Amity university online career fest 2021 - Bitly


Transcript of Amity university online career fest 2021 - Bitly






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Amity university online career fest 2021

India ka skill Test

In order to steer each person in the right direction for their career, Amity University Online, an internationally accredited institution that has always been dedicated solely to providing excellence in online education has launched an initiative called Amity Career Fest. The initiative is designed to benefit all the current Amity online students as well as all the prospective Indian students.

The “Amity career fest” seeks to bridge the gap between students and employers by bringing them together under one roof, allowing employers to find the right fit with the requisite skillset for the future. Not only does the Amity career fest assists students in selecting the appropriate course from a wide variety of options to make them employable, but it also ensures that each of them establishes a network with potential recruiters.

Career Fest is a two-pronged strategy for increasing the employability quotient. It will assist non-amity students in assessing their abilities and allowing them to test their skills to determine where they stand and, if necessary, upskill in the appropriate direction. It will assist the current Amity University students in matching their qualifications to what recruiters are looking for, ensuring that they are well on their way to achieving their goals.

For Amity Online students, one of its kinds Virtual Job

Fair was organized. It was an online hiring portal where top companies were virtually hiring students in eight hours flat. In the latest Job Fair organized on 27 April, companies like Bajaj Capital, KSK Business Consulting, Ergode IT services, Bhutani group amongst others got the opportunity to interact and hire for 500 plus vacancies. The entire process from registration, shortlisting, video interview to final selection happened on the spot digitally within one day. The next Virtual Job Fair is scheduled to happen in May 2021.

In many ways, Amity University Online and Amity Future Academy's collaboration to host a virtual job fair is groundbreaking. It is granting more than 50 lakh scholarships, 1000 free courses, and the opportunity to upskill for free.

All prospective students in India can participate in the India ka skill test for a chance to win a scholarship worth up to $100,000 based on a test. Scholarships are awarded based on the results of the skill test.

Students who secure above 80% on the ability test are eligible for a 20% scholarship in our PGP programmes, while those who score between 60 and 80% are eligible for a free subscription to Career Pass. And those who score less than 60% are eligible for a free learning month.

Amity university online career fest 2021

India ka skill Test



Students seeking employment or an internship took this India ka skill test as the event was oozing with opportunities to learn about new interview techniques, potential recruiters and several career-related resources. Those who wished to learn the same set of skills but without the personal touch enrolled in an online course offered by Amity University that teaches the same skills.

The domains included in the test range from Blockchain to Cyber Security to Analytics to Technology, Management, Marketing, Product and Machine Learning. There are set time duration and only one attempt allowed to give the test.

We've had over 30k+ participants so far, and 15k+ skill tests have been completed. More than 10,000 certificates have been given to eager students.

So, if you are aspiring to make a career in any of the above-mentioned domains, a jab at this test is recommended to see where you stand currently. It is free of cost and simple to enroll for. Visit to register yourself and select the domain in which you want to test your skills. After that, take the Skill Test in the stipulated time frame. Once submitted, the test results would appear and you will get a Certificate of Completion and scholarship basis on your scores.

Career Fest 2021 can be your opportunity to set yourself on the path of success in the domain of your choice. Amity University Online is committed to providing guidance and support to those who want to take this opportunity to upskill.

Amity university online career fest 2021

India ka skill Test

Future Proof Career withAmity Future Academy

Don't Just Start Strong, Stay Strong: Trying to Maximize Productivity

Almost anyone can muster enough nerve for a short burst of high-energy effort. Maybe it's making a shining impression on your first few weeks on a job, hitting the gym with enthusiasm at the start of January, or spending a weekend on a remodelling project exhibiting all the liveliness of an IGTV star.

But what about after that initial burst? It has been over a year of everyone coping with their WFH routine. Unable to finish the pile of work, we're all too familiar with the guilt of procrastinating an idea. However, the key to success at work and in life isn't starting strong but staying strong. In turn, to maximise your productivity, you need to start looking at sustainability. Doing too much at once is just as detrimental as doing too little.

Many of us are depleted, courtesy of remote work. So they dread the recurring restrictions on office work as the pandemic fight continues. When faced with new goals, it's easy to jump in with both feet. But having the staying power to sustain this initial energy is problematic. Many of us may eventually disengage, while others are pushing themselves so hard, they burn out. Still, others might vacillate between the two.

Rudimentarily, the first thing is to stop thinking of

remote work as a problem. The second thing is self-regulation—set boundaries for minimum and maximum effectiveness within a certain period (such as a day or a week). This keeps you from getting derailed because you dropped off or lost interest or overdoing it and finding yourself too exhausted to continue. For peak performance, an athlete finishes strong by regulating their pace strictly. It would help if you did likewise. E.g. no less than 1 hour on one project outcome and no more than 2. Or no less than 2 hours in meetings and no more than 4 in a day.

As many time management coaches have noticed, there are four steps to creating this staying power. When you follow these steps, you'll be surprised to find that you'll accomplish more of your goals with less effort — and give yourself drive that lasts:

Set upper and lower boundaries

The idea of goal setting is popular, especially at the start of the year. But not many individuals take the time to write out the steps they will take to achieve their goals. And in estimation, many fewer take the time to define their daily upper and lower boundaries for each of their goals.

Don't Just Start Strong, Stay Strong: Trying to Maximize Productivity

In Greg McKeown's book Effortless, he suggests the idea of making concrete boundaries for both how little and how much you will do in a given day on your essential priorities — for instance, for hitting sales numbers, you may determine never to make fewer than five sales calls in a day and never more than ten sales calls in a day.

You can extend this into any project or goal that you want to accomplish. For example, if you're going to author a book, you might decide to write no less than 30 minutes per day and no more than three hours per day to avoid burning out. Or for exercise, you may choose to work out no less than three times per week and no more than five times per week, so you get a sufficient workout in and have time for your other priorities like spending time with your family or personal tasks.

These boundaries give you some wiggle room and give you the ability to stay on track over time. When you're setting your own upper and lower limits, think through what's the least you could do in a particular area to feel like you are keeping up your momentum. The end goal is not to feel like you "stopped" and need to exert extra effort to break the inertia and restart again. And when you're defining your upper limits, think about where you

need to limit yourself so that your investment in this particular area doesn't take so much of your time that other areas of your life suffer.

Understand your tendency

When facing a goal, do you tend to get into a high-drive gear and try to remain there 24/7? Do you operate at a low-drive level most of the time, often having to scurry to the finish line at the last minute? Do you find yourself dithering between extremes where one day you compulsively work until the wee hours of the night and the next day you crash and do next to nothing?

Depending on your tendency, you can proceed in one of the following three ways:

• For those in the first "high drive" category, you'll need to permit yourself to be human, to rest, and to have actual downtime. Keep a close eye on whether you're going over your upper boundary of activity and headed for burnout.

• For those in the second "low drive" category, keep a close eye on whether or not you're staying above your lower bound. You want to ensure that you're doing at least the minimum before chilling out (as tempting as that may seem).

Don't Just Start Strong, Stay Strong: Trying to Maximize Productivity

She also consciously takes time on the weekends and evenings to connect with people without a time limit — just going with the flow and allowing things to take as long as they take.

If you operate at a low-drive level, make sure you've at least hit your lower boundary of activity before taking a break. That means that you can still take ample breaks, but only after you've made progress on a goal.

And if your drive fluctuates, you'll need to remember to rest and recover on the days when you feel on top of the world and like you can work 24/7 so that you don't crash the next day. That could include the basics like taking time to eat, moving from your chair by stretching or walking, and not staying up crazy late — no matter how energised you feel. Force yourself to stop when it's a reasonable time for you to go to bed so that you can begin again fresh the next day.

Give yourself breathing room.

To have staying power, you need to keep your work within sustainable boundaries — and you need to work at a sustainable pace. There are days when back-to-back meetings are necessary or when you need to go from task to task to task. But for most people, this strategy

• For those in the third "fluctuating drive" category, you'll need to keep an eye on both bounds. Avoiding going over your upper bound should prevent you from falling below your lower bound the next day.

As McKeown wisely writes in his book, "Do not do more today than you can completely recover from by tomorrow."

Build-in rest and recovery

As humans, we're designed for cycles of activity and rest. That's why we sleep at night, why weekends are an essential part of a productive workweek, and why even elite athletes can't work out every waking hour.

If you're a high-drive individual, you'll need to remain especially conscious about giving yourself planned times of rest and recovery. A friend of mine falls toward this tendency, and she makes sure that her off-time isn't as jam-packed as her work time. For her, that means viewing her nonwork time not only as a time to complete personal tasks but also as a time for rest. For instance, two mornings a week, she doesn't do her normal 5:15 am workout. Instead, she gives herself time to contemplate life, read exciting articles, or sleep in.

Don't Just Start Strong, Stay Strong: Trying to Maximize Productivity

doesn't have long-term viability.

If possible, I encourage you to have at least a few hours in a day or week where you're not in meetings. And even better, if you can block out larger chunks of time for accomplishing more significant projects, you can permit yourself to be immersed in the work without the pressure of a tight time window.

So, in summary. You need to self-regulate. Life isn't a sprint. It's an ongoing journey. And to stay high performing, healthy, and happy both inside and outside of work, you need to have staying power. Look closely at how you work and follow these tips to ensure that you're working effectively, productively, and within your bounds.

Don't Just Start Strong, Stay Strong: Trying to Maximize Productivity

How To Understand Data Science Venn Diagram? - The Right Way






Math& Statistics


How To Understand Data Science Venn Diagram? - The Right Way

Data Science includes three main domain areas - Software, Maths and Statistics, and Business Knowledge. Generally, people think of Data Science as the intersection of all these domains. But I like to put it another way not just the intersection of all three but it also includes different types of around each area. For example, Consider the Software domain. Here we have all kinds of heavy development roles - end developer, back end developer, web developer, etc. If we think of Maths and Statistics domain, have Statisticians (the ancient leaders of data) and researchers who build, analyze math and models around the data. For the Business domain, we have people having subject matter expertise in their field. Business leaders, managers, Product owners, SME's come under these domain roles. Now that we know the domain-specific roles, let's dive in to find what data science roles revolve the overlaps of the diagram.

Software + Math+/Statistics person -The Machine Learning Engineer

A machine learning engineer has exceptional programming skills as well as who is great at math and statistics. He does the job of deployment of ML models

in production. They're also in charge of to scale theoretical data science models to production-level models that can accommodate real-time data. Machine learning algorithms allow a machine to recognize patterns in its own programming data, train itself to understand commands, and even think for itself, thanks to designed by machine learning engineers.

Software + Business person - The Data Engineer

This is sometimes a bit tricky and people generally put traditional developers into this area of intersection. But to provide more clarity, I would like to describe the one who works in this overlap domains as Data Engineers. They are software engineers who create, develop, and handle big data by designing, building, and integrating data from different sources. Then they write sophisticated on top of that, making sure it's easy to use and runs seamlessly, to improve the efficiency of their company's big data ecosystem.

Business + Math/Stats person- The Data Analyst

The person who sits with the business and also has math and statistics skills is the Data Analyst. bring about

How To Understand Data Science Venn Diagram? - The Right Way

programming skills, math, and statistics as well as business knowledge. He acts like a Data Engineer, an ML engineer(builds and deploys), and a Data Analyst (gain insights from data).To put it another way, Data Scientists are supposed to have good programming abilities, the ability to develop modern algorithms, the ability to manage big data, and other domain experience in addition to data analytical skills. To sum up things up, below is a skill comparison chart based on the scale of 1-5 for the Data Data Analyst, ML Engineer and Data Engineer.

Data Scientist Data Analyst Data Engineer ML Engineer

Math & Statistics

Skills required as per the data science role

Business SkillsSoftware1








Amity Future Academy

business value through insights, creating dashboards, and trying to raise the right and get the right answers from the data. Data Analysts are skilled data experts who can analyze, sort, report, summarise, and model data in companies. They know how to use existing resources and approaches to address problems, and they ad-hoc presentations and maps to help people from all over the company understand complex questions.

The master of all -The Data Scientist.

Data Scientist is a person who has excellent READ MORE

Success Stories

Stalin Sabu Thomas

ProgramPGD in ML & AI

Current OrganisationWow Labz

Current Designation Data Science Intern

Karthik Itharajula

ProgramPGD in ML & AI

Current OrganisationKoiReader

Current Designation Data Annotation



ProgramPGD in ML & AI

Current OrganisationSpottabl

Current Designation Data Science Intern

Rajkumar Gattu

ProgramPGD in ML & AI

Current OrganisationLivNSense

Current Designation

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence



ProgramPGD in Data Science

Current OrganisationOrbro

Current Designation Data Scientist

Our Star Performers Program Batch ModuleStudent Name

Ranjith Acharya

Ocokdhogu Bright

Mukta Soni

Meghana Suryavanshi

R V Sudhakar

M A Farhad Mondal

Ritika Shah

Rahul Gurbani

Digvijay Chauhan

Archana Panda

Priya Teke

Ayushi Sharma

Shreya Nair

Ekta Kohli

Jatin Arora

Bhupinder Ingale

Rakesh Kale

Amit Sadhu

PGP Data Science June 2020 Module 7

PGP Data Science June 2020 Module 7

PGP UXD March 2021 Module 1

PGP UXD March 2021 Module 1

PGP Cyber Security September 2020 Module 2

PGP Cyber Security January 2021 Module 1

PGD Digital Marketing September 2020 Module 8

PGD Digital Marketing September 2020 Module 8

PGP Product Management January 2021 Module 3

PGP Product Management January 2021 Module 3

PGP Blockchain Management January 2021 Module 1

PGP Blockchain Management January 2021 Module 1

PGP HR Management and Analytics January 2021 Module 1

PGP HR Management and Analytics September 2020 Module 6

PGP Business Analytics & Intelligence January 2021 Module 1

PGP Business Analytics & Intelligence September 2020 Module 5

PGP Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence September 2020 Module 6

PGP Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence September 2020 Module 6

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more and clarity is minimal.





of data. This data is streaming through various modes, applications and systems.


Covid is an irreversible phenomenon. The impacts of Covid on businesses will last long after Covid is wiped out, as Covid

has exposed which system is actually necessary and which system can be expended.


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