an analysis of grammatical errors in wrting - Repository UNCP


Transcript of an analysis of grammatical errors in wrting - Repository UNCP















Submitted to the English Education Study program

Faculty of Theacher Training and Education Cokroaminoto Palopo

University as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








Title : An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative

Text at Second Semesters at Universities Cokroaminoto


Name : Taufan Jaya

Student ID : 1301404081

Study Program : English Education

Examination Date : Agustus 20th

, 2020

Approved by,

Supervisor II, Supervisor I,

Juwita Chrestiani, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dr. Rusdiana Junaid, M.Hum., M.A.

Legalized by,

Head of English Education Dean of FKIP,

Study Program,

Dr. Hafirah Patang, S.S., M.Hum. Dr. Sehe, M.Pd.

Date : Date :





Taufan Jaya, 2020, An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Narrative

Text at Second Semesters at Universities Cokroaminoto Palopo ( supervised by

Rusdianan Junaid and Juwita Christiani).

The objective of the research is to find out the Grammatical Errors in

Writing Narrative Text at Second Semesters. The population of this research is the

second semesters at Universities Cokroaminoto Palopo. The researcher uses

cluster random sampling with 29 samples. The method of this research applies

descriptive qualitative and writing test as instrument of this research then the

researcher analyzes the data by using error analysis procedures which consist of

collecting the data, identifying student‟s errors, classifying errors, explanation

errors based on the sources of errors and evaluating errors. The result of the

research shows the errors made by the students based on surface strategy are

classified into omission, addition, misformation, and misordering, the researcher

found 150 errors consisting of 42 or 28% errors of omission, 33 or 23.22% errors

of addition, 51 or 34% errors of misformation, and 24 or 16% errors misordering.

The researcher found that dominant error is misformation. The researcher found

errors were caused by the interlingual transfer. In the intralingual transfer, the

researcher found 51 source of errors or 34% of over-generation, 33 source of erors

of 22% of ignorance of rule restriction, 42 source of errors or 28%% of

incomplete application of rule and the last 24 source of errors or 22% of false

hypyothesized. Based on the analyzing of the data, the dominant source of error is

over-generalization. It caused by the students often over-generalization in the

markering the sentence, especially in writing narrative text. The students still

often over-generalization in writing of narrative text.

Keywords: Error analysis, Surface strategy, Narrative text, Writing.



First of all, the researcher would like to express her sincerely gratitude to

the almighty God, and Muhammad SAW for the blessing so that time by time, the

researcher can start and finish writing this thesis at English Education Study

Program Faculty of Teacher and Education Cokroaminoto Palopo University.

The main point that the researcher spotlights in this thesis is talking about

the an analysis of grammatical errors in writing narrative text at fourth semesters

at universities cokroaminoto palopo.

The researcher gets some help, guidance, and supports from others.

Therefore in this occasion the researcher wants to dedicate thanks to Dr. Rusdiana

Junaid, M.Hum., M.A the dean of Teacher Training and Education, Andi

mangnguntungi, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Head of English Education Study Program.

Thanks to Dr. Rusdiana Junaid, M.Hum., M.A,. as the first consultant and Juwita

crestiani, S.Pd., M.Pd,. as the second consultant that have given their helps,

encouragement and suggestion.

The researcher also does not forget to appreciate her gratitude to all of

lectures in Cokroaminoto Palopo University for their helps and supports. The

researcher wants to dedicate her special gratitude to her family especially her

parents Sujiman and Jumasni, thanks to her siblings.

Last but not least the researcher delivers her to all of them who have

helped in writing this thesis, the researcher also expect some suggestions,

critiques, and supports for the improvement ot this thesis.

Palopo, 28 Agustus 2020

Taufan Jaya



Taufan Jaya born on 23th

October 1995 in Sassa. His parents‟

names are Sujiman and Jumasni. He has six brothers. He is the

first child from seven siblings. He began his study at

Elementary School at SDN 029 Sassa in 2001 and graduated

in 2007. Then he continued his study at SMPN 2 Sabbang and

graduated in 2010. After that, he continued his study at SMA

Negri 1 Baebunta and graduated in 2013. At the same year, he continued his study

at Cokroaminoto Palopo University and took English Education study Program

until now.




TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... ... i

PROPOSAL APPROVAL ................................................................................... . ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... . iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... .. 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................ .. 2

1.2 Problem Statements ................................................................... .. 2

1.3 Objectives of the Research ......................................................... .. 2

1.4 Significance of the Research ....................................................... .. 2

1.5 Scope of the Research ................................................................. .. 3

1.6 Operational Definition ................................................................ .. 3

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................... .. 4

2.1 Some Pertinent Ideas .................................................................. .. 4

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .............................................................. 22

3.1 Research Method and Design .................................................... 22

3.2 Time and Location of the Research ........................................... 22

3.3 Population and Sample .............................................................. 22

3.4 Instrument of the Research ........................................................ 22

3.5 Procedure of Collecting Data ..................................................... 24

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................... 23

CHAPTER IV FINDING ...................................................................................... 25

4.1 Research finding ........................................................................... 25

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................... 45

5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................... 45

5.2 Suggestion .................................................................................... 46

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 48

APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 50




1.1 Background

In learning English, the learners will learn two aspects that must be

mastered. Firstly, language components: vocabulary, sound and grammar.

Secondly, the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Most

of students think that writing is the most complex skill among the four basic

language skills. The difficulty not only in generating and organizing ideas, But

also in translating the ideas into readable text Students have to pay Attention to

higher level skills of planning and organizing as well as lower learn Skills of

spelling, punctuation, word choice, and soon. In the process of writing English

text, students often do some errors especially in Grammar.

Grammar is one of the sub-skills that influence our progress in learning

English. Grammar can help us to understand any kind of texts or sentences that

we hear or read. Learning grammar means that student learns about the structure

of the English and knowing the parts of grammar itself that can help student to

make sentences in written or spoken. It is possible in communicating successfully

if the students know how to build and use certain structures. Also without

knowing that matters, they would not make comprehensible sentences. It showed

that grammar is needed to be taught. Therefore, students have to learn grammar

first before they construct or make a sentence.

Writing English language is completely different from writing in

Indonesian form. In Indonesian form, there are no tenses; a verb appears in the

same form in all the times. There were many students who still made many errors.

In writing English paragraph and found difficulties in applying tenses, structure,

Syntax, semantic, lexical meaning, and phonology into sentences. Beginner writer

often feels a great frustration when they are asked to compose a Piece of writing

because they know quite a bit of grammar and vocabulary and Formulates

complex thoughts in English. They also have a difficult translating the

Information onto the writing page.


The mistakes made in Writing seem to clear when someone writes it and

will be read by readers. In learning English, it is common that students make

mistakes or error in written Form, especially in how to use the verb correctly

based on tenses. Writing also has to be elaborated in syllabus by employing the

Genres or types of text. It is in line with the research which deals with one of the

Genres, narrative text.

Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it

tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative

text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative

through a process narration. In writing narrative text students have some problems

on grammar especially in tenses Based on the background above, the researcher is

interested to analyze the Grammatical errors in writing narrative text. Therefore,

the researcher entitles the research “an analysis of grammatical errors in writing

narrative text‟‟.

1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background above the researcher formulated the research

question as follows: How is the grammatical errors make by students in writing

narrative text?”

1.3 Objective of the Research

In relations to the problem statements above, the objectives of this research as to

find out the grammatical errors make by students in writing narrative text.

1.4 Significances of the research

The researcher hopes that this result of this research can be useful for:

1. The teachers

This study is expected to give information about grammatical errors make

by student in writing text, especially in narrative text.

2. The students

This study is expected to help them in improving their understanding

about how to make a good text with the right grammar


3. The other researchers

The result of this study is expected to give other resources of the studies.

This study can help them in conducting the related research.

1.5 Scope of the research

In order to get focus in conducting this research, the researcher focused on

grammatical error in writing narrative text such as omission, miss ordering and


1.6 Operational Definition

To get the general understanding about the title of the research, the

researcher gives the definition of some important terms related to the title:

1. Writing is the primary part of language which used to convey information,

ideas, beliefs, and impression to others. As what people want to express too

complex orally and when the communication is needed to be permanent form

for the others to read

2. Error analysis is a branch of applied linguistics. It is concerned with the

compilation, study and analysis of errors made by second language learners

and aims at investigating aspects of second language acquisition.

3. Grammar is one of the sub-skills that influence our progress in learning

English. Grammar can help us to understand any kind of texts or sentences

that we hear or read.

4. Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to

find the resolutions to solve the problems.




2.1 Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Writing

a. Writing Definition

writing is one of the language skills learned in class. Writing is an activity

that requires the ability to make words into sentences. This is also an activity to

compose sentences into text. Writing is not easy. This is the most difficult subject

in school because students have to make text in English. It takes a series of

exercises to develop a skill, it cannot be learned just once. Students should write

down what they think and state it on paper using the correct procedure. Learning

to write in the final year of junior high school or even high school is one of the

most difficult tasks a student faces and few people master. Moreover, writing

activity is the most important part of the four language skills.

Rimes (1983: 76) states that writing is a means of strengthening the use of

sentence structure and tenses, idioms and vocabulary correctly so that readers get

ideas clearly, then skills that express ideas, feelings, and thoughts are arranged in

words, sentences, and paragraphs.

According to Barton (2000: 5) writing is a complex and often mysterious

process. Writing is not just about arranging letters and words on a page, a

moment's reflection reveals that it's more than that. But writing is how to get the

message across.

Harmer (2004: 86) that something that is strongly influenced by genre

boundaries can also be called writing activities, so these elements must be present

in learning activities. Writing is a powerful tool for organizing sequences and

making events easy to manage. Writing is actually a form of thinking using the

written word.

Meanwhile, Mayers (2005: 2) how to produce language that the writer

does naturally when speaking can also be interpreted as writing. Writing is

speaking to others verbally and in writing on paper or on a computer screen.


Writing is also the act or process of finding or organizing ideas, putting them on

paper, reshaping, and revising them. On the other hand Palmer (1994: 5) states

that writing is recursive. It's back and forth we plan a little, put the words on

paper, stop the plan when we want to say the next one, go back and change the

sentence, or change their mind altogether, and translate the word into a sentence.

Boardman (2002: 11) states that writing is a process of thinking and organizing,

rethinking, and rearranging continuously.

Nation (1990: 84) a way to bring improvements to students' writing by

providing assistance at various stages of the process instead of focusing on the

finished product can be categorized by the writing process. process requires a

technique that allows students to improve their writing achievement. This

statement implies that writing is a process. Therefore, the existence of certain

techniques is necessary so that the writing process is valuable, rethinking, and


Writing enables the students to describe their ideas in sequence and

communicative way. Rimes (1983:3) states that writing also involves thinking and

the close relationship between thinking and writing makes writing as a valuable

part of any other skill. People generally write to either communicate something to

other people (the writing is meant to be read by others) or to be used for their own

personal use (the writing is not usually meant to be read by others).

Based on the opinions of the experts above, the communication process to

express feelings, ideas, communicative to convey messages to others can be

concluded as writing activities.

b. Writing Aspects

several aspects that must be considered by students in order to write well.

Brown (2001) content, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary, and

mechanics. The content relates to the thesis statement, related ideas, development

ideas, and the use of descriptions. Organization includes the effectiveness of the

introduction, the logical sequence of ideas, the occlusion, and the appropriate

length. The discussion includes topic sentences, paragraph unity, transitions,

discourse maker, cohesion, rhetorical conventions, references, fluency,


economics, and variety. The mechanics include spelling, punctuation, reference

citation, and display.

While Harris (1979: 68) suggests five aspects in writing a paragraph or

composing a writing, namely content (written substance), form (organizing

content), grammar (use of grammatical forms and syntactic patterns), and style

(constructing structures and lexical items for gives the writing a certain tone or

feel). Likewise Jacobson (2003) states that in order to be effective; the

composition of the spear must meet the following qualities:

1) Content

Content refers to the substance of the writing, the experience of ideas,

thoughts. Namely, a group of related statements that the author presents as a unit

in developing the subject. Paragraph content does the job of conveying ideas

rather than fulfilling the specific functions of transition, restatement, and

emphasis. As well as how to develop the content.

2) Organization

Organization refers to the logical organization of content. Scary is more

than just trying to put together a jumbled coalition of facts and ideas. Even in

early drafts it may still be looking for order, trying to make patterns in its material

and working to bring certain subjects in line with what is still only a half-formed

destination state.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the choice of words that are appropriate and

appropriate to their content and meaning. It begins with the assumption that the

writer wants to express his ideas as clearly and impliedly and directly as possible.

Choosing words that express their meaning is just the opposite rather than to

deflect or obscure them or in other words make between the lines.

4) Language use

Use of language refers to the use of correct grammatical forms and

synthetic patterns to separate, combine, and group ideas into words, phrases,

clauses, and sentences to bring out logical relationships in paragraph writing and

meaning and taste.


5) Mechanic

Mechanics refers to the convention of using language graphically, namely

the steps of arranging letters, words, and paragraphs using structural knowledge

and several other things that are related to one another.

Based on the categories of writing aspects above, the authors conclude that

in general writing is classified into five aspects, namely content, organization,

vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

c. Element of Writing

Harris (1969:68-69) state that, there are four elements of writing, there are:

1) Mastering Vocabulary

Mastering vocabulary played an important role in a language, especially in

the writing activity. The choice of vocabulary could describe the writer‟s

knowledge. The number of words that is mastered by a writer could indicate that

he/ she mastered a number of concepts; mastery of vocabulary can improve by

reading and listening a lot.

2) Mastering Grammatical Rules/ Structure of sentences

Mastering grammatical rules/ sentence structure consist of phonology,

morphology and syntax. Phonological rules don‟t have any roles in writing

activity, while morphological and syntactical rules play some important roles in

the writing activity, it deals with the effective use of the right affixes,

conjunctions, prefixes and composition, the structure of the sentences.

3) Coherence

Coherence means that the writer‟s paragraph is easy to read and

understand because the supporting sentences are in some kind of logical order and

the ideas are connected by use of appropriate transition signals.

4) Spelling

One of the most difficult and confusing aspects of the English language is

spelling system. There is often a discrepancy between the pronunciation of a word

and its spelling. They cannot always know how to spell a word by its

pronunciation or how to pronounce it by its spelling, to avoid this problem; the

students are suggested to open dictionaries before they are going to write.


In conclusion, there are four elements of writing, they are important in

writing and usually to be something that difficult for the students when they will

begin to writing.

d. Teaching of Writing

teaching students how to express and process an idea or imagination in

written or oral form. Brown (1980: 7) states that teaching is showing or helping

someone learn how to do something with the knowledge they have to use, which

causes both know or understand.

Furthermore, Rimes (1983: 27) states that teaching writing is a unique way

to strengthen learning, why is that because writing is the main important aspect.

That is, teaching writing is very important to build students' language skills.

Rimes (1983) also adds that in order to be successful in writing, an English

teacher must guide and guide students in writing, where the material presented

should not conflict with the aspects of writing, it must match their needs,

capacities and ages so that they are able to make compositions with well. Because

teaching writing is teaching students how to express ideas or imagination in

written form, it is very important for teachers to provide material according to

students' interests and needs.

e. Important Elements of Writing

According to Emits in Crusade (2006:8), there are three important

elements of writing namely:

1) Topic is the “what” of the pieces of writing. What is the writing about?

2) Purpose refers to the “why”. Why you are writing this text? Perhaps you want

to make something you must write procedure.

3) Audience of course is the reader. In writing class reader is usually the teacher,

but sometimes intended audience is someone in the writer‟s mind.

2. Error Analysis

a. Error Analysis Definition

Error is something usual done by learners who are in learning process.

They usually made many mistake in writing process. To know the students


difficulties in writing, the teacher required the investigation of the errors by

analyzing the souses of errors. One way to identify the students‟ errors in using

the analysis method

Error analysis is an activity tee reveals error found in writing and

speaking. Richards (1985:96) state the error analysis is the study of error made the

second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order

to (a) find out how well someone knows a language, (b) find out how a person

learns a language, and (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language

learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials.

Brown, (1980:166), defined error analysis as the process to observed,

analyzed, and classified the deviation of the rules of the second language and then

to reveal the system operated by learner. It seems this concept is the same as the

one proposed by crystal (1987:112) i.e. error analysis is a technique for

identifying, classifying, and systematically interpreting the unacceptable forms

produced by someone learning a foreign language, using any of the principles and

procedures provide by linguistics.

According to Gas and Spelunker (2008:102), error analysis is a type of

linguistic analysis which focuses on the error made by learners. It starts from

learner production data. The comparison is between learners‟ error in producing

the target language and the target language itself. There were some steps in

conducting an error analysis are collecting data, identify error, classify error,

quantify errors, analyze source, and remediate.

Ellis (2008:47) says that error analysis succeed contrastive analysis, which

focus on the learner‟s errors by identifying the linguistic differences between

learner‟s first language and the target language. Contrastive analysis assumes that

error essentially occurs as a result of interference when learner transfers his first

language habit into the target language. Interference is believed to happen

whenever the habit of the first language differs from of the target language. It

means errors that occur because of learner.

Based on the definition above, the researcher clarifies error analysis is an

activity to identify, classify and interpreted or describe the errors made by


someone in speaking or writing and is carried out to obtain information on

common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing English

sentences. Another thing which should be noticed is the procedure of error


b. Error Types

There are four descriptive taxonomies most useful and commonly used as

the Basis for error classification; they are (1) Linguistic Category Taxonomy, (2)

Surface Strategy Taxonomy, (3) Comparative Taxonomy, and (4) Communicative

Effect Taxonomy However, the errors would be classified based on Surface

Strategy Taxonomy because analyzing errors from surface strategy perspective

Holds much promise for researcher concerning with identifying cognitive

Processes that underlies the learner reconstruction of the language. Through

communicative effect Taxonomy it would see the errors from the perspective of

their effect to the reader. So, in this research the researcher will use Surface

Strategy Taxonomy and Communicative Effect Taxonomy Below is the

explanation for Surface Strategy Taxonomy and Communicative Effect


1. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Surface strategy taxonomy highlights the ways surface structures are


“Learners may omit necessary items or add unnecessary, they may misfire items

Or disorder them” (Delay et. al. 1982: 150). Classifying errors using surface

Strategy taxonomy can give a clear description about cognitive processes that

Underlie the learner‟s reconstruction of the new language or language being

Learned it also makes us aware that learner‟s errors are the result of their active

Way in using the temporary principles to produce the target language. Below is

thedetailed description of each category used in surface strategy taxonomy.

a. Omission

Omission errors is characterized by the absence of an item that must

appear in a Well-form utterance It means that there is a sentence in which there is

one of its Aspects (word) or more is omitted.



The monkey on the back (incorrect). The independent clause “the monkey on the

back” of this sentence is incorrect Because the verb “is” is omitted. That should

be added the verb in the present Form “is”. It is because the subject “the monkey”

is third person singular. So, the Correct sentence is “The monkey is on the back.”

b. Addition

Addition errors are characterized by the presence of an item which must

not Appear in a well-formed utterance. Learners usually have already acquired

target Language rules and they often too faithful to use certain rules which cause



He does not meet his children. (Incorrect). The independent clause “he does not

meets his children” is incorrect because there Is double present markings “does”

and “meets” The verb “meets” should be in Verb 1 so, the correct sentence is “He

does not meet his children”.

c. Malformation

Malformation errors are characterized the use of the wrong form of the

Morpheme it means that one or more of sentence‟s aspect has wrong formation. It

Can be caused by rule regularization.


The mouse deer eat cucumber when the farmers home. (Incorrect). The

independent clause “The mouse deer eat cucumber” is incorrect because the

Predicate has wrong form of verb. The verb “eat” should be in present form

“Eats” So, the correct sentence is “The mouse deer eats cucumber when the

Farmers go home”.

d. Disordering

Disordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a

morpheme or

Group morpheme in an utterance it means that the sentence structure is ordered

Incorrectly the words are ordered in wrong structure.



Come the teacher to the class (incorrect). The sentence above is ordered

incorrectly. It has incorrect placement of its words. The verb “comes” should

follow the subject “the teacher”. So, the correct Sentence is “The teacher comes

to the class”.

2. Communicative Effect Taxonomy

While the surface strategy taxonomy focuses on the aspects of the errors

itself, the Communicative effect taxonomy deals with errors from the perspective

of their Affect on the listeners or readers. It focuses on the distinguishing between


That seem to cause the miscommunication and those that do not (Dully et. al. the

1982: 189). This taxonomy classifies errors in two types, global and local errors.

Below is the detailed description of each category used in communicative effect


c. Mistake and Errors

Mistake and error has roughly the same meaning. But, to analyze the

learner‟s language and apply error analysis both have differences. Mistake is a

deviation that occurs because of the influence of the situation in language


Cored (1981:10), “mistake are of no significant to thru process of language

learning. However, the problem of determining what learner‟s mistake is and what

learner errors are is one of some difficulty and involves a much more

sophisticated study and analysis of errors than is usually accord them.”

According to Brown (2007:257), a mistake refers to a performance error

that is either a random guess or a slip, in that is a failure to utilize a known system

correctly. The mistake occurred because of fatigue, exhaustion, and lack of

concentration. Thus, the mistake causes the learners cannot apply the rule of

languages correctly.

Ellis (1997:17) states that “mistake reflect occasional lapse in

performance; they occur because, in particular instance, the learner is unable to

perform what he or she knows. From opinions above, we can learn that mistake is

caused by learner so that the mistake can be corrected by the learners with


concentrate. A mistake is also a deviation of the norms of the language but is not

systematic. It means that the use of the norms of the language in sentences is

sometimes true and sometimes wrong.

Norrish (1983:8) says that a mistake is an inconsistent deviation that is

sometimes the learner „gets it right‟ but sometimes wrong. Richards (1985:95)

states that mistake is made by a learner when writing or speaking which is censed

of lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or other aspects of performance. From

the definition, it can be concluded that a mistake is made by a learner because he

does not apply the rule (s) that he actually knows, in other words, a mistake is a

non systematic deviation from the norms of the language.

Knowing learner‟s error will provide useful evidence of the system of the

language (Cored, 1981:10). For beginner leaner certainly they do not understand

how to learn language so the teachers are very chive to help students with

knowing errors made by learner and follow the development of learners toward

the purpose of language learning.

Ellis (1997:17) stated that error reflect gap in a learner‟s knowledge which

arises because the learner does not know what is correct. Meanwhile, Brown

(2007:258) explains error as an “idiosyncrasies in the language of the learner that

are direct manifestations of a system within which a learner is operating at the

time”. An error is a noticeable deviation from the native grammar, it reflect the

competence of the learner.

Further it is necessary to differentiate between error and mistake.

According to Gas and Spelunker (2008:102), “error take place when leaner has

incorporated a particular erroneous form (from the perspective of target language)

into his or her system. Error is likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognize by

the learner as an error. Various definitions of error have been presented by expert.

In addition, Norrish (1987:7) he state the error is a systematic deviation,

when a learner has not learnt something and consistently gets it wrong. Then,

according to Cunnings worth (1987:87), he states that errors are systematic

deviations from the norms of the language being learned. It seems that the phrase


“systematic deviation” in these definitions is a keyword which can be interpreted

as the deviation which happens repeatedly.

From the information above, we know that error is the deviation that

occurs because language learners do not understand the rules of the language. It

can be helped by the teachers who provide additional exercise.

3. Narrative Text

a. Definition of narrative text

Narrative is story about person or a group of people overcoming problems

(Joyce & Fez, 2000, p. 24). They also explain that narratives show how people

react to experience, explore social and cultural values and entertain the audience.

It aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention of the reader or listener of the


According Anderson and Anderson (in Tami, 2013:17-18) propose that the

structure of narratives includes orientation, complication, evaluation. Resolution

and coda furthermore, like any other texts that have their own linguistic features;

(1) Specific often individual participants with defined identities. Major

participants are human, or sometimes animal with human characteristic. (2)

Mainly use action verb (material processes), that describe what happens. (3) Many

narratives also use thinking verbs ( mental processes) that give as information

about what participants are thinking or feeling, such as wondered, remembered,

thought, felt, disliked. (4) Normally use past tense (5) Dialogue often includes and

uses a number of saying verb (verbal process) such as said, asked, and replied.

The tenses may change into the present or future said. F. descriptive language is

use to enhance and develop the story by creating image in the reader‟s mind. (6)

Can be written in the first person (I, We) or third person (he, she, and they). As

mentioned previously, narratives have several processes that exist in the story to

draw the character‟s experience. These processed can be classified into

experimental sub function, a sub function of ideational met function, one of the

met functions of language that SFL argues that all natural languages have (Emilia

in Tami, 2013:18). These experiential meanings are realized through the

transitivity patterns of the grammar.


Pardiyono (2007:94) defined narrative as a kind of text about activities

happened in the past. It appears about problematic experience and resolution; it

has purpose to amuse and sometimes to teach moral education to the reader.

Students in junior and senior high school level are learning many texts type. One

of texts used to be learnt in junior and senior high school is narrative text. It is

related to the experience or story in the past time. Relate to kinds of text, which

students have to complete studying in high school, narrative is a text which retells

the story or previous experiences. The purpose of the text is to entertain or amuse

reader or listeners about the story. Narrative is basically story and within this,

storytelling, there are many kinds of narrative comedy; mystery, romance, and

horror are some of the commoners type. A poem canals be a narrative if it tells a

story rather than just describing something. One of the most familiar texts is

narrative text. Brewer in Agusfera (2013:4) states, “Narrative text describes

events that occur through time that are related through a casual or thematic chain.”

It indicates that narrative text depicts about an event that happen sequent one and

based on the cause and effect. Another expert also added that in general,

“narrative text involves Reading presented as nonfiction (e.g. biographies and

memories) or fictions (e.g. novels and fables) stories that tell the reader who did,

what to, whom, and why” (Demo in Agusfera, 2013:4). It can be assumed that

narrative text also informs the readers about the participants of the story, setting of

place and time, how the problems arisen and solved. So the readers will

understand about the content of the story itself. Common forms of narrative text

which are studied in senior and high school are including:

a) Legend

A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller

and listeners to take place within human history. Typically, a legend is a short,

traditional and historicized narrative performed in a conversational mode. Some

define legend as folktale there are examples of legend in narrative text such as


(1) Sangkuriang

(2) Malin Kundang


(3) The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

(4) The Story of Toba Lake

b) Fable

A fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally

by means of animal‟s characters that speak and act like human beings. There are

example of fable in narrative text, they are:

(1) Mouse deer and crocodile

(2) The Ants and the Grasshopper

(3) The smartest parrot

(4) The Story of Money and Crocodile

c) Fairy Tale

Fairy tale is an English language term for a type of short narrative

corresponding to the French phrase “cone de fee”. A fairy tale typically features

such folkloric characters as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giant or

gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments. Those are examples of fairy tale they

are as follow:

(1) Cinderella

(2) Snow White

(3) Pinocchio

(4) Beauty and the Beast

(5) The story of Rapine

d) Science Fiction

Science fiction is fiction based upon some imagined development of

science, or upon the extrapolation of a tendency in society. Science fiction is that

class of prose narrative treating of a situation that could notaries in the world we

know. Some examples of science fiction are as follow:

(1) To the Moon from the Earth by Jules Verne

(2) Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein

(3) A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke


b. The Kinds of Narrative

Kersaf (1991:136) stated that “Narrative as a story tells or describes an

action in the past time clearly, so narrative is tried to answer the question: what

happened”. Narrative as a story should have the elements that can make the story

more interesting to the reader such as a conflicts and conclusion. Kersaf

(1991:136) defined those kinds of narrative such as follow:

1) Expository Narrative

Expository narrative is usually tells the information about the event based

on factual data. It also tells about the steps of the event to the reader. The object in

expository narrative is in the beginning until the end paragraph; it means that the

writer tells the story form the first until the end. The purpose of narrative is to

make the reader‟s knowledge about object of story is deeply.

2) Suggestive Narrative

Different from expository narrative, suggestive narrative can be unsuitable

with the factual data, because it emphasizes is on the suggestive sense/ the

purpose of suggestive narrative is to increase the reader‟s imagination. Hisami

(2005:290) said that “narrative suggestive is narrative that tried to give a certain

purpose and telling with an explicit message to readers so they feel that they are

involved in the story”

3) The Generic Structure of Narrative

The generic structure of narrative text consist of the following structure,

they are:

a) Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place

b) Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do

c) Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse

According to Michael (2002:126) stated that narrative text is the most

universal rhetorical form. Narrative follows a time event, narrative follows a time

event, change sequence that is understood and enjoyed by people in every culture.

Narrative is an unparalleled teaching device for culture values and facts as well as

for morals. Narrative also has great values as second language device. Meyers (in

Sari, 2014:20) stated that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of


communicating with others. A good written story lets its reader response to some

event in its life as if was own. They don‟t not only understand the event, but they

can almost feel it Semi (in Hisami, 2005:22) stated that narrative is conversation

or writing with the purpose tells about action or human experience based on the

development of time. Kersaf (1991:136) states that “narrative as a story tells or

describes an action in the past time clearly, so narrative is trying to answer the

question: what had happened?” narrative is like a story, it has elements that make

the story more interesting, generally, such as introduction, conflict and

conclusion. Referring to the explanation above, narrative tells the story based on

the human experience that consists of introduction, conflict and conclusion to give

a certain purpose that tells about the explicit message to the readers or give

knowledge about object of story deeply.

Anderson (in Sari, 2014:20) stated the narrative is a piece of text tells a

story, and entertains or inform the readers or listener

c. Strategies in Composing Narrative Writing

According to L. Spanker, in A step-by-step guide to narrative writing,

Rosen, 2005, in writing a narrative stated that students has a chance to make his

one her mark on the world by relating a story that only he or she can tell. Whether

it comes from a personal experience or is one that the write has imaged, the point

of a narrative is to bring one‟s subject to life. By using sensory details, the five

WH and H (who, what, where, when, why, and how) and basic story structure any

subject can be made exciting.

According to explanation about narrative, we can conclude that the

characteristics of narrative are as follow: (1) it is a story or it is usually human

experience; (2) it has a conflict and problem solving, 3) systematic. As Kersaf

(2000:136) states that the characteristics of narrative are: (1) concern to actions,

(2) set in the time sequences, (3) try to answer the question, what happened? (4) It

has conflicts.

Semi (in Hisami, 2005:27) stated that, the other characteristics of narrative

are: it has aesthetics; it should have imagery to increase the Reade‟s interest.


Then, to prepare the narrative writing, there are several steps that can be used to

set the writing process, they are:

1) Choosing the title

The first step to prepare narrative writing is by choosing title. Choosing

the title before do the writing makes easier to students specify their idea to write.

2) Setting of the narrative purpose.

Next step preparing narrative writing is setting up the purpose of the

narrative. It is easier to write or compose sentences when we knew the purpose of

our writing.

3) Setting the main characters of the narrative and how they develop.

Narrative is a story telling, is it is be better to develop the characters of the

story. A story cannot stand alone without characters.

4) Setting the main background of the narrative story.

The most important part of story is setting of the background, because it

will make the writing easier whether on defining the goal or purpose, characters,

the story and the message of the story.

5) Setting or planning the events that lead up to the problem or challenge (the


The most interesting part of narrative is conflicts that appear on different

paragraph of the story. Many people attract to a story because of the conflicts.

6) Setting or planning the events that lead up to the problem/challenge being

solved (the resolution)

Every problem is needed problem solving. In a story, every conflict is

needed a resolution. The story will be more interesting if every conflict has its


7) Setting the ending (the conclusion)

A story is not complete without conclusion or ending. Conclusion is the

last part in story in which readers is told about the end of the story.

d. Purpose of narrative text

Narrative writing appears in and is not limited to novels, stories,

biographies, autobiographies, historical account, essays, poem, and plays.


Narrative writing is also appears in our real life but sometimes we don‟t realize it.

If we try to remember our experience, weal it is directly and also indirectly we can

write our experience in narrative text. For example, sometimes when we are

dreaming, we see something that impossible to be happened well it is horror,

humor and also romance. From the dream, we can write a simple story in narrative

text. In addition, narrative also communicates ideas about the meaning of life

families, morals, values, and spirituality.

All of important events and details must be organized, clear, and

descriptive. A fully developed narrative story involves a main idea, which is

introduced in the beginning, more detailed and eventful in the middle, and wraps

up in the end.

Based on some opinions above, the researcher concludes that the purpose

of narrative text is not only entertained such as novels, stories, biographies,

autobiographies, historical account, essays, poem, and plays but also

communicate ideas about the meaning of life, families, values, and spirituality.

e. Types of narrative text

Neo (2005:58) stated that there many different types of narrative texts,

among others:

1) Humor

2) Mystery

3) Romance

4) Fantasy

5) Crime

6) Science fiction

7) Real life fiction

8) Diary novels

9) Theoretical fiction

10) Adventure

Neo (2005:58) stated that there can be a combination of narrative within

each of this different type. Sometimes, the term genre is used for the type of


narrative. A genre is some kind of a category. The notion of genre is to help you

generate story ideas.

f. Generic structure of narrative text

Neo (2005:2) stated that a narrative has a structure, a shape or a pattern as


1) The composition, it establishes and situation.

2) Rising action, it refers to series of complication lead to climax.

3) Climax is critical moment when problem or conflict demands something to be

done about.

4) Falling action is a moment away from highest peak of excitement.

5) Resolution consists of result or outcome.




This chapter deals with method and design, time and place, population and

sample, instrument, the procedure of collecting data and techniques of analyzing

data of the research.

3.1 Method and Design of the Research

1. Method

This research applied qualitative method. It aimed to find out the

grammatical error make by students in writing narrative text.

2. Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative design. The

researcher conducted the observation and asked to student to make task about

narrative text to find out the grammatical error in writing narrative text.

3.2 Time and Location of the Research

1. Time

The research was conducted in July 2020.

2. Location

The research was conducted at Palopo Cokroaminoto University.

3.3 Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the second semesters tudents at Palopo

Cokroaminoto University. This class was chosen by researcher because this class

fills the criteria, the students were English department, they have learnt narrative

text, and it was related with the research. Then, the researcher took one class for

the sample to be Investigated about the grammatical errors made by student in

writing narrative text.

3.4 Instrument of the Research

The researcher gave writing test and the students make a narrative

paragraph by choosing the theme from researcher.


3.5 Procedure of Collecting Data

In getting the data, the researcher did the following steps:

The procedures of the research are as follows:

1. Determining the subjects of the research

The subject of this research was the second semester students in Palopo

Cokroaminoto University.

2. Giving the writing task

The researcher asked the students to make narrative text in order to get the


3. Identifying data

The data of error identified based on 2 steps of types of error analysis.

First, the data collected from the errors of narrative text made by the students.

Second, it identified the errors based on surface strategy taxonomy and

communicative effect taxonomy.

4. Giving score to students‟ writing tasks

Scoring students writing result to determine high level and low level


5. Reporting the research finding

The last step the research finding and making conclusion based on the

result that had been gotten.

3.6 Techniques of Analyzing Data

In order to find out the grammatical errors, the researcher will analyze the


Of the students‟ writing, using the steps below to analyze the data according to

Abbot (1981:218):

1. Recognizing the data. The data collected from the errors of Narrative text made

by students.

2. Reconstructing the errors made by the students. In this step, the researcher

Identified the errors in students‟ narrative text writing by underlining the errors

3. Explaining the data, the researcher used the qualitative method to treat the data.


According to Amana (2015) Imitate (2004: 34) stated that the simplest

way to use qualitative data is through proportion. Therefore, the researcher

determined the most frequent up to the least frequent error type as the result of the

errors narrative text writing.




After the researcher collected the data by conducting writing test on july

2020, the research obtained the data needed to be analyzed in this chapter.

As stated in technique of analyzing the data in the procedures used by the

research after collecting the data are identifying errors from the students‟ answer

sheet, classifying errors on each type, explaining errors based on the causes of

errors and evaluating errors.

A. Research Finding

1. Types of Errors

From the identification of errors, the research concluded that students‟

who were used of the sample of the study could compose written narrative text

correctly. They tend to make errors. The errors types, based on Chapter II, can be

classified in four categories but in this research the researcher used surface

strategy taxonomy including: omission, addition, misformation and misordering.

The errors of students in writing as follows:

1) Student 1

Addition of preposition

He could live with luxury, it should be He could liveluxuriouly.

Misordering of adjective

He very was teful, it should be: He was very teful.

Misformation of word

He did not care and continued to spend money, it should be : He did not

care and how to continue spend money.

Misordering of noun

All the treasure that be had was running, it should be: All the treasure

he had it was running.

Ommision of tobe


There was wealthy widow who interested him, it should be: There was

wealthy widow who was interested him.

Addition of noun

He was happy to be living in luxury, it should be: He was happy to live

in luxury.

Based on the errors above, the errors are omission, addition, misformation,

and misordering.

2) Student 2

Misordering of subject

There lived a farmer‟s husband and wife, it should be: A husband

andwife lived there.

Misformation of verb

They live in a village, it should be: They lived in a village.

Misformation of verb

The giants hear their prayers, it should be: The giants heard their


Misformation of verb

The giant give cucumbers, it should be: The giant gave cucumbers.

Misformation of verb

The giant gives condition to married couple, it should be: The giant

gave condition to married couple.

Misordering of verb

Everyday they take good care, it should be: Everyday they take


Misformation of verb

They pick them and they cut the fruit, it should be: They picked them

and they cut the fruit.

Ommision of tobe

Year after year, golden cucumber adult, it should be: Year after year,

golden cucumber was adult.


Ommision of auxiliary

Later golden cucumber taken by the giant, it should be: Later golden

cucumber would be taken by the giant.

Misordering of verb

The giant fun eating cucumber fruit, it should be: The giant would

beeating cucumber fruit.

Misordering on of verb

Golden cucumber is not persued again by the giant, it should be:Golden

cucumber was persuaed by the giant.

Addition of adjective

They can live happily without fear again, it should be: They can live

happily without being afraid any more.

Based on the errors above, the errors are omission, addition,

misformation, and misordering.

3) Student 3

Misordering of adverb

Kraton Boko was a part of Pengging kindom, it should be: The place

ofPrabu Boko was a part of Pengging kindom.

Misordering of auxiliary

Therfore, togheter will be Patih Gubdo, it should be:Therefore,

PatihGubdo will be together.

Addition of possessive

Prabu Boko and an soldiers went to Pengging, it should be: Prabu Boko

and his soldiers went to Pengging

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition and misordering.

4) Student 4

Addition of pronoun

Hers mom was long died, it should be: Her mom was long died.

Addition of pronoun and Ommision of tobe

Hers child who called „Merah‟, it should be: Her child who was called



Misordering of adverb

They always good with Putih if her father in there, it should be: They

always good with Putih if her father beside her.

Misordering of noun

She gave studied for them, it should be: She gave punishment for them

Misformation of possessive

He throw out her wife and his step child, it should be: He throw out his

wife and his step child.

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition and misordering.

5) Student 5

Misformation of adverb

An acciant time somewere in the island of java, it should be: An acciant

time there was in the island of java.

Addition of verb

He accepter their wish but in one condition, it should be: He accepted

their wish but in one condition.

Misordering of verb

When theirchild gad grown up, it should be: When their child


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation, addition and


6) Student 6

Addition of tobe

He is process two children, it should be: He has two children.

Ommision of tobe, Ommision of conjunction and addition of

article He a handsome, good, it should be: He is handsome and

he is good.

Misordering of adjective

He is a little decourus, it should be: He is a little dangerous.


Based on the errors above, the errors are addition ommision and


7) Student 7

Ommison of verb

In the acciant time, lived a little family, it should be: In the acciant

time, there was lived a little family

Misordering of subject

One day, the happiness in this family was lost, it should be: One

day, the happiness in this family was lost.

Ommision of adverb

The widow often come with Bawang Merah to the Bawang putih‟s

home by bringing food, helping To clean the hous, it should be:

The widow often come with Bawang Merah to the Bawang putih‟s

home by bringing food, helping To clean the house.

8) Student 8

Misformation of auxiliary

He has very bad behavior, it should be: He is very bad behavior.

Ommision of verb

While his mother works hards to earn a living, it should be: While

his mother working hards to earn a living.

Misformation of verb

Of course it makes this situation makes her mother sad, it should

be: Of course, it made this situation made her mother sad.

Misformation of tobe and misformation of verb

Eventhought her mother is sad, she keep her request, it should be:

Eventhought her mother was sad, she kept her reuest.

Misformation of verb

Then she cries, it should be: Then she cried.

Misordering of possessive

She has done something bad againts his mother, it should be: She

has done a bad something to her mother.


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of auxiliary, ommisio

of verb, misformation of verb, misformation of tobe, misformation of verb,

misorderin of possesive.

9) Student 9

Misformation of tobe

If there is a flood you must save your self, it should be: If there was

a flood you must save your self

Addition of adverb

It is now known as rawa pening lake in Salatiga, Central Java

Indonesia, it should be: It is known as Rawa Pening lake in

Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of tobe and addition

of verb.

10) Student 10

Misformation of possesive and Ommision of tobe

His name Mbok Rondo, it should be: Her name Mbok Rondo.

Addition of verb

She to meet with giant, it should be: She met with giant.

Ommision of subject

On the 12 years ago, will to take return, it should be: On the 12

years ago, she would take return.

Misformation of verb

Mbok Rondo go to home, it should be: Mbok Rondo went home.

Misformation of verb

She is see big cucumber, it should be: She saw big cucumber.

Addition of verb

She to get the name is Timun Mas, it should be: She named Timun


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of possesive,

addition of verb, ommision of subject, misformation of verb, misformation of

verb, addition of verb.


11) Student 11

Addition of tobe

He is prosses three children, it should be: He has prosses three


Addition of adjective

Jack Roland, He is the most strong, it should be: Jack Roland, Ha is

the strongest.

Ommision of tobe

He a beautiful and gentle, it should be: He is beautiful and gentle.

Ommision of tobe

He arrogant, it should be: He is arrogant.

Misordering of object

There is a ring by posses morning star magij, it should be: There is

a ring possed morning by star magic.

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition of tobe, addition of

adjective, ommision of tobe, misordering of object.

12) Student 12

Misformation of tobe

If there is a flood you must save yourself, it should be: If there is a

flood you must save yourself.

Based on the errors above, the errors are classified based on the surface

strategy which consist of misformation of tobe.

13) Student 13

Misordering of verb

One day to happen battle, it should be: One day it happened a


Addition of article and misformation of verb

At the very moment Bandung Bondowoso To propose Roro

Jongrang to married, it shpould be: At that moment Bandung

Bondowoso proposed Roro Jongrang to married


Addition of preposition

Roro Jongrang to give condition, it should be: Roro Jongrang gave


Misformation of verb

Roro Jongrang andeavor to restraint effort Bandung Bondowoso, it

should be: Roro Jongrang andeavored to ristrict effort Bandung


Ommision of tobe and Ommision of verb

After angry, Bandung more and more cuminate an damn, it should

be: After being angry, Bandung Bondowoso is culminating an


Misordering of verb

Roro Jongrang become a big stone image, it should be: Roro

Jongrang became a big statue.

14) Student 14

Misformation of adverb

Long long ago, there was a kindom in west java, it ahould be: Long

timeago, there was a kindom in west java.

Addition of article

Prabu was a kind and wise a king, it should be: Prabu was a kind

and wise king.

Misformation of verb

Nine months later, a princess was born, it should be: Nine months

later, a princess would have been born.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misordering of verb, addition of

article, misformation of verb, addition of preposition, misformation of verb,

ommision of tobe, ommision of verb, misordering.

15) Student 15

Misformation of article

A long time ago, are a man fishing in the lake, it should be: A long

time ago, there was a man fishing in the lake.


Misordering of verb

He bring the fish home, it should be: He brought the fish home.

Misordering of verb

Ater he wakes up, sudenlythere is food, it should be: After he woke

up, sudenly there is food.

Ommision of conjunction and Ommision of possessive

The child was told his mother to deliver food for father, it should

be: The child was told by her mother to deliver the food for his


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of article,

misordering of verb, ommision of counjunction, ommision of possesive.

16) Student 16

Misformation of adverb

She kept silent thought her heart was crying aloud, it should be:She

kept silent thought her heart was crying loudly.

Misformation of tobe

A long the street everyone is passing kept asking the girl her

mother, it should be: A long the street everyone was passing kept

asking the girl her mother.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of adverb,

misformation of tobe.

17) Student 17

Addition of auxiliary

I will make you rich, if you will promise me, it should be: I will

make you rich, if you promise me

Ommision of tobe

What can that be but my apple there, it should be: What can it be

but my apple is there.

Addition of subject


His wife come to meet him and said, it should be: His wife came to

meet him and said.

Misformation of verb

I know not how it happened, it should be: I don‟t know how it


Based on the errors above, the errors are addition of auxiliary, ommision of

tobe, addition of subject, misformation of verb.

18) Student 18

Ommision of adjctive

There lived a yong or phan farmer in the nort, it should be: There

lived a young or phan farmer in the nort.

Misformation of noun

There are is very day, it should be: The air is very fresh.

Misordering of object

He fished a fish so beautiful, it should be: He fished very beautiful


Ommision of verb

It turn into a princess, it should be: It turned out into a princess.

Ommision of adjective and Misordering of object

The yong man would not tell its origin from the farmer‟s ikan, it

should be: The young man would not tell its origin from the fish


Misformation of subject

Pemuda the agreed term, it should be: The young man agreed term.

Ommision of verb

The couple was blesed with a son, it should be: The couple blessed

with a son.

Misformation of tobe and Ommision of adjective

He has a bad rabit that is never satiated, it should be:He is a bad

rabit that is never satisfied.


Misordering of possesive and Misformation of object

The statement by islef unlock the secrents of istrinya, it should

be:The statement itself was unclocked by his wife secret.

Based on the errors above, the errors are ommision of adjective,

misformation of noun, misformation of object, ommision of verb, misformation of


19) Student 19

Ommision of object

Once upon time, there was a little poor boy came into a little hungry

and weak, it should be: Once upon a time, there was a little hungry


Ommision of noun

He knocked at every door and asked for some food, it should be: He

kocked at evert door and asked for some foods.

Ommision of tobe

Suddenly from the hole left by stick, it should be: Suddenly from

the hole was left by stick.

Based on the errors above, the errors are ommision of object, ommision of

noun, ommision of tobe.

20) Student 20

Addition of subject and Ommision of conjunction

Pengging kingdom was a prosperous and wealthy kindom led by a

wise, it should be: Pengging Kingdom was a prosperous and

wealthy kingdom and led by a wise.

Misformation of subject

King named Prabu Boko, it should be: His named Prabu Boko.

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition of subject, misformation

of subject.

21) Student 21

Misformation of object

Jonah‟s house was of five, it shoild be: Jonah‟s house was of fire.


Based on the errors above, the errors are classified based on the surface

strategy which consist misformation of object.

22) Student 22

Misformation of subject

Pengging kindom is gifted with a fertile, it should be: The kingdom

ofpengging was gift with a fertile.

Addition of object

Prabu Darmamoyo and han a male son, it shpould be: Prabu

Darmamoyo had a son.

Misordering of tobe

The boko king is very cruel, it should be: The king of Boko was


Misformation of object

Friece was happens of the border of the pengging territerial mark, it

should be: The frience was happened in the border of the pengging

teriterial mark.

Ommision of subject

The king of Bok want to rebels, it should be: The king of Boko

want to rebels.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of subject, addition

of object, misordering of tobe, misformation of object, ommision of subject.

23) Student 23

Addition of adverb

At the very moment Bndung Bondowoso to propose Roro Jongrang

to married, it should be: At that moment Bandung Bondowoso

proposed Roro Jongrang married.

Misformation of verb

Roro Jongrang to give condition one to Bnadung Bondowoso, it

should be: Roro Jongrang gave condition one to bandung



Addition of verb

Bandung Bondowoso go to meet an ask abaout wheater already

finished temple made one for Roro Jongrang, it should be:

Bandung Bondowoso asked wheater already finished temple made

one for Roro Jongrang.

Ommision of tobe and Addition of adjective

After angry Bandung Bondowoso more and more culminate an

damn, it should be: After being Bandung Bondowoso is more

culminate an damn.

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition of adverb, misformation of

verb, addition of verb, ommision of tobe, addition of adjective.

24) Student 24

Misformation of auxiliary

A long time widow old goingto forest for seek wood., it should be:

A long time old widow to the forest for seek wood.

Misformation of subject and addition of preposition

Widow old meet with giant very big, it should be: Old widow met a

very big giant.

Misformation of verb

Last giant give seed cucumber, it should be: The last giant gave

cucumber seed.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of auxiliary,

misformation of subject, addition of preposition, misformation of verb.

25) Student 25

Misformation of verb

Maling Kundang and his mother had to live hard, it should be:

Maling Kundang and his mother had lived hard.

Addition of object

When he was a babby, it should be: When he was a baby.


Misformation of subject

A band of pirates with his bravery, it should be: A bravery band of


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of verb, addition of

object, misformation subject.

26) Student 26

Ommision of article

There was beautiful princes,it should be: There was a beautiful


Misformation of verb

Her son to became a king in the future, it should be: Her son to

become a king in the future

Based on the errors above, the errors are ommision of article, misformation


27) Student 27

Misformation of subject

The are is very beautiful, it should be: there is very beautiful.

Misordering of object

One day he fished a flash so beautiful, it should be: One day he

fished very beautiful flash.

Ommision of subject

The yong man application is accepted on the condition, it should be:

The young man application is accepted on the condition.

Ommision of adjective and Ommision of adverb

The yong man would not tell its origin from the farmer ikan, it

shouldbe: The young man would not tell its origin from fish


Based on the errors above, the errors are misformation of subject,

misordering of object, ommision of subject, ommision ofadjective, ommision of



28) Student 28

Addition of adverb

His parent were no bleman, it should be: His parent did not blame.

Addition of auxiliriary

He was very was teful, it should be: He was very teful.

Addition of subject

The he did not care, it should be: he did not care.

Ommision of tobe

All the treasure that behind over running, it should be: All the

treasure that was behind over running.

Based on the errors above, the errors are addition of adverb, addition of

auxiliary, addition of subject, ommision of tobe.

29) Student 29

Misordering of subject

Wulan alone girl beautiful, it should be: Wulan herself is a


Misformation of verb

She to live seem mother and step father, it should be: She lived with

her mother and his father.

Addition of adverb and Misformation of possessive

Something day mother wulan lose jeweriry, it should be:

Somedayher mother lost jeweriry.

Misformation of subject

Something momentthere is alone man, it should be: Something

momentthere was alone man.

Misformation of subject

It like fishing, it should be: He like fishing.

Misformation of subject and misformation of verb


Then it find crail gold then it bring to home and input in table, it

should be: Then he found gold crail then he brought to home and

input in the table.

Ommision of article

Something opening wulan chara become be as human, it should be:

in the opening wulan charaoke become a human.

Ommision of verb , misformation of verb and misformation

of object Wulan cook an clean-clean home bowo, it should be:

Wulan cookedand cleaned bowo‟s house.

Misformation of verb and ommision of tobe

Then Bowo question for Wulan “who you”, it should be:Then

Bowo asked Wulan “ who are you”.

Misformation of tobe

Because Wulan beautiful bowo like, it should be:Because Wulan

was beautiful so Bowo liked her.

Misformation of verb

Bowo invite Wulan marry together, it should be: Bowo asked

Wulan marry together.

Misformation of verb, misformation of subject and ommisio of


At last Wulan and Bowo marry and he a live happy, ity should be:

At last Wulan and Bowo married and They lived happy.

Based on the errors above, the errors are misordering of subject,

misformation of verb, addition of adverb, misformation ofpossesive.

After the researcher analyzed data above, the researcher make the table of

recapitulation of the students type of errors in writing narrative text.


Table 4.30 Recapitulation of student Type of Errors

Errors classification

Students Ommision

Mis- Mis-




Students 1 1 1 2 2

Students 2 3 5 3 1

Students 3 - - 2 1

Students 4 1 2 2 2

Students 5 - 1 1 1

Students 6 2 - 1 1

Students 7 - - 1 3

Students 8 1 5 1 -

Students 9 - - - 2

Students 10 2 3 - 1

Students 11 2 - 1 2

Students 12 - 1 - -

Students 13 2 2 2 2

Students 14 - 2 - 1

Students 15 2 1 2 -

Students 16 - 2 - -

Students 17 1 1 - 2

Students 18 5 4 3 -

Students 19 3 - - -

Students 20 1 1 - 1

Students 21 - 1 - -

Students 22 - 2 1 2

Students 23 2 1 - 3

Students 24 1 4 - 2

Students 25 - 2 - -

Students 26 1 - - 1

Students 27 3 1 1 -

Students 28 1 - - 2

Students 29 6 10 1 1

Total 42 51 24 33

Total of




Based on the table of students errors above, it can be stated that:

Total errors of Ommision are 42 errors

Total errors of Mis-formation are 51 errors

Total errors of Mis-ordering are 24 errors

Total errors of Addition are 33 errors

The errors are classified based on the surface strategy which consist of

omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The distribution of those

errors is presented and each of the categories is described in the table below:

Table 4.31 The Types of Errors

No Type of errors Number of Errors

1. Omission 42

2. Addition 33

3. Misformation 51

4. Misordering 24

Total 150

From the table above, there are four types of errors indentified from the

surface strategy of errors. They are omision, addition, misformation, and

misordering. It can be seen that errors in misformation has the highest errors

(52) then it is followed by ommision (50), addition error (39), and the lats

misordering (25). Total of type of Errors 167




The researcher can take the conclusion of the research after the researcher

analyze the data which has been taken by written text test. Besides the researcher

have the suggestion of the reader. Therefore, in this chapter the researcher shows

the conclusions of the research which has done and give the suggestion

5.1 Conclusion

This research was designed to analyze the grammatical errors the students in

six semesters at Cokroaminoto Palopo University, in writing narrative text. Based

on the result of the test done, it was known that the ability of the students in

writing narrative text were low.

The researcher found that some students made errors because they were not

able to correct their first work. It means that they made errors. From the

identification of errors, the researcher found that there was no students who could

make the whole sentences of their narrative text correctly. Most of the students to

make errors.

From the data analysis in chapter IV, the researcher concludes that there are

some errors of writing in narrative text at six semesters at Cokroaminoto Palopo


The researcher found 141 errors in six semesters at Cokroaminoto Palopo

University. These errors includes four types of errors, they are ommision,

misformation, addition, and misordering. These errors are analyzed based on

surface strategy taxonomy.

After analyzing the data, there are four types of errors identified from the

surface strategy of errors. They are omision, addition, misformation, and

misordering. It can be seen that errors in misformation has the highest percentage

(51 or 34% of 150 total errors) then it is followed by ommision (42 or 28% of 150

total errors), addition errors (33 or 22% of 150 total errors), and the last

misordering (24 or 16% of 150 total errors)


Based on the theory, there is causes of errors. There is interlingual. Transfer

in errors this research, researcher analyzed what the dominant causes of errors in

the sentence made by the six semesters at Cokroaminoto Palopo University. This

researcher obtained the data about causes of errors.

The total errors made by the students in six semesters at Cokroaminoto

Palopo University were 150 out of 29 texts of errors narrative text. The type of

errors were based on surface strategy which is classified into omission, addition,

misformation, and misordering. From the data above, it can be seen that

misformation errors were the dominant errors made by the students. It caused the

students often misformation in their sentences, espeacially in past tense because

the text is narrative.

Based on the analysis the data, the researcher found that the dominant

source of errors was over-generalization. The students often made over-

generalization in the sentences. In narrative text, the students should use past tense

form. Many of students often wrote double verb or the form is not based on the

concept. It was derived from faulty comprehension of distinctions in the target

language. These are sometimes due to poor gradation of teaching items.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher finds that there are still some errors made by the students in

writing a narrative text. Therefore, the researcher wants to give the suggestion as


1. For the teachers

a. In teaching English writing, the teacher should pay attention to all errors

made by the students, but, their expected to emphasize properly in giving

extra explanation and exercise of errors which mostly accur.

b. To reduce student‟s errors that are related to the causes to errors, content

of learning, the teacher should give clear explanation about the English

structure and grammar that can be easily understood by the students.

Besides, the teacher may use a new teaching technique/ method in

delivering material in order to made better result of the teaching and


learning process. Regarding descriptive text, the writer has opinion that

the combination of controlled and guided writing practice with will be

good method of providing a means for students to be able to write

narrative well. With those methods, the students can build vocabulary,

sentences structure knowledge and self-confidence.

c. When the teachers give the explanation to their students, they should

explain clearly about the differences between Indonesian and English

rules to minimize student‟s errors influenced by interlingual transfer.

2. For the students

a. The students are suggested to pay more attention to their study of English

in order to improve their competence in writing.

b. The students should be awared of their errors and try to overcome their

problems or difficulties in studying English, especially in writing.

3. For other reseachers

a. The result of research shows that the students still have difficulties and

make many errors in narrative text writing. The difficulties and errors, of

course, should be solved. The writer suggests other researcher to find an

appropriate solution that can that can be used to minimize or reduce

student‟s errors.

Since this study is far of being prefect, it is expected that other researchers

can discuss and analyze the learners error deeply in the aspects of

linguistic categoty comparative taxonomy or communicative effect.



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