue,which the Greek Alphabet did

not {ufhciently expreíì, The Mnjâavite: likewife and the Rußianr, the

Georgian: and удивит , do ufe the Greek Charaéter, the Perßanr and

Turk: ufe the Arabic/a: though the Letter: of any Tongue do not al~

waìes remain the fame, but are fubjeët to'the like fate and mutability, to '

which Languages are expofed.

Befides this common way of Writing by the ordinary Letten, the An

cients have {ometimes Мёд to communicate by other Note: , which were

either for Secrecy, or Bre'vity.

1. For Secrecy: fuch were the Egyptian Методы/Миф, ( as they are

commonly efleemed ) being the reprefentation ot certain living Crea

tures, and other Bodies , whereby they were wont to conceal from the

vulgar the Mylieries of their Religion. But there is reafon to doubt

whether there be any thing in thefe worth the enquiry, the difcoveries

that have been hitherto made out of them being but very few and iu

Íignificant. They feem to be but a flight, imperfeů invention, futable

to thofe hrfi and ruder Ages, much of the fame nature with that Mexi

can way of writing by Piâure , which was a mere ШК: they were put to

for want of the knowledge of Letters. And it feems to me queflionable,

whether the Egyptian: did not at hrli ай: their Hieroglypln'cl@f upon the

lame account, namely, for the want of дети.

Thofe waiès of writing treated of by the Abbot Ty'ithernina, were

likewìfe for occult or _ßcret communication: And though fome Learn

ed men have {ufpeë’ted and accufed him to have thereby delivered

the Art of Magic, or Conjuring, yet he is fufiiciently cleared and

vindicated from any fuch prejudice in that very learned and ingenious

Dilcourfe de Crjptographia, under the feigned name of Стили Selena”,


Chap. lll. 0f a Вел” Charaöier. 13

Ъу which the noble Author,the Duke ofLunenburg,did difguife his true

name of Аида/11‘: Lunseburgicm‘.

2. For Brevity : There were lingle Letters or marks, whereby the Ro

mans were wont to exprefs whole words. Ennim is faid to have inven

ted l leo of thefe-j` to which number Tril/ins ‘1j/ro, Cicero’s Libertas, (0- ._m-,hmíwde

thers fay Cicero himfelf,) added divers others, to Íignilie theparticles of Polygnphia.

fpeech5 after whom Минут’ the Samian and метит, added yet

more. After thefe Annaus Seneca is faid to have laboured in the regu

lating and digelting of thofe former notes; to which adding many of

hisown,he augmented the whole number tosooo , publilhed by janus

Gruterus, though amongfi his there are divers of a later invention , re

lating to Chriliianinliitutions,which have been added lince .( as ’tis faid)

by S. Слайд’: the Martyr. The way of writing byY thefe dtd requirea

vali memory and labour; yet it was far Íhort of expreíiing all things

and Notions, and belides , had no provifion for Grammatical varia

tions. ‘

Of this nature is that Short-handwriting by Charaëiers fo fre

quent with us in England, and much wondered at by Foreiners;

which hath a great advantage for fpeed and fwiftnels in writing, th‘ofe

who are expert in it being ablel this way to take any ordinary difcourfc

— verbatim.

Belides thefe, there have been fome other propofals and attempts aV.

bout a Real univerjitl Charaäier, that ihould not Íignifie words, but things

and notions , and confcquen‘tly might-be legible by any Nation in their

own Tongue5 which is the principal дебет: of this Treatife. That fuch

a Real Charat‘ler is poiiìble , and hath been reckoned by Learned men

amongfi the Dtjiderata, were eafie to make out by abundance of Teíii

monies. To this purpofe is that which Piß mentions to be fomewhere Hmm, N t

the wiih of Galen, That fome way might be found out to reprefent rnaimiibì.'

things by fuch peculiar [дм and names as Íhould exprefs their natures, C' з

ut Sophi/lt's eriperetur десанта’! ф ealumniandi occaßo. There are fe

veral other paífages to this purpofe in the Learned Verulam, in lfd/ius, in Щ Матем

НгТтМтН Htlgûßic. belides what is commonly re orted of the men of мы‘ ca 'I'

China, who do now, and have for many Ages ufed uch a general Chara- dl. сар- 4‚

&ег‚Ьу which the Inhabitants of that large Kingdom , many of them of

different Tongues , do communicate with one another , every one

underiianding this common Charaé’ter , ' and reading it in his own Lan

ua e.g Itgcannot be denied , but that the variety of Letters is an appendix to

the Curfe of Babel, namely,the multitude and variety of Languages. And

therefore, for any man to o about to add to their number, will bebut

like the inventing of a Di cafe, for which he can expeól: but little thanks

from the world. But this Conlìderation ought to be no,difcourage

ment: For fuppofing fu‘ch athing as is here propofed, could be well

efiablilhed , it would be the fureft remedy that could be againli the

Curfe of the Confufion , by rendring all other Languages and Charaöt'ers

ufelefs. `

It doth not appear that any Alphabet now in being, wasinventeel at Q_ V 1_

once or by the rules of Анд but rather that all,except the Hebrew , wereltaken

O_rigfcn en~

Martinair' At

l“ Лат/1:.


0f Alp/saben. Book I.

taken up by Imitation , and pall by degrees through feveral Changes5

which is the reafon that they are lefs complete , and liable to fever-al ex

ceptlons. The Hebrew Charaâer, as to the lha e of it, thoughit appear

folemn and grave ‚ yet hath it not its Letter: giñiciently diítinguiihed

from one another , and withall it appears fomewhat harlh and rugged.

The Arabic СЬашЁЪегэ though it Íhew beautiful, yet is it too elaborate

and takes up too much room ‚ and cannot well be written (mall. The

Greekl and the Latin are both of them raceful and indifferent eaßethough not without their Íeveral imperfeâions. э

As for the I¿lit/tique, it hath no lefs then 202 Letter: in its Alphabet;

namely, 7 Vowels, which they apply to every one of their ‘26 Conm

пап“ ‚ t0 which they add zo other alpirated Syllables. All their Cha

raůfers are exceedingly complicated and perplexed, and much more dif

ñcult then thofe propofed in this following Difcourfe for the exprellîng

of things and notions. ,

. This is faid likewile ofthe Tartarz'an, that every Charaäer with them

1s a Syllable,having each of the Vowels joyned t0 its Confonant, as La,

Le, Li, Ste. which mult needs make a long and troublefome Alphabet.

But it is not my purpofe to animadvert upon thefe Tongues that are

lefs known,fo much as фей: with which thefe parts of the world are bet

ter acquainted.


1. Tbe Defeéï: in tbe common Aqßbabetf, as to their true Order. I I.Number. II I. Determinate Powerf. IV. Fitting Мета. V. Pro.

per Figurer of the Letters. V l. The [прет eäion; belonging t0 the

Word: 0f Language ‚ ш‘ to their Eqniwaalnfyâ warz'et)l vfSjnanymm

wordt, uncertain Pbrajêolagier, inapreper ma] of Writing.

Ne fpecial Circumflance which adds to the Curfe of Babel is that

dg'ßïculty which there is in all Languagef, ariñng from the various

Irnperjî’òït'iom belonging to them,both in refpeä of I. their firft Element:

or Alphabets, 2. their Words.

1. For Alphabets, they are all of them, in many refpeëts,l liable to juû

exception. ‘

I. As to the Order of them, they are inartiñcial and confnfed, without

any fuch methodical difiribution as were requilite for their particular na

tures and differences; the Votvelr and Сок/дяди‘: being promifcuouíly

huddled together,wìthout any difiinâion : Whereas in a regular Alpba~

bet, the Votre/r and Conßnant: {hould be reduced into Claßër, according to

their feveral kinds, with fuch an order ofprecedence and fubfequence as

their natures will bear 5 this being the proper end and defign of that

which we call Metbod,to feparate the Heterogeneous,and put theI-Iomo

geneous together, according to fome rule of precedency.

The Не rem Alphabet, (the order of which is obferved in feveral

Scriptures, Pjàl. 119. and in the Book of Lanzentatiom) from whence

the others are derived, is not free from this lmperfeftion.

a. For

Dtfeêîr in Áévbabetr. —_ 1 5`

Chap. IV.

1. For their Number, they are in feveral refpeóls both Redundant, and I I,


r. Redundant and fuperfiuous5 either t. By allotting fée/eral Let

‚ед to the jànzepower and found. So in the Hebrew ( D 6‘ tu) and fo

perhaps (З &1)(П д‘ 3)(1'3 ё‘ П) (EMP) Soin theordinary La

tin, ( C 8c K) (F 8c Pb. ) Or a. by reckoning double Letter: amongft

the moft Íimple elements of Speech —’ asjn the Hebrews '5 in the Greebg

and 45 in thC'Latin( 2,01) (Х. и. ) and _?Confonant or Jod which

is made up of (dab) by afiigning feveral Letters to repreíent one lim

ple power, -as tb, jl), 81e. So that none of thefe‘ can regularly be rec

koned amongů the fimple elementsof Speech.

Q, Dqîcz'ent in other refpetits, elpecially in regardof Vowelr, of which

there are 7 or 8 feveral kinds commonly ufed, ( as Ifhall lhew after

wards ) though the Latin Alphabet take notice but ofjive , whereof

two„namelyY (i and u. ) according to our Eng/lfb pronunciation of them,

are not properly Vowels , but Dipbtbongr. And befides, that gradual

diñ'erence‘amongít Vowels of long and /bort is not fufliciently provided

for. The Ancients were wont to exprefs a long Vowel by doubling the

.Charaäer 0f it 5 as Arnaabarn, Мама,кггдееддэдмдфтд Mariinm: roßfuf.

though oftentimes the Vowe1.I,inItead ofbeing doubled, was onelypro

longed in the figure ofit5 as EDIL 1 s, rIs o, vIvUs. For the

ways ufed by us I_ïnglg'fb for lengthning and abbreviating Vowels, viz. by`

adding Equìefcent to the end of a word for prolonging a Syllable , and

doubling the following Confonant for the fbortning of a Vowel, as Wane, '

Wann 5 Ware, Warr, 8tc. or elfe by inßarcing fome other Vowel, for the

Iengtbning of ìt,as Meat,Met_5 Read. Red, ötc. both thefe are upon this

account inzproper, becaufe the Hgn ought to be where the found is. Nor

would it be fo lit to expreß this by a diflinét Cbaraö'er, becanfe it denotes>

onely an accidental or gradual dljêrence, as byan Accent 5 the chief ufe

of Accentr,for which they are necelfary in ordinary fpeech, being to 118

niño ‚гашиша! and Elevationsof voice. ‘


3. For their Powe'rr, they are very úncertainmot alwaies fixed and de~ è If]

termined to the fame Íignilication: which as to our Englrß) pronunciatì° ' — ’

on maybe made to appear by abundance of In'llances both in the Vow

els and Confonants. _ ‚ g l _ `

I. As to the Vowelr: It is generally acknowledged that eachof them

have feveral founds. Vocale: ornnerplurrfrna, faith Lipfìuf, And the learn. De Pronunc.

ed Vol/iu: doth allure us , that the Ancients did ufe their Vowels iń very caP- s'

different wayes, alz'quando tenuiùr exiliúfène, nunc сити‘, nunc inter- ßfaxmgat'n,

medio fono. . y „ Mis-'wäen'

The power of the Vowel (t) treated of afterwards, is „Рим in Devtfï‘ëPm‘

writing no lefs then fix feveral waies 5 by ' ‚лишают‘

е. He, me, j/Je, ye.

ee. Tbee, free, wee. y l

ie. Field, yield, ßJie/d, cbief.~

ea. Near, dear, bear.

eo. People.

i. Privilege. l .

So is the Power of the Vowel (et а) asin A”, aal, aw, fault, миф‘,

‘ brongbt.

16 Dejeêi’r in: Alphabets. . Book l.'

brought. Thefe are all various waies of writing the fame long Vowel ;

belides which there are other difiìnét waies ofcxprefiing the НашеVowel

when it is Мёд fhort, asin the wordsof, for, Sie.

And for the Power of the Vowel (t) that is likewife written five fe

veral waies.

o. To, who, ruo‘ue.

oe. Doe.

oo. ' Shoo, rnoon, noon.

ou. Could, would.

no. Two.

And as for the Poner ofthe Vowel ( ч) this alíb is written tive feve

ral waies 5 namely, by the Letters

i. 817,11)", firmament, SKC.

o. Hon), mon), “мед/бис, love, Btc.

v oo. Blood, ßood.

u. Turn, burn, ßurtben.

ou. Country, couple.

a. As to the Confonant: , thefe likewife are of very uncertain Power: :

witnefs the different pronunciation of the letter (С) in the word Circo,

and ( G) in the word Negligence. lknow ’tis Ы‘! that the letter ( C )

before the Vowels a, o, u, muß be pronounced like (К,) as in the words

„ее, coran, @udo 5 and before the Vowels e, i, as S, as in the words cedo,

eiliuru. But there is no reafon why it íhould be Го. Upon which account

2: our learned Country than,­ Sir Tbo.. Smit/r, doth juftly ­cenfure it as inon

prognuncîati, ßrurn litem, non [item5 ignorantw Летит, non шт; mdaßrpm,

one. той?) eornix. »

«мат, The letters C,S,'1‘, are often ufed alike, to denote the farne Power,

Gmi" and that both in Ещё/7) and Frencb 5 and the letter (S) is той frequent~

ly ufed for ( Z) which muß needs be veriy improper. And, which is

yet more irrational , ibme Letters of the ame name and (ha pe are ufed

fometimes for Vowelrß'nd fometimes for Сет/Этим; as V, W, T5 which

шт“. yet differ from one anotherДел‘ corpur ¿5 anima, and ought by no means

to be confounded.

To which may be added, that from this equivocal power ofLetters, it

fo falls out, that

I. Some words are di/iingui/bed in writing , and not inpronunciation :

as S zo, сфо; Sera, Cera-3 Serf/ur, Cer‘vur5 Syrur, C}ru.r5 Boar, Bore;

Corne, Lat. Curng Done, Вт’; Dear, Deer, Hear, Here; Heart, Hart;

Meat, Mete5 Son, Sun i Sonie, Lat. Suini, Toer, To# 5 Toc, Тап’ед To,

Too, Tivo. ‘

a. Some Words are dzyiiugui//Jed in pronunciation , but not in writing;

as the Words Give, i. Dare, Give, i. I/ineulufnr, Get. i. Acquirere, Get, i. 64gate: 5 io and bis' in EngIi/ÍJ , ­and i: and hit in Latin. So the Latin word

Malè,l i. evil/y, is a dilïyllable5 whereas the Engli/h word Mole, which

Hgnifies the mafculine Sex, is but a monofyllable. All which are very

zgreat incongruities, and' fuch as ought to be avoided in any regular elta

blifhment of Letters.

è. IV. 4. Their Nome: in molt Alphabets, are very improperly exprqße'd by

words of {Эх/ага! fyllables5 as Aleph, Bet/s, Girnel, Sie. Alpha, Beta,

Gamma, Sec. And thus it is in t5 feveral Alphabets mentioned by Her


ŕ where each Letter is named (imply by its Power. Though herein like

"KLChap, IV.y ‘ Imperfeëîz'on in Wordi". ‘i “Pff

ntannu: Hugo. ln which refpeů the Roman Alphabet , and our Едут), D¢9rîsir~l¢

which follows it very near , are much more convenient then the гей, ЁЁЁЬШЩ

wife there be fome defetïts : for the letter С fhould not be named See,

but Kee :, and G, not, as ufually We do, Ёееэ but Гп: and foR, tocon

form it with the refr, fhould be called er, not ar 5 and Z íhould be ftyled

ez., not Lad.

5. ­Iheir Figure: have not that correßzonelencj to their Natures and V.

Powers which were deÍirable in an artificially-invented Alphabet,

wherein the Vowel: ought to have fomething anfwerable in their Chara

де’ unto the fever-al kinds of Apertion which they have in their found.

And fo for the вид/дамп, they Íhould have fome fuch affinity in their ì

Figure: as they have in their Poiven. ’Tis fo in fome of them, Whether

purpofely or cafually, Iknow not 5 as B P. b p. CG. SZ. and perhaps

T D, t d: but not in others. ‚

To this may be added , the .manner of writing as to the Oriental

Tonguesfrom the right hand to the left, which is as unnaturaland incon

venient, as to write with the light on the wrong Нос. The yew: them- mi; „dc

felves write their particular firokes of Letters from the left to the right Cau ISL- l»

hand 5 and therefore it would be much more rational, that their words “9'4"

lhould be written fo too.

Belides thefe Defects in the ufual Alphabet: or Letten, there are feveV 1_

ral others likewife inthe Word: of Language , and their Accidents and


r. In regard _of Equivocab, which are of feveral Íignilications , and

therefore mult needs render fpeech doubtful and obfcure5 and that ar

gues a de/i‘ciency, or want of a fuflicient number of worden Thefe are ei

ther alifolutel) lo,or in their figurative coníiruétion, or by reafon of Phra

eologie:.f Of the firll kind there are great variety in Latin. So the word

Бытие: Codicern. `

Politico: . Lihertate fruentern. d ’L l B E R 4P” Oratore: (_ ßgmßmf FЩит.

1in/fico: J Arhori: corticetn.

So the word Mala: ñgnilies both an Apple-tree, and Evil, and the Maß

of a jhip z, and ~Populur Íignifies both a Poplar-tree, and the People, &c.

Belides fuch Equivocals as are made by the injïexion of words: as Lex,

legit, legi, Lego, legis, legi: Stu, ßti:5 Suo,ßti:5 Snu:,jîti: : Aniare‘ the

Adverb, Arno, anios, afnam“, amare 5’ and Arnor, amari: wel anzare: with

abundance ofthe like of each kind.

Nor is it better with theЩи Tongue in this refpeét, in which there

is great variety of Equìvocals. So the word Biüíignilies both a Weapon,

a Bird’s Beek, and a written Зная! : The word Grave lignilies both Soher, and Sepulcher, and to Саше, Sie. i ‘

As for the ambiguity of words by reafon of Metaphor and Phrajêology,

this is in all inliituted Languages fo obvious and fo various, that it is need

lefs to give any inl’tances of it 5 every Language having fome peculiar

phrafes belonging toit, which, if they were to be tranllated verbatim in

to anothcůTonguc , would feem wild and infignificant. In which our

D Englilh

1 8 Imperfeëïzon т %гс1.г‚&с. Book. l

Englilh doth too much abound , witnefs thofe words of Break, Bring,

Caß, Cleare, Con1e,Cut, Draw, Fall, Hand, Keep, l a), make, Puff, Put, Hun,

Set, Stand, Take, none of which have lefs then thirty or forty, and fome

of them about a hundred feveral fenfes , according to their ай: 1п Phra

fes, as may be feen in the Dictionary. And though the varieties of Phra

fes in Language may feem to contribute to the elegance and ornament

of Speech 5 yet,like other affeâed ornaments,they prejudice the native

limplicity of it,and contribute to the difguifing of it with falfe appearan

ces. Belides thar,like other things of fafhion, they are very changeable,

every generation producing new ones, witnefs the prefent Age, efpe

cially the late times, wherein this grand impoflure of Phrafes hath almoíl

categ out folid Knowledge in all profeflions, fuch men generally being

of moll efleem who are lkilled in фей: Canting forms of fpeech, though

in nothing elfe .

2. 1п refpeól of Synonynton: words , which make Language tedious,

and aregenerally jìtperfluitier, Íince the end and ufe of Speech is for hu

seali „de mane utility1 and mutual converfe; ‘изд: zgitur ну?" ut hrefuißgó' гедш,

gg" L' Óßnplexjinqnim longn: Ú“ 'var-im: And yet there .is no particular Lan

ВР Wal'm guage but what is very obnoxious in this kind. ’Tis faid that the Arabie

pl-¿legomm ,hath above а thoufand feveral names for a Sword, and 500 for a l ion,and

de Lingua 200 for a Serpent, and fourfcore for Hon). And though perhaps no other

‘gdm’ feét‘ Language do exceed at this rate, as to any particular 5 yet do they all of

them abound more then enough in the general. The examples of this

kind,for our Englryb, may be feen in the' following Tables. To this may

be added, that there are in moll Languages feveral words that are mere

Expleti'ver, not adding any thing to the Senfe.

3. For the An‘otnalifm: and irregularities in Grammatical conftruëti

on, which abound in every'Language , and in fome of them are fo nu

merous,that Learned men have fcrupled whether there be any fuch thing

as Analogy. -

4. For that Dtůrence which there is in very many Words betwixt the

writing and pronottncing of them, mentioned before. Scriptio ejìvocnnt

piáïnra: And it Íhould feem very reafonable, that men lhould either

fpeak as they write, or write as they fpeak. And yet Cuílom hath fo ri

vetted this incongruity and imperfeůiion in all Languages, that it were

an hopelefs attempt for any man to go labout to repair and amend it. ‘Tis

needlefs to give inllances of this,there being in divers Languages as ma- ‚

ny words whofe founds do difagrce with their way of writing , as thofe

are that agree. What is faid of our Eng/ijle Tongue is proportionably

true of moll other Languages, That if ten Scribes (not acquainted withthe­ particular Speech) lhould .fet themfelves to write according to

Ípronunciation, not any two of them would agree in the farne way of

ellin .Р ’Tisgan obfervation of а Learned man concerning the French Tongue,

Sir „M_ .smb that it is ineptif/intè corfnßßaliàr aolfaßidinnt otiojîrßt arä‘a literir ¿ali

de reéta d: ad rnendicitatem inopr Ó' jejuna 5 nunqnantßhi con année raro rationiv""ef‘l’t‘on‘i‘ conforta. 'Tis laid that Peter llanta: did labour much in reducing it to а

new Orthograph), but met with much'difcouragement in this attempt

from Learned men; beíides the invinciblenefs of general Cuflom, a

gainft which ( for the moll part ) men ûrive in vain. What better fuc

cefs thofe Learned ingenuous perfons of the French Academy ihay have,

. who

дыру. hitherteyíialibßed‘bgislìnferiaß¿im ,i r i

who have‘bnetnîor (шею) y'lem‘s'idgagedinltllńsiwitirk, ,L “mot amie, сидим fnl’

ûmet'Tisîldlatbdxf ßßilperidaß'ing цгпмщггщьдшдь .fob the com. WWF“ f' ‘

ypen'idìcmfneti» o5iiarhje'ggr~addtmtho Багет!’ МрЁЁЬптЬМе Letters .'.l l -Í

#it „жецьдапдщшьщьытшшшшпг iéli' t romption “anni i

ufe ofthem through his Dominions, and that in al Schoolazïsuths

eńimhliienfeóf M>~Mnd.yet, .nntllithílanding his

мышь щьвшщпщ.шщшиу збшгыв _death laid

айдыыафыд mi: .l'iilorllaaw J8( '.'Jll ,Nawal lo ‘Ш. i“ "п:

Ag to „m- am; Lan „Жить perimshave takmmueh pains a»bone rbeïaltbbgrńpbfoiit‘iîz f iŕl‘rhànhea'rnedlínìghti Sanità, Se

«muyштатЕНйАегЩ"щмштфсьЕшьашсшпйрщ France,

>hath públiihed melegammmrfe in ищутмидатам Lim

guaщшшумрамь.Martini,this Stiliin'fìm'aain annthénßifcourfe

prúfnmlted by' 'nñetuii the «Heraklrgxwbomllp b' ltpßlicßtrls who was

followed by one Wade, that writ to the farne purpo e. After thefe, Bnl'

[aber endeavoured to add to, and alter divers things in thofe others that

preceded himfg'twbóiìsaißecnédedinítbß щиты laß aff/#MM40

Gi/Ain'hìs EaglzgUrGrammat. LAM-.yet bium' @tía (Fulham, .that (lill

we retain the fame errors and incongruities in writing which сидишь

fáiihůl'â tmlght'msï .v ‚ И: fiJ-:ri Ишим Íl ’— l1 io t\\Ä“."i_j`\‘\§f.'~lkann 't ‚ ‘

» ‹ - г.‘ gt. :di ora. 1:‘.Ё cimiionl; uuu u1 enfllf‘liwill'ii vf"

f ‘l Rr' . :lr/r '1_/1 ï'mlrioitrnq fr, Í.' bnr. ,t‘a‘swst ‹. i'i-„B ;.Í "

i _.' Í)._`Í.'».`;l". "Mifflin ’,` "iT-.î i i "

. aa »aart-taff.mtraaal’tìiwèataaaylef »had aY ',çet ejer/eral#besarla a". JL. sïêsfrfrrfdërtraëïaftliffw

‘maf «f Marmande#«esercitata lli ür fr); 15018” "г ‘т

‚ vided ma theaßall'llffńaafa l’êr'lafallit‘lfßbsfa .trat ¿amusés

. т j” wenn „и «f #Er/Mbits# “asienta” ‘s 11i/lieb. »van

д’е’дьс‘бшёщЙчы 1-3.’ ‘ t _’. "ndi ‘

РРщш what hath beata,y alŕeadyìíaid i; mayapptar, Atlitnstl‘iere, are nu' Q_ L.

Letters or languages tbathagvefbgen atonceainvented andteůabllfhedaccording to the Rules of Artg but that all, ‘eirceh раз: 653, which

we know nothing ГОСсшйр as, that ity was nonma' e by human _Art u on

Experience) have been шт tal-Sen up that flrll, and дай‘! by

way of Imitation, or elfe, `in along кайф’ have, upon (счета!

emergencies , admitted var-ioustand crgßtal alterations; by rwhich means

they muli needs be liable to manifqkd defeéts and imperfeéìions, that in

a Language atlquçefinvented‘and aenordì tothe ruler о Art mi htbe ealily avoided. VNor could this` otherwi e be,v becaufe t at very rt

by which Language íhould be regulated, viz. Grammar, is of rmuch la

:fr invention the» Langage: Муфты, beingëadîpted‘towhat was al-l

ready inbeing, rathegthen the Rule of making ire. » _ ,_ _ '

Though the Hebrew Tongue, bç‘the mqů ancient , et Rabbi Índab “gm-„ddp

Ching of .Fezin .#rigwholived A. D. 1040,; was the fir that reduced it t? Grßmfïiafef

to the Art of Grammar. And though there were both Greek and Latin щ" “ "l" 4"

Grammarians much more ancient; yet were there none in either,­tilla

long time after thofe Languages flourilhed: whichisthe true reafonof

. D 2 all’


Vlßíuf ibid.

cap. g.


Tbefìrfl Principle of Communication. Book I.

all (Малыши/{п} in Grammar; becaufe the Art‘fwas futed'to Lan

guage, and not Language to the Art. Platbis faidto be the Erft that con

rayamvirgil. lidered Grammar : 'Ari/tatie the Erft that by writing.' did reduce it into


è. Il.


‚ ру confequences of it.

an Art : and' Epienrm :he lirftthat publickly taught yit amongft the

Grecianr. ‘ Ñ» ` ' ’ `

And for the Latin, Crater Mallatcr, Embaíiador to the Ronan Senate

from King ‚шт, betwi-xt the (econd and third Panic War, prefently af

ter the death of Enniu, U. C. 583. was the Erft that brought in the'Art

of Grammar amongli the Romanr,.faith Snetoniwf. l s

Thefe being fome of the Defeŕ’ts orlmperfetïtìons in thofe Letters or

Languages,which are already known, mayafford diret‘l-ion, what is to be

avoided by thofe who propofe to thernfelves the Invention of a new

(baraò'le’or Language , which being thoprìncipal end of this Difcourfe,

I (hall in the next place proeeedtolay-zdown;the lirft Foundations

0f it. ’ ‚ n’ ‚

As men do generally agree inthe lame Principle of Reafon, fo do

tìiey likewife agree in' the fame Internal Notion or“ Apprebetyíon af

t ingr. ­. ;

The ExternalExpre :on of thefe Mental notions , whereby men сот

municate their thoughts to one another , is either to the Ear , or to the

Eje. o

T5 the Ear by Sonndr, and шоке particularly by Articulate Vaiee and

War r. . _ .

To the Eje by any thing that is w’ßble, Motion, Light, Colour, Figure,

_ and more particularly by Writing.

That conceit which men have in their minds concerning a Ног‘: or

Tree, is the Notion or mental Image of that Beafl‘, or natural thing, of

fuch a nature,Íhape and ufe- The Name: given to фей: in feveral Lan

guagesßre fuc'h arbitrary ouml: or шаг-‘11,25 Nations ofmen have agreed

upon, either cafually or efignedly, to exprefs their Mental notions of

them. The Written word is the ligure or piöture of that Sound.

8o that if men lhould generally confent upon the fame way 0r man

ner of Expreßïan, as they do agree in the fame Notion, we lhould then be

freed from that Curfe in the Confulion of Tongues, with all_ the unhap

Now this can onely‘be done, either by труда‘ fome one Language

and Character to be univerfally learnt and praétiled, (which is not to be

expeéted , till fome erfon attain to the Univerßl Monarch) 5 and per

haps would not be one then :) or elfe by prapfjíngfome fuch way as,

by its facility and ufefulnefs, (without the impolition of Authority)

,might invite and ingage men to the learning of it;` which is the thing

here attempted.

In order to this, The lirl't thing to be conlidered and enquired into is,

Concerning a juli Enumeration and defcription of fueh things or notions

as are to have Markt or Name: aíïigned to them.

The chiefDiñi'culty and Labour will be fo to contrive the Enumera

tion of things and'notions, as that they may be full and adequate, without

any Redundancy or Dfcienc) as to the Number ofthem, and regular as to

their Place and Order. f

« l

`Chap. V. Т/эе Ргтсг1’1е QfCommumcatzon. »2 1

lf to every thing and notion there were aíligned a diílinâ Mark, to:

gether' with fome prozéîßan to exprefs Grammatical Derivation: and InI ßexionr, this might fu ce as to one great end of a младше”, паше

.ly ,the exprellion of our Conceptions by Mar/q which lhould íig'niñe

things, and not mardi'. And fo likewife if Íeveral diltinů ward: were

afiigned for the nume: of fuch things, with certain invariable Ruler for

‘all fuch Grammatìcal Derivation: and Inflexiom, and fuch onely, as are

natural and neceliàry 5 this would make a much more eaûe and conveni

ent Language then is yet in being. _

But now if thefe Marks' or Note: could be Го contrived, as to have fuch

a dependance upon, and relation to, one another, as might be futable to

the nature of the things and notions which they rcprefented5 and fo

likewife, if the Name: of things could be Го ordered, as to contain fuch a

kind of affini!) or bpprjítion in their letters and founds, as might be fome

way anfwerablc to the nature of the things which they figniiïcd 5 Thiswould yet be afarther advantage fuperadded: ­by which, belides the

belt way of helping the Memory by natural Method , the ‘Undef/landing

likewife would be highly improved, and We Íhould , Ьу learning the

Clmraäer andthe Name: of things, be inliruŕled likewife in their Na

huel, the knowledg of both which ought to be conjoyned.

For the accurate effeůing of this,it would be neceffary, that the ТЬеа»y it­ felf,upon which Íuch a defign were to be founded, lhould be exact

ly [Маша the плиту“ tbingf, But, upon fuppofàl that this Theory is

dejìóì'iœ, either as to the Fulneßor the Order of it, this muli needs add

muchperplexit 'to any fuch Attempt, and render it imperfeò?. And that

this is the и‘: with that common Theory already received , need not

much be doubted ; which may afford fome excufe as to feveral of tholè

things which may feem to be lefs conveniently difpofed of in the follow-A

ing Tables, or Schemes propofcd in the next part. - a

The End of tbe Fz'tß Part.

Part. Il,



The' Second Рагг," ¿1.

. . Ё‘

Containing a> regular enumeration and defcriptiion

of all thofè things and notions to which names)4 _

are to be alligned. ` ‘ "

l‘CHA n1.

I. The Scheme о Genur’r. И. Concerning tbe more general nations@¢`

tbingr,tbe d' cult] af eßablaj/bing thejì arigbt. III. ЧTranfcenden’

tal: general. IV. 0f Tranßendentalrelatiom mixed. V. 0f Tfn”.

Делами!relation; of Adieu. V I. 0f the jêfveral пойми belonging

to Grunmaror Logic. “" | . ‘ " Н" = »‘ tÍ’

)"i м. ' .'.\

‘ _ A VIN G difpatched the Pifoflegoŕnena in thè

former part,` I proceed' according ‘to the

‘f’ ’ niethod propofed ).'to'tha’tfmo'ne'2 attempt of enumerat'ingandfdçůribing-¿U

fuch things and‘lnotlons'a'sifíall under di

‚ I fcourfe.

,I i “Ж In treating concerning this, I (hall firft lay

«//\ «j „мы; down a Sçhemeor nubi: of all the Genuf's

" `f _ \o`rrn`òrecotnmon ads-of things belonging

` to this defign; And then lliewhow each of

thefe may be fubdivided' by its peculiar Dzf

ferencee5 which for the better convenience of this infiitution, I take

leave to determine (for the moll_part)to the number of Gx. Unlels it be

in thofe numerous tribes, ofHerbf, Trect, Exanguiour Anima/r, F{'[í‘cr and

Birdf; which are of too great variety to be comprehended in lo narrow

а compals. Alter which I lhall proceed to enumerate the leveral Specie;

belonging to each of «thefe Diferencer, according to fuch an order and

dependance amongfl them ‚ as may contribute to the dçjïnz‘ng of them,

and determining their primary fignilications Thefe Specie: are com

monly joyned together bypairs, for the better helping of the Memory,

( and fo likewife are fome of the Genm‘s and Этими.) Thofe things

which naturally have Oppojíter, are joyned with them, according to fuch

Oppofition,whether Single or Double. Thol'e things that have no Oppo

Íites, are paired together with refpeét to fome Aßínìt] which they have

'one to another. Tho it mult be acknowledged that thefe Al'linities are

fometimes lefs proper and more remote, there being feveral things lhifted

into Ythefe places, becaufe l knew not how to provide for them better.

All l


Chap. I. Tbe General Scheme. 23

All kinds of tIIIngs and notions, to which names are to be aíligned, may be d1

Íiributed into fuch as are either moreг

l General5 namely thofe Univerfal notions, whether belonging more properly to





’ „древа! 5 denoting either


Creature 5 namely fuch thiggs as were either created or concreated .by God, not

excluding feveral of tho e notions, which are framed bythe minds of men,

confidered either

Cob/eô‘ivelj5 WORLD. VI „ _

Dtßributinelß according to the feveral kinds Of Beings, Whether fuch as do

A salßanee-y ( belong to

` ‚1’тп1та1е5 ELEMENT. VII

Animate; coníidered according to their feveral

Species; whether

‘y l [думайте I

‘ ’ E. VII‚ lmPe’f‘aâ “Mmm‘l‘di/ilglit. Ix LEAF. х

Ё l HERB coníid.accord. to theäFLOWER. XI




_ lßerjftive 5% FISH. XVI

Sanguineatuâ ÈBIRD. `XVII I









211111105 Whether MANNERS. XXVI `





Адт’ёмотюм XXXI


oEcoNoMIcAL. хххш

Private. PossEssIoNs. xxxIv

PnovIsIoNs. xxxv

cIvIL. xxxvI.



NAVAL. xxxIxY ‚


. Relation 5 whether more

‚24 Concerning Метр/аура. Partï" lli

In this precedent Scheme, all the feveralthings or notions, to which

names are to be alligned , are reduced to forty Genna’s. The Нгй fix of

which do comprehend fuch matters, as by reafon of their Generalnefs, or

in fome other refpeû, are above all thofe common heads of things called

Predicaments; The гей belonging to the feveral Predicarnent:f„ of

which I reckon only live. Amongft thefe , Sub ance doth take in

fourteen Gent/:'s, Quantity three, ,Qgalitj five, A ion. four, and Relaf»

tion eight. ‹. ‚. t. `

This being fuppofed to be a fufiicient general Scheme of things , that

whichis next to be enquired after , is how each of thofe Genue's may be

fubdivided into its proper differences and fpecies. In order to which I

fhall offer that which follows.

In the enumeration of all fuch things and notions as fall under di

fcourfe , thofe are бгй to be conlidered which are more general or сош

prehenfive, belonging either to Metaphjßc, or to Grarnrnar and Logic.

Thoparticular: are flrů in the order of Being, yet General: are Бгй in

the order of Knowing, becaufe by thefe, fuch things and notions as are lels

. general, are to be diltinguifhed and defined. ._ ‚ t

Now the proper end and defign of Metaphyfìc Íhould be to enume

rate and explain thofe more .general terms , which by~reafon of their

ILlniverlality and Comprehenlivenefs, are either aho've all thofe Heads of

things liiled Predicaments, or elfe common to jë'veral of them. And if

this Science had been fo ordered , as to have conteined a'plaip regular

enumeration and defcription of thefe general terms,without thie mixture

of nice and fubtle difputes about them 5 It might have been 7„proper e

nough for learners to have begun with. 4But men having purpofely

{irained their Witsto frame and difcufs fo many intricate queftions , as

are commonly treated of in it : 'Tis no wonder that it Íhould hereby be

rendred, not onel lefs fit for young beginners, but liable alfo to the prejudice and neglelïilof thofe of riper judgments. That which] aim at in

treating concerning thefe things', is to offer fome brief and plain de~

fcription of them , as being confcious that fuch matters as are prinz?) nota,

and той obvious, are шой hard to be defined. And the multiplying

of words,about things that are plain enough ofthemfelves,doth but con

tribute to the making of them more obfcure.

The ri ht ordering of thefe Tranfcendentals isa bufinefs of no fmall

diñicultyiecaufe there is fo little aíflfiance or help to be had for it in the

Common Syftems, according to which this part of Philofophy ( as it

feems to me ) is rendred th‘e той rude and imperfect in the whole bo

dy of Sciencesgasif the compilers of it had taken no other care for thofe

General notions , which did not fall within the ordinary feries of things,

and were not explicable in other particular Sciences _, but only to tum

ble them together in feveral confufed heaps , which they ftiled the Sci

ence of Metaphyßc. And this is`one reafon wh the ufual enumerationof fuch Terms is very fhort and`def1cient in refy

be,many of thoíe thin s being left out, which do properly belong to this

number 5 which defeâs 'are here intended to be in fome meafure fuppli

ed. Tho it muli be granted , that by reafon of the exceeding compre

heiî/îoeneß of fome notions, and the extremefùlitilty of others, as like

wi e becaufe of the ftreightnels of that method which I am bound up¿o

_ Y

Рей of whatit ought to —

yof fo accurately as they ought to be.

Chapi. _ Concerning MetaPhy/ìc. „ 'Q5

by thefe Tables it will fo fall out, that feveral things cannot be difpofed

The fêveral things belonging to Metaphylical or Tianfcendental no

tions may be comprehended under thefe three Heads, namely fuch as are

either more `

/îhfòlnteyconteining the Kinda, Can/er, ÀDifereneer and Maele.: of

g things , which [такс the liberty to call TRANSCENDENTAL


Relative 5V whether ‚ . -

_ ` .Jl/fixed, and commonboth to Qiantitßfhialitygwhole andPart,


Simple, and proper to Aélion, viz. TRANSCENDENTAL re

lation of ACTION. l

The moll Unìverfal conceptions of Things aregifually fliled TRAN

SCENDENTAL, IlÍetaPhy/ìc-all.

To which may be annexed by way of affinity , that general name

which denotes thofehigheft and molt common heads , under which the

{everal kinds of things may be reduced in an orderly feries: viz. PRE~

DICAMENT, Category. ` r

Tranfŕendentalr general may be dillributed into fuch‘ as do concern‘

the nature of things according to their '

,fKiNDs i. _ —

‘CAUSES 1i. ­Этими}; more i ‚_ ' ­

ABSOLUTE andCommon. III.l ­ ’

‹` Relative to Aäron, conlidering . _

l ётнв END. lv. ’


[Monts vi. .



«f ' Ё ’ — ътьаъ

26 Tranfceizdental: General. Part. ll.

1- “к”. I. That common Eflence wherein thing: of dferent nature: do agree, is called

GENUS, general, common Kind. .

That common nature which is communicable to feveral Individual: ,° is called

` SPECIES, Sort or fpecial kindJpecißQ/pecifìcal. Breed.

Thefe common kinds may be diûinguiíhed into fuch as are either more properly

‘Tranjŕendental 5 namely, thofe той univerfal and comprehenlive Terms which

fall under Difcourfe 5 relating to

rThe and maß general Conception,of which the 'Underßanding take: notice, as

` l l molt known.

I êßElNG, Entity, Eß`ence,Exißence, am, in', extant.

l ' NOTHING, Полу)‘, null, rione, Annul, :jitter/ul, (шт/эдак‘, abrogate, aboli ,

l void, undue, cancel, evacuate, Ciphre. '

l Thojf: Being: which are truly fire/J, or thofe which our Sen/ë: лиг/$144)?” Being.

2 ìTHlNG, Afair, Matter, Bußngß’, Cajë, real Jy, indeed. ’

' APPARENСЕ; Apparition, Phantafm, Shaw, Идея, Едф‘оп and vani/h,

lSiniilitnde: of Being: 5 formed in our Mind: either by apprehen/'on of thing:

that are, or imagination of thing: that are not. —

NOTION, Conce tion. `

l ' FICTION, Figmenímake, feign_.frame,dea1ifë,counterfet,forgejcoirnmint, Fa

I ble, Apolfgue, Romance, Tale, Legend, Mythology, Fairy, Nymph, Centaur,

стада, Bugbear, Goblin, Chymera, Atlantif, Utopia.

{Не word: aj/ignedßr the Лифт‘; cffe‘veral Thing: and Notion: : to which

that common name jor theßgnifying if particular rational Being: may be an

nexed, though lels properly.

NAME, Style, Title, Tilular,CompeUation,Appel/ation nominate,denominate,

4. î штате, Inßription, “отдадим”, anqnymow, cali, Мата, Теги.

PERSON, Age, Party, No-body, Wight.

Predicamental5 thofe chief Heads, under which other Terms may be reduced 5

denoting either 'l lrSuch thing: a: ДМ]! by them/2111er, or which (according to the old Logical

lt’ielinliìtion)drequére aШума’ inhe/îon: Though they are Indeed nothing

ut t е mo es o Su ance.

`SUBSTANCE, ubi .5’ iAccIDSNralLf т

That ‚(ш/тайну" thing: whereby they may be jìzid to have parts difiinä and ca

pable of' divifion, or thegeneral difpglìtionof thing: either to Aäz‘on or Paßion.

l ÉQUANTITY, Much, Deale, Mathematich.

‘l 6. QUALITT, DiÚM/itionßndoument, indue,part:,qualfcatiommanner,con

" dition, фиг.

l The application of the Agent to the Patient, or the reception of the force if the

‘t Agent.

I chiene,dealing, Ад‘, Fай‘, Deed, Feat, Earp/oit, Paßage, Prank, îric/g, play

the Part.

l РАЗ-$101", abide, ail, bear, endure,jitfer, undergo, fitßain, feel, capable.

i t Such thing: a: cannot be, or cannot be known, without a rejpeä to _ßznething eyê 5

or which may be, or may be ifndef/food (Г them/elan, Without any fuch refe


8 SKELATION, refer, Regard, Refpeâ’, Habitude, corrclative.

' 2ABSOL‘UTENESS, дне/Рейды, peremptory, jiatqpojìtive.

l . Il. That

­ âACTION, doe,perjiirnt,commit,praäï¢proceeding,funêiion, exerci/ë, at'


Chap. l. _’ Tranfcendentalr General. 27

Il. That which any way contributes to the producing of an .effeëlg is ftyled C1 f

CAUSE, Rea/on, Ground, Principle, proceedfrom, procure,produce,mab„e,conßitute,In

ji'nenee, raife, put, fêt, bring to pa/f.

,More immediate and abfolute 5 either moreритмыwhich the lirfl Acti

_ l ‚ ‹í l l INS ГRUMENT, Tool, Organ -ical, Implement:

IMPULSIVE, Incentive,illotive, Reajonßround, ConcitationJn/liga

hibit, repre/5“, holdin, bridling, ßint, coerce, conßne, limit, no ho,fia),

TYPE, Pattern,Platform,Model,La`/1,Mold,ProtoUpe,Antiype,Exp-dä,


That which proceeds from, or depends upon the Caufe, is fiyled EFFECT,

Eventgluefruit,accrueßucceßßringfrom,become,gron>,come ofit,imprej/Íon,Produ¿?.

IfExternal, fuch as are without the Effect.

on is,or [фprincipal, and fubfervient to the chief Agent.

ÍEFFICIENT, Author, Maker, Eßi`cacy,efe¿lual,5nergj, Virtue, Validity,

i, l Fакцизов”,ОРегаИ0п,1п/1иепсе‚ frame, сои/Биде, beget, фа, ¿1o/mike,

More remote and relative я being either in

"The Agent, ferving either to

tion, Inducement, impe/l, „диким, ßir up,prickforward, Лат‘ т,

2. rou/è, quicken, irritate, provoke, excite, egging,incite,lnßinò`t,Conßde

ration, put on, Ё! at or on, move, urge, draw in.

Дикий, moderate, nia/ler, controle.

[Едва and regulate it: Aäion, either | bj that Idea which the Agent hath

- < _ in hir mind offome like cafè, or by ome Pattern before hir ejer.

rl?) which thing: are done, whether


i l

’ ­ тиф, work, render, create, bring to pafì.

‘i’Excite, or rg/irain 1t.

COHIBITII/E, reflrain, check, curb, with-hold, keep/hert or bach, in

l B'ÉEXEMPLAR, Example, Infiance, Idea, Precedent, Gauß’.


l Original, Copy, counterpart, Draught, Sampler, .Prooj‘,DupIicat¿­a схем


'1'he Patient, relating to fomepeculiar capacity in the thingprjomeßtneßin

re/peâ' of time. ( lißcation.

l 4 ìCONDlTlONßrovißnSalvojn cafè,Term,Caf’,State,lil¿ng,Habit,‘Qg¢a­

l .


_-—_—'—_—^-—-“—_"—_—. OCCASION ­al, Eoeigence> Emergence, Advantage, Opportunity, draw,

l provo/@,/candaL . . (abated,

tSome third thing, by which the force of the Eßïcient is' either increafed or

ADJUVANT, Help,Aid,Aj/ißance, знати’, Кейс]; Support, Advantage,

auxiliar), _ßib/idiary, avail, conduce, promote, farther, ßand in fiend,

5‚ ßipplj, accommodate, ß’rve, Co-adjutor, abet, take one: part, ßand by, a

fla] to one, forward, mini/ler, relief, back one.

IMPEDIENT, hinder, Obßacle, Remera, Clog,Bar„dehar,ogìruëía`mm.

ber, Rnb,Chec/{, Dam,Luggage,Lnmber,Baggage,Prtjudice, Dißidvantage,

forti/low, lett, fiop, Dlßérvice, fla), Лат!’ in the wir), trigg, keep bachl rg.

l Лили, withhold, interfere.

LFor whoß [феи thing ir: to which may be annexed the general name ofЛи!’

thingr и have any tendency to thepromoting of it. (Reafom/ïnal, tend.

6.;END, AzmtMark , _Goal,Dr1f~t,Intent, E_Ú‘eů', I’urpojëßejígnßcopgßzke, Reach,

MEANS, Way, Shift, Expedient, accommodate.

kInternal, fuch as are within the Effeä as its chief conftituent parts, out of

which a thing ir made, and of which it conlills 5 ог bj which a thing ir con/titu

на!in it: being, and dißinguijhed from all other things.

{MATTER-iol, Staf, Subßance, Argument, Subjeů, Boot ar fre-boot,&c.

7‘ там-„1, Eßence. ‘ E 2 ш. ThOfe




28 Tranfcendentalr General. ' Part. II.

ты; III. Thofe general Names which may be Ílyled Diñerences, are too numerous to

sIrI.` be placed under one common Head according to the method dcñgned in thefe Ta

bles, and therefore are they here reduced unto three Heads : whereof` the firfl’ con

tains fuch as do not immediately imply any relation to Aélion, and are therelore Iiy

ledtnore abß'nte and common, namely, thofe more univerfal Afitůions >ol Entity

whereby (счета! things are difïerenced, fo as to make them _DIVERS from one ano

ther.(another,jevcranjundry. vary. etydzßonant, to andfro,up and down. multiplicity,

choice, drßerent athen, Heterogeneou: 5 ) 10 which the notion of IDENTITY, Very,

[диет/11 all one, лишней, may be properly oppofed, importing an Unity or Agree

nient in the _farne ŕjjence.

Thefe are 'diftinguifhable into jìich Drß'erence: ofthings a: impl) a rqßeöt’ „то

ритм; without the thing: thernh’lvn. (pre/Denham of them.

The Under/tanding t, in regard ofthe (видит), or incongruit) of thing: to our ap

l {'I RUTH, true, Verity, vergh'c, 2м‘г],КщЬ1,Ь001%,п‘геута3дЬу,/1/@д’‚рг01ш12/е.

Z I' FALSI-100D, falle ­r]1'e, lírror,erroneouc, untrue» ’

‘Ihe Will 5 a: to the Н agreementpr drßgrecnient ol things with that Facultyfo as to

be rend red dtfirable or avoidable. '

2.{(`IOODNESS, Waal, Pte/fare, right, regular, we”, reft'rfìe, better,be]l.

EI/ILNrSS, ill, bad, naught, wronq,antzjf,ßtrewd,fŕur1ly, Í¢’1vd,horrid,horrible,

I corrupt, Pravitj, deprave,.s‘in, “1111,?тф’аЕ‘Нац/рф-тщ Peccadil/o, wor/e.

I The nature of thing: in „лещ/Нос: 5 as to‘ Their nabcdbelng, or not being.


'3' PKlI/A‘IIVENESS, Privatìon, bereave, deprive, depofe, put out, or fbrth, take

I l l away, ßrip, deve/l, di/j'erfê, ‚тиф; dig‘urnrjh.

*l 'Their being, or not being what they arepretended to be. _

СЕЫЦПЪЕПЕЗЗ, right, arrant, rank, very. natif/e, legitimate, true, currant.

_ l < 4'Éò'P‘ZIRIOZ‘SNESS., штате!э baßard, j'alfe,l illegitimate, improper, adu/terine,

È bafe, nti:begot, fòphrjltcated. ‘

Their degree: of being; Whether pre/ent, or future and in poíïibility.

AC'IUA LNESS, Exißence, extant.

' s“IPOTENI MLN-Ess, Hefaerßan, may. can.

l Their Extenjian; being |l шрифт” d by baund:, or not fb circunijìribed, (ded.

` 6 {ПЫГГЫЧЕ59‚ а’фт!е‚в1е!егт1пес1‚11т11еа’‚Ь0Ип‘1е‹1‚7егт‚(`0’ф‘пе‚811п#‚сапе/и

' INFINH ENESJ, end/qi, indehniteJ unbounded, дятел/е, indeterminate, unli

‚ rnz'ted, unrneaßirablc, inêxhau/lible.

‘ Their (au/et. (feriour Agent.

' Eßïcient; Whether the order of cornnton Providence, or the :Íeill cfßrne in

NATURALNESS, right, native, wild, carnal, участницы!) jupernatural.

7`I FACTI?IU‘USNESS, artificial, technical, made. '

Material, being either without allpart: and cornpqfítionpr beingjìich, to the _fra­

i nting qfwhichfeveralpart: and ingredient: do concurre

Ё ЗЫМРЦСПТ, tnere, jhcer, clear, ji‘ne, plain, right, pure, unrnixed, Ingre



l 8A dient, jingle, unconrpounded.

MIXEDNESS, mingle, compound, blend fhußle,Med@,Mi/îel/anßprornúuour,

мире", Contnzixtion, штрих; complicate, confound, intertuingle, низ-роду,

Gallinzaufrj, Rhapfòdy,€enton,daßi,brew.

Formal.; being in ßtch a ‚дат to which nothing i: wanting, or elfe wanting [дие

thing of what the] may andßtould have.

З PEKFECTION, ab/olute, intirefull,accurate,exaů‘,exquißtQpunäuaLPreci/ë,



conlp/ete,conßentnzate,accontpli J jlriät‘,plenar},throughb,naature,up,at the top.

IMPERFECHON, incomplete, lame. 1V. That

IV. That kind of Dilference betwixt things, which relates to Aóti- W' m1"

Ch'ap. I. Tranfcendentalr General. ' 42 9

ons @mindering the End,m..y be fined DisAonEAßLEuEss, .mam- ¿Egli-¿$5

ble, difêrepant. fhe‘END 0fFIo which may be oppofed the Notion of CQNVENIENCY, agree- “hm”

nient, agreable. ßetabfe, jerving, cornrnodiour.

Thele may be diftinguifhed into fuch as are

' More Simple 5 denoting their

_ ‘ Рйпфкo promote, or hinder our well-being.

' l PROFITABLENESS, Advantage, Betreft, Ernoluinent, тему},

Concern, Boot,Frnit, 'Uli/it), Cornrnodioua, Ediß'e, [fand iff/led,

i I’ good for, avail. —

H'Z RTI' ‘ZJLNESS, Haren, Prejudice, Dijadvantage . Darnrnage,

Dgßoreßt, Nujance, Mifchief difconznrodioua,nocent, ßtrenvd turn,

< pernitiour, локти, noijonr, damniße, endarnznage, impair, an

no] , diÁv/eq/ure , na’ught for , vermin, weed.

Sutablentß’or unjutablencßto our appctiter.

âPLhAâANiNhSS, Delight, ¿'onzplacenee,injojrnent, fixtifallion,







i i рис‘, tabing,delicioua, Paradife.

- СОЫРЬЕАЗАЫ? NESS, lîegret,dr]plegßng,qñrßveJroublQgrievol/r,

i uneaße,painful. ‚ ‘

lffgreableneßor Dijî/greableneff of things to Right reafon.

f DUENÍ: SS, Duty, ought, fhould, Hondt, owe, part, incumbent on.'

S’î UIND‘UENESS, ought not, dlllronefì.

' - More mixed implying a refpeft to the nature of the end,as to its

‘ t‘Capacity or Incapacity of exißing.

POSSIBILI'IY, Fedible, nia), can.

4’iIMPoss1ßrLIir, cannot te.

Degree: ofgoodneß; whether fuch as­ are like to anfwer the delires, by

proving ver)lgreat and conliderableor fuch as are like to dilappoint

the delires. by proving to be very little or none.

< IMPORTANCE, of Mon1ent,Conjêquence,Strength,Force,~Weight,

I 5. Ё material, corßderable, pithj, pregnant, файл, it naattcreth.

'l VANITY, Yrifte, trivial, frivolous, Fаура)‘, Getvgatr, Knack, Toy,

Девы/{Д ßight, light, fruitley?, ßdling, void, титры)’, Bauble,

I ,Gaul/et, ,Qur/g, Gambol, to no boot, to nopurptjê,

’ tlg/leem among/t' good nien 5 whether fuch as they are like to think we!!

of; as deferving praife and reward , or to think illof; as delerving

fhame and punithment. ’

ìWORTHINFSS', Merit, De/êrt, Value , детей! , cheap , dear,



price, preciovr, depreciate.

UNWOR'I HINESS, Vile, Mean, Poor, undeßrving, indign.l


„e30 ‚'Y. DIFFE


kring to the


Tranfcendentalr General. Part. II.

V. DIFFEKENCES of things relating to the. MEANS, may be di

fiributed into fuch as are '

rMore Simple, denoting the being of things

l ‘l’Good 5 as good is determined by

La» 5 whether according to Lato, or not again/ì it.

LAWFULNESS, legitimate, right, legal, canonical, orderly.

" шшггвввысв, adiaphorouc.

Cn/lom or opinion 5 whether fueh as the ‘generality of men do

think nie/lof and praCtife, or ‘Мг/(е and avoid.

Agent; the Doing of things with little or much labor.

EASINESS, Facil ‚щит, clear, gentle, light,

4' DIFFICULTT, Hard, weiße, ешь/‚ш, intricate, Мент,

ßreight, Perplexity, rub, knot, grave/ing, hardput to it.

Patient 5 Thejufering of things with little or no Iabor,or with much.

{SENTLENESS, Ea/ìncß‘, fòftmj?, ßill, tenderly, gingerlj.

` s' IOLENCE, hotßerow, rough, har/7), hln/lering, трети,

’ force, raz/yh. ’

`_Comparative 5 of the

"Nature of the rneam­ to one another5 whether mutual/)1 agreeing 'as ha

t ving the fame kind of affections, or ‘Иду-сет; as having fuch kindо of afi'eê’tions as­are apt to exclude one another out of the fame

: Гцыеа'.

: Í CONGRUITY, Sutablencjî, Agreablencß, Sympathy, conjonant,

ё 6. compatible, right, appoßte , ‚Едим‘, apt, adapt, corni/lent, accord,

— софтт, accommodate, comply.

CONTRARIEATT, Repugnance, wit/Jiand, again/l, unjîttable', Anti

perzßa tr, counter, „ф incongruoua, inconßfíent, incompatible,

= I ­ interfere.

‘l’J/êfulneßor ‘Unufefulneß‘of means to an end, whether in

rLower degree.r5 when there is a fair probability that a means may

l either’prornote or hinder the end.

< Í{EXPIEDIENCEI,Con'oenience,behoov_fì¢l,meer,ft,perquütefequftea

I7’ INCONl/ENIENCE, Inexpedience, unrneet, unß't, incommodioua.

Higher degree5 when there is a certain dependance betwixt the

means and the end.

To which may be oppofed that kind of nexuc betwixt means and

end, which is altogether uncertain and doubtful.

ÉNECESSITY, needful, regni/ite, eßentíal, lfhould, nzuß,ßreight,


= l5 ‹

l l ÈDECENCY, Decorum, meet, Я‘, feemlj, делайте, becoming,

l a. camel] goodlj.

l Il " INDECEŕCLßIîdecorum, ;tnmeet, urft, unfcenilj, unhand/orne,

штате], mi e eemmg, ugj.

’ tFree from ш! 3 whether of 0

I 1 Hurt 5

‹ î’SAFETY, Security, fiere, tute/ary, innoxiouc, fave, protec'ï, in

l < .¿ ߢre,indernntf1`e, warrant, Sanöluar), Shelter, Refuge.

l ‘3' |DANGER, Haqiard, Peril, Теории’), unßfe, rick, rventure, ad

1 lventure, endanger, expoß, incur.

I tLahor and l’ain5 inthe





exigent, force, perquißte, preßìng. ‚

CONTINGENCE, Venture, adatenture,rnay,Accident,peradventure,

adventitiour, fortuitoua, incident, happen,pcrhapr. 6‚тише


Chap. I. ММ

VI, Thofe more general refpeůs and habitudes which feveral things YL MODE

or notions have to one another, are (tiled by the name of MODE, nean

ner, way, fort, fajhion,guijë, wife, garb, тиф, form ­alit}, kind.

'Ihefe may be difhnguilhed into fuch as are

I'Internalg` denoting that

In which another thing езгф‘жэ or 'the thing jh всё/15:13 in another

SUBJECT, liable, obnoxioue, expojêd, так", Text, Theme, under

l. goe, capable.

ADj‘UNcT, грима, inherent.

About which a thing i: itnplojed. ‘

i a. OBJECT', niark, lß‘ope, butt, treat, handle, тише with, have to do


lLExternal 5

With which thing: are accompanied or done 5 according to the

l i Kind: of them, either in General, orЛюда/д of fuch things, as are

I I remarkable for Extraordinarinefs and Статей.

I ‚ ЁСШ CUMSTANCE, Rite, Ceremony.



< 3. SOLEMNITY, Grandeur,flate, Pornp,Port, celebrate,ßlenanize,

Rite. ­

LConjêquenceojr` them; or that habitude refulting to any thing from

‹ -f the coníideration of all its circumliances together. I

i 4. Eßateßoïdition, Cafè, j'unäure,Lil<gng,ntanner,paßpzchle,

1g t, шт. in oo re air.Bypwhich in] thinggic knonfn. _ —

i 5, SIGN, Badge, Token, Marh, Note, S}ntptorne,Sjnzbol,Index, Indica

v' tion, Cue, Print, Scarf, Track, Signature,ßgnijïe, Beacon,becÍ{en,BoatÍ,

l ртом, pre age, Prodigie,portenton:, ontinoue, außoicionc.

l lkAccording to w ich an)l thing i:,or i: donc, relating either to the

‘ Order obferved in the being or doing of things, whether by

'- Oneper/on or thing after another who hath left hi: place, or for ano

l ther who is onely „ifm from his piace.

I I 6 ЁКООМ, as Зш’сеДдга Caliph, apply, place.

<I ' STEAD, as_ßibßitute,Магнит,jêrvefor,jîtccedaneona, De

l ' par) , Surrogate, Vicar , Delegate , шее-‘ветви: , Atteurnej,

Broaker, Рада", т lien, Liet/tenant, Proäor, Prox).

¿Twoperßm or thing: either one after another, or one with another.

7 TURN, Coutß, alternate, [ec-ond, bont.

° RECIPROCATION, rnutual, interchangeable, interconçů,

сон-фонд. '

Í Ё Meaßere: of Being, whether the more General naine for fuch thea



lures,difíerenced according to more and МВ, or that[жди lq'nd

which denotes the jodain and jhort Being or Doing ofany thing °

‘.1 according to a greater meafure. (and little.

8 ÍfDEGPtEE, gradual, a ßiice, aßrein, gradation, leaßtrelj, by little

` UMPETUS, Fit, Paroxjfrn, brunt, cra/b, ф",pang.

Муфта: of Being; with reference either to fome common agree

` nient and mutual dependance,or to fome incotf/lßency betwixt Идет.

ЁСОСНАТ ION, Aßnitj, Nearneß.

9° OPPOSI'IIUN, атм/метр; contrary, counter, repugnant, with

ßand, againß, „др, thwart, other'I jîdtgadverfe, Antagonii‘î, An

tithejn, confront, iinpugn, oppugn.



Tranfcentlentalr Mixt. Part. Il.32

e TRANSCENDENTAL Relations MIXED, may be diliributed into fuch as do belong either

­ Q‘LSIANTI‘IY, as conlidered ( to


More rellrainedly , to



I @ALITY , as confidere more





1. Tranfçcnd, I. TRANSCENDENTAL mixed Relation: belonging to @ANTITY conlidered MORE

Relations of GENERALLY, may be dillributed into fuch as do concern the meafureof things compared ei

(LuANTlTY roi/m things of the fame kind or company (rl-,gr with

MORE. GE- f Indefinitely; as to ‘

NERAL, l'Being or Subllaiice, namely when the things compared are confidered

‘ f singly and intirc, Being either of an ordinary Iize,or more or le/i then ordinary.

r iNnirrEitEisca, Pmi, tig, pagaba, fea/mile, ‚ь ‘а.o



GREATNESS, Magnitude, ample,large,vafhhuggimmenß,grandgnonflrouß p10t.

I ~ di iori.t,{òuml, 'ivirigin , whiileer, main, much, ma ni e, a пиши, ern erani ‘Кайф; deal,'n vjfbul dej, Судя‘. g f gg gg ,

LITTLENESS, Smalnejì, Perry, Minute, Modieum, Standing, diminutive, laß,

leaŕ},poof,tihate, alla), ‘химии, Elf, Dwarf, Shrimp, Tit, Dandipmt, P/gmy.

I LConjunHly; as conl’ifling of feveralindividuals or parts, whereof there are together

nn ordinary numher, or more or [ф thm ordinary.

1 2 ЁМЕВ1ОСК1ТТ, a pretty deal, an indiferent quantity, mean, кармы“.

‹ ° " ABO'UNDANCE, яхты: deal, much, a world, affluence, plenty, llore, copious, 'fig/h,[ i jlm'nte, flow, fluengluxurianr, enough and to лит‘. i

SCARCITI‘, Liitleywant,deanl­,pinchin , fram, lian, ]с}ипе,1ас(.

Uff, with refpeët to the quantity of it, wher er fuch as may by its juli proportion promote

the end, or fuch as may hinder it,by being too тип/1, ог too little.

i SUfFlCIENCY,enough,/aig or much euouglr,ronzpetene;,rnoderare,fatiißgßrve,wellful

I 3’ EXCESS, Redundanee, „(рт/1141:], neerlleß, exuberance, teo much, overmurh, wef


i chaîge, eloyŕ,l gìlutt, flut/Zet, [шеф ‘хп’ете, immodemte, luxuriartt, rank, out of

rea~ on 'wa your a out.

I l DEFÉÍÍL‘LI", Aït’jelnzâtglâlark, need, pemefy, irrdigent, meeßitous, deflitute, ‘птиц/‚111,‘

a orto e er,jejun¢, ineom нет, in виден’.@aan oifit, denoting the being of a thing of :in ordinary gooadnefr, or more or Щ} then

l INDIFFERENCY, Pretty well, tolerable, not ami/Ã'. (ordinary.

j i EXCELLENCT, extraordinarygood, efninence,prehem"nenee, egrrgionßeximioue, incom

parable, fir erlat'ive, fovemign, tran/cendmt,_ßngular, heroic, high, no1/le, gallant,

choice, МЛ}: ‚так, remarkable, rtotahle, Paragon, Mirfour.

l t SORRJNESS, mean, poor, vile, trivial, contemptible, dejpimhlqßipperyßî'a/L, Imm

I. pery, Raf, lfcnm, Dńtgbljilly, flight, paultrßjrnrvy, poor,eourfe, flat, perlling,

cShÃap,_wÃrthS_/t,b1~ellzl)twl,l Siga/i, ëolrlnpgmpìn, Кар“, Varlet, так’), Scoundril,

rp-jnc nu reim п‘: i .i е.’i щит‘; ~, :isto , , , i i

1 Being; either of the fame degree, or more or left.

EQLLALITY, Бампер, parity, peer, match, шт, adequate, eeguipollmt, adjufl,

5’ {INEQQALITI} unequal, addr. (halve: with, a: типу“!!! one.

(l S'UPERIORITI', ahorre, upper, advantage, odds, preheminence,furmount, ovrrpaji,

‚ IÃx’rîíLgo jeyorîd, aryl-g3, get the Burnt, top, exrjlll, pref/ril, predominant.

‘_ ‘ un er~irxg l а varita e,a aprome orto ofw.

i 'ZJ/e; as means to an enti, when one’ thing hat the jame degree: of’iîtnefs for an end






‘L as another, or more or lili'.

6 {[@IVALENCL пишет/111.



Ihemßlver ; in refpeéì of their

¢ ` i' Being or fubllanee,either continued the fame,or changed to lmore or left,

è AT A STAND. (prove,rt/È,grow,gam,come forfwtmlnrefìelnt.

A INCREASE, Augmentation, progreß,inerement, enlarge,magmße, ampliße, идти/мыт

l _ i DIMIN'UTION, ,15mn 13,1",fwage, ajfwnggdefreaje, extmuate, mince, mitigate, alla),

retremh,rehnte, fhrinle. _' _

(LUALITYin generabeither continuing in an ordinary degree,or being changed to more or leß.


' INTENTION, heighten, Rrein, raife, aggravate, exaggerate, сидит“, mhaunre, acute,

i cutting, keen, fore, piercing, vehement, urgent, eager, earneß, deep ‚Дни ama/n, greatly,

i much. (_[lendereweale , dead,dilute,dull, filmt, gentle, light.

í REMISSION, Ahate, allajnflalehjlackm, Ífri/age, aß‘fwage ‚Штйнф:2 mitigate,ßight,cold,

i 'Z2/ë; when things either continue as they were,or elle become more or lelrgosd.

L KEEPING AT A STAY. {lmprovbI-s‘diße, hatch, „нм, clont,patch,Progreß,adv/rnef.

9' MENDING, emendation, hettering,Repar.1t:omlůeformatiomRei‘lauration, rorrefhrea'rejr,

_ MARKING, lSpoiling, D¢prave,1mpair,jpill, taint. alloy, tuur, corrupt, „мы“, waff,

II. Tran


Chap. 1. _ Trańfcendental: Mzxt. 3 3

и. mfifcmm Mixed www," bein ing го усоыпыпгёв mff'fgńfëèvgì.'

QUANTITY, may be dìßì'nguifhed into thö cvarious rh‘eäfures 'of d_i- Ё? ogm- ’

fiance according to «the difference of mi@ or 1“, with mfp-ea' ci- мы;

ther ro nn‘

fijne; from END to ЕМ.‘ i ‘

LENGTH, wn, Longitude, yrolong, pratrnâ', eelçe ont, extend, te-4

I. diens, pro/img?. '

SHORTNESS ‚ brevity, Сжатие/Г, abbreviate, curtal, abridge,

re/lrain, c0n1pendiow,ߢcein¿l.

Superßcie: ; from fide to Gde.

‹ BKEDTH, ­ Widemß, Latitude, Largenqï; ¿mylene/Í, @acidi/4, di

IQ. Ё late, enlarge, extend. - ‘

NARROWNESS, Strezlg/Jtnqß, Scantneß, clzfê, cofnpreßd, рт}

ejed,re/lrain. ì

Bod); reckoning from i

Тор to 5mm. ‘

ÉDEEPNESS, profound, Abjß, jim' into,l.»igß. 1

_ 3- sHaLLoWNEss, Ford, swure,neprqßîon,lm, flat. -.¿Boum to Top. ` > Í ‘

I HIGHNESS, Altitude, exa/t, elevate, Soar, дым, tu”, left),

4,. proper, touring, advance, raìjê, aloft. »-`

LOWNESS, abaß», bring down, дар-ф dung/ì, netber ’

LA”, super/friet to the appoßte. ` i

ÈTHICKNESS , Cral/inde , grof: ‚ deep , z‘neraßàte,y raun

5. e‘ì‘val.

ТН1ЫЫЕ88, Люда‘, ßne, jlz‘fn , lank, flank, Лёд‘, remix),

garant, rare, [вы/с, attenuate.

F III. Iran

34; _Tranfcendentalt Mixt. ‚ Part. .II


nlJtmffw-f ш. ¿grandma 1re/.nm of DISCONTINUED.. QUANTITY

ЁЁЁ‘ЁЁ; “for Number,may be diftributed into fuchas are either — 'z i

ifi'T Eb а: comparative, denoting either а `greater or leßer number then ordi

gY‘ANÜ ~ i“ nary.

| ÉMULTITUDE, wan), numerous, a world of, multiply, {пена e,

< I. ro a ate ore, шпиц/дек, тф‚с"от1_г/этаид‚ rout.î ' FEPWlf/Ègssïßl’auczftj, decreafêî [та/1 number, ‘Ми, elimini/li'


tePvßtiveg concerning therNumber of things, whether

_ l One, ornrpre then one.

SINGULAKITY, Individual, numerical, ‚щи.

„ z2' PL‘UMLITT, more '

_' «So/ne or AL’.

’ ÉPÁRTICULARITY, ßecial, peculiar.

- ‹ 3’ 'ZJNII/ERSALITT, Стили], (‚п/„1164, Oecurnenical, :mno/ì.

Kind: of things, whether One kind, or AL’ kinds.

SPECIA‘LNESS, peculiar,particular.


fart: of which number «МНЕ, whetherEqual or ‘дивана! Units.


,k W EVENNESS, Parity,V ,A

‘ 5‘ ODNESS; {три-19’, uneven.

i Радио” of things numbred, denoting their

‚Ч ’Being in а _ßate offeparation from others, or in aftate of conjun

`~ ` ¿lion wit-h Íeveral others.

‘J y SEQREGATENESS , _[ê‘ver, fet apart 0r a e, ¿nab/ir, Ana

“‘¿' ш”), piece-meal, la) retail, diß‘ence, di ‘Наше, one la) one,

Parce/r, bjpole. '

AGGREGATENESS, Traìn,'1'r0op, CanapanjJ’arty, ScuÍLSwarnz,

; ” Team, Flock, Heard, Pac/(_, Cov), S/Jeaf; Bale, Bundle, Fardle,

î Bunch, Glu/ler, Groß/1] Меры‘. `

Order, belonging either to Thingr, or to Wordt.

’ SERIES, Rank, Row, Clafr, fuceeßìve, Chain, Cour/5,1ìace, col

` 7. ì lateral, Concatenation, Alphabet.

CATALOGUE, Index, Table, LiL/l, Role, Bi”, Serale, Terrier, a

particular, Cargo, Inventor), Mißcßirnpannel, Genealogy, Pe

digree, Vocabulary, Diä‘ionary, Lexicon, Nonzenclat0r,'A/nza­

_ nach, Calendar.

Parti` of an aggregate being all together.

8. SUIT, Pack, Set, Me/t, ailing.

~\\\\'\ ­

­ lV. Tran

Chap. I. Tim

lV. Tranfèendentallîelationi belonging t0 QUALITY, ai corjìdered W-Tf‘mfœn

Mone LARGELY, may be annahm-d im@ meh kind of Relations as äîìgï‘ç‘ëçf

are either ' ‚ marge.

Sing/e5 containinga refpeft to the ‘

l fCanfe ofa thing, whether none or any, The being ofa thing,the firfi of

Í its kind` or not.

I ÉPRIMITIVENESS, Root, original, [игр/е, nnderived.

, L_ l‘JERII/ATII/.ENES‘SQ conjugate, Notation, Etymology, tranfmilßon.

l г ВЁЗЖЭЮЁЪТЕЁЁСКЬЫ without or with any other between.

` Next

l 2. ’ '




мы?“ of being, whether intirely of it _fe/f, or by virtue Ofjîimethi'ng

e e. ` ‘ ›

ABSOLUTENESS, Independent, Freehold.




«I Degree: ofBeing or Caufality, whether /aperior and before all others,

or inferior, and after fome others.

PRINCIPALNESS, Chief, Special, Ringleader, fâveraign, fiipreme,

_ 4 paramount, jïrß, main, arch, prime, primary, capital, cardinal

’ fundamental, Top, Head, Illa/ler.

ACCESSORINESS, Abet, adherent,jëcondßompanion, Party,(`opart­

y ner, Complice, Appendage­` Label, Appartenance, „дышит, col

lateral, con/ciotat, privy, _fide with, bach, parta/ie, participate, by

l the way, by the by.

Mutual; whether more

’ Рфй‘ие 5 fignifying one thing either to have or not to have Relation '

to fome other.

г PERTINENCY, belong, appertai'n,appofi`te, to thepurpqßyonching,5. concern, material, relate to,`ß'rvefor, incumbent on. l

IMP‘R'IINEA'CT, not to thepiirpiú,'~.extravagant,`Лет/ф wide

î from the matter, wild, idle, improper. М

устраните, denoting (uch relation to belong onely to ‘one 'or `few,

or to many.

6 ЁРКОРЕКЫЕЗЗ, incommnnicable,owner, peculiar, concern. ‘s `\`­' COMMONNESS, ig/iial, vulgar, шутит,general,prtylitute. ` '

' ‚ J д ‘

F 9- к’ V. Tran;

y m“Tranfcenfilentall' Minet, Part. Il

Vffrfmfœnil-n ‘Пал/Видели! Relation: of QrUALT'Ivç-conßdered MOKÉ


more Пишу.STR ICTLY, may be diftributed into fuch as do concern either thcir

rBeing ‘ The jante or divert.i LIKENESS, similitude, jlniilar, a zmilate,re/ën1ble, reprcfcntation

1 Specie: Idea Image Eßigier Portraiture.

l ÉUNLIKEI’VESS’, Dil/in’zí/itudcfdil/ìmilar,degeneratie.

l Circumßancer g whether

fSpecial, relating to their

lf Place,either the being of things in their duepgßtionßor out of their

duc places.

g Суд-511%’?2110"‚Мс1Ь001,атм;,!т1тИ1е,та›;/Ьа1,та1{у,йпframe,

1_ po e c ige range.

\CONF 'ZJS’1UN, l)wrderßhapfödjßhao:,GaUimaufr ,tumulti-ont,

coyl, dijbeveled, diß‘anked, out offrame or order, promiycuoac,

Prcpojterom, Ruffle, Shußle fcamble, clutter, blunder, 'umble,l Ь z ь 1' u u ’ Jnerr), ur) ur] pe me . _

Time, either the being of thingsac ‚фа/д the) are, or their being

othernnje then commonly the] nj@ to be. `

` §ORDINARINESS, common, Wal, trivial, currant.

3"¿IïX'IH/IQR'D‘ÓIÍV/illîINESS, fí'range, uncâmth, unaßtal,umnented, of

note nota с, notariato: О щ‘; Para ox.'

General, The being of things ‘заем-‘11% to certain rule: or not fo.

REGULARNÉSS, right, тайге, rule.

4’ EXORBITANCT, Irregularneß', Enormit), Dißrder, extravagant, Ii

centiour, wild, fault_y,wrong, loofe, immoderate, unruly, unbridled,

out ofjèuarc, laß) out, Hetcrocljtc, Anania/ow.













_ Being ‚(птиц either to man)l orfew.

PUBLICKNESS, Notorionr,famouc,common,extant,open,l>eing out,

or abroad, Declaration, Manifeßo, lìemonßranceßdition., Promul

5° gation, fet forth or ont, jhm», jpread, Митя, publi/h, proclaim, di

` 11u/ge, denounce, produce, poß up, conte to light, high way.

, PRIVATENESS, underhand, clancular, claude/tine, retire, between

l tbengßlver.

LMixture with or addition of other things, when they are

iBetterfor„под mixture, or Woife for being without it

tric/g, tire, garni/h, fleuri/h, dreh". prank, Ornament, Grace, flo

` f —« 6. ‚ rid, neat, [таза/Риге,е1с$ат,9иат1,Листа/де,3а],3аиа)‘,30г

Garland, Ouch, Sie.

B lHOA/JELINESIS, ßtnple, rough, rude, untrinzmed,ploin, bald.

etterfor being withoutßtch mixture, or worjê for it. ’

PUKITY, Cleanneß, linde/fled, Афиша, ßnc, тф‘пе, щщмшд,

7. jìoure, purge, puriji'e, clarifie, depuration, neat, abjleijîve.

DEFILEMENT, иным, тршщ , ‘те/ели , fm1, fqualid,

bedawb, befmear, bezvraj, contaminate, flabber, flabber, Лиса",

jbil, _btb/j, pollute, daggie, flurry, fmutch,fnutt, ftain, ado), сш

rufe, .1t/11.


‘I geom“, flaring, garijh, jlaunting, Gallantßparlg, Bracelet, Plume,


VI. That

lORNATENESS, adorn, jet out, Deck, beaurlji'e, embelli/lntrimm,

Chap. I. Tranïfcendental: Tůixt.' 37

VI. That thing which is made up of (счета! 1еПег things united toge- VI. Ttanfcen.

ther is called by the name of WHOLE, Total, Integral, Intire, Stimm,AL', Utter/),¿Ztriite and clean,plcnary. PART,

Thofc leßer things, by the union of which another greater thing is

made up, are ítiled by the common name of PARTS. Particle, Parcel,

partial, Divide, ‚тяге, drflribntc, driblet, portion, piece, pittance.

The tranßendental relations of whole and part are (uch as denote a

refpeâ to gluem!)

"Continued, in regard of the

{Qta/it); of Goodneßor Badncß‘of fuch parts.

BEST PART, Qgintcß'ènce, Cream, Flower, the heartfïop.

I' WORST PART, Rejufe,Scuntm,Dreggr, draft,dro_/f„ rabbi/h,

tare, bran, chtwf, носит‘, ‘га/1’,garbage, еды.

I Tinte, either-that which is ßrfl taken, whereby the goodnefs of the

whole is to be meafured, or that whichisßipcradded after the

l n SAY, taße, touch,ßantling. ’ (whole.

I ‘Ё " I/ANTAGE, ßirplu:,ovctpltor, to boot, over and above, over-weight,

‘ ll corollaty,jîtpplement, vai/I'.

Place; fpecially in liquiab, either that part which in feparation doth

I ri/è to the top, orthat which fall: to the bottom.

SCUM, Sander'er, Mother. (dcfecate.

l 3- ЗЕВПИЕМТ, ß'tlingfaput тогдашний, 1ее1,с1те3:‚}%си1ет‚тс/‹‚

kFigure 5 fpecially in folids», whether

Houndi J5 in greater parts, or in lqßir parts.

ÉLUMP, Bolo, Morf‘l, Bit, Cant/c, Luncheon,Gobhet, Hammock,



Stub, литр, grumotn, clottcd, clod, turfe,_/od.

l POWDER, Mш, Вид, Corn,l Grain, Crum, Grate, moulder.

Oblong, made either by Cutting, or by Breaking,

CHIP,Lamin, Scale,Flake, Flaw,Flitter,_[hive,Лёша‘,fplinter.

I 5' FRAGA/IENT, Piece, Scrap, Sheard, tatter, Flitter, rag,`[breadjnip,


ßive,jlice,cob/op, cut.

Dijŕontinued 5 denoting the refpeól: of




A Partput to anotber, or the whole as‘being made up of_ßtchpartt.

6 ADDITUM , item, put to, infert, cke out.

' S'UMM, lay or couch together, ca up, count, draw to a head, come

to amount ‚фа; total in the w ole.iA Part Jttt/¿en outDfrom btheri, or the whole remaining фирм/э ta/¿ing

out. `

¥ ‚ ЗАВЬАТПМ, abate, defalk, rctrench, dcduäl, ßcbduâ, ßtb/lraâ‘,



take awa).

RESID'ZJE, overpluf,jïtrplußrge, arrear, remainer, remnant, left be

hind, the other, the ‘ф, relichg, ort:, Тему, revetjïonr, gloaning,

will, odd-cnd:,flnb:,ßump:,ßubble. ’

A Part repeated a certain number (уйти, f5 as to equal the whole, 0r

` l the whole conhdered a: it is _ß made up.

8 миьтшывв, Side.

l ’ PRoD‘DcT, reóîaagle.

A Part taken out Íuch a certain number of time: a: leave: nothing of

the whole, or that number of time: which is the correfpondent

9 DIVISOR. (part.



:38 Tranfcendental: Relation: of Áëïioo Part. II.


diftributed into fuch as are more


General.- ____

âS/Ier‘jdl; denoting either ‚klff'f‘lfefdäfvr- (ßusiNEss. 1n.

âSo/itar)l s wherein more then one perfon is not necefiàrily fuppofed.

Socia/5 “herein more then one perfon is necefiarily fuppofed.


lTlON. Vl (thingr, are fuch as do concern

i. TRANS. l. 'lraryfrudeutal refpcfts of AfTlON SIMPLE or relating to [ingle

IÄêIŕAg-Ñ of f'lhe General condition ofa thing denoting the making of it to be И’, or

i SIMPLE. ‘APUTTll\G, Set, Lay, .Maken (to be otherwifê.

I‘ АLTERING, (hange, Юг}, Mutation, ß’ift, Revolution, Vieil/linde,

| One: right in a thing 5 whether (Categ/irztphe, мстит/‚ф,

АРРКО1-‘К1АТ1КС, пиши/ё! apart, engrofr, штора/Кв.

21 _ALIEN/1'IING, ‘лиц/гл‘. tjlrange, ptt/fama] one: right.

Doc/.firing Yit to he lm, or not to be hir. u

.i ÈCLAIMING', Ontningßhal/enging, Dernand, arrogate, aßìn/Qprqftj?,


Í 5 fllaking бунт he hir, or not to be hit.

,i . . atttiluteafcribe, take upon hint, declarefor.

L ABDICATIIAG, cli/claim, cli/own, renounce, relinquijh,rqfu_fê, rejet?,

i " _ rtpudiate, def'rgfor/Ítkç, di/àvow, difherit, cxecrate, [душем-‚де

f " ` ßitute, ведет/а} aßde,put away.

i One: Штат: 5 with refРей to the

{Cat/jing of _a thing to be in one: Poßl/ion or not.

TAKING, .S’ejìngßpprehendzng,rqitnie, jìtrprize, a nnte, intercept.

_' LEAKIAÍG, I_ìelinqn/jh, Reßdue, jìIr/ake, filare. I

Í . Being of a thing in one: poßel/ìon, or the not being qfjïich a thing in one:<



p'oßcLl/ion a: he ought to have. ‚ _

’ HAVING, in hand, hold, poßßf. v

s'âW/INYING, indigent, lack, nnf’, need/ity, need,решу. l

.Continuing a thing in one: Рис/Доп 0r not. ‚

6 âI-IOLDING, Detain, Retain, Keep. ~

° ETTING G0, Dißniß‘jiirrender, give up, Shed, C'aß, шт, rg/ign.

LThe Knowledge of thingr, with refpeët to the

. l’Endeavour of knowing, or the goodßtcceßofßtch endeavour. I


-‚ ЗЕЕКПЧЁ, [Еле/д,feelfor,grape, ran/rick, rummage, ,@feff,

7" FINDING, „мы, out,„пе/1 out, Foundling.

(луч; a thing to be knoirnpr hindring it front being known.

' SHEWING, di/clcyì, deteëï, betray, reveal, dtjŕover, declare, de

j ,y той/Эти, renten/irate, render. ., . ­~ -

___U’WCAQIVCEALING5 Hide,Shelter,Supprcf5’, Sculk lurk. Secret,`Private,l . Latent, occult, underhand, elije, clancular,c¿inde/line in a corner,

,i inîhugger тише)‘, гесфёгштед/йпь ntich,fneak_,/lzp, orßealaroaj,

" cloke, veil,‘hoodwink, тих/ь rnußíe. `‚

ф’а’ф’лд other: to be perfeöî/y known, or to be thought jb.

MANIFESTING, Apparent, Evident,plain,jlqt, open, confpicuoua,

9;, >.iper/pieuauf, gbviouo, certain, clear, palpable, fbeuv, declare, certtße

' з(“3: jbrth, corne to light. ‘, . .



SEEMING, Sernblance, Shew, Pretence, Pretext, ‘Z_)ntbrage, Colour,


a fhem, a blind, Fornzal,Appear,pal/tate,fain, bear in hand, naakt

auf, rnakejhew oßßteciouo, dtßuifê, Eyfervico. ‹ II. ‘Tran


Chap. I. Tranfcenclental Relation: of Áöîion. 39 _

Il. Tranfcendentallìelation: ojïióiion _COMPAKATEL are fuch as do concern. п‘ “Щ

. _ _ , ­ . el . _‘fDiver: thing: at thejàme tzme5 whether fuch kind of Afhons as from the nature'ltîmalánsm

l ofthe Agents or Patients, may be Called _‘Сирена! :‚ denoting the i

l 'i Caufíng ifthing: to be together or a/icnder. I ’ i ‘ ‘

I _]OINING, annex,Connexion,couple,link, copulation,concatenation,conja„_

l ¿lion,Coalition,coherent,copulative,conglutinate,combine, compat?, fet grim;

a’ I. together.

l SEPARATING, Segrcgate,ßtnder,fèver, едим”, divide, diijoinàdf/îmiieâdiß

l \ jêä, dijo/ve, part, take in piecer, di:junäz`ve. ‹ . ~ ,

i 1 t Continuing them together or afitnder.





ADHEARING, (Леша, flick to, cling to, hang together, coherent, in/epar„[,]e_

° ABANDONING, F(„Ё/(г, Dejêrt, RelinquißJ,Leave,Forgo, Flinch, gint, Derek

шок, forlorn, dqiitutcgßaalìe or cafi of, ßart back, give over. ‚

Mental ; Putting of things together or a/under

APPLYING, la) orput to.


t Both Corporealand Mental 5 with refpeÜt to the

Taking in bf feveral things, or the leaving out of fome.

ÈCOMPRÈHENDING, Contain, сетует, Implj, Involve, Incio/ê, Include, t





{пе/‘фиг, hold, complication. \

EXEMPTING, Except, reßrain, ~ß’clude, exclude,five.,/Ítlvo,feit g/îde. «

Putting of thing: together, the better to judge of their Iikeneß or'unlzkenqi, щ

examining of them for the dißingui/hing of that which is right and true.

COMPAKING, Conferr, Collation, rejêmble.

e 5~ TRY, Prove,5’earch,Temptation,Experinzent,te§l,touch, eocarnin„gagepnnfèpQ/êa

­ probe. ‘

l_ljheßme thing: at diver: timer, whether the lame as to

rsubßance 5 Íignìfying either the doing ofthe finie thingЛюси! time:,or the making

of a thing to be dißerent at one time from what it ma: before.

REPEA'UNG, Iterate, reiterate, recite, render, rehearß,redonhle,reduplicate,

i 6 З inculcate, ingerninate, recapitulate,renew, afreßmgain, Tautologbthe burden,

l cHANGlNG, Mana-aa, cabalier, staff.

l ‚ IQnantity5 Thegiving hack of the veryjante thing,or offòncething elfe equal to it.

l KESTORING, Give back, Reßitution, refund, return, Reßauration.

I 7- COMPENSATING, Recontpenfê, award, make antend:, remunerate, quit, re.

‚ quite, retaliate, retribute, reparation,paying, ft, being even with, meet with,

makegood, cr)l quittance, likefor like, onefor another. `

fatality 5 endeavouring tojhetv how another thing it, or to do the like,

REPRESENTlNG, declare, [Ищи/ЛИ!) preßnt.

Ig’ lMlTATlNG, Mimick, рек/отл, take forth, follow.

tia/ë âdaS means to an end , The making of a thing more _fît or ley? fit fir if,

en .

REPAIKING , ¿lending , Bettering , Improving , correâ' , reä‘i/îc ‚ „new

reedifïe, Emendotion, Inßauration, Redre/Ír, Ё: to right, make good, mak;

9‘ up, patch up, piece up.

SPOILING, Marring, corrupting, дереве/сумрак, газе, ßrape or crq/Ír out,

еще: werkt.


lll. Thofe



4o Tranjcendental Relationr of Áäiion.. Part. Не

{ffl-2:12(- Ш. ТЬОЁЮМ of Aûions about which men befiow their time and labour, are

B U S 1- .Called by the »general name of BUSINESS, „ради/ь Cbare,'1“ranß&ion Moneglia

и E s s' дед Agent,negotiatc,oecupie, iclìleyneddle, intermeddle,dealing, iinplojnient,aůive.

То which may be opp ed the Negation or being free from (uch Aûions l‘iiied'

LEAS’URE, Vacation vacant,idle or [pare tinte, unoccupied, râßrite.

Tranfeendental„штof BUSlNESS,may bc diůribute into fuch as are

‘ Preview to it.

.Mental or Verbal.

DESIGNING, allot, appoint, plot, preordein, projeä'.

2 I ’ UNDERTAKING, enterprize,talte in band/Et #pongas/e. (Íite materials.

Real r, either moregeneralor morejpecial, with refpeů to the providing ofrequi

2 PREPARING, Parade, Рустам‘, read), nea/te iva), jïtting, Tuning, Harbinger.

` . ` FURNISHING, Äî'qnipage, ‚миг, ready.

Part: of it 5 whether

,fInitial, with refpeů: to the

Firß entrance upon а buíinefëi, either Real or seeming.

ÈBEGIINNING, 1псЬол’е,йпййа’дсоттепсе,Март’, Spring, Rijë, 01-13!


nal, ßrß, fet about,_fèt [оп/з, jêt afoot, go in band witb, enter upon.

OFFERING, Propoß, prefer, tender, bid, proponnd, overture. (be done,

Application oftbe labor, either to tbe doing of any thing,or to know zvbetber it can

ÈENDEAVOURING, Devoir, beßir, adoo, coyl, flic/(le, flrein,ßrive,ßruggle,





фига make a ßir, do one: be/i, reacb after, la) ont for.

ESSAYING, Trying, ja), attentpt, prove, ‘пир: ­ation,Te/t, Experience, enter

prize,venture,jòund,taß,toucb,rnn tbe rick or adventure. (longer tinte.

Medial 5 with refpeeì to the time beftow’d in the doing of it, whether/borter or

rit), Expedition,ßdain, apace, out of and, cnt/bart. ‚

PROTRACTING, Delay, dejèrt, retard, flac/een., „рт, tarrbfm/Im, linger,v

prolong, lengthen, prorogue, procraßinate, dal/j, lagg,ßand about, tobi/ing

about. of,pnt agr, pri/l of, /pin out tinte'.

{Final 5 with refpeft to t e

l "End of*tbe Aòiion; either the фаз”; ofwhat we undertake and profefs, or

1 our ailin in it.

l j PERFäRMING, Accompli/hing, Atcbieve, fufbveriße, clifibarge,execute,

’ 6. à keep, objërve, exploit, makegood, bring topa/ì. .

I I/IOLATING, infringe, break, trejpaß tranfgrtß

{Aäion itßlf; whether Perfeël or Impetfeů‘.

FINISHING, Conclnding,ending,accomplßinâfnß'l, performing, ceafe,give

over, Period, Тerm,ultintate, laß, conßentinate, determine, di/patcbeel, clone,

7- MgaágírâpT/Èîrëlapäipìßut up, wind np, elo/e np, draw tg ‘фут’, gbo‘tbi-ongb

, az ing. wit ,rim erreur e.` Hinderancet of it 5 either not rigbtljn ing tbe meant, or not :ding fonte of' t/Jeni. f

ÉERRING, Swerve, ‚(Ира/174}, a/iray, nti/take, overßgbt, deviate,falter,faßible.


beterodox, Fallaej, wrong, antiß, awr), being ont, beßde tbe niark

j OMITTING, Preternez't, Wave, decline, default, фарс, lap/ê, leave, „ждем,

I balk, ftperfêdgoverlook, шарф: preterition, overßip, overt/(ip, let paß', paß

Ь; or over, la) aßde, bold one: band.

iLHelpe of it; denoting either avoiding nti/lake: at tbe beginning, or „атм; nii

ßake: afterwards.

PRhVENTlNG, Anticipate, Preview, aforeband, fore/lai, Рог-едите’.

9” авмввпыс, mangi, sii-ft, aftergme, Help.

IV. Tran~



l ÉDISPATCHING, [да/105916011, big/9, onward,barry,precipitate,jpeed,Ce/e­

5~ ' I



hap. I. ' Tranfcendental Relatiom” (др/46720”. 4 I

1V. Tranfcendental relations of Aâion concerning fuch things as are {Í'îïanfœßŕ '

3 10H5 0

alienated from one Район to another , are uíiially called by the General G51M

Name of COMMERCE, Entercourfegïraßck, Pratt-ick, have to do with. MERCE.

Thefe may be diftributed into {uch-as are _ .

‹ Froe, and'l not upon confideration

iI s Raj/ive 5 Not hindring one to talee or to do'.

'l YIELDING, Sulfaring,permitting, give wa), giveplace. ­


Aâ'ive ° ' Ä

' Inipet’feär, denoting зад/‘113,14? to part with, 0r a dtßre to have

а hi

DEMANDING', Require, (hal/erge. .

Perßzâ'; with reíbcöt to the

Pqßßìon ofa thing 5 the Parting with it, or Taking of it.

5' DELIVERING, Surrender, tranrßrrgefìgn.

t ng.

I a ëGFFEKING,Prtfer,tender,exhibit,prelëntgeconinfendßblation.


2° RECEIVING, Take, entertain, capable, reception, receptacle.

l — г Right ofa thing, the Parting with it, or Taking of,` it. `

GIVING, Be/low, confer, render,>grant, contribute, гидов’, con

Y l 4. à Луи, Gift, Boon, Largeß, Collation, Donation, Donative, Gratis.

` | ACCEPTING, Receiving, admini/ler, dijpenjê, cli/tribute, To

i ben Fairing talee in goodpart. `‘fondi/tional, aand upoh confideration, whether fuch as concern the

’ Gau ing of Relation: by Aétions that are

. 4 Real.;` The Parting with[лил/ли‘; of one: own for the ufe and‘in the

1 flead of another, or the rtfìoring what another hathfoparted with.

‚ I . '_ DISBURSING, Be/ìomdefray-,extendJay ont, Bntjarßrincipal.

s' REFUNDING, Вера], return, reinzbnr/ê. i

Verbal 5 the Comparing and nica/firing ofparticular: , or reducingthen: to an e reality. Y ’

‘ RECKONI G, Conipute «Ноя, count, account, caß account, Cal

‹ 6. ‚ culate, Audit, «.S’core,y Tay). _ д

l BALLANCING, Evening of Accounts, Quitting fcorer,Relation; them/elves enfuing upon fuch Atï’tions , whether as having L

­ßnnewhat ofone: own in another:poßßionprjöntething ofanother: in

one: own poßlfìort. ­

. BEING CREDITOR, Lending, Loan.

l 7' BEING DEBTOR, 0wing,Debt,uponfcore, in one: boekt, behind

hand, Arrear.

:tCeaßug or dmolution of_[ìich relation: by fome Aft of the ’

- ВеЬйо’; either by reßoring what if due, or by being rendred unable

for it.

З PAYING, rDiefraj, difcharge, jatñfe, reintburjf’, Annuity, Poun-­


ё dage, Shot, re/ponfible.

Í FAILING, Break , Banbrout.

LCreditor-3 Aclenowledging re/ìitution, or Giving awa] hi! right to it.

ACQUITTING, Difŕharge, детище, Receipt, clear accountr.

9’ FORGIVING, Reruitting, pardoning, put up,



.t `

G 'i `AV.TI1€

42 i Tranfcendental Relations of Aöi'z'on. Part. ll

Ч. EVENT» t V. The General name forthat which follows upon Aûions, elpecially

as it relates to the end for which At‘ìions are done,is EVENT, Идти,

Шйе, rgßilt, emergence, accrue, осени’, come to paft’,fall out, befad, betide, en

jue, prove, redound, happen, light,jiiceede, Lui k, Fortune, End, Sequel, Suc

cejí, incident, coincident, intervene,jiipervene, take eßeôl, how farei, goei,

ßieedi it, come if it, come to good or to naught.

Tranfcendental relations of Aftion belonging to Event, may be diliti

buted into inch as do concern the '

ÍExi/ling or not trilling „фа Enddcligned. _ _ —

OBTEININU, Acquire, get, procure, attain, reach, gain, compaß‘, re

l з cover, take, win, catch, come [трек up.

FEUSTRATTING, Fail,di_/appoint defeat,deceive,elude,crqîcome

‚Доп ф/Ъф (if, put by, ofno eyfeä, to no purpqß,.vain,void,nullity.

Good or Evil accßwing to us by it, with refpeft to the

,flncreaßng or Diminijhing ofour Pqßeífi‘onr. `

ÈGAINING, l ucre,Advantage,Prißßmolunientßtock, the proceed,


acquire,get, win, recover, extort.

i l ° LOOSING, Вампир,йесгетепдйе‘гйте’й,ёфёйшпидеуйлжфд

‹ wrack,ЛИ”, hurt,hindcrance, out @fonct way.

Dimini/hing or [лиц/[яд of our Want.

I SAVING, грант, take up. (.ßtniptuarhrun out.

3’ SPENDING, Lay out, bejìow, expend, dißicndßxpencefharger,cq/î,

LContinuing, or not Continuing of a thing in our PqÜ’îj/ion.

rIniperfetfit', denoting the Endeavour and care we aß about it, whe

l ther any or none. (pq/ìtoiy.

‹ ‹ LAYING UP, Treafiiring, Pre/erving, Stow, Hoord, Store, Re

4' SQf-iNDRING, Lavißi, profit e, careleß, mißiend, embezel, waff,

unthrifiy, ill hn.rbandry,_/pendthrift, jlying out.

t Per ей‘ ‘ СопБШп ‘in the Good or Ill ucce of fuch Endeavour.

KEEPING, Prjërve, retain, Cu ody,holding, ретуши’), Cellar.

5’ LOOSING, Per ition, loßwrack, „Шеф/11”.

Applyingiyr a thing 5 whether more '

ìSiniply; denoting the applying of a thing to it»` proper end, or the not

_ applyingof it ß. .

\ âUSlNG, Imp/oy, improve, exercifê, occupy, manage, treat, handle,


i 4 6. entertain, n_/eful„farviceable,ßand ingoodflead. (hand.

ÁBS'I'EINING, Forbear, refrain, pare, withdraw, тем, hold one:

¿Relatively ; as to thatртути” or difatiafaäion of mind which we

have `in the u/e of athing. f

INJOYlNG, Fruition. Q

7' BEING SICK 0F, NaaßaieJoaih, „шт,fafa, aearyif.

i Refilt ofjitch application, in the diminißiing or increajing of our

Pain.. ­ ` ,

ëREFRESHlNG, Камеди, relieve, recruit, relaxation, refeä‘ion,




ì WEARTING, Laßitude, tyring, tedious,faint,fatigue.

Hinderancer. _ ~

QUlEbTlNG, Tranquillity, refl,conipofe, fea'ate, _ferene,ji’ill, calm,_/êt

9 0r e at re .

ÉTROUBLINg, Mole/ì, di/lnrb, annoy, difquiet, incumber, МЕД, in

terrupt,peßer, cumber, turbnlent,jti`rr, coil, broil, turmoil­­ garboi‘l,

perturbation. Vl. The


‘ Chap. I. Tranfcendental Relation: of Ailton. i

Vl. The General name denoting Tranfceudental Motion or telt, is VL "10N"

ITION, Going, Pa ing, Remove, Миф, repair,tranfm1_'ßion, Penetrate,Flitt. i A'

STHTING Abide remain шт‘; continue, re/lde, ‘ф ‘ op, ick dumm,detain„hold at it щмёфщêtage, Remera. „ß ß а

The Relations belonging to this motion,may bediltinguilhed into fuch


‘ Solitary, fuppoling but one Perf'on or Thing», with refpeft to its

А[Мы/103 toward: or from the Speaker.

äCOMlNGj, Áccelß, Ryort, repair to, frequent, recourß,

1 concour e ce re urn. ‚

GOING, D)epart,recede, return, regret?, ingreß, egreß’, be packing,

l bejogging, retire, retrograde, withdraw, :li/lodge, avant, void,

Í Íßipbawazdllink or jneab away, fling away, fab’qf, get gone, fst

ort , ru a ong.

. ‚ kContinuing gfMotion ~ whether

г‘гтру, Toward: tliejìme term, or changing of the Term.

PROCEEDING, Petßß, рифм“, perjëvere, рту-ф paß, ad

,‹ 2. vance, hold or go on,ßetforwardor on.

3 TURNING, Winding, I/eare, Double, tack, about,face about,

' . wheel about. `

[With Dejign 5 either to _frime certainplace,or to no certainplace.

TRAVAILING, Expedition, Voyage, journey, Progre_/i,Peregrinati­

3 ì

on, Itinerant, Paf/enger, Wayfaring,March,fèt out, Palmer, Pilgrim,

Paf', Pit/port. . .

WANDKING, Stray, idlray, range, ‘Мёртвый, err ищу/0314111,

Vagabond, random, ramble, rome,prole, gad, дуг/10, Rag”, Land.

loper, Labyrinth, .4mbage:.

social, fuppohng feveral perfons or things.

` fCaußng another

{То go or to come, ­

\ ЁЗЕМОНЧС ‚ Mißion, mlßive, ‘To/gen, convey, difwifr, Remit,

dißmtch, MeßengemEmbaßtdor, Legat, Envoy, Lieger, Emi/ja

‘у, Currier, Arrant.

FETCHING, Bring, reduce, {ММ-00021118.

` To come after, or to go before. l

< {ЬЕАВШЮ , Guide, Conduòl', bring , convey , draw , липидн

5. 671011.

i DRIVING, Chaß’, drift, expel, repel, „риф, goad, beat bac/1,'

Ferret out.

l Coming after another thing in motion, or coming up equal to it.

lé. ÉFOLLOWING, Eri/ue, come afìer,puifite, clogging, trace.


OVERTAKING, Reach, Тop, Catch,fetch up.

Coming-cy` thing: together from (счета! terms, or the Pretcrition of

jòmetbing in our Way.

MEETING, Obviate, obvio”, encounter, occurr,Randevouz,¢,

7' AVOIDING, Decline, Fly, fhun, cß'hew, Wave, beware, фарс,

evade, out of the way.

G2 Gf

44 . l Dzfèourjë. Рака, П;

of DiscouR'sE;

Or the leveral notions belonging t5

Grammar or ЬоёйсЬВ ‘

'HE moll general name forthol'e external expreflîons , wherebff0- V l' Tmen do make known their thoughts to one another, is DI

SCOURSE, Commune, Communication, Farb, Talk, Coßoquie, Traë?,

Trcatzfë, bundle, Stile. - -

To which may be annexed that particular Wa'y of clil'courfe, тот"

ufo, namely by articulate voice and words, called LANGUAGE,

`. ' Tongue, Speech, Плана}, dia/eff. v

The feveral things and notions belonging to dîfcourfe, may be dillrìbu

ted into (uch as do concern either the

f1,„и „f „а or thofe primary ingredients of which it confifls,

‘ whether

flfloreâimplq “Пес! ELEMENTS. I

' ‘ [ф ,Simp/e5 WORDS. Il

îKz‘mLr у‘ it 5 or thofe fecondary parts belonging to it,y whether

fuch as are '

ё Proper, to


Looic. 1v. .

l coMMoN To BOTH. v

LMODES ‚у‘ и. VI

I. The '


Chap. I. i l Di/rcourfe. I 45

I. The Iirll and more Íimple ingredients required to the framing of BENI-fg

Difcourfe or Language, are [tiled I‘ILEMIE’NTS.l Abeda‘rian. I °

Thefe may be diltinguilhed into fuch as do concern either the

sound: made by the Organs of fpeech,according to the ‹ l

General name 5 denoting either that which is jpoken', or theшт

of it in writing. ‚



` I I Ёыэттвк, literal.


CHARACTER, Figure, Note, Letter, Cyphre, O'rthographj."

_ Particular kinds; relating to fuch as are 'A -_

_I'More primary and _harp/e5 whether fuch apertfound: as are fra

med by a free витая if the breath through the organs of

fpeech , or fuch clojedfound: in the pronounciug’of which the

i breath i: intercepted by fome collifion or clofure amongft the in

i, lirurnents of fpeech. ’

' VOWEL. ­


LLefs primary and mixed 5 either that which ( for the molt part)

doth confifi ofß‘veralletter:_.prononnced in one continued motion,


_ or of more Vorrei: coalefcing in onefound.


‚ ‹ 3’ DIPHTHONG. ‘Tinte or paufe to be obferved in the pronouncing of feveral words"r or

' fentences, according to the 'IrGeneral name5 denoting that mark which ferves, either" forдр;

rating ßich word: as belong to Дым! clau/ë: orfentencca, or for

uniting thofe word: which are to bepronounced a: one.

I ттвкриыстюы, Period, Para.А” ' HYPHEN, Macca'ph.

[Particular kinds5

f Le[/ér5 according t0 the degrees OfLeß 0r More

) СОММА. \

5° - sEMiCoLoN. — ‘

Greater 5 according to the degrees of Ьф or More.’

I 6 äcoLoN. _

i ` PERIOD, fudpoint, flop, patß, ‘ф’.

I Il/fanner of Pronouncing 5~ with reference to

I'Dillinëtion of _fuch words or‘claufes as are _­ I .f ‚

'— " Leß material 5 denoting that fuch a pafiage, either || is not мифа)"

I to make the/ênfe perfeò?, or is added by tra) of Explication Of forne

1 thing preceding. l l



I PARATHESIS, caparra». ‚ ‚

‹ _More щит!5 either that which ferves4 to di/iinguiß: ‚Да/2 ntordr,

t I wherein the force cy" the [ей/ё doth more peculiarly Conflß, 0r that


which denote: the mord: to be intended to a contrary jin/ê, to what

they naturally Íignilie.

8 ЕМРНА513.— -.

' lRONY--ca/Í.

Prolongation of Vowel: , or Elevationof voice in the prolloilncing of

any fyllable.


9‘ ACCENT, awa.. n. тьф

i 46 Difcotorß?. _ Part. Il. ‘

Il. WORDS» II. Thofe particularлилий or (haraò'len, which are agreed upon to'

ßgni/ïe an) one thing or notion,are called by the general name of WORD,

Verbal, verbatim, term, endite. . - -’

That which i: intended b) anyßichßund or Charaóler, is called MEAN

ING, Зал/е, .sigayîeanm Purport, Acception, Import, tenor, denote, moral

Words may be dißinguiíhed according to therGeneral name.` given to the chiefkinds ofthem, whether the more

l Principal fuch as figniñe fome intire thing or notion, or the Lcji Princi

‚ pal, fuch as conlignitie and ferve to circumüantiate other words with

< I INTEGRAL. (which they are joyned‘.


_ LParticular kinds; whether of

"Integral: 5 eontìdered according to their

{Палец being either more —

l Ahfolute5 denoting eitherthe naked Edén? Ofa Thing» Orth@ EUl



2 ABSTRACT, feparate. ‚ (and thing it fell:

° CONCRETE, complex.

Relative5 to the

Name: of thing: 5 whether[itch asjigni/ie more andofthem

filou, or fuch whofe Íignificatìon doth import their being ad­`

l SUBSTANTIVÈ. ( jojned to fomething elfe. v


Aäion: or Римом af thing:5 (which is here taken notice of in

f compliance with штанга Grammar, tho it be not properly one

g ßmple part of f ech, but rather a mixture oftwo, namely thei predicate vand opula.) To which may be annexed that which

is commonly adjoyned unto this , to ligniñe the Qnalit] or afie

‹ VERBE. (óìion of the Aüion or Рита”.


t Place and Order ,in а propoíition, whether that which according to

l L natural coníiruftìon doth precede the Copnla, or that which doth

‘ SUBJECT. — (fat/0» a.

5­ PaEmcATE, amaramente, tapan.

tPartic/e:5 whether the

--u L

Maßшефу and eflential to ever)l propcßtion.

â 6. COPULA.

Lcji’neceßary я

"Идти 5 in the room either of fome Integral wordpr offome

‚ PRONOUN. ( ß’ntence or complex part of it.


Connexive or declarative 5 whether fuch as are more\ rProper to Sub/fautive: 5 beingl ufually prefixed before them, ei

i ther that whofe otiice it is to join тегу-01101“: integral on the

„Никуда ofthe Copula,or that whichßrve:for the more full and `

Ё 8 PREPOSITION. (di/linct ezprej/'ionqfSn/gßantiven

l ’ ARTICLE. ‘ ‚

Мотив’: to other uordt5 either that kind of particle which 'n

ufually adjoined to Verbs, toЖдите/Эта kind ofMode or Cir

cumfl‘anoe belonging to them, or that which[эти chieliy for

theрупия; of clau/e: or fentencu.


9‘. сомJUNCTION.

Chap. I. Difcourje. 47

m. COMPLEX GRAMMATICAL _N'oTloNs of speech, may ¿lì-¿0M

be difiinguiihed into fuch as concern the GR¿MMA„

IfPortion: into which а аЩсоигГс maybe divided, whether more Tlgâts. N0

ïAbß/ute; either that which а’епо‘е: onclyfomc part of tbe jênfe, or

that which Íignifies fome complete fènjê.

. CLAUSE, Pdßogc.< I' SENTEN( Е, Period,Text,Apborgfm,Apop/Jtbegm, Axiom, Io;

I pr¢j3`,Mom, Pfyîe, Pbrafe, stile. ~


I <| Relative5 to the number and order of fuch parts, either the lef,

Ч confiliing of one or шаге/Элита, ór the Greater being an Aggre

ate of thefe. ъ

1ЁЁУЕКЗЕ, Stufe, Stanza.

` SECTION, Paragrofg Article, Scene.

LF’erj‘ì’â' 5 conteining either a Principalpart, 0r an Intire difêour/ê.


3‘ BooK, ma, maffe. —

LKinds of fuch difcourfe5 with refpeët to the

Ifмат or Words, according to the

General типе; denoting either a more loofe and free wa] ofputting

the wordt together, or that which is bound up to тел/Мг.


4° VERSE, Lyrick, Pindariclì, 0de.

j Particular kind: of Verfe; either that which depends only upon

i fome s‘îated meajitre of words, or that which doth likcwife {up

pìÍ/îëgŕrálgade’in tbe found of the ending.дым“.

'ICH . ` y

5' RIME. l

Агат: ог Egniñcation of words, whether

"Natural and according to the ñrů intention of them , or ‚идти!

and borrowed, containing а reference to fomething elfe of near

aHinity and Íimìlitude. '

` 6 PROPER. °

° TRALATITIOUS, Metaphor, Trope, Parable, Simile,

Home/j, or Ornate.


7’ F'IGURATE. Allegorj, Improper, Riddle, Eniguatical.

Full, or Dej'ì’â’i've 5 having fomething left out.

8 ÈEDÍ‘PIÈ‘ESS, Plain, open, flat, explicite, Hint,lnkling,meution,

et от‘.

UNDERSTOOD, Implied, implicite, tacit, iktimated.

l LEzjìe, or Düìcult to be underfiood.

PLAIN, Ewiderzt, Perjpieuolß, clear, expreß, обойти, ea te, facil,

9 explain, explicate, unfold, il/ußrate, open, makç out.

OBSCURE, Dark, ‘тиф, riddlè,¢nigmtieal, deep, profound,

bard, dißícult, mjßeriou, intrigue. `

‘дм; ..- _A Í Iv.coM­

_; ‚— ___‚__————.-——————_—_____—_—___ _,___—‚—.—.—__—_ i ‚ *__-»

48` ‹ .C Part. II.


Щ COM# 1V. COMPLEX’ LOGICA-L NOTIONS of difcourfe, may be di

glfâì'ìlgò {Iributed into fuch as are

HONS. rPoßtive s concerning

’ Word: 5 with refpeft to their _

' I Anthiguitj5 Showing the dzjìrentfenß': which they are capable of,

I l or ф"; them in a fel/adorn fen/ë. 1

' DISTINCTION, diß‘rinxinate. l,

I l " ./EQmvoCATloN, мыдищмрыш.

l < ‘Univer/alitj5 Re/iraining a word untoßnte тотproper and peculiar

fenfe, or enlargin of it ns there may be occalion, to its full [cope

and comprehen пеней.

. 2 LIMITATION, Re/triction,flint, hound, terminate, determine.

l ’ AMPLIATION, marge, ai1„¢¢,¢xp„¢i.«¢e. ñ

LThingr 5 declaring either their

i Nature: 5 more or lefJ’perfeÜ/j.


lì' _ dDESCRIPTIIgNygîraÜer, delineate,решит}, plot,péatfbïlnzl,

‹ zn .r- #zoreor e per j. то e.

I DIVISION, Parting, Diehotorn).

4’ PARTITION', nutrient-„Waning

I_Aßeäiorrr5 namely fuch ‘отток „шарм of know/odge whereby

menare to be direfted in their judging. To which may be op

рейс! the excluding ‘фри/ш partienlar: as do not properly belong to




ll' thg’êgenerals'.

RULE, Maxim, Axiom, Principle, Theorem, Canon, Rnhrio,A­

à phorifu, regula». ›

EXCEPTION, Exempt, refervation, Уфу-ай‘, 'exolude, _[Èolude,


‚мы,рт,17." ‚фа.

comparate or difputative, ­_ "Genwl‘, when f‘onoßniethŕngr already known and granted“, we en- l

i „prose _]ânie other thing, or the taking ofthat other thing a:

' ст; oprone '

‘l ° AttouMENTATtoN, Mßm, argue, 41pm, ‚шт, affafff,

<` ` ation ratiooination, demon/tration, ophi r , e tour6’ ё cwil,polen1’ie, ‘лапшу, Problem, chop Logic, f ‘ ß] up I э

ILLATION, щите, eonfèquenee, oonjëèïarj, deeluêlion,fegue­l,

Conohgßm Бот j refìdt,fo!/ow impl). `Бреда! 5 as refrieäing thè ’ g э

Flrwámfëk Artiñeial,whether that which is moftfullpr that which

1s efe ive.



‚ Matter 5

rIntrinßo штаммов the things themfelves, fignifying the

proving of a General,l whether [I fron: many or aß the particu

lan, orfront _finie one or fetvpartienlarr.

‹ 8 INDUCTION, Partioulariz’e.

' EXAMPLE, In/tanoe,exentpli)îe, jpeczfe, leadingcajê.

5 L¿burin/fc5 from the Authority of fome other perfon, ora rtyênz

hlanoe to fome other thing.

9 ЁСГГА’ПОЫ, ,Q_totation, teßitnoniet, «xl/edge. '



Chapi. ‘ Y i' 'offenen


v. Mixen NoTioNs or Discourtslì belonging' ЬогЬ to

Grammar and Logic may be difiributed into fuch as are

if either aßirmed д" denied, То which may be adjoyned fu'ch kind of

. 'ofauthority among/l men. i А _

` PROPOSITION, Theft, flßertion', Point, Doä‘rz'ne, Oli/ervation,

l I З Гфйоп, Problem. ' i °

ADAGE, Proverb, 0ld­_/aj or 111251?)- word.У l .More complex; whether

f Kind: ofdijîourfe, ‚

i Trainee .~ ‚ . i

’ More general ; denoting fomcthing to be Люкс’: in „флаг, or

l ńvritten to be jent to othert.

z ORATION, Speech,Harangue,Declamationßratorj,Paneg}ric.

l ‚ ‘ впьтш, шт. _

¿ Moreлит!5 relating to matters of Faët, [l either the more ifßial

l name, or that which denote; what i: commonly jâid bj many.

l NARRATION, Relate, Story, Hißor), Tale, teÜ,‘I`iding.t,Report,

recite ,recount, rehearfè, impart,infornz,Tradition, Annuneiati

3 . on,Commentoration, Diary, Diurnal, Gazet, Chronicle, Legend,

bring word, gi've notice, or inteäigence. ' ‚

RUMOR, Brute, Hear-jay, Report, common Fame, Noz/ê, Vogue.

l v i, íExp/icative 5 `according to the

4. INTERPRETATION, Expojition, conjiruäion, explain, expli- '

cate, unfold, Trouchman. '

I Particular ‘фиг’: 5 whereby the words are

l "Altered, b] putting them into another language, or into other


ëGeneral name 5 l

wordt ofthe[те language. .

< TRANSLATION, Conßrue, ver/ion, inteipret,turn,render.

l s’ PARAPHKASE, Dtjŕant, Metaphraß, Circumlocution.

ILEn/arged5by adding (тега! other words for further explication,

or' Соли/127015 into fewer Words.

âCOMMENTARY, Glcß, Note, Annotation, Striâ'ure,

6I Scholiaß, Expo/iter.

EPITOME, Compendium, Brief, abbreviato, breviate, a

I bridge,ßreviary,ft`tecinä, шкаф, Abßraä, 'Synop/ít, Sj

ßem, couch, centrati?, Summary, стыд, recapitulate.

iappendagc: ofdifcouife, lwhether the

Extreme z, either the Beginning or the End. ~ ’

PROLOGUE, Exordium, Preamble, Proem, Introduâ'ion, Pre~

7 â face, Prelude.

EPILOGUE , Concliyìon,

Intermediate; either that which is moŕ'e necefiìry, whereby one

part i: to be conneöled to another , or fuch additionalpart as is lefs

neceíiàry to the main Гсоре of the difcourfe.


' DIGRESSION, 0n tbe bhb] the way,Diverßon, Excurfion,Ex-'

travagant,glance. ‚






'I_cjî complex,` _denoting fuch a conipleatfêntence, ‘wherein [Эта/ям; SCOURSL

‚Этим, ‚и by common ufe and long experience have obtained to be


0F Dl.

Difcourfe. l Part. II.


VI. MODES OF DISCOUKSE may be diůributed intofuch as con

“Ош”. cern the buíinefs of proving or perfwading, either

rAntecedently 5 denoting (uch forms of fpeech as imply _

"Doubting, or a deßre of being informed b] othert, to which may be op

l pofed the eneral name for tho/ê return: which other: nuke to jin/3l forni: oflpgeech.

< QUESTION , A:k, Interrogate, деяний, exafnin, eapoßulate,

I З Inquijìtion. О

ANSWER, Helpen/al, Reply, Rejoinder, Return.

Knowing or acknowledging, whether

'.lîQ/I`tivef5 Дух‘; a thing to be fo, 0r not to be fo.

`SAFFIRMATION , Alle", averr, avouch, рифм Aßëveration,

2.Po/ltion. e

< ­ NEGATION, Den), renonnce,refu_/ê,Recu/ànt,diffu/ow, gain/[1],

l ffrßlßsßr MJ» ’

thereby the better judge of the confëquences from it, or owning

the truth фига bj another, `

SUPPOSITION, Adnait, prernijè, pre/uppijê, Condition, Proviß,

‚3 З Щроффдри! ca_/ë.

CONCESSION,` Grant,Jie/d, allow, acknowledge, adrnit, agree. `


i lConditional5 allowing a thing to be _fh for the pre/Ent , that We may


¿l (onconiitant/)f 5 as the Aůs or parts of it.

I [Мою general 5

Sajing ßiniething again/t what another aßìrnu, orfllyi'lg W54! i! ту!

centrar] to it.

l ÉOPPOSITION, Gain/aj, thwart.

‹ 4' `coNTuADiCTloN.

l Arguing again/1 another, to which is oppofed,The fhewing an inßiß

l cien inЛи!) argunienn.

OB ECTION, Impugnßa‘vil.

I 5' SOLUTION, Solve,An_/wer, Rfyolveßubteifuge, Eva/ion, Ca/ui/t.

LMorejiiecial5 relating to `r(tur own argument: or opinions, by тип‘; the truth of Мат, ог fê

conding ßichproof, bj further evi ence.

PROBATION , Prove, deruonßrate, evince, Evidence, veriße,

l < 6. З Rea/on, Pre/uniption.

I CONFIRMATION, .sn/.1.- ‚ .pabo-f1», wißt».

¿Our adverjarie: argunxenn, by fbewing the тел/«фof Мат, or turn

ing the force of then: againß hirnfeljî

CONFUTATION, Refed, rejute,eliß>rove, "фа again/i. '

7’ ЁКЕТОК’ПОЫ, Invert, recritninate. °

Subßquentl), 5 whether

Rea/l 5 by „мы;an adverjìty unable to defend his” own opinion , or

making hin: to рама: to они,

8 ÉPOSING, Puzzle, nonplna, дате, confbuud,gravel, run down.

' CONVICTION, Sniffe, evince.

Ver/m15 acknowledging the truth of our opinion, or renonncing the error

of hi: own.

ÉCONEESSION, Acknowledge, own,jield, grant,„фр, cry inert).

9’ RECAN'I'ATION, lìenounce, тетей‘, recal, revoke, unßtj, bite in.


щ(Шары. l 0f ‘GodJ on War/of. 51

С Н‘ A P. II.

I. Concerning GOD. II.v Of tbe/êverol thing; and notion: reduci/)Ie

under that oolleô'ive Gent/xr of WORLD.

Hofe more Í‘pecial kinds of beings to be treated oli AntecedaneL

l oufly to the Predicaments, becaufe the are not (as Predicaments

are)capable ofany fubordinate fpecies, are OD and WORLD.

That which the Heathen Philofophers fiile the ñrfi Mover, the firfi

and I'upremc caufe of all things , and fuppofe to be n Beingof ollpqf/ìlzle

perfeŕliongis GOD, Lord, Этот/1,069’, Divine-ity, Deijïe. *

And becaufe of that abfolute Simplicit and Purity of the Divine na»

ture,whereby ’tis diíiinguifhed from all otiier things, and therefore inch

pable if being divided by Parti, or by Difwrence: and Specie: a's the гей

are 5 hereupon, under this Head there is onely provifion to be made for '

that great Myíiery of Chrifiianity, the Sacred Perfons of the Bleíied


Trinity âSON, (Мг/1,740’.

HOLY GHOST, Holy Spirit. A

lTo the name of God that of IDOL may be oppofe'd , by which is

rheant any Fol/ë God 5 according to the Acception ofthe word in thatl

Scripture,»All tbe God: of tbc Heathen are Ido/r.

To the Second Per/bn the name ANTICHRISTmay be adjoyned by way

of Oppa :tion s the true Notion and Im ortance ofthe word fo requiring.

By OPLLD, ‘Univeijëjs meant t e (‘отряды or Fronte of the whole II,

шмотки more efpecial reference to thofe Principal and more Gene

SPIRITLIAL and immaterial. I. (rolport: ofwhich it confifhßwhether

Страна’, confidcred акт-411218 to therrPart: into which it is divide , whether

lcELEsTiAL. п.

¿.l‘l‘erreßriol: either LAND. IH.

­ Innninate.­­­­­~

lciacussbywhichundivided. v1. .° ‚

I. By SPIRIT is meant InzniaterialSu/)ßanoc .' to which may be ad- I. SPIRIT.

j0yned,as its proper Oppoíite,the Word BODT, Corporeal,1l«!4tter 441,67"

A Created Spirit is eirherßtcb o: (co/"',Corpgcwpulenh

{Dot/i not relate to a Body 5 and that conlidered according to its

‘ General Name, as being a ininißring Spirit.

31. ANGEL deal, D zon.

< Special kinds, as Gooïor Evil. »

’ 2 êGOOD ANGEL, Chem/i, Seraphim, Good Genitn.

l ' DEI/IL, .S'atan,l"iend,DiabolicaÍ,D¢2nton,Fury, Goblin, [md Genil”.

tDoth relate to а Bod) 5 and that conlidered according to its l

ìGeneral Name,as being deßgncdfor the enli'vening and gaio/¿ning „а

9,.> SOUL, Animate, Spirit, Illind, (Body.

Special kinds, as rendring it; Boal] capable ‘у’

Nutrition and Growtb 5

4. VEGETATIVE, grow.

Sen/ë 5 `

5. SENSITIVE. — ( evil.

Difcour/ë and Religion”, together with a fenfe of moral good and

6, RATIONAL, req/Enable. Н 2 II. А

5'- 2 - World. Part. II

и’ BRAUN» ll. лишив]? Coiporcal Sub/lanen, that which 'e/leemed moß Simple and

` mqß Perfeót, whole general name is therefore frequently ufed to (ignilie a

place or a flare of the greateli Perfef'tion and Happmefs , together with

— that which in both thefe refpeCts is oppoßte, are commonly fiyled

HEAVEN, Ccleßial, Firmament, Slee.

HELL, Inßernal, Stygian. _ _ _

Thofepart: of Heaven whichfallunder our два/ё.‘ may be conlidered aC­`

cording to their.

êGeneral Name, denoting fuch parts as are more .Solid and Luminous,

l. STARR, Ste/late.

Particular kinds, either ‘ _

' Fixed, that is to fay, which do alwaye: keep the Лис eli/lance fiom one

another. And thefe, for the better dil‘tinftion and remembrance of

them,are ul'ually difiributed into divers parcels or little Aggregates,

called Conßellatiom: the received names of which are, according

to their imaginary Rel‘emblanccs , either the proper names ofPer

ßnu, as Perfetta, Andromeda, Orion, Ste. or the names of brute Ani

malt, as Bear, Lion, Ram, 8‹с. or the патёз OfInanintate things, as

Balance,.4rrow,&c. which may each of them be fuliiciently exprelï

i fed,asthe things theml'elves are to which they are refembled, with

out being particularly provided for in the Table. 'And becaufe that

great Luminary which rule: the Day, with us in this Syliem. is , by the

molt received Hypothelis,thought to belong to this number, there- A

fore may it be adioyned , as the той conliderable Particular be

FIXED STARR, Conßellation. (longing to this General.

' SUN, Solar. 'Wandring, viz. which do notl alwaie: keep the frime difiance from one a

nother', to which may be adjoyned that other kind OfLuminouo

Body,which io' now byfgficient obfèrvation and experiment dijŕovered

to be above the тиф/т‘: 5 according to the

âGcneral names. '



PLANET, Wandringßarr.

3’ COMET, Blazing jtarr.

Particular kinds of Planet:,being either

fPrimaiy 5

l ‘ Seen by uo at a cli/lance, either more

l r Frequently, . .

Higher pan'

à SATURN ­ine.

4’ шштвв, 70am.

»I Lower pair, °

l MARS. ’I 5' VENUS,Morningßar,Evening/lar, Üayßarr.

I_Rarely, as being near the Sun,

6. MERCURY ­ial.

i LInhabited by m,


7. The GLOBE @s SEA AND LAND, Eau/„Wmaтmenical, Terreilrial, Terrcne, Univer?, Geography.

Secondary; whether moving about the Eart , or about any other


8 MOON, Lunar. IILBy



Chap. II. Wor/d. . 5 3

lll. By EARTH , Land, World, is meant the babitalzlepartrof this ш- EARTH

Glo/»e5 to which may be adjoyned the more general name of the Greater

part: of tbe`Eart/1, denoted by the word COUNTRY, Region, Land,

Тмд, ‚ватт, Coq/ì.

The moll conflderable Notions belonging to Difcourfe,which refer to

this, may be dií’tinguilhed with reßœeä' to it:

’ Figure, || whether equal or unequal, Convex or concave.

l ÉPLAIN, Champion, Level, Flat, E'oen.

' MOUNTAIN, НЩ, fíjŕent, Rfngyvplanol, Downs', Knol’.

l VALLET, Vale, Dale, Bottom.

Boundarief, or aol/'arent Watenì which are either

' 0n r11/jid”, whether

Затем, (More great, or laßgreat.

2 CON TINENT, Firm-land, Main-land.

. ‘ ISLAND I/le Inßtlar. l ‘

I l uff, nwhethe’rmâdfßand agaoronng.


- 3‘ CLIFF.’ .‘l ‹ 0n мера“, which, according to а higher or lower lîtuatìon, as it is

I i conßticuom "more or lef, is called

l 4 PROMONTORY, Cape, Fore-land, Head­land,Point,


О” two líder, con/izienotu, more or le s.

_ ISTHMUS, глаз/л, Neck of land.

5' BANK, Shelf; Flat, Ridge, Skagen», Sbole,

non one рас, either according ro the more :neral name or that artiЬ . . . _ _ ’ Р ›

cular kind which is ритме: covered mtb Sea. ’

6. Stg/mj, Sea-eoq/l, Bank/ide.

A а’: J'.‚ Motion or Heß. j __ A

_‚ ЁОДККЗАЫПЗ, Drift, Sjrtif.l ' .OAL

W. To

‚ ‚_—..—__Ш_т__—_——._————_ _ ‚ММ‘ .__ ————'54 World. И l *Para `Ц;

"WATER IV' To the word WATER, as it denotes тети"; pme] thi: Terre.

flrìal Gl0be,may be adjoyne'd the word SEA,Marinc,Maritinz 5 which de

notes the more general name ofthe `greater part: ofWater, as Country or

Region does of Land. (as the other,m`tb_reße¿1 to it:

The more conliderable Notions under this Head may be diiiinguilhcd

rFi‘grtrellwhether equal or unequal, Convex or concave.

ÍEQUOR, Cairn Sea, Smooth Sea.

WAVE, Bil/ow, Surge, 'Undef/ation, Rong/J.

WHIRL-PUOL, Vorago, Gulf, Swallow

l Boundarief, or adjacent Land 5 which is either

I'On all líder, whether

Great, more great, or Ießgreat.

ъ OCEAN, ¿faint/ea, I

° LAKE, jlleer, Pond, “ф.

i .' Lejf, whether obround and deep,or oblong.

_ WELL, Head. _

t 3‘ SPRING, Fountain, Source, lìi'vnlet.

I ‹ 0n ‘дуге/Мг‘, greater, orle/i‘.




I­ BAY, Gulf, Creek, Аида)" tbe Sea, Harbour, Port, Ke).

‚ 4‘ PENE-LAKE, Haven, Harbour, Port, Ke).

0n two jdes, greater, or lef?. ‚

FRETUM, Streigbt, Narrow fea, Sound.



- On one jíde, either according to the moregeneralname,or that parti

l cular kind whichis fornetirne: bigber, andjònxetilner lower upon tbe

6 SHORE, ¿Mar о aquea. (Land.

’ _ i ’ TIDE, Ebb,F 1v, High-water, Lom~wnter,Neap­tide, Spring-tido.

‘ `Motion or Refi 5 whether conltantly moving, or generally at гей

STREAM, River, Brook, (‘шпиц/109’, pour, ¿nf/5, Bourn,Rz`ll,

‚ 7. Rie/niet, Eddy, Gul/et, Flood, Deln‘ge, Inttndation, Torrent, Си

штд‚ Water- тиф, Rnnningroater. (water.

STAGNUM, Pool,1_’uddle,1’ond, Лизинг,Латйпд-тдеддеад

V- ANI- ' V. The ANIMATE PARTS of the World do comprehendßzcb Bodies

g‘âgfs or rVqgetatifoegnore (as are endowed :vit/J Life or Spirit-,whether

'me rImperfect, fuch Bodies as grow in Veins oi the Earth, which though

‘Уши-в- ‚ theyare not commonly owned and reckoned under this Rank , yet

l feveral Learned men have-heretofore reduced them hither, as being

| а more imperfect kind of Vegetable 5 becaufe when Mines have {eem

<' ed to be totally exhaulled of them,yet there hath remained behind

l fome kind of Seminal or Spermatic parts, whereby they have in pro

. I сей of time been renewed again, and continued to propagate their

r. MINERAL. ‘ (kinds.

l J’erfeâ' 5 whether according to the



2. PLANT, Vegetable. ’

special lq'ndßdenoting either,that tribe ofPlants that are nuytjìna/l,

tender «nel nnnzeroncg Or thofe kinds,arnongí`t thefe,which are com

HERB,Wort,Weed,Botonic. (шоп1у fed upon by beallsßâc.

3‘ GRASS, Große, Отец/‘шага. ‚Sehßtz've, l

4. ANIMAL, Brute -ijlt


5. MAN, Homan, Hunter! -ity, Folkn Vl. Be

3 Generalmente ;

-M“`i VI. Beíides thofe General parts into which the World may be divided,

there is likewife coníideration to be had of thofe Imaginary ICIRCLES

b] which men have agreed to divide both the Celeßial and 'I'erreßrial Globe,

for the better explaining of the Dißance: and Motion: of the Маги, andthe

{ever-al Climate: of the Earth5 to which may be adjoyned for Allinity the

Notion of ORBE, _£phere.

Thefe Circles are either


IG-reater, dividing the Sphere into two equalpart: 5

Indeterminato/)5 namely that which ßparate: the upper and vi/ib’le

part о!’ the Globe, from that which by reafon of its being below ils,

’ we cannot ‚Ее, terminating our что‘).

l I. HORIZON -talL

Determinatie/)5 as ,to


‘Northern and Southern parts5 whether

ìDireä/j; wherein the Sun makes every-where equal day and

night : i

2. ÃÈQUATOR, ‚цитат, the Line.

l l Общий, namely, that Line wherein the Sun is fuppofed conftant

'I ly to movein its Annual courte: to which may be adjoyned

that Circularßtperfciußn eachfdc qfthir, which terminates the

motion of the Planets 5


3" томе.

`lia/lern and Wçßern arts 5 wherein the Sun makes mid-day or mid

night : to which t ofe other Circle: correfpond whichpaßthrough

S 5

vr. maar'.



the Pole: of the Horizon,as the former do `through' the Poles of the l

World 5



~ `_Leffer, dividing the Sphere into two unequalрад’; whether

ther Northern or Southern.


i 5‘ лишние.

‹ Tropic, terminating the motion ty” the Sun in it:‚реле/1 Declination5

|| Northern, or Southern.

6 TROPIC of 93 Summer Sol ice.

‘ TROPIC of И’ Winter Sol ice.

{Para/leb, relating || either to the Äquator, or to the Horizon.



l’Polar dffcribed by theßtppojêd motion ofthe Pole: of the Ecliptic; ei


.—-——_‚—__.._.—..___.__`.—.—___ „_ ‚ __

Elements andMeteorr. Part. ILI


I. 0f Element: and лимон. Il. 0fStones. III. 0f Meta/r,

V Hereas men do now begin to doubt, whether thofè that are

called the Four ELEMENTS be really the Primordia rerum,

Firfi Principles, of which all mixed Bodies are compounded 5 therefore

may they here be taken notice of and enumerated , without particular

rellriólion to that Notion of them, as- being onely the ,great Maß: of my-'

tural Bodier , which are of a more fìmple Fabrio then the nfl: For which

realon the word METEOR may be annexed to Element, ŕorits affinity

inthis refpeâ , fignifying the feveral liindrof Введи which are of a more

{трофей mixture. Thefe are, according to the common Theory, (Шин.

guilhable into

l’More [imp/c5 whether

i ilïeal, fuch as do aftually сх5й.

Lighter 5


< (t AIR. Il.

Heavier; _

I WATER.` lll.

-' EARTH. IV..


‘_More mixed; denoting various modes of Air.


I. The

Chap. ш.’ Enma. 57

I. ‘Паб/миф? and lighttji kind of thofe that are counted Elea/entf, is I’ rmi" I

Called URE: Burn, Sea/d, Singe, Kindle, Tind, Light.

The (Бит! Notions referring to the Parts or Kinds of It,- are (“Шп

guifhable by their Magnitude, Place, Duration, Shape, фа. `

tíThe General parts or hind: of Fire, are either greater, which feer‘n

l l to be en/{ind/cd Air5 or laß, being a [пай/грамма! portion if

s Fire.

l 1

FLAME, Blaze, (‘т-‘факта, Flaßt, Leanz, Light fre.

` The Special forts of Fiery Bodies, to which cuItom hath given particu-V

° SPARK, Strike fre.


‘L lar names, are fuch as are either

_ (More eon/ìderahle5 in refpeŕl: of their


Suddennefs; being either the Shining and fla/h of inflamed Exim.

lationr, or the Sound niade h] ‘до!’ ТпЛиттийоп},

l I

Of Coherent parts, 1n the fhape of

lutnn, or of a Dart‘in тогда”.


nißiing, or jah/ing. ‹

Ё COMET, Standing, Blaz

THUNDER, Fulniinate.

[ф winden/11e,

Я: ßingnefè, continuing for forno time in the[теplace 5 and then ш.

ing arr.l ‘ rALLlNo STARR. ß


i 3 ЁЬКЁНТ NING, Fla/h, Corufca'tion.

L f More high in the Air ,­ i'

|| а ltandîng perpendicular со‘

BEAM, Trahr. I

4° DART, jaen/unt.

Of Dirjojned parts, of afhape higger, or leßr.


5’ sClNrrLL/a voLANrEs.

More low in the Air, loojê,'zvandring5 as that which appear; often

to Mariner: at Sea: and “Тише , it is called St. Hernia, Helena

and is thought to, portend Storms; ifdouhle, ‘tis Ftyled (Za/ip;

and Pol/ux, Iignifying good Weather: Or that which adhere: to,

andeneornpaße': feveraIAninia'lr, without hurting them, being

probably an Inßarnnzation of their Eßlu'uia.

6 ЁЛСЪПЗ FATUUS, Wil/with aWi/1>, :fark with aLanthorn._ ' IGNIS LAMBENS. I

¿Within the Earth5

7. DAMP.




II. The:v







_" 'Para п.п. nThe oeîmi пате for that kind of may, iïaiieh, fait. mit, .ma

Ilf’ar’mth, is counted the next Element to that of Fire,is AER 1U, Wind,

It is dillinguißiable b] its ( Breath.‚

Purit), being either more remote from the Earth andit: Exhalatiom;

I or aa'jojniug to the vTerreßrial Globe, and impregnatedb] the Steam: and

E /uvia that proceedfront it.

— ÍhTHER, or «ethereal Air, Firmament, Sbjc, Il’elkin.


i Kinds of mixture, according to the more

° Generalname,or that particu/ar kind which iigniiies n mixture ofWatt',`

2 EXH ALATION, Steam,Reeli , Eßluviuimvolatile. (‘щ-ц,

' VAPOR, Ева/юга“, Breathe.

i Particular kinds in refpeů of its mixture with Eartby,.1

Or Fier] Parts,

гимн. _

3‘ SMOKE, etwaigen”, ooaagmme.

jlfotion, ’

g Áboveground 5 Direä, or Circular.

1 SWIND, Biot-»,Gale, Breath, Bla/i, Paß Gif/LFlam,ll1onjî1on,'1’rade­

l 4- tvind, Bel/om:, Eolipile, Fan, If’entieluä‘.

` ÍWHIRLWIND, Herricano, Tornado.

.i 'Under ground ; “Ив/ст, 0I' Gentle.


«L 5’ DAMP.

III. The third of thoíe greater Majo: of Eodyforjiderable for it: Ст

vit] and Jlloißure,is llyled WATER: Agueouo, Dip, pad/e, Drain.

The names belonging to this are fuch as concern either

'I'Thefzialler Particle: of it 5 whether Solid, or Hol/oro.

DROP, Drip, drible, drig/o, trielìleL/prinkle, ‘иль/дед, irjiil,l ' BUBBLE, _ Froth, Spume, Fonte, Mantle, Ebullition.

The Mixture of it with Air, Upper, or Lower.

2 ÉCLOUD, Overca/t, gloom).

’ ' MIST, Fogg, nebulouf,

The Condcnfttion if it, from a Cloud, orfrom a fili/t.

` RAIN, Drizt'e. ' ‘ '

ì 3.' ÉDEW. . _

S The Congelat'ionof it, according to its more

General acception, or accordingr to that расы/«м of it relating to

the fmallerparticle: of a Cloud, fiyled

FROST, Freeze, Ice, conge/e, Itcle.

4 Ёзыош.

Particular _re/ìriélion to the Drop: ­of Rain, or of De».


s’ RIME, Идите/1‘.

The Kind: ofDen’ .‘

._ í More Concrete, of a [тег tait : to which may be adjoyned that ре

| culiar kind мыши-„1 Dew mixed with the Exudation: ofthe Plant

l 6 MANNA. (Ladanunt.


_iMore Liquid, gathered fiom Plant: by Been to which may be ad

joyned for its affinity, @at other natural Body gathered likewife b)

7 HONY. (Bee:,and oi a clamm] confií’tence.

‘ WAX. _IV. That


Ohap. III. ` ‘1i/ement. _ 59

IV. That which commonly defcrilgdŕto be thc Саше , Идиш}, й. ЕАктЁ.

Heavieß, of any of thofe Bodies counted Щетки, is calle EARTH,

Land, Mold.

'this i. dminguifhtble by its 0гЗшаНег Particle:5 .

Alone and without mixture.

lt. DUST.

Mixed with Waren

J 2. DLIKT, Mnd,Mire, elagglc,puddle.'

l Separated bj Fire, deß‘endÍng, or aß‘ending.

ASHES, Embert, finden.

3’ SQOT, Fuliginoua.

[Шаги Maße: of it. férviceable fbr building, and of a

colic/amm) confìßence, to which that common mixture which if made

of thi: may be adjoyned for its aflinity.

CLAY. v . '

MOKTAR, Lome. ‚

Hot and dry conßßence, ufually tttade «if burnt Stone 5 to which, for the

fìmc reafon, may be adjoyned that other common mixture made if

t i:.


5’ ЁРЬАЗТЕК, Parget, Tatras, daube.

The placing of that Pair, Flam, .spark under the firft Difference5 non.

and that other Pair, Drop, Bubble, under the third Difi`erencc5 with

thofe other Species under the fourth Difference , то“ be granted to be

beñdes the common Theory 5 But there is this account to be given of it,

That there feems to be the like kind of refemblance and affinity in thcfe

to their Gennfesßs there is in fome of the other Species, which are com

monly received.

V. APPEARING METEORS are fuch as onely feet'ii to bc,and have v, ¿PPE ,L

not any real exiltcnce. l ING METE

Thefe are either of a ORS.

fDetermined Shape 5 —

,Partof a round. — °

I. RAINBOW, Ir'i:.

Hound whoL/)5

Encompaßìng any of the Planets 0r bigger тип.

l 1% 2. HALO.



. Rcprtjènting the Sun, or the Moon.

i PAP.Euus.



4. VIRGIE, .streak:,1ta;:tfL¿gbt.

tUndetermined Shape, being a vFanning Hollowneß or Opening in the

Heaven: '

5. CHASM, Gaping.



I 2 VI. By

60 i i ’ Element. l "Part, II.

W- WFA- VI. By WEATHER is meant the fiale and condition of the Air, the

THER' Башка} kinds of which, not fuñiciently exprciilblc by any words inthe

precedent Table, are conlidered either м to

âThe Air's Tronßmremy, oçOpaoity.

CLEARNESS, Open, ßrene.


The various Met‘eonr Ywherewith xt may be afkäcd 5 whether

‘Кайл, `

"Simply and by it МГ; either s

gDropi, little, orgreat.

MIZL ING , Drizzle.l»

l l 2‘ sHoWP..

Ё} stream.

‘ 3. SPOUT.

`Mixed, with violent Winds', or with Snow.



lWinde, conlidered according to its

âgggalit); whether exceßwe/j cold , or mixed with noxiolu ш



„Qgantitß beingeither

SLittIe, or not Лифт”: to rufe the woterr. ’ I .6 ­GENTLE GALE, Breez.

° CALM, Stiß,Halo}fon.

Мне/15 whether equal, or unequal. ‚

STIFF GALE, High wind. .

7‘ TEMPEST, Stornz,Flow, hln/lering, hoißeräth'.


Chap. ш. " Sme. — ' 61 ‘


Uch kind of Mineral: as are hard and friable are called STONES, Q. I.

Petrijîe, ,Quarry .‘ to which EARTHY CONCRETIO/NS тау be

annexed by way ofafhnity, being more ßtft and brittle, and of a middle

nature betwixt Stone: and Metab.

Пишет may be diftinguilhed into fuch as are

âVULGAR, and of no price. l.


MIDDLE~prized. II.

PRECIOUS а either _ ~



` LEarthy Concretion: are either



1. VULGAR STONES, or lilch as are of little or no price,are clil‘tin- t. “до”.

guilhable from their different Magnitudes, Ules, Confiftences, ‘то the STONES.

Greater Magnitude: of Stone 5 u/êd either about

r’Building 5 Whether of '

l {Wal/:5 chiefly, being of~a

| SSqfter conlïfl’ence 5 whether natural, or[датам





l l' вшск. _ , »

l Harder conliltence5 not eafily yielding to the Tool ofthe Work`

I êGreater matics 5 ‚ <rnan,growing either in

Q. RAGG. ‚

l rLeßër malles; whether fuch as are for their figure

I More hnobbed and unequal; ufed for the ftrìking of Ere,ei~

ther the more common which is laßheavy, or the lefs common

l which is more heavy, as having fomething init ofa metalline‹

l l FLINT. (mixture.

l |3‘ MARCHASITE, iti-repare.

‚ `More round and even 5

4. PIBBLE, Thunderbolt.

LKorfor Pavement5 being of a laminated ligure, either natural, or




iMetah, either for the

âSharpning or trying of them.



Poli ing or cutting of them; being either of amore fpungy and

ßft, or of a more hard confiltence. f


I 7‘ Емюг.d_çßr Magnitude: ; either more, 0r laß minute. ’ ’

8. ЁЗАЫБ, Grit. ` `


Il. MID­

` nîivimDL';

Part'. l.‚__ ‚ *___-Jv.

6 2 Stone.

ll. MIDDLE­PR1ZED STONES are either ofa

.Shining Politure,or capable of it; whether of a

rSimple white colour, and more joft ccnlilience.


Sometime tvbite,_/ometifne black or green, andjometime 'variegated with

Pitman l

I g veins; growing in greater, or lejlt'r Malies.



MARBLE, Porpbjrie.


ьзуштесц || with Red upon a Greenrjb colour, or with (pots of 60/4

colour upon Blew. ‚ -‘

o ÉJASPIS, He/iotrope.

9' LAZUL, Azure-lione.

_, Tran/furent): either

l Быт/е; || whether natural, or faäitiom.


l? 4’ GLASS, emilie. ’



Fillil, into Flakes', either greater, or lejfër.

SELEN ITE, Mnjl‘ovia glaß‘, gîngglaß, Крит.

5‘ TALC. . ‚

Relation to Meta/r; attraä'ing of Iron, or making of Bray?.

6 LOAD-STONE, Magnet Jul, Compaß'.

' CADMIA, Calaminarù.

l Inrombtt/lilile nature.

i 7. AMIANTuS, .4f/„fm

ßtrange Original; not being properly Minerals , though ufually rec

koned amongli them-3 but either afro-marine Plant; or fuppofed

to proceed from a liquid Bitumen.

8 'inea


There are feveral other kinds of Stony Conlißences mentioned in the“

Authors who write de Lapidibm. Some that are found i the Bodies of

Animals , their Stomnchs, Guts, Bladders , Kidneys, ¿a (счета! of

which are denominated from the Animal: in which they are foundá as

Aleö‘orin, (belle/ontw, Вещи’, Ó'c. Others have peculiar names from

their ßuper, as Aßroidet, (найдут-4, Óe. Others made of Animal: or

» раггз of Animal: petrified, which may be fuf’ricicntly exprefìed, without

being particularly provided for in the Tables.

. ' ш. PRE

(îhTap. III. Stone. 6 3

III. PRECIOUS STONESî-¿ernnu , yewel: , are fuch as, for gíìspm‘ïcîi

their rarity and beauty, are every where more фишек! : amongfl which STONES

fome are LESS TRANSPARENT, which are difiinguilhable chiefly lŕìSASNSPA

by their Colours: either REN-r, ` `

ìReprefcnting variety of Colour: wit/J difnnejí; “left”, or more.


0f particular Colourf. ‚ „

'Whitt/b and ßn'ning, though this be not properly a Mineral, burn

l part of Va ‘фанат Ftjb. '


— Red.

3. SARDIUS, Carnelian, Blondflone.

4 Pale F[cjb] colour, like that of a man's nail.

l 4. ONYX.

`-ëlBlem'ßl ‘


.kPa/e Purple.


As for that which is commonly Ilyled а Toad/lone s this is properly а

tootb ofthe Fifh called Lupin тайма,“ hath been made evident to the

Royal Society by' that Learned and inquiíîtìyve perfon В‘ мат.

‘а . ПЛМОКЕ .TRANSPARENT Gernrnt; may be diftinguiíhed into lV­ РКЁСЁЧ

fuch as are either У gläNEs

Colour/QF : either таз‘? bard and brzlgbt ; or that which iS very like to M 0 к в Q

this in otherrefpeéts, but one]y Icßbard andbright. аж?”

DIAMOND, Adamant. —


Coloured 5 to be ranged according to the order of the colours in the


Red5 of alnßre ,greater,or [ф

2 RUBY, Сидит/е.


I, 'Tel/ow, whether paler, or deeper.






s' Green ; Н either moli brigbt and pleafant, or of a darker kind of Seas

| green.

EMERALD, Stnaragd,

4’ Ёввюгь.

i Blezvißr.


»PMP/e 0f VÍOÍQCCOUS 5 more inclining "to Ble», or to Tel/ov.



V. Such

v. r A itrur


ous nis







_M_ Part. Il.

V. Such EARTHY CONCRETIONS as commonly grow in

Miner,together with fuch other jîtůitioua зимние: as have fome analo

gy to tlitfe, and are DISSOLVIBLE by Fire or Water, may be diitin

guiihcd by their being

{Шаг injíanirnable: Г ' n( d f l h h. f h

(More 11n/e5 ­bein evcra in so Sa t, w et ero t e

‘мёда’, tiie milt neceITary Condifnent for Мена oroi` the/fir,

uf'd as а chief ingredient in the making of Gunpowder.

SALT, Brine.~ '

i “ штав, дал-„т. ›

Earth; Hof a /ijptic quality and ablierfìvc, proper for the drying

of Wounds, commonly boi/ed up into a conÍiIience frorna nein@

_ ral water 5 or that other kind oi Eatthy Salt dug up in great тир.

! i Ашмв. ‚' < ‘l Q' SAL овммш. _

à Metal; ofallkinds, fometimes called Sugars and’CryIials; but д.

l l grecing inthe common nature with that which is ityled

l l 3. VITRIOL, “защит/дм, Copperas. .

i I ‘lVqgetablltlíçRnuFÄlâeither by fermentation, or b) burning.

i 4’ Ai CALI.













I Ani/nal Sub/lancer, made by Di/iidation, called

l 5. tiaiNous sAL'r.

[лиге mixedof other Salts5 Н more volatile, or ßxed.



Inßarntnable5 of a more



7. SULPHUR., Brent/ione.

Clatntn) and tenacious conliiience _

Ё Notfreet-fented; Н more‘ММ, or more liquid.



8 В! Í UMEN »inonax



dìfiinguïíhed by their various Colours 5 being either

'White and Той according to degrees, Margot/tf.

Í I снАьк.

' ` MARLE.

l Tellen/fh rod, whether more )el/otr, or more red

l OKER, Tel/oni одет.

д 2° RED окна, нише.

‹ Blaebj Jofrìin /ïner or тиф’ grain.

E T.

l 3’ ¿PIT-COAL, Sea-coal. t ‘ `

Gold-colour, of :i poijôuouo nature, eitherotit is dug out of the Earth,

_ ORPIMENT, Aurr'pignientutn. (orao‘it is fítblitned.'

l 4° ARSENIC, Ratt-bane. t »

дым; often (из? inthe fame Mines with Orpìtnent.




Dr] confifience, and тег/шт’ Colom* . z' .l .::‘Í'„.l ;`








. ‚ЁОГ аjbfìer conliftenceßü

Art ofmen. Thefe may be diftin

« З




M_ ETA'L is a Mineral, for ythe moli

Perfet‘ft', y


Imperjeä, with reference to y



I. By NATURAL METALS are meant

",[heie are either

t í More rare and precioua 5 of а

ll in (mall fands, or rocky branches.

1. GOLD, Gilt, or.


part, of a hard coníiûence, In,

cloíè, duäil, and „Щ: It is diflinguilhable into

Ли!’ м of themfelvesgroni in I. NATU

the Eartb,without any kind of mixture, or other help by the Art ofmen,



Tellowi/h'colour , moll heavy , пос growing in any particular Mines,

where 'tis imbafcd with any droíiy mixture .’ b_ut found pure,e1thcr

Whiti/h, and next in value to Gold , not fubjeët to rufhand of oplei

_lant found.

2. SILVER, Argent.

Of a middle value, of а




3. TINN, Stannerj.


LMofi ba/ê and common :

5'. LEAD, Plummer.


Whitiß colour, and more jôfì conlillence.

Rcddißt colour, the iirfi material of Mony.

d a darh'ißg colour, not [шаги/1.

Of а harder conßltence, being the common matter for Weapons and


6. IRON.


Copper and Lapi: calantinarfd'.

I. BRASS, Brafler.

Tinn, Lead, and Tin-glaß‘.

2. PEWTER ­cr.


guifhed into fuch as are made if

nt fuch as are made by the п. РАСП





_Iron держу“! Ьу frequent heating, and beating, and boiling with




66 Maa. " Рагг. п, ‚

"к", ‚И.‘

III. IMPERFECT kinds of METAL, are either °

Fluid. '

à I. MERCURY, @nick-filtrer.

' Sот!and confifient5 »jid jor

fl’urging, and chicIIy for Vomiting.

a. ANTIMONY -al. '

Making of Pewter, being ofjbining brittle fubII-ance.

3. BISMUTE, T„мы _ _

Making ‘у Soder, being like Ttnn, but more hard and brittle.

4. SPELTER, Zink, Spalt._ ‘

<` Painting 5 conñdered according to its natural Rate, being the Oar of

l "Quickßlveßand of a Dark red : Or elfe as it is prepared by grinding,

, which renders it of a Bright red. f

l CINNABAR, Rudle. -

t 5° VEuMtLloN. . . _ .

Writing 5not known to the Ancients, and therefore without any Latin

' k. .

or Greek name.


‚ш. ttEcarMeNTtTtous PARTS or METAL, ‘Arenen as are

caß of5 either in the

I Preparation of them, by


[Мг/дива being ofpart:

More large and united 5 a kind ofjŕunt arifing from the feparation

of imputer mixtures in the fuiion of Metals, chieHy in the pur

ging of Silver from Lead.

' 1. LITHARGE. _ ‘А More minute and Душ-лед being a concretion of the le//èrparu of

(opper, which fly out when that Metal is in fig/ion; Heither the

heavier parts, which by their gravity delcend to the I‘Ioor: or the

more light and volatile parts, which adhere to the roof` or walls.

‘ Q sPODlUM. ` ‘ _


¿Beating or hammering.

g. SCORIA, Scale:. _

tk Corruptionof them5 according to the ` "l

„ ёсепстдпатсъ `



4. RUST, Canker. \ ._ ‘ — i

Particular kinds 5 proceeding either ‘у’ Copper and Brafs, Or of Lead.VERDIGREECE, AE'rugo. l

5' crttuse, tif/.ue Ina. ‚ ' ‚


‘ there is reafon enough tg believe, that there are many mo're belides thofe.

Ohap‘. IV. Plo'ntf. i 67



1. Of Plantr,‘ïhe dißìcultj of ennrnerating and defŕribing theß. II. The

more general di/tributionof them. I l I. 0f Horb: oonjìdered accor

ding to their Leaver. IV. 0f Herb: conjîdered according to their

Flowers. V. 0f Herb: confídered accor/ling to their Seed-veßélr.

VI. 0f Shrubr. VII. 0f 'Ireen A

He more perfeàî‘ltind of Vegetable: are called by the name of Plantr, l,

the feveral kinds of which are Го exceeding numerous, as muli: «

needs render it a very diI'Iicult talk for any man who is molt verfed in the

ftudy of them,either to „атм“ them fo' fully or to order them fo acu

rately, aswill not be liable to many exceptions; efpeciallyconfidering

the Ilreinin'g and force that muli fometimes be ufed, to make things com#

ply ‘ЕМ! the infiitution of thefe tables into which they are to be re~ ‚

duce . ‚

Git/fiar Bou/:inn: doth in his Pinax reckon up about fix thoufand Как;

ral plants , the particular names of which do amount to almoft twice the

number of words here intended for the whole body of language. And

he mentions, ­lince we nd by daily experience, in (owing the feeds of

Flowers and ofATrees , and the different wayes of culture uIed about

them, that new kindsof Flowers and of Fruits aie continually produced, fuch as were not before defcribed by any Author, and fuch as doy

afterwards propagate their kinds 5 infomuch that it may well be doubted

whether there be any determinate number of thefe fubordinate S ecies.’

Idefign in thefe following tables to take notice only of the с ieffa

nzilier of Plants, to which the others are to be reduced. In the defcripti

ons of which, there will be no fmall difliculty, by reaIbn of their great

number, and the want of proper words to exprefs the more minute dif

ferences betwixt them, in refpeâ of Пюре, colour, tali, fmell, фа. to

which inflituted languages have not aílìgned particular names. Imen

tion this by way of Apology for the fcveŕal defeól’s, which Iam ÍenÍible

of in the following tables. _ i

In the defcription of (Ной: Plants which are heads o'f nt'trnerollr fcnn'- " q

Iie.f,I take notice only of that Communie ratio, which belongs to all the l




fubordinate varieties of them, имей it be when there is no fuch common

agreement belonging to them all : or where feveral things are reduced

under the fame head, fome for their agreement in one Accident, and 0

thers for their agreement in fome other Accident; in which cafes the de

fcriptions here mentioned , are to be underflood of the chicf‘and moli

common Plants of that name. ' ’ ‚

As for the various particular: contained under each finti!) , as fuppole

Tulips, Profes, Apples, Pears,Pl`ums,Ú~c. Thefe need not be particularly

provided for, both becaufe the juil: number of them' is not yet listed;

every year producing new ones: And becaufe they t'nay as Well

bg: .exprcll'ed Periphraflically here as in all other Languages5 either by

t ett _

l( a’ Seafôtti 5‘


68 Plante. “Para n.

f Seajont 5 whether Early or Late, Vernal, Autumnal, Hyemal.

Laßin'gneft‘, being either Annual or Perennial.

Bigne/for Litt/entf, Talnels or Lownefs.

Manner {дат/15 whether Eret‘ft, Trailing, Creeping, Climbing,

<' Twifiing. ­

l Place ofgromtbr, either Terre/trial, Hilly, Sandy, Stony, Clay, фр.

Aquatic, belonging either to Sea or Rivers, Mariíh, Mooriíh, Fenny


_e Several parts` 5 whether in refpeft ofthe _f Root 5 being either Fibroue, of bigger or leÍIer Iirings, more or lcfs

numerous, fpreading Iidewife or tending more directly down-_

wards: Or Bulbouf, of one Íingle bulb or feveral, whether Ob- `

round,Comprefled,Oblong,Coated 0r Sealy : Or'l'uberoußhaving

iás _thicker parts contiguous, or hanging more at a dillance by fmall


шт”: or flalk 5 whether Solid or Hollow, Smooth or Rugged,

Round or Angula‘r, Knotted or _Iointcd more or lefs frequently,

° being free from leaves, or having leaves.

Leaver ; whether as to their

l ’ Superficie: 5 being Smooth,- Unâuous, Shining, Rough, Prickly,

l Hairy,W00lly, фа‘.

| .Sbape and Думе; Round Angular, Broad Narrow, Long Short,

| offmooth or of indented, jagged, waved, curled edges, being

| either (harp or round pointed. ~

ё Sub/lance or Bulkj Thick Succulent, or Thin Dry, being inter

fperfed with nerves either direâ or traniverfè.

l Colour', whether the farne on both fides or different, clear or

fpotted, of a brighter or darker green.

Nunzber5 One, Two, Three, Ó'c.

Manner of growtb5 whether fingly, or in pairs oppolite to each

other: or having more then two encompafling the [talk , Win




I ged, Fingered, Óc.

I “стенд as to their ‚







the edge or not: or having feveral leaves, three, four, five or


Co1our5 whether limple,as Red,Yellow, Purple, Фе. or Mixed,

‘l Striped, Speckled, Edged.


I'Sbapex5 confìfting ofone Iingle undivided leaf,either divided at


Nurnbêr 5 Bearing either One or Many, and thefe either Íingle or

dou le. ‹

Manner qfgrowtb 5 whether of Íingle flowers, being EreÜt, Hangó

ing, Reverfed, úw. or of feveral flowers, Verticillate, Spicate,

Umbelliferous. .

Зеефшф/ц whether ObIong,Clofed or Open, Round, Hollow, So

lid, Smooth, Rugged, Prickly, Sealy, conteining few or many


Seed: tberußlves; Round, fquare, Hat, oblong, downy,Óc. linooth,

Echinate, black, white, Íhimng, Óc.

Fruit: 5 Apples, Berries, Фе.

ь juice; штат, Gummy, Milky, Yellow.


Chap. IV. Plants. ‚ l б 9

То all which may be added their different fmells and tails , and the

feveral ities they are commonly applyed unto-3 by fome of which Acci

dents а“ other Plants may be fuliicienrly defcribecl. ‹

l had formerly diflributed the kinds of Herbs, according to thole [ё

veral ends and purpofes for which they are commonly ufed, into

thefethree heads, l. Such as are for pleqßire, being ulilally cherilhed

in Gardens, for their flowers, or beauty, or lweet fent. Q. Such as are

Атлет”), being ufed by men for food, either in refpeft of their Roots,

their Leaves or Stallts, their Fruit or their Seed. 3. Such as are Medici

nal, being either Hot and biting,or Cold and Stupei'ying, Purgative,Al­

terative, Vulnerary. But upon further conlideration I am ßtisñed, that

though thel'e heads may feem more facil and vulgar 5 yet are they not fo

truly Philolophical,but depend too much upon the Opinions and cultoms

of feveral times and Countries. '

As for the ufual diliinâion betwixt .S‘lvrulzlu and Treerit doth not feem

(at leali fo farr as thefe things have been hitherto defcribed) to have

any fuch diliinët limits in nature, as were to be delired, and as is tobe

found betwixt other things , there being feveral under each head,which

feem to be of a doubtful condition. Some that are reckoned for Sbrnlibr,

which have a fair pretence to be placed amongfi Tree: : and others ac

counted ‘1'ree:,which without any injury might be reduced to the Genus

_ of Shrub/u. Ido in the following tables comply with that opinion, which

feemsтой common and probable. `

The reafon Why the two 1ай differences of Trees, is not from their

fruit ( as the others are j but from their Wood: and Rines, or from their'

Вфт and Gummi, is becaufe thefe are the only things that we yet know

ol them,their natures in other refpeůs being not yet (for ought l know)

defcribed by any Authors~

As for any new literie: of Plants that Íhall hereafter be difcovered, ’tis

probable they may by analogie be reduced either to fome of the fami

‚ lier, here mqitioned, or at 1еай to fome of the Tribes.

l have added to the feveral fpecies of Plant: and Animale, their Latin

names in the Margin, becaul‘e many of them are as well, if not better,

known by fuch compellations; and beeaufe they are той frequently

‘ treated of by the Authors who write in that Language.

Plants may be diliinguìfhed into fuch as are more у П.

Minute and tender, called Herbr, to b'e confidered according to their




¿arge and [mrd being wooddy plants, whether the

Lejer, which commonly grow up from the root in leveral (lemma

à called Sbrubbr.

Larger, which of themíelves do grow up in one liagle ftemm, called

Trees. .

l' ц ч J


70 Herhr according to their Lea-vet. „Para


rnay be difiinguilhed into fuch as are

ìlmperfeê? 5 which either do want,or feem to want fome of the more ef

fential parts of Plants, viz.- either Root, Stalk or Seed. I. ‘

Perfeó? 5 having all the eflential parts belonging to a Plant,to be diliin

í Fa/hion of the _leaf5 whether (guifhed by the

' Long 5 as all Gramineous herbs, having along narrow leaf withoutany foot-ifialk. .

Not flowring not having any foliaceous flower.

l ÈFRUMENTACEOUS5 Such whole feed is ufed by men for

food, either Bread, Pudding, Broth, or Drink. Il.


<Í Flotvring5 Being of

BULBOUS ROOTS 5 Having no übers from the fide, but only

i from the Bottom or the Top5 whofe leaves are more thick,

l undivided, booth-edged, and generally deciduous. IV.



Texture of the l caf; being eithër

NERVOUS5 having feveral `prominent Fibers. VII.

SUCCULENT5 having thick inicie leaves, covered with a clofe

membrane,through which the moifiure cannot ealily tranl'pire,

i which makes them continue in dry places. VIII.

.SuPEPtricuis of the Lear, ох‘ мшывк of Growing. 1X.

l. IMPER- l. IMPERFECT HERBS may be dillinguiíhed into

NCT rl'errefírial; whether l




HERBS' 'Meß inrperfeä' 5 which feern t0 be of a fpontaneous generation.

Having no leaf; _ ’

With a Stenzm and ‘Head5 the Greater or the Left'. The later of

which hath by Mr. Hook been Бгй difcovered to conûli of

l fmall Iiemms with little balls at the top, which flittefout when




" MouLD, Him-„cpg итшг.

Without a Stern,oi`a rouudilh ligure growing either in the ground,

l < being efculent, 8( counted a great delicateeor on thegroundbeing


i— l

lTRUBS, Truffe. (when dry)full of an unfavory hurtful dull'.I'uhn'.

1° FuzBALL, maß/i.fungi“ pul'uc»


I growing .in [де/э barren placer where no other plants will thrive,

I "either that which grows, both on the ground, and on wal/r and

I troef, of which there are great varieties : or that which grows

MOSS. (only in моё/Мишка: andfhad) placer.


l .LeffI/nperßeä 5 being counted Infoecund, whofe feed and flower (if

I there be any) is fcarce difcernable, commonly called Capi/lar]

l i

i l



Have Диет! 1еа‘ии5 (Plantr, whether fuch as

"Div/ded 5

l Don/)b5 or fubdivided,

S Greater 5 of a brighter or a darker green, the later being lefs and

FEARN, Brake. (more finely cut.

24' OAK-FEARN.Ltg/feng either that which grow: commonly on trad: and dry pla

s ‚ eer,

MUSHROOM. Toaegìool, Fungus, Тане/лишай, .Spuit/qs. (riper

„Having a leaf5 being generally deeper then other plants and мы, .

‚_`‚___—_.__———___‚__. ‘Ьар. IV. Herb: according to their Leaver. „7 1Kn

*î cer, foiiiewha't refembling Rue both hiwthevcoiohiand ligure

i of the leaf: or that which grow: in tuoi/l ‚Май; placer, having


fma'll (lender black (talks.

WHITE MAIDENHAIR, Wayrue, Tentwort 'ggz-’má

5' ßLA'cit MAIDENHAIA. ~ i .em-nvm..

‹1 singly; or not fubdìvided, '"

Greater5 of а broader leaf, and purgatr've root: or of а narrower

and longer leaf.6 I n › Íolypoclíun'i.


Le[/e`r5 either that which hath a black/fall( and winged leave:

like thofe of a Vetch: or that which hath а thicker [Мит

leaf, not divided to the middle ribb. ‘


Í 7. МЩп’ф. Afplenium.4

p 1 ‘Undivided 5 either that whofe leave: are vi'omewhat broader toward: —

the bottoni,where they encompafs the Надя like a half moon : Or

I _ 8 MULE FEARN. (that whofe leaf ir more equal. _ _ _,

i _ ’ HAitTsToNGuE. ‚ „ В???“

I LHave but one leaf5 either that whofe leaf is like the others of this P’ 'm

i tribe,with a „ф af ver; final! flowernor that which hath an undici

l dedßicculent leaf, with a fmall [hike fianding off from it.

‘. MooN Wont. _ Meer

I 9‘ ADDERS roNGuE. voorkom

i Aquatic.; belonging to -

rFre/h water ; either that which confifts ofЛил”roundleavef, Hoting on

the top or ìmmerfed in the water, having little firingslhooling

down from them : Or that which confifis of long frnah/Дж} ‚ш.

‘ wenn, refembling green raw ШК. n i у‘’.‘tlo D I Len: palreftrit.




~Salt water 5 being either of a _

t l'Sqfter соя/тете 5 having fome refemblance to

' Mufhroonu; either the Greater, being more round and thick ,with

pores every way: or the Leß, having long /lenderjìa/lg with

. round leave: growing at the top of them. '



. I I ` Spongíß.I ‹ Andro/Aart.

[Mofj or round Liverwort, having green curled leave: fpreadini ‹ I2. S A-LETTICE. ­ (on the groundg. Latium ma»

‹ Mujhroonir and Meß 5 either that which is fiat and'roundijh, hard4 'im'

and tough, with feveral line: parallel to the circumference: or

. that whofe leave: grow out of one another without an) Дети.‘ l i Junk marfna.

3’ коим) LEAVED orsrriiwizro. ._ vim-ff» m»_ `_Capidarj “мы; having a foft rnenihranaceoua tough leaf, growing 'ma'î commonly upon Stones and Rocks in the Sea. I

A i t4. WRACK. alga.

[Harder conf/fence 5 being tough, with manyflre: or ribbs elegantly

Дай-Литва! fomewhat _like the Маше; oi' :i Net, growing to а Cmp," M_great­ bredth. . ‚ям Rauc

15. SEA PANN. ti.- GRAv И":

'm " f Ti'

L» дд.’

Herbr according to t/Jez'r Lefzftfer. Par72

H. GRAMI- 11. GRAMINEous rau rAeEous HERES, may bediNrous . ~ . .fRuMEN- — Íhngulíhed into fuch,whofe feeds are

rGreater, being covered either мыl

'rAclous _

HERB" {ТЕМ membrancr, without any husk adhering, of а figure.

_ foblmgô either that of a‘more ‘но-354 grain and brighter colour,

every feed in the ear being covered with three loofe huíks : Or

` [hat which bears :I more Mark, bwk, oblong feed, having always

T l -' a beard adhering to the hulk of each grain in the growth.

ншит. _ j Il ÉWHEAT.

l l l ' KY. _

I [Randi/71 and fomewhat „мифа; beingthe bxggefi of thistribe,

i the enrs growing out of the fides of the (talk , the top of it ha

гшттшт ving a chafiny panicle without any feed.

< ' 2. MAIZE, Indian-wheat.[яд/шт.

I Hur/(5 growing ina

I "Spi/ieg either that whofe grains in the growth of them are bearded,



their husks adhering clofe to them, being the Миф: Ог that

| whofe grainsare more turgid and round, growing at :1 kgreater dz'

i.fiance in a kind of compounded ear, which feems to coníifi of Ге

`i vcral lefiër fpikes.

Zlordeum. nfld/f.

М“- 3'- ' RICE. ‚

`Pam'cle5 or difperfed кий, at a dißmce from eachother, upon long

Í weakßemmr, not above two together, hanging down.

Ашил. I 4. ­

tLeß’rg growing either in a

Spi/(e5 or ear, having ßmrt делай, the grain being of а yeäowzjïi


Iam'rum. 5. _

Panic/e or ruft; having а ronndi J jbining jëed, either that which

is a more и! large Plant ‚ whofe panìcle Лат!’ upright : or that

which is а [с]? Plant, whofe panicle bmg: down.

Sergflm- — 6 INDIAN MILLET.

Мд/шт, ­ _ _









‚ l.

__.,N ‚

—--——‹—„—`.;Chap. IV. _IH-curb: according to theiiîLea-ver. 73

V . _ T- T". ^"‚'^"’‚’ '^”.’ "` _ ‚ Kv“ "‘——ч‹_

Ш. GRAMINEOUS PLANTS NOT ufed by men FOK FOO'D, maybedillributed into Ill GRAMI

fuch as are ’ ' NEOIJS

I More properly :alert Graßêt г (i.) fuch as have а hollow jointed, and not branched Наш, :md PLANTS ‚‚

a ltttmineous ño.- er, whether [uch as are NOT USED

Spicate ; conliderable for the . ‹ ' _ .BY MEN

l Largeur/i of the feed rbeìng neareß to thofe of the frnntentztceous kind; either l; that of FOR FOOD;

‚ ъ а fhort „И“, jŕluamolu and Ihinihg @3ds 0r that rcfêrnbling Pa uit.

CANARY-GRASS. ‘ Pbalaríc. '

I' i PANIC-GRASS. _ _ Gm Panh

I‘igure oft/ie „Щ: ; whether . - um'

I f‘läffompalfŕ and round; either that whofe (pike 15 more foft und dov/u), rcfëlńbllng

I ­ а fox-tail: or that which is like this but more rough.




Alopeearor. '

Y Gr. Typliiunm.

_Not full, but lank ,­ refembling either

Gr. Triticeurn.

R7: either‘ll the _greater ufed for the making о!‘ вы“ or the hjjìr.

4 t MATW’EED. ` ' ~ Spartum.

'ìWtLD BARLY. _ of. Hartan

Noteom al?, burloofe, in which the parts are not clofe fet together; Н e ther that „M_

who efpikc is more flataudloug, the feeds growing only on том“ atrermtety.

having an inebriating quality : or that whole [pike hath fome refemblance to ‘wheat’

the plant being apt to fpreadi't fclf by the root. _

5 T47!!

DoGs-GRAss, атм», Couch. _ 4

КЛ” round; but havin the usks мышц one via), being, divided into many parts,

Cach whereof rcfem les the comb of aCock.


tParticulate ,~ confiderable' for the ‹ ‘ t

дадут/Ь ofthe Leaver; having jointed {lalks ,~ either шт whofe Iialks is commonly

bigger and taller then other’Grafl‘es : or that which hears а large perfino" lbf-"WX fmI

of an alh colour.


7' ‘lJoB's-TEARS.

Figure of tba Paniek а eomptehendîng {uch kind of plants :ts are

­ LJ: common а whether fuch as have

З Some rejemblancc to tbe particle of от, orto the slava: of a bird.

l Wheat 5 f



Gr. Cauinum.



Lac/)rima yeh

OAT-GRASS. Gr. Avenan

8' иксы-(виза _ _ _ _ „‚„_< Many fquamnor fly/'ning lioüow heal: hanging u on {lender так; : ог having hairy Daäyloídu.

lcave:,with long woolly {lrings on the Шея 0 them, the feed being contained in a

' cIofeIeâd-veífel. S .

PEA L-GRAS ‚ uakiu - ra i. ' ‘ ‘ .l 9- Hrm-entes. "î “_ f _ y _ 302331”` Mott! common; bothìn Pallures and Meadows, yielding the belt food fot Cattcl, both r’ um*

when growing, and when made into hay.

_ to. MEAnOw-GRASS, _ ‚ ‹;‚_Р‚„„„/д

' Left properly ealrd был}: ; conltdcrahle ctthcr l`or the рмтддшт.

Sentof the plant being jiweet aeithcr that which grows in warrryplam, `having :leaf like

a flag,beating а yuh“ hard and clofc: or that whole мы have a [pong] pirla, bearing

flowers like thofe of Reeds.

n swrtr sMtLLtNG REED. шт,“ M_l ‘ICAMELS HAY. f „шт,

f, Stal t being ‚ _ l han.< SLekfjìr ; eithei'that which is triangular : or that which ii round, being full 0'Ifa` Тропа‘ Stimm,"

with 'l im GALINGÃLE. (mm,

.I RUSH. __ . . _ guarros.

’ Greater; of :t woodyfuhliancc, рота, uferl for walking flavor.

l 13. CANE. слить

{Недд orfpike; whether more y

Loo è g having a folt downy fnbllance ; ц either on each fide the fiiike, making itto re

mbleafeather: or iutermìxed with the particle.'

ц {шахтных GRASS. „f_„mmßmr

° COTTON GRASS. G,_ „шт,

Clojê ‘, w'hether _ Ihm.

‘ Greater; either that which Байта round cylindrical head, bcinga tell plant, whofe

(pike is “мы and ‘За/Ъ like velvet ; or that which bears (Нева! jpherit'alburrt.

l5 мы) МАСЕ. ауры. _

1} ü b f и f k Ь f Spgfggm'um,

-Le er; avingana e :t . , ear'tnga ma 1ere em in t на!“ l Mou e. ‘‚а. Mouse-rau.. "P ‘ fr. 'g . GRA- M”f“"’"


f u

74 Нerl/.r according to their Loa-zer. Part. Il .'

GRAB/“_ IV .GRAMINFOUS HERES of BULBOUS ROOTS, maybe diñinguilhedinto fneh asare

KECUS _ confiderable lorrheir _ _

HERES „г ‚ Нити; which are g'znerally made up of Gx leaves, or divided into fix мы“ either

‹ l hr «l'rfïb` vl nBULBOUS I С t: XA 1_0 C l‘LS gro“ rom 1C

l ‚ Bottom of the bulb,- havingthe Roots

кость. i l ­ Scali,- divided into many fquamoûslaminç.

‚ ŕ д The Greater; whofe root мы“ Hrong fmt like that of afox , the Ноты‘; _hanging

l i l _ down round the top of the Ilalk,wilha ruft of green leaves above them.

com». nr — l l _ ‘ 1. скот»: IMPMUAL. _ _

riait: 1 ‹ (_'I he lrßër; having the Fulk fet with leaves. Il either that whofe flower is more large

l and долин: or that whole flowers are _fmal’er,havmg the Invoer пап/М tafkmrdr.

lilium. l l 2 LILLY

‘Имидж. 'I ‘ l ' MAKTAGON, Turbo-rap.

f t Contra' ­, made up of {eve-ral coats eneompall’ing one another. '

l fßmrirrqilu flo'wrrupona шт; to be further штампы by the

l l l , Shape of tl~e flower; whether

l | l l Large and Hollow ; refemblíng a cup, l eithe'r that which doth generally bear but

í l | h me flower upon a llalk, Hauling upright, having an ‚мы‘ root: or tharwhich

doth fometimes hear ‘ш flower: upona Ilalk, with thicken! Знаю‘, hanging

_ _ ¿öhm ‚м head1, the root eonfilling of t‘woloher.

7'-'~"P"~ \ TULIP.

f'fifillß'fß " 'irairlttamz'

l l ` (Navingo my in the middle ol' thc Bower-,which comes out ol'a шт; ‚ли/{юг that

N_Wßìm I `~ which hath many fmall flower: together upon the lame Папы



Colour of the flower; being gcnet'âllbI 'white and marked ‘with green, ll either that

‘МЕРЫ! лиг-115: flower, marked wlthíl Ilt'cak of _green on the back Of thelcaf: or

that which hat a hanging pendu/om flower, whole leaves are ‘Яр: 'wit/agree».


_ 5' ìßutßous viotrr, snm-drop. _ ‚

l 'cfigurr ofxlvelraf; refembling the blade of a (word. ц either that which bears a

l ïoiordeluce, having „шить three of which fraud up: or that whole How



. <

IÍ/“Jtmtlauh o l

Omit ltqqalu m.

Viola bulbofn.




In? ¿umori l . ers grow in a row under one another.i l Q l

‹ ‘ ~ B LBOUS IRIS flower de luce.

Glaa'lolur _fr- l 6, ä CSRNIÍLAGG~ ’ `

‘кант’ H11/ing naked flowers, 'without и"; Hem; whether Итог alarga flower and broad”

leaf: or that of a Iejfrr ßo'wer and narrower leaf.

l C„j[]_,¿¿„„„ MEDOW SAFFRON, Naked Lady.

(ramt. 7. CROCUS, sülf'o’ß _

k Top of the Bulb ; whofe root doth ufually eonfilt of two bulb: , the flower: growing in л kind

of дм. ol' great variety of colours and (трав.

Orrlo'x. 8. ORCHIS, Satyrion.

l Sri-ong fem ; whethct'fuch whole leaves arcmorc.

i 'l Long; their [ent being

| , Lef) ŕlrong ; the . _ _ A

’ Cream; whore roots grow (ingle, идти‘ that withboßofw мыши 1.4m, theft Ik

Í (Welling our in the middle: or that of a broader leaf, riíing higher in the {ШК and

continuing green all winter.

а”; l t oNYoN.

Parfum. d 9' î LEER* _ _ _ _ _

I Leff'r ц whol'e roots grow commonly m Миши-5, ll either that which bears no fnl z

д or that which doth bear feed, having very {mall tubulous leaves.

Affßfvnifif- < 1 snALor, armar..Porrumfêt'hln I f lO-{Cwgs_

_ .More нужд; сЁЕЪеЁ‘гЪЁЕ whofc root is divided imo Clover : or that of an entire root, and in

"~ — '- fome elleem fort e отек.{шт/т Gannett. _ ~

~ и п.

Mófj. ‚

Broad ; having the root either .

.lilium 'Ur-ß# oto/ong and [mail: either that which is lower with .an 'Omi/:Il of largo „шт: or that

m" ’- which is taller, having a round bei.

щиты Jon- n RAMSON.


snij.“ Round andgreai ç growing upon _the Sea» roa'lls.

x3. зщщь „ЧМ-‘ит



Chap. lV. accord/'11g t0 their Leaver. l 75

V. нитки? то BuLBous PLAN'r'sfapa-naccoum 3F

of their leaves or flowers, may be dillinguiihed into (uch as are either ,UTY To

’ Efteemed for their flowers; growing in I giilîggps

ì' Dryerpldcer5 whether­ (uch Plants as are more properly ‚

| "Батуми; whole flowers are

Í Lcßér ; bearing

l Man einen.; Starr-like, either that of a ‘1W/»etoile root, ‚l

Il whole flowers grow ina (pike : or that of a Fiôroua root. _

I. ' Afl; delai'.

< I. Plailîngium.

< l Onejìngle flower.; banging Мг bead, having a Winrar# root,

l bearin two long „они! 1еа‘иел


‹ i kLarger5 of a tuberous root, Neither that of a fadingßazver re

|lembling a Lilly : or that Whole leaf ir like the blade of afvord.





l _,l Den: mmnus.





l D ' laìliafpbalelus.

l 3’ тивввоиз FLOWER Di: LUCE. _ „,­„„„„f„_

American5 of a tuberous root, whole llowers are either ‚

'iLeßfveel-j, either that of broad leaves, bearing a раме: flower

like that of Corn-flagg, with а geniculate [talk: or that which

hath long' tbz‘cl( dr) leaves, ßmrppointeel, growing immediately

l < from the root, bearing a Item of large flowers, hanging down


l­ L


l their heads.

_ Cdnnß'lmlìca;4. Indian bread. _ ­ l Yucca.

| ¿More fveet5 growing in a ßiëp, refembling the flowers of a


5. INDIAN HYACINTH. e Hfß_ff'"'l"“­`

i Wateryplacer5 the flowers coming forth in an UmbelLbeing of` a pur- шт”

plilh colour, having fix leaves 5 the leave: ofthe Plant being lang

and triangular.

ì 6. гшшкычс визы; www flor#"Мог efteemed for their llowers5 being diftinguifhable by their du"

Having na pefjèä‘ leaver5 but fome little fcaly fnbüances refembling

' leaves, whether of °`

îFibrow root: 5 matted together, refembling а birds nell.l

7. BIRDS NEST. www.

‹ ' Sca/1 том; with little pratuberancer fome-what тайги/Щи‘; нет,“ ei

ther thatrwhofe root is more Roundor more Brancbed.у Í 8 - _ Отдам/п‘.

l i ' Dent/:riß

[На ving a naked ßz'le or peflle z’hßead of a'flmver, whether the “Wa”_ rGreater 5 of a Tuberous root, either that which hath a Дтш!

l ‘Мг/{Дай like a Snake,y with a jagged leaf: or that of a Triangu

'< lar undivided /eqfl

| 9 ЁОКАСЭЫ. I y Dracontiumä

l ’ WAKE ROBIN, Cuçkoo-p'imle; ‘ amm.

_ шдщ having either BroadïorNarrmu leaves'. _

ю BROAD LEAVED FRIARS'GOWLE. gjj‘if'fu'" 1'”


gu tifol.'

Ld 2 Vl- HERES

,___... in-. __* _.__.._­­­­.__`­"____~___ .i —— ‚_._ ŕ

76 Herb: according to tbeir Lea'vet. _ Part. il,

:Home vi. HERES or nonno LEAVES, may be diiiinguiihed imo

“Р fuch whofe leaves are lньквз. 1 Larg” 5

' 'Ierreßrial ‘ _

v l iLying виз/де ground ; the Лот’ coming up before tbe leaf and fom

fading, either that whofe leaf is tvbite underneatb, of a )eHow

l _ flower, growing one upon ajlalk: or that which hatha fpilie if

I I l puâpli .i1j_­lower:,ïbeing the larger plant.

enna., ‘oL sFoo .

ММ ‹ . ‘° BuTTEaBuEr..

' 'Standing from tbe ground; bearing Burn, the Greater or the

Burriana ma- Вт"- .

i... I ` 2 GREAT iiuaoocit.fjggtmm'- ‘ LiTTLE BuPtDocK. .

° l l LGrowing upon mountainous уши; _having a pnrpli/Zi flower, and a

I ‘ l pappoua/êed.

C’W’h" l I 3. HORSEFOOT, illountain-l'olttfoot.

jaqnatie; ofртом f/n'ning leavear, either that whofe leaves are of

l a lig/:t green and not_[êrrate .° or of a darlil green and ferrate, bearing

I yellow flowers.

èfigïj‘îlu i WATER-LILLY.a... P ’ l 4° MARSH-MAPtiGoLD.

IL qße'r; whofc flowers do [tand either

singly; on longfoot-/tal/Q, growing in

'iDrjerp/aeœ; difiinguilhable by the A

I "Flower, having abeneling bead and a [доп beel, either that of

l a bigger leaf and the flower of a moreíç/ímple colour: or that

I ,i of a leßer oblong leaf andthe flower o '

I l 5 êVIOLET.

i ' PANSY, Hearts-eitje1

Диет! со1оип.

Herba Trinita


,l Leaf; being more thick, fomewhat relembling Ivy, "either that

‘ whofc leaves are ofa {irongpurgatine qualit), theflower:fnall,

` l of a dirty purple: or that which is e/ieemed for tbe flower,






viola. i

l havin a great tuberour root, the leqf for the moll: part

<1 лит .

‚‚/„‚„‚„. l 6 ASARABACCA.судится. I l

`Penny anal boggyplaee: ; either that of pale ‚сдам/Ъ leave: , which

feel unäuoujly, the Лот’ like a Violet.- or that which hath а

large n‘bite flower, the leaves beinglike thofe of аист, but

lefs. ­ `

Pinguini/a. _ BLITTERWORT, TorÍtßJire Saniele.v

l f' GRASS oE PAnNASsuS. \' I' lLJllan) togetber 5 .

‘ Terrq/lria] ; difiinguifhable by

| ','Ibe Логист; growing in a Spi/(e, being ivbite, "either that which

l 'i is bigger, havinggreen leave: lille thofe of a Pear-tree: or that

l, which is leß, ywith red bair: upon the leaves retaining the Dew,

‚ l Il growingin тот places.

mi., i i 8 êwiNTEEGREEN.R" М» l l ' ‚_ SUN~DEW.l


i hap. IV. Herbs according tot/reir Leaver. ’ i 77>

The leaf/erg , à . . — I

' Indented 5 and divided into feveral Angles, either that which

I hathfn'ooth jbini‘ng [cane: and feed: like fmall barn: or that

I whofe leaves are [тем/ш hair , being of an elegant (tru

e. flute, bearing yellowifh green owers;



i‘ Sam'tnldi

‚‘ 9’ LADIES MANTLE. 4 _ _ anni.:

Í lLSeoÍ/oped about the edger5 Neither that which 1s ‘дБ/то!‘ a àrhit'e

1| flower,the root Conßfiing of many fmall reddifh kernels : or

,il l that which is lower,`of a )el/atvflower and frbrous root, grow'

ing in тот places. ‘ _

WHITE sAxirrtAGE.` j‘jiff‘f‘

l ‘C’ GOLDEN sAxlFaAoE. JMW,

j] LThe rnanner #growing-5 whether ‚ . y _ mmm'

Y fCreeping on the ground 5 either that with а hair] leaf, of an ill

I]­ | gent, bearingl/a blew hooded flower: or that taf a jìnallleaf,

I eating a )e ow flower. _ ' _

д i ottouND rvr, alaaf, rmeaf, aa....„.f.':

l ‘L мощи/оп, нм twopence. 533mm..

heel. l i

l a, INDIAN CRESS. ‚ тратим.‘

Marine 5 growing in fait places near the Sea, either that of afait “дм”

juicy leaf, bearìnga (pike of fmall white flowers: or that which

hath а large bellЛот’, the plant running upon the ground,being

l' сим/„85 of ahot biting ‘ф, and an elegant flower with along

l . r



‹ Purgati'ue. y. И“

l. SCURVY-GRASS. сити‘: '

3' SEA-BINDWEED.- man... ­

tvit. nettes

\` ь


78Herb: according to their Leaver.

vii. arr'rfŕvitiiiaitiis or Ñ'r‘avous LEAVES, any BÈÍi-iaißed im@




Helleborus al















.lilium convul



Tribu/m a


fuch as are

лифт‘; growing in dryer places, which :ire diitinguilliablc accor

ding to the _ ‚

iFo/bion oftheir leave: 5 whether I

' More broad', to be further coniidered according to their

I'Mannerof growth-5 having

I "Leav) /talkr5 viz. the leaves embracing the НАШ, either that

which hath pleited leaver, whofe root is a vehement purgative:

l ё' i






‘ I




` НЕЬЬЕВОКПЧЕ, Baßord white Hel/chore.

" L.Naht-elflalhc, and Howers in afpike, either that whole leave:

are undivided : or that whofe leave: are fo divided into jaggr,

I as to reprefent a Staggs horn.

‘ I PLANrAiN. _

I ticitsHoitN. ‹

A `Colour of the leave:5 whether that whofe leaves are of a dark



or that other,having afpilç флоте)‘: Н/ц thtye of Orchis'.


` green above and afb-coloured underneath,beairing a jpike of flow

I ers .­ or that whofe leaves are oi ap4lergre„en,bearing the flow.

I ers in a kind of ‘ZJrnbeL



I вишни/вы), Blyton. ‚


More магии’; either that whofe ßiike is round and more long: or

that whofeßtilte is more `Ион ‚ conteitiing feeds refenibling



4‘ rLEAwortT.

Number of their leave:5 either that which hath only one‘leaf: or that

which hath only two leaver.



ÁFlower5 of one leaf, whether

Greaterr, in the „мы of a Bed, the plant having a hitter tait, 61

ther the Taller and larger : or the Lower (гид/падет.

6 GENTIAN, Fellwort.


Lçßër5 having fmall one leaved flowerr, hanging down their heads

and hearing herrie: 5 either the Higher or the Lower.


7’ LiLLY or тнв VALLEY.

íaquaticç, growing in the water, bearing {pikes of flowers from the

joynts of the italk 5 either that offinooth edged leave: : or that

whofe leaves are either cur/ed or waved about the (‘г/дн.








Éhap». 1V.“ u Her-br occorcmlirg to t/Jez'r Leo‘eer. 7 9 ` l

VIII. SUCCULENT HERES may be difiributed into luch as т vm. S-UC

Biggeft, either that whole leaf is more brodo! a'nd hot ińa'e‘ntedŕ or thatwhole [cnf-ir long, ßiarp andimlcnted. _ __I HousELEElt, smgreea. Selm

‘ ALOE, . 11“

Leßérg _ ‹ ` ‚

.Terrein-..15 confiderable for having _ . - ­ ‚

l 'Brood and commonlv спешит! leaver, a round t‘ïalk, the flowers

I l growing inthe fafhion ofan Llmbell, 'Heìther that whole leave:

i are more blunt pointed: or that whole leaves are more f/Jarp

l pointed, the root havingafent like thatof Roles’. ‚

l 2 ORPINE, трём’

_ ' ROSEWORT. ‚ _ _ Marwua.

l Round pointed leave: not _i'fzdc'tzteeL either that which is greater,

i having reda'lßißalkr, bearing )fahrt/7J ßotverr,being ef'culent :

or that which is lff’, bearingfzzaá/ white flower: of ñve leaves. _



< W/Jite Логист, fier/¿led with red, the Íeavetßrrote, "either that

l which hath a more round/caf, and larger flower: or that whofc

l leaf is more oblong and flower leß. __ ._


Narrow le.wer5 growing in dry places: the Greater o`r the w"

‘— ltße'r. _ _ _

i l _ ‘ Sedìttrtmînur‘.'

I l 5' WALL PEPPER. ’ that... ’

tSwaß round leuven the дд/д proceeding from tlv: middle or

I Center of it,be_aringa [Мета/Тик” flot-nerr. _

L б.’ NAVELWORT, ‘ИЛ-Ратуша", _ '_Dngßilim: rè-~

lMarine 5 growing in fqltplacer, whole [ее] is cylindrical, theafhes ofm"

it being ufed in making of Glafs. . '

› 7; GLASSWOKT. ' ° mit ’

iik. HERÈS‘

80 Herbs according to their Lea‘z'et. Part. П.

tx. нвквз 1X, HERES cnníidered according to the SIÑEKFICIES of their

“жмет! ЬСёП/С9‚ОГ their MANNER OF GROWING, may be diltinguilhed in

d' ‘talîëñr tsnä­ to Rough/earned 5 whether (to Ню!) as are

PartrtCtES, д More rough; having

giâmgl; ' Blom jmwerr; either that whole leave: are [1r oader, having black

GROWING. ftreaked feed: or that whofe leave: are longer,the-Segments ofthe

amg». Y BURRAGE. (flower being not fo lharp pointed as the other.

Bugloßitm. «l °

l l Long narrow leaner, 'either l] that which hath a rodroot commonly

uled in Dying: or that which bears larger ßowerr, which before

‘ММ/д‘- 2 ALKANET. (they are explicated, do turn like a Scorpions tail.

ffl’ium- Í ‘ VII’ERS BUGLOSS.

‘ щит/‚3 diltinguilhable by their having _

’ Spotted leaner, bearing one entire flower of different coloursgoìz..

White and Purple on the fame root: or that whofe flower ¿a a

` round tubeßanging downwards, the leaves embracing the (talk.

Pulmmfis- l ÉSAGE OF JERUSALEM, Ladier-glove. ‹ v

maar. | 3‘ HONYWOKT, ‚

Í Broad leaner, lharp pointed,being large plants ­, either that whofe

flower is long,boÍ/ow,and of one r'eaf,divided into five legments: or

that which is ofan фирм/гидаflower of a dirty red,the Bower

symplgrm. - COMFREIY. (fucceeded by 4 feeds in the Пюре oflittle burrs.

www. I4' Doos-Tortona, Hmamngae.

t Spud/@aven either that wholefeed is ofan ajb colourjiard andjhi- ‚

l ning, like a polilhed [tone : or that theлице of whole flowers is

rnyhjpmaum. ' GRUMMELL. (crooked and fnppofed to turn toward: tbe Sun.

Heaotropum. iStel/ate 5 fo (tiled from the manner ofthe growth oftheir leaves, which

encompafs the ftalk at intervals, like the rays of a Starr:J (1111111

’1_с]7ёг flowerr; ’ (guìlhable by bearing.

i Eroe? 5 having (lender long leaves 5 of ‚

SolidßaI/gieither the taller bearing red berries, the Íhoots of vl fh

Í are ufed for food : or the lower ofan ill fent,bearing yellow flow



Afpmgm. 6. ASPARAGUS. (ers,ul`ed in fome places to coagulate Milk.

Щдтт- i ' âLADlES-BEDSTKAW, CÍJeefêrunning.

`­ идиот/‘атташе! without any leavy Howers,either "that who@. y l leaves are [ik bri/iler .° or that whofe leaves are branched likel

ír‘lb‘llïîâ?. nonsis-TAIL. (the homfofa stagg.

7- Homin) WATERMILFOIL. ‚www* ‹. ‚ ¿ramping of

.Broader lea'oergeither that which hath a red root ‚ф‘!for Djing; or

1_ _ that whofe leaf is more hairy, having four leaves oppoñte to one

fl'fßjf“ “а” = 8 MADDEK. (another at a joint, bearing yellow flowers.

(пищи. ‚ .l Narrozver leaz'etgeither Hthat- which is like illaddcrzor that common

Wced,whofeßa/ÁJ and little burr: are apt to flick to a тип’: flot/m.

дали”.aww. 9~ Goose-GRASS, com".

lLarlger floxvcrrg growing on the top of the branches; ei'her that of

broader leaner, growingr commonly in woods, having a tuft of White

’ four-leaved flower: of a fwcetlent : or that of narrower [eat/er, the

‚Щиты. WOODROF. (_/îotver conliíling ofß‘ve leaner.

Spergula'. lo'

ChaprIV. Herb»n according to t/oez'r Flowery. ­ . 8 1

0f Herbs conßcíered according to their Flowery.

Erbs conlidered according to their llow‘er,having no feed-veilel be IV;

fides the Cup which covers the flower, muy be diliinguifhed into

STAMINEOUS; whofe liower doth coníifi of threddy Filaments or

Stamina, having no leaves belides the Pcrz'am/Jiuw: or thofe herbace

ous leaves encompañing thefe ůamina , which do not wither or fall

away before the leed is ripe. I. _ f

Р'0/1асе0И5 which beÍides the Stamina have leaves, being either of*

lfCompouml flower; 5 confifiing ofmany leaves : or a circle of Leaves,

and a Thrumm of Люк liamina,clofe (et together 5 whether "

| NOT PAPPOUS. 1I. i ‘

‘i PAPPOUS,` whole feeds do either ly in down: or have fome

downy parts. III.

tSz'mp/e jlozverrg which belidesa circle or border of leaves,have only

fome fewer longer (lamina more fparfedly let together,like threds

or flrings, to be diůinguilhed by the manner of the growing of

the ­

fF/owerg, into ­ _ _

Í‘ZJnzbeIbßvoW; fach as grow in the fafhion of an Ilmbel on feve- "

д ’ ral little (talks, proceeding from the to ofa bigger lialk,

" which all together reprefcnt the figure о}?an inverted Cone,

l the Bowers being the Balis, which have generally two feeds

| growing together, and a compound leafQ'whether of

âBKOADER LEAVES; under which are comprehended all


(ich whofe leaves are about the farne bredth,or broader then

Parlly. IV.

EINER LEAVES; under which are comprehended all fuch,

‹ Whofe leaves are divided into narrower fegments then thofe

of Parlley. V.

тыл/„щ by which thofe kinds of Plants are meant, whofe

l flowers grow in rundles or whirles about the (talk , being of

the fhape of a Hood or Helmet5 as likewife thofe whofe Нот

l ers are of the like lhape,namely Galeat‘ed , having the like o

l pen feed-vemel ‚ but their leaves growing by pairs, whether

I FRUTICOSE5 having (talks of a hard woody coníiftence. VI. Q



18Р1САТЕ. Vm.

. lSEED; growing MANY тосвтнвк 1N A С1п&сгог вит

тоы. 1X. ~ _.,

¿Muß ‚' Íi LHERBs

»__ »_ ____Li

_.`4-`__ _ __ _ ‚ „_ ,_ 4___`

lS9.v . - Herbs according F Il,

i. HERBS „1- HERBS OF STAMINEOLIS FLOWERS, and not of graffy

0F STAM" leuves,may be diftributed into fuch whofe feeds are

us r ­ . o ’ - ¢itîiigwrits. Triangular 5 the plants to which they belong being either


i' Biggcr5 having а greaf' leaf not jagged about the edges5 either

l that whofe leafis more large,and the root ujìdfor purging : or that

whofe leaf is more oblong.


2122.1,... I | “ DOCK.

.1mg/i.. I SORREL.


.i that _whofe leaf is oblong : or „мёд/1’.l] «Lef/¿f5 having agralefttl acidi!) in the tâ’lfl.' 0f the leaf; either

mi. 1a- I Q' FRENCH sOititEL.

”""‘"‘ \ к Annual5 having leaves. n _ _

Ñ'Triangular 5 and black feed 5 either that which 1s Ereó?,whofe feed

is E_/ìulent : or that which is Climbing.

...Wm Ё висктнмт, anni.




Not Angular 5 being Итог: and flender, upon ireekprocurnbentßalkr,

I jul/ efjojntf. ­

Pnlygomem. I 4.

‚ Round ‘ ‚ ,. .

rDifìinîguij‘bable by Sex, of male and female5 becaufe from the fame

feed fome plants are produced , which bear Bowers and no feeds,

and others which bear feeds and no flowers.

rThe bigger 5 having a divided leaf5 either that which hath a large

l ‚ hol/oni _fla/li, and a compound orЛидии! leaf,oyrthe rine ofwhieh

Linnen if rnade : or that which is a climbing Plant twifiing about

fuch things as are next to it, from the right hand towards the left,

contrary to the manner of other twining Plants , of a rough

roundi/h leaf, divided into many fegments, with a head off/êal)

tufts growing in a clufter or bunch, commonly ufed to pre erve

. drink from fowring.

5 HEMP, Tow, Canvas.


The Leßr5 whofeleaves are

Shorter-j, either that which Ехать/"110016 leave: and is annual : or

that which hath haar) lea'ize.r beingperennial.

Mrcnrt'alt'a. ` l 6 RY. '

Phyllon. ILonger 5 of ferrate edges, the root being perennial.

cynmamh. 7. DOGS MERCURY.

.Not матку/„мг by Sex 5 but either by their

’ Leaf5 being

íïriangular 5 confiderable for

I, ïßeing of an unäunn touch , and Мёд for Sallets: || either that

i l l which hath a bigger and echinate feed : or that which hatha



l l









‹ ' leß and[твой ­fëed.




Banus He mi



(Шар. IV. Herb:n according to tbez'r [отели 83

ltl'laving afeedA veßêl made up of two leave: 'elojing together: or

having the leafßnuate'about the edges. _

ortRAGE- faire».

9' ooosroor. _ . _ ‘и «afm»

‹ Bro/idg. with fmooth edges of a clull ínßpid taß,` with a large long ‚

` I root, the feedmßél being round, rugged and bard , contein

‘ ing two or three feeds. ~ ’

» I lo. BEET. ‚ ‚ l ‚ _ J м"

_y Narrow and long, having a fpicate head 5 II either that ufed by Dy

l I ers, having undivided leaves, and longerfviker: or that which



hath dividedшеи, and /l'orter fiiibei,

Lamela.I I " BASE ROCKET. _. 1 ‚ l _ n aan..

`_Winged leave: 5 with a ßalk, growing to a good йёшщапс!

bearing Triangular Codr. ь n _L

_ _1_2. MEADOW-RUE. - 21’л1‘дтт.

Sent or fmell. '


“сайт 5 either that whofe leave: refêmblethofe of an 044, with

red veins: orthat whofe leaves refemble thol‘e of „щитом,

bearing the flowers ina long fpike, and having a rougb Ее‘!

< ve/él.. _I

i oAK oF HtEausALEM. . ‘шт- ‚

3'» OAK or cAPPADocrA. Атте

Lv1 rh’ :1 'rh" ‘1."lffäaìrìléf’gaf‘r'“ ‘ “f М ММ’ «0.... ...a

's ЗееА-шф! 5 bearing ebtmßi tuftr, either that which hath a маму/1

' [gaf: or. that whofe leal is more oblong andpointed;

‚ . ELITE. _ А ` Blitnm.

. '4- PmNCEs FEATHER, ummm/aa. amaba.

_ [Масс-{67018115 being ul’ually upon wal/r, having red/141%, and a

’_ "вид/112101.


ï .Lmlemß5 being the leali of this kind 3 Ueither that which hath

weak ßalbf, leaning on tbe ground, with leaveslike thol`e of Time

but fmaller,bearing the feeds in clul’ters about the joynts: or that

which is of a woody ßalk, bearing the Howcrs and feeds at the

top of the branches. '

auPTuREWoaT- _ mail.; _'7- f. sTrNKtNo GaouND-PINE. ¢„„,»„..~:.__



\‘дней: ассога’йё ¿5i/yar Iii/ervoer. Y Part. Il.


‘ÈÉÈNÈOM’ may be diiiinguifhed into fuch whofe flowers are compounded either

rLowrtt 0f ‚ ‚ ‚ . .NOT PAP- |Short hol/ow ßarnina thick (et together 1n а thrumm, with a circle of

Fous’ leaves : or without fuch a circle, commonly called Corimliiferoter,

being either of l l‘датами! leaner 5 having a A

I “Заднее flomer5 whofe limb is

IIe/low; eitherthe _ _

| Greater5 and tallelh“ either that which is the беде/1 qfjiowerr :

I or that which hath a tttberottr efculent root.






Le//er5 having a crooked feed. 4


I уже, either the ,greater and taller, having a ramone [ему/141‘;

flot „Ш.

Ilot lelie Руп







I or the leäër and lower, having a naked/fall@ |

M“ "W"- | „ GREAT DAISY. .


` LNaked Ножи‘, conñderablefor having ' р

"А ßrongpleajantfnteä5 either that which xsthe bigger plant, 0f а

’ i broad/eef: or that which is the Ie/le'r laut, of more narrow

leaner more deeply indented , whole owers grow in an Um


I+ É'ALECOST, (o/ltnary.


leüt'r mfnor.

Co/lut herto

7 ит.






' Long haary leaner ; either that which is 0dorate,having a )el/om'

I flower,of a dry рта’; conßßcnce, preferving the colour for e­

I veral yearsafter its'being gathered : or that which bears a white­

I flower, the more common fort of which is not Odorate.


I 5’ CUDWEED, Coltomveed.

\ дышит, having a

Radiate Лета‘ 5 whofe limb is

‘I Tel/ow, conflderable for the leaner, being

‚ ‘ More [же]; dinided 5 either that ‘тыс grow: ufually among/2

I (от: or that which doth commonly grow in Mountaineer




< placer, having leaveslike thofe of Fennel.


' OX-EY.

iLWinged leaves 5 like thofe of Targß.



Bap/:tl almum I



hite5 whole leaves are

I Í`Morejïn;l} штат, either that of а plcofant: o_r that of an


Ilot Africaniu.

unplea ant fènt.

' 8 САМОМП... -

ё1;’;;„,„‚‚‚‚„‚‚ щвтшкшо MAYWEED. .‹r Leß’yí'nely dinided5 being of a ßrong Ля‘.


"Undt'nided 5

Chap. IV. Herbr accordmg to t/aezr Flowers. 85

LUI/divided; bei'ng long and narrow; either that whofe

leaves are indented about the edges: or that Whofelcaves

nrc fmooth, being of a hot tzt-ft. ’ _

~ Ptnrrnitt‘t. _

Draco bfrba.

Naked Лот’ -3 whole (talks are

More nwodjg either that whofe [Meer are more greek: orthat

whofe leaves are generally haar] and шт.


II :zehnmal


Lçß’zvoodj5 either that of a bitter tqßDand morePleafàńt[тел : or femm“

that whofefént is not plea/2m?, whofe [едой are green above

and lavar] underneath _ .

WORMWOOD. Abßß'l’ium1 I" MUGWOKT, ~ t _ Amm a'.

¿Bearing their Дот’: in the fafhion of un ‘Unibelh having ММ `

[cat/1er, "either that which is of a рт»; and not unpleafant рт;

or that which is 1ф’де1ога1е. _ ‚

I ÉSY. ­ Тмштит.

l _ I штат}.

' SCABIOUS Sedia/Inf

1051049 174’ ‘еще’ â Without any thrumni in the middle," hearing blew 'mn-"u"

051mg tubu'l‘otu lëaverô the

‘4; DIVELs BIT. „ ч gjgflt‘ßf”

LLeße'm bearing but one/lower upon a (talk, like that of Seabìous, °

flowers, "either that which is flu/ler and шт! : or that which is

larger _and ритма‘.

Greater; bearing litany Ножи upon a (ШК, either thatyvhófo

l leaves upon breaking have feveral little hairy firingr, the flower

ь either that of а round ó/ew jîower,having a leaf` like that of the

lellër daify : or that ofgmßj leaner­ and a naked 11414

6 Ёвыш‘пг. ` ` wee-_.,l ’ ‚ n Crt/mman.





tnadeup of tubulous leaves lafciniated at the top: or that ofa

more globular дом, the root Гсешйпёг to have dpiece bitten @il ’

I BLEW DAISY. www. '

5 THRIFT, .m сидит’. ' www»

— itt. PA‘tfJ

86 Herbr according to their FШтат.‘ Part. Il.

m. PAP- III. PAPPOUS HERBSSnay be diftributed into fuch whole heads

£038 are eitherE ‘ "Round and щитом, conñder-able upon Account of their

° ‘Lear/cr; whether

I IfPrirhly 5 either that of a leß'er: or that of a bigger head ‘фа!forf


Cordula. I leinem. ° HAKTICHOKE.

i Hoorß either that whofe flower is commonly blew, of tubulmjag

l ged leave: : or that which bears а purple flower offlot leaves.



Ptnmu'ra Au I

î2- AusriuAN sNErzEwoaT.

Сулши. I


ММ‘ Serrateg commonly winged, the I_qfcr: or the Greater ufcd in



gsfß‘f" '” ' GREAT CENTURY.

1'“ I l Stal/¿15 being dr) and hard, bearing ufually a purple ßower5 either'

I I that of a more dark: or that of a lighter colour.



I' Iseedíl; being more large; either that of White : or that of Black

jee .r



P \ Plain or flotg, whofe flower is either

‘Выше, or naked.

I I' Terreßrialg conliderable upon account of their _

I I' Rootr5 being more large, bearing yellow ßowerr.; IIeither that

­° _ I I of a [фа leaf, the root of which is counted pojßteowfoheaßr:

_ _ I or I_tl_;a_t of Лиге’- andáongeçfleef, the root of whlchlsodorate

ли t ter an counte и’ o ome to men.

ma... I I I 6 ЁЬЕОЪАКВЗ-ВАЫЕ.Helmium» .I I I Leaf/eq being Лиса, fatt) and jagged, bearing jello» Дату;

‚ I I I II)either tl_1_a_t wälch bears a Магнит} flower: or that which

earsaro ‘utc omer.

’mm-0 l GROUNDSIL.

awt» l l 7‘ вАсшокт.

I ILFlowerr5 as to their

ï_ I I' Manner дуэт/э 5 in а kind of Dmbel, or Tuftg either that

Ё I' I whofedßowerrâre __rmhedmd perry/:fh: or that whofc Ноты‘

I arera tate an je om.

www I l < DUTCH AGaIMoNY.

§;;'_‘“"”"'” I I I 8’ ÉGQLDEN» am». l I @door 5­e1ther that which bears домену“ dzferent „мил:

l I leaves whereof fomewhat refemble the raysIof а Starr: or

I _ “га: ЁЬрГе _f_)lgtverr are generally yellow , the leaves ofthe

p ant cmg отце.

„Im I sTAPtwottT.

ст“ `9‘ .FLI~.`.ABAI\1E.v

Marine 5

Chap. IV. Нег1ж according to their Flowers. 87

'LMarineg having long t/zicrl‘L leaver5 either that the l/order of А

whnfe flower is Purple and the middle of it Tel/ow: or that of a

Tel/ow /îonverand bardßallrr, the leave: being narrow and cnt in

| att/.vc endr. . .

SEA-STARWORT'. ‚‘C’ GOLDEN rtowca'o sAMPHmE. . ‹‚„,‚..‚‚‚..

-LDonbleg the plants having a- mil() juice, diltinguilhable by their "W"

í Headr, being fnader; either that of a more rugged leaf ufed for

l Sallads: or that of a fwootber leaf, faid to fweat out a gumm

l ' at the joints.

l LET-rice. Ещё‘,l U- GuMM succoar. ‘ ’

‘девиц whether

iÍeggcd5 either that of: [ЛИ/31114; or that of а hoLÍovfmoot/a

ßallt, the feed of which being ripe. doth with the dow

upon it, fpread it Гей’ into a Sphœrical ligure. `


l DANDEuoN. mma.ё undivided; either that whole lewe: are long and graf/jahe flo»

I г” of which being elo/éd, doth reprefent a goat: beard, whofe

l Zoot is файл‘: or that whofe lewe: are roundpointed , and



° MOUSE-EAR. Pil‘ß'h,

klîejëfltflaliarg thiftlesí but not prick] 5 either that which bears

larger: or that which bears lqlr owers. `

sowTmsTLE. "”‘”""

‘4’ NrrPLzwoaT. ­ “ЧМ


___.” \_._.___—щ

88 Herbr according to I/J ir Flowery.

Part. Il.



UFEÀOUS BROAD ancllels linely cut, may bediliinguilhed into (uch as are,

ЁЁЁЁЁЕЁЕ '0i/orang and of a [hong fent5 whether Ню!‘ as is i

LEAVES. Í'fllorepleaßmt 5 in (uch kind of plants as are .

»More properly belonging to :lai: m'beâ to be dillinguxlhed upon Ac

Í count о? _

'Leuven as to their _ ; ‘

l shape: 5 whether‘fuch are are

{ í Го] этим Лира inthe fame plant,the [over leaves towards



the bottom of the [lalk being 'rounder and broeder," and

thol‘e upon the Панк тоге/Чпсу cut having Áromaticfèedf;

Н either that of afinal/erЁ“! : or that of а more large eed,

being round and hollow ‚ the leaves of the plant being of

l lels pleal‘ant Ген: then the feed

l l Эмма.



'.L‘rrlandru т.¿CORIANDEIL

a Wingedleaver; refembling thofe of

lìl’arfnipg having the like (mell and гад‘.







. ,l .:\


Fedra; either that which hath a large bleek fìrrrowed/ëed:

\~ or that МЮ“: feed is lijf, and more ßender, refembling

` an Oat. _ ‘lMm’ßù. ,_ ì _



атм; под"


Ian). 1 «J- -

l 1


3‘ WILD ctcELY.


| _‘

‘I I Not ringed; refembling Parße), but being much broader;

l either that which hatha large blaekßrenkedßwd: or that





i ­ìvhich is a tal/er plant ‚ having [eff leave: and a Лица’

ent. ' `

‘ .mi no?. I

l.Tiff-¿7... _ ' , _1.7.1. l J





'f' LovAGE.

LCalour5 whether

'pl’ale' grecrtg having large and broad leaves-3 either that

which hatha )fe/Ion» juice, the 'Umbelof whole flowers is

{omewhat ßberical, which dies after bearing feed: or

У ь





Тем, but not /ò large, and more perennial.


Impara toria I



5° wisTEnwoitT.`

î LDark ¿neng being indented 5 either that whofejêedis broad :

or angular.



@Haig ng’t,eneompaßing l/Je [ration of the _fía/li.


I_eß’proper/y belonging to this' tribe 5 having winged leweJ-j, either

that whofe Лат’: are tubular/e: or that which bears а great tiff#

of „Ми/1010:": of a fveetfeezt. — =








Silermoma- f







that which is of very near aflinity to this in Шара and



_ tra? pican”, i ` f _ __

‘"Leßr 5 either that of а weaker/Ent, but e/Eulent and of grateful

хай: ог that of a ßrongerjênt , growing naturally in inn/ì pla


PARSLEY. . a "f;',f‘"'î;7„'î­

I 9° ësMALLAoE. ‘ fill. P

I Larger5 of a rough Дай, and winged leavn.

I ю. HERCULES ALL'HEAL. fw,Not odorate5 diftinguifhable by their "т"


Rootr5 being файл‘ 5 either that of a bigger root growing jingle :

or that of a leß’ root groaning in clit/len.

i Pufn'naru fir»

’ " зкпщвт. www.Leaver5 whether ‘щит’

"Whole, and fomewhat nervous 5 either that whofe leaves are more

I round, the Дай: growing through Меж: or that whofe leave: are

I more long. '



I „_ тновоисн WAX. „alim

‹ I Buplmrum.

I < Winged,and indented 5 either that whofe root is ofa hot biting ‘ф:

I or that whofe leaf is divided into three, Лиц or more Камни,

I ­ being long and narrow.

I l ButtNET sAxirPtACE. Pfeife“

l 3‘ имввьыгвкоцз EiuNCo. — Ё‘Я,“';Е,1’„„,.

I k0f dzßůrent jhape: in the fame plant5 the lower leave: being divi- ш; mms.

ded like Parße), the leave: upon the :7a/l, being undivided, and

I eneofn’aj/ìng it, bearing a great, black, round feed. ‚

‚4. CANDY ALEXANDER. “amILP/ace ofgrowth, being proper to wet ground: 5 either that whofe стт‘т'

leave: are hairy and of a deep green, bearing а white flower : or

that whofe leave: are not hairy. . `

l 5 ёСОУУ-РАЮМР. spmluiam.





90 according toitbez'r Flowery. Part. II.


v. uMBI-:L . . . .

nfl-:Rous LY CUT imo narrow fegments, may bedxlhngullhed mtofnchas are

“HBS of ‘Мамы; having their leaves dìvìdedîmo

îiihli'lis. {Мне long narrowfegmentr5 coníiderable upon account of their

l y {Leaver-j, being _ _ ‚ °

i ‚ Of a darkgreen, and (mail feeds5 ll'elther that which is perennial,

l i ofßem'ler ßedr: or that which ls annual, offlatfeed:

I'œniru um.almtbum. l i l I.I l Commonly divided into tbree figment: at tbe endrg either that

l whole lewe: are more thin and dr): or more thick дай/Биш

I Í lent,ufed for fallade. `

::::‚::::‚’::”’ i i p» Èfîâßlâ‘ëm‘ ‘<| < Seed; being either

l i' Large and broad; either that 0f a tall/laure, the figment.:

l l I ol whofe leaves are fomewhat Лионе’ then xboß qf Fennel : or

I I that whofe root [мед/х 11/‹е Franki’zceqfe.

Щ“: ‘| I ‘‹ GIANT FENNELж“ G" | l i I3' нвкв гмыктсвызв or GALEN.

l LILLong md more jlender", whether the Bigger or the Lef?, of an

l Aromatick fent.


"im" I l l 4f ßlsHoPswEED.

_ i {Stal/¿5 being crooleeeßbendìng fë'ueral wafer,

Шт- I 5. HARTwom'.

More jlvprt Душ-т: 5 hav'ing . _

Rar/gb feedr5 || either that whofe root is large and ejênlent: or that

of a jîzmller wat, the Umbels when the flower is faded, telem

. bling a Birds neil by cloÍing or bending inwards towards the top.

6 CARRET. _ _ _ ’

' WILD CARRET, Bz'rde-ne/l. _

Long ßreakedfeedr 5 either that which is theta/ler plant, bearing

the legerДай: or that which is the louer plant bearing the larger


Pafrinau fa

tì‘vu tenui fol. l

Danna. |











Сашу‘. _Cummum.. 7.pmu lfd } Broad largejèedeô or having a leafbairy on the backiide,and кайф).

‚‚„,„_ " l 8 ALLHEAL. ‘СÍnnpbylon. I ‘

LLarge hollow jiu/lt; "either that of an qń'enjívefmell and counted

poißmow : or that which refembles this,growing in watery places.

Cirutß.www ßè 9’ WATER HEMLocK.

9mm" tNa't Маши; growing in

"отец/‘се: 5 diilìnguifhable by their

i \' Ноо’ц havingil ‘i {Таити ram; confìiiing of one jingle „и, or offe‘veral.

„атт- I д l ю EARTHNUT. ’

;‘;;;,„¿„„ , i ’ DROPWORT,„Цепи.




Chap. lV. Нет’): neeordzngw t/Jez'r Flowery. ‘ '

l {Неон of a bot biting taf? 5 either that of a round dark colo/:rcel __

feed : or thatot^ a broad/‘lat fèeel, the root ofwhich hath a yel

low purgative juice. '


ì l u ёрвштоюг oF SPAIN. - „щит


[Stal/tr ofthe Umbel, being ßrong and white, ufed for the picking

l of Teeth: to which may be adjoined that other plant, ifthis

~ fail, whofejêcd: труп/ф. ’

l SPANISH псктоотн. отдаёт.

l ‘2° BASTARD- PARSLEY. . „we

t Water] place: s of

{Fi/iron: rootf; "either that whofeleaves have рулет: like Fennel,

I but fomewhat Lroader: or that whofejêgment: are _like thofe of

< Garret, but fmooth, and wîtha milky juice. r

‘ шАтгк-мпьголь. Ё‘ЁЁЁ’М

l ‘3' MILKY-PAKSLEY., ~ ¿fm-2X2.

‘Тишина root5 .


VI, VERTIGILLATE FRUTICOSE HERBS, being all of them „_ vim-I'

Части, may be diůinguiíhed into fuch whofe leaves are either


Largerg, whether _ 2,5%?.

Нашу and rang/J 5 of а р1еаГапг tait and fmcll. _ нвквз,

Ё l. SAGE.



Snzootbr, and of а dark green 5 either that whofe 1641181' are Mt itl

<1 like tho/ê of an Oak, more 10ng and narrow: or that whofe leaves

are only indented about the cdges,beìng more /bort and broad.

2 GERMANDER. cbamßfir.


*Leßm Whofe leaves are either


I'Short and Mundi/b 5 the fem being

More quiek andpungent 5 either the larger , having а woolly head :_

I or the leger.

‘ l MASTICK. ` Mmm,

‹ 3’ GoATs MARJORAM. тттт.

More wild and gent/e5 having [лад/е’ leaflet, which grow t/.rìeker

on the ßalk.

‘ 4. THYME. 11mm.

LLong and narrow', whether

"Hooij 5 the

l Спят‘; bearing l'pikes5 either that of Виды-Лида, being the

l larger plant: or that ofjliorter thicker fpike's.

LAVENDER. _ — Layman

CASSIDONY, Freno/J Lavender, Slìeko dove. Steeb»ё

l Leßem whol'e leewcor are indented,being of а more dullfent, bear

I i'ng fmall Howers.

6. РОLIMOUNTAIN или: ma»

AL.S’wootb5 Heither that whole leave: arcjòfìer and larger: or that m“ °

Whofe lent/c: are harder-and leß’.

HYssoP. ` ' __ www.

_ 7’ WINTER-SAVORY. Samm'a.

I N 2 » i vinnen@








llfelijjix .
















Herb: according toil-cir Flowers. ‚

Part. II.

vn. VERTICILLATE NoT FRuTlcosE nraßs, may be di

TtctLLATE Ilinguilhed into fuch as'are

‘ Plß’fëßmf в








lIl <


. Leave:






I <





i 6




creep and

‘ Odorate 5 conliderable tor their fent, whether

{Мг greater kind5 diftinguifhable by the

rFlower:5 growing I

More elojê and tbicktogether5 Ileither that which is apt to

I @read under ground b) tbe'rootr: or that whofe

I 2 BALM. `


Seed: 5 growing in a large bol/ow Cup like an inverted Bell, having


es like Balm.

I 3. AssYmAN BALM.

Sealy bead: 5 the former a more grateful [те/1, and 10%’- leaves.






I 5' sToNE-BAsiL.

’tHoary5 havingleaves

‘I Broader 5



Narrower, a low plant bearing a yellow ñower.


Мг 1еф5 a fmall creeping plant growin



Notpleqßntz, diliinguifhable by the

Sent5 being like that ofGarlic/¿5 "either that whofe leave: are like

I thofe of Germander, growing in water] place: : or that whofe

¿' leave: are libe thofe ofSaqe,



мы]; wÍ


I Rough 5

If Broad leaf 5 4the bigger or the Leß-r.

l.11510 CLARY.



I ¿I leaf hath fome refemblanre to the leaf of aNettle.

v MINT. o '


ьМоге dißer/êdlj 5 at the fetting on of the leaves, having Ihorter

‚ and broader leaves5 the former of a darker green, and

l _]lrongar fent.

Not boar] I I I either that whofe leave: are, like tbiyë ofМайами,

indented, the flower: growing in loafer juke: : or that whofe

leave: are like ‘Анд/ё of Thyme, but of a different fent.

U either that which hathfe'veralfŕal) bead: , being

the leßer plant: or that which is the bigger plant, whofe

jlomerrgrow in Ыф rundelr, of a Íironger fent.

g in watery plaee:,being of a

growing in rroodd) placer.C






Chap. IV. Herbe according to тел Flowery. 9 3

.__—————‚————__` __


IRe/Í’nzbling tbz/ß' of Nett/e 5 the one narrower: the other broaderi ‘l and rounder pointed. l

¿l l Il ‚ Äì'ëbúìlgel. ' vrtimínerf.

д Í BLACK ноквноиыо. . уже”| Ll'o'fgâ Н either the tol/er larger plant: or the leger planthaving 'Wm'

I not Го thick a down upon the leaves.

n BASE HOR EHOUND. ' sm»._ I, Q . Sider/tú.

‘уже? îkwlth а round jagged leaf, of a dark green, having aßffœ

d .


‘На! odorateg conñderable for having

гL ong narrow leaner-j, the Лиге’: coming out more dlfllcffèdly,growing

I in water] place: 5 either that whole lea'oer are more narrow, and

,l green like thofe of Нуйор :or that whofe [шин are leßnarrow, the `

Í Лат’: (landing commonly two together at t/:e [суть

нвоов HYssoP. — ‚ ‘Мои.

'4' HooDED LOOSE STRIFE. ‘гущеi Spìtate [10112015 ` I“ mm ‘n’ y

il 'The greater5 "either that of oblong green note/.red leave; and [допl fpz'ker: or that'which is the fatter Aplant, having longer/p14“,

l. growing in water] placer', bearing fometìmes three leaves ata

'l <_ joint.

l I BETONY. Bunde».

5 PURPLE ьоозв STRIPE. ‚_ L@ MH»‘l „The [ей-5 bearing' generally blew flowers; Heithcr that whofe P“ 'tm'

l lewe: refemble thofe of wild Majorana : or that whofe [enr/e; are

like thofe of the lejÍe'r Daify, creeping Ь; ßringr.


l I6¿BUGLE ° ÍÃÉÍ'IÄ"«На [ем/и; but only ůrings or Wires,y growing upon otherplontr, from

whom ( when itis arrived to any bignefs) it receives its 150515555:

ment, the root in the ground dying.

17. DODDER. y Cafaro'. l

’ ` ' vm.l вп

.__‚._.———-______—_————————‚ ‹——-—_———————__‚__..‚———‚ . ‚ ‚ _ _ ‹ __`94 Herb: according to I‘j/oznerr.­ Y Part. ll..

vm. SPI- VIII. SPICATE HERES, may be diftiuguifhed into fuch as are

CAT5 rSpinona5 having prickly leaves, whether thofe whofe headis

HERES“ ’ Oblong 5 either that whofe leave: do fo enconrpaß Нила/11: as to hold

the rain water: or that ofayjagged leaf, whofe root: are often Carr`

I д died for[лег-тип.

DiPl‘m‘- <l д TEASEL.

Efyagiam. I l ­ ERINGQ

L Round 5 III either which hath a rq/ërnblance to Th1/llc: : or to Teaf'b. ‘


{атм I 2° SHEPHEARDS non. ‚ ‚ u

‘Ми ßiinoin5 difiinguifhable~ by their

'Sect/:5 being little bnrr:5 IIeither that of a winged leaf and yellow

I flower: or that of an undivided leaf, bearinga white Лампы;



_ _ IWinged/eafI

¿135752. <| 4. BURNET. _ ' ‘ITrefoil5 IIeither that which hath a тов/уйду: or that whofe [гей

. veßel doth in the top of 1t expend it felf into jive ray. ~


'5" STARK-BEADED TttEFoIL. ._ .Long leave: 5 growing in wet placet5 II either that of ahot biting ‘ф:

о}! that which hath a fairer flake of дошел‘, being of an acid

ta . _


м "А


f ` iX. нвввз

IX. HERES bearing MANY SEEDS together IN А clufter orlX- ÈFÈÉQ

BUTTON, may be dimnguilhed according tothe 351%“

Leaf 5 into fuch as have _ ‚ vSEEDS INl Winged lem/¿f5` either that whole leaf­ is underneath haar)l and of a .îoì'î‘r'

I I filver colour : or that whofe leaner are broad at the end, having lit

tle „шт/а toward: the [lotion: of them, hearing a hurr. _ __ _

l WILD TANSY. Jfzfß'me- _

° AVENS. _ _ carmpbyllare,

Fingered leaver5 growing from the ‚Димеpoíntqf the fbot-ßalk; either

_ I five, havinga flower conliliing offue [мин or _lez/en, the jîozber

coníilling offour leaner. _ ` 1

' Pentßl’blüw

1' TORMENTIL. www».

[But one leaf upon the fbat-ßalllof the flower, and but one flower;I either that whole lewe: and jlallçr are generally more Smooth: or

more Hairy, the head after the flower is faded,being covered with

long woolly locks. ' ‚ _

ANEMONY, W’ÍfZd-flûwer. ’ ‚(штата

_ 3° PAscH FLOWER. uw».

¿ Flower: 5 whether той commonly _ ‚

‘ ' Tel/ow s fhining as if varnilhed, beating their feed in a rough head 5

II either that whole _flower doth generally conliíl ‚мы ronndpoint

I I ed leaner: or that whole flower hath eight or nine leave: blowing

earl _ es' jCROW-FOOT. ‚ _ 5mm@

’ 4‘ PlLEwoRT. _ „„.;„,f""""

LReel 5 having leave: like thofe of Camoenz'l.

5. ADONIS FLOWER. _ ‚ _ mi man.

[Seed-j, in a head of а round Hat‘chee/ë-likefignre; IIeither that which


'Of rounder leave: :‚ the Lql’or the Greater. _

6 _ MALLOW. ' . Мы“

° HOLYHOK. ’ ä‘ß’îfßîg,

4' Of hoary ‚Куй leaůee 5 either the ley?growing in Майн: : or thegreat

I er h1 the Sea. ~


I 7 ’ ¿TREE MALLow. "M

kOfjaggedleazler 5 `


‚‚‚.__.. М ,‘—-‚-— .#96 *YA-Herb: according to their Seed-veff-el. Part. Il;

n i Oferhlmconf'zderedacrcgfding toTthez'r Звезд-‘20011017

V HERES of Perfeflï flowers conjìdcrtd according to their Seed-ve elf,

9‘ ° may be dillinguillicd into fuch as’havc ­ _

ЗА divided Seed- veße'l5 into feveral dllhnâ cafes, which may be called


An entire щей-12%“ whether I _

r.S‘ili uow5 containing their feeds in long pods, dìftxngulfhable accor

l dqin _to their flowers, into

I rPapi ionaceow5 the flower having fome refemblance to a Butter

I Hy,as the blooms of Peafe or Beans, де. Whether

Clalpers. ll.

`NOT CLIMBERS5 being without fuch Tendrils. III.

I ‘LNotpapiL/ionaceoac5 fuch whole FLOWERS do generally CON


ICapßilate5 having Íhorter feed-vellels, dillinguifhable into

SPe’rztapetala5li1ch as bear FLOWERS OF FlVE LEAVES. V.

I Tripetala,and Титры/‘5 fuch as bear FLOWERS OF THREE

I2 or Fouet LEAVES. v1. ‚

Monopetala 5 fuch as bear a flower of one intire leaf, whether ‘_

(‘втулки/0105 fuch whole llowers have fome refemblance to theЁ i figure ofa Bell Vll. `

Not campannlate5 the limbs of whofe flowers are divided into

feveral Íegments,reprel`enting fo many dìllinél leaves. VIII,

LBACCIFEROUS ; whole feeds are included in a juicy pulpe. IX.

1. ums I. Hertiss or A CoPtNIcu-LATE 01‘ Horned SEED-VESSEL,

glfcäfîń may bedillinguìíhed intoluch as are'

SEED-vis. lll/lore e/ìeemed-for the flower-5 having

SE1-S. Eiggerjêedc 5 either that with a compound broad leaf, bearing the lar

gtß flower-rf an] low herb : or that with a winged leaf like lh, ha

p¿„„i«.ü L PIONY. (ving black/hitting реф’, and afentli cHops.

imm. n. I FRAXINELLA, Baßard Dirtany.

‹ шут jèedr5 either that of a divided /lendor leaf, the flower having

a long heel: or that which hath a compound leaf, the flower bending1

I downwardc, confilling of tubulous parts.

‘Юг/‚111011140‘. Il

<lgCLlMBERS5 fuch as are generally furnilhed with Tendrils or

«ou/lao- 2‘ сошмвпчв. ’ ‚ ‚Loja’ ejŕèerned for the Дате“ having i '

‘Hoodedjìowerr5 and таит!’ jagged leaver; either that which is .

counted Poißm: or that which is counted an Antidote.


<~_ Not hooded floiver5 either that of a tuherono root, the flower coming

_ out of the middleof the leaf, blowing in Winter: or that with a Tri

;L‘IÍW'" "l" WINTER WOLF-BANE. (angular feed of ahiting taß.

„,.Prù „m-._ 4’ STAFES-ACRE. - _

[ввел-‘щи; like the long bill of a bird5 Ileither that which bears

largerjloiverr,more fparfedly fet: or that which bears lqfe'r flower:

Geranium. CRANES­BILL~ (in the falhion ofan Umbel.

mit. 5‘ VENUS сомв, Shepheard: need/e. n. РА


IV, Herbs according to t/oez'r Sсад-‘иглы. 97

II. `I>çIÍIoNAcEnIiè CLIMBING нвквз, may be dinribmed n­ м"into fuch as do climbgeither by Iâgâecn

'I'nnßingg having long Hat cods, their leaves being fet by threes, сымввкз.

З l. KIDNEY BEAN, French been, Ginn] (шт. , ‚мы‘,

Темй‘йц or Clafpers, to be further diůìnguìíhed by their

rSeed; whether

fßonml; and efculentg ",either that whofe feed is black, the louve:

and flower: like thofe' of the common Bean : or that whofe feed is

д not black, the leave: of alìgbter green.


’° PHASE» . not.„На; and efculent, having hairy wingedleavu5 uthe Greater : or


ll the Lejî ~

l. i

" VETCH. — vim.

3' {LENTIL ` ш.

606115 being knotted, o'therwife refëmbling а Vetch.


Stal/g5 being Angul4r5 "either that which bears one pair offntootlv

leave: upon „рации“ or that whofe leaf isundivided, only to

ward: tbetop, having two or tbreefegmentr, bearing a white flower.



Leave: 5 Ьу pairs encompaíiing the fialk, being more broad dt bottom,

\ and Лат-р pointed, bearing а )fellow flower, having black ihining




1LManner. of bearing tbe efŕnlent part under дикий; either that which

bears Its feed bot/.I underground, and above ground : or that offmall

luberon: фиг”: rootf, bearing brig/:t purple flotten,- many together

upon a foot-(talk. _ ‘

~ Arubilul.

7° PEAsE EARTH-Nurs, ’ ’ m ,met




98 orbs according to their Soedweßî. Il.


поэме!’ dií’tinguìfhed into fuch as have5 either


CLIMBING. "More leave: then threeg

fE/i‘ulmt', whether the

{Largem of a ßatjëedg either that of a great hollow/tall’w broad

leaves of a dark green ‚ the cod lined with a woolly fubftance,

the bloffoms being black and white : or that which hath 3153,

gered leaf,being from one {сор-Панк divided Into many fcgmems,

< bearing a fpike of flowers.

i l




Stal/ç; being hair), and creò?, withleaves confií’ting of many

pairs of Wings 5 the latter of which will сотый z'tjëlf upon ‘Ь:

touch, as if it had fenfe.




Hrrba wiwi.

_ BEAN.Lupinm'. I. . . .

_ LLey/05 of a round ./êcd, having fmallwinged leavesindented, the

cm" I cod: round ила’ tnrgid. _ ‘


1На! Q2u/eu@ to be further diftinguiíhed by their

"Flozverr5 growing in thick fpikes or tufts. The

'Greater 5 Heither that whofe leavefgrow like tÍJojë ofl'etchfwootb,

l l and of a fweet (ай, а Íhort crookedcod furrowed on the out

l fide, conteining a double row of feeds: or that whofe lewe:

gif“ WIW' i <. are baby.

lßrlgfllur. WILD l

frm» l Í 3’ MILK VETCH. ‚

‚ LLelër-j, ||either that whofe fìower: grow in a tuff, the utmofì

I fegment of the leaf being> broader then any of the_other.°_or

| that whofe flower: grow in aßiike, having alcaf divided like

:strew- ‚ Рж„mm-‘_ l y 4. LADIES FINGER.


Seed wqßeh whether v »fRougbg having winged leaves 5 either that whofe flowers

‹ grow in thicker jju'ker, of aíhining red colour, with prickly

feeds growing at the end of one another: or that wh'ofe How

‹' ers grow in more jlenderjjaike: from the fides of the (talk, ha

' l ving a long thick root. ‚ .


f 5' cocRs.HEAD, sanfvin.

l LLYarrow/:5 whether fuch as bear

‘ Там/«м „4:5 and yellow flowers, many together: ­or ­crooked

‚и rd I Í . jêed: in the fhapc of a Horsihooe, the feed veífel being indent

Fery"m'„‘;;ui_ l <l ed on one fide.

| _ HOP\S_SHOOE. _

I [вниз/л 5 being long and ßender, of groß) leaflet, and a bright red

Cammmre. HOWCL


Leaver 5



l Not morethen three leaves, diftinguilhable by th'eir Ё“

Chap. IV. Herbrmgl

_ Ф—-ъ—.`__._

*__-..._T _

lllewer, which are long and Winged1 being [таЛР1дИИ5 "either

that whofe cod: grow together like tbc e'latvr of a bird : or that

'I' witha fßiriouaf'ed-vqßel, ormmdi‘


ì. moana um


i BIRDS FOOT. ’ ‹ ' . '


" Flowerr; growing in fpikes. .

‘Trefoil _; Il either that which bears longjîiiker of yellow flowers, to

which fucceed round feed-vell'els, conteining generally but one

lil feed in each: or that of а ßorterßike.

MELILOT. Militaria.


`Not Trefoil, having a groß) leaf

I t. MILKWOKT. mmh,

‘ {Мышей/15 —

’Long 5f

Crooked 5 neither that whofe‘leanef batiejarne rtjEnib/anee to tbtye

I of’ ,Pur/lain, growing by threes,of more [lender cocls : ог that

l which hath long jìnootb undivided leaner, the Дед-‘шум being

‹ like a Caterpider. _ `

SCORPION GRASS. www' Scorpoider.. CATERPILLER.. . i _ " y жирафа _

‚ kó‘ffellgbtì 5 whether . - ¿'P’t‘f'ßl'h

‘i rMore long and jlender, Н either that which hath little wings or



car: at tbe bottom: of tbe leaner: or that which hath long n:

ßat coda. ' .

, I Lon“,

I 3’ roEN GREEK. tmf» Gf»LLrg/l’ long and ‘Мг/(975 having prickly ßalkr, bearing a large ‘um

ßomerin proportion to the plant. ’ ‚

_l 4. CAMOCK,. Refi-barrow._ . . ‚ ' Y . Rlßß ¿Wife

LRound; and Spiral, either that which 1s [диоды or that which

is prickly.

l5. SNAIL TREFOIL. _ Meh-mmh,”

„i-1 HEDGHOG TREFOIL. ‚ . ata.

. ‚ ' ­ ‚ . т Medica .Erbi

' 1- ' nata.

_ O n 1v. st.

_‚.————_- _.. ‚ __‚‚‚‚ . „_ .­.__._ Lŕ‘ *___-___,

I 00 Herb: according to Шел‘ Seed-‘velgel Part. П.


gegçuâm flower: conñft generally offour lea'uu, may be diltinguilhed by their

LIONACL l Being (_i/leenled for tbe flower, having i . ‘I

ous fsbmbb), ftd ‚(15 and being ‘of a pleaßnt Дж‘, of a ronndßatfeed;

uns' either that of boar) leave: : or that whofe Качели/510011’, of a

deep green. ’ °

x man». зтоск GILLY-FLOWER.’. кт- " WALL FLOWER. ‚

Oblong feed: 5 either that which hath a more broad jagged 1е4)": or

I that which hath a jbarp indented leajgcompounded of feveral toge

ther upon one foot-(talk. ~

Hfjpna. 2 DAMES VIOLET, Double Rocket.

D'mff" _ ° TOOTHWORT. ‚

l Seed: тир: np in down 5 either that whofejlozver grow: out fion: tbe

top if tbe cod, which makes it to be called jìliw antepatrem: or that

which hath a broad летом leaf witha шивера“, bearing the

_ Дот’: in atnft,having a large cod lilled with a lllq'e ßab/lance.

ggg?" CODDED WILLOW HERB, cpaaatzmßnfe.

nml,... | — 3’ UPRIGHT DOOS-BANE, sil/” 5711?'- Being nßd o: Efcnlentj either their

“m” l rRoot: 5 whether fuch as are commonly eaten

‘Boyled5 Neither that whofe leave: are more rougb, the root com

I monly тента/Ь : or that whofe leave: are moreмм, the root

ŕ ,l oblong.and 0f l moreßrn: [ДЕ/гипса.

Rapum. a ЁММ l I 4’ NAVEW.

l I Razr; of а biting tqß,bearmg purple/Í: Даши, and long knotted cod:.

Raplmnlu. l S.l

Lear/6:5 having

[succulent lewe:5 of а blewilh grey-5 Il either that of a jagged

leaf, уедет/10100‘: or that of an undivided leef, bearing-a wbite

l OWU?.

I f


Seedn either that ofjbortfqnare cod: : or that of long round eodr.


9' CnAItLOeK.

Buß»- ~ V CABBIDGE, сайта"; Cody-flower.

52252114" f1" I ' CODDED THOlìOllGH WAX.

l <î Íaggedfmogtb leuven either that'which bears larger flower: grow

( Í içgnìoretbßmßdl): or that which bears leßflover: growing more

с 0 C д е er. .—‹ | l _ ëaógclter.

„mm i l 7‘ WINTER-CRESS. ч

‘_ lLTheffned and tif/1 of Garlic/g: or a bot biting ‘ф, bearing large

cods, which being ripe are of a red colour.

Alfieri". Il SAUCE ALONE, jack b] tbe Hedge.





Cap/imm, ŕ




Chap. IV. Нет/л‘ according to their $еес1-1/еДё1. 1 O I

Leaf5 whether —

'Dividedg or jagged. ° - ' ‘ _iLejîjïne/j5 bein of a :abiti/b blew, and bearing commonlya yel- ""' "'

low Hower 5 | either that which is а maritim plant, having a lar- °`

I < ger ßmver,and longer eodt: or that which hath дуг/101’ juice. .


l к новывп POPPY. Zîî‘äîïïfa.

i ° GREAT CELENDINE. сырым“.

[Мт'г fte/j; having Лет!" mi.. 'Mr‘f- ' " ‘

l 1 l. FLIXWEED. . sap/.ia ш.

tZ’ndì'oìdedâ whofe leaves are ‘ ""3°""”’

"Smooth towards the гор-ой‘ the (talk, and rough towards the bot- .‘ dwf

tom, bearing white fïozverq either the greater, having rnany

(lender long cods growing thick together On the top Of the

ё branches: or the leß, bearing the сода more difperfedly. ' " '

l „_ TOWER мизтмш. ‘ y ...m-o.. Ж;

i l CGDDED MOUSE-EAK.. Pil'ffn‘ М’

~ Long5 bearing )eHow ßowerr,being tall plants.;` ".either that which 5"’1", ‘

Í hath narrow dar/(green leaner, not _ferrate :. or that whofe leaves ’ '-“‘i are more broad, of apale green and ferrate. Y


. . . Dr b l tr .Seed wrapt up in down; having five leaves 1n the Bower; HClther that a a u u

which is counted a тура: or that which is counted an Antidote.

_;DOGs-BANE. ‘l 1 ` Атаки.

4' ' ' 1101:?!“

› LGrowing in wateryplaeeq having win ed leaves5 either that Which

is файл of a biting tafha j/Jort t ick cod : or that which is in Íbme

efec»for tbe ßower,bearing more long and/lender code," and Whitiíh

owers. ­ .

l ÈWATERCRESS. ’ who,...5- cucKOE FLOWER, Maj-fmt, „ММ.

tardam'ne. .L


_ uit

1 O2 I Herhr according tothez'r SeedfUeIIe-lî-lîart. ll.

v. ста- VÍCÃÍTSÜLATE HERES bearing FLOWER» or ‘HVÈ LEM/es,

LATE f f‘zmdivz'ded; (may be dillinguilhed into Inch ‘то leaves are

gäëßsuob f Fßecnzedjbr the flomerg whether fuch whole flowers grow

In an ‘Unxhel or Taft 5

_Perennial whether that ‘И!’ bears flowers of variozß'eolonrr on the

lame tuftzor that whole flowers are commonly of a hrightjl'arlet.


LONDON TUFT, Sweet john, Sweet William. I

van ILOW- Spar/edi), being either of ‚ _ _ I

Ens’ I Sweet jënt 5 _and elegant liruâure, their flowers (landing in fmall

cups; either that ofa larger leafand flower : or that whole leaf,

и ­‘ GlLLYFLOWEFt. (and Bower is ряд/ст.rpplnllue 1_ ‚

Carpphilne P ‚

"ÍW- I < No confìderahle Дня; _ _ ‚ _

Growing ina cup ; either the larger, theleaves of whole How”

ers are more round pointedzor the le[/e‘r,havinga clammy juice,

¿idw-,_ _ 2 CAMPION., (whereby little lïlyes are caught.

Maw.. i ^ ' _ ' CATCHELY. ­

I I Notgrowing in a cup; n low plant, bearing‚дитяpurpleЛоты‘.


Ими‘ i



.l ria. ‚

Lilia 4‘ BRlsToW NoNsuCH.CIM/"4MM Annual 5 whole leaves are of a bitter tall.

_f__frxß'fm 5.1‚Е55ЕК CENTAURY. ‚

Not eßeernedfor the flower 5 conflderable either fortheir

r[Manner afgrond/J5 whether

I íEreÜi bearing _

i {Пей _flonrerrg growing commonly amongfl Corn-3 either' that

I ~ whlch bears _fìnallßowem-,offmooth leaves, round feed,an an.

I _ <I gular cup z‘or that which bears largerflozverr, of adeep red,




Yaecefiß- I l 6 COWIBASIL. у j __ (h0atyleaves,and angular feed.

{жж- <II ‘ COCKLE. ' ‘ (leavesare


Tel/owflowere5ol`a red juice when bruifed, whether fuch whol'eâLefÍer-g either that ofa ronndßalk: or that of an langular



St. JOHNS-WORT. ‘ val .

7‘ St. PETERS-WORT. ‘ (ß k

a Larger 5 having a ronndfèedmeje'l, like а berry.

I 8. TUTSAN, Pará-leaner.

_ el’roeurnhent‘, bearing '

IWhite flower: 5 Whole leaves are cut in about the middle," either ‹

that which bea rs a more largeЛото’: or that which bears a littleSTICHWORT.­ _ ( flower having hairy leaves.



o salgan.

Gramm Leat








A] ne m a arie.ß Н 5 Coloured florverrg'the latter being fpotted on the baçkfide of

„M_ ‘ ‘ ‚о BASTARD CHICKWEED. (melmalnagaüů. l- _ ° ‚ ‚

Mil/@ajuin 5 bitter and cauflickpfa triangular {всё-МИН. ’

1 x. SPURGE, Tz'thyrzal.

LLargeßowerr5IIeither that weh is ufed for the'making offine linnen,ha

ving long narrow leaves, 8c a round feedveliel,conteining oblong

{hmmg feeds : or that with a llilïfialk, having leaves like thofe of

Linum- _ FLAX Linßed. (Sallam, fometim'es 3 or 4 at one Í- п. . __ гибкий‘: C lng on

LDivided leavergIIeither that which hath a Ilrong fent,a round feed-veilel,

the leaves of a whitilh b_lew colour: or that which bears a large flower ‘

ofa pale blew, with a circle of leaves under it, having a large feed

„ш _ I RUE, Herb ofgraee. ` (veß`el,horned at the rop.

Wr.. 3‘ EENNEL FLOWER. v1. cAPsu


lV. Herhr according to their Seed-vegel.. 1 о;

Vl. CAPSULATE HERES, whofe flowers conlill of three or tour „L ПР;

leaves, may be dillinguilhed into fuch as are 5 either of suLArE

Three Ieaver5 in the flower,being water plants5 either that which hathI long leaveslike Aloer, with lharp ferrate edges: or that WhOfe leaf flowers.

‘t doth in the figure of it refemble a barbed Arrow. '

’ I FRESH WATER souLDiER. ¿51H53?

‘ ARROW-BEAD. „ётё...y».Fonr leaver5 in the flower, to be further dillinguilhed by the

r«S‘ec'd-vtj/el5 Whether

I' Conipreße'd 5

3 Larger; and more broadf, |I'either that whofe leaf is like the leafof

I »l a Nettle,the feed-vellel fhining like Sattin: or that qfhoary ftalks

l BULBONACH,Hone/ìy,sattin. (and leaves,beìng the leller.' штата.

‹ ” MAuwottT or DroscomDEs. _ Mama...

I [су/е"; the former of a biting tall. f М”

‘ THLASPI. ­ ° ampi.

I3' sHEPnEAttDs PURSE. Maman.1 Round 5 of

"Larger headr5 and flowers being narcotic 5 either that of a bitter

white juice ofwhich Opium is made, with a (lar-like covering on

¿ the top of the feed-veliel: or that whoñ;­ leaf is more finely

l POPPY. (jagged, having a rough feed-veflel. Perm."

4’ BASTARD PoPPY. »framei

' I LLeße'r headr5and llowers,being ofa hot biting tafl5II either that ‘И!’



bears a 'white flower 8c reddilh feed: or that which bears long nar

row leaves upon the flalk,and others that are broader,and jagged

GARDEN ettEss. ' (towards the Ьоцот of the ank. www

5' sciATloA cREss. ~ ‘М’

Leaf5 as tothe

I I" Biting ‘ф 5 Н either that which is a largeplant of ajnic)/ërrate leafof

I 'a light blevgifh green : or that which isa law fmallplant, ofjagged

leaves, and rough feed-vellel, growing many together, each con- l

6 PEPPER-WORT. (tcining one feed.' SWINES CRESS. ‚ nella. '

l LShape 5 being like thofe ofIv), the Папы being divided into three,

and Го fubdivìcled, one (ide of the lower part ofthe leafltanding

7. BARRENWORT. _ (Out more then the other. Ep'md'm'

F/onier5 in refpect of the '

Colour5 beingpel/omdat e plants 5 [I either that whofe leaves are ofa A

blennßv green, long an fmooth, n/êd in dying: or that whofe leaves

8 WOAD. _ (are more narrow and indented. GWW’

— GOLD or PLEASURE. ` Mf‘fm’"

llfanner of growth5 in fpikes.

‘Upon the top oftheßalkr5 bearing fmall blew flowers', either that

ofleílerleavesìndeuted : or that of a naked (talk, growing by

VERVAIN. - (the fea fide.9‘ SEA-LAVENDER. L""°”""”'

i From the ßder ofthe /lalkr-j, Whether the

' Larger д having’a ji'atfeed-veßel. ° _

ì ю. вкоокымв. :7555;

Leyjc'r 5 being fmall plants, having compreffed {сей-КИЕВ like i '

thofe of меркам-риф: the latter bearing the bigger www

‘L SPEEDWELL. (flower of a bright blew. chamba


-ÍO4 ‚ Нет; mooring 101/9е1т$егс1-‘11еЛЁг1.Репин. „.t...

` ‘т. CAM- Vll. CAMPANULATE HERBS,may be diliinguilhedmto fuch as are

PÀNULATE "сидите;

Poonzferow 5 bearing ’

I Bigger ç/Eulent fruit; ti her fuch as have

fsofter :itin: or conta-,II either that which is the largefhof a waterifh

tali, having a large feed with a welt about the edges: or that

which is of a more rich pleafant taft,with a plain feed not murk

l |

l l ‹ x POMPEON, ,Qta/l1. (ed in the limb of it.

I I < ' MELON, Murßcruelon.

I t Shel/y eoatr5growing to fuch a hardnefs as renders them lit to make

l ­ bottles,Óe. U either that which bears commonly a white Bower:

сушит. 2 G_OURD. ~ (or that of a yellow Hower.

Стили‘. . L

I < J fßéfa ' ' ` ’

I ‘ Ejêulent5 of a whitilh pulp, and waterilh tali.

ст”?- ‹ 3. COWCUMBER. —

l Pnrgative 5 either that of а figure like a Pear, of a bitter juice :

or that like a баталий’, but fmaller and rough, the feedsсдщтдй. fpirting out upon breaking ofin the так.

Curumíe a/i- I l 4 ' WILD COWCUMBER.

¿Neither ejŕulent nor purgative 5 havinga leaf like that of a Vine,

but lefs, the fruit oblong but very fmall.


т“ {самые 5 having a lhort round feed­veffel,and angular feeds, climb

ing by twining about other plants 5 II either that which is not pur

gative : or that which hath a milky juice in the root.A violent pur



s _ 6 BINDWEED. (gative.

72'27"“ ’ SCAMMONY.s” t Ereä 5 confiderable for the flower, being either

Greater 5 II either that whofe flower is biggie attl the; lpìottom :bor that

‚ _ European - (w Ic is e at the ottom.ÈZÍ‘ “т”; I I7 Cov’ENTPtY BELLs. ~

fwbdißvß ­ ° THROATWOPLT.

‹ Exotic ; either that which hath flowers of feveral colours, leaves

l like фей: of Night/bade, growing by pairs, the branches alterna

_ ß Итог that whofe leaves are jagged, having а large thorny feed

8 MERVAIL OF PERU. (veffel.

gmmmmli- ° THORN APPLE. h

’Hm »Leler Il either that which hat

i. An lífeulent „root 5 a long leaf, a blew flower, the edge divided into

I I live points : or that whofe root is not elculent.


Crow“- I 9' BELL-FLOWER. °

<Intim/low Лоты-5 fomewhat like the linger of aGlove: the fecond

27""?- lo FOXGLOVE. N _ E (being of a purgative quality.

' “""""‘ ' yOYLY PURGI 1G PULS

LA Nareotie quality, || either that which hath large fmooth штан

ous leaves, but very fmall feed : or that which hath foft Woolly

_ I leaves jagged.

Метис. ‚ о_

Hyojìmmm'. I I

vm. CAPSU`

Chap. IV. Herb»~ according to their Звезд-‘иглы. 1 o5



theirleaves divided into feveral fegments, may be _dillinguilhed into fuch та}!

as have Nor cAM

Кадр‘! itl/¿f5 PANULATE

I ГО] .thing/i летом leaf5 II either that which bears one flower upon a

Ílalk which is bigger, being divided intojîne шт‘: or that which

I bears a le/Yßowerynan] together at the top of the flalk.

, ÉPNMKOSE- mimi. wu.I n COW/lip. _ . i Y `„пай/5.‘.

‹ ‹ 0f «thicker [тем/мг leaf5 the flower: growing man) together, fland

ing in элите’ eup5 Ileither that which bears the bigger: or the

fnader flower, the leaves being hoary underneath.

2 BEARS .durirula ‘Ur/i'.

I ' EY’ ` .'Pamlyßsmon

. L0f a round indented leaf5 ‘и’

I г. BEARS EAR SANicLE. tmf..

tLea'ujßelkt 5 Whether

Tablerplantß coníiderable for -

"Bearing their flower: in fbi/§61', the limb ofthe Литве’ being divided

I into ßvejëgrnentr, with very little big/¿5 either that whole [сити

<l and [talks are haar): or that which hath lejîleavet, being green.

I Y'rßßßßm,

f. 14‘ мотн MuLLEiN. lumai..

< IHnving fmab’dinlgieflower: 5 either that ofa птиц/7: [плана veel; ~

l I ßal/Q, the flower being a kind of Tube, with а lip on Orte fide: 0r

I having a ßalk, а leaf like а Nettle,a fmall purpli/hßozverßud

r a round eed-veßêl. ` `

l BIRTHWOKT. ‚дБ/Идеи‘.

I Sen'bulniß.

leLeß’rp/ant: 5 whether fuch as are „

rDeeiduoue 5to be further diltinguifhed by their different flowers.

rliefern/»lingo head with a gaping rnouth5having long narrow leaves,

I I the fecond having a heel.

I I б SNAPDRAGON. ¿„„­„5f„„,.

I ° TOAD-FLAX.` ­ nuria. ——

Reßeznblinga helovet or hood; (or that with fntnder hue/gr.

Having шефа! indented leaveo5 either that with turgid huelga:

Cri/Ia galt.

7‘ EYBRIGHT. anni..

<' Having broad jagged [спец with a „Же ofgaping домен, be

I ing a larger plant : or having long leave: jagged about the {et

ting on, with [вузе/гей.

I 8. Beurt-breech. 1m” 11,5

l A . ne.

I [ЛИ/э heelr5 either that whofèfeed when ripe will ßirt out of the ‚шить,‘

ood, bearing yellow Bowers : or that lof a pale down] leaf,

weak ital/g, trailing on the ground. ‘


‚9‘ FEMALE FLuELLiN, remieapndm/l.tEver green 5 having живший/4: creeping on th-‘e ground. Elm* А

xo. PEPtiWiNKLE. “ш

P ix. Bac. “'

1 o6 ‚ Herbr according to tbezr Бард-‘иглы. Part. Il.

Ix, BACCI- IX. BACCIFEROUS HERBS, may be diiiinguilhed according to

ÍFFROUSv their .

HERES’ fâialitie: 5 into fuch as are

‘Едим: 5 either in refpeët of the

lFruit5 being ~

Moßp/eajann a ‘Гrefoil propagating by ftrings or wires.

fugaria. Ё Ь STRAWBERRY. .

Leßpleafant.;` Neither that of aleaf like Аудит], bearing round

fruit ofа bright red : or that of a broad baby тиф leaf, bear

ing a large fruit almoft as big as a Coweurnber.



Iomum ame

llîixlum infl- |». `R00t5 bearing winged leaver, and a bed flower.

„М, l l g. POTATO OF VIRGINIA.-LMalIgnant5 whether fuch whofe leaves are more _ .

'Simple and undivided 5 either that which hath a долгим]; bear

ing black berries: or that which hath a more lang, broad,dark co

<I loured leaffa‘great root, bearing great berries on [ingle (talks.

Solarium. ' NIGHTSHADE.

manga... l "f' MANDRAKE.

[Compound 5 or made up of many fegmentsi Heither that which

­ bears lig/1tgreen berrie: in a didier: or that which bears but one leaf

_ I divided into four Or live parts, and but one black benj.

122%: 'a' HERB CHRISTOPHER, Berry bearing Wolver-bane.

Here» rara. . l 5’ HERB TRUE LOVE, One Berry. `

_ Manner ofgram/J s of the '

IFP/aint: tbernfêlver5 being Cli'rnben, whether fuch as are confiderable

A.' Ol.'‘J Г Pnrgativenejf5 bearing red berries; Heither that of a great white

i root , having leaves like a Vine , but more rough: or that of а

‹ <. "g'r'eatblaek root, with leaves like thofc of Ivy.

Brjenia alba. l ‚ 6 ‚

Втт‘ "ix"- ' BLACK BRIONY, Wild Vine, Ladier-/êal

l ',‘Being ful/0f eraoleedpricble: 5 havinga long triangular leaf:

Smil» iugm. I 7. PRICKLY BINDWEED.

LBerri¢I5 whether in a

­­fBladder5 [l either that which is а low plant, which bears a red berry

In а large bladder: or that whofe leaves are like Cbickmeed,

а ramping upon other plants. А ’

allntmgi. ~. 8 WINTER. CHERRY.

giîtnilmlum. .‘”' ' (От/1:15 having wingedleaver, like Elder, both for fhape and font.

.Eubuluh 9. DANEWORT.

0f bmbf.' i 1 о 7

_ 0f Shrubs". .

‘r SHRLIBS may be dilitibuted into fuch as are \ V

| Baccißzroul5

l Deciduou45 '

SPINOUS, or thorny. I.



SILIQUOUS 5 fuch as bear their feeds in PODS. IV.

l „Gramferotß 5 bearing fmaller feeds , whether fueh as are




may be diiiinguilhed into fuch as have either ’ '"широкие!1С3УС$ 5 whether fuch as ma be called

j rFingered 5 viz. when feveral procee from one point,bearing an el'cu

l lent berry conlifiing of many little pulpy grains aggregated toge

I ther in one head 5 Н either that whofe brauche: are ere¿î,bearing the

more pleafànt fruit:or that whofe branches arepracumbeut and trail

I RASBERKY, lid/17116'. ‚ (ing Ruh“ linut.

‹ " BRAMBLE, Blu/ruw. au... au..:l „_Wiuged; viz. growing by pairs againft ­one another upon a middle т‘ `





rib 5 either that which bears the mare beautiful and fveet flower : or

i that whofe flower is lçß' beautiful and [теги

ROSE. o Rßß.

i ` ь

’ l 2' BRÍER. I труды?

` Sirup/c leaver5 _

Divided into feveral fegments 5 either that which bears a шприц

ç/¿uleut lim?, _bein _ the lelleŕplaht: or that which bears a drier red

l bm), being the ta „мы. -

“ ‘GOOSBERRY ‚ ‚ . Gf‘ffllß'iß‘

‘3' WHITE TIioRN, Hwa/uf».- @www

l‘üudi'uided5 whether

"Randi/b5 whole fruit is

l г15121401“, either that which produces a fruit like a ‚дикий/Ищи,

’| l black, round, ofan acid auliere' tali, the bloflòn‘is coming‘out

‘ I before the leaves: or that which bears its fruit: iu algien,

l < being long/lender или! ,of an acid tall.

I sLoE-TREE, виды/‚ш. ` 0 Prim» fam.

I 4’ BARBERRY. ‘ ж“.lkNot q/Éuleut5 whether l f '

¿_ Purgative5 having leaves like thofe of a “дм-“Се, bearing blackberrief u/êdin сайт. ' А

5. ­PUKGING THORN; ` уж?‘Not purgativc 5` "either that which hath loi1g5' (lille, Ilender, ma u“

l (harp thorns, bearing a fruit ‚фтыщ а but :' or that whole

berries contein a lougßreak‘ecljëecl.

l 6 ёснюзтз THORN. ‚ pam.

l ° Lytium.

*LLoug5 and fomewhat дату‘. ` ,y

7. BUCKS THORN. ` P' 2 1l BAC­ Hmmm»


‚ ._y-“M


n. мест



ous Nor


ìi'itù .


Vix/'x llaa




Comu: farmi


„Padua flies.






Шли.‘ nigm

baccifrm .

.Periclymmuт '







Ca„Illa Poêta.




Sambgccìtt a









— !





0f — Sbrubr. Part. II _.‚ v ~ — ‘fr0-__*


NOUS, may be diftributed into fuch whofe berries are5 either

'| [1j/Zuletzt 5 bearing their fruit

In c/:yierß II either that of a rich juice,fpung wood,trailing branch”,

or that whofë leaves are like thofe ofGvvvJ erry, but Iarger,and пей

I VINE, Grape, Raifìri. (brancher.


Sing/y д being a lowplant, of dark green leaves, hollow flowers, fmaII

— a. BILBERRY, „bottle-befr). (Fruit.

LNot e/¿ulent5 to be further diflinguifhed with refpeft to the Leaf.

‘Undi‘vided 5

I Irlîound 5 confidefable for the

I ^ Manner of bearing theirfruit 5 whether

l "В: ‘Биде/15 whofe leaves are .

I I Hoarj5 underneath5 Ieither that which bears black berriu,

I I containing one На: eed : or that which bears redдети.


< ` WHITE BEAM TREE, Cumberland Hamborn.

I Green 5having red twigr, and a blackfruit,conteining one ker

I 4. DOGBERRY TREE. — (nel.

I In ela/ier: 5 having but one grain in a black berry 5 Н either that

l ¿BIRDS CHERRY. (whofe leaves are largereor leßr.

l I5' WILD воск CHERRY or AusTiuA. (leaves агс

I < Sparfed/j; having feveral grains in a berry 5 whether fuch whofe

‹ .Hoarj underneath , and lef-,II either that of a thicker leaf,bear­

‚ I ing a red berry, covered with а kind of down : or that other

I 6 DWARE MEDLER. ’ (bearing a blackberry.

| ‘ SWEET WHoaT.

I Green and larger 5 like thofe of Alder, but fmoother,bearing a

I blackl berrj,the inward bark being a violent purgative.


WOODBINE, Honj/ìickle. (ing: or that which is нед‘.


lLTaß oftbe fruit, being bot,biting,aromatic,growing in clulters,each

clufler coming out on the fide ofthe Наш, oppofite to a Ieafon

9. PEPPER. (the other Пёс, being a Climber.

tLW’S â’ enigmas, bearing red berries; either that which fends out ­its

I bloílorns in winter before the leaves,being ofa fweetfentzor that

Ñ whofe younger branches and berries are quadrangular.



tNot purgati'oe 5 having llender flexile twigs; IIcither tliat which

bears black berrie: in clujler: : ог _that which bears red berries

PRIVET. (more ar ed! ‚‘ I' sriauß cAssiA. Л’ f j

jldgged; either that which bears a great round clit/ler ofhabite Логист:

GELDER ROSE. (or that which bears itsflower: in an Zim/zel.

‘2- WATER ELDER. (ian-e.,

Compound; bearinga flower like jeßamine with round black Ihining

‚3. YELLOW jEssAMiN-E. (fia/g.,I_Ha'oing no leaf; the jloroer: and [ferrie: coming out at ‘труп: of tbe

i4. SEAGRAPE. lll, ВАС.



I Flower: 5 being tubulous and odorate5 either that which is clinzb~ -


' l

Chap. IV. ’ 0f S/Jïubf. 109

ш. BACCIFEROUS sEMPERvIRENT sHRuBa’may bedionbu- ш- мес‘

llrcoml’ound ‘3 Whether Пес! into fuch whofe leaves are 5 either äçßîglëàw

I Winged 5 II either that which is of a fragrant[0:01!з bearing)el/omjêed: RENT

in black berrie:: or that which bears [та/Нигде: like Mnlberrin. SHRUBS'

I TRUE BALsoM, aan. Egrem

< 1’ THORNY EuRNET. ­ '.l Fingered 5 having feveral leaves growing from'one foot­llalk,bearing

I a. DWARF PALM. (thefruit in clufters. gdm“ "“mf'

¿ ,_Intire 5 whether of_ ° » ‚и‘

‘fIndented edges 5 bearing

Black berries5 II either that whofe leave: grow againß one _anat/Jer :

or that whofe leaves grow alternate/j.

^ PHYLLYRIEA, Mock-priver. rbi/,naa


I Red berries 5 either that of oblong ßn'nz'ng ßrra'te leavin, bearing

l l fruit like Strnwberriu, .but bigger: or that which bears berries of a

A STRAWBERRY TREE. (morepalejel/owy‘b red. ‘Mmm

~­ 4‘ EVERGREEN THORN. Premie»

l штат/э edges 5 to be further dillinguilhed by the (leaves are

{Та 5 hot and biting, being violent purgers5 whether fuch whofe

Broader5 of a tough Панк, the leaves towards the bottom being

more long then thofeof1ïay:,bearing ‚песню‘ l'lowers,and black

_ 2 5. SPURGE LAUREL. (berries5of avery hot tall. ¿WMM

l Наташе’; either that which bears longpale leave: and red ber

ries: or that which bears dark green leavel', the berries growing

6 threes. ëlllí’m‘tlîl.

’ wIDOW wAIL. (either „allí“

Flower5 as to the manner of its growth, as likewife of the Berrie-sg.

‚ r'In tbe nn‘dß of tbe leaf5 whether having

ï. "Larger leaves5 not_[[n'non: : the latter of which hath a fmall leaf

I I growing out ofthe middle ofanother leaf,betwixt which two,

‘» . l the bloífoms and berries do grow.




* ‘ _ LAUREL OE ALEXANDRIA.l / . y Hypogloß‘umd

leger leaves 5 fßinoiw, bearing large red berries.

8. Ruffin.l

I `In an ‘Urn/:el 5 havin a thick, broad, dnl; coloured leaf, bearing

I ­ early flomen, and aid to bloffom twice in one year.

i9. ' Laurie! ‚мм.

­ I Leaf5 whether


гид/Алтай"; and prickly at the ends,being odorate5II either that

I whofe leaves and wood, are of a more pleaßntfënt, producing

i Нету/1 berrie:: or (‘пак whofe lent is ley? рифм‘, bearing black

‘ ю JuNIPER. (oem-a.I i . Sabina.

` I {lionne/1' o and broad 5 either that which is odorate : or that whofe

flower: grow in chf/len, bearing pentagonalfrnit about the big~

x1 MYRTLE (nels of a Peajê. Mmm. _

I ’ MYRTLE sYMAcH. ‚„‚‚„—

Lillanner фар-отл; s upon other plants5II either that which hath Weak

branches, angular fhining leaves, black ber-rie: in clußerr, growing

commonly upon other trees or wallszor that which nevcrgrorv: on

IVY. (tbegronnd,ofa paler colour and tránßmrwt berriw. Hfd‘f"

’°‘ MIssELTO. Iv. st rtw

l lo Shru'hr. Part. Il.

siLi- iV. 'SlLlQlOllS SHRUBS, may bc dillìnguilhed into fuch as are

QUOUS rDec'dnoua- whether havinsiiiuißs. r ' " g

Intire leave: 5 the _ .

Greater5 being a tall plant, approaching nearer to the magnitude

of a Tree, bearing beautiful fpikes of blew flowers. ï

Iâ i. LILACH, Pipe-tree. '

ïEnropean, confiderable for having

А purgative qualit}5 either that which hath nood leaf at the

end :or that which bears its feeds in hollow pods or bladders.





Sena. I

An файл! root 5 of a fweet juice.


¿Exotic 5

f_The Greater; being thorny, bearing yellow flowers 5 “сыщ

гЬаги‘ЬоН: leave: arefnader, the flowers growing in a (phx

I tical cluller, being odorate: or that Whofe leave: are much

' < larger.



Icaria Ameri


The Leßër; conliderable for the falling down of the branches,

_ and clofing ofthe leaves upon a touch, as if the plant had fenfe.

fl‘m мм" 7. HUMBLE PLANT

u’ I_8efnpervirent5 having _

l"Green twig: ,5 bearing yellow flowers 5 II either that which hath long

Acacia. I





twigs are more lhort, and Же, and prickly, bearing fhorter cods

more full and thick.'


Спирт I 8 ‚Genißrx ‘ I

'"1"' [Нам-у leaver; IIeither that which hath long Мани, (landing thick,

bearing white flowers Íhaped like thofe of Broom, having winged

leave: : or that which is a Cinquefoil. ’


Dorytnium. 9.

у. GaA

Iílrßlg“ I Leßér; [Ieither 'that of a round leaf, being a low plant, the bud of

i whofe flower, when pickled, is an efculent fauce, bearing large _

white flowers: or that whith is tal/er, bearing )el/orvflowert.

(apparù. `

’ferm I °‘_ THORNY BitooM.

tCovzpound leave: 5

Trcfoil: 5 bearing yellow flowers 5 the Greater, or the leger.

Lakůrnum.Gaf,... 3’ _snituß TitEroiL.

Winged leave: 5

(lender, fquare, flexile twi s, and long thin cods: or that whofe _

Chap. IV. _ 0f Sbrubr. 1 1 I

v. GRANIFEaous DEcIDuoûs-siifuñßsîmg.

ed into fuch as are FFROUS

лёг-ей; to be conlidered according to their gůgmu‘ ~

rFlowerr 5 Whether fuch as have SHRÍIBS.

rSmal/er flomer.r5 in fpikes5 bearing

‘Кама/‘тип; like berrics5 either that which bears jive leave:

I upon a Росс-{ШК : or whofe Джем/фей arepentagonal, contein

I I ing fmall yellow feed.I I < I CHAST . Y, .lgnus fallut.

‘I l ‘ SPIKED WILLOW or THEoPHaAsTus. ¿neeffieI l LSeedmrapt up in Do1vn5 having very fmallleaves like thofeof Ci» P aß“

pref, and an odorate wood. II 2. TAMARISK. Tamanfclun,"

~ кДате!‘ flomerr5 whether _

I ’|0dorate5 IIeither that which 11‚ас11и›еа1‹1’тпс11е:‚ whofe flowers

‹ I are of a more рифм уши: ог that whofe flowers are, ofëa

' ¿ ßrong and le/Ípleqßmtfnze/Ã ‚ I

ESSAMINE. » ‚ ‚ _

I 'Él/veure PIPE TREE. ‚ `{Мы oeâirhatœ having leavcr like thofe of Мат) nml/oto, being .

an ' oary. . .

4. SHRUB MALLOW. 41th.”.

оды/тиф‘ of the leaver5 either that which grows in рта} pieter,

I bearing long leaves, and fmall filmnnoiß Cat/Qns: or that which is

I I a lowerplant,having roundiíh nervous leaver,t1pon long foot-(talks,

I bearing woolly tufts, “dßed: like Lenti/r.

GALLS. v E'ßf'xm‘f

5° aan suMAcH. _ gïgfgm.I `­Millelineßof tb? juice5 being aviolentpurger,` having long leuveol of я

degrCCnCÜ он’. '


LCIimberr5 either by ` arborefcen:

‘rmt/ling; either that which is a Trefoil .­ or that which hath winged

v/eaveoqbearing the flowers in a clulier havin ,h _ oCLEMÁTIS, Virgins-borner, ’ gf“ er] tuff;

7’ TRAVELLEas JOY. ‘Laying hold on wall: or tree; by fm 11; d -l . I'k 1 ñ ‘

8. VIRGINIAN cLIMBEas,ífgiZ1-:Ãi5y.l ec aw“ °‘ “gem »Iâ-.aga

1 Zîáîí‘s tull

V'î. GRA~

1 1 2 . 0f`hruht. Paraîl.

,vL (дым- VI. GRANIFEROUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS, may be diftinguilh~

PEROUS I'Europatan 5 conñderable for (ed into fuch as are

êìäir ' Bearing large flower: 5 whether that which hath hoary leave.¢,the Бои/

знхшвз. I er conlilling offîve leaner: or that which bears long/tif: leave: ty" a

ai... l HOLY itOSE. (def/term

› I ° OLEANDER, liefe-bay.

Having ‘ритм; quality 5 whether fuch as have

"Нашу leave: ; either that which hathfinal![ваши/„Щß! upon the

ftalk,being haar] underneath: or that whofe leave.r are bzgger,and

< hoary allouer, bearing fmall flowers in tufts.

Sana mund». I2Tartan ralf. . Tt‘07lbl¢’b¢”],

Jlypum mon


f Нам-у leave: 5 vertieillate,having hoodedЛет”: 5 Ц either that which

' <l ¿Smooth hard dr] leave: 5bearing a Нет/Мест like that of Зайди.

3. HERB TEBtitiBLE. ‘

l I I hath narrow long leave: hoary underneath: or that which hath

<i broader leaner hoary all over, bearing yellow gaping flowers.


Being odorate 5whether fuch as have

Lofnurinut. I

Samana l 4 SAGE MuLLEiN.


‘ф’ LGreen leave: 5 whether that which bears [пал/Тоже’: in an ‘barbel :

Г л Ь, or that which bears a largeflower like that of 0leander,yellow and

ж; ’ HAitTwOitT. ( Ipotted.

ma». alp'- 5 ‘ SSWEET MOUNTAIN ROSE.


'Iheplaee of theirgrowth 5 whether

rNear the Sea 5 being of a pale colour 5 either that whole leave: are

I [наш/2, beariri/g шеф_/1отеп‚ат5р/‘тлдтдф’фдЁей: or that of

| winged haa ining leaner, bearing jello» flower: in clufters.

„um“ < 6 SEA PUKSLAIN.

your? barba. . . . l

к!” barren place: 5 being a low plant, having[илиhollowДомен, and

Е,“ 7. HEATH. (little leaner.LEz'oeoti'e5 а low ,/hrub,L the branches fpreading and growing thick toge

ther, which after being dried and Ihrunk up, willupon beingput into

° warnt water dilate and expend thcmfelvcs.Rafai aan; 8. ROSE OF IEKICO. i

cunt tu. , r

Of Treer.

è. V Il' Trees may be diIIînguiIhe‘d according to their

'Fruit or Seed 5 being conteined either in a

I’Fleßiypulp5 whether


PituNiFEitOus. ii.

l BAccirEttOuS. 11i.





I Hard [дед 5

I GLANDiFEitOuS, ог CONirEitOus. v.

I l SiNGLE TEouMENTS, orcoverings; vi.



Of'Treer. i ' i 113


1. POMIFEROUS TREES, may be diftinguifhedjnto fuch as are I~ POM!

filloreproper/j called Tree: 5 Whether" Deciduoua 5 having

rii'ijible Bloßóneag

I I’ грим when ripe 5 _

7 Moreround 5 the tree fpreading more in breadth,' both as to the

I I branche: and root: of it, ферм: having an outward cavity at

I ¿ each end, in the place ofthe blcßin and Федя/К, and live in

‘— l' I‹

ward шли“ lined with ßife темы-‚тех, each of which doth

I . APPLE. (commonly contein two kernelr. ш...

Lejl’ round 5 that part of the finit where the_fialk grows,being

more prominent s either that which riß: more in beigbtzor that

I which jpreadnnore in breadth, being a lower and more crooked

I tree,‘whofefruitis covered with a Domn,being when raw,of an




2' QUINCE (unpleafant tait and feng. жать









‹ LNot eßulengtill rotten 5 t

I l Tbegreater5||cither thatfmaller tree,having long leaver,dark green

I I above and white beneath,thefruit having a wide aperture in the

­ place of the bloßmt: or that Шаги; tree, whofe leafandfruit is

I ‹ like а НатЬт‘щЬщ thefruit bigger,and of a pleafant acidity.






3‘ LAZAROLE. _ I ¿gpm a».

lkTbe ltßêr 5 being tay tree: either that of „дядей/Этим leaver,

bearing a fruit like a [ш]! Рет‘юг that ofjagged leavet5bearing

a leßerfruit in didier: upon longfoot-ßß/kr. ­­ ’

i ‘ '.tl _ ‚‘ . Sorbas. l

4’ COMMON SERVICE. ’ ‚— ‘им „т

No vßble bloßo'nu 5 unlefi»` (as IOHN BAUHINUS obfervcs) within 'glu'

I the fruit, being a weak ‘миф/пот!) bark, large’lea‘vee, divided

commonly into fue jagt, whole fruit is of an oblong Pear-like fi

I gure,of а more (oft confiůence, full of little grains.

5. FIGG. ffm"

tSefnpervirent5 or evergreen5 whofe fruit is either

I Round-5 of а I

| Hard, crußaceoue, brittle rine 5 a Мат; trce,bearing large beauti

I ful bloßo'rnr, thefruit full ofgrainr in a redpulp, with a kind of

I Coronet on the top of the ‚ища: the place of the blo/fom.






ll L




l6. POMEGRANATE. Mala: euml

_» `S‘ofter fine; thefruit as toits colour being ofa deep jellow5|| either t“

I that which hath a quickjuice of a grateful acidity: or that whofe

s ORANGE. ( juice is of a more dullandflat tall. ‘Миш

I ъ 7‘ ADAMS APPLE. am., a.



'L0blong5 and oval 5 being of a pale )fellow 5 IIcither the bigger, whofe m'

rine is more Мёд!” and wholejuice if leß`acid: or the le/Swhofe rine

CITRON. (i: more ‘Ни, and whofejuice ie more acid. мм‘"ш,"

' LEMMON. ‘I1-’mmm

Ltßproperl] called ‘Пес: 5 bearing fruit: of fome refemblance to Figgr5i either that which grows to a great bigneli,bcaring a pleafant fruit,

many ina clufter, being Annual: or that whole шт: grow out of

one another, of which thof: in Мои/км Countries are commonly (o

PLANTAIN TREE. (.fmall as to be reckoned amonglt Herbr. мир: arbor.

9‘ INDIAN пес. (L. tI. иш- am ‘им


. y ‚ ' ' _—` 'i 'ww

..... e ‹——_-Ц—-_ ~ _.__-_______;__‚__ ____._;;_т___.‚_‚.-..._.._________—______.

1 1 4 0f Тгесг. t Part.п. num. Ii PRUNIEERouS TREES, may he aitrinêìiiëd imo funi-És ¿i2

“Rous Not Purgoti've 5


Вашими 5 whole fruits are

'\ Greater5 whole lione-s are

Haug/:5 having many deep crooked furrows; ||either that whole

l _ fruit is covered with a Down: or that whole {На is not donmy.

Mulu: мг“. I PEACH. ‘ДЖ/‘10010072.

Auf/wrm. . ’­ NECTARINE.

< Smootb5 "either that, which isделе’ ripe, oía more dr), fai/id,

‹ I yellowpulp : or that of am‘ore ßoeulent pulp.

Malur Arme- I27.53;.. l" PLUMM.

‹ lLLeßer5 putting out blo/ßnu before leaver5 either that which bears

amore round fruit upon a long foot-Balk: or that which bears a

more oblong fruit upon a фоне’ footz/lalk.


cm1. l 3’ coRNELIoN. .

l LSemperw'rmt: having floue: with very fmall kernels: "either that

I which hath long furrow leaver,bury underneath, theрт not efcu

lent till pickled : or that which hath very long leaner, like tbojì of

Reed, the fruit growing in clullers, of a pleafant tali.

Olel.мм. ‹ l 4- DATE,

ll’urgative; being fold in Apotbeearie: ‚торг.

‘ ‘ZJfed Джеймс: for food 5 either that whole fruit it bigger : or that

which bears afmallblaek turbinateßuiglianding in a little cup, of a

„l black, [гид rai/¿id pulp, adhering to the/lone ‚ which conteins

three Дай.


smo». l 5' SEBESTEN.

LNot ‚ф‘!for food 5 either that whole fruit hath fome ‚фтыдш to

au Olive: or that which bearsa red fruit, the leaf`/l:ort,round,fer­

rate, of 4 deep green.

Zìzypbuulbl. ’

Щ’ММ ‘- соммоы JuJuBS0I.



115 l

Chap. lV. 0f Trees.

ШШРЕКОЦЗ TREES, may be dil‘tinguifhed into fuch as are ш. BACCI"

FEROUS(either Tues.‘Епархии 5 '

iDeeidnoru' 5 whofe fruit 1s _ _ с

I SEjèulent5 having broad,round1 ),ferrate5rou`gb leaves5bearmg a fruit

. like t'hat of a lìosberrj, but bigger.

l 2 x . MULBERRY. Mom

I Not ejoulent5 having

’l Winged /eaves5 the Wood more

"Soft and fpungy5|| either that, the younger branches of which

are full of PitbJ bearing tbe berries in an Urnb'el, being of an ill

i fent: or that which bears its berries _ina elofe tuff, the Wood

l < being ufed for giving a black tinó‘ture to Leaf/2er.

¿l | v Samburus.

2I <1 ' „ RJmsSumatb.

¿Hard 5 either that which bears 1ts berrírs in an 'ZJnzbel,being ofa

red colour and an acid tait: or that which bears a fosa/l, round,

oblongfìuit, in long cla/len, having many hollow excrefcences _ l

l l Q_UICKEN TREE. flike Bladders. дню“ ‘“'

. \ 3’ TuEPENTINE TREE. fmt-„aa

[Single leaves 5 bearing аfnall blackfruit upon a long jbotî/lal/g, like

that of a Cberry, the leaves refembling thofe of Nett/e.

l 4. NETTLE TREE. um.

»Ezìerlgreen 5 coniiderable for their

ï'BerrieÍr5 whether fuch as bear

f Black berrics5 either that whofe leaves are more jbort, odorate,

l of a deep green5each berry,.conteining two feeds : or that whole

l leaves are morepale, long, ./bz'ning andferrate.

l I BAY. —‚ „ш.

l ‚ 5l акциями.

' < Red berries; "either that which hath frnall narrow leaves of a ‚

i dark green : or that which hath large ßsiningprickl) leaves.I 6 i Тлхш.

l i ‘ HOLLY. ‘Мыши; _

l .Wbitijb berries 5 having[тлиround leaves of an illjënt,a hard clofe

l 7. BOX. (wood of a yellowifh colour. Вт“

I LGumfns 5 "either that which hath winged leaves, witbout an od leaf

at tbe end : or that which hath long narrow leavesßlilge tbofe of Iris',

Í producing а red Gum called Sanguin" draconis.


. ‚ Drato arbor.

Exotic 5

гВесш’иаш 5 ileither that Whofe fruit is Aromatieal,being tbe bottom of

tbe Дате’ ,~ which when ripe ‚ grows turgid in tbe middle

»Where the feeds are conteined: or that of winged leaves, ‚Лат-мг,

of a deep green, bearing wbite berries in cla/ien. °

GLOVE TREE. .ffä‘îâii’i'ìf

9. ¿gedararba

Evergreen 5 either that of an Aromatic mood ufed in Phyfick5having

leaves like t/Joje of a Fig-tree, but icfst or that of winged leaves, long,

narrow, fbarp pointed, bearing berries like thofe of Aß’aragios,in clu~

о SASSAFKAS. (fiers. _gag-afm'.

l ’ INDIAN MOLLE. Q2 1v. N uct- мы»

i r­­­­­­­­­^«__-___..

.‚_ -_ _. .-.fn-_,... _* ‹___‚_‚„__

1 1 6` 0f Treef. ' ~ Part. ll.

Iv. Nuci- IV. NUCIFEROUS TREES,may be diftinguilhed into fuchasare,` J»

PÄRO‘SJS “Еще/вид conteining in one common ­hulk

т ЕЕ ` IOnc Пи’; having a covering thatis either

fThick and pulpy; having Oyly kernels5 “Рим that which is the

l l

larger tree of winged Ишим, odorate, having a rugged kernel, divi

ded into feveral lobes : or that which is a leßer tree5 having long



<1 narrow ß’rrate [eat/cu, and a jinooth kernel.

îßglînl! ' I. WALNUT.

'tvs e т ALMOND.

I t Thin husks 5 either fuch as are ‚

I "Wholly смотра/#45 and covered by their hulks 5 whether that of

I winged [еашх3 having a white thin /hed,upon which there is ano

I . ther rugged c0vering:or that whofe leaf i: like that of a cQginee,

I ­ green above and white underneath, the fruit covered witha

I I down) hnek, the kernelof a bad tali'.

2 PISTACIE, F//lic-nut.


Open at o’ne end5 being fmaller Trees , of broad indented leaves,

bearing Catk1n:5 either that of a larger kernel and thinnerjhell,

I whofe hwk is longer: or that of a Icy/¿r kernel and thicker`те”,



whofe hnrk is Лима".

Awllana. tCorilnsßlw- З.im" l SeveralМи; 5 whofe outward hulk is

fEchinate and prickly 5 IIeither that which hath long, frnooth, deeply

indented lewe:, the hulk conteining three or four Nuts : or that

which bears a дон, roundijb, ßn'ning leaf, having a fmooth bark,

‹‘ and Nuts of a triangular figure.

С‘тш- ' CHESNUT.

fee“- 4‘ BEECH.

LSmooth'5 andthin,in the forni of a Bladder5 being a fmall tree of

itx/UIMM' 5. BILADDER NUT. (winged leaves.

‘,Exotic5 conteining in one common hulkrOne Маг, either that which is a large tree, bearing the [ту/1 Nut of

allthat are known, covered with a thick rine upon the lhell : or that

which hath a hard Aromatic kernel, covered immediately with a yel

‹ lowilh Aromatic hwk, called Mace, upon which there is a thin lhell,

6 COCO. (and upon that a pulpy coat.


Several Nut: 5 having a coveringrMore thin 5 whofe kernels are ufed for the making of drinks, being

I but fmall trees 5 IIeither that which grows in Лил’; morß place:,

I having many kernels together in a hulk: or that which is lefs

Nun mofcba- I


properlyÀ called a Nut, bearing a donble kernel in a hwk, each of

them being Hat on one Нос, and gibb'öus on the other.I


Bun.: arbor. 7.‘ - LCot/ered with a woolly ßbßance: or that which belides the outward

tegument hath likewile an inwardpulp, wherein the[гид Нил/70:

“ШИН, f/Jape ofa Heart,and the bigntjfof a Bean, ufed in Phylick.




Chap. IV. 0f Treer. 1 I 7



fiinguilhed into fuch as are fl‘ä'îc‘gà‘f

‘самыми. rERous

l'Deciduoaa а either that which is a large tree, of a hard lafting wood, TREES'

l a rugged bark, the leave: waved at tbe садах: or thatwhofe leave:

‘ I are inore deeply divided, bearing a larger fruit, lianding in great

l < thick rugged cups, ufed for tanning,I I I (DAK' ­ i uereur.

x< n Cerrut.

l [Evergreen 5 either that whofe leave: refernble tho/ê of Hollj,being Ofa

l dark green above, and White underneath: Or that which is very

. ‚ like to this, having a very, thick, ligbt,poroa:,decidaonc bark.

° ' 2 ' HOLM OAK. „m

' CORK TREE. Sub,” "

i lfoniferoa: 5

[Вашими 5 bearing fmall Cone:5 "either that which grows in mate


турист, having leave: of a dark green, lhaped like thojê of the Nut

tree: or that whofe leaves are very llender5growing in trrft:,more

‹ thin at dgßaneu, of a paler colour.


3’ LARICH TREE. l am..

‘ LEvergreen 5 whofe Cone: are

IrBr'gger; Н either that which is a large tall tree,bearing great таит!‘ 1

Cone: offìnootb fea/er, flanding армий, the leaves being fmall,

narrow, and thick fet together: or that which beats long /lender

Ieave:,ttvogrowing out togetherfrom one `ßrcketahe Cone: conlilling

î of bard :readily/caler.


4’ PINE ‚ . ÍÍ-ÍÍÃÍ'lL€ßŕr5 having1

rLong leave: 5 either that whofe leave: encompaß and cover the

­ branches5bearing long Cone: banging donmwardr: or that whofe

\ leave: grow from each fide of the ßalk, being more Hat, like

thofe of Tew,green on the upper fide, and whitifh underneath,

‚‹ furcated at the end, beating Cone: jborter and thicker, growing

ereä'.lI Pifß‘h'tfec. дыни“.


5° FEMALE EIRR TREE. a... fmt...

Short /cave:5 ||either that which grows in a conical ligure, bear~

ing Лиц/1 гоишЩЬ Canet: Or that which hath compreßdbrancbe:

of a ftrong refinous fent, bearing fnall Cone: encompaßed with fix


6 РR Cuprtßiu.

’ TREE OF LIFE. arenaria.


/ Popular alba.


Part. ll.118


мыс Seeds verings, may be diFIingniIhe-d into fueh whole feeds are conteined in

IPod: 5 called Siliquona tree:5 whether (ось whole Pod: are

Of Trees'.

vIÍTREEs bo-oîiilg thoirsooosio SINGLE TEOuMENTs orco

MENTS. 'I Larger5 being

Efeulent 5 having winged leaner, and ner) broad Pod:.

s/'Iigaa arbor. à I. CAROB, `St Эти’: bread.

. Pnrgatine5 either that which bears a round, black, and ner)I long

Pod, whofe pulp I's ufed as a benign purgative:or that which bears

a thick Pod, having winged leane:, and a purgative pulp.



Leßër 5 having a round leaf, beating elegant purple bloßbrnr, and a thin

3. JUDAS TREE. _ (Pea.

Mernbranaeeona eonering: 5 whether

‘ Foliaeeona hwkr; II either that whole leane: are rough and indented,

having a rugged bark: : or that whole leaf is fomewhat longer and

[пот/де’, having a More enen bark.



IAIateß’edne/ßh, or Ke): s whether fuch as do generali bear

ÈSing/e Kc): 5 having winged leaner, a fnooth bark, and a tough wood.





[Ни gud».


(arpl'mt I.


fraxlnur. 5. ASH.

Double Key:5 either that which hath [падет leaner, divided into

I live fegments, being a brittle wood : or that which hath broader

‘i leane:, more deeply divided, being a [д]? wood,

_ 6 MAPLE. _

1"' '”"”‘" ' `SYCAMORE.

Catkin: 5 called j'nliferona tree: 5whether fuch as are of ‘

' Leßer leaner; either that which hath jlender reddijh ‘ту, fmooth

I and n'hite branche: .’ or that which bears a ronndi/ÍJ erenate leaf, up

I I on тегу jlender ‚шумно, which makes them apt to Ihake upon

every little breath of Wind.


Populu: tre- _ Í' _ _

'"“l‘” ‹‚ Larger leaneaf, either that whole leaves are of a darkgreen,like thofe

OfIn), having a tahiti/7: bark, and growing in watery places : ог that

whofe leaves are laeinz'ated, being of a dark green abone, and haar)

_ 8 BLACK POPLAR. (white underneath.


tLongerшт; of a Той wood,growing той naturally in moill places5

II either that whofe leaves are more denfe and eonzpaäl, being the

larger tree: or that which is a leßé tree, having a broader leaf, and

bearing larger Cat-kim.


9' sALLoW. .Round Button: 5 either that which hath broad leanerI ending in apoint,

being fmoother above then underneatli,bearing afweet bloßona, and a

гений/7111! about the bignefs of a реф, conteining onejeed .' or that

which hath a divided leaf, Whole fruit is сайт“: Orprickl , contein

ing feneral/êedr' ‹

„и“ ю LIME TREE.

Plaraanr. ' ‚ PLANE TREE.

deer minus.


Popular nigra.

.Stalin Аида,“

Salix latìfol.



‚_-.. _v_ __- ‚ t.. „A ,.‚‚—‘,___.‚_`(_jhap. ’ ‚ 0f Treef. i x 11i9n

_ _-ŕ .—.—_ ‘А- П--- ___‚_._ VII,v confidered according to their WOODS or BARKS, vn. 'raitizs

may be diiiinguiihed into fuch as are principally known and taken noto

tice of for their Г ЗЁЁЪВЗ

"ìVood: ­ according to their u es in i ‚ 0f

| Над!“ whether fuch as are efieerned _ BARKS'

rCoro/m15 bging а hard, heavy, unëìuous, Aromatic Wood, the grain

l l like that of Oak. ‘

l ' I. Liguum Alon.

I Diapboretìc 5 of a hot biting taí`t5 either that which is ufed againů

l the Pox: or that which is commended as an Antidote again'íi the

i biting of Serpenti.


GuArAcuM, Ритм. › — ж

¿fina1n.2° sNAKEWooD.

Cooling ‚м Aßringent', whether that of a deep red, being hard,

i heavy, and of a finer grain, having adull tait and no fent: or that

I which is yelloWiÍlLof а [irait courfe grain, and fragrant fmell like







Mola . ’3 › ‘ îfanmlum ru»

° — YELLOW sAuNDERS. t ‚ . $‚'1‚’;';,„,„ „~

I ‘Ufe‘fnl againß tbc Stone and dxjëq/ê: 0f tbe Kidneyßll either that which „inum

tinges Water fo,as to make it in feveral lights to appear of two co

loursjnlewz/b “дуг/1011’, not coniiderable for ‘ф or fmeü: or that

l» which эта/‚щ‘; in the middle, and white on the outíîde, having

l a hottiíh tali, and a {ст like that of atv/.vite Hofe. ‘


l 4' А L'pmm км

[Мед/зайду; whether for I f f y 4 ­ lim"

Djing aredшт; the former being а hard heat] wood of a (irait

grain, with дна/(1 of bloc/t. i

BRASIL WOOD. “ф„1"“ 'fr'

5' LOG wooo. ’“‘”"Fabri/c ul‘es 5 whether the making of A .

fc4/,mms being capable ,of a Íhining politùre ,',neither that of a

black colour, a cloíe grain, being very heavy : or that which is

д vorlegateol with redand white._ Y ‚ — 150mm,­

l 6‘ PRINCES WooD.` y ‚ L _ .

Идём; for the conveiance of Water, being мазь: [lender trees,

growing to a very great height, having a ruft of branches onlyat the top, the greateft art of them being pit/J, inclofed in a.v

ßeäof very bard wood, omewhat refembling a liu/72,

. _ 7. CABBIDGE TREE, .Palmetto Rojdl.

Ba'rkr; or Rines; either that which is

îl‘ß‘ulent 5 being Aromatic, and of a (weer fait.











8. CINNAMQN.’ ‚ ‚ ‚ А . _ l . ‚

мамы; Il either that which is foßaveraign a remedy for the our@

of Agne: ‚ being of а dark colour ‚ по conjîderab/e taff : or that

which is of an АД со10ш‘,апс\ а bot biting toß,go0d againft the Scuro).

CORTEX FEBRÍFUGUS PERUVIANUS, ‘_'Íeyïlitr powder. Cm" ff‘fi‘

9‘ Connex WINTERANus, fw“Cnnx Wn



vin. TREES


118 0f Treer. i Part.ll.

vl. 'nuits VI. TREES bearing their Seedsin SINGLE TEGUMENTS or Со

”hofcseeës verings, may be diliinguithed into fuch whofe feeds are contemedln

’ Pod: 5 called Siliquoio: tree:5 whether fuch whofe I’od: are '

MENTS. ‘I Larger5 being

âEfculenœ having winged leave:, and very broad Pod:.

Sil/'qua arbor.

I . CAROB, St john’: bread.

Pnrgatz've5 either that which bears a round, black, and very long

I <| Pod, whofe pulp is ufed as a benign putgativezor that which bears




a thick Pod, having winged leaver, and a purgative pulp.

C4051- CASSIA.

Tamarimlm. 9‘ TAMARINI)

_ [фу 5 having a roundleaf, bearing elegant purple blqßbrnr, and a thin

3. JUDAS TREE. _ (ma.

Membran/accolta covering: 5 Whether

' Foliaceon: hin/g; || either that whofe leave: are rough and indented,

I having a rugged bark: : or that whofe leaf is fomewhat longer and

—‚ fnioother, having a more even bark.

'ZJ/mut. 4’ НОКЫВЕАМ.

[А/а‘е feeder/jez., or Key: ; whether fuch as do general] bear

äSing/e Key: 5 having fringed leaver, a frnooth bark, and a tough wood.

(arpinu r.

Бах/“ш. 5. ASH.

Double Key/:5 either that which hath [яд/е" leave:, divided into

I live fegments, beinga brittle wood : or that which hath broader

_ 4 leave:, more deeply divided, being a _loft wood.

Acer minut. 6 MAII LE~

1‘“ ””""” ' `SYCAMO'RE.

(шёл: 5 called j'uliferoaa tree: 5whether fuch as _are of ’

’ Layer мы‘; IIeither that which hath /lender ‚ему/1 trvig:, fmooth

I and white branche: : or that which bears a roundijh crenate leaf, up

I I оп very /lender foot-ßaIk:, which makes them apt to Люкс upon

every little breath of wind.


_ ‘ ' ASPIN. _

<| Larger Агат’; either that vwhofe leaves are of a darkgreen,like thofe

of Ivy, having a tahiti/h bark, and growing in watery places : or that

whofe leaves are laciniated, being of a dark green above, and hoary

8 BLACK POPLAR. — (white underneath.


LLonger leave:5 ofa Той Wood,growing moll naturally in moift places5

II either that whofe leaves are more denjè and cornpaä', being the

larger tree: or that which is` a [ijle tree, having a broader leaf, and

bearing larger Cat-kim.


9‘ sALLoW. .

Round Button: 5 either that which hath broad leave: ending in apoint,

being fmoother above then underneath,bearing afweet bfoßoni, and a

roundfruit about the bignefs of a Peafe, conteining one_feed .— or that

which hath a divided leaf, whofe fruit is «шт orprick! , contein

ing feveralfeed:

ma, lo LIME TREE. '

Platanlr. .


reputa: m.


Popular m'gra.

/ Populu: alba.

Salix видит


Salix latifol.


_‚_‚‚`‚‚_‚_____ _ K „___._~________­_._____,._.,.______*­»__HChaplvfVH ’ . 0f Trees". ` 1595555


.VIL confidered according to their WOODS or BARKS, Vlr. ‘mgl-ES

‘ту be dil’tinguîíhed into fuch as are principally known and taken no- ‘щита

. . acconding to

UCC of for their their

"Waadt 5 according to their ufes in _ _ 2:88‘? or

| Pbjjícltg whether fuch as are eiieemed ì ` ‘

‘СИМ! s bâìng а hard, heavy, unů-uous, Aromatic wood, the grain

like that of Oak. ‹ l

‘ I'. ALOE TREE. щит 41m.

l Diapboretic5 of a hot biting taftg either that which 55 ufed againft

I the Pox: or that which is commended as an Antidote againít the

l l biting of Scrpentr. l ‹ ‹ . ‚

l <| GUAIACUM, Pockwood. ' ' lit’m'* "т"


2' sNAK-Ewoola. ¿ifm "”"

Cooling „м ‚фппдетд whether that of a deep red, being hard,

l heavy, and of а finer grain, having adull tait and no fent: or that

I which is yellowilhpf a ftrait courfe grain, and fragrant fmell like




Mw@ _

‚‚ ‹ ’ î'mtalumm


Snntalmn ci

5 'Q/¿fnl agaiqß tbc Stone and dijëajê: ofthe Кижи," either that which nimm».

tinges Water fo,as to make it in feveral lights to appear of two co

lours,lzlervg'/Íi andjeßom, not coniiderable for taß or fmeä: or that

› which is )eL/omg?) in the middle, and white on the outfïde, having

a hottiíh гай, and a feg-1t like that of aro/:ite Кф.

grain, with fìreak: ofbloc@ y ‚

BRASIL WOOD. "Amin" hk

5' LOG wooo. '"""~

Fabri/e ufes 5 whether the making of ‚ ‚ГСаЫпеН5 being capable _of a Íhining politúre 5 П either that of a

black colour, a clole grain, being very heavy : or that which is

г variegata! with redand white.

l 6 EBONY. ‚ _ .


{Иди-5 for the conveiance of Wafer‘, being ůreight [lender trees,

growing to a very' great height, having a tuft of branches only

at the top, the greateft art 05` them being pitb, inclofed in a

flic/lof very bord wood, omewhat refembling a Ruf/J,

v v 7. CABBIDGE TREE, .Palmetto Rafal.Bor/(t5 0r­ Rines; either that which is

îlzß‘ulent 5 being Aromatic, and of a (Weet fait.

gûjing aredcolou‘rg the former being a [Jard benj wood of; 'a firait













t 8. сшммоыГ . ‚ ‚ — y V ‚ ‚

Medicihal; either that which is lo foveraign a remedy for the our@

of Aguer, being of а dark colour , по coq/[double ‘ф: or that

which is ofdn A_/ÍJ colour,and а bot biting tajàgood againft the Scuro).

9' ЁСОКТЕХ FEBRÍFUGUS PERUVIANUS, Íéjílítr powder. Cam" f’h'.'


CORTEX ‘штаммов. тиCortex Win»





| 4' RosEWooD. ¿um ¿M

[Мед/‚идёт; Whether for ‚ dim».

120Part. П.

vnLTREEs >\llll. TREES confidered according to their GUMMS or ROSINS,


according to

their GUMS î






Gummi Ele


Gummi Ani







11ml тайма.

Luca .




Gummi 1m- Í

may be diíiinguiíhed5 either according to their .

‘fGumr 5 whether

Odorate5 being of a bitter uji, proceeding from an cxm'c thorn)



tree : or that which is of a yellowifh Colour and bitter tali, lea

ving behind it a kind of fweet rellifb, fomewhat like датам.



Zlio/im 5 whofe conÍifience is more

ì Solid 5 and hard

"Odoratc 5 having a

Í Moreрифм [дни ufed‘for



Sufnmigatiom 3 being tranfparent 5 having

î'LqÜc'rgmim5 Н either that which proceeds from an Aubian

| tree : or that which is of near refemblance to this, proceed~

i in from an .Ethiopian Olive, of a :abiti/ì) colour mixed with

‹| je ont ‚шт/и.



ILBi‘gger grnim5 proceeding from an Anverican tree, the latter

of which is more clear and tranfparent.


4T coPAL.iLPerfùmefg, l] either that which is cf a more hard coniiûence,

and more tenacious :or that which is more eañly diifolvcd.


5° BENJAMIN.LLeffpleaßznt fènt5 either that which is ­

' älllore volatile 5 white and tranfparent from feveral treu.

‹ il



i в. САМРНШЕ. Ig . Lqßoolatile5 “either that which is ynäuow and bitten/l1, eafily

è i growing Гей, proceeding from ancxotic thorny tree: or that

| I which proceeds from a tall tree like Poplar.



На! adorare 5 of a мандат, ufed in painting and corni/hing.

8 LAKE. ' —

Liquid 5 being of a fweet fent 5 either that which is 0f a ноге/Яну‘;

fmell: or that which is of a uddi/7) colour, ufed for Hopping dey'luxi




_ LiQuinAMBRA.



i 2N» odorate5 "either that which proceeds from ari Egyptimtbom] '

Chap. V'. iwnimúÖfń-Änimolr. 1 21 i


_a I. Concerning Aniruah, tbe general di/lribution of them. Il. Of exau

уйти Anintab. lll. 0f Fil/7J. 4lV. 0f Birdr. V. 0f BeaßJ'. ‚

VI. А Di‘greffion concerning Noah’: Ark., \

SEnlitive creatures may be diliinguilhed into fuch as are counted L ­


Imperfeâ'5 which have fomething analogous to blood, but are dellitute

of that red juice commonly fo called, being therefore l’tiled ЕХ

ANGUIOUS, having either no leggs, or more legs then four. '

Perfeä 5 Whether ' '

rFISI-IES, which have no legs, but fins anfwerable to them, being co

vered with a naked lkin, or with l‘cales, whole proper motion is

foinxrning. '

<„ BIRDS, which have two leggs and two wings, whole bodies are co'

l vered with feathers, being oviparous, _whole proper motion is fl]


`BIEIASTS, which are for the moli part, four~f`ooted,hairy, and ‘(Мра

tous, .excepting only fome few which are without feet or hair, and

are oviparous. _ _ _

It may be obferved to be amongli thefe (as it is amongfi the other

ranks of Beiugr, ) that — the more perfeê’c kinds are the leali numerous.

Upon which account, Inßä': being the moli minute andimperfeů, and

fome of them (perhaps) of a l‘pontaneous generation, are of the great

ей variety, tho by real'on of their littlenefs, the feveral Specie: of them,

have not hitherto been fufiiciently enumerated or defcribed, by thofe

Authors who have particularly applyed themfelves to this fiudy­

There are fundry of thefe,as likewife of other Animals,which have no

Latin. names,as being unknown to the Hamam, 8c there are fundry which

have no Engli names, as being [hangers to us. And _amongft thofethat

have Euglilb names, fome are here defcribed by their uliial Appellations ln

Latiu,becaufe l knew not at prefent how to render them properly in Eng

lg'fb: And fome there are peculiar to fome coalls and rivers , and not ’

commonly known elfewhere, which are hard to be enumerated.

As for давит Anima/r, as дуге”, or Mermaid, Pbœuix,'Grißïn, Harp),

Ruck, Centaur, Satjr, де. there is no provilion made for them in thelë

tables, becaufe they may be inlinite5 and beßdes, being but bare names,

and no more,~they may be exprelled as Individual: are. '


1 2 2 i Of Exangus'oua Animals. Part. Il.


0f Еда/111811101‘: Animals.

è, n, ~ 'Hofeitinds of more imperfdt Animals, whichж dcftitute of that

‘ red juice, commonly called blood, am Íiîled Exnwgw'owr, to which

may be annexed that гепатиты‘: giwsnto Bhe leali kinds of thefc,

viz. Infeä, from that incifurc or rcfcmblancc of cutting what is common

to той of `them in fomepar: of their bodies.

Thefe EXANGUIOUS ANIMALS may bc difiinguifhed into

"Lçße'r5 ufually called Infeä‘s5 whether fuehwhofegenerationis

‚ ' "Analo‘gous to that of other Jninahywhich breed young like then»

I l felvcs, growing froma lcfïcr to a greater magnitude, not being

<| tranfmutable into any other Inßä; whether fuch as have.


l SIX FEET and WINGS, or MORE feet THEN SIX. 1I.

LAnomalous 5 whether fuch as


l Have in tbeirprodnä'ien undergonefeverall anntatims5 being firfì

Eggs, then Иди“: or Caterpißars, thcn Aurelie, and then flying

.I Inßäs, which after their lirft produûion do not increafe Lin mag

1 nitude 5 whether fnch as have



t; 'Hard5 whofc bnes are on their outEde5 ’being either —

Е .f CRUSTACEOUS; namely Íuch as are wholly covered ЧМ: a

д Ё mgb fìexileßsbßane, having generally eight legs, belidesa pair

ofc/am, and woot-,more annulated barns or feelers. Vl. _

¢ TESTACEOUS 5°of amore bardand brittle туши

TURBINATED5 conûůing of a cone-like eat/ir), fouled-up in

a ßn'ral, which beginnin at the Aperture or таит of them,

' doth enerally proceed 'the left hand to the right. Vil





V. 0f Exanguione' Animali.

I. _IÑSECTS of an Analogous generation, havin no fëet, Orbutjîx LINSECTS.

°feet, being without zwingt, may be diüributed into tho e that are 1:; ’

’Apoda5 wlthout feet. h, being

fMore oblong and ronnd5 äthfut

{Larger д, "I ’

ofpam; [l either that which breeds in `the emh: or that

Í [f More ßender5 of a мы colour , with very little di/ìinc‘ì‘ion

! which breeds in the bodie: of children.

lil EARTH WORM.‹ l ‘ BELLY WORM. . „мм“,

`[More thichú either that which breeds in water] placeßbeing njëd ’

for the drawingof blood: or that which is covered with a ßz'fn]

anoißure, having four little horn: like prontirzencief, or Войн’.


i 2 LEECH. ‚ aff-1i#} '\ SNAIL. ММ‘

[Leßér 5 breeding in Animal: 5 either the more minnie, being fmall

| white Wornu,breedìng inthe шпаги‘: ofMen : or the bigger,l`tick­

.I ing their head: in the inwardmembrane: zy" Horßtßornach: or51m.


l 3' BOTTs. ‘ ' ‚ _ ~More /hort and flat 5 either that whofel Íhape doth fomewhat 're/érable

a Flounder, found both in waters, and inthe branches of the Porn:

bilearir, and the liver of feveral of the Вашим: [Lind: or that of a

‘тиф-пе hodj, with a little trunk ůanding out betwixt two Ате’д4

me,and (ix ßringyßiljiance: behind, living in the Seo.l

~ _ ­ FLUKE.

4‘ ASILUS. °

— Hexapodag, having feci.

Г Terreßrial 5

‘ÍGreater 5

ì'More [lender 5 either that whofe bod] is fome'what стр-#4,

l ‚Байт; out a light from her tail z or that Which-is of a subiti/h со- _

g lour, more oblong, breeding in Meal. ' _ ‚

j ‹ GLOW,WORM. “dwf

l s‘ MEAL'WORM, Gentle. “ ‘t‘mm‘

'Jeff/lender 5 either 0f a

Darker colour 5 being like a Beetle without vingt, but feeming to

‹ have fome little rudimenti of wings, noted for being apt upon

a( I a touch to fend out a ‚сдают: ojljfibßance from hisмм. `

в. PROSCARAB. . ­ www.;

I i Lighter colonr5 whether that which rejêntblexa [оси/1 without

:vingt: or that which is of aChejimt colour, flat, broad, jàft,

I avoiding light placer. в


l Z' _ соск Roenes. l £112.' ""‘

l`Leßër 5 troublefome to other Animal: 5 П whether that of аpoler со

` lour .­ or that of a dark red, beingjâlient.

8 ' fcdicttllń'

FLE A. Pula.

[Афина 5 having a conthreßid Идём/1:11 an oblique deenfition upon the

back, and a long tail. n ' ‚мы‘ „Я“.

9. WATER; SCORPION. R- a И. 1N~ ¿im

124 0f Exangnioino‘lrzinialr. Part. H

~n. iNsECTS ll. ‚ INSECTS of an Analogous generation, having either wing: or more

winged, or

having above

fix legs.






Шаля alata.


- Cicala agua









‚арт; 1




“дядей 5 whether (leg: thenух, may be diftributed into fuch as are

‘Лифты! 5 whofe bodies are

| .More oblong5

l fLíving in openji‘eldr5and feeding onplanmH either that kind,by the


fwarms of which whole Countrier have been fometitnes deli'roy

ed, having long hinder leg: for lea ping, making a noi/Z» bj rubbing

l their leg: againß their wing: .~ or that ofa long[lender Шеф, often

(I holding up the ‘парте-1:31, which are longer then the other.

I l LOCUST , Graßiopper.


[Living in hole: ofthe ground,and honfe: 5 either that which alieóts

_to reflde near Hearth: and Ovenr, making a noife like a Locri/l, by

the aliriůion ofthe wing:,having the wing: lying more clofe to the

body : or that whOfefore-leg: are broad and­/lrong,divided~into[л

ger: like theyë cfa Mole5whereby it is inabled in а very Íhort fpace

CRICKET. (to dig a hole in the ground.

EEN-CRICKET, Evechnrr, Chnrrfworrn.

[aan ...nM/gaand »ma , || whether am which han. twang/.f

Jhon/den, being marked with an oblique decußation on the back, ha

ving' theprobofcŕ: ним-13‘!under the bel/)rior that which is ofa Cheßut

eolonr,having large wing:,avoiding the light.



‘Индией having a decnßation or kind of Lozenge~mark on the back;

Н either that which run: upon the top of the water , having long leg: like

thofe of a Spiderzor that which hath two long fabi/inning leg: behind,

WATER SPIDER. ­ (whereby he[эти in the water.


Not winged 5

I'Terrejlrial 5 having

‘ Eight leg: 5 being hurtful to

l l l' Animal: 5 either the - ~

'r ¿ärger 5 whether that which by drawing out Born the bed] aßirn)

«l fflßancqand working it with thefeet, dothfrarne afrnall Web to

catch Flie::or that which hath an oval bodhtwoforcipate clam,

' a (‚ту tail,nn'th a crookedjling at the end qfit.


5' SCORPION. _ _Middle kind5|| either that of а nound had),the leg:Дж‘! to the neck,y

liicking to Animal: by thrufting the head into their :kinzor that

which is ofa darkred colonna tender :kin, тиф”; а very oñ‘en. v

6 TICK, Sheep-tick. _ (Gveßink, when crulhed.

° PUNICE, Wall-lotg/ë. _

Leg/i kind5||either that which breed: in corrupted Chezßd‘ì‘nitßtc.

or that Which'doth tvorkitinto the :kin ofchildren.


I 7 ‘ ёи‘нвы. WORM.

l Clothe:5 being of aßlver colour,

8. МОТН.









телу, oblong, offvift motion.

gib/ion: back,l being apt to roul it feit up when touched.

9. SOW, Cheß’lip, Над-10159, ll'ood-lmg/e. :More

Fourteen leg: 5 covered with ají-al] armatare,having aЛи‘ bell},and а


Chap. V. 0f Exmguzom Animali. 1 2 5

{Мат then fourteenfeet 5 whether that whole body is of a more cow- ,


` JULUS. ' " - У

lL „шт!“ whether-that whichßicßr to F:lf/),not much differing from`an

Aß/lm3but only in refpeél: of the tail,which is fomewhat broad : or that


l I SEA LOUSE, (Whole bac/(is moregißbaw5bcing apt t0 .rki/v. lf'ii‘ul‘“т

' SEA FLEA, Sugg, River Shrimp. ‚ › 2127:; шт

Ш. INSECTS ofan ANOMÁLOUSl generation, defìgned fora' llur


ther tranfmutatìon, may' be diftinguilhed into fuch as are MALous

"Арам, thofe that are wit/»aut feet, conlîdered according to th INSECTS'

Generalname г _ _ ‚ ’ `

Ё I. MAGGOT. _ ' мы,

Particular 111111115 Whether (uch as are.

lfó’barp at [zot/.1 end: 5 either the bigger,p1‘oducing thejin/Ifema kind .~

l 0r the Ießêr, breeding in the exorefcie: ад‘ 0441, and the luft: ofBri

l «mand Íòmetimes creeping out of the fides ofCatcrpiÍ/arr , produ

. Cing a fmaller fort опытахгфутдпу of which are Sem-ander.

Ё 2 BEE MAGooT, Gmb. ‹’

Ё ‘ sHrNiNo FLY MAGGOT; г _~

’,„Broaal and flat at their tail: 5' Heit-h'enthe знает, having то black

Люи on the tail, thefine-part being more ilt:nder„l with two little

black bool@ upon the laead5by fixing of which,tlris lnfeâ doth draw

his bod) forwardfrom whence Flq/ÍJ-[Вы procced:or the leßër, with — ­ д. ` ’

GENTILE. (а lhort ereót tail,producing Fife: ofthe Wa@ kind. ' '

3° WASP-LIKE FLY мАссот. — Ё ~

Peclata5 having legt, whether ‘

Hexapoda5 fuch as have fix legt.

i Aquaticgliving in the water; ЁЁ whe'ther that.which is nakedyroducing

l Dragon-ffies: : or that which is in a ca_/ë with little/haw: or Íiicks ad

l LIBELLA WORM. (kering to it,pr0ducing Ma] ßier.

' 4° CADEW, Straw-worm. ' "

'__l‘l\ l Ч



Temßrial 5 breeding feveral forts ofScarabr 5 whether that which<

i is of а [trait Дин : or that whofe tail is inverted under the âcllj.



More tbenfix/e315 conflderable according to the _

lf General name 5 comprehending all fuch,as beíides three pair of llen

der crooked legt, on the Мне ßr/i annu/i next the bead, have two

or more fhort thick leg: behind,and two appendage: й: the tail. To

4 which may be adjoyned the той principal of thofe.





lL Particular kind: д Whethcl‘ having

IfEi‘gót ум; that whichin its progreíiive :notion doth Бгй gather

I its [wel] up into a loop, refting it upon his binder feet and the ap

<l „то!“ of the tail, and then thrulting himfc<lffktorward, or elclie

GEOMETRA. ' . i in lorwar .Ё 7’ sKiPPiNo WORM. PP g

Umm) feet5 amonglt w hich the той соттоп and numerous kind

haveринге’:fcet5|| whether thofe that arcfmootb: or thofe that


` ¿PALMER WORM, Bear шт. 1V. NA

(prcjïe'd: or a more raundßgure~ ширмы. -

‘ furia.


._...—‚_ _____———.———..——‚__

‘1 Q6 Of Exanguzom Ämmalr. Part. Il'

1v. NAKED 1V.NAKED WINGED lNSECTS,which in their produäion do under

ха???‘ go feveral notations,may be diftributed into luch,whoí`e тих: are either

' ril/Ienzbranace_or/a’5 coníifting of a ‘Ы’: tranfparcntßlnz, being bred of

‘ r‘Apodo s without feet ° (Muggen or Worm: that are

` gßigger5 (habit and breed,havingjour wing: а whether fuch as are

fFav'y‘îcow5or making of Combr,in which multitudes'ofthem do со

I’Beneji`cial5 bj their gathering of Hon)l andWax from Plant: 5 Н ei

ther that which is of a more oblong Дин, the males of which

l (called Вики) are withoutßingr,being commonly preferved



l < in Garden: : or that which is morefbort, tbz'ck andbairy, living

Щит. ‹

I BEE, Drone, Hive, Comb. (more wildly in leíler [пить

' HUMBLE-BEE. '~ — '

I | t Hurtfnl5 by their defiroying ofjruitr,leer,ó~c.being ofan oblong


I jígnregmd ajeßo» colour5l] either the leßßofa IigbterJeI/owmr the

а ­WASP. (greater, of а deeper уедет.


LNot favgfcolu5 having (Wa/pf.

‘ Four vingr5 whether, fuch as 'in their Шара: refemble Beer or


. 3' WASP-LIKE FLY. ' _

Tivo ving@ H whether that of aдо”! tbickbodjpfvarious bigneiï

fes and colonmproceeding from an oblong round Aurelia,feeding

виде/71: or that ofa )Maui/Í: colour, and longer legs, feeding in

FLESH FLY. (dung.

4’ DuNo FLY. .

LLeßìr 5 living рогатый 5 either that of an oblong bodbwith a deep

i incl/irre, havingfour'wingr, of which there are many that at iòme~

times are without wing: : or that of a more [lender buffa tuff on tbe

bead,living near vaterjpldcer, having but two mingr.

ANT, Emmet, Рут“,

5‘ GNAT.

`Рита; having 1xfeet 5 whetherthofe of

'Broad wing15 | either that which hath a great bead, a [вид/Найро

l’ bq/Eir lying under the bell ,making a loud noife, by the help of two

[tiñe nrenrbrane: that are upon his breaíhor that which hath a near

. I refemblance to a Butterf'lhìn “Грей ofthe largenefs ofthe wingr,but

91„“ l I 6 CICADA. (only they are notfizrinaceoln or ereg;

. ‹


СМИ‘. ‹l





ìMuff. ..._ l



Mufca Лип




Mf‘lŕ‘r‘ti'l'* '- PAPILIONACEOUS FLY.


’ apoel Worm: or ofone that lives in arca/ë, to which little flicks and


Set/'cash'. '

г DRAGON FLY, Balu-bead. (ûraws do adhere.'| 7 ­ MAY FLY.

‚ LLong leg: 5 having but two Winge.

8. CRANE FLY. Sbepbearcl; Я].

¿Farinaceoua wingr5 being covered with a mcaljßclßance вашу coming

'ofi` upon a touch, which in the Micrcyì'ope appearsto confift of fmall

downyfeatberc,as the molt ingenuous Mr. .Hook~ hath firft difcovered 5

whether fuch whofe wing: in the ufual pofture are

Ereëîe'd; [landing upright upon their bac/@being ofgreat variety for

colour: and magnituderßiůinguiíhable into thefe two common kinds,

„Pam ÉBUTTERFLY. (fach as appear [y далек b) m'gbt.

plu/aaa. 9' MOTH. ‘ (ßrong',and the tail more broad,

(.'ornprej/'e'clg` lying more~ Hat on the bod},the wing: being more‘то’: and

ff'dmff- it. HAWK BUTTERFLY. ‚ V. SHEA

Narron» ищу; being bred out ofthe или‘; Н either of a nakleclbeoe~ l


_ Бард’, Exanguion: Anifnalr. i ’ 1 27

V. SI-'IE'Á’THED WINGED INSBCTS, commonly called Beetle: or V. SHEA-rn

8carab:, may be diliributed iinto-fuch, whofe coverings are more Ё};Thick, ßrong andБот}; Whether thofe that are accounted “ста.

fHorned5 having either _

I ¿Unborn 5 thegreater,the “ухе/1.41“: tribe, the hom turning-down

' wards: or‘the leger, being one of the oft/:ic tribe, having

- Antennae on each tide ofhisЛюк!or Богатые!) together reprelenr

g lthe Greekletter 4, breeding amongft and devouring Corn.


Minet-ern.I RHINOCEROTE. __L _ _ _ Scarabaeior


mz/i- ‘шт.

favoborrar 5^­

STAG BEETLE. (not branched like t-hofe ofa Bull. г’т“ wlw»

` D

Stijve, without joyntr, whether branched like thofe of-a Stagg : or

ЗЗ. But-ern.

- ' Linbenand with joints5 improperly 'called home,.being Antenne

or eeler:5 II either that whofe Mentre are very long and re- '



‚ ver сдаст‘ hi»~ backzor that which hath kglobbedfuler: not# long.­ " i Capieomut.

_I 3° NOEBED HORN'D BEETLE. д 53:13:31” _

LNot horned д . any» ‘

Terre/früh?, having

I " Longer covering: for their wing: 5

í 'Phe greater-5 -

‘ I 'I' Oia darkblackilh colnr5whether that wl'ńchis moll свиток:



I or that other ofnear refernblance t0 this,hav'ing ferrate legr,

_ < ufing to roul Dang into little balls , by working backwards „

- I « COMMON BEETLa. (with his einen fw. 5533:“

_ I I4. DUNG BEETLE. Searabam Pil

' t Ofa lighter colour5 either that of arttßt volour,livig 'm Treu, Mm."

_ l I „having а longíbarp tai/,extended beyond the „давно: that

. ЁООКК, Grey Beetle. (ofafhininggreen,feeding on lio/2:. scarica»


The le/]êr5 II either that of a lang [lender body, frequent about

boules, making a noilë like the minute of a Watch, by flriking

the'bott'om of his’breg/ì againli his beßymr that >ofa moreßort

roundjÈm-e, living in the feldx, being either wholly red, or „mh“

6 DEATH WATLH. (Íbmettmes fpotted with black ¿om im.° LADY_COW_ ­ Замбии‘

LShorter covering:; not reaching half the length of their байт, 'u

I which are long and Ilender,having forked laili, which they turn

up in their defence 5 the greater which isblackzor the leß’which


STAPHILINUS. ‘ (is of a reddi/h colour зщыиш.

7’ БАК“! GG. ‚ _ wat..

" Aquatic 5 II ей: er thegreater, living under water, having the hinder

pair ‘у’ leg: longer forfvirnaving, being faid to fly out of the :vater

fometimesin the night: or the lef`of a gibbon: round ßn'ning back,

ÉGREAT WATER SCAPeAB. (playing on the top ofthe water. ­8. aguas. mayor.


Thin, weak andßexile5 of more oblong [тайги II either that which is of “1"” '""""'°

a green, gilded, ‚шт; cvlour,ufed for Cat5/lick: :or that which jhine:

CANTHARIS. _ ’ (inthe night. caida».

9' GLOW WORM FLY. ‘п. The l





Part. Il.

1 2 8 Of Exangm'ona Алтай.

„Ь Cw 55575556 greater formt ExANGulous ANIMALS bcing они;

sraceous STACEOUS, maybe diftributed into fuch whofe figure 1s more

пишеш- .ous am. Ol’lmg’

MALS. ' Thegreater 5 having _. .

(Naked /lvcl/J 5 of a dark brown colour 5 either that which hath four

' pair of leg:,and two great claw: .­ or that which hath no clam,but

five pair oflegf,the fee/err {опыт/55:55 oonxpreßéd, being tbornj on


lßncm‘. l 4


‘ ‘ tbe back. `

L _ I LOBSTER. ‘omfia »mn- ~


{Осип}1725115 having a broad bead, with two fbort, broad, laminate

prominenoie: 55055155, ñve pair of legt, and no clam,

‘Ufff‘f шт’ 2. SEA BEAR.

'mi' | LThe leßér 5 living in

‹‚` rFra/b vater; rqenzbling a [отец [ш much le , of a bardДе”.

137!“ fm“ 3. CRAYFISH, Cre'vioc. - . ‚

‘т u’ Salt water; having a thinner _[bell , being of a pale ‘Heíh colour;

l I either that of a Матри- tail, the two flare-leg: being boo/ted and

not forcipate: or that which hath a broader longer tail, with two

i ì purple fpots upon it, being the greater. '

душа. SHRIMP, Ртпт.

'Sgm/f' M“- I 4‘ SQUILLA MANTIS. . ‹

° `Мг!!! ofother Sea Уфе: 5 having beiides two clam, and two pair of

leg: hanging out ofthe jbell, two other pair of foft hairy leg: with.

in the fbcll.

Cancelar.' S. Sûltldl'ef рт.

ьНашей/Ь; comprehending the Crab-kind, whofe bodic: are fomewhat

compreßéd, having generally дает‘ tai/.r folded to their bel/ier.

The Greater5 having t

Пёс!“ _ßrong, /bort claim; the latter of which hathferrate promi

пепла: on t/Jejîde of tbe clazrr, fomewhat refembling the Cofnb of


‹ d Cock.

Cenar emlga- I 'I ‚ ‚

Zimio... ‹ ° SEA соск

51еа55ш‚‹‚ Slender clam 5 either that of a lortger bod), having two born: be

tween bis cyeßbeing rough on the back and red when alive : or that;

whofe upper ßJelldoth extend beyond bio’ bod), having a long



Cancer maint. I CANCER MAJUS.

f;j§}f,‘_'"‘"“' 7' MoLuccA GRAB.

ik'l'he иже", refembling


А Spider5 whether that which is fomewhat more oblongin the

Cancer minor.

ЗА Common Crab 5 but being much lefs.

— bod},having a long рт: ; or that Whofe bod) is round.~ l

Jmnm тл




Chap. V. Of Exanguzour /íuzrnalre I 2 9

be difiributed into fuch as are g{1Rlá‘INÀ_

_ fMoreproperlyßca//eeh whether fuch whofe fpiralcon'uolutionr ‘пал ANLA ' Do appear on tbeoutßde; being either _ ’ MAI-S'

штата; but equal on both fides; Н either the Greater, having

leveral Diaphragmeperforated, the Aninial within fomewhat re

fembling a Poljpua: or the Lef/Í, being of a clark red colour, and

‹ found in water.





I `Proclncecl5 whêher

l fMoreßrort in the [мы produäion, confiderable for havinga

' Purple juice 5 heretofore uled in Djing , the Лиз”: beingv either

knolrbeilor thorn) 5 c_ither that whofe jbell is VC‘ry large and

thick, being tbeßronge/ì and beanie/i of this kind, having a

l long aperture : or that which hath a roundißr aperture, with a

I neb or beak at one _fiile of it.



i Long aperture 5 either that whofe‘turbinatedpart ir alrnoß plain,

i and the part not мышей/‚ммproduced,íomewhat like a Cj?‹ Í lindenor that which is orl a great bignqâhaving jóven/hong


furrotveclpronzi nencie: from one[де of the aperture.


3‘ Агоканмз.i

i Kennelijk aperture 5 either that which is moreprominent,having

топ: revo/atiom’ r or that which is more conzpreßed,havingfew­

er пес/„Наш, many of them having a knob by the aperture.

ЁЗЕА SNAIL. » ` мы”.


More oblong 5 always ending in a lharp point , having either a more


Prominent lrafì 5 either the Greater : or the Leßer.

ë 5' TURBO.Flat ließ» 5 broad and round,being nearer`­­ to the figure of a сопгд

the greater: 0r the le er whole lia/eis le flat.6 ткоснцз. ’ ß


j ’ PERIWXNKLE, Wel/ie.

l LDo not appear on the outßde5 but are mithin the Лав”, having long aper~

turey, either that whofe aperture is more narrow5beingfurroived on

eitherßde: or that whole aperture is fornewhat wider, not ‚штате‘!

0n the fide: 0f it.

VENUS SHELL.. ‘ . emma»

7 РЕвыАЫ SHELL. fa. ~Coralia PeriLLiji’proper/yfo called 5 being of near aliinity to the ‘Unia/alor, the injíde ff“

havlng a pearl-like jln'm'ng вашим/5:11 {everal hole: 0n One fide, being

at one end on the outfile [тела/мг rar/amen,

8, SEA EAR.' ’Juri; marina.


I 30 0f Exonguz'otn Ám'tnalr. Part. ll.


змею“ NATED, maybe dillributed into fuch as are

‘ ‘Uni‘valw 5 having but one fliell 5 whether b_eing

BINATED­ I ‘интим! 5 (licking fall to Rock: or other thmgs5 l] whether that whole

l convexit) doth fomewhat refemble a fhort obtufe angled cone, having

l no hole at the top : or that which is ofan oblong ligure, fornewhat Cy

Parella. l LIMPET. (an aperture at the top.

5.1.,... ‹‘ Í " CENTER FISH.I l Moveable5 either that' of a Spherical [уже fomewhat cornpreßed,full

l ofprick/ear, having one large round aperture at ‘Ie bottom, and ano

ther frnall aperture oppolite to it : or that which is 01` а more oblong

figurent tenderfhell, having tuvo aperture: on the farne fdc.



lLBifoalw5 having two [де/1: 5 whether more

I‘ Roundißi 5 (uch whofe outlides are

Штат/з; whether that ofa larger thicker_Hee/Lof a pearl-like jhining,

whofe inward part towards the joynt, doth end in a narrow[Ели

'l or ravit] : or that which is tahiti/ls on the out/ide.


3’ GALADES.<_ Rong/J5 either that whole фут: is more narrow, having no promi

l nence: in the inlide of it : or that whole jojnt is more Имам/1:11




,Eehinux jpl


Concha mar



two prominencie: and two correßtondent „или in each Ли”.


4’ .#PoNDIrIu .t ,Fnrrowed 5 either the bigger 5 having One 0r two ear-likeprorninen

cie: on the outjìde towards thejojnt : or the lef?, having no fuch pro

SCOLLOP. ( ntiuencier.

5' c_oGRLE.

Oblong 5 conliderable for being

"Laß/on@ and nearefi to the round kind, being fmooth, and having

l thin Деды "either thegreaterpfa flattiß and comprcßédjifgure: or

l the ltße'r, being fomewhat 01 а triangularДате, having the edges

cima. ‘l 6 СНАМА. (of the flue indented.

„щ“ l ° TELLÍNA.

tMore long 5 whether fuch as are

‘ Ofa dark blacki//J colour on the out/ide 5 either thegreater, which

l from дат at one end more acute and llender , doth grow out

| toa great length5becoming broad at the other end,having a[Мг

l like _hib/lance within thejhell : or the lef, ofwhich one kind hath

текут‘ at the end, and is commonly eaten, the other hath the

rima. I PlNNA. (Рут on the lide.

марши. ‹ 7‘ MUSCLE

l Not cloßed exaò'll] in allpart: ofфей/Ш”: 5 either that which lyes`



Spend) lut.




- l

in hole: in a kind of nzarle at the bottom of the Sea, having an a

perture near thejo}nt,and a little hook in the душе : or that which

l is open at both end:,being the [дну]? of all the refhin proportion to

„om 8 lyl’l-lOLAS. (its bignels.

sa... l ’ LSHEATHFISH, amar/A ›

LGrotning b] a neck to other thing: 5 whofeßJe/l confilis offue paru,

_ commonly<though fallly) laid to produce a Bird,being of a trian

B’m'fl" ` 9. BARNICLE. ( gular Жени.


< lindrical,lixed at the bottom to the place where lirfi it was bred,with ­

' Chap. V. Of Exauguiona Animals. 1 3 1

IX. SOFT EXANGUIOUS ANIMALS, may be diftributed into |х_ Soi-T

fuch as are EXANGUI

гMore Perfeů' 5 having woutbes like the beaks of Birds, with изд‘ ßrin- glìîsêm'

l g) Димка: about them ferving infread of legs, their bodies contein- ‘

ing a black liquor like Ink5 whether thofe whofe bodies are more

Obround 5 having

I |No Antenme5 or' fee/ers, and being witbout an] bone5 either the

I Í great@ , growing to avaß magnitude: or the left, whofe legs are

„ e 'lon r In proportion, being of a [тест/6:11. 9

POURCONTREL, Preke, Poljpllo‘. Nr? s

" SWEET PoLYPus. Mum

<I . Antenn¢5 either thegreater, with a great, thick, foft, notред/пей!

' bone in the bod] : or the leíe'r,which is without fnch a bone,having

l l fnab/roundi/ÍJ ßapps on either fide 0f the body.

' I 2 CUTTLE FISH. sepia. .


‚_0Ыал35 "either that of longer Antenna? with triangular ßaps, having Mm"

a long рейки! bone rig/enabling a Sword : or that of/borter Antenna,

having the triangular Дар: nearer the tail, being ofa reddglb colour.

'SLEVE ' 'З. Loltkü.

RÈDDISH SLEVE ._ _ _ Loligo rubro. _

ttLeß perfeà'5 counted Zoophjtes, as being betwtxt Plants and Amnulsg

whether'fuch as have

ill/fore di/iiuö‘ion of parts 5 either that which hath .fome re/ënzblanee

l to a Hare : or that which hath fome refenoblanee to a naked “лед

' ‹ Snail, Without borns.


4' Y, ноьотнишиз. ' ’ www.

tLeß’dißinÜion ofparts 5 ' _

Pel/acid 5 being akind OfGel/y, roundifh at the top, marked with

fedeli/b lines in the forni of a Starr, or Roß, having feveral kinds

of rays like legs, proceeding from the middle of it.

5. вшввва. fulmine/‘

Not„мы 5 ufually flicking to other things 5 either that which is ш‘

of 'variole ßgures,being covered with a bard callous skin,contein­

ing an efeulent pulp) мам“ : or that which is ofa fieíhy con

Íiftencc, having no bard skin, being of variousЛира: and bignefl

fes, fome of them Ringing the band upon the touch.

6 gTETI-IYA. naja.

_ ’ SEA NETTLE. ~ ‚ “'"f" т‘

° ° rin.

i 132 ч A ` 0f l Part. П


è. Ill. FISH may be diilributediinto fuch as are

OBLONG and roundifh, I.

FLAT or thick. Il.


_ ìl/ivipnrmq and íkinned5 whofe figure is either ._

O'viparow‘ 5 whether fuch as do generally belong to f .

’Salt water 5 to be further dillinguiíhed by their ‘ ' °

rFinn: on the bee-£5 whether fuch, the raf: of whofe [их are

l W/„Mfi and amie. ш.

’ Parti] ßji, and partly дат/‘5 having

I l TWO FINNS on the back. 1V.

< But ONE FINN. V.‹

l Figure5 whether



FLAT. vii.l

lcRusrAcEOus cOvERiNO. viii.

Fre/h interi, being fc'aly. IX.

t. ‘ти- i. viviPAROus OBLONO пзн, may be dii‘iribumi intofucha:ROUS OB.

LONG nsti. ‘le . . . —

lceteceone 5 breeding their young within them, having lung: and пора‘,

and but onepair of[щи 5 || either the ¿rute/i qf all living Creaturerpf

| which there are feveral ßecie: , one without teeth or a tube to call

| шт”, another with teeth and fuch a tube, and another With a large

‹ long horn: or that other Fi/h of a leßnugnitnde, whìCh isgregm'ow,

.I often appearing above water.

ж l I» lväâä‘ä' i' l ’.. '3Е’шф”‘‚ ..` . _

Lc‘arttla‘gmeoiuo 5 fard to hatch their young ones within their bellze:,whol`e

mouth: are placed under their „ф: 5 whether Tuch as are more

’Proper to the Sca 5 having generally a double Pettit, wide www’. 30d

tive aperture: On each fide inílead of Gil/.r д to be further (110111

__ guifhed by their having

Иудеи‘: or prorninencìee 5U either in the falhion of a Sar» : or

in the ligure ofa Sword, being without thofe apertures 0n the

Íide, common to the tell.

frifii'e. ' o 2xipbiiu. ° SWORD-FISH.

Rain: of 'very jharp ‘гей’; the Greater : or the Leßér.

(май unha­ __QHARKE~

"“‘ ’3~ äOLAucus.

ÍLipr rough [ЖМИ/е, but without teeth5 the Greater: or the Leßìr.HOUND­FISH. ' Y

4’ ёзготтвв HOuNDrisiL

lThorn: on their bac/u; leither 'o nin to the former art 0f theI J Í 8 Р




Mufltliu [Win


Fшт : or obligue/j агата; the ra): of the Ли”.



lolita „дни.

mmm». I


îc'hapv..v of Pif/a. у 133

Г’Ье aperture of their „мы, nearer to‘tbeir гид/ё: then any of the

other forts of Dogßh, and being фона“ "either with large

black „ш; or with [тянет finite.

l 6 GREATER Doo-FISH. man...

. ’ LEssEtt Doo-FISH. ¿gl-„1MLLA bead like the head of а Crntcb, with the eje: at the ends of the ‚ш.

tranßerfe, growing to a vait bign'eß: or having a very long flen



der nul.

. Zygdlu;7' l Vulpecnla.

ILConmon to jàlt und frçflr water; having gillgbut no teetb,their ‚тайм

being placed under their »zo/¿f5 »either that whofe bod) ispenu

onow, having jive row: (бот: lamine, noe properly fouler, four

ring: hanging before the mout : or that which is more round.

s ÉSTURGEON. .lripufm

° HUSO. 3%

lI. VIVIPAROUS CARTILAGINEOUS FISI-1,', whoíè биде: are u'. ‘ниш

not long and round, may be dißributed into fuch as are- £828,333

Flut and broad, diftinguiíhable by fome peculiarity in their parts,as to ¿No

Ритм’; of the n 10111“

rTail 5 being either

` l Spinne 5 having a /barp [ст-мес! tborn on tbe tail counted vene

l I ­ 11101135 "either that whofe _,/ìzout is leß’or more prominent.


< I' A. ‚ Aguila.

l l Not ßn'noan neither that whofe back is fnootbror thorn),

2 RE. Lai» Law'a» `

l ' ACK. ` Kai» dovuta.

„вилы being "игра, either that whofe body is jborler in Propot.

‹ tion to the breadth: or that whofe bod] is longer.


3' sQuATlNo-RAIA. — ’

lreadtb if tbe bead 9 having a thickjbort tail in the faíhion of a Bat

Vtledoreg either that which hathjîoepurple „фон on tbe boek: or

that which hath one round aperture for вас/135”; а vali штаб, withI .i ‘И’!!! ßrlg/îance: on his bead and boek.

l l Krsna ,ifi-ß

Sìiuation of tbe mouth, which opens at tbe endryp tbe/inni, and not im'

underneath, as the refr of this tribe, having a more oblong body, and,

a very rougb rlg'n, with fnnyjùb/iancer, ftanding out from each fide

_ like vingt. '

5. SCATE, Angel-ß/ÍJ. мы“.

wel; and/bong || either that which hath no uil,b`ut refembles ,the bead

of a Fr/Í: cut ofi, with one toot/J in each jaw, and one bolofor eac/aged:

or that which is of a redde/Í: colour'and ßvinoue. ’ . y

6 ÉMOLE.l 4W"

’ шмн "W"

l 4. ÉCRAMP-FISH. Torpedo.




щ. ovh

134 v0f i ParhFIL

ш. ovtPA-> lll. OVIPAROUS ГЕЙ, whole back FINNS are wholly foft and

âoäfßäîg flcxile, may be diliinguifhed into fuch as have _ _ ‘

ню"; ’7Ьгее fìa‘h Л]? ßnm on their haekr5 namely the Cod-kind, which ufe t0

be prefcrved tor humane food by faltiiig i either the '

‘i-Shorter and ‘Мг/«ц whether _

l дату’; either that which liathakind of heard : or that ofa hlaek

coloured hack.



«1_/Mur nger.

CODFISH, Keeling.


< Leßcr 5 either that which hath a hlackfpot on'either Íide : or that

° which is ofa ßfterштата very [па/1 fia/er, being the lea/ì of

this kind.

Ё 2 нАоооск.

Ё ‘ WHmNG.

Ё LLonger and more /Iender5 either that whofe fie/h when falted, looks

Í )el/omarmd is more brittle : or that other of near refemblance to this,

Ария‘ anti


Ajeüue moh'ù.

whole hinder умрет to be two, by reafon of­ its tiling up higher

in the lhrther part, tho it be properly but one. -


3’ HAAK, Poor john.

Two jîift fiexile fnm5 either thel‘fßigger 5 whether the I

‘Пишу kind 5 having very final/fouler, fcarce dil-Cernable, with lleve

га! pinna/'ie both above and below, belides theirЛат, being of a

E {high/g [flew on the hoek, and a jílner colour on the hell] andfide: 5

l Larger д either that which hath no Лил/(х оп theДай: : or that


Llnfelluf longue.



Ё which hath oblique tranßver/ë [йод/(Ё from head to tail.


4' PELAMis.

Leger.; having oli/ique tranfverfe а[Ёгеаф more :indu/ated.


LFÍy'ngß/h 5 having large fpotted /înm like „шумы two longЛиц;

Ё ihm hehihd the had ‚ to which maybe adjoihed for its affinity

Ё in flying, that other Fi/h, which hath but one jôjißnn on the hack,

Ё . with large _]èale: near his tail. ­


l( ‘ sWALLoW-Fisii.

LLeaß kind5 diltinguilhable by their having _ ‚

f Тhe 101001141:- ofЛат conneä‘ed-j, latter having a Люди‘ head, and

more tuniidjawr.



The my: of the former Й)”: on the hoek, ri/ìng up much higher then

Í the membrane which свиней: them 5 either that wlli’ofe former

pair of fun: are conneäed : or that which hath a ole itz/lead

l ofgillr, wholì': eje: [iand more elofe together.

8_ Ё1ото.





Hirundl Pli


Goh/'us mari



LLittle black [pot: in the figure of Боитесь







Chap. V. -. 0f F _ 135

lOnejZyft ßexz'le fnn5 difiinguifhable by their

r19e/'ng of tbe Herring kind5 namel;l fea/j, Without teetb, of a brigbt

_jfl'oer сайт’ on the bell ,and a дай/Митя colour on the back, pre~

fently dying when taken out of the water , having generally a rom

| ofЛигуprie/¿ler under the bel/)f5 whetherthe

I Нигде"; `

I More conznion; being ‘пудов’, fwimming together in great


multitudes5 the greater : or the le ё’.о HERRING, cpm. — ЖМИ"

‹ ' ’ PILCHARD. Hmm. „a

I _ Lcß cornrnon5 being fomewhat bigger and flatter then a Herring, ”°"

with feveral Нас/(Лил on the[дед coming up into Шаги.

I r. SHAD. ‚. Шарм.

‘сайт; either that which is more proper toД!‘ water, bei'ng long .

and roundi файла the upper mandible much more produced then

I the other .° or that which lives in Laker, being of a broader Душ


then the former.

ANCHOVY. ‚ Enero/I'cbllue.

' CHALCISl Sarda. I

Being.of tbe Horn-ji/b kind 5 having a longer /lender bod) and a long

Люк‘ 5 || either that which is more known and common in Europe5ha

‹ ving one[пи from the ann: to the tai/,and another oppofite on the

’ baci, the vertebra or back-bone being of a green colour: or that

I which is here leß’cornnzon, belonging to the Weß-Indier, having no

t Ли’: upon bis" tail. y

I ывввьв FISH. ‚‚„‚_—


‘3° ToßAcco-mPE-rtsti. ^ I .‚ Mmm,

Having between tbe eye: пройти/Ц; ßfbßan'cer 5 and but two Or three

ray: in the lower pair ot Лат, with a roto offno/l ‘сад’, and a fang

at eacb end 5 either that which hath upon his back-)inn a beautiful„о! „negated with rund/e: 5 or that whofe [пи is ot­ an unequal al


BLENNUS.l4° scottrlotors.

Wanting tbe lowerpair ofji‘nn: of a deepjigurefomewhat refembling

that of a Tnrbut: or being of a red colour, with large _]calec, a great

jîat bead,[дыр from the eje: to the jnout. l

4 l STROMATEUS, CaÍ/iů‘bjr.

5° NovACuLA.

_ Having fome jbarp teetb ; and feveral otber round broad шт in »the

palate, the tops of which are commonly fold for Toad-fianco.


gBreadt/J or deptb downward; 5 either that which hath two long rapt

extending beyond the tail, one from the bamiL , the other from the

bel/y : or that which hath but one long ra), like a Байт, proceed~

ing from the fn on the back. Both exotic Fijlrer, defcribed by `




1V. OVl~


i136 ‘М of Fife. Part. п.

1v, OviPA- IV. OVIPAROUS FISH having twojînm on the back, whereof

nous “SH the former isДаши and Ftirie, and the otherЁ]? and fìexile, may be di

h ` . _ .ЕЁЁШЁЁЁ {hngutfhed mto the -

tions , and ' Bigger lqnd5 whofe figure is

i ‘t'S/Jorter; difiinguiíhable by their

I ‘Нм/103610011 fealer; being fquare towards the taf/,which is _for/(ed :

or elle being of a more deep Джем!!!) the ra): of the jbre-jînn

:l very low, the former of them Pointing towards the head.

' l âAMIA, Leeeia Salez/uni.


[Having the /ïnnr almeß jcjned 5 either that with a little/ÍJart дат’

under the ebin, being unda/«led ebliquely from the [Jack to the


I I eel/j with blennß and )el/ow[де-019: or that other of a near re

l ° femblance to this, only without а beard,and of a more black co



Longer 5 having a large moutb,with /barp teef/.1; || either that which ís

_Hunted when young, being very voraeiow : or that other of fome

relemblance to the former, having largefcaler, an ebtyfe angled

mont/a, with ßreak; of black and white from bead to tail.



[Leße'r ¿and 5 whether fuch as are confiderable for'Having two yor three long prominence: like ß'ngerr before their [omer

‚бит; great bonny head1, large broad ßnm, called the болта!

lqnd, to be further diftinguilhed by their "

I f Ca/our 5 Red, or Grey.


) RED oouRNeT, Rocher.


F„(ейfnoun 5 by reafon of (‘то fig! promineneie: refembling barn: ;|| either that ‘of­ Люмен or that of'lenger harm, the latter of

which is covered with large bonnyjìaler,with cfg/:t rom ofМог-т,

the boel] otfîangular, having but two развит.TUB-FISH, Piper. l

5' LYRA ALTERA RoNoELETn.Being ry" а uddi/IJ 001001‘; with two longprtvninencìell from the lower

jaw, eíteemed delicate food 5 either the blgger, whofejŕaler

are larger and (tick fafter to the Jkin: or the ‘ф, whofe fea/e:

are lefs, and apt to come off upon а touch.



Lyra ,rior


Mallux major.

À/{ußus min",



i The lengt/J oft/:eir lwdiefr, whether

I 'Having thelower mandible longer then the other, the fïnnr on the



l back being at а greater Афиша: or having the jëeond ­ßnn 0n the

l back ver] fnull, with a wide meut/.v like thatof а Serpent.


l4 7‘ SAURUS.


Chigi/"î 'i of Fifa. N 37


¿Being of a flatti/b'ńgureg, with oblique trargfve'il/ê jello-mijl) fit-enh; ‚

from the backl to the bell ‚ having the eye: very near the znontb:

or being more roundifb , fomewhat of the colour and Наше ofl iMac/(creí, only­ a row „птиц on each fide make it to appear

l quadrangle/ar. .‹ '

._. ÉWEAVER, Dragonf'fb. ’ мы.8. . .

. TRACHUBUS. ì _ ‘

Wanting tbc lower pair фри»: 5 or being of a reddilb colour, init/.vont

l пей ‚ having thejl‘aler edged with Ího'rt hairy Латвии ‚ 'which

makes it rough to the touch.


9’ APER. ‚ A .

_- Having a long Лет!” jizont5 with a ûrong movable[Этим tliorn,I

I belonging to the former Ji'nn on tbe beek, inclining towards the .L

tail with bonnyßibßance: inl‘tead ofthe lowerjî'nnr, the jïnm‘ 0n the

back being nearer to the tail then in other Fi/ÍJ: or having a

' íirong ferrated born íianding upright on tbe bead. A

TBUMPET-FISI-I. miete»l '0- ivioNociiRosl cLusn. ‹ ‚ , i 0 ж“

i Having tbe inout/J and eje: reverß’d, looking upwards: or having a

' great bead, very „меди/д and but three rayer in the lower pair of

_ I рт, the bod) beingßiotted. " ‘

_ URANOSCOPUS. ' f i ,

l ‚ “- scoRPfENA. . . i ‘ ‘

¿Being of adeepjïgnre, withoutfealer, having on eaeb ‘де a broadblackI

­­ — Я)”, and long brzfile: tiling up above the ray: of the ß‘nnr.

l2. DORЕЕ, St. Peter: ды


„l "т `‚ VI OW,

` ï

’i ‘of 111/19. ` Pareil,I

——__—____—‚ _..

Y. ovtPA- V. OVIPAM having om: _firm on the {me/(5' the my of

äflàîgls“ which are part/j [liß'eand Л’йтии, and partly jojì and flexile, may bc di.

NNN, pm. Ítinguifhed into fuch whofe figure is more

ly STll'F › fBroad', or deep 5 whether

È'Èiiriimy ìEufvPßms

Bigger s diftinguilhable by their

l 'COLOURSg whether

’Gold mln"- b¢tw¢en the eye; ‚ having round jbarp mtb, and for

l the molt part a purple для near thegillor : or that which is of

l l alike figure to the former, but only without this gold colour,

l I being black about the tail. i

:mh l SILT-HEAD, Sea-broom

рт’: ' SPARUS.

streaked with уедет from bead to tail 5 either that whofeßruk:

l are more olajâurgbeing of а /ÍJorter bod) : or that whole/freak:

< are more сои/Макси, being of а longer boel).


2' sALPA. - ‚streaked with a dark colour, traag/:verle the ßackg neither that

l whole ‘Миф are more офис, being of afborter broaderß

, gare, and having broodjlat teeth: 0r that Whole/freak: are

' more conßvieuorß, being of a longer bod).



[Reddrß5 on the back andfidesg either the greater, havinga

‘дама! on each Iide near the сад: or the leßeßbeing with’

out fuch a до‘.


i i

i l‚ ‘ 4‘ киввшо.

I Being fomewhat more produced in their bodice then the others

I i

of this deep kim/i5 either that which is black about the tail,

having great eye: : or that of а „doi J colour, with four re

markable teeth in „ищут.


5' DENTEX.Having the‚ш on the boek Го low in the middle, that it Если

I two,withgreat bead: fullofpriekkg counted venemous; ei

ther thegreater, of areddì'zcolour: onthe Ießër.



leo/i of thefe deep jij/:upf а dark colour, with [изд/5111:‘, and long

„миф from bead to tail.


[Indian 5 defcribed by Магнит‘; l] either that ofa forkeduil, Ь:

ving twoprie/(le: on the cover. of eaeb ¿ill : or that which hath broad

до‘: pn either Íide. ‚



Seorpìau ma


млрд": mi



hap. V. 0f ‚ l' 139

{10’235 difiinguifhable by

l" Variety and benut) of colour: 5 either the Greater, Of which there are

feveral kinds, the moll beautiful of whìch,is called Paoo,the r'nore

dark, Merula : Or the Leßèr, _

‘i sEA-TiiRusH. . ‚ мы;

| 9' ÉJLILIS. „ A '

. ¿Dark broad _fina/@f5 croíling the bac/e5 conliderable for ha

­ving .

grHead: variegated with redand blew5 “either the Greater: or the

í Leßêr , having a black fpot in the middle ofthe [пи on his

hack, '

The lower jaar longer then the upper5 either that Which is with~

on; prick/er: or that which hath tivo prie/glee on the cover of the

gi r,I PHYCIS.



‘ IO

i ‘ sAcHETTus.



"- CHAUNA.broadНаша: on either J'ide 5 or very great ejer in proportion to­

the bod).


‘2- ßooPs.

А SEA PERCH, l Ii'tr'ea uurimial

tra ’ ` viçovi‘.'

0f F Part. II.

VI. ovIPARotIs FISH oE AN oßLoNG FIGURE, being

flint) :bint , apt to bend and twiů

'_ 14o

vl. EEL- . .щенки) generally without jZ-aler, having

nettoie: from the lower niandible, l'efs round and. long then

the former.



На‘; like a Ribbon or Fillet.;` either the bigger of :I reddf/h eo

lour, having two pair offnnr: or the lef/er, whofe fleß.' i: tran

| fparent, and the ji'nn on the belly thrice as deep as that on the

I back, having but one pair of Лил



Shorter5 "either that with two jî'nm on the bac/e, witha kind of

beard,and inliead of the lowerpair ofКит, having two longfirin

gjßjßaneer cleft at the ends: or that which is of a fnialler :nag:

nitu e, having one pair offvininiing ji'nnr, with a forked tail, ta

which the back ‘Чип 15 extended.



Cornfnon to ßtlt and fre/h пинг; having a round aperture or the

mouth, with which they fuck their nourifhment, and /ê'ven oler on

each fide inftead ofgillr, being Cartilagineow, withoutfvininiing

ßnnrg either the Greater : or the Leler.ц LAMPREY.


Proper to fre/h water 5 confiderable for having.

Iîwo pair offînnrg IIeither that which is the biggeil of this“ tribe,

having two very longfiring: from the upper jaw,and four (hotter

I from the lower jaw, onely l,onefvialljïnn upon the back, and a

long one under the bell): or that which is Денег and thicker

I then an Eel, with a /lIort beard from his lower niandible, having

i two ßnm 0n the bar/i, the hinder рт: оп the back and that un»

I der the bel/j, not being contiguona to the tail, f¿Iariegated in the eo


m5“ with their [юг/гс: more then other Fiji), may be diiiributed into fuch as


’European 5 being either

I ri’r’er to Зал-птиц

I I'Round5 whether ‚

I I I I More „яда/(5 Ileither that which hath but _one pair ofлишит;

fnnr, and tivo little horn: .‘ ог that which hath no ßvintniing

I I jí'nnr, with four little hornf, and a [Игр/31011‘, the .r/¿in varie

i ‹ gated with yellow.

шт” I I I coNGER.

l ‘~ MuRiENA.

| I_More ßenderg Н either that which grows to a very great length,

‹ having a wider and longer mouth then an Eel , .the ji'nn not

I reaching the tail, which is round and not flat : or that which

hath one continued jïnn as Eelet, withfonrfìring] pronti

Serpem Irun'




Lampara mi







6 SHEAT FISH, River whale.


Siltlrtü. I

Mnflela. one

w of Fiyi.

One pair ofi/inni;

7. EEL.




'_-lLInclian5 defcribed by Imperat‘us; U either that with two long horn:

rever/éd over _the hack: or that which hath a flattery? on hie head

заводах; of his hacka in which there are divers tranfverfe rirnul‘

orc in s.



VII. PLAIN or fiat FISH, being oniparouc and/bonn), both whoië vn. ovi

eje: are on the farne Бог of the flat, and the mouth tran/verf?, {Wimming lIîiutous

LAINbroadwife , are either FISHfOblong 5 andдикими, ’ . ­

Greater ; having the mouth on the right :d fb - 'that which is not „ещё : or that whichfifÍliíjtvteoliî el“ D "either ‚

— COMMON SOLE. ‘ salen.

i стене"; "either that of a grey war/fle colour, ~hainaut, havin the

gêî‘çêtlztáêeůìrêgèháůfâl; ëhpsrT'tzh/)ît which hath the eje; on the left ide, ì

lrîiaoïliiâii-uiiiáih f d ‚ ‚ Mmm

­ l 4. ВКЕЗГТ. go a ‘1f/ign?, and full offnmßqfpermm

. llLqíÍJ’c/gîgÍ’llñîltìiäìrgttllilzêt 35:105122i);erfîc-l/îczè/eh. eglrottilrl'âtwiïlhotpt. Jgd/eroi'

fq’fa’f’olg/Éâlnsd with bloc/(jimi, W 1c ‘s „ddl/b’

5' ELou'NDiia, Fuif. fifiii'h,...



‹ I' _ Salm oculata.

l Efeßír, having the mouth on the шум „f the 9er, having bigger

иа EI. '

Ё 2. POLE. Ё ' ' anatra.

[g2g/:dritte 5


‚‚__of Fifa-m" Рак. ‚Ы.

vln'fySHES A may be0F A (iributed into fuch as are for the figure of them, either

gâůgrA-~ '|'Sphterical s having two broad teeth like thofe of men5 whether

crous Without thorn:5 Il either that which hath a moreprominent том/дат! a

SUN' bonny breaßzor that which is encompafled with very Мог: hair:,clofe

' ORBIS SCUTATUS, („одел/д. (fen

I " oasis Hntsurus.With thorn: 5or prick/e: 5 Il either ßreight: or hoo/(ed.



Angular5 whether fuch as are more

IrPerfet‘15 either . _

Triangular 5 being variegated with angular ‘еще: оп the bod) ei

ther that which is without horn: : or :oit horm.



3‘ тшмчсиык пан HoaNED. _

Pentagono! 5 or ofa fue angledДуме, encompalfed with pentagonal4. HOLOSTEUS. i (bonn)ßalu.

Irnperfeôt я for which reafon they are by fome reckoned amongli In

jeät':,having “Фил/1:11 a kind ofvalve,ini`t'ead ofrnouth:5|| either that

'which is more (‘Ь/„15,01 an Hexangular ligure to the end ofthe/inn on

the bac/ç , and after машут: or that whofe bod) is of an Heptan

gular figure in the jiorrner part5and quadrangle/ar in the hinder part,be~

ing ßinouo, the head having fònze reßrrnblance ‘(Ц/м: of a Harfe.


5' HrPPocAMPus.

RADIATE 5 in the form of the Raj: of a Starr.


ix. s03- IX. SQUAMOUS RIVER FISH, may be difttibut'ed into fuch as arevâusrlllslà PB’zgger5 whether (either

' rI/oraciou: 5 whofe/Z‘ale: are fet together either d ’ y '

{1l/fore loo/è 5 being generally bigger, fuch as have on their back:

‘ З One ßnn5 placed near the tail, with iride rnouth:, and Лат-р long'

lari: ‘опиши.

A‘ ll


lSteüa pij’cx'e'

teeth, every other of which is moveable.

1. PIKE, yuck, Pickerel. _ ‘

TwoЛат 5 the hindermofi of which isfrnodàßejh) and without rap,

having generally teeth, which may be filled the Trout-kind, сош

prehending fuch as are`

Common to ‚щ‘; and fait water5 either the [regge/25ct a „ат

fle/h: or the leaß, of a white fief/J, and wz'olaceou: fnzell,


Lucila. l


Violon-ß. 2° SMELT.

Proper to fre/Í: или’; whether

Spotted5 the Greater: or the Lejer, living in Laker.Ё TROUT.




l 3’ (SHARK.

I Not Лицей; confiderable for being

I ' fame round; either that which is ftreaked from head to tail,


having the Ли’: on the back bigger and broader then`| rl‘rout: : or that having a long Люк‘. -


I 4’ имввв.


0,MMI/er. Mor;


Chap. V. 0f i i 142

f I {Моге broad 5 and conkpreßed, of a [мА/0100112, zŕ/'tho1:tteeth5

| the Greater, fomewhat like а Herring: or the Ley/er.

. |l PARRA. ’

¿il 5‘ LAvARErruR ‚ _; ,l _. „ Ц

| More dde 5 and compaâ'; being enerally leyfèale: 1n proportion then

| the others,havinga wide так! ,Without ‘сейфы: a/[Jeritie: analogen:

‘ to teeth,comprehending the Perch-kindpf which in fundryl‘onntrie':

i there are feveral varieties, dìûinguilhable by their lngnqîor littleх mßthíekneß'orflenderneft’. But the two principal kinds to which the

l others may be reducedŕ'tœut ither fuch as haveтайм} on the hack,

1 l

l |

` l



I the Hrfijpinoue, and the ot erjôft, with tranfverle black/tren@ on

thefide, being commonly the biggen-or but oneßnn, which is partly

лишат, and partlyjòft, being ot a )el/owlfb colour, and commonly ‚ _

6 РЕКСН. _ (lef/ar. Pm. ‚ ,lI ' L. r i ‚ I _ Perea лить‘.

Not 'voraeionm comprehending the Carp-kind, vt fh have one[ли оп the

_ [me/e, no teeth in their „мы:only in the orzfee of theirjlonmclgp.

ver which teeth there is a kind ofßone or bone, for the moli' part ОРЗ

l triangular figure, by :tíiriâtion againů which, they grind their food;

{818305 comprehending luchas delight more in (whetherthe

ì (Standing mater: 5 either that whofe ßale: are llorar/er, and more

i loofe,theff_­/ì ra] of theЛил being ftrong and ferrate, havingjour

| ßrz'ngj prominenciufr'vm the upper lipV : or that whofefŕale: are leß’

l and more eornpaäpeing very[Вт], of a ¿rcemfh colour, the lower

pair offt‘nn: in the male being more thick and Нету.


i CARPE. ’

I 7‘ твысн. 11m.

cie: rel'emblìng a beard : or that Which hath a great head. ‚

8 BARBIE, 1mm.’

’ CHUB , Cbévifl. щт.

Broad and дыр; "either the rnbß broad : or that Which is leß’

broad, having commonly red eje: andjïnru. _

BREAM. “ï‘můŕ

9- ROCHE. ' I _ жди/ш.

Leßef; Boating ufually towards the top of the water 5 || either that


l\ Тhick andround 5 either that which hathßvlrjîringyprom’nen




lwhich is more thick,of Íötne reßmblance to a little Chub : or that ‚

ю DARE, Due. (which is more compreffed and thin, 14%"

‘ BLEAK, Bleu. I I 11W;

kLeajî ‘дм! of Rizler Fijhu5 whether fuch as live more towards the

{Матрац ofthe vater5near the„мытье; fuch as have on the hack

0neßnn5wit`h a kind ofbeardon the моим; П ферме’: or the leßër. l

i I L GUDGEON, — . Gag.. ‚.

‚‹ LOACH, Gronndling. m'

l Two ßn'iu5 with а large broad head. _ ‚ —.

| 1 a. BULL-HEAD, ‘Идет-700010, Gull. ‚ om» eapid;

¿Upperpart: of theшт; or near bank: «SLI either that which hath but "“‘

one ‚Тип on the 0ас1‹,_Ье1п3 fmooth : or t at which hath tivo jì'nn:,be­

ing prickly, having threeßrongprie/île: on either fide, and a kind of _

I 3.ëMINNOW. (Armature coníifiing offìmr orfue Lamine ¿WH-'_

BANSTICLE, suck/etui@ q'r'w'm"

мы Part. п.

Of Birds. l E

è I V IRDS may be difiinguifhed by their ufual place of living,their food,

' bignefs, Пюре, ufe and other qualities, into ‹ i

' Terreßrial5 living chiefly on dr) land 5 whetherI 'FCARNIVOROUS 5 feeding chieiiy on Fle/h. I~

I PHYT1VOROUS5 feeding on Vegetali/a5 whether

‚ Off/Jort round wing:5 lefs fit for ilightt п.

[ЁО] long wing: 5 and fwifter flight5 having their Bil/:5 either more

'Ihrujh-kind, lll. ‘

SHORT AND THICK5 comprehending the Bunting and Spar

l ioni-kind. IV.

' lLInßä‘i'voroi/M feeding chieiiy on Inßäq (tho fcveral of them do

Шаги/Ш: fornetimes feed on Seed:) having ßender /îreight bill: to

thruft into holes, for the pecking out of In/ëfì': 5 whether the



IAquatie5 living either


¿In matera; whether ’

FISSIPEDES5 having the toe: of their feet divided. VIII,

PALMIPEDES; having the тиф‘ their feet united by a mem

brane. IX. '




r. cARNi­ I. CARNIVOROUS BIRDS, may be diftinguilhed into fuch as are

BYRDS­ гддрддшдд living upon the prey of other Animal: ‚ having hoo/ged

beak: and talon:,amongft which the female: are generally more large

l ftrong and fierce. › °

rDiurnal 5 preyin in the day time. _

f The bigger and ranger kind 5 noted either for quick Sighgor Sent 5

i l


the latter of which is by Gçfner diliinguiihed from the former,o

that the beak of it, doth not grow crooked immediately from

the root , but only at the end or tip of it.



I i The middle kinda; being either made ufe of and trained up I1) Men

I < for the catching ‘у’ other Bird:,of which there are great varieties,

i I dmmguiihabie pyiheir шаппег offagbf, bagage/bape, il» ena.

I Марш)’ upon5 81e. or fuch others as are of near alhnity to thefe,

I .

l l

bu;i rnonly ujëd to thifpurpqfe.

KITEa Buzzard, Glide.'

' ~

‘n l '_





li 2.


‹ îLONG AND SLENDER5 comprehending the Pidgeon and

[The leaß kind 5 the former havingprominent no/ìrilr, beingv well

known by his voice: the other with a proceßua on 'the oirtßde of

the upper nzandible.

сискоо. — ‘ мы}.



Neutraal, preying in the night, having broad facer, and great „а;

Н of which, fome have tufts qfjeather: Íianding out like long ears,

i or horn: : others being without Лес/э tuftr. `

l oWL HoBNED. M.

I 4" äoWL Nor uoaNEn. ‚Buba »on eer

iá’en‘iirapacioua5 feeding commonly either on сайт, or other things, „me

and more ß’ldonie (‘п/$115”; Ani/nali'. ‘ ’

rThe Crow-kind 5 >having a bill fomewhat large and (irait 5 amongft

l Vwhichahofey that are moli common with Us, are of a deep, black со‘



lonr,­in their bodies

'The _bigger kind5 Greater : or Lef?. ’

l RAVEN. ‘ той.

I g5' Chow. y I _ am;

i The leßër kind 5 having a mixture of dark bronrn 'with black: or be

ing wholly black on the body, with red bill and legr. _ ’

i 6 Ё - Mandala.

ì ' ' ' Coratiui'.

‹ Тhe Рига-‚(гид 5 of hooked‘billr,having tino toer beforeŕtnd two behind,

Confiderable for the variety of beautiful colourr, and the ittiitation

_ offöeech5 the Greater: or the ЬфЁ

PAKKET. Pimm .i 7 ‘ l PABAQUETO. ' "”"“‘“"""

l The I’j-kind5 of a chattering twice, having man)l noter5 eitherрус‘!

i with black and ńvhite, with along train: or having jânie of the final

ë Ier jätllathêrëçn _each wingßariegated with blew and black.

A 9 Р t ' ica can aa’ j ` fliraglariilti-O

iLThe тетради-Им; climbing upon „ее? and ivadr, in order to т’

which they’are furnilbed with ßrong feather: ‘in their train, to fup

port them 1n climbing and рев/(9135 || of which there are various

‘деда, reduclble to thefe two kinds5 fuch as have a very long

tongue, with tivo clair: behind and two be ore .­ or fuch as have jhorter

‘оазис’, and but one toe behind. ‚


9- wooDPECKEB or sHoBTEtt ToNouEs.Piou:мм;

V — lŕh'at

'Chapgv OfBtrf/r. ‹ __ A `‚143

146 `Of Bira’r.' \ Partzll.


Т11а1111щ1 of Eagle, which isOf а dark yellow colour, having leg:feathered downì fChryßietœ.


to the foot n

Black allover, excepting a whitejpot between the > Ё <I Melanaetuc.

_[houlder: on the hack. ' l n. \

With a ring ofwhite on his tail. l l P] argm.

afm" Feeding on F _, ‚_0 tfraguc,

That kind of Vulture noted for I

Ртц‘рт‘ш Having his head and part of neck bare offeather: BaldVulture.

Valmy ват- Being of a Chefnut colour, and feathered down to g Che nut colou

‘ш- 4"’- the toev. :5f re Vulture.

Vulmfluffuf- Being of a‚(М/019% colonr,verygreat,having fome o' Golden Vulture.

of thefeather: of the wing, three toot long.

Hawk: are ufually difiinguilhed into fuch are

.fShort winged 5having their wing: confiderably lhorter then their traint',L

of which there are ufually reckoned three kinds.

-The biggefi of this kind Fem. Goßtawk,Male Тане”.

lceipiter Pa- _ . n

‹ The letter of this kind 5 either ha~ ‘à

xitaffm. vingâïranfverfc ßreak: of)feb/ow. а F. Sparrowhawk, M.Mu:ket.

„типы“- Oblong „идём . g Keßril.

Long winged5 having their wing: equal to,if`not longer then their Идёт,k

‚ ofwhich there are ufually reckoned thefe Íix kinds, noted for

fi‘ff‘l‘o- A whiti/ÍJ colour, but ./potted ‘т lhe ° гр‘ 6011110”: М’ jerk!"

' back with black fpots. ‘

Hmmm' Having a faßigiated or tiling head, Mvlmflin lid/@0M 'l

'm'. being of an a/h colour. n

111“- Athick head and flat, a fhort neck, il' F. FolCMj'M. Túnel

d a aan In. the or aß. t SD_ an r g w e

’—’""""‘" . Having a blewrß bi” and leg:. l F. Lanner, M. Lanneret.

Sf‘ll‘m‘- Having a white „в: behind his` eje: on H055]- .

each Gde. ; l `

aufm». Being the lordi of all Hawkr. Jl LF. Merlin,M. jack-Merlin.

Kite: may be diflinguifhed into fuch as are noted for

Miam. Having a veryfbrked Train. Conxtnon Kite.

Вино ma- ' Being or feemìng bald on the head , having a S3 Сдт’тт Видит’.

мм. round train, feeding on young Rabben. ' ï

Marana. Fceding on F n' lald Buzzard.

P,g,.,'¿„, mi- Being of a white or ajh colour , with a white B17151417

”'f' ßreak on the Train.

laniua or Butcher bird, is of three feveral kinds, noted either for being

Of a reddiß: colour on the back, the moll" rLaniu: vulgaris'.

common fomewhat bigger then a Spar


Particoloured, of the fame bignels with the ' ¿î- ‘í

former. Q_

A‘I/)hi-ila/oured, about the bignefs of a Black- щит cinereu: шут‘.

lì' . ‚mol: horned are of three kinds, namely fuch als aretnoted for being

Ofthe bignefs ofan Eagle, feathered down to the toer. g Buba,

Of the bignefs of a tanze Dor/e. ' 01,“, ¿jim

Of the bignefs о1`а Mijìle bird, with a lingle [сайт 9- Scopf.

on each lide for a horn. awk




0f Birdr. l


Chap. V.

Owl: not horned, are of five kinds, namely fuch as are noted for

Having aborder (ус/241%”: about the fare, ‘Our corn‘mon white ¿um

`the leg: feathered and foe: haiiy,about the Owl, living in Barm.

bignel's ol' a Pidgeon.

Having a ring of white feather: about each @im ¿um

дед white bill, hairy legs and feet. Q_ шт.

Being of a darker colour-,living in Inj-bufhrof. " ä ‘ Our титан/53:14 Owl. snit 1un

Being like a Cuclioßhaving a до’: fmall bill, Goat-ficher. :f'm‘f- ‚

but a wide mouth. _ “Pm” 3"”

Being the leoß of all , not bigger then a l ‘ Noä'ua.

Black-bird. _! iL

Croiv: are ul’ually diftìhguilh'ed into three kinds, namely that which is

à. Comix frugt'f.

their nef‘rs together. a

Frugivorom, party coloured; black and cinereous. Roi/lon from. comix Cibers

To the Py-lq'nd, thofe other bird: may be reduced which are noted for


Carnivorom. Crow.âFrugi'oorouf, ofa black colour 5 gregariousf, buildìngê n Ё Roo/e.


I Roller Argentorateri/ìf.

The hing: and headof a bright azure. ` ‘

A dark colour fpotted with white. l Caryocataßen

A tuft offeather: on his head. В Garrulu: Bohernicfu.

A bill bigger then his whole bod). З ‹ Toucan.

A large bill, with a kind of horn миф‘! D- Rbinoceror. ‚

upon the bill. l ‘ _ v

Two long firings like the linall naked `Bird of Parodi/ë. ' ‘дюйм’

Íiemm of a feather reaching from the

back beyond the train, and ûrong leg:

and claim. ‚

ТЬсГе three laß exotic Bird: are not perhaps Го proper to this tribe,but

[know not at prel’ent how to reduce them better.

To the lirfl fort of the Woodpecker-kind, thofe Bird: may be reduced

which are noted for

‘ Being Greater-5 of а l ' l

Степа/Ь colour , and a blackßot on the bead of" "Wood/133e. pim Mam'.

à the male. www.

I Blochu colour, excepting areal/13o! upon the bead n Hicltwall. Pim glui

‹ 0f the Cock.’ i' E. l "ш '"3"'


Being of a ley/Er magnitude, about the bigne/i’of а ¿i Миша, Hiho. eieuewfiue.

Black-birdyariegated with black and white,with

a red[Бог on the headof the Cock,

¿Holding the bead on one Íide, fomewhat biggerJ . Weyl-neck. {щит

then а Sparrow, of а brownißi colour. ' " `

To the fecond fort ofthe Woodpecker-bind , thofe other Bird: may be re

duced, which are noted for

An ‘ф colour, being about the bignelê of a” fNuthatch. Sit".

Sparrow. e

A long Лет!" bid,being about the bignelë of Wod-crecper. *im "mf"

а Sparrow. _ t 8 ‘ у ш‘

А long/lender bill, being­ a little bigger then > 5*?- <v Ox-eje-creeper, ‘мы’;

а Wren. Q

Being about the fame colour and bignefs as а Reedó’parr'ow'. Эти

Lark., and noted for climbing upon Reedr. ­ '

A lgreemÀ/h colour, and КБ, _i ‚ [Leßr Reed-Sparrow. cmu maui.

V a _, ` ILPHY­




148 0f Birdr. Part. II_1

и. pam. iifiiuTiTivORous BiRDs OE SHO-RT мыса, ш; fir for

"CROUS llight5 таз’ be diiiinguiihed into fueh as are

ЁЬКЁЁТМ " Flying 5 uch as can bear up their bodice (tho with fome diliic ulty‘) by

WINGS» the motion of their Win31, for fome confidcrable time and fpace, ha

ving generally Мат’ bil/:,beingpulveratricioutpf whitilh ileilnmoli

zzardi(i.e.)ßrang „афиши ßonzackglay

proper for food,having .gi

ing many Еду, called the Poultry-hind.

` iDon/eßic 5


The mijl common 5 having the train contpre//ed upwards.

Geli”- i à COCK, Hen, Capon, Chichen, Pußet, Poultry.

l Leß’eonzniou 5 having an elegant train,whieh is fornetimes turned

l up and (prend, and#un on the legrr, either that whofe colouri`

l <l are more elegant and beautiful, having a tuft on the head : or that

l Y which isle/r beautiful.


Gale-paw. l i 2’ ТЦККУ‚

l iWild 5 either the

l ` ‘iBifger bind;

"Living chiefly in wood: 5 the former being dillinguiihable by ha­

ving a long train wherein the feather: do gradually increafë t0­

' ward: the middle: the other, b) being feathered on the legt.

Phajiamu. e’ I

‚ 3‘ ATTAOEN — ’

< Living in open ji`eldr5 having no heel or backclain 5 either the

Í greater, being about the bignefs of a Tür/tt' ­° 0r the И”, being

< I about the bignefs of a Phea/ànt. - —

от.’ BUSTARD. '


kBeingferrate on each iide ofthe claw:,and hair] to the toet5 either

i ‹ the biggerfecding ufually onßne [вашем-о: the lqtzfeeding onHeatho

l I ofa black colour, the feather: ofthe train reverfed lidewayes,

’Urqalua . 'COCK OF THE WOOD.

l 5‘ НЕАТН соск, Greue,1’ont. ‹

_Middle kind 5 ofa Ли" train, to be further diiiinguiûied by their

Pffli’. PARTRIDGE. . (and legt.

6’ ёввв PARTRIDGE. ­

Hair] leg: 5 either that which hath a black до! under the bill : or

that which is wholly white excepting fonte black on the train, be

ing hairy to the very nail: or claim, living on the Alps.



Perdix шт.

ЁКгаИф Brea/ir 5 with the ligure of a Нефти : or having a red bill

Gallina Cini-_

'"'“’" 7 ’ LAGOPUS.

Lea/i poultry-kind 5 either that which hath a ‚то?! train, a [мл/1

back toe : 0r that which is of a deep bod) compre/jed upwardt, h4

ving longer [ездит/1 a bill more like a Water»hen.


Cotumix. 8’ will .

` ‘LNot fljing; being the biggefi of all Birdr5 the one having on!) торт!

` ­ the other three claws.

S"Í"‘””'°"" ESTRICH. »

9- CASSAWAKE‘, ema.

ш. PHY

W525i" ' 1491"

_~„__L.­~__„_`. _ A »aA-4i, c „_ n, p__....c‘w- _

III. PHYTIvoRous BIRDS or LONG IvINësf-AUÃI altI-Iain. м!Highehaving their bill: more l’ong and Ilendenmay be diiiìnguilhed into äl‘ägëoâlŕs

‚ритм-дм; laying but two Еду. The _ _ (the LONG

I'Btgger5 whether the nidi common and domeiiic, of great variety of WINGS.

colours, liz/ing in houßer: or that which live: in твоей, of an ajh co

¿I lour, having a ring of white about the neeh.

iD008. Columba, _

" RING-DovE, @fg/t. 522211141“

nerally marked on each fide of the neck with azure and black, except

fome that are wholly white, being the leas? of this hind.I ‘ Omar, штр

. Ё’ TURTLE, _ ram".

ThrußJ-lìind 5ofa lfßr magnitude then Pidgeont,and longer train: in pro

portion to their `w1‘ngr,laying more Egg: then two,being generally baeci­

ISpec/{led on the Ива/15 _ ` _ (штат.

_ Canorow‘ s »co'nñderable for having the bill

¿I I More round5 being of a dunnijh green on the back, feeding on

I LLeger 5 either that which hath a reddi 2 breaß г 0r that which is ge


г Mifile barrier 5 the Greater : or the Leßër.

I n MISSLE-BIRD, Shreight. rama eifri

I 9‘ THRUSH, Throßle, Mavr't',Song-'I“hrtjh. W7,"

_ ‘I More ‚На! 5 fpotted either with whiti/hpr reddifhßot: : the latter tu' u"

` of which hath likewife a reddijh tail

STARE, Starling. smmmt,

I 4‘ MERULA sAxATILIs, muralla mja.

„Not Canorotn5 being Bird: ofpaßtge, coming only in Winter 5 the

I Greater : or the дует

Turdm' pila

5­ REDWING, sainepfpe. ff», _1.

tlVDf/pechled on the breaß 5 'm ‘в’

rLeft’beautifulfor their colourrf,

'l Canorou: 5 either that which is more black, with yellow billr and

leg: : or ließ-black, having fome'darkшт;blew on the back,

being fomewhat waved on the breaß. \I Митя;



- INot шпагат; IIeither that which hath on the breajŕ an Area of

white : or that which is of an a/h colour.



More beautiful for their eolourr5

f The Greater 5 II either that which hath а reddi/h bill, the wing: and

train Ыае!‹э the гей of the bod) bright yellow: or that which

hath a long Нас/1111621 long creß offeather: upon the head,tipped

<_ with bloc/Q, with tranfverfe fireaks of black and white upon the

GALBULA. (тир.

I 8- HooP. 1, ,[The Leße'r 5 having the three fbrernoß toer ружей together to theßr/í „I i

joynt, without any membrane, the outnuyi and middle toe, to the


_ßeonzljoynt 5 IIeither the bigger,having a Bill fomewhat crooked .~ lpíaßm Mii

BEE-EATEK. (the leßér havinga irait fi b'll. '« f'9’ RING~EISHER, .4190”, ’ j trfnëñ'y. ‘1*’

1 SO

im. rnYTIvOaOus ßiitos OF snOaT,THICii,fh0hg BILLS,ggäfsuâr being generally Graninorour,rnay be diltingtiilhed into fuch as do belong

SHOM- either to the

THICK 'I Bunting kind ; having a hard knob in thcpallate of the mouth.

î огш. ' Рак. 11.»

mus' The bigger-3 bein Canorour.

alba Ё x. BU'NTING.g ~ -l l .

Jlaudaton- ­ The Leßers not elieemed for Борна; either that of a yellow: J bo-I

¿um ` d) : or that which is yellow about the throat.


È'ifä’lfi. 2’ HOaTuLANE.Н‘т‘тт- м‹У,Х’а"г‹”"-1‹‘т1; without fuch a knob in the niouth.

Í|N0t canot-om 5 ­

Ё The то": common and lcßer kind 5 living either about hou/Er : or in

Ё rnountainr, having a reddi/Íi head.

P‘lf‘“ n SPARROW;

ж; i a" MOUNTAIN sPAaaOW. _

‹ The lfjâ’ cornnion aizdgrcater kind 5 with a bigger „тяги Ь111_:11ед

the other, to break the лапы offruit.r for their kernel: 5 Il either

that without a cre/ï : or that with one. .`_

Í cOcoTiiaAusrEs.


‘ 4‘ сосотнмизтвз сшзтАтиз INDIcus.

Салат“: 5 —

' Bigger 5 either that with a great head and a red breaß : or that with

l а croß‘bill, the upper and lower part crolfing eachother towards

` the ni'iddle, faid to ling in Winter

мышь s âBULLFINCl-I, Alpç, Nope.

, ° sii ELL-APPLE, слуг/‚111. . _

¿I_çßér5 conliderable for their different colours; being either


f Greenißa 5 the Bigger: orLeßér.


пт. вготпфз

The Bigger 5 either that whofe breaß is of а dilute red: or that

which is 'unriegated with black on the head.

Iringilla,¿gm-fri»- p 7 ’ BEAMBLE, afmeting. ‚

я‘ 'L The Leger; not red about the bill : or red about the bill.

Limiriu. 8Linnrìa rubia. n


Chap, V. ‚ Bird-’_O_ — М l

V. INSECTIVOROUS lthe GREATER, may be diftinguilhed in~ “55m-ri,

to fuch as are of . _ _ _ _ _ «ë‘äî‘rlëì

‘Чите’ flight 5 comprehending the Swallow/dnd, of long tving:, fork- `

ed мат, fhort legi, being much upon the wing, Bird: of paßage,

comingin Surnrner. _ o _il r‘Ihe greater 5 building in Cbjrnney: , vatiegated with black and white,

_ having a redfpot on the Ива/1 .° or building in_Churchet, of a black

L J colour, vergvßiort feet, the biggeß of th# kind. . l

‹ l SWALLO . _ ("т "

I ' SWIFT, Jblartlet, Church-Martin. _ _ _ _ Нт‘т” ‘И!’

.I t'ïheleßer5 building about houfu, of a inhite rurnp, and feathered down


'to the toe: .° or building in bankr, _with a broad [pot on the [пей/Ё. _

‚ MARTIN. . Mm"' SAND-MARTIN, .rim-ina. HMM»



ï Sloirer jhght5 ‚ _ _

Comarca/o5 cońliclerable for

Singing in the night 5 being of a dark redd/fh colour. .' 3. NIGHTINGALE. _ _ _ _ , _ _ L'ff'wm

‚ Honing along heel5 thegreater : or the ley?, living in watery places.

< ‚ Aloud». ­ .

4' Tir-LARK. t ÉÍÍÍ‘Í." W'

_ l_Having a red Шеф; or a red train.


l .

_ ROBIN REDBREAST, Ruddotk. minar...

5 вввзтшт. Raaticilla.

Not (.'anoroua° 5 conliderable for _

"The delicacy and fatnefsof their jïejh 5 living either among/i Fíg:, of

which there are feveral varieties, the moli; common and belt

_ known, being from his black head called Atricapil/a : orllizn'ng in

I' hole: of the ground, and having a white тир.


< WHEAT-EAR. _ _ Y

‘lHafuing a long train, and frequently moving й; either the, more

сайта’: one, which is black and white; or that which is [фест

rnon, of a )fel/oro colour.



ILi‘oing5 ||either upon [ton] place: or open Heath:: or ythat which

‘ creeps in hedger, having the back like that of acorninon Sparroiv,

the breaß of a Lead colour, with a black bid. _l


4° нввсв sPAitnoW. ’""‘ "'

Oenantht .

может‘. „ ‚А

Мпасшл ße


wordt. .


~ Yi. The

..­`_._-­_ ,-~­`__.„. _—.___‚-м*__-‘7.„ .__

" ' Of‘Biraf. ' Part. И.

vt. LEAST» Vl. The LEAST kind of INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS, may bedi

{yläâääê- ` fiributed into fuch as are .

‘С ` ` ‘ h h fBIRDS' i ‘45:21:90 chi/loaf: itirtlîe 0:4)’ 5 to be further diiiinguifhed by the colour

‘ of thei Head ; either that of a black: or that of a )eHow head.


‹ ' sERtNus.

Í Neek5 being of an файла‘.


'LBrozvm' J eolour5 and (potted , the train more ereâ.

Pfiff" frag/t» 3. WREN.

‘т’- LNot Canorom5 being either

iHavinga „paye/10», or red eather: upon the head: or being in

IGreenrjh5 confiderable fer

l l other refpefts of the fame ape with thìs,but only wanting fuch

a „ф. —

‹ ‚ авсишз СЩЗТАТЦЗ.

‘l I4' REouLus NoN cRtsTATus.


мщпдмштщ nog/¿5 of which there are Íèveral varieties not _

’ yet fuñieiently defcribed.

Tamim‘uL S. `

t Variegated with black and white 5

The bigger 5 with a broad 01400jpot down the hreaß 5


' The leße`r5 confiderable for having

«А ¿lem/b head: or a hlaele head.

Paru: Caru

шт" Ё 7’ coLEMousE.' А long train: or а Taft 00100 head.

Paru: rauda- 8:ffm am» ' CRESTED TIT.



i hap.V. i y0f Бел/1:. i ,i i



vii. AQuATic BiRDs iivingaboutand NEAR ‘iv-Er “мы, ЁЦДЩЩЁhaving longer legnand long Лидеры”: for their more­convemzent going фазы“)

"j ‚ ,and fetching up their food in fuch places5rnay be diilinguiihed into NEAR . _

‚ wesr PLA

ce . ’The Plover-kind 5 who/ê bill: are about one inch and a quarter long.

I IThe bigger 5 having . ' . I y

’ А taf: on the head 5 being inthe bod) and wing: of a dark and white

I à colour. i


i. LAPWING, Puet. ‹ . l

No tuf‘ì5 Ileither that of a greenijh colour, wanting a back claw'.- or

that of a grey colour with a veryушиback clam. i '_ « _ _

GREEN почва. j’gfm’”


2‘ GREY почва. ‘ „ММ.

LThe /cjer5 being zrithout an) back claro: either that of а grejiß шт“.

colour, caught by imitation ; ог that which hath a blackßllet about

the cyer,aud,a forked train. _ —

` ‚ Marinella.

З. — Clmmdrios.

The Red/henk kind 5 whofe bill: are about tivo incher long.

‹ f The bigger5 coniiderable for — _

I Having a red btllancl lege: or for havinga ki-nd of rufe about the

I neck of the mala, of great variety of colours, beingрядами/и.

REDSHANK. Hem‘f'ii'l‘- .

4’ RuEFE. ‚ — _ www»

— ‹ Being mixed ofblack and „Ми; ||whether the greater, having

tranfverfeßreak: of black and white on the train : or the leße'r, Ш

­ ving only the exterior feather: of the train white.



cThe laßër5 having white bel/ie:’5 either that Whole back isgrey.- or

that of a dark brown colour. -|

I ¿_ êKNOT.

. LT

STINT; ‚ . . I

h@ ¿Voifdcockkinh whofe bill: are about three inche: long ; whether


милый’; _. V _ _

I I’Frequenting frejh затеи; of a fulvou: colour ß>otted5 theg'reat'eŕ :‹

Ч or the leß‘5 the male ofwhich latter is much lef@ and of a' [hotter

bill then the female. _

I <~ Scolopax. —i 7 ­ 5N[pE_ I Geomag» mi'.

*I [шумит/21: water: 5 either that of a black and white colour, n".

with red bill andleg, zvantingaPoßica : or that of a ¿rey colour `

bavinga Pof/'ical ' a

8 SEA PY Hamamapu’ GODWIT. . ‘ д’ди‘дд l

Fel”.gl‘rooked bil/:5 Пейте!‘ that of a gre) colour: or that whofe feather:

are of an elegant j2~arlet,excepting the vingt, which are black.

9. ÉCURLEW. ‘чьи.


х vin. AQUA



­0f Birdy.

Part. II.

waan-gua." " viii. AQUATICWBIRDS, maar muah ‚Шьем, выпад.

Tic fissi

I Pants.




Ardea alba


Ardea alba


Ärrlett llenarlo’

Ardea Brief/'



t olymbu: ma-­


Cnlymbu! mi


Ful/'ei'.> '

Gaäirinla. l


l l








PEDES. llmay be diliinguifhed into fuch as are,

f Not fottuta/m35 but wading 5 compreliending the Crane-kind , having

long neck: and leg:, long and ßrong bill: 5 whether

I” .Sharppointed bill: 5 either fuch whole neck: are

rLonger 5 conliderable for


Having a thicker [1i/l5 fumewhat crooked and fhorter then the 0

VBuilding in Fenny place: 5 being hair) on the head,having the mind

tlie'rs ofthis tribe, withfŕarlet coloured 1ving:5 or having a ta t

of bri/ile: on the head.

pipe reverled in the form of the Letter S, and being Herbioo

I I roue: or building ou Haufe: and Chynineppf a black and white

l l I(i i






l êCR ANE.


the beak, being Pif‘ivoroua.

the heacLbuiIding on tree: 5 being Pifciatoroua,with one blindgut 5

[l either the greater : or the le/jér. ’

(alaaf, with тег! leg: and bill, making a noife by the col/fon of

l Bring of an aß: colour,having a tufì of­feather: {ianding out behind

,l i HEARN.


I “еще afa white colour; in other refpeâs like the former5 the

i greater.' 0i' the [феи


4‘ .'giEssER WHITE HEARN. .

[sama neck5 Н either that which is {Миши and ~/potted5being Pi ci

I votar/@having ‹‚„‹ы1„‚1д‚‚:.- or that which is white with a red ill.




Broad and roundpointed bil/5like a Spoon, Pi/2inoron:,of a white colour.

6. SHOVELAK, Spoon-bill.

t8tvintniing5 either _ Y

rThe Diving-kind 5 being much under water, and _hun-footed, viz.

with a membrane fianding offon each Íideofthe toe:,having donmy

реп/вен, and wanting a train 5 either the greater, having a longera. bid.' or the leße'r, having a Денег bib’. I


7' LITTLE DIDAPPER.rIhe More-hen- kind 5 whofe Байт are fomewhat compreíïed fide

Wayes5 whether

§Finn­footed5 having a membrane of Sco/[opt edge: on each Fide of


the toe:,a bald head, being of a black colour.

8. СООТ. . a '

Not fan-footed 5 || either the greater,which hath a little red baldneß‘

or the leßer, having a long red bill.

MOOR-HEIN, Water-hen.



_Chap V. 0f Bzrdr. 1 5 5

IX. AQUATIC PALMIPEDE Birds,v'vhofe toer are joyned together tx. atLtiA;

with a vìernbra'ngmay be diliinguiihed into fuch whofe hill: are either 'UC PAL.

На! and blunt ; being Hcrhi‘vorour. _ y _ _ _ mums“

iThegreater 5 either the Миф ofa white eolour,having hlaek leg: : or

l the leße'r, the maler of which are commonly white. ’lSWAN Слив‘. y ' _ _I' — (300511, Gander, Gdling. _ _The middle kind 5 either the h1gger,of`a beautiful colour,the headof

‘l a darkgreenßhe had] Ищем/1:11 large fpots of orange coloùr 's or the ‘

lej/e‘r, having reddi/h legt.


" DRAKE, Duck. . l . _ Jur.

„The leaß lq'nd5 either the bigger, having the hilland leg: of a lead

colour; or the leßv, being from the eye: to the hinder part ofthe

head of a уста/Ь colour.

„ ‘тает. ' ma»._’. {t’fîlf‘ßtlo

— Sharp 5 being generally Pijëifuorou. _ _ _ _ _

l» The Solari-gruß kind; having the four toc: jojned together 5 whether

White, either that which hath a long hid, hooked at the end, laying

but one Egg : or having a great bag under the hill. —

SOLAN- GOOSE.4’ PELLICAN. _ ì °"“""’"­‘

Blaclç, the greater, ufed 101- eatl‘hing of F11/h: or the [#11 `

GRANT. дичи‘ man'

5' SHAGG. .(‘ì'lr‘aeulut „А

l The Fujin/@nds деревни‘; defàrt I/landr, wanting a ptyiiea ‚ going may".

upright, laying but one Egg; whether fuch as build their nefi’s

iWithin the ground 5 in holes 5 either that which is more common in

Europe, having the tap oJ" the head, the hac/e, wing: and trai): ofá

black eolour,the reFt white, the billfomewhat compreífed upwards,

. 11101501`а triangular figure,and red at the point: to which may be

1 i adjoyned that American Bird, of alike Шара to this', but bigger.

'L i PUFFIN» [ein „11.3

' ’ PENGUIN. i . durf-_

t0n the gronndg chieliy rocky places, making their neÍis together 5 ""1""

either that with a compreße'd black bil/,hooked at the end, having

a white line on either_fide : or that of alonger MIAMI/harp, not

' hooked.

l RAZOR-BILL. ' д“„М.

z 7’ GurLLAM. ama..l The Diving-kin@ being much under water, having roundferrate

hillf, hoo/ged at the end; either that which is 'variegatedwith black

and white .‘ or that which is of a einereou colour on the haak, with ‚ 1_,

I a' red head, and a ш]? #poil it. ­ ~ ‚

8 âDIVEK. um» _ ‚

l ‘ DUNN DIVER. А 5311*@т"

¿The Gull kind, being nach upon the tiring ae Swallows, commonly of

an afh colour .­, either the bigger : or the leßér, having red hill and

legi', witha forked train. ‚

GULL, Sea-men’. ` _ 1'9"“ ‚ „

9’ SEA swALLoW , om). _ ‘ ' . 531,!’"М’

X a Beiidcs

‚56‘ _ g of Bea/i.. Pneu,

`Swriiana, there isa ЕЩЁ], called-Hooper,

__ having the wind-pipe going down to the bottom of the Шеф-доле, andA

then reverfed upwards in the figure of the Letter S.

Beñdes the common Goof’,therc are feveral lorts of iviid one:, whereof

one is lilac-ht from the [тиф to the middle of the bell , called Brant Coq/ê,

Вещи/а, or Brenta.

To the „Идеал-411111 may be reduced that other fowl, about the fame

bignefs, the two middle feather: of whole train do extend to a great

length, called Sea-Pheaßznt, Ana: cando acuta.

To the Teal-hind Íhould be reduced that other fowl, of the like Пюре

and bignefs, but being white where the other is green, called Gargano.

To the Gull-kind, doth belong that other Bird, Ofa long [lender bill

bending upwards, called Avogetta recurvi ro/lra.

Of Bea/lf.

EASTS, may be difiinguilhcd by their feveral fha pes,properties,ufes,

è' V' food, their tamenefs or wildnelì, Ú‘c. into fuch as are either

’ Viviparoua 5 producing living young.

WHOLE FOOTED, the fole: of whol‘efeet are undivided, being

__ ufed chieliy for Carriage. I.


i Claired, or multiji‘doue, the end of whole feet is branched out into

' toe:5 Whether

.l Nor RAPAcious. ш.

| RAPACIOUS 5 living upon the prey of other Animalr5 having

I generally_hx /hort pointed incifores,or cutting ген/дат! tivo long

fante to hold their prey; whether the

I CAT-KIND5 having a roundiß) head. IV.

DOG-KIND 5 whole head: are more oblong. V.

ILOVIPAKOUS 5 breeding Egge. Vl.

L WHOLE l. WHOLE FOOTED BEASTS, may be diliinguilhed into [uch as \_гоотвп ' A'I_’Solid hardhoof: ; conl'iderable for (are either of

l. HORSE, ilIare,Ge/ding, Nag, Palfrey, Steed, (ourßr, сети‘,Ваша’ Stallion, (olf, F016: Fil/f» “га/д Groom’ (уши

BEASTS- l âszpijtneß’and corne/inc_‘ß’ 5 being ‘фа! for riding.

Монте/з’ and ßrength in bearing burden: 5 having long ear: 5 either‹

the more[туда kind : or that znungrel generation begotten on a

A_ßmu. ’ 2 Bïdj'. (Marg,

Adultos. ` l '».Softer ре! 5 having fome refemblance to the

Lev.n.4.26. Clovenfootedbind, by reafon of the upper part ofthe hoof being

° divided, 'being нашим‘, having a long /lender nec/ç., with one or

two bunche: on the bach, l

Camelut. -- З. Dfûíìledúfj. '

Jl’lultiß'dou.: hind 5 having little prorninencie: at the end of the feet,

reprefenting ‘он, being of thegreate/i magnitude amongfi all other

beaß:,uled for the carriage and draught ol great weights,and more

‚ particularly elieemed for the т/у. _

¿IiP/7.1:. 4. ELEPHANT, Ivory'. ll. CLOVEN

ChapfV. 0f Bea/ir. _ ' 157

п. cLOvEN FOOTEÍS'BEASTS, mÍfÃiFimibmÈ-dimo_mei-ms п. ...uit

Horned and Burnin/int.; having two hornf. (are gîXë-.f'slî I

rHodow5 not branched nor deciduonsbeing common both to the maler

and jîenzaler,uf`eful to enen'both living and dead', whether the

' ’Bigger а being Маги! both by their labour and fig/h5

i . KINE, Bull, Cow, 0x, Calf, Heifer, Bullock, Steer, Beef, Veal, в“,

i g Hunt, bellow, loin, Heard, Coinheard.

а I \ Leßër5 being ufeful either in refpeëi ofthe Fleece and Fle/b : or Hair

andFlejh. .

SHEEP, Rant, Erne,Latnb,Weather, ‘Идиш’, Bleat, F01:1‚1гlock, 0W

2’ GOAT, Kid.` (Shepheard. “im

tSolid5 branched, deciduous, being proper only to the naalet5 whe

l ther the -

'iBigger kind 5 either that of the highe/i ßature, having horn: With

out brow-antlerr, of а fhort ßenznt, and then'ipreading out into

breadth, branched at the edges: or that of a lowerfiatnre, ha

ving round, long, branched hornr.

ELKE. alfa.

3‘ STAGG, Hart, Hind, RedDeer, Veni/bn. (haar.

Middle kind 5 whofe born: become broad towards the ends 5 ei

ther that ofleßër hornr, not ufed for labour: or that which hath

the Аида]? horn: in proportion to that bod}',oi` any other Вещи/1:11

a double branched [эти-ат!" , being in the Northern Countries

ufed for the drawing of Sledr.



BLICK, Doe, Fawn, Prie/eet, Sorel, Sore, Falloro Deer, Veni/bn. Dama.

REIN-DEER, Tarandu. Rangifer.

LI_eaß kind 5 having a ‚Фон, 7010161, branched horn. _

5. ROE-BUCK, КМ. C'apreoltu.

Horned but not гаммы; having but one horn, placed on the naß, be

ing a bea/ì of great bignefs, covered with а kind of Штамп, and

counted untamable.

l 6. RHINOCEROT. _ Minna».


Ruminant дн: not horned 5 being ufeful to men only, when living, for

carriage of burdens, having the longeji noch` of any other Animal

(if there be really any fuch Bca/i.)

` 7.’ CAMELOPARD, Girafa. _ стати“.

Neither hornednor runiinant 5 “МЫ оп1у when dead, for its iiefh.

8. HOG, Swine, Bore, .S’oiv,_Pig, Porket, Barrow, Shoot, Por/e, Ba- Рт’”

con, Brawn. Grunt. ‘


Amongfi thofe that belong to the Bovinunz genna, there are feveral

' forts defcribed by Author.: diftinguifhed by their having either

A Beard 5 Unto.

A Bunch on the baclç5 2 mled Bijbnr.

Horn: rejieó't'ed about the earr. S Bona/iu.

Broad, jiat, rugged hornr; Btffalur.

Bclides the more common kinds oi Sheep, there are others mentioned

by Authorr,and defcribed to have

Streight wreathed hornt. Called Ovial Step/leerer.

Great thiclt tai/r. Ё Ё Broad tailed Sheep.


1 58 0f Бел/1:.

Amongli thofe that belong tothe Goat-kind, belides the more vulgar

fort, there are others whofe horn: :Ire either f

15"-, Angular and knobbed _ ~ Stone Buck.

simpl' Ruti- .S‘niall and round5 being hooked at the end. âcalled Shantoir.

Egfr', Straight and wreathed. _ Antilope.

lll- Cl-AW- lll. CLAWED Beafis NOT RAPACIOUS, may be difiinguifhed

âîpîg: into fuch as are either _ous. rMan-like 5 having face: and ear: fomewhat refernblmg thoie of Men,

with only four broad ineißrefpr cutting teeth,and two (hott ‘де-пей,

not longer then the other, their fbre-_feet being generally like handr,

with Маты‘, going upon their heel: 5 whether the _.

I Bigger kind5 || either that which hath aде’! tai/:or that which hath „о

I Í . I BAßooN, Dfi/1. („д

t ' APE, jackanaper.

Leßer kind 5 having av long tail, and being ver] nimble: to which may

be adjoined, forits afiinity to this kind in refpeû of theface, that

bea/i which is the ßoweß of all others,having but three toe: on each

foot,f`eeding on leaner, having a blindgut joyned to the upper orifice

0f hir Дамаск, being probably runiinant.

Cerropítherur. I 2 IWONKEY; ‘Им’„1Q/it ­

Ищи“- i ' SLOTH, Haut, А}.

LHare-kind 5 having two long teeth in the lower jaw before, and two o

thers oppoíite to thofe (tho not quite Го long) in the upper [шиной of

which are counted runzinant, becaufe when they have by the help of

Lew-L ,L their incifore: filled their mouth: with meat, they after chew it over

again with their Molare: orgrinder: , but they are not properly runti

лат, becaufe they have but one ßornaek, out of which they do not

fetch up their food being once fwallowed.

Thefe may be diftinguiihed into the

ŕBigger kind5 whether' fuch as are covered with

|'Hair5 living either ’

i â Aboveground 5 being of all others the иф fearful.

lepus- I 3. Lever”.

'Underground 5 || either th at with long ear: and aДог‘ ш! : or that

I < with /hort ear: and a long tail, being fatd to Íleep all the Winter.Curricular. I Ё ЩЬЬС” I

Mu: Дудин- I I„ ‹ < I Qifìll: 5 either the bigger : or the leßr kind.

„M I PoRcuPINE.Ethitttu. s'Middle kind s either that which live: in ‘1i-eer, with a ßireadin buíhy

I tail -' or that which live: on theground, with а ßtort tail, anä contß

I hair, having only three toer on afoot.

_ . 6 SQUIRREL.3mm» ’ GINNY PIG.

LLea/ì kind 5 living commonly, either

_In houjër 5 being niijŕhie'votn' to Corn 5 thegreater : or ltßr kind

Soru. ' —

¿für детей?’ â 7

I' Abroad,underground5 having fmall ¢}e:,and broadfeet like handr5be.

ing rot Io properly belonging to this tribe, but ot near añinity to it.

WP" . 8. MOLE. Belides

_ Par. II;

Ё Chap.

l0f Вид/1:‘; ’ _ *wmf-*î* 159

Belides 4the common Rat there are others having

Flat „т, their hinderfeet bcingpalniipedet. ëcal- „тег-т’, [Hurk-rat.

Short tailf, and Ими“! fkim. led Lenting. шж'"

`Befides the more common fort of Mice there are others ' '

Of long люки’, counted ven'emous.

Of a find) colour, a ./ßreading tail, y Dorrnouß». Maravilla

fleeping much. called anni".

Having "’Í’fgfi UPOD which there are Batt, F/itterrnoujê. идти.

four claw: infiead offeet, the only

liying beaß.


lV. RAPACIOUS Beafis of ­the CAT-KIND, may be diliributed iv.y RAPA

into fuch, whofe bodie: are in proportion to their legt, either clous

’ Lef? long5 having generally two атм‘ or canel-bvne: , by which

they are inabled to lirike or culi` with their fore-feet, and to climb,

being able to (heath their claw: 5 Whether the


r Bigger5 confiderable for ­

Ё r`Boldtzejîand courage5 being the chief` of all wild bea/ì: : or for flaw.

' Ё nef/lufggipríi/tßl going upon the heult.

l -е C P T04?. Lio.

Ё Ё ¿l I‘ BEAKIQ’Cub. , _'Ürfiu,

<l "l Spottedneß‘5 either With Randle: : or with “тиф. j _

i ilîgrù.

Ё Ё 2‘ I’ARD, Panther, Leopard. ‚ ' „"1"“

i. .Qifiek _ftghtedntß` 5 ‘

Ё 3. OUNCE, Lynx. Lynx;

' I_ef/ër5 either that Dorneßic Animal, the Едет)’ to Mice : or that wild

.ferce creature, of fome refemblance to this, producing Givet. l

4 САТ, Kitling, Kitten, Mem. com.

’ ClVET-CAT. . _ Идёт‘?

L.More long5 namely fuch as by the length of their bodiea'gand fhortnefê of '

their legt, are fitted to creep and wind themfelves into holesfor the

catching oftheir prey. The Verrninoiß-kind5 whether fuch as are

rTerre/iria] ; of a

icourßr рт‘; being noxious to Robben, either that which is fre

quently trained up by Men for the catching if Cormier: or 'that

I ¿l which is of a[linking Даши’.



s“ POLECAT, Filc‘htw, Yimrra.'

finer furr 5 whether the ' Pmvrim.'

Bigger 5 being commonly white under the throat. ,

6. MARTIN, Sable, Gennet. ¿tamil

Leße'r; either that which is wholly white, excepting a blackßwt on

the tail: or _that whole bel/j i: white, the tip of the tail black, the

Ё hack 0f а light dun.

Ё, 7. STOAT, Errnine.



WEEsLE. ' ' ma.;

niphibiouc5 ||either that of a jitter fitrr, having abroad, thick, [ЕЩЁ

tail : or that of а courfer Тип‘.

8 CASTOR, Beaver.­ oTrEa. ш"

A ‘я.


Рим-тон e, Sheew-nzou/ê, aaai amano.


._ Y d ————.—_ ————— .t -—_—_.—‚-——.‹_—-„.-__ „t ‚_n1-60

" intÃ-i.

0f Boa/h’.

As for that' mongrel generatioti,\vhich many Ant-hors Ада-м,“ being

f begotten betwixt a Fard and a Lionel?, being therefore Calleri Leopard;

y as likewife that other Bea/l, commonly defcrrbed by the name of Culo or

yerf, and that other named ним. There is teafon to doubt, whether

there be any fuch ßtccicr nf Anirnalx,diliinû fr_otn thofe here enumerated.

’ Tho the belief of thefe (asof feveralother hètttlous things) hath been

propagated by Oratorr, upon account of their litnel‘s tu be made ufe of in

the way of hmilìtude.

v. RAPA- V. RAPACIOUS Beaûs ofthe DOG-Kind, may be difìin'gnifhed

Зажим) ìntofuch as are either

' ' European 5

iTerreßrial :, whether

Biggßrs Heither that which is noted for taiiiemjî and dori/ity: 0r

_ l for wildneßand enmity to Sheep.

I DCG, Bite/J, Puppy,I-VÍJe/p. Bark, bay, yelp.

Р I' l ' WOLF, How/e. ‚ _ _

‹ Lßßérg living ufually in holes within the ground; Н either that

which is noted for ‘рт/1111‘), having a [ugly tail : or that which is~

n0red for tenacity in biting , being eltcemed commonly (tho

falíly) to have the leg; on the [gft ßde Íhorter then thc other.

Vulpet. ’

2mm" i i ' BADGER, Grey, Eracle.

¿AwpbibioI/f, -whether the Bigger, Being ltßbairj, having great turk: :

ог the Infor, being wore hairy. ‚

„и“. l 3. ЁМОКЗЕ, ltS‘ea-Ínor/ë.

' SEAL, «Sca-calf: t

жми: ; being noted forI'Gregarioufneß’; going in great troops, and being faid to afiift the Liml

in hunting. '


¿ [вид/31011’, andfeeding on Anthand fometimes on rootr; neither that

Lupui aureus.

„l ot' a baby : or that of a crufr'aoeow roaming. ‚ t 3

Tamandun. l


LA óag nader tbe bel/j 5 wherein the young one: are received, being apt

f to hang by the tail, having a mixed rcfernblance both to an Ape and

:t Fox.

Sfmiwf/Pff' 6. CARAGUYA.

Amongft the feveral листе: of Animalr, there is not any of greater

variety in refpeöt of accidental differences, then that of Dogx, which be

ing the той familiar and dome/fick Bca/i, hath therefore feveral names

afiigned to it according to there diHerences ‚ which are derived either

from the Countrie: in which they are originally bred ‚ and from which

they are brought to other places, as England, Ireland, Iceland, Gifmhóe.

or their bignefs or littlenefs, or from their Пюре, colour, Ьа1г1пеЁ‚д’с.

Butthey are chießy diflinguilhable from thofe ufes which men imploy

them about, either in refpeft ofi


Delight 5



W of Bea/a. ` ‹ 13?

._—„‚___..—.——_‚_‚_._—..—_-1‚ _ . __, ew-,

Delight5 LAP-DOGS. _ . _ . . ‘_ ‚ v

Companying5 when they ferve only to follow us up and down. CURRS,

Cif/lod) of places or things 5 MASTIFS; ‚

Hunting ; either by

ïsigii, GAsE-HouNos.

Snag/l 5 whether for

Bìrd:5 SPANIELS _ _

_ì Terrejlrial 5 LAND SPANIELS‘.



Bea/b5 of a

âGreater kind; HOUNDS.

Leßr kind5 BEAGLES'.

âmftneß, and running after

` Greater Beaß: 5 GREYHÓUNDS.

l Lef/¿f Bea/if, LuRcHERs.


VI. OVIPAROUS BEASTS 5 may be diftìnguiihed by their diffe- vi. _oviPAii

rent ways of progreíiive motion5 whether — A ägìlssï

"Gradient 3 having fourfeet,the figure oftheir bodie: being either more s'

I fBroad5 whofe outward covering is

' Scrußaeeaua ; belonging either to the Land : or to the Water.

TORTOISE, Land-tortoi e. figlio _L TURTLE, Зашли-10%. f 'd'"ш"

l Skinny5 either that which is not poißnor'ßior that which is _counted

l a FROG, Tadpole, eroke. (Poißmow. Kana;

I ' TCAD, Tadpole. Buß-_

\ Oblong 5 whofe bodie: and tail: are more produced 5 whether the

lf(тиф kind 5 being íkinned and icaly 5 either the larger :_ or the

l lef/er, the latter of which is defcribcd to have a dew-'lâp under the







lK q CKOCODILE, Allegator, Cayman, Leviathan. (throat, мини. .

э‘ SENEMBI, Iguana. ‚ _ ‚ °

Middle kind 5 either that which is ino/ì' common in other Соната, —

each foot, with pronzineneie: upon thc head like сан, being faid

(tho Вашу) to feed only upon air. __

LizARD. ‚ ‚ _l Lím- l

4° cHAMELioN. ‚ ‚ ‘ 'me

LLea/i kindç< || either that of a broumg’fb colour with „Найди: : or `

' that of a more dark eolour,having a broad tail for fwimming. „дм,“

‹ . . . _Í and of greatefi varieties: or that which hath, two toe: behind in


, LAND SALAMANDER, [and Eft, Newt. ‘стаю. _5- ‘итак ySALAMANDER, Eff, New. . _ 211152:“

Creeping ,_ being withoutßzet, and ofround oblong bodie:5whether the

lßigâgerskmd; _ _ ° __ _ _

. ERPENT, Hlß. ‘при’:«Ia/fiddle kind5 Heither that which is not peg'ßnou: : or that which is ‘ '

l coun_t_ed poiyònoua, havìbngí two long,hollow, moveable teeth,h‘atch­ ’

I ing t e Egg: within its 0 y. ­ ' t .

l SNAREa Hißi yam', ‚ё

l 7’ viPER, adder, une. ‚ $35;

[Le/ß kind 5 commonly elicemed blind and poi/Zanoni.'

Yа. SLOW WORM. п“ „ш,



...___-__* ———____‚_‚‚‚‚-‹ «___

Niiii/Qr А Part. П.

That kind of Animal which is commonly called a Dragon, and deí`cri°

bed to be a kind of Serpent with Wings and feet (if there ever were any

fuch thing ) might poíiibly be ibme monlirous produůion , but there igreafon to believe thatthereÁ is no fuch Ftanding ßu’cie: in nature.

Befides the common kind of Progr, there is another difiinöt fort,called

the Green frog, feeding on leaves, having blunt broad toes.

Belides the more ufual forts of Lizardr,there are others defcribed, as

having fome dillinét peculiarity in refpcét of

Bigger magnitude, and greennels of colour.1

Blunt broad toes. '

"The green lizard.

The Facetane Li



Thickcrbody , havinga tail annulated with

fcales. ‚ _

Slender body and (mall feet, refernblmg a/






Í [baÍcidica,Lz`z.4rd.

Slow worm. ‚

Small head, and lelier fcales. сайт.

Е Aving now diÍ'patched the enumeration and defcription of the fe

"ста! Грсс1ез ol` Animals, Ilhall here 'take leave for-a lhort digrefů

on,wherein I would recommend this, as n thing Worthy to be obferved,

` namely, that great diiicrcnce which there is betwixt thofe opinions and

apprehenhons which arc occalioned by a more general and confufed

. view of things, and thofc which proceed from amore diliinót coulidcra

tion of them as they are reduced into order. ‘i He that looks upon the Starts, as they are confufedly fcattered up and

downin the Firmament, will think them to be (as they arc fometimcs[Мед ) innumerable, of fo чай a multitude,­ as not to be determined to

any fet number: but~whenpall thefe Starrsar'e difiinâly reduced into

particular conftellations, and defcribed by their feveral places, magni

tudes and names; it appears, that of thofe that are vifible to the naked‘ "`eye, there are but yfew more then a thoufand in the whole Firmament,

and but alittle more then half fo many to be feen at once inany Hemi

fphere, taking in the minuter kinds of them, even to fix-degrees of mag

nitude. Pt is fo likëwife in other things : Не that fhould put the (дын

ёпфшч many forts ofV beafts, or birds, ó‘c. there are in the wor1d,would

be anl'wered, even by fuch as are otherwife knowing and learned men,

i" that there are Го many hundreds of them , as could not be enumerated 5

whereas upon a diftinëi inquiry into all fuch as are yet known, and have

been deforibed by credible Authors, it will .appear that they are much

‚ . >fewer-then is commonly imaginedmot a hundred forts of Beaiis, nor'two

Y' hundred of Birds.- ` ~ ‘

i From this prejudice it is, that fome hereticks of old, and fome Atheil’ti

calfcoñers'm thefelat'er times, having taken the advantage of raifing obf

jec‘tions, (fuch as they think unanfwcrable) againft thc' truth and au

thority of Scripture, particularly as to the delicription which is given by

' Лав/3:5. concerning 'Noa/:s Ark, Gen. 6. и 5. where thedimenlions of- it

„ are tet down t?) bethree hundred cubitsin length, fifty in breadth, and

thirty in height,which being compared with the things ir was to сетей),

fccmed to them upona gcneralview.. (and they confidently añirmed

'_ `Íl§accordingly>

_, multitude of Animals, with a whole years provifion of food foreach of

‘ " the-mt . .L .— This

that it was utterly impoíüble for this Ark to hold fo vafia


____-___...Щ ‚

Noah: Ark.

This obiefítio’n feemed ki conlidcrable, both toÁ fome of the ancient

Fathers, and of our later Divines , who were otherwife learned and ju~ ‘

dicious men, but lefs verfed in'Philofophy and Mathematicks,that they

have been put to miferable lhifrs for the folving of it. Origen, and Saint

Arg/iin, and (счет! other conliderable Authors, do for the avoiding of

this diliiculty afiirm,that1l1oß: being (killed in all the learning cf the

ofgjptianof, doth by the meafure of cubits, here applycd to the Ark, un

derlland the .Egyptian Geornctrical cubit, each of which (lay they) did

conteinlix of the vulgar rubin, namely, >nine foot. But this doth upon

feveral accounts leem very unreafonable,becaule it doth not appear,that

there was any fuch mealiire amongft the flígjptian: or jew: , liyled the

Geonzetrical cubit : Andif there were, yet there is no particular reafon,

why this fenfe fhould be applyed to the word cubit here, rather then in

other places. lt is làid of Goliah, that his height was fix cubits and a ‚ваты:

fpan,w`hich being underfiood of the-Geometrical cubit , will make him

fifty four foot high, and confequently his head mult be about nine foot

in the height or diameter of it, which muli needs be too heavy for Da

vid to carry.

Others not Íatisfied with this folution,think they have found a better

anl'wer, by alTerting that the Наши: of mankind being confidcrably

larger inthe firii ages of the world, therefore the meafure of the cubit

muli be larger likewife,and perhaps double to now what it is, which will ‚much inlarge the capacity 0l' the Ark. But neitherl will this afford any

reafonable fatisfaéiion. For if they will fuppofe men to be of a much

bigger l‘ratu're then, ‘tis but reafonable that the like lhould be fuppofed

of other animals alfo5 in which cafe thisanfwer amounts to nothing, _

Others will have the ßcred cubit to be here intended, which is laid

to be a hands breadth longer then the civil cubit,Ez,eek.43_ M_ But the“,

ìsnot any reafon or neceffity for this. And ’tis generally believed, that

the facred cubit was ufed only in the meafure offacred Stru¿`tures,as the

Tabernacle and Temple.

This feeming diliiculty is much better folved by joh. Buteo in the

Traä ­de Arca Noe,wherein,fuppoling the cubit to be the fame with whaë

we now calla foot and a half, he proves Mathematically that there was

a fuñicient capacity in ther Ark, for the conteining allthofe things it was

deñgned for. But becaufe there are fome things liable to exception in

the Philofophical part of that difcourfe, particularly in his enumeration

" of the fpecies of Animals,feveral ofwhich are fabulous,l`ome not d'íliinů;

fpecies, others that are true fpecies being left out 5 therefore l conceive

it may not beimproper inthìs place to offer another account of thofg

thin s. . ‘ 'ltiis plainin the del‘cription which Мф: gives of the Ark,tliat it was

divided into three fiories,each of them of ten cubits or fifteen foot high,

befides one cubit allowed for the declivity of the root`in the upper lto

ry. ~And’tis agreed upon as moli probable, that the lower Ногу was

alligned to contein all the fpecies of bealis, the middle fiory for their

food, and the upper (iory, in one part of ir, lor the birds and their food,

and the other part for Noah, his family and utenlils. _

Now it may clearly be made out , that each of thefe fiories was of

fulhcient capacity for the conteining all thofe things to which they ага‘

aliigned. ‚ Y _ l

Y a For


_‚‚__‚ _..—._’ ы‘ Partjla

_1‘ 64

For the more diíiinét clearing up of this, I lhall iirlilay down feveral

tables of the divers fpecies ofbeafis that were to be received into the

Ark, according tothe different kinde offood,wherewith they are иди!

Iy nouriíhed,conteinîng both the number appointed for each of them,

namel , the clean by fevens, and the unclean by pairs, together with a

сои]: ure (for the greater facility ofthe calculation) what proportion

each ofthem may bear, either to a Beef, or a Sheep,or a Wolf5 and then

what kind ofroom may’be allotted to the making of fuiiicient Stalls for

their reception.I


Beaflt feeding on Hay. Beafis ~ feeding on Carnivorous

Fruits, Roots and In- Beali's

zíèas' 'u s- zu. #e

ё 8 s u :l 8 g о c З g5l Name â», Name Ё- Namefg à Ps »sea

l feet l [ed

2 НогГе 3 20| 2 Hog ‚ 4- 2 Lion 4 IO

-2 Am? 2 t2 2 Baboon g 2 Beate 4 lo'

l2 Camel 4 2o 2 pe g 2 Tigre 3 8

2 Elephant 8 36 2 Monky ‘ 2 Pard Í 3 8

7lBuIl 7 _4o 2 loth I 2 Ounce 2 6

„или 7. 4 2 _Porcupinet> l> 2 Cat Ё 2 ‚ 6

7 Bilons ‚ 7' 4o 2 Hedghog 7 l2 Clver-cat

7 Bonafus 7 40I 2 uirril l Í l2 Ferret I '

’ 7 Buffalo _7 4o 2 inny pigJ 2 Polecat

7 Sheep I I 2 Апььеаг 2 Martin l

7 Stepcifèros 1% 30 2 Armadilla 9 Stoat > 3 6

7 Broad-tail 1 l 2 Tortoilè 2 WCEÜC

7 @Oat 1

7 Stone-buck 1 3o

7 Shamois l 2 6

7 Antilope 1 I 2 6

7 Elke 7 30 _

7 Hart 4 so f- 27 Buck 3 2O

7 Kein-deer 3l 20

7 ROC QÈ 36;

‚ 2 Rhinocerot 8 l

2’ Camelopard 6 30 t

2 Hare i n è

2 Ftabbet §

2 Marmotto ё

In this enumeration I do notì mention the Mule,bec f 'l `

. produftion, and not to be rekoned as a diftinöi fpeciesîuiiîntcis ihriiuiigiîl:

titoli probable,that the feveral varieties ofBeeves,namely that which is '

(tiled Uría, Bijbrn, Bonafw and Rafa/aand thofe other varieties reckon


-wna ­ y - › v

ëiiäilv. - ‘ Noah: afg.

ed under Sheep and Goatr, be not diliinfl: fpecies from Bull, Sheep, arid

and'Goat, There being much lefs difference betwixt thefe,then there is

betwixt feveral Dogs :` And it being known by experience , what vari- ‚ ‹

ous changes are frequently occalioned in the `­farne fpecies' by feveral

countries, diets, and other accidents: Yet [have ex abundant'i to prè

vent all cavilling, allowed them to be diftinů; fpecies,and each ofthem

to be clean Bealts, and confequently fuch as were to be received in by

fevens. As for the Mor/¿,Seal'e, Turtle, or Sea-Tortoife,€roco'dile, Ä’euenzbi,

Thele are ufually defcribed to be fuch kind of Animal: as _can yabide in

the шага-‚111111 therefore I have not taken them into the Ark, tho iftha't

` were neceilary, there would be room enough for them, as will lhortly

appear. The Serpentine-kind, Snake, Viper, Slow-ivoren, Lizard, Frog,

Toad, might have fuliicient fpace for their reception, and for their nou

rilhmeñt, in`the Drein or Sinkl ofthe Ark, which was probably three or

four foot under the floor for the liandings 01 the Bealis. As for thofèi 'leder Beafisßat Moufe,Mole,as likewife for the feveral fpecies oflnlèâis,

there can be no reafon to queliion,but that thefe may find fufiicient _room

in feveral parts ofthe Ark, without having any particular Stalls appoint'.

ed for them. _ ‚ —

Tho it feem moft probable,that before the Flood,both Men, Beafis and

Birds did feed only upon Vegetables, as may appear from that place,

Gen. |.a9,30. .dud Godflzid, Behold I have givenyou we? herb bearing

_jëed which if upon theface ofall the earth, and ever] tree in w ich it thefi‘uit

if a trie yielding/eed, to _you it Луи/1 be for meat. And to e'uerj beaß of

the earth, and to ever) fowl ofthe air, and te ever) thing that creepeth upon

the earth, wherein there i: life, I havegiven wer)green herbfor шаг, com

pared with chap. 9. 3. Where after the Flood,when the produëiions of the

Earth were become oflefs efiicacy and vigor, and confe uently lefs lit

for nourifhment, God faith to Noah, Every moving thing t at lifoeth,fhall

be тел! for you, even o: the green herb have I g'i‘uen you ad ‘Мир. Yet'

becaufe this proof is not fo very cogent to convince a captions Adverfá#

ry, but that he may [till be apt to quefiion,whether the Ptapacious kinds

ofBeafis and Birds,who in the natural frame of their parts are peculiari

ly litted for the catching and devouring oftheir prey, did ever feed up'on herbs and fruits 5 Therefore to prevent fuch Сан/118,1 lhall be contentl

to fuppofe that thofe Anirnal: which are now Pradatoiy were fo from

the be ining: upon which,it will be necelfary to enquire, what kind`offoodä might be proper and fuliicient for them, during their abode in`

the Ark. Now ’tis commonly known, that the тайма‘ kind are moli!

ul'ually'the prey for the придет kindofbealis.­

It appeares by the foregoing tables,that the bealis ofthe драйв’): oar-i '

nivorou: kind:,to be brought into the Ark by pairs,were but forty in all,I

orîwenty pairs, which upon a fair calculation are fuppofed equivalent,

as to the bulkoftheir bodies and their food,un`to twenty feven Wale/er; —

but for greater certainty, let them be fuppofe'd equall'to thirty Wolves:

and letit be further fuppol'ed, that fix Wolve: will every day devour a

whole Sheep, which all Men will readily grant to be more then fuñicient

for their necelfary fufienance : According to this computationgfive Sheep'

muli be allotted to be devoured for food each day ofthe year, whiclr

amounts in the whole to 182 5.

Upon thefe fuppofttions there muli be convenient room in the lower'




...vH-____~_-.__. `__`

Noahr Ark. Part. ll.

Ногу of the Ark tO contein thc forementioned forts of beslis which

were to be preferved for the propagating of their kinds, _beñdes 182 5.

Sheep, which were to be taken in as food for the трясти Beayir.

. And tho there might feem no juli ground of exception, if thefe beafls

{hould be fiow’d clofe together,as is now ufual in Ships,when they are to

be tranl'ported for any long voyagc5 yet I Ihall not rake any fuch advan

tage,but afford them fuch fair Stalls or Cabins as may be abundantly ШР

ñcient for them in any kind of pofiure,either (landing, or lying, or turn

ing themfelves, as likewilì: to receive all the dung that fhould proceed

from them for a whole year. ­

And that the Ark was of a fuflicient capacity for thefe purpofes, will

appear from the following Diagram. In which there is a partition at

each end of the Ark, marked A A, of fifteen foot Wide, and the breadth

.of the Ark being (счету live foot-5 thefe partitions muli contein in them

ñve Area: of ñfteen foot Крите, and an Area of live foot fquare, being

_ fufiicient to contein four Sheep, therefore one of fifteen foot fquare muil:

be capable of thirty (ix Sheep; Allowing one of thefe Area: at each

end for fiairs,there will eight ofthem remain, (vizfour at each end)to be

reckoned upon for the conteining of Sheep 5 which eight will be capable

ofreceiving 288 Sheep.

Beíides thcfe partitions , at the end there are live feveral palliigesmarked B B, of feven foot Wide for the more convenient accefs to the­ fe

veral Stalls 5~the four Area: on the fide marked С С, deligned for Stalls,

are each ofthem eighteen foot wide,and about two hundred foot long.

And the two middle Area: marked D D, are each of them twenty five

`foot Wide, and about 'two hundred foot long.

Suppoling the two middle Area: to be deligned for Sheep 5 an Area of

twenty five foot fquare muft be capable of a hundred, and there being

Íixteen of thefe, they muli be capable of i600 Sheep,which being added °

to the former number of 288 will make i 888.fomewhat more then 18a 5

the number ailigned for thofe that were to be taken in for food. _

The four Gde Area: marked CC, being each of them eighteenfoot

wide,and two hundred foot long,will be more then fufiìcient to contein

the feveral bealls which Were to be preferved for the propagating of

their Над; for which in the foregoing Tablestheir is allotted to the

length of their Stalls only fix hundred and fix foot, befides the Миассе‘;

of the Stalls allotted to> each of them. So that there will be near upon

two hundred foot overplus, for the reception of any other beafis, not

yet enumerated or difcovered.

As for that fafhion of the Keel of Ships now in ufe,whereby they are'

'fitted for pall’age through the Waters, and to endure the motion ofthe

Waves : This would not have been convenient for the bulinefs here de

Пред 5 The Arkbeiug intended only for a kind of Float to fwim above

_ water, the Нашей of its bottom, did render it much more capaciousfor

they reception of thofe many living Creatures, which were to be contein

ed-in it. Andtho towards the end ofthe Flood when it began to abate,

God is faid to Make a wind to paja”over thqEart/J, whereby the water: were

a//ivaged,Gen.8,i.Yet ’tis not likely that in the time ofthe deluge,'when

thewhole Earth was overliowcd, that there Ihould be any fuch rough

_and boiflero'us winds as might endangera Vciîel of this Идиш; fuchlvt'inds ufually proceeding from dry Land.

_ From


Chap. V. П‘ Noahr firk. 167


From hence it ma bc ev'. " ` L mgm in the.

vvk ,.

-u‘rearkgrather then to find fufiicientroomîigor'thoie fever-'El fpecies

of Animal: already known. But becaufe it may be reafonably prefumed,

thatthere are fcveral other fpecies of beaůs and birds, efpecially in the »undifcovered parts ofthe world,beíides thofe here enumerated,therei`ore­

’tis but reaf'onable to fuppofe the Ark to be of a bigger capacity, then



1 66 ‚ Noah: Arg. — 'Pai-eli.

—— ,___L ‚., «5T . l ., , E — {MEI}„,„mîgb _„_,

God is faid to Make a wind to pa/i’over rh¢,EarihJ wheïebïïfe ­water: Я???”

алишдефсепвдхсбйв not likely that in the time of the deluge,‘when

thewhole Earth was overiiowed, that there íhould be any fuch rough

,and boiftero'us winds as might endangera Veik‘l of this l‘igure5 fuchl“indi ufually proceeding from dry Land.

. From

'Ch-ap. V. .i Nbfzhr

From hence it may bc evident, that there was fuiiicient room in the

lower [tory for the convenient reception of all the forts of beafts that

are yet known , and probably for thofe other kinds that are yet un

known to thelîe parts of the World,

The next thing to be cleared up,is the capacity of the fecond Prot-y

for conteining a years proviflon of food. In order to which ’tis to be ob

1erved,that the feveral bcafis feeding on hay,were before upon a fair calà

culaticn fuppofed equal to ninety two Beever : but to prevent all kind of

Cavils which may be made at the proportioning of them,let them be as a

hundred, bcfides the 1 82 5. Sbeep taken in for foodßut now becaufe thefe

are to be devoured by five per diem, therefore the years provilion to be

made for them, is to be reckoned but as for half that number, viz.. 922.

Thefe being divided by feven to bring them unto a proportion with the

Beef/er, will amount to 180, which added to the former hundred make

280, Гцрро‘ё three hundred. So t n according to this fuppofition,­therc

mult be fuñicient ptovifion of ha?in the fecond (tory to fuliein three

hundred Beez/er for a whole year. ’

Now ’tis obferved (faith Buteo) by Columelle, who was very Well ver

fed in the experiments of Hufbandry, that thirty or forty pound of hay

is ordinarily fuliicient for an 0x for one day, reckoning twelve ouncesin

the pound. But we will fuppofe forty of our pounds. And ’tis affertcd

by Bute@ upon his own tryal and experience, that a folid cubit of dryed

hay, compreffedms it ufes to be, when it hath lain any co'nûderable time

in Mows or Reeks, doth weigh about forty pound5 fo that for three

hundred Beever for a whole year there muli be 109500. fuch cubitsof

hay, (Le.) 365. multiplied by 300. Now the fecond Ногу being

ten cubits high,three hundred long,and fifty broad,muft contein 15оооо.

folid cubits, which is more by 40500 then what is necefiiiry for fo much

‘comprelièd hayg and will allow fpace enough both for any kind of

beams and pillars necefiary for thofabric, as likewile for other repolito

ries,for fuch fruits, roots, grain or feed, as may be proper for thc nouriihè

ment of any of the other Animalr. And likewife for fuch convenientpaliàges and apertures in the Hoor as might be necellaary for the putting _ .

down of the hay to the Stalls in the lower Ногу. From which it is mani- '

feit that the fecond [tory was fußiciently capacious of all thofe things de- ‘

Íigned fo r it

And then as for the third íioryg there can be no colour of doubt, but.

that one halfof it will be- abundantly fuŕlicicnt for all the fpccies of birds,

tho they fhould be twice as many as are enumerated in the foregoing

tables, together with food ful’ricient for their fuitenancc, becaufe they

are generally but of fmall bulk, and may eaûly be kept in’feveral partiti

ons or Cages over one another. Nor is there :my reafon to qtteftion, but

that the other half would afford fpace' enough' >btithib‘l‘ Nqdß's family

and utenÍils. . ‘5’ 2, i' ' "` ' Í ff ‘ — .

’ Upon the whole matter,it doth ofthe two',appear more difficult to af-4

Íign a fufiicient number and bulk of neceffarythirr s , warrfwer the Capa

city oftheArlbrather then to find fuiìcient room' or thoiè Регата} fpecies

of Animal: already known. But bccaufe it may be reafonably prefumcd,

thatthere are feveral other fpecies of beaûs and birds, efpec'ially in the

undifcovered parts ofthe world,beÍides thofe here enumerated,therefore'

Jtis but reafonable to fuppofe the Arkl to be of a bigger capacity, then





д. I.'



Animate Bo


" ` 'No.{b} м 'i -whatimay io-r-thethings already known, upon-this acr

count it maybe alici-ted, that if fuch perfons who are moll expert in Phi

lofophy or Mathematicks, were now to aflign the proportions of а УсПЫ

that might be fumble to the ends here propofed, they could not (all

things confidered) find out any more accommodate to thefepurpofes,

then thofe here mentioned.

From what hath been faid it may appear, that the meafure and capa

city of the Arlt, which fome Atheiftical irreligious men make ufe of, as

an argument againft the Scripture, ought rather to be cíieemed a moli

rational confirmation of the truth and divine authority of it. Efpecially

if it be well conßdered, that in thofe IirÍI and ruder ages of the World,

when men were leÍs verfed in Arts arid Philofophy , andtherefore pro

bably more obnoxious to vulgar prejudices then now they are, yet the

capacity and proportions of the Ark are Го well ad„Лед to the thingsit

was 'to conteing. whereas if it had en a meer humane invention, ’tis

той probable ‚ that it would have een contrived according to thofe

wild appreheníions,which (as I faid before) do naturally arife from а

more confufed and general view of things, as much roo big, as now fuch

men are apt to think it too little, forthofe ends and purpofes to which it

was deíigned.


'I/.ve Риме)" Animate Badia: 5 whether I. More Peculiar, or II. More

General. ›О

Nder this Head of PECULIAR PARTS of Animate Bodiesare

comprehended all the Parts that belong to the whole kind of

Plant: : But as to Animal: , it contains onely fuch as are peculiar to fome

of them, not common to all. And thefe are comprchended with the

others under the farne Head ‚ ЬесаоГе I could not otherwife place them

conveniently to my purpofe.­ They are diflinguiihable by their rela

tron to

Plants; as being




Animalr; belonging chieHy untoySWIMMING Anima/r. IV.

îFLYlNG. Animalr. V.

GOINGl Anima/r. VI.

Chap. VI. Part; peculiar. 1 69

l. By LASTING PARTS of Plant: are meantßichaedo uliially con- ,_ ¿AS1-[Ng

tim‘ie during the life of the Plant, and are not renewed every year. And Pattrs oi

becaule the chief` of thefe is liyled WOOD, therefore may that be here шт’

adjoyned by way ofafiinity. Thefe are difiinguilhable by their'Fabric

and Confiftenee, together with their Polition and Shape 5 being either

more’Hardand Solid 5 ­co‘nlidered according to ­the

" Pq/ition; as to the

ÍEarth,wherein Plants do grow, being either _ y _’_ I Withinit; ­to which may be adjojned thofe partrin the body of

the Plant which have fome analogy to Roots.

‘ ЁКООТ, Radical, radicate, eradicate.l I' KNOT, Кит/‘510145. _ _

<_ Without it_5 the upright part above ground 5 either фауна’,

l upon, and from which the branches do grow : or the lef/¿f5

rowing up from the farne root.

„ ÈSTOCK, Stern,Trt`in/¿, Bod), StalÍhStttÍ», Stump.

SUCKER, shear.





l Plant it jêlf, Ладони; from the ._S’tern of it; p_whether greater and

l Джем! : or left, and pointed, being common tkewife to Fi/her, 6v,

< Tree, Slip, Lop.

THORN, Prickle, ßiinolu'. _

Whig» and Figure; "more cylindrical and : or more taper and


ÈSTICK, Stafg Stalgefudgelßeepter, Mace, Cro er, l/irg,l.eadirlig­


ЁВКАЫСН, Sprig, Sion, young Shoot, Graft, Bough, Aran of a'


[1% Trtincheonßattoon, Refi, звал/д Crate ,Helm,Pcrch,Ta j.

1 WAND,­ Twig,lìod, Switch, Pole.

Soft. Y

Not dif/òlfvalile5 outward : or inward.

RINDE, Bar/Q, Piu,0

‹ Ё 5Ёитн. ’ \ _ _

i видимые, by Water, or byfireg being || either of an agneau: : or an

, nnfluoua nature. ` ­

l 6 âGUM.


Liquid 5 of a l more water] .­ or more идиом confiftence.'

JUI Е. sap, решим.

7’ ßALsAM.

Z _ il. By

1 70 i Part: peculiar. Part. ll.

n. 'iifßiy ÃÑÑ'L‘IÁITrainaienizantintliÄÄaitnÍwed 21455

‘ph-fat“ "f which are either

‘ s’ "Moreprincipal 5 thqfë part: whereby Plant: dopropagate their Идёт.

' Antecedent tothe Seed, either that moli tender part of a Plant, con.

Gderable for its beauty and colo'ur, adhering to the гид/{тепл

' l of the Seed: or that which l: anfrnerable to this in Willows and Nnt~

I< trees, Óvc. _

i I FLOWER, Bloßbtn, Bloom, blown, Nq/ègaj, Prg/2y.

.. CATKIN, Pal/n.

_ l (The дам“: felf5 in ‘фей of the

rPart: belonging to it, and encontpaßing it 5 either the moli _

Soft and‘fiu‘e‘nlentâ ‘МИНИ the Outward Skin ariel Inward

Seed vty/e'l: or the moli hard „флагом part containing the Seed,


` ' STONE, Shed.

I ‘Thin part for Covering .‘ or Oblong,for Defence.

­ HUSK, Hub', Shel/,Skìn, Chafß Boled.

3’ HEARD. _

_. .Aggrcgateif Fruit or Seed5 of a Figure more groß’and confufed.

I or more narrow, oblong, and taper.




CLUSTER, Bunch, Pannicle.

4‘ EAR, Spike, Spire, Bent.

’ Leßprincipal 5 to be further diliinguifhed by the Figure, in refpefi of

»_‘Ihicknejf or Thinneyx’, either fuçh as are more thick, namely the

little[миф in the growth >of a Plant, or of the parts of it: or

I fuch as are more thin, namely thofe laminatedpartr, belonging

either to Plants themfelves, or to their flowers.

SPROUT, Bud, jhoot, burgeon, pul/utate, при/даме, germinate,


. put forth, fpring forth.

l _ LEAF, Foliag:, Blade.

Length 5 whether fuch as are

"Proper to the Flower 5 the greater, ftanding up fingly in the middle

_of the flower: or the leßer, being fmall threddy filaments with

а | in the liower, whereof there are ufually many together.' ‘ 6 STILE. l

I ' STAMEN, tuft.

¿_Connnon to other part: of the plant; Il either thofe fmall fiemms,up­_

on which flower: and leave: do grow : or thofe kinds ofthreddj

шт, by which climbing Plant: do take hold ofand ту} about

the thing: that (tand next to them г

STALK, Footßalk, Дай:

7 ‘ твмэквь, cagar.

Hol/owntys’, conteining within it, either the leave: ofthe flower: or

the fruit. '

8 ЁСЦР, Perianthiurn.


m. By

Chap. VI. Рат‘ peculiar. 1 71


III.' By FRUITS vare meant thol`ey more Succulent parts of Plants, Ш__ _Kinds ‚Ё

which are either the Reeepmcler of Seed, or elfe the Seed: thernßlve: 5 to FRUITS.'

which may be adjoyned,by way of affinity, the general name denoting

the EXCRESCENCES of Plants, as Galls are ofOken leaves, ¿56.

Fruits may be diliinguiíhed into fuch as are

,"Reeeptacle: of Seed. . ‹ ‚

r'Eaten commonly hy nien., whofe eatable part is covered with a_

fSqft Skin. _ ‚

ЗИ’йЬош Stone: 5 being generally a larger fruit.

I . APPLE, Pannferoln'.

i’l With танец, "either the <greater kind, conteining one Íingle

(tone encompali'ed with an efculent pulp: er the lcjî, growing

‹ .l either in Clufiers, or difperfedly on Trees, Shrubs and Herbs,

' l

husk of it.

PLUM, Pruin, Pruni/erbßì,

' BERRY, Baeclferow. ‚А

Hard Мед‘ 5 namely that kind of fruit, whofe only efculent part is

inclofed in a hard covering.

„ 3. NUT, Nnczferoller. ‚

Not сайт commonly hymen, hut hy heg/ir. . y

Cmy'yîing of one only Seed, in aSeed-'ueßlg "шкаф; : or Лиц/11

l ‚ conteining generally (счет! fmall feeds or [iones in the pulp or

­ 2





_ . MAST, Acorn,l’annage.

ì 4‘ KEY.

(‘видит/Ежи! Seedr5 being more fallid : or hoh/ow. ‘

CONE, Apple. e

5’ COD, Hìßk, Pod, Shell, fhalg/ìliquow'.

LSeed5 Il being the nza/i minute kind of Fruit, whereby Plants propaï

gate their Kinds я ог the [при/Чип.‘ of Seeds.

6 ÉGRAIN, Corn,Kern. _' `

° ’КЕЩЧЕЬ. ‘

The Peculiar parts of Animals here enumerated are ßid to be fuch asbelong chiefly, not only, to theЛюси! kinds of Swixnrning, Flying, Goingl

Animal: 5 becaufe there are fome under each Head that belong alfo to

other Animals. So Spawn and Gruß belon te Inßrâ‘r, and fome Bea/ir, as

well as to So Trunk or Praha/Eis', an Egg do belong to fome Going'

Animals,as well as to Flying. So doth Efnhrayo to а 34: and all Vifuz'paron;`

ЕМ), as Well as to Going Animale. But thefe Parts are more commonly

and generally found amongfl thofe Kinds under which they are lifted.

z" a „ rv. 'rhbfe

172 . Parts Peculiar. Part. П.


lv. Partspe- IV. Thofe Part: peculiar chiefly to SWlMMlNG ANlMALS, to

mi“ Т?“ which Cnltom hath afcribed dìltiní‘t names, do Ген’? either for their

‘iOutmrd Covering, with refpeů to different Magnitudes.

äLgßér , being a Thin Ianzin.

i. SCALE. ‚ ‚ _ _Greater, || opening u/ùally upon a joingas in Oiůers, Фе. or an entire

I Armature, without fuch opening, as in Lobltcrs, Ó'c‘.

y l SHELL, Teßaccow.

2° CRUSTчести, shell. .

l Rißiration, thofe Opening parts on tbe fide: of tbe Head , which are

thought to fupply the place of Lungs.

a. GlLL.

Prognjlive inotion, fetving either t0 _

Direä thu motion, by feeling fach objeóts as lyein thc way, being

l long promineneier, ßanding offrant the bead, common to feveral


‘I 4. FEELEKS, Horne, Antenna.

‚(ф)‘! i» this motion, whether of

I ló'wiwnzing, as in molt kinds of fkinned and’ fcaly Fiíh.

l | merma, а thin membrane fined with air, by the help or which

Ё Filhes poife themlelves in the water.

l y 5. swiMMiNo BLADDER._‹ '\External5 Heitherthofe thin broad fubll'ances, ftanding oiln from

l täefbody of the Filh: or thofe long Лет!" parts belonging to

I t e e ‚


" RAY, Radius, Pinnula.

Going, as in crul’taceous exanguious Animals.

l 7. CLAW.'ILProcreationa belonging either to the Maler .~ or Farnaler.

8. 112W. l

‘ SPAWN, Hard топ’.

v. The

né‚_.———_._‚‚_____-‚_____„ _ ,

Chap. VI.

V. The Part: peculiar ТО FLYINGANIMALS are either v_ pms ре,

— rNot jleyliy 5 fuch as ferve for ' „ сына: To

‹ rOutward covering, which is done by finali oblong bvdiu, 'with Бай-11%i branche: growing from both üdes of them,t`ne bottom ofwhich is .

Pam Peculiar.

_ l kind of a hol/oto Cylinder like a reed. _ ~ ‚

¿l l FEATHER, Pfam, @a1/0a, fitage, placa. ,

_ 1‘ QuiLL.

Progrej/t've motion5 which in fuch kind of _Creatures is twofold.

l ' motion of which the) ‘На? the Air: Thel'e are generally an aggre

gate of Feathers5 butin Bats and Flies of a Skinny conûlience. ~

<1 then, whereb) thqjieerthenifêl've: in their Flight.


I ‚

í Fljing 5 which is done Ь‘; thofe part:Тайна! on the Литые“, b) the

To which may be adjoyned that aggregate of hindering/ì Fea.

2' » TRAIN, Tail. _ ‚

‹ Going; by a Foot with feveral Toe: “divided l’ or united b] fomeßlna

I _for their better help in Swimming.l TALON, Pounce, Claw, Clutch.A

3' FLAT Poor, Palm-pea..

l ranas and righting 5 || the aaai of а and = or а kind or tal/.a mi.

` through which fome things íitck their nouriihtnent.

l BEAK, Bill.

4‘ TRUNK, rra/anu, sama. _ _ _

'Fighting onelj5 of a jliarp Ggure5 Н either on the jìdeafthe Leg: or

in the Tail, counted poifonous.


l 5° STING, Frick/e.

containing a Maggot, which is tranlinuted into a Moth or Butterfiy.

6 EGG, Nit, Flyblaiv. _

' CHKYSALITE, Aurelia.


А l? LPracreation5 a ronndi :bodjr covered ivitha Shell: or a )felloioifh cafe

Flç/h] 5 belonging t0 the _ ‚

Fore-part 5 and placed either on the top if the head : or under the ïain.

‚ СОМВ, Crtfì.

_ 7‘ — GiLL, Wai/a

Hinder-part 5 either that I’rotuberanee about the endof the Bnek~beneor that Caz/it] or Glandule in it containing an unéiuous ßdg/ianee fbi»

the fit pling of the Featheri'.

8 ¿KUB/IP. '

‘ ’ OIL-BOX.

VI. The

-———————-—————._——_—____‹„—‚——.._._‚ __...

I 74 Pam general. Part. ll.

‚____‚__——__`_____ ‚_____ *_ 1'11’ат!» Vl. Thel’awr’t-»îgecîliîzr belonging TO 4GOING ANlMAíSîirc fuch

ÈÉÍIÉGTO as ferve fbr _

ANIMALS. “Outward covering 5 conflderable according to the

',More general nameg denoting а fmall oblong flcxile bod] , growing

l Plant-like out oft/.re :kin : or Aggregate: of tbejê, growing thick to

l getber and curled.


i ° WOOL.


l Particular kinda; either a more big and kind of hair .‘ or the

‹ morefnmll and ßfter kinds Of hair] _ßib/îancer, fometimes afcrìbed

I to Feathers.


‘ DOWN, Lm.

Aggregafer5 more proper to Hair : or to Wool.

‚‚ FUKR, ErrninJ Mini'vor, SCC. Timber.


Half) part: 5 || оп the Chin or Face .­ or on the Nec/i.



BEARU, Mußacb, WMI/(er.

I 4‘ MANE, creß.

‘l Progrd/ìve motion; whether in whole or clozfenfooied flninulr: or in

multi/idole or clawed Anirnalf. а


| 5' NAIL, claw.

Fighting; theforernoß part fcrving for Offence again/ìgreater Animal: :

_ or the binderrnoß part ferving for defence again/ì Inßâ'r.

6 ÉHORN, Head, gering.

l ° TAIL, Scnt, Dock, Crnpper, Single of Deer.

A Prccreation s the )nung in the Wcniô before its birth: or the bag wherein

it if contained.

EMBRYO, Child in the Womb.

7’ sEcuNolNE, After/nnb.



Q, 1I, Y GENERAL PARTS of Animal: are meant fuch as are more corn

топ ю tbe whole kind, or at [ел/1 the more рейса kìnds,as Bea/ir and

Мел; there being ß'ueral parts enu'merated under this head, as Milk,

Marrow, Bone, Griltle, Tooth, Dug, Rib, Navel, all under the fifth Dif

ferenceßnd fome under the flxth, which are not common ta allforts of In

jâòïr, Fijber, and Birdr. Thefe are diůinguiíhable into






5 HEAD. Ш.


LlMM. V.


1 I. CON

Öiiàp. Vim-wтт"м“—;д?

. CONTAINED H'OM‘OGENE'OUS PARTS are fuch kind of Huid L CON- _

Bodies as are difiinguifhable by their various lConlii‘iences and Ufes, and îlàiëâgl;

not by any ешьте: of Shape or Figureg becaufe, being liquid, they Nr0us

have no Shape of their own, but muß be contained 'termino alim?. The), PARTS. .

are either more _

{Tbin and Aerial. ¢

1. SPIRIT moin.

Liquid and Fluid 5 being either _ _ ‚ —

‘,Mare limpia’ 5 and of _an aqueous tranfparency, "for diluting and at;tenuating the Humors: ora prepared juice for nourifbing the­ fe

veral parts.

sEPtuMw/bty. i


.More opaca/aand thick. __ _ _

" Notgeneral/y ‘Дал/Ы ­, being #fnleither jin

’ Nutrition 5 H a whitifh humor in the Mefentery extraä'ed fram :be

‘ fwd before Saqgizrfeatian : 0r receiving a рам d/geßian if;

tbc brcaßr for the nourilhrnetit of the Fœtus.

l 'CI-IYLE. ` _

\ 3' MILK, Cream, heffing, milch, Бай).

il ' ltGeneratian, || common to both Sexes.' to which may be adjoyned


...rv-..._ .‚_..-‚__ ‚ ...n __—_—_‚—_.__.






that excrementitious ‘rnoiilurepraper to fome Females.

SPERM, Seed, _[ëminal.

4‘ MENsrauA, шт

Lngï'jêd through the whole,and mixed together in one Mais; con

_ Iidered either according to the

’ Ёбспега! типе 5 denoting that red juice in the bodies of the more

perfect Animals.

5. BLOU D, _ Crier/èn.

Particular kimlr-j, of which this Whole mais is laid t0 CODÍiÍi, сощ:

monly fliled the four Human, and according to the old Theo- ‚

ry, elleetned to beveither .. ` '

‚ На‘; and moi/i: or dry. ` I

6 BLOUD, Sanguin. _ ` ` '2 ` ' CHOLER, Gall. A .

Cold; and moiß: or dry.

PHLEGM, pitm'tvw.

7 ‘ мвымсноьт, choz” „1a/z.

LMore eonfylent, in the Head, the organ of the inward Senfes : or in tive

Cavity ofi/.re Banu, for the moiůning of them.


' MARROW, medal/arf.

- y _ п. CON

1.76 Pam general. Part. П.

n. сох- u. CoNTAiNiNo HOMOGENEous PARTS аге diliingnilhable

TAIMNG by their Qualities of Hardnefs and Sof'tnefsgor by their Figures and lifes;ggâ‘gfß being either if a

PARTS. {Мак hard Con/#ence 5 ,

leßhard ; both devoid of Sen

I BONE, Skull. .

и ' GRISTLE, Cartilage.

‘l For uniting ofthe Bone: and Mußle: 5 either oblong .~ 0r the extrenitj

^ ofthe Mujâle affixed to the part which is t0 bC moved



' TENDON.A Mvreßfì [onf/fence ­ being 'either

IThin and broad 5 этап/"[718.2," the outward ран: or the inward


SKIN, Cuticle, Fell, HideJ Pelt, Slough, fla), схем-Эли, gall.

3' MEMBRANE, Film, Pannicle, Tunic/e, sbin, Pericardiurn, Pe

‚‹ l ricranìum, Peritona‘urn.


2 i


Oblong and капот; ~ . _

Hollow 5 for conveyance of the Bíoudllto the Heart .- otfronithe

Heart. _ ‹

~ VEIN, Vena'l.

j 4 Aarem-al1.Solid 5 for conveyance of the Spirits, jêrfoing for Senß: or (Ной:

fina/l hair-like'bodier of which the Muf'cles conlili'.

NERVE, Sinem. '

’i FIBRE, Grain, Filament.

‚ kC'raßr, of no determinate Figuren, ujêfnlfor

Motion 5 according to the name, || more general: orparticular.

Ё 6 ¿FLESi-l, Рита/дума, carnal, Carnoßtj, incarnate.

° MUSCLE, Brawn.

Preferwing from Heat and Cold : or the Рено/ай”: ofjônte hurnorr.

7 ЁР‘АТ, Suet, Tallow.

GLANDULE, Kernel, Ernunäory, Almond, Bur, Street-bread,


V. The

l Forßrengthning of the Fabric; iäeithet‘ the tno/i hard and dry: or.



III. Amongů Externalcontaining Не;!е1‘0$епс‹ш=1‘ряд.‘э that which is the in, 0f the

cbz'ff, being the Seat and Reûden‘ce of the Soul, is the HEAD `: To which HEAD

may be oppofed the other party Ftyled BODY, C_areaß -

The part: of tbe Head are either* _ l y _ ì Y

¿loregeneral5 either tbefbre'part leßbrziryor Фе binder-port more bait).

FACE; Уфу, A_ßeä, Countenonce, Fледи)‘, Look, мш, Fbjfí

1 Ё ognomj, Feature, Vizzard, .Maak

PATE, Stal/7, Noddle, Sconce, SMH, Brain-pan.

Moreparticular parts of the Head and Face are either

"Afore properly Одежды! 5 for I ì l

реф 5 whether fuch parts as are

fExternal 5 ufed for

Seeing, or Найду.’ l _y î _ l ‚ i t _ ‚

‘ 2 EY, Ocular, орда/2% vieiv,look,kenń, Lelio/¿1, gaze, pore.

I I ° EAR, Lug,bear, ear/ren, auricular. '‹ Tir/ling, or Swelling : П either that Sciíiùre of the Face through

(i I which we breath and receive our nourifhment ì or that 1101

' i low prominence, through which we breath and fmell.

МОПТН= С/мрх, muzzle, oral, devour.

3‘ NOSE, „шт, iwßriz, fmt. 1

Journal-j, ufed for

‚ L'1”oßing, град/11:13,” Eatin‘gg

l г(‘а’гиехч either that of а jòft “Шу _]ìlb/lam‘e, whereof there




is but one : or that of a ‘ту! hard am! dr) confrßence, whereof`

<1 there are many.

ToNGuE, ffl-r. . ‘

4‘ЁТООТН, Fang, ‘ГИК, bite, gnam, nibble, Holden, Grinders’.

{Comm/e5 either t/:c upper inìvarclpart of tbe Mont/.i г or tlae operi

pfgße'ge through the Neck into the middle region of the Body.


5’ ЁТНКОАТ, gt'ttural, jugular. _

Ll rß’properl] Organica! 5 but contributing tothe making up the Fabric

of the Face5 diftinguifhable by their various Poíitions into

"Upper and fore-right s Extremz'tj of the Fare: or Protuberom‘e

over tbe Eye.

6 ЁГОКЕНЕАО, BrowJ Front.

j — ' EY-BROW.

­ ‘диет/5 „mmh the middle r or toward: the upperpartr.

CHEEK, j’ole;`

7’ твмк’ьвз.

\ Lower 5

Fore-right; either the upper and lower Extreozit) of that Scif

Гц re which makes tbe Mouth .’ or the Extrerm't)­ of the Foce,

8 Ll P;


La!eral :‚

ЁЪЗУУ, СЬядМат/ёЬ/е, jolt'.

9’ -v PLACE or ToNsiLLitj.

A а IV.

l hap. ­ Portfgenerol. i Y. 'Y



“’- 0§fh¢ï 1V. By TRUNK is meant the middle part of the Body, c_onûdered

RUM’ дыма/у from Head and Umm. The атмthe 'Trunk are dlíhngun'h

able by their various l’olitions being either

'u 'Upper 5 towards the top ofthe Trunk. ì

Net determined to fore or hinder part, but common to both5 the

Stem-like of the Head .° or the upper Connextty ef Вид/1 and Back.

l l NEXK, Марс, Dat/ep.

’ SHOULDER Seapulary.

Determined to the, _

( Farepart s more general: or more fpeet'alb the glandulous part

«leligned for milk in fente/er.

I BREAST, I’et‘ì'eml,l Befetn.

’ 2‘ DUG, ’Udder, Teelt, Nipple, Papfßredi.

Hinderран; more general: or more @edel/y the Bone: of it.


s 3’ ЁУЕКТЕВКА, Spendyl, ßn'nal, fhine.

iLIidd/e. .

l rInlinderpert; the direä‘ Mufcles: or ‘ждет: Bones.

‘ LOIN Chi/re.

l 4’ me ’ ' ‚

<: 'Side-.part 5 more general : or more @caía/ly the Íewer part of it.

5 SIDE, Lateral, collateral. _

° FLANK, Rand.

i . Fore-part5 more Igeneral: or more девиц; the concave middle part

of'it. .

l 6» ÉEELLY, Pßlneh, Pannel, Peritemennz.'

`__„.__. _..- .-..._.__¢­»­~ —

Pern general.

NAVEL, @wht/ical.

Lower 5

‘Роге part; the eoneave part between the hel/y and thighr: or feat of

the Privities between the thighf. '

_ скот.

7’ ЁЗНАКЕ, faq/t.

Hinder-perm more ,general : or jpeeial/y the Cavity.

8 BUTTOCK, Breeeh,Hauneh, Harn.

' ' FUNDAMENT, Doek..

Chap. VIL

V. By LIMM or ltlentber is meant any fpecial part dejtgnedfor Aä'ion, ¿he

rnoneable upon, and diliinguilhable by its _.'.ì'ointr: for which reaIon the '

word JOINT may be annexed to it by way ot_añinity , one b_eing the

thing moved, and the other the thing upon which the motion is made.

_They are either

nUpper Цепи. _ _

' Innerrniyi‘ .‘ or next to the Trunk, with ibr joint.


На}, Нф, Glove.

WRIST. ’i Lower Lin/nz.

I ilfmermß: or next to the Trunk.

THIGH, Hip, Harn, Haunch, Pe/lle.

4’ нискьв.

ÉHAND ­le, wield, Manual, manage, Palm, fyi, Glyn/I, am”,


Ä ‹ Middlernoß.

I SHANK, Leg, sbin, calf.

_ s¿KNEE

LOuternioß. _ _ ‚

6 FOOT, Hock, Trotter, tread, trarnple, ßarnp, Inßep.

` HEEL, Calcitrate, kick, Piylern.

`C'ontnton both to­ upper and lower Lirnm 5 the Joints of which may be'

dillinguilhed by-the order of fitti, fecond, or third : 0r innermoft,

middlemoll', or outermofi.

cFINGER, Toe, Thurnb.

7‘ Экыискьв.

A a a VI. Con

———_‚—‚——Щ———._._______‚ь———‚ l- f­~­­­-~­ ­-­`

178 _ Рат general. ‘ Y Parr. П.

“'- 0f Thé 1V. By TRUNK is meant vthe middle part of the Вод}, conñdçred

пшм' щит,from Head and Limrm. The Риме)’ tbe Trunk are dìllìnguìůl

able by their various l’olìxìons being cìrher

Ё ‘Upper 5 towards the top of the Trunk. _

Not determined to fore or hinder part, but common to both; |Ё the

Stem-like of tbc Head .’ ur the upper Cоных!” ‘у’ Breafl ‘md Back.

шик, Мфе, Duup.l' SHOULDER, шрмщ.

Determined t0 the ‚

( Fore-part s more `general : or more jjfeeialb the glanclulous part

(lcfìgned fnr milk in jena/er. ’

Ё BREAST, Редт’а1, Boßm.

` 2’ DUG, Udeler, Тем, Nipple, Pap,`Breaß.

Hinderpart5 more general: or more @edel/j the Bone: of it.

n BACK._‚ D’ ЁУЕКТЕВКА, 8ро’и1у1, ßzinal, Chine.

Alfeld/e. .

I rInlilzelerpart z, the direä Muf'cles: Or thm/»baje Bones.

Ё Ё LOIN, elli/fc.

Ё Ё 4’ ma. ` . —

‹ ’Side-part 5 more general: or more ßacez'allj tbe lower part of it.

Ё ЁЗПЭН, LateralJ collateral. _

’ гышк, Hmz.

‘Гоп-‘91015 more general: or more ßzeeial/j the concave middle partЁ

Ё оБк. f _

6’ BELLY, Pßngch, Pannel, Peritcmeuw. '

' NAVEL, @tubi/ical.

Lower 5

<Fare ран; the concave part between tlve belly and ‘ЕЕ/з: : or feat ofthe Privitìes between the tbigbf. i

l скот.

7 ’ SHARE, Tmß.

Hinder~part5 more .general : or _@eeiall] tbe Ca2/it).

8 ЁВЦТТОСКч ВгессЬ,НаитЬ, Ham.



` - V.1By

Chap. VIL Parti general. '_ i ’ 1

V. By LlMM or Alenzher is meant any fpecial part dg/t'gnedfor Aäion, êhß

nr'oneahle upon, and diliinguilhable by its gointr: for which reaíon the ’

word JOINT may be annexed to it by way of’alinity , one being the

thing moved, and the other the thing upon which the motion is made.

lThey are either

"Upper Lirnni. „ _

' Inner/maß .­ or next to the Trunk, with it: joint.

l l SARM.

i | ‘(sHouLDErt.

‘ Middlenìöß.

l l 2 cuisir.­ ' ELBOW, Pinion.

l lgûuterrnqß. _ . — ‘ ‘ ‘

l îHAND Je, ‚Эдем, Manual, manage, Ради, Fg?, Clutch, Gram'

3 Haft, На‘, Glove.

,l waist. t

Lower Limm.

'ilnnerraoß .’ or next to the Trunk.

THIGH, Hip, Harn, Hannah, Pe/ile.

t' нцскьв.

‹ Middlemq/f.

l s. ‚ ЗНАЫК, Leg, sbin, calf.


LOuternioß. y › Y . ‚

6 FOOT, Hoek, Trotter, tread, tramp/e, ßafnp, Iig/iep.

' HEEL, Calcitrate, kirk, Pa/tern.

_AConnnon both to- upper and lower Limm , the Joints of which may be'

dillinguilhed bythe order of firlt, fccond, or third: or ìnnermoll',

middlemolt, or outermofl.

çFINGER, Toe, Thurnh.

7‘ Экыискьв.

A a a VI. Con


‚А ____-_.. _ _ __ _


Part: general. Part. ll.

Vl. 0f the

VI. Containing HcterogeneonaInternalparn, called INWARDTST?.

“жми”: пан, Вот/‚ц Го)‘, Pluck, Purtenance, ‘Отдай, Ha/îlet, Garbage, Gilden,

reckoning from the uppermoft, may be diftinguiíhed by their Ordera

Shape and Ufes, into '

',Upper 5 towards the Summity of the Body.


l ' Hollow and oblong 5 for the conveyance of the Nourifhtnent .' or of the

GULLET.| l' WIND-PIPE, Rough Ане’), Wea/21nd.

n iä Maj/Ie and more folid 5 within the Breaů5 for Пышма“; .‘ or

< Breathing. -

| . Q HEART, Cordial, Core, Pericardium.

‘ LuNGs Lig/a..

` i Thin and шёл 5 or „шт tran ver e, betwixt the upper and lowc P

er Belly : or direä‘, betwixt the Lobes of the Lungs.

n DIAI'HKAGM, Midrzf °Э’ tiMEDiAsrtNE.

kLower5 difiinguilhablc

'both by their Shapes and Ufes. .

'i Hol/ow 5 || wide, but not long, for containing and digcfting of Food:

l long, but not wide, for conveying of the Food and Excrement.

STOMACH, Maw, Paunch, I/entrìc‘le5Craw, Crop, Gw‘gß Penh,

à Gizzard, Tripe. ‘¿___I GUT, Ели-4111, Bowel:, Garbage, (hitter/ing, Colon.



IMalÍìeandfolid5fvr [враг/иди; of HCholer :4 or of Melancholj.

LIVER, Hepatic. ‚

SPLEEN, .Mi/t.

_ _ cThin fand broad a by which the Gut: are conneůed .- or covered.

6 MESENTEKY. `‘даешь, Kell.

By their Ules alone, as being fitrl

’ Separating the ‘Urine : or containing the 'Urine or the Gall.

l жизни, Heim'.

7‘ BLADDER, rafale.

7<l Generation5 denoting the part: for Generation .° or the Glandule:

‚ ‘ for preparing the Sperm.

8 PKIVITIES, Genitala, Fizzle, Tard, Роге-Лёд, Prepuce.

l '§TESTICLE, Stone, geld, fpaj,Eunuch.

` ¿Conception in Females, namely, the part containing the Fetus.

9. WOMB, Mother, Matrix, hjßerical, uterine.







L._.._______*_,___________________________________._wChap. VII. ' Magnitude. i 181

CHAR Vu.Concerningl the Predi'cantent of Quantity, vii. I. Magnitude,

II. Space; and III. Meafure.

ment of garantit] are reducible to thefe SPACE.

general Heads 5 MEASURE.


The word MAGNITUDE is intended to Íignifie all the notions of Q'. I2

continued @antitj : to which may be adjoyned by way Ofaliinity the

word EXTENSION, by which is meant that kind of Q‘uantity whereby

a thing is faidto havepartent extrapartent, one part out of another, being

the fame thing with the former under another Confideration;

Magnitude: are diflinguifhable according to their


Т‘Не chief notion: belonging to the Predica-ÉMAGNITUDE.

MUTUAL RELATIONS to one another. Il.'

AFFECTIONS, in relpeâ of Figure5 whether


Compound 5 either y




As for Огайо”, which is enumerated in the ufual SyIIems aà one of the 1

Species of Qganuty5 that 1s now by common confent acknowledged tó

b'e very improper!) jtiled щиты” and therefore it is left out here, and

referred to another place.


I. That kind of Qcantit) whereby the Magnitude of Rodier ic to be ntea- r. 111112115 _

jîu’edjs called DIMENSION. То which may be adjoined upon account SION#

ofI AfIinity,That notion of Qyantit), whereb) a thing i: capable of beingfe:

parated into fëveral parti, DIVISION, dißribtcte,part.

Ditnenßon: are of a four-fold difference.

The leaß of Magnitudenfo Ptyled by thofe who write de Indivißbilibin,

as being in their account infinitely. little. о

“ l. POINT, Frick, Tittle‘, I’unäìlio, Ace, got, Whit.

Theрта kind, афиша by the ßux of a point, or compofed of inli

nite fuch points, is flyled.i 2. LINE, delineate, rule. o

The third, dcjìribed by the draught of a line, or compofed of infinite

fuch lines.

3. SUPERFICIFS, Plain, Surface. To which may b'eannexed, that

more particular notion of Superń'cier, called AREA, Plot, Bed, Page.

Thefourth, de/cribed by the lifting up a Super/feier, or compofed 0111111

4. SOLID, Body, Bulk. (nite Superficies.'

Ву111еГе may be exprefs’d thofe Algebraical notions of ‚мг/ш, Line

ar}_,g21_cadratic, Cubic 5and fo, Continuing this TablQQgadrato-Qgadratic,

.C`~)¿:aarato­Cnbic,Cubo­Cubic, ,@¿tfadratœCubo­(`nbic,& faras one pleafes.'v

Н. The


Part. Il.

“_ Muïu- Il. The MUTUAL RELATIONS of one Dimenlion to another ar

A1. RFLA- either 0f _ _ . . —TxoNS- '_ Рот, ‚о lim», as being either in the midi? : or extremme: of it.


I' POLE, Щит), Nadjr. _

Point to Liner, or Line to Plain15 which do mutually either meet : or



l 2° ичтнкыастюыэ cui.



Line to Plain 5 or Plain to Solid. i . .

‚щит; being Il either in the midi? : or the extremztze: of tt.


2 3‘ SIDE.

Round; being either

<| Extern5 H'toucbing : Or cutting it.


4’ sac/INT.

Intern 5

l Синий; “either more general, paíiing from [де tojid: : or

particularly that which paffes from Pole to Pole.


5’ AXIS.l Not central5 “either from Peripber) to Diameter.' or from Pe

rip/Jerj to Peripber).

' 6 äSINE.

î ' СВОЮ).

`Цпе to Line, Plain to Plain, or Solid to Solid 5 having

‘ Bare ‚фей‘ to one another in regard of

‘ Dißance, either being aguidißant : or elfe removing farther : 0r

approaching nearer. _


l ‘I 7‘ вп’вксто, Henning, ‚




LPo/ìtion 5 making an Angle,olilique .° or rig/nt : or parallel.

OBLIQUE, a­.rkue, a-ßope, awry, Вес/тиф’, jlielving, Даши‘,

8. ßla), фиг, ßope, my, ßeep, incline, lean, glance, fvagg, а

i Дам‘, leer.

DIRECT, вид, upright, perpendicular, advance, precipitate,

headlong, down-right, up an ещё/ё! up, prick up.

TRANSVERSE, Criy?, overtbwart, thwart, "шеф, point


Mutual Contar?? either returning from the other : or cutting tbrougb

the other. ‘

REFLECTED, Bound, rebound, recoil, прежний”, rever

berate, relitgf:






Magm'tude.' i И i' i

Chap. VII.

,_ Ill. То the Afcäion: of Alagnituder, inV refpefi of more SIMPLE.`FIGURE, may be adjoyned the general notion of FIGURE, Shape, Fea- ~ ‘ “

ture, Fafhion, Fown, Frame, Scheine, Linearnent, the Make, МИД‘, orproi '

portioncd, trantfornz, tramßgure, dcface, diirß‘lgltre. -

ТЬсГе Afiec'tions may be difiinguilhed inzo (uch as belong _

"One/y to Linelr drawn frornpoint города; the nearefi may : or not the

mare/îl way ‹

ЁЬТКА|СНТЫЕ$$‚ Right, dircÜ,point-blanl{.i l' CROOKEDNESS, °Curve, a-my, hoo/(ed, bom, bend, my, ernbow,

l _ winding, indireâ', fetch acontpaß. '

‘Го liner and Plainr5 whether conlidered

Abßlutely5 in

l '|General5 contained within one line., whole every part is equally

difiant from the `farne Center : or three or мате line.f,whofe extre

l I mities touch one another. '

l <_ CIRCLE, Periphery, Circurnfèrence, environ, encircle,Лишний,

‹’ 2% Ring, Rund/e, Epicycle. ’

ANGLE, Corner, Coyn, Nook, Elbow, Polygon.

LSpecial 5 of the Angular, || whether ifninety degree: с or так: or laß’.


I 3‘ OBTUSE, blunt, du”,

l ACUTE, Дату, been, whet.

`lìeßelïfively5 in Биде: whoß.' jitpety‘lcie: it' compofed either all of „_

jiraight line: : or of line: bending in the anidß, outward t' or inward.

PLAIN, level, fiat, coen.

4' CONVEX, prominent, gibboau, protuberant, tu'rgid, ernbowed.

ÉCONCAVE, Hollow, Cavity, Pit, Hole.

To Plain: 0r Solidi, of

Siniple Figure :,-whcyè fupetfcie: is ICircular : or Angular ofequal_[íder.

ЗЗРНЕКЕ, Orb, Globe, Ba ,Bul/et,Round,Bullet,Pontandcr,Pont­

5 ' »





rnel, Bede


Mixed F(еще: 5 de/Éribod either by the '

Lifting up a Circle : or of an Angularplain.

l à 6 CYLINDER,` Bar, Colurnn, Cant, Cannon, Role.

' PRISM, sar, Wed e.

l Layinglon , inprogrqÉ/iäz fiona a Point, inf/lite Plaine` circularz.’ or

a” Il df', .

l g CONE, Taper, Spire, Steeple, Shaft, Pinnacle.

l 7' FIRA/MID, Spire, Steeple, Shaft, Pinnacle, Obelisk.

tTv'Lim’ßor Plaine, or Solid: 5 denoting either ‚ .

l' ThëdiíeretìtSgüio/:tr of a Cone, being cut either parable! to the fide:

o it : or e t ел e Parallel афиша)’.

_,l 8 {PÄRABOLA ­icall.


ELLIPSIS, o'val.

tThe retrolutionif a Line about Н a Cone : or Cylinder.

9 ÈIÈI‘RS‘L, serplentine, turbinated, wreath, coyling,w‘orn.­

' , Win ing. `

1v. coit

та. 1t,

mmm.pound Ё‘ fed Lines,are either

gut” ll

NEARY. ’ More .S’intple- b]

iOne Line, iavhetherllfòlid: orhollom. _

› l PIN, Gad, Nail, Peg, Tag, Tac/t, Tenter. Needle, Probe.

184W.e гиды;

l’ HOLE, Hol/ow, Pore, Vent, Mea/h, Orißce, .Meu/è, punch, perfil

I . rate, run thorough.

. Two line: 5 i

. l fThe end of one meeting with the end òf the other.­ Н either con

| шх: ог concave.

I sharp 5 . _

TOOTH, Сф, Point, Neb, Scrag, Tine, Tenon, Cog, ingrazl,

l a З indented. .

l НО?CH, Nick, Мое];э crenated, Gap, hatcht, inver/g, indented.

< Blunt.

‘ PROTUBERANCE, Prontinence,Proccfì,Stud, Bry?, Excnßence,

i Gibbous, (Мир, Bunch, Knob, Rub, juttmg, rißnf, tuberoue,

| ßanding out, ßick out, goggle, copped, turgid, Brow,Hzllock,

g'i Knob, Knot, Node, Cragg, Scrag, Lobe,gorbellied, heave, Лав”,



I i LDENT, Dinrple, Sin/ting, Doc/e, Crea/è, indent, Hole, Pit.h dfi

y ¿_The end of one with the mid/î of the other meeting : or t e nti

l I of one with the mid/i of the other cutting.

' ÉFIGURE of theletter T, (пас/э.

I l h4' CROSS, Decußation, идти”, Turn-ßilc.

; LT ree Line:` ­ at ^

i Several point: making Angles, eitheril on the утра“ or on di

' vcrß' [Дед ' ` ‚ ‚ l


5’ WINDLE. ~ _

Thejânzepointufneeting, or сити“ which is applicable llkewxfe to

more lines then three.

6 Lëck, там, ТгфдТЬ’шщ Haj/Eck, Nap, Rug, Fringe.

' IS .’.lMore Con/pounded ’ ' ‘ ­ c

a . с

_ {и H with vcrjàtill’in .­ or with шеф“!ими. \

7 WHIP, F[ай], scourge.

° FLAG, Fane, Banroll, Penon.

Pin || with Tooth or Protuberance, ôcc. or with Notch or Dent.

8. ÉHOOK, Crook, Clafv, Hajp, Tatcher, Flook, Tcnter, Crarnpáron.

FORK, Prong, horned.

„Mixedßn with fome kind of Alternation ; either with Protuberattrl

and Dent : or with Staple and its тетки/е.

UNDULATED, waved, winding.

9° CRENATED, Batt/ement.

V. Сом

I . ‚ > ‚ , ' l v ‚ ‚ ‚ _ ï

Chap'. VII. Magnitude; 1 8w

. ‚У. Compound Figurer-of Magnitude PLANARY, expreiïible by 'clo- ägmfä’äz

fed Lines, may be difiinguiihed into fuch as do either sur@ PLA,

comprehend Snperyïcier. NAÍLY. ‚ '

"'Straight; either of three : or of four Angles.

I TRIANGLE. ' . ‚ -2| l . SQUARE, @ddrmgfe’ wadrate, Dia'rnendjigure, Rhoinbwid,


Leze'nge, Parallel/agrarie.

‘l Синие; either Round : or Oblong.

RING, Fernle, Heep, Hnnulet, Collet, Rundle, Rental.

2' LOOP, Button-hele, Eye, Link, Neede, Halter.

Mixed 5 being either Н part 0f a Ring with one Iiraight: 0r a ivhplé

Ring with (счет! Diameters.

l BOW. '




3' ëWHEEL. _ 1саду! in being Supeijicieß as the precedent Figures liuxed into breadth.

So the Пишу" a

,'fPjn .’ or a Hele, do make ’

l LAMIN, Flake, Leaf, Beard,Plank, Lath, Plate,Schedule,Scrole,

il 4 ä Sheet, Wafer, Cake, Leam,‘Flap, Label, Сей.

CHINK, Creati/¿,_F‘zßnres Cleft, Crack, Granny, Chap, Flaw, Rif?,

à Split, Slit, Loop-hole, cleave, Hiring a leak.

l The FIGURE T or Creß‘and Aßerifc, do make

î messer., wie. ,

‘ l 5- PlNloN, Nui.'I I Сил’ .‘ or Notch,do make. _ .

‘I 6 EDG, sharp. ‘

' ÉG'ZJTTER, Charnfer. ’

| Pretuberance : and Dent.

l, RIDGE, Bank, Dane, Eridg, Edg, Ledg.

I 7’ FUHROW, Ditch;­ Dike, Kennel, Channel, Faß, Trench, Dock,


Dreinn Cut,Dirnple,‘Rive/, ShrizIeQWrin/çle, runxple,puc/rer, Pleite

Staple and Windle


' STEP, Greer.

[Square and Ring.


9’ TUBE ROUND, or Pipe, spoutß‘rnncle, Tunnel.

B b VI. Ce'hú

1 86 l Part. Il

in com VI. Compound Figure: of Magnitude Sotidarhmay be diliinguifhedin

polimi Fí- to fuchas are either _ ` ‚

ЁЯЁ‘ЁОЦ- Ibmw,5 denoting the innerpartsof а Magnitude to be II either ful/of



final] Ca'oitier: or to be onegreat Cavity : or to have no Cavity.

‹ POROUSNFSS, spungineßfungow5/Ír1king, hollow.

il l' 'HOLLOWNESS, Cavity,concave, Grot, Cave, Den.

L- MASSINESS мы, Etf/k. ’

' IExtern 5 compounde’d either of _

Sphere or Cube, with Cylinder : or with Cone.

BOTTLE, Button, Bolt­head.

' PIN headed.

I I Cylinder oi' Pri/nz , with

'I ‘ âDiver/e Figures; whether Cube and Рулеты : or Cone and дуг-4911‘),


I 3 ` TURRET or Tent, Tower, Pinnacle.

Another of the fànie kind5 either perpendicular .° or tranjìzerfe,


4‘ gli/IALLET.

_ I Cone with Cone5 having Baß.- ‘о Вф : or Vertex to Vertex.






El/ipiic 5 reprefenting the ligure of а Sphere cruihed, either about

the niieß by a Hoop : or at the end: b] two оррфге Plainr.

6 OVAL, Elliptical.


_ILSpiralrz or Helixer.

0 BOTTOM, clue, датами, anni about.'

7' SKEIN, Hanke, Reel.


è. U, т‘Не word SPACE, Scope,Rooni,Conipaß`, Interim, interval, (accor

ding to the common ufe of it) is a name importing the more ge

neral notion of. that wherein any thing is contained or done 5


YCorriprehending bothê Place.


l. ‘11ML I. By TIME, Traů', Tide, Preuß, Opportunity, Sea/on, continuance, is

meant continued fuccefiive Quantity, having for its cotnon term, IN

STANT, Jblonient, Trice, Nick.

This is diitinguilhable according to the

_f Sirnple differences of it. ‚

I PRESENT, at thif tiene, now, ininiediatelbin/iantlj. current,read}.

I I’ ё PAST, expired,forrner,fore-going, ago, already, e‘uen now, hereto

ì fore,gone, over, out, a-late, erewhile, long lince.1 FUTURE, tiene to conte, after-tinte, hereafter, pre/èntly, anon,l

‘ ’ b] andbj,фонд,ßraitway, ere long, henceforth,procejf of tinte,

` I after a long while. _

__ _ _ Mixed


‘П Com-_ h

r. тхмв. l, E


Chap. V11. i l spia. " I — 187

‚ lMixed relations of it.

"Contparative5 betwixt _ _ _‘

I '"I'he Exiji‘ing: of‚Дает! thing:5WhetherIIboth together in the[те tinte:

I or whether in dinetfŕ tinta, Го that one is before or after the other.

SIMULTANEOUS, 'qfthefinte tinteßynchronijin,contemporary, _

I compatible, conf/i, together, concomitant. ‘

2~ PKECEDING, antecedent, fbrtner,foregoing, previ» .

I < ouo,Priority,before,takeplace, get theßart,l’redec.if

' l


SUCCEEDING, latter, Poßeriority, ßccedaneotri',

hinder,fol/ow, go after, мисс/Й)‘. '

The Conjideration: oftheßune thing at дым! tinte: 5 whether

r Paß.; little .' or much. '

' NEWNESS, Renovation, innovate,renew,anew,Neoteric,Neo;


I DISTÄNT, jòr, Premi-jg. ‚


phyte, novel, Novice, Puny, modern, fre/Ii, „имитации,

I ¿ в’ laß, a little while ago.

OLDNESS, ancient, Antiquity, prißin,fenior,ßale, infoeterate,Í

of long ßanding, yore, ob/blete, out ofdate, a long while ago.

Future5 НИИ/е: or niuch

' SOONNESS, дат, early, rath,betitne:,forthwith,миф,pre

I jëntly, фри‘, quit/tl ,in a trice, out of hand,intntinent,inznaedi­

l ate, incontinent, inßant, ready, anticipate, accelerate, put при!

4’ I way, in the turning of a hand, twine/(ling of an eye, timely, дее

dily, in haß, after a little tinte.

'eL/1TENESS, tardy, laß,adjourn,dWr,de/ay,put фон! of datedi. _

I latoty,procraßinate,prolong,prorogue,protra¿7,rcjpite,retard,aßer . _

LAbfòlute 5 . (along while, ßtr in the day.­

"Particular 5 `

атташе 5 exprefiing at what ‘те а thing waszor front whence'

DATE. — (it is to be reckoned.

I 5‘ EPocHA,H¢gna. -

Indeterminato 5 expreíiing only thercontinuing of it 5 || a great .~ or little time. _

PEKMANENCY, la/iing, abidinbcontinuing, durable,ßay,

‘стада, per/euere, enduring, inceßánt, indelible, perennial,

‘сайта, hold out, qfßanding. «

TRANSITORINESS, fading, flittt'ng, frail, glance, tran tent,

temporary, jhort,fìir afpirgjitr a little while,I quick/ygone.

Recurring of it5 II или]: or few times.

FREQUENCY, фен, e‘uer :ind anona thicœ'efonunon,

„З —


0rA­­­­­­­­^­ 0\

„тиф, reßrt. _

SELDOMNESS, rare,fcarce,лице, unußial,thin,dc/uetude.

t‘zlnifveijìl 5

‘СМ/сайте 5 when a thing continue: II throughout the whole tinte .

or only‘fòine intermediatepart: of it.

PERPETUITY, continual, iuceßàntL/lil/,at аудиту/„цех.

' АТ TIMES, teinporary,by_/natche:, by`ß't:,bout,e'ner and anon,

now and then, rg/pigjbntetifnen __

ILDi/iributive5 when a thing exifis in every part af tinte: or not

in any part of it.

o EVERNESS, Eternity,endlef’,for ever and euer, Диму’.

. f NEVERNESS. B b a Ii. The'



188 ' *i m'Sp-oel». A' _ an. п.

n. PLACE. II. The Space wherein any thing is contained,is called PLACE, Ковш,

local, ßanding, ßation, precinä, jët, put, pojïtion, lay, diftofe, pitch, plant

Gum, oli/locate, “фей.

It is diliinguilhablc, as the former, according to the more

.Simple ditierences of it 5 denoting that place5 wherein we are: or out

of which we are.

PRESENCE, face to[ищи hand5here, hand to hand,confi'ont,rea­

' ABSENCE, Mich, away, non-reßdence. fdy, re/ìdence.

Mixed relations of it. ’ .iv foniparati've5 betwixt the

f Exi/lence ofДиета!thing: 5 whether both together in the fanteplace .°

Or in divert placer.

‹ CONTIGUITY, touch, contatft'` hit5 joyn, elo/e, grazing.

l 1 2“ DISTANCE, ijf', keep of bear aßрт gf, may of, fet farther,

and awa .< LC'on/t'jdleration ¿Di/lance or Place interpofed, according to the diffe

Í rences of Little : or Much. '

NEARNESS, Vicinity,Propinquity, Proximity, nigh,next.cl0ß’,ad~

‚‚ jacent, “двух, neighbour, йтттетдтрепйепдйттеайа‘сует’;

9° Ё at hand,accijì,draw on,approach,at,by,hard­hy,bcfder,hitherrno .

REMOTENESS, far, farther, aloof, wide of, dißant, outniûß, U fi'

, [Литве 5 (mate,great may ф‘:

‚ ГРт’НсиЬгг.A Determinatc5 exprcíiing what is the particularplace to whicha

thing belong: : or whence it began.

. HOME, Scene.

ï. I 4' RISE, Source, Country, Original, Spring, Root.

Indeterninate 5 expreiiing on]y

The takingup of agreat : Or little place.

AMPLI‘ÍNESS,Лидии, large, burly, mideßfß.

s' NARROWNESS, cloß', fcantntjäßriöîneß’, reßrained.

The occurring in тли} : Or fem placer.

6 ЁОВУТОПЁЫЕЗЗ, cotnrnon, ri/e, thick.

' RARENESS, ß’ldorn, fcarce, thin.

"Univctfal. ' О

rCoÁ/eôîi've 5 when a thing is' continued Ц throughout the whole place :

or is only in Лидера": of it.

.l 7 CONTINUANCE, produce, along, cloß. ‚

l D SCONTINUANCE, by coa/Lr, Лифт, ceu/e, риф, rtf/pû,




l eak if, дикий‘, interrupt.

Di utive5 when a thing is In ll every place .° or none.

8. UBIQU ПТУ , Ontniprefence.



III. The

Chap. VII.- ‘ i i

III. The mixed Notion made up of'Pq/ition and Place, or the Applica- ш. SITUÄ..

tion of the parts of a Body to the parts of Place , refpeétively, is Iiyled HON»

SITUATION, Seat,fet, Ли, lying,fianding, pitch, planniofition, placing5 `

to which may be annexed, by way of añinity, ‘that refpeä ofthe imagi- „

nary face of a thing towards fome other thing or place, called VER

GENCY, tending, leaning, inclining, banker, toward, upon that hand,

Rhombe. ‚

ТЬсГс are either more

n... _ a,

\ l ` EAST Orient.

| ° WEST, Occidental.

¿Y 2 NORTH, Scptentrional,Ar¿7ic.

l ' SOUTH, Meridional, Antarät'ic.

¿Special5 with relation to the feveral parts of any thing, conlider'd asa

IfLz'ne5 the битума": раггюг thofe which are moll remote from each

. [Сети-415 4rei‘pe-fiing ll the l‘Univeifè : or ферм chief term: of it.


­ MIDDLE, Intermediate, Mean, Core, Heart, Waß, main body,

Í 3. з Noon, between both, Interim, Interval.

EXTREME, Term, END, ßnal, lig/t, extremity, ultimate, fitrceafe',

laß, end,' 'uttmâ terminate, expire, in yi'ne.

umoft. ' BEGINNING, Fir/i.

_ Superyicier5 the outmofl’ parts of which, being conlidered either with

I relation to the thing it лад’: or fome other thing to which it is ad- ‘

joyned, is commonly I‘tyled k `

SIDE, Flank, Wing, Clgek, lateral, collateral, Limb, Rim, Britti.,

Brink, Edgbwiß, Hem, Вид, Skirt, Liß, Sclvage, Welt, Gard,­­

4’ Eaver, Battlement.

l MARGIN, Limit, jliarchejf, Border, Verge, Meer, Bound, Term',

l d Front ­ier, Land-mark, adjacent, abutt, confine, Pur/ien».



o 5 ‚ ‚

1п’;{епет15 either as to fuch parts as are

Higher .­ or Lower. ‚

S UPPER-SIDE, Ridge, above, vertical. '

г UNDER'SIDE, lower, neather, bottom.

Within .~ or Without.

6 ¿IN-SIDE, internal, intrinfecaljnward, innêrjnmoßinteßine',

° OUT-SIDE, external, extrznßcal, outward, outing/t, utter, ut

I 'mo/l, Surface, uperßcial, exterior, ambient.

L Living Bodin 5 lpecially men, with relation either to

fThe Head : or Foet.

_7. TOP,Tip,Head,Croavn,‘Upper end,Knap,Àpexyerticalßhapiteri

BOTTOM, Ba/ê, Lower end, гид/41:11, Foot, Sole.

‘The Face: or Back

ìFOßBPAKT, Front, Fronti/piece, Proto, Уши-‘дама’, Vari- ~



. шт’, foreward.

HINDER-PART, Back, Rere, тег-ездит’, .aan/ë, laß, Poop,l

Po erior, '

lLThe rig thand .‘ or left hand. ‚

RIGHT SIDE, Dexter, Starrbord,

9 LEFT SIDE, Sini/ier, Larrbord.



1 90 ‚ Meafure.


è. III. Hofe feveral тишину’ 25mn), whereby nien ufe tojudgeof the

MEASURE» Multitude or Greatnejs> of things, are fiyled by the name of MEA

SURE, Dienen/ion, шт, ßtrvey, Rule5 to which the relative term of

PROPORTION, Portion, Rate, Tax, Size, Scantling, Pittance, Share,

Dofe, Ale/f, души}, Ana/ogy, connnenßtrate, diß’enyë, allot, adapt,is of fome

’Aŕlinity, Iignifying an equality or Íimilitude ot the refpeëîr _that jêveral

‘Мир or quantities have to one another. They are dtllmgulihable into

fuch as refpeét either `





Duration. ~



t. мщ’п- I. To the Meaßtre whereby we judge «fthe M_LILTITUDE ofthings

Tum" may be annexed NUMBER, enumerate, reckon, compute, nndier, count,

rca-cunt, Taleî tell, .4rithrnetic, Cyphering. IF the way of Numeration were

now to be Hated , it would feem шаге convenient to determine the firli

Period or Stand at the number Eight, and not at Ten 5 becaufe the Way of

Dichotomy or Bipartition being the mit natural and eaíie kind of Di

vilion,that Number is capable of this down to an Unite,and according to

this Íhould be the feveral denominations of all other kinds of Meafures,

whether of Capacity, Gravity, Valor, Duration. So eight Farthings

would make a Peny,eight Pence a Shilling, eight Shillings an Angel,eight

Angels a Pound~ ` So eight Grains lhould make a Scruple, eight Scruples

а Dram, eight Drams an Ounce, eight. Ounces a Pound, Ее. But becaule

general ctt/lont hath already agreed upon the дадим! way, thereforel

ihall not inlifi upon the change of it. '

The different degrees of Number generally received, are thefe.

l rONE, Ace, Unite, Once, Fir/i, Iinprintif, Single.

2 TWO, a Couple, a Brace, aPair, aToke, Second ф, Twice, Double,

Twofold, Bipartite.

3 THREE, a Leqß, Ternary, Trey, Third-ly, Tertian, Thrice, Treble,

" i Threefold, Tripartite, Trine ­ity.

4 ' FOUR, Fourth ф, gfortran, Qgaternion, Fourjbld, Qtadrupleßgga

<2 drupartite, @torti/e. ' '

FIVE, Fifth-ly, Qgintuple, Fivefold.

6 SIX, Sixth ­ly,Sixfold, Sextupte, Sextile, шпиц}.

7 SEVEN, Seventh ‚утрам, Sevenfold.

8 [BICI-1T, Eig/nb ‚у, Otiuple, Eig/.gota

9 NINE, Ninth ф‘, Ninefold.


How other numbers belides thefe here enumerated may be expreii’ed

both 1n writing and jpeech, fee hereafter, Chap.

II. Meafures

Chap. VII. ` lll/Ieajure. — ‚ 1 1 i ‘

II. Mea litres of Magnitude do comprehend both thofe 'of Length,and it. MAGNL

‘of Superficies or Area, together with thofé of Solidity, both compre- Tumi'

hended in that which is adjoyned, viz.. the word CAPACITY, hold,

contain. The feveral Nations of the World do not more differ in their

Languages, then in the various kinds and proportions- of thele Mea.

{швы And it is not without great difliculty, that the Meafures obferved

by all thol'e different Nations who traliick together, are reduced to that

which is commonly known and received by any one of them 5 which la.

bout would be much abbreviated, if they were all of them fixed to any

one certain Standard. To which purpofe, it were moli dehrable to hud

out fome natural Standard, or „тиф! Meaßire,which hath been (‘Песнь

ed by Learned men as one ofthe dtßderata in Philofophy. lf this could be

done in Longitude, the other Meafures might be ealily hired from thence.

This was heretofore aimed at and endeavoured afterin all thofe val

rious Meafures, derived from naturalthings, though none of them do

fufiiciently anfwer this end. As for that of a Bail] corn, which is made

the common ground and original of the tell', the magnitude and weight'

of it may be fo various in feveral times and places, as will render it inca

pable of ferving for this purpofe; which is true likewife of фойе other

Meafures, an Inch, Palm, Span, Cubit, Fатом, a Foot, Pace5 Sie. none of

which can be determined to any fuliicient certainty.

Some have conceived that this might be better done by fubdividing a

_Degree upon the Earth : But there would be fo much difliculty and uncerâ

tainty in this way as would render it unpraël’icable. Others have thought,

it might be derived from the Quick-flater experiment: Вис the unequal

gravity and thìcknefs of the Atrno/I'bere, together with the various ttm

pers of Air in feveral places and feafons, would expole that alfo to much

‘ uncertainty.

The molt probable way for the effefting of this, is that which Was firll:

fuggcfted by Doâor Chri/iopher Wren, namely, by Vibration if a Pendu

lurn : Time it felf being a natural Meafure, depending upon a revolution

of the Heaven or the Earth , which is fuppofed to be every~where equal

and uniform. If any way could be found out to make Longitude com

menfurable to Time, this might be the foundation of a natural Standard.

In order to which,

Let there be a folid Ball exaëtly round,of fome of the heaviel'i metals :

Let there be a String to hang it upon,the fmallelhlimberefi, and leali fuh

jeCt to retch : Let this Ball be fufpended by this String,being tended to

fuch a length, that the fpace of every Vibration may be equa o a fecond

Minute of time, the String being, by frequent trials, either lengthned or

Íhortned, till it attain to this equality : Thefe Vibrations Íhould be the

fmalleli', that'can lafì a fußicient fpace of time , to afford a conliderable

‘number of them, either 6, or 500 at lealtä for which end, its paíiing an'

arch of five or lix degrees at the iirli, may be fuli'icient. The штык»:

being fo ordered as to have every one of its Vibrations equal to a fecond

minute of time, which is to be adjufted with much Care and exaůnefs;

then meafure the length of this String, from its lace oi fufpenlion to thc

Centre of the Ball; which Meafure muli be ta en as it hangs free in its

erpendicular poliure, and not otherwife, becaufe of ftretching: which"l

Всё‘); done, there are given thefe two Lengths, viz.. of the String, and of

the Radius of the Ball,to which a third Proportional muft be found out Ё

` ' тыс '



TY. ‚

Meaftre. ' Il;

which muli be,as the length ofthe String from the point of Su Грс nlron to

the Centre ofthe Ball is to the Radius of the Ball,l`o muli the laid Radius

be to this third : which being fo found , let two lifths of this third Pro

portional be fet OIT from the Centre downwards, and that will give the

Meafure deñred. And this (according to the difcovery and obfervation

of thofe two excellent perfor-nahe Lord Vifcount Brouneker, Prelident of

the Royal Society,and More. Huygenßa worthy Member of it) will prove

to be 38 Rhin/and Inches, or (which is all one) 39 Inches and a quarter,

according to our London Standard.

_ Let this Length therefore be called the Standard 5 let one Tenth of it

be called a Foot5 one Tenth of :t Foot, an Inch 5 one Tenth ofan Inch, a

Line. And Го upward5Ten Standards Ihould be a Pearch5 Ten Pearches,

a Furlong 5 Ten Furlongs, a Mile s Ten Miles, a League, Sec.

And lo for Meafures of Capacity : The cubical content of this Standard

may be called the Bußtel .° the Tenth part ofthe Ваше], the Pee/¿5 the'

Tenth part of a Peck, a ¿2L/art 5 and the Tenth of that, a Pint,ôec. And fo

for as many other Meafures'upwards as lhall be thought expedient for ufc.

As for Meafures ofWeight5 Let this cubical content of difiilled Rain

water be the Hundred 5 the Tenth part of tl1at,a Stone 5 the Tenth part of

a Stone,a Pound5 the Tenth cfa Pound,an Ounce 5 the Tenth of an Ounce,

a Drain 5 the Tenth ofа Dram,a Scruple 5 the Tenth ofa Scruple,a Grain,

&с‚ And Го upwards 5 Ten of thefe cubical Meafures may be called a

Мафия’, and Ten of thefe Thoufand may be called a Tun, Sec.

As for the Meafures of Mony,’tis re uilite that they Ihould be determined by the difl’erent0`uantities of tholie two natural Metals which are the

той иГца! materials of it,viz. Gold and Silver,conf1dered in their Purity

without any allay. A Cube of this Standard of either of thefe Metals may

be ÍIyled aïhoußnd or a Talent of each 5` the Tenth part of this weight,

a Hundred 5 the Tenth of a Hundred, a Pound; the Tenth of a Pound,

an Angel5 the Tenth of an Angel, a Shilling5 the Tenth of a Shilling,a

Peny 5 the Tenth of a Peny, a Farthing.

l mention thefe particulars, not out of any hope or expeûation that the

World will ever make ufe of them, but only to Ihew the poíiìbility of

reducing all Meafures to one determined certainty. _

Thef: meafures of MAGNITUDE (to which may be annexed the NO- _

tion of CONTENT) may be reduced to thefe Heads.

1 Line. _ 6 FURLONG.

a CH. 7 MILE.




Each of which is applicable either to Longitudefárea, or Bulk: the Ы?

of which comprehends the Meafures of Capacity.

III. Meafures of GRAVITY (to which may be annexed for aliinity

the thing by which Gravity ¿s rneaßired, ilyled WEIGHT, Peize, counter#

риф, plummet, ) may be diliributed into thel'e kinds.




4. OUNCE. 9 TUN.. ¢

5. POUND. ‚ IV. The

i hap.VII. Meezfure. ' _ 19§

1V. The Стадии! differences of that common Meafure of the VA- iv. VALOR.

LUATION or warring’ а” wendille thing: (to which may be adjoyned

that which is ufed a: this' common Meaßrre, fiyled MONY, Caßa, Coin,

Bank, Treqßrre, pecuniary, Mint, Stomp, 1Ие4а1, С0пп1ег,1’т:/ё,) шау be di

fiìnguiíhed into

r FARTHlNGßDvd/g”. 5 PouND.




V. Unto the Meafure of TIME may be adjoyned for its affinity the rv. TIME.'

word which Íignìfies the Permanency of any thing in its exiůence, from

its beginning to its end , DURATION, abide, continue,реф/1, endure,

1’014 ont, 141 long,per_‘fe»verc, everlnßingJùrvine. `

Time 15 ufually diíiribufed by the Revolution of the heavenly Bodies,

or rather of the Earth and Mo'oń , into fuch Spaces as are required to a'

revolution of tbe '

TEart/a in it: Orb; according to the


Ё I. YEAR, Twelvenzontb,f1nniverfzr}', Annual, Biennial, все. `

Pam-5 conûderable as being theproper jêoßm:Ли‘ the

ì I Growth and ripening of Vegetables.

" SPRING, Vernal.

l ° SUMMER. ‘

Dec-.ying of Vegetables, accordingto `a leßr : or greater degree;

" n AUTUMN, Fallof tlJe Leaf; Howe/l. .

э‘ WINTER, Hjbemal, bjenzal.

f I Moenia its own proper courfe about tbe Earl/J : to which may be ад



)Oyned the ufual name given ro the fom-tb part of tink’.

ÉMONTH, Menßmol. '

4' WEEK, Sennigbt, Fопят/л‘,

Earth abont it: Axis“, according to tbe



5. DAY NATURAL, âlfoticlinri.



_ . Tinugrlvçle tbáìîug eërntìnner'“ above." or below the Horizon.v

A A I l IAL, Diurnal. ~

I ÉNIGHT, Падший, Pernoä'ation, lodge. ,

Part of t/Je da] artlßcial, former: or later. ’

MORNING, Mattim, early, damning бейте’;

7: AFTERNOON, Ewing. ’ .

LLeßérpfzrtr of time; being each of themllthe 24th part of a netn

raldn] called an Hour: or the (Seth art of an hour.ц [ÍIOUR Нога’) р '

_. 8’ Ёмшьй‘в. ‚ ‚

Ö c Lif'ei



VI. ‘юг.


Part. ll.

Vl. Life-time, от` the AGE of LlVlNG Creatures, (as particularly

applied to Men, to which there is fomcthing anfwerable in other Ani

mals5 to which may be adjoyned the word „ЗЕЧЦЬЦМ, Age, Едем‘,

Generation,) is,according to common ufe, dilllngurlhed by fuch Terms

as do denote the gradual difierences oi it.

grThe and nza/i imperfel? State, when deßjtute of the ‘ф of rea/2m :

or having but little uf: of it.,comprehendingthe two lirít ten усам

Ё TNFANCY, Balle, (hi/d, (nl).

_— __.__—__—.—,._—__

Ndmral оп’ег.

° l l' CHILDHOOD, В0у,65г1,1УенсЬ,3"сеп}еап.

The left’ imperfeèî Age, ßihjeä’ to the fra) of Pa1/z`om5 either more , щ

1ф’; containing the third and fourth ten years.

ADOLESCENCY, adult, Lad, Springal, Stripling, Touth, Laß Da.

2. Ё nzoß’l, Weno/J.

' YOUTH, juvenile, Tous/gr.

Theperfec'? Age'ae to the Bod) : or the deelining Age of the Body, lmt nza/i

perfeóî for the Illind,fiyled vergen: «etaßor the Age of Wifdom 5 the

former comprehending the fpace >b'etwixt the 40h and the 50h,

and the latter containing the fpacc betwixt the 50h and the ócth

MANHOOD, virile, middle age.

3‘ ёовсымыо AGE, y ener/j.

The laß and weft' imperfeä‘ Aggby reafon of the decay of Vigor, which

commonly happens both in Bad) and Mind, either according tó

the and [zetter part of if; or the la/t and weiß part of this

State, reaching from the écfh tothe 7cm, and from thence for the

OLD AGE. (timg afœn

4‘ овсвврптвзз, Crane. ‚


Concerning the Predicament ef Qiality ; the ‚Ли/ст! Сети’: belonging

to it, name/j, I. Natural Power. Il. Habit. Ill. Manner-g,

lV. Senßble ‘опишу. V. Difeafe5 with the 'varioleI Diferente;

andSpecie: under each of thejë.

Hether many ofthofe things ‘now called ggalit), be not reducible

_ to Motion and Figure, and the Situation ot the parts ofBodics,isa

qucßion which I lhall not at prefent conlîder. ’Tis fuliicicnt that'the par

ticulars here fpecìfied are той соттопЁу known and apprehended un

der that notion as'they are here reprefented,and are [lill like to be called

tllîe fame names,whatever new Theory may be found out ofthe caufes

о t em. ’

The feveral Genus's under this Predicament are fuch kinds of (Дюн

Ё Ё’Internal s whether (ties as are eitherЁ ¿Innate-j, NATURAL POWER. l

Snperindueed 5 conlidered more ­

âGeneral/)q {iyled by the Common name of HABIT.

Speeiadjg with rcfpeâ to the cuÍLomary Aâions ofmen configlered'

External 5 denoting either (as voluntary MANNERS.

äThofe more general afïeůions of bodies which are the objetîts of






Thofe fpecial impotencies of living bodies,wherchy they are difabled

SICKNESS. (for their natural funůions.


V­­­­~ — v UvT-.Y __„w-w.

hap. VIII. “Щит! Peper# _i E 195'.

As for Figure,which«by the common Theory is reduced under this Pre

dicament, that, being a Qualification or Modification 1y"Quantity', may

vti‘iore properly be referred thither. _

OfNATLIRAL 101111311.

Hole kinds _of Идиш! innate Ёлка”, 4tvherely thing: are rendredable or unable to at? or refjl, according t0 their peculiar natures, are


ÉNATURAL POWERS, Facultj, Capacity, Endowmentfalentßqffßbi.

lit), Strength, Energy, Force, Virtue, талии.

lI1MP0'IENCIES , Dißbility, Incapacity, invalid, unable, weak, igyîrn’

laine, dead. ' ' ’ `

Thefe Natural Powers may be difiributed into fuch as are

"fMoreparticular ‘, viz. the Faculties that агс


`<i Senßtive. ‚



`Moregeneral 5 being either

sPiitiTuAL. iv.

Corporeal , relating to the good if the ‘


_' SpECIES. Vl.

l. Thofe Facultier whereby we are inabled to apprehend ande‘olnpare the 1, “по.

_general‚мышцthing: as to Truth and Fallhood, Good and Evil, and to NAL FA

dernean our jëlvei‘accorclingly towards them, are llyled ‘ Cunas’

RATIONAL, Rea/bnable, Hatiocination.

типом/1 L, @Muße/ille, bruti/7i.

Thefe may be diliinguifhed into _ l y

~ "Apprehenßve, whereby we are rendred able or unable to _ _

i ‘ Know and apprehend knowable things, Generals aS Well as Patticu­~

:_ lars. refpefting in them Truth and Falfhood. ’ . '

l ­ È’UNDERSTAND'ING, Intel/erf?, Mind, mental, apprehend,conrpre.



, hend,perceive, conceive, reach, rejênt, Sentiment.

‹ 1О1О'ПСАЬМЕ88, being as a natural Fool, Changeling, Innocent

Compound and compare Notions together, Го as to make a right elli4~ '

mate of things and confequences. °

<1 JUDGMENT, Judiciaire.

l _2'§1Nj'zJDIcIoUsNEsS, simple, SiHy. ‚ ‚

i LApply general Principles to particu/ar cafer, being a kind of Раиса}

Judgment or Memory relating to matters of Duty.­ - i


3’ UNCONSCIONABLENESS, Searedneß, Proßigatemßfnorahlnfen

‚ fibilitj. ‚ _»

‘Моды , _ whereby we do rationally follow any thing aie good, or jl] it as '

evil .­ or being without au) fuch ntotion. _

ÈWILL, De/ìre, Liß, Орда”, Vote, Wi/h,Mind, Plea/îere,covet,volun­


. tar).

LISTLESNESS, no mind fo. _ _ '

C с 2 ‘ ‹ Il. ÍNTER‘“ _


.96“ _ Naomi.


1I. INTER- ‚ _Nal. SIN- interiaurpartt,and are converfant about internal and ат"! as well as pre»

sm Ё)’: things. Whether there be any fuch real Faculties in the Soul as are

` mentioned under this and the preceding Head, is not here to be debated.

’Tis fuii‘icient that common experience doth acquaint us with fuch various

operations of the Mind, and that general cultom hath agreed upon fuch

names for the expreflingof them.

Thefe are likewife diiiinguifhable into _

f Apprehenfve; whereb we are rendred able or unable for the

,l ' Receiving af irnpre tan: from the outward Senß'r.

COMMON SENSE, perceive,düern,apprehend,$cntintent,re/ënt,

I x î conceive, dtfcovemßnd.

ST'UPOR, Нимфаомъцфопфдшгтйцдтпъе,а]1еер‚/ё! an edge.

< Compounding andcomparing what is communicated from the outward


< a PHANSIE, Imagination, (anceit,fanta_ßical,capricious',Phantafn.

' ВОТАСЕ, Delirium, Dlzzard, Sat, bef/at.

_ l »Retaining fuch irnprejfiont. -

' MEMORY,recolleů',re­cab/,commemorate rentember,call ar carne ta

rnind,put in ntindjtggeßfecord,recount,can over,getting by heart,

3. by rote, roithout book, at ancrßnger: endr, nien/arable, штата],

memorandum, mindful. `

l FORGETF‘ULNESS, Oblivion, Unmindfulneß, ovetjlip. ‚

" [Мойиед whereby, in order to our Own Confetvation, we ‚Эдем orfly

what is by the judgment of the Senfes reprefented as good or evil.ìAPPETITE, Dgltirejnclination, Concupijience, Stomach,Longing,


L11/l, having a ntind to.

LOATHING, ful/tinte, naujëate, glut, clay,ga again/l, шефа/дит

nti/h, wantbling, qua/rn, dote/l. °

max-ran- Ш. EXTERNAL SENSES are fo llyled, becaufe they relide in the

gg' SEN' exteriour parts of the body, and do apprehend only external prefent

' things 5 which common opinion hath determined to the number ofFive :

fCornrnodiaua (amongft which fome arefaid to be

I For Difciplin’e, whereby we difiern , `

"Light and Colour. ‘

I SIGHT, Vijlen, View, hen,0ptic,defèry, dijèern,e/pie,_ß>ie,peep,prie,

I fêe,perceive, loakupan, beha.’d,Glirnp e, Speäacleßpeäatarjnße

‚ i ° С ä‘ian, Ravi/ë, Projpeòi, blu/h, vi ‘Не, con/picuoua.

< ‹ BLINDNESS, Dirnncß, dar/t, poreblind, put out one: ayer,

l l ,Saundn '

2 HEARING, attend, hearkenJi/ien, give ear, audible.

‘ DEaFNEss, рт‘.

For the trialaf our Food at a dißance.

3. SMELL, Odor, Savour, Sent, Pontander, Perfume.

_LNeceßiry for the`

Immediate trial ‚у‘ our Food.

З 4. TAST, Gujŕ, Savour, Relißißrnack, Sntatch, Tang, tooth/3mi.

Perception af tangible ‘Мир.

TOUCH,`feel, стыд, taóïile, palpable, grape.

5' N‘UAINESS, Мира’, ‚та, torpid, ajleep.

Though common Language have not affixed particular names to the

impotenciar of fome of thefe, yet they ought to beprovidedfor as Well as

the гей. IV. Thofe



IIalNTEl-ÄNAL SENSES are foliyled, becaufe they belong At-oŕihe'

Chap. VIII. _ Natural Power. I 197

IV. Thofe natural Habitude: ofthe Soul or Spirit zithich render it ft or îgûgïàli

mißt for it: proper funâ'iont, are Ilyled by that general name of TEM- spgm-‘ß

PER «шт, ­ament, Dißioßti'on, Spirit, 'Gerrit/o, Fancy, Humor, Vein,Qn»

lily, Condition, Conßittition, Nature. ‚

ТЬсГс may be diflinguìlhed into fuch as are more

rGeneral5 chiefly of moral dijpiftiomdenoting the„мы.­ or badnej'?

' of it.

INGENUITY, Goodnotare, Candor, candid,free,liheral, clear.

‹ l ’ DISINGEN’L‘ITT, Illnature, Perverßnejâthivart,crqßfrolvarck unto'

l ard, wayward, awkward, refraâ‘ory, «entraña/:legnigitkßnbbormßtlì

l len, dogged,jiurdy, 171i, ret/iff

t Partieularr, as t0

fAlîion', denoting . .

‘АИ/19, ог diߢbility5 aptitude, or ineptitude forit.

SI’RIGHTLINESS, Wit, Vivacity, ingenione,l1ritk , lively, quick,

' l 2.3 aente,jharp, е1ебопайг,тепш1а!‚ргедйапг‚р’фтиф‘ofmind.

ll l D'ZJLNEss,stupielity, groß-:einladend-beaded,tarpad,j2ß,tbick,

' heavy, daz/e, dolt,Block-head, Logger-head, Риме, Set, дядей’;

dreaming. .

Attention: or levity of mind in it.

Í ÈSERIOUSNESS, earnejl, grazie, jiiber, рай, jid, fubßantiahjit

3. lemn.

l l WANTONNESS, ltghtneß, aieiy, ударам’, game/bm, dal/ying

<l v/portful, trifling, lajŕiviotß, giddy,ритмы/4:14‘), toytng,1tanp,

Gigg, Rigg, Gambol

i Aptitude or [перший to moderate the

I '[Iraßible appetite.‹

l GENTLENESS, Tamenejî, Mildneß, Meekneß Lenit‘y, break ,

l [4. З reclaim, tame, come to hand. '


‹ FIERCENESS, Wildncß, Haggard, Savage, barbaren, cnrjineß,

‘Да-уйдут, furione, dire, fell, grim, rough, jource, keen, uná

“те .

lLConcupi cible appetite.


5 RAPACITT, ra'venongvoracioue, reedy,Harpy,devour,preying.l

`Alvi/ity or dijizbility to attempt or reß/l di сити.

6 ëSTOUTNESS, Bv/dfltß,fllûftful,redonhted,darìng,ßurdy,111‘:


LnzINEss,/Iagg¿lb, lit/Jer, lai-den, Drone, dull,т. w»

«L/täion and Paßìon, denoting an ability orмы”to endure and hold

out both in aóîing and fiißering. ’

ЁНАКОШЕЗЗ, Tolerance,ритма‘,‚аьфщщрмдтак;


ßrioate, painful.

NICENESS, Softnejì, Tendernefi, Delieatenefì, Cnriyitßßne,

fqueamißt, germinate, jînical, dainty.


—.._——‚.‚_ ..._-_. —__...—————

"£98 Nana Pana». Рак. п.

v. ‘rE‘M- V. Thofe CORPOREAL HABITUDES, whereby things are ren

gâlä, 2%‘ dred able or unable to ад‘ ог re/rßfor tbe good of the INDIVIDUUM,

THE mm. are ufually flyled by tholè general names of Tent/ber, Complexion, Frame,`

"DuuM' State, Conßitution, Dißrqßtion, Nature.

Thefe are dìflinguifhable into fuch as concern,

'The juli' number of Мера": .­, baz'ing all : or wanting fârne.

` WHOLENESS, [линий perfeä',[фены/31014, tite, сои/6114416,

I à of one piece. _

M'DTILO'USNESS, mai/ned, triangle, lame, lopped,crippled.

The nature of the whole or parts 5 being either "s

"Negative or Poßtive of

Corruption. ~

SOUNDNESS, Sanity, Над/‘Миф bail, beal,wbole,clearnefr.

' ROTIENNEJS, Putridnejî Corruption, purulent,tainted,un_/ound,


Trouble to tbe jen/ë of Fee/ing.

i ‘ INDOLENCE, EajEJenitiz/e, relaxation, clearne/Íf,ligbten.


5' PAIN, ric/.1,fnart,ail,anguiß1, grief, ill at eafenßre. pang.tbro,tor­

ment, torture, alge, excruciate, mung, tzvitcb, fret, gripe, gira',

rac/(ing. .

Pofltioe or Negative; ‚

rGeneral ‚3 relating to tbe ßate of tlJc bod), good .’ or Ш.

VIGOR , Vivacit), thriving. lvegetatie, /luuri/lßing, lu/ìßlivelj,

,_ [физ/яд, jlorid, quick, in heart, 1n goodpligbt, inproof,

4’ pert,frnart, crank/17urdj, revive.

*I DECATING, conßrnze, wear, maß, drooping, jading,out ofbeart,

flagging, langui/b, break,fail. going donnfaß ama), bring down

,l or low, decline, inipair,quail, abate, niolder,pine,witlrer, peri/b,

‚ i ‘ fpend, corrupt.

„еда! 5 refpeäing the

` ' Pligbt of tbe parir, full: or ßzaring.

l îFAóTNÍESS, plunxp.pan/pered,bury,corpu.'ent, großgjînggy, pur/le,

so llt e.

LEANNESS, ntacilent, meagre, $1агш11п3,17ие, poor,bare,ß1are,

tbin, lan/r, gaunt,líafcal, Ли“), gba/ll), pine, втайне, fall

away, Carrion, .r/¿in and bone,

Í Figure and colour of the external parts, || rigbt : or wrong.


BEAUTY -fulne/ì, Hand/ônznefì, Pulcbritude, Cornelineß‘, Ele

6 gance, Веста, fair, goodly, well-favoured, Дату, polite,

' quaint, pretty,graceful, lovely, perfonable.

‹ DEFORZWIIT, unbandßnze, ill-favoured, ugly, unconielhnzifbe

‚ l l corning, Indecorungab/urd, unß’enzlj', inifbapen, foul, fana/id,

lÄ Hagg, clcj'ace, dicßgure.

‘ Ability , or dijability for Aëîion or Paßion.

STRENGTH, Force, 1111311,уайшшРифпееуодаф‘,ßrenuour,

7. ê ßont,ßurdjjn heart, main,corroborate,fortiji`e, recruit.

WEAKNESS, ,Feeblencfq Бей/19’, Iwbccz/litj, Infirrnit), drya

bled, faint, lan uid, dead, frail, тиф beart, дан/41,11”;i I ging, invalid,/l/Kta/l, bring don‘n or low, encrvate, decline, en




Natural Power.

Chap. VIH.v`

¿Aptitude or {партией fo'r МИ”,

rIn a place. 4

ÈAGILITY, Nianbleneß, Affi-nity, Lightneß, Volubilitp, quick,`


dexteronf, lblercurial, rcßiveßandyynan ofbi: handr.

LUMPLS'HNESS, 'Unweildinefì ‚миф groß, heatggpuC/ìe,

Lob, Lubber, Slugg, Lozel.

To a place.

SWIFTNESS, Fleetneß’, Celeritj, Speed, faß, apace, ßdain,

' quick, rapid, hnrr), accelerate, hajlen, curfòryjp, expedite,

9' run,fend, whúk, рф. _

, SLUWNESS, Heazfinefr, ßaeknefr, dud, Slug, tard), lei/urelj,

~fbftlj, dilatory, retard, jive/lon», ада/алый, Lubber, {unipi/h,

Lurdan, ‘ауры, нашем)’, ginger/j. .


Ё l

VI. Such corpo‘real Habitude: as do concern the Propagation ofthe Specier,

do refer either to the

lfKind: of things apt fOr Propagation, according to the

General типе.

Ё 1 . SEX, Kind, Gender, Epicene, Hermaphrodite.

Particular dzßribution into wore, or 1ф noble.

l MALE, rnd/culine, Buc/1, Bore, Dog, Gib, Cock, Milter, He.I

Ё 2' FEMALE, feminine, Doc; Sow, Bitch, Hen, Spanner, She.



l <l Dißvofìtion of things for, or aîainß Propagation.

produce fruit.

BARRENNESS, sterility, Unfi'nitfulneß, infertile,blaßing, blite.'

Í f_stateof thing: generated, when the] have attained the perfeäion they

ought t; have : or elfe are in a Лав ofimpeifeä'ion, by reafon of ‘х’

ce r, 0r фа‘. ‚ _f KIPENESS, Maturity, nul/ow, „несёт/1111:, hatch.

4‘ ог/вк-шгвмгвв, fading,deca)ing,withering.

UNHIPENESS, immature, green.

’Ё ЗЁКПП‘ЁЦЫЧЕЗЗ, ferti fit), [шкаф prolißcal, ß‘uäiji`e,ranh_,












' Q0@ . `1101311.‘ А Part. II.

Of НАВ1Т.‚

Q. II- .Uch ßiperinduced Qualifier, whetherinfufed or acquired, whereof the

natural Fam/tie: are perfected, and rendred more ready and vigorous

in the exercìfe'of their feveral Ańts, according to the more or {of} Perfeà

Degrees of them, are ftyled by the name of _

HABIT, Endowment, enure, qualifie, Gift, Talent.

DISPOSITION, Propenßty,ProcIivigcl’ronzptitudcßroneneßgnclination,

readingß, lgi'oen to, addiction, fitug/i, aptitude.

To the more general conlideration of Habit may appertain

"'Thofe State: or Conditions of life which either reward or enable men

for vertuous Aétions 5 comprehending the



‚ I Thofe Qta/ißcatiom, which, though they are not properly Vertues, yet

#I do prepare for, and difpofe unro,and, in other refpe¿`ts,circumftan­

tiate Vertue it felf, both in the Habit and Operation: of it, and are

therefore ftyled AFFECTIONS OF VERTUE, either



{_The Kind: of vertuous Habits, whether

- INFUSED, both Intelleftual and Moral. V.


Í.- RE- I. Thofe things which are due to the nierit of Vertue or l/ice,are ftyled

gIf-mvlêì_ REWARD, Gucrdon, Швей, Prize, Recompem‘e.

тшэ. A P’UNISHMENTÉ Penalty, Penanrqjudgnzent,PÍa‘gueJ/cngeancejnßict,

ßß`er,i1npunitj,fcotßee. ‚

Thefe may be diftinguifhed into fuch as are either more

General, viz. that [tate wherein а thing injoys as much perfeâion as it

is ca pable of. v

I ЁНAPPINESS'r Felicìty‚ЕЩЁ,Bleßedmjißeatìtudqgood, meaLwe/fare.

Ч ' ‚ JMLS’ERT, ‘Un/.rappine/Í, Infelicit),ExtremiyßalanxitmßìogDi/ìreß‘,

l Dißßer, Aßliction, Tribu/ation, Trouble, Plague, judgnientßaittß;

„тек/а,poor, pitiful, deplorable.

Partien/M5 relating to the reward ofrMoral Vcrtueâ in the enjoyment of thofe things that conduce to our

_— ůene eje'.

I fExt'ernnl ; ‚

l ÈPROSPERITY, Лот-$503, thriving, ali/[Éieioußjortunatnbap

3 .



py, tgood hak, ßtoceßgßieed.

ADI/EIGHT, A_Ú‘iiotion, dlßrtß, tribulation, „ф, diffißer, infe

>lirity, fußèring, perfecutt'an, dufeß, fall, pre/jure, тф/мше,

`‹ nii/lmp, n/ißzd'venture, nziffbrtune, unfortunate, urz/udite, um

1 prtyperonf, 1паи_/Ёйс10ш‚[пфет‚ dt/`n1al,il!luckorßtcceß.




‘ n

Chap. ‘ЧП. Habit. . 4 ’ aoi y

“тети 5 quiet, or difquiet of the Afinet‘ftions. _‚ A

âCONTENTATION, Tranquißitj,Content/nent,SereniU,Heari.r¥


Ieffe,Equoniniity,$eflaten¢",&qì, be fittifßed, aequiejee.

I ANXIETT, Diß‘ontent,_tbougbt мёда, dump, trouble, „дну/дат

i quiet,vexation, perplexity, ßreigbßpincb. ,I

._Cbrißion Verrues and Graces3 conlifling in an everlaliing Vilion and

Fruition of God. ‘

SALVATION, ÈeatißealI/ifion, Heaven, Glory.

4’ DAMNATIf/N, Condemnation,Heß,perdition.

п. The lNsTauMENTs or vEaTuE , commonly nyled the п. marmi

Good: if Fortune, requilite to the due exercìfe of the Aäs ofmany Ver- MENTS 0F

tues, and one Irind of Reward belonging to it, do concern either Папы‘

rOur Perjbnr, and the being at our own difpol‘al. ,_ l

LIBERTY, Freedom, at large, deliver,releajë,inlor¿e,ßtß­ee,rid, di/Í

i I pateb, ranfornfedeern, nzanumißgenzaneipate,give one bia beaeßßope,

' arbitrary, undeterrnire‘d, uneonßncd,ma], may ebnf':

RESTRAINT, eonßneßreigbten, repreß. ‚ _

l Our Poßel/ìone, being either Hßißieient, or injîßieient, for our occafi~

ons and conveniencies , according to that rank and flation wherein

we are placed. ­

‘ l

KICHES, шел/‘Ь, Opulenee, Pelf, Means, Fortunet, Eßate,tbrive,

2. ì Treaßire,nial«:, enrieb, wort/1, wel! to Paß.

I POI/ERTT, мечту, Penury, Майдане, Need, Want,poor,enipoveri/b,


The futablenefs of the things which we have or do, and that {atisfaéti

l on which we receive by them. ‚

‚ PLEASURE, 13e/iger, Dooom», Enjojoamf.A

3’ vNPLEAsANTNEss, Grief, Trouble, dijpleaßpg.

‚ Our Мата, and the ef’teem we have amongli good men.'i ÈREPUTATION, Credit,Countenanee,Äpplon/ë,Nànze`,Honour,Í/’ogue¿

\ 4 .

report, Fanze, redoubted, of Note, Glory, Renown, welll-founding.

INFАМТ, Digraeeßiferedit, dijlJonour, dißmrage, deforne,difeounte«

l „мыши, ignorninj, Stein,Blot,Blenzg/b,Slur,inglorioua,ißiberal,

ignoble, notorious, ill г‘еу‘йасйфдогд/ёшхйв or nome. '` Our Degreef, and ­the quality of our Conditions in relation to others 5

being either conliderably above them, or below them.y

DIGNITY, Pronxotion, Preferment, Advancement, Honour, Worßup,

Greatneß', State, Port, Title, preeminenoe, upper-band, Higb place,

raz/ê, exalt, ib/ußrioua. l

MEANNESS, [щите/х, ОфнгЩ,В4]ёпф‚1/й1епф‚13п0ыефшщабфэ‘ ’

l debafê, degrade, Abjeäne/ì.

,Our Ability to proteòì‘ our felve: and other: from injwj'gwhich is the ufu#

al refult or confe'quent of the refr.

POWER. Та”, Poient­ate,Greatnf.ßf, [тете/3, Strengtb, Might, Piaf

‘Лика, Ma/lerj, Prevalence, Predornindnee, Wert/fray, rule ЧМ

rod/i, bear offro/ge.

IMPOTENCE, Wea/(_, шефа-„ш.

в d in. Arm


Part. II.'.202 Нabit.

ni. Affe- IIÍIÄÉÈIÉCTIONÉ @i INrELLEcTuÃL yea’rue, may be di

„Cgoxs of flinguifhed by their reference to thofe two Faculties in the

¿TUEÃ'ÍE' rRational Soul, imployed for the gaining oi Knowledge, viz..

_VERTUL l |'Invention5 which is rightly, Or wrong/y difpofed by

SAGACITY, Per/picacity, Sharpnejâ’, Subtilty, Dextcrity,Wit, clear,

{‹ I З


quick, acute, лук/Лиз, piercing, docil, toward/y, apt,pronipt.

D‘ZJLNESS, Stupidity, Heavinejí, groß witted, indocil, dreaming,

‚ Dolt, Dunce, Blockhead. l

i ,"j'udgtnent5 whichisH welldi/pofêd, by fuch a temper of mind as doth

incline а man to aflènt unto things upon fuch evidence as is in it telf

‹ fuliicient _­ or ill difpojêd, by fuch а temper as inclines a man either

I ‚ to aßént unto things upon fuch evidence as is inßiß'ìcient, or not to

з aßent upon fuch as is ßißicient. ‚

2 FAITH, Docility, Teachablentß Toward/ing?, ‚гриф!

' cREDvLtrr, Ea/ìneß, tight or raf/i if belief,fait.

INCRED'ULI‘TT, ‘ZJnteachableneß' , ‘Статей/Муз seepiieal

'i l ntf?, Scrupuloujizeft, ‘Cube/hf.

Senßtive Soul, which are apt to hinder us from Knowledge.

"Phancy5 which is well, or ill difpofed by

i l SOBRIETY, difcreet,grave,feriale,ßaid,рейд’),fêttled,fige.

­<| 3' CONCEITEDNESS , A_Ú‘eöiation, Singularity§fantaßical, ‘газету,

l 'toi/d, light,aiery, giddy, [гсаШрЫпфтДЬайг-Май/‘1, brain-ßck,

ì Hunioriji, Opinia/ier.

`_Appetite5 which is ñtly regulated by our being concerned for any

Truth according to a due meafure5 and not either niore or lijfthen

the evidence and importance of it, doth require.

MODERATION, Tentper,Meafureßentle-ntß, qualiß'e, reduce4. to reafon. ы ы ‚

l SLIGHTNESS, Slacknefi, negligence, ‘гид/Еду}, Neutrality,

jì’igid,cold,indi17"ercnt, unconcerned, ßatering,/upetfcial,cur­

fory, overly, perfunäory,faint.

FIERCENESS, Fanaticalnefr, vehenience, violence, eagerndì,

earntjßfuriouo, heady, irnntoclerate, doginatical, Opinia/ìer,

, boiflerour, rough,four, keen. `

W, m, ‚ 1v. The ayant-maf MORAL and HOMILETICAL raam, de

crioNs or concern either

MORAL f .' .AND „Q_ The Teniper and Frame ofour Mindr, as to their due

MrLrrlCAL "Attention 5

VENUE’ l ‘то’ ‘my ‘(1114’ of Advantage, or Expedient.

ÈCONSIDERATION, Advi/êdneß, deliberate, runtinatedrore


caß, of or on purpofe.

C‘UNCTATION, Loitering,Delay,`/lack, trifling,linger, lag, while

à tif, drive gf',put of:


curßry, headlong, precipitate, unadvi/ed, incogitancy, тиф‘

я’етгепф, preßtrnption.


Chap. VIII. ima.

[Again/î an] liind of Eoz'l, Danger or impediment. ‚ ‚ _

HEEDFULNESS, Warinqß, Care,Cauteloußnff, Watcbfnlneßńt

tention, Intentionßaution, minding;` circumfpeíliomcbarypigi

lant,cautiou‘.ß)ie,advádßmare,bewarejntendjookto or about,. ­

/ëe toga/(e beed,be tbougbtfulgak: tbongbtjake zvarningßarrorv

I ‹ CARKING,1So/icitude, Anxietj,over­tbougbtf`ul.I CARELESlN-ÈSS, Hoodie/nef,1ncogitanc1e,negligence_Лат-„25,

l _fliglotncß` llgbtneß/upinemj?, incorjlderate, ‚ушах/м, overl),


perfunäorßßzperyâcial, ßcure, unwary, rotola/di', curforyjdle,

ßotbful,/luggardl}, flubbering, drßo'lute, uncircuni/pefl, band

over bead, not regard, overßip. „ ‚

Frecdonz and Readìnefs of our Fпаи/Не.‘ about any thing. ‚

АЬАСКГГУ‚СЬ:аг/итф’шШлфТопётгйпфЁтй/д all one: без”,

3 â with a goodwill, free; glad, pronzptneß’, ‚тарифу, rat/ier.­

GR‘UDGING, rnaundcr, nrurrnure, mutter, щите, regret, qu'eruloua",

go again/t, with an idraid. ‘

i LReality of our Intentions, futable to our outward Pretences.

— ЁЗПЧСЕКГГУ, 'ZJprigbtne/ì, reality,cordialntßbeartineßdoxnnrigbt, _


bone/Z, plain,Лида, nnfeigned, found, clear, uncorrupt.

HTPOCRISIE, Dillifnulatiomdouble tongue or beart,bollozv­bearted,

l feigning,fayë, counterfeit,fôpbißical, pretend. ‚

The Figuran/nq?ofour Endeavour: in the profecution offitting means.

DILIGENCE, Aj/lduitj, Seda/ity, Indo/fry, Attention, Care,Labour,

L _ 5. S iizßkafìîkcèlgîgxte, ply, bejiir, ßiclile, la] about bini, earneß,in~

I 4 3 a

2 DOUBLEDILIGENCE, overdoing, buffe,pragnzatical,fain,rnedling.

Sl 07'H, Idl'eneßf, lazìntfr,careláná,litber,lo¢,retcblç/},dreaniing,

Drone, Sluggard, Типы, шт.

; LThi ‘Zgiverßtlity required to vert uous Aötîons, in r'efpeâ of tHe

`0 je . ` _

6. ‚ INTEGRITY, Honeßj, intire, equal, impartial, incorrupt, upright.nmcPgŕtìg’oltoìíânlíîcgnequal, making a dijnkrence, accepting of[mfom-_

CONSTANCY, Perjëverance, Stabi/itl, 8!еасНпф‚]1ев1_/Ё1/Ё, fwn,

7. f1`xed,fi¢re, certain, reßlute, inßexible, uncbangeablc, abide, реф/1,

‘ bold out, дат! out,ßa} bja/lick to, unwearied, indefatigable.

` PERTINAC'T, Ob/iinacy, Contunzac), pervicacioue, растут’),

Ё wilful, inexorable,inßexible. ‘

LIGHTNESS, Incon/lancyfck/onefe, ‘ту, inßabilitj, тиши

lit), uncertain, ‘афишу, uri/fable, un/ìedfaß, unß‘ttled, unßaid,

wavering, divert, dodging, /ÍJittle,_/buttle,_/llppery, variable, ти

tab/le, changeable, trzfling, giddy, frealy/ÍJ, paltriitg , faß and

loo e.

Í) a V. Thofc




Part. ц;‘ Q . Habit.

_O_WJ. ___‚‚_4‚—_„_

V.. Thofe are flyled INFUSED HABlTS, to which the Divine favourHABITS" and afiil‘tanee iste-quired after a more efpccial manner s which are there-ŕ

lore ll'yled by the general name of GRACE, Gift. ~

" To which may be Oppofed UNGRAClOUSNESS, Irnpietj, gracelef'f,

ungodly, carnal, wicked, ßnfitl.

Thefe are either

llrGeneral5 conßůìng in

è А change of даёт! from evil to good. _

l KEPENTANCE, Peniteace, comparution, relertt, rentar/e, contri

l l L? tion,rne, return, reclaim, renew, regeneration, penance.

IMPENHENCE, obdaraxeneß, нм- beartednqß.

An habitual frame of mind, whereby we are ñtted for vertuous a¿`ti«

‹ ons,and more efpeeially for the Duties of Religion.

,v î ÈHOLINBSS, Западу, С0в1/1иф‚’Рйе!}‚ Devotion, Righteoufneß,


< 8а’1с1ф`са1‘50щ/Ё‘сге4, Purenejì.

I UNHOLINESS, Wie/@Jaffa mgm), Impfen, 'Ungoellincji, Pro

— рЬаптф, Corruption, Sin, .Mí/creatif, graceleß, сайте.

, tan inlargemcnt of Soul, to delire and endeavour public general good,

’ and taking it ofi'from being ìmm'erfed in narrow'felfifh deligns.

SELF-DENIAL, Chri/lian` jllagnanimitj, салют], Public-_liti3. rited11¢j},Greatttefrof mind, Reßgnation. V

SELPZZHNESS, Narronmefr, Pedanticalrteß., Liîllŕ’feß 0f Mind,

` Wor ing. ‚ .

‘LParticnlar5 Íiylcd Theological Vernier, refpefling

fTrnth and Falfl‘ood 5 a readinefs to yield an efieůual ali‘ent unto ге

t l vealed Truths upon lilch grounds as their natures are capable of,

' l and fuch afs' are fuliicient to prevail with any fach prudent teachi

‹ ble man as ls free from any añeëted Captioufneß.

l 4. FAITH, Belief, Believer, Creed.

dINPàIlgEL/ITL ‘ZJnhe/ief, Mtfcreant.

Goo an vi .

fFutnre 5 being an acquiel'cence of the mind in the expeftation of

fuch Promlfes as are revealed.

< s. HOPE, Trie/i, Атаки, Reliance, Recurnhency.

l DÍSZA‘I/tìklzejpondenc), out of heart,forlorn, hopele :,paß hope,

ea ne :0 cart.

Ч Y¿Generalg wiíhìng well , and endeavouring to be helpful and' fer

vxceable unto all , according to the due proportion we are obli

ged tëlbiyÀlnzî’tluçal or revealed Light. °

‚ , ‘I_ove.


. L

VI. Thofe

Chap. VIII. Habit. ’ i ‘ 205

_ VI. Thofe are ltyled~_ ACQUIRED INTELLECTUAL HABITS v1. Acqui»

which may be gotten _by Induftry , and tend to the perfeäing of the läïläf‘

Mind or Llnderlianding‘. They are diliinguilhable by their ' ç‘ruat.

’Objects 5 being either _ _ _ .„ _ HABITS' '

третьим 5 furnilhing the mind with due Notioris and 'conceptions '

concerning the Nature of things,their Caulës, Differences, цепь

tions and Dependencies. _ _ _

I I SCIENCE, Knowledge, Skill, Theory, Learning, Iig/ight.

l l


IGNORANCE, rude, алмазы’; _.

Active 5 denoting Skill in men and bulinefs, whereby we are inabled

to judgâ what is lit and convenient,according to various cafes and

circum ances. ‘ ‘ ‘

_ WISDOM, Prudence, Difcretion, Sapience, wife, fitge,politic. _

i ' ÉCRAFT, Cunning, Subtlltj, Shinefr,Policy,Device,2Link, Миф‘,



li r.

| .


Fetch, Wile, Trick, [дм/Мета, Knave, Shark, Shift, coute

over one, over reach. ‘ _ ‚ I _ _


:ville/i, ‘тиф, apra, jhu/low, НИИ], Ninn), Sot, infatuate, \


Y LEfective; implying Skill in thofe feveral Operations and Works ‘

which concern Humane life. . ‘

ART, Skill, Dexteritj,Craft,Cunnirtg, Infìght, Knack, expert,tvell~

g. â fèen in, good at,artißcial,Warkntan, Arti/i.

'UNSKILF‘DLNESS, bunglz'ng, blundering, botchinbfuntblingfob- _

ling, ßubber, [тайнэ ignorant,jill), rude,groß,jqjune ,inexpert,

ińartißcial, awkward, Fre/harian, Novice. ’

` LThe manner of acquiring then: 5 whether by ,

rOur atan Objërvation, and repeated Trials». ‘

ЁЕХРЕШЕЫСЕ, Practice, Exerctß,KnotPÍedgQcanveißnt, verßd,


’ expert, Experiment, Enzpyric.

_it INEXPERIENCE, inexpert, raw, to _[êek, Pun), Novice, Fre/hrnan,

unver .

lxThe Теле/Лига} othert, either vivli voce, or ex _ßriptiß

LEARNING, Literature, Scholar/hip, fcholaßic,LiberalScieuce,"

5% Skill, indoctinate. ‘ _

UNLEARNEDNESS, illiterate, мента, ma.,[тут


Part. Il;2 об ` (тает.


Q. I I L He Ctdiotnary ‘and habitual Aüion: oi rnen confìdered at voluntary,

and as they are capable of Good or Evil, Reward or Punilhnient,

are íiyled by the name of MANNERS, Ethic, Moral ­itj.

To which may be adjoyned the general name of fuch афиши)’ Aâ'i.'

on: as are mutual дети: man and man, ftyled CONVERSATION,

Carriage, Detncanour, Con/portnzent., hotuiletieal, Corunmnication, lead, life,

fivitlg,ßciable, behave. ’ c

The Verrues belonging to фей: do comprehend all thofe Habits which

concern the regulating both ofour Will: and Afeäîionaf, and of our Con

verßtionr. They are difiinguilhable by the Faculties which they mode..

rate,and the Objeůs they are converfant about, into fuch as do more iin

mediately concern thc regulating of our Ё _

.fl/Vill: and Afeä'ionr, and that Reůitude of mind which We are obliged

` unto with reference to our felves, ‚мата moreßparatel), accord

‚ ing to thofe principal parts of which we confill, viz.. Soul and Body,

. ’ Ё КеаЁоп and fenfe,together with the things We poiiefs, being either

<„ More GENERAL. I. `

Ё More Particular, relating to

Out BODIES. II. .‘ ~'


lLConverßztiom, or the right Demeanout ofour felves conßdered as Mein?

ber: of.Societjjn our converfc with others 5 the dll@ mrmfggîng 0f thécommon Añiairs and Bufineíles of life , according to the relations

wherein we [tand towards thofe whom we are to deal with. Thefe

are commonly called Hoíniletieal Verrues ,being either

More GENERAL and Common. IV.

More Particular, towards



1- VFRTUE» I. Thofe kind of Moral habit: which ferve for the regulating ofour ‘ИЛ:

and Aßeóîion: more General, are commonly f`tyled by the name of VER

TUE, Honef1y,Probitj,Righteou/iieß, brave, denoting fuch Habits whereby

» we are inclined and inabled to obferve а due Mediocrity in our Aftions.

-To this is properl oppofed the notion of VICE, sin, Стас, Di/honeßj,

Trefpaff, Traulfgrtwli’on, Fault, Failing, InßrnaithOz/erßghtl, wicked, Irnprobitj,

Turpitucle, unrighteow, unjuft, had, naught, vile, hafe, loq/E, evil, Ш, corrupt,

venial, heinoua, debauched, lewd,lawle/32licenciou:,foul,j1agitioua,enorrnour,

` prqtigafeinïreant, Ktgfian,Cait%l/il/ain,lîaleehell,Libertine, diyîle, pollute.

.Thele may be diíiinguilhed into (uch as relate to the Inclination of our

Minds, either

fIn Debiti?, in fuch things as arc due from us

E) Law, ­

ll. ÉJUSTICE, Righteouc right, Лиге dealing,upr1ght dealing. _

,l INTZJSTI( E, ‘ZJnrtghteou/mjß”, llf’rong.

ÉRIGO'ZJR, rigid, extreme, рота, overflrilï.

Ё Ё REMISSION, Over-_@vfiring. ` ’

‘О Right

Chap. VIII. Montieri. y

i >¿Hight Вел/За. l



Moregeneral 5 refpeůing Our AÜtiÖns towards others,in fuch Cafes as

the Law­giver(could he have forefeen>would have provided for;

whereby a man 15 willing to recede from his own firift right, 8: the

utmoft extremities of things,and to take the moli amicable wayuin

the accommodating of Differences, fupplying that by right Вса

fon which is not provided for in the Words of the written Law. _

ÉEQLIITY, Moderation, reajonahle, con/Zionahle, Chancery, _fair


li dealing, in rca/on. (unequal.I

SUMM‘UIII TUS, Rigidnfßgßurmß, unreajonahlcneß, iniquity,

Moreparticular 5 1п our Thought: concerning other nien: Words or af

ótions,being ready to interpret every thing in the bell: fenfe,when'

there is no evident reafon to the contrary.

¿I CANDOR,fair, ingenifouo, candid,fair dealing. y

l 3‘ ЁСЕМХОКЮ‘ОЗЫЕЗЬ‘, Sini/ierßtßicion, captioußztfgcontroling,

In Gratuitifg` refpeůing chieHy the (carpingfndfault.

I ref'faaaor, being either

More general; denoting а propenlìon of mind to do goed to others,

Í together with external_aÜionr futable thereto.



äGOODNESS, Benignity, benevolence, ßeneßcence, kindne/Ír, goizd

‚ 4‚

шт, heholding,grat1ße.

‹ MIscHIEr/o'USNEss, Mit/grime, Ш turn.

' ‘LMoreparticular5 refpeůing fuch as are in a (tate of mifery.

ì _ MERCY, tendcr-hearted,piriful, propz‘fiour, foft.

I 5’ СВ‘ОЕТЛТ, Ininzanity, inhumane, hard-hearted,pittilej.`r, ‚Диму,

‚ a ’



dire, "падет, harharotß.

Benefîciarßnamelyß propenlion of mind to put a juli elieem upotghe

`Favourti we receive , and to take al1 occalions of acknowledging

and requiring them.

‚ 6 GRATITUDE, Thank­ »firing/i, give or render „миф,

д ' INGHATI'I‘ZJDE, Unthanhfulneß, ingra’t‘eful.`

' L In arduic, whether things _ .

1ЁНап1 to he done 5 whereby We are made duly refolute againft all fuch

I dilliculties either of Fear or Dil‘couragement as may hinder us in

our duty. `

FORTITUDE, Valour,Courage,Manhoodßroiváßuüânce,110111,

7. ‚ redouhted, undaunted, hold, daring, valiant, rcßluterin heart, of

<_ ffrìrit, manly, nianfal,ß1¢r¢1}.

RASHNESS, Tстати)’,fool-hardine/r, audacity, deäierate, headj,

l â hair-brain’d, hoi/feront,precipitate.

. COWARDISE, „тот-ожидайт-Ьеат!с:1,]ёа›1`и1, joft, Craven, Dal

l ßard, Poltron, Recreant, out ofheart, toflinch, to coto.

`_I-lard to he ßiäered 5 in refpeů: of

_’ Pain. _ i l

8. ÉPATIENCE, Long-ßiferingforhcarance, abide, hear,l­r0bk, ett#





dure,jìißein, tolerate, weather it out.

ëOBSTINACT, ßuhhorn, ßnrdj,perewptorj.


Pro'oocation to Anger and Revengejn which we are to obfcrt‘fe а ‹111е


'. |

lMediocrity. ’ ’ .

9 ЁМЕЕКЫESS, Mildne/fr, longï/iijering, gentleneß,clefnency,lenitj,`

" âLENTI‘T‘UDE,SIuPorJnßnßbi/ity. (calnx,pttt up.

HASH ANGER, curß, ÍDq/íßpetttl/h, pee'oifh, [Мура/9,141}.


,___._.__.—.————_——_._.._—_—208 i .Íl/Ionneiar.` Part. Il.

| t.

il. ‘(шин ‹ ll. The more jpecial Vertues for the regulatin of our Wills and All

‘e'ä‘g'òälfgs’ feftions in things relating to our BODIES, who e Objeů is jucundurn

or ‘Сто, are either. . ‚

Of a more large extent, denoting an Ability to wîthftand all fuch tem

~ ptations of allurement whereby we may be hindred in our Duty. i


` l’ SENS‘L‘ALIТT, Voluptuoußzeß, Мытищи“, cleboucbed, dijo/nte,

l файлам‘, Epicure.

fiOfa leßr extent-j, concerning the Moderating ofollr natural Appetites

-towards things which concern the Prefervation of the

"rlndividuuin, either

"More ‘кефир/5 as in

l „или.

l2 ЁА‘ВЗ’ГПЧЕПЧСЕЁэ ab/ieotiouegißing.


GL'ZJTTONT, Surfeit,voracitj,gorrnanclizing,panqieringfaven

ou, ated, Gully-gut.

< Drin/¿1.

Í soBaiETY, animi-waff.

l 3’ DRUNKENNESS, Sot, ließt, inebriate,beodj,intoxicate,fox, с‘;

| тиф, overtaken, n‘bitt/ed, juddled, „уделipler,5’oal{er,1’ot­cont~

I panion, Тур-рог.


ÉVIGILANCE, Watcbfulnefi.

4’ SL'UGGARDLINESS, .slot/.1, Drowning?, sleeping?.

lLçß шефу‘ 5 which concern

Refre/bnientr from Labour.



External Decorurn and Ornament.

6 ÉCLEANLINESS, Neatnef.`r,fningg,ter_‘fê.

' ЁМ'СЕМЕЮ, `lFinieolneß‘, Delicoteneß, Daintineß, Curio/ity,


лох/Ешьте“, ‘Uncleanne e, No ine e, „мы fili/J aalid,foul, Slaven, Slut, jlubbeí; ß f f э j’jè

Specie.' 5 .as Venery.

CHASTITY, Continence, Honeßy,

7’ ZJNCHASTI’I'T, Incontinence, Wantonntß, lafcivionr, unclean,

objŕene, ‚нишу, bawdy, lewd, lig/1t, difbone/ì‘, corrupt, dqìle,

deflonir, iure/i, rape, тиф‘, onine.


lll. Устин’:


Chap. VIII:

III. Verrues relating tothe due moderating 'of our Afi`eëlior~s towards the Ш- ‘le-f’.

things which concern our ESTATES and DIGNITIES, whole Obit-â `is t’ro‚1:13‘

ft or Едем’, ту be dillinguilhedint'o fuch as do more particularly concern Our E- ‚

.-Eßarer and Poiiellion's5 being either, ‚ . . ‚ ‚ ‚ - _ „ ‚ (pur" fMoregeneral 5 denoting а мат-‚щ about getting, or heepingprfpendiug; Nn its,

ÈLIBERALIT'Y, Bounty, `jtluniń'cence, open-handed, free, 'genervt/a,


i frank, large. ,y ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚

‚ _, ЁРКООЮАЬГГ'ДРтфф„921141191,1ат;/Ъ,гёогош,ет1›сд‚д1,1ф ont, H4.

l COP'ETO‘USNESS, Avarice,I/tf’or‘ldline/f. (vork, run out;

LMore fpecial5 in —



,f SCRAP'ING, Kapot-ity, greedy, craving, griping, r‘arJenoI/i.





‘ SLATERING, Inrpr'oviden'ce. , y

Keeping. _ l (ring‘ßear,

‘I FRUGALITY, ParcintonyJhrijIineß, good-hntbandry,_/aving„@a­

3‘ PEN‘URIO’USNESS, crib,hard,clofe­jí]ied,hide­bound,over­thrwy, ‹

' I tenacity, pinching, pinch-peny, Chur/e, мама, Mißfr, t‘lofè, near.

_ t SQpANDRINGJlying-out,ill­hic/:handy,unthrißineßfpend-thrm,

` l tva/i,, ‘ли/13024. ’l ‘ "Spending5diûinguilhed by its Objef’rs5eìther

Í 'The мы. y ‹ l _ ‚ ._

_ Ё GENEROSITY, jtlagnijîcenceßounty,Grandeur,ßateb,poniponrg


jutnptuoua, brave, noble, heroic. _

KIOTO'USNESS, Profufënelr,Luxurionßicßßlade- it,debauch,1@i

A l ~ SORDIDNESS, Baßŕneyäuntvorrhy,penuriour. (ßer.

i ‘I The Рот‘; relieving the wants of others. ‚ ‹ ' _ _

ALMБОШ‘ ING, Charity,Dole,Alnt.r,relieve, Penßouerßeder- than;

5 â .Eleenioßn-ary, Ho/pital. — А ‚

¿'H‘L’RLISHNESS, uncharitable, rough, Наций. ‘

{Лицей}; _ ‚ _

l 6 äHOSPITALITY, harbour, entertain, treat, орт-60%.


мазут” and Efteem 5 in refpeët of the ‘\

Avoiding or fufering of Видное.

i MODESTY, Baßifnlngt?. ‚ ‚ ‚ ц 4 , .. ‚ f ‹ ‚. ‚

' ÉêSHEEPISHNESS, Sbatnq‘äcedneß, аист-541111311, freaking; fofìnefi;

i IMP‘UDENCE,Shanteleßieß, Audacity, Дне)’, iininode/l, ‚ _ _

Seeking or bearing of Honour 5 as putting a value upon thin sfhav'ingbut a little eÍIeern‘ for little things, ) as likewilë upon hifn elf, andl his

own merits 5 and not either

Leß then .he ought. a ‚ _ _ I’ _

i 8 MAGNANIMITY, brave, not1¢,ee'rorc,gea¢ron,greatne/ì ofrm‘pd,


PUSILLANIMHT, Bafèneß;мышцами‘. '

Мore then he ought.


. ‚— " 9 ёмооввтт.f êaßyecrivess, suealrtngm‘rritpneß and lititeneßojwiadßaß,

AMBITION, rrejîmptionßigh-niindednú,t/ain-glory,4rrogance5

àypire, overtoeening, Rodonionta'de, afeäâtion of Ent'pire. i

’ ‚ - Е e IV.

~_„___­_­-_­_` _ ' _


2 1 о Mannen". РаггЛ.

It. HoMt

HOMILEITICTÁL verrues more CiOhlllVi-ON, are fuch vertuous

Ègfdlsiâlń habits as are required iu men of all degrees and conditions for the regu

vering latinä of their mutual Converfations. Not that the other Verrues before

fpeci ed, are not likewife neceflary to this endzbut that they do not fo di

rectly and immediately tend to it as thefe others do which are (lyled HO

MILETICALTO which may be oppofed INSOCIABLENESSßarbarlWn.

Thcfe are diíiinguilhable into fuch as render our Converfation 5 either

jfprzyïtable to each other: which may be conlidered according t0 the

rlt/.fatter 5 fuch as tend to the prcfervation 0f

l ‘ шт; either in our

' Declaration:­ or AITertions.

VEKAClTY, Truth.

ища, “физ, OVER-SAYING, fgperboleßnßingß/ìma

jorge,ßb,jianz, tion, vapor,cracl§, brag,vaunt,fvagger, Ro

fal/Ígperjury. donlontade.

‘UNDER-SATING, Detraä'ion, Diminution,l

dißzarage, traduce, depreciate. `

Obligation: or Promiles.

l l








FULNESS. TREACHERT, porßdioaßfaßfanblff, unfaithful,

тиф}, dil/loyal, Recreant, ‘Traitor, Arnbodexter,

betray,falter, undermine, prevaricate. ‘


PEACEABLENESS, cQuietnefßó'oncord,Accord,Agreement,‘Uni

‘т, appeaß,atone,paciße, reconcile, canapa/¿take up,conzprornize,

ßill, calnz,jet at peace, part a fra). `


BLENESS. ÉCONTENTIOUSNESS, strife, Di „феи, Difwrl,

› Variance, Controverjìe, D/ßèrence, Broilr, Conte/i,

Combat/lion, Debate, Divyion, Bickering, litigiour,

.'quarrel, wrangle, c/ajh, jarr,brabble,jangle, Gar~

boil, Oddi, Brangling. conflit?, Squabbleßrawling,

Слайд/#13, captioue, Incendiary, Barreter, Баше

fèw, Shrew, Scold.

Manner 5 fuch as regulate our Carriage with a due refpeét of

_ k


ï Thing: 5 in .

.Saying what ifß to be faid. '

FRANK'NESS, Freene/i, plain, open-hearted.

4* ââïoo м’исн OPENNESS, тел-те, вы,

RESERVEDNESS, fb), nice, со], denmre,ßaunch, vary, cle e.

'concealing what i: Я: to be concealed.

­î'l"t}CITllFtNITY, J(launch, cloje, „Ш, counfel-leeeping, _[Ècreey,

'5,' Hence.

LOQUACITT, Babbling, бит/й), talkative, babble, blab,chat­

l ur,„мы, iattle,pra¢e­ttle.

¿Per/¿i115 in obferving a juft Decorum.


GRAVITY, Serioujìaefgfober, deniure,_/âge,ߢged,earne/Lßttled,

folid. . _

FouMaLNEsS, comme ßadJoppi/b.VAWITT’ëLIGHTNEStS', ‘На/Ь)’, Frea/(a, Levitj, Реж/‚тег.


. l

FIDELITY, ‘труду-“Дам ' I

Chap. vm. .ll/lamiere.ь

‘ lI’íea/ant to each other 5 ferving to regulate ,








OurOutward carriage towards others, both Ac'tions and Speeches, as

to a Facility for Converfe, together with our delires and endea

ïlours by all honelt wayes to pleafe others, and care not to offend

t ст. '

COURTESY, Contity, naanncrlineßcivilit),afahiligglgndne/J; hte'à

7. à „ту,gentle,fair,huntane,henign, traÜahleL/nlooth. '

FAWNING, лимит”, Adulat1on,olt_/equiow,‘Диоды’,¢gla'oering,

угадал“, cajole,curty favour, collogue, n_theedle, стане/з, creep

ing, fŕraping, „лиц/дай), clarring, Штативы‘, Para/ite, S]

cophant, Claw-hack.

llc/OROSENESS, cnrß, crahhed, cjnicalfi‘oward, churlr/h, кидай,

hoi/feral”, rude, ßtl/en,рад, unnzannerlj, hard to ИМЯ‘, humor

ржи, rough, har/h, four, te/l), „мифа, dogged, carri/l1, ‘МИД/Ь,tetch), wa}ward,pee'vi/h, petttß. l

Our Word: and Speecher 5 either in

More jêriout debates 5 making due allowances to others, affording

“them juli liberty. '

8 COMPLACENCY, Cioilitj,fnzooth,fhft, popular,

' ASSENTATION, flatter), glazing, _foot/ring, fattening, nie/ily

ä тот/"4, trencher~jì'iend.

MAGISTER'IALNESS, Arrogance, Imperioufne/Ír, Lordlínefì,

maft’erljgpedantical, rough, over/tear, Кофе".

Lejff'rionc matters 5 by fuch honelt mirth whereby Converfation

is to be fweetned. -

' îUKBANITY, Единая/3% RaiÃÍer},Dr0I/er), jocular, jocnnd,

9° '


merry, Сашей, j'eß, Squili, Clinch, l@fila/11e, ‘Идя.

„ ЁЗС'ЮВКПЩГТ, Вид’ооту, Абгф’оепф, Paßpeil, Зал], Vice,

RZISTICIГT, Clotvni/hneß‘, hoißerow, lzlnnt,harliarow, rough,

rude, Kerne, honze- bred, Slouch, nncifvìl, nnneanneréy, dirty.

E e 2‘ [Va

с . ‚

2 1 2 ‘ Маллеи. Part. II

-W-.f' —‚‹ ~­­ ---­4-­-+­~­­­ _ — —— ‹———‹„—‚——

v. HOMU.. V. HOMILETICAL VERTUES whereby we are to regulate our

yârtârsůo- Ваше-дно“; towards our SUPERIOURS, may be diftinguilhed into

s _Pßmoutts. {Ufh @Safe ‚ . . ,

Morcgcneral5 denoting the Habit of behaving our felves as we ought

towards all in a fuperiour relation.

DUT IFULNESS, ‚дыма/‘те.

‚ I' ­‘2JND‘2)'7 IE’ULNESS, Sturdine/i, untoward, untrat‘îable.

Afore ¿[pecial 5 exparte

"Subjeëli 5 as Inferiourr, and ata diliance from them.

HUMILITY, Lateline/i, abaß, humble, gentlnßtbrnrßion, demi/514;,

‘ | 2" PRIDE, Haughtineß', Loftine/i, h1gh~nrinded, Lordl , elate,ßately,

‹ perk, conceit, arrogance,ntagf/lerialnwmrefícntption,Overveen,

l puf" up, look big. .

. lObjcéli 5 as to Superiour: in

’ Place.

KEVERENCE, Honour, regard, rcfpec'îI veneratian,arae,dread,

3. ll


IRREVERENCE,Petulance,Saucineß,rualapcrt,perk, prefuniptuou).


‹ ЗКЕЁЗРЕСТ, Grace, Honour, deference, с1и111у,феет‚ obfêrve,

4 veil to. _

DISREPECT, Di/honour, лед/ей‘, jlighting, undervaluing, dif

I regard, vili ё.

‚ LAuthority 5

General. ' ' '

‚ _ ÈSLIBJECTION, Homage,Lqyalty,Al/egiance,at one: conzfnand,


/êrve under.


Special; as _

Governing. ’

6 LOYALTY, Allegiance, Беда, Hanuge.

_ ' TREACHERT, betray, Traitor,di/lo}al.

' I Commanding.

- <. 7. дай/е, towardl),Confornti9,follozv,_/êrve, be ßtbjeä‘ to.

I DISOBEDIENCE, Conturnacy,Ob/iinachrúaäoydëfwilled,

unrul],untontard, tranfrefi, treßtaß, break, violate, take

I head, ifnecked, wilful, ntaßerle/i, reßive.

_ LPuui/hing5 ubmitting tojultice, and {uing for Mercy, or contri.

SUBMISSION, give place to, give may, yield, re/ìgn, juffen'

8 Ё der, at dü‘retian of.`

CONT‘ZJMACT, Oli/linac), Self will,ßubborn,/itllen, un

traä‘able, najtoardßoußßißlneclçd, refraòtor).


ÉOBEDIENCE, отдадим, obßrvant,pliable,ßtbrniß've, tra- I

Chap. VIII. l Manners. l §13'

VI. HOMILETICAL VEKTUES whereby we are to regulate our VI- 'HOMILDemeanour toward: our INFERIOKS, may be ldiflìnguìlhedinto [uchas are ` fsmomts;

More general. ‚ ‚ у

GRACIOUSNESS, Foz/our, Indulgence, gentle, kind, mild, ferme, .

Lä jôft, Óemlgmpropitiow. v .

НАК8НЫЕ88‚ Ruggednefr, journey?, roughneß.lllolreparticulam exporte y

{Subjeëîi 5 in'refpeé‘t of our superiority, from which we are ready про‘!

‘ | occafion to yield :pd Hoop down.

CONDÈSCENSION, ‘Иди, wucbßfe, bear with,l<­ Q' INSOLENCE, Mx‘gißerialneß‘, imperiohßzeß, ‘вид/„1% ßriâ‘mß',

ßatel), domineer, inßdL/zbaggcr, Hoißér, Hußïaŕz. ’

‚ 10Ь]ед1:, as to Inferiorr, ink Place or Ст; ‚

AFFABILITY, Cot‘trtejîe, gentlemßfacihfoir, demeonour.

SUPERCILIO‘ZJSNE‘YS, тоне/мед; ßcrn, jour, jŕornful, рту;

_fitr/j, arrogant. ` ‘

Authority; in ‘ '

‚30010015 pre/¿wing fuch in their rigbtf, or invading oftbern.

4’ ÉEHÈCIÁÍEISTION, Shelter, defence,guard, patronage, refuge.

Special-3 as

'IGM/emit: .

GOOD GOVERNANCE, D_ifcipline, Regiment.

l ‘5’ Amiga-ADMINISTRATION, mifgoooming, ill ¿o1/emma.д Common ing. y



Ряд/Ми; when one ought.

SEVERITY, ßriò?.

7° bFQNDNESS, Indulgence, cooker, dotgmake timo/sof; tendcŕ,

‘ с my. '

.Llìerm'tting9 when there is jufl oecalion. —

ЁСЬЕМШЧСУа Gentlencßfavourablemß, lem'ty, miÍdnç/fr.8. _ . . .

A‘USTERITT, ßern,ßr1ů', mjlexible, aßàcrztjgzgor, т!

gid, barfb, ‚тир, tart, rough, nabbed.


Though feveral ofthe Vertues and Vices enumerated under this and

the former Head,may be afcribed fometimes to perfons in other capacities;

t yet they do primarily and originally appertaìn to the Relations of .Supe

rionr: and Inferionn.



214 Senßhler Quality. i l i Iîart. II.


Q. 1V. Y SENSIBLE QUALITY is meant fuch kind of Quality asfalls un

der our outward Senfes , or the Afïeélions of Bodies confidered as

they are the Objects of Senfe: То which may be oppofed the Notion of

OCCULT (lUALITY. Thefe do relate either to the

' "Eye and things vifible.

Primary, LIGHT. I. _

ё Secondary, COLOUR. II.

«м, souND. 11i.

i TAST and. SMELL. IV.

д L'ïoachg viz~ fuch Qualities as are more



In this diflribution of Senfible Qialities, thofe that are Vrji'hle and Tan

gible are,both becaufe of their Number and Variety, each of the'm redu

ced under double Differences. Whereas thofe that belong to the Senfes

‘of Taj? and Snel/are, for the contrary reafon, contraCted under one.

The gradual Differences belonging' to every one of thefe are fo very nu

merous,that no Language doth,or indeed can,provide for them; but we

are fain to denominate each of them from that fubjeft in which it is moli:

commonly found and known. And, for the farther help of the common

defeél of Languages as'to fuch things ‚ Ihave in the following Tables

_ C where it could conveniently be done ) reduced things to double Op

pofites, which,with the addition ofthe tranfcendental points ofAugmen

или and Dinxinutiae, will much fa'cilitate the exprelflon of the feveral

degrees of thefe things.

r. LIGHT. I. That is‘liyled PRIMARY VISIBLE, 'by the help of which we are

inabled to fee other things 5 being inherent chieliy either in °

I ‘ ' GeneralNature of it 5 denoting the intermediate or extremer, the Iat- '[The Air, according to the more

i ter of which is properly a total Privation.

I I âTWILIGI-IT, Downing,

< ° gLIGHïjLux,lighWnzejl/uniinate,enlighten, glintnicr,glinxpfe,

Y DZ‘IRKNESS, gloomy, clo e, драйва/де,Е‹‘11]]Ё,0/фиге‚/З‹1,[шп,


Particular Kind or Degree ; the Oppolite to which doth fuppofe fome

fecondary Light. .

LIGHT, Lumen, lucid, Lunzinafy, irradiate, Знайте. ‘


.' i


| 2' SHADOW, Shade, Unihrage, aduwhrate, Screen, Canopy, Curtain.

<'The .S‘uperßcier ofjolid Bodier, from which a рта; or weak reflexion

" is Ilyled.

l" BRIGHTNESS, Luflrgßlendoryefulgence, glylcr, glitter,daz.ling,

fhine, corufcation, clear, fair, orient, polite, gloß', геля/идет, illu

flriouo,fnrhi/h, poli/h, бита/Ь, irradiate,

DIMNESS, gloom), cloudy, hlinlì.


Chap. VIH. Soße/e ooo/oy. ¿I g.

рту of conveyingI Lig/at. v А

TRANSPARENCY, Perßn'cuit), pel/acid, ‘длинном, clear, ‘На;

lTbe Bull( and Solidity of Rodier, according to their H capacity, or inca

4’ oracrrr, 'Thu/i.

_ LBot/.v tbe “рейде: and Bulk of Bodier 5 fignifying a fì~eedorn from .° or

liableneßunto, any jingle or inter/pcr/êd impediment.

CLEARNESS, fair, immaculate, unfjiotted, clarifie.

5' ÉSPOTTEDNESS, B/eon'fb, Blot, alemania/noie, Freclìle, spool»,

stain, soil.

t y .

Il. .Secondary Vißble Qualities, are by a general name fiylcd CO. It. ed;`

LOURS, там, Hue, Complexion, Stain, Tirage, by which are meant I-oult, —

thofe variour Appearance: in tbe Superfcie: of Биде: aobicb do more im

mediately afer? tbe Eje. .

They are diftinguilhable into thofe that are more

1-Sirup/e, and counted either

Primary, whether the intermediate, or the tivo сайтами;

GRAYNESS, Freez.,gri/l), boar), rnße't.

` WHITENESS, blank, b'laneb, bleac/J.

BL'ACKNESS, /&Ь1е‚/Ёи1‚[шп‚ brown, Negro.

Secondary, molt confiderable according to their order in the Rain".

bow .­ the ufual Colour of

rBlond .‘ or of Gold. ` —

ЗКЕОЫЕЗЗ, Crinißn, Vermilion, Scarlet, Starnmelguddy, Motif ’

2 . _


re), Gulex. _

YELLOWNESS, Sado», Tawny. l'

‘ll/egetable: .° or the appearing Colour of the Нашем,




l3 GREENNESS, Verdure. be

' BLEWNESS Azure Watc t.

j'uice of the Fifh Эти-ш.’


' ».Mixed , according to the more

General nainer.

VARIEGATEDNESS, моду, „цитаты, diver: ‘Майн,

5 Ё enzbroider, inlay. ’


Particular kinde, being made either by

Pointnor Liner: —

6 SPECKLEDNESS, Freckled. i

' STRIATEDNESS, штат, _[3›‹е41‹_с‹1‚]?гф0ё‚

'_ Round/er, or Squares,


7’ cHEcogEaEDNEs's.

ш. sentïbiq‘

_.. A. ‚.‚‚__,—..-—‚—..—_—__._..‚.___ _

'île ` ’ 7 sont. ' oai/ay. Pm. п;

1I I. Senñble O`uality perceptible by the Ear,together with the Priva

tion of it, is Ilyled bythe name of _

' SOUND, l\'oiß’,relòund,Report,Coi/, Кот,К“(Кг!‚1’10т,10г1‹1,‹11›т, 91,8165,

Ec ho, Euphony.To which may be adjoyned thOfe naturalwordsCßUicia

l djono) bounce, buz., chatter, дым, clack, clap, claflt,clatter,click, elink,

j, craßi,crujh,fcrk, hung/tiff, jar,jingle,jerk . knock, rattle, ruß'le, rutnlile,

rujile, clutter, МЛ),pipe, ring, ji‘reani, jhrick,fnap,_/Z1ueak, jhuall, roar,

‘ thump,toot,twang,thtvack,tinbJe,rvheez.,whitnper,whip,zrhine,tvhi/ile, ell,

LSILENCE, Stilnq/i, МЛ‘, hold one:peace, niuni, tacit, gua/hquietJvhi/¿Í/i,

_ The (снега! Notions belonging to this Head, to’ which ditierent names

e are aíiigned, do concern either the

rCart/Ei of it t conlidered _

"Formal/)f5 according to which feveral Sounds are made5 either by an

intermediate, or a fironger and quicker : or weaker aud Поиск per.

eufiion of the Air. ‘

< I, MEAN, Tenor, Counter tenor.

I ' ÉAC‘UTE, ‘МИН, Treble, Canto.

IU. soun-D.

iGRAVE, loro, Bajê, deep

. Materially5 when it is made by things _

Metal/ine, or other folid brittle bodies 5 either clear .­ or interrupt‘

ed by fome difcontinuity of the parts.

2 RINGING, jingle', tink/e, Bcll,tole, chinie, Peal,KneÍ/.

' IARRING, flattering. ‚ '

Animal 5 being either.

More general to the more perfeò't' Animal: : or to Man.

l Ё VOICE, vocal, call; cry, invocate,Tone. '

3’ ARTICULATE. Voice, Лил/Ь eloquution, pronounce,

More jpecial, and peculiar to fome brute Creatures5 whichmay

likewife be imitated with artificial Inllruments, by the forcible

compreflion of Air through a rimule : or through an equable


HISSING, Whiz/ming. _

. 4’ âwnisrLlNo. м

l Relationr5 as a .

I Singleperfeä Sound .­ or near half more or le i then fuch a Sound.

NOTE, Tone, Key.

5' sHazte.

I _gaat _ ›Рег ect Serie: of Note: : or a regate o uch Series.6 TUNE, Lejhin, Chime, Aygi‘ge, .S‘trairjiîf

’ CONSORT. _ - .."edßet’lionn either of u

‘ Single Noter; being either jug and perfeéirorщитand imperfeůi

7 CLEARNESS, `[hi-ill.

_ _ ‘ HoalisNEss, Har/tmf. ‹ .

f. Note: together 5 in refpeůt oftheir agreement .t or difagreetnent.

I 8 CONCORD. Symphony.

I ' DISCORD, Dißonance, untunable ‘

1_ ‘Tuner together, in refpeft of their agreement .- or di/ìgreernent.

‘ kHARMONY, jllelody,Mu/t`c.

9' ÍANGLING, Tintarnar.







IV. The

____Chap. V111. @saß/.1e _ela/oy. щ

IV. The Senßble ,Qualitiee belonging to the TAST and SMELL, are W TAS/T

of fo neat aflinity, that íeveral Languages do aflign to then! the lame ‘n SHELL'


They are diůinguilhable into the ‹ ' t

l­”More general and extreme, as to the || „grammage- or difagreeablémß

of them tothe Palate or Nofe. ì _ .

.<1 ÉSWEETNESS , Pleajànt, lujêioue', tooth/bin, Наум‘, odoriferoue,

‚ l. Perfume. ’

î¿ ‘Опал/дающих, stink, .steaebjatidßoißnfuwm rank,

l¿More дат! and middleg from ~

Thin and »ami matter, like that of Oil or Butter : or that of Pcpf'

i {Т



2. FATTI NESS, Oily, unôîuoua, großQgrea/ìe..

I | ActuMoNtousNEss, bang, fue», maag.

Cooling and ‘eon/iringing matter, like that in Green fruit: or in

Galls. .` .

l 3. AUSTERENESS, 'Haryhne/f, fońfr, Мг’;

t ACEKBITY, А]1’:п3епс)‚]1;рпс. ‚ ‚

lPenetrating шпагат; matter, like that of Vinegar and Limons : or

that of Aloes and Wormwood. ’

ACIDITY, Sharpneß’, eager, hard.

‚ 4’ впттвкывзз. . ‚

Matter of a moderate доп/феи; : apt to corrode by its (iccity.

SALTISHNESS, fâline, дней/Ь; briny,fea/oned.

5' FaEsHNEss, „nja/fea, fla/ay.

The vividneß: or decay of the Spirits in any thing.

6 FKESHNESS, Srnartneff, brick, quick, livel), ßirituour.'

° DEADNESS, vapid,decajed, inßpid, вмиг/Ь, _Fa/by.

lThe beginning: or farther degree of Putrefääion.’

MUSTINESS, Moldinfß, vinetved,fußj.

7: ‚кот’пп‘шщвзэ adda, pan-a. -

’- l Ef ~ ' Таз!!!



218 _ Senßble Quality. ` ~ Paroli

v, детка Qealilireir more ACTTVE are commonly dìltinguilhed by’ -

“CTU-E their being i . _ __ ‚

г Primary, from whence the others proceed 5 being either the interme

diate : or the extreme: of that Quality, whereby

‘ {Homageneono or Heterogeneotca things are congregated,or душ-мед.

I TEMPEKATENESS, Warning?, Tepidneß, lukewarm.а I' ЁНЕАТ, hot,ßnltr), ardent, ‘(п-‘1:1, fervent, foe/ter, inflame,

рам, Parch, Scorch.

Ё I COLDNSSS, bleak, piercing,biting,chill,cooLfrigid, „фазами.

g I LA Body is ealily Н bounded by it (elf : or conformed to any other Bo

i ‘ dy,wherein it may be contained.

I 2 ÉMOISTNÈSS, dank, damp. '

WETNESS, Humidity, lignid,maß.v, ßabber,daggle.

I DRINESS, Май}, ех tccate, arid,fear, риф.

\.8сс0т1агу, fuch as are derived from the flrft5 referring either torThe: Texture ofparte, as t0 “nearer .° or farther di ance.

CLOSENESS, ./hrink, Conßipation, conjolidate, compaâ'.

3'* DENSITT, Cra/fitude, ThickmßCondenjè-ation,thronged,pr%d,

_ {КАЬПТД Thiamß, attenuate, там-фа.

g Inclination to Jllotion downward: .° or upwards’.


. 4‘ 2 äGlìAl/ITT, Pondcronfncß, Heavineß, ‘трат, weighing, pre1/Ing


LEI/rrr, Ligbineß.

»Aptitude or [перший to Motion.

Common to L Май.‘ and Solide. _

ЁОМЗКЗТЕЫСТ, congeal, Лат’.

S' HARDNESS, inalterate, cal/ann, brazen).

FL'UIDITT, liquid, flot», drßolve.

Proper to Solide. ‚6 ItFLEXll?»I.ElÍ\lESS, APliablene/Ir, pliant, bend, bow, fíoop.

' L LI/MBERNESS, ßtppleJanb, lith, ling, gentle, pliant, plia

' ble, flac/Q, Лавging.

STIFNESS, fiar/ç, tite, rigid, harßi, inflexible.

VI. Taä'ile lQtfalitier more PASSIVE, are difiinguilhable by their dt:-4

noting either the

'Giving my to : or ref/Zing ofthe Touch.

I l YIELDINGNESS, give place.

` ЁЬ‘ОР'ГМЕЗЗ, Tendernefr, molli/Ye, relent, give,

I HARDNESS, Майами’, indnrate, cal/ou.

l Fabric of Виды, as to their

".s‘nperji‘cie: 5 being more .j or [ф plain.

2 EVENNESS, plain, level.

' l SMOOTHNESS, Sleekneß', glibbery, flipper), tori/¿,polite, Poldi,


bnrnißa, Calender.

ROUGHNESS, Aßterity, Rnggeclneji, uneven, har/h, мате, rnrnple,

pnckered, cragged.

íl ____.__^__

Bttlè ,

Chap. VIII. Sicknefr. I 2 1 _

juill@ being in itâ felßor in its p:irts,of` Ц an ждут”: .‘ or of a great

_er or fvzaßer magnitude.

ORDINARÍNES'S, of the mofi uí'ual and common fz'e.

3’ ’ ёбо‘шюшгзз, groß, mit@

“тамада, Тmit), subiti/ty, thin, attenuate.

Adbe/ion драм’, in

. г’ййф‘;

SLIMINESS, miteìlaginow, raping.






tinatß, Bird-lime.

4° ÈCLAJLIMINESS, vifcoM,ad/Jering, [Ее/ё to, cling, limiting, ‘gl-ii#

zwcîvovsNßss, sbppcrineß мышц, ¿11%. _

fI 4'

i {Зайди

, ‚ FIRMNESS. wwf .° ' ÉTO'ZJGHNESS, ‘Май/е, Maffeable. I

’ BHITTLENESS, frißt/engr, criß:,/bort,fr`ail,ßagil.

Ineptiti'zde or aptitude tó Local motion, chiefiy in Solids.

6 STEDDI‘NESS, фар/Ш), subilitf, ~

‘ FASTNESS , Fixedmß”, Fimmfr‘, ред/41, ivi/ily, fet, ßttle',

clerzcbing, Rivet, [tick in, ’

LoosENEss, реф, ЗЬиАЩУЁ ¿mja/ined, unjixed, uff/teddy',

unßedff/ì, „дн/‚4, Luxation.


ТНоГе kind of Impotencia of the Body, as toits natural FunCtioiis,' which are ufually accompanied with Pain, are fiyled by the corn~ ’

mon name of SICKNESS, Dijèajê, ill, Маму, Relap/ê, gmbealtb '‚ шар/МА

jôm, стая), Dgßemper, Ittdijìwjïtion, ail, Fit, mortality, taken t'vit ,Spittlen

To which is oppofcd HEALTH, Satkit), штмф; heal, {штаб/е,

i wbolfom, reeovergjîzfe andßtmd, well, Лед", bbw do you.

The principal Notions referring to this Head may be diiìinguìfhed in#

to fuch as figniñe either „

The more детей! CAUSES OF DISEASE. la

ЁТЬе Difeajêe tbemßl've: ; Whether _ ` f >

` Common to the whole Body, and the various parts of it,in refpeéiî of



Peculiar to fome parts 5 either the


MIDDLE REGION, the Emmer/imparts. V.

LOWER BELLY ог Beweis. vr.

BeÍides the Difèafes enumerated in the following Tables, there т dï­

vers others not here provided for, becaufe they may be otherwife fufiici­'

ently exprefïed : As for inßance, thofe that belong to the Appetite, may

be expreíi by the notes of Exeq?, Defeů, Depra'uatien.

Ff: _ Änd



RAL cAu.



Siolîneji‘. Раки.

And thus likewife may it be with thofe other Funůions of Concoâ'ion,

Sanguiji'cation, Nutrition, Augmentation, Sie.

Thofe that belong to the Organica] parts, in refpeC: of any lmperfe.'

¿tion as to their juliNumber,l\/lagnitude5Conformation,Site,C0nnexion,др. may alfo be otherwife fufliciently expreflied.

I. The GENERAL CAUSES OF DISEASE, may be diftinguilhed

into fuch as are either

. "Extrinfêoal, and Without the body 5 whether from

rOtber bodicr of amalignant dangerous quality , l either fpreading

‚ l their eliicacy by inlenlible Efjluvia.- or fuch as eing taken in a

` l <l [щи quantitypmve doflruÖ‘oz/e to life. '


' l CONTAGION, Injeflion, taint, catobing, run, ffvread,

' POISON, Venant, envenorn, virulent. .


o/ent :notion 5cauling either a‘elißo/ution ofeontinuityor too great

a pre/jure upon tbe parti, when the skin 1s not cut.

WOUND, Hurt. Sore, roulnerary, out, break one: bead, Starr.

2' BRUISÈ, Conttjìon, cru/l1, batter, jloatter. t‘

:Jntrinjêcal5 with relation to the \

rHunzoror, whether asto tbe error ofExcel/î'.­ or bad oliß’ofítion.


3’ CACOCHYMIA, zo zum”.

l Qualità: 5 П according to the general name ,_ denoting Excefs or

«l Defeâ: or Мартен/0’ Мёд/Ёфйап which is moli frequent,name­

l y, too much Heat.



‘шт and Veíèlr5 with rcfpeâ' to the

Stopping, or blowing of them up.

OBSTRUCTION, Oppilation.

5’ Ё1ЫР`ЬАТ1ОЫ, pufeolup, ßatulent, mind).

Putrefying, f them5 ‘conñderecl according to the ul‘ual

äAnteoeden , ог Caufe 5 a Col/eëîion of[autrici-matter.


6. ABSCESSUS, Apoßerne.

(‘щ/3900721, or Effcc't5 in relation to the

Aperture or Cavity made by the Corroíion of this putrid mat

ter 5 being either Mundy/o, or oblong.

ULCER, Sore, Bote/.1, Canker.

7‘ пзтиы.

Deyeóî of animal ßairitnwhereby Senfc and Motion is to be сош

' municatcd,l`o as a part becomes cadaverous and mortiŕied , ae

~cording to a leße'r: or greater degree.



ll. Difeafes


Chap. VIII. ' salina. _ ' ¿ai

II. Difeales belonging to the whole Body, Or the various parts of it,in II- Буты

геГреС’с of DISTEMPER, are dil‘tinguilhable into fuch as do arife either ggg; d:

‘ïFrom fome putrid matter, cauñng a preternatural heat, being either

,l Not ìnfeâ’iot/e 5 feared in the ` _ _

Humor: s whether continuing L: or interrnitting, according to cer

tain feafòns.

l I ` FEVER, Calenture.

ё ' AGUE, quotidia'n, tertian, типа”. _

k Habit of the Body, which is ufually accompanied by a лифт‘; away if

the pam. —



tlnfeê'liouc 5 by

‘ eßlaoia 5 being ufually accompanied with _ ‚ _

_Spinor in the rhin, according to a [фу : or greater degree ofdan-A

er.g MALIGNANT FEVER, Spotted fever, Purpler.

3‘ PLAGUE, I’fjtilence, Peß, pe/ìiferouo‘, peßilential, the Sichueß,


Brea/Qing: out in the rhin.

{им dangerous 5 according to degrees greater : or 1%".





Lef: dangerous 5 accompanied with pain of itching' and burning,

from biliou: matter s either that which doth ufually over-_

fpread the whole body .j or that which is commonly only in fonte

partabeing apt to diffufe it ЮГ gradually, being accompani

ed with "га/‚143 and fcuijïneß.

ITCH, Mange.

s' TETTER, Ring-worin, Shingler. ‘

LRoughnafr in the rhin.

6 LEPROSIE, Lazer, Leper.

' SCURF, Morphew, Scald.lLContarîìI in Veneiy. '

7. LUES VENEREA, French-pox.

From ßnne hurnor not in it (elf corrupted,but by its fuperfluity dißending

the inward membrane: of the Bones, the Mufcles or Nerves: or dil: _

colouring by Rednefr , and heating the outward вмиг, being a thin

light matter that may be вашу ЩГсиПёд.

8 äoour, annua.

‘ ' e ERYSIPELAS, St. Алтая”: fire.







III. Thofë

222 ìígëèßt- _ÍÈH;ÍL

ш. *ru- Ш. Thòfe Difeafes by which the parts are fwelled and diůended be

Мою‘ yond their due proportion, are ftyled ТЦМОКЗ, Нфпдфпед, ‘из-ай,


Thefe may be diftinguifhed into fuch Tumors as are either in the

. rame/f, or upper fkin, with litt/e or "о pain 5 being [ига/Двигай”: of

watery matter hindered from tranfpxring: to which may be ad

joyned that which is ./ïlbßquent upon the drying ef this' anti fuch other

putrìd matter, cauíing a roughnefs upon the Íkm with little exulce

‘l ration.

l I PUSTULE, Irheal,w’belk, Pimple, rui/b, sty.

‚ ' scAß.

Il ЗИЛ! felf and FÍe/b, ‘

г rWit/J pura/ent matter.

l (М): poißmoi/f : either à bigger magnitude, and apt to pafs from

one part to :mother„ot~ more difiicult cure: or qf a [Щи мази!

inde, more frequent, and КБ dangerous.

2 âKING’S EVIL, Scrap/nula, Strut/1a.

' БОШ, Blain, Sore, Wbitlonv, Апсоте.

Шофпаи and corroding 5 being either "bard and unequal, dil`co­`

| louring the skin by palenefs or blacknefs, with Veins about it re

fembling the Leg ofa Crab5and exceeding diHicult in the Cure 2

or elfe а eollcä'ion qf thick раме! blond violently hot, with fret#

l ting and malignity. ›





3’ CARBUNCLE, sm, Plague-ß».

ìŕ’it/Joutpuru/cnt matter»

Not ali/"colouring t/Je .r/¿in 5 whether of a

l S Bigger magnitude 5 either [я]? : or bard.


f 4' зсшкнца

i <| Leße'r magnitude; being kinds of Plants rooted in tbe skin." or'

| lie/om it. ‘


5' CORN.LDifco/anfing :be :kin with redneië, and occaíîoned by Cold.r


ты or ‚тега; immoderately diftended.


7‘ ANEumsMA.

‘_Tendem. д

8. GANGLION, Spawn'.


; б"———_—ьар._vm. msrnoçjwmm „»,

IV. The DISEASES belonging to the HEAD, or ‚ VES, or a-r п’- DISFÁ

tiling thence, may be diflinguilhed into fuch as rela‘te more HEAD am,

'Immediately to the Brain it (elf, the feat and organ of the .principal Fa- Neuves.

culties5 either in regard of its - ’

{Sah/lance, when it isindifpofed for the _ _ _ y

rlt/Ioreprincipal and noble Faculties, either by fome hot l/'apouror

l Humour diffufed 4: or from fome particular Hart or Inflammati~

| on, caufing a depravation of the lnteI1e&uals,Fancy and Memo

l _


l ‚

­ _ l l ‹ ry, either ivith a Fever, or without.

¿I l l RENSY, Delirium, frantic, light­hcaded,phrenctic. _ . j

‘ _ ’ MADNESS, out ~of one: шёл‘, raving, dißraâ'ion, lle/ide: от’;

_ l l fel ,wood, brain-felt, crack-brained, crazedJun‘c. '

_ lLefŕ principal Faculties, by the ~ _

l 'Superfluitj of cold pituitous matter, canfing 'cxceßive dronjíneß .~

I < or by crafs crude vapours rifing from the (lomach, working a '


l kind of Sujocation in Лет”; by afenfe'of weight upon the

‹ Breaft.

I 2 VÈTERNUS, Sopor. _

< ' EPI-IIALTES, Night-mare, Incubi/a. _ _ ‹

Corruption of fome erafs phle matic humor, either in the Brain,

can/lng :nach думу: maj? an deliration .' or in .the Arterie: which.

./hould conve] the piritt to the Brain, catßng a giddineff, and

then an abolition of Senß and Motion.


3’ APOPLEXY. l _ ‚

Dejluxion of Humours (which are:­ fornetimes Га]: or (harp) с?

ther on the Lung: : or other part: of the Body, шт; , or jloyntr.

êCATARRI-I, Идут/4110”, Rheum, Defln'xion.

4‘ внвимьпзм. _ _Ventricle: 5 when any hot Иран’ doth agitate and ‘Иди-Ь the motion

ofthe лит, fo as objeûs' feem to turn round :­or when any cold

phlegniatic humour doth отряд‘ their motion, мафия a pria/ation qf

Senfe, with convul/Í've motion: in [Мадрид .i' t VERTIGO, Giddine/îßioinming in the head,Diz.zineji, Звони}.







5' EPILEPSY, Falling-pain@

Mediatel] to the

_ fNerver 5 which may be either

` l rOhßruöì'edg whether|| the greater Newer, and for a longer continu­

l ance : or the leßêr Brancher, for a Минет/Риге, whereby Senfe

l and Motion is hindered. .

I 6 PALSIE, paralytic. .< ' NuMNESS,Stupor, ajleep. `

Í (‘дни/идей more generally : or dißended in feinteparticularpart.






7‘ CRAMP, sono.

l „ —. NOppreße‘d with fìtperßaotß мафии,’ cauling an unequal growth ofthe

_ parts, fpecially the Head and Joints. ‚

_ 8. RICKETS, Ватт‘. ' _ _

[ТЫ-ом 5 by fuch an inward Swelling and Inllamxnation as doth hinder

Swallowing and Refpiration.

9. sQuiNANcY, @one

, V. 'The

SES of the ‘

v. mSl-:A- V. The Dißafea belonging to the MIDDLE REGION and its parts,

5E* 0f ‘hc may refer either to the

magg. rLunge 5 in their being' о O

rObßruäed by fome crafs phlegmatlc matter adhering to the lides ofthe

â Pipes, from whence follows

Too fi‘equent Refpiration.

I. SHORTNESS OF BREATH, Anhelatio, Ponting, Purfìngß‘,

Dißiculty of Breathing,according to a leße`r,orgreater degree: by the

latter of which men cannot fetch their breath,unlcß in an upright

ASTHMA, Trßick, brolçn-roindedßheeze. (pollute.


‘Шаги: , and by degrees ракет? s from whence fometimes doth

proceed much paru/ent matter toji' up the cavity 0f the поте;



Heart, by fome noxious vapours or humeurs, which do either

Provo/te to too frequent and vehement metten for the freeing it НЕ

ì 4. PALPITATION. _ (from them.

Hinder the motion cf it , according to a leßr .' or greater degree.

FAINTING, Failing, “пути, âualnt.

5' swouNiNo, emita, topa/.wia _

A. Side, from fome Inflammation within the Membranes covering the in

lideof the Ribs, cauling diñiculty of breathing, and provocation to

coughing,upon which great pain follows,accompanied with a Fever.


vr. ntsrA- VI. Dijëajê: belonging to the LOWER BELLY or Bowels, may be —

ÈÉSW‘ÈFL'È‘: diftinguilhed into fuch as do concern the

[атм/‚5 by íharp humors corroding the mouth of1t,cauíing fometimes




Painting and cold Sweats.i l. CARDIALGIA, Heart­burning. ,

Liver andGall 5 being caufed by fome impotence in them for the doing

of their Funëlions, in not digefting 8c diftributing the humors belong

— ing to them 5 caufing either Paleneß’ofcolour, FaintnejÃIndi o/itien to

ßir .‘ ог Tellownejïand Swarthinqîof colour, accompanied wit [тиф

I ‘ and nau/eoufneß. `

2' GREEN-SICKNESS, Cachexie.

i _]AUNDISE, fellow-jaundi e,­ _Blaclçjaundr/È.

Stomach and Liver,and other Bowels jointly , which,being defefiive in

the works ofConcoâion and Diflribution, do occafion afìtperfiuitj of

| jìroue matter di/iending the 'skin if the bell) and other parte ofthe bod),

I accom anied with ome wind-and fometimes a wind] vapour,urcompanied

with ome watery umor.r,jiretching the bel/_y.

DROPSY, hjdropical.


Spleen 5 by its difperfingfour andfeculent human: or‘noxioue шрифта

other parts ofthe body 5 the former ofwhich is ufually accompanied

with faintnefs, wearinels, loofnefs of teeth,1pots on the body, and 11’:

' ‘ - cially on the legs.'

' schuw, moet». ‘ ‹



b .

Gut: i.

—‚—‚—‚—-——._——__—. f

Chap. IX. Spiritual Ácïïz'o'n. ‚ i i 225

‘‹—.——.г_.. _

Guts; HfrOmjome/harp humor _that corroa'efßr vapor that dzßendf the Co

lon : ror fromfome horrified exerewengorfome other like motten/lapping

the Ilia or frnaller Guts.

COLIC, Èeyyach..

5- А шАс PASSION. _

‘Fam/tie: of excretion s whether by - Y › _

‘ {91001 5 either as to the exeef‘ of this : or the ‘voiding ofl blond.

6 О1АККН1ЕА, Ьах, Loofeneß, Flux. ‚

'‚%[)15ЕЫТЕР\У‚ 3100:!)„1712. А _

‘Urine5 either by fome Iiony concretion in the Kidneys or Bladder à

or a continual involuntary urinìng by drops.


­ 7’ зтмысиюг. ‚ ~ ‚

I Lower part of the hel/y or Scrotum; h) a breach ofthe internal Мст- C

i hranexßr too much dißention of it,or hjßlperfíuit) of :ratori/h or Wind] .


walter : or ìn the Vein: about the Fпаштет. ­­

8 ЁКЦРТЦКЩ Hernia, Бит/Ё, Broken-heg).


Mother or Womb5byl|cauling oonzmyì've motiomwrßopping ofthe Breath,


9’ зиггосАтюы. l , .

СНАР. IX.Corzcernihg lthe Predieovient of Aůi0n5 the kß'ueral kind: of it.' l

I. Spiritual. II. Corporeal. 111. Motion. IV. Operation.

*Ext to the Predicament of Quality may fucceed that of Aö‘ion;

ihe {счета} kinds of which may bc dìiiributcd into fuch as have for

their Agent а ' _

Spirit, or fpiritual faculty, called SPIRITUAL ACTION.

Body, or material fubůance, refpeëting chiefly either the

Aëiions of Animate bodies, called here CORPOREAL ACTION,`

{Paflâge of bodies from one place to another, {iyled MOTION.

Sundry kinds of works, about which men of feveral callìngs ufc to

imploy themfelves,flyled OPERATION. ­_SPIRITUAL ACTION.­

THe Genus of SPIRITUAL ACTIONS, may be dif’tributed into I.

fuch as do belong either to '


‘The soul, with reference to the

Under/funding. '




Fancy or Appetite 5 the Aéiîons of which are (Мед Aßëóïiom or

Pnilions,a nd may be diiiinguiíhed into fuch as are either more .


MIXED. VI. G g I. By


.a 2 6 Spiritual Äëi‘z’on. Part. Il:

l. Ac'rroN; I. By ACTTIONS OF~ GOD in this place, are meant only his тиф.

01‘ 60D» ent Aflions, which are terminated in the Creatures. As for his inimanent

Acrtions, becaule we can frame no other conceptions of thefe but fuch as

are Iutable to thc afts of our own minds, therefore may they be fuli'icient

ly exprtjéd by thofe that follow in the next DilierencenThefe tranfient Aêts

here enumerated, do primarily belong te the Divine Nature; thoughIbm@

of them may in ajëconda'ry manner,and by way of allußon and partlc1pa~

tion, be fometimes afcrìbed to other thing: : То which may be annexed

upon the account of Aliinity the general name of thofe Aéiions which do

exceed all Natural power, MIRACLE, Wonder,думать

Thefe are difiinguilhable into fuch as do concern either the

Putting of thing: into their being .° or reducing them to nothing.

CREATION, ‘ил/4% Creator, Creature,

g З!’ v ANNIHILATION,Annul, di/ânnul, abol¿/b,extinguiß1,bring to nought,

Government or dìfpofal of things; (My-iv» MUNI. Pilt vut.

rMoregeneral, whereby he doth moftfreel) and :ui/2l] take care of,

and provide for all things: To which may be oppofed by fome Ana» 1

logy jiich a neceflàry Concatenation and :inalterable order amonglt

things a: doth not admit of any liberty : or fuch a blind contingency of

thing: a: exclude: ad wtfdom, exprelled ufually by the Words,

2 {РКОЩОЕЫСЩ Foreji'ght, Вон-041.

’ SFATE, Deßiny.

FORTUNE, Chance, Accident, Venture, Adventure, ca_/ual, Hap“,

Luck, Haz.ard,fortuitou:,a Hit,peradventure,радар.

More Лида! 5 belonging either to

I’Animate Creature: 5 by






jtrContributing to their web] : or ill being.

BLESSING, Beatitude, Beneditflion.

3’ CURSING, ‘спад/ё, ban, Malediëlion, Exccratiou.

Continuing them in their particular kinds of Being :‚ or depriving

them of it.

PRESERVATION, Confervation, ProteÜion, Keeping, main

tain,ßveßaviour,`/helter, guard, keep, cheri/b. ‚

DESIR'UCTIQN, Perdition, Сел/фа”, Bane, Devaßation,Lo/},

рстййошэ _[ubvert, undoe, ruine, сад/дат’, extirpate, aboli/h,

`ßtine, dißilve, exterminate, extingui/h,fall,gone.

Keeping or taking them from an] evil felt or feared : or leaving

DELIVERANCE, Èefcue, Save-iour,Salvation,ßee,quit,rid,

5. clear, exempt.

ca_/i deliver up, fbg/fake, leave,forgo.

‚ Rational Creatura, as to their

I extraordinary way, fuch Truth: or Inclination: as humane Яп

_t duftry could not of it ЮГ attain to.

y I

l INSPIRATION, infafe. (nazie, oracle.

‚ ._ `_Stam-„by delivering themfrom a condition of fervitudeSt mijër).

bring to naughußro), de/lroj, caß away, peri/b,cut друг”;

them to it.

DERELICTION, dgfiitutejàrlornßtyêrting, give ap, relinqniß,

fMind: 5 by difcovering to them ,' or impreßing upon them, in an

¿_ REVELATION, open,difclq/ì,di_/2over,I/iron,Enthußa/‘m,Fa­

7. REDEMPTION, deliver,Дате, ran/om, rtg/cue. _ ‚

’ Il. ACTI

Chap. IX. Spiritual Áëlion. 2 2 7 ‘i

п. 'ACTIONS or thc uNDERsTANDiNG »and Judgment SPECULA- a. yaTIVE, ("метр/3110”, Theor), are fueh as do concern the various exerczfe of our :.“ILIÃQ'M

Underßanding: about the Truth and Fa'lß'ood of things, with refpeót either to Hiper“

- ‘ ‘Underßanding5 being either ; — ' ’ Y the Umar-f..y

I I_Preparative5 in the Objectization of a thing : or the rej‘lexive Thought ammi'

I l‘ l .MEDITATING, Stud), осилит-5:13, caß about in one: mind, mufê,con~

s I template,Elucubration,think,fire thin/{,premeditate,ponder,extempore.

L0peratrue5 in II the comparing of things to jînd out whatis Truth: or the

Thought reßtlting from fuch eornparifon. ' -

ЁПЧ@Ц!5ГПОП, Examination,Search,Scrutinyexplorationjnvdirgate,

f З.

f l

about it, together with what elfe one knows of that kind. .‚

THINKING, Cogitation, bethinli, deem, imaginßßeem ,Conceit,Notion,

l Thought-ful, pen/ive, mind it,fuggeß'put in one: head,> ‚

D1]2]ni]ìtion,feel{,dij2uß, hunt, canvafe, caß water, ,élite/i, Мужу}. _ ‚

DISCOVERY,° detect,`jind,perceive, д]? output out,Invention,excogi­

îudgment 5 y _ I y (tatc,.»1uthor,Inventor,tell,inlding,’tis` out.

"Primary5 in judging fuch difcovery || agreeable to Truth : or drjagreeable.

More general.

.I frage, Voice, Vote, of thefame mind, thinkgood. .

‘ ‚ DISSENT, dif'ef, eli/agree, ofanother. mind, Этот’.

l More [девиц âccordìng to its arguments 5 as

Proceedingfiom Caujìr

ìExtrin/E'cal; Tlßimonj Il_/ufcienti or inßcßicient.

ÉASSENT, Con/int,accord,agrec,concurr,allow,acbnowledge,yield,


BELIEVING, Credit, credible, Faith, Тruß.

4° DISBELIEVING, Di/credit, incredible, Urjlruß,

[ли-даёт! in the thing it felf5 that it is сот/‘фиг : or notß conclu

ßve but that it may be orherwîfe. . ‘

ЬКЫОУИЫС, Cognition,conj2iouc, wißpoitting,aware,privy,Intel­


. I ‚ ligence, learn, inform, acquaint, cognizancegtotice,inlding,pre~

s' _ fcience, omni/cient. .

" I DOZJBTING, ‘лианы, nei/trifft, dißrtJlJu/pencghangiug [14350

I l ing, he trate, penduloua, dubioue, ambiguouc, at aßand,jiicb at,

­ I ,Quan ary, Scruple, ‚Усе/‚ш‘, uncertain, Артур/241, ’tit a queßion.

' ¿Productive of thefe Eject: in higher, or lower degrees. `

' CERTAINTY, Aßtranccßtre,evince,convince, demon/irate, evi

x 6. ` dence, undoubted, out ifdoubt, without doubt,doubtle/f, infallible.

. 0PINION,[onceit,judgmentßentiment,Mind,‘1'enet,thinh_,ßipp¢yè,

ï" furmife, ween,overtveen, unanimoucJikel),probable,prejudice,appre~

t bend,fancy, repute, deem, Verdict, Sentenee,_/hoot one: bolt.

,Secondary 5 judging of Truth found, as to the .

Сон/Мясные? it, in refpeêt of other things to be concluded from it, or

to follow upon it, in ‘the/ì : or in Hjpothe/ì,

REASONÍNG, Difcu/fing, arguing, Ratiocination, Logic.

7’ CONJECTURING,Guej/ing,ßtrm%,divine,mind give:,conceit,1’re­

Importance : ог frivoloufneffof it. (ßemptiomprobable.

ESTEEMING, accounting, prizinßvaluing, rating,regard, refoecßre

8, З pute, count of, care[Вт/Лидииgf,fet b},ßandupon,cred1t, prefer.

CONTEil!NING, de'/pi//ng,/lighting, undervaluing, diß‘egarding,fet at

nought,fcormdijdain, лёгкие/Ё; а1фйсаЬ/е‚ш11ф`е‚к1ф eem,neglect,ßt

light b), make nothing of, Ipaß not)for и, Nickname, pg/h.

G g 2 111. ACTI

In. mit,




Spiritual flëlion.


' nr.Y VÀeTions or the LiNDERSTANDINoÉnd ждёт РНАЬТЁ

CAL, do concern the enquiry after and taking notice ofthe Nature of things,

omc un. with'rtferenee to their Goodnrffor Fitnefs to any y[,vurp'ofeffhey are diftingniih.i; dciflàu¢l~









l l

able, :is the former, by their refpeâ to the

’ ‘Underßanding ; being?` either —

,I " терапии, in the Objeòlization of а bnfinefs : or the reflexive Thought

about it,together with what elfe one knows of that kind. _

DELIBERATING, ponder, weigh,foreea/l.

\ OBSERVING, advert, anintadvert, give ear, attend toJ heed, regard’.

l `give one; ntind to, [ook to, niark, note, wind, pry, peep, watch, tal@ „д

l tire, notable, rentarhoble, overjee, overlook.

LOperative, in :he comparing ofmean: to {ìncl which is expedient : or the

Thought rejizlting from fuch comparifon.

CONSIDERATION, revolve,fean,adv1f',fort'L‘n/ìgreeo‘gnize,premedi­

2 tate ponder, pernflgßudy,reconnt,rtj‘lct‘ì',reviem,rev{]ë, weiglßhethink,

° confie/t, caff in one: mind, retro/peëiion, тих/лиге.

INVENTION, devißng, exeogitategßnd out, nza/ge, ¿when


ы judgment 5

"Primary, injudging the thing found to be agreeable toits end :or dißzgree

rMore general. (ад/‘

` l î APPROVING, liking, allowing, think goodJake melfanc] hingßnd

I ‚ 3

a Bid, cnrrant. ­

I DISAPPROVING, didi/Qing, d/ßllowing, ‘Идиот, niißihßeondenzn,

explode, repro/rate.

¿More [рейд/5 according toits motives; asfProceeding from Gauß:

l {Extrinß’oal 5 Warrantyßßioient .’ or irf/ßieient.

¿TRUST , Con/idonee, betridì, enlrujŕ, rely, repzyè, enfenf, recont

<l I llq. ntend,eredft, charge, riß upon,

l Unt/trage, сад in qntßion, мифы.

‚ l LIotrinßea/ in the meansit МГ; lleoneln/ìve thatitis fo _: or not fo соп


i l


DISTR'US’I, Jl/Iißrnß, Dißldenee, Sn/pieion, Surtnize, yea/onlie, ï .

el” toe but that it may be othctwife.

SATISFACTlON, C0ntent,laequie_/2e,rç/olve.

I .5' SCR'OPLE, Doubt, dipinte/Ye.

L Prodi/¿live of thefe Ffeòîr 5 1n higher : ,or lower degrees.

6 ASSURANCE, Conßdenegjirre, certain, rejolved,j2oure, eonß'rrn,

‚’ PERSWASlON,thin/<, believe.

8сг0ш1а’у5 in _judging of expedients found, of tothe „Д- ку" themhon: they

are to be ordered and managed : or what if like to be the event ofthem.

З CONTRIVING, projeů'ing frame, rnarhinate, plot,‚(отец/3, :aß ahold,

7 .


or in one; n1ind,ßnd a way, eleviß», (onvej'am'e.

EXPECTlNGJookfor, wait,gaping after,n1indgive.r ingr/zake account,fla] for, :vato/J for. y '

lV. ACTIONS OF THE WILL. ‘Under this Head are to be conÍidered the

Kind: опись Аб’гйопзд helonging either to thef End o; future; comprehending Acts more

I rSimp/e5 ‘

1 ,lrlnfperfeëî and dirninute5 for:or „дат/1 one thing rather then another,


lNCLlNATION, Propen/íty, Пас/им}, Pronemys’, Forwardnqï,

hanherin‘g, having a mind to, Prejudice for, bent, addiä'ed.‚ L

i i ÈAI’EI‘ISION, Prejtte//ee again/l, >nn widingneß eojntßgßand of:

_ ‹ Impedite


- _ ___ __, - 1‚`‚_‚.‚_____...——.._.—.-.-.


____„'Il and conditional 5 for.’ OrV if it lelf.

VELLE lTY, Шок/‘11123, z-Vfßu'ng, Deyin», Lift, me, WiL/muil,

2 Option, падеж

Ö‘ancj, tbink muc/2, rat/Jer not,unroilling. init/o an ill nii/l.

ferfeëlr, denoting Htbe determining а“: felfto ct'o, or not t0 do :

or tbc taking offartber time to conßtler. ‘

'PURPOSING5 Intention, Decree, deßine,deterntine,appoint,cle

ßgn, riß/vé, отдай); mean, nance, bent, minded, Л?! Ыпфу‘; _jet

l one: niind, precieft'inate, preorclain. ‚

l DEMURRlNGjoeßtating„banging,jîijpence,ßick at, ‘Quandarf

1Con1plicate5 towards an objeët conlidered as diliicult, машут;‘l the purpojè ofdoing it notwithfianding fuch Difhcultìes: or doubt

ing becaul'e of fuch Dìliiculties. r

4 RESOLUTION, Fixeclneß‘, determined.

Mem WAVIiRlNG, 1‘1н17имефаи3ш3‚рфепсеуггфме,[10330149

:5 ‚ ’ '

Antecedentlj5 determining tobat to take .‘ or lea'vc.

äELECTlON, cbu/Íngůfeleäßboico, cull, picking, prefer',I fet („Дед


.' Option, Pre- eleů'ion, predeßinate, rat/oer.

‘ REÍEC‘I'ION, refufè,Preterition,paßby,caß oßgcaß a/íde,caß awa),

I reprobatc, repudiate, renounce, explode, out-caff:

LConß‘quentl) 5 continuing in tbe purpoß’ of ufing fuch means: or

«ммiwi#- ‘

PROSECUTING, petfè‘uere, perf/ß, bold on.

y ° DESISTING, giving o1?, leaving, cea/e,ßrcea/è, enel, terminate, de

.I termin, ßaj, reß, pau e, forbear, witbilramfaltcr, jizperß’de, break

­` | _ wf,go out, git/e over, la] ajicle, or down.

{_Encl obtained 5 as to the rejlingcor not reyiing of the Will in it as good.

DELECTATION, Fruition,Rejoycingßoyßladngígßtalig/:5Com

\ fort, Conrplacence, “сайте, 8010се,80:й]‘ад10п,С0п!ет‚р1ас1е1,

д | plcaje, olÍect, acceptable, deliciolla,foeet, welcome.

" DISPL/ICENCE, Sorrow,Grief,Dúornfîirt,unpleaßntjrkroni,grie

vol”, @Tence-iveßúuß,DU/ike,Dgßdhßoniacbßnacceptablegra

‚ ting, „ха/своими‘. ‹

unfectionr; either of the

ì Will itß# in its aůings а conlifling in its bowing драже ofapplying it



И?to the doing or not doing thisor that: or not bavingßicbpozver,

­ l 8 (LIBERTY, arbitrai~},ji'ee, nia), :nay cbu/ê.

DETERMINATION то ONE, muß, cannot cbufe but, limit, Ne~

ce it .Actionr‘ioffjibe Will 5 denoting Ц the doing of things according to the

free inclination: of our от: niindr .' 0r tbc being necejfitated bj feinte

external impediment: to d0 _any thing again/î Лес/1 inclinationr.

SPONTANEITY, of one: own accord,freely, willingyt'ioluntarj,

9 ё zeit/J agood will, unbiclclen, gratis“, read).

L CO/iC'IION, Compu fion, fonßraint, Force, enforce, Violence,untoilj

„папе/З, ntaugre, perforcc, extort, wrencb, ivre/i, in fpigbt, willor

nill, driving, prey/ing, bear down, over-atte.




-y I V. Acta'

NOLLEITT, Baoknnzrelneßl go again/i, grudge, ÍotbJ Regret, Кем:


.. h_...._.__,-`..,__` „_“

ä fun

2,30 ‹ Spiritual Abi'iou‘. ' Part. Il.

v, SIMPLE V. A23: qf the Senfitive part, namely of the Fancy,and chiefly of the

PASSIONS. `Appetite, whereby _the mind is moved and difturbed withthe apprehen~

lions of _things,are Ilyled PASSIONS, Afeòiion, Perturbation, pathetic. ‚

Thofe amongli thefe are called more SIMPLE which conflit onely of

one fingle ACI. They are dìltinguilhable into fuch as concern things

under _the notion of _ _ l l ‘ щ

ЦМеп’ unexpeä'ed furprizing: or elfe things aver-common and_too much

~ repeated 5 wit-hout refpeft to the good or evil of them, being chiefly

a dillurbance of the Fancy-5 ůyled _ _.

ADMIRATION, marvel, wondergvmaze, фиг/Ь.

д I' TAEDIZJJI/I, glut, loathing, На), ami, ‘лифте.

' tGoodor Evil which we

I’ to happen to them. - t „ _ ‚ ‚

ЁРАУОПК, Benevolence, Benignity, Grace, Goodmilking]pfopifi.


I our, ingratiate, Favorite, Dilling, паи-„ф“, make much afl _

‹ AIALIGNITT, , Malice, Spite, Pique, Grudge, Prejudice, _De/frite,

I Dijêoûrtç/ìe, Ditfavour, fui/ier, virulent, malevolent, ill will, ill

' ded.,Ä nain _ _

_, pprehend to bem them 5 whether ­ ‹ ‚

Ab olute5 flowin from our eneral a prehenlions of the Worth. g g Р . .

of things, and our need of them: or the Evil, and our being

hurt by them. A

LOVE, Aßeä'ion, inamour, dote on,fmitten, amiable, bejbtted,

плоти, dear, endear, Darling, Minion, Paramour, well-belo

3. ved, Ljkjggf, Fancy, Phi/ire.



HATRED, Malice, Канта”, spite, Virulence, odiotu, abhor, abo

rninate, deteß, cannot endure, Grudge, Pique, Heart-burning, can

lgered, exulcerate. y

Relative to different notions concerning

‘7Both Good and Evil 5 conlidered as

I rI’rtßnt. ’ ­ ‚

MIRTH, Glee, Solace, Chearfulneß, Sport, blithe, blißòm,

I Abuscont, fro/ick, jody, jocund, jovial, тегу, exhilarate,

I 4’ glad, crank , debondir, comical,pleafant, Лидии, jubile.

I СНИП’, Sadnef’, Sorrow, Melancholy, Heavinçfr, doleful, de

plorable, di/êonßlatc,bitter, реп/дог, dey'eâ'ed, ‘тред, ruful,

ими‘, moan, bemoan, wail, bercail, lament, Dump, ca/l

down, vex, trouble, cut, ta/¿e on, whimper, pule, woe, agony,

‹ angui/h, mourn, Plaint, Cry„tal¿e heavily.

.l Abjênt and „тыс.

DESIRE, Aßection, covet, crave, fain, longfor, luft, greedy,

s à

l Inclination to, hanliering, wi/h, Concupifcence, eager, earn

g/l, importunate, МИ]! after, have a mind to.

A AI/ERSATION, Antipath},lì_t'gret, ReluctancygDißrßjrkrom,

I el/i‘hewL/huu, avoid, abhor, loath, execrate, cannot endure,

I or abide,

l Ali/Ent

chap. 1X. i Spiritual aora. ` ëgi

l hath/ent and proß'ahle5 ‚и to

‘ 'The nature of the Ай‘.

6 HOPE, Trtgíälìecumhenc), Атаки, Reh. y

i ‘ FEAR, Awe, Dread, Terrońr,Horrour, Conßerriatiorz, hide

| I ow, eli/naal, afraid, aga/ì,jbrmidahle, horrible, terrible,

,I I fright, fray, terriße, Ёлка/14"!“ daunt, deterr,difina],¿.

mate, appa/e, dare not, terri/11e, Bug’hear, Hohgohlin.

a' The greater .° or lef/¿r degree of this Probability.

l CONFIDENCE, ajram, m42, мы upon, "awww,

I 7 Ё. repo/ë,Джип,pm, in heart, dare,preßme, talee to.

g DIFFIDENCE, ~Suß>icion, :ica/oldie, МИНИ, Буй-41,014)

i of heart,faint­hearted, и]! down, heartle , rnißíonht, raif

gwe. ‚

I The if/nc and event 5 which as it is reprefented to have ВЕТЕ

г culties in it eitherдрамы“ or муфты“ fo it excites. '

f BOLDNESS , Courage, Audacity, daring, Душ’), hardy,

l 8. 2 _[loutgaenturou, pert,rnalapert,enxholden, prejîrme,

i ‚ DESPAIR, DefoondencLjbr/orn, hopeleß, dajh, t’q/f down,

ï deadneffo heart, heartlçß’,рф hope.

i Evilalone, or oppo ition from others, wherein there is contempt :

to which may be annexed by way of añinity (though it be not;

properly a Íimple Paíîion) that particular deßre oy" making

’ _[uch дам; whereby others have been injurious to us, to bc

Come hurtful to thernfelfuer, fo as they ma be fenfible ofit.

"АЫСЕК, Ire, Paj/Íon-ate, Wrat , “штраф Rage, Oltt- I

‚ | rage, Pett, Choler, Сад,firme,рот‘,fret, ред, chafèyvex,

‘l talee on, iig/laine, Ikindle, irritate, inrsge, exoßerate, in

<l œnß, provoke, move, мы, ÍJq/Íj, fllrÍOl/i. „Ищут“,

9‘ ' mad, [ook Из, 'p!acahle, appea e, Лодки‘, Animo/it),

heart- burning, irafeihle, rough, ot, cmß, ßMPPI/lgfr'larle,

l fix e.lLREV’gINGE, avenge, Vengeance, vindiät'ioe, wreak.



2 3 2`» I'âpi'ri'tuol _Äbliom Part.ll~

»E ‚—› —‚—‚‚—‚‚———‚——‚——‚

v|_ „1_ VI. MIXED PASSIONS, are fuch as do not ­conlifl of any tingle Afhbut

iig“ are made up of more then one, to be diftinguilhed by the‘Objeů they aref

ous. „тегам about, and by the Simple Paflions of which they conlilhinto' fuch

i *Determined either to Good or Evil 5 with refpeâ to (as are

I' The particular ‘тиф of Жертв 5 being converlant about

ГGood, which we ap rehend to be in it'felf honourable and worthy, im.

plying Соц/шале and Love in the promoting of it : or Соц/бита and

fio] in the owning of it.


` i l’ GLORYING, Triumph,Exu/tation,boaß. brag,ltravado,lîodomonta­

I do, Thrafonical, crack, ноту/артрит, Q/lentatton`fragger, win.

l glory,Лот-112149, Ёлка apride. A

I_Evil, which we apprehend to be in it felf di/bonourable and unworthy i

I implying amixture of Hatred and лифта’: againlt the commit

ting of it: or зонт and Буй/еще for the committing of it.

l ‘ SCORN, fet light bj, flight, deßJi/e,contemn.

Ё 2' SHAME -faced-full-leji”, abafh,bajbjul, a/hamedßut ofcountenancccon'

‘s found, quaßt, da/h, Impndence, Turpitude, put toДате. ‚

Ё l The more general intere/l: belonging toI L ‘ Our felvet5 re/perlling _either а




that we may excel others init: or a mixture of Love, Auger, and

<1 Fear, left we fhould by others be deprived‘of it.`

I 3 EMULATION, 1],ßrive, flruggle.


IGood that is dear to ne, implying a mixture of Love, Anger, and Hope,

' _IEALOUSIE, Su/picion, ритме.

Evil 5 whether as done

rBy ourмм5°being either II a mixture of Sorrow and Fear upon difz

fatisfaůion in having committed it : 0r Sorrow and Dtjiregas willi

I ,I ing it had not been committed. ~

I l REMORSE, Compunctiou, Contrition, relent, bejhrew, troubleof

I 4’ REPENTANCE, Penitence, rue. (mind.

j?) other: 5 either a vile thing b) any per/òn,or an] evil by a vileper/bn;

I I implying a mixture ofAuger and Hatred .‘ or of Anger and Агаф


lNDIGNATION, Scorn,dudgeon,fume, murmure. (tion.

, I 5‘ DisDAiN, mm. . ’

' Othersr 5 in refpeä of the

‘ Good btfal/ing them, (as we think) worthily, or unworthilj5 imply

` I ing a mixture of Love and j'o): or Hate and Суда]:

g ' | JOY FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS, Gratulation, congra

` i6. â tulate,Sympathy. ‚

ENVY, Spite-fuh, ‘пойти, grudge, repine, malign.

I `Efe/il baja/ling them, (as we think) II worthily, or шпион/#9; imply

ing a mixture of Hate and fio] : or of Love and Grief.

I â’enixaipaimiti'a, joy for the wil of otherr.

7' PITTY, CompaIßon,commi/erate,condole,relent,ruthful,tender,wm’ul,

I yearnßowclr,bemoan,bervail, lament,cleplore,Sympathj,fel/omßeling.

Indetermined either as to Good or Evil, but concerning both conlifting in a

Штатов of the Mind by a con/’tiet afan) two contrary Paf/ion; .­ to which

may be oppofed (though not lo proper to this place) the ‘мили’: ofthe

8 ЁАСОЫУ. (Mind,being wholly pofièls'd with one Pal/ion .­ fiyled

' EXTASIE, Tran/port, Amazement, Con/lernatiomJl/Iazc, '1raunce, Ru

pture, raviß), rßong/ÍJ, extatical. COK

Chap. IX. Сorporeal Áö‘c’ion. ¿EET


` Y CORPOREAL ACTIONS are meant fuch Aétions ir’hoß: Agent n' a Q; И:

Body or Material fubfiance. They are diftinguilhable into fuch as are

Я Morepeculiar to Living creatures 5 either more

' ‘ `Abfolute5 belongingl t0





Relative to the ­l

GENERAL Notions belonging to DEMEANOUR. V.


l _ . ‚


Common with them` to other things,to which by Analogy they are afcribcd ,

the different kinds of GESTURE. VI. l ’

Í» “ТРИ”, ACTIONS belonging chiefly to VEGETATIVE Bodies, {figg}

may be diílinguifhed into fuch as are either. ‘гнев

Primary and more general 5 denoting the making : 0r идти/физ of a thing 5 'fà-E,

the motion towardf a newform .’ or from the precedentform 5 Ptyled т ‘

GENERATION, get, beget,procr¢ate,propagateßreeding,engender,Gene­ ‚

I' CORR’UPTION, Dißo'lntion, conjìime~tion. (‚51‘

Secondary and more particular5 relating unto the

"COIN/'fling ‚ Or тают‘; in that matter which, if to beformed into an a

nimate Body. _ `

äIMPREGNATION, beget, pregnant, breeding, teeming, conceived, get


with child, big, great with child,or egg.

CONCEPTION, with child, Superfetation, . (foon.

I Bringingforth what hath been thus conceived 5 either in due time .­ or too

< PARTURITION, Bearing, Birth, Nativity, bringing forth, travail,

n groning, in labour, lying in, Child-birth,eaning, farrozving,kindl~ing,

9' ‚га/#13, whe/ping, deliver, Midwife, brought to bed, ery out, lay egg. °

ABOHTION, miji‘arry, Mifehance, и]? young, @aß/ing, untimely birth,

I Imp

Slink, fliÍl-born.

r vement of what is thus brought forth; СМИ?!‘

"_ гР liar to the .'ïoung5 implying that more then ordinary tendernefs to

I be Мед towards things in'that fl’ate, whether more general : or that>

<| which isproper to viviparoua Animali. — - _

' FOTION, cher¿/hing,foßer,foment, brood, Incubation, hatching.~ ’

I 4' LAcTATtoN, ¿img ßa/L, page,t Common to Toung and Old 5

Antecedent5 the taking in offìitable andfißicient aliment .‘ 0r theЛ‘!

ting of this' aliment by fermentation.

` FEEDING, living upon, Aliment, Food. _`

5‘ DIGESTING, Concoäiorgput over.Conß’quent from theI ' `

'Union ofthe Aliment to the body e and it: improving thereby.

S 6 NOURISHING, Nutrition, maintain, Nntriment.

' À GROWING, come up?increa/ë,improve,thrive,«5`pring, Prtyfcienf

‘Union : ог dißlnzonI of the Body and Soul. _

ÈLIVING, Life, quick, alive, enliven, viviße, revive, ßtrvive.'

7. vital, liçßlrreôl ion. —

DTING, Death,dead ф’, mortal,fatal, dy,dccer¿/ê, depart, expireí'

git'e up the ghoß, шутка/314114], mortijïe, di/patch,8laughter','

мандат capital,l H h l’l.’ 60th" ­


-—„————›„мые———дд‚,;,;е;,‚ „ш: Рак-Н‘

_ _—‹_‚__ ___ _* „__ __ _

n. Ac- 11.` Coi-porca! ACTIONS belonging to SENSITIVE Bodies, may bedi

ftinguilhed into fuch as are either

»'rrvé.' ’More principal and natural, denoting the kind: of natural Appetite, года

thm. „шить ,miam м und to the jiitiofjing oftbern5 relating to the

î Pre/irwtion of the Individuum, as to the delire of

'Nouri/hnzent, for the fupply of Decays; and thateither by

"Food: or Meat.

l ÉHUNGER, Appetite, Stomach, eager, greedy, “шепот, Famine,

f/tarp jfêt.

EATINGs деток)‘, gorging, fall to, Jl/Ieal, Hepa/f, Rty'eëïion, Food,

Для’, Aliment, edible, Viande, Vitïlualr, fall to one: illeat.

< LLiquor.

l THIRST, dry.l a. DRINKING, Potion,potulent, potable, qualifjoop,foaking, дав/‘11,114


<l I’

сити/ем)’, tipp/e, bibbie, Алые, Draught, [Лет/7, Water, Butler,

Butterj, Cel/ar.

Refi and refrelhment after labour and wearinefs 5‘ comprehending the „

{Appetite or inclination after this’ : or the Sattifaë't'ion of Ли!) Appetite,

­ ~ l conliûing in a cefIation from all Aëìions of the outward Seules, by




a relaxa ion of the Nerves.

Í ПВО SINESS, Heavineß.

3 ' SLEEPING, плеер, dormant,a Ыар,1иН,81нт1)ет,пагс0#1с‚тиф.

l `_Stateßippcdêd, belonging to this Appetite, 0r the Satisfaůion ot'it, de

I noting the general Action of the звал’: : or the workingof the Fancy




in jleep. _

WAKING, awake, match, Все/еде‘, rarß’front jleep.


1 LPropagationcf ‘Марти,


ßißilj, blljonz, clicket, proud.

COITION, coupling, gcndring, lie with, know carnal/j, Copulation,

rutting, tread, vener).

‚ Ley? principal and preternatural; referring to Ieveral afïefìions of the

Touch,and different kinds of Pain 5 being either

_­' "Proper to the Skin and outward parts 5 caufed by an „фанат/те

thin Vapourrßopped in their expiration , which is remedied by Inch a

Е ` kind of afniction roith an edge as doth open the Pores, that the Vapots

i may tranfplre.


' SCRATCHING, Scraping, clatring, Scalping~iron.

Common to otherpart: 5 and caufed by

"да/101110’: or comprejfion ofv the parts: or ßiarpncfi’of huniourr.

Акта, м.

7’ PRICKING, (`rick, pungent,/harp, Stitch.

êLUST, Solac-ity, [се/ту, Vtnery, (oncupifcence, libidinonc, carnal,



. L

fion of the menibranouc parte.

TICKLING. Titi/lation.

8’ SMARTING, piercing.

Obßruction either in the Nerve: or Jlffufclcr5 сайт]; fome Weblication: in

the Nerve: : or n hotpungentpain in the Mnfcles.

TWlTCI-l ING, Vcl/ication, Pinching.

9‘ TiNoLlNG. »


in. The'

‘отметит’ the Spirit: in the fofter parts bya light touch: or corro- l

_. ‚—.‹ ­ i


Ill. The Стран-‚11 ACTIONS peculiar to uien, or thel‘everal wayes Ш- ACT" —

hap. IX. Corporeal Ááiiou. 235 l '

of exprejfing their mentalConceptionr, are either bj îîïkpgrcòu‘

rArticulatejòund:5 conlidered according to ‹ - I _ ‚ ‘ MEN~ ‘

I IThe general name, together with the privation of lit,

SPEAKING, talk, utter-ance, mentioning, Elocution, pronounce,

expreß, deliver, Pro/ation, Spoku-nzan, eßableŕ'oluble,fluent,jay,

| I.

ll, mutter,n;nmble,jabber,jargon, vein,Gramrnar,lìhetoric,0ra­

‚ tory, Eloquence, Prolocutor, nuncupative, by word of mouth. y

M'ZJTENESS, dumb,fpcechlrß,filent, blank, tongue-tied. Ё

The defeöl: of тел/физ, и t0 U the continuit) of/peech .' 0r the prolati- `

on offonze particular letterr. ‚ ~ ‚ '

2 STUTTERING, Stammering, falter, hammer.


lThe degree: of loudneß`in fpeaking5 either without any vocaljbund :

I or with much nor/I'. ‘

<' WHISPERING, mutter', roundin the ear.

3' EXCL/IMATION, ‚же/лилии, hodow, щи, hoop, fhout, baul, cla- ~

mor,cry,Lure,0ut-cry,roar,_/ŕreech,j2ream,@ueak „@ueal, [след/5 c

up one: voice, jët out one: throat.‹

I I Theparticular kind: of freaking 5 referring

I To the manner ifordering our шт? according to mtr/ical Tuner; ei

I ther the more perjeä .‘ or the more iniperfeů1 attempt.

_l SINGING, Song,Ditgrßal/adßarol,Canticle,Lay,0de,jlíadrigal,

i l

l I I







ОToßich тот: a: 'weßse before ua ’ either moreреф‘? : or im ­ et?.

READING, идите, Leßonîlegible,риф. '


5. Eclogue, canoroiar, fllodulation,chant,Ghoryler, ,Qgirm

t CHIRPING, gueßing,quittle. _ ,

TheЛюси!relation: of„ввёл; 5 when weja] that to another which we

expeêì' Люк/61 be repeated 0r written by him.

6 DICTÀTING, prompting,jirggtß.


Figure: reprefenting either Words or things, and made either immedi

ately by merz: hand.: : or by the impreßion of Typen ~

f WRITING,penning,drawing,engroffing,Hand,Mamßript,juh/bribe,

ßrperß‘ribe, infcribe, tranfcribe,Prywriptjnterline,indor e,fcrawle,

_ мыс, rude draught,Pen-man, Scribe,Writer,Scrivener, Secretary,

7. ‹ Clerk, Nope, Ticket,Docket,Short­hand,Tachygraphy, Brachjgraphy'r, ‚


I Cryptography,jêt one: hand, _]èt down, take or pnt in writing, en

I ter into book, write out fair.


PRINTING, Imprint, Маргарин, typographical, ‘бра, Preßlput in(


H' h 2 ’ IV. The

C ____

r __. ,v ,_____ŕî.`._ ‚_..__-‚236 _ Corporealiaëibiioiz. «Part Il.

n. Sms Iv. The OuTwARD sIONs Or outinward PASSIONS, met!

OI:~ PAS;I­> _ ther . .

ш‘s' rMorelizeculiar to fome [ingle PañiOns s as to ‚

rAdnriŕation : or Sating5 Straim'ng the ejer .- Or the brom".



Love : Or Hate; expanßon : or coutraëtion of the Mufcle: of the Face.

а SMILING,ßuir@ng,ß1earing,fmpcr. _ о

,I l IÃOWRING, powt1ng,ß'on1l1ng,frozonzng,grinning, look [бить

~ Mirt : or Sorrow. '

; ‚а ЁЬАПСНШЮ, deride, ‘Идеи/от, giggle, chuckleJ/'hßßich‘em

l WEEPING, таит, cr), ‘Гели, wailing, шт, bemoan, bewail, la'

~nient, blubber,jhed ‘ваш, whining.

Dtjíre .° or Auer/ation 5 ß‘ruing the bod) : or :nagging the head.


¿4- MOVING THE HEAD, Nada. ‘ ‘

I Hope .’ or Fear 5 exgefled either b) the .

'5 "Body Or parts of it»­ being тот-а! once and quick: eraf; and am.

I tinuedl): Or deprivedof motion.

STARTING, flanking. _

5‘ TREMBLING, qua/(ing, Лифт, jhudering, туман“, 5115

0ег1п3,‚/Ъюег‚ quaver, chatter .

RIGOR, Horrour, .S‘t‘ifntß­

Breath5 emitted [bore and quick.' or emitted flow and long." or

jue/¿ed up раму.

6 НЦР`Р`1ЫС,р’ф

' `‹$'10НП\Ю‚ sobbing. "

ÈS'ZJCKING up the breath,

lkf'orgîdenee and Daßídence .’ or Baleine/fand Def/[Jair 5 fetting the hand:

again/ì thefide: : or heaving up the fhouldere.



Anger.' or Revenge-5 by cmd/ion of the breath, either vocal, but not

l articulate .~ or articulate, but not dißinäiyinteuigible.


I ‘ ORuMßLINO. _

L.More common to feveral Paíiions 5 by dijìolouring the countenance with.

n greater degree of Redntß` then doth belong tothe natural hue;

appertaining either to ]oy,LOve,DefIre,but chiefiy to Shame .­ or elfe

with 'Whiteae/Í; belonging to thofe more violent perturbationsf'of

­ . Grief, Anger, де. but chiefiy to Fear. o


9’ PALENESS, man, ghaßlj,paÍ/id,appale.


V. The

l hap._IX._ Coijroreal'zîlëi’ion. 537 _

..._.M-m~ ‹

V. The general notions belonging to DEMEANOUR, Carriage, "1.

Compartment, Department, Garb, behaire, Or the manner of our converflng Nouk

towards one another _in refpeét of fuch Corporeal Aůions as either

cuftom or common opinion hath put a decency and htneß’upon, are con#

Íiderable5either according to the ` _ °

.r More general hinab, denoting ~ _

rThe endeavour to expreßour ‘фей to other?, by going to' then: .­ or

I ßaying hy then: or for them.

l VISITING, go tojëe. _ _

' I ` WAITING, Attend-ance, jërve, Retinue, Train, Valet, Page, Lac;

I ¿l guey, flay for, ‘ту for, tend. . ’

The congreßor nieeting of otherr, in r'efpeů of our applying our1270г.‘х

to then: : or their receiving or :_i/ing >of ‘и. ` _

; I 2 AnDaEssiNo, „ea/f. _

‘ r ' ÉENTERTAINING, treat, сидел}, itf.`age,rcception, welcome,

l ITÍhe hind: of gtßure, or ivord:,fìgnify`fing re/peä.

_ 3. SALUTATION, ranging, дне/1, greet, hail, contntendation.t.Y

More jaartal/@udg confilling in "

iGe/lurer.ЗА: a eli/tance; by bowing y‘of the Body .’ or Kneer.

CONGEEING, cringe, duck, nuke a leg, Crouch.

4’ сивснввше, Genuflexion. ’

Near, either more › .' ' ‚ _,

¿I Ни ÍL‘- ‘- J . \\` . ’

CLAPPING. _ t“ ­

§5- SHAKING HANDS. . _ ‚ "’

t Genti/e5 by joyning ofthe Body: or Face,` " — l „

¿_ EMBRACING, claßing, clip, cod, gra/p, hug, twine'.`

KISSING, _Smack _

Ц Wordr, whereby we expreís — . - ’ _ _ _Our феи): of other: : or our bufìneßtvith then). l.

7 ЁСОМРЬЕМЕЫТПЧО, Соиг‘йлф} CareUìng.

CONFERRING, coanntune, ‚дату, tal/¿_ , treat,fpeak nrith,Dia?logue. I

Ourgood ivi/he: to other: 5 either at our‘II тети; : orparting.

8 äSALVEDICTION, acetyl, greet, hail.

VALEDICTION, adieu, fame”, tolte leave.

VI, cEsTuttE,

I _ L¿338 Стражи! Áëîion. _— MParLII.

_rf __.‚— М »"___`-___«`~__.

VI. GE- VI. GEST-URE, Áölion, Behaviour, Ge/ìifitlatioń,illil/zic,doth denote

так?‘ ßieb „плит! action or mctìon и alter: фермы»; of the whole or

parts of the body: To which the word POSTURE, Poßtjoxz, may be

.annexed by ту of afIinìty5 fignifying the [найди in whirl: ßœb moti.

on if determined. The feveral Им!‘ of lhefe Geflure: and Po/lure; (which

are applicable lìkewìfe to inanimate things) do refer 'either to tbe weight:

being incumbent upon fometbing.

"Ее/оп’ it : And theie are dìiìînguìíhed affording to the imagïnaryprg.

gre/Tof that body or the parts of it, - ‘

f'üpward; either more

Direct. ' . _ h

ÉRISING, „ф, naß, тиф‘, lyup, Л: up, Дата’ up, rear, elevate,


lift'up, erect, exa/t, Reßtrrection

I' t I STANDING, Station-aryzFootingâPereb, Rawpant,

‹ Oblique.

rKeeping t/Je height, and

[Ищут the terzm.

STRETCHING, rete/Jing, eirfcndingpiñmtion, Expat/ion,

2 Ё produce, @reim/trein, draw out.



<í SPREAD, @me ‹ „. ‚. `

. Narron'ving the teren. ‚ .

3 SHRINKING, eontraeting,€oarel1ation, cone ,gatůerngn

‘ CRUMPLE fmlge. _ _ .

C11/tering tbe Маг/22:11) »lotion of tbe







“r~ LEANING,lolliqg,lìeeumlzenc}:ßaj or fyi upon;

Lower Миши.

Trun .

ё STOOP-ING, oroueb,l1ow, bend, catering.


H/ppf. ~

âSITTING, fet, [Маши], _feat

5° SATB,дм. ‚

‚ Киев‘. „‚ . .

' ‘ KNEELING, Genn exion ll le .б‘ёоы'кмввз. 'ß ’ß o” „wf ` °

[дающий 5 either шаге; — ' › .

Direct. " _ ' Y. ­ '

. FALLING, fell effi down риф ‘7' ЁЬУПЧС}, Prfßrabtion, grove/ing, la), 41mg, all along, flag/wel,








couch. '

Oblique. ’ '

¢ TURNING. ­8° REVERSE, inverted. I .

Above it YvherherHpartly: or wholly, each ofwhich is either motion

OI' ге .


9' HANGING, pehdenßßtßemletl, elongling.





’THat Aäion whereby things do pali from one place to another is Íiyled 6; III;

MOTION, Маше,‘стать/11’,,ша3,/Ьа1@,0не:с1’, fhog, jog, ßart,jerk,


p/aceynalee a jtirr. _ _

REST, Qießfiill, штата’, repofe,jêdate, 131110,ß'and, ajsßa'nd or lyßill,

Requiem, eajè, Paujë,acquie]c`­e,]êttle,jìt, lodge, lull, Sahhat , dead if the night,~

take te .By thìe word Motion here is meant Local Motion, which cloth al'wayes ac»

company Gorporeal Aótion, upon which account many of the Species under

this Head mightjf there were convenient room for them, be reckoned under

the former 5 but their places here may ferve fuiiiciently to expreIS and дыни;

guifh them. This Local Motion of bodies may be diliinguifhed into

i’Natural. _

l âOf the whole5 more _

emranefpemngtheInnes or Animal PROGRESSIVE MOTION. I.­

Pmma..f,refemngtothe vAIuOus NOTIONS or GOING. II.I

Of ферм’: 5 conIidered _

More [левым belonging to ANIMAL ACTION IN COMMON. Ш

As re/lrained to the Aâ‘s 0f


ll EXERCISE. v. ‚

‚[‘пошчт MOTION according го the eventi канат: it. vr.

I. Kinds of ANIMAL PROGRESSION, may refer either to'Bea/1:5 more perfeâ' t or intpeifeů'. PRO'

l GOING, 'aref/"ive, a Step, Pace, Gate. Y GRES;

` HALTING, Сripple, laine, limp, hohhle, joundred. sm"

Birdr5 ll the ’ .i Áir5 by the motion of the ming: .~ to which may be annexed that other

l I kind of Motion ofthe wings whereby Birds ufe to keep themfelves up

.l in the fame place with little or no Progreffíon.

‘I 'Í FLYING, fluttering,_]ôar, volatile, тяге.


” HovEIuNG.

I Ищет either "upon it .° or into and under it.


ì 3’ DIVING, duc/e., plunge.' ' _ f

_ F 5 either more generally within' the Water : or more fpecially dovu

SWIMMING, launch. :oord: into it.'


kInfètîîa5 as

f Gra/hopper: and Fleas,ó‘c. the more perfeä .~ or imperfeâ‘.

Ё LEAPING, rhipping,junip,frirle,„Над, caper, синие‘, hound.­


Aut: .’ or Wornxt, Фе‘. .

6 ЁСКЕЕРПЧО, crawl, ­ßtratnl, reptile.

' WRIGLING, inft‘nuate, fcrue Or wind Миф? it: .

Though cach of thefe Motions do principally belong to fuch kinds ofli#‘у; ng Creatures, yet are they not fo to be refirained to them' but that they mayy

b'e truly afcribed to others.

n. The

239: _

\_ —_.._.._._—.—..—_._

24o — _- Motion. Par_t.II_\

1T“ bit. tThe feiern YMoD-iisoemooiiïG. may be dìůì'f‘g‘lm’ed imo

MODES шт Sclfniotion о" Вт’ of Anima/f5 _

r0n nn ordinary Plain or decliviry 5 according t0 the

I _

— I

Il_eßcr : or greater degree: of Velocity.

' ÈWALKING, Ambulation, Лимит’, Perambulation, гордой, Ford,


waddle, Lacqueyfath,foot it, trip along. ­ (man.

RUNNING, galloping, Career, Coutßßacediart, Goal, ontßripfoot.

together .° ­or when they move cro/fand diagonal/y.

2 AМ BLING, pacing, thorough-paced. '

` ‚ TROTTING, prancing.

Ефим: Exten/lon: ofthe body according to height : ог ofthe legt ac

q STALKING,jetting.flrittt,portly going. (сопли; to teidentß

I Э‘ STRADLING,/Iride,aßride,divaricate.

I ILD/ferent Mader, whether more II regular : or irregular.


4' ÉSTAGGERING, reeling, Voci/lation, Tottcring.

On a very `дном/л Plain.

SLIDING,glide, flipping. '

5° STUMBLING, ‘Нм/итак, blunder,falter, lap/e,flip, trip. .

I L0n а difficult Выйти, upward: : or downwardr.

6 ÉCLIMBING, clambering,fcaling.

I ' Y_rulvißLlNo

tThe being carried by fornething elfe s on the Land : or Water.RIDING, being horfêd or mounted, taking horjëßqfhilion. i

` 7’ SAILING, Nav1gation,l/oiage,launch,tal@ water orjhip,embark, waff

г .

‘ I<

_ mmm, '_ III. Animal MOTIONS belonging to the various partr,are either

'from rilíoreprincipal 5

2ER ‚ Of the Heart originally,and from thence ofthe Bloud in the Arteries :to

PAR-rs; which may be adjoyned the ¿Motion ifthe Guti.

I l PULSE, ММ‘), beat. ." PÈRISTALTIC. i

i Of the Lung: , more general, or the Sound made [душеimpediment ofbreathing through the Nofè. n

2 IRESPIRATION, breathing,fetch wind,dranr breath, take breath.

I ° SNORTlNG,fnorit/g. '

’ _ILeß'princ/'pal5 of the

‘ Mot/th and ‘Ihorax5 by the forcible-II emi zon, or attraû'ion qfBreath.

BLOWING,pußing, bla/i. _

_ 3- _ ,5f'ZJC’IION,jupping,ßp,foop, drawing,emulgent,up.

` I Diaphragm or Stomach, agitated by a convullive Motion арии-4:,”

I 4 SOBBING- I (downnvardr.


¿yawn by а `

_ Repeated Motion in the or­ßzcond preparation of Food.

МАSTICATION, chewing, champ, gnazning, Митинг, mumble.

t 5.- nuMlNATroN, com”, me ma. ~

I Single Motion5 to which may be annexed that Motion of the mufculou:

I parte of the blodyfaujìd byfomeflatulent vapourf.Y

I 6 VYAWNIIN’G,'g`ape, Ofc'itation, ga/p,

‘ PARDICULATION, те!6Мц5‚1/те!сЬй:д‚ .

- ¿Tongue

l lI

I ‘Вт-тел! Motion ofthe Юнг legr5 “when either ‘Ее/ё if one move.



Chap. IX. y Motion. I ` 214iFw

I_Tongtte, Qr Throat. ‚

ыскшв. 14h/zip. ‚

7’ SWALLOWI NG, gulp, iugurgitate, devour, pouch, t{obb/c. _

IV. Thofe kinds of Aílíoui whereby feveral Animal: do Mft offuch excremeutitiouc parte IV- mit;

as ~are ofi'enlive to nature are (‘Мед PURGATION, voidiug‘roacuatiag,Excrcmcnnjluxiula смю’ ’

to which may be oppofed the Notion of BINDING, colline, lipptic, re/lriugmt,a[tr_iugmt.

Thefe Motions may be dillinguifhed by the kinds of parts fo amoved, either the more

f Vaporour and windy; from the ~

i Head. ‚ _ ‚ I

3 I ‚ SNEIÈZING, treize, Sternutation.

l Stomach upwardt, >ot’ Gut: фамилий’. ‚ ' ‚

А 2 {BELCI-llhlG, ритм/д, breaking И»! npwardt. ’, i Ч y ~ FÁRTING, breaking wind downwardt, Марс.

` -Seroux and watt] д from the

I Гуд/120100411: of the body. .

l SW EATING, Bxudation, diaphorctíc, fudorifîc, all in a water. li 3’ TRANSPIRATION, breaihing, Evaporation, Eßu‘oium, Pcrfpiration.­`


‚ l SSPITTING‘SaIii/ate 'ion,Spíttle,brfpit,fpawl,befpaul,fl'awr,drioel,Flux#

<| 4' BLOWING THE NOSE, mucout, Suit/el, Snot.

' Lung: and C' . .



i 5', mentation,:Ji/mamma@

Greater or leß'er Veint. _ ` .

6 ÈBLEEDING, opening a Vtin,Phlebotom], ln blond, draw blood, Lancet. ‘

° S‘CARII‘YING, lanci.

Ski". ‘ с

l l BLISTERING, Vo/îcation, caußic.

|7- сперме. '.

LBladder. _. i ` _ ‘ _

‘ 8. URININGpi/Lmakc water,holá one: water, ßalc, diuretic, Diabetes, ВЦ").

ъ(‘оп/1110:‘ and grof: part: ; from the Il Stomach партий, or the Guti áowmvardt.

5 VOMlTlNG,fpewing, rafting, di/gorgiug, puke, придти, rctcbing. _

¿DLINGING, purging by page, going toflool,Долг, Draught,l.atk , „пищи/„р,

mutÍngJhlub/t., [дай/е, ,Muck , Ordurc, Siege, Stool, Sir- reverence, increment,

ca/meut, и]? the bel/j, Íaket, Prin), Houfe ofoßîce.V. By RECREATION, ‚Бюст/Бои, Pa/lime, Sport, Eure-ifi, are meant thofe fev'eml v.v aE

kinds of Aáiiom which are ufed for divertifement or Вата/е : to which may be annexed SÈEATZ‘

the word GAME, Play, Prize, Iignifying fuch vkind of Exercifn, wherein there is an cn- `

‘мм ~, depending upou (deavour for Maller). Thefe are either ofthe

l ­r Chance one/y», according to [l the more general uam .~ or that particular kind which is

moll frequent by marked Cubre.

SLOT, Зима”, Cuts, Ballot, ca/t or draw Lott.< l' 2DICE, a Dy,cotk­ad, rifle.

Chante and Skill.

2 CHARTS. ‚ .


Ló‘ki/l oui/7.i CH ESQ. .

l 3' рмиснгз.

'~ Во‘) д in refpcft of l

(The whole, requiring ‘ ,

I "Strength and Skid.

‚ {Boi/mns. _ ‹¿l 4' BALLING, Тихий, Foot ball, Stool-bab',St0­Bad. PtLmel,

‹ .t Agility and Ski/l.I А 5DANCING, fllatkt'ng, Rc1/cli, a Ball, Morice,Mumming'.



­ S' ‘пишите.

L Strength, Agilit] and Ski/l.

6 WRE5TLlNG,grapling {Img/ing, [hit/ing, hamůgriperßrike up one: heilt.'' F ENCING, Gladiator,'Ttlt:ng,Tournarntnt, jre/lling, pla] at weapon 0r fails.

'LT/oe Eje, or the Ear. . , '

' {516 Н Т$,ХЬ‹ tot,Theatre,Amphith:atre, PagtantßSprÜac/t. ‘ _t ‘

7' MUSIC, Screnadt,flrein, мг, zum, pre/tatie, шт, Спзй, Fiddle-er, Min/trel,

р1л7амт Inßrumfrlt, - - I 'l l VI. 'Ille

_I24" I .lllotìomI g ` l Part. II.


._1-'www ——‚ Y. . — _» ­­~~­7w ~

1- VLThe general lgindsof VIOLENT MOTION, may be diûributedv'rvloLßN _ ‚ _ _MOTION according to the efíeůts upon the thing moved, into fuch as denote

rTranßation into a newplace, comprehendìng

rMotion together 5 when the Mo'oerßißaim the thing moved : ro which

may be annexed by way of añinìry rhat'orher ¿â‘ion ‚ L) which one

thing fufiains, or hinder: thefalling ofanother.

ÉCARRYING,bring,convey,bcarßr'vejrnport,waßyeare about one,

I l


<’ portable,portage, ритм;gage, vehicle,fare, beer, pacleborfë.

BEARING,ßpporting, драм, hold up, prop, fbore upg/ia) up,up­

‘ hold, carrbßand under,jhm/der up, bol/ler up.

Amotion, when the Mover and Moved do at the beginning ceafe to be

contiguous: or ‚штат, when the thing moved doth end in а

conriguity of fomething elfe. ‘ (coit,f/ing.

2 CASTlNG,throwing,ßing,hurl, projeâ‘, щей, ejeëf, ding,pelt’taß,

° CATCHING , apprehend, la] hold, ßzatch, la) hand: on, grapple,

i graß‘gfcafnble. ‘ —

‹ Often return: into the filme place; according to "greater 0r leß degreer.

l SW1NGING,I"ibration,1v/wing, brandi/h, agitare, exagitate, to and





3. fŕo.flonrwyock,fway,dangling, penduloru, rrield,

SHAKING, @aß/mon, Concili/ion, ogging, ездим, dandle, mag,

frag,jin/1], jolt, tot ter,flutter,дат, waving.

Sonie inrprql/íon from the Mover а ' according to the more

rGeneral name : or that which iffronz an obtnfe hard body.

STR lKING,Percy/fion,fnaite,bang,beat, [1a/t', bnůfet, ciq‘f, dig/h, hit,

‚ fvinge,thump,thwack, Blow,Stripe,/lap.flap, rap, tap, leuk, wince,

Ё 4. _Л'›игп,!›0!1‚1)ох,Л`/Лр‚пр/Лист,ует/фритиедрипсд rebnß', парит/3

jrbn,coh/ißon,gnajh,rkitti/h, interfere, letj?) at,

KNOCKING,beating_B/ow,bntt,Mah/et,battering,jobbìng, Harney.

Particular kind 5 by the end of a thing, more obtfgßßor acute.

FOUNDING, [ля/116%’, Contufìon,ßamp. g `

PECKING, lllattoclg, Pick-ax.

' ‚ lDiÚb/ution of‘Union in the fume body r, according to

r'The Stiffnqß, or Linzberncfr of the body wherein it is made.

BREAKING, Fидите, Rupture, bnr/ì, Grao/1x, Cra/h, Saud/b, Daß’.

6. ì


Flam,Shaiter,[Мг/е", crumble.

l TEAPrlNG,torn, dilacerate, rend, rent, ragged, tatterechflittered,

l jagged,pull in pieccf.

f ,_The Figure of the bod] b) which it i: wade; either an edge, or a point.

êLUTTlNGJncißon gafhJla/h, hacl<_,/.1c1v, ch0p,rìp, СЫРШ’ФШЩ



ßüiomßgrnentfarogdiyeëï, Whittle, barb, pare, top, lup,curtaŕl,

. dock „Мире, keen,Hatchet,Po/e. ax.

PRI'CKlNG,ßahbing,Goad,pu”gent,rnnn in,thrnß in, gear.

’ o



. _ I I f i


He fundry kinds of work: about which men offeveral Callings ‘НЕ to IV,

imp/o) themßlver, are ufually ltyled by ­the name of ’

’ OPERATION, Labor ­iour, Painr, Travail, Toil, mail, Turmoile, drudg,

droil, work, handy-work, Pl , cooperate, take paint, la] about him.

PLAT, Sport, lußny, dall). — ’

Thefe are either . .

­More Common and general 5 relating to


Ё . MIXED MECHANICAL Operations. II. .

More Particular; belonging to the providing of'


Houl'es, o‘r Utenfìls, FABRILE Arts IV.

» Clothing, SARTORIANTrades. V. - _

Phyfie, CHYMICAL, Pharmaceutical Operations. VI.

I. _OPERATIONS belonging tothe MECHANICAL Facmtiesare @I- i. mè'ńâ:

ther fuch as do refer to the ‚f с s o ‘ .

_ Lever-5 for the forcible motion ofa thing upwardf, Or downwardf. От.

LIFTING, heave, hoifè, advance, elevate, exalt, Lever, Cron», Crane.I" DEPRESSINU, тгщргф; weigh down,

‚ Balance 5 for l] trial cy"the weight of things, .or theprepot'ulerating ofone

i' 2 _LIBKATINCL balancing. _ (fide.

t " BIASSING, preponderale.

« Wedge5 for the dividing of hard tough bodie:5 to which may be ор

pofed the thrußing of them elo/ê together. ‘

‘ COMPRESSING, crib, gripe, pinching, preß’, fqueeza'ng, ßraining,

I wring, nip, turing. throng, crowd, crufh, Соц/Бридж, bulge,

I Pullj5 when the mover and moved continue their Contiguity in “Ъ

_ ‘Г CLEAVING, rive,Л”,Д’Ш, Cle/t, Chin/t,,Chap,Crev1fe`.V


t motion, or amotion. i 5 , -

la. . PULLING,p/uc'l<„ 10125103,Ицдтйпддййф, draw, dragßraught,

I 4, â hale, Revu/fion, vellication, di/iraët'. l

YHR‘ZJSTING, дач/71,001”, drive, ru/h, jlßle', пред”, extrude, intrude,

preßthrong, crowd, спит)’, farce, wedge in, vennue, run at,fbin at.

1 Wheel5 by continuedturning about, Or rolling bac/¿ward orjbrnvard.

tzvirlnvhirbßinn, role round.

_ i äVERTIGINATING, turning round, Revolution, wheelingßotation',

ь 5

VOLUTATIUN, tumbling, rolling,- tual/ow, welter, roc/l, trundle,


|Screw5 to which may be adjoyned for fome affinity the áâ'ìon #thatconcave Inßrunzent ujêdfbr the prty‘lêä'ion ofwater.


SYRINGlNQfquirting, jpirt,fpouting. _ А ì

spring; wherein there is a motion vof reiiitution: to which may be

annexed for its affinity the forcible putting a thing out :gf it.r4 natural

ten ton and pofiure.

SI’RINGING,elyîicaLß/lip. _ ‚ Y

7' ÈBENDING, bon', тигр, crooke. ( ­ `

I ì z lls'Th‘ofë


A Operation. Part. 1L

„_ „mn п. Thofeare nyled MIXED MECHANICAL OPERATIONS, which

MECHAN'I- are not appropriate to any one kind of Art,but are general and common

»äââl‘àîë' to many. Thefe do concern the. ‘

° 'Uniting orдоения; of[та-а! 1юа11е: 5 confidered more _

Simp/j, .

ê Ё BINDING,gird, Band, Bondßundle, PaclectfarclleJheafeJkggot,

Í " `


i tach, lace,fvadclle,frat' hing, trnßlng,girt, nrcingle.

LOOSENING, nnhr'ncl, ttndoe,ßtlve, laogßacli. relaxation.

Relative/jl to the afïeëtions ofbi'nding, viz. foft'ning ofthe lzoncl h] a

lenot, or confit/ed [einde of Knott.


l TANGLING, стыд/е, hamper, ravel, perplex,frtarled,fèlter, in

I trieate, involved, Intriguet, extricate, complicateJ ing/nare, Lala]


.V riüth.

»K concealing, or „миф/11»; 5 either more

­ {Саммит ‘_ ° ’ y

' COVERING, heal, Veil,jhroud, hide, whe/rn, flop, Стар}, Hood,

‘l Lz'cl,.palliate, cloake, averla]J overrun, overjhadow.

~ l l 3' @NCOI/BRING, open, expo/Z', difcoverJ/Jew, reveal, naked, нити!“

д i unveil. .

îó'pecial; relating to Containing bodies.

SHUTTINGJÍop, cloß’, z‘nclojìng, irnmnre,exeÍucle,_/èclude, тег/ф,

~ ohßrnò?, Wink,fold up, pz'nn 01’,/owe up, fèalup, cori@ up, lute up,

j 4° 2 locknßpnt to the door. `

OPENING, [freaking up, difŕlcyë, дури}, Expanf1`on,gap,'$lade, Aper

l ture, unßop, expcß, lay 01‘ fet open.

LPutting ofthing: || nearer together, orfarther afmder5 either



GATHERING, Coßeët ­z`on, aßernhle, convene, compile, levy, rufe



¿I mez or money, Receiver, ra/¿c or [тире together, ral/y, glean,

ze n . '

i Stîf'l'îlïêïmfadifcuß, olißJer/ê, атм, Л’НпЦе, ßrew, in_/ßerjíom

. ¿More particular, with reference to the

f Capacity tf ­

Í'Conf/tent bodies, and [uch as are not fuppofed to be contained.

l HEAPÍNG, açeunzulate, яма/3: la] up, flow, pile, Stack, Mo»,

(l 6. ê Cock.. RickShoe/Q, Drift, Dnnghill, mixen.

, l t SPREADINGI, clr‘úfnfe, Exparjìon, dr'ßlaj, Sn ‘феи, /lrew, run,

‘ I plaßt, la] cloth.

¿l ¿Fluid шт, and fuch as are fuppofed ,to be contained in fome»

~thin .I ëFIgLLING, "гриф, Repletion,full, plenary,риф/1011’, crau,


ßnfgfarß', recruit.

EMPTTING, evacuate, vacant, I/acuitj, rz'cl, void, exhatß,

Chafìn, clear, lan/ie, lave, draw dry. .

¿lotion of bodies, chiefly fiuidsg according to the more general

name : or that which is involuntary, and lujide: intention.

POURING Ffnßon Inftdìon, ¿uf/ngugglz'ng jewergfunnel., 8‘ ÉSPILLINGÃ/heclding’, run ont,jeeth over. э




IILO'PER ATIONS belonging to AGRICULTUPÄEAO concern either in. AGRÍ

...___-___. .__-_

` 'The Ground, or Lunel 5 in refpeů of 1 CULTURE’ .

t Í’Lao/ning it g either byßngfeperßn: : or by thc hello ofdrawing Beg/1:. "

I ÈDIGGING, delve, brcaknhß’ir, [poolen

l | PLOWING, rib/ing, breaking up, сои/Инта".

‹ Breaking the eloolr, ondfnroothing thejìxrfaee.

l 2 н mRowlNG.


{Helpîng or dircfting the Fertility ofthe ground, by addingfome nerr

matter, or removing the impediment: ofnoxz'ou Pldntr.

, . МANURÍNG, штык, dunging, marling,_ßi_ling, Tìltb, шить:

‘ 3‘ WEEDING. ‚ ‘

The Grane or Seul, chiefly of Herbs 5 in refpeâ 0f

Putting it inra rheground, or Mk1-„g it offro» thegroknd upon its iria#

tumy.SOWING, jefninate. — l'

4' REAPING,_nzowing, Crop, Harmß, Sithe, Sicklnßubbl‘efrartß.Separatinlq of itfrom Марти’, or [ej/er blub: —


I ‘ WINNOWINQFM, Ventilation.

¿The Propagation of'l‘reef or Shrub: chiefly, by ‘Ё’ '

fPutring the Root ofthe Plant in шумы5 to which may Be adjoyned

tbeputting (убит:fegregatehy into theground, which is fometimes uf

l fed for Pulfe. ' _ ц C ` '

| 6 ÉPLANTING, implant.

¿l ’ SETTING. ‹ —

ïojning a part of one Plant to another; either to the top ofthe had),

l or/onze branch being ont, or to the/ide: of tbe body.

1 ' GRAFTING, ingrafì, Inzp.


‚ l LCutting qfßrpe'ßuom Brancher; to which may be adjoynedjhe cutting

down ofthe who/e.

PRUNING, dreßìng cutting при‘,8' ëFELLlNQgrubb, wo’odfaß. ì

1V. By

Y' Operation. ` l Y 245“;

‘__-v. —.-‚_ —_—_.—_———_.._ ___-____

246 ОРетйот Рагг.11‚ ___.. —‹‚—‚ »__

._—‚——.——7—`———.—-— —‚‹_.‚—

1v, ‚А- ’ii/Íiây ABRILE OPERATIONS, (smit/j? Cammy, мм, щ’)

BRILE OPE- are meant all fuch kind of works as do primarily concern our Houfes or

‘RATIONS‘ Uteníils, whether for necefiity, or ornament : to which may be adjoyh

ed thofe Operations which concern the making of Eárthen Ware, (Мед

FIGULATORY, Potter. Thefe are diíiinguifhablc into fuch as denote

rDifolution ofContinuity 5 either l1]

'Seyer-ating rfßme thin part; from the furfacc of а body by rubbing

with an edge : or hren/¿ing the bod] it_fe/finto minute part: by реки!2

lion With‘íome obtufe body.

SHAVING,ßrfzpingJ roze, тыл”. _

l' CONTUSION, днище,pounding,fiamping,hrajing,morteŕ,pe le,

l Ё Dividingfrom a hodyßmefmallpart.' 5 either la) aßriäion upon a] one,





l ‚


or with an iron irt/iruzztent.

ÉGRINDING, attrition, Griß, @erließ/lill. y

2' FILING, zza/pe. _ _ . ‚iLDit/iditzg the part: ofu hotly, by cutting lt,e1ther m roundzß: cavities,

or in' oblongßillùrer.

%BOK1NG,perforate, foraminote,pierce,BoelkingDril,»‘1wle,G1`mlet‘a

3 .


Wimble, Trepamz, An’gre.

д SAWING, Saw, whipßrr, Stc

_\ ','L’m'ting either of metalline or other bodies l1]ßmze third had) adhering.

t1 4. ÉSODEKING, Cement, luting.


GLUING, cementing, ‚файлом, туши”.

Shapingofмы into particular figures 5 either ¿j

Hammering, or melting. t

<I Cutting, either _ajôlid andbul/(j, or придти

6 CARVlNG, Sculpture.

' GRAVING, ingrat/e, etching.Garage/fing of l'a Той `body ; or circumagitating either a [oft е or hard

o y.

KNEADING, woulding,plaßic.

7‘ TuRNiNo, Lat/J.

‚Монте; theßnfaee of the body 5 either by Hvarietj of colour: : or ad


. FonolNG.I _ 5‘ САЗПЫС,пе1!‚]`0ит11’13‚]"ф1е,томе.

ding an external lußre to it.

8 ЁPAINTING, limn, draw, erfamel,futw,per¿ßl.



` - ‚ ' v. выпо


Chap. IX'. ‚ Óperatzon. 247

TV. SÁRTORIAN OPERATIONS do concern either the v. “кто

‚г Preparation of by ääïggâ"

‘Ми/ф‘! (everal vegetable o nimal fubflancesinto Thred.

TWÍSTING, tortion, w th, гуд/9913, twine, winding.

° SPINNING, spin/2er, Roe/í, Ddl/rfi

<l jojningßich Thred: together into Cloth.

,I WEAVING, Texture, Contexture, Loorn, Web, braid, woven, Ниг

2. З elle, Shuttle, Wicker, Matt.


Ihichning and colouring fuch Cloth. ’

FULLING, rniying, Fuller.`

< 3' DYlNO,ßain, Tinölure, tinge, ingrain.

Making of Stuffs inte Уфы either by

‘Uniting neeeßiry, and cutting ofunneceßiry parts. ‚‚

ЁЗОИ/ШО, Stitch, .Seam ­jter, Suture, Welt, Needle, dearn, quilt,





I l

dram cloth, rip. _

QLIPPING, Scißorg/heagßoorn, cut.

Placing together the parts in greater, or leßer plicatures.

FOLDING, wrap, lap,pleit, clinching,clutching,doubling, in'velop.`

5‘ CURLING, crifping, ji’i{ling,furling. ` ~ ~

.LPre/ërving of fuch Stuíiê or Vefts clean; common likewife to other

things. ‹

581111‘: help of Water or liquor; either when

' Things are put into, and agitated. in the water 5 to which may be op

` l pofed theputting upon them other bodier ifa nxoregroßcon/ì/lence 5

Íiyled ~I ‘I 6 WASHINGJiouring, Lotion, rince, Laver, Laundrfß, gargling,`

l, ' SMEARING , daubing, anoint , ointment , Unäion, знаке,

chori/i115 and many with [he] as befpauldpitLßiueJprin/{le

t Water i: irnbibed and communicatedto the thing; to which may be

l adjoyned, for its aflinity, the putting ofthingr into liquor, in order

to the communicatingштnew qualit) toßich liquor.

l äSOAKINGJlee/iing, enzbrerving, macerating, watering Land,Ó°c. '


bathinggmbibejnbgQ/b , brewir,ernbrew. ,

t INFUSIONwatering Fifb, бы‘. nzacerate, Decoä'ion, irnpregnate.

В)’ external Motion of'or upon them, Н more, or lef? violent.

RUBBING, ~fì‘rape, Fнаш, Frication, fcruh,chafe, Attrition8. Ё fret.gallxßowr, tareÍ grate. _

WIPING,[iro/(e, terß’, handherchießtowel, napkin. i.

В; Inßrunient: to feperate thofe minuter bodies which adhere to th .

fu perlicies. \

BRUSHING,fweeping, Beqôrn, Whit/i, Вис/Д), Вгоот, Maukin.

9° COMBING, carding, currying.

V1. By

i . Operation. l Pareil.'

v1, CHYMI. ‚ VI. By CHYMICAL OPERATIONSare meant fueh kind obsvorks’

CAL OPP: as tend to the changing of bodies, with refpefi to the Pojìtion and Figure _RATIONS‘ rkof their ждите’ pam. By this, amongfi other ends, Medicaments are u_

{папу prepared 5_ for which reafon, fe kind of Operations душ!

l PHARMACEUTICAL, belonging tot e Apothecary, may bc hereunto

annexed. ‘ _ _ ‚

— The Operations belonging to this Head, do concern the changing and

preparing of Bod ies 5 either bj _ __

. ’ Infi‘ruinentr, fOr-the reduůion of them Into minute parts 5 by con/pref:

[ou and aßrietion betwixt two hard bodies: or b_'yjeparating the parte

jb reduced, through aporoua Plain.


I ‘ SIFTING, halting, Sieve,jlercingjanging.

_ Liquori 5 either

I'I Changing the Conliíience of bodies 5 by reducing them intoII a more



liquid: or a more dr)l coul/fence.

DISSOLUTION, melt, liquç/îgdißlvcghaw, fu/Íl,jiux, run about.

° COAG‘ULATION, шпаги/108, Clod, Cura', Сей), Clot~teŕed, Gore,

_ ‹ I Concretion,grumow.



‚ ’ ‹‘ Dividing hard bodies` into minute parts5 b) an acid liquor, through

I I which {ucl-1 parts are dilperl'ed: or the ßnhing down offuch ран: to

I I the bottom, by the mixture of fome other liquor.

-1 CORROSION, eating,f1etting, gnawing,cau/iic.

I 3‘ PRECIPITATION, fea/ing. _

LSeparating of мфpam from the liquor 5 by paf/'ing them through a po

roua bod}5 either downward : or both upward and downward.

ÉSTRAINING, I’ercolation,ß1uecz.e, Colender.

. I _’4‘ FILTRATION,fura.

¿Heat 5 applicable chieiiy either to

._ rLiquid boalie.r 5 which being kept for fome eonliderable time in a gen

.I tle heat, upon this ufually follows 5 either the

’ Ьофг/цд the inward part: ofßich bodier, _fo as by agitation the]

l work one upon another 5 ltyled


‹ s' FERMENTATION, wor/g, fret, Leven, Toa/ì, Farm, Kennet.

I Separating of the ßnerpartr, by railing them up in the form of a

,_ Liquor: or the farther _[êparating of the more /pirituoua from

fl ‹ the Шатура": of thi: liquor.

' 'l 6 .§DISTlLLATION, Still, [дяди/9 cohobatiou,` `

’ ' RECTIFYING. _ ‚ l

Hard andßlidbodie: 5 either by

4 Driving awa)l the more watery and “Май! parts, andleaving the more

folid .‘ or rai/ing the voluti/part: in the forni a Salt.

CHARRING, charlì, 'findet'.

7‘ sußLIMINO, sac/imam. _

Burning awa] the combißible part: of a `body : or turning the part: re.

maining after _furh burning into a liquor.


' ' LIXIVIATION, deliquiate, Lje, Buch.




Chap. Х. l@economical Relation.

249_—.— -` ...__

Concerning Relation „loro privàtegnaf‘nely, yI. Oeconorhical or IFaaiìl); Relation;

together with the feveral kind; of thing: relating to tho/è in that capacit] ,

either as, Il. Poíîêlïionsg or, III. Provifions.

H E Specie: ‚дышит are ’the molt numerous amongft the Tables of

Accidents, by reafon of their mixedk natures, comprehending both

Sulz/lancer, Жди/те: and Aóïiom, as they arecircumftantîated by fome pe

culiar refpeûs, according to which they are here confìdered. _ ‚

More private Relation may be diflinguifhed into fuch as denote; either­{Thofe Perfonal refpeůs or Aëtions, which belong to the firft kind of Affe;

‚ cìation of Мсв into Families; called OECONOMICAL RELATION.

Thofe things which are neceílàry to the well being of Families ‚ 'either as





l Hat relpeů wherein one man ‘may Папе! to another', according to the Q.' .

lirfl and molt natural kind’of aifociationy‘of men into Families, is

ftyled OECONOMICAL RELATION, »Farríilya Hoag/hold, domqiigmenial,

Hvttfe‘, Horne. .

`.The Notions belonging to this Head,rnay be difiinguilhcd into fuch as lig@l

‚ РсгГопа! Relations, of ' I (nilie 5 either


AFFINITY. 1l. EQlALl'l-Y. 1V.

Oeconomical Duties referring to Education 5 coniilting either in



l l.' Tholë who partake of the fame Blond, are {Мед Relatiom­ of CON- l' CON'

SANGUIN lTY», Kin, kindred, Bloud, Honfea Stem, Stoch.

Thefe are dií‘tinguilhable into fuch as are5 either more

rGeneral ; denotingßu‘h a: have preceded, orftieceeded. i

l PKOCÈNÍTOR, Ance/lor, Foŕefather', Extraä'iorz, Parent‘ageJ Elderr,

l Pedegree, Genealogy". ~ — ‚

< DESCENDANT, Lineage, Ofjprìng, Race, I//ùe3 Progeny, Generation, Po;



l i ßeritj, Stork, Breed, Kindßxtraâ'ioigsterh, /ÍJrir/g fror‘n.

— Ispm'al 5 Whether

Direc‘ï; |lafeendmg, Or Dig/Zending. 4 ` l y y

. PARENT, Sire, Father, Mother, Darit', paternal, maternal, Gramyíre;

a; Btc. Orphan. ’ '

CHILD, Ißíie, Sori, Daughter, Brood,Littenfîlidlßdopt;Po/ihtme.

Lateral 5 either f

Afeending, or de/Eendirrg.

' ­­ UNCLE, anni.

3’ ‹ NEPHEW, Niece,

Eqùal. ‚ . I

Immediate 5 whether h) both Parerttr, Or h) oke

BKOTHE R, Slßer-hood.' .


Mediate; either Brother: Children, or their Defcmddtttr.

’ 5 ÉFIRST COSIN, -Germam

coslN. к k ir. ты



­-«­-> _-._. ,__..­»~v­*~»~­»­­ „`.f."


1L HHN. II. Thoí'e rel'pefts which do either refer unto or arilîe froma ftatezof

TY. ` Marriage, whereb peribns are mutually in'gnged to F1d`elitynndCon~

` Haney, are ity d Relations of AFFINITY, Alliance, Kindred. _

The-fe are diůinguifhable into fuch as do concern either

’That flete preceding whereby perfons arerendred capable of it :is to

- theirII not being married : or not baiting coupled witb any otbfrpeijon,

i COELEBS, Single life, Вас/444010‘, Dantoß'l, Maid. ‘

' VlPtGrN, Mont.

I 'ïbe endeavour after Marriage s whereinjf (счета! рсгГоп’в Нстд in coin

petition, there doth thence arife this double Relation.

SUTER, Poranior, Sw'eo't­beart,ìl!tßrtf‘,8ervdnt, troofonvufè coi/rt,

2' RIVÁL, Corriva'l, Competitor. l ­ ’ ^ (ina/{_e love;

< Tbefi‘r/l beginning of this Aßiance, by а mutual Promi@ in order to the

I confummnting of it. ' ' ' ‘_

I 3. BETROTHED, contraê't'ed, Зря/ё, фон/ё, A_ßïdncqßcre.

Tbe fnl/completing of it by all its Solemnities. '

4. MARRIED, магнит}, Wed-ding, Mate/t, мм, nvptial,conjug.1l,

. Hizo/mnd, Wife, Take-fellow, Spanje, Éfide-groont, Brinr,Dou‘er,B}gam},

Poljfgom), Бунт, Epitbolaniinnt. — ‘М À _

Tbeßnte „мы; from a diío'lntion of it by Death.4 . _ _5. WIDQWER, Багдаде’, Relief?, rfainter. _ _ ._ l

m. supm- ш. Relations of suPEmoRITY ‚ Betreff» and INFERIGMTÈ'

OM'TY- Underlingr, do originally belong to Families, in which was the firfl‘ kind

o( Government, and from thence are derived all the {eeotrd'ary Relati

om` which follow ;- refpeóìing. either ' ' ’ _ ’j .

rAlinari, as t0 theiry ; ’

rSouli- and Religion. ' ы у .` "

I GODFATHER, Godinotber,Gol/ip, ßond for.

I ’ советы). ' Н ‘

Boelie: 5 i‘n refpeů of nourißiing : or being nonrißied. ­

’ 2 Бгозтвкыя, Миф, educate.

‘ ¿NCRSLIA'G ’ ~ ‚

< Mindr, II inßruü‘ing : or being inßrnä'ed in _any Science or Art,

‹ TEACHER, Maßer, Tutor, inßitnte,in/triièî,inform,indoärinate,


q Ё дадим, Document, йод/‚Ведите, Ьфпдтйщйфф11ие,етс’,_. 3' read to, Rabbi» у y

I I LEARNER, Apprentice, bijŕiple, Pupil, Scbolar, Putty, Кедр/ул’,

I I young beginner, Student.

I ILE/inter. '

`GUARDIAN, Tutor, Tuition. ­

4" P’UFIL, Minority, Ward-jliip, under-arge, поп-431’. "Mg'or: or Minors, in refpeů of A ' \ '

‘наш/„пап; asßiprcnie: orИдти/Эти; whether ina relationi llloreß'xcd. I

I Imi/muet or тнв FAMILY, iraient-fe, one „шарм

5 .non e. ~‘f .I DOMESTIC, of tbe bon/bold, inenial.

_ t .More occidional. ’ ‚д

I 6. boord, tabling,jôjonrn, entertein, Inn, Над‘!

GUEST, Boarder, Sry'ourner, 9иаг1ег‚1ш13с‚1!с‚‘ад/там! liver).

` ‚ 3. _ Power


i, _'

\­ .o

Úeconomicol Relation. Part. 11.

Chap. Х. Oeconoinical Relation. 25Ta

I Power to cp'nim'and : or Duty t'o obey. _ _ _ _

MASTER, Lord, Sir, Mtßreß, Danae, Madam, Lady; _ _

‚ 7‘ SER1/ANT, Servitor, Minii't'er, jllan,llla.d, __Handn1aid,ßrvile, ad

î minißer, Hind, îourneyman, Prentice, Waiter, Даешь), Footman,

Page, Liver .

'Bent t: || conferrci'd: or received. _ _ _ ‚ _ _ _ _ _ _

l ‚ BENEFACTOR, Courte/le, Kindncß, Favour, Service, Good turn,

8. î Pleaßtre, _gratifîe,obl1ge, ingage,good oßlce, Patron. _

BENEFICIARI, beholding,bound, obliged,ing_aged humble Servant.

General obligation of proteäing other-nor being under_fuch Proteäion.

k .

‚ PATRON agay..p'port, dedicate. ‹ _ _ _ _ __

9 DEPENDANT, зиме’, Cadet, Client, Родом’, Retinue, nait.

1V. Relations of EQUALITY or FeIIowIhip (as was Iiiid concerning ivrtiutiit'.'

'thoië of the former Difference) do originally belonp,r to perfonsin an TY

Oeconomical capacity 5 thoughthey are not _in the Iirióie-II fenfe to be

fo confined, but they are likewife applicable to perfons upon other con


Thefe are founded 5 either upon , ‚ ‚ _ . ‚

"Миша!Love .° or Hatred, which IhouId be chieiiy upon the account of

Vertue : or Vice. - ­

FRIEND -_/7_Iip, Confident, Privado, intimate, ad one, being in with,

‘ l. Amity, amicable, bcji'iend, great withdŕrilie in with. hind, ottone.

-`_ ENEJIIT, Adverßvy, Род/111103014”, oppoßteßpponemfeudßaßdit),

' Oddr, Spite, Enmity, being out тих/2,101.’ out with, vadvetß party.

_ ‘_ Converßztion with others, chiefly upon the account of Plealur'e5 or Se‘- _

l gregation from others. ‚ _ .

COMPANION, (ompeer, AßociateJc/lon». Match,Mate,Conßrt,$o­

2 дед’, sociable-nef, Comrade, Collegue,_Conip/iœ, Concomitant,'Goj/i ,

' aß'ociate, accompany, Cretp. Gang, [reep company with. _

SOLITART, lonefom, a ’oue, onely, reclujê,jò_le,ßngle, Solitude, by it

„_ _v _ retired, е1‹Ё/Ё’а‘:0,л‘рега1, фиг.

ear t or remote a Itatlon.

NEIGHBOUR, adjacent, vicinity. _,

3' FOREINER, Alien, exotic, extraneouo, peregriue,outlandi]l1.

Particular Knowledge : or Ignorance of others.

I АСQUAINTANCE, Familiar­ity,convet1lmt.

I4’ ЗТНАЫБЕК, ßŕange, alienate, unacquainted,uncouth, alien.

{Dea/inps trith others.

от: y; as one art . _

75. PARTNERÈ Coïartner, PartizLan,Sharer,impa_rt, joyn,cotnntu`4

М lnicate, (штат, halvet,joynt_­/l0ck, partake.

ниш“y ; as party an party.









Oeeouomieal ` Relation. Part. II.


'v “псы V. The chief Occonomical Duties (which are Iikewife applicable to’

TlON ‘реф other Relations) are thofe which concern the due Government of per

elly-fel‘ńn? {orsin this capacity, chiefly of the inierìour and younger fort, Í‘tyled by

ш ‘iom». the general name of EDUCATION, трат, train, breed, bring npsßqm‘

ndr). i l

Education Нигде: conlifting in WORDS do refpeâ‘ either

"А thing to be done,or forborn 5 exprefling to other»` our Defìregpr their


"Simp/)15 to peri'ons

ìlnjerior; for it: or againß it. _ I

COMMAND, require, bid, intpofè, eharge, znjojn, exaŕ7,appoint,

prtyi‘ribe, Mandate, Риму‘, Injunëlion, CotnnIandnientJ/npe.

l L ratizie, Warrant, tri/Í. ­ _ - _

I I FOKBID` Prohibit ion, interdit?, inhibit, bart', eontrabandfaim.

terniand. _

< Equal, for it .° or again/i it. ’

Indueernent, dnüile, exor'able,pliableJ ßexible, draw in, El».


DISSUADE, ite/Jort.

Superior 5 fitr it .° or again/t it.

‘SPERSUADEL exborßßta/orj, move, р’ф; win, eajole, Motive,

< 2






< I Poßulation, invite, implore, Obteßation, Obß’eration, купе/1,

I I 3. e Де, ßipplirate, folieit, preti’s urge, iii/tant, Iniportunitbeonjure,

I exorable, inexorable. ‘

I DEPrtECaTE. _ »

[Argumentatioe’jq (i.) with reafons repref’nting it chiefly as

fHonejtî: or di/bone/t. `

ADVISE, eounjêl` eonßilt,wi]b one. .

4’ WARN, adneonijb, Monitiòn, advertiß’,Caution,Iteni,Preeaution,

рта/21001111, notifie, Pro'vißt, Caveat, joretvarn.

‹‚ Plea/ant : or unplea/ant.

ÈALLURE, tempt, tice, entire, till, drill, inveigle,rnove,draw,lub/,


litre, lead, tole, train, egg on, win, перил, bait,ßale.

DETEHR, «zweitrangig/it.

'ft’rońtable : or hurtful.


' THREATEN, Coeur/titration,rnenaee,denounee: _

l tA thing already done.; exprefiing our liking .­ or dij/ile@ of it, whether

’ ‘Io tbernjelver, in their prefence.

COMMEND, applaud, extoll,niagnfejnengreeontrnend.

J 7‘ REPREHEND, repro'oe, rebuke, ebide, blarne, cheek ‚111%, qui?,

' i rate, rattle, eontroüßabe up,fhent,fnd fault, ßtrifoeßedarguti

I 0n, culpable, дач", feo/d. `To other:, in their ablence. ' Y

З PRAISE, Faine, О/тудепопт,Епсотйит‚стадия/510114451“





plaußb/e, ‘фр/‘0101сот’яет!3 Douro/ogyI Panegyrie.

DISI’RAISE, difeoiamenet.

VI. Oecono

INTREAT, btfecehpray, ‘ММ, шт, Mk,Petition, ßipplieaie, .

Ch1p. @economical Relation. 2 5 3`

. l . . . ' ‘.` ' ‘ А

‘ VL Oeconornlcal шт: of EDUCATION coniïíhng chlcHy m YLEDUCÄ.lDEEDS, may be dií‘tinguiíhed into fuch as are either _ ~ gags..

rPrecedent 5 Íignifying the П ф/Нпд ’.- or hindring another in the _ '

i f Wa] of doing

l DIRECT, Лет‘, guide, lead,govern.i <l l’ ÉSEDUCE, мир‘, err-or,aßray, nti/lead,deceive,delude,Ã'ervert,be

l guile, dehaueh, inveig’e, мёда/(е, Over/ight, Fadacyßop

l in, lead dido, Fool: Paradi/e.

LWill of doing.

2 INCOURAGE, animate, hearten, comfort,ßlaee,ahett,hac/ç, cheer,

l 2 ‚

»cherij/J, countenance,jet on, [tand l},patroniz.e, quicken, excite.

I ВЫ‘СО‘КЛМЮЕа drflsearten, difatti/nate, wea/(en, df'f‘otnfort, han/k,4

дата, droop, quail, out of heart, cre/ì‘faln, exanz'ntate.

Coneonzitant 5 v/ìtpporting again/ì Evil.

‹ Paß : orpreßnt. `

COMFORT, ConßlationJô/ace.

l 3‘ DIscoMFoRT, dtfwnjâlate, uaeangîtrtable

l Preßnt, erft/ture, whether of


Want 5 either in whole : 0r inpart

I MAINTAIN, ßtßain,jîtpport,‚ай,‘ keep,provide for, затрат,

14. _ Пас/160011. ‘

STIPENDATE, Allowance, Exhibition,Pen/íon, Ännuityßcho

latßtip. .

kDanger. v

DEFENDING, ßanding to or hy one, guard, ward, prg/Erve,

5. Ё ]Ъе11ег‚рг01ей‚_/йш,]%псе‚ keep, tutelar). .

DESERTING, leave, афише,forßzke, qnit,ßinch, reIinqui/ÍJ.

‘(мг/фиг”! а relating to the ­

Perfino, endeavouring to better them h] puni/lament: while there is*

hope 0r eea/ing to punijh them as being pa/í hope.

6 âCORKECTING> chaßzfíng, di/Z‘ipline,t'nfli¿ï.

' GIVING OVER, leave.

Event of jueh dealing: 5 l1) making thern better : 0r toorfe.

REFORM, reclaiming rnend, convert, correa.

7 ' êI-IARDEN, ineorrigiltle,indurate,oltdttrute,jeared.


oacono. _



254,,-­­­­ _ „__————‚——‹›` ¿aL-_Aww


._i oECoNoMiCAL' PosSEss1oNs~~

o; 1 1. Y oEcoNoMicAL PossEssioNs, Eßaf@chatear/fantasme,

АИ]!у‚С/мпе1:,/:о1а1‚5п]о;,fëized of, occupbindowgn hand‘entcr upon,

are intended fuch kinds ci things as are neceilîtry upon feveral accounts

fot the ufe,prefervation, and well‘being of а ram-1;. And though diver,

of thefe things,as l.and,Building:,&c. be common as well to Political and

Ecclefinliical Bodies,yet do theyCas was End before>originally belong to

.Faint/ier, to which all other Afiociations were iublcquent, and in which

they were founded. To this may be adjoyned that other Notion ванну

ing the beneñt accruing to us by our PoiTeHions, ůyled REVENUE, In- ­

eome,Intrado, Patrimon),Kent,Pro/ítßndotvmentßteuard,F¢¢b1/ai[„p„q„¿_

_Thele Poñèliions do refer either to things (ßraf’gbepfwud.

Natural, as LAND. I.

Artificial-3 whether ‚ „

f Buildings, confxdered according to then'


Parts. _

l GREATER. nt.

_ f LEssEn. Iv.

tThingr fèr‘viceable for

CARRlAGE. V; . ì

FURNITURE, ‘Uteryr'ln VI.

t. вещает’ I. That part ofthe Earth wherein any man' hath a propriety, is flyled

‘if *MD5* LAND,Earth. And he common!) re :der upon it, 'tis called his DWEL‘

LING, Habitation, Manjíon,Honxe, in аЬйу‘е/йедптпцдфпд‘РЕ/детей

Solitude, abide,jettle, fla). ~

The feveral Notions belonging to this,m:ty be diltinguifhed into fìtch

asñ nifie ~Btizth Land and Habitation, [уйдет for one Famil) : or afnallaggre

‘gate ofjuch.

FA RM,I Grange, Ale/inge, Tenement, Tenant, Copyhold.

I’ ÉMANOR, Lord/hip, {lib/age, Thorp, Homage, ïithzng, Libert),l

Land alone r, according to the­

‘ Затем! name .­ or the name denoting a larger extent tf it.

FIELD, Синий, froft.

2‘ FORREST, (hafê,I/erderer, Pur/ieu.

Particular kindr; diltìnguilhable according to their

"Ufer, either for“

rHerbe: or Fruit-Treu. \ ‚

i l GARDEN.Í ’ ORCHARD, Шифр’.

' ` Corn : or На}.r ' ARABLE, ‘Щи! Land, ear Land, Follow, La] Land.

'i' MEUOW, Mead.

l Tame Beaß: : or wild Beaßr.

‹ ‘ s PASÍURE. Down, Lawn,Herbage, Hayward, Leo/ë, Partage.

' PARK, Warren, Paddock, Keeper.

Fi/h : or Fowl.

i 6 FOND, sie».


i .


I Po/ß’ßiom. ‚

Chap. X.

I Í lFctvel; „greater .' 0l’ lef?. ~ -

Д‘ ЁУУООПБ, Sylvan, Thicket, Cope, Grove.

Н 7’ НЕАТН. '

„Qta/Hier, being either of

âßqnalwetneß, fron: fre/h.- о} fron: jidt Water.


Uneqaalwetmß; whereof` the excefs is either

or under the fnrface, within the Land.

’моон, щит/10111. —

БОСС, gltfagmire, Slough, Fding?.

Н on the fiajaceà

Il. Thofe kinds of Help: or Contrivzmces whereby

ce: of their abodefrom the Injuries of Weather, and other Inconvenìen- таз‘

cies, fiyled by the common name of BUILDINGS, Edzfce, штате,

Fahne, creó?, Architeä'are, Snperßrnünre, Snbßrnů‘ion.

То‘ which may be oppofed the Notion of building: decayed, called

RUINS, dilapidate, даты/1, raze, [Эй/11110”, Wrack., Rnbble, Rnbblß,

fall, break, ßtbvert, throw down, la] waiî. — ` `

"Thefe may be diftinguifhed, according to their Ufesjnto fuch as arefor

r'Ordinary habitation 5 whether intr/loveable : or moveable. '

¿HOUSE Метраж, Mefùage, Cote, Cottage,'Hnt, Shed,


Havel, Laage;гi

Place, dome/lic, Ining.

TENT, Tabernacle, Pavilion, Booth, Bowie,

Grandeur : or Strength. '

‚ PALACE, Seraglio. "

l 2° CASTLE, cmaael. _ _ —

l Height мышц; either wir/»ll a ßat.- or jïwpfop. —

TOWER, Turret. _ .

STEEPLE, Pinnacle, Shafì‘, Spire,

¿v Religione worjhip 5 for Invocation or Preaching:

i ÈTEMPLE, Church, Chappel, Sanâ'uary,

: 4.l

dral, Chancel, glfire.


Warmth, сим/ту!’or Health; Whetheri „ЁЗТОУЕ, Hot­houfë.

‘s’ BATH, Stew, Bain, drencht.

LPaÜage-j, either

'Above ground, Uover the Water: or over dry Land.

‚ -6 BRIDGE, Pontage. _Y ' SCAFFOLD, Stage.


0r jin' Sacrißce.

Synagogue, Moßlne, Cathe

by H warnt Air .~ or Water.

_ t' ‘Upon the ground 5 denoting apaved paßage bctnvixt Bttildingr: tvo1

<| which may be annexed the more

. . ЁЗТКЕЕТ, Piazza, Lane, Ally. ‚

« 7 ’_ WAY, Rode, сайта, Cour/ë, Avenue, conveyßgrefgAllhPathJa/î#

' age. ` ' ‚

"Under ‘типа’.

For Per/ont.

general term of thepaäageplae e.


8. VAULT, Groff. ’ A

For Water., Н n ¿ful : or Лира/11401‘. А

9- ЁАСЦПЕ HCT, Conduit, Watencotirfe.

SINK, Sewer, Kennel, ITI. To’

nien pre/Erve the Pla Buiimf `~

_ 'Q55 __ Pcßeßionf. PartlT.

lit. Greater «III» To the GREATER PARTS OF which BUILDINGS d_g con

' â‘lrl‘l’l; lift, and into which they may be diftributed, may be ad‚супа‘! that .ufu

mes. ' a1 kind of divino" nyied BAY.

Thefè are either

'More general ; concerning the _ _

rMain de/ignof the Timber-niark: or the dividing pari.

l ~ FRAME, Con/paga, Skeleton.




Principalрот; whether дугу“: .‘ or aggregate.

< ЗКООМ, Chamber, Cabbin, Cell, Hall, Parlour, Sie. Kennel, Si),


Stable, Btc. Lobb), Loft, &c.


ltVacancie: or Гайки; without: or within.

COURT, Tard, Back-fide. _

3’ ENTRY, Paß'age, enter. _ . .

LMore particular 5 dillinguilhcd according to their Ufes _and Situations 5L

Гарри". ‚ ~ (being either for

'fIntern. . ` _

Lower-5 whether erect : or tran/iierfé. _ ’ _

_ FOLINDATION,l Ground-work, Subßrnction, Baje, Bottoni,

4. Ё fnndanzental,underpinning, ground-pinning.

FLOOR, Ground, Deck 5 Contignation.

Higher5 erect: or tranfuer/e.

SOblong and narrow.


l VILLAR, Со/йтщРо/Ё, jambe, I’ile, Pille er. _ L

2 s' BEAM, Зря”, Rafter, Mantle, Тип/от, Summer.

¿_ l Flat: or Curve. `

lWALL Se intent, ina/nare, connterniure ‚лит!

6 3 a

' ARCH, Vault, enibozved.




' kExtern 5 pnt to : or' built fo the part which it трат. K” ‘

' PROP, till,дура", IiP/.30161,fla) up,_/l.iore np, ­,Úioulder ‚ф, nnder- _

7. prop, nndcr-ß‘t. ` _ '

BUTTRESS. y' " « ‘lfovering5 Whether “biglie/i: or ßibordinate. l '

8 êROOF, Covering, 'Ii/t, Penthon/è, Lead:,'1'hatch, Tiling,S/ate,° SIELING. i ‘ _ (Shing/u.

. [таит 5 either Simple .­ or witha Tube to it for „Дату“ the Smoke.


¿CHIMNEY, Tunnel, Mantle. щ

rv. или Iv. LEssER PARTS or BUILDINGS are dininguifhabieimo

äîä‘ä fuch as are ferviceable 5 either for

швы. ГАДдзе upward: and downward: 5 being either innnotieablœor moveable.

4'- . STAIRS.' . ‚

' LADDER, Scale. ' ‘

Paf/"age in and ont 5 either of Perjân: : orfig/h Air-,confidered according

' Whole. (to the

â 2 ÉDOOR, Gate, Port-er, Wicket, Poßern, Hatch, Porch, Portal.

‘ WINDOW, Caß'nient, Balcon). "

Part: relating to a Door chiefly, or Window.

‘то/мм it5 abone : or below.

i _ l, 3 ётнвъзноыэ, «S'il/,Gronnd/ìll.

ll ‘LINTEL. 'Upon

Chip. Х. Poßìßionr. ' 2 "57'l

[Upon it 5 for tht.' ’ `

' I’Opening andjhtettine of it.

I More arti/i'cial, IIthejîxed: Or Ьфрш.

LOCK, Padlock.

l 4‹


,l More‚тыс; to open II fiona within enel] : or both trajet.

I _ BOLT, Barrs Sparr.


`_Motion of it.; II concave : or convex.

6 ЁНШЮЕ. _

' STAPLE, Hook

V. By CARRIAGE is meant the Conveyance of things front one place #.Tl‘tîagsi'oi

to another .­ to which may be annexed by way of affinity the Notion of CARRIAGEÃ

[he Heavy thing to be carried, BURTHEN, (Миф/пёс, onerate, Fare,

Fraight,charge,ßircharge, Luggage,Lnrnber,ditburthen,exonerate,overcharge,

The provifions of this kind do relate to thing: confide'red as y (overload.)

f Whole 5 being ufed for the Carriage either of Perfons or Goods, and

movin either

ïWith W eel: 5

' â Four Wheels 5 either the more elegant .° or the moreplain.

I COACH, Chariot.

° WAIN, Waggon.

I | t Two Wheels; either IIthe more elegant : or the moreplain.


' CART, Carr, Dra),7'uinbrel,

t Without Whse/.f5 being either to be

_ I Carriedbetween the Moverx'geither the то’: elegantwr the ntorëplaiti.

_ SEDAN, __Litter.

ì@ маком

Drawn along after Мед‘.



Part: of the thing upon which the weight is drawn or carried 5 ferving

* either for

1 Г Faßning to the Animal: which draw or carry, Мёд either double: or

I ) ‘ SHAFT, inl/i. ‚ . (teelt:

_ I2 5° POLE. °

Motion 5 beingfor ßgnre and Длина’:Roundand ereů' .‘ or oblong and ‘тиф/ту‘.

I â 6 WHEEL, Truc/(le, Trundle.

' AXIS, Spindle.

I The central .’ orjêrnìdianzetralpart: ofthe Wheel.

NAVЁ. ’_

7’ Ёзрокв, rec/nn. _ ‚

`Furniture ofthe Animal: which draw or carry-j, either for

Supporting of the Trunc .' 0r the Feet of the bnrthen.

З 8 SADDLE, Packjlzddle, Pad, Pannel, Pidio‘r‘i.


Direäing the Motion 5 bj the Head .' or Sider.

BRIDL Е, Rein, Henaßn/l, call, snnple, on. _ _ _

9' TRACE. L- 1 vr. By



Pro'wßom". Part. Il?

, ~

_PJ .~~_",


' ‘П. FURNL VI, By FURNITURE (Ute'nßl:,Implement:,Hotg/laoldjìnßjtloweabler,

TURE. .Good:,furni_/l.»,ft. provide, procure, пай”). is meantthofe moveable _tbingt

of various kinds reqmßte to the feveral ufo: ofa Fanni). Theie are either

.î More[ту/е, intended chiefly for Aůion, according Ф

The general name.

Ё 1_ INSTRUMENT, Implement, Tool. 'Some лжи! kind; oflníiruments', Hjbr cutting : or für 101004571@ a

l Q KNIFE, Razor. _

` HAMMER, Sledge, Mallet, malleable, duòì'ile, Beetle,1’oleax.

Leß‘ßmple,being made up of (‘ш/ста! ражчз1оупсс1 togethenaccording tu

The genera! naine t' or that kind ufêd for tbe drawing op of water.

У ]ЦОАМЕЫТ, Fronte.

f . ‚ 3’ РЦМР. ‘

‘ ‘Some ßœcinl kindf», being ufed for

‘ Putting thing: upon, being either Н moveable 2 ог fixed.

` TA FLE, Щи”, Dreyer, Bord, Cnpbortl.

I 4’ SHELF. t

_ Sitting upon onely5 to which ‘may be annexed by way of añinlty,that

l other Utenfil intended for tbc saß’ amlfoftnqß щит‘; or фиг.

‹ ЗТООЬ, Seat, Fакт‘, Bene/J.

s' CUSHION, Pillow, Балта’, Pil/ion.

Sitting and leuning : 0r fitting and [jing upon.

6^ {снмщ Throne, settle. ‘


‚ l' ¿lying andjleeping upon 5 to which that may be annexed ofthe Esme

afhnity as in the Fifth. ’

_ BEDSTED, Settle, Cradle, Ttßor.

7’ BED, Pal/et, Hammock, Mutiny?, “ф, Kennel,Litter,Uplw_l/Í6r.

More complicate, by reafon of the mixture with Wheels or Screws, Sie.

according to

The general name; or that pnrticulur kind tg/edfbr fbg „hwg „дата“.

8 MACHIN, Engine, Frame, Gin.

' TRAP, Gin, Springe, Pitfal, Tolle, шеи-е, Waele, Buck, Net, In

" Лене‘_ i Some [Рейд hindi, for Н grinding qf Corn, ôte. or dyt‘inguü'ing of

_ "_' ` ‚Нант.y ` MILL' gimme.

9’icLOc’ïK, Wmo. °


Q- Il Í. Nder this Head of ­lÍ‘RtÓVISIONS (dcconn'nodationf,Eqnipaggfìŕ;

nifb,provide,procure,Win19,) are comprehended fome ofthe fame

'kinds of things as under the immer, with this peculiar Difierence, That

feveralof the particulars under this are more occaûonal and traníient,


Chap. X. ` i Profotßon'r. '_ _ ‚259


and not of fuch continual ufefulnefs as thole under the other. Thefe are

dìftinguifhable into рт!) as

‚ f Haveparticular referencer, either to ~

I rFood, as to

Тhe kind: of it. .



‘ I f The manner of PREPARING it. III.



шуму’ aCOMMON MIXED Nature. VI. ‚ _

I. By SUSTENTATION ORDINARY (Commonr,Fare,Cheer,Diet, i ¿mime

Meat, Уганда/темнее, Viůualr, Manciple, Caterer, Раки”) is intended ТА’ГЮЁкY,

fuch kind of Food as is “вы for ordinarjperjònr, and ordinary timer, 0mm ’

either according to the

General name, whethergreater,ntore Ливадия/Зал! and ufual: or lef?,

and more occajîonal. _

Í . MEAL, Dinner, Supper, Refeêîorj.

l ' REFECTION, Bait, Bever, Вид/(141,С01/а!50’2‚Кёр0/1,1\7ит1’10п.

Particular kind: , dil‘tinguifhable according to the matter, Whether

Solid and con/tßent , being made either of

I rGrain or рта Vegetable, "baked in a drier/uljtance without an] con/Í.

’ derable mixture, of all other the той common and neceñàry : or

„ elfe being wade up and mixed гид/длин other eatablefitbßance.

1‘ ЁВКЕАО, Loaf, Manchet, Cake,Dough,Birket, Paßßatchßantrj,п‘ 2 ‚


.‘ PUDDING, Haggie, San/age, Dumpling, Link.

‹ jtlilk (видах/Ы in Лидии‘ part : or of Milk coagulatedandprçíed.


— l


3’ CHEESE. _

Animal mufcular)l juli/lance, either alone : orput intoföme bread)

jiilytance, which is likewife capable of fome other ingredients.

Í `­ ‘ FLESH.

4’ PIE, Paß), Tart, Cußard, Нант, Paft, Paßry, Paßler.

`_Liquid5 either for

_ fEating, conlißing of ~­

I fWater boiled with fome other ingredientr, for the[деду/кит; if

I it for Food: or fitr the eoagulating if it.

I <| äBROTH, Pottage,Porridge, Candle, Cul/ice, 'Grout,Grrtel, Paru`

` '5


do, Poßët, “фиг, F„типу, Hogwajh, Potherbe.

_HGELLY, "congeal,< {Fatt} juice of‚диет! Vegetabler, and_fbmetinter of Animali, eatenl °

with other things, and ufeful for Medicine g to which may be

adjoyned the watery juice of dreßëd Fle/h.

II 6 olL. ‹


' GRAVY, yuice.

Drinking, the infn/ion of Burl] or fome other Grain ‘мстит’ 5

either "without Hoppa .- or with Hoppe.

' ALE, Whort, Brew.

7' BEER, Drink, Whort, Brew.


"' ”_"­’""""* "'_ „"‘Í

Q66 Provi/ioni. art. Il.

n_gìJg-l-E’N'. Il. SUSTENTATION EXTRAORDINARY (Cät‘e.f,Delicate.r,Dain.

­TATION. tiet,liccorouc,) may be eoniidered according to the . .

Зак?" Ёбепетдшиа , fgnijjing ahundan'c'cfvlfmt’ 'and ‘1f/'"9' 5 enh“ 0f "fo-’è

FEAST, Gand), (ßrhßantialМелко! ofSweet-ntean.

‘Н вАысшвт, gmt”, swam”, oefen.

Particular kind.: , ufed for 1

rEating, comprehending ‘ _ I

common requijìtet, for the letter "ИМ"! ifother Food5to which may

be adjoyned the „шт mixture: of‘тип i0 rt‘mltr therngratqfa‘l

2 SAUCE, Sal/6.,»~ (to the Palate.

’ CONFECTION, Conferveßonißt, Sucket. '

. 7 ' ‘для! ingredient: of Sauce, being either fOr îh¢ Taft

I ^ h Sweet, viz. thejuice ofthe[шт Слив," concreted : or deliquiafgd „u

~ ‹ SUGAR, (dijo/ved into a liquor ‚у‘ thickcon/Íßence.

l 3’ SYRUP.

` 0f hot andfavo@ Gtr/2 and Шаг/1.

4. SPICE, Aromatic, Grocer).

Sour , the juice o1" Стара, or infuft'on ofEarl) Бей”; eager .­ or the


l' I (ÍHÍCC 0f- ci'lhí.

5' VERJuicE.

i Drinking, whether more `

Natural, being either Н nioreмм : or the juice of Fruits, chiefly

Grapes : or other drink; made by mixture.

6 WINE,Sider,Perty,8tum,Mtdi,Vintage,l/intner,8ack,Claret,öcc,

' BEVERAGE, S}l/ahuh,il!ede, Waßal.

Arti/fetal,hj душ/„им withßre5accordimg to the moregeneral naine:

SPIRITS. (or thatparticular kind naß in aß.

-7' BRANDY. ‘

— nf, мы“, IIÍ. Aůions relating tothe PREPARATION OF FOOD (dreßìng,`

RATtoN 0i* crude, raw,) are either ’ ’

foon’ Generaland antecedaneotn, lignifying either the killing and dividing

of Все/1.‘ for Food: or the tnore conirnon notion of jïtting hoth Flo/h

and. other proper Materiali', in order to their heing eaten. i

l BUTCHERING, Shana/iler, Slaughterhouß.

' COOKING drei/ing, Kitchin Scuh/ion dreßMeat.

Special andfìt/¿ßq’uent , denoting the Ieverai kinds of Cookery , either

More principal, thepreparing and тайги; thingt.

' Wet, in a wider, or clqßr veße'l, in a greater, or leßër quantity.

‚ I2 BOILING, Decoůion, Seething,fod, Ehullition, parl/oil, pooch.

‘ STEWING. ' "

‚ t I Dit), hjholding it to,or turningit ahout near the Fire : or [i] laying it

I ‹ on a hot Hearth, or in fome cloß: heated Cavity.

‹ I âaoAsTiNo, rating, spa, etait/i, 3mi.

ì 3' _ BAKINQ. Baker, Oven, Pri/lr), Batch. I

y L1`l4z.rced,part being wet and part dry, either zn an open broad vtß‘l :

— . FRYINGFr-icace,Fritterßteah, (or hy lajing it on the Fire.

` ' 4' BROILING, Üarhonadoing, Gridiatle, Gridiron, lía/her._

LLaßprincipal ,- relating to thc

"Preparingof it, by

I “пищу,

-ei 'l flnto, punóîirn or трат, pointntijïr or edgewi/Z'.

° l PINKING, Pottnc1ng,l’r1'cking,

l s' SLASHING, gojhing,haßing,carhonado,jagg. Through,

l l lîhron'gh.; either in laminated : or mare minute partie/er.

4 6 SLICING. Codop, Haj/J. ‘_

’ MINClNG,ßJred,chop, лиг/512111 _ __

t Application of other thing: 5 either U niet : or dr).

‘ _ 7. Eärljppizg, fprt'nklQwIglIß/Ét‘ßoü.

ont ertng,cornz` icing.l ‘мята, both cuitting and ‚фр/панд”. l

l 8 STRATIFY, Lair, interlacing, interlarcl, la] in.

' LARD prick in, fiick in interlarding. e

— ьРтг/ётййпда eitiier Н in met '.° or in dry. ‚ __

‹ PICKLING, Живёт.9’ coNDiTtNG, pfq/ëfaia¿,ean1ang, @Mayr-aandrang,

_ 1V. Such things as are requifitefbr the covering ­ofour nakednijìand the Ще

preferving of us fromthe injuries of weather, are (iyled by the name of

CLOTHING, Ve/i, Apparel, attire, Array, Garment, даётся‘, Habit,Garb,

это/едой, `Wced, accoutred, clad,dight, drol/ing, make read), ivear, тиф,

Lieeiy,p`ut on or of, naked,ДН”, bare, Tajlour,~ Wńdrope.

To which may be adjoiyned, for its afiinity, the ufual name of thofe

other things of the like u e amongů inen upon particular occafions, and

more generally required for labouring beaíis 5 ARMAMENT, Нашей;

Tackle, Array, Habiliment, Trappingr, ‘копией, Furniture, Tracer.

The feveral particulars under this Head may refer 5 either to

‘ fThe matter of which Vdi: are made 5 which is either

I'Sonie Animal fitbjlan‘ce 5 either of

l 'BedinThe hair]­ parir.

l S yWOLLEN, Cloth.




" HAirtY, auf, Saa/ah.

The Skinrof Bea/lr prepared. _ _ _

2. LEATHER, Вт: С’Ье‘ие’е1, 86C. Tann, Curry.

LInßrëì'r, viz. the Silk- vvorm.

3. SILK, ‘Младший,1/с1’ие#‚Р1н/Ъ‚ Taßethßcc. _ l

‚ ‚ роте Vegetable jirbßance 5 either the Rindof Plantr, as Hemp, Flai,

l Nettle,&c. or growing upon Treer.


LINEN, Canoa/e, Larvn,Damoek, Diaper, ёкс.

4’ coTToN, emiaß, riait-an.

.J'be :Jé andдым 5 either for l _ _

’Ornament onely 5 being elegantly dif'tihguiihed with Apertures and

LACE, gar-aaa,ganan, are. (Imereîßons.

5- PurtLE.I » _

Ornament and binding; being a

"Long Lanzin5 Н narrower : or broader. _ _

6 RIBBAND, Fillet, Tape, Favor, Knot, Hairlate.

' SCARF, Garter. _

ё Long Pin5 ßendererŕ or thicker.

THRED, Line, Wire, Tarn, шеф/лей.

7’ CORD, String, Halter,R0pe,Slip,Line,Reiit,

LLanii'n 5 Люда”; of Leather .­ or Loop and Pin.

I 8 THONG, Late/Jet, Strap.


LOrnament and coitcring of the outßde : or the injldë.

FACING. ‚ _ _

9’ iLiNiNG. V. such

‚ , ,_ _i


,_i 2 62 y ifgvißour. l Partll.

v. v. ‘sra und .f vente

e to contain other things, are ufually cal°

'SELS. led VESSELS, Cork, Receptacle, Pan, Plate, Ste.

­ Thefe are diíiinguilhable by their Matter,Shapes 'and Ufes,into fuch as ferve

'r'Keeping and carriage of thing: 5 being either (19„- the

Pliable to the thingr they contain5 whether “more loo/2 : or more clajê.

ÈBAG, Sack, Budget, Pocket, Pouch, Purfe, Sachet, Заир, Wader, Pit/(g,





jtlale, Knapßzck, Parttnantue, Cloak- baz.

CASE, Sheath, Scabbard, Shrine, Covering, 25h/er, Пёс, РШап’Ьеаг.

Suf; for

Arid; 5 being made either of bordi : or ‘ту.

Hutch, Locker, Safe, Spence, Preßî’yxßoßìn, SuInpter,De.rk, Flaß,

Till, Drarrer, Cap-caf?.

ЁВОХ, Che/i,'1'runk, Ark, Coßerßabinetßotket,Bin,Clapper,Cupbard, ‚


B ASKET,Fla:k­ афиша,Рта11‚Натрег‚Рлпп1ег‚8си"1е‚И/'ее1‚0офг‚

` Liquidt5 in

Greater ‘ритме: s either cliyêd at both ende.' or open at one.

4 BARREL, Cock, Fat, Firkin, Keg, Hogßiead, Kilderkiu,Pipe, Tun,

. Ё Butt, Rund/et, Cooper.

TUB, Bucket, Coul, Vote, Степ), Pale, Piggin.

Left'quantitie: 5 whether (Earthßgc:

Shallo1n5 being made eitherof Metal: or other materiale, Wood,

DISH Platter, Pan,(.`harger,I/'aider,L’únüLaver,l"atin,P/ate,Par­

4° äTPtAl, Pan,Baul,Trough, (ringerßaucer:

Deep 5 of a bigger .­ or [ejer aperture.

POT, Flagon, Tankard, :fac/t, fiar, Pitcher, jugg, Magg, Могу”,i i 5‘ ёВОТТЬЕ‚Сте’де1, уиддфг’ф. (Pq/tnetfürne.

Droll/ing or boiling ofMeat 5 either without : or withfeet.

6 KETTLE, Саши”; Copper, Furnaco.

’ SKILLET, Pipkin.

l¿Spending ; either by I

‘ Tай”! out, the Tube of eftyion to which may be adjoyned the in runtent

Spûüt. it.

7‘ TAP, арии, stapple. .

‹ Receiving in5 whether ofшпинат .‘ or oblong Cavity.

8 SPOON, Lad/e, Scurnnter.

' SCOOP, Shovel, laving.

` LLaying on of Meat .' or pouring out of Drink.


9 ` CUP, Boul, Goblet, Beuker, Сим, (halice, Mдве", Glaß

„сом. VI. The laß Head of COMMON MIXED Materials, muf’t be acknow.

Жди) ledged to be a very Heterogeneous heap. Butrhe (everal particulars under it

штш- being ‘югу neceffary in their kinds , and not reducible to :my_of` the other

ALS‘ Heads,l am forced to put them together here,not knowing at prefent how to

reduce them more properly. They are diitinguifhable by their Ends or Ufes;

being /uch Provüanr at concern .

rFoorl for Слив! 5 either|| of dried Gra/ï.’ or driedЛет: of Grain.

l HAY, Fadder. `

‘ STRAW, Fodder, наш, Litter, Thatch.

Грим/д and preparing of Food for men. \ _.


2. FEWEL, Firing, Logg, Col/ier, Woadnionger. -

Giving afl ight5 being inode either Н ofthe dried Fat ofAninia/.r : or af oil,

l CANDLE, Link, Taper, Torch, Light, Lanthorn.

3. Curing

ChapXI. _ Relation Civil _ I «I ¿634 I

Curing of Wound: or Sore: by outward application , being a qonßr'â'ion#

¿ медными, which is ßntetirne: /preadupon fonte Ve/l шла.

I SALVE, ‘Сидит’, Ointment.

4‘ PLASTER, Catapla/in, Serecloth, Poultt't‘.

L Clean/ing or .ilij‘ening of Clothea.


‘ 5' sTAacu. .

. I Communication bj Writing, denoting either the

идите”: '.' or Liquor to write with.

З 6 PEN.l _ . ' _ _ _ ‹

Matter to write on 5 confidered either Н in it: nature : or a: it i: coni

pañïed in ‚адгезии.

I PAPER, Parchment, Vel/um, Schedule, Bid-et, Ticket, Stationer.

7’ BOOK, Volume, Tbrne, Treati/è, Manuel, compile, compofe, Library,

Traŕì’, Pamphlet, ltlanufcript, Stationer.

kOrnament а Ь} repre/êntation of the Iikenefs of thingdîin lain : or дар/5:1.

- PICTURE, Pourtraiture, Eßìgiu, Draught, Map, C art, Landfcap,Em-­

8. ä blem, Image, Projeä‘ion, Scheme, Diagram, Ana/ent, Arr“, Enammel."

IMAGE, Statue, Puppet, Idol, Colo/i, Crucijîx.

С Н А P, Х I.

Concerning Relation more public ,_ whether I. Civil. Й. Judiciary.

III. Military. 1V. Naval. V. Eccleíiaftical.

Ore publiek relation may be difirib'uted into fuch as d0 concern thol‘e

feveral refpe¿`ts,.4¿îion': and ‘Лигу; belonging either to l _

Several Families aíibciated under Government, CIVIL RELATION.

Courts of ]udicature, and matters of Law, JUDICIAL RELATION.


Mens Affairs and T_raliique on the Water. NAVAL RELATIONl

Matters of Religion and Worfhìp, ECCLESIASTICAL RELATION.


. TI-Iat Relation arifing from the aíIÖciating ofFamilies under Gover'nni'ent I,

for mutual benefit and defence, is {I'yled Political or CIVIL, Republic,Commonwealth, State, political, Дек/т‘. i

To which may be oppofed ANARCHY, Confit/ion. '

The Notions belonging to this do refer either to ’

Perfon: in a’ political capacity, conlidered according to' their


ÈPROFESSIONS or Vocations. II.


Thing: or bufmefles, relating to’

RIGHTS". IV. _ l ’ ,' ‹ .ÉCONI RACTS for theÀ Aliena'tion oi~ от Rights.OBLIGATIONS for the Confirmation of Contrańts'. VI. ‚‹ I. Tlioŕë'

«54` и ц ` Relation Civili. _ Partll.

„DEGREES l. Thofe differences whereby 'men under a. Political Relation,ar,e di

01= MEN. í‘tinguifhed from one another,aecordmg to their feveral ranks,are fiyled,

DEGREES, Place, Qtalìl), Rank, Order,Senteheon,Coat of Arrn:,HeraId.

To which may be oppofed the word PARITY, Leve/ling.

Thefe are either _ _

"More general 5 according t0 the Erft common Drlîerence of govern

~ingmamely fuch to whom doth belong the power and care of dxreâ

ing others in their duty, and rewarding or pun‘lfhlng them accord

ingly : or governed,namely fuch as are underthxs Power.

MAGISTRATE, Retîî'orßovernonr,Regent)Rule` er,Doniinion,Szvay,

Conßil, Pre/ident, Provoß, Warden, Head, Territory, Seigniorbltla

jor, Bay/i , Syndic, State:, ïïurifdiäion.

SUBJECT ­ion, ИЛИ, fnbnzit, Honragc, Liegen/an, Private per/ën,

truekle, ‘Onderling

‘мигранты-5 relating to

f Kind: ofprincipal Magg/tram; which have great variety of Titles in

feveral Countries, not necefiàry to be dil‘tìnäly provided for here,

excepting onely fuch as are either 3 Sovereign: or Hornager: to fome


i KlNG, Sovereign, Emperorjneperial,MonarchQfeen, regalJ гуд!’




Majeß), reign, Kingdonnlorcl, Djnaßyßultan, Cham, Liege Lord,

Regent, Rea/nx, Diadem, Crown, Coronation, Мера, Throne, en

’ throne, Идет).

PRINCE, Potentate.

l Order: of ‚Идеал

I rHigher'.

j More general, comprehending the greater: or Ießër Nobilit).

ÈLORD, Peer, Комета)‘, honourable, Patrieian, Duke, ¿lar



qneß’, Earl, Count, Viji‘onnt, Baron.

‘CENTLEMAN, Gentry, Knight, E/anire, Sir, Madam, Wor'.

flip-fit1, Gentil ­it},We/lhorn. _

4 More P@facial 5 with relatlon to the Degree: 1n Izheralï’roßßonr,

either perfeä : or im'hoate.

l GRADUATE, commence, Degree, Doêïor, Illaßler, Rahhi.

<I4' CANDIDATE, Batchelor, Incc§tor,eanva:, jike,ßandfor.

,y . | Middle, conûdered —

Aggregatei). '

5. PEOPLE, Folle, CornnIonaItj,Conznznnitbnxeamdßnre, igno

l -` hle, Pleheian,Populaeie,popnlar,popu/ow.

Segregately5as they are Inhahitant: either in “Стены the Countre]

6 ЁСГПЁЕЫ, Freeman, три/‘поёт’, Denizon,'ïomnfman.


LLower fort, conlidered


l I


7. RABBLE, Fte/grrr, Tag-rag, [2a/è.

«Segregatclj 5 according to their шт of Dignity: or Wealth.

l, I 8. ÉVILLAIN, VarletJîafea/,PeafantBoor,jêrviÍe,Sirrah,I/iúal,hú.

BEGGAR, Rogue, Mena/nant, Shake-Mgg.

Condition: if :nen 5 a: having a right to c//ßoß’ of them/eine: : 0r not.

FREEMAN, liberal, enfranehifi, Burg@

9' SLAVE, enfaneipate,nzannr//ißßrvi/e,itliheral,Bondrnan, Вопdage, Thrill/doin, enthra/Í, enjtavelßrve, Drojl, Drudge.

' ' Il. That

Chap. XI. i Civili Relation. 565

_\‚‹»—‚——‹`‚ L.


_ IIÍ‘That courfe of life about which one is ul‘ually employed, and to ‘gèspslfgńsr

which he vapplies himfelf for the getting of a SubÍiI’tence, is Iiyled his '

PROFESSION, Vocation,Calling,'Irade,Fnnctionßccupation, Cour/è of life,

Craft, llfßßery. .

То which may be adjoyned the word denoting the actual [Не of fuch

Ceilings, PRACTICE, Exercijê, Ußgjollozv, put in ure. '

Thefe may be diftinguilhed, into fuch as are either

More neceßary and beneficial to humane life; whether ‚

I r.Liberal Profeßionnfuch as become free and generous men 5 relating ci. f

‘fThing:. (ther to

rSacred 5 as || dijêovered by revelation .° or as the knowledge of

them is attainable by nature.

‘ I DIVINE, Theology, Clerk, Schoolman.


‹ Civil andpolitical5 namely, the more generally received Lani: and

l Conflitutions : or thofe belonging to вид-Ноя!” Nation.




'COMMON LAWYER, Pettzfogger.

[Мат-а! 5 with particular reference te the diffe/è: of mens bodies

and their cure, either by direction ­° or by manual operation.

¿PHYSICIAN , Medicine, Patient, Empiric, мощном/1,

g .


gnackßlver, Farrier, Leach, Receipt.

CHIRURGION, dre/Í` a wound.

{Wordîgêílgêigíâgglîtä thce o_:nament: of difŕourjë.

1 f1 IC.

‘ 4' POET ­ry, Poem; Bard, Mie/è.

l ъ11йЬе1’а15 belonging more peculiarly _

l r'I'o a Town, coníifting of Trade: of Il exchange .­ or manufacture.~

_ MERCHANT, Market, P_ed'ler,Huck:ter,Fodger,Hawlnzrßegrá#

5. ter, Shopkeeper, Trafic, Dealing, Merchandize, Fair, ß/lart.

I MECÄibAIÈIC, Handicraft, Ariißcer, Manufacture, Адам,

Wor ou e. ’ \

| 1T@ the Country, relating to the my? ancient Profeilions of

' l Til/ing the ground : or feeding of Cattel.

\ l l 6 HUSBANDMAN, georgia,Hinde,4griculture, Tillageßaylifœ,

l C' „ЕЕЪЁЁЗВЗЭЁ, _.S'helpherd, Pa/ior, Cow-herd, Hog-herd.

a ing nn nzma :. .

‘_ 7. HfUNTSMAN,bHunt­er, Fowler, Fi/her, cha/ê, trace, тиф, Ve

ni on Game,Poc er.

l tBoth :lo Ton’m and Country5 for the carriage of thing: by Н Water : or

Lan .


_ ’ CARRIER, карт, Cargo.

дым‘шеф’; 5 comprehending thofe feveral ProfeIïions which tend to

the diner/ion of others5 l1 by atftlng or erßnatingjòmeparticnlar Story

or Fiction : or by amufìngof men by t e Agility of body or hand.'

ÈPLAYER, Actor, Comedian, Tragedian, Play, Stage, Theatre,

Enter-Inde, Рас/отце. _

PRESTIGIATOR, Маше” of tric/g, juggle, Legerdemain,

Hoca:poca:, Tumbler, Dancer on the rope:, 8cc. xifonntebank.r


M m III, The

266 i ¿vil ilíelation. Part, Ц; l

in, CON, III. The feveral Ag regates of men under Political Government;

VINTION? are ufually Iiyled either y that more general: or лист! name.

CONVENTION, A_[le'mbly,M¢eting,€ongregation,Convocation,Company,

Rendczvouz., Concourß, Confluence. Qtireßhapter, Conzmittee,Club,Ha/l,

convene, Conventie/e, ‘БЫ/дат, Alfqgjloch, or gather together.

SOCIETY, Gjld, Gang, Tribe, Clan, Fraternity, Club, Knot,Crew,Fel/on`v»

vlhip, Company V

Thefe are either fuch as have the iät'ne

(General inducement: 5 in refpeů' of I

I fLanguage andßipreme Government 5 whether primitive!) : or de


i NATION ­al, epidemical, ‚имидже, People, Country, vernam'.

i l ‚Ё lar, Patriot.

I COLONY, Plantation.I I

`Place of Habitation; confxdered according to the

General „лиц denoting fuch as inhabit more diß‘eifcdlj in the

open ßeld: .­ or more clojë together, фа”; within fencedplacer.

Clown, Tihe.

TOWN, Bnrrough.

l I ‹ ЁСОЦЫТКУ, rural, rujtic, Ред/ат, Boor, Hinde,l<ern,Szvain,

< 2

I L Specidkindt; Íignifying allthatpart cf a Nation under the feinte

Subordinate Статей“ dwelling more at large .­ or Ли!’ a:

dwell city? together, with peculiar Liberties and Priviledges>

in common amongů them.

PROVINCE, Circuit. ,

3’ CITY, Suburb:, Аппарат, See, Borough, municipal.

Lowe/i Government5 whether with : or without jurifdiflion.

SHIRE, Count), Tribe, Di/triä, Riding.

4' PARISH, parochial, Par/"on, Vicar, ïhorpeJ'iHage.

фунт! inducement:5 for

' Attendance on Governour: : or advice inthe Government.

5 ЁСОЦКТ ­ier, aulical.

' COUNCIL, Senate, Parliament, Diet, Conclave, Conlßoiyßafj.

I hedrim, Synod, Committee.

_ Education in Learning5 either II of the Adult, with a power to дева/ё

I themjin' the Liberalprofil/ion: : or one/)of Children or young be


‹ 6 UNIVERSITY, Academy, School.


Regulating the afair: o fome Trade .’ or Pro e ton5 e еда” i thecohabit for‘thtfe eredi:` in a of Political ß J f J

CORPORATION, G'jld, Brotherhood, fraternity, Compan},So­

7 ciel), communi/j, municipal, incorporate.

I COLLEGE ­iate, Fellow.

,Driving on fome deßgn, in general: or with particular reference

to the oppo/zng of what i: legali) e/iabli/hed.

LEAGUE, Confederac), Combination, Alliance,CompIice,Parti~

8. fin, Part), /ide with, Луи, hold together, Pac/Q, compaâ‘.

FACTION, Seti, junëto, Gang, conßireJìde with,combine,1’ar­

tуши, Oligarchj.

Ivo The

Chap. XI. ¿will Rane-0o. ' co7__y-.g

IV.. The thing: which in ŕj‘aßiee or Equity do'belong to perfons, are WRIGHT?

c_aiied RIGHTS, Title, Intere/ißßate, Tenure_Holding`, Freehold, Gifßcoi.

lation, Rover/ion, Landlord, Paramount, endom,enfeo_f§ ТО which may be

adjoyned the word LIBERTIES, denoting what'ioever is permitted, 0r

not forbidden to them. '

Thefe are coníidernble according to their

Original t being either

I’Prinmrj andunwritten. _ . ‚ — t.

I [Ми voluntary г, but according to the condition o/ it: heing: or

l сошли’: praů'ice and continuance, '





_ I' CUSTOM, aecnßonz, ‘о;;шот‚с„ф‚п/Ьгм‚кш, Ufàge, ф”,

" атм‘, conzrnon, ordinary,ure,enure,Hahit,PraêfìcqHaunßpre.

`lârióe, una/Ital, ohßlete, familiar, received, convefßnt, Hahit,l

,_ nianner,conr]è,Hank, 'Exercißg Pre/cription, Dlyitetude. `

{удалив according to the choice ofthe Wid: or a determined order.

a. ¿ELECTION t hoice.

SUCCESSION, devolve,jàdow, Place.

Secondary and written.

lGeneral; whether perpetual : or temporal.

_ íLAW,A¿7,Statuteßeereeßanůion, Con/iitution,Canon,1ìnle,legal,

3. [чтите,ешд‚0п1пдп‚оп1ег‚аЬта3ап‚’ереаАр’фтйщддфи’о’.

EDICT, Ordinance, Proclamation, Order, Breve, Buß, Aäßnle,_ Sanäion, Rejŕript. i

Special 5 ' conferringn Right to have : or Right to do.

ÉPATENT, (harter, Brief, Letter: Patente, Placard.


„parts 5 миф/11:13!»

_ гРтгт over that which if.

, I Оле‘: от: 5 either total/_y : or a: to the ‘ф ofit.

l* _ s PKOPRIETY, Concern, Owner, Proprietary.l

| ’ usus-FRucTus.Another’r 5 .either a: to hisреф’: .­ or his afairr. '

AUTHORITY, Power, Dominion, Prefeâ‘, Pre/ident,Head,Pro­

6 voß, Mii/YW, Plenipotentiarj, authentic, claßic, govern, ratiji'e,

° Ru’e,fva], infpeů'ion, пинг/ё, Precinct, Territory.

OFFICEgPlace, Cure, overlook, файле, ßiperintend, furveigh,

__ overßght, charge, conduct, Corning/ary, Preject, Codegue, Стоп.

Lihertj', wit h refpeâ to

Advantage: bj рта! Law, either oftheflprente мазут“ .~ or of

_f_ornepartic'n/ar rank, of Subjectr.


7' PRIVILEGE,Franchüßnfranchißgß‘eedont,Grace,preeniinence.'

Kenai/fion or exemption front the rigonr of a general Lato, in its '

Commanding.’ or prohibiting.


° LICENCE, Pera/zillion, Slofêrance, Leave, al/owanee, Faculty,

Connivence,y Placard, I_’ra ‘Не/(д let,tnaj,ft`gfer, adniit,difpence,

' í’ajŕport,.$’ty‘è conduct,Lëtter: of Mart.

Pani/hing '.- or impe/ing burthens.

9 ÈTOLERATION, Connivenedßcß'w, let alone, @garten










4 .


Civil Relation. Part. Il:

v, ¿Oki V. 'The mutual negotiating betwixt men in their ordinary converfe with

Imc“ one anotheris fIyIed CONTRACT, Commerce, Entercouifc, infie, "Trade,

Negotiation: 'to which may be annexed for añinity the moll general occalioń

for fuch Intereourfe, namely, theparting with one thing for the getting ofano

~ .­,.“ ‚.‚—___‚.__..__. .____.‚ _ L

‘Мн-‚синей EXCHANGE,barter,chafer,copc, /wap,truck, chop, Commutation,

Scou‘tjt'ng, BargainyI/Iatch. _ _ .

'The principal matters belonging to this Head do either refer to

rftòlion: 5 ­

I {Genera} 5 whether l

Abjòlute5 мифы-„щ; a thingfrom one to another 5 Whether for _ha „ß ‚д

whoin it is tramferred : or fitr his ‘ф that tran:fer:. _

l l ASSIGNING, confgniug, conveying, reßgning, deliver, put over,

` DEPOSITING, Tru/leefeofke,cnfèißeharge,commend,recommend,

I — ептф, commit, Fiduciary, Sequejiration.

I ‹ ï Conditional; Il_giving : or having right to an Eßate after the death of hi”.`

I ‚ »tu думы ofi».

BEQUEATI-IING, devi/ing, Legac),7'eßament,Will,Executorjntgßafe,

. а‘ INHERITING, Heir,'hereditarj, Heritage, Patrimorq, Íee-[imp[@,E„

I I tail, difherit, Hereditament, Portion, Primogeniture.

k Special', either by ' .

r :ming with .­ orprocuringpropriet) in any thing,upon the conlideration

'fòrßimething elle to be taken or given in exchange.

SELLING, vent,utter,Ware,Commoditjßale-able,venal,vertdible,ß4.

3. Ё ple,put cßgretailngfordjand el, monopobgmake mon] ofi/Erve one miró,

I BUYING, purchafê‘,Catcr, Chapman, t ußomemengroßingyanßm, n..

deem, идти,foreßal, inter/ope,preemption, the rejufing.

Parting with : or procuring the temporarjujìoffomething belonging to'

âThc more general name. (another i according to'


LENDING, Loan, Creditor,prqßitute, тиф.

I 4f BonitoWiNo, :are „р. (given.

I | The particular kindyelating to fome 'temporary reward to be taken,and

| DEMisiNo, la, lamanon@ fm”, lea/e, rigor, Lana/ora; ero/(ef,

f I 5. â Rent, Principal, Intergß, put to ufe.

HIRING, farming, backney, mercenary, proßitute, Tenant, Leße,

. А Laß, Rent, lntertjl, Ufe, at livery, Gratiot. '

LBtjlowing :kill orlzbour about any bußneyjl' or compenfating of it.

"ÉEARNING, Merit, Deß’rt, Moed, Demerit, fupererogate. ' ’

WAGES, Fee,Salaty, Penfìon, Stipend, Voili,fare,freight,знай.

дыму 5 whether more _

fPrivate 5 tobe exhibited bj the _

Buyer, either the whole value : or a part ofit, for aflurance of the гей.’

‚ PRICE, Rate, Value,Worth,lïan_/o`m,рам! in, cofl, cheap, dear,precie

I 7 m,ßlmpluov:, rich, inhaunce,щиты.l< EARNEST, Gage, Pledge.

_Seller 5 either the thing bought : orßtnepart, for fe curity of the Whole. ‚

8 BARGAIN, Ware, Commodity.

("Ч SEISIN, Livery, iu/iall, admit, Entry, inthrone, inauguran, миф.

_Public5 toward: deiraying the charge qf Government 5 whether ordinary :

or occaßonal. ~ ‘

TRIBUTE, ('ußom, Annate:,Gabel, Excife, Toll, Imptyi, Publicane.

9' TAX',\.‘R_ate, fontribution, Colleů'ion, afk/S', Publicatie, Subfld), Tun

‹ nagc,pontagc,paunage,f’olc, Colleö‘or, Scot, Soft/tent.> —‚

VI. Thofe

_. _I

_ ,ù „..vW-rrf-v-w'i" "

Chap.XI. Civil Relat/on. _ 2 69

Vl. Thofè leveral kinds of Afî'urances which men offer concerning “_óńLrGÀ.

what theyintendto give or do, are (Мед, OBLIGATIONS, plight, en. noNs.

gage, Deêd, hind, Bond, Bill, evidence, ôte. undertakefor. ‘

And when fuch Obligations are reciprocal, they arerhen called PA

CTIONS, Jgreenientßonipaâ',Covenant,Bargain,Condition,iìzdent,Match,

ó’tipulation, Sponßon, Warranty, Artic'lc,_/irike np a bargain.ll'hefe are either `

(Imperfeè'í 5 or degrees towards Contraä's more _y _

Remote, in th'eßrß overture: afa Соли-0615 whether ac беги’: hy one ,~

BESPEAKING, Retain. ' ( or mutual helwixt 110th'.l’ TREA’lÍî’lNG, driving a Bargain, capitulate, chafœnparlqfheapw,

hitch , a le. _

Near 5 in[Подай] thoß terni: according to which one гиды/‚тру toВЦ), afer, huele, haggle. ~ (501; ог/ё11.

2’ DEMAND, chedpen, ask, exaů‘.

Perfeó?, either inrWord: 5

l "Spc/(en.


lConrtnon, ingag‘jîg ont' Veracit), fometimes with the addition of





I fuchß/enin expre on: as may tefiilie our reality.

— I ÈPROMISE; Word, Parol, plight, Covenant, League, undertake

3. for ре]? one: word. i ‹

| < 'l PRèTESTATlON, Aßêveration, averr,vouch,ßand 10,111’:

l Лада“. - ..

l lSacred 5 tngaging our Religion, and appealing to God a: ll a Witneß

and as a judge, to ptmilh us upon our falihood. (Oath.

° | SWEARlNG,0ath, depo/íng, abjure, Раунд, adjure, purge upon

\ l 4’ lMPRECATION,Execration,ltlalediäion,€urßng.

3 l ‘_Written 5 atteßed with our peculiar naine, or Mar/1: or [третий

= Í fofneßgure in Wax, or fome like matter


nient,Writing,ltlunirnent, Conveyance, PolicyJu/ifcrihe, under

one: hand,л’: one: hand.

SEALING, Seal, Signet, Sigil, тиф/1001419‘.

Securit] 5 l

,g Perßnal: whether expreß, pronti/ing fbr another, and #taking

hiru/Elf liahle to the fante Penalty upon the other’:failing : or inrplid

cit, [1y/peaking in one'c behalf;

ŕ; ÈSPONSIONßtip‘uIation, Bail, vouch, undertakefor, Surety jhip,


I SIGNING, Obligation, Deed, Evidence,Bill, Indenture,In/iru­

s. âi


INTERCESSION, Mediate ­o'r, interpoßfpeakfor.

tlîeal, ofone: Good:5 either

Ah olute, h) ingagingjbr the truth of a Pronti/ê either the Good: in

ccie, or onl) hi: right to Меж. ~

ÈPAWN, Pledge, gage, engage. ‚

7‘ MORGAGE, Samy, amfetamine, „gage ‚

Relative, h) ing/:ging them fiar the _ßtcceß' of a thing contingent",

Н either a: Principal, or м Acceßo'ry'.

8. ÉWAGER, Stake, vf, la), рту.



BET, Sta/(e, v), ree/j.

‚ Jun

„__„_____,_L„ ._ _ ‚

нм Parel-I.


è, 1L — Не feveral Notions referring to matters of ‘Law and Courts of

jiidicaturè, are comprehended under that which is lIlyled .ILIDL`

CIAL RELATION, [мифов], Court, Had, extrajudicial.

Thefe are'diliinguifhable into fuch as concern `


CAUSES and Aóìions. Il'.

Ifaultt. _



kPuni/hmenh,I CAPITAL.' V.


LPERSONS. I. PERSONS conliderable under this Head of 'Judicial Relation,

may be diflinguilhed into fuch as are either

rMore principal.

I ïl’erjön: judging. _

’ Legally conflituted 5 Principal ." or Acceßo'ry.

I SJUDGE, “Chancellor”, Comnnßary, Спор", 1Иос1ет!ог‚(2#;си!‚

I ‚игл Inquefl, Doom, Sentence, decide,determine,cenfitrejudi

' I ё ‘2 смог)‘чjudicial, Court, Bench, Tribunal.

° l ASSERSOR, S5 ndic, Bencher, 'bildern/an, тот, Trebendf,

‚ Chapter, Fслот‘, alli/i, Sida-men.

Ltf'oluntari/y eonfentcd to by the partìes5 toатм the .Suit : .or

' I @cafe the Eninz'tybettìieen them. '

s 2 ARBITRA'T`OR,Z’mpire,Day:­man,comprimiz.e,Reßrreeßnrard

L_ ‚ ° MEDIATOR 5 Ь’от’сфога deaLbetr'neen, intermediate, alleati.

Per/on: judged 5 Whether activ'e: or paf/ive; in '

' Criminah. .

' ACCUSER, Informer, challenge, Endite-rnent, charge, attaint,

и peach, empeach, arraign,tax, lay to one: charge, call in que/lion,

I 3‘ ` Prefentment, Bill, „фота, Promooter. _ _

7 PRISONER, or reputed Criminal, Delinqn‘ent, ltfalefactorßtfen

‘t ‘гс/5051111‘. (aant.

‹ 4 PLAINTIF, Accufir, complain, blame.

` DEFENDANT, Apology, ехал/ё, таит.

.LLeßprincipal 5 relating either to the

'Wfl/¿"5 f0r ll .

ëlt'riting : or _frying publicly.


NOTARY, Regi/ier, Rcmembrancer, Secretary, Clerk, Scribe,

hCRIER. [i _ (Ргогопот’уэ Код‘, enroll.

etc ing .' Or eeping.

6 PURSEVANT, Meßnger, Catchpole, Serjeant.

' MARSHAL, Keeper Зайти‘.

шт“; to Шеф «идём in behalf of either party .f cr to declare

the truth indifferent/y отт- both OI them. .

ЁАПУОСАТЕ, Counfel, Pleader, maintain, defend, vindicate,




‚ ‹




Lawyer, Barreßcr, Proctor, Cдат.

WITNEbS,Evldenceßtteßnefiyzeßkjiimonyyijfdavit. ‚

Il. To

II. To the more gencrai worde _of ¿Éiom or PROCEÈDINGS, Can- ‘В 151W-,

fijn Judicial Affairgmay’bçrannexed thofe lefs general words of ЁЩТэ ummm'

Conirovcíïìe, iii/plead, co'rhnienŕe, Cajêßaiyë, Aů'ioń, go 10 larv,ioage law, pre

ferr a Bi , Barre/1er, Brábóle.

Thefc are either y 0

Aniecedent; on the partof :be l ‘ l ` __. ‚ . ‚ I _ у

"P/aintijf; in Hgiving legal notice.’ or _fëizing on the per/ón or good: if

{ ÈCITATION, Snlipœna, Моей cal', âmrmßmneon, лишит.

<' I, rilor, Bail/j, Bead/e.

ARREST, attach, apprehend, difÍreinì/ëińe, la) bold on, Enaßargä,

Serjeanl, Bailj, Catcbpole, Земле, Rep ny. l l

LDçfènolam‘ 5 giving афише of anfverz'ng in Court .'­'

_fé/f; or L) i: шрам, to муж;- it accordingly.


' APPEARANCE,_ßrt‘Ãv-corhing.


i „при-41095 the

i: I of coming bini


I Partief, aä'it/e: orpaßz'vc.

ACTION, Endiärnent, Bi”, „осей;

3. »mue fîiit, :vage lam, Barreior.

PLEA, ¿po/og).

judge: 5 in their taking notice lf and bearing

шла», iw‘plead, Ли, coni


i ` Мг canje .­ or making

l jearcb info theшт:of it.

'< 4 ÉCOGNIZANCE, Hearing'.

EXAMINATION, Trialsfífì 0i¢t,Hearing,Ínqui/ìtion, interrogare,

Scrutŕn_y,fcann, view, review, тиф, 'canvafê, gage, pumpe out.


[Dui me.

rConinior'i 5 agreeing при: the flare of tbe Qgeßion .- ш‘ determining

rv/Jat the merit if.

JOYNING rssuE; _

‘5’ ‹ звмтвыстс, 1>„‹‚‚‚;‚7‚„13„1г›‚;



, Verdú?, 'Cen/ire, Decree, 0ry der, adjudge, decide, determi», award, deßnitì'ue.

l <| Paßìve, in tbepartie: 5 а: tbe) are found not to have „ад/Едим‘Ье

Lm .’ or having tranfgreßed it.

INNOCENT, clear, blame/ej@ ñárnzlejßjn/lifïe-cafion,vind1cfzte,

6. З afi/charge, cleanß,purge, eonzpurgation.

GUILTI‘, посев’, delìn lient, решат, convict, cnlpaßlchfault),

tard), ofender, Trarygrgßir, propitiat'e, expiatc.

`Aâ'ive, in flue judge ­, pronouncing ¿be par!) either || free freni: or'

obnoxinn to Pani/benefit.

З ACQUITTING, «ojo/ving, ф”, cIear,dgfcbarge,lo¢_v/ìngpurging;



quit, "те/ё.

coNDE/MNING, eej?, damn.

1 Содфуит’; in the

` âPartieJ, expreß) declining „the yüdgfn'cni: oí' referring tßle Cari/ë to

8 PRO l ES FING. (fome higher Займите.

ë ’ — APPEALING.u . .

9 axEcuTlNG, „jaar pff,"




Q 7 2 7ш1йс1а1 Relation. . Partll.

____/'w t

ni cItrMiiŕsQ-„l-IÍTCTPÍIMES CAPITAL, (Enorniity,3‘arinorouc, criminal, Illa/ej.;

CAPITAL ctor,)fuch as are or ought to be punilhed with Death,may be 611110911“)

ed into fuch Offences as are more immediately againß

" God and Religion 5 namely,the ll confcderating with evil „мы: ; to which

l may be adjoyned for añinity (though not counted capital) theyre-’

tending to difëd'ver [да-щит! foretel future thing: by foo/i J forbidden

Artt. _' WITCI-ICRAFT, Conjuripg, Neeronzancy, SorceryßIack-art, M4816,

< 1.3 enchant, fafcinate, „при!“ Charo?, Spell, Cunning-wan,

WIZARDING, днища, Divining, Gypße, Fortune«teliing,s00g5.

flying, Sorcery, Аида’ , Aßrologyßeornancyßyroznanq,Phyßognony,

Cheironiancy, Palmi ry,Sigil,'1alißnan,

Man; Whether .

fn publicperßn , or Magilirate.

More general 5 implying Н declared hofìility ‚дм/1 hint : or expe/,'„tg .

hint to hi: enernier.

\ TREASON, Traiter, betray.


2° CoNsPIItACY, earayfag. .

More particu/.v5 \\ a forcible oppofíngof hint by Arm: : or occaßgn.

ing рта illegal turna/'tuono dalen/ton in the Multitnde. `

ÉREBELLION, Iii/ing, Infurrection, Dcfectionßevolt, ММ“.

3‘ SEDITION, Саммит», fontbußion, Riot, Юрии”, МиИпЪЁи

Ziult, ItiutZy-lbuçly, Scußle, Stirr:_ 211ml, Racl«2t,Boute-fen,fncen­

tary, ur u en .

LAny private perjbn5 according to the ’

Затем!name', by which it is called in our Englifh Laws.



Particular kind: 5 dìl’tinguifhable by their Objefts, as being againli

rLife 5 by taking it away ißegal/y. —

5. MURTHER, Afjajßn ­ate, Homicide, Manßaughter, Машин,

Parricide, cut- throat, Моей-‘МЕД;

‹ Cha/iity; by unnatural coition, either Il with Beaß: : or Maler.

6 BESTIALITY, Bnggery~

l ' SODOMY, Buggery, Catancite.

\ E_/Zate „Магда; to another’r.

‘ Goo :5 ta из: ст awa either o т! and ' : ~ly and Ь} стр. y Н p y forcibly or рт!

Ё'КОВВЕКТ, Rapine, Sacrilege, Thief, Bandito, Pyrato,I’ickt­


А;———._._.. .` roon, pillage, take apmfe.

TH‘EFT, ßeal, pur/0in, Inrch,ß/ch, pilfer,nim, [Ям-сушит,

щадигъь‘асп[едут-риф,Рк/цюйф,ЛЗЬхфЬЗц-гд’ “шт.\_НдЬ1иН0п 5 Il by burning it .— or breaking into it, a i

8 HOUSEbURNI-ING, Incendiary.

° BURGLARY, Houfe-breaking.

1V. Crimes


_ hap. XI.­ j’udi'eial Relation.

____--WA *__ _ ____-__.„Y“

IV. Crimes or FAULTS NOT CAPITAL, may be dìůinguiíhed Iv,.1-­Au¿_­„r.s`

int'o' fuch as are _ A (/д01. NQT CAPI

Genera/5any aì't'ion again/t' once Hight, efpecìally with conter/rpt ofthe Per- TAL'

, INJU RY, .Wrong, Harm, Tre/paf?, Hurt, Grievance,Abu_/ê_,Danzni.1ge.I ’ ' AFFKONT,Contunzebßutrageßlur,Deß’itejndzgnithput a trick on.

Special 5 againß.


Chdiit] 5 whether hy afingle : or a nzarried реф”. l _l ÉFQRNICATION, Whore. doenfourteßn, Concnliine,Harlot, Trull,

Pun/g, 10001401,@0401,Вт11,81г11тре1, р00/111111е,110[10т‘, ßuprate; -

initiate, :nene/Jing, Brothèl, Steun, Baird, Panden

ADULTEKY, Concuhine.

Eßate5 _ ‚

âgeneral 5 by unjuß getting : or keeping of another': Right.

USURPATION, incroaeh, intreneh,grow upon, invade, int-rude',v

3‘ DETENTION, with-holding, keep hack. (thru/î iii.

I pgrticular, a: to the manner of it 5 by ahuflng




I .ski/l5 in taking advantage ofanother man': ignorance, efpecìally

in aâions of Commerce: or niißißng hi: own Лёд in the {аф

/}‘10130[ a thing.

_ l FRAUD, De'ceit, Guile, Cogçening, D__elu/ion, Calbe/ion, Illu/ion,

` . | dodge, tre'pan, over-reach, prevaricate, circumvent, ,gq-beyond,

_4. irnpofe, gull, beguile, defraud, Irnpq/lure, KnavqRook, Cheat,





Shift, Маг/“00311110, п’ЬшЛе, come over one,juppla'nt.

FORGEKY, eounterfeit,fal e,adulterate,ßphißicate, coin, de-v

viß',forge,faI/Íße,foi/ling, Interpolation, [шт/100‘, juppq/ititi

ow, ßirrepritioin. j —

Power; by I_Itaking advantage of another nzan’x шефу or inqui-`

tenceÍ : o_r exceeding the allowance of the Law, _.

' {OPPRESSIODL Force, Violence, exaů', over-charge, _

l y' EXTORTION, Exaäizm, карт, Rapacitj, ivre/ling, airing,

griping, ravin, paling, pilling. _ I ‚ _

{Courfe of Law; b) endeavouring to corrupt“ the Oßìcer: cf _7u/iin .‘

or the мифа.

6 BKIBERY, Corruption, dawhing.

' SUBORNATION.` ~`Good naine, endeavouring to render anotherv v ‚ _

¿"Criniiual 5 by accußtionf ll not true; or made unlawful!) again/i an'

‘ «omnia _ . . .CALUMNY,0hloqu},$landen/Weißen,opprohrioueßetraè'lion,

7. ê Faye accu/ation, earping, helle, defarne, difparage, traduce.

_ BÈCIÈBITING, Lihel, Tale-bearer, Tell-tale, Wbi/pering, Pick

‹ t an' . .

Infaenone5 h] 011081013“а01011’е0':_/`а111013: .° or our own [шашки

ЗКЕРКОСНЦЧС, nip, taunt,few, mit., 0pprohry,obloqu}, tax,


.traduce. _

UPBRAIDING, eaß in one's" teeth, exprohra'te, twit.

_lLOdiol/o : or ridiculous. _ ‚ ' `

REVILING, rdißßbld, hratvLContuntoly, inveigh, iiweâ'ive,

9'. ê foul-inouthed, fucking/lool.

. MOCKING, deride, floiit, `eer, fief, mit, gilve, quip, gird,

frunip, 10010, taunt, wipe, jer , Sarca/in, Pil/quil, „при, Íllit'*

jon, Satjr, Burley'que, pla) upon.

Nn В}?


2 74 'ìftcdictal Relation. РгГГ- На

v. PUNÍSH- V. By Рифмы! is meant the evil of Suffering, infiiûed for the evil

MENTS CA’ of Doing, to which may be adjoyned the lofs or Extmötion of a man‘l

Pi‘rAx.- Rìghtinathin which heformerlyinjoyed,{`tyled I"ORFIElI'l`UP\E.`

PUNISHME TS CAPITAL are the various manners of putting

men to death ina judicial way, which in fever-al Nations are or have

been either

r.S’ionp/Ie, by


I’.S‘eparationof the parte, Head рот Body.' or .Menther fron: .Mein


BEHEADING, _ßrike of one: head.

‘° QIARTERING, orfani-ug.


At dißanœ', whether from Hand: or front Ефимов‘, as Gun,

Bow, ôtc.

2 STONING, Pelting.


At hand, either by

Weight, ofjörnething ст.’ or от’: от".


PRECIPITATING, throwing or calling headlong.

Weapon, an tva] : or ‘Мед upwardr.


4‘ ‹ EMPALING. ‘I Taking aina) nece' ar] Diet : or giving that which if noxionc.

33 ГAR ING, ‚лифта.

s POISONING, Venom, гибели)’, virulent.

`Interceptioner," the Air, at the

’ Mouth, difIin‘guiIhed according to the place of the party, "дм the

Air .- or in the IEarth

З 6 ' ‘siii-"LING, fum/Jer, fname.






I Water : or Fire,



tThroat, hy weight of a тип’: own had) : or theКипр/291‘ othert.

8 HANGING.° ` STRANGLING, throttle, choke,ßůîocate.

Mixed of wounding and Ptarving, the body being IIereä or @ying

on att/heel. _ `


‚ — 9’ BREAKING oN тнв WHEEL.


i VL Pu'


‘п. PuNIsHII/IEÑTS пот CAPITAL аге diftinguithedby die тита

things or fubjeóts receivi detriment by them as being either of 'tbe MENTS

I'Body5 according to the* , ‘ NOT CA

{семгиname 5 fìgnlßinggfedg Рада ‚ PLTAL.

t. TORTURE, Íforment, excruciat'e.

Special kind.f5 by

. Striking5 with alimber: or a Inßrument.

ÉWHIPPING, lafhi'ng,jEourgingJea/hi'ng,jerk, Kocl,ßajh, Switch,

2. I '`ßripe, Bead/e. _

I CLÉIDGQELLING, ba/linado, Ьа_/1е,[г1п3е,[ма’‹1/е‚‚Иглы, jlapp,

t та: . ° ’

Stretching ofthe Нити violently 5 thebody being laid along for that

purpofe: or та:up into the Air, ­


3' s'rnAPPADo. j ‘tLiberty 5 of which one is deprived by Re/iraintInto aplace .- or inflrument for cidìody. `

ÉIMPRISONMENT, Incarceration, Durance,'Cußody, Ward, clap


up, commit, confine, mue, Pound,Pinfold,Gaol­ our,Counter,Cage,

Coop, Toleboth, Dungeon, Mar/hal, releaß,fecure,_/ët '

BONDS, Fснег‘, Gyver, Shack/er, Manic/er, Pinnion, Chainr.out ofaplace or country5whether with allowance of­any other: or con

ßnement to one other. _

EXILE, Banijhment, exterminate,prajiriheyjeů', expel,'out­lawecl.


I lìepute:J whether more gently:or morejëverely by burning mark: in от’:



6 ,_INFAMATION, Ignominy, Pil/ary. (fie/h.

I ° STIGMATIZATION, Brandingßauterizing,burning in the hand,

Будда 5 whether IIrinpart .­ or in' whole. (Mark.

MULCT, inc, amcrce,fc`once. ' f 1

7’ coNEIscATIGN, rafa-aaa ’

I Dignity andpower 5 by depriving one 'of his Вера: or hi: capacity to bear

8 DEGRADING, Лера/5%, depriving. ' (Oßîce.

' INCAPACITATING, cig/hier, di/Íible, cli/hard, depofe, diifi’anchize.'


ТHI8 Head of MILITARY nELATIoNds intended to contain гида ё m..

Notions as concern the various refpeëis and capacities belongin ' '

toa Папе of War. The :ding ofthe united Force and Arm: ofmany againñ

otherf,is fl'ylcd WAR ­fare, martial, polemical, Militia, Chivalry.

Ай! the being without mutualoppq/ìtion is called Peace.

The Notions appcrtainingtothis Hcad,do relate either to Military


EVENTS. 1I. ’ .

Petfonr. „



Inßrument: шефа’) te War, AMMUNITION. V.


N n 2v I. ililitaty;


. Military Relation. 27S


. .

`Íld'ilitary Relation. *d Part. ll: ._`___.__._.....____`

r. mu- 1. Military ACTIONS inay be dillinguifhed according tothe

General nanze5 denoting tbe endeavour of I! doing l urt:orprefervir.gfrorn hurl,

om» IOFFENDING, (fence-ive, Annoy-ance. t _

l l' bEFENDlNGprotecf, guard,ßeltenfhronrd,ward,prárvnkeepßiaintain,

Particular kind: or degr¢es5 whether fuch as are (umkegoodßntelary,

fOppo/îte and in fcveral.

‘Введи-т; ennzity on the lIofen/îve .‘ or dcfenjt'v'e fido. `

2 PROVOKING, challenge, irritate, invite, bait, ­/ìir up, dare., vy.

' UEFYING, dare '

д Beginning of атм!“ фиг : or defence. '

<l ìASSALILTING,aßaikattaque,invade,encaunter,0nßzt,fêt upon,chargë,


Inrode, Rencounter, I/1cur_fion_.jallan, run upon.

RESISTING, tnithßand,ßand againß, bear up againß,turn head,[11113

I gle with, Андре"! a/ìt. '

‹ LEîIClL’IlYJûIlïing to di tgl/effone ofhier place: or tafru/ìrate uch главами“;

r Keepingfrom nectyjarier.’ orßtpplying with neceßaricr. '

ÈBESIEGING, Siege, beleaguer,bejet,block up, hem in, layреза.

4’ ItELIEI/ING, ßtccaunfìtppjr, help, recruit,reinforcQß/fdiarbdyd.

é 'Underdigging the ‚Термин‘ 5 either [Ito make a breach in ‘ног to hinder

I ­ MINING, underniine,Sapping. (the making ofßich a breach.

5' ëcouNTEuMlNiNo.


IEntringforcibly to идёт!’ the befìeged .‘ orgoing out to a ли!‘ ‘the be tegen'.

. STORMING, aßaulting, boarding, attaque, ‘Fa/ing, on­_/laught,

I _ y SALLYING, ißne outtRecipro‘cal and in coninian5 whether by ­wayes of

‘Бот: 5 viz. the mutual endeavour: of corporea! nnfchief to one another а

r General nanna-or that which ia детях: two. (according to the,l . ЁПСНТПЫО, Combat,l'onfliä, encounter, cope, bicker,Fray, дырку’,

71 DuELLiNo, .nag/e fontane/impatient. (pagani/ì.

Special kinde, betwixt nurnerouapartier, according to_ß’t order and ap

pointment 5 either of fonte part ofthe Arnd .­ or the whole<`


I ~8‘ SKIRMISHING, FrayJ/elitatlonlpickeer.

' BATTELLING, Setjight, Set [мне/‚рук battel, Shock.

Займы fome fecret art to deceive an Eneniy5 according to the "general

наше : or by concealing Souldier:for thefudden[пруд]of идет.

STRATAGEM,enßzare,Dev1ce,'Irick, Train,jÍ/rpriz.e.

9‘ AMBUSH, Auibujcado, intdiate, lay wait, lurk, tray lay, furprize.

жён-1’ II. .Military EVENTS may be dil inguiíhed into fuch as are either

even rs. l'OfI/nportance5 when one keep: aa befitre : orgainr front the other .­ or laß: hai

aum 5 relating to the '


{Conditian ‘фиг/д befalling ./îtch at are equal .° or Литве’ :_ or weaker,


I’ VICTOR, overconie,~dejeat, dlllconift, beat, win,vanquifh,get the day,

Ё ~the better, -the upper hand, quell, predominant, prevail, ßihdue,

i ß'PPNß”, over~bear', тиф”.

(шину offighting.


_. 3’ Ё PURS'ZJE, chff',courß,follow, pro/icute, Hue and Cry.

I F[щит атл)‘‚1‘011!‚]и$й1шутка onor hee/:,put toßight. Town



0l’ERTHHOWN,„баней: ` ed, fnppreßd, routed, эпос/124, beaten, '

Place ofßghting. ' i fdefeatedßüonyîtcd,brought under,


ADVANCE, get ground.

ÉRE‘IIRE, retreat,give back, jhrink, recede, тещу/е.




__.. —`_———_——.`‚.m

ÜhapXI. Milne@ fie/m0”.

I 4 Toren ajfänlteel. l ,I v

‘ 4 ìHOLD ОЦТ, nml@ goodnmintaimßandont,bold tack,

° TÄKE, min.

ъ i LOSE, }ield,_/ìzrreneler, Renelz'tion.

Goode of #Jafar/.mt льды.


5‘ BOO'I’IES, Forage, I’lnnelera Pillage, oéâgarry, Pre_v,I’riz.e,Free-booteŕ,

З Letter: of jllart, Letter: of Reprize.




l SPOILSßarràsßanoe/Q,ravageyißQ/àel(,ranfàekß’reekßeznyîation,

Perjon: concerned. . (RninllI/afhdefopnlate.

l 6 ESCAPE, еш‹1е‚Ёдр;‚фЬет, get rid, `get qìfit Zet of, azrobget

‘- ЁСАРТП/АТЕ, talee priyoner. t, ° (dear.

­ YIELD, 1gique up, render,ߢrrender, refìgn, deliver.

" l LFinal rfßre oftbe War.



7 ' . CONQ‘UER, bring under, rnq/lerßzateguel,nnnqugßrreprfßßip/mß

З tanze fzbdue, win.

SUBMIT, give riß/nimble, yield, fnrrender,eonzc in.

i "of Shen’ on the Vìûor’s (idc, (for the conqueredmakes none 5 .) either byfonte fo/ernn Aâ'ion: to 5e públiel) performed :l or Thing: and штате!’

to remain in тети] of the Viä‘ory. ‚

8 TRlUMPH,e`xùlt, eron'gexnltation, Borg/ire.


HI. Military PERSONS (Souldicr, Warrier,Refornmdo, jêrve,preß,)fê­’m_mi,

видам, may be dìflìnguìfhed by thofe feveral imployments for .which they щит;

are defignedg being either for ­ — cmi- “

Fighting s onfoot :'or on borjàbuk ' Gin-E.

FOOTMAN, Infantry, Lanee-knrlgbt.. ~

l HORSMANßavalryligbt»borjëßuráer,Drdgoonr,Traoper,Reyïer,Rider

Sign.; to tbe ¿m95 belonging either tou Еда: ; or ндфд

Vi ‘Не. ­

_ENSIGN Ancient, мы“, Standard, Pennen, Banner.

‘I 2' CoRNET,emm„3wbwm

Audible. _ _

I DR‘UMMER, Бунт, Taber, ‘ГаЬгеЁ. ‘

3‘ твимрвтвв, Trumpet. l

афиши‘; Order: 5 ordinary, belonging to edel: aggregate part .’ or extraor»

‹ SERJEANT.. . (diüdrjgbelonging to the Arne);

{ 4' ADJuTANT ‘

Difco‘verjg either oftbe Country ingeneral: or ‘ищу/Ё tbe Enernier.

e SCOUT, errßng, ele/¿v ‘

5' .‚ PY, Виши), Setter, Intelligence. ‚ _

Preventief: of elnngertbatpfigbt happen either to Perforu':Y or Plaeeì.

t 6 ëСШАKD, Convoy; e1f/ìoelj,lqfcp,ward,l<eepgudrdfelie'ue tloeguardßorpi

I ° С WATCH, Ward, Corporal. ‚ (olngnanl

i Botb Di/eover) and Prevention 5 denotingjïlcb a one de Hßand: and „шт“:

or lief on tbe ground to l/ßen and olf/Erve - ‘


7’ vERDue. —

„Dieging : ох‘ otberß’rvilworbg 5 denotïhg fuch Servants' ofthe Arrñy as fol'

8 “онER~ ‘(Бош the Baggage;

` CALO, Рейн‘, Blnekgrmrd.' _ l1V~ Mi.

u.. :i


. t A ‘ g _ ‚__‚_А_____—____—,_____—__ Y

27B i Military Relation. _ Part.II.

ma... waa/aar, PERSONS AGGREGATEtParfjoÍSißfdfefŕ,Focene/irland)

год?’ may be dillributed according to fuch different names as do denote either the

Acero:- f Whole, being an armed Multituclc fit to alilrult or rcIiIi, conIiIlìng ofmany

cara. \ I. ARMY’ Haß’ForcmBatM/id, (fubordinatedivilions.

шт; according to y

The .° or the ß’cond greattjiдышат.

BRIGADE, Battalion, Terce. '

За’ REGIMENT, Legion, Tribune, Colonel. _

‘fl The third: or fourth ßrbdivzjion, belonging both to Horfe and Foot.'

COMPANY, Troop, Band, Captain, Centurion.

.l 3‘ sQuAoRoN. .l Order and Situation 5 whether with thefide of ever)l one toward: thefide ofthe

RANK. (next.°or theface of every one toward: the baci; ofthe next,

4' FILE, Кое. V‘7J/ë: and Service: for which Iiich perlbns are deIigned s whether ­

" To rnarch before the Army, for clearing of the way : or tofollow after, for

VANCURRIER. (help and fupply in cafe of necefiity.

‚ 5’ l RESERVE.‘‹ ища» the Fight : or to ingage in the ту? ¿Merlijn-vim, being ufually a l

6 FORLORN HOPE. ‹ (feleéted Company.


LTo take care of and defend the Baggage.

7. TRAIN. ‚

v- A“- V. The Provilions neceflàry for Offence and Defenceare flyled by theЖми’ general naine of AMMUNITION, Magazin, charge, diß'harge, Анапа],

To which may be adjoyned the word BAGGAGE, Iwpedinz'entaf, Lig#

­ gage, Lnnrber. ‘ ` ' —

They are diftinguilhablc according to their Sha‘pes,°and thofe {Мат} Щё;

for which they are defrgned, into fuch as are more

§General5 denoting the co'rnnion naine: belonging to thing: ofthi: nature 5 “1116




l WÈAPON,Arin: (Люди. (ther fuch as are ofenfivœor deferjive.

° A RMOUR , афише Artnr,Mail,Headpiece,Heln1et,Scn/l‚600916400!

‘SPe‘dlö f" (["taHd/’Wgwm Sie. Arrnorerátrmory.

1 (fence. i

l ‘lCornn/inua, near hand5 being either for

Siri/¿ing chieIly .5 whether Миф”; .° or cntting.

l CLUB, Bat, Batoon, Battle-ax,.Mace, l’ole­ ax, Cue/gel,

I ' SWORD, Sciniitar, Hanger, Rapierg’ïnck, Poig/ard„?tiIl¿ff0,Ddg­

1 <' ger, Fauchion, Glave,Cutler. — A


l ’Il‘rrßing chieliy 5 of which the latter is fometimes Мед for Лифт.

l ’ PIKE, Spear, Launce, 'inve/in, rnn at tilt.

il 3’ НАЬБЕКТ, Partizan,'ïri:lent.

LEn/znua, at а dil’tance.' Whether‘I` Ancient and lejïartińiciah denoting either the>

` Inßruinent giving the force, being of a curxïed figure and elaftical’

роте-г; to be held in the handeither immediately : or bj the[loc/¿_ to

4 BOW, jhoot, Archer, Fletcher. . (which it irjïxed.

4 ' CROSS~BOW ßroot. .

I In/truinent or тара;projet‘ied5whether innnediatel) out 0/ the hand:

<2 `DARTßavelin,Harping­iron. (or nxcdiateljjìornjbnrething el e.

5‘ ARROW, shaft, B01». ‚ .

`11100101": and more artificial, fire-Arms 5 denoting either the

j_lftyj’el: giving theforce 5 at _cording to the nanie of the whole kind :or if

l the bigger hind. ~ I 6, GUN,



ÈhapXI. ' I Military lie/orion. n i v279A

I GUN, ‚тов‘, Snaphanee, Fire-look, Mßeketßarhineßlnnderhnj?,

6 Piece, Argus/uu', Petronel, Pl/ÍÓÍ, Ddgg, P0fgllff,PÍ/I} ü/wfl.ORDNANCE, Cannon, Artilleiyßaher,Afinionßeyî/iflg, Drake, l ‘

‘Ufer/fk5 l'gmfjing the thing enhjnelling e or enkindled.

MATCH, Tinder, Touefhwood, Spunk, '

7’ ЁРОИ’ОЕЕЪ Gunpowder.

ìLThing: dyì‘harged; either folio! .' or hogan’.

8 ЁВЦЬЬЁТ, Вид, Pel/et, Shot.

’ смыыэо, мм.


i < &с. fl'oot.



9. BHCKLER, Shield, Target,

VI. Such kind of Places,together with fuch hina ofCon'trivances heÍong'- „мы;

ing to them,as relate to а Hate of War, may be (i led MILITARY PLACES кит.

or War/g, (Mnnitionf, Fortzßì‘atíomjenced, Hol a афиши/е.) ‘

То which may be adjoyncd for its aHinity the common notion of fuch

things as are ufed for the fencing of Places; SEPIMENT, WM, Pale, Fence,

Thefe may be difiinguiíhed into fuch as are (Enelojì1re,'FoId,Mound.

{Мои ритм;

"confprehending the Area contained within the».

I Greater 5 in Country : or Town.

| l CAMP, театр, quarter,

l' g ’ GARRISON. ‚

' " Leß.; rnoreHindependent: or dependent.

I 2 SCONCÈ, Fortréß‘, Plalfbrrlt', Fort.

‘‹ ' BLOCK-HOUSE, Fort, Btg/lion, Strong-hold. i _

| ¿Not cornprehending the Area contained mithin'thenz. (Earth.

l General 5 denoting a Sepinxent Ridge-like of Earth : or Farrow-like in the

l ê


RAMPIEK, Wall, B14/merli, Line, Counterfcarf, Mound, Out-work,

DITCH, Bike, .Faß", Trench, ßlote.

Special 5 Íignìfyìng the "outward : or inwordWa/Í.


4- ымыс.

fLLeßprincipalg, whether

î Parli.

I ìGreater; either of На round .‘ or many-ongledßgure.


I 5‘ HORN-WORK. „ _ ‚

' Lçler; either nngular to defend thefide: ofа place : or the ßraightjídeŕ

6 REDOUBT. (roheß defended.

° FLANKEK. ‚ ‚ '

LAce'eiiîonnfg, belonging to the

rOut-part: а being а ferie: of great Pin: 'ereä‘edr or Hole: dug in the earth.



‘ё Entrance; Military Door: to/hut tran/île# : orto let donn direlî.

l 8. êTuRNPiKE. ‚



Wal/1:, Íïgnifying an ereô‘ пешие‘! Margo upon the Waär; either hai#

upon them : or nude о, f'tting on 844km' jfl/ed with earth.




.fi Ó ' I Partir.

__ ____-dm-____‚——‚_.—ц`‚ ‚—.—_.VA


Q. 1V. Не Head of Naval Relation is intended to com_prehend the various

I Notions and Expreßions,belongìng to mens affairs and traŕhck on the

Things. (Waters5 refpeůing either

KINDS OF VESSELS ufed for Paílàge. I.

Part: of ИЛИ“, ГЁЬЙПКГО fueh as ferve for

Containing-3 HULL. II. l _ _





TK‘ÑDS l. The KINDS OF VESSELS which are ufed for paflage on the Waters,

0F VES- _ . ‚ .

sus. are in feveralCountrleS of fo great variety and names, by reafon of Шеп

being difiinguifhed by fome little accidental Differences, that it will be very

difiicult for the той expert pcrfon to give a fufhcient enumeration of them:

and therefore I íhall in this place diftribute them onely according to their

various il/Iagnituder, and the 'Ufer for which they are deligned : according to

which they may be diůinguiíhed into fuch as are denoted under the

( General name s belonging to the lef/er, orgreater kind.

l BOAT, Oarr, Wherrj, Seul/er, Canoe, Coe/(haat, Waterrnan.

l' SHIP, Pink, Pinnace, „Майор, Sail, ИЛИ, Navy, Fleet, naval.

Particular leinelf 5 either `

Ёдф’for the Sea, 0r greaterfor Rit/err. i



KETCH, Bark, Flyhoat. `

2' BARGE, Lighter, Gallyfoi/î, Briganeline,&c.

Greater 5 being moved either by

Sail: and Oarr,


Sai/r one!) 5 and Мёд chicñyfor ' _

f Вин/ли.

4. GALEOT, Carainojìl, (‚`а"тс1‹_з Caravel.

Troj/lick and Merdhandize.

< 5. MERCHANT-MAN, Bottoni.

Fighting.6.. MAN OF WAR, Frigot, Caper, Armada, Privateer.v

t Pdfigc.


„man II, By ‚НИЦ, is meant the main Bulk or Body of the Ship, conlidered

abfiraftly from lts Mails and Rigging. The parts of which may be (1111111

‘Тйдфед. ( guìfhed into fuch as relate to

'fFixed at the ‘

):5’он1;п[%[:1е ship 5` lying either Il direc?, or штраф.

¿ ° КИНО‘ ‘

l | End 5' either the ornier or hinder art.<| 2 STEM, так!!! 'a Р

` ' STERN, Poop.

`itleeleahlenpon a (entre or Hindge5 for Iïting up the Anchor 0r апу great

,Y l weight : orforßearing the Ship. '

l 3_ ЁСАРЗТАЦЧ. f —.

RUDDER, Heini, Steer. ­ ' l Place:


f Place: or roorm.;I relating to­ ­the

Fermer, 0r hinder part above.

4 _rroRE-oAsTI.E.

’ моими-ноша. _ _. _ _ ' ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ _‚

I Middlrßaee д [I дыма-„Ь: Main-maß and Гоп-„#10, ог the room: бит about

thi: toward: the Stern. i

s WAST. 9


Apertura; inthe — › ‚ c -. . ‚‚ ‚ . ‚ _ _

«c Floor д’ Deck, [applying the ofEce of Doors and Windows; [I greater, or lelfrr.>


' ZSCLITTLE, Gran' t. _ . ‚

Side: д Н fitr putting out :he Ordnance, orfor „Юге ofWaterfront the Dec-k,r


I 7’ scappati.

Interßicet; betwixt th: edge: ofthe Миф, 0r the [Не-‘МИ’: ofthe Ship.. I


В‘ Ёзривквт.

‘crime or И": ofthe Hut ­, with refpec’c to II the gathering erjoym'ngtogttbfr ofthe',

plank: upon the Sht'p's quarter under water, Orfo much of the Hull a: hang: over both

endtof the Keel д Iiylcd _


9‘ ItAttE or зтвм.

III. Parti 'of V'efl'els fcrving chiefl for the PROGRESSIVE MOTION 0l' Stay- Ш- Parts Ibi

ing ofthem,may be diliinguiíhedby t e matter ofwhich they conlilt,into fuch as ¿teef gâgcäââì,

‘так! ; according to the more ` ` an. 1

I Г General mum:ì denoting fuch woody parte as are either ` v

I I'Fiistd and upright; 0r the upper parte of‘Щ’e, round and pronnnent»


TOP, Boul. .I

­ LPartie-ular kind: of Май}; (applicable likewlfc t0 TOP, Yard, and SailsnIl


Наш! Relation. 2 8 1

Ii {швы `

' BOOM. _ n y ' _

U‘eparare ­, ferr/ing for thru/ling agata# II the Water, or the Earth, -

‹ Moveable and tranfverß ­, пуща! either to the top, or ‘шт ofthe Sail,

placed either in the

Fore-part, whetherleaninßor upright.' _,

. воиьэршъ i '

‹ 4’ tolta-MAST.; __l, Middle, 0r hinder- part.


_i 5'. MIzzENMAsr.

Cloth; fervingforthe ‚ ‘ . _ _

fCat'ebíag and appa/ing the Wind, either || pmetpaly, or additional).

'I 6__ SAIL5Cour/e.l t SBONNET, Drabler. _ l l r*

верьте” ofNatioar, orthe feveraloßeer: of a Navy; fet up either “дат, og

‹ the Maßt, 0r below, at th: Stern.

I 7. {риса


ANCIENT. __ ‚ ‚

Ornament and/btw, 6r ДМ is' lurk out the ‚ИМ‘! quarter.'




Í ‘_ port, for II/taying' and holding tbe Ship, or the ММ”; of it to atb'er SbipÍ

. ANCHOR, Kedger.

9- initiierte. , _ e, ‚‹

О а ‚ IV. В’,

._.~.»«~­-­-„__ _ "v_,._.4 ___L*„_...1 ­ M_.

2 8 2 ‘ ’ a‘v al Relation." Part. Hi

lV. By RIGGING is meant the feve'ral kinds òfCordage belonging _t6

a Ship 5 in refpeéi ofthe _ _

Maßr5 ferving either for the _ _ _ _. _

{ ely, that are more declive on either ‘Не


Keeping then: 'upright ­ nam

the Mii/t: .° or thof’ë that are more „мг/шеф.

SHROUDS, Рита/у. .

i " sTAYEs. ‚ l n _,

‚феи‘ u to ют; thofc _final/er rope: which „ф the Shroud: a: the

— 2. м LlNGs. l wvndfèfataaae'r;

Tardr5 ­ßrving for the _ _ _

â Tjing of :heen : or thepulYing of them _ to and _ft-ó. ‚



3’ JEARS.> y ‚ l

Squaring or „трафик l' or making ther» to hang higher or lower.'


4’ ners. . — . y

Sailr5 ferving for the _I ’ ‘lying ofthem to the Tard: v: or “пунш”; them to and fro. C



_ ,. щ _<' Furling them acrqß'ŕor to ra

‚д; _ j-_vz‘t ». б BRALE. .

Е‘.- | ‘ винт-шин.' l Lfilet/Qing of then: to дат! clojèr l1] a wind 5 l бей”; faßned either to "the

je “р the hunt or protuherantpart ofthe Stati,

Clem or'corner of the Sail : or the middle part of it.


7’ ßoWuNE. ‚ _ _

Anchor 5 according to the more generalшт: : or the name belonging ta

8 ÉCABLE. (the leßér kind lffilch ropes.

" HAWseR,Hay2f. —.„ ‚ i y

Y, “Agne VPERSONS belonging to the management of NAVAL Aŕt‘ail~s,Mari-'­

ERS Ns’ néì'i-,Seisjkring-nzemmay be difìributed into fuch whofe »Chárge дотац

{Вф’еже ofthe Ship by ñghting 5 either (cern the

More prinetpal5 the Chief, Who in _Fight is to make good the Half- "

l deck : or his’ Deputy, whofe place in Fight is the Fore'caůle.



Lcjíprincipal 5 haz/ing the charge ofthe

C* Squadron.r _for the Watch : or being to talee care for the fitting and re.' ‚

I /ieving «fthe Ware/:find that the Snuldiers keep their Arms clean. _,

l tv




Ordnance, Shot,Pozvder,&c.

г. спмчвк. ’

ásailingof the Ship, and the care of its parts and Lading5 either

r/iflore principal 5 W-ho‘fe Charge'it is to

I ’ Direfîtl the тиф, and cornrnand all the Sailor: e or to liring the Ship

l MASTER. ’ (_/ìjîe to hurl/our.

4‘ PILOT. ° `

l <|Keep account cy" the Gooelr, what is received and delivered,


‹ i5' Puasßa. „ф,“

I Chap. Xl. ' Naval Relation. 283

¿Pre/¿ive tbe Rigging andiTacbL/e and tbe Long-boat .­ or ищет! tbe

.Skffwitb aрента’ gang to go to and fr0 upon мифов.


6' cocKswAlN.

lle/È principal; (erving to

Keep tbe Dec/¿r clean.


' Manage the Sail: beloni : or to a/Eendjbr taking in tlJe Top-fiile, Bici­

SAILERS, Mid-'fbip-men, Skipper.

' YÓNKEKS, Fore-inaß-nzen.

VII. NAVAL ACTIONS may be difiinguilhed Это fuch as are done VL НИЦ;

"To tbe Ship 5` for the ACTIONS'

rSecuring of tbe Seann betmixt tbe Plan/g5 either by beating in of

Одни, (i.) pieces of old Ropes or hards ofFlax : or pnttinga li/l of

Canna: along tbe Seam, and Магний)‘; bot Pitch upon it.



gó’rnootbing tbe ontjìde5 bj nia/loing or burning if all #be fltb with

REEDS or Broom5 or fnzearing over fo nino/J of tbe Ship a: i: to be

in tbe water with а mixture of Tallow, Sope and Brìmftone, boiled ’

together , to preferve the Galking ‚ and to make the Veílèl more

' ‹ ilippery for paliâg‘e.

í 2 BKOMING, Brewing.

’ GKAVING. _ ‚ .

I Defending it again/i Идти 5 by cajîng that part oftbe Hull wit/.1in wai

I ter with Tar and Hair,and then nailing over thin Boards : or дн!”


ging the Breadtb, by ripping off'fome of the Planks5and then,having

added other Timbers, to put on the Planks again, liyled ‘


3‘ шкшыс. ‚ V `

,_1/aging ilse Poßzionof aS/vipg either for ibe »lending of it, by ma

king it to lie on one Еда, the better to come at its lower parts: or

for tbe motion if it , by fo ordering the Lading and Rigging that it'

may be in the beíi condition for failing.


n l 4‘ TmMMING.

: LB) tbe Ship 5 either

lig/H2155 wben’tio‘ ßaid by the Anchor : or laid leaning to one file. ’



In motion g either more

Diref15 when it goe: a: it [Ми/11.‘ or inn: itx bead in tbe mind more

6 KEEPING A-WlND. (or [gf: tben it flwuld.


мыши то THE шишки.

Lateral 51e/Jen it elotb lean too nmol: on onejidemr dot/J turn too nine/2

7 HEELING, [ce/ing. (on eaclßjide.


O o i y ECCLE#

Q- .V




Spiritual, Chute/2,) are comprehended the feveral Notions and

e Рей; belonging toa Church-Rate. BY Church is meant asccîety of

’ the fame kind of inward apprehenlions of, and ex'men as agreeing In .

ternal demeanour towards, the Divine Nature : to which may be OPPO.

fed the word TEMPORAL, Civil, Humane, Secular, [а], РГдРЬддд,

Notions of this kind, may be difiinguilhed Into fuch as do denote

(дым this Head of ECCLESIASTICAL RELATION ( Clergya


Per/âne; in regard of their ’ .



‹ Aä‘ionr 5 belonging tol ÉWOIISHIP. Iv. ‚ fl DISCIPLINE. v. D . -

g Vimos ог RELIGION. I.­


I. That habit of reverence towards the Divine nature, whereby we

are inabled and inclined to ferve and woríhip him after fuch а manner as

ywe conceive той acceptable to him, is called RELIGION, Pict), God

Iine/ì. The Privation of which is fIyled ATHEISM, Irreligion,1mpiety.

Men are difiinguilhed by their kinds'of Religion into jìieh м

‘Ага wholly without an) revelation of the true God and hi: Worjhip5 [fut

that knowledge which the) have is either

Simp/@front the diëiates of mere Rea/on.


i Mixed, and corrupted with the ivorjhip offaljê godi.

i 2. PAGANISM, Heathenifm,£thnìc, Inßdel, Gentil, Piiinirn.

LHa'oe revelation: .­ or pretend to them 5 whether by

Jtloßr, in which they гей. `

3. JUDAISM, judaical, jew.

(bri/i and his Apofiles, added to Mofes.


Mahomet, {upctadded to the гей.

5. MAHOMETISM, Tm‘eifrn.

I I. Thofe

Chapìl. Eceleßaßz'cal Relation

Il. Thofe who apply themfelves to the bulineffes 0I Religion as their ti. Eccle

particular Cal/ing, may be filled ECCLESIASTICAL PERSONS, Cler

g), Church/nan, lpiritual, Hierarchy.

l To which may be oppofed, TEMPORAL, La) ­ic, civil, jëcnlar, pro

миг. `Р ТЬсГе may be diflinguilhed into fuch as are

Injojned5 being fet apart to fome peculiar funé’tion in the Church,and

by way of olhce devoted to afIiI't in the duties of Religìo'n,whethet

fuch as were in ul`e _

lrBçfore the Law .l being "где chief Admini/lrator: of religione` Servicw,

a: Maßer: ofFamilie: :or ßzch other: a: then and [же were extraor

dinarily coded andgifted t0 foretellfnture thingr.

PATRIARCH.I l' PROPHET-ical, divine,prophçße, ‚мы,prejâge, progneylicate,

' Prcdiöt'ion, Secr, Sihjl.

< 'Under the Law; Н appointedfor theprincipal wor/e: of divine Service .‘

or fuch as were jîihordinate and aßßant to them.


2' LEVITE ‚ш‘.

l 'Under the Go/pel5 being either


i' 'Tcmporary5 "who were indued with the родину“ Miracler, of

whom there were onely twelve : or jîlch other: a: the e took in for

‹ their help,to travel up and down for the @reading of С rißianitj.


3- EvANGELIsTs-mz, Capel.

Permanent, and to be continued 5 whether

I 'Jlloreprincipal5 denoting the chief Eccldíaßìcal Ответ a Pro

vince, with feveral Cities: or ртути!“ City and the Terri#

tor) adjojnìng. (vince.

'| PRIMATE, Arch hijhop, jlfletropolitan, .1l/lift), Patriarch, Pro

<|4" BISHOP, Pre/ate, Ordinary, Epiycopal мс}, Sufraganßûperin

tendent, Pontiß‘cial, Dioctyßsee, Cathedral, Mitre, Crofjer,Hie~

rarch . —

l LLtß’princili'al; fuch as are the chief О cer: of particular Pari/h

I churche: : or other: fìthordinate and a фиг to the/ë.

PRESBYTER, Prie/ï, Elder, миф”, Incumbent, Carate,

З Chaplain, Par/èn.

l DEACON, Mini/ter. ­ l

» Nothinjojn’edg, but voluntary, to be further difiinguifhed,according t0

t C

General name5 denoting thofe that are under a vow of l’overty,Cœ­

libate,and obedience to theirßutliìîriours, to whom may be ad'joyn

ed for alïinity , fuch others as o ige themfelves to certain oliices

-<, with them.

6 ÉREGULAR, Religion: Per/ön,order,rnle.l PENITENTS, Confraternirj, Convert.

LParticular'hind@ fuch as live either Н together in Society : or alone

by themlelves.

n _rMONK, Frier-ry,Nunn­ery,Novice,Ahhotydhhlß, Ahhy,Prior­ry,Ge­

neral, Provincial, Gordian, Mona/lic, Manager), Min/ter, Cloijler,

' Covent, Society, Cowie, Father.

HERMIT, Anchorite, Cell, Recht/ë.



III. Perfbns




i " ' ' " #bij


Ww» ï

286 l ‚ Eceleßaflieal Relation.' Part.II.

ni. STA-,trs lfPŕerfo-ns coníidered accor’dìng to thîivrvfeveral _STATES and

OF‘REUGI' Conditions in refpeft OF RELIGION, пп‘у Ь‘? dlflmgulfhed Clfhfrby

0N .theirf Faith and judgmentf, whether true ‚ or fil/e, at to the eßentialpoim;

of Religion. \

ORTHODOX, Believer.

l' HERETIC ~al, Here/ie, jllifìreant.

Charity to and communion with the bod) of tho/ê that agreee in the

_ Profe'ílìon : or heing the fan/t] ¿auf? ofthe breach ofjuch Communion.

I CATHOLIC, Communicant, Communion, Son of the Church.

в‘ SCHISMATIC, Schifm-atical, SetÍì-arj, Recufant, Separate.

Sußering upon the account of Religion ; being either

l Great, hut not unto Death.

3. соыгвзвощGreat unto Death. To which may be oppofed the injïiâ'er ofßfer'»

ing: upon account of Religion.

4 ЁМАКТУК ~dom.


Eminent degree; of Religion/nef: or Irreligioufneß.

SAINT, Hero'ical, canonize.

5‘ SCANDAL «ли, projligate, Qfence.

`Former Лав, in refpeâ of the feveral terms from which and to which

men are changed 5 either from had to good : or from good to had.

6 CONVERT, Profe/jte, regenerate, rec/aim,turn,comeouer~

‘ APOSTATE, Back-jlìdeglîenegadoßeßeäion, revolt, draw [мс/ь

turn, fotfake,fall away, „шт, Fugitive, ‘ïergiver/ation.

,v_ Wok 1V. That inward and outward reverence whereby we acknowledge

àHIP- the Elleem clue to the Superìorìty and Excellency of another, together

with the two extremes of this, viz. Redundant, when men give this to

ßtch thing: a: the ought not for the Matter , or in Ли!’ a degree a: they ought

not for the Mealtjire, and Defeient, when men do either eontemn or neg

leäßzcred thing: and duties, are llyled

WORSHIP, Adoration, Veneratz'on, Devotion, devout, Liturgy, Divine

â _Ieri/ice, маты, Veßure, Even-fong.


PROPHANENESS, Impiety, impiotu, ungodly.

The more fpecial att: of РЛС/[щиту be diltinguilhed into fuch as are

more' Ordinar) and rconjì‘ant 5 whereby we

l If Apply our felve: to God 5 whether more

' ‘ General 5 whereby we addreß to him for relief in all our :vanti and

уст, upon the belief of his infinite Goodnefs and Power: or

mahingjolemn and religious promijët to him.

l <, ЁРКА YER, Invocation, (ol/cè?, Спит, Oratoty, Ejaculation,

l l

call upon.

VOW, ‚ Votar), devoted.

Soocial 5

.l ‚

— ч

elaiion. 287

f I l„S’pecial5 whereby We do either< ______________________

I Aehnowledgeour onin fault: and cle ей: .° or intrede bil [жди ,md

help. ‚ __ _

‹ а ЁСОЫЁ‘ЕЗЩОЫ, aclinomledgQShreeve. _ _ _ ‚ _ ‘

' PETIT[ON,__/iipplicate, fte,beg,Litan},craive,reqne/i,.$`upph«­


I _ ant, lieder-(nan, Boon., _ ‚ _. х

l Return our acknowledgement: to hint for the good thing; we гид);

__ _ ейЬегНущге general .jor by Singing. i _ ‚. Í

I ‘ ’ THANKSGÍVING, ’prati/e', niagniße,elx‘tol, Grace.

_ PSALM, Щит, Anthem. . ‚ _ e ‚ _...

I irnßmä „атм/щ, or ex'c‘ite them to religious duties5 either Н in

l a rnore continued jôlernn Difcourfe : or b) the aching and anßneringoj¢`

I ,gne/tion: in the plainefi manner about the moli necelìàry points of




" ЁРКЕАСНПЧО,’ Hornilj, Sermon, I’oßil, Pulpit. l _ '

41 CATECHISING, wenn”.

Occa zonal 5 relating unto

Solentnitief of jo): _orjádne/i. ' _ _ , _. _ ‚

ЁЁЕЗ’ПУГГУ, Feßival, Над-Да}, High-day, Sabbath, увы/ее,

5 ~ l



Wake, genial, good tinte. _ _

FASTING, Hunziliation, Ember-week, Lent, Vigil, Eve.

Ritual weer obferved amongfi Chrifiians', pertaining to _ ._

"Entrance into the ßate of Wed/och.' _ordlßólving of thatдм. _.,

MARRIAGE, Wedel -in , Matrimon), nuptial, Bridegrooin,

6 Ё Hjinen. ’

DIVORCE. _ д . _

i Return into the Congregation after Parturition.

_ 7. CHUFLCHING. . _ ` . . У ‚

ï лака! :r1/¿mg upon thentfèluec the Obligation rnacle by their дуги/дн in

Ea tim. ’. 8. I,CáNFIRMATION.' — A _ ‚ ,

i LPerforming the Rite: due to the DeadЬ)‘ уйти‘? their bodier Н into the

ground : or underДля; Monunient,topreßrne the метода! _of ‘дат.

.- _ BUKYING, interr, Grave, Funeral, Obit, Ob/Èguíer, Her/e, SeeA

" ' pulture, (hurch1ard,_Charnel-houß. _ _ _ _ _

ENTOMBING, Той)!’а Sepulchre, Monuntent, Epitaph.

V. Aâions

2885 я Èccldiofiiool Tlîbeilotionî.r Pareil.

lvl' ‚91501- V. Aůiohs relating t0 Écclefiallical Authority or DlSClPLl-Nlìdo`

Рим‘ concern the due ordering of the circumiiances of Ecclefraftical o'r Sa

cred things to thev bell convenience. The Notions` belonging to this

Head,do refer either to the work of,

rSetting thing: aßde to a Peculiar u_/e 5 according to the

` More general Notion belonging to Things, and Titles, and Places, as

i well as Perfons5 namely, the драмы; of them from common `

ojë : or oliufìng them a: being but con/noon. ~

Ё CONSECRATION, ßwred, fznäifië, hayon', devote, dedicate,

r. Ё Holineß.

PROPHANATION, unhab'owed, impioiu, common, [финиш

,iniciaron/.ir kind, appropriated to PcrfOrlS»

ORDINATION, Conjêcration, '

" DEPmvATioN, defun. — nRegulatingoj" alu/ê: in Ecclelîaftical matters 5 according to ythe more

{Омега типе.


r L


Particular ‘(иди confifiing in a

Temporaryprivation of Church‘priviledgei.

4. SUSPENSION. - ` ‚

Permanent, being the higheft Eccleliaftical punifhmentg by ácutting #frontali Church-communion and privileges: or there

ßoring one/ò cut of ­ _ ‚

‚ EXCOMMUNICATION, Anathema, Curßxcnt of; драм“.

5 ` ABSOI.‘L’TION,looń'ngßühargàwáilerpurgcsclearpardonßcquit.

vl. rNsTr- VI. By INSTITUTIONS or Ordinance: are properly meant (uch

типом” kinds of things or duties as we could not have known or been obliged

unto without particular Revelation. Thefe may be dìíiinguifhed into

rRuler for our Inßruäion in Religion 5 which, according to the feveral

manners of conveyance, were either written : or unwritten.

ÈSCRIPTURE, Bible, Word of God, Holy Writ, Text, ‘Teflo


y ment.

TRADITION, Delivery, Calmla.

Servire: to [fe done5 according to the more ß

î General naine 5 confißing in our фей"; or giving things unto God.

a. OBLATION, Ofering, Oßertory. ­ ~

Particular kind, proper to the time: under the Lang which required

the offrir/g ofjìich thing: by Fire a: were either for Food : or for

Perfume. _

`SACRIFICE, Идёт, Holocanß, Holt, Oli/ation, Hecatofnhe.

3' INCENSE, mor.

xCertain external Лет and теми for the _ßgmfying and conveying of ift

ternal Лапша! Grac¢5 according to the more

¿General name.



Particular hindi.'

‘Under the Lang for the || initiating: or confining men in that Re»ligion. i

CÍKCUMCISION, Cutting of the fore-:kim

5° PAssovEa. riff/„1, saß".

‘Юрием/л Сфе/ 5 whether for initiating : or confirming.

6 ÉBAPTISM, Cli‘ißen, Font, Pa’eleboptijnt

' EUCHARIST , Соштипйощйж мы’; Supper,‘ïho Sacrament;

Haß, Ilia/r', МИН. К HAP;






I, Àgeneral Explication of „за de/Ígriof tbe foregoing Tablet. П. Ни:

ticular Inßance: in tbe Дж principal бы!‘ of it.A III. Some thi/:gr

to be noted concerning Oppolites anrlSynonyma. IV. An enume

_ration 0f what kind; of thing: are not to be particularly prenidedfcr

in fue/J tablet.


l. He principal deíign aimed at in thefe Tables, is to give a fuilicientv è Il.:

‚ enumeration of all fuch things and notions, as are to have names ° а ’

aliigned to them, and withall fo to contrive thefe as to their order, that _

the place of every thing may Contribute to a defcription of the nature

of it. Denoting both the General and the Particular bead under which

it is placed 5 and the Cornrnon Афиши whereby it is difiinguilhed from

other things of the lame kind.

‚ It would indeed be much more convenient and advanta eous, ifthefe

.Tables could be fo contrived that every diferente among the Predica

nrent: might have a tranfcendental denomination, and not depend at all

`upon a numerical inftitution. But I much doubt, whether that Theory

-of things already received, will admit of it5 nor doth Language afford

convenient terms, bywhich го exprefs feveral differences.

It were likewife delirable to a perfeét definition of' each fpecies_,`

.that the immediate [Эти which gives the particular efl‘ence to ,every

thing might be exprefied 5 but this form being a thing which men do not

know, it cannot beexpeftcd that itfhould be defcribed. And therefore

inthe Il'ead of it, there is real'on Why men fliould be content with fuch a

defcription by propertie: _and circuiti/lancer, as may be fuliicient to deter

mine the primary fenfe of the thing defined.

Of thef'e defcriptions I fhall here vgive an inlianc'e under each of the n,

fix Principal Headr. y _

The word Goetlnef:~ is а tran'f'cendental, one of the General differences TRANS

_of things, or affeûions of entity, implying arefpeâ to fomet'hing With- gìïnm‘f

out it Гей, namely, to the Will, by agreement to which things are ren- ’

dered lovely and delirable , as by their difagreetncnt they are rendered

hateful and avoidable, which is the op'poíite notion of Èfoil.ÍA The word­ Diamond doth by its place inthe» Tables appear to be a Suf,

Subftance, a Stone, a pretious Stone, tranfparent, c'olou'rlefs, molt hard МАКС?!and . i

The word Flower or bloIIbm' is one of the peculiar parts,be1onging to -- ‚ ~

Plants, an annual part, more principal,ant'ecedent to the I"eed,con'fidera~`

ble for Its beauty and colour. ` '

_ Fore-going Table.

The Words Nen‘nfyì and Oldneß do Iignifie notions belonging to@am щит’ Í'

ì`it},to fpace,to time, and more particularly (о tithe pafhaccordin tothe

degrees о? .lefs or greater , as the nextFair', jòbnneß and latene 5, doth

relate to time future, accordlng to the aine degrees of Lefs or Greater.

The_word Moderation Is`a Qgality, a Habit, an Afieëtion of intel~ @Anffa

‘ P p leëiual



д. ш.

‚. me., m.- .___.»­` .


lt ¿tual virtue, vl hereby wc are concerned for :my tru'thJaccording toz‘tl

due meafure, not more or lefs thenthe evidence and Importance of it

doth require, to which .the notion ofßerremßor fanatica/rdf iS Oppol'cd

as the deficient extreme.

The word Pill), doth'by its place denote an Aftion, fpiritual2 ofthe

ibul in refpcůoi the Appetite, whofe атом are commonly filled Afl

fefiions or Pafiions : "I is a mixed Paíiicmconhfling of Griet and Love,

occaíioneql by fome evil, which (as we'thinlt) doth unworthily befall

others. As Emy doth of Grief and Hate upon account of fome good

befalling others (as we think) unworthily.

The word Parent by the place of it in the Tables , doth denote the

thing thereby Íigniñedto bea Ftelationßeconomicahof Confanguinity,

direâ alcending; as С1’1101 is direů defcending.

And thus is it with all thofe other particulars, which are placed' either

direûly or collateral/j, either by way of Oppo/itibn or of Afrit).

­ ...\.

Only ’tis here to be noted.

l. That fome of thofe which are placed as OppQ/íter, do not „ту“

fall out to be under the firme Predicament Ь: Genus with thofe things

to which they are ad'oyned 5 as it muli be in fuch things as are privative!)

-oppofed, зад/1001041, Deafneji, Darknejî, ůrc. And fo likewife for fcme

of thofe fpecies which are put in for their nßím'tj, as Point, Center, Pole,

‚ and fuch other things as are not Шкаф , but rednêîi‘uel) only under any

predicament. ‚

2. 'Ihat fome Radixes , befides the redundant and zlqïcient extremes,

have likewifc an Oppqßt-e common 5 fo to the Word 7er/Hee , there is oppo~

fed an Oppoßte rammen, Injußice,belides the excefs frigor, and the defeä‘

Remix/ion. So to ïcracitj, the ûppdíte common is lying; which maybe

either by way of Excefs, overfrying', boafiing,flattering': or of Defefl',

падет/01100, detraů'ian. So to Izena/it), the Oppoßte common is Inequality,

impar1ty,difparity 5 the exccfs oi which is- superiority, and the defect In

ferioritj. This is natural to all Radixes that have double Oppoßtes,

‹ though inliituted Languages have not provided words to expreß it.

3. Many of the Synonymous words put to the Radixes , are referred

to more he ads then one,upon account of their various equivocal accep

tions. And belides fuch words or phral'es as are more plainly Synony

mous,there is likewife an addition of luch other, as are either more iw

mediulederivationsJwhether Adjeâives,Verbs,Adverbs: or more medi

angbeing by compolition to be made ofi from thofe Radixes‘to which

they are adjoyned: Of which I Íhall give an inßance or two,under each




ofthe fix general Heads. ­ u

In the Table of Tranßendentah, T. Ill. a. the Radical is GOODà

NES", to which thefe other words are adjoyned, Weal, welfare, right,”

‘ ‘gu/ar, гид/‚жать‘, better, luy?. Amongft which, the words Weal, welfare,

are mentioned as 810000010 ‚ denoting Íuch a iiate of being asis defira­

b_le , and are fuppoled to be Subliantives Neuter. Weá’- doing or Good

aůion, is the Subflan. Ад. The words GaodJigbßregu/ar, are the l’q/ìti'vc

adjeöiives from the root. Better,br_­/i,are the Comparative and Super/aim

i ádjeftivcs. Wel/,righßßte are the Adverbs. lìcäiße is goed make, and to

be expreíi'ed by compofttion withthe Trrnfcendental particle of Саф,

So furthe Oppoliteto this, EVll l\E 'SS tc- uhich :hele word

‹ ' _ 'joyncd,

s arend



hap. XII. Fore-going Table. 2 9 I

)oynecl , Ill, had, naught, wrong, amiß,jhrewd,_`fcurvy, leiod, horrid,horrihle`,

eorrnpt,pravitj, depraveJi'n, fault, trejpaß,trangreß­ion, Peeeadillo, :vor/è.Amonglt which, ­the words Badneß,praoitj, are Synonymous tothe Ra

dicals’, andiiippofed to be Subfiantiyes newter. The words Sin, fau/t;

tre/paf», trangrel/ìon, will be Subflan, Aft., which being compounded

with the Tranfcendental Particle, пышно; or Äugrnentatijoe , will

denote a Peceadillo or fmall fault, or an Enorneit) or heinous crime. The

words E'oiljll, had, naught, wrong,corrupt,are Adjeëiives ofthis root, and

bein compounded .with the Tranl'cenden'talParticleof` Augmentative,миры of the fame importance with thofe other words, ShreivdJŕurvj,

то, horrid, horrible, Ste. The words Ill,anii[r,ivrong,hadlj, na'iightil},are

the Adverbs. The words denoting to /ín,trejpaß,tranfgrefr,are the Verb.'

Aft. which being compounded with the Tranfcendental Particle of

Caufe,will Идите Corrupt, дермы. I ‚‚

80 in the Tables of “такое, Be. Il. l. the Radical is KINE, Iignify- SUB.; `

in the Booinungenne 5 the other words reduced toit are, Bull, Cow,0x, “днев

СЧЁ Heifer, Bullock, Steer, Beej; Veal, Rant, Bellot», Loiv,Heard, сотовомя

Sotiìe of which are to be made ofi'from this root by compolitions with the

Tranfcendental Particles.


rMale~ "Bull, Bullock, Steere.

l _ Female. ‚ COW, Heifer, Steere»

So the Root Kine Young. will Calf.

with the Tran-e' Voice '>Iigni­<' Bellow, Low'.

fcetident. Part. Dimin. lie Кит. ­

' Aggregate Heard. _

.Oliicen _, ’ Cowheai'd.

The refi are to be made off by other Compolitions: So Ofc is tin'teßicledor lg’elt Bull 5 Beef, Veal, is the flelh of Kine or Calf.

Be. II. a The Radical is SHEEP5 to which are adjoyned the ,vm-dg,

Rd», Tent, L_arnh, Weather, МИНИ, Bleat, Fold, Floch., Shepheard. Each of

which words are to be made olffrom this radical,by fome kind ofcomptr' f ,_ l?

Íitions. _ `”

‘ f Male. Ram.

' _ ‚ _ g y Female» Yew.' The word Sheep­ being Young. will Lamb.

" compounded with the<, Voice. ‘>ÍigtIi-<I Bleating‘.

Tratifcend. Particle of Sepimet'it. fie Fold,Sheepfold.

’ Aggregate. Flock.

,Ollicen J Shepheard.

Óelt Ram {войн/2:5‘, Flelh of Sheep is Mutton’. _ ‚ I, i, _, ‚ д

Mag. lll. A. the Radical is FIGURE, to which thefe other wordsare annexed, viz. Shape, Feature, Fajhion, Forni, Frarne,Sohenie,Lineaneent,

the haake, we” fêt orproportioned, tranrfortn', плита”, defaee, elirjîgure.

Amotigli4 which the former Words, Shape, Feature, Fодно", Forni, Frame,y

Scheine,Lineainent,the make, are, according to one of thofe fenfes wherein

each of them is commonly ufed, the ‘йоге mediate Sjnonjnia' , the teltl

are to be made OIT by compofition',either with ' l y .

Tranfcendental particles of the Perfeůive, ivell-fet or proportioned.

ëwdrd change,tranrfbrni,tramf1,`gure¿ Cò'rruptive, defaced, diißgnreel. l!

‘ Sp. I. I. The Radical is PRESENT, to which is adjoyned,at thisl tiene,

„цитату, tatami), current, rigidi. The more immediate .synony

2 9 2 Епер/100110110? the

ma are , '1h18 time or iii/lent. The words Current, ready., are Adjeůivcs.'

New, immediately, Ездил)‘, amthe Adverbs of this root. _ l g l

One ofthe Oppo tes to this Radical,ìs PAST, or timepijl 5, to which

thcfe other words are put,Expired,former,jîtregone,ago,already,even non,

heretofore gone, over,_out,~a­late, ereivhile, long fince, which are thus t0made ofi; The words Expired, former, `1191-0500“ over, out, are the Adje

tïivc: of. this root. The words already, heretofore, out, _are the ddverh,

which being compounded with the Tranfcendental Particle.\

Augment. will f1g~ А great while ago, long ißnce. i

. Dimin. Ё niñe. Even non>,‘a v»lata,eretvhile,a little while ago.

и‘ The other Oppolite is FUTURE, to which thefe words are adjoyn

cd,'l“ime to come,after time,hereaftar,prejentlhanonjiy andh},jhortly,ßrait­

tra), crc long, henceforth,proceßof tinie,after along while. Amongft which

thefe words or phrafes, ‘Гime to come, after time, proeej:` of time, are Syno;

nymous fubÍiantives.Hereaßer,hencq`orth,are Adverbs, which being com

pounded with the Tranfcendental Particle of -

Augment. »will Iig-â/Ifter a long while.

Diminut. niñe Prejêntlbhy and h},anon,]hortb,ßraitavay,ere long.

Sp. II. 3. is the Radical NEARNESS , to which theíe other words are

added,licinit},­ Propinquity, Proximity, nigh, лежу/ф, adjacent, “фут,

neighbonring,imminent,impendent,immediatgread) at hand,aeco/î,drav on,

approaeh,at,l>],hard l},he/ì`de,hithermß. Amongû which, the words т:

„щ, Propinquit),|Proximit), are Synonymous fubfiantives. Nigh, elo/ë, “1

jacent, adjojning, neighbouring, imminent, тушат immediate, nerf’ßi.

thermo/i, are Adjefìives. 8)„ hard ly, at, at hand, heßder, are Adverbs.

Approach, “се/1, dran` neer or on, are Verbs. _ ' Ч‘

‚_ So for the Oppoíite to this, REMOTENESS, to which areadjoy'iied

the words,farr,fi¢rther,aloißwide qßdißantßtmqßßltinzate,great Atnajloß;

Amongft which thewords, far,farther,di/tant, ими/1, ultimate, are Ad'l

jefiives. Alooj, wide of, agreat ma) of, are Adverbs. ‚ `

QUALITY. МЕД. 3. the radical word is MEMORY, to which Фей: other.`

wo~rds are adjoynedßecolleä‘gecal, commemorate,rememher,call or come to.

mind,put in mind,риф, record,recount, con over,getting [y heart, 5j rote,

without hook, at one: [идеи end:, memorable, Memorial, Memorandum,

mindful. Amongft which the words, Remember, commemorate, record,”

count, are Verbs, which being compounded with the TranIì:.Particle¿'

ìCaufe, will Iignifie “делят in mind, or „ф to remember.


Endea- МНЕ - For the prefent, Recal, нед/ей, callto mind.

vour. niñe. For the future, Con over,get la] heart, h] rcteßtc.

Mindful is an Adjeâ. Neut. ßlemorahle is an Ad Pais. Abftr. fldemonm.'y

dm,/llemorial,’ is to be compounded with the Tranfcend. Part. Sigma-le

notinga Sign for remembrance. _ ’

‚ .N P. V. 9. the Radical is SWIFTNESS, to which theß other words'

are ad j_oyned, “миф, Се1е’11;‚8рее‹1,faft,apace,qnick, _ßidden,r¿pid,hnr­

эмиссии‘, haften, curßr ,h}e, expedite, run,fmd,whi:h, po/t. Amongflt

which the words, Fleetne :, Celeritjßpeed, are Synonymous (ubit. Quick,

jîldden,fß,rapid,expedite,cnißry, are Adj.4pace,quichh_ly -cr,ar'e Adverbs.

19e, haßen, rango/t, huriy,fcud,vhi:k , are Verbs. _ Accelerate, expedite, as,

all'o haßen,hurry, when they denote a Tranfitive .efiicicncy ‚ are to' be'

exprelled by compoíition _with the Tranfc. Particle _ofACaufe (1i-make.'

So for the Oppolite to this, 'SLOWNESS-g, to which are adjoynèd. " b I i i thc

‚ ‚. ‚им... if"


the words, Hea'w'neji', jlackneß, dull ngg, tardy, дали-её‘, i/oftly, dilatofy,

кмп1‚]`агфот‚с1е1ву,1‚о1г,[мёда-‚Г rß,Lut'olan,torpiel,univie/aj', gingerly. `

The wordsßlacknefr, heavimfgaresynonymous fubllantives. Dol/Jing.

gi/h,tardy,lumpWJorpidßnmie/dy,dilatoty,are the Adjeůives of this root 5

which being compoundedwith theTranfe. partic.- of Perfon,will be of

the fame Íigniŕieàtìon with thol’e other words, Slugg, Loh, Luhber, Lnrdan.

.The Words,I Slank, lcafìtrely, gingw'ly ,t are' the Adverbs of this

Radical-Retard, 'foréflomdelaß are the Verbs. ’ 1 ‹ y

S0 Manel. О. 'th‘e ,Radical ‚ word is VICE; to which' thefe other

words are reduced,Sin,Crime,'Di/boì1q‘ly,' Improhily, Trejpq/i, Tranßáregìon,

Fault, Failing, In/irn‘tity, o'vetft'ght, turpitude, ‘шпинат, unjuß,oìle, ha/ê,

1oo/è,evil,ill,had,naught,corrupt, младше/(„1, heinotur,dehaucht, ‘графит’

ltß,lieentz'oue,ßml, j'lagitiouf, enormous, Profligate, Мускат, Rufen, Cai

„Ё Villain, Ralçehell, Libertine, dgïle, pollute , which are thus to be made

о from this root.

The words

sinpg'lhoneßygmprohity, are Subfi. N. » l . ‚

Treßaaßfranfgrd/ion, are Subliant. Ad. which Shbliantl'ves Being comi,

pounded with the Tranfcendental Particle._ t t

__ ,_. êAugment will Íig- ‚ (rime, Едим”, Turpitu‘ele. I

‚ — " Dim ' nil‘ie» ’ Fault, Будут)‘, Failing, O_verßghl." '_E'uill, ill, had, naught, corrupt,»«vieioue5 unŕighte‘out, unju/ì , are'l the Ad'ŕ

'5е&..1\1сщ; which being compounded with 'the Tranfèend. Particle,

‚ Augment. will >be of the fame importance with thofe other words,

Bafê, Foul, Lezvd, Filthy, dehauehed, дадим“, ним-шт, profligate,

heinour, mortali. ` If it be compounded with the "I‘ranfcendental Par

ticle Dim. it wìlllignìlie Venial. If with the Tranl'e.' Partie. for Per»

fon, it Íignifies, Rußìan, Villain, vl‘îalge- hell, Libertine, Mijŕreant, GaitiyfeCorrupt, dqí'le, pollute, dehaueh, :trey the Verb'compoundcd with the

Trànl'cendental Particle of Caufè, orMake.In ­the Tables of Athen. AS. V. 4. О. The Rad-ical is GRIEF; to дспощ

which are adjoyned the words, Sadneß, Sorrow, Melanehol , Hermine/i, `‹1о1‹[и11‚а1ер1о’ф1е‚Афа’фй’ефдде’, penfìve,dejeäed,tragieal,frtg‘ìtll,amort,

moan, hentoan, wail, детей, lament, dump,'crt/t down, ‘иех, trouble, Cuit,

take on, whimper,pule, woe, agony, изд/1.‘, mourn, ery, take heavily. Which

are thus to be made offfrom the Root.

Sadneßfrroioßeaoìneß, Melancholy, Trouhle,are Synonymous Subll'.'

I which eing compounded with the Tranle. Particle Augmentativ'e;

will exptefs thofe other words, Angui/h, time, Agony.

‘Fairfield/kd, Heavy, Melancholy, jorroufull, ‘Иван’, dtß‘onfòlate, eaß

domn,are Adjeâivesswhieh being compounded as the former, will

Н be of the fame importance with thofe other words, Dolefnll, rufull,

В‘ < hitter, tragical: ~ ‹ v

É шумные, dolefull, may be the Adje&.P.Abfl'. ‚ . ` ‘V y t . ‚

З Maan, hemoan, trail, hewail, lament, mourn, cry, plain', are the Verli‚9‘ of this Root, which in tome Aeceptìon‘s is to be compounded with­

the Tranfcendental Particle of Sign. ‘ ‘ ‘ l l

Talee‘or'z, tal@ heavily, Verb's to be compounded with Augment.

A whimper, 11u/e, whine, the Tranfcendental Particle' ‚Щит. `

— Iz/ex, Cut, caß down, are Verbs Aäive. ‘ e -- ­ —_ ‚ j ‘ 'j '

f.' „Dufnßa/J‚шт-5:0 be compounded with the Tranfc. Partie. [траты


АС; l.'

ChapXIl. Foregoiug Tahle. › 2 9



294 — Explication of tlre Partll:

AC. I. 7. О. The Radical is DYI 1G =‚ to which thefc other words are

‘ adjoyned, Deatb,cleadbf,mortall,fat*yc,dece¢,depart.expire'gi'oe up tbe

,gbryädefnnòhkilßflay,morti/1`e,dr`ß>atc ,jlaugbteßmortality,Capital5 which

are thus to be made off.

Deatb is Subfl'. N. Mortality is Subft. N. Abit. Slang/.Iter is the Subft.

compounded with the Particle Caufe.

Dead, defunti?, is Adj N. Deadly,fata1l, типа”, capital, is Adj.A. Abfl.

Dye,deceajè, depart, expire, give up tlJe Gba/l, is the Verb 5 which being

compounded with the Tranfcendental Particle Caufe or make, will

винте to Kil/,jlayg dißmtcb, morti/fc.

AC. lll. I. The Radical is SPEAKING ; to which thefe words are ad

joyned, тащит ­ance,mention,Elocutiontproriounce,expríndeliverfro

lation, Spa/Kerman, efablepolublejluentßiy,tell,mutter, mumble,jabber,jor

¿MJ/ein, Grammar,Rbetoricpratory,Eloquence,i’rolocntor, nuncnpati'ue, by i

word o mout/J. 1

Tal жди/‘м!‚здумдвхргфйд Delivering, Mehtioning, are Subfiant.

Synonymous to the Radical 5 which being compounded with the Tranfc.

Particle of Manner, will denote' the fenfe of thofe other worde which

denote a refpeft to the mode of fpeaking, viz. Elocntion, Pronunciation,

Utterance, Vim : And being compounded with the Particle Oliicer, it

Íignifies, Proloquutor. If with the ParticleArt, it tiíay denote the feve

ral ACIS of fpeaking. So the Art of fpeaking congruouflyis Grammar д

ornately is Kbetoricßloquencœ Perfwadingly is Oratory , Eloquence. If

with the Particle C0rruptive,it may Íigniñe, Mnttering, Mnmlilin‘gůabber,

jargon. The words Fluency, Volubility,are the Subfi. Abll‘. ACI. with the

Particle Perfeůive. Nuncnpative-ly, by жажду mouth, are the Adj. and

Adv. of this root. TaIk,tell,/ày,ntter, are the Verbs. Spokesman, is the

pro, or inßead, fpeaking perfon.

_ AC. III. 7. The Radical is WRITING5 to which thefe other words

are annexed, Penningprawing, Engroffìng, Hand, Manuf‘ripgfùbf‘ribeJì

Per/cribe, in crìbe, tran/Eril», pdlfcript, inter/ine, indorfê,ß‘rawle,fcríble,

Penmanßcrilre, отдает”, Secretary, Clerk, Notegïicê‘et,Doclçtßbortbancß

Tachygrapby, Bracbygrapby, Cryptography , fet one: band, jet down, take 0r

put in rvriting,enterinto bool@

_, Which words are thus to be made offfrom this root. The words ren

niflg,olraniing, and the PhrafesJÈt one: band, talee 0r put in writing, enter

info book, are the more immediate Минута ofthe Radical. Hand, Ma

nif/nipt, draogbt, are the Subfiantive Paílive.

[За-дефекта”, Writer _ s 'Perfon'

Secrctaryßlerlbtcribe Adj. Aft. Отсек

.Serie/ener. _ ` В. Mechanîß

:Q_-I Note,TicÍ{ct,Doc/{et Adjefhpafl Т’ Thing l

n Sbort-bancl,Èracbfgr4­ 2 El( Sho t _ ‘

г Ь, Ь t f iЁ . Тайм-122228"? J Subfl”. l??? l Art ofäspcedyëw l

ë' Óyptograp/.iy S 15’ Secret

Engrcß, write outfair P f ¿IiIScriblQ/êrawl gvcrb _ р kCîirrxieupt‘iîe ‘

ьвифгймфцмеэудйе,дп/ЪМЬе, Sac. are the Verb, compounded with l

— the Prepolitions. Snlr,jî¢per, in,&c.


" i Fore-going ­:ih/e.

w* 295*

In the Tables of Relation. RO. I. 2. The Radical isl PARENT, to KELÄ'IÍÖS‘.

which are ad ioyned the words Sire, Father, Mother,Da'mm,paternal, ma

ternal, Оплата, Sie. Orphan, which are thus to be exprefied,

Sire, Father ‚ Male -

ммЬщвшшёагс Parent Female

PaternalJ Maternal, are the Adjefiives of Father, Mother 5 сидит

is Fathers Father, or fecond Father, Orphan is un-parented. l

So for the Oppofite Radical CHILD 5 to which thefe other words are

adjoyned, Ißue, Son, Danghterßro'bd, Litter,jîlial, adopt, pojihume , which

are thus to be expreffed.

Ißuc, Brood, Litter _ _ ‚ Kind

son By compoiition with the Male

Daughter Tranfcendental Partie? Female

Adopt СаиГсFilial is the Adj. i Poßhnm'e isa Child born after the Parents Death. ‚

` ‚ RC. I. 2. The Radical is KING; to Whichtliefe words are adjoyned,

Soveraign, Emperor, Imperial, Monarch, Queen, regall, royal-ty, Мир/1,5

Heign,Kingelom_Lord,Dyna/ìy. Sultan,Cham,Liege Lora',Regent, Realm, Dia

demßrownßoronation, Scepter,7hrone, дадите, Viceroy.

Which are thus to be made oli. The Radical being a Subfiantive of

the Perfon, thefe other words muil: be Synonymous to it, viz. soveraign,

' Monarch Emperor, Lord, Liege-Lord, Sultan, Cham, Regent. The word

Emperor being fometirnes ufed for fuch a one as hath other Kin s under

his Dominion, may Iaccording to this notion of it, be expreífed у сош

poiition, with the Tranfc. Particle of Augmentative. l@geen by the Par..

ticle Fœm. Afíajeßy, Royalty, are Subfl. Abft. Regal, royal,Soveraign, Im

рейд, are the AdjeCt. N. Realm, Kingdom, are the Adj. Pali; ‘ШИНЫ:

Particle, Thing. The Reign is the Subfi. Ай’. То Reign is the Verb.

Viceroy, Regent, is Adj Aét. with Tranf Part. Perfon and the Prepoiition

Pro, orin/iead. Crown, Diadem,isHead-Sign.ofMajefty. ScepterisStaffI

Sign of Majefty. Throne is RoyalSeat. Coronation,inthroning,is folem

nity of Kingfmaking, or King-declaring.

By thcfe lníiances, 1t may appear-,what courfe is to be tai§en,with that

great variey'of Words, adjoyncd to other Radicals.

The things and notions provided for in thefe Tables, Aare fuch onlyas are of a more_[ímple nature5 others that are of a more mixed and com

plicated Íigniñ'cation, are to be exprefied periph'raftically, as may be feeri

m the Dictionary. Such words only, are abfolutely neceffary for fuch a

defign, as arepurely fimpler, .which if they could beacurately difl’ingui

Шеф would be much fewer then [йоге here enumerated, But for thepreventing of frequent and large periphrafes, it may b`e convenient toA

‚ take in fome others that are not purely lix‘hple.l

There are fome kinds ofthings that are not capable of being provided'

for in a Charaůer and Language, p’ro pofed for Univerfal ufe, as namely

all fuch as are a ppropiated to particular Place: or Timer.

I. Such as are peculiar to fome particularplace or Nation, As

r. Titles of Honour, Duke, Marquefs, Earl, VifcOunt, Baron,'Ba'ro'neŕ,

Knight, Efquire, Btc. Which are to be exprclied b‘y the feverald'egrees’

which they belong to in the мыши; Major, or Minor.

a. Tit/er ofOßice and Plxce, as Sheriff, Maior.- Bayliŕf, Src. Manet,”


timer, As

У variety of Breads, Bilket, Cracknel,Bunn,Simnel, &c. Several confe

_ _‚‚_

„ШММ’ l u

Explication of tbe Partll.

Warden,Prelident, Provofl, Principal, Reélor, Ste. which are all to be

exprelled by the common notion of Prefeòïnre.

‹ 3. Degree: in Profeìl/ionr, DoCtor, Malter, Bachelour, Serjeant at Law,

Barriller, ôte. _ '

4. Law Terni: of Tenures, Writ, Sie. Copyhold, Freehold, Knights

fervicc, Btc. Habeas corpus, ni/ipriur, Dtfegßlnce, (ertiorari, Берет’),

ßfPerß’deaI, „шт,Sie. '

5. To which may be added the feveral term: ofHeraldry,as Fels, Che

топ, öcc. which are not common to all Nations. _

Il. Such as are continually altering, according to feveral ages and

r. FIJ/lr andGarnxentr, to which there are every day new names ай

Íigned, according as feveral falhions do arile. ' `

2. Kinrlr ofStiff, as Baile, Flannel, Serge, Kcrl'ey, Grograin, Tammy,

Tabby, Sattin , Plufh, Velvet, Tiffany, Lawn, Doulelë, Canvas, Buc

krom, Sie. Diaper, Damalk,&c. which are to be periphraflically ех

preflèd by their matter and ligure.

:3. Garne: and Play: , of which the old ones do continually grow into

diful‘e, and every age produceth new kinds.

4. Drinks, The Wines of feveral Countries, and Grapes, as Malmley

Mulkadell, Src. And Го for other made Drink, as Tei, Colii, Chocolate,

Rambuze, Syllabub, Btc. . "

5. Mean, as fcveral prepared Difhes,Cullace,Biík,Oglia,8tc. The

ëtions, as Marmalade, Codigny, &c. Confeftìons in Phylicl't, as Dialbor

dium, Mithridate, &c. .

6. Tune: forMulick, or Dauncing, as Coranto, Galliard, Sarabrand,

jig, Pavan, Almain,`8<cy And fo for the various kinds of Mulical Inllru

gruments, Sackbut, Hauboy, Cornet, Lute, Theorbo , Viol, Степ‘,


' 7.У_ The names of (счета! Too/I belonging to Trades, which are not

the fame in all Nations, and are every day multiplycd.

8. То which may be added the names of divers l‘eéìs, whether Phl

lol`ophical, Political, or Religious5 which are various according to le'

veral places and Times, many of them being derived from the names of

Perjònr, and therefore not to be provided for in fuch a Theory of things

asis propol'ed for Univerl‘al ul’e. But as any of thefe may be periphra’

Iiically exprelied in the Latin, or in the Language of any other Nation,

which­ has no one word for them 5 fo may they likewife, with the lame

facility be defcribed ina Philofophical Charafler or Language.


Chap. I. Concerning Natural grammar. 197 `


Concerning Natural Grammar.


I. Concerning tbefê'veral kind: and Part: ofGrammar. 2. 0f Еду“.

- log), Людвиг-018000010 ofInte'graÍ/.r and Particler. 3. OfNaum in

general. 4. OfSnlßantz'wer Common, denoting either Tbingr, Ад}.

om, or Perjonr. 5. Ruler concerning Noun: of Aä’ion. 6, 0f 3,15

fŕantifue ab/Íraóîr. 7. OfAdjeälir/er according to the true Pbilofo'pbi

cal notion of them. 8. The true notion of a Verlr. 9. 0f derived

«Щит-0:. lo. А general Scheme of tbe fore-mentioned Derivationr.


Aving now difpatched the fecond thing propoled 'to be § Itreated of, namely, the Seientzjîcal part, containing а Y о

regular enumeration and defcription of fuch things and

notions, as are to be known, and to which names are to

be afiigned, which may be [tiled 'Univerjìl Pbiloßpbj;

Iproceed in the next place to the Organeial part, or an enquiry after

fuch kind of neceífary helps, whereby as by inftruments we muß be

aßified in the forming thefe more limpie notions into complex Pro

poíitions and Difcourles, which may be (tiled Grammar, containing

_the Art of_ Words or Difcourfe. ` —

Grammar may be difiinguifht. into two kinds; I. Natural, and Gg.

neral; 2. In/iitutedand Particular.

I. Natural Grammar, (which may likewife be Íiiled Philofophi

cal, Rational, 'and Univerfal) lhould contain all fuch Grounds and

Rules, as do naturally and necclïarily belong to the Philofophy of

letters and fpeech in the General. › ‚

2. Inßituted and Particular Grammar, doth deliver the rules which

are proper and peculiar to any one Language in Particu1ar5 as about

the InHexion of words, and the Government of cafes,cŕ«c. In the

Latin,Greek, Btc. and is deñned by Scaliger to befcientia Ioquendi Весит: L.

ex aß. y V L. Cap. 76.'

The ñrli ofthefe only is upon this occaíion to be confidered. Ic

hath been treated of but by tea/,which makes our Learned Verulam

put it among his De/íderata5 l do mt 'know any more that have pur

pofely Written of it, but ¿"cojna’irrhisI Grammatica „велит/л, and

Caramuel in his Grammatica Audax‘,and CampaneHa in his Grammatica

„Пару/1500. (Аз for Scbioppitu his Grammar, of this title, that doth

wholly concern the Latin tongue 5) Belides which, fo'mething hath

been occafionally fpoken of it, by Scaliger in his book de cau/í: lingua:

latina 5 and by Ими in his Ari/turchi”. But to щей: feems, ‘На: all

thefe Authors in lome meafure (though fome more then others) were

fo far prejudiced by the common Theory of the languages they were

acquainted with, that they did not fulhcìently abltratft their rules

Qq according


Part lll.

according to Nature. In which I do not hope, that this which is

now to be delivered can be faultlefs; it being very hard, (ifnot im­

pofiible) wholly to efcape fuch prejudices : yet I am apt to think it

lefs erroneousin this refpeû then the гей. v ’

The parts ofGrammar are principally thefe three.

1. Concerning the kind: of wordt, or thofe feveral modes and re.

fpeëts,`according to which the names of things may be varied in their

Acceptions5 being made either derivative Nouns, or Adver/u, toge

ther with their feveral inflexion: and cornpoßtionr; which may be

filled Etjrnology,

a. Concerning the proper union or right conltruůion of thefe into

того/тот or fentences', lwhich is called Syntax.

3. Concerning the molt convenient niark: orриф for the ex

preílion of fuch names or Words 5 whether by writing, Orthographji

or by fpeech, Orthoepy.

I Concerning Щит‘! grammar.

The iirli of thefe concerning the Водное of Word: , may refer

either, I. To theforntal dijj‘erencer or kinds of them-5 or, 2. То the

Accidental changes` of them, in refpeů of Inßeâ'ion, Derivation, Conx


Words, according to their formal difference: .and kinds, may be

thus dilitibuted. ­

Nouns Subll'antives` »Neuten

rintegrals З ­ Adjeétives­­­­­ Ё Attive.

Adverbs derived Paliive.

rEliential and perpetual in every com

I r pleat fentence. The Copnla.

rl . Integral, Pronoun.

A11 Words l I Q gc.’ Subfiitutivein the Sentence,or com

are eitherî 5 I; IOOm of fome plex part of it

Ё Её Intcrjeä'ion.

r_Conl‘truftion ofword

E. I uti. y with word,

l . g“ Connexive,ex­ . Prepofition.

. Particles ‚ 3‹ preIIing the ЁСотехшге of ien

` g l l tence with fen

I Lg, lL tencefAdverh.

:i . lëó'orejunlïion.

I Ё- t Defcílarative Integral, Article.

. A ­

._ Eidg?? ь; Copula, Mode.

longing to Integral or Cop. Тел}.

‘ Tranfcendental. See Chap. 6.

By Integrali or Principal words, {таза fuch as lignìfie fome entire

thing or notion : whether the En: or Thing it l`e1l`, lor the Eßënce of a

thing, as Noam` Можем, whether concrete or abll‘raů 5 or the Do

ing or Suffering of a thing as Nouns лат or Paßive5 or the manner

and aŕfeůion of it, as Derived Adver-dr.

Thofe inltituted words which men do agree upon for the names and

appellations of things, are (‘Мед Nonni'. — Every



i Concerning Miura! grammar.

Chapi I.

Every Noun which in conjunůîion with a Verb makes а compleat

fentence, and ñgniñes (imply, and per rnodnnzfulvßßenti: perje, is called

a Suhßantive. That which Íigniñes per rnodurn Adjunü’i, or adjacent#

alteri, is called an Adjeä'i'oe.

Subltantives belong either to one, called Proper.' or to many, and

are therefore Pryled Common.

The-former ofthefe are not to be brought under the rules of any

fcience, becaufe Individuals are Infinite 5 and therefore fuch proper

name: as pertain each to one only, (‘попы be el’teemed as fo many Ar

ticulate voices, to be expreffed by fuch particular vowels and confo

ваш‘ as will make fuch refpeäive founds.

Noun Suhßantive: Cornfnon are fuch names as are afligned to the fe

veral kinds or fpecies of things or notions5 which, though they are

very numerous, yet are they capable of being (‘След and fixed accord

ing to a Philofophical method, as is endeavoured in the Роге-801% Ta

bles. Concerning which thefe rules are to be obferved.

l. Every Radical word in the Tables is fuppofed to be a Subflan~

tive 5 though they could not all of them be fo expreíled, becaufe of

the defect of proper words for them in the prefent Languages 5 upon

which account there is a neceíîìty ofexpreíiing fome ofthem by 1141г

â'i'ver, and fome by an Aggregate ofwords : but they are all of them

to be underílood as being Íimple Subliantives. ‘ y

2. Thefe Radical Subll‘antives may be of various kinds, either

I. Ofthe Thing. 2. Of the Aäion or Pal/ion. Or, 3. Ofthe Perfon,

Beíidesthofe other kind of Subfi'antives Which proceed from thefe 5

whether Alytratì'r Neuter, as Deity, Ведет}, Sie. or fuch other Ab

— fira¿’ts,wherher Aélive or Paf/ive, as denote a proclivity or capacity,

as ‚шифер, ‚таль/„ф, Sec. which are provided for by the Tran

fcendental Particles.

3. When the Radical is a Noun Subůantive `of the Thing, the moli

immediate derivations from it, are the Subfiantives Aâ'i‘ve and Pagine,

tobe expreñ'ed by the mark of AÖ‘tive ot Paflive upon the Radical.

And the Subliantive of the perfon, whether Agent or Patient, by the

Adjeâive, Aůive or Pafiivein the Aoriů Tenfe, with the Tranfcen

dental mark ofPerfm; So Dux and Calor, Light and Heat, are Sub

fiantives of the Thing; Illuminatio and Calefaè'ŕio, Enlightning, Heat

ing, are the Subllantives Aäive, or ofthe Aóïion 5 'rà illuminare', cale

Лед, the being Enlightned and Heated are Sublìantives Paíiive : or of

the Paf/ion 5 Illuminator, Calefaâ‘or, or illunzinan: Ó' calefacien: per/ana,

the Enlightner and Heater, are Subllanrives of the Perßn agent 5 Ши

nzinatiu and Calefizóïnr, the Illuminated or Heated, are Subliantives of

the Per/ón Patient.

4. When the Radical is a Subftantive ofthe Aëîion, then the Sub

[iantive ofthe Perlßn, is to be expreíled as in the former rule 5 (o Liga

tio3 Pa/iio, Salivatio 5 Binding, Feeding, SpittingJ are Subíiantives of

the лат, Ligator , Pajlor, Salivator5 Binder , Feeder , Spitter,

are Subfiantives of the Адепт; and Ligatnr, Paßur, Salivatur 5 Bound,

Fed, Befpit, are the Subliantìves ofthe Patient. And the Subliantive

ofthe Thing whether Aůive or Pallive, is in this cafe to be exprefl'ed,

by the Adjeó‘tive, Aétive or Paiiìve in the Aoriů Tenfe, with the Tran

О“; a fcend'ental


g 1v.




Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part III.

fcendental mark of Thing. So Шут rer, a binding thing, is Ligamen

tum, aBond or String; and nutrient­ or paffen: rer, a nourilhing or

feeding thing, is nutrimentum, food or nourlfhment5 fo Идеи rer, a

bound thing, is Идти”, aBundle or Fardle5 ­fo excreta or falivata

ref, is Excrementunt, or Saliva,EXcrement or Spittle. ›

5. When the Radical isa Subliantive of the Perßn, then the Sub.

ftantive of the ACtion or Pafiion (as was faicl before) are the molt

immediate derivations from it, and to be exprefled by the Mark of

Aétive or Paílive upon the Radical 5 So Magißratur, Rex, judex, Sec,

Magijirate’, King, уму, Ste. are Radicals ot the Perfon5 The Sub

ftantives of Aůion belonging to each ofthefe, are Guhernatio, Regata

tio, îudicatio, Governing, Keigning, задай‘; 5 And the Subll'antive of

the Thing whether Ac't'ioe or Paf/ive, is to be expreífed by the Adjeâive

Aötive or Paflive in the Aorilt Tenfe, with the Tranfeendental note

of Thing 5 So Guhernan: re: agovernìng thing5 regen: re: a reign

ing thing5 andjudicanr reta judging thing, viz. A Canon or Rule

by which we judge of lireig-ht and crooked, right and wrong 5 So

Guhernata rei, the governed thing, is Это, Territory, Dominion, Ju

rifdiëtion i Regnata re:,is Regnum the Kingdom 5 :indicata res, is 71:41

cium, Judgment. ’

As thofe names which are afligned to fignilie things themfelves, and

do not denote either Aöiion or Paflion, are ftiled Noun: neuter: Го

thofe names which are ailigned to lignifxe the Doing or Suffering of

things are (tiled Aóì‘ive or Palline. The fame notion which in the Greek

and Latin is exprelled by the [придёт Mode Aů'ive or Paflive, is that

which Ihereintend by the Subliantive Aëiive or Pafiive 5 and that it

may properly be fo (Шеф! (hall endeavour to prove afterwards.

Though every Noun Subl’tantive have not an Aâive or Pafiive be­

longing to it either in the Greek, Latin, Ещё/Ь, Ste. yet according to

the Nature and Philofophy of things, whatfoever hath an Ефим, muli

likewife have an Ae? 5 either of Being or becoming .~ or of Doing or heing

done : or ofmaking or heing made : to he, or do. And confequently

every Radical Subfiantive which is capable of Aëtion, ihould have

an Aftive or Paíiive formed from it, which is commonly called aVerl). Y

As for fuch things which have not of their own any proper Ад: of

Doing, they are not capable of the derivation of Aëtive and Pafiive,

oh elefeâ'utn materia 5 as in the Words Stone, Маше, Ú'c. But the Verbs

belonging to fuch Radicals can be only Neuter, denoting the Aâ of

Being or becoming5 unlefs when they are compounded with the

'Tranfcendental mark of Caujhtio, which Will adde to them a Tranli

tive fenfe, as Petriñe, Metallifie, Ó‘c.

As for fuch other Radicals as are capable of Aóiion or Paílìomthefe

Rules are to be obferved concerning them.

I. More Generally thefe two. ‹

’ l. Things which according to common acception have belonging

to them any oneproper Ад ofDoing5 their Verbs Aâives will denote

this Ай: For inltance, the Verb or Subltantive Aëtive of the words

Fire, Water, Sie. is to burn,wet 5 and fo for thofe Aéts of the feveral

parts, Tongue, Tooth, Mouth, Throat, Foot, Heel, whofe aûive by this

_ Rule

__»..W ___-»_

Chap. I. Concerning Nez-tural grammar. _ got

Rule will be- to lick, bite, devour, foal/ow, тихие, kick, and 'the

Aûive of Bow, Gun, is to Shoot as with a Bow, Gun. ._ _

2. Things which have not, according to common acception, any

one kind of peculiar Aci: of Doing appropriate to them; the Aůive,

belonging to fuch things, willûgniñe in the General to'Aët or do ac.

cording tothe nature ot fuch things. `— .

2. More Particularly thefe four. ..

I. The Aétives belonging to fuch Radicals as are'S-ub/tancer, whe

` ther Abfolute or Relative, do Íignitie to Ад‘: according to the nature

of fuch Subliances 5 Го in abßlute Subli’ances, the Active of God, Spi

rit, Man, will Íigniñe to Aci: as God, Spirit, Man 5 and fo in Relative

Subliances, the Aëtive of Father, judge, Magißrate, is to Адс as а Fa

ther, ]udge, Magiftrate.

a. The Actives ofQrfality, whether Predicamental or Tranfcem'

dental, do denote the Aëts of thofefpecier, with particular reference

to the dißerencer under which they are placedi So the At‘ftive of Eaß,

We/t, Obliquity, Sie. being under the difference of Situation, muli lig

nilie to Íituate a thing Eafterly, Wefierlyßbliquely. The words of Line,

Surface, Body, being under the difference of Dinien/ìon 5`the Aólive

belonging to them muli Íigniñe to Dimenfionate as either of thcfe.

‚ The words under the differences of Figure, mult in their Aŕftives

Íigniñe to Figure according to fuch particular Ihapes.

Thofe underthe difference of Time, the Aâives of Prejènt, Sinaai.

‘мест’, Neraneß‘, Oldneß, Soonejì, Sie. mult fignilie to АС’: with tuch

refpeâs of Time. ‚

The Aëcives of the Differences and Species under Meajìire, fhould

regularly Íigniŕie to Meafure by Number, Magnitude, Gravity, Valeur,

Duration. The Aê’cive of Inch, Foot, Pace, Штат, is to Meafure by

Inch, Foot, Útc. and Го for thofe other Species of Grane, Drachrn, Ste,

F„Миф, Penny, Sie. .

Th'e Active of Minute, Hour, Day, Night, 8<c. will Egnifie to conti.

nue for fuch portions or meafures of time, according to the ienfe ofthe

Difference, Duration,;mder which thefe fpecies are placed. ‘

The Aůive of [арии], Childhood, Adoleß‘ency, Sie. may Ggniñe to

рай the time of one’s Канапе)’, Childhood, Adolefcency, ó‘c.

3. The Af’rive of fuch Radicals as are aQualitier, whether Predica

mental or 'Tranfcendentah lignilieto do or deal according to the fig

nification of the faid qualities 5 So the Aëtive ofFidelity, Severity, Sec.

willíigniñe to deal or Aét, Faithful/y, Severely', &с. The Aëtive of

башке/З, Evilnefr, Ste. will {ignilie to Aft or Do well or ill, фа.

4. The ACtive of fuch Radicals as denote Aëft'ionr, need no other ex

plication but this, that fome ofthem are Active „шт, which in the

ufual Grammars are [tiled Neuter5 as Sto, Sedeo, Curro 5 others Tra”.

jîtive, denoting a traníient efficiency5 into which latter kind, the

former of thefe may he changed (as was faid before) by competition

with the Tranfcendenral mark of Caußtion.

There are feveral Englilh Verbs, which, without admitting any

change by Compolition or InHexion, have both a Neuter and a Tran

Íitìve figniñcation 5 as Corrupt, Feed, Starve, Нашу/э, Move, lie/t, Hang,

Extend, Shrink, Stagger, Stay, Scc. Whofe fenfe is to be difìinguilht by~

the conftruůion.



3oz Concerning Щит‘! grammar. Part Ill.

There are fome Verbs of the fame Natural Philofophical Radix ,

which are yet expreffcd by different Words, as Laugh, рейде, Weepa

Bernoan, muß, need, Neccjfìtate, Bcc. And the different notion of thefe

and fuch like Verbs, is not capable of being cxptelied by the Tranfcen

` dental point ofcaujâtion :but by placing after them fuch a Noun Sub

Íiantive,or Pronoun Subflantive, as may denote the objeët of thofe

feveral aûs. So the word Laugh, being put without any Subftamivc

following, doth ligniñe in the Neuter (еще the bare ад: of Laughing 5

but ifthe word me or him, Ó‘c. doth immediately follow the Verb,

then it is to be rendered deride or laugh at, me, him, Ó'c.

§ VI. Befides thofe Concrete _Subftantives, which ligniñe the Ет or thing

it МГ, there are other Subftantives which denote the Едет: of things,

ůíled Abßraölr. And thefe may likewìfe be diůinguifhed into, Neuter,

Ae‘live, Paßive. '

That is (tiled Neuter which denotes the naked Eii'ence of a thing,

without any inclination to Aůion or Pafiion, as Deity, Regality.

That is (tiled an Abftraâ Aôïive, which implies a proclivity to

Aëiiomas шумной}, Amativenefì, or Amoroujny-i’.

That is called Pai/ive, which denotes a capacity or fitnefs for re

ceiving or fuffering of Aůiou, as Кеды!!!» Amiablenefi.

Such Radicals as are concreter, are capable (according to the nature

of the things denoted by them) to have all thefe three kinds of Ab

firaêis formed from them. lWhereas fuch Radicals, as are themfelves

Aljŕraör'r Neuter, (as namely fevetal of thofe under the Genur’s and

Differences of ,Quality and Aäion) are capable only of the two latter

kinds to be formed from them.

§ VII. As Noun Subßantive: are the names which are given to things, con

fidered ßmply, and as‚ИМ/11"‘; дуг/лифте: : 80 Noun Adjeâ‘ive: are

the names which are given to the Ädjunä nature: of things, the noti

on of them confiliing in this, that they figniiìe, the fubjeëì or thing to

which they are afcribed, to have in it fomething belonging to the na

ture or quality of thofe Adjeóì'iver, which are predicated of it, or li

mited by it.

And belides this common notion, they do fometimes likewife in the

ìnfiìtuted Languages refer to other notions5 as, I. То aboundauce,

,fo the words populous, pretious, fumptuous, Öle. fo in Latin, ‚шт

pißofua, aquojì regio. 2. To likenefr, fo the word dogged, currifh,

Wafpilh, Seraphicua, Angelicur, Sie. 3. To Poffeliionfo Domus regia,

a royal houfe. 4. То the matter of which any thing- doth coníift; fo

‘Миши aheneum, A brazen fhield. But each of thefe notions maybe

otherwife more diftint‘lly provided for. The two firft by the Tran

íbendental marks of Augmentative and Like, and the two next by the

prepolitions ofPoßßîir and Material calife. And fo the true genuine

fenfe ofa Noun Adjeâ'ive will be fixed to confift in this, that it im

ports this general notion of Pertaining to, or being Afeäed with.

Thofe Adjectives are fl‘iled Neuter»l which do not denote eitherAétion or Pafiionr, as Calieliu', Lucidi/a, Hot, Light. i

Thofe are ftiled Aäive or Paßive, which denote the Aûion or Paf;

fion ofthe Adjunů thing or Eíience. And becaufe thefe according {О

' ' t 1e

_ChapL i Concerning Штат! grammar. 3e;

the common Theory do Participate both of Noun and Verb 5 there

fore are they by Grammarians ftiled Participle: 5 Aůive, as Calefacz'

ens, Illnrninam, Heating, Enlightning : or PafiiveßalefaäuJl/nnzina

tin', Heated, Illuminated.

And as Abliraů: Subliantives, may be formed from thelCoucrete 5

folikewife may _Adje&ives, which are alfo dillinguilhable into Neu

ters Aëtive, Pafiive. l. '

That part of fpeech, which by our Common Grammarians is liiled g VIII

a Verb, (whether Neuter, Aůive or PalIive) ought to have no diltinfl: f '

place amongft integrals in a Philofophical Grammar 5 becaufe it is re

ally no other then an Adjeâ'ive, and the Серии/й»: aflixed to it or con

teined in it : So Caleo,€alefacio, Calidur. Concerning which Сирии,

Calefio,is the fame with/inn äcalefacienr. and the ufe of it 5 more

страж. lhall be faid hereafter.

That kind of word, which is commonly adjoyned to a Verb, to IX

Íignilie the quality and affeâion of the Aůiion .or Pafiion, is [tiled an g '

Adverb', which may be diliinguilhed into Derived and Underived.

The former ofфей: is here particularly intended, and doth 'generally

belong to Languages. Thelatter is afterwards treated of amongfl:

the Particles.

As every Radical is fuppofed naturally to have its ‚одеты, fo like

wife its Ad'uerb5 and though no Language in ufe doth admit of fo

general aderivation of Adverbs, yet the true reafon of this is from

their imperfeétion and deficiency5 for the Signs ought always to be

adequate unto the things or notions to be lignilied by them. ­

As Acljeâ'iz/e: were before diflinguifhed into Neuter, Aâ'ive, Paßi‘ve,

fo likewife ought Adverb: to be. And as every Adverbisimmediately

derived from fome Adjeâive, fo every kind of Adjeëtive hath fome

kind of Adverb derived from it.

For the more ealie underftanding of thefe things, I lhall here adjoyu

a general Scheme ofthe fore-mentioned derivations; wherein I lhall

be neceflìtated to form feveral new words according to common


All integrals are either. ' g Xó

Concrete. 'l r`îve.

Neuter-s 13 calerc nel calor. Lueere vel lux, Heat, Light.

âAâivc. Calefaätio, A. Illuminatio. ìl'leating. Enlìghtning.

Pallivc. Calefaäio. P. Illuminari. Being Heated. Enlightncd


‚ Adjeéìive.

f Neuter. Calìdur. Lueidur. Hot. Light. _ °

ìAâive. Calefacíenr. Illuminam'. Heating. Enlightning.

4 PalTIve. страж, Illuminamr. L Heated. Enlìghtned.

У Adverb. `

l Neuter. Calìdê. Lucide. Hotly. Lightly.

Aâìvc.Calfacienter.Illnminanter; Hcatìngly. llluminatìngly.

_ Pallive. свыше; lllnminatè. k Hcatedly. Illumînatcdly.



g u.

Concerning Naturalfjrammar. i Part Ill;

rSubllantivc. ~

l Neuter. Calaritar. Lucidìrar. Hotnelë. Lìghtnefs.

ЗАЫ‘К- clhfßa ivìm- Ii'uminatìvìtar.}Calcfa&ivìty. llluminativigy,

Pallivc.Calefa¿tibilitaf. Illuminabilim. Calcfaé’tìbility. Illuminabìlìty.'

ё Adjeůìvc. y

. §NeurenCalaritati1/ur. Luciditativur. Calorìtativc. Lucidìtative.'

Active. Calefaëtivur. llluminatìvur. Calefaâîve. Illuminatîve.

llluminabilit. Cllcfaâiblc. Illuminable.

Pallivc. Сад/‘161155111.

¿Adverb. ‚ l I _

Neuter-.Calorìmtìvè. Lucìditarivè. Galoritativcly. Luciditativcly.

{A&ive, Calefae’livè. lüuminative". ÈCalcfaâit/cly. llluminatatîvcly.

Pallivc. Calefßfìilriliter. llluminabiliter. Calefaůìbly. llluminlbly.


I CHAP. п.

1, of Particle: in general. a. 0f the copula. 3. 0f Pronoum` more

generally. 4. More Particularly. 5. 0f Interjeäionr more gene

rali). 6. More Particularly.

Aving thus explained what is meant by Integral words, which

lignifie entire things and notions, with the feveral kinds of them.

I proceed in the next place to treat, concerning Particler, or lefs prin

cipal words, which may be faìd to conñgniñe, ferving to circumlian

tiate and modifie thofe Integral words, with which they are joyned,

being [tiled by the Hebrew Grammarians Diòfioner.

The words of this kind are exceeding numerous and equivocal'in

all Languages, and add much tothe dili'iculty of learning them. lt

beinga very bard matter to ellablifh the juft number, of fuch as in all

kinds are neceflary,and to fix to them their proper Íignifìcations,which

yet ought to be done in a Philofophical Grammar. I (hall in this НЕ)’,

feleét out of Infliruted Languages, fuch ofthe feveral forts, as [сои`

ceive fuliicient for this purpofe. ‚

Thefe were before dif’tinguilhed, into fuch as refer, either to Grant

matical, or Tranjìendental notion. -

Thofe are liiled Grammatica! , which fuppoiing words to retain

their primary fenfe,do ferve for the circumliantiatìng of them, either

by union, abbreviation, inflexion, or fome other way for the quali

fying of their Íigniñcations or conliruötions.

The moli neceflary amongů all the гей, which is efi'ential and per

petual in every Compleat fentence, is [tiled the сори!‘ 5 which fcrves

‘for the uniting of the Subjeét and Predicate in every Propofition. The

word Задай‘ I ufe, as the Lo iciansdcgfor allthat which goes before

the copula; which if it con 1li of only one word, then it is the fame

which Grammarians call the Nominative cafè. By the word Predicate,

I mean likewife all that which follows the Copula in the fame fentence,

whereofthe _AdjeétiveQif any fuch there be)immediately next after the

Copula, is commonly incorporated withy it in inliituted Lan uagCSs

and both together make up that which Grammarians call a Veri


Chapll. . Concerning Моим! grammar. . 305

Amongft thofe Particles which are not effential and perpetual, but

ufed according to o_ccafion, fome are Iiiled Suhßitutive5 becaufe they

fupply _the room either, 1. Of fome мед’! Word, as Prononnr, or

a. Ofzforne Sentence or complex part ofit, as Interj’eâ'ionr.

As Nouns are notes or Iigns of things, fo Pronouns are of Nouns; g III

and are therefore called Pronornina, qnafì vice Nontinufn, as being JUL gang', ¿c

placed commonly inIIead ofNouns. They reprefent things either ms- .L- L

l l. Immediately and in kind, without refpeó’t to the names of thofe Саши‘

things. ' So when its faid,I exhort' thee or him : The Pronounl repre

fent to our thoughts the perfon fpeaking, fuppofe john 5and the words

thee, him, the perfon fpoken to or of, fuppol'e Wiüiarn or Thonzar.

2. Mediatel; by their names, which are either ‚

1. Ехргф with the Pronoun, as commonly it happens upon the lirlt

ìntimation or mention ofthe thing 5 as thi: or that man 'or book, and

in thefe cafes the Pronouns are commonly called Ветви/{гонит

2. Supp/jed h] the Prononnr, as is ufual for Brevities lake, at the re

peatingiol` the mention of a thing lately before fppken of 5 as he, it, °

&c. and then the Pronoun is called Relative. Examples of bothlorts

are to be had in the Grammars of Inliituted Languages.

»More commodioully for our purpofe, the Pronouns are to be con

fidered either according to their, I. Number. 2. Modifications. _

‚ `.1.. „Авто their Number 5 there are twelve which may be `l`tiled

[imple Pronouns, and three other that are Compound. -

The Simple Pronouns, for thev better convenience of and comply

ance 4with the Charaůers, are reduced into thefe three combinations 5

whereofthe lirli and Ы’: combinations are lingle, the other double.

I. ' \ this. That. 2, Ан)’ one.

Thou. Same. ‘ Another. ­ Ever] one.

He. Gertainone. Sonie one. ) A”.

ОНИ which it is to be obferved, that they are in fome kind or

other, èQiantitatŕveu that is to fay, every one of thefe Pronouns

makes the whole Propofìtion, or at leali that part of the Propolition,

which is affeûed ‘той, according to its own nature, _to be either Sin-3 ’

guiar, Indefinite, Particular or llniverfal.

2. The Modifîcation: of Pronouns, whereby they are varied into

differenthgnilications, are of two kinds.

I. Рода/Зов, denoting a relation of Propriety o_r PofIeflion unto the "

perfon or thing fpoken of, which is applicable to all Pronouns,as_l,

Mine5`Who, Whofe, до. - l - ‹ — —_ — 3

a. Reduplicative, denotinga particular Emphalìs, whereby a‘word

is raifed and intended in its Iignilìcation5 asl my Гей} Thou thy

Ген", 6ft. —

Moreover it is to be obferv'd, that the Perfonal Pronouns, and any

ofthe teli being us'd Subliantively, are capable ofNumber and Cafe;

and that all other Pronouns belide the_Perfonnl, are capable of Com­>

polition with the Tranfcendentals of Perfon and Thing, of Place,

Time and Manner.

All thefe Pronounsl have thought lit to reprefent more largely ип

der four combinations in thefe following Tables.

R r The


¿Q6 . Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part III;

gni-V, The ŕirů Combination of Pronouns dre-noting the three Perfons are

вид/дадим, and for their Qraotityjingnlar, and cannot properly rc

preferir any other then ,ldividual beings. Ihave here adjoyned to

them their plurale, for the fake of their Poífefiìves 5 ourr,yonr:, Майн,

which without them cannot be fo conveniently exprelled.

Sing. Numb. Plur. Numb.

Ego rnc. rl. I. me We, us. Nor.

Meur. I Pof/I My, Mine. '. (Ours Ыф’"

Egornet. ‚ здейпр. Even l. I my И‘: I WeОШ felvfs- No’ Миф“.

Ego ipjë. Paß Red. my own. lOur-own.

Tate. I. a. тно ‘0. Thee. IYec,you­ Уш

Тт‘л P. Thy. Thine. Yours. Уфе’.

Тu ipjë,ternet. âR. Thy telf, even thou. I {YOUI' fdVC‘S. ' у” ipjî, vqfnret'.

‚Р. R. Thy own. Your own. '

Ille, i/Ze. ¿3, H E. Him. She. Het. .lThey,thern,thofe. 1113.

Suue, giur. P. HìS. Hers. ' Theirs. Saur, eorufn.

Ipjê,jê. ' {К Не himfçlf, even he, {They themfclvesJb'i ipfì, Sfee.

’ P. R. His own, her own. Their own.

The fecond Combination of Pronouns as likewife the гей that fol

low,are properlyddy'eótizrer,though by reafon of Ellipjir they are fome

tìmes ufed Subfiantively. The three firlt of them, this, that,the_/îme,

are for'their Quantities fngula'rr, and do denotcfeveral relations of

Identity 5The three lait, viz.. 1nother,A certain one, Sorne one, are for

their' (Llantities, Singular: or Particular: indeterminate. The БЫ’: of

them implies the Relation of Штат’. .

Hic. ' "1. THIS. — ­ THAT. Ille,if, фа.

Hajar. I P. Belonging to this Perfon. Belonging to that,it. Illiur.

Hic ipjê. I R. This very P. T. Thing. That very. Ille, ipfè’.

Hic. I Pl. Here. There. Illic,ibi,ißic

Nuno. T. Now. Then. Tune.

Hujufrnodi. I M. This marmer That manner. Ißinflodi.

Ident. ‘П. 2. Т НЕ S А ME. ANOTHER,other,elfe. Aline.

Ejufdern. I P. Belon Шато the fame. Anothers. латы.

I R. Self- ame. ` Wholy or quite апо

Ibidern. Pl. Elfèwhere. (ther. Alibi.

T. Otherwhile. Altar.

M- I Otherwife. Aliter.

glade». . 3. А с ER ra 1N. S o м в. лари:

Р. Belonging to a certain Pfl". Somebodies.

P. L. A certain place. Somewhere. Alie-ubi.

T. A certain time. Some time. ‚тамада.

М. A certain manner. Some manner. „щиты“

Some wife. 2


Chap. ll. ßoncerning Natural grammar. 307

The third Combination of Pronouns arey I" General or Particular indefinite i l

‘UL/m'. I. А NT, ought, ever a.

` l P. Any ones, any bodies.

‘UI/ibi,ufànm. P1. Any where. '

‘дадим. i T. Any time.

‘Ода modo.


| M. Any manner.

III, General аутизм 5


P. Every ones, belonging to, or concerning every

l one, Peifm, Thing.

i Pl. Every where.

l T. Every time.

l M. Every manner.

Generis] (одеты;

i3. А L L.

v P. Belonging to all,Perfom, Thirty.

‘Вы’; Р1. All places.

Semper. ‚ T. Always, all times.

Omimadv. M. All manner ofways.

The fourth and laft Combination is of the mixed or compound

Pronouns 5fo ûy'led, becaulethey are made up of fome of­the other

Pronouns, compounded with the three iirft and той fimple of the

Conjunâ'z'am. The iirfl‘ofthem 251': r WHО? is the Pronoun All,

taken in pieces, with an interrogation 5 For he that enquires who did

this, means, doubting of all, did fuch a one? or fuch а one Р ó'c. of _

all them that were capable to doit : but he that doubts only ofone,

enquires, did he do this? where _0251's is plainly refolved into aPr0~

noun incorporatëd with a сидите’: Interrogative. And as for the

fecond ofthefe, I@ci it is commonly tranflated And be. And the dlird

Wboßever is the fame as If an) one. They may be dil’tinguilhed



I. [Магазины 5

WH о г which P what? 2gb?

P. Whole a? см)“ .2

I P1. Where? ‘вы:

;| т. when@ @manl M. How Р @amado д

IV, 2. Relative.; —

WHО, which, that. Qu'.

' P. Whole. щи.

l P1. where. wi. ‚Т. When. Quando.

M. After which manner. ¿tonada

l 3. Reduplicative5 »

WHosoEr/ER, whomfoever, which- залит, атм;

íbever,whatfoever. `.

P. Wbofefoever. ‘_ .__ _, бархат‘;

PLWhereÍoever ' Ubicunq;

’ Т. WhCÚfOC'VEI’. @411114141631115

` М. Howfoever, after what manner ibever. @gonfle атак;

Rr а \- — And

'goti Concerning Щит!grammar. Part lll.

And thus much'may Ген/е for flaring the number, nature, Нант.

cation and ufe of this fecond kind of Grammatical Particle {liled


g V- Thofe Subflitutive Particles, which ferve to fupply the room of `

fome fentence or complex part of it, are [liled Intery‘eâ'ionr. The@

are by fome denyed to be words, or any part of diltinét fpeech, but

only natural figns of our mental notions, or paflions, exprelIed by fuch

rude incondite founds, feveral of which are common with us to Brute

Creatures. And as all Nations of men do agree in фей: kind ofna

Юга! pailions, fo likewife do they very much agree in the ligne or in

dications of their mirth, _ßrrong love, hatred, Sie.

Thefe kind of Particles are generally exprefl'ed by afpirated Точное,

smug. L. l.. afer‘ïum слёт notant, Ó'ideo conform: editar jpiritnr, becaufe of that

СЧ" '3' ' atfeölion and vehemence, which is commonly denoted by them.

The kinds of thefe may be very numerous, according to the various

motions and paflions of the mind5 but thofe that are of the moft fre

quent and general ule,may be reduced under thefe three combinations,

whereofthe lirll only is Íingle, the other two double.

8 VI ` The two Erft Combinations may be (tyled Solitary and Paßíve, be­

° ing Мед by us when we are alone,­ or not fo direéîïly tending to dil;

conrfe with others, in which the Party fpeaks as fu eríng fome muta

tion in himfelf. They are the refult, either of a ßrprized.

“кадмия, denoting either

I. (Adrniration. Heigh.

I» a.’ Doubting or conlidering. Нет, Hm, Hy. . ¿l

gìDejpi/ìng. Pifh, Shy, Туш. _

A lAjèäion 5 moved by the Apprehenlion of Good or Evil.


l "ММ/д Ha,_ha, he.

’I Sorrow. Hoi, oh, oh, ah.

п- Prejênt;

,à Love, and pity, Ah,alack, alas.

` Hate, and anger, vauh, hau.

i . Futures

Urimm. 6 f1» 3 Deßre, O, о that.

3'IA‘z/erßxtion, Phy.

The lait Combination may be fliled Socialand Aäive, being never'

под by us when we are alone, but immediately tending to difcourfè

with others, in which the party fpeaks with delign to procure fome

mutationin his Heaters. Thefe may be dillinguilhed into fuch as are

Precedaneonr to difcourjë.

In ,.{Exclaiming Oh, Soho.

’ silencing. St, Huib.

Beginning ofdifcourfè.

` General i to difpofe the fenfcs ofthe Heater. è.

I l . 2 Befpealq'ng attention. Ho, Oh.

‚ ' Ezpreßìng attention. Ha.

Special 5 to difpofe the Aů'eâions of the Heater by- Way of

,_ ä In ‘типов or blandiíhment. NJ Eia, Now.

Т reatning. ‘1R Vae, WO. C H A P.

Chaplll. t Concerning Щит‘! grammar geg


g I. 0f Prepo/itione in General. Il. The particular kinda

ofthem. § III. Explication ofthe four lofi Combinations of

them, relating to Place, or Time,

Hofe are {щей Connexioe Particles, whofe proper ufe is to ex- S I

prefs, either 1. The Сон/„итак of word with word called Pre- ‘

pqßtion, or á. The Contexture offèntence mithßntenee, called Adverb

yand Conjunâ'ion.

l’repofitíon: are fuch Particles, whofe proper oHice it is to joyn Inte- _ ‘

gral with Integral on the fame fide of the copula 5 fignifying fome re

fpeâ of Caufè, Place, Time, or other circumûance either Poíitively or

Privatively. Thefe having lfuch a fubferviency to Nouns, in rc,

Грей ofwhich, they are by fome fiiled Adnomia, or Adnomina and

Prtenamina, as Adverbs have to Verbs, They are therefore 'here trea

ted. ofbefore Adverbs, whofe ofiice is chiefly to wait upon Verbs.­

There are thirty Gx Prepoíitìons or eighteen paires of them, or Íix

Combinations, which may, with much lefs equivocalnefs then is found

in inliituted Languages, fuflice to exprefs thofe various refpeûs,which

are to be iignifyed by the kind of Particle.

The two hifi Combinations of Prepofitions, do comprehend‘fuch § п.

as are ufed to exprefs Спи/2159, and may be f’tiled Gau/àl.

The firfl Combination of Caußl Prepoiitions are either,

More General, denotin either the Author, Subjeò?, or им?”

ofany thing 5 expreäed in the Latin by the Genitive cafe:

or the Formal,_or Inßrnmental cauß, or Manner of doing, ex

preíied in the Latin by the Ablative cafe: Neither of them

l' having any Particle in that Language appointed for them. Н

t i I. о F ’‘; ` W IТН, By à à

‘ " ¿More Particular ; denoting either `

The Eßícient, or the Final caufe. . ‚

В Т Y ‚ ­/ Ab. a. per.'

2. F о R i ob’pro, Prop’

­ ‚ ._ ‚ ter.

The Materialcaufe, ex qua, or circa quam. . ` ‚ as..CONCERNING, краж. ` ’ '

The íecohd Combination of Caufàl Prepoíîtions doth contain fuch as

do relate either to the notion' of ‚ ­, ~ `

rIt'leal and exemplary, or зашиты

l ,ACCORDING To _ . d

l ’TINsTEaD ‚ _ _. ‚ РЩ‘НЮ

“d Social or circumůance of fociety, Aßirmed, or Denyeá.

2 `’WITH ’ ЁЩТЪЫ- „

, ’ WITH02JT,void,of mi“ 1’ »­ adjuvant and agreement with : or lopptßng and enmity agâi‘pg ’

naa, fecal.


3io f Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part Illa

Pro. F 0 R, on „Эй/Ив’.

com" 3*{А G A IN S Т, oppofite unto.

The teli of the Prepofitions do primarily refer to Place and Situa

tion5 Secondarily to time5 And fome ofthem, by Way of Analogy,

to Contparifenßome ofthefe are Abfelutel) determined,either to Motion,

or to Refi, or the Terminus ofrnotion.0thers are relatively applicable to

both ­, Concerning which this ruleis to be obl'erved. That thofe which

belong to motion, cannot lignilie reti: But thofe which belong to гей,

may likewife Iignilie motion in the Terminus. ,

The third Combination doth так of fuch as refpeô: Лиге inge

neral being either „

.4b/blote!) determined to '

[ Motien5 either of Corning, or Going

то '

^' 1‘окомlill Heß 5or the Term of this motions, denoting either s Near

\ ndi and contiguity: ro Вправо‘

Apud. A Т

Procul. 2’ o F F

¿Relative both to motion and гей, with refpeû to the Винт-

diatefpace betwixt thofe Terms, either ll Direi?, or Indireä.

Trans. о VE R

Circum. 3’ Ад 0 ‘и 1’ `

The foi’th Combination doth confilt of fuch Prepolitions,as re

fpeé't Space, witha particular reůriiftìon to the notion of Containing,

being either.‚‘ _ "Abßluteledeterrninecl to — ‘ ’

- _ _ Motion whether of nlngrefi, or Egreß

n. ' ‘ ' ¿îrNro Ч’ 1’

F” ‘~~ "evror'~

'_ »C IV.' ’ ließ or Фетиш: ofthel'e Motions.Intra :ll-"ANH l WITHIN. f". " ‘“

Extra. ’ ’ WÍIHO ‘U T ‘ _ ’

LRelative both to Motion and Reli, with “Твой to the Interme

лифтeither Н Direi? or {лёг-ой.‘ _— A l l' l. ‹- » _ :~­ — '

i {Титан . Y ’meer. _. ‘ BESIDE a "НЧ ‚

' ` i `The fifth Combination doth contain fuch Prepolitions as relate to

the Imaginary parte of a thing, whether the _ 'S _

Head or Мед-Бей; abfolut'ely" determined to_ ' _ ‘. Motion 5v either“ Лови‘ or Defcent,t

Surfum. _ _ @_P s' „у t с? 17

Deorfum. I. DGWNWIRDB'

s__pn V. Kyi or the Terni: of thefe motions,

Infra.' 2. ‘А В 0 VE L,

B Е L О W ­

5 Face or Back, being Relative both to Motion and Refi.

B E F О R В 'Y '

gï~ ' _ i AFTER .

' ' The fixth Combination doth comprehend fuch Prepolitions as are

applicable both to Motion and Rell, relating to the Etuatìcìan of

' Ome


Chap. IlI. Concerning `7\€atural grammar. ° gr r

fome third thing fpoken of, which the Speaker conliders as beingI

Higher or Lower then that third thing, denoting a contiguity or

nearnefs to it

I ‘U P О N . . Sn г;

' v ND в к S“ ­

VÍ- Nearer to it, or Farther from it ‘i (0N THIS SIDE Cirri."

2' i вв roN D шт

In the intermediate fpaee unto two other things, or appojíte to one

„_ . of them.

' BETWIXT, between má“ ‚

3° {А G А IN S T, over againß. ' . A mais’

For the clearer explication of thefe Local Prepoßtiont, I Íhall refer g IHA

to this following Diagram. In which by the Oval Figurer are repre- °

fented the Prepojïtìonr determined to Motion, wherein the Acuter part

doth oint out the tendency of that motion. The_@narex are in- `

tended to Íigniiie ref! or the Тем; of Motion. And by the round fi

gures are reprefented fuch relative Prepofitions, as may indifferently


refer either to Motion or Refi.



3i; ° ' —. Concerning Mmm]grammar. Part lll.

Some of thefe Prepolir‘ions, viz. Above, Below, Before,­After, are_by

common Analogy applicable to (ignilie cornparißn, which ufe being

` generally received, and the Words having in thema natural futable

nefs to this purpofe,there is no danger of any ambiguity. _

Several of the Prepoůtions are fomerimesufed Adve'rbially,as Ante,

Гид/1, Prieterßmtra, Inter, Infra, Sic. which ufe when it happens, the

fenfe will eaíily diftinguifh. The difference betvveen thefe ’two par’rs

of fpeech, Prepojïtiom and Adverbs ,_ being fo nice, 'that ’tis hard in

fome cafes to dillinguifh them; upon which ’tis Чистота, whether

every Prepofition as it compounds a Verb, do not put on the nature

д ofan Adverbg and it feems to be fo, becaufe it Modiñes the Ай after

‘i the fame manner as Adverbs do, asin thewords Prtq‘ìcìo, Benefacioßcc.


I. Adverbs in General. Il. The Pdrtionlar kind: oftloem.

lll. OfConjunëïionf. _ _

Hofe twliinds of Connexive Particles which ferve for the con

texture offentence with fentcnce,are called Adverbs and Conjun

ä'iom. The ŕiríi of thefe are commonly defcribed to be fuch kind of

words as are for the moli part adjoyned to Verbs to íignilie fome kind

of Mode or Circumfiance, belonging either intrinfecally or extrinfe

cally to them.

OfAduerbr derived from Integrals, enough hath been Ш‘! in the

Chapteroflntegrals. The гей ol thofe words which are commonly

called Adverbs', according to their true Original, are either derived

from I Pronounr, or elfe they are l’ Mode: of Ver/u, or elfe they~ are

(ik,Scâ. 8

‘ ConjunêïiomgAnd fome ofthem may be periphrallically exprefl'ed by

ТУ‘ Radicals. So that according to the true Philofophy of fpeech, Ican

мы}? ° not conceive this kind of words to be properly a diliinëì part of

:niltaarîhen fpeech, as they are commonly called. Bur until they can be дюй

buted into their proper places, l have fo far complyed with the Gram~

mars oi inůitutcd Languages, as to place them here together, and to

branch them under the five following Combinations.

Whereoi­the ñrfi doth coníifl offuch Adverbs as denote

l rThe manner ofour Apprehenlion of Complex things, or the nex

v: betwixt the feveral terms of a Propofitiong whether more


I“, ёгтрщ Simple 5 лиги)»; or Целуй’;

Ш3Х|Щс- t

ТЕ А IN nequa- l l, à s э

qu‘iiir’nminimè. N A T, not, no,

I. А Mixed 5 applicable both to Afiirmation and Negation.; either

| Conjeäural doubtful and contingent : or Certain and confi

ent, implying a kind of attefiation or fomething Горе:

added to bare Añ‘irming or Denying.

P Е R HА Р S, perchance,

’ î'R i) L Т, indeed,Лигу, in truth, „ту.

similitude; the former being Comparative General, the other

i the Redditioe ofit.

Forrè, forfan.

Profcâo. Q


o А S, even a; ­ Ur.

г‘ {в 0 Jemen/)11. . Sie

The feeond Combination are all ofthem Comparative, either 0f

’ Equality 5 the latter being the Reddili‘ue ofthe former

‚ Chap. 1V.` Concerning магии! grommen. 3:;

п. i. â W $313"

метку; according to f'everal degrees l

Greater 5 ’

2 Л! О R Е ' ' Маги.

- ‚м О s Т ~ Maxlmè.

Leßèr 5ÄL E S S l Mìnùs.

3- (Ь Е А ST Minime.

The third Combination doth conliů offuch as are; eitherJ'Eleâŕi'oe ; whether of Prelation and preference : or интим

*i and poftponency.

‚ I ¿FATHER Potins.

' ‚т H А N oëàm.

lll. Loealaml Temporal, implying a refpetfl: betwixt {omething ob

jent and paí£5either to that which is рифм :or to that

which is at dzßanee and future. -

y ТЕ Т, ßìll, ‚яд/депо, Adhuc, так.

’-{«›ыш . ‚ :sinTemporal only 5 the former reprelienting time exißing and pre

fent=` the other implying а relafion ofpo/ieriorit] after lap

fing and expiring of fome time.

WH I LS Т ` Dum.

3’ А L E NG TH Tandem.>`

The fourth Combination doth contein fuch as denote the Circum- ’

Rance 0f`

‘вашу, Aßïrmed, or Валуев! 5 Conjunûion or Exclufion

110 GETHE R una, nml.l' ХО N L Т, alone, Tmùm’

“1_4 Repetition, or reß'mblanee and equivalence I

'2 ‘AGAIN Iterum.

l ' А s I F ЧМ‘

‘_ Privation or Reßitution5 the former Íignifyîng the demfiz‘ng

a thing of its formi the other the re-invelling of it with

its precedent form 5 the firll of thefe hath no Partielethat

is ufed (imply for it, but only in Compofltion, both in

Latin and Englißi : the latter we fometimes exprefs in

Englifh by Bae/e:

. ’ . dir.L 3. bíifk. retro .

The fifth and Ы! Combination doth coníîlì of three Engle Parti- _ a,” ‚

cles, denoting Proximity or nearnefs 5 being either

‚ Definite and determinate; whether

Aßìrmìngjome little elefeóì' or Im perferflïlon

’ ll- " b d ' b' a little Fm'V l. А LMOST, een, we mg ,tomar :,mt m of

Denjing tbe ‘тиф perfeä‘ion .

l 2. SCARC Е, hard/j Vix.

­ Indefnite, and indeterminate to more or lqß, over or under 5

- S f. but


314. Concerning Mmm]grammar. Part lll.

but añìrming a nearneíë to the chief term

Cïfcîfff- 3. THE R Е A В О ‘U TS, under or over.ь

g In' Conjunâ'iom are fuch Particles as ferve for the jojning поздней”

wordt, or rather ofjêntences. Of thefe there may be reckoned thefe

four Combinations, or twelve paire; though all of them be not alike

(imple and of equal neceility, yet there is none oi them without its

particular сот/стенде.

The Erft Combination doth conlifi of fuch as are either

[тег-гадание, Aßrnutive, or Negative.



I. ‹ Conjunů'z've, A_ßìrnutive, or Negative,

Et,atq; А N D


LCrmdz'tional, \\ Aßìrmotive, or Negative,

Si, г”, ß that,

М’ 8"L‘ZJNLEss,

The {econd Combination doth contain fueh as are either

"Approbatifue, or vll/¿votive and reltnétive,

Equidcm. " IND E Е D

Sed. I' В U T

Il. Conoejf‘ue, or Exceptioe

Etñ. А L 'I' H О ‘U G H

y Tamm. 2° Т Е Т

Dzßunâ'i'oe, Dejïnite, or Indcfìnìto,

Vel. ‘O R

5"* î’inrrHER.

The third Combination are all ofthem Caufal 5 either

‚тушат of the md5 whether caufe or Event; Aßïrnu

Ног ог Negative, —

ш. VTH А Т, to the end that,

Ne- "ILE/fsf THAT

Щ‚‹ Ratiacinati've, belonging to the .dntecedentì whether that

which makes it fol/ow the Confequent .­ or that which may

indifferently precede orfbllow. `

М!"- I g F О R

‘ 2°? в E с A ‘и s в

кшшшш belonging to the Conjêquent 5 whether || inter

идти; and indefinite : or illatioc, and demonůrative,

cur. ä WH Т, wherefore, what it the caujê or карп,

3’ _THER EFo кв.

The lal’t Combination doth coniìft offuch as are either

"Dec/aretino 5 Whether ofthe cnuff, or ofthe event,

@un WHE к ЕA s, feeing tlm, jífb that ,


1V_< Additional, and traníitional, whether n continuative, or fip

pleti‘ve, ‹

miam. `LIK ЕW I S E, olfò,together with, moreover,

Ш"- — "’ ‚та so FORTH, scc. ‚

_ ‚ lExpofìtive5 either by Synonym, or by Inßance,

-V’dd'm’ ‘ ` то и’1т viz..nempe. э

ритм‘. 3’ _Fon EXAMPLE; EXGR. The


The threelaft 'of thefe are not properly Particles or (ingle words,

but ratlrer the Contraétions of feveral words, they are here added to

the гей for greater convenience, partly for compleating the number

and filling up the vacancies 5 and partly in Complyance with the ufe

ofmoft vulgar Languages, when they write contraůedly.

' Concerning Щит‘! grammar.



I. Of/Írticlef. II. 0f Modes. Ill. 0f Ten/'es'. IV. The

maß dzßinói may of expreßìng tbe атташе: of Time.

Elides there fore-mentioned Particles which may be called more

Alg/filata, there are others moreß’rvile and auxiliary,ferving for the

fuller exprefiion offome Accident belonging to a word. Thefe were

before diliinguiihed into fuch as do belong either, 1. To an Integral

alone, as Articles. 2. То the copula alone, as the Mader. or 3. Both to

Integral and copula as the ‘Тел/ё‘. Each of which are in fome Langua

ges taken in, or involved in the inflexion of words: Eutin others,

they are provided for by dìliinët words to exprefs them.

Article: are ufually prefixed before Subůantives for the more full

and diliinét exprefiion of them, they may be difiinguifhed into

Ennntiati'ue, which may be ufed indiíi’erently before any Sublian

tive, not already poii'efi with the Demonfirative. A. An.

Demonßrative, which gives a peculiar Emphaíis to its Subfiantive,

and is applyed only to fuch a Perfon or Thing , as the hcarer knows,

or hath reafon to know, becaufe of its eminence or fome precedent

mention of it. The

Though thefe be not abfolutely шеф"; to а Language, becaufe the

Latin is without them 5 yet are they [o convenient for the greater di

fiinůnefs of fpeeeh, that upon this account, both the Hebrew, Greek,

Slavonic/i, and molt other Languages have them.

To {hew in what manner the fubjců is to be joyned with his Predi

cate, the copula between them is afïeëted with a Particle, which from

the ufe of it,is called Modul', the Manner or Mode.

Now the Subjet‘ì and Predicate may be joyned together either Siu

щ, or with fome kind of Limitation, and accordingly thefe Modes are

either Primary or Secondary.

The Prinzarj’Mode: are called by Grarnnzariam Indicative, and Ian


When the Matter is declared to be fo, or at leali when it feems inthe fpeakers power to have it be fo, as theŕ bare union of Subjetït and

Predicate would import 5 then the сори!‘ is nakedly expreffed without

any variation : And this manner of expreíiingit, is called the Indira

ti'ue Made. `

When it is neither declared to be fo, nor feems to be immediatly in

the fpeakers power to have it Го 5 then he can do no more in words but

make out the expreíiìon of his will to him that hath the thinghin

S Г a ` 1s



g п.

Coneerm'ng l7\Qztural grammar. Part Ill:

(“работ 5 штат

his power, namely to hisí Equal by ¿Perfvafton And the man.

Inferiour Convnand

него‘ thefe affeëting the Copula (Be it Го, or[пе mfc, let itbefo) is

called the Imperative Modeg of which there are thefe three varieties,

very lit to be diliinûly provided for. As for that other ufe of the

Imperative Mode, when it Íignihes Perfnìßïon «3 this may be (ufi'icientlyexprelled by the Secondary' Mode of Liberty. Ifou may do it. _

The Secondary Mode: are fuch, as when the Серии is affeâed with

any ofthem, make the fentcnce to be (as Logicians call it) а Modal

Propqßtion. '

This happens when the Matter in difcourfe, namely, thebeing or

doing or fuffering of a thing, is confidered not ßmpljlz] it but

видна”; in it: canje: from which it proceeds either Contingent!) or Ne.


Thena thing feems to be left as Contingent, when the {peaker ex

preíies only the Pofßbilit] of it, or his own Libert/1 toit.

I. The Готы!!!) of а thing depends upon the power of its caufe,

Abßlnte . QC А N ’and may be exprefled when condl-timûlrìby the Pal'tlCl€S»c o@ L D

’ 2. The Liberty of a thing, depends upon а freedom from all Obílzv

cles either within or without, and is ufually exprelied in our Lan

’lAlifolute ' М d Т

l guage, whenJavwlitiomzl :ŕby the Particle MIG HT.

Then athing feems to be ofNecej/ïty, when the fpeaker expreiïeth

the refolution of his own will, or {еще other obligation upon him

from Without.


3. The Inclination ofthe wißlis exprell‘ed, if{cond¿t¿onal ëby the


ParticlesíW0 .v L D.

4. The Necellity of а thing, from fome external obligation, whether

` “шт

Natural or Moral which we call duty, is expreßed, if1und1-Hom(

‚ (М ‘U S ‘Г виз/11112411,

by the ParticlelMv S Т: „ug/vt, lbould.

That kind of fervile Particle which doth belong lboth to the Inte

gral and the copula, is fiiled Tenjë.

Tho Tenfes in înftìtuted Languages are appropriated only to Verbe,

yet »tis very plain that according to the true Philofophy of_ fpeech,

they {hould likewife be afcribed to Snbfiantiver; And t at this. would

in many refpeëts be a great advantage to Language. As there is ¿_ma

tz'o, Го there Шипы Ье amonio and лимита, Ste.

Thefe kind of Auxiliary Particles, (tiled Mode: and Tenßu, are in

the Modern Languages expteifed by fuch fervile Words, as do not

Íigniíie any Compleat Ад‘, but rather fome refpeâs and cìrcumftances

belonging to other Aůsg and by that means have in them a natural

htnefs to be fubfervient to the inßexion of other Integral Words. So

the Conditional Modes are fupplyed by the words Poß’ntn or Poßïble,


Chap. V. У Concerning Natural grammar. 317

Lioet, Libet, Volo 5 Natel/'èa орет‘, Debeo. And fo are the Тел/ё‘, Ьу

thofe fervìle Words of Focio, Haben, befides the copula,

The Tenfcs are nfually Cliliinguilhed into

f Amat. Do , do/ŕ, dor/J,

Pre/èn! ¿Paf/ive. Av1 , art, if, are.

l f Arrive. Diagdioyi,l " ImPe'feäîPaj/ìve. War, wert, were.

l 5- Aóì'z've. Have, bra/î3 hath,

l Paß i Pe’fèälpaj/ìve. Ha've been, fuji beenJ bath been.

¿ïyAâ‘i've [Mikhail/Í,

""‘Pe’fc uaßoe. Had/Jee”, had/roem.

Aät'i'ue. SbolLwill, fbalt,wilt,

{Paßïfua Sballbe,wi/l beJholt be, wilt be.


l Fэто‘:


But the той difiinöi and explicit way of exprefiing any PropoÍiti- g IV.

on, is by afhxing фей: Тепйгз, both to the copula, and the Predioateg

the latter ofwhich will Íhew the time ofthe Aé’tion, Úw. whether рай,

prefent, or future: and the former, the [late of the Perfon or Subjeů,

who doth this Aůi- [Нм been, 2 . Paß that Aů'ion,

on, whether he ‹ Ir шт’, either Aäing in it,

' [Shall be декаде’; ,Tet to doit.

And a Propoiition thus expreifed, is in the very exprefïing of it, re

folved into its parts of Subjeâ', copula, and Predicate, according to

thefe following examples.

Have been çCoIui

l ‹ Am Hot —‹ Caleo

_ [Shall be ¿Calebo

l' Have been 'Taleban

1‹ Am îhaving been Hot ‹ caloerm

AÍLShall be _‚ ÍLCaluero

rHave been (Fui штат:

li Am >to be hot hereafter Sum „щит

У [Shall be „i Ero„шт

Have been ‘I’Calefeci °

l Am .Heating ‹ Calefaoio, orfür# ealefaoiem

Shall be L(.'alefaciarrz

l"Have been l "Calefeceraw

l 4 Am Having heatedl Calefaciebam, Лил qui oalefeoit

.lLShall be [Сад/Завет

lHave been`^iy ' ’Fmïcalejaòîurur

I Am >to Heat hereafteri SM1 Cßkfdů'hrw

_ÍLShall be _i ` . ` „LE-ro calefaóïurn:

I"Have beenl Fuz' Calejîtů'u:

I ‹ Am rHeated Caleßo, шефа’; oalefaů'ur

l à lShall be _, i _LCalefïamwelero ‘ай/лак.‘



Concerning Mmm]grammar. Part lll.

’Have been

I Am ' >having been Heated

Shall be lJ

Fnerant calefaâur

< Galeßebant

LFnero calefaäne

"Have been" "Кий „

I l Am to be Heated hereafter< Sum îcalefaciendnr.

{_Shall be Í [Ero J

But if any lhould conceive this way needlefs or toolaborious, as

being >too much eliliant from the manner oflnftituted Languages; he

may by putting the copula in the place ofthe Tenfe, as well exprefs

his mind in this, as in any other Inllituted Language.


I. Of Tranfcendentol Particles, The end and aß of thm,

Il. The ufual way: for enlarging tbefenfe of wordt` in In

flitnted Langnager. Ill. The General Нет’: ofTranfem.

dental Particler.

l Hofe Particles are here (tiled Tranfcendental,' which do circum

`I Ítantiate words in refpeët offome Metaphylical notion 5either by

enlarging the acception of them to fome more general ligniñcation,

then doth belong to the reûrained fenů: of their places: or denoting

a relation to fome other Predicament or Genus, under which they are

not originally placed. .

Whereas in a Philofophical Language,l every word Ought in МЮ:

lnefs to have but one proper lenfe and acception, to prevent equivo

calnefs 5 which fenfe is to be relirained according to that place and

relation,which the words have in the Tables: And yet onthe other

fide, it would much promote copioufnefs and elegancy, if there might

be any way fo to change and vary the fenfe of any word, as may with

all, leave it free from ambiguity. For‘this purpofe, as likewife for the

Abbreviating of Language are thefe Tranfcendental notes fuggelied.

There are two ways ufecl in lnllituted Languages, fpecially in La

tin for varying the fenfe of words 5 either by Tropen or by fuch a kind

ofCompo/îtion as doth alter tbe termination: of them.

f I. The fenfe of a word is varyed by Trope 5 either in refpeů: of

. ome ‚A"Agreement and convenience ‚ which it hath with the Word for

which it is ufed 5whether more

{деяний 5 as in Мегафон

.Special 5 when the `

{И/Ьощ whether Univerlàl, Elfential, Integral, irput for any

ofthe rel'pelïtivepartrJ or contrary wife, Synecdocbe.

„фей, Objet?, Canfe, Sie. is put for the Алупка, Adjeâ',

‘l E_feä, Sie, or contrary wife, Metonjmj.

‘ L0pprjítion5 when one Oppolite is put for the other ‚ Ironj.


ChapIV. Concerning Miura] grammar. 3x 9

Ofall which there are fiore of examples in the common books of

Rhetorick 5 And there will be occalion to cite feveral of them in

the following Chapter, amongft the infiances that are given of the

Tranfcendental Particles.

Words are varied by changing their Terminations many ways 5 of

which thefe that follow are fome of the Principal in the Latin.

t. Preparation or Meditatives5 are expreñ'ed by the Termination

(arie) Scripturio, Eßirio, Рапида, Miů'urìe. ‹

a. [пародии ; by the termination (jëo) Lueefco, Calejìo, Зепфо.

3. Freqnentati‘ver; bythe termination (ito)Clawito,/1gito.

4. Angmentativer5 by the termination (фа) Aqua/iu, Fluvioßu,

P11/infn. i

5. Diminution; bythe terminations Il”, la, lum, aßer) Can

tìßo, Seribillo, Libellen, Lapillvl, Homunrulur, Метал/т, Ve/leula Car

Риги/им, Geranium, Crepufoulnm, Surdaßer, Medie-after, Grammati

ea er.J6. The Notion of Sëgregatœ bythe termination (tira) Идти,

Verbatim, Gradatìm. `

7. Power and Норма/Ё‘; Айдоед by (iwf, i'oìtax) Aâ'ivur, Ай’!


8. Power and Propenfítj Paßìve; by (ilir, ilitar) Pojfìbilie, Pol/ibi

Вт. ’ i \

9. Can/e5 by compofition with Facia, Momf'ao, Magmßeo, Prolifi


lo. Kind; by (plex and [шт and gemir) Simplex, Duplex, Multi

Plex, Bifariur, Multifariur, Omnigennr, Mnltigennr.

l I. The notions of Oßìcer, and Traeleßnan; Whether )Merchant or

Meebam‘ek promiícuoufly, are commonly exprefl'ed by the termina

tion (afina) which doth originally and properly ligniŕie the notion of

belonging to, butis thus limited by reafon of the words, Oßïeiarim,

Mercator, Faber, underftood. _ i

Арт-дм, Armentariru, щит”, Equarim, Accipitariur, Librari


Lanariur, Linariln, Pifêariw, Aviariur, Pomariur, Дай-‘Ни, &c.

Arenariur, Armamentariw, Amarins, Doliarim, Sec.

la. In/lrument or jugameut, by the termination (tru/u) Haußrum,

.dratrum,Plaußruna, Ефим», 8m.

I 3. Veffel 5 by (bnlum) ïbnribnlnm, Infundibulum. ­

I4. Houß-g. by (ile, ale, ariurn) Equile, Ozn‘le, Bubile, б'олчйеа Atvia­`

Ним, Coben/barium, Gallinarium. ` ‘

15. Chamber or Roonz5 by (ina, arinna, гейши) oßieiaa, Textrina‘, '

Tonßrina,8utrina, Родом, Veßiarium, Carnarinna, Apodjterìufa, Coni

Летит, Spberißeriunx.

I6. Place in General -, by (arium, etum) Vivarium, Aquarium, Го

’паяднт‚0о11н1’1л1ит‚ Frutetum, Вылеты, Arundinetum, Ericetnm,

Bcc. '

17. Perjòn or Agentg by the termination (or) при‘, ЕЩЁ)’, Fron

dator, Vindemiator, Агат’, Meß'or, Sie.

Now if all other refpeäs and circumí‘tances, which are capable and

proper to be expreficd by thefe kind of Particles, were in fome fuch

way provided for; this would exceedingly abbreviare the питье;


—‚—‚————-—‚_.___..‚——„_____ь..—— ._._ ‚


Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part III."

of words, prevent much circumlocution, contribute to per'fpicuity

and атташе, and very much promote the elegance and figmñcancy

of Гpeech. ’

What may be the moll convenient number of fuch Tranfcendental

Particles, is not ealie to determine 5 But thofe mentioned in the eight —

following Combinations, (though not all of the farne extent and

comprehenlivenefs) have each of them fome peculiar pretence of be

ing lifled under this number. ’

Thefe may be diliributed into fuch as are more


k3 Effential. I.

(Circumliantial. II.

Special, whether elonging to

{Sub/lance. Il .

lgnantitj. IV. »

‘,Qflalìlj. V. .

. . ‘даёт’. Vl.

‘Дадим, with refpeft to

Quality and Aó’tion. VII.

Aŕfeëtions of Animals. VIII.

The Erft Combination doth comprehend fuch General Ефим! гс

fpefìs, as are either

rComparative 5 denoting _[íniilitude and refemblance', Whether

that which confilis chieflly in wordt or in things


|° LIKE _

i tPojui've 5 denoting the nature or eífence of the fubyeët fpoken

of, as to thofe common notions of

{Gener-al beings, either \\ the святая effen“, 01' 6mm”




tlnclividual beings, whether irrational or rati anal


3'IPERSONThe fecond Combination doth contein fuch General Circurnßantial

refpeâs as are 5 either more

Ahfolute5 íîgnifying, Poßtion or Duration

и IyPLAcE 5

’ ’ ‘Т IМE ¢

Relative 5 as to

Eßfeâ'ing or Repreßnting

2 С А ‘U S Е

' S IG N .

Being in conjunâ’ion with others, orдраме from Othel'S





Chap. Vl . Concerning-*www1 grammar. gn

The third Combination doth contain fuch kind of Special refpeâs,

belonging to Sub/lance, as refult from their Application to other Sub

fìances, and the ufes for which they are deiigned 5 namely, for Enclo

‘и’: and fervice, Whether of

Place: 5 or Thing:

I". I5.5'EPI/l/I1EN'1‘


Men; either fuch coverings as are `

lf'cantiguom and ñtted to their bodies', Над-‘йод for defence,

\ Н againů Weather or Enemies


l‘aaMova к

lcMore remote, according to H the more General, or Special

kind or part `



The fourth Combination doth comprehend fome of rhofe Special

„fpeârs belonging to Corporeal things, which do chiefly ’concern the

Иди-Ё of them, whether ~

Shape alone 5 Broad and Flat, or Slender and Long



Shape and ‘Ufè _

More Simple 5 defigncd, either for Operation or Containing



Leßfrnple 5 whether fuch as are not neceßirily ‘Идут!

for motion, being of a »left oomplioate ßgnre 5 or fuch as are

dejígnedfor motion, whofefìgure is more complicate



The fifth Combination doth contain fuch kind of Notions as re

'late to theЩит; ofThings or Perfons, whether coníidered more

‘Ад/май; either the more General Qiality, whereby the

natural Powers are perfected, or more Лида! relating td

_ v Praäical matters ' ' ‘

i ‘i’ H4311

i ’ a к т . . _ _

ilâ'oncretel) 5 denoting perfonal Qualifications, whether

° Degree: and Bufmefr5 or Facult) зад-851! A

2 ГО F F I C E R ` ’ ' s

° ‘t 4 к т1s т

Ргфлёот of Manufaäure ot Exchange


3‘ ‘in E к с нА N т

‘l ` t The

327. Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part lll.

The íixth Combination doth contain fuch imperfeâ: fervile notions,

as belong to Aâ'ion or Pal/ion, with refpeů to the

rAlri1z't},or Dzfpojttion ofa thing

P 0 WEв

" А P TI‘I 'U D в

VI. Beginning or Repeating of an Aê'tion


’f F RE .QU E-NTA тп/ E

{Application of the Power 5 whether Н in a едите’: and ordi

nary, or in fome_hidden and 'vehement degree

E N D Е А V О ‘U R .

3’ IMP в т‘и s ‚

The Тех/ешь Combination doth contain fuch kind of fervile Rela

tive notions, as are common both to gzifalitj and Aäion5 denoting

either the '

Mea/irre: and degrees of things

Great or Little



Too nnte/J, or too little ‚

2 Е X C E S S I VE


L L.Manaœr ofa Thing or Aůion, whether || и itfhould be, or a: it

fbould not be '


3'‚{с они ‘и P r11/e

The eighth and Ы‘! Combination doth relate to fome Affeâions of

Animals, eitherrSammie made by them, whether inartz'eulate, or articulate

i I V О I C' E

' L А NG 7) А G E

VIII. Sexe: of them

’ MA L E

' F E M A L E

д The‚И! то?‘ impotent and impedirà' Ада; to which may be

adjoyned, that more general name belonging to any whole,

which is likewilè applicable to inanimate beings. ‘

a. {ТО ‘U N G





ChapÀVI I. Concerning Маши!grammar. 5t; y i


Infìances of the great ‘ар/Миф‘ of Шеф Tranfcendental Parti"

oler, with dìreöïionr bow they are to be applyed. ‘

O R the better explaining of what great ufe and advantage thefe

Particles may beto Language, l lhall give fome examples‘feve

rally to each pair of them,according to the order premifed : Begin

ning with the ñrll. I `


° lL I К Е

Thel'e two are paired together­ becaufe of their affinity, each of

them'denoting an enlargement of the fenfe of the word ,_ the lirlt

more general 5 the other with reference to similitude , properly fo


The note of Metaphorioal aflixed to any Characier, will Íigniiie the Metaphor.

enlarging the fenfe of that word, from that firiél relirained acception ‘

which it had in the Tables, toa more univerfal comprehenfive 631116

cation .° By this, common Metaphors may be legitimated, retaining

their elegancy, and being freed from their ambiguity. So ‘

Element t'Kudiment,Ptinciple ,_1 r'Shining _ fllluflrious.

Root Original ä' Hypocritical Counterfeit

Way Means T» Banilh Expel

{Thick маю‘; Ё Companyings Being together

Ч‘ Thin lîsubtle E_Iägrengthen ___-_. îqttlñqtence

À» - -"“‹ riglein :t птице‘

o i( E' Confecrate 5 Dedicato

ä )Omni-e s Du“ ET’Suiter a Candidate

’è lAcute Quick Ё “$100 Canvafe

“s {Юра из < {РегГеСЪ а îRival f’Cornpetitor

Ё: lmmature'g.; Imperfeû -kPtaife LPrefeßAdvanee

g jFertile n Fruitfulas toinventi

:z' lBai-ren Unfruitñtl (omú'e,

Ё Beautiful {Deceng Comely

0 Deformed ’ Abfurd, indecent

Ornate {Штаны O`uaint

Homely' I Rude

Light {Evideng Plain

{Ваш I Mylìical,0bfcure

So in the Tables ofAäionì thofe Aůs which are primarily afcribed

unto God, as Prefèrw'ng, Dtjlrojing» Delivering, Forßliing, Bleßìng,

Curßng, Sie. becaufe they may by analogy be applyed to other things,

therefore this mark will enlarge their acception. So for thofe other

Aûs belonging to the rational foul 5 as, Thin/ging, Believing, Knowing,

Ohfer'ving, Expeä'ing, Confenting, Drßènting1 Eßeeming, Conternning,

T t 2 ­ Wili/inga



Warning ~7'\:¿1tnfral grammar. Part LII.

'Wil/ing, Nilling, питал, Deleä'ation, Eleäion, Rcjeůion, Ste. though

they are primarily aéis of the Rational 80u15 yet becaufe _there 1s

fomewhat analogous to them in other Creatures 5therefore fuch `

words with this mark may ‘without ambiguity be ufed in fuch a gene

ral fcnfe.

Soin judicial Relation 5 Aecufè, Complain, Eocene/è, l/VŕtneßD Reggia.,

Citation, Sie. So likewife in Militar] Relation; Oßenol, Defend, Pro'volnf3

12491` , Befege, Aßanlt, Skirrnìfb, Fight, Stranger/:,Overcome, Tie/d', Flya

Pnrßee‘, Ejcape, Все. Each of-t'nefe and many other words may by this

note (when there is juil occalion to apply it) be made more copious,

and yet preferved diftinët in their lignifìcations.

The other Particle, Lilie, being af‘lixed to any Word, doth denote

a varying ofthe fenfe ofthat word, upon the Account of fome fimi

litude, whether in refpcâ of душ; and difpofition, Refcntôlance,

eß'eät', and manner of doing, or outward `#tape and Длина». ‘

r. This fimilitude may fornetimes refer to the `Quality and (“Гроб

tion of a thing, in which fenfe ’tis` frequently exprefì'ed in our Englifhi Tongue by Adje¿tives,with the Termination (i/b) Devili/ÍJ, Bruta/bJ

'Currif/J,Waß:ijla, Ара/1 : and fometimes Without it 5 as Angelical, Dogged,

Cynical, Viperom, Serpentine, 86e. which do not always lignifie ac

cording to the {trié’c derivation of fuch Adjeůives, but do many times

denote only a iimilitude.

2. After the fame manner are the feveral varieties of Colour: to be

expreffed, namely, by their refemblance to other things commonly

known. So Aihes-like, or Cineritìnr, is Afb-colour. So Шейх-1111‘: is

Carnation.; Blood-like is Criznjòn; Lyon-like is Taxon). So for thofe

other refemblances to the Sky, to Gold, Graft, Straw. So Picena, or

Pitch-like, is a deep black; Carat-inw, or Crow-like, is a fbining black.

So for Milky, Snowy, Ivory, kinds of White, Ó’c. And thus like

“Не is it for the variety of Taße: and Smell: 5 the differences of which

are not provided for with dìltinfi words in any Language, but may

this Way be fufiiciently expreíiedmamely, by their likenefs to fuch

other things as are commonly known. ‚

3. Sometimes it may refer to fome kind of Refemblance in refpeél:

of фа, according to which fenfe thefe words are frequently ufedi

Inflame, Sparkle, Cloud, Еле/1414110», Ритм, Vapeur.

4,. Sometimes to the manneref doing, foto fpeak Infant-like, is

to jabler; to graft-like Feathers is to Impe, to dart-like water, is to

Spirt, Squirt 5 to tremble-like with the voice, is to Warble, Thrill 5

Dog-like crying, is Wbinieg; Stealing-like, is живущим, Sie.

5. This


Chap.Vll. i Concerning Miura] grammar. 325

5. This Particle is likewife applicable inrefpeů of [bape and fitu

ation. SofDowne IrThilile Почте

g Lint of Linnen

g; I Hoarinefs ofMold

2 Fibre s 'Grain of Wood

З Appie ­_=_~ Pomander,Pommel

¿L <1 Bitner 1:} мы

â [Arme l Arme ofTree, Sea

l:- l| Troncl gt I Наш ofa Sh|p_

g. I Beake I_Stemm of a Ship

‘ê I Foot i Pedelial _ .

9, I Bridge l Bridge ага Mulical infirurnent _

n `_Money LMedal, Counter. `


a [К IN D

“l M4N N E R

The lirli ofthefe may be compounded with ‘тогда of Number, to ma;

make them íigniiie under the notion of Multiplicatifue, which the La

tins exprefs by the Termination (р1гх) Simplex, Duplex, Multiplexßco.

And the Englilh by the Termination (fold ) шум, Tbreefold, Ma

m' old.fin its compolition with other Charaâers, it will ferve to expreß`

thofe words which are ufed to Íignilie the general or fpecial kind: of

thing: 5 and being ailixed to any of the difl`erences,will make them lig

nilie asa Genn: or Speoier. Itis applicable both to Subliantives and

Adjeûives. .

Some of our Engliih words of this fenfe, are exprelied by the Ter

mination Cage) as Heritage, Pafcnagc, Foliage, Vintage, Coralage, Stoage,

Sie. that is the kind of Herbs, Paliure, ôte.

’5i rPeo le Po ulac 1, Folk, El "Bifulc rCattle­

g P P i QS|

g P s PCOmmOmlfy» g istag 2 Red Deer

9, arent E arentage ä Е%‹ Child c§< Oli­fpring,Pr-ogeny §_< guck u2? galio“, Deer

Ё ` Ё l lfiue, B'rood, Litter ä I 0g ‚ _ ä Wme

ä' Foot Souldier Infantry Ё ‚юошсшс bird Poultry

ñ [_i-lorfe Sould. LCavalry î kGuns @Artillery

There are feveral Acljleůives likewife exprefiible this way 5as Ми!

tifarionr, Hornogeneom, or Similar, Наступает, or Diífianular, Sec.

2. The ufe ofthe fecond Particle is by its compolition with Rela- Mmm“ y

tive and Quantitative pronouns, to exprefs fuch words as thefe, ,Gya

rnodo, how or after what manner 5 Hujufrnodi after this manner ¿Ejufì

той! after that manner, Ó‘c. It is applicable likewife unto Ada/troia

morir, Meatinz,Tuatini, мат” (i) Meo, Tuo, Suo More. The Anti

ents were wont to fay, самим, Suatirn, Вашим, that is, after the

manner of Dogs, of Swine, 6to. And it is {iillìn ufe to {ay нашим“,

after the manner ofmen. ‘ ‘

‚Т lle

Part Ille'

The Compolition with this Particle may likewi'fe be ufeful in eir

preíling thofe words which do in their proper notion contain a гей‘

rence to the Mode of things. `So

326 Concerning Naturalgrammar.

„_i ‘"Loquution "Pronunciation li Height rStatute

ä l É Eloquution g“ Feeding Diet

gl Sentence Ё Phrafe , Style â Veft è Garb, Tire

Ё Joyning §54- Connexion 5 Face „È“ Afpeélc, Countenance

»g ЦЕНЕ ¿_ l ufage .e _ Meen,Vifage,Favour

Ё’ Right ‘Ё i Tenure Ё Air Weather

ä Good, Well I? I Right> Ё LSound [Tone

а‘ lEvil LWrong I



Each ofфей may be compounded with the Relative or @antita

tive Pronouns, ferving to diůìnguifh fuch as refer to Thingr,f`rom thofe

that belong to Perjonr. Тhir, That, TheЛат, Another, А certain, Some.

Тhing or три. '

Thmg‘ The former of thefe being aŕlixed to any word in the‘ Tables be

longingto the Predicament of Qiality, Af’tion, Relation, or to any

other word which doth primarily denote a perfon, will determine the

fenfe of that word to a вид/шли ofthe Thing 5 as it hath been already

declared in the Doůrine ofSubl’tantives.

This note may be aíiixed

l. To Adjeâ'ive: Neuter, So

__, Obfcure ‚ Муйегу

ï Se mi . . . , 5Ё Prîmëìgawry with this mark will lìgnifie .Ifrtìnctl’íhnce

E' Frivolous ’ l'riflle.

a. To драм” Адд‘ое, commonly called Participles Aâive. So

'"Nutricnt 1 fNutrimenr or Aliment

‘ai Medicating i Medicament or Medi

Ё! purging >with this mark will Íignifie 'Purge' (cine

ë. l Binding I Í Bond or String `

Buying _l LPrice

3. To Adjeó'ŕive: or Part-iciples Ради, in the Aorift Tenfe. So

rCreated Creature rInherited rInheritance, Patri

Aóled Рай Seen Speůacle (mony

Believed s Fide: qua: ч Urinated i Urin

Fancied Phantafm í Dungcd E Оно;

g1 Propheíied "ë, Propheíie §< Spit Spittle

‘à- Tyed я‘ Knot â Seemed É* I Pretence,Pretext

Bound ‚ I Bundle,Fardle Drunk ' Drink

Tryed \ l Experiment Eaten Food, Meat

_lWeaved LWeb LEleemofynated LAlms

So the Adjeólives Paffìve ofthe words Teaching, Learning, Reading,

Singing, Saying, with this añix, will Íignihe Doü'rine, Lefort, Leů’ure, °

Song, Ware. The


The fecond ofthefe Particles may refer either to, 1. The Qta/it] рига“,

and relation5 or a. The Agenc] 5 or 3. The Patienc) of the Рейсы.

Ifto the firft of thefe5 it muli be aliixed to an драм Neuter5 if

to the fecond or third, it muli be aflixed to an Adjeä'i‘ve Aóïive or


Ofthe lirfi kind are l`u=ch examples as thel'e.

n гVile fl’tafcal, Varlet rFlattering Paralite

Miíèrable lWretch, Сайт‘ — Facetious ]ell‘er,Wag

Perlidious 'l Villain, Traytor Fornicating lWhore, Harlot `

,_l Craftyy ä.- |Knave _ Strumpet

Ё‘ ldiotical „E“ Fool, Idiot I l Whoremonger

Ё Wandring §5- “щит, Vagabond ,5l | Ptufiic - g l Boor, Peafant

а‘ Licentious Royller, Blade o _El Hind,Swain

Uncleanly Sloven Ё Military — ‘Ё. | Souldier

Slow Lob, Lubber В" Eceleliafiic i? l Clerk, Clergy

l „ldlc Truant l Secular l Lay

’ Propolititious lAttourney,Sur­ ^

I (i) putin fubûitu- I rogate

. _ Aulical (tion lCourtierf ` lArt Artizan,A‘rtili

j „_ Ё Nul/nr t LNenro

Ofthe fecond are fuch examples as thelè. l

. "Aâìng Aûor Conveying I"Convoy

` Creating Creator Vovvingv Votary

‘ Farming s Farmer ч |Giving s Donor

ä! Lending l Creditor › ï | Receiving I Receiver

Ё Owing Debitor Ё Beginning lnceptor, Novice

е- Pronegotiating â“ Façlor & Travelling Ё‘ Traveller, Palfenger

,' B_cnelicencing Benefaëior Seeing ‘Speâator

l Interpreting l LTlruíîh‘lmlll LHearing ILAuditor, l-learer

Of the third are fuch examples as thefe.

Sent ' Meli’enger ~

Eleemofynated Eleemofynary ' ` т

Beneficenced Beneficiary ‚‚ _ _ ‚ _

Tryed Probationer f _

y «f' ‚ — ._ ll.


"` ` ‚‚ \\\ ° TIME

~ тьёгёдърш inthe “fecond Combination of 'l'.ranlizendental Parti

‘двум’: of more lthenordinary extent and ufefulnefs, beeanli; they

may ferviceable to compound other words belides integrals.

Thelirlt of them may be compounded with Prononnr’xas wa; Place.

lhewed before inthe doůrine concerning Pronouns; and Го Ierve to

exprefs Adverbs ofplace, as in this, that, every, Фе. here, tbere,eoerj.

votre. l \lBeÍides which, the Compolition with this Particle may be proper to

exprel's other names of Places, which are commonly derived, either

from, - l l. The

ChapfVll. u Concerning Natural grammar. 32.7

32.8 Concerning Miura! grammar. ~ Part lill,

1. The things contained in them.

2. The ußs to which they are deligned.

3. The Relation: by which they are bounded.

lOi the ürft kind are fuch as thefe. ’

[Metal ГMine rHops HOpyard

I Tin Stannary Flowers Garden

ч Stone lQuarry ,Fire 1lHearth

í |Deer Ё Park Smoke „ l Chimney — l

,if Сеты; „Ё Warren g Ship reftîng «I3~ Harbour, Haven, Rode

fr | Trees :g4 Wood, Grove §- Stream à“ Channel, Kennel

Shrubs Coppìce Gutter,Drain '

Fruit-trees Orchard l Abjeë’taneous

‚ Vines [Vineyard- L Water Sink

Ofthe feçond kind are fuch examples as thefe;

{'Ambulation lf (атеизм; — МапНощМсПЪаде

Те&1Гед lCloyfier Walhin Bath

lHigh (low ITerrace Flefh-fe ling Shambles

Baking-hol- Oven 5! РиЫйсКЗрсдзс‘сё l Theater

g. Fire-hollow ,i Furnace 2 `0ссг$ Lying ,s Laìre

'ä’lProteÜtion ’‹‚:?‹ Afylum,refuge 'EL Birds Sleeping g' iïooů

î I' ä I San6tuary,ihelter Ship-making Dock ‚

Ф Hiding lCovert ' Uníhipping Key,Wharf

_iMeeting IIRendezvouz Wares Hyth

­| Sacrilicing | Altar 9

y iLPreaching [Pulpit

Of the third kind are fuch inftances as thefe.

1r Authority Territory, Signiory .

‘ . jurifdiůion, Principality, Dominion

:Si Kings Authority ¿__ Kingdom, Realm

к‘! Tribe С! County, Shire

Ё |Academîcal ’ g; Academy,[ln_iverfity

i? Arch-Bilbopsg' " Province

Bilhops Authority Diocefs

s Presbyters ) [РагШх

Time. The fecond of thefe Particles, namely , Time, may be Corn“


l. With Пятое", to make them iignifie as Adverbs Cardinals; as

Serieel, bis, ter, Sie. Decies,oieies, centies, „от“, nmltoties, Btc. Once,

. twice, thrice, ten times, twenty times, a hundred times, athoufand

times, many times, до. _ l

2. With Pronouns, to exprcfs Adverbs oftime 5 as in this, that, all,

Nongfben, Alva), Sie.

3.. With

Chap. VII. Concerning Maira] grammar. Y 32.9

g. With Integralr5 asin fuch examples.

."Fefiival Holy time '

Pafchal Eaiier '

,_l Nativity i Chriflmafs - °

Ё | of Chrift E | ‚ —

â Coming of the Whitfuntide

¿a Holy Ghoa г‘

Grape gathering Vintage

l Forinlical _ Term

. tNon-Forinlîcal tVacation


2 CAUSE, ormake

’ .s I G N.When words are in their (igniñcatìons ltente more peculiarly detcr- cuire.

mined to their Tranlitive efiìciency, then is this Erft note to be aliixed.

It is frequently in Latin exprelled by a Compofition with [деда fub

joyned, and fometitnes in Énglilh by aCompofition with (he) pre

fixed 5 as in the words, Befirol, Beßt, Sic. _

The iníhtnces of this kind do frequently occur, and are very nume

tous. So

, Know Í'Acquaint, Advertìfe Sit _ ,fSet

i Certain Certifie,aíi'ure Lye ‚ Lay

‘i Wonder ‚ Amaze, al’toniih Sweat Sudorilic ­ _

y Anger Prov'oke,incenfe . l I’Diaphoretlc

y Fear Fright, daunt, dlfmay Urine {Diuretic

l Èlpve itêaäour, endear Y Íîhilckl)l lâdopt

ame — . a ‚ ‚ - gno e наш:

Q Humble Abafe 'g ' Free Enfranchize

1_, Contender ¿i Boutefeu, incendiary .5_1 Slave Enílave

Ё‘: Boldnefs ¿E Embolden 2. Money È|Mint,coyne

ä готы Enable ì Erre Seduce

ë, mpotent Difable .е- | Evil f,=..|Deprave,marr

,_y (Эра: l марше, aggravate lExceed lCloy

y Little Dimìnilh, abate ‘Stay IDeta'in, hold

Healthy _ Cure, heal l | at bay_

l D‘ye Kill, flay, mortal GO Set packing

‘lignée âphvemqmckpn e llsìtllîgg lgetblfplod Hh

а: a e ear out con um urnl oi

l Rife Raife,rou,fe, (tart iManifefi: Illuůrat’eïclear

l! Fluih,fprìng,unkennel Sparkle l Strike Ere

l Fall ‚ LFelLthrow down ,ILLofe `Endamage

This mark is applicable both to Subfiantives and Adjeâives, asin

‘Марти, adapting, Adopted, Sudorifìcation, Sudorißc, Src.

~ i' vv The

..‚—.‚__‹.....——_——‚_.—_‚-__ ‹__—.‚——..- ..._

Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part Ill.


_ sign, _ The other Tranicehdental note of Sign is adjoìned to the former,

by real‘on of fome kind ofafiinìty (though fomewhat remote) which

there is betwixt them. As the former Particle doth 1mport_th_enori0n

of #muy or making 5 lo doth this of Reprefenting or Íigmfying. It

is applicable both to Subfiantives and Adjeůives. So

[Anchor Buoy t'A_rminiz or t'Alarurri

‚ Foot Footůep,track incurfion pals.

‘IlWound IScar ]ugam. Inval: Beacon

Percuflion Vibex, Black Future event O_minousн | I . .ä' | а and Blew Evil i lInaufpiclous

g4! Velt fervice Livery ’àl Great evil El Portentous

­°« lWind "5. Weathercock F Terminal or Meer,land­mark­

а" FPI rane ä Limit ‘ г

Family, or Coat of Arms . “‘ To head or Becken

— Nobility l _ ‘ ­ hand — ‘ А f

ll’tegalify ` #Crown _ ëTogri'ef ,lŕgmenrŕ-geplore

Vl ill c 1Macc ’ ‘ ' ‘ ­~ l _' ста! emoauLl ag ra у ` #LTO pra'ìfe __ ‘ I_Appland ­

‚‚ " _. A . _.

, AGGREGNE ‚ _ ‘ц_­ ‚ ásEGnEGATEiXq ”»w t

Aggregate. - The f_irfi zof thefe dot'ln‘L denote a multitudd in gottiety, untoïwhich

common fpeech doth neledlefly afiignl‘éveral фиыъ naines whereas

the Natural notion is the fame in 11110!` tfnem5 _arid-t’ erefore Etch va

rious names may juûlyibe reckoned iamonglt. tile redundanciesiof

Language. So '_ t ч - ‚ \,;|. ­ -‚’\

Í'Aficllors "Bench — ; [Young Dogg : n_n. _ _ _

S'ouldiers ЕРагсу di Foxes .‘ _ Line, . Т:

Travelling » f_aravahf"_`“' 1 l; ' " ' .Pigs __ ‚Ё: i i __’

l Merchants l .f ‹ f ‘f d" д} Hawks Y ~ __ iry мг.

Waiters ‚ Тпйпдей'гфё _j Duck, i _Team ,_ ._

‘ ' Ships ­ Мат Fléfff д Chickens" 3 Brood’- ‘ё I ì ‚ _

»I Military Shir” s Armado ; al ” ‘Щ g semer-:z °2:; | Sheep Flock ‘(та .2è-l ' ’ 'I i Senn l, v, y

a ‘ Geef@ | f . ЁЁТГЧ“ ‘юг, Wood,ст,Ё- COWS я‘ Heard ’ Э"$ша11ггеез_ _ i «‘ Ё; Coppicey ‘_

I ‘Все’ Ё i Drove . ' Shrubs ‘ ­_ Thicketgy _; `

' it Boggs, = ' ' Ferne _ _­ ~' Brake c. _;

Drawing horfes reame ._ _ _ Hay ‚_ _ ‘у; _ Reek’sŕack __

Hunting dogs Pack j Straw Ё _ ‚ i l Cock __ _ i

Partridge Covey ‚- lFeWel wood _. l Pile _» _

‘Bees Swarm ILTWigS. ' ` __ l«.Bavin _ ‚

And fo likewife may it be for thofe others words `

rJewels f'Carcanet

Feathers _ ‘ Plume

l Berries j СШИега Bunch

‚‹ Counters „Set

l Cards ’ í Pack

1 Dice | Bale

_Lsiik,cioih,a~¢. _L _ . ‚ ’ so

Chap. Vll. Concerning Щит‘! grammar. 33t

So the words Selling, or Hiring, with this mark, will Íïgnìlie to fell

by wboleßtle, and to bi're by the Great.


The fecond of thefe being oppofite to the former, ­will ligniíie штат‘

things under the notion of dyiribntion 5 and being fegregated, which

we commonly exprefs by the 'words Each and Every; it is applicable

to the Number: to make them dzj’iribntizver : Singulz', Bini, Trini, Btc.

Each one, every two, every three, or one by one, by twos, by threes,

Фе. And fo for all other things capable of the like notion. The La

tins exprefs it by the Termination (tim)_as was faid before. So

Sigillatim One by one Paulatz'm By little and little

штат Man by man Pedetentina Foot by Foot

[Наши Door by door Сидит): Ву degrees

Verbatim Word by word Задай’): by ranks or clalfes. ‹

The Englifh, belides the above-mentioned peculiar way of Phra

feology , doth fometimes exprefs this notion by compounding with

the Termination as Hourly, Daily, Wee/¿l , Monthly, Annually, Sie'. А a

It is applicable likewife to Nouns of Aflfion, or Verbs. S0

5l. Giving î Diûributing, Difpenling

Äh Gathering î; Picking up

. Ё Selling "if, Retailing А

5*‘ Hiring il" Hiring bythe day

III. ' °



­Í`he lirft pair inthe third Combination do properly referto the

Figure 'of things 5 and the note of theß, added to the name of the

matter of which they conlift, will be ufeful to' fupply the wordt fbr

feveral things. ‚

The former ofфей: doth denote a broad and Hat Figure.

Wood (Board, Plank Fire Плащ

;[61а& ЁП’ЗПС Elke, Snow à Flake

gk Paper à Leaf, Sheet Ё‘ Pudding fryed ¿hä Pancake `

g ‚мены g, Plate â |ßread e. sippceromwafer

ë-{Lead ° Sheet "' LStaffe ° LLÃath

А Ironfupertinn’d lLatin ’

The fecond denotes a round and long Figure, and being afiiited to и}

the word lignifying the matter of it , or the _thing about which 1t

is ufed, it may fetve for the exprefiion offeveral names. So

_Iron {[Nayle

' Wood Peg

îgelt ‘îPin

| trxng [fag

llLCufpldated v Tine


331 Coneerning Naturalgrammar. Part III¿

____- _—.‚‚‚мы _

III. '



This pair is intended to Iigniñe the General Names belonging to

each of the two principal kinds of гляди.

Inflfumcm- By Иртыш‘, is meant fuch a kind ofтиф‘, as is ofa morefnple

‚уже, and properly defigned for Operation. This mark is to beaf

lixed to the Charaé’ter of that particular Aäion or Operation, in тыс!)

fu ch ìnliruments are ufed 5 and whereas there may be feveral kinds of

inflruments, that may be ufeful for the fame kind of operation; they

are to be’farther diflinguilhed by their Matter, Figure, Bignef', or

fome other circumftance. So

:fForaminaring I' r'Shaving Razor

’ Little Aule, Piercer Filing ‚ File

; Drill Bodkin Sawing Sawl Great GiîletïWimbel Iglraving l()ilraver,fìilt:

идет antng ane

‘ Digging Spade, Shovel Contulion Pelile

Culpidate иск-„маты: lv’âipting Вслед!

. I Pteaping,Great Sythe rltìßg en

V Lim. Syckle candlcfup- ‚самым;

Fuel fupporting ’ porting °

d Little g I Dog, Creeper 5i I Weaving Shuttle ’

Ё] Great ‚ ё Andiron, Cobi Clipping à Shears

ä lsîfikïng, Cutting (ron Ё I(Bzrufhing „Е“ Brufh,Beafom

ä» Linie ° Hatcher e ombing ё; Comb

I Great Axe Horary Dyal

|Lifting ILeaver Star mea- Allrolabe

I Weighing I Ballance I fure .

I Cleaving | Wedge l Sub-forging Anvil

Wheeling Wheel ‘ Ringing _ BellI screwing I Screw Whipping I scourge, ROC

lsr‘îîmii‘g Él’ri‘g {'i-‘fmg Èpii». 1re mg a1 e- tion pe ac es

Gathering Rake Signifer Colours, Aun

Scattering Fork _ I tient, Cornet,

î,_Cribrating lSive L ь‘ Banner

mit" Under this fecond Particle (Уф!) are comprehended fuch kind

of Gmple Utenñls, whofe proper ufe is to contain5 they are diltin

guilhable either

I. By the thing: which the) are deligned to hold and contain.

a. By the operation: and aölions for which they are ufèd.

g. By the matter ofwhich they conlili, together with their ieveral

figures and quantities.


ChapoVl l.. Concerning Natural grammar. 33;

Ofthe lirfi kind are fuch inliances as thefe. So

"Water Ciltern i' Wooden rßowle

(Oyla Leather jack _ »_

s; Glafs s Cruet,Cruce ,_, Pottage à Porringer

g Earth Iarr î Sauce .__î¿ Saucer

â Drink 9, Table fire Chafìng-diih «

"' Щи}: Ё‘ Cup, Pot, Chaliceâ Candle f’ Lanthorn

4 _ Great Goblet lnke luke-horn

.rl Eartnen kPitcher L[.Irine LLChamber-pot

Ofthe fecond are {uch as tbefe. So

`""«lValhìng г Melting rCrucible ~

y Little Baf'on Diliilling l Stills Alembick

Н Great s Laver Si Straining Colander

â' Boyling 2 lnfufion l Tunnel, Funnel

,if Little Skillet ` 9. 4 Exfulion o ‚Е‘ Ewer

8- Great Ё‘! Caldron, Kettle e' Contulion âilMortar

i Copper, Furnace lncenfe Cenfor, Perfu

_l ЕапЬеп Pipkin mers pot

t L Frying [Frying-pan {_Baptìl‘m _lLFont

Ofthe third fort there are (uch examples as thefe. So

È'Earthen Pot ч

Si Narrow я lume -

n _ Broad l Pan

Ё Wooden _

e Oblong Ё" Trough

._ Great Vatt ‘

L Glaify `_Vial ` ’


‘ 334, Concerning Щит!grammar; Part III.




This next pair is put to Iignifie fuch kind of lltenfils as are afa [e l

лидеру’: then the former. `

Мат!“- ТЬе’шогд jugament doth comprehend fuch kind_'offormtas are

dißenßm'a Лида; conliiiing offeveral diliinâ parts united by Art, be.

ing more complex then inftrument, and lef: then Machin. The mark

of it is to be afiìxed, either to the name of the Aä'ion or the Thing

about which they are ufed: as in thefe examples.

rCarriage rBarrow "Printing rPrefs

of Perfons _ Holding Pincers

Dead Bier ~ Sufpeníioß (Этот,

Living, by „ ‘ Gibbet

Men _ Sedan Exten'lion Rack

° Horfes Litter ‚ Feet imprifon Stocks

lTrat‘lion Tumbrel . Head imprifon Pillory

Ё l Plowing Ё I Plow Ё l Neck Yoke

g< Harrowing ¿g4 Harrow §< Sub-foot Б Pattin

§- Winnowing ä I Fan д’ Broyling Grídiron

Weaving Loom Fewel ° Grate

Beaiis Food _ Rack, Cratch Sefiion Stoole,

A, Bird rei'training ‚ Coop,Pen, Cage 1 Settle

"Fiih catching Weele Bed _ ­~ Bedftead

Stream hopping Sluce Clipping Cizzars

l Roling . Roler Circle making Compafs

Shadowing Canopy,umbrel­ LWind шанс [Organl la, Screen i

Machin. By the fecond are intended fuch Uteníils as are of a more complicate

[дм-е, being mixed either with Wheels, Scrues, or Pullies, and А:

‘Духи!for motion. The mark is to be afhxed untothe Charaůer 01 the

Aâion for which they are ul`ed. So

rHour f fRofiing "Jack

ч Signing g, l Watch ä!! {lp-pulling ‘E Crane

i“, âoundi'ng a?, Clock g lHolding I ,ge Vice

9, ortatile г%|13‘ос1‹ег ша!с11‘д‚-|Согпргешп8 äilPrefs

e' Grinding f’ Mill LWay-meafuring _lWay-wii'er

,L Little ‚ Qlern '



‚ ‚ "ARMAMENT5ФРТПКШ' The Erft of thefe may Ген/е to exprefs and delcrìbe thofe feveral

kinds ofthings and names which are ufed for Encloßcre. So

g, WoodLamin r'Pale _llrWater More

ä Staff orŕ _ ё Rail älSheep Sheepfold

g Beam ‚=;‘‹ @‹ Military @l Line, outwork, Ó'c.

ë'Shrub Hedge â( of basket âälGabionI_Eâll’th ­[Bank и‘ Tranfverfc [hurting ‘ [Ваггйсадо



The fecond mark for А RMAM E NT or Tackle, will ferve to “тщет

defcribe fufliciently feveral thingsof that nature, withoutaíîording

diliìnöt names for them, to be applyed unto the Charaâer ofthe

Aëìion or Part to which it belongs.

'Horfe,cohibiting "Bridle rHorl'e back ~ fSaddle

„l inliigating 1 s Spur Si l Ruftic ,s l Pannel

'î l Head El Head-Rall g5 l ‹ Е Pack-faddle

ё Mouth og’ Bitt, Snaifle g < Riders foot i Stirrup

ё Neck â* Collar §- Leg is“ Gambado

Tayl _ Crupper Circumligating Surcingle, girdle

Foot ,_Ll-lorfelhooe LFinger for fowing L'l'hirnble ~­


V E S T'

2’ А к M0 v R

The lirfi ofthefe will help to defcribe thofe various names that are

_given to [счета] forts of’Garmentr, according to the Pam, Things, or

other circumltances moli coníìderable in their ufe. So

He'ad ' Cap "Breall: rStornacher

Margined Hat Bib, Biggin

l Low Bonnet ­ Arm Sleeve

Í Reticulate Cawl Hand Glove

~.; Bifhopshead f» lèliteií ‹ _ Bllï’loollen Mitten

Votarìes head _, ow C у A ronFore‘head Linnen Frofpgtlet_,<t:iiol3_­l Thìglfis elofe Brpeeches

Face ‚ -. . “i IMa c ot Loo e Petticoat

g Chin ¿_ Mufller ° ,_ ,_,_ Leg Я lStocken, Hole

L» Neck __ Ё Bandl Leather — Boorê

f, Trunc r' Doub et -_ ' - Ё‹ЁООЁ Shûoè j

e- Sub-trunc v "- Waûcoat _, â Loofe Ё‘ SlipperЗари-‘гипс ' y jerkin, Coat u ' ` Pnnloße

Loofe fuper humeral Hood Inner Sockì _»

[твой Linnenf ­ Shirt, Shift Upperloofe Cloak. _

Outmoli Linnen Surplice, Frock Clofe Caůiqek

.n и??? Ltnppigï Sntgìì I_' {.‘oâigaiotîgè glgwëg

,f 1 e _ _ etA ­ e lWOo cn` __ 'n et

` Serviceßgniiig Livery ' ‘vl Linnen Sheet (terpana

Chamber »i ‘_ -Hanging Colvering ‚ ’ ‘СочеНег‚соип

‘Table Woûllen [GMP3 _ репы _ 'L_ _ Curtain_L Linnen 3 ,f LTablev cloth › ilialdowing ­, -5

su', —; i f ъ . lConpealing- [Маты Veil

_ . Il\" .

The réconipáiiiicie is dengbéd only for defina.. arm-af, „мы; Armoun

bears fome Analogy to Vefŕr. The note оп: шау be añixed to the fe

veral Parts.. So _

rHead ' fHelmet, murrion

5i ¿_ Head-piece Si Hand i Gauntlet

2- Neck lì Gorget 'gs Leg _; reaves,]ambeaux

g ‘Trunc шЁ‘НаЬсщеощСох’Па: Ё Defeníivetobe' à Shield,Buckler '

ё Breaít f’ Breaů-plate 5% handed ‘ ° Target

L Back ,Back-piece ‘


Concerning Natural grammar. 335

536 Concerning Mmm] (jrarnmar. i Part III.



. - 3‘ 1R o 0 М . 1 ‚

~H°“ff­ The Erft of thefe will by its compoíition ferve tó exprefs thofe varió

ous names which are given to Houjër, in reference to the feveral

things or ufes they are deligned for. So

fCorn threihed Granary Publiek hofpitating "Inn

‚ Garner Sale ofWine Tavern

Not threfhed Barn Ale Ale-houfe

Hogs I Sty Votaries ‚ Abby, Cloilter

Dogs ` l Kennel ч ‚ Covent,MonaÍtery

Si Horfes s Stable i Sick perfons i Spittle,I-lofpital

g. | Hawks Mew Ё Eleemofynated E ` Aims-houfe

g Pigeons ‘ЗА Dove-cote ¿_ Mad ‘54 Bethlehem

ё Bees Ё" Hive [снега '3* Bridewel

Conny Borough Imprifonment Goal, Prifon

Lions or Bears ­ Den Forinfic f ‚ Hall

Ammunition l Ari-Cual Difcipling SCIIOQI ‚

I Magazine Fornicat. Stews, Brothel

‘ Bones of dead Charnel l ,_ Bordel

. .LWarer Conduit

Room As the former Particle may be uleful for the expreliion of the

names of feveral Houfêr, fo will this fecond for particular Room: or

Chambers. So `

Conventus "Hall , ifCloths Wardrobe

‚ Eating Dining room Clothing Veliry —

Difcourfe ` Parlour ‘ dreliing~room

Sleeping Bed-chamber Armory l Armour

l Dormitory Selling ' Shop т

Walking Gallery f Preferving Repolitory

l ¿i Privacy Clofet ‹ Drying Kill, drying

ß l Books ‘ Library El ° ‘loft

gf Meat „3:. г‘ Exter.dimin. .e Lobby

а“ Preparing Kitchin Ё Ё‘ Anti-chamber

Keeping ° Larder а‘ Way ‚ Paífage, room

Pantry ‘Upper ' Loft, Garret

l Baking Paûry Naval , Cabbin

l Po'tation ‚ Buttcry Bees l Cell

1 Potus Í Cellar Counfell Dunging Hakes, Privy Secret i' Conclave

1 `thoufe ofoliice Eccleliaûic - l Coniiliory


ChapfVII. Concerning Natural grammar. ggy

V­ ‹ Habit;

I H А R I Т '


Each ofthefe are applicableto Nouns. Theufe ofthe iirl't Parti

cle,'is to' denote the Habitualnsjì of any fach thing whofe Radix is _ _

not primarily under that Genus of Habit. So thefe words Rejojcing,

Worjhipping, 0bedient,Difobcdience, Sie. with this mark, will be de

termined to the Habit of Chearfulnejì, Devotion, Obedience, (Jon/tn-A

nuc},&c. t

There are many Radical words under other Predicaments, as that

of Aů'ion, Lone, Zeal, Gompel/ion, Env), Sie. Singing, Writing, Stg.

That of Relation, as Governing, Bargaining, Thiening, Whordons, Def.

‘Магия, Sie. which when they are to be­ ufed ~under the notion of

Habits, mult be marked with this afñx.

The chief ufe of the fecond Particle, is to fupply the place of thofe Af“

feveral names which are commonly given to Artt and ‚За-дети. 80

f nantity rMathematic rWeight rStatic

Magnitude Geometry Building Architeůure ‚

Number Arithmetic War s Chivalry

g1. I World s Colinography 5‘! Military order _ëlTaâic

î‘lSrar motion Aflronomy t’@ISWording i .ik Fencing

ÉILand ‘Ё Geography Ё Language rGrammar —‚ g

5“ Times ï Cronology а‘ Oration Oratory ­

Il-larmony Mulic I Arguing ‚ Logic _

Vìlion ` Optic,perfpe­ . Manners IIlîlthic " ;

. @tive Il_Tranfcendent L ,_Metaphyfic Ё

And fo for thofe other cheating Arts of Manni; or Winding,

with which the world always hath been ада-„111 be abufed, [n the

naming of thefe it would be convenient ro add the Word Миша,

the better to diliinguilh thefe from fuch as are mnAm „d Sgen“,


rStar там. I'Alirology

‘5! Hand mant. ' Chiromaucy

gl Face там. al Phyliognomy

ё; Fire mant. Pyromancy

Water mant. kILE-lydromancy„L

~_ Xx "' oFFIcEzt

l 338 Concerning Щит! grammar.


0 F F I C E R

2’ a 1t T1 .s т

Though this feeond pair be not ofany great afiinity, yet are they

here united, upon account, that they both denote perfonal refpeůs.


Part lll.

officer. The Erft of them aiiixed to any Íingle Character, will lïgniEe the

` notion of Prefeâ'ure in any kind of place, imployment, relation; whe.

ther Honourable, or mean and Ser‘vile, as the Integral {hall denote g

But if the Integral be compounded with the Prepofition Pro, or Vice,

or inliead of, which fignifies the notion of Suljîitutiou, it will then ex

prefs the Deputy or fubliituted oß‘icer5 if with thel Prepolition Sub or

Under, it will then denote the Injèriour or fubordmate oflicer of that

kind. So

'Navy Admiral, f Street Scavinger

— Vice­admiral ‚Сын; Sumner, Ap

Arms General, paritor

f ‘ Lieuten~Gen. l Peace JuIiiCe,

i Brigade Major General Conliable

l Regiment Colonel,Tribune Degrees Herauld

` Com'pany Captain, Centu- Writing Secretary,

l i rion ‘ Clerk

i Military Proviíion Commilfary Speaking . Prolocutor

Ten Souldiers ’ Corporal, Ante-ambulant UÍher,Beadle

` Serjeant y Pro-Presbyt. Curare`

1' Tribe Sheritï, Under- Sub~Presbyt. Clerk

l Sheriff ._ Paliurc Hayward

l City Major Sheep Shepherd

l Univeriity Chancellour, Cows Cow-herd

.g 1 Vice­chan. ч Hogs Hog~herd

gl College E|Malter,Warden, â'IDeer . 2 Keeper

g 4 PreÍident,Pro« f Conies E Warrenner

ë- Ё‘ volt, Reëtor, â Hawks u? Falconer

. Principal. '” Provifion ä Steward,

g Abby ' Abbot, Prior Manciple,

‘ Manners Cenfor CatererЁ Altus­ . Almner,Subalrn­ Meat ordering Sewer

Ч ' ner Drink Butler

. Accounts ‚ Auditor Door Porter

,l Money Burfar, Trea- Chamber Chamberlain

furer Horfe Groom,

Revenue Steward Нота:

Gathering ’ Collector Agriculture Bailifi`

„Market ' Clerk ofMarket Arrefling Baily,Beadle,

i Poor Overfeer Serjeant,

Temple Church-warden Catchpole

i Book ' Librarian y lmprifoning ' Jailour,

't Parturìtion Midwife ' Warder

i Singing Chorifter Whipping Beadle

l Cleanling y Executing lExecutioner

_L Temple Sexton Fornicating lPander, Ваш!


minerai@Natural grain-finir. 3;9

The other Añix for AR ‘Г I S T, is not of fo much uf`e or neceßity Anm' . —as ­the гей, ЬесапГс it may be fuiiiciet'ltly expreffed by thofe two Par

ticlts of Art and Perfon. Itis here put in, becaufe l could not think

of any more convenient notion of the like alii'nity to fupply this

place. So ­

‘I’Qiantity {Mathematician

'Si М ’ d ё. G ' 'д agmtu e = | eometrtcxan

2l Number . Arithmettcian

â World Ё Cofrnographer

lStar lAlironomer, Ó'c.



3‘ Mancera NT

The Ы! pair in this Combination may properlyfervc to exprefà

thofe words which are commonly given to Реж-Гоп‘ from their feveral

`Trades and Occupations.

The lirů, for the Trades of Mannfaâ'ure, according to thefeveral MCChmiß

employments or dbjeâgmatters about which fuch Trades are conver- ‘

Ганс 5 fome of which will be capable of compoiìtion with the Prepoli

tion Sab or Under. So —

rStone lrMafon Leather Tanner

‘ Wood Carpenter [Cloth Clothier

y Metal ‘Smith . Cloth thickning Fuller

.'1 Gold _ lGold-fmith Ус“ Taylor

` Iron Black-{mith ' Botcher

l Lead Plummer 'Foot-veli Shoemaker

Pewter Pewterer i Cobler l

Brafs äIBraÍier 0 Si Head°vefi Hatter if

ä! è, Tinker Ы Hand-veil: â' Glover

Q Gems Ё; Lapidary gìspinning Spinfier „д

Ё. Statues “ Statuary ё Sowìng Sempfter `

Sculptor l Walhing | Laundrelë

Painting Painter Bed ' ЦрЬоЩсг '

‚ Mulick Minftrel Tub ‘Cooper

i . Fidler Knife ' Cutler

Medicine Apothecary Bow ~ Fletcher

j Printing Printer Candle Chaundler

.lWrîting Scrìvener . ,Book Book-binder

д Cord Roper ’ —

And fo for other articular Trades which belong to other matters,

as Gun, Lock, Cleo , Watch, SCC. F

Xxa _ i The

34o Concerning Miura! grammar. Part llI.


Mf‘chanß The fecond for the trades of Exchange, inany of which were wom;

in their Engli/ÍJ names to be c’ompounded with the Termination

Manger; as Wood-manger, Iron-manger, Ира-жаждет, Btc. From thc

old Latin ­Word Mango, which lignifies a Sel/er. So

[Наш Butcher \ 'fLinnen "L Draper

g Cattle g l Gralier *à* l Woollen ¿__ W. Draper

2s Spice Ё< Groffer in Head-veli Haberdalher

ё <| Wine l Vintner ё Old-veli g, ' Broker

ё | Vitïluals ° ‘Viciualer а l Silk n’ {Mercer

l lLMedicament ._Druglier LBook Statloner.


P 0 WE R or Abilityl' AAP TIT‘ZJD E or Proneneß.

Betwixt thefe two there is an evident allinity, both of them being

common fervile notions, and of very general extent, they are appli

cable to an Integral both Subßanti've and Adjeäi've, and capable both

of an Aů'ioe and Pal/ive fenfe : Being exprelfed in Latin by the Ter- '

'mination (tions and bilis) and in Englifh by the Termination (tive and

ble) And when the words to which they are aliixed are compounded

with any Adverb oi a Negative or Privative fenfe , they ar'e by that

AtÈ/v‘erb made to lignilie, Impotence or перший, either Aâ’ive or

Pa we.

Though the derivations of Abßraäs before-mentioned may fervewell enough for feveral oftheI following inltances, yet to prevent the

ambiguity that may otherwife happen in fome of thefe derivations» it

will be proper to make ul`e of thefe Particles. We have not aäually

indeed fuch variety ofwords as may be futed to thefe notions; but

this is from the defeâ 'of Language, for the things themlëlves are па

turally capable of this kind of inflexion. °

Power. The l‘irfi of thefe may lignilie either' rAfiirmatively

I Subfia ntive, denoting Abi/it)

‘ l Aůive, to do, Senjítiveneß, Vißr/en'efi . l

' . J .Paflive, to be done, Senjìbleneß, Vijíbleneß'

Adjetftive, or Able

l {Afìivq to do, Senfìti've, Vijve _

‹ Paflive, to be done, Senfible, I/i/îble

¿iNegatively ­ _ ` —i ' Subflantive, denoting Inability .

'A¿lfive, to do, Injënßtiverzefs, Inwßveneß'

Pallive, to be done, Inßnßbleneß, [миф/15159

Adjeéitive, or ‘Unable .

â’ Aâive, to do, Infen/ìti'ue, Invii/ive

Paíiive, to be done, Inßryible, мифы:

By this Particle are all thefe common words to be exprefl‘, Capable,

Efable, Audible, Accel/Ibla, Comprehenßble, irritable, Fallible, Src.

which being compounded with the Negative Particle (in) will ligni

fie the oppofite, as, Incapable, Sie.

In this fenfe, to render a man Unrejponfi've, is to Confbund, Poze,

Puzzle, Non-plus. A perfon infolutive, or (as we commonly Гау) infol

vent, is a Bankrupt 5"Unwalkative,is a Cripple 5 Non­furreâive,is Вата! i

vnfattable, is Flite, Sic.

‚ The fecond ofthefe may Iikewife Íignilie, either Aptitude

Aflirrnatively, Whether ailixed to '

I Subfiantìve, denoting Аршф

. ' Aëìive, to do, Amoretgßteß, Стадии/5:4}

i Paflive, to be done, Arniablenefr, Credibleneß’

.i ' Adjeůive, Apt

Aůive, to do, Amorour, Credulom

{ЕЩЁ/е, to be done, Amiable, Credible

t LNegatively, whether añixed to a

` Subflantìve, ’Unaptnefr -

Aůive, to do, Unafnoroußzefi, Increduloufnefi

iPaÍIive, to be done, Unaniiableneß, Incrediblenejì

Adjeâive, ‘Омар:

Active, to do, ‘Платеж-от, Incredulou:2lßPailive, to be done, ‘Unarniable, Incredible

There are great variety of integrals, to which thefe notes are applie

cable. So

rMotion "Agile, Nimble-nefs f‘liivaporative rVolatile'

Fear I Timerous, Штат/е Mimical

‚ Terrible Cleanfe — Abfieríive

_ Shame ' IBaíhful-nefs Corrode Corrofive

I Anger Haůy,Touchy, Sicknefs Crazy

Peevilh, Froward, . » ‚ Sickly

5*. Choleric, Tefiy, Sleep g Drowlie

â ‚ Ё‘ Pettì(li\,SnappiÍh,Ú”c.ätl Grudge ‘à Qyerulous

Ё Contention :EN Captions-nefs, §< Kick Ё“ Skit'tiíh

e (Епископ) ä Break Frail

Contempt Scornful, "' i Brittle

I ü _ Defpicabie ‘cgfreaion l poggia@

f Lu Salacit A o iate oci leI Libidrinous ‚ Tobie found IObvious

I Inventivenefs Sagacity Ilnhabit gHabitable

I I Play Wanton,f „Trouble [Troublefom

¿L Garne ome

­There are fome words in our Englilh Tongue which are ufed pro

milcuoufly, both Aůively and Paílively 5 as Changeable, Mutable, Al»

terable, Pitiful,Fearful,Mortal,&c. whereby they are liable to miíi‘ake,

which may be prevented by thefe Particles, being duely apply'd either

to а Sub/tantino or Adjeâ'ive, лат or Pagine, as the fenfe _ fhall



Chap. VII. Concerning Щит!grammar. 34.1

Y 34.2. WConcerning Ñaturalfjrammar. Part Ill.~

. VI.



шарик. The Erft figniñes the beginning of Aéiions or Things5 which being a

kind of Mode or imperfect notion, is therefore Н: to be joyned as a jèr~

«vile and auxiliary. ’Tis commonly expreffed in Englifh, by the word

Wax or Grow5 And in Latin (as was obferved before) by the Termi

narionjâa, Senefco, Lucefeo, Calejìo 5 Waar old, Wax light, Wax hot, Src,

There areìn our Language fome peculiar words and phrafes, which

do only import this notion, and by this mark will be rendred needlefs

and redundant. So

"Fire ` "Kindle, Tind, ’ Poffefs Take Livery

l Light f а l andSeilin

_, l Break s Crack 'fg'- | Repeat E l Relent

:Í i Ufnrp Encroach 'i4 Trade- v§< Set up

g 4 Navigate Take lhipping,§_ l Work _ ä* Set to work

ё! î ` Launch "` l Hold Take hold

Itinerate i Set forth LEíiluviate LTap, Broach

LProceed LSet forward _ _

So the word Morning, with this note will Идите, Daivning, Da;

fizring, »furor-a, лишит; And the word day or night,with this mark

will Íignifie, Игрушки, Twilight.

lîrf‘iuema- The fecond of thefe doth íignilie the repetition or wontednryî of

me' At‘ìions, which is fuch a kind of Ген/Не notion as the former , and

thereforeht to bethi's Way provided for.' It is of a very large extent

inthe ufe of itsbeing (as the other notion of ìnceptive likewife is)

applicable to той Verbs5 And there are fome words in our Englifh

which will by this note be rendred „мы. So

Drink ’ гваьь1е‚таррхе fnemand solicit, ­`

Н Talk _ Babble gl _ Dunne

ä Move inWaterë Dabble nlSigh ¿_ Sob

2 Come „а; Haunt, L: Difappear ij Twinckle

â I `Refort ë. ­ Glimmer

`" Repeat ' Inculcate [Pull n lVellicate -

[l L Ingeminate Bite _ Gnaw

It may be worthy conlideration to enquire, whether the oppoiite

to each of thefe, viz.. Верните and Кати or feldom, ought not

to be particularly provided for in this kind.


Chap. VII. Concerning Щит! grammar. 34.;

VI. _

E NDR А У 0 ‘2) R ` '

3‘ 1M P в т ‘и .s ‘

Both thefe may contribute to the Abbreviating of Language, when

they are compounded as ferviles5 there being feveral dil‘tintît words

and phrafes, which by fuch compof’ition will be rendred needlefs ,

their true notions being fufliciently expreIIable by the ufe of фей: Par- '


The НМ denotes the Application of a Mans felf tothe doing of any Endeavour,

thing. So

’Hear rLiften, Hearken, rStrike l’Strike at

._,l Èl Attend, Give ,_i Strike thruli- 2 Foineat

ßïl el Ef" ~ il щ‘! _Ё ‹ See "â . Ргу‚ PCCP 2 Obtain "â _Reach after

â’- Feel ï Grope Ё. Provide nml Purvey

Lift Heave [Sell [Зак to Sale

f LCatch „Catch at `

The fecond doth denote the particular lit, or fuddlen violence of impetus.

any Aftion or Thing. So

Motion Í'Start, Jerk ' r'Running fCareer

i Thrul’t ‘Ruth lAnger h ` Fury

Pull Twitch Melanc ol a Dum 'ä Percufnon _gnap г‘ Plame y .î гыьр

g Catch „itl Snatch Ё Wind Flaw, Guit

o D n

9. Bite ä Snap â Kain - Storme. Exclamation . Shout, Squeak, "’ [Battel Shock ’

,I i âgueïßctean, Difeafe y Fit,Paroxyfin

ft. iL ree

VII. 4



Thefe are ofvery general compreheníive ufefulnefs in Language.

The former of them doth properly denote Tranlcendental Great- Augmenta

nefì, both Extenjìve and Intenjine. When it is applyed to Bodies, 'tis of ‘т’

the fame import with thofe ufual words, Great, Huge, Vaß,1|lain:

and is by the Latins often expreffed in Adieůives by the Termination

(фа) whereby they Íigniñe the notion of Ahaunding.

When it is applied to ,Qualities or Aòì'imr, it denotes Intention of

Degrees, being equivalent with thofe Articles, very, much, hard, fore,

„и!“ ßumßgr'eat'ly 5 Valele, mnltunr, oppido, magnopere, ретуши)‘, ad

modnm, alehementer, cnmprimit, Sie.

It is applicable likewife by way of Allulion to the Amplitude, Gran

deur, and eminency of anything in its kind, which beinga eneral

Metaphor, may therefore Еду and ßfely be this way provided or : As

the words Man, Phyßcian, Merchant, with the note of Diminuti‘ve af

fixed to them , do Íigniñe, rneannefs` and contemptiblenefs : So the

fame words with this mark of Angmentatz'fve, will denote eminency and А

confiderablenefs, being proper to commend and let forth any thing for

extraordinarinefs in its kind. 1. This


34.4. Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part Ill.I

М1. This mark may be applied to the names of Bodies. So

‘ "Sea : Осеап ì’Cord "Cable,

5; Wave g Billow, Surge ’gil _ Rope

'à Staffe 54“ Stake, Batt zu ОШ‘ ¿ik Charger

É<|Twig ci; l Pole f g lîpoon à ‘ giggle

'É-.IB h“ В A me@ а ammer ' “l e ge,l rane o'lltviieer lWooden hammer Beetle

2. It maybe applied to fuch names as íigniñe сданы“ or Aëtions,

­fE-late "Abbot, Abomì- Pall. i' Antique, of old

y nate, Dereft gblique “так? _

È Fear Agliafi ,H1deous, icious ъЁёшопз,

‘l Drear‘lÑTergour, a Разрыв:

А 1R e rat, roigaenger ' i ëêry’f, Rave, Hunger iGEreadinefíïs,

Í Grieve Take on agerne s

"t I Shame Confuíion - Eat I Пс‘юш:э

f Wonder Aíionifh . l Voracious

j Conûerriation li Drink lCSaroïilfe, (Дан;

Malice . Kancor ‘ wi

l Care Anxiety, lSpit lSpaw'l

51. ‘ g Solicitude Ч i Hot 5 ­l`orrid, Swelter,

ё W'll' _: Forward ,î Í, SoultryЁ l Delfiiîg I Long for 2 ‹ Pain Torment, Torture

‘9’ ‚Каст: /f’m Notorious êlPrìce ° IPretious,Cofily,_

Н Ask t îdjureßlrge i I lSDurnptuous,

Lab oile Мопс ‚ f earН Ош j Drudge , ‘lIAdomed i Brave, Gallant,

=|Éndeavour . Beůir,Sticlrle, I Gorgeous, Splen‘

l Ü Strìve, Coil, did, Sparke

` ’ }AAdo,(Äontent¢lf lläeîlt ‘_Srwing

Aßìrm 1 verr vouc u ugi Voudh ` э |Pi­ove ,Demonûrate

l Deny Ё Кепоппсе Reprove 'Rate ‘

I Sound Loudnefs, Noife Solemnity y |Grandeur

l‘iVo’ice . Clamour,l’\oar, ¿Fame `Ll’xenown

ll Äl Cry

вышка". The fecond of thefe being dìreůly oppolite to the Eril', is oflilre

extent and ufefulnelë, and will not need any further explication but

only by lrif’tances. _

it ’TÍ‘

Chap. VII. Concerning Щит! grammar. 5.1.5­

r. ’Tis applicable to bodies and things. So

Horfe Nag rChamber Cell, Cabin

Pike Pickerell,]ack Tower Turret '

gocilife l(,J'oltltage l Èword llìifilggletiöPonyard,Stillettó

e a et un ‹ i o agg -

Ё Door ä.- ‘там Ё‘Зггсаю Brooli, Rivulet

2 Rain „El Mizling,drizling ‘34 Prominence Stud

â Skin Tunicle,Cuticle â Fois gi Wrinkle

"' gaîlìder Xeficle › ”' Script Tickât,Scrole

u tome Mote , Sc edule[Branch lSprig à ‘Piece Scrap, Crum

_ Images Babies,Puppets, _L l

2. an. appiiesbieraogaiiuesand Asians'. so' _ ’

Hot Tepid,Lukewarm Drink Bibl), Sip.

i мыл Damp,Dank Cognition Hint,inkling,idtimation

y Light Glimmering Doubt Scruple

‹ 599! Speck Sin Peccadìllo, Failing

1 Wild Skittìlh Vomit Puke

j Gull Smack, Tang Burn ‘; ,Parch,Scorch,Sweal

Sound Qgatch Boil ‘ Parboil,reare

Skill 1 Smattcting g \ Play` 1 Dally

Ё Handfome E Pretty д Sleep :__-lSlumber, Nap

lg Good _ {мята „g-:î Jipgiariniue _

ä More n' Alittle _ â Prayer ä Ejaculation (ной

_ Great Greater ‹ "` Comment Glois,Notes,Annota­

Prh/lany ChMore contention jarringßiekerin'g

’ ice eap Pali Alate

Move Wag Future Shortly, foon

Ёжьь {3-19 ' sOblique Èteebg, [lope

’ ,_ imp um ri et, _,

Fight lFray, Scuflle Proportion [Рйпапсса Scantling

'L Bite Nibble LAggregate Parcel

3: This note may fometimes be applied in a Мадрид“! [ёпГе’ to

Íignilie contemptiblenefs or littleneß of value, aswell as littlenejì of

bulk. So the word Man with this note may Íignilie either Dandiprat,

Dwarf, Elf, Zan), Pigot); Ох‘ elfe Scrub, Sorry feßow, Companion, jack.

So the word Phylitian with this note, will Идите Mountelmnli, 2fach

jìlver, Empyriek: And the word Merchant being fo noted, will пап?

lie Puller, Hue/(Her, SKC.

Yy Èít'cÈssIrE

§46` Y Concerning млштф‘атшг. i Part HI;

-“ VII.

2 Taxe вазы/в


amr" Theft: are »joyned upon account of oppolition, the meaning of each

being very obvious. _

The former denoting all kind of excel'sg Particularly, I. The >re

dundant extreme in all „Qualitiesg or Vertues together. 2. With (uch

other notions as bear fome kind of Analog] or refemblance to Фей vin

other things. As likewife, 3. The мы“; ofany O`uality or Action~

I. Of the ñrů kind are fuc'h infiances as thefe. So

rDiligence rDouble diligence íModeliy fAbjet’rnefs

Conñderation Cuxftation Abl‘tinence ` Maceration

Heedfulnefs Carking , Cleanlinefs Finicalnefs

Patience Obltinacy ` y nicenel‘s

._x Conllancy Pertinacy l . Frugality ` Penurioufnefs

ё Knowledge §_ Curiolity 'l' g. Liberality i Prodigality

g Prudence Craft Яд Magnilicencc E Luxurioufneß

ё Moderation "ё. Slightnefs, Neu- Ё ‘Ё riotoufnefs

‘ l trality t2- Courtefie à' Fawning

l Juliice Rigor ‘ Taciturnity Shineß

. Fortitude Rafhnefs l llltbanity i Scurrility

i Magnanimity Infolence . Gravity Formality

,LMeekneß ÀLLentitude, llupor L Faith ’ Credulity

~ ‹ Hope ц Prefurnption

2. Of the fecond kind, thefe are fome Inllances. So

­ Plane "Mountain ì_M'Parabola ‘Hyperbole

Ё Oblique _ÉglDireêt äiMean _E_¿IAcute

ge Prefent _, Pali 2 ‹ Ripenefs а‘? Over-ripeâlSimultaneous gs'tPreceding â' Equal E' Superior

“blLFlet Gibbous и lSufliciency Dl'Exceifs

3. Of the third kind., .there are thefe Inliances. So

Q'Elleem rOver~value rLong ‹ Tedious,prolix

Opinionate Over-weene Old Stale

«Great ' Очаг-агата ‚ Extenfion ‘ Sprain

ÉlLoad i ‘Over-charge Dunging ` Éî-‘Scowring

¿ai Surcharge g” Soon ` „',­?¿ Over-foon

gîAdorned ' ’â 'Gày,Gaudy â Repetition Battology, Tau

ё- Sweet Ó Lulcious ‘^ tology

E Laugh Giggle ’ Baked L Over-baked

Halien precipitate. Boiled l Over-boiled

ì Chidc t[Scold LLFtoalled ` ‘LLOver-roafied



ëhap.-Vl I. Concerning Natural grammar'. И;

The mark of Defeŕì' is in each particular correfpondent to the Рейд;

former, denoting either _ y

I. The deficient extreme in all kind Afts, Habits, Venues, ás

may be leen by the'oppolìtes to rhofe before-mentioned.

Diligence [dlenefs

Confideratìon‘ Pulhnefs

Heedfulnefs Carelefneßd'

2. Some kind of refemblance to thié in other things'.

PlaneV Valley

ìOblique ìTranfverfè

Prefent Future, Óc.

3. The deficiency ofany Aäion, or the under-doing of a thing'.

ÈEfl’eem ¿Under-value

Opìnionate Under-weene

Great Not fulliciently big, Ó‘e,

. ГBaked Under-baked

I Boyled {Under-boyled.



3’ coRR‘UPTIr/E i

- This pair may be of very general ufe for all kind of Aâ'iem and

Tbz'ngr. ‘

B'eíìdes thofe general notions referring to the meafure and двум;

of thing: in the two former pairs, it maybe requifite to provide the

like Way for exprefiing the wanner of them, as to Well or Ш 5 Rigi):

or Wrong 5 a$it lhould be, as it Íhould not be. The lirft of rhefè is in

many Greek words exprelîed by the compoíìtiou with iv, and йод}, andPcrfelìiv'e.`

in Enghß: by Well and Right. So `

I'Fìgured r'Well-favoured Event Profper, Suc

` | Come Well come ceed, Speed,

‘ Advifcd Wen „мы ' Pomme,

2’- Healtby @_ Wen in health ‘5! ё‘ Lucky,

gk Put Él Ser right % àà Aufpicious

â ‘Подсказки! ’àl Underftand arighrÉ, State Ё Good plîglit

"‘ [Не f' “Кайф: д‘ Humour Debonair

Time Oportunity, ‚ iVoice ’ Euphony

l ` Seafon,GoOd ‚ Lettering Orthography

д’ ,LL time x IProve ¿I_Demonll'rat'e‘;

Yy 2 . The

348 Concerning Щшт! grammar.- Part lll.

Corruptivc.The fecond ofthefe is fometimes expreíledin Englrfb by compoß.

tion with thofe Particles Dif or Мг]. or Un. So

Colour r'Dif-colour fConlier Mif-conll'er

Figure Dif-ligure l Ufe Milïufc, Abufè

Place I Dif-puce l Lead Mir-lud,Ё! Order §__­|Dil`~order '5l-J Заднее

Ё<l Proportion :d Dilïproportion Ё Name „Ek Mil-call,

â Service а; Dif-fervice Él È.' Nic-name"` Temper ° Diliemper âllîivent n iMiíïfortune

‘Едет: ‘Mif-priûou | | Millchance

Opinion Millake i l Mllïhap

l Become >LMif-become L ‘L Mil-adventure

fTimely funfeafonable, untimely„5I“ | Figured J Unfalhioned, Defaced

gi Event „§- Unlucky, Unprofperous, Unhappy,

в.„д lд Unfortunate, Unfuccefsful, Sinil‘ter,


This mark may likewife fèrve to exprefs the true notion of feveral

other words, which are not ufually thus compounded.

I'Fancy "Caprìchiout,

ё а Freakilh, Si Horfe g Jade

Ё a; Conceited £5 Write Ё Scribble

9. АпсеГгог Degenerate ä ut, Саше Whittle, Hack -

e jetter _ " Bufloon З’ Content f’ Male-content

­. Temper l Humorili



°' ,L A N G 'U А G E

The lirlt ofthefe will by its competition ferve to exprel's ‘1101121’:

veralwords which are ufed for the Voice: of divers'Anirnalr: ot for

the voices that are ufed in exprelling fundry Aâ'ion: or Aßieä’ìont.


‚ rLion "Roaring . Sparrow "Chirp

l Horfe Neighing Hog Grunting

l Afs _ Braying Dog Barking

а Bull Bellowing 'àl-I anger §_|Snarling

f3 Cow Lowing ë“ Whelp älYelping

g Sheep .ï Bleating ё Frog “5_4 Croking

‘Ё- Wolf .Howling а‘ Cock it" lCrowing

l i Yelling Goofe Gaggle

l Hen д Cackle Owle Hoot

Chicken ¿ Peep lBee Y Buz,Hum

t Swallow ¿Chatter


y Chap. VII. ’ Concerning Miura] grammar. 34.9

This .note may 1ìkewil`e be applied to fuch kind of voices as belong _

to feveral afieûions. So '

ч rGrudgmg "Mutter, grumble, murmur

i ì Grief» l Wail, mourn, moan

Ё i Anger ° „ЕЙ Chafe, liormâ ­ ­ E.:

a l Contentlon @l Brangle, brawl, wrangle .Ui ' ~ l

‘ e LPratfe ' LPlaud-rt

The fecond particular is paired with the former for its aliinity to Language.'

it. The properl of it is by its compofjtiou with .the names oi' cha

raó’ters of fevera Countries or Nations,- to exprefs the notion of the

La nguages ‘Гpoken by them. So the Charaöler or word ofшум, Spa- ‚

mßs, French, Italian, German, Sie. With this aliix, Will determine

thefe words to the figniñcation of thofe Tongues or Languages : And

»the lirme note aflixed to the name of any Tribe, may lignilie the Dia

leât of it. There feems to be leali necellity of this Particle, and it

might well be fpared, if any more proper could bethought @Qro

fupply the place of it.


2 raaaL в

'l F Е МА L E ’ ‚

The fécond pair in this lalì Combination is for the diliinéìńon of

fuch things as have Sex. And all thofe names of Animals or' Relati

ons, which are diliinguilhable only by their Sex, ought not to have

any other dìflinâion in their appellations but that' of their Sex :_ So f

that whereas We fay, Ram, Tem, Boar, Sow, Ste. Father, Mother, Soia,

Daughter, Sie. It would be more agreeable to the Philofopby of

Speech, if thefe things were ro be exprefl'ed a male `шар, a female

flveep, a male orfemale[wine 5 a male orfemale Parent or Child, Bcc;

Thefe marks are applicable `

1. To kinds ofam'mals, of which there arefuchinitancesas thefe.


[Man rWoman 'Dog "Bitch

Si ILion i. Lionefs El. Cock ¿b 'Hen

Horfe :2, Mare QQ Drake __?¿Duck ..É IBull Cow ‘_á‘HGander Goofe _ _ ~ -A‘ì

а Stag f» Hind â Drone n Bee ' —

¿Buck „ Doe LMilter ‚Братва‘ `

a. To Relations of Perfons‘g, asin thefeinl’tancesiNSo’ )_ 'u

rBrother rSil'ter fWidower (Värdow

Uncle Aunt King Í ueen

d Nephew g Niece Lord i Lady

§¿Sutor :24° Milirefs 'è Mafter ElMilîrrelàDame

â '- Servant Sweet~heart gîManlervant °`§<Ma1dfl`ervant

e lâridâgfäom f» länge méritait gs làbbefs

_ .us an 1e s nar un_ Batchclour `tMaìd ,- Sloven lSlut­

‘ ’ítWhoremonger _’whoreßtrumpet


з’ож.’ ‚ .

vm.ТО ‘U NG v

y 3'PARTYoung. i By the ñrft of thefe is meant the young ones or broûd of any forts

of Animals, for which we have no proper word in Englrl/Zv. S0

r[-lorfe rColt,l~`oal„li`illy "Dog Puppy, мы?

Cow Calf „l Cat Kitlin, Chitt

,Él D’eer Fawn Ё Сопу _g_„ Rabbet

§< Sheep La'mb › ‚ Ё ‹ Hare ere:

â Goat Ё‘ l Kid ë. 1 Hen g; ~ C icken

“ Hog Pig ` ` Frog " [Тадродз

L[_Bear A [Cub LHerring Sprat

Pm. Ву the fecond of' thefe may be expreffed fuch kind of names as do

Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part III.

comprehend in them the notion of Part, under the feveral relations

of x. Situation. 2. Proportion. 3. Figure or Colour. 4.. Uff?.

1. Of the lirů kind there are fuch examples as thefe. So

l' ÍShip ‚

— l Fore l Prow, Beak

2l Hinder ` i Poop, Stern _Army x“

Ё Fore j Ё . Van, Vauntguard, Front ~,_,­,_.,_'.;

l Middle Main Battel

fä Hinder ° .gri Rete, Rereward

` Side l Wing -

i Oration

l Fore — " Preamble, Preface, Proem, Prologue

i ’ Hinder г Epilogue, Conclulion ‹

n. Of the fecond are fuch inftances as thefe.

A fecond Half`

2A fourth gQlarter

A tenth Tithe,ó'c.­

And Го а fourth part of а Circle is a Quadrant, a Íìxth part is a Sex~

tant, Ó‘c. '

3. or the third kind'them агс fuch inname., as there.

Hand .

Convex Back

Concave Palm


Fore Shin

Hinder Calf

ЕдваWhite White “t

Yellow Yolk Q, О

Off-cut Segment


ChaptlVI l. ¿uw Солдат’: Natural grammar.

_ 4. Of the fourth kind there are fuch examples as thefe.

"Сочи-Ш; rLid _ l i’.

Si Stop'ping ¿1_ Stopple

_ 2.¿ To be handed §¿ Handle,Haft,l1Ieli/e,Hilt­

ä -Bell . . "â-Clapper __ ` .. __ _ё Guaiůrlkmg ° lCock \ ' ` `

_ LShoo-fall’ning 'LLatchet ‘

. ­ " f2 'i A a

It may happen fometimes that two of thefer Tranfcendental Parti~

cles fhould concur to the compolition of fome words : ln which cafe

it will be worth confìderation, whether it may not be more мы:

to exprefs one of them by an Integral, and the other by in Aßíx.

It may likewife deferve fome faî'ther inquiry, whether fome of

thefe Particles here nominated, may not be fpared to ­make room for

others more ufeful 5 as particularly thofe Ген/Не general notions of

âContinuing ‚


Permittiâl-linderinrë _ _ __ .

Facility = ‚ I ‘ 1‘,Dilhculty5 as likewife, Flower, Fruits, Difeafqòç.A '

I have been fomewhat the longer in treating concerning thefe

Tranfcendental Particles 5 becaufe being for the moll part nei?, and

not all of them ufed in any one Language, they do thereupon Наш!

in greater need of being more pai‘ticularly‘and fully lexplained and


I have now done with the firli part of Etymology; namely, соп

cerning theformal йфЧг’еясм or kinds of words, whether lntegrals




Concerning Natural (jrantmm Part III.


Of the Accidental Отделка!’ wordt. I. Injlexion. II.rie/ation. III. Compofrtion.

ТH E. next thing tobe treated of, is concerning the Accidental

Dürerence: of words; and amonglt thefe ­

I. Concerning the Inßexion of them, which doth confilt in the fe#

тега! ways of varying the lame word to fundry modes of Iignificati

on. This is not arbitrary, as it is ufed in feveral Languages; much

leß fhould the rules to this purpofe, which belong to the Latins be ар

plied 'to Vulgar Tongues, -to which they are not fuited (as many

Grammarians ufe to do) but it ough; to be founded upon the Philo~

fophy of fpeech and fuch Natural grounds, as do necellarily belong

to Language. —

Integral words are all capable ofInHexion.

’ l. Noun Sullßantizre: are intleâed in a threefold refpeů’t.

Il By Number, Магии! and Plural, which being more lntrinfœal to

them, ought to be provided for in the Charaëter or word it felf, and

not by an Aßix.

a. By Gender, in things that are capable of Sex, which are naturally

but two, Ida/¿aline and Feminine: Thefe being КБ Intrinlical to the

primary notion ofthe Word, may be more properly exprelied by af‘

likes г, and then the kind or fpécies ofevery Animal (abftraâedly from

the refрешит Sexes of it) may be lignifyed by the Radical word it Те”,

without any lign of Sex, which will prevent much equivocalneß.

3. By Cafèr, which is not fo cliential and natural to Subliantives,

as to be provided for in the word it felf, by varying the Terminations

of it5 For though’ this courfe hath been uled in the Greek and Latin :

yet neither do the Oriental' Tongues, Hehrew, Chaldee, Arabie , Sie.

nur thofè Occidental of French, Italian, spant/h5 nor I think doth any

Modern Tongue in the world this way exprefs them.

The true notion of the Нажмите Cafe, is that which precedes the

. Verb, and the Accnfative, that which follows the Verb 5 of which in

` fpeech that is fuited to natural Struûure and Syntax , there ought to

be no other lign or note then the very order. Asfor the Сити

Cafe, the proper notion of that, is its following another Subftantive

in regimine : But becaufe the followin Subftantive is not always go

verned by that which precedes; as ‘Ur s Roma, Rherm: Наших, Tax-uc

arbor, Btc. therefore ’tis pro er to have a Particle or Prepofition for

it , as our щи (of) and De) in the French, Italian, spant/b, which

was treated ofbefore. The Dati've Cafe is exprelled by the Prepoli

tion (Та) the Voeative by the Interjeé’tion of befpeaking (0) and the

.dhlati‘ve Cafe by fuch a Prepolition as denotes Formal or Inf’trurnental

caufe, or manner of Doing. So that the true notion of the Genititle,

Байт, Ablative Cafe, is nothing elle but that Obliquity in the fence of

a Subfiantìve, which is caufed and lignifyed by.fome Prepolition an

nexed toit, as the Vocati‘ve is by an Interjeůion.


Chap. ïïlll. Concerning Щит! grammar. g5;

4And befides thefe three ways of inflexion, l have {hewed before

how Subfiantives are capable likewife of ‚шт and Paßive voice,

and of Тenfer. - ‚

Noun Adjeäi've: need 'not have any note to exprefs Number, Gen

der, Caje, becaufe in all 'thefe they agree with their Subfiantives;

unleß fuch Adjeäîives as are ‘Лес! Subfiantively, by reafon of their

compofition with the Tranfcendental marks of Perfon, Thing, Time,

Place, Bcc. In which cafe they have the í`amc kinds of inflexion with

Subiiantives. But there is belonging to them,

I. A tranfverfe Inŕlexion by degree: of Comparißm, which may be

befl denoted by thefextriníical aflixes of more, тф .3 le/ì, len/î.

Q. An inflexion by Voice Aä'i've and Paßz'fue, which makes them

of the fame nature with thoferwords which we call Participles.

3. An inflexion by Tenßer. And though ufually in the Latin there

‘are but two Tenfes, viz. Prefent and Future, in each voice of the

participle, Amant, идет: ¿maturi/e, Leâ'urue: Armatur, Leä'ue :

.Amandi/e, Legendur.’ excepting in fome few Words, Sequemg’sequu

т, Sequuturu: 5 Guidant, Ga'u'ißu, Gavißirn: : and of Салат”),which is ufed promifcuouily both Aóiively and Paíiively 5 yet this isl

a defeû inthe Latin Tongue: For the natural notion doth render `

Participles as well capable of the Preter Tenfe5 and accordingly the

Greeks have a'ůaflaiy, 'i-e'ruòâe, 'ni-ties', В‘ ruw'lônh/Q-,a'eiunidúß’ ­ru¢9neípip9­ : Не.

that beats, he that hath beaten, he that will beat 5 he that is beaten,

he that hath been beaten, he that will be beaten. The like‘would

have been iii.Latin, if the Philofophy of Speech had been as well

obfervecl in the Inûìtution of that Language.

Пейте! Adverbe are capable of Inllexion by degree: of Comparzfon.

Amongft the Particles, there are only two that are capable of ln

l‘lexion 5 viz.. the Copula, and Proneum. I

The Copula'is iniletoted by Mode and by ‘Teri/e5 which IV have fuflici

ently explained before: Only 'tis here to be noted, that befides thofe

definite notions of time pail, p_refent, and to c'orn‘e, >there is likewife ‚

Тетрш Aeriflicufn, or indefinite time, and that whenever the Сорта

is ufed in material „метана, it ought to be underfiood as beingy inde

terminate to any of thofe differences of time. So for fuch fayîngs,

Home eß animal, Deu: vivir, Bçc. there is no kind of time, whether ’

paít, prefent, or futnre,_wherein thefe fayings are ,not equally true 5

fo that the fenfe of fuch fayings is eff, fuit, ей‘; tii'u'it,vixit,ziivet.

And therefore it would be convenient to make fome diiiinůion for

exprefiìng this indefinite time.

t Pronoun Subiïautiwe: ateinñeûed by Number and Gender, and by

Caß, as Noun Subfiantives are; befides that kind of improper InHeClion, whereby they are triade Poßeßìveß which is rather a kind of Deri-­

vation, and паритет, which conñůs only in the doubling of them

for the greater Efnpbaßr. " . _

The other Particles are not capable of inflexion, becaufe they‘do

not ydenote any _Eßence or Ай, which is capable of feveral modes or re

fpeâs, as lntegrals,andtwo of the Particles do : butonly the Circum~

Дате: or Modification: of other words; and therefore may be (iiled ~

indeclinable or invariable.

Chap. 5.

Zz As


g п.


§ Xl.

5 ш.

Conee'rm'ng l7\Catural grammar. Part lll.


l lis to Derivation, there ought­ naturally to be but one kind of Root,

from which the feveral differences oflntegrals fhould be derived, and

this fhould be a Noun Suhßantive which Íigniñes the Thinga or the

Eßem‘e. lf it be a Noun Subftantive Neuter, then the iirli branches of ‘

‘ it are Subliantives ‚дам and Pajf've 5 after which fucceed the Adje

ä'z'ne: belonging to each of them, andthen the Adver-lu, which denote

the O`uality or Manner of being or doing. _ All which belong t0 0m

branch. Another branch is the Subftantrves Ahs'lraů’, 4which have

the farne kind of derivations from them, as the former, as is more

diftinëtly explained before.

As to the Ы‘! accidental difference of words, viz. Compoßtion. 'Tis

to be noted, that the words-cfa Philofophical Language Íhould be

Го Гщед unto natural notions, that there lhould be little need of

other compoíitions, belides thofe by Prepryîtionr, Adverhr, and Tran

jìendental Particler. ' But if this were defired for greater elegance.

and copioufnefs of Speech, it fhould be capable of any compolition

~whatl`oever, which may be lignified in writing by fome Hyphen or

­ mark of Union, to joyn the words compounded, and in Speech by

pronouncing them together as one word, without changing the na

ture of either. So the word мы’; is Idol-worjhip, &c.

С Н А Р. I X.

' Óf tbefeconel part of Grammar-called S)'ntax.

S the fìrli part of Grammar doth treat.concerning the nature

and differences of particular Words: So the fecond part of

Grammar Íliled Syntax, doth concern .the proper way of Union or

right Conftruët'ion of words, into Propofitions, or continued Speech.

And'this' may, be difiinguilhed into two kinds. lr. That which is

CtJlomary and figurative: or a. That which is Natural and regular.

I. That (iruûure may be [tiled (‘фота’) and figurative, which is

ufed in the Phrafeologies or forms of Speech, peculiar to feveral Lan

guages, wherein words are put together according to a Metaphorìcal

’ and tralatitious fenfe of ‘Нет; asin thofè Latin Phrafes, Redigere in

ordinerrr, which Íignilies, Privare magi/irrita; Е Medio tollere, for 9c

cidere. And fo for thofe Englilh Phrafes of Breaking a jell, Hedgingvin a Debt, Taking ones heels and flying away, Being brought to bed,

Lying in, Being in Labour or Travail, ó‘e. All which ought to be

rendred according to the natural fenfe and meaning intended by thofe

Phrafes5 ‘which is obferved in the regular Tranllation of any Lan

guage. And he that would go about to render fuch forms of Speech,

according to the Ítriët and natural fenfe ofthe words, could not rea

fonably expeët to be underfiood in my_other Language.

But belides thefe kind of Metaphor: which are peculiar to fome

Tongues, there are others of amore general ufe, which may be well

enough retained in a'Philofophical Language.

2- That


Chap. lX.

a. That (truëture may be called Regular,t which is according to the

natural fenfe and order of the words.

The General Rule for this order amonglt Integral: is, That which

governs lhould precede 5 The Nominative Cafe before the Verb, `and

the Accufative after5 The Subltantive before the Adjettive: Only

Adjetïtive Pronouns being Particles and aflìited, may without _incon

venience be put indiíferently either before or after. Derived Ad‘verbi`

lhould follow that which is called the Verb, as denoting the quality

or manner of the Att.

As for the стилиста! rannte., thofe which ferve for the Infie

xion dr Compolition of words lhould naturally precede 5 and Го like«

Wife íhould other Adverbs, and Prepofitions. ‚

‘I‘ranfceudental Particle: are to be joyued in compolition at the ends

of words, to vary their termination.


Concerning Щит‘! grammar.

Belides the order required in Syntax, fomething ought to be fub

joyned concerning the garantit) of Vowels or Syllables, together

with the feveral diltinëtions or interpunäions to be obferved betwixt

words and fentences.

As for that part ufually treated of iny inltituted Grammars, [tiled

Proßdia, concerning the quantity of­Vowels, there needs not any

thing to be faid unto that here 5 becaufe in a Philofophical Language

every Vowel is fuppofeel to be in the writing fuñìciently diltinguilhed

in this refpeöt5 every long Vowel having a note or mark to lìgnilie

its prolatìon. ‚

The exprefling of any one fyllable in a word, with a little higher

tune, and longer time then others, is to be exprelt by an accent 5 as

in the words, Consènr, Contrive, Compose, Having, Wìfdom, Fòr

tune, Pròlit, _Pàrentage, Privilege, Consider, Determine, до‘.

The diftinëtions to be obferved betwlkt words and fentences, may

refer either to I'. The time 5 or a. The manner qfpronouncing.

I. The Erft concerns thofe Paufes or intervals of re/t' to be ob

ferved in Pronouncing, which were anciently diltinguilhed into three

kinds5 namely, Comma, Colon, Period. The lirlt of thefe being

marked with a

top 5 The lait at the bottom. Unto thefe, later times have ’added

two others5 namely, a mark to íigniñe fomething intermediate be

twixt Comma and Colon, (tiled semicolon; and fomething more then a

fullpoint, which is ufually expreli by a greater diftance betwiitt the

words, or by a Breach in the line.

The ufe of фей: Points is to dire'û what kind of paufe is to be obferved, and how the tenor or tone of the voice is either to be conti«l

nued or to fall.

a. `The manner ofpronouncing words­ doth fometimes give them :l

different fenfe and meaning, and Writing being the Picture or Image

of Speech, ought to be adapted unto all the material circumllances

of it, and confequently mult have fome marks to denote thefe vari»

ous manners of Pronunciation5 which may be lutlìciently done by

thefe feven kinds of marks or lnterpunëtions.

Zz a l; Parentheßt.

point by the middle of the Letter5 The fecond at the I



356 Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part lll.



Paratbe/ís, or Expolition.

Erotefis, or Interrogation.

Ecphoneßs, Exclamation or wonder.

Empha и.


. Hjphen.


r. Рамы/дед: ferves for the dil'tinëtion of fuch an additional part

of a fentence as is not necellary to perfeâ the fenfe of rt, and is nf‘u.

ally exprefied in our Weůern Languages by the incloling от fuch .

words betwixt two curve lines ( )2. Paratheßs, or Expolition, is ufed for diliinůion of fuch words l

as are added by way of explication of fomethi'ng preceding, and is

ufually exprelied by incloling fuch words between two angular lines;


3. Erote is, or Interrogation, is a kind of Period for the dillinůion

of fuch fentences as are propofed by way of Qlellion, and is ufually

thus marked ? . _ _ .

4.. Еду/миф‘, or wonder and Exclamation, 1s a note of drreâlon

for railing the tone, .upon occalion of fuch Words as denote fome

vehement pallion, and is noted thus l

5. ll‘împhaßs is ufed for the diltìnâion of fuch word or Words,

' wherein the force ofthe fenfe doth more peculiarly conlili, and is

ufually expreffed‘by putting fuch words into another kind of Chara

ûer, as fuppofe the Italic.

6. Iron) is for the Штатов of the meaning and intention of any

woŕds, when they are to be undcrllood by way of Sarcafm or fcoff,

or in a contrary fenfe to that which they naturallylignilie: And

though there be not (for ought I know) any note deligned for this

in any of the {птицей Languages, yet that is from their deficiency

and imperfeâion : For if the chief` force ofolronies do conflit in Pro

nunciation, it will plainly follow, that there ought to be fome mark

for direâion, when things are to be fo pronounced.

7. Hjphenis a note that lignilies the uniting of two fyllables or

words into one, and mayproperly be ufed when two words are to

be cdnpounded together: It is ufually exprelled by two little

Люкса, thus( =) _


Chap. X. Concerning Даши!grammar. 357


0f Orthograpby. I. Concerning the doâirine of Сент‘ : the

Authors who have treated' oftbir Subjecïi. II. А brief Table

offucbßmplefounelr ar caribe framed by men. _ III. А fur.

tber explication of thi: Table, ar to the Organi` of Speech,

and ar to the letter: framed by tbefe Organs.

Rtßograpby is that part of Grammar,which concerns the doétrine g [_

ОofY Letters, which being the moll: limple Elements of Speech, it

ought therefore to be fo Rated, that there may be a fufiicient number

ofthem to exprefs all Articulate founds, and I'not more then arene

ceiTary to this­ end. Much coníideration is reqpilîte to the right ella

blilhment ofthefe; upon which account this fu'bjeëit hath been largely

debated , by feveral Authors gf great names and reputation for

Learning : Befides thofe Famous Emperours,"Cajru Ceejìr, and 04:74

vz'iu .dugg/hu, who‘both writ upon this fu ' ­.° Varrolikewile, and

Appio», and души”, and Pri/5in», did beůowmuch pains upon

the ßme enquiry, concerning the' juli number of Lenen. And in

later times, it hath been treated of with great variety of Opinions,

by Erafmur, both the зайди-151415115 Salmqfìur, Vagin: yaeolmr Mat

tbiar, Adolpbou Merken/nu, Bernarda: Майка/юг, 8‹с. beíide Revel-al

of our own Country-men, Sir Thom: Smith, Rullo/(nr, Alexander

Gi”, and Doůor Wal/ir 5 the laů of whom, atnongfi all thatI have

{èen publilhed, feerns to me,with greatefi Acenratenelsand fubtlety to _‚

have _coniidered the Philofophy of Articulate founds. __ But befides

fuch (whofe confiderations upon this fubjeël: are made publiek) I

muli not forget to acknowledgethe favour andgoodhap l have had, p

to perufe from their private papers, the diftinů! Theories of fome DßWi'lì‘m

other Learned and ingenious perfbns, who have with great judgment f‘îfdî'o’dwicä.

applyed their thoughts to this enquiry5 in each of whofe Pa

pers, there are fevetal fuggeůions that are nevvlout of the common'

rode, and very confiderable.

Letters may be confide­ Eßè’f“ 13:32?

red according to the“ Accident: ‚(фига

` Figure _


The Ефим of Letters doth conlif’c in their Power or proper found,

which may be naturally fixed and Hated, from the manner of forming

them by the ini’truments of fpeech; and either is, ot (hould be the ­

fame in all Languages.

What variety there is ofthefe, may appear from the Diliribution

. of them into their feveral kinds, according to the following Table 5

wherein it is endeavoured and aimed at, to give a rational account of

all the (imple founds that are, or can be framed by the mouths of men.


— 358 Úoncerning ‚Щит! grammar. Part lll. _

Lettersmaybeconfidered u



MANofc_ Mouth







amähm“CGНа!‘Nschch_ нY





Teeth.I_(Theother _____"_-__T.’‘1*’"__“—————





g it»

l < I rRoot or inner gums Y

Chap. X.

For the better explication of this Table, there are thefe two

things'to be confìdered: r. The Caujê: of thefe Letters. 2. The

Letter: thcrnfelves. ‚

l. In the Caufe: of Letters there are obfervable

The Organ: by which they are formed, either more

l Сотшопд Lungs, Throat, Mouth, Nofe. ~

Concerning Дадим!grammar; ­




Palate5 according to the Irma/í or middle

I parts Foremojŕ

‘feet/J5 either the

1 Top



Lfíäìve 5 whether the

Tongue 5 according to the

д â Root or middle

l Top


J_The Aóì'ian: of thefe Org‘ans, Whether by

Appuljêg of therLipi; either l

‹ ’ To one another ~

i To the tops of the teeth

L‘I‘ongueg, in refpeů: 0f the '

‘ Тор of it5 to the Teetb,{7‘opr

‚ â their Root: or gumà

Root or middle of it, to the Palatel Trepidatiarz, or vibrationg either of the


e ‚ To '

Тщ“ 5 Whetherimiin or middle of it — —

l ePercolatian of the breath, between the

j Lip: contraëted ‘

С Tvngue 5 either the

É‘Top of it , applied to Top:


he Rom ofthe ma

Root or middle of it, applied to the inwardpalaìe.

T‘hel'e I conceive to be al1 the kinds of Aâions'and Configurations`

which the organs are capable of, in order to Speech. . ’

т iáVhat kind of Letters are framed by thefe, will appear in the next

а 1с.

-’~\3 All


§ ш.


Part lll.

All [imple letters may be diflinguifhed into fuch as are i either

l'Apart and free, according to degrees

Greater 5 ftiled molt properly Vomelr, which may be difiinguifh

ed into ' ‘

finiti, being framed by an emifiio'n ofthe breath through

the Lips contraûed, ‘

а я Lef-i’. _

I lavare, with the help of the Tongue put into a concave po'

Concerning Mmm] grammar.

Лиге long ways, the Whililing or French (Ц)

Lingual 5 the breath being emitted, when the Tongue is put

into a pollute . -

More eoneuve,and removed at fome diůance from the pa#

late d)

I Le/ì eiineifue or plain, and brought nearer the palate (а)

I Somewhat convex towards the palate (е)

LLrjfer 5 being either I

‹ Sonorour; of which it may be laid, that they do fomewhat

aîproach to the- nature of Confonants, and are mediepo

te ‚та becaufe when they are joyned with any Vowelto

compofe that which We call a Dipthong, they put on the

nature of Соц/дядя”; and when they are not (o joyned3 but

ufed íingly, they retain the nature of Vowelr, which is the

reafon why it hath been fo much difputed amongft fome

Learned Men, whether they are to be reckoned amongfl:

i Vewel: or Соц/диет‘.

Thefe may be diftinguiihed into

[мы 5 by an emiíiion ofthe breath through the Lips,

more Contraâ'ed (y)

I ILin‘gual5 when the breath is emitted betwixt the middle

I of the Tongue in a more Convex poiiure , and the pa

I late'Gutturnl5 by a free emiiïion. of the breath from the



\fI i L Throat (y)


_lMute 5 When the breath is emitted through the Organs of i

voice,to be diftinguilhed as their three preceding correfpon

dents, into

{мы (ha) or (ab)

Lingual (bi)

I fpeech, being in the fame pofition as before: but Without

_ Guttural, (Ь) _

Intereepted and fhut5 according to degrees t _.

‚ Leß’er 5 which becaufe they have fomething VowcliÍh in them,

are therefore by fome fiyled Serninewelr, being fpiritous. and

breathed, whether

МИД; being pronounced through the

Maut/J5 by ` °

"Appulfe ofeither lip to the oppoiite teeth, framing

§V. Sonorons

F. Mute


l ‚‚ i

in the driving of Сетью which there is a correfpon


‘Перший’; ofthe Lips, like that found which is ufed l


Concerning Щит‘! grammar.

dent mute, fometimes ufed as an Interjeůion ofат

Сhap. X.


I ` Il percolation ofthe breath, betwixt both the Lips con..

î ' l traëted говна-‘191111’, which makes the vocal whiiiling


found, to which likewìfe there is a correfpondent

mute whiftling: But neither of фей: two laft pairs

being of ufe in Language, they need not therefore

have any Marks or Letters aßigned to them.

-LNofè5byLan appu1fe5 either of the Lips againß one another :

or agamít the top ofthe M. Sonorous.

l ’ Teeth, framing HM. Mute.

Lìngual5 either in refpeft ofthe

Tap ofthe Tongue5 being pronounced through the

{Моим b `


'Appui/è, of the top ofthe Tongue, to the

'Top ofthe 'Teeth5the breath being emitted through

the middle ofthe ‘ I '

.l 'I

I I l Mouth, fra~ Dh fonorous.

l \ l ming ,Th mute.

through the

- l l Corners of the'mouth, L fonorous.

< _ framing H l mute. y

l ‘Гrepiáatìon or Vibration 5 againů the inmofi part of

l \ ofthe Palate, R. fonorous.

Н l framing HR. mute.

Í the Tongue, and the roots of the Teeth, whether

‘ g i I more

i l

Subtle, fra- Z. fonoroust4 ­

ä ming S. mute.

Denfe, fra- ’ fonorous.

y y l min Sh. mute.

l Nvjë 5 by an appulfe ofthe top of the Tongue tothe

roots ofthe Teeth, N. fonorous.

framing HN. mute.„На?! „harman ofthe Toague5 beingl pronbunced through

t e

Mouth; by ` _ ’

[appid/e5, to the inward Palate, Gh. fonorous.

framing. fCh. mute.

ofa dog, to which there is a correfpondent mute, like

д that motion which we make in haaking, not neceffary

i to be provided for by any Letter for Language.Pereolatz‘on ofthe breath between ‘Не root ofthe tongue I

and the inward palate`5 to’which there is a correfpon

dent mute, which makes a found like the hifling ofa

Goofe, not neceífary to be provided for by any mark

aíïigned to them for Letters. y

l'LNo/e 5 by an appulfe ofthe root ofthe tongue to the inward

A a a palate,

Farnuytpart ofthe Palate 5 the breath being emit« I

Ремонт’: of the breath5 between the top of the t

Trepidationg, which will frame a found like the fnarling


367, Conœrnìng Naturalgrammar. Part III.


l palate, fra-ÉNG fonorous.

ming NGI-Lmute. ~

lI_Grmtcr; Which do той partake ofthe nature ofConfonants, and

may be ftìled non-fpìritous or breathlcl's, to be diůìnguilhed ac

cording to the aůrive ìnůruments offpeechjnto

Labìal, Intercepting of ,the breath by clofure of the Lips, fra

B. fonorous.

P. mute.

Lingual, in refpeů ofthe ' _

Tapjnterceptîng the breath,by an appulfe to the bottom ofthe

Teeth, fra- D. fonorous.

ming T. mute.

Root 5 intercepting the breath, by an appulfe to the Зато“: pa

lare5 fra- G. fonorous. ’

ming C. mute.

Thefe I concei've (Го far as I can judge at prefent) to be all the fim

ple found: that can be framed by the Organs ofSpeech.




_._.‹__‚...___ _



_..- -­,..

Concerning Miura] grammar. ’ \`

C н А'Р. xr.

0f Vowels..

Hofe Letters are calledмы“ Vowels, in pronouncing ofwhich

by the Inflruments of Speech, the breath is freely emitted 5 and

they are therefore fiiled Apart or open Letters. Thefe may be di in

guzI/hed either, I. Formally, by their feveral Apertions, and the man'

век ofconliguration in the inllruments of Speech required to the fraà

mingof them, which coni-’titutes the diliinë’t fpecies ofVowels 5 or

a. Aeeidentallj, by the quantity of time required to their p'rolation,

by which the fame Vowel is made either long orfhort. _

There are (1 conceive) eight [imple different fpecies ofVowels,

ealily diůinguilhable, whofe powers are commonly ufed. lcannot

deny, but that fome other intermediate founds mi ht be found 5 but

they would, by reafon of their proximity totho e others, prove of

fo diliìcult difiinëtion, as would rendet’them ufelefs 5 thefe eight feem

ing to be the principal and той remarkable periods, amongfi the de

grees ofApert founds.

As for the third ofthe Lalzialr, the n Gallien», or whißlz'ng n, though

it cannot be denied to be a dillinët Íimplc vowel5yet it is ofГо laborious

and diflicult pronunciation to all thofe Nations amongfl whom it is not

ufed (as to the Englilil) efpecially in the diliinêtion oflon and Шок,

апд framing ofDipthongs, that though Ihave enumerate it with the

гей, and lhall make proviíion for the expreflion ofit, yet (hall I make

lefs ufe ofit, than ofthe othersâ and for that reafon, not proceed lto

any further explication of it. ‘

It will be diiñcult to exprels the feveral powers ofthefe Vowels by

Writing 5 Pronuntiation being fuch a thing, quie necfèrihimr, necpin­

gitur, nec haurjri eantfa: ф, naß 'vi'vâ ‘иасе.

way for the explaining of them, is by fuch known words as may be

given for theinliance ofeach ofthem. ­ And as for the ligure or wri

’ ting of thofe four, which are not commonly elleemed to be difiinů:

fpecies ofVowels, l Íhall make choice' to reprefent them by fuch Cha

raůers, as may feem leafl firange. What kind of power or found

that is, which is peculiar to each of thefe feven Vowels, may be eaiily

underflood by thefe following Infiances: —

и f Short ­ Вот-‘от Fol-l) Ро: Mot Pol Rod

Плод Bought Fall Fought ‘ Paule Rawd

a Short Batt Val-ley Fatt Mat ' Pal Rad-nor

' Long Bate Vale Fate Mate Pale Tl’tadc

' e Short Bett Fell Fet Met Pell Red ‘

Lon Beate Veale Реже’ Meate ,Peale Везде

i Short В!“ Fill Fitt Mit-ten Pill Kid

{Long Beete Feele Feete Meere Peele Reede

o Short

{Long Bote Foale Vote More Pole Rode

s (Short Full Fut _ Ро]

Пюп Boote Foole Foote Moore Poole ' . Roode

Short But Full Рис: Mutt-0n Pull Rudd-er

Long Aa aa _ Amongfi


Lìpßur de reti.

And therefore the bell.’ Pronuntíatione`

L. Lat. cap. g.

.- 564.


Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part lll.

Amongft thefe, the Vowels not commonly owned by us in writing,

are thefe foin-,anna Х. lBut that they are diltinů: fpecles of Vowels,

and have peculiar powers of their own, not expreflible by any other

Letters,(luppoling every Lttrer<asit ought) to be determined to one

particular found) may fufliciently appear from the above mentioned,

and fevcral other lnftances. And that thofe two which are common.

ly ufed with us for diftinct Vowels 5 namely, the third and the fifth, I,

and 'U5 as in the words Light, Lute, are not limple Vowels, but Dip

thongs, llhall fhew afterwards. _

Though the Vowel (О) do not admit of any mltance in our Lan

guage, wherein itis ufed Short, nor the Vowel (y) wheretnit is ufed

Long 5 yet there are naturally fuch differences oftnele Vowels, as well

as ofthe telt. Suppofe a long Vowel to be’dlvided “до two parts 5 as

13o-ete, p'ronounce it then with half the time, and lt mult make the

lhort Vowel Bote. And thus on the contrary, doubling the time ofа

lhort Vowels as By'yt, will render it Long: which may ferve to ex

plain how thefe Vowels naturally are capable of being made both long

and (hott 5 Though by reafon ofgeneral difufe amonglt us, fuch diffe

rences would at Hrlt feem fomewhat difficult, and not ealily diltin

guìfhable. .

A The Vowel (a) is placed lirft 5 partly partly in conformity with

otherAlphabets, and becaufe ‘tis the molt Apert amonglt the Lingua

palatalVowels. ’Tis expreffed by this Character, becaufe beingone

of the Оке]; Letters, ’tis more commonly known. 'Tis framed by an

emiliion of the Breath, betwixt the Tongue and the Раиса; the

tongue 'being put into a more concave polture, and removed further

off from the palate.

The Vowel (a)is framed by an emìflion of the Breath, betwixtthe

tongue and the concave of the palate; the upper fuperlicies ofthe

tongue being rendered ИЗ concave, and at a lefs diftance from the paf

late. ’

The Vowel (с) is framed by an emifiion ofthe Breath, betwixt the

tongue and the' concave of the

tongue being brought tofome fmall degree ofconvexity. ­The Vowel (it) is ex preffed by this Character, becaufe 'tis the той

Íimple ligure5 and therefore doth belt fuit with the той: acute Letter5

as likewife, becaufe this Letter, amongft many other Nations is alrea- ,

dy ufed and pronounced according to the found which is here intend

ed. 'Tis framed by an emiliion of the Breath betwixt the tongue and

the concave of the pglate, the upper fuperficies ofthe tongue being

put into a more convex pofture, and thruft up near the palate.

The Vowel (о) is the lirft, and той apert ofthe Labials5 being fra

med by an @million ofthe Breath, betwixt the Lips, a little drawn to

gether and contracted.

The Vowel (х) is the fecond ofthe Labiale, requiring a greater con

traction of the Lips. ’Tis exprelïed by this Character, which is ufed in

Greek for ‘и Dipthong 5 becaufe commonly that Dipthong, as alfo the

French ou is pronounced in the found ofthis (imple Vowel.

'The Vowel (y) is wholly Банки’, being an сайте‘! of the breath

from the throat, without any particular motion ofthe tongue or lips.'

’Tis expreffed by this Character which `is already appropriated by the

Wellh for the picture ot this found. ` ‚ The

palate, the upper fuperlicies ofthe .

Chap. XI.

The dzjterence betwixt long and Ihort Vowels, Ihould alwaieg be

written as well as pronounced, that is, there Ihould be fome Note or

Mark to exprefs when a Vowel is to be ufed long.

Thefe eight Letters before enumerated, I conceive to be fo many

diůinů fpecies ofVowels, fbrfnally drfkrent in refpeâ oftheir Ponen,

and though I cannot at preient think ofany other beíides , yet having

formerly, upon new conûderatìons,and fuggeítions, fo often changed

my thoughts upon this enquiry, I dare not be dogmatical aboutit, or

affert conIidently,that there neither are,nor can be any more:For who

knows how many other minute differences of Apertion may be now

ufed, or hereafter found out, by others, which praétife and cuftom

may make as eaIie and diflinguiíhable to them, as thefe are to us? Be

Íides that the meafure of Apertion (as is well obferved) muft be like

continued quantity, dimfrbili: in inßnitum. Only this (I think) may

be fafely afiirmed, that the eůablìfhment of Vowels here mentioned,

will ferve much better to exprefs all articulate founds, than can be

done by any ofthe ordinary Alphabets now in ufe. '

I cannot but animadvert here on the by, upon that Argument

Concerning Natural grammar.


which щели, and others do much inIiPt upon, _ againfl the Antiquity D’ А'Щт“

ofthe Hebrew Points, or Vowels 5 Becaufe (Гау they) the making of fo

many, is an injudicious, and irrational invention, for which there is no

real ground 5 there beingin nature, and amongft other Languages, but

five diůinâ Vowels, and not fourteen : And therefore they conclude

the Invention of them to be new, and not of any great Antiqui


­ To (peak freely in this cafe without interpoíîng asv to the main>

[tate ofthe Quef’tion) This Rea on doth not feem to be ofany force.

Though the ConcluIion they infer fhould be true, yet ,this Argument

urged for it, isfnl/ë, both as to the Canjiquencc, and Antecedent. The

lImperfet‘lf'iom and Defeâs ofany Invention, do rather argue the Anti

quitj, than the Novelty of it 5 there being much time and experience

required to the perfeëting any invention: And it would rather fol

low, that becaufe they are imperfeä, therefore are they morelike to

be Ancient. But beíides, the Hebrew Vowels will upon confiderati

on, be found to be a contrivance full of more than ordinary Accurate

nefs, founded upon the Philofophy of Articulate founds, and maywithout any force be applied to the number here eIlabliIhed: Except`­

ing the French (u),

Long g Long Ч Long ` i Long ёa Short a Short g2 Short§ l IShort i?

Long i' Long-1 Long° short N s short yishon

And though there be no diIiinft Charaëter for zs Шок, and y long,

perhaps that Language as well as the EngliIh feldorn uÍing fuch (1111111

¿tion in thofe founds5 yet is ( i ) fometimes in that Language ufed in

Read of a Ihort Vowel, and (if) for along Vowel. ' .

The ufe ofScheva in the Hebrew, is to direů: the joyning of fuch

Confonants together, as would otherwife be Of very diliicult, pronun

ciation, and not eaIily unite, asin the words ТИП“; and 115,0, which


Ридддгит, 1.x .

26o' i l Concerning Matra] grammar. Part lll. '

fhould be pronounced lmodh and mloch, but becaufe LM and ML,

will not ofthemfelves coalefce, therefore 1s Seheoah imerpofeda which

being rapidly pronounced (and that probably as our [hott y) does not

feem to make any diůinů Syllablc. n

So that it feems much more colourable to infer the Novelty ofthe

Hebrew Points, from the Aeeuratenejì, than from the injudìcioufncfs

oftheir contrivauce.


0f Confonantr.

Hofe Letters are fiiled Conßnantf, in the pronouncing ofwhich

the Breath is intercepted, by fome Colliíìon or Clofure,amongft

the Inftruments ofSpeech: And for this reafon are they ftìled Claufe

Litera, as the Vowel: are Aperta?.

The common diftinë’tion ofthefe'into Semi-vowel: and Mater, will

not upon a ftriâ enquiry be adœquate. And thereforeldo rather

chufe to diftribute them into thefe three kinds 5

l . „мы, Spiritous, or Breathed.

2. шт“, (if [may “Г: that word) Semi fpiritous, or halfBreath

ed. '

3. iwndnaia, Non­fpiritous, or Breathleß.

t. By щитом, or Breathed, are meant fuch Confonants, as re

quit-e to the framing ofthem a more Икона emiflion of the Breath, ei

ther through,r Nofe.

` the?` Mouth.

1. The Confonants which are to be breathed only through the Nofè,

may be again diftin­{ t. Sonorous, as M. N. Ng. _

guilhed into 2. Mute, as hng.

Both thefe kinds, as likewife thofe that follow through the Mouth,

have fome imperfeů found oftheir own, without the joyning ofany

Vowel with them 5 though the fonorous only be Vocal5 and the mute

fort are only a kind ofWhifper.`

A By Sonorour, are meant, fuch as require fome voice or vocal found,

to the framing ofthem.

By the Mute: of thefe, are meant other Letters of the fame confi

guration, pronounced with a ftrong emiílion of the Breath, ‘without

any Vocal found. '

(ж) is mugittu, the natural found of Даши, when the Lips are

Íhut, and the found proceeds out ofthe Nofe. ‘Tis counted of dif

ficult pronunciation in the end ofwords : For which reafon, the La

tin Poets cut it off in Verfe, when it comes before a Vowel in the next

words : And the Greeks do not terminate any word with it.

(N) is Tinnitus, when the breath is fent out, the Limbus of the

Tongue being fixed towards the Gums, or bottom of the_upper Fore

teeth. In the pronouncing ofthis, the breath is emitted only out of

the Nofe, which makes it differ from (L). ’Tis counted a pleafant and


Chap. XII. Concerning Natural gran-amar. 36j I

ealie Letter, which may perhaps be the reafon why this Letter N, and

L,and R, are for the moll part, both in Greek and Latin inmutable,

both in Declenfions and Conjugations.

(Ng) is framed by an appulfe ofthe Root ofthe Tongue towards the

inner part of the Palat. The found of it may be continued (imple, as

Well as any other 5 which makes it evident to be a Íingle letter, and not

a compound of n, and g, as 'we ufually write it : Thus the word

Augurk, inthe true fpelling ofit, {hould be writ A,ng, G, 8,1, s. The

Hebrew y is fuppofed by divers Authors, but l think gronndleíly, to

be ofthis power., I know feveral things may b faid, to render it pro

bäble, that the power here intended, may be fuìiciently exprelTed, by

a more Го‘: and flight manner ofpronouncing the letters N 8c G corn

pounded together : But I rather incline to reckon it a (imple and di

Íiinâ Letter.

To the Sonorous letters ofthis kind, there are three Mute: ofaffiniá

ty , lm, bn, bug; which are formed when the breath is emitted

through the lnliruments ofSpeech, in the Наше pofitìon refpeëiively as

in the former, but without any Vocal Sound. The two lirft ofthefe

`are in ufe amongft the Weyl» and Irìfb: And the Ы} of them, in the opi

nion of Bailar-wine, and fome other Grammarians, is rather the true

found ofthe Hebrew 9.

2. The Spiritous Confonants to be- breathed through the Mouth,

are lìkewife of Sonor-ous, V. Dh. L. Pt. Z. Zh.

two kindsì Mute, F.Th. hL. hR. S. Sh. a

(V) is the fame with that which we call V Confonant : 'Tis ofthe

fame power which is commonly afcribed to B aßerated, or Orather irr

craßìted. So the Weftern jews pronounce their Letter (3) when not

Dagefhated. And ’tis obferved that in Ancient Monuments amongft

the Latins, thefe two Letters have been often put for one another :

And that in fome words, where the fenfe hath beenvery much varied Scaliger d@

by this changeg fo Acer-bu for Acerwß: Venq'ìcium for Benqîcium, Cf‘ußfl» L.

The power ofthis Letter was Erft expreífed among the Latins by the MP' ze'

Digamma Летит, ( р (fo [tiled for its Figure, not its Sound)which

is now the Charaë’rer for the Letter (F) but had at lira' the Ipower of

the Confonant tV) and was written in Clauáiua his time invertedly, as

DIdAl, AMPLIAAIT. This Letter is framed by a kind of(training ZZÚÍ’ÍGM",

or percolation ofthe Breath, through a Chink between the lower lip ' ` 'P' l5'

and upper teeth, with fome kind ofMnrmure.

(F) is the correfpondent Mute to this : 'Tis framed by the fame

kind ofpofition ofthe Lip and Teeth, and percolation of the Breath

betwìxt them', with this only difference, that as the former was with

fome kind of Vocal Sound, fo this is wholly mute. This feems to be

fuch an incraffation ofthe Letter ( P) as (V) is of (B). ’Tis anfwera

ble to the Greek (a). And though fevcral ofthe Greek words with (о)

are rendred in Latin by Ph, as Pbilqßpbia, Sop/:#4, Btc. yet the Ita

haar write Filoßfb, Sofrßa, Sic. and fome other words are to rendred Л t

in Latin, as «pdg/n, fuga, aúna»fama. What that dilutenefsìs, which Vef- im"

[и faith is more proper to F, than to n, I underftand not 5 not is it

ealie to guels at the meaning of that in Cicero, concerning Fundaniw,

and Pbundaniu, unlefs perhaps it be, as Lipjîw gueifes, o_fpronoun

cìng it as Pfbundam'rß, or elfe as P‘brmdani”. C _

~ Db)

56S Concerning Mtn'raIgrammar. A Partlll.


(Dh) and its correfpondent Mute (Th) are of that power which

we commonly afcribe to the Letters D, 8( T, afpirated or incraifa-ted.

And though thefe two Powers are commonly ufed by us Without any

proviíion for them by diliinů: Charaël'ers, yet our Anceflors the Sax

от had feveral Letters to exprefs them. They reprefentcd (Dh) by

this mark (15 )as in Fafö er,Mo’5 er,°5 eföatfö en : And (Th) by this

mark (р) as р eìf ‚р ick, Ы}? . Апд ’ris той evident that the founds of

them (though we ufually confound them, under the fame manner of

' writing) are in «themfelves very diûinguilhable, as in фей: Ехаш‘


Dh. ` Th. А '

Thee, this, there, thence, that, "Think, thine, thigh, thing,thiflle,

thofe,though,rhou,thy, thine. thelis, thankes, thought,

Father, Mother, Brother, Lea- ж throng, thrive, ‘Мой.

" ther, Weather, Feather. ‘ ‘Doth, death, wrath, length,

Smooth, Seeth, Wreath, 13e-í ltrength, Loveth, Teacheth,

queath. L Btc.

Thefe Letters are framed by a percolation of the Breath through a

kind ofChink betwixt the tongue and upper teeth, the lirf’t with fome

kind ofvocal found, the other wholly mute. _

(Gh) and its Correfpondent (Ch) are both of them framed by a vi

bration ofthe root or middle of the tongue againfi the Palate, the foró

mer being vocal, and the other mute. They are each ofthem ofdifii

cult pronunriation: The hrfl is now ufed by the Irijh, and wasper

haps heretofore intended by the fpelling of rhofe Englifh Words ,Righß~

Light, Daughter, Enough, Thorough, Sie. Though this kind of found

be now by difufe lofi amongft us, thelatter ofthem (Ch) is now ufed

amon'gll the Wellh, and was perhaps heretofore intended by the

Greek Letter (X.) Neirherof them is вашу imitable by any mouth

not trained up to the praâife of them.о (Ь) is Clangor. 'Tis formed by an appulfe of the Tip ofthe tongue

to the Palate, and then forcing out the Breath. 'Tis efteemed fatìäi

ma Ú» liquìdqlìmaLiterarunßin the pronouncing of which, molt Na

tions до agree.

(Lb) or (hL) the correfpondent Mute to this, is much ufed by the

Welch : They feem to form ir as the other (L) only by abftaining`

the voice, and a more forcible emifiion ofthe Breath, as is ufed in

all other mute letters of the Spiritous kind.

(R) is l'íridor 'velßrßarrur .­ 'Tis called from the fnarling ofDo s,

Litera Canina: ’Tis made by a quick trepidation of the tip of t e

tongue being vibrated againfl the palate5 for which, they who aredifabled, by reafony of the natural infirmity of their tongues, which

is called "raramente, Balhutier, do commonly pronounce in fiead ofit,

the letter (L) which is of a more foft and eaiie found. Demo/iberica,

Alti/ridder, Arìßotle, Scaliger, the Fathers, are faid to have laboured

.under this Inlirmity.

(Rh) or (hlt) the correfpondent mure to this, is made by a forcible

emifiion of the breath, through the inlirumenrs of Speech in the fame

poíirion as for the Letter (R) but without any vocal found. ’Tis the

fame with the Greek (ё ) and much in ufe amongft the Wel/b.


. `Chap Xdi. Concerning Маша! grammar. 369`

(Z) is by Home fiile d (8) molle. ’Tis properly the Greek (C) and

theHebrew (l). ’Tis framed by an appulfe of the tongue towards

the upper Teeth or Gums, and then forcing out the breath from be:

twixt the tongue and the upper teeth, with a vocal found, which

makes a more denfe kind of bij/ing, mixed with fome kin‘d ofmurmur,

приму; _ßfjîzrro per/îmilem : "Tis of the fame ailinity with S, as B with P,

D with T, _and G with С. That double Lettertin the Hebrew (3)

which is by fome accounted equivalent to this, is of a quite different

power, as were ea lie to illul’trate by feveral examples.

(Si) the correfpondent mute (though it be commonly reckoned for

a femivowel) is framed as the former, but without any vocal found.

’Tis (tiled Sibilur. The power of it is the natural found of H11/ing 5 for

which reafon 'tis called Litera Serpentine. The Hebrew: have two

Characters for this Letter, belides two others for its Allies. Among

the Perßam all words that Íignii‘ìe Grandeur 'and Magniñcence, are faid

to be terminated withit : Though others condemn it for a harlh, un

pleafing, quarelling Letter. Mel/¿ala Caminar, a great man3 and a

famous Orator among the Romans, is ßid to have Writ aparticular

Treatife againft this Letter, much elieemed of amongll: learned men.

A_nd Pindnr likewìfe writ an 0de againft it, шефа defying, wherein‘ there was no word that had any S in it. The vdifability of pronouncing

this Letter, is called Bite/itat, Lzfping, when'tis corruptly founded

like На). i(ZCb) the fonorous Confonant, and (Sb) its correfpondent mute,

are framed by a percolation ofthe breath, betwixt the tongue геп

der'ed concave, and the teeth both upper and lower : The Erft being

waal, the other mute. Though they are not provided for common

ly by dif’tinů: and iimple Charatíters, yet are they dil’tinc’t and Íimp‘le

letters; both of them facil and common: The ñrft amongft the

French, who exprefê it by I, as in the Word lean, Btc. and is вашу

imitable by us t. And though the other did once coli 42000 men ïudge', t2, 6i

their lives, for not being able to pronounce it, yet is it ofcommon

ulë with many Nations. ‚

a. By Semißiritou: or halfbreathed Confonants, are meant fuch as

are accompanied with fome kind of vocal murmure, ~as B, D, G.

Whereas ' ‚ '

3.- Thofe are liiled nonßiritou: or breathlefs, which yart: wholly

mute 5 as, AP, T, C. t _ _ A

(B and P) are framed when the breath is intercepted by the cloture

of the Lips, the Erft of them being more foft, with fome kind ofmurmure, the other more hard and wholly mute. i y

(D and T) are commonly framed, by an appulfe­ or collifion ofthe

top ofthe tongue againl’t the teeth, or upper gums 5 the Eril being

more (ой and gentle, with fome kind ofmurmure, the other wholly


(G and C) are framed more inwardly, by an interception ofthe

breath towards the throat, by the ‘middle or root ofthe tongue, with

fucha kind of difference between them, as there isbetwxxt the two

former pairs.


Concerning Natura/grammar. Part lll.


0f Compound Letters, whether Vowels, Confonantr,

Elides thefe [imple Letters before enumerated, there are others

commonly ufed, which may be Vowels.

Ililed Compound, both Confonants.

The Compound Vowels are called commonly Diptbongr, or Trip

tbongr, or Ефим in Latin 5 but becaufe the Iignilication ofthofe words

may as well agree with double Confonants, therefore others would

have them ftiled Bivocaler, or Triwcaler. Знай!‘ Matthias in his

Treatife de Literir, and our learned Щит, in a particular Dïl'courfc

to this purpofe, do earneftly contend that there are no fuch things as

Dìpthongs. Their principal Arguments depend upon this Suppolîti

on, That (t and а‘) (which are neceffary Ingredients to the framing of

all ufual Dipthongs) are Confonants, the [ame with y and w. Others

would have them to be ofa middle nature, betwixt Vowels and Con

fonants; according to which Opinion l have already defcribed them .~

From whence the Reafon is clear, why thefe Vowels concur to the ma

king of Dîpthongs,becaufe being the mollI синий ofVowels(as is alfo

'the Vowe1(y) ofwhich more hereafter) They do therefore approach

very near to the nature of Litera claußemr Confonantsg there being no

Tranlîtion amongf’t thefe,either from one another,or to the other inter

mediate founds,without fuch a kind ofmotion amonglt the Inftruments `

offpeech, by reafon ofthefe different Apertiom, as doth fomewhat re

femble that kind of ColliIion required to 'the framing of Confo


Several Languages ufe feveral kinds of thefe Dipthongs, but how

many there are in nature, may be eaÍily colleâed by the former divi

fion of Vowels (fuppoling that to be according to nature) Oneofthelc

two Vowels: or а muli be an ingredient into all ufual Dipthongs, ei



r. Thefe Vowels t andjzs may beprepojëd in this mixture before each

ofthe other 5 in which cafe they will have the lame power that We

commonly afcribe to y and w, and will frame thefe twelve Dip

tbongs. `

ther as

‘a yall, yawne sa wall

ta yate yarrow :sa Wale,

‘e Yet yellow 8e well

to yoke 8o vwoe

all 8u

:y young ay шпиц, worfe.

a. They

Chap. Xlll. Concerning Щит‘! grammar. g7r`

a. They may be ßtbjojned to each ofthe others as in thefe ln

ílances : ‘

“i ° 38 i I

а‘ Ay 38 ‚

et ‘ es hcw .' i

Ot 08

‘ ul un

ytour Engliih (1) 111 bite ' ya owr, owle.

3. They may be both prepoled and fubjoyned totllemfelves and tó

one another. ' ’


и yee la you

z8 woo *l wee

‘ As for the other intermediate Vowels being prepofed before one ’l

another, they will not afiord any coalelcing founds that are eafily — i

diůinguiihable. E being prepofed before oc, a, o, y, will fcarce be di- ‘

{iinguiihed from la, sa, lo, ty. A,before E, will be but as ä, before

a, o, u, it will not coalefce into a plain found. The fame likewilè

may befaid of the other Vowels, a, o. So that of this kind the whole

number is twenty four. And this l conceive to be‘a (“Едем mmm;`

ration ofthe natural Dipthongs. .

I cannot deny but that other Dipthongs may be made by the 111111

ture ofthe Vowel (y) which were perhaps in ufe amongft the jews,

and exprefì by (у) But being now,as I think,generally difufed amongftother Nations, and for ­that reafon very difiicult to be pronounced,

l [hall not therefore take any further notice ofthem. i

When two Vowels are put together by way of Dipthou , fo as to

coalefce in one Syllable, ’tis neceifary that there Íhould be (âme Note

or Mark in their Charaéters, to figniñe their conjunó’tion, as i8 Ufual

in fome of the Greek and Latin Dipthongs 5 as "‚ А v, n­,­­ œ, œ,

Otherwife there can be no certainty, whether the Word be to be pro

nounced as a Monoßllable, or Dißllable, as in D-u-el, Duel. Sw-et,

Swet. —

’Tis a common Affertion amongfl Grammarians, Przfcìan, ¿giuri

lian, and others, That noone fyllable can eonfift of three Vowels, and

confequently that there can be no Trìptbongr 5 which 1 conceive to be

founded upon the former miiìaké.;` namely, that 1 and v are to be

ufed as Confonants: For ’tis evident, that each of thefe may coalefce

w‘ith every one ofthe firû Dipthongs, as tas, yaw, sat, way, т‘ yew,

syl, in wile, Wight, qui, Óc.

The compound Confonants are ufually diflìnguiihed into fuch as


Double. ‹ . .

t. Thofe are Ililed afpirated, which feem to be mixed with(H)

and are ufually fo writtenô as 0.. o, X, tb`. But in propriety of fpeech,

ifaÍpiration be defined to be an impetus ofBreathing, then thefe Con

Rmants cannot fo litly be faid to be (Мина, but rather тента“! by'

B Ь Ь a сош


5&4 i ' ‹ псе’щ’ммшдбтттаг. Part lll.

__ ‚‚____.

compre'iiion oftbe breath in framing of them. Though not .only the

European Nations do at this preferir exprefs them by this mixture of

(8,) but it was likewife the opinion ofthe ‚таит, as may appear i

becaufe before thofe Letters à) me. were invented by Palander, the

„от,“ d, Grecian: were wont to exprefs the power of them, by adding the afpi

Grmea). i6, ration H, to т, п, K. Yet 'tis very plain, that each of thefe Confonants

efieemed to be afpirated, are ßrnple Letters 5 ­becaufe in the prolation

ofthem, the fame found doth ftillcontinue, and therefore they ought

not to be reckoned amongit themixed Letters. l

a. Double Confonant: are fuch as are compounded of fome ofthe

other Letters,v and for the Compendium of writing, are in feveral Lan

guages exprefled byjingle Cbaraäcrr, and reckoned in the Alphabet as

if they were diftihët fpecies ofßmple Lettere. Such are in the Latin

Alphabet Q_,X, and the double Letter Z, whofe power is the fame as

DS` or TS. To whi'ch Claudia Cefar would have added an AutiI Sealigei de figura in this form ( DC ) which Íhould have had the power ofthe Greek

de бит‘ L­L~ «i» or PS.

‘0'2" , As for the Letter Q, ’Tis commonly granted t0 bea COmPOlmd 0f

ägî'âmmm' C'andU5 for which reafon, in many ancient Books, the Letter V

' 7° was not written after Q, as being involved in it5 fo qir, ее, qid.

But what kind ofV this Ihould be, is much debated. Somewould

have it to be the Confonent, againii which jofepb ‚Зайди‘ argues, that

штык!‘ then it wouldnot be pronounceabie, being ofnear afl‘inity tó F, фа,

"'"i‘m’w' for quit. But upon confidetation, it will be found to be the Letter I

rum pronuntin- ‚ _ ‚ _ _

non. coalefcing into a Dipthong with the fubfequent Vowel, cum, being

the fame with quam,

What the true Original is of ( j) Confonant, and that power which

we give to (Ch) inthe words Charity, Cbeeß, Clioßan, Chink, 8tc. is

a Чистота men have much differed about. 'Tis evident that neither

ofthem are [ingle Letters, becaufe in the prolation ofthem, we d0

Alex. ад not end with the fame found with which we begin. As for that Con

бить-ар. i. ieůure, that I Confonant may be exprefïed by dzy, dzyindzyer,

UWA”, Ginger, dzyudzy, Judges or elfe that this found is compounded of

Gram, 1‘ the Confpnant's dy, as dja) for joy, djentle, gentle, lodjing for lodging.

And fo for the power that we afcribe to Ch, that it may be fuiiìciently

expreiied by Ty, as мумиё, for Orchard, "дум, for rie/.ier : Thefel

think need not any particular refutation. It feems to be plain, that

j Confonantisa Compound‘of D, and Zh5 and Ch ofT, and Sh.

i As for the other three Confonants, that are reckoned inthe common

Alphabet, K,W, Y, enough hath been faid to prove them unneceH`a~

ry. lfC be Мед alwaies in its ro'per power (as every Letter ought)then K muft needs be fuperilnuous5 and therefore the Wel/l1 who

ufe C only lor one kind of found, have no K. And as for the Letters

W, Y, their power is the farne with that ofthe Vowels u , andi, as will

evidently appear when they are rapidly pronounced before any other ~

Vowel by way of Вал/миг, fo as to make but one Syllable 5 ‘идти:

aart warr, faim fwim,.ies­ yes, :oke yoke, wth youth. The words

young and younker being originally ofthe Dutch, are by them writ

ten junk jnnker.

And as for the Afpirations, wheele, where,when, до‘. our Fore

fathers the Saxonr,did antiently prefix the Afpirations before the vow

t., ‚ ~ CIS 5

l 'Tl' __’v I

Г- ‚ .

els, as hul, hier, ligen, which will in pronunciation be ofthe very

fame found and power, wherein thefe words are now ufed, and there­

fore is more natural and proper than the common way of Writing.

According to this eftablifhment, the [imple Letters will be thirty

four, whereofeight are Vowels, and twenty fix Confonants, belides

twenty four Dipthongs. —

The Greek Letters are faid to have been at Íirû only t6 5 namely, „anim ¿t

д, в, г, A, it, i, it. A, м, N, o, п, Ps 2, T, ‘т‘. То which Palaviede: Gram.„p,|¢.

is faid to have added the three Afpirates 0, Ф x. Epicharmur the Si

eilr’an the double Letters Z, E, ‘И and Simonide: the two long Vowels

n and a. Notwithftanding which, that Alphabet is (lill in feveralge

fpeůs defective.

' What Theodorus Bihlr’amler fuggeůs in his Traf’c de ratione communi

omini» Liuguaruxu, that all founds both articulate, and inarticulate,may fufliciently be expreffed by t3 Letters, and an Afpiration, raiz..I

the five ordinary Vowels, 8e B, G, D, L, M, N, R, S, is fo very irratio­

nal, that l cannot think it needs any particular confutation.

As for thofe other new Alphabets that are propofed by Sir Thoma:

Smith, Bulle/in, Alex. Gill, they do notie of them give a juft enume

ration ofthe fimple Elements of fpeech, but what by *e mixture of

long and Íhort Vowels, which do not differ fpecifically, together with

the iníertion of double Letters, they do .too much increafe the пишу

Ьсг ofthem. Befid'es that fome other Letters are left out and omit

ted.i According to this efiablifhment of Letters, if the Lord: Prayer or

Creed were to be written according to our prefent pronunciation of it,

they Íhould be each ofthem thus Lettered.

The Lord: Prayer,

Yat fadher hoitlh art in héven, halloëd bi dhyi nam, dhyi cíngdym

суп), dhyi will bi dyn, in erth az it iz in héven, giv ys dhis dai yor

daili bred, and fargív ys yn' trefpafiez az si ‘май dhem dhat trefpaf againf’t ys, and lèd ys nat linta temptalian, byt- deliver ys fram

ivil, far dhyn iz dhe cingdim, dhe pyi'e'r and dhe ЕМ‘, for ever and

ever, Amen. a

The Creed. . I i "


. Y1 bilìv in Gad dhe fàdher „шут maker af he’ven and erth, andin

Dzhefys Cryill hiz onli (Хи gtr Lard, his «az cansèved byidhe holt

Gofl, barn af dhe Virgin lt àri, fyffered ynder Panfiys Pyilat, «azcritfìfiëd ded and byriëd. Hi dellended into hel, dhe thyrd dai ht i

xòfagain fram dhe ded. Hiaíl'ended into he’ven, heer hi Íitteth at dhe

‘Хи hand «Рад! dhefàdher, fram hoènf ht fhalcym todzhydzh dhe

csic and dhe ded. Yi bilivin dhe holi вой, dhe holt catholic tshyrtlh,

dhe cammiuniav afSaints, dhe fargivnes of (liz, de refxrreciion ‘МЫ:

bady, andlyif everlafting. Amen.

Thus much may fuliice, eoncernirig the Fотл, Едим‘, or Power;

ofthe feveral Letters. CHAP.

37+* `‚ Concerning Щит! grammar. »Part III.



g н.


De caujìr Ling.

Lat. cap. 3 8 ,


0f the Accident: of Letters. I. Their Маты’. 2. ­Their 0r­~­

der. 3. Their Афиши and (‚Ню/112012.

gure, with a twofold Inßance afa more regular Charaéì'er for

the Lettere, the latter of which may [1e/filed Natural. 5. 0fPronunciation. 6. 0f the jee/eral lettere difufeclhyfee/eral l


SOmething ought briefly to be added concerning the Accidents of

Letters, viz.. their 1. Names. a. Order.. 3. Al'lìnity. 4. Fi

gure. 5. Pronunciation. ‚

1. Of their Нашел. Letters being of themfelves the molt lïmple

Elements ofSpeech, ought therefore to be exprefled by the molt lim

ple names, and fuch as do Íignìlie their feveral Power: : In which re

fpeft, the Reagan Alphabet ufed in thefe “(едет parts ofthe world,

hath an advantage above other learned Languages, wherein the Vow

els are no otherwife named than by their own founds , as A, not Aleph

or Alpha, much lefs have they diliiuâ names for long and lhort Vow

els, as Kauen, компании, Ste. And thofe which they reckon as

the two kinds ofConfonahts,` Semi-vowel: and Mater, are likewife dii

ftinguilhed in their very Names. The Vowels being ptepofed in thofe

which they call Semi-winch, el, em, en, ar, and fubjoyned in the

Mutes, be, ce, de,­ ge, pe, te. к

As for the other Letters before mentioned, which have a Right to

be put in the Alphabet; they may be thus named : The fonorous

ones, Eng, EV, Edh, Eg'n, EZ.J EZh. The Mute ones, Hme, Нас,

Hnge, Fe, The, Che, BLE, BRE, SE, She.

a. The moli proper and natural Order of the Letters, l conceive to

be the fame in which they have been before treated of. Vowel: lhould

be reckoned up by themfelves, as being a difiinû kind, andfìrß, both y

for their priority in Nature, Шеф!” and Dignity. lf the order of

thefe were to be regulated from the lnllruments ol fpeech, then u, o, s,

fhould be lirft,.as being Lalu‘al, and a, a, e, t, next, as Lingual, or Lin

grupalatal, and y lall, as being Guttural. Sca/iger would have A and

O to be acknowledged for the firft Vowels,` as being Som' ampli zur',

The next E, l, as being ofa middle found, and the lait U, as beingfoin’

abjèurzjfrmi. That which to me feems the moli proper. Method, is to

reckon them up according to their degrees ofApertion : Only in con

formity with the common Alphabets, I begin with the Linguals, a, a,

пьщщщх a l

Amongft the Confonants, the Записи: {hould precede, as approach

ing nearelt to the nature of Vowels. And amonglt them, if thofe that

are breathed through the Nojê do precede, M muft be the Erft, as be

ing Labial 5 N next, as being Dental; and then NG, as being Lingua

palatál. Next, thofe that are breathed through the Mouth, accord

ing to this order, V, Dh,Gh,L,P\,Z, Zh. The Eril being Labz'al,

the next Dental, the ` others Lingua-denial, or Блиц-„141111. Next

' ' — `lhould

‚4..‘ Their Fi- ’

Chap. XN. @umm

Íhould followthe Spiritous Comfo‘nanrs that are Mute: `5 and firft rhofe

pronounced throughthe Nofè, HM, HN, HNG, th'en‘rhofë'prbnöunced through the ‚Мои/д, F, TH, CH, hl, hr,'S, Sli.'n l"l'herïthe'firmi

fpiritous Confonanrs, -B„D, G. And laftly, rhe-nou-ipiritous, or'

brcarhleß Cnnfonants, P, T, C. y

3. The Alñnity ofVowels each to other'is not difiiculro determine, 3.

«t and aofa middle found, e and tofamore acute, о and ‚к ofa more А ‚ш

grave tone. ’ lfthey were to be oppofed ro one another, this difiribu~ Í’

tion would be molt natural, (u ‘) (l О) (c а‘) (v u) and fo ш: sterft,

(tot) (oa) (ne) (uv.) ‚ i

The Aflinity amongli the Confonanrs moli obvious is this, (MJ-IM)

(N, HN; (No, HNO) (v,r,) (оь‚ть,) (oh, Ch)E (u, HL,)

(R. HK.) (Z. S.) (Zhssh.) (BP) @Ü (GC) l. l

4. Though all Nations do or fhould agree in the fame owerand § 4..

found ofthe Letters, yet they differ very much in thofe ‹ jgure: ёидгдддт

‘ Charaûers, whereby they reprefent them in writin according to rhofe

divers Alphabets that are received in the “юг! : Amongn which,

though fome are much more convenient than others, yer r‘rdgne ofthemfeem contrived upon a Philofophical ground. In the fraltnln‘g’offllch

a Literal Charaůer, _thefe Conditionê.` ought to be obfervoda;

‚ I`. They ihould be the moll: Íimple and facil, and yet elegant and

comely as to the Пюре ofthem. _ t, l

a. They muil be fufliciently difiinguifhed from one another.

0 3. There fhould be fome kind of futablenefs, or correfpondency of

the ligure to the nature and kind of the Letters which they'expreß.

It is not either necelfary or convenient in the framing ofa Language;to make ufe of all the Letters belonging to thel Alphabet; but ’ris fufii~

cient that fuch only be made choice of, as are moli eafie and pleaiatit

in the pronunciation and found ofthem. Bur though ir be not need;

lul to introduce all the Letters into the common ufe ofa Language.

yet it is moft neceliary that fome way Ihould be provided for reprefent

ing the powers ofall the [imple Letters, becaufe without this, there'

can be no way to exprefs the proper name: ufed in feveral Languages,

whether of Places, or Perfons, до. as England, London, Oxfbrdßohn,

Mary, Src. There being frequent occafion in dilcourfe to mention the

names of fuch Individual: : And thefe being nothing elfe but fuch

words or founds as men have agreed upon to fignilie fuch particular

places or perfons, той therefore be expreffed by fuch Letters as make

up thefe founds. And though this real Chart-.fret here treated of (as

it is made eHable) may ferve for molt ofthem, yer bec'anfe there are

feveral others not this way provided for, therefore ~mayit be pro erto offer fome diftinflî Alphabet ofLetters. Ofwhich, I had providîied

feveral lnftances and Examples agreeable to the Rules above mentionà

ed. But l fhall at prelent (becaufel would not roo much digrels) fet

down only two 5 which to me feem conliderable in their feveral kinds.

The former being more facil and [ту/е, the other morecontplieate5

but with this ad vantage,that it hath in the “таре ofit fome refemblance

to that Configuration which there is in the Organs offpeech upon the

framing of feveral Letters. Upon which account it may deferve the

name ofa Natural Charaâ'er of the Letters.

The Letters according to the lirlt delign, are reprefented in the fol

lowing Table, сообщив of3 l Ranks and r 5 Columnes.

111154-567 8 9 1011121514

‘а _immuun-mun

_ .laluna-mann A.



c nu



t n-


т г t


‚ '



« ш


— i

v u lŕLt wu «tt м 1.314, т) ‘и ‘и иди/шт une vii/1u м

(ь е л_/2 ш nu TM .s ‘ш if it 11)/ am, ci итм J tt шин ì

v шт ‘и ‘ы щи WSL s, «si i1 .s et /uu mma, @Lu/«Lt

s rm Mn, at ‘ш л ‘ъ лит/ъ шт ‘шт mt di :1t au. l `



Chap. XIV. Concerning Mmm]grammar.r

The Erft Ftankdoth contain the Charaůfers for the fix more jiuple Vowels, both prepofed and fubjoyned according­ to a threefold

place, at the top, the middle, and the bottom ofthe Charat‘ìer, the

former three being meer Roundr, the other Hoo/tr. Thofe of a neid

álepower, beeaufe they are neceffary Ingredients to the making of all

the ufual Dipthongs, therefore have they a larger Charaůter afíìgned

to them, to which any of the other Vowels may be aůxed, when they

are to coalefce into Dìpthongs. And though the Letter Y be proper

ly (as it is reckoned) one of thofe that are media poteñ‘atir, and may

be compounded intoa Di'pthong with any of the other Vowels, yet

becaufe it is not now (for ought l know) made ufe ofto this purpofe,

in any ofthofe Languages that are commonly known and Мёд amongIt

us 5 therefore is it at prefent reckoned only amonglt the Vowels.

The fecond Columne (belides the marks for thofe three Letters

H, 8, 1,) doth contain likewife the Cha ratïlccrs for all the Confooants,

according to their feveral aflinities5 where the Non Лампа: Сопь

fonants are exprefled byßraigbt liner, the Spiritual: Confonants 012115

nity to them being diílinguifhed by a little hook'aliixed at oneend.

The other Confonants by curve lines, with the like diftinůion for their

correfpondent Mures. The telt ofthe Ranks and Columnes conlifting

~ ofmixed Letters, either the mixtures of the Vowels with Н, 8,01' I,

or elfe the incorporating the Charaóter for each of the Над/‘вить with

that of the Confonant, the Vowel being prepofed in the 3‚4.›5,6,7,8.

Columnes, and fubjoìned in the other.

As for the Characters that ferve for Interpunůion, the Comma may

be expreffed by a fmall, Ilreight, oblique line C I) The Sentìcolon,

Colon and Period, may continue as they are now uted by moli: ofthe

Europeans; there being nothing in their ligure, ofany fuch near refem

blance to the other Characters, as may make them liable to miflaker

And fo likewife may thofe other Notes, which ferve to ° ° ` thel

various manners of Pronuntiation, whether Explication [jlnterroga

tion P Wonder l Irony ì only the two curve Lines for Parentheíis ( )

being here ufed for the Letters L, and K, may be fupplied by thefe [ :I

At the bottom of this Table there is an Inûance ot the Lords Prayer,

being lettered Áfutably to our prefe nt p r onuntiation of it.

The Letters according to the Iecond delign may be thus contrived 5


Ddd ‘i





2‹ Lary






Chap. XIV. Concerning Щит!grammar.'

The lirft Columne doth contain the Vowels,as they are d_iiiinguìfh

ed into _ . . `

i ` "iabial5 being framed hy an emifiion ofthe Breath throughthe

Lips, whether

Le/Í' contraö‘ed 5 О. ’ l 4 —

{Мэн centrat‘îr'ea, and fomewhat compreiied . ¿ - ‚ _ —

Dorammardt,` as. l .

‘душам’, Н. _ ` t.

Lingual 5 the Tongue being put mto a poliure

Somewhat contrex, towards the Palate, e. l.

More convex, i. '

_ [Спинка], Х. i j

Lvejì concave 5 orY plain, and brought nearer to thePalate, a.

‚ The1 otheir Cnlurrinîës do contain the Confonan‘t‘n‘a'is the'yvare difti‘n-r

_guiíhed into ’ '


" naar, whethe'rfuch as arBel _ I

"­tf"`^^"_'S’drous `_

liter» as.. apt „ — ‚Í I`|Í­`Bff“'",’~i”g5 ‘тонет Y .ïî'L —

,I i* interim ” ..'|i ~. . lSo'r'lorous M. ._.,"'. ,"c., м‘,

Naß.) Mute '_ › t “ n

Парад; eitherÍin refpleélt ofthe l’ ' y . “ 1;',

.u n ‘Ч

’.‹.х ‚


' l“

‘l ¿` Topofthe Tongue, whether fuchasare - ‘ f

,I ßrcatblefìa '_ _ l ­_ i.; ' ,_

`‚ . ` Breathing, 'thi‘bugh the l l . l.- ,t i ‘l I

‘ ‘Moutbg'byf t ‹ _. ‚ _ I

,'"À'ppulfe, of the top ofthe Tongueto the . ‹

lmidltofthe Sonorous Dh . _

` mouth, Mute if Th. ‘.,'

. through thecorners'ySonorous` L ë _ ‚И ‚мы ‚Щ

ofthe mouthlMutc ЗИЛ... ~ д '

à › . Sonorous Pt. .P‘late’iMute‘ ina. _ . — _——‚ ‘t Í' = 1 . д;

LPercolation of the Breath betwixt the top _offthe Tough@

and theroots ofthe Teeth, whether mori:4 Y -- " E

amati l~| esami .ttl

_ tNqfe 5 by appulfe oftheпервый: Tongue tothe Root of the

C с с a Teeth,


More concave 5 and removed,at fome difiancefrotitthe Palate,.ár,

t {Тор ofthe Teeth, the breath heing emitted through l


i, uFaremo/i part of the Palate,” the breathbeing ltr-:t


_Trepiclation or Vibration, againft ~the inward part-of "t

¿8s 1


h sPronunci



‹ д Concerning Naturalgrammar. Part lll.


‘по’! or middle ofthe Tongueappulfed to the Inward Palate,whe­

’ ther fuch as are .

‘ _ Sonorous G.ißreathleß 5 â Mute ëîc.l¿Breathing 5 through the

_ Teeth’äsonorous'y. 0


Unto each of the Letters reprefented by a Face, there is adjoyned

aleffer Figure, сайта; only of the chief out°lines reprefenting the

Organs of fpeech.

The Labial: are reprefented by two curve Figures for the Lips.The Lingual: by the Figure of the Tongue, according to ­its various

applications5 either ofthe Top or Root,to the feveral parts ofthe Palate,

or of the Teeth. _

' The Sonoran: Confonants, ofeach kind, are difiinguifhed from the

Mures, b the addition of(”) to reprefent the motion ofthe Epiglot

tis, by w ich found is made. —

The Breathing or Spiritous Confonants are reprefented by a longer

„Миша Line, pafiin'g through the Mouthinfome of them, either

betwixt the Lipr, in F, V. or between the Tongue and Palate, in Dh,

Th, Gh, Ch, R, HR. [n the two laft of which, the top ofthe

Tongue is divided, to reprefent that Trepidation or Vibration, in.

the framing ofthefe Letters. Or by the fides of the Tongue in L, HL.

Or betwixt the Top ofthe Tongue andthe Teeth,in Z, S, Zh, Sh. ln the

twolaft ofwhich, the undulated Line is doubled, to reprefent that

more denjê percolation of breath,ufed in the framing ofthofe Letters.

Thofe that are brtathed throu h the Nzyê, have this undulated line

above the Palate, as in M, HM, , HN, NG, HNG.

Ipropofe thefe only as being natural Piflures of the Letters, with

out any Delign ofcommon ufe, for which they are lefs lit, by reafon

of their being fo complicated.

~ 5. Though each of the Letters have their diliinä powers naturally

fixed, yet that difference which there is in the various manner ofPro

цитата, doth fomewhat alter the Sound of them. And there are

no- two Nations in the world that do exactly agree in the fame way of

ronouncing any one Language (fuppofe the Latin) Amongft per

ons ofthe farne Nation, lbme pronounce more full) and Лица’, o~

thersmore flight/j, fome more flatly, others more broadly, others

more mincìngl). And in the hearing of fotreign Languages, we are .

apt to think, that none of the Letters we are acquainted with, can

frame »fuch (frange (bonds as they feem to make: Butthis doth prin

cipally proceed from the feveral modes of Pronunciation 5 the variety

of which may well enough conlifi: with the diliinů: power ofthe Let

ters. 'Tis obvious to any one to olsferve, what great difference there

will be in the fame words, when (рейса/10191; and ‘тиф, and when

tumbled out in a rapid precipitate manner. And this is one kind of

difference in the pronunciation of feveral Nations 5 The Spaniarelr'and

Italil....1 J ..



Chap. XlV. Concerning Natural grammar. l 38|

Italian: pronouncing more мёд and Муфта” , the French more

walnhlj and haíîily, the Englifb in a middle Way betwixt both. Another

different mode of Pronunciation betwixt feveral Nations, may be in

regard ofßrength and eli/1in ä'neß ofpronouncing, which will {pecial

ly appear in thofe kind of Letters which do moll: abound inaL'an

guage. Some pronounce more deeply Guttural, as the Welfh, and t he

Eaf’tern people, the Hebreutr, and лимит, Bcc. Others feem to thrult

their words moreforwardr, towards the outward parts of the mouth, à

as the Englijh 5 others more inward towards the palate, as the French 5 gïzfßgjwlo't”

fome fpeak with lironger collilions, and more vehement afpirations, i m "vg '

as the Northern people generally, by teafon of their abundance of fpi

rits and inward heat 5 others more light!) and ту, as the Southern

Nations, their internal fpirits being more weak, by,real`on of the out

ward beat. ‚ '

One principal Reafon ofthe various foundsin the pronunciation of

feveral Languages doth depend upon the nature of thofe Letters, of

which they do chiefly conlifl and are Нашей. Upon which account,

the Greek, which abounds in Vowels and Dipthongs, is more fmooth.

And though the Latin have fewer Vowels, yet it is fo equally mixed

with them, as to be rendred facil and pleafant 5 whereas the Hebrew

doth abound in fome har lh Confonants, Aßiratienr and Gulturalr.

l cannot here omit the Cenfure which an ingenious perfon gives con- у

cerning the difference ofmany ofour European Languages, in refpeë’t Íy‘ìî'äfâfï’a'

of their pronunciation. The Italian (faith he) is in pronunciation, Remain.

pleafant, but without Sinews, as a [lill flowing water 5 the 'French

delicate, but inward and nice, like a woman that dares fcarce open

her mouth, for fear of marring her Countenance. The Spanijh, Ma

jellical, but withal fomewhat terrible and fulfom, bythe too much

affectation ofthe Letter O. The Вис!’ manly, but withal haxíh and

quarrelfom. Whereas our Englijb (faith he) hath what is cornely and

Euphonical in each ofthefe, without any oftheir inconveniences. ‘fis

ufual for men to be molt favourable towards the Language unto which

they have been molt accultomed. ’Tis likely that Forreigners may be

as apt to complain of feveral Defeůs in our Language as we are of

theirs. ‘

That which doth generally feem moll difficult to Strangers in our

Englifh Tongue, is the pronouncing of certain Afpirations (as they.

are Íliled) very frequently and familiarly ufed amonglt us, but hardly

ìmitable by others, though thefe are but few5 thefe five words (as it

is faid) comprehending all of them. What think the ehe/en judge: _?

Which a little praůife might overcome.

It were defirable in a new invented Language, to make ufe chiefly' g 6

offuch Letters and Syllables, as are of света! praûife, and univerfal- f °

ly facil in Pronunciation: But the с om of fcveral Nations is fo ex

ceeding various in this refpeëiî, that ’tis very diflicult to find out what

thefe are5 molt ofthe Letters being difufed, and not acknowledged

for Letters, in Юта! Countries. _

(и) is frequently ufed by other Nations, but not owned with a di ­ .

flint): Charaëter by the Englifh. " ' (Nations.

(а) is frequently ufed by us Englilhmen, but not fo much by other

‘ (с) is generally received, b_ut very ambìguóully pronounced. ( )

t 1s


O \

387. Concerning Miura]grammar.' Part Ill.

(i) is not owned by us for a diftinâ Vowel, though we frequently

ufe the power ofit. And the Mexican: are faid not to ufe the Letter

(y) which is the fame with this (as was lhewed before.) _

В‘ Wel!" 1"' (о) 15 not in the Armenian Alphabet, not do the Syrian: own it,

"тают btit ufe (u) or (aw) inítead ofit. Some ofthe Ancient Cities in Italy,

Idem mkg. thofe ofthe 'Umbri and ‘Гц/й did not ufe this Vowel, but u inftead ofit,

‘3' 5' (faith Prifcian.) _- .

(as) according to the true power ofit, is not owned by us, nor by

many other Nations with a diůinëc Charaâfer.

(y) is fcarce acknowledged by any Nation except the Wellh.

(u) is (l think) proper to the French, and ufed by none elfe.

(M and N) are fo general, that I have not yet met with an Account '

ofany Nation by.whom they are not ufed.

(NG) is not owned for a Letter by any, except perhaps the He

Р urchaf. lib. 5.

hap. 9.


(V) is not pronounced bythe Mexicain, Arahiaur, Per/iam, Sax


(Dh) feetns diflicult to той Nations, though frequently ufed by

,us Englilhmen. ­ ‚

(Gh) is not any where,excep't amongft the IrcQ/h. _ .

*Vincent le (L) is not ufed by the * Brajtleausf, nor the men of 'l' japan. Many

fól‘fm‘pm 3' of the Ita/iam,> efpecially the Florentiner, do feem to dillike this Let

+ Airex/tide: ter, though others fiile it the fweetell ofall the refl', faith Sir Thoniß

Dillioti. Anim. Smith

'retiaffra t' R) is not ufed by the Jlíexicanr, Braji/eam, or the menV of China,

Prim Linee:e (fay feveral ofthe farne Authors) The American: near Neto-England,

А"г”‘“"" pronounce neither L, nor R 5 but uli: N inflead ofboth, pronouncing

‚ Nohßan for датам.

А,“ xbm, (Z) is not owned for a Letter by the Inhabitants of CochiuChiua.

ibid.) (Zh) is not owned for a difiinů Letter, either by us Eng/i , or al

той any other,

(HM, HN, HNO) are not, for ought I know) owned by any, ех

cepting only the Welßi and Irißi, and the lait perhaps by the jenn.

(F) is not pronounced by the Braßleam. ’

(Th) feemsdiflicult to many Nations, a’nd is owned by very few,

to bea difiiné’r Letter.

(Ch) is nottufed by any (for ought I can End) except the Greci

'am and the Wel/h.

(HL) is almoft proper to the шеф), and fcarce ufed by others.

(HR.) though frequent amonglt the Grect'anr, yet is rarely ufed by

‘ others.

rumba; lib.5.' (S) is not ufed by the Mexicain.

“P'9‘ (Sh) That this was not univerfal among the 7cm, may appear by

the Scripture Story of Shiholeth, nor is it either in the бис/{от La


Idfml-lO-C-s. (B) is not pronounced by the men ofChina or japan,

{'ëmzg'ïfy" c' (D) is not ufed amongli the Inhabitants ofChina.

Voip“, d, а; (G) is not pronounced by the Mcxieam,

cap. 27. (P) is not acknowleded in the Arabic/r, nor was this ufed amongft

the jew: before the Invention ofPoints. ’

’ (Т) 15 not ufed by thé Inhabitants ofjapan. -

‹_ (с)

Chap. V. (Эдем; Natural grammar.

(С) as reftrained to the power of K, i's for ought I know, ofgene

ral ufe.

'Tis not improbable but that there may be a difficulty and difufe of

every one of thefe Letters in feveral Nations of the world5 upon

which account it is excufable, ifin the framing of a Language, it be

propofed to make ufe ofall the Letters, without any particular choice

offome, and feclnlion ofothers. Or ifany be excluded, they ought

in reafon to be fuch, as feem molt difficult to thofe, amongft whom

this Language hath its lirli Rife and Original. And fuch others fhould

be moll frequently ufed, as are generally efteemed той ealie and

leafant. 'Р Thefe 34. Letters before enumerated, will fullice to exprefì all thofe

articulate founds, which are commonly known and ufed in thefe parts

of the World. Idare not be over-peremptory in alferting that thefe

are all the Articulate Sounds', which either are, or can be in Natureâ

it being perhaps as impofiible to reckon up all fuch, as to determine

the juli number ofColour: or Taßr: But I think that thefe are all the

principal Heads ofthem, and that as much may be done by thefe (if

not more) as by any other Alphabet now known.






Chap. I. I Concerning n flied] Cbamílert


Concerning a Real Character, and а Philofophi«Ä

° cal Language. `



The Рита/‘а! of one kind of Real Cbnraëier (nmongß man]

other.’` which might be oúreredjbotbfor the Integralf, whether

Genuc’r, Diferencei` or SРейн, together wit/J tbe Derivati

о „г ат! l njiexiono` belonging to them, at likewzßefor all the

fee/eral kinde ofl’articler.

He next Enquiry {hould be, what kind o'f Cbaraäer or

Language may be fixed upon, as той convenient for

the expreiïion ofall thofe Particulars above mentioned,

belonging to the Philofophy of Speech; in order to

which it may feem, that the iirfi Enquiry fhould be con

ceming Language 5 Becaufe Writing is but the figure of Articulate'

fund, and therefore fubfequent to it: But thoughitbe truc, that

men did firfifoeakbefote they did write, `and confequently writing ig

but the ñgure of Speech, and therefore in order of time fubfe‘quent to

it 5 yet in order oi Nature there is no priority between thefe :— Bur voice

and found: may be as well afligned to Figure, as Figure: may be to

soundt. And I do the rather begin with treating concerning a com

mon Cbarnäer or Letter, becaufe this will conduce more to that great

end oi Fari/it), whereby (as l 11111 propofed) men are to be invited

to the Learning ofit.. To proceed from the Language to the Chara

. âer, would require thelearning of both5 which being ofgreater dif

iiculty, than tolearn one alone, is not therefore fo futable to that in

` tention ofingaging men by the Каст‘; of it. And becaufe men that

do retain their feveral Tongues, may yet communicate by a RenlCba

raů'er, which fhail be legible in all Languages 5 therefore I conceive it

m'oit proper to treat of this in the firft place, and [hall afterwards lhew

how this Charaëter may be made afable, in a difti'nët Language.

All Charaůers Íignihe either Naturali), or by Int/titration. Natural

Cbauâ'er: are either the Pit‘ìures of things, or fome other sjnfbolical

› Dd d ‹ Repre- '

i 386

Concerning aMal Cbaraŕîer. Part “7

КергеГепгайопз ofthem, the framing and applying ofwhich, thoughit were in fome degree fealible, as to the general kind: of ­thlngs 5 yet

in то?‘ of theparticular­ßrecicr, it would be very dzßïcult, and 1n fome

perhaps impot/ibis. It were exceeding delirable that the Маше: of

things might confift offuch Sounds, as Ihould bear in them fome Ana

logy to their Naturer5 and the Figure or Charaäer of thefe Names

mould bear fome proper refemblance to thofe soundt, that men

might eaíily guefs at the fence or meaning ofany name or word, upon

the tirû bearing orузы ofit. But how this can be done in all the par

ticular fpecies of things, Iunderltand not; and therefore fhall take it

for granted, that this Charaëter mufl be by [яд/Миши. In the fra

ming of which, there are thefe four properties to be endeavoured af

ter. ‘ „

r. They Ihould be moli Íimple and eaIie for the Figure, to be de

fcribed by one Duäu ofthe pen, or at the molt by two.

a. They muft be fuliiciently diliinguilhable from one another to

prevent miltake. Y

3. They ought to be comely and graceful for the шаре ofthem to

the e e.4. yThey Ihould be Methodia-al, Thofe of thelfame common nature,

having fome kind offutablenefs and correfpondence with one auother5

All which qualifications would be very advantageous, both for ‘Un

der/tending, Mentor) and 't'.)fin>

[писать Radicals.

‚ Derivations.

Thofe Charaůers muft reprefent either Infieâions.

I ‚ Grammatical.

LParticles Tranfcendental.

The lirfi thing to be enquired after, is to find out fitting Marks for

the common Genus's or Heads in the former Tables of Integrals, which

are therereduced to the number offorty. It were not diliicult to offer

feveral Varieties of thefe Marks or Generical Characters, with their

different Advantages and Conveniences 5 to which purpofe I had pre

pared fundry kinds of them, which l once thought to have iníerted

here: but upon further conlideration, l (hall mention only one of

them, which I have chofen out of the refr, as feerning to me to be in all

refpeëts the molt convenient amongů them.



Concerning a Kcal Cbarafler.

Chap. 1.

t 51 General —М `> Exanguious -3- Spiritual -2

És Kel. mixed -v- з. Fllh —г 3’ С0грогеа1—

äâlïeLofAf’tion -fl- ä Bird -1 Motion ï° Di( u f -U- Ф Bealt Operation-3

Gotio re —— Ё Peculiar l

World _i'- gâGeneral ï "Oecon. +

Element _L @(Magnitude роща; _ï

Stone —т— Ё Space -15- 5:’ ProviC —8

Metal + `”<' Meafure -Íl- Ё_‹ Civil _§..

нага Leaf 'L' ‘POL/el' Naf» 'u' g Judicial _Q

°°"‘ ' Flower ‘—т— На ir _ñ- Military т

12111318111164/111161 _J (hîanners fb "D- LNaval —9

Shrub "7“ д uality feni le-U- Ecclefj т

'ŕ- Difeafe —еTree

_ The Differences are to be afl'ixed unto that end which is on the left

fide ofthe Charaf’ter, according to this order5 t

I 2 з 4 5 6 7 8 9


The Species lhould be aflìxed at the other end ofthe Charaólîer ac

cording to the like order.

I 2 з 4 5 6 7 8 9

And whereas feveral of the Species of Vegetables and Animals, do

according to this prefent conl’titution, amount to more than Nine, in

fuch cafes the number ofthem is to be dillributed into two or three

Nines, which may be dil’tinguilhed from one another by doubling

the ůroke in fome one ог more parts of the Charaó’rer 5 as fuppofe after

this manner, -Ã- ­L. lf the lirft and moll: limpie Chauffe,

be made ufe of, the Species that are afhxed to it, will belong to the {irl}

combination of Nine 5 if the other, they will belongaccording to theorder of them, unto the fecond Combination. i ‘ "

Thofe Radicals which are paired to others uppon account of Oppo

рам, may be exprelled by a Loop, or (о) at the left end ofthe Cha

raöter, after this manner, o

Thofe that are paired upon the ‘n account ьыдшт 'are to beex'

prelfed by the like Mark aty the other end of theCharat‘ìer, thus, -0

The double Oppolites of Eaçcefì: or Delfeä, are to beQdeJfcribe'd by

the Tranfcendental points, denoting Exeefr or Defeòï, to be placed

over-the Charaâer, as [hall be lhewed after.

odds ‚‚ ' aan.

388 Concerning aЩи! Cbaraä'er. Part IV.

Adjeä’ive: lhould be exprelied by а Hook at the right end ofthe Cha

raůer in ’Genus’s or Differencesßhus ­­”

lSpecies -3 -L

' Adverbs Cbcing very near ofkin to adieûivcs) may be expteífed by

a Loop in the fameg Genus’s and Diff. ­­­° ­

place. In lSpecies -ß —-ъ '

vAb/traò‘r'r may be exprelied by a Hook at the left end of the Cha

Genus's f­­­ ‘

Differences and Species L- J--J

The Aâ‘ive and Paßive voice may be exprelfed, one of them by a

Hoo/t, and the other by a Loop, at the left end of the Charaâer, after

t i ' " , 'hsmanneßm‘ccnuss Aûtve 1.-

Paflivc г‹ ‹


l Differences or Specieî âîîì‘âeî

The Plural NuLrnber may be exprelfed by a hook at the right end of

the Character, after this manner, in Genus's and Differences -s

Species ­­­V -J

raé’ter. In

The Charaëters ofthe ParticlelI {hould each ofthem be of a lefà fi

gure, and capable ofbeing varied to a threefold place. The Gramma

Им! мм“, being applied to the fides of the Charaâer, and the

Tranfcendental Particle: to the top of it.

Thefe Grammatica! Particle: are here contrived to fuch a kind of

diflinët futablenefs, fo as each ofthe feveral kinds of them, hath a fe

veral kind of Charaůer aliigned to them.

I. The Copul4,by the mark of C ° j

a. Pronounr, by Points. ­­ ~. .­ .,t- )

3. rmrjeäim by upright Lines ftrleight or hooked, C ‘ч г J ь)


4. Prepojîtionr,by fmall curved Figures Él» aeg

5. Adverbe, by a right angled Charaàerâ; s -uí


6. Conjnnů'ionr by an acute angled Charaëterîy A ` х

7. мы“ by two oblique Lines to be placed \ ’

towardsv the top ofthe Charaéter

8. Mode:

Chap. I. Concerning a Qa]Charaâ‘er.389

8 6 ô

8. Mode: by circular Figures B ö

mixed s s

t s

9. Tenß: by a fmall fireight tranfverle Line (-)

Amongli thefe Grammatica! Particle: the lirfi fix are more principal

and abfolute, viz.. ‘

r. The copula, being the Verb Sum, according to a threefold diffe

rence oftime.

Have been, haii been, hath been.

Am, art, is, are.

Shall be.

I çWe ~ This, That

a. Pronouns'. 3111011}- 2Ус ärâ’l'he farne, Another Ё:

Не They A certain, Some body

Any Who ?

= ¿Every '­’Which. Y

­All Whofoever.

lf one of theft: Pronouns, fuppofe (-) be placed at the fide ofthe

Character before it, °­ it figniñes the firfi Perfon (1.) lfat the mid

elle, ­ -it Íignilies the fecond perfon (Thou.) If at the bottom, _

it lïgnifies the third perfon (He.) And if they are thus aflixed ajìer а

Charaé’ter that lignifies Action, they will then denote the Accufattve

Cafè, Me, Thee, Him. fo 'o lf2-9 is, I love hina. .

Ifany ofthe Pronouns are to be rendered in their Pzßeßi've fence,t_hts

is »to be exprefi'ed by a little curve Line under them, as C Ф si) So "-.

is My, or Mine, is Ours, Q_) is Thy or Thine, (,-is Hts.

And Q_) is Theirs. l

The Reduplicatioe Notion of Pronouns may molt naturally beex

preii'ed by a doubling oftheir Charaéter with а FЛетит or Arreäŕariuo


` ìnterpofed. So 'I' is Ime, that is,I my felf. -[‹ is Thou thee, Thou

thy felf. _\‚ He him, He himfelf. And fo for the Fogel/we: that are re

duplicative "Г Mine mine, that is, My own, Ó‘c. _

And whereas feveral ofthe Pronouns were before faid to be appli

cable both unto Place, Time, and Manner, this ought to be ехрге!2

fed in' writing by the help ofan Arreäarirn, with the Tranfcenden‘

nl Marks of P1. т. м. sulla, which platee. Thus ‘i is, what

place, or Where? ç'l is, What time, or When? is, What manner,

or How P s ‘ ’

Interjeâions may be thus expreffcd 5

Admiring"Í Love, HatredI{Doubting 1 Mirth,Sorrow Р

Defpiling l Defire,Averfationi

i'Exclamation, Silence

J1 Befpeaking, EXpreHing attention '>l'

_Llnfinuatiom Threatning


l 59o

Gonterning a Юг‘! СЬатЭ'ег: Part lV.

The Marks for Prepolitions may be thus applied 5

Of, With According, Inllead

„З By, For à“ > gWith, Without Ё‘

Out of, Concerning _ For, Againfl:

` To, At

wgFrom, Off im

' Over, About i

Into, In (upwards, Above

aâOut of, Without ge wâDownwards, Below â»

Thorough, BeÍide Before, Behind

Upon, Under l

aáonthisûdaßeyond s

Betwixt, Againíl j

The Marks for Adverbr may be thus applied 5

(Yea, Nay How, So Rather, Than

Perhaps, Trulyël- 13h/lore, Мой! г ›ЁТег‚ Until hè

lAs, So Leß, Leait ) Whilû, At lengt

Together, OnlyZ Alrnofl.

­fÈAgain, As if, ‘- + Scarce. `Un, Re g _Thereabout.

The Marks for Conjnnů'iam may be thus applied5

Whether yea, Whether no Indeed, But

V{And, Neither }^ >{Although,Notwithlianding ‹

If Unlefs Or, Either

(That,Leafl that Whereas, Thereupon

y' For, Becaufe }Н{А1Г0‚ Ste. }‚‹

-Wherefore-,Therefore viz. e g

l .The other three kinds of Particles are more fervile and auxiliary. 'i

The Article: may be expreffed (as was faid before) by two ob

lique Lines to be placed towards the top ofthe Charaûer {çhe \

The Mark for the тратит Mood , according as it is applied to

feveral places ofthe Charaëìer, may exprefs the mode ofв [Petition

e Perfwafion

а tCommand




Chap. I. Concerning a @alCharaäer. u 391 `

“wk-__. ..._-_____... _.

th The Secondary Moods may have their Marks thus applied to

em i

Can e 'Power Could в .

Liberty à ,1t/14g“ Ё

’ Will 9Wm Would s l

V N t Mull, Íhal Q 'L'. ecefüty lMuû, Íhould s

l Several ofthefe Secondary Мос1с5, Will according. t0 their plaC‘CS, i

towards the top, middle, and bottom of the Charatfter, comprehend

in them the feveral differences of tìme5 fo ` ï “ТА 15 lwould have writ.

- The Marke for the Tenfes, Рай, Prefent, and Future, may be thus

' Have been, haft been, hath been. ‘

applied 5 ­­ Am, art, iS.


The _Tranfcendental Marks to be put in three places over the head

ofthe Charafter, may be thus appl1ed5

il-Metaphor‘l Kind y?) Thing l? ¿Í-Placel Caufi; t‘Aggregatê‘L

,LLike ,t Manner lPerfon j {Типы Sign lSegregate l

____-._- vot-___.



.t . 'i ‘

...___-'___ .м.———_ ____-...___- ____-_____- A

Lamin InÍi‘rument „вашем {$ер1шеп: l Vefi ' Houfe

Pinn Vcil'ell _. Machin Armament Í Armour i

v „у


V >

Habit 'OñìcJer (Mecha-nic Ability inceptive ’ Endea

â 11 Ё {Ргопспе13ё1 vor


Att „e rtift î/Mt‘rchant


V i ì

———————-——._^————_.——— ____-__A

A <


Augmentativeì’yy Excefs läPerfeétive } Voice Male H‘Youngâ

Diminutive Defeä f


Corruptive Language Female



Whereas there is fomewhat peculiar in the nature of Number-r, di

Iiinů from any ofthe other Heads, by reafon of their great multitude,

and various kinds; It may feem therefore neceífary to offer fome

more particular direótions for the expreIIion of them, both as to the

Numbers themfelves, _ and as to the Grammatical Variations of

them. i ­

Numbers are ufually expreífed in Writing either by word.f at length,

or by Figureof.

The Cbaraâer here propofed under the firft difference of Meafure,

_ is that which doth„мы to the writing ofNumbers in wvrdfat length,


391. Concerning a Уфа! Charaâler.' Part IV.

And becaufe the Species enumerated under that drñerenc’e, are bnr;

nine, for the nine Digits, therefore will it be convenient 1_n the Eril;

place, to explain the manner how all other numbers above nrne,are to

be exprelled in this Charaûer 5 which may be done by aůixrng fome

_ ‘ ‚ ofthefe four‘Marks, (wav) put after the Charaéter, clofer to the

’ Body ofit than ordinary, to denote thofe round Numbers, Ten, Hun

dred, Thoufand, Million. ’

»8% Ten. " ‘Ка?! 20 1 3o

MEA) Hundred. 300 l

‘В’: Thoufand. Il> Мг? 2000 3000MS? Million. 1&8# 3000000


, L , .J L J.

маг-з! 200

*2J 2000000


But becaufe thofe common Figures now in ufe, borrowed from the

Arabianr, are fo generally known, and a kind ofUniverfal Charaâer

already received 5 therefore it may be moli convenient [lill to retain

‚ the ufe ofthem, as being much better fitted for all the Arirhmetical

Operations, ofAddition, Subtraô‘ion, Multiplication and Diwßon, Ste.

than either that Numerical Charaöter mentioned before, or the way

ofNumeration by Letters, _or any other way that I can think of.

l As for thofe Variations of which Numbers are capable, and accord- ` n

ing 10 which Grammarians do commonly diftinguiih them, they may

be thus exprelfed. ’ '

1. Thole which are called Cardinal Numbers, One, Two, Three,ú~c.

are the Radical Numbers themfelves.

- Firfl', fecond, third, Óc. are Ad ‘сайт’ Neuter.2' стиль,’ asëFirÍilyJecondly,thirdly, фа. ajre the Adver/u Neu

rer. ‹ ‚ l

_ 3. Dißrilmti'uer may be expreû by the Snbßanti'ue Neuter, with the

Tranfcendental Mark of segregate, the bllantive it felf being put

l for one fort of Dìfiributive in the Дядя Number, as ling. 3. (fegr.

will denote three, one by one; or for another fort of Diliributive,

being putin theplural number, as plural 3.(fegr. will Íignilie by threes,

or three by three.

4. СоПсддше: may be expreli by the Suh/ianti've Neuter, with the

Adverb together before it, with the tranfcendcntal Mark ofAggregate

lover it, as together-three, or three (Aggr. is a ternary, a lealh, Ó'e.

5. Mnltipljing a Number may be expreffed by the Aâ‘i'ue of it, as a.

three is trebling, and being multiplied by the Paf/ive of11, as p. three

being trebled. ‚ _

б- Dividing а Number into parts, may be expreft by the Aâ'ive

With the tranfcendental Mark (Part. ав d. 1Ьгее(раг1) is С11У1а1п81п10

3 parts, 01 aëiive tripartition. Being divided into parts, may be ex

prelled by the Paf/ive with the mark of part ’5 as gp. three-(part) is be

ing divided into '3 parts, or paflive tripartition. Ifthis Divilion be

into equal parts, one may exprefs it by adding the Adverb equal/j.


Chap. I. #Wähler-ini@ а щи!б/мтйеп — - 393

- 7. А Fraâ'ion may be expreft 5 lfit be the Aliquot part of a Num

ber, by the Adjeä‘z‘vc Neuter, 'with the Tranfcen'dental Mark of Part,

as adj.three (part) athird part, and it may be written thus, 3D1; If`

it be not the Aliquot part ofa Number, it may be exprefì by both the

Numbers which are to be confidered in it,Y as three fevenths may be

called. a feventh part ofthree, _and it may be written thus, 7);. _ y

SÃ À Ration may be expreû Iikewife by both the Numbers which

are to be confidered in it, in fpeakingthus` S'as three to ferien, in wri

по g » ’

g. Number ofsperie: or Sorts, may be expreů by the Number with

the Tranfcendental Mark of (kind) as threefold, 3`(kìnd.

lo'. Number of ‘Timer or Placer likewìfe‘, by the Tranfcendental‘t Marks of Time or Place refpeůively, as once, twice, Фе‘, i

in one за]; in two gëlcïs in three {33:26 Ó'c;

1 r. Abßraâ‘ Numbers, as Unity, Duality, Trinity, may be expreft

by adding the Mark ofAbítraâ upon the Charaůer.

`It” the @dijon be how thefe Grammatical Variations may be con- '

trìved in the ufe of the ordinary Figures for Number, this >may be

done by afiìxing fuch variations upon a Tranfverfe Line over the head

J Д _'J

ofthe Figure, So I. 2. 3. willbe the Adjeétive, ñr&,fecond, and


third, Фе. 50 r. 2. gwillbet‘he Adverb, Firůly,fecondly,third­

'_ 1y, so è. ё. '4. ywill bo twofold, threefold, fourfold, т

/ Í Í I ‚ l l

So r. 2. 3;8‹с. will beonce, tw1ee,thr1ce,é~c.

o The Charaâers that ferve forlnterpuaûion, maybe дшдсотй‘Ь


Comma ‚

Colon \

Period ‚_

Thofe otherNotes to diůînguifh the various manners ofтопить

tion may be Charaâered after this manner 5 ‚

Hyphen l _ y I l

Parentheiis ( ) l,

Explieation[ ] ` ' -

Interrogation Р

Wonder l

I \ . .muy E e e ­ Thefe

394Concerning a Юг‘! б/шмйег. Part lV.

Thefe Marks having‘not any fuch near refemblance to the other

Real Cbaraâ‘en, appointed either for ‘integrals or Particles, need '

not therefore be changed,

' 1’ The Note for Ernpbafír, may be exprelled either by a reduplication

ofthe Charafters, ifit coníill in one word 5 or by fome variety in the

lhape of the Characters, ifit confift in feveral words, as 'n ufual in that

way of printing Words in an Italic Letter

The meaning of thefe things will appear more plainly by an Exam

ple: To which р111‘ро1`е1 Íhall fet down the Lords Prayer, and the

Creed written 111 this Chataöter, whichl fhall afterwards explain and

refolve according to the forementioned Rules.


Chap. II. Concerning 4 Tim]б/мтйеп


Inßances of ‘Ы: Real Cbara'ô'fer 'in the Lord;` Práyer and

the Creed. `

Or the better explaining of what hath been before delivered con

cerning a Real Charaàer, it will be necelfary to give fome Exam-'

ple and Infiance ofir, which l (hall do in the Lord: Prajer and the

Creed: Firů fetting each of them down after fuch a manner as they

are ordinarily to be written. Then the Charaůers at a greater dil fiance from one another, for the more convenient figuring and inter

lining ofthem. And lafily, a Particular Explication of each Chara

âer out ofthe PhilofphicalTables, with a Verbal Interpretation of

them in the Margin. ‚

The Lords Prayer.



LHJW‘ ‘п’%‚„в‚ '

l Q 3 4. 5 6 8 9 lo 11

os’ ‘+7 Ф Щ‘ ne, 4

Our Parent who art in Heaven, Thy Name be Hallowed, Thy

n 13 i4. 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 a4. a5 a6


Kiogdome come, Thy Will be done, foin Earth asin Heaven, Give

272829 3031 s2 за s4 a5 s6 37 383940 4l 42 4a

w..¿_­|_q1o¿a_| Гц ,lafòáìàvw"@B_A-p;I ­­

to us on this day our bread expedient and forgive us our trefpaífes as

44 45 4647 484956 в‘ в’ 53545556 57 58° $411 w .. v °ß4hf ‹ " ' “ч“1‚. " 3

We forgive them who trefpafs againli us5 and lead us not into

59 6061 6a 63 64 65 l 6o 67 68 69 7o _

и‘; 1 ‹ в 211» u w Ш’ y ’ ¿SJ V Í

temptation, but deliver us from evil, for the Kingdorne and the

71 72 7s u74 75 76 77 78 79 8o.

UH v ’ Щ’ ° e ‘c1 @a t =

Power and the Glory is thine, for ever and ever, AmetLSo be it.

/ E e e у I'








Concerning a LÍìeal Cloaraŕier. Part lV.

1. (ul) The lirft Particle being expreffed by iPoints, doth denote

the thing thereby Íignilied to be a Pronoun: And whereas there are

two Points placed level, towards the upper fide ofthe Chara6‘cer,they

muß therefore (acoording to the Directions premifed) fignilie the

ага Perfon Plural Number, viz.. We. And becaufe there is a curve

Line undel- thefe Points, that denotes this Pronoun to be here ufed

Poßeßrvelj, and confequently to lignifie Our.

2. (QJ) This next Charaůíer being of a bigger proportion, muli:

therefore reprefent fome Integral Notion. The Genus ofit, vi'z.(­3­)

is appointed to lignifie Oeconomical Relation. And Whereas the Tranf

verfe Line at the end towards the left hand, hath an afiîx, making an

acute Angle, with the upper Íide ofthe Line, therefore doth it refer

to the ЕМ Difference of that Genus, which according to the Tables,

is relation ofConfanguinity: And there being an Aliìx making a right

Angle at the other end ofthe fame Line, therefore doth 'it Íignifie the

‚ fecond Species under this Difference, viz.. Direòir afcending, by which

the Notion ofParent is defined. And this being originally a Noun of

Perfon, doth notthe need therefore Tranfc. Note of Perfon to be af

fixed toit. Ш: were to be rendred Father in the ftritoteii fenfe,it would

be neceliary that the Tranfcendental Note of Male fhould be joyned

toit, being a little hook on the top, over the middle ofthe Charaâer,

after this manner. (‘Ё-1.) The word Father in the moli Philofophical i

¿and proper fenfe of it, denoting a Male Parent. And becaufe the

word Parent is not here ufed according to the firiftefi fenfe, but Ме

taphorically; l therefore might the Tranleendental Note oi Metaphor,

be put over the headofit, after this manner, But this being

fuch'a Metaphor asis generally received in other Languages, there

fore there will be no neceflity ofuling this mark.

3. (vl) This C haratïter confifiing of Points, muft therefore denote

a Prononnà and becaufe it confifts of three Points, therefore mufi it

denote one ofthe Compound Pronouns, and being placed towards the

middle ofthe Charatïter, therefore muft it lignilie Who perfonal, or

Which real.

4. о!) This Particle, being a fmall Round, cloth therefore denote

the copula, and being placed towards the middle of the Charaóter, it

_muli therefore fignilie the prefent renfe ofit, Ain, art, is, are, and be

mg )oyned with a Noun ofthe fecond perfon, is therefore in Englifh to

be rendered (Art.) ' ’

‘ i 5. (Ч) This Particle being'of a curved ligure, muli therefore refer

to Prepofitions. —— And by the Пюре ofit, it mult belong to one ofthe

Oppofites in the fourth Combination of Prepofitions, and by the place

of it, being towards the upper ‘end ofthe Charaó’ter, it is determined

to the Prepolition(1n.)' ’

This Generical Charatfter is afiigned tolignifsie World,

the right angled aflìx on the left fide, denoting the fecond Difference

under that Genus, namely Heaven, which is defined to import either

’ a

Chap. l. Concerning a‘Real Charaâ‘er. i 3 97

a place or ftate ofthe greateft perfeůion and happinefs, and bccaufe

there is no afhx at the other­ end, therefore doth it Идите the Diŕfe.

Arence it felf, and not any Species.

7. (Ч) This Particle, for the Reafon before mentioned (Numb. 1.) ThY

is a poffcflive Pronoun, for its confifting of a Íingle Point, it muli be

ofthe lingular number5 and for its place towards the middle ofthe

Charaůer, it muft relate to the fecond Perfon, viz.. Thy, or Thine.

„ 8. (‘М-д The Genus denoted by this Charaâer is TranfeenelentalNlme

General5 the aßix to the end on the left fide, doth fignitie the lirfi

Difference under that Genus, viz.. the Kinds of Things and Notions,

or thofe eflential Communities wherein the things of different naturesdo agree. The aflix at the other end ofthe lame Line, making an ч

obtufe angle with the lower fide ofit, doth Идите the fourth Species

under that Difference, wir.. Мата; which according to its primary

fenfe is defcribed to be the word alligned for the Íignifyinglany thing orinotion.

9. (Ч) This Patticleis appointed to figniñe that which is called the Mayitbc

Imperative Mode by Way ofPetition, or Ma) it he, or we pray that it

may be. t ‘ '

lo. (göß) This Generical Charaéter doth Egniñe Eeeleßaßieal Rela- Hallowed

tion : The afhx making a right angle with the under part ofthe Ge

nus, doth denote the fifth Difference, which refers to Difciplz'ne, or

the due ordering ofthe Circumftances of Eccleliaflical or facred things

to the bell advantage5 under which the {irl} Species denoted by the

acute Angle on the other end and fide, doth Íignifie the more general

notion of feparating things from their Commonnefs, and fetting them

apart by way ofHonour to a more peculiar ufe, which is called Con

fecrating or Hallowing. By the Loop on the 'afiix for the Difference,

is Íignified the PaHìve V0iee5 and by the Hook on the other affix, the

notion ofAdjeá‘i'ue. ' .

1 r. (ч) as Numb. 7. ‚ Thy

la. This Generical Character cloth Идите Civil or Politi- ‚

c_al Relation. The aflix on the left fide, doth Íigniñe the lirft Diffeç or

rence under that Gentis which is Degree: ofPerjònr. The affix on the n

Species fide, doth refer tothe fecond Species, which is King, defined

to be the molt principal-and abfolute amongf’t the kinds ot Magiftrates.

The Hook at the end of the Difference affix doth Í'igrhñe Aäion : S0

that the proper notion exprefled by this Charafter is Вершин, or

'rà regnare, which is the Subftantive of Aâ'ion, as King is of Per~


I3. (Ч) as Numb. _9.

14.. The Genus denoted by this Charaëter is TranfcendentalAäion 5 the alïix on the Difference fide, making an acute Angle vt ith Ф

the lower fide, doth lignilie the Íixth Difference, which )according to

the Tables doth referto то”, going, or pafling 5 the at‘ñx on thëSpe


Mayit be

thing. „l


398 . Concerning a @al Cbaraäer.' Part IV.

cies fide, being the бгй, doth according to the Tablcs,refer to the

word Corning, which is defcribed to be motion to a place nearer to

' us : The Hook on tbe Difference doth Íïgnifìe Aâ‘ive voice, and the

Hook on the other afhx, the notion òfAdjeâ'i've, viz. Gaming.

Thy I5. (Ч) as Numb. 7.

Wm 16. (дн) This Generica] Charat‘fter doth lignifie the Нгй Genus in

. O`uality, which according to the Tables is Natural Power. The аШх

for the Difference, making an acute Angle, with the upper fide ofthe

Genus, пшй Íigniñe Rational Faculty. The aiiìx on the Species fide,

making an obtufe Angle with the lower fide, шцй íigniñe the fourth

Species, which is that Faculty we call Will, whereby we do rational

ly follow after that which is good, and Ну what is evil. The hook on

the left Íide upon the Difference añix, denotes the Aâ'ive tnoire. So

that the proper Signification of this Charaé’ter is Volition, or »ra welle.

Mayitbe I7’ as Numb' 9‘

Рот 18. CLR?) The fame Generical Charaůer with Numb. 14. deno

ting ‘Ищи/движки! Aäion. The obtufe ang-le on the left (ide fignihes

the third Difference, viz.. General Aòì'ìom relating to Б’ф’пф. The

acute Angle at the other end, Íìgnifies the Íixth Species, viz. the doing

or eñ'eâing what weundertake andaidign, which we call performing

or aecomplijliing 5 the Loop at the end of the Difference doth denote

the Paf/we voice, and the Hook upon the other aßix, the notion of

Adjeâ'ioeg fo that this Charaëter Íigniñcs the Adjeäive Paf/ive, ofper~

form, viz.. performed or done.l

Ss 1 9. (L |) This Charaâ'er being a right angled Particle, doth denote

fome Aal-verb; and by its fbape it appears to be one ofthe OppoÍites in

the Нгй Combination, and by its place towards thelower end ofthe

Charaó’rer, it is determined to the Particle (80.)

In до, (Ч) asmmzlns.

EN, or. (ЧА) The fame Generical Charaë’fer as numb. 6. Íignifying

World, the afiix making a right Angle, doth denote the fecond diffe

‘ ‹ rencennder that дети, namely, the Celeft'ìal parts of itin general,

amongů which, this Globe of Sea and Landl Whereon we live, is

reîikoned as the feventh Species, denoted by the :Bix at the other

en . ‘ .

As aa. (Jl) This Particle being oppolîte to that numb. 1 . iignifying

вой mutt therefore [ignifìe Ar, the one being the Red itifve of the

ott er»

In g3' as „unbe 5.

Heaven Q4 39 ттЬ. 6.

Naißthoube 25. (‘О The fame as mmh. 9. but being here joyned with a word

tAbtïtixlr’e of the fecond Perfon, it muli be rendered in Englilh, Mail?

on e. `

` 26.

Chap. ll. Concerning ‘КМ’ сьдтдгг- 399

26. (гл-ъ) The Genus of this Charat‘ler is the f`amc with number Giving

14, 8: 18. denoting Tranfcendental Aòïion 5 The aftix on the left'hand,

making an obtufe Angle with the lower fide 0fthe Genus, doth there

fore fignifie the fourth Difference, which concerns Aâions relating to

Commerce: and the affix at the other end making fuch an obtufe angle ,

doth therefore figniñe the fourth Species, which according to the4

Tables, is Giving, defcribed to be the parting with fomething to ano~

ther, to which we our felves havea right. The Hook at the end ofthe

Difference aflix, _ doth figniñe Aòîi've, and the other, Acljeâ’ìve, viz.


27. (“О This Particle, by the ligure ofìt, 1111111 fignìfie a Prepo- та,

fition ofthe third Combination, and by its place at the upper fide of

the Charaëter, it is determined to fignifie the Prepofition (To.)


a8. (Г) This Particle conñfiing of Points, doth therefore denote US

a Pronoun 5 and becaufe there are two Points placed in a Level towards

the top of the Charaâer, therefore 1111111 it figniñe the 11111 Perfon plu

ral, as numb. 1. And coming after a Verb, it is to be rendered in En

glifh as we do the Accufative Cafe, ('01.)

29. (Ч) as numb. 5. _In

30. (’|) This Pronoun particle confiliing 01’ two points placed ob- Thi,

liquely from the bottom towards the top, doth therefore fignifie one

ofthe Relative Pronouns 5 and being placed at the top ofthe Chitra`

éter, it 1111111 fignifie (Tbir.) s

31. f This Generical Charaůer is appointed to lignifie the Day

Genus ofMeafure. The afhx on the left hand, making a right angle

with the lower fide ofthe Line, fignifies the fifth Difference, which is

Meafure ofTime. The afiix at the other end, making the like angle,

doth ldenote the fifth Species, viz.; Da] Natural, which is defcribed to

be the time ofthe Suus motion from any one Meridian to the fame а


3a. (°\) asnumb. r. l our

33.(¿2-4) This С11а1а61е11э appointed to fignifie the Genus ofOeco- Breed

nautical Provifonr, ofwhich, the 11111 Difference denoted by the

añix on the left hand, doth refer to Suffentation ordinary, and the

firft Species at the other end, doth refer to fuch kind ofordinar'y food

as is ofa more folid conñftence, made of Grain, or fome other Vege~

table baked, without any confiderable mixture, being of all other

kinds ofFood moft neceflary and common, which is Bread.

34. The Genus ofthis Character doth fignifie Tranfcen'clen

talGeueral. as before, N. 8. The afiix on the left hand being the ñfth,

doth denote the Důferencer ofthing: relating to mean: g where the fe

venth Species, denoted by the afiix at the other end, doth flgnifie

that kind ofufefulnefs, which may probably promote the end, which

We call Expediencj5 and becaufc the Hook at the end ofthe Species

aß'ix doth denote adjeóïi'ue; therefore this Charaó’ter 1111111 lignihe e»

patient. f 35.


4.00 Concerning ища! С/мтде”. Part


Maifì thou be













35. (vl) The Particle reprefented by an acute angled figure, 1111111

therefore refer to Conjunâ'ionr. By the polition of the Angle down

ward's, and by the Iituation ofit towards the middle ofthe Charatï’ter,

it 1111111 denote the Conjunůion, And.

36. (Ч) 'as numb. 9.

‘3 7. (‘ё-911) Т11е Genus ofthis Charaûer doth fignifie 311410541!“

lation. The afiix on the Difference Ede, making a right angle with the ‘

upper fide ofthe Genus, doth therefore'lignifie the ‘fecond Difference, —

viz.. judicial Aüionr. The aflix for the Species being the ninth, doth

{ignilie that kind of Рапида Aâ‘ion, which is eonßequent with reßeâ' :a

tbe îudget, inHiůing the punifhment or freeing from it 5 the 11111 of

which is executing, to which is oppofed (lignilied in the Charaëter by

the Loop on the left hand) Радий)‘, 01 forgiving. The Hook up

on the afiix for the Difference, denoting the Attive lvoice, and that up

on the other aflix, the Adjeäive.

38. (“О азпитЬ. 27.

39. (Г) as numb. 28.

40. (Ul) as numb. I.

41. (MJ) The fame Generical Character asnumb. 8,8: 34.. ligni

fying 'Iranfcendental General. The obtufe angle on the left lide doth

ligniñe the third Difference, viz.. the more eonznzon and ‚фр/те Dife

тенге: of things. The aflix at the other end, making aright Angle

with the upper Iide, doth Iignilie the fecond Species, namely, that

Difference of things which doth include arefpeů to the Will, asto

their agreement or difagreement with that Faculty, whereby they are

rendered 'delirable, or avoyd able 5 which We call Goodnefr or Ew'lneß.

The Loop towards the left hand, at the` joyning of the Afl'ix, doth

denotethe Oppoůte in the Tables, namely, È'oilneß: The Hook at

the other end ofthe fame Afiìx` doth fignilie the Aäive voice 5 and the

hook onthe other fide, the Plural Number: So that the true impor

tance ofthis Charaůer muli be e'oilaëtionr, which is the fame with that

which we Ilile Y‘rejiaaßêr. t

' 42. (,I) as numb. 19.

43» as numb. 24.

44- (Ч) 2S тт‘Ь. 4— But being here ufed with a word ofthe plural

number, it mult be rendered Are.

45. asnunib. 37.

4.6. (“1) as numb. 27,

47. (L_) This Particle Pronoun conliliing of two points placedle

vel, mult Iignifie the Plural Number ofone ofthe Perfonal Pronouns,

and being at the'lower end ofthe Charaâer, it muft Iignifie The),and

coming after the Verb, it 1111111 Ье rendered Them.

48. (A) asnunib. 3.

. 49’

’ nifyin‘g Tranfcendental Aä‘ion, The Difference on the left hand, be

Chap. l I. Concerning a щи!С‘Ьатйеп ‚ 4.01

‘49. а) as numb.44. But being here placed towards the upper “т bcc“

part ofthe Charaëter, it muft fignifie the Copula in the Preter Tenfe,

Have been. ­ ‚

5o. (W) The [ame Radical as numb. 4t. Only the Hook on the

Species aflix, is on that fide which Íìgnifies the notion ofAdjective, viz.


5r. (J) This Particle do‘th by its figure appear to be one ofthe Адам

oppofite Prepofitions of the fecond Combination, and by its pofition

towards the bottom of the Charaëler, it is determined to (A


52. (Г) as Nnrnb.24. y



D 53. (Ц) asNnub.3t. And

i 54. (Ll) ThisParticle by the figure of'it, muli be one ofthe Op

polites ofthe firfl Combination ofAclz/erbr, and by the place ofit, it

muli be the Negative Particle No, or Not.

55. (Ч) as Numb. 9.

56. (v0-L) The fame Generical Character as Numb. t4, 18'. 26. fig


Мат thou be


ing the fame as Numb. r4.. Namely, the fixth, denoting Ition5 where

the fifth Species fignified by the right angled affix at the other end,

doth by the Tables fìgnifie Leading, which is defcribed to be the cauf

ing of another thing to come after. The Hook on the Difference affix,

doth fignihe Aâ‘i'oe, and the other Hook Adjeâ'ioe. viz. Lead


57, (Г) as Numb. 28. u. . y s

58. (al) This Particle by the place and Пюре ofit, mult be oppo~ I ‚

Íite to that , Numb. 5. And confequently, according to the Tables, "ю

muil Íignifie (Into.)

59. (U1-p) The_Generical Character the fa me with that, N. 1 4,1 8,

26,56.The right Angle on the left fide denoting the fecond Difference,

viz.. General Relations of Aêcions Comparate .° The right Angle at the '

other end and fide, fignifying the fifth Species, which in the Tables,

is Comparing5 to which is adjoyned by way of Aflinity (fighif-ied by

the Loop) the Notion of‘I’rjing, or the Examining ofthings, for the

difiin uifhing of their Truth and Goodnefis. And becaufe this is in it

felfofan indifferent nature, and confequently not to be deprecated г,

therefore the true Notion of it in this place, muft be confined to fuch

kind ofTemptations or Trials as may be hurtful, which is expreffed

by the Tranfcendental Particle of Corrupti've, fet on the top of the

'Charaâer towards the right hand.


6o. (Ч) This Particle by the figure ofit, muli >denote a (100110181

on, and an Oppofite belonging to the'g'fecond Combination, and by

the place of it towards the upper end ofthe Charafler, it is detetmim

ed to the Соц/виток, (But.) F f f ‘ 6 I,


4,07. Concerning u Щи! êbaraii‘er. Part lV."

l ‚

Maìfl thou be ’ ‘6 y' 35 Numb. 9.

Delivering i 62. This Generical Charatïter doth fignilie Spiritual Aô‘ion,

l under which the hrft Difference denoted by the acute Angle on the

left fide, doth refer to the Aâions ofGod, (i. e.) fuch kind of Actions

as do primarily belong to the Divine Nature 5 though fome of them

may in afecondary manner, and by way .of participation be afcribed

to other things. The right Angle made by the other allix, doth de

note the БЫ) Species, Which is defined to be the keeping or taking one

from any kind of evil 5 which we call Delivering. The Hooks upon

each afhx (as hath been often faid` before) mult denote Aóïi'ue, and


us. 63. as Numb.a4. n c .From _ 64.. (wl) A Prepofition ofthe third Combination, and by its place

at the middle ofthe Charaůer, it is determined tothe Prepoíition

Front. ' `

65, The fame Radical Charaë’ter as Numb, 41,50. The lit

n Evil tlc upright ftroke on the top towards the right hand, being the Tran

fcendental Note of ‘Гhing.

Рог 66. (vl) This Particle, by the Пюре of it, mult be a Conjunâion of

’ the third Combination, and by the politìon of it about the middle of

the Charaůer, it mult be the Caufal Particle For, or Beeaujê.

The 67. (’\) This oblique шоке towards the top is appointed to ligni

fie one of the Articles fubfervìent to Subftantives5 and becaufethe ob

liquity ofit, is from the bottom upwards towards the right hand,there­

fore doth it denote the Demonflrative Article The.

“тайм, or 68. as Numb. 12.

333%“ 69. (ц) as Numb. 35.

The 7o. (‘О as Numb. 67.

Power 7 I'Q-ñ-t) This Generical Character doth Íignifie Habit g the right

angle on the left fide, denoting the fecond Difference, which compre

hends the lnfl‘rnments of Virtue, commonly liiled the Good: of For-­

tune: the right angle at the other end, fignifying the fifth Species,

which is Power, defcribed to confift in an ability to proteöt our felves

and others from Injury.

And 72. (vl) as Numb. 35.

The 73. (‘\) ­als Numb. 67.

Glory 74, (und) The _fame Chataůcr, both as to the Genus and Diffe

rence with Numb. 7 t. The afhx towards the right hand fignifying the

fecond Species, which is Reputation, which by the tranfcendental mark

ofAugmentati've over the Charaëter towards the right hand, doth im

port the Notion of Glory, wiz. the greatelt kind and degree ofPtepuf

“Tione '


Chap. II.'

` 7;. (0|) ._as Numb. 4..

76. (el) as Numb. 7.

77. ( ’ ).This Generical Charaůer ­doth fignîliethe ofaverli e

ace. T'hëaeuteangle on the left tide tao the top, doth denote'îhe l

"P . .firftDifference, which is TimeiïThe other afhx fignifies the ninth fpe~l

cies under this Difference, which is Evene/i. .The Loop at the end

ofthis affix denotes the word to be ufed adverbulb 5 fo that the fenfe

of it mult be the fame which we exprefs `by that phrafe, For ever and

f'llef. \


78. ( ` ) The word Antonin the LitetalCharaůer, Anim'

79- (Li) asNumb, 1,9, ` I _ „. .so

8o. (Ч) as Numb.9. ‘

° r

_‚_„._‚___ Y.

. i'

k ` "С ‘ `

l. ` `­

hl \ ` \

‚ i


.._. -

t ,_ _.


l М!’ it bi.:




4-04- ° Concerninga ha! “ладу. Part 1V.


_ The Creed. g

‘wm Р’? “S-'Í -tengas/ua., ¿TLA-3a» «pt/,rQfStLS/S IDVeQ-td-s-M

vrs-'cyr w+, ."eèy/«sv’H-r‘s-r,ч—‚ Werte-,Mmes „ ш’ ‘sw’m-/­s»`.-a-=w/serbes/@femmmes

l a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to rr

‘ат _ ._ „щ ‚— 22's и t4. ‚

4Ibelieve in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and

l la i; r4. 15 r6 17 18 i9 zo :i 2z

’ u l_’i-x‘/ v L_- e, 043-' p'ââ o LS-l/ "' о

of Earth, and in jefus Chrili his Son only бит Lord, who was

23 24 a5 a6 27 a8 29 3o 3l 3:

.251» о’ ~­, er?. ’Lastra-FQ»

conceived by the Holy Gholi, born of the VîrginlMary, fuñëred

as 34 as' а‘ 37 38 39 4041 '42S еьш’шф,о trg-l Oss-‘w m, ,WWA-r

under Pontius Pilate, wascrucilied, dead, and buried, he defcended

4a 44 454e 47 4s 49505152 ss se ss 5657 58

'3 A­+­,. ° “А” 'f 'dans ’ ril-rinto hell, he did rife from the dead in the day third, He агата“!

59 6° ‘l 6`2 636465 66 67 6s 69 7°

`3L­l_­.£‘­‘.°m"`"­cf° ‘.­,

into heaven, where he litteth at the right hand of God the Father,

7x zz 73' 74 75 76 `77 78 »79- 80 8x82 83' 8485 86

from whence he lhall come to judge the (Mick and the dead. l believe

87 88' 89 9° 9‘ 92 9s s4

_ ‘- ’ »sì Ar-M A wf. ’ ы‘

_ inthe Holy Ghofh, the Church holy Catholick, the Communion of

__ 95 96 97 98 99 100 tor toa rc3 104. to; :o6 :o7

mf l щ чwl l ._ l- t LSA u l “+- v l

Saints, the forgivenefs ofБаз, the refurreé’rion of the body, and ‚Ь:

los „ log

-ÁEÍÄ‘ :'rqábr'

life everlafting.


~ A

"Chap 11. .Concerning мышцам i n И 4.65

1.('| This Particle being a iingle point,I той denote ohe ofthe l

`demon rative Pronouns in they Íingular Number:A And by its place

towards the upper end ofthe Charaä'er, and lbefore the Verb, the

Nominative Cafe ofthe firi’t Perfon, viz. I.

a. (Ц) This Particle being a Round, той Íignilic the copula, and Am

being placed towards the middle, and joyned with the Nominarifve

cafe ofthe Бгй perfon, it той be rendered (Am.)

` ‚ (m) This Generical Charaůer is a ointed to fi nifie the i ‘ "Geîms „5341,“. The aßix on the left hand mziDli’ing a right agngle with Bcl :me

the lower fide, doth (ignilie the fifth Difference under that Genus

which according to the Tables, is Infujêd Habit. The other aflix má?

kìng an obtufe angle, doth Íigniiie the. fourth Species, viz.. Faith,

which is defined to coniiů ina readinefs of mind to yield an effeä‘ual ‘

` affent (without any aífeóied captioufnefs) unto revealed Truths, up.

ou~ fuch Grounds as their natures are capable of, and fuch as „ein

themfelves fuñicient to prevail with a prudent reachable man, The

Hook upon the Difference denotes the Aâ'ive voice, and the hook

upon the Species, the Adjeäive, viz. Believing.

The Word Believe being ofan equivocal fenfe, may "катке be ex,

preffed by the Genus of Spiritual 4äion,the fecond differencenelatinto the Aë’ts of tbe Speculative judgment, and the afiinis ofthe feconâ

Species, which is Believing, defcribed to be an aiTent to any thing as"

truth upon the credit of others by whom it is related. Burj rather

chufe the former, as being more proper to this place.

4’ A [height Line being the’moíi (imple, is ,"put for the Cha- Gf’dflîe Fili

„де, ofGod. The acute angle on the left fide doth denote the l'irfidwr

perfor; ofthe Bleífed Trinity, namely, Сайте Father, which by fol

lowing the verb., is fuppofed ю be in the руда cafe. And this may

better exprefs the true notion of Credo in Ваш, .than by ming the Pre»

рейдов In, as the fenfe ofthat Particle is determined 1n the foregoing


5. (, "94) This Gharaé’tet doth by the two firokes denoting _an Almighty

Hjphm, appear to be a Compound. The two Points denote a Pronoun

ofthe third Combination, a'nd by the place of them at 'the bottom,they той Íigniñe the ‘Dniverßil Colleäive, viz. All.­ The Integral

Charafter with which this is corn ounded, is the Genusof Natural"

Power. The Hook at the end Íigni 'es the Grammatical notion of‚44

jeů'ive. So that this compound Charaûer may be rendered All-power

lul, Omnipotent, or Almighty.

TLT6. (l) This Particle doth lignilie the Demonßrative Article The


7‘. l) This Particle being аГтаП tranfvérfe Line placed at the fide, “Ivinsl been.'

той denote one ofthe Tenjèr. and being placed towards­ the upper ‘

part, it той iignihe the Preter Tente.

‚ .8.. 6335) The Genus ofthis Gharaêi'er is` appointed to fignihe Spi-'âffińs'růli‘


‚да lConcerning а Щи!Clumŕler.' Part 1V~





}efus Chrill



ritual Aâ’z'on, or the Aůion of a Spirit, or Spiritual Faculty. The aliix

on the left, and that likewile on the right fide, makin acute angles ‹

with the upper Íide, muli therefore Íignifte the fâríi di erence under

that Genus which refers to Aâ'iam of Gad, and the iirPt Species ofthat

Difference, namely, Creatiim 5 which is delined to be, the putting of

things into their firfi being. The hook at the end ofthe Difference

afiix, doth figniñe Aäi've, and the other Adjeäive. The tranfeen

dental mark, of a little fiat Line o_n the top towards the right hand,

doth denote Perfbn 5 fo that this Charaâer with the precedent aůxes,

doth properly' lignifie, tbe having been Creating Përjim. '

9. ("|) This Particle doth by its ligure appear to be one ofthe

Prepofítions ofthe firl‘t Combination, and by its pofition towards the

top ofthe Charafier, it is determined to be the firft of them, which

in Latin and Greek is exprefied by the Genitiv: cafe, and in Euglg'Í/J by

the Particle 0f; ` '

lo. (Ч-) The Genus of this Charaéìer figniñes World. The afiìx

on the left flde denoting the fecond Diíerence, is Heaven.

t t. (vl) This Particle, by the fhape ofit, appears to be a Стадии‘

@tion of the Erft _combination, and by the pofition of it towards the

middle ofthe Character, it той be the fecond of them, viz. the Con

junů'ìm лимиты, namely, And. _

e v'\l2. ("О as Numb. 9. u

_ 13. (bl-ät) The farne Charaůer as to Genus and difference with

Numb. to. The aflìx for the Species making an acute Angle, and paf

ñng below the middle line, doth denote the feventh Species, which

according to the Tables, is this Globe ofSea and Land.

r4. (vl) as Numb. n.

Y 15. The fame Generical Character as Numb. 4. The right

Angle denoting the fecond Perfon in the Bleífed Trinity, viz.. Эфись’фп l

1 6. (al) This Particle being a [ingle point, muli denote one ofthe

Ветви/{ниш Pronouns in the fingular number 5 and by its place to

-wards the bottom of the Charaêìer, it muli li nilie the third Perfon,

or He 5 and being made poliefiive by the curve ine under it, it muli be

rendered Hir.

_ 17. (o4-3J) The Genus of this CharaCter dotbdenoteoeconomieal

Relation. By the acute angle on the lefi Íide, isíignified the lirfi Diffe

rence, which is Relation ofСоя/дизайну. By_the right angle at the

other end, is denoted the fecond Species, which is defcribed to be Di

¿WÜ Afcending, namely, Parent5 to which is oppofed Direä Defcend

fvg, namel , Child, which oppofition is denoted bythe Loop on the

l*ift Íide oft e Character". .

x8. (9-34) The fame Genus with the former, the fourth Diffe- `

‘ ' rence,



~ Adjet‘ìive, viz.. Alone, or Oni).

Concerning a‘Real Charaâ‘er.

Chap. ll. ‚

rence, denoting Relations of Equality; the fecond Species flgnifyîng

that particular Relation which is founded upon our Converftng with

others, namely, Companion. To which the'oppofite (lignified by

the Loop at the ioyning of the _difference affix) is being in a (late of

Segregation from others. The book upon the Species aflix, denoting


19. (“1) Thefe two Points (landing level, mult Íignilic one ofthe

Dernouflrutive Pronounr, in the Pluralnumber. By the place ofthem

towardsthe upper бое of the Character, they mult denote thefirlt

Perfon,-We5 which being by the‘curve line rendered Poßèífìve, muft

fignifie Our. '


ao. (4S-l) The Genus of this Charaftcr is afligned to lignifie Civil Soumis“

Relation 5 of which the firft difference doth denote Degree: of Per- \

four. The fecond Species lignifying theßtprenze Magiftratc, to whom

others owe Subjeftion and Obedience, viz. King, Lord, Soverai‘gn.

2l. (al) This Particle confif‘ting ofthree Points, muli therefore who

fignilie one of the Compound Pronouns. By the pofition of it to

wards the middle of the Charaůer, it denotes the fecond ofthem, to

be rendered Who, when we fpeak of a Perßn : and Which, when we

fpeak of a Thing. ` '

aa. (Ol) The Copula, as Nunzba. but being here placed towards was

the top ofthe Charaäer, it mufl be rendered in the Preter renfe, viz..

Huth been,.or War.

23. (271’) The Genus'oft'hisCharaéter is afiigned to Страна! А- conceived

ó`t'ion. The acute angle on the left fide, denotingthe firft Difference,

namely, fuch corporeal actions as belong primarily to Vegetative and

living bodies. The right angle at the other end, figniñes the fecond ;

Species, which in the Tables is Infpregnation; to which the Word

Conception is adioyned by way of Aliinity, fignified by the Loop on theright'flde. The Loop on the Difference affix, flgnifying the Paßìve i ‘ f

voicei and the Hook upon the Species affix, Adjeóîz've.

Q4. (vl) This Particle, by the figure and pofition ofit, muil be B

the fecond in the firft Combination of Prepoßtìom, relating to the Fßï- y

cient Gauß, which we render Bj. — `

Q5. (‘1) as Nunrbó. The

a6. (\­­5­) The fame Genus with numb. 4, and 15. The obtulc »an-.Holy ст“

gle fignifying the third Perfon of the Bleffed Trinity, viz.. Hol]

Ghoß. ’

27. The farne Genus and Difference as numb. 23. The af- BomC

fix towards the right hand making an obtufe angle with the upper fide

mult fignifie the third Species, which is Parturition, 'or bringing forth.

The Loop at >the end ofthe difference affix, denoting Paf/ive voice,

and the Hook on the other fide, Adjective, viz. Borne.

28. („1) This Particle, by the figure and polition of it, doth ap- 0f

» . pear

4.o8 y Concerning a@al Charafler. Part IV»

pear to be the third of the firft combination of Prepofitions, relating

to the Material Спи/ё; ex qua (0f)

The ' Q9. (’\) as numb. 6.

virgin 3o. (L3-bo) The fame Genus as numb. i 7,& I8. The aflix towardsthe left hand,­ denoting the fecond Difference, which is Relation of

A_ßìuit) 5 the other affix denoting the firft Species,vin.that preceding

flare, whereby perfons are rendered capable of Marriage, namely,

Celibate, to which the notion ofVirgin is joyned as an aflinìs (denoted

by the Loop on the right fide) defcribed to be one that hath not cou

pled with any other. °

Mary 3 t. ("ЪЦ ) The name Mari in the Literal Charaůer, as being

a proper name.

c_apîrally Pu- 3;». The Genus of this Charafter doth belong to judicial

“мы ' Relation 5 the difference affix being the fifth, muli denote Capita/pu

ni/hment5 the Loop upon the Difference aflix fignifying Pa’lfive, and

the hook upon the other ‘afiix, Adjelïive. ’

under 3 3. (Ч) This Particle, by the figureand pofition ofit,muft bethe

Erft Oppofìte in the fixth combination of Prepofitions, namely, Un»


Ponńuspimc prefied only by a Literal Charaëier, according to our Englifh pronun

ciation. .

was 35. (0|) as numb. 22.

Crucìñsd 36. (gn-í) The fame Genus and Difference with numb. 32. Un

der which Crucijj'ing is reckoned as the ninth Species. The Loop on

the Difference afl‘lx doth denote the notion of Paßive voice 5 and the

Hook at the other end, the notion ofAeljeâ'ive, Cruciji'ed.

Dead 37. (Oife) The fame Genus and Difference with numb. 23,8( 27.

fignifying fuch corporeal Aë’tions as do primarily belong to Vegeta

tives. The afiix on the right fide, making an acute angle with the

'upper part ofthe trìtnfverfe, and pafling bëlow it, doth fignifie the

feventh Species, which is Living 5 to which Dying is oppofed. And

that the Oppofite is here intended, may appear gby the Loop at the

joyning ofthe Difference aflix 5the hook on the Species añix fignifying


And _ 38. (vl) as numb. t l. l

ЕЩЁ“! 39- (m) The Genus of this Charaë’ter is afligned to Ecclefiafli

cal Relation5 the fourth Difference comprehending the more com

mon ACtions belonging to Religion : the aH‘ix at the other end, being

a thorough flroke, and making an obtufe angle to the upper fide, mufi

denote the ninth Species, which is Bur}r'ng,dcfcribed in the Tables to

be one of thofe Ritual Offices confifiing in performance ofthe Rites

due to the dead, by putting their Bodies into the Ground. The

— Loop

34- C tts/s im > Thefe being Proper Names. at@ ‘Ё be @X- —

}Chap.ll. l ‚ Concerning a @alCbara'iier. i 409

Loop on the Difference aliix, doth lignilie (as before) Paßìve, and the

other Hook Adjeä'ive. ~

4o. (l) A'Pronoun of the third perfon, lingular number, viz. не


4r. as numb. 2a. ~ - l was

42. C” = Erl-J) This appears by the Hyphen, to be a compound Defcending

Character. The Particle in this compolition, doth by the figure and

polition, denote the Oppofite to the firft of the fifth Combination of

Prepolitions, viz. Виталий. The Genus of the Integral Chara

' eier, is Tranfcendental Aä'ion. The aliix on the left fide, making an

‘ acute angle with the bottom ofthe Line, doth denote the (ixth Dific

rence, which is Ition, or the palling of things from one place or [late

to another:` and becaufe there is no aliix at the other end, therefore

this Character mult denote the Difference it felf. The Hooks on each

Пёс, do lignilie Active and кидайте. .

43. (3l) This Particle doth by the figure and pofition of it, appear 1mg

to be the lirli of the fourth Combination of Prepofltions, and confe

quently to ÍignilieInto. — `

_ 44.(d­+­)`l`his Charaâer is the fame for Genus and DiH'erence with y

nuinb. lo. which doth there Íignilie Heaven; .and whereas here there HC“

is a Loop at the joyning ofthe Difference afiix 5 therefore muft it de­_

note that whichis oppofite to the former; namely, Heß. This Claufe

might perhaps be more properly exprelfed thus5 Не became in the Дам,

or дара/ДМ into tbe [литые plat., ofthe having died per/_onn

45. (l) as numb. 4o. He

46. (°[) as сутью. _ “т

47. (‘Ъ-3) The fame Genus with numb. a3, a7, 8c 37. Denoting`

Corporeal Atîr'ion. The acute angle on the left fide, cloth denote the “mg

fìxth Difference, which is Ge/iure5 namely, fuch animal n motion

whereby the fituation of the Whole or Parts is altered. The acute an

gle at the other end to the upper fide, doth denote the Hrfl Species,

which is motion upwards direû5 namely, Rißng. `The Hooks on

eac-h affix denote Aòïive and Adjeóì'ive. ‘ ‘ .


48. (al) 'this Particle, by the figurante puatron ont, muri bathe

tëcond ofthe third combination ol Prepofiriour, viz. Fraai.

49. C’l) as numb. 6. _

5o.(°l)asnumb.7.­ i ' ‘ (‚_

5 r. (m5-2,.) This Chartier is in all rel‘peéls the fame with numh.37.­ ‚

Excepting only, that there is another hook upon the Species aliixto-'De‘d Perron’

fignilie Plural Number, together with the tranfcendental Note of Perßn

at the top of the Charafler towards the right hand, whichinakes' theimportance of this Character, ' with theA two „тащить: to ¿n „ „_ . .

be, »The having died Pedim. ' " _ A

‚ ~ Gss з’


Having been _


41o Concerning a ‘Nol Gharaä'er. Part lV.

о" 5a. (Е l) Though this Prepolition be properly local, íignifying in, as À

being oppolitc to‘numb. 43. Yet it is applicable, as the others ofthe

fame kind are, to Time 5 in which cafe it may be rendered 0n.

ТИС 53‚ Cl) as numb. 6.

54. (rfi-Q The Charaâer isthe Genus ofMea/irre. The aliix both

on the left and right Íide, denote the fifth Difference, which is Mea

fure ofTime, and the fifth Species, which is Da] Natural.


Third 55. (Lil-7) The fame Genus with the former, denoting Meaßrre,

The Difference aflix making an acute angle with the upper (ide ofthe

tranfverfe, doth denotethe lirliDiíference, which refers to Number.

The obtufe angle at the other end of the tranfverfe, denoting the

third Species, which according to the Tables, is the number Three.

TbhedI-look on this affix, {hews this Word (о be ufed adjeäivel), viz.

T ir . ­

He 56. as numb. 4.o.

was 57- (ci) asnurnnn.

58, (m ¢ LFI-1) Such a Compound as numb. 4a. Only the Prepoliti

оп here”, being the йгй ofthe fifth Combination, той Íigniŕie ‘Upwardrg

and confequently, as the numb. 4‘2. did fi nilie Defcerrding : fo thisтой be the Oppofite to it, namely, d_jìendging.

Into - 59' 33.D1Jmb.43. -l

60. (Ч-) as numb. lo.

6|. (Ч) as numb.52.




which place 62. (i--l ‚) А Compound ofthe Pronoun Wbicb,and the tranfcend'en

‚ tal Mark of Place, viz.. Whichplace.

"e 63. as numb. 4.

64, (o2) The Copula in the prcfènt tenfe, which being applied toIs the third Perfon'lingular, той be rendered

sitting 65. (g3-1,) The fame Charaůer, both as to Genus and Diffe

rence, with that, numb. 47. The fpecies afliit makinga right angle

with the bottom of the [той/ай, той denote the fifth Species 5

namely, fitting, the hook upon this aflix,lignifying the notion ofAd


,t 66. ("3) This Partido, by the figur..- „а poßriooof it, doth ao

pear to be the firû Oppolite in the third combination of Prepofitìons,

and to Íignilie At. ›

The 67. (‘1) as numb.6. f

nighttime 68. 017/) The Genus ofSpace; The obtufe angle on the left Ede,


l fons. ‚

v8o. (vl) as numb. tr. Ana

8x. (’l)as numb. 6. — The

8a. ('l) asnumb. 7. I Having

83. (o45-35.) as numb.51. , Y i _, Dica perrons

84. (`l) asnumb.t. y ` ‚ I

85. (ol) as numb. a. ' ` Am

86. as numb. g.. miams t

87. (ч) as numb. o. l . írìroly

88. (’|) as numb. a6. ° The

Chap. Il.

denoting the third Difference under that Genus 5 namely, Situation :

the oblique line at the other end ofthe tranfverfe, pafiing by both

fides of it, doth denote the ninth Species under that Difference, viz..

Right Side, or Right Hand.

69. ("1) as numb. 9. of

7o. (L) as numb. 4. Gad the M_


71. (wl) as numb. 48. From.

7a. (in) 'as numb. 6a. Which place


73. (_\) asnumb. 4o.

74. (ol) The Copula in the Future tenfe, fignifying, Sballlfe. Shallbc

75. The Genus oftranfcendental At‘ìion, the lixth Dif- Comingl

ference, as before, numb. 42, 58. The firft Specics,viz.. Come. The

hooks on each afiix, denoting Aäive, Афиши, viz. Coming.

76. (nl) ThisParticle, by the figure and pofition of it, doth ap- F"

pear to be the fecond oppofite in the firft combination, >and to fignifie

a refpeâ to the final Caufes in Latin, ob, propter, in Englifh, For.

77. (2D-Ä) The Genus ofjndiciallìelati‘on. The firli Dil-Terence, Judging

which is Forinfic Perfons 5 and the Erft Species, which ‘is judge. The

hook upon the difference afiix, denotes this to be a Noun ofAftion,

viz.. Indication, or judging.

78. (’|) as numb. 6. Th,

79. (I1-ä) as numb. 5t. Only, there wants the Note ofOppo- Quick

fire; fo that as that fignificd dead perfons, this mult figniñe living per

o* 3.‘ `89. (т) The Genus ofEcclelìa/iicalRelation 5 the tranfeendental Chmh `

G g g a mark

_?oncńerning a @alCbaraëier. 4u

4u '


Concerning a @al C/oaraäer.

mark over it,


Part 1V'

denoting Aggregate, which is the proper notion of

9o. (rn-5|) The lame Genus and Difference, as numb. 3. Denoting

Infufèd Habit 5 the fecond Species being Holinefr, defcribed to be that

'. ) habitual frame, whereby one is fitted for virtuous aûions 5 more efpe




cially for the duties of Religion : the hook upon the Species aflix, de

noting the Notion of Adjeâ'ine, viz. Hol). ~

91. (MJ) The Genus ofthis Charaäer is afligned t0 Iignifie Tran

`fcendental Relation mixed5 the obtufe angle at each end, muli denote

the third difference, and the third fpecies : the third difference under

that Genus,containing fuch tranfcendental relations as concernNumber.

The third fpecies, being that more diftinél: relation of one Indetermi

nate, orAll, viz. Particularitj, or Univerjiility. The Loop at the

joyning of the dilfereneeaflix, denoting an Oppoßle. ¿0th determine

the Charaóier to the iìcond ofthefe: And the Hook at the end of

the fpecies aflix, doth make it lignifie as an Adjelîive, ViLUnitoer/àI,


92. (’|) as numb. 6.

93. (M5-l) The Genus of Eccleliaflical Relation, as numb. 89;

The third Difference, concerningЛат ofReligion 5 the fecond fpeci

es, Catbolick, or С‘шптшшмпэ which is delcribed to be one that is

in a Пан: of Charity with the body ofthofe that agree in the fame pro

fcllion : the Ablîraê? of which, denoted by the hook upon the _diffe

rence afiix, is Communion.




Beingforgiven 97. (@7’) The Genus of judicial Relation, as numb.77.

d „ 11i/lament, orfreeing from it, Executing,


Sins .

94. as numb. 9.

95. 0-51) The fame Genus and difference, as numb. 93 The

fifth fpecies denoting fuch as are eminently religiour5 the hooklupon

the fpecies afiix, Íignifying the Plural Number, viz. Зайти

96. (‘1) as numb. 6. i

_ _ The

fecond difference denoting judicialdäliom. The ninth fpecies figui

fying that kind ofJudicial Aëtion, which concerns the infliâ'ing опт

ог Pdrdoning. The Loop,

at the joyning of the difference afiix, denotes this to be an Oppofite,

‚ ‚ ' niza’PardOning or Forgiving. ~ ,The Loop upon the top ofthis afiix,

гйзшбев the pafiive voice, viz. the beingforgiven.

98.("D as numb. 9.

99 The Genus of Tranfcendental General 5 the third diffe

rence refpeäing the more common and abfolute differences ofthings 5

the fecond fpecies denoting that difference ofthings, which doth in

clude a refpetït to the Will, as to the agreement or difitgreement of

thin s with that Faculty, [tiled Goodneji or Eoilnyr. The Loop to

шаг sthe left hand, at the joyning ofthe aflix, denotingoppoßte, viz.'

' J


_ lCbzatpŕ‘l I. ‘ fonceminga Щи!Úbaraä'er. .1.1;­

Evilnejì 5 the hook at the other end ofthe làmealiix, doth Íïgniñe the

Aäive voice r, and the hook upon the other añix, doth denote theplu

ral number: So that the meaning ofthis Charafier, muli be wil ай‘!

от, the fame as Trefpalies, or Sim.

10'0. (it) as~ numb. 6. .thc ‚

101. (_i l The mark ofFuture tenfe. -, 'Fume

10Q, (ь =д3-\) А compound Charaëiret‘. The Particle, doth by Rem „M_

the ñgure and the poÍition of it, appear to be the third Oppofite in the ving a’gain

fourth Combination of Adverbs, which is Re, denoting lig/finition to

what was before. The Integral Charafier Iignifies Life; as numb.79.

103. CD as numb. 9. _ ` — of


|05, (од-Ь) The fame Genusas numb. 10. Íignifying World. The Body

ñrfi difference under that Genus, being Spirit. The Oppofite to which, l

denoted by the Loop at the joyning ofthe Aliìx, is Bod). ‘

104. ("|) as numb. 9. _ The

106. (vl) as numb. п. ‚ ‚ - ш!

107. (‘\) as numb. 6. Tl“

108. (_l) as numb. 101. Future

109. (437‘) The fame Integral as 102. Life

1 to. (‚ :pil-9b) A compound with the Pronoun А”, as numb. 5.Ev¢rlaninl

The Genus ofthe Integral being the fame with numb. 54., 55. doth де

note Мед/те 5 the fifth difference of which, doth iignilie >meafure of

time, to which the word Duration’ is adjoyned by way ofAflinity,

Íigniŕied by the Loop at the right fide, where ‘Не hook denotes Adje

äive : So that the true fenfe ofthis Charaóier, is All-during, or E'ver


l forbear any other Examples out of Arißdtle, Euclid, 771111,!‘нет-е,

which I once thought 'to have fubjoyned 5 becaufe if what hath been

already delivered, be fufiiciently underůood, it will appear ealie

enough to render any thing out of thofe Authors, in this‘Charaéìer.

Iíhall only add concerning the Charaâer here propoied, that be

Íides the Facility, Camlinefi and Di/ìinäŕneß ofit, containing a Defcri~

ption ofwhat is to be exprelfed by it, both as to the nature ofthe

things, and the Grammatical Variation of the тогда; ’tis likewife

a much[допи- way ofwriting, than that by Letters : and by the great

Variety which it is capable of, would afford the ­furel’r way for Crypta

grapb] or jêcret Writing. '


4-‘4. i i . Concerning n welCharaäer.' Part IV~ —

CH A P. Ill.

How this Real Charaóler may be made afable in n dißinéi Lani guage, and what kind of Lettera` or Syllnbler` may be com/mi..

ently aßìgnecl to each Charaëief.

Y what hath been already delivered, it may fuŕliciently appear,

how any thing or Notion, which falls under humane Dilcourfe,

may be expreífed by fuch a Charafier as (hall be legible tomen of all

Nations and Languages.

lcome now to fhew how this Univerfal Characîer may be made effa

ble in a diliint‘l Language: The unfolding of which (fuppoiing what

hath been faid about the Charaéter and Grammar, to be well under

ftood) will need but little time and pains. ’

The Qualifications defirable in a Language, ihould have fomeana

‚ logy and proportion to thofe before mentioned concerning a Charaäer

or way ofWriting 5 Namely,

yr. The words of it ihould be brief, not exceeding two or three Syl

lablcs t, the Particles conftl’ting but ofone Syllable.

2. They fhould beplain and facil to be taught and learnt.

3. They {hould be ßfßìcientlj машут/е from one another, to

prevent miliake and equivocalnefs 5 and withal [Займы and copieur,

, ‚ . anfwerable to the conceiprs ofour mind. ‚

` 4‘. They (hould be Euphonical, ofa pleafant and graceful found.

5. They fhould be Methodical, thofe of an agreeable or oppofite

fenfe, having fomewhat correfpondent in the founds of them. The

order to be obferved in the afligning of Letters and Sounds to thefe

Charat‘ìers,v muli be after the fame manner with the Method before

made ufe of, in treating concerning thefe Charaûers : Beginning Erftwith Integrali, according to their feveral Varieties, А and then proceed

ing to the Particles'. _ '

The Integral: may be confidered, either as they are Radicals, placed

in the Tables, either more direc?, whether GenugDifereuce, or Specie: 5

or elle Laterallj, either by way ofA_ß‘ìnity or Oppqßtion.

And next to the Words or Sounds appointed for .each ofthefe Radi’

cals, it is to be confldered, by what kind ofChanges or Varieties, the

feveral Derivation: and Inßeäion: may be exprelfcd.

_ The ñrl’t thing to be Rated in fuch an Inl’titution, is to aihgn (шеи!

Letters and founds for the 4.o Genm's. It were not difficult to olïer

great variety ofthefe ,but to pitch uponthat which upon all accounts

would be the beit, will require fo much coniîderatìon, and praâife,

and fo many Trials as lcannot pretend unto.


Chap. lll. Concerning 4R64] аш'ддгд 4-15

That which at prefent feems moli convenient to me,is this 5

'Il General Bd. Exanguious Zd. Spiritual Cd

Ё‘ Rel. mixed B8 Ё Fmi Za Ё, Corporçal Ca

ä ReLOfAefion Be Ё’ Bird Ze ё‘ Motion Се

- Difcourfe Bi ‘7 Beaft Zi Operation Ci

'God DGL '3 Peculiar ‘ _Pd

World ° Da E'âGeneral Pa Oecop. Co

Element De ,@(Magnitude ‚ Pe Polief. Cy

Stone Di Ё Space Pl г: Provif. Sa

Metal Do ë' Meafure Po .g4 Civil Sa

Herb L_eaf Gd. `Power Nat. та’ g Judicial Se

Flower Ga р Habit Ta Military Si

tothe' Seed~vefi`el Ge Ё Manners Te Naval S0

Shrub Gi i' (Машу fenÍibleTi ECclelÍ SY

Tree Go Difeafe To '

The Diferencer under each of фей: Gemu‘s, may be expreli'ed by

thefe Confonantsf B, D, G, P, T, C, Z, S, N.

inthisordergl t a 3 4. 5 6 7.8 9.

The Specie: may be expreíi'ed by putting one of the feveh Vowels

after the Confonant, for the Difference', to which may be added (to

make up the number) two ofthe Dipthongs, according to this order

d., a, e, i, o, 8, `Y,yi, y‘ö.

{1 Ф s45 6 7 8 9

For infiance, lf (De). figniñe Ele/nent, then (Deb) muli Íignilie the '

Brit difference 5 which (according to the Tables) is Fire : and (Deà

Ьа) will denote the iirft Species, which is Flaure. (Det) will be the

fifth difference under that Genus, which is, Appearing Meteor,

(Dieta) the firl't Species, viz.. Rainbow, (Dern) the fecond, viz..

H4 o.

Thus, if (Ti) Íigniiie the Genus ofSenßble Qualit), then (ТЫ) mufk

denote the fecond difference, which comprehends Coloursi and

(Tida) muli Íignilie the fecond Species under that difference, viz..

‚Кайф: (Tide) the third Species, which is Greenuefr, Sec.

Thus likewife, if(Be) be put for the Genus of Traëß'gndental Kelat'ì

оп ofdů'jon, then (Bec) muli denote the Бак!‘ di erence, which is

Irion, and (Bec'ö) will Íignilie the Íixth Species, which is Fel/01r

ìug. ‚

AsforthofeSpecies under Plants and Animals, which do exceed

the number ofNine, they may be eitprefi'ed by adding the Letters L,

or R,after_the lirii Confonant, to denote the fecond or third offuch

Combinations. Thus, if GOL-dc be Tulip, viz. the third Species >irl

the iitfi Nine, .then Gldde mul’c lignilie Ro'mjîm, viz.'the шагаю the

fecond Nine, or the twelfth Species under that Difference. SoifZana be Salmon, viz.. the fecond fpeciesy in the firft Nine, them Папа

muli Íigniñe еще”, viz.. the fecond in the fecond Nine 5 or the ele»

venth Species under that Difference.


4.16 ` l ` Concerning а ‘lQal Cbnraîler.' Part

It mult be granted, that there is one inconvenience in this Contri

vance for the fupernumerary Species, namely, that according to this

way ofexprefling them, they are fcarce capable ofthe derivation of

Adjective : But this is more tolerable, becaufe 1n fuch matters, Where

this will happen, there 15 no neceílary occafion for this .deriva


Thofe Radicals whichare joyned to others ’by way ofdßínity, may

be expreffed, I. In Mönofjllabler, by repeating the Radical Vowel

before the Confonant. For example, 1Г(Ве)‘[18о111е5 Element, then

(Ede) той Íigniñe that which is joyned to .it by way of añinity, vin,

Meteor. lf (Di) be Stone, then (Idl) will [ignrlie Concretiom‘, Btc.

a. In Djßjllabler, by repeating the fecond Radical Confonant after

‚ the laft Vowel : Thus,if`(Dade) be Planet, (Daded) will Íignìúe C0.

' met. lf (подо) Ье Ice, (Повод) will Íignifre Snow, ôte. ‚

ТЬоГе Radicals which are paired together upon the account Offin

gle Oppoßtion, may be exprefled,

х. In Mono/jllabler, by putting the oppofite Vowel before the Hrft

Confonant, according to that order ofOppoiition before fet down

ont? U

namely, of a ‚то êo

~ e) 8 ot y.


Thus, if(DOL) be put to Идите God, then (idd) mult Íignifie that

which 15 oppofed, namely, Idol. If (Dab) be Spirit, (odab) will be

Body. If(Dad) be Heaven, (edad) will Íigniñe Но”; .

a. ln Dyíjllabler, by adding the Letter (S) to the lafl' Vowel:

t Thus if(Pida) be Pre/Ence, (pidas) will be Abjênce. If(Tad8) be

‘ Power, then ( ТадЗз) will be Impotence.

_ As for thofe doable Oppo/tte: by Way ofExee/i or Defeèî, which fome

times occur, as they are to be reprefented in writing by the Tranfcen

dental Points of Excçfŕ or Defeä, 0n the top ofthe Charaůter, fo are

they to bc expreffed in fpeaking by thofe Syllables appointed to thefe

Characters, which muil be added to the termination ofthe word :.

Thus if(Teba) be jlgßice, (Tebas) will íignifie the Oppo/íte Conxnron 5

namely, Injtgßice: And (Tebafla) the Oppoíite by way of Excefs s

namel , Юго’, and (Tebaflo) the Oppoíï'te by way ofDefeâ, viz..Renny/lyon. ­ `

Тори Veracit).

Tepds Lying.

Tepollla Отец/215%.

ТерОШо ‘дпдетфуйхд‚ Detraüìng.

„уедет {hould be expreíl’ed b changing the Erft radical Confo

nant, according to this eůablilhment-g,

в, D, G, P, т, с, z, s, ‘ы.

V, 08,68, F, 1a, ca, zh,sh, Ng.


Chap'. IV. _ i Concernin‘ga RealClmraäer.

б 1306 y God f 1380!muü Íì_ (Divine.

Thus, И}, De do Gguiñeäßlementëthenä Däe niñeîElementary

" Do " Stone D80 g Stony.

Adverbs may i be expreffed by turning Фе ñrfl Radical Vowel into

a Dipthong. г So Ddl is Divinelj. (Sylb) is Religioußj. (Sylgas) is

Scbifmaticallj. . `

Abfiratfts may be expreíi'ed, l. In Monojjllable: ofthe Genus, by ад

ding the Letter (г) after the Erft Radical Vowel. So Ddr is рт; ot

Divinity. - ' ` ‘

ln Monoßllable: ofthe Diference, and Dißllabler ofthe Ереван, by

changing the fecond Radical Charafter Confonant thus;

в, D, o, P, T, c, z, s, N. o

v, oh, ozu, ть, Trb, zh, sh, Ng.

The Letters Dzh, and Tlh, being Фе fame power which we Englilh

men giveto Фе Letters G, and Ch, in Фе words Ginger, and Cbaritj.

Thus ’

(Edd) is Caufe5 (ВадЬ) is Caußlitj. к

(Saba) is King, (Sava) Кредит] or Majeßj.

There are only two things noted in the Gharaůer belonging to the

Infleäion ofwords 5 namely, ` l

‚1. The Aû'i-ve and Palline voice, to be expreífed by the Letters L,

and N, after the lirll Vowel :thus (Salbe) is Regnation 5 and (Samba)

is 'r3 "едкий. -

2. The Plural Numberinßsulzßmtiver, which is fomctìmes likewife

afiixed to Adjectives, when they are ufed fubliantively, by reafon of

any tranfcendental Mark joyned to' them. And this may be done by

prolonging the Hrll Vowel, which upon all other occafrons, is to be

pronounced as being lhort. ’ But becaufe it will be difficult to prolong

this Vowel in Monofyllables ofthe Genus, when no Confonant doth

follow5 therefore in this cafe it may be proper to add the Vowel 8 to

rhenadicalvowcl. выпад ье‘ащвш willbeGodr. с

According to this eftablifhment, every Radical GenusJDìíference

and Species, may be exprelled by fuch words as are .facil Анд-‘рифм.

Thofé-Words that are molt harfh and'dif'hcult, will happen этапа":

Íiiçh ofthe Derivations as are feldom ufed i as infome ofthe Af’t'ive

or Paílive Adverbs, and in fome ofthe Abfiraâs.„.-By thefe lnliances it will be eafie tounderlia'nd all Фе refigi l

The Particles may be expr'eíTed either l by (implelVowels orälïtip-l

thongs, or. by fome oftholè’Monofyllables, not" ufed for any ofthe

Genus’s ot Differences." `; ' ' I*

.'...î' l (-1‘ „гЗБ „ф.srt j „а .‚ v. .-ç

Amonglt the Grammatic Particles, the more principal are, the

Серии, Prenoms, Interj‘eâ'iom, Prepofitiom, Adverbs, Ступка!

¿l? нььr. The



4.18 Concerning a Km! б/мтйег. Part lV. ‚

1. The copula, or Verb Sum, according to its threefold place in the





Charaůer, may be expreífed by thefe Diptbong säo


2. The Pronoun, according to their feveral kinds, may be expref

fed by thefe Vowels and .Dipthongsg

.a .. ш ­~| ~ «из on.

. a .. al .’ 8 . X : 38 '-' 88.

-e --el :yl ~.yÈd=e8­-­H

Poßèßíw Pro noun: by prefìxing (H.) Reduplìcative, by interpolìng

(L.) So HOL is wine, На!“ is т; от’.

3.‘!‘Ье nmjeaim, being Natural founds themfelves, need not

have any aílìgned to the Charaůers of them, than what are General.


Heigh Ah, alack,.alas.. Vauh,Hau.

¿Hmz Hu. ‘1 На, ha, he. Hoi,ah,' oh. “

Pilh, Shu,Tufh О, O that. Phy.

Но, 0h. На.

Е)а‚ now. Vae, wo.

4. The Prepo/îtionr may be expreíïed by Monofyllables framed of

L, and K ¿after this manner.

(La, Li. ка, ы. Lal, Lil l Rai, nu

La, La? э âlla, Ro. Ё‘ -{Lal, Lolâma Kal, Rolgë

ЁОЬ, foho. St, bulb, mum, whilhg


zLeJ L8. Re, R8 ‚ Lel, L81 Rel, КВ!

Lm, 1,11- Rar, Kir' .—

wÉLar, Lor}~aëß.ar, Kor s

` Let, L‘dr Ker, R81' '

5. Adverb: may be expreífed'by Monofyllables, with the initial Let#

ter'M. after this manner 5

‚ Ma, Mi мш, мы Mar, Mir Mas, Mis MY.-l Ma, Mo L ­1§Mal, Mol г -L Mar, Мог}- -‘{Маз, МОТ} +{MXL

Me, M8 Mel, МВ! Mer, M‘ör Mei; M‘ós М!!!

6. Conjunäiom may be expreífed by Monofyllables, with the Initial

Letter N, after this manner 5

Non,­ Ni Non, Nil Non, Nif Non, Nif».u

v ëNa, No? >ì Nal, Nol? У Nar, Nor gx‘líNas, Мозг‘

Ne, N8 Nel» МВ! . Ner, МВ: Nes, Näs

ßo‘ncerning a TQM] Cbaraä'er.

Chap. II I.

The more fervile Particles are of three kinds, мы“, Mader,


I. The Articles being but two, mayrbe thus expreaedai:

a. The Imperative Mode, according to its threefold difference of

Petition, Perfwaßon, Command, may be expreffed by thefe Dipthongs,

so 18,1 . ‚aThe gecondar] Modes, by Dipthongs or Tripthongs, according to

their differences of Abßlute or Conditional. So the Mode of

Power' f 861,8614.

Liberty whether Abjôlute or Conditionalgäa, 8st.

Will ‘ is to beexprefled by 8e, Sel.

Necefiity . (до, lriot.

3. The Ten/ès, Paß, Preßmt, and Future, may be expreffed by thefe

Dipthongs, 8l, By, 8XL.

The Tr'anjìendental Particles, to be added by Way of Compoûtìon

in the termination ofwords, may be exprefled by thefe Syllables,

l \ .l _,

' ____^._..­. ­­­­^ ' ^-_-. _^.-__

tot, la, le)> 8d., 8a, 8e ' MCL,Ma,Me МОЦ, Mal, Mel ‚

t8, lo,ly 8l, 80,83: Ml, M0,M‘¿ Mil, Mol,M8l

­­­­­v­»­) ­­~­v­­ — t ~­­v _» .

_ / t. г

Non, Na, Ne NOLl,Nal,Nel LOL, la, le Kd, Ka, Re

` Nl, No.N8 Nil, Nol,N8l Ll,Lo,L'e2 Kl, Ro, R8

L ­­-­v , t v­_­ _ ­­­­­v­­ ­­­­v­­~_

а ‹ П C

In which Confiitution, the Marks made ой: ofbefore, either for Pre'ß

_ politicus, Adverbs, or Conjunòì'ioru, have the farne Syllables afiigned'to' _

them. ‹ —

It is hereto be noted, that as Number: are provided for in writing, "

by dil’tinâ Charaëiers from the гей, fo Íhould they likewife have fome'

futable provilion in Лимит. I

fuggefted for the exprefiion ofNumbers by writing, namely,either 'by

wordt at length, or by Figurer, there 'fhould therefore be fome provi»

lion anfwerable to each ofthefe forЛед/4113.

1. The Words at length for the nine Digits, are to be made offfrom

the Tables after the fame manner as all other Species are 5 and as for

the other Numbers above this, viz.. Ten, Hundred, Thoufand, Milli*

on, they may be expreffed by adding the Letters L, Ft, M, N. after

the’laít Vowel, according to thefeExamples z

H h h 2 PobOll.

And becaufc there are twowaies before .v


Concerning‘dЩи! Chantier. Part 4IV

РоЬа1 a0.

Pobar 200.

Pobam aooo.

Poban aoooooo.

Poliel 3o;

Pober 300.

Pobem 3000.

Poben 3000000,ó'c. `

Poboll to.'

Pobdr too.

Pobam i000.

Poban 1000000

Pobdm Pob‘ör Pob'ztl Pob‘et.'

One thoufand Six hundred Sixty Six.

a. The Figurer ofNumbers, may be moli conveniently expreffed in

Speech, in that way fuggefted by Найден 5 namelys by afligning one

ma' cap“7'Vowel or Dipthong, and one Confonant to each ofthe Digits, Гар

pofe after this manner,

la 2’ 3’ 4’: sa 6’ 7a 8’ 9s о‘

а a, e, l, o, ‘15,y, L8, yl, X8.Э

b, d, g, p, t, f, l, m, n, r.

According to which conliitution, a word of fo many Letters, mary

ferve to’ exprefs a number of fo many places. Thus either of the e

words, Olc‘öc, шага, ЬЗсЗ, will fignifie 16665 which is as 'mucha

better and briefer way for the exprefling of thefe numbers inßeech, as

that other is for writing, betwixt Figures` and Wordt at lengt .

The Grammatical Variations belonging to Number, whether Deri

шт”: ог :alim-0a., may for the nine Digits I_be framed according to

common Analogy. For greater Numbers, it may be convenient to

prefix the Difference denotingnumber in general 5 namely, Pob be

fore the W0fd.for any Particular, as fuppofe etc‘dc be the word for

the number, let it be made Polictc‘öc for the Cardinal Number {1666

rabais! 1667

then Fvlrdßäc will be the Ordinal, or Adjective Neuter, denoting


the 1666‘ъ

{1667'ь фа‘

By what hath been faid, itis eafie to conceive, how this Charaë’cet

may be made effable as to all the Specie: 'of things, to gether with' their

Derivation: and “Лежат. As for Individuali," I have Пита!

beéore, how the names of them are to be exprefled by a Literal Cha

ra er.

But thefe things will more difiinâly appear by infiance offomething

written in this 'Lan uage : In Order to which, Ifhall offer an Exam

ple of it in the Lor s Pray'er and the Creed.


A. ‚.

Chapa'I IV'.


An Inßance of tbe Philofopliical Language; botlo in tioe Lords

'Prayer and tbe Creed. А Comparißn ofthe Language here

propofed, with fifty otlierr, ar tothe Facility and Euphoni

calnefr ofit.

АЗ Ihave before given lnliances ofthe Real Character, fo I lhall

here in the like method, fet down the fame Infiances for the Phi

lofophical Language. Ifhall be more briefin the particular explicati

on of each Word5 becaufe that was fufiiciently done before, in treat

ing concerning the Charaâer.

Tloe Lords Prayer.

Нсы coba '58 la ril dad, ha bdbt to f'dymt'ob, ha falba ‘судей, ha

tOLlbt lo verng‘ö, m8 til dady me ttl dad to velpt rOLl di ril lpoto hat

fdba vary, na ‘о f‘öeldy‘zts loll ou Ьоы botlgas me ш sa iäeldyëts lOLl

et 88 ш vdlgas t8 ш namt to velco ctt, гс‘! bedodl‘ô nil to cëtalbo

мы vctgasie, nor Olllalba, na dl tado, na dl ада!“ ta ha pi‘öby‘ä

QJ m8 ю. ‘

c l Á-B-l ‘.- о E l­­­|­­I .s LA.` я nä ‚ .s

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 1r

_Hdl coba '238 sa ril dad, ha botbi to (‘душа ha

Our Father who art in Heaven, Thy Name be Hallowed, Thy

¿s-l‘em, Ф ew MMM-+4 .SLi-,8.414.

12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 2.324 25 26

falba 1ovelcot,ha годы lo vemg8,m8 ril дай! те rildad, to velpi

Kingdome come, Thy Will be done, foin Earth as in Heaven, Give

....„rzha‘ed гцуещ.„„еш

2728 a9 во 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3940 4I

roti ш ril tpoto hott' fotba vary, na tof‘deldi‘ds lal >a1 holtbotlgas

to us on this day our bread expedient and forgive to us our trefpalies

424344 45 46 4748 49 ‘во 51l 5,353 54 5556 .57 58

iaf‘öeldyl‘öslalet 88rd. ‘фаза r‘d you, na miiovelco at roll

a8 We forgivethem who trefpafs againft us, and lead us not into`

_‚_’.‘› l

4.2.7. Concerning a Tbilo/öplsical Language.' Part lV.


59 6061 62 6; 64 65 6o 67 68 697e 71 72

bedodl‘â nil to c‘ddlbo al lal vagaste nor cLl falba, na dl tado, na

temptation but deliver us from evil for the Kìngdom,& the power, 'and

‘ i-r' o Ф ‘п’ «ы . s

73 74 7s 76 77 t 78 79 8O

oLl tadalotto ha pt‘áby‘zt fit) m‘äto.

the Glory isthine, for ever and ever. Amen.So be it.

our I. (HOU) This Dipthong (ш) is aliigned to fignilie the firft Perfon

plural amongli tbe Pronouns, viz.. We. T_he Letter b prelixed to it,

doth denote that Pronoun to be ufed роПёПп/Ыуа .'viz.. Our. ‹

Ртт 2. (Coba) Co doth denote the Genus of Oeconomicallìelation;

the Letter (b) lignifying the iirll difference under that Genus, which

is Relation of Conlimguinity; the Vowel (а) the fecond Species,

which is Direô‘ ajŕcuding 5namely,Parent.

МЮ 3. This Dipthong is appointed to lignilie the fecond ofthe

compound Pronouns, Who, perfonal 5` 01‘ Which, Real.

Arr 4. (1:1) This dipthong is appointed to lignilie the prel’ent renfe of

the Copula (gli) and being fpoken of the fecond perfon, is to be ren

dered Art.

In (ril) is a Prepojïtion, the firli Óppolite ofthe fourth combination 5

and therefore muli Íigniñe (in.)

Heaven 6. (dad) The Syllable (da) is appointed to lignilie lthe Genus of

War/d5 the addition of the Letter (d) doth denote the fecond diffe

rence under that Genus, which is Heaven.

Thy 7. (ha) The Vowel (a) is afligned to Идите а Pronoun ofthe lin

gular number, and fecond perlon. The Letter (h) before it, doth

denote it to be underfiood poll'ellively, and to fignifie (Th1) or

(Thine.) _ l '

NIM' 8. (habi) The Syllable (bol) doth denote the Genus offranfcèn

dental General. The Letter (b) doth denote the firß: difference, and

the'Vowel (t) the fourth Species, which is Nane.

my „bc ' 9. (10}1’1115 Dipthong is appointed to lignifie that ltind 01101110‘

tive Mode (as it is commonly (tiled) which is Vby 111/а)? о1ьРе1111о11 5 the

fenfe of it being, 1pra) that it ma) be. — ' ‘

Hallowed 1.o. (S'äymtoß (Sy) is put for the Genus of Eccleßaßical Relriti'än:

The Confonant (t) for the fifth difference, and the Vowel (а) ‘for

v the ñrfi fpecies, which according to the tables, is,c'onjêcration, or Hal

lawing. The Addition of the Vowel (8) to (S) cloth ligniíie the noti

on ofAdjeä'ivq and the addition ofthe Letter (m) at the end ofthe


r'v-'ŕ" ' _"_'_` ' `"` _' ~ '—"’;’

Chap. lvßoncernìng aTlJilo/opbical Language. 4.2;

Eril Syllable, figniŕies the Paßî've voice, viz.. Hal/owed.

-п. (Ьа.) as numb. 7. . ­ Thy

12. (Salba) (За) is Civil Relation 5 (Ь) denotes the l-irft difference, Kingdomor _

which is degrees ofperfons5 and (а) is the fecond fpecies, which, ac. Ксению“

cording to the tables, is King ; the addition of(1) to the l‘irů Syllaßle,

doth denote a word ofAäion, viz. Regnatian. ‘

‚13. (lo) l21S numb. 9. l Mayitb'c


14. (Часа!) (Be) is the Genus of Иди/делайте! ‚дам; (с) de- có'ming.notes the Их!!! difference under that Genus,l and (о!) the firfi fpecies,

Whichligniñes Coming: the turning of (b) into (v) denotes this word ' ‘

to be an Adjeäi‘ve, and the Letter (L) to be an Aëtive.

15.(ha) as numb. 7. ‘ Thy

А 16. (tdlbi) (га) doth denote the Genus oíNalural Power, (Ь) the °"°“‘

НгП difiere-nce, and'(l)the fourth Speciesi namely, Will: the Letter

` (l) denoting a Noun of Aůion, viz.. или”.

17. (ю) as numb. lo. Mayitbc

Done or ac

18. (vemg'zi) (be) is the Genus of Tranfœndental Aô’ian :, (g) de- compmhcd

notes the third difference, and (8) the ůxthffpecies; which is, Per.

forming, or Accomplifhing: the chan e of (Ь into v) denoting this

Word to be an Aeljeâi'ue, and (ш) Pdf/île, Performed. v

19. (та) This Monofyllable with (ш) mult denote an Adverb, and 3° _

the lait oppoiîre ofthe ñrll Combination 5 which is, Se. ­

' no (ril) as numb. 5. _ in

21. (дай!) (da) is the Genus of World, (d) ìsthe feeond diff@ Em“

rence, whichis Heaven; the Vowel y ßgnifying the {èvenm fpccìes

under that difference, which is this Earth, or the Globe ofLand and

Segwhereon we inhabit. ‚

an. (me.) Paired with numb. 19. and therefore mult íîgniñe, A.

Ax. ` 'ln3. (ril) as numb.5. _ y In

a4. (dad) as numb. 6. ` ' - Heaven i

25. (до) The farne Particle as numb. 9:“ But being here joy‘ned Maiñthoub‘e

with a word aôtive, and relating to the fecond pe'rfon, lt muß be ren

dered,'Mai/ì than be. _ „ f «J ‚ _

’6- (ЧЕМ) (be) is Tranfcendental Aâipn (P) 4the (штате- Giving.

rence, зад“) the fourth fpecies, which `i's"'Giving`2 b'changedi‘nto iv, denoting adjeûive, and (l) aûiye. ` “ —

.im 'e-«l - .— О

I- ° z' ‚ ` ‚‘‚‹

‘~~- ' «'~ ­ ­"!‘ i ,.1. к: ."\‘Э7. -‘-—.$:,*.«Jxh _| -k ._ ‚ .‚‚_ ы l.. .`

4.2.4. Concerning o ‘Pbihfopbicol L anguoge. Part 1V,

T0. 27. (ldl) A Prepofition ofthe lirft Combination, fignifying To.

. щ 28. (ш) А Pronoun, iirfi perfon, plural numberg namely, We,

or Us.

'In 29.(ril) as numb. 5. _

This 30. (l) The ñrfi ofthe relative Pronouns, fignifying Thil».

my 31. (poro) po is the Genus of Meafure, (t) the fifth difference,

’ ` and (о) the fifth fpccies, which is Da).

ОН‘ _ 3a. (hdl) as numb. t.


33. (Saba) SCL denotes the Genus of Oeconomicol _Promjîong (Ь)

the lirfi dilîerence, and (а) the fecond fpecies, which is Знай.‘

EXPCdiU“ 34. (Vary) (bd.) is the Genus of Traufceudentalamenl, (г) the

. fifth difference, y the feventh Трест; the change of Ь imo »v’ d¢_

notes this Word to be an ‚шрам, and to Íigniñe Expedimr,

And 35. (Na) A Conjunfiion, the fecond ofthe НА} сошыщйщъшъ

And. ‚

ММ“ ь‘ 36. (to) as numb. a5.

Porgiving.37. (S'öeldy'zss) Se isthe Genusofjudicial Relation d, thefecond

difference, y‘öthe ninth fpecies, which is Forgi‘ving: 8 joyned to

the hrlt Conionant, fignifying the notion ofАфиши, and l, of Aòì'ive,

(I) the Oppoßte. _ _ _

То I 38. (lcd) as numb. a7. `

us i 39» (ОМ) as numb. 28. _

our i 40. (hdl) as numb. r'.


e 4r.- (bdl as) (bot) the Genus of tranfeendcntal general (g)gaigfâgiângr the third difigerence, (a) the fecond fpecies, ~(s) at the end, dentitin'g

the word hereby lignil-ied, to be placed in the Tables as a’n Oppofite,

and the Letter (l) in the firft fyllable, fignifying the Aäi'ue voice', and

the prolonging ofthe lirfi Vowel, expreft by the Accent over it, deho

ting the Plural Number. _ î 2

AS ’ 4a. (Ме) as numb. aa. i ‚д

Wh ‚ 43. (ш) азЪцшЬ. 28. _ ,e . . ‚ _ _ g _ l ‘_ l). ¿s _

„с 44. (ю) as numb. 4. But being here adjoyned toa wordof

Perfon Plural, it mufi be rendered, Are, ‘ ‹ : i ‘ ‘Ы

«www»То 46. (loll) asnumb.a7. ­ - . -I l '— ‘ff-5 j!

47. (el) A Pronoun, third Perfon, plural number, The), or The».


nation, fignifying, For.

lV. Concerning a.. ‘P/n'loßpbi'cnl _Ldńgudge;

38. (88) as numb. 3.

+15 n


‚^ \ u ‘n

Í .

Have been49. (tot.) the preter ‘ещё ofthe Серии; .

5o. (Vollgas) as numb. 4l. Only that was a fubftantive of Aûion, Tfmfgfefüng

and ofthe plural number, denoted by the length of the firí’t Radical

Vowel 5. whereas this is an Aoy‘eâ'ive, Íignilied by (v.) —


5 1.08) A Prepofitìon being the laft Oppolite ofthe fecond Combi- Агат

пайопд and therefore muli Идите, Againi?.

5a. (ш) as numb.a8. Us»

AndI 53. (na) as numb.35.

54. (mi) An Adverb, the Erft Oppóíite of the Erft combination,Nor

Íïgnifying No, or Not. l

55'-y (to) as numb. 2,5. ' Maimhoube

56. (Velco) (be) isthe Genus of Tranfcendental Aäion. (с) de- Leading

notes the lixth difference, and (o) the fifth fpecies, which is Leading;

the Letters (v) and (l) Íignì'fying: ‚идеал/мат.

57. (ш) as numb. 28. oLls

h Combination; and ‚то _

l r

58. (ral) a Prepofition, 'the iirft ofthe fourt

therefore шва ligniñe, Into. ‘.A "


59. (bedodl8) (be) is „тушат:aů'ion, V(d) denotes the fecond Temptation

difference, (о) the fifth fpecies, which isl Trying; the fecond (d) doth

denote this word to be joyned in the Tables as an aflìnis :. the lafl fyl

lable (18) ligniñes the tranfcendental particle Corruptifvè, which in

compolition, mufl denote the ‘под! fenfe of a word, and here it mult

Íignifìe fuch temptation or trial sas ought not t0 be. ‘

60. (‚а‘) a conjunnion, the ara oppone ofthe fecond combinati- B...

on, Íignifying, But.

6 l. (io) as numb. a 5. Мат thou be

6a. i§c80L1bo) (ed.) is the Genus ofSpiritual Aä'ion, (b) Íigniíies the штате

lidi di erence, and (о) the ЕМ: fpecies, which is, Delivering, the

Letters Ваш“ Egnifyìng мужи Aäioe.

63. (ш) as numb. 28. trs

64. (Ы) а Prepolition, the fecond of the third combination and From

therefore той íignilie, F‘от.

65. (vdgafie) as numb. 4r. Only the lo is turnedinto o, to denote Evil

Adjeäìve, and the (l) is here left out, which fignìíies aCtìon, and

the tranfcendental Particle (ie) is here added, to denote Evil thing.

66. (nor) a Conjunůion, the fecond Oppoíite in the third combi« For

Iii ‚ 67.

4.1.6 Concerning a Tbila/opbical Lnnguage. Part lV’______`______,___________._.__­­­­­-­­­­-­­­­­­­­­­­­-"­­­-`

The 67. (al) The demonllrative Artìcle,vìz.. The. I

Kingdom 68. (Salba) as numb. la.

And 69. (na) as numb. 35.

Thc 7o. (а!) as numb. 68.

PW“ 71- (tado) (ta) is the Genus of Habit, (d) is the fecond difference,

and (o) the ñfth fpecies, which is Power.

And 72.(na) as numb.35.

The 73. (а!) as numb. 68. _

Glory 74.(Tadald) (tad) is the fame Genus and Difference with numb.

72. Фе fecond (а) denoting the fecond fpecies, which is Reputation

or Famei the lafl fyllablc (ld) being added to the termination, doth

’ Hgnifie the lirlì of Фе feventh combination, amongli tranfcendental

notions, viz.. Augmentative, the higheft kind or degree ofReputation,

which is, Glory.

1s 75. (la) as numb. 4. But being here applied to the third petfon,

and flngular number, is to be rendered Ir.

ТЫпе 76- (ha) as numb. l t. 'i

Evfflañißßlyl 77. (Pi‘öbyä'i (PL) doth denote the Genus of Spare, (b) ÜN ат

‹111Тегепсе‚ (y‘ö) Фе ninth fpecies, which is (Everneß',) the adding of

the Vowel (8) to malte а Dipthong with the {ìrû Vowel, ligniñes the

word to be an Adverb, Eoerlaßingl). ’

Amen 78. ('ìththe word Алик in the LiteralCharaâer.

so 79. (m8) as numb. il 9. п

my übe. 80. (ю) as numb. 9.



Chap. 1V.Concerning n'PÍJìÍo/opbical Language. i


щ; _; A Y The Creed.

»un r.

¿c ‘а anni d'oib 'éisnesogal s» csalbaìs loc dnd na la dady, па dad hecobas c‘öopás. has faba,v"¿‘ß¿ lctc'äambab la OLI Dag, c'darnbe le dl

codOLd rl’C/ , f‘äcmt rir fl, 5/5 [DJ ,ldif‘öe‘mtyä cîíabys, na f‘áympy‘ä,

e lctlinvelc га! oclad, 'e tot. c'zíalcd lal 0081 c‘zirbysß, ril al poto

fobe, e Ld. l0Lr=velcral dad, ril 88M@ e L_a c'zíalco lil al pigy'd 1d. дай),

`1а188‹8а‚ cie velcdlo- (elba CLI .c‘öabyìä na dl 81 сЗЁЬЬХП‘д. сЬш

t‘dalti Ваз, cLl fyvde :Sata паев, al fydzha la fy/go al femdx

ld» boílgas'dl 8X» m‘dvcalby Щ а! odab na dl Syl caby eäfxfyr.

’ oт ¿_ 2 ._Q-1 ‚ ' ш “ |_|.__ y

I 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 r

а sa nenni dab @einem al 2n csalba‘ns la dad m,

Iam believing God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and

" l­+à\/ v L.. `>lclé-3"! 9-353 Ф ¿8_1/ J

1g 13 r4 15 16 17 18 19 zo 21 22

lot. dady na ddd he cobas c'äopas hdl faba 88 »ci

of Earth, and in jefus СЫН! his Son only our Lord, who was


23 2+ 25 26 ­_ 2.7 28 29 3o 31 '32

c'óambabkla dl Dag c'öambe le dl codcLd {Запас

conceived by the Holy Ghol'i, bom of the Virgin Mary, fuffered

s’ :Wr un. ° :f1-6 «4s-»v m, .www

а; 34 а‘; 36 ‘ 37 38 39 4о 4I 42

й: РЫ/Г IJM. , wtfäemty‘ë c‘daby na fdympyä e la lìr=velc

under Pontius Pilate, wascrucìñed, dead, and buried, he defcended

34-1-‚3’ «fw Роз-ь .2 ’ .-4444-7.. °

42 44 4546 47 48 49's@ s1 525s s4 ss s6 57

ral odad e ш с8а1са laloLl Slcäabyíì'd ril сырого fobe, e lot

into hell, he did rife from the dead in the day third, He was

New? ч-‚‘ ‚от “‘ ‘ `­1:'7"`“"­'­/

5g 59 60:61 62 в; 6465 ¿5;66 67 63 69 70

largvelcral dad rilß‘dßdelac‘öilco lil al pigyä ld Dab ‚

afccnding into heavcn,ìnwhich place hc is fitting at thc right hand of God the Father


2 ш

4.2.8 Concerning a Tbilo/opbical Language.' i. Part

\ ­­ ..

w »,-g . o ci“ n 2.9.3 I V I "œńnl . o

71 7Z 7a 74 7s 76 77 78 79 8° 81 82 S; 848586

lal ttät‘dot e ie velcoL 10 felbol. al c‘öabyt‘zt na 0&1 81 c‘öabyíi‘öa ra

from whence he (hall come tojudge the (blick andthe dead. I am

"- ’ *'6- r‘u H”. ’ *1g-l °

87 88 89 9е 9‘ . 92 9s 94

täalti Dag 01.1 (уже t‘data vages dl Íydzha la,

believing in the Holy Gholl, the Church holy Catholick,the Communion of

est.’ щ _‚—"з^\"” e4- .I f

95 96 97 98 99 100 tot to: ¿103104. 105 m5 ,o7

fy/go oLl femdi; ld. bell/gas al ‘äytm‘dsfcalby lol ollodab na dl

Saints,the forgiveneß offins, the refurreůion of the body, and the

108 109 r lo

Syl caby c8=yfyt.

' ‘5-х fris». `

life everlafting.

l r. (d) aPronoun ofthe йгй perfon, and Íingular number, I.

Am a. (sa.) The copula, et?, in the prefent tenfe, which being ufed

with the ñrft perfon, doth íigniñe Am.

3. (188111)‘‚(ta) denotes the GenusofHabit t the lifth difference,

i, the fourth fpecies, whichlis Faitht, the adding of ‘d to t, denotes

the word to bean adjeflive, and the Letter l iignifìes the aâive voice,



стык гад 4. (DoLbIThe Monofyllable Dd. is appointed to Идите God, or

th“ the divine nature t the addition ofthe Confonant b, will denote the

firft perfon in the Bleiied Trinity. ’

_ _ 5. (e‘dft‘öa) A Compound ofa Particle, and an Integral, the Par

Mm'ßh‘v title boing а dipthong, appointed to agota@ ‚ш. The syllable tot,

denoting the Genus of Power 5 the addition of 8, makes it to be an

adjeäivefviz.potent, or powerful.

The 6. (011) the demonfirative Article, The.

Having bttn (8!) the (ign ofthe preter tenfe.

_ 8. (меньше) (ed.) is the Genus of fpiritual 28:10:10’)` denotes

Creatine per- the Егй difference, and 0L the hrft fpecies, which is Creation; the ad

(fm dition of 8 to c, lignifies adjeëtive, and the Letter (1) aůive 5 the

lali dipthong (18) denotes the traniceudental competition ofPerß».

So that this word with the two preceding Particles,does import,tbeba

~ving Created Per/on. 9° (la)

Chàp.1V. @churning a ‘P/:ilo/bpbical Language. 4.29

9. (la) the [it-(i Ptepofition, Íîgnifying Ofi _ 0f

to. (dad) (da) the Genus of World, and (d) the fecond difiîerence,"¢"¢n­

which is Heaven.

I x. (na) the fecond Conjunâtion ofthe ñrft Combination, 631116’- Ana

ing And. _

12. (100asa numb. 9. of

‘ " t3. (дай!) The Наше Genus and difference, as numb. to. Thelîmh­

Vowel Yfignifying the feventh fpecìes, which is, Thi: Earl/J.

x4. (ne) as numb. I t. mi

r 3. (dad) the fecond perfon ofthe Bleíïed Trinity» мы: Chun

I6. (he) theVowele Íîgniñes a Pronoun of the third perfon, andms

Engular number, the Letter b preíixt, íhews it to be ufed pofïefiively,

for His'.

l 7. (Cobas) the fyilable (со) is afiigned to the Genus of Oeconomi- S00

cal Relation, the Letter (Ь) to the firlt difference, and the Vowel (а)

for the fecond fpecìes, the Letter (в) denoting the word hereby {igni

fied, to be an Oppoíite, viz.. son. ‹

. 18. (cäopas) the fame Genus as the former (р) Íignifyìng the fourthdifference, and (а) the fecond fpecies, and the Letter (8) an Oppofite,only

viz.. Alone, or Onl).

19. (hat) A Pronoun, ñrů perfon poffeiiîve, plural number. our

no. (Saba) (Sa) the Genus of Civil Relation, (b) the Grit diffe

rence, viz.. Degrees ofperfons, (а) the fecond fpecîes, which is Sove

reign, or Lord, to whom we owe Obedience, or fubjeâion.


at. (88) the fecond ofthe compound Pronouns, fignifying Wbo,

or Which. who

22. (tot) The Copula В}, in the preter tenfe. was —

a3. (c‘dambab) (ca) is the Genus of corpo-real aâion, "(b) the бы} Conad.“

difference, and (a) the fecond fpecies; the adding ofthe fecond Ra

dical Confonant (b,) denotes this word to be adjoyned in the tables,

by way ofaffinity, and confequently to (igniñe Conception, (8) (igni

fying ‚шрам, and (m) P41/ive.

n4.. (la) the fecond Prepoiitìon in the iirû Combination, (81)‘ в,

25. (al) as numb. 6. The

26. (Dag) the third Perfon inthe Bleiïed Trinity. Holy Gba“

27. (c‘dambe) the fame Genus and Difference with numb. 23. (e) Borne

Íîgnifyìngthe third fpecies, whichis Parturition (8) denoting Adje

äive, and (ш) Pagine. ‘ ’




43o . Concerninga Tbiloßplnical Language. Part IV. i


0f 28. (le) the third Prepolition in the ftrft Combination, relating to

the Material Caufe, 0f.

The 29. (al)as numb. 6. The

virgin 3o, (codOLd) the fyllable (co) as was faid before, is aliigned to

Oecononn'cal Relation, (d) is the fecond difference, and (а) is the firlt

fpeciesii the repeating ofthe fecond Radical Confonant at the end,

makes this word to denote fomething adjoyned by way of Affinity,

viz». Virgin.

Mary l 3 i. ( ) the name Mari in the literal Character.

capinlly pu- 3a. (Едет) the fyllable (fe) is for judicial Relation, the Letter

niflßd (t) is the fifth difference, viz.. Capital рта/диет, (8) is Adjective',

and (m) Решив,

l 33. (rit) A Prepolition, the firlt oppolite ofthe lixth Combimtion,

und“ viz.. Under.

34. (Г b J7l` l'J)4l)the name Pontius Pilate, in the Literal Chara


35. (tot.) as numb. 22.

Pontìus Pila te


crucified 36. (fziemty‘ô) the fame Genus and Difference as numb. 32. the d

lalt Dipthong (y‘ö) denoting the ninth difference, which is Crucifying,

уже lirlt (8) being the mark for Adjeäioe, and the Letter (in) for Paf


Dad у 37. (c‘dabys) the fame as to genus and difference, with numb. 23,

8c 27. the Vowel (y) Íignifying the feventh fpecies, the Letter (s) an

oppolite, and the vowel (8) ‚драм. _

and 38. (Na) as numb. I 1.

Burial 39. (f'ztympy'á) The fyllable (f ) is Ecclejìa ical Relationthe fourth difference, and (yB) thtilninth fpecieíî which is Bierzçriiê

the firft (8) being the lign of adiect'ive, and (m) ofpal/ive.

He 4o. (e) Pronoun of the third perfon, fingular number, viz.. He.W“ 41. (ш) as numb. 22. y l I

штампа 4_2, Qirwelc) This word is a Compound, the lirft fyllable (lir)‘is a

Prepofition,th.e íirft oppolite ofthe fifthCombination,fignifying down

mardr5 (be) 1s the Genus oftranfìendental aóì'ion, the Letter (с) the

- lixth difference, which is Ition, (8) the adjeäive, and (l) the aâ’ive,

Down-going, or Dejcending.

„me 43. (ral) a Prepolition, the lirft of the fourth Combination, 63:13

fying Into.


Chap. IV. Concerning 'a ‘Найду/12041 Language.


‚..—..—_———.—_ .

4.4.. (odad) (da) is the¢Genus of World, (d) isthe fecond diffè- “dl

tence, which is Heaven, the vowel (o) which is oppoÍiteto(a) being

prefixt, denotes this to be the word oppolîte to Heaven, viz. Hell.

4.5. (e) as numb. 4o. He. “e

46. (ш) as numb. aa. mth been

47. (e‘öalcot) (ca) is Страна! Aäian, (c) is the lixth difference, Ш":

and (d) the 11111 Грес1е5‚ viz. Rift?, (8) the adjeäive, and (l) the


48. (lal) a Prepolition, the fecond of the third Combination, “om


49. (dl) as numb. 6. The. ne

50. (8l) as numb. 7. 'Having been

5r. (c‘öab 5:8) The fame radical word with numb. 4r. the Dip- Dying PHÍON

thong (t8) being a tranfcendental compoíìtion, denoting Pedim.

5a. (ril) aPrepolition, the 11111 oppolite ofthe fourth Combinati- 0n

on, fignifying In. ‚

53. (di) as numb. 6.

54. (Poto) the fyllable (po) doth [tand lfor the Genus of Mea/ire, my

(t)the fifth Difference, and (o) the fifth Species, which is Da).

55. (tobe) ihe’famc Genus as the romena.) the mit Dure-m..

rence, relating to Number, (e) the third Species, the turning pintof,

lìgnifying adjeäive, viz. Third.

56. (e) as numb. 40.



57- (ld) as numb. 2a. wa,

58. (lartvelc) a Compound as numb._42. Only the Prepoliti- “шт:

on here, bein the lirft of the lìfth Combination, muli Íignìlie ‘Upwardrg

and the wor Ajèending.

59. (roll) as numb. 43~ l ‚ Into

60. (dad) as numb. 1o. Hmm

61: (111) as nurnb.5a. __ In

6a. (8B-8d A Compound ofthe Pronoun Whirl-ganci the tranfcen- which puce `

dental Marko Place.

63. (е) as numb 4.0.

64. (sa) as numba. But bein here fpoken ofa third Perfon in I1

the lingular number, muli be ren ered (ir.)



4.32. I Concerning o ‘Philo/opbicol Language.' Part “7

Sitting 65. (с8а1со) The (âme Genus and Difference as numb. 47.

(о) being the fifth Difference, which is Sitting, (8) adjeäive, and (1)

aâ‘i've. '

i.: 66. (lil) а Prepoíition, the lirlt Oppolite in the third combination,~

lignifyìng At.Т“с 67. (а!) as numb. 6.. n

Right hand 68. (pîgy‘d) (pi) is the Genus ofspaoefg) the third Diiïerencqand

(X8) the ninth fpecies, which is_ Right band.

of 69, (ш) as numb. 9.'

fhg? ‘Не F" 7o.(Dab) as numb. 4.

From I 7l. (lal) a Prepoíition, the fecond ofthe third Combination,­ 63:11

fying From,

Which place 72. (85:86!) aS numb. 70. \

He 73. (е) as numb.4.5.

Smm” 74'Cìe) the Copulain the futuretenfe, shall be. 'i

Coming >'75. (veleni) be is the Genus of лиц/Вандалы! Aëŕion, c the Íixth

difference, and 0L the Eril fpeciesJ which is Come, the turning ofbin

to ‘и, denoting adjeä‘i've, andl Aâ'ive. '

For 76. (lo) a Prepolition, the fecond oppolite of the litů Combination, ’

viz. For. v _

Judging 77.(Selbd) §(Se) is Judicial relation b the Erft diliërence, and d

the ñrů fpecies, which is jndge5 the Lette‘rl ñ'gnifies a'Noun ofaäion,

‘y Iuit.. judging, or judioation.

The 78.011) as numb. 6.


Quìck l 79. (c‘öabyläjca is the Genus of страна! aéì'ion, b the lirft diffe

rence, and Y the feventh fpecies, which is Life, the vowel Sfignify

ing adjeöcive, viz.. Living, »8 being the tranfcendental compolition

for Perjon.

And 8o. (па) as numb. 1 1.` ‘р

The 8l. (OLDas numb. 6. z

Having 82. (8‘) as numb. 7. __ ‚ „Í „_ ` `

DiedPCrfons 8s- (C‘öabyßß) as numb- sr. ' ’ ’

l — A84. (d.) as numb. I. Y `, . _ д- .11..

Am 85. (la) as numb. 2. `

Выйти: I 86. (t‘óalti) as numb.3.

тмсныу ‘_ 87. (Dag) as numb.27. 'i'

Ё-ЁЗ“ с 88. (а!) as numb. 6. ` ` ' '

Church ` 89. (fyńte) the fyllable is put for the Genus ofEccIe/ìq/licollîe

i' lationa

‚ Íite„ 'dthe lign of adjcâ'ive, i‘iz. ’Unive

Chap, IV, Concerning a TbiÍo/opbical Language. 4.3; i»

lation, the Dipthong (Se) being the tranfcendentalv fornggregatc.

9o.(t8ata) Ta isthe Genus ofHabit, t ­the fifth‘difierence, and Hdl ­

a the fecond fpecies, which is Holr'ndi; the addition of (8) tothe

firfi Radical, doth fignifie the Word to be an пустое, viz. Holy.

9i. (vages) (ba)is the Genus of 'Tranfeendental Relation misteri, univ’cfßi

g thethird difference, and e the third fpecies, (s) the note of oppo

ф“ l92.(ctl) asnumb.6: I .. ` _' _ l Ü The

“_ 3.­ (Sydzha) Sy the Genus ofEcclefiaftical Relation, _ g thethird communion

‘ di ercnce, a the fecond fpecies, which is Communicant, or Catholic.;

>the turning ofg into the _fame power that we give to ] сорТопапт, fig

nilies this word to bean Abfl'raé’t, viz.. Communion.

94. (ld) as numb. 9.’ _ _ of ‚

" '95. (Sy/go) Sy is Ecclefiafiical Relation, g the third difierence,saints

o the fifth ipecies, which is Saint, the prolonging of the Erft Vowel

denotes the plural number.

96. (а!) as numb. 6. ’ ` 'nie

97. (femdy) Se is the Genus ofjudicial Relation, d the fecond dif

_ _ _ E . f .ference, and y the feventh fpecies, which is Remiyìon, or Forgive- ста Orgwm

'uffa т denotes the pafiive voice.


98. (ICL) as numb. 9. of

I 99. (bob/lgas) bd is tranjìendentalgëneral, g the third difference, sin’

a the fecond fpecies, .r denotes an oppofite, l a Noun ofaë’tion, and

Ithe prolonging ofthe firfi Radical Vowel, the plural number.

loo. (all) _as numb. 6

lOl. (Sys) the Future Tenfe.

l Т11е


102, (шзжашёё acompound, the Particle m83 fignifying re, or Renfe, orii.

again, (caby) bei before rendered Life, l denoting Aä'iz/e. "тащит

103. (Ш) as numb. 9. . 0f

104. (di) as numb-6. The

105- (odab) Da is the World, dab is Spirit, to which is oppofed Bodyv ßod), fignificd by prefixing the Vowel o, which is oppofite to a.

106° (па) a_s numb. I i, _ _ and

107. (а!) as numb. 6.- ` The

108. (Syl) numb. toi. ‘Ришгс

y109. (cab ) the fame Radical as numb. 37, and toa. Only this is Life

not an Oppoäte, nor an Adjeâive- »

' K k k . I lo.

4.34. Concerning a ‘Philoßpbicnl Language. Part [VQ

штат": t 1o. (e8fyfyt) (e8) is all,as numb. 5. (py) is the Genus ofMeafure,

(t) the ñfth difference, which is meaíure ot time, the añìnis to which,

(here denoted, b prepoling the Radical Vowel y)is Duration,p being

turned into f, lgnilies Adjective, i e. All-during,or Everloßing,

I am fenlible that this Contrivance folthe Language is not ordered

(as to the facility and ’pleafantnefs ofthefound) to fo good an advan- ­

tage as it might have been upon further confideration and pracìiiì: :

But as itis, lthink it may (even in thefe refpecis) come into com _a

rìfon with any ofthe Languages now known. For the better tria of

which, lfhall give feveral Inûances of the Lords Prayer, as it is ren

dred in fifty fevctal Languages, and written in our common Letter-5

moft ofwhich, [have taken out of Ge ner, Mitbridoter, and Megxjê

пи his Specinren, as they have collecte and lettered them to my bands.

,For lthe telt , I am beholding to other Books, and the ща

ance offome particular Friends.


Chap. 1V. Concerning a ‘Pńrilofopbieal Language.

Englífh 1. wat tether mi» arr in beaten

Hebrew 2. Abinu Shebbafclmnaim _

Arabic 3. Yâ Abânalladì Phii'famawau.

Syriac 4. Abun dbaíi'muio I

¿Ethiop 5. Abúnaизымать A

Greek б. Pa'rer bemin be en roi: ouranorr

Copri 7. Peniot elcbennipbeoui

Latin ‘ 8- Pater noiler qui es in cœlis _ l

Spaniíh 9. Padre nueflro que ellas en loscreros

Portegucfe _ l0- P-'idre Мечи: Ptas nos ceos

French l '- NOfìre pere qui es eS cieulx

Italian l 2. Padre noflro che fei ne' cieli

Friulian x3. Pari neilri ch’ees in cijl

Sardinian of thc ‘4- Pñre "от: che fes en lofccls


Sardinian of the 1S. Bibu noílru fughalefes in fofchelus



Germ. ancient l 7, îâatet unfit' D" ‘u шт‘! bla У

Germ. modern :8.3mm martes Der ш ma im Him:

mtl ‘

19. miren Бай: tbx'c artt; tn beofna's

I6. Bab nos quel tii iii in efchil

Old Saxon l

Dutch 20. яме bautr ш tn nen bwwlin (siltDanifh y n. @aber uur nu [от eü ibtmmelen

Ifland n. „Банищ fun ett at bumnum

Lappian a 3. lia mannen joan nient; :aiu вы“

Suedifh 14. jabber wat {omet} t btmiont

Gothic 1s. atta нага: thu tu ‘ватт

Carnifh 16. Ozha nafh kit f1 v’ nebefih

Dalmatian 27» Orl'Cc nas koyi` yelrma мыть

Hungarian' ' 28. Míatrynacklg' ‘иду .qmenyegbe

Croatian 29. Ozhe папа iihe efrna nebeiih

servían 3o. Otze nafh ilhe jeii у‘ nebeíih ,

шансы“ gl. Tara! nqßru cinereßi in ceriu

Bohemian 31.. Otozie nafs ест. fyna nebefich _

Lui-adm ‚ 33. Weich nafch Kenfch fy nanebebu

Polonian 34. Ocziecz nal'ch ktory jeflofz wniebye

Liruanian 35.Tewe mufu kurfey efr danguy

Livonian 36.Abes mus kas tu es eek fckan debbeil‘is

Китай ` 37- Oche папа rzghz yeafe nanzbœfœgh

Tartarian 38. Atcha wyzom hhy hokta (en algufch

Turkil'h 39. Babamoz hanghe gugteilon

Armenian _ 4o. Hair mer or iercins des

Períian 4x. Ai pader makeh dar`ofmân

Chinifh 41.. Nga tèmfu" chè rfay rbian

‘шт: 4;. «But Eau y; bum my: un 2 tufo:


шт 44. In' папы: mais!) att ttm _

Bifcan 4r. Gute atta tetue tan attenta

напал 46. (du baita вида bille une bpmíl

Madagafcar 47. Singing шт: ma (шпагат!)

ann мыши

Poconchi 48. @atar tara!) шва:

NewEngland 49. вишни atruaqußt

PhiIoIILanguage si. Het coba «a 13 ril dad

5 a. Xßr fádher häirfh art in


Minutenы ‘ы: ßamc

likkadefch l'chemechn

Yatakaddafu fruoca

Ncthkadcfh Íhmoch

Yithkídafh Íhimícha

Hagìajlbéra ra' onamaßu

Mareftaubanje pecran

Sanŕtiñcetur nomen щит

5ап&111са:0 fea el tu nombre

Sanŕtifieado Те}: o ten nome

Ton nom (oit fanâitie

Sia fanâiñcato il nome tuo

See fantíñcaat la to nom - '

Sia fanäificat lo nom teu

Santuliada (u nomine tuo

Santilìchio (aia ilgtes num

17in nemo marne детища‘:

J5 ‘тише:штот nahm

gteßebalgun thin noma

üben naam шт gebepligbt

птиц: borne uit nalfn

мы‘: but nam tt

ßuuettunlkobonшт nimm

belgbat marne ttrt namen

вашим name tbtt‘n

l’ofvezhénu bodi iime tvoie

Szvetilfe gyme tvoyc

Мед/Мета!leßèka( te nerven'.

Svetife jme tuoe

Pofvetife jme то}: ­ .

ЗБлсЯлЛ/зф numelle reu

Ofzwiet fe meno те

Wfs wefchone buihy me twove

Swyecz fie gymye та

Szweskis wardas сто

Schwetitz rows waarcz

Da fueatefa Ima tuoœ

Ludor Гели; adongkel fuom

Chudufs olfsum fsenungh adun

Surb eglizzi anun cho

Рай bafhoud nâm tou

Ngà'rèmyuèn id nirîn ebim xím

заметит up enh

{дам fat ватт‘!

brmœtñta bent штатив

Щиname шт: bcillgt

днямrattan машет

21N nim ta tumbar-cibi _

шинам tamunacb bœmtt‘unnb

На heb; ro {пути

НОЩоед br dhyl na'm











——.———.___›___ ,_

Engiifh ` 1. @by :stummetome

Hebrew 2. Tabo malcutccha

Arabic 3. Tâtí maiacûtoca

Syriac 4. Thithc malcuthoch

A‘Íthiop 5. Thymtfa mangyi'icha

Greek 6. Eltbe'lo be Basíleia fou

Copti 7. Marejìnje recme tauro

Latin 8. Adveniat rcgnum mum

Spanifh 9. Venga ci tu reyno

Porteguefc 10. Venna à nos ò teu reyno

French 1 l. Ton royaume advcnie

Italian 1 z. Venga il regno tua

Friulian ° 1 3. Vigna lu to rcarn

Sardinian of the '4- VCUEI l0 "Enc ‘CU


Sardinian of the lS- Bcngiad fu rennu tuo

Countrcy ` _ _

Gryfons 16. ligtcs anginam uigna ter nus

Germ. ancient l 7‘ Dm "ст ‘home

6mm modem 18. 1mm 15ml) komme

Old Saxon 19. (En сети!) tbm we ‚

Dutch 2o. mln саммита: ttßme

Danifh 21. @il homme uit 181g:

mand f z2. Rumi т tiche

Lrppian 23» «Eulhobon Gun штампы.

зцсаагъ =4‹ ГС!!! komme ritt take

Gothic 2 f~ mamar tntnninall’us thans

Carniih 26. Pridí k’ nam krayieiivu под:

Dalmatian 27. Pridi kralyefs tvo tvozc

Hungarian 28 . j'ujanel a( te orß’agod

Croatian 29.,Pridi cefa rafìvo tvuoe

Servian 3o, Pridi Krailefivo tuoic

Walachian 31. Seuie imparacia ta ­

Bohemian 32. Przid kraimvíiwiitwe

Lufatian 33. 1’01111111 knam kraíieflwo twoio

polonia“ 34. Przydzy та ltroließwo

Lituanìan 35. Atcyk karalific кто ‚

Livonia“ 3 6. Enack mums tows waliiibc

вата“ 37. Da prede: frzaazfiuìa tuoœ

Tamrím ’38.Chanlnchong bei fun fcnung arkchueg.

Turkifh 3 9. Gelfon fsenung memlechetun

Armenian 4o. Ecefzzœ archaiuthai cho

Pcrñan 4‘. Bayaïd padfhah tou

Chinilh 42. ìtlgúë [in

welrh 43- Юта nn herman

Irii‘n 44­ «Eigiub ha мытье

Bifcan 4 L @t b9; bent btu ‘щита

Friûan 45’ me“ fießk to komme

Madagafcar 47. mahotiacbanauboaut amínat

Poconchi ’ 43. îlbtbaurt tncbauta pan tana

Converm'ng а Tbilo/öpbical Language. Part-LY

‘im will be Dom

Tcafaeh rczonecha

Tacûno mafhìátoca

Nchuc zebionoch

Yichún phachâdacha

Gener/.vélo :ó rbelemá jim

Netebnacmafef/bopi -

_Fiat Voiuntas tua

Fagai'e tu voluntad

Scja fetta à tua voluntadc

Ta volonte Гoi‘t fade

Si ‘Лига la 'voluntà mz

Sec fatta la too voluntaat

Fafafc la voluntat tua

Faciadíi (a voluntadc tua

La thia uocglia d’ uaínta

Щи millo gtfcebe

iDn‘n шт щиты

91: tbm E_üt'iia‘fue

шшпanni: петлю:

130111: nin 75th:

шum tlnn ты

Si ol‘kobon шт tabioü

9m tm came

шт‘): (miga thema

S’ idife volia tvoía

Eudi volya tvoya

Legen te abaratar!

Budi volia tvoìa

Budi voiia tuoia

Sufe fic voia ta

Bud wulc twa

Sofiany wolì twoia

Bandz wolya ст

Euk wala tawo

Tows praatz buska

Da boodet Voiya шоу:

Aiei gier dauk ‚

Oifum fShénung ifsted gunh

Egiizzin carneh cho

Shoud howáfi tou

ril cbì cbim bîm

18th ny:wallpa

îDtanturba botlambuotl


d? gum bent bite hagonnatta

Mnwill: moet fcbœn



Newnngland ­6,9rpnztmmtottttb bukbttafßwtamoonk ßlmmmœmœnb

PhiiolZLanguagc 5o. Ha faiba io vcicœ

5I. Dhyl» cingdym cym.

Ha talbi ю Vtmg!

01114111 ы dyn

tr o

Chap. 1V. Concerning a Tbìlofopbícal Language.














1 . 31u earth as it in in. haben

a. Ci bafschamaím u baarez

3. Caltâ phíffamâï‘wa ala’l ardi

4. Aikano dbalhmaio hocano oph barro

5. Bachama baíhamaï wabamdyrni

6. Hó'r en curano kai epi te: ger

7. Pbredicbempbenembi jenpicabì

8. Sícut in cœlo fic etiam in terra

’.Aífy en el cielo, como en la tierra

le.. Affi nos Ceos, come na terra

п. Ainft enla terre, comme au ciculx

l a. Si come in cielo cofi in terra

13. Sice’in cìjl et in tierraSardinianofthe l4- Axicom en loccli enlalterra


Sardinian of the



German ancient

Germ. modern

Old Saxon



















New England


t 5. Comenti in chelo et in fa terra

1 6. In terra fco la fo ín cfchii

l7~ 311‘ erbe alto tu Etmeie

1 8. îlot trom, tmc im terminal

19- 15in btofnae ann in euitbo

so. Grinch tn nm hemel onthou ner


al . gaa pas joinen fom bann ett htm:


s2. gnome athimmt fo at'ponn

1;. ßmum tai habille. nynman’ palla

24. ga lomt btmmtltu (noch nu. 10F


2S. but tubtmmina gal) aus. atte

16. Kakor nanebi taku nafemlii

27. Kako na nebu tako ina zemlyi

z8.Mi'l¿_eben menjben atan kepen it cafe old


29. ]ako na niebeiih i tako nafemlìj

3o. Kako vnebi i takos nal‘emlii

31. Cum in :erin afa prepa morta

32. Yakona ncbi tak y na zemì

33. Talthak nanebu tak heu nafemu

34. Yako wniebi y na zemii

35. Kayp and dangaus teyp ir andzîam es

36. Raich kan debbes ta wurfan Íummes

37 . Yacc na nebcfœ jnazemlee.

38. Achtaver vifungundaluch

39. Nicfe gugthe ule gyrde

4o. Orpes jercins en jercri

4r.hamzienánkeh dar ofmân nîz dar ватт

42. Tu ryßufim rhyan

4g. 1t 2 ‘ваши megin 2 met tzu t: n¢=


44. zit nimh agis nu: фанаты

4s. @erben he cala iurtean ete

46. @pt mtrtek asigne bpmtl

47. zu мотив ann angbttfi

48. @ab ult nach а ш be urban tapan

49» fm1 um) obtuse mane так“;

5o. Me nl dady me ril dad

5 t.ln erth azit is in he’ven

Kruh nas fsvagdanyni day nam danafs


отwhoт nur шар umn

lachmenn temidi ten lanu haiom

vChúbzama’lladì lil gadi ahtinaol yaum

Havlan lachmo dfunkonan iaumomo

Shìlhâiana мы: ylathanà habanà yom

Tôn a'rton hrmôrí ton врач/Зал dár bemin [Этим

Ienaiki fmt/ii мед/отрыва

Pa‘nem nolirum quotidianum da nobis hodìe­

Nueltro pan cotidiano dad le a nofotros oy

0 pao no ifo de cadadia dano lo oìe nella dìa

Nolire pain quotidiain donne nous aviourdhuy

Dacci boggi il nojlro pane quotidiana

Da nus hu'el neliri pan cotìdian

L0 pa nolire cotìdia dona anofaltres hui

Su pane nqfiru dogniedie duna dnofateros hoc

Do а nus nos paun houtz 8( in miinthia dì‘

ат‘: tngnlltha bint cth una hints

Gnftr taßurb biotgr'b mfg unit

ürtn blaf от wirtlït ш us tn mtg

@ne uagbth'itss bien: gbtttt uns btntn

@ttf es t naß boit падающих:

'Burt nett uaglgt gw tu и t nag Megiferus

этом" :ska palmen [tipa mtliiltn tana м

pennant ­

mart nagltßba bien то‘ rfa lnaßb м

L! uit mirar-ma turna fnxtttnam gif uur; M.

ntmmiuagl м

Kruh nalh utak daìnii dai nam dones м‘

Mr' kânyerunlï (g- mindèn mylar аду“ nekt unl


l-llìb nafh ufag danni dai nam дани

Hlib nalh ufak danii dii nam dana: ‘

Pm'ne naa de tate zilelle dene nabo uji-1u' Egt-nem,

Chleb nafz wezdeylii dey nam dnes M_

Klib nafch fchidni day nam lhenfa G,

Chlieb nafch pow fchedny day nam dzy fay

Donos mufu wifu dienu dok mumus fzedicn Mv

Muff: denifche mayfe duth mums fchodeen l.

Gblxb naIh nal’ou [солей dazgd nam dnas

0l mak chu mul'en vougon зла‘

Echame gnmozì hergumon vere bize bugun M,

Zhazt met hanapazord tue mez aìfaur

Bedìh marsh amrouz nin ltefaf rouz ninfa

И!) ung umd'rgtlul kyßjtifl и!) ngò zi! jong ["ÁFL

@mi nl hmmm :in hat.: hznngnntol

- А ‚ Mcgìferus

Я‘: umn taint-tuut! tahbaár nimm a moin!)

@nrt щита ngulá (mit rßu'n M.

we шт; щ: jannie nnxu

œabou оттока" ant-ou autori дымом:

audit: _

(zum: :una щипцы ta quintali: ' " “

_fammmttmnngafn лишить affini!

I tintin ptugw‘ktíuknh ‚I0 velpì ral al nl porol i hat fotba часу

Giv ys dhis dat y'är дат bred


__________________________________________————————_.——4.38 Concerning n ‘Plailo/öphical Language.' .l Part IV

Я! шimm“um that ‘трат n2MR и‘Englim _ r. 3mi бош“): us отттт

Hebrew 2. “nach lan“ cth cobothénu Cufchcr anaehnu folcchìm lebnle chobothetll

Arabic 3. wzghphìr “на mâ ¿kim Camí nághphìro n'ahnu lìmàn lanâ alcihi

Syriac 4_ vaíhbuk lan chaubaìn Aikano doph chlnan ihbakan lchaìbeìan

¿Ethlop s. Hyqyg lana abafhma Chxmà nyhhnlni nyhadyg laxà ‚мы hn)

Greeit б- Kn apbe: bemin tà opbilemam bcmôn H" L“ kfw" “Pbi‘m” "if #Pbilel‘u bmi»

Copri 7 . Ouabcbaniereron пдпеЬо1т;.Ёге:Шо gmcbnb" "mf —‘

Latin 8- Et remitte nobis debita пота nos ‘immuun’ ‘сыюйьщ ММ’

_ то 'Spamih 9. `Y perdona nos nueñras deudas ¿ONS no от" Pudommos à “man” den.

iol-regnare lo. E pcrdoa nos renner“ none“ dividas Alli como nos perdoamos aos noifos dividores

Есть l l. Et pardonne nous noz (aulas Ctêräënnîtnsous pardonnons а ceulx qui nous ot

Luiten n.. Erрешат; ‘пе/М debiti Si www pfrdm'ma à Mum „jm

riulian x 3. Er perdonni nus glu neftrìs debi?. sic“ n°0 P‘fduin ‘в! ndìris debitoon

Sardinian ofthe 14.1dcxia anofaltres loídeutres попка “im” i "umm ¿exim *l* ¿MOD nvm“


Saêdinian ofthe 1 5. Er laffa anofareros isjdebitus nofìrus Comente e пашет а мсышт nofirus


Gryfong 1 6. Parduna à nus nos dbits Sco f_ nu ` 'German ancient x7 ­ mnh: ииГт fculhz hein( w15 als mi Mi: nos dbmduoß

Germ, modem i8. шт: betgtb uns entre [фига я‘; 11:33“; niiiutftiim umm“ (mmm

01d Saxon r 9. 3ra» foigef us (cplus um». âme we to;tttfzugicplgg‘iiiiiiiiâiiiwma

Durch zo. @une ниши: ons nnte Г‘! ` '_ ‚шт Фш tk n k tu_tn_egifcrus. Danifh 2|. 2D: teilen o; but шли çgug‘ä, и E щит" um" www.

_ cm f l IlIfleland n. 117g btt'geb o; ßbulutubotn gut f i; a zum mmm"

M_ L _ _ n tm n. htrgtbunßku шип щи

м appian 2;. )n anna nuttin meinen (prima mum mn_ Suedúh :___ ma) mi“ ors man вы“) _ c :ummm: hallaban мстит

M_ G h, ‚ Qu om utk щ mutter t ’_ 0I _IC _ ‘Мг-фа!) ader unstbam ftulanfßt'gatma @il fm 53h wm lñt‘iantitoït ,wwwш

M. Carnifh 26. mu OdPufiì nam dnl e пап‘ ниши" „um mmm

Dalmatian _ _ g e Kako: tudlmi od unimo d Uh ' ‘2 _ P u nlkom na_ _ 7. _lod pufsn naam флаг паГс loko i m od f h ‘ um.

M Hungarian 2.8.15: bgr/mfdmegb neclg­ eunlqz( mi werke n- y Pu c ‚то dumkom mmm

N С _ ktm" Í Kepen meg bocbarunk ellen mul venlulnek

_ roat а . ‘ ' ' ' '

‚ _ _ l Imm ug:m e o imi orpufhzhamo d Ih lt 'Garner“ S_ мы?“ 3 x . Sum-jmd дуг/деле „offre cumfunai jm, миль“: naüum

м. Bohemian 3 z. Y odpuß nim папе wjny Yako y my odpaußime nailîm winìkom

G. Lufanzin 3;, Awoday nam шут mmc Ack my подают}; wìnikarn nathìm

м P_olom~an 3 4_ A odpuÍ-Cz nam uyny nar-cha Yako y my odpufczzmy winowaiytzom па!‘ Ь

_ Ешатдп 35_ n. atlayisk mums mur“ kaltes Kayp ir mes atlaydziam fawìemus kaki ‘д ym

Woman 36. Paniniate mums m if l“ "м шт

м _ R m u e graka s pamtmrt muffe panadnken

M' u al? 37 ° _i0 ÍiAUC пат dOighÜ Miha Yam шт" oß‘u‘l‘y‘m dolzgnecom nella'

. ïarîimn 38. Kai vifum ja fachen м‘" bifd‘ch‘ mdkfi" WW“ “ОсьM. А‘; ‘ni 3 9. Hem bzfTa bizc borfiigomozi Nm" bild" b‘a‘mzimů lîßl‘remoli

:man 4o. Eu шоу mez zpaartis mer ' Oum e“ m h h_ P г _ _ ec t oghrmch merozr partpст; 412. Klodar kedfar т? га konahan ma Chen‘nkd‘ mini: mìkßißńm orrnân megan

_ ` we__h is. agg; ong-o may Zîu „да .jeyawa‘ngafß .1y фа

M_ шт 44: ams mât: t nt em штат‘ .fd 2 mammant ttt Mmmm.

_ ammu“ t; штмышца); Як!’ matbum hin mr ftmbumttm

giran 4s. @te quitta 'ett ‘M_ ____ñm 46 ,num t 1 agite gute comte Důëesgutrt sur: winamp штаты lum;

Madagafcar 47 a o mg um; шпиц" Яв wg um: ш «mamme

. maman“„шпагатbena? om ‘Единица mittßbafaca hat: аннотации:

p tintura mioconchi g А

N w E 4 . )Burbach ta tama: 1)‘ mmtubmqnfmuxun muuu' cbt uitc идти! it ' q

49. ab abquontamatinntau типа: Ним mtttutnthu u '"___ cbdœngaa) "штат I1 сам; tutta quam.

| oßlangmgç ‚ь mю („сим ы щ Щ, [Мед шеи ea faeldyuß la! er se ‘Ага: rs .u

52. and fargiv ys y‘är tre- az 'ätfcLr ` dh dhfpafsez fpafs agagih‘iiysîm at Не

Chap. [Vßonceming 4 ‘Philo/opbim/ Language.

_ Engliíh













1. 3m: lean us notто ttnwtatinn.

z.. Veal tebienu lcniffajon,

’3.wa1â makina mgiârib,

4. Lllotalaan lnesíuno ‚ ‚

5. Waïthabyana шут tha manlhůthì,

6. Kai me ifenenke: hema: i: pìrafmon,

7. 0ua amper tenet/:au epirafmor,

8. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,

9. Y no nos dexes ca'er en la tentation,

lo. E nao nos dexes Cahir in tcntacao,

атшт: us from ешь 3mm.

Ella HazziIénu-mera, Amen.

Lakín nagjinnâ minnafh fhirriri.

Elo pazzan men viílto. Amin.

Alâ adychnana balhhánana ymkûlu yChůî'

Alla rig/'ai дети apo rouponerou, Атгп

Ада nab menebolcb enpipetbmou.

Sed libera nos â malo, Amen.

Nas libra nos de mal, Amen.'

Mas libra nos do mal. Amen.

l 1. Et ne nous induy point en tentation, Mais delíure nous de mal, Amen.

n. Et non c’ indurre in tentatione,

1 3­ Е по nus теща in tentation,

Sardinian ofthe 14. 1 по nos iuduefeas enla tentatío,


Sardinian ofthe l 5. E no nos partis in fa tentazione.

d Countrey.


Old Saxon










Croatian ’




















идущим 49. Шли: fagkompaßunatnntan tn

Ma liberací dal male. Amen.

Mâ libora nus dal mal.

Mas liura nos del mal.

Impero libera .nos da Гц male.

16» Nun CD5 Шел" in md apromímaim’ Dimperí'emaíng fpcndra nus da tuots meis

German ancient l 738m: in “танца mt ища nu папе!) @In belote “мы; func мы!‘ »

Gum, modem 1 8. um: fubgtuns nicht tn юстиции; bonntrn mofa uns vom шт

1 9. 31m: noшт ulìtb tn tuûnunß

zo. «Enne en притом met штат:

ktugbt. -

at. Ф‘ mn o; ttkt but fu‘ßelfe

22. 311112111‘: o; t bt bzmlnt

2 g . 31a alt [ata met ra ktn [nuten

24. mtb tnlttbb nfsшт maar.

15 ~ Gab nt bttggts hns tn ‘каши!’

26. Inu neupelai nas v’ iskufhno

a7. Ine naafs тащить:

28. E: ne vigy mjnker a( lieferte:

29. Ine isbavi nas od nepriafni

3o. Ine vauedi nas v’ парад

3l. Srmu ne duce premi in Kale dcifpirïa

3 t. Y ne uwod nafz do pokulïenìi

33. Newefhi nafs dofpi towana

34. Nyewodz пай, паро1ш1 ehenye

35. Ir newesk mufu ing pagúndynima

36. Ne wedde mums louna badeckle

37. Ineuedi nas {papal}

38.Datcha koima vifn (unan acha

39. Hem yedma bizege heneme

4o. Eu mi tanir zmezi phorxuthai

4x . Wodar azmaïih minadâr mara

42. Tet'u’ pu ngò cbiů chi ¿u iu’ ìea'ü man

43» 3c nat штат ntf. мотивы!)

44- @gis na ниш aüotb un unan ftu

45- @tu :sgat gaia far "ш tentano:


46. 3111 lttb ma nant in attacking,

47. aman вами aca mabatttftanap

вып ñbttíebttft tutti .

48- @Montana сыры‘ catattbt'bt


PhiIoLLanguage 50« Nl mi ¿o velco щ ral bedodl. t,

5 1.Ап‹1 léd Xs ndt int'ä temp


311) gtfrig uttcb from dit

ílßatt шт: ons ban ат boftn.

99mты o; tra ont. мафии‘

ìätllbur ‘шт o; het illu' м’

matta paaûa mette çabaßa ь1'

«thanты ofß ifram onto м’

3b {знай uns a! tbamma oblin. М

Tamazh reflii nafs od llega М.

Da ofslobodí naas od al‘sla.

Ben afekabadir( тег!) minkgt «gono/(tu, M,

Dais bavi nas od Í‘la M’

Sum' тел tujajle рта! de reu. M'

Ale zbaw nas od zleho. Gelbe-'U5'

A le wimofhi nas wot llego, Amen. M

Alye zbaw nafz od zlego. G.

Bet giaf bekmus nog pikto, Amen.

Pet paifatza'mums nuwuife loune м

No jzbaue nas о11оосаца1ю, Ameen.

Illa gatta vifenn gemandam. M.

De churtule bizy jaramazdan. M.

Ail р11г1’сса12тс2 izarœ. м

Leikan halats kon mara az fharir, Amin.

М?) Ьуеёа ngòju’ cbiu' ó.

QE ttbt gmattn nt thug umg, Этап‘

ш [at Uno oit. 3mm t M. ‘

:Bama mima gamut gait!) сот.

19111512 ms bln it quen. M;

{фа hamm mtttgababanny tabm ba:

‘титан ш.

droahtçata china anche tsm, Эти‘.

taunt vobqusbmufßtntan mutt!) ma:

tnttut, 3mm.

Nil lo culbo ‚и lal v¢gaiìe, Amen.

Бук delìver ys Бюст-М‘,



Conrerning a ‘Pbileßp/aical Language. Part 1V.

lt would be convenient, that every one of theft: lnliances lhould be

Philofophically Lettered, according to the true pronunciation ufed

in each Language i but this being a thing oftoo great difiiculty, Ido

not attempt it. ’Tis probable that the doing of this, would make

111011 lirange Languages feemmore harlh and uncouth, than now' they

do5 as appears by that'lnltance of the Englilh, this way written,

whichl have fubjoyned in the laft place, for the more `accurate com

paring it with the Philofophical Language.

In the comparing ofthefe Languages, it may be granted that fome

few words of each Language may feem preferrible to others in this:

Bu. take it altogether, and in the whole, and it may at leali liand in

competition with the belt ofthem, as to its facility and pleafantnefs.

’Tis 111011 likely, that the generality ofReaders will be apt in the com.

paring ofthefe lnliances, to give the precedence to thofe Languages

they areacquainted with. l Íhould defire no more from them, but

that they would be content to permit this new Language to comein

the next place, which would be a fuflicient teliìmony for it.

. But then for the Pbiliyòpb) ofthis Language, it hath many great ad

vantages above any other. Every Word being a defcriptìon of the

thing Íignilied by it5 Every Letter bein lignìlicant, either as to the

Nature ofthe Thing, or the GramauaticalI/ariatiom ofthe Word,which

cannot be faid ofany ofthe reft 5 belides the confiant Analogy obiet

ved in all kind ofDerivation: and “режет.


Chap.' V- Concerning a ThiloßphioalLanguage.


Direêiionr for the more eajìe Learning of this“ Charaëier and

Language, together with а brief Table containingthe Ra

_ dimly, bot!) Integral: and Particler', together with the

Charaêler and Language by which eae'h of thefe i: to be

expreß. '

F any Man [hall think it worth his time and pains to learn this

Charaâer 5 the moll facil and natural order to be obferved in

this, will be, to begin with the 40 соштоп Heads or Сети-‘з, which

lhould be learnt out of that General Scheme, Parr ll. Chap. l.

where there is exprelied fome reafon of their order; the underliand

ing of which will much facilitate the fixing of them in the me~

mor . ‚Nìhxt to thefe, he may proceed to the Этими belonging to

each Genus, which though they are in the Charaäer cxprefled by

’that numerical infiitution of Firft, Second, and Third, óf. yet are`

they to be committed to memory from their real Íigniñcations. So

the Firli, Second, and Third differences under the Genn: of Beaß,

are to be learned and remembred, not as Firli,`Second,and Third,e$~e.

but as Wlnole­footed,Cloven~footed, and Clanredßcc. (not Rapacious,l’\a­

pacìous Вод-Мод, Rapacious Car~kind) and Ow'paronr. Thus when

we fee any of the differences belonging to Meaßire, we are not to

name them by their numerical order of l, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, but by the

things which they denote, as Meafure ofMnltitude, Magnitude, Gra

vit), Valeur, Duration, fige. And to this end all the differences are

to be learned out ofthe larger Tables, Where there is-fome reafon to

be feen for the order of moli of them.

Next to thefe, the (счета! Specie: are to be learned, belonging to

each Diferente, at leali fo many of them as are like moll: frequently

to occur in difcourfe. As for the'­ various kinds of Meteorr, Stoner,

Herbe, Shrubs, Trece, Exanguiou: Animale, Еще‘, Birds, Buße, and

the kinds oi Difeafer, though they are to be'provided for in the Ta

bles, that they may be written when there {hall be occalion for the

mention of‘them5 yet ’tis not ordinarily necefiary to commit them

all to memory, becaufethofe who are той expert in any Language,

may not yet be able to remember all the names offuch things. But

as for fuch Specie: as are fit to be remembred, they are to be learned

out ofthe firlt and larger Tables, where they are each of them de

fcribed and determined, as to their primary Íigniñcations, and fome

reafon is attempted of their number and order, the underlianding of

which will make them more ealily remembred.

After thefe the Particles are to be learned, which {hould be likewife

(юго?` the firlt Tables, where the meaningof them is defcribed and


But for the better helping of the memory in cafes of doubtfot'.

’ L ll ` or­~



Concerning в Tbiloßpbìcal Language.

Part IV.

forgetfulnefs, it may be proper to have recourfe to the Synopfis hiere

adjoined, by which itis eafie at the lirft or fecond view to find outA

the true place ofany Integralor Particle, together with the Derivati

ons and Infiexions belonging to the Radicals.

’Tis here to be noted concerning this briefer Scheme or Table, that

in feveral of the Genur's pertaining to Subfiance, there are only fome

few of the firfl Species or Pairs of them mentioned under each diffe

rence as infiances 5 the гей being to be fought for in the larger

Table. Thofe that are paired by‘way of oppofîtion, are putina di

Шла Charaöter.

The lirfi: Part, and the former half of the fizcond, do containa

Philofophical Diûionary for all Integral, Radical words: The re

maining Part doth contain all the Particles necefi'ary to Speech, be

fides a Summary о? the whole Grammar, with reference both to the

Charaëter and Language :,which I conceive to be fo plainly fet downas not to need any particular explication. _ a

But now becaufe there is no more general inclination amongll per

fons of all Ages and Qualities, then that of Gaming, which Men can

continue at for a long time with much pleafure, and are leaftapt to

be weary of : Therefore the reducing of the Learning of this Chara

Cter to a Game, may be a fpecial help and furtherance toit. ` In order

to which it were not difiicult to fhew, how it might be brought into

feveral Games, like to thofe either at Dice or Cards. Of the former

of which I had once thought to have given an inflance, with relation

tothe Particles, by which it would be eafie to underftand how the

like might be done for all the teli : But upon fecond thoughts I do at

prefent forbear it.


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Chap. VL Concerning d‘Phr'lo/ophiculLanguage. i 444;;

‘ _. . CHAP. vi.

The Appendix, containing а comparifon betwixt this* Natural

l’hilofvphical Grammar, and that of other in/litutecl Lan-S

l gnager, particularly the Latin, in тетей ofthe multitude of

nnneceßary Ruler , and of Ánomalzfmr. Concerning the

China Charalïler. The feveral Аттрп ancl Propofalr made

by others towards' anew kind of Characler, and Language.

The advantage in или?! of Facility, which thz'r “Шорты

cal Language hath oboe/e the Latin. .

l i Aving thus briefly laid the Foundations of a Philofophieal апт

` mar 5I am in the next place to fhew-the many great advantages ._

both for ßguifìeancy, peißicuitj, brevity, and confcquently facility,

which a Character or Language founded upon thefe Rules, mufi needs t

have above any other way of communication, now commonly known ­

or ufed. And becaufe the Latin doth in thefe parts of the world

fupply the place of a Common Tongue, therefore I fhall chiefly in

fifi upon _the comparifon with that. ­ ›

l. Аз for the firft part of Latin Grammar concerning Orthography,

it willbe needlefs hereto fpeak any thing further to this, having be- t

fore mentioned the imperfections ofthat Alphabet 5 the redundancy of

ir. in fome refpecìs, and the deficiency of it in others 5 the incongruity

ofgiving feveral powers tothe fame Letters, до. which particulars

are further manifefted by what` hath been delivered concerning na

tural Orthography. `

As to the other parts of the Latin Grammaräîjí't'ígzlfhall ел‘.

ёеачош’ to prove that they do exceedingly abound with unneeefi‘ary

Ruler, befides a чай multitude of Anomalifnu and exceptions, which

mufl needs render it exceedingly perplexed and diñicult to.' the

Learner. ._ _',

2. In the fecond part concerning Etymology. I. There isagreat

imperfeclrion as to thejuft’ number and true [да/до‘ Radical Words.

I. In fome refpecis too many, by reafon of the Synonima'r which do

very much abound in it. .

a. In other refpects too few. There is a common word for the

notion of Parent, abfiracied from either Sex, Father or Mother. Arid

fo for Child, Liber. But none for the relation‘of Brother, Siiïer, Haf

band, and Wife, Uncle, Munt, Nephew, Niece, Sic.- And fo for the

names of feveral Plants, and Living Creatures of every kind, which

no Dictionary doth fufiiciently expreíi. And though the Latiudoth

provide for fome of thofe notions expreffed bythe Tranfcendental

Particles, yet is not their number fufiicient, there being feveral others

(not provided for) which may as conveniently be in like manner

expreft. And, which is another great incongruity, as to the indi

fiìncìnefs ofthofe which are thliiis provided for 5 neither are all word;~

ll a o


i Pm iv.­

ofthe like notion expreíiible by fuch terrninationr, nor doth the famc

termination always exprefs the fame notion._

3. The words of it are exceeding fEqnwocol, fcaree one amongfì

them which hath not divers fignifications, either flrßlutely, or in pbrafê,

or both my: 5 from which Homonimy,thofe Particles which occur щей

frequently in difcourfe are not free, nt,pro, Bcc. ’

a. There are many improper and preternatural Rules concerning


Concerning a Tlrilo/opbic‘al-Langunge.


r. As to Noun Snlgßanti'oer, both in refpect of{ca_/ès,


I. ln „Грей of башен, which are needlelly ­rnultiplyed, there be

ingbut two in nature; nothing properly having Gender but what

hath Sex. That which is called the Neuter, doth by its very name

Идите that itis no Genderg and belides thefe Gender: are itrationally

a ed. _P‘iiyThings that have no Sex are expreffed by words,

Mafculine, Gladinr, Arent,

iFœininìne. Vagina. Sagitta.

a. Things that have Sex are denoted, I. Sometimes by words of"

the Neuter Gender, Запад’, Arno/inns, Sie. 2. ThoÍè words whofì.

Egnìfications are common to Male and Female, are fometìmes ren

dred only in the Mafcnline Gender, as Fur, шт, Houicìda, Btg, and

fometimes only in the Fœrninine, as Proler, Solioler, Btc. and fomerimes

only in the Neuter, as Алдан’, Mancipinnt, Sie. 3. Many words which

Íìgniñe the fame thin g, and are Synonimous, are yet ufed in (Мета!

Appetitnr, _ _ _

senders .iw-anu, ‹ “fr”, ivm”, Cm”, Carel/w.делами‘. ­0ratio. Лошади”). Conua. {Cn/Ziria, Stg,

He that would fee more of this kind, may confult Мозги Marceßnr,

de indijêretirgeneribur : Where he reckons u abundance of words,

which according to Ancient Authors, were ufed)both in the Majcnlinea

Fauinine, and Neuter Gender.

a.. In refpect ofCaßs, which are not fo conveniently expreů by>

varying Nouns with Terminatìons, whichis the Latin way as by

placing them inthe natural order of Gonltruction and Añixlng Pre­`

poíitions to them (as was faid before.)

3. In refpectof Declenßonr, of which the Latin hath five, which

ceiiäty and inconvenient, thefe are much more fo, becaufe they are

but feveral ways of varying fuch Cafes.

a. AS to Noun Aoljeäimr, neither Nnntber, nor Gender , noi:

(ф, nor Declenlîondo naturally pertain to them g ` but they are {1161

ciently qualiiyed in all thofe refpects by the Snbßantiver to which

they belong ­' As for their inflexion by degrees of “шрифт, which

is proper to them 5 'tis not fo natural that thefe lhould be exprefîed

in the Termination: of the words, as by Auxiliary Particles. The

Adverbs of more, and fnoß, lqfr, and leg/ì, being upon other accounts

neeeifary,and fuliicìent to exprefs this notion in Adjeätver, therefore

the other way mult needs befuperfluous. which is likewife appli

.. ‚ ‚ cable


_.Chap. Gone'erm‘ngaTf/Jilofopbieal Language.. ‚ 4


cable unto the comparifon of Partìeipler, and derived Adverb.

3. As to Verbs, there are very many unneceffary Rules concerning l ’ _ ‚ ` ’

`.' Kinde, _ Con'u ation:their „ßen-„l 1n refpeâ of [Nuáóí’ ’

’ ’ ‘ Per/Fmr and Ten/ê in the Terwination,



‚ lSupz'ner.

r. For their Kinds 5 ’tis not according to the Philofophy o_f

fpeech to diliinguilh Verbrinto Aäive, Paßîve, Neuter, Вершин’, and

Common, or into Perfmal, and [шрифт].

r. . Thofe forts of Verbs which they call däi've, “Шаг, Neuter, and

which are properly to be expreffed by the Verb Sum, and the Ad

(Aäi‘ve, ` `

jeâive ira we, gare all the dillinét kinds of Verbs.

Neuter, `

a. As for thofe that are fiiled Вершин: and Common , they are

acknowledged to be but irregularities and kinds ofexception: from the

common rule of Verbs.

3. All Verbs are naturally capable ofPer/bnßthough in fome Verbs Sanger ¿e

the Latin doth not admit this, 'Tis proper to Еду, lought, Iam пить-Ъ

alhamed, Ó'e. as well as Oportet, Puder. . _ “l” щ‘

2. As to the inflexion ofVerbs. `

’ l. The feveral Gonjugatiom, of which there are four in Latin, are

fuch a preteruatural incumbrance, as Dcclcnfou: are in Nouns, being

Abut feveral ways of varying thofe Terminations or Cafes ofthe Verb,

which in themfelves are needlelì and troublefome.

a. Number doth not naturally belong to Verbs, but only quie Ver- “шарм;

burn Ё: nomine depender, as Sealiger fpeaksg upon Which account it

might as well have Gender too, as it is in the Hebrew, Sjrìaek, cbaldee,

Arabiek, ‚ширмы whiclmyet we account very fuperñuous and

improper. .­ y . f

_ g. The exprefiion of the Perjom and Тел/ё.‘ by the Terminatious

ofthe words, is both unneceíïary and improper, becaufe there is in

other refpeůs a neceíiìty of ufing thofe' Prenom: by which thefe

-Pcrfurare expr‘eífed. And-fhîppoling that a man щи?‘ therefore learn

Ego, Tu,Ille,.Nd;, Vor, IBL `It, would much facilitate and contraél:

:Grammatical Rules, if the‘Verbs thernfelves might remain invariable. ‘

yThe lame may likewiß be (aid of Tenfes,=which may properly be ех

preífed by auxiliary Растет’) ‘l y

‘ ’ f3. For моде’, (to fay nothing of the difiributîon of them, which.

is‘q'u'ite irrational) the eupreí’ñon of the Optativo and шрам is

mol’ll naturally made out by Auxiliary Particles. That which is called

the Inßnz'ti'ue Mode, lhould according to the true Aualogy of that

fpecch be ůileda Радий?!‘ Subßanri‘ue. '

‚` There hath been formerly much difpute amongl’t fome Learned .

Mon, whether the notion called the Infuitive Май, ought to be te­

duced according to the Philofophy of fpeech. Some would have it

to be the prime and principal Verb, as lìguifying more direé’tly the

notion ofAů'ion 5 and then the other varieties of the Verb, fhould

be but the Inflexious ofthis. Others queliou whether the Infiniti?

Mo d

Plaut. Capt.

n'A _ A l

. ‚д .

,œ. о



/ `. -Hx

l .

‘AI-46, @Werving d Tbilo/bpbical Language. Part.1V_

/ Mode be aVetb or no, becaufe in the Greek it receives Articles as а.

LQ’llfmll‘hl‘Noun. Sealiger in the liating of this quefiion, concludes it to be a

P’ "7' a Verb5hecaufc it fignilies with Time,but will not allow it to be a Mode;

_ becaufe itis without Perjön or Number. To which Voßìur adds» that

а: Angry; though it- be not Moda: ада, yet it is Майн: in penuria, becaufe it is

l ' 3' p' 'refolveableinto other Modes. eg. Lßtor me сайте, (1.) quad 'ven

rr'rn. And Го are other Modes tefolveableinto this, Eß mzjêrorm at

malevolenterßnt ó- z’n‘videant, (i.) malè welle Ó» invìdere bonir.

All which difficulties will he moli clearly [lated by alferting it to

be a Sub/fautive Participle. For which this reafon is to be given 5 be

caul'e it hath all the ligas both ofa Noun Subliantive and a Verb.

The Properties or Criteria whereby a Subflantive is to be known

are thefe four; `

t. ­That it is capable ofthe Articles A, or The, to be prefixed before

it, which is ordinary in the Greek for the Inßnìtive Mode, and doth

well enough agree to the natural notion of it in other Languages.

2. ‘Tis capable of that kind of Obliquity by prelixing Prepolitions,

which is commonly liiled variation by Cafër. The Gertrud: in di, do,

duw, being in `the truenotion of them, but the Cafè: of that which

we call the Injïm'tive Mode.

3. It may be joined in confiruëtîon with Adjeäive: or Pronoun:

Payé me. ’ y

4. ’Tis capable of Number in the natural notion of it, though it

be not fo ufed in Languages; the words Aòì'ione: and Leäioner, be~

ing but the Plural number of Адам, Legere.

The Íigns or Properties whereby a Verb may be known, are thefe

three 5

_ 1. 111 our Englilh tongue the Particle (To) may be prefixed before

It. " i.'

2. It Íignifies with time.

3. lt hath two voices, ¿dive and Paßìae.

And therefore being both asnlyiantioe, and a Verb, it lhould ac

cording to the Theory of the Latin be Íiiled a типу‘: Subßantive.

To which may be added, that it is inthe true notion of it, frequently

refolveable into a Noun Subfiantive, as in thefe Inliances. Virtus ф

aritìumfugere, (1.) Fuga 'uitiieji virtus. Magi: paraturferwire quam in»

parare. (1.) ßrrvituti quam ìrnperz'o. Digna: Amari. Amore.

As for the шутит Mode, that is in this refpeû defeûive, becaufe

it makes no difliné’t Provilïon for thofe different notions to be ex

pteffed by it, w'z.. Petition, Perfva/ìon, Command.

vom“, ¿c A. ’5. 'Gerundr and Supiner are unnecelfary infiexions of Verbs, the

m108- Ub- а. 11011011 of them being expreíiible by the Irjìnitì've Mode, whofe Cafes

“P’9'andn’ they are.. Vem'o вредит’): Speä‘are. Tnrpe diät: (1.) dici. Gre/ar

venir ad oppugnandnrn urbana (1.) oppngnare. And fometimes by a

Noun that Íigniñes Aftion. Defeßu arnbnlamlo ambulatione.

перца: ' lcannot here omit the mentioning of what шт hath obferved,

L“’“‘»ub­ $- that the inñexionsof a Verb through its lëveral voices of Aäive,

Paf/ive, together with Mader, тир”, Ste. amount to about fue bun

dred feveral Cafes of inflexion. Now there being four difiinä ways

of conjugating Verbs, thefe variations may upon that account be

reckoned to be то миры, the learning of whichA (though all

‚ Verbs

Chap. VI­ .‘ СопстйпЕаТШфРЫсДЬапХивЗе; 4.4.7

Verbs were regular) would be no fmall labour and diHìculty. Bur

then eonüder the vait multitude offlnoamlzfm'r and exceptions in the

inŕlexions of Verbs, and that will more than double this diflìculty

and labour.

2. As to the derivation of Latin words; whereas the Radix lhould ­

according to Pbìloßpbj be only a Noun Sub/famine, 'tis here fometimes Н‘

a Verb, a Particifle, an Adverb, a Prcpqßtz'on, which is unnatural and

improper! And then belides, there is no certain Analogy amonglt

thefe, à Scribo, Script», but they do not fay, à Bibo, Biptar, but

Bibax, &c.

3. The Rules of Cavrpofìlian are not fixed to any certain Апа

logy. ’Tis Aî‘nobarbur, not ffm’barbur, and yet they lay, Magni/o

атм, not Magnoloquur. The fame Prepolitions,when in Compolîtion,

do fometimes encrenfë and augment the force o( the word,

as in î'lnß'aä'm,lnc4vur, Incurfvm.

per Pcrjïdelirßerß'uar.

de <` Deamo, Demiror.

ex Exclamo, Exaggero.

di: LDi/Èupio.

„ Again, the fame Prepolitìons do fometirnes in Compolîtion import

a denial or privation ofthe fenfe of the word.

in "Indoòîm, Improbm.

per Pcrjîdur, Pervz‘cax.

de д Ветет‘.

ex Errors, Exanguir.

di; LDIÍÍdO.

So the Particle re doth in Compolition fometimes fignifie repetition,

as retego 5 and fometìrnes privation, as revela, than which nothing can

be more lrratlonal and incongruous.

'Unneccfí‘arj Rufe: in tbe Latin „ушах.

That is called figurative and irregular Syntax, which cuftomal'y

ufe, and not any natural propriety doth make Íîgniñcative 5 wherein

there are fome words always either redundant, or deficient, or tran/[w

’ßaL or changed, from their proper notion. Thefe Pbrajèologier are to

be accounted an imperfection of Language, and one degree added to

the curfe of the confulîon 5becaul`e they do exceedingly encreafe the

diñìculty of Learning Tongues, and do not adde to the brevity or

perfpicuity of expreßìon, but rather cumber and darken it ‘with аш


The regular Syntax ofthe Latin doth conliů in{c”"wrd»


I . Concord is the agreement of feveral words in fome accidents and

circumf’tances5 as betwixt, 1. Subfíanti‘ve: and Adjeů'iver. 2. Two

Subßantivef. 3. Sulgßantiver and Ver/n. 4- Antecedent and Relatizge.

Goncernìngwhich there are fo many dìůcult perplexed Rules, as are



4.4.8 Concerning а ‘Pbilo/opbical Language. Part 1V.

enough to tire out and difcourage any young Learner, moli of them

being founded upon fuch principles as are not natural to the Philo

fophy of fpeech. ‚

3. lThe Карт’: of words doth concern their government of

others in refpeói of È 33.2%

l. There are a great multitude of Rules that concern “фли

uw, Adjeäi‘ver, Pronoun, in reference to their governing of the

бытие, Dative, Accu/Zitiere, Ablative Cafe.

a. So for Verbs, that fome of them muli govern the Nominativo,

others the Секты, others the Ватт, others the мафии, and

othersthe Ablative Cafe 5 fome promîfcuoufly both Ge’i'i'vfs


jííïíî'êfe’ Befides the feveral Rules concerning thofe

divers Cafes which may precede the Infînitizœ Mode5 fome words

requiring a Коттедж, others a Dati've, others an Accnfati've. To

which may be added tliofe various Rules about Genindx, Звуки,

Participler, in reference to the feveral Cafes, Geniti'ue, Accnjfitive, Ab

lati've, governed by them.

3. There are feveral Rules that concern the Regimen of Афины,

both as to Серж, Nomin. Gen. Dat. Áccuf АИ“.

_Moder, Видел‘. Inxperat. орт. Suly'nnäl.

4. Other Rules refer tothe Regimen of Prepoßtiom, fome of which

govern the Accnßiti've, others the Ablatz've Cafe, and fome both.

5. Other Rules refer to the Regimen of Conjunä‘ionr, both as to

Cafe: and Mader.

6. Others to Intery'eäionr, divers of which are faid to govern the

Nominati've, Байт, Aeon/ariete, Vocati've Cafe.

Belide thefe for Syntax, there isa great multitude of Rule's in the

Latin Prqßdia, about the Accenting and унций!) of words : whereof

fome are General, referring to the nature of Letters and Syllables5

others more particular, concerning the lirlipr middle Syllables in any

word, amongft which there is no certain and солдат Analogy:

They fay, Heůörern, 8c Pnetörern.

lt cannot be denyed but that all Фей: Rules are necefiary to theLatin Tongue5 but- this largues the imperfeëiion of that Language,

that it lhould (tand in need offuch and fo many Rules as have no foun

dation in the Pbiloßpby of_]Íoeecb. I am not ignorant that our Learned

gâcât‘fgî‘änó': Verularn, fpeaking concerning the inflexions ufed in the more Ancient

щ“. Languages by Cafes, Modes, Tenfes5‘ó‘c. in which the modern Lan

guages are very fparing, fupplyfing them by auxìlìarjparticler 5 from

thence infers, ingeniapriorunrfecnlorurn nofírirfurß: rnulto acntiora Ó

ßrbtiliora. But with reverence to the judgment of that incompara

ble Man, though it muli be granted,that the Language being fo, there

was great wit in 'reducing the inflexions of words to fuch Rules of

Art5 yet ifthefe Rules be not шеф’; to Language, and according

to nature, but that words may Íignilie luiiiciently and in fome refpeâs

better without them, then there is greater judgment lhewecl in laying

them afide, or framing a Language without them. ‘ —

If all thefe Rules were general and confiant, yet the multitude and


так‘! а ftngular, others a plural number.

Chap. VI- Concernmga ‘Phrlofopbte'alLanguage. 4.4.9

variety of 'them would adcle much diliiculty to the Latin: But now ‚

the exceptions and Anomali/ìn: to thefe Rules are fo very numerous,

that there is muchy more pains required for the ¿remembring ofthem,

than of the Rules themfelves; infomuch that many eminent Gram

marians have written againlt Analog), both in Greek and Latin.

[Íhall offer a very brief view of them. `

As to the inflexions of Nouns in refpef’r, _

I. Of Nurnberg, there are abundance of “таит/ах, whofe fence

and lignilication is natu-rally capable of both Numbers, fome of which :flm‘ìsibdcl‘l'

‚ с . . aa. In refpeâ: of Gender, the Rules to difcover the Genders of Cgi;I iis-a

Words by their Terminations, are not without multitude of excepti

ons. -There are divers words that are ofone Gender in the щит,

and another in the plural number. Tartarur, Tartara. Locus, Looi,

Ó' Loca. Carbaßu, Carbaß. Supe/lex, .S’irpelleèîilim Сидит, Cœli. Epu

lurn, Epu/re, бы. ‚ ­ . `

3. ln “Край ofCafer, fome words abound in Crfes. /lvaritia,

.Avaritier. Araneur, Aranea. Antidotur, Antidoturn, SCC. Others

have no Cafes, and are (tiled Aelita, or Aptota 5 as Sinapi, Рондо, Ne

quarn,Cornu„ ,Í’Zyatuoggluingg Sex, жрет, OóZo, Novem, Decent, Уй

ginti, Trigìnta, bcc. Contana, Mille, Sec. Others called Monoptota,have

but one oblique Cafe, which in fome is the Genitive, as Hujufrnodi, '

Ejufozodi r, in others an Aecujàtive, as Infîeiar, in others~the Ablative, Xgfl'îigf г

Prornptujnßi, щит, Sic. Other Nouns have but two Cafes, and Capfw. 48:

are therefore ftiled Diptota,as Nere/fe», Neeeßm; Suppetin, Ó Suppetiar. ‘1lb-2- à 1° “d

And there are divers others that are Triptota, ‘ширмы, Pentaptota. Liîmmum ca'

4.. ln refpeft of Deelen/louis the Terminations of the Cafes both

in the Íingular and plural number in divers DeclenÍions are not with

out many exceptions,as Mußr, Filiabur, Ste. Some words are of feve‘

ral Declenlions, as Pafeha, Pafrhe. Рад/дай. i

2. As to the inflexion: of Adjeä'iver by the degrees of comparifon 5

there are many words which Идите quality, and are naturally capa

ble of динар, and deereafè, and confequently of this inflexion, which Ibid ub 2.

are yet exempted from it .° So Cieur, Opiniur, Claudur, Egenur, Al- capfn.'

mur, Sie.

Some Want only a Pojítive, as Prior Primm, ‘Dlterior ‘Ultimun

Othersa Comparative, as Novus Novel/2mm, Fат‘: РаЩ/Ёа’ш’, Piu:

Piißntur. Others a Superlative, as i.íjuveuir junior, Senex, Senior,

Btc. _ Belides that thofe which are in eëted through all degrees,have

feveral irregularities in the manner of it; Simili: Sinzillirnur, not

Sitnt'ltßìrnul. Воти, Malt“, Magnur,Parvur.

3. As tothe inflexion of Verba; many Verbs of the Aâ'ive voicetbidßapâ,

are fometimes ufed in a Pajfive Íigniñcation, and feveral others of the

Paßi've voice ufed Aö'ivelj. The exceptions about the старты,“ ,cm

of Verbs, efpecially thofe referring to the puter ‘си/ё andjîipiner, are 19nd Cáp.47.

fo exceeding numerous,that it is not eafie to recite them : Some are

wholly without them, others have them without any Analogy; as

Fleo Flevi, Sero Sevi, Fèro Тай. ‘Ubi à партиям similia, a Simi

' lilru: Dzlfìrnilia. .

М m m Some


4.50 Coneeming a 'Philo/bpbical Language. Рart lV.

Sometimes divers Verbs have the fame Prater ‘ел/ё, as

Crejìo 1 _ Lucca, . Fulgeo, ¿Fl 8(Gema: Screw' Lugea,ll‘uxz° Fuleeo,.§ up’ c'

And Го for Supines,

Crejŕo ‘ Pando@ шпсщёуд и 8cCeruajgcretum' Рада”, “шт” Vivo, i u ’ c

. . ras . DieuSome Verbs are offeveral con)ugations,aggero „ДЕ Юта/вида} Sec. ‚

Some are of none of the four conjugations 5 as Sum, Volo, Fia, Eo, 81C.

vOthers‘are defeůive in refpeů of Modes and Tenfesgas Aie, Ave,

Dari, Fari, Foren, Sie. `

Thofe particular Terminations which Íigniñe а Verb to be Inebo- l

атм, Frequentati've, Dimiuutivc, are not without many exceptions.

As for the feveral Anomaliíihs in Syntax, referring either to Concord

or Regimen, they are fo exceeding numerous, that it would be too

tedious to recite them : And they may be (een in every Grammar.

Adde to thefe the feveral exceptions in the Rules of Prg/Mia, about

the right левый; and quantity of words.

And from all thefe particulars put together, it is' fuñiciently evi

dent that there may be very many and great advantages ina Philofo

‚ phìcal Language, above that of the Latin Tongue i etpecially in thefe i

two refPeâs,'that this hath â "o "Миф", Rum’ `

no Exceptzom.

As for the China Charaůer and Language Го much talked of in the

s world, if it be rightly reprefented by thofe that have lived in that

' CountryJ and pretend to underfiand the Language, there are many

coníiderable faults in it, which make it come far Íhort of the advan

tages which may be in fuch a Philofophical Language 'as is here

deügned. ‚

.rrígakius l'. The multitude of Charaëters and Words, of which there are

um, Sincnfis," about 8oooo. others íay i-aoooo. and ofthefe a man mult have in

äb‘c'àsaâ‘i readineß about eight or ten thoufand before he is to be counted one

ofmchim, that can write the Charaůer, or judged Ht to cxprefs his mind by it.

Pmh Счм- a. There Gharaůers are firangely complicated and давным as to

the “дней them, as may fufhciently appear by the following in

fkance of the Lords Prayer in. this Charaíter: The Manufcript of

which», together with a Catechifm inthe China Charaéi’er and Lan

ua e, was communicated to meby that Ingenious, andi Inquifitive

Éer on, Ma‘Lgdomicki in which there was both the Creed‘and Ten

Commandments, with fevdual Queůzions зад‘ АпСшегэ about ‚нем

vciples of Chriůian Religion :_ The Language vbeing writ on one fide of

theCharaCtet in-our_common.Lettersôand awenbal Tranílation in [Latin

on the orherfidp, [did purpofe our 0E this tnorhaive inferted the Lords

Prayer asî it wasim that Cop g in onder to which I‘procured'aCut

robe made о? the, Charaůer: but this Manufcripe being deftroyed in

the lateE-ire, andinot knowing where topnoeuwa- fuppiy of it, I am

necefiìtateld‘to, offeathe Chamâers. without` the Verbal' Interpretati

ons of them. Their way of readìngis known to be fi-om thetopsorr

the right Íìde downwards.




i Chap, VI. Concerningn Tbilo/op/aicn/ Language. 4-51

.. JÈ .‚[SIC Zie

.„ @fr


ngò sr ’u ul y u о turn :È

ehm m "LÃ, . 'Iyf" ‘Y l) a n.. â¥

.t 3 ст ons. o у“ ш tem »lg

à. 3<ñ -fwn e" 1







ngò ‘ _ “Ш E gli@ а l

Beiìdes the difficulty and perplexedneß ofthefe Characters, there

doth not feem to be any kind ofAnalogy (fo far asl am able to judge)

betwixt/the "таре of the Characters, and the things reprefented by

them, as to the Aiiinity or Oppoíition betwixt them, nor any tolerable

provifion for neceflàry derivations.



Mmma 3.To.

4vfoncerning а Tbilo/opbical Language. Part 1V.

Theoph. Spi

zelius de Re


3. To this may be added the great .Equivocalneß of the Language,

every word having divers lîgniñcations, fome ofthem no lefs than

fwrmllrsly twenty orthirty feveral fences; upon which account Alvarez Sene


1 661. Sedi. 6.

Hillor. Chinî,

Part 2. Capa.

Lingua Ana

mirica, cap.2.

Hili. Part 1.

Cap. 6.

doalhrms it to be more difficult t‘han any other Language in the


4. The ‚жми, of попавшей”; 11, every Syllable (as this

Ко) hath no lefè than ten feveral ways of pronunciation, as faith

Author, and it hath more than thirty feveral lignilications in the

Anamitrfb Language, `as Alexander Rhode: obferves in his Diäionary.

Such various Accents they are necellitated to make ufe of, as other

people cannot imitate. The Syllable Ba, according to its various

Accents, hath fix feveral fences, of no kind of aliinity or nearnefs to

one another. And the mofl expert Men among thernfelves are not

able fo exaëily to diftinguiih in pronunciation, without ulin feveral

‘attempts and repetitions to explain what they mean 5 or ometime

by making the Figure ofthe Charaâer they would exprefs with their

Fingers in the Air, or upon a Wall, or Table.

5. Though in fome particulars they feem to found their Charaäer

upon the Pbilrfepb) of things, yet 'tis not fo in others. The Cha

raů‘er put for a precious Stone (faith Semedo) muli be uiîed with ad

ditions to it for feveral kinds of Germ, as Pearls, Src. So the Cha

raf’cer for any kind of Tree, muft have joined to it, the Charaâcr for

Wood; :ind the letter that ligniñes Metal: , muli be annexed to the

Charaůer of Iron, Copper, Steel, Sec. The meeting with which paf.

fage, was no fmall fatisfaf’tion to me, in reference to that way which

1 had before pitched upon for the moli natural expreílion of things.

But this (faith he) is no conliant Rule ampngft them. It lhould

feem to be obferved only in fome few фей” of nature which are

­moft obvious, there being reafon to doubt whether they had any

Ibid. l

Mr- Beck of


liich general Theory ofPhilofophy, as might ferve for all other things

and notions. ’

111 this it 1110 be acknowledged that they have а great advantage

above the Latin, becaufe their words are not declined by Terminati

ons, but by Particles, which makes their Grammar much more ealie

than that of the Latin.

To thisl might adde fomething concerning the advantage of this

Philofophical way, above thofe attempts towards a Univerfzń Cha

raůer which have been made by others. That of Mark: or Letters

by Cicero; that of number: by an ingenious Country-man of our

own, followed lince by Beelnzrur, and by Albano/ía: Kireberg together

with that other attempt towards an Univerfal Language, by Philip

Labbé. All which are in this one refpeâ defeâive,becaufe they are

not Philofophical; upon

cult, and lefs dil’tinöi.

Thefe things being premifed concerning the many needle/.i Ruler,

and great variety of exception: in the Lating it will not be very dif

licultto make a eomparifon betwixt that, and the Charaëter and ‚

Language here propofed. ' ‚

For the right eůimating of the diiiiculty which there is in the

Learning ofany Language, thefe two things are to be enquired igtttl».

1. e

which account they are much more diliì- i

Chap. V_I. ` Concerninga ‘P/:iloßpbicalLanguage. y its;

r. The multitude ofwordt. And 2. The Grammatica! Ruler belong­

ing to fuch a Langua e.

r. As to the iirli о фейг, Hermann: Hugo ali'erts that no Language De origine

hath fo few as ioocoo words5 and Varro is frequently quoted by ¿L êeribenai.

vers Learned Men, as if he aliirmed that there are in the Latin no lefs Blipviiilron,

than five hundred Мифы’. But upon enquiry into the fcope of g‘vi‘s' .

that place they relate to, it will appear-that he doth not there de- oxhomms'

lign to give an account of the juli number ofwords in the Latin, but

only to fliew the great variety which is made by the прежде’: and o

Compojîtion of Verb: : To which purpofe the lirů thing he lays down

is, That there are about one thoufand Radical Verbs in the Latin.

And then Secondly, That every Verb in the Declenfions of it, hath

about live hundred feveral varieties or Cafes of inflexion, which make

v'up the number of five hundred thoufand. And then Thirdly, He

fuppofetheach of thefe to be compounded with nine Prepolitions,

as for inflance, the word Сет‘, Recejfít, Acceßìt, Abfcejlìt, [пей/1:, Ex

се n, лещ/1‘, Deceßit, Cancel/it, Procelßt5 this will raife the whole

number to бы „шт; : in which account he reckons only the Cafes

and Compofitions of Verbs, .and takes no notice of the Particles of

fpeech, nor fuch other words as are not radically Verbs, which are

Very numerous.

Of all other Languages, the Greelt is looked upon to be one of

the той eopious5 the Radixes ofwhich are el’teemed to be about

23244.. But then it doth exceedingly abound in Compo/irían, in

which the Latin Tongue being more fparing, muft therefore upon

that account have more Radicals. What the particular number of

thefe may be, is not eal'ie to determine5 becaufe Learned Men do

not agree about many ofthem, whether they are Radicale, or Deri

vativer. They may be by moderate computation efiimated to be

about ten „лифта, той of which are either abfolntel), or in pbrajê,

or both may: equivocal. Notas/i ex Varrone, Nounio б‘ Feßo, non ex

tare ‘vocabulnrn арка! Latino: quod plnrerßgnifîcatione: non биде‘, ЫкЬ

Campanella. Many ofthem have no lefs than twenty diliinâ Бай-биты“

lications, and fome more. Now for every feveral fenfe, we may Philofnph.

julily reckon fo many feveral words, which will much augment the L‘b“'C‘P"‘

formernumber. But fuppofe them only to treble it, and then the

Latin wordt are to be reckoned thirty thoufand.

a. Now for the Latin Grammar, it doth in the common way

of Teaching take up feveral of our Нгй years, not without great

‘су! and vexation of the mind, under the hard tyranny of the

School, before we arrive to a tolerable skill in it. And this is

chiefly occafioned from that great multitude of fuch Rules as are not

neeeli'ary to the Philofophy of fpeech, together with the Anania;

lifnu and exceptions that belong to them5 the diliiculty of which

may well be computed equal to the pains of Learning one third part

of the words 5 according to which the labour required to the attain

ing of the Latin, may be eliimated equal to the pains of Learning

forty thoulànd words. ‚ °

Now in the way here propofed, the words neceli'ary for commuó

nica‘tion are not three thoufand, and thofe fo ordered by the help of

natural method, that they may be more ealily learned and reméem;l



4.54. Concerning a ‘РИФ/Эры“!Language. Part rv.

bred than a thoulitnd words otherwife difpofed of5 upon which ac.

count they may be reckoned but as one thoufand. And as for fuch

Rules as are natural to Grammar, they were not charged in the former

account, and therefore are not to be allowed for here.

So that by this it appears, that in point of ealinefs betwixt this and

the Latin, there is the proportion of one to forty 5 that is, a man of

an ordinary capacity may more вашу learn to exprefs himfelf this

way in one Month, than he can by the Latin in forty Months.

Thisl take to be a kind of Demonûration à Priori; and for an

Argument a Prdleriori,uame1y,from Experiment. Though I have not

as yet had opportunity of making any tryals,yetl doubt not,but that

one ofa good Capacity and Memory, may in one Months fpace attain

toa good readinefs of exptefiiug his mind this way, either in the

Cbaraüer or Language.

FINIs 1s




Whcrcìn arllA


According то Фе11


Arc círher f_efcrred to their P‘Iaces in Фе


0r explained by fuch Words as are in :hof:

LONDON îf »‘

Prîntcd by M'. for Samuel Gellibrand‘ and f i

’ 70,212 Martin, 1668.k l 1




Or thebetter underfianding ofthe References in the following




















the Reader is defìred to take notice, that the Ab

Habit (et







to the


impetus, or fit













Natural Power


Op они:

О cer`



Parts General



breviations therein uf`ed, are thus to be explained 5

A. Afhnis.

а. ‘ aûive

AC. Aäion Corporeal

adj. adjefiive

Adv. Adverb underived

adv. adverb derived

(aaah aggregate

(apt aptitude, or pronenefs.

AS. Aâion Spiritual

arm. armament

Saug. augmentative

Ве. Beafi

Bi. Bird

Coni. Conjunâion

(corr corruptive

D. Deficient extreme

D. Difcourfe

def. бегает/е

dim. diminutive

E. Exceeding extreme

El. Element

(end endeavour

Ex. Exanguious

(ex. excefiìve _

(fem. female

Fi. Fifh

(freq frequentative

G. God‘

Power,or ability

Parts Peculiar


Herbêconfideredâlilow- 4

To the Reader._‚_____________—__———______—____—__——————-————-—‘——д—

Рг. Provilions (fegr. fegregate

Pre. Prepolition Sh Shrub

Pro. Pronoun Sp. Space

fp. fpeelally

(L Quality fenfible St. Stone

RC. Relation Civil T. or TG. Tranfcend. General

RE. Relation Eccleiiaûical TA. Tranfcendental Action

RJ. Relation judicial TM. Tranfcendental Mixed

RM. Relation Military Tr. Tree ›

R N. Relation Naval

RO. Relation Oeconomical v. verb

S. Sicknefs W.' World

The Literal Figures, as I, Il, V, фа. denote the order ofthe Dif

ferences under each Genus 5 and the other Figures, the order of the

the Species under each Difference. So the word Sheep in the Diâio

nary is marked Be. ll. Q_. The meaning of which is, That the thing

iignified by that word is defcribed in the Philofophical Tables under

the Genus of BEAST, the fecond difference, and the fecond Species.

And Goat is Be. ll. a. A. (Le.) 'tis joyned as an Afiinis to the fame


The Delign ofthe Philofophical Tables is to enumerate and deicribe

all kinds ofThing: and Notion: : And the Defìgn of this Dië’tionary,

is to reckon up and explain all kinds of words, or name: ofthings.

And that the Reader may the better underlland the ufefulnefs of

having all words fet down according to their different Acceptions,

and by what kind of Analogy they come to be ufed in fuch various

fences (which is one ofthe particular advantages of this Diâionary)

I (hall here felec’t out of it one particular Infiance, for each ofthefe

feveral kinds of Words, viz.. a Subßanlive, an Adjeä‘i'ue, a Verb, a Par»

ticle 5 by which it will be ealie to underiiand any of the гей. .

„ So the word С ORH‘UPTION, according to that Notion of it which

1srPrimary and proper, doth denote the Being, or Making ofa ‘На,

wil, or warf?, whether by . ^

(Admixtion with that which is bad, and then itis ofthe fame

l î importance with the word Def/ing.

i. Pri'oation, as to a thing

V l yßeing, fo corruption is de/lroying.

‘Ujrfnlne/i, fo corruption is jpoiling.

Secondary, as applied to things

{Плющ fo Corruption will denote according to the Degree



of it, either Infeâ'ion, or Вега)’, or Pnlrefaëìion.

Moral, whether more _ r

General, fo it denotes the Evilnefs` of the mind or manners,

â Unbolz'neß, Vicionßzefl.

Special, fo ’tis peculiarly applied to @ruba/lit] and Bribery. -f

.\t . SO


Та the Keacleŕ.

So the word CLEAR, may Íignilie either

fEntire of it[ЭК5 fo clearly is wholly.

J Not mingled with other: 5 Го Clear is Simple.

fpccially not with Worf'e5 fo Clear is Pure. _ „

ilßeirtg freefrom inpedimentr, or not being hindered from

Being, doing, or receiving, which [notion of Clear may

be often exprefì by the Tranfcendental mark ofPerfe

_ étive. There may be Inflances ofit given in every Ge»

l nus; as particularly,

."Qaalitj, whether

ll t'Natural Power, fo a clear iight or ùnderflanding is

а good if or u. Itis applied tothe

{1l/limi, as а clear Wit, or Spirit .

l Bod), fo we fay one is clear offickne'li` or pain,l1as

a clear skin, ‘ c.

Habit, as а clear Reputation, that is a good R.

l fp. Sagaclty and Sincerity are thus called Clear


ì Mannerr,as Clear Dealingßhat` is Candor or Frank-­


Senfíble щит}.

Vilible, as clear weather, or sky or WateßÓ'cx

l Audible, as clear found.


' L.Sic/gufi, as clear ofan) dißajè (i. e.) not Inf‘eůed,

l or not Difeafed.


l \ Civil, as a Clear Eßate.l l judicial, as Clear ofan) Crime.

Militar), asClear Coaß.

Eccleßa/iic, as Clear ofany Cere/irre.

\ LBeirx‘g'Done, fo Clear is Eaße, or not dìfEcult 5 Being Known,

Го Clear is Plain or manifeli5 Being kcome to, or Рита‘!

through, fo Clear is Accel/ille, or Pafi’able, or Empty,

So the word DELIVER, according to its primary fence, is the mol :ion (Met.) or the pafiìng ofa thing, or of the Poflefiion lof ir, or of

the Power over it, trom one to another. lt is commonly ufed in rela-i

tion either to the

‘ваша, or thing deliver’d, whether

шт; fo Deliver may Íignlñe Depoßting, Paying, Ефим‘;

Words, as to the _

Matter, whether concerning

’ Fад’, Го Delivering is Narration

Doärine, Го Delivering is Teaching

Manner, whether

Immediatel) by

‘Мои/д, fo to deliver, is toЛил/ь

Peri, fo to deliver, is to write

Mediatel), fo Delivering is Tradition

Дети 1of this motion, eitherfrom а



_ То tbe Reader.


"Better condition to a werfe, being ufed ‚

Paßìvely, fo Delivering is Dereliäion

Aòì'ively, whether

¿Involuntary ‚ fo Delivering is yielding

l _ Voluntary, fo Delivering is Betraying

д Waffe condition to a better.

rTemporal, whether by way of ‚

g Prevention, fo Delivering is Prejêrving, or тиф”; t0 ф‘ре.

l Remedy, froml captivity, fo to deliver, is to ‘Uncaptivate.

_ Bondage, fo to deliver, is to ‘Un/lave.

\ Przfòn, fo to deliver, is to Unìnrprtßn.


Danger bfcbild-birtb, Го to deliver, is the

Aëlìve of Parturition.

Eternal, fo delivering is Redemption.

So the Particle BY, is fometimes ufed in the fence oían

Integral, fignifying the notion ofDigreffzon or Акты}, as on

l tbe by 5 and is ofthe fame importance with fuch kind ofNe

gatives, as not principal, not pertinent, not publie, not ordi

nary, as a By-way : And fometimes 'tis ufed to denote a

common fpeech implying fomethlng of contempt, as а By­


Prgpqfîtion \


' Eliicient, By Ли’: an Author.

l âlnflrumental, Slain b ‘де/топ’.

Final, or end, By пай’: of, де.

l [Local or Temporal, being fornetimes ufed in that fa me

fence with thofe other Prepofitions.

_f Before, aS, By God, (it) belore God,

At, as, Come by, (i obtain, or corne at.

‹ In, as, by day, (i.) in the day time.

l Through, as, by fuch a lireet, (i.) through fuch a (kreet.

‘L LBejíder, as, by the mark, belides.

t Adverl»r denoting the Circumftance ofNearnelis, whether

Á'lLocal, So By, or hard by, is near fucha Place.

‚ Temporal. So By and by, is nearnefs in Time, lignifying

future (dim.)



To the Reader.

Belides ‘Ной: Phrafeologies wherein the Particle is ufed to Íignifìe

the Manner ofthings, as, B] the B), Bj the Great, B) Retail, В; it

fëy, Все. Which Phrafes are to be exprelfed by the Adverbs Neuter

ofDigreßìou, Aggregate, segregate, Solitary, 8tc. So thofe Forms of

Speech, E] тиф, B) the da), or da) b] da), B] degrees, B) turns,

Haufe In; Houfe, Tear b] Tear, Btc. are to be exprelfed by the Adverbs

of тиф, Da), Degree, Turn, Haufe, Tear, with the Tranfcendental

Note ofSegregate.


The Alphabetical D yI C Т I'O N 'A R Y.

A В А B A C ' ‚ f

Arìicleì r, ' .4Ь[9тйпаге1 ­ ( ‘ Accent, D. I; 9.

A an on.TA.lI.2.0. v. Hate AS. V.3.0. au . Acce t TA.I . . .Ähxiiiaf..f )TM [.(sverracionj AS. v. Si c). nea-irish». V 4 A

­ owne s, ‚П. .0. aug- ad'. . ccfa, Nit-mmm] на, 1i, o, Aboard Brito, or in Ship] [Г î] apri] TA' N°4' A'

‚ [а- НитШгУЦ Man- V. 2. Abortion, AC. I. 3. О. Пгсщггйпг] AS. IV 7Abnß’, [aßhamcx] AS.VI. a. A. Above, Prep. V._i.0. Acception of a word. ­ .

Abate _ мы! per] Sp. 1.11.5. ['meaning] D. II A.

Р- Little,] TM. I. i.D. Moret спишь] Acco/i. '

а. штампом тм. i. 7. D. ‚001014,‘. тм. I. a. E. v. come] TA. vi. 1

[a Remimom] тм. i. г. D. [miiedimdance] TM-I. 3.15. ower a '

Га. 5цьдц&5оп‚_| TM._vi. 7. About, 'as round_-Prep. III.3.0. cave ' of to come]

Abbot, fAbby’s (отсев) more or И? Adv. V.3. [о pol-.unity .p ' `

Abbie, fColledge of Monks] concerning Prep. 1.3.0. ¿age „y TM, IV o

Abbftw'ate, [a.Brevity,]TM.lI. Аида, [onto _]PrepJV. 2. машет,’ '4° '

i. о, _ without]_Prep. IV. 2.0. o ‚ to Sub ‚ _Га. Epitome,] D. V. 6. {[in public l adv. TM- V. 4- ['zi’dLConriiig'le‘niîŕ’ln‘oV 8 О

АЬ1‘(1‹1дг‚[а.АЬЬ\-счЕагс.] АЬРоддге[ппЁ1ат._] RCJV­3~ (thing.) 0 . o n

Abdimn, TA.I. 3. 0. Abrupt. {ад}. Fortune] AS I a D

Áltffedari’an‘, [Learner of ele- [confufed]TM­ V3.0. (thingj ‚- ' ' ' '

ments,'] D. I. ’ _

Ãbfd, [in bed,] brought, (ad).

pret. parturitiom]

Abff. —

Р. Accel'fary,] TM. IV. 4.0.

v. Incourage,] RO.VI. 2.

Га. Help. '_i т.п.5.

AÍ’Íior. _

Р. Hate, AS.V. 3. O. (augm._]

_v_ Averfation , AS. V. 5. О.




Р‘. Duration,]Mea. V. A.

v. Pcrmanent,] Sp. I. 6.

Г’. ConÍtancy,_} Ha. IV. 7.

fv‘. my] ТА. vi. o.

[мы] Ро. i. A.

fuffer. .

Г‘. Paíïiom] ’_I‘. I. 7. O.

Г". Patiencq] Man. I. 8.


fMeam] Ha'. II.V5. G.(augin.)

f'Contempt‘ibleLl AS. II. 8. О.­(augm.) -

exceí's of modefly, Man. III.

9. Е.


fPotentialncfs] T. III. 5. O.

(Nar. Power] NP. per tot.

I'Polfeífions] Po.

Abjìire, [_Swear. RC. VI. 4. (a


Ablatum, TM. VI. .

Able, [ад]. Abilìty.]

Abode, vid. Abide.

Aboliflr. ›

Га. Nothing] T. I. i. O.

['Annìhilatc] AS. I. i. О.

l'DeÍtroy] AS. I. 4. O.

_Law Гц. Law (un.]

_Ati до. А& (an.)

fp.ende’d Confuffd- fp. Event. TA.V.

difcon'tiniied _ ly-j Acclamation. AC. 111,3. О.

Ab S .IL ‚О.‚46%2235? l [Exclamation {ЕР-“дн Joy]

_ _ r ‘гAcquitring,] II. 7. Accomm’dne; m c]

un'fxcommumca‘e’ilßß -V'S‘ la. Congruous, T.V. 6.(inake]

А Elm а. Means' т. ii. 6. o.

[рейса] T- m» 9- а. Provi ion] Pr.

op. to dependent, TM. IV.3.0_ Amm“, _

op. to relative, T. I. 8. O. v_ Companion] R0. 1V, ,_

Abfol‘ffw". Wd- АЬМ’г- v. Being, T. Li. with or

Abßf'". TA. V~ 6- 0­ [и Goìng,TA.VI... together]

. Abitinence] Main. Il. 2- Accomplißr. °

Ab „мы“ ‚ ЕМ). Abßinence,] „_ рейса] т_ Ш‘ 9. (m же).

{мг-щппфёйъс Perfpâ‘m] TA. III. 6. ’

. _ . F' ' ТА. III. .Ab/iìrß-ue, ad). _ .4t-godin.l 1 7

ll;- pjurgtayrjopbtd‘i’mtâ] f.. Artem] As. ii. 3.­ un s l u „ i g v . `

Alg/iincnce, TA. V. 6. O. ‘В; ŕnîlïmousj Т 'l s ‹

vcrtue,Man. II. 2. [with fimultancous Spontane

Abjlrae'l, D. II. a.[epitome] D. V. 7. ну]

Oforie: own

Abßrufe. . d . s As. iv.[obfcure] D. III. 9. О. Acciiîdiyiig. штатом’) ’ 9

[Concealed] TA. I. 8.0. ['adv_ C0ngru0u5,] Т. V, 5,

Abfurcl. _ ` › '_at. Adv. i. 3.

| fooliíh] HA. VI. 2. D. _1o. Prep. Il. i.

[поп congruous] T. V- 5. Accordingly. Adv. I. 3. О.

Abundance,_TM. 1.2. E. _ Accojt. Y ’

АЬи[е, ГШЧДГА- V: 6° (Corral Р. Near' Sp.II. 3. ­

[fpeak IHIUUOUÜYJ Rl» IV- 1- Adare s] AC. V. 2.

Abulweneft- ['Salute] AC. V. 3.

|'nronenefs to abui'e.] Accounting.[Tcurrility] Man. IV. 9. E. |­Reckoning] TA. IV.' 6.

Abùtt Г“. Margim] Sp. III. 4. А. [Emerging] ASJL 3'

Abyge [Deep] TM. Il. 3. (aug.) дают‘.

Academy, RC- Ш. 6. _ Clothed] Pr. IV.Acard, FLV. 8. A. l[_'Ai'rniimentedlj Pr. IV. A.

Accelerate. Acc-rue. _

Га. Swift] NP. V. 9. Гр. Effect] T. II. 0.

(fa. Soon] Sp. I. 4. [wEvent] TA. V.

a a Accu



as Plaintiff] R ].I. 4.

»fn/fly. a. Calumny. В]. IV.7. Adapt.

Accujìam. a. Cußom. RC‘JV. x.A.

-ro dac,&, ac. C frequent)

Ace. _ _

One,] Mea. II. r.

_Point] Mag. I. r.

Alerón). Q. IV. 3. A.

Ас‘: [111111111 P. v. 3.o.

Afbie'ue. ì

Га. Рег1е&_\ Т. Ш. 9.

ГPerform] тмп. 6.

Ea. A&ion]T. l. 7.

Acid. . IV.4. `

Acknarv edge.

[AiIent AS. II. 3.

Concei ron] D. VI. 3.A.

IConfefs] D. VI. 9.

Acnníre. (Woolv’s-bane]

Winter. FIS. I. 3.

Acorn [Maß ofthe Oke]

Acquainr. [Know (такс!

Acquar'ntance. R0. IV. 4.

Ac ließe.

v. Rell] Mp. O.

[1. Content] Ha. I. 3.

' Acquire.

[Obtain] TA. V. l.

[Gain] TA. V. 2.


­­­­ofdebt. TA.IV. 9.

­­­­0fguilt. B II. 7.

A С А D А D ì

' A l ‚ . H о. II. 6. [Intenfe T M.I. 8. Е. Adolefcence. Me. VI. 2.Aílïi'zeîtgdìçaPercfëâl. T. III. 9. [Sprighnt‘lì'] NP. IV. 2. Adam-lover. H F. IX. 5.

Accurfe ['Curfc] AS. I. 3. О. ———-5‘0“ . (è III. l. E. Adoc, [E_ndeavoun] A.III. 4,

Accufe, ' Sägacious] Ha. III. IA. Ado .['mlIead-a. chlld,RO.I. Ã1

as Informer] R ]. I. 3. А «gf D. V. r. A. О. make]

Adamant [Diamond] St. IV. I. А‘1‹›гг‚[""ог1Ыр‚] REJV

Adern, [a. omate.] T МЛ. 5.

а. Proportion( rfi] Advance.a. Congruouszi’c go forward] B M. II. 2­ E.

‚ a. Direâ. Mag.II.8.F„(makc]

l[w­-­.} — [a Lift] 0.1. 1. А.together-_ putti [3. Upper] Sp. III. 5.

adj. Sum Quake] [2. Superiority т ,_adj. Aggregate, (такс) [2. High] T M. R M'I'5’ES

rFind ä, snm] 11.4. 0-1“

[reckon 'I Aggregate] Prefer. [a.Dignity.] Н. 11.5:

‚шт Viper] Be.VI.7. A. Advantage.

———; В Я’. Ех. IV. 7. Puperiority] T M. I. 5. E.

__. Rngue. H L. I. 9. A. Gain TA. V. 2.

Addict. Occa non] T. I l. 4. A.

‹ Hammer- of Barrel A tient [to-Comin . TA. V1.1.[Cutmgìlnfìrumen: (m¢eh,] Ad'umr’irr'our. gj

­ ­ naturally> Intention Sp.Addr¢‘1.[:v.Inclrne Mmmm-yl] съем“; Ещкаъ ca_

Addilìon. Т M. VI. 6. vid. Add. I tron. fuaL]

Add/e [mnd] N P. v. 2. _ACCCÍTory] TM. 1v.4. o.

Addrejr. A C. V. 2. A venture.

Adequate. adj. Equality. T M. [Contingency] T. V. 7. 0.

l. 5. l Fortune] AS. I. 2. D.

Adbere. T A. II. 2. Eff-ay] TA. III. 4. А.

Adberent, [ад]. a. TA. Ii. 2.] Danger] T. V. 3. О.AcceiIary] TM. IV. 4. О. [Out-feat, adj. VCommerce

A acenr. (thing

Margining'] Sp. III. 4. A. .4r-[without fear of the everm]

Near] Sp. II. 3. Adverb.

едим. D. Il. 3. О. Derived. D. II. 4.

Á I'Nr.ljValediŕìiom] АС”. 8.0. ‘имидж. D. II. 9.Acre. Area of |60 Polel­ uare. Ad'oin. мир. .

MME... (L IV. 2. O. q l FJOin] TA.II. 1. Горройге] T. VI. 8. O.

Ад. - Margin] Sp. III. 4. A. I'Contrary] T. V. 5. O.

Aâion] T. I. 7. Near] Sp.1I. 3. ['IlnemyV кр. IV. x. O.

Echapm'] (as an ад in a Play) A mgm. ГAdver 1ry]Ha.I._ 2. О.

D. 111.3.. [ldlfcontinue tîll afer day] Alber/‘417, [Enemy] RO. IV.

Law RC.IV.3. La. Late. Sp.I. 4.0.] by dill 1.0.

[Edi R C. IV. 3. A. _Continuing. T M. III. i Ad'uerßl). Ha. I. 2.0.

[real cxiñencc] T. III. 5. M'J‘fdge to-a. Sentence.h j. II. Advert, [obferve] AS. III. t. A.

~ro- a. Aftion. 5. A. Aal-umife.

_in a PlayJIC. III. 9. Adlunä. T. VI. 1.0. ГKnow, AS. II. 5.(make]

Aŕlìon. T. 1.7. AdJMre. _ [Шаги] RON. 4. A.

SpìríruaI;AS la. Swear] R C. VI. 4. (make) ‚шт.

-ofGuL AS. I. _ l‘Entreat for Goh fake Giving-fa. Advice.] RO.V.4.

_of :be Speculative 'Under- [Command ° T‘léng-l'p. Advice.] RO.V.4.

winding. AS. п. Aaíguß. _ ‚ища. radi. p. дате.)

«.-o rbc Рыбки! 'Undrr- a. Equal] Т М.1. 5. (make) [ад]. Coníiderate] Ha. IV. x.

andìng. AS. III. a. Congruous] T.V.5.(make) adi. Heedful] На. IV. 2.

-afrbe Wiü. AS.1V. Balance] TA. IV.6. A. A «шт, [Fawning] Man.

Corporal-AC. Adjutant. R M. III. 4. A. IV. 7. E.

­-ufVegerarìve. AC.I. Adjuvant. T. II. 5. Adult, [ад]. Adolefcence.] Me.

­­~­ofSenjìrìw. AC. II. Admínißtf. VI. 2.

-ofMan. AC. III. Serve] Adulrerate, [Forgery] R j. IV.

бейте} AC. VLA. Yield] TA. IV. l. 4. A.

udìcíaL­­R II. ’ fGivc] TA. IV. 4. Adultery. R IV. 2. A.

(jSuit] R ].Il. A. Adínínrlílrarian, [Vice-Executor- Adambme, [a.>Shadow.] 03

` Aßi've. ihip to­fentenced.] 2.0.

adj. Aůiont( apt.] Male-Man. VI. 5. Advocate. `

adi. Buiine s, apt.] ‚ Admiral,[Navy (Oñicer.] I'Pleader] R j. I. 7.

farli. Nimblcnc s] N P. V. 8. Admiring. A S. V. I. Mediator] R L2. A.

AßìmLTJILs. Admir. A impfen, ['Right R C. IV. of fu

Acu: Arißetelr'r, Fi. VIII. 5.


Sharp. (adi. cut. (apt]

_angle Mag. III. 3. О.

[Permit] fp. to enten] ture giving Presbyters (place]

pConceHion'] D. Vl. 3. A. Aduß. (adi. p. preter. Firm]

Allow of] Afnr. [Ми Remote.] Sp. Il. 3.0.

Admomlh, Wam. B0. V.4. A. Aßable. [adj.Man. VI. 3.] Е ‘г

‚ ‚ ’ a 1.


AG м, AL \

fad). Courtefre] Man. IV- '7 ­ D"`"Pí"­M°’~ "L 4'A‘ Arming (пап

¿Kain ì [Generation] Mea. VI. A. “filming f ‘gli

adi' p. nu. Do Agent.. Alaß, IIIICÚCÜ. П. l ­

Шансы TA_ „L [adn a. Aäion. (perfon] Alate,[Paft. Sp. l. x. E. (dim.]

Thing] T. I. 2. (‚РФ-3911. Buûucl's, TA. III . Alalernux, Sh. IV. 4.

Agen. í (опасен) Albeir, [мышцы Coni. II. 2.

v’ A«салата pcrfom] Alcbimy, Chimie. O. VI. .v. Añ-c&i.on°­\ Ãggrßv‘te. AICOÍÍ", ЗСГЁРГЩ'С 0f Mlhœnc‘

Delight] AS. IV. 7.

Aßethmn., [Conceitednefs.]

HA. III. 3. О.

_of Fmpire [Ambiti om]

MA. ш. 9. u.


Pamon, AS. V. 8: AS. Vl'.

Delire] AS. V. 4.

Love] AS. V. 2.

А ance.

Grant]D. VI. 3. A.

Give] TA. IV. 4.

Sell] Re. v. g.

A raid, [adi. Реал] AS. V. 5.0.

Афон’, В]. IV­. l . A..

[n. Great TM. I. 1. E.

a. Inten ron] TM. I. 8. Е.

Aggregate. TM. III. 6. O.

Agi/ity. ‹

Nimble, NP. V. 8.

[Swift] NP. V. 9.


Move Mo. (freq.)

Drive TA. VI. 5. O.

Swing Mo.-VI. 3.

Retrothing] RO. II. g. [a. viee- ulinefs. TA. III.

Confidence] AS. V. 6. Áglet, [round Lamin. [dim]

dauit, [Sworn Tefìimony.] AgnuJ-Caßur. Sh. I. 6. A.

R I. L7. A. Agos, [adv. Palit] Sp. I. x. E.

Affinity. RO. III. Agorg'AfS. VI. 8.

A rmi D.V .2. ne_ ' В; n" fafiem] _Anger }(Impcms°:i

Aßïx[m{ Put.] Agree.

Aßliíl, [n. Adverlity,] Ha. I.2.0. v. Congruous]T. V. 5.

Aßluence, [Abundancen] TM. II. a. Contraâ] RC. V,

2. F. -î’ "

Afford, [permit to have.] Confent]'AS. II. 3.

YieÍd]TA. IV. r. ­Gramt D. VI. 3. 0.

­.°_roger er. V. Man. IV. 3,

Agreenble. l

Congruous T. v. 5.

Expedient, ТА’. 6.

Agiiculture.0. Il’.


Alcyon Юнг-Ы}! .' B'. III. .Aller, а“ l ­9

AldermanbälAlIeffor of Corpora

Ale, Pr. I. 7.

Alf-eqn, HF. п. 4. ‘

Ale-boef, [Ground-Ivy] HI..

Ale-boul?, [adj. Selling (houfe)

‚штиль [adj. Dißillation (vef

Alexanders, P_lF. IV. 4.

Algebra, [adn Invention (art) in

Alien, [Foreinen] R0. IV.

Адам". Ро. O.



r. V. 3.

Berry bearing, -Sh. II. 7.

{Юн f cen]

VI. 1 r.



quantity (Sc|ence.]


_ ( на]

un- a. Pro rrety from him

a.Stranger R0.{V.4.0.


[uw sit 1

Down-go TA.VI.

¿1941), Agrimon), HF. VIII. 3.

' New. Sp.I.3. Dutch-HEIN. 8. _

Ü‘dV‘ Repeated. TA.II.6. d { оп earth]

[again] Adv. IV. 2. Agm‘" connguous to the

¿fun Agne, S. II. t. A. (earth.]

op.¿o gefore] Love.

be in Pre . V. . O. - Sorrow.adv. Po eriti’r] 3 Ab’ Interna' fP'ëDeí'rre.

adv. Follow> Infmuation.

[According to ,4), [adm Eme] Sp. I. r.

As by pate-m NP» 11- l~ Aid, [Adjuvann] Т- H­ $

[adv­ Congruous to] 'L

_'Bìrlb, [fecundìne.] PP. v_ Pamon T. I. 7. O.

VI. 7. A. _ v. Impot. NP. V. О.

­-Noon, [after-ad). noon. v, want] TA. 1.5. О.

ftime- _l ‚ Aim.

___1,'m¢, (ad). Future] Sp. I. Obìeâ] T. VI. 2.

1. D. (Timo) [and] т. п. в.

Again. Adv. IV. 2_- АН, El. II.

[adv. p ICPCî‘fmg-ì TA' IL 6- -EtbereuL El. Il. r.

Againli. Prep. П g. O. ._Offace, _[I­`ìgure, [modus]

Over-_PrepA VI. 3 [Типъ]

Agni., [Fungus of Linx-tree] Wood , [Maple tuberous

Agdß, [На]. гс"(vo s. o. (ausm.) . u.' ‘

(augm.] n_abroûd, [put ln the Ain]

Agar. St. II. I. A. Air).

Age. adi. Air.[Life-time MemVI. wantonP NP. IV. 3. 0.

of what-_ adi. рщсг- Àgc» conceited] Ha.III. 3. 0.

how many years? ] ¿af Hmlë, f[Younglings

under- of Puprllat age.] _ (aggreg.)o Hawks.]

full- Lin-pupilled by Age] Ak?, ACÍII. 7.

adj. preti Adolefcence.] Akon., [Man ofthe Oke.]

rniddle­­[Manhood.] Me.VI.3. ‚альфа, St. II. l.

Declining-MHNLs-A Alwin, Ha. Iv. 3.

¿7M-_Mca- VÍ- 4- Alarm.

Aliment, [adi>. Nutrition. AC. I.


Alimony, [Proportioned (thing)

Alifanders, HF. I . 4.

Alive, {ад}. AC.I. 7.]

мышц, [Winter~cherry.

Aligner, HL. IX. 2.

All, Pron. V. 3.


г. Argumentation]

Al `

Al Eger), [continued Ttope,] fp.


adv. Like. TM. V. l.

adv. Equa _)TM. I. 5.

for Provifions.

-Cole, [n. adj: Fire cole.

HS. IX. 8.

.tt-[adm Any.]

:fiägb }Соп3.!1.2.

_ane, [ха-дм.) TM. I. 5’.

_тед1у, vid. Already.

ntiimiegial] тм vr

a v. . .


adv. Perf’e ] TM.III.'9.

_maier ш". nimma.)

Sp. in all times when it ought

to be.]

a. Ветка] TM. I. 3. D.

a. Little] TM. I. x . D.

v. more-remifs, 8cc.]


a. штанов.)


Loyalty] Man. V. 6.

Duty of Subjeâiom]


Aaa2 Nar-

Alone. Amifs. adv. [again] Adv. IV. z. ’

Solitary] RO. IV. 2..0. 1 [adv W>Evil. ]T. III. 2 О. Ange/._ _ ‚

[Only] Adv. IV. i. 0. ' _i Ern] TA. III. 8. [Spina] W. I. l.

Along. ` ,` Tranfc. (corrupriue] Good-w. I. a.

' on this fide] Prep. VI. 2. Amir), a.Friend.R0.IV_.l abfi.) Baal-W. I. 2. 0.

efide]Prep. IV. ;.0. '-_Ammi, Bíf'hops­weed.] HF. V. In money, мёд‘). 4.

(adv. p. contìnue.] 4. A._ _ I‘ißi.[Scate] ri. IL 5.

„Il-__ adv. LyinglAC. VI.7.A. Ammunition. RM. v. Angelua. HF. v. 5

Alooffa v. Remote,] S .IL 3_0, Amomum. _ Anger-_. AS. v. 9.

Aloud [adv. Sound. Q.I I. (aug.] Among, [bcrmxn] Prep. VI. 3. ‘отель-Маг‘. I. 9. D.

Alpe [Bullfinch] Bi. 111.5. Amorou: , adj.a Love.AS. V. 3. Angle. Mag. III. 2. О.

. Series oflet- (Abfir. right-Mag. III. 3.

Alphabetìtlatalogne ters.] Amon, [adi Grief. AS. Y. 4. .0., . отце-Маг. III. g'. E.

Already. n [impetus] _ i «те-„мамы 3.. D.

[having been before] Amount, (р. Sum] TM. V1.6. A to­­[ Hunt rifh with Wand‚ Á




stl-cm` Almr,Sacrificing (place.) Po.II. Amphitheatre, ’Round ' ‘[narrow Way 4- A- fOr Shews.] Е Маше

Arca j Alter, [çhange] TA. Il. 6. A. Ample.

Anhui, н 1:; V~ g, Alferoanon, [Contentioufnefs] Wide, Sp. П. ç.

Лежит-Н FJV. io, Man. IV. .D. Great TM.I.x.E.

Аида!” [Crocodile] Bc_v]_3, Allernation, [Turm] T, Vl. 1. Broad TM. II. 2.

All), vid, ‚шддщ Altbea, HELIX. 7. Ampliation. D.IV. a. O.

Alliance. Атлас, [Height.] T МЛ. 4. Amp/ine, a. D. IV. 2.0.

[League RC. 111,8, Alum. St. V. z, Amuler,[adi.a.Phyfitian thing

Aßisnlf B0. II, А’? в _ :_T I “c'_l_th__­3dj. р. carry abfh».

f ti en _ lv. ci . _x. a i. an at neck are,A”°J<[un.price} by mixture] Copulal.1g An ArticlegJ. ’ 3 ‚

_ медик Amain, advJntcnfion. T M. I. Anaba ii Reba tizin , ' -АЩЁЕАРРОШЕ‘ РЮРОПЭШ] 8. Е.[ :l marini] ß’ Е p g Чаи‘.

Amalgama, Mingle with Qiick- Anacm'dium. Tr. IV. 8.A.Allow;

A ­ м f filver. Anagram, [Play of h —limppo1íltnt}fp.ä prîläçîiïàn] Amarantbur. [Princes Feather] orders of` [спеша mgmg the

Stipendiatc] RO.VI.4.A. НЕЕ. l5.A. Analeni, [K_eprefeating (thing)

yom' ТА. v... Ameff’lÍl-HCHPJO- п-б- PYI'HFSU f - of th..- split...

ума TAH/_1. Amare, [a.Pear.] AS. V. 6. 0. imaginary.

Amare. .analogy Pro rtìo _ м _ о,Га. Extafie] AS. VI. 8. A. i n J сGrant D.\’I.;.A­ ‘ ' '

Analyjir, _Arti cial Segregation]

A _ AS.lll. . .Cggë’gñjlqg „_ 3_3 [a Stupor] Ш’. П. i. 0. ­ Anarchy. RC. 0.

¿Mmmm with admiration, AS. v. i. Ana; Campe/iris Beüonii. Bi. 1I,

Ambagoi, [about-Wendung 4 ­A~appointed i Meaf‘ure]

Permitted_,> Proportion] SPCCCIICSÄ] A’Mfbf "M.[Excommunicationstipend] во. vi. 4. А. Ambalßfef- _ RE. v. g. j

Majmenancc] R0, VL 4. [Political RC.Sehding]TA.VI.4. Anatomy.

A1nae,[a.aiiuß 9.a. AmbtrStH- 8~A­ Cutting PP, [Segregation by

alzare. Ro.v.;. АТМ‘ Sr- V- 9- BC‘àfrmg-J E od

All . DJV. .A­ т 'mt' ° o y u" “Ps В f -АМТЁЗСЬ [aldil Year-book, of [about the outfide]Sp.III.6.0. ted Ь‘! cutting.] у agrega

pl. Series of Daies, of every afb-PCN h‘ïfy] Alffßof, _PrOgcnitor.] R0. IJ.

Am iguoiu, adi.p.abfi.Doubt.] Ancbor.RN. III. 9.Month,] _ _ _

Almes,_[ady.p.Almfgivmg Шина]


Ancborite, [Hermit. RF. II. 7. A.[adj. Equivocation] _

`circumfe imentedt]Ambition, Man. III. 9. E.

~Ithe Virtue, Man. III. 5. Amblìng, Mo.II.2. Anrliore. ‘В; Ш. 1 2,

’ the AR, [a.A1mfgiving.] Mari. Ambidexrer. _ Ancient. ‘_

In. s. ufirig equally all his hands] [ad}._0ld Sp. I. 3. О.

Almicanrar. W. vI.7.A. t feemingofallparties] [adi. 0_1 ‚дед; меди-‚ъ

Almighty, [all-adj. Powen] Ha. Am klarer?. [Hdl Walk] Mollal [Eufign RM. I I. 2.

-of s ip. RN. III.7.A.

Anckle, [Proruberant end ofthe


Ancome, [Porous bile.]

And, Coni. I. a.

Ambafl., вм. I. 9. A.

.‘ . В `Amen [it }'Imper. Саша]

Amend, [v. Betten] TM. I. 9. E.

make# [v. compens.]TA. II.

II. 6.

Almner, [Alms (oñ'icer]


Tree, Tr. IV. LA. _ _

Fruit, Tr. ТУ. ьА. (Print)

iandule PG. п. 1. ‘ 7- A. A'fdifm [FîwCl-fuPPOfúng (ПъЕЕ“ of thizni, PG. III. 9. A,v Aniene, [Multi] R ]. VI. 7. firumenn]

Alnuyl. Adv.V. t. _: .Amctbyjh St. IV. 6. Anemony, HF, IX. gi

Aloe. ï ‘ Arnia. Fi. IV. l. _Aneurefma. S. III. 8. A.

Herb, HL. VIII. i. A. Amiable [adi p. Love (abfir.] Anm.

­­­ New. Spd. g.А ­ ы d' ,Fr‘endfRO

mica e, [a l- a l -l [adv. ßepeanTAJLó.Tree, Tr. VIII. i.

IV. r.Aloft [Adv. High.]TM. II. 4,

[иди retenpafh] 59,1. t, E, Ampbibi'oiir,[ inhabiting Lau e and Line.]

(«нас is now and Waren] Anguifb._

fbefore this time] Ampbibaly, [Doubtfulnefs of Anx_iery.] Ha. I. g. 0

Alfa', Coni. IV. z. f'enfe.] ain] NP. V. 3. O.` l



о I old Ч _ trary qualit . Comm . . . .Am‘mfo‘íperverfeì anger] Antiposles, [Olieïi againl't- íited Praifefliîàâoa‘ŕai/iádlï]

Amjeed._HF.IV.1. in the reinotei-l parts of the А It

Ankle, vid. Anclde. Globe diametrically oppoiite] pti-„éc Tl. y l

Аппа1:,Еад).Теаг(Гс3г.]Н3йогу1 Antiquary, [Learned (Artiflj in Fr it’ pp' ú"

Annats Tribute out ofthe Years Old (thin s.] 1:,’ ‘иди!. ;Всчспце._|" Antiquaied, ï'nnnull’d by being <inw-HS ° X ° 7'A"

Annex,[to­ioyn.]TA.lI.r. un-euflom’d] Ё‘ ‘ше'т 'a'

jnni‘bil/Íte. AIS. i. O. (Г Antique, vid. Anlic . ¿Zigi-’TIS rfX'

nnl'uer ar). _a j. Year су. Anti uit . _ О ' ' ’

­ fp.Solemnity.] glddefs] Sp. I. g.0. _o‘ílgbeäyg- Black (Pm) of

Annoy.H т I о Obltïage Me.i\_'1.4. I APP!) та yl.;

a. urt . V.r. .. Anni eis 0 o ition. T.V . ' ' ' ­‘{шпон k] _FAA/.9.0. 8.0. ‚ PP lohing] А ["ijotgether-ioyn] TA.I.r.

Annotations, [Comment] ПЛ. Anrirype, typed. T. Il. 3. A. P агата] As Iv

6_1?, ‚ An'uil, the Iron fupporting Def, n TA'HI' 3’2mal. [ад]. Year (fegreg.] ((Iìiìiflr.) of the hammered а сёпдтпёз R'ol’v I

mary. ’ t in . ° ° ° ° ‹

s Paiment.] Anxietyñ-lii. 1.3.0. Mpg); mous Т v

[adj.year (Теги) Rent.]d Apace, [adm Swift.] NP. V. 9. {Pemgncm n-,Sì

. Sti en . A art. ° ° ' 'am”. P 1 Ptadv» Мина‘: TM- ш-б- А” "biê'fiimaj Nri .

a. Nothing TJ. I.0~ TraßfC­C5¢8f¢g­ un ommen senfejlui; II

.li-immune] Asi. 1.o. apaisant 1.a. “Ё, -m-on] AS u 6 ’o ° "lmao] . Aper.Pi.IV.9.A. Í'rciilja] 1I i Á ' ° y

Annuler, Mag. V. 2. ('dim.) Apborifm.. A r ,if ' ' ° '

‚штаты, [Narration] D. [brief Rule] D. IV. 5. . Ppm' e", s.

V. 3 . [Authentic fentence] D. III. [Lcamer'Ro' (Mcrch‘llt‘ì

Anoint, [fmear] О. V. 6. A. 1. A. ‘ш’ 3‘ о “(Mechamc'

Anomalous. Apbua gobitf’s. Fi. II I. 9. Approcb, [и Naan] 5р.11. g.

-l'not- (adj. .) Rule]D.IV.5. Apocrypbal, [doubtfully autho- _approbatiom AS. 111.3.

‚- [exorbitant riz’d.] Appropr iate.TA .1. 2 .

Grief] AS. V. 4. О. augm. Amc, [Old fCorru t. А mi. . .[Trouble TA.V. 9. (aug.) SpJ. 3. 0.:l <elvlanneli". AgcanRJ п SUA' I

Angular,[a` i'. Angle.] Mag. II . Anridgrijl, 6.2.0. [was Thin ]T.L2.O. ’

2, о. ' Aniicipare. v. Manifei TA. 1. 9.

A”, _ A [Prevent TA. III. 9. “Зенита TA. I. 9. O.

’ .he particular, Pron. II. 3. O. V­ 500D Sp. I. 4. E. _]udicialy] R I. 1I. a. A

the indefinite, Pron. IILi. Amidqte, [adi :igainíl-poyfon Aplïearing Meteor. El. V. ~

.i -ahitbenfto any {place} (‘Юнга Appeafe, l`un`a. Anger] AS.V.9.

-wbem [in any (place.] Anrilope, goat (kind) having Appendagè, |' adj. Acceffary.

Anímad'verjion, [Obfervatiom] firaight wreathed horns.] (thing TM. 1V. 4. 0.

,t\5_ HI, l, A. Anrimony, Met.III. 2. Appertein, [v. Pertinence] TM.

Animal. W. V. 4. Antipatby, [natural Averfatiom] IV. 5. '

Animate parts of theivoriçLWN. AS. V. g. O. Appetite, Np, ц, 4,

. ‚:9_[Епсоцга3с_\ RO. VI. 2. Anríperißaßs, [Refinance of con- Applaud.

Anon, [Adm Futur. Sp. I. i. 0.] Ариадна. [a. Proper, Т M. 1V. 6.

Ananymoiu,[not­ (admi.) name.] Fictitious example](make]

T. I. 4. - _!пйги&йк l‘iâion] Approve. AS. III. 3.

AMÜJU- РГФП- V~ 1- 8€ diff» Apology, [Plein] К]. Ц. 3. A. Ap urtenance.

T. III. Apopbrbagm, [wife Scntence.] çPertinent] TM. IV. g.

Anfwer. D. VI. r. O. Apopka). S. 1V. 3. A. _ 'Ассе{Тогу_\ ТМ. IV. 4. 0.

­-able. Aporrbais. EX. ЧП. 3. A. Aprícock. Tr. Il. 2.

April, the fourth Month.]adi- смету] Т- \'~ s- A . ais. 111.‘. о.l[ poßaße y Apron, hanging (Veil) before

adi. Fut. Reckoning] TA. Apojiem. S. I. 6. A. _

uv. в. f apar/f. ar.. n. 3. the Belly. 3

Ant. EX. IV. y. Арт/даст). 0.V.l. A. Apt. ‹‚

­­bear, Be. V. g. Appak. г Tranfc. (lbflr.)

Áf‘f‘ëmß- (a. Pale. AC. 1V. 9. 0.] Padi.. Conlgruous] T. V. 5. _

Enemy] R0. IV. x. О, ka. Fear. AS. V. 6. 0.] _adi p. Difpoíition] HA. O.

Contrary T; V. 5.0. ‘ Apparel. Pr, 1v. kAptitude. _

Op I fue T. VI. s. О. Apparence. . ŕcongiuityl T- HI.;

Anrar ic. [fccming] TA. I. 9. A. Sagacity Ha. 1141.1.

__Círcle. W. VI. 5. O. _at Law. В). l1. 2. A. Alacrity _ ‘

_Pole. [adi- South рой.) [ens apparent] T. I. 2. О. Difciple abllrì]

Antecedenr, [Prcceding.] Sp. l. ,.gpparem,v ' Aquarius, [i ith. o the I t PINS

1- E- adi. Sceming] TA. I. 9. A. ofthe Zodiac.]

Anrede". [before a. dare] SP- lady. маты.) ТА. i. 9. Aq....1..n.i>o.u.s.A­

Aquila, Fi. 1I. x. A,

Aquaßfy, [Water (abßr.]

Arab/e, Po I. 4.


Anthem. RE. IV. z. A. Appariior, adj. a. Citation. R J.

St. Antbony’sjïre, [Eryßpclas] [L 1_ (о een]

5- U» 7~A~ ApPartmemJ’o. Ш. a. A.


I' l’ Appariti'omêgp. See]ofSpirits..



Cloath] Pr. IV.

_0rder] TM.V.. 2. _

Arba/ift, [ад]. a. Crosbow. RM.

V. 4. A. (perfon]

Arbitrary, {м}. Libcrty.]AS.

IV. 8.

A S _ A S


man at _[armed (pit) A. (make]. ‘

Horfe-man~] Майн.

as in a Scutchcon [adi. De- a. таэсшр. II. 8. 0.

grec RC. I. (lign pi&ure.] Claim]TA.L 3.

Aromatic. [adi Spice. n.11. 4. A .'fr. Vl. .

Arquebur, [RM V. 6. augm,] __colour, adi. ailles. El. IV. 3.

Array, vid. Ara). colour.Arbitrator. RJ. l. n.>

Arbítrement, v. Rl. I. 2.

Arbor [Room ofTrecs.]

Arllmtut, [Strawberry Tree] Sh.

II. 4. —

Arcb [l’rincipaL]

an Artb, P0. III. 6. A. ì

_of circle, [part of adi. С!‘

cle-line.' '

Archangel, _Principal AngeL]

dead Nettie, HF. VIII. to.

Arcbbißrop, [l‘rimat.] RE. Il. 4:

Arcbdeacon,[Eifhops Subñitum]

Archer, _adi. a. Bow. BM. V. 4.

Wer om]

Arcbìteünre, [n.Buildings. (мы)

Architrave, [t hief b¢am.]

Archiver, [Store (place) of old


Arfŕic, (ад). North]

-Cirrle, W.VI. 5.

‘Туш, [adi. North pole.]


adi. Fire] El. I.

adi. Heat, 0с V. t . E. (aug.]

adj. Zeal] A_S. VI. t.

Area, [Зайка] Mag. I. 3.

Argent, [of Silver Coloun]

Argue.v. D. IV. 6. -


Matter T. II.7.

Obiefl T. VI. 2.

[adi a. Argumentation, D_IV.

. ( thing]

Arid, Шу.) (L V. 2. D.

Aríei, _ñríl ol> the 1 2 parts of the



Tranfc. (Perf

[adv. Good] T. III. 2.

Artfe. AC.Vl. l. l .

as Sun [above- ad). Horizon

(ince t.] . `

as Hill ,upward- Obltque.]

Mag. П. 8.

Aríjiocracj, [Government by the

Arraign, _a. ВЫШЕ]. II. g.

Arrant, _Genuin.] T. III. 4,

Arrar, [Room (veil) weaved pi

âure [like]

Arrear, [Вещие Debe]


Arrive, [to- come] TA. VI. i ,


Pride Man. V. 2.0.

Magi erialnefs]Man.lV.8.D.


Amigate, [Claim] TA. L 3.

Arrow. RM. V. 5. A.

_beaL HS. VI. r. A.

Affe, [Buttock.] PG. IV. 6.

‚мы. [Ammunition (place. '_1

Aifenick. St. VI. 4. A.

Афин‘. HF. “И. 6.

roddel-_HS И“. 9.

Art. На Vl. .

Artcmißa, [Mugworn] HF. Il.

2. A.

Artery. PG. Il. 4. A.

reugb-[Wìnd-pipe ] PG. V1.

l A

ArticbollnHFJH. LA.


Seâion] 0.111. 2. A.

Pett] нс. vi. A.

atomo, [nieuwe] as. vr.

2 A.

льды. 1v. .Afbore, [on- íitore]

Alide. _

aration] TAIL :.0

[mi s irary no. Iv. a. o..

(Roe wn] AS. 1v.

Lay-.or O.

caß.- De ill] AS. 1V. 6.0.


afm... Ex. l. 4.9..

AJ'ŕ-Enquìfc [il-Qgcftiom] D.

V1. r.

. Necel'l'aRuim" { Expediergt }make]

Entreat] “О; V. g,

ВСЕ. [1. Begger] RC. I. 8.A.


as price, RC. VI. 2. 0.

as due, TA. IV. 2. A»

[Command] RO. V. I.

A: ew, ,Oblìque] Mag.\\.8._

Afleep, adi. Slecp,]AC. Il. .0.

numb’d, [adi p. StuporîNF.

II. t. O.

jfope, [Oblique] Magdi. 3.

р.Serpent, Viper] Be. VI. 7. A.

Tree, [W itc poplar] Ты)!!

7- A.

Алжира. HL. IX. 6.

Afpett, [Face, PG. Ill. I.

( manner]


roughnefs] ЦАП. 2.1).

aufìerencls] Man. VI. 8. O.

Áfperfion, Calumny] HLTV. 7.

Af bodel, ‘тир-Гран) HL. V. t.

Afiiratian, [Refpiratiom Mo. IIL

2. impetus.

Ajpire a. Ambitlom] Man. III.


Ariflolochy, [Birth-worn] _

Arithmetic, [Numbring (ан)

Ark, (Box.]l’r.V.2.


_ofMan. PG. V. r.

»ofthe Sea. [Bay]

_of a Tree, Branc PP. 1.3.

rrr-[_A rms. _

Armada, [Army of Ships.]ï

Armadillo, Be. V. 5. A.

Armament. Pr. 1V. a.

Army, RM. IV. 1 .

Armor, Arms defeniive, RM, V.

r. A.

Armorer,[ArmS mtchanio]

Armery,[Arms plaee.]


ol't’enftve [Weapons] BMNJ,

defenfivc. RM. V. LA.

adj. Accufation, В]. I. 3.


2S,A.T D. lI.8.A.

Articulate. ll. 3. A.

Artijïcer. RC. 1I. 5. A.


adj. Art] Ha. VI. 3.

Faůitious] T. lll. 7. О.

Artillery, [_Ordnance.‘ RM. V. 6.

A,- @twg-llАТ}, ad). Art. Ha. VI. 3. (рсг


Arrivi". RC. II. 5. A.

opp.roSo,Adv.1.;. l

Ear l

far 1 А far

.Soälong how long

much much

-for, [concerning] Prep. I.


­­ or example, [ein gn] Con.

_1V. g. O. ‘

~n »ere Adv. Ill. 2. O.

-btbougb _ .

'W Eff-_' .

f,„_„mb }Соп). 1V. t .

[whim] adv. Ill. l .

Afarabacca HL. V}.­6.

‚тише‘. Ex. l. 3.

Afcend, [upward. Prep. V. x.

ltion. TA. 6.]

Afcertain, [v. Ccrtail. AS. Il. 6.

9. E.

.4fq.i„f,[ob1iqu_e (corrupt) vi.

fion (шашки)

Afs.Be.I. z.

Aßîufœtída, [the gum ofLazar

wort.] О


Emy] TAJII. 4. A;

Endeavour] TAJII. 4.

A ail, |'Añ`ault. RM.I.5.

ÁIajÍin,'[a.Murt r,Ri.11L.4.fp.

under pretence of Religion]

Aßìmlt, BM. I. g.


.Ц.3.A ent.A

A „шт, [Fawning] Mm. IV

8 E

Aßì'rtioa, [Al'ñrmatiom] D.


АД? t.

. Tax ] RC. v. 9. 0.


А Т —

. 9. Quake] Averfztion. AS. V. 5. 0.



_inyudgmenn В]. I. x. A.

-oj Taxes, Г". Aflefs (Ofiìcer

Ajfeveration, f_Àlfirtuation. D. V ­

z.. (поёт?) _

ИНТИМ”), [Diligence] На. IV. 5. Atone.


Transfer right. BC. V. i.

fDeûgn' TA. III. l.

Agimilate, fa. [.ikenefs. TM. V. Attac.

i. (make]


l v Adjuvant' T. Il. 5.Г“. Ailellorl RJ. I. l. A.


_3. рейса. T. III

eifm. RE. I. 0.

Агтола/л’ге. El. 1I. l. A. _

[Sphere of Vapors.]

Atom, [Indivili


ble body (dim.]

[um-Enemy RO. IV. r. O.



Га. Friend, RO. IV. l.

Eene e' RM. I. 4.

_Aiïau t' RM. I. . A.

Attach, [Arrellïln ,IL 2.

Attagen. Bi. Il. 3. A.

_ _ _ _ .4.tein:[î0btcin] TA. V.r.

j_uggment gadyjShne, ]udic|­ Atteint.

а onventl n. ­ a. Acculer] Rl. I. 3.

[ming_un-a. Noble‘RC. I. 3.(make]

метр‘, [Eiïay] TA. III. 4A.



A_flociate, [3. Companion.


[Abfolv e.] В]. II. 7.

,y }Meafure] A

R0. Attend.

ontinue expecting]

Wait] AC. V. r. A.

Hearken ['Hear (endeavor]

[же] TA_I_4_ ­­­u;tto_,_[_:a.0bferve.] AS.1II.

IV. 2.






v. Certain]AS. Il. 6.

' v.Allurance] AS. 111,6

Aßibage, Ev. Remiiïion] ТМ- I- Attenuate [jaLRari



anuitnefs] В]. 1. 7. A. `

a. Prote

der, (augm.) AS. V. Attire, [Clo


Attention, vid. Attend.

Heedfulncfs ]

Diligence] На. IV. 5,


8 D ty. Q. V. 3. D.

Aßeritk. Mag. IV. 6. A.

Ajibma. S. V. 2.


[_a. Won _


[mlìxtaûm AS. VI.


[Stupiñewirh {






fperfon] fp. Lawyer]

Attrae‘l, [to-draw]

Attribute, [Predicattn] D. Il. А


8. A.



' Attrition.

Rubbing] O. V. 8.


upon a body,

between bodies, O,VI. r.

[I_IIeCay, NP. V. 4. О. by ufe.]

t .

' Err] TAJILS.

Wander] TA.VI. 3 ‚А.

‚уже, [adj­ Stride.]Mo.Il.3.0.


_in Virtue, [Binding] Mo.

1v.o. __ j _

1,172: ‚ГАц ere . V.3.

A/irolabe, Star-meaf%ing(lnfir.] _

Ajírology,_(`onje&uring (Art) by Avant, [from-Imperat. ltion.]

the tiara] TA VI

Ajironomy, Mcafuring (Art) of Avaric

Heavenly (things]


adv. Se


a. Adjuvant] T. II. 5.

a.Proñr] T. IV. 1 .

e, [Covetoul‘ncfs] Man.


Audacity, [BoIdnefS.] AS. V. 8.

Audible, adir». Hear (эры)

_Qua ity. QUI.

A .


gregate] TM. Ill. 6.

adv. Separate] TA. II. х . О.

At . .





Heater [hearing (perfon]

[reckoning. TA.

onvention for Hearing]

Hearers Aggreg._]

Consention for reckon

ckoni] TA. IV. a.




adv. One]

in one (шт)

with one blow, ‘_8cc.


IV. 6. (0ñicer]

Auditory, vid. Audience.

Avenge, [Revenge] AS. V. 9. A.

AvenrJ-IFJX. l. А.

Avenue, fro-way]

Áverr, [Affirm D. VI- 2.




a. Aâion] T. I. 7.

Perform] TA. III. 6.


Averjion. AS. IV. l . O.

Aven, {from-turn] TA. v1.2.0.

Au¿¢r,[great Boring. 0. Iv. 3.

( infin]

Augment. [_ increaí'e]


{ Intenfe }(makc]

more Great

{ more Intenfe } {make}

Augur), Divination by Birds.]

Augujt, eighth Month.]

Aunt, [Uncle] RO. I. 3. (fern.]

Aväettâüßong rcverfed bill-gull


Avoid. TA. VI. 7. О. ‘

[21. Averl'ation AS.­V. 5. О.

.4t/ouch, [шт olemiily.]

Avow, [lAffirm folemnly.]

Aurelia |_Chryfolite. PP. V.6.A.

Auricular, [ад]. Ear.

Aufpiciour, [Profperous.] Ha.

I. 2.


Taft. Q_. IV. а.

Vice, Man. VI. 8. O.

лифте, [ад]. Authority.] RC.

V 6

Author. l

Efficient] T. II. l.

adi. а. prcter.Invention.]AS.

III. a. O.


Right] nc. Iv. 6.

Tellimony] fp. Credible.]

Autumn. Me. V. 3.

Auxiliar), [Adjuvant] T. II. f.


Fear] AS. V. 6.0.

Reverencc] Man. V. 3.

-fiil1,[ad}.Fearing (apt.]


From] Prep. III, 2.

Prep. III. 2. A.

Ab ent] Sp. II. l . O.

From-Imper. 6o.] TA. VI.

r . O.

­With, [О PrcpJH». 2. О.

fp. with an mperative.]

Fling- ___ ____ __

a i .

[Fl’Om--g0{ Angriïy']

brand Be more diliant.]

Awake, [a i.AC.II.4.

to- un-ileep.]

Award, _Sentenee.] В]. II. g. A.

fp. of Arbitrators.]



{за}. Heedfulne s] Ha. IV. a. ‚



En"t Agn. _

[Perverfe N .IV.1.0.

Aarle, [ад]. ron (dim.) boring



Obli e Mag. II. 8. _

Croo e Mag.III. 1.0.

. adj. Err] TA.III. 8.

Ax, [Carpenters (inltr.) forro ‚

cut ftrikinglyu]



[adn p. Authority Sentence]

' D. lll. l. A.

[Rule] D. lV. 5.

A1 i:

Axle-tree._ofGlobe. M

-ofCart. Ро.

1r. [Slothj ne. u

Arrmurb. ‘МА/1.’

Avro. [Blew.]

_Stone St. ll.















Abble, [a. Loquacity.] Man

lV. 5. D.

Babe, [adi infancy (per

fon.`lMe.Vl.r. _ _

Baby, [Faâitious Man. (d|m._]

Bable,‘[adj. Vanity. T. 1V. 5.

Babson, Ес. lll. l.

Bachelor, [adi: Cœlìbat. R0. Il.

l. ( erfon

_o Am, [having the lirfl A

cademical degrce.]

-s Burton, [Campiom]

HS. V. 2.

Back. '


-o Body.

_Hinder part] Sp. lll. 8.0.

-ofAm'ma . PG.IV. 3. `


'_ Un' Adv. IV. 3.

Re] Adv. lV. 3.

Place l

...flags per?? again

Con ltion


[Ftrom] Prep. lll.2.


:.Accelfory] TM.lV.4.O.

Incourage] R0. VI. 2.

ihAdiuvant 'T.ll. 5.

give-[Retire RM._ll. 2. D.

Keep­­­4 A llein TA.V.6.

“îf’ël‘nsfä‘ïh о ‘°’

"Ь: Hinder T..II..;..O..


adj. hinder-part door]

d_po_r_ off die hinder part of

t e ou e.

B [f_pnceìl’d Enemy.]

‹ ac 1 . . .7. .

Back-jlide, а. Àpûllíltß] lili-lll.



[adi Backwardnefs]

_ ‘î ëg‘îmd' }the hinder part]

B ck» Миф‘.а Ач‘ёгГасёоп] AS. V.’5. O.

_ мышку AS.IV.r . o. (aim.)

ABacon, [Con ited Hogs-Belin]

В А В А ‘ В А


В. l- ' Cl b. Bad,[Evil_.] _T. lll. 2. О. _of Earth Arg; n tm e ’ Cutting â Rlilhvl. 1.] В‘ da?. [signi T-VI- 5- ploughêd. o

Polr- ï Hammer. 13448"- M_

Иск-[плиты for pecking] Bean. Bf- V- 2- ^­ [0m|t]TA. 1U. 8, A.

[Merchant] (corr.) of Corn]

Bag, Pr. V. I. _ _ _

claali-[hehìnd-rtdmg ag._\

_pipe, Mufical _(ln .) of

Pipes and Bag] _

Baggage, [(arried (things) ad).

[Difcourage] R0. Vl. z. A.


[Ball|ng.Mo.'V. 4. A4 (Inílr.

_Sphere]Mag.llI.5. fp. [dim]

_Convention for dancing] °

Ballotmg, (а. Suffrage (lign) with

a. hinder (так) Balls.]

[utenlils of te Army.] RM. Balm. °

V. A. Herb. HF. Vll, 2,

Bay. A ‚Над-НЕ VII. .._tree, Tr. Ill. 5. jiliee. PP. I. 7. A. З

Rafe-[Oleander] Sh. Vl. Ватт’.

_ 1. A. Plant. .

Wild-Sh. lll. 9. ‚ Male-HS. У". 5.

­-­colour, VChelnutcolounl True-.SI-LIII. r.

bron‘n- black. ll. l ­ 0

(dím) adj. Chefnut co


-r'n Water, [Tranfverfe bank]

-ofSea. W. IV. 4.

-of Building. Ро. lll. A.

juice. PP. I. 7.A.

Balfamum. Peruvianwn. Tr,

VIll.9. A.


_wìndowr, [Prominent win- Вид’,dou/5.] _ A V _ _ adi. a.Bindc(thìng

f_o-ar [agamß-a. Dog (vOICCJ [Obligation] RC. V3I.

Bar/.RJI Il. 2. [writing Ob igatory] RC.

¿sai/y;f v1.5. ‚

Bai@ ._ _ [Company] RM. IV. 3.

Magxflrate [adp Town (от Bandy,[Cailaltemly.]

een] _ fp. various шайб]

Serreant [adb Bandits.

Citation ‚ P Г 'b d

Arrcl‘iing_}(oñì_cer`«l ' Штат)’i‘ohbing }(Perf°n­l

Serygtà. adi. Agriculture Bandog, [Dog tied for Guard]

_ cer. Bane.

Barn, [Bath] Po. Ц. 5. A. _ [Denmâion] AS. l. 4. 0.

Bart, Sul‘lenance._] Pr. Lfp. ad). _ Тдп_г—[АгГспЁс] St, V1.4. A.

_ Hunting@ Bauer.

g...[Refurb] TA v 8 ____ шт] [promulgation 0f fut. Marti.

Suficnance in journey.]

[Allure] R0. V. 5 fp. with


as Hook or Trap, [make

adj. allure [apn]

age _j

Bang, [Striků] M0. Vl. 4

Barri/l1, [a Exi с.) В]. V1.5.

Bank. _

Oblong, more-high [part]

Ridge] Mag. V.7.

[Provoke]RM.l.2. Sh “дн. ¿_saturnin. ,.A. om ____ Shîife- w.1u.,..^..

' c ° I i »11. l...en [Baklr_1g{ [Mechanic] _h_sglyîismîï‘îmmlìyrlfAggr.)

Вид“: [р'сьЁ'аР 50PS-3 fp. ro be lett( fegreg.) _\

Balance, [adp lrbratlng O. I. 2. Btmkem „dj (Pel-(0n of

("183 demi mg (Merchant Mo

t(\)"_l_ibrating]0 I 2 B“"’ì"f°Pf­H_°,."fA.'I. ПР”

vÈqual the weight] Bdnkrm’ [adc'dìlrgâg (её-‚3%

[В°Ь‘°Т{ fentenced lutive


a. Equal (make)

Even Accounts. TA.lV.2. А .

Baçrgggweight, un. adi- a. roll сайт: “M_

Balcon), [Prominent doorcd win- padjjzcohîëh “M_ {thing}

' dm] m. 1.a.Bald. _ _ BM „___ ____ IL _ _ А.

“33:32:31n n w

not­congruou$] 5251111". RE.. V1.5 .

Bnäileap. ‘ h [Bolt] _l’fOáWy .

[Aggregate îtoget сг ‚ с.

bound.] {_(ŕylinder, Mag. 111.6. of

пfrn.Mag. III. 6. A. Bre

_- ВЬЬ -gub

BA­ ­­>""BÀ‘ Bis" _


ad): linpedieiít‘(tßhii'i‘lg’)L ]ugamcnt.Po. V._;. A. _ мы}; __ ’ _

adi. Plcading]Rj.l'.7.(-piàce] 8.7m, [Exchange] RC. V. A. Baugiìlftog Jlier bound (aggreg )

lta­­~­ : — ` Вл г. . 0 wigs. —

['a. Inipetiient] 'I'.II. 5. O. Subfl. _ ‹ _ ‹ Bami, [adi Fornication (Mer

(1: Ё0ГЫСЦКО.У‚-|.0. _of Column, [Bottom] Sp. chant]` -­'­* s'

BA1-b. . _ l . ‚ IIL 7- 0~ _ Bami). Дай}. ПпсЬт] Mm. п.

[`Back­diver\ging.€ufpis] ' »_¿i'n Song, [Grave] III. f 7:0. ‘

rip-.the Hair. - . ’ ' i.D. . Bawl, [Exclaim] AC. III. 3. 0.

Ia. Figure (Perñj‘by‘cut- Adi. ." . ` Bdellium,fl'r. VIII. 7._

ting.]_ . _ Low] T_M.II.4.O. _ Beacb.Sh.lV. LA. `­ ' ­'

fp_._the Beard.]._ ‚ _Ignoble_) _ Beacon, fedi. Fire (Íign) of p.

Barbari/‘m Man. ПАЗ.` ['Rabble RC. I. 7. invaded.] ‘

Barb/trom. _ f ‚ l ‚ [Villain RTC‘LII. 8. Beaahh ­­

_ датами :_n» Man.»_IV.O. ­Spurioi_is . II. 4. O. Sp ere _ ’ ‘ '

...itituiiicityri Man.' IV. 9.D. _Vitious] Man. I. О. ‹ _ [СцЬе }('1т) P‘f'rfomcd']

_ adj.i­`iercene s] NP. I V. 4. O. [Piiíillanimous] Man. III. _:«mum ~' —

“ lridi. стыд Man. 1.3.9. 8.12.Y ‘ fof_i’rlyine (рта?) " ‚‚ i

Barber,|'Hair cutting(Mechanic.] sordid] Mari. III. 4. D. -ad).p.'Almes (per on] ‘Ч _i

B.1rber).`Sh.l.4.A. _ Ba ull. ' n Bede-trenTrJH. 9. A. __ '_ Р

BarbiI.Ei.I(Xi.8._­ 1) ‘ :I Sharpe (habit) ]AS. _ Beadlef. ‚ .. Y ’ ‹

Bard 01d manner Poet. » v .2.A. ‚ Be ore-wal in oñicer "за”: Е _ adi îAbieétnefs] Man. III. adi: a. (Zitatióng‘(SJfi‘icei‘F 3 ;

nope]шт!) 9. Е. _Arreñing В]. IL'r. A. ОШ:

Lean] NP. V. t. О. Bnjìl. HF. VII. 5.» _ — een] _ ì . i

Scarce]TM. I. a. D. Stone-HF. VII. 5‘. A. › (Whipping (Officer-I1»

tif-«_- :l ‘д 3 îowk-HSJV-ó. Beagle. ‘>h ­ ‚iin-clothe _Ba 1li: . _ _ Dog im unti'n' Ветвь

ВлЕдаЁп. _y [Serpent killing by feeing] [nudi] iContraft.- .RC_‘.__V­ LGreatOrdnance] Beek. ’ '_ f ' __ ' i

Thing de? “01330 V- 8- Bruker. Pr. V. :.A. ~ _afd Bird. PPA/.4'.4 ‘Г. ‚Barge. RN. I. 2. _ Baßn, Difh. Pr.' V. 4.deep­] _afa Slgip. ~ г

3.0i@ Baß. Bed. Po. vI._ 7. A. of Beuker, Cylinder manner)l PP. L 5- 'run-m5,] _ ’ up.I _ I i \i i 'la

lslllpljßN. I. 2~A­ Bdß‘yd.; ' ' _ Beam.y i ‚д‘ _ ‚ - d. _ i 'ih'.«a

„L_- _ _ i _ . Spuri0us]T.IlI‘. 4.0.' f ...o anhoiife.'­` “иди-‚КА;

Peel [un­rmde.] _L _,_‚ begot ot Rarepts’not юго ~­»fa Cm.- EPole] PLV.' 1_

D°E­ —’ ther-matrici] _ _A'.'î -l‘ ’Yelp» ‘l5 FOX. Bgßf’a. l

Ч’; ßßlerife.- `['I'i'ainí'veift'efl ‚

(рт, 6Ев.‚ ‚ r _ „ее'to {21. Dog (voiceîl y I ì(

Weavers-,Tran verfe o#

_ шырчщдчы; ' ï» ga. box (voiceJ „ Cudge _|R]. VI. 2. A. ­

Bmly. HL. 1i. g. _Moiílen. Pr.III. 7.

wo Д. . . il» t

WFH-HL- HI- 4' A’ Baßon. _ _oftbctèlrgfline 0f Наш}Bann. ` _ ' ­Stafiï]PP. I. 4.-. M¿.„„_E1_1__4_ n .' .‹ n l

[adi a. ferment (thing) of ешь, “M_ v_?, ' _ summe. r ‚ ;‚ .‘._‚ i

Вт- ‚ e 1 Baßonade. Cudgdlms-l‘ RJ- VL whiff-.511. п. м. -li

вд’п’шопгсш' Straw'] Atuifi. _ _ i BeamHSJILg. ` ‘ _l

' Barnacle. . Éat. ‚ ’ “- . ' Freiicb~ › _ " ` @__ ‚ _

i i‘ifh.£x.viii. 9. [ешь] iiiyivz. _ ‘ д;„„‚___ “541.1. _ ‚а

l Infiruinent [Мой Compref- Éird flying-Meuk (kind.) ` жми}; „Ш _.‹‚--‚‚,(

l “ПЕ Unfit] ’ ._fowling, [Hunting Birds by „рт _4m-imm “5:11pm

' Bm”- _ _ Night] 1 binding-mesh. 1v.6.» -‹

[Noble (Perfon-J 3.1.1., [ema (Aggies-J _mai/«sinn 7.a;

1P~ “ш? f‘flh ‘Как’: down' fp.invone (time) baking-J Bear. v. Be._IV.i_.`A. _ е ‘

“ШИН Burl! P0.II.5.A. _ _: or. ~»_­"_ `._ofExcbe/luer,[]udge_0fCourt __;„g’ [Soking] O. III. 5.0. SMLEQ’WA.; i _Yfor KÍUS'S “суете-1 Battaglia, [ordered Army] ¿ ¿tmb-.pump -uïfm'ltgà

Виола‘, [Gentleman 0i the Б!“ BaneL 'j _ Vulkan v_ '_ ~ n

Dfg'cß] Part0fArmy­ 5 ‘ —:-еаг1Н$.УШ: 2. ‘_‘f’f

Ватт Aâion. RM. i. 8. A. _ __sm‘fle. изд/ш. gq". A;

VCHÍLPI‘. V. g.. _ _41, _ ; Bear. v. .,_y .. _: А‘ ` !u'.­._.'­..

Meafnrc. Me.II. 4. _ {Cliib] ‹ ‘_ ­‘._ .- Support' M0~ VL I? Ада?! т

Вд’г‘елие[:.ЫР.\/1.3. О. [Сцшпё Hammesr]_k_ 1 pcm-y] моду“; .lB¢ri'en-wort.HS.VI.7. ` _ tri ing. parwnu‘on‘ AG1: ‘‚_ un.

Bárrcier, [contentious (perfon) Ba’fffilßm‘f@ byí Knocking] ‘Suffer’ _ — _ „__

adi. a. Suit. В]. ILA. (ар!) v ¢­­).l­{\ffault_withCannon._| а pamonj 11.7.0, »

Barricnda, [Tranfvers fhutting Bariíè, adi. Fatt] NP. V. 5.' ‚ Еърддспсс] Man-_ 1,3;(Гсрётспг) to­­­ Score for piet (fegreg.] _damn _ i — „

swim, [Scpimcnted end of Battle-Jaar, [Limiti (Ini’tr.) for palœmkey] . _,

' Race ( lace] Íh'iklngil . ’ ЕСошрс! to grant] ‘ ’

garflßtï, Pleading Lawyen] Buttlemenu. _ ' _o ‚ ‚г. y

Hmm’. i “ЕЩЁ-м’ 9- A- ­* ­ ' adj.a. difiaxit ( endeavour]

[un'îenlcl‘ïd H08] ~ ‚ [Margin ( ‘P‘mfno òf the i Suffer (endeavour] ’





-———аш. ar- as Adv. I. 3. »fvwm HF. VII. 9. A.[adj. a. Safety Quake] Beer. _Í 1 Belebmg. Mo. IV. 2. А

_up “мл. Евы-ж] pr, 1, 7, A, Beldame, [Old (corr.) man.

- Continue Suffering] adi. Carrying (jug.) for dead («мы

' Conrinueßcñíìing] bodies-_l gfífdŕ-ll‘fè mfìcgäjaiìhllívlq.

,` ‚мы. Bee ingr. e); 3- a “mny- ‚ -7

` д, Patience] Man. L 8. Milk of adv. new adj. pretcr. Bfl'm- ^5~ n~4~ _

. {m-Condefcention] MRL parturitiom] ¿dán/:áb- I.[:Crcdulxryfj

VI. n. Beer. HF. I. xo. a. . a. ,

‹ Cbmpmy - Companion Berrie. _ Bflll- PG' IV- 6

_, Rgfpeä v. Refpcfì [Infeâ] Ex.V. ' _“W‘fmfßx- L "L _

_n Sway Common-Ex. v_ 4. 821111, rmlûel HF-n‘II, а. A.

ги’дшр Win-nefs. Вид-Ежи 4.A. Bel/0W, а’ B_“l ("È’lœ]

_mmfglf’ (а. рспсшочъ] Knobbed boned-Ex. V.g. A. BfUWP‘» Мёд-“дм (Inßßl

.Be-ml. ` lnßnnnent [wooden Malle; Bflllww. adi. Beaû(Meuph.]

_ofAnìmal.PP.`Vl.4­ ‚ (augm.] Belang, (у. Peninem.]'rm.1v. 5,

_o Cam.PP.II. 3.A. Bef4l[v.Evenn.]TA. v. Bflwfd’fjldi. p. Love] AS.

Вы]; ed Crecper.HF. IIL-5. Igejffool, [2. Fool. Quake] Bd V. 2

Bea Be. .v e are. aw. v

Beaßlhßdi. scafi. (Mcuph.] _in place. Pr .v_ 3. Beneath Prep-v. 2.o.

Bm, _in compari on, [more InfCl’lOr T_M~ L .D.

Knock Mo. VI. 4.A. them] ,_ B611, [t0-binding ¿Ai-maman)

Strike' Mo.VI.4. _in time, (ш, Prcceding] Sword]

' "overcomej sp. х. 2. E. Bfm‘mlpgń

_ba . -bamń WKck Drive; i Glined] ТА.“ 2_ for ìforrow dign]

Ст!‘- Put. Ё"? Prepared] n.111... fp.wuh voice]ь Striking] “ng Prcvcnrcd] 11.111,9, Bench.

Y{ Fighting] Beg. long fixed Seat]

-fbePrícn iKC.' l’l/I. LA. Еа. Beggar] RC. L 8, A, adi.]udg. (place)] В]. L r.

‘ Bulimie. _ вписан, RO, V. 3, (msu-1.] AÍÍ‘ßÍTOl‘S, В]. l. 1. A.

’ 151%‘y licnâílâ Hîx. B »gen RC. I. 8. A. _ Вене/Ё", МТсПог in College

' p. g . 3. еда. o Re :ion udicíal rBeaver. сапог] Вс.1\1‚‚8‚ a.Generation] AC. I. 1, f0n.] J (Pc

. am: . .v. 6, ’ ‚ ЕъЕНкйспг] "LIL 1. Вт’- 0-1-7» A

' B’eca ` Чудес. ТДД’. 9. B¢gin.TA.IU.g. рад. а. Crooked] Mag. Ill.

Bec'aufè. Coni. l1 . a.,0. Tranfc. (kneep.) l- 0

.L Ватт-ВН- 6- . Beginnings ‚ш. 3.1). Shrinlr]AC.V1.;.

Beck" Ev. Head Ugu] 34141‘, [3. Nudd в], 1v, 4, be crumpled] AC. Vl. g. A.

Be ome: ­ Behave. — fp. Oblique] Mag. II. 8.

' ranfe. парте) a. Converfarion] Man. A, -omjîfh [together-fold] O.

isdone is, мы. дам-3 a. Demeanour] AC. V. V- S

l: там.‘ Em _ _J шут-«3 ACA/I. Beneath.

‘Sal I­ ­ CNM Beben .R .V.x. Inferior TM. l. ­D.iis Efe T. Il. O. Behind. PrJep. V. 3. O. Евыш] grep. V. 2.50.

¿Us T9» 2/- [l'eHmder part] Sp, III. 8. О. ЁМ'ЁЁЙЩ [31451184 ASÃ- 3

. . ‚ :__ ene or. RO. 111:8.

3€- г Stain T . [.O, Bene: P s ’HouÍhold-ñuŕf. Po. V. 7. A. Reà'uiëfìng]A v Benêg‘cäcg, rc bytcr s {place}

-ßed Po. V. 7. [Reñdue] TM. Vl. 7.0. Vertue, Goodnefs Man.l..1~

._rjd,[noc.adj.rifc (por.) _in Arrcars, [Debtor] TA. Aâion, a. Benefa or.'

our of­­ 1v. 7.0. Beneficial ‘[a.Benefa&or.

_.«fEaijt/J, _Superñcìcs.] [Inferior] TM. l. 5,1). l Beneßcíar’yìlo 111.8> О.M38` LS- I-Oß] TA.v.r2.0. Benefit (adj a Ècnefaâorûhíng]

Ladis: Вафли’. HL. 1X.6.A. *,M'Èd’ nor-prepared] выплат‘ favour] AS. V. 9.

Beaâquä, [a машет.) тм. V. В ЬЕЁЩБ been Prevemed] Benjamin. {В VIH- 5­^~

­ - e o . ‘ ‘

Bedding, adi. Bed. (rhing’s] Ey¢ `

Beim“, “_Í'P' D¢W° {такс} [1. {Steg} Favo'ur AS. V. 9.

Bfŕl‘m Pflfon 0f mi“ (PU- _ ОЬ crve] Courte 1c] Мат“). 7.

ons. Beboldmg. Grarioufnefs] Man. Vl. l.

Bce. Ex. IV. l. ‚

humble. EXJV. x.-A.

-Jìkefly Ex. IV. 3.

­­­eater.Bi. III. 9.

-flomm [orchis] HL. IV. 8.


[v- Being] T. I. x.

Co ula. .

Beech-Tr. IV. . A. . l

Bref, [Beev’s dln] l

Bering. T. I. x. l

ßcnlefìciarylïRO. III. 8. D. Bent.[=1dì р. bcnd.]

Be Душ; tha s] [psi pret. purpol'xng] AS.

EmExpedîcnr] T.V.6. -ofGraf:, ['Ear] PRH. A.

n­-ed,&c. Benum, a.Szupor.] NP. 11.1.0.

8u: ou ht Mood 11.2. B ueathRC. V. 2.

­­­ nä. ,[Ei'rpedienn] T. V. 6. Bem), a. Deñle.] TM. V. 6. O.

Bel, ad). Ringing. Q Ш. 2. Berbery.Sh. 111.4. ;

Inflr. Bemwe, (а. штык.) T. H1.

­­fr),[adi.€onvention placen l n D.

\ for ad).a.Rmgmg (perfons.] Berry. PP. III. 2. A.

`.me-_[I'lierbtri1e'lovc]IlS. IX. Berrorbeaß] RO. II. 3.

5. A. Better, [more-good.]TN. 1.6.17.. È; [Digrellìon]

Befèec/J. [Entrean R0. V. 3. [Viůoryn] КМ. II. t. great ‘5’ g. (t.) [Ag.

humbly.] [Superiority] TM. I. 5_.E. г, gre ate.'

вел-‚дм‘. im. 1.4; onu-LRO. iii. _i mail _; r. çi [5..

Берет, [adj. Recently] Between. Prep. V1.3. <1. I gregate.]

ließt. _rhemfël'uen ifjëlf it Г. (i) [S0

About-gard] [Privately] adv. TM. V. 4. I_ Ищу.)

Befiege] RM. I. 4. -Botln _ Segregation.

Ведут‘. Middle.]SP. II‘I. 3. тигр _c

[a.remorfe.] ‚ ШЩКсгспь] tbe da) d_ Mifcarrying.] Bever. . _ degreer d (ЗЧг-З

[3- velle‘ty I Event (corr.] [Refeâion Pr. La. A. turn: t

Btßde. Éeaû, [Ca or] ‚ Dey.’ 1 da] d. ^

[Near] Prep.IV. 3.0. Hat, [Head (veli) of Fur of Houß _ houle h.

c to ' Beren] — _ "т I rw LY~ c..

[поп at Armour, [For~head (деток) B15» ' '

Sec. Bevernge. Pr. II. 6. A. d-[Child’s brrcafì UCR]

.-Ibe marl@ Bev). [Aggreg] f0- _Drinlß AC. II. 2. A.

Erring } t. Berni. _ [reep] ’

Wandring rom] [for-grief Gign] BKM?, Book ofScripture.]

щиты [Mad.] fp. with swimming] Bicker.

[Alle] Coni. IV. 2. Beware. [in Fight, RM I. 7. (dim-1

Redundant. [ад]. a. Hcedfulnefs] Ha. _ a. Contention. мыл“. 3- D.

Befmear, [Бета] TM, V. 6.0. 1V. 2. Bld

[a. Averfation] AS. V. 4.0.

Bewircb.R].III. 1.­


Shew TA. I. 8.

Mani ell] TA. I. 9.

Bey'ondJi-ep. VI 2."O.

Шут, [adi. (weeping (inl'ir.]

Be or.

[_a. Dotage. NPJI. 2.0.(make]

í. . l Love, (Excefs')B ЕР’ 7" l Drunkennefrn]

e paw .Delile with upoii-fpitting_] [Superior] тм.,х. 5. I'i.y

Repeal@ BClVI. r. ‚ _ Bezoar. _ _ _

Befp‘rinlìle, [We: (make) with [Сома-район ‘и Р f

Lrops.] fp. Stone e er ian

Befpue. - Goan]

\ Defile with топ-Гриша] By. _ -

Bell, [той-300 ._\ T. III.2. tI’ICâ-[glgI‘CII-IOI’I] DN. 9. A.

­­­pnrr.TM. VI. . A je ive.doe snes-[_moII-lcndeavoun] [ад]. Digree‘lïiion]- abo

TA.III. . d'. Acc ory. f ‚ .9. .

Bejlinliry. RJJI'I. 6. ‘атм, [acce ary (thing)

BqÍIÍf. of common дающие]

[Move (aug.] Mo. fp. with contempt.]

[Endeavour] TA. III. 4. I I

в ßDiligence]Ha. IV. A5. (11.19.1111.

. e ow. _ тише“!

[Gn/qm. iv. 4. {Um-“d1- ныне.) t

[Disbi‘iirl'e] TA. IV. 5. Ol'dlmIY-_I

s _Bet. II? VJI. 8. A. Prepofition.

Ветка. Efficient. Pre'I. 2.

[toŕltiprqïlfm v1, Ièiltáument. PreJ. i. A.

‘ . S .' П -Babin/g. or a “y j -renfìm of. Pre. I. z. A.

Cogitation, AS. II. i. Local

[Confider] AS. III. 1. Temporal

Bende, [v_ Event.] TA. v. итоге!)

Beîj'îîâe. S 3 I [21560 l

a v. o n Sp. .4. n[adv. Md’rn] Me. V. 7.[obten] TA. V. x.

Bereken, [before-ñgm T. VI. 5. [in]

Benn). Анд/11.1 5. -dv

Berêayrlng. _ НЕЁЁЁЁ]

vi . _[1. Treachery Man. V. 2. D. [Adverb]

La. Perñcliou nefs] Man. V. Local6. O. f' ' h.

[1. Treafon] it). In... Tfmi>0fal}\­“‘g 3

Iiidifï. Nearly after.]

[Slicwing]TA­ I. 8.

'[Manifeiting] TA. I. 9. Manner.

_“"d‘ udv.iuture (dim.] l Bin.

fibel) by

[Command] BO. V. t. '

Invite [Intreat to со ein

-Bûñf _ ‚

_panini I’P‘lbl'ß‘iмы]

-Battel ­ ba

_,Deßance Offer ägL]@Money ‘ ' ‹’ ` fn; l

­Pr_a}er,[lB2tbort to rogefiler

- PFW `_ ­Prr¢e. RC. VI. 2 .

Biennial. ’

D“ ing ‚ _I Reiurniqg _3fm- Zà'cars]

B' ' «- _ .ig.

[Great] TMJ. t. E.

­-‘wrtb-Cbild, (ад). p. Great ‚

through having beepim

pregnated.] ' ’ ï

мы’. 155 vrilang?! y.' ' a .y .

[Ю 1°°К{ proud1y.]Marè. V. `

‚ ъО.

Bígatny, [Having together-two

мягкая.) _

B'ìggin, [ад]. Linnen Head [v’gfh]

Bilberr). Sh. II. 2. "

su... s. iii.;. А.


‚ ‚ ­.­sf8irjd, [Ведь] PP.

V. 4'. —

Hook, [vatting-hook]

Scroll, Lamin ofi’apen] ‘

' Cata gne] TM. III.’7:A.

. Accufation‘,&c.] ß),

` Il. . ’ '[OblisgationJRG VI. 5.

­­­­ofExcbange, [Bill for

Eitehf] RC. У. A.

Billet. ’

...of Paper, (и). Paper (1.:


Appointment for Lodging]

-ofWood, [Stick (aug.) fp.

for Fuel.)

Billo'p, [тм.] W. IV. 1. E.

[Box,Pr.v. 2._v

Bbb 2 fp.




__ rt,[witchcraft.] RI. III_. l. De NP. V. .0.for Brc‘d‘] ._iicrz. [Bcrtyóof Bramble] Blindfrîlìl”. I. r . О?

' _bir Bi. III. . .1_ Fall '[fr] а]. VL 4. А. _and ii...,__[ßii.~w mack.) anni., Е c Pimmel

° . as Brui e (lign) [Dim] Q. I. 3.0.malte CofIive [a. binding]

M0. IV. О,

[oblige] v. RC. VI.

_by Script. RC. VI. 5.

~a Book ‚ ![а‚ Mechanic-_]

Bindweed. HS. VII. 6.

Sea-HL. v1.13. A.

black-HF. 1.3. А.

{Машу-ИЗ. IX. 7.

Biograpber, [a. Hifiory (perfon)


Bladder. PG. VI. 7. A. fTremble with the E e-lids

fwimming-PP. IV. 5. Blifr,[Happinel’fn­ На. l._nlm Tr._IV. 7. A. Blißiim, [a. Luik]

Bl¢de,[Lamin.) Map. . 4. f . of Sheep.]

_of Plant, [Lea] PP. п- Blí er. M0.IV.7.

A Blite. HF. l. i 5.5. .One­-HM.VI. 22. Bl‘ bf ’Гид-НМ. Vl. 22. A. . BIL/.1Q Mfg’ [Mmh'] AS' V' 3’

_of Shoulder', [FIM bom of [Stock] PI’. I. 2.

Shoulderf __ » l ­ ­to _it [a.RioltoufnefsÃ] али’ ’Гппск pmu-J

_ __bd­_____

[dividedintotwol Blain [Emu S_m_3_ А.‘ ‘M22 .RIMDÍI‘IIÈ gli; III x 0

­ ' _worm _ ’ 'VI’ 7- Blame,[lmputc faule] n uiiiortel‘ìlîïìlìegc. “мл-4’ к

*am* .[Vifcfms (ming) f“ [тосты в]. giii‘iii’ Pi' п r

taking BirdS.) Blanc/J, [a. White.] Q. II. 1_. E. Злата’ [Ника-1 PP‘_ “l _'_

“такт-5“ п‘ 8' Blatidijhinent, [a. l~`awning.]

_’..£,.i~is. vm. 2. A. Blot. Padi. a. spot. ql. 5, о.

_'J-Foaf. HS. III. 9. BITÍÈ‘ IV'7' E’ [thing]

„играй. HI.. V. 7. [W'hite] Q_ “_ L E_ —оиг..

Bi" ‘Ё’! ­ [not upon-written] AC. III.7. Oy }W|­;ńng.]

, e o a а

вт!" ‘ . . . to-[a Mute] AC. III r O. Bim' .

Exten ft — . .iNativity, [p. Parturition.]AC. [woollen{ ggäcgfâßcjhmg'] fBlaud. .

' Proper.1- 3° nnfpiiime. lBearin , [a. Parturìtìon] ­ Red juice of‘мы Aniinaís.that is om, [adj. p. Patturiti- Evil ì‘oí‘ï вод’) PG. I. 5.

[Slmkí Injury Prin

om] AC.I. 3. _ Bla _ ca_ One of the fourhumors. PG.

¢f'"*[scc“ndme:l PP'_ VL [£ecay. NP. IV.4.O. (u(iake.] L6’ .

7.A_.__S vm f ‘vaponELvL 5_ »_boun(d,__[_130g eidg.) гипс]

_wom . . 5. ­ ­ _ :i en ’ ent.Bilbo?. RE. IL 4. A. El' 3° }(,Ш: —Лш, [Spotted with Blçud

__ i-weed. HRV. 4. A. BwmfϜdm IIL HL 4 A_ within the Tuniele.]

Baker, Вы“. ’ —Лале, [Cornelian]

Í-Bread bak’d for duration] [I_HameI] EL L 1_ ’ l b. y Mur.

_[dried, Bread (Lamin) _ (adj. а. publia] TM v_ 4_ феи} [apt]

Bgßnute. MetJII. 3. _ BMU-„kam [Comet-J ELL :_ l' - Kill.

Bijîmi, [Bull grind) having a BMU”. _ ­­wort.HA. II. lo.

~bunchoia the ack] [adj_a_pubüc_ {man} l let­­a.Mo. I_V. 6.

Brßexrile, [Excedent fourth I a_ Dafa-,Prion adj Degree Defcendent [kinde]

_ year.' ~ ñgn] ' Confanguinity]RO.I.

Bijlort. [Snakeweed] HLVILg. 31”, Bleak] F,- 1X_ .Q_ A_ of the whole {ад}. Con

Bit. _ ' ‘Миф fang. by both Штаты]

[piece] from-broken (рано) Blfdfbi [OPCnm the Sun. of ‘he hm.' [363- con'

_of Bridle, [Horl'e-relìrein- l’ .for whitc'(make] fan .by one Parent]ing (Armament) ] Шел}; [Murtherg] В]. III. 4.

Bite/i, [Dog. Be. III. t. быть] [Piercingçold] Bland) Flix.

Biting­ im». i'. ix. _A, [Dyfeiitery] S. v1. ад.~ as withTecth, Га. Тосты] lo

шипы, [Difeafed by Inflamma- Bla”

~ìn, [un-(peak (cndea- tion of the Membranes.] 4 _

_ vour._] Ble”, r., . Stmlte Mo. VI- 4.

asin Tail or Smell [a. Aeri- Sheep . _Knock Mo. V1.4. A.

monious] { Goat }<"°'“-] t to

Bitter. Bleed. ' [a. Breath] M0. III. g.

»..ín Z'ajIe. OcIV. 3.0. [a. Bloud] PG. I. 5. l [a. Winde]

[Aufiere] Man. V1.8 O. PhlebotomyMo. IV. 6. ._aii Horn, Г a. Sound.] Q III

noifiui, [щ a. Grief, As. Bim-ß., r.. spenta.) ( (make)V. 3. О. (caufe] l Blend, [Mix] T. III. 8. 0. _Onf‘r МЛ’. Мо. IV. 4. A.

Bittaur. ВЫШЕ. 5. Blemi. Iii. III. r4. _ [2. Flower] PP. II. l.

_BrnjiIeeii-Bi. VIII. 5. A. Bleßedneß, [Happinefs.]` Ha. I. i, Blubber.

Bitumen. St. V. 8. Bleßiiig. AS. I. 3. Fini. Ex. IX. 5.

B141’- _ _ Blew. II. 3. А. _ Fat of Whalm]

[adi. ao. Loquacity] Man. IV. _bottle HF. III. 2. ~ i0

' 5- ­ Blight. wet ~with wee inBIacIQQII. r. D. Vapor, El. VI. g, ¿'Blugider. p g]

l _ ` [adi.



B 0 В O Bi()‘ |


ГМ” u ' ‘пытки!) Ha. VT.

@d1- s(frgql-Itumblc. MO. 1l. 3_A l’S

B/gconfufedwak ’ ' ‘mmm-‘hrw 1 Bag]l Г’БЁШ] N с] Bond g] Lfnn‘llßn [P'l‘œ unskilf l

í‘ßumcgììgr‘lk 2. о. [obligatio- Swe'] ‘готы t0 u ЁЁ‘ЩЧ

[nomdLzLCugtëv’ 9- D. В _1.31, VI‘ÜRC- v1. s, ИВ’- 11m-„11?Blurr‘obtufC-:l apt.) BZZZÃÜ’ÍSIT'JÉJÈÈQ BW". ' 3'0‘ s] H2.

о ma Ч’ ' r.. _ .

Bl [3. Spot- Q. I ‹ ó’noçslaVC. 1 Ibm», andufh'AC. Iv, 5,'_5'0‘ (fram BQHLPG. 11_ , ÈMULHIIÍQ’HVAIL “l

щи}- аРрсагапс - Bonef, . ' ь . т, Ехд. ‚ 12_

БЫЛИ, )ía WP' SGC-Je.) — Вод-дм; [Flre{ aäjdtpfofëjoyl Bonk' 3.!"

894)’ via' l mdc Violent' fOr th ’ [Shadow: e WaL] [Pf-)t with n —BJ Ä! ' Вт y el“Ol'cl mg (VCH F’8111 arrow тоûéínk Г (Г - Bonnet i. ¿IOW {am} ) __n0fe:ï[­alälia¿î_ VL 2' 11th]

Eíîärita-£111,191?? fLlmìn] BoîvfsßilaîìN d heft] _(jââîm‘f-íombcrmcc

1v. _ ’ ."- H011@ ” ‹ ' ’ -5-А_ ы _"­HP.1.

ГЦ’ {Glslcß R 'l agg?" OfLeav ' _e3/J 7’

s_a Skip l,f O.Iv_ 5_ о пища,” cS. Pr. Vf Bottom “ЬЕаЬОЦЬ .

п). Ь‘ э _lnl0.goe.` ° '_ adv. ' 7

~ Ucd<g l.

Вод/Ъ ‘ Storm' j crade?" îldj réìcmor _l Lowcß Pa ').]ÉGloryin › _fg/Imm). . ook ¿IMC- бейте Нга::'$р'!п’7-О.

Loved-u „gl VL 1_0 за” [И], Book olmdationY ’lçlnmofqparo’

Bof”- “Н V2“ Man-1V x` E В ‘3€ of??? i (Men f_çlofme“ Mgèlì/lí@ 1

__ '_ - . _ ' ~ . ‘ ц Y _~ l|p_ ' . ‚

Bob. SW‘11'1~RN.V_ 6_ сайт ptc's' D- II1.3.A_` Bo'fgíçr’ígag (dl-m J 7'

(Strike d. ‚ "Pole Y В P- adifLm h ”

гмосыёыхгщпа. 15u14] »31521111115 51:1 .

139.1‚3 fbef ' 5h ‚ [Tree J Boule. ’ ‘adJ‘ P-Buy. l 3’

B ` о“ ‘ Щ] `°fS¢ILR F' J

ad), SlgnJ _on Share N. 1.1L 2. _ (жук. msg_vl 6о .tq Spirit ña: a пика bca Bou J- Bouling ‘ЗА.

Sohd ­ W-Lo Boon . Мене] mfor "Щ П г.]мO1“, HJcaNâag'L4. ' Boopêçê‘iil‘vpmetition (H _ {Knock o'v‘4'

Trunk: ­I‘G.III.0_ Boor. ~ . 12‚А_ - 1 mgl B Sound}(1mpc_IPG 1V Ound fus)

:'áîîc, Pp I [agg-dIÍ-cathcr (verf ­ ald-j' p Bind]

т — . ¢ _ ` ° ' _

:M1 г 2’ @www “Щ B‘ë‘l‘d'gglm, д’ . . ‚ l: ne ’ ‚_ lim. P0.‘Í_’ß0fmg(1naf,)c _ '[’bßfbomn VI’z-f‘» pwingciâ'y R0.111,8 оî B0 1 QnC-l “.lha( doth Pl'Oñt э] [Llmit] а s] u ‚

“_ с . ,n _ .M _ _ . ) [gh¥ В Л S. ш. з. А. Plolfgb.) “1:16123 ‘fm'ägjj Е 4 A. ( P1 jsp-m'

0i ­ \’ T ` В _ 01' ' ad', ace.

[aîi’fuf’ ‘Piegrlägl‘Y-VMA BZgÉfRr-Iî‘m-_l Po. п I М ,l Endïëïhingë‘]

'B Stoutu (má 'nale ¿L5-E. о 'A' [Motion ad' Slgn‘j

‚ oldneû. c s, Corrl‘j Bordge gaf; [такс for goullfy, Luger Reñcxlon‘]

Tamper Г Bor/lx' A.II.9. _] our”, Riv 211),.) Man ШП:äswufncl‘s-j NP. Bord, hëyfocollm] Sr v Ваш’ ЕСОЩЁЁЁЦПТ) i ­ l'

l Aff-Cajon AS . y' Bordel, ['adaaïd, ~ . 6,A, Ваше/е C .virtue n" _'v~ 8. ` Borde ’ J'Fol‘nicat‘ B w’ [3. omfntlon

. видит‘; Jädmnde-¿Manl 7 Вт {T_,Hlëarëim Sp I'î’îfKhoufe] 0&3 Зато" ë

__'‚ .‘ ку] ’_ . n ' -4.А‚ с — ‚

BOIIedÍIì-Hf'âîl- k '4‘ Bog-(04V. ;_п‘ 4- l(male) [1‘Ё3,%:&7.А‚ @Skal

Bolßf‘ffïrc'd (âixàl Barn; 'fngáîp'paf‘ufirion — (makc 4 Mag‘nï- 1. o_urp-‘forme H'éìad] Bmêb', "P’Bf‘fll 'J “шип?! Én c ­

EÈcarT-ì Mo u 2 A B *inwagïínakej OnVCX

Encoura ‘у!’ l‘A- B<1fr¢m­yj Bc'ULS-A.. l от‘ ’ D" Com-'avBolt’ se) RO'VI 2 Boflm 'RC' У‘4- 0 Weapon Rûnak':ì c

в“. po. 1v ' ­ spácc ° (.4`r0f5_RMMiIV. 4.

~ Mmm-.F1211 Brealït’wîx‘ Cloth Fl'we'1`”«‘ÃeÍv`4'A'

[îbñufe Ar‘row Tf [сцен] B Í'S acc be-Fl eS and ¿25T-‘EL V 'I3

° то: _' о ‚ Ween h г- ' ’[Declnroenâ: _ flfv-protubßl'ílnçetjelgugì the Siîäânvcx (PIR)"""dfß- ГЁЁЁР‘МОП J Bm'ffg'm- ag' ЁЁЁ‘Ц’ [GW 1 133% of

-uprig'b . ç(k' ' в ‚ ’ l-Hc b „. @fg ' ‘ ‘ -4.А‚

»wir @M1111 жтошмьгзющз и .Ваш’. .J Pawn of _Tent of Lea‘í'ghmw]

[swoxn ulcer] ' LÍSÄÍÃ ч“ “м Bran

I ' ßowlllìfgìnx­ìińiui 2- А.

мав- V1.6ÍAT7'A'



I 10M]




res-Mo. V. 4.

Bowie, Wide Cup.]

Bowlinc. RN. IV. 7~ A.

BawfprinRN. III. 4. '

Bowyer, [adi Bow (мстить)


Tree. TrJll. 7.

Cheli. Pr. V. a.

Stroke, Striking with flat


[Bore’s ñeih foul'ed.]

Braae, [adiŕpßuperñcies(make)

with Bra sì]

Биде’, [Bra s (Mechanie.]

Breach. vid. Break.


wbite- ñne­]

b3 brown- _courl'e_]

fairer-[principalGlandule] Breath.

Breadth. TM. Il. 2.

Brabble,[Contention in words.] Breakxdifcominue the parts,

fp. about Contracts]

B .rBiieckle, [Together-ty]

Couple, [Together-two]

­­.r ofa Ship. RN. IV. 4.

Bracelet, [Ornament of the

В vglrilh] f l

f D ein.


Bracl¿ei,[u -bearing piece.]

Brackifbne s. Q_ IV. 5.

Brag. AS.VI. x. 0. _

Brugger, [Ale made with Sp1ce.]


[Pound] Mo. VI. 5.

Voice. _

Afs ‘1 I .

[a Elephant‚(уста


Braid, [Weave with fingers]

Вин. RN. IV. 6.

Brain. PG. l. 8. _

._pan, [Bone that conteins th e

_Il_îiíim] .

Ddl» 3. fancyï ëâîftclgfi-Q) .

hair-[MIL Ha. IV. t. D.]

Brake. » _

[Aggn of Fem] HL. I. 4.

[Breaking рига-{Шах}

ment) or Hemp]

Bramble. Sh. I. r. A.

Brambli'ng. Bi. VI. 7. A.

Bran, [Courier (Part) of ground


Brancb. Pl’. 1.3.


_fire-[Fire wood]

Mark Stigmatization (бега

to Stigmatize]R].VI.6.A

Brandy. Pr.[1. 7. A.

Brandijli, [Swjng.'] Mo.VI. 3.

Brangle, [a. Contenrion [voice]

Krank, [Buck-wheat] HF. I. 3.Brant füdin. HS. VIII. 8.

Branrgoofe, [black headed gool'e


Bnißl. Tr. VII. 5.

БЫЛ. Met. l1. i.

Bravado, [Glorying (impar.) of

his a. fut. Action]


Heroic. adi. Virti'e. (aug.]

Noble. adi. Gci.-.olity.]

Gawdy. [ад]. Ornate, [aug]

Brawl, [a. Contention (voice.]


Umd {Миша

adv. impetus.


Proper. Mo. VI. 6.

_ones neck. RJ. V. 3. A.

~on tbe Wbéel. В]. V.


[Tear] Mo. VI. 6. A.

-one's belly, [-one’s peri


`one’s win e one‘s dia


[adi.p. Aílhma.{make]

[Violare] TA. 111.6. O.

_Covenant ’ c,]

_Law 2 . I 1.]_oath »vio ate 0,]

._wi'nde, inwind. im .._iqrivar . Mo.IV. P]

_downwarsń Mo. IV. 2. A.

Brealifaß, [ад]. Morning refe


gnam. FLIX. 9

Sea-[Gilr-head] Fi. V. I.

Brcaß, vid. Brçß.

[adj. p. Refpjration. Mo. Ш.


surging up the -—АС. IV.

6 A.

Air] _'



._1 ‚

[Ref irationf] Mo. III. ‘а.

_ wear, [Sweat (remifs.]

Breecb. PG. IV. 6 ‚

-es, [Veil for the lower

(part) of Trunk]

Bcar’r- HM. IV. 2. A.


lngender, [21. Generation]

[p. {травмы}[Educate] R0. VI. l

‚ ._Promìfe p. ] a.

Difcontinue,[adj.p. TM- III. [Kind]

[maken] i [Race] ‚

_Company . ' c. 3 ­

:2,318 }difcont.{ C] e[del`cendent{ )

u om. Bre .

[Reclaim] Adj.

_an Harfe, [un- adj. ñerce I'ShOrmeIQTM. Il. n.0.

[Cgrëltß] llîíńŕììpitonie] D. V. 7.

_ ¿11,[Ceafe to­] [Edicì]

Convention [Commiñion] RC. IV. 4. A.

._up,as I ll weather »Brien

8er. _ Infect

[Ceafe confufcdly.] Gentle Wind, El. VI. 6,

[Fail] TA. IV. 8. O. iBre/l. PG IV. 2.

`S1ate [Dugg] PG. IV. 2. A.

[Decay] z_plare, [adi Brei’t [armor]

_with { Age [de а raffermir. 3. A.`

SorrowA y l Brevrary,[1ìpit0me.] D. V. 7

wìth{ S Еда‘, i Bretê1§turr._ '

‚ anims][Ruine]l Shrinking]

_one’s eart. Breïuiry, [Shortn e£s.] TM. 1I.

_one’s Winde, [a. Pcrifh.] J ,_ О. '

-Supeijïcien Е i Brew.

Чин” batches. Difconr. ВГ thedskin with, Src. i ¿leer }fmakcl

_Woi’in ] [Mingle] T. III. 8.0

_onesihlìcgŕb ­[Wound the Breiäeg‘, [Lamins of Bread ileep

_ ._T e .

lipfg'ì’ilngn’gd 84C' B _bfpkin [гл 2f boiled mean]

[Open] . lßrriclî.. Sti‘L‘riA:

'-îfîeil’gggf- ‘ Briole¿__f_[adëì prefent Marriage

— y ­ em.

[Appear]ŕ_ire ._.greorîn [ад]. pref. Marriage

Y _ ­ ma e.]

_out aslLighnf _mai.l, (Companion (fem.)

[а Impctu 1lSldm‘ï 5- _ of the Bridegroom]

. s v `man, Com an` al-afesi ['a.]eñ.(`imp.] ofthe linda] ‘on (т с)

—’п, [Inïitiom (imp.]

_open, [a. Open. (imp.]

Ñ _01st, [Ош-Мои. (imp.]

i Bridal,[adj.Marriage высшим.)

i Бийске”, [Publio ad). Саги-85

on (h.ouf'e.]

' \

В R B R B Ц .

Bridge. Po. Il. 6. _ Brìttleneft. Q. VI. 5. D. ‘ [adLBeafi [like­

_aof Lute, [Ridge fllpportmg _ Broach,[adj..RoÍling [infin] [adi Irrational

the Strings] _ _ to­­ Bulble. El. III. 1.'A.

_ofNofe, Prominent Gri- [2. un-barrel (incept.] Bucciiium. EXJVII. 5.`

ille] _ Broad, [ад]. Breadth] Buck, '

Bridle. Po. V- 9._ grml( [Deer] Be. Il. 4.

ra._[a. Cohibm] T. II. 2. O. [Plain corn] fp. adult [Male]

Brief. Sh. I. 2. A. [pronounce Rurally] ­­­­ Clothes.

Brigade. RM. 1V. 2. fp. opening (augm.) one’s Clothes (aggr.) for walli

Brigandiiie. _ mouth] i by Lixiviiition.[Coat of_Male.] ‚ _ [a.opennefs. -jirrIÍ/bingßdjaalre mach]

[Ship ad). a. Booty (арг._] —аш&е,ГРсг‹: ly­­~] ofl­`ifli.]

BrightneßQl. 3. Brock, [Badgen Be. V. 2. A- _e borne. HL. VIII. 2. A.

grim [Margin] Sp. III. 4.0. BrocI¿et,`[_Har_t male) ofthe fc- _e thoriie. Sh. 1.7.

Brimjioiie. St. V. 4. ` c_ond year] ­rriaß,[Mafi of Beech]

Brine, [Salt diílolv’d] _ Broil. Pr.IIl. 4. A. _weert

_y rajl'e, [Saltìl'hnel's.] Q Broilr. --wheatl HA. V. 5. A.

lV. g. [contentions] Man. Ig. 3. D. Bigger. .

‚ . о. Troubles' TAN. 9. . Tub, adj. . om a t bВ’МЬЕСМ’: ю‘ть'{ Ёоше. Broken-windëld,[adj.p. Миши.) ha dl `p у с P) y

n e.

. go. (такса Broker. Buckle. Pr. IV. lA;

Bfmßi [W‘th’ come.(makc._] [Subflitute [Mero] Bueller. RM. V. 9.

[carry] [Merchant ofold things] _ Buelqam, Canvasítiffened]

[to- drive] Brooch, [Gcmmed Ornament._] Buckj‘om, adi.Vigor face (man.

llcad. _ Brood. тг.

gaia-_ fetch] TA. VI. [chìldren[a grt) Bud,[ proun] PP. II. g,

ФА. [Aggregate young) Bridge.

(be. „__ n ta- Move(dim.]

[Caufe,] [Caufc to’ go. (а, Fotion by _Over-fitting] Budget Bag (dim]

come. gmk, [River (dim.) f . adi Leather]

_dorm _lime. HSNI. 1o. ‘ Bulil'adjleather (Али)

’ LOW 1 garden-HL. VIH. 3._A­ fp. ofBuffalS Skin limbon] .

[adi.a. lnferì or (malte] „три“. а.Рапспсе._}Мап.1.8. Md, [вид (kind having n“

“oder l Впют. sii.iv.a. — 'nigger hams?)

[dîminîûll TM- I­ 7- 0. butchers-Sh. III- 8. Виды, [Strike with hand toge

[weaken] NP. V. 7. 0. thorny-Sh. IV. z. A. ther-(chiodi) 1,.

-forth _ _Rape.Hl.. V. Biffoon, [ай Scurrility(perfon.]

[2. Parturitiom] AC. I. 3. „_[Brufhing (шт. ] Bug. In. 1I: 1. A.

­‘-low. _ -iiig. RN. Vl. 2. Bitgbear, [за]. aaFçar, (apt.) adj.

aiminiiii] тм.1.7. n. вть. Pr. 1.5. _ Fто" ‘МПа-1 э

decay] Brotbel [Fornication [houle] Buggeryß .51.5. A, .

­­­­fo nought. Br0ibei.u0.l. 4. _ вмд!‹._

[adi. p. ruine [malta] half-ROA. 4. A. ad). Glafs-bead]

a. deilroy] 9.5.1. 4. O. _.iii Law, [Brother by Aßi‘ Horn (dim.) for founding]

annihilate] AS. I. 1.0. _ мы Herb. HF. VII. t6. A.

­­­ïtopafr. ­­bood. ’ Bugloß'. HL. IXJ _A. `

[;i. Caufc] 'l'._IL Brother(abfir._] ' Vapore-HL. IX. 2. A. .

[a. Efficient] T. Il. 1. Corporation] _ C. III. 7. Wall-7.- ¿_

_unden Bim, [Forehead] PG. III. 6. Buyinblïàv. 3. O. ‘

overcome] RM. Il. l. E. мы“ the-AC. 1V. i. 0. Baila.

[conquer] RM. II. 7. E. ...afan Hill. [Protuberancc] _m5, Po. Il, —

__‘iq. Mag. 1V. 3.—-—- Greater pam tif-Po. III.

begin] TA. Ш. 3. Brom _ Iajfer parte .if-P0 1v,

educate] RO. VI. [Dark dim] -uporn [Be confident 0L]

_ go. _ [Black ат] Bul, vid. Bull. ‚ ’

["Vlth' Co с. втопцйпд. вш’дс‘фдтд’

_on the way. [_Maftiçation] Mq. Ill. 5. Bulbaiiacli. HS. VI. 2,

[accompany in Travel (in- fp. ofßoughs] Bullrot“, Hl.. IV.

серы] Bruije. ’ Blflßtichßi. IV. 3. _

„до bed. [Contul’ion]1). IV. l. A. Bulge. [Mar,.by_in­ornñimg.]

[amil in parturition.] Hurt. S. I. t . A. Bulk [мафией]

Finardi-Narration] Bruin, [lmpetus.] T. VI. 6. A. Solid].Mag. I. 4.

Bririk, [Margin] SP. III. 4.0. Brufh. _ Total ‘ГМ-‘д’ ‘

Brion). [Branch. PP. I. 3.(dim~] Aggregate] TM-LILó. i0

white-HS. IX. 6. irifìrument. Bull.

blac ­­HS.IX. 6. A. Brulhing (ìnilr.) clothes] [Beam Be. IL_i. _ tuale] .

Brit , Sprìghtly] NP. IV. a. Painting сайт.) ‘ Writili'lg,[lìdi¿t.4 веду,

Briß e, PP. VI. 2. ta-O. V. 9. 3. 0. «_‘0'- Brute. fp. Pope] ì

[2. (Мед (make) one`sBri­ Animal] ‘МА/4. _Beetle Е)‘. V.2.A. II

files] Rumor D. .3. -jincht Bi. I_V. _ _,

Bril/low Non-fuch. HS. V. 4. A. Brutíjh. ` › - -árgêldízlîlvlillcr s 1.


_ G t Км! rulli.' ’ SMl-l'ßdl- P. Colouring -Fi .Ex. VIII, 2.Bullailiíhŕi‘ urrribflgliicklhorn. (corr.) by the Sun.) Bai¢íf1„„’,_[campion]

' Bullet. RM. V. 8. Burmf,_{ SmPOIh ìb шьып l HS.V.2.

‘ Gold ` . ’ Brighten У g Borneff. Ро, nl. 7. A,

Bullion { Silver ì'nOt-Coln’d] Burrage. HL. iX. l. Butwin.

Bu. ~. 'e8-i - Cd d'.C ld'gignrebi .VI.5.' ' B‘Jlßf'Í-IBLH-ó.- ¿Säiiiiilga )_ one“ mg

‘ [Anchor,`(ign)­ ‘ Вт- _ _ — Catïet,[Dependent.]

_ в”. ..i_._ _ вы‘) _ C_Oniuëälçnù- о cadew.i;x.iii.4. А.

Prina' G an ~ ' _ ~ Hf; ОШ: .2. . y Cage.- ~ _ _

E_ofihe'EanljLower Protubc- -Dndcedj Conj.lI. Las, [Im rifontïient(m0m.]

_ „И but lately, Src. _ _ fp. For Birds]

__ofDock, [Еаг PP. II. ‘_[Onçly МИД)’. Cayman [Crocodilf] Be, VL 3,

"RJÄP‘V- _ ' ‘ *tI-mf, unl€ß._lC0nJ. I. Cajole. ‚ _

E tt -HLV ..r.A. 3. О. . C f,._-fre:.r;.u|.. i1i.i5.A. —уе’. _ [Рад/ад‘ br{ rigging]

Great-HL. VI. 2. [npItwi'tlglanding] Coni. Caiu'ß‘. ‚

L'l-HLVI. .A. ‚ .2. . W'kd

’ mi2.’ 2 Preiwfirion.l _ ’ Miigrfbie i’tßuemù

_ofa Song,[R среди! verfe] [bende] Prep. IV. 3. O. Cake, [__P lat bread]

Load. Po. V. A. ‚. 1 ` ; i Calammtìi‘it. St. ll. 7. A.

io_[adj.a. Heavy (make) [thick CXrrCmiry] . Calimiiit. HF. vll. a . A.

прёт-1]PP H ~ [ÄP- of] (Stock-JJ calamity. [Mitt-tyd

Burgeon _ prout . . 5. arre aiigm. мимо. vi. a.

B ‚ Magiflrate ìofa _ [тайне] calculate,[ßeckon.] TA_IV,6_

“ф FRC-man ТОМ-1 [ММ ‹ _ Calendar, [adi Yearbook of

Burglar). RLIII. 8. A. Б‘т *lt-_21th. p.lhoot (apt.] Series of daies of every

Bury.IV._8. 6 _Slgmldt p. aim (apt._j moëith]

__. МАЯ. .A. to­­ ‚ Cl ‚ «_f y (_ fBurlÍPick the knots and mores [knock thrufiirig] а 015mb?, mootmds] P o

out of Cl'o'tlm] Гр. with Forehead _ .- ¿_Q-(1j. calmdn-ng (шефа

Burle ue. _ _ Butcher, Butcheriii v Mecha- @nir-„df fil-ß д сЙ ‚ _ _ Ь ( , Г d у of th

Facetious imitation (_com] nic] monili] _

Mockingi'mitation of Poem] _u_ig. l’r._IlI. r. Calenture, [Fever сдаёт.)

Burl). -bird. Bi. I. 3. A. Calf,

adi. Ample] Sp. II. 5. _’t broom. Sh. IV. 5. A. Бай.‘




вы ‚ В ICA



Burrow, [Hole inthe Earth]

Conf-[Cony’s ( hoofd]

Buffer, (ndi. diíburfing (ОШ)

BurjLVid. Break. _ _

._Coiv, {Blain-worm]

Birk, Еа. Bee (voice.]

Bukkat’d, [Kitt] Bi.I._2.A.


Bti/luk . Buti, - Be. T_i. i. {am}

- Bulmirk, Rampicr._\IIM.VI. 3.

Битый}. _

fad). Cotton Ílufhng (thing]

Lnot-nccei'l'ary (thing) in

d. Bü'fff'mtff; flttrniaf] _[afiitjfriue‘dewoïi'ds] В‘т

Н. V. z.. С

ч S — _ _вилы’. ВИЛ’{ Hair; нашу-1 CÁl'lÍhL-Tfaditiom] RENT.

l. A. `- P _l Silver-Sh.VI.6.A~ ­Cluflefl P cabbage. iis. Iv. 6.

ïrotuberanee] Mag. IV. 3.

. 4.

6. 0.(thing. _ _

fp.togethet»tic ._lll _

are ad'. M.III.6.0. B‘ffbel [8 Gallons]Aëtgliinggj]- J T ­ Buße-_ _ ___Tree Tr. VII, 8.

‘ Гр.го «мг-та.) . ‚ [‘‹11‹г-В‘тп=&1„_ ‚ _ . Cubbln,[Chamber(ditn.]Bundle [gadiaggre "гс. ’INLIIL Ladl.a.Double diligence] Ha. fp._¿inaShíp.] '

’ ` 5] IV. 5. Е. Cabinet. _ '_boothl adi. ‘а. Diligence [Box{‘precious (ed

for` 'moli elleem- }thlngs:l

Buiig. . ‚ _ (corr.

[Upper Orifice of the Barrel] B‘ffì’lfß» Cable. RN. Iv, 8,

(p. for Infuliom] EmPlOymm'» ТА’ Щ’ C4010- lîchßcolarê] Tr. IV. 7.

Bunglìng, [llnskilfulnefs.]Ha. Vl. (ad). а. T_roublmg (ihing] Cork/Ala. Hen (voice.‘_]

,_ 0.~ Burk, Laniin for Woman s Caeochymta. S. I. 3. A.

breall;(vell.] _

видим,‘ [Velt until middle of

Cade.Bunting. Bi. IV. i .

[Lambeducated in houl'e.]Bunt-line. RN. IV.6.~'A. _

Butler, ['adj. Provifionsfoñicer] B п,в ‚п. . _for adi/pdryukuhmgü. E u e r {young}adj. Fat. (шут)

_'.‹]`тш. (Snap-dragon]Burnet. HF. VIII 4. —

ThornJ-Sh. Ill. l. A. Butter. Pr. l. 3. _l н3_ \1Щ‚ 6‚

Burning. _ _milk, [Milk after Butter

Proper, [adj.a. El. t. (make._l _ _ ‚

houfe--R .IIL 7. д ' ­­jíy.Ex. IV. 9.

Hawke-Ex. IV. to._einen .v. 7.А.

­bur. HL. vi. i. А.-in the band, [Видишь] В].

vl. 6.- ‚ , '-*WOÍÍ_ _ ‘ ' _ Lega] ‘

._Laiiee, Гран] El. I. 4. A. Butter), (adj. Drinkingftoom] [Hinder Mul-des of tb.

Ummm] _ stmk. PG. 1v. e. Leg]

[Rolling wird] Buttan- M38­ "из" Calif- [Succell‘or of/Hähernët.)

...t-fever. S. Il. t. ...balm Mag. v. 2. A. ’ .­ __ ¿db RNA/1_ , _ ~


с АУ


[a. Voice]

a. Name]


_ro mind! [re­a.memory.] I

_rowirnefs, [a. Witncfs


­xn, ‘


a. annihilation]

-upon, [Invocatc.]

­ing, ]Profell"|on.__]


skin.[Hard I Mufcl)e.]

Cal/ow. .

[Downy' У

not-feat ered]

Си т.Е|. VI. 6. A.

[adj. Peaceablenel's]

[adj. Meeknefs]

Calo. RM. III. 8. A.


Iron (inllr.) having four

points moli dilìant from

each other.

land-HS. III. 9 A.

water-HL. VII. 8. A.

Calumny. Rl. lV. 7.

Cambuge, [Concrete juice pur


Camel. Be. I. 3 .

­-’.r Hay. HL. III. п . A.

Camelopard, [Giraifa] Be. 11.7. Canoni'.


[adi ChamberA Compa_

Cammock, [Refi-barrow] HS.

Ill. i4.

Camomil. HF. II. 8.

Camp. RM. Vl. 1.



Candle. Pr. VI. 3.

_Л;с(‚ [Supporting (veil.)

for Cand e.]

Candor. Man. I. g.

Crine. HL. lll. 13.

Carrel. '

._bone, [Bone next to the


_tree, Cinamon]Tr. VIII. 8.

Cani/zal, adj. Eating (perlen)



_ri-rain', [Stars (аду) >called CdP

Greater под.)

~_minor, [Stars (aggr.)callcd

Lel`l`cr 1308.]


[Vlcer,] (р. within the


[Ruil] Met. IV. 5.

‘ Brafs.]

Worm, Caterpillcn]

вашем, _adj.p Canken]

~-ßofnacb. __'_ ’


[ОМ Hatred]

Cannibal, [adj. Eating (perfon)


fp. of

_ofbrceclier, 8tc. [Hollow


_of a Cathedral,” [AlTellorS

of the Bilhop.]

Rules, [adj. RE. Laws.]

[Ordnance] RM. Vl. 5. A.

y Cancer Mains. Ех. VI. 7.

Candy, [Condite with Sagan] _

_Alexanden HF. IV. r g. Verfes.]

Candid. [adj. Cancion] Capable. _ '

салат/„мкс. I. 4. A. [adi- a- Effe1v<f(pot.]

­-majler,_[adj. Camp. (ОБ Cano-nip.

ficeiz] _

Campania, [l’lain._]

[Summers wan]Camp/aire, Tree. Tr. VIll.­ 6.

Gum[Gum ofCamphire tree. Gump/v_ [ovm-_ML Hdd]

Campion. HS. III. 2. .


Aâive. _

[adi Potentialnefs]

adj. Natural Power]

[adj. Powen]


[adj.l’oflibility.] —

f [May] Mod. I. 1_.

n_[l‘ootlefs Cup]


._bird. Bi. IV. 6. A.

_gra/3'. HL III. r.








( >Make 1

Sentence (one a Saint]

_Declare J ‹

Canoa, [Boat ofone Tree.

. Shadowing . ‚ad). í Covering È[th|ng.]

Canorom, [_aldjy a. Sing` (apt.]

Сам/зайди. Ех. V. 9.

Cantburur. Fi. V. 2.

Camicie, [adj.p Sing [thing]

fp4 Little, Sic.

Canrle,[l"ragment.] TM. VI.



._a pe, [from head to foot]

_Verfei-1 ‘~-[Play at repeating

[adj. Subjefì Чип]

ad j. Pallion


_ Subjeů ]

à Receive r(pot.] _

Pallion )

Caparißn, [adj. Огпаг. (агтащ)

of S.|ddle._|

Cape. .

._ fCloke,[adi.p.foldCI.amin.]

[Promonrory] W, III. 4_

­­-Mercbant. RN. V. 5.

er. ’

Leap]сгр. wirh rrrmbiing (like) Ы

the Lcggs]

Fruit. Sh. IV. x.


[Private man ofWar ]

[Ship prœdatory]

Ca ital.

[adj. Head]

[adj. a. D [apn] ` —

crime, cr. punilhable with

d ing [make]

[Chee _]TM IV 4. '

Capitulaie, [Treat about Condi


Сироп, [un-teflicled Cock.]_

Caprafalfanr. El. I. 5

Criprìc/Jiour, [Fantallic] (corr.

Capricorn, [Tenth of the i2 parts

ofthe Zodiac] У

tr ф]: of-W. VI 5.

Caprifcur. Fi. IV. 9.

Capfiain. RN. II. 3.


-ofFoor, [adj. Company


——_о)’ Harfe, [ad i. Troop [Olii]

__rfasor'p. RN. v. i.

Caprioui. _


t be difpleafedl

[prone to <` difpute ‚

’ l quarrel

Capritmre. RM. II_. 6 E.

Capri-ue, [MIL p. Captivate


[Sediment remaining

Cour/"m @familien (thing)

Car, [Cart] У

Carat?, [Eigrteenth part of a

Dram] .

Caraguia. Be. V. 6.

Caramofel. RN. Iv 4.

Carmina. Tr. VIII. 5. ` ‚

Caravan, [Travelling [aw-)0 а


Carnuel, [Ship (aujjm.]

Carami). HF, V. 7.

Carbine, [Спи (augm.) 0f


Carbonado, [Br0il`d adi. дай!‘

._wine, [Wine ofthe Cana

r' ‚Cancel. les]


a. Spoil] ’



Conllellation, [Star ( aggr.)

call’d the Crab.]

Sign [the fourth of the twelve

parts of the Zodiac]

по)‘: of-W VI. 5. J

Cairo, [Treble (part) of a


Салют“, [Divide into _little


Canons, [Linnen of Hemp]


a.Suter v.{ contend ìor fuffrages]

[Examin [augm]

д .

[adj Head (чей)

fp. Congruous to the Head]

_cafe, [Box [dim ]

io-[un-vefì t 1c Head.]

[Wooden (jug.) fal`tning

-ì ëůlg_lfrtläg}to the Mall]


ing] Pr. III. 5.

CCC сет‘






(5cm, [Ruby (augmfj :icliA p. Carry (thing) _about

can; adi. а. Carry (manner) Think AS. II. r .

Playing.- adi. Card. Мо. V. 2. Deineanour] AC. V. COnÍìdCr AS.III. 2.

[Inni-_ [Converfe]Man. A. lcomrive AS. III. 7.

playing iii-r [MCL V. 2. Carrirh. RN. I. 4. чему, vid.­­­~oj}`.

Gengnpbit- [Del`cription by Carrion. _ »_elown, [доп/тьма.)

pitture] Dead body]f .putrid.] Sorrowi'ul

„_wod. Lean (augural) Defpondcnt }(m"‘ke~]

[Lln-intangle by Comb] O. Cari. Ро. V. 2. A. -ìn one: „видимым.

v. 9_A. _ wel ._Po.v.4.A. ­invnerreerb, [upbraid] в].

[Prepare for Spinning by Cam" age, [Griiiie.]­A­ IV. 8.5i.

Combing] Curve. O.IV. 6. -irito a.Portn fp. by

Cardamom. -mealz from’ a' Fi “fc “МНЕ-1

мышцы. 3.\’1‚ i. 4 Unjoint 1 ~­into Slee ‚ adj. a. Sleeping

Cnrdinal.[Principal.] segregate (the Lìmbs­] (такса

[Ckicf, Clergy of Rome] lDiiiribute j -0 .

­poimr,[iìafl, ‘Чей, North, Carvel. lßßìeů] AS..V. 5.0.

дм South] Сад, a. Abdicate] TA. I. g . О.

Cave, [Thinking [augm] Condition of dubitablc Event а. Abandon]TA. II. 2:0.

Cnrcfuinefr. Condition] T.II.4. \ a. Dereliâion] A5.I 5.0.

[Heedfulnei's] На- IV. 2- Statcì] T. Vl. 4. щи}.

Г ` . h Trouble] [Doubt ul uiting] _into beep, a. Heap,]

_ [_El “t _ Añiiâiom] [Qieiiion] b _into fum, a. Sum.'

i ence _ Вон t . _. , Ã . .Carclefrigefr. 'l [adb Р'{ Quei'tion }(thmg:l ‘alläliëelï ure d 3

[Hecdlefnefs] Нм“. 2.1). [State fp.of0`uel`tion.] ._lair,`[[a. Lots ]

[Sloth] -ofCon fiance, [M0111 QIC- _skim

Curejßng, _[a. Seem. (lign) love iiion]Í (за). a.Let go. Ta.l 6 Q_]

(augmj in Law. ` [adi a.Change.TA II.6.0~.­­]

Cargo, [Catalogue of Ships mer- [ ucfiionable Aâion _waren . . .

chandize.] kinde.' а Inquiiition.R]. II 2 _]

Carine. RN. V1.4_­ [Caufe of uit] a.. Tr .MJL 4.Carli. Ha. iv. 2. is.. [Suppoiition] D. VI. 3. _Twig ga. Abortion]

cariwenßewel (ugr.) in_rif' cnil.. Pofi‘i. 2.1i.

Cuvlenfßljîcad body-,l in ML. Not redupl] салат. в‹-‚1\/.8.

0f# РМЦТШПЪН pur­[imp.5uppofe~_l Cajirdre [un-adi. а. teiiicle

(Jamal. [Event] TA. V. так}?

Hflb Melli] Doubtful Cajlrcl vid. Ktßrel

Natural] lil-Pi Suppofcd при!’ [ad' For. S IWQrldlX] VeiTeLPr. V. l. A. J' tune. A c '

ad). Lilli] _ ­­-of a word. сам’.

_Lingracious] Obliquity 1 of termina» Teacher ofmoral Doârines j

Carnation, ad1.l"lefh­colour.] _ Change Т tion.] Solver of moral Doubrs] .

Cfrnojiiy, [Р efh abilr] _ Cafemeni, ГDoor of Window] Cat. Ec. IV. 4.

a-[Excrefcence, ad). Flcili.] ca_/b, [Prel'enr Mony.] Giver-Be. IV. 4. A.

C005- Tf~vl­ l ‹ _ -—1@ере’‚ [Private Mony (Of- -miiit

Carell, [МЫ Sona _\_ naar] ‘ _.-mii iii. ii A

Carowfe__[Drink [aug] Cafbire. Cat¢logue.:IM.-III.37.A.

lmiX. 7. (‘лиг ]$оц1‹1йег (make) pe- Сидит, [ad').p.Sodomy(per­

_ mi y. Ioni]

слышите Words-l 2l. Ii ca a i tin f . . 'l[Except contentiouiliü] lîsoulclieriäc [а В] P а Cnrlliîfm [Planen] Pro' ‘L

Car enter. . . .ЕМ. Houra faber] Caŕ_l§_,B[_\__/_eci}`e]l]__l_î_l'.v\_'3_ Catiir_¢_r_ŕî_,J_[Dnreŕâfall of Riv_e_r.]

hdi. Wood (Mechanic.] Casket. . i _in ‘Нева/21% РЁСЁЁЁЁЁБ)

сдгрег. Veii'el(dim.] Catarrb.S.1V.4.0 t у U

[WOOI‘ 0rmmem{ for Box for precious рыть] Catajirophe fadj a. Alteringl@ VF“ Таыс’] СаЯив’атьВй. II. 9. A. ' Conclulion- l '

Синий, _[Elëhîeemh pitt of ai (firma. Tr. VI. a. f Alterin'jtowoi'fe]

Виши) sbrub_sii. II. I LA. Catall): . g .

[adi р. Refi (make)

Í'p. Impetuoufly.

8: Гр. in its Compreheniion.

Cai'raWayJ-IF. V. 7. _

Carreer, [Running (imp_:i

Carrer. Hr'. V. 6.

Caßdony. HF. VI. 5. A. _

Cajfock, [Upper clOfe [volk]


с gilde-_HR V~ 6­ A~ га}. p. Motior_i_(tuake.) Catch,’Mo. VI. 2. О.

4 y- _ p.impetuou y. A n R .IL . A.Gofupporting. Mo.VI.r. 8J _, {Contiguìty‘ ОНИ __[poll;,c[grrgiiingx(0ŕiicer]

ET~­­RC­II­3­^7 l" ffm p.Support m0- [Purfevanr]R].I. 6.

Injirumenis f°r­_­mg.Pe.v. the Capacity, _Sven [Óbtain]

[îiëìgiveâïïrl ;ьг;1мп‘8‚(I_viîvvLî. ` attirer.. Fire (imp.)

­ Seta..'... ’ "C îiipport] Мо.“. l. A. as Guilty, [Conâemm] “Зайти, Y‘P‘Comagl

“Y И! ’ asNaufeons`, [Vomit] [Take] TA, I, 4,



Cecily, vid- Швей}.

Cedar. Tr. V. 4.

Cel/.llloom (dim.] _

~ [Regular’: (toom]

Celandine. HS IV. io. A.

Celebraie, [a. Solemnity]

Celebs. RO. II. I.


Swiftnefs NP. V. 9.

_Difpatch TA.III.5.

Cclejlial, a ).Heziven._] W.II.

Cel/hate, Celebs [abfin]

Cellar, [adj.Storc [room] for

adi. p. Drink [thing]

Cement, [Glue о Stones.]

Сашу, [adi Burning (мы) 'of

In (e ' 'een .

Сел/Ъ’, 81ид'де] fp. of man»


Cenfai'ioue. Man. I. 3. O.

_ lud e.Q"f“"f>[“'­­~{ Sentgengo]

мест/4741110. RE. V. 3.

стаи’, [adj. Fiâion Hoffe


Center. Mag. Il. l.

Center-ffl'. Ex. VIII. l. AJ

Canton, [ад]. aggregate (thing)

of divers fragments

Center). '

Greater-HF, Щ. g A,

Leger-HS. V. 5.

Century. loo.

Centurion, [adj. Company (0f


Стать, [l’laller’d cloth.]

Ceremony, [Circumllance] fp.

folemm] .


[Sure] adi. AS. 1I. 6.

_i). Adv. I- z.. O.


| Some] Pron. Il. 3.

стдйту. AS. IL 6.Certifié’. v

(adi. Ccrtainry (m ske]

[adj. a. Know [make]

Cerufe. Met. IV. 5. A.

Cef: [mi]

Íp.according to-his propor~


. Difcontinue.

делит’: [kmh

Recremeiit of winnow

ЧМ“ Husks ed Grain

Chafe. [Bicat by riibbing.]

Run] O. V. 8.

_HeatJ Q. V. I. E.

-ing-díjh, [ад]. Table (vel

Ш) for Firef] ,

Stomach, [ай]. Angry (aug.]

Cbtlffl'. . ’

[Bay Scarab]

Goat-.EL V. 3.

Green-EX. V. 5. A.

ChafFer. _ t

[Treat conçeming the Price]

. [Exchange]

Chnßnch. Ei; 1V. 7.

Chain, [Cord { Binding]

of Loops for Ornament.]

Chair. Род‘. 6.

delire get]

endeavour to take]

offer Catch]

[overtake] TA. VI. 6. A.

-ß).HS. V. 2. A.

Care. П’г. II. (th-ing] ц

Са:‹сЬ5‹5п5. ВЕ.1У. g. A.

Category, [Predicamenn] TA .

Caregarìra , [abfolute] _

Cater, [Buy provilìom]

Caterpillar. EX. lll 6.

Flower, HS. Ill. |2.A.

Cathedral, [Temple of Bilhop's


Catholic. RE. Il l. 2.

Caxmint.HF. VII. i. A.

Carrel, [Beans]

fp. Cloven footed.]

Cavalry. (kind

[Horfemen{ (aggrcg.

Candle, Broth of Egg,Winc,8cc.]

Cave, Cavity in the Earth.)

' Room]

[under-ground Houle]

' Hole ‘ _

‘ ( aug.

Ca'ueare, [Condited fpa» _


Caveat, [Caution (“гид

Ca'uerrßvìd. Cave. '

Caught, [за]. p. Catch]


Obieäion Contentious] °

Dif ure (corr.]

Cavity, Hollownel`s.] Mag. VI.

l . li.

Caul. PG. VI. 6. A.

_far the head, [ridi. Net (ñ

gure)_ head [velt]

Cauldron, [Kettle (au g.]



[Eñicient]T. Il. r.’

Кириши) Т. Il. 2.

Occafion] T. Il. 4.

End] T. Il. 6.

In difcoutfe. '


[adi a. Argim'ientationA


In Law. ~

[Caufe olSuit]

rsuit] в]. 1i. n.


СМ‘)- ‘ .[lP aâitious way]

iway рай! with Stones] d

` . а. Burnin Me Эcan-'há а. Corrotlzing } cino]

Caurebufneß, [Heedfulnei’s] на.

IV. 2.

Cnurerieing, [Stigmatize.] R]

v1.6.1.. _.

Caution [a Heedfulnefs.]

_msnm [Sti ulatory-:Boney


Cauiiçufnefs, [Heedíulnclsn] Ha.

IV 2. 'l D'l‘continue.

Cfańoîefiit] j

Chalcedony. St. V. 6.

Chalais. Fi. III. x 2. A.

Cha/dr n 6. B lh l .Chalengoe., [s u c s]


Provo e]


Chalŕ'cïìljhooted drinking (vel

e .

Chalk. St. VI. r.

Charna. Ex. VIII. 6.


Chŕimbelr, [Room]

.S ee i roomChalïnherlegnîlg ( l

Pelli. Chamber (EMT.

_a i. Ci mon O .'

Chameleongâe. VI): 4.Chamfer,[Gutter (freq.)

Chamomi .HF. II. 8.

Champ, [Maílieation]

Champdzn, [тм.] W. III. I . E.

Champion, [тем-ветви;


Chance, [Fortuna]

Chancel, [Chief а j. Temple


Chancellor, judge ofEquity.]

Chancery, [Court of Equity.]

Chandler, [Candlei

Chanel. W. IV. 5. A. ‚

Change. _ t

[Alter] TA. I. x. O.

Mutation, TA. II. 6. A.

_ofthe Moon.

[Time when the Moon ends

one Couric, and begins ano- -




Mutable, [adj. Change (apr.]

Of divers Colours. Q. II.5.A.




Channa. Fi. VJ l. A.

Chant, [Sing.]

Chanter, [ChìefSingen]

Cham), Ecclefiaûical (inging


Chaos, [Unformed matten]


[Chink] Mag. V. 4. О.

-o mqnrhf

awl {plßone of it.]

Chape, [End arm.) 0f the

Swords cafe.' n b

. Dome ic Pres у

Cb“Pl“"‘{ Private ì или]

Chapler, [Wreath of Flowers for

the head.]

Chapman, [за]. a. Buying (per


Chappel, [Temple ggèîiory.

Chapter. '

_afboo . D. IIL-3.

-ofCat сайт‘.

[Bilhop’s Allelîors (aggr.]

[Their Convention]


lfdßw- шт"- f i. fr. d.Cbarlock. Hg. 1:. 9. A. l[Angel] f I] (big. t о 2n _]

_ Witc _ Imageo Ange ' ‚ ' ' .AC-III. 5.’m'g Wizard Iiw'th words' Гhcrvil. HF. V.8.A~ 4111:??1115115 [a. SPII’IOW

Charnel, Room forïdcad bo- Cbeßl. ì v (çvoicca ’

._ _. n... f.. {âïri‘fit Chitra. “d” ш‘ “'сгдгйлдго. VI. 7l. C24r-playing. Mo. V. g. i Cbitïpc“ ( 0mg] 3

с апст‚__Рагепг a _ C г - Cb'rr l“ , Smalleß Em'

Cba?. Рог grant ofPrivilege] V. 2. „Cbìuì'l‘àîîw“ (an.

[Titty Country] [Twnkl cbigëfifiànëiiîmm

ГР- for DWI' fp' the Cavity ont] Chocolâte Tr IV."'.

[Forrefi] Po.I.2.A. Chcjinur. Tr. IV. 4. Chaim ° ° ‘

i?. Chclr‘rerejl, [Leather of Gotc’s Sub“

Hunt] 5 ín. ° ­ l n _[Drive] Cheveron, [Tooth (like) lines.] âliîîgîàßc w 2

[Perfue] Chevìn,[Chub.] Fi.-IX.8.A. ' f . d

crmfmramprinere] com, [manicured] Гмёпу° K'" ‘а——1л`гЬе Skit. El. V. 5. _the Curl, [Re-maflicate.] ` ат" v‘lm']

Chajl, [adì.ChaiIity,] Chibbol,[Yoiin Onion] Adieâ.

_tree. Sh. v_i. Cbic ling.HS. 1.5. I_îitcellent]`

Chnß/feŕ [Corred.]! un er~ground­­­HS.]II.7. Clin» e, [Strang e.] RC. V. È.

Chart, _L0quaci'ty. V Chick [Hen young. C oler.PG. I. 6.A.‘ chanel., [Goods r'iot inherita- ­­rireed.HSC'. V. 9. A. b-adufl, [melancholy] _

le. Baflerd-’HS V. io. C cleric. ~

Cbnrrei'. ` y berry bearing-HS. IX. 8. A. adj. Cholet]

with oneá Tongue. Cbide, [Beprove angrily.] adi. Ang“ (apt.]

' as Birds. ‘ cbill,[('§old (dim] Cboofe,[a.EIeâion.]

...swallow . ешь/„11. 5.111. 7. Astodo- AS-IV. r1{ъ Pie I'Vo‘cc] Child, As to Oñ'ice. RC. IV. 2.

[Риге] ` By Relation. maj-[is adj. I_iberty.]

“[nëh ong? Teeth. 1 NaturaLRO. I. 2. o. cannot-bur, ['is adj. p. Deter

rem _e`_- 1 д ...TF h _ mination.fp_withSoiind (aug.] o вата] [ю а" con Chop,


(L Н С С I-Il _'_­‘__'_’­­~___`___'__`_­_`\

[And Convention­houfe.] Cheap. _in the womb, [Embryo.]

­­ofPillar, [Top of Co- [adi Price }(dîm­3 -­birrh,[Parturiti'on]

luzim] Value ­­­bed, the Bed in which

Chandler. D. I. I. A. [5Оггу TM. I. 4. D. _ ad). a. pret. Parturition

[Del'cri tion] ClJMIftn, Treat concerning thc lìes.]

Charro/e, Cole made by chll’k- РНК-1 irl-_[ad). a. pret. Parturi

ing] A .Cheng [Fi-lui] tionf]

св“, [Bufinefs (dim.] Cliff@ 0 ’ Advcntitious.

«1' lniìead-bufinclls] Interrupt Motion] Fojler-RO. III 2,0.

сайта Hinder Güd-RQ III. l. O.

prop“ [Load] P0, v, A. Cohibit] Ward-_RQ III. 4. O.

„а Сил: ‘ Reprove] ' В Age.

[adn p. Ammunition (makc] Checker, vid. Exchequer. EInfant]

In Oeconomic. o _’d with CvlßlfY-r. Qu- 7- Boy.

[Command] ÜJHÍ. [Principal] Childhood.

In Civil fenfe. Cheek. P_G. III. 7. [infancy] Mea. VI. I.

[Triiß] [Side] Sp. III. 4- Boy’s age, Mea. VI. t . A.

have-of, Be intrufled Cheer. i Cbildi/h, adi.Child (like.]

win.. Оке rquamity of Роса.) сышф, Мог-рать]

[office] _ [1‘ acc {manner} chime.

Coli, Г rlxpence] 'v_ Time'with theBells]

In Indian, Encourage] [Ring melodioully]

[Acotife] MCN'Y (такс-1 _ Chandra, ЕМ}. Fiâion (thing.]

La io one‘r- [a. Accu- Cheerful (mâlttj Cbimîß,[0.vl,(mech,]

en] Cbeerßrlnefr, [Alacnty.] Ha» Chimny. Ро. III. 9. A. ’

In Military» IV- s. l chir.. PG. ш. в. А. l

[Aífault] Cheefe. Pro. l. 3. A. Chinn, [root of anlndian climb»

Ch.rrger,[Dilh (aug.) for Efcii- Cbedlif,[Sow.] Ex. II.9. ing Plinn]

lents] Cbeefrunm'ng [Ladies bedliraw] Chine, [Bone of the Back.]

Char). .HL IX. б. A. Chin-cough, adj. a.pret. Dura

ад). Indulgence] Cherrfh. ­ tion (же: Cough]

Heedful for] [a. l'otion] AC. I. 4. (мыс, Chap, Mag, v. 4. 0.

[Lorli that it íhould l'uŕi'er] \_ I’rCferve indulgently] Chip. TM. VL ‘5,

Chfìrior. Po. V. 2. Cherry. Tr. II.3. „_

Charity. Ha. V. 6. Знай-811.11. 5. с“ imo сыра

Charly О. VI. '7- WÜ'fff-HS- IX- 3g From-cut the outfide.]

cb.r1..w..f„,[smrs (aggr.) cal- Wr/droclC-ofAn/lrimSIl-ÍLS­A­ Chi'romuw’. [Winding by the

Щ [Mince]




[Mince] Pr. Ill. 6. A. i

_Ling knife, [Mincing Unik]

.__ing block. j ‘

[Supporting (ШК) for the

chopped [thing]

[Cut by lirilting]` _

_ofmuttom _

[Frollbcut (риф-1

Ip аду-тарифов.)

­in, [Come fúddem] .

[Exchange] ‚‚

Chord. Mag. II. 6. A.

Cborifier, adißinging (05.]

Charna. i ­.

[together-Singers ‘(мага

[l'layers _together- peaking

( iger-l

gzglîgb. Bl. I. 6. A.

. i т Anointiri .. -Chri/I. II. g l

Cirri/ien, [Baptize.]

Cbryiendom, [World of Chrifli

ans. ­

ChrijIia-iiíty. RE. I. 4.

Chri/Imax, [FcIIival (time) of

Chril't's birth.]

-day,[FeÍIival day of ChriII’s


Cbromìx. Fi. V. 77.

Chronicle. ' ‘

[Relation ofthings done

according to the Series of

times.] ’


HìIIory of times.]

Computing ('art) of times]

Cbryfero”, [Borax]

Càr'jßlìte. PP. V. 6. A.

i (hub. Fi. IX. 8. A.

(buckle, [Laugh(augm.] »

fp. Inwardly.]


Society, [RPL (`агата] ­

Temple. Ро. II. 4. .

`wardai, [ад]. Temple(Off.­

»4nd, _Court of Temple]

Chart/Jing. RE. IV. 6.

Cburl, Didi. Churliihnel‘s (per

‹ fon. ‹

Cburli ф‘.

[Rußicity] Man. IV,` 9. D.

[Morofenefs] Man. IV. 7.


op. {о Aii‘iis. мы. in. 5. D.



Chur-worm. [Fen-Grieken] Ex.

Il. a. A. —

Cbyle. PG. I. 3.

Clsymic 0 eration. О. VI.

Cicada. х. IV. 6. `

­aquatica. EXJI. 4. A.


Sweet-I-IFJV. 3.

_ Wi .dz-Hire Iv; 3‘ A».


и”, [Wine of Apples]

mex, [Puniet] Ex. II. ‚А.

Ыдифгй. EX. 11.3.

`udert, [Fiery allies _] .

Cburn, [Motion (freq.) тиши- Civil,

of-Sea~cile, [Charred


Cinnabar. Met. III.`5.

Cinnamon, Tr. VII. 8.

Cínqfoil. HI". IX. 2.

Circular, adi. Circle.]

(iran/ate, _About-going] ’

Circumcijioii. RE. VI. 5.

CìrcumjQ-rence, [Circle about

_adi. Margim]

Cirei'imßex, [Long founding]

Circumlacuti'on, [Exptefs by ma

ny words] '

_[Paraphrafe D. V. 5. A.

спит/„м, About-a. com

_pal`s.] ‚

Circumf ell, [Cautious.]

(‘Щит ance. T. VI. 3.

(‘щит/ем, [a. FrautL] ‚

CijIern, [a. Keeping (МИН) for

_Water.] I ~

Citadel, [Caille] Po. II. 2.


ôhmmnns RJ. II. i.

_[Qiiotation] D. IV. 9.

Citeritr. Sp. Ц. 2. E.

Cit). RC. ПЕ. 3. A.

Стул. RC.I. 6. ' `

атм, [adi. Citron colour.]

Cilrinella. Bi. VI. 2.

Citron. Tr.I. 8.

СИТИ/1. HS. VII. 2.A.

Степ, [Little mulical (inñr.)

having brafs lìrings.]

стр“. sii. ii. 6. А.

Ci'ue, HI.. IV. IO- А. _ _

ciw, [Sweat of the Ст:

Can] ’ ~

_can Be. IV. 4» A»

adi. City] _

adi. Civil relation]

_Relatiom RC.

_Lawyen RC. II. 2.


[War bctweeteiß'Natiom]

Cmen of th ommon-l

fame I‘wealth]

Ci'uility. _

Courtefi'e] Man.IV. 7.

[Cpmplaifance] Man. IV.8.

Cla’ck, [Knock (freq.) found]

.1_-[adj. Knock (machin.]



clay. Ei. Iv. 4.

ctai‘m.TA.i.;. ~ ‚

Clamber {adnDiñicultJ

[Climb’e com]

(Tip/ier. _ (.`Íamminefi. .VI ­ 4. E.

[ад]. НцтЬсг(й3п) Chara- ещё, [_Exclaim] Ac. ш.

&сг.` 3— .

[Chiitaäer] . Clancular, [Secret_.]

[Secret C лада] Clandtjiine, [Secreu]

[Number] Clap. AC. V. 5. _

iii-(adi. а. Number ~­-up._ ' _

[are] [Finifh adv. fudden]

[Nothing (бал) Charaâer] [Imprifon]

Cyptet, [Tranl'parent Linnen.] fP- МИФЫ)’- _

»Ti . 6. »_of thunder, [found (imp.)

Circle. l\lag.IIl. 2. of th.] _

By which iiiewoiia is divi. clapbiaia, maken’ (limi...)

ded. W. VI. for lining Rooms.]

Circuit. Clapper.

` [щит] [Box] Pr.V.2. _ _ y

_ [Margin of Circlc] Iuflruinent, Striking (part)

of ringing infin]

Claret, [Red French Wine]

Clary. HF. VII. lo.À.


‚играми; the courfe

[a.C шанс.)

Cla .


p. reciproca y.]

[2. Contention]

Clafp. _ ‚



Clef er, [TendriL] PP. II. 7. А.

Cla t, [Series.]

Claßc, Authentic]

Щит’, jarring]

cerf.. n. in. i.


as ofman, NaiL]

«__-batir , Fawnen]

as of BealLPPNI. 5. A.

as ofBird. PP- V- 3

a's of Shell-61h. PP. IV. 7.


degli" ]тм v вure . .. ­ _

‚ f ai.Quite and-âg-ïrâlyä]

Cleanlinefs. Мап. II. 6.


[Clean [malta]i­[a. Innocent make.]

[Vndefìled [ma с.)

[Un a. guilty [make] j

Clear. ‚ `

ЕЩЁ? of h_felg.

_1). Who y.

Not mingled with other;


fp. not with worl'e.


[Not hinder'd l

from ïkeçeiving)

E-g. in any genus,as of [peril]

Quality or Relation



Щ-underßu.ding, (und. rf. ­­ Il( . d'. ' '*mbrJS'ight (Perf.) (PC 1 "1; ofëï‘lìl" [a l Mark“ wltlâits от’!

as 1o Mind. ~ Cim, [Bodom] Í-IdpShm]

['Ingçnuous] Click, [а. Sound авт/аки.) P' whole] as а

[Sprlghrly] `‚ ClickeniLulh] ‘ - h mma'

as rorhc Body. fp. ofmbbcti] ‘т a‘nothcrst

Р Sound l сим. s,d [14)- Coverj ..

111110111111] {раритет} _ ltocêlo/è

[LÜUUWU MLP-Advocate Werfen] т ' h ­ .Hs. I I ¿lijf “д ш. 3. А. 198“ Cr-)Oln

‘дат’ ПЁСРЁРСГЁ] Cllmnìlerir, ГМ). :1.Altcrìng ~ ‘чета-{01 :salu:

Sallîîljnusj Cl(apnjrllsvcmh year.) End. er'

‘HCC Этап, adj.p.La1itudc(placc) t ~ . .M . . I ‚ Y веда/е [а‹1;. _F1....... „гигант? "éïby'm'j(ilïîrank ° Climber of Virginia. Sh. V.8. {ЬЁ“ШВ] 3S 0f wea

ua ну. я Clinch. °‘“дыр _a Naüìrpx М) Ear, Silence.

[USM-0m] rc-knolcking у the poim â; ârvcdncê']

­wear_her._El. VI . l. foldin gf il тайги;

I’Eflghtj ­­­ones Fiji, ÈFold 1h: hang] Ь ne. "3f

[Tranfparem] 11.-lUrbanity (Cndeavor) by ¿loft . ¿minou nds]

Unfpotted. QI. g. flmilirude ofwords] c ’ com (‘мы’) f°f Pri'

Audible. c1i_„¿.Ac.vr. 9. . вилку] —

“foumlf Q» m- 7~ @Il_"k, [ъ Sound as Штаты] ` b- dRC. Nor'lnL‘ebr] ТАМ/‚9. Clip. _ _bn ’

в}. Norm Gullrj­ 111,117.0 cu] o.v. 4.A. „Tb т’

вМ-ГНОГ in War] RM. 7. Ешьте] o5 ‘т . _

Rl [Noßlmdcr cembre 11E. Clock. го. V1.6. A. ";‚<=‘‹>=“ше [ldh 010

V­ 5- O. _ what i: it afl-[what hour is Её! mg]

5 [N f{lnfc.&cd._l it according'to thc-_- ’ o {on-PLIV’J" A’

N’ l od äífleafcdj Clad, (Lump.) . -l ETV-P; IÈLLA.

o1 1`n er’ ь ' . .l f' ­ f nen-_. г, v,

Ü‘ïì‘flß] rom cmg donc LHmdcn‘l WMENI-PIOJVÍ'I.

Not “танк! from being fidi-nlìxcefs (make .__-worcher"[adi'icl’th (M0

Мышь ‚а._ Naufeatgwi: abun- Clolbe. me.)

Макет] C10may. сет] [make Clothll

No: hlndçrd{ Come w., Nouk of Monks] Put on fag). p. Clothing

from being PJl's’d through. Roofcd walking place] Clam' ¿make-l

[_Acceß’rlgle] еще’ [Wide outer ven-ì c Cb mg. r.lv_

LEmPfYJ „_ "ты, [соагышд]

. срщаыс]. Cover] goud. ELIII. 2,

Cleaver. p ' _ 099° _âlèîviêlg (infänll n rcräiäfij] “дуть [Bulb of .hc

' m c augm. :n ’ 'k ‘ l 'l _ . 00‘ .Cleaners. [Sóofc-Erä'ìï rahkienâargiicESSÍä-älïjbe had bc- саги’ т‘. In'g'

dâ; Clopferrlleß, Nearnefsimpcdicive of Cloni? vld'clom'

Sticking. l Neeafrërârrslon. [Fällgmcnc _of Шеф]

il. тату] ofrlring го thing. .0f-_“ l' Mmdmß (Мг);

Chîg‘t’rìcnràn p CH k {Nearnefs} (Mendэ ‘ ' ’ l , ° ' . ­ -

:1sl with Wedge. O, а 3], clolîstrcngthcnìby addltlom]

C oven- ooted. ' . W"

Cleer,vid. Clear. offri-llîepêïîêíâctrmg' ` Padi СШЧЧ'У (COl’rìJ

с“ ‘ . . ШагюшпсГз] Rumen (Per on]

сыпи] Magny. 4.0I The Middle arts lu-Í 'lf/if, [Ru lClty.)

Cl adl~.p’g}lfa\v,e­] Clofenefs ä Vc? glulz onom‘JMasJ/L7‘

етат‘. . .7. ' ’ " ' ' ' А

с1гтмсу.мап.щ‚з‚ ImP£lâi¢tfi1vf1ëe£_lot.\e/.3.§­ weapon. Мал/д.

стшв. 11. h Surface Cm. С h- _ ' a _ cn.

Clerknßld). Wëïîng llgïâ’if‘thìde l [Calling (voiccl

(adr. Clerg‘,1 (pcrlonj fad). Concêau clung’.

[adr Church (мы гсгфьсгу adl- 2. preter. Cling]

_afgbmcm Min-‘nc-ńfubor toda/_e . vtogcdurf-adhering]

d_lnnrc (с? сага! ` Fidia Se imem ClMßer.PP.II.4,

[aîlälïwbrmng (о с] " -CÍOÍL ' P 1 ' ‹‚‚Б1‘‚3"“г“8“‘ (thing)

— r1' e и , ­ . ­

_of Rom? ‘Ч’ _fog11d). P- ScplmenrCplace] (Talon. PP. V. 3. (Aggrcgj

,.Gf"'lf”m"`-1~ ‚о cbj-e. [Hand] PG- V. 3. Holding.

TA. V. 5. (iugm.)





[Shrink] AC. V. 5. O.

Together-fold] О. П Lg.

Hold (corr.]

Clutter. _ _ j

[ctmfufcd $333}

Cljjler, [Medicinal drink for


Coach. Po. V. r .

._man, ‚ Coach (опасен)

.._bo:c,_ Seat of Coach (ОШ


couöion. As. Iv. 9. o.

Coadjutor, [With-helpen]

Coagulating. 0. VI. 2. A.

Г a

Coalitionůî: î'uniting]


[together-ioyning (augm.]



uarter, [Country nean]ëleancoaft, [nigh- ad). Sea

Country] _

ro-[ä'ravail (end.) by come



Garment, [Outward clofc

фей.) _ .

—— f Male, [Woven (like)

armour. мы“

l l

_OfArm-f’ Gentìlity }Cflg“_~

— Cottage, [Ruñic houfe (dim.]


[Mend, (cott.]

[a-unskilful] Ha. VI. 3. O.

Cob­iron, [Supporting (inûr.)

for Spin]

Coblcr, i Mending (mech.) of

Leather (veli) for foot. _ _

Cobweb, [Spiders wovcn(thmg]

Cac ›

' [ginie] fp.bird] _

(вы, Bi. п. 1.(male]

­­­’.r comb. HS. VIII. 7.

-—`: bend. HS. III. 5.A.

heath-Bi. Il. 5. A.

-ofrbc wood. Bi. II. 5. `


Seu-*EL Vl. 6. A.

­Rocloef.Ex.I. 7.A.

winged-Ex. Il. 3. А.


_ofDiaL [ИЛ-1 _

~­ofGun­/ocl¿, {ад}. a. Fire


-for Water, _Lock of Pipe.]

Weather-[Winde (Ева)

infiniment.­0fHdy. [Heap­­­]l

-boa!, [Boat шт]

­fwaìn.RN. V. 6. A.'

Софа”, _[Dicing with heel


Cockarriee, [Serpent killing by


Cocker, [ад]. a. Fondnefs.] Man.

VI. 7. D.

Cocker, [Writing of тпьщс

(of.) for{ 3352:: }0Еwares]


ИЛ‘. Ех. VIII. 5. A.

l-llfrll). IFS. V. 6. A.

Cnc ’re , Hen male oun .Coco. Tr. 1V. 6.( ) (y g :l

сост/панды. Bi. 1V. 4.

-Crißmm Bi. IV. 4. A.


Filh. Fi. III. l.

_ofPlant. PP. III. 5. A.

_oflA-rliímal, [Teilicles (veí

fe .'

„же, [adj. Privities


сами, [Added writing]

Coequal, [EquaL]

Cocrce, [C0l1ibit.]

Coe ста!’ [Of the fame ЕГ

ence.] y

Coemneom, [Together in Age]

Coeterrml, [Together-eternaL]

Coexiflem, \';Together­exiflent.]

Coffee. Tr. IV. 7 . A.

Cojfer, [Cheli]_er,§P Keeping (off.) of Trea


Сей. Tr.IV.’7. A,


[Receiving (мы

[Box for dead bo y]


_ofMill, [Tooth ofwheeL]

i I0


Га. Fraud]

Cogitation, [Thinking]

Cognarion ofrbings. T. Vf. 8.



of Caufe. RT. П

- Badge, [Service (ñgn.]

смел, [Together-hein]

Coherent. ì

Stickin .[Together{ joininäjl

' [adi.Congruity]

Cobíbirive caufe. T. Il. 2.0.

Cohobnrion, [Repeated Diñilla


Cohort, Troop. _

Coy, [ад]. Aver ation (apt.]_

Coif, [Clofead1. head (_veí`t_.]

M _‚Coil, [Conful'ed {So‘i-irliïlll'l

to-u rope, [a. SpiraL]

Coin. _

...afa Wall., [Corner-_]


a. Mony (malte]

a. Print] fp. in Metal]


a. Forgery]

Coiíicídent, [Together- adj.

Event] `

сайт, [adi. Adolefcence

(male.] _

Сей. [Lamim adj. p. call (apt.]

сайт. AC. ll. 5. A.


_to fenfe. Q. V. r. D.


»1_-[Dif:afe from cold]

Cole. ‚

Live-[Fired fuel (Part]

Dend-[un-ñred fuel {рак}

SNES;èv1. g. А.

_ ac , Black au .'Cole-ruk . lnflï . ( gm l

Cole-moufe. Bi. Vl. 7. A.

Cole-wart, [Cabbage.] HS. IV. 6_

‚ Concave (place ofCaei, {сет (plaœ ì'ßjn g_

Colic S. VI, 5.

C0”, [Embrace.]

COU”, [Environing (armam.]

for neck.] ‘


[ofthe fame Series]




l Rightofgiving]

[Refeâiom Pr. l. t . АД

[Сет :1ring._TA.lI. f]

Collel?, ad). Е itome ta ’erfColleäion. _ P Р l j

[L Gathering] '

adi. p. Gathering (thingJ

Collefŕive. ‘


adi. Aggregate]

Collcz’lor, [ад]. a.ä Pcrfon.]

Gathering Oñìccn]

College. RC. Ill. 7 A.

fp. of Sclio1lars.]


‚ [Companion]

1 adi ринг.)

ГТогсгЬек adi. p. Coiiedfn]' LOrliCer.­

Collier, [Fuel { J

Colli-flower, [Cabbage]


Together . .

,Reciprocal }ñnkmg':l

Collogue, [Ни/п.)



\ Slice

(‘о/$041‘), Togethchdii’courfa]

Collujîon, Agreeing to chene]


[ад]. Fundament Gun]

Period. D. I. 6. ’

Colonel, [Regiment (05.]

Colony. RC. Ill. l'. A.

Coloquintida. HS. Vll. 4.

Color. Ос П.

[Pretext] E (_ \

_ n 1 n . ­

__; [ad).{ Corán }(thing_]

Colofs,[lmage (augm.]

' Horfe ‚ .Colt Afs }[young]

­.r-foot.HL. Vl. l.,

mountain-[Harfe foot]HL.V1.;.

Columbine. HS. l. 2. A.

Column, [Pillar Рой. Ill. 5.]

Calender, [adj.8treining Orem] Colure, f Meridian through Tro

таз-1 Comb'.‘Wm-____




__Mdfïßndmg‘ WML( erf, _of Marker. [adp Market within ouml

„.1,gi,.;i5igi..(p¢rf.] P l (0fï­_|‘ fidlshut]

asto Mind. CIW. [Bottom] [adb P- WhOlC] 2S l

[Ingenuous] Click, [а . Sound as Watch.] _ Wound.

(Sprightlyj _ Clicker, [Luft] _ with армии-5,

as to с В: у lp. ofRabbets._] _ [adn Cover] ‚.

"gmmdj (‘Шин Side.

àllndolelit] inc_pcndcm] ' t0 doll'

{umriiuij lad» p- Advocate (perfon) Tog¢rh¢r-join

Нд. ‘ CIIHÄW. ц]. 3. A.. _ ‚ ТОЕСЕЬСГ-{О' as allg;­

._rfpure, Hiep. (рай) Climaflmc, fad). a.^ltcnng кг.

{р.(5а;;ас1оиз] рргдшщь year] End.

[Sincere] Climate, l'a di.p.Latitudc (place) n еще, [ад]. a. FБыть]

мат of 13 hours,i 3 and а hallßtc] 0f Penetration; by

[Candid Climbe. Mo. 4lI._5_. Ey, fDarkncfs] as of wea.

‘ (Frank ' Climber ofVirgmm. S11. V.8. thu-_

Quality. o Clint/J. i _ Ear, _Silenceë

“Быт _a Nail, [Fix ~it by _ Re ervedne .]

[паштет] re-knocking } thepoiut Hand, ж.

_гЬеагЬе’. El. VI. l. folclin _ ofita] [даны-5]

[Bright] ._onc: Pijl? Él old the han .] [_Pmurioufmß]

[Tranfparenr] ß-lllrbamty (endeavor) by Clofer, Room (dim.) for pri

Llnl’potted. Q_I. ç. A fimilitudc ofwords] vggy] _

AMM@ C`l1_ng.AC.vI. 9. ~ _ _ Clot.

__faumg. Q m. 7. С/{МЬ [a Sound as Chains._] ._biyd,

RC. [Not in Debt] TA.IV.9. Clip. _bum

n1. [No: in Guilt] ui. Il. 7. VCM] 0­Y`~ 4- A~ Cloth.

мдтог mwa-imi, _ 7_ Embrace] StulfforClothing [1414210

RE [Nonund“ (femm-C RL Clock` Po. У}. 6. A. _ thing thing]

у; 5,0, „м и н «if-[what hour is Corton_Pr.Iv.4, A,

‚ lnf¢&¢d,] it according to the- _l Hair-Pr. IV.1.A.

S‘[N°‘{ Difealed] Clad, [Lump]Y ’ Linnen­­Pr.lV.4.

Not Шкафы}! from being donc. 6110€, [Hinrich] Woollen-Pro. IV. r.

Еа ic C oy. _war er, adldoth мс.мог lïhindcr’d from being l'adipßxccfs (make — с’ЁапКЕ l (

known. [ад]. „а._ ЫаиГсакдт: abun- Clotbe.

Vlag] n] C] ßd_lin'co] [make Cloth]

Ma i c о’ er. ut on ad'. . Clot 'Not hiirlderd{ Come tp. . lloufe of Monks] I P (mali-q, Р bmg

from being Pal's’d through, Roofed walking place] Clothing. Pr. IV.

[Accelïible] Cloke,[widc outer Velì] ‘ Clorrcred, [Coagulated]

LEmpty] ra- . Claud.El.1Ll.a.

[Pall'ablcj' ŕCover] . Clove.

Cleaver. _Prctence ~­­QfG4rLicI{_, [Bulb of ф:

Cleavìng (inl`tr.]­ l'Condtal] root] _

'Knife (augm.) to Щит with] Cling-bag, [Sack to be tied be- _tree. Tr. III. 9.

Cleaver-s. [goofc-grâ’s] HLJX. hind the Saddlc.] Cloun, vid. Clown.

9.A. ' ‘ С1оГепф, Nearnefs impeditive of Clour.

Clear/ing. Penetration. P-“rngmcnt of Cloth]

Sticking. . ,Neal-nefs .adi- Meuding {thing}

a. Clammy] ` of thing to thing. ro

lAdhtrin _l __ . РЫсагпсГз] Mond­ „ ‚Chapping, “PL P­ Chink] Contiguity] Strengthenìby addmon’]

as with а Wedge. О. l. 3. [Continuity] СМИ‘.

Clown-footed. ' of the parts оба thing. ‘ ‘ adj Country (cour-î]

Clear, vid. Clear. The Extremes. _edil Китай: (pe on]

Cle r. . ШаггошпеЩ -i „гр, [umher-ry.)

Chink] Машу. 4.0. The Middle parts. см, ottom.] Mag.v1.7.

adj. p. Clcave] Clofenefs, Q. V. 3. Club.' A

Clematis’. Sh. V. 7. [Dcnl'nefs] (ну. 3.151. Weapon, RM. V, 2,

Clemcncy. Man. VI. 8. Impeditive as to t e Society.]

ClrrgyRE. lI- h l Surfîcf. CluEc ,nasa Hen.

. С игс i- СФЕ- rac о е. Ca in voiceCINÉ-i3d)- Writingì' (ccnl Гид). Hide.] Clung.. g( l

(adi. Clergy( crl‘on] [adi Conceal] Fd). a. prcter. Cling]

«fadi Church goti] I‘criphery. ,together-adhering]

_;oäCburcŕJ, Minifìér’s fubor- t0ъ51%’. Cllgßef- PP. II. 4.

irme o cer.' `adi. a.Se iment adi- гс atc thinfadjigävbriting (oigo ] aîlofe. P ] ‘ ChEn-b. agg g ( в]

»o xr equer. adj. p.Scpiment lace Talon. PP. V. . re ._of Ram.i Top. (р l Hand] PG. V. (âñâínâ.)

_Gentleman J- га Clo/2'. TA. V. 5. (“311.1


._-.---h-_­­_._.__'l’ I _ ­ _

` .C O C О СО


to.. import Cold.

[shrink] AC. v. 5. 0. (om @I export I_Ofwms] -to renfe. Q_. v. i. D.

Together-fold] 0.111,5. Cock/e. [Reinig]

l Hold (corr.] :_IÍIIÈEÈÈV‘IIIIG. 5ÁA. a-l-[Difeafe from cold]

Cutter. er . . . . . Cole. _

` Мосбоп]! Cockrel. [Hen (male) (young.] Live-[Firedf l p[Confufed Sound] go§o;_'lr`r.}_\l.6ß._ _v geadglïläi/iI-ŕireuelefuílllgajrt]

Cljjìer, [Medicinal drink for о 0 а?" е” "_ '4' e“- t‘ ‘3-14r -— jiatut. Bi. IV. .A. _bl ‚ Bl k ‚'

fundamcm'] Cod. 4 Cole-rukt , ac (“ат 'l

Coach. P0. V. 1.

_.тт1, „ Coach (0ñicer.]

._box,_ Seat of Coach (Olii


Coaöion. AS. IV. 9.0.

Coadjutor, [With-helpen]

Coagulatingß. VI. 2. A.

Г .

Coalitionì‘â: ìllnitmg]


[together-joyning (augm.]



(gratter, [Country neun]

Sea.coafl, [nigh- ad). Sea

Country] _

tti-[Travail end.) by corne



Garment, [Outward clofc

(vea.) [Woven (like)

­­­ f Male,

armour. ____

No i 1

_of/trois, Gentil?, }(Íign.

. Cottage, [Ruitic houfe (dim.]


[Mend, (corr.]

[LUnskilful] Ha. VI. 3. О.

СоЫгоп, [Supporting (iniir.)

for Spin]

Cobler. l' Mending (mech.) of

Leather (veil) (отсос. ] _ _

Cobweb, [Spiders woven(thing]


` [Male] fp. bird] _

[вы Bi. ii. 1.(male]

­­­’.r eomb. HS. VIII. 7.

­-’x head. HS.III. 5.A.

heath-Bi. II. 5. A.

_ofthe wood. Bi. Il. 5. '


Sea-EX. VI. 6. A.

­Rocbe.r.EX-I. 7.A.

winged-Ex. II. 3. A.

Inflrfumen'nr З

_o Dial, Pin- _

_ofGun-loek. [adi a. F ire


­forWater, _Lock of Pipe.]

Weather-[Winde (iign)


_ofHay, [H¢ap_]`

­boat, [Boat (ditn.]

­_fwain.RN. V. 6. A.'

Софа”, [Dicing with heel


спите, [Serpent killing by


Cocker, [ад]. а. Е‘опдпсГъ.) Man.

VI. 7. D.

Cocker, [Writing of Tribute


Fillt. Fi. III. 1.

_ofPIanr. PP. III. 5. A.

—о _A_r_iimal, [Teñicles (кГ

e .

-piece, adj. Privities


Codicil, [Added writing]

(‘ос/„111, [EquaL]

Coerce, [Cohibit.]Cotglcritial, [0i­ the fame Ef

ence.] ‚

Coetaneom, [Together in Age-_l

Coeternal, [Together-eternal]

Coexijiont, [_Together-exilienn]

Coffee. Tr. IV.7 . A.

Cofer, [Cheli]-er,l­ Keeping (olf.) of Trea


caff. Тг. Iv.'7. A,


[Receiving (veil'el

[Box for dead bo y]


_ofMill, [Tooth of whceL]


’ ГFatvm]

Га. FraueL]

Cogitation, l' Thinking]

Cognation oft/rings. T.VI. 8.



of (laufe. Ю. Ц 4.

Badge, [Service (lign.]

Ctr/reir, [Together-hein]


[Together-î матча‘

` [adj.Congruity]

Cohibitive cauße. T. II. 2.0. _

Cehobation, [Repeated Diflilla


Cohort, Troop-_] _

Coy, [adi Aver ation (apt.]_

Calf, [Clofeadi. head (_vefh]

С _l „d {Motiomj

О’ i [con u с SounnL]I to-a rope, [3. SpiraL]

Coin. _

_afa Wall., [Corner-_]

[Mony] _


a. Mony (make]

a. Print] fp. in Metal]

a. Fiftion]

a. Forgery]l coincident, [Together- adi.


Coißrel, [adj. Adolei'cence

(male.] _

Coit. [Lamim adj. p. cali (apt.]

Coitiori. АС“. 5. A.

Colaiider, [adi Srreining (‘к-Ш]

Cole-moufe. Bi. VI. 7. A.

Cole-wort, [Cabbage.] HS. IV. 6,

Cof”, {Concave (place _hp_ig

Gem laceColic S. VI. 5. (p

C011. [Embrace]

COW". [Environing (armam.]

fOr neck.] '


[ofthe [ame Series]




[Right ot'giving]

4Refeéìion. Pr. l. i. АД

[Com ating. _'l‘A. II. 5]

Collet?, adj. Epitome ptayen]

Colieo‘lion. ‚

[zu Gathering] '

adi. . Gatherin thin .Collellivg. g( g 3


adj. Aggregate]

Colli-Ilm, [ай]. a.ä Perfon]

Gathering Officer]

College. RC. III. 7 A.

fp. of Schollars.]


‚ [Companion l

= adi р. Lenin]

[Togetherf` adi. p. Coiiedgn]


Collier, [Fuel {Colli-fewer, [Cabbage]


Together . .

[Reciprocal }nnkmg‘:l

Coli'ogue, [Ватт]




ColÍoquy, Together-dil'courl`e.]

сошла”, Agreeing to cheat.]


[ adi. Fundament Gun]

Period. D. I. 6. '

Coforiel, [Regiment (05.]

Colony. RC. III. t. A.

Coloquìntida. HS. VII. 4.

Color. II.

[Ptetext] E __ \

. n i ri ._; [adn-î Gorge, }(thing]

Colofs,[lmage (augm.]

‘ Horfe ‚ .Colt Ars }[young]

-­t-fitot.HL. VI. 1 .I

mountain-[Horfe foot]l-IL.VI.3.

Columbine. HS. I. 2. A.

(fo/umn, [Pillar Рой. Ш. 5.]

Colure, [Meridian through Tro

pics] Comb.



coílë’ombing шт.) vnteîm] adì'future'] Comp’gäìogeîÍ-_Äó

ts--O. V. 9. A. _prcfcnnl l ___ay 'D` V' 6’

CCÃCÑ- m" V~ 7° îinâr-)E d Commrryc'c. 1V.

° d а V~ П - Comminmìon IThreat: ROHCrb. _ Y 8 n 1_ »il ¢ v.

adi.Fo11y(vfrf°n] ­ ßmiatndj" мы ш СМЁЬЁЁ} f ifidi. Fcërmalnefs, MnnJV. _10, Визит adv. End.) 7 ос a г, [3. Рагу.) AS. VI.

6.Е. рсгГоп] [ad _T L' ° ­'Hwy-[Bees Chambcrs (aggnj _:0’ [Stil-¿ml coëg'c'lßcp’ggń‘ïomclcrh]

(Iombfir, Lk'ighting. ] Being the Efï¢&_ Eede( Jic, Е n cad-judge

main... .gsfg'fií-ësënîß‘ca-l м‘ё‘тщ Ш’- ММl'Troublc vd f 0 ’ ‚о '

[Hindcn Apparati-i:gr:l cmíìgßiwŕâgr'lgilfrtbêá

Combine. 'l _ I Forth-ing, [ад]. fut. Ap- {'¿njj l (Per

Ъ ют’) Ред-1 Commit

[Together-2, дадут] Panuritìon. _Combujìion. пакт’) comedá’ugîgëî'l with merry con' fP. за Fault.)

(Burning.) _ Camel), ' [Lug-lâ .

ЕСОШЁШЮП) [шест] ‚ mclgroJ cr, [21. 1шрпГ0п.

Comè'eedmon’j caggîngäo‘ůlg A Comŕninêe, [âuthorizcd Per

° d u c c e U ons aggr. .

Mom“ Ígmr Ё‘ “'VI’ " coflŕjâftfcorr'agl" I' 2° conm' [Cm-C" (dm3fp. from а rcmorcr :crm to а (t|m’1g)­wilt'hg¿gar_] 'on сшщЁшм-з

carer. C _ _ Е‘ лхшгс ì

__ar;;0ur,fTurn.] ä‘ï‘lgg’ 3’ Togçrhenmixnu-ç]

_aff¢r,\‘Follow.] comical’ ' ° 4‘ Commedia”.

-ûäain’fßcmfn‘j adì’Comcd Congrupus]

т 'arÍJinßLObrainj ЕМ)’ Mmhly pconñveiêilcrìxj

— ­`,"Afl`1_A .‘ _rota c

_bachi Ik.) а“ t l [Selm-núm] Man. IV. 7. Commodity.

_19, шпаги.) Сеты.‘ ‘5° {convçnience}

_fortlh _ ì v Prcc‘e t RO v I Proñt

vrflbloj ' „ р ~° h. ’ ’ [Wam

fbCCOmC kn v \ а’ M‘lñçrj — Common.

Íbc manifcfìeä‘jn-J «a‘ Mag‘nr‘uej All

Procceá] “t OMI-1" Command by [ад]. Every 5

_foward î p. morena] End). p. Govern от.) [Машу )

_i", [_Submir._ì а ытёмт‘м рту‘ RM‘ 0P- to l’goper. TM. IV. 6.0

__ojf, \_p. Evcnn] “шт; r [Ploblißj TM. V. 4.

_upon cquallermy, RM, U», 1, ‘ п e ' s (Peri-on. (ад). People]

_V1-fm.à?. u. 1.5. [commanding 1 (Off _”â'f’fâè ( h 3

_щгт.‚ .п. ‚1). ­ - ' - _ а l. ­ t ing

_Q", proceed. ЕЁ‘ЁЫЗЪОЁЁ‘ЕЁЗЁЗ) for m ïCommon Profpcrity.

«wm-[P- солить] commemorare Goífcgnmcu: by thc co

‘ а. С a( .' р c.-aPeffGm {fi-Finita?) [obviouq‘

ЧК” ` Colìzn’zencc у y. Frfquem]

[becomeâ ¿mbk-3J "'Eegìní] äoïaiànfccrated]

nown. ‚ _ ‘ _[be mania-ned.' ­T“‘[ff32§1§§i'§í3{ 3222:? cammmlry, impl. kind]‚` Ч-ЕШ‘Ё‘ ' ...v5/mim. [ъ Aaionj C°’""’°"‘­.Y“°‘­L°fds­

" ° Р-ЗЁШЩ iqnó. ' ­°fV'â““'­ Food .

-togood, v. Event. (pei-ff _ — _»._ro hAnaQLVJZvent-«J J Cŕgr'gfë’f- ’ [Prop0l'fl0n¢d{lr0vlfì­ }

. ’ p.Manifcft._] _mfců‘f Rav 7. `for Cartel. (ons

“to 115.',tí p' Мне-3 -to otbérs. RO: V. 8. rcomïnón Ё Pafìurc] Minds, (ad). p. Memorm] Emmñ (пером) [PCÍ’P‘CS

._ta nought, ` (Corrfj ' ’ — Salutations t C0mmon`on._

[и Ечспс_]`{ nothing] [Speak ones rcmcmbra о} [Motion]

_to Paß, _v.EVCnt.] (аиста; ГЗсдЕкЕоп)

-rofelß Вещи to former Commendatim. ‘ [Trouble]

Condítion. _I чрез“ ones Luv :l Commun?, [Confcn] AC. V.7 . A.

Become ТЫ ' To do “к Мат“ e о?’ Сдттцтсаге. ’

"up, Grow }v" с’) ^ от‘: onessalg r n. 1 (Common Quake]

-upom [мины] шдсафгашга .0m-1 l’arrnerfhip (такс)

__m'fb, [Bring] ‚ шанс [et] Known (такс)

Bcifng. _ Lene,- ‚ 0. а‘ Tm'ü (make Communication,

[umm-.J commff'fmfo» [пасти-рт: V 7 A





СО , СО _ C()


Ddd . foy“

[Difcourfe С d _Communion. 'l [[aînlêînîilllrn [riunire] l`A. I. 8. О.

Union.] C ‘ l . ’ ‘weh"- {штаты naar. ._ [geen[Lord 5 suPpm] RE- VI- Vertue. Man. IV. 8. l р-тюн] -

’ 6.A. Complain. с [Vl/‘UY faymg] .

Community, [Common Grinde] [Griet-(551] Concei'tfí'lf‘ß‘» нд-1п’3’в’

Commutation. [l мент] oncoming

Commerce] l Completi/ance. Мал. IV. 8. Ё" Common renfe]

Exchange-l COInplemeiiting. AC. V. 7. a’ Fancy-I ­

Comput?. стиш- [a underiianding]

Togerher-ioín (augm.] [Perfect] _ а‘ ТЬЧЦЁЬЧ

Clofe (augrn.] [,¿yßŕ-inmúng] „Мушк- АС. I. 2.A.

Agreement-l . Complexion. concentre t(âgedmnìcentre]

Together-league] y Aggregate] _ С _ ’ а v.Same _

Covenant] compoñtion] трио". AC.I_. :.A.

Company. Tamper] c Г I-‘crtinenr.]]

[Being I Colour ofFace] anœm’lïv'ïproper‘j

_ [Together Going студе- C . РюйгаЫс-П

lTl'aVCllîflg v. Congruity] ' merma'

ЁСЧШРММ @bfi-J Follow] [-Pîemncm]

H_vgŕäâïâeůhing] [imitare] ' Y “Е: „ma“ 3 A

Society] c (aggr' l-Plcafe by _'3- CongïlläY-_l Coneiliator, _[Reconciler]

Convention] Complirared,` Cf’rltfife,[iid).Sli0rtnefs,]

C‘"Poration] [Together ¿[Min fed Ummm", “приют?

_ ofS'ouldiers. RM. IV.2. (ampli-ca_ g ­ Conclave ìmbilerì p. S¢.]

Be ' ° _ ' 0 HC1 cret.

„Стоят- Go } Ёёжддщищ (Perfonsl @ECE/«4o.

­ LTr‘vcl [Acceilories] ` LF?compamm' Compartment n' 3 .

_[:`ello\v. RO. IV. 2. сайта [Dcîêlŕmlnc]

Accei'fary [pedon] ­ ' V- П erei'ice

urbane (Perlonl ggïilïiliiiillm (man e commi [L Dlgefgion']

Sorry (perfon] Ст ф n r] concomitant. _

comparan. ii. ,_ [$0 'ether t I «di Simulfanflfi']

‘ In (.'omparifon of, [Being gßook 'Pg )Book [TogethCF-bflng]

­(.'o’f'i’dfl'Còmlmcd with) _“ Verfe.’ {ах/еде }(make СО’ЁСЁЁЫПЫ

abouti .y [a-r‘ää‘lcgnfglîefglmak _ Symfhony- Qin. a:Goe aboiitt eouoiide] [adi а A __ k С] lancor ance,Caralog.{ words]

ercb_[Go,adv.Curve] ___; ­___g_¢_€ (ma e] for finding of things]

Aboupfepimem] com ___;_1Q c Concorporare, a, Body

v. Circle_| P0 ' [Together-_ а. согрогагйоп} ‘

Marinerr- [Together ì. C0'_1_L'__0_u Ё.‘ (

Во d’ 8N ‘ '_ _ ogetier-coming au m.Е xoii] “c _ mgm Taà‘dïtfu’ë‘âïy Pam] _ C0[Co_nvention [align] .g J

. _ ' nere e.

i3d». Magneti ЕЗЁЁЗ} Cîëìiâoâäo _oo_y d __ [coaguine]

Pair writing (mûr.) of Compre/„nd о e c L] concor: to Abilraä. D. II. 2.0.

‘гс es. ' . Il me.

{Comprehendlj а. CilplClfy- Ä-lî- II. 4s { Appropriar-cd

Obtain] [Цистит ŕcńeal L С __ in_ñead-Wife]

_ofaiyear,_&q_[5pac¢_&c_] ,rotan У) o rupi/rence.

СотРаЩап, [Pity] TA_v[_ 7, Q_ Compreßîm о.‘ 3 О У [Appetite]

ширмы‘ ag‘fcelng‘ Comprize, vid.Conipr¢.bend­ ciilrcj

Позади’ adl- Coigmous' Compromìfe, [together-Iubmit to Nu 1 ‚

comp-eer' Arbitration loa-mrc (cgi-rf] "

gd‘renlpanion] Compu/fio?, [Coalition] Coiiîcuiïlgmalsm'l y ‘

ÉWNZ. r.. como@ C°'ŕ'g‘;g§¿gç¿] [ma] __ _

ompe ation а. N _ . с _ __“more” “el minestrone-1 пот2 1-` ortnefs] Га I ° ЬН- Г come .

[adi. p_ E ­ _ _ ­ nnocent im: s] ¿munich Shaka _ v_C‘Wndiumpltome] ­ СШЁ’ЁЁШЁ] со%ыет:[ l gli] i

Epitonie] ` г: '_ entcnce.R]. 11.7. 0.` “Short method­ ` ‘ЫЦШЬППЕ1 ._ [Blame] y

compu/..._ TA ¿à Ъ А. СО’ЩЁШЕЪИЩ-ГЧ (fmt) fOr [oifapprovî]

Compe'çm’ [S‘lnlciem'] concatenation g. To eth h ’ C0ndenfe’}den F'] .

Competitor, [Rn/aL] ing] ’ g "'C am' Condefcen _. ~ \

cm1’'le' concave. Mag. ш. 4. в, Еыщъшд’]


‚со с, со


Condeßenjìnn, Man. VI. 2. adi. p. Shame (так) [Importance]

(,‘onilign [Worthy] Poling] D.vl.8. ÍpJuture]

ConditingJ’r. III. 9. A. Del'itoy] AS. I. 4.0. Сан/диет, Inference]

Condition. T. II. 4. Ст’ atei-nit). Cbnfer'ue. _

[ЧМ]: j Colledge] [Confeâion] Pr. II. 2. A.

[Dil‘poliytion] Corporation] ro.

Capacity. TA.II. 4. _Pcnitents,(aggr.] RI"..II.6.A. [Preferve] o

State] Confront, a. Oppofite prel‘ent] Confeñ

Suppolition] Confufed, adj. Confuůom] _ation AS. I. 4.

Covenant Confujìon. Conßiler.

Condole, [Together-grieve] Diforder, TM. V. 2. O. Think. AS. III. 2.

Conduce, [a.Hclp.] [Shameéaugm] [C_ompenfatc TA. II.7.A.

Condue‘l. [Del'iru ion] AS. I. 4. O. ­­ing. AS. II . 2.

Leading] TA.VI. 5. Coiifutaríomlnvl. 7. —гЬдг; [Whereas] con

[a. Oi'fic'er Confute, [a. Confutatiom] IV. i.

Safe-­­[ icencc of fafc go- Сидел‘. i C‚платы, [Importann]

ing] [a. Ctêaglililatc] ъ gonfíeratenefr. На. IV. i.

C ntl it ucduâ Po. II. c ‘ oni eration.08?‘- [Aq :l ` Ice у }Cmake] 1 [Im мм]

Cone. Mag. III. 7. Congee. Ар. V. 4. ­ Re pea] _

Fruit. PP. 111.5. Conger. Fi. VI. 1. [Compenfanon]

glueConglutinate, [together-ä )om Сати’ [_Amânj RCN-l'Confeäi'on. Pr. II. 2. A.­

C Orißß.Confederacy, [League] RC.

“1_ g_ Congrarulaie, [a. loy for good of [adj. p. Simultaneous]

Cm, er, orhers.] AS. VI. 6 _ [Agree]

Give] TA. IV. . Congregation, [Convention] “_yiœ,

@grupal-9] TAÄL 5, (видном, _ [adn T. V.‘5.] Тай“ Quali Q. V. 5.

Difcourl'etogether. AC. V. Ст"? [adl'cane-J @Ul/IGV)

7. A. Conte. Be. III. 4. Council

Confefr. CWUeëÍWf» Council (place

_ [Acknowledge ­­_­1"¿. AS- Il. fp. Ecclefialiic]

anothers prai c. C‘WJHEHÍ. [ldl- Mafflagcl _ Гр. OfBifhops.]

om. own. coniugare. [Together-derived] самым, [Comfort]

5in, RE, 1v, 2, Conjugarion, [Forming (manner) Confolia'are. `

Еггог. D. v1. 9. О? ending-S 0f Verbsl [га . Wholenefs]

confaß’or. ` Coti}un_¿li_on._ La. Clofenefs]

adi. Hear- [Pcrl'on }i. [joining] Confonant.

ing (Officer or Particle. D. II. 9. A.. [Congriious]

«шипов of Sins] fofPlanetr [necrncfs] Letter. D. l. 2. _A.

Sulïercr for Religion. RE. Couture. Спирт.

` Ill. 3. [a. Witchcraft] [Companion]

‘Conßdenœ __a. Entreat (augm.] [Harmony]

l".tp‘feâiciri.AS.\L7. Conjurer, [a. Witchcraft (рсг- ——а[МиЛс. (2,111. 6J..

l[Allurednefs] AS. III. 6. [OIL] Confpiruour.

[adi. p. See [apn]confident, [adi.C°r1ñd¢f1C°-] (d м 'f МНЕ“)a 1. anic ’

Connexion, [Joyning [manner]

Cormìve. ­i one:- adi.a.counlel . ‚‚ _

[onesî adj. p. пай "cndJ Tolerate l'ecrctly] . Conffire,[a. baâion]

¿con ne. Not hinder Contable, [Subordinate adi. a.

a. Finite _Not-punilh ` _peace (Olìffl

a. vCohihit] TA. II. 2. О. Conquer. IKM. II. 7.15. Conjlaney. H2L-IV. 7.

[a. Imprifonment] _ Confangumiry. R0. I. сопла/топ, [Stars [aggh]

Софии, [Margining Countries] Conference. NP. I. 3. Confío-nation.

'Conßrnn Stupidity of-NP. I. 3. 0. ‘ [Fear (видим)

[Strengthen] Confcienciour, adj. Conlcience [Extafie]

Гр. Morc-llrengthcm] (рт-Щ fp. through Feat]

[More-amare] Con битые. Conßíparíon. ,

[a. Witnefs.] › According to Confcicncc] Together-thrulling]

_ _ati`on. D. VI.6.A. adi. Equity] [a.Clofe]

_Eccldìaßv'm RE. IV. 8. NÍCÍN“ Con Лиге.

Conßfcation. [ПА/1. 7. A. [Knowing] a. Caufe]

«C011 lill. [TOgCti’ler-Ènowing] [a.hñ'ftìent]

Fight] RM. L 7. [_ ACCclTory] ‘_confliiuiion.

a. Contention] Confecration. RE. V. I. [a. Efficient]

îConjlu'ence Coming (augì ­­ofBi]hop, [a. Billiop _[‘Appointmenß

._ [Together- Convcnticm Quake] Lari]

`Con от. ‚ шрам; Additional] Edi ]

adv. congruent-do] _ [Inference Accelfory] [Mixture

:_ So-do] Con_[ent.AS. II. 3. [Difpoiit ` t]

х [a. Obedience] ~' with one-[To ether-Adv.IV. ­ Tcmpcro mind] NP. IV.

Con сила’. t 1.. COnfenting " [Tempcr o_fbodylNP. V.

_ adi. p. Confufcd Unire] Con equence. `Cory'ìrain, [a. Colâion]

Minglc] ` ` Illation] lCoiifh'urf'lion.

[мы `



l. = ~


_- __—___‚„._



a.Efñcíent Bar ain . __:1. Inrcrpre-illl. Bergum] RC V . года)" [Tflvdlìrlg Guard.]

Cof'fül. [Magîftrate of City-:l Obtain] саммит, S- IV. 7.

Саши. '_4 ‘Шеф, [adj' P' Dill ook, [Cookery (mech.)

[то h Coníîder] ' cafe.' („7“)- Phill` у.Agk“ ‘Г’ Counfel] ammo.' imo. v1. 4. А. ` î.; Ё??? (мы

5 ~ Contrudi ' ‘ ~ ° _Take }adv|ce] aionáior), liad). Contrzdr- Coop, [Priloln of Parallel Stick]

Confume, vid. Conßrmprion, comm”, т_ v. 3_0. ro- ` s

Confummme. Contribution. . Impf’fon]

[a.[lî’erfeů] ‚ ’ [Giving] с. _plînvŕl'fâlú

[a `inìíh] _' f _ pm m0 ° "› _l Ь Barrel mcConfumprion. i рГР- РЁЁЬ] тыс] СМРСЁ‘Щ” [TOgCtheg-op‘e’r-:itq

[a. Decayf[make] [Tax] Свод/‘лиге, Height]

_Dimmi 1 ‚ Contririon, emorfc] [Offgual Невис]

Span] ¿Mm-ve: Al-S‘HL _ Cool. Bl. VIII. 8,

venray] como. /’ » Coral» Tr- "ш. 4 A_

[Corruption] [Obferve ' Co/lartner.

Difeafe. S. II. :.A. Cenfurc êFauIrs] _ [Partner]

-ofrbe Lungs. S. V. 3 . всргсьспд] ACceIIary]

Cwaff- combi. colif

ITOUCIÜ, ­-«, из’. ‘cohibiting [om] ‘чипы

t Contigurty] Controuw-fe, . П 'ghtJ

(fonrngromS. 1.x. ' ‚ Dífpure] [Pwnc] ¢

Conraminare, [Denim] ‚ Suit] ‚ Pï"11,5

Contain. Conrumncy. со”? . .

comprehend] TA. II. 4- COnÍIanCy Exc.) На. IV. 7.1!. спеша" T' IL 3

KCC? Chim] 0p. to Obe ience Man. V.8.D. Se' “__El- T. II. 3.] —

ContemmAS. п. 8.0. ‚ commer), [Amont] Tf‘nffr'pr. т. п. 3.o,

contemplare, [Meditate._] AS. II. Contujîon O. IV. 1. A. *ouf- _2- T. II. 3 0.]

l. A. [Bruife] SJ. l. A. __bold Еда:

Cante parar), [ад]. Simulta- Convey, ' _ Tcnçmcnt }for Не]

neity.] v. Way] COPNI“, [Abundant]

Contempjbk, [ад]. p. Contemn Lead] СОРЕ

(apr-J. _ Carry bh-‘frp toppgd

Салют‘, [a. Contentiom] Send] [adn p. Point

CO‘Í-IIÜIÍ. ‘_ance. сои!"- l. м

Ca ‘City Carria e C“ ­ _ ¢f­ I. .[Coìr’rtcntation] Hal. g. Sendingg]l [Kurk] 4

[Satisfaûion] AS. III. 5. Contrivement] CUPPÈYM, [VítrioL] Sr,v_ 2’ А.

Comenmion. На. I. 3. . ' Alienating Wrrting] Ст“, [Piace of Trees (dim.]

Contenxioufnefl. Man IV. 3 D. conve”, сори/д. 1). II. 6.

Conrej‘ì, [Contentiòn in words] a, Cimicn] Copulnrion, сотен,

Conrexrurr, {We-ning] l. Convention] COPHÍdtive, Joining]

[Together- joining] _ Convenience. Corocinur. МЫ. 2.

Conrignan'on, fTogether joming Agreezblenefs. 'I'.IV.O. Caml. St.II. 6.

of Moms.) ‚ [congruiry] ‚ l Cordy Pr. rv. 7. А.

Contiguiry, Sp. ll. 1. [Expmimcc] Cordagc, [Cord (kind)

‚ Continente, [Chañity] Convenient, ‚ ' Cordial. ~

Continent. Congruons fidi. Heart]

[ад]. Chaßìty] [Lxpedient] Heart­ûrengthníng Medicin]

Land. W.1II. 2. canuenricle, [Secret Convention 2dì.SinC_erliy-] ‚

СапйпдеплТ. V.7.0. (corr.] СНЫ"! [L'Zafd (‘Что having

Continue. Convention. RC. Ш. а tail „Пихта wrm как»)

a. Permanence] Converging. Mag. II. 7. D. COrt. _

а. Duration] миг/„г. д [Heart (luke) part]

Stay] ‚ adj. Converfation] Миша ( рт]

¿ed . AccufIomed] Ip. Hardefl part]

h.Quantityl TM.II­ Ex err] Corrander. Hl". IV. l. A

ContinuaL ` Conver ation. Man. A. Cork. f

Permanent] .qualifícntionfor-Mamlv. Tree. Tr. V. z. A. _

Perpetual] Convert. Wood of Cork Tree]

continuance. . Turn (ПИК) Stopple of Cork- wood]

-­ofPlace. Sp. П. 7. Apply] Cormornnf. Bi. IX. 5.

­of17me, [Permanence] Profelytc] BE. III. 6. Corn. t

In-of Tune. ‚ Penitent] БЕЛ. 6. A. fPlant for ad). Bread]

After much Time] Reform] R0. vl. 7. » Smndmg-[Not-reaped]

жмет] с‹›„1‚е=.ма;.ш.4ц:. _new, (mld 05.3

Contrabanded, [Forbidden to bc Corruíŕîion. D. v1. 8. A. ­-flngg. HI.. IV. 6. A.

imported.) 'l _by Law, Prove быту.) Seed for Bread]

Contrat?. __ ' Convocation, Convention Ecclc- Gram] PP. 111.26.

[Together-draw] mmm] ’ »on rb; Toe. S. III. б. A.

’ ‘ D d d 2 [_Pow



Natural. to

[Infeñion] S. I. 1. ElIeem]

Decay] NP. V. 4.0. Rcckon ] TA. IV. 6.

Putrefaâion] NP. V. 2. О. [a. Зина

Moral. Countenance [(Habit.]

General. [Face (Manner.]

Ilnholinefs] Ha. V. 2. O. out of-[not knowing which

_Vice] Man. I. 1.0. way to look]

Special. ' Pol'ed] _

‚Битый-да] Man.II. 7.0. Alhamed]

Bribery] В]. IV. 6. to

Софа. _ Encourage]

[adi Trunk [armour] adi, p. Reputation [make]

[Pilte­man] Counter.

Cortex. _ [Mony (like) of bafe Metal]_febrifugut l’eru‘uianus. Tr. _ __ 0ff¢nd¢r5(d,­m_VII. 9. [Pnfon or {Debtors (dim.]

_Winterianun Tr. VII. 9. A. [adv. Contrary.]

C_dl’ufcation. ._botid, Bond for indemnify

[Наше (im ing Surety]

[Brightnefs] _ ‘ -cbarge, [Accufe adv. Reci

Гр. Tremblin (Щи) procatiom]

Coftnograpby , Science of the Counterfeit.

World-J ` Га. Liiieiiefs]

Coß. , [imitate]

[Expence] fp. Ftaudulently.]

Price] [a. feem (такс)

foß‘fd. [НИК-1 [a. Feign]

co we, ad). p. Binding. [a. Forge]

(01H), [ldl- со“ ("ЕШ- [a. Hypocrilie]

[Powder]TM. V1.4. A. \

To-[a. Powder] Pr. III.

7 . A. ‚

‚ fp. with Salm]

Cornel-tree. Tr. II. 3. A.

Cornelian, [Sardius] St.III.3.


Angle] Mag. III. 2. A.

Tooth Mag. IV.a.

[Notch] Mag. IV. 2. О. _

­­­0f the eye, [Dent-_]

[ад]. Hiding (place]


Eufign. RM. III. t. A.

Mufic,[Bafs pipe.] _ _

Corollary,[lnference additional]

Coronation, [Selemnityofall Ring


Coroner, [Enquiring(0l'f.)of


Coronet, [Head-environing, No

bility-fi n. Ornament]

Corporal, _adì. Body] _

_of Souldiers, [Subordinate,

adi. Watch (05.]

_rfa ship RN. v. :.A.

Corporation. RC. III. 7.

Corporeal [МИД]. I. 0p.]

Ст’, [Body.

­-­diigard, Gard (aggr.]


[Having great Body]

[Рас (augm.]


End or Effed.

Ge_i_ieral. j

_ Repair TA. II. 9.

Гa. Right]

[Mend] TM. I. 9. E.

Moral. _

[Refomi] R0. VI. 7.

Means or Inflrument.


[Reprehend] R0. V. 7. О.


[Punil'h] Ha. I. 0.

Chafiife. RO. VI. 6.

Correlatìve, [Together-relative]

Correfpond. ‘

Г“. Congruity]

[a. Reciprocation] _

Con ruit

Щ"- “5 РгЁсЁШЫЁ]uproc“ I Known (make]

Corri'tual, [Rival]




Cofrade. 0. VI. 3.

CWWÍIW. Ud). a. Corroding



' a.Evil]T.III.2.0.Generalt{ [a.Worfe] TM. I.

9. D.By Admixtíon. „с

[Deiiling] TM. V. 6. 0.

By Privation.

0f its Being.

[Остаток] AS. I. 4.0.

0f its Ufefulnefs.

[spoiling] „ТА. п. 9. о.

Cojlmary, [Ale-COIL] HFJI. 4.

Cottage, [Houfe (dim._]


_tree. Tr. IV. 8.

­clotb. Pr. IV. 4. A .

Countermand, [Command contta- _

fr] _

Countermiiie. ЕМ}. 5. 0.

Countertnure, [Oppofite walL]

Counterpane, i _Upper (veli) for

_тгсй [СЩШ’ЕСЁЗНЁБб-А counterpart’ ` Exampjc.]

Couch. _ [Other Сару.)

Contrive together] Counterpoint, [Congruous part in

ad). a. Pro_íIrate.] Mufic,]

fp. Shrinking] Counterpoint, [O politelyQweigli]

[a_=Po._VI.6._A. “штраф”, Medicin званий

_weed,[Dogs_gra[s]HL.III.5-A „Когда

сшепцт‚[Ра&|оп._\ Соиттдду}, [Oppofite Rum

Co'ueiit, [Houle ofMonks.] pim]

Coventry Bell. HS. VII. 7.

Cover. [un-(een Опять]

Counter-tenor, [High Mean]

Counier'vail, [Compenfate equal

Put over. 0._II. 3. i ly.]

[a. Clothing] Pr. IV. Cgiiiiieft, [Earl (íem.]

-e bwk. Iii-Book (mm1-j coimty, [Shire]

a. Coition] AC. II. S. A. Country.

Und'een make] op. to Town. RC. III. 2.

Conceal] [Region] W.III. A.

Coverlet, Ус“ _ ì {вы one: own [Ones Nation

[Upper _ _Covering о (place]

Hidinà Country-man, vid. Country.

Covert, Prote ion Масс.) Couple. '

Defence _ [Together-two]

Coverturc, [Proteâiom] fp. join’d.]

Cwet,[a.Defire.] [мест-дош- Bonds.]

emioiirriff.. Min. ш. i. D. ing Amm]

Cough. Mo. IV- . Unite]

Cot/ie, [Birds ($aggr.] Vjoin-two]

Coul. ‚а. Coition]

[Tub] Courage, Fortitude.]

MME! -hcad ("п-1 yCourier, MelIenget for dil'

Could, Mood. I. 1.] I patch. .

Coulter,l a. Ploiighirig iron [infn] Courjè.

Council. RC. III. 5. A. Subû. "l, °

einiger, navire] во. V. 4. [ту] “

I¿eej>­_[a.Taciturnity.] ` Water-[Stream]

Count. _ i journey]

Earl, [Third degree of Nobili'- ` Running]

ty.] [Hunt


`CR l Clì CR

[Hunting] [Difficult] l Reputation Ha. П. .

[Perfuit] . Crack. Trulh] AS.]IlI. 4. 4

Order] [Break] Creditor. TA. lV. 7.

Series Tp` Incept.] Сидит)‘. На. III. 2. Е.

jrß- _dilhes (aggr.] ~Chink] -i'n Religion. Ha. V. 4. E.

[Turn] O Sound as of Breaking] Creed,[Epitome of за“). ought

[Sail] [Вне] _ believe (things.]

[Cullom] _brain'd, [Mad (dim. fp. in Chril'tianity.]

word: of _ [aßCulìome Crackle, [Sound (freq.) o break- Creek, [Bly (мыс!

words] ‚ ing (ínc.] Creep.

[Mariner] Do ’ oleane.“ ‚(а d ÍrawLMò. I. 6.

. ing (man- Bed :ad im.) a j. P. Vo- Wriggle Mo. I. 6. A.

l’ffí Living ner, 'lutation [apn] as Ivy, [Gg-ow contiguous.]

Ад» [Pl‘OfCÍflOn] Crafifb. Ex. V1. 3. а. Fawning]

Grols. Q,VI. 3. D. Craft. . . Secretly.]

[sorry] тм.1.4.в. cunning. На. v1, 2. в. —‘"› [Gef т Gradually.]

Courfer. [Meohanìc [am] Crefceni, Панама.)

[adj. .ride (apt) horfe] Спад, [Roughí Rock] _ Y fp. Moon.]

[Hor efor running] ‘ (augm. Rocky hill] _ Crejjef,

Courfes, [Mcnñruuim] PG. I. Стт, [l-ill(augm.] garden-HS. Vl. 5.

4. A. fp. by штате.) Indiaii_HL. VI. ‘12.

Court. Crump. S. IV. 7. A. __ Sciatica- HS. Vl. 5. A.

._yayd, P0, In', 3, _fi/b, [Тех-раю] P1. Il. 4. Snrìnee- HS. VI. 6.A.

King’s Family] RC.III_. 5. ­iron, [_lron hooks for )01n- Water- HS. IV. 1 5.

King’s Houl'e ing.] — Winter-HS. 1V. 7. A.

judgment (р кг, Crane. _ Crefcet.

judicial Convention] Biijd. B1. VIII. 1. Supporting (jug.) for boiling

__daies, [Dales of judicial ~­jly.`g" 8. . veli]

Convcntion.] —" blll- HSJ- 5- l _ _lig/Jr, [Not-covcr`d Lan

ro_[a.Suitor] Machin, [Great lifting [ma- tcm]

camcom, [adì.courtefie.] Chim] Cre .

Caunefan. LCommon Whore] Cranl@ Comb] PP. V. 7.

Courteße. VIEOI'OUS] fallen, [Dil'couraged

verme, adj.Mitt_h] (augm`_1

Civility] Man. IV. 7. Crum), [Пить] ­`_ofŕlelmet, [сеть

Affability] Man. VI. 2. СИЛ’, _ (1|1(е)—_]

Thing, Lad). a. Bcnefaâor [шик-1 _ _ `­¢­ofArmr, [_The Gen

(сына) [Sound ofbreaking] „y _SQ n) upm, the

Salutation. AC. V. 4. A. [Fit] hea armour.]

' Courrier. ' С’иШ‘т- _ [Mmc] PP- ‘ЧМ-А

[_King’s domclliß] ‘ [Thicknefs]TM. II. 5. Crea/:1_

. Courtefie (augm.] \_Denl`ity](_2, V.3. E.. Chmk]

Íadbìcomplement (pcr- \ Courfencls]_ _ - Crañlh] ‚ _

Поп] сглЪсЬ, [Vellel in which 0x Crew, [Companions (aggr.]

сеттер, Completnent(ablìr.] ’ fceds.] Crewer, [ад]. Glafs-pot (dim.]

Courtjbip, Converfe ad). Сош- Crm/e. Cry. _ ­ I

plement (augm.] [21. Delirt] [Grief]

Couftn. RO. l. 5. A. \ EUIIQII] [Weep] AC. lV. 3. O.

_fuji-RO. I. 5. f _ [Petition] _ Vocal. _ _ ’

„_ a. Fraud] Craoen,[Coward.] [Exglalm] Aging, _

Cow, [[BulLEe. Il. i. (Тень) l . Covetoufneß] _our, [3. Parturition Sina]

._wirb Calf, [Pregnant Co\v.] Стшддф" Scraplngmfâ] _ourà [Accufe pub ic

­­beard, [adp Cow (05.] стаи‘, [Stomach] _ upon [Blame ly.

to- a. Coward (make.] fp. ofBird] ` _ ­mercy, Entreat for par

Саши‘ ife.Man.I. 7.D. с [__ _y Creeping] N0. 1.6. dom]

Comumber, H5, vll, 3, "т "5’ ,_Wriggllrlg] __qui1_rance,[compe_nfatc]

wild-HS. VII.4. A. (Imre, [Bruifez] _ _Proclaim,­ [21. Cryen]

Coming, [Stooping] ‘р. the _Superñcies.] Crib,

сор/Ир. HB. VIII. 1. A. Cra()l,[adl. Sicknels (азы) Pinch] _

Cow when. HS. VIII. 8. A. Creak, [Acute foundoi I_olid bo- [Penurious (perfon]

видать, [adj, Man, IV. 6. E. dies mutually rubbing.] [()xc’s Eating [place]

(`perfor-1.] ' ‚ Cream, [Beft P_arn] Crick', [Pricking] AC. II. 7.

crab, ф. 0fMilk.] fp. through Cold]

___fifh, Ex, vl, 6, ' Create. Cricket. Ex. Il. 2. _

мощи-Е)‘. Vl. 7. A. Proper._AS._ I. 1. Fen-[Eve-churn] Ex. _IL

Little-Ex. V1.4. [11. Efficient] _ _ 2. A.

_tenfe, [crib (like-)_1 creature. [adhp- Crcßte (thing) crier. в]. 1. 5. A.

_rree,[ our Apple-tree] Credence, [Belief] _ Crime. В]. Щ.

Fruit, Som- APP1¢,] Credible, [ад]. p. Believe ([ЮГ’] ЧИОРСДРП’Д‘. Rl. LV. _

стыда}: _ Credit. S _I Crímjbn, [Red 2d)(. Ь10Ё‘д](llke.]

ullere face manner Believe' A . . 4. _ aug .lllllorofe] ( j [Ehem] A5- П- 3- cmg’ Congçcì (‘ты (,‘rìP‘


(1 R C R С u ‚

Пять‘, [adì. p.lmpotence in ` HL._IX. 8. A. (mmm) [lor 9x3

_Limbsg _ Hook (‘ища Cab {Bt-ar ë (_young]

cnßfia 1- ¿(tfimîl Mmmm... _ Fox ( im._|

.ll'dgmem l( ’gli о v A. Invention (сон; 'с"Ё‘-м'8-ш- 5- 0

Íîïi’ìl"i`1lfi`êlf'lfŕwoià.j 5’ =­ cnf: (dim-3 ­ 11,51’

Critical,[_adi.]ud§e(apt­] CrorMgíJc-_op_l АС“. _1_ Limb. PG. V. 2. ___

Cm‘w’v‘d’crotc n' f Adöration(íign.] Maru.: [Length from '

спите. Be. v1. з. Ülîáwn] _bow to fingers гор.)

Cromo.E Cmd cuilgngìßoiol, [$11.]a.Diving

C , 'ie l ~ ‘ ’ _ ned гид. o о s.Clglîe. т d ТЬЕЗЁЁ; :lr-Together thm CucQrldlHiisslnnd of Adulterefs]

0l ­ . ' ­ n u d', CuckonBi. 1.3.[EL Raven .l {ют-150“d наше’ с (m_ r ) а l 3 .-flower. HS._1V. I5. A.

A5 ат ‘Bomcdséncìo ed 1 p. { lound}w’th Bow] Cuckgubean, of Adulterer]

t rougiwi _ ‘ ‘ ‘ Cucmer. H. ­3­

(rane, (ад). Decrepit perfon] из?“ в‘. 1_ __ А. си‘: (upper Stomaçhû _

Gmb _.l’f foor.HF.IX­4. che» f_he- [Again«maûicate,

[adi Crookednefs {thing} !nßrum_ent,[adi.iron adì­lîft­ 3%“?- :_Pfct- smum'vcd

_Magi им. о. ___"_ig (mûr-.l „дед“ g'

l 0° . . ‘ Sta

[Saddle of ñicks curved up Clubjcdím _

warm-l [a Boañ (corr.] Cudëcllmgl так]

‘М- ’‚ ‹' _щ. .v .1. .[adi: а‘ Bend-l А ­ Cmwihd H d- ' ° CudworhH 111.5. A.

einem uisiilrafaiii‘aii [om__ “ЧП ¢Cfwkedf'ff" Mag-m' " o.' á’g3Í)„-l M_[sriikc with foiaed hand.)

Crop.' —` М ‚Г fh'llin‘s aggr] стар. [ad_).Trunk [attrice]

__oçßrlgi'ìrilîñêgdîmtpmllleag fritti il', [ileillcl fïiŕmclting of Call, (ЕМ!) fp.tohave.]

._ ‚ , . ." .' C ll‘ ,'[iroth oi'Poultry.](aggr'pßklj crlTiÈiîlSnbi/irâj . cil/ffii., {Biame d } их]

ro-[Off- tear._]3 Criëijâxj [Image ofChriû cruci- r____a1_d_1_.__p.____i;:_p_î_eìr_elu

brea . _ f ­ Ч A a., _

@di mem-i .. ‚‚ .f "г:ы ir ëziztif’liig‘iriilnog' “к or ci... "u e’ [по liii'ggl‘ted ‘0.’­ 'Ju/1min, [Great Ordnance

i t . ‚ J _

àblique] MagJI. 8. ­ Cruelry. MzinJ. 5..__D. ‚ (kb|nd]

[Traniverfe] Mag. ll.8. D. Crucjr, [Small Gla s (vell'.) for Crm1 её: hen

_cloib,[ad'1.Tranfverfefore- oil,&c.] _ 4\1r_t____c

. head ¿vom Crum, Powder] _ ‚г. Над"

го_—а River, To go over u _en_bregd, _[_Aadl-Infide _ птица? V 7 A

' ' art ­­ . _. . . . .‘Dcculllallteelddrdag IV. 4. A. Crumble, [Crums (такс; Cunllanon._¥ 1.1"..

_a maakten. Crump, [Sinew-contraâe .] сим! Be, .4.

ad). Crucifying (jug ) _fion [Shrunk_] _ _ (jmmmg:] _filou/der, [Prominent-J [Aj-ti

fp. a i. Crofs (fig.] Crumpled.HC.VI. 3.A. [Qi-aïe] A

[Image ofadj.Crucif_ving тщаисьр] \ сицёёхйёааз снмок']

` ' ' u . .to _birlrlfîlgffl [To a. Crofs [Hinder йау ofSiiddle] __„f‘îßorïfän Pl; Il. 8.

. frgn)upon­] c fadßlìump (armain.] „_,ML _n.b _____for

_ ow. RM_.V. 4. A. ru e. ‚ _ t _ _ b d C

Ш’- cwi-“i1 fmfiágirimGM-J ¿il ist... ..2233Qiiiiitsgendent i „Его; Booty-_l g’ood onlyroa'ccompanY-drf

tçcomnry]- Crifbing,[ßruifing_._| Curaßcr,[Armcd(perf.] Ho с

[Oppoíite] с p.byComprc(lion.] [папа/“(З _____fh _

ru . . _ _molrìîlrverfe] ~ _ofSbel-jífb. PP. IV. Curare, -SLSulâoratänate âl’rieß]

contentious] ­o)_fßr_e_ad_,_ [O1it-fide_.J сию In e

` ‚ p. ar . . _ __ _

[gigi: iene] criyìaceour гаа’д. PP. IV.2.A.] [çohibiring( art) of gerät]

Evcn`t(carr.) [adverůty] crutch. (.oiëiäîigg ищет.) ri

ofaàion. [ñs- gf Mag.1v.4. »__-y- С i i [___

ro-[Fruůrate.] Statïo ame_(perion] __ cui e,[ (‘путь .

of inflrument. CUPMZMPÍJ), [Secret writing Cure, _Re_1ea_t crm for

rfi-[Spoil] _ P (‘п/141. St. II. 4. (но) _. Sou r, L c р

fp.'with tranfverfe line.) Cu. _ _ Souls.]

CroftbilLBi.IV.5.A. [Sign] Curzoßr). _




Beaui ,fair m. l` Diligeìi'ice ŕmgiih]

op. to Science. Ha. Vl. LE.

Nieenel's] Man.Il. 6. E.

Intempenmce. Man. II. О.


“to Dainties]

Carle». Bi. VIII. 9. ‘ ‘



Approved] _

Adi. Culiom] RC. IV. r. A.

Common] TMJV. 6. A.

Ordinary] TM. V.3.



{comb} o.v. 9. o.

fp.l­lorl'e.] _ .

_combe, [adi.Combmg (mil.)

for Horfe.]`e `

[Prepare Leat t.] ‘


Fawn for.

Endeavour corr.] for­]

‘ urrifb [Dog (МЮ)

urfe. `

Aâion ofGod. AS. I. 3.0.

Aâion ofman.



cuff). АС. v. 4. A.







Fierce] NP. IV. 4. O.

Angry'i Man. I. 9. D.



[shadowing (veû) before

adj. harig (apâ]

Ladj. a. Brcvity] _ .

Сити/ил, [Common ad). Forni

cator (fem.]

Currle- x, [Short Swank]

стыд.) Mag. III-1.0._Cari/e.

Carver. ГGo leaping]

n. Po. И. 5. A.

[Poinn] Mag. “А.

ìindy. ‘ " _ [8m]


Imprifonment] 7

С от

‘ iif¢.iìc.Iy.i.A.`­[Habit] -' ­

Manners] -f'

[Pie of M'ilkandEggs, Currie-ffl: Ex. lX. 2.

[Tribute upon Merchandize.]


ln buying or felling. RO.IV.6~



fp. by edged (thing) inter



Lunations rerum]

судне‘, [Swan (уста-1

Cylinder. Mag. III. 6.

Cylindroider. Ex. VlI. 3 .

_ Cynical.

Body,fp.Conlillcrit.Mo.VI.7. [adb D (liked

Earth.` Momie]

[Dig] Cyprefr. Tr. V. 6

waier-[Furrow for-_]


Sttïïne, 8‹с.


[Grave] D'


Fell] _ ‘АЬЫе, Move fre . in wet[Prune] l! (nini-g] ‹ q)

Animal, _ Dabcbick [Lyclapper] Bi. VIILyi

[Wound] Dare. i‘i. IX. 10.

hoffe-r [-wOul'lds lrim- Dllß‘ddil-HL- IV- 4°>

felt] Dag, [Gun (diin.]

[Lin-a. Teflicle]

Parts excrementitious.

Dagger, ., Short Sword (dim.]

Daggle, (ад). a. Dure (clim.]

Pare l .t i: ` .'Shag] Day‘p li Margin]

Clip] 24 hours. Mea.V. 5.

Flelli, Sec. Анд-[а11]. Ecliivityn]

Mince] io-[In this-­]

Chip] Time of Light. Mea. V. 6.1

Slice] ._break, [Day (inc. ] l

Pl Slalh] I _tìme, [Day (‘под

am or Line a. nterl'e. ‚ 'l'crfeтоп-1 i E broad­­[ady.{ мат?“

­Room, [a. Partition]

_a taper, [Lea with Lcggs

trembling Gilze]



.1r-­[l.ateinrheà'] '

Virfìory] RMJ'i. r. E.

[мух-тип, [Arbitraton]

Daily, [а11]. daies [legn]

Dainty, Nice]

‚ ­ [_Acriiiiouious.’ _i Sullename extraordina.`mg’{ [Intenfe] j r’y .] l’r. Il.

M_mde Dm’ .

1 a. Grief .

[a.An er }(“U8ml

Elìate, а. нм.)


[a. Short]



-ojjî [a.Scparate.]



[А]. Milk (kind.]

1 adi. Milk [room]

Dale, [Vallcy.]


Playing] 0.0.

a. rondnefs] Mari. VI. 7. 0.

a. wanton] NP. IV. 3.0.

Protraâ] TA. III. 5.0.Dam- i

_Deltroy_. [Parent (í¢m.]

-purfe, [Thie _] ’ lmpedient ' .

—г!ттг, [Murtheren] ä adi. Stay (make }П‹1е‹3

[_Lot _ гд_{а‹11.а.1трсд1- with

Curie/e, [Skim PG. 11.3. outer- up a. Stay (ent}ridge]

moli] adi. Noble ‘

Cutler. Dame’ {ад} Стас} fcm‘]

Sword (mech.]

Fabrilç (mech) of cutting

(inni ] ‚| Robben] Í

Cumr’â [Swaggcrer] .

иди-ы. 1X. :.A.

Cycle. `

_of Sun, [Revolution of 28

years, in whichrhe Do

minical Letter returns to

bc the fame.] ‘

_af/noon, [Revolution of r9

years,in which the fame

Mîůl'ìS, [Maller [reim]

Dammage. ‹

LOI-SJ et*

Hurt` ­'

Damme: , [Fine LinnenofDa

ma nas] _

1 ‚ to­­-[a.Damafcus (такты-‚1

Damn. Y

as God.­­­Ha. I. 4.0.

as inan-V-[Condcmm] .

Damnifíe, a. Dammag'ß] y

Damy/èl, Young Celebsv

Damp. ' ‚

Subů. ­@-ß‘foi


Г)А `

..._fîeyy. El. I. 7.

—‘шагеТу.Е\.Н. 5. A. _

Adi fMoifuOäv. a. (dim.)

Damßnf [Plum a i. Damafcus]

Dancínblvlo. V. 5.

Dandelion. HF. III. 1 2. A.

arms.Dandnrj:I [Scurfof the head.]

Ракета”. HS.IX. 9.

Danger. 'I'. V. 3. O. t

Dangle, Hang fwing|ng.]

Dank, Moilì]Q.,V. 2.

Dapper, [Little nimble]

Dapple. щи. 7. A.


Fifh [Dale] Fi. IX. 10 .

Venture. .

[ад]. Fortitude]

[ад]. Bold] AS. V. 8.

._lm, [Fear]

[Challen e] RM. I. 2.

-larlnn [a.Feat [malta]


to the SighLQ. I. 1. D.

to the Llnderiìanding. D. III.


Darling, [Мой beloven]

Darn, [Sow knitting (ll e.

DarnelfHL. Ill. 5.

van. цм. v. 5.

Meteor. El. l. 4. A.

fp. Fluid againû harcl]

ot Hard againû Huid]

[can] Мо. vr. 1.

[Strike] Mo. VI. 4,

- [Write imp.]


fp. with worfe.]


a. Fall]

a. Hurt]


Вы?‘ parts (dim.)

nul оЁВсйгоуН

S ame

[adl' Defpair

Пилат, [Coward .]


Fruit. Tr. II. 4. A.

Time. Sp. I. ç.

»weigi}emaDaub, vid. Dawb.

Dancin, [Wild Стек]

Daughter, [Child (íem.]

._il Law.

} (make]

[Child (bfîmá’) Iby Añinity.] _ _ î

satisfaga s ìmughm] [ghief of Bilhops Al'felfors]

D E i


[smearing] _

[Deñling ySmearmg]

[Bribing] _

Dawl, [Dul with wearmefs.]

Dauning, Morning (|ncept.]

nandiprar, [Little (dim.)'man.] nav, HF, L 3, A.

тише, [Shaking (dim.) in ones great-Hl". III. 3.

blew-HF. Il. 14.

Daele, [a. Dull with Light


Deacon. RE. ll. 5. A.deptìvedï(Í Being.

Dead Power.

Wanting jïAâion.


[adi pret. Dying]

._pa), Гpay of'the

._ lace, [place Dead.]

_Not-adj. living]


Natural [Impotent]



[extafied] fp. with


-a ecp `[Dead (like)

.- funk ‘ through

_ {Sleep

Drun ennel's]

Vigor, [Dull]

Strength, Weak]

Tranfcendent, [lieruiiì]

-Aâiom ’


_waren Гид]. Pool-»]

Affe-¿ling the Senfe.


»_Colow, [Remifs.­_]


_.ofrbenigbr, [Quiet


ТайеSmell Iv’ 6’ О’


»_cole, [Nuked-_]

_nmll’ Kadi.Q. VI. x.-]

._nertle, [Archangel]


{за}. Dying (make ‚

Мог-11415’. end pot.) until l

death] г

Deafneß’. NP. III. 2. O. l


do [ад]. Aâion]

[a. Converfation]

[a.Buiînefs` fp. merc.

_berween, a. Me iator.

dilìribute, [Give (fegr.]­

d~­ 1

L uantity[(lìîr boanll] l


ритм; Changing

ПЕ‘ -


Proper. AC.I. 7. O.

Pu! ra­­ -.

l'adi. a. Die ('make]

[a. Punil'hment capital]



Death-watch. Ex. v. 6.

Debarr, [a. lnïpedieëm]

owne s

Debafe, mœnncfs (такс)


a, Contention]

a, Difpute]


Dfbmb (scnfmiify 1mm]

(343‘ îlìiotoufnefsj

Dcbilirate, [a. Weakneß]

_ _ l Vice L

Deboljl, ad). Senfuality



adi. Tempet. NP. Il. {peril}



Debi. ТА. Iv. 7. o.

Decad, [Ten]

Decalogue,_ t e Ten Commands

of God.

Decaying. NP.V.4.0.

Встал/ё. AC. I. 7. О.


a. Fraud]

a. Error (m2ke]

[Frufirating] -

fp. ones çxpeâation]

Be ide- l ex еда

[doc { Contra- f tiänf]

December, [Twelfth month]

Decent. T. v_ 2,

Deception, vid. Вещие:


a. Sentence]


fp. Sint

Decimation, Tenthíng]


à щёвёсъоышгс Chara

read acm]

[Un-conceal] y

Deck, Floor of Ship.]

re- a. Ornate [makin]

мы“, [a. Orationì ggg-gm]




[a. Manilell]

[a. Public]

_fon [Own publicly?


of the en ' ofNouns]


[a.Diverge] —

_ing Dial, [Ereà Plain

_ ollege (05.] whofe Surface is not fitua

[Sons Wife] Dear. ted toward North or

Один‘. Гadi. . Love [augm.] South.]

[Feat (malte] [ад]. rice (augm. [Avoid

[Difeourage] Бит, Sow knitting likm] [Decay]

Damm. I. 6. Dearrb, Scarcity.] TM. I. a. D. ;ing age. Mea. Vl. ;.A.

Вт!“ ' Death. »_a Nanne, [a. Decle nlion.]



даст/5‘). ation

[Obliquencfs] verthrow

fp. Downward verging] Defemríon.,

решат. Га. Pure make

[Boiling [Un-wor! parg]

[Boifd thing] DefeíLTM. I. 3. D.

fp. Infufron] Defeílion.

Decoy. Po. I. 6. A. Apofìalie]

Ватт, ЕВЁСЁПСУЗ - Rebellion]

Весна/е, _Dim1nifh] De ence, vid. Defend.

Decree. . Defend.

Purpofe] Oppofe. RM. I. r. O.

Sentence] Protection. R0. VI. f.

Ediâ] Га. P ' oner] В]. I. 3. O. ^

_ Dccrcment. fendent] И]. 1.4.0.Га. D

[Diminution] a. Advocate] RJ. I. 7.

[Lol's] ` De emícnt. 81.1. 4.0.

Decrzpit, Гadj. p. _St00ping. Defenjîve, [ад]. Defend.]

p. with Ago] _amm RM. V. l . A.

_agen Mea. VI. 4. A_. Defer.

ищем, [adj. Decree.] [a. Late [make]

Decuple,_ [Ten-fold]-before Aäion, [Refpite]

Decufjhrlon, [Crolfmg] Mag. IV.


—- in Aâion, [Protraét]

4. . Dfference, [Refpe&.]

Dedicata. Def). RM. I. 2. 0.

As to God, [Confecrate.] BE, Dqficienr. TM. I. 3, D,

V. x. Dfßlc. TM. V. 6. О.

As to Man, Honour ì (а. vice.]

[Give to the Patronage „ц vice {такс}

0f-] _a. Llnchall]

Радиус, Га. Illation] Drflne.

Deduíl, fa. Ablatum.] [a.Deñnítion]

Deed. a. Sentence]

[Aâion T. 1.7. Definire.

in 'very- [Truly] [Finite]

[Writing] RC. VI. 5. [Expte s]

Deem. даем“. D. IV. 3.

a. Opinion Dffnitíve.a. Thoughtj] Exprefs]

Deep, whole bottom is far from adj, a, Scmcnce]

Natural. (its top. adi. платы]

as the whOlC» De our. [a. Formcation]

deep. adj. TM. II. 3.] Deßuxion- ‘

:Ьг— Sea] Diltillíng]

thick. [adj- TM~ 1}. 5-1 Catarrh]

six-[Six in те} Deformir). NP. v. в. о.

as а art. d] De rfxyń) Г

a j. Inwar Di ur e

дым, [Dark (dim.)-] Pay? 1

—5‹жт!.0‹11[..1.1). Defmu , [2. Fraud] ~

N _ Гhidden] Deßmáf, [ад]. n. pret. Dying.]_ ‘man [ObfCUN] Degeneïare. _

[ад]. under] | ГNot-ancefìor (like]

[за]. bottom] spurious]

Tranfcendentai,[adjlntenfe] редтгеж] VI. 8.

­fleep, [Slcep(int.] yDegree. T. VI. 6.

Deer. _afper/òn. RC.~ I.

fallow-Be. I1. 4. ._in Uniyerlity, [Graduate

red-Be. II. 3. ` [thing]

Deface. ` Meafure. Mea. I. 9.

[Un- штанга] Deborr. [Dil'fuade]

[Spoil] Dejeŕ?.

l. Deform Down-cali]

Deflroy'] _a. Sorrow]

Defalk, [a. Ablatum] a. Defpair]

e me. Leif), Га. Go (make] '

adj. infamy Quake] ‘Вещи, _a.Condefcenñon.]

:n.Calumiafy]ì Deity, God (abßr.]

Рейн? [De c ] [No Delay.

._o гамме, t аррсаг- Lateandgeî] ‘ [3’ {Slow} (mikel

Defeat. . difpolition, [Cunâation]

‘Т?Ёщ‘[Or „и З


_before Aäion, [Reíìńte]

_in Aéìion [Protraâ]

Dt'leŕïntion. AS. IV. 7.


[ад]. p. Subûitute (perfon]

( Put

[Inßead` Sent (‘РНК

` Tudging °n'.l

Deliberure. AS. IILI.


[Conñderatcnefs] Ha. IV. x.

Slownefs] NP. V. 9. O.

Dclibemrion, vid. Вашими’. y

­ Conliderately]

uw," {[Slowly]


:ldi- а. Deli ht а t.][adi Pr. IL] ( p

Tender, [adj. NP. IV. 7. 0.]

[Over-neat] Man. II. 6. Е.

_x, [adj. Pr. II. [thing]

Deliciour, Высшие)‘

adj. {Pleafure _â Caug']

De ight. AS.IV. 7. ’

ВгНлеме. .


[L Defcription. D. IV. 3.]

fp. by Lines]





Посад: NP. II. 2. О.

Frenzy S. IV. t .

Defiver, [Motion (met.) of

Poífeßion of .'Ьс{ Ропсгчочсг }а ш'пг]

from one perfon to ano


._things. TA. IV. rg.

as lntruûing, [Depoñte]

as Paying, [Pay

as Difclaiming, Relign] _

_words Рад, Narration]

of Doârin, _a.Teat:l1er]


-by Mouth, [Speak ]

_by Pen` [Write.]

_mediately, [Tradition]

RE. VI. I. A.

___-from better to worfe]


[Dereliäion] AS. 1.5.0.


Involuntary, [Yieldin'g]

Voluntary, [Betraying]

-from worfe to better]

Temporal. [AS I. 5.]



a. Efcape]





fa. Parturition]

ro be-cd, [Parturi'tion]

Eternal, [Redemption] AS.

I. 7.

Delve, Dig.]

Dclude, Deceìve] .

Delage, Over-Howling]

ì ‚ E e e Пей/50”; ’

l .



» DE'y DE DE


Nlufìon, vid. Радий. 0ер1оге. [BlnkClP PLU. l. A.

Demand. _ Sorrow (aug.) for] fir-_1"­For ske] _

-to know,fa.0`uc{`tion.] Shew [оп-от (nug.] for] Defmioii [Forfakmg]

_to идет}. IV. 2. 0. Depopulare, [Un-pcople._] ШИН‘

_as Price. RC. VI. 2. A. Deportation, [Carrying into Ех- l. Worthy]

Dcmcizn. il C ‘

fLand which the Lord ofthe Dtporimenr,[DcmCan0ur] De ‘Кит!

Manner ufcs.] ' Перед’. P Ёпгегпа:11 Ш: L_

a. Detncanour­ Ut XICYD PPOmt

Dengcanour. AC. V.J [Dom] {1.31 Défi". _

Dgmgrif. [а._РпУа:Еус] _ In Afïcalßn. AS, v. s.

worthy (ahnt.) `irom Dignity, (вещей) In Words. [Intrcat] RO. v. 3.

lign-nin -froin ОШ“, flncapiicitatc] ИМ, А5‚1\‘_6‚о‚

Demi, [H5] `frouiordcrs, [De rye] Defk. _ _

Dmmmmon, _ [Swear] fp.before аптеке] [Supporting (rug.) for Book]

Demi-god, [God (дать) Depoßit. RC. V. i. A. Lßox to write upon] l

Demi-larice. Depra‘vc, [3. Evil такс.) Defolaie.

Demi'fe. RC. V. 5. Depreciiie. RO. V. 3. А. Solitary (гиды)

Demiß, Dcpreciaic. Not-inhabited]

Low] [_url-a. valor] adLGricf (швы)

Humble] (_Diminiíh the worth] Dcgmi'r.

Abjeä] Dtpreßori. _ Affcâion. AS. V. 8.0.

Deìnocracy, [Government by the Down-forcing. O. I. 1.0. sin, Ha, V, s, о,

Реорщ] [Sliallownefs] TM. 11.3-О- РеФепш’.

Demolißi [аминь] _ Depriue._ _ Рей. р. Defplin]

Demon, [Spirit] fp. Devil] [LPrivativc] Rani (gugmj

Demonífic, [inhabited by Dc- _of Pol'leiïion, [Url-pof- Ведите".

vils.] (‘Ё-1 Aiïeâion. AS. V. В. 0.

Demoiißriiie. ­­­0f_ord¢rS­RE~ V-2-0~ Sin. нм’. 5.o.

Shaw] Depth, vid. Deep. TM. 1I. 3. дважды‘,

а. Certain by Argument] Depumrion. Lad), P, Cuntcmpt fzln]

Dgmiir. fa. l urenefs] [реп-у

Hcfitatc. ASJV. 3. 0. un {а Scum] тир, Contain]

[Ask more for confida-ing] l " a. Sediment] _ Delfin.

' time {before’ anfwet- Перт, [adi Subflitutc (Perfon, {contempt}

Остин. (ing.] Dereliíhon. _ [Malignity]

‘так? — [Abandoning] TA. 11.2.0. Loon: (thing) {0,- ю ange.

Forma _l ’ ' ­­_­[0 EVIL AS. s. 0. one.)

Бей, [cavity under- ad). Dvfidc', [Mock] R). IV. 9. A. Amont]

ground] L_ _ DcrißÃmEMocking] В]. IV. De „kmh {fina}

дал‘: 0П’5 9- - ` ' `Lam. "Е Ste. }(h°“fe] Derive, [1. Derivative] Delßlìïym", шип’!

Deny, D. VI. 2. О. Deri'ufiti'ue. ТМ. 1V. i . О. [д Purpofe]

[tlf-Ha. V. 3. Derogiiie. \ „_ Fam]

Denim, [Admit-i мат-1.1 П rom-take] Deßini. [tml

ted member of Corporati-­ _ [Dimimfh] _ Denim“,

. . (0“_l f { Frame-:l _ fad`i.Defe&

Denominaig, (ad). p. Name P' Reputationf] adm» For ‘kcîà

(‘мкс’) _ _ ‹ Defc’mt’ l-a'paraPhfa _P] ‚ Peglio), [1. Deůnl ion]

Denoie,[a.Meaning.] Defcena', [Down-Irion] peßrugiorl. .

Denounce. Defcendent. R0. I. l . O. Amon of G0d_ ASa L ф A,

['Publifli] Берет. _ _ spoiling] ‘

{Threaten} [Down'luon-:l _ De ucruile, [Un- а.Deißry. O`­V.3.E. _ as о!’ Ground, [Down-obli- pmg.

Dent: Mag. IV. 3. 0. quity _| Dit-„verl

Denrex. PLV. 5. А. [ОсГсепает R0. l. i. 0 gumçoneeal]

Deiirífríce, [TeCth-cleamûng . (abñrg l [Maman]

(thing.] Extra ion] _ Denim

fp. Powder] De cry. {Hold}

Deoiínnd, [ad_j.p. ought Almfgi- fS__ee(inc.]_ _umu l),I RIN@ ¿_

ving Шипы - [ŕ inde by Sight] [stay make]

Верт- ГР- но“ faf- Defermine.

[Go] TA. Vl.x.0. петли, ['a.Del`cription.] Fiumi]

[}_«`|­0m.g0] DCÍÈU'PIÍOH. D. 1V. 3- A. a, рейд]

lD'el Defen-_ -the Liberty of the will.

Dqòendenr. ____ _ Merit. A5_ [v_ 8_ Q_

p. toA .o utc. TM. IV. . О. . 5 thi ._ _opA го Patron. во. ш. 5. Ё); Üd’j Worthy ïâabfllrgì Аж???“ [в рщвогс]

Depioffible. Пётр-Ваш (tliing._] :mothers [Sentence]

adi¿a.Gricf apt] Wildernefs. 'RJ "_ ‚А. _

ad" Mifefj щи‘- .N°fzißh‘bïrfd] umm. im. v. 5. o.

Demme’ [i J­ P-De pain] Nol‘lnhnbitablc country] pcie/f,

_ [Load




Louth (augm. ^ _ . . ure. Dil. HF. V. r. A.[Hate (швы. D'f'gmm’ [ища { glgâurä] Dilacerate, [Tear]

Demut?. ' Dial. ` защит.

[a..Ablatut'n] [Time-{hcwíng (inflr.] Ruin] —

fp. From ReputlliOrL] . fp. By Íhadßw. _— Suffer to decay]

[Undenfay] Man. 1V. l. D. Dialefi, [Language mannen] DiÍarc. `

[Calumny] ‘ D. Difcour e al- [a. Breadth]

Derrimenr. ‚ '_dlogue’ Conference term] [a. Ampliation]

[Lofs] D'f‘mf’f’f- Мг. IL 5» Отца’), adj. Delay] .

[Diminifhing] Diamond. ‚ Dilemma, Argument 243.21- re

De'uajlnrian. Stone. St. IV. L_ tort (apt. againfl both anfwers]

[Dcf‘îl’uâl'on] F'gurf» [Square] Diligence. Ha.IV. 5.

['_S oiling] ‚ _ fP-»Ofnot-right Angles.] Double-Ha. IV. 5. Е.

Dri/cj?, un-a. clothe] DMP", [Linen] ‹ Dil/ing, [adj.p. Favour (aug.]

Deviare, a. ptivativenel's] D'FPÍMHN?, [Tranfparcnt] Dilucidate, [interpret]

Wander] D'4Pb"¢"{f, adj. a. Sweet Dilute,[Rêm-il‘s.]

Err] _ ~ _ _(m‘lœ] . Dim. ‚ 'l

Denn.w.1.2.o. Diaphragm. PG. vr. g. Blind {am}

­­-’s bit. HF. 1I. 13. A. Didi), [Narration ofdays (Тег-1 inail. (dim.]

_3; din, radi. ‘Пр-до! earth] путь“. $‚ щ. 6‚ __„ф_

­­’: milk, Spurge.] HS. V. 2. Dlbble, [adj.Setting infin] . (Согг.]

De-uili/b, [a j_DeviL] Dimm), [Loquacity] [S'ght{(Dim.]

тигр. DIN', ndi- Mo. V. i. A. (inßr­] _ op. to brightncfs. Q51. 3.0

['Invent] rop ay .zr-Mo. V. x. A. Dlmeryìon. Ma I, ‚

[Contriye] ‚ __Off- . Q_. майке.)

Ву Wil , [Bequlath] Dlcbatomy, [Diviñonintotwm] Drminifbing,

fnign] Dicker, [Ien skins of ЬсагЬсг‚_] Риме тм.1.ы>.]

[Forge] D974”, ACJH. 6. ‚ `v. Remilïlon. TM. I. 8. D.]

д;__ y Dlßaron, [Chief adj. Authority [a Few. TMJII. r. D.]

[ад]. Craft [thing] _(Qff-_l More a. little. T. I. 7. 0.]

[Stratagem] Dilhonary, [Bookl for words.] [More­ a.remil`s]

[рагу] Ща’дррег, Dabchlck] Bi. VIII.7. [More_ a, few] _

Devoir. Diff- _ Dìmimltive, [adjl Littlenefs]

[Endeavour] [adn Dying art] Пётр/с.

[Duty] ­_­’r weed. H .1. x r. [burrowçdim]

De'uol've. ‘ _ D1"- . [Dent (d|m.] ‚

[Suceeffwe Putting] [Regulated "Яйца! (manner] Din, sound (augmg"Final ю- Ition] _l Council] RJJII. 5. A. Dine, adi, Noon-meal]

Dei/ated. Dif", [L Difference. J Ding, Сад.)

adj_ ‚ шт} Difference. _ Dinner, [Dine.]

Con ecratc ] Proper. T. IV. _ - f, Dint,[lmpetl1s.]

adi. Zeal] [D_lveríìty] T. HI. . . , Precinâ]

Devotion. [Dlffcm] Dmœß’r-B'fhop si [Place]

Worl'hi hab. а. Contention ‚ into- ‚Еда!) P ( З „Ищи „_ 3 О? цифр} ад). a. Waren]

Dew”. [Dllìinâion] Dxprbong. D. I. 3. А.

[a. Ravenous. NP. IV. _ Partiality] Dire.

5. 0.] ` DI cult. T. V. 4. O._ ~ Fierce'[3, Glutton] . Dißident. AS. V. 7. O. _Cruel­

up all] Difïufe. _ Di/eíl. _

[mfg greedily] [Spread] [Straight] Ma. Hl. 1 .

вмиг, [adì. Devotion.] мыса) Upright. Ma. II. 8. E.

Вт. El. III. 3. A. _ Dig. 0.111. L _tw-RO. VI. l. .

__claw, [adi Heel-claw] Digejl. Dirge, [Prayer for the Dead]

_g1-afs, [Grafs (kinde) a. Natural. AC. l. 5.A'­ Dirt. El. IV. 2.

Seed (apt) millet Chymic. O.VI. 5. ’ Difable. _

от] _ Order] l Un- a. able [make]

._lap, [lool-C Skin 0f tht Dig t. ` almpotence

neck.] Clothing a. Weaknefs

Dfxrerify. Adoming lncapacitate]

Agilit Digit. Dijìlbufr. .

Art. ¿perfil [Inch] [Un- a. wrong (make]

ie. [Inch [like] _ v Dìfadvnnrngc. _

[v. Death] vid. Death. Идите, [a.Digmty.] [Hindrancé]

a. Colour. Од. . A. Dignity. ’ L Lofs]

d_[adL Dicing infin] [Worthinel's]T. IV. 6. f Hurt]

Dìabeter,[Difeafe of Pißìng(exe_] High degree. Ha. 1I. 5. Dißlgree.

Diabolicul, [adi Devil. W. 1. тштм. ПЛ. 9. A. `Dilfent]

2.v O.' Ищи illnpeaceable] ,

Diadem, _Head-environing King [Ditch] Dlfallaw, [Difapprovct] AS.

(lign) Ornament] [Gutter] III. 3.0. . _

Diagonal. Ma. П. 3. [Furrow Difnnimare, [Difcourage.]

' . ' E e e 2 - Dif






i Spoil]Difílppoinr.

Un appoint]


ПЦ'лрртоиьА .111. 3.0.

Dlfarm. _


ГTake away Armg]

Díjîufler, [Adverliry]


Difap rove]


abdicare] _ _ Y

Dixbaml, [Un-_RM IV._\

Dixbelie'vc. AS. II. 4. 0.;

Dilburfc. TA. IV. 5.

Dixburtben, [Unlode] _

Difcamp, [Un- a. camp]


Out-put Cards]

Incapacìrate] _

. Sec the (Ы:

D' ‘ma Seen (make }fcrenc¢]


(a. Common fenfe]

Га} Difference]


[11п1ос1с]Г _

-a Gun _Umadp p. ammu

nition (make].­­]




From Guilt.

Р. Innocent]


[Ab olve] ‚ y

niffiplf, [mmm] во. 1H- з

Dìfcipline. .

a. Teacher]

_Good Government] Man.

VI. 5.

Church-RE. V.


Difclaím, [Abdicare] _



[Reveal] AS. 1.6.

[Un-cover] 0.114. O.

[Эти] ТА. I. 8.' Open­ O. II. 4. O.

Dr colour, a. Colour (corr.]

Difcçnrfir, overthrow]

Difcomfort. 0. VI. 3. O.

Difcommend, [Difpraifa]

Difcommodit). `




adi. Difcomfort]

adj. Grief(augm.]

Di content. \


_ а‘). Anxiety]

DI continue, [21. Difcontiml



llïìâgât ìfor fome тыс.)

I`l1n­a. cuflom]

_.: _чаши). TM. III.

-in Place, Here and there.

Sp. II. 7. O.

_in Iîme, Now and rhcn.

Sp.l. 7.0.

Difron'venicnt, [Inconvenienr]

Этап‘. `


-in Й’фс. Q_ III. 8. O.


a. Unpeaceablenefs]

_ a. Contenrion]

Dffcmr. As.1r. 2. A.



[Perceive (Ява)


www] — ‚Вфо’т’пуме, [Un-Lupara


Difcaurage. R0. VI. 2. Q.>


Element: of­­­ D. I. „

{Verbi-D. ILf

Com ex art: o ­

Gîafm’lmtical. D. III.

Logical. D. IV.

Mxcd. D. V.

Mode: of-D.VI.

Dirßmli/b, [пл-штат.)

Drfgnge, Vomit.]

Difgmce, Infamy.]

иди! е, .Цп- a. feem Quake]



l Difcourtejìe.

I- Courteñe. Man. IV. 7. 0.]

_ l. Maligniry. AS. V. 2. 0.]




Dì creer.

Prudcnt] Над/1. 2.Grave­ Man. IV. 6.

Sober" Ha. III. 3.

Di перил‘, [Diferenr]

Difcrctìon, vld. Dijìrect.

at tbe-If, [To be dìfpofed '

according ro rhc will of]


Еа. Difference]

a. Dillinâion]


Off-_'Aparr.- înmke]



fp. by Difpuring.]

Difdfin. AS. VI» s. A'

Dífeafe. S.




Troub e]



Un-enran e

Dienrnngle. [ln-entangle

Difeßeem, E (corr.

Disfavaur, Un-favoun]

Di gun'.

a. Figure (corr.]

fa. Deformity]

Dhfranchife, [Un-privilege]

Vel'fcl.Pr.V. .

Cbajíng-[aâL Table (vcfs.)

for Fire.

`Claur, Linen for clcaníing


-wa r Wa tail. Bi.HLÍÈÍÀ( g 1

-ofmear, (Meat (aggr.]

_ rp. aimed]

Dr/bearren, [Dífcouragf]

Dlfhevel’d, [ай]. pßorlfußom]

f .Hairs.]


y fad). Vice]

_ unchall]

DI стоит.



. Go our ofD'ßmb‘r‘ùe { Take Shíp.]

Drjîncbanr, [lIn- a. Witchcraft]

Difìngemgn), NP.IV.1.0. “

Drfì‘nlgerlt, [Un-inherit (такс)

01110111, jun-foin]

grqnnrg. [Un-ìoint]

щи We ad'.Di/Iike. ,f y Separate]

{ВИЗ prove]

ì Difp icence] i

Dl/locate. 'i

[ln-place ‘ '~ Place coïi'ß] l'

Dlflodge, Remove out of his


Drßajal. Man. V. 6. О.

llgrŕ‘maìg l:faàFealr (make

rma , a i.Adverlit an .Drïfmantle, [Un-fortíŕïeyär gm]


[îeparare Member from Mun




Реж! away

_ _Permit to apart]

Drfmourn. ’

Pin-a. ride]

Lln- а. iugamcnt]

Difobedicnce. Мал.“ 7.0.

Dlfòbey, [3.M2n. V. 7. D.


PIU ­a. oblige]

Lln-a. friend]



Lin-a. Series]

Irre ularíry]

pi mn, Abdicate]




Dífparil), funequaliry

Difpark, Un- a. Park make]

Diípajeb, Doefoon an рейса

L’Dœ] ‘[Per­

D i D I ._———-———’ Ц . 'i ­ д. _ ,_

l-_Pfc’forml ââgäítìéñrwc] ' D'ßá’dj. p. dißinâion (perñj

__0_<_>_i_1_.e___TA_m_ ___ птиц, [a.Argumeritati`on,] ggâîäëifîi] _

*Pcffcëllyà D'j'qâg'icty] Ordered (perf.]

mi puin]

_ Т ble . . .{Ècäcilvëyay прийти, Inquifition] D. IV. t._

а. Free (make l' _ fp- by Argumenß] n_enmìnâion]

{тату Ё D'f-mnk' k [.1. Difference]

Ki" Uri-3.11111 s] _ [Se irate]

Di/pend- TA. V» 3- l Sáilàeer] a. Period]

Dljpenfeleívc _l regard, g..

èaßegregate . D'frefpefl. 4- D- А La'_]udg'¿l]

È'Glïîpol'tlon adm Pro- Dägagffíe, Lun_ }S3[lSñC_l vwaîgìmífegn] .

’ .Segregate ‚мы D1_e - _ . ’.

lili... from Law. irc. сштв] [I‘Èîìgggcom]

Lic1§ice8..RC.lV.8.A. Вам“; [Un-a. POffCfS (make) D_ßìlâgeformity]

Dìfpenfarory, [Book o_fPharmr- Dllfféhbnîm [Рим-{сует mm3

ccu‘icalcompońnons ста“- [_LOHypocJrifie] [Зарина] — o

...afirmo Dfi @simeri realm,...Difperfe, [Scatter] Вт‘тё As'w'oä( al-gumenta- Nlad]

DIßIace,[Un-place] D’Jtfie‘z’êaâm", Di gi", [Amin]

DÍfPlA-y' D'ïß'efrU-íce fp.

[Un-fold] - .‘ _ D. l

горел] [Service (corr. _ ljëiââìcrmy] ‚

Diff/am. :dient (thing) Trouble (ив-1 _

[1n-plant -Sc grate] . [Arreíling] fp. ofGoods.

Remove La se regate] [Goods arrefìed] _

Dijplenfe. ASJY. 7. О. _ . _agr [ummm] штык“.

mfplegfufe, [шрифт] ЗШЁ’Д'ДМЪЩ [Hypocrifim] ein } “СМ

пе ¿l ` ' . ` 'ro oe; adj; dirpüccnt диет, [Seatter._] [зачёт]

doe' (ming) . Шла ze' [c] от! 6 D. fa.Partitìon.

1_ adi. hurr(t_hmg] l d ‚ 'v 1 Ь — Mind

Difwf.,[..nirp°rition.j [nl: ‘à ¿l «S- f „а“ ì (Segr.)De a l . o I . f . '

[@,Ííâůîyi T.1.6.A. [âcpmâîgnńon] nilllifïfgrcgm

' Natural. lfngâîg 1 [Region]

l. ynon] I'Govammgnt_offre Mimi. NP. iv. [счёте] D_jmß . ‚

—-0)‘г”"3"‘1!- . a' um In thejudgment. AS. Ш.

re[p.Individ.NP. V. D1 ‘Мг-1 fs] 4. О. ` .

refp. Species. NP. VI. Seguí!) In thc Affeâion, [Diñidence]

а i. À I ‚ _ . . _ _A i111типами] ASMLL u_lßlunomvglà DlÉuM'àkñ] TA.V. 9. O.,

. [Habit] (inc.) 11a. A. парт‘? [nd ] [Q_ тракт] 1.11.,.0.

[Habltl H" 'èn Ёо. V. 2.0. Dijuuire. ‘

{lietiotnlITlÍ 1. gßuíî‘gìà [of , Syllables] [un-unire]

сЁЁ’ЁЗ‹ь‹;‚„;д Di 438,15“ 0f fPmß'f’S 0m' „цитат“!

APPUlnÈl стыд ` [un­ a. cnfìoml]jf

. __ . egrëàigëlm] Di 4nce._ l o [Dìfcontinue сдаст]

дм] ~­4f"l"'" Sg” hat.. birch.[a.Segr¢g?f¢] .`_°fp ш‘ P' Farrow]

a. OrdeLl con] [Gutter]l

¿Seriesj LT [den] мы". F.VII..6.

:.Place] LAY‘T.“ nec] Dimm). HF. VII. 6.

Dif ff., {un- ад)- a. PO‘TJS _ D‘flïl‘c‘s ‘I ,__ ...Md-[mundial Hs. .

make.] D' emma. LA. _ i

Díjpmìfe. BO. V. 8.0. ¿s s‘ L 4- Dim’ ЕЩЁ-да ad). p. fing.

D'g’ââriiuttful (thinßl 1’9'9”"°"’ Dit/4153i?. ‘

...i Меж" `D'Afl’f‘l’o't'io'." рт‘ ' [Difeafe of dropping [Separate]

\[Proportion_(corr.] Dive, мод. 3._А‚

“щиты” chymic. о. v1. в. nwel,vid. Dewi. Dim'

‚ D 1


i DI DO D()


DivenBi. IX. 8. Docket, [Acceilory writing] [a. Sentence]

drinn-Bi. IX. 8. А. Dollar, [High‘eû Graduate] Door. Po. IV. 2.

Diverging. Ma. II. 7.5 Detlrine, Taught (tliing] _I_¿eepeß [Guard at door] _

Di‘uerfe. Document I.earn’d.] withiii_.t[Within the houle]

Various. T. IH. [Thing to be _Oblerv’d.] without-r, [Without thc

Manifold, [Many Grind] Daalder. HF,VII. 17. houle]

unlike] TM. V 1. 0. Dodge, [a. Lightnelsf] Ha. IV Dor, [Beetle] Ex. V. 5.

Light] adi. Ha. IV. 7. D. ‚ 7, D, _ Doree. 1‘1. IV. la.

Moro {11161- Man. IV. 7. D­ Dodljn, [Lealì Машу.) Dormanr._

" Div:rji_(i`e,[a.Diverfity] Doe. _ [Sleeping _ _

Dìiierjìon, [Bclide-turn] [a. pref] [Nm { а ing]

Digrelfion How-you ? [How Ire you ?] ' lhewn]

Recreation lp. in Health] a-[Beam]

. Diveijiry. T.lll­ Aâion] Dormoufo. _

Divide,.vid. Di'uißoll. l“ Buline s]_ [Moule (kind) (im,

Dividend, adj. p. Divifor Have roŕwirb, adi. llceping apr,

lthing] ç a. Bulinels } . h] 'llffen Basken] lp. to be carri

Di-uíne, {_ad). God] a. Commerce W“ ed on the back.]

d_(ad). RCJI. i. (perfon) n_[Dàer уст.) Dorfrr. [adi Sleeping (room]

__',`P,.0]Q.]]í0„_ RC, II. 1. . А ion ’à _ Doryclmium. Sli. IV. 9. A.

____ Doing: Preparation Dole, [Proportion]

[мигать] _ R]- IU- 1° A- Dog. fli’- OlMcdicine]

' [Conieäuring] AS. Il. 7. Beal'LEe. V. 1. _ Domy. NP. ll.2. 0.

Diińniry _’_r bane. HS. IV. r4. Doral, _adi._Dowry.]

[God (abllfj _ _ ‚ ирпдьгьнзл. 8. DON" ‚ [adil Doting (perlon]

[RQ Il. L {SCICUCCJ _bcrrry.Sh.II. 4. Tree.

Мышь —’: graft. HL III. 5. A. Doit, [a. показе.)

11110 kinds. _’t tongue. HL. IX. 4. A. _om [a. Love (exc.]

Exaůly. D. IV. 4. _’r ioatb.‘HL. V. 2. Dotterel. Bi. VII. g.Not пишу. D. IV. 4» А- [Andiron­ [Supporting Double.[Two (kind.]

Into parts. _i ‘ (jug.) or fuel] _diligence. Ha. IV. 5. E.

¿.Part] iii-[Follow privately] _leaf, [_Twy-blade.]

_2. Scgregatc] _r'illn _ranging [Horfe tongue.]

Into Parties. Grenier. Fi. 1.6. ­ — _www . ‚

а11-115009111 L.f]er.ri.1.6..i. _om ìHyPOCrifie-I

a. Contcntion] Segr, to ­­

Into Places. _ _ [Star call’d the-_] [a.Double]

[a. Separation] . [Star(aggr.]call’d, 8tc.] asl-lare, [Back-goe in the

a. DillanCC] _ _. _ _daie.t, [Daies in which the lamewayz]

In Arithmetic, [3- Dlvlfof‘] Sun riïes with the Dog- DO’lb/fß ’

In Muße, [a. l’araphrale ’ Ilan] [Clole (velt) for upper part

­ tune] ‹ bogged. _ of the trunk.]

Dìvijor. TM. VI. 9. ` [Perverle] [Counterfeit gem]

Divorce. REJV. s. _ _ j [Morele] Doublingr of 11g/l, Г1;`о1‹11п3в_]

Diureiíc, [adj. a. llrinmg Doggrel, [Sorry.] Doubt. AS. Il. 5. О;

_(makcï] _ i Dogmari'cal [Pierce] Ha. III. _fulL Didi. p. Doubt (apt.] ­

Diurnal, [adn Day] _ 4. D. i _lefr, [adv. Certain]

n_[adr Narration (thing) Вон-(ай. p. Alms [thing] Doucet.

_ ot` News] _ ——}1‹1!‚ adi. Griet] _of Deer.

Droit/ge, a. Public_(m alte] _ Dolar. Dove, [Pidgeon] Bi. IlI.r.

Bigard, adi. рост; (рег10п_1 [Grief] Ring_ Bi. III. i. A.

Dray, [a 1. Giddy. S.IV. 5.] [Pain] Stock-Bi. III. 2.

Do, vid. Dot'. _ _ Dolphin. Fi. I. 1. A. ‚ Doughty, [Valiant]

L‘o,_Buck.Ee. II._4. (fem.) Dali, [Dull. на. III. x. O. _(Pcr- Douzfmljwclvc]

Doei . _ lon] рапиде”, [Widow][adp Leari1_(apt.] роте/110. . Dom’. ­

Lad» Ñlgaclfy] ' ['adi. Houle] [Bread not balted]_

Dock. . [adi.RO.] _bal¿e¢l, [Scarce alttd]

[13cm] _Mar-i. IV. 3. 0. ад). Family. “Q_ HL 5_ Q_ [adi p. Future bread>

For Shipping. Domineer, [a. Inlolence.] Dower, [Wife’s revenue.

[Hayen [dim] i Dominion. Down. _[adi_. Building (place) for ‚ [Power] [Downward vergent­

Ships. _ _ [Authority] ‘ Under ide.]In thepo errors, [Dent-_] Donation, Giving] [To‘v‘rd' 180110111.)

[Tail] l’P. VI. 6. A. ‹ î Donatie/e, _adj.p. Give.] Prep. V. ъ

io-f _ _ r . ‘ Done, [adj. p. Añion] Bear­­ b.]

[Off-cut _the Tail] i [bave-_[1 am adi. pret. __ Bronk.- b.][a. Short] ’ Aâiom] Gti-»_ ` Гром‘ g.]

Herb. Hl‘. I. 1. А. ' . A{Finilliing.] ¿Pull- 5 p.]

buf.“ ~ l Donor, [adj.a.Give [perfon] Sir_[Sit]

gi‘fflr.- HI.. VI. a. l Doom. [DOWnWilfd

_ lirile_l»lL. VI. :.A. ' i [a. Judge] _100k [Guilty 900k]

1 ì -flgÍJI'

Dit Dit i Dit

_,igbr, —рЬтп, [un a. root, 8m] 'ff-_' ь mi

_adi. Perpendícular] _waren [Lift, _&e.] ° h [Díráëiclìtdscmńall‘t’izhly po ng

>adj. Sincere] _ SINP-‘i [—15 dcepmt e [Ruhe]

_Stream [With the Stream.] waren] f DNI:

[Decay] Take into it fel .In [Pr-cpan]

[Hill] [Breathe] Mo. h . w a. Butchcry

[Sheep Plame] suck “P bm" 1 ' ‘ ЧМ", a.Co0kCfY ì’

Mois or Hafir. Plí’iavlìa. A. [s 6.fD. {ската

Dom' , Wi e‘se te 5 nu __ .

Шх’ЗЕЕд]. a. Fotnication [ferm] _a rer, [Hunt by Smell.] aî‘éllooftâc

Daicalag), [Sentence ofpraife] j Suck] Mo. 111. 3-0- а. от":

[Wicked Drink] AS. Il. 2. О. _ P

D745 }‘W°man­] another “me’ [Индии так: out of { ‘t’ lace a. Surgery

DTHCO UOÍaìII. El» L 4- у I ad ‘ Dnßèr, rcookis mbk.)

Dracunculiu. Fi. III. 8. A. ._bl00d, [Ъ Ы,“ DW ~

Duff’ ~ —ш” ça' LoL-l Arid. adi. а”. 2. D.

[Mca‘áol' 2mm] ëoiit-takc-:l ['I'hirllyÍladLAC. 11.2. I

[шага gleñflement {thing} __fmrd,ltun_n,eůth.] Наташа} ad).Man. II .

ш" [MiaJ i? _ïii’i’ [Out-Pu “l [interv-d] iai. Мап. 11.4.0|1’- Agteli1 't' Virtual. `J‘Íß' i . шьапь

_pien [Net (inllr.) for fifhing, [a. Exhalation] _ concealed a

adi. р. draw [apn] Metonym. lììffeâ by Motion. шт“.

Drame-mil, [Sinn] _of the l’ingers. Sum (dim.)

“т”. _my сии") [par: «11111.J

I‘iih. ‘ _of the”Needle. D", t

Infcâ‘ _dor - Drivin '

_ßy’ Ex. IV. 7. _Of PCH 0r PCnClL l -ofsnoëv'l of `togcó

Plan" т In 8 A _: ther blown] ~

—ПСВ. с o _ _ f _ _ ­

_wom HI.. V. 9. ——- writing,h [a. ‘та ggd-1 [Be driven]

_which ­~i> _ ‘те-1 f Dri/,_

[juice of-Tree] ì _dos [EMPL IP" Y] „_

biting-[Tartagom] -Ñwli [un'a' 8"“«1 [here]

Snap-HS. VIII. 6. ­­­out. d [утка]

Fire-EL I' 4° - [Exten a-[Boaring [infin]

_’c bead, План-1281011 point [Protra ] Baboon] Вы". ь

ofEcliptic bY’Planet toward Tranfcendental. Dn," ,[adj'p. drinking (thing)

adj' :'Nonh‘j Caurc' ` l d »_ing. AC. Il. 2. A.

__.’siail, [Interl‘eäion point ­bloud,[a~ В CC d_[Refcaion-j

of Ecliptic by Planet toward Occhi-10"] Drip.

adi. a. South.] i ‚ imp_uli'ive] [L Drop]

Dro. [Carr-1 LPCW‘Í‘J Lßaiiel

Drain, [Trench for waren] [Enne-e] _ing

"—[Цп' а‘ water-l П “(И [adj. hailing [thing]

Dmke' rscduçc] Drive, from .

Bird, Duck (male.] [Qbfçmj move {mfom} it felf.

Gun’ La“ Urdnanœ‘] Beginning' Contiguous, [Thruflf]

DrFireEEl'lliŕ’ _liggen fp. with knocking] ' I

‘m’ ca’ '3' inc. ot conti nous. TA.V . ‚А‘

Draper, [adi Cloth (merch.] _APOÜ‘ÜC }( l N_awaj’gl-_Fr0m_¿] s

Draught’. “7;” }[riear [ina] ._back, [a. Retire_(makc]

wm -— ._ ‚ . __ IlDliîiwngglhíng] Dr «__-ra an Щи, [1‹1п1111(111с‚] ¿gli?B .i

Em“ “f We.“ ~ — ms i _.. The shi isМаша] J [adl'Dra-w n; (îerfgiitl-pull’d drivin-ll’ Е P

SMN-{Depth ofshiP “n” Box (.d‘m') ño e fp.when the Anchor lets

der пакет.) and in‘thru h (NIH _goal

Lakes, [Dunging(roon1] Drawers-,[Inncf t '8 '­ Metaphor.

am ‘14’- No» V- 3~A­ Pff-‘fg’ [camion] As. Iv. 9. o.a' Move ' ­ ' . _- rotruŕt.­

Draw’ {ъмо‘т (md Drum’. Ud" P' AC' IL 4' A MetáyiiiîlïScatte‘rl]

toward (Éhmg) п A Drive] [Dropping Spittle.

to it Гей‘. _ing.AC-. iìt‘lnc’ß] M___’__L“ go [hc Spin e о“

CefPcïre'illlj о I _„¢f;,{ {[Sioth] Мопс-511103111.) {dim}

’u . . . _ ’ 'n t0 ­

{ран (ем!) 4 В’ш- Df'wf» Ева‘ l”

...can ‚ . [111/01119111] 'IIVLVL 1. 0. Drin!I h а m.

ь?" }Еьпа Pulling-3 Di'tîicc‘liilm 1 TM. VI. а‘ о. [Èminiînîijçaflgpcrlmon

t ._ _ ‚

E_iwiiIge, [Lift by pulling.] [Medicinal drink] {aug}


то”. Га.ЦгЬап5гу.'\ ’ Ор. to Задает)’: Ha. III. 1.0,’ Eer. i .

Dromcd¢ry,[Camcl.`] Be. 1.3. Blunt, [Notad).a.Cut (apt.] _ofAnlmaL PG.I11,9__ А.

думе. ' [Remifs] . {rl-leer ~

[Bce (mnlc] Dulcimer, Mulical(inflr.) ¿'W’- _ Obferve }{end.]

[Idle(pe.rfon] Dumb» ` _Ofl’ot’ [Edil Hand [part]

n.001., Mute] AC. III. x. O. i _of Plant. PP. II. 4. A.

Га. Decay] _Not-fpeaking] го

[p.Dilcouragement (inc.] Dump. 3S сот, [To grow up to

Drop. НИ. t. [Meditation (inr.] an Earf]

Drop/ie. S.VI. 3. Anxiety (itnp.] _14nd, [a.Arable.]

DropwornHF. V. lo. A. Grief (imp.] Г :l E Sert-,Eén VII. 8.

water-HRV. i4. Mou e. m‘mg. х. V. ‚ A.

шар. [worll part] D“Í'»l:C°l°“r»°f{ Sec. Earl, [Noble ma7n of third De.

fp. of Metal] - to- [C’ome and demand gree.]

Drove. [adj. p. drive (aggr.] (freq.I) Early, ‚

fp. of Cartel] Dunce, [Dul . Ha. III. 1.0. [Soon] .

Drawer, [Caml-driving ( per- (perfOn-j adi- Mornìng Mea. v.7.]

(on ­~down, [Cat’s taiL] EarmRC. V. 6.

Drought, vid. Dr). Dlmg, [adi- p. Dung (папы Earnejl.

Drown. ­ -flß Ех. IV. 4. A, Adj.

Kill.R]. V. 7. M_Mo. IV. 9. A. Serious][Cover with water] `_1nd, [Manure with Dung] lmfnfc. n

тату. AC. II. 3. Dungeon [Dark prifon Diligent

Drudge, [c_operatìon (augmj lDuplicate.[Ccrrefpomlenttype] Zealous`

[v_ Sei-WHL] _ DurableI Permanent] Subfl. Не ge. М. V. 7. A.

Drug, Durance, Imprifonment] in_[Truly.] l

a '. 0. VI. .A . ( thing] Duration. Mea. V. A. Earth.udißorry (thing.l Dure. [v.Duration Globe of-WJI. 7.

Имеет, [Mcrchanto unprepa-i _ing туда), [W Не! [tay] Elementof_El. IV,

red medicinal [things] Нигер, [Affiiëlion ofbody] _nun HF. V. lo.

Drum, [adj. Drummer (inflr.] Duri. ElfIV. 2. ` _quoka El. Il. 5.

_ofthe Ear, [Drum (Шин Dgrry. . ‚—пюпп. Ех. 1.1.

_men RM. Ill. 3. adi. Durt.] с to-[into-a. Earth]

Drunk, [ад]. а. Drunkennefs] Rullic] Eartben Vejfel, [adju 0. IV. A....1rd, [adi Drunkennefs Druk, [Dark [dim] (уст) I '

(peri`0n.] Нил. Eafè.

_enneß Man. II. 3. D. Earth.El. IV. 1. — [Indolence]

Due Т. IV. 3. [Powder] TM.VI. 4. A, _tbe Bell).

[ад]. Debtor [thing] Pin_[l”owder of ñled pins] Га. Dung]

Dalí. Saw-¿[Powder offawed Rell]

[Knock] ~ [thing] [Leilute]

fp. with ЕМ.) ‘ Вт)’, [Due (thing.] Etz/ement.Dubiom, [adj. Doubt] Вид/Миф. 1v|;m,v,1l An.1nel0lenex]

Питер, [Duke [fem] I Dwarf, [adj. Lirtle.] Dungíng]

Duchy. [Duke‘s (place.] l'p,(p¢rf0n,'] [adj.Dunging (риса)

Duck. Bi. IX 2.A. _ela/er, [Danes-wom] Eajie.

Г’, ment. HI.. I. 1o. \ Quell. Po, I. A- [adi Ealinel's]

o-_ ‚ na ‚ ' f in . _ . `[Bow the head] as Duck. ] ЁгЁЁУЕЁСЩЁ‘ЁыЁЁ] Enfingŕc [adl'sœ'opt‘]

[_ çongee (augm.] , ofone lFamiiy~] Facility. T. V. 4.

[DWC] Пудинг)’. S. VI. ¿.A. . Plainnefs] D III 9

. _and man [Rcfieâ (freq) Difury, [Direare'ofpimngitdef 3 Credulit j ` ' °from the Waren] \ ' t ' _t 8l у ‚

Dunn. ' Ent. оёв 1C1ìl'.&c’(‘pt}

[adáââiggure (apt.) by ham- . Ёфгу, [Paßbver [dum]

D Бас‘). P. Ptl' IIZdC {dph} E ­ ‘greci AC. n" L A.

u geon. .[indignation] cßfzrrůlfrjgig‘ol’ltbïf.)

. FRSSÉgÉfBêîI-gnsword whore Een., ì[tiny (regi.) ...from [concealed (per

‘_ ‘ ’ _or er ’ ‘ ~handle is of the root of callygíìvery om tmpl-o. Eb. fon)- пешие (end)

B°X­_l E/lgëf- Down-tide]

Duel. RM.I.7. A. ‚ Fierce] Ha’HL 4_1). L Low]

р“!- PG- lV- 2- A- _ Delirous (int.] Ebony. ­Tr. VIILG.

fDulîìcâNoble-man of highell de- ìupdgry] ¿LL Ebu/lirion, [Bubbling]

­ ci . . ,Dull’ [оьшгсп InttnleQM 4 gilgfrìll'jl‘ic y[ild' RE]

[Sprit ‘1у- NP~ IV. 2.o. gagnent. i. _Re/...20m “Ъ ’

ОР'Ю ЗЧЩШОЦБ [Lazy Eagle?, [Eagle [young] _Oßïcerß RE. Il.

lgl'mf c[Luml’l _] Eem, Га. Рагшгшоп._] _Di/¿Fling REV,

\ W‘ ‘l5 0W) fp- 2S Sheep] _Mantiene RE. vl.


Erb?, [денек fonnd] El@ [Анд Embolden, _[a. Boldfmako]

Eclipfe,_ [Obfcurmg by interpolì- Lengthen }by Ad- Embvfl. [A от with protuberan

tion.] E@ “"Á Enlarge dition] ces.] '


ГР- 0f}Mo0il.]

Eeliptiek. W. VI. 3. _

Edog, [palloral dialog. Зонд]

Edacity, [Glutrony.]

Eddy, [Re-flow]

eEng . _Margin] Sp. III, 4, о,

Ridge] Mag. V. 6.

Cutting (apt.]

Se; one: reeib an ._ l: Stu

piñc _]

­wife, Сад". Síde.]_

Edible, (ad). p. Eat (а

Ediíl, RC. IV. 3- A.

Edifie. _

_[a. Building]



a. Bettering]

ijîce, [Building,] I’o.II.

Edition, [a. Public. (make.]

Education, [a.Nurfe]

__wordi'. RO. V.

­­deed.i._ “O.VI.

Eel. Fi. v1. 7.

fand-Fi. VI. 4. A.

-pour Fi. VI. 6. A.,

EjïabÍe, [MIL P. Spuk (abi-lh]

Едва. Т. ILO. _

ro ‘Мг-Быт!’ „

ofna­-[__adi. Fru rate]

to-[E cient.] `

ют1‹е— Event fperf]

теми‘, adj. а. Eñìciendapn]

Efemi'nare, [Woman [like]

Tender] NI’. IV. 7. O.

Nice] Man. II. 6. Е.

Eßicaey, [a. Eñìcient [abfin]

Eßïcienr, T. II. 1.

Eßi'gier, Piâura] a

Едим,’ [ад]. p. Exhalation

Elaborare, [ад]. Diligence]

Eline, {ай}. Info ence]

Elaterium, [concrete iuyce of the

wild Coweumber.]

Elbow. PG. v. 2. A.

An leEingang :l

[More- old

[Priefl] 1


Tree. Tr.III. 2.

water-Sh. П. i2. A.

Elecampane, HF. III. б. А.


_to do. AS. IV. 5._to Oñice, 8in. BC. IV. a.A

Eletluary, [ Мой‘! confißem im.

dicinal mixture]

Eleemofynary, [adi Alms.]


Embowed, [Archeeh]

Embowel, [Ни-[запад]

Embrace. AC. V. 6,

Етбгеп’, [S0ke,]. _

Embroifíer, [variegate by (0W.


Embryan. PP. VI'. 7.





[за]. Event] .

[adi p. Occalion]


Stone. St. IV. 4.

[Vein in the Fundament]

___: [ Tumors about thole


Emew, [Calfaware] Bi. II. 9.A

Eminence, [Excellen'cml -Emi'jjizry. ­

n [Sentfperfon]


Emißiim, [Out-lending]

Emmet, [Ant. Ex.IV. 5.

Emolumerir, Prolin]


a. Worfe] _

_Mari-in ]

Empale. R . V. 4.A.

Empannel, a. Catalog]

Empeecb, ‚а. Accufen]

Emperor, [King (augm.]

Empbajis. D. I. 8.

Ет ire.

lling (Масс)


Empiric, [Phyfitian [com]

Em lay.À ’ ’ ß

a. Bulìnefs. TA. IIL]

uit». TA.v.6.]

Empo'uei'ífb, [a. Poverty [make]

Emprefr, [Emperor ( ferm]

Empiying. O. II.7. O. '

Empyerna. S. V. 3.A.

Ему}. SLI. 7. A. '

Emulation. AS. VI. 3.

Emulgenr, [adi.Sueking.]

Emuljion, Milk (like) Medi

cine] › ‘

Етипдог)’, [Glandule ] PG.

II 7. A. ‹

Enable, [a. Able (такса

Enaíl, [a. Law (makie.]

Enamel, [Paint with melted Co

lours.] „_

Enamoreií, [adj.a.,I„ove.]

Encamp, [a.C'ainp.]_ _

Encbnnr, .twitch with word-5.]


Еле/Мг. _ _

[a. Oblique]

[a. Vergency] ‘ ‚

[adi. p pifpolition] ÁS.IV.1.

Endo/e. ‘



Enclofure.` »y

[a. Encloling]

Eßrußon; Рады,“ }роигт3]

Efl/boli, (А! times.] Sp. I. 8. O.

Egge. PP.V. 6. ‘

with Eggs, I' Impregnated

with Egge.]

' tir-[a.Impullive]

Iig/angine, [Role (kind.]

Egre iam, [Excellent]

Egreíi‘. l

[Going out] `

[Wa out]

Egret, Eagle [kind] `

Egyptian, [Wandring wizard]

Eie, vid. Ey. _ b

Ejaculiziion, [Prayer (dim.]

_ ‚ fp.Sudden.]



‹ [Un-8m]

Ei'gbr. Mea. II. 8. _


__ ry.

`bunalrea’, Sec.

Eirber. ‚

‘ [Any of the two] ’




Elegy, [adi Griefverfe (цех-С]

Element. Е!._

[Principles] _

­-­-ofDiß:ourfe. D.I.

Elephant. Be'. I. 4.

Щетка, Lift]

...ion o tbe Pole.

Eíe‘uen. _ __ (

E , Litte orry thinEligilîle, [îldL р. шва-8 1

Elixir, [Bell pam]

¿ Град]. Chymia]

Elk'. Be.lI. 3.

Ell, [Three foot and 9 inches ]

ЕЩЕ/Ъ. Mag. III. 8.D.

Elm. Tr. VI. .

}( Man


_ Spea ing


fp. Artificial] -­

' ornate у‚]Elo Hence, _

Speaking(art) l’erfwafive«

Ele. Iy.]

‘adm Other] '

[Befide] . ‚

­-­_w_Eiere, [In other place.]

Elucììiare, [Interpret]


Ebd", áfrullrate]

Eliiciibriue, [Diligent Пища]

Emaiiare, гад}. Lean ( malta]

Emariiizian, [Ош-Птица]

Emancipate, [Un-llave]

Embalm, ' [ l’rcfervc by Condi

ting] ` _

Emlmrk, [Into-gm]

fp. Into Ship] ’

Embaßîidor, [аду RÈ. fent (Of

ficer. АEmbelli , [a._Ornate (malte.]

Ember-wech, [Falling week for

Ordinatiom] n ' _

[ад]. Ordina [time]

Embers, Fired allies.]l ‘

Embezjl, a. Prodigaliryg] _ '

`_ Emblem, [Signifying piâurm]

fp. Moral.

Embody, [a. Bo y.]

F f [Fence]



[Fcl-ICC] [a. Obligation Enrercourfe.

Encomium, (мы. [a. Sponfron' Pal'fage]

(ad). атаке o, то“; [L pawn] [Reciprocal Conv crfe]

— Irion] Г а. Norg-.ige Bufmefs]

[a.Debtor make] Enterfeir, [Strike reciprocal

I_p. винте (make] ly.]

Engender, [Generation] p. with Heels or Ankles.]

Engine, [Machin] Египте.

Engli/b. [Between-put]

Engrafr, Graft] [Stratiñe'

Encompnfr, [about­{ Putting]

Encounter. `

AlTault mutual]


Encourage. R0. Vl. 2.

Encroacb firm] En G а О.“- 6.А- E ll , W ' Ьс(шшршоп{(ддт__\ ЕИЁЖЬ r ve] ищет rite tween the

incumben ­-writing,_ [write (pcrf.] Enmlu e, _Player (thing.

[Hinder {Гр with conl'ufed -commodmen Entermedd e, [a.Eulinefs.

[Trouble multitude] [Buy all]_ Enrermingie, [ад]. a. Mix:

Fm.' _ ,_[Appropriate] TAJ. z. [make]

‘ ‚' _ En mance. Enter ri e [F.flay.lŕxëxmmc] [il-Intenfion] Ещё, Éur‘y'] 1 Ã

[_ [Po the price.] Enferfaín'

[Bottom] Enigmntical, [Obfcured with Receive]

-leßn Figures] a. Holl]

Егсгпа! fuente Treat. Ac. v. 2. a.

[Infinite l‘l'lllUOI’h TA-V» 7- Entbrall, а. Sl2VC(mak¢_]

Caul‘e. T. Il. 6. [Polfßmon] Enrbrone, a. Seìzìn folemnly]

Enjoyn, [Command] fp. in King (place.]

Enlarge, [Large (make] Enrbußofm, [Counterfeited In

[Ampliatton] D. IV. 2.0. fpiration]

:o tbe-that. Coni. IlLx.


Deflß]Hmm] [More-L ‘щетка Enrbymem. D.1v.7.A.

[kunt] [Increafg] Ты. l. 7. E.. Entire, [Allure]

End‘mdge~ Enhgbten, La..L|ght.] Emi”,

[a.Lofs [make] Emmi). Encm (abrir-il Total] TNLVÍ.

l2­Hurt` ¿Mob/_fi il»N0 ‘C (make-3 Whole] NP. V. r.

Emi/anger, [a. Dangerous] ЁМ’тЩ- _ adj. Integrity. Ha._ IV.6.]

Endeavour. TA. III. 4. [Wrong (“из Entity, [_Being (abit. _

5.4i... [ViCeObûr-J anni., _P.nighttma e]

[a. Word] [Crime (‘Наш-1 _ [a.Name.]

Tp.Wrìting.] АС. III. 6. А. Enough, [SUmClCnCy-j Enromb. RE.IV._9.

[Accufe] _and ‘Мат’, [_Abyl'ldfmœ‘] Entralr, [боны] PG. VI. 4. A.

Emiuifí'lâ» a-ln‘lu‘ů‘lOB-l Entrance, [a.Enter.]fp. by writing] R]._II4 3.A.

Ena'i'ULHF. ll. x6.

Endorfe, [Write on the back

Enmge ad').=l.Ang¢l' (так?) Еттр, Takef

anni.: aai. Mich (mikel fpnilmachiit]

Мед] Enroll. Enrrear.

Endowment [a Catalog. Pray. R0. V. 3.

[Quality] [a. Regìflclï] [Entertain] AC. V. 2. A.

Tp. NP. Elßgn. _ Enrrcncb.

[Habit] [Sign] a. Ditch (make]

[Revenue] Colours. RM. III. 2. Llfutp]

Emilie, [v. Quality] Enfnare. ‚ Entry.

Endure. [Intangleн Ьу craft] [Erm-ing (913661

Suffer. | Take by sffafagem] _into houfc, Sie. P0. Ill. 3.А.

[v. PaíTion] Enßall. ' Enrrnji. _

[v. Patience] [a.Scìzin folefnnly] [De ofit]

cannot-_[a. Averfation'] fp. in Sean] [In ead-p-right (make]

laß, [a. Duration] Биде. ’ Етигпот, [Poifoned (make-_]

Enemy. ВО. lV. l. O. [Follow] Envy. AS. Vl. 6. O.

[Event] Environ.Energy. Е k D d b `_

Entnil alnherit (ma e a v. eÚ[Ef’ñcient {gag-_13km Series-l] [About put] _

Entangle. 0.11. LA. Enumerare, [u_Number]

E’Yefw‘f?, [а’ Weakncfs' NP' V- Enter. Ennncintion, [Propofltiom]

до] Errure a. Cuñom][МЮ-г’ put Enwrr’xp, lr.­wra .tl

P _

7. 0.]

Enfecble, [a. Weaknefs. NP. V.[Direct] Eolipyle, adj. а. Winde (veffel)

7- O.Enft’of. _ Eegin] TAJIÍ. 3. by Rurefafìiom]

[a.lìight] [a,Tea~ r [ino] Epnfi, [Difference between So

Depofit] RC. V. x. A. ._‘in „ё [Write-_] lar and Lunar year.’

Enßame. -inro bon , (из. p. bond] Epbemeridcr,[ßook o adi. daies


[a. Mame] -upon. (tl\ing.] _

[a. Heat [exe] _ [Polïeihon бис.) @bia/ref. S. IV. a. A. l

E"f""f@» _[_COlfiiOnj ‚ [Selling] Epicen, Of both Scxes.]

E’lfm'l‘l-l’ff’» [_i-Privilege] Enrercbangeable, [adLRecipro- Epicure, adj. Senfuality (pere l

cation] fon.]

.._„__-_d_- . i



Epioycle,[AccelIory Circle.]

nother Circle..

Epidcmital, [ад]. Nation]

Epigram, [Short Poem]

Epilepße. S. IV. 5.A.

Epilog. D. v.8.o.

apparition .

Epifcapal, [a j. BilI10p.]

Epßle. D. V. 2. А.

Epitaph, [Writing _on Tomb]

Epitbalaimum, [аду _Marriage


Epitber, [Adjunct word]

Epitomy. D. V. 7.

Epoch. Sp.I. 5. A.

Equal. adi. TM. I. 5.

Relation o_f-r. RO. IV.

Il. i.

Equality. I- 5



Equator. W- VI» 2


Equino ial.

and day] _- A

__с;„1г‚ [hquator]

Equipollent. P _Ow’cr

[0f equal Emçacy -

Equippage, [Furniture Этап

ner. ‹

Equitable, [adi Equity]

Equity. Man. I, n.

Equivalent TM. l. 6.

Equivocation. D. IV. 1. O.

Equor. W 1V. '1. ‘

Er, vid. Err. _ ‚




­long, [Future (dim.]


Lately, [adv. pail МВт.)

Rather then]

Ereä. ‚ A

а. Direa. Ma. 1i. a. в]

a. Build. P0. IL]

Eringo. HF. VIII. 1 .A. -

‘Umbelliferom-HF. IVJ 2. A.


Ileafl, [Stoate] Be.IV. 7.

I-ur, [Fur of Ermin]

«Em TAiii. В;



Wandring] ._

Sent (thing) fp. entrúûed]


adi. Err]

Falle] .

Eruptìoii, [Out-breaking]

Ery/ipelar. S. VII. A.


fp. Whole Center `is within

the circumference 053

Epiphany, (Рейна! ofthe Star's

Coming of upon-terms. RM.

Equi/areal, [Having its fides с

_:5тг‚ [Time of equal Inight

[At fome time] Sp. I. 8.


Avoid being taken RM.

II. 6. ‘ ­

[Pals not obferved]


event] . _

[т°'{ conñlcation]




Egt'ecial, [Principal]

EPMI _i .

Egionfe, [a. Spoufe]

Едим, _Gentleman ofthe шва. _

die rank]

Ello. TA.1iI. 4. A.


Being (abllr.]

_Bell part extraâed by Di~



гад). Being]

[adi Importance]

Ejfoin. _

[Excule for not appearing.]


ad). Steddy make]





Noblenefsfp‘of Gentility]]


[Revenues (aggr.]





пей‘: ,

Elaine. 'A_S. II. 8.


Eßimatton, _EíIeem]

Ejlival, adi. Summen]

Ejlrange, Alienate.]


Ejirídge. Bi. II. 9.


[Move vehemently] __

Etching, [Graving with corro

ding то“?! [thing]

Eternal, [ad).Evemeis]

Eternity, [Evemefs]

Erbe'r. EL'II. i.

Ethic, [ад]. Manners [am]

Ethiopian, [щ Black (рецепт)

erin., [Pagan]


Derivation of words]

[Derivation (art.]

Evacuate. _


[a. Purge


Avoid]l[Iìlcape] _.

Evangelijl. RE. 11.3. _

Eoaporare, [Out-vapor]

Eva/ion, [Evading]

Eucbarijl.RE. VI. 6. A.


E'ue. __ __

Be ore-day - _ _rTp. before ИЩЕМ]

Etiechilrr. Ex. II. :.A'.



[Equal] ' .

uantit[Of the fame'çâimbery]l

_ _ Strength]

Quitte:i [Having compenfa


op. to cid. TM. III. 5.[Plain] VI, y2.





­a.r, [AS. ]adv. I. 3.'


Now] _

Adv. pali [dim]

E'uening. Mea. V. 7.0.E'uen-ßng, [adi Evening wor:l



End. TA. V.l

[Effefì] T. II. 0...'

~­ofWar. RM. II.


` All'times. Sp. Il 9.

for-[adi fp. I. 9.

­­jince, [From that time.]

_.laßing, [ад]. Sp. I. 9.]

Ltfe-lajiing, [Gnaphali

um.] ‘

Some times.

так‘! anon. J

Frequently ‚

[Ar times.] Sp. II. É. Ó.

«ir-[Before that]


_one, Pron. III. 2'. .

-wbere, [In every Placa] _

_robin [adv‘.Total.]

Euer, [Salamander] Be. VI. 5.




Evidence, `

Adj. Manifell.


certainty] fp.manifell]

[Probation] D. VL. 6.

[Teñimony _[Writing.­ RC. VI. 5.

E'uil. T. III.2.0.

_at cafe, [Not indolent]

King‘r-S. III. 3.

Evince, [Prove]

fp.P ainly. .

Eunncb, [Un-te icled perfon]

Euphony, [Sound (perf._]

Eupborbium, [Concrete juice of a

Ew. [plant]

_tree. Tr. III. 6. ‘

-lhcep [Sheep [fem]

Ewcr, [Veilel for pouring water

on hands]


ei» .a ).Rigor. ' ‚ __

F rf o. [1211.


T“___.¿dj'pm'caj \Excl_u_j¿1ai_e_,_s Excluding the ex- Eranfp____._f_\_8i_i_1_l_._]_odc]

.‚ _ .

[a.ßigor] ‘,Excagirare, [Invent] Exorable, [ад]. р. Entre at

' Unmerciful ] ]Excommunicnre.RE. V. 5L _ [abfin] ‘

[вещам {Пас utmofi Ercoriare, [Un-skim] Ezorbirnnce. TM. V. 4. О.

[a. Oppremon] Ercrenrion. YMo. IV. 5. A. Ежи-Ш, _Un- adj. a. Devil

Exfiggerate. . Excrement. (Off. _

[a. Great] [Out-purged (thing.] ­ Enric, ad). Forein] RO.

a. Interi ion] [ад]. dunged (thing.] IV.3.

_add provocation] Excrefcence. _ _ _ Exŕiinfion. _

More-angry (ma e] ' [Out-growing gibbous [thing] Stretching] ’

Exiigildff- Fruit-like. PP. HLA. [Spreading

Swing] Excruciarr, [Torture.] [Opern ]

[Vex (endeavour] Ezturßan, ___ êxpagatîíq [Ylalk Ёжик-1.]

Ехд'г. Out-running ape . .. .7. .

Lift _ Digremon] _ ` Expedienr. T. V. 6.

Praii'e (тень) ЕхсиД’, [Defendent [thing] .in-[Means] T. II. 6.A.

«дышат {make} Битые-‚(защ-опгта‘тгГа- Е edition. _

Examine. _ ti0n_(augm.] Dil'patching] TA. III. 5,

[lnq‘lilirionl ÀS- U- 2- Exemirion. Travel] TA. Vl. 3.

[a. Oxiefìion] [Curfmg] fp. M|l|tary,][TrialY TA. II. .A. [Benouncewith Curling] Expel, [Out­drive.] TA. VI,

' ju icially, R .11.4. A. Едином [n.-forming] 5, A, _ _

Example. _ 1 _ofSenrence in Law. В]. Esperia?, [ad).p. Spend (thmg.]

ЁЖ’ШР “Г II. . Expert .linfìance. D. IV._8.A. _ . _Capit9al. В]. V. Spend]

“fOr-[Päd Coni' IV- _not Capital. К]. VI. [Disburfe]

O _en [adi, Execution (Off. Experience.3. .

Exanguiour Animal. Ex. Emmer, [Ilmlfìed (рсгГоп) [Eilay] TA. III. 4. A.'

Exzinimrire .with WilL] Habit. Ha. VI. 4.

[Difcourage (диета Exemplar. T. Il. g. Experiment.

Exnjperiire. - Exemplijïe. a. Experience (end

a. Intenfion] . Co y] adj.p.ElTay (thing.

More-angry (мака [G'Ve Infl)ance] Exporr, [adj.Experience.]

Exaurborixe, [a.Un-aut ority] Exempt. TA.- 11.4.0. щит.

Exceed. [a. Immunity] [Satisñe for Guilt.]

Excell] ` Exercife. [Un- a. Guilty (там)

Aboun ] [Praâife] Tp. by Sacrifice]

[Augment] [Doe] ire.

Imenfe] [Cul'ìom to doe] Die

[n Excefs] [a. Experience] End

E1n-l. [Ufo] time`d, ended.]

[v.Excellent_j] [a.Motion] — [Time path]

[.v.Superior _ ‚а. Recreation] Explain, [Plain(make.]

› [] Exercitarion, vid. Exercijè. Erplicare, [Plain (make.]

_lem.TM.}. 4.E. Exbnlnrion. Met.`1I.a. Explicit, [Éxprefs,] D. III. 8.

Except. [Vapor] Met. Il. :.A. t Ex lode.. ` _

Adv. [Fume] Met. 11.3. [Dìfapprove (augm.

Bcfide] Exbuuß. [Reieŕì difgraceíully

Unlefs] ’ ' [Out-draw] Exploit.

_im _ [Empty] [Aâion (augm.]

[Exemption] . Exhibir. [adj.p.rlìer£orm (thing.]

_to rule. D. I_V. 5. О. [Re refent] Exploration. '

fake-[Be dil'pleafed] [O er] [lnquifition [85.112

_Excefin - ' [Give] ' fp.byE ay.]

. Too-much. TM. I. 3.1i. Exhibition, [adi p. Stipend Expofe.

Vicious. Main_ll. E. thing.] ` Our-put]

{Шипы-1“ Er Пение, [a. Mirtli.] AS. llin-cover]

_ _'Dtunlrennefs] V. 4. adi. p. Danger [make]

Exchange._ Exborr, ГPerfuade] RO.V.2. Expojirian.

Bartering._RC-V­ A- _ Exborrarion, [a.Perfuade.'| a. Plain]

[Merchants Convention Exicrariom» [a. Drinefs.] QV. [Interpretation]

[plut] _ 2. D. i Ex jini/m'.

Exchequer. [Court of Chief Ma­ Exigen, ‘ [PÃSk gccufmgly]

здание‘; revenue.] [Occafion] T. II.4.A. [Complain]

Excife, [Tax upon vendibles] [Expediency] T. V. 6. Expouna'.

Excire, [Impulfe.] [Necd' [a. Plain]

lïatclaimv AC. Hl. 3. O. Exile. R . VI. 5. [Interpretation]

Exclude.Eximiour, [ад]. Excellent.] T. Exprefr. D. lII.8.

Out-flint] I. 4. E. -ion, [Speech [mannen]

Exempt] TA. 11.4. Exißen'te, [Being T. I. r. Exprobrare, [Upbraid.] 81.1"

ЕХСЧ‘Ч (аЬПг.] 8. A.

‹ ` Expul




Expu/jion, vid. Expel._ blear [are | [augm]

Expunge, [Un«write._] goggle } -ed rominent а Faint.

Exquijite, [adj.Pcrfe&nefs.] pink iittle (dim. _ing S. V

Exmnr. _ Apple ofthe-[adi Black Weary]

[adj.£eing] (thing) ofthe Ey.] [Weak]

Наш] _b_mw. PG.riI. в. А. вещам

[Adj._p._See (abllnj _1rd, [adi­ a._(.`over (thing) [Slight]

_ blic. 0f [he I‘1y-_l \ ­-hearted.

>Eorrafie. AS. VI._ 8. A. _ -feroim [Seeming (end.) to [Coward]

Eotiempore,~ [Without premedi- [сне] [Dii'lìdent]

radom] *bfi-gbl’. НЗ. VIII. 7- А’ Fall'.

Ёхгем, [StretcÃn] [Loop._| Mag. V.2.A­ Adi. ‘

хгепмп. ML - 'Polli-ure, [Stretch] __ ° [lêelìlaiiiïll]

Ёхти. Ma. A. [Clear]

xfemiate. _dea '

[adi. a. Little] F’

[adi а. Thin] Candor]

[Excufc in part] FAÍJÍC’- -lemeanouin

Exterior, [adi oui-(idc.) adi­p.Fi&i0n narration] Vcourrefie’

Exlerminate, [Exile] Lì@ [Añ'ability

Fabric, Buílding.]External, [adi Out-Tidm] 5P»

. FabrileIII. 6. О. Operation. O. IV.

Egtinguifh, Fabulour, [ад]. Fiâiom]

[Un-lire] - Face.

Annihilate] Subil.

Extirpaie. Member. PG. Ill. r.

[Un-root make-s, [_Change Face

Dellroy' (manner

xioll. [Prei'ence]

[Prail'e [augm] 10

Exìorr, [From-gain violently] -ax Per[on, 8tc. [Over againfl

­­­íon. В]. IV. 5. A. illnd]

'Extrat‘h _as Garment, Pr. IV. 9.

Out-bring] ­abour, [Turm]

From -proceed (make] hout 'a 1).,

fp. by Chymic operation] { шрифт“,

11n- [í Ly pertina‘ciou y.]

[COPY] Faceiioufneß, [Urbanity]

[Epitome] Facil.

«'-ion [ад]. Defcendenr [page]

(kind) R0- 11150;] [Credulous]

Exrraiudicial, [Ног-люки“) l'Affablc'

Exrraneour, [adi. Foreiner] Facilitate, [21. Eaiinei's.]

_ Extraordinary. ad). TM. V. 3.0. „шт“, [Crime (augm.]

Exiravagaiir. Fall. [Done‘( thing-:l

[Exorbitanq] мат. RC. lll. 8. A.

Iinpertinent _ „zum l‘aůion

[ад]. Digrellion] [adj. ’ Sedition } Càpt‘]

Extream. Fat‘litious. T.IU­7­0­

op. t0 MiddlC-'SP- Ш’?- 0- Faller, [Inflead-Merchant]

op. to Mediocrity. T. I. 2.0, Faculty _

[Excemve ‚ Natural Power]

lltmoil‘ _Moll-adi. great- [Liann]

nefs] FMA _

[Rigid] Mln- L l ­ E» [p.Tranlirorinefs]

[Defeůive] [v_ Decay() _

Exiremiiy. '_ Pag, [Encl corn]

[End] 5p, In, 3‚ о, Fagor, [Sticks (ведь) together­

[Mifery] l_>0und.] —

[_Tmiible (angl Fail.

Extricaie, [um-,angled [p. Fruflratc] TA.V. 1.0'.

мяты‘, гад). Out-fide. [Mifçîny] TA’ Ш’ 7'О' —

Extïu/ìon, [Out-thruiling. 1 rom" .TA'HI' 8'A‘

ЕхиЬсгдпг, [Abundariee. тм. (3559“?

l. 2. E. ' ‘ ‚Exudation, [0ut­fweating.] Infolvcm‘ TA' n" 8‘0'

Exulcerare,[adi. p. Ulcer [make Fain_._ _

Exulration, [Triumphj] 1 Ц iêlion]

Ey. ‘ Га. Seem]

.' _a. HypccrilieMember. PG. III. 2. ’ [Ягоды-‚миг ii, [I delire

_m9, [Not­durty­]

_Wear/Jer, [Wea- }rainy.]

ther not cloudy.]

_wind, [Profperous­-]


Marr, [Convention for Com

_rnerce.] `

­nig, [Given (thing) at

_ Fair]

Fairy, [Feign’d man (like) De



[Belief] _

_rationiiL Ha. Ill. 2.'

­religious. Ha. V. 4.

— ull.

adi. Fidelity.

adi. Ha. V. 4.



[Nor-adj. Faith]

Falcbion, [Short crookld


Falcon, Hawk (kind._]

Falconer, [adi. Haw (0111]


Motion proper. _ __

Down- a . _

__11о1и1‚’( Navigate wìith the


._in, [сете (ímp.]

__wnIJ, Together-come

(imp-fi ‚ `

fp. in Fighn]


-Leeward. ВИДЕ. 6. D.

Motion metaph.


_inband with, [Begin]

_to one: mear, [Eat (ínc.]


fp. adi. Fortune.

-in love with.

_._our,' [Event] —

~wìtl1one, [UU-friend]

_from higher ro lower.


_on knees. AC.Vl. 6.

_all along. AC. VI. 7

_in `


FA FA _ iA

И”„ _ (imp, [Manner] , _

b_nee:.AC.VI.6.A. [D‘fI’Qf’UOn {(corr. [Cullom fp.Co___n_imon] _

._„ii..10iig.i\»i.n. [0pmio_n]( ___ -ßcflòCńlfêläflni 'sure О

' . .1. .A. _ р. сог. .

ТЗЪЕЗТ‘РЬ. ЁЮГЫО‘Ч Аргюьагдор] fp.__C9mmonly accuflom

(ma) ' De Eamon', F ' e 'ISJI‘CIIC ofI'IOrfe

wood-i,[w.adi.p.Fellmg] Love] _ _ afliianr, i .

_from greater to lcfs , [Di- Faire, [In ex (inflr.) of winde.] Faß-_

` miniih.) Feng. I_Lßnsworhd ' ' Ад!’ d u 6 Е

Flefh--L Fantaße. NP. II. 2. _ Fixe . Q. __ , . _

_Hair-r. ищут, [Fancied (tlling.] ­­anollonfç_, Light- [ädb H*

_LgIJ-f, Faŕitâllic. С IV. 7.

__ b A ' mn. а '.Fancy corr. __ „P _andPii‘golíuaf’î um J .ndulßiï‘g }fanc 1 bzgl-{iholdpì'ÚM-l

W,„¿,«_;, ['p. Shallow. Following у‘ ty- [tie j

wind-f. liL Dim‘niflb ICOnCC‘F‘dncfS] Firm.o„.vi.5.

_from better to worie. Far. „ _ . [Swift] NP. V.9.

Qin-3 [adl-D'mnc‘l subit [Abneining from feed

{ APOÍIJÑC] [Ilfnmo‘c] ing.] _ ~

_i a . .[DeeP into] Fnylîslllîglous’ кв!“ s' o'

'_.i'ng Siclenf’ffi [El’ilcpůc] [ММ Fall [make]

snïit _ _ __ (мази [Tic —._' b . Againic- _uy _

„Engr ' [Миф day bcmgpan] музей, Place inaccellible.]

Dcnmâion] Lute-l ­ fp. t rough bogs.]

Fa lary, (adj. a. Erríng (apt.) iis-4:, [UntiL Ефим”.

Argument] F r fon-:äs’pëiîïemuc as] ‘ ’naul'eate

' ' _ _ д ce, vi . . _ _f'iîiiiïîîlîibit’: ot] [Mixture of into-.thrulled [adyaxsüpntemnâppn]

ro-[l‘irû p owing]j (things. corn

_dun B¢,[1,4, Puddingoä mixt (things] pan

naif.. _Scurril Comedy (СОН-1 _ornniii'ni PG. п. 7.

untrue. [adi.T.1I1~ 1.0;] FlYCbD’fçafe-f _Conliitution NP.V.5.

Uy] Fard. [Paint] _ _Tall or Smell. (L IV. 2.

wrong] ММ iAgeffgßçd (Мг) [vorrei] .iai/io.

5pm-ions fp. by P. mi] Fate. AS. I. 2. E.

[Forged] ЕЩЁ. Fdïdl.

[Trggchcfous] DICI. PI'. I. ridi, Flic (Zbßl‘«]

Fiiljliood. T. III. x.0. [ENDI ‚ _ adj.a' Death.]

“Шла, .Fall'e.] _well I. питают] Father.

Быт,“ . Faulter. [Carriage] рад-ст, 50.1.2, (mailed

Fame. 1 Wafer-J j 11.7,

Narration ' . aggr- _l , adi. `ather.[Commoni Битов] [Cam‘d { ‘рифм?’ _li'tfnE Un-fathctejd]

PraifeCausmJ ГWages formulae: 4mm, Father by Affini[Common{ Reputation] [Tower for direâion of Navi- ty.~

Family. gators] fore_[l'lrogenitor.] RO.

Гœconomic relation] R0. Farm. Po. I. l. _ 1, if, -

Kin] non. reitero-[Hiring] Fqßof_no.rii.2.

Houlliold] [Houfe (aggr.] letto-_[Demifing] God-RO. III. i.

Familiar. ~ Farra. FIJX. . Godtbe-G. I.

fadj,A¢qiiaintan¢¢] Ferrier, [Phy itian_f_or horl'es.]_ parka," ¿Fm-n]

[ад], Cnßîgà] Farrow, [a.Parturitiom] Fatigue, a. Wearinefs

_Spirilg [ evil.] fp.ol'Swine.] _ (thing.]

Fnmin. F." {Byinto-thrufting] Faucet. Pr. V. 7. A.

Food web] рту?’ E I ‘ (COU-J Func/Jion, [Broad Í`l10rt(ÍWOId.]

Want of food] Farr. Mo. IV. 2.A. Faucon, vid`l Falcon] '

Hunger] Farther, vid. Further. Fault,

Fam/"jb, Рита] [Morbflr] [Defeâ [com]

Famous, _ad).p. Fama] _mq/i. Sp. 1I. 2. D- [Evil-aůion]

Fa", adj. a. Winde (jug.] _ More] _tapiiaL В]. III.

_.. or Corn. [adj. winnowing Alfo] _not capital. В]. IV.

(jug, Fartheß, vid. Furtbçß. ‘ finde ­

Fixnaticalne 1. Moll-far] a. Cenforioufnefs]

Pretending Enthuliafms] [ада Reprehend]

Fiercenefs in Religion Mo ] Blame]

(сог.) Fariliing. Mea. IV. r. pau/ier,

Fancy. ‘ Fafcinate, [a.WitchCral`t.] Stainmer]

Faculty. NP. II. 2. fp. By look] Stumble] .

[adi: Fanc reprefentation] Fn ion. [grr>

[Irrational amp] Figure] Fail]




{Пей}! timorouíly.] \ rfi-[a. Fall Wood, [adì.Cudgelling 0n»

‘г unfaithful- ‘ fp. With ‘Мг-щ‘) Íìrum.) for hand]

1F01-fake ly,`] __qreef, ggg, 0,111. 3, A, Fefcu, [Pin (inl'lr.) for lhewing

Fault). ' ат!‘Skin] _ the Letters]

[adi-Fault] With ñeece.] " Fcfr, [Tranfverl'e lamin (tig.)

[adnwrong] _mongen inthe middle ofthe Scutche

Faun,v1d. Fawn. . Mech.] 011.] _

Favor. [Skmi Men] Fe/ier, Putreñe]

Affeäion. AS. V.2. __wort, [Gentinn] HL. VII.6. Ffßiwl: [adi l‘cñivlfy (time-:l

[Favor Юго] Fellow. _ ‘ Fejiivity. REJV. s.

. fp. Ornament] Like] Fetch.

(p. Riband.] I_ïqual] to-TA. VI. 4. A.

Countenance. _ на). RO.IV. (perfon] __brealb, [In-take_].

F {(manner] [Companiom' ` —оига [Caufe tocome

Е afa [tig] ‘ Tile-ofit, The other eon- out.]

Favorite, [ад]. p. Favor (рег- gl'uous to iti] -up, [overtake]

Гоп.) _ »_work", [To ether­] #

Каша’, [ad).a. Favor (perfon.] `ofColledge, Allellor of adj. [IUVCHIÍOH]

Fan-n. Colledge(o'fï.] _ Craftied (thing]

[Alïentation] Man. IV.7.E. Sorry erfon] Ffm’. [stinking]

fp. By gel ure. Spoke. Po. V. 7. A. ' Fm", [Bonds for LCSS']

[Buek. Be.Il. 4. young] Fellowfbip. Feud, [Old enmity.]

Ред/г). Fellow ablln] Fever. 5.11.2.

[Fidelity] Society' malignant-_5.11. 3.

Fidelity digo] Communion] Fei/erft». HF. 1I. 9.

Fear. AS. V. 6. О. Felon. Fewel, vid. Fuel.

for-[Left that] (adi. Felony (perfon] Fcwneft. TM. III. 1.0.

Fearfulnefr. _Apoftem at the root ofthe Р)‘. Interi. II.3.0. y

титан)’, Fear (apt.] nail Fib, [Lie (dim.]

Terriblene s, [a. Fear [apn] Felony. B . III. 4. Fibre. PG. Il. 5 A.

Fem. HL.1.4. F ‹ Honnef., [щиты на. Iv.



0akç-HI..I.4.A. adj'.p.Feel] 7. .

Feaji. Head (veil) woollen with Filliou. T. I. 3.A.

Thing. Pr. II. r. ‚ broad margin Fioldle, [Mufic (inl‘tr.) [hinged]

_ Time, [Fellival] to_[a. Cloth make] by _jiicä SBowfor Mulic

Feat. kneadíng] ' l r.

(Рай! [Done [thing] Рейд’, [Entangle.] _ing. ~ _

[Handfome (dim.] Female [a. Mulic with înlìtumenn]

Feat/oer. Feminine }NP­ V1' z' О‘ [a. Vanity] ­

Single. PP. V. t. Fen. Po. I. 8. Fidelity. Man. lv. a.

Plume [Feathers (звук) for _ Fence, ‘ Fidge, [Vain ition Шеф]

Ornament] [Enclofure] Fiduciary, [adj. Верой: (per

Feature, [Figure (man.] ` [Fortiñe] fon.]

fp. Of face.] [Defend] Field.

February, [Second mouth] Exercife.Mo. V. 6. A. [Grounds.] Ро. I. 2.

Fedor.. ` Fenegreel@ HS._III. x 3. A. ­ Keep the-RMU. 3.

[adi. р. doe [pon] Fennel. HF.V. l. Win tbe-RM. II. l. E.

[Polltblc] ‘ Hogs-HF. V. 2. .Quit the-RM. II. 3. D.

Fcculcnt, [ад]. Sediment] Uyuni-HF. V. 3. t Fie/tifare. Bi. III. 5.

Fecundity, [Fruitfulnels.] ‘ Searching-HRV. 1r. A. Fiend. W. I. t. O.

Fee. —— от’. HS.V.13.A. Fierce; NI’.I\_'.4. 0. _ _

[Revenue] fp. ofOñice.] Feo ary. ‚ wilde, [adn NP. IV. 4. 0.]

[ Wages] Ред}, vid. Enfeojf. op. to Moderate, (шла.

[Stipend] Fermenting. О. VI, 5. A. III. 4. D.] _

__]ìmple. Fern, vid. Fearn. op.to_Meek, fad). Man. I.

{Hereditary . ` ‚ Ferret.Be.1V.5. 9. D.]

Abfolute "g “l to-[Search (int.] i Fife, [Mulical Pipo]

_farm . _our, [Out-drive [inn] ' Fifteen.

[Inheritance obnoxious to _jilb Fifty.

Renn] Ferry. _ _ Fig. Tr. I. 5.

Feeblenef., [Weakncfs] [Boatfor travelling over Rl- Indian-Tr. I. 9 A.

Feed. AC.I`. 5. ver] _ _wort_ HS.VIII. 5. А;

--upon, [Be fed with.] [Boating (place) over Elven] _ FigbnRM. 1.7. _

Feeling. Fertility, [b'ruitíulnefs._i Pigment, [adj.Fi&ion [thing]

Senfe.Nl’.III. 5. Fett/ent. ' Figulatiomû. IV. A.

_jim [For-fearclt by-] [Hot (завета Figure.

[Suffering] [zealous] Shape.Mag HLA. —

fellow-[_Com pallion] peinte. { line ’ Б .

_Рес!г".‹. PP..1V. 4. Stone, [Together-eoagulated Scheme piâur'd Í g-l

Fein, vid. Fain ста.) ' Rhetorical. D. III. 7.A.

Fel. Metallinc, [Ring (lng.) la- Fil. О. II. 7.

[Feirce] NP. IV. 4. О. шт.) Filament, [Fibre]


i. .

i Fтега?


Fr ul FL


'lb d. „П. . Sublì. ` [adj. Congruity. T. V. 5.

Fitch', [T1-liefe Огни] [Mula] Rl- VI» 7, proportion’d]

“и. in­­ [In the End.] [Congru difpofed]

_.’ . О. IV. 2. A. ’ _ Finger. PG. V. 7. oully prepared

:E Fore-[Secon_d­­] 7 furnilhed] ‚

Inllrumfm. [adi- filing Май-[ТЕМЫ opportune [aairime (perf.)

(infn.) Rinc-LFQurth-J Imi-‘mtl ‚ .

Ae orsouidiers. im. 1v. Liiiie­Lrirrii­­3 [expedient]

¿_ A, at one; end,[adv.Memory .1_-E1?. AE. $- __

„in ad'_50n, _ _ (per . _ _ _o ic nt t, а. ic nefs,iiliple’milula), [Drogworh] light-4d, [lâh Theft' (ЧП-1 _ofthe mother. S. Vl. 7. :l

Fill. О. 1I. 7. -ftfm to-­_[a. l'- Я‘: ..

“шт Ladies-HS. III. 4. »with tbe l1 e, [Compen

[Riband] e ‚‚ Finical. _ ‚ _ fait] ‚

‘р, übungen] Nice, [adp Man.II. 6. E.] Fitch, vid. Vetch.

_of leali. - [Conceitcd. ad). Ha. III. 0.] Pitcher, M0, ll. [freq]

-of Pillar, [Square (рагг‚] Finijh. TA. III. 7. _crof;_

НИ), [young horfe (Тень) _ Finite. T. lll. 6. Fttchow,[Polecat.] Be. IV.

Fillip, [Strike with the nail of Fir. _ _ 5.A.

the багет Гргйпгйпфуд] male-Tr. V- S. Fitting, vid. Fit. adj.

Film, [Thin Membrane] PG. II- female-Jr. V. 5. A. Fwe. Mea. II. 5.

3_ A Fire. _­­hunalreal, 84C.

pinky Proper. Elî I. Fixed.

[a.iì. a. Deñle [abfin] bone-_- Fire }]0)_'.] Fall, [adj. Q. VI. 6. E.]

[ад]. Slovcnlincfs [mgm] _ built о; __ Triumph] [Not adi.p.move (apt.]

a­­deal, [Much (corr.] lig_bf-[8d)­I‘llI_I1C­-_i Oblerving [inn]

mining. o. vi. 4. А. will-I_Cçnfcŕìwn 0f _POW- Flag.

мини’. 6. dcr. adi. MIN (arf-J Figure. Mag. iv. 7. A,

met, [einem] ­ та. _afa Sbip. nimm. 7.

Finch. and. k __ S-âb' .

C1; _Bi.IV.7. ___ For . _ _ e ge.BulïBiJV. 5. I. Sbo'vel {.Sh. ìfor 3 ­-fíower, Iris.]

GolJ-BÍ- _ _ ­~ "

Green-Bi.IV.6. Meteor. Be weak] .

Finde. ‹ __'drakn El. I. 4. Decay]

_by seeking. TA.I. '7­0~ licking-El. L6- A. [Be limber]

Perceive, [l- Common DìÍ-CafC-f _ Weaknefs.]

renfe] _ St. Anthonie‘s-[EIYÜPC‘ {P‘Through {решу}

Difc0ve_r.] AS. II- 2. A~ las.] ‘_ [Hang adv. limber]

{путь} AS. III. 2.A. Fireílone, [Marchante] St. I.3.A. Flag’itiour, [Vicious (augm.]

Contrivm] AS. III­7­ Firing, [l~‘uell.] Flrigon, [Cylindrical pon]

_b Experience. _ _ ушёл. Flagranr.[yDifeover by ElIaymE-_l [Barrel (dim.] [Intenfe

(а, Experience] “LVL 4- Meal'ure. [Manífe ]

-thc _8171, [APP'OVC [he Firm. _ Flay, Lin-skin]

BilL] Falt, [adhoc VI. 5.] Flail, adj. a. тьмы“; (мы

._Fault. _ ._laml, [Continenti] W. Flake, Lamin]

[a.Cenl'orioulnels] III. 2. Flam, Ly,]

Blame] . СопПапг, [adi.Ha. IV. 7.] Flame. El. 1.1.

[Reprehend] Firmament. Flank.

_without (секта. Starry heaven] W. II. Side.

ICC-:1_ [Ether] ELII. 1. _ofAnimaL I’G.IV. 5. A.

[a. Fortune to have] рт}. to­[a. Side]

_ _ 8¢C­ In Number, _adj. Mea.II. 1.] Flanker.RM.VI.6.A.

ГObtt‘m] TA~V­|­ In Dignity. PrincipaL] Flap.

[Maintein] Код)! д- Fifìal, “Щ. Exchequer.] vid. Flag.

Fine. pifgìg. [Strike]

Adi. _ ` Fifi), Fi. fp. with Lamim]

[Simple.] _ ...boob [Hook for- _ a­­­[adi. Limber (lam.]

._.jorce, [Simple. L_] ‚джип, [adi.Filh merc.] fp. Hanging]

[Pure] [ad|.TM.V. 6.] ._POML'PQ. 1.5, )lief-[Flap to drive away

[Refined] „___ Flies]

d. g Worll par_t­] [Hunt Fiih Throat-_Cover (thing) of the[unfa l' P' Sediment] la. Confe Цена] rough Artery]

Thin] [adi.TM. II. 5. .0.] Fil/herman, [Hunting (акт al F1a t.

­­­línen, [Thin (augm.)._] Fini] l Imperus.]

[Soft [adi.Man.I. 8. D.] Fiel@ [MoJLCcor'n] _of fire, [Flame (imp.]

[Teri Cr] [adi NPJV. 7. O. . Folded. -o water Stream шт .[Nice] [adi..Mah.II.6_.E_]] Flß’[Hand{Contra&:ld.] _y).f ‚Е ( Р]

[adn a. Daint'ies_(apt.] Fißiç, [Pillada] Talle. .

v:idi.0rnatenefs] Fi/lula.S. I.7.A. Waterilh, [ад]. Water

[СИМ-1 т. {like}


[шт] Q IV. 5. O. [adj. Q. V. 6.] [Inunliation]

Difcourfe, [Lighn] Мат“. [adi.p. Periuade [apn] г »_gate.

Fl Dóor for Нова!)6. D. j.

Flask. As Bird. Mo. I. 2. Gate to in-fhut water -

[Box for Gunpowder] As routed. BM. il. 3. D. Floùnder. Fi. VII.4. A.

[Carriage for Ordnance] ._oia‘. Flour.

Flasher, [Long Easket without a Excel's] [Бей part] TM,V»I. r.

Lid. a. Squander] fp. of ground com]

Flirt. Let»- Bloifom. PP. II. r.

_Corpot. ‘ [Shoot] _gentle.

[Plain] Vil-_IIL l- [Strike at our мат

Ladi. Lamm] .1_-[Flying In e8 _de ‘ш, [Iris]

[Shallow] TM.II.3. 0- Cràne-EXJV. . _bulbom HL. IV. 6.

Ltnw'] TMJI. 4- 0­ Dimg_i'-;x.1v.4. А. ­rnberom._HL. v. 3.1i.'

roFlefh-Ex. IV. 4.radi. Lying] Ac. vi. 7. О.

Sloepberd‘r-[Crane-ily.]_'fointixv.; A. [штат] Pr. 111.1. A.

a. Bloiîom. PP. II. l.Tranfcendei‘it~ Spanìfb- [Canthilrides] Ex.

[Manifell] V. 9. Flourijb.

’Àbl'olute, [adi.T. I. 8. 0.] Catch-HS. V. 2.A. [a. Flour]

[Sorry. TM. I. 411] _baan { a. Vigon]

a­­ Flicker, vid. Flutter. a. Profpcr]

_in fb@ 5M. [Shallow Flight, vid. Fly. Diicourl‘e omately]

(place)in the Sea.] пять. _ Boalt]

__in Mujic. (LUI. 5~ D- [Зак] AC. IV. 5. Prelude, [Preparatory

Flntiery. i intcrmit tìmoroufly Muße]

Fawning'] ' i forfake “малышу [vibrate]

[Allentation] _ labandon] cowardly Flour, [Мост]

` . Wind Fling. _cremm

Hßl'l‘km’hadl’a‘ Inilarion [Call] M0, VL 2, Flow.

Unik?) -awuß [Away-goe fudden- [a.Rìver]

Flnunr, [adi p. Ornate (CHC-_l l .] _ing ti e, [Прима-ста]

Him’. Kick, [Strike with the hceL] [Abound]

(dim. ì, Flint. St. I. 3. Flower, vid Flour.

[Break {_ourfide. Flirt. Flu, [Not- adi. p. fat (pot.]

[Notch] Impetus tbe-.afa rubber, [Fleece-_]

[BruifcY _Woman corn] Пишите.

[S ot _ Flit. [a. Wave]

’ _- гида, [Wind imp.] Remove] _Wavcr] AS. IV. 4. O.

Штат, [Py ofMilk an Вазы] Depart] Flueüin.`HS. VIII. 9. A.

Flax. HS.V. i2. Tranfitor _] Fluent.

Tend’r- Пёс/2, (Ван); c Trunk and [abounding]

Flea, Ex.I.8.A. Limms.] [adi.Difcoutfe [apn] '_

———Ьдне. HF._11I 9- A- fp. ofa Hogg.] Fluidneß. Q. V. 5. D.

~­worr. HL.vlL4.A. Pliner, Torn маты.) Fluke. Ex. I. 4.

Sea-Ex. II. 2. А. ——тои e, [Bat.] ' plung. [adj. pret. Fling.]

»__-[Unsinn] таит. Flurt, vid. Flirt.Петя. Flix,[2Difeafe0f Dunging (exc.] Flu . i

` Vid. Pblegm. _ bloo y-[Difentery] Abundance]

‚ [adj. Phlebotomy (inílr.] ___»wd. HS. Iv, n, мент,‘

на, [adi. pret.I‘li_e-] Flock. BlufhOi e] .

Леди, [Feathered.]_ Aggregate. Whollyofthe fame colour]

plee, ‘КИП’. ._iogetber, [a. Convention] Flute, [pipe t

Fleece. И’. VI. 3- -ofWML Гр. Mu iClL]

Flutter, [Fly -(end.][Couric art of­­­] _

[Shake (freq.) the wings.]t0.- Lln-fleccc.] _

'Curlso Fle¢ce.]Fleet, Swift]

ro_­­vid. Flit. pla@ , [Barb of Anchor.] Flux. _

a-Navy, [Ships (гид) F1001, Ро. III. 4. A. vid. Flix:

Flegmaiie, adi. Phlegm] Florentine. [Streaming]

Flcßi. PG. II. 6. шт‘. i0

-ly vid. Cafnal. _ Beauty] Melt]

' Natural Еда" Vigor] Purge'

Worldly d. {FlOui’iihing fp. by.alivation.]

[adi.Luû] AC.II. 5. [а l' Ornament F1uri0„,_ _

_y полями‘. Flowing

{за}. Flefh] adi. Flower] _ шахт;

[Having much Не“? adj. Orrìateneß] ' Foe, [Enemy] Encourage. F10", Mo. . . m _ГЁк/зеу‚ ’[gdj, Bow (mt-ch] ¢_[B<_>_at_ бака of together Fodder{ suäw }Eatable.]

F W' ­ — “c “m c" tinck min]adi. rct.Flie], под, род’ Е, °

Eni En“ [River] НЕЁ,‘ [Рас [exa]

Flexible. Water (схс.] _G g g [mep





with Foot.]

[Ball for play by, 8m]


»_mau, Running (apt)

Servant ]

_'fouldier. RM. III. l.

-flalL fadj. Foot [armam]

'-ßfP, [Fool (lign-ll

_11001, [Foot-(upporting


I’)­­[By Foot (Бах-ь]

Crump-ed, [shrunk-ed]

Flat-ed. PP. V. 3. А.

spiny-el, [Divergingly


ro-it, Travel on his


_o Cu ._ofpil ar }[Foot like­­]


-of Le th. Mea.l.3.

_ofver e [Verf: (part.]


[a. Foot [place]


T. IV. 5. O.

‚ lvmi‘ylï м. rv. 6.o.

[Folly] Ha. VI. 2. D.



[Becaufe of Prep‘.I.2'.A.

т‘ [minor :en_-[Unlefs it

had been_]

[Concerning] Prep. I. 3. O.

ax-me [_me]

let him-me, [Let him-




Overthrow (dim.]

Acceflory beauty]

Worfe com

‘Р- by {Contrary par’d

with it.]

Play .xt-1, [Fence with blunt

wclvorßd ‚

Fain, [Prick (end) by thruflmg

[adm Silent. Mo. IV. a. A]

For cg :l fccretly.]

._ín [Add fraudulently.]


Gally-_.[Predatory Ship


Pleít. 0. V. 5.

[Shut] '

Sheep-.([Sepiment for 5b.]

Foie, Hor e [young]

ro- Parturition]

fp. of Marc.]

Foliage, [Leaf [aggh]

f .Fa&it|ous.Fog? [ligiggeltbook твою]

F0 .

ГPerfon (kinde]

[Mln (aser-3 '

Folly. На. VI. a. D.

Follow. ‚

60 after.TA. VI. 6.

As Enemy. _


Hunt] _

As dependent. R0.III.5.0.

[wait] ‚жажда.

ОЬсу .


‘ Praâife

Be diligent about]

_buig [Play of Striking Ball Force.

[Inflead of] Prep. II. LA.

op. to AgainÍL]


_a time, [adv. Tranfitory.]

_c1/er, [adm Even]

As confe uent [p.lnference.] Coni.

AS Sucee ~or,[Succeed.]

Fame, [Bubblesfaggn] -’


a. Fotion]

Su ple by foking]

p. Inhotfremifs]

Famine/3'. `

Indulgence. Man. И. 7. р.

Vainnefs] Man. lV. 6. 0.

Folly Ha. VI 2.1).

Font, [a j.Baptifm [vellei]


Feeding (thing ,Nouriíhing [thildg] ,

Fool. l ( Г

adj. Fo l per on[-bard),y RilÍl1.]N]l3n. 1.7.15.

[Becaufe] Coni. III. a.


Coni. II. 2. A.

_fun [Бей than] Coni.

III. t. O. ›

_as much as, [Whereas.]

Coni. IV. x.

­­ ample, [e.g.] ConjJV.

. O. l3 ‚Forage. ‘ f


Гр. for Horfes.]



[Бес forth to bring in Provifi


(а. Booty]

natural- adj. NP. Lx, O. Forbear.

(perfon.] _

ro­-­one, [21. Fraud]

m-wnb one, [a. wanton


Fooli/bne r, [Folly.] .I

Рост’. fV

[Shallow (part) of River]

fp. over~ adj. (pot.)


_of Animal. PG. V. 6.





Roo vo l» о.


Prevent[Let God I­Iind¢.:r]:l

[Be it пос‘ at]

Fore-fail, [Minen-fail. '








«af-[adm Necel'íity]

_x. RM. IV.


[ад]. a. Foree ì'



adv. Preventing]

Fore­«ppoim,[Before-ap int.]Fore-arm, [Before-arm]o

Fore-caff. ' Con ider

[Before ContriveJ] ‚

[Providence] Man, 1H, 3_

Fare-caille. RN. 11.4,





Be ore .{Preventingly }l“dg¢':l

Fore-door, [adj.Forepart»do0r.]

Fore-father RO. I. t. `

Fore-foar, [adi. Богема-{поп}

Fore-front, Fore-part]

Fore-going, Preceding]




Fore- bend. PG. III. 6.


” Be ore-_- .


Fore-kno», [Before-hmm]

Fore-land. W. III. 4.

‘ pet'_ lrßF‘re‘m‘m’ [grincîpal fom]

Fore-maß. RN. III. 4. A

Fare-noon, [Preceding part of the

da .

Fore-)fir ein, [Before-ordern]

Fore-part. SpJII. 8.



[a. Van-Currier]


Fore-fee, [Before- Kngw]

Fore-jhm, [Before-Huw.)



[Providence' _

Fare'xkin, [ад]. Forcpart­sktn.]

Fore-flaw, [Sleeve from the

elbow to the ища!)

adj. cubit (v

Fore- aw.

a. Slow

Protra ]

[ Hinder]


Before-(peak of]

Witch with words]


„ШBefore-«__ _ Ser-form EduPrevenringly- }b“y.l ‘ [Epirome] lForlion. 4.

Fore-teeth, [adn Forcparr- Fornimoion. R].IV. z. гид/п, vid. ты.

tectlL] Forrage,vid. Fornge.- Foul. . .'

pore-fell, [Before-tell] Forroin, [adj.R0.Iv.3.0.] adi. p.Dcñlcn1enc]

[ь Prophet] _ _en RO. IV. 3. O. Deformed]

Fore-think, Think] ` Forrejl. Po. I. 2. А. ' Viriousl] y

[Before- Meâiirate] îeê, [ад]. Forreíl (Ofl‘.] Sloven y]

а g.a.prer. For а e. S rdid

Fmwl’iougbf’ìadl. р. V As God, [Dereliâion] Км‘? [Much (corr.]

‚ Porc-think] As Man, [Defertionf] [Birds]

Fore f f ' " ‘­ ol¿en, [Ec ore n. Sign] _ the Righe, [Abdicam] r0­­ — -.

Fore-rop, ЕМ). Eorcpzrr-hain] -rhe Poi'feiïion, [Роща] Га. Foul (такс)

fp. Abovcrhe Pore-henri] -his Religion, [Apoûaflef] [Hun: Birds]

катит, [Before-warn.)A Forßorb. Found.

For ей‘. ` Truly. Adv. I. z. O. adj. .[un-adi'. руды] Ironic. Int. I. 3. {prenp }fmd]

[Loic right] играем. ro

{p.Penally. ‚ _ г АЬшге. a.Foundarîon]

[Loic by con fcanon] [[Agai'nll-l'wear] _Calïj O. IV. 5.

Forge. - ' Deny] . Foundar' , Ро, 111. 4

laIl‘nal-br'care O IV 5 ¿Slfvîânî'ällcîll ъшшоат] Founder” ' ( f ]

i . . ~. . _ r е . _ per on

Palline. Rl. IV.4.A. For: [Sconfe._| RMA/1.2. End" a‘F°“nd{ (Медь)

Рог! . ‚ roFeign, hdi. a. FiůionA

Га. Imporen: in going (apç.]


A_[Fabri- âroomg o ndi. [Our of] Prep. IV. 2.caring place Iron_ Without] Prcp.IV.2.A. [Un-make adj.goìn (apnj

‚ Y[mech] Public] Foundling, [ад]. p. fin (per~

Forget, [a.,Nl’l n.13. O j ._comìng. ' fon.

__fulnefs. NP. II. 3.0. Forrh- adi. p. bring [gon] Fountain. W. ÍV.3. A.

Forgive. [Ready w be'brought orti] Founmca. II. 4.

As Crime. В]. Il. 2.0. —_„‚т‚, [Soon] _fold [four]

As Dchr. TA.1V. 9 О. i роте. _fon , ‘Нету.

Fargo [Be un-adj.p.PolTeÍT1on Forrifíe, -ßluareîsqunm Mzg.V.x.A.

of] Strengthen] F‘шт, vid. Form.

volunrariIy,[Lcr go.]TA.I.6.0. adi. а. RM. VL] ' Fogel, vid. Foul.

Bcginro befo,[p.Dereli&ion.] Forrixude. Man. 1.7. Fox. ‘ ’ '

Cominuc fo, [z_äbamdçm] Катер, [Seonfc.] Belll.Be. V, 2,

Unvolumafllya Linde-J Fartuítous, vid. Cafual. ~­Fl"(h.Fi.l.7.A.

Fork. Forrunufgneß‘, -glû‘ue- HS. VIl. l0.

Figur@ Mag-ÍV‘3~,A­ [adì.Formne (perf.] «raiL HLJII. 2.

lnflrumcnr, (ад). Fork tad), profpcrigy] [a.` Drunkennefs]

[infin] _ _ Fortune. AS.I.2.D. Найти, [Breaking]

pitch-[l’rc’parmg (mnh) 0f ._reller,.[Ecfore-rellingœeb Fraálure, [Breaking] ‚

Hay] (on) ofevenrs ] Ffßgmenf. TM. vl. 5. A. '

Forîorn. ‘ rio-[adi p.E.vent] Fragrant, [Sweet] Q_.IV. r.

adi. p.DefiruÉìion] Forward. Fra .adj. p. Defpain] [ад]. Foreparr' ljSkirmilh]

adi.p.Dcreli&ion.] _ ' adLAlacriry [Fight (dim.]

._hopo. RM. 1V. 6. A» adj. Incline (augm.] ro-adj.a. Fear шт.)

Form. ‘ ` d. {Prepared} (_ f Fraigbr. I ì

Caufefl‘. II. 7. A. ’ a "l" Begin _ Per ’ Burthen fp.for Ship] `

[Manner] ladi. pret. Proceed] Wages or Carriage]

for-[Determined cxprelli- ro.- гид. _

оп mannen] adì.a.Adiuvanr_] [Brirtlc_]»O`.VI.5.D.

[Figure] äProceed [make] [Tranfitoryj

' _ Bed] Difparcll] _ n_[Spherical Basket]

[H3114 Place] egg._[a.lmpull_ive.] fp.ofRufhes.'_\

Sear.' Магд- 8. Irion adi. a.fore­ Frame.

Formal. _ going-â pare] _of Building. Po. III. I.'

-caufn T. H.7.A. 'o Proeee ] Figure. ‘

ЕМ). Fprmàlicy] гор. iii-(adi. p. Order grail]

Formaliry, „l . Furrow] out of-[adL p.Co uflon] ‚

‚ [Form, [mannen] Ditch] Machim]

“ее. Мап.1"’.6‹.Е. репы. Pr.V.7.A. jugamenn]

Famer. Foßer. r0

[Preceding] — — i _ д [Nui-fe .. mEiñçienr], [adm Prcccding(rìnae.] ‹ _for or. R0. III. 2. Feign]

[Pall] g _'cbild. RO. III. 2. О. Contrive

Formidoble,[adi p.Fe.1r (abfhzj _.brorher, Together-follar­ а. Bund]

Poi-maß, [шт] child. _v. Con ruiry] .

Formulary. [Район] Francbife, [privilegq]

„ G g g 2 Frank


а F R ,F U_ .

Frank. Мап. IV. 4.


Tree. Tr. VIII. 3.

[Retin of Fmnkincenfe-ttee]

Frantic, [Nid-ll S.IV._|. f

Fraternity', [Corporatiom]

Fraud. В]. IV. 4.

Fraudulent, [ad. Fraud.]




Frtixine [n.HS. I. l. A.


ад). Conceitednefs (thing]

гид-Нашла’; (thing) _

Ежи‘, [Spot (dim.) yellow]

Free. ‘н I

[.dj. ubmyl ‚ё: Ы}

Рг'Г n 'lïnot­{ Slalvîllcr'!

[adi p. Deliver] AS. I. 5.

_froma [Withoun]

l'adi. Spontaneìty] AS. IV. 9.

[adj.Alacríty] —



rank Гид}. Man. 1V.4.

_boorerl [ай]. а. Booty pct

Гоп], [Right not-rented]



Citizen]. Immunity per- таит. L. IV.;.l A.

[adl‘ {I’rivilege } [om] Frtwlaufnc t, [Vanity] Т. IV.

O. l

)l lln-slgtì‘rubbing] _ -fulm‘ft` NI’. Vl. 3.

Un roñtablc.Imm wfrof‘on] _tete wig.) 3

_Work , Spirally, “ИЩУ”, Fruit (кисть)

[Graving Src. Ртйть EUÍOying'] TA. V. 7.

vcx,[a,Ang¢r_] Frurnenty, _I‘otta eofWheat.].

Ffetum. W. IV. 5. PUMP, [Mock (§im.]

FU. Ffußmre. TA. v. t. о.

[Children (aggr.] Fm“, [Palmi]

fp. 0f l<`il‘h.] Гр. for t te Раса]

го——Рг. III. 4. Наше, [a. Drunkcnnefs.]

Frtjcafr, [ад]. p. Fry (rhing.] iuelJ’r. VI. 2.

TIC H lll ,

inem? ìßubbinsil flrlçing]

Ft'iduLkl-Thc fixth day 0f thc çApol'ìate]

Wee . Fu .

Friend. R2). IV. x . [ад]. p. Fill]

n_fbip, fndj, Bcnefaůor [тыс]

_ (rhingíl [Sufficient]

Ригу, [Mon ] RE. 1I.7. [Рейд]

шт cowl. —тоап‚ {'Moon in the mjdß of

Braad leaved-IIL. V. lo. her month ]

Narrow leaved-JIL. V. IO.A ~ tf1-Cloth. О. V. 3.

Frìgnt Man ofWan] Fulfl.

Frigbß‘àadj. a. Fear maken] Perffîrm]

Frigid. Fini '

Cold] “идти-С! [adi Soot.] El. IV.

_ Slight] 3. A.

Fuller, [Fulling [mech]


Sweet, exc.

Naul'eativc NP. lI.4.0.

Fumtxria, [Но ow­root.] '

Fumble, [a. Hand (corr.]


Идём, Мап of War.

Fringe, Tufted line.

Frippery, [ndj.Sorry (thing.]

Fmg, [Leap { äfg‘qlîlî']

Fritttr, Fried pudding Uilm]

[Smoak]Freetìom. 5. Y [Exhalation]

[_Liberty] Рука, vid, Freq: [indignation]

Llngenut‘ty] Pride, [Curl (augm.] Furnigation, [Smoking]

ŕllnrnumey] Fra. Fumitory. HS. III. 4. A.

4Privilege] Ргср. vid. From. Funŕ'tlion.

Free-Muffin, [adLFrcg-ßone to nnd_[Forward and [Calling]

(mcchtl, Backward] [_Aâion in ones Calling]

Free-jlom-¿SL I, t. a-[Man (fetn.] Fundament. PG. IV.8.A.

Fretz.` Ffock. [Upper "ей of Horfe Fundamental.

(.olour, [Gray] (Off.) ['adj. Foundation]

Cloth, (мах: (augm.] Frag. BE. VI. 2. [Chief]

M__fa {Frq _] FWIW" [ldl-Mll‘lh­] Funeral, l'adLBuriaL]

L ‘ Ice] From. Prep. III. 2. fp. thé Solcmníty]

Freight, vid. Ринг/1‘. -bencefvrt/J. ‚ Fungeuf, ['Porous.]Frenzy. S. IV. 1. l­From this time] Funnel, Co-ne (‘МЮ )for

Frequent. Sp. I. 7. ' [At all times after this] [ад], { тише“

‘ 10-ГТ0С0ШС (Й’СЧД Front. P0uring_]

Шел). _ Forehead> Fur. PP. VI. 3. ц

[New] Forepart to--RN. VI. g. A.

_nrr, [BreeL] танце’? [Margin] Y purbiflr, [`a.Eright(make]

_mam типом, [Forepart Fw, [Añgcr (днём)

[New-comer] Front/et, [Forehead ИК] ;Ьг;.г;‚ [Devils (Тень)

\:Un_expert(pcrfon] Его/1’. El. 111.4. Furiout.

[adn Vigor] _md5 [NaiLun-adj. а. flidc adj, Anger (augm.]

„лада. Q. lV. 6. (aptïl Fierce (augm.]

Un-falted. QIV._5.VO. Frotb, Bubble (звук) purling, [Tying loofe.]

“(зам Repeating] Adv. Frowartlneß. — ,rw/Mg, Mea, I, 6,

IV. 2 . Dilîngenioufnefs] Fumane,

Frefb water ßuldier. HS. VI. r. Morofenel‘s] fconcave(placdto build Fire

Fret. ’ Frown. AC._IV. 230. _ [Kettle (aug.] (in.]

[Rub] O.V._8. Frozen, [ädnP-PreeZ-j _ _halcin Fortiñcation. RM.

`ofmußcttl nylrumfnr. Fruârjie, [adn a. Fruitl'uL] VI. 7. A.

tlìëlìrìtŕler-ftouî‘hing (apt.) Впиши; IIVlîn. III. 3. ’ wrm/1. TA. III. 2. A.

veretin.` ­t. .I. ‘ ' "

[Согюф] 0.(VL ] Frm Furnrturc, [adnFurntl'lmzëhmg]





Provi Goms]




meelL]Fumer, [ад]. Fuf{ ëinercln]

Furrow. Mag. V. 7. O.

Fnrtber,` vid. Farther.­-­more, (Allo.r

t0- [udi.3. A щит]

Furl/nj?, vid. Fartbqß.

Fraz, [Sh. IV. 8.A.

F‘ф’, [Cone notched fpirûllY-Ä



[ад]. р. Cafl]


Fully. {_i/nay.) од". 7


[Courl‘e Cotton-cloth]

[Sorry mixt Qthing]


Futuŕe. Sp. I.. r. D.

Ftqbal. HL. I. 2. A.


ay 'à [Depth]

И" Examin Capacity]

Gaggle [Goofe (voiceil

Gay, [ад], p. Ornatenefs Celta]


Rubbing ]ГР' ьу{\\/саг1п3._|


Ornate (augmfExcellent] ‘l

Gal/ey. КПД. 3.



Gallery,[adi. p.walking (room.]

Gallimaufty, [Conful‘ed mix


Gallinuln jerica. Bi. VIII. 9. A.


Galliot. RN. I. 4.

GalIocbe, [Outermoll foot(vel`r.]


Gaüoon. Lace.Gallop, [Rum] A

G _Horb [jugamcnt for hang


GaHr. ё“. V. 5.

Gambado , [Leg (arm.) for ri


GrzmboLEt 1

a.A ivitE fp. withyLegs.]

vGartlìan. КОДЫ 4.

. Gargmie, [White

Garland, [Head­environing,]oy­

l Gar/ick. HL. lv. r r.


_.of'veflment , [Margin


р. with Lace.]

Garden. Ро. I. 3. ‘

`[Monks (off leaded Teal@

(Миф) '

Отдай/т, [Gargling.]

Gargle, G_ullet.]

to ­­~ “МЛ! Gullct.] `

the top ofthe Wind­pipe.]

Сан/Ь, [adj. p. Ornate (exc.]

lign omament.]

Garment,ŕ[adj. Clothing (стыд)

Garner, [adi. a. Keeping (room)

for Corn.]

Спит’, [ай]. a.0tnate.]

Garret, [Higheiì(room.]

Garfi/bn. RM. VI. I. A.

Garruliry, [Loquacityn]


Ribband for Leg]

Binding (КПД

Gajît, Slafli.] Pr. Ill. 5. A.

Ga , (Барс for breath]

Ga ly, [ад]. a. Fear (make.)

[Pale] AC. IV. 9-. О. [erm]


Dore] PoiT. IV. 2. .

Going ('manner] Mo. I. r.


a. Aggregate]

a. Convention]

Collect. 0.1L 5.

_as Curd, [Coagulate] Fruits, Take F.]

_as Wind, adj. p. Миф]


_up his Gown, Sac. [Lift


Cal'u’.r­­. [Cill’vs PGJ/L]



Vain, [adi Т. IV. 5. O.


GAbardin, [Sorry [garment]

Gabble, [a.Loquacity not in

telligible.] _

Gabel, [Tribute.]

Sablon. RM. VI. 9, A.

Gable-end, [End ofroofl] `

Gad. ‚ l


­­­­bceÉ d 1

to­­ Wan er

Gag, [a.Gaping [infin]





Lucrc. TA. V. 2

Оьгайпг] ‘

_Incrca e] `



Deny] _


дамам. Ex- vm. g. A.

Galangal. HL. lll. и.

Galaxy. ' _

Galbanum, Г Concrete )uicc of

Gyant FenneL]

Galbuln. Bl. lll. 8.


gentle-El. Vl. б.

juif-_El. v1. 7.I Galeafs.

Galt’ot. RN. I. 4.

Galingale. HL. lll. r2.



[Bladder о‹—}к

Excrefcence of O e. PPJILO.

f _. .o 5 Цп‚з1‹1п]

Hurt] _





Pla . M0. V. A.

­~ er, [Game ('meclm]


ЁЛипе, [wanton]

Gamman, [Leg ofHog.]

rp.smok’a.] -

Gancls, [precipitating on hooks]

Gander, [Goofe (malc.]




Ganglion. S. lll. 9.

Gangrel, [Long [conn]

Gangrene. S. I. 8.

битв‘, [Armor for the laand.]


Gap, [Мощь]

G e.

"[Open (augm.]

’ fp. the mouth] _

­­­­after, augm]

[Expeâ earnellly.]



Garb, [Mannen]


fl" of _Demeanor.]


Enrrails Gaze, [_Look intently.] ‘[Werft platt] __boand, [Dog hunting by

битые, Un- анкет-рт.) signe]

p. Spice-_l Gael, ['Antiiope] _ .l ._ .

Garboil. Guzet,` (за). Narration (thing)

fContention] of News. _

[Trouble] Gear, [Thing (corr._}_

Gard. Geeft, [Goofe plurah]

_.ofSouldiers. RM. Ill. 6. Geld, vid. Gueld.

Defend] Gelder raf?, [Sh.lI. 12.]

to.. Proteä] Gelly. Pr. l. 5.A.

Safe (тм.) Gem. St. III. д

_ Servants for Gemini Conl'lellation }ofthe

P""‘f“{0ñìcers fafe- [Third Twelfth part 10d..

ryA] Gender, [Sem] (ac.]


Ornate [ext3]

Feaß y . /

баиещлй, Dii'lribution 0f In

heritance equally]

Gaul, vid. Gall.

Garmt/J, [Precipitate on hooks.]

Garmt, [Lean (augm.

Gauntlet, [adp Hand



_ „ Y _ _ .___ . ,

G в f Gi щ"с“


г‘›-—-[а. Gcncraricm] _ Gejii »l t' i

Genealogy, [Catalogue of Ance- _ [(Cìefaliiii'llg] gía-*HEM x4. A.

“mi “фиг. AC. vl. ,VM/F35' Щ 1

Gerôeral. Ger. ___ G_.h‘bezzll‘löä‘ç l. A.

p._to Special. TM.III.4. [Ga' ,A_v' _ — ' '. l' 'I_

Рад). Genus] [Obltgiln] TA. ,_ Lilpnäîbormg Uriah]

All] _ be] G. a lFlOuSJoynn]

Common] [Obtain to{ doc] aan?, [5 flinois]

.[‘olal'llf ( Obtain to be be- Machin]

- mv“ al) -before' Боге.) Tra _l‘LPÍCVCnt-j _ Ginger висок of I ' ‘

[Molìks Ch’c (О ­] hbyl‘leiirt, [Obtainto ne- h ’ ­~ an “du” "Бог

Generation. mCmber] а ot “m8 ‘20.1

Begetring AC.I. r. _outl -ly‘îGemly without

[Dîfciäident (aggr.] RO. I. ._f,«„,„P„ß„_ [Obtain ¿o или‘? Slowly no1@_]

° ~ be ont Вы.) ' ­‘ ~ ­[Age] Mea. vi. 0.1 _ -l’ Y n — [Ringing (dim.

gïgrfafpfffßtäpy. vi. _.nâliiiiii; [im‘iiieäii'é] any@ (“М¿WMS

Old nel. ап. .4. ___Cl'pd ` ‚— ’ ._gmßt. [Generatìom] п renòlgtzciìiiintbr'bîfcriehe‘i :bçn‘ gadl’Glnny'hm'll

eîiâlspaïilh Horie.] -cleanï ed] Gip/i575 C'HLÓ‘A'

__ _ акт‘ _ E( _ ‘ ’ ‚U¢Í|I_dl, ,_gone, TA. GI.r;fa.'dBe'1_r'7’

бишь, [Privities.] PG.VI. 8. vl x o _ girdìtvi ‚даёт.

Geniue. __ ~° ' ° - if .Vi . uirdle.“

[tmpl-nomadi ¿'â’nìf’ @Mmmm Girl» @hutten-1

n_.4 c ­ ­ i ­ .

Proper vanity' Т. IV. s» Gítb, _

атм, HL_v1|_6_ бы‘, [Commute] Gittern, vid. Guittem. _

node-ait. vii. 6. А. бы}, (5pm Give» _ ‚

Gentil. úw up I N_{DYJ -bdflb [Retire]

[lagan] b,l)_G_ “L _wen

G l_\1_a:g<{>;]__£ë.l. _5.A. ] „ш. [_iîänn 1

en ie, l. ent eman 654m G _ f _ _ an On

Gcntlëzr'al‘ég'j P _v Gila EgQtrâÍIÉSSgm) p“ ong Clâi‘iäů no more. Ravi.

C__umou‘sl ­4~. Gil_i_lîceri_fb, [Speech not-intelligi- __u°p_ '

C ement­ ­ ° ­ ­ '- ­ Y' ld

багажа-Ё‘ Gilfîë, ëgůhanging (ing.) with '[Ságmä)

EîÍ-_cblc-l Gibbom, [adi.Pr0tuberance.] ‘щит,’ i-a'Alms’]

[Remigs] g§Éî;t[-Mî._ck']l PG *elli-:ar (end.]

»_man. RC. I. g. A. f" [Al-‘§11 ë'] ` vl' [I_[Obfcrve with Ear]

*WWW RC- 1- 3- A. (icm. Giddy.“ l с’) —- ‘щ [a.Law.]

[мадам _ _ adi vtm о —пдте, [a.Name.]

Gcntry.RC.l. (мы [adfFa geen] mind to,adj. p Di.

3.А. (aggr.] Wl' my c l _one‘ìfdf [POÜÚOI‘I

Genuflexíon. Coïètqnjd. ‚ (augmiâfndîvg km] AC­ VI- 6- ад}. Caïn] На. m7 o i —°“"" '

.trattare A ‚ intern.бит}, _Kind.] T.l. GH' ­ - ~ '-1- ~ an

Geîílrnpiäü [Science of the [aîlf'gà‘ác (tlm-lg] -ì‘liçî

or. . '_ . . ' _ ‘ ‚

даёт?’ [Wizarding by _he а?‘ fpiritual. Над. i0 ürgâïtäijl. [a.liiiow

Geomlelrii'.ì Ex. lll. 7, ' [com adithom ‘.0 Ч‘ v_enigì' „gie-¿zg r .

Geomâtry. [Science 0f_Magni_ [lith Имидж.) LI cxécälj С];

tu ‚с. . ‚ . . mbt ._ _cG_eorgit. adj.Agriculrure.] сад" Conce‘tcdëìfs‘gtä‘mg‘] _weuîberI-f.

arman. Gigantic, [Gr¢at{ ngc] Gly“, Bonds for legs]

G 5;ÍI “Sgm-:_ Gläîdf ‚ __[Secondmuiculous

,_ _ _ _ _ _. О . _TNE_HF_VL2_2A_ Giggle, [Laugh it?. штата‘: of Bird.]

ïçltï-î-I’ÉFVIIl'F'A g'iijlet’clîadi' Laugh. арь] ty]_ ­ . . . ‚ ­ _ ~ i

“fällige”, Ev. Sprout] PP. aildllpoiïurwnh бош’) ,LEI Dd‘ä‘flon]

G ‘и’ __ ад‘. _Ga en. >

‘gznbůaggîîîlof Participle „о; PP_V_ ,_._ А. 51332OQO-_PCH (Place) throughs

G —_ . ——°’.РР.1.. ‚’ .UI“, [мы bonds for Hawk.] Gillijloiaerjnävyh; Glîggaâvr, [adp Fencing (per



G L . G О

=‘‹;!ш11о!и1, [Com-ñagg -fi . EX. V. 9. A. (mail Bill, and wide mouth.]Glaìue, [Long Sword. Glane, [ÍAITentation] _’nborn.

Glance. Glue, [adi Gluing [thing] .t ipping El. I. 5.

[Oblique [imp] _íng. О. IV. 4. A. ' бабье‘.

{1 Ey_ è . _y, [Clammy степь] [Lump]

a.0b)e& [mila] Glut. _ __ [Fragment] ­

Acce ory. . augm. Gobble, Siva low reedil .fi” adv‘{ Digreflion. [ml {(схс.) Gobiur тайма. Figlll. ',.y 1

[Allufion (dim.] _ [Loathe (make) with abun- Goblet, Cup [ai‘gmf]

witty-[Urbane [dim] dance] _ Goblin, [Devil [like] fiâíon]

Glandule. PGJI. 7. A. Glutinout. God. G. .

Glam'. [Malt] PP. III. 4. [adi Glue] _head, [God [ablln]

GlajÍt. St. I_I.4. A. Cilmmy] Ao‘lion of-_AS. I.


drinking-___ [adj. Glafs- Gluttony. Man. ll. :.E. _the Farber. G.l.

cup._| _ Glyfier, [Medicinal drink for the _tbesam @_ 1L

looking-_. [Раса-111911111; Fundament.] _the Holy Ghojl. G.III.

(inflr.) by reflexion] бил . _ God-child. RO. Ill. 1. 0.

_worin HL. vIlI.1. Together­ilrike~ ì th] шить“. 30,111 l,

[Splendor] [noife (make) with _ice ’ God-mother. RO. Ill. r. (fern.)

(Нанси. Fi. I. 3. А. Gnat. Einw. 5.A. Godfeft, [ungodly]

Fi. IV. i. A. -fnappt’r- Godlineß.

Glane, [Long Sword. били’. _ _ [Holinefs]

Glowing, [Fawning [Èlaflkcaââtìn] [Reltg_t__on [perfŕ]

Gla e. ite e _Wor ip per.

[2. Glafs.] Corrode] _ байт‘. Bi. Vll. 8. Ё‘.

Shut with Gnomon, [Наш-Пиши; PHL] Goggle-eyed, [Protuberantly

[T0 wail Gian.) a.. eyed.'

[a.brightriefs] Proper. Gold. M_etJ. 1.

GlaU'er, [adi. a. Glafs (meeh.] [Irion] _TA. VI. _mme. [_[place]

Glean, [Ga- left [things] ~ _of Animal. Mo. I. Crude ì

i ther the fcattercd Ears] fp.0nlegs.Mo.Il. _0” not-prepared g

Glebe,[Land._] fp. Prieil's] _on toes, [Stalk.] Mo. ___ mi", {[mech]

[Garantita] isi. i. o. A. il... »[g‘ mich.)

' Glee. [Walk] M0. II. I. ~­­0fPleafure. HS. VI. 8. A.

['Mirth] Depart.TA. VI. 1 . O. _en lockf.

Mirthsong] ­ Flguratc. '_Í'Od. HF» 8. A.

Mm,c Garne, [Greafe black’d by agita


i(ìlee .

[T ree] Event] _ tion.]

[Play] ...algoun [Endeavour (inc.] Gone. _

' _d Out . ­ д

ы'бёшоогщ ogvioa. _nimo will. I’lßcßm] [ad1_­{§,pr.._ ìto]

i:Slip ery] _afte_r, [v.Succeed.] ladi._Excefs] ‚

Glide, [like] ВЦ. 2. A. _unanime-_ ГSPOIi’d]

r0-_[Slide] Mo. Il. 4. [l a. Nolleity] [Dellroy‘d]

Glimmer,[Trembling light(imp.] [l grudge it] Good. .

_6„тР‚‚[3щ1‚ Lighr} d. - Iloathit]_ Proper. T. III. 2.

— den Sight С ‘mtl [I naufeateit] Proñtable

Glifleríng, [_Trembling (like) _oprah [Err] Sufficient

brightnels. _bar:k. nRetire] Convenient

Glitter, [Bri t _war Av.WorÍ`e] Pct-fai

. в м _ L : _b е _v.Precede] Happy _ _

611230?`Ё1Ё|1711Ь rig П s one. ' _again ,_[Medicinalagain'ft]

Gloom). [Superior] _ar, ach. Art in.]

Cloud ’ [Defraitd] ,. _fon [Profitable to.]

[Dark (y ­­dimm, [a.làowllwâl’iï] ._.faêî c( ____

' " . . . _ rocee . с редDim-l ql 3 A _)iiiiíwdlr’rocizeed] ___;landfom]

'­ _ Ceafe. _ e ont. ‚Rcplâïii. [qziŕb [a. Qtiîielg] _ _Iuclb Profperity.] ‚ _

_through with 11, _man the Hou e, [Mager

Public ‚ Рга1Гс.

Gbr” Univerl'al}{

t0’- АЗ. VI. [l Ao

G1 ~ _ .__,„_ In., of the Family. дштабе, [a.Glol’Y] __„P’ [a.UpwarrL] _ ._fumf., [gym: trg-_]

[Comment (dim. Goad, [Longpricltiiag (mûr.) —1и1’па [adn Bene Ro; _

[Bri htnefs Mimi] to drive with] [mmf]

Glote, Look oblique y. ’ bal. _ _111111, Favon]

Glave,[adì. Наш! (veil, [adL p. Obieů [piace] make. _­­

Fox-HS. VII. to. fp. of Racc] Perform]

Glow. [End] T. II. 6. Repair]

[Be hot] Goat. I_I_. за?!" a _ß ___Compeni‘ate] _

› ' _’t ear . ­ .i . n ‚ _ ‘{$Ыпе_‚ -ClJafan EX. V. . 3 l think }_"­[Approv°] .

3‹ _ oi .t ‚см, н а‘ — niet... fuient wt то“ G:__l_{_f_[__a_t;___<fß_1_»_] @___




[Houlhold-i uff]


от. Bi. lx. i. A.



Salami-_Bh lX.‘4.

_berry­ Sh. L3.

_foon HF. I. 9. A.

_gra/‘1. HL. IX. 9. A.

_"fß- (cd.]

сетям, [Protuberantly bdli


_;neft. Man. VI. i.

Gra ation \[Degree (fegr.Отдам, ‚[214]. Degrce.] j

Graduate. RC. I. 4.

Hoary, [White (inc.) with

age] è

n-[Badgcr] Be. V. 2‘. A.

Gray/round, [Dog-hunting beaí‘t

by fwiftnefs.]

Опции‘. Fi. IX. 4.


Corn. PP. III'. 6.

_x, [lnfufed Coms of


_]lvcight. Mea. III. r.

Berryfp. olf Spice.

__: of Paradi e, [Carda[Dicdjwith Alkermes]

[Powder> TM.VI. 4.A.



-ofwood, |Fibrcs­]

Gramercy, [Thanks (augm.]

Grammar, LArt of (peaking pro


_parte ofdifì‘ourfe. D. IlI.

Grammarian, [за]. Grammar


Granado. RM. V. 8.

Granat-pome. Tr. I. 6.

Grand, [Great]

Grandame. Grandmother]

Grandcbild, Child’s Chil ]


lSolemni au m.Generoríìitg] g J


Grandfather, [Parent’s Parent


Grandmother , [Parent’s Parent


Grand/ire, [Parent’s Parent


Grange, [Farm]






[Berry of Vine.]

Shrub. Sh. IIJ.

фиг-511.11. i4.

Graphical, [figured (perf.]



Grapple. RN. III. 9. A.


ГCatch with hands]





Graft. W.V.3. A.

Cotton`HL. III. r4. A.

виды-щ. 111.6.

Doge-HLJII. 5. A.

Feather-HI.. III. I4.


f Congealed '

Coagulated blood]


io-\ Prick (augin.]

гр; мшнощ




fp. of Bird.]




Gorgeous, [Or- (‘Идёт-1

namented 'â (exc.]

биде‘. i


[ад Neck armor]

[Linen(vell for lhoulder]


Go/li'ng, [Goofe [young] _ l

Gogbel, [adj. Evangclifi [thing]

Finger-HL. III, 8, A.

Goo/ë-HI.. IX. 9, A.

Hairy-HL. III. 9. A

Knot-HF. I. 4.

Meden-_El.. Ш. io.

Gate-HL. III. 8.

Pearie _

щите_ im. ш. 9.

Scorpion-HS. III. 12.

Sturdy-HL. VI. г 3

Sil `HS.IV.;.A.

_o Parnaßiu. HI.. VI. 7. A.

_hoppen [Locull] Ex. II. 1.




[Ftwel (lug.) of

(mgm) Net (l.



îjorïâci; ìwith rubbing.]

Га. Difplcaung]

parallel pins

e] '

-ofLrai or, [Crenated Su- “мы, [adi.Gratitude.]

сушить [Biggcft long winged атм’), [adj.Gr3in (room.]


Go 1p.

[Childs Godfather]

[Companion for mirth]

_ing, [Women‘s Conven

tion for mirth.]


[in Magil'lratc]



good-ance. Мап. VI. 5.

ill-ance. Мап.У1.5.0.

Governor, [ад]. Govern(perfon.]

Gougeon. Ы. IX. и.

Gourd. HS. VII. 2.


v.GIuttony] .

[Eat gluttonouily]

Gou'niet _

Red-Fi. IV. 4.

Grey-FLW. 4 A.

Gout. S. Il. 7.

Gown,[l.oofe lon та]

Gqli'ng, [Goole young.]

Grace. .


{ Rel'peâ]

a. Gracioufncfs]

Privilege] '


Ornament] ‚

Infufed habit. Ha. V.

_lefr, [Ungraciout]


"“ After mei“

[Thankfgiving] REIV.


[adj. p. Favour]


[Merit thanks]­a. Benefaäor]

[a. Complaifancc]

битву, adj. Net (fig.)



[Not-hired] ' _

[Without wages]

Gratitude, Man. I. 6. ‚

аудиту, [Gift]

Gyurulate, AS.VI. 6.

ra1ie~G _Dil'poíitiom NP. IV.3.

__Converfe. Man. IV.,6.

[Old tlike]

...SoundJL III. r .D.

‚ О. IV. 6.*A.

_M5 RN.VI.2.A.

a-[Burial [room]

Gravel. St. I. 8. A.

ro-[make not ad). a. travel


Gravy, Рг.


weight. q v. 4. E.

[Serioufnelë] NP. IV. 3.

Difcreet carriage. Man. IV. 6 ­


[Eat Grafs]

_im [Merchant of fat


[Touch wi rcñeâing]


[Soft fat]

[Wol-ii parts of fat]


adj.Magnitude. ’IM.I. i. E.

-witb Child, [за].­


_with one, [Familiar [aug]

bow-[Of what magnitude]

rlJe-[Total-work _to be




_rnany, [Many augm.]

Greaue, [ее-этюд]

Greater, [Smear with fan]

Отцу, [Fatty] _

Greedy. '

Hungry [corn]


Defirc [augm]

S’craping] Man. III. 2. Е.


Sorrow. AS. V. 4. O.

Op, to Pleafure. Ha. II. 3. Eafe. NP. V. 3.


-color’d. Q. II. 3.

_Cbafer.Ex. V. 5. А.

-fincb. BLIV. 6.

{Unripe] .


_cbt-efe, New cheefc.]

New пл]-—-п’0ит1‚ __

[adi Childe]

'__-Kook’ [гид-1


[a. Grief]

a. Difplicencc] .


adi. Difplicence]



яма- Grieve [abfln]



Hog oungGriïdiromgdi. Broiling Она]

Grifon, [Fiâion

Grig, [Marfh-ee e.] _

Отдай, [Broil’d [thing]


Fierce Face

í Frighting [manner]


_'rlie Collier, [Hieraciunn]

Grin, [Snare]


‘ Lowrdog [like]

[Shewthe teeth angrily]



_Fabrilm O. IV. 2.

-Chymic. 0. V1.1.

_em [Inmofl teeth]


Gr‘a pinè Diflengijon]


[Pain by­, Sec'.

Scraping. MmJlI. :.E.

_of a Ship. RN. VI. 6.-.E.

Griß, [adi.p. Grinde [thing]

Grin/e. PG. 1I. i. A.

Grit, [Sand]




Groar, [Four pence]

Спит, Oatmeal]

Grocer, _Spice [mera]

Grograin, [Stuffofgrain ( augm.]

Gioi». PG. Iv. »7.

Gromel. HL. IX. 5.


Groning. ‘

Voice. AC. IV. 8.


Groom, [Horfe Ofh]

-oftbeCliarnber, Chambcr(Off.]

Grape, [Search by feeling]





élLumpi ]



'i Unskilfull]

a_[r2 dozen]

the —— [Total]

Grot, rCavity]

[Subterrane tRoom]

Groter, ['Courfe Oatmeal]


[Trees t [place

Grovelving, [Lying] AC. VI. 7. A.



‘.i‘icid. Ро. r. 2.

Латвии-КМ. II. 2.

get-RM. II. 2. E.

фар-ЕМ. II. 2. D.

-Ivr .

_work Foundation]


[Caufe] fp. Impuliive]


[Sediment] y __

Ground,_ adi. p. Grinde

Groundlirig, [Loach] Fl. X.11.A.

Ground-_prua HF. VII. 7.

G jlinfâiilg-HF. I. 17.A.

тип i ,


Herb. HF. III.7.

grou? Bi.II. 5. A.

rou . ‚ ‚

гThick 1


[Mi1iet.]nL.n.6.A­ i Q

Groar-head, [Having а gl'Ci‘t


adi. Accretìon. AC. I._6. A.

._fortb, [_into being viii


rilir- Ч

""0 ’be {оц Seem>

[Be continued by growth

to, Sec.

to tbc made]

¿un j? [Old [inc.]

¿"(aggr. e

kind, [unkind

_out Яны}

of пр‘, Un-c'uflorn

­ [inc.]

[Increafe ' _

fp. a v. degree.]

f l'lfurp

-llPOfl r Get


i ‹ Gradually]

Growth, [Growing]Grub. ‘ i


[Worm of a Flic]




op. to Alacrity. Ha. IV.3.D.

[Malignity] ,_ — l

an old- [Old hatred' _

-ofa difeaj`e,[lmpetus дам

Gruel. [Broth of Corn]

Grumble. AC. 1V. 8. A.

Grummel. HL. 1X. Ё.

Grumout. ` .

[adi`. Lump]


Gruiijìl. HF. III. 7.

Grunt, [a. Hog [voice]

Gru:­ Balearìca. Bi. VIII. a. A.


Guai'acum. Tr. VII. a.

Guaperlm. Fi. III. I7. A.

Guam Brdjileana. Bi. VII. 9.!!

Guard, vid. Gard,



l‘iih. Fi.IX. it.

Figure. Mag. VL4.

Gueld, [Lln~teilicle.]

Guelding, >l.ln__tei`ticlcd horfe]

Guerdon, Reward]

след, [Conjeâure]

audi. Ro. ш. 9. о.

Gugaw, [ад]. Vanity (thing]

Guggle, [Pouring [like) found]





Guidon, [Commander's Staff]


[Corporation], [Convention v[place]


to-[Colour with Gold] °

Guile, Fraud]

Guillarri. Bi. ÍX. 7. A.

Guilt. _ ‚

Guilty [abiln]Gnilded] i

_bead. Fi. V. r. Y' '~‘

Guilty, [ад]. В]. II. 6.0.]


_bar, [Hen ofGninny]- -

_pig Be.III. 6. A.

Guird. - .

Bind about]


[Mock] `

Gund/e, _mout-binding (amig

Guirl, [Child [ferm] ‚

Н h h СМИ.





Gu l. _

Fifh, [Miller’s-thumb] _Fi.

IX. 1 2 .


шагам. PG. VI. t.

[Stream (dim.]

битва‘, [Glutton]

Gulp, [Swallow стр.)


...oftree. PP. I. 6.

ofGiant Fennel]

_Anime. Tr. VIII. 4.

­­Arabic. Tr. VIII. 2.

_Dragon, [Gum of Goat’s

thor n.]

_Elemi. Tr. VIII. g.


Gumm), [Stiff]

fp. with р. Gumming]

'Gun RM. V. 6. _

_ner. IIN. V. 3.

_paarden RM. V. 7. A.

бинты, vid. Gaufrier.

Gufli, [a.River (imp.]

be between-fow‘d]


Senle. NP.III. 4.

uality. . III._Q_-afnam? [Wind (ìmp.]

Gurt. РОЛЬ 4. A. `

__wort.5h. VI. 2. A.

Guitar. Mag. V. 6. O.

Guttural, adi. Throat]

Guqle, _Drink (мата

Gypjie, Wandring wizard]


Aak. Fi.llI. .A.HHaberdajlzer. 3 _

_o_fHats, [Merchant of

head (мы

­`offmall wares.


НАШ/тел‘, Atmament]

_Ammoniac, [Concrete _juice

ibf_i, [Parenchyma of the

Gurgiont, (‘тот part of Meal]

Gyrfalcon, [Hawk for Herons]

Habergeon, Armor for trunk]



(ablìr.] _

Habitation, [Dwelling]

Habitual, ad). H_abig]

Habítude, Relation]

(corr.]Hack, Cur,fp_%_ (ruggcdly-l

Hackney, [Hired Шеф]

Had. _

Риз, pret.)


Наши,“ Fl. Il. 2.

Haft, [adn Hand (part.]

ag,[0ld @formed попить]

ядидга’, [Wilde]

f’ . Hawk.] _

Нигде); _[Pudding of Пей‘ min


TreatCommerce ìfp’ con]


Meteor. El. Ill. 5.

Sound. NP. V. 2.

tit-[Salute] _

Haillarol, [Ro e for hoil’ing the

mizzen Sail.

i Hair. PP. VI.) .

_Clotb. Pr. IV.1.A.

_Lach [Ribband for bind

ing the hair of the

head.] ’

-­brain‘ol, [conceited]

_y ri‘uer weed. HL. I. xo. A.

Gujjîenipgadrangular (thing) to M.¢id¢n_

i Падший, [adi. PalIure [Ой]


Hake, [Spit (end) out of the


Halbard. RM. V.ñ_.A.

Halcyon, [King-ñ en]


adi. Calm_]


Hale, [Pull]


¿o_[Equal pannen]

_moon, Fortiñcation.

VI. 5.

Halibut. Fi. VII. 5.

Найти‘. Sh. VI. 6.


Firl't room (дадим)

adi. Convention room]

[Civil convention

_dah [Day ol' Conventi


Hallow. ._





naif", [штыр- adj. drawing

Ham, [Hollow (part) behind

Hamlet, [Houl'es (agg.]

Ндттд‘. P0. VII 3. А.


[a. Hammer]

' ‚ . ` Jality adi. cu- Halm, Straw.Gunéuirdcd] H‘b". 1Iâmclition Пот.) ГрЕз! Peafe._l

{Compafsj папку. Ha. Halo. Ш` V. 2.

Harfe-[_Gitdle] o the mind.

бит‘. Infufed. На. V. Gunn]

Manner] Acqui- Intelleftual. Ha. VI. Halt. No.1. LA,

Cullom] ~ red. MoraLMamI. make n_[Stay’] ­

(ад). Cuflom [manner] of the body, [Temperamcnt Halter, [Cord with Loop in thc

Guirtar. ofthe body] end (part]

Guittcrn. . of Clothes, [сюшщшаппсг] ['adi. Hanging (arm,]

Gulch, [Short fait (augm.] Condition] [adi. Neck-bonds]

Gulex, [Red] `Cullom _ _

Gul . ' Habitable, ad). p_Dwelling. the Knee]

a._Speak (manner) difficult


Hammock, [Hanging bed

Hamper, [Basket (augm.

1?’ [Tangle]

Handi, ftzicéch] PG. Iv. в.

Hand. PG. V. 3.

_bat et, (В. adi. P. carry

(apt. in hand.]

-breadtb, [Meafure ofh. b.]

__fuH, [Capacity of the


-gun,_kercbieß . (dim.) adi. p.

_mill m ufe (a t, w“ h._fmf r. hina? ) n

_uice; v.

_kerclgieß “Щ. wiping (li


-maiol, [Servant [fem]

-o‘uer bead, [ldv Carelef

nefs. d

—т— a j.Comi ous or.Prefent] gu (Р J

M“ ÉNear]

at no_[Not, not]

geßre-[adn Preventing]


from-to mouth, [adv. Necef

(ary (legt.

. Pre ent]

’"- {PoIIelIed]

_ _ adj. pret. Beg'n'll-"lfb { lîndeavourinêll;l

be” м`{ SBîclirgve }makc]

go in __witb, [Be in.(‘Ее III-[Undertakge J

in tbe turnirg ofan- While

one could turn híS-:l

out tif-[Soon [augm]


come to..- ё Be :amel

Ff gettbe_ofone, [a.viůory]

left — l

rigbt- }'—г ì‘ìde]

Set слет-мd Inferior]

im Cf- Secret]

under onei- [Signed by one]


ori both-s,man of bit-s, [Nimble]






lay-e on, [дней]

1mg-x, Ac. v. 5. A.

...afa Pin

Finger _ the hour._]



Handy, 2,(1',_0peratiori [apn]

i Contiguouíly fight

._.¿1ìpe.r,{ ing­ll

f h d._.worl<_,[W0l‘l<{gwnl‘]1 s]

. (l-Üdl- P- hand{ (part]


[Feel ‚

[a. bjdů (make]

[adj. p. event adj.

­-crafr, [adj.Mechanic (мы

wref( mil]

Handle. _


[a. Hand]

Speak{Difcourfel of.]





Poflure. AC. VI. 9. A.

._-by [Acceffory]

-doivn one: bend, [a. down

ward the head]

i--i‘iigeiberi [Together-ad


._up, [a Hang]

_ing ofthe bill,

t .Puniylhilient. В]. V. 8.

-man, [Execution [mec]


Bein Doubting]

in fuŕ- Demurring]

pence. wavering]

adj. Hofpitality [place]

_Port] “ЛИ. 5.

{ op. to Fluid.0. V. 5. E.

for fhewing Hard,

op. to Yieldingßîgl. x .D.

top. to Eafie, [Difîicu

._ro be ander/lood, [Ob- '



_ro be pleafe ,` [Morofe]

­­ragive, [Pcnurious]


repent. _ З

Crue .

*Martedí Ii'npcniterm]

-­drink, [Sowr’cL]

­Iy, [Scarce]

— , adj.Near.]

м f.i1...«_[roiiow (augm.]


[Hard (такса

Incorrigible. O. Vl. 7. О.


Dgpofition. NP. 1V. 7.

А eäion, [Bold]

чаша, Valiamn]Á

fool- Ralln]


Beafl. Be. 111.3.

­­­brnin’d, Kalli]

­­lipp’d, Cloven-lipp’d]

_’.r foot. HF. VIII. 5.

_'.‹ ear. HF. IV. I4. A.

Sea-Ex. IX. 4.

Ники, [Hear (end.]

Harlin, adj. Fornication [ferm]

Harm, Hurt]

l _; Innocent]— ef’. Not adj. p. Hurt]

Hnmiony, Q: III, 9,

_in found. Q: III. 9.

Hnrnefs, [Armament]

HMP» [Mufic (infir.) hollow

argh iii/ith ßringsf]

„43:31:61? [Barbed darî]

, avenousHurk/rebord. (Per on]

Harquebia Foot-mans u(zum.) Е s n


Haßet, [Inwards]

Haß, [Hook

Hallock, Tu t]

fp. o Bullies]

Hai?, [Haven]


_ fp. through Bulinefs]


[Swil'tncfs]fr h( _ _

Di pate augm.""4" {_v. Soon] :l



[Rafh] 1

adj‘ a. Anger (apt.]?l

Har, [adj. head (velt) with

broad margin]



-of для). mm1. б;



Ripen eggs by Fo't‘ion]

a. Parturition]

— ax.

­-bìlr. N otch [freq]

Hatcher, adj. a.Cut (inlh'.) by


Hare. AS. V. 3.0.




. {за}. Have]

_"'g’ scraping]

Haven, WJI. 5.

Hauer. _ _

Haugbty. adj. Pride]

Hainich, Breech] PG. IV. 6.

Haunt, [adj. (гидов: (placc]

Havoclì. _[Spoil]

Haut. Be. Hija. A.

Haw, Berry.

_irl'rhe eye, враг-Э

_them [White-_] h.l.;.A.

Cumberland» White Bean~

tree] Sh.I . 3. A.

Hawk, Bi. l. a.

....ßfh. Haak.

­­­weed. HFJILra.

Hawker, [Merchant(corr_.]

Hawfn. mmv. з. A.

Hazard, [Danger]

-ar Tennu.

As a Clothe the

room, Line îwalls]


Short crooked Sword]

‘Loo 'for tying theSword]

por--Iron (inßr.) for hang

H king pot]

an .

_ofthread, Skein­­]

[Haunt] __


н‘тёе" {[псйпс]

Hanf., [Corporation]





Happen,[v._Hap] _

Harpy, [adj. Happinefs]

„мл. Ha. I. t.

­­­ly, adj. Fortune]

Harnng, Oration]

BooZamu,{ Spoilty); _

‘Щи’, [adj. Наш-отл;


-ìng. 0.111. 2. .


In general, [linpleafant.]



Kou h_|



Man. VI..'x. D.


Hart. Be. II. 3. A.

_ _’.f tongue. HL. la 8’ A'

HF-Y-î- l l—шт{ Sh. V1.5. ‚. . А

Harrichoak. HF. III. r. A.

Hierufalem--HF- IL LA:

To Senfe

To Manners

Harbinger, [Before-going (OE.) Haroeji,[Reaping]

for preparing ente паштет)


-­tinte, . [Autumn]

Haß, [Sliced Нет]

Ндф’. _ '

_bem 81.11. 7.

__nur, [Small-nut. [Ты

III. l. ­

He, Pron. I. 3.

Head. PGJII.


11ml@ tbe-AC. IV. 4. A.

give one bit-[adj. a. Liber

ty [make]

nl@ .¢­­­[a. Liberty]



nil- N. top]

F ore art. „ _

ц barrel, adj. Forepart

circle (plain _] .

H h h a #Il


ŕ _.jndieial'ygë


all .1_-[All to the fore- fmt-._[Sultorg Y _ Heliozrope. HL. IX. 5.A.

porti] will: o_llonft- adv. Alaerl- Hell. W. II. O.

Root. ту]. _ Helm» l'ßdl- p. Наташе) of

_afan отл, f_ßulhous _burning anger] Rudden] _

NOP.) ‚Ош Hatred] Helmet, [Armor for [head]

Protuberant (part.) by- adv. Memory] Hel .

_1nd, [Promontory.] Hennen, [Encourage] [€.Adiuvant]

Fountain. Hearth. Po. III 9. Га. Relieve]

Conduit . ­ Hearr). _a. Remedy

Ri'ver ì ——ЕЁ°"Ч!"“1 .K Heart] _ ­­­one to а r11-lng, [Furnii'h]

Chief. ` ` d. Sincere] Hel‘uc, [StaffofHatchet]

[Ma ìllrate] ~ [а l' Willing] Hem.

ro- v.commander.'] Courage] Int.I z.

Sumrrïc, 111847146]?- м

draw то `b­­­‘ щей] [Hake]

Head). ’ Diñident] [a.Acelamation]

[Ваш] [Formal] [мадам]

[[äïierce] __ ___ _ Heat. ____ _in

a i.o.Dnm enne apt- Pamper. ‚хм. ‘mt

(“типам-1 “ » ‘ ГAnger] _ [Ab°“‘{ЁЗЩ 1

Headliner. [Zeal] Htmrcyele, [Halfcirele]

Headlong. . . ‘ earl). . Hemigvbere.

[with Hezdíñ‘rf’t] Plant. sh. v1.7. Hemlock. HF. v. 9.

e adj, ,precipitare Place. 20.1-7. A. water-HF. V. 91.A. '

Ding _ Нет/лось Bi. II~.5.A. Hcmorrboid. S. VI. 8. A.

_ ‘ ’ Heathen, [Pagan] ‹ Hemp. НЕЕ. ;_

`ad~píeeh :Hen-ue. Hen, [Bird [fami]

Head] _ f { Lift [end] Hcnbunc. HS. VH. и. A.

adi. Head Итог] l Protuberant [make] Hence.

Hcl'idßall, [Head ("Ш-1 \ fp by lip-thruûi'ng] ­ [From this place]

Headßrong. ‚ _. l ‘ШИН’; W. II. ­ Ump. Go]

мы; ‚ ‘ ¿Hfdláì f [Away]

Fiere ‘ ~ ‚ — _ I Gravin From . . .

Notaril- nhrfude @Pf-l Е [Dull] y] “f‘f'bÄAfœr 1h15 шт]

'11n-l. » ‘ ’ " Lumpim 1 Hep, vidio?.

a. Sound.{make] _. . [Drowzy Hepatic, [adidiverf]

' соку)?’ ' ,_ | [adj. Grief] l Heparica. _

Hefifrlii‘ ‹' ‘ ’ I " ’ ‘~‘ ‘ Heearomb, [Sacrifice of xoo Herald, [ад]. Degrees (081]

сушеные. 3.0. ‚ f - “ Быт.) ’ ' Herb.W.v.;.

op. to комитет: vf’. A\ etîie, [adi Habite] ‘ conñdered according to their

‘ [Remembrance ‘ш drinking] I ._.fe'uer'` 8.11. r.> ...Leof. HL.

Heap. 011L6­ ' Hedge. ` ._.Flowen HF.

_SeedJucHeL HS.

__Cbrißepbc’f. HS. IX. g,

._Franlg'nccnfe ofGalcn. HF.

мы“; orar-anonce, щ@We —' ~­­­cler , SorryC. " _

to-in'anlebß [Sur multe) el._l

nto. .`

. Hedgehog. Be. III. 5. . V. 3. A.

j -fdjo [Rumor] ' " ‚ ­trefoile. HS. III. t5. A. ­­­­0f Tboopbraßut.

Лед”- " Hedge-[merrainv BLV. 8. A. HF. IY. 6. A.

Prorpçr 26:9 Í- 2"- “ нем.д _ _ _' _ofGmee H8. V, .i „_«blh‘rî'qßg Obferve] ’ ’. (_. ` —77:гг51›!е.’511.\/1. 3. I;

д S. fr. ",j" : ' Be cautious] L' ‘ _Truhe/e. HSJX. A.

_gsm _ — _fenfe, Hmm.. _.mpeocf, {monti-îlot!)

F. {dwg- _’ -lefnefrl налить; ны’ым.i nextone.f­[_rrñ.~eat| ». Heel. PG.V..6.A. i [Leaf] _ ‚

l г . _MMáSFF' ‚Р ’ тйпдо .1s/np. RN.VI.7. Herbage, [Pallare] _

l ¿ .‚ 111mg]V " Hegigalj Mdlometan‘eqgnl Heranehßäook concerning

ь . —— C а, ‘ Cl' S.

[contentment] ‘ 5 Hymer. ` . Найду}, Hefb(artiû] ‚_ Herb [РагиугзпдзчЁ Heifey, ['Cqwad§,yqurh] Herd, [aggEi-egateuhing]

_ _ 5.A. ‘ Y ‚Дал‘; « Hergb. Int. l.x.­ f J _’r man. BC. 11.6.

ì [gnädig] __ I. ‚р. Hgi‘br. TNDIL`4. ( Here. _

. e Г .._ .!-.‘­ «'Vitious ‚швы; ‘I’ Inthispace_1 Hëm‘wli'adioirpiieeneeg) adlPrcfenr

E ‘.“â‘àll li'ïj'yî'.’ [дд’ I ь (am _Mdr’í'm Slime }pk­

' M- . 1_ Heir l.. n :tiring — «e _In ivers. ce;_eutofiadr ’ pret.; }h (р _o_f, [Ofthis] ' J

[Qourage] _ ’ Held: adj,.p_. ш} ’ " Herenfter.

|n~[ady.(;oura e.,- _ ‘д IIe/elige. «__ “__ . _ Afterthis time]

Cavtat-_ w e.­­‘ . ‚ь ad . F c'mf‘lëgîg ,1_ аффд ‚ e] bqflard-[Heilcborinle] ‘efr-‘_ ‘Heŕedl’tomllirrlîr fladj. p. Inherie

yfeourogçd§­~ Helcborine. HLJ‘ILLA.> ‚ (thing] '

¿1_-A ‘а _ {1h} “d” Hehcalßgure. Mag. [Лады нешигщшд.шинам]!

_um _ ’ ‘ _ Here te.


Herefìe. RE._III. i. O. \ __da), [I"efìivald.]} Hawk, [Hawk for Latka.]

Heretic, [adn Hcreíie [perico] ` [Prineipal] _ _ Hobb/e, [Вин lume [like]

Heretofore. _ _ ~­prieß, [Primate ofP.] Hobgiibliii, _[ad) z. _I~'ear_[.ipt,]

[Before this time] _m_.__¿__{%_Proud] ad). p. Piâion [thing]

edv. Piů] _ _ _ _ ‘ Ambitious] Habay. _

Нашим,‘Г‘Щпйушдфщнъ] [Until] _ Heek, [Foot] _ _

Hering, vid. H_errtrig. [maß-[Until the br.] Hacus- оси, [I'rel'hgiatnn]

Heritage, [adn p. inherit îHilI. W. III. t. E. _ Had, adi. Ро._\/1 (jug.]

[thing] _ ' _ „_Hillticlì, _[Protubcriince] Нади-роде, [Mixture (corr.]

Hermapbrvdlfe. [Ot` all Sexes] iHilt, [adn hand (part) of Hog. y

Hermit. RE. II. 7. A. 1 Sword] Properlîe. II. 8.

Hermit ji i. Ex Vl. 5. _ lHim. _ -——': bread.

Hermodalbl, Root of an exotic ‘ Ргоп. I. . _ _ —’:fennel.

Colchicum] _ -— elf?, [Him him] ._fijb. ELI. 5.A.

Hernia. S. VI. 8. Hinde. 1 н A (__ 3 _lou/2', [Sow] _ (

Hero. Halt Be. ­ 3- ­ nu' , Barre :tu m.

f Excellent in virtue] [adn Agriculture fcrvant] ` f bead {Meal'ure [356 ¿21

[adn Magnnnimity (рейса) Hinder. ' (lons.]

Heroical, ad). Него.) _pam S?. III.8.0. ­-S_lieep.

Heron. Bi. VIII. 3._ _mqjìh _ _ ‘ дыр, [Lift]

Great white-Bi. VIII. 4. adi. Hinder part] Hold.

Little :vinte-Bt. VIII. 4. A. Succeeding] Not let go. TA. I. 6.

_’t bill. HCrb­ "ч _ -jrii ._ [Hold (augm,]

Herring, Н. 111. to. a. Impedient] _ [Contain]

d _ìfalted §11 3 а.Т1‘о1.1Ь1’с_] __water, (с, WJ

1t _[Dfy fmoked ° а. Lofs] ( Have]

white-[Mom faked] Hinge. Ро. I_V. 6. {Рожай}

„др, ЕВОЁО‘ body.] [Entrêils] m0 (“п l (E__iglàt (‘ответа

5 ou t ‚ xpre n i . eem

H’fìf‘feilDemur] Н'"”{ Narration } à gob- _blamelef1­, [Вт-ст 5,]

Heteroeli‘te, [Ii-regulan] _ Hip. [icute] [Continue'

Hefeygdox, [Нос-011110401‘) [Thigh] Рб. v. -at tl bay, a, Stay]

Heteren-"gow, [05 diverfc __Bcrry of the wilt: Бой] __bacblícahìmt :l

.'“fr'l .’§<;§:i“'"P“¿-.§;.vä.f.tti.3 1’; J ’’en_ 1 пи, ‚ — ­~ .

› Colour] _ Hire._ [Hiring (Моё? -out, [Continue perma

Cut fh'iking] ._ __tng. RC. V. 5. . nenn] .

rough-[Cutrough] Hit. _ _l ' —мо1и1.КМ.П.4.

{ Maßen] [mit Pton. 1.3.] __onetpeace, [a. Silence]

H). Difpntgh] . „от:` [Prom redup.] [fogetber, [Continue lea

Hic cough. MoJII. 4- А: B_ H_i[;.Q_IlI. 4. _ дива]

Hic «11,[W0odpecket] l- H'ßorymNirration] __?,áSupgîrtj

Í- . ~ H't. _ _ ‚х etiv _

яме. 9 _ ’ _____ggnëiîutyj __N[áoi_nife_l,__['1`ogcrlier advifc]

Sk' " а. п l‘ t 00 eС тьмы. . a_ Fortune] [Abf'tJin] __ Е

Difeafc ofskìn фото; ‚ ' ТО . -onet brent NotЕ tothe ñeIlm] Huber. {ТРИ “Se Placa] breath] › _

[Penutious] ._miß, [Nîmrciì] _MN b____d]”Abf_ìam]

_o {Conceau ­jìtle, .9. I. 2. le.. Г hcc] LOmit]

_ ` Cover] __O_ this. .îämcg _einer water. [l\ot­ а. lI

'Hideout, [adnm Feat apn] _ f l J d d _ l ‘3 пас]

Hierarchy» [Ecckñañlc‘l Mag" ,"W‘mi’ [Towëf- usp к the* . ‘

muy] ­ Hive, [Bees (hou e] . _afa Ship, [Lowell toom

Идти,» Sacred Sculpture] Hm. Ent. I. a. (augm.)~]

та, Secret Paint] Ho. ш : ligk_}__ 4 gwdg]

­ ‚ ‘ Lint. .1. _- _. _. -‹ t rre .'Img'l‘îi’ll aidi.'IN­.IL 4.0.) fio-[No cohñaition.) РТ ‚ ;вщ„д_&м‚у1‚

[Dgêp у „0f-[FCT not' a. BÍOVidenCC Holder, _ ’

._ met, [Shoes to the an-l for] _ — ‚ _[adjJtmamg (perfon]

1a.] ‚ Hoar-frqů, [КМ El. III. Longcft tooth]

_rrater,_ ofìn‘flow- 5. A. ‚ Hole.. o.

Mugl- шщ mm... Front. [Маг-1 Tmugh’maig’rgéiiij. `

{Tran :ancient` [mgm] _with Agt:V [Gray-_] _ [МОЁ *1‘Г°“811{ Cavity]

__wiride, [Winde (augin.] '....ìvitlfi mìßůnlefä. [Знать-1 IMHQÍig-.J-[aidtl 111111113

Ample Haar ener. ‚ ‘. „ . _ ac_e. _

[__]fqreß‘ead, [Ample L] Hoaß, vit_I.Hojl-_ _ _ _ H0ly,d_ad1.I-I_?ln;_¢tî_.]__._da.

[Public] [Рай __ [ад]. В11111с1гу (per on] _ [ê time nity y

— s l w' ' o y’ . . ' .aìdíyßigniçy‘f ` ­­ ` Horfc, [Ambhng ho|l`c(d1m Нашел’. `

Habit. Hi. V. 2.Excellent] ­' ; i _bar/'e [нот (Jimena ____

H() НО _ HU


‘ ’ Hood, [ад]. Cover (veli ._rongue. ShJII.7.A.Hogp’confecmnon‘l -fot head, [Face-covlring .-fly.

13,8. „р. „_ ._ A, :ma mit] _mine

_tree, Tr. 111.6. A. ­-wrnl¿, [Cover the eycs.] _radífh

std_{E-_ńngoj TokenofDegree,_[Lool`e ad). -jhooen HS.III. 6. A.

Наш’. fhouldcr [veil] ‚ты-[мода BC.\_'. g. _

Em ty, Dd’. маги, | _5] Hoof. PP. VI. 5. Wooden-[Hoffe (like) )uga

_ïearmà (за). Hypocn- to- Lin-hoo ment.]_

[le] Hook. Mag. IV.8. _ Hortulane. Li. IV. 2. А.

[Concave By-»or by crook, [By right or Hofe. `

_тд‚ арссрсусд] wron .] Leg ("Щ

Asgpun С, [дд).Ро‘опГ- ­eal,__Curve.] lreeches] _ _

nefs. Hoop, [Ring ofwooeL] H rer, [adi.Hol'e(merc.]

Holm, [Bally] áümênòlnlrgnäkc] Hogmable, [ain Ho_fpitality.]

rr . i. . . . . ic ‚Holîßoâî FL “ц 4. Hooper, Wild fwan‘ Bi. IX. t. H‘gb'f‘l’í Poor ‘Imm s houfc']

Holorbyrim. Ex. IX. 4. A. Hooping, Acute exc amation.] Наташу. M_an. lll. 6.

Holy", l-_adipjdp’j Hooril, [Layup] 'IA.V.4. H0 age,_[ad;. Pledge (perfon]

Duty Hootmg, vid. Hovpmg. Hf’ßf- _

Homagcí Acknowledgment Hop. [edt Euchariß bread]

ofsubicetion] [TMW-1s? “ту! n­ hcc' S . ea in ' Mo. . . ` 0p. to Gue . RO. III. .

Home’ [Dwelling (p 'l р _drong-leg. Мой. 5. A. IIJ-[a.GucÍì] 9

Hope. Hojlility, (‘Едет [1Min]l-Lbiid [Rullicly educated] _

’ H‘ßltr, [norte gom]‘telaio-_initio ÃÍÈÈÉÍ'ÈSiÍÃi...) ‘Щ’МЩ-“ОЩ‘Ю‘М

bit him îfrgâmiguity ì Grace. Ha. p 0 Hor’ [adi‘íiz'lglt

Hopelefì, [adj,{;'_ Del'pair.] Hourîliâiifctli, (сот)

Mosfet... mi i... ”°”‘ŕi.f‘2är‘îi«l‘ï‘ä‘ïi[Runicity] „mi“ Шу пр] та‘ v' 4’ „шт“. Mo' L 2. A'

Homicide, [Man-killing] _

нота/‚нм‘, [adj. Convctfation]


...Commom Man. IV.

_Belonging и superiors.


-Belongr'nŕ to Itferiorr.

Man.V .

Homìlj, adi. p. preaching

(thing] ~

fp. Commanded.]Homogeneal, [Ol­ the farneÄ


Homonyrn). D. IV. 1.0.





Flower, [Bulbonach] HS

VI. t.


._apple, [Sweet apple (kìnd]

_eomb, [Bees [rooms]

_dem adj. Hony dew]

.-moon, ЕМ! month _a tet


_fucklß ;[WO0dbinc] Sh.

II. 8.

French-fucUe. HS. 111.5

Trefoil. HS. liLxo. A.

_wom HI..IX. 3. A.




[Refpeâ (жизнь)

ffii,” bn 1а l. Honour a r.

[adl- Nobility](

HMOW‘UJ. [adp Honour (ńgn]


Rafe-_HR VII. 2.

_Black-HF. VII. l t. A.

White-_HR VII. í. A.

Найди, [Mould] HLJ. l. A.

Наши. W.VI. t.


Proper. PP. VI. 6.


__owl. Bi. 1.4.

Hornet. Ex. IV. 2.A.

Horrid, Evil (augm.

[Rigor through Fear]

_a man, [Bide [make]


_mtb RM. Vl. 5. A.

Horn-beam. Tr. V1.4. A.

Horofcope. ‘

Horrible, adi. a. Fear ì


ГFear (augm.

Horfe.Be.I. l. fp. (male]


fp. on Harfe]

_a Mare, [a. Coition with

on-­bacl¿, [0n horfe]

._.clotb, [Horfe’s veil]

-courfer, [Horfe (Merc.] '

_foal, [Young horle [male]


[Ph lician for Horl'e]

In e8. Ex. I. 2.

._lítter, [Sedan adi. p. carried

between Horfes.]



Souldier. RM. Ill. l. A.

.-boo .HL. VI. 3.

_rai . ных. 7.

Hough, vid. Hoof, [Lower joint

ofhinder Leg]

Houl [adi.Weeping [voice]

Healer, OwL]

' Hound, Dog hunting wild bealls

by l'mell.

_nú/ha I. 4o

[potted-Fi. l. 4. A. _

——’.‹ tongue. HI.. IX. 4. А.

Hour. Mea, V. 8.

_glafn Mag. VI. 5. A.


Building. Po. II. r.

_brealeinß В]. III. 8. A.

._burnrng. R . Ill. 8.

to­­[a. Hou e]

­­ed, [Polïelling houl'cs.]



Houflwld, [Together-adi. houle

(aggl'lj_igd, [_Couírle bread] f

, ten ils.

Haufe-keepigig, [Family-chica]

Houfleek, HL. VIII. r .

Hout, Exclamation]

p. a. Moeking]


[In what marmer]

_than [­therefore.]

op. to So. Adv. lL x.

Howbeír, [Although]

Наш/денег, [How, how.]

Hu, [Coloun]

Hu and ery, [Purfuit fucccffive]

Huck, [Treat,{ ggg:

Hucklebone. PG. V. 4. A.

Hucldler, [Merchant (corr.]




­ Hu _ )A JE


. corr.“ a. I'nìur adi. Back (armorHui-U", $122" }{Ёсоп&д`!' а.!.о‹з]у‘\ t[leatbern­[leathcrln Pot] Pr,

(fcdlyfj ¿a.Woun_d] _ ' V. f. . _ _ ~

Hußìng. AC.1V. 6. Hurtleberry, vld. Wbmle. _to turn jku, [Vertrgmatmg

На‘ [Embrace] Hulbdfld. _ I (rnachrn) of rofhng

Huge, [Groar (augm. ] (щ. Маши! _(ша1с.] (mûr.)„кий-Пища”, [Secre: (согг.] n-fLFrugaLl] Íackall, Be. V. 4.v

good-[Frugal (pcrí'onj jacket, [Short loofe (чей) for

H l.u__nfn Ship. RN- Il.

ill-_[ad). Squandring (рсг- Тгип!‹._\

` fon__~ _ jade, [Sorry

._’Içigñg at ëR-N‘ w' 5' A' _mam RC. 11.6. A. fp.Horfc.

­­­afCorn, ['Husk] Hufblmdfy- {Slaíht ìm ,

Huub, (pwmbermcj ärlofìm?? ар. {1.6.5а. 7de. Tom "ат-1

H l, 'Tl-unk] or , г gnou turc n PNJ.

„ЪЫШШ дат-[Никиту Ё‘ЁЁ‘ЁЁ‘Ъ 8f A,

'zz-(squandńng ­Tail, [ад]. Рг1‹0п(р|асс.]h т _ . . . ‚ufxndiainn под“) Нил” Vaä"SIlCnCC-| ._er. fadjd’rìfon (05.]

Eggs (vorrei ‘Inà ЗА 74km', faaì- Dunginß (foom'ì’

Approve (voice l' ' ' ' ‚ __[дг5яет‚[Етр:у1р3 (mec .)

Huìnanc. H’Umfé' Í. ç h h fc of]akes.]

mman] ‚ Р" “5° ‘ c °“ 1 ]дтЬ,[ас1]. ЗййссоШшв.)

_Imm-ä Worldlyìsc‘m' Frugal fen-1'] Snj'am'es-wovt.

ing, Lay сев.) Hur, [Hgu :(111113) jungle. oc In. 9. о.

[СоппсОЩ] Н fï’oBBou-g в’) [а.СопгспгВоп] _

Humble. м v Hzfzcîkg g1g-:_1ook] уддть [пагьта ofOam]

‚ а . .2. ‚ - ­ ’ ‘Ex.n1v~1.A. Hy;c:'1qfb.m.h1Lv.¿.A. гасит LW“ month]

.l.. "mn-_ .’ '.5' ° "'v 7 [мы ¿mam2:11„_ Humble {make} Hydra, [adyWater-feïyFnL] Га. Cbmmńon]

submit Hydngapby, {WDzrcrfs crcncc.) .îdŕgompjiâion Language]

нити, {Mom} ._ "fdm'c’i‘d" mi’ к’) ° 74m.. vid. 74pm».

.. . аДЧщШШУ-Э Hlm» . ' 743112’. StJLg.

Humrlmnon{pafting.] Hymcn, [Man’llgß] ‚писал, Гваш]

ндтт’у- M3“- Y' 2‘ пути‘ RE' пл‘ A' мы“. SVI. 2. A.

Hummìng bird. Bl. Vl. 5. н)?"M18' I 8 Е _7mm [Going (mgm.)

Humor. . минета‘. Mag. I l. . . 7m ’PG. msg. l

Liquor, [ад]. а‘ Moìñnefs Rheror. [jgmf Expremon ‚и. ‚дн-4.

(thing) l b (‘же’) A Idea. T. Il. 3.

Tamper of mlnd. НИ’ е”. D, 4- ~ Idem-U. т. nl, 0_

Га- complaccnce ¿endg Hypocbfmd'mc' S' VI' 4' A' [diam YPrOPCl'fY 0f languagů]

Га. Conccircdncl's) Hypocrrjìe. Ha. IV. 4. О. I n Idiot Ели.‘- Q_ (con.) . '

Hunìoflß» Hjpotenf'ft’ [Side over “gam Idle..

Сетей“) _ . 'hc ‘j‘ghmnglc'lf' (adi. Slorh]

Seemìng of divers dlfpoñu- Hypotbery, Suppo топ.) гмсзнвет]

от) нугт’тщ гд›.$чрройиоп‚] [Not-buik]

_wßcmflld‘ и mor {con} Hyí’îìg‘ew'gè‘z/.H 14b [Not'P‘r‘ìnenq

H rous,_al­ U ` ° .- ’. ` ' ‚ - ‘_ ‚ Offb'Hla‘rrr’rlrînïfome, [Morofc] Hlßßflzäll, [adi-W01“ PG' Ido' âgé? }adèPîrÍ-Xg lp

Hundrrd. Т ‘£95’ v1 x ’ _ ofPi urc“там. Men. Щ- 7. Пи“ ’ ’9' IdOIaIUHÜVOI'WP'ÍImQgC]

-Pßund i" ""W' Mm' IV’ 6’ "yßm'prmm' уедшфе. AS. vl. а. А.)

Hm, {ЕЩЁ Íhlqa] __________..———— 7е“-5“"1;‹3’ ‚ Y

‚ м [мес J .Hung” ‘АС-п- ” ]‹}цм‚[а4).5сагспу of.)

Hunt. I. fely. Pr. I. 5. A.

[a.HumS-mßn] jmmr, [Spanìih nimble

г’: тип. RC- U- 7- I pron L I' — ЬогГс.] _

H ŕ(aldi p. Weave (thing) jabber, l СЫН Шаг.) 7«‚‚‚‚„:‚,[вапг‹ц

"ош’асш ‘ Ummm {g‘ _ghfâ‘yvjl ‚ ЁЕЖШ

Н—!,‚Са& _ vl, _' ' . ..н:;1ь‚$‚ ¿club afdlŕp-Cîů (т) îß‘ï‘b’v‘d' "’“т” ЕЁЁЁЁОЖЖА.

1, с 0n ­ ­ `Hwgf‘gàigìoîgju’ 7“ sorry vcrfon) fP- (wle-1 71%Нм“ ‘ook ("Ю Ь‘

Hurry. q м‘“ (wig, e „рт. sh. v. g. '

S‘Yîf‘ îimpq ’$26,551 mfp.' 1¢1l0w„sh. п. 1g. I

DlfPî‘Ch 'T и‘; Fi ‘х l 7412’; [Роос-Ьопдв for Hawks]

(Мин Confufxorn] ЫЪ-Е l ­ .- .­ ß ›

Hurt. ‹ '­°f.‘be He ge’ [ähînâ] 7e .Nor-ferions]

Га. Hurrfuh] '-"mb ‘?“""""' А ¿di Urbanity (thing) ~„_fulL т. IV- 1-0- ­°f“S”'P° мы‘ '9' ' ' 741.-:


1м IM

j‘efuit: powder_, [Correxf b 'e rifu- [DiabolicalApparit'_ ion]] Impale. R] V. .4. A.

SUS Peru _7fí:~_3_1_t. VLÉÍ‘ Tr' VH'S" [infirminlaiiigïiilluikc) going „hßfiouißa'mam (make n [S ',781». RE_ 1_ 3 ( _ Brlilik] I. ePiment with p„дн,“ PCrfon] Noble] "'P‘flnel, [a С aies]

forel. ’ “"g‘lSOfEidcr] adi. Dignit 1 fP'N-'imes' ataloguß]

[Gem ' ’"“ßf- Pr. vi ¿1A т11т" i]

[Gem 7 "°q"‘!ity

_yegpreciousnistigilngä'j wh gîlli'lëîidw higiene?) ]

flcryw’s SDWCIling (place) of Cthff Ё Ill1_£aât_’ l­ ParkI _ ` ‘ ° Cd ' a i' Partim

tiniefs] ‚тащит [Sonin12ml] rmgjbflfâffpämímake]

д l ’ _ ‘

[tivirhncï:l “Моды, [a.Fanne] [mmm/.8. [Ngtbpa'ï'a']

„I_Adv ___t,&c_] [Think] I [Por] ­ 111111113},

Цпи{дтш.'Е| ‘1230. _ ‚ [Invent] ,giggled Man,[ gi` o

` mb ' ° o _ _ ‚ A ’_ ' .Ignobl; em"51.1. 6. A. ‘тьма: [Arten ofíshiPS] {mpedleMFTîIllÍ-c'j

[i‘àonnoblc] ‘ Imbarlei Unto.l Бык/131%] mëîtáçgient, [aäjs' ЗИЛ

_a . ‚ _ , _ в. U1‘пат;п;:’1с3п(ац8т.] [так Dcârrcccljate by mix- {25:13 lîaällmpuhîveJ Pf lent

1.1- D . e” "no .[Infâägiìlon Мыши, _imi-3] Iml’enetrgblgî‘äf-hanging]

‘дошли, l I tcl­] ' ' rd" for Bat- I (abat-_] ’ ot_MLP-Pierce

— Natural; NRI _ о [zgan/m, [Condiœ] I'Zîîmteflce, HL v_ l o.op_ to Science ‚н. . I bfflytly, ["Vcakn __ ( TÃÍI‘UC, ­ .

I OP. toArt. Hafvla' _VL t. D. т t""f'». [tí-Ornate s) lmpmannç‘ï] ' a' Command

ёштд, [Scncmbi] I а‘ В’ [mbe с'.‘ ercept'blf, .И‘ 3_ А. Be. VI,_ î s ада-сада“) 1m;ne;’}‘__¿f_enf¢[pof J ild). P. com

o ‘ D ' ' li­¥aik Wilritoniy] Imbló'eá, Soliiglïl] ‘тётя,’ ГЁЁЁЁЁЁО' l

_ г` k. vw _` °

on. ‘C 1 'menage-„Exner Meolo...{ Son-y (‘-сш'] Ímbofr, [Adormwîäî] [gifoience]

woman (Cor гапссз. Protub¢. I ‘_gtflerialnef.[Haitpint] г'] Imbmidff v. ‘ тт'тч т s]

fing/.__ ing.]’ "сене by (ow. ['"Pe'fäfe, [Obäï IV'S-O.

[Ringing (dimi ímbrue, [Зоне] Im Í’P-by Быки?)Affeaation gf (ou d ‘тыл’, [adj_p_ ф“. I___Petuoiif’ [adj I»_i .

­ Words.) n S of Шаг/“(всем . "Y (make) I Penta-LVI mpetus]

Ё?“- W. III 2 о imitare. TA п ¿.'Ä‘O Риги] т Ё’). ' 'A'

tao. ' _' ­ mm ° ' ’ - `

ш. рд‘т‘т'з‘ VI- 5.a; Imm:::,l,‘,"e’[,[dçle.r.]_ Aiiîîifg‘fs]

adj. hdm] l' Ааюп adv. in- I prophanend@nu "Mofo, rc.. i "mb/f- s]

[Sick_j ‚‚ ёттдшгепф' §P‘);__(augm.] [[i‘àot urnadi .P ___ . . ‚ _ а _ ­ _ . n_at Mft, { Pamçd ‚ "16:15:15. TM.1V_ 2_4 D. IMPM;- P_eiìtlnaciouflygaer;­ (__ëlbflJ

-f ’ Not-m oi - [т l, "«­"'Planr] g И

_ а’иоиггд, [Defor ent] [SOOn] IMPI ad, [a. Suit :l _

_,'.""'.ivici.usm§n°"l ‘мм f Intima] P “"8"”, [utérin_ Il«mc’iïïflfamyïl n-l I ’ Great( ~ Im 1 COmPrC- ls]

mmerfè) [Дно-“1011 Р], ’Ilend COI'II‘C

____ ity] _wi/l, [adv-N°115 _Immigem’ {giga-_] [wäh-¿__ "FCr quence]

V. . . тто гуд, _ ' com.dwang Рей-паев] ШМЁЁЁЁЁШЗ ТА. 1r.

’nl__tailânV-gilñìcult] Fierce-l Hail“ 4 ___ '-fair/y, [3:] ¿ngi-(8, 0_4.

' ‘ V­ 6-A ` Immgd Not ° ’ ' with i n 1111},11 N _ ° v fß ŕ h' g шт ')leg‘l’{A;;inn }adj L_ __ Штат]: Agamn-imodell 1”'P10J- t mgsto be bdifvîtd ihr

_ i' “_x w _ N _ ­ . B f 'm¢£ßim¢te’{Bef__°He__n not-.1dv adîrEîÈf-dm (311111,) I Ulielïcrs] .

_ Я. ° ’milione ы ‘It’ . mph?? ‚

Illiber__,_,_[__ __ [N__Stlïllâ‘àtîusä [штата ЁС'ЬЁГ ngotÀeabl e,] I_„Untr’eat'ä ЕЩЁ’;

Illiteydt' ‚ ‘ cpu‘ati‘ Immun» SCPime’nr' °~ Pf".

«в. „р at RisenNuß... ’ “­ Light.) (abn, ’ [NOI-adi. Im lng-l

läecd‘] ' Imp` G’riirt] p' [er ""Pmdli'ïiuice]

ocking] . „пр; lengthen!) G __ gmpoïrunefcńixgaî.r’ [l Wori'e. m uns] „шале, Deflr’e (‘идет’)

fno.. ' Enum lotta





[a. Fraud]

Impojßble. T.IV. 4. D.

ММ}, [Tax ofimported


[тред/зиме, [Apoñcme]






op. to Natural power.

NP. O.

op. to Acquired power. Над!


[Not-coition (при)


Гadj. Impotence]

[adi.p.PalI1o_n (exc.]

Impouerißi, [ад]. Poverty

(make] _ _

Impound, e[Imprifon in

PounImpret-ite. RC. VI. 4. А.

Impregnable, [Not-takeable.]

Im re nation.

Èìeëting with Child. AC.

I. 2.

[Infufion] O. V. 7. A.



[Appropriate fentencc]

Impre ion.

à nñuenceŕ]

‚ Duringe ей]

i a.Printing]


Imprimir, [adv.Firfi.]


Print[П eavle lign]

Imp’rißmment. В]. VI. 4. _

true [like]

Improbable, [мог-{шумы}

opinable]Irnl roooe,

infini ‚[Increafe]

la. Better]

[Llfe [perL]




i'Figurate] _ _

Impropriation, [Inheritance of

Priefì‘s revenue.]

Improvidence. Man. III. 2. D.

Imprudencc. Ha. VI. a. D.

Impudence. Man. III. 7. D.

Im идя.


a. Oppofition‘]


Imßulfe, [a. T. II. a.


-ìve taufe. T. II. 2. _

Inipuníiy, âNot- p. punilh


Бирки, Claim]

ImPl‘ffi {такт}


ReiLPrep. Iv. i. 0.

._to.' Prep.IV.1.

­­­at much as, [Whereas]

Conj. IV. 1.

I our,_[Not

­ Incommunicable, [Мог-сотни:



[коты/111216’, [Not- adj. p. burn


Income, Revenue]

Intommenfu- f Meafure

rab/e, [Мог Propor- (pot.]

with-adj.p. tion

Incommodi. profitable]


nica ble]


[Мой excellent]

‘ adj. p. Like

[N°“{ adj. p. Equal } (Poil


adj.p.]oin[Not- adj. p. Si- .ö

multaneou в.) С’;

incompetent, [Not-competent]

Митра/„худые, [Not- adj. p.

know (pot.) totally.]‘

Incongruoiu, [adi Contrarie­~

rIncprß erate, [Сашей]

Incoryijient, [N_ot-adj. p. Simul

taneity [pon]

Неофит). Ha. IV. 7. D.

Ínconlifient, [Unchaft]

_1). [Soon (augni‘.]

AS I‘WOllnd @Minga [Again' Inconvenient. T.V. 5.0.

Incorporate, [join into one bo

d .Incorìjoreal, [Not: adj. body]


[Not-adi. p. better (pot.) by


[adj.p.Har en (apt.]

rmarriîipii'ble, [Not-adj. p. cor

ruption [pon]



[Fight] _

Ineäurage. RO._VI.1. _

„судите, [adj. а. ThlCk]


TM. I.7.E.

Great TM.­I. r. E,

Е". Inten e] TM. I. 8. E.

Ev. More-Great, 8m]

[Many] TM.III. I.

[Abundant] ТМ.1.2.ЕЁ

Incredible, [Not- adj. p. believe


Increduloui. На. 111. 2. D.

[Down-obliquing its fuperñ- hmmm, [inmate]

Incroacb, [llfurp]

­­toivardr, [VergCñCY] 5?- Incubur, [Ephialtes] S. IV.


_Friends .

Motion, Пир] Prep.

IV. i.

drioc- drive

drop- }]т°—{ drop]

-piece.r, [Into pieces.]

Inability, [Impotence]

Inacceßible, [Not- adj. p. come


Inami/jiible, [Not- adj. р. lofe


rnamour, [adi a. Love


Viianimate, [Ног adi. life]

Inaugurate, [AdmiÍTion adv.

folemnity'l ’ ’

Inauíbi'cíout, [adi Adverfity


Inbred, {In-natural]

театр, [a. Camp]


Puniíhmçnt. R].VI. 8.A.

Incapacity, [Impotence]

мстит, [adi p. Flclh]


Ilelh ]


[Houfe-burner] adj. В]. III.

7. [pcrfoñ]

_ [adi a. Contention фикс]

Intenfe. RE. VI. 3.

to­[adj. Anger [make]

Incentive, [Кириши]


adj. 'Begin [perfon]


Inceß'anr, [Permanent]

Inceß, Llnchafiity with

Kin. ‚

Inch. Mea. I. i.

Incbant, [a. Witch by words]

Ineboate, [ад]. р. begin]



g adj. p.lìvent_]

Метал, [Cuttingñ]

Intire, [a.Impul _ve]

Incioility, [Rulhcity]


cies] ‘


Dif ition

[._oje‘ibe will. AS. IV. I.

— tbeajfet‘lion. '

Favor] ASA/.2.



Shut] _

[Comprehend] _

Include, [C_omprehend]_

мифы, [Comprehending the



'Iiicuinbcry {тюцыс

Incurable, [Not re- adj. p. found

z. A.

Inculcaie, [Repeat i'req.]

Inculpable, [Not-a j. p. blame


Incumbent. А

[Church [om]

fp. Parifh Priefi]

_om [Pcrtinent to]

Hinder fp. with



nefs ot. ‘ ‚(p ï)Iii In





Individual, Singulan]


adj. . Obieâ]

Incuir, {ад}. Dangerous]

Incuifìm, [Aa-aun]

Indnmmage, Lofs ‚ [pon]

[a. Hurt _ Dull.l­la.III.x.O.

Indaiiger [a. Dangerous] ÍHJMIÍ, Not-adi. p. learn

шт, a, Debt] (apt.]

Indecenr. T. V. a. O. _. a. Teacher

Indecliimble, [Not- adj. p. de- М‘МЬ'М” {ад Learning

eline [pon] Indolence. NP. V. 3.

Indecorum, [adj. indecency (Мат, [Writeon the hind~

[thing] part]

Indeed. lndow.

Truly] Adv. I. 2. A. Give]

adv. Thing] (р. permanently]

In eer, [adj. p. Love [make] adj. a.Poileifions malte]

Indefarignble, [Кос-жду wea- In ue,[adj. a. Quality]

ry [pot.] Inducefneni.

Indejïnire. adiJmpullive [thing

[Not-diftinñ] ad_i.Pcrfuading thing

_Not-limited] Indiu'iioii. D. IV. 8.

In eleble, [Not-deleble] _ ­­­~mro a Benefici»,

Indemniße, [Preferve from ай). Indulgence.

. hurt] Cvracioufneß]

In emnit), [Мог p. Hurt] ÍI'ondnefs]

Pope‘s- P.P2rd0n]

Выйти‘, a­Hard [make]

[МИ/Ъ‘), [Diligence

Inebiiate, [adj. р.


Га. Paâion] runkennds

Inferîile, [Barren]

[al [ërâìul'ìle‘]

' ' " c `.l d l' l'[иди/шла, Non “Ъ P_ divide I"jd_e_»__ty_2l____j_ _ ‘n__rolfy (Per on]

Infinite. T_l11,6_ Q_ _

’"ffms [Weak]

linx, [in-ax]

‘плате. .

I d i ‚ Bonds ofredprocal [make] T пп ["fff‘blf, A[NOP adl- P- ÍIm‘k l: Privately]

Independent,[ Abfolute]`[`M-1V­ 3 (Pof-_l Teach] ‘

Indeierininnre, [Infinite] T­II1­ Iiwqiialiry, T. I. 5. О. [Amig]

6.0. ,Hdl/"MHC, [NOI Hdl. P. value [adj. Fortune

{идет/он’. ТА. Ul. 4- ' ‹ (PPI-d Inforiunaie f [com][мёд . Inevémble, [Not- adj. p. avoid i ’ Adi/eric]

Sign POL I ' V` l_ [Catgdogpůlg ‘миг/‘15% [NOI-adi. p. leiiciife IZÄIEQ Е ю ш]

п icarion _3. ign pot. Q_ _ _ oIndiäion ’ S ace oil i years] ‘нашими, Not-ad', ,em Steep] v 7 o

i P 5 l P P- Infpire]

Indiferenr.; I fyingbgi’otf I ____ _ed habit. Ha. V.

бы,“ „дни“. nexom e. ntreat „и“ [oblige]

_L _ [Not-adj.p. Perfua e I ' ß f ‚Between . Exïïjlemx and Пич‘рф’т‘се.!‘!а\.\/1.4.1);| IZÍZZZÃWÜE, (sgrîgiïgsigfůJ

fony‘ TML_1_ Inexpinble,[Not lin-adj. p. guilty _ adj, Fancy [puff]

1n_tenfe.andre­ I @25.21 _ _ „Сеты“, {Sprightly]

tnifs.] TM.I.8_ мал‘) е’ [Non adi» P-Plilln Ingeniious. NP. IV_. i.

[H_oeäigggíutlàn’r. V. l. A. Mexm-‘bln [Not Пища“). ЁЁЖшЩПп-РЩЩБ]

a j. _ tangle [pot.' I ‘ - ' .[Ыш_{ :gi-¿§31 InfaáIi'ble,__[Notl­ adj. erre "ещё", [мы ad’. P. reputa

_ _ . pot, L ' ‚Il'dŕfgáxîl l'lfam‘lfiûn- Rl- VÍ» 5- Inger’i’plï oiirliihgdiixrlltlal]

гейши} anfi Ingmfr. O. 111.7.

I d_vgfaìntinlggmt ___ d__n l Мат}. - - . IngraŕíînléajTooth Mag. IV. 2.

ii i ion, ­ ­ . ’ .

МШЁ” [Unwonhy'jg g Решив“ ‚ВМТША'О‘ШЁЮ [ддгд’т’е’ [2dr Р’ Favo'

IndignàrimASNLs. {Куча [a i­«i.F°Ui(mak¢_l (ШК:

_ ‚ Difgraeeful injury] I e ‘ ' 'l'. ^ If’âl’ßf'f“ e-Man-Í-Ö-ÈL

Indigmiygî Amont] › "fëîâlî‘, [adj. a. Weaknefs Ingredient.

„мы. Infeü Ё c' [Simple (part) of Compofkp

. y Ad e ft[wrtgxäiglit] Injîîáfi ‚РЕ v my] [adj.?. Compounding [thing]

i» (тент, [roiiy] [De‘gnm wref..

lndilíâiíiáioiîìnéon (con 1 Infer, a. In erence.] IÉIIlllS‘È-rigfîiin]into-going]

_gum-nenni] ` o. iv. в. A. ‚Мод

' . ' . ` "ß w ’ ,j_jjáäble, [Not ад»? loofing op_ ____ Ечщту. ТМ. __ 5_D_ ,E__içtaiìl PCI 1

In ¿jh-„Q_ .Relniian rif-Balli. O. 1 alf, [a. Whirl-pool]_ _ I n l "l ‚ -

[Not-diflinŕì] "f" а ’[adl’Hell] “дн-о’ ТШ’Б’МЩ [In-_fwallow [aug]



a. Flame make]

a.Worfe make]

l" nmaiion. S. I. 4. A.

Inßnre, [Swell with Wind]

Inflation. S. I. 5.A.


Not- adj. . bend t.(винты? (Po 1





fp. adv. unifhment]





fp.Secret] .

f .of Heavenly bodiœ]

Infeld, {In-fold' .

Inforce, [a.Coa ion]


Inbabír, [Dwell]



IN 1N . IN

Í'lbffm» Inquire. :.In uifition 'Irl-Ming InquißtioKn. Ag. п. a.) Mln’ Ummm.

. Adjunct Examine] мы”, [N1-í difpot’itionfj

идет. RC. V. 2. A. Ask tural m‘PUmOU-l

Inbtfioi- _ rin-co, .armenio (more) Идти, [a.lnfiituiion.)

[In-_being [тайги Allault Country] IVI/lfm“

[Afll‘ma lbflî’] Inroll, [In- a. catalogue] [Commands

Inbibit. Infatíable, [Not-adj.p.l'uñice Ordinances]

Forbid] . (ров) путям.

Cohibit] х Infcribc, [0n-write . lnůmaìon]

дыму, [Common Holl] Мадрид", [Name ринита]

Inbofpttable. Мап. iii. в. D. Informit., [Noemi p_ñnd чтит. nßvi.

Inimmane. (род) ' Inflruüìon,

Not- . Ínfcul tion, On-carvin . KNOW make{Ag‘ÍnR-ìldl’man] , _ ‘МЛ? ЕЕхаЕйдЩйт.) g 1 Ъ. Teacher] З

_ Cruel] ‚ (Щ'ЕЧ Inferljìb e, [Not-adj. p. fenfe r-S

InJeZI, Into-Cult] _f[$.withSy­ por, Dïl‘cůlve precepts]

мы“ le, [Not-adi. p. imitate Infe arable,[not­adj.p.feparate In fument.

_[pot.] por] Caufe. T. II. :.A.

[щи]. TA.V.7­ Infert, add. _nfl/cnw. Ha. II.

In]_o}n_, [Command] У [In pun] -mtcbanícah Po. VI. r.

iniquity. _ при. Sp.II .6. _0f/Muße, [ад]. Mqfic,

о . to Equity. Mln- I- 2. Inßdinrc. бит.)

Llnholinefs] [a. Ambufh] ­writien, [Bond.]

. .___ {Бедра a. Snare] _[Subûitute]

Init: c, mmm] IMM-M_ Tranfc.(ìnfln]

Injudicioufncft. NP. l. 2:0. adj. Auibulh] Infitßieienr,

щит“, [Command] In ight. Not-fufhcient]

Injury. Ej. lV. r. Into~feeing] _Defe&ive]

Injnßice. Man. l. i­0­ Science] Infular, [adìJíland]

Inl@ Pr. VI.6._A. ‘Анд Infult, [a. Infolence]

._born, -ad).p. carry [apt] “Лида, _ Ínßrperable, [Нос-“фр. over

Velfe for ШК] Into-wriggic] come(por.

мы“. Platten] Ílifupportable. Not­adj.p.l'upport

Dìfcovery {dim} In ipid, [Not-adj. p. talle [pon] pot]

[Narration оыс 'rc для, [Upon-my] In urreñion.

Exprellion _ u мы le. ‚ ` Sedition] A

Inlay, variegate the fuperñcies 0p,to Homiletic Vertue, [adj. _Rebellion (inc.]

wit i_n­put [things] мать“. 0.] mail, vid. Enroll.

тише, [Tan‘gl'e]

Integer, [Whole] fpNuliben‘]`d. E l . N ‘ " 'Шаги, V' " "We { ot ad). Society]

Integral, Whole]

Inligbten [a. Light] A ainlì

Inmate, [Subordinate dweilen] мы“:Inmofl, [MoÍl-adì.inlide.] op. to Magnanimìty. Mamlll. _my _ D_ I1. l,

Inn, [Common Holl Масс] 8.Е. Integrity. Halt/.6.

-leeepfß Common Holl] op. to Condefcenfion. Man. ‚тент, Np,[. l,

tti-Corn, Inw- a. houle v1.2. o. _ Intelligence.

сот») Injiilublc, [Not- ad). P- loßfmg [Knowledge]

Innate, [In-natural] _ _ [pot.] [Narration]

Innafw'gablt.’` [NOU ildl- P- nlvl- Infomuch, [8o.] Adv. ll. x. O. fp, privnm]

_ gationuwb] Inïeûion. ' Intempernnee.

Inner, [adjdnfide] Seein_g] _ Senfuality] Mari. II. :.D.

Innocent. Over ight] Excefs]

op. to Guilty. 81.11. 6» In erßon- _ ‚ Intend.

[наплыв] Iprlnkhng] Purpofe]

Idiot] ` [om fcattering] нага]

{infant} Infpiration of God. AS- Í­6­ A. a. Intenfe [make]

Innovate. Inliable, [adi Lightneffn] Hab. тыл-„ф. TM. 1.8.Е’.

[a. New] 1V. 7. D. Intent.

[Begin a Cullum] Irg‘inll. [Purpofe]

может. Admit folemnly] [End]

ГNot-hurtful] _Confecrate] Intentive.

[Innocent] In ance. _ ___ Ièleedfuâl]

Innumerable, Not- ‚а‘. t num- Exampe спец y . ,'ber (рос.]С ) Р [Earneft intreaty] [Earnellly ìd'rpos d Ю] _

Inoculate. О. III. 7.A. шт. Sp. I. О. rntercnlation,[ Вести-раны;

bagnino, [Мы- adj. eornplaî- [Near] Intercede. “САН-ФА

fance], Soon ш т] Intercept._ _

. Wrong] adv. ответу g ' [Take in-coming]

I"'°rd'"“"i{ Irregular] Ifjlkurntion, ncwìng] [Not­feen[make)by between

Inqueíi,_[adj.a. (Oñîj [Re- mending]_ _ being]

lnqui ition )agg.] 3 Inßep, [Convex oí foot-101%] [такс ion. RCA/l. 6_. A.

Inqnination,[Deñlemeht] l lnßigntiomUmpulñon] InterebangenbIle, [Матвей-‘1’

Il 2 Il е "



1N _'IN f l0


[a.blarta- concealedly] ‘ Intreatto come

iti- _l10n {_obfcurely] Ptovoke] 1 _’

_ ’ _fric-iid, [I‘iiend (augm.] Inuridittiiin,[0verflowing]

OY‘I-Tlz7 [Илью] ]п111’с. In‘uocate. —

Interdi , [Total] [can]

’"’[ë{.*.;....m... l whole] . Limi _[ад]. Pertinent] IMJ/‘il’ Imcgmy] Involve, {îzâmvîce‘ìmd}

s . щ[_prhotäer Profit] ad). Right (make] Involuntary, [Not- adi. p. will.]

[Rem of то“ Name] „щиты, [Мог-211111). wound

_ У [s__ikc mutual ya Into. Prep. IV. 1. . [pon]

Inteifert, IntElerable. Inward, fad). Inlide]

Hurt ­ ‚ _ Not- fuffer ­­­ .PG.VI.fp- iiimierlb-v “nk “3 adj. p. мы} Pof-3 7.1..I '

Inierjaeent, [Between-being] ‘Info-rifare. Operation (dim.]

Inter'ieíiion. D'.II.7.A. 2~_Í‘Um¢ ("Вт-1 Knock [dim]

Interim, [Between-f :iC€~] adi' ’ Drunkcnnefs (такс) îab’t tears. HL.III.7.A.

Interior ['adilnfide] Ттгдддь f. [Pw/@Skil facular, (ад). Urbanity]

„дед“; l Intrada, [Revenue] jocund,

[mingle] InlralLt. PG. VI. тьмы“)

[Stratiñe 1""“1’1 1:3- TNP] atli.llrbanity] I

Inter/ard, ­¿.Stl‘iltiñe I'me‘" 70g.

Interline. ` _P“Y] RO-V- 3- :i.Motion ,.

Between a. line.] Entertain] а. Shaking }\‘mP­

[lsmtiñcl] Intreneb,[a.’1'rcnch] b¢____,'„¿_ [может »M_vL

Ititerlocution. IMVÍIÈMÉIC] i. О.

’n S li ’ ­ . ‚ .штора’ Ё‘дЕ‘ЁЁЁё.) Dìlïlcult(makc] _ 321%’;,í‘gjg’dfëcl’rgbj Tn

Interlude, Stage-play] l hmg'fe' . VI. l.

I intermedi/e. [=‹1›-Р-‹°Пс‹=‘1‹4(=1=тв] Роа’ 7‹‚ь„ [naar] 1=1.111.;.А

With-mingle] lî‘dl'obfcuf? (thing) oy. ,

[Between a. bufinefs.] ln'l'mfef‘l» [ndJ-IHÍìdC-_l [Minh] AS,V,3,

Intermediate. “тиф”: ' _fargoodof otliemAS.

[initiate] [gg-5229138] ‚ v1. 6.' “c —— 'l h . S.Intlîeîdniililgalteïrgmnlixturc] I’nn‘d‘” “мощный-111 {815 ofm т A

Iniermit, [ad`i.p.Di1`continue [""ull- _ tti-_joy one of, Ste. [Congrmn

[make] 'l-Inflend" n­ r‘ghf] late one for. Вид]

Intermix, \'_a.l\lìxture.] [_Dnl’onœl ]ain.

Internal, [adj.lnfide] hmmm’ [sc_c'ng'] Together-put. TA,II. t.Interpellation. ‘Mbna-.l vai. Nearnefs]

[ад]. р. Difcontinue (make) IW” г- a. Contiguity]

difcourfe by between-fpeak- [âlrrí‘r‘î’n a.__Cnntinuity]

` ._ ‚ u A `Intelrrp‘tiltiltion. Invalid' а. "M

[Between-put] _ rImPOten‘] a. LeagueY

fp. admi. Forgery [thing] l “даю _battel, [a. Ваш.)

Interpofe. ' l I [уйти] company (111. ’[Between-puri l 'ma "’"‘ _ ' ` . ’ t l,[l Imcrcemonl] i Int/eck, [a. Notch Дик] [With- lsïâv-e

Interpretation. D. V. 4. `invettive, [швейные-«1111183 _en [adi Fabrile (mech.) of

Iiiterpunt‘li'on. D. I. 4.IriUeigb, [a. Revile] wooden Utenfils.]

Inter-r, [Bury I'Wf'ël", [Allnfîl ï0itit._Interrei'gii, [Iììetween-time of ГР'Ю BWL-l [adl- P- loin]

two а. Kings.] “МИР, [ад/"ЭЙ t ’ _ ­­1y, [Togethcn]

Interrogation, [Qieflion] I'w‘mfmd’ rad" P' Pell-0n] Umm. PG.V.

[пшщдщт [аду Р. Qld-Hon Inventing. AS. ULLA. [Knitting]

(thing.] hmmm), [Catalogne] ’ Our tif-[Having its joint

Interrupt. I__wfrfP-ofpolïfmonS-_l un laced]

adj.p.Difcontinuc make ° _ M- Cut the joints.K[Hinder] ( l [Turn] Ас- VLÜ' _ jointure, [Widow’s Revgnum]

nien-etui.. Ma.1I.2.A. rP°“‘l"­Cm‘ff‘fY-_l ïale. [Head] `

Inter-tial, [Between-[pace] [Beton] . _ fP-çhfdß]

intervene, ¢Between- а. event] I’w'ß’. (‘г-ММ"? г91сттУ-1 .70“7’ lî’dl- Minn-:l

Intellate, Not- adj. а. preter. ["wß'gmm’ [Inqu'ñnon] .701’. [Snake [imp]

bequcathing] In'uç‘e'f‘m’ Old] . ГР-ЬУ Leaping(ljlte.]

‚мате, ад). müde] Invincible, Not- ad). p. over- j‘ot.

infiniti, i. slave {make} 90m@ ( 0L] . ‚ Point]

„шить [en_fcating] Invio/able, Not- adi. p. violate Littlcíthing]

_fp.for Admimon mgn] (_Pof- _ fave, vid. при“.

Intice, [Alim] IMO". MOM-meren? мы, [щиты

Intim/ite. ‘Малые’ [Nob “dJ-ß ¢€ [POL] 701477141, [Narration ОДИН)’

/ ‚ i Int/ite. Y [things.]

Щ ­î'iiurney,


1T ju Y КА

oourney, [Travel] ­ ` flebile. ~ Shoulders.]

_man , [Hired (mech. adi. Feñivity-yean] fp. with Шьем.)

. fubordinate (merc. Mirth [augm] Src.

" `7'utca. HL. V. 4. A. fur out, [a. Protuberant.)

Ira/cible, [adj. Angry (apt.] Íudaifm. RE.. I. 3. ]uuen1le,[_adj.Youth,]

friday-tree. Tt. VI. 3.

_ HL. lv. 6. fudge. R].I.r.

Im’ Hl.. V. 3. A . ­îualgemenr. II.

Irl’fome. _ Faculty. NP. I. 2.

[adLDífPllCCnCß (lUgmJ [О inion] _ KAlenol, [Firlì day of the

[adi Averfatlon Фиат.) [R . (thing] ‚ ‘‹ топки.)

Iron. Met. I. 6. _ [Sentcnce' клипы“, [Book ofmonths]

._monger. [adhlron (mer.] r nilhment from Kani@ [Mufcoviaglafs]

._wort. HF. VII. z. A. _of God, G0d.] Katkin. PP.II. I. A.

Irony. D. l. 8.13г _ Curling. AS. I. Kecko, [Hollow Папы]

Irradiation. [HdbBf'ßht [mlm] _ 3- О’ Kedger, [Anchor [dim]

Irratio’nal. NP. 1:0. ]ш11слгогу, [adj.R]-] Keel. RN. 1I. t.

1rretonci_l_e¢(rbIe,__[Not re- adj. p. 7 ____ _ {у lìlace] R] Keeling. Filh.

Frien pot. _ u ma Re ation. . Keen. —

Irrefragable adj. p. deny } Perßn: {га-ь!“ I. adj. a, Cut [apt.]

[Мог ad). р. COnfIllC Proceeding: in- Ч]. II. Açfimonious]

(ров) ­î'ualiciout, [adi judgment [Intenfe]

Irregulariry. TM. A; ,l (perf.] Keep. `

[пе/530“. [[АгЬс1П:га|._] __ _ jug, [Нанси-май}! рок.) In Good.

I h Ые, NOI-3 I-P- or' l f .0I-Ear( . Preferuc]

pon] l Íugamenli. P0. Щ. _3. [Maintain]

irreparable. — t Mele. [a.Prefhslawr] oùtofevil.‚ сошрепГаге Э уши. RC. III. 9. A. .

[Not'ldl' Р'{ al’l‘ICl'ld ' _7kglllaï, [ldì.Tl’II‘OíII] 5 Dangerous, [Defend]

_ [pon] _ Ivy. Sh. III. r2. [a.P‘ermanent]

Irreßlute, [adi. wavering] ground-HL. VI. x 1. In Quantity.

Irre'cerenre. Man. V. 3. D. Virginian-Sh- V- 3- . ~at ajh). TM. I. 9.

Hurtful, [Deliven]

Irrevocable. _ fuite. PP. I. 7. ‹ In Quality.

again-adj. p. get fujub, Common. Tr. 11.6- _dry [a.perma- dn]

[Notìbaclt-adßpmall wbite-Tr.II.6.A_­ _ ‹ _warm,} marient }w,

_ _ (рог-1 7и1лр, [Cooling Potion] In пасс, [_Stay]

Irrijion, [Mockxng] ._ j‘uly, [Seventh month] a. Permanent

_ à Provoke] _ yulir. Fi. V. 9. A. i ‘ *clofe’ l. Stay }

Imran’. a._lmpulí_:ve]_ _ yuh”, EXJI. 19, A. _ ‹ _ doi-CJ

Irruprion, [Violent тЮ-ШОП] fumble, [a.Confufçd-] a.Per­ in

I! airing] ­yfump, [__Leaggirn .] _ -——0пе’:ш nent one’s

’ Сорта] _ yunìlo, Fa ion ­ Stay bed.]

iy’cbury, [Difeafe ofnot-adj. a. удали‘, [Prefent Лак of _ener ground. RM. 11,2,

Urin [pon] things] -tbefielah Rl‘lLILg,Y

Iß.El. III. 4. une, [Sixth month] -rbetowm RM. II. 4.

Ißcle, [Frozen ¿FOP-3 guníper. Sh. III. xo. 1n Pollelîion.

Ifmg-glafr, [Selcnites] funliet, [adj. Banquet [thing] [Hold TA. 1.6.

115.., [Out-gom] Ivory, horn] Not lo e. TA. V, 5,

[a.StrCîlm (dim-:l [Elephant’s tooth] [Not change]

[Sallv] ïupr'ter. W. II. 4.A. _one’r соку/2’.

' ’Children (Jggr. jury, [Equals fworn to judge] ­­­a wind. RN. VI. 6.

_ R0. I. a 0.] judges' [Not violate]

Olï-l'pringo Defcendents îurifdiílion, Nlagi- ` —_соттдт1, сот.]

(aggr.) 80.1- ßratcs. ­­Pr0miß, ä pio]

r. 0.] ‚ (place.] —тт’‚ Ё ~ wor .]

[Event] îo/l‘, _ _holy-day e.. hdi,

_at Lau’. II. 5. ldj,]ulìic¢] _awayfronnlbe

to Joya-adj. p. Illue adj.Perfe&ion] [Abfcnt .o ma c]

[malte] _temper. TM. I. 8. -bl‘fki } с h' ­

„Нити. W. III.3. l{Alll`o._] __in, l: O ibm]

It. Pron. 1.3. -ßs Sol'o.] ‹ {Вс W ‘над:

mi.. AC.ll.6. to-[Game ofmutual акт:- “"’Íi Malte Í д j _

Dil'cafe. S. III. 2.; ing with Spears] it, [v. Per- [doing]

Item. ` Íußice. Man.1~.r. manent L&c.]_ `

_ Reckon _ драме, [adj.)]ullice rel‘lrail»

[adi.p. Add . (МНЕ) Off. ...under,[v.Per­ ing] ‚

{Admonition_(d_im.] „маг, ‚ "_i manent fubjeâ

I Narration(dim.] juli] ` ‘ПЕ-3

tçrare, [Repeat] _ L“ Innocent] - _ a. companion]

Пике/ат, adj. а. Travel] Pronounce juli] _"’mpav’ U°8¢fh¢f­80f]

Itinerary, adj. Travel] {выше }%_1nnoc¢m] ­­counfel, [a.Taciturnity]

Мал. ТА. VI. _7u/Ile, [Thruß @mpg ­boufe, [3'. КОД“. 5.]


__warrli, [ъ Guirii] Kindred. _ _ Knuckle. PG. V. 7. A.

Keeper­ gconfangumity] RO. I. Knurl, [Knot] ИМ. r.Keeping ì ‚ Affinity] RO.II.

{ Guarding (om) “ц,

[Park (05.] Monarch. RC. I. 2.

Keg. _dom, [King (place]

[Barrel (dim.] _’.r evil, S. Ill. 3. L

Meafure. -nr army, [Principal He- ’

Ke). rald.] _­­.f.1..r. Ро. IV.4.A­ _Mm ва.1п.9..‘‚. LAM. [Lamin.] __

-ofMujig Principi DOW] -fpem iAfphodel] HL. 0f _Skin upon-p. writing

Fruit. PP.1 1.4.А. v... ilPf-J

[Haven] Kifr. AC. V. 6. A. (Р. ACceiTory.]

KelLPG. V1.6. A. Kircbin, radi. Cookery (room.] Labor. _

‚ Kemb , vid. Comb. Ki.. Bi, 1_ ,_ ‚ъ opmmon] _

Kernboingrbe arm. AC. IV-7- -yîfln Fi.I\I.'6. _ Endeavor (гиды-1

KM, Все] Kìrlin, Cat‘(young] _ _ [Dl|_lg¢n¢€]

fp. From remore (place.] Knack, Vadi._ll.aniry шине] «n be m- _ _

Kennel. Клад, [мы] РР.\. 1.А. H_mffarturmon]

Bed] Knap, [То ] fp. tufted.] д!!- P. Pilln by Parmriri.

Room] _fach adi. Travel (bag.] 0n _ _

Sink] _wmL HF. III. 4. 145m". Dld)- Opcrauon (per.

[Recepracle of НИИ] Silver-HF. Ill. 4. A. f0n_.]

fGurter for ñlrh] Knave. Laborroiu, _ _

Kcrcbícf, [adi Linen (veil) for ad’,_(;rafty Labyuntlg, Build- tangle 'è

head..] {заметки (PU'ÍOYÚ i adm. Wander

Kfffl- Knending. 0. IV.7. (aprt,

Grain] Knee. PG. V. 5. A. Lac. [Wax of Anw]

adj. Rußicìry querían] __pnn, [Bone defending the Luce. Pr.IV. 5. _

Kernel. ‚ кпсыыпц] го——[а‚ Face with [geen]

Fruit. PP. Ш. 6. А- beingon bix-1. AC. VI. 6.­A. ra-xogerb_er, [Togerhenbind~

[Glandulc] PP. II. 7. A. KMeL AQ v1, 6, (р. wirhLaee.

Kerfy. _ xmlißinging for Prez. dying Цветная, [Tearmg

карп‘, [Hovermg Hawk] (f, [1_] Lack,

Kelch. RN. L 2. A. кий/Ё. Po. VI. 2. [Нет-Шу?)

xml.. Pr._V. 6. _ Kmzbr, [Gentleman of hìgheß ' ,SCUCIIYJ

Kíbe, [Chilblane] S. 11127. degna] раса!

Kick, [Strike foot Kum [Wam]

with heel bind.) Lack), [ад]. a. Foot-fmam]

Kid,[G03t]_BC­ II. LA. -ÍQWÁ tim] Митра, [Brief (стенда;



-ngoodhoufe, La. R04-U15. Kìndle.

liberally.] а. Fire Gmc]

...ßlence, fa.Silence.] a. Anger (бис)

Knowledge, Knowing]

Science.]`Ha. Vl. l.

Experìence.] Ha.VI. 4.

(manner.](утюг) _ ' .0-V- ‘Аßßf’emef 2 anni... nel. ‚А.

to--as Рейс‘ [a. PP. III.` Knob, faelLProruberance

5. A.] thm ' Lad, adj.Adole cence ­Kìdney.PG. VI. 7. fermé моём. 4. А. Гоп. (‘щ

Kil. ктц Ьдд’ипит, [Concrete exudarion

a-l'Archcd ñrc( lace] Hill dim] ‚ of th.; holy mfc] ‹

_t0­- „а. dy (та\‹с _ . adj, r0wb¢fanc¢ (thing-_] Ladder. P0. IV. l. A.

Klldeï l", [Band (dim-3 ‚ _KMP’ да]. Pfotubefgngg Leidt2 [3. Bul‘dClL]

Km. _ _ a ì дата.) -rng, fad). Burden-(rhìngï)

[Conl'an пищу) ROJ. ‚ ют, Lady.

[Mñnity RO-IL fadi. p. Knit (parr] adi. NobleKíne. 86.11. r. [ßibbands (aggr.) [вы for ìadi. Gentle }(f¢m­]

Kimíf- ornamem] _com Ex. V. 6. A.

Genus. Т. l. ._in garden, [Area ñgur’d _lucen [Sfl‘iPfd En@

[Species] T. LA. for ornament] ’_f Belßrmv. HF. IX. 6. A.

a- of, 845- _ Crew [adi aggregare] ._’r Bower.

~ its ance; (p. (corr.) -—"61а‘ие.Н1‚.1Х‚ z.

our of-[worfe _ lìors] _of а rrce. PP. I. r. A. — _’. Mantle. HL. Vl. 9. A.

^’ than it hath ._.irr grafs, [join: (like-_] __', Milk, White Tliißle]

_ been.] _gruß HF. I. 4. ._Q Seal, Black Briony]

[за] Bird. Bi. vn. в. __’. SliPP¢f~

Manner] _ f_Diñìculty] _’r Smack, HS. IV. x5. A.

adj. Kindnefs] ro- _Jr Thijìle. [White TIL]

_1 enr- {чуде (perf._]1 Fi. Bud] Ladle, [Spoon(augm.]

_ f’ пр en­­ ripen(perf.] :.Coagulare] Lag.

'("fdf'ff f. Know. [Prorraâ]

‘Режим; _ ._menrally. ASJLS. Lagopru. Bi. IIJ-A.

[COUTS: le . -carnaily, [Coition] Ln).

\_Gracioufnefs] ro beknown ` Claim] Пашка, [ад]. lying [malen]

o , { Confefs.] ' Condi


L ‘A L L A

Condition Lam- м tido, ad', Milirar Off. Laríx tree. Tr. V. . A.Нас: }(Рш:] ' ¿vir [cig] ,_ ) Lúrk: Bi. v- 4. З

_аЬаигЫт, а. O_pçritwn Lancer, vid.Launcer. Sea-Bi. VII. 3­ A

(al‘gml LD‘I'BCUC‘] Landi, Рынки/132111011 (inc.] Tir-Bi. V. 4. A.

._fißde. Land. _’x heel. 115.1. 2.

[a. Defiß [Earth]

iun- а. cer make] [Field] v0.1.

_damn [DefiIì]

_.on, [On-put]

Take (cnd] _J0 er, ad', Wander er- Irreguiarìty]._aurfor5 G_ct (спад [0pm Е i (Р ta-aul*,[a.5 Excefs]

Ь‘ФЩП: of] -mnrë,[adj.Margìn(fign-] 'lprodly‘l'lyl

_fro orre‘: charge, [a. Ac- come Laßrwerr. HI‘JV. 6. _

cufe.] ’д’———{ Bring 0n fhofe'] Lark, [ad). Excefsdungmg

»_roane: Wnß, [Apply] Landlord apt. _

_togetherI [a. Summe] . adi. pret. Печати; ì( er Laß, [ad1. Adolefcence (f¢ni_.]

_i.p. TA.V. 4. adj. p, night I’ ' Lußîrude, [9. Weary (abûr.]

._land, [_ a. 11:11 from pIow- \ Houfeì] Ldß

ing.] _ fon o( Land. { На?

{Рис on ГН011] [Mon- Late

-ß “10"” spread ...blt-.3 L...d..f.,[.dj. (mech.) Remmen _

_egg, [a. Parturition] Waíhing (fcm.] {Hindermo ]

| ртути, [a. Foundati- Lnndxkip, [Наше of Coun- {adi-Finiñiing]

on. trey.] End]

_kan son, {Carch] Street] «_[Exemplar]

._bold on, } Arreů] Lane, [Narrow adi. Trayel fp. for Foot veil]

_IeveL [a.Levcl make] (place.] v. Duration]

—‚ореп, [a. Open make 11j-[Not ufual­­] ‚0-1 v.Permanent]

_juge и, [Bcfiege] Languag'¢, D. А. Latch. Po. IV. t. A.

._wager, [гид/ага 1 good, g, Difcourfe (man- -—е1‚ [Thong]

_mm [a. Ambufh ill, }ill.} ner.] fpfor Роем/ей]

d_- _ _ Languid, патента.) Lute.

._Íand,[adl..RcfìIând] Languifb,[Decay] 0p.t0 Old. 39.1.?. .

_mp5 [adp RE. O. (pcr- kan] op. to Soon. Sp._ .4.0.

fon. Lank, Em ry] ‚ Latem Concealed]

[Song _ Lim er] ' "141 ‚ `

[Viâagïmg] Lantern, [adj Candle (room.] ÉZI’IÍJJ, [Lâïnfí‘lj fp- Ofçwß‘ìd]

an ¿d ‚ е, а 1. 11111111 lug. _` Gouril] îofgdr- Cornel-‘ŕ of Latin, [Language oighomans]

Laie, [Temporal] mm, Margin ус“) Lan/ud?.

LWL ‚ _ ` [Space upon the knees] il‘gl‘tddlh] _

Р)::г_з1у1115 Quince] _d0¿, [Link Dog kept от- [1)111а11с: rom the Equa

Stranñe] Iy for delight] tor '

Lake. W. IV.2.A. ' _nfmh l Lauer, Sncceedmg] .

Tree. Tr. VIII. 8. ro- Lattin,[adl. Irun (Lamm)

Lamb, Sheep] ßçJLmO'oung) asaDog‘, [Drink by liçk- _ rlnn‘cL]

to- v. Partunnon] ing] Lmu, [Oblique Großes

Lame. _ Fold (Pim).

[Mutilated *"P mm", Cloth.: for Lu‘varmur. Pi. IX. 5. A.

[111111111 apn] warmth] Laudable, [а‹1).р.Рп11с(:1рг.]

Lament. Lapidary, [жилет [mera] La'uç, [Empty by 011110009

[Grief,Lamin. Mag.V. 4.

' Lamm,[adj. Cudgclling]

Lamp. Pr. VI. g. A.


Fifh. Fi. v1.5.

Difeafe. ’

Lampriü. Fi. VI. ç.A. d

Wooll feather:Lum’ Soft y Hawk]

—гг‚ [Lanar (male.]


[Shoi't Pike]

Bummg­­­[Dan.] El. 1.4. A.


i0 Cut]

Open by cutting]

Lancez! ardent, [Dirt] El. I.

4. .Lance-knight, [Foot~fouldier`_|

arable-Po I. 4.

[Countrcy] RC. 111.2.


Stumble (dim.]


[Loic by omífîion]

Lapwing, Bi. VII. l.

Larboord [Left fide]

Larsen), [Theft] ­

Larcb-tree. Tr. Y. g. A.

Lard, [Fat ofSwinc]

10-1’1. HI. 8- `

_er, [adjjleíhfrootm]






Liberal] “на

со 1 п’‘lf-i-_N"_‘­{ imprifon’g']

ad).Lìbex'ty] —

Larg@ I, [Gift (augm.]




L4». [whip]


Lavender. HF. VI. 5.

French-[Cammy] HF.

VI. 5. A.

Sea -HS. VI. 9. A.

_Comm HFJLxo. A.

Lu'uer, {ад}. Wzíhing (7:5:1]

Laugh. AC. IV. 3.

t (сатиры.

_to from, ing.]»

[Laugh íMoch


Law/h, [Prodigäi] .

Launce, vid. Laaze- _

Launch, [a. Swim {ma}

f . Ship.] _

Laundreß, ЕМ}. а. Wanting

(mech.] _ ‘ '

шт. Тг. III. 5. А.

Altxaudrían--Slh IH. 7.

Lm) RC» 1V. 3.



_ofnature. RC. V1.1.

_pofitiom RC. VI. 3.

Civil-«[Roman Iaw]

Failier in— [ Father by af

linit .] _ _

go to­­ _a. Sum]

„аду, [a. (загс-фу.)

——[и11. T._V. r._ __

Liccncious._laß WithoutLaw.]


Civil-RC. II. z. _

Common-RC. П. 2. A.


[Linnen fine [augm._]

[Treey paûurm]



[Loofe _

Lai'caiive, adi. a. Dung (apn] _

Laer, [adj. Leprofie [perfom]

[цепи/е. Tr. I. 3. A.

La .ëtjnto Stout. NP. IV. 6. O.

[adj. Sloth]

Laiuljlone. St. II.3. A.



Lead. Met. I. 5.

Black-Met. III. 6.

âfnite-[Cerufe] Met. IV. 6 _

_i of houfe, [ Leaden roof

__wort of_]

Leade. ‚

Gobeforc. TA. VI. 5.




Jing cafe, [Example] D. IV. 8. i

j’ Lcade[corr._]

­afide, Err.[make.]

iSeducm] _

_i,ffá г. Converfation]

a. Life]


._.ofPlarm PP. II. 5. _A.

L_ofPaper, [Lamìn.] . _

_ofFat, [Fat next the ribs.]

fp. of Hogs.]

»ofGold, [Lamin-]


Confederacy. RC. III. 8.

Meafure. Mea._I. 8.

Leaguer, [Sicge.]

tot. ‚[Into-receive water]

fpring a­­ into-receive (inc.)


Learn, [Lamin offlame.]


PoÍIure.AC.VI. 4. A.


-ioivard, [Ver


Leanneft. NP. V. 5. 0.


`ing. AC. I. у.

[a. Coition]

‘Чем, [Year of_366 days.]

a. Learner]Lum? Know (inc

„ _er во. 111.;‚0.

­­ing. Ha. Vl. 5.

Lea e. _

[(gbligation of hire]



let a-[Demife by Obligation

of hire]

Glean, [Gather the left


Ly, [a. Man. IV. l.

Lea i.



l Leajl, [Moll-little]

adv. Moll-little]

‘"- Not lefs]

_than Conj. III. r. 0.

Lcaßire. TA. III. O.

l {Slow.] _ _

“д adj. Degrees (Гаги)

Leather. Pr. IV. 2.

Leave. `


Take али-{ан Valcdiâi



Not take. TA. I. 4. О.


[a. Relidue

_ a. Dereli ion]

{21. Defertion]

Give over]



или? _[adj. a. Ferment


fp. oáßread]

Leaver, adj. Lifting [infin]

Lecbery, _adj.LuIi (a t.]

Leccia Sali/ianinFi. IV. r.

Leiflure, Read [thing]

[adj. p. Teacher]

Ledge, [Tranfverfe protuberant



Cover’d rom wind]

Legend, [Fabulous Narration.]

Legerdemai'n, [adj. Prefìigiator


щит, adi. p. read [pot.]

Legion, Regimenn]

Legiflatì‘ue, [adj. a. Law [malta]

‚ _ гад}. Law.


to-[Un-a Baflard]

Legumen. [Pulfe.]

Loman, [adj. Fornication [fem]

Lemon. Тг. I. 8. A.

Lend. RC. V. 4. '

Length. TM II. r.

at- [After all this] Adv.

ш. g. o. ’

Un­­ adj. a.Pain [apt]

Lenitiw, adj. a. Indolence

I (arf-3

ret. Ч

{20}. [a.)l‘cnd-:l

[adj. Faliing [time]

Lenti/r. 1-15.П.3. A.

Leniiik, [Маше-те `]

Leiiiitude, [Excefs of Meeltnefs]

Man. I. 9, Е.

Leo,[Fifth ofthe r2. parts of the

Zodiac.] ‹

Leopard. Be. IV. 2. А.

­-.r bane. HF.III. 6.

Loper, [adj. Leprofie [perfom]

Leprofìe. S. II. 5.

Left, [Mere-little]

Le ee, [adj. a. Hire [perfom]

Le en, [Diminil'h.]

. " ReadUlm", [adb P' îTeacher}


“лбу, [adj. a. Demifing [perfon]




­alonc, Nothinden]

­bloud, a. Bleeding]

Pag to Leeward. RN. VI Caufc l

. D. .da Hel . ГLeech. Ex. I. 2. т’ Su er]to de Cmd]

L _Vid. Leach. ­go. TA. I. 6. О.

ее .HL.IV. _A. -in f f' ~"‘

Hau/è_[secl9um] ­out„ ísuñ-er tOÍciiit-Ígo]

obli uel ­ a: .Leer, [Look{ dccgitfuñg] _P,-í{;’}[0tnit.]

Leefe, [Lofe] _Impedíent.]

Leer, [Law-day] [Demife.]

Left. Lethargy. S. IV. 3.

(pret. }Leave Letter.

гад). p. ‘ _ Element.] D. I. r.

[Relidue] TM. VI. 7. О. Epilile]

Sinifler. Sp. III. 9. 0. Bond]

Leg, [Shank] PG. у. 5. s patenti, [Patent]

-ofMuttoii, [Thigh ofШар.) Lettice. HF . III. l t.

to make a leg, [a. C0ngee.] Lambr

Legacy, |_adj. p. Bequeathing Level.

(thing. [Lying]

Legal, [ad i. Law] Plain]

Legato, [Public adj. p. fend [per- {Equalj

fon.] Smooth]



[Piaini'ieis- trying [infin]

Aim, X332??? i diretî]

op. to Degrees of petfons.

RC.I.O. -

Leven, vid. Lea-uen.

Levçret, [Hare (young.]

[ют/мл, [Crocodile] Be.IV.3

lrvy, [башен]

Lemie. БЕЛ. z. A. f

Levit’y. ‚

Taäil quality. Q. V. 4.D.

Inconûancy. Ha. 1V. y. D.

Vainnel‘s. Man. IV. 6. D.


[Evil ( augin.)

Vicious augm.Llnehafì~ :l

Lexicon; [Catalogue óf ínterpre

red тогда] '

Iy ’

[v. Situation]

:ggg ŕfv, [и Near]

v. Proflrate.] AC. VI. 7. A.

a. GueÍL] RO. III. 6. A.

a.Perm:inent.] Sp. I. 6.

._-domn AC. VI. 7. A.

u [Be all the

_from Ironie,r night .

[a бис‘! j

' (from home.]

_in СЫН- Shut up f

n.4,.[ae in bed I“ t“


._in Wait, Га‘. Ámbufh]

_.iogeilaer,[to­1>a. Coition]

~ gCther- а.) aBCd]

rll der-ly]_rinden i их}. p_ Subjca]

__ , rrr'


Vice [perfon] l

Libra [Seventh artdia’c] p

Libertin, [Not-cohibited adj.

einem., [adr а. Lun .pig

o theZ


l 3.0.‚солдату. На. Iv.

7.Do­ . ‹ _

°P­ 'o | Gravity. мы!“

. ‚ f Haufe] l 6.1). _

Library, [adißooksimoon'rt] ‚стану. Мап. II,

Librarian O I 2 (звал-1 @amiga-J7' о

Li Lo ­i’ I *"fbflifß [Credulity]

œ’bl-'p ` w с] Frivoloufnefs]

ejcîncgmiic Ы в А. Mmmm@

Lnennafnfßî ì 1 ‚о "Mie-_01S [Comenta]

. exc.

[Hermien] ...n.{äifïgndlfГNor cohibited Vice (abßr.) o" CGI]

mi. Мо. ш. 7.


í Reíident

in_cf. Prep. IÍ- .


_ fallu-P, RN. V. l.

Life. `

[Living\{­abñr.] ‚

ro tbe-[Living [like]

Uf“, [subiumte (anni.)

_ing fire. El. I. 6. A.

`lord [Proper King

­man, [Proper Subicâ]

Ordinary }Embilffadour]

1 A.

Lieutenant, (мы; ЁЁЁЁЩ]


_from borfe, [Defcend_]

Happen [a.Event]

Licorice. Sh. 1V. 5. Light-0:", [Happm to find]

_waa-H5. 111.3. [a i,- hc]

Licouroui, [Intemperate in ban- ’ ° g fB ' ‹ —

Яцсшрг] [Un- a. P linien]

Lid, [ад]. Covering (infir. [а ыгьшдпщм

eyEîäCoveriiig (part) o the ¿,-gbt‘em-„g’ EL??

Liege, n [adi. Law] .‚ Ц‘Ьт’ [Boat for burden (aug‘J

Lrgbtr, [Lungs] PG. VI. 2 A


идти‘ iyepnfnnum, Tr.

Lignum Rlioiíiuni'.

Ligurinui. Bi. VI. i.l

Li e.


_ar, As] ‹

_rififq [advlike]

[adn Equaliry]


_i pprove .[lui азота bkî't‘]

‚ го a

ggg; {True Uilm]

f I’ TM­V­ Iliking. l


кЗгагс] «


Lilacli. Sh. IV. l. .

Lilly. HL. IV. i..

any1-HLN. 3.

water-HL. VI. 4,

_»boftbe valley. HL'. VII. 7A'.

Lim .



"P Е ‘ci ...coiriong

._witb,[Wirh­ швы.)

._.ůedrid, [Be un­adj. а. Rife

(por.) by vÍ'it;Itnef.<..]

_1nd, adi. p. Conceal._]

­open, _adì. p. Opening]

­ßill, adj. Refh]

[a. Lying Man. IV. i. 0.

‘ДМ- a.Man. IV. 1.0.


.L inL) _adLYaJgnJxiviation~[thing]

Lyingneß. Man. IV. r.0. _

Liable, [adi. p. Objeâ [pon]

Lib, [Un- a. Teñicle]

‚ _ ккк áid'ëg'

Tree af-'SIL' IV. 6. A..

um] ‚

_timex Mea. VI.

Sie J



Li r

Move upwardQOhI. I.

fa. Hig .j

[Exam Ia. Higher]

Lìgainent. PG. II. 2.

Libbdrd, [I.eop:1rd.] идт- Г

Libel,[adj.ßook(dim.] З‘ЁЫЁ- I E

fp. Backbiting._] Sr'mybQ-l- l~ ~

Libellaworm. EX. III. 5. "CQ" “TJ-,Q «2

Libmil. [Brightnefs] _

[adi. Free-man] (“Фёд- Iállghtsŕmftn]

' ’ as an e с._6ае:псг, [Learning] Ha. „_T-4.618,41. Fire (ined

[adi Li дату [adninghmeß]

Liberaliiy Man. lll i ­­nef:.

0p. to Heavinefs. Q V.

4. D.

_be'aded, [Vertiginous]


-bor e, [adj. War


_ofCicero, [Narration of

Qf-aiid death, [ад]. _Ca pi

. ’l

_up imeil voice, [Exclaim]

-ofa Ship. RN. Iv. 4. A.

-e'ueilnßing [Cinaphali


Limbeek, [VeÍIel for hoi: dißil~


Limberncfr. ЧП. 6.15.

Limbur, [Margin] ‚

Ц’йу. El. IV. 5.

‚ .j ‚i’ . Pie ated juice of Miíleto]‘.lïhaunrr . '

.' Tl'. VI. lo.

[Finiting-çI( Масс

l’serioufnefs. NPJV.



[Averl'ation] AS. V. 5.0.

[Being cloy’d] ASI V. I. O.

(мамам, [Loathed (appl

Lob, (ад). Lumpifh [potion]

fp. Great]

Lobby, Ou ter room [dim]

Lobe, Protuberant [part]

Lobjier. Ex.\'l. i. \

Local, [adj. Place]


Filh. Fi. IX. rr. A.

[adi. p. Lick (apt.) Medicin]


[за], Shutting [jug]

_on door, Sec. P0. IV. 4.

_on a River, [Water-courie

narrowing' [ing]



Locker, [СМИ]

Locomotion, [Motion from place

to place.]

Locujl. Ex.lI. i.

_tree. Sh. IV. 6. A.



to_0. VI. 7.


adi. Pole

“ß”, {Direâing

_]lone. St. II. 7.


Г". Ni ht]

a.ReIl]‘Е fp. b night]

[a. бис _]

a_ Hou e (dím.]

room],‘ ­



Thick wood]

Part of trunk]

fp. for Fuel._|

_line, [Way-meafuring


fp. of Mariners]



[Great (corr.) head]

[Dull [augm]

Logic, [ад]. a. Realon [am]

~partt of Difcourfe. р. lV.

фар-{Штам- [corn]

Logiliic, adi. a. Computation


Logwood. _'I‘r. VII. 5. A.


Lolling, [a. Lean [com]

Lome, [Mortar]

Londontufr. HS._V, 4.

Lone, [Lending]





[a. {Determination]


_ [Apo int precìi‘ely]

Limitation. D. IV. 2.

— Limn, [Paint with Water-co


Limon. _

Limp, [Halt]

Limpct. Ex. VIII. t.

Linagc, [Defcendents (звук)

RO. I. I. O.


Linden tree.


_ Dimenfion. Mag. I. t.


tbe--[Equator] W. VI. i .

Meafure. Mea. I. i.

[Thred] _

Fißiìng-[String of hairs for

lifhing] _

рыть-[Зал rig for meafu



to-Pr. IV. 9. А.

to-one Forrijîcation with

another. RM. VI. 4. A.

_a bedge with, [Within

garrifon with Series 0f]

[a. Coition] fp. ofDog.]

Lineal, [adi­ Line]

Lineament, [Figure]


Filh. Fi. III. 3.


Lingor, [Protraâ]


Индии, adj. Language (аг




[Candle ofpitch‘d Tow]



_;Èyaper, :_[adL Linnen


Lìniieîí. BLIV. 8.

Re -Bi. IV. B. А.

Linffea, [Seed of Flax]

LJnfey- тиф).

[Woven (thing) of Linnen

and Woollen]

[Mixture [corn]

Lint, [Down Shaving of

(like) Scraping Lin


шт. Ро. Iv. g. A.

Lion. Be. IV. i.

__: tootb, [Мент]

golf?. iii. в. _

{9"1 , ad'. Moiline S ­ V' 2°

Liquid «[mbgnTr. “11%?

Liquor, [adi.a. Moillnefsì



­­ofclotb, Margin]

tbe _i, Combate (place

_at be_et , [as hewilleth


Hear ( end]

_ Obferve with Ear]

Lffllefneft. NP. I. 4. O.

ими), [Brief viciíIitudinary


Literal, [adì. Letter]

Literature, [Learning] Ha.

VI. 4.

Litbarge. Met. IV. I.

Litbenefi, [Limbernefs] Ox. V.

6 E.

Lit/nr.' ‘

Lazy -



Litigioux, [ад]. contentious]


Birth [Children ­aggr.) of

one parturition.

Straw [Bed for Horfe]

hoffe-[Sedan to be carried

between Horfes]

Little. TM. I LD.

b)_tâ:id­­][adv. Degrees

( `m.

_­-ont.t, [Young children]

Liturgy, [Pub-í Manner ìof

lic Form



Proper. AC. I. .

[Bei 7__i'n exi/:[Be bliilht]


_upon, [Feed upon]

[a. Convcrfation]

Lioely,{ Sprightlinefs]

[adi. Vigour]

_bood, [Maintenance]





[adi Living (perfon]

Part. PG. VI. 5.

__wort. HI.. I. 3. А.



(за). Service (lign) gar

ment] _

Delivering TA. IV. .Е fp. of дышит?

_and feijin. RC. V. 8. A.

Horfe at-[H. at hired gueli- Lobocb, [Medicament to be lick

_ _ ing] ed] ._

Living. „ш. Man. V. 6.

Vid. Li'ue. Loin, PC. IV. 4.

[Maintenance] Loi'ier.

мыши“. O.VI. 8. [a. Cunñation]

ими’. Be. VI. 4. [a. Slattering time]

Lo, Imp.l.00k.]

Loac . Fi. IX. t i . A.

Loaf; [Bread]

Дот), [adj.Nolleity]

_ _ (thing Wet Loatbe. 5 Lonefome, [Solitary]

'lifpinpACJlL a. A. op. to Appetite. NI’. Il. 4.0. Long.

1 i ` а.



L О L О "М А

{2. Length] Lorbe, vid. Learbe. Lumpijh. NP. V. 8. O.

a. Duration] Lotion, [Wafliing] Lunar, [adj. Moon]

__fufj‘ër- Meeknefë] Lottery. ‚ _ Lunatic, [Mad] Ip. monthly]

ing, Patience] f _ Lorui. HS. III. t3. _ Lunchion, [Fragment [augnu]

....iiine, _Permanent (aug_.] Lavage. НЕ“. 4.A. Lungi-_ PG. VI. 2. A

{aL-Delire } а m Loud, vid. Lowd. Lunguvort. i

M_ a. Appetite ( “g 'j Looe, ' Lupin. HS. III. ì.A.

Lang Ojßŕ‘r- EX- Vl. I- А’ Affeäion. AS. V. 3. ‘ . Everlafiing

Longoztii- Long life] 111-[ад]. Love [augm.] Lupus. Fi. IV. g. _

ry, Permanence (‘ив-1 make-[a.Suitour] ‚ _marinus Scbonfeldii. Fi.

Longitude. Apple of- _ III. I 6.

[Length] ‚ _ [Charity] [ига/1, [a. Theft]

[Dilianee from firlì Mend] Lovely, [adj.p. Love [apn] ~er, [Dog hunting leifer

Looby, [Great (corr.) pCrfOß] La_itr. AC. IV. 2f. O. . beafls by fwiftnefs]

Look. ' Leut, [adj. Ruilicity [perfon] Lure.

[a. Ey] ro-AC. IV. 2.0. adj Alluring [thing]

_ State] Low, [a.CowCvoice] a.Exclaiming]

[MCCÁ Manner] Lowbell, Ехгайс} Lurk,

to a. Ey_ [Bell to Hunt Lie concealed]

_abour, [a. Heedfulnel's] Birds] a. Ambulh]

_.ßßEExpçä] Laird, [adj. Sound [augm.`] штат, [Sweet [exc]

_on, а. Ey] Lowe. _ Lujf.

а. i-ieedfulncfs] [adj. TM. II. 4. 0.] Appetite]

*'01 a. Obfervmg.) . . inferiority] {шт}

Looking-glaß, [Sight-fcñîâmg [adbìMeannefs] f . of Coition. AC, 1I, 5,

(initr. _ _ _ Under-part] МЛ), [adj. Vigon]

Loom, [a j. Waving (ЮЗ-1 [add Bottom Lujier, [Space of 5 years]

Loop, Mag. V. a. A. {Shal ow ш.) Lujfration, [lln-prophane]

_bo/e, [Chmk] -Wß'el'i Down-tide] fp. by Saeriñce.]

Шар. _found [Grave f.] Lußre, [Brìghtnefs

Not-fixa@ VI. 6. D. штаты/1, [Moû-lowe] Lute, [Mufic (min.] щи:

Not cohibìted] Lmly, [Humble] ñrings to be flruc with fin

ëlrregular] Lowe. AC.IIV. 1.0. gers.] -

36ml S Low e. Ex. . 8. Shut ‚{NegligjeuQ -fworn и“ { yn }ьу fqdermg]

Carelefs] Hog-[Sow] r Luxation, a. LoOfC] VI.

[Vicious] A _ Sea-EXJI. ir. 6. D.

-in one‘s body. [Diarrhœzb] 5» W„U..[Punice] Luxury. Mari. IIL'4. E. `

VI. 6. Loivr, vid. Щи’. _ Luxurianz, [adj. Excefs]

ro­­ _ Lunge, [ uadj‘at whol'e op- Luxurioufneß, [Riotoufncfs.]

llnty. 0.11'. 1.0. роте Ang es are equal, but Man.III. 4. E, _

Abfolve] RE. V. 5.0. not “же; Linx, [Ounce] Be. IV.;.

Loo едут, ¿0311, [ rear lumpiih (per. Lyra altera Rondeletii. Fi. IV.

:added-HS. IV. 3. _ Lubb¢y,} fon] 5. A:

hooded-HF. VII. x4. A. “меду. Lyric, [Verfe for feng]

purple-HF. VII. i 5. A. [unâuoufnefs]

yellow-HS. V. la. A. Lucid, [adj. Light]

Laooerbole, [Open place in the Fortune]

‘ roof.] Ы‘Ь { Event]

Oñïcut branches] _ f .Profpcrous.] мL01”{l.In-br:inch] ‘ Goo ­­­[Profperity]

Loquncuy. Man. VI. 5. D. _ Ill- Adverlity]

Lord. f Lucre, Gain _ ЪдАсдгше7 . _

[Baron] RCJ. 3. Lueubrarion„ adj. _] Study] [Pudding [like] of Al

[Maßer] R0.III.7._ night _ Work] тома, 8¢c._]

Lordan, [Lazy [perfonj Lug, [Ear [corn] Sad-worm. [Confufed Mixture]

Lorldy. _ ‘ ro-[Pul ] Mace. _ .‚

[adb I-Ofd [MIC] Luggage. Staff, [Magifìracy (figu) club.

Proud] Burden.] Pofs. V. О. Spice, [Husk of Nutmeg]

I Magiflerîal] Impediment] 'I'. II. 5. О. Reed-HL. lll. i5. _

Lor jbip. Utenlils corn] Maccapß, [Hyphen] D.I.4.A.

[Lord (Ibai-_] Baggage ЕМ. V. O. МЛСИ'ЛГС.

Mannour. Po. I. LA. Lugubri'our, ld). Gl'lCf] ll'lfufc]

Lofe. Lukewarm. 50h]

Pine. Man. II. a. E.

Machin. P0. VI. 8.

op. to gain. TA. v. 2. O. Neither hot not cold]

Lu Macbinare.

op. to hold [Let go“ Temperate]

op. to keep’. TA.V.].O. l, Allure to гей]

as Garrifon. RM.II.4.D. _ евр, [a. Sleep] [a.Machin]

Loff- ' Lumber, vid.Luggage. _ _ l{Dei'igii]

adj. p.I.ofe] Luminaiy,.[adj.a. Light [thing] lContrive]

adj. p. Dellruâion] Lump. TM. VI. машет, [Lean]

Lot, [adj. a. Mo. V. i. (thing] _..fifh.Fi.II.A. Maclierel. Fi.III. 5._ _ _

to caff-r Мо. V. l. _ _ _ ' Iàíkk 2 _ ad





. М А М А М А

мм‘ [Un- adi. p.Pupil [apn] [adj. a. pret. Evil [perfom]

._neft. S. IV. LA. S¢fj¢d1lf­[adi. Regiment

Frenzy S. 1V; ll­

Anger iugm]

[ад]. Criminal (per-fon]

_ (0f.) that gives orders] Malefcencc, Mifchievou nefs]

Millor, [ChiefTown [OHL] Maletiolence, Malignity] AS. V.

__wort_ HS VL ,_ A_ Maig, [Indian Bread-corn] HL. 2. О.

Maddt’t‘. HL. IX. 3. M__ke II. 2. Malice, }__P_ old]

11figuri-HL. IX' 9. tha-[Figure] Mat'ign.

l ' ‘га. ‘ to- [a.Malignity]

gdrp. макс] а.СацГе] [L Emy]

b „n [Faâitìous] T. III {21. Ellìcient] лм’йдлдту’гшг.5.11. 3.

_ О? Create] ‚ты/“щ. AS. V. 2. O.

Madri al [Song Hdi- Shfl" {Сиднее into] Mall, [Millet[augm.]

herâ] { пуст] liv-[Beat (ангина

Мини. Fi.V.12. года?) Мадт’д. [Puck (так) _

Magagine, [Amniu- {[(äggì [Essa] Mtëgäble, На). p. Knocking

t on .

Maggtt. Ex. 1. _a bed, [Prepared bed] Mallet, Wooden hammer]

‘Bee-Ex. lll- 2~ [Едет] -fígum Mag. VI. 4. A.

-accourm [Elleem]

»_way, [Prepare way]

Maller. Hl". IX. 6.W __E.1ii.;.A.НМ” Х .im/»_HF. 1х.7.

jv[[¿S’rîicnce of obfcure Natural ­­­rnucb. _ somo-sh. V. 4.

— ([hgngS] [F.lleera much] Tree-HP. IX. 7. A.

[Witchcraft] { Indulge] Ver'Uain-HF. IX. 8.

Magmcrillneft. Man. IV. 8. D- Favour [lign] Malmf , [Wine of Malvafia]Magißrate. RC. I. r. _ [gìrêotbling of, [Conternn] Malt, L[adn p. pret. l“ ermeuting

м mit). Маши .9» ~ C 0I' ‚ Barley]

'Mflîlgt'l' st.1I.G7. __] -vïgrîfi [5CH for mO

_ . reame . ._ u

Mdgnlfï?, s, pmt@ (мВт-1 -tbe ‚поп, [Sell tothe moll- [Fragment]

"‘“"%Е:"‘“›®‹“‘°“"1м“ „„Е’;$""‚;%„„ Ma... W v ,

Magnitndtfl'lvlrig. -ßl'lx , Fife } {make} Sex, [Man [male]

тигр)’. BLI. 8~. -good. _ [Servant [male]

,n.ibumeranifm. RE. I. 5. {Cornpcnfate] Пи lf any one]

‚иду, Repair] Chef- adi. Chefs Unlln]

[Fifth Month] Defend] _of mir. RN. I. 6,

._fly. Ex. Ivi 7. A. Hold out] мамам [Bonds for the

_weed HF. Il. 9.A. _bŕrgiŕounah RMJI. 2. hands.

Ability' ._ba Dl arch] Bulinefs '[HHC ì Liberty] _a leagumlïîcague(make] Manage, [a. íUñiig] j

Maid. ._oui‘, [Plain [make] [Governing

Virgin] __, { Prepare] Mnnc!.ret,[ lìread of Поп/г.

Servant (fem.] “my 7’ Clothe] Manci'ple, [Buying (Orf.) ofVi

НИ‘, [Ray] Fifll. 3. _ref Oni'ng, [Expeâ] ¿tual (Щиты)

Mer-[Man (like) Filth] _ari , [_Seem [make] !l{anilfate,[Co_i_rimzuid]

_en hair. ­­fale, ell] p'. Sent.

black-HL. I. 5. A. Mandiblc,-—]Ьт‚ SCCII'I'ÚIIBRCÄ


В .e f h ' _—/Ът, Obtain diñìç l- С” 0 t папа]

Mandi/ion, [Loofe upper veвить/дадим. 7. j" d _( HS IX A

‚ш ra e. . .4. .white-Hl.. I. 5.

Majejly, [King (abllr.] ­ajlir, [Stir] Mane. PP. VI. 4. A.

Mnjtyiic, adj. King( ike] _a шеф, [a. Verfe Matter, vid. Manner.

Mail, [Woven (like) armour] Reconci e] [l adjy Manhood]Maim,[_a. Mutilation] _uplaáhepair ‚ Ma’lf" tìstout]

Main. . мы Mange, Itch'

[Great _rife of, [Life] Manger, Hor es provender

‘_Iatt , Continent] Malady, [_Dil'ea e] (vels.`

„Тел, Ocean] Mal-adminillration. Mari. VI. Matig), [замки]

_majL БЫЛИ. 5. 5. О. Mang/e.

[Principal] Ma err. [Murilate]

­­battel, [Middle b.] [ ­tutor’d] [a. Fragment (l'egr.]

--cbance, Stock] [irreverent] Manbood.

[Chief Conccrnment] [Bold (сот) ‘ [Valour]

[Intenfe] Male. Age. Mea. V1.3.

­-jlrengtb, [Strength _fex.NP.VI. 2. Man), [adj.Multitude]

_ (augrn.'] [Riding-bag] Manifefl. TA.I. _9.

Maintain. Coat of­­ Woven (like) ar~ Manifeßo, [Public Declarati

Kecp RO. VI. 4. mour ‘ on `[Defend RO. V1.5. машины, Not-content] Manijloldladi. Multitude [kind]

I_ulliñe, a. Advocate] мамаши, Curling] AS. I. Manly.

Major. 3.0. [Man ШК]

[стаю] Malefallor. [Stout



“Мы@autohandel À [Seaman] RN V ц

g’fanna. EL ЕД. 6. Marjoram. HF. VII. 4. Ч goîgi }B°dy]

anna fold in "гора. [COUCYCÍF ,l Ganter-HF. Vl. 3 A L A

Ехидапоп from me wila Alli.) ¿ „шьют. vii. ...'A.' ilzïrcniîilil]

Millîrlivrlieotäe‘] т у’ ` giuri/ft. Po. I._8. A. ` S Promil'cw*

Анной] Mgïlktim, [adi Sea] марш, oils }kiiiing_]

{д a*- _Thereaboutj [Si'gn] иди‘ General

çßZleAadvfomej Brand, [Stigmatization fajdLMafs]

ыmín-[What manner] fßgn] fweightyi QV 4,

Stately] Boundary, [Margin (бал) [_'adLMaifincfs .

капот] Goal, [adj.p. {(place'] -nffn Mag. VI. i D.

Mmefll, ì civility] . F’b’f‘* (‘мы {wir} pp lli

[mit Kerpen; Weight. 8 Oum-‘ß ‚ _.f'~ im 'l'i1 tiiáioiiey» 135.-4» ForgnpiìN {N14-,À

[у _ I _ ¿_ .- ‚ ‚ . .Liter ea [a-Slâßl ` Щт‘“ ш’ 5’Manni i.A 'l âtli’fŕmmzc] ggddle-_RN‘IH’ S'A'

Man like] Erve] ‘n

Mlênrìr'rliilgar (apt.) with man] Mgltâcgatlrlârciäntjl Maßei- Authority

Stil-ying ­ ` ­ (PÍJCC‘l I. "с шт‘ [ad;"{ Power }(рсггоп:]

{Dwellinß }СР1ас‹:_\ мм, ГСНаШУ clay formanu- `°fjîwnm поди‘ 7’

[Houra-l ring-j Y _offJmi/y. RO. IU. 5,

-afafbllp RN. V. 4.Marflaughter, [Man-killing] Marlin.

Mantel, [Beam ofChimneyj Ma’md'lff- fidi. Pr.II. (thing)

Мат/д. ofboil’d Quince]

[Tcaeherj RQIII. 3.

_of am, [Graduate in the`Garment to сад about one Marmojìr, [Monkey dim, _ansil

klipper loofeveßj 1 Marmotte. Be. III, 4. l [СНИП

M_La. Froth] Marquefr._ -bf'arm P ‚ _ Ь.)

Mantis. Ex. II. l. A. [ИСП- Limit *P1665 „птиц“!

Manual. [Next il.. щи: Noble. ’0* ‚ ‘[ад]. Hand] « _man,]'v ' FGM the power over]

[Boolqaimg Mnrmg. тм.1.9. D. Conquer]

Manucodiota. Py (kind) Marr). RE. IV. 6. Í‘Cohlbit]

Munuduäiìon, {Leading} ­­­¢d. R0.1I.4. [Gm/crut] U

Manufali‘ure, Ud). p. Mechanic M'WOW» PG- l. 3. A. Mal fr' D_iÍObCf‘llent]

{thing} Marr. W. П. 5. ffl, I iceriçmlis

Manumie. Mdïfïml. M‘ßW/J. [Magißerial]

[In-villain] Pro'uofi-RCL 6.A, Mfëlîç'i'wort. HF IV.5, A,

{Пи-Пак] т-Гa. Order] ‘ /VJß/f, ÍGum ofthe Маше

Mamlring. M11", _[rçonvention for Merchan. tree_| `

[Agriculture] o.IIl. dife n etree, тг.ш. в.

Soiiing. О. ULg. Lmfff 9f_-[Licence of naval мадётт- MO-UI. ç.

Mnnufcript, [Written Book) predation Mf‘ß'w’, [Dog kept (onwatchj

Map, [Идите of Country) ’ Managen. _HL V. 2. A. M”. [ÍWovenä киты]

Maple. Tr. VI. 6. Мдт’тп, LFur ofMartcn (flung) 0f Straw]

Mar, vid: Marr. Ими‘, [adì- Wir. КМ] —т`гд’- HI.. Ш. 4.

Marble. st. li. i. Martin. Bc- lv. 6. MMC/i.

.Marc/y. ‚ Bi. V. 1. {Equal} u

[Third Month] [arid-Bi. V. z. A. ‘ ‚ Сбыт-Шар]

tti-[Travel] fp. as Souldi- матча’, [НогГе (arm.) down. í COHÈHÍL]

er. › holding head] 4 Ради?“

__“, [ад]. Margin соцп- Murtlft, lSwifrj Bi.v. 14A. [Marriage] ’ '

Uy] Martyr. milt... ‚ [adi-P- Brimüone (mili.)

Manhunt, vid. Merc/unt. I Marryrolagy, [Hiůory of Mar- for ¿fire-:i

Maicbaßte.. St. I. g. A. tyrs.] _ _ м -fvr бил. RM. V.7.

Marcbionefr, [Marquefs Нет.) Md1v¢l,vld­Mer1_mrl. д’г- _

Мак/гриле, (aai. pnitßreadl тише, [Annç dance ofdlr- (Стражи)

Mare, [вы-(с ((сщ] guifed( erfonsj {Marl-led),

Nigbrä-[Ephiaitesj S. IV. Mdfful'l'?. ad). Male] [CQU‘IUCFI

2. A. ’ Mafh,[Mìxture] ‘ MaterI_ßL

Margin. Sp. III. 4.A. fp. ofmoif‘t confiûence] a’dhMHttcr]

Mary, vid. Marry. fp. made by Mafìicatiom] ìertlnentj

mportantMarigold. _ HF. Il. 2. mk» [Dance ofdifguifed (Pcr'.A . _нР-П. . (ons.) Ma‘reraaLjadLMotiieràl _

cgïînnñ n. 6. 7 __forface, [adLCOnccal ‘ей м‘т’ет‘ё’щ [Qimmy SC“

marfil-_El.. VÍ- 4. A. for face] Matci'ilccnc/¿t

Marine, [adtsea] ‚шли, Stone ‘ Га сMariner. [adj- Willi (mech) [ÍA’dma't‘l рек] '

Navigator. RC. П. 8. ‹ Maf, It mtour'wetûty]

‚ Mm imony, [Marriage] БЕЛЫЕ.





П). Eating (t ing]

Sweet-1 Pr. II

White-_: I'Meat‘s of milk]

Mearler. S. II. 4. A.


-worlè О. I.

-profeßiorn BC. Il. 5. A.



I[Ancient money]

_Money (like]

Medal/e. l J

Ming eY' Aâion]


[a. Diligence (eorr.]

-rritb, [a. Objeŕì]

Mediaßine. PG. V. 3. A.

Mediatenefr. TM. IV. 2. О.

Mediator. R].I.z.A.

Medicine, [ад]. щмсдйсайпг


Mediaerity. TM. I. 2.

Meditate. AS. II. I. A.

Medie, vid. Meddle.

Medley, [Mixture]

Medler. T_r.I. 5.

Medow. P0. I. 4. A.

-fweeL HF. 1V. 8. A.

Mee, [IассцГаьЁу

EarningMud’ { Reward

Mfflem’fr. Man. I. 9.



La e au .[Limit (Íigëiîl





Come together. TA.VI. 7.

[a. Convention]

-witb, [Compenfatm]

Метр‘. D. III. 5.



Humour. PG. I. 7. A.’

[Grief] fp.(Habit]

i Melanurm’. Fi. V. 5.

i Melden», [Honey-dew]

Метал HS. III. 1o.

1 Mellijluoiu, [Sweet]

‘мам, Ripe (augm.]

’ Melody, Harmony]

j Melon. HS. VII, l. A.

Melt, [Dil'folve] O.VI. a. ’

1 Member.



Membrane. PG. II. 3. A.

Memorable, [за], p. Memory



Matrix, [Womb] PG. VI. 9. Meat.




[Houfholder (fem.]

after.MMaterialcaufe. T. II. 7.




Bulinc s]

make: rio-[Is not impor


[Blond rotted in the ñefh]

Martins, [Morning worfhip]

Магний, На}. Mallet (fig.)

pecking (тм.) _

Mattreß, l Bed fliñ‘en‘d with

(owing (ßugnnj

. Ripencfs]

Mummy ’ ìPerfeůion]


ln enmit yoЕё". Coaìfiioqn]

Mavic, [Thrufh] Bi. III. 3. A.


` a i.Man (like) engine]

.Ovenfweeping (inflr.]

Maul, vid. Mall.

Maund, [Basketd]

Maunder, [Gru ging (voice]

Maw, [Stomach] PG.VI. 4.

Maxim, [Rule]



Strufhlre }full of


Maur, Cn (_augm.Me, [heutige] J

Mea . ÍMedow]v

Wine 0fhoney]

мире, .[Lean]


[Ground corn]

Eating. Pr.I. x.

_worm Ех. I. g. A.


adi. Mcdiocrity]

Low] adj. Ha. I.5.0.

Plebeian, adi. People





-among fournir. Q_. III. l.

...1. T. II. 6. A.


._ng. .

Signìñcation. D. ILA.

‚ [Purpofe]


Proper. Mea.

_of Magnitude. Mea. I. '

_vfNumien Mea. II.

`ofGravity. Mea. Ill.

­`afValour. Mea. IV.

`ofTíme. Mea. V.


Мед”), [Hole.]




perplex Turn


mory (thing

Memory. NP. II. 3.

Memorial, [adj. a. Memory


Menace, [Threatcm]


Memorandum, adi. p.ought mei





[Better TM. I. 9. E;


_ Beg ing]

Mental, [Dome ic]

Menßruum. PG L4. A.

Mem, vid.Mint.

Mental, [ад]. Mind]



[a. ЕхргсГь']3

Mercenary, adj. р. Hire (per


МетсецЁЩ. Silk Pr. IV. 3.


Mercba ifi, [adi p. Merchant


­fbip. RN.I. 5.

Mercy. Man. I. 5.


Planet. W. II. 6.

Metall. Met. III. r.

Herb. HFJ. 6.

cbilding-HF. I. 6. A.

Dogs-HF. 1.7. ‚

EnglißJ-HF. I, 8.


a i. Mereu{ Nimble] ry]

' Sprightly]

Meridian. W. VI. 4.

Meridional, [adi South]



Worthy (tl\ing]

Merlin, l[_I-Iawlt For Finches]

Mermai .

Mermaid! bead. EX. VIII.

2. A.

Merry, Mirth

[adi . { Urbanity]

Mervail, [a. Adrmration]

­­­ofPeru. HS.V1I. 8.


_montana Bi. III. 7. A.'

_faxatilin Bi. III.4.

­­rorquata. Bi. III. 7.

Met, vid. Meß.

Mefentery. PG. VI. 6.

Melli, [Hole]

Meflin, [Mingled corn]

Meß, [proportioned part]

p. ofMeatŕ]

Melfage, [Word ent]

Mejjenger, (perfon]

[Sent (QFF.]

Метки, [Anointed (pcrfon]

Me nage.



Metall. Mer.

Natural-Met, I,

ритм-мы. II.

Мята-мс‘. Ш.

Metamorpbojis, [Altering] fp.

of kinde]


метры/1:, [Science of Tran


Mete, [Meafure]

MI MI MImimЩ. ‚‚_

мегеттсдфг. _ [Soul] WJ 6. ' l [Имам-31:46]

Meteor. El. A. ‘ Rational-NP. I. ’ Lad). Excelling [thing]

Merbeglin, [Wine of honey] [Llnderl'landing] Min/:_ AS. V. 4.

Mer/Jod, [Order] ' Thought] fp, [freq] Mii, vid. МЮ‘.

Melonymy. [_Opinion] Mifadventure.

Metrìcal, [adj. Meeter] lObferving] _ [Fortune [com]

Metropolitan. ‚ [a.Heedfulnefs] [Adverfity]

adi. Principal] _ Иди‘ 0ne`r~[Confìder] Mitappl), [Apply (corr.]

_Primate] —. [Will] _ _ _ Mtbecame, [indecent]

Mew. Bi. IX.9. Inc in_atron] ‚Из-деда‘, [Bègot not in marri

Мечта. 511.11. to. у Velleity] _ age]

M_ _ _ [Purpofe _ Mr_rbeba'ue, [Demeanor [com]

Mich fully-ed, [adp pret, Re- ‚ища/18,5 [Belief (Con-_'

[L Abfcnt] _folution] Mlfcall, [Name (corr,_`|

И. conceal] I_ngb-ed, [Proud] Mljì'aïry. TA. Ill. 7.

[a.l‘enurioufnefs] _ _ 1”- IHjPUTPQÜHg] fwirbcbild, [a. Abortion]

Mmmfm, [world (дни) _ ed, ad1.Mal|gmty] Mifcellany, [adi Mixture]

Micra/cape, [Glafs for fceing lit- well-ed2 [Wellaiïeäioned] Mlfc/Jance. ’

tleûhin‘g. _ #tener-.[a. l’urp'ofe] Event (corr.]

Mid, [Middle Seníitive internal. adj. Adverfity [thing]

MMM/e. SP- II ‚ з- [Fancy] ` [Abortion]

мм if. гол‘. g. LMcmOfy] _ Milf/Jiff

M__d_______,__ грани‘ Off] call_ro_ a. Memory] [a. Mrfchievouí‘nefs]

rition _ meen] Wall-__[rîßflcmory Мыши) _

_ Stren th т? _C ­ 1_6 ievou ne r. Man. . , _Mlßbf.{Poweê] J _ [APPfUÉC] M'ffvnßruef. f I D

(Mod. Cond.) [DCÜI’C] Underl‘tand [corn]

_ Strength . _ have .z__-ro, [a. D_eíire.] __Interpret(corr.]

-y,[adl­ power } (aug-J Mmdfuü. (ад). Memory] Mrfcreanr,

Mich, [adi а. Milk] Mlle-_ [Believer [com]

.aa/mf., l [adi- 1] Heretic]

[Gcntlcnefs] LMQWI {Place} [Unholy (perfon] '

_5 Meeknefs] тестами] Mildred, [Ill deed]

Graeioufncfs] FO­RM­ L 5- Mlfíemeanaur, [Demeanour

[clemency] _ Mineral. М’. V_. r. ‘ (com

ГNot-auflerenei's] . Q Mlm”. ‘"d- Щ’т'тэ M_fdeing, [Aäion [corn]

Ми‘. мы. L 7_ _, .iP/ingle, [a.Mixture] [иди/Ж

Relation. RM. мттп- _ [Safpeä]

l 'segregate [Love @Hemel ’ _ штыц

l _ RM. III. _ — _ _ofdmnœ (‘шип l'tf/fer, [Penurious [perfon]

_ ‹ perrons Aggregate. M5L/fer' f'ff'fery. Ha. I. 1_0.

M12 RM. IV. S‘ïfvam] Miiforrune.

"И I Aâion. RM. I. Штамп] Fortune (corr.]

Events. RM. ll. PFC-Sbl'tcll _ a Advcrlity]

Ammunition. RMN. '0_- _ ` Mffgi‘ve, [Doubt (make]

LPlacesjltlVLVL [Serve] M'fgooern, [Govern [com]

mini... (км. [thing] Adiwiam] м .

Mil . PG.I.;.A. _ _New _ Fortune corr._kwam HS. III. li. М1пп1ст›[:Ё"Г{ Squm'ds be" a. Advcrgîty] З

Mia. Po.v1_9. I 0f Weaff's HCS» M.' .....r- ¿Lindemann?

Mlleßìl. HRH. I2. Mínkßlïâldj.ConcCÍICdnCÍ5(Èm] Pm; dum-Prc. J (COrr.]

valer-HF. V. 13. » Ё Ml'lnorv. P1.IX._13» Mi aad. "И

beamed-_HL 1x. 7. A. М”’‹’т1‚{ Puprllaîy] _ Lead {com}

Millerrdbumb. Fi. IX. 12. Age Мог-НИК] ‘ [seduce]

Miüer- HLH- б-А- l Mm "r COHCSCÄ миф, [Difapprove]

Indian-HL "-6- l [_Monks HWI-Cj Mlfnamg'fwrong]

Million [rooeooo] l/lŕl'ßffl. [nd;.Muf1c(mech.] [NameïkorrjMilf, lzsplcfn] РЕ!“ 5‘ A- MM' MiY lace, "wrong]

__wò", .[Spleenwort] HL.1 ‚ НггЬ- H_F-VII- l- Place]` cart]

7. A. ' _ C‘lf-l‘l1‘«VII­l-A­ Mig’rí/Íqn, Suf топ]

ЗрсггпЁ3 of male fiihes. PP. [Place of a. Money (mech.] ‘штат, [Rec on (corr.]

IV» ~ И Mi s.

Miller, [Fiih(ma1c] l a. M_oneygmake] {Еда

Mimic. a. Flůion] [Omit]

[за]. Player] _ Minute. [Want] _

[а‹1}.а. imitate] [Small(ditn.] fnifcoverwam]

fp. with gefture (corr.] __.,frimg, мы.“ з. А: Milug/_ [Maf5_l,ook_l

Mince. Pr. 111.6- A- _ Miracle. Mi apen.

_ing Wanton è (film) Mire, [Durt] l-'igur’d (corr.]]

¿are Conceited ведите @ag-[Bog] Tpeformcd]

UNMC] _ Mìrobalau. Tr. Il. 5. Mißon, Sending]

Sent [thing]Mind. ' Mineur. Mißìve, _

l Mig) end,





"Él Islïflziflgîom] M01"" {ёйасп . frgiŕeel, l[I‘Irxarg'nzi-ent] fp. olï-bit

AMIIÍÃkE. Mol). HL. Ivo l lo A0 ЕСТЬ]

Wron Moment. _ Mortal.

Errour -oftíme, [I_nflant] Гadi. Dying (pot.]

[Opìnionîcorn] [Importance] _ [adp a. Dying [apn]

Mijne-imo.. вы 1.3. Monarch ‚ [Sole Km2 . {Capital} ‚Myne... Sh.lII. ia. A. Monaßeiy, Collcgcl ._iry,

Mi refr. [Мент Haufe] D ‚ {(POL]Mnfìer Цепь] Mmoßifal, [_adj. Monk] i.- Img sa L]

[Suitor’d [fem] Morir, ign] [Killing in eäiori] ‚

Mi гид. _ [Grief { ëvoice] Mortar. ' `

Doubt Мат)‘. Mcaolvl A. For El. Iv» 4a A.

_ (9mm )_ __wort. HL.VI. ii. A. _ A[aiiäèù‘mtiil'ion(irefs..]

ё‘ psufpmon‘l Monerb. Мед.“ 4. Mortijíe,

.'Hifufe, [Life [com] Mûngrel. ï Га. Death] Y

Mire. (of mingled extraâion] ‘ [at шщщдсс]

Infeâ. ExJI. 7. Spurious] @gruß-[Hole in beani.]_ fp. in

Moniríon [Warning] fiele of it.]

Mone . ‚ _Miter, :idì.Bìlhop (figo) head Monk: БЕЛ. 7. Morrmam.

v к", ' ‘ Monk). Be.IV.4.A. Mortuary, [Payment for the

Mifigate, Monocera: СМИ. FLIV. io.A. dead.]

Гонщик“) g Privilege of Mo/'aic work.'

[Lgqmilß] Mono- i folc _ gam“ 1 Mofque', [Temple] fp. of Maho

[Liman fr] . poly ìAppropria- g mctans]

Mirrem, моим Ьшйфкй] fed J МОК HL- I- 3

Mix, [a. Mmmm] Monoßllable, [Of one fyllable] Mtg?.

Mixen, .. мы”, [Befide-natural [thing] Adv. II, 2. A,

[Dungliill] _ _. Momb- Мгг. V. 4. for tbe-_pam [adm Mod]

[Heap of пинг) Ílßrmffffnr. [Chiefly]

Mmm. T.iii.a. o. [adi aMcmoiy (fignl Mn.. -». »»

Minen-maß. RNJII. ;.A. '[Tomb] [Ditcli(augm.]

Migle. ЕМ”. z. Mood. Atom, [Powder (dim.]

.'rloliility.> [Manner] T. VI. M ib, {Вы II. 8.

[Motion [abfin] Difpofition] ’ ’ Ex. IV_ 9` А,

[Llnconllancy] Moon. _mulleim “ЗА/111.4. A.

Moc Planet. W. 11.8. _ ` Mother.

Scoff R].IV.9 A. New~­[­-Begìnnir_ig h¢r [Parent (fem.]

[Deceive] monethly courlfe] ­tongue, [Language ofone’s

Mode ofihing. T. VI. арре‘!5п&—[——(\‘\‹°) Мыс’ _ Own nation]Model. on] _ofiiearLv Ex. VIII. g.

Dcfcription by lines _worn HL. I. 9. [Womb` _PG. VI. 9.

. Exnmplc(dini.] Half- Fortiñcation. RN. [Difca e] S. VI. 7. ‚ д

" ‘‹’Ер1:отс] VI. 5. ""„ -u-orr. HF.VII.x3. ` " "

Y,_rarion. Moor. " " [Sediment]

­tllediocrity] . Man, [Tawny man] Motion.

._in opinione. Ha. 111,4. Land. Рог]. 9. [Locomotion] Mo.

_in recrearions, Man. II. 5. _bem BLVIII. 9- -ofAnimal: Progreßì‘ue.

Govern ro­­­ajhip. No, L ‹

(ohibit Moor, `[Dilcourfelon Law- »_ofrbe pam of Animale.

Moderator, [ udge] cafe- Mo. III. ‚

_~ , . Violent-MQW.Moral, [a i. Manners]м d Newод", l.’ 'i .­­Pbíloßphy, [Нм concerningModifi).t ‚ [Inclination] A5.1v. i.

­­­abour дышат. M_anJIL7. manners] Motive.' ‹

_about honours. Mari. III. 9. a-[Signification belonging to [ад]. Move (apn)

v. _ odi'cum, [Little] ‘ n_ianners] ['Impull'ivc]

"f ’i @Juanan [warning] Morello. [APP‘Y ‘о mmm] Milo. varifeafcd]

' ‚Мой. _ More. _ Mom, _Appropriated fentence]

Operation (авт-1 [Supel’loul‘] D. III. i. A. '

a. Dcñlcment] Adv. II. 2. I _ Mo'ue. ‘ —

Moîjineß. .V. 3- ` ’ -91т'‚ [AIÍO [a. Motion],

‘мою, [Hal Моды’, ’ [Difea e ofScurf on the _the bmw AQ “д ,_ A.

Mold,_vid. Mould. Skin] _ rbc head. AC. IV. 4.А.

Mn.. Msrgage. BC. VI. 7- Offer] ТАМ‘. 2.

Bank faftitiou s] Mormylur. Fi. V. 3. A. а. Impulfive]

[Spot] ‹ Morning. Mea. V. 7. ' Pei-funda]

Èealì. Be; III. 8. Morofené r. Man. IV.7. D. Allure'

‚ Fil'h. Fi. II. 6. Morris, :.Moor’s dance] [Angryèmakc]

Moleß,[ Troiibling] TAN. 9.0. Morrow.' Moveable, [ай]. р. Mo- [pon]

Indian Molle. Tr. III. Next after] tion [apn]

_1o. A. [Day lîlollowing] _i,[lltenlils]

Moll’ffi [Lsoff] Good_­­__[adj. Momìng faluta' Mould, `

tion.] [Earth]



М U ` M u м Yы‘[Earth] ‘ [singin] Murder. В]. III. 4. i»

{Туре} fp. convex] — I гос-[шести] Murex.Ex.VII. 2.

_ Сатпг (Vd-5' 0f mFlIFd 'very-[Abundant] 'Grudging ' `Fläming (Vefs- bod'csj . augm.i Murmur, Difcontent Гр- .

-f’f 'be bud’ [Dam of ‘hC [тппгс'{ intcnf. Indi nation ïvo'cc]

upper part of _the head] Mucilaginout, [Slimy] Murr, [Difea e of Iioarfenefs

ю’ {21. 1%11030} lJ’lffuck. through cofldrdiflillation]

~. — a. ype исш. . D' es ' (611 ‚C Монте’. ,_ ¿ {Dung] ‚ ’ М“”“""{ Plliigue"2 m Евы’: of

[p. Powder by putrefaâion] Snivcl] м Dark red] [beslis]

_n_nmy, [Decay] [Excrement] ‚ “"_y’ { Ruil colour]

Мои/Миф. I-IL. I. 1.A. Marketer, [adj. wiping ( thing] мт’тп, [Head [announ]

[Mufìinefs] Mud, [Macerated durt] Muff/Jer. Ril. III. 5.

[_Down (like) rottennel's] Muff, [Tube for warming the Nllfille. PG. II. 6.A.

машет, [Un-feathered (make] han s] l‘ifli Ex VIII 7.A.Maurid. /IfußIe,[Conceal(`i/eñ) fp. face] Mußüloaur, [adj..Miifclej

Sepiment] мы", [Mouth [veli] Muff'.

l Bank] _ Muffy, _ Mahometan’ chief Pri- [a. Verfe (arr.] ‚

Rampire] mate [Feign’d Goddefs of veri`(art]

Mount. Mug, [Pot for drink] [Hole through hedge]

[Mountain] Mugivort. HF. II. ii. A’. itl-[Meditate]

[Faâitious hill] Mulberry. Tr. llI. г. МиЛтт. HL.1. д.

to-[Afcend] Mule. Be. I. 2. A. .Mu/ic. '

_a barfe, [Afccnd upon а ­fèurne.HL. I. 8. Sound. Mo.V.7.A.[Harmony]

horfe] _’ Muleiier, [adj. Mule (06,] Art. Mo. V. 7. A. (art.)

M_ [Riding ('perf.] Mullein. HS.VIII. 4. МшЬБтссгОЫпЮоЕМайки]well- _eden hori`e (corr.] moth-HS. VIII. 4. А. »ma Herb.

_a cannon, [Lift а саппоп го Sage-Sh. VI. 4. A. Mufkndell.

his carriage] Muller. Fi. IV. 6. Muskat.

Mountain. W. IIl. i. E. Englijb-FL IV. 3. A,_ Hawk, [Sparhawk [male]

Mauniebmik. Le'Uèr-Fì. IV. 6. A. Gun, [Foorman’s gunCaugm]

Wandring Ph f. . — Mult. В]. VI. 7‚ Mufxle, vid. Mufcle. .

‘í juggling у man] Митра-дом, [Many (kind] Midi.

Mourir, ' Muliifidout _bgaßß Mood of NeceÍIity

Shew grief] ‚ ì _oftbe Шифр)". Be. III. [Determination] AS. IV. 8.

_Griel`(fign) fp. with [voice] __aftbe middle fort. Be.IV. Neceffity] T. V.7.

iii-ing, [adj. p. Vclì adv. _ofthe [en_/Uhn. Be V. Wine not-yet fermented]

grief dign] Multiply. Mujiacber, [Upper beard]

‘Moufn Be. III.7.A. a. Many] лилий.

Dom-[adj. a. íleep (apt.) Increafc] Common. HS. IV. 9.

Moufe [kind] [2a. Multiplier] [Sauce of Mulìard]

Field-[Long fnouted venom- Mu iipliciiy, [Variety] Tower-HS. IV. t 2. l

ous moufe (kind] Multiplier. TM.VI. 9. Tcllow Arabian-HS. IV. r 3. A.


'-ear. HF.I1I. tg. A.

Muliitude. TM.I1I.1. ` Midler.

Mum. .[adj. a. Number]

-taiL HL. III, x6. [Beer in which husks ОНА/ай: [Catalogue] adj.a.TM.lII.7.O.

codded-HS. IV. 12. A. nuts are ìnfufed] Mußineß‘. Q IV. 7. ’

М’ЩЬ. [IY] Interi. III. i. O. Mutable.

Proper. PG. III. 3. _ Y __ing,[Dance злым] _ ad). A_lter(apt]

­fnll,[adj.Mouth capacity] of {Di'l'guiiedjj` _l.iglit] Нам’. 7.1).

jimi-_’d. Mumble. ‚ _ Mutcnefs. AC. 111. t . O.

[Speaking (apt) indecent [Malìication [com] Mining, [штате]

(things Y ­ ‘ Voice f f d1 - Mutilout, NP. V. 1.0.

­ [Reviiing (apej speak т.“ F У] Mutiny, [sedition]

menly-’d,[not­ adj. reproof Mummy, [Gum(like) cmbalmcd indißinâly]

[apn] ‘ _ 11сйг_\‹Гр.о1 Man] Mutter, [Speak confufedly]

Orifice [Mouth (like] Mump, [Move (corr.) the ` Живые,“

[Entry] mouth' _ ' . Mution, I[I‘lei'li oi {др}

га_[а.ВсУ111п8] Mumps, Difeafe (Welling ofthe Mutual, Reciprocal]

Moutby, [adj. Reviling (арг‚] chaps] Miqïle,

Maw. , ì Muna/ny, [Second day of the [Bonds ofmourh]

[Heap] fp. ofCorn.] week] ¢ y {_2_.Silence (in_ake]

[Mock]fp.with face [manner] Mundane, [ad).VV0l’ld] Myrmd,[locoo]

Mawe,[Reap] Municipal, City] . A Myrrh. Tr. VIII i.

Mae. . ad). Corporation] „мазь, ш, l l,

[a.lmprifonment] ‚ Muni rence, [Liherality] __Symacb.5h.lll. ILA.

»_felitbert, [Le: go f.] Í` gifts] y Myjiery. ~

Much. . Munimenr, [Deed] B_LVI. 5t {Olrfcure Н l

Great] _ Munition. _ Concealed (I m8]

Many] Fortiñc-ttlion] ‚ [Trade] C

«r-[Equäl] Ammunition] Mythology, [Interpretation of

ßrß-as Conj. IV. x. Murana. Fi. VI. 1_. . fcignCd Nn' z__-of, [a. Courtefie Mural, [adp Wall] L ll





NAdir, [Llnder- adi. Horizon

lNag, Pîìëijded horl'e [din]

Na , Not] _


Naï'of Animal. PP. VI. 5. А.

I n pin to be driveninI Briëlfs ì by _knocking]


Naked, } covered




”"i'ì-{Name [corn]



[Tufted fuperñcies] .

Slee [fit]

МИ, Hinder part of the


Пар/ля’. HS.IV.4.A.

Мир/„1:4. St. V. 5. A. _

Napkin, [Linen for wiping]

Nappy. _

Narcifi, [Dañ'adil] HL. IV. 4. l


ad). a. Sleep]

adi. A. Stupor]


Narration. D.V. 3.


op. to Ample, adj.Sp.II.5.0.]

op. to Broad, adj.TM.Il.2.0]

_1), [adv.Heedfulne(s]

Naflineß, '[Slovenlincls [augm]

Nation. RCJII. I.

Native, [ад]. Birth]



[Birth (tìme]

Natural. H 1adi. т. I. 7' ì

Еду, [adv. Spontlneity]

._power. NP.

Машину}, [adj. Nature [ar

till] v .

Naturaliee, [a.Nation]

Nature. ‚

[Natural (abllr.]

Law а11-ВО.“- l.

[Temper Mind

of Воду


Naval, [adj-Ship]


-of a Cbiirch, [Greatell Tem

ple [room

._ [саги 81C. o. V. 7. I'

Navel. PG.1V. 6. A.

wort. HL.VIII. 6.

Seil-HL. I. i LA.

’Nat/ew. HS.IV.4.A.


l [Nothing]


_fang [adj.ldìot [perfon] QNeedlefi, [Abundant] -



come tti-[Be annihilated] « [L COmmCl’CC]

fet at-[Contemn] Negro, Black man]

[Evil] Наша, a. Hoife (voice]

­­­for, [Hurtful to] Nriebbour. RO.IV.;.

Navy. [Neer] fp. dwelling]

[Ships (ag t.] Neither. .

[Army of {ат} [None ofthe two]

Navigation, [Sailing] [Nord

Naufeare. [a. AS.V. l. О.

Naufeoitfne/i, [Lothing] КВН.

4. O.

Nautic, adj.ShiNami/«LE Ex. VII). i.

Мир-‘Мг, Shalloweñ tide]

Nea/i, vid. eji.

Neophyte, [New Dil'ciple]

Левит, New [ай]. Sp. I.

О3‘ ° .

Nep, [Cat-mint]

Nephew. R0. I. 3„0.

Лета. Ex. VII. 4. A.

Nerve. PG. II, g.

Neat. [Room ‚ ‘ .Beal'ì. Be. II. l. На” [Bed I fp‘of bud]

[ад]. Neatnefs] Neßling, [Bird _(young) taken

«_nefr. out of the nell]

Purcnefs] Net,[Squares(plam)of the thred]

Cleauline s] Ip. for hunting]

Decentnefs (знаю) . Nether.

Ornatenefs] ‚ [More-low]

Neb, [Tooth] Mag. IV. 2. [Inferiour]

Найти’, adi. Milk] ._-mtüL [MoÍI'low]

Neceß’ary, adj. Necellity] Nettie. HF. I. i4.


Proper. il'. V. 7.




dead-[Archangel]HF.VII. il

_tree, [Lotus] Tr. III. 4.

Sea-Ex. IX. 6. A.

Neuer. Sp. 1.9.0

_ß much, [How much [0e

Neceßitour, [Needy] ver]

‘ Neck, PG. IV. 1. _the left. Coni. II. 2. О.

-ofland, [Il'lhmus] Neuter, [0f no Faâion]

Necromancy, [Witchcrat by the Neutrality. '

dead _ Slightnefs] Ha. III. 4. E,

Нади, Drink of the feigned Being ofno Faâion]


“едите. Tr. II. i. A.

„весе, [Nephew Цепь] .

Need, [Want] fp. of necelïaries]

muß-t, [Май [mgm]


No». sp.1.;.

_ofthe Moon, [Beginning of

Moon’s monethly oourfe]

_.r, [New Narration]

Newt, [Lizard] Be. V1. 5.


[Neceíïity] (‘Мой nsar]

[Expedience] Preceding]

Needinefr, [Poverty] Following

Needle, [Sewing Pin] _ ­ Immediate'

­ffh.r`i.lll.t3. (p.Magnet_] Nibble, [Gnaw (din-1.]

Mariners- adj. iron pin. ad). Nieeneft.

Shephgrdr- Venuscombe] op. to Hardinefs. МЫ".

Hl'. I. g. A, 7.0.

Over-cleanlinefs. Man. ll.

l Neer. d. 6.E.

a y. Niche, Dentim. Ё’ттт _ naar, [Naim]

well-[Almoß] -name, [Name (corr.) Гр.

[Beíìde] adj. Contempt]

_nef:. in the-[In the in ant oftime

Nighnel's. Sp. 11.3. [peri]

[Frugality to»

Penuríou nefs] Мел, [Hawk]

„еще, [Sneez]

ищи-„т, [White Helleboie]

HL.VII. i.

Nefariout, [Vicious (augm.]

Negation. D. VI. 2. 0.

„Еда/14. HS. V. t3. A.

Мила! [Penuriout erfon]Nigb, [Near] (p

Night. Mea. V. 6. 0.

._erorv.y Negligence] _mare E llialtcs

Нсд!еб1‚[а.(0т1Ш0п] _ ——_(Ьда’;. rHSlîIX. 4..1

Contemning] Encbantrefi-HF. VIII. 3. A.

Negligence. Ha. IV. 5. D.


[a. Bulìnel's]

Nightingale. Bi. V. 3.

Nightly, [ад]. Night (Теги)



No Nn ов

ЫР.1.4.О. Nofega‘y, Flowers -n r. [You trees a r.AS. IV. O. . мед/„51, Hole o_í(thäg'no:}'e] Nufìmceí‘ììlurtfug ähirlig]

Nim, [a.Theft(dim.] Not. Adv.I. 1.0.. ‚ Nut. ‚ ‚

imb/L’Mff. [Agility] NP. У‘ B. ° _withjlandingßonh II. 2.0. Fruit. PP. Ш. 3:“! ‘

'Ninn'.r, [Excefs] ìf-[Llnlefs] ­ Найди-“АУ. 5.

;Nine. Mea. 11.9. to- f- YClnjL-'Tn IV. 4.

` ­­t). ­Sbeep. , eartb-HF.V.xo. — — »

N -burŕdredí-îcc. Notable. ‘ Fijt‘ir-[Pifìach] Tr. IV. '2a —

5 inn), Foo Extraordinar Haale- — 'l,Nip. [Excellent] y] Small- ín' IV­ 3~^§ I

' [Pinch between the tops of Notary. 'R .L 5. Wolle-TL IV~1­ 'y f’

the fingers] Notation, _Derivation ofwotd.] _trocken [Nut-breaking _

B'te (dim.]` Notch. Mag. IV. 2. 0. f (iug.] ‹

‘ Mock (дым _ _ Note. ‚ _afa bow, [Retaining (ing.)

Nipple, [Protubera'ncc (dim.) of [Sign] of the ûrmg. . _ —_ y

' Dug.) [Charaâer] ‚ -oftbe thigh, 'Ear Glandulc

‘ _worn HF. lll. x4. A. ‘ [Comment (ditn.] ofthe ­~ _

Nit, [Egg Of LOIIÍCJ Топс. Ill. 5. Nut-batch. Bi. I. 9. A. ›

Nitre. St. V. LA. [Extraordinarinel's] Nutmeg, [Fruit of the Nutmeg

No. of- Extraordinary] пес.) .

; [None] to- Obferve] _tree. Tr. IV. 6.*A. r

[adj. Nothing] Nothing. T. I. r. O. Nutriment, [adi Nouril'hing

[Not any] Notice. ‚ (thing.] Y

_body, [No man] __ кишка e] Nutrition. AC. I. 6.

_wbere, [Sp.lI.8.0.] Warning Nymph, [ìFd ’d Woods.]

‘ [Not] ‚_ ‚ „ . Known [make] Go de of ‘ Rivers', ею]Nab‘íäty, [Lord (abl‘tr.] еще-{Шаги} i ,.r.. -.

` 01,16, adj. Lord. RC. l. á. Obferveìl( " .

Money [6 5.--8 CL] ml좭­­ Shew to now ‚ч

Guilty] . ' Known Quake] `NNN", ними! м"фе’{ Warn] 0

ook, [Notch] Notion. T. I. 3. _

Nofíumal, [ад]. Night] Notorious. ‚ : OAr. l 'r . ‚

Nod, [Move theltead] AC. IV- Extraordinary] ‹ 1 -ojfybip RN, III.;U — ‘

A. Manifeil —о metal, [Crude un]

oddyîuîool Publicly nown]d3' ‚ ‚ -' 04th. ВС. V1.4. r‘ft'w ¿It? .

‚ ‘мм, [Hin cr part of the ‚Нашим. Fi. 111.15, A, _ _ .Onto. HL. II. 4.

У’ head] _ _ Nivel, [New] ë ­0bduratt.__ Г "’ . .ma

df- ` a-[New narration] -‹ ~__ [fl-lard]A ' .’ J‘ ›

[Protuberanee] Novelty, [Newnefs] ~ t [Imyenitent] _ _' ­ ~

_Tumour] __ ‚ _ lNovember, [Eleventh moneda-3^' Obedie'nŕëJfMl'lhà’v‘í‘y'ef‘h ."r" "

Mggín,[l’ot(augm)for drink] Миф’, vidJmgbf.' ' ' me); _3. 0b¢di¢n¢¢]..i »_i ,_

Kaffe. ^ ` »Nwiff- " ~' omi. , [Воина-МЕД}

. [Sound [augm] 4 [New Dil'ciple] i . _ 0bje£‘.f'Í.-VI.2.' i ту. __ д \..

i [Rumour (мата _] _ objegioml),V115,r Il; ‹ .i `

No'ßmf Щит‘ _ ‘ ­ »' ` Obit, [Funeral folemníl'y] ‚‘ '

[Hurrful] [Name] ­­ ablation mmm. ' i, _

_ [adLMolefling [apn] I_ntegral] ‚‘ ‘ . ' Obligation. RC,VI,­ )n.1 .

Nalleify- AS-IV-2-0- Nmmfh ‚ ‚ ‹ -~ wrinmrtavLy': ‹

Nomenflator. [Nutrition] Ac. 1.6. oblique. Ma.1i._s.[Teacher of Names] {сайт} ` l ' ­»' ‘. 051mm”, [unwńœ‘j _._f _d -

[Diäionary] Now, [At this time] Y- 1 oblivion, fiïqrgetfulncß]

Nomínote. _ i _a days, [In the crimes] oblong, [More long than broad]

a. Name _ат1г1:еп, [At'fomç times] Obloquy, [Карась] u " ‚

[Appoint A ‘ — ` Noxious, [Hurtful]`„ _ ­ »obnoxiouß [adj.p.dbjc& [apn]

Канаде, [Pupillary age] rNuifonce,[l{urtful(rhing] ‘И obnubilate. _' . .. ,~-__ .Nance, [Purpofe] ‘‚ .­ ‘ шагу, [шагает] _nml-.L _ „,Cloud] .­. .mf .­ ‹

- one, [àdLNothing] n i Number. Mea. ll. A.' .‚ ' ‚ЕМ: _ пакт] .Oft ..~_ t ‘

` ones, ‘[Days of the moneth Numerous, [adp Multitudç ‚Ч!‘ oߢ¢„¢,[unchan] _.‘.next after the ñrû] _Numneftu ‚ц‘; ‚ы‘ _i cme, _u

A'onplur, [Рейна] D. VI. 8. ' Im otence. NPJILSJO. [Dark] _« А fini. _

Кап-углам’, [Not dwelling] , Di cafe. S. IV. 6. A’. op. to Plain. D. III. 9. -'`г '

onfuß, [Campion] ‚ Nun, Monke(fem,] ’ '_ Plebciań,[ad'.l’eople(kihl_1

onßiìted, (juli. p.DelìfLplain-3 Bir , [Titmoufc] — A _ трат", [Int eating muzik] _

tifhn ] _ ; - _ Литые”, [ВсГсШоп in the af. mbjêqnie,1,f[s¢l¢ntń¢y of brui- ._

юыдёмдхсу ¿ ’ _ . . rernoon ‹ ' aL] _ = ¿ori-¿m z

Noon, [Mid-doy] ' _ .’ ’l ~Nutrcuputi1ie, [Spoken] _ от uiour, [adifobedienœzì

Мёд; [Loop] monnaie] Nuptíal, [arli.Marríage] ‘_ ~ _ ëaugmû _ _ _.

Nope, [Bulñnch] Bi. 1V. 5. мир. ВО.1П.1‚. (fern.) -1 — ‚шт-„д, _ _ . i. 1’

Nor.. @nifl-1.0.- _. _chili Ram. motivo-v. ‘o Mark. ns. ULLA. l и’

Nortb.sp. ‘1112. ' _ Кит/‘Щ. ‘ (“ш-Ф‘ [Perfo т} ‚ .i

щ’. PG. 111.3. Aff ’ [сы1аг‹п_(щг.3.ш-/ [Lge Рё l f „мы“!

­ ‘ Lll 2 Obfer

ов _ 0L OP

Оценил‘. of“, [W011i part] TM. VL' ohllffby, [Government by a Fa

adj. Rel'peâ] I. 0. ‚ ‘ axon]

adj.0bedietäì] fp.adj.Reíidue. Olnfe. Tr. Il. 4.

оыт, Unac от!) _ 05ml. _ ’ Отцу’. [Before-ügning]

alg/hule, adj.lmpedient(d1mg] Difpleafe] omitting. TA.I1I. 8. A.

objtetricntian, [Aiming Partu» Hurt] Omm‘potency, [All-mightincß]

mien] [Sm] _ Ommprefence, (аду. ubiquity

дыни‘. _ -mfighting. BMJ, l. pr‘el'encc

Patience (exc.) Mm. I. Ofcryiue. Ommfcicnt. All-knowing]

8:!1. i Difplcafing] 0n.

Conñancy (exc.) На.”- _Hurtful] -the contrary, [замены-а

. l.. .

отдам. _to da. TA. III. 3. A. läge, [adj. p. Fire]

Hindcring] -rogimn TA.IV.2. [Toward] left

Stopping up] [Bid] -the {ngbt gb’md’

Difeafe. S. I. 4. [Give to God [тома-1

Obtain. TA. V. l. _ [a. Oblarion { Concerning]

Obte ation, [вппсахтг а. Sacrifice] In] In]

augnn] а. Incenfeg “grec-[Agree Concern~

Obtrude, ehnjñ] Ofertar), [n.0 lation] ing]

on' “t ’ СС- Y. mar 'Ob‘tlufe, EHEIM] nl E Trul'i.l RCJV. 6. A-ln Е::‚_ glrlocccd]

-a e. Ma . .3. . Em о ment TA. . ' ­

отдан": Sp. И?6. ` goodî äencñt fgbr Profccutc ñghtmg']

Obumbmtian, [Sludowing] ’ haufen _[adj. (houfe

Occlßon. 'l'.ll. 4. А. Dunging (room

Occidental, [шаман] oßïœr, [adj.Oñ-ice ( erfon]

Occult, [adj.p. conceal] Ecfkjìaßical-RE. I.

Occupation. oficial, [Ecclefnñical judge]

fet- :.Affaulr

[To] :.Impul we]

bnppen-[IL :0.]

[Upon] Prep. Vl. r.



[Bufmefs] oficinas. Man. 1V. 2. Е. -

[Profelïion] [adìßo‘rnplëifaràce] ‹ :l0 up). 0 ing _De cen ents aggr. _

‘ca_ Banners] L’L Q_ 0":11 txt-[Together all]

ад’ыгстш'] I offen, [ady- РЩМ‘З ргьрсъмсз. Il. I.

OccuálEvent] I ¿lying _b_gadv’s‘g‘cga'çmß] .

[Meer] Iv . __bar of a Bird. PP. V. _320i er’ [ат]. “стр-ш“

0' .W. .2. ‘ 8.A. тип! 'ocáânm, Tow for самцы __­_0fc0rn, [Beard-_] Ь'ЁЁГ’ШН’ССО ш

íhips. _ 011er, [Hole] fp. for Button]

олш, ighth day afm] ointment. -— _with ano- {Mixture]

tbcr,[adv. Confufednefs]

[Any] Pron. III. I..

flame-Prom. II. 3 A.

027 , Third ligureofbooks] ,f1-_ Апо- ‚ ш.“ozlfbveor, темп moneth] salive] mung( ig]

Ocular, adì- 1%)‘ PG- UL2- ОШ". Ех. VIII. 4.

1Odd endl, [Re _UQ _weed HLJ. 1;.A. сенат-Нет“;

OMI, [зщк‘йог‘ш Oknm, [Tow for calking of [Onely] RO. IV. 2.0.

{ Enma). ‘ fhÍPSj [The fame]

"'- a.çont¢ntl0n] Oke. Tr. V. l. Equal

0d?, [Song] bitter-Tr. V. I. A. ‘ll-‘ì Alike

мы”. bolme-Tr.V.2. One blade. HL. “1.5.

ad). p. Hate {apn} Holy-HF. 1x. 6.A. onel). Adv.1v. 1.o.

0 neft. Scarlet-[Holm] [Alone R0.1V.2.0­

op. no Ev_C_r1n¢§S-TM­ III~S­0' -fearm HLJ. 4. A. annate, Lode] О. V1.7.

[Exrraordlmvmfs] -ofc‘qpdœid HF. 1.1;. A. onion. Hf.. Iv.9.

Odo'r, Smell

Odori erom, _Swett] _ Oker. ‚

0d1, vid. Oddi'. _ Tellnw-St. VI. а.

0есолотЕс.В0‚ «_ Red-St. VI. 2. A. .. ­

Oecumem'cal. . w, Old. ‹‘ t

от, Afl'ault] ­

от“; t. [Storming]

0n)x.St.Il .4. ‚ ~

Opneìty. l. 4. О.

0pal­ßole.5t. III. x.

adi.World] ‘__ ‚ [ай]. Age ‚‹ :--\- .I Open

Univerfal] ' _ . bm- 'of what age] -i .

0f. _ ._ . îJ-E'n.: ­-age. Nea. V1.4. LlnllmnOJl 2 0

Gmini; . Prep. I. из‘. : [Decrepit] adi. Мед“. Uncover. 0.1L 3~O.'l

[By] Рщъдм _ ' . _ 4.A. , unfold, [Spread

Concerning] Peep. f1.3„ A. opnoNew. $9.13. A. un- adì.p.seal make]

our-Prep. 1.3. , _clatb’eß [pccay с.) Sun adj. p.lmpedtent

South-[S- flom] ­ _fafblom llnäCCuflom‘d f.) [make] ‚ _

of. _ _ _miam _En timed с} llun-aid). . оьшиаюп

_ [gnam] ­­­títne, ["E. p (augm.] _ [make]

cui?. IIL з. A. _ стыда. .. ‘_ . un conceal веку}

г- с. 0| тип, ran mcen e Tr. ' Mani eDm¢~ífr°m`ìdà 's _: VIII. 5.! ’ un-adjel’ublicnefümaeß]


О . OR?, ,oy

_ lin-obfcure, а. Plain ­ ­Un-imPlicit, [a. Exprëfs] migrant (риса Ofcí-tç'm’.

(м). p. Opmins [spilt-m] ‚ [Cmlmßgjf.__air, [Реж-‚ай: _Imaginary W. VI. A от? c ne s]

:áiâlnrtfgdî [Liberal] жжет, [adi._Sphere] g eŕngßone-breaking 518k]

Frank, adj.Man.IV. . ...E ,- ~ У ‘ c" ‘mméwwmi ожидать amm@

4- -m ` ' — ’ ’._boufe, fjuorpitaiity for all _fcÍf'ÃÍÍTÈiFIiÍ' ЗЁ‘Ч’ЪЁЁРЪПРП *mfc (Uff-J

comen-3 _ Orchard. Po. I. 3. A. т т ÉL lil “9T

._war, [Mamfefied wir] orcbinm“ 1V g. o 2" ’ '145:_year/Jer, Cloudy] Ordain. . Oibe' за‘, ° 4'

LW-“O‘ fwn?) Appoint] "ád' Diverr. jOPNN'NW- 2.0rdinnnce] У ` p ь п t?) `

M‘cb‘œi‘- 0-1’ l а. Ordination] 1:0“- I òh

{nGeneraL 0.1i. о, er. TM_V.2_ '_wgjel’ [alv‘f t c?.

m Agriculture. O.III. Method. TM_V_ :_ `Wb1 и’ In im: “mes y

in Fabrile. O.IV. . _ Government] _w ere’œvnotf" Glaces.'

{и Sanorian. 0. V. [Decree] gem-'Ehe any mond]

in Cbymic. O.VI. __l)_ о" e-B[ Ivrea )A

in iêläìuinacelurìc. 0.VI. A. а ’‚ Order (perf.) 01,22’ Mî’g у‘! ’

n.. cient __ adj.Manners Homileńc] Ouch; Ornament of gemma

gîŕlrglájíirîlzmíjrnVlA. A. 0,5 а. Subicâion] (023:, adi. а. Baking шт]

COPCC'IFC [pluLOrder] ` a’dj Superiori:

‘Lägílé‘sàcl О зйьстдшапоп (thing] ¿di { Рота?)

‚ от“. AS. 1r. в. о. r „22.2.3 ' âg‘h‘âf‘fy]

Opium, [Soporativciuicc of L“, fad). {Exëlcîfsqncej

POPPY] . Edi ] bild B(ExJc'

www. LGummy mi“ от“ [institution] mt vr ` _ i E' nj"root ofHcrculcs Allheel] Cam-,0n gm mxfv A _argc И“? '

Oppilaríon, [Obûruâion] S. ordina”. ’ ' ' ' ‘ — ' { Berl-des] St.)

’l I. Se ‘f’PIŕi’n‘ì’” Ü‘Ü' ommûńon (Pcr’ ägëìileeïxwëoxr (‘ат fine. d amé]

onopportunity. [Bifhoäpäl' З I ЁЗЁЁ“. {35:61}; ’3'

[Tër’r‘izëáänââfi'tjime] Ordination. RE. V. n. _ [Throughout] Pren. I'V. 3.

adi. Congruity [time] Ord'gâh _TIA-‘îlßhgïhrï‘uglîi 1t again]

0PM” [LOPPM‘WÜ [Filth ЁиьС :nl0P1Í£fÍfNtJì­JJl~îîfzl~l 4. Ore, [Metal not yet prepard] git/e: Defiiìî]J J

in* dimm 'non ¿rm Cn.' gfrgîmtärîâgumenr] [ЁЁ’ЁНд] Prep. VLLA.

cle] Mujìcal- ­­-againfi. Prep. Vl. 3. 0.

oppreßían. RIJV. 5. Organy, [Wild Marioram] HF. Overa».

ûpprabry, [Rcprochj VII. 4. А. ...Fear Make]

OPP‘SE". [OPPOÍC] Orient. [Coaâion by fear]

0PM-` . ГЕаП] Overbeaf.

[adi: Seeing] [Bright] а. Submit (m|kc]

Seeing art] _ Hole]1 ‘а. Magißerialncfs\

oprimaty, Government by the Ufff“, Mout (like] overlaid, More мы]

еЫе!"(регГепэ] ’ Origany. HF. VII.4. A. [Bid (схс.]

Option. n original. Overbold, [Bold (ехс.]

[Cholcc] Primitive] Overburden, [Burden (схсъ]

[Wifh] {Firß] Overbu), [Buy dear (ехс.]

Opulenr. [Beginning] Cover]

[Rich] [Ril'e] ош'с‘ф ’ à thadow]

Abundant] __top), [Exemplar] _ ошгстЬ. ‚ .

0r.Conj. 11.3.. 0ri{on,[Prn er] overcbarge, Burden(exc.] 'i

­­~el[e. [adm Other] Ornament, adLLOmâîfl'lCß O‘vercome, а. Viaory] '

0racle,' а j. p. Speaking rcve- (thing ofuerfll, [r'ill(exc.] J.

lation Ornatene r. TNLV. 6. l Over/1o». `

Отдам .1. 9. Orphan, [lin-patented] over-How] .

Oral, [MILD/tomb] orpirnenr. St. VI. 4. _ Е’. Abundance]

Orange. Tr. I.7.A. orpin. HLA/HI. 2. ougrglur, Glut [esta]

отдал. D. v. 1.. ‚ ошде. НЕ! 9. A owygone, prcnGonc (exc.)

0mm, Oration” [PC_P- Orr, [Fragment adi. Rcñdlle] Отступ’.

‘[аад; Entrcaty оп] опЬоймВЕ. III. l. {шок than, 8m]

oratory, _ gnbogmpby, [a.Lertcr (perf.] (Grow (cxc.]

[Oration (ап.] orrhopnœa. S. v :.A. [Cover by growing] о



0V ou P

_ . — ‘ fp. in Anger.) .Ov l (Tellfc-Xf‘ . ш 6.0. ‹Oœrbdßy, imm' (dw-)1d Ooîgloli’c’, (‘Щ-Ура‘) Slî’a, Duration lfm]

oocrbnr, [adm COM? ip, Pmpoíition](. Oulßńpsœun fana than]

hear] ~ 1 overturn, [1- Tl'll'lfycr с] auguri Outûde]

МЫ“), [нет (om GWW» Vahle (CXCJ Uurwerk-ì

mail). Overa-ecn, 1~ A‘Íroganceldum fidi, Outfide-RMNL]

Cover (ешь) дыма/3, WClgh more ‚ h3 rßampicr] BMJ/1.3.

xiii by секты owmigl», Могс than wels f 0Overl), Silghtneßl стыд, Cover (wgïkl "â Debt, a.Debwfj

[advî Sloth-i c ‘ Ougbî. _ as Duty, Е]. Ducneß]

Overload, (‘лад (CX ' v. Duencfs) Owl. ноте ‘.Bi'Ä. 4. .

Overlvng. [Long (cxc’ 'i MoggßfJdu‘y] ’ Not Horned. ВЦ. +A.

. ‚ ~ nО'ЩЁЁЁУ another s dQmg] Ouíîî‘y l g 0x11. [ай-1 adì'í.

Obfcrvc the doing] wcìght. MC1. 4' 'zjeî--mâl’‘NUS ¿wel Beati. Bellas. о {рис}

Pook t00_ our, [adì. Шаг. Pron. l. L] _", fidi' PmPńety (9a

adv» om“ l . 0u. _ l

ощутил“, “'V‘ o23.) Mltcrìal.Pl’CP~ L3' ‘on "A propr-latir]

mermatcb, :.Sui’c‘g] Local. _ w I" n- {сады}

ovffmf‘fm’ [Ехгсс Omœm‘g'q" ° one. "ИЛИ-7..4.

Overmucb, [EXCC 5.] ¿gr-{Obtain} t] owl: [Black bird] `

ovfrpafr. _ (p.tobewlth0\l Ox’Bu’u., Bc' u. L Eumeß.

ârëäìîgrcp, 1v. 2. A. nu] ded] 9

l . . ll ‘f- ' L 6. A,Ow'gc‘âímdlrlt {thing} ‘ ìlh [ïëàìdpcckcr Grind]

Уют‘) {F‘n' ‘3 Bi.i.9.n.

OÈÈÍÍ‘ÍÈX mi: ‘h‘f‘l’w‘ ‘ È’lî‘iiiili d » Gti". [www] Tf- V1 _9­ А‘

„мы ‚ шт“ _.Ovmeafb, a. Fraud) _ tbc[met i1

Overrffb". [Redon (de.) be ir-Ü'le meth] ` Р.

о-ит’дре. NP. Vl- 4- E' the) are-[They _are me'

overrule. _ HL _ mies] ‚. ¿d

_ our RO- . Пот dj. ’ ­ Il.

gialle fl>~by who' ’“°fäff_"{ Í‘Äwrltledd] ‘ Р fî’gfd‘îffgmng] м“ —

my] ~ ¿MV-’2 “мы” ЕЁЕКТФО!)

[overcomf] _.j ‚мы, тьмы ‚ Degfecoffwifmefs

overrun. ._.1- ‚ __0ff„jhì0n,_[l1n-GIÍÍ01'H d] Емсагцк in dancing

Wwe] ‘ — ›— _offrano lconfuffd] - [Amblíng] Mo- Н- ъ

{Cova-w" mu‘umdkî? *Jf'bml’ŕadv‘suddmj hwg, маты: make]

оштщ- M‘n'w‘hl‘» Y ‚чтит, _DÍfFOWÃSÈdJ pacäíeáunûngef]

Overl-le’ La'ovcrñg [ld] fha­ _of O’Hf, ("П-‚думы.‘ Pack. Aggregate. 8

01›‹’Л“‹’""› [Cover wl _i2/JEM?, Dcgcnfrous] ‚Ф. to ether tied]

dow “ford”, Gonfumd] дыр EH. for czlrrii‘gc or

oillïjhßafä ПКЭЩ] . "'\ . ._.ofpdtience’ lulfnctd] pacůì f

B 0n 80 ’ __ Ь N t-vi l c ‘ ' ~0­{_egimfel» [a-Exc‘f’3 __:iäÍ-.t’ífitoîafeaj -fs'áál‘fj [S- f“ “mage

­°fzff~ .wel _... tmf: fofwhat others do in their l-nltl’pvlí‘ то. I( klì'mälAggregaœ by „к

Omas] “ ’ Одни]!- ’. „__ ‘her tying]

[Е’Ёш‘] ' " . ßcjcůcd] . ‘ Heap and blind

_ O‘uei‘xk'Pg [вапттс‘чд . a) [Dgpart wi 1 One’s

Omltkfp by meldt] om.) [Exe mation] I omis] _

00e ’Pf _ а С!‘ ~ l l _

[Omit]va _ ` ‘ [G0{ beyond _ _731; ylíchufe partially а

Neg@ _] _ (из erioriry ‚‚ МЮ _

Forget] Г read] Отдай’ [adÍ'Foremu] „fn-nig, [Depart {make}

Ovefg'eadi P . Ouiiazv’d. P cke', [Aggregatefdim-V]

ovm’ маме 6 А y» Un-:idLSuib @0F-J ' a fp- together rißd] `

011er" ‘t TM] ' ` bmnkcn- profcribed] ‹ . - bw. RN.I.`B. ' ’ `

_n with wmf, i-.P- Outlet, [Out-ition(pl_lcc_] . a5,” веду]. А. . , ..

nefs-'3a Tranfvcrfc ‘0üflì‘lf»{“ëngï thm-l 51rd.' . .

¢ _ ‘ ’ er ` - I .overthrow, {make} „Вы; aMtoft adi. outfld‘f] [Saddkéäï‘P1, Riding (apt.)

a. шдогу) D out aß' 'La superiority] Чад’ _ _. ._

'n receive .an- RM» и‘ l* ‘ ’ P ’ `

. hoffe]L _t outrage _ Iniury (lllgmgi _l d; Р. Hangmg (a t.]

Ovfnbwarnigägvlïlíeà] 1| Outragro’uf, [adp Excefs {наш} lick. [l J PJM






naar., spade like) n.tir-[ai Hand (Irc-q] п

fp. in waren]



Park (dim.

Padobaptifm, Baptiûn опп

fants. `

Paganel t. Fi. III. 7. A.

Радий/т. RE. I. 2.


[Servant for waiting]

_afpa- Side }oi pa

per, Arca per]

»Pagen nr, [Arch for lights]

’ Pagrus. Fi. V. 4. _

Pay, [adi a. Paying [thing]

»_rriaiìer, [adi. Paying ( 05.]

put out of

Записи-[3. hire]

-ing. тьма.


Parfgle. HS. VIII. x. A.

Pail, [Tub (dim) with handle]


[a. Punilhment]

o .to Eafe. NP. V. 3. 0

[)a. Torture] В]. VI. r.

[Aking,&c.] AC. II. 7. А

0p, to Pleafure, [a. Llnpleafant

'FEE-ll ‹ ~Grlf

Е si. O eration]

_", a. Di igcncc]

ulne t Pain_f [gf‘itvams Наш-1

adj. Paganifm (perPainim,


Painting. Q. IV. 8.


[Equ‘li . -


Two] _

Aggregate (th ]

­­­ofbellaws, ‚

-of card: [Suit of c.]

Palace. Po.1I. a.


Roof. PG. III. 5.


Pa „нм, [adj. Palace]


-ne s. AC. IV. 9. A.

a- Lamin] fp.of wood]

Palet, Sepiment of Lamins

erect. _

Palinody, [Recanting] D. VI.

9. A .

Paliíado. RM. VI. 7.

Pal . _

Pallet, [Bed (dim.) to be laid on

the ñoorà] k. eem ma c

Pdllldî€,{ Сочи-Есть]


-ofband, [êlîoncave (part]

II. 2. `

Tree, [Date


[Carkin] PP. II. l. A.


[Pilgrimïll _ _

-worm, [Caterpillar]

` Pannier, vid.

Palmetto royal [Cabbidg tree]

‘Ради.Pa mi ry, Wizardin b inf e

âion of the hand.]gy у P

P4’ âple»

a i. p. Feeling (a t.Manifefl (augm.] Р :l

Palpitation. S. V. 4.

Pall). S. IV. 6.

Рад“, Sloth]

[a. Lightnefs]

Рай’), [Sorry]

Pamper, [a. Pat (augm.]

Pamphlet, Sorry book (dim.]

Pan, [Sha low wide (ve[s.]

fp. earthen]

Brain- Concave bone cover

ing t 1e brain] .

Knee- [Convex bone cover

ing the knee]

f Warming- [adj. Warming


Frying-[ML Frying (vefs.]

_cake Fry’d Pudding (La~


Panade, [Broth of boil’d bread]

Partage, [Feeding for hogs under

the deciduous trees]




[Earthen Tray]

Pander, [ад]. k'ornication


Pamliculation. Mo. III. 6. A.

Pane, [Lamin]

Panegyrie, [adp a. Praii'e orati­



[Lamin (dim.] _

Catalogue of names]

Saddle for burdens]

_of Hawk, [Belly-_] `

‘ Pang, [пират] fp. pain (imp.]


[Corn HL. II. 5.

_gra s. HL. III. x. A.

­fear, [Caufelefs univer

(а! il] '

Panier, [Basket.] fp. for carri

ige on horfe.]

Pdnnage, Tax on cloth]

Plnnicle, Membrane]


Panfy. HLVI» 5.A.

Pant. S. V. l.

Panther, [Patd] Be. IV. 2. А.

Panier, adi.Bread (061]

Pantoße, Loofe foot (ve ]

P , B d“[Tdyj. Viälualìûoom]

Pap. _

[Water ad). .confxfìence

with brca .

-ofan apple, adi.

[tence pulp-~]

[Dug] _ .

ma, Lad). Pope]



Facìitious. Pr. V1.7.

Papilionaceout fly. Ex. IV. 6. A.

р. confi

Рад/1, [ofthe Pope’s faůlon]

Paraljle, [Tralatitious Мата


Parabola. Mag. III. 8.

Parade, [a . Prepara tion]

Paradije, [Pleafure (place]

Bird of

Foolr-[De- Н0рс]“

ceiving {Delight]

Parador, [Againft common opi


Paragon, [Excellent]

Paragraph, [Seâion]

Parallax, [Difference between

the truc place andthe feem


Parallel. Mag. II. 7,

Parallelr. W. V1.7.

Parallelogram, (Quadrangle,

whofe oppofite fides are paral

lelsParalolgifm, [Syllogifm (corr.]

Païalyric, [adj._Palfy] S.I'V. 6.


Paramor ,

Lover ìfp' (com)

Paramount, [adm Chief adj.


Pamper. RM. VI. 9.

Paraphrafe. D., V. r. A.

Paraqueto. Bi. I. 7. A.

Parajelene. El. V. 3. A.

Parajite, [Hatterer]


Paratbejir. D. I. 7. A.

Parboil, [Boil (dim.]

Parbreak, [Vomit]


Parcel’ 'I A“завис (dim.]

r11-[a. Segregate]

Parch, [Dry (exc.) with hear


Parish-firent, Paper of Yskin]

Parcimon), _Frugality]

partit), [Sparingnefs]

РАМ. Be. IV, z.. A.

Pardon. RE. II. 9.



_debf- TA. IV. 9. Ao

Pare, [From- Superñcies] ,

cut Extremity]

Pareliur. El. V. 3.

Ритм/„та. [Flefh] PG. II` 6.

Parent. R0. I. 2.

-age, [Parent Grind]

Parenthejis. D. I. 7 .

Parget, [Ищите]

Parrfh. RC. III. 4. A.



Гp. for


levelling. RC. I. O.

Park. Po. I. 5. A.

_lea-ver, Tutfan] HS. V. 8.

Parlament, ational Council]

Confer] A —

Pa'b’ Treat]

Parlour, [adj. Difcourfe [room]

Parching. RN. VI. l. A.

Parochial, [adj.PariÍh]


Panini Promige]





Payoxyfm, Umpetus]j

op. to General. [adj.TM. Suffering. T. 1.7.0

Parrbc‘ . Frankncfs _ Ill. 4. _ Afftâion. AS. V. fp. AnParricífgle,[[ Murder of near km] a-[Catalogue] ger] l:

Parrot. Bi. 1.7. __ ­i_<_e, Induâiflnn] Corp. aâion fxgninroir.

Рагтюп Frugaliry а. Exam e] AC.IV.Рай]. Hyŕz. iV. 9. Pani/iur. p Paßìue, (“13, ратоп]

Baßard-HF. V. n.. A. [Partaker] Paßiruer. RE. VI. 5. А.

"Inkl-HR“ ‘3 A’ [Halbcrïl Pf‘ÍI'PO". [_Written Licence of

Sinne-HF. IV. 2. anni.” '. travelling]

_in а building. Ро. III. x. A. Paß, (ад). Paß time]

~in difcourfe. D. IV. 4. A. _timex Sp. I. LE.

Partner. RO. 1V. 5. Paifle. _

Partridge. Bi. П. 6. - Raw bread]

Parfnip. Ill-‘.IV. 2.

Cow-HF. IV. x 5.

Water-HF. 1V, i5. A.

5 adi. Pariíh-Prieft

Parßn,LPolTelTor of Prie `S f@- red-Bì. II. 6. A. Glue (Ё âround com]venue­ Pa штан- AC. I. 3. Pa ein a i. a. Py mech

Pam _l Faim LI‘lfI. x7. Paßerní; [0(1vity of tige heel]

р „ion p ь, vRa over _ Pajly Py augmNi’ember ‘то’ #lfm-ff, [PuliatillUHlñ IX. Pnßiine, __ ’3

В. _TM . i. ‚А. Recreation

Wgß-TMNI. x.0~ P46531, adi. Pal'fover] ‘i Minh] ‚ _

perron] ради”, _adj. Mocking wri- Paßinaca. Fi. Il. r.

âFaâion] ring] Paß"

Imereñ] Г Paß'. _ Shepherd]

f0rm)_LCon» Irion] __ Prieñ] _

cerningmy n _ Coming Pa ry.

Concerning _ ‚ [L Going] [adi Store-room for ad). py

‘ fûrtbe то -- má’ñà’îe‘ä'ìnsj Proceeding] (thing5]

a v. 0 Travelling] а. (arr.

on all-:,[By PCH-Qns] 5 BCÍìdc] Pa uräyPo. Il.

all тают] fp, Over] Par, [Congruous]

mha one’r-[Afflů’ SCC j lBeyond] Pan-b, [Fragment]

Qâulify] Omit] :o_.fßepair with frag

A ion] ' ’1’) Not-obferve] men'rs

Dur ] _ {a.0million] -witb, ‘а. Fraud]

one o îxcellenf--ß ["Qeual" “We” af._Tranf1rion] Pate. PG. III. I- A.

tics . . li с [Live] Patent. RC.IV.4.

goodì дуэта 3.};81- ’0" 5 è woril, [Promife] Paternal, [adi Father]

nl _ I­ 0n] .as b_îl_]l,[a.Dying {lign} Paternity, Ll-"arher (ab n]

. до — а‚Ра Farb, adj. p.prer. Walk

‘о "'Lfmì :Il _ [AC' pawn), _ _ (g5-lace]

c Pt] gperf ‚опе’: "gif, [Alienare] parberic, [ad;.a.Paß`ion (apr.]

corr] -rbe time. Pazible quali/y. Q.

t0 _ _ ­ bring Мед] Patience.

Divilion] „_ Perform] Venue. Мап. 1.8.

[a. gartlîlon] _ come to-[adj.~p. Evenr] Herb.

egregarene s 1 'r­­- ' t.[a {open} firm-[miriam] Pme", 4är’arrm]

~ Separate] ‘запаса’ Еда’. _Patiencc].

[DCPaff] С Exceleů] _ a­__[lii).p.Phylician (per

A 9mm' Ехсс ‚ ~ on

_f‘fmf’ [ЧП-Ъ ПОП I_narforir, [Ießeeln it not] . Wide fhzllow difh]

_ Fight ¿___ ` Pm'" {Cover of cup]

Pdfî¢_1_l<_¢`~{ ÍÃHI'IHÍ‘r-‘l‘j _l l'way] fp. over river] Patriarch.

_:l. cee ory Sme B foreChrTì. RE. 1I. .Parryi) _ _] С brougbttïìtbiñrî» [lsrimaite]l I

_Cr ЧП Т ru im jPafrician, Noble]

i l‘aäion] V‘ïn“_e»{ Prick (ve-nd] parrimony,[[adj. p. [лист

[Agîrfegîëe] [Wlntren Licence for travel- сыне]

.——о ou ien. ìng` Lover

мечтами-видит Paß‘able, [Indifferent] TM.I.4.` Parrior,j B_enefa- фонд’ N"

._celour_d,_ [adv.Var|ery co- Радиус. l дом] шт‘!

lm_îrldjfAlt _ J [бота] of Dependent. R0.

_per a e, ern y way III. .

[A_cceífory] ‘ {Ели-у] ‚ Patron, о)с $141196, Man“

гитар‘), Hai, II. 6 .î). [Fari] I of Cburcb- iuing, adj.

amupfne, armer _ oar. G’ ' ( t.]P __ _P а. В}};:сс1Т:гу] ‚ ГТчапЁаШоп] - Patronagc, [a.lil’iiiëon v

ar (а e. _ . .;_. . o C au c Parronke.

Pazze/:â [garnirI 01:12.] pdífenîeriadjfrravclling (per- Га. i’arron]

_o . . . 1. . on — [Proteâ]

Particular. _ pager ритм. BLIII, 6. A. Parr nymi adj. Fam'ly

oríìlteghljuverfal’, [adi TM. Paßìon. I 0(nari1e][ l




Pattern. чада/ш, |`To ether-jo n Wall-HI.. VIII. 6.[Example] Peel, vid. Pill. ' g " ’ у :l Pennon, Flag (dim.]

[type] _ Bakers-[Staff with Laminat Pen/ion, Езда. Stipendiating

Pamn, vid.P‘atm. _ thc end] (thing] .

[Чин-“11100: (iug.] Peep. ' -er, [ад]. p. Stipendiated

paucity, [Fewnefs] _ _ -ofda), [Day (inc.] (регби)

Paw, [a.I‘loor]l‘p. with l’tones] M_ Grief 'l

Рита-т, гад}. Stone-floor] _[See (end) fccretly] Ралли, [ад]. Think- .(apn]

Pavillion [Tent (augm_.] Cry as Bird (young] ing _]

paw’ [Multiñdous foot] Peer. pgn, [ад]. p. Sepiment]

pam, RC._VI. 7. [Equal] _ _, Pentagon, [Figure with vean

pmmge, vid. Рапида. ­l€fr, [Not ad). P. Equal gles]

{Belly} PG­IV­ 6’. (РОГ-1 Pentecoji, [Fel'lival for defcenfi

Paivncb, Guts (a‘ggr.] [Nobleitiän] ‘ оп of the Holy Gholì]

ro-[Unjfl-ÖOWCU [Fŕ’a‘f'ousbi‘nk] . Pentbonfe, [Ptotuberant margin

Difcontinue] Peewflrneft, [Morofeiiefs] ofi-00L] ­

Pawfe,{ Rdf] peg, [Pin] fp. for faÍIning] pgnurioufneft.

„_[Period] Peron), HS. I. i. op, to Libetality.Man.IlI.;.E.

Pelamir. Fi.III.4. A.

Pelf, [Riches (corr.]

Pelican. BI. IX. 4. A.

Peace. RM. O.

-ablenefn Mah. IV. 3.

( Tacitur

„ to bold one‘r-[a/ nity] Pellet. [Bullet (like]

[зимы enzow.

Peach. Tr. II. t. _ofSpain. HF. V. it.

ro- Accul'e] _ofthe wall. HF. I. t6.’

Peacocg, Ei: II. 2. fp. [male] Pellucid, [Tranl'parent] '

Pealien, Peacock Цепь] Pelmel.

Pcal, [Tunable ringing] [Game of flriking bowlfdim.)

Pear. Tr. l. 2_i through а hole]

‚ Ru ic Mixture'

Рсд[ал!,{ Vmain ЁОЭСГГОП] [2dv.{confuño'i|1]

Peafc. HSJI. 2. A. Pelt.

Chicha-HS. III. 2. Shape-[8b. skin

Winged wild-HS. II. 5. А. Shepherds-[8b. veli]

-Eartb-nutr. HS.II.7. A. t0

Peafecod, [Cod of Peafe] сны‘?

Peccaalillo, [Sin (dim.] C; ß gms]

adj. a. Sin] Pen.

Peccanlgâ Gumy] Coop]

Peck, [Two gallons] adj. Writing (inlIr.

tri-_Mo V1.5. A. 3

Ре8от1, [adj. Breafi] ting (Off.]

Peculiar, [Proper] -kniftg [K. for pens]

Pecuniary, fadj. Money] Scpiment]PedaL ` . "_T ì Write]

Tca_c_h_î_t (Cim.) of Penaí, [adj.PuriiIhment]

с i ren Pena t Plinilïhment

hdm", adj. Pufillanimity ' Радий}: 3

_ [perfon] [Punifhment

Pedee. RM.III.8. A. [Repentance] .

Pedegree, [Series of Ancel'lors] Pence, lut. Penny]

Pedtjial. Mag. V. 3 Pencil, adj. Painting (iniir.]Pedler, Wandríngl Merchant Pendant.

(согг._ р. Han 'n th'nP d. Sorry dim.] _Flag] gl g I g]

e 1"'¿1 Little corn] Pcndu- adj.a.Swing]

Peçlobapjifm, [Baptifm of ln- lour,{ Doubtful]

ants . Into-_ .

Pffble. St. La. Penetrate,f(Through­ìition]

Peůce. j Out

_ärt Penguin. Bi. ’1Х.6. A.

{Сыр} Penijle. W. III. 4- О.

Fragment] Ритм’, [adj. Repentance]

_mean [adv.Part(_fegr.] Pen (veis

alito-r, [In parts] Penner,[adj. Writing per

[Total] _ fon]

of { Entire] Penny. Mea. lv. 2.

[G__îg' Continued] ­_fÈ¢t_l_Jer, [Penurious (pct


[2o 5.] _ `zvort]i, [Price (manner]

lo-[Repair] Pennyroyal. Hl". VII. 8.

fp. by adding fragment] Pennywort.

- man, [adj­ Wri­{ (perl:on]


op. to Magniñcence, [Зоны





Peo le. _[PNation] . ’

Common-RC. I. 5.

го—% Egimìfh }witli meri]

Pepper. Sli. Il. 9 _’

_worn HS. V1.6.

Ginny-HS. IV. 8. A.

Wan-HL. viii. 5. A.


Pcratlventure,[adv­ Contin

gence] .

Perarnbu- About- walk

larioní Throngh- ing]

Perec, vid. Pierce.


a. Senfe ’

See. fp.inr..]


Perceptibfe, [adj. p. Pci‘ceive



[Ttanl'vctfe flick]

to-[Sit upon a так]

Meafure. Mea.I.5.

Filli. FLIX 6.

Sea­-­Fi.V-lo. . .

Pera/m., straining] 0.VI.4.

Percußon, _Striking

Defìru ion]

Pŕfdllläh, ' Lofs]

Perdue. RM. III. 7. А.

Peregrinarìon [Travelling]


Peregrine, [adj. Foreincr]

Peremp- Abfolute]

tor), ûbliinate]

Perennial, [During through the

yCZI‘ ‘_ -

Perfeál. T. {И 9.

[Finiflied] _

. Art

Üdl- { Exgerience]

Perßdioufnefì', [Trcachery]


[a. Hole( make]

Throu li-bore]

‘ Perforce, adi. Coaůion]

_M muy ' Peg‚._` ._ ‘ Y .. ‘А i». ‘



Paroxyfm, [Impefuîì]l


op. to General. [adj. TM. Suffering. T. I. 7. 0,

Pnrrhefy. [Franknc _ III. 4. _ Affcâion. AS. V. Пр. An

Parricide, [Murder of near kin] a-[Catalogue] ger]

Parrot. Bi. L7. _i(e, Induâion] Corp. aâion lign into it.

Parjîrnony, [Frugality] _[a. Example] AC._IV.

Par/ly. HF. IV. 9. Partrßzn. РдЩие, [ad). P_aÍIion]

Bnjlard-HF. V. t x. A. [Partaker] Paßover. RE. VI. 5. A.

milky-HRV. 13 A- [Halbert] Paßport, [Written Licence of

Stone-HF. IV. 2. Partition. travelling]

Parfnip. HF. IV. 2.

Cow-HF. IV. 15.

Water-HF. IV. i5. A.

5adj.PariIh-Prieft _

payßn, Pofl‘eÍTor of Prie src

l VCnue]

__in а building. Po. III. х . А. Paß, [adj. Рай time]

_in difcourfe. D. 1V. 4. A. _time Sp. I. 1. Е.

Partner. RO. lV. 5. Pri/Ie. _

Partridge. Bi. II. 6. › [Raw bread]

red-Bi. II. 6. A. Glue of агент! com]

Pariuririon. AC. I. 3. Pa eler, [a j. a. Py [mech]

Part. Paru. Fi. III. 17. Paßern, [Cavity of the heel]

Portion Pa eb, Ватт" P4 а“Member TM'VI'O’ 110%”,[Ри111аг111а]НР.1Х. pázingy ( gm’]

В‚Л_тм‚ vl. i. 3. A. _ Recreation]

WNß._TM_VI. 1.0- Рамы}, [adj. Palfover] 'l Mirth] ‚ I

район] pafqm‘f, _adj. Mocking wri- Pajlinam. FIJI. l.

Fílâion] ring] Pif/lm’.

Inrerel‘t] “р, _ Shepherd]

_for my_[Con- I‘crfOn] Irion] Prieû]

eerningmy lmcl'çnl coming] Pn ry.

[Concerning _ ‚ (L Going] [adi Store-room for adj. py

faribemni» той PCffQvSl ’ proceeding] (ihingq

там-“10111 Travelling] a. py (ага)

‚д „ll-.5, [By{ P_CffQnSl 5 Bcfide] Pa ure. Po. I. 5.

au I‘aůiOljS] fp, Over] Pat, [Congruous]

in@ one’s-[AÍIIÜ’ SLC .l lBeyond] Patch, [Fragment]

Quality] Omit] ro­_`[Repair with frag

äAâion] ' 'b){ Not-obferve] men‘ts

Du '] _ a. Omiflion] ~_with a. Fraud]

one o excellent-S, Í-Qmll' '°W'>{a.'l`rainfìtion] Pate. PG. III. l- A.

ties] ‚ _ „8.5% life, [Live] _ Patent. RC.IV.4.

¿ood }__ofbímâ _g­}a ­ ’ word, [_Promife] Paternal, {ад}. Father]

‚11 goed i. on] _as b_îäl, [a. Dying [lign] Paternity, [Father (ab r.]

_ ‚ _ ­­ ...Pa Pat/r, adi. p. pret. Walk

‘этом’; :ll-_ [AC‘ Дата} _ _ [glace]

i cept] perf _ шить’, [Alienate] Pathetic, [ati1.a.PalTi0n [apn]

Corr ] -the irme. „мы: qualrty. Q_.

ro _ _ ­ bring{ Effeâ] patience.

Diviiion] „_ Perform] Vertue. Man. 1.8.

[a. Partition] romero-[adj.?. Event] _ Herb.

Seäegaâenefs] ‚ le; ít-U ___ d m Patient.

@n I wid- wi ei _ Palfionlia' { Separate] _ ’ Suflice] 1 ЕЩЁ; Patiencle]

[всргг‘] Exceed] _ a-[adi. p. Phyñcian [per

_ Cçmtçn- Exceii] ‚ ­ fon]

_affali [UU-L UOU I_norforit, [Ieflcem it not] . Wide lhallow diÍh]

_ Fight „___ ` P‘m" {Cover ofcup]

Рдт:а1<;‚{ Partner] [way] fp. over river] Patriarch

[a. AcceIIory] [Sme] Before Chriů. RE. II.i.

Pnrtyŕmfon] brought tîyhtâtî» [Primate]

_ Т ru im . ;P4t'ticr`an Noble1 Hâion] value1; Priclt [endl]J Pnrrimony„[[adj. Inherit

[Aggregate] [Written Licence for travel- [thing]

.__ofßuldiem ling] _ | )Lover f ‚

Main_mandeaLRM. IV. 6. Pnßablf, [Indifferent] TM.I.4. Patriot, Benefa- ° on? 5 N“

_colour_d,_ [adv. Variety co- Paßìrge. l äour] “0n-3

lourd] _ [Going] of Dependent. R0.

_perpale, [Alternly] way] III. 9.

[Acceñory] Entry] Patron, ofSirwe, Maller _

Partialiry, Ha. II. 6. O. [Fare] of Church. ming, ad).

Pnmcrpare,{ Partner] _bonn l Giving ( t.]

_ [a. AcceÍIory] ­ [Tranfaâion] ­ Parrainage, [a.Patron v

Partrcip‘e. ‚В. II. 3. A. в [IClaufe] Patronke.

Particle, [Part [dim.] Pa enger, adj. Travelling (per- [a.Parron]

‚›„`Х&1‘1;°"""^' gcŕnjfi' ‘ в’ п y [РЮКЩ[

- _ _ Pa cr опиши. i. 1. 6. A. Parronymic, adj. Familyopìltostljiiverfal., [adn TM. РдШоп. l [name]

P- А ‘ P Е Р Е

Pattern. чада/де’, [Together-joyn] Wall-HL. VIII. 6.

[Example] Peel, vid. Pill. _ " ’ Pennon, Flag (dim.]

[Type] Bakers-[Stall with Laminat Penßon, adj. a. Stipendiating

Puffin, vxd.P‘atin. _ the end] (киты .

[Llnder-adjÄoot (lug.] Peep. ` ———ег‚ [ад]. p. Stipendiated

paucity, [Fewnefs] ­-ofdny, [Day Cina] [perfon]

Pave, [a. Floor] fp. with fumes] M_ Grief

pavement, Гид}. Stone-floor] [See (end) fecretly] Penßoe, [adj. Think- A(apt.]

Pavillion [Tent (augm_.] [Cry as Bird (youngj ing j

paw, [Multiñdous foot] Peer. рт‘, [adj. p. Scpìment]

pam. RC._VI. 7. [Equal] y' _ Pentagon, [Figure with vc an

pm'mge, vid. Канаде. _lefty [Not ad). р. Equal glas]

{ВеНуД PGJV- 6'- (Род) Penteeojl', [Fellival for defcenf1~

Panne/J, Guts (a‘ggr.] [Nohlcntan] — on of the Holy Ghoffj

to-[lln'a- bOWCU [Fŕlâ'f‘ousbi‘nk] . Penthaufe, [Protubcrant margin

Difcontinue] Peewjhneß, [Morofcnefs] ofi-00L] -

Pmfe,{ Rca] peg, [Pin] fp. for faflning] ремни/„ф.

a-[PeriOd] Peron), HS. l'. l- op. to Libcraliry.Man.llI.;. E.

Peace. RM. O. Pelamìt. Fi.lll.4. A. op. to Magniñcence, (амм

_д1‚1гпгр. Man. lV. 3. Pelf, [Riches (corr.] nefs]

( TilCÍIUl’- Pelican. Bl. IX. 4. A. Penny),

‚ te hold one'x-[a/ nity] Pellet. [Bullet (like] povgrey

LSilence] Pellitory. wam,

Peach. Tr. II. 1. _afSPqim HF. V. п. Peo le.

to- Accufe] _ofthe wall. HFt l. 16,' Кито“) _ ­

Peacoch, ВЕЩИ. 2. fp.(male] Pellucid, [Tranfparent] CO„,„„,„_RC,L5,

Peahen, Peacock Pelmel. _ _ Fi“ _

Peel, [Tunable ringing] [Game of flrikmg bowl(dim.) f0­% Ритм }т:|1 men]

Pear. Tr. l» 2d throulg‘h a holî] PeppenSh, Il. 9 I 6 _

‚ Ru ic txture _wom HSAÍ . .

"WMA villain атм] Í‘d"­{ Confuñon] Ginny-naiven.

реф, н5.П. 2. A. Pelt. W„H__HL,VU1, 5, A,

Chick-HS. lll. a. Sheep:_[Sh. skin" Fortune]

Winged wild-HSN. 5- A. Shepherd -[Sh. [veil] p@i'4dventure,[adv. Contin

_Earth-nuts. l»lS.ll.7t A. ta­­ gence] ‹

ргдрсш, [Cod of Peafe] СИМ’? Perambu- Ahout- walk

гашиша, [Sin(dim.) Call ones] lntianí Throngh- ing]

è adj. a. Sm] PM- Perce, vid. Pierce.

Param’ быту] COOP] l’ercei‘ue.

Peck, [Two gallons] adj. Writing(inl`lr.] a. Senfe ‘

ttt-Mo. vl. 5. A. ­man,[adj. Wri- (perfon] 5cc. fp.inr..]

Peŕlornl, [adj. Ereafl] . ting (091] Underlland

Peeulín'r, [Proper] Jimfe, ГК. for pens] perœptibfe, [adj p. Petceive

Pecuninry, fadj. Money] Scpiment] (ров)Pedal. _ ‚ „d í Write] Perch.

Teacher (физ) of Penal, (ада. Puniíhment] [Trml’vqfc flick]

d children] l y Penalty, [Punifhment] tto-[Sit upon a flick]P’ ‘т’ adj. Pufillammrty Penance. мате, Mu, 1,'5,

V fperfon] [Puniíhment МГц. Fi. IX 6.

Рейс’. RM.llI.8. A. [Repentancc ‚ Sea-PLV. lo. .

Pedegree, [Series of Ancellors] Pence, lur. Penny] Pereolation,[Straining] O. V1.4.

PedcflaL Mag. V. 3. Pencil, adj. Painting (мы рдсишдщ [зггйкйпга

Pedler, Wandring Merchant Pendant. _‚ '_Dcñru ion]

(corr._ П). Hanging thing] рт’тт" { Lofs]

. Sorry [dim] [Flag] Perdue. RM. Ill. 7. A.Pedm'g’ { Lime (corr.] Pendu- ádj.a.Swing] Peregrìnatìan, [Travelling]

Pedobnptifm, [Baptifm of ln- laut, Doubtful] fp.foréitï]

fants] . çInto- . Peregrine, [adj. Foreìncr]

Peeble. 5t. 1.2. Penemzre,r Through- том Рттр-{ Abfolute]

Perce. Out- tor), Óhllinate]

[Как] Penguin. Bi.'IX~6.A. Perennial, [During through the

{ Chip] Penifle. W. lll. 4-0. _ year : '_

Fragment] Penitenr, [adj. Repentance] Per ce?. T. Щ. 9,

-rneag [adv. Part ([lign] Pen (vefs Finifhed]

411x» _x, [ln parts] Penner,[adj. Writing per- adj, Integrity]

[Total] fon] _ Art]

Entire] Penny. Mea. IV. 2. lïadl­{ Experience]

ofone' {Continuedj ~_father, [Pcnurious (pcr- Perßdioufneß, [Trcachcry]

[Gun] fon]J Perjforate.

[2o 5.] ~wort ,[Price (manner] a. Hole( make]

Irv-[Repair] Pennyroynl. Hl". vll. 8. [Thron h-.boreJ

fp. by adding fragment] Pennpvort.

‘ Perforce, adi. Coañion]

'Mmm ' PEL»a».

_ Регби‘, [Faäitious hair (аду-1 Ретет/Ъле[3‚МР‚ 1V. 1.0.


P E P E ' - Р I


е orm. TA.1lI. 6. Pffql‘i» НЩПЩА Pt‘flf'mfft, Morofenefs

Sn'îiime, ad). a. Sweetnefs Ни, _Eupedienq Petulance, Impudem ‘Этюд

(thing _.r, ad). Event prOñrS] nefs]

Per unfloiy Perry, „уши: ofl’cal‘sl Pf”, [About-fep’imented feat]

Slight] PmwfůlFiälUOUS ha’fÚ‘igß] Pewter. Met. l1. a.

ниша“ Per ecute. Пита/3’, [Fancy]

Negligent] Purfllç] “минуя, [seeming (thing) w

.' Fortune] [Aiiliô_|_ _ faney(corr._]

Perbap.t,[adv. Conrin- For Religion. RE. 111._4. O. j ‚д. Fancy

gence] Perfeueraiite, [солдату] pbdmaßic, (Con-_]

Adv. l. a. Pfffwfff» _3° Conñlncyj lConccited]

PeriacantbmShÃV- ç. pefß‘flfbf ­ EL VH- 7- A' PharmaceuticaloperatiomONI.A

Pberiicopter. Bi. VlII. 2.


Periaritbium, [Cup] PP. 11.8. Perß , Confiancy]

Pericordium, [Skin about the a_ Duration]

mit) Per r. vid- Paf/lr. rbefm. Bi. 11.?. _

Pericarpiurri. 1’P.I1. 8.A. Perfon. _1. 4. A- Пули-м. Sh.II . 3.

Pei'ìrranium, [Skin about the „шум. В]. 1- Pbi'lologer. RC 11. 4.silrull­ ­­Milimr). RMJÍL Pbilofopber. BC. 1. r.A.

Peril, Dan er] T- V-I- 0. D'Zfm ОРТ-‘мы’ Pbiltre, [ад]. а. Love [malte]Periiieum, [Sünder-Privities Pfffolmblf, Üpiß‘ŕfcä (Perm medicin]

a t' ­ C1 0n _ Мат . o. IV. 6.perçisdî J Perfondgt’ ìpfffon (manner.) 1î£legm.„3G.N1x.6. ’

[a Ceafmg] PÜÑMIPWÍMCÈ' SP’ п’ l’ Pbolat. Ех. V111. 8.

[End] Perßnate, [imitate as Player] semence (immer)

[Sentence] 13.111. LA. Pt’f/Í’€Ü"{¢. [503118. ("Ч Pbmfe’ Идем-‘поп!

Point- D« Í- 6~A­ Pff/Èl‘ßf'f). S‘S‘C’fy] Phrerietic, adi. Frenzy

Interpuiiílíon» D- L 4- _ Pf'fl’î‘m), [_ lamncfël ‚ . Pbylañer), Written (lam.) to be

p.­yi¢a'iciil, [Returning :it certain perjpiratioii, [Tranfpirarion] worn

‘ times] гетт- P~0­V­ 2­ тут, mi.. Piiyrician airing]

Line abouì the 2X- Perfuaßon. AS.1I1­ 6. A. „меда,“ 3011,} .

Peri ÍJBU, "emily Pm' Pb to om .Р ЗСБгЫс] Ma .111. 2. {Sprightly] [jpg: („или“)

Pffíi’bmß‘ifp‘ml’hmfc D’V'5‘A “801011531 [Wizarding by infpeäi'on of

Periploca. Sli.1. 7, A. (Confident ‘ the facc‘]

. Decay] Pelteiri, vid. Pertinence. Ищи, F'i,v. u.

Pmß’i`{ p. Deiiruâion] Pertmacy. Ha. 1V. 7. E. Py.

Perißatic motion. Mo. Ill. мА. Pertinence. TM. 1V. 5. Provii'ion. Pr. 1.4. A.

шутит, [Membrane of the Perturbation. Bird,

belly] _ {Molei'ting }fp. by affeůi- Mag-Bi. I. 8.

Perjury, [Swearing a Lic] Confufion on (augm.) ага-{Знания ELVILB.

Piiitiilar, [That сне t to beex

yniwmlde. Репин’. piatedby facriñce]

Shrub. HS.V1I1. 1o. [Seduce] Pineau, [About-houfcd Area.]

Fiíh, Ex.Vl1.6. A. Wren] Pibble. St. 1.4.

Per?, [Proudly lift himl'ell'] Pen/itat). гчистку] pick,

Per. ’ T 10U ­ PeckGmseiir. 2. Pmifeí Aii- s }C°“f‘d'~’f] pluck]

Mother of-[Shell of the adi. Periwinkle, vid. Periwinkle. open

a. Perl-oyilet] _ {Выше (perfon] ’ _a [n __inthe e), 'Perl (like) (por “ГМ” Villain] [Difcovcr]

in ec Tdi, [Plague] „ш.

Permanent, Badi. Sp. I. 6.] Pefier, [Mole ] fp. [freq.] _afecten

permit, Peiiife- adi.a. Plague] (еще)

[N0¢.f9rb'id] rout» Hurtful(augm.] __out, . Eleâi'on]

Not-hinder] . Peíiilerice, [Plague]S.l1.3.A. — [Gather

Yielding] TA. IV. i. Peßle, [Braying (inlìr.) Cylin- _.up.

a. Licenc drical (ñg.] ' [Gain]

Perrriutotion, фига‘ ——’)'Ро”‹‚ [Thigh-_] ._out of one, [Gain from

Perniciour, [a i. a. De ruâion] Per, [Anger (imp.] one]

Римини _[a. Night] Perera', [Ordnance (like) ma- _a quarrel, [Obtain (end)

Peroratjoii, [Conclnûon of ora- chin for breaking gate] an occafion of q.]

tion) _ St. Peter:jifIi,[Doree] Fi. IV.r2. _a tb , qîbtain (end)

Perperi „мы, [Direô] Sni’eter't wart. HS. V. 7. A. rhanlis fp. y accuíing]

Peïpetrate. Pflfîffívn 3 [Pilfd']Doe Entrelry _Poev et, a. Theft f .

[Регата] Religious. RE. 1V. a. A. -Pur’ŕeg {Е our ofPerpetufiL Sp. I` в. Petrife, [a.Stone (makej [Cleanfe] "

perpetuity] Petronel, [Horfeman’s gun] abone b.]

Perplex, [Tangle] Pm {Little] ' Зале‘:

—пу. _ _ _ 1_’ Sorry —— ear [Cleanfe c]

[Tangling (apt.) difficulty] Petticoat, [Loofe thigh (чей года’:

[Anxiety] Pettifògger, [Lawyer (corr. teetb, ' rg


P1y P1 PL

Идём, [adj. a. Pecking ham- „ш, [1m rifoning (fop.) _fa/l, [Concave (place) in

me, for beallsg the earth .for catching

Pic e , ad'. . Tooth Mag. Bolt ­ » birds'.Iii. ai J P 3 "Адам? Pitch. 1

Piclger, [a.Skirmifh] -Aboufq _Under-lill the [Hei ht] i

Pickerel, [Pike(dim‘.] _ foundation] _o a bill,Y [Obliquity

Picker-oon, [adj. a. Bootying ‚Рука‘, [adj.Pinching (iug.] .(ínc.)_] .

lhipf] _ Pinch. [Tar boyled to a conti

ища, [а‹1),а.Р1сНЕп3 [things] [a Compremon] l‘tence]

[Stare [corn] as pain, [Twitch] r0 ..

Pickling. Pr. III. 9. [a. Narrow (make] ' [Smear with Pitch]

Нади, [Pike шт] -periny, [Penurìous (per- сыщик:РШите. Рг. VI. 8. ТОП -ä Net, Direů n.]

Pied, [variegated] _[a. Anxiety] Tent, Fix lt.

Pierce. _ Ртг- Tr» V­4­A­ o-a floor, [a. Floor with

то“ -applc, [Nut of the Pine- _ floues]

imo“ thru ing] UCC] _ P1_lcber,[Earthenpot.]

[Boring] N_- DeCaymg] Pitcbßrk, [Fork'

-41JqUrl,[Broachav.] _ [г- Lean (МВт-1 Pireaur, vid. Pitti al.

-mg Pricking] Phile- Pirb. PPJ. 5.A. ‚

pain, Smarring] FIOVVCT. HS. V. LA. PII/J).

_er, [Boring (inllr.] [Ship (dim.] _­ più]

Piety. ta-PLIII. у. ’ _ [adlälmportancc]to God,[Religio_n(hab.] __eyed, [Narrow ey] . Part n _

to Parents, [Gratitude] Pffm¢~ EX- V_IU­ 7-_ Р”""'“›{ Proportion ì'fd‘m')

Pig, [Hog [young] Be. 11.4. PWM“, [Ship kdltm] Pittty. llS.lV. 7_0. ' _

G,‘„„]_Be_ “1_5. A_ ‘ Pinnacle, [Turret for erna- Pittiful, a. _

_oflead, [Call (thing) of _mçnlj ‚ [ад].{р.}рщу (“Й-1

_ Lead] Pmnjvn. Pittileft.

Pigeon. ni. iii. i. Figure, Mëg- V- 5- A. Not-adi. ._Pirry]

Píggin, [Tub [dim] __?fWl'fg. [_Elb0W­-] Cruel] ‚

Pike. _Io-_[a. ваш: for the arms] Pituitoiu, [adj. Phlegm.

[Spear] RM.V.3. ‚ Pinte. . Piule, [Genital male

_Fmt Fi.1x.i. Piwft- ßM-_lll- 8i Placable, (ш;- i. p. _anger

Prichard A. PfMy-HSJ-ig _ @prg

ile, ‘ Piout,[ady.Picty] Pl patent]

Pon] Pip. _ “mi {Edin}

Heap] [99ml] Place.

[Emroid] _ Dlt-Cafe] Proper. Sp. Il.

_worn HF. 1X. 4. A. Р‘рг. ‘ [Situation]

Pilfer, [a. Theft [dim] [Tube] ‹ _Military RM. VI.

Pilgrim, [Vow’d traveller for Square. Mag. V. 9. [HoufeQaugmenu]

Religion] RO‘lndfNag- V» 9~A« [Order]

Pill. [,Bßl'ffl] Dignity]

a M_Cïlůlfc- ^ Degree] RCJ. ’Ball (dilri.] Wind-PG. VI. i. A. Qfñce] Ö `

Rinde] _tree. Sh.IV. i. stead] _

„___ White-Sh. V. g. . а. Place]

Strip, rinde] п—{ Mulìc with pipe] f0­­‘{ put]

Un-a. clothe] [l ACU‘CUFfâ] ‘трёп апе:’:—.

[Rob] Piper, [Tub­ñfli]l‘i.1V. 5. _ 5цЫНгщс} .

pillage. _ Юры”, [Earthen (dim.) ad), [a. Succdfor [make]

Robbery] boiling (vefs.] giue- Yield superiority

[Booty] I ‘ Pippin. м __ _ ’trahie-_.: Tiî‘läe [lign]

Pillar. Po.lI .5. . ,‚ а lgmly ‘ Р aci , Mee

мы”, [Pìllar(dim._] _ Pfl", Hatred ЁФ-“ЩЧ magia”.

Pillian, [Woman’s riding culhi- Pirate, [adp Sea-tobben] [5ка1ег{ Men]

on] Pifces, [La_û ofthe i2 parts of ‚ oí Writings]

Pillar), [1m rifoning (ing.) fOr _the I_OdlaC-l _ Plague.

head'an hands] Pifcinrianeuldm. FI­VIH­3­~ Решите) $.11. 3 A.

Pillow, [Cufhion for the head] -Cornutun Fi. “И. 3.A. [Advsrüry швы.)

_beer,'[Cai'e of Pillow] Pil/lr, [Int.{ Contetnpt _ Aflliů

Pilot. вы". 4. А. _ of Averfwon ,_ '°­ штат

Pimpernel. HS. V. io. A. Pifmire, [Ant] Ex. IV. 5. Play. - ‚

Pimp/e, [Puflulc] 8.111,1. Pißîng. Mo.IV. 8. op. to Work. O.A. _ _

pim рать. Tr.IV. z. _ _)felleiv, [Companion in

Figure. Pillai. _ play]

_without head. Mag. Iv. r. [adj.Hand-gnn (d|m.] _with [Togethenplay]

_with head. Mag.\l1. 2. A. Money. _ imitate]

_ßjln Н. V1.2. A ­ Pit, [Dent] a.A&ion

_and web, [Suñufion in the Ami-[Concave (part) under _fajl an loofe, [a. Lígßf.

суд the arm] ncfs.] ‚

м in in 1 -rbe

‚' i. и.



Coward, C.

Fool, F.

_tbe Hypacrire,[a. H.

Tìuani, 'l'.

Wantori, \ W.

_er. RC. II.

Stage- [ад]. р. Player


' a. Recreation] Mo. V.

a. Game] Mo. V. A.

_ai агата, [a. Gaine] i

»_at Dice, Sie. [a. Dice, 8tc.]

_ar/ingle Карт’, Src. [a.

Fence at f. 8zc.]

_ripari an injlrument, [aM/lu


-upon a man, [a. NOCI( l


_upoiiwii guns, [a. Gun]

Plnice. Fi. VII. 4.


( Plain._Mag. lll. 4.

t Even] VI. 2.

1 Cliampain. W. lll. 1.

Carpenters-[ML a. Even


Not-obfcure. D. III. 9.

ä Manifell] ТА]. 9.

Sim lc




Frank] .


Pluim` . В]. I. 4.

Plaie. Fi. VII. 4.

piaißfr, vid. Лида’.

Plair, vid. Pleir.

питье-(„псом for farting of


Plane. TLVI. 1o.A.

[по]. a. Even [infin]

Planet. W. II. 3.


planitphße, [Pitture of iphtre in

plain] _

ища [Thick adj. wood [la


„_[a. Floor with wood [la


Plant. W. V. 2.


_gun.t, ace guns on


-a Country, [a. Colony`

_offoon [Bottom


Herb. HI.. VII. 2.

Sea-HL. VII. 4.

Tree. Tr. I. 9.



IJgolltîmy RdCì’lII. LA.

P a , Sprea ou hs

' -—о[паге’‚ [(Lak§[d}im.]

_y, [ardilla e dim.]


Medecin. Pr. vi. 4.A.

Morter. E1.Iv,5. A,

_", ПФ- Nlorter (mech.]

Plaßic, [F‘Багдад (and

1Carving iPldg, [Wood d'. Íl 'rI’°by{bllouldin]g] (thing › en а ì oppmg

Plat, vid. Pleit. ‚Щит. P .IIL 2.

Plate. l; _tree. Тг.11. 2.A.

Lamin fp. Metall (lam.] ‘ Plumb, [Perpendicular]

Velfel fp. of Silver or Perpendicu- me;

G01 ‚ ­­­­­1I¢l¢, à larnefs ,(u

Shallow dini] Tranfverfnefs )ring

Plat arm. [infin]

Exemplar] _ Plume, Feather] PP. V. r.

lLDel‘cription-by lines] [Feat ers (gggn) for „rn-,_

Sconce] ment] -

Planer, [Shallow dilh [augm]

rimane] im@ ё [voice]

Иди/1151:, [и]. p_Praife [apt]

Plea. RJJI. 3. A. ‘

Pleader. В]. 1.7. '

Цп- a. Feather]

ra_ {а. Order [perf.) the


Plummer, adj. Lead [mech]

Plummer, .Weight (dim.]

Carpenter’x__[weight for

Ива/‘ат. Т. IV. 2._ meafurìng perpendicular

[ад]. a. Deleñation (apt.] nefg.]

(ад). Mìrth] Plump.

fadi. Urbanity] Fat

Pleajing. [Convex (perf.) with fat

Deleâation] nefs

_Appeaíing] Plunder, Booty

Pleafure. Ha. 11.3. Dive make]

Delcâation] Plunge’ í Diñiculty (imp,]

[will] Plural, [adi Plurality]

at arieh-[According toones _ity TM. Ill. 2. 0.

will] _ Plujf, [Silk ad). p. fuperñcies

l[Beneîalìor] with ongtuft]

to­one,[a. Compla’- Poche.

cence [Hunt (corr.]

Plebeian, [ад]. People

Pledge, [Pawn] _ _

»_one, [Anfwcr in drink

inde] _¢¿¿, [ад СоЫЩспсс by

boiling] fp. мамы]


ing]ld _ Ы“ :l Small-.5.11. 4.

. Fo in wri es _b le, C P171e"{Weave with the fingers] Frencah­­[$.‘iri.c;rc ox aigu]

Full] _wood [Guaiacum] Tr.

Plenary, Тока" VII. a.

. A_Perfect pocker, [ад]. Garment [bag]

Plenlporennar), Pcrfeâly au- Род, [Cod] PP. III. 5. A.

thorizcd] , Poem, [361. P~P0er [thing]

Plenty, [Abundance] Poet. RC. Il. 4. A.

Pleonafm,[.\bounding (manner) Poetry, [ад]. Poet [am]

of lentence] Родина’, [adj. Pricking (apt.)

Pletbory. S. I. 3- fword (dim.]

Pleurijie. V. 6_. point.

ply, îniligencc) тыс. Mag.l.x.

la. Opcm’onJLimbemefs] kililîlnbfgrr‘algyafe]

u ._P’íable _ a.0bedience [mmm] eno j

Pham `>[adi. (арг-] -0fdeaih.

› p. Perfuafion [Tooth] Mag, Iv, 2,

[apn] _in tbe compafr, [A two and

Plìgbr, [oblige]


in good-[adi vigour]


thlrtieth part of thecir


_in Tablet, [A four and

twentieth part of the

Area] Area]

{Defeription by lines] ‘ _ „мы, [Promontory]

[рейда] [Cord (dim.]

Pla-oer. h [Part]

green-Bi. VII. 2. in юну

¿r¢)_B_i. VII. 2. A. _ it i: a-of

plow, [adi. l’lowing [lug] ' [State] i

__ing. r. A. ’tix come to rbat_'

u ' `metí D... ЁЗ‘ЁГШМ

_ Bud, [Un a. feather] Queìiion]

Sbeeps­-­[Sh-PG. VL]_rn ranrrovmjie.

_4., Leur-_ club] Pool. w. Iv. 7. А. _ ‚ -

ting A Hammer] Poop, [Hinder part of [hip]

_o_fCart. Род’. 5. A. Poor. Í . . _

-ufaíbip RN. III. g. A. [ад]. Poverty] ‚

_.ofaglo e. Magdi. x. A. Needy, [adi штангу. .

' МсаГщс. Mea. L5. _ Lean]

Fijli. НА’? 2. i Little]

P le t. Be. V. 5. ‘ SorryPglefrîíc{RM.] _ adj. PJ. Pitty [apn]

Бум). Difputation] _neflgdiàPO-ïerry]

P la). ` Ba er

[штат] . Р ‚5 Sound of breaking of

[Government] L bladder]

—— ‘ at. nc. Cam] _ G l'k tbe2:‘ a птичка, [Bond aglinll Poplngml’E ч" (l c) u 1

lofs] V ‚- Father

Polipiu. Ех- IX- l» _Billiop fp. of Rome]

‚танцах. 1X. LA. Popinjay, Parrot]

.Pvlißh . Poplar ~

a. Smooth] [идей-‘П’. VI. 8.

Brighten] l wbìtef-Tr. VI. 8. A.

Beautiful] Popper, [Statue [dion]

Polito Aanm‘d]

|Politiltal Relation. RC. bnßard-HS. VI.4. A.

Pall, viâLPole. î ì ‚ k] barned_HS.IV.1o. _

‘ [Hin er parto UCUCC Populacc Peo le kind‘ bytbe­­[adv.l’erfons (feßßl Popular.’ l: Р ( J


Poppy. HS. Vl. 4.

‚ Look lixedly]Решая, [Having many anglCS Pork, Hog's Нет] ‚

Polymountain. Hl". VI. 6. Parker, [Young hog] _

Poljpody. HL. 1.6. Porpbyry, [Reddilh Marble]

пудинг, [Having many fyl- Porpol'r. Fi. l. :.A.

lables] ‚ Porrage,vid. Portage

Pitman-.ì Sphear 0f PCr- Porrirlger, vid. пище’.

der, Ap le [like] fumes] 10ft. _

Pornecitron, Apple of the Ci- [Haven]

tron-tree] [Gate] I

Pomegranat. „ ­-­bole. RN. II. 7.

­­­­iree_Tr. I 6. _ [adi out-fide Dignity]

Pomel, adj.Sphear [part] Portable, [adi.p.{(pot.]

to­­­ Beat') ‘ Carry (apt. _

POMP, Sole‘mnity] Portage, [Payment for carri

Ponipba yx. Met. lV. 2. 4A. age]

Pompion. HSNHJ. _ Portal, [Door [room]

Pompouf. Solemnity (швы) Portcullis. RM. V1.8. A.

„ф, Magniflcence]

Polla', [Lake. W. IV.7.A. evil [augm]

(dim. l Porter, [ад]. Door [05.]

_wee . HL. Vil. 8. [Bearer] `

narrow leaved-HF. VIII. Portbolc. RNJI. 7.

~6. A.

from» _— __

‘ o_- _ adi. People]

‘ Cut (perf.) the hair] _Beloved by the people]

a. Tait] ' Populour. [adi p. People [aug]

{Opprel`s] Porcellane. i

Impoyerilh by шт] Herb. HL. VIILg.

Pollard. Vellel. .t ‚. _ .

[Deer (male) ad). pret. let go Porcb, [adi Door [room]

his horns] Porcupine. Be. III 5.

[Lopped tree] _ Pore. Mag. Vl. i. .

.Pollute, Dcñlc] ­blínd.

Poltron, Coward] ro­`­­­­ near]

_ Pojlil, [ад]. p. Preaching

Pqílilìon, Before-riding" (per

Portentous, [ifore-llgning fome

ll’ О Р. О Р О

fa- _ " ` . ’‚ т-РО- il» в:- ` ‹\ PÚÍ'ÍÍDÍL‘

_ Point]hñ 1 ъ Pon er. .‘ .. Part]

ew wit nger ' Delibei‘ate]l - F ¿fp ‘ '_Dillinguilh wlthPeriod] l[Meditate l ¿Wiking/tägig .()lf’îiglnhcg

POlfe. ' ~_ l [COnÍìdCl’ ritancg]Try the gravity] ’ Ponaeroufngß., [liea'v’inelll] ßmmdntcau, [adi.­;l`\ijding'~bag‘]

‚ Welghe папу) i . Pomard, vid. Polnard] ¿DefCl-iptiòn] ._ —

Porßning. BÍN. §.A- Рапида’? [Tait for bridge] Pof’ï‘v’í a, наше]; _— ‚

Page, [Bag Porltißcial. _ _ _ Portfale, [Public fak] _ ­

Pole, vid. Poll. d. {Billiop] Род, . li [защиты] [a ’° Primate] [ny] rainwater...)

Non-plus. D. VI._8.

Flowers [raggi]Fuße’ i Sentence upon-written]

{ Propofltion]


{Щи} _


Pojìtiw. T.lll. 3.

Poßture, [Реймс]

Pofnet, [Standing рост/М‘ а ’



Pqßëß‘, Hold

a. Po Стоп]

_ion. Po. l _ .

Prefcription, [сайта of

poll’ellîon']rake-(Pollen (inc.]

Pogèt, [Broth ofcoagulated

milk] ‚ f ~

Poßbilit). T. IV,4. ` ’

Poli. '

[Wooden column]

, Cartier] ' ‘

[Sw‘ft’ Mcl’fcngei'] —

tiled-[Ride on divers hotles


to.. adv. Swiftnel's Обои.)


` [Publilh by writing (шт.


_acc'ountt Writethe fuihlliies inll’igf]

" anotherjbc’okj

pdl-date, l Date after pret.


Pofierl'oi'ity, [Succeeding [abfin]

Poßerity, [Defcenden'ts [aggh]

RO. l` i. O. -

Pojiern,[adi. Hinder- part (door

Pojibumour, [Born after Father s

death] -

Y [thing


Pqßpone, [Lefs eflecm] ‚

. After- written

P‘llfff’Pf’ under. haring]

Pojiulation, [Demand] ­

Poßure. AC. Vl. A.

Por. PLV. 5.

`­cornpaniorli',I [adi. «a.' Drun

kennefs c.]

_hongerig [adj. a. Hanging

(ing.) for pon] ,j

-­berb, [[-Lfor roth]

_lr‘iL [adi. Covering (thing)

for pon]

_ _ ' ' _ . »ont

` L Authority]

. p [adj..RIi`.. IV. t. (thing] ____e{_.fherd ‘ё: ‘jragment ofearthcn rayer, _

8 Oñîce]Pfaff“ RO‘V' ' Pr er. `(V252 ‘ k (apn) г „or ìcwpmud‘yj е{мош- }{‹д‹°т1

Potable, [ß‘î’)°(l"3,mm Р" k’ Tm] ìeetore- ___ ch‘ifî]

‚ » уап - _ _ ,_ er on I hlt ‘11:22:22 H[adi Power] [on] [Extraordinary aâioh] ¿Ä man]

’ Powerful (Per „__ ,__bi/l‘ [adj,a.Bi l]

Решить {Мисс} [a.omate (makd pfrßgm, before adi- 2­ WPG

Рапида‘, T- 1"',5'0‘ bc] Pm", laïl‘oquac'ty) Prefîx,[_BC Orb FaÍICQ]

‘ рм‘ип. [Gun (bke). T9 Pratic, [Licence to trade] “j_¿ìAppmm]

Patio", [potable [thing] punk, a.L_oqnacity_] pun]

(р. Medicinal] (earthen pmw'ry, Evil(abllr.]' I Pregnantßì Important]

Powerd, [Fragment 0 Prawn, _Shrimp] Ex. V -4‘ Pm, [Booty] _ _

(wafels __] o Preaehàlnlîígvìgèue] Prejudice, [Beñorœopinion

Potta e rot Pream C. ‘О corr.ŕPß‘fffg’ìíi‘idl’p‘w'* (h‘ïccibl P'ebmd‘”, EAT' Cathedral (_ 3нш’сШ]

Potringer [Dini for Prc" ­ fciIor 0f сонсё'ш:1 А '.-Ml.{ [mpedient]

Ponle, [TWQ ‘Наш-‘к (a L] _ churcl-l pfrjudimre, a,sentencc]

решен’, [adi-P-Dnn p precaution, [W‘mmg] ' [Before- condemn]

Pouch. _ Precedence. Sp, I. hlt.. prt-ke, [Pourconrrel] ExJX- Ж

Big (dim-_l Preced't’lil. __ рге1шд‚"втюр] RE. 1_1. 4,A.

Stomgchlnow] [Exemplar] pmu., adp Preparation

,o wa Prec: IHS la .Portail-LIM. VI- 4-^- 'pril-:Hanta [EXC‘HCUCC] Pri’meyilitate, [Before-muil

¿M__RDL V. 7. A. precept, [Command] _ 1 [не]

‘0'- Ка] ` P’fcimg’ A‘lthol'ty (P ac? Premi/r, рт] f[a.PoudCf‘(maI A. Precious, adi-PUC: (augm’j [Before-{IUPPOÈJ

Pro o 7e _ßone’ Prcmo'lé/k, Before_wxn]

fP' w'th (alt-lo PreCÍPÍM, [SNCF (plut-1 Premunire, Fm’fclm‘e of goods

титу- Ha- H' 2' ' precipita”. and liberty]

Pou/t, [Groufe] __ _ Chymic_ о1 VI. 3. A. Prem-œ mem]

шине, [Sof‘l’l‘l I?) обиде] Capitalpunil'hment. IIJ. V. [Difciplc mech-_I

poultry, [Cock 3. A. preoccupation, [Bcfofc‘pqmefs]

Pounce, [Claw о l ir [Hail [exo] „там, [шьют-дат]

roîu‘lnk] (а, Rlfhncß] Prepayh ТА. п]. 3.

poun 3 — уши. _ ‚ pr. III. .WClBht' Mea’ ш‘ s' fln’frfcä }(дц m ] Prepofrideliate, [More-weigh]

Money-Memup'. (rcp) Regular _ g ° „WWI-M_ дн 3,

пиши, чтрп @HIDE .‚ [Serupulous] ‚ P_epoßmuh [Agamwordcm]

forbeai s._| Pmociry, [soon (exo) R'PC' трищ [Skin ‚о b¢ ci.: on’ in

"_" ­ — “Cfs- ' cii‘ion`[ImPï‘fQ’ì-l l- der] M0, Precognlfifm» [Beforc'know- Precrloleîiiiliie. RC4 IV. 7»

[Bray with C! In ing] ад] Pnfagr, [Before-hgh]

VI. 5' adv Pound удилища, [B_CI‘Ol’C-Cont. Fredy". КЕ'П. s. A. _

poun- TRX ì (Г; __] predatory, Dd), a. BOOYYJ Ритм“ [Bcfore-knowmg]

dille. Payfncnt ` g I Predeceßör. Lad). Preccding Pre/mhh’

Pourcontrel. Isn. IX. t. werfen] _ _ [Bcforbappoim]

` pouringt 0.11 8:8 [с] Predt’ßindle, dîlc‘fm’l‘c-l by uw, [щит]

Pourtraillurf. Ü" h“(mmncr] [Before аРРШПЧ . _b @from , [a. Right

Pour. {A’ìg'y “та lpfeaieaole. [т P- тают _гпа1‹с) by Pwr-“mm3i to-A(_._.IV­ A' l [apt.] Pref-eme.

Eel-_MVL ' . ‘п РгеЩс‘тт” TA' `r'nplace. SP- п’ l' . ‚

[Heathcock] Bi. . i. predican, D. II. 5.A. chamber, [Room for King s

роде". Predicatio". [a'prcd'catc] ­ _ rdenqe]

Natural-NP. _ _ Before-telling] _P___m__ SP_I_I_

` Might] Ha. II. 6. Predzliion, i prophecy] -Q‘zishtlin‘ßj

Authority r] | . More Power- [ìsr [adi.Pi-cfencc]

__fau, ad;_.a.Powe _ „femm-Mm {Щ _ Pref ‚

in ont]­ ad,” P' Power) l ad). a. тату] и? гсГспБ]

Fox. 6 ‚Ишим. [Rather-chufing] АЁЕЦЩ

French.­­­-S.II~ ~ _ P„­emìnence._ _, _ESI-ft]

Small-5.1L 4° superiority] " .Right of ад .

РгдЩсг. RC- п‘ A' L 1 Excelleiice] Pm ving Pri_cfi`$]

_Law _ „§- ‘‚ inity _ ­' ‘vin of ICC_ brjicäßc’ п A g2] {grigvilegc} "ma" cilriglgir (P

` ¿fion „т . Betore- ­ _ v_prcfem'

Endeavour] P' „5“, цгш }ь"УЩ8] Prefem] Futur: ädim]

EIIIIJT] ` prmrülence, [Beforc-afiual- Keep]

Exam c — nefs> efend`

._ed,_[EXP¢"J ‚1,- t Prefacë‘, [PrOlOgllC] Prefer”, Iëonditël]

Prumß’l‘f‘h‘ef‘a LD' 'gm Autho‘ ( cr- ¿fon ofGocLAS. 1.4

д (согг._] - Prefarl Üdj, rity [on] А l Pre

Рио‘- RE'IV' '° l ’ Office



Prefer ' .(thiliiag‘Sw’ Yad" ’- Prefervcl y Sec

Pïdìdenl, Py]a{a_ Spg'end] MЕРГЦСЁЧ ‘ Priap’fm' Di саГе. pïi'uock-*Sh 111:3'

Ехашр c] Pme, RC v 7'

Pfff?. prick. ‘ ‘7’ Knowing]

Thruûing] ‘ [Point] ‘âiccfâñq'yj

__Ñâîì‘âl’fâmon] Magi; fidi. p. 0bj¢3 {thing} isecreer]j

Print ’ I . Y' a' рт] Mlg- IV- 2. ~­ ‘- ад). a. primi“ тыс, [Thorn] pp I ilkesp [9° Pç'vl' 3

wifli’îìadi W. g _";f¿,~M°­ VI- м. ` ‘М Pńvilfa’e. КЁПЁЁ‘Ёсшт]

De r ~ me {jug} _ "- АС-П. 7. À. _ed place ° '7‘A' _

[a.5 На c ­]Íirr,w4rd,{ сайт’ Prioiŕígiaclîl, [P0 1ШШЩЖУ

¿Hard такс] _ —Ёп‚ [Implant] -l prin’. ' G. vf. 8,

NP, [3. Юта] l Booty]

t -w . ‘

[а-{ Prie etno Sh. I, 4t A. Reward of Viäo.i ’ СВЩЗК B n ry]

biiilaiíim» [a. souldier P 'ferâmy‘lri e' H'ó'of‘h‘ {Sighting} fac b . _ ш], ‘А - amin ,ff.. ;›‹‚‚‹„2‹‚:;Ё‘&‘‹=п1 ¿nä-engi??? Ё“- ß- ‘ч ‘а .g P ММ

шт: 3Ц3щ‚] пе . ’ ' ’ Price]


7fm'ßß-RE 1r . [ná Value]

'rh Mult' d ‘ .CbVÜìÍMI`REJL' , ‹ пашет]

rOng, [Denl'gäAgg С.‘ 11:31am [Kemer] 5 Pfobilbâf, Opinion ì

are. E, а ‘_ . ‹._ APPÃYEI gate] ­ Fìrft n. 4' PNbdliain. Probation (apn)

f” Prim .l D- VI. 6

‹ Бош [Box-j _ Ё’ chief] ­­er, (adi, Р Eh .Prem” {gn-.mgm ‚ grrmnive. TMJV l P гол" ~ aymg (Per.

‚ ece r "Mge 'r ’ . robe Dp__ мышь (‘таит [Pxrft bmh ’ С agi _I_Iílìcafure {pin}

п ‘ёгг’г‘т‘з‘im 'im

' e .9.A, С?’ .1. ‚ ' _ `ufr'Prefumeà _d [кранов]: А. 5MM/.cm PP zum]

[а' Cïmfilâgsrgï ] __«l fc‘âber. HF. I l5 A mecd' ТА- V1.2. ° ‘ФА’

e г- S ma . ° ' ­ `Pfggl‘m‘ìîigc (con.) Pff-'légal' Tr. 6. A' 'fl'am’ :l

n. КГ] `- _ ’ В ­ Í m

ЁЕЁАЁЖЁЗШ [Governour ‘11%’;_[_Serics of âä‘âás] .

с . ’ и 'Í'P, детсада?) [Money { d'r'm‘fcd] ung'agj п‘

Prefumpmoufn'ß- '_"fß TM Тыква] the“ {ßeveHoxâŕcorn] Ргйпддрд2 ' V'4- Procefg, me]

Ra г’ "7° [Govcmm .Irrevceiî:l 1 P (так) cm P‘roœcdmg] `

nce rrncìple. cnf-S]

Arrogance Ca f ­­~ abçiîiêîm” @cion-orrore] im@ ` ß'lrfj'f’ [P‘O‘Pberam

8:: _ Ä P Element] щ lgfmf, fom@

à _mm пт. _ ICI’ h tim '¿regimi auf.) Емагщ _m la». [сайт] с“

Ргеггшд Irnprdïìon] mmm fp. written]

mirakel '.îâ i12-iff'‚ QPrelerit‘ с ­ Priority, [Pg д ° ‘ _SolFmn about-walk'Prerermiîî’iänni‘t‘g‘on] Pfffm- Мата gîgáabm‘] Pnfáfl'm’ [Publlfh] fpinlgdigmn.

msm, P"f°"» (‘Щи-‘шт ( l P_{ _s_ceming Prrlßner. Kcpured Criminglacâ] f0cl.1_,Z_a_{ Èâbëŕhìng]

eigncd caufe] . _. O. ’ - P ‚ `r1 1_

Ива). _ „ Сад). р. lmprifon (perron) 14:21?”ыгсйпаыепщ

Eaâìn‘ìvflolâi {dm3} à Pryìi„{gîâ‘­]‘cf1 Шла‘: Рго:\?а&}ф'‹;' ïcxt

.- с iocrìry _ " P ­ ’ - _ Procr ‘Y’

PEeUîlS-uî‘eriour] Ъ" Piiïzif.’ Ümnd (‘авт’) р’шх-щ [свыше]

а. ­ ч ­ ‘[Omg/_15mn 0P,5rool’ubhc, [adi TM. vPreuarìcarron [Concea'led] Pmurf‘im I

B ' . ‚ __ . Сад,‘ Proa '_ {Dircräingbyapiqdm www. lâyrmgmmc] fp, „,m‘l’êgmakcl

...39.21; ...y Щ ‘ММPffvçm. TA.111.9, P'ÍWH'MÍ l2. Primitive] Р’ш’"

PW'UIOM, Prccedmg] Pl’W4!i'ue.T, “1_ з о _ САЦГЁЭ'

Prim. smid. ' ‘ Fm' j

' Qbtain]

Prodigalrt), Man. HL ‘_ E"

ad' `[ y. Preparation] Evergreen-Sh. III.; A

. Pro






__fhezd’ìï `__ragment ofcarthtn Prayer, [adj__RE_lv_ __ (став) _, _we,{ Authońty]

Pruife. R0. V. 8. Ofßcc]

Pemble ‘Ещё-р. Drink (2PK-:l p G0 proudly] Prefer. .

ршмгнзц 1_Х. _au Prancex'ì’l'ror] Mofre- }{ ellecm]

Parent, [ad1. Power] ""'Ií-l _ _ EC OIC- _ фиг?)

Powerful (район) [Extraordinary дам] _[pcrfon,{ Шум“

Ритм,“ РГЁПСС] ‘0’- 341. il. P_owgr

potential, т. ш. 5.o. Ü-Om‘wCmakc] »11111. [adrmßi l]

Por un. Gun like Tube P1419 [L_Loquaclty] Pffßgm, Before ad). a.t сPortion, EPomblí (даны l Pr‘m'» LL‘CmCe [Q ЦИК] P'fßxÁlBC CBN-{Fallen} yp 3

rp. Medicinal] M1111. «.Lpqmcnyj аа›.а._ Appoint]

Potfberd, [Fragmom ofcarthcn PNW1), Evrl(abíìr,_|_ www" {Full}

(vers.) Prawn, _.Shnmpj EX,VI.4. ’ Impomm]

Portage, [Broth] " Preacb. RE.IV.4. _ Pff), [Booty]

Poner, (ад). O.IV.A. (‘Мед’) Pff‘mb’f» [Pl‘OÍOgUCj Prelud'fñlßcßre-opinion

Pom'nger [Dilh for broth] ‘ Prebendar), [AT- Cathcelral (corr.)

Ponle, Tçvo quam] fclïor of Collegiate _ _iai { Hurtíul]

Porulenr, [ай]. p. Drink (apt.] _ _ Churchj *_ _’ [mpedicnt]

pouch Precaunon, [Warming] » Pffjudlcare, a.Scntencc_]

gag (dim.) Precedence. Sp, l. a. E. Ultfore- Condcmn]

[Stomach] Precedent. _ Pffkf, [Pourconrrclj ELIXJ,

"1_-[Swallow] [Exemglarj PWM?, Billropj RE. l1. 4.A.

Ponder. 'IM.VI.4.A. _ [Prccedm _\ Pffl'ldf, ad). Preparation

gun-RM. V. 7. A. Preceürnce, _Exccllenccj Play _

„_ _ Precepx, [Command] Premenare, [Before-medi

“Жмём-(такс) ’ Prec/_m9, Authority (риф) titçj

Sprinkle. Pr.lll.7.A~ Precious, adj.Pricc (augm.) Pff'mf?, put] f

fp. with [alt] -ßone, [Сет] [BCfOro- luppofc]

Prenom/Ir, BcforcwarnPoverty. Нами. 2.0- Preclplce, [Steep [place] Pr__mm__ F ___ _mr 09 d

rre, o ci c goo spau/r, [Groul'e] Precfpnare.

poum“, [Sgh planer] _ Cl'l)'_Iïlic. O._ Vl, 3. A, an@ liberty]

Poultry, [Cock Bi. 11.1. [kinde] Capital punilhment. В]. V. P'Mflre âmcm]

Pounce, [Claw of bird] 3. А. [Dlfcipleì шеф.)

„.{РШЮ [Haß (схс.] Preoccuparien, [Bcforc- olîcfs]

pound, [a. Ral'hnels] Prfordßin, [Bcforc-or ain]

weight. Mea. III. 5. Precife. Prepare. TA. Ill. 2.

мопсу_мса‚ 1v,5, Perfeä } —[ов‹1. Рг. Ш. .

Pinfold, [_Imprifoning Пер.) Regular (“ЕЩЁ Preponderare, [More-weigh]

for bear 5.1 ” [SCrupulousj Prepoßfian. n.11. s.

„__ Precocuy, [Soon (exc.) Ripc- Prepojleroue, [Againfl-ordcr‘d][Imprifon] ne _ Prepuce, [Skin to bc cut of*­ in

[Bray with Cylinder] Mo. Precognìtlon, [Before-know- Círcumcifìon]

v1. 5, ing] ‹ Prerogarìve. RC. IV. 7.

Peun- Tax adv. Pound Preconrraä, [Before-centrará] Prefagc, [Before-{ign}

dus, Payment (fcgf‘l l Predlfofl, а. ВООЕУД Pfffbffer» RE. II. s' Ao

paureomrel. Ex. IX. r . Predeceßor, Lad). Preccdmg Preßience, [Before-knowing]

Pouring. 0.11 8- („по“) _ Prefcribe.

Pourrraifŕure, [Piŕìure] _Predeßinatq dgtermincj [Before-appoint]

Pour, [Angry mouth {manner} i [Before appointj _by Law, [L uw]

ro­-AC.IV. 2. O. ‘ Predrcable, [ад]. р. Prcdicate _b Cuftom , [a. Right

Eel-Fi. Vl. 6. A. l Capo] (make) by prct.cuftom]

[нищеты 81.11. 5. Predzc‘menf. TA. preferire.

Рейс". Pffdifdfh D- 11-5-А- ~inplace. S .11.1.

Natural-NP. _I 6 Pfedifativ", gaa-{Pfcdicñfüj ._cbamber, Room for King’s

Might' на. . . . . e ore-tc mg' rcfen ’

Aurhoì’ityj Штат’ { ProPhCCY] _i5 rime I. l.

­­-fnll, aldyaJ’owcr]l | _ _ More powcr- [Sprightlincfs]

in one’r- adj.p.Powcr_\ Predommanr, ful] _ укр”, [adi.Prcl`cncc]

pox, l _ ad). а. Viäory] „__

French-»3. II. 6. Pre-eleefhon. {мм-стыд] Rept-clem]

Smell-8.11.4. _ vPre­emr1ler|çe._ __ Accufcj

Praůice. RC. Il. A. ЗЩКПОЩУ] n_[Giftj

_Law {1.1 E_xcellcnccj 'Right of gi.

T_..Plrylìc } RC' п’ A' {DIgQICH pm- ving Priefì’s

"Aůionj Prlvllegc] mi” Giving of {place}

Endeavour] Premip- B_elorc-_yb . righ:

Elïayj ‹ поп, Ъп’И- uymg'] adv. Prcfenr]

Excrcifc] _ Preezißence, [Bcforc-aëìual- P"fe1"[Á agv. Future çdim]

_eol, [Expcrrj . nefs) к“ il

Pragmaricolnefr, [Diligcnr Preface, [Prologue] Prefer-v, Dc end]

(ccägjw . а Е ____ Авто-10)" a Conditcj I

Pm). ­ ~l~ Pree , а 1. rit ' . А ionofGod.AS. . .' f {_Officg [on] 4 Pre

1 i

Р R Р R Р R .„

P’ifteiiiiigriw’ [adj. a' Prcfcn’el ' See (endPrejident. PDI’ _ a. Spy' ] › Mock-ash. Il! l

[ricrea] “чаши. Di ear.. Privy. '3'

Examp с] Price. RC. V. 7. Knowing]

Prefs. PWR-_ Acceífory]

thinning] — _[_Í’oëitl [gimen]

LCompremon’ l! ‚ Ladj.p,0bj¢& h- кис]

_to death. R . ‘1.13, {ЁЧОЁЧ Mag. IV. ‚Ё‘ mg] Jak-Pßr'rn PG.“ 8

rickle, [Thorn] PPJ. ;,A_ Prim.1:2’ [_[Dënging (lloo’m)

e. ° IV’ 7‘ A.

Pr 'nl _ _ l О _ ‘ l mfr Í ad’. an "lg- МО. VI. n l` Cд d Pldce) PI lu пику

„(щ-ё d __ .ine- a j. w' ­ — ‘ш’- AC-ll. ‚А.косые ine (IUE.) _forming [a_7]mPu1_ ` _(_plaee]

[_ ‚ Fan г “à”, five] Pfîw‘ffß PG. v1.8.ZHll'd make] ‚ `—"'› [3:Р13ГЦ] Р’Щг- I

"maar A ser]ece ity I" о ~ ­ . .A_ cw2rd of ‘а[ai Coaâion] P"15k", [Buch ge. II. 6. of the {Fighting vl my]

econd year.] Gaming ì [РАМ wager]

’— OMÍdMH I as Pilckle I 11010 l î I In Зf i s Э Т l o.

(make ь ­ _[a {yerfugdcy стаю") Pride. Mair. V. 2. D. p ­

‚.— mi e. te.cui' Il» 3. l

Multkudc] .Cbrdhm`ßEl Il. s. ' P ‘L Ь‘сст] ­ .

‘диода [Dent-e A .Prlmgry’ [Cmd-J Y0 ß Opinion

’ век’ Primate BE lßdl- l‘robatio 3 [I t]APMM gate] _ 'n_n-lll. 4. Probation. D. vll ¿_n P l

‚ ­f°f{ Book, }[Box_] irfmf’î Chief] “'f'énll-.adl- Р. Effaying (pcf.

Prelfmg Щит“:- TM. IV, _Prefumìiïâcäiity‘] P'gî’ëáçräure, [Firfi birth Probe’ [Dcgëgpcryñîlrmc [Pin]

Per. ready.) mn] “той: HSLviii ""b'm’ “О” ‘° *MifPrefligiatar RC II Prince. RC I 2 ' I' ‚ Q‘Cßion pitted]

Prejrume ' ’ ' 9’A

rss2, ‘ ' A’ Probofì‘lf, [Trunk] V[а èoldnßfi] _il I l, A Proceede TA. vl- 2! . . 4I А.

' Conñd _­~’swood. T _ ° ' ' ° _ Caufe

P [fm Hope (cg‘r‘âcll „Рейд. г VII. 6. A. ­from, [adipägirth lfifrom]

"e umptin _ С ief `­ ­ ‚ eing -

[SPreluniling] [GoveignouQ (ä aôiorim]

t . . , ‚

ЁЁ‘ЁЁЁЪЁ‘ЁЁ‘ЁЁЁ; [м0псУ{ .ifì‘lfftdl fif- {Gm}Prefumpmufmf’- дед: TM- IV­4.e 3 Practf‘ Revenue]

[ät: egon@ Prrŕicîäalrty. [Government Ежи-сената]1ггс"с:ё\псс] Priiil'i‘plec,”j Sgríeì] y

Prefшут“? Gaim:l ' _Y l‘iirttîlne’ [Protpbcmm

и _ Rпеней.“ [Bc orc Support] Eijeiitgem -o ‘шт’ fome ­_ ‚ 1 [Alter mii h Ume‘

_ {защите Print. _ _in uw ci C, _ -l

Рейды }Caufe] ЕМ‘Щ fpìwi‘itttelritñcm'l

ргдепдд ЕЁРКЁЁПЭП Ргосефол.

S *__* ~ . . ". A. P d'

[Dîfî‘fmgïäkc] im” Aůbi [grr/.j - ЕзЁ1’ЁЁЁ11ЁЁЭ‹—м1ы„Ч. . _ ‚ [ec ­ . ‚ЁЁЩЁЩЁСЁНЕЁ‘ЁТЩ] Prrfm. Mag. iii. ls‘fgdabm'] mii'm’ [РЦЫЩ fp' ‘о ‘m

Praten, ’ Pf'li’", UmPUfOmBent( lace' proclama. Pub' ’Ргфпег Re d ' ­ p ' mm3]

{_Sscemìng __] _ З pute Criminal. R _ Py “при Ediâ]тема Clue ' .’ ’l . ‘c wf), Llnclinablenefs ­

Pfarr... i... i ’fe‘if’i’ï’fï ("“fml Pazzi-.teria erle“[adj. Medion-it .° у — m’ О’?! PVOCVMIC» [Generar qu]

prevu-[_ 1 _;_5 I_ìzïatfeo, [Friend (augrnJ Profler, C]

Super’ `­‘ " ' _ [Subftit t

v_iaaxïr] " OP’stOoPubllC. fidi. TM. v, P _Advocgtgg _

tam ' ' "ШИН . `

Preuaricarylo", [22:11:21]: _ [adì. Рады [makc']

.iäïssiiriitàaeßi mii-.i238MÃ Speechj] Yuri] e ‚ _ Procure.

9. me.;l ~ _ д О n I Y l F '

remous, Precedirig] Ртш' Shinn? Саши]

d’. P

[а i reparation] Evergreen-Sh. I1I.3,A. Prodìgaliry. мддш' l E

l Pro_





­ . Preter-natural . _offpheret [Repremng it up

{Extraordinary} (“ты оп_а l’lain]_ _ _

fp. bcfote-{ìgnìng Ишим, [Articulation]

verfity] Prole, [Wander («мы

prodigious. Prolificnl,[I-`ruitful]

[adj. Prodigy] Prolix, [Long(augm.]

[Great (augm.] [Ample] _ ¢ _

Идиш I _ l Prolocutongd‘iì. .îpeaking [Oli]

» . from concea — irligëtëläëggfp y fP-{chiefìseœkßr}

[a. Caufe PNÍOgue. D. V. 8.

­fruít, a.Fruìt] Prolong­

-hy Multiplication, [a. Pr0­ [Lengthen]

mi wenn y ._[Known (make] Prominent, [Protuherant]

Extend] Promifcu- lMixedl]

Long [make] out, LConfu ed]

Continue] Promifc. RO. V.6.

Produíl. TM. VI. 8. O. -to God, [Vow]

Proem, [Prologue]

Profane. . _

lrreligious, [adj._RE. IV. В.)


‘(ь-‚НЕ. V. l. O. _

Profcf: [a.Profelfion]



caiiing; Rc. it.

Pfeffer, [Offer]

Proßcient, [adj. Proñt]

Pro t. . .„

adj.Profitable [thing]



­-able. T. IV.­­[a.Proñt ­

~­­in learning, Increafe-]


[Driven away]

[Vicious (augm.]


[Негр] _




Obfcurentàfs] u

Pro i aP'0f“f"{ Squangdering]

Progeny,[Dcfcen­ gkinde]

dents aggr.]

Progenitor. R0. I. t.

Progn icute.e# know]

[Befol'c' 'ltell]


­ Proceeding] ’

. Journey]



rocecding][P-ofAnimalt. M0. I.










­­­­Cby ' .Goid'îu’ [а

_in eontraŕl. R0. VI. g. _

_for another, [Stipulate]

Efpoufc. B0. II. 3.'

Promontory. W. III.4.

Promooter, [adj.ACcufing [Gili]

Promote. ~

[a. Help]

[a. Dignity]

Prompt, _


[adl- <eAlacrity]

ад“). Dìfciple [apn]

adj. Sa acity

to-[Di ate ecretly] _

Ритуал’), [adj. Laying-up

[place] _

Promulgate, [l‘ublifli]

Prone, <"Difpolìtion]

[adj.p. Llnclination]

Prong, [adj. Pricking (apt.)

Pork] » .~

Pronoun. D. Il. 7. _ _

Pronounce, [v. Articulate] ‘

Proof.. ­

[Probation] 1

Ella in .of Xadgjäpdìifaying]

itt-.- Fat]





' [Become]

‚ Prop. Po. III. 7.

Propogate, [v. Multitudc Grind]


l’fßPef'ßU’ lnclinatiîin (apt.]

‹ Proper.

op. to Common.


op. to

III. 6.


[adj. m'.

Figurate. [i_rdj.. D.

*l .l ‘с.

› property.

[Proper (thing]



Irreligious. [adj. RE.IV­D.]

g [Not-confecrated] ­„

IP_RE. Vo l n О.

i Propheße, [a. Prophet]


Faâídous l PYQP'ÍJCL‘RE» IL l . A»

lPropinqnit), [Neamefs]


Propitiation, {индивид

Un-an er_ _ fp. b 'SacrificgelllI

порту”, adj. Favour]

Propoâtiorì; Mea. A. `

_ rit metica °díîcrïlccsll, [Equality of

wel _e l<` 'парад’ , [ igured [peri]

[_a. Propofition]


Prapoßtion. D. V. i.

Propound, vid. Propofe.

Proprietary, [Proper owner]

Propriety. RC. IV. 5.

Prorogue, [a. Stay till another


Profcarab. Ех I. 6. ‹

Profcribe, [Pub- Command

lilh Permillion

tProfe. D. III. 4. о Ы“

Profecute. ASJV. 6.

._Judictallyl [Continue adj.

‘a.Accufer] '

Profelyte, [Convert]

Profodia, [Meafuring (art) of

quantities offyllables_]

Progefl, [adj.-p. Sec Ё (Place]

_ ( ot. (Area

_we _gia/t, [>Gla s(intlt.] or

(сет; remote (things]

Proäôeriry. Ha. I. 2. '

Projìitute, [adj. p. objeíì (make)

adv. common]

fp. to a. Unchaßnefs]

ei-[Cotninona unchall( fem]

Prqílrnte,_ [Lying] AC. Vl. 7. 0.

Profyli'tg/jm, [Precctling Syllo


Protec‘r'. Man. VI. 4.



Proteß. RC. V1.3. А.

_againjl. R].1I. 8.

Protono- Firfl .

tar), Chief “oral-)Ll

Proto- Firll

npc, {cinetßfypßl

Protrcxŕi. TA. III. g. О.

Protubernnce. Mag. IV. 3 .

Proud, [adj. Pride]

~­bitch, [adj.Coition(apt) b.]

Prove, vid. Proooe.

Рут/ищет,’ [Corn for horfes]

Proverb, [Adage]

Provide. '_ ’

[a. Providence]

[Furnilli] 4

for, [a. Heedfulnefs agaìnfl]

_ ' conditionally

_Led ihanä that.]



­ofGod. AS.l. I..

._ofMan. Man. III. 2.

Pro-vident. [adj. a. Providence]

Province. RC. Ill. 3.

_Ecce/iaßical, [l’timatc’s


Provincial, [adj. Province]



Pu ' Pu

._1-[Chief (Off.)_of_a Pro- Pumice. St. 1.7.

yince] Рнтр. Ро.\/1.3.А.„

owjìo‘n. _ Shoe, [limbcr-bottom’d adj.

[a. Providence] foot [veit]

Necelïaries. Pr.

тир, [adm Condition] queßioning]

Prowh?. ’ Pumpion.Caufe PMM“ , vv I11.1­ f Е . Il.

["{ lmpul ive] с а ou e3 х

ЕАпв‘У(та1«] Punch, [Thuin imp]

Challenge. RM. 1. 2. [adn p. Hole make by liri

Provoji, Authority king[adi.{0ñìce ìmçrfon] [Drink lof Brandy and Wa

Proza,` [Fore-part of a ÍhlP] ‚ ter]

тир, [a.FOrfiwdC] runnin'. Point dim.Proxy, [Subfìitnred [Perfon] Punliual’, Í.Perfeâ j

Proximity, [N_camcß] Pungent, [ ticking]

Prudence, [Wifdonh] New] fp. Learner]

Prune. PMU’ Unexpert]

[Plum] Punifbment. Ha. I. О.

to-O. III. 8. _CapitaL В]. V.

Prunel. _not Capital. В]. V1.

Pf1lm~ RE- 1V­3~^­ ' puik, [anuncian (tcm.)

тли, [Book of Pfalins pmi RQ HL _O_

Pff-f4", Broth QÍBMIFY Puppet, Image‘îdim.) of man]

_ P­MFd*C'“al­l Puppy, Dog. Be.IlI,1.ç`young]

Publican, (ад). Tax (0th] душ” ,[Nwadj. L 5cc (Por.

Publ'c'l‘f‘- TM-_V-S- remote things] ‘

Publi ,[a.Publicnefs [make] puycbafe, Buy] ‘

Fucker, [Lln- a. Evennefs by pure.

lhrinkìng] Simple]

Puck-fj?, [Fuzball] HL. 1.2. A. Clem]

Pudding. Pr. I. 2. A. ,_„ffh TM v, 7.

—шд (Penny-royal] [muy]

Рим”, [Staßnum] W'IV’ Purgatìori. M0. IV.

7.A. vid. Purge. ‚

[DUNY WMU] Purgatory, [Puniihment (place)

""i-a‘ ВЧ“), (mÍ‘ke-l for purging from fin]

I’uer,[Lapwing] Bi. VII. r. Ржев.

Puf' . d Evacuation. Mo.1V. __ __ __l' Wm ' [Dunging] ip. by P yic

Breath . Cleanfe

[Swell] fp. with wind] 5.1. [Pure (ngakq

5~A­ E 'at‘ Ungu'lty Quake]­-­14P. [д- Pro‘ld (mikel [Älliioliilirgig] i l

pufin. Bi.lX.6­ _upon oatb, Swear (make)

Pug» [Monkey] innocence _I ` г a_[a. Dunging medecim]

. Purifíe, [a. Pure [make]

Pul‘bmude’ íßeauaììcc] Purity, vid. Purenefr.,

­ Purle.pull, 0.1.4. fP- lOOklPg “мг”: | oflace. Pr. IV.5­A~ _

the obl‘â'] fp' ‘шпон: u [Mixture of drinks] fp. with

cefs] wormWOotL]‘n-.a-.f‘îa‘hc‘bû pour», [anni]

Dimuiilh] PWM.’ [Margin o [Топ-гей]

_clarin iwcaken] P „PIL

_1n pieces, [Tear into frag- Fim FL EXW“ Q_ A_

men“ . . с i . ‚п. .Рим", [lcœk В"{ Ёктдс] ¿filage Pul'rPle fever]

u’ l' aggr‘] Purport, [Meaning]

Puller, [Young иен]. гитар.

Pully’ (“ню-1‘ 3’ ilug'] Intention. AS.1V. 3. _

Pullulate, [Sprout [ma] _ (Deûgnj

NP: .‹ - fili-[actuation] ‘_

beßile где-[паритет]Рим" ц ‹ _ D fi n .

Motion' Mí' m' I' oÍi­­ } [“dv'{ Cânigidirrate]

[менты Congruous]

l g' ¿_1-1S. VlLro. A, _ S _ _P__olíjn [a. Powder — tothe-[adm


to rio_ Fruilration]

[adv. Frivolous]

to »bat-[For what end]

Purpura. Ex. VII. 2. A.

to-out, [Know (end) by Puy/‘f’ [Bag for money]

_et. B_N. V.b5. A. __

_riet, Net a li eSbepberd’r_ s ( l

Purfèvant. “RL I. 6.

A hmaticalPuff), Fat (corr.]J

Puf/lane. H1.. VIII. g. .- —

_tree, [Halimus] Sh.VI. 6.

Purfue, [Follow]

­-ing. RM. 11.3. E.

ритм], [Provide]»

ринит, [Mattery]

pu .

Tumor (dim. S. III. r.

to-­[Thrui`t (imp.]

Pltßllanimity. Man. III. 8.D.

Puff. [CitiPujlule. 8.111. t.


Proper. TA.1. t.

{щ Place]

[a.Caufe ­ I _

i._.away, Abdicate] .

_barb [Retire (пике)

_by, [a.FruÍlration]

‚ _s Power]

»_dorvri, [11n-a. Authority]




Pullulate] -‘


Un-a. Power]


_in, [a. Inlide]

._baií, [a.Stipulation]

_a box, [Into a box]

...executiom [a. Execute]

_fear, [a. Fear [make]

._one‘t bead, [a. Think


_hope, “а. Hope [make]

_.rnind, \[a. Remcmb er


_orderr [a. Orderg

—рпдн’е, [а.Рга ice]

_print, ['a. Print

_remembrance, a. Memory


_writing` a. _Write]

­°Íf. { gciiîiyj

_ones clotbet,[1ln­ a. clothe]

{ Halten] __

fo", a. Impulfive]

_one’r Магда‘, [a. clothe]

_o1/er, _ Digeliion]

[a. Aflign]

Ё ОуспсЩ

_our, Annihilate]§

ipubiiiii]­-­0fdoo:'.t, [a. Exile] _

­-ofoßice, [Un- a. Oñìce

_of order, Гa. Confufion

­4`­o_ne‘r a.Blindnef_s]

eyer, Lln- a.1:`.ye]

n n _t0

QU (Lu (LU

. l. ,*—ЁЁЁЁТЭд @angl ggäi‘iigisin kiln-3 _

_to Arbitrator (так) Audible-04111. Щф, [Seeking]

Shut] _ Belonging to Taj! or Smell. [Sworn adi. catching(

_be done, Appoint 1V. ____ V .Qttßiorë D. VI.__ 1. _

_be kept, to be k. пш[е_{ more A we. Q_ . te ca {Accu с (mm3

а’ щ)‘ i 'iii Difponrioiiïnhmw'cèw' ’fÃ-._ Suriîiiîrce‘iimakc]

_dea.b, a. сжатым . __________ _ („из __ актива} (_hing]

»er щ:т‘) 212225“ „ a... wärmt..._ д а _[l . l Degree] щите, [a Urbanity in found

____ [a.Diñicu IY] Quim. __ _ __ _ _Qofkwordq

__ d .S d' Nau сои nes . uic ._gïaritu’rel-Ía yl] {Fainting } ('mP’] \ Alive]

__ufg, [a.llfury] Mandar). {Sprightly]

_togetb'en [Together-put] Doubt] c_gete _ s

__„P_ _ Muling] _o _apprebenjion,[ldl. ági

..д bare, [a. Motionh.] Щиты‘), T. I. _ _ city]

_petition, [a. Petition] in GcneraLTM. {мтыса

_fword,[a.lheath С] _ continued- TM- Swift]

_wrong, (Монеты; \v.] Relation vf _lL _ Soon }(____gm :_

_upon, a.lmpulfiv¢] D'fwm'm‘ed- ‚ Tranlitory '

_cafrg _Suppofe] с Тм-[п- [adj. Difpatch]

_an en to, [a. End] шип’, [lr OUFCDUOÚ _ _fandin W.\_11.7. _

_ti­icl¿an,{ Alïroiit] wfglirfr» [241» бы’ (lim-_l _fer, [Growing l'epiment]

[a. Mock] _ »QUYU- _ _fi/ver. Met._II1_. x.

Pntrefqílion, [Rottcnnt S] [Stones (p ace] Quicken, [a.Putrqíe, [a. Botten (такс) LBOOYY] Quicken-tree. :11.111. g.

мы, [Rotten] _ {шт- _ Quiddity, [Being (abftr.]

Partoch, [Kite (kinde] Qartan, [Agne returning every _Q,„eh _

Pug/e, [Pole] _ fourth дал op._to_Morion. No.0.

Pygmy, [Man dint] Щит"- ad). Silence]

Pyramid. Mag. III. 7._0. _ [Fourth part] __ рсдссаыс]

Pyromancy, Wizarding by in- _of tbe Maori, [The Кот‘ op _to мощь TAN, 9,

fpeâiono fire] Paftrof h“ mommy [Without care']

””" [Щ „ ».fcîf‘î.” ‘i Q‘f'lin‘ìpiâ’zàiîi..

M_ -rffimbtß [Thr fourth Part Quitter, r.. именам (aim.)

of a tree cut long-wife] ¿La-[h

ЧМ}: S 'ateQ, _ofMutton,[The fourth part [sîitàren BWM, rowing]

of the b_ody of lheep] @int-e. Tr. I. 2. A.

Äfymkfalwf,[phy[it-ian(cori-J tia-._[Cut intoquarters] щдтдд [_ 100évound]

идти le Four-an led Capital punifhmenhß]- V. „im ence, ell part]QÄrea. g , E g _l-A- Q' fg. cxtiaâed Chìmìcally]

Quadrant, The~ fourth part of a [Coaß] - @intim

Circle] '_ [a.Guefl] @ipp,[5e­ Scoff]

Quadrate, [Square] Mag. V. _maßerf RN.V.2. ст mpi-oef]

i. A, [Immunity from killing] @im

quadrature, [Squirting] Щиты‘, [_Dißance of _; ot great ...of church, [chief Temple

.Qiadripartire,[Divided into four -Clrdîj (pan _

parts] _ »Ql'mf'tlîscco 58u“ ofbœk] _ofpeople, [Singers (агата

@ampia [_lêoiirfold] @4.01. Shame ìûmke] _ofpaper, [Four and twenty

дна}; [Drin augm.] [a. Defpain {huts}

.Qiagmiŕß [Bog Herb, [Pompion] HS. VIM. @Mb [Utdcftivolousûhmg]

.QiaiL Bi. II. 8. шли, [Tremble] @in ‚ _ .

to­­­[adj. p. Difcourage. fp. asbog] ,o M_m'n), [adi a, pret,

­ ment] . Щит‘ Compeni'ate

quaint. Tremble] ' rAcqui:

Beautiful ’ Modulation] „_ ÍAbfolve]

omite (augm.] Quran. [ям-чист“ («т-1 Fornire]

Perfeä Qing, [adp Naufeoufnel's @m16 Е ogs grafs] mm1“,

- Qta@ [Tremble _ t. _ 5_ А’

Oui ity] Qu “me (frm-l dat., [maroni] `lLualifíe,[a. Moderaœ] т" K'PSSWlfCl _ _andcleam [adv.Toi_:al]

Qgiet @Melli [Kingdo'â] вып‘!- gainante, [adj. Acquitting

‚ щи‘ си-{ Quality Qur”. @Conquer (rhingj f ‚мамы

‚ tion. Condition] «Ql‘mbi [UIPa ñfCl душ, [Ca Мог arrows]

Quality. T. I.6.A. _tbiffh [Un-thirfi „-[Tremblî]

Tranßvendental Relation of__ щит", [adj.Sii-iging (0lf.] _ {соды ed доке]

TM‘V' l @mb [Grinding mind шт’ LEndeavour (виды-1

‚ tout,’_x-“__”


Abbet, Cony] Ве. III. .

KRabbin,[[]cw­ Teacher]

ith Graduate]

Rabble. RC. I. 7.

Race. l

[a. Running

[adi.Running [place]


Defcendents [aggr] RO. l.

1. O.

to-[Spoil vid. Knee.Rack. l _

[jugarnent of parallel pins


_for borfc, Src. [Rack for

на)’ . .

¿in [Spit-(upporting

_(fiiiiimeni, [aai в]. vi.


_bone. PGJV. 3. Ё

to[Extend violently]

Torment. В]. V\._ 3.

_wing [Separate irfrom the


Racket. _ _ _

radi. Net_[inflr.)for a. balling]

[Tumult _

Radiation, a. Shining adv. line


Radical, [ad|.Root]

Radicale. [a.Root]

Кайф’. HS. IV. g.

Raf, Worfl part] '

Raft, Ship (like) of together

tied Timbers] ‚ _

Rafter, [Wooden column (dim.]

Rag, [Off-tornfragment]

one. St. I. a.

--wornI HF.III.7.


[Violence [augm.]

fp. of anger]

Ragged, adj. p. Rough] fp. by Капитана, [Toad-[ith]


Raya Oxjrinclior. Fi. Il. 3.


Fifh. Maide. _

[Half diameter]

Beam [Line of light]y

[Leafof metal]

_in barrel, [adj. p. Order

for battel

-ofa Fiji). P .1V.6_A,

Ray-weed, [Darncl]

Rail. __

Bariîôird. Bi. Il. 8. A.

­jìege, lln- a. liege]

_up,[ p-raife]

[High [make]

[a. Dignity]

[a. Caufe]

_a bank,

_month `âGather--]

_war, [War [make]

IntenÍion _ ё

lia' Augmentation




' [Leafed exc.] '


Genuine [corn]





op. to File. RM. IV. 4.


fP­ OÍPfifOn] 1"1-1

аRan/om, [Prciclêgm J


uoit ad'. .cali a t) lionel t_o­-[Revile]Q[lainiii.]l p ( P IRQ/lef), а. Urbanity]

.@otarion. D. IV. 9. Rarmenr, Clothing]

Quark, [Saith] K111i?.

Quotidien, [аф- Days (kar-Il Water. El. iti. g.

штат. Number TM. __boiv. ELV, l,

V1.9. Kaffe.


Rife [make]

—————————————'”——' —В‹’1‚‘1 t. [Appear [makÚD]

­f10mfleep, [такси]


for un- captivating]

to- [Un­. llave

a. captive

ìfp. with


Rap, (штатным; [imp]


Grecdinefs. NP, IV. 5.

[Scraping] Man. III.

_one’r voice, [Мыс-идете] дара.

Reiß", Dried grape] Wild Turnip]

Rake, taples [line] Force

_o a fhip. RN. П. 9. A. [Forcib e flupration]

[adi Staples (line

adj. gathering [infin]

'Ogethef Rapid, Swift [augm]



Rapier,_ Sword adj. priclting

_bell, [Vicious [augm.) per- QPL] _

[on] Карте, [a- Scrapingnel's]

to__ { violence]

[Gather with Rake] ГР‘ ь)’ extortion]

_ together , [Gather as Rapture, [Extafie

with Rake] Rare, [adj. Rarity]

[a. Pain adv. fcrntching [like] [Thin]Rally, a. gather] ­Seldom]

ГAgain- a. order] Excellent]

Ram. Хита, [a.QV.3.D.]

[Sheep. Be.II. 1. [male] Rarity.

[stinking adv. Goat [late] [Seldomnefs] Sp. II. 6. O.

to­­ Denic] ‘ [Excellence]

[a. Faß] Taâil quality. Q. V. 3. D. '

fp. by down-knocking] Rasbury. Sh. I. I.

_Into, [Into-ram] Rafìal.

._mer, Denfe _ ‚ Lean

[a. Falt }(mnf~] [Sorry]

fp. by knocking] Rajher, Broil’d [lainin]

Ram/ige. Картер.

Ramp, [Leap] ` op. to Fortitude. Man. I. 7.E.

_ofit, _Standing on the hinder op. to Confiderate. Ha, IV,

legs I. DI

a-[Wanton adi. a. Ruiiicity Rag?, [adi- Filing (inllr.) adi.

(fem.] — \

Rampier. RM. Vl. g

Ramplan. HS` VII. 7.

Ram/iin. HL_ IV. la.

mounra,'„_HL. IV. i 2. А.

Renoir. [Hatred (zug

fp. old]


_tfbeef, [Flank-_]

_of leather, [Long_(parr_]

Random, [Wandering]

-jhoß [Not-aimed]


iSift] ‘


‘ ­’ [a. Order]


About-v. journey]

teeth [plain]

Ragiir. Sh. I. l.

Rat. Бе. III. 7.

_’r bane, [Arfenic]





Rat/ie. _



Ratber, [More]

fp. Nlorefwilingly]

more wilIbad

i. beforeiiRatijie.

a. Authority]

‘ Confirm]



chu e]




[Extend] AC._VI. z.


[Extend one’s arm]

[Deliver with extended


а. Pa iculztion]

4{Votnit ­(end]

‚ [v. Continuance until]



­ ­­after, Take [end]



_о{а river, (curve (part)

of ftream]


i {UC‘fignJ

i дым/„Щ

Сан гс s

I [Idle]

Read. AC. III. 4. `

Ring, [Learning] Ha.

i VI.4.

Ё “l”, [a. Teacher]

.'Iìeizdy. `

Ё [Е‘гсГст]


Rebate, [штаты adv. propor- Rm”,


[a. Rational] . PrÃlc’gètÍI-A- 1V’ 3- 0

Our`¢ Е P.“ .

‚‹‚‚‚;„1‚Ё1. [a l. NP. 1.] [5:33 ing] _ Ermcmml

:$5.8 inclined] (ад). P¢ (pei-[0n]

gmk, [adi Battling (inllr.] [2131. Alauàrity] [adi. Gaglàenngé'oñî] 1

r _ — repareî __ ).p. eceiveRîlîůgigíe by mutual Ílriking 0f питье‘ ed’{ cuñomafy]

ronds (dim.] Ugmhfldà. Rf‘fpém‘?. (h. J­ _' i pate i’ _ eceiving t ing

‚ _to d), [Aŕmolì ad). fuî» Containing {(vefs]

Ravage, [газету] _ dying]l ‘ Recepnon, [Receiving]

Ruh S_IV_,_ А“ Ãemfmt, [Again-admit] Как‘. d' 1

‚ т 1 ’ — fu ny­ Е c_ce ing _Raípae'lcgnëlrâgog] [T.liingíalglln] adi._Concealing (plzce]

Raum'. Sincerit‘yj’ Reclytvid. Reatb.

Raum Realm, [Kings {place} Rectdiuariçn, [Belapfe]

вы вы. 5 1mm. [Twenty чшт] К‘чтт‘оп- T. v1.7.0.iii-_dn— Reap. 0- lll- 4. A. Renée.

. Ba acity] Rear. ePFM[а Spcrapingnefs] Reife] _ [AWN-92X]

[3' Extortion] a. Direfl (так) R E) Narration]

[a. Booty] Reaßn. ff и‘

. . . .A. Юрию") ГЕдет]S IV I [Caufe] fpipiml] {д Number]

T lr . Argument] Account.] TA. IV. 6.Slîlpcl‘l‘t‘ìvlokmly] \;'­’aculty. NFJ. --upi [a.Number] °'

[a.ExtaÍìe] Modergtion] Nuxnbct­ (exc.]

Rnìv. Equity] I _ ouer- Accountjtoœ

Un<skinn`d] by-o . Prep. . 2. O. much

gior-coord. adj. DLIILO. iri- adv. Equity 'l tbe-ing, [adj.p. ought pay

Мог-шефа!) oxtof-[Exccíîìve y] — (thing) ‹

Unexpert] „_ Reclaim.

Raie. _in one’: mind. а. Gentle (make]

[a. Ruine] Difcourfe] Tum]

~Dcfìru&ion] Difpute] _from erreur, [Convert][ai Spoiling] _ _for, [a. Probation ~_-from Iuice,[Repent [make]

fp. by lhaving] (end Reclvie, [Down-oblique the fu

Rqoí'l. ( 3 _again , [Confute pgrfñcies]

S :ving infìt. nd Rec e.Knife lor lhaving] - (с j l Rcafon] Shut up]

Filli. Ех. VIII. 8. A. Rea «mab/e, adi. Mediocri- Salim»

_ YBird _ ty] Recognize. _

_11111. Bi. 1X. 7. _governmenn Man. VI. 6. Confider again]l

Re. Ad. III. 3. А. КелЛетЫе, AgäÃn-Rfïßmbff] Acknowledge]

Reach. Keane, [Un- it] Recegniuiice, [Bond acknow

ledged before Magiflrate]

tion] Reñcâ

Rebeck. Retire

Rebellion. Recommend.

Vice. Man. V. 5. D. Offer]

Crime. RI. IIl..g. [Entruft] _

Rebound, [Lap rellexly] ’ fp. adv. Commcnding]

Rebiif, BHCkJh‘ikipg] Recompence.

Rebuild, Again-build] [Compenfate]

Rebulìe, Reprove] [Reward]

Rebux, [варит- Name } Recancíle. \

on (manner) o Sentence Enemy]

by‘piâure] [un'a' contention]

и {Back-call] [a.Peacc (make)Re“ ’ Reeant] Recanqucr, [tack-conquer]

Recantation. D. Vl. 9. A. Каст’

Recapirulme, [Repeat the Firm] [a. Memory]

Recede. [a. Notary]

[Bacybgo] ~ mi@ ta- [a. Notary Quake]

[Retire] ' ._.eiz

«т. Notaty] ВАЗ 1.5.

Receiving] judge alli nt to the City

Direâion'oi Pliyfic] (Ой)

ad). Acquitting (thing] [ад]. Mufic pipe]

Receive. . .t Kemer,




[ßack.¢oiiie] Reduplicate. f iti-of. Pron. I. 2.

_ { obtain] a. Double] \ [Eflceni] `

[Aßßm- Gain] Repeat] rneipea]

Poifefsagain] Reed. HL.III. 7. [Obfcrve]

Repair] Вин-ЖДИ. I5.A. _le/3“, [Carelefs]

[Again- v. Healthy] flowing-HL. V. 4. Regene- Again beget]

Recount. fweetfmelling-I-I L. I Il. l I . rate, a. Ha. V.]

a. Narration] -mace. HL. III. i5. Regent, [Китай-Юта]

_Coniìder] Re-ediße, [Again-build] Regiment.

Recourfe, [To-coming] Reek. Government]

fp.often] Heap] _ [Militia]Recreant, Perñdioias] Vapour] as la--of/imldiero‘. RM. IV

lp. through Cowardil'e] Reel. 2. A. '

[Stagger] Mo.II.4.0.


a­_[adj.a. } infin]

Skein_ ing]

Re-entry,{ Éäâl‘nî entry]

Recreation. Мо. V.

Moderateneft in it- _MatL Il. 5.

Immoderatenef: in 1f. Man. Il.

5. D.

Recremenr, [тот part]

‚ -ofMetal.r. Met. IV.

Region, [Country] ИЛИ. А.

__ofihe air, [Part] `

Regríier, N0tary_] _

Regrate, Buy to ell Corn]

Regrefr, Again-come ­


Reeriminate, [Retort accufa- Jie-ejia- Again- ' ella-_ Grudging]

tion] ' bll'flffl. bilCk- bllfh] Nolleity]

Recruit, {flrengthen] Rf’ffflwn. Averfation]

[Again- nii] L_Refrcfhmfm] Regal... un. n.6.

Rell. ` Регата. Рг._1. х.А‚ Regularity. TM. V. 4.

op. to Curve] _ Rffeflvfl. lïadl- UIC“ UNCC] Regulate, [a.Rule]

_angle [Saum harms fm" Rf’ff”. LCOHIU‘C] Rega/...canaria Bi. v1.4.

ri ht angles]l _ Rffef- _ _non „дым. Bi. VI.4.A.

Reliipëring, [a. Right (make] a.Relation]{ _ Rehearfe. ‘

CbytnicaI-O. V1.6.A. il-Arbitrator make] Repeat_]

Relier, [Governour] Re erence, [a.Arbitrator (make] _Again- ay]

Reeum- Leaning] Refine. [a.Narrarion]

bency, Trufi] 2- PUI'C (факс) Rejeli. AS.IV. 5.0.

Recufant. Un- a. fediment] 7 [Abdicate]

[аду Refuiing (район) Re ell, [a. Mag. II. 9.] Reign. l

[Sdiifmatic] Look back l a. King]

RMA QH. 2. Again-coniider] _Hing’s (timc] '

_breaßh Bi. V. 5. Reflee‘li- Reñeômg] Reimbarh, Into a. ihip again]

._Jead, [Cinnabar] on, a. Reputation (com.] Reimburfe, Pay]

_ßarn Bi. V. 5. A. Reflux, [Ebbing] Rein.

Redargutian, [RCPYOUÍ'] Rffüfm. RO- VÍ- 7- _ _ Hoife_.­­[_adi. Cohibiting

дед/гад. Bi. V. 5. Reformado, [adj. pret. Military (arin]

Redeem. . (от) Cord of Bridle]

Arnon of ood. AS.I.7« дебаты. Mag.II. 9.o.. Kidney] PG. vr. 7.

(Back _buy] Rtfrafiorineji. Running ofth2­­[Flux]

[Buy liberty] [Perverfnefs ~ Reindeer. Be. Il. 4. А.

[Un-captivatç] iContumacy Reinßrce, [Агат-Штаты]

[um a. llave Refrain, [Ablìain] Reirwe/i,[A ain-invclì]

Redelirier, [Bac ~deliver] Ефим, [Proverb] Rejïoyce, [v. oy]

d d `Back~dem_and] Кейс/Ь. R d ­, A ain-anfwer]äîdîggrnioinißedeemmg] AS. op. to wearinel's. TA. V. 8. Rgji'jalenrf'mgrlâmanj]

I. 7. :_ _[N€nd]_ Reiterare, [Repeat

die ‚ Sweet enew AgainRe o т с a. Double] Refrigerate?, Cool] Rel‘l’f"i{ Back- Imi)

Redwblf’iucpeafl Refuge. [то- img] fr for [Again-ficken]

Redoubt. RM. VI. 6. a. Apolìalie]

__ed, [EXCCIICIII] _ Sife Rel/1re, Reputation] Place, [ac_ì). Prote- (p|ace] а, ßclarion]

fp.for Fortitude] _ &i_on Tell]

Redarmd, Га. Event] Reflllgent,. [Shil‘lll‘lg] [Parrain to]

Remedy]j Refund. TA. IV. 5. A. Relation. T. I. 8.

Rfdffff»{ Amendment] Refufe. 1 _(_Ifeconomi'e R0. ,

Red a . Ri. VII. 4. [Denyîng .~o Confanguinity.R0. I.Reajfl'lali.k Bi. V. 5.A. [каюты _ofAßiriíry. R0.II.

Rediving. BLIII. 5- A. Abdicating] _ .__-ofSuperiorit) and Inferiority.

Reduce. Power ofñril buying] RQ III, '

[Caufe e Worß рагг] ­-ofEqualit]. ROJVI~­ Make Refure, Confirm] -CiviL RC.

Again-make] Regal, [adi Ring] _]udicial. RI. _

[Bring back] Regard. . _Military RM.

Redundant. › _ [a.RelatiOnì _ _Nat/al. RN. ' _

[adp Excel-s] in that-[T ereforc] Con). _Ecelejiafiia RE.l

[Supertluous] III. 3. A. [Narration]


а. mtiômi l soon[Difcourfc 1 Near ` Prâlcrer. TA. IV.3.O.

Rational. [a i. NP. L] [Enge [E cePt]1

_gonfia NP. I. Wil ing] s. "nm-uml

._0u.w.r.6. Inl“ d _" '‚ ..nml., [adi.Rattling (мы [adicirifcnjty] Fd." kcc‘vfng Werfen]

Винил‘. ‘ Preparçd ad” сш‘ё‘тг (от)

[Noife by mutual uniting of Pitman.' j i _ed ‹{ “dw- мы")fonds шт.) Clothed] Rm ‚ ’l c‘mf’mafy]

[le roving,(augm.] [Difpatcli’d] I à? e.' . _

' _,ŕpfhrp. RN.IV.:. _to d) [A то‘! ad‘ fut “"Í'Iîg [thing]

Ravage, [a. Booty] душе] L ' Qontîlmmg (ve(s._|

Rave. S.lV.x.A d Rem‘m" A ` ' катит’ [Reccìvìng]

Ravel’ [та _c3-_i КИНО» Е штаты] RecejÍr.

[a.Confuri'igon] [Thing (abiir,] [ac_ccdmg) _

Rawlin. Sincerit ] ad’ïconccalmg (МКФ)

Raw" [l к-у ‚ l RHI-7, Vid. Reach.

Б. d’ в. I RM т’ Е ШБЦРЁСЁ] мыши”. [Re] flr ’ L ’ 5 КЫШ’ЕТ‘ЧСШУ Чшт‘] ‚ Reciprocatiori T ValP с]

‘Г._h_gchy] ЁМР. O. 111.4. A, Recht . . «7. О.

ì Scrapingncfs] eaá'aìfc'] -â‘pç‘tëi

[а' Extortion] ­ k ‘ gam' ay]

[___ Booty] a. Direâ (та e] :_ Narration]

Raving. s. Iv. I A Redfon' Y Rcfkůnc

Кант). l n [Caufe] fp. { закате] (End-'m3

Т k _ а. NumberStixperare }V'°l°mly] 1 ЕАССОЦПЬЗЗТА. IV. 6.

[a.ßxtafie] моё" -' ' *"P. [â.Number] .y

Raw. {Equiîrîuon} Number­ (exc.]

[Un-skinn‘d] b _o ¿It I 0- o""_îAccount too.

N_gt-cook’d. ad). PLIILO. ¿_ ald“ Базы}? ' th . [mich]

[ugêggffgledj иго _[Exceßîveiy] R _ ;`tî;£_ê’)[ad_)­l’~ ought P35'

Rau. _ _; one.; "__, d г‘ aim.

[a.R'Iiyeiäruâion] рисом“; îIzuïrîrïlc аванс]

[а'{ Spoiling] ‘а Р‘ Ь ‚ '-ffom erreur, l`Convert]

fp. by Лиц/1113] ’ d ‘ o m0“ —Ттот‘и1се,[КсЬсп: [такс]

Razor. (en. дг‘й’щ [DOwn-obli ue th f(Shaving (шт :_ _agarn , [Confute perñcies] Ч с u.

- .° [end]____[gmée for Íhaving] _ l Karon] книг.

¿mi '-A- @di #mimi- itîifi‘y’iЖдём. Bi. 1x. 7, _]Wmmen! ¿mfg 6 maar?.

1.3.5,.“ “А’ gfßßfmfgů Again-«remue ii‘êlìáääiâiïéïl"cave, _ n- it ­fessi@ Reß«i»f<.tAg«tn-b.mi Rist'gss'cst.ißi2ii¿““°w­

Extend ones um] Rebate, [Dimlmfh adv. propor- Rem-[_ g к]

_Deliver with extended Retblgäl “ста

‘ “"“l . Rebel/fin. “me

{ш Pandiculation‘] v- Ma v Rffommend.

Vomit-[end] egg@ I'IÍ'D' Offer]

' [lf-Continuancc until] Rebound ‘На; "3' Entruil]

Take] R b ff ’ В prîñ‘lxly] ' Гр-Щ1У‚Сошшспс}‘г "Obtain] K_fàlfíú Aackfßnkfpg] Recompence. A '8"

­afrer, [Take [гид] дед ’ Rgam'bu’ld) [Compenfate]

[Underfìand] ‘die’ apron] [Reward]

a ' ­ Rebm’EExpl-em' Маше Reconcile.

`ofa river, (curve (pm) on (manneÜo S¢mF"C¢} Enemy]

of таит] . ` bYP‘âuffJ [un'a' CODICmion]

ЕЩЁ] Recall, { âìîëäîn] [a.Peace (make)

дш/‚Ё/Ёп] . ЁМЩЩМ- D- v1. 9.A.‘ ‘ ЁЁЁЁЁЁЩ’ [summer]

[сатегз] __gíaârmlm, [Repeat the дат’) [a. Memory]I'Rclàlîlâlà ш fîìaeékgo] n [a.NÈtary]

` ­_ . .4.' ­ ‘ met- .Ni "li/gl” [Leaminß] Ha» Religiîme'l ` _en а [а от? (make)

_A __ ._4. Rc'Ce-v- Notary] R _f_5_

‘Лета.’ Ll'ïcacher] [Dáreàigiäç phyñc] “(Закат гпгго the City

7 [Pret-Cnt] RecîitiÀAcqmttmg (thingl [ad'L Muf'c pipe]

. " Kemer.


Rn ч к ~ n.12

[ßack.¢onie] Reduplicate. _f iii-of. Pron, I. 2.

_ obtain] a. Double] \ [Eflcein] '

[Again-{Gain} Repeat] [rief eet]

Poiï`efs_ again] Reed. HL. III. 7. [0b сне-1

Repair] Burr HLJII. l5. A. _leßg [Carelefs]

[Again- v. Healthy] flowing-HI.. V. 4. Regene- Again beget]

Recouni. fweerfmelling-HL. III. l t. rare, a. Ha. V.]

a. Narration] ­mace. HL. III. i5. Regent, [Inflead-King]

_Conlider] Re-ediße, [Again-build] Regiment.

Recourfe, [To-coming] Reek. Government]

fp. often] _ Heap] Militia]Recreanr, Perñdious] Vapour] as Y:1--ojfßuldierr. RM. IV

lp. through Сон/замке] Reel. 2. A. ’

[Stagger] Mo. Il. 4.0.


a­­[adjk.a. [infin]

S ein _ jug.]

Re-eniry,{ Éëgf‘nî entry]

Recreation. Mo. V.

Moderatenefr in ir. _Mam II. 5.

Immoderarenef: in it. Man. II.

5. D.

Recrement, [Worfl part]

_ofMeralL Met. IV.

Region, [Country] W. III. A.

__oftbe air, [Part] '

Regiíier, [Notaryr] _

Regrare, Buy to ell corn]

Regrefs, Again-come ‘


Recii'minate, [Бекон accufa- Re-ejla- Agaìn- ella-_ Grudging]

tion] _ ' b/fßffl. biCk­­~ Ы'Щ] Nolleity]

Recruit, ftrengthen] Reffííwn. Averfation]

[Again- ñll] [_Rcfrefhment] Regular. RF.. II.6.

два. l‘eeding. Pnl. :.A. Rfgulariry. TM.V.4.

Refeäory, ЕМ}. meal (place]

Refell, [Confute]


op. to Curve] _

­­­angle, [Square having four

ri ht angles.] _

дед! ing, [a. Right multe]

Regulate, [a. Rule]

Regular Crißarur. Bi. VI. 4.

_non criflatur. Bi. VI. 4. A.

Rehearfe. 'д.Вс1а:Яоп][ _

CbJ'líCßÍ-O- VI. §.A. a.Arbitrator (факс) [Bepaal

Kfm", [Govcmourd Re "EMC, [a.Arbitrator [make] ‘Агат ay]

Reeum- Leaning] Refi”, [___Nanation]

bm” nun-l a'pu" (lmkelj Rejet?. ASJv. 5.o.

R¢Cuf4f1f­ Un- a.fediment 'f rAbdicate]

[adi-Rff‘lfms (Pfrfwl Re erf, [..Magn 9.] Re@ ‚

[Schimmel Look back) a. King]

Red' QU' 2' Agpn'conñdcl'] _King’s (time)

­­bf¢ßß­ BLV 5- Reflee‘li- Relleůmg] Reimburk, Into a. fhipagaín]

-Ífäd’ lclnni‘bar] on, a.Reputarion {com} Reimbwfe, [my]

Reflux, [Ebbing]

Rejform. R0. VI. 7.

Reformado, [ад]. pret. Military


Harfe-...[adj. Cohibiting

Redbreaß. Bi. V. 5. (arni]

Redeem. ‚ (05.1 Cord of Bridle]

Aâion of God. AS.I.7. Rrfrae‘led. Mag. II.9.A. — Kidney] PG. VI. 7. _

[Back -buy] Refrafŕorineß. Running орт-[ты

[Buy liberty] [Perverfnefs ° Reindeer. Be. ll. 4. А.

[Un-captivant] lContumacy Reinforce, [Агат-Штаты]

[un­ щит Refrain, [Abl'lain] `Rein'uejl, [A ain-invcfì]

Rejoyce, [v. ïoy]Refrane, [Proverb]

Rejoynder, [Агат-гибка]

Redeli'oer, [Bac ­ deliver] Кейс”,

Redemand, [Back-demand]

Rgdfmption, [Rcdeemìng] AS- ор. to wearinefs. TA- V.8. дети, [Hori'eman]

I. 7- :_ _[N¢nd_l_ Reirerare, [Repeat]

d Le Sweet _Renew _ Agam_.Re o т’ С a. Double] Refrigeraiël [Cool] _ ‚(Ё/“МВ Back-_ ЕМ!)

R6d011bk,{ Repeat] Refuge, [To-tlying] fp. for



Redoubt. RM. VI. 6. fety] a. Apolìalie]

._ed, [Excellent] _ Safe Relate.

fp.inRe¥_utatiog]-_ Place,[ac_li. Päitoe- (Масс) [a.lůîlation]

fp.for oititu e _ 1_ n Te

дважды, [a.Event] Refulgem, [Shining] [Perrain to]

R d {напишу}; Refund. TA. IV. 5.A­ Камни. Т. 8.

e "f" Arnendment] Refufe. _ _OeconommRejjjgranbgßi. VII.^4. [__:{Jenyànmj ._ojjííoáifanguiëloiylltìo. I.

Re arr. ».V. 5. . ere lng _o nity. . .

Redrving. Bi.lll. 5. A. Qbdieatiëiâäb _nm ....oáâupñrliorir) and Inferioriry.

R d . ovvero г Ну‘ _ . .el'ëîleul'e e Worll Parr] -ofEqualit]. ROJVÁ

7 Make [Кв/те, Confine] ­-Civil._ RC.

Again-make] Regal, [ada King] _judiciah RI. _

[Bring back] Regard. _ _ . _ibn/irîryàähd.

Red nd nt. n_Re ation _ _ _. ava . . ';dj.aExcei‘s] iinIbai-_[Tliereforc] Coni. _Ecelefiaßic_. ЕЕ:

Superiluous] 111.3. A. [Narration]





[Report] _ Defeâ of juflice. Mani. Repeal, [Un-law]

Relative, [adj. Relation] _1. D. Repeat. ТА. п. 6, A,

Relaxation. _ Remrt, [Send] fp.back] ___1e o”, [Say L

Loofning] ìRemilIion] Rfpfl, Euhm-¿ye

AEafe] [v‘ Remiffenela] Repentance. AS. VI. 4. A.

[Refrefhìng] Remnant, [Refidue] myopie, [Ag-„in_imbitcd

мир. . _ Кгто’фгдпсс,_[а‹1).а.Рц1›11спеГз [make]

[за]. а. Liberty] (make writing] Reperruf. è Back-íìrike]Lin-ty] Rerriora. vLVI. 9. A. jin", q_ńcficx]

Un-imprifon] [adj. Impedientì h, Reper¿­,vid_ ¿1n-PML

Lln-captivate] a. Staying (t mg] Repetition, [Repeat]

[Aequit] _ Remorfe. AS. V1.4.

Rcleef, [Relieving] Remotenefr. Sp_.II. 3. O.

RcP_-_____{ op. to Alacrity]

High- [Protube­}[augm.] Remove,{тента

Avcrfation (‘плата

Replerirßi, [Fill]

Low. rance dim.] [From- ition] Repletìon, Filling] ‚

вышла". В]. VI. 5.A. Remunerate, [Reward] Replevy, [Un-andi] .

Relent. катит’, [Meeting] Rfply, [Again-animi]

[Soften] fP- fufidtn] Report.

a. Pity ‘|__ . Rend, [Tear] . Rumour]

'âmRepent (‘м’) Render. Narration]

Rely, [v_ Confidence] [a. Efficient] _Re utation] ‘Relirk, [_Refiduc (Ihmg'j Yield] -ofpagurn [Sound ofgun]

дать _ar taken. RM. Il. 6. D. тред’. .

Refidue] [Give] _ Ptit]

l‘widow] {Ваш-31"] ' Lay down]

Relief, vid. Ист)‘. Repeat] _ Rell]

Щётка __ __-C-lfßi’", _[Rfîfaî L] Conlîdence] __

a.A iuvanr OmPCn “C Re ttor , ad'. La in ­_ ведет} -likcfor like, [Compcn- „[pl‘gg] Е l y g P

_a. Alms] fari] Rtprebènjion. RO.V. 7. O.

_guard, [Renew g.] [Tran ate] Карп/ст. ТА.11.8.

__г‹;т. вм.1.4.О: ­­~account, [a.Accounp] д rep, l

eligion. RE. II. -a reafon, [Shew rea оп] Rem-ain]

~ Natural-RE. II. I. ­rbank:, [a. Gratitude] Subdu]

Gentil-RF.. Il. 2 ~ Rfl'dfîwl‘î», _ _ Rtpnieve, [Procralììnate iatecu

Íewifh-RE. 1I. 3. [COHVCDIIOD] fp. Military] tion]

Cbrißian-RE. 11-4- Convention (Pl‘lCCJ ’ Reptile, Diminution of pay

Mabomettin-RE~ II. 5. Renegado. mem

Letter; of-[Commilïion forReligieux, („думает [habf] [Revolter]

Compenfation for loffes bya-.pei-ßn. Regular. RE. Apoflatc]

II 6. ‚ Renegue, [Abdicate] bootying]

Relinqmfb. Renew. Reprobate, Rejeäed]

s Leave] [a. New] Reprogb. R . IV. 8.

Let go] ° [Repair] Reprouing, [Reprehcnfionän]Ab;md0n]_ [Repeat] _ Reptile, [adj. Creeping ( lrig]

Га { Defertion] Renner, [adp a. Fermenting Republic, [adj. RC [thing]

R __Dïerâliáiion] (thing) of_Calf’s flomach] Re udiate.

e i i, .i ] Renovation, _Rene ` ’ R ` àRelu_í_la_r_icy. j Rcnotän. _ “ты Aiiiïicajre]

o eity Cputation lin-marry]

[Averfation] {Fame ì’Ül‘gm'] R - 0 ГRemain. Renounce. îiîzliigt, Cgii’t‘iaiîi]

[__ Pei_'_mdanî_nt] [Abdiäition] Repullulate.

' Rei ue ReiC i0n]. Re l .Вы)? Кем’, [шт [dirn.] i"läfaèck-driving]

Remar'rè err, [Refìdue]I Rent. ' [Denial]

Ката’ , _0bferve] [Tear] Reputation. Ha. 11.4.

Obfervable] LR‘ÍVCDUC] Re ure.

­­able, Excellent] Hire] _ a.0pinion`]

Кате¿1_ TA In A Rent/erft. [RCYCI‘Íìl Elìeem']Remember . .9. . Rep” {Un-disburlïe] Rfqlfll» [Petition]

[a.Meniory] R p " Back'pay] Mdfìntfof-f-F" (“ездит

_ e arr. O .) o et`itionsReçâß'ìïìprds.. _ Reflore] Requiem, [Reli]

_off__‘__l_ R п О {Меп‹1_]‚ТА.П.9‚ Re nire.

_o d__b__~___Al-wig­ o' Гёдё‘трст'аге] [Demand] J

R . ' ’ ‘ ' __ Command' egil.irtliejl‘iitenl’enefs T‘Vl I mgoo‘lÉl‘IngilhtF] Rl’qu'.' Ncccm‘rï]

8_D_ ‘ ‘ ' ' Reparation, Repairing] fire, Expedient]

l-Sllghtnefs] Ha..III. 4.E. Mgweïllcompmfaœ] ’Requin-i [Compelling

[Sloth] Ha. IV. 5. D. Кем/1, { К'ЁШЕЁ Хи” [.Н’Щ{сг'РЁ"[—1

e eâion] Rere-borl’d, [Boil’d [dim]

'Y nen.




_ .--ii ,__-*___*

Reremoufe, l'

Rereward, [Hinder part of ar

my] _

Refctnd, [SPOIIÀ

RefcńPti [Edi 1


[Deliver] _


Riggs ptifoner


Com are]

Re enr, a. Appiehenlion]

Refercb, [lnquifition]


part] _ `

сквер’ l till another time]



-of [дн/Лен. КМ.1\’. $‚А

_einen Man. IV. 4. D.



v. Pre ent]

Refidue. TM. VI. 7. O.


[Let go]



[Deliver] God, [a.Self-denial]

Roß". PP. Lea.

Rejìßing. RMJ. 3.0.


[Lln- a. doubt (такс)


[L‘l Anfwer]

[Purpofe] AS. IV. 4.


pret. Refolve]

Камни, [adj. Conflancy]





Re ort, [Come teq.]

Refound, [Sound (augm.]

Refiurce, LAgain-tiling]

Re ред.


Deferetice. Man.V. 4.

in-of, [For] Prep. I. 2. A.

Reßiration. Mo. III. 2.

Time of Intcrmillion]

‘придёт: гйпщ] Sp. 1_. 8. О.

Interval] fp. 0f cafe]


Reßlendent, [S Мне]

Ref nfal, [Anfwer]

Refgznßble, adj. Paying (pot.]

Iwill Ье— or, [l flipulate


"fifiiwi l Qilë‘j


­upon, aŕtënñdence]




e d'Reglharri'oiïg]

Cam lt HS. I. .Reb“ moc ] Il ц

vid. R iv .Reßitutìon. ф е

Refloring _TA.II.7.

Re (_:säipfín ating] TA. II. 7.A.



Contumac ]

Reßorattoe, a. Relloririg

R giaptòïäetîîcme]

г are.` .7.

Ejlare — ваш

Favor [re« Favor 2

‘ldl- H_ealth

n. _ P' ‘.«s‘zsf‘yï

Rejlret'n. (make)


fp.cl_._i_l_>_e_:‘_try_] Ha.II.x. 0.

[ll-i Impediene

[L Shortnefs

A - .ßegïrlìb‘gm]

R teRe ui'rcepc‘lí-J Again» .

„А вь- life]

Retail, [Sell parts (fegr.]

Retaliation, [Compenfation]

Retard, gate }(makc]

a. owRetcfhìng, [Stretching]


тушиRet e ne t.cIm rovidence Mari. III

Po ~

2. .





op. to Motion. M. 0.

Stal Delilll]

ía. Period]

_in Mu- Silence ffign]

fic, Period (dini.]

._ofgun, [Stick for fupport


[Keep] ТА. V. .

as his Lavvyer, [,Befpealt]fp. with earnefl] a

_to Pertinence

adj, Dependent

Rminer, [Dependent]

Retenti- H0 ding

en, Keeping'

Retentive Holding]

faculty, Keeping (Роса

. WaltersRetrnue, ì „фа-‚дат }(а88-]



Go TA. v1.1.0.

_.. or fafery] RM. Il. 2.1)

‚ Concealment]

`for Privacy]

Retired _:Sâlitarincfs]

, a . t. `фетиш; pre retire]



a j.RetireRetort. {Place}

ttt-D. VI. 7. A.

a`[Crooked (refs.) adj Вот"

’ l fi.Retrrxll.c ‹ g]


[Mgmt] l?. v1.9. o.

. 3ftКата‘? 'l

[a. Retire]

R [adj.Í_Retire (place]

et enc .


fp. part.

[a í Ablatuni]


Retributtori [(_Iompenfate]

дети, :g2b ìeñnde]

Retrograde, [back-going]

Retrofpefllon, [Confidering рай




e0]f Turn] T. vI. 8.

[a. Reërptoeation] T. Vl.

. A

Anfwer] .


Repeat'Е Reflore]


ì Refund]


_Manch [Lend m. to be paid

in another (place

-toliß гс-Пп]3


[re- ädoe]



[Revelation] AS. I. 6.





twin ' TA.r.8. Rheum, Сиань][SFI gimme! (5g) for Rheumatic, [adi.Catarrh] ‘

Revelli', {Mufrc } wakin Rbelmiatifm. S.IV.4.A.

. _ [make] Rhinocmt. Be. 11.6. _

Revelatión. AS. I. 6. FhEx.V. x.


[Worlì part. TM.V1. r. O.

Sorry (augm.) difcourl‘e]

Ri e.

[Woll] RM. I1. 5. E.


a. Man. 1I. 5.0.] Rbomb. Rift, [Chìnk through clea

“и”: ía. Riotoufnefs] Line, [Line of Vergency] _ ving]

p. Latein thenight] Figure, [Square having all its Rig. _ _

-rout, [Sound (augm.) of a. fides equal, but no right An- a. Rigging]

riot] gies] wanton [fern]

_.t, [ад]. Night recreations] Rhornboìde, [Square having its 2 Rigging. RNJV.

Г .ofdancl oppolite Angles equal, but ­ Right.

Reuengpe. AS. not all its fides equal] Sublì. RC. IV.

Revenue. Po.A. Ry. HL. II. LA. Adj,

Reverberate. Rial. [Streight] Mag. III. r.

_11e-mike] Rib. _ _ d. {Milice}

Reñeä (такс) _ofAnimal, PG. IV. .1,.A.'Y a l- E_qmty]

Reverence. Man. V. 3. ­­­0f Sb' , [Direâ beam of True

Sir-[Dung] _ Ship. Goo ] _

Re'ueren , [adj.p. Reverence Ribaldry, _Unchallity] [Genuine]

(дрд) Rrband. Pr. 1V. 6. _ _‚ Natural]

Reuerfe. River, [Red Goolbcrrics] )Sim le

„__ Rice. (Per e8

im] _ Plant. HL. I1. g.A. _ Duc]

Annull,[11n­ {масс} ]ugament, [ад]. a. Skein [ju- ‘i Worthfentence] gament] шт’)

Turn] AC. VI. 8. A. [Branch fmear’d with Bird- Congruous] ~‘

t c_[Hinder part] _ lime] Regular]

Кем-фон. i R'Cb. Pure]

Right of fut. polleiïion] [adi Riches _angle Mag. 111.3.

Potentialnefs] _ adj.Y Price augm.] _bam{,[adi. right Íide b.]

[Relidue] Rother. Ha. Ц. a. _fide Sp. Il. 9.

Revert. Rick, [Heap] make-[Re air]

[Return] Kickers. S. IV. 8. Set (га-„95 [Repair]

[Be right of fut. polïeilìon] Rid. adv. Right.

Retry, [More-bet] [adi.pret. riding] _inthe nick, adv. рейса

_ _ - See] to_ in the nick Sec.

Review, [again Confider] [Empty] о. II. 7. О. Righteeufnej?.

_ Examin] u à burden] [Holinefs] Над“ 3

RC‘UIÍC. В]. IV-9. i: n' Jingle] [Чаше moral] Мёд‘.

_ _ i SCC] il- Liberty] на. 11.1. luflice]

Rei/rfc, [Agam’ Confider] Deliver] AS. 1.5. E ‘Шу_ _ . Examin] _ Elcape] Righ u , )lullice

Remue, {МЮ _ge ' Obtein liberty] _adi.{ Equity

Егё‘а- visor) [D‘fP‘fCh] TAJV. 5. Rigid, шаман

Reunion, [re-at One] _teab [Difpnch his ддддд

Rfumrt, One] ‚ lOurney] stiffnefs. АОН/‚5.0.

[re-a. Wholenefs] .dd a, _ juítice. Man.1. LE

Re'uolgg. R' ‘me’ è p. Ъ“) 0P~ fo{ Equity. Man. 1- 2-0

[Recall] дым, [adj. .ride] 'Gi-atioufnefs Мать“.

ГКСЩПЦ ' ‘_ Riddle [Speec obl‘cured with _ 1.0.[2- Nothing] ñgure] °P~t° Clemency. Man. V1*

{ш’ (“Н-{Ш} Ride. а. o.

'- femme a­ Миши] _ninfa atc. ivio.ii.7. mit, [stream (dm3

RWOÍI- _at anchor. RN.V1. 5. Rimm, Margin]

[l APOÜ‘ÈC] Rider. _of i e belly, [Membrane of

a- Rcbfllion aai. riding (perron ‚ theb.]RCWÍ‘U?. { fm1-3 ’ Lowell adj.horl`e 0i1`.] i Rime.

icon_fidtr (warn) .Nr.iieyœmae] ’ veit. p.iit,. A.

RE'U’ÍMUW; _ Ridge. [Milt that freezes in falling]

[Vertigination] _ Bank. Mag.V.7. t . ' 151,111.5. A»

Е till t]_ie fame iituation] _home, [Back bone]\ . ют, [waih «Вт-1

tering Mar in . nil. PP. l. ­Revuljion pulling] [upl’cá Side] :l ging, 6

[From- motion] дышат, Рад. p, Laugh [apn] ,n

Rfwdfd- нд- L _ RME/Mg. AHaving only one te» Neuter. OQ ‘И. z.

_ маг/да; [Confufed mixture] flicle] дам, [33mg]

‘Rhetoric, Speaking (art.) adv Riding, vid. Ride. _all in, [al Ring the laß] Ornate] _ _ _ [Shire [part] ‘ [time] l

Rhetorician, [Teaching [artill] Ri Frequent] _in real, [a.Ring adv. [Har

] of [peaking ornately] fe’ Obvious] mon

`tit/milan.,.n.mtiiiarii. inging; _M_ Etainsmgm]

l ___


‚ f . Roof.

as Fountam’ [SPÜPE] bout thc bounds] Proper. PP. I. r.

ap ear (me.) ai- Rogue. . ___

as Slm ove H_oi'izon] [как] t0 í „k_e_ а". Root]

_ ’ abovòa‘ll‘ "ОП- Wandring .. `out [out-pluck the

. . zo“ (mC-J [adj. Vice [perron] _up î Roots] \

'Rl/lngilîv‘R‘Í-e Fraud ‚ h N b l' h

Protuberance] Mag. IV. 3. t e um “wm

"Rio __‚ во но `

Кии hoffe. _eye [adj. mo- eye

Rob. 111.7. . _tongue tion (apt.{tong].

‘z_gbellr, [Suit of bells]

d.. gute. Maig. V. 2.

_bone, [Bone in Horfes коде, ооГс цррсг [veli] -Prefs,[adi.rolling(machin

foot] . _ ГР- Solemn] _' for Printing]

._doof. Bi. III. LA. Rdblfiffdbreaßßtv. 5. Rolli.

__finger, [Fourth finger] Robins. RNJV. 5. . [Catalogue of judicial caufcs

__lndgr, [Principal] КоЬц/1‘1-{ Sti-ong> and proceedings]

_m1, Blizzard having our, Hardy [nu No_{ (things.

white reak on his train] Кайф my (place

-worm, Tettcr] д ._ Maß" 0fthe`

Storie. W. III: 3. Romb,vid.Rhamb.

[Staiï of adj. Spinning mii~­ Romance, [Feigned Narration]

xii-_[a. volutation] (с in] Rame, [Wander]

КМ’). Fl. IX. 9. A. Rood.

alliria adi. Circle [iig]

bog-[Pin adi. p.Circle. fig]

ride the-[Ride adv. Circle

(6g-'iRin L Wan, ¿im.] ‚' _Alluni, Allum of the [Stick] ,yRmfl l. ( З h rock] Е Meafure, [r6 footgtl]

a. Ríotoufnefs Rar fr. ‹ [Wooden Шаг l

‘edm-on] Filh, [Bed Goumct] _ _ [Woodeii’lmage of Chriß

itioioufnfß. Man. 111.4. 1:. vdi, {Bifiwiis uPPCHdi Li- omdat-d]

iup. ‹ “т ("Ю Roof. .

union] _ Rocker. нм". 1- ‚ ­­ofboufe. Po. iii. s.

[open by cutting] _ ‚ bajé-HF. I. l i ~ А: ­­-treer,[Rafters that fupport

Ripgfieß. NP._VI.4. i double-[Dames Violet] HS. the òf

дм”, [Carrier of ñfh] 1V. 2. ‚ _.ofmoutb, [Pilat] PGJILS.

Riff. А ‘ш’- Rook.

_ ,b¢_50ur_ce. Sp. 11.4. A. [Wand] PP- I­4­ A- to` а. Fraud] ’

‘0-0’. Rlûnä] Meafurc, [i 6 foot 8c 4­`[È`Crow that feeds 0n сот]

Upwzr 1go] _ [adj.whipping [intim] of C ej?.

More-2d» Р‘ High] branches (aggr.] ‘ Room.

arifc. АС} Vl_­ I- Rode. Space '

Birt_h_\. [Public ту] _ Place fp. Sulï‘icient]

Dld. Beginning] ._ßr Sbipi, [adi­ Belling to nu e-[Prepare p ace]J­P­ Being] — (place) for Муз in ahoufe. Po.1II. 2.

ITK-Tuk] Rodomon- Overlìiying ofPredecellör. TG. VI. 6.

Grow“ lique -0 ­

„[„ш, щ›„„‚‚‹‚-‚5—. „ь? .Mßißifdi‘if “commetale, Gloryin ]Rogan'on, [Weck ots walking а

Top' si». 111.7. Roifliiifâiiriiinê то") -vfa '"“I‘ii’li‘d by Mc“

_ otfhhilíl, [Oblique (part) "M_: afa Stag. numb” that other

. ' . . дай/т [PFCFOB‘ÜVC] the fide' Ma ilHill, [Mountain (dim.] f ‘огню . .l g’ ‘3-А

{Tuition} $.III. P f Riotgólufmfs] Ex’îrńhon of?)- f

Inflation] S. I. 5.A. _ R01-ß", [L Infolencq »_«g'r eronäuç, I.. ottomo n]

Barm, [adj.z. [fetmennng Magmcm nefs] He ret-L rim tivi: H. word

[thing]> _ Rom Rope. ‚ .

1пГиггс&юп‚ [Rebellion „_ 4_[Cord (augm ]

_o oniom,_[0nions (aggr.][a. Vertigînation] ‚а v. Slimmcfs](дива n

Refine ion, [Rf-life] _1‚„‚‹1. о. ш. 2‚А.

siasi ­«, if». esistiti. Н ' . `Rite,[Circumůance] [a.vohllïgtgnj а, v ‘c -l îmislll‘îxclêimaäon è (“ЕЩЁ

fp_{gglffglmnî'yl «ssiiip-iir‘tvtyni,y ‘это Щ! ‘in’ ‘Wl

n ' l ‘R' l, B' lr f Ceremonies u'- - ­ ­ Rafe. ShJ. 2. `

Rizla?. Pl-Óf’ll. 2. А. i] :'L] ­4Cal<e,[C{aput mort.oí «ШН

R' Cl -' ' lcd ro s.'‚ We" I: грунта] _mater [дата w.of roi’es]

R,­„el{ _ ­­ojpaper,&c. [Paper,8tc. G ¿d ’ gh П

ц à Fllfl‘OWJ ~ adi. p- cylindcr b 1:0 (éh-evi. ­ Il.

ä'iïîï; Éliàïiìsi. by in... gggg‘gïgifmi ¿Jari-germi... ‚

_ the oint of it [a i. mngñgg.) ornament] Sweermounrain­_$h. VI. 5.A.

lI’ìi'uulcr, Strc’am( im.] гр. и“. р. .min.] ~gay.[0leâli1idlclr] Sh.Vl.i.A

о’ f . — . Roller, [Cylinder] _ ""P'F'L" Sì] {,‘2‘8

о F'fh' . fp. ММ’. VCi'tigínation (apt.] “же” o' ' ‘I’ °

Sof‘- [Mm] f f rollin 0:11; т/т‘т- Sh- VL4

1 P' °‘ 8J ‘ ‘LA’ infermi/f Мопс (к dhard-[Spawn] i y m 1

. subo ' "

mit. Bc. ii. 5. MW (Вы). }‘°1‹=1


ooo mfr ï


R u `


1t l. TLVII. 4. A. . C l' d

Riizxnntbpniam. [gli ¿Q2 “kam _

âgé; [SPIEL E l' “жмём-1 [ad_i.lmpedicnt (Маг)

мл‘. [_dßí. _ng (Ее-1 ad). Protuberance[tlung]

"im", Pr‘në'g‘ . ’ шт’ t"gc-nib. o.v s

r e- ow r . ' ' ‘ _т е [a. Autlioi'lity] tad" }(ñ2~] ",‘l‘ml’fsoli fP~ “194115

R01" Le@ Perfeä. _3FM ь

го-[пВоыептГз Croßktgd] _n с; _ m4“ :i

____2e-among fheep adyßgîngâi] mâîrî НЕЁ 1_ __

- . . . . ‘п ’1_ Patience -

шагать“) Ш’У ёжмМч ж? [Маша]Rote. _ adv. дамы}. о

bf-[W‘lglt: îuèccgon] _abottgv Conf-ufed шанс}

Rottennefr. "ml-'t тащит“ vdtìgim- R ‘719m Pan]

Putrefaůìtm NPA/¿_O_ Winde (mm3 _____t F_i.vV.4.^.

ran orsmeil. ест-1.0. ‘о Mg'- " ‘2’ . . .„mum-„_ [From amine the _hair (ad. _l (mike) ь ich, [Rules for direůionin

lcfs parts] ‘ djëping’. eqn y Rudd red Letters]

(р. the artsnooali not] __„Piuce abOWgO] R ader' RN‘H'ß'A»

каша”, Roundncßjq Round im pop“ _ . r ).[Red dim.

Rm» {Wander} [retten ' maar. “Fd kf'

кит’ blo [b Cinnabar i

[Wanderer] :rinri‘il’ier ‘(наша âzjdtclt. [Red bnn] Bi' V.“

ai... Notadtaob' a _ ` e’

[adi.Seazidißobbing[pcilçon] advïgum’ [Sum (iugm.) [наш]

Roteb- „мышц, [Tell itpninly] *t ’mgm-3. Proper. ¿o_„on [ha Let IUnlearned]

. Havìnß‘mc‘lull ceedwithout Ha itation] ¿ggf-Tg(__” {есть 5_\_1_l’f3€¢_] to-one in the ear, [Whifper] Morolfq‘l

. .2. . _* ‘ _ .:se ‘за’? het,-.. „ ‚‚_ f I)~ i . ~ ‘ o

пай“; v_lm‘ëìl‘nggj Rn-noeâiadder, [Step ofL] Kulturgut, adnpińì и": р.

—”“"› [Fifßfmißsi mummy'. im n A Lem“ fd‘mß]

...m4/2m. дышит, ['Roun'd Rl?. HS. V. lg.

_9.... adir. wave (aus.) Round. ’ ' G°“"‘_"s'm‘°'SC2. I Roure ‘ Mead‘»­-HF­ L_ l2. _

“I”, Rife [make Ruf'

[Hairy] [a Im и. Ъ Veil. _

-footed. Reut’ Pu "c _ BLVII. 4.A.

Бык!" Q: 1V' 3- Confufed multitude] 4; 6°!"

[Fierce] „Зенит; “ЕМ

Rigorou ~ ‘ an.

im? inten.. omMotore] [Snore] y tsRibal

ääâ'ifcììml] R_as bog, [Un-root plants] R :and

{Шансы} RSZ?, vid. док/е. _ ____ {Roughndîs}Supîicilious] . 0ppm, __ ’S Cgnfpgicpp (mik)

Hat ' a. oun o i ¿t

{Auntie} _gri-{mgm} aufiiniadi.{ Grief@ 1[Angry] ofli'odic. [s ’ a. pi., kunt.)

riante. _ МЮ’ cms] Rue. [Iuftedbedtv en]

unpltaflnt] [File] ддддг ‚111435114!‘

Violent T. V. .0. _ ­ _ “indi ~

Notwilrought]s to(mgî‘gî:lï{gaf5] — кише,[а.{1)е&га ion]

Homely] a-Bargel o с] Poverty]

f°­êfr gìîvtehendadv. an- rtm1. ' nuïio'if‘ëfig‘ Ё;- lCr l C ' - ‘ lm

“шт/д’, [Gn'iat (“ЕЩЁ (‚знач (ñg') “dl- Rule. ‚за‘! Proper, [not~adi.p.angle] to-.a re. g' Scïänce-D'wd‘ i

o" P‘ê‘gäg'c gaat? hap_,[$econd mowen hay] {Еда

[3д].{0ча1 (6g-J к?’ е, vi ‚под. _ed ta e, [Condition adi. p.

­ Bowl Herb vid Ru mlc(°“8hï)‘€¢°fding t0 сх

„фа“?[Hill Sphere а: dcpeâ'tance] метры] __ ___

wocro oval ,_ °. drm мis adi. P Bowl âœg’] o шт‘ “n‘doncl Powei’] Е es u]

Authority] »_

M_'- Govern]

inilrumerit, adj. a'. Meafu

rin (inür.

t¢v­­ а. Line with adj. :.mea

l͑uring [infin]



[adi a. Mea uring [infin]

Rumb, vid. Rbomb.

Rumble, [Coni'ufed noife]

fp. as o rolling]

Ramiaare. Mo. III. 5. A.

[Coniìder _

Rummage, Move things for

feeking] `

Rumor. D. V. 3. A.

Rump, [Bone at the end ofthe


._afbinLPP. V. 8.

._af beef. h

Unfmootmmm] a. Furi’ovi']J

Run [ition fwift]

fp. ofAnimal]

Proper. Mo. IL I, A,

[Fi j вм. п. 3. D.


çad‘ven- to-ition

_the ture eiTay

firk _(ubmit to

[Become] the danger]




Continuei »bis “Эф


[Inereafe] as медь.

bl?. Cůntagion]

' A unt [Exceed] запад-1

[Spread] (_). Il. 6. O.

Stream as_ingwater

¿Weep as_irig eyeDrop }as­l­ing nofe

[SP‘H‘U 1


hat -bis coiirfe.

.S ' . .v „Ígerñ’vìßon Sing }а divi

Swiftly‘îPlay ­lion]

Thru стр]

Difpatch _

_about Spread, fp. by adi.

-all- p. diífolving]

aftîtr-ition] 1

_. f l ow( tn.‘fm {гтпгщщ

, ru­­l¢4"!ß{ thçuiì (imp. }

. _ againß]

-ß {'.hifâ‘l‘iŕm‘m‘l

_j_large. [.î‘iboundjbûyl

random, [v. Exor tan

tilt, Fence with

«ma , [F y] Г arsj Become beioir’ë] j

*b'ßn' Prevent]

»40mg a. Falling by (Эпид

m8 (“И”) '

nu ' "_"SA SA '

_in difcourfe, Pofìng _ ­Cbri iari- The ñr

_with blood, Streamilng ‘деть n ‘lily of

with bt] Sabbaricaljear, [7th year]

b { Let-go] Sable. ` ` ‘-f’fh _s iii] [Buck Manin]_i”, [Prick Skin of Blac Martin]

Become Vbein-g lack _

""b’{1ncrfaf¢ debtor] sabran?, faairricn]

-upon Thruil(imp.] S Bag' augm.

one, Storni] _ ‘[Èbtlirfe haga-doi]

_of {From-ition] ._clorb. ' ‚

’ P Digrâifion] [Spanifh гипс]. ’

rocce _ ' RM. Il. ‚Е.—°"{1псг‹гГФ:` UY] sa‘cakbagpol с] s

Through-ition {wirt-i b b d' ‚...over пьес] 5p. throughägzibííîáŕêiçvfrçoq A.

шт“ (cxc’) Sacrament. КВА”. 4

`0Hf­ tbe-[EllChil'

~as Prodigal [Sptnë (“с-3 Н l i

__;5 “На, Let-go] 'Sacredfî Cgnyècrated]

-in difcour e [Abound] - 1 ‘. .’ ‚ ‚ Sacrtßcnkßv. .

__ in; 5ml; [Fm‘fh] \S __ d Theŕt of con

m en t . ri e e-îbfi’uglzg [in ,hOlC by ‘тип’ ‘8:; g , Robbery"Щ Um nl . _Difpofition]

_rorume, Become tuinous] radi Melanchory]

г'тПпггеагс fp‘qd‘f’soond [adj’serioufnefs]

`u'w__{sßt¢og_i_i_1_]aûily_l [adi-{Duliielîá} _

жшщ Ароддгс] [aldi­ 6%?‘ ne s]

nava), Fugitive] Dark .

Ründle, [hound thing] '-COlOfí Black [mlm]

f éCirclè] ” _Ьг’с:д‚[1)спГе [exa]

R 12m таз] _(d_‘ 1 Saddle. Ро. V. 8. __"п ‚ т‘! 1m~ -ba t, [Hollow backed

âzngêrRN. II. i. A. _miîîdi wood (part)

mi . ofS.­

Bird. ' _ d l b d[___PE“ non? огмш] неё" 5:14: for ur ens

nur'. 'Bull (dm3-1 saai.. .a . saddle mech.

Rupture [Breaking] S f ’ lа д t.

"-¿Èylh'ŕ I [adi Safety] hh. j

_ l r в I7. Нсд У

ami, [adi Country] ——"’‹1Мт1› Wh le

Жил’. HL-_IIL t 2. A. (Compa‘â ojffafe

Flowering.-HL.V.6. return pon]

f0- Rulming - “Cmd-"a Licenceçor fafe

a. Thrulìing }(‘mp‘] palfing]

Ru et, _Gray] _guard S f t"

i adv. Natural] _ Wm“, ¿_P :jsp’e'il-moß adj.

Rlgß. Mel. IV. 4. "_‘" _ riding (vel )ofwoman]

._ fbami [Rottennefs Cino] l„_[Escnt]

najlic. {country} safer). T. v. 3.

[adp Rulhcity] Saffron, Crocus] HL. IV. 7. А.

Кщсйу. Mln. IV. 9. D. или’ _HF_ l". g.

к!” С, [Sound 0f сомы-С‘! M01-_ -meadolv-HL. IV. 7.

Ruth l P' ­ — t'on ' .`nil’. ¿More “ S‘ig. i’l‘á’i'âáâ’ml

Rutbleß', [ища-5] Sagacíly. На." . 1. ‚

Rut afCarr,_ Sign 0fWh¢¢lh“ Sagapenum, [Concrete juice of

ving gone _ _ I G‘ant FennelAiming, [сошел] fp.ofDeer] S45“ l . J

Herb. HF. VI. r.

_of erufrlem.HL.ïX.3'~

. W00 ­HI".V1L A.

‘ ¿wird

_*_ _ ,___—_.—.___—_.‚_—— .

s' `\_ [adb tSòber]

f “_ Sagittarius, [Ninth of the t z

545mb’ lääî‘ìit'yc] _l Sugars ol the Zodiac]

_2a. Weekly] ,a _ . .

7m _[The 7th. day of the ‚ [Speak] мы“ ,_


— 0002 _bMk“



S А S А . ` S А

d . mo- -wort, [Glallworr] [juice] PP. 1.7.*gâun’lsaya v me Bay-[Courfeßì обид] -of tree, [adi.juic¢ (Parr)

__leßrbanrrue, [Underfay Идти-5:. V. g. of все]

__ h ‚ Overlay] V eifel. _ ro--[\._Indermine]

...33,6 ЁЁЁЁЁЁЫЕ“) ­-Sellar, ad). Table, adj. Sapbrna wm, [Vein at the Ап

___ ' a.Sì1ence Salr vel‘le kle]

tbafgíïnfíçonylvìg, Trencber gdLTrcncher. adi. Saphire. SLW. 5.

[muy] TAJH, 4_1., _Salr (ve el] "flanc-89W. r.A.

Subn. ad). n Supreme, [Wrfdom]

{Adige} ­-rafle, [adJ IV. 5_. Sap/m. ­ ‚

Рак. TM. VL 3- s „__/Marlins, [Майка] Sm‘xícânrlëonfound [Comfrey]

a we. . .4.

Stuff', adj,5poken [ming] Salve. Pr. VI . Sarcnfm [Mock] ‚

Saying, 56mm“ ra-.[a. ferm: (makc] Sarcacolla. Tr. VHI.2_A.

Sal-L с Salvation. Sarda, [Childs] FLIII. l2. A.

d Deliverance] Sardiur. Sr. lll. 3. .

of Shu ,sic RN II 6. Safety Займи‘.

Sarpu. Fi. V. 3.

Sarplier, (‚дурным dan] .

Sarßparilln, [Rooi of herb Икс

Everla mg blil‘s. Ha. L 4._mii" i Principal ­S. of зимним. АС. V. 8.

Shi . Excmprìng

milles-[55x hind“ (Pan) Salvo’ ‘ì EKC‘PÚOUJ] Pricking Bìndweed]

ofshî l Salute' Ас‘,- 3- SdrtorìanOperańon. 0. V.

Sym-[15. of foreparr of -ar meer'ing. Ас,“ s, зайди. Tl.’ "L ‚о. ‘{hip-1 _“Plmllß- AC. V. 8. A. _ Saran, [Dcvrl] WJ, ¿_ О; „Л

¥0P.­­[Highelì S ] Samar", [Upper moll loofc ad). Safe. AC._VI. ,_ @__ _

hoife 11p-lift S] Woman (vefì] Sarei, [adp meuh] l

[М :_- a. fall rheS. Same. Pron.ll.2. . _ р. fill exe]

[Shiv -nffa [Identity] Smil... w. и. s. д.

ro-Mo. II.7.A. oftbe-rune, [Simultaneous] Sarerda), „Sevenrlx day]

Sarrîare, a. Sulîrcrencc]

залит; . Sufñcience]

Sniff 'om

Sampbier. HF. V. a. A.

Galldenßowred-HR IILIQA,

S813,1, }Exempbrr. T. 11.3.

Sailer. RN. V. 8.

Salm, [Sofr lat of hog]

bainfain. H5. III. 5.A.

Saint. RE. 111.5. ~ [Sufñcr'ence]

__.: bell. Sananrunda. Sh. V1.2. Mind-quietmg. AS. III. 5.

Sa e [bend] T. Il. 6. 3411271.68- . [Conviâion]

kn e-of. Prep. I. 2. A. [adl- HOlmCfS {mak} Payment]

Sakcr. . Conlccrlalc] s _i:âûìrution ‘ha

Hawk. » ­ “Y arr , a.~Satrs ion

Ordinance. SMHI_M’{È¿I_ :l ` Sanin. ]

Sal, vide Salr. Samir). [Holm-fi] [Smooth lhining Silk]

‘ ——агтояйм. вы’. s. SMM.' rr¢rb[su1b°m¢h] usm...

._Gemma. Sr. a. A. [T‘ŕ'g‘lík] ( ) Г Saturn. w.ll.4.

Salable‘ ad'. .Se а . - “DCT Ш 0 1I Sar .’ l p ( Р‘) [.dj... Safetyp (place) :2er of- y,Мини; Verf:

salam), Luft (Plon-J Üdì- {Rep'roving man]fenders]

Salad. ,Sawce ofherbs] Sani St. l. 8. y [Bumm] Bc_1u_ L

[гад]. head [armor] -eeleh Fr. VI. 4. A. Sami”, [Orchis] HL’ w. в.

Sa amander. UIQ-s, Strand. W. 111.6. Fiera

Land-BC.VI. 5. @ffii-3'. W. lI'l. 7, Sludge, { Cmd

Wnrer­Bc.Vl.§. A.> _blrmL . P пSalary, Wages] Sandal, [Lamm for the borran Sauce. lor. s2,

Snle,[5e l. of foot] ‘ SWW“ fêhalfßärä;

sal.. ze, Fir ю) adj'. p. $.11 зашить. sr.v1. 5. И“; f т’ ' 3

(aprt) ' Sande‘ll's.S I“ ar. Water-Nur Rf -TrA/II. .

Sjllie, Salt 1 ЙЛш—Тг.УП:Ё.А. ‘ ing.; Щиты]

[ад}.{ Salti nefs] gundo'yer, [Scum glaß] 82:21 дед“!- б'а’фче.

. S it ungarn. _ ~S“””""{ ваш l' (mikel I[adi- Blood] PG. I. 6. . есть“, S fSaller,vìd.snlnd. s Merry] td' RJ m] а??? ‘Мг’, [a. aez«_v]T.

Sally. RM. I.6.A. ' тише’), a 1.a- . . - ‘54110»’. Sanbednn, [Сашей] _from §- }Prîl'¢:c3 AS.

Tree. Tr.VI.9.A. SMI-dc' HL'VI'9' _ane’r oath, r hîmfclf


С l ll d' . dj. bear: ear-HS. VIILg. . _ogarl’logvyëlilîg] ( т) а фоны-81311114. _ ш?!" P‘UUÈ _'

Salmon. Fî.IX.2. nfl’fbire- [Buttcrworr] >l-lL. "щ; ст’ {Dchvcfl ‘5°

Salomon: Seal. HL. ЧП. .7. V1. 7. “тает.

Sanity. ‚



Зд! д. vn 2| A;

Sa r, vid. Sal.

Sublì. St. v. r. A.

_Armonium St. V. 6.

»Pesten [Niue] Sr. V. l.

as ro it, [prevent] TA.

III. 9.

as ro Defend] BO. V1.5,

him Prore&]a.Man.\/L4

l' S ecial,

~. _—-_

S C — S C _ S С


SPecial, as_to _TA v — __ {§2limb] ­ fp {идей

ay upJ . .4. ` torm ' P' dEmre» Reep] TA. V.5. l' .with Lldden] Sfbífm, [Schil'lmautiî: thing]

froml'poiling. RMJI. 5. Seal/ion Onion (dim.] Schifrrraiic. REJII. 2.0.

from (pending. Tai/.3. Scalp, Pate] PG.1I1.1. A. Scholar.

Liberty. RM. 1I. 6. »ing iran, adi.1ron. adi. Learner] _

Event of War. RM. 1I. 7. _ Scratching [mnh] ad). Learning (pei'l'nn]

Soul. _ Scamble. _ofa Col/edge, [Stipendiated

from Sin, [Redemption] AS. _ [Cìtch] (end)` adv. Confu- Learner] J

1.7. _ ion _fhip, Learningfrom Hell, [Salvation] Ha-Á [a.confuíìon by cutting Sclialajilic,E [Learned (like]

1.4. l (corr.] Sabo/afi, [adjl a; Commentary

comparateì __ _ gritaron). HS. VII. 6. A. \ im,

Exempt TA- .7-0. l can. ‹ School.[Except]dD.1V. 5.0. {Confidtlj Greater place, ['llniverfity]

Coni. Llnlefs] Exammg _main [ад]. Univeriity Di- '

Prep. SâeíliîiIea] A _oerfeïcgxeaggire и} L __ ил?) t __

Savin, . . lo. . _ m_ C Cl' p ICC RC. L6~A­

Sii-ving, vid. Save; ` r зимы‘ Occaiioning im fm] _1,0% [даты- at Schoou]

дат/{деда}, [Frugality V SCdfldlllOllI. RE. O. _mq/hr, [Tcachgr of

Savior, [adp a Save ptrfon] '___ Е ___ Ёг‘ёщу} В Sâhool]

S . cant a i. с cience с

‘ЧЕМ Q1“ ' ’ Манеж/неё] _ Srbreìgbg, [Mil'sle bird] Bi.

S Smell] Q “ДА. ‘ЗСЁЁБИЕЗСМСЧ за“ v. 2. Sciatiiilir. [Cout in the H' ]

aw . ‚ ~ i

[agi Savot (perf. [Little] Sci'ence„[Ha.Vl. :.A. р

Winter-_HE VI. 7» A- [Sali 'IM-VL 2' Liberal-Didi. Learning Sci

Saimu. Fi. 1V. 7. A. Maf-UN] MGI- ц- ence ’s_nfdge, [Pudding o( minced [Pro rtion] Sci'mìier Crooked Sword] ‘l

“cgis nem] . _ _WPG шаре] sa?? __]Small-headed Lizard ‚

S _ _ a­­­ art in:Jv-0. 1V.;.A. ‘ scapula, [Залив] PG. IV. I. Scintilla volantes. El. t. 5.A. _

_.{ujh [Powder made by' _.Scar,_[preç.p.wound фен] guidi/ì,E adi. Science (dim.]

Pi in ­ _Scara cian ranch PP; I.д w g] ­ '_Scai'ańee }EX’V’ Scbirihiu. S.I1Íl. 4. A. 3

[adj. Sawin (мы great water-EX. V. 8. Scißbm. [qdj,clippingjnftr_“

‘ _warn H .111.3. ' little Wam-«EX» V­3­ A' Scocbeon,vid.Scurcbeon.

Filh. Fi. 1. 2. ‘ Scarce. _ _ Reproch] , _

dn»olrl­-­[Ad1ge] l[Scarcity] SC05» Mock] " .

1—‚.[1 am adj. pret. See] [за]. Seldomnefs] 3,C0m¢mì0n obige] _

другу, [adj. Sawing [mech] [кадеты :‘°:›{в rovê: [am]

S'g, i ` Av. .2. ca,l<" ar.aâiii‘liî‘te- HF.1V. r2. [aqv' adv. Difficulty] Scolop. ‘5:11.Golden-HLW. io.fA. . vScarcity. TMJ. a. D. Scolopemlra. EXJI. io. .

S „УЖЕ-Её"... lo. Scare, a. v _ _ ___ _ за???‘ l ‚

. . .1. . _crow . anity t ing u t ’ ’

Sgbbard, [Cafe for Sword] i for fear] _ Military place. RM. V1.2.

мы". HF. I1.i3. Svdff Pr. l\_’.6.A. [adj.Hanging.adiil'upporting

Seaford. Po.ii.6.A. Scar/ei. [Bright red] ^ (inni.) romandie]

Scalailo, [Storming _with Lad- l -Qkf’ [Holm] Pate] ’

ders] Srarrifie. No. IV. 6. A. _ adj. Head (velu

Scaldr. _ ‘ _ Scarcbet,[­lengthning Íhcks] Scoop. I_’r.V.7.A.

[a.Heat (excefs] {p.with Li- ат; 11.__5. __ Scape. 1 ___ _ Р

_ S ai uit ‚ Е . 1.6. 'Jquo? skin l . Stcati’er. О. ll. 5. O. ` {Objeâj 'I'. VI. 2.

[umu feather ‚ЧМ‘ b9” Соте iii-jug, [come (fegr.] Liberty . _

[hair утюг.) Sca-vel, [ад]. hungry [exa] {5 ace МЕСЯЦ)‘; ..._ ‚ [l[n_;ha_|__rr3_d head] _ Sra'ërâgñer), a. Cleanlinefs ,S _P ace S __ -i

- . it cu ` . o tuts _ ear ittica _ curvy _ _Suk, P w ‘ “а . Y Smm», [Frameo dead bones] Search, Fire( theaut

. PP. IV. i. ,_ Scene. ‚ ' [24541- Heat exé.“ _tide:ofbär, [Scale Fragment } [a. Player (тот) Scordi'um. HF. V11. 8. ,è(like){Chip____o __ __ T_ä place rep_refcnte_îl_] __ ‘Scmà ____ __; 'o ne e omeo any: on _ a i.“ ec oníng' 'in'томаты“; ‘ [Cëiiihpâegrlof adi. p. 'Player [[sricir ёшзёфщ. _for _

’- - .. „т. я[Di ofthe librari äiuf] g.S‘cepier [any King (tigri) m " "5225:. v„Дай-1; [Plbranäng {ЕЩЕ-1 .S’È’câ‘ńlcœdàkyj _ _ -j

‚ _ ‘— _ c и _ _x. ‚ `Uíasoflmilesßmlîfineìdj. p. i [adj’í Doubting‘ûpß] quit-r, [Ballançmg]

put for meaíuring di. Schedule, [Paper (ища ’


. „шт“ «.­ ‚ y I

’ [мета [Figure] Sciarra. Met. IV..;. __ _ .l ­ l' l Sca-rn, i


. за. [за]. а. fhadgw Опал u _COL Bl. 1Х. 9.

Stern, (1:0‘Iî‘icduilgnrilatli’ìosrůw.2 S‘fggr’vid's‘lu" 3f t] 'ïlîçg'nl VI lg A

’ . . ' on', _ | - . . . . ­Seornfulnefr,_ [Supercilioufnefs] Sff'bbkißë'n’fgj: Р W Stout SL VL 3_ ¿_

snrpana. Fl- _lV-."l'A' Scribe, { ‘ i [OK] __Coer.

Snrpíoider. Fi. III. I4. A. s _. В?!‘ wm ng _commun

StOfPl-M. EX. 11. î- A.4 Sgâ’mg‘ â _VL I. _DwiL на“. 4. A.

_graf.r.HS. III. l2. зайти", с“). Writing (шефа _imam FL ш. s. ._

»naief-Enid» smi“ paver om.) мифа, [Cormorant]

Fi ­ . C _can ­ ir'fM-F‘Qv" ‘Á sfrfopiaiiifgi’icnlng’snvii] ’ Animal. envite.

14TH-F.“ ­ д‘; ‹ ш) of smpbizari., [Priewon] Pian.. ntl-13

Cr_>__nß1e_ll:_t_iaocn__[ l ­ P SML O_I_6_ _?n: HL.I. lâh v

t c о l ' ——` t Into-wr'ggle — amil [Mm ~ ­Sm' _;:tî’ [[Obtain bly- a.]Craft] -f'vß- Fh n' 4- A»

[Shall] Scrub, [Rub (augm.] _Haß-HL' L 14- _

s a-[Sorry [perfon] _i(rŕifl’jtafcm 14!- s“

cot -' ‚ i c _[.idi. t_>_._]immumtyff°m P‘y' З‘ЗЗ’ЁЁШ. Mea. in. 2. _enll- [3è-01X- ,9-3

me ­ b d' . -bOE l'P015Emmen' Hm [gïictalçAlgjlllL .0. Pron.’ _idrico lll-»LIL

Р‘ pum. ment] P (Doäbting ._mari. КПД’.

Smm, [vertigo] S. IV.5. Sc l _num BL ‚х. 9’

gcml’d Ч‘Ёжызыгу (Pal-0n] scrupuloufncß’ïlnggdîilíty] _.emife._l'­II.-I.“i_îi.t A

coun re, - rlnquiüńon] _gave wort. . .хх. . ‘

Scour. ' ­ ..‘.i'er|irin),< Е ’ ‘ _ trl . EX.IX.6.A.¢~[Í:\_l_l_1°w (Pm) °f “т Sçud, [v.kluäiinl’li‘ilf‘ëi] IV-is- l á

n ' S кис Mutiny] ._ra'ven ormor'lnt _

"_ Wan, feenfiired righting (dim.) -ßclo ’[Swkfhmsh www

{ b }(augm.] вид upon the l_'ea.]~Ru ' [Bone Head] _fwallom BMX. 9. A.

Е'д” Р‘Ш‘У] { r .i ri n Amìßriglitnefs] of :_:ële‘i .

fp, ь‚{ mms }(щт- [Щ- 4. im} (mm1 _weiß-inde. in.. vi. 1;. a.n (схс g I r [Finn-5 (.ggr’] ‘rm ofthe- Y

[Du Whip' Stalk, v.Concealing] Вау] W~w­4°

sulla?, ì Whlpping (мы) Sculler, [Boat adj. p.0ar by one Буква; IV. 5.

_ ' ca m- . . r.SCW'Ñ’ lîExchmgc] Scullglyan adj. ‘Нами (room) пиву-Пиши‘) W. IV. 5.

'Scout' of ad’j. Cookery ve el] Seal, [ldj- RC~ VÍ-S' {man}

SM5, {Качай piotiiberance] Scullion, [Cook’s Servant] Fifl1,[Sea-call] Be.v. g. A.

S ragg] Lean (augm.] ârulprure, [Carving] Sealing. BC. VI. 5. A.Sc [gea Swallow] Bi. IX. Scum. TM. V1.3. Seam., _ _

m'y’A a-[Sorry („дач [adb ­ fowmgffhmß]

9' 'Wl-itc (con-3 "` Scummer,[S conforta ing away ..­o rbebead.5ml” l: ­ ° _.ofsbrp. imite.Зашли‘, [С1‘тЬ‹(сФ“-1 il" за)?!“ [Hogs ‘и;

o­­ . .` _ ser.. {Serum} sm er. imi. .A. Smßrf. [a 1° 50m2(шт-1Р’ ŕi‘íîŕiìï‘m] sur?. $.11. ФА? Sw. [Dry SHC-J J ‘

' " ,I . .Ei ta- Har enwithaiire ’relating... —. “a” v 9 i.. «Toenameд ‘ I а . -

“för fwsourìllzpawnmäg nlrcâìsìlïl'vqf‘ l 3 ' Searce giel/IJLA.

Po' ­ _ _. О ‘ ° ‘ d?. S`f (nlh'.

`°“"{“N°“““ß Jing. weer? ...Eni 1да‘. Scraping- Seur, [Tail] PP. VI. 6. A. [Seek] _ _

._togetber, МВ] Sm‘bä’g‘ Hh. ld o l' In‘lufâ'loëlc] TA U s A

' . ' ran . . « ._ .[GMW “gf-ciw( [[)Àmrîiipaiiliî dem. [Trylë Jodie. [ij. 11.4,.4.

' b 'ld . ­ing, Sagaeity . ‹ u‘_'Umpj Sturt-_I2l ш щ (Isn) Seujîm.

Serapmgneß. Man. III. :.E. k t [Time]

Émf’if‘iifëïi È‘XÃÍ] @Schirm-Hom «di» @Herrin Cornel'

c’i‘l‘seíle: [bif’eaf-e in horfe’s tri-_warmj [имени w. by _ Tímdlm‘f'l рейса]

h ls ` motion . "1'- а“ ‘_Scrawlffßjvríting (_eorr.] Sea. W. IV. A. _ “Nf- ìîra ­ Ст" t]

s Acute voice (гиды) _bar, [Flying ñih] „и: _[pa

52:31, {Exdiïemân amation :gierifl‘weed }HL‘ VI* '3- A' p.2. S’a‘lt] IV. 5.

, gtigâic] ­ ­Calf. Be. V. g. A. ”—{ a. Cŕandite] Pr.3IILNQ.

-0 о | -Card. _ ’ зщъмш, ad). Seafon’Sereelq'îâ [aguilfound of Solids ­Coaß, ЕМ). Shore Coun- Sear. _

l rubbing rosal-igt] UCL] [adl




“A[adj. p. Sitting (iug.]

Stool Po. V1.5.

Chair Р. VI. 6.

[Situation] (13.111.

Sebçßen. Tr. lI. 5. A.

Secant. Mag.1l.4.

Зенит, [Separation]


Задай, Exempt]



[adl. Two]

Every-[Elway adv. tum adi.



_ofa degree.


{иSight] '

a. Heed ulnefs

-to, a. Heed ulnefs

_yeu o if, [a. Hoed ulncl‘s

that you doit]

‚шт-м, [Beautiful]


n_[Bilhops City] ’

Seed. v'

_ofPlants. PP. Ill. 6- '

adj. p. Sowíng


_1ime, adi.Sowing (tíme]

тяга. a.Seed]

~_of Animal. lPGJ. 4.

in Маги. [3600"2 (part) of a Seeing.


i" Timr, [бош part of a Mi.



[adj.Accef- Speaker]

forinefs, Doer o any


­ Accelforínefs]

M_?[Do any Im mediate af

thmg adv. ter]

Secondary, {ад}. Two Grind]

Secandine. PP. VI. 7.A.

Secre- Concealing]

cy, Taciturnity


Concealed] _

l{aclj. р. Taciturmгу]

Semta- Notary]

r), мамины; (ОШ)

Faâ‘ nseg’{ Schi1312]

Seller), [[Schi matic]

Sellion. adi. .Cut (9211]

Parto Boo .D.III. :.A.



[Temporal] REO.

Laie] REJLO.

Not-regular. RO. IV. 6.]

Seculldlnt. PP. VL?. A.


[Safe] '


î All'ured]




__ Security]‘а {1шрг11'0птепг]

SaferSecuring Conûyd'ìnce]

ietSedare,[adi.p.{%olntegit] i


sedentary, l[adj. Sitting]

F a

Sedge, { ВСЕЁ}

Sediment. TM. VI. 3.A.

Sedìtion. В]. 111. 3.A.

‘ Sedute. R0. VI. 1.0.

Seduliry, [Diligence]

sigur. NP. ш. г.

[adi. a. Sight]

_Uw, [Whereas]

Seek TA. .7.

( Inquiíìtion

_tofda’ Defign to do]

Endeavour ’

_ra him, [Intreat him]


ofRoom. P0.III.8.A.

of Ship, [Heeling] RN.V,I.7.

_birda eye, [Sow together the


Seem. TA. I. 9.A.

Seem- Beautiful]

l), Decent] ‚

Seen, [adj. p. Sight]

I0 bt-{Shcwä

by Mani d5]

мы", [Skille [peri]

Бег’, [Prophet]

Seetb, [Bo l]

_o1/er, [Spill by Seedling]

'Sdßjlynefh Над. 3.0.

Selflooe, [Love of Self]


Selfwill, Contumacy]

‚ lPertinacy]

„чище, [Margin ofcloth]

semblable, [Like]

’ lSSO


Sembreef. `

Semicircle, [Half Circle]

clon. D, 1_ 5.A.

[Seed (р1асе]

[F.ducation (place]

Seminario”, [Sewing]­ _

Sena. Sh. IV. 4.

шума-511. 1V. 4. A.

Selur), [Six] .

Senate, [Council] _

Send. TA. VI. 4. ’

_for one, [Call by one fent]

Senembi. Be. v1. 3. A. ‘

Senefcbal, [Steward ì

Sengreen,[Houl`e­leekâHLVIII. г .

Indented-HL. VII .4. A.


A More old

Superior _

fp. пищи more age] 'Í

Sennig'br, [Week] ' '


'_ofamrd, [Meaning]

Faculty. °

_inrernaL NP. Il.

commun-NE1L I.

_exrernnL NP. Ill.


Segment, [From-ld). P» Cut Sp. [Feeling]

part] ‚ Seryìble. ’ 1

Зе‘геуге. TM. III. 6- _ Common fenl‘e l,

_,ng, [Separate] TA. II. [adyaáundernmdìng

_ 1.0. _ (apt.Sffßflivf). ‘[kNaglñNf‘ï так] . Common fenfe

Self т etçpoîïds] [аф- Р-{ undernandin l’e’ Аггей] (gpot.]

Sei{in. RC. V. 8. A- _O\ualiry. Q

Seldom. Sp. 1.7. O. Seiyîlive.

[Barc Sp. Il. 6. O. _SouL W. I. 5.

Seleŕ?, Бей] _faculty

Selenile. St. II. 5. Internal. NP. ll.

SelL RC. V. 3. External. NP. Ш.

Self. _ _ —-31дпг.Н$. IRB. A.

him-[Hlm him] _aŕlmrh AC. Il.

'_ Q ‹ Dof‘ßc] Sen cafe.

bejide-Ladl-KLFNWJ a '. Stupor]

Madncfs] Not ad). p. Underfl'anding

„v_ Me me] (pot. ‚

thy-_ These Sen/i441. [a i.Senl'uality]

byu [ ohtadjyïundemanè êîníifalny. Man. ll. 1.0.

be ì1bim_ ing (Pcrf'l pret.

[He is In Sme adj.p }S¢nd]

P gl’cff'] [Smell]

_ ri e Sentence.

Selfconcen,{ Едет, (exc.) 0f [Opinion]

felf] Claul'e. D. Ill’. LA.

Selfdenìal. Ha. V. 3.

Self-endl, [Stlñlhl'leß]

Sclflienl. HF.VII. 16.

_in Court. В]. 11. 5. A.

запишет, [A bounding in lhort




Sentiment. Slave]

Íîllnderliandinp] as to work, [a. Servant]]

Common fen e] _ ____ Звонил‘

{aP-Pizìïf‘fmi t..pini

i ` l . -G d Obedience{ gemme }RM‘ Ш’ 7’ Worlhip }'


smi, [Mound iwi] _ ood]

Seperate. TA- n» l- O- [Wait]

. {Segregatd Caei-y]

Abfiraâ] _ belive?

a. Schifmatiç] ._Proce i.

Excommunicate] _upto Table.

Stpamrißy, [Schifmatic] _wmp

Sepi'ment. RNLVI. 4- _{ lsïu_r_i_i_ilh]

S S ’ î. с

5`З:‘т25‚ [9‘Ь month] _one with ware, [Sell w.

Septenar), SCVCU] to one]

Sepruagmr, Seventy Tranlla- „Sto “гс, Trmfc,

Septtiäarlì] [Sevenfold] [Aalen] a tric _

SepulcbrqladLìCthlng] “o”, _in bis ind

lntombing _(Масс) (“их Adiuvant

— Сашаo owing . _Sequel, Event] У"’д‘ьёсощсшсш]

Iliation] _ _nj en time-_x.

Sequence, [Following adv. SC- [v.Stead]

' вSfqliïßsr'lríon, [Depofiting with '_ {Яд/1:15: ___cnc

- _ . eыжит‘ёэпш of the Maho- Ü» ‘di ìpmincncc]

"т ­ мит- oSempbin, [Angel] S _. .o `_1. .

видим, [a_. Mufic near ones Bixitor]_R .I La,

adj. neepmg Масс] ser____:ëicñciarß RO. III. _8. O.

з‘тёеёц Г". { Servant]

{Bright _ ' {if} Souldieij]

[Gracious ad). Man. VI. _L [a_.____0l_>:_diep_<_:_e wo_________I 'U _' o

Saggi-levant MJU. _ Waiting.

._atarmx, МОЙ aiii-Super" {fï'ß }~[meats(aggr.

ority. В]. 111-6.] _ fmnd carriedadv.

_of Law, [Moll: adi-SUPP í ñrll]

riorìty Gradíate of com- _ Ад.“ __ {За-та]

` Law ers . i v nt

гЁЁэ‘Ёс pleädcr [kind] [madlä Proñtable]

сидят‘) degree of Pleaders [jencfaâor]

панд] @in_g след

...of foot. RM. III. 4. [p. U e]

Series. TM. III. 7. [Всггу of Service-tree]

Зайти. Bi.VI. LA. _ У_Tren Tr. I. ,4.

. 'ou ne s. _Common-_Tn I. 4. A.liveriîhá-Dfifpôßtioß NP. IV. 3. зтшьцаф. pot]

sobriety] Service prom]

Т“с Wm@ {Gravity] Servant]

Sfymori, [adj.-p. Preaching Ser'uile,[adj. Slave]

(thing _ .Villain]

Scrmounrain. HF. IV. 7. Serumgman, [Servant for wait

Знаю’, [Ж‘ЪЗСШШ]

Serpent. Be.Vl. 6.

Sea-Fi. VI. 2з __

Ser mine, adi. e entP . ëspiraljTMag. III.9.

*bmp Helix_iMag.IlI.9.A.





._as to ‘Лада,

[adj. р. Hiring]


Seruítor, Servant]

Ser'vítude, p.Slave (thing]

Serum. PG. I. 2. l

Sefelì, [Hartwort]

Seßone, [Convention] RC. III.

(p. for RJ.

mi i i i.Cau e, p. motion

tobe Placey (p1. of

ina Situationì' Reli]

[Caille to be fo]

_a opy, a. Exem la(ttc-lake]E P r

-;o[o;g_¿_][a. ’nine ­(marke)

_opem [O_pen [ma e]

»packirib [From-go (make]

. Put (perf.

_Rlgbf,{ adj. Righ]

-. u ‚ . imei_uprig t, ri t ma e{D_ñgnl( P г


fp. according to Con


­­­­an allowance, [appoint an

all.] —

~¢fi`ne on, [Appoing 8m]

_e arm, [appoint aform]

[О РТ]

н.fp. for p.{

У ] AS. п. s._Liglŕit âfìlëcontemn] AS.


_ ' a. place h.mmf'1f’ {Purpofe l

i .Put ones,8tig]ugm 1

a. Adjuvant]

Write under]

Obfcrve the

place of

8.] .



baril to






[а- Figure

P ace

-4 дм’ Situate Кит]

....4 доме.

_a Ruf, Situation

a. Figure kpc“

[Motion Mo.

as Current, [tu Motion]

as Boattrian }[Thriifì

asHorfc _' (imp)with



[a. ition (malt e]

[Refi] Mo. 0.


the Root. O. Ill. 6.

the Grain. О. Ш. 6. A.

[Sit (niaâre]_]

St a ines .v1.6.

["{Fa nefs] ‘Ё: 6. E.

a. Fa (make

'-f‘ß’ lmprifon] ]

[a. Begin]

""1"" Га. Endeavor (im.]

«gai/iff, [Eäz‘loppolire]

i. segregate]



­-aßde, a.Segregate]


Exce‘ Reiegl‘t







Several.Aggl'cgm] Difference]_“, [“-""‘Р"1Ё1Ё3„. Liberty {Scï'ö‘l [adi' {Di'cff‘fy}_at llbertj, «i Sun] у [adi P„s¢ver]

(mî‘îcî'conreuìnl (ставил. SWW-'f' Mm’ VL 7°

_my ’u'n-a- гсшаыс -ßr Dice. [мы]

ешь] War Aïn-[Undcr-a. Horizon] Saggi?. Ordcryofìůf

_ . h 1‘ а. »SLIIÈ ì me_P“‘c’iun ëfmtcmionë ¿HIS-5)] [Sinkj Poàll. 9. A.

д [Едет] (Wake) lAppoinrcd] Sewer {на}! d ìpat]

__.)th.: cars, L* ‘ютсппоп fP- by Confcm] S x 1‘11’ glitt’ ]

kc] .. _ шип‘:- e ’ ‘ Si ’h m огонек

Ё‚1‘1Ё„—{‘д:;1‘5"°"“““‘“] —%‘::‚%;„‚ ЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЗЕЁЁЁЁПЁКМ_ ‚ _ o ­ ._further 0f» [Morc‘d'nam -Fighf- Sextilz’pŕrllìtrjßancc ‘ 0f а gre“

(так; t -Fwf'h С|гс1е] r, E f

._ orrb, V1 »0" ~ ._Plqce. Swan, [adyswccpmg (О ­_)­°

«wav-mm1 ее‘; Temp@ ,d[a‘ .fen . *,P’UPI" .'n sgxxuple,l'S1Xf0 _{ТЁ5‘&ы;с1‹ш=‘«1 *âp‘íìâf ' grue"- Egon“

' ke] —' ‚5‘ ad. Fl. .xl­m3“ ‘m’ „Жди“ mm1 §z‘fsa„}@.2­_fos :.{ dlâönci] Suni‘ÄS. is underthcHon- “_inpaiming, [ShadOwUlkc]

,4., in] zon adj'. P, figure (pcff°] l‘дяде, ‘ña OrdCl'] S ‘tw [Cylm‘ìfí]

_. i i . et er». _ Afro

_afälb‘ì-rßgŕ" [More-dinan; [adhïcruŕlgyçpcrfon] ¿Concl ‘ ‚ ‚

O_fgrìtd “Pani ­ (‚даны Thce iva-di? brewing (apt.) Pyramlnj] .A `

—0П, Vëfmpulßvc] [g‘îgí’laçc OfBÍIdS] Y c. Po. v. s,

' Iìcârjîaâccjdßc (mikel атм-Ё x. Sbßgäfgf’ulg; hgh-À

__, г, „_ зщрог] Caufc’] ‚ ` Brr l. . . .

Sb ­

._jíre, [aéämßkf] ~ dçosîìâggmcc] fnl-kâpm; MÄv-CVE‘; 35- 1:

»_fo‘f, above [а заре‘ tßgîe’] thc fut' :5::'„,`{:Во?;п_ад1оп(т31‹с)

_('äîëfîrfjß ’ "ghÉ ofeltkd adpoblisßî- with “"‘kmgj

ß „n [1, Mula] fp' у thin] _Uff’ [.Abandon] k ‘thTuff ciad forth un( lg’reparc for Рег- _in P1¢Í"}:“î(.[gârcn ш

n- Q . ­ ' ° ~ __ a ln

{mtg/3;“ (maëfîgniñ: 511.] _’‹’ 4' ЁСЁГЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁПЁ _upto, bflßíprchend feverely]

. д 9 , ‚ ч...í souhait] 3g fend 50,1 ‚ _ m ш] [Trfmclâthcd (freq-1_) with

-fßìäsxml ¿mm1 - ‚ “"“5vtm„,-fe w . Ш f‘ß» we“

_.{SGÍE 2SBÍl'd,{ Запад ’ S ll. fut' .

a. OPUmIm-E’kd sfai¢dn¢ S] УЗ "l" pod] ниш. ;.А.

._шог1<›’1 Operate (mC-_l [ldì­{ Faftncfs] _ um] :o-[Euna‘ pod-j

‘ | l `­` . ­

221“ hfgyc/lr'z] as ground${ gëäîuçcní‘. gmílvl’înf‘slhòl’xgd'm']

'- _ k _ . ч д 0f. l ' 'tbm b ‘езде ЁТСЁЭМЩЮР [Hab’ggbriety ShallW- A

‘by’ e п], (шик-1 G vir NotdCCP- TM‘H'g: .he fel]

'_“P’ [Bcgußepcät ` bn flrângë air ShlHOWCplîÍIc m IA

_mim ‘мы; зцдтшдвер cad adi. Р’ N‘z‘twlfênkaìfkou'yj' (inn.)

__., винт, [Budd] ‘млрд gagfl‘el „дм, (54,. _Tu‘be ‘d1-.Mmc

_afa/Igan. . ‚шип?¿g1g? - “мы; Еду. Butchenng

:grfe'çrygênd of another, [3- segg?, ¿4a. L 7- ( ce]

Room] 0 fold ['Scven kind] Shamf- _ ~ VI. 2 A

п ы; Lift] ‚ Ism" У b’, [week Amm“ AS' ‘ ' °_upîfßß { а’ upright] 17. CMC’ Unfamylshame @Pf-1

._up0n,vid­ 0"' :b [adi‘evfn] d'. Moden 1 ‚

_nММ, ì d] £239.’ 7o. I ` sbmrfdced’fa. l lshcepiíhcfsj

am! Rcfolve] i Scœgcpzriff] gînnêîgicnœ]

­ v . ­

.__a rhmg )luntîfärlläcl Sâgrëgî‘iftîïrly (‚пана Sbamoís, [Goa: (км)i At P‘t [а ).Differcncc] fmallhomshïked att Skunk.

Suba [3' опыту] PP '




Ь Н S H S HShank. н f _ . Y

of Animal. PG.V.§. же" Fccuçalcg]1 3' шт)‘: gil]

of Plane, [Stalk] Sheep. Be.II.2. . —тс;су [a сдан-с

gzip? [Figure] _ibf_ea, [H__ou__l_'_e forffheep] d Shy,[adj_ß’¢fcn'edncfg

. _ ` »- o , A ­ ` Sh'd` ‘ ' `[Part] fp.adi¿l’roportion¢d] (placeyforfililëep ‘meme зьыягёщёщщш ofw']

D‘j’ldfî] -Hoolb [Shepherds Hook] Defend]to- Dillribute Sheepifhnejì. Man. III. 7. E. tt’_*âProteŕU

xPartner make] Эдик, [Clip _ofBmPubes. мы". А. _ ' ‘ ’ ' ’m7. water, Simple water] Sbifi,

P-l-boneŕ [_lìoëe o_f the(fh.] __ ­­irind, [ад]. Cutting (like) д _

civ-_a i. шип: а t ' dthe adi. plowing (jug.p] r ) о Sheet, v‘[lllìiríiliń . [Mcanëgagibfcorß]

sêzarî, [Partner] _gb-___of LinnenìadLLBeMveñ] [l Frand]

ar . _ ‚ .Fil’h. Fi. I. 3. oefAnimal. tainto]

[adj_. a. Fraud (perfon] of Oyiler, Sac. PP' IV. 2. to diñìául-J’ sccemmcd

fP-1U_1_P“dj¢ntlyfpendirigano­ oftobner. [Cmnt] PP. 1v. Change? met]

t ers 2, A, to- ISharp. _ с n (E A ter

[adi Acute Angle] › ofä’ígeitalïllê. o gg] ïplcarcc’o]

‘д Point _of Nut, [Stone] PP. II ¿E C‘fpf]

n ›‚ cig. ...t ’ n» Depero (_. Cutt‘ ­­ [В , . С d . -h' , г vent ё‘с“

[afil' Prickliîngg:ì [apri] 0;.Aeîn с Е o )PP HL îfmgií заведу} mg]

0f Anignaì, [adj. Vigor] _of Grain, [Huile] pp, _ mi 533%‘ for]

-le ‘е ‚3 111.3. .-ofhearin ] Sbellaple. Bi.IV.5.A, _afíêvo'dJ

-."°’CC« [shrill] ‹ sbr/amig. вмх. 2, müßt?)

_in mufic. Q`I1L5, E, Shelf, Sb. fp' adv' °

. oftafle. QIV.4. - Boord. Po.VI.4.A_ {ст-[У Pc on]

ЩЩГУЗ Flat in the SC3, [Bank] W 8F51 "mg by Craft]

otmmd [sprightiy] ‘ 111.5, ' ё тг- Мёд-г

[Sagadous] ЗМЩ. _ Shin, [Foreparto Leg]

severe] ‘ага-загс“ (Pucci ­ Shine, [a. Brightnel's

Almere] _ [mi Protcaion] _ Shingle, [adpvvood lamin] for

Cruel] ‘ ai ваши] Т’ [Tumi (roof]

Sharpen, [Q_ Sharp (make-j f _ (риса l Ship. RN. I. I. A. _

Sbarpling, [Stickleback'] Shelving, [îoblique] ___,"дс1‹{ _?Cfh’uâion Р)‘:

Shar- Shake into paits(dim.] Shenr, [ad;.p.Repr¢h¢nd _ ­ b m-ne ­ “"P]

Shlaeaîë (Риге (freq~] Shepherd, [Herdfman of АССР] Shiremläït’llÍI-aîl-Shlp (mech.)

¢ i , I, __ . _ Ч ~ . ._

_gmfh [Hoffe mi] F; ‘ges blu] ÉírrfLljInmofl Linnen (ve-fl]

Shaver, fad). Shaving (perfon] _, needle, [venus comb] HS "_i ,S[__Inconßant]

va noraŕzle-[îlxtraordinary I. 5, A, ° ° 86:3’ .СОН‘. ,_’р _ HS' VI. . _ i

Sbefgßbgîfëcräatea guiding] „_i Ж HF. tariffa'. Sbß’ïïürcmble

n ‘v_ . . , _Shear’ [CMP] P In _l [adb Shire (05.] ___,'„_ gmac imo

Shea", adLClipping [infin] Gene- a. Know (такс ‚ка‘. Break Chips]

Sheard, âïcgglcm уз: ____fâlê‘llj Nl, Una Conceal Sha‘cgf‘ up]

Shear ‘ ‘ГА-1- 8' _ofCorn I-Iea of' Pe f а м 'f n _ _ › P ç.]

ВЧ’; A. с Pubicicië, [[aîgiilîlicl( *ofl'íiîitjœgreîatœl (lmp.)

._ a . . ._____Í}__F__.v__6_anch.] ._wlâzâtcicsjnm, [a. Арт“. Shnd,{ adm, §5hoo]

Shlgrït‘htmghogj -Otlierwil'e “ЩП‘ПЮ [Move (lmp-j

a- Caßg] _ ‘ than it is а. ЁЁЁРОП‘ (Place]

*__/_12.5Ea. vmc. a.__¿.___ fgreçift Shoo 1 «Geer-3

— wing r ' ‘ .МТЕШОФСЗ‘ЕЗ u в У w.] Yrffäìglä-(Íìäggj [adilbeather adjàFoocÚcñ]

— i , RNV n _ _ ‘~ -mg отл n- raw`Shed, р I 3 _[rRCprefent] . ЁПЙЬЗЕЗШОШ mg

Lofe. Narmúén] bof e-[Undçr-foot armain.)

Le'fgo' rInterpret n] for hqrfcl

ISpill. probation ‘ êíßvk, [ад]. p. pret. Shake]

ofe. D__Optearsl to theâOfger to be feen] от?“

_ _ с с _ ove„щ Мг) ЁНЁЬ’ЁГЁЁЁЁ‘ЁЁЁЧ _ Hy ifw‘ff‘ l

___-__‘ääïfëz wŕ] _triche a.Prelììgiator] Call]

kd] Ö P- “Olwîll- I0 the mind» [Revelation] out_,{Powre]






_ prop] Sybil y[adj. Paganifrn ProphetВ“ l "3 Éîî sinonimi (‘дн-1. .as °G“»n­ En’ g' Showr. EI.VI.2.Q. ‘МЮ [adi-sicknefs] _

от??? 2 SÃ Shout' Sickle, ЕД В’Ё1р1п% (1п111‘.]

*Onf- . a c a _ _ . y l q adi. apt’

aSSf“{S“4df“-‘Y3 ЕЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЁЩШМ "usic „сайта[fall Sw’ft y) I fp.forj0y] Sifkf'fß’- '

ßl’lmg-â‘c'ääâw] sin», vuisten». i.. ngi. [513| l

` ‘.IlI. I — 38“с .'*om [Gîbîufrtltgëtrlg] Sm‘dêßixwfmcf] Po if. „1:1. TA.v.7.o.

_“P’ chi (dim.) Ш’- —s 1011: PP. n.5. d-E P . Р _ s lm' _

a ßE-anch PP. I. 3.A SbreôlàîpEAcute exclamation artt-0p1ra Figi”. Ma- IL

_ 2 Sucker] will' 2 ' ` a. Confefs (makej 3- A

H08 (Yoëng. ¿yn-nm, Examin for a. confefs ._ofoner body. P_G. 1V. 5.

SINP, [щи-{мес ат: Broom] [make] Page, Бит") 1

[a‘ Merc :in t fp. adv. Solitary to [магвт] _ ’ _ _ _ ’

b-kftpff» [MUC l“ .l prie“ ' ._blaiîaâlyg'bllinlue linking]

S are. _Lon a у. 1 e

oflmd- W­ Ш- 6- Shfíà’i’. È‘â’âîfâ‘ëîoî. hrm] -..51... мыo_f массу“). IV. б- _muß [Longfnouted vene- [m1, ûbliquity] . . .

bird. Bl- V- 2- „más шеи“: [kind] __ fthe Country, [Part of the

'@“up’ [.a’plo -l Sbrewd. Colm" 1

Sgam. [Мы-СМ’ ­ [Crafty ’ _ofthe bi 1,] [Oblique (part)

S ort. . н f ì ofthe h.(0910ldngiûdl'TM'H'l'o] L_urrrîrg, a.Hurtfulnel`s] {River}[Shorc]

LQW] Slm'fì, (a. Shreeve] › "Tof Se“ _ . _

Little] Shri”, [adm Sound (“дата km by tbe Markert-_- [Kin by

LSG] . l acute adj. Exclamation] the Mothcf] .

[3151.15 itomß] Shrimp' „п ‚Ы‚__ Circrior] _

ëI‘orca‘n itory] [mdc] I °' F'lh. E .V . . _ n l, ¿_ .

'_ [mi 21x32: (dim ‘_1 Rli'verÍEx. 1111 t. Ai mt at . {PFCP' VI' 2' 0']

r‘dv‘b- ' Shrine, [Cafe] ' onrhe ,g OPPOÜIC] .

"-b'f" "Щ }S.v. r. fp.of Image] erker-_ Рг‹1›-‘/!-3:°-1

__wtndednfßi: “mers . Sbńnk: ,ì anwb Environing]

"Ч‘Г' НЁШШсГз} 6сШ1гс.АС—\д-З‘ fi- РКР‘Ш‘З‘О'W" а’ . words] pondre. AC. vl'. 3. A. on (PI’CP. Il. З-)

adi. Dcnlity] _ ‘ ina] _eome- . a¿j_Diminilh] Ё . ‹ Faâion]

‚ль‘ d f] Back-draw] ra-[ä- League

Г’‘81355 ¿è 1 “mi “Cf‘Äß'lli"t ' '­ ‘ l 'd W' о PP C .adnbekfh] ' [Wrmk с] _ gç‘ígßfg., [ncchurçhwardens ad).

be mforchagggwás cgpeâ- '....0fnSbip. RN.IV_. t. . adjuvant (Ofi-.j _

pá] adj. Shrouding (thmgl Siege.

e Cohìbìtìng] Ontmolt ad). Linnen (velt) мадам’: RM. I. 4.

keep.- а‘ h make] of the dead] a. Dunglng]

sinn., «.S vgl( ‚Исаак‘; s.' . ‚ ’

5'1"' d. p Pm ‚ f .forprote&ion] Scarce. QjVI. LAa 1_. ­ ­ h ’ ­ ‚ Examin ‘ .

{2111. És om] Sblîgäîlsleireeving (tìme] _ .lz-nur, [Find by examin

ВИД“ . [343, Feafl (time)next before ing]

М)- а-РЧУ (thmg) . ' _gi b, AC. IV.6.E.

._free. [adn P~ Immum‘ì' from S gens? sigb, .

‘ Piymgl f ma] „z_lpfcudgel] _ Sence.­NP.III. r.

Shonen, [Having Paw ‚Миши; AC.IV.7.A~ {11. Swnß] . .

Sme? caichinäiifh] situant. [ттпьщвэп l ­°fWW@ ЕЩ- Sc‘mg

_ne ‚ ‚ _' ­ _‹ ‘ lb e rt o eye _ _thinning an lift Shußfe’fglïláçßmoî‘i’â‘p‘ëfrcj gu", [Thrgugh-adr. p.

mg "'2 Fl ia Shu", 1‘Avoid (cnd._] See (арт) gufi (Paul

sbwd’luP-m c’ Giêlanulous} Shut vidßhff- Sffh‘g-f‘MP'Y'Í‘ l

ma (vas) (things) __’,„g_ о. 11.4. . ‚ sign, fad). Wiaardmg fea]

. 6 ­ _i'. ofthe day, [Evening Signature. [1518"]v _en В‘. VIII. . shutting (“Вы Signe.‘ Sbßul‘la _ln-“wd Emy “t I] -ul’i {11. Concliilion] Mark. LVL.;

в’, и u of ece 1)' Shuttle. . ` l _ofdnl‘femîn’ AC, IV. .

’u n’ '_ . Call (apt.) adj. Wea- [Conllc lationшеи’. ‚А. [adir _ _ . _ h

rfflgë‘de, [ßroaîl bone of‘_l] ving (inflr.] ._m tbe Zodiac, „_ of t e

o nr PGN. r. A. . [ldl- P~M°Ú°U (IPI.) Zodìlac ' ‘

to_y..:["rhru{l up with oul- _cada ‚ ‘ tti-Rav] _ A

au] e ._beaůd, [Ínconllant] Signer, [Sea ( lmf]

Ppp a „Sign "


S l S I S

S’z’if" ` Smelt' ­ есть advç permanence]

а. sign] От‘: (kind) Si" -

а‘ Meaning] lm le Siruationìsl» Ш’

Narrate] [Singin ar S_._b_b‘t_ [Whcrqq _

Si ence. ÉSOIIWÜ' sin”, [ML ‚царю; (mûr.]

°Р"° so‘md‘ Q=­m'o‘ от“) i ш Sive (adi.siftiog (mms3

virtue, [Taciturnity] _cqmbattilîpuc “Sgo n „и; [Sweat ofthe Civet Cat]

silt. Pt 1v­ z- ,k 1 -lge icœhbl‘cl ­ _un ...1...._man adisi merc. a. _. . _ “_I_6_

_w0ri;i.[Ex.III. .A. ._i-[Tail ofDecr] O ‘от!’ [Six (kind)

-iûrnfr,[llprighr Dogs- bane] Singular. Six“ [nu six]

HS. IV. 3. А. __ Excellent] S_____m__ ‘6_

Sill, [ад]. Foundation Beam] Unlike all others] Sixty, ¿Q_

Sillabiib, [Drink of milk wine] _numben TM. IIl_. a. ь _ я“.

Coagum with am] S` l ' âAñcŕkmgFhîi’s cmg {Proportion}

‘ adi. Foil ingu am). un i _e З » afm: _ _

Met. I. S ß Conceitednefs был“ нфю‘хафддшт

ic -MCLIILL ini er. -m

.gni-ed, [Wild Tanfey] [Left fide] à?boìl‘d Leather]

Siluriu. Fi. VI. 6. _ (Мыши) _ _ „__ _Similar,­ [All ofone kind] [Qenforioufnefsl а. sin]

Simile, [ад]. Tranílatitious _ [adi Adverfity] Se“ thcscams] _

(ihing] Sink, [Воин-при under wa- ‘мы, ССОШСШЁО“ o( (hire for

Similitua'e, [Ukenefs] ten] o “u R5 (_th‘pgsl

атм!‘ [B 'l C ort) of re P[(Sâlctre.]Mo.L4. . Siîff‘iiadl'äll‘l’p‘îg ("мы

Simon, um c . ­ _ _ -_—а‚ _7. .ligivous (tliingg] _into от’:1 [Be fixed grime опиши]

' mile ino . . c[s J __ [.l-J-i'iigpaper,[Porous(augm.] [O_liqu l

ia'. sim iene. town . ` вы.‘E Ljígiirii. Magi]IH._ Improper, [Fall] fp.(inc.]

[Simple medicinal стыд] __under the burden. Slamt f ’Herb ­ “VPD-ens] Science]

to- Know end.)thegrowmg Diminution] An]

. hérbs] Ruinmg (inc.] Learning-Ä _ _

Simplenefr {l-PO-H-9- A- f h с 1‹___‚‚;, „г, [It is not ad). im

Simpiigiiy ì Sinner, [Cord (augin.) о t rc ротик]

ìsixiglenefůr] ____Cgi'reds together штаб] выт- P___v_ ¿_ А

Primitivene s ino . _ . kum

op. to mixture. 'l'.III. 8. Siibft. [Cinnabar] [uns 1

_ Purity? ad). [Green] "мс. PGJL _ _ _

Home МВ] Sip. ‘ _ _ _Munn ÉWWÜXCJ

Sorrineís] Drink Одни] undßkìn] _

ор. to fìguratenefs. Dflll.’ _ Suck (dim.] _ ‚ „__ cevcrwìthskm]

7'0’ S'Pgeî; [Breadaamù ad" P' Membrane] PQ.II.3.A.

Sincerit o e apt. PPJL _Í Foliyjy] Siqiiu, [adi a er (lam.)_pub- sk_.gkuîlêgdnk 3

linskilfulnefs] _lil'h’d orñndngloû _(things] M_[Po'wre мр- ¿rinkingA Llnlearnednefs] Sir, [Voc. ad). Dignity (pie-r.. Sunken (“п-“Ныне (on-_

г Un expcrtncfs] _ _ fon] . that ‚Штаны

Simulation, [a.Hypocrifie] Sire, [Parent [_male] _gönnen [adìtskìn (mem-_x

Simulraneour. Sp. 1. 2. Srrnanie, [adp arent name] S _. _

_ v. Sina, [_V9c.Meim (pei-fon] L“ »j

Sm{ а‘ S’f". [Sm-l _]îek, [Sorry man (dim.]

Ungracioufnefs] Sitkm, Finch green] [omit]

{Unholineß] Syler, Brother _ Sailer Вы.“ 8_

[Vice] Sißerhaod, [Corporation (fem,] Skipper, { Mamà RN v_ 4.

_Evilaâion] Sitting. _ sümíf'h RM [_ ._

Since' {Genu'c‘ Ac’ VI’ 5' Skirret. HF. IV. r LA.

вбок} h. time] Poßure. A_C.Vl.5.A. Skim [Marsan

[Afm t is. "s Comul'mon‘rs’ под’ ­­­afdaiiblet, Lower Margent

_than [Whereas] theríitting]

„ _ fd.sincerity. Ha. 1V. 4. _as a hen, il» 1ЧЖКЛ'ШУ “Р'. Skr'tti/oh. J

si _ Mig. п. 6. _on Инта-1 ‚ L

siii». PG. n.5. [Sitting 1 ЁЩ‘ЁкЁЁЁ }‹Р‘°:”3

_ Ungracious] -Olf’ [NOP laying] Dilingenious]

Sinful, Unholy] ,g Riñßgçl `{Watiton]

S__ ___ ‘ViciousJ '_"P’ adil‘Permaneiìce out 5km-n,

ing. C. III. . о bed. ._ d'.Se '

a5 (“С ears_[_Ring [likt] as вы’ ßtßàl J fëllgfj', [а j perltmg

_ 5 (incept.] ’ Stan ] ~benveeii Room, [adi SCPI

Snge [Burn Outfide] [Permanence] rating (fcp.]

. [Hall] ` Sku’.



S u gbiique] [Thin] TM. II. 5.0. fp. through Carelefnefs'вы} mtl( lace] {Remlriii ' ‘_[v'süp] ’ j

(adj. Bog P Not fu cient] _ofplant, [Branch]

Slabbeh _ Slt'ue. I0­­­ Cut

(“где Spiriic] _ßlb ГNot-(pun S. Front Pull _ _

[Wet (Coi-r] __lïfb. Ex. IX. a. [ ord wirh_Loop in the end]

[male] ied­Ex.I}_(.3.A. _Jaim [Tied _(part) for a

Sldtp. Si] {тату} _ Loop (такс)

Loofe] _’ _ RßfCi’i/ßd] Slipper,_ [adi. Foot (veli) not

{umher} _ Sliceing. _ 4d)- Н’ ‘Y (Pond

_ Remillion] Cut. Pr, III.6t Slipperineji.

[iidl- ‘î Diminution] {Р i‘Om-ÍliCCd (PUQ Sinoothnefs]

_ {Slight‘l "" Chip] Unâuoufne s]

(ад!- Negiqa] _ fp.Thiri] adi. Let go (pron.]

d. __ à Slow] тт- Lightnefs.] Ha. IV. 7. D.

[а ’ Ргогга_&_] ’ ‘9-7- Diiiig] _ __ {Cleft

[33],; Стажер] Sliding, Motion fwift whole Sit ehm :l

Slay, _a. Die [make] parts are not feen] Cleave]

_o weaver; loom. Ргорсг. M0­1l. 5­_ ‘9- a. Chink]

Slake, [a.ßemilfion] .­­­I¿n0r,[k¿un­adi. p.ty (apt.) Sliue, [Chip]

_fre }un­ hic ’gol-m] by Piiliii‘i ] Slo, ГPlum ofSlow tree]

_,bgïß „_ tgirft ‘ -as water, a. Stream adv. li- _ir-ee. ЗИЛ-4.

Slander, [Calumny] ’ КПЁФ] _ _ . Slop,_[Loofe adi.Thigh [veli]

Slank-_ _muy }-ш°п{ тете] Sloperng, [Oblique] _

[_Th_;n W __ __] 'h4ck C ad“ [adi.Foot( ign) of Лав]

Cl' ‚ l' C l f ‚

Slant, [oblique] -by ММ‘ -irion Hence] [miners] шип. 6. o.

Strike] -over [over adv. conçea- Negligence. Ha. IV. кВ.

SWA Cudgel] _ ’_ _ Cling] [Sluggardlinefs] Man. 11.4. O.

Eat ‘greedily] Sli¿bf»_ Vid~3l¢'l_bf~ _ Beall. Be­Ill.2.A.

_“PìLick [coin] [Thjn (‘чет-1 Slaven, [adj. Slovenlinefs

slap.. {шт {man}

Cut in many places.Pr. III. Delicient] У ‚_‚1,„ф_ Mm 1L ¿_ Q_

5. А. v [Lode] Great (corr.]

[Cut deep] {30"}? Slm adj. Rulìicity [perlen]

[Whip] RFU" S] Slough. —

Slate. St. l. g. l-adl- Vanity] Bog] ’

Slattering. [H‘mdi'l FAbandoned skin]

[a.Slightnels] ‘ Moral, [2141. Ha. III- 4.E.] Slow,

[Carelcfnc s] [Carelefs] op. to МНЕ. NP. V. 9. O.

glmprovidence] Man. III. to­­ _ _ op. to foon, [Late]

2. D. [Contemn] [adj. Protraâing]

Slave. RC. I. 9.0. a.Difrefpe&] Slomvorm. Be. V1.8. _

Sl.wer,vìd.Slabber. . -—-т’1<.‘‚ [Spoilw] Negligence] ‘›

Slaughter, a. Die make] Slim, Long thin] _ Siu/,bm [L unskiifuine s

_boufq adißutchering Slime, adi. a. Sliminefs (thing) Slovenlinefs.

(room Slimi'nefr. _Q.Vl. 4. Negligently]

sima”, [caiiimny] Sling, radi. cininguniii.) -wmihß umiiiifuii 3

Sleave. pair «if-L_[ldi- Lifting благ.) _form Slovenly _

“Jl/k.’ [Not'fp‘m 5'} fOi‘ Саша“) Slut-e, [Stream Hopping jug]

._jißi. Ex. IX. 3. _ fp.ofB_arrels_] _ (Sluggilhnefs]

red-ExJX. 5. A. Slmle, [Abortlve Bul (young] Slu¿,[adi.f Sluggardline s]

Sleazy, [Loofc] _away from}­itionadv. i ownefs]

Sled. Po. V. 4. _baclc back concealing] _41nd, [ад]. Man. Il. 4. D.

Sledge, Hammer (augm._] Slip. _ _ (perfon]_

яд, Smooth augm.]_ Proper, ['Slide(dimì] Sluggard, [за]. Sluggardlinefs

' _ßnie, [adj. one ad). l. [Stumble through iding (район)

fmoothingünlir] (dim.] Sluggardlineß. ‹

Sleep. AC. Il. ;.A. [Err] Proper. Man. II. 4. O,

_[Numnpfs] __ Omit_]___ _ N_egl i gernîe]

Заем Seep a t. away, rom . S owne s

Гadi. Sluggardl’inefs] ­ba_ , [Back lggggcâgv’] Sluggardliriefs]

Щит‘, [Crafty oblique a. eye -by, Befide j .à видит}, blind-S]

manner] wf, From-"êition ат] Lumpmmefs

Sleel. EI__:__\_I_L4.A.( __] ­an, Upon- _ __’ ‚ (dimi

Sleeve, j. arm ve ._ с ot _ _дм“! Щ ‘ж: iin]iff. vain wi ‘у 1 . ­

singin, vid. slight. ¿iw on iin-[From ition adv. „щ, {idlf i' Pi¢i­ hing)

[__ `[Craft] concealing] :_t_l_i.p.____e_

’ Art f Omit .' ‘ ' ' _'Slender. 1 let­­ Let go] Stuk’ {adi-P' Punk! .

i _ Lore] g Slur, i



. So. '

Op. to as, Adv. I. 3. 0. .


-‘b‘¢{ égnditionaliy that]

OP. to how, Adv. II. r. О.





And-forth. Coni. IV.2.0_.‘

Sofo, [Indifferently] '

Soake, vid. Sake.

Soar, [Fly high]

Sob. Mo. III. ‚

Sober, [adLSâbrìcty]

Sobriny'. .

in temper, [Serioulnefs]

In jud ent. Ha. 111.3.

In dri . Man. ll. 3.

In converfation, [Gravity]



[adi Homiletìcal чище]

. Coin anion[adr.{ P }(apt.]


[Companion [abit]

Community. RC. III» A.


Soc ‚ [Inner adj.foot (veí`t]

Socket, [Hollow (part) for con


Soil, adi. p. Boil]

a Lum covered with gral's]

Задай’, v't .Saldern

Soderìng. O.IV.4.

Sodom). R].III.6. A.


Proper, adi. (LV1. l» E.



{ Merciful]


ä Courteous]






Fraud Snake. Be. V1.751"” *l Airronlt] _mit HL. "11.3.

Dif race] _WML Tr. VII. 2. A.

SIW'ÍÁ De le] Snap.

Sluf- [Bite (imp_.] _

Woman gom] _ [Sound ofbite (imp-é]

adì.Slutti nefs [ferm] _dragom HS.VI_II. _..

вы“; nefs. Man. Il. 6. D. Snßpbam, Gun with Fire

‚Утка: _ lock '__ ‚

[Sound of feparating the lips] SMP. adj, Biting (apt.]

[llil's] _ pi Morofe]

(Тай. .lv. (dim.] _ adj. M11 an er] _ _4_ofir,o`[p. adiunâ (dim.] Snare, [LOOP or entangling]

Small. [Trap]

[Little] Snurle. _

-mlßTf- UL L [adi Anger (voice) ofDog]

[Fine] _ [adv.a.Con­ Knit]

Cut into picces_ fufìon, Entangle]

cur­'{ Mince] [dim] snub, [Catch Umvd _

»ar-beer, [weak] M_“, [Sp.l,8.0. (imp.]

­riumber, [Few] Look ad_v.Concfal­

Wares- (dim.] Shalom G0 _ ing (end.]

-Wm’ä Unic (things) 0f into comm, [adi. p. Conceal

value [dim] (cndgh _

Smgllage. НЕ“. 9. A. S„„l¿i„¿­{ eeptigmefs]

Smm'agd, [Emerald] Mfr. Abie _ cfs]

Smart. AC. Il. 8. A. _ _ Sneer- Dìlïemblmg }Smmn .j difcourfe,[adj.vigor] in, Crafty Ё

r-Ofïan, Vigor] ~ Sneeîíng. Mo. IV. I. °

[adi Frefhneß] çwhitciieiitbore)

$т“‘!’‚ [Tin ¿im _worn HL. VII. l.

Smnter, [Skill dim. при, ю.

Smear. 6- Aa.k Außrian--HF.III.2.A.

o m C cSmlîjl‘ncñ ( :l Sm'b,{ âîgrttìreprehend]

swf@ NP' III-â' d Snif, [Suck-up breath (imp.)

'-0103 [Fin by fm­ with nol'e] '

д—[ел]1, [Flatterer or p. snip, [сыр]

feafì] From»c\lt chip]

oblca' Q' IV' г"—`1а. Tuft margent by Fm'

[a. Unfavorinel's] ting]

Smelt. sm' e _pret, 'És п ¿gm-fe }Bi. VII. 7.A.

ldi­P­ me J мы’, [Fluid exereirientofthe

Fifh. Fi. IX. a. A. nofe] ­

Smile. AC.XIV. 2. Snore m A

Smif'ei'lz. [Smiling adv. mirth] Snort }м°‘ '2° '

(2:19)Smire, Strike] — ’ Snor, [Confident exctement of

Smith, adj. я. Fabrilo erl‘on] the noie] ­ ‚

Кб'тосё, Inmoitlinnen veil] Snow. El.l1`l.4.A.

p. of man (fern.] _drop, [Bulbous violet] '_Hl..

Smoke. El. II.3.A. lV. 5.A.

[Fume] ° Snour.

Exhalation] [Nofe] PGJII- З-А‘

Vapor] [Trunk] PPN. 4~_A.

Smooth. Snudge. '

Proper, (ай. Q. VI. 2. E.] [crumpled] ’

ofbehaviour, Courteíie] Snujf, _

[adi. Complaifance] [Suck up the breath with

Smother, [Stiñe] nofe] .

У Cleanly [Hufï] ACJV. 6.

smug’ Oman (“Вт-1 mkg in..-` рйГиеаГсд}

Smur [пей]: with black [Be Angry _

Smutcb dim] (with

Smm), [Deñlc with black ._ofCandle, [Burning _end о

(dim. . the Wick ofCandle]

Sneeker, [Hafp of Cafement] ro-[From- adj. Afhes

Snaßle, [Bridle] cut the shadowing

SM'L Ex.' l. a. A. '‚ (end of. 84o]

-TrrfìiíL HS. III. i 5. 1

water-Ex. vll. x. A.

Sfß-Ex. 4l

Snuferx, [ад]: Bright (inÍlr.]

Snußle, a. Voice through the

nofe .


Wea ]


[Fooli ]




.'l. Pufillanimous]

Soho. Int.III. i.



Land [kind] _

[adi а. Manuring (thing


[ад]. a. Deñling [tying]

to ad i. Defile `_E «1.{Sported}


-­-ofBoai-, [adi­ Foot (_Íìgn)

of Boar adi. pret. going]

rake-as Deer, [Go into wa


sojourn, [a. Guel‘t]





` so ~ so s0

Steep. 0. V. 7. ­‘God the. G. II. Souerain.

[Drink (augm.] ~ Song, ad). p. Sing [thing] [Chief]

[a.Drunkennefs] p. verfes (aggr. [King]

3014“; .­ Sonor-oui, [adiâound augm.] [Excellent]

_ Comfort] Sontic. S {adi.a.pret. }

[Minh] ’ [Hurtful (augm.] "51% adi. p. Suk]

SolaiidGoofe. Bi. IX. 4. ‘ [ад]. a. Impotent] Souldier. RMJII.

Solar, [adi Sun] W. II. a. A. Soon. Sp._I. 4. ' _ßfh Ex.vl. 5.

soia, Щ 21pm’ }s¢1i]

Soldier. RM. III.


alone, [Solitary]

_at night, [in-the evening Saule. W. I. g.

Soap, [Drink by fucking (imp.] Vegetative-W. I. 4.

Soot. Él. IV. . A. Senßtitie-W. l. 5.

Sooth, [Trui: _] Rational-W. I. 6.

Soothing. [Aflentation] Sound.

_of foot Soothfayer, adj. Wizardin adi.Sanit ad'. NP. V. 2_of{110°}[E0u0m (Рис) [perfetti] g Гид}. Heaìlt’ht] ) ' :l

Fifh. Fi. VIII. I- fp. by ignes] [Whole]

Spotted-Fi. VII- l- A~ Sop, [Soked bread [lam.] { Perfe ]

ro- ‘ to-[Soke] Great]

__.. bowl, (a. b_. (place) ГО‘ Sope,Pr. vi. 5. [sono]

volutation (inC.] .__-wort. HL. VII. 3.A. [Sincere]

_once ear, [Pullkaugm-Ü-'l Sophifm, [a. Argumentation a.

._„ß,0, По- fow bOllOm _(corr.] , Noife.O`.III.

~ (part] Sophljlìcate. Articulate. QIIL‘A.

Selecifm, [a._Gramrnar (C_ol‘f-J {2. Spurieus] Fretum. “и”. g.

sum., radi. _T. vl- з_- A] Forge] [counted nomadi of cod

‚ _[дд1‹‚ [ad_1. Gravity. ace [Make worfe by mixture] fifh]

[manner] Sophiflry, [adj. Se- [Art] to_

Solemnity. T.VI. 3- A­~­ duce[apt.)a. ar- [Sound [make] [on]

sgieniniie, a. "ГА/1- 3- A' gumentation [Manner] _well } {Reputati

soh'citc, Sorb, [Service] _ill [а Infamy]

[Infte ­ Afiion] Sorce- Witchcraft Г . Ь a. Ella for knowin thcBufinç s] ry, WizardingìPLols] С :le th] g'

ìaugm-_l Sordidnefr. [E ay for knowing by con

Пита‘, freq] _ [Slovenlinefs, [ManJL 6. D. ference] _

Solicitout, [adn C_arkmg] Bafenefs. Man. III. 4.1). Sour. _

Soliíiitude; [Carking] [Pufillanimity] Man. 111, as Vinegar, [adj. (L IV.4.]

Soli . 8. D. ’ ’ ’ as reen Fruit, ad'. .IV. .Body. M:i.I.4. . Sore. ' [Më’foœ] E ì Q s]

[Mairie] adi. Pain] Look-[Lowr]

[Suiïici_ent]_4 Fierce] Source.

judicious augm. .’ Original]

Grave _ _a raid, [afr. (augm.] Fountain]

sorrow, Aionofpeakmg] ­ i.- ну high] nire]

Solitary. ROJV-a-O- a-­ South. Sp. III. 2.0.

Solitude. [Ulcer _ _ern wood. HF. Il. to.

[Deer male) of the fourth Sow.

year] [Hog. Be.II.4.(fem.]

Sorel, [Deer (male) of the third -gtldffi [ЦВ-“15- a- 'Ieflicle

year (тм.)

Soritei, [Syllogifm [aggr.] _’r bred. HL. VI. 6. A.

Sorrel. HF.I.c. ‚мы/Не. HF. III. 14.

Not-inhabited Countrey]

Sojii'ce, [Motion [time] ofSun

inTropic] _

Sol've, [a. Solution]


[Solitary ( abflr.]

[adì- D“ lng (3PM -toloun Infeŕ’t. Ex.II. 9.

{ад}. p. So unen WOL] French-HF. 1.2. A. _of Lead. [Сад [thing)__]

Solution. D. Vl~ i ­ 0- ‚ Sorry. Sowe.

Soluti‘ve, [ûdl- а’ Dungmg (“РЕ-1 [adj. Grief]_ as Land, 8er. O. III. 4.

Some. Contemptib e. TM. I. 4. D. as Cloth, itc. O.v. 4.

antifa-¿io?- М -..azionato_CCY Il» a ~ o 0 . _

_hadn i-(Ptrfonl rind] зам/г, [Pickle]

__rime. _ {Species] Sowger, [adj.Mending `(mech.)

in fome (Шла) to_ Kinds ` for adi. Foot (‘МЮ

[adgh at times] 59.1.8. 0» [a.{speciesìkfegr'll Sowthijlsle. HF. III. t4.

__w at Manner S ace. p.[_(thing] С after ai]Manner] ’ P Interval, [Between-[pace]

’ Littlefpart] [in fome Relation] Spacioiu, [Am le]

{(bd_im~] gorti'tion, [a.Lots] .S‘,oaole_,ì [ìidjl atnin ad). digging

_w ie or. (in t. _ -

Through fome (time Fool au m. ’ Spada marina. Fi. VI. 8.

[[adm Permanence [dim] Евы‘ Spay, Un-a.teflicle] _

Son. adi. Dotagc [perfon] эта, Red Deer (male) ofthe

[Child] fp. (male] [Drunkard] third year] »

_inLaw, [adv. Añ‘inity ^ Sauce, [Pickle] _ Spalt, [Spelter] Met. III. 4- _



`SP ‘ SP . SPМ

S an. Spetiour, adj. seeming [perf] Spill.

PEMeafure b extending the, Speck, у?“ [dim] . Shed. 0.114. O.

fingers ._ Speelde . (ДН. 6. [Mar]

[Prepare adj. Gm (machin) „гады“ Spin. O. i. A.

by a.vertiginating _ Sight' No. .7. ‘_ _out time, [Protr_a{_ì]

виде, Little round i 1- ты“ [adi lal's inllr.) for helping as a top, [p. Vertiginate]

(Iarnin the light Spinach. HEI. l. 8. ‘

Spaniel, Dog hunting birds by вредит. 811111111, [adj._Backb_oi_ie]_ _

fmell] adj. Seeing [petl'on] .Sr‘piniille2 [adp Vertiginating ad).

Spanißr piclefßvfb- HF­V~ ll- [adj Mo. V.7. [perfon] axis (pin) of'adj. (pinning

Spar. _ Spetula- Meditation ("мёд

[LlPîS Sdmî‘ßîlof [Mul-COV“ tion, lnquilìtion __tree. .lL to. A.

glafs] Speech. Sprnk, [Chalhnch]

[Bolt (augm.] Speaking Spiryìer, [adj.Spinning [mech]

Spare. ‘ Spoken thing] Spxral. Mag. III.. 9.

Not-ufed _lefr, [Not-adj. Speak(p0t.] . {Cone]

Abundant ‘ Oration] ‘ ' ‘ „т Pyramid _

­­rime, [adj. Leil'ure [time] [Language] [Steeple] _

[adj Lean] Speed.. ro_~_as com, [шт [iuc.]

­­rib.r. Sw‘iftnefs SPH". _

111- {ЗооткВ linmaterialfubllance. WJ.

Мог-‘111111111, a. clemency] Difpatch] holy-G. Ш.

NOY‘ÖCDd. Зак] T^­ V- 3- [Event [kind _ - Angel °

Not-rife, [A ñain] good-[Pro periry] Devil

Leave] _welL HS.VI. l i. [Soul]

Want] Female-_MIL HS. VIII. 9.А. Animal-PG. 1.x.

Sparingneß, [Frugality] „мы, [Woodpecker] _s extraäed._Pr. 11.7.

Spark. El. l. 1 . A. j Spell. {Dilpol'ition] _

[Gallant (pcrfon] [Charm] Temper _

Sparkle: El. I. t . A. tir-AC. III. 4. A. Spright iuefs]

Sparrow.. Bi. ÍV.?,. spele, _ Vigor] .

.Mountain-Bi. IV. 3. A. Spelter. Met. III. 4. I‘pirrrual.

._bill P`n d`rn. Room for adj. (ul'len- [adj. Spirit]_baisé l[I_(ealll l'clmg wing- SP¢"f@{Box tation ord. EccleliallìcaLRE.

ed h.] . Spend. TA. V. 3.0. (things] _Perßms Eccl. REJI.

...mourb’d, [Wide-mouth’d] a. Decay [make] Spirituour. '

Sparru. Fi. V. I. A. a. Diminution] [adj. Spirit. PG. LL]

Sparbula, [adj. a. fpreading [la- _1ime­[v.Time.] adj. Frelhnefs] ‘

min. .Spendilirifn adj.,Squandring spin, [Syringe].0. I. 6. Ад

армии/ь“, [adj. outward~ (perfon for a­-[adv. TranfitQl‘mCf‘

butroned Leg [veil] Sperage. (imp.] .

Spar/in. S. Ill. 9. Sperme. PG. l. 4. Spit. _

Spatvl, Spit [augm] Spermaceti. ’ Excretion. Mo. IV. 4.

Spawn. PPJV. 8. A. Spew, Vomit [Rolling Quilt] _

­­¢r, [Filh [fem] ‘Spírace ur. S. .8. ­Fil'h, Lucius Marinus] __

Speaking. AC. lI.r. Sphear. Mag. III. 5. -deep, Dee the lengtho

-agaìnjh [a. Contradiâi- l çœlellial, [Orb] W. VLA. adj.digging laIIL]

on] i Spbyrana.Pi. lV. 7. Mallgnity

­­ßr­, [Intercellion] ‘Spy Spire, Hatred]

­in tbe nofe,[a. Voice through l a-RM. III. 5. A. ’ Envy]

the n.] ro- ° . d {Enemy]

-witb, [Conference] [a. Spy] ""[a " Contempt]

Speaker. a. Eye.] contrary to ones

[ar_ij. Speaking (perfon] Sight] _of will]

_in Parliament, [Speaking Obl'erve] adj. Coaâion]

(Olî.] fp. adv. Concealed] rpirtle.

Spear. [ ike] Spice. Pr. II. 4. adj. p. Spit [thing]

boar- [Pike for {b.] iro-[Powder] Houle offick [perfons]

jflr­­­ hunting f.] fp. with Spice] spetter, [Smooth horned Red

Kingt-[Afphodel] . a-ofa dif- {Beginningn} Deer young] ‘

­­_mint. cafe, Degree dim.) Splayfìarerl, adj. Oblique foot»

Special. ­ (о ЩГсаГс] ed] _

_[Principal] Spicknel. HF. V. 4. Spleen. PG. VI. 5. A.

Particular] Spider. 1211.11. 5. _vom HL. l. 7. A.

op. to general, [adj. TM. __wort. H[..Vrr.A. Rough-_HL 1.6. A._

' _ Ill. 4.] Crußaceour-Ex.'vl. 9.A. Splendid, [Bright]

SPfclgllty, [Bond] RC. VI. s'. Sea-Ey. VI. 9. splendor, [Brightnefs]

spenti'. T. l. A. Water-EX. ll. 4. „идет.

5Pf¢’ߢ~ Spignel. HF. V. 4. [Sick in the Spleen]

[Name the pmimlm] _ spigot, [Tap] [Hypochondriac]

‘[‘í-EX‘mP‘ç] D. iv. 8. A, Spike, [Lavender] [Ад]. Anger]

Speeijcal, [udj. a.Species] ópikçnard. ’ ­ Spindletree. Sh. Il. io. A



S P S P . S T

S im, Motion. 0.1. 7. `­­­with, [a. Congruous]P[Lamin] Ф]1‚0СЁ‚[1Щ‚$РГЁПз(ЁПЙ-] 5‘1иа]Ь‚' [Break] ­ ‚

f .adj. Furrow (ñg.] ro- ' down сайта]Chipxîl ` Sprout] Squat._ ­'

Spinner, [Chi ] Grow] . [Sit]

Split, [Cleavc [Leap] No.1. 5. .1_-[sate]

[Chink] _ ,_ _forth [Being mc.] [Bruife]

Spadium. Met. V. 2. ._froni, Eñ'eä fp. by down сайта.)

Spoil. [be Defcêgdâiit] ай.“ ___h

Mar V- l ­ T ic ort’[_fogul'c TA. II. 9.0. "d lnk, V- CßaCk }(тс'] Sqiliatiyio'RaíLlFi. II. g . A,

Har ras. RM. Il. 5- D- -û "lint, [Find if UL] Squeak v. Exclamation

Spoke. .d {Ell-C (такс) Squeul ì acute]_ pret. _Farm де” ЫУ PENE] Squeamißa

[адь ìp, ì’l-Pcak] _ Spri'ngnl; [adj- Adolefcency [adj_l,oathíng QPL]

~­­ofwheel.Po.V-7­ A~ ‘ Il_1ale] fp_ofmeats] _

Spokefmgn, [ищи-(рам!) Springe, [Trap of threads] [adj,Ni¢en¢f5]

Spondyl. Ex. VIH. 4. A- Sprinkle. . {Comprefling]

[vertebra PG. IV. 3- A» [Scatrtrdrop] S‘Íufeïmg Straining]

pim. Ex, Ш. 4.A. Balie] squib._ _ ((mmd]

Spode, [Touchwood] PDWdCI’] . [ад]. Gunpowder-(infn.) for

фондам Sprit. КЛ]

[Paâion] Вот-(КПД. 4.) f Squill. HL. IV. 1;.

Suretìfhip» RC~VI­ 5° _SML Squilla Mantir. Ex. v1, 4. A,

Sponraneìt]- AS» IV- 9° Sprout. PP. II. 5. Squingntyß, 1V, 9,

Spool „там;- . Spruce, [Orräte (augmfj Squinam, [Cam¢|5.h1y)) .

S aan. PLV- ­ 3- “L ­ S uint a.E с man er о ip _bi/1. rivm. 6. _ SP'1f"£»{ad_i. p. }5P.fmg] ‚ q (digi.) y C n ¿1,225

Sport. SP“, Vomit] _ Squirt,[M1ddl°(kind)ofGentl¢.

a. wanton] Spud. Short Knife] squirrel. Be. ш. 6.

[may] _ j Spume. [Froth] t щит, [a.rssyringìngj

Recreation г-Ргсг. - S uirring, _ 0rry`

[Gann-_l ‚ ‚ SPM’iadi. Р. iSPm] . si. 1iit.111.i.o.J

[Minh - шт. ВЦ!- Il. t _ . зимы.“ 4.

‘Ponfu’n wanton] . ‘так,’ ГРОГОЧБ] : sidbilifj.

spot, [шл-ЗРОг‘ФдЩГЪОЬШЮ Spunk, {Match} _ Steadiiieft]

Spoired, [ad'l­0`­ï«$­0­.i Spun. i ^ _ Falìnefs

_feem [Malignant f._\ _of Bird. PP._V.5. [ConllancyBetrothed ì’ f -ol­ aboor, fad). heel (агтдсйп ¿1,4515 -

;9P°“ff»{ Married ( ст’) horfcmaní] . adi. Stability]

Spoiir. _ M`­Umpul wel - adi. Horl'e (room]

concave (thing for out~ Spurge. HS.V. xr.. SMblá/b,

Tube Шат- —[.дитс1. Sh. III. 5. a j. Stability (make]

{Макет (vas mg] ­­0li've. Sh. Ш. 6.` — ‘ [a. Confirmation]

[Faucet] Tree. Sh. IV. 6. Stack, [Heap]

__QfRdiìl. El. vl» 3- ~ Spul’kef. RN- И. 8. A. Sfgcbag.

_ l’owrc SU‘F‘U) Spuriour. adi. T. llI- 4- 9P~ Golden-HF- П. ç.

’0- {Syringt (dim-_l Spuni, [Strike with foot] Sniff, [Stick] PP. I. 4.

Sprain, [ [сот] Spun). ~IjlLJX. 1o.A.Á ' _o a Song, [Seâion ofS.]

fp. by Ílretchmg (CX03 Spun, v1d._Splrr. _ —. Stag. Be. П. ;.А. `

Spm, ГHerring (youngl _ _ Squab, Гadi. Fat (дадим) _Beer/e. Ex. v. t. A,

sprawling. ‚ _ to-[Break] ‘ Stage. ’ ‘

[Creeping] ‘ ‘ Гр.Ьу downcañmg] [Scaffold

Lying] _ ‚ Squabble, [a. contention {сони} гад}, а; p yel- 300m

Bever e] Squadron. RM. III-_4-A- -l-Play,[adi. Player ight]

„мы. ' Заяц“, [Exclamation] Г oumcy]

llnheap. O. [1.6. 0. _ _l {Slovcnlyj _ ` adi. Staying (рта)

Stretch] AC. Vl. 2. 571W" > Denied) Staggering. MoJl. 4.0.

Bc extended] AC.VI"2­A Squander. ‹‚ ‘ ‹ Doubting

ia. Publiek(make] A. in fpcnding. Man. III- ;.D. `{Wavering i ’

[a. Contagion not lay up. TA. V. 4. О. „гудит. _

„НЕ, [Branch dim] PP- 1’З- Square. Smuerworr, [казны-г]

Sprighîlirieß. NP. lV. 2. Proper. Stagnatc, [V.Stagnum']

Spring. ­. Plain. Маг-У. r. A. Stagnum. W. IV.7.A.

[tidy Fegïrining [part] Solíd,[Cube] _ u. {Continue гсГж]

`_ofilie}ear. Мса. V. z. Carpenters-.fe ad). Squa- S'“)I{a. Difcontinuemoti

Day-i Day (incept.] . ring infin] _ on]

[юге] Sp. Il. 4. A. Improper. Continue, [Dûration]

_Founn W. 1V. ;.A. [Spread AC.IV.2.A. _ _Little Miile, [Tranfìtoi-i

[Increafc] Даша)’ Exorbitant ` nefs]

-17и’е,[Т1‹1с{New of the _dealirig, [a. jufìiceä _ . _Long time, [Permanence]

‚мы: Full _ Moon] iii-[a. l'quare (такс) _for ever, [Perpetiiity]

Qq q the

sr — sT 5T


the fame being. T. l. 7. S; ‚the fame degree. TA. 8. fänd] мо- v1.5. _m {âïjld} ‚

the (ame goadnefs. T. 1.9. __„M fm, Pound „kh _upm с.’

:he fame place. TA. Vl. 0. (ole оно“ É“Stand his ground] RM. ll. z. [comufìon] `{ идёт]

äegêllief ей)‘ RM. Il. 3» [Prim] АС.1П. 7. là. _ [ад Рс‘запспсс difpnein jDwelling ‘16.11 A. @i'nnêjû' money with “икс- """ë‘b’ ,[‘dì- î’ermariei-ieeg

nea] M0. о. smb. a fä‘fênsld.

Difcontinue. Combi() â “ça à .tin mgfplzee]

Cohilätive] {дат (такс) ' — о’ a Eid). bearing

hnpe kn: ` D . ‘ ‚[Oblìruůionjj fp. { St'r‘llâiâ’l'i’âg Egtfffäî [Imm rv. Orp.)

“0h13 [a. {Tacirumityeâ} sund ' '7'liceP ‚ " Refervedn s] Stay }Doubfing] _ `

­­­lnlur1°uny­ BLW-3A- Smml, Be for fome rime, unmo- ке at .1_-TMA. 9

.gë‘â‘á‘ìâl ved, in poflure dìreô. AC. Mlc „_[Suy (my)

vLr.A. S d d.

__b {Adherc} Being] ‚Ё‘; Standìn ]Ь солдату] ‚ ' {Duration} [найди] g

'-f‘f» [ge/:ůçxl’camgd -liule while, Tranfitorìnefs] (v_ “L King

_»,ipmpi ­_“:?i„:;‘ï2:.ï:i“ï“°““ï‘ *"i‘mifßif‘gnßßmm~”P°",i [Lean] [um ’ [M_ P'adl- KmgJ

ll-Üdl. а. Stay ( thing] _IWL штампа]

grim'- âdfiuçñm-l] {Бич} З!апа’сгЁВ;;С.[ЁаЁ;;-ЁЬЁ|' i

0 one e r ' » . ’, .Bring ,o matidljlghœ] [§;lê;îa€;0]un¿ RMJL 2. Slîpndrfhœadblnk (‘ты

Keep fir u-r’I‘M. I. 9. __inpum. Визит] S! P'Not‘adl; P-_Cmy QPL]

_ Serious] [Comm-j Q: v ’5. S “ту. [adi1 Tin (Масс)

Suid, Sohn?. Placé) ' 52"}? [Seâion of Poem]

Stai“ Grave {Summon} su; mus. Ех. V. 7.

s _.-ofa fhip. RN. IV. x. A. [llg‘iiçeläjllvlag Il. 8.E. {ЩЁЁЁСЗСЁЬЁОЁУ' 6. A’

faule. Grow] _ I Pu „ ‘ o es.

папе] (â'vìß- A' _[_er, [Tree lef: for growth] SMEL blick wel

@CPOUC “C 5l _ing corn, [Not reaped] proper W n I

*bcg‘l‘ê‘if {com} -abou‘ß [Protraûä jxe¿_'_w°_u'. 2'

_ [infamy] "'“g“á'£’][můn *dying-[Planer]

itam’. POJV. l. ­by, {Алёша (Phi-on] ůgrfœvenus] i’ \

mkg’. ‚ _er by, {Not-concerned Euem'n _ } [Venus]

[55H] PP­ L 4- .4.., Emi. muon] ,gw-„g ‘

[_ “SH3 . ’ —-с iid, [Bc Godfather Star W II A

_darum [a.waiger in prefeut ._degree, [Вс Candidare м ' г ’ы’%'2 ’$‚‘1е money, &С‚_] _Prefdmenr’ f4 ng o .i »2 .A1

[61d] “i” (md) Pl Herb _ I ‘ '

f [P- Price] ­ fs 'b1 ь ‘p_ com] _ ‚ pcmmence] a е‘ r em,[0rnirhogalon]

»78cm (В. ripe (mgm.) [nu Corman 1 ígwornârlllf. :IL 9.

[uigmàidu] i f . Obñínëcä гЁб‚Тг;.#‚ЁЬ2°'

@mi ‹ -ЫЁГЁ‘Е'ЪЁМ “ММ”S‘Z’È ' .—ге:{‚[а1‹1ё_гсаг] Smrbnáìrdîrëßiïglhg {idc}

._.ofrlamg [Stock] PPJ. z. _îlgîazá âft’ît’luîînt] y Starch»l p_h vl. 5_ A_

_of enf or flower. PPJI. 7. _the my [Impedienr] Stgt' ‘282164

ro­­­ ­ ’ - _ . . r.

walk lorry. Мо. п. a. ЧК, È‘ìlrh „hair {nina}

[G0 ­{ Covered) щ!’ g e I fp. adv. Corzlfufion]

Smil СЖЧ'ЫЭ [Be confiant] OPPofmß] ggg“, [smc] B" m' 4'

àoom ` fp.{ßefiůing] [Sgm]

{Table}j ждут — Мед] Гfp.for felling things ‚ ' -Dfd Whole dead

Heidi-[adi head (pijn) of ‚ЕЕ: рюшьсгат 5’“”’{м°;°('ш -){ гс‘: оп]

st l _ bridle] v (Be connut] Í'P‘ thro“ Admii'ati

д 11% Horfe keer for genera- ‘ Aim] Ramon figli» AC. IV. 5.

St tion „ v {Dei-end] _ _ [Move (шт) `

дте’ьРР. 1I, 6, A, compe núm] ‚д . [Run (inc.] .

Sammel, Red (дм) Refund] -d Hare, [Kalle ii н_) `

Stdmme" Sauter] _undcr '-dßile _

y l , ear] _Jdckkm [мну]



———————-————’—'О`-—‚ v



Abandon] ~ ‘ To look-l), a. Eye adv. Stay _

â Forlake] _ heedfulnefs Doubt]._up, [Юге [imp] Conlìanr] -f‘f DemutV

¿min-[ob- Pieceaciice] Steady. ._ifi, into-ta en]

tain superiority Мог-100112. 0‹\/1.6› _our,[l>rotuberancc]

sniffer, [adi-a ШК)’ (Palloni 'go-.Mci п- 4 _. — Prick]Starting bale, [Way of efcape] Not light, [Conllant] ‹ ­’b’°“€bi{Stab]

Startle, [Fright (imp.] Sterke, [Fried tlel'h] adhere] _Startup, [Ontmolì Leg (velt) for steal. *to v. Con ant f

warmth] ' [a.gheft] ° -wirb Claires, Src. [Lard

Stizrive. R . V. 5’ omc ­ With cl. Sac.

Srar'ueling,I [Lean (ждёт-1 GOC }(adv° Conccahng] '_1-PP- l. 4.

Знаток. HFJIÍ- 9- — Stealth, [Theft] Stickado'ue, [Cgmdony] HFA/I;

Se4_HF. III. to. _ 17; come by-[Come adv. Cón- 5. A,

Siate. Cßi‘lîfig] _ ‘ _ Endeavour (augm.]

быть Smm, _[Exhalation El. 11.2. Stuk/e; a, видит‘)

Qiality] `­ Steed, _Hoffe (Per ­] a.lnterce ion

[Condition] Steel. Met. II. 3. flinch. Fi. IX. 1;.A.

[Circumßanccs] '_ 4_[adi. Steel (1011г.] Stiff, — _

Extraordinary. [Soldatini S {obiiquetdimi op. .o Limmen б. D.Alltogether. ’LVL 4- '"P Munch-perpendicular] _gnleofwend El, Vl. T.

Perfoml, _ tir-[Sokc] [adj. Bigot] AC.1V. 5. D.

ГАЗ? i Steeple. Po. 11.3. A. Stout]

_ Dì polition] i j; {COHC]_ ' Zcalous]

_Temperament ’ , - ’- ‘же’ Pyramid] [Rigid] _

[Dignity] ‘ SN". [B“_ll(y0“_n8]_ _ [Pertinacíous]

[Degree] ro-u fhip, [Dire with the _nec ed. ` ­

' ` ’ ’ Nobility] Ruf-Mel] {Di obedient]

{fp. {sammy} Steerage]3.1i. Rudder [room] Contumacious]

„ke-upon him, Многие, Stellioii, [Spotted Lizard] Stifle. RLY, ¿_

&c_] . _ _ ___, _ Stem. _ Strgm‘m'zf, ,RL VL ¿_ A_

[Revenues _(aggnp] i [D¢fCCn'{ USER] Stile, [Tranfverfe feplment for

Right ` д darits. 00nd] over­p.ition]

{Рой хоп], ~ f _afa plant, [Stock] PP. l. 2. Still.

civil. uc. ,_ н -vf ‘М- RNAi-'2. [calm]

tbe-4, [Chief Magißrzltes [Aiillere] _ ‚ [Gent e]

(аду-‚1 _ stench, [Unfavorinels] d. Silence]

Eccleliallicals.RE. ‹. Step. ' _ [а "à Taciturnity]

_of Religion. RE. I_H. a. Motion] _ _ ., _{ Peaceable]

Smdhm ‚ а. Goiëgàêvlo. I. _x. _ adj. Quieting]

No e . . - 0 ‚ Permanence[ [adj.]solcmnity33_ _ _ —1п‚ {ЕЧ‘СГ Pcŕpttuityl :l

[adi Generofity] › {°°’——Ё3д1‘ foot (5811] ' [Ver] ‘

Proud] _ _ ' ‘1_-‘- I ' [_Dillill]

{за crcìlioug _. à f-lgUTC. Mig. 11.8. A. _ Stllbûfn’ [Abortiyc]

Static, adì- MCa “ring (att.] Faîhîf ad“ afljm' Sti/letto, [Short (word (dim.]

_ helling ­ i -fß’bf' ‘YJ _ . S"_Íff.`[Leg-lengthning rlticks]

Station, {Зимний CPIRCC] Mother’s husband] Stimulnie, Гn.1mpullìve]

Stationary, adj. Standing] __ мы‘? _adv- 2_\fl'1ni~ È‘ring. их‘), s, A,

' 3 er _ -—то1 t1' I ` rm _. 'Stanůiâgî ВСЕ)“ amera] _ {F‘täeçswífc} ._ Sting: [a Unfavorinei’s]

Statue, Ima е Sli-’"ÍÍU» Зачет: s] __ CohibitStatuaryí, [acglillrnage [mech] Sterling, ad). p. Authority _by {щит :l

stature, [Height {marmer} law] _ [Remit

Statute. ‚ _ E' Stern. [рейс]

Law] ‚ [Almere] _ Bird. invii. в. A.

Morgage] ` ‚ _ fP'F‘çC (mmm) ‚ Stìpend, [Wages] "

Stdiug, ‚ _Ofdßlllh EN. Il' 2' АД Í0­­RO. VI. 4. A»

._ubarrel, [Unbottomab.] Stew. Phill. 2. A. Stipiilation, [Sponfion]

Off-keep] 4'- _ _ i Stir.

~­°lï.{ а. Dil'tance] [Ш- Bathing [room] More]

fp.withñalï.] (ад! KCCPIPZ Pl‘CÚi-"f am] Endeavour] ­

Staveiacre. HS.I.4.A­ _ „гида, 8911- Rcyenii@ ¿hom [Provoke] ‘

Steed. U'WJHÜ lJ‘Om'CaUOn _0u с] , _14), [a. Impullive]

as Succelïor. T. VI. 6. Sf]- _ _ Troubles] —as Subftitute. T. VI. 6. Ä'. аду-НО: (houl`e] ­­I{ Sem-tion]

in_of. Prep. II. x. _A.Pullle within the eye-lid] . _

in „__ пары] Siirrop. Po. V. 8. А.Stiliium, [Glafs (like) O.vl. of stitch

[NOI llfefül] _ Antimo-ny] D'feafe, [CSteadfaß. _ s_f'ck’ Plain, H’i‘iCltnillIgR]l

{Steady] › l д "_ _ [Sewing]

Faß] 3 [а {С1агпгшпе1`ъ]

_ — ' Gluing] " Qq q a tbraugl.1 ­­~_

' "'—————————-—————-———-—›'__




lbmläb^ ища]

._wort. HS- У- S?



Sri‘i&._ [adj. Bigot]

-ltdiiiß Prep. VI.3.A’.

--foriii'ard` [adi Proceeding


Storax. Tr.IV. 2.A.ŕ.

b su mn (infin) of Stare. _ _Sri_t_£c_.älähinggl [Provilions adn-3v _

sim.­ {Muli‘iud‘ _Nr.[a Jut. (min.]~` ’ i

Stoccado. Abundance] 4­­­ ‚ . '_ _

5mi., 'ii-[Lay UP] _ _ [Perplex difficulty] ‚ —_if mariano. Story. [adi-P-Niiiiiwrilrhmt] {lleeemty} _... . i l

пищи. (aggr. RO. l. ofbuilrling. [Degree ofrooms] . Dmrcfs] l

dents.{ (kind. 1.0. Sfofk- Bi- VIH- i. A. [Frctunz] W. IV. 5. '

_ всусрцс] SMN". El. VI. 4- Sinin,

[Сим ‘lPofl(ell`lons iii-_- B 1 a. intend]

adi. a. Gain thing Ciiiigi'yëiliigm- Endeavour (au m, -

LEugbi'ng-[adk p. Laugh Ch‘fc» v_Anger voice] [Hurt by endeavoäring [angl] `

(thing) [AlTault] RM. l. 6. [kpl-cfs (mgm)Srockaloue. BLIII. a. Smf- BC- lV-7- Comprels] 'i

„носить S'W" [Arrefì goods]

Slockgillifower. HS. IV. r. Room- P‘MU- S» Percolate. 0. V1.4.

stocking, [adì (чей) [B0X Hfiiiii'ig a-[Degree]

Stocks, [Prifon for the feet] for Drying _Ofmuficki [Pm ßf‘milë]

дм. 5'0"' _ Strength.

Stolb Aůivc. NP. IV. б‘. [РО'КЭ]

{adi ¿pret-hmm ìsfîong] _ . ._.ofbo y. _

¿dL P_ adi. Fortitude] {vigor}

[Long loofc [veli] {НШШ *- Strength] NPN. 7.

sional. , [Folly] Obßiiiiif] -ofmi’mL

Sloln, [adi p. Theft] Ищите] м" IV- I -Ü- _s_prigliltlineß]

sim.. . P’OU‘Ú . ___ ortituile]ventricle. PG. vl. 4` C°iii£iiiiiCiîiiS3 Militär»

A tite _g аУ U Orces RMJV.

с lli’llleû] ‘ш’ Hc“P Pince.` км.“ ‚

Courage] вмиг. Мо.П. ;.A. Importance]

Stomacber, [adj.Bl‘Cß (Vdi) s"“3518i [Wandcf] rnœßfCriCf-S] ‘

Stone. St. Si”, {Windcll Talle ‘ `

Common-St. I. _ .’ Е!" _ Smell ‚

maaien" of-St. Il» шт _"'d- Sflfigbf. [l- Drunkennefs (im.] .

Preciour- SUWI, Vid.6_`lrein. Знаток’. ‘

_leftiranjparenn St.lII. Sinik?, [Variegating line] У ___ мы“: . __more tranßarerlt. SLIV. ­­­0fCûfr~wbeel,[Ring-`]f` [а l° Diljgmœ ' ­, .

тает. Mea. Ill. 6. S'M’ld’ [SMN] WJIL 6» [ad Strength]

__pm, [Hard p.) Sf'ß'il‘- _ " {Fortitude

Dil‘eafe.S.VI. 1. ‘ Not'adl-çilßlim] Endeavour augen]

_ojaplum. PP. II. 2. A. ~ EXii'iordinary] Streß, Deprelîion]

Tellieie. Povia. A. Идет] Gravity]

iii-one, [Throw flouesA at ‚ NOI-Cllpeâed] Stretch.

one] "Ч" Extend] novio.

._-ro death. R). V. 2. _ “lb [ranger] Pandi'cu ation] MoJlLiÓ.

Sloiieboiv, Crofs-bow (атм) SIMM". RO. IV. 4. 0. Long l

Stonebuek, Goat (kind) having Sffdiitkf B1. V. _8.A. Broad {make}

angular knotted horns] Sifß'iguiîr. ‘дну. А. Ample;

Sranecrop. HL.vIll. 5. SW‘P» [ldl- Luther thong] Coaêlion]

Sionffm, Tafßw, [Loop for on- raw- {Wren}

silmffmnbe. stv. s. те] Streu- scattering

Sronnvorr. S’T‘PP‘d‘i- Rl- VI- 3' A- ing, Powdeting

Stool. _ „Этикет. BMJ. 9, Stríated. II. 6. A. _

Seat. Po. V1.5. S‘M'ffl'iig- PLHLS' Stricken,[a i. Amigo] ‚ _

Clofe [Stool (like) ad). Simi’. Pr. V. r.A. Age, [Old] adj. мам/1.4.

дцпвдпцуыъ] _worni, [сады] Ex. III. fright/e', adi. Love (наша

going ro_[_a. Dunging] 4- A- Tun, 01d (1%

Stoop. АС. vl. 4. _ „_ Scatter with ammonia, [sx ed]

_as Barrel, [a.Obllque] 5PK“ Striŕ?.

St, _ Strawberry. HS. 1X. r. рада].

Stay] ' __tree. _Sll.lll.4. ¿Regular (augm.]

2.1mpedient] 31"# ‚ l-mf» _ "{lìígor'ous]

Binding] ­­o _Carr-wheel, [§ling_] Severe]

[а- obilriiaion] —’ "if," Ik!- El­ «4. Striäure.

[nu] Stream. W. IV. 7. Touch [dint] °

"ф [Shut] М- RNJII. 8. Comment [dim]

[Litfiba] Sfffçi- P0. il. 7. sind., [smid e]

‘а mi@ Stay (make] Smit,”- Strife, contention]

д_ Hinder] op. to crookcd,[adj.Ma.lII.l.] [a.{ Emulation]



[00p-_. 'Sirone1 [Scatter] ofa flower. PP. 11.6.'y)wilma-HS. V. i2- А. $ггяс1’‚ vid.Srricken. _.S'typtic.

Strike. ‘ Srruäure, [Building] Aflringent]

Proper. Mo. VI. 4. " $кг|1‘дд1е.т :_ s adj.Acerbiry]

Knock “Не e u.

Pound] [Strive` { Intreat]

Peck] Srrumpet, {ад}. Fornication Petition]

{Stab} _ Цепь] ‚ for ìMaièriage, [ъЗщсЧЕ

C___Í_i_;dgel] Ё _ днища. pren] ìsmng] Pre ermcnt, [a. Caudan]

Movelc'mp.’ l ç» hir. ' ° [дым [a.Aäion]

_ a. Ватт“) [Swell with fullnefs] Suaßry, [ай Perfuade]

as Sill, {Fällßïîflkfj ` Stalk] Subaltern, [Inferior]

._1 Fugain, [a.‘PßůLKänj ' ' [Go proudly] Subconrraryîljoppofite together

É __.blìod Blindî ma t " ‘ „'b, ’ " true pot.­­~4 CGÍO’HÈ, [Саше-с .a с? V . [Bottom (part) of Rock] Subdeacon, [Next RE. II. under

_comy ­ Evtn IBO' “Чаи i [Fragment of Rick] deacon]

P.byu on motion> ' ;9„‚ш‚„ Subdioide, {Parts]

‚ ílraig t'CÚÚDSJ Stalk, [adì. p. reíìdue after [шумит Species]

‘ ._fir'e‘, Caufeto‘l'pafldc] ._ respiri a. Viäory]_bar,ìCaufe Ц] l ’ __дщё‚ [gadL Autumn fattcd S“bd“er{Conquer]

~­in, vil . Stricken. ` ‘ G00 e] Subdutlion, [a. Ablatum]

come 1 î Stubborri. ‚ Sublea

v. Friend .ЗЩЩСЫУ] g [contumacious] op. to pred. D. II. 5.

Bargain Obíiinate] op. to adjunů. T. VI. r.

Stab] [Pervcr‘fle] Liable,[adj.p.Suli`>ie&I(pot(.)

_ . I ai i. I­Pr¢f­ ~ o .to.Governour. C. ‚х. ."Я Baliance] ESmcleŕÍ adi. p. ìsf'ck] P [nur «.subieaion]

. __дгсоипг‚{Асчпйс] Stud, [Protuberance (dim.] _ {ObedienceJ

_mtime [Bama] student, [ад]. а. Learning (endl . [Щ '- submißion]

-­our. ¿Srudß Siibjeßiori. Мап. V. 5.

Spoil] О t Endeavour] subjoin, [After-join]

[Unwrite] i { a. Diligence] задницы/е,

._ro tbe been. ‘ Meditation] Subliming, }о I» '

Í" “то” (mgm-3 a. C0nñderaltnef~s] _ sublimation, ­ V » 7»

[Stab] Í Clofet, [ldi- “Штамп Sublime. __

­-“P­ ` [room] Sublirrnry, [Height]

[Bfßì'à] fP~ Muße-3 Studiant, [ад]. Study [39h] Subrârßìorî. у] ‘

a. l’a ion Sm ‚ umi it

[Щит ЬееЭ’, [Fall [make] gama] Subieâion] ›

fp. by wrefllin ] _of cloarbing. Opto oonquefì. RM. II. 7. D.

~­­with, vid. Srricâe'l] rollen-Pr. IV. x. Aâion. TA. IV. I. A.

¢x­­­ Hairy-PLIV. l ­ A. t°_ Suffering. Мап. V. 8.

[винт] [Utenfils] Submiß‘ue, [adr Submißion]

[Stick for а. Even (make] [adjjming (thingЧ’ . Submít,[a. submimon]ro-[Fill by into-t ruíling]Sirmg. _ Subordinate, [Inferior

Cord] Smm, [Wine pond). PNL Р"- fp. in Series.]

Fibre] menting Suborn. R .I_V. _ .

Strip. Stumble. Mo-I ­ $­ A- Sub oma, Стаса with exprei's

­ Sk' Sru . _ t reatningШЁ. ОШ‘: flirten... { cutting] муть‘. _

Гамма"! (рт) after Решив] qndçpwme]

Stripe, [Stroke] Siu i ify- Sign]

__ed,`[variegated with lines] (рыть; S _v 6 A gub ri), [TaxA]___ um

’ ' ` . . . l fSiriplléiáíaáîdi. Adolefcence Olguïnczgmon [mrt "Р. п. ‘ЦЁЩЁ'Ь Rdlillcving

y ' i. O. _ _ ‘ _

'We' contention Stupifíefadj. a. Stupidity(make] Subijäing]

lia-{Emulation} Srnpor, [Nuxrrnefs] S­l_V.A. ‘р. Abt-dure]

Endeavour Банды-1 ёшрьащ [ad|. a. FOmlCâtlûD] f __Pcmâncm]

a.D‘l' ence tur у- .S ance*wil-Lg ‚ [Rem] Bold] :daii‘itain hitï'ifelf]

­-­for, Obtain (ст!) { Valilm “шить

Stray, [De roy] 0bí`tinate [predicament ‘111,9.

Sl’fůke. Strong-_l ~ [Matter] 'I'. n. 1.

n_[Striking] _ Sturgeon. МЛ. 8. [реп-стопа Pm

bear a. great ad). power] „Читай. AC._II1. 2. ’ актами,’

fO-[WÍPC Will Sfjgidn, [за]. Subftance]S . F'.I I. - DICO“ C d'_ _

Str'rz’rl'gîm‘ l Ц Style, Writing (manner] El“, ëcfnmvïgîr; J

‚ [adj. Strength] Sentence _ _ E “auf {Po'mmogs} i

_bold. RM. VI. rio-[Name] fp. ofDignify] ­ “И”: .




­ , ¿3s ad.rG.vr.a. sam.’ .‚ ;“'{Í'fïgînglj ‘° “гзоочa. Ablatum] [Swift i

Subßrafhí Diminifh] radi. Difpatch] '


Subtzr- EfCape]

u e, Solution (cot-L] S er,Sujlirfrmneour, [Under-adi. ujëpaffron] _ _ _

earth] дышит, [adnpßfllrâh

Subtle. оп_\› _ _ 5‘

Finenefs] __pfrfecman, [ad;.p. Per

а. Cl‘lftinefs] f¢cuti0n] _

subvert. _puni ment, [adn p.pu­

DeÍlfOy] ni ment] _

Ruine] __.:xeeunon, [adn p. I_-lxe

Suburb. _ Cution]

[City (part) without the (Liana-_]

walls] ~. Toleration]

Suck. " Not-hinder _

Proper. Mo. III. 3. A. _makel Yield TA.IV.r.

_1", [Suck] ‘ —го do,[Subm1t TA._u . 1. A.

_Prbe breath. AC. IV. 6.1). Meeknefs]

¿ive-[Laâ‘ation] Condefceníìon]Sueeedane- Ищем-о? coming] P{1"atience]

our, adisuccced] Submimpn] 1

ucceed. rcence .„S Be after, Mag. I. 2. D. Su-lfff‘n‘fß{ Toleration]_'­ '

Bc Succcffor, [J.T.VI. 6.] Sußiee, [ад]. Suñìcience]

Corne by Succeffion. RC. IV. Sußicrence. TM. I. 3. _

2. A. Sußïcient, adi. Suñìcienee]

[Be Event] Aman, _Of VVifdotn] __

_.ill, [ad]l Adverfrty] Suff. Riches]._well, [ad}`. Profpetity] Sufocutc.


uct( I, o

S (ван!) _Stranglc _ _

[Event Sujfocuriono the womb. S._VI._.flwmam. п. ‚А. _ .

[Profpering] Задачи, [Inflead Blfhop]

Succeßan. RC. IV. 2. A. süß-mg?, [Confent [pgn]

Билеты‘, [adi. Succeed, adv. Sußìmigattan, [Fummg]

Series] Sufujìan, [Spreading]

Sumß’ar, [adi- a. Succeed (per- Sug, [Sea-flea] Ex.1I. tx.A.

[on] `sugar. Pr. II. 3.

_ Brief [perf] ‘ Suggeß.

Succmfl, äadi. Epitomy] Think ì( ak

Surcor, Adjuvant] Remember m e]

[adií RÚÍCVC] Difìate]

SuccoryllF. Il. 16. A. Suir.

Gum-HF. III . r t . A. Intreaty]

Succuba, [ldì- COífÍqn (fem.] Petition] _

Succulenl, [361. juice] _in law, [Aäron]

Succur nutrirmß PG- I­2­A­ Aggregate. TM. III. 8.

Such. ro-wírb, [adj.v.€ongruity]

Quality] Suitable, vConveniency]

[ofrhaviquanmy] _ [за]. Congruity]

fame {шапку} suffer.[ofthe like .in quantity]

_at it il“, [Such focvér]

Suck, vid.Suc. _ _

[a. Затон] [Candidate] RC. I. 4. A.

_up the breath. АС. Iv. 6. D. sullen.

¿ipe-[Laâation] [Diíingenuous]

Sucker. Morofe] _

Branch. PP. I. 2. A. Contumacious]

_of a Pump, [ш]. Suck- Su ly»

. in ш Гa. Colour-(corr.]Sucker, gCggfeâ‘ion] [Defìle]

Suelìle, Laâation] sulphur. St. V. 7.

SMM» Mo. Ш. 3. A. _vom [lfeucedanum]

Sud, [Froth] sulla”, [King]

.supe-4. sultry, [Hot (exc.]

Sudorifíc, [adi. a. Sweat (make]

_ Inn-caring ( er

[adl' {Petitioning ì fd’n]

_for marriage. RO. Il. 2.

SЦ `

Sum. f ___

__a mane), Mone a l'.total-TM. VI. 6. Ay ( gg l

Sumacb. Tr.lII. :.A;

Red-Sh. V. 5. A.

Summary, [_Epìtome]

_ly, [Brieñy]

Summer. Mea. V. z. A.

[Principal beam]

Summer-{ Leap]

fault, Vault]

Summon, [a. Citation]

Summum jur. Man. I. 2. О.

Sumner, [adi.Citation (OHÄJ

Sumprer, [ад]. Riding (apt.)


Sump'ruary, Сад). Spend]


. Spend ‚

Ш" PIÍ'ce fallan]


True. W. II. 2. A.

-Sbinn [Brightnefs]

ra-[Open to the Sun]


Sunday, ГFШ! day of t e week]

Sunder, [Separate]

Sundew. HL. V1.8. A.

Sundry, [adi. Diverfrty]

Sunflower, HFJLI.

SW» 'Elixirs' 25ms]



[Suäion] /

[Drink adv. Suâion

[adi. Evening meal]

Superabound, [more~abound]

Supercilioufneß. Man. VI. 3. О.

Supereminence, [Superiority]

a.good more-than

Supertroga- à duty]

rien, Deferve for o

_ thers]

Superfernlion, [Again­concepti­

on of impregnated (fem.]







Superßne, [Fine íaugmJ

Superßui- Exce s] ’

гу,{ Abundance]

Superínducing, [Again-marrying

of married Cperfon] '

Superinrend.. -

[adi. p Office]

fp. to obferve what others

do in their отсев]

Superintendent. ‘

['adì. Superintending (per

' fon l


`Superiority. TM. 1.5. E.

Relation of-RO. III.

Superlative. ­




S U S [l S W

Great] Surd, [adj. Deafnefs Difñdcnce

[Moll­{ Excellent] ­.number, [Root igor-exprcf- {jealoufi e]]

[principal] — fiblc by numbers] a. Cenl'orioufnefs]

Supernal, Upper lide] Sure. _ Su pence,

[ад]. _Top Certain] [Doubtful Expeftarion]

Supernatalfon, pon-fwîm- Alli-‘red Demurrin ]

ming] [Betrothed] Wavering

fAbove- adj. nii- ìcqnflant] Sufifend. RE. V.4.

Supernatural, ture] .Faithfnl _j Sufpition, vid. sujfreäl.

adj. Miracle] [Palit] Slg/fein.

Supernumerary, [Ваше the due [Sri e] ‘ [Bear]

number Surely, Truly] adv. I. a. O. [Maintain]

Superfcription, Upon-write] Surety, adj. [Sponlìon [perron] [Suffer]

Super- Delifl Surface, [Superficies] [a. Patience

fede, Omit] [Outfi e] Sujìenance, adj.nourilh‘

Superßition. RE. IV. E. Surfeit. Sltlieriration, ing [thing]

Saperjîruäure, [_Upon~building] _ [ Eating Ordinary. Pr. Ll

Supervene, [Whill‘l-event] [S‘Ckncfs Drinking .[exo] Extraordinary. Pr. II.

Supine, Carelefs] thr‘mghïLabor j Jumble, [Congruous]

Supper, adi. Evening meal] [Excefs] Suturr _ {Sei-ies]

_ofthe lord, [Euchari ] [Gluttony] [Sw/:d Line]

Supplant. Surge, [Wave [augrm] „мы. liN. V. 7.

a. Fraud] Surgeon. BCJI. 3. A. '.S‘rvaddle, [About-bind 2115101

Difpolfe s by fraud] Иск?) tom [like]

Soft] _ Surly, Moro e [Cudgel]Sm’leá Limber] _ _ Superci ions] swag, [adjp oblique]

Supple- ' adj. Supplying_(thing] Surrnífe. ‚ l~­ .with lhaking [ímp.]

ment, Vantage] Opinion] Savage, [a.Remillion]

Suppl). ' Conjeäure] s wagger.

a. Adjuvant] e Dilirull] [a. lnfolence

adj. a.Perfe&] ' ìkaloufie] [a.Glorying corn]

[Umdelicient [make] Surmount, [и „црс11ог] Sway.

[Again-5U] Surname, [adj. Family name] Power]

[Relieve] _5w ‚р. Authority]

Compenfatc] [EL Exccl's] Dire&ion_]

Repair] 'f Excell] [a. Magi rate]

[a. Room] T. V1. 6. superiority] [a. Oblique [makejì

Suppliant, [adj a, Petition [per- Better] Strain.

fon “угли, Upper linnen (veil) of [adj. Country [perfon]

Supplicate. Eecle iailic (perfon] Swallow.

Intreat] sur lue, Bird. Bi. V.r.

a. Petition] Rciìdue] ­rail, adj. Mag. lV. 4.

Support. vantage] end Ьсаш]:

Bear _ __ Surprirï, —1‹’т}3 14. A.

a.A )uvam Ta e Sea- . . .A

[a. Patron] {Arrell ìuncxpeâedly] ­jiflr­ Fi. 111.96. A.

' [Maintain] {Stratagenû _ing. Mo. III. 7. A.

Suppojìng. ГР- by_ Ambulh] [Gulf]

[Thinking] Surque«_{ Pride] Sivan. Bi. IX. r.

[wopinion] dry, lnfokllCc] swap, [Exchange]

fv. Suppofition] Surrender. ‘ Swarn_i,{ Aggregate h.

„руд/211011. D.VI, 3. [Let go] [adj. Multitude те]

Suppojìrítiout, [Forged] Yield] Swart, [Dark (dim.]

Suppojitory, [Cylinder (dim.) {Submit] ’ 5‘1ипЬ,— Ridge of mowen

Medicinal] [Deliver] gra s, Sec.

Stippffß’- Surreptitioiu, Thcff] Swaßrbuckler, adj.Boafl;ing

а. viaory] rrd.. Fora-y] (perron) of ming]

Conquer] surrogate, [Subllitutc] Swathe, About- ind adv. bot

[Conceal] _, { АЬ11Щ-39] . tom М]

Suppuration, [111рсп1113о1’1о1к1115"”°“" ’ a.C|rCl¢_l Swear. RC. VI. 4.

[thing] . Survey. Swear: MOJVÉ. '

Supremacy, [Right of being moll a. Eye] Sweeping, [Bru ing]

principal Conlìder] sweet.

Supreme, [Moll principal] майке] Proper. . IV. r.

[ln-skin by motion Surveyer. _ -Irea , [Glandule] PG.Sarbate,{ Bruifdì' ((шъ] [отсы- for obferving others] l1, 7, A,

Surceafe, [Defilt ’ - fp. in Видите] —-теаг1‚ Banquet (thing]

Surcharge, [Bur en [exc] [adj.Meafuring (artill]_ v[adj, Love

Surcingle, [About-adj. p. ind- . Survive, Continue after-ll- p, Dek reign]

ing (atm. ‘ ving _hear-t, [Suter]

l'p. for ho e] Sufpeü. [a'clj. a. Pleal'ure]

Зима, [145. Upper [veli] [Dillrull] ' ­­mujìc.





gd'.a,Courtefie Syndic, [Magillrates AlTeÃl'Or -mi'nor. Fi. VI. _A,SWEU.) l Synedrium, [adi jews princilpal Tafel), [Silk adi. Sgm-id (IPL)

fumar] Council] _ In p. motion]

[v_ Protuberance] Synod, [Council Ecclefialhc] 72g, [Pin ofßring

_gn/m., a_h¢gg(¢xc.] Synonym, [O_ffamemeaning] __i-"g, [mb [c]

Swerue, Err] Synopßt, Epitome] _ _ Tail. Pp_ v1_g_ А.

Seife, [eenswirtnen] Sina, Together-winnt of го rie bythe teil)

Bird. Bi. V. r4. ° Integra s] Th1/0f, adi­ Clothing [mech]

Swifrnefi. NP. v. 9. Srrgn. _ _ 7mm. ‹’

will, [Drink ningun] _ Syringe, [Tube for fyringing] [a.çontagion]

_forfwine, [Drink or [wine] Syringmg. _0. l. 6._A. [ad1.Rpttennefs(make]

Swimming. Mo.«l.4. Syri, [Qgickfands] W. UI» 7- [Deñle]

Difeafe, [Vertigç] SWW Р“ п; 3- A~ Últ-_GCN ¢{ out of another;

Swine, [Hog kind] _ S1170". [EP’IOUW] ‘ Ю bc 8t~in ones oom

_; bread, Sow-bread] pol'fefiìon]

.__tgrafn [ not-graft] Proper. . _

_Pipe,[Redwing]Bi. Ill.5. A» without confent. TA. I. 4.

Swing. Mo. V1. 3. .r judicially.

Striking l ' Perfon or Goods, [a. Ar

Swinging, Whipping .(aug.] refì]

Cudgelling TAbam. HS.VII. r r. Part for Whole, [a. Seilin]

adi,[Great (augm.] Tïibernncle, [Tent] Iniurioufly, [Ul'urp]

„щи, [adj. Striking (part) ПИК, adi.Confumption] Militarily.

of adi. threlhing [infin]

Swìpe, [adi Lifting (inlìr.) on Table,

(“на Pole]

Swircb, [Wand] PP.I.4. A.

ro-[Cudgel with wand]

Swivel, [Wheel] '

Swoln, [ад]. p. well]

Swoon. З,“ 5. A. `


Proper. RM. V. :.A.

Pur to tbe-_[a. Dy (molte)with fvvotdv

._ofBacsn. [S in ofBacon]

Fi. I. 2. A.

green-[Graine land] ›

Sworn, p.

[за]. pret. Swear]

Swiim, [pren Swim]

Swung, [pren Swing]

Sycamore. Tr. VI. 6. A.

syeopbant. [adi Fawning Accu



fp. adj. Treffel (fig.

fp. for a. meal.

‚ Lamin.

Perfon, [Captivate] «г

Place. RM. II. 4. E

Goods, [a. Booty]

with conl'ent.

for upon-writing. Receive'

_Boob [Book of Lamins Accept]

uponadj. p. writing Improper.

[apn] undertake]

[Catalogue] _ Think]

for upon- layin . Efleem]

Pair afg-3:, ëadj. MO. V. Мед]

2. А. [rug] [Find]

.__man, [adp Mo. V. 2.А. {т°_ ___on

(infìr.] Into- l :l

_ Pla) ar­­.r. Mo- V. 2.A. [Obtcin]

Adi. Treffel (lig.) Po. Vl. 4. fp. its end]

Meat. _ [Pleal‘e]

P_lenrifulH-ß] [Have]

a- o [Life

[a. (Знай) _‹;сш%г, _Reckon mieke]

Tibler, [Quell] _tbe nir, G0 into the open

_ Talli’ler, [Flat Gem] Air] _

SII ble. D. .3. Ta or . _ .B hднём. D.1v.7. » mm [Dfl1m(dlm­] Bm" ’ [a ëîëcgt]

Sylvan, [ай]. Woods [perfon] Tacn mahnca. Tr. VIII. 7. A. _Exceprionr’{adj_ v_ Вт,”

Symbol, [Sign] __ _ __ Incbygrnpby, [Swiftwriting сете]

rivate (art. ­ _ d'_ _ñ ’ _

Град). äobfcuf‘] . nen {Вы З М’ [înldìlrn

_ P. Concealm Il _’ LOOP _He..d,«` edioirebe- ine]

Symbalipngí (ад). _Cong(rui_t_y ‚ Пена. ____ 1 dience 5( _S t Proportion pe . -_ a )..ience ___ ­_ _ _1mm" U’ __enngâumity ~ т Underlìood] adi. i>.1i1.s.o.l H‘Í'Ãgnlëad’ P E“°°""g°

rien ip acirurniry.Man. IV. 5. ­ '_ _ ’

SMM” {пяти-ат} . —"“‘"%.:::ъ‹‚1„::‘;:3‘°'3ing] _ [Рш (dim.] _Hee.i,{ Obfem]

_ (pron.] _ bold-[Hold out]RM.II.4. _IN-‘beek’ [ply]

Pity] _ ­ "--Faßenl _ _the height, [Meafure the h.]

Congratulation] ._ _ p. with pin [dim] _hold [ънапд Una]

fp. Concealed] _. ‘ ._ Папы. _ _buríà

Sympbo­{ Concor ] Такие)‘ 1 . RN. IV. 7. as я man, [Пр-топ upon

ny, Harmony] Tackling,_ Armamem. his h_j .

Symptom, [Simultaneous lign] »__ f/hip, [Rigging ‘ as marc, (‘Сеты

‚ fp.corr.] — Tafiic, [War [art] v_D‘ifpll-ccncc

,Church _ _ fp. of Ordering. RMJV. _ill, Enum not., идет‘)

Synagogue, Convention Eccle- шт, [ad_1. Feeling] __Leaw „_Valediäion]

Еду-3095 fralhc] ‹ ` _Quality Q. V. _Not휒 Obfdve]

Temple] Tadpole, [Toad (young] ’

Sß'cbmlfm. [Narration of fimul- Tadium. AS. V. r.


~'0arlr, Swear]O. ­

Tania major. Fi. VI. 3, _Р‚1;т‚{ gm] .


T А ‘т А

‚ Р ede Taü [High:îlg'ideg [rfcìlzoryigig] ¿mid Block? _ _ _

__prìfaner, [Captivate] Tdi/L_[àotched flic for reckon`

__“ griega purfe] 721110», [Hard Fat]

[Rob money] fp. for Candle [make]

Tirion, [Claw] PP. V. 3 .“Rm’ Ea' Root] Tamarind. Tr. Vl. 2. A.

_ . ­ _fh

-fb'PW'ë’ Ещё" à: ca] n'm„i.i¿._ sh. v. 2.

_mrdh {Нм шипы: aai- Бит, [ad). Tamenefs]

...warning Warning] Í[on] M__{ Tame [malte]

[ад]. p. Heedfulnefs] Tame” ßcon‘lucrl

A\ e -

—?,;г::З-н|‹с‘чагсг] ЩГроййоп, [Gentlenefs]

l[Gointowater] “СЕ. _ . _

[Navigate (inc.] Op. to Fortitude, [Cowar

-welL высшие") dize] _

[ad,.p. Confent] opŕvto3 P_eaceablcnefs. Mm.

­­~ûT7¢1_y-_ _ _ In". ' '

l [a. Yellownei's [corn]

ìa. Ablatum] l Макс ìLeatlier- Oak

{так} 'l ‘ (by juice’ Bra il]

'-Ñ'tb’ { Procee to learn] T Pïrâälrä _1m05 Btc.

__' _ о’ ang, _ i .

‚Дым. BMJI. 4. E. i Lln avorinefs (dim.]

undertake] Tangent. Mag. II.4.

­­­ "d,{ Attempt] › T4ngible,[adi. р. touch (pot.]

_Piecef,_[5eparate the _ ïiingle. 0.11. LA.

Parts] Tankard, [Pot having cover]

_Wrm‘ng, [Write] iTaniier, [adj_. a. Leather

From-take] l [mech]

“И niminifh] „ mf). жди. i2.

"" ' м ' —нг.п. ‚А._[21 Ё {ggg} (6211] wilg-far. ix. 1.4

To­'tion] í Tap.ß _ _ _

_”, Con‘ñdence] l [Striking (dim,

_Mmb [Be merciful to]' tti-[Strike dim]

_lí/ifs, [Marry]


[Courfcr plaifler adj. p. hard

(apt.) in water]


[Stay] ‚

__jov, [Wait]

{Delay} Y


Тата n „

[a ).Au erenefì . IV. _a-[Py of fruits]` о` s

p. of fowr L]

_i Severe]

AuÍlete] Man. vI. à. O.

.721mm St. V. 4.

Appointed operation]Tß‘lifg Цп‹1сгса!‹сп}ЬпйпсГз]

_warb [adv. Aggregate

беги] '

‘ Tutt]Т‘Ш" i Tufted Button]

771fî‘afha» Q_, yid. ища]

the Senfe. NP. ПЕ. 4.

Senfible quality. Q IV.

M_ ia. Tail]

`er a. El'fayjfp. by failing]

[before adj taflín_ ­ e (Ofi-Él(СЕ; tgîiliän.) for' effaying

Tarte?, [adi­{ freq-J

Tear augnn] ‹

„_[Fngment from adj.' p.


Tuttle, [a. Loquacity]

fp. Uncertain]

Поет, [adLWi'ne (merc.)


MMA :,lpm‘ Ivreicii]Spiggot. Pr. V. 7. ­

„др, I ­Houfe, [adi.‘{ (Houle

[Lifting take] Selling [Room 72mm.

[Reprehend] fp.angei_‘ly] of Ale] [Mock] _

_C'larli, [Buy c. 8tc. with» | ra-[Stream (malt/t] [Reproach] ..

out paying] fp. byiito-thrulling fau- [Reprove Mock]

._rnoney, [Borrow money] cet] _ . adv. Reproach]

_a quarrel, Lln-adj.a. con- Tape, [Narrow Ribbon] Пяти, [Second of the n parts

tent'ion (ma e Taper. ‚ ofthe Zodiac]

_his rgß, [Re ] ì [adj._Wax candle] unruhig), [Repetition of

._-iimc, [Spend t] _ [conical] words] .

_upon him, [Claim] »Upg/lr), [adi Room veil) wo- fp. Vain]

Takemfadip. Take] ven with ‘Щит Т _î Beat]

_for, [ln- Thought] îîzpßtr, [idk Sdlmg (Off.) of 4W» Rub __ _

{lead-_- ]ndgcd] Beer, 8tC.],_ Г . or Limbernefs

_»ifh, 12er, [Black lí-Í` Fir trees out- make]

as with difeafes,[Sick] quid Войн‘ Pine drawn by Tawny, [Dark yellow]

as with pleafure, [Pleafed of Вы. lñre] _ 11u, _

with (augm.] ‚Интим, [_Spidcr (aug.) ad). [Proportion _

Tale. St. II.5'.A. | u poifon (apt.) by bite- Payment pu lic. RCN.v

Die. _ _ l mg] 9.A.

Narration] @Adi-681m] Тт‘)’ [Price]NumberÍ _ { 510W] to

­bearer, 'Backbitcifl Late] a.Tax

Talent. ‚ [(ЁШгу] Accufe h] e

[Natural wer M e- Find adj. pref. aâi- _Re roacщымЁонаыэ] OHS Teach, [,a. Teacher]

Ta io, [Compenlation] Tdü’ÁWoril part] _en R0. 111.3.

Talifman, [adj.Wizarding I- Turci. HLJII. 5.'

mage] Trägt?, [Виста] l _

Speech _T.m'aun. HF. ll. io. A.“

Talk , {Семён-11:51 ' 72m”. . ~

Dìfcourfe] ‚ [adi Walking (place) on

Talharive, [adj. Loquaci ty] Building]


Teal. Bi. IX. g. A.

Пят, [Series] fp. ofdravìing

beafls] ,_

_.ofducki, [Aggregate of

ducks (young]

Rrr a


Т Е e Т Е Т Н

a- «ад. ‚ weeping drop] Tenaciry. Солнца}? ripari equalob’s-I-,L [Keeping (april _ RM. II. x. Mo. VI. 6. A. [Penurroulnefsj Termr- ШИН]

par, [Dug] PG. IV. 2. A. f Farm nareф, Nipple ofit] TenanglïHirer of) Houle йттт‘гть [Ending (ран)

rml.. HF. X111. 1. T Lund) germ), [Three]

ecbm'cal а '. Art encb. Fi. IX. 1. А. errene, _çediw» ’ Е ’ 1 Sea-Fi. ум. remßfißgllêdr- Enth]

1rkrom,[adi. a. AS. у. 1.o. Tend. Temble, [adm- ffnr {make}

(apt.) [v. Tendency] Herb. Sh.VI. 3.

Tiring, [adj. a. Wearying Wait? Terrier.

(apt. | v. Lei ure] ['Catalogue of lands]

{www} mmf- SP- I" ^- по"! “так?ow ' . ел er. out _ e

Te mín , ad'. . ret. im re - - of( earthe narge]il j P p p g {Él-kille] Tcrnfe, [adi._â\. Fear {make}

Teeth, {plunTootlt} [ад]. . Hurt (apt.) Territory, [adi authority place]

Teint, vid. Teint. Gem e] Terfe. _

Telefcope, Tube for l'ceing re- Nia] [wiped]

mote things] Compalfronate] {Clean

Tell. ` âMerciful] _S_moot j _

[Say со] n Courteous (mgm 3 Те’дап, [Returning every [кода

fa. Narration] ‚ Clement] day]V¢:mmm­-­[Knotvr not] {Fond} Teß. -

Openncfs] [adj. Averfatí- Hurting (ты: ' _ _

[“'{ Loquacity_1' on from OÍendingi} [Vellel (drm.) for trial by

{ Difcoyer] r0- melting]

[a- ShCWj [a. Tender] Tqßaceau [adj. Shell. PP.

I {Blah} ' Lofer] Ill. 2.

_m ¿_ lUfOl’mCr] Tendon. PG. II. 2. A. Teßament.

Pdmomfh] Tenlrel. PP. 11.7. A. adj. Bequeathing writing]

‚а‘ Number Tenemenr, [Farm] Scripturel BENI. I.

Teme. Ex. v1 I. 6. А. mm, fadLAffirmed) Te am. [adi-‘Beqmthing (Pfr

Tfmffif), [RafhnCfS] (thingj fon' :

Tem?"- Termice, [Balling with adj. Tqfly, Morol'e]

fwfmlfNP- пе: (lig.) striking 14h21.. голы. A,

­­°fmmd­NP~ÍV~ (inflnj Tejiìfíe, [al Witneís]

'-“fb’dl' Tennon,_ [Protuberance (dim.). . Ießima- WitneÍTm _

_ "ф. 1т1ши1. NP. V. In the'endof beam] пу{ Witnell‘eä }(th‘ng]

NIP-Pfvmdfion- NP­VI­ rem. reßimniaz. _

т-Ш L 9' Contained (thingj [adi ‘такты; (thmgj

[Difpofiuon] Y _ âsumj › fp.Wrìting_]

t Wto -[S1Ck(dlm.] [Mçaningë Tejgará ( _) f be

0­_ _inmulìc , next art a- l LCOVCTÍUE i118- ° d“[MIX] _ _ bove the Bgfe] (р ) Mld

FnMcdiocnty (makcj TML [Half ìlling'j­

_Moderatej Tabernacle. Po. II. x. A. Tet, vid. Tear.

Тгтрттг’щ j'femper] ._work, [White маме" шт, [adj. tying (thing for the7êmperance.Man.II. x. hair HL. I. 5.~ leg] I с

Temperate. _ [Pin o Down like) for (lop. Tezbya. НИХ. 6

ladrïemâçrancel ping wound Tener. 9.111. 2. A. °

‚ а‹1;.Мс _|ocr1ty] 1m”, [Hookcd in] Tem, [Pull(augm.]

Moderation] pmb, [adj Ten; Terr. ‚ .

-—Нел‘‚ Sec. QV. „1, Bec. дыму, Thinne s] 'adi. Subìeâ writing]

TM'Pfß- EL V1~7 ­A­ Tenure, Right (Как!) lfadLScripturefentence]

Temple. Po, II. 4. при; .V. t. Texture, [Weaving

Templar. PGJII. 7. A. In“, vi .Tierce. ' fp. (manner

Temporal. ’ _ видит/‘дм, A Миф’, [a. Gratitude

[Secular] aàjJìE. Q_ Deny _ Миф, Gmini e]

ТГЭПЙЮГУ FOY(a1 c] пил .‹д1и5пд‚[[а.6гайш&е]

fad). 'IdDPlesJ cowardly] _to God. RE. IV. 3.

TÉ‘MPGMÍ'U» ÍSecular eüate] г‘Ъ { ЦпГаБгЫцНуЗ Thur.

Temporary, [Iranñtory] [Dcmur] the] Art.II._

_ ad;.a._Con­ wth дм] {гс} Ргоп. I. 3.

Птрогце, gruuy _ _' Limit] t at. PronJLx. O.

Alter umts] lg’l‘imej _Slmf’ Ваше]

Tempf- fp. limited] [which] Pimm. a. A.

Гтгу 'l [МИД]. (time) that.Conì­ ш- 1

[Allure .fp;into a.vice'_] [Word] _ mmh, [3(1‘). Straw roof]

[,Seclucej [Наше] :д._[а. Roof with Мат]

fen. {Conditions] naumnurgic, [operatxon_(art)

— State] of things adi. p. admlration

Tbamng‘ `

—‹———___. ’-_,

тн i TH ‘А’ in

„mi _ l as to time, [Seldom] ra-a needle l'Thron h- u't

uffi.. (год) as to place [Rare] thred] ’ L _ g P

[Dilïolring] ° 3S t0_ Pilrßj _ Worn to the

The. Art. I1. - tEcir nearnpl's, Rarî] Tlired- шкаф} ‚

Theater " Si НЕЁ i t elf big“ 5i inc b4", lin-adj. p. Wool b.{за}. 'a’äikycJ’Pllœl The caiil'e oflit. wearing] l' y

Thee, Thou] K In Arid?. _ _ Ihrearmng. K0. V. 6.0.

neef; adj. Theft (Pu-fon] In»Liquid_s, Difl'olving] Three. Mea. I. 3. ’

.newey'y _Our [еще of it, Tranfparent] __Fold, [Three [kind]

Theft-.ìßl- ш’ 7- А’ Thine, _[adj. Thou] Three/tore. 6o.

17„’ Thing. T. I. a. Tmfh. o. Iii. ,.

new ìtPron. I. 3. pl. [Thing] шум/‚1. Ро Iv.g, . 1_

идет, [SubjeâìSpeaking] Think. _ _ rhrice, [adv. Three] '

ММ’. Writing] [Cogitatiom AS. II. r. Thrill,

nem [v. Opinion] Bore] '

Comparative. Adv. III. 1.0. ~nie-i', [Iam adj. opinion] v. Inward trembling (like)

[at that шт] [adj. v. Perfwañon] found]

How therefore] Coníider] Thrift.

bm- {так Next] [v. Meditation] [тему] _

if Е п {Therefore} теста!‘ l Т llifcrb.itHg. l I. i4. А.‘

' Next ‚ pprovc т ‘у, а i. Fni aliiДиме; l _g°°d{ Conl'ent] . Z'hrive. g у]

(thing _011101, adj. v. Nolleity] [adj. p. Profperity]

From that {(ti‘me . -Wfll о , tang] { lncreal‘e]

(plaoe] good] Become rich]

Theology, [Divinity] rb_"di [Hdl-Thnx] Grow]

Theologue, [Divine „Чита. AC. Il. a. adi. v. vigour]

Theorem, [Rule adi. Theory] “(там l 3- 77H05. [Pulfe of the heart]

ТЪеа- Meditation] Tb'ff). 3o. fp. Pulfe [mgm]

. тёхпчцюйопёс This. Pron.Il. l. _ Throne, l[adj. King Chair]

fp. adj.a. ience (ар) anni.. HFJII. i.“ Throrig, Denfe multitude]

There, [in_{Thíng _ Fullers-[Tezzle] Thrufì]t It Place Gl0b€­­H\",VIII. 2- 'tl-I, а. Dai-mty]

._abour.Adv. V. 3. Sow-_HFJIL 11. Throjile, [Thrulh] ` ‚

_frm Con). III. 3.0. ïhither, [To thatp ace] ß Throat PG. III. 5. A.

_iii Ё in . _wardj [Toward that place] Set our-[Exclamation]

_of of It] «~ Thlafpi. HS. VI. g. _8011, [Protuberance ofthe

_u n ­ _ Thong. Pr. IV. 8. _WML HS. VII. 7. A. (th]

Uponie] ’ ' Y Fi. II.2.A. Throttle, Protuberance ofthe

Upon that] Conj. IV. 1.0. Thorn. Rong Artery] "

17,41‘, Prickle. PP. I. 3.A. ro-[Strangle]

Propoßtion] Tree. fp. by comprellii-ig thro-u]

‘Poíitive Гenter-ice] Black-Sh. I. 4_.v Through. `

Thi, [adj. Thou] ' Box-Sh. I. 6 Je. Prep. IV. 3.

Thick- Biickr-Sh. I. 7. crfeů

.is to magnitude. TM. II. 5. (Идёт-511. I. 6. Total]

a; to number, [adj. muiti- Е1‚етдгееп—$}\.11[.4. only] '_ .

tude] . Goat:_Sh.IV.9. ._(yr rough, ['I‘liroi'x'ghv both

as to time, [Frequent] purging-Sh. l. 5. . tides

[as to placer соьующ] White-»5b. I. 3. A, _flrß Thr0úgh_p"a'“'age]

as to parts. I ¿Apple HS. VII. 7. A. ­­­aut, Il'erl'et‘i~ ›

Their greatnel'x,[adi.Courlfe~ Timmiacl@ Fi.II.a. A. Ему.‘ Whole `

nefs] Tharriback Dog-Fi. I. S. d мы

Their nearnefs to each other, „от, [viiiage] ‘Чип 0niy_ ambling]

4 . g adi. enûty] под, ne] -ßìrch, [Рейд] .

ё ` t ecaii e of it. _ l [pim-jl That] quite-[Through both fides]

In A_rids, [Инта] 15M pron. I. 2. [For] rep. I. a. A,

ln Liquîds,[Coagu ating] дочь, [Although] Coni. 11.2. B {пиратов

our fence of them, [adj.Opa? Thought, v_[ThinlLing] lj Means ofll

the l'enl'e it felf. p [city] _ Anxiet ] With Prep. I. x. A.

_ofhearing. [Dullofhearing] ­­T4’<!"E{ Heedful'nefs 0V¢r Pre . III. 3.

Ibid@ Shrubs (aggr. панды/дыр, [Thinking aug] BY] rep. . a.

en] Wo‘ods (dim. Heedfulnel's] Through waz. HF. IV. I4.

nights. v. 4. ‘I carinng] cidad-iis. iv. e. A.j

Thi”. [Sham] Shafts] Паллада’. tooo. Throw.

Ihiller, [The orfe between the ._peuiid. [Call мо. VI. 2.

Thimble, [МН- [armaim for in weight. Mea. Ill. 8. -a arr, a. Dart] `

l Finger, armor }fow­ in money. Mea. lv. 7. ­down, a. Fall]

Thin. i [ing] ими, Slave] _Perfon, [Precipńtate]

astomagnitude-TM.IL 5.o. муфты, [Boallìng Coward] `Buildiiig, [a.ltiii'iie]

[Lean] Пятое, [a4 Sheaves] -forrh ‚Ч

as to number, [adj.Fewnel's] Лиса’. _ _our unPOmïfSJ

R r r a Pang, [Pain (ММ Ihrurm

щчь________„_A. a.



ïîfm, [riti] а. Agriculture] (Tip/nf, [Marani]

Tbrufb.Bi­ UI. '3.A. a. Plow] ‚ i Tìring.

_Q,_Fi 9, “мы, [Arabie] [Wearying]

nfußing. ада“, [Agriculture] _for ¿gb [mijn: дррф

:grim I'Íun‘POñ-Cß] .lh-{[adì. Cloth roof] 5 mg) by ëdl‘p'pcck'

тыс/Ля! l[Lll'urp] ro-[Fenlee with Spear] :l [a.Clothin gPt _ `. . bl­ . _ ' _'

_intoi Stii‘lů] 111‘): al‘limaii'llanli “c v “in”,...through {Sfilfl Lan iii- L. adi. p.agricul­ („к“)

[Through Wound] _ turc (perf. _ . Tillich. S. И 2.

1;‚„т1,‚{ gi'êgcn] Finger] Tmïälglíïůggï 221298] 77ßï‘f;ń[thClëgIld§etween-woven

Пишу.“ l Timbrel, [adLMuIic [infin] Tit.S ' C . TI ­ . B­ d.

E "lp-with Obwf‘oh'ngll "giace sp. I. licita-Bi. v1. м.

Ь[ЗЁ\ШЁ?‹1ЙГШЁЕЕЁ -to come, гс. [Fiirum 8tc.] ‚ lan¿.mil’d-Bi.vl.8.

Tu er....3­ ­_ t_.r.S..8.0. H f d“ ,.150k ул; ((«Lälàä‘l’tb' :i a1l­:.p[a[_dv. Perpetuity] giïvîrî_ one ‘г ' often-_: adv. Frequency Tibe T h

рту”, [5* day of the week] [some-i, [adn Rarity] 3 Tirbyirigl, V. `x t.

Thur. Date Tril) ‘ T'cklj[I}1thí[5Ltlnarîne;t]me] {выдаёт} й’ёдтм’ С l ng]

_ «r _ nti Age Nami êhitk [pincel for «_lllagv. Tranlìtory] fp_îálnignìtn

tri e Long_ a .P inane с R'Tbivac’èiâcudgel] _in mujic. v er n c] Tirgnoiâîtlßi; VI. 7

771mm» тел/шт о}`——Мса. V. ¿nur__ßi v1 6’rad. { Tranfverfe] {Leifure] Iîrile. ‘ i i

—с Cf‘ißl OPPOrwvîfä] Pointntrar ' ___ _ ­ _ . .

младшему] „M_ a(inten-“e Mon “de flung] . \

t д l’ .nl —шдг, Í . Loquacity

tappo@ ‘ [rut-„iid“ ‘Cm-1 ‚‚ ЕМl i i —— ‘

[Contradiů] ЕМ}, [ñaâion] Пиши’ и,’ так]

Т’Ёп'г' O 1I a ' tiieï." Ё?” trimmings] Prep'

l I l U I T i l . l .[вы] ágil" er н v 4 [Fo-fiumi CF ih

.obliŕcl opportune] uw ’[rii"r “J

it, 7’ ‘, ‘d’ ' . .Tic et, [adi Written,(dim.] Tçzîçiîwnëe; (agî'îpmw’g ,o о’ m{ this day]

nfk‘ŕ’l‘. II. 8. l . f'y’{ Co“i.ard|fc] Prep’l. I. next17aii’i‘otionof the Sca W IV Ilígwiëê’t iisd" птиц] “стыд-Р"?- n' ‘

. .l . . I . 3.. n `P olv» o

“за: T, 1 -glaf:, [Bil‘mute] мента. t И}.

' ...e uit.. ...'fzziftï‘crrtïmm@ —‘т‘ fm1fidingf, [Narration Ting” M' I' ' 4' ft” .to plus]

e' S bfi Ffit1. offnew (tlfîlil‘lgllJ [Dying] n "10E mgaggggt]

Лет . ¿o а Hog cad Colour d L' ­­ . am]Tierce’l, [Hawk (`male] [Colour] mor] TM5/.mami Saying


figli), [Laugh (exe.]

1g Tine, Toothed "l s_lf‘ůl‘] me. ‘в‘пгдшшЁЁЁМ _Íifiîooir’iliiu‘iixml m'l'"

tl psa v- а

mi. iîîigkle. ШЫХЁЗ MÍ“- ч“ 'n'

. Countrey r e d’;w d ’ _ -_ ‚ .[ad,_{ßuûicity Кредо“) nmrìçnlaih. an ring ad; me nd afahplgtulägìigm.

та’ вх’п‘б‘ ""Uf’ [Ring dim-J fP-Awre] agir/ier. iidv.iv.i.

Sheep-Ex. 11.6'. A. Пят, [Cloth tween-woven _with prcp_ 1L 3,

r‘lBeÉ-icariiofßcd'l ~w"h C01’ ‘f шт (“Щ ш i .

ie. t..5.. l firm, 1' f ’. "iaï’gmlijmg Hitstation

i . r . s . ш. . ' `„_inieiieiurßoxfdim.) il- P 7 T20-[l Wmwms]

adi. drawn [apn] Га. Tipi] "'rÑet-Ä

mv' [umn] ("Ы by .ß’lkmg ‘mh ad). [Labour (ausm.)

‘°" ì 9.6311 (thing j n è"la' Ilr“Pil ippet. ‘

[Allure] _

Tini, [v. Fire [ino]. it. в .VL . .дшйп [Charred Linen] ` в“ c 2 A

_’.rßaan HS. VIII. 6. A.

Si ]

adj. Witnefs (ñgn]

[ шт

то TO TR

P ’ ‚ ‚ flsn ‚ i[lj-G1351] fp.fcnr Brando-gpm. ¿gli “ШК! ì 1

l g ad_j.a.pret. Ten] 700Mo' mgájA' C'oumry] W‘m. A'.

Told’ zarÄ""“':{Dull written Difç'ourfî]

пай}. èl‘i’dkpm) out0fIdÍ­P­ nm’mîi [Snam (wenn) q" Afmçe’cgïl‘rgí augm']

ggndingphmg] n 233mm. mmm’. commu.)

[Tn t‘âteîllpńfon] 17_ôrti¢_m, Twixûíng] Trade. lad)- Р- Go'cm @Pf3

nimble. _ ""m' B°',Y]’\’,i I . ргьшпоп. вел. fp- Un[îdfŕ ¿Ã‘Jt’îm (“М T‘m'f» тьмы hunHMM шт“n l - ° "_ ‚ h

f» {жажда IV» 9- nf., { ÍÜJ’ÄÃÍÑÍ. ’Lgînïfrfßmm WGTl vi a nel . » ' ' ~ _

У —рЁЁ›Еаф.Вгцп1‹етсИ (рсг- Tfgáâïgńon] n’. s‘èœmve]

äîlfârcfd‘m‘] дм до .j Éccxenamc. myx. l. А

Íìmb, fed?. Entombïn8(Pl2ce] Т l 'Without ""iäínafion] T'oach] `

TOW» СВООЩ D’m' 3°A° ЁЁЪ} ggäe] [сагишташгч1

lime. _ ° Shake] Tnjìfk, Mcrc am]

voace (manna) Inter, { s r [а Commerce] .

Этап“ hmm” ‘“’° um] r.. f, agg: З мм, ‘(ту mv. a. стыда.76"" PG'm’ 4° о CF' l' NP III in’g]

__tied" . ' s. ’ Trdgical, [adj- 3- Gritf]

‚ manon ­ ‚ ' Е д‘ _

Отчёт“- usm-:fln _ . ` ‘ ’ '

[_ofâ или“: [D‘reâ Pm of ' Nn if] Г: mgfÍ'ÃLmäÄh îngfgâ]

unam. . f l“ ¿i 1”"„1 ...,Ppív.. ‚а.‘lîmgáz gadîú'fiîllëlslìg (lug) 0r :gafrî’ve' и Twill, [Draw on :he ground]

. гс ‚ .' . '

m35/L, [шипами] ad). PG. [mäcraanyrjguny] rmi" fp.for a.$:nt(m2k¢] У

gi'îf‘m. PG, Ill. 9. A. {auâ ëzzůcríence] U-‘mî mnd“

итак!“ Exccfs] ’bf-FP EX ‘2km-T] Задай-РЕ V. 2. A»

[Alfa cpniJv~ 2- {дм s“ ' ° A’ ._ofpmler.

no', [In fument] . [и _crunent] _ Prc Aggregate.

150.1.. PG. m. 4-41 dime, [cenecmmg] P’ [wams (aggr.

_and muil, вщепсед _ ~ 3- Av ‘n Arm] . 1v, 7.

[adm Fi crccnt[S9] ¿_{L'mc} Боб-„стена

._fm., [adj.-nac(pe ­ Sly] k _ I ‚о ‚

Е‚е_{ъ°п8‹д] {Spœ _ hrt e 9F]

“gum маг. “1_ :_ t0- а, Ob}e& (dlm.) {a. Tachçr]

_wml HS.IV.:.A. _»mml, [Fungus of :rec for ßdumq

_rirbauruaven HL. V. 8.A. 2.5K (mC- [Engin] У _

Top. ` nnb), [Mm-ofc ‘Тгдут, Perñdídufl‘lcß

Highcfì. Sp. III. 7. Tvuzbfwß- -VI- i°E° вы‘ Trcafan

_.. afhfp.aN.nI.1.A. пи‹е‚_ Pull "ат-1 (perfvnl

` B6 Pl" nu" v’ ‘nwe’ ñalatirioul. D- Il'l» ‘­ o» l

‘îrrincipal _ Tomd- ` mmf, (Ne: „мимо

(сом. adi. p. vcrnginare [Thu ад" WY] berwcèn two (этом)

(т) by a1d­­ P» whipping] -11’ Ш" “am fm] ищи.tu Aboutn Advn] vo n on. a. foot l l ’

Cut olïrhetop] M1110ft Adm] V- ­ г _ {33011114 mgm? плана.

a.Superioriry] Tone, [HQDPRNPQ'M o' ‘di’ foo: (augm. .

а.$сау] Р- ГР'ПЧ'Г'ЁЗ . 1mm, Exuíìe]

5PK. 5[‚1\’‚ 3. A. n_fDl’lV! With сом; _ nlm'. ° -

Tbphur. St. I. 5. RWI, Linnen for V' Ршг] v. mining (zbßnl

Topic. TW"- о’п’ 3' Conrentation]

„мы“, [m. а plicablc t0 TôwmRQJll. 2._А. _ У Trani-‘mom [ь Bugmß]

:he Sick (part ‚ „ma IQIgTW“ (Perron) nakende”, T,

adLInvenrion (place of ar- ‘- l _Cumul [пацан] ‚ _ .

Foundation (like виз 115W? „4,175“, [a.rypewrmng]

ment WZ 1 ’ ' . T -

прдштуд with :up adj. p. un- 1771€» [Lwf‘n by Puu‘ng (ffeq‘l uffnígmove

«стой Trab“ El‘l'4' . Deliver

1mb, Wax Candle Trace. ~ ¿ll-enne

@dl-_ pitch @umg Hamcfs. POA’. 9. A. Trudi-n", мышью]

PIin (щи) {Fonow Ь k Iî'gnßreß»nm’mů Torture] to* “unf ya.“ l [a Exccfs]

«IarmentiL HF. IX. i. А. Пас/шт‘- Fl-IV» 8- А’ '

| а. Dif


. 'f be .

2:2?’ lâr'irtïgt] Trident, [_Halbert with three

[a.Sin] ,ip_{pńmcd }Dil`courle] miem

Лифт‘, [Tranfitory] Treble. [vk ­Tf‘fu‘îfio'i- D' V- 9- [Threefoid] ‚Ё‘ (mms3 ‚

Птфмр. Sp. l. 6.0. -in Mujic, Q_ “L La [T ing ofr‘igavâgudcf

Tfî'i'gffr'ggâgêgßs- rreerieânavei of ri... chick in ____ Зима“ ‘3T .t „ ¢88­ gif“ Lightnefs]

Hofmann ‚_ [Beyond adrsea] Tree. Tr. .Trarir_mrgr4tion, [ition from one ­­oflife. Ti», v, 6, A, Trium Cuna‘t‘on]

(P “_Q‘Èî‘gx‘eh“ Uhu] _o {djídlfil-_ldì- wood (рт) сад}. `{Sraying }(ii;ßi­,

gmini", a_ińon}from, &c,] Trefom ­ _ lmpcdicnt _ of ver

mi „мы“. Al г’ l, 4 . _ tlginationЛифт. [rr’aiiïmtifelriìgm] lsîllgbo 3I-II 1%“ of “наш; ( “œil :l

rmf'fl‘ff'f" ‘èl-4- Sbrubjshlv. хм" r' ’ Ткшы‘ (like wit, via. storie. smi-iis ш'з' . те]

атм/ниш. Мо. IV. 3. A. .S‘rirrlrertdeal--l‘lls s.VIII Trim" [adl- от“)

Tranßvlrmr, [Re-move (пасс) Trey. Pr. V. 4.A, ‘ ’ S'A' '_'."g‘bw’ Е” B‘u‘ncîßg]

into another'î (Coun- [Thru] Т ._"g‘fb‘P-‘RN VI- 4- A.

TM fr tier] Tumbling.«: r'r'i'rr'iîlímmœr °"““‘5“5

п ort. I b ' ' ' . _ С e

[Carry into another Coun

375:2' BB_."‘>’IIII»5­A

[___rêägaüe] ­fraî;r_id,[Flatterer for viâu- Trinity, [Then: Саша.)

Е l _` U (lTr‘mßoffi'î Aîìîgangeì* the Tnpa'çlmn’ [Eater-.l \Tri"l¿¢t!,[3orry ëŕ'l'ìhì‘n‘guskml

rîis‘isii ("Щ") 'm4- МTî‘arif b ' ' ‘А ’ a. Slide (malte

fuá‘fäg’ê’e‘í'wn» E lfcl’mg the ‘ir-[Sigg ggâtgcr] [stumble dim]

Tran/'ver . M .11.8. . ' ~ ' - ­­­al0ng Walk nimblTrap. Pfff v1.33, ¿_ D mp'dîîmîî'ì’mgïfg’b""8] Trips. [Pre ated ûomaehylf

._.door, [Door adi. p. open Iì'eßejg. g en] . bçañë .

with lifting] [l ¿kurs Trrparme, Three (км)

Trapping, [аду ¿_ ornate (anni) {пи-ему; ;_'ri_p_l_c,_ [Thl’ccfold]

a e n ' i ­ fl n o

Sorry] ' av'gï‘" Ordinary]

‘Поп! part m] Common]

Filth] m, I Jury] [Sorry]

Travel. ‘ (“к fh . . _Vain]

[Journey] ТАМ. s- raiicioçiii‘ig] îT’ÍmP'ï' “M'n‘g'

гР- îl‘irot’orreign Coun- Tre'ffle. Mag v `T"‘Ím""{ Go'çmmcn‘ 0h0

ffq’s] Treoer Stool ' 5.h mr’ Mag‘macy 8€’

[Labour] (u ‚с. mt tht“ leg-5 _ thCr-three [perform]

[Partiirition] T, -l Trocb'fc. [Mund lamin (dim.]

Traveller: 70]. Sh. V. 7. A. )I Conf-d Trocblu. E_.rLVlL 6.

Traverfe. Exm‘fe'] d {Мг-зимы.ro-[a. Tranfverl'e] _ai [ига-ё п‘ s' A' Tm ’ “_dl’P- Tread]

_Surr,-[Denying the aérien] piove A li ­4­^­ Troy weight. [w. of nouncesìn

„сайту. Enà'y] ' ° 5- A' зрачки .

орла fidel't'. M .1v_ ,D ‚ r _ По попадъЗтоосЬ

ор to туда. Мат‘: V. 62. D. _îi'irEx-äçrncträc] _ [lt’lunl fifh with adi. v шт

Treacle, [Phyfical mixture of vi- Refine’ Scy cutmon] “ng (Щит)

`pers,.8tc.] ( „its para“ thc “шт TWP

Treed. Waugh Ma Company. BM.IV.3.

[a. Foot] Trl-be ísoc. V’ l' [Aggregate] .

_damn [a. Proflrate by up. f’ fro l у] ‚ Trooper, [Hor став] RM, Ш,

en_ здесь] _ T__bull’à PÃldOne ro enitor] ,_ А.

Goe] _ ‚ под’ MTV“ "У Trope, [a. Tralatitious]

v. Coitîon] Í 1 Tribunal [5è и’; Tropigee. RM. п. 8. A.

fp. as bird [male] Tn'bune ’ ald-“Ro Judge] Йорк.r'reafvn. Bini. z. Tribm' Ею,» sglmcm (om —°{°"'“" W'vl'óí

м _ . ._ C ` .W­V.‘.A.

«джаза “Щ° a._[adi. Decrepit (l’em.]

._r, [adi keeping (Off.) of [LQ-aft] ____-Mm "_ 2_ A

money] a Pr n. . _Т _ - e igiator _reaíobka] _{ Açhon à { dim] Trotteçgâgstëccpl

Entertain] „ï‘ŕggor а com] Trouble.

m ovräer ‘каштан’ Rc’ mdd?, [.Drorl‘ie] ` 9 о]

` ` fP- adv­ Series] Adverfity] ' ‹Mifery] Grief]


nl: Pr. V. 3. A.



бейте. AC. V1.8. › . ­.

_ilJìde our. '


“mmm nii d M v о

ou" _ ag. l 9» n

_ ‘ ’ Square-Mag. V. 9.Trou-bzfreâdì.1îregilblë3(apt.] ïìberour,_[adj. Protuberancc

рт, Contentious] (“СЧ-1 " [Sword]

77“ ‚ [I-Ong adì.pricking (apt.1T'rЗЁЕЬ’ЁЁЁ‘СЛ о; ‘1719’. RN. п. 9. _

Tiornl. [adi. fpreading (ínflr.) т-ГFallen the extremity]

тыс, Wd' q_[üêh] Tuff.. nre, [Tufted Тата]

True’ [ад]. { Genuine] Tufl‘aí’fel. Mag. I V. 6.

TYIMM- ' _0Н1о‘чсг. PP. 11.6.

[Wanderer] f [Aggregate]

[Slothflll (Per on] Тик, auglïb]

ты HlfńÍa-nmy Peace] P_ullë imp-llA

"we, à Betwcemfpacc of qui, Tumon, Guardian]

[a. Teacher]et] Tulip. HL. IV.3.

Tumbling. M0. ll. 6. A. ’

Tumbler, [Dog hunting ШТ:

Truchman, [Interpreter]

Truck, Exchanger]

Плана, Wheelo Pully]

bealls by agility] _to Bc [Prreíli iator by tumbling]

d ­ l Tumbrel, Ecart]un er Ly]

[Submit] душа? S. Ш.

' umu r.Tri'lifl‘f ë'fïff (wem-J гаммы] _

Truffe, Trubs. HL. I. 2. [Confufed multitude]

Truly., Adv'. I. 2. O, nime/tuur).

Пи”, [Common adj. fornication [Scdi‘ic‘us [Mdm]

dem.) Tur“Barrel

(augm.]Tm'l'lii'rmpet E[Meafure] ‚

adj. ‘тайну (kind) Gf T__newëgůtŕ giea. III. 9.

Cards ­ . . .

. ‘ ro-[Prepare perf.]литр: {диета __„‚‚,‚‚ admguñc]

fpůag r.] P Tl‘f'lmf, Ground'lvy] HL.

Trumpíßmîîdl. TrumPeter ìnmuzi' _1_/_‘__-mbnne]

in . _ _ _

Trumptrer. RMJII. 3.1i.. Tu'm‘l?, Tribute]

Пят. Fi. lV. lo. iTunnel, Concave Cone]

Truncbe- Shottthiclt flick] ­­0fC imney, [Coneave (рт)

‘т adi-CudgellingUnÍL] Offh-J

Iìunollifi’g’g~ Upon wheels] _ gti' it; «il-cad (un)

Áxët‘on adv' vm’g'm‘mg] .Tufoiw’çag [À adi.

L d . Cone]_coña/ant, [Stock] Pp, 1‚2_ Turbirh. "ГМ/1. п.А.

-ofanimal. PG. IV. Turbrib. —

[Box] ‚ Tuirbo. Ex. 5. A.

Cheli. fp. with convex adj. дг/ш- }Seditiou§]

covering (thing] Tleáir, __Con/tůmgious]

T b ur ur, i. . .gnblutîjPP. V. 4_A. ' 59,31‘. i513. 5.

Т . ur ur. i. . 9.rugrogether- Tie] ïurfzjïGrîme c|<_>_d]

U ­­­­ ‹ urgr , umor _ _

[a1-aggregate by tying] - [adi { Protuberance]

~of hay, {ад}. р. bound [Full(augiy._| _

(зад) pfh.] Turk: Cup, [Martagon] HL. IV.

T'uß ' 2.A. _ `

[Believe] Turk). Bi. 1l. 2. A.

- 'fb D¢P0ff T то]! Operation (‘папы721i, ТЕМ] Ц u ’ Bufrnefs (augm.]

Trußy, [Faithful] Turn,

Trurb.T.lII. r. . op. to proceed. TA.VI.

in-AdvJ. 2.0. 2. 0.

._beaa', [Refill] °

v. Confidence] AS. III. 4. [Trouble]

_up :beground.

Bend] ' ‚ .

Curve] -C ‘l’

Helical ‘

Wl s frail]

a. Vo utation]

_a. Vcrtigination]


-wirb a [ат/0..0. IV. 7.A

—ег‚ d." h__ '[Changez]J mg (mfc J

.n ш. _ii/urchin]

Courfe. T. VI. 7.

‘LV-f. [adv. Courl'e]

Turnamenr, [Game of horfemen'

mutually „щиты; with


Turnep. HS. Iv.4.

Turnpike. RM. Vl. 8,

Tur farine, Latch ` Tree

Liquid Turpentine out

relin of Pine drawn

ad). . Vertiginate

.[apt) ttanfvcrlgcroß]


[Tower (dim.]

g. Mag. Vl. 3. A.


Bird. Bi. HL2. A.

Beaß. Be. V. i. А.

Turfan. HS. V. 8.

Tun), [Flowers (aggr.) toge


Twayblade. HI.. VlLg. A.

Twain, [Two ›

Tnmng, [Ring

di 3


V из“


fr".Twelve. Valid; s m ­ V 'I -montb, [Усаг] à, Eumâglccâ }(арг_] tífŕum] .a

"fw" . . _ V4llty.W.IlI. LD. Let o ' 'тмыщгш. Pçckmg (тм.) V410”, ‘ {о 'g }mor S‘lÜ

Twice, ATwonmer] Worth. м“ w Ve hlm-Puf Cord)

Twig, [Wand] PP. I. 4, A, Решите] - ­ Уши _е‚ [Наш] W. V. 2.

Twiligbt) O`J. l: ш ue egemf'w" ‚

fm. итогами-ь“) WMM.. w f‘dë'm‘äiœv‘gc‘m" ‘°“‘

— ' f . mutu- ' ' —fume Emb P ‹ ‘0*’- [a.vlgorŕ

т _ ’ alli-acc? ан)“ [Eni/‘231g’ Vegetative.

Twmât, pain }’(ппр.] ai Príccjr] [Plîgntg 2.

»ink “_ f . _ ­-.0ll._V..4.

„imÚlénglgîgalìî‘hg‘ml wmp, [Mega âddmg) ....arq,... _Ac‘LTwlß. V“ y спешите part] Vegetal“, {vigor-j

we_[fhuc] [так а VebemenceJ

to-fO. V. 1. fp [Ё] _ {l’ljtenfcnefs'j

ТЫ‘, [Upbraid] [Winlîl‘oîv~a'myj .I‘lercesc'fsj На. III.4„D,

Twncb, Vane [Fla ‘fngmOUg-:l Velarde, fad). Can-yung {thing}

Pullümp.) ¿n fghOr _cw_|ugrhc vcr- Verl, a ’

1Райп AC. II. 9. шарах?‘ t Cwmd.) »1_-fad). _Covcnng thing]

гимн, Chirp (dìumj Vani”. L n-lppcarj fp.rhm]

no. MCLII. 2. }.~'­ l *0”_fold [Two k. d то oufnefs. T. IV.5,O, {Cova}

per Ivg-2f `“ 1 ъ‘ёгаегз‘гщ‘жад V. ‘-“ММjmpnn). . ‚ ‚ A, ‘ ­ em. _

Туре. Т. II, 3 _ {gïctg‘sgämr _ofanrmaL PG. 11.4. _

[Lctterîprmring {mûr} OP to “v_ MSN? время; д—[:а.В1«фп3`_\

Typvefdpbfcßl, Qdi. Printing] ММ,’ g vg» an. IV.6. о. Мо. 1v. s. _

Tyranny. Man. VI. 4. 0, Е; ÉC: oryfè f}lMeral[Vem(hke){m ~

Tyrunf. n Vantage' Тата? l '­° Stone На; of- 3}

ЕЁпЁШ‘Рпд}. Llfurpìng (pcf. „mm'ier kry/‘.1262 Tamper) Np .Rime mh]

п ’ ’ - ~ . .[ML Man. VL 4. о. (Perron) ищет-а’, [Forepart of army] ‘íDlifpofmonJ

' . bty c ‚

[зтащюп] El. II. :.A. Vella’m, Paper of Cnlvcsskín]

V L! Ofymg] Velleny. AS. IV. 2.

. V" тдд‘е’ Velllcation.

V. “У- ‚ ЕРцШпдбгсрД

"Àllìlmûfy] twitching] до. п. 9.

VAN” а tC'zcggremìon] и“??? [51]? т“). (так“М

[Emptyj . '_ ‚ ort tu t_s

[N штата] ’ WSI/’Z îgêàâfltïfçapt'] my “uw gpm-J]

or- [пса] V D, Ц _ Ven {Не l Sçll apt.

d' . . arlance, [Conrennon] Vendm [_Sellm

Vagin-l' Lclfurej Vdfl'fgdffd. QH. s. Veneyaíìgn{aá’îlLeìfum Vaff'ff), [DiVCl‘fltlL] ŕßcvcr'ence] . f

_Horam-Kümmel ‘Ж; Srâìì‘f'( f шт") îVacrllmo‘n), [Staggering] Мол. „ami/ì, ò 1УУ8 PÄF ОП] штёёдыо l

4. ‚ ‘ t ~ ­ ­ _ o1 n

gafïímduzmpnnefs] ZZ'ÉÍL" ‘"d' шт"- V [Hunting]

ag on d ‚ W d ' _ ' . gngeance.

‚ fon] ’Ea l an “мёда ‚ [a.Revcngc]

Vßgßfy. ' ш]! [Am le (а [гишйтщспс]

Е‘. Wandrmg] Vn’ Tug’ “Вт-1 wml, Lad)._p.{ (род)

a. çonceitcdncfs] Vm, {Ван l }(augm.] _ I‘orgrvc (apt.]

им, wd. ren. шип p "fr wmf”, [Mcm ofhumd buns]

­­J[Id)­ Vln­{ Profits] ‚о; o' I ' 8’ Venom, [Poifon]

fp ь а?" висте] F. чаши] Vm'w. d]

. c1 es- m

Vain. ‚ wa ges] Vuu’heap] M0' v’ 5 ’ А’ {Exhalationl

[ildLVaniry] [Gior in [Holcfor Wind]

_11002 [Glorying {com} fp gorrg- . O‘lf‘a- Exh‘l']

Vnl‘leîrynŕhhbo d' h Га‘ h.]folcácc] r [Sent] O`. Iv. A.

‚ ut- а )_ angìng д ­ 0’(Чей) ОНИ; upper Margin of Vduwíîgl’ rvëgig‘gxfg‘äd' [ад/рт) _

thc'ßcdneflj Vaumure’RM VIp t army] m-çmm

llinie, [ушел ш. ш. LD. www. S ‚п .4. out- ‘мы

V¢1¢d_.¿1m.AG.v.8. A. ‘шт 'CDP' 'p9' I fP-A'fl .

alma». Hama. Vm › ug] G. v. „А. [sena] _ _

V415', [adiyvaitingwm] ¿alf ушам ‚(ат-{01:11Valldnt, Cad), pomwdc] Е“ ‚Я f :.wmd tube]

c .° Calf] ' Ventilation, (‘д/Юноши;


V E V Е V l

VentojïîyrÍWind UNIL] Vernifli, [adi a. Vernilhíng Vy. _ _

Veniricle. _ thing] a. Emulation]

[Hollow (place] ­ing. O. IV. 8. A. {Provoke] _ ‘

[Stomach] PG. VI. 4. Veflìß "[More-a. wager]

Venture. Part ofBook. D. III. a. Vial. _ ‚ ‚

Danger o . to Profe. D. III. 4. O. adj. Glafs bottle (dim.]

Foi-tune Ver rele, [verle [dim] adj. Muûc (inl’tr‘.) to be

Ellay] fp. adi. preceding] founded with bow]

_{ìtsdanger] Verf: e,[a. D'. III.4. 0.] Viandr, Vitìuals' .

fl" ones fortune] Ver ion, [Tranllatìon] ' Vibraie, Swing. M0. V1.3.

ai a adv. ità danger] Verrebra. PG. IV. 3. A. Viburnum. Sh. I. 5. _

'E aying ones fortune] Vertical. Vicar.Vcnturoux. [ад]. ­[Op] . _ Deputy] '

Dangerous] . -poifff’ LUPPCI’ РОК 0f [he [Second (kind) Ptesbyter]

adLElTayìng (apt.) danger] Horizon] ‹ Vire.

Bold] _ [_adi. Vertex. Ma. Il. 2. [Moral] Man. I. 0.

Кап‘) Verriginour. I­`eign’d fool] _ .

Venu, . [adi. Vertigo] ad). Scurrilìty [perfon]

ThniůOmps] -molwm 0- I- 5- [adp Holding (mach.] '

Stab (end] Vertigo. S­ IV. 5. Исе—-—[1п11са‹ъ]

Venui. W. Il. 5.A. Venue. _ Vicegerenr, Sub itute]

дать. HS. I. 5.A. [Habit [perf] Wem), [In menging]

._jlax. infuftd. Ha. V. Vìtiaie.

_Looking glafe. HS. V. 3. acquired. [Vitious make]

_stelt Ex.v1i.1. irre/lezioni. Ha. v1. (unehiit [mike]

Veraciiy. Man. IV. r. moral. _Mam I. [Mar]

Verb. D. 11.;- Refireëli'ig rbt body- Manfll. шт.

Verbal, [mi word] щели; г!" flare and dfeiii- Neighborhood]lVerbatim, Lady. Word ([9813] Ur. _M‘Pe nl» Neernefs l i

Verbofiiy. 110011101641- Vicoufit, [Nob ernan ofthe fourth

[a. word [tiro] .­_(_.`o_r_rimon. Мах} IV._ . _”lpegree] `

Loquaciry ­ — г "8"'5 ‘О "РгтТ- Viti tilde.

Verderer, iid).§Foi_‘relI (0E.) if- Man V. [a. Turn] T. Vl. 8.

fem”- ...belonging to Inferior. _ |Alteration, ad).turn]

Verdill. ~ Man» VÍ- Villim, Sacrifice]

sentence] IniiurwmMf-Hi. II- Vizier, adi. hivi. ILE.- (per.

Opinion] Aßeálionrof- fon] ‚

Vfydigygece. Met. IV. 5. _Iniellellual-HaJlL Vigor), [ад]. RM, 11, 1_ E,

Verdure. _MUNI-H3. III. [thing]

Greenritfs] [Efficacy] ger ibo-KM. Il. i. E.

Vigor] Verven. HS.V­9­ Villualler, [ад]. [Olli]

Verge. Vert/els, adl- US bonds 0f viâuals {(Mercu]

[Margin] Haw _ _ Идиш”; boufe, [_Houl'e of adj.

[Capacity] Verule, [adl- 1.3mm ППВ] Viâuals [mem]

[stick] Veit-ie, [Bladder «та-1 _ ' Vinnie. rr. r.

V¢f¿i„¿_ Sp, III. A. _ _ _ Уфе”, [adi.Evening worlhip] [all t., }„',_[Eat]

Verger, __[Before-adi. Walking Уфы. ; View.(О .] General. Pr. V. _ [a.ey] PG.III.'a`.v _

Very, _of animal body, [ад]. con- Obferve]

Self] taining (apt.) hollow Examine]

fame] ‘(МИН Ifigilance. .

(augm.] -Hererogencoun PG- Vl. Ablìinence.Man. II. e.

True] . -_Homogeneour. PG.1I. _[Heedfulnefs]

Genuine] Ship] _ Vigile.

___-ly. Ve merit, [Clothing] [ад/Египте]

iii-deed }Adv‘ L2’ o' Vfßf). ll'dhclq‘hmg 000m] ` [ад]. p.Wake nightbeforie fe

Vgrífie. Vejìure, [Clothing] ШИН]

a. Truth (makc] Verch. HS. Il. 3. [Day before the Fellival]

[Perform] bitter-HS. II. 4- Vigor. NP. V. 4.

Prove] Crimßm grafr--HS- 111.7. Vile. . ‚

Conñrm] hatched-_HS III. 6‘. adi. Valor [dim]

Verity. Ti Ill. r. Kidney-_- Sorry]

Verjui'ce. Pr. Il. 5. A. Mill¢­HS_.Ill­3­A­ I Vicious]

Vermilion. Met.III.‘ 5. A. Tellow wild-HS. Il. 6. Vil, e.

Vermín. Veierniu. S. IV. a. a. Dil'repeâ]

[Inffeâs] __ _] Vex. A _Contîmn]__

. Hurt u ngry Vil age, Hou es a r.[Htiliïtful Animals] [а‘ Grìeved }(makc] [Parilh] ( gg 1

Vernacular, Natìonì _ [мощи Villain.

[adißnes {Tribe (Р “ed [a. Anxiety] Lowell d_egree of Commonal

Vernal, { Delormedâ 1 ty,_FtC. I. 8.

[adj. Spring] 'UKIJ Indecent (ШЁШЩ [Sorry (perfon]

Sf l [Wicked



MW ‚

тащ- [ldi Svoßrmiryì(‘д/шт! (PUfO‘Ü Ё Plì‘è‘c'] fvrrbirrrl, [un-.r.birrdj~

Штатам’ ~ VШ)’ 0fHelmet. gua-__aìiìê'ů-_ad @"blûmpfáflf» [Nm-3è) P-m‘me

r — . e - .АЁ‘ЁЁЁЁЁЁЁы ёсёэпаар" a l o ‘Щит’: "М-Ы'Пд (ш)

uw _‚ . . b‘ N -b 'ld

Vmdiñivenff‘a Ü’ Revenge fr?" [agg-'geh ЗЁЬЖ’ШЁ. slok]

(apt.] V’t’r'ŕ‘nl - 8:“ (мс) Wnbrmnd, [Мог-афиша]

‘ЧМ-511’!!- I' V' mi" [a' IUnbouna’ed. [Not-adi p. bound]

Vl'nfâdr-PLU'S' _ um.’ St‘v'a’ ­ ‚ ЮлЬав’Ц, Unf'LbOwtl]

{Mundy} щит" [Lo-"g me {apt} ’Unbrnce Un- a. brace]

Пита’, ищу] Ушфе, [ъ Lwç] _ _ _ ‚спит; [M_Lbńdk)

mure. www”, [î‘d’-P‘"“"“°“’d" _n {Irregular}

сайт“ grapes] ‘mug Uhlig] Unbralêen; [Not-ad). p. break]

a' Wm@ Ст!“ Ulcer'. S’ I' 7‘! 'Unbuc le, Hin-a. BuCklC]

Vmrner, [adn wme mc_rc.] ‘иную’. Sp.l . :.D. ‘Unbur en_ umh burden]

fP-a‘w' fcsrcglœl 'blumen Remote-l ‘щиты Not-adi. p. buried]

W’lff‘fd, [Orchard of unes] [Moû' Latter] ‘Видимая’ Шп- а. button]

Vida", TA­m~6­ о‘ т?"- . l ‘Ишим: Not-adì]

Violence-TN’ 5'0' рт" F" x' +A' ‘Uncapable Not-clpable]

in Motion. M0. VI. CQIQU'J . l PG lv @Maß [ůńd‘ calc)

Í'Coaâion] ___* D 'Umb'g‘gí’ Í‘d" Nav: j ` ° 'Uncaug’bn [N0t­€h]

F. н u l ‘ l ° ' 'Vio erícîllsgs.: 4 'Um/alex, [Клизма] PG.VI. @"ůeq'gëf’ê'cmin]

brrlbrrrr-HL. lv. 5. A. ‘шт-Р'- IV- 2» ^­ [Doubtful]

dames-HS. 1_V« 2- 'vmbmge". [wavering]

lgf’llìf', [VialÚl‘m] [Dg‘i’äälnëì ‘отдам, [Un-:.cbaìn

I0 ‚ n ­ _ .

[adj. Mrrfrc (mar.) Го be ‘Í Мент} У gzígîgfglfáfáglů; vl-g'gw)

founded wìthBow] 'Umbrâllmíaäp Shadowmg rundum Вы“; Wiza‘rd'] ­

ìcLWdl. _ lug' . ’ ’

mfr., [Мент Joy] Sh ’(¿mwehilgolwbumorl штат-$333]

_ "7' ° „E“ ° n* Uncircumcífun, [Nob p.c1rcum­

V'P". Bc'fvlîä? i Af'on ra] Мел-2:] сто"

_ r cor e - .

Wmg’ofïmân (like) woman] Unable, ad). Impotence] ёпёщтггд [C‘rd‘ß]

Viry, Mctcor. El. V. 4. ‚ fvnacçâptable. " $50k]

V ' . °'.­ ` ­"Ё‘$°"""“‘°“1‘Рад?’ А [ Í‘gîâçrnr штат] «‚„„‘Ё‚“‘Ёё% ~

` O. .1. . a . l lccncc ­ ‘э’[сёггъцпшашс j rvnduìßîbleï‘îlqobadj.p.come] ‘Z}ncIafp,[Un-a.clafp]

New ' ‘llnacmßomed,[Not«accuñ_omcd_| ‘Unc/mn. ___

__borre), [Firß h.of Bees] ‘Unncqurxinreaß Stranger] ad;__D_î ement]

*P‘rcbmem’ mad): ofthe Юлии?!’ [m J ad). наши’. wrt/la7; газ] l clofd

kinofan a omvc x. . ’ _ ' '

[цттйсысё] _ Sh ‘Этими’, [got-alloulââàcd] 'Unclnfiìdothcd]

_ _ v_ _ ‚îlzâîver, LCIcmanS] 'Unanmïäírnéíw- агата} этом”_ (indecent)`v . ch (t nu djMu. ‘у ы Pcaceablencfs] ‘атом/"тыс [ldÍ'D'fœmfon]

Vìrgmaláz: í(inûcr.)(vlvith)t:u:tallin ЛЁЁРЁЁСЁЁ. Mccknefs] ‘11п‘‹’тр”"""‹1, [5хшр1е]

' ` - d). p. ap~Íh‘mg] ‚ _ ‘Шар’, [Nomptë _ 'Unconmtäsálz Not а

Virginity. R0. II. LA. (lbflë- ’Unapproacbabflg Noud). p. _v__mìïîáä E_rèobcondemncd]

Vlrg0’Z[6;0t]mc n Pansa c 'Unarnlfœrgîîxs]} ‘алюминий; [Not-adj. p. con.

o ac . _ ‚

У У ed u _ armed] qu?, (pomУ‘Ё‘Ё’огmanhood. Mea. VI.3. ‘Una ur’ed, r{wot-ail'ured] ‘Uncanfcmnnble._NP. I. 3. О.

alc (abfhuj ‚ ‘Una „де , ЕМос-аЩпдед] gncanjìant. a;d|._`l_»la._._t__ä'_. 7.

Virtue, VîdJ’ffWf- ‘Dnavfëzdubljg Not ad). p.cfcapc ncanjâçggî ‚С o 1. p.

` l . pot. У УИЁЗТРойГоп Unauthorize, [un: L_AuthOnty] Uncordeá, | No_t_-adá.dp.conì%__c_

[adj.Malice штате: vnoärâníd, [ ot- j. p.

' . _ ot- xpc _mMpix-ieee. РОЛЬ 1_. when rat-[Surpnzeg] 'Uncorrupß ad] ,

r Face manner] 'Unbar_, lin-a. bar] _ Гgior-cortup

. Seen part] 'Unbelzc . AS_.II. 4.0. _ [ ;ncc;¢_:]______

И „а, Faůítious face] [Increduhty] Ha._ll . 2. D. E mp0 __ O

Идти, Clammy] шашку] На. \.4.O. fUncuvelr. ___._;o. ____

IUìjìble, ad).p.Sce (род) ‘Unbend, [Un-bend] wncogsneânu j y

Vifìon. ‘ ‘ОлЬгпшп, lin-a. Зшрог] ‘дпсоУ .____ouû

' [Seeing] Unbefeem, Yv. indecency] [hot-_cou

adi.apparcnce Sthing] rUnbeßt, lin-@L_Dotagc] _ У [Rußlc]

{НИ-р- Se@ Reve ation] 'Unbemrf , [Un-:_ Wltchcr-.z t] ‚ 'Uncour . _

Vijîr. AC.V.1. rIJnludafen, [Not-bidden] ‚ ` ,[Not­ad,.cuflom]





ЕМ). Stranger]

New (сони)

[Extraordinary (сон)

‘ШЯЕап, Anointing]


м feeling. Vl. 4. D.

maß. Qzlv. 2.

rUncnrable, [Not-adi. p. cure]

(POC-1 ‚

‘Unda|«(nrel,][Not­ad). p. fear


Undecer‘it. adj.T. V. a. O.

Undecided, [Not decided]


E‘Underfer, fa. Prop]

‘Older мёд}, ГInferior adj. Íhire

О .UnderjìdLJSp. III. 5, О.


a. Intelleâ. NP. l. r.

give Narrate]

ta- Know (тайн)

Ёгпйс. Dŕ I_lI. 8. О.

_Sup o e


Faculty. NP. I. t.

aflionof Speculative. AS. Il.

tbe- Praflical. AS. III.

f Not-lt‘leŕiled] ‘имеют.

Pure adi.­a. pret.

'UnElefr eyed, 4’Paid] _ 'g adi. v_ `âunderfhmd]

['_Not- tRefunded] omitted. D.llI. 8.0.

fUnder. ‘Отели е. ТА.Ш. :.A.

Proper.Prcp.VI. 1.0. ._ßir, a. Sponíion]

­­ Мг _to do [Qblige himfelf by

_ nd Private] promifel

(adv. Concea ed] 'Underw-{ value lefs than due]

_bund and feal, [âlndet writ- lue, Contemn]

n and feale Lower ­

[шина] 'i ‚ ‘1)пп1егшао1:‚{ Youngäwoods]

Contain ­-it. [с. within its'i'ündeferted, (Not-deferved,]

Capacity] Undeferving, [unworthy]

[Below] _ 'Underermin- ad). Liberty]

_agg [ofadLpuprl ed, Not-determined]

_years } age] \ Undìgeßed,fNot-d1geíled] _

Lefs. l‘l/ndifcbarged, [Not-dlicharged]

{Too1ittle] iîlndìfereer, f_Fooliih] Y

_.bíd] ì'llndijiinäl, [Not-difhnà]

_pria c. "Undiuì- Not-divided]

-felL ded, Entire]

._UaIMe. . rUndo.

(мм? lln-do

._Iear er. lin-‘ty

_lid of eye. [Loo en]

­­Iip. è Spoi ]

­jide. Sp.llI. 5.0. a. poverty (augm.]

-woodh _ Undone.

{lnferiorj adj. p. lindo]

Subordinate] ANot-done]

_Bur/er. ‘имении, [Not-doubted]

_0fach ¿'Una'refs, (un cloth]

_Sheriff- | '(Jna'ue. T. I_V. 3. О.

[Dependent] ’Urdu/nre.

[Subjeéì] ' Figure. Mag. IV. 9.

. Subieâ — (та1‹:] Motion, (а. Wave] W. IV.

bmg-{Conquer } 1.Е. —

Keep- Unduriful. Man. V. l .D.

r('Jnder- v. Subjeâ] ‘1)neajie, [Difficult]

£0. Suffer. 'UnequaL

@Merk/1nd, Private] [Not-equal

Иди‘: Concealed] [Not-equita le]


‘Under сайт, [Lower Lea


‘Under/'ing no. “1.0.

."ZJndermine, RM. l. 5

-cmfríly, [a. Treachery]

fuldermojl, [Moll-adj. under


I‘Underneatb. Prep. Vl. r. O.

1,‘Z)nJerpart. Sp. III. 5.0.

I Underlfty, [Mend by under-put- Unejiimable, Nonäworthily]

adi. p. Eíleem Suñiçient


‘Uneocnnefs. Q. VI. 2.0.

тммщыг, [Not adi. p. efcape

(pot._] _fünexcufable, [Not-ad). p. excufe

(Рог-1 ‚

‘длехесшга’, [Not-executed]

r(linut-peŕied, [Not-expeâed]

’Unexpern Ha. Vl. 4. D.

i'Underpin,Unûcad-a.íoundation] ‘UnfaírbfuL Man. IV. 2. О.

Щ/лдегртр, {_x-prop]

‘дяди/1:1. Man. IV. I. D.

‘Una/effe”, [Sell for lefs.]


‘Unffbian- Not-figured]a :di

Figured (сон.

‘Unfaji- Not - (añ

ned, Lin-_- ned]

’Unfeatber- Not- feather- _

ed, Un" ed]




‘Unferrer- Not- fetter

ed, Un­­ ed]

îlnfinijbt, [Not-ñnif‘ned]

'(Jqßr, [Ног-салатом)

Winning, [indecent]

'Unfl`x, [Цп-бх]

Unfald, [Un-fold]

[I Explain]

'UnfarmefL [Not-formed]

‘отцы, [Not-fortified]

Unfortunate, Fortune(corr_]

Badi. i Adverfity]

'Unfríend/y, [Not-adj. friend]


Larrennefs. NP. VI. 3. 0.


‘Ни/Митя, „шт

‘Ungainfid,[Not-adi.a.gain (apt.]

‘Ungurnl/ÍJI., [Ыог- ldj. p. 0r

(U nîte][

ugent e, Not en‘Ungird- Not- g m3

mi, u„_.}adi. p. Bound]

'Ong/ew, [Un- a. еще]


[Gracelefs] . —

[Unholy] ‘

Юпдгдс1о|[пе/3:‚ Ha. V. O.


‘илдает, {thing}

Salve] `


‘штаты (POL)



'Un-band] Deformed]

fom, indecent]

'Unbappineßs [Mifery]

Unbarneß, [Un-a. armament]

‘Un/ankh), [Not-healthy]

‘стенд. .NOI-Id). p. hearing]

'Unbeederh Пот-Нашей]

‘Unholy На. V. 2. O.

from horf]Down -pwt

'Unbwf¢‘,{ Un-a. ride (мы)

YJnburt, [Not-hurt]

Unbu.tbanded,[Not-adj. p. agri.


lUnicorn, ГОпс- horned beati]

Uniform, [adv.{ Figure]

Identity Manner]

adi. p. ïCíreumûance]

’Unìfnmity, [Identity (manner]

'Unimaginablq [Ног-ад). p. ima~

gination (pot.]

‘Unimitable, Гнев-ад}. p. imita

tion (pot.]

‘Un|inb4]bited, [Мог adi. p, дм]


‘Z)njo}n, [Separate]


Un-a. joynt]

Separate the parts]

fUnion. ‘

[a. One]


ìLeague] Sí'fn Uni.


U N ' _ Ц N LI N

„i n ad'. . Identit ad). а _ Simple Unrejlored, Nor_r,'‘и ‘спада i P у ‘шт‘пг1е‹1‚{гш] l '(Jnrerurned, Not`n]

’ ‘рт, om] штаты, [Not-adi. p. move fynrevealed, [Not.`|-_]

Unire, a. one (_ïpìaäc] (pot.]N ‘плитку; [N0f_r_]

‘Unir One a ­ ‚‚ 0I' -‚ ‘ш’тт г ‚ Мо‘_г.‘Um'uygr è, [Viiholeworld] им" ¿Á lln- àna‘l d] 'Umigbteoufne J

Univer- adj.llnìverf.ility] ‘Unnarural, [Againfbnatural] [Injumce]

fnl, Whole] '(Jnflffŕßîiry, Not-M_Ccf- [Unholinefs]

‘(идти/4111}. TM. III. 3. O. 'Ulmfenßil- fury] 'Unripencfn NP, VI, 4, D.

viiiofffiiy. muto. _ “тыс, îAgainß-uobk] tuinon- Not- '.

ïlniuocal, [Ofone Íignification] Unoccupr'edlNot-{Bufm‘ffïl red, Un- ìf‘vftted]

Unjuß, [ad). Iniuñice] ad). p. UIC] ‚и и Цп—}

‘Ол'цппй, [Un­a.bed (room] ‘Z/norderly. т » {Back_ roule]

‘идём. [СОПШГСЁ] 'Unroot- {non}

Uncharitable Irregular] [ther] ed, un. L]

' [Difcourteous] adj. Man. IV. ‘Unpaek- Ног} boundtoge- @muy

i' 7.0. ed, Un­ _ _aggl’fgllfdl [Irregular]

l Not­adj.friend] Unpaid, [Not-paid] Rebellious]

‘Un le. R0.I. 5. ‘дарится’, [Not-painted] A _vf _?ifobedient]

­ Zhi nir, Un-t ' 'Unpair- Not- . „д _ Noni ШЁММЁШОЫМЩ ed,_ tën- ê’îompanioried] га,’ [um [fj]

‚ Un- a. Lace P. pff - _ 'Un a e, Dari erous

wld", {Мыa. String] 'UnpardonablnlNm *d* P-P‘f' ‘ил/па‘. g

‘опыт, [Un-adj. burdened] don (por.) [Not- faidJI

fonia»- Not- vnpeneeable. Man- IV- 3- О: [Recente ]

ful,{Againft~ }Lawf"l] 'Unpeopln [unddhlßßwfllmg] ‘(д/‚т ыо‹_(_)

wiwi., [Un­ a. Learner] ‘Unperf0fm¢d. [Noï'peffom‘cflî] ml'î шт]

ъ„1‹т«1.на.‘/1.;.в. „U . ed à Not- falìencd wir „Мишка, [N0t__f_

‘шишки, [Not-leavened] "Pm" ’ UU- Pm] vnferiated, [Not-fl

. тир. Coni. I. 3. O. 'Unplanr- Not- h),аmcd1 ‘ул/„идей, Q_w. ,.0.

Unlike, [adi.llnlikenefs] ed, Un- о‘ ‘Unfeal- Not- ‘if

__neß. TMA/.1.0. 'Unplcafa}t­ _trial-¿Iâ 36 ‘ ed, Un- '1d __ . ___

‘дай f- NOt- True т’ Ii g '. ' ' ‘Un ‚тьме, Not-a Lp. earc -ÍÜ„§.\giiiiifi­ (mic) fviipleaßng, adnnifnhccâlce] f ed (P021 _ _

'Unliiniml- _ ‘UI'POÍ'l/bfd. щитом‘; 3 vnfeafonable, [adn Time (cor.]

Limited] 'Unpolluttol, Not-dem@ За fvnfteml), Undecent]

No.. Cohibired] ‘Z/"prepared, NOK-PMIme :l mfg", [Not-l1]

Determined] rUnprofïrable, Not-profitable] New@ {por}

[Inñnitt] 'Un rofptrour. ‘Unferuiœablg’ p. ure а"):

„ ЁМог- }I. Nor-prof etous] unproñtab e]îlnlrned, um ined] ‚ [Advcrfcf {Nothin}

rUnload, [Un-a. burden] ‘Слушай, [Not-proved] ‘ушли, Loofe']

Un-a. lock­ @iiNet/Med, [Not-provided] ]Lighe]

‘Unlock’ {Open-with e 'Unpuni/l”, [Not-punifhe] ‘дамам,’ [щит cafè]

Unloolëfor, [Not-ex d ‘Unquentbabl'e [Not-adj. ‚ N ­ .vgíwfe, [Look] Pe _F 1 _quench’(pot.] p» ‚атм!‘ Ug-t-êîdl’pfshoo]

‘U M_re-{Notï- ад’. P_love lUnimet. _ « ‘Un/horn, [Nopclipped]

anni; ‘ÈÈÍÈEÄ (‘М â‘îaůgiê‘i‘i‘îä‘] f w‘kiiflfef" §"iv3m'o’, . к п a n ne_v [mié Evêg; } Scott. ‘Unranlà- Not-¿___l k d) {Inexpleriçenceî

nma г a. cient e lIn- n с 'Un 'abl d`.M .1.0.[Un-{adi} Creation] шум‘: [Un-intangle] ШЁЁМ." [а l an v j

Unmanned), Rullicity] ‘Z/nreaaly, Prepared] Not-found]

[adn Difrepeifì] [Not- (Лоты!) äßotten]

_ 'Z/nman Мог? ad). man 'Unreafonabln - ‘Unfow- Un

ф, Agamfì- (male] [irrational] ed, Not- }S°wed.l

. gm’zanniiirâd, [Мог-штата] ïotf-_î }___d_ Equ'__y lUnfpeakable, [Not-adj. p. fpeak

_ n arr e . gain ­­ ‘ ‚ ­

N_ot-adj. ret. married] ill Commanding. [Mam VI. ‘Идет: Not-[pent

Divorced _ 6.0.] ‘Unjiior- Мог-(росте?!)

ад;.Сс1|Ьа:с] Irregular] red, Clear]

fvmnarlì, [Uncovertlie face] adì.Excefs] ‘Un/ìa- Not-confiant]

‘Z}nn(iatc ‚3613‘, [Мышь p. equal Защите}, Not­­r.]J bie, Light]

pot. nrecompene ‚ Not-r. ‘U ‘d L' 1 .­`'Unmeaßirable. ‘Unreconcileable, iNot-r] ‘vißîin’edg [gâbtgñaìned]

t_\lï_r-_ad]_. Meafure (pot.]‘ '_î/}nreïuera_I;le,__[Not-r_­_] ищем! Not-confiant]

n nite nre come , _Not-r. J' hr

‘Ё’Лт’епа [Indecont] ‘Z/nregarded, [Not-L] 'Unßeadí I Tilîtff‘leady

Штраф‘, adi. Cruelty] 'Unremedied, \_Not­­r.] 7Jry2irred,[_Not-ßirred]

’Unmmd[ul, Not- adi. remem- vnrepaired, [Not­.r.] ‘Un/inch- Not

bring] ‘ширмы, [Not-n] ed, Un- ìfowed]




'(Jnwary, [Carelefs]



lymopped, [a. Open]

N0t_ ‘улиц/Бел’, Not- ¿lh dfyfjìrurig, un... îsîf‘mg] fünmijiea', Not-vv‘iañecdj]

‘шли; Not- Unwearied, [Conliantŕ

fea/Á un__ }5¥Uff“­'d] 'Dimmi/ed, [ Nor-weavJed]

'Unfubrlued, [Мог-Гимны!) ‘Unwel­{ МОЁ-текст]

rUnfuffemble, [Not- adi р- fuif“ сот, adj. а. Difplicence]

(pot.] 'Unweildy. _

'Unfum Certain] {Lumpifhj

[Not- Safe] Slow]

'Unfum- Not- congruous] [Not-adi. p. motion (apt.]

ble, Difagreeable] ‘Umbri/fom, [ай]. a. iìcknefs

шумы {Un- [fwath- (apt._j

ed, \ Not-»_i ed] 'Unwilling.

rllnfxvorn, Not-fworn] d. {Nolleity]

Untamed, Fierce] [a Averfion]

‘Zlnmngle, Lin-tangle] Cad). Coaâion]

Not-taught] ‘Unwinaß [Un-wind]

'U’M'fâbf’ lgnorant] Unwife, [ ad). FollyJ

'Umeacb- fDull] ‘Юта/МЛ)", [Not­wifht].

able, Ílncredulous] ‘Dnwir- Not-knowing]

'Unt/nnb ulnefr, [Ingratitude] ring, ignorant]

'Umhang taf, [Not-thought of] ‘щита’, [Not-adj.p. Cu

'Z/mbriftinefr, [Squandring] from]

‘D r`- Not- . 'U b' efe. TG. IV. 6.0.

121“- ind] viziiiiifiun-rnid] _

Until. Adv. Ill. 2.0. ‘шить; [umwin

-поп’, [Until this EÍIIIC] fvnwn‘nk-[e’ [Umwnn le

‘Until/ed, Мог-ПИФ" Unwritten, [Not-written

7Jniimely, Not-timed [peri] D “вы Notvilirougm]

`b' b Ab топ’ "WTO ’ Home y‘z/„nbir'tráj o ¿ÄSveakipg ип-уощ]

‘(У/МИД [Мог-тм.’) Narration 'Unyßkfi Separate]

\ Number] Vocabulary, [adi Catalogue Book

‘Станет, [Not-toucht] _ ofwords]

'Untawardner {IUCYCÖUIWYJ Vacal,[adi.Voicc]

‘Zlnrraílizblenefr Contumacy] yum'- Calling)

Difingenuìty] on, Profemon]

Dulncfs] шипы, [adil Calling]

Fiercenefs] V Reputation]

Incredulity] ‘We’ i Rumor]

{Fiercenefslj V . { Sailing]

Pcrtinacy] “'“ge’ Travelling]

Llńdutifulnefs] l/oice. i

Difobedience] Proper. Q III. 3.

Contumacy] _ Sang afg-.1, 55mg for 3 to

‘Umrim- Not-ornate] ` gether-finging (per

med, Homely] Ions

Not-true] Suffrage, Confent (Бега

шт’ ‘i Faire] id.

‘Untfll- Nor- . adj.

[Jilin-_ ì‘mñcd] [Em ty]

"Unrrujly, [Trcacherous] _o , [Without]

rUrirrurb, [Fallhood] [Мог-роща]

‘Unrurm- Not-harmonious] s Frultrate]

ble, adj.Dií`cord] [и], Vanity]

‘UnminnL Not- .n lNothing]

' â‘vnmijieißun- ìtw‘ ed] tn_

‘атташе, Чаше} [a. Empty]

[Мог-МН) Price (РЩ'З [Un-poneis]

‘UnwnqiLi/br, [Not-vanquifhr] [Go]

‘Ом/те i [Not-varied] _Baniíh] _

‘Um/eil, [Uncover] [Purge]

'Unverjii [ад]. Inexperiencc] [Бард]

'UnufmL ` ‘ Spoil]

Extraordinary] ’ adj. Nothing

Not-cufìomary] _ (make]

Seldom] Vorder, [Dilh (aug.) Shallow]

Not-common] fp. for carrying adj. meat

‘Unurtemble, [Not- adj. p. ex- ' [things]

prefs pon] i Voìdance, [Un-poffeßing]

‘Unioni/ed, Not-walled] шт‘.

[Flying] —

На). a.Exhalation (apt.]

Volly, [Together-nicotings

`_liter-J ..

Уо/‘ф‘ту, [Agility

_ fp o tongue

Volum, [Book] "

Voluntary, Will]i ~

(за). Spontaneity]

Volupruoufnex, [Senfuali'ty]

Voluration. О. . 5.A.

Vomiting. Мо. IV. 9. э

Varaci- Rapacìty]

t), Gluttony]

Vamgo, Whirlpool]

Voeary, adi. pret. Vowing Фе"



ШИН, [Vclleity

Suffrage, [Сенат [lign]

lp. by fpeaking]


а. Protcûatîon]

a. Sponfion]

Miucbfaje, [Con efcend]

Voir. RE. IV. I.

Vowel. D. I. 2.

‘др, [Upward ver-{ Upperíìde]

gent, toward Top]


_an end.

hei:- _

[ад]. р. pref. motion]

Bell b." is in

Наге }Ё$_ h. moti.

Name П- on]


from Part

Imperfeâion ‚

_ спсЩ

till who-le]





_and to and fro

down, divers ways]

_by tbe root, [Together with

the r.]

-hìl1, [_Upward on the hill]

._ro, [Until at]

Barrel -— Па)’ up in Barrel]


a. Tumor]

in. Inflation]

Upward cali]

‘i Overthrow]

fp. firing Сироп


. BeginBmg" { EducaJre]

Burn, fb. perfeâly] —

Ваг ainCÍ“P­{ ЕЩЁ}. 3

` Yield

Give-g Submit



Putonth h

'-‘f" Stotc


Knip à K. together] i



1 Г w А

/9_§_______L,4_„a.caf¢] _ . l

P‘f"­‘{il_. patience] Г" ЕЗЁЩГБЗ Аист!:'f‘rf‘ìlía k Angfy‘ëszt‘z‘jl 5dr] el

ou( —- l m _

Sirdisit ding) а c] ‘Отдам vmr‘mff» [Этн- {(porjl

„‹‚‚— жар im?, www@

gnä- Вы} mg] MISTI; [ширина] “Íl'ìkäomŕrâogů _

f4 Stan ] . ° L . 5. Vul fr _ d el

_ P _ ‘атм! [ы (_ ‹ "шт-1:41. w dStrr­­­­{ afïxää we] ‘От, [,adì.igîgŕrlïtârgltlggtäkme] $578’ B'ńl’ ‘­ А?“ j

Ty {Защиты}, ‚Ш‘ЕЁЁОЁ “32113 АП1С5] (‘за Еда:- _i;_ltfh Cylìndfr

_ b ‚‘ - X. .6.A. . _' Г u ` l ‘ _v__bmídmjrrrwz 2125 [Brill (kind) bearded] @ggg [F rnngriewmd

М{Erf} „я; Wfl @dof-wife]


Зайти“ ‘мы [Firmin-CG(9 . ` 'mn m_UPM my] l ountain Coun- _Ufgcunoml 8 аппсг]

Aácuf. [Fling] W“

mv- щ ‚Щиз fruů ’ .Look- а lmcrrñ, [как ofmonc l W4‘1, [adj-heap (шпагат

[Concerning] Lend «pori-[Lend у шсг'пс‘ц

forhire] W ¿diwer- 74'@ "PM-[a. hire] д е’ [walk(vo’m'íonl

“0112111 d [Maf‘gnÍÄ-JC ß Wide zdf: Duck ‘(шт-1

— an ‚ ­ . n ’ —

[то] , [t that 6de] (спит; om] „(Р/дек“ through 1::r’

H ' ­ a er ' 1 ~ 'Prepîrâî‘l, Í’IP. of ‘ig‘uglâîglgn kim“

сетке-(‚111211111 I [наыз :l Waff’ [Сашу over'watcfj

Mfault] [Pra ife Wd Motion _Run'- Storm] ' "-TA. V.6, g’ Shaking â(dim._ì

[After-_] Apply] uf-Üdì. Urbanity (param)

‘ЧМ-8 [after нм] Entetrein] "l"worde-mrd. Accrinom] _Uw»[lßuir]

‘05pm @___[Praâifej *ů‘dd‘flffrlîßlrgaín with 5.]

roper. er. ‘—— ‘Щ 2. War]

­­end, [Top] [adi Рпзсшп8 on, Wagtr.RC.vl.8.

стр-Щ- -fn 11181} 11221111:‚—.Ьит1:\ [ад], Dignity l-_ACCeiTOry îrcecaecîîr] Wagonfrwzing-l 1111.]

(Place 'Ufual._ шить _lÍAlrandoncd (thing)

_Gtfrbc- a, viaofy] Í‘dl-P ufe (fl-eq] “5M”, B'­_V.7. _

@p__ngbna Cèlflomaryj WTfllor. Bi. v, 7, А,

Dire 0m 4 . .l1)"_Uyj‘lflL rcverfe] «U Ordin??? íradìïiïio“ (РИФ)

[МГ {Sinccrì‘f мстит”), [1‘11- Шцз fr а Lçaalçmus ‘пуще’ п‘ 'LA

Б Integrity vf (PCH-OHP u “s “f‘ïmà (3:11. Travelling).

~ nfl-¿Equityj Wfufp. v_ 3. "ma", [gdb Travelling

_U _ mz Щиты] wy, [Hrreofmoney] (perron)

vPffßng, Rifmg] 'l/ßufrußm. HQI“ s A ’ -Tfjm SML@

‘этом, f сдшоп] ‘UfenßL P0.VI. ' ' ".'["‘f’"ë, [lAmbufh]

‚Этюд éßvem] Therme, [ML _Wombj PG grr/¿__

Маг’ uspïe'ßdî] "Uríz'fy' 9i? ñ o [шаг-{Камы

__ ying ’ 1'0 tabl f ~ k0 l'dom'lul’frdç down tum. ‘U’mwoljâh ad. cnc s] ____ gSubm'rt] PPO c]

. Ё ' . __

UPßUjng. d* EXtrcamlll Outfldc] Legg „$318

Wisteria] wl] ^э cw co ‚ f _ O с та ’е—Грgpwnrd. prep. „к? — I ‘торт, [за]. {„Fiâion С ßrewrmlï‘ŕpïäìwìâd e

гала/сорт. FLW. ц, i (рейд Ollntry By ‹‚ Acceñorily 1 m]

'Z‘zljrbminh Mam Iv. 9’ _ ‘шт.- rbc- eadLDigre юп}

rcbm. »_ [ad1._ Outñdq In tbe-{Hindring}

{Hedgehog} ___ gld). Extrçgm] SCI’ in tbe-£_Direâ3

_vnl-Htl? ferry (Peri-on] to Whole] 0n rbc-.

' _ Bring 0n fbg-VA{Cufìgm of f» Our. ' h .- .ccoml’any

gicler, [adj’ůlrieári‘ggveìn] {Shewîïlrj :guënccyjbegmmng of his

im rf ' ifm] “от-“ЩиР‘ we (дата «Xprcfsl Outofib¢__

[a. Narration] [Beûrle the fcope'l

<' Errmg] ’

eWandring] [WDM

WA i WA l ' WA

Avoiding] ` Pale . Warrener ad’ P 'adi.a.I.-ofing] W". D like] тьма)‘: ь “k (om) of

[Dilìance Wand. PPJ. 4. A. Warrior, [Souldief]

[great- Remote] l Winder. TA. VI. g. A. Wim, 8,111, 5 ‚

_abouti (СИП: (Hugin-J шт‘, [ОссгсаГе] щи, [Am having-been]

ы}; [Remote (augm.] Want. W45. Ó. V. 6,

[Vergency] _ [Have occalion to rife] _en W.III. 6. A.

"WU-f» lad“ От‘й‘у Not have.'I'A. I. 5. 0. hog-[Broth for_ ver-gent] [Not have enough] Waff. Ex.IV. 2. ~

{Kind} scarcity] ._i/b, МогоГс]

manne? [Роща] _like y. Ex. IV. 3.A.

eans окну Wa ail acl` Count Ban не:_ Method] _ _little of [Almolh] Wall.. ’ Е L ' ry q :l

WMI. ['-5°" (Утес) l д-[ШШС] Girdleftead, [Middle (part)

_ row ( lign] ' Wanronnefr. oftrunk] ’

шт. P. V. i- A. _ _ Playwiirdnel's. NP.IV. 3. Q- _nfujbip RN. II. 5,

Wiiinfcot, [Wooden lining of a [Unchallity] _ {Ufed]

_ ROOUI] Wapenral'e, [Hundred] _ _Nn“ Inhabirçd]

‘шт. War. RM. _landt

[Stay] TA. V. r. О. Man of- ' [superfluous]

by c AC [Souldier] ’ _mirenstay, gwith ‘mv’ A' ship. im. 1.6. y ro

For _ ' l’ ' Миши‘, ['Trembling (like) Decay]

` Companl01‘l.[l­ com'. voice] Diminilh]

panion] Ward. [Booty]

Dependent. [a.dC- Defend Mar]

as pendent] Proteâ { Dellroy]

Servant, [a.Ser- _05, Defend from] a. Ruine]

vant] Guard RM. III 6. д VSpend (corr,]]

Lay _[a. Ambulh] Watch RM. III. 6. [Squander]

Waire,[wakening Mulic.] [Теги er adi. ou lit, ‘Идёт, [Пип adi.'l'runk(veft]

Идиш, Difingenuìty] _ l Guard City (pai-e] Wajlfiil, [adp Sqiiandering]

[adj. Morofenefs] [Imprifonment (place] Wnicb.

Wake. l [Pupil] t0

awaken. {Cavit iii the la- Wake]

End lleep] _ “о! lief’ Not min of мня: ance]

[Begin to wake] _the kcy - a. Heedfulnefs]

not­lleep.AC.lI. 4. _of u_lock, [Curve [lamin] Obferve]

[adi.p. Wake night before fc- within L. а { Guard]

llival] _ W d { i.Keepin (05.] ' Watch][adi Country fellival] “Y "L Magilirate ~­­for, [ExpeR waiting]

_Rahim HI.. V. 9. А- —1"г"‚ [Pear (kind ­-wirb,[Wait waking]

ll’ulgeful, adi. p. wake (apt.] Warder. n_[a. Watch]

[vigilant] [Hdl-Keeping (0&2] _ ­-mnn,[ad_i. (perfon]

Walk. tad. {Сила `Watching (06.]

Pro r. Mo. II. t. _ J­ Watch iœfffon] (Perfons,

„__ walkingplace] Wnrdrobe,[adi.lieeping (Room) -for cullo- [Guard]

т): a-[Go foi’awalk] Ofclothing] dy of Placea.RM.IlI.

as Gholl, [appear] Wm’. _ 6. A.

Wale, [Ridge of t reeds in [ад]. р. Sell (thing] adi. word (lign) of

cloth] La. Im rat-heedfulnefs] d _ Watch]

Wall. Po. III. 6. Warfare, War] "m" i time (lign) by

Sepìment] Wnrinefr. _ Word]

Rampier] [Heedfulnel's_] Clock without Bell]

Partition .[Rel'ervedne s] adi. Pocket Clock]

_creeper, Woodpecker] of a [Frugality] Wnrcber, [Blue (kind]

long llender bill, about the Wnrlike, [adi.War] Wurcbfiilneft.

bignefs of a Sparrow] Wurm. Vigilance]

_.eyeol, [White eyed] [Temperate] Hecdfulnefs]

"_jlowenHSJV. i. A. Fierce ( im.] [Diligence]

_Loufe, [Piiiiaife] Ради. 6. {Zealous] Water.

_Nut.Tr. IV. i. A. Warn. RO. V. 4. A. _ Element. El. III. i'

_Rue,[white Maiden hair] _to appear, [Citation] tbe-W. IV.

HL. I. 5.‘ Warp. Хинди-{Засада

_worr,[Danewort] tbe_ Direêl threed] тайм-{Расы

Waller, [Riding bag] ro_ end] r {Swimming}

inopen inthe middle] warrant. ‚ br- sailing]

Walnut. Tr. IV. r. Written Command] in n_[adL Swearing (aug.

Wullowing,[volutation [Sponlion] under-«[Covered with­­~’

iwambling, Volutation] Warrant), [l’aäìon for М: _banlò

Loathing } . _ (make _beetle. Ex. V. 8. ~

Averlation (dm-l Warren, Park for Rabbets] _Cbein,'[cliai`n (tion.] f

_Coti e,




JWf¢{Aquedu­Fum»,[Trench or drein]

-—Нсп‚ [Moorhen] BLVIII.9.

­­.Ll`lly. .

­­inaii, [adj. Rowing (perfon]





­­.S`_e_orpion.Á Ex. I. 9.3’

­Sboor, Barren branch


Для“. Ех. VII. l. A.

_.S‘pider. Ex. II. 4.


_Cattle, [Drink ( malte) c.]

-garden, [a. Wet (make)

the Iurface with-_]

_meat in '[Soke with water-l


to ma 'e- v. ‘атм?

Out- Di illed (thing

adi. [Walhing (сыне)

fp; Medicinal]

ma uib

Wat .Wu‘îqyh ìad). Water]

_blood, [Serous blood]

щи}, [adi water (like t.]

‘Уши, a. Weaving (licks


[ ill] PG. V.7. A.

Wave. W. “1.1.15



Shaltin (dim.]

Aver ion] __


Waver. AS. IV. 4.0.


Subli. El. III. 7. A.

ear-[Excitement of the ear]


(а. wax]




v. E_1_/ent __

Wa e, Wreat ]к fp. of Straw]


Impotence] _

eeblenels, NP. V. 7. O.



Being perf.]

Weale , { н f‘мы’. :Ppm: s]



acdiRC. (thin_g] 1

omtnon pro perity

Government by the people]

Wean, [Teach to ablìain]

_a cbi'ld, [Un- a. fuckle


Weapon. RM. V. I.


а“?° b lПища} y u e]


__oiii, Spoil'by ‘Не; _nullen Lift L_] '

_ai clot es, [v. Clot ing] _damn Depri: s]

Pr. IV. [Confider]

._inbi't pocket, [Carry] M0. Weight.

Vl. i. Gravity. .V.4 E

_at Ring, ùc. [with p. Or- Meafureo . MeaJ'lI.

tute] TMJI. 6. Mcal'uring (inflr.) Men.

___a_[ady.ïaking(macli.)oflilh] GìLLA. w _ __

ст’). o — eig t .

tir-TA. V. 8.0. _ {Staiidíiig- feâly вы]

——оЛ51с1‹ of adi. TA. Vf 7­0~ Importance]

тиф’ taß, Unfayory t.] Weigbty, [adi._Weiglit]

Weafand, [Wind-pipe] РОЛЬ Well¿,[Pcriwinkle] Ex. VII.

x A. ‚ 6. A.

Weather. W "(и S[Guelt Sheep] Вы". 2. will.l , l: ky]

Temperament of_Air.El. VI. (600(1]

_Carib [Знание (lug-_) 0f [admïiâeääiclar] __ ‚

lil lentthe vergency ot the wind]

_.¿lafß [adj. Glafs (ìnür. ._a day. Int. 11.2. О.

for fhew- Heat ofthe __adiiifed, [a. Confidcfare]

ing _ Cold air] _beloved, [Loved]

to­.one, [a. patience] NobleWea‘ue. _bar" Gentle ìm‘m-l

._ing. 0. V. 2. Accepted (Pfff-1_

_", _ -f‘lme adj. a.Dele&ation]

[a_di.W_eaving (mech.]` to­­oiie.

ril'h. F i. IV. 8. [joya AS. VI. 6.( lign) for

Web, [Woven (thìng] _ his coming]

Cob-[Woven (thing) of Spi- [Entertain (perl.]

_def-.l ‚ _fam [Being (perf.] _

White ‚(рог in the eye] ._favoured, (ад). Decent]

We , [a. Marriage]- ` li .Wedding. [adj. Marriage folem- Si g]_in ealtb, [adj. Health]

mty] _inyears, чад). Old (dim.]

Weder, _.iigb, [A mon] adv. v...

[pnfmf] ' “nm ìlnt lll 2 Of . ожил/та]; _then . ­ . .

-o Silver. _to рад, [Rich (diin.]

to-iii. _.. 'lli' g _ -[In-thrulI (augm.] _ _:'ilbglg }ad;. Енот-1

[lmfaßen lp. by_ prifms „_AdvJI. i.

in-thru ed aboutit] a__W_ 1v, 3,

Wedloc , [Marriage] Wi M 'nWednef ay, [4m day oi the week] e r’ [Ing] j

p. made by [Owing]

We.Prep. I. l . A. Welter, [v.Vol\-1tution]

Weed. iwf». SJII- s»

[Sorry garment] „ешь

[Herb] ‚ . Childhood } ff {unproñtable] Шл- Adoiefœnce I ‘mil

. Р‘ Н‘ШЫ] Sorry (fem.]

_шд. 0.1". 3. A. adj, Fornicatinl‘l [fenix]

шеф}? м A „,_f:1_ Fomìcajition]

-o “пе. ea. ._4. . Wem, adj. rango t

_of Candle, [adj. _P. flame Wap“ {adj_§r¢t_w¢¢p]

(apt.) _flring_(part_| _ Wem

Wee , [adj. Taking (machin) farchavingbecn]

ГО‘ mi i‘i-Ut migiiibe]

Weeld. д, ii._.Adv. IV. 2. O.

[mdk] . Wifi. sp. ш. ..0.МНЕ} e Wei. qv. 2.a.

We?? 0P____o__:_ Whale. I, l. Q_ ы“

­ _ t ri . ieat F'.[a. Sup опыт] il?? ver! Е 1 l

Over- ‘а. Pride]

Weeping. AC. IV. 3 .0.

шеф’. Be. IV. 7. A.

шеи/г‘. Exe ve la А‘

Wharf. [adj. Riverhaven _

Wbaijfinger, [MIL Wharf Oli]


Intertog. Pion. III. l­ A.

Weieb- - iterative. Pion . ш. 2. A.

v. mea. III. ...manner of, manner]

-witli Balances. 0. I. 2. [ofwhat kind]

[Be heavy] v. Q: V. 4. —1Ъёшг. Pron. lll‘. g. A.

| ­­­l





_a poor [Щи [How forry a kWiet. Решетка (inging

НМ: adi. p. tooth A_(:nfladinvertiginainng]

Whenh. . _ (make] _ VVhirligig.

(мы $‚Ш‚.!- _ as Pom adj. a. ticking VVhirtle. Sh. Ill.g.A.

_worm.‘~Ex. il. 7. A. (арт; _ Vif/mk, ‚

Wheat. HL-U- I~ adi. p. edge Move (Эту;

Bude-HF' L3» ­ d' . .(make] Brul'hby {Ы ing]Coin-»- ‚ ‘И gc, adi. a. Cutting VV irkef, [Great]

India-[Maiz] HL. II. 2. (apt.] [Mufìache]

Whear-e4Y»Bi-V­6¢.^­ _Stone St. 1.6. VVhi/Ífer. AC.IlI.;. ‚

Wbw-cfßff- HLJIl-s- ¿uf/n, [wherefore] f d. ìwhifpeiiog

Wheedle. ,_ . [Which "ЕЩЁ l’ Backbiting

[ldi- Fawmng ldv'h‘ud] i lnterrog. Pron. Ш. LA. _ (pcrfon]

Wheel. Relative. Pron.llI. LA.. Whijl. Мг. Ш. 1.0.

Fism Маг-УФ A' ‘ which., [nifgoiioa aai. waiting mini..

M-[VUUS‘MW] l (Off.) with Candle] [Whilìling (infine

[Turn] . шут, ' fp.adi.Tubc ( g.]

_about G0111 тот‘! i [Drink of гамму] ——щ. ‚111.4 А.

l (und wifi.. who, [ifa 3n-»Ofcllrf’ alc» Poo V» 6o , any-_[adv' any]

._Barrow. [One wheeld [дымка] ‹1,щ_ {ан};

Ст д ood _ adv. whole[о bung оп lbf-_Rl Y» 9° A- лёг,“ и“; “Ferma VVV/)Elfo З ‚.

WIJN?, [a: Amm“ “mh fou“ n long с j _.Colourl I. i. Е.

(augm.] ‚ nge ‚ _bn-ncl, [Fiuebread]

Whe). _ jince ЕМ" Dld] _1nd, [Ccrul'e]

' Serum] PP.I.1. alittle -­-[adv. tranfi ­­­Iiver’d, [adj. Coward]

W ell@ nflnmè tory] _mmm adj. milk ‘дёш

[Puñle] S. Ш- l~ {ада d als]

Wbelm. '—' fìnce }[а v'new] __par, [FluidfPudding]

[cover] (наш-1 mean-[in the middle qng.

Dog time] [White (make]

шь‹1‚‚,{ыоп (yong] ‚феи _[after fome ИЛ‘. FLIII. 2.­A.

IIC. within а} time] VVhilher.


When. after д liiile- [adv. [To what lace]

At what time] мы} foon] ­-ßever, To whatl‘oever

_Whereas] Coni. IV. i. «fier _a long- Ladv. place]

Whcnce. ‚ а11/Ля} late] VVhiilow.

[From what plícè] ( a. Cunäation] [Bile on the ñnger]

é-ße‘uer, [From whatl‘oever iii-Off.' Delay] ­­­­grafs. ‹

place] [пота] Whiißnride, rodi. плату

Where. VVhilß. Adv. 111.3. (time) for pret. Defcenfion

What. VVbimper, [Acute (dim.) grief of the Holy Сбой]

—-Ьу, [By what] (voice] Whir er, [ад]. а. white (mech.

«_in, in what] VVhimv. ` o Linen]

­of, ofwhat (a. Fancy (corr.] ‚ Whittle, [Cut (corr.]­-to, to whatj] adi. ConceitednefsKthing] ;­­­‘d, [Drunk]

_n.c. Conì.ÍV.i. VVhin. _ Whig: _

_fam Con).III.;. [Furl шьют; (voice]

[in what place] ‚ VVhinc, acute de_íìte Who,

_fasten [In whatfoever (dim.) grief Interreg. pron. IIl.i.A.

place] l 1 V (voice] Rc‘lsative. Pron. III. 2. A.

nn - In ап‚ ace И’! ; — 0

coi'ry-[Sp NYE?. [151]. Whipping (мы _[oe-ver }Pr0n­ m' 3' A'.

ria-Sp. Il. 8. O. Figure. Mag. IV. 7. Whole.Wherlv (adLVertigination (adi. hand (part) of Rud- Total._TM.VI.

Whern} [Digg] de { Entire] NP. V. x. ‘

Wherrei` [Striking] io.- ad}.Soundnefs] NP.'V.2.

fp, with hand]ëi l Puniih. R .V1'.2. Sum. _

Wherr), Boat ад“). row (apt.) a. Agility _ _Snle,_[Sellmg-adv. aggre- i

wit 2 Gars] ' about-windthreed] . gate]

Whether. l _a iop, [vertigmate t. _Iy {Whole]-v-of the imz [Who of the with adi. Mag. IV. 7- [adv. All]

two] ’ ’ (infìr,] _ Wholefoni,{ Health]

Añ'irm. ConìJ. r.- VVhipfaw, [Saw (dim.] [adj. Soundncfs]

Negat. Coni. l. 1.0. Whirl. _ _ Whom-vid. Who. _

_or no. Con). I. i. or Conj. _hone, [Bone covering the Wboop, [v. Exclamation

` 1.1.0. ` knee] (augm.]

Dislun’ñìvc indefinite. Conj. ­‘­pool.W. IV. LD. Whore. _ _ .

.î Il. 3. A. ­­wind. El. II. 4.A. [adp fornication (fem.]

.l o _ 'r t t ...dom,‘

. ‚


WI' ’ 1WI_.

. "__ .' ' .v_

‚ . W'I

vrn, [Fornication] _

._monger.. adj. fornicati


_ Wbortle, 511111. 2.


Sweet-Sli. Il: 6. A.

wmf., {gfl‘ ìwho]

Wbofoeocr. Pron. lll. g. A.


-Wìcl¿ed, Unholy

Vicious augm.

Wicker, [Woven [thin 0f


fp. ad). они]


[Door (dim.]





_fromtlie matter, [Imper

tinent (augm.]

Widgín. В1.1Х.3.

Widow. RO.II. 5.

_I4/ail. Sh. 111.6. A.

[Wholly open]


_with «Wi . El. I. 6.

Wil ul.



adj. D’ifobe ‘спас (äpt.]

. Pe wa e

ÍN°‘°‘dl-P~{ oimuide

. а t.WilIingne/ì. ( P 1

[will (аЫ1г.


A actiWilla». ty]

Tree. Tr. V1.9.


(.‘odded-HS. IV. 3.

spiked-Sh. V. l . A.

Wimble. [adv. p. vertigînation

Boring (inflr.]



.n Obtain]

{ Gain l

—л Villar), [a. Viâory]

Wield. такс]

_[Handle] Conquer]

uI_fGovern] Perfwade]

1 е, All '[Mîrrîcd (‘т-3 шт, [giftige with heen]

ou e- W“ b d . ­ Pull'[Miltrel's of family] ` "к , [Íigina‘iîtri{5crtiiiigg

good- Providence] ("псы")

(ад). Frugallty (fem,] Wim ’

[Womn ‘Pff-3 ­ Proper.El.lI.4.

Медь [Per on] _fut { Fall

Wtldâeß [adriqg Evânt

Wammmffs] _ giver); ъЕЁпЭпаопу] HF.

g Fiercenel's] IX. ¿_ '

{Cfmcclltdncßl _mill, [Mill adi. p. operati»

Идти“ on make)bytlicwind]

§10?" fn? ilf sid..- _obiique_]

ar arou nes ‘ ;‚‘[_ 1,11, _ _Irregularnefs Wgr Ea m4 A

[Impertinence (augm.] v' ( “g ’l

._fîre, [Confeéiion of wetted Fagn

Gunpowder] и с

_pliiiit, Naturally growing] -gßlL _

Wilderne/Ir, Not-adi. p. Dwelling “'"fbäluffi [colic]

[plaît] [Bl'CdIîhJP

W‘lding, Naturally ro 'n A — —Р’Рг- G. VLLA.I p1@_] g m g P fetch-[a.llefpiration] ‚

Wile, [a. Craft] Й"; %_„‚]Will. )ort

Futuretenfe] ­[_Sent]

Mood HL] 1s in tbe-of [Difcover (inc.]

Нант. NP. 1.4. :v_-____Е _ __ _ __

A8. AS. 1V. -a от a. oun i.

inclination] nnen] ip. çine]

'[v"{ tlìirculdi]


[v. “Мишка

Wriggle ­E _in and Turn

out “так

adv. Diverlìty]

_up and down.


_into one.

_o_rle о!‘ of

[v Spiral]

‘ Helica ]



с“ Skein]


_up, [End]

_a Bottom, [a. Bottom]

_a ¿heb? [a. Sltein]

_a ’are .

Windle. Mag. IV. 5. A.

Windlaß, [Pulley]

Window. Po. IV. 2. A.

Wine. Pr. Il. 6.

Wing. PP. V. a. .

_vftafnAarmyj [ад]. Íide (Part)

o rmy


[Shut eye]

[Sign by fliuttlng eye]


[Seem not to obferve]

Corr à{Not-‘l runnin]

Wintrow. O. Ill. 5. A.

Winter. Mea. V. 3. A.



_Grrem HL. VI. B.

_O_ `{Permanence }through

Dwelling] the win‘

_ ter]


Stroke. О. V. 8. A.

_dem [a. Clean by wipe


Annihilate .

_out, Spoil _ë]

В. Fraud]

eerWire, [lady Metalthreed]



fad). Wi dom]

трат. Ha. VI. 2.



а’ 't Delire]

_one to Advife one

do, Command Btc.

Vel leity] v . Crook ed]

Purpofe ' ( Parabolical]

Defirej] v. Hy erbolical]

{dcommand ЁТЕ Ipjticll]

Goo ­­ favour um

vit «goo —- d ‚ A] _ _ing mi).tiny] Га v a [Ford] _

nl_l'Maljgmfy] _ing flieet, ad; Linen

with „n ¿u_[adv~ Gradi? (чей) fora j. buried

ing] [Perfon]


_well to [a. Favour]

[a. Velleity]

1]». ] .

[In ammation of the eye



w1 W0@ »2_5/v0


rß, [Prcnknow] Wirbjland. _ . WooI.PP.VI. r.A.

тру, . › ' 0p ole] _en clorb.\Pr.IV. t.

[Sttïldily] ‘ Re lll] _ Ilford. ' Y,

Wi., ' W\’_ba.lmpedient (ем!) _ Proper. D. H: и;

Underßandi ir wind. '_ at ‹ .` ' r îЕ Fancy ng] Witnlß'. “1.1.7. A. ‹ d_[BncñyJ Í" , _ ;

„[a- lnvention kpc'f‘m] Wirral, ['Confenting to his ‘ИМ in_array, [advl Hypocriûc]

[Sprightlinefs] - Adultery] by-ofmqurb, [adn preform

wifdom] Witty. ‚ f Г eaking] »e i

Arr] _ У [adj. Wit] by- Proverb [com]

_leflq [Without- ldl- Winíng. ïwatcnword] ‘

wit] ~ [adj. Knowledge] ‘ Narration] У У

in ones-r, [adj.underßand- Wirml. _ У omg }{ ь_ } ___...g (par.) rwrrrrarprir] si. 1.o. {шУУ f. y [Nm щ»)

.out ofones-I [Mild] Имам‘. ß].lll. x. A. [Promifc] . .‘

linle- [Wit (def.) W Mifer _j Work. _

Лифт -Uîacttlouf- о’ Grid? {al-aaien]

nefs.] _ Wood. HS.V . 8. v. ei‘licient]_y

searcbing-[sagaciouf- МЛ‘! {МЯГсгЛ [Öpcration] ‚ ~

nefs] гад. Grief] a. IìfIicìent_l morei

r Coni. 1V. 3.. Wo e. operation

мы rai. в). ш. r. (рсг- Beafi. вы’. t. A. m“ f" Do adr'. muß.; un

(on У ­­­:bane. HSJ. g. dome (things]

._Cmfr. ЦАП. l. У Berry bearing-[Herb Chrif [a. Mechanic] У

With. _ Gopher] HSJX. 5. fp.for Ornatenefs]

` Fight имидж-ИЗ. l. ;.A. [Embroider]

{вы ì“ Winrer­-­HS.I.4. [Ferment] '

[Agaìnft] У [Cancer] S. 111.4, d-f __ ` _

Fighe-_] Woman, [Mam W. V. 5. [fe~ РФ. p. work {thing}

ЕЬу] Agni. I ‚РЕ‘ __ _ male] W kßook]__ __ __ _‚

_muc ain, а v. Im- «ge _ 0r man, a j. то: erful] P __ _”{elìateìM‘n’YIïz' Гоп _ (p _

‘одета-Мин. 2- ­­­r, Sex. NP. VI. 2.0. p.(perl`.] 1

{With it] Womb. PG. Vl. 9. ­ _­[bip, [Work]

»all Aire. _ мы“. _ fp_(prrnj

— e-[Twìfì‘d ММ] [Admiraŕion] World. .

Withdraw. Wont. . _ The Univerl'e of Creatures.W.

Abfìain'ë _ _ [Cußóm] The Globe of earth and wa

`{Ceafe _ smug] Woo. ' ters.W.lI. 7.

[Take away] _ [a. Suitor] У The earth. “МИ.

fp. Concealmg] Wood. ` — d-of [adj. Multitude (aug.]

Remove] Part ofTree, PP. I. A. Worldly.

Depart] ‚ Place of'fr'ces. 90.1.7. Fd; world]

[Retire] _ _man [adi.Po. I. 7.‘ adj. scraping]

fp.a v. concealing] _ward (05.] ‚ Gracclefs

»ing Room. [Inner Room] [Trees faggr.. Worldling Selñlh (perl'on]

Witber. _ _ — Woodbind. Sh. I . 8. {Covetousj'

[Decay] . „_ 'Upright-Sh. II. 8. A. Worm.

,. Магнит} шмсось А. Infra. ‚ ‚гр’ through Molûufc Woodcul‘uer, [adj. Wood-pige- bear-EXJII. 8. An

W __ У f __ __ MCL] on ‚ У _ belly-Ex.' I. r.A. ’

if т o ri orfe, Convex Angry exc. bloin- ,

(рт) between the fhoul- Wood’ i Mad] 1 :burr-[Evechurr] Ex. II.

У ders] Wooofrerrer. :.A.

Willibald. "food/ark. Bi. IV. 1. A. earth-Excl. r..

êHold] Wooolloufe. _ . 64H14.' _

Detention] Woodman. ad1.Po. 7‘. A. p«lmer­­­Ex.III. 8. А.

_[a. Imprdirrrr] Wrrdprrlrg. вмх. 9. silo-Err. 1n. в. А.

Willi). Woodpile‘.' Skipping-Ex. Ш. 7.

Willow.Tr. IV. 6.' ._ У [Heaped wood (aggr.] шеи-ы. II. 7.A.

Sallow. Tr. IY. 6. A. j' тайма}: HI.. IX. lo. [Spírall’in]

Within. У Wod/‘con Wormfeed.

[On this бас] Prep'.VI 2. Wood/onel. Леша-ИЗ IV. 13. .

m.Prçp.IV. r.A. [Three~lcav’d Sorrel] Wormivood. Sh. V. g. г

v _ ._a lmle, [Almoft] Woodfpeighr. Bi. IX.9. adi. a. pret. ',

Without. _ Woodward, adi. Po. I. 7. (Off,] Worn, ё Wear]

Not with. Prep. 11.2. О. wrolworrrr, Wood-boringin- a .p.

—‚1а|5!ка [advl Certain] fe&(dim.] _ Worry, [Shakcintoeth]

Not within. Prep. IV. 2. A. Woof, [Tranfverethreeds ofwo- Worje. ТЕМ-6.1).

Beyond. Prep. V1.2. A. ven (thing] _and-ladi. Worfe]

‚ Т tt 2 Wcr- _


. *M_-_vwY

Mr ip,(гады Uhm. by YiOlL‘mly extend.

a. Reverence] W ß mgl

adoration. КВА“ n ` .

щ» ipful. ‚ [Co‘a’on] _ _

adj_.Dìgnity . ` I fP- by twrfhng]W Gentleman {com} ‚ Y

a . ­

Mon „im [From-take by тает) AБЁ-Тм. vr. t. o. VV" 6. 1AVELStiCk] ‚

[overthrow] VV'e‘cb’rÜdÍ- Wïf'chdncfs S‘il-RN- HL2. . T.'

weee h wenn?, (“1:3 —l o _ l

Wort. ne t reeds “www ENEMY.) [Found P°­ Ш. 3.

[Herb] Penurloufnefs [ausm] “5° "L 8.(male]

ale wllfsornnefs] Turn, Thxtcd adj` P, „ewa

ry. a t.

be" not yet fermented] [oblique] Tamm?Warth ‘ I S‘lůlläfoìl

\ Worth' f' ‘с _» _Woodpeck к‘ “ ~ 0- I. 6.

Excellenrìiëesi adl- holding )msg n" ‘

шт] W _ head adv. oblique] “Виды. Adv. l. 1,

Price] "¿ß'f- _ ТЕМ CÜAdvJiLr.

Riches] -IS “чипа. Mo. l. 6. ce~ Pron. I. 2. A.

Worthinef" TM’ w 6 to denote añ’et’tiom Ac Tceld,

WartbIefv, [Sorry-J' ' IV- 4- ’ Suffer to take, TA. IV. x.

mœ’mnow] -m {Go }[_0ut adv. ‘и’; Sold. ‚‚Wrven, (adj, рта") VV _ a (_ìet gung] g' Demifed ÉÍOI]

шт“. ууш'ф’ "'d- VVrencb. _““f‘mL [1- Account]

для, [Vtlleity ""‘më- -Ff‘f'ß г‘- Fruit]

'-1011'. [lwigi] [1' compfdïìorì] `­ a‘5\lb_)e&lon]

I_[Hlvc it] fp. adv. Submlt

[Mood “патом! nl] -frorn one. Grant D,v1_ a' o.

Mund. ' [From take декаду)‘ МТст AS. 11,3.

hurt. S. I. z. E Гр.ьу wringing] Conf: a] D.vl, 9,

ad). l pret. I [_xtort v ‘ as Garrifon. RM, U, 4_ D’

Wind] Pam, p, „if by ming; äsPrlfoner. RM. II. ь, v_

за”. „Vńß '12s] ­ a’ C°nqu¢fd RM. 11.7.11

Wrack. VVm.. ­G.V.g. A. mühe Gbqì, [Dy]

Spoil Com ‘n’ Rcm't'Ruine Ь _nu lor.’ for ill'l'cßing] - I -I .

fp.ofship ‹ Wmilig. Etsccfii’iufc) aslgldi‘fingßwwhe" Ev'

«1М «van " “anWrangle. I 4' VViirbin "RL: w' 5'» “lll-"M5351

Е" СОШСЩЁОП v VVmng. “мы уши/шт‘ ' Yield (з?! d words] [Irregular] Softnefs] QV] ‘_

WMP {Fold} Evil]A Tuf- Mea.v. `

› Cover by folding] {Evi} Сим] т——; 01d] за]. мы. vl

­­about, [About fold] а. Injufhce. „ф, [a 1.ferment_ Ale. .4._"1" ` i ‘"ìúfyJ J “180mm од Be ‘l

{Togethepfold} ínrbe_ „M_ m- 76”. [Exclaim] “l

Tgovlerjb, folding] wml., vi ‘_ WWW] низ»: ос п, 2, A.

, ng C ' _ l 0.-;

Wm! ûbfeufg] VVroug/n{ Pret. }work'] T l-bíxmmen в}, “д 2

v ~ ч’ . ’ '„И?“ (align.) WWW. { î; P‘cqwńng] Travian.“ Ä‘ëfî‘; ‘1:9 (mvg)

rent . ' ' _ b ' ' _[Twin] „ЁЁЁЁЁ’ЁЁ’Ё“ Ёотгсг ì д

Wreçk­ Perform Tem’ Сад!- p. Notion]

’ Execute . г ‚ {my}

ï p' Wllh Банке] i

ц Adv. I. t. iW" ‚ si.Wre’rlreb. vl. 3'иным?‘ “шип çeílerdaf, Ifadi. preceding day]

mbyrfo'pm] "тест nу lung] ' C’onj\ [L 2. о,

l ­ выше] _

fem, i



.n.210 dzzi‘iin». [sheep Een... (feng диет. @a f „Бит? (PUCH.

_tree. Тг- V­ 3- Under agC Childhood. Mea. Zenith, [Upper Pole ofthe Ho

me» [H’ccough] VI. r.A­ rizon _ _

T . . _ . ' M . I I. .o cNeck-binding (ius.) Mmmm e“ gmk’ [SPC “Il °’ 4 _

' . . VI. . .

ToEethei--two ‚ V1.2- Zoohae 3

mk, Yellow part) within of agelzYtâuÚÃ. Mea. VI- 22g/gir, [Cenfurer (corr.]

ï thveMÉäâàlng] a‘_[adj.You'th ('perfoíi] [Girdle]f _ __

0M’ ­ _ l .. s a _

ranke" (хода? я???) ñ I, [adx Youth@ с] ofcearth be

._ l . ­ . ­ n _ ­15”, ofOlld] Sp. I. 3. 0. 323611 pole and polar Gir

_Thou r er te­`[Space of earthgm’ {Усе } z' вата? Polar Circle and

gung. ‘ Tropic

__. ge [adn youth] _ _ _ _ _

_gel [Children] Zizrny,l gaSd;__Síctîrnl(perf°n] rortrviviícnâsëlagooêsrîgjbe

“Ё in- Learner] zeoloîr'y.. о l _ Zoopbyre, [Plant-Animal]

rgieríßeginmr] Het? Ввоз: ofan Indian zyru.

n D

grafia). You] Tree. Tr. VI. n.