American Front, Firmly Confident, Looks Ahead - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of American Front, Firmly Confident, Looks Ahead - DigiFind-It

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Veather: Fcir, cooler to­night tnd tomorrow. ; U S T E D m O lI f ,

WALL STREET C O m rU tf^ BP A C tlT .

NO. 10.742



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w ithundo.wM*. ^ Xmiiif A m FuUiiihiin O..C » . j . . " "•I ir*«Hk,: , u i a NEWARK, N. J.. WEDNEvSDAY. JUNE 12, 1918.-TWENTY-SIX PAGES.

Strike Is Factor In P. S.Fare Case

Record, of Counsel for Opposition,

Refers to Rlunor of Company Having Promoted Trouble.

McCarter Gives Inaease E ^ re s

O m p u T ^ B eaa S«a<M B x p n .e IW- caaae a f R a lu a WUI A ai.nat t« asaOMO a VMr la AddllJoa ta Twa Oaata a a H aar Tala] GraalM Vtawl7--IU!eara'. A rcaaital I* Heard.

^ a atrlHe of the platform men of the Publlo Service Rellwt)r Company today developed ae factor In the ap­plication of the corporation for Increai- od trolley faree. Juat before the State Board of Publlo Utility Commleelonere t>*san to hear arcum ent on the appli­cation this m ornlnr, Prealdent Thomae N. McCarter look the wltnees stand end lubm ltted supplemental testimony In which he told of the walkout and iho tarme of tem porary eettlement and ■tated th a t the Increased pay elven the men In addition to the two cente an hour ralso promised If the fare In- •reaea was pranted by the Utllltlee Board would amount to a t least S4SO.SOO a year.

The teetlmony of the Public Service head w as *lvon over the etrenuous obliotlon of Oaorpe L. Record, of coun­sel for the municipalities opposing the fare A plloatlon. and a t Its conclusion ho said the opposition should have some opportunity to refute It.

*lt lo a m atter of common rumor on the streets th a t Ihle strike wss pro­moted by the company." said Mr. Rec­ord, "and wo ought to have time to lavoitlgate tn d learn the truth of theae m m ora"

Mr, MoOarter made no reply to theIntimation.

The b » rd , however, ruled that, so tn 'l hl< associate,

Marshall Van Winkle, did not desire to ®j"doa-exainlBo Mr. McCarter, counsel Should proceed with the argument.

Commissioner Slocum, who presided, an n o ^ced th a t the company should be the f irs t to address the board, aa the burden of proof th a t additional revenue It re tn lred was upon it, but Mr. Record vrat anxious to get away and counsel and the board agreed to have him present his portion of the oppoeltlon's argum ent

As soon aa the board took Its place on the benoh. Mr. McCarter arese and ■tated th a t during the past week “cer­tain facts have taken place" which he considered pertinent to the case, ana he added th a t he referreii to "the labor troubles of the compan>." He raid he believed the company should be glvou an cpp’jrtUTdiy to offer suppleineotvl Isatlmony t o . f c v t . t h e s e farts im lr-s '.he beard thought them of su ffh lm t ,'Ubilc hiiowlfttee to be conslderjd In the rocij.

"£ tltlrk lIHs situation Is Important tu this case end that It should bo pr«. sen'Ctl 1.1 cno wey or another," said Mr. M iC ctl,r ,

Mr. Von W inkle said that the facts could not be before the boerd unless they were properly p r e ^ .e d and made a m atter of record, and Mr, Record then took the floor. • r

"We object strenuously to thik effort t» inject somatbtng now in this case without giving us an opportunity to

(Gontimled on «th page, 1st colW n ) '

Protective Association Asks Freeholder Probe

Forest Hill Body Indorses Pro­posal to Go Beyond Field of

Grand Jury.

Counsel Sees ‘Outs* Envying Tns’

Declaring th a t public interest de­mands a thorough probe of the con­duct of oeunty affa irs by the Board of rraeholdert, members of the Forest HiU ProtecUv® Assocffttlon Ust nlyht | iadoyssd the move to petition Chief Justice Oummere for the sppolntment of sn investigating commiselon,

Ths Indictment upon which the free­holders are to be brought to trial Mon­day does not cover a number of things th a t deserve to be looked Into, the as­sociation held, such as alleged extrav-

P agancs and profligacy with public t funds and Improper awarde of con­

tracts.Indorsement of the propossd probe

and an offer to provide several sig ­natures to the petition by men willing to assume part responsibility for the bond reuulred wore given at a meeting held in the home of B. V. Gibson, l ie

‘ Ridge street. They followed a brief talk by David A. McIntyre, foreman of the grand Jury which found the indict­ment agalnat the freeholders, and a do. fenao of the county offlctali by County Counsel H erbert W. Tsylor, a member of the association.

Mr. Taylor proposed that In view of , the early tria l, of the freeholders It

would be more proper to poetpone eo. tton until the outcome of that action. He luggeited th e t the freeholders a lg h t have an acceptable explanation not only of the Overbrook scandal, on which the Indictment Is based, but of elt the o ther charges brought\against thsm in the grand Jury presentment that uoom panled the Indictment.

Ht« long experience In politics, Mr Taylor eald. had convinced him that inovaa suoh as the present were usually Inspired by the outs who ware trying to get In, and who cubtly endeavored te make of Improvement essocletlona and such bodies cetipaw s to pull their chestnuts from the fire.

Overbraak Flaaca llaavoMakla.The Overbrook tlaaco thd* county

oounaal bald to be unavoidable and a single blat upon an otherwise excellent record In th e conduct of the inetltu- tton.

"Overbrook Hoipltal," he deelarad, "has a nationwide reputation."

W illard I. HamlUim commented dryly th a t It certain ly had.

Dlaclblmer was mads by Mr. McIntyre th a t he had any pnlltical motive In urging Investigation of county affaire. The grand Jury, -he said, would have csntlnnad its probe except for the fact th a t tt had already Served two terms and its raembera felt they oouIA not give the additional time required to go Into ccndltlone generally.

Frealdsnt A. A. Drew, who In agp- pcrtlng H r. Ham ilton's motion of It.- doraement had referred te the ‘ free- hoUera aa "moving heaven and earth | to ipravent the probe," appointed B.- B. Towsley and Edward H. Ackley to act with him tlT obtaining any elgnaturea' { to Ika petition and bend that m ight M | r m i r a d of the aaaoclaMon.

'fligareus om demnatlon of oondltloha a t Blivtr t a k a garbagO dump f«-4 m d a K Inatm eilona ta tko haalth o f t iS h taa e f .the aaaoedatton to take

e lty enttwaasdiig .aapaatment to Ugh M not h av l)^ j iv e d ,u p to Its aeeeeeiant to keM ' th e damp oevared yrt/nk slay. Mr. SH w . who aMtrtad ha h a i haan aunaat aapkiiEM ^: hp the Daaaa fro m lflia damp, gropiytd t ^ t“ " iS h iB stw m cr

•----- T

TWO GENTS.Declares Dealers Must

Accept All G)al OrdersJenkiiuon Points Out This Is

Needed to Insure Fair Distribu­tion for All Consumers.

Fair Share for Each. Is Plan

s ta te Fuel AdaiiBlstratev Pays that t'n lesa Thta Byatem Is FsUewcd Semr Mlaht Get All CosI Reeded While Othcre u n i e e r Rethlngh-Hcallsea DellveHee May Rot All Be la Fall.

In order to know all angles relating lo coel neede of the sta te for the p rsien t coal year, gtate Fuel Admin- Istretor Jenktneon has advised all county 'adm inistrators that retail deal­ers m ust accept orders, even though the supply le ro t equal to filling the demande. It has been brought to hie attention, he says, ^ t retell coal deal­ers In n number of Intinncee sro re­fusing to accept orders from domestic consumera In this connection Mr. Jenkinsbn said:

"This probably arises from the fact th a t the coal dealer feels that he can­not reasonably expect to fill lo 100 per c en t any more orders than he now hsB on Mis books. This concluLtin may tic well founded a t the preeent time, but we are charged with the equitable distribution of coal and this means that everyone la entitled to a fair share of tha coal and we cannot perfomi this duty If We permit the agencies of de­livery to determine whether the;' will or will not accept orders. Orders must be accepted from all and upon this In­formation -1 can alone base whatever dlrecUone vte will make as to Increases of supply. If the supply Is not auf- flc lert to meet 100 per cent, deliveries, the sm eunt th a t we lack will be evenly spilt to ail consumers and we cannot permit of n eltustlon arising which Would enable a certain class of do­mestic consumers to be preferred and receive Kill per cent, and others to re ­ceive little or nothing, principally be- oauae they cannot get any one to ac­cept thetr orders.

"Will you therefore instruct all of the coal men In your dletrlot to accept orders that are presented to them ae they, of course, must accept orders sub Jeot to their ability and the ability- of the fuel administration to provide them with sufficient coal to meet the situa­tion.

'T here is another m atter which 1 would like to have your advice upon. We started a campaign of early ordering. The coal year has now advanced fwo months and a fa ir percentage of con­sumers have filed their orders, some of whom have received their one-third.

Saggests Classifylag Ceaiaaieya.Mr. Jenklnson asks his county aides

whether they consider It a good plan to fix a certain date by which domestic oonsumera should put In their orders and then give first consideration to those doing so and placing in a deferred class the ones Ignoring the request. These la tte r would receive their first One-lhlrd In such a way se the stale fuel adm inistrator feels proper, accord­ing to his plan. This Idea, he asserta, supplements a statem ent from the de­partm ent under date of June 1, as fol­lows: *

"The fuel adm inistrator In W atblng. ton State, following out Dr. Qavfleld'i advice to coal consumers to do their ordering early, has issued s netlce and a warning. H«, agaoiMiqeft Ta <mfa there 1s a ooal shortage liest w inter the consumer who has ttoeaga spact, or who could have provided for the s to r­age of his coal and did not, will not be supplied until all booked orders have been tilled, and then he will be obliged to take hie chances.'"

A prompt replv to hie suggeetlon will be appreciated^ Mr. Jenklnson says.

Local Fuel Administrator Hines sgain called attention this morning to the careless and Indifferent way In

British Transport AusoniaReported Sunk by U-Boat

n e w t o r e , June 1* (JF>.—The B rit­ish trsnsport Ausonia. owned by tne Cunard Steamship Company,' has been torpedoed and sunk by a German %ut>- marine aeveral hundred miles iium the British coast while on her way west­ward, according to private cable mes­sages received here yei'.erdav.

Ninety members of ner ersw were picked up by snother steamship and landed on ths English coast, the mas­sages said. Search Is being made for forty more of her crew, who are re- portad missing. ,

The Ausonia waa loot report 3d sa ealllng from a B ritish po -t May She wss a steel ship of 1,151 grass tonnigs.

Higher Tube Fare In Effect Tonight

Rate of 27 Cent! Each Way Will

Be Charged with Departure of

12:01 Train from New York.

Gillen to Call Protest Meeting

Msyav, iTadlaroaraged la His Oppesl- ttoB ta Row Rates, Experts te Held Gatberlag Satarday Atteraeoa la Mll- Kary Park aad n a tllae Hla Views. Other gpeaken Are Srfcedaled to Talk

Beginning with the departure from New Tork tonight of the 11:01 train for Newark, the rate of twenty-seven cents each way between the two cities on the Hudson ft M snhsttsn tube llna will go Into effect. Formal orders from the rsllroad administration In Washington, received late last night by Mfllbur C. Fisk, prealdent'and gen­eral m anager of the lubes, set the time for the tnaugurstlon of the new ra ta It hes been In effect from the Newark end of the line for three days, owing to the fact that the Pennsylvania Rail­road. which controls this end of the road and the local ticket office, had not received Director General McAdoo's temporary suspenalon order.

No round trip tjeketa will be Bold after midnight tonight from either end of the line. The round trip will cost fttty-four cents, as It does between the two cities on all other railroads serving this territory. Commutstion tickets of all Claeses a t the same time will be In- creaaed ten per cent., but tickets of these ctssses already purchased, from which one ride h a t betn csnceled prior to midnight tonight, will remain good until used or un til the date of expira­tion. Interchangeable ticket relations between the Hudson ft Msnhattsn sod the Pennsylvania also will be reaumed.

Mayor Qlllen hae' not been discour­aged In hiB oppotltlon to the new rates by the rescinding of the suspension order. He has taken steps to call a mass mseting of protest against the enforcement of the new rates, and ex­pects to hold the meeting Saturday afternoon In Military Park. He will make sn address outlining his views sa to the Increase and the effect he believes It wilt have upon Newark. There will be other speakenff

■ ayar Oppases All Kate Balssa.Explaining his eontlnued eppeiltloa

today, th s Mayor declared that tt went not only to tit* Bngsoti * M snhsttan ra te s but also to the naff PP f^I thd roads belirean toe two cUleil. fra eipreased the opinion that Newark's Increased and increasing population was largely due to the fact that It gets a large $hare of New York's annual overflow, and th a t close relstlone be­tween the two cities were vltst to New­ark. Published statem ents In which local m erchants were represented as welcoming the new rates as a means

(Continue^ o i f th page, ith coluiniTr (Contlnuad on 4th page, ad column.)

Henry Kirchner, Marine KiUed In Action, Was Newark Reskjent

Ascribed In the marine corps cas­ualty list as from Bernardsyllle, Hsnry Kirchner, a private reported killed In action abroad, was In reality a Newark young man, and BernardsvUle appeared as the residence of his nearest relative because his wife Intended going there lo make her home with Ixer sister, which, 'however, she did not do. She was formerly Hiss fla te l Robbins, and Is eald to live In Quitman strest.

Klrchnar was a native of Newark. He was graduated from the Waahlng- ton Street Rchool and from the evening

* *

Plans About Completed For War Savings Parade

Minor Details Only Remain to Be Perfected for Procession on

Saturday Afternoon.

About 7,000 Pupils to March

Fslvata H sarp ju rdh aes.,tchool a t Central High. Qa was twpnty- sevsn years old and for a tima was a s­sistant teller a t the F irst National Auik of L nydhurat He enlisted In ths marines In Phlladetplrim on May I, ISIT, and had been overseas since last ■'jpuinbsr.

Besides bis wife, Kirchner Is survived by his parents, Mr. and MAi. William L. Kirchner of SIS Plana strset, and two

'lis te rs and a brother. The family, cause of the .BernardsvlUs address given as th a t of n sa rait ralativa, had not been Infortned officially of H r K lrehner's death, and they started this morning to acsk by telsgraph definite Information from Waahlogton.

FAIR. COOLER. FORECASTFair aad sligbtly cooler tonight and

temorrow, fresh to strong northwest Winds, dlmbilehlng, • la the official Weather forecast for Mswatk and vi­cinity.

Tamperatitraa todnyt I A. IL, fO da- grass; T A, It., I I dsgrtas: notin' T4 da- graag. HiubMlty; T A- K., i l l par oast-; nooB, 45 per M at. XVlad'at Dpogi, sonth- Wast'Nit. twaJve milaa an hour. . Rain­f a l l .IS laeli.. Ttmparat«rag yastarday; ttlEh, H da' grass; Btig, id dffirasa! Adagraes, Blkh, Jfdfflow. I* pqe qWht^AVMgga,F tavA H tl' "vvlouHii;,ialU-MBMK. C li« i«<#r«»

* 1 ^ .aM >FMur.

Arrangements for the tVar Savings Stamp parade Saturday afternoon ars approaching completion, minor detallU only now remaining to occupy the a t ­tention of the general committee. Ar­rangements have been made for 7,500 school children to be in the line of march, under Randall D. Warden, physical Inspector of the Board of Edu­cation, as marshal. He will be as- listed by J. Wllmer Kennedy and Rev. John A. Dillon as aldea

Everything la in readiness for tha entertainment of the "Blue Devils" of France, who will arrive here early Sat­urday morning and who will stay until Sunday night. Hdnry Young Is chair­man of a commlttss from the Alliance Fruiicalse who will look after ths h - m ius fighting men pn Sunday morn­ing.

Ths parade reception committee .will be composed of the following: Chair­man, Frederick Frslinghuysen: Mayor Gillen, Chief Justice Qummere. F rank­lin Murphy, Forrest F. Drydsn. Will­iam F. Hoffmann, Wallace H. Scudder, Louis Bamberger, Commlsslonera Ray­mond, Archibald, Brennan and Mona­han; John R Hardin, Charlei L. F a r­rell, Moses PlauL James R. Nugent. Augustus V. Hamburg, Robert H. Mc­Carter and Robert 8. Sinclair.

Employees of the Prudential Insur­ance Company will have four floats In ths parade, ' I t has been arranged to have a guard of honor around one of theae floats, the guards being,young women who have five or more rela­tives in active war lervlce. All Pru employees who have relatives In ser­vice will carry small service flags.

Thoss who will rsvisw the parade from the city hall steps, In addition to the reception committee, will be Frank A. 'Vandsrilp, head of the National War Savlnga ' Stamp Committee; Major General William A. Mann, commander of the B aitern Department; United States Senator Joseph B. Frellnghuyaen and Congrsaemen R. Wayne Parker, Edward W. Gray and Fredtrlek R. Lehibach.

Hahe-ap e f Parade,The formation of the parade fol-

■Ihws:Escort—Newark Police Department.Grand Marshal—Major Edward Phll-

llpaAdjutant—William J. Hagan.Ntwark Police Department Band.Frank A. 'Vanderllp, National Chair­

man W. 8. 8. Committee: Guests and ■em beri of Reception Oomtnites, Members of Parade Committee, Members of General Cltliene' Committee. Bd- ward D. Dufflald, Chairman. (To as- eembla a t Free Public Library Build­ing a t 4:td P, M. and to gsarch a t head of parada to city hall, thare to occupy etand and reserved spaea and review the parade.)

FIvat D ivlsiaa.Randall D. W aifftn, aasletant mar­

shal.HAnorary Aldaa—Dr. J. W ittier Ken­

nedy and Rav. Jahn A Dillon.PVM JC 8CHOOLK

American Front, Firmly Confident, Looks Ahead

Regards Present German Offensive as End of One Phase of fFar-Evidence that the Enemy Is Doing

Utmost Now "Before Last Chance Is Passed,

By Cable fraas S ta ff O eireapeadeat.

WITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES IN FRANCE, Via Paris, June 12.—I get the clear-cut impr«Miion from responsible American opinion at the front that we regard the present German offensive as the end of one phase of the war. A new phase will begin next spring.

The American preparations are organized to beat the Germans on French soil, and fllr people here have the most complete and inspiring confidence that they will accomplish this, They have the means and they will have the men.

In the mean time they are convinced from the best evidence that the French and British armies and civilians will hold through in any event until we become able .to handle the Germans on a very large scale, which is what we are seriously planning to do.

From trustworthy evidence we know that the Germans are doing their utmost now, as they take our effort with the seriousness it de­serves, and arc convinced at last that our war effort, added to that of our Allies, is going to beat them, if our effort can be continued unin­terrupted until next year, 1 have full warrant for sending this esti­mate of the situation.

You can meet in westward-bound French trains veteran American officers who tell you in an ordinary tone of voice, "We ire going back to America to train troops." You can meet in remote French villages veteran United States officers and soldiers who will tell you, “Wo have just landed again from America with a whole division of new men, and are on our way toward the front."

What does this say for the German submarines? It says that they are helpless against our war. It says that across 3,500 mjles of ocean and foreign territory from home we have a sure line of communica­tions and bases for at least 2,000,000 men. These are regarded here as probably the most amazing military figures in the history of the world. . ^

At the/same time we are allowing for submarine activity, and we have now accumulated a sufficient food reserve in our French baaes to guarantee the feeding of a big army for a safe period of time.

It was the most natural thing for French and British to think, even some weeks ago, that the Americans could not improvise large staff organizations, with experienced field atrategiats, tacticians and trana- poftation officers, in the time at our disposal.

But. the truth is that, under our experienced military scientists and with the help of French and British specialists, we have founded a staff college in France, where our officers are Intensiinly trained for staff work, with the resplt that our staff'formationt are expanding at the same speed as our army, and, as the army units arrive, their staffs are ready for them.

The way our present figtitipg beinf conducted it regarded as big with uroraiae for AmericsB staff work, and aa probably showing that the ene acute problem of our wtr'^lreolved. „ .

CECIL I. DbRklAN.H lu Cecil I. DorrlAii, H alf correabondent ef the Eveklna Ntwa in Franca,

la credited b j the New York Ceinnierclal w ith belns the neat woman corre- epondent to Tlalt the American front In France, The Commerclat to d ar prlnta the fottow lnc'

"VVITH t h e AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE. June 11.—The f l r i t real woman ooireapondent hae Juet vlatted tha Amertein front, and went aa ta r a* the commandera on the Lunevllle aeetor would permit her. She ta Hlaa Cecil Dorrlan of the Newark (N. J.) Evenlnff Newi. She wore a eteet helmet, and carried the resulatlon saa meek. She made her'w ay toward the front, accom­panied by a preoa otfleer; climbed a ladder Into an obH^ratlon poet like a Bailor, and watched the arttllery, Prevloualy ebe hid been put throUBh th a ■ae maek drllL"

Mlae Dorrlan, who had apprlaed th e Newa office of her v ltlt to the Ameri­can front, and whoae Drat cable dlapatch from that front 1a printed above, haa eent from Europe to the Newa many artlclea which have a ttracted wlda a t ­tention. She prevloualy had vlatted t^e Italian front, coins within the tlr ln c aone, and ahe haa been within the f lsb tin s none of the Belfflan front. She kaa been In F a rli durlns repeated bomb'ardmenta. by tha Germ ana from the a ir and by meana of their lons-ranse su n or suna, and waa In tha vicinity when a mtaalle from a lonff-ranse sun w roush t aueb deetructlon upon a Paiia church and the worahlpera therein on Good Friday laet.

Mine Sweeper Penguin Launched Before TTirong st Elizabeth Yard

Bpfcial etrritt of Ue .VBffff.ELIZABETH. June 13— About 3,0(10

persona attandod the launehlns of the m int-iw aeper Pensuln here a t 13:30 o'clock today a t the ehip yard of the New Jersey Dry Dock Company. Mlat Jennie Rea, daus)<ter of James Roa, foreman of the yard, chrtatenod veeoel by breaklns a bottla of Cham- pasne over Its bow.

The sweeper Is of 1,000 tons. It haa been In course of conatructlon about two months. It will be towed to Brook­lyn for completion and will then be placed In the Mrvlce of th e United States Government.

U. S. Artillery Aids French in Attack

Turns Harassing Fire Against Ger­

man Lines in Montidier Sector.

Marines Clear Belleau Wood

D rive G erm aae from S traash e ld Near ( 'b a tv jia -T b le rrr , C a p ta rln s 3M P rls - eae rs , w ith T ea O fftcen—Aloe T ehe Two T h ree -lsrh G unfc^Frrach Dec­o ra te Itlae ty -tw o A m crlraa Soldlcra,

w it h t h e AMERICAN ARMY IN PICARDY, June 11 (A*).-Amiricanartillery aided the French |ii their counter-attack a s s ln i t the German* ■outhweat and south of MonldldUr to­day by dtrectlns a haraadns (lye asa lnst the enemy. Otherwise, the American troops h tv s not been eiisaged in the present battle.

The Americana In the lector w eit of Montdldler, however, »re ready to as- alet In the flsb tin s a t the first oppor­tunity.

The Germans made two minor raids asa lnst the Atnsrlcan llnet a t Cantlsny Monday n ish t and were rspulssd tach time. One rald ins party, which num­bered forty, was routed by the revolver fire of the Americans.

On the rlsh t of the American teclur German aviators have been busy. Ohe enemy fly ins machine, bearins a French In ilsn la aa a dlssulse, (lew over the American line a t a heisht of SOU meters and attacked with bombs and machine kun fire American toldlera on the march. The Americana took cover and there were no casualttee. Reports that the Germans have been uains French elsua on their aeceplanes have been numerous durlns the pest fert- nlshl. f


FRANCE, June IS—'Ameticen m erinei h ive entirely ale«r«d the lmporl*iit Belleau Wood, five miles w ait of Cha- taau-Thierry, of enemy forces, It waa eptSkHahtd today.

The Oarmait defenders drer* killed in

a ;Germans who still hsld the norChata portion of the wood. They wet* undsr order* "to pueh throush to ths north­eastern limits dt the wood. They car­ried out their Instructions, to the letter.

In addition lo Ihfllctlns heavy cas­ualties, the marines took a t least 350 prisoners, tnoludlns ton officer* and captured two three-lnoh field pieces

(Continued on 3d pase, 3d eolumh.;

Wilson Blocks Publicity On Treaties’ Discussion

Senate Defeats Borah Amendinent After President Sends His


SI s ' * V«M'* Band. Publlo 8eho| Pukitt -U nW M ai-



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Port Newark’s Second Ship Launching Due This Month

Reports from the Port Newark p lant of the Submarine Boat Corporation In­dicate th a t a second launching will take place some time this month and that there will he a double launching July 4. Ship No. 3 le the next vessel scheduled to fUde down the way*. It Is rapidly approaching the launching stage. All of the bulkheads are in place and the aides complete. The top plates a re In place, but ro t riveted. The hull riveting Is nearly finished.

The hulls ffhlch It Is planned to dip Into Newark Bay on July 4 are Noe. 3 and 4. They are well edvanced In con­struction. On ships Nos. B snd t the amidehip lection* s ^ coming along well, and on the latter vessel the for­ward bulkhaad la up. Work on other hulls Is shaplnff up In good style. Keel No. 13 has been laid on way No. I,-from which the Agawam was launched on Hay 30.

The receipt of material Is heavier. Laet week there were received 141 car* of fabricatad steel, totaling 4,5(7 Ions: fiflaen cars of plain material, totaling 541 tone; eight care of bolts sod livsta, to ta ling 1(5 tons; (our oars of castings, to ta lin g l ie tops; seventeen eari of f i t ­ting* and machinery, totaling 4(4 tons.

Ban on Wheat, Meat and Butter As "Free Lunch" in Saloona

Regulation of the saloon free lunch haa been started by Charles A. Carrl- ■an, head of the hotel and restauran t division or the State Food Administra­tion. W heat and meats n ay . no longer be served, a* the regulation now speci­fies th a t "no meat or meat products, wheat or bu tter fa ts ara to b t used." Flab may be used In place of moats, and cheese may etill be served, a* the supply of the letter commodity Is le fg a

Alt pretsela hereafter must be wheat- lees. as m ust b* an other grain products on th s free list. Onions, olives, pickiss snd cadlihee are permitted to remain and artlclae "simitar thareto." Mr. (larrlgsn said today ths regulation will become effective a t once without fu r­ther notice to cafes, b a n or restaurants Whtch have been providing free lunches.

Education Board to Meet Tomorrow to Pick Corson

Four Children Burned to Death A* U ^tn iag Sets Home on FireROME. N. t V June 13 (iP).~Durlng

an e lacttlc atorni early tbi* morning Ugjhtnlng itruck a heuee fly* miles w est of bora in which ware atapplnr A rthur Bannaes anif fW* at hla m ll- dren. The house was aet on fire, and four of tha children ware humad tc death. Tha fifth child, a boy of twejvar iumpad freita a eaeoBd-gtqty 'wtadaw and « k c a{ ^ with a U g h t. 'B i^ . ^

■fim t » S m ffk# »«l>- SUttntO. S%*.mofbaf >s'd .AnaOer cklM' *•!'• sw sr


AH doubt about the time when the Board of Education will appoint a now aupertntendent of schools was dla- palled today when It was learned th a t notice* have been sent to members of the board for s special m seting tor to ­morrow night, tfie sole purpose of which wilt be to receive tha report of the committee on the superintendency and to appoint a superintendent. There Is no longer any doubt, either, th a t the choice of the board will be Dr. David B. Corson, acting superlntsndent.

W hether the choloo of Dr. Corson will bo made unantmoualy le not known, but It la assarted In educa­tional circlet that a t least six of the nine members of the board will vote for him. The acting euperlntendenti m *" ****

Following the meeting of the board there will be a m elo n with tho Acs- domic Council, the latter body, com­posed of representatlvea of the board and of tha teachers, having sta ted that It has cartaln m atters It desiree to dts- cuss.

7 ^

Hou*c Gmunittee Fails to Act Od Newark Posteffice Project

Fro* (V tgosMsgton Bsreo* of Iks ffY£-.v/.voffgwg.

WASHtNOTOM, June f3.—The public buildings committee of th e House took no action a t Its session today .on the roconunendatlon of the Treasury Do- partm ent for enlarging tha Newark Poitofftoe, The coramitte* daroted Iti M ulon to a general dlscuselon of the H it of project* submitted by the Treaeury. This Hat contains over forty projaeti, all poatofflces. In which work- In g conditions am' congested. All of them have less than the standard 100 square, fast of space for each em- plqyee, the minimum, ranging from •’v*nty-two and thinW-two square feet respeetlvety, a t Atlantic City and New- a rk to elxty-elx square feet a t Reno.

The committee felt that. In viaw of the emergency condltlone s i to public buildings. It should not tac k lt any project that h id more than sixty square feet Bf working epace, that te, not un­til the war was over.

I t was voted to ask tho Poatofflca Doparlmont to submit a list of ivory Poetpfflbo in tho country with lesi than sixty square feat working space per person.

In view of th ia there ta no doubt th a t the Newark and Atlantic City projaeti win ho approved, although It ta etlll a quaatlon whether tho commit­tee would bo wilting to Ihcroaso the oBilmaU (er buying lend a t Newark.

• ■ ' "F- —'White Rseme Fauatalao' Btogpod.

WABHINGTON, June 13 <JP).—All fountaiiu In tho White Hbua* grounds were stopped today at Praaldant Wil­son'# dttaetJotl bscaus* o f-a 'lh raa ttn ad w a taK tM nage in Washlilgton. W ater |SR>ttihlr,«iU be cut off frow the toun- ta lM be a ll Weebingtim parka.

------ a------- --------- > ,*aJlh< B(MjlS(| '

»■' ■ V, r.t H 't

Both Jersey Solons Vote Yes

WASHINGTON. June 13 (J*).—Presi­dent Wilson's dtiapproval today killed a proposal <n the Senate for open die- cuMlon of treaties. Senalore voted down, 50 to 31, an amendment by Senator Borah of Idaho, embodylna the proposal, whioh had been offered as an amendment to the reeolutioti o.' Senator Underwood of Alabama for curlaillng Senate debate during the war.

Host of those favoring tha Borah amendment were Republican*, while the Demoersti voted almost 10111117 against the propoisl. The roll cell follows:

Democrats---Fnr, Chamberlain, John­son (8. Dak.), Nugent and Vardaman; total, four.

Republloans—For, Baird. Borah, Cummins. Fall, France, Frellnghuyaen. Gronna, Johnson (Csl.), Jonee (Waeh.), Kellogg, Kenyon, Lenroot, HcNary, Now, Norris, Sherman. Smith (&llch.), Bterllng and Toffneend; total, nineteen: tolal for, twenty-three,-'Democrat* Against—Ashurat, Rank- head, Beckham, Culherton, Gulon, HItcheook, Kendrick, King, Kirby, L«wle, HcKellar, Martin, Myara, Over­man, Owen. Phelan, Pomerene, Ranidell, Reed, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith (Aril.), Smith (Oa.), Bmith (Md.), Smith (S. C-)> Swanson. Thoinat,Thompeon, Tillman, Trammell. Under- wjDod and Wlltley; total, thldty-slx.

Republican a Agalnel — Brandogeo, Dtitingham, Halo, H arding,' Knox, Lodge, McCumber, McLean. Nelson, Pago, Poindexter, Smoot, Sutherland and W arreh; totaf, fourteen: totalagaln it. fifty.

Of member* p*lr*d or absent It was announced tb a t aenators Curtis, La FoUette, Wadsworth and Watson, Be- publicans, alae favored the amendment.

Prealdent Wilson gave an interpreta­tion of hla atatem snt to Cottgraas laal January In favor of "open diplomacy," to quint tbe Senate controversy over tha proMSal of Senator Borah (or public ccnlldersUait of trastlea.

The Prealdent made It known tb a t hU advooaoy of open slplomacy.waa not In reference to the Senate oxdeutiva d is­cussion of triutiesr In which be racom- msnds no ohangt, but meant the publi­cation of trektias after their rallflca- tlon.. The President’s vlswa were given tn a

letter to See'ratary L aniing .'a .copy of which was sent to Chairman Hitchcock of the foreign relation* committee.

In hi* letter, the President, explaln-(Continued on IJth page, let eoliimn,)~

Foch AdvancesI^ftjHoldsonRight

and Center.Enemy in a New Thnnt

Strikes Betweerh Aisne, Mame—Heavy Battle*

Is Raging.

Poilus Take 1,000 Prisoners

Following a succesiful counter-at­tack yeeterday, In which the , Frapsh advanced pearly a mil* along a **'■*»-. mile front In the Montdidler-Nayelff region, Qerinen' efforts to bailo r dowa the dsfensee between tha -Ota* and Montdldler eeeui to hava betn cheuhad for tha time being.

Paris today report* tb a t the bgttle continued last night In th is region w ith ­out any great change. On tha Franch left further progrea* was made by th* polIuB east of Mery and Gemlle Wood. In the cen tsr r|olhn|t German a ttacks were repulsed and oif the rig h t th* too was unable to debauch on the aputb bank of the Mat* River.

Though the recent offenatve appeare- to have met with reverse, Parla an-' nouncee the Germans have a ta rtsd a n ­other thrust, tills time to tha south­east, between the Alene and tha Mara* In the vicinity of Dommlore, Cotry am) acuth of Lemy.

Tho French War Office sta tes violent fighting la continuing in th is region. Military observers figure (Its operation may be a aerlou* threat to the security of the Allied front north of the OI«v.

lAndob announces the N iillsh re- palled a German attack on a paef Iq Aveluy Wood. The B ritish carried out a •hiieasful raid In the Boyolles rifflon.

PARIS. June 13 (^ ) .—The battle con­tinued duying last plgbt on tbe (font between Montdldler and tbe Bl,*er Olie, Without great change In th* OUtiation, th* W ar Offic* amiouncas. - .

On the French left *4dlti«pat *M>gtaea was mad* by Freneb' Xrqop* la 'ttO

fu T 'n * d !so rd * r*” * ^ * * * -W llan *Ml of Mery *1*4 Uqmll* 'Woo»te American artillery preparation *'**

Womin Awarded $1 LOGO Verdict For Electrocutm of HudundFor th* death of b*p busband. Josaph

Poat, who waa aleetrbcutad September IT; t ill, while painting'* pol* of th* PitWia lervie* Blaetrlc Company in Jer- nar Mr*. CatkeHn* Post of 1(31 QkFoktala* araqi*. - the Bronx, was OwardM damagei of Ilt,(M by a jury th Ut* tfhited StatoO District Court this PMU, Efa* had sifN'lba Public Service for 1(0,000. Mr*. Foot baa threa ebfl- (tea, tba allael * ftfl of fiftnen.

- 'rv -A -—a t


Log* Farm and Ahthaull, tha Frenck repulsed violent atitpka by. the enemy, Dshpite repeated efforta, tber Germans o»>th* French right w e re 'h o t abis to debouch on the south bank of the H ats River.

The French an* holding in th a t part of the battle area south of Chevriaq Court and Marestsurmats.

South of ths Alsna, on the front be­tween Solesons and the Marne, the Ger­mans attacked this morning. F ighting I* going cm'between the river and the Vlllera-CoUerets Forest. Violent com­bs ta; are being (ought on the front of Dommlelfe Cutry and south of Ambleny.

■rrok Foefi Coa*(rr Hwtm.Th* text of the statem ent reads;'T h e hauls between Montdldler and

the OI)e continued without great change during the night. On our left all attempted attacks by tha enemy sgalnet positions we had reconquered were, broken.

'T he French troops have reallaed n.ew progress east of Mery and the Genilla Wood. Violent Oefman a ttack s have llkewlie bciii repulsed' by the Franch on the Aronde front, a t St. Hawr, (be 1-oge Farm and AntheuH.

'T he French troopa have withstood the shock of attack! and Inflicted hea'vy losses upon ths asnellanfs w hileV uerd- Ing their poaltlnne.

''On the right, the Germans, in deeptts of repeated efforts, have not been able to debauch. South of the H ats the French are holding thet p a rt of th . field south of Chevancourl and Mareat- Sur-Matx.

"According to new' Information from the battle front the French counter­a ttack yesterday occurred, while a powerful Oermaii attack was In prepa­ration on the same front. French troops came In contact with heavy forces of th# enemy and threw them into disorder.

"Frlsoners taken by one French d i­vision are found to belong lo four d if­ferent German divisions.

"South of the Alsne the Germans at-, I tacked -tnii morning between the rlvey

add th* V lllers-rotterets Forest, v io ­lent combat* are going on on tho front of Dommters, Cutry and south o f Am- bleny." ,

Night Repprt.I,ast night's report said:."On the left our troop*, (upperted by

tanks, counter-attaeked (bis afternoon along a front of twelve ktlom eter* b e ­tween Ruhescourt and St. Haur, and despite desperate resistaiioe on the part of the enemy reached the souther.] approaches of L* Frstoy, captured the heights between Cosroellss and Mor- tem sr and carried our Unas mors than two ktlometera to the east of Mery.

"We have also retakan Belloy and Gemlts Wood and raached the southern outskirta of St. Maur.

.T he enemy, who suffered heavy losaka, felt mor* than 1,000 prisoners an(l several guns In our hands.

“In .the center the Germans, who had succeeded. In pushing forward to lha south of Logs Farm and AntheuH, were diivM back beyond these two points by Otir'troopa acting In concert with adjoining unitt.

"On.'the right the enemy increaged bis pressure, saeking-to gain th* Mats Valtay. Several violent attack* launched against ebsvancourt war* re- ptttted. Tbe enemy auceeeded In gain- 'ing a foothold In Maohemont and Beth- ancourt, which were bitterly dlspat*d.f


FRANCE. June 11 (A»L—,Ths Alllea troop* today showed tbe Germans they could not have It *11 thalr own way by exeebting a number of couptM -aftsoka which were invariably succsssful. Some Important territory waa won back gnd Inroads even .were made Into the Ger­man positlona:i "It waa-Tn fact, a thur- o u d U good day for tha A lltaa who 1n addnifn to MSainIng ground- oaptur,-; luinw Xbah !.((( prisonara

T^e tjfliiclpal counter-kitaoke ' oc­curred between Domfeaut, siM.r Rubescourt, and WaiquemolUn, ai...................loy, a front of about twiav*Allied Infantry, auppartail achtavel 'Ws advanc* * m ato rt They rp ^o k " tho edga.ot 8t. Haar, . F o ru and LogM f a r n ftfbthc Id a t AntkanlL

- r t a W ------- 'nbODti •0 1

too,osnoerted Of t1ab tt ItJhJTf


H B W A B E e v e n i n g N E W 8 . - W E D N E 8 D A Y . J U N E 1 2 . 1 9 B .

. j IMP H Jloplnf ferwmfd to fcv* - ..■ W l ««»• ** *>*•t'lilMlr h««0» compUtolr. Th* b*t-

onna U JlttnJlJf .coverod withA Moomjt€»r*AUwk Fftnctiihg , «hl«h w*» « !• M m ao trtjd IMS, toali tho Fr«noh cIom to th* »1 l ln t l M th«r • ( » « 8und»y. JIIM olM I« t boirynd^Moj? a pHaull, whil* a fu rth er fliree

_ blow enabled them to reach th* ^ a i t r ot St. Itaur.

t f i baralo etand of a detaohment ot dMMtMited cavalry on the height of

. y fc io B t win be remewbered ** on* d f th e meet heroic ppleodea of the war. •arM nnded Sunday m orning, a t < • 'deok , they realetUd until Mdndby noon ggaldet repeated ' and mogt feroeiou* agegMr aaeaulta Every two hour* they e a s t back a wlreleea raeeaag*. which a lw ai^ read; "We'r* holding."

<q>OM*ed,” lay* Meaaage. Flaallyi when the hour of noon wM

•trik ipg on Monday one word canrt thrgugh, "Ooomedr

yyanob cannon end meehln* ^ n e have reaped a heavy toll alnce Sunday. An entire divlelon ot the tamou* laeg eri wa* cut to piece* a t Iteaiona- eu r-H ata while a guarde divlelon loet « great proportion of Its effectlvee- Othar. dlvlilona It I* learned, eutfdjji* eaaally during th* preperetlon for th* a ttM k and the advene* to the v a i l e d ell the p*»e*» »t which were dOMlnated hy the Allied nrleoner taken eeem* horror-elrlcken ■I th* ilaughter of hi* comrede*.

Brttleh »**• Avelay MeldKWDON, June » (d 'V -A n enemy

r a t ^ g party leat night attacked theSrltU h P ^ t in Aveluy Weed, hut wt*renulaad, th# War Office announced to­day Th* Brltlah carried out a eucoeee-

UId In tha BoyeUe* “ f ’lu ring a f** pHionera. Thart- waa ^ i S l c aellvlly hy th* enemy artillery d ^ m g the night In th* region we*t of Lena __ _

Latest Casually list Carries Names of 126

W ir Department Reports Sixty

Fatalities and Fifty-nine Men Wounded Severely.

Nearly 31 Billions in Bank Deposits

are shown in the Ittest combined statistics of all Amencan banks, an increase of over ^ ' 1 ^ duiini the war. Deposits in the 7,604 nttionsi b!nki* are estimated as $12,771,833,000, an in­crease of Oie last flacal year.

With the production of the nation at full speed, the banks are keeping pace. The National Newark and Essex Banking Company, a commercial bank of 114 years’ standing, offtri abundant facilities to individuals, Arms or corporations who may con­sider forming new banking connections.

Nadonal Newark and Essex Banking Co.N«w Jw ty * i Oldert nml U rgert P u ik j

E l t a U i t M 1804

On Stand, M ». Knox Says Litvaney Killed Himself

Woman Relates How He Shot Him­

self Because She Told Him She Might Leave Him.

Stale Ends Its Case This Morning

A ete-lte rfew t f e te tw e t U tro ia re d Yeelerduy A fter**** Phewed th* t M tveaey 0*»* Ce*f1lrtlng SWry to P o llo c r iv e t Said SheetU g W*e by Him. The* I»**iti Mr*. «***■

Accidental Deaths in Our Forces in France &own ■Compared with Cases of Tltose '‘Killed in Action

from ISe WmSIhbIw Burwe »f the *VE- Jf/NO NEWS.

WASMINOTON, June ,1|.—Not ell ot th* peril th e t a lotdler ot the Amerlcen ermy encouptere le on the be ttle line, or in the ordinery rlek of enoounlerlng dlieei*. or In c ro u ln g the oceen. There It lubetenttel peril In th* r l ik 'o f acci­dent. Th* Wer D epertm enl'i ceeuelty figure* dlecloi* thle In *n emphetlcw»y.


Report U’Boat AttacksOff Coast of Virgirtia

Fred B. Cempbell, Crowell T e rSemuel A. Conley, Blew****#, 0*. Letter De>»*y, Neehvlll*. Ark.

I W e l d Man Among the Injured

WAIHttKITOM, June I I (Jf).—The grniF c*»4altT list ennouneed todey hy the W e r peperlm ent eonUlee I I Ingme*. foutr 1«» ros'oraax '* '*et.Fifteen ere reported hliUd In eotlonM d flfly-Blfl* ere •*lo a d e d . Two J»r**ymen In the H*t were Privet* Wllliein M. SiiUlven of Feeiete, who Slid from dll****, *• »"*

" ,y 1 I 3 a i t i .n u . i t i r t wouaded th* oeeueltlee ere e'vW** ^

Died from wound*, nine, diedfM ^erop jO T *end other oeuee*. eeventeens4 1 ^ . from dieeeoo. elghtoohi wounded.,m oiieee*.4mMois» undetermined, elvi mteein* ™

^n re* Heotenente ere em oni^th***ktllad to k»“ l« Thoy »r» BeddHter. Tenker*. N. M el c. B M tanett, Broofcton, Mees.. * ^ >J*I‘ 2 r t 5 l t Johneton*. Arlington, Week.

O lllir ofHoer* ■*m*d *r* UepUln XmoMgrd » . B ert, ghewneo, p., died I ro n died***', Ijleutenent Bloherd B. iS S i Veil W ert, 0„ died from te ro - pUa* eeddent; Cepuin Don t - CeM- teeU. Oroenflold, 0.. end I-tautM ent* AlWRt E. hm in*. Brooklyn: O oo«* * . ■m U r, Arkeiyme City, A rk , end

woltadod eeverely.KILUDD Iir A o n o w .

ue*t**e*tB.W|lm*r Bodeneteh, Yonkere, M. * .

H»rdy R. Klllion, BeltOP, Te*.CharUs W. Foley, Chleego.Thome* J, Foley, Lynn, Ma**.Jesfle Dtkhl, IaA,Walter A, H»e*, Keukaun*. Wl*. WlllUra B. Hen*haw. ah m l« * . w V*. FIdyd L. Hawfclne South Kmukeun*.

Wi*BMwln C. Heed. N**dmorr, Oe.Jeok B. Hughe*. Oood*!!, I*.(Jentry Hunnloutt, Or**nvtJU, ^ C. Arthur H, Johnson, Lekelend. Fie. Regner A. Jehnoon, Richfield, N. J. Bennett B. Kerr, Iheldon. I l l a en u tl Kelnii Dodgen. N, p . WIedyelew KempInekI, Detroit.Henry W, Kennedy. WeycroM. Oe. Albert J. 1* BoM, Northempton, Me**- Clifford Ledford, Clneinnetl.Kerry B. Lundy, LAgvenworth, lU i. Cherl** U MeCturr, New Snglend, w .

^ ^ n g * le Konellnl. 8*n Frenelioo. Oliver X. Neleen, MHweuk**.PeuI H. NloholA Floyd. To*. CornellM J. Beppelye*. B«n*i*l**r,

N. T. ‘C h irllt » . RobiftSe B urkt. B Levern Orville Rongetad. Menomonl*,

Wle.Wllllem am A H o o y ito n . I l l Rue**n B. Slmrae, Cblllloolha, O.John Smith, poltotown. PA Ralph A. Smoot. Pletientv lll* . O, Relph Teylor. Clave^lend.John K. Thetcher. Covington. K, Heurie* W. Wetaon, Or**n*bufg, L*. Net P. While, Holly, Ky. „Jottph Wllllem*, WeehlngJ^evllle, 0. F tenk J. Wme*. W *b,no, -Wl*.


n iv a te e ,Jem tl H. Burn*. Ottumwe, Te.Mertin Djonn*. Redeliff*. lA

er* number* of e Pru**l*n unit, though drefted from ell pert* of Germeny. Several who nerved on the Ruaalan front aaUI they liked U better there than on Ihl* front.

Many of the German r*glm«nt*, they aeld. are recruited from Jew*. These *r* unwIUtng to fight and are oom- pelled to go Into battle by machine gun* pieced in th* rear of their line*.

Taking the revere* of th* elate’* eontentlon that ah* ahot and killed Andrew Litvaney, with whom eh* lived for three w**k* at II# Orchard atreet, becauie he w«* about to leave her, Mr*. Mlnnl* Kuo* took th* .witneea *t»nd In her own d*f«n*e. at ih li afternoon before Judge p***® ” * and a Jury end decltred that had ahot himself beceue* lb* hed loid him that ahe thought »erl®ue F ® " turning to her husband, Philip K"®*- from whom she had betn aeparalrfl only about eight w**k*.

The state c1o**d H* caae about noo.i and after Frank M. McDermll, for the woman, had gained a point In having th* dying daeleretlon made by Litvaney a few momenta before nit death, as well a* *11 evIBence l„g It, e*cluded from the record, he oplnld loy th . d*f*n», ‘V ''" * that the woman d*nle* th a t »h* shot Litvaney, but *»**n* th a t he shot him■elf.Mrs .Kno* s te t.d that ih* (lr"t met

After they have entered the fighting Litvaney when ihe and h*®line they are chained to guna *nd „ , „ l to hi* office to list their t*rm

In Hunterdon County for sale. Hhe «*iowagon*.A e*ptur*d officer *eld U w»* under­

stood by himself and others that lees than 100,000. Americans are In France. H* ws* eurprlssd to Issrn th a t the Americana had been hsr* eevernl month*.

PARIS, June 11.—"Amerlcen troop* brilliantly carried Belleau Wood thle morning, taking *00 prisoners."

This announcement la made by the W ar Office In Its official report to ­night.

Pcrehlag AnneMee* Gala.WASHINGTON, June IJ.—Amerlcen


th a t l ite r she had to leave her h ts bend becaus* of hie cruelty, •nd five week* she did not know where he

She want again to Litvaney e of­fice' to 1*11 him th a t *h* had a pur- chasar for the farm, but could not make

.'aking yestordey’o oftlelel flSures, tt Is found thet 7|S men ere reported to bikVt bMH killtd tn action slnov Am^rU cans began fighting In France. As ■gsinit that total of men killed out­right on th* battlefield, l « have hsan klllsd In accidents—or, as the W ar De­partment designate* th is clsoslflcetlon. ’’eceldsnt or other esuee," In other words, socldsnt* took more then half s* many *a German bullets and shells.

To th a average lay observer, this probably seems like a high proportion of accidents. Even some m ilitary men admit that It looks rsth e r high. Other* believe that It Is Just about normal. How the accident total among th* American forces compares with Brtltsh or French figures there Is no way of telling, for fact* concerning the other armies are not mad# public.

Give* Oat No Ezpleoetloaa.It li not poesible to obtain from the

W ar Doiiarlmenl any detailed analyalu ot the accident figures in the Amerlciii UxptdItlonarV Force. The departmem liaa a record of th* cause of death In each caae, but It le not going Into any explanations ' concerning Individual cases. F a talltiss recorded under this list embrace many kind* of aocldenle ■ and some thing# th a t are not accidents

Military men aay that a certain portion of the total death* In an army must ha expected to occur from tocl- denls, despite all precaution*, for the work of soldiers In active field ser­vice* even when they are not on the tiring line. Is often of a haiardous charaetar. I t la much more hasardous than the work of the average civilian, even though he may be n steel worker on e skyscraper or a submarine diver.

L 'rd tr the head of accidents, tor In- ■tance. tha W ar Department has

more subject to such troubles than fell- roads a t horns.

Traaepertetlm AealdeatAThere Is another oleei of fetal aeel-

denia growing ou t . .« t the ue* or thousand* of motor truck* and aulomb* biles, oftea In place* where th* reaM are extremely dengerou*. There er* eccldinU due to tb* eiploslon of inu- nltlona or to a buretlng «un, or eome defect In m llitgry material, l ne latter elaae la eald not to be unduly large and invoWa* no rellectlon up»n th* average egoellenaa of the maliri*> ■upplled to the arm y ,

Then, also, under the head of acoi dent or other eauie" are Included sui­cides Thers hava been a n''"'''*® thee* In France, eome of which nave not been Individually reported. The exact number th* W ar Department will not aay, but It le not regerdad as la r i a or unusual. Ruleldes are not reported to the families of suoh. A family la Informed that th* soldier died fromcause." This la out of consldsrsllon for th* family.

The Freeek Praetles,Th* French, following ‘h * ‘*™* K fl

tern of consideration for the families a t home, go to the length of repo'tm g sa "killed In action" a aoldler who haa “ ,n executed for a Under the general head of accident* In the AmericanIncluded executions, although tn*re have been only two thus fir.

Dloease. of course, continues le claim the largest number ot American soldiers who died abroad. Th* preienl proportion o t fa ta lities due however, may bo reduced as the Amer lean forces become more largely en­gaged on the ba ttle front. At the preeent time, forty and

Two Stcameri in Port Bring

Storiei of Beiivg Fired Upwi by Submarines.

Gun* Heard Off Ocean City, Md,

NORFOLK, Va„ Jun# ; i .—Crewi of the ateamers W alter D. Noye* and the Fajoe, upon arrival here, reported thet they nad been fired upon hy tubmarlne* Sunday nl*hl off tha Vfrgtnla e o a it

o c e a n c it y , Md., Jun* 1) (* 1 — Sharp, quick firing, about tw enty mil#* a t aea. wa* dlattnctly heard a t Ocean City yesterday afternoon, and It la gan- tra lly hellevad hare that m cargo-carry* Ing vessel had been attacked by an enemy craft. A veeial coming her* ^^tsr reported th e t It had aeen a large ihlp fired on by a im aller one, and that the craft attacked had escaped and gone Into tb* Delaware B reakw aU r ter

*‘ AbJut the lime tha firing was geing the Ocean City coaet guard was

cent, of all to a th s abroadd1iAai«r The men hlllM »ndue to

herwald Hanaen, Ceunell BluffA Hugh 8. Hleok, W atsrlo*. la. X a? W. Itleek. W aterleo, la*Cgselus C. Worm, AnltA la.

^ I i i i t r a n r A o n o R .FHvet*.

William C. Neleen, W enetehe*. Wash.

troops nortJiweet of Cheteau-Thlerry yesterday advanced their position in Belleau Wood, capturing »»# prlsonere and cfinelderabl* war material, Includ­ing a number of machine gune and trenoh nsoriars, General Pershing re ­ported laet night in hie dally com­munique. The statem ent follows;

"Norlhwcet of Chateau-Thlerry we wer* again sueossaful In advancing our positions In th* Belleau Wood, We captured 3E0 prisoners, of whom three ware officer*, and eonsiderahl* ma- tarlal. Including a number of michtne guns and trench morters.

"In the Woevr* our haltertes exe­cuted eftsetive neutralisation and har-

**WITh ' 't HE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, June II (S’).—For gallantry In varlooa action* on the 'Coul front, nlnety-two American soldiers were decorated with the French W ar Cross today. Copies of the citations and medali were presented by a French gsnsrsl, whit* each aoldler was con­gratulated by th* American general commanding th* eector.

MW C.'Buehenan, Broekten. M w^'lialeolm M. Johneton*, Arlingten,

(riwvtemaly ReymrSea Hleelng), gergsent Frederick H. K. Miller, New

Haven, Conn.

Two Jerseymeo Among Dead oii Marine Corps Casualty Liiti


Bernard A 0>1>. MoCloud.’ John 0.;.J*nkl#*, Bockport, ind.

Fsfvbfed*CbYua F, Adaeki FayettSvIlla, I*. C, I l W t L Cox, Weleer. Id*.Pimid R Dobba, M athllton. MI*aYhomae Dryden, Flemfngeburg, Ky, pgnlet Harder, AlniyrA Ark.FiVl Mum*, London, 0. wmiam B. Lottie, Alameda, C»L Anthony Snider, Marine Cerpe. Lean* yenter*. Bheimerdln*. H. C, WJlford Wpthington, Liberty, Ky.

DIBD o r WOVNDf.Ceak.

Htefan Btanklewleh, Cherkow*. nui-

'WASHIKOTON. June 11 marine eorpe oeeualty H»t med* pub­lic today oarrl** eevonleen nam*A ihowlng elevan men killed in action, wVwho died of bidunda and four ee-

▼erely wounded, au ta ln John field ot Breofclyn^ed of woundeyre-

"Tr***!" Wwa?d R. Bueklein o^Union HIU, J'P !■ Il»t«d M h»vln* dlBO «

* A p r« l# “ » » « 5 ! r u /ner of Newark, N- J.. among th* killed Today'* Hit fOllowi;

gergeantAFrenk Lewie Oltek. Ogden. Utah. 0111* Henry. ‘ Johann Ingmeier, St.

Leuli, Oet*«nla,Louis Wint Johnson, Mongrovs, Mo.


'Merry Widow" Condemned To Death as Spy in F ran^

,tiM0|a(ld fr»«* romwiwidfsMFARIB, May II.—Brief announce­

ment ha* Just been made t h a f a Parle court-m artial hae condemned to death as a apy Mme, M-. thlrty-eeven yaara aid. Her «on Noel, sixteen years old, who was acflussd ot being bar eccompItcA wa* ordered to b* esnt to a penllenllery cOtohy until hs cornea of age. Th* ,cou(t believed he was too young tm be heki reaponilbl* for his aoiA

As lb* cse* was not hsard in public only a few details have become knowm such as th a t Mme. M.'t husband was killed a t the front In March, ISIS, and that th* wife soon started a life that earned her. In the circle* she fre- quanted, the name ot "The Merry Widow.” She ioon ran through the money she inherited end, to obtain mora communicated with a Greek liv­ing In Bpaln. an agent of tbs spy bureau established In Barcelona by the

FtlvAteAGeorg* Winlaro Dsll. Malvsrn, F a Harry G. Kingston, Kermon, N, Y.John F. Lindsay. Boaten.JustlB O, Lysit, Nashville, Tenn. Sandusky Lynoh, Lsbanon, Ky- F stsr W. McCraw. RoatlndalA Mas*John B. McDermtt, Collins. Miss. Clarenc* R. Fhllltpl, La Rue, O.


Leonard K. Hart, B haw nta 0.P rlvatea

Tony Bsughton, Rayvtlle, L a Gamel W. Clayton, Canyon, T ea Bay R. Craun, Ames, la.William F. Dowling, Connsllsvllle,

Charles A, Engle, Astoria, N.'Y.Bsunuel B. Fulkrod. WlIItamsporL F a Gordon Hay**,. Nichole. B. O.Stanley Luqeynpkl. Chicago,William A McGuire, H enntein Home,

Ark.Georg* C Mondseekl, New Britain

Conn.C trl F. Olion* Cnmbrl^KOe Minn.Rdwln H. Olson, Bprlngtletd, O ra Georg* W. Sctnlen, Brooklyn.Emmet Segrsys, Hamilton, Oa.BddleC. Smith, Florala, Ala.John B. Smith, Grand Raptda, MIeh. William M. Sullivan, l# l Monro*


Lieateaanf.Richard B, Reed, Van W ert, O,


BergesmtaHarry Golden, Hew York- Raymond L. Bhearmap, Berkeley, CaL

Filv*«*ANil* Oscsr Anderson, Brooklyn.Thorns* Biggins, Buffalo.Domenico Caputo, B rooklyn Joseph Orome, Clnrtnnatl.Charles D. Hlldebyrand. MlnnsapolU. John Morrons, Broslyn, N. T.Pasqual* Papa. Mllbrook. N. T. Benjamin Purlflcato, Brooklyn,Frank Richardson, Atlanta, Te*. Frederick W. Roller Jr., Clnelnnatl. Charlei R- Rowati, Cohoes, N. Y. Frederick G. Schwab. Brooklyn. N. Y, Joseph Stnenseth, Nunda, S. D,Bmll Tuckerman, Naw York.Herman Westphal, Detroit.


Den L CeMwell, Greenfield, G. U eaten en ta

Albert B. Billing, Brooklyn.Oeerge B> Butler. Arkenaes City, Kan. Wayne Wllllem Bohmidt. H artlnevllla


Ovt p . Brimmer, Reading Center, |fa 7*

Fred W. Corelne, Concord. N. C. Joaepb B. Jenk lna K ltt* HIU, 0. Albert F. Martin, Oekalooea, I a B diten Miller, Delaware, O.Leo H- OanarJtFA Saginaw. Hieh. Ijdwerd SvetbA New York.

O t gete lfcArUiur F- Dunn, Havanm CitbA

Warren Findley Hoyle. *h#l'>F. Hafold Alfred Broeke, Colette, w ii. George Dalle* Murphy, gpartenburg.

fl. C-Alexandtr Ha^peln. D illa i. Te*.Fred Brymti Lome*, HohenwaJd,

^E rneet Jamee Osborne, Bloomington,Couohran, MartinsInd.

H »rrr K ln i F#rry* 0»David Alfred Taggart, Chicago.

d ie d o r WOUNDS,Ueptaln.

John Blanchfleld, Brooklyn.PrIvalA

Edward Raymond HuohUln. t il* Hudson boulsvsrd. Union HIU. N. J.


Willard Chrlstophar Nslllgan, Chi­cago. FrivateA

bureau Germans.

When m other and son wer* arrested the boy was Just about to engage In the aviation service In order to obtain Information to be supplied to Germany.

A w riter In th# Paris Midi Identifies ths Greek a* the head of German propa­ganda in Spain and director In par­ticular of the eervlc* tor arranging #*- plosion* In factories. He was a regu­lar visitor to a girls' school a t Bar­celona, where he went to see three little girls whose guardian he wa* eupposed to be. One of them, the youngest, ageq about eleven, handed over to blm, on each viall, several letters, which hs car- rled away.

Thee* three little girls wer* French,

k eal* because she was unabl* to find hsr husband. , ^ , ,

Litvaney followsd her out of th* of­fice. ahe declared, and asked her If she was Slone, When she told him that ■he was he said that no man ehou d I rest hsr tn suoh * manner. *"1 th a t he wae a widower and wanted a home and a housekeeper. He ’’J® out ,lo dinner, she said, and l»l«r ‘® New York. They returned to Newark, end the next d*y went to Ih* •P*®'"’*"*« t 11# Grehasd street' which Litvaney hed rented furnished.

At the dinner before going to New York, she st*t«d, she drank spnm wine which made her unsteady. She ws* unaccustomed to liquor ot any sort, having nsver before tasted It-

The woman declared that a short Urn* aftsr she and LUvansy k#*. •* ' tabllihod themetlve* atUO atreet, she gav him 1700 to plan In the ■ate for her and when th* aekad him for some money later with whl®*' to buy her adopted boy some clothing, IsUvancy .told that h* h id put th money In his real estate business, Mrs, Knox also said th a t a t the time she gave Litvaney th# money she gave him her watoh, diamond ring and pin, ano her huaband'a diamond ring, and hat never sines received any of the money nor has she sten any of th* Jewelry,

Hew the ih ee tleg Heppeuet.DetoriMng the shooting, Mrs. Kno*

■eld that Ut'-aney arose earlier that morning than usual, and when she asksd blm the reason ho said that he was blue and had plenty of trouble Hs said he was blue because she had to o him that she was conolderlng ser ously returning to her husband. He told ner that he could not live without heri Mrs. Knox went to the kitchen, she reified, to prepare th* br*akt**t, and a moment later she heard a nOlao. Bha went to the room where Litvaney w te End *aw him Btandlnf In front of tha mlrrpr- She asked kirn w h il Ike trouble wai, »nd he «»1d that h* w%» m«reJy iUnd- In^ there to if h* appeared pile. He told her thkt he had been hurt, and e ip r tiie d the hope that she had not been lilt,

Mrs. Kno* said she asked Litvaney what he had In hie hand, and he told her that It waa a tu n She tried to take the revolver from him, but.he re- elated, saying th a t children shodld not play with matehsi. She said that she forced him back on the bed and than called Quatav Zlruth. b re th tj Uit-vaney's bualnaes thatLlivansy's admission to Mr. BIruth thathe had Shot hlmsslf ahe described how U*''*Zlruth to take the gun from hi* poek^st,

' The opening ot th* defepe* followed a morning uaed by tha proatcuUon for putting on record final details of case against Mrs. Kno*. Apparently In

groirped all caiea ot men who have died from aeroplane fall*. This auh-dlvlslon, however, does not Include avIatecs who are shot down by the enemy. These er* classed ns having bean killed In action, There are many acoldenta due to the operation of ra il­roads in the w ar aone, which are even

The menicllon" repreaent twenly-llve and ona- halt per cent. Those who died of ae oidetit or othar cauaa" account for thirteen and one-third per cent, ^h®** who died of wounds total n |r d s par cent. Those »ho have died at e*A practically all tn the alnklngof the Tuecanle, * Vj.lV'lllalha* th m c#nt. of thA tol^l

One of the pecuiiartllea of the Wer Department llet 1* that H I died a t aaa are claaeed a* action," although men who "•<> varloua klnda of eoddan ti ®n the eon of Franca a r t not eo cla*ilft«. ^ ^

ordered to aea, preeumably to reacuaaur- vlvora ot a vessel sunk by a aubmarlne. Thle itrv ed to confirm tha opinion that g fubmarln* wee operating off tha coast, though ons of tha coast guariji on re lu rn in i. said ihslr trip to sen wes uot on account of the flild*-

a n ATLANTIC PORT, June tlcer* of a British ataamahtp errivlng laet night reported th a t t h ^ had eighted e German aubmerlne Mondaynight about UO ™‘‘' ' u V o e tahor*. They eald that th* U -boit emerged about I.OOO yarde away on tha JS it baam Just a t dusk, but did hot have time to get Into a. poetUon le Uunch a torpedo or fir* her gunA *• th* ceptgln swung the the slsrn w*i in line ^ * U-M et and want away a t full »pa*d, e lf sag ■Ing. Dark ■®"" ^flcere on tha bridge eaw no more of theaubmerlne. __

Faaeengera arriving yeiterdey from South American porta on a BrsiUlan eleamshlp said that they heard firing off the ooaet Monday morning, batwsan U o'cloek end noon.

hand notea of O’Namthe itatam enl. Litvaney « final words

shot sne th* first tlins 1 wsnt toward har. She shot me th# stcond time 1 went toward her."

This endad tha ilatem ent.Othev WHneeaea.

Polio* Lieutenant Joieph *''*'’*'*''* Police sergeant Jamea D. Hell and Mri. Elisabeth Blmond of lie Nye atreet, Irvington, were on the stanfl for the sta le late yaitarday aftwnoon. Farrell and Mrs, Hlmond corroborated O’Neil! as to the atalemenl. Mr* Blmond eald thag Litvaney had lived had lived w ith Bar until three weeks prior to his death.

Including Mn- Slmond. several wit neesei related also how Litvaney mad* hli will Just before he died. He di­vided his estate between his sister and

boy, after he hed bceii reminded of the boy. Hie first thought had hesn. wltneaaas said, to give all to hie sister. ___

Hall wa* appointed to attend the meet­ings ot the sta te executive board.

An appropriation of (100 was nj*## to th* camp coramlltee for tie work of sending deeervlng boy* to Lamp Klameeha, a fte r which Mr*. A. Y. Ham- hurg, Mr*. Henry A. Cosiens and Mra. Benjamin E. Chapin were *committee to eoneider th* advieablllty of revising th* auxiliary 's conallluUon In referenes to th* holding of special meeting* by th* hoard

Meetings for mother* will b* held th* tlret Monday* of the f lr it five months nf i m , It waa ennouneed by th# com­mittee of public meetings. Disburse­ment* for the m onth totaled Met.St. leaving a balance tn th* treasury ofI6ss.:i.Refreahmenta wera served at th* con­clusion by Mrs. M. C. Bedell and Mr*. William H. Markley.

Story of U-Boat and Auxiliary Off Jericy Coast Unconfirmed

Italians, in Raid, Torpedo Two Austrian Battleships

Co-operate with Your Banks.Is Advice to Business Men

ntlclpallon of a poaslble ■‘'I® " '''

ROME, June l ! ( ^ ) .—Two Italian torpedo boat* attgeked tw o Auetrlan ,^^i^shlps and ten destroyers near the Dalmatian coaat Monday. Two Iqrpa- dot* were lan t Into on* battleih lp and one liilP tha othar. end one of th# d*. Biroyeri.*'which pursued th* Italian watihlp* after fh* encounter, was dam­aged seriously. The It^allan vessels re­turned eafely to their bae*. An official suw m ent Issued by th . Italian Ad­miralty follow*:" *'At dawn on Monday near the Dal- mellan Islands two small I ta lljn to r­pedo boats, under oommand of com­mander Rlaio Lutgl d* Mllasio, attacked an Austrian naval division, consisting of two large battleships of the Virlbus L'nltl* class, escorted by t*n dsstrayer*. Our units, having boldly broksn through th* line of destroyers, hit the leading battleship with two torpedoes ■ nd th* other with on*, and returned to their base unscathed. On* of th* d*- ■troyeri, which pursued them, was damaged seriously."

Battleehlpa of the Virlbus Unltls type are four In number and are tha largest In the Austrian navy. They dleplace JO.OOO tone and carry 1.080 men each-

"Moit business men rsellse the value of ilflclency tn their own plants, but they neglect to uSe their bank* In tha same eftlelent manner," dsclsred George* 8. Kennedy, an a is titan t treas­urer o t the G uaranty Trust Company of New York, las t n igh t In an address be- tore th# Young Men’s Buelnesi Club at th* W ashington. Th* them# ef Mr. Kennedy's speech wae an endeavor to show th a t bank* are not only place* where funds may be placed for safe keeping, but liietUutlons where bqel- nest may k* nurtured land developed, amelgarnatlng the experience of th* banker with th a t of the bualness man.

"Many a buslneta man hastaeen saved from failure through the timely advice of a btniter," th* epeaker continued, "He (e oonveraant v lth tnvealment values end, If th* business men has

gneriel grrelce of -Vgflfg.8EA b r ig h t . June ll.-^N e conflrme-

tlon could b* obtsinsd her* today re­garding a atory printad In morning nowipaper* to th* effect th a t Howyri Applegate, a flehermaii. while out for m ackerel Monday, aaw an anxlU*r> schooner supply a U-boat '•'***’ kr®- vlilon* about forty mlUs s o u t h ^ t o Long Branch. The atorlas eald that Applegate eaw .th* aohooner an f marine make feat to on* • " “U’*® then eeVeral htg peckef** were paeseJ to th# im aller erett.

Applegate I* reported to k « # he watched the prooeedlngi '» • » *!• gasolene amaok until the ertoonerv rweeplng eearchllght revealed him. The eubmarln* then **nt out * J*amok* th a t ooverad both boat*, according to th* story, *>‘®**?***,!^jl fo“ the shore. When th# smoke cleared both the schooner and aubmarlne had

**BMorti* to locate Applegate this m orning were unavailing. , .

Old fishermen In th is vlctnlty point to th* fact th a t hook-and-llB* men rarely go out furthar th an ftftean mtlsf and th a t for aaveral day* non* have gone out that distance even because o t th* roughness of th* ssa

th* to akow OlthfT In^t ijl'-r i M m s e l f . or that th_._.hoot.

ing was a t close rang*

being the daughters of Mme. M. The "Merry Wldow~‘ need to pas* any In

Emil Albart Zeek, Toltdo.John Galvan AUhlaon. Oakdale. HI-Godfrey W arner Anderson. Proctor,

A previous list announced from the marine eesps Included eeven killed In action and three who died Horn dliease. Among thoe* reported killed la Private Henry Klrchner of Newark, N, J. Tha Uit;


formation th a t aha obtained to her son, who wrote It to hie young sister, plac­ing It In th* middle ot his Isttere, whloh were never really examined when It wae seen th a t they were letter# from a brother to a little lis ter at schooL

Lieutenant of Detectives Oodlray ®1 tk* proseeutor’i staff desorlhed tts te mad* by him this morning

Twenty-One Vessels Built Since U-Boat Attack Here

fund* to invest, ha should osTWinly seek th* advice ot his henksr. TMay

Quotes Kaiser as DeclaringAiine Battle a Great Victory

o X e y aa d k® had fired b u ll.ti ats mu,Un’^ .^e t,_ a t #*nx®J, ®t ®n®.i i showedSS‘‘,j?:' mu.“ n ri"h ro n e3 ® ‘ only.. T h .» ‘’“hT L'tv®"®?; ; * ‘r . h o c ‘’’‘"T >®’"5'»“ h l5 r and th . j ; ! : : U n X . t were aceeptsd « eshlbll. for the proaeeutlon o®*''f*' lections by Mr. MoDermlt,

Reports Germany ConsideringBig Offensive on Seas Now

.hot. M rS oD erm lt « n X Y * % ‘ad*

Cnptnin.Jam** McCoy, Fall River. Masa

O eaaary gargaant.James Clair Wert*. Burnham. F a

Private*.Frank Hamilton Snow, Ala.Leon WeiUy Hunt, Tyre. Hleh. Robert Bateman Decatur, Platn-

Y*>'®*U . . M rHenry Klrchner, Newark. N, J.John Mefolk Col’.lne, addresi not


Oasaery iergtaat.Max Krause. Berlin, Wl*.

Private*.Vlotor Joeeph Roika. I Gray etreet,

Charleilown, Mase.Jerome A rthur Bierce, Bplrlt Lake,


‘ 1


Ualea HIU Marlae Dlee D*m Weaede.gpecio! Swric* of Ike XEIfK,

UNION HIUU June 11.—Edward R Buchlein, whoa* nama appaars In th* American caaualty list a i having died of woundA wee a eon of Mr, end Mr*. Christian Buchlein of tItS Hudson Boulevard. The fa ther conducts e meet market. Buchlein we* twenty-tour years old and en lle tad 'In th* marine corps April IS. HIT. sailing f## Frsnea lest April. B ss ld e^h ls psrsnts, h* Is survived hy two brothers end two ■Istars.

WASHINGTON, June IJ.—Further evidence th a t Germany. In Its efforts to end the war this summer. Is plan­ning to support Its land offensive by sending Its high seas forces agalnet the combined Brilleh and Amerloan grand fleet, Is given In an official dis­patch today from Swltserland,

A lelagram of an official nature," laya th* dispatch, ''le being spread broadcast In Germany, which says that the German Admiralty Is considering a big naval offensive. Orders are eup­posed to have baan g^vep ‘to keep the whole fleet In readiness, and a ear- lain number of naval offlctrs of high rank hava been recalled from flwltser- land and o ther neutral countries, where they have been spending their leaves,"

It the battle does oome American naval forces will play their part. Am tr- Icsn naval dreadnoughts under Rear Admiral Hugh Rodman Joined th* B rit­ish fleet some time ago, and Admiral Gleavei In hla recant address said that when Admiral Beatty, commanding the British grand sea forces, heard that the Germans wer* coming, he assigned th* American ships to a prominent place In the line.

American naval officers are no lest anxious for a finish tight with th s snemy than are the British. In all Allied quarters there Is suprem* confi­dence ot the outcome. Once the two tlest* com* to grips, offlolals are oer- tain thet the German* will be decisively defeated.

’’T . 'a h r i i* .r point tn t h . proof of the HAUKA of Litvaney'* County PhV-

w arren testified th a t he had re- *** Jl'nThe caue* of death, Immadiately '? [ , '; '’.r**mmaTon o? L ltia n .y '- body.

our best bank* vie with each other In giving service to business men and th* sarvlos* which are rendered relate to many things besld* banking, • • * but If th* hustnesp man will take his bankar into hie confldsn'c*. staling hts troublss frank ly and freely,, he will doubtless find th a t thers are many way* In which thay o*n co-opsrata to their m utual advantage."

Edward Behultse, said to he an au­thority on th* w riting of bustneaa let­ters, will speak befora the cluh Jun* a . A m eeting of the board ot gov­ernors will be held next Tuesday to outline a program for the coming ysar.

WASMINOTON, June H ( » ) .—glnja OarRian oubmarlnaa bagan their raid* off the Atlantic Coast on May t i . the output of sMb yarde building veeeel# fo r th# Shipping Boerd ha* axoegdidIh* sinking# of American ahlp* hy mora than lOO.oiS deed weight tone. Thgpreduetlon during thle been twenty-on* ahlp*. totaling lt# .#ft ton*. Excluding th* vogaels salvaged, the eubmarln** deetroyed ten Amerlcen ships, totaling «.0«0 l#n«. , _

Six ships were completed during the f irs t week of Jun*. They totaled f i .i l# tons. In the earn* time there were fourteen launohing*. totaling T®.*’® ton*, seven of the ehlpe leunched were steel and seven wood.

The Balttmor* Drydook A Ship Build­ing Co. today tslegraphtd Dlrootor General Schwab th a t a *,4S0-ton ateel steam er would b* launched there next Monday In lee# then forty working days. As the ship Is being built on the longitudinal eystem. which requires more time than th* transverse system of construction, the time Is considered •xcelUnt.

as "'suppoVerhomleld*.'' UnJ®® ;^m 7n\’’l.on. Dr, w a rren declarea^^^^^whiTe "pneumonia ™ * ;,^ ‘n ''* th rS a iu -r . a ‘‘ T . ' “ oT,ht' T h s the SulletwWch penetrated L ltv e n ey . Che. .

H ew Itelem en*

wee in nn th# type-

AMSTERDAM. June 1* (F ) .—In a long letter to the Berlin Lokal-Anselger from the battlefield on the Alsne, dated May S7, Karl Roener, Emperor Will- Isme'B favorite correspondent, describe* the Emperor as eppearlng in radiant health, bronxed and brigh t eyed, re­ceiving a report from General von Boehm regarding th* etormlng of the French positions on the Alsne,

Afterward, aay* tha correapondent. the Emperor ascendad to the old Camp del Romalni. from which he viewed the panorama of th* battlefield while seated at a rough table, upon whloh were map* and a telephone. Her* hs recelvid news ot the passage of a Ger­man battalion aerosa th* Alsne River, upon which the correspondent quote* him sa remraklng;

'“Th6 victory !■ ■won—one of Ific y rw t victories upon w hich our strong future will rest."

Officers Are Appointed forBattalion at St. Benedict's

tori#* and was made

and anawarev. aoestlon whichO'Nalll ®»^*« “ ‘C tm F r U te n manu- *" !horth»Rd H r McDermlt laidscript in •horthaRd. *

Unified Command of FleetsIn Mediterranean Is Urged

Man Arrested at Atlantic City Accused of Signaling U-Boatt

mtn W»* __ strara flVit-n o l raad , HI* o b jec tio n * * # r . ov .r-

rultd- t>ia ftt&tonvnts O'KslU■rid L l iv sn a y bad r # l a t « tn a t

fley d W. GUmand, Cklcago. Tb*_b*o<iDrs Nssta, DarriBgtog. Wash. Matbau C. tprinkte, VeUSeo, Tax.

Maekawie.•Ule York, DetroiL

F rivu tsaIfbji Appoatolog, Ohloe Island, Greece. tMUlto BetJenl, Detroit.H war^ E. Brown, cinelnnSdl.

United States Artillery Aids French in Attack

Three More Aismen Are Killed And Two Injured in Accidents

L* wToa were ®''®:Mr*. myself " ■ CooT'd'*'®**egg* and ® •J^ 'h J 'V e e under the Im-,h . witness said h*preeston » .#k ed him whoenmethlnf "’MTnnT.'‘*d1?"*U'N®‘" saidenmethlnfshot him.

U WM ?S?» ®®®®T. ‘ " th e ^ lT "that t h . * ‘‘"®« '" ” "‘'? t.T * n d tT lch ment in atan®?^®?*!*.... nhieatlons from

LONDON, June 1! W riting Inthe Dally Telegraph. Archibald S. Hurd, the widely known naval authority, pleads urgently for a unified ctmmand for the Allied fleet# in the Msd.ier- raiieen, especially •" view of the prob­able iSceselon to the etrength of the navies of th* Central Powers through the acquisition by Gerniany of the bulks of tha ships belonging to the for­mer Russian Black Sea fleet.

Th® n»vt! comm»Tia In tna ranean, Mr. Hurd points out, rests with the French, and in the Adriatic with the Italians, th* British naval forces in both these seas are acting under the French and Italian admlrais, while the American and Japanese navies also are operating there, and Greek and Bra­silian naval participation 1* impending. Thu* eeven navtei rspresented in the Mediterranean would bs under divided ceaimand.

At the close o f drill yeeterday, of­ficers of St. Benedict's College bat­talion were appointed by Rev. J, J. F lanagan, O. S. B„ director of th# mill- tary courat a t th* prsp school. The batlallon w as formed some time ago, end haa already acquired s m ilitary precision of movsmsnt and bearing that promptad commtndation yester day by the m ilitary dlractor and ia r- geant Donald D. Whita, U.'S. A., rnllt- tary instructor a t tha oolltge.

Farm ing th e baltallen are tbra* eom- panlas of eighty-four men each, a aignal oerp* and a fit* and drum oorps. The uniform* nr* patterned after th* United S ta tes arm y uniform, with the natlonnl Insignia replaoed by ornameh- tal maroon and gray trimmings. The unit Is alao equipped with a set ot colors.

Th* otfleere appointed yesterday are;Battalion m ajor, William J, MoDon-

ough ot Orange; battalion adjutant, James J. Keeney of Hohoksn.

F irst Compeny—Ceptaln, Thornes J. W alker ot H arrlion; first Iteutsnant. Sylvsstsr J. LIddy o t Heboksn; second Itsutenent, Georg* M. Dely ot West Orang*

PHILADELPHIA, June II (# ) .—A man employed a* a bartender a t Allan- tlo City 1* being held by the naval au- thorltle* her* In th* belief th a t he I* a member of a band ot German aplai who have been sought for a weak hecauia o t the Impresalon th a t they wer* sig­naling U-boats St sei. He was srraatad a t Atlantic City Monday night and brought to this city y ee lerd y . He la accused e l sw inging a curtain back and forth a t a window In front of

"V h# window overlooked th* shoal* at B rigan tine to the open Atlantlo.

Convicted of Selling Liquor on Election Day Here, Sentenced

... • ; r . t r e n u o u i objeotlons frombrought such itre j jMr. MeUermlt. O Neill eaio

. m , v T u . and ihout*d; "He

Second Company—paptatn, Kugen* A. Neary of Betlavllla; (Irit llautenant,

(Continued from Flret P tg a )


end some mlnewerfer*.Their own oaeualtle* wer* light, with

th* exception of those suffered et one point where a m achlnt gun neel held out tor eome time.

Seisasm Attaek Rggaleed.While th is flsbU ng was under way.

tb* Germans launched an attack a t S e'oloek In tk* spernlng. agatnet the American Mbit* bolding Bonreeohee eq tb* r ig h t Tb* eaeault wb* eempletely repulsed, great masees et lb* in sn y being broken up ‘by artillery end rifle fire,

Prieeners taken by the marines ap­pear ip bs a happy let. Many et them aiw e z t r ^ e ly yottthftil and look Well cared for, though some of them eald they have hed tittle to e i^ Utely.

BELLEVILLE, III., June 11 (JP).— | Lieutenant R. Bardwell of New York was hilled Instantly and .Major John B. Brooke of Kansas City, commanding officer e t Scott Field, six mile* eoulh- east of hers, was probably fatally In ­jured a t I o'clock last night when an aeroplane In which they wer* circling above the field tell t08 feet to th* ground.J Major Brooks wa# with Pershing’s

, arm y in Mexico. He waa on* of the two Amerlcen filers with th e t expedi­tion who were forced to lend In a desert country by an acoldant to thalr ma- chlna and walked forty-five mile* to th* American Una*. He It only twenty six yexre old.

P8NBAC0LA, Fla.. June I I (F J .- Clareco* F. Barry, quartermaster, first Qlae*. U. B. N- R. F.. we* killed a t .the navy a ir station her* late yesterday by a bloer oa th* head by an aeroplane propsder. HI* home I* |n Gray Eagle, Mian.

HOUSTON. Tex,, tu n * I I (» ) ,—Wbewan aeroplane ffli at San Leon, an aertal gunnery rang* here, yeeterday a f te r­noon, F irs t Lieutenant : Roger Mont­gomery of Tantea,; y iS fr. aerial gm «*rT. eeBAsnted aM th e »«oi of the masbin*. Second Lieutenant W ill­iam K. BarUlne^ was altghtly brulgeiA.

i.iivaner _s shouted: "tieKnox " " IS saylns- H*does not know wnat

*” u t v . . . r i e »T ln» State-#**- Assistant

stslem enl ■fellow*.__A ,*Who l i th lt S " u y wifa. «*""*• Wtvaney.Q , _ ^ a t did the

about you had w ith Y®«r w«*7 * A.—About th* breakfM t.

Q.—Whsre did she t « t the gunTM r* n y th tn g to youf

$ ;Z h Sw ' m ^ r i lm * # did ah. shoot you7

Q i:pTd“*sh* e a r anything »o Y®®« ; ? V . ; ' ’.m h .r What eh. mtd.

Q._Did you try to get th* gun from berT

q .—W het happened afte r she ahot

’"’a ,'—I tainted afte r the first sho t I am not sure thbt ®''®*

the tlbio of tb* gheotlNgf A.—Ho. tharo wb* no on* elH In tM

room but u# two. I »#■ xrgulnf with her when *h* shot m a

Q.—W het was th* argum ent aboutT . A .-Sh* eiipked the egg* too hard- i gnT im t m S k m y *11# ahot m a N a I might have don* It myg|lf.

I t was e t tU a point that tbs ebort-


Eitimale German CasualtiesNow Reach Total of 660,000

Raymond E. Miller of Harrison; second lieutenant, Eugene F. Donlon of Belle- villa i

Third Company—Captain, Thqmes J. Degnen of Kewark; first tleutenent. Edward M. W iJdron of Newbyk; second llautenant, Hernard'M . Shanley ot New-, ark.

F Ifa Drum and Bugl* Corpa-Cap tain, E arl T. Allan of Orang*.

Signal Corps Leader—Cherle* H Alker of,th is city.

First of Suits Against LehighOver Jitney Fatslity on Trial

WITH THE f r e n c h ARMIES IN THE FIELD, June 12— German casual­ties in lb* big offensive to date, ac­cording to scientific m ilitary calcnla- Uona, to ta l a t least SS6.O80. Having engaged (SO dlvleiona tn th* originalW cardy-Flandor* offenetve, fllty-thre* dlvlslone In th* Marne drive and twentyeo far between MontOldler end Noyon, th* German# have thus employed, it Is figured, a toU l of H I division* (I.III,-0»U man) since March 21- Military •*- ------ V h .. taltli* tifnav one waapart* estim ate th* average enemy lose seven other men In I tb* Jitney, one was a t 1.888 men to a division. | killed a«d e ^ e ra l WnrW.

With a maximum bf 218 divisions Fortsnso. threugh forme# Judge WH-

Tii* firs t of several suit* agalngt th* Lehigh Valley Railroad bated upon a coillelon a t th* Bay avenue eroielng. October I t , l l l t i between a train and a Jitney cayrytng workmen frem the gubmarin* B oat Corporation yards, le being tried today in th* United Statea D istrict Court bofor* Jud||* D tvli end a Jury.

Joseph Forlepso of >1 Adame etreet bring* the su it asking |6.S(8 for In- jurlee to hi* noH and right feot. Of

Shortly after a 1®''^'>**®5» Lawrence of Monmouth county, #1 it Ing In crim inal Court hare y*»*#f'‘*Y a«®#* noon* hkfl rtnd ired a v ird le l o f iu llty ^M m el Nathan F ran .b l.u , ealoon ktanar of t t Mulberry eireat. Indicted on a charge of eeUlng liquor o® U*,® ^ of th* commlasldn government referen­dum election. Judge tenced Franablau to three month! m th* B*#*x County P e n tte n tl* ^ nmy a fine of (188 and cost*. Fraderlok j I J « i n i e l for FraniW au. immedlatoly served a w rit of error on the court, ap- uealtng th* #*••• Franablau was ■ »l*aM d in 11,888 b ill pending th* out- com* of th* appeal.

Thir* war* seven count* In tn* in­dictment against Franablau and he waa eonvtctsd on three of th* oounte for the llleget eel* of liquor on th a t day.

Chart** Bryion. who w*#. of a iaau lt and ba tte ry end robbery, we# esnt to th* New Jersey Keformatory by Ju U # Dawranc*. « • wa* charged with robbing Robert Allen, a newly-mad* acquelntanc*. Beth men wer* employed a t the ByntUeUo Dye WJ?,’' ”started out on a lark, according to Ih rt* .trm o i.y , when B ryw n r.lloved hi* newly-mad* friend of hi* money.

Mary uleleka of 107 Paeeal* avenue, who we* tried on an Indictment oherg- Ing larceny and reoelvlng, was eon- rioted of receiving.

Edward Mllhaueer wa* oonvloted of atroeload aeaeult and battery on Loula L. KiP. They nr* both Newerkor*.

Albert Long* entored a Pl®# ®* h®" vult to forgery and otteflng. Thom*# plal* pi*M*< non volt to a rtmljAJ ohargo a ^ Edward Tranonlano pleaded non vult to carry ing cOaceaied

(1,110,880 men) on th* west front, th* above total mean* th a t a greet number of division* have been engaged two or three time#, while the German* atlll possets more than th irty fresh divisions (168,000 men) which have not yet been used. ,

bur A. Heleley. ailed## n*gllg*n«4 on the ^ r t o t the ralirasd in that th*

Gives Review of Work Done st Essex County Firentsl School

A review of th* w erk being carried on a t th* Baee* County Parental Beboo) wa* glvao by Miss Anna Loulh* Davl* before the 'Women'# Auxiliary Iq T. M. C- A., following a buplnei* (B**t.- tng yeaterdey afternoon In th* asso- oiatlon building Hr*. Riley A. Vo**, the president, directed t^e.jW pU ttg. TBPe* received h>t* membereWp wes* M ra Arthur B. Bagley a n d H ra Harry F. Measereohmldt. Mr*. Frederick U

gate# were ratted, ahd th* driver ot th* Jitney wa* elgngled by a towerman to crot* th* track*. Th* creeelng waa then a t grade, but hat sine* been

The suit Ip being tried in Oi* fedeiwt court a t th# tnetane* of the rellroad. in order th a t It may take advantage ot a mur# liberal eortitfuctlon of law

* AiTmdlctmant agalnet (Riarle* Kleine k e i^ n g larceny and reoSlvlng waa polls nroaeei. K* wa* OWt to #h* NewJersey Reformatery HoMay on another charge.

fixing redponelblUty tor eatety In mak Ing craeainga Under federal eourt d*- elHOtn, reeppnelbinty It divided be­tween th* getemen and the ptreen making thfe oroMthS.

ednover Eflgllth, appearing ter th* ralltead, I* contending that Philip Mac- do. the dhaurreuT. fallad to uh* any nreoautlon* on hit Own aoaeuat s«4

w gnlnc algnala wer* glted »r 4*%; trsilii le «sffl«U M ‘ , i i .(

. l l l U M l H ot w t to r

Eraaeh E reek Imp#*##*# *• *##*■The Branch Brook Improvement Ae-

edoiatlon will hold lU laet meetliMt ot the eeaeon tonight a t th* Third Pxet- b y ttrian Church, Abington avenue and H u g e atraet.

SynodM s

Asks Wii I Liquot

I Dui

To Meet

Special Sen AEBURl

re..iolutioni liquor, to ricnis In 11 Ington we tlie close iiotierel E Am erica P a rk for t Indorsed 1 League In

One ef President a bill pro! a beverag ing the pe synod telsi lilm to n theatricals m enti.

The Pre reacind th era of th* m lttlog 8i ton.

Member, requeetsd Indulge In excursions Sundays.

ChunChurch I

In the rer Preston Be although 11 an apparel e x is ta a ah Pastors. dV th e ir chan

Contrlhu S2,6G(.47i own, altho celved wai I t la belie taken up BBlarlet o have left work she- there waa. trlbutlona.

Loaa nf ported. th( in the CD mlnlatry. i numbers 71 leant* in i a total of

'off of 2(1 I baptltm s. for the Wl elble for t1 claaaea.

Consider' Furbeck oi an automcchildren, 1synod a t tl annua] alli each child geatlon wi mllllon-dol to th li til only to e widows of

Before t program w noon a foi eerie* whl m orning benevolent church "to o ther eld f dividual w TTnIted Sta; pledge una ernm ent ot unanimous

A minim sonage for parsonage recommend re ta ry of 1 In th* cou afternoon, missions e nine chui t'hurchee v porting, m estlo mis to ta l ot til 1*17.

A five ] for an Inte: church mei hers ae th, (lldate tor chureh, or tw enty ne' recommend to be tram

W ar has m inistry I th a t the di m uat retui obtained, th ree divli In Reform.

In the tBev. J. {

board of < made doub of combatli ae spreadtr stressed th disloyalty disloyalty ■ w ork of th In hand v epreud of ;

Dr. Henr waa elects professoral leal 9emint ,1ent of Ce college eat years ago, tw enty per


If Immedlai Ing the ma and "the k fo r all."

Thomas complaint, w ith files stuck tn 1Beveral ol BgalnR sU


w ant the minus to 1 Hill sectloi pact of the curious ore chiefly of around, S structed t Commlielo, g ra n t th* for the put

Burglars member* o Its burglAr In urging c houses wit otber, Hf. no w arnlni g lare recei having the

Officers elected a, Drew; vice eon; eecre ivm eteln . to tlje heal' Georg* J. / m itte* men

Eftit Oran Growin

,A verdict dered In thfora Judge ting', her*Alexander of 14 Camag a ltm Alt F a rry stre.resu lt of.* motereye'l*Larinffrei

I t f lM Ith r e sh hi thaF he w*j

d a


ity, Md-

C rtw i of ■ and th« >rttd th»t ibmarlnt*. eoftlt.II (ff) — inty n)U»» » t Oe**n It l i ■•n<

'■O'Mrry* td by on ilni: h tt* ID D U rg tI, m n d t h b tI »nd fono hdU t (o r

■ ti gelnc lumrd wDiro icu a lu r - lu b m a rln r . ilDton th b t [ o f f th« Dit (u trd i to I M «*■

0 Drrivtng thoy hid0 Hondiy th* Jorioy 10 U -boit r iy on th*It did hotloiltlon to r gunii i iu h lp until tho U-bOit td, i lv t i f - nd tho of- noro of tho

irdiy from1 B ritlllan lord flrln« If, botwoon


0 oonfirnii'0 today ro- In m a rn tn cHit Howard ^ilo out for n auilUary

w ith pro- louthoaat of1 to ld that i r and oub- anothor and woro pataod

» h ioo paidn froib hla I aohoenoro ltd him. Tho a aeroon of oati, accord- lo fato mado noko eloarod bmarino had

^lofato th li

lothlty point nd-lino man fittoan mitoi a nano havo ivon boeatiao

I Built, tack Here1 (jp).—flinoa n IhOlr ralda

play t l . tho lid in r vaaaolo haa oaoaadod ohipt hy moro(it lOBt. T h fInterval hao

itallng I t l .d tl poll aalvatod,ton Aniorlcon

t.ed during tho totalod 14,411

0 thoro wore ita lln f 7B,4tO ilpo lounohed id.A Ship Butld-

)h td Dtrootor t,4tft-tsn otool lOd th tro n » t orty working ig built on tho hi oh roqulhoi iByorie lyatein1 la conaldored

mtic Gty tling U -^ tU0 I t '(« ) .—a indor a t Atlan-

tho naval au- of th a t ho It o man iploa who weak taocauto

thay ware lig- to w at arraitad ay night and roatorday. Ho a curtain back vr In front of

id tho ahoala at Atlantic.

L iquor on re , Sentenced

udgatting iftor- ;ullty iloon llctad a day oran* ton-

hi In nd to

lunta In tha In- blau and ho wat 10 oounto to r tho n th a t day.I waa convtctod ,nd rohbary. waa Ratormatory by

raa chargad with •, a n o w ly -c ^ a n wara amployad W orka and had k, aooording to Bryaon roliavad of hla monay. Paaaalo avanua,

ndlotmont charg* . Iving, w ai ton-

vaa eonvlotad of battary on Imula h Hawarkora.Ml a plaa of non ttaylnf. Thomaa l i t to a ain llar anontano ploadod ■ying cORoaaltd

l i t Charlaa Xlolb a raodlvlng »»a ■ aant to tha »#w biiday on anothay

KBWABK sd^NINfl jjEWB, WEDNBBDAT. TOtfE 12,'l« l8.

i f

Synod Would BanJRum, Also Gaines on Sunday

Aiki Wilson for Law Forbidding I Liquor Sales During War and

I During Demobilization.

To Meet at Asbury Park in 1919

Special StrviM of XBW8.ASBURY PARK, June IS,—Several

m eolutloni in oppoiltlon to the la le of liquor, to Sunday baseball and theat^ rleals In the cantonments and In ^'aehw SfiKton were adopted today, Ju it before the close of the 112th soeeion of the Oefieral Bynod, Reformed Church of America. The synod selected Asbury P a rk for Its meeting next year and also indorsed the work of the Antt^Saloon

, League tn New Jersey.One ef the resolutions called upon

President Wilson and Congress to pass a bill prohibiting the sale of liquor as a beverage during the war and dur*Ing the period of demobilisation. The aynod telegraphed the President urging iilm to prohibit Sunday sports and theatricals in the camps and canton- fnenti.

The President will also be asked to rescind the action of the commlsalon* ers of the District of Colombia in pur* m ittlng Sunday bajeidU In W ashihs- ton.

Members of the church will also Le requested hot to Luy o.i HunUayu or lo Indulge In games '’ f epor'.s « r to go * n excursions or (o trav.U for pleasure cn Sundays.

Cbwrch fitatletlre P m en ted .Church eistlstlcs. were quoted today

In the report of retiring President J Preston Bearlc. It was explained that although the Reformed m inistry showed a n apparent gain of ten. there really exleta 4 shortage of perhaps a hundred pastors, d\ie to mlnistore relinquishing th e ir charges to enter war work.

Ooritrlbutlone to the church to taled $2,564,478 and benevolences held their own, although the total of moneys re ­ceived was 131.972 less than last year I t Is believed that the shrinkage was taken up by the dlacontlnuance of the salaries of some of the pastors who have left the field. Receipts for war work showed a gain of 171,000 and there falling off in mission con­tributions.

Loss of one member church was re ­ported. the total of RAlormed churches in the country now being 7t0. The m tniitry . with the ten accessions, now num bers 759. By gaining 767 commun­ican ts in the year the church reached

total of 1S2.03T. There was a falling 'off of 241 Infant baptisms and 376 adult baptlams. The calling of young men for the war le believed to be respon­sible for the disbanding of eleven Bible clasMa.

Considering the case of Rev. Howard Furbeck of Annsndale, whose death In an automobile accident Orphaned five tihildren, there was suggested to the synod a t this morning's eeeslon th a t an annual allowance of be made for each ohlld of a dead minister. The eug- gestlon was referred to the church's mllllon-dotlar annuity fund« which up to this time has granted allowances only to disabled m inisters and the widows of ministers.

No Aid If Not LoyaLBefore the annual domestic mission

program w as reached yesterday a fte r­noon a fourth loyalty resolution of a eerles which were presented In the m orning Instructed missionary and benevolent boards and agencies of the church “to withhold financial or any o ther aid from any organisation or In­dividual within the jurisdiction of the TTnlted States who Aiay be unw illing to pledge unswerving loyalty to the gov­ernm ent of the United Btates/* I t Waa unanimously adopted.

A minimum salary of $1,000 and par­sonage for rural pastors and $1,200 and pareonage for pastors fn the elites waa recommended by W. H. Demarest, sec- ; re ta ry of the domestlo mission boards,In the course of his report yesterday afternoon. His report showed five new missions established during the year, nine churches or,^aniaed and ten churches which had btmome eelf-sup- jjortlng. There was raised for do- m estlo mission purposes during I f l i a , to ta l of 1257,593, a gain of $12,000 over } 8 1617. 53

A five years’ program, which calls j for an Intensive campaign for increased church membership with $00,000 mem­bers as the goal, for at leaet one can­didate for the ministry from each church, or a total of about 776, and tw enty new churches a year, waa recommended for eynod'e approval and to be transmitted to the classla.

W ar has made such inroads on the m inistry that Ur. Demarest warned th a t the day of the itineran t minister m ust return if new recruits are not obtained- During the year only slzty- th ree divinity students were reported In 'Reformed colleges and gemlnarles.

In the mission fields, according toRev. J. G. Gebhard, secretary of the

hoard of education, the w ork now Is made doubly hard because It fa a work of combating German Influences as well as spreading the gospel. Mr. Demarest stressed this point, too, declaring that disloyalty to America and the Allies le disloyalty to religion, and the patriotic w ork of the missionary m ust go hand In hand with the nfiuvement for the spread of religion.

Dr. Henry Hospers of Holland, Mich., w as elected without opposition to a professorate In the W estern Theolog­ical Seminary. D r J. J. Hoffman, presi­dent of Centra] College, the Reformed college established in PelU, la., two yeare ago, reported an increase of tw enty per cent. In students last year.

Protective Association Asks Freeholder Probe(CDntInued Irom F ir it F»g*.)

If ImmtdlDt* Dctlon wer« not fortheom . InK th« m atter be taken Into Chancery and "the kiboah put on the dump once fo r a ll; '

Thomas L. stone, another to voice complaint, said hla house waa rreen w ith fllea th a t had covered U and stuck tn new point recently applied, R ever^ olhere Joined fn the p ro te tt agalnR either the smell or the flies.

Oppose Aerial Tcrnintis.Member! of the association don’t

w ant the proposed aerial mall ter- mlnue to be located near the Forest Hill section. They don't Uke the proa- pact of the-noise and the a ttrac tion of curious crowds that would be made up chiefly of email boys from milea around. So thefr secretary waa Id - atructed to write the County Park Commlaalort urfflnar th a t body not to ( r a n t the uee of Branch Brook Park for the purpose.

Burelwr* steer clear of the hemes of memhera of the aaioclatlon who carry Its bur*ltaT protection. It w as declared In u r f ln t other# to take It up. Of five houeea within a etone'a throw of each j other, Mr. Townley aald, two th a t had j no w arn ln r elgna were Invaded by bur. Dtara recently, while the o ther three having tha elrne were, not moleited.

Officer! of the association were re- elected as - followsi President, Mr. Drew; vice prealdent, Edward W. Ja c k ' eon; eecretary-treaeurer, Charlea T. W Ittateln. Thomas L. Btone was named to the health caifimUtee In the plant of OeorcS J. Althen, dectated. Other com­m ittee members were renamed.

mdWm *• Xeet. Improvement Aa- I las t meeltat; er t th e Third Fret- a fte n avenue and

9 e s e s 9 B S s m

. B l l M N I

Hof wrt?*:.guwIMM

East Orange Youth L o s t^ u it Crowing Out of CyciCAccident,A verdict for the defendant wae ren­

dered In the Supreme Court Circuit he- fora Judge Cutler of Morrla CAunty, s it­tin g ’ here yeaterday, In the cate of Alexander Bchuttig. elxteen yeari o l£ o f 14 Cambridge street. E ast Orange, agaltmt Albert Abetea, a butcher, of IM F erry afreet, for alleged dafnagea, the re m it of .a colllelon between acbnttlg 'e motorcycle s{id Abelea'a autoaobU a In DaeM tranna avenue. July II, l l l l .

Itrw ae cinimed by Schultlg, who sued th r n g h hi* father, Rishard Bchuttig. tbaCffae waa permnsaDUii^Igred.



guttarlWt Faltcna awg Fablkattena far Jaly Am New Reedy. 7b Mr. and Mrs. New-Comer and the Little New-ComersAmong the flrat Uiingi ywi‘11 want to inveatigate In Newark nr* PL A irr V A L U ^ . Your nelghbora. who have

llvod hOre fo r y ean , will tell yon about them. But tha only way to get really acquainled ta to aample them yotiraelves. No better tim e could be ttdMght «rf than a t Uila m Ic o f women’a Bloaaee on Thnreday.

E etterteh Paafclea aheeta P iee Cor the Ailfclag,

t June Sale of Silk & Cotton Blouses"Look-ahead-ativeness'' in Buying Crisp, New Blouses tor the ETent- Redudog Prices on Blouses Only a Few jlfeeks in Stock—

sHelping Our Friends lo “Safe Every Dollar Possible” to Wage the World War— j 5 All Are Responsible for This Snrprisinf Sale— Buy Now! Boy Aplenty! i | |




a1 4 6

Sketched—A self-striped white voile blouse with the high-in-favor round neck Notice, please, the graceful collar and almost yoke like effect of organdie. Isn’t it becoming?

Then there are tucked voiles with embroid­ered collars, dimities with the new gipsy knot lies, and others, at a price wc cannot hope to re­peat soon again for blouses of tike quality.

2.66Mostly from regular stock—voiles tucked

and lace trimmed. And there’s a smart sleeve­less voile model with lace and net collar and jabot. Formerly 3.00 to 3.98.

One-Third ReductionsBeautiful Georgette Crepe Blouses in colors

—^with, perhaps, contrasting collars and vests, or fliet lace trimmed frills.

Here and there touches of color on white Georgette or hemstitching in crossbars.

Many slip-ons in novel effects, showing the season's favored sleeves and top- finishes.

Fonner 9.98 Blouses....... 6.65Fwmw 10.98 Blouses....... 7.32Former 17.98 Blouses........11.98Fonner 18.50 Blouses........12.33



Pictured—Blouse of Crepe de Chine with cross-tucked collar and square neck. You can choose flesh or white.

Sketched—Checked organdie blouse with the grilliest of plaited frill-edged organdie collars and cuffs. Blue, Lavender, Green and Rose. And don’t you like the tie? It’s delightfully smart!

There are also tailored Jap silk blouses, filmy Georgettes, embroidered Crepe de Chines and slip-over blouses with two-front tucks.

Pictured—\PTiite crossbar blouse with white hemstitched organdie collar, vestee and cuffs. Think of as fashionable a blouse as this offered in a sale—for exactly 1.46! ' ‘

Sketched—Batiste blouse with linen collars and cuffs, for a fastening, two large pearl buttons and a jaunty black tie.

Mostly tailored blouses, some with touches of lace and embroidery. Slip­over blouses, too, of novelty crossbar material. You'll think the blouses worth con­siderably more than we are asking.


1.96 4.83

Practical striped Crepe de Chine and Tub Silk blouses with white collars—square neck Crepe de Chine blouse, with embroidered fronts. Georgette Crepe with organdie collars embroid- ered with colored dots.

But to see it far better—for many of these blouses sell regularly for 5.00.

Sketched—Colltrlcis, round neck voile blouse, edged with Val. lace. ~Who could ask for more In a blouse at ibis price?

If you prefer you con have blouses with frills that remind one of the days of the Dandies. Or slip-over blouses with collars, some organdie irimmed cotton blouses, tucked, fluted, frilled and embroidered.

Sketched—Becoming blue Georgette C iept blouse with white cross-tucked Georgette shirt front. Can’t you plctore it with smart jackets, 'Eton and stylish coatees ?

Striped crepe dc chines and tub ailka,- taflored satins with Buster Brown collars. Tailored silk blouses with roll check cuHar*.— fieih or while. Slip-over styles in Georgette Crepe. Regular 5.98, Also a large assort­ment of Georgette Crepe blouses.

Plauta— Main Floor Annex

7.98PictiHRd—Gold pongOe sleeveless blouse

with new belt and large set-on pockets.Another sleeveless blouse is of bisque satin

with novel pockets. Also in white and Resh, 7.98.

Yes, even these blouses, newest of the new, are included in the sale.


WtMiieii’B Mercerized Lisle Hose, Special 37c Pair, 4 Pairs for 1.45

Termed irregulars of the 59c grade, but the im­perfections are very slight and will not interfere with the wearing qualities.

Black, white, bronze, tans and gray, semi-fash­ioned, very good Ittting, properly reinforced stock-

Slzes 8 ^ to 10, while they last.Inga,

Women’s Lisle Hose, 29c 6 Pairs for 1.69

Black and White, new, perfect goods, medium welgiit lisle, full seamless hose, made with deep elutic garter fold and reinforced sole*.

Alt sizes, S'A to 10, white they last.

Women’s Lisle Hose, Special 39c Pair,3 Psirs for 1.15

New perfect goods, black mercerized and fine white lisle, medium weight hose, made with a deep elastic garter fold and reinforced soles.

Sizes 814 to 10, while they last.

Just 500 Pairs Children’s 29c Socks, Special 3 Pairs for 66c

Perfect goods, while mercerized socks with effective fancy tops.

Buy IS many as you can and save 22c on every three pairs.

While they last.


You’ll Want a FLAG for the Week-EndWhat, with Friday being Flag Day and Saturday’s parade, flags will be flying. Buy yours st

Starting Thursday

Plauts Summer Hosiery SaleBuy Freely! Prices Are Advancing Almost Daily

—And good merchandise is difficult to obtain—very.Forehanded planning is alone responsible for this always-Iooked-forward-to sale of depend­

able, seasonable hosiery.

Heavy Quality All- Wool Bunting United States FlagsFrom size 2x3 feet at 2.50, to size 12x18 febt at 37.50.United States Flag Combination Outfits

Size 4x6 f t .................................................. 1.95 completeSize 5x8 ft.................................................. 2.45 complete

Silk Flags, 5c to 5Dc each.Colton Flags, 6c to 3.50 each.

Iron Flag Pole Holders, 50c to 2.25 Each PInuta—Main Floor

Flag Poles, Wood Top, With Rope8 feel...........................................79c

10 f e e t . . ......................................1.0012 feet.......................................... 1.2614 feet..........................................3.00

Women’s 1.25 Silk Hose, Special 95c PairBlack and white, full fashioned pure silk hose; all perfect goods taken from our regular

stock at a reduption of 30c on every pair.' Plant*—Main Floor

June Sale of

Toilet Goods and Drug SundriesThursday, Friday and Saturday until 4 P. M. we will sell most needful toilet goods, etc., at very much re­

duced prices. Make your parchisea during this sale, anticipating your Summer wants.Quantities restricted; goods on sale only while they last.Mall and telephone orders tilled within a l adius of our own wagon delivery.

25e Size Woodbury Faetad Soap............. ..— 17ctOe Palm OHre Soap........................................ 8clOe Castile Soap ...,......... ............................... 7V4«lOe Jergen’* Violet Glycerin 8oap.................... 8c56e Bars CastUe Arap....................................... 50c7c Corona Witch Hazel Soa|x.......................... 6c

lOe Plaut’a Haid Water Soap.......................... 8«12e Pair Sidn Toilet Soap...................... »cl7e Squibfaa’ Talcum Powder.. . . . . . . J.. . . . . . 1.5e17c mlliams’ Tateim Powder.............................16e60c Mary Garden Taknm Powder............... 6SeI5e Talcum Powder, large bos— .................... 6cgSePlaut’a can.. . .............. I6eI6c Dorfh** Brunette Rouge.............................. 40cSOc Mavla Face Powder................................... 49c25e Mttda Talcum Powder.................................. 2Ic25e Plaut’i Peroxide Cream....... ...................... 19c25e De Meridor Cream....... ........................ 17e3Sc 8lze D. A R. Cream................................... 25c39c MulaiBed Cocount Oil.............................. 36cih Danderlne....................... i .................... . 42ciSe Say Rdm................................................... t9e19c ECi Shampoo.......................................... lec6Se nnand’a Lilaa Vogelal.............................. 'Ihe29c Aeidrln Tableta, Bayci’i . . ....... . '26eiSe LavorU Manth and Tooth Wash................ 49e79t Nuxatod Iron............................................. 65c15c Gem Jr. Raxor OnUit. eompleta............... . 85cISe Absorbent Cottori. one poud roll............. 39c19c BouMhoM Ammonia............................... lOetSeWMch H a u l . . . . . . . . .................................. 9c16c P en^ a, 8-o«nee bottla................. 13etic Toilet Paper, 1,900 aheebk iO)l.................. I2eI9e Teilet P a ^ i good aise rou....................... 8e

12c Powdered Puff, all wool................................ lOe10c Powder Puff, sanitary envelope................. 8c25c Ivon Clcuing Cream............................... 19c19cTooth Bniahes, asaorted............................ 15c15c T<mth Bruahea, bone and colored handles.. 12c15c Nall Bruahea, number of styles................. 10c25e Nail Bruahea, large number of style*........ 19c1.10 Hair Bruahea, ebony and rosewood backe.. 95cSOc Bath Brushes, long handle............... .......... 39e25c Size Albodon Tootn P a ^ ......................... 16eSSc Hot Water Bottles, No. 3. chocolat* ce4er.. 69c 86c Fountain Syringes, No. 2; aUachmento.. . . 69c1.25 Hughes’ Ideal Heir Bnuhe*....................... lAOI5c Ruboer Fine Onnba.............. tScI9e Men’a DCeasing Combs', black ruUmr........ ISe29c ScldUtz Powder, one doxen dos**.,.-........ Uc19e White Pine and Tar.................................... 16eSOc SIxe Dloxogcn.............. S6c15c Hunyrndi Splits.............................. 1^IDe lAstrite N^l Polish......................................... 8clOe Pumlee Stan*.................. ge8c Bhiwy Boardi............................................... ec

12c Rhinitia Tnblela ........................................... l ie2Sc Trench Mlrrers.................................... 29e35c Duliam Duplex Raxora............................. t S t12c OHvHo Soatp................................................ ipe12e Tnnapanat Glyctrine Soap.................. ipe25c Ivory Dreasing Combs.............................. , 21e1.39 Ivory Hat Bnuhot............. ......................... I M225 Ivory CMk BtrsIm* . . . ............................ .. AOO1.76 Ivoay Trinlmt B n o s . . . .............................. 1J91.76 Ivocy Mbrors............................ 1 |63A9 Ivory M ln «n ................... 3J61.96 Ivoiy Hair Rcethara..................... Oe

Special Prices by the Box for Colgate’s Toilet Soaps

Vacation Preparation WeekWomen arc finding Flouts a most convenient, economical place to shop.

They tell us it doesn’t take any time to get together a vacation wardrobe here.

You Save 10.00 on These

35.00 FasMonable Capes, 25.00And, unless something unforeseen occurs, there will be no more at this

price.It’s a great sotisfoction to feel you arc getting the right material these

days. Examine the quolity in these and compare them with the 30.00 and 35.00capes. ________ __________________

Full circular cape or sport coat com­bination. Plain back or with yoke.

Porch or Outing Dresses, 2.65A dress simply impossible to make for

anything like this price. Desirable neat bright patterns and colorings in good washable Percales.

Pretty hemstitched edge or embroid­ered collar^, otherwise button trimmed.Skirts with pockets.

3.50 Tubable Habutai Petticoats, 2.69A pretty model with double panel front and back, tailored

flounces, ruffle bottom.A washable silk petticoat is essential for alt Summer

dresses.Sale Prices on These


Regular Price 35.00,39.60 and 45.00Dresses that shed the dust and have a knack of looking

crisp and fresh on the "wiltiest" of Summer days.One to four dresses of a kind—model adapted to every

flgure and occasion.Silk Voiles, Georgettes, Sstins, Taffetas. Foulards, Crepes

and others, light or dark effects, as Navy Blue, Plum, Copen Blue, Black, Flesh, White, Pink, tight Blue in delicate colors.

5,00 Gabardine . Skirta, 3.00

Exceptionally veil flnished, tvo modeUf’the feature being novel ppeketa, ahlrred back, deep faatened with tvo large pearl buttona.

. 'rh a to -* -11* tT lia r

Waahable Satinette Skirta, 5.00

Thla fabric has met tha mpu- Itf faver because it i t perfectly laubderahle and hse .lbat pehna- n ta t la l il i . One partiealarly Mod. awdat h u uniqiH peckeit, ahiniMygmuad the vw at Uua,

FOR THURSDAYOn Sale While Quaniitlea Last

COITON DRE^ES, 4.89Regular 5.65 Women’a and Miaset'

Summer Cotton Dreuea, In titsues and ginghams, in pretty plaids, stripes and checks. Third Floor.

COLORED VOILES, 17c ,Value 25c to 35c, 36 to 40 inches

wide. Summer Voiles, in flowered, alriped, dot and foulard patterns, on light to dark grouhds. Fine quality, beautiful Voiles for dainty dresses. Some have.tiny Imperfections, hence the greet reduction. Mein Floor.

GRAY KID OXFORDS, a75Women’s 4.95 Dress Oxfords,

pearl gray shade, full Louis XVf. heels, long vsmp, ptain toe. Al-

Second Floor.long vamj

most alt aizes.2JWRLOOMERS, 1.69

For gymnasium, etc., these Bloomers arc made of good quality cotton serge, box-pliited, extra full, suitable for all outdoor aporta. Navy blue and black. Size* 8 to 20 yegf*. Third Floor.1.25 SUNPAST SHADES, 75c Regular 1.25, only 500 linen color

Sunfast Holland window ahadas, 3S-TZ, In cut longth*. One of the moat dtairtble colors. Secood Boo.-.

7.60 MADEIRA SETS, 469 Regular 7,50, act* eOmpnse oite

24.jiKh centerpiece, six lO-inch dolUet, abi ,6-Inch dolll^ to flaWy, attractive dtallPS lMgR6l«lF‘’'*!P**. brotdered, fu l edge seffHep. « t ajilendld quality tooed-mned H«en, Main Floor *----

■ rW-r^


^ Stop Work To Gure for Dl Child

13'ifG ty Make! No Provuion for

kv.Hku)«« C»iet, So Frank MazurH u to Remain Home.

Need Pointed Out by Dr. Craster

B*e«Ut* th» city iMikM no prdvl»lon , Ib r holpltdl c*r« for mowUil, ^r»nk

lA uiir *C I t Iilneeln itrM t, who** wife hM a u e r te d him. m uit liv e up hi* work, tho u fh hi* earnlnc* ere the only •npport of hi* femlly, end e tiy home to kl*0 wh»t iCer* he I* cepehl* of to bt* younaeet child, who te ill with that a itte f* The ca*e came to the attention Of HDfoi'd School In £l(ht**nth avenue

< today. The principal, 8. Brvln Man- ' nt<*. took it up when the eehool nurie

roportad there l* no hoepital where , tb« ohild can be put,

T think It 1* an outra**," A d a r e d Mr. WUineea, "that there Hi no place to the city where that child can ba pi teed- The only income le that etrned my Ih* man," he added, "and that will

ClearAsA*SellA phonoyreph. after all.

no better than the muilo It pro; r a : ; 7 . ‘d " ^ i , i ^ k h ; '? f " to " ^ .o ^

of the "U.lklng m achinename* of thee* fr«»t aruete wno of recent year* hive ■ I..V for renroduetlon. Anu then

Mop when ha etaya a t home.' Tha :little boy of two yeere ha* been

■lok about four dayi and will be quar- aatlnad About ten more day*.

Whan quaatloned about tha ear* of ; toMele*. H ealth Officer Craeter ad-

K lttad th a t not bins i* don* by the city. S o ita tad ha had tried to have caa* r*.

■Ina for reproduction. Ai aek your*clt whether there Ien t

fn il ru m e n t worthy of ih liAHnew'piriod’ of record*. Com* to­day and hear the phono«raph that It e d tin s the SONORA.

a new etandard—

G r i f E t h P i a n o G ) .

605 Broad StreetSfdinipav R tp m tn ia t iv M

informal concert*atra tlnc th* Welte-Misnon Heproduc- " f Plano and th* Sonora phonopraph.

thkt NtofUk w aa-tottltled to ■“=" * rat* add ahbuld' have It. In compels with o thar icoUona contlfuoua to tha metroswlls. . ,

Re bellaved, th* Mayer went on. that the fafk la'tS tncrea** provided another ln**capM>r* . *t(tum»nt for munfclpai bn* 1th*#, which ha would hay* ex­tended to **r»e travel between hewerk and Hudaon River point*, with ‘J* mat* purpose of aendlnc them directly Into New York throuffi th* Pr®P°"*^ Hudeon' traffic tunnel*. He felt that the** IUHB*I* were to be reelit «

not d litan t period of tint*, and thS city ehould prepare to uee\n a

that'"Mr.' Omen **14 further th a t he pro- poead'to hava placed before the people a t the fall *|*otlon a referendum propo- altlon for the eetabllehment of city- owned and oparated bue Itnee. both for Intra-oUy traffic and for outeld* con­nection*. He fe lt th s t euch a propo»l- tlon would b* adopted by a large ma­jority of the voter*.

The Mayor ha* long edvocated city- owned bua Uu*i. even having under­taken a t th* ta il aeaelon of th* Legle- lafbr* to get a bill pa**ed that would have given the City Commleelon nuth«r Ity to Mtablleh bu* line* without the neceeelty of a re rtre n d i^ . The heme rdl* act permit* th* e*'**’’'*,” : m int of »uch Hae*. hut only after Ihe queellon haa basn subm itted to and adopted by the voter*.

6 9 3 - 6 0 6 B r o a d S t r e a tO p p . P u b l ic S c r r l c R T c r m ln ta l

a t leaet )n

OSlvid a t the leolatlon hospital a t Boho, but said tha freeholder* will glv* no nT tk ar oonilderalton to the eubiecL "aivdantly their altitude I* that mea*- la t ehoatd be treated *t home. Thet I*

, ao t oitr view of It."n « r * are other tontaglou* dleeait*

•pr wblok no place of treetmant I* pro- Mlsdi Hr. C raiter elated.Pipes Oewlagt*** Dlseam MMsIiel.

"tlw olty muet build a contagtous dtoeass* hospital,'* h* addtd, "and i be- M va tho sooner th* better.*'

tn talk ing of the case. Ur. Hanneis pttnU d out th a t th* lack of poeelblltty a f bespltal care only cam* to hi* notice Moauao It Is the culmination of many dlstraggs* recently met by Ur. Masuf, Wbo oalsa tc him In this laat dlfftoully,

. l a p la f to rind a way out. Soma months ago th* m an's wife deeOrtad him, leSv-

' Wg him with three children, a girl of UUrtaSB, a boy of nine and the baby tp(|0 IS now lick. About two week* a n tba girl, who had hten acting

f ^ t l e * ’ m other to the family, waa at- ‘ t M t s t to a show, temporarily In town, aM a is le d to the manager for employ- saent. H* gav* h tr work, obtaining h«r

itop th tya MgnaturS to an agreement, n * aklld wa*. traoed to Rahway by a Sakool attandafic* officer, who brought b*r haek. Rh* wa* **vsral month*

‘ ibort a t th* tourt*«n year* required to r sM atolof working pepere, and, more-

•aaer, had not the required record of i ts f ^ o o l attendance for the prevlou*

the period of th* war, or th* Immadlet# lulure, neither of theee thing* can be c!a»iin*d ** 'emeritency

'"’conoJJnlng tha ability **Board to abrogate franohie* contract* the oouniel eald; 'ThI* beard haa Jurle-dictlcn to anforc* (but no Jurladldloa to ibrogate) the ordinance contrsdtl. The l^giela tkfe deeply Intended to give this board auch jurledletlon, and ueed espreei word* to iccompHih thl* pur-

‘^ "Ju rM d le tlo n to abrog»t* th* ordi­nance* 1* not *p*clfloally gr*nt*d by th* aot to thi* board; and It cannot o* n*c***axlly Implied- Therefore, thla board ha* no JurlidlcUen. diction cennot ta* implied ** d*«l, »uch Jurlidicllon I n . 's '? beceuie of Heetlon* H and S7 o f ' “S the ftret of which eeotlone grunt* (or a t teatt attempt* tn grant) to Ihl* boara, - jurlidictlon to compel eompllano*

ordinance*, and the second Of the ordtnancei fromwith

which exempt* - abrogation through the eaercle* of any Jurledletlon of this board.

"Thi* board ehould not question 11* iurlsdlctlon on this h*ad because of lh» poeelblllty thet a provision of the aot

be unconitltutlonal. The boardmay

Th* Ir g irl {« now In th* Parental Home, .aw attlpg dlipoiltlon of her case, ful- tsWIkg a bearing of the case given by

.to* JuvanlU Court. The eehool attend- ago* affle«r dealing with the caa* h*e ggpisaead th* hope that tha deolalon May b* In favor of putting h tr In car* M th* gtute Board of Children'* Ouar- g |an t rgt|i*r than aendlng her to a car- raotlsflaj Inatltutlon.

Strike Is Factor in Public Service Fare G se

(ConttniMd from R trit Page.)

J gelQld It nr ta proparly oroea-examlna,'

g r a n

should leave thi* question to th* nontls and ehould exerclie Jurlidictlon until a compttent i-ourt decide* that th* pur- pete to glv* Jurl*dlctlon ha* not beet, ascompllihed by the expree* word* of th* aot. Thi* board wt» not created a t a court to decide whether a Jurledletlon given to It II valid. • • • Sufely. this board ahould not, by tt* own ac­tion, pronounce against the very word* of th* Leglelalure, and thu* run coun­ter to the leglilatlv* Intent."

fjoaperalBg Newark Tr*a»l*r*.Referring to th* contract the com­

pany mad* with Newark for transfer privilege*, Meeera. Van Winkle and Record eald:

'T he Newark ordinance* of H U ''«• lating to the Public Service N ew trk Terminal and the 'blanket agreement* of n i l have a epecltl etatus in tha Ipw to which th ii board should hied. J t free traneter* are continued there the whole echeme for a tranefer charge

of 111 rental obllgatlona to a basla hav­ing loraa ralalloti to the value of th* property and franohlaea of the l«»n®t Sompanl**, it I* atlll unable to meet U* tranchlae obllgatlona and render ade­quate public lirvlc*. then It ehould fran k lr fo to thoits OAM btforo thoin und Ikok thotr co- opofAtlon for th i modUlcAlJoh of «ontr«eti lo M to inabU It to lio u r t in AioOUiti ri»onui upon t*rm i ind oon- d lttiP i iitlifio W ry IP th i public.*^

Conllnulni, oouniel iild :'I f i l l o tn tr in iiiu rM f i l l ind th*

oompiny oab n ilthe t fulfil i t i frinohlM oMlBBtlons while i t the lam e time per- farm ing th* rfiiiitelte nor aeeur* from th* munlclpalttle* the modification* of th* contract* whloo may be shown to be necessary to l i ­able It to proceed with the performance of It* public funcllone. then the true remedy la not to pul good money after bad by Increasing this company a rate* and Having It lo continue It* apecula- tlv* and uncertain carear without any aicartainm ent or guaranty of Ita m- vaitm ent and without any aa*uranci th a t the additional raVenusa givan to It will b i devoted aolity to the por- formance of Ha public rather, In accordance with lit# sp irit of the t1m*s ahd the exigencies created by tn* extraordinary condition* which now prevail, to provide through now leglelatlon puhUc agenele* to take hOld of thi* property and admlnlet*r It In th* public Inter**!.''

Declares Dealers Must Accept All G>al Orders(Continutd from F irs t P»ge.)


Car Men Not to Affiliate With Any Body Immediately

presented In this case falla to pHcea and oannot praasntly be reccnitruoteil.

f ta d o rd .^ 'u 'l* perfectly pre- ^uH ooi tp com* In here on th* day 'argutoent. and apread out a lurid tale

ib o k t which we know nothing. If thle ta lo g s w l think we ehould have suffl- a lla t 4May to make a reply."

W eC arter Take* Btaad.RipIRIng to Mr. Record. Mr. M e n ­

to r ekgvaetarlibd hi* attitude *a ''an of tha dlilnglnuoui way

ha* acted from tdu vt'fVgiam pit gW lr i ld l s u i t of th is oa**.'

He wag interruptad by OomroH- j *iortai; gjoaum. who said ha might taka ' tha itigMd.

Hla t*atlmony wga a g*n*r»1 revlaw ■ i a f Uta unrast tha company had found ■‘i atM hg Its man for aom* time past and , WMOh lad te the strike 'ae t week. Hr.1 MgCartal' eald th* tra'iepertu.rl.m *y»-

tgto bad M ait paralyx >d b t iKe waik- ' op t and tita t It was n it rv iio re l until

the mail were given sdti'uonnl pay and Ike Hattonal W ar Labor Hc..vrd « •*

' geoaptad to Intervtn* a* a m edlitor.Hr, Racord than made hi* a***rtlun

th e t the story of the strike having bean anginaared by the company waa a m al- ta f of common rumor, There wa* no reply from M r McCarter,*and Mr. Bec-

"But, aaeumlng thee* ordinance! and this blanket ag rttm en t have no luoh statue, and assuming thaf thla board's legal authority to rncreaie (area and to abolish fr** tre n ita ra notw ithstand­ing the provision* of municipal ordl- nanoe contract*. Including the** Juet re- ftrrad to, i* complete, yet, ae an lllue- tratlon of the weight that ehould be given to euch oontracte when entered Into nndefnpeolal condltloni, attention It 0*11* these Newark ordlnnncaa and tb* circumetancae under which thby were paieed by th* city, accepted by lb* GSmpany and approved by lb* board. To abrogate them or disregard their prevlalon* a t thi* time by th* talabllphmant of a charg* fbr tranafare, a*, prbpeaad by th* psnStng applica­tion, would b* unconaolonabl* anU would resu lt In grav* Injustice and unwarranted dlecrlmlnatlon.”

"The wrong th a t would be dene by the abrogation of theta particular con- ttaota I t obvious, and tt 1* to be pre­sumed th a t among the ninety-three munlclpaluiea, other than the city of Newark, whloh, accsrdlng to the com­pany's adml**lon have ordinance* re­lating to rate* or tranefer privileges, there are a great many which, though le i t oonepicuou* than th* olty of Ne'rf- ark. are equally entitled to spoclai con­sideration a t th* hand* of tht* board, betnre the rlghte and privilege* which they hav* bargained for with thi* com

There will be no immediate affilia­tion by the Brotherhood of Street R ail­way and Railroad W orker* of N*w Jersey—platform men of the Public Service Railway Company—with the State Federation of Labor or any ether like organisation. A vote on Ih* qu**- tlon of Joining th* federation, taken a t a meeting of th* brotherhood'* execu­tive committee l*»t tilfht, showed eeven of tho more than eeventy present lu favor of thle ooure*. and It waa decided to continue on an Independent ba*l* (or •om<0 time to come.

Definite o rfin lw tlon pUne were mlq by th* commute*fleer* were choeen; Preelfleift. William Wepn*r; vies president. Alphonto Fehn; treasurer, Marry Peter*; fintnclal *ec- rstary , Benjamin FoeWr Patereon; re- cording »Boretary. William H. H e^eyl stat* organiser, Arthur Appleton, East

Tho*e*not apeolHed are of this city,11 was decided to open permanent

otflcw in th li cAy and to ptit State S rgaiS tar Appleton and Fl™»«>k> Sec­re tary fo s te r on «»lart*e, the** to be fixed by the executive commute* and a*. av*f#ir{Hni lo tiarmlt thim to ut*

which ooniupmri A tt filling out aigning th*lr fuel card*. "If every con- aumar raaUisd that h* would be be d strictly acoouiltable lo r hi* c»rd, **ld Mr. Hin**, "I think mor* ear* would b* sxarclsad." H* told of a caaa he ha* undtr consideration of a con*um»r who Wilfully itoiod on hU card i n i t M needed forty ton* of *o»l for an *I*v*n- Voom houta, whan only tw»nly-thr** ten* actually w*r* r*dulr*d. This con- *um*r admitted to Mr. Hint* that he had ovoritated hi* need*, feeling that If hs could get two-third* of forty tone he would have hie full supply- A jisnalty may be Impoied. Ur. HInei aald. In this cais.

W arne Against Ml«r*pre*«ntlag.Any further instances of euch a na­

ture coming to hi* attention will reeull In having th* m atter* immediately plaotd before the United State* Dle- trlot Attorney- Peniltl** for violations of fu*l regulation*, a* provided In the liSver act, make It posilble to exact p tine of il.OOO, Awo years' Imprison

"inent, or both.w AIL consumers are warned by Mr. K inei to revise their fuel card* a t once If they have been guilty of m aking any ml**tatemenis relative to their coal need*.

A fair average of the amount of coal needed to heat th* average house 1* oni And onc-hAlf ton* a room a year, gald Mr. Hlne*. Ho cited three in ■tencet which hA'V* come to hie a tten ­tion, In «Ach of which a hot water eye- tern ie the heating medium. The first, a home of twelve room*, needs forty ton* of coal. According to the owner. 'The iecond, a houee of thirteen Toonte, need! twenty tlx tone; the third, a house of ten room*, needs fifteen ton*. 'The first roan," Mr. Hln«* eald, I* either a liar or a vlclouely waelefu u ter of coal. In either caee he will be required lo prove the elaleroent* a* outlined on hie fuel card,”

More* Poloker. a re ta il dealer of iO Beacon etreet, ha* been given until to- moirew neon to gat hi* fuel oards In

.ihAPV or do luipondtd from dusItiasi. At a meeting yeelerday of Mr. Hines'* committee, Polojker showed receipts of approximately 1.(00 tone of coal In May, with ellghtly more than (00 ten* shown s* delivered on hi* card*. Potoker must explain **tlaf»etortly where the Other 1,000 ton* Is," Mr. Hln*» eald. "or be luspendsd from busineu for an indefinite period.”

«i 1*

Extraordinary Sale of

200 G eorgette C repe DressesM ade to R etail Up to $ 4 5 M

22.75Perfectly stunning, every one of them. All are new midsummer dresses, many of which have been carried in our stock for only ten days at much higher prices.

t o m o r r o w s c o u r t c a l l

Included are beaded models, embroidered models, straight Hne and waist line effects. Also beautiful summer dresses of taffeta and pongee orig­inally marked at $39.75. In all sizes and colors.

Third Floor

legal noticesIs P*lil, at which tlma the receiver* and trust see are lo convey title to aald pur-

' ' ’poeaeaelon of »Hd prera!»*a le to b* fly ?"to lalit purchaeer* piakln* of an order . ‘‘I* ”anil Iruaieae to accept euch bid...I____^*|( l_e.^aKWk AB^Rrai HRu C

’ *rd then began the ppeeentallon of hi* ............................... ................■ pa rt 0* the oppoeltlon » argument. H* „ „„ u , pradeceusr* and pstd for

began w ith th* claim that th* ap p llM -1 ooncsMlon* which they hav*tipn of the company toj' financial relief j tak*n away without thetr•bould have been bated on a fair valu­ation of it* property, adding th a t the FubRo Service had come b*for* the board afte r th* worst three winter month* In tt* history, and had, In ad­dition to thla. "prasentid prophsoia* of what may occur," which, he oharaoter- lied a* "absolutely prepotteroue.'

■tefera to MeCariar M a ry .Mr. Record declared he did not Ilk*

to bo pereonal. but he recalled th a t ' tho othar tide had quoted from Director ' Oenoral of Rallroade McAdoo. and he

wanted to put on the record something from th* earn* authority.

"On* of th* flret thing* that Mr. Mo- Adoo did when he assumed control for the government of th* railroad*." Mr. Record eaM, "was to tak* by the scruff Of their M okk the preeidenta of th* road* wkn -ware drawing e to tb ltan t •alarleS'imd' fire them out of .their posl-

' tlon*. K* told them that they couldn't draw from In* treaeury ih**e large some that ttuey did not earn, hut he lat aoTiqe of them com* back a t laU rtee net axcepding llt.DDO."

I t was In (h* taetlmony. Hr. Ricord aald, th a t Mr. M cCarter.'was drawing 110,000 a yoar from the Public Servlet Railway as it* prosldent, but Mr. Mc­Carter rafuead to lay what othar sal-aria* h*'d*«W from th* other corpora, tlona afflllatod with th* Public Strvice.

Tet Mr. HetJartOr had declared. Hr. Record continued, that It it wer* not for the earnlngt of th* ga t and electric eomsanlea tko op*ratlcn ef the railway wouM he of thO question. Th* fact wa*, aMordiRg to tho McCartsr view M oxprtasedDf Mn Roeord. the railway waa being held up by a balloon on each all*, 'th li being to, It wa* failr to draw one of two conclusion*—sither that the** supporting bnlloon* were paying Mr. Mct^nrter for hi* aervlc** to them, or el*0 he wa* placing an un­fa ir burden upqn in* railway company. If th* McAdoo principle wo* to be fol­low sd In dealing With the Public tter- wto* Railway Company. Mr. Record de­clared that every official of the com-

, pany drawing an Inflated salary ought to be oueted, and In eupport of this Wiew he quoted from Charlsa S. Hellen, former president of th* New Haven Railroad, that no man waa worth more than 111,000 ae th t executive of a cor- paraUon.

Whan Mr. Record concluded, he wa* auoceadod by Mr, Van winkle and th t argum ent of the far* rats* opponente waa finlehad when the noon receee Wa* taken a t 1 o'clock. Osnera] Counatl F faak Borgen of. the compaay opened the argument fo r Ibo petitioner when tka board reconvened and he was fol­lowed by President McCarter.

Meaera Vm» 'Winkle and Record had prepared a brief tn which they <i*.

: cussed comprehensively th* vsudtty of . frahcbtie contract* made by public

nlllltlaa and munleipalltle* and the : naoaaslty of aafeguardlng th*** ag»ln*t

abrogation, a* well a s other point* In '. lb* easa, gnd this wa* pr**tat*d to th*

beard. Counoal ua*d tb* brief in the ‘ datallod argument.

.'7 Obifeot t* Bma*g**wf Agallcatloa. They claimed that the application of

di< ■ ■

It. tlth o r In th* law or from the point of view of public policy, th# New­ark ordinance* providing for tree trans- ftr* hav* a special atatue, a* w* con­tend, and If It I* found to be imprae- tlcahla or unjust to eetebllsh a charge for transfer* a t the terminal or a t any of the point* where tranefer* hav* be­come neettoary cn account of the re­routing of th* car* Incident to th* use of tb* terminal, then th* company’* entire plan her* proposed for lb* e»- Ubllshm ent of a charge for tranefer* must fall,"

C om pany '* F a r t a f W ar ,Claiming that th* railway company

should b*»r It*, part of ih* cost of war, they said; ‘The company should net ea- pect, in thi* war period, to m sintain It* normal rale of r»turn, thereby ■hitting to It* patron* all the burden of war cost*. Thi* is not a time when maximum ra u * ought reasonably to be aipeeted. Tet th* company’* applica­tion Is -lor *n Increase *ufflcl#nt to put It In the condition In which It wae In 111*, a pre-w ar period, Ih* most profitable y**r of It* ‘' ‘•‘'•’■T- Incluil** a Hire* per cent- dividend to the Publto Service Corporation, which holds all of It* stock »av* tw*nty-*l* ■hAf^A T h t compAiiy ihoula not oa permitted to shift *11 the burden* of th* coet of war to th* public.

Discussing the appraisal of th* com- 6Any‘B property mAdt by Dt*n Coolty.

m aitvnmarv of whlcH fiAUrtd to A

to ba auftlclanl to parmJt lham vol* th*lr entire time to th* brother- heod. AttPlkW" ‘ t"* Foeter took a pfomindnt part In getting the men to-

The committee m eeting last t^Aht conileted of three men from each of tha larger car houiee, and, becaue# It w ni so large, It wae deeldad the executive committee "'t™” ®' men from each division to wiyh ‘J** offlcert. The committee will “ * leoted by th* divisional reprefenlative* who oonitltuted lari night * oommUlek

Through a roleunderelandlng, m anj of the mntorraen and ®?“ **'*'*®'*Essex divlllon believed th a t aof the entire krotherhood was to tah tld last night, and about 100 of ^ e m gathered a t th* headquarter*, Bay Yl*w Wheelmen's Hall, South Sixth .tr*el, near Sixteenth avenue. 'Th* atlpu'a- tlona filed with th* National w a r Labor Board by Henry Carle**, counsel to the brotherhood,were retd and th«m*n then adjourntd and turned th* hall over lo th* executive committe*.

The oonriUutlon and tayUwa were not ready for preientatlon by Mr, carl*** 1a*t night and th* details of lh**e were left in th* hand* of the commute*, with power to set. There wa* a long dtecu*- ■lon of thequestlon of due*. Some of the committeemen believed the naeeum snt should be fifty cent* a month, while others thought a t least (1 would be necaisary. The dlscuaalon developed a m ajority in favor of eeventy-flv* cent* a month, of which fifty cent* would be paid Into the brotherhood and twenty- five cent* retained by the local for ex­pense* • ,

Some of the eommltteemeii believed th«rs should he InMlI Ip .«ach car house, while other* held to th* view that on* local In each dlvlelon .was eufftclent. Thli m atter also wa* left to the decl- ■lon of th* eieoutlv* committee.

time ell'Intemri, tsw i eml “erryln* charm ^ are to ba aiaumad by aald purebaaata. And

The cam for tomorrow In th* county U the holdert of judgmarie.mechanic lien*., m o r tg ^ or eny other

Higher Fare on Hudson Tube in Effect tonight

courts folMW; »;Bilprem*. Court ClWuR, Nelson T.

Dungan. judge: **(. Oaorg* H Farley, v». Samuel A. Leonard; 1 » . Congetta Capolla vA Public Service Railway Company: H I. Angellque Decker v*. Thomas A. MoAllHUr; JBt, Edwin Bsuer V*. LouU'A. Ziegler; (IS, Benno Mohrbutter V». John S. Hippie; 237, Leon Lelbowlt* va. J. Blum A Bone Co.; 2t(, Sperry, Hutchlneon Company v*. R. J. Ooerke Company; HO. David M. Hanley v». glmplex Aulotnoblle Com­pany; i l l , Angelo M. Tedeeco v*. Public Service Hallway Company: 2(1, J. M. Horton Ice Cream Company vs. Front Drive Motor Company; 2(4, Samuel Bose V*. Ellen Donohue; 24S, David . Hollander ve. Lakewood Hotel A Land Association; 2(d, Sohllla D'Addarlo ve. Bpiltdorf Electric Company; 247. Qeorge Chaklrt* va. William J. (Iragoire: 24(, Annie M. Rhode* vs. Puller Lend & Improvement Co., and 241, Homer Shoe Company v*. McGregor Company,

Circuit Court, Frederic Adame, judge —(25, Kaufherr A Co. v*. Edward Spiegel; 4(3, James Connelly ve. Hood Tire Company; StH, Francis Bertwlstle V*. Public Service Corporation; G3I, Ruben Roaenbluth v*. Loul* Marx; (40. Margaret Hughe* v*. Public Service Corporation; 49B, Harold Depue ve. George O. Salmon Company; EOt, Fred

H ertiberg vs. National Surety Com­pany; lie , ChArle* J. Hartmann ve, Charles Kotiam ; 4(1, Isidore Rothman vs. George E. Smith: 4(4, S ttlnhardt Bros. A Co. vs. Ahgellna Dl Bendetto; sot. Springfield Breweries Company vs. liaac Schoenthal: 044, Julius Krauae va. CommerelSl War* Hou***; 040. Simpson B. Lyon* va. Pees* Piano Company: 040, Usbe Building and Loan Aiiocla- tlon V*. New J«r«*y Land A Construc­tion Co.; 047, Ratfaslle Cappetta va. Public Service Corporation; 041, John J. Qlllen vs. David Harper; 549, Moses Yamovsky v». Abraham Teltelbaum; 444, Jams* Capoisl v*. Harry Mayor; 092. Gertrude Craig vs, William Craig, and 0(0. Annetia Lombardo v*. central Railroad Company.

form of eacombrane* of ;ll*n* o t ta r th an the abOfS laoetloned m ortsa iee subject to whlcfi” ii4 above bide I; m ej* *kew o a « * why the rooolvent or * ™ riw ita u ld o r i fdnvey eald property free and d e a r oi eum jSSimeate. roechaulo Hen. or o thw enoum- hrarcee, and the lUn ot any auch m oum - branoei to a ttach to tha proeeeda thereof. And It I* further

LEGAL NOTICESceedlnii aloreeald are now on flla in my eald office. ai provided by law.In testimony whereof. I have haie-

to set my band and affixed my (leal) official ital, at Trenton, tbl*

first day ot June, A. 5 ' ,®5* thouaand nine hundred and eigh­teen.

((10.04) (81*n«d) THOMAS F. MARTtK.

Ordered th a t this order bo nubllahea (or one Ineertlon tn the Newark evening _Nawe

I th a t the Veteree send cople. of thle 'o rd e r to all credUort whoa* nanioi appear

°n ofhedulii fH*d heraln and to *11 c r ^ ■ J r . who have tiled clalma herein; and ittar* le further

(Continued from F irs t Page.)

and a eummpry of which figured to large extent In the hearing* on I"* fat® application, couneel eeld the report m view of th* itienner In which It ta be­fore this board, I* no more than haar- say avldenoe. H le unproved, unvarl- tlod, unexplained and incomplete," and they added: "It oannot properly be a(actor In a determination by this board to Increase fare* or to abolish free tranatere." . .w _

Contlderlng the question of the com­pany's capitalisation In conjunction with th* Cooley report, they eald: "Ifthe Cooley nummary Is out of th* caee, the caplIalIrqHon of the company fur- nlehee no foundation for an ordar of inoreaeo by this board. If cepltallsa- tlon ta uisd a t a factor, there muet be proof that It waa •honestly and p ru ­dently Invested,' The company ha* of- (trad no puch proof. And o*y proof negatlvst that charaeter of Invaatmonl a* lo a very large am ount.of tha oap- Italliatlon.'’ , ,

U wa* then charged th a t th* com­pany had (ailed to prove th a t It naaded additional revenue. In Ihl* connection counsel eald;

It ha* not proved the value of He property a* a baala for the determ ina­tion of th* return upon th* ipveitm enl; hut, on the contrary, w* have prevad that the unproved valuation eUlwHtted by the company la grosaly exceutva. It hae not proved that It* capitalisation ha* such a relation to autual Inveet- ment a i vrauld furnish thi* hoard a b a iti for the datermlnatlcn of a proper return upon oapttnl; but, on 'the eon-

Order.c that K lb* r.Mlvirt or ttuilew ihould In the meantime receive any addi- flonal private otter, for th . r « l eetrio ehove menlloeed the earn, ihould bo pro „nted at ^ bub' w . W. PORTER.

Ref«r«fl.For Any infortriAtlcm tppty to

Be R. MdOXaTNN. . „ -•1$ BrOAq >t.. NawAfK, W. J*Tr> WHOM IT MAT CONCERN! . .

S»«riuani 1© th* provision* of an not of ih* Tj*d*lAtuf* of Now J*r**r> ontlUod net- . x_ wiAwAvaeafl 9rt rihto. » wiwwelo Vithorlie pereon. to chan*, thalr naraaa,' BnnFaviil E^urunrr IIIB. And %n nreond* nfent th*foto npprovtii April JT. l*llr notiW 1* harthr |1v*n thAl 1 *hAll tply to th*

oY common Pl*« of"at th fo ^ S ri h « " i i N i w ^ v r s . X

on“ ho nl«fw m (h day ot July, 1911. a t to o'clock in tho forenoon, or ae eoon there J fte r aa I can be heard, for an ordar to aulhorlso me to aiauma another name, wit. Albert Lincoln Boyce.

Dated MxJ^p q lV h'b LIPPK BOTCB,■ “ Newark, N. J-


flecond Ave.,EAwird ClAiton. AUorner.

OP NSW JBR8BT—ToIN chaNcbrtBy*'vlrtue*of an order of the Court of

Chancery made on the twentieth day of Maj^ i m . In a .a o if Vfhrreln Oevflf® le the petitioner and you ar* th* defaBdairi, vou *T* roquirefl to en«w«r the pv tlU ta *1

LEGAL NOTICESthane* alons aam* t* plan* ef hailnnln*.

eatarly thirty ( l e i f a a t

Rnblte ierrSe*. was *n nrdlnery on* - ' oUld beAnd *1101114 be eonildertd In the ordi

underunddr which the . wee crested In

Y te e f to t* or prevld* for would abre-


appllctrilOB." "It we B A M fd d tggeonselanable to al

n u ^ Shdtoaiice oontrdet* in r i d i e P e a w ttfeanedlAg*. which.

of dleconragliig shopping and trading In N*W York that opuld be..dane here th* Mayor characteriiCd a* "pure rot,'" hi* view being that such . New*rk»r* and resident* of . ■•»rby »ubi(rban town* a* now shop In N*w York would continue to do so whatever th* coat of trav tl to th* metropolli.

The Mayor txpresied the opinion alto th e t there would be *o much pressure agelnet th* higher railroad rates gen­erally that they would come down again before Ibng. He fait, however, th a t btcauf* of lit* close Inler-reletlon of New York and Newark, *■ well e* other parte of the m*tropollt»n dis- trlot. th is city's rale* to the metropolis ehould receive especial ooneideratlon.

People famlllsT with the suburban •eotlone In and around New York City, ho eald, would not com* her* to live, end might not remain h tra If already domiciled in Newark, when they naan* to compare the twenty-eeven-cent rat* between thle city and New York with th* tive-oenl rat# between New York and pelnl* tn equal or g reater diatanca kwky. Thpy would Rot comldAf* h* AontAndid. th* commut^tton ra tt. which haa rlien only ten per cent., but would bat* their calculation* upon a sixty par cant. Inerease In the aingl* fare and an eighty psv cent, rise In the cost of a round trip.

Think* Dins* a F a ir I tra lg k t lU le,In this connection th* Mayor **.

plained that when he wrote to Mr. Me- Adoo e few day* ago. protssUng against the original ordar lo raUe th* Hudson. A Manhattan rata*, hla contention that

fair reta bttw«*n Nawarh and New

HribII F ire la F aead a tlo n Ship Yard.An alarm of fire from the ship build­

ing plant of the Foundation Company on th* PsRealc River caused excitement In Kearny thle morning. The blaie was small and we* due to the grounding of the ewltchboard In the power house. The (Ire Fa* extingulehed by the yard fpree before the arrival of the Kearny fir* apparatup- ______

iald petitioner on or before the tw ea^-e#^ !ind day of .July n iit . or in default tbar*^tmq* um,r „<it 9mb**s ■«th« Mid DAlUlOtt will b* tftktn *A a n ln « t »*y. Th* Mto p illtlo tt to RMlAAt /ou for A dlvA«* from tb# ol--dk-e. arwAV*n atMTllOQ.

dPEClAlc MAiTRR‘8 8ALB—tn ChanoAry qe New J«r«e;. BntwtAti P*U r FtAnDAry,

enoiptonlAnt, nnU ftlAF nrAt HAv«y* et nlfle* d«f«nd»ntl. Oti bill for partition* Notli;A of Ml®:

By vlrlOB of A dArrre of th» Court ftf ChAnetry. mAd* In th» above nntUtod oto*#. beart&K data May l», l& ll, 1. Sdw trd M. Cftll*. one of the •pecial mMtArA of Iha Court of C M rre rf of the etate of New Jersey, shAll eepOM for sate a t public vendue Slid Mil i4i the hlKhrat bidder on T u«a day the 9*h day of July. 1918. a t the hour of 4 o'clock In the afternoon of tljAt day. In the eherlffs office in the court hDUee, In th* *iity bf Newark, county of E isra and ils te of New J«rMy, Alt those certain loti, tracts or parcels of land and premloeSi eiluate, lylnc And belnA In the towo fit MfinlcJsJr, In the couttty of Epsex and state nf New Jersey, more particularly described ea followe:

First Tract—Bofinning nn the northeast eld* of an avsnu* thlrty-sIx feet wide, now known oa Cherry street, runnlrkg n o rth ' westerly from another avenue formerly Inc to St- icukn's Episcopal Church, and in the line of land formerly of w m iaoi Corby, deceased; frojn thence along Mid avenue, now ic,nown as Cherry street, south thirty-two drfrses. post th irty f*et: thence norih flfty-sU d e iree i and twenty-five mlfl- utes east, one hundred and eleven feet, six Inehfs to the southerly Uo® of the New® ark A Bloomfield RallroAd; thence along the snulherly line thereof (h iin f a alight c u rrf l thidly f is t in a northw asterly dlrectien to the line of said Corby's land: fbenct along the llnA thereof south flf ty^U de­grees tod iwenty-flve m inutes “J*hundred and twelve feet lU Inches to the

fieglnnlUi In the northerly •Me of Cherry street, a t the southwMt cor® n«r of aald C hirry atreot and lot of Thomas o iw " , kaovi. a . NO. , (4 Cherry (hence (i> •o rie rtvtorPr-flve (eet mor* or laai to lot ol .tarn** McKa*. known W No. 4T C harrr thence ( i l nerthorly a le n f eal" line a t rteh t a»|1*i with ona hunnrad and ten _ _to land* ot palaw are * ria ia 'Co.; theno* (1) ' S M . P S ! ,war* a Lachawann* R. R. f o - • Jl" ' nv* faat mora or loee •“ * ”,V!;

defendant,~ IpH'a Dunn* wife of Edwin 0. Dunn, dteeAstd: also the Inchoate right of dower of Cornelia Z. Dunn, detendanf. wile of Qserfe Dunn, togsther with all and sin­gular the boredUamehtA and apBurUngncsi IO the said premlMS belonging or in any wise apperuJQtng*

Th. ,r ,p .r irw “. I { ' r . » l . W to te .fotlowle* fncumbrancae:................ ,_rtrit Traot—Mortia** (or (1,990 *™ m-

taraat tharaon at 0 per oeat. (ram January*' toco*n4 Tract—Mortiax* on which thtfi .................. iBtareal theraon el *due (l.loe,

ml. Iro ‘ Third

cent. Irom May It. l>li.rdTrac "

lerait theraon I, IIIT..

9 1*perI ft g Age (or (t.999.1 »e* in-n at 9 par cent. Irani Dacambor

Palad Jun* 7. c o m .Special H aaU r In Chancery of New Xet}*V.

T il Bread etreet, Newark, N, J- Ott* G. Horetar,

solicitor (e r com plalnenta.IN CHANCE AT OF NSW JKBSBT—To

Jacob W Inue , ht» helm, dayleaw and, per- eonat rapraaantallv**: Nathanlal Wlnane, hie hair*, devta*** and ptreonal rapraaanUUvaa; Jama* Ball, bU hair*, dav!**** wid,^ ntroOBil repraeentaifvae: William Ball, hla halrx da- vltece end pereoMl- Wahar, Ffank Waher. Nalll* PlumgiJJoy-l

ca*A Llxl*tt< Xekn Llxqtri- MIpui*Plum*, ( ia e L lise tt , John L ls ir i t . M: Hllla, Wedertek Mine and Edith PIu m ;

By virtu* of en_ ?(d*r ^ f ^ lh a CojH

matrimony on ‘b* J ^ o ^ d r i d ^ r iSolloltor (or patltlOBer,

Kinney B u lld lu , Newark, NT J.

Dated May ((I.*«»JBBSBT—Te



TRICT OF NEW JERSEY—In the m atter of ihe May Manton Pattarn Co., Ino., a rorporation. bankrupt. In bankruptey. Order lo show oauso why prlvat* bid for real Oitate should not bn tocepteO by re- o*l«ef* or trusteoa.

Upon retkdlnf And fU ls t the duly verlftod pam isn ot WITiIar] C* ftldgwAy and Edward Re ICeOlyttn, rAOftvfri herein, praying for

order te be ibAdb perm itting iiiom to right. tUlo Add tblOrost in a oor- OT real ogUie, commonly known

eslgnated A* Ifof, 110-181 PaoIiIo street, rk, N. J,, hAVlag a frettUge on Pa<

Qiria o trte t or Abont one hundred eighty T*et, A frontage on ^ e t t n u t itres l of

Ansell their

ffliAAtm . .two hundred Thirty feet, a fronug* on vern itreet of About two huodrdd iventyvonef*At, plul Ah AddHIOlUl frOAlOfA SAld MilvifQ atroet ot Abottt on« hungfad tveniyA three faat. oublAOt to two mortgagt enoum- 'TAMea. AfgragAtlni ftfty-elgbt (houMnd oTlori; AiM MDjeot to Ih* pAyvn«nt by the gstoie of A. fivA per eant. AgonU' eemmia- •toD, tha othar tetma and oondltlona of aald r te r^ ii

TN CHANCERY OF NEW Halana OE**fa Francb:Bv virtue of an order of the Court

rhaneary of Naw Jeroay, m ade ou tho d»V «* the daio hereof, In a certain caoM w horjin John Me French to petitioner and you are ririfindant you are requitod to M pear and tiLsad anewef of demur to the uetIUon oft before tha eiglltoAnth ^ SJly. f i l l or in default thereof, s u c ^ d o - t fM will be taken against you as lb* eban- Viiof shall think Jum and egnliAble. .

Ths abJe ti of aold ault Is to obtain a do* r?a"or divSrc* dtotoWlng tha roofftoge bo* w c u you a sh SMITH.

Salloltora of (’•tlti®“l f . ,1 BichasiO *1., Joreey pity,

Datod Jaraay City. May 17, l i l t . t(7.9*)

. Street, ng aam McKoa's Mid Cherry a lre tl

feet more

_ _ __ __ ,’outt ofChaacafy ef N a* Jaraay, rB*d*,^on th a ^ a y o( tb* dat* kotaof, la a caoat wharalo . ^ r t B, r ijeh a r la coraptalaant. ami Jacob Wlhane, a t a la . a « SafttaanU , yob are harahy sotUlaS th a t If you claim any till* to, Intaraat In, or oncorahranc* upoa th t land* dttorttwd karalnaflar. you a r t raqairad to > n iw # th* aatd bill, hut ne t othtrwioa, on or bofort th* fifth day of A utuet n*xt, or aald bill will h* takas a* costaiM d a ia laa tyou.You, Jacob Wlnano, and N athaniel W Inasi. each of you and oaeh ot your holrt. davlaeit and pcnosa l roprcocntatlvaa a r t mad* par-tlea dritiida’nt .'hecauMj y ^ ^ l_h* h^lrt at

(il along ealdr t " ’^o >«>»*

known A* No, 46 Cherry Bxoepllhg from the above descrinttonsmAll gore in the rearNewark & Bloomfield R- R- t&SIlI10 181*. and recorded In D;6I of Deeds to r Eaaak County, page 418,

Third Tract—Beginning in the^cOntar of a naw itree t, called Cherry etreot, H I feet ta r i r n y from lino of land form .rly o Ihom a* Fai-raU, a t

law of John W lsana d tcaaatd. a aon af liaao W inast. dtcaaaad, a l ona tlma t t a ownar af a portion of th* nraniltt* harelnattar da- iorihad, and by v lriu t tharaaf may ctatm to hav* toma lias upon pr tn ta rari In m IS (M ra- I t t t ! and you, Jam aa Balt, your hair*, da- Tl***t and nartonal rap rtH ttta tIv ii. at* mad* partle* Jaftsdan t* bteauae Jam a l Ball, d icu M d . a l osa tlma wa* and la atlll tha record ownar of a portion of tho PmmtMa haralnafter daacrlbad, and by virtu* iharaot may claim to hav* aam* lias u t» n ,« IdlVV,* In aald pram latt; and you, W illiam Aafl. your holrt, daTlaeta and p a '« n a l tlvaa, are made parttea d a ^ n d an ta hei auaa a t 00* time la ld '^ ^ ll ta m Ball a w and la Ittll the record owner of a portion of tha premleoa herelnaftar daacrlbad. and by vlrtua thereof may claim ta hava aom* 11*“ “P'>" ot Intaraat In aald pvem Uu; and •B. tvaber, Lloyd Pluma,IClaa L tu a tL Mlnid*Mllla and Edith P lt tf i i .a r a m a d a .p -

IN chancery o f new JERSEY—To Lena Bv'’!7{rfu* ef an ard,r of the Court of

X Slt:lh . fn r i r t T M ith'jfolS

i let bSTfalned to M arlinalon* the line of aald l®tmore ot leaa to tha line of the Newark *BlM m flald'Ri'lTroa^; th a n «ihareot weriertr thirty feet; thanca aouth- efly parellel with the flret deicrlbag line m f#ei mere or law to the centar of the named street; thence easterly alongfirst tbe

iwaaaa /a*,* - —« aDDsaV a n l Plead, aitower or demur to »at|' tfin .r’a p . l l l |« , en ^ t t5 ic t.ri!iir‘be. lAken Against youohanceliot

The ‘tween‘you AU th i ■•1'® ^lltloner.

’siinr sbAil thf&k equitable and Juelv i obleSt Al i lw alll is to obUte a 4;- of*rivatce. dTaaotvtns th* marrla** ha-

D ...d NARDJEUXt.IU.40I RollcHor of Patltloner.p. b. addraa*. 791 Broad at.. Newark. M. J

trary, wa hav* proved th a t I ta cnplthl-“ ill

u s s i e r »>wtadi*»% which. M KtMU, 1* s srteeedlng ot a aum nsrp

>4h eniy s pqrtlal presenla- *M U mud#,- they

toHtMU,Hi|str*w»*r*4ii eniy * sqrtlai presenl

A M ss * ( to W to n U RiiLd*,-W I r t i f . EF tb * qU M ttm » f lb * ««v-

A ,« n * t B A w w t i m d e n a i id s u p e g th e IBF th e y aM I; vAs th e aravam -

1 Mil on of tba Public Birvln* JUUwey ayitain |* groiely Inflated or exeeaelv* and out ot all proportion to any prob- able value of the property."

-C*«(M»Y IO reb ll* le(eT**ta,e It wa*' further eharsed ^haf th* oom-

pany'k propoael to obars* for transfer! waa centrary to publle Interest, "and not b e i ^ upon a tenable theory of the cost of eervloe," a n t It w*« added tbsL. _ ''the Inereqsed rat** proposed by tb* eompany In its sppllestlea. if pu t Intofteecu wJU ta in t th* esmpany pern* '

:9L_____ . - -tinx te l forth mor* fully In a pell- i d t a a rid ryeelvera t* Slocum.

Avrahi A Slocum Laheratorloa. In*., lo r thooffertlon file


aum ot ntnoty-ftve tbeuaend dollar*: and It appeaiie* that th* prayer ot arid peti­

tion ta foaaenahta aid eroper. It la, on thla alevanth day of Xu®*' Bln*t*en handtod and ellhiionth. an motloa ot said raealvera.

Ordyrod that tha croditera harels ahew eSuae hefora the nndanStned at the Bank- ruptey Court Rooim, Poaloffleo bjitldln*. Ntwark. N. J„ on tka lath day el Juno, sInatMn huhsred and'otskteen, at 19 o'cloo* In th* fonieon. ar a* soon tkoreafter at ceuattl oaa n* hoard, why ae ordar ahould not ba mad* peruHtliix tha raoalvera or tha truatla* wha.may aueoatd Iktm ta aoll (hair rifht, till* aid Istareel tn th* paroet of m l taiatf tormarly owned by tn* bankrupt, imanonlr k|»o«a and daatcnaled a* Noa.

iHlIl Psrilia atriri, Newark, N, J.. te .Jooaln. Avram A Sloodm Lakeratoriae. tee,, or ih* aum et atuly-ffv* iheuaand dollan.

IiiW i‘Mla**ft7ty^^ del?2Sr*th;pTepeFty U ba eonveyaA fra* and elaar *1rit anetnebta heraln mfalleBSintareal •«

sum A

- - - .o fsUAft thA mottgAgoa wftof rAAti, inburaacA, m oAA loxss to ba gg- 4of of wtilamARi.

IN CHANCBRT OF NEW JERSEY—ToBj)‘‘v*trtu!‘ W ’U . r at the c u r t r i

Ckanctrr M RfV Jarisy* vxt.A% on tli* ^ y of tbs datf'Rat*** ^ ctrU in feAUfa* w istaiaR ost B kSbA rtt to J J J

b* taken axatsal y»“ « ‘t a «P*n4eH»r 'K d l‘“ t o T O t n*(''»V in to obiat. a de- e r « r t mar^lMa be-

AAA th* said patHlonar-iorM ohv - tKe marHAfA hslwssa

A.' LEsfflB^'PRICB,SatletTof of Falltlanar,

I I Ctinxon Street, Ntwark, N. J.

Oatad May I I . K IL __________ <**•**>

ths cantvr itu* ib a rto f th irty f*At to plaot ot hasinnin*. Includln* i4«ht of dowsr of tha difondaDtSt Mr*. John « l « y a t a i r a T ta m a . M uiray, to ta ih a r

S ? aHU-SSan-cL-’ r.

The proporty w'H ta arid tuhjtet te tax** for A* yAktSpMllI

^ ^ W ar’d M..COWB.VTosttr in Cban«*ry *f N*w Jayg*r T il Bread ■troet, Rewark, Neil.

JAVEB P. MfLiOI>,Bollcitor for CoraplAlBAnt.

DAtod JvlOA T. ; ■ - —

at eiw. ‘difaadtnte. tala.

Channary B. Duna.

inn, at ala, •igtlo* of

-111, . ..» _____ _ —- ____ p a r t l i l . i , -f*nd*at btoaue* you ar* tome of th* halt, »tiiW’'of'Jacob t.'Pluina. daoaaeoA >.*0 '»»* i t one tlma and atlllla th* owner.qt.rac.-rd i t ! portion of tho prtmlaee horrinaftfr oc- and bv vtrtoa thtteof itiaT c atm to

l* r i-h .* r ;o ? * ry t eviftuA thifAof *nay __^ason or inttrsAt In sold ViiiA Fi«tn«. ATS mod* a party wfnausa ydu dr* tk* w idw of PfA^ B» PlUl^AhA of tfcA bAir* At tow of AtidTiWOh T. Pluma, dscAAitd, and by virtu* mav olAlm to hAvi AornA lt«n upon or later*

**10 » ld pramlaMl.etd you. John UlxatLIh* hu iha ii« ro f .Ctoa L lS * e tt._ aw * _ _ n t« - titntd. led by etrtn* tharfaf may claim t; hava aom# pan upon or IntOreet. In eald nramlaae: anoyou. Kederiok MUla dm med* a party iefeSdant bacam you are th* haa- tahd of Minnie Mllla ahev* “ •tal*»9d. t t a by vlrtua thereof may claim to haw aom* Han upon or Intaraot In orid prarale^ Tha^objoct of thla ault la to m tia the naoi'a till* to th* Undt her*»n,rSeorltadT'awd. '«le»r 'v * '* 1 '- ! " ^ * ! . .¥ * ! ? , !w tM ctncarnln* eald landi mantlontd tn »1d Wit of complaint, whlah ara detcdbtd

of Haaovar, coeniy aw Jan a y i

Bv vlrtua of a dacre* of th* Ctart of na,ie*rv mad* In th* ahav* aslIOid c*w .

Aactm,,1 U: CoU

m i./oUeT O ftro l tba ip ad a l mas- C hancarr of^Bi. ,* u |e^ ^iMi bidder, *u " 'M l. At ‘

hour of Itlv o ciaoK Say. In th* aharifCe to t t l cliy at Newark, “ atan of J®'*!*',', ttaria or parcels of .ti

l i l t , at thi ■ternses ol thri Ik* oMrt houae

, eeusty of BSeox and all thoea oiriain lou.

AA f*UOW|eB*ln* In the teamahtp «

• 'ffin Y W e * J5d&in* f fo ra 'B w lM fY iid 'lr i^ ^

r.;ij 5 ,\% «rc!;in i/iM 7n .7 titeFa a cAkiMr ot liiid* of u ld EAtohATn and J o l i a E r RMwal" Marry. Iaa4 formoijy

M erry , .land! thanae J«*n*_laW

I diy . atan of Naw Jti tnela er P»” 9l» land aau( *'*1

In tk* eltY.P*

Tn'i io»” ® *dta‘ ^r at a print in waft;

twoen yon IH me aaii lain a »*«** •?»“" «you u d tha aald prill


CERfW W ATE o r DIBSOLUYION.I* all to whom ihaa* preienti may com*.

d u tS i^ f iT 'J io S( « th . voiMtanr d i ^ n u t a t h ^

iiix alon* IttlllH* taaata W®*^*!*® J j : MMs and t*raTiiy*Ewo itltnutoA wfgi twsnHffhf* toai thoAc* n*rth •*vaiiiiy*thfAA dogrty

laeriuUOh thersof h r I criwast ef alt-the etaefchridan, ............. NaUenai F**rl

!|Mtanlnx *n narthirtv aid* I thae* hundred Md lerw:

M oa : nw ^ O fAt-niwi

*(air eaetirtr’'(ro il olet'erly It** amitv itw riS 'ltanw northerly at r i h t !L '{ ^ w Wraiknt rire elaaty-flv* » t)

JoS- thenaa aariirlY twaaty-flw f**Ji -I .,,- , aeutbarw*alosX tba Una e( lot Na. *1OT a m apkm lhatT r w S it lo ^ irta.ty-flwsit lo ^ r in u l airaal: ® nca wariarly iR i* toSea IwaBtr-flva I(( i faat ta pt**a a(

oliii Agd toxty ooulb tHlftg*mloutM

two chain*!ftg-V«4land

fofty miPAtAg *1^U iki to Marry'A lApdi; tbono* tour JSgSto AAd^Slrty-fiva aiAog laid MAfry A Utn two —Alglft'-til llA s to A oomtr of said Marfjri fand. nnd a lot ol land formally AlaXamlaj and Ifcnlan Itaal'a land: thanca alas* wtd M i ^ a and Blari'a ttn. aauth forty-ena 4a- fraaa aaet twanty-^raa chalaa K a Unfa to Mewr.eKotebogs^a Iloa of land. b*ttght by H ^ry^WlnAMi and *lh*ri;"th*nV* pUens Ita t tm*

g, *„tw*a wort faa-tinamed, anuth torty-DlBa daxraaa wanthrSa aheln* ajid tan .l'"* * 'n f® " 'PaiBrio Btvar Inw wriar t n ^ , then"

. . toiltr toPAAiAto Rtvor low WAitr said rivsr up Atraaio to Iho of abrook: ihoAcg to a rtv*r blrc^ itiiinp__ brook,

ih WtoAoFA Und;oa tha rlsh t bank a f aaliJe«aph Wlnan. .. Inarufa llna and a tina

1*1forinarly a cefn*! 4

'WlBana7 now ■r, new da- L balonxlnf no* t* ui* k*lr* *( M -thIiTy-MVap taSf®** wwt ala

af land! d*aaa*ad,®***rt. ‘ward " mofth

aiasffOP_?oM^ ww.w.-ed --,4 VlbAB*i tbfRCo

a r ,s ! f e S 'a p s w ,, ''- " "




Very Ri


' Dedaref

Fprwia* Ohnreh e f Ldvi f e m td • I O n

Cbaraelonly a i worid'i I MeiEbar,tnlnlcan ( addreaa o th* alxty-todav ofa n n . TI of Ikws Vby Blflhoj ces* of I oommenci young m bachelor . at art* ( naBibera

Dr. Hea of St. A daolarad i Ing for II and "the told of th. day, deoil ful ot th ■ponriblll kr* tryini of fanhloi an excuse part of * ar* tryini llvas.

Reftth i Wlnation parity she fr n ltar . of her to her Indiini what I ful at*

4 i . *•'¥ ff

Ing 'C meant patrlo stated of the the lo tri the

Dr. Stater that . and a who I

"We Chriel love t doarn real i gusd, belghi ;*ndei tlanlt;

real i war, ment thing

, man I must »nd, 1

I erty been


for I powe

etna: ' d e n j" sink


meieyeof 1

. pal , hi*


' ba*tloilothbeus*



ani ■ wh

The heel ’ tarred on

(^athem ; Manrloe F

, Slowlnekl, Glue, Frai

‘ lam 'Vtnei Ko'walciyl LotH* VII Thomas Jo ward Phil Dkrid Jerc cl*' igeo. Fiispattiol EaRla> Npt O u th y kt Bayonn*: .

Tbe mM ferrtd on

, John Gregi arlck Uto

■ Henry ^ 'Victor Oqii

‘ lepb Coug• rtek IW o i• kdeluM l j

'HMivsk .m




W E D X E » D A i r . J t ' K E 12 , 1 0 1 5 .

ncEsijr thirty (H> t—l

of dow ir of Ih* viff o( Edvin C, LnchMto rtiht i f in. do£«&dnnt. wil« |th all aao <in> tniCtnc or

rith all and <in> o apBurUn^fiCfi K or in a&j al«o

!o?d*^bla«l if> to*for M d In-ioat. from JanuaryI on which th tf l la

tharaoti a t < parfor and In-

mt. from Pacamhor

D M. COUS.»ry of Naw Jarooy. i, Nowtrki N. J.

inanta ____(SW jm U S T -> T 0 I, daviMoa and par- thanlal WihaAa, hla nal roproaoniatiyaoi ivlaoaa and ptraoaal Ball. hTa holra da- raaontatlvaff; Annia Nailio piuniaM iloyi h n P lf ia t t , Mioaio I Bdjih FIu im : ir 01 tho Court of

reada on tha day anaa wharaln Albert .laanl. and Jacob afandanta. you aro0 claim any title to,.nco upon tha laada «u a r t raqialfad to t not otborwli«» on of Aufuat ntjUL or

if coataaaad afatnatid N athaniel Wlnana. your halra, davlaeea

ivea, a r t rtaaa par- fou a r t tha halTt a t taaad. a aon a t luaao a Uma th* ewnar a( laoa harelnaCtw da- haraof may d ilra to nUraat In aaldprtn i- lall« your hairr, da- raprtM iitatlvta. ara baeauaa J a n a t BalU

iraa and la atiU. the ton of tha prim laei nd by virtue thefaof Hon upon or iniereK you, WUIUm Bafl. pereonal repreaahu- dafendanta bti'Auaa

un Batl WM and la of a portion of tha crlbad. and by virtua lavo aoma Uan upon iMo; and yop. Ahnia | : ia a U tc a t t . V ^ido ara m ada partU i n«- aoma of tha heiri a t

, daoaaaad. wht> tha owner ot^wer- rd

rnUea hareinafttr dc- he ru a t may claim to o r intaraat In paid

ik wabtr» ara^maA* a1 you are the hnabandre Bionttoued. and by m to lava aotna tton 1 prom laeii ahd you, e a. party defaadaat widow or B-at law of'aald Jacob

Dd by virtue thertof la lien upon or laaer- Id .reu, Jttlut

£ta t m u*U M tt, kk«v* tn* ..'

:b*r««f ta»y cUlm to o r lnl»r«M In «*ld

Itrlok UUl*. i n land* ,UM you am th* n v i ' ,Mr« n«BtlM.M. tud

claim to hava aoiao

' i n f i l l * " ” i ^ l a tBf tha lau d t ha raafitr

a all dcrahta and dfa- Itnda maBtianad tn mlilBh a ra daaedhad

la of Haaoaar, coaniir Naw Jaraayi ■ . ,Idla of tho r n d load- ridfa to Hanorar. iinA m lcntltif to tha h « ra laaaa; tnonoa raanlitc im'a IlM flfty-tw a de- Una a u aafanty I.Bha of u l d Xatcham and arry 'a land, (onnailr : thaaao w an f aald itr-tBr** d a traa t awl yfi. eh ilna and alaijr ; taanaa aouth tN irtf- rtr-flva mlnutoa vaai Ina two chalna and w n a r of aald M arfr'a Id to rm atlr AlaBandar ad; thanca a la n t m id .a aoath forty-ana da- o chatna and atvanw- eornor. » « * “ '? , d*'’*' Id. h a u tn t h r K arvar thanca alan» l**|i H“» ■a dairaaa waat iaa»ti Unha. mara or todi, to or tnartt; thaaim nloiw I to tho month ot a to a rtvar hire). atBmp t kanli of aatd hroolc. J e ia lh W lnanro land; n a n r i lino and a lino

R a m y W laant, now ifo itan d rr. »ow to -

r to tho Mini of Bd- ly JOBH n « B , runtime jnm a woat nlno c h ^ n t to a tn m tn tha lino; I H a m r an*IIBO (now halie of M -i s s - M T s t i . r . ' i,nd wlbnnu! thence H i M d U ^ f mlpatee

iBco north lorty-al* 4a- a tia w ait alane Una of t M w ard HaTTani ,«jid ad Jtnir-aavaii .lliiltd to ■aa*l WOBea alH B tha h a tU nfty -tw a « e ra a a id tS in r nnha, m ara or at’t UM, (ha h iW of



V i"^ d -

t .j. -»


¥m -

ib fp > V

' ,

. ?%>■

V " ' -\ V

T .




America*! Part in War Theme at Seton Hall

Very Rev. Raymond Meagher,-in Address, Says Wilson Is

World’s Scholar.

Declares Victory Shall Be Ours

I^eraieu R«et»r ifi Antbalmiie** CHiBr«ht IlccefvliiK Dcwe« of Dootor of lAw«» H eidi U f Aoierlco’e Dlitii- teiWited Berrlce ootf Deerleu Aoflooe 9i Om Foe W U di L«d fe Ceofllrt.

At ths left Is Very Rev. RsymoDd M euher, O, P. Members of the citas, reading from left to right, sre : Lower row—Louis V . Wltkop, Frsnels J, Cummings, Robert A Brennsn, Thomss A. McCarthy, Andrew J, Msrkey, Thomas J. Duffy. ' '

Middle row—William V. Holland, Edward P. Dugan, Andrew A. Kanii, Joseph F. Igoe, Emil J. SiowInsU, John F. Ryan.

Top row—Maurice F. Lyons, Thomss A. Fitipstrick, Michael J. McClue, Lester A. Quinn, Edward A. Bradshaw, Frauds P. Kowaezyk.

Chnraetorlilnw Praatdant Wllaon—not only a wrest Executive hut se "(he world’i echolsr." Very Rev. Raymond Uesabar, provincial prior of the Do- n la lc sn Order tn the East, delivered an sddreee on Americs'e part In the war at the aUty-iocond annual commenoement today a t Seton Hall rolleae. South Or- aoM, Tho honorary degree of doctor of laws was conferred on Dr. Meagher hy Slehop John J. O'Connor of tho Dio­cese of Newark, who presided at ihe oommshcement exerclees. Nineteen young men were graduated with the bachelor of arte degree and the master of arte degree was conferred on the memberi of the class ot 'IT.

Dr. Meagher, whro was formerly prior of fit. Antoninus’s Church, this city, declared that the United States ts fight- Ing for liberty, democracy and for Qod, and "the victory shall be ours" He told of the g reat unrest In the world to- day, declaring th a t many are neglect­ful of their religious duties and re­sponsibilities, and that the powerful are try ing to harm the weak. Dictates o t fashion, the speaker said, has been an excuse for "public nakedness on the part of some women." and some men are try ing to eliminate Ood from their Uvea,

A m crtn ’a Weadcrfwl gland.R eferring to th is country's part In

the war. F a th er Meagher said "when a nation pule aside all material pros­perity and combats brutality and when she freely and gladly places on the a lta r of eacrlftce the blood and Uvea of her childron. with no aim to add to her te rrito ria l possosalone or seek Indemnity or fa ir compensitton for what has been given, it Is a wonder­ful stand,"

Preeldent Wllaon’e eipresalon, "mak­ing the world safe for democracy,'' f meant tha highest and most beautiful patiietlam . pure and undefRed, It was stated. I t surpasses the fondest dream of the fotinderi of this nation and Is the logical result which they declared 111 their charter of freedcan.

Dr. Meagher spoke of the United States as our motherland, declaring that America deeervea the same love and sacrifice we give to the mother who bore ue." W e a r s pu tting In heroic action whal Christ w rote with hie blood, ‘Oreater love than th is hath no man than to lay down hie life for hie frlende.' This te real patriotism .” Religion, It was ar- p e d , r a ls u patriotism to tis greatest heights. Patriotism la more ardent, tender, sweet and divine when Chrls- * ' slrongthena and pormeatee It.

T o r us pa^trlotlsm Is a living and M ri thing. Emotion has arisen In the

'rh*n prom pts the greatest senti- w d a man deetree to give every-

inlok has. Thl» Is th« love svery ***- Interests of his heart

must poasesa. I t has made our history, and, preserved our country. Life, lib- erty and tho pursuit of happiness has been brought In by It,"

that one of ■*‘****®t poseeselone la the

aaT!. . The true lover of**""“t wish this

wa MS wiTii - 1w IIIIdb to do 10.Making a r a m of Heaer.

“m e n on* nation tramples on e Bmalltr and adds Insult to Injury, mur-

n * " ' 7 0 n « n and children by oinking Ships, th is so-called honor l, »

lUie all her o ther previous srmles Ih not oonstltuted of hirelings, but mi? men come from the very best of people

the mine and mill, and field and S?.®'- • ’ • ry one who falls In

McQuBde TDOdol for metaphyilcb* tho Mon^firhor Proston modAl fof otbloi Bnd th« m«dol for ChrhitlBn ovldtncii. Tho modal for lofflo wM awarded to Thomas Aloystos Boland of West OrsDca.

Those next Tn merit were: Mata- phyalce* Michael Joisph Mc01ue» Jersey City: Hobert Anthpny Brennan^ Or­an M : Thomas Joseph Duffy. M orrii- town. Ethics, Mr Duffy, 'William VIn- cant Holland, Jersey City. Christian evidences. Mr. McGlue, Mr. Holland. Loe^ , James Aloyslus Hamilton, Jersey City; Joseph Harold Murphys Paterson.

Under class bopors were: Father Cor­coran medal for sophomorea, Jam ei W illiam O'Neill. Hoboken; next In m erlu Francis Peter Quterl. Jersey City; Varold Joseph Dllffer. Mountain Lakes. Archbishop Corrlffan medal for freshm an clsssa William Jam es Tlmney, Jersey City; next In merit, George Joseph Strack, Newark; John Lawrence McNulty, Atbntelair. High school medal donated by Charles V. Henderson ot South Orange. Paul David Msltey. Sum­mit: n^^xt in merit, Rudolph Joseph Mar- czak, Mlllburn; Edgar Francis Thomp­son. Newark; Chester William Carroll. J^Hxahetb.

Bayley Hall honors, medal donated by Rev. W alter A. Hennessy, Victor Aloys- lus Arnold, ^outh Orange; next In nierlla Jo ieph Francis Arnold, South Orange.

------ ----------

Class of Seven GraduatedAt Bayley Hall Exercises

Commencameut exerc^laea of Bayley Hall, the high school department of Seton Hall College, were held last nlglit af which seven graduated. They we-o addressed by Monslgnor James F. Mooney, president of Ihe college. Fifty- eight prises were presented lo students. Of the graduating class John P. Mullln received first prtie In Latin and m athe­matics, and Daniel Fltxpatrlck first priiB In English. The other graduate# were W alter V. Whalen, Elmer Peld- ramp, Jam es A. McDonough. John B, □axsale and Joseph F. Cooney, '

F irs t prizes In the third year class were awarded to Rudolph Marzak In English and Latin and Harold Fell In m athem atics; In the second yeer to ga r Thompson In Latin, Engllnh and m athematics, and in the first yesr to Cheater Carroll In Latin and I^gllsta, and Lawrence.Boulger In mathematics.

The annual smoker followed the pro­gram In the college auditorium a t which David E. Mulcahy, the new pres­ident of the athletic aseoctatlon, pre­sided.

I h l o ? ! ” . a * fireside Anda ^ l l e n g e fo r Hberty and democraev

The speaker pointed out the need of men Who are not aahamed to be follow-

* * n of C hrlit, and dwelt on the necessity , of perm itting reUglon to aet In * « ry . purpose of tlielr lives. To b* * good

*“ on 8 must be truly'. Pstrtotlc » d make every sacrifice for - bto country’s needs, not only for the I 2 ^ " * * *® achieved but lor Ooda

It beoame publloly known today for the f irs t Ume th a t P athsr Meagher had

; been considered a* a candidate for elec- : tion as m aatot general of the' Domln-

loan Order throughout the world, but he rs fu itd to permit bis name to be used, - * J

Although the sun cams put before commencement exerclees were con­

cluded, the program wao carried out O r a n n the program we* carried out In the auditorium Inataad of on

. the lawn; ' F a ir weather "on . com­menoement dag Is almost proverbial

. *hd there wa* much disappointment when the conditions w ire such as to make It necessary to change the plan which has been followed for years or arranging seats out of doora

Degree# to A rts degrees.The bachelor of a rte degree w ts con­

ferred on Edward Aloyslue Bradshaw, Chatham; Robert Anthony Brennan

' Manriee Franols Lyopi u d Bmtl John , Slowlnskl, Orange; MIflhMl Joieph Mo-

Glue, Franols Jo iep h Cummings, Wlll- ' tarn Vincent Holland, Francis Petar

l(o'walctyk, Lester Aloyalua Quinn and Louts 'WllUam Witkop, Jersey City; Tkomaa Joseph Duffy, Morristown; Ed­ward Philip Dugan, Hellartowfl, Pa.; David Jerome Duncan anA Joseph Fraa- oie' Igoe, Kewark; Thomas - Aloyslus Ihtspatriok, Kearny: Andrew Antheny Kanla, Ntw York; Thomas Aloyilui Mc- Oartby and Andrew Joseph Harkey.

, Bayonne; Jobb Franols Ryan, Hoboken. The m astar of art* degree was oon-

ferred on Oeorg* Joieph Baker and' John Oragory Delaney, Paterson; Fred, erlck U lehaet Boea, Mlllburn; Aohn Henry Byrne,. W est Orange; Barold Victor Colgan, BHeabetb; Timothy Jo-

aepb Coughlin, Bayonne; Joaeph Pat* rlek Mallon, John Aloyslue KaTolswikl, Vlohaal AuguetUi* Magnler, Joseph Thdmae K alm is and Jodeph Webeel O’duUivaii. J e m y .C ity ;. Clement a i-

n phene* Ja rka, Biwekliro; Franols An­drew HoQunda B areld Aloyslue Mur. m y ^ Carmei Joseph Scanlon, Mew-M ; . .n e m a n Prakoto M orait K o M m :J p ^ A 5ly*» .Miepliy, PtttiflaUL 1Wa i Jh iiaa AlepMss Ronaa.' B*w‘

John fp tse pfflgdnjl. Union HBL, Tkiep m g |nn warp gwnrdM -to jak u

Man Who Became 2 1 on June 10 Is Enlisted at Army Station

The arm y regulations prohibit ths acceptance of registrants In the aelec- tlve service, and yet a youth of twenty- one years was enlisted yesterday a t the local recruiting elation, fifi Park place. There was no violation of orders, how­ever, as the young man did not reach the age ef majority until June 10, five days a f te r the reglBtratlon of the 1»18 class.

There were elevM recruits accepte.f yesterday, ten Joining the regular army and one the Natlonnl Army, Four se­lected the cavalry, two the engineers and one each the field artillery, medi­cal department, coast artillery. In­fan try and quartermaster corps.. Two were eighteen years old, tour were nineteen, three were twenty and one was th lrty -th ree years of age.

Araay Aeeeptaaces.Aeoeptanites for the regular army

follow:Newark—Leo A. Schuman of l i t s ix ­

teen th avenue. Benjamin M. Handel of 185 Camden street; East Orange, Lin­coln J. Soper of 1! Llndsley place; Bloomfield. Henry E. Cerble of *o Orchard etreet; Montclair, Otto J. Hem- 11b of 118 Wildwood avenue.

Hackensack—Michael McQarr of 182 Union street; Trenton, John J, Cant­well of 1880 South Clinton avenue; Marlton, william W. Renard; aiouces- ter, W alter D. Snuffln of 488 South Broadway; Atlantic ^ t y , Frederick Fuller of 8822 Atlanllclhenu*.

W alter Purnell of 89B William street. Trenton, ealtsted tn the National Army.

Men Accepted at Navjr Office Enroll in Naval Reserve Force

The naval reserve fore* eialmSd a ll of the th irty-three fecrutts enrolled yesterday a t the navy recruiting s ta ­tion, IS Park ptase. Tha ra tings given were; Seamen (second olaes), tw enty- three; landsman for electrician (radio and general), maohlnlsla’ mat* (second class), ship's carpenter (fourth claaa), baker (second clast), fireman' (first And second olase), ship's filte r teeoond clase), yeoman (third class) and car^ penter'B m ate (third class), one each.

Bnliatotcats Ig Ufair.E nrolm ent! Jn. the naval reperv*

force were:Newark, Emanuel Jay of IfO Broome

street, Edwin.C. Dunean of 4 lf Seventh avenue, David Horwiti of 14 HampdSfi

street, Berman J. Habig ot 781 South Fourteenth street, Frank W. WaldKer of 111 South Nineteenth street.

West Orange, Charles M. MartiHI of t»8 W atchung avenue; Orange, John J. MeOurk of 184 Central avenue; Jersey City, Charles J. Balvalo of 308 Jackson avenue, Oscar A. KJeteaa of 211 Wilkin­son avenue, John J. Downey of 241 F if­teenth s tree t: Bayoifne, Herold E. Mc­Cullough of 44 West Forty-second etreet, Bamuel Stern of 2J West Twen­ty-eighth street.

Paterson, William L. Kelly of 44 Vir­ginia avenue^ Hugh J. A rthur of 7S8 Main etreet. Percy ,F. Brown of 405 Eleventh svenue; Clifton, Adam WIs- nlswlskl of 176 I^ake street; Atlicnla, Harry Van Lenten of 2 Jackson slieei; Bergenfleld, Albert N. Alexander; Lyndhurst, Peter Mathiesen of to I Del- afleld avenue; Allendale, Fred Gross- men.

Perth Amboy, Andrew J. Leonard of SOI Atlantic avenue; Pattcniinrg, Elnier E. Stockton; New Brunswick, Frank Nagy of 176 Easton avenue; Mlllburn, Harold R. Lore; Trenton, Wlllliim A, BchuKs of 368 Ingham avenue, William H, Mitchell of 376 Brun.^wlch avenue, Edward Oldenburg of 88 Franklin street, William H. Green of OeiiCHse-o street, William p. Hedrick of 846 Grand street. .

New York, Ixtnis C. Lewis of 2071 Fifth avenue: Brooklyn, Natliiin I.Sacks of 200 Bedford avenue. Natnle Aiello of 78 Melsrold street; Weat Haverstraw, Walter R. Rogi-re,

Marine Enlistments Few, Trouble In Getting Releases Is Blamed

Trouble In obtaining release* from the local boards la reeponslbie for the small number of enllilmentB a t the marine corps recruiting station, 180 Market street, according lo Sergeant Holihauor. A number of applicants are prepared to be Inducted Into the service when tho necessary papers have been obtained.' He mentioned today one Instance where a board has not yet received official notice th a t releases can be given and of another where there Is a controversy between the chairmen and th* secretary as to the

fs'xnlng ot th* relsasea While the 'sergeant-considers the application* few

as compared with the acttvlly of the marines overseas, he Is confident the station will fill Its month's quota.

Thee* five men were accepted yes­terday: Benjamin W. Lnldlaw of 16W hittlesey avenue. West Orange: Burt E. Williams of 7 Jefferson avenue, South Orange; Joseph B. Cavanaugh of 132 Valley road, Montclair; Ralph B. Van Houten of 268 Montgomery street, Bloomfield; George A. Wolf of 111 Nineteenth street. West New York.

Four-Minute Men to Plan Friday For First Anniversary July 4

Pour-Mlnule Men of th is city will meet Friday night a t tho city hall to plan a celebration of their first anni­versary. July 4. A chairman and a committes on arrangem ents wMt be se­lected.

E rnest A. Reed, chairman o f, the Four-Minute. Men for th is otty, has ts- snetl a warning to them that "un- scrupuloui persons are selling <n New­ark a song supposed to he dedicated to the Four-Minute Men and to havs their Indorssinent.” I t is without authorisation o f 'tn s Newark or state urganixatlons.

Newarker Accepted in Boston For the U. S. Merchant Marine

Amonff forty>flT6 men accepted yos- tarday In Boston for tho new American merchant marine was Thomas V, Brno- luoha of 75 Howard streeL Newark. After six weeks of trxlnlnc he will be prepared to go deep-water voyages cm one of the dew .merchant sblpa con­trolled by the' United States Shipping Board.

I t 1b Btated that firemen and coal passers are eipeclally In demand at presents The local recruiting offtbe Is a t 771 Broad street.

Newark’s Fourth of July Not to Be in Old Style

Aldejmen Paid Hired Qraton< but This Year Talks Will CotAe

Only from the Heart.

Simple, Voluntary Affairs in Parks

Fourth ot July Is to he cslsbraled In this city this year dltterenlly from ths celebrations of other ysara.- This is partly due to tb s dstnlse ot tha old form of city government and partly to the fact th a t the Council of National De- fenae has pointed the way tor Ideal ob- aervances of the holiday.

The f irs t point on Which there Will be a difference Is In the amount ot money to be spent, when th e 'O ty Commission prepared the budget last January the approtirlallons for all holi­day observances were cut matarlstly, that for the Fourth being reduced from the customary |2 ,i00 ' to $S09. It Is likely t l ia t 'a little more than |60b will be spent, however, t s It Is planhsd to havs a big celebrallon In Wsequahlo I'ark and sm aller ones In each of tho other city parka.

To help him In deciding op th* pro­gram, Mayor Gillen late yesterday a f­ternoon called together the members of th* Mayor's committss on National Defense. They favored th* holding of simple exercises, consisting of a"bsnd concert, short patflbtlc speeehet and Ihe singing of patriotic songs by I he audience, in all the parks. Plana for the Weequahic Park eveata ars already under way by Mart King, who for aSv- oral years has done moat of the work on municipal Fourth of Ju ly prograins.

The following committee was named by the Mayor to work with Mr. King: John C. Can.pbsll, chairman; F. E. H. Jaeger, John J. Berry, William Tries Jr., E rnest A. Reed, E, L Whtgam, Rsv. Ur. George S . Rroenlng, Theodor* 8. Fettinger, Wllltam J; Mdrgdn and Dr. Henry J. F. WalhatiBer.

Mr. Reed, who Is a t the head of th* Four-MJnut* Men In this etty, agreed to furnish speakers for the Sxerolies at th* parks from his organisation. Ths committee agreed with Mr. Berry’s sug­gestion th a t no money'be spent In pay­ing men to make orations and 'to read the D sclarstlon of Independence When aldermen were In charge of ths holiday program they paid |70 for th* reading of the deelaratloa and t i i for orators.

For th* program at Wesquahlc Park It la planned to havs a spsgksr of prominence, probably a Congressman; a parade around th* rae* track by Lithuanian, Polish and Ruthsnian so- cietlea which have signified thsir desire to march, and songs and drills by school and playground chlidrsn.

I t was tha opinion of the commlftoe that the utilisation of all tb s parks would bring o u t .a larger number ot people than if only Wesquahlc Park were used, and that It ■was eapsclatly de­sirable to Impress for*lgn-born resi­dents with the ip trlt of the holiday. The committee will meet with Hr. King tomorrow afternoon.

Beffinning Thuraday-An Opportune Sale

3000 New Tub SkirtsPlanned and Arranged Mentha Ago !

1.98 2.98 3.98 5.00Ordinarily They Would Retail Ao High Ai $7.S0


All Siz€»—AU Waistbands—All Lengthstook advantage of the opportunity to lower production costs

T T mor lis ago, when a maker wanted work to tide him over a period of pre-season idleness. Only such a happening could account for

this remarkable offer. The assortment includes fine Gabardine, Linon, Corduroy, Cordeline, White Surf Satin, etc.; well tailored, and showing new and attractive belt and pocket effects, and button trimmings.

ABOUT 450 tub skirtsSpecially Reduced to 1.00

An exceptional assortment, featuring new models with varying belt and pocket effects, offered at the special price for this sale.

Defease Leagae flesks helertives,A drive Is hsing made by the efficsrs

of the Home Defense League to bring six companies up to war strength by In­ducing men of the selective servlo* age to Join the organisation for prallmlnary training, which, they claim, will fit them for non-commissioned officers' as­signments soon afte r they reach ■ th* army campa Three new compaqlssare being fomisd, one In Clinton Hill, one In RosevlII* and the other amondsih*. naturaUsed Italians. Lieutenant 'wtu- lam .A. Spence of 180 North Ninth etreet Is In charge of recruiting.

Kswsrk Girl Dental Gtwdaatc.Ameng (hos* who have Juet completed

their studies In prosthetic dentistry a t the Bodse Dental Trade School,, su- perrlesd by New York Unlveratty. wa* i HUa Kathrynp von Frankendorff of this city. Miss Frankendorff Is a graduate of the South Tenth Street Scho^.

Paisaic Arranging for \^$itOf Colonel Roosevelt July 4

special Ferric* el Re IfBWg.PASSAIC, June 12.—Plans are being

made for the celebration of the Fourth of July by members of th* National Security League and also to r the re­ception to Colonel Roosevelt, who Is to be a guest In this city on that date. The visit of the Celonsl, - it Is understood, will be the only one he will make In ths state this year, and elaborate plans ars under way.

Goveraor Edge, the Haydi;i of all nearby citibs and town's and ether prom inent men will be Invited. Th* Colonel will have dinner a t the resi­dence of General Bird W, Spencer, and then deliver an address In the audi­torium of the Passaic High School. Ths police reserves ot this city, Pater­son, Nutley and probably Ridgewood will act as an escort, end a number of men from Camps DIx and M erritt will tejee part.



jn?», pvttiof g fg.w dnopg nf Right-Oot on «P •nd wn pick it out.No pain, B» cutting «r pgriog, no. tandg|M. .Rigw-Out is nfe

I tiv d i gild itmgMnt. f» B comg, Mllotit gnd bunioni. ^gip f^ g gtore iato'gn ielli WgRt-Ont, ^ Get it gt your dfuugiit'g.. Reiuttg gngrinlwd. of m m fowndgiL

SWWm kp Be S iA Kk

m G H T - O U T

Enemy Alien* and Foreign-Born In New York Parade on July 4

NEW YORK, June 18.—Division 4ffter division o t German subjects and other enemy, aliens, who h o ld .n o cltllen papers, wilt be th* feature o t th s Inde­pendence Day loyalty demonstration parado In th is elty. The Hayor’e-Cem- m lttee on National Defense, In charge i of Uie parade, estimated that mor* than 11.006 enemy alien* live In. this city. A m ajority o f-th ls to ta l.g r* eximstsd to pared*.

Yhe pared* will tnolnd* tnagy hug* divisions of foreign-born‘.citlxess a n t i son* and daughtsrs of tho. forslgn-bom. Officials predict th* m art bars will num­ber 71,080, and declare thgt the parade will be th e '^greatest public pledge,ot loyalty" ever witnsiaed la-th is conn- try. Every nationality in 18*w-Torh will be reprssentsd.

The American (lag will prsdomjnat* In th* parade. An order h*s gone odt th a t ne m utter what other (lag 1* Car­ried; the national flag m bit h s 'ae Ihrgg,If not larger.

One of th e most lnt*r**(liigJU8JsIdng It is e x p ec t^ , will be (hg ofJew a who.will march tor the t l r l t tlm* la th is elty under tha white and blu* flag o t Sion. Hebrew lead*«d 8T* prs- parlng feature* for this seotlirn, *o as to tn ta rp ret the stghlfloanoo of the tlateb—f i r s t th* freedom Jew ish folk hgvo found under tb s Btafa gad St'ripss, and second, th* frtsdom that hat'oomb to PalsaUn*. now clear of Turkish dom­ination. ■ ■ ' ■

Almost Otrsry group (n tho A trads will tsa tu rs on* or more floats .earrying tahlsaux depicting suras' grpat, ktsforle Svsnt in the world’s hsttls* for fres-Hom. Tho-C%fn*s* 'group wUl'dihpjarh -fantaatlo float, sh a w lv th* daath of th s G reat Dragon of Cmna, Snd' tbs b irth of liberty, Ths Cuban Gbvsm- msni, offlotally Tspressntsd h r d . D* Qnssado. Chsnosifsr of f lu Caban Con- Salafa stands sponsor for g ftpsf' de­pleting th* Island Republic's '(rsSdom from th* Spanish T sks;.' Th* 'Rn* i t marsh has not pqt hgsa asL O tb sr groups that' wUl parttsl- pads will be; Albanjan' e s m lh |t t^ , A(.MSUlM eoranlttsa, iM F lU R o^sn ilsgW evah .' British


. ^ ..loittolAtosHoa, DsblSK DaeaW sra

o th a a r lc d a R svoiatib iu ih ttdkrjusaM .LsrimUitt .'irrsiwh. Ofsafe ^ t r s l a ^ l t a l l a t t , 3s'

. IU V gW IH ».gM JM iaL_^

Canadiag, cthsinastlDaaisg SI

'Frspeh. Ofsslb.

■ i ~ __gw

AT AEOLIAN HALL IN NEWARKSpecial for Thursday and Friday, June 13th and 14 th

, ‘DO YOU LOVE GOOD MUSICt I f you do, this unusual

VocALioN Offerincluding Records, Albums and Accessories,]

will interest you!

Th e s e a re am ong th e very best phono g rap h values'on th e m ark e t today . W h e th e r you decide o n th e m odera te-p riced sty le " E ’ w ith C abinet at $75, (he p o p u la r S tyle “ G ” at $ 1 1 0 ,o r th e b w u tifu l Style “ H** at $165, you w ill find, after th e

in stru m en t is installed in your hom e, th a t every do llar counts to its u tm ost in p leasure and benefit fo r you.

T h e in s tru m en ts specified are th ree of o u r best selling m odels and w ith th e accessories, m ake an op p o rtu n ity to purchase a fine phono g rap h o n te rm s w hich you w ill n o t w ant to miss.

StylewiA CebiiMt

/■olsdsd h M th i, uffuT • r s th* /uBumIngt

Tbs Fheeagisph—lassIscimI Mahofany « Oik. Ample csbinst ipse* for lacordaNow TsaeArmi—Playsallmikasufncordi. Na additions! attuhmsat rtquliad,Raewds—lacludsd in this offer at* |I3 worth of lacordt, of your own sslsction.Afceea —n i! i offer abo inebdai twp iscord sflnm t St Sl.Sdssch.NM«aa-3M AaelUn- VecaHon M ^Iss, '

' lm»m*

$ 4


s ty le “ H ”Jiaefadfd wifA (Ai* u fftra rn (A* fnlluwing:Tho FhoBogrmrh—A beiulifut Style "H " Aeoittn Vocalion in Aneat Mlectcd Mshi»- any or Oik.New Tom A m - Pliyi all ilindard inakcs of ttcotd*. No toditional attach- inent required.Records-Included in ihii offer sr* $1S worth of record! of your own selection.Alhuras — This off« iocludu 6 record ■Ibums,

Noodlss—MO A*olian-VocsIion needles. '■This instrumtnt ii equipped with the

Graduols, lh* revolutionary tons control dtvic* (or playing the records yourielf.

Umthly pmymtuU at J*t* «*

$8Cxnplrte Oa^, $180 Style “G«

Inetudtd tuith (Ai* u fh r ,##* (As fotfoim'ogr

Tbs PhoDograph — In «l«ct- *d Mshogtnjr or Oik. One of our most popular modelsNaw! Teaa Arm —Plays sllmake* of Records No addi­tional atlachmem required.Ra«*rd*_Included in this offer art }13 worth of records of your own letcction.Albumi—This offer i Ik in- clud« I record albumi at $1.30 each.Naodlaa—200 Aeolisn-Vocal* ion needle*.

instninwnt is equipped with th* Gradual*, the re- volntionsry tana control Idt- vic*.

ffl—cAtp AiyitsiM* aalewM*

Cmpkte Oue«. $J25


i f m m

I" • tr^' ' ■• • • jfc ' ■ ' ^ “


^ Ww Saving? Parade


.y {c iiitlnutd from F lr tt Far* .)

. te march down Jamca i tra a t to ilBSton street. P. M.)

ia w d c rM It 'a Parfchla) Schooli.Tlao»nt(fa, ]9knS.'P»f«el«>** rm o«.5>ihcli*r itW it, aaat a ^

f ' i f of Pliwh iOriit. to follow pub- . ' i iohoola f ; l i P-.M .,

B..^’>'..'Ji;"~" «B«oB< w h d ita .

Frod W. »ain«y, anlh thnt marihal. tto n o ra rr Aldoa — l^u U Bamb«rs«r.

JIh m P laut, John F. SInnoU Jr. f'-7i . F ifth B attalion Band.

' •4lii.raao in tralR lni and (ra d u a ti

I jS o tw o i of local hOipftali. JflM Mary

Thurtday Spiciah

A t the

• B, Maaon, tup*rlnt*nd«nt of Newarh ' OKf H o i^ ta l Tralnln* School, ehalr-

ITowark City Hciplt*! Alumna* Aa- ■oalailon, M lii Carolyn ScUmokor.

• >Hirirarlt City HoapUal T raln ln t ; tahool. M ill Anna M. Kianc,

I t Barnabaa Hoapltal nuriM. M ill H. O ^o l How#f.

1 ..^Mawarh Munorlal Hoipltal. n u m a , i n i l Sarah Van Oliden.

V itb Iiraei Hoipltal n u rm . Miai i Sarah v an OI«d«n.

Hoipltal n u r i ia M ill. Jlomaopathlo lAmhactaoit.

H iw ark P rtv a tl Hoipltal n u r iu . M lii )M li ik h m lk ir.

Bt. Ja m il Hoipltal nuriai, M ill St.

^^Vhritlns N u rm ' Anoelatlon. M ill

'^ iS a rd of H ia llh and child h y i lin iM ifiia. MIM B rld n t, 7 ttW n i on WaihliInatin placi, fac'.nt_____ .Inatiillroad lu a i t , l ;H F. H.)

1 b i t t i r e a r n i n ' BanANewark l i t t i r e a rrlir i and i l i r k i and

■ Mkfloyooa Niwark Poitoffloi..^ F o r m on W aihlaaton plaei, on l if t

' At nurMA l'<*. B ar Naval Band.‘ i l o S n t h Battallom C haiaiuri Alpln*-

lh« "Bloa D ir l li of F ran « . ’ ,Offtoan and om ptoym FrudintW In-pSranoi Compaiy. F lfty-n 'bth B islm oat

■ *^lMi[«mra’''and im ploym , F ru ^ n tla l iM aran e i Company. (Form on w a in - S t o n i t r i i t , a t th i hiad of Jam ia S U t , 1:10 F. M.)

fteeA Mutual B in itlt L lfi In iuranca

‘ * % o re T ‘on H altiy i t m t . In roar of■ n p d in t la l Ihanranoi Company, »:*0

* , |J 5 u i U itropollU n In iuranei Com

u •4 *r ? A

* i

on H abiir i t n i t . and follow ^ _____Bonifit Inauranea Company,

i ^^^*t^Sqln*?^tl<5id**it‘>t' d t y ■trust I ——im*nr, Gommarolal Caiualty Com-

^ a i t Bldo T ru il Company, U nltid 1 la T ln f i Bank, Amirlean Na-

SoM t Bank, Sau luh l# L lfi Aaauranco iH lo tr- Am irlean indarAhWaC^mpMyi Batlonal N iwurk * D iiii: Banking Co., Iww J i n i r Ih ioranoi Compang..

■ creriD on Niw i t m t , w ait of H gliiy a t 1:10 P. M„ taking poittlon to

^ o rd ir of their arrlraL T hli un it to ow th i MftropolUan Iniurapc* Com

. .•w ahir-tblrd B iglm ult Band,%roiik-

j ^^^Ofloari a id am iloyiiA I - Bamberger

(*I^rjn oa .M alie r i t r i i t , S:lfl P. M,, N Be follow Ihiuranc* contlng in ti a i th iy V IHtvi Niw I t r i i t ){ ^ l i i d k d ' l Bahd.; v J S S ^ Ahd om plorm . *•

^ 5 % r m on Codar i t m t , tb d n g H ^ i i r Ig tM t l : t l F- M„ to follow Barahir#or.)

and im p lo y m of H abn i A

(F irm OB Now i t m t , facing H alio r ; f | r M to follow Plaut.)

I Q A o in a n i im p lo riii O o irk i * Co. ! , (Verm on ifgU iy i t m t J < ) . M iow i A Co.. i:40 F. M. City Homi

' r ^ i c t l T o B in te i Mpn In Training. KuokoUbani A tenA rotAll ito ra i.

( p o m *K,***i*Jf^!*^,**‘ ^'

N o. l_ o r t ie 0 T 0 o f th o “B lo i Dl*11»"< t o f t t o r i g h t . L lo n to a a a t B o g o r O laH ao , F o o r tb koglM O Bt o f B o u a lr i i i L l io tm - a a f A lb e rt Im M oot. B H in a th D a tta llo a I M C h a iM o ra A lp la a i L l e a t i a o a t J e a a C an a l, F o r ty - fW rd C olon ia l iB ta a try .

Nk D c ta e lu n ta t o f C h a m m A lp laa OB p a rad o .

No. S—Ob i o f n ra h lB g * ! a n a , w e a r - Im r th o C ro ta do a o e r r o . w ith tw o polo, w a r r io r s o f th e B tao O orU a a a d a l i a h o ld iro o f O il W a r C m n , w h o m et ro e c n tly l a N ew T o r k . ____________

Wife Decreed limited Divorce In 1912 Now Wins Alimony Suit

ri itro itf 1:50 P. ML, to follow0


TUyA BIoIi Iob. ^Aorgt B. Hallon, A ia tilaq i Harahal. teporanf AldA Baymond J. B hort

_ g e o rt-^ * w a rk MlllWty WlliCb Ht^

Tha FIremon’S Band. iW olrark F lrh Dipgrtment.The K lltldi’ Band.C U rk O. N. T. Company.

BADdLlaon Lamp W orka . >

When Mri. B ia tric i (U n tfil, for th i la i t three yeera a member of the New Tork Hippodrome ballet, in October, l l l i , obtalnid a limited divorce from Herman A. (Jantiel, now living a t U Brighton avenue, E a it Q/ange, the de­cree commanded both hu ib tn d and wife "to llvechaetely during tho aeparatlon. ' and further advlied both th a t "the r«- m arrlaga of either party during tha

'lifetime of tbd other would ho criminal and void In law," -

Teltordfcy Mre. Oantael, through Jacob.B. Joiolion of Perth Amboy, ob­tained an order from Vice Chancellor F o iter directing Oentiel, from whom ihe haa been living apart ainca October, ttdd, to pay her flt.lld a week during the ■ pendency of a ault for divorce brought by her t u t April. M n. Oantiel b a ie i iter action on O a n lie r i undented rem arriage In Hay, I IU . when he, de- aplte the inhibitory deccee of the pre­ceding October, went through the form of m arrying M lii Ju lia Bandkop, who llVpa a t the Brighton, avenue addreii. Her petition o h a rg il m arital mlicon-

.duot on the p a rt of Oantiel throughout the more than five y e a n th a t have In- tervoned‘ line# hie 'p re ten d ed ' m ar­riage to MIm Bandkop, alleged to have taken place In Paihalo, Mlei Sandkop belH|g c a n In U for the role of oo- nip6n44t<t

* A m B-M »Wi

Dubinowski Sent to Jail Second Time for Failure to Pay Alimony

Paterson Man Pleads Not Guilty Of Having Held Stolen Silks

yim i'g , wSlaoi

" w A to s Slaotricat In itrgm en t Com-

Buttorsrorth-Judeen Corporation. ia n A


H y a tt Roller Bearing Company.Band.j ■Ckartea R. Debovolie Company-te n A ” i

- J. W in A Soni Co. IBand.The Charlee Burrougha Company.BanA - . .F d ite r Engineering Company.(F orm .os H igh .itreet, facing nerth,

to the order of their arrlvat, the f ir i t kn it to iharcb eaat along Jam ei itreat, to ' V a ih lng ton itreet, to follow la i t ttn lt to Second DlrlilOn, l:SS F. M.).

Hoaamer Drum end FlSa' Corpi.Samuel W. Moore A BbnA Scott A

Bowno, Van Wagenen A Bchlcfchaui.I H BW FSaVr » • § * T T gl^w M w ei aoi,-*! sw»»**ooT«wiI JLrilngton Pearl Company, Baker P rin t­

ing Company, The Perkei F llle (^om-I pany, Schafer A Fiecher, E ie lg rath A; Cp,, W. H. Chapman, American R am i A . W tB it Co., M orrli Rlvei, Am irlean Trani'

form er Company, Philo Hay Specialty Company, National Biscuit Company, ■ehotleld A Co., Boydia Shoe Company, Rlebmond Brotberi, U nivirial C a itir A TPaodry Co.,X F- Siaaby bungihir Com-

' Papy.(Form on B urn it i tr ie t. facing Ja m ii

• t r i i t . In th i.o rd ir of th ilr arrival, *:ID' B. M,).

OonoMl laotynottona.< . -Tho p arad i iou th along Bread i t tra o t to Clinton avinuo. TM pdbllo ; and parohblal Hbooli w ill tu rn right

Into Spruce i tro it, to W aablntton ntreet, and prooaid to W aihlnaton otreet and Klnniy i t r i i t and th in dll- band. T h i Roiavllli Battalion will march to B lltobith avenue and then dlibend when the l if t of I t i column has cleared Clinton' avenu*. The nnreei will turn right Into High itre e t and continue to march to Kinney a trie t. The Prudontlel tn iuranee Compeny w ill march right Into High i t r i i t and Alaband when the left of I ti column ha i cleared Clinton avenue. The M ilitary

, Polloe Reterve wilt marob to Waequa- hle P ark to tho Bong ead Light Peitl- ■val. Tho Clark O. N, T. Company will

' tuiyl left Into Le Orange place and dle- : band when the left ef I ti column has : cleared Clinton gvenue. Other p n lti In , to* Third Divlilon will continue to .; m arch to Intenectlng etreeta along

Clinton avenui, but In no oaic aball the ordgr, to halt and dliband be given

I u n til a ll the member! of a ua tt Ihall , knve l i f t Cllnten avenue. T h en e rd ir i ' g re Imperative, All itreet In te rn e - ' t lo n i on Clinton avenui, from Broad : I tree t to BlUabeth avenui, must be

k ep t clear of ipeotatori and vehlclea

r<harleB A. W ibdHifl tn Oarttiel'a be half, boro only on O antiel’a 'ea rn in g .

J-Sowiro in the oapaolty of iniuranM ''a g e a t. w ith an office a t SO Clinton

wtfait, nothing being a*ld *" >‘ ***"“‘ the alloged m arriage charged in the d lv o ro e^ tttlo n . W hen the vlco chon- Mllor aiked Mr. W oodruff about tfte om lillon. the la tte r replMd that he hedti’t y ied an an iw er a j yet, and riial, While he did not wlih "to luppreii anything," he had not deom«d It necei- ggry id lay anything about the re- m arrla ie of h ti client In the aniwerlng

**ThraUeged de iirtlon . onof which Mrt. LhlUfor a um itid dlvorw. ‘‘“ 'i P *®*the coupli w ere living In Stegmen nve-Kue Je 'n e r Ctty. In her affidavit Mre.Oantiel told th a tfrom 110 to « 0 a week and th*!had been earning If* » week “dancer to the Hippodrome, bu t that Uieaeaeon ctoaed lia y 11. i l» “ when ahehaa been out of. employment.

, ,n h li affidavit, a a n t.e l told that whLl« h ti irro ii Income iM t yew Tmounted to S1.SSS. b* bed •*n,*d «nly II S60 n net* or *n avera fs of about iH a week. A chronic heart trouble, he averred, leeiened hie earning ca- nacity. ilnce th a t alim ent prevented him from^"atrehuouely •*•'1*"* the pursuit of bu llneii. Beildea being m A e to pay SU.S0 a week aa temporary alimony. Q antiel *»* "J,*'*'*|100 counael fa» to Joeeiaon.

When John Smith Dublnowikl of IS South F ifth Btreet, Harrtion. was yei- terday afludged to contempt by Vico Ctaaiuwllor Foeter and ordered com­m itted to the county Jell, Juat becauie he oVed Mri. Mary W alih Dublnowikl a Itltte more than |I00 In alimony, ho aiked for and got leave f lr il to go to the W orthington Pump Worke plant to Harrlaon to "put away h li tooli."

Meanwhile Under Shirlft Hopwood Arrived' to take Dublnowikl to Jail, but W ter walling from a little after 3 o'clock till nearly 1;30 he camo to tho concluilon th a t h li quarry h id takon hlm ielt off tor good and all and go w int away hlmielf. Today the mleslng man nreiintgd- hltoietf at the o f f lw b f hie counael, Joseph B, Breldt, a t 800 BroM Itreet, whenci Hopwood, who w ai again len t tor, took him to Jail.

T hli afternoon Mr. Breldt Journeyed to Atlantic Hlghlandi, where Vico Chancellor Foiter.. llvei, to plead for D ublnowikl'i dlicharge on the itreng tl. of h li alleged w llllngnesi now to maku a home for hU wife and nine-year- old daughter. W hether Mm, Duhinow- ekl l | horiolt w ilting to rejoin her hus­band has not yet transpired.

Mr. and Mre- Dublnowikl married In loot and lived together until «ome time to tho eprlng of 1917. In June last year Dublnowaki filed a lu lt for d i­vorce, charging deiertlon. This oherge was denied In «n aniw or filed by W alter K. Flanagan for Mm. Dublnowikl, in which It wae further

(niarged w ith having in h ii p o lie i lion illk s ilolen from an In tir ita te •hlpipint. H in ry Borciw ilg of P a tir - ■on pliaded not guilty before Ju d g i p a v li In the United Slates Dlatrlct Court yeilerdey and was releaied In ball to aw ait trial. The altk which B erniw eit H alleged to have had w ai etolen a t Je riey City on Sqptim bir 1*. last, while In transit from Petersoa to Now York.

Having previously pleaded guilty of furnllh lng liquor to soldiers, Domtnlo lYAgestlno, ilv an tien , of 117 South Canal i tn o t , retraeted- p.e will h*brought to trial.________ '

OVERWORKED MANCoclda't Ort Mmio Hi I

BtrAtoviy CAli—'*! Rm Atk AHvlntAr abJ ovenrorkAd •• 1 could uil til tbA Hota. I couJd not f#t a mAn to flu f my 9lA0A » had t« kHP oD '

1 druiCim APkii mA to mo up And •ir*BftbAUAa toa » J f jjjjn » i id iTaap aU Fl:thi."*- lAAAC BrAdJoro- , ThAFo it no ■aaret About VJnol. ** I

ltd Auceoaa In auch caaA* to oak Aid o*d i liver pAptOfifiv Iron Bid

alleged th a t the peliyoner had hlmselt ordered the detendai/. out of the houjs.

On July S7, 1917, Mrs. Dubinowski obtained an order through Mr. Flana­gan directing her husband to pay her l ie a week temporary alimony, and tor failure to pay either alimony or a couniel tee elso provided for In the order he wae on August 9 committed to Jell, but got out before twenty-foui hour# had oaplred by paying up.

In ordsrtog Dublnowskl's comrtilt- mhl to jail yesterday,' Vice chance!- lor F o iter remarked that It "worked tb i other time ahd may work again."

ilsstionatie and i l ’yeerpphow hatia Jh i - body ba tid in i and «tftBclb_BTaatlnf toalss.)Uf UUIIWlUB WMW.-«..» -- ---

Wt AlronflT rAcommtnd Vino . iFotty A Phcf., John B- 1MisiT If I w fS F-i wWMia a w w i e—w w — - . -

Hiker M uam an Drug Moris. I" C- M tf* ; ' t l . r h 'a Phey- B ild ltr Drug Co.. 0. P. T im -|-m rnCJM BWIU4NI a*!*** ----Ml. Tirmlnal Drug Stor., ChM. Wuinieh. , Svind A S i l n Drug. C*-. *• F- M irju ltr , |•Mbl.•.■, Pnarmaol.., Ht- P W .KtABnlA A rrsMrinmtJJWMi * »wwrv--achrolher’. Drug Btorw. Divld Itriu ia W»iw'"LlfoWts Fried'S Phoy., Liwltt Pboy.. j>' T. Corrlgin, W. R. Scudder, HoUhiuie'i Drug Blori, Ine., and Drugglita ivarywhira. —AdTertUarotnt.

Valutt yoo cannot duplicate anywher*. Yout opportuidty to biiy nifB and linokums at aam- flee prices. This is a Bale that means saving*-

Letter Carrier*’ June Thrift Stamp Sales Reach $30,516.12

fut base LINAEUMIn four handsome patterns;

the regular. 6Sc grade *t, only

34cREMNANTS GENUINE CORK LINOLEUMRempants W( enough Id « v e r l « f M ‘

room a Sold by »H departineni i to re i at »Oc.jyViiiw ------ 'Slightly Imperfect.

... depertmenl -------Come early for ihege

Continuing th ilr vigorous campaign to r th i lal* of war aavtogi and th rift gtampa,"tha l i t t i r oarrieri a t the city

a to ftle i so ta r this month hav* sold k t l i l S North, bringing th ilr total

E* the opening of the campaign to j ^ t n h e r to 9141,189.31. Thla li apart

>001 the la lie that have hem made a t 'th e stam p windows.

Bttosllent records h av i been madi by J.’y'Wdivldual carrieri, The leadirs during

K ' • 1 tk a period from April I t t o J u h s S a n d to s ealsg oiddlted to them are: Andrew Stolen, - *S,47S.1T.' »t*rtln .f ts e h ir ,

\ B tiefl.Stt Albert Fray. |t,TII.7S; Fred I Morris R ivfi. ts . l ts . l l .

the T hrift Club entotosid

G*nuine Imported La Belle Rugs, made in JJJJ “'j jI oblpng shape*, in fancy or with plain center and band borders,

green, tan, olive, blue and black.

"Dentistry on CreditGiuursBfecd Hlgb-Cldu Dental

work, Palnles* melbod our ape- cUltb. Easy payment plan,

why wall?Open evenings for yo“r een-

venlence.Examlntilen rree.Gas Administered.

Imdy AtlMdae*

D r . L . R . | t A D l N 8 3 7 B ro a d S tre e t

Opposite Central R. R- Stafton


H idlaad Btach, S. L

MIDLMiD BEACHBaflnid A ^Sm isf^A w Si BeOsidj6l*ANB8T*55S"a*®f?I. BATHWO

OH TBB Tie Btilin UliB______u n l if fR FAjry. fflot orWhllA-hall At.. tArmlaoA pf iUWAy. AlmCMfAadA AAiffACA tl*Ai; JO minutAi* In*M^(U ano Ayrtace newN. miuiwkwwv lto m tln f AAtl« lo v ir U ran4 A reort trollATmoAt plclupAA^UA pArt o t flUlfO ia1an4-


S nO iru i C out7» M. Y.



Broad Street Corner Weet Park

M i d - S u m m e r * s D r e s s e s

The Newest Favorites


a u h M v n ii «••••—• -r — -- boirdir* t ik tn i nlei, airylitCA, lilrA- Paulina DIato, I#A6itAWAjtAn,Ffc

office iMptoyeek beve iten » tetiU of *i;t40,t« i s sum ps.

9 x 1 2 , r e g u l a r $ 2 0 .0 0 , i p e c i a l ..........................

B x lO , r e g u l a r $ 1 7 .0 0 , s p e c i a l .......................

6 x 9 , r e g u l a r $ 1 5 .0 0 , s p e c i a l .................... - -

2 7 x 5 4 , U B e U t ) r e g u l a r $ 2 .5 0 , s p e c i a l

3 0 x 6 0 , I m p o r t e d K a s h k a R n g s , r e g . $ 2 , s p e e ,

1 2 . 9 8

9 . 9 6

7 . 9 8

1 . 4 ^

9 8 c

West Saaffrikt, N. T.


White MU., R. H.

riWNsei lb *j*p»s*«to*-


Id 4 peution flirn44 by forty I 9* thp Clwton fw ttpn -

g-xssgoD'iihM to r'to e h ieeaadlna e tthe -" (S d rtrs to 's ld S i W^stoss *venue I etoM g«ng iM m g iA FhlUp ftgpo-

----- liBMB, of I*'W ptKB SVt-| l l bw Judge Jtoisttaer

„ sistoctMs ieomtog.-'Xh* IMiat I^tast tbs sxptoM-

nutom B. Blistty- . . . . .iMliMtsea fftlDUA- Ah'Diitoi o f the SMond

> f t those iriM signed *194 to. Ctorfc oC-the kaMHtoias,


lA. SCHOTTENFELD1 . . . . . - _. __^ __ _ Bio•ftto I-ofg**1 ssd * •« Oewploto FIsor Oovwftag Boss# to too gist*

T W O C iS N V E je ieK r S T O R K S

264 f

TMf JprliigiieM Aveaae VBSITa llse te i fiees B iw d iwd M e iW . _ ,

I w , * J u n c t i o n o f S p i H n ^ c l i l A w o .A V €* O ftp . A m w rtC M I■stogs. Fiw* D lltiwiso


S f cS S irS lnsS t to. Ntlu \1I"Hq1aRountilr*. 'fsnnli.WsAnTlstid Tpalla. AcaeinmtMAtM >91.vm Trtlli. Acoommi

j S " ' ;

A thw y P aik , N- J-



Completeat and M^st Brilliant Display Specially Priced Fashion Favorites


Zephyrous frocks of breeey coolnees — demure frocks for the beach or lawn party. New Voiles,

Lawns,Checks,Flow­ered Fabrics.

1 .9 8

Afternoon frocks in dainty, simple styles. Sport models

in one-piece effects— tunic and ruffled mod­

els in coot fabrics. Very special.


In those refreshingly soft, cool colors th it are so ap- poaling this Sumnior! Orchid, Lemon, Peadi,

V i o l e t , Amethyst. Pink — V o i l e s , Lawns, Organ­

die, Scrims.

Sutnjner*8 Foremost Skirt Stylesi ^ I Attracilv* n iw models. ^* 4 Q V Gabardines, Cordufoys, A I “► • Bssketwetves, Bedfords, ^

1 Piquti, Repps, Linenea, ■. Quilted cloth. Novelty ■ m

I Figured Cloth.

[ntirasting offerings of new a Q Q (jabardines, Cordufoys, SSport and Street modeli. ^ t / O Basketwetves, Bedfords, "

Peckttsd and belted in scorei \ Piques, Repps, Linenea,of new ways. Gahttdlnei, j "’F?g’u « d cloth

U nenea, CordSllnea, etc. m S S ' Figured Cloth

No Charge for Alterations

Half Price Sale of Pumps$4.50, $5.50 and $8 Grade

1 .4 5 r u r

Black Kid, Patent, White and Colors,

Just 267 pairs in this sale, of finely made pumps that will save you half and mow on your summer shoes. Thinking women will recognite their value and select several

On sale Thursday only. Every sale final. None C. 0 . D.

I / N . , . . . , \ / / , I B,u / ,1 iJ‘11 IT '” r . I New Bedell Bargain Basemen! Ti>. W i - !

Exceptional Sale

New snk Dresses487 Frocks Just Arrived

$ g 3 5

Th* beat frock valuta we have been able to offer at ao low. Silks, Satina, Serges, Ttffetal, Georgette effectively combined. All colors.

S pecial Coat V aluesTtkoo frtnf h « t $15 gaiortment*. Sport

».85If M (t 510 iw onnw nw - ™ , .

and ittMl coat*, ia BUqa, Bavyj ^wanted color*. Sergea, PopHni, Gabirdtnai, tie.

W ash S id ris $Vt*h skirt*, In plain and fancy

colors, madfl of hcit Siimmir fnbriu., Rtgular

Toinorrew, special IIJI?

.2 9 trTiatoSpoiTonderftil value*—mWe to h 11

$3.7& to $5. .Sport hataatIn white- and '

Indlaptniahl* for Summtr wttr.


AthMlk O ly , M. X


ANaiiBcCttyyN. J.

[NORWOOD HALL FVmto ^A^riittsi'114 to 1)9, Tysvw* * yriunflistts.

J l M I N I A ' A V B l N L f f , A M D ' a O A m O W A U K

— ------------------- O I T V


U l l l l t l M » 9 U p H W r isMWA lAAgwA f t a m b ^ « n d N ig h t D a n d n i

R o « b « O w A riook iiU i 0 0 0

■ A tra id — —•all

__ , fcn U i* h * » * t o f U w[ t|h lnA > o t *****

fo r m a l OfORNO IRIDAY, JUNR 14th. I t i A___ "*■ Mihtigft d*hnaNi


Alit i R t Ql$» R* X VI


Octaa Grtvt, N. XT H f S H E l J W J < a j E

I f t m i t in ttotft. > « »»A • J i r 'S J i S

B i i ^ftkik thmiSt N. X

F, :1»



O rn a

AM!g rs itb sa tsiW ar ] tbs R TiCSl.

•Thilengsi"Th* c irifu Frenc

! Dimsi th* g

■uffsr (J*m

m enti tlon a bulk*'

"B«« Qsn*n an oni squlpr munltl th* III front llkewi prsvlo from t

Oen li*r » troop, what I

Gan troopi on Ih mant come

"T'h h | dei tl* In the Bi

Oil, salit.


"Thprfpathe B Armei Only on thirnom:

S‘-h fr


J t ththe w nnexfi Yhnt I thA E t'Arrid to thi

nouTii ister Foch Sr re a(gn( latloi

If ' vsy I

' larva G em tha f H li VhoII •Igne inent

ths !badpool!

*00,8 *(ki,obsao ■tva tb s '

Th nOvsi ginc: eaual ment cams dirac wall sx lit roisr manl of tl itan i

tnsn<veryoraldartha JBtru,majcdualman<Couib li Iaxbaplatlcasalftdeib'attlha cultliiOarr

The vital f la balr ■upren- againa Offtear ganlua avoldal mum p to tha that h pallad ' I t l i hi the vlt th a t f( movam later « Nojron.

Dana more l drive b Inforea Thera 1 will hi before battle trooDi Waatat Italian poaatbl (proea for tgc not pa on whl

AnOrtlotc von 81 rtrtbar toll i ta <k>nd«i naoaaaipaoBaai


Call a Mai



\ u Vti ‘ I fi'vS'fe

3EBSV A BK ^ WEDNI»DAtV J tm E 12. .




r. .

m ________ _f i_r .i~i i~i i~

» ,iu .

"HXEtria n a t w w u m

”^*U SSSSl-.< n ,n .irSHELBUtCNEIM kM-M)4 nranlB*

Washington tHscounts Reserve Slur by Foe

HoIcU Froat Status Answers Stein s Claim ^ lied Support

Power Is Exhausted.

Meant to Encourage Germans?

O rB a a lu tU a of. PtMlIed A r i i j o t •••,> M e sre«cr B e rea ic • !E u r s e a e r . Vat Pack New D irw ia All A c t in a« W e ll . aa lU aerva F m c a . B a ttle flow Belleoed H a lt W oa.

I g tl t t e B i n m i r b M iia t tfc ta n th v iU i- out a tum alt ip t in t b e a r ever the eo«t of the preMDt otSanaJlTa a« a .lt« fall- Ufo to b rin f pmmc% wUhtn

AMSTERDAM, June 12 fjp )._•'x( ree t pert of the French ermy h u been beeten^" General von Stein, the Pruaalan W ar Mlnlater, declare^l In a aoeech to the Relchataf, according to B«rlln ad- Ticei.

*The ao’calied Foch reaerve army no longer ealela,’* the Mlnfnter aaierted, •The Buccesi of the Crown Princes' carefully prepared attack* ag a ln it the French and Brltiah on the Ch«mln-de*-

i Dame* front on May 27 Inflicted one of ^ the frayebt defeat* the Entente has

Buffered during the entlr* war."General von Stein made these atate-

ment* In a review of the military eltua- tlon at the lecond reading of the army budget In the Relchetag yesterday.

•'Besides hi* loeae* In men," continued General von Stein, "the enemy suffered an enormous loss In w ar materials and equipment. Immense stores of am­munition, which were heaped up along the lines of communication behind the front of the defeated French army, llkewlee fell into our hands, lust aa previously we captured enormous stores from the British army."

General von StSln said that the num> her and strength of the American treopa up to the present was far below what reports spread by the Entente had lea Germany to expect.

General von Stein said that American troops had made their first appearance on the battlefront, but only a t the mo­ment when the German advance had come to a halt on the Marne. ^

"They, loo, like the French reserves," he declared, "were thrown Into the bat­tle In vain counter-attacks and suffered the same fate."

Other American troops, the Minister said, are on quiet sections on the front.

Alluding to recent German successes, General von Stein said: ^

"The ground for these successes was prepared by the mighty blows dealt the British army In the battle of Armentlerss and before Mount Kernmsl. Only by throwing In French reserves on the fioihme and In Flanders was the enemy able to patch up the torn Brit-

* ish front.jlj "The French divisions tied up In sup- ^ B ^ t of the British army were naturally

king on the Chemln-des-Dames. and i f f ' i exhausted British divisions put In

' : t this point Goutd not long withstand the weight of the German attack. With unexampled rapidity, exceeding even that of the advance on the Italian front the previous autumn, the a ttack waa carried victoriously across the Alsne to the Marne."

Designed to Bacowrage People.WASHINGTON. June 12 (JP).-^An-

nouncement by the Prussian W ar Min­ister to the Reichstag that the so-catled Foch reserve army no longer existed Is regarded by officials here as de­signed to encourage the German popu« latlons.

If General von Stein intended to con­vey the Impression that the Allied re­serve power had'been exhausted'by the German assault, the actual situation a t the front stands as a fla t contradiction. H ls words, however, m ight mean a Wholly different thing, although de­signed to be construed as the announce­ment of a great victory,

Before the German attack; was made the Supreme W ar Council a t Verealllea Kad worked out a program for limited pooling of a mobile force of some tOD.O&Q men. composed of 300,0ft0 French, fO0,D0O British. 200,OHO Americans and 1(ki,009 Italians, which was to have ■been employed mainly to support offen- shro operations on fronts selected by the Versailles Council.

The organisation oN this army was nbver completed, however, the emer­gency created by the German offensive Causing a wholly new .pooling agree­ment, under which General Foch be­came supreme commander. He now directs the employment of all active as well as reserve armies. No army now exists which could be called "the Foch reserve army,"Secause as Supreme com­mander that officer has under him all of the force# facing the German on- ftau g h t

The Pruislau War Mlniater's state- tnent. however, admittedly touches the very he^rt of the problem feeing Gen­eral Foch. The fact th a t although un­der unceasing attack since March 31 the Allied and American forces have not struck back In anything approaching a major operation Is regarded as con­clusive proof th a t the supreme com­mander, backed by the supreme War Council, Is striving by every rheans In hls power to stem the German rush and exhaust Its offensive power without de­pleting hie own foroee. If he Is suc­cessful, and there is now every con­fidence both here, and abroad, that the battle Is half won, officers here believe he can' turn the tabtps on th e enemy tiltlmately and use hi* reserve* to orueh Osrtnan ambition finally.

Reserves Vital Foreea.The reserves on both sides are the

vital factor* in the titanic game that Is being played out with the Allied supreme commander matching askinat th» Germ»n general rtaff. Offleera here pay high tribute, ti^ithe genlua of General Foch becaua.e he haa avoided the employrtient of hla nuAl* mum power and haa hloohed the road to the Channel' porta In auch faahlon th a t hla antagonfata have bean com- palled to aeeK dlveralon a t other polnti. I t la fcla reaervea atandlng raady along the vital aectora,of hla line, they aejr, th a t forced, the enemy to attem pt the movement *on the Alene front and the later efforte between Montdl^ler and Noyon. ■ . • ■

General Perahlng’e array haa been more then doubled" alnce the German drive began and the great atream of re- Inforoementa la continuing ateadlly. Thore It every reaaon to helltvd that It will hare been tripled or guadrupled before the final phaaea of the great battle begin. In eddltlon, Italian troopt hava been brought to the W eatern front without weakening the

' lu lta n line. French equipment made poaatble the employment of theae fproaa, which Italy could not Itaelf uae for lack of arm a and tuppUea and did not peed becauae of the Umited front on w hich'the faoee the A uttrlan artnlea . All of thpae oonilderatloni prompt bffloere here to believe th a t General von Buln w at attem pting to conoeal rather , th a | to dlacloae the fao tt In h u etatem ent to the Kelohatag end the 4mcl«atoD d ra w n 'll th a t ha found It ^eeeaeary to re to rt to word trickery to

DOW M r a s T i n TO


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WS, N. J.

AH M s lai Skoe StansIN IRVINGTON

WILL CLOSE AT « |a. | | . ovftrsa jVLV ANS A tfeiltT '

M g n l e g M i M iiN c M a

Labor Federabon Hears Women Speak for Unions

Mim Scott of New York Stressei

Need of Women Joining

' Organization.

Again»t Employment of Children

ST. PAUI* Minn., June 12 (iP).— Women dclegstes, sddreselng the sn* nusl cocivention of the Amerlcsn Fed­eration of Labor today, warned against the employment of child labor, and urged the thousands of women who are now coming into the Industrial field to Join labor organivatlona, "ao that living wages may be maintained.”

Miss Melinda Scott of New Tork, rep­resenting the Women's Trade ITnIon League, emphasised the necessity of teaching women their labor power.

"We muet not take jobs at lower wages than men and we must keep these jobs safe for theboys when they leturn form European battle fields," she saldf

The vast amount of business ahead of the convention probably will result In prolonging the sessions for more than two weeks, It was said today. More than 100 reeolutlons presented at the eleventh hour have been assigned to the vsrioui committees for consideration.

The proceedings have been m aterially retarded, it was said, by the failure of committeee to report. They were asked today to report either In full or In part.

A report emphasising Preaident Wil­son's position as a world leader In the war, giving In detail the results of Its meetings with English and French labor leaders, and recopimendlng the establishment of an International fed­eration of trade unions, yesterday waa submitted to the convention by the American Labor Mission, which re­cently returned from Europe.

As a result of the conferences in Eu­rope, the report said, "It was possible to clearly and ‘definitely s ta te the at* titude and policy of the American Fed­eration of tjib o r on war alms and to give the reasons which had prompted American trade unionists to adopt these policies which have so profoundly In­fluenced the program of the movement In the Allied nations."

Report Germany Dqas Not Intend Any New Peace Bids

LONDON. June 12 fJP),—^ her forth­coming etatem ent of war alme, Ger­many doee not Intend to make any freeh peace offer, according to Berlin newepapers, aays . an Exchange Tele- grepr dlepatch from Amsterdam.

Sentiment Against Hearst Papers Spreads to Three More Places

STAMFORD, Conn., June 13.—Mem­bers of the Men's Bible Class of the F irst Methodist Episcopal Church last night addressed a plea to President WIl son to deal with the H earst papers a j a menace. A committee of the Com- mc>n Council' also la considering the subject and, will report tomorrow night.

LOS ANOELBfi. June 13.—The Uni­versity Club of th is city has barred Hearst publlcatlpns from Its quarters. In Its action last night It followed the lead of the Sierra Madre Club a few days ago.

SANTA MONICA. Cal., June 12.—This city's vigilance corps last night held a public meeting In the council cham­ber of the municipal building, a t which was adopted a resolution declaring the doctrines and policies of William Ran­dolph Hearst harm ful to America's cause.

Salvation Aimy Wants Many More For War Reliefr Work Abroad

uff Inna i a i ^ - N . J i. lu rrdintout.

NEW YORK, Jun* J2. {A>),—With the announcement here today th a t the Sal­vation Army's recent campaign to ralee 11,000,000 for w ar work netted 02,272,- 000, an appeal was Issued by Com­mander Evangeline Booth for 900 Sal­vation Army women to supplement the activities o l the 900 already engaged In relief work abroad.

Commander Booth made her appeal while dedicating for work abroad twenty-nine membere already trained for their new work, headed by George H. Davis of Chicago. She announced that 60,000 of the organisation's male officers are fighting In Entente armies and that thousands of other members are engaged In other war activities.

Michigan Democrats Indorse' Henry Ford for U. S. Senate

LANSING, Mich.. June 11__MichiganDemocrate a t their spring conferenc. here . todaf Indorsed Henrg Ford of Detroit, an avowed Republican, for United etateg Senator. This action was taken despite the fact that there has been no Indleatfoo Mr. Foid-wfll accept the nomination If It Is tendered him at the August primary.

Besolu lions adopted by the confer ence Invite the Republican etate coi, tra l committee to urge the withdrawal of present candidates for the Sena­torial nomination a t the Republican primaries and unite upon l(r. Fora as the sole candidate of the two partlo«.

The reeotuttois declare th a t patrio t­ism thue would be placed above par- ttsanehlp and all o ittiens ol the state Unite In a common effort to win the war.

Aik* Waiving of State Unci in Railroad Compensation Cases

BARRI8BURO, Pa.. June ll.-r-Ohelr- man Harry A. Mackey of the Penniyl- vanIa Compeneation Board, In a letter yeeterday to W illiam G. UcAdoo. direc­tor general ot rallroade, urged that he Instruct operating oompaBlae to waive the defense df In tersta te commerce In state compensation eaeee and Battle them on the bM is of the companeatlon law* 'of the eta te where the Injutles were snttered. Hr. Mackey oatd he urged this course as a means of ostsb- Itslng thorough oontentment un the pert of the railroad workmen.

Scores of cdmpensatlbn cieea In Pennsylvania are held ,up on *he ground th a t the Mate law does not apply to accidents b p p sn in g fn In ter, state oommeroa '

New Leke-Built Cargo Steamer Goes Ashore, May Be Total Lois

N pw TOiRK, Jnqe lt.~1*he Ameri­can fre igh t steam er Lake Houghton, a new vossol recently btitlt a t a Groat Imkes port and requUltioned by the United Btatea Shipping Board, ran aahore near an A l l^ t lc port la it night and may be a to ta l < ■■'c a s tv d 'n g to Intormatloq received by Shipping Hoard official* here today. A brief report of the accident aald .the crew had land'M eafeiy,

-The Lake Houghton, n venae] of nkovtl atSh ton* gro is reg fa-<■, i* .jn r «f a fleet ot twelve or flf',n .n lake-bulit steamers requisitioned by the govern- m«nt while 01, the i t* ibe. She was on' her way to he aeelgned to coastwise or Cnhtral Amerlban trsu r.

Report J&ptn Is Prepsring To G e View Towtrd Russia

-------------------SlLONDON. Juna 4* («>..~A* ah out-

if of recant oontareneea Japan Is MrlBS a declaration defining her

a tu tae* toward SUesla, according to a -TMn dispatch to. Tho KAehan|*

, N raw Company.WHDCfN, JjUM II-—“I am nnro that

** * ^?* * '* A d*»fl)et fegnlM n*|e> « « l npMi ottf aBton «»r BnnHi af-

Gommission Fails Again To Appoint City Buyer

ThougJ) in Office Seven Months,

Board Has Not Provided for

Purchasing Agency.

Political Differences the Reason

Another m eeting of the City Com­mission w ithout action on the ippotnt- msnt of a city purchaslnv arent was held today, In spite of. the fact that for sevon months, since their election In November, the commissioners have been dlscusslnc the advislbaltty of hsv* ina city supplies bouahl through a cen­tral afency in order that money may be saved to the taxpayers.

The first ordinance providlnv for the establishment of a purchasing bureau was Intrcduoed as fa r bac kas January 10. This wae followed by a eubatltute ordinance February 31, wnich was passed on final reading March 16. The hitch In the appointm ent of a purchas­ing agent has arisen over political dlt- ferencea

It has been known for some time that Commissioner Raymond desires to have George W. Davis, manager for the Benjamin Myer Company, hardware dealers, appointed to the purchasing agency. It also known that Com*

#1manlpulatlen a t the quarterntnater't depot uneartfaed thie year by federal ■gentn nnd Detective Brex and Daly. There have been alx other men arreated, four In one group and two In another, and all are awaiting diapoaltion of tha obargM agalnet them. In each Initanca office employeee were Involved.

Policy of U. S. Toward Russia Still Unchanged

Statement Following Cad^t Appeal

for Intervention Show* Preaent Attitude Will Continue.

tSlavs Must Deal Alone with Foe

WA8HINQTON, June 12 (JF).—Re­ceipt by the State Department of an appeal ot the central committee o t the Cadet Party ot Rueala to the Unltud Statee and the Altlea to eend an expe­ditionary force to Rnesla to repbl tha German Invaaion and an unofficial but authoritative etatement of tha present a ttitude ot the State Department on the queatlon, waa conaldered today aa hav­ing put a atop to apeculatton of fhe laat eeveral week! aa to the poailblllty t/t American troopa being diepatehed to aid In tha reoreation of an eaatarn front.

■ ifi.

Metal Theft May Lead To Charge of Treason

Effort to Have Graver Accusation

^ipiied to Four of Si* Al­

leged Copper Robber*.«

Goods Taken Were for GovemnKnt

An unofficial atatement. was th a t the_ .............................. .... . a ltitude toward iatereession In Rnsila

mlsaloners Archibald and Monahan de- h id not been changed and th a t somealr« to reinstate Elmer A. Day as city treasurer and Richard J. Frans as tax receiver. Both of the latter lost their positions when commission government took effect and Mr. Archibald was was placed In full charge of the De­partment of Revenue and Finance.

Practically all of the bankers of the city with whom the municipality does buslneoii have w ritten letters to the ommlestoners recommending that Mr.

Day be reappointed. Mr. Raymond Is willing t o . vote for Mr. Day In the belief that Mr. Archibald la over­burdened with work In algning pay checks of city employees every month. But ao fa r Mr. Raymond has refused | to vote for the reinstatement of Mr. Frani. Thus th e deadlock. The names of Mayor Gillen and Commissioner Brennan have not figured prominently in the controversy. Only three votes aren eceasary In making appointments.

Queatlon Civil Service Ntstna.There haa been some question In the

minds of city hall gosslpers concern­ing the a ttitude the Civil Service Com­mission would take should thesp three appointments be made, that Is, whether the commission would ItisiJt that the appointees be In the competi­tive Claes or would allow them to be placed In the exempt class. It was stated today by Civil Service Oommla- Bloner W right, the *one commissioner for this d istrict, that the commission has not been asked offlclRlIy to rule on (he question.

The meeting, at which only routine matters were transacted, was held be­cause Mr. Raymond Is going to be at Bea Girt tomorrow. There will be a short session tomorrow to act on or- dlnancea. .The commission took ad­vantage of the absence of Mr. Brennan to name the new fireboat which he has just placed in service the Wlllianr J, Brennan. He had objected to changing the name of the boat out of modesty, but his colleagues thought that since (en years of effort to got a fire boat culminated In his putting one Into ser­vice after he had been a city official only a. short time, he should have the honor of the boat bearing hls name.

An appropriation of |8,(KK1 to the New Jersey State League of Munlcjpalltles waa authorised to pay Newark's share of the league's expenses In opposing fare raises sought by the\Publlc. Ser­vice Railway Company. Bach member municipality of the league was assessed two cents per capita of population, and for this purpose It was figured that Newark's population was 400,000.

Notices of Intention were authorised for the paving of Irving place and Sunset and Tremont avenues with Mtulithlc on the advice of City Counsel Congleton th a t under the home rule act It Is not necessary te have a petition for this purpose signed by the owners of a majority of the frontage. A con­tract to print and bind 3,000 city manuals was awarded to the Essex Press, Inc., fpr 11,526.

Another Held on Qiarge ol Misusing U. S. Depot FundsAnother alleged fraudulent manipu­

lation of the system of wage paying a t the quarterm aster corps supply depot a t Port Newark appeared today In the arrest of Isaac O. Margulls of 36 Rose street by Detectives Brex and Daly. The prisoner w at form erly employed by the gttifrnm ent as a time card Inspector at tm depot.

It is charged th a t he forged checks, and In the complaint on which he was arrested It is alleged specifically that on March 22 he forged a check for tUS The^detectlves eay that Margulia has made admissions concerning hls acts-

Aa ah Inspector, It was Margulls'* duty to compare the time cards: of workmen certified to by the foremeii with the time clock records and to make out pa r checks. Consequently he had access to numbers of blank checks, which he is ' alleged to have appro­priated ojid filled out for hls own uses.

development of importance would be te* quired to cause the American Govern- m ^ t to depart from Its policy of allow- Ing Russta to deal alone with the Ger­man menace.

The Russian appeal !s known to have been given consideration by the State Department, coming aa It did from the Cadet party, which Is composed largely of officials and adherents of the gov­ernment which came Into power follow­ing the overthrow of the Csar and which In turn waa driven from office by the Bolshevik!. It la also known th a t offi­cials here are following closely events In Russia, and It was said unofficially th a t growing dissatisfaction with the Bolshevikl and the Oerman-tniposed Breat-Lttovsk treaty, coupled with the apparently Increasing strength of the Cossack leaders, were hopeful signs.

These fai^ors, with the u tte r Impos­sibility of transporting a force |.n Si­beria and the fact that General Foch has the authority to put a large force In the only other available operating re­gion, th a t on the Arctic Ooeap, have caused officials here to believe that the time Is not ripe for action In a military way by the United States.

Oppose# la terveattooeNEW YORK, June 12 (JP),—Opposing

armed intervention In Russia, Dr, George V. Lemonosoff, head of the Russian Railway Mission t6 the CJnited States, declared In an address here last night that "history alwayte has con­demned those who Invite Into their na­tive land foreign armies for the estab­lishment of 'order.’ "

Resolutions were adopted urging rec­ognition of the Soviet government and protesting against "the treacherous campelgn In the interest of armed In­tervention In Russian affa irs carried nn In the United States by varioiis im­perialistic elements of several coun­tries" as "playing Into the hands of German Imperialism."

A CANADIAN rACIFIC PORT. June 13 (ff).—A. Konovaloff, Russian Min­ister of Commerce during the adminis­tration of former Premier Kerensky, arrived here yesterday from the Orient on hls way to Washington, London and Paris.

He fi making the trip, he said, In an endeavor to Impress upon the United Htates and the Allied governments the necessity of Immediate intervention in BIberla to prevent the entire Russian nation from being dominated by the Central Powers.

Mayor Gillen, It Is expected, will gt* He win be ar.rglgned tomorrow in the | tend, as will Commissioner Monahan, "b ird Precinct Court, | Commissioner Archibald may go and

Margulls's U the third case of alleged { Commissioner Raymond will not.

Army Motor Train Troops Camp Out Overnight in Roseville Lot

PrehiblU d by a recent regulation from pleeRtng In an armory, d riv en and troopere of a train of eeventy-three arm y motor truck*, on the way from Buftalo to Baltimore, camped out In a vacant lo t near the Roaevllle Armory laat night, under tho direction of Cap­tain McRelt of the traffic equad. Dig­ging a hole, they built a fire and cooked their Bupper. They made their bede In the trucke, wbich were parked In tha lot. E arly this morning they moved on South.

Another train of th irty motor care made a brief etop a t Lincoln Park thlee ft^ b o o n ^ In replenlel^ tho gaeolene Legislature le not- In eeselon. In the . . . preparation o t the budget for the lael

Legislature m any Individual officers were named statistically at certain salaries In the appropriation hill, thus checking advances in pay within differ­ent offices,

An allowance of Ktl.OOO was granted from the emergency fund .which It con­trolled by the State House Commis­sion to the State Prison for e*petite* Incurred In th e m anufacture of auto­mobile lleenee tage a t the Institution. Authorisation was given to the deaf mute school In this city to purchsse a linotype machine, and the Soldiers' Rome a t Kearny wae allowed *12,SOU from the emergency fund to purchase two new bollere.

Authorisation was given to State Purchasing Agent Orosscup by the

Speotal Fsndn of ike NEFF. fHOBOKEN, June 12.—Six men, In­

cluding a former councflman, were arraigned before United Statee Com- mlaploner Edwin R. Stanton thta morning on the charge of Inter­fering with In terita te shipmenta. The charge, which may he changed to that of. trtaaon, Involvee the alleged theft ot *11,009 worth , of copper .and *160 worth of whleky from the Brie Rail­road. The aocueed were held under ball tor examination next 'Wedneiday.

Captain Henry C. Craig of the United Btatea Intetllgehca Burtsu has o«m- m unkatad with Judge Advocate General Blount In W aihington with a view to having the charge agalnet four of the men changed to treason, on the ground that the copper was for the uae of the government, and that in the alleged stealing of the metal they were aiding and abetting th e .enemy.

The men accused ef taking the eob- per are form er Ceuncllman James Clsrk, forty-six years old, of 120 Park avenue; Ju lius Schechter, twedty-elght years old, of *21 Jefferson street; Men­del Relken, th irty-alx years old, of 101 Newark street, all of Hoboken, and Benjamin Kolenbertky, twenty-nine years old, of 1* St. Paul's street. Jersey City. The flrat three men are described as Junkmen. They were each held In *10,000 ball.

Accused of ■ teallngand receiving the whisky are Andrew Dornbem, thirty- seven years old, a saloon keeper of 1100 Madison street, and Jeremiah O'Hoallhnn, fifty-tw o years old, a watcher, of 661 Twelfth street, both of Hoboken. Thp former waa held In *10,000 ball and the latter's ball was set at *6.000.

The arrests were made last night and this morning by Captain Craig and hls men. The aseertlon ts made that the theft took place May 16 In Hoboken while the bars of copper were In transit from Perth Amboy to Weehawken for use by the government and the Red Cross. It Is sta ted that about *1,000 worth of tho metal has been recovur^d. The statem ent le made that therj have been several confessions, In on* ot which It I* alleged that the four men i.'ivciied divided *1,000 In a dtwntown SSTOOfl.

There were rum ors this morning of police corruption snd protection, s t well SB a repDXt that a New York broker, whose name hae not been dis­closed, Is said to have promised to find a m arket for the material., Repre- Bontstlves of the government railroad adm inistration 'are here conducting an Investlgatlop and they are eatd to have reported that (200,000 worth of ship­ments have been taken from on* ra il­road within the last five or its months.

Won’t Grant Extra Pay To L. Edward Herrmann

State House Commission Stands Pat on $5,000 for Counsel of

Utility Board.

Allowance for Making Auto Tags

Sltff CortmtKHidenns.TRENTON, June 11.—As the Legisla­

ture fixed the salary of L. Edward Herrmann as counsel tor the Public Uttlltlee Commlaslon a t *6,000 the State Houee Commlaslon has considered It inadvisable to Increase this sraount by *2,600. The application for the In­crease was made by the board In view of the resignation June 1 of Frank H. Sommer as advisory counsel of the Utilities Commleelon, who had been re­tained In this capacity a t *2,600.

To make the advance It was neces­sary for the board to apply to- the State House Commleelon for the authority under the provision of the ethtute r*- qulrlng eanetlon for the transferring' of accounts In the periods when the


They were also on their way ]

Providence Athletic Club to Hold Dance Tonight in Mott Street

The Providence Athletic Club will hold a block dance and raise a service flag tonight In Mott street, between Fleming and Pessal^ avenues. The pro- ceede of the dance will be devoted to the Interest of the club members In the service.

0P P tM H E IM .6L U N S S 6Broad and William Streeta, Newark

Clearance Sales ThursdayWomen's and Misses* Dresses

Dresses of Taffeta and Crepe de Chine,Dresses of Foulards and-Satin,Dresses of Jertey Cloth and Serge.

Women's and Misses* Coats and Capes. Capes of Serge and Bolivia,

Coats of Gabardine aiid ^rge.Coats of 5ilk and Novelty'Fabrlcs.

Women's and Misses’ SuitsTailored Suits of Serge and Gabardine,Dressy Suits, of Trlcotlne and Polret Twill,Sport and Dressy Suits of 511k.

Children's Summer DressesChildren’s Dresses of Cbambraysand Ginghams, Children’s [Messes of Nets and Chiffons^ Children's Dresses of Linens and Taffetas.

State Hww* eaao n tu len la ex p ear 11*0,0*0 far iBktltutlcnal euppllea with­out advertising for blda Thli nov* on the part of Ui* eommietlon was brought about By reason of the diffi­culty encountiTod by the p«|ieha*tng ageut In abtalplhg euppllea because of the Tlnetuation of the m arket and the a ttitude of doalare In not giving eitU natei for more than a thirty-day period.

W ith a view to determining whether It would he eoonomloel to r the .state to have Its own garage to house state- owned aotsmoblles the cornmleelon will collect data aa to th* number of car* now In use by the etate, the quantity ef gaeolan* and oil purchased and lha expense Incldagt to the repaJf and upkeep of these machfnee. Amanir the departm ents which how opsrata aiito- mobllaa a re the Adjutant G an m l'a Motor Vehlcla, Road and Houat de- partmentx, and the new Charity De­partm ent .alao will raquir* oa*.

Plan Private Funeral for John N. Undsley, Orange

P rivata funeral aervlcee for John N. LIndeley. who. as told, died yesterday arternqpn a t hls home, 7* Cleveland street. Orange, will be held tomorrow at (he houee. Rei-, Dr. Harmon M. Kc- Qullkln, psetor of the F lrat Presby- lerlsn Church, Orahro- will conduct Ih t service, assisted by Rev. Dr. Stephen Joseph Herben of Westtleld, former pas­tor of the Methodist Epllcopal Church In Orange. Interment will be In Roie- dsle Cemetery.

Reeolutlons on the death of Hr. Llndflev, who had eerved one term aa police commlasloner ,ln Orange, wore adopted yeeiorday afternoen s t the m eeting of the City Oommiselon. Cblef of Police John Drafaell had the Sag* a t the city hall and Military Common placed a t half ihast. At the midweek aervlc* In tha F irst Preabyterlan Church lept night ■Dr!' HcQuIlkln re­ferred to Mr, LInditey's lung aervlc* ss a trustee of the church and to hls In­terest In Its wdrk.

Besides being oremlnentty IdentiSed with banking aflairs in Orange, Mr. Lln lsley was an active member of aev- > sal nrganlsatlonr He wee vice presi­dent and a director of the Orange Na­tional Bank, a ineiisger ot the Orange •■having* Bank and a director of the T rust Company of Orange. He wae also a dlrectur of the Roeedale Ceraa- lery Association and the Orange Music Hall Association. Ha was a iheniber of the Bibliophile Society of Boston, Orange Chapter, 8, A. R.; E e ie i County Country Club, W est orange; Hardware Club of Mtw York and the Ognossoe Angling Ae.aorlatlun of Maine.

Mra. Ocwrge R. Lepwrf.Mr*. B lltabeth A. Leport, widow ot

George R. Leport, died last night a ' her home, lo Main street, Orange, after a tong lllnesi with a complication of diseases. She was born In Stanhope saveniy-elght years ago and had been a resident of the Oranges twenty-Itve yeais, A daughter, Mrs. K ilty Leport Redhead of Orange; a brother, John Heaton of Orange, and a sister, Mr*. Caroline Sleight ef Stanhope, survive, Funeral services, a t the house, tomor row night, will be conducted by Rev. Dr, Frank B. Resser, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, West Orange. Interm ent will be In Buccaeunna,

Mrs. Marlanaa Beyd Keen.Mrs. Marianna Boyd Keen, widow of

Henry Keen, died yesterday a t the resi­dence of her eon, Herbert F. Keen, 12 Harrison avenue, Montclair. She was eighty y e an of age and had lived In Montclair th irty years. She was a sis­ter of the late Robert M. Boyd. Be­sides her son, with whom she lived. Mr*. Keen Is survived hy another eon, James M. Keen of Tacoma, Wash. Funeral services a t her residence Saturday morning will be conducted by Rev, Dr, Charles S. Hilts, pastor of tho First Con­gregational Church, of which she was a member.

Mn. Jeetph Gaidea.Mr*. Joseph Gordon, daughter ef

Abraham Frelm an of Hobgrt avenue. Short Hills, died yesterday a t Overlook HoaplUl. Summit. Mr*. Gordon wont to the Institution Monday. With her huaband she mad* her home with her father. She had resided In Short H llli about three years, going there from New Tork, where she had lived many years. She was twanty-six y e an of age and bealdes her husband Is eur- viyed by an Infant child. The funeral took place th is afternoon.

Negre ClvJl W ar Vetenui Die*. Sidney Plummer, a colored veteran of

the c iv il War, died last night a t the Home for Disabled Soldiers In Kearny. Ha was sighty-one years old and ad- m itted from Camden eight year# ago, b n llitin g In Company H* Fifteenth Con- nectlcut Volunteer Infantry, Beptemher

h!i diecharge JuneHTf laV9tF aa rra l o t Froderiek O. W aehcakktb. Funeral services for Fredsriok r

died yesterday, will be held a t I o'clock• ' '■«*l1ence.Member* of Eureka Lodge No I t of

which Mr. W ackenhuth w aa.a member will comduct Maeonic eervicee In ter'who* w a i '" l ^ « > '* n h u th ,who wae alxty*-aeven y ean old. waeprealdent of the Malto^Brati Comnanv ^ 72 ’Tlchenor street. P rederlclT c. W ackenhuth Jr., a eon, who aurvivea la vice president of the company The

wIfk'enhiV.'""'” '* "" *Mrs. Robert H. Rtebards.

dpeWoJ gsiTtf* of «*e NEFFHACKETTSTOWN, June l* .-W o rd

has been received her* of the deathP**i*’*' **’* o* RobertH. Richards, formerly president of the

American Sawmill Machinery Company of this place. Death was from paia ly ila following an lllnesa of a faw week! Mrs. Richards rasldsd her* elevsn years and went to Beattie two years sgo. Sht w at a native of Staunton, Va., where her body ws* taken for burial. Betides her husband, she Is survived by on* daughter, Mrs. Albert Beitfleld. for­merly of Newafk, end a son, Hobart H, Richards Jr., both ot Seattle. Mr*. Richards w at fifty-eight years old.

Two Newarker* Conunidioned,One in the Ordnance Reserve

Froei f*e IFiuHiiotos asrtou of (So gyg- •V/YG -VSiyg.

WASHINGTON, Juno I t —Clifford G. Woolson of 176 North Third street, Newark, has boon rommlitloned a cap­tain In the Ordnance Rotorv* Depart­ment.

Richard B. Mann, 16* Clifton avenue. Newark, hs* been commissioned . a second lieutenant In tb s Quartermaster Corps of the National Army.

Will Close Out Thursdau

115 Wpmen*s and MisBes’ Sport $uitsOf Woe! J e n ^ In Prevaiifng Sport Colon

Beiuasd-O/lerii^ Exe^lonal Vdues

•"'* 25.00

Raccoon, Making Nocturnal Visit To Jeney City Home, Is Caught

Kperkit gfTvire of tht SBWt,JERSEY, CITY. June I t —A Ihlrty-

ftve-pound raccoon w at captured and klllod early this 'm orning by Adolph Schadloj, olsrk of the Hudson County N aturalisation Bureau, in hls homo at *6 G autier avenue, this city. The coon entered an open window In the garret e! the houee from a tree adjoining, A fter pulling electric wiring from the colling and tearing the nswiy papered wall, the coon altraoted Scbadler’s a t­tention by throwing llaolf agalnet the door.

Sehadlor loft tb* deer open after awakening hi* family and stood a t the bottom o t the stalre to trap tho eeon should ho oomo down, A few m o m ^ ^ later, the SAimal did crawl down the statra, only to receive a death blow on the head from a shovel In the hand* of Sehadlor. It le thought probable that the animal came from W «ri Side ra rk . which I* near Bohadler'e rouL donee, . '

Think Unidentified Automot)ik Caused WilHatn Gaun's Death

HOUWTAINVIBW, i^ n e lS;-,-irtlliAn Gaun. forty years old, ot Hountatnvletr,

killed last s ig h t wh*n. It Is be­lieved, be wea strook-hr an autonioblle whUe re tu ra iag te h ls honw en-IYunoh aOL Hlchplss O ittps of |f«sAtatpvl.ew. wh'g tssBod 4 e soane of th s adcMsnt In a s a«tormoh>le; reported having found tlw hoajr a t J*!lS o'elook,

The apqt whsgs OaliR'a body ws* " Virga. th irty ,'ftMt n o n the part of

HI umera hja bu it aaaa asna ^-^mting tiM' naan Mkn

hat dlatsagh, O H at^.Fb^ “I T S 5 * T o w a ^ j l*iMg aa invagti^tlea, „

( H ^ j R i t d u r S l1 . . a -

a lM U H n g t l O P l i a i l V

We Now OfferSug:g:estions forWarm Weather

W ith our Cash System well establishedi customeri find a large Mving on all articles by trading a t our Btorm.

F o r your city or Summer home you will find w hat ht wanted.

O rders for, out of town will be carefully packed and delivered F. 0 , B. by our au to trucks a t railroad stations in the Oranges or Newark.

D uring the next few days a t all storce of

Chas. M. Decker S Brathe following inducem enti will be offered:

Cereala—Flour, E tc.Barley Flour, per lb............- f tPotafo Flour, per Ib....... . ,14eYellow Corn Meal, per lb. .SYsCQuaker Oats, per pkg.........13eQuaker Corn Flakes, pkg....8e Milk and Rice, per can.. . . ,l$e

Canned GoodsSardines—California Sardinta,

in pure olive oil, ]/i tins.$7e!4 t in s ........................... ISe

Timt Fish—No. I tins.,.,. .84aNo. Yi tins..................... .28eYa t in s ............................ l ie

C o co a-JamSchepp's Shredded Cocoa-

nut, >/i’s ........................I7c'/4 's ........................... 9c

Huyler's Cocoa, j/j-tb. tins. ,18e Jam—Gotham Brand, all fla­

vors, jar .................... 21eHoney, large bottles...........45c

small bottles ................S6cBromangelon, assorted fla­

vors, per pkg......................9c;Gelatine, Cox's, pkg,. , . . . ,15o

B utterChoice Table Butter, per lb..47c FinestGrade Nut Margarine,

per lb............................... 32cFancy Nut Margarine; per

lb......................................29cVan Camp’s Evaporated

Milk, large cans.......... ,11cSmall cans ........... 6c

Salad Dressing—Olive OflHoward’s Salad Dressing,

per bot................ 26cWesson Oil, pint cans.........42c

gat. cans ............... .,,,$2.35Vinegar—Cider Vinegar, qt.

bottles ............................19cB. & G. Olive Oil, bot.. ,70c Olives—Stuffed Manzanilla

Olives, 16-oz. bot............ 26t»

Coffee and Teaspecial Blend Coffee, per 1b. 19c Special Blend Tea, per Ib .. ,35e

Canned VegetablesEarly June Peas, per can.. .19c Strasburg Corn, per can — 17c Tomatoes, No. 2 cans.......... 16c

SoupsWhite King Brand Squab

Soup, per can.......... ..9cHancock Brand Chicken

Soup, per can.................. 10c

ExtractsMiller’s Extracts, all flavors,

2-oz. bottles....................$0cLoganberry Juice, 2-oz, bot. ,9c

4-oz. bot...........................14cIce Cream Salt, per bag— 14c Rose’s Lime Juice, large

bottles ........ 70cSmall bottles................... 43c

H m uehold NecessitleBKirkman’s White Soap, per

cake ............................ .6!4«Klrkman’s Borax Soap, per

cake .................................^Babbitt’s Soap, per cake— Oc Colgate’s Octagon Cleanser,

pkg......................... ^i .. I .ss'i I

ClBS. I Decker S Bros.STOBES AT PHOBt*Onum, XN Mala Siraal-.>....>TI4 ^2n)zaiwef W* Mata Sm^.tTea M O ^ e . US Mala Smet.gTU ^ udTMnb*. 8f»ala..v.8MS I^ A v a . n Neitli Cttataa M.«44t ^ OraaM »> Valkr Baad.47f Bakery, Wi Male OtrML

-Ozaaaa -.,2066gd a** *^y««a.*


I p P M l i *jT B W A iK tf> ;» ^ T :in jy o

i M i l g ^e to iy o m m **•••< »>n4*)'. *r

U m k $ ^ w « P i U i i U u C n ^ u i r' MaikM M m l. IfMWk, N. J.

I'M in# N*w»rk. N. J . M HOMd-

•nUKli Bickiif* ««H «tlaf ‘ til dtftrt***!*'

lln irA lltC ■VBMIWO HRWI (HHvUred tmywhtr*fT ” -l* N »w»rt (Of I t ctHU t wMk.

' l A f e i t w M c6 ^ I0 N » -T 1 i«' V m iA t Rvontot I fljwd <oK Honit, (Klf «*ntai ono y*«. •(* . ? d«IUt|L TOFtlfik (our cant* • ootr.' iiu: I . .a:'.j. Thli ntmMDtr It * ratmliw of tbt Vrtta !(•«• ditpttohw pnmtd htralii and dWl*

’’ IM td by <JP1 aro Aatoetatad m a t dltpatah^ wBto mayMbl ba lawfully raprlnttd aitapl by S iS W a 0 ( ^ t AWKlattd PfMM. bo«l nawa okharain pHnfad la aubjaot to cho ropabllcatloiL

HilWAHK a v e K IK d !OtWB mailed nla tway. TDa ad d n aa m ar M ehanfod aa daalrad. Tout daalar will tai|e your

A. 0( you may laara U a t tha Buataaat Offloa £ l r of tn r araBCh Offioaa. A ar "omplaloi

4 ba made to tha NEWARK B yiN lN U

W BDHB80AT, TUNE 1*. 1*11.

‘i; THE CADETS*« appaat from tho C entral Committee

e f-ttie Rueeltn C t4ete (CanitttuUonal Uem- for Allied Interrentlon. thle much

(MV be wfd; It ihowe th a t the aistUBol-

? 1k foroea are moolns. There hae been M6e for eeveral d ay i th a t eom ethlnr In

(|W -iiat«re of a eounter-revolttllbn wai de- Tj(j|nptitf I t h ta ap p aren tlr apinroaahed a 4 t |i i a l In the proclamation of m artial law iki'lUatcow, and It m ay be th a t Bolihetricm

S pretty well m n Ite couree, gtvlnc th a erate partlea an opportunity to come

d l^ e t e p p eM to -have happened le th a t B ^h efiiim ,.d ta rU n ( from Petroprad, ewept MMfh alonv the Ruaelan frontier and then ■piead eaat over th e Urale Into Siberia toward Vladivoetok. The counter movement,

'W hatever 11 amounte to, cam e up out of th e i aoutb tltrouph Central R uw la and moved .taa tw afd pleo. The n a tu ra l InterendA al>1 tbottch It mar be wronf, le tbet BoUhavUm I had','a quttdt (roertb and waned almoct aa l^ e k ly . At the belibt of Ita development It '? p raised feneiatlr, permittlnc the Bol-

■ hevtka make pood tha claim that they had ^baM aeeapted by tba Ruiaiana. That tltua- Itlon oifw ppebi* to be bbenpliif.' i f tbla le tbe true eltuatfon. two raaeone j Biay h a offered toT. I\; the failure of the.Bot- ; alwvtka to mak'e thelr ' theprlea work out In i fu lfilm ent of their promteeA end the Oer-

free Arenefere.' ie well a» tncreaelnp the tnm eter.prtv ilepea

Now th e queetlon haa arisen w hether, by the approval- of thpee terme, th e Public Utliltlee Commleelon baa not bound Ite own hande eo tiphtly that It cannot m aintain the right to regulate the charpe for faree and tianefere In Newark th a t It clalme elee- where under the provlelont of the utility law. The eltuatlon thua created may put the leeue. eo fe r ea Newark la concerned, at leael, in the earn* position In which New York utimiee find themeelve* ae a reault of the recent declelon of the New York Court of Appeeie. Oecar 8. Straue, chairm an of the New York Public Service Commleelon, elated the dituallon there leet week ne fcllowa:

The m atter of Irrm e reate with the municipality because the companlee wanted the franehlaea so much th a t they bargained on the subject of faree and agreed to be ever bound by a flve-cent fare limitation, a t the city’s option. When the franchise lim iUtlon* no longer stand In the way. th e companlee may come to the commlaelon fo r the fixation of a reasonable and adequate rate, notwithstanding statu tory barriers- Should tho Public Utilities Commleelon

feel compelled to hold th a t tho "blanket agreoment” le not a mere ecrap of paper under the clrcumitancee. than It would bo logtcet to point out to tho Public Bervlie the lam e method of procedure outlined by Mr. Straue, a t least eo fa r as N ew ark li con> earned. T hat m ight not m ean th a t there would be no Increase of farsA If such In- oreais Is shown to be neeseea i r to preaerve th a financial Integrity of th e trolley com­pany, but it m ^ b t open th e way for a re ­arrangem ent 06 the "torm e and conditions" Imposed under the "blanket agreem ent” so th a t conoeatlens would be m ade by both par- Uai to th e con tract

offloeA and lack e f lifo rtnatlon on- Uiett part palliated th a t error.

Perhaps It Ji not too m uch to say th a t Jf organiMd labor everywhere fully underitood the workings of the board It would. In nearly every case, prefer to pledge Itielf to a rb itra ­tion by the board ra th e r than strike^

T hat " th e w ar can be lost in America aa wall a s on th e fields of ^Vemce" la e polat of view th a t ngade to bo more consletontly held to try >e<)» itapltal and! labor till- the w ar ihalK bave fceen won on the fields of T rancs by th e faithfu l perform ance of civilian duty a t hem e no less th en by the force of e rm t over There. Aa early a i September, l t l 4 , G reat Britain, through the King and m em ­bers of the government, gave•xpreeslon to th e convietlOn, ae respects transportalloa, th a t the railway workere were " a ^ e tln g In the prosecution of the war equally w ith th e ir cdm radei eerving by land and aea," And the laifie holds true of Industry a t a wholA All wiirkere. In the mtnee and ship yardA on the larm i, a t the bench, are equlrpa -ef th e w arrlnp knights a t the front. I t l i a eer- vlea to be dtecharged with resolution and with pride. Well did thp President say, In a meNage to Samuel dom pers the lam e dP/i

In theae days of trial and BsK-iaorl* flee the American workingman la bear-

„ Ing hie ehare of tho national burden nobly, In the now world of peace and feeedom. which Am erica le {Ighting to .eetabllsh, h is place will be as honoi^d and hla isrv lee aa gratefully esteemed.



I ppap Inweslen. The people w ant food And The fBolshevlks have not provided I t They Wnij. i fM oe and Germany would not tat them have l i t The natural ontcome of such a Sttuatton ( k dtaastlefactlon 'wUh th e povemm ent In JM BtroI, teeding to revolution against It, ''jrh lch appeare to h* ehowlng Itaelf.. B i|t of th e counter-revolution there la M Ee definite knowledge. Most of tb e re-

••M tP have come from Bolahevik souro«A Bolabevlfca have beei^ let control

oosinhuiolieatloiiA And haW naturally lAttt Aha bagt possible casa to r them -

>M«eos> ■ TSier hava p ictu red th e oounter- jIpMTomAnt M reactionary, undemooratto and

of th e revolution. Y e t a t th e IgM ao tlBW, they have a ttrib u ted th e oounter- IbmrfliftloB to the Sootal RevotutlonlstA who Iw if 'dottA as dem oeratle and liberal In th e ir

' i krhBrain, bu t less radical. I t was the Boolal l^ tm ^ tttk m ls ta who m ade th e revolution with

* \ th a CadetA only to have control of It wrested fro m them by thy Bolehevlke. The Cadeta

irasent tb e tnteUeotnals and moderatee tofibighsil The f ir s t an<l>CiarlsUo gov-

liit.W tH 'ltlftukoff a t Its head. prseiM ptlon from thU course of

t s la Thai th e re I t a streiig reaction nst the Bolsheviks, In which th s Cadets ftun lih lng th e leadership a s t|isy lad

kiMRiA AgaltWt the R om anafta T hstr past Ik rto ry YrtveA u t every reaaon to expect them to deslfe and ask fo r Allied aid. They have

g lan g been considered th e roost enllghtsned 'W in e& t In Bussia. Ubsral bu t no t radical.

T hsy bslleva In g reat R ussia and have op- jpMOd disintegration, hoping to r a great

,'l^ tu re foir united Russia, with, adequate and i proteeted aooaet to th e vast of th e world, for I Arhich they have been luapected of Imperlat- ! torn ra th e r th an reaoUonary political ten- j danoiM. <1 T here Is no doubt th a t th e appeal repre- iM p ts the .wish of th e C ad et party , bu i we ' have yet to learn th a t It U tho wish of the Ruselaa people. We do no t know how m uch progress tbe oeunter-revolutlon h a i m ade or

'U 'W lu it extent It is protected ffom reao. 't lo n a ry control. The eltuatlon Idoke more

hopeful and appears to promise th a t th e op­portunity to r us <0 help In a praotloal way will be opetjed. yet th e re Is Insufficient evi­dence th a t th e tim e has come for outside

'In terference• Tor all we know th o Bolsheviks still have

the bachlAg of tho m ajority of the Russian psepte. ■ W hether they will accept Cadet leadership has to be determ ined. T hat Is pa rt ef R ussia's problem s which she must work out fu rth er before th e situation, will be clesr and- before the wise course for Russia’s friends to pursue becomes manifest. To Interfere In Russia w ithout th s active good-will of a decisive Russian m ajo rtt/ would be Entente suicide.

CHECKING RIVER POLLUTION.W hen th e News called a tten tion reoentty

to th e am endm ent th a t had been Injected Into tho rivers and harbors bill now In con- ts ra n e s In Congrste to proh ib it th e dls- oharge of acid and acid w atte Into navigable w aters of the UnlUd Btates, w hich was later modified so a s not to apply to tide water, troubta was itlrrsd up for the advocates of the plan. Ths change In tho am endm ent had been made to prevent the holding up of the Passaic Valley sewer and th e Interfer­ence w ith m any other sewerage system s

A fter th e modification w as made, the Nswa declartd th a t m uch good would be ac- dempllsbed If th e m easure wma approved by Congress, bu t th a t It would be dangerous to m ake U effective unleas "guttlelent tim e be given to perm it of providing liew methods fo r th s disposal of those acid wastes.”

Ccngrsss has seen the force of th is a rgu ­ment, with th e result th a t tb e am endm ent has again been modified 10 aa to authorise tb e Beomtary of W ar to m ake a n investiga­tion of th e entire subject and to subm it a report to Congress as a guide for fu tu re aotion. H undreds of factories engaged In w ar work for tho government a re now dis­charging a d d waatea Into num sroua s tream s To prohibit them Immediately from contlnu- Ing to do so would work d iaaiter. T hs nui- sanoas they create will be to lerated tem ­porarily because of the stress o f war, bu t a t th e sam a tin ts thsy will be notified' that, just so loen aa possible, they will be required to osass th e pollution of the stream s.

This Is not a setimok to r the movement fa r the purification of the streaniA but fa ra th e r an advance. The la te r action Is to be taken not on theory, b a t on an ascer­tained sta te of facta.

CLOSING UP THE FARE CASE.W ith the presentation of tbA nrpum ents on

th e petition of the Public Service td ralBe trolley fares, which opened this morning, the Public Utilities Commission will have be­fore It the complete ease of those favoring a ^ tljo^s Opposing the Inorease. In addl-

jhe.queatlon as to w hathor 'petition was justified, th e commission

m ay find tt necsssary to pass upon legal fo ln ts having a bearing upon the case. I t la not to be doubted th a t the commission will hold, sa It Is holding In the Bradley Beach

,-Atse now' before th e Court of E rrors on T.jppsal, rthat It has the power to regulate

M les both upward and downward In spite . sw Sfbndliisp agreem ents entered Into be- ''k fe s h the utility corporation and the

munlcIpaDtlee before the utility law wae ' jiaaned lit’ IV ll.

Bolt there li sttll another im portant legal pdlai Involved In th e Public Service fare in-

, c fsa is case th a t doos not figure liv the '.SrAdler Beach lUlipitloti. T he ' "blanket ' aitfreemeat" between th e Public Service and "The city of Newark was entered Into tn l t l4 •pjjder jhe provlslnni of a law passed subse-

V quant to the enbotm ant of the utility act. H ik Igw, put th rough the Legislature In I l l s , -provided That th e privileges granted th e troHey company, in coSinecUon with the

'astabiishihent' t t this term toal In th is city, -• y' 4 i^outd ba 'mpoo aueh term s and cO ndltlent'

h* pbiswribed by th e Board of Street ; 'A a S ,W a ^ 'Chmmleslodere of eueh elty, and

til ' ' ’Approved by th e B eard 'of Publlo Utility . ~.„^ipibkri'<>MrlA” The te rm s prescribed th-

th e tM ffln p siiee of ordinances re - , V 'A N kS W Tbs ra te o r fa re and the glytog of

tr.*! t t; . - ’ ■

“INSmUMENTALITIES ,XmoaY FAIR."To th e director of the Am erican Alliance

to r Labor and Democracy, which Is holding Its eonventlen a t St. Paul, President Wilson telegraphed t *

Tho w ar can bo lost In Am erica aa well as on the fields of Stance. * • *No oontroveray between capital and labor should be suffered to Interrupt tb e essential labor of th e country until every Instrum entality set op by the governm ent for Its am icable seltlem eht has been employed and Its Interm edia­tion heeded to the utmoat: and the gov­ernm ent has set up Inslrum entalltlei wholly fa ir and adequate.Strikes and th rea ts of strikes continue,

though a t a somewhat abated rate , and the public, not unnaturally, ftnda explanation difficult. And yet th e controlling causes ara sim ple enough, Following a re the chief am ong tharo:

The National W ar Labor Board, the prin­cipal In itrum enlallty ■ for labor adjustm ent which the government hae se t up, wae not created until April last, a t which tim e pat n Mule u n rest prsvaltsd. Before th a t time It could not have been tru ly said th a t the m eans ' established by th e governm ent for settlem ent of Industrial controversy were "wholly fisir end adequate.” In the DopartT m ent of Labor there had long been a con­ciliation machinery, which depended lo r Its success upon persuasion entirely, which dealt with each Individual case from th e outside, and which brought to disputes no g u a rin tle i concerning basic principles. The Workli\gs* of th is m achinery were fa ir enough, but they were fa r from adequate. The Ship'Build­ing W age Adjustment Board h ad been In­stituted for- adjustm ent of wages and work­ing conditions In the ship building tradM . and had accomplished excellent results tn th a t field. Finally, the President's Medfa'-, tion Commission, which covered the' country m onths ago, had contributed valuable in­form ation concerning the causes of ^abor unrest, had adjusted many controvdVslasand hart made a reporUwJ'oee Influenoe upon tho national labor policies was certain to be Im­portan t and far-reaching. All- of- these agencies were partial In scope and fell short df the larger need, and because 'they brought no official assurance th a t haste prinetplei would be applied they lacked, except In the case of the special work of th e Ship Build­ing W age Adjustment Board, the guaranty of falrnets.

It was for this reason th a t It w as said In these columns April 1. when th e National

I W ar Labor Board was agreed upon:I Tbe agreement th u s drawb up and

approved, after thorough dtsousslon, Is the m ost Important davetnjjm ent of war labor policy since th e U nited Statee en ­tered the war.A Mcond reason why .s trtk ss sod th reats

of strikes continue Is th a t th e N ational W ar Labor Board has been crowdad with busi­ness over since Its establishm ent. Form er President Taft, one of th e public tepreeenta lives. In reply to a recent queetlon as to whether he had not been acouring th e country of late a t a ra th e r fast imee, said : "Well, I have been ra ther gyratory.” Aa yet the plan of setting up local boards has not besn worked out, and the m gin bqdy has had Jta hands crammed with requests for media­tion and awards.

A third reason Is th a t labor has not yet fully understood the fairness And adequacy of the prbesdura fotlowdd by th a -board In conform ity with th s principles th a t frovem Its acttvKIes. A casa in point was the strike of the North Jereey •trolley men last week. R aving effectively tied up th e PubMo Bervloe llneA they held the situation wpU In hand, bp t as toon -es the m ethods of the NattonsI W ar Labor Board Were m a ^ known to 'them they want back a t onoa. Their errin' w m th a t they Aid pot first seek tho hoard 's good

The Oerm an-Am erlcans, with neg­ligibly few sacsptlopA were tallursA From the beginning of the war their attitude w as weak and slack.This Is th e opinion of th e Berlin Lokal

Apselger, which, like o ther German organl- satlonA had a dream th a t "the Germans In America * • * m ight accomplish som e­thing fo r Oerm aplsm and culture." Tbe dream. It confesssA 'ls "definitely drtam ed out. » • • The overwhelm ing m ajority of the Germ an-Am erlcans calmly watched the struggle end cohtented themselves w ith benevolent neutrAUty." .

I t Is not the Am ericans of German origin who havq been falluree Im t.the German Qov- em niebt, which has yet. to realise th a t It U the blunderer o f tho w ^ ld w lthopl a peer.I t dealt w ith dream s and not with facts, and had a childish fa ith tbAt Its drsam s would come true. I t sen t here to work among the Germ an-Am erlcans and th e real of u t a gang of unprincipled knpveA and set them the impossible task of obieuring trijth that could not bs hidden, i t tau g h t them to say th e t white was black and black was white, and expected them to be believed. I t ordered Thom to do d ir ty w ork which outraged every sense of decency and honor.

Even the Gertnan Ambaasador a t W ash­ington, aa Becratary Lansing has disclosed, knew Germ%oy. too well to give the slightest credence to Itc m ost solemn prom ises W hen the German Foreign Office gave its word to stop ruthless subm arine m urder, he took it to r granted th a t th e pledge would be broken and asked th a t he be advised In ample tim e before th e m urdering was begun again.

And now having failed to make these Americans he r tools, Osrmany drops thsm , only to find th a t the m ajority of them had already dropped Germany. The latest evi­dence they have given Is the project for a National Patrio tic Council, composed of Americans of G erm an origin. Through such an organisation they plan to throw th e full Germ ah-Am erican strength Into tho war. The'A nnouncem ent of their chief promoter, WlUlani Forster, will m ake Interesting reed ­ing for Berlin:

We w ent Am erica to win th is war sa SN nevsr w antsd anything In this world before,--*’ • * W e ■want th is war to go on until th a t government tG srm any) Is u ttsrly ‘dlscredltsd In the eyes of th e Germ an people and overthrown.This Is doubtless the sentim ent of a large

m aJorlly of th e Am ericans who came here from Gsrm any, although there are some, as Mr, Forster recognises, who do not feel th a t wsy.' "We Intend to find them but," he de­clares, "and ta lk to them like a Dutch uncle. I f th e re a re any actually disloyal, we Intend to tu rn th em over tb the Departmeift of Justice,''

That sounds like boslness, and the pity la th a t It could no t have been begun a long tlm a ago, so th e trite friends of these Am eri­cans-urged. Their own leaders uresd them to do tt and pointed out to them th a t by re­m aining apathetic and Indifferent they were fostering a auepteton and distrust of th em ­selves th a t It would take them a long time to get over.

There la only one way to do it. They m ust dlaaolve as racial units and merge Into the common life of America. They need not be tim id about it like a debtor dodging his oredltcrA l<et them come forward frankly .and honestly, giving up their old-atlegtaned completely and taking their place squarely and enthusiastically in this free world to which -they cam e to escape Just what we are righting In Germany.

evar recorded. Its condHIon nearly eighty-four per cent, of a norm al, which ranks It three per cent, above-a ton- yegr average a t this time. The antlclpAted h arvest of spring, aT4.«00,000 bushela 1« only T,#00,000 bushels sm aller th an the record outturn In IH 6 , and Is 111,000.000 bushels Isrger then was harvested last year. I ts eendtUon is given a s more than nlnety- flvs per cent, of a normal, or m ore th an one per c e n t above a ten-year average a t this period.

The grain trade, official foo^ au th o ri­ties and men in tha flour m aking Industry a re enthusiastic over th e prospect for a big wheat crop, one which spells brsqd fo r sH. The sm all-graln cereal yleldi, w h e a t oala, barlay and rye, It may be added, a ll prom ise to exceed totals of a year ago, all bu t the flrat nam ed m oderately so. W ith $S a bushel for w heat for the farm ers, #3,000,000,000, perhaps, versus 11,441,000,060 last saason.

-and bread for our allies and ourselvea, the w ar operations of ou r agrlouU urliU may h e accorded apace on fron t pages tor th is news of th e ir vtotory over a dearth of food sup­plies.

This much-Improved outlook, howwver, docs not m ean a return to s free-for-all sup­ply of w heat flour. Care will still have to be taken to store wheat against a possible hour of need during the war o r th a t w hich a n ­other season will bring forth.

KtpUng; H«-4«a le n t with tfinvl#* oul for

menllon, amoag BsgUsh authors of the day. Beanett. Galsworthy, Conrad and Wells. Ons of the youngsters fer whom he hee s good wor^, Is Gilbert Cannan. There is a new bit e f Shakespearian crltlolsm In Mr- George's character Isatlen of the bard of Avon as "a prose writer gone aetraY."

Miss Jordan's New Story.The double plot of Elisabeth Jordan's "Ths

W ings of Youth ’ (Harper) serves not to con­fuse the reader, but ra ther to double hie tn- tere it. Mlea Jordan has two well-born siyl wealthy young people—Barbara Arden and her brother Lawrence—ae her chief characters. Lawrence, It eeemi. hae been a ne’er-do-well, although a very llkabld one. To harden his character and give him some sense of re­sponsibility, B atbara proposes an odd ed- vtnture. Each of them la to go to New York City with but ISO and sub ilst for a year, Lawrence meanwhile takipg a pledge to re ­frain from the oourses that have led him astray. Lawrenoe accepts; on the whole, he haa ra ther tha easier lime of I t Neither of the adventnrere has expsrleneee which can bs described ae very typical or even per- hap i aa plausible, but the paths of both lead them Into amuelng situations and among en­tertain ing characters/ "The Wings of Youth” la the sort of book that any one likes tb read, even If he doesn’t believe that the events dssertbed could have happened.

THE TROMBONE PLAYER.Heve been sung the songs of vMof of the

boys who’ve gone across.Have been told tho tales of hero deeds h y ­

men who sail tho air.On the breeeti of those who man the guna

we've hung the Jeweled cross.And our word! of praise are sadly weak, a i

iurely we're aware, *All too smell our meed of tribu te to ths boys

with sword and gun:It's a poor approclstton of th a troops on sed

and land.But of all tho songs we’re Singing not a

■oUtsry oneIs devoted to the player of the trombone

In the band.

United States Revenues Average $566.66 a Second.

OsrmanYa Vice Chancellor would wipe out th a frontiers by an alliance. T ha neoM- slty to r luch form ality on B erlin 's p a r t roust be pusallng to Belgium.

And w hat la so ra re aa clear day In June?



“Fairy Isle” Celebrgtad in Comprehenoive Work, Splandid in Both Conception

and Execution.

"FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR."It Is evident n ^ o n e appreciated better

th a n farm ers o f th e United Slates th e t we must have an abundant bread crop th is year. So, w ithout fuse or feathers,-they enlisted In the! bread-m aking crop branch of the g reat Am erican arm y: plowed, planted and culti­vated, their w heat fields and Incidentally In-- cregaed th e ir winter-sown wheat Acreage to the second largest ever, and that of spring wpepi to i.000,000 acres larger than ever before.

T hen It w as th a t fierce wlpds did notcomdl n e ither did drenching rains beat upon thOM sewn cereal* as they did upon thehouto whlbb was bu ilt upon the aanda But th e aun shone, a n d gentle rains fell and se'etled -liito the soil to the encouragement of the -seed, and now comes the Departm ent of Agriculture vrilh Us June report to the effect th a t we a re to harveet the second largest crop of w heat In ou r history and may possi­bly, if the w eather favora, run the total up to 1,000,660,060 bushelA

One and two m onths ago this newspaper and o ther obeeryOrt put forth estimates that, w ith -alt essential condltlotis working to the desired end. the lo ta ! whaat harvest m ight be a s high aa 600,000,600 bushels Tha opinion was no t unlvereally held, bu t Jjuns brings with It official report that the pros­pect now Is for a harvest of both varieties of wheat am ountliig to about >31,000,006 bushels, 380.000,600 more than was pro­duced hem last yaar.

60m s p r lA tf . datlmates, baked on a tatrly extended InvesUfation bf th e ittuatton. In­cline to count on A harvest of about 1,000,- 000,000 bushala. a -few even suggesting a ehght increase ovnr th a t figure. The largest cryp of w heat.ever raised here was In 1616-^ t,6t0 |t06,060 bu*h'ets-^«nd tvltb the fxeap-, tlon « f th a t ou tturn the 111# yield promiaes tn s6om^ a ll Ijlto e ^ i ^ t e y .

. The^pcMOtaed o u d l ^ of winter wheat le UT,nk6)|60 bbsheis, Which, will make It tbe i h ' l ^ ' lag w itio wlntor wtwat crop la slse

Splendid In both conception and execution la the work called "Historic Mackinac: Tbe Historical, picturesque and Legendary Fea­tures of the Mackinao Country" (Macmillan), the two volumes of which now appear after the death of the author, Edwin O. Wood- Dr. Wood fo r many years was connected with the commleelon In charge of the Mackinac Island State Park and was a member of nunerouB learned societies He aimed to be •xhauetlve, eo that a etudent Interested In the past or a vliltor Interested in the ecenery and legends of Mackinac m ight find In his ample oempllation any Information, however minute, th a t wae desired. Truly roagnifloent Illustrations add to the Impressiveness of the volumes. The flret Is made up largely of data pertaining to tho early history of the Mackinac country: the second brings to­gether much that has been w ritten concern­ing It by celebrated authors of the p a it and present, who have delved Into the rich store of Mackinac’s hlitorleal, legendary and picturesque sources

Originally Mackinac (pronounced "Mack­inaw") was called ■’Mlchlllmapklnao." Dr, Wood shows that tbsre Is sogtcely any sso- tlon of the United States so rich in fine his­toric m aterial ae Mackinac, largely beeauee of Its Intimate associations w ith tha old Northwest territory. Here came the old French explorers, trjadere and prleeli. _ Here lived Indian tribes, with a -w ealthy lore t f legends Here came the gay voyagedrd and the adventuroue -ooureure de bo ls The old to rt oh the lelatid hae withstood siegAi aad experienced the fertunei o f war. Nor ts it only to r Ite historical aieoctatlons th a t the place Is noteworthy. Tho ecenery of tho Uland li of unuiuAl beauty and has stirred the Imagination of poet end novelist. Popu­larly Haoklnac Is known ae tbe "Fairy lele," and Dr. Wood shows hoW well it deserves this name, >

The first name connected with the Meekinac regton le that of Jstiquei Cartlsr, "the bold mariner of St. Malo," who In lA lt reached the site of Mentreal. Later, Samuel de Champleto visited the neighborhood, and be commissioned hie Interpreter, Jean NIcolet, to make further exploration*. The name of Father Marquette I* one th a t will ever be asioclated with the h lito ry of Macklnse. Some of the famous mlsttonary'e own letters describe his experlencei there. On August IT, 1479, tbe firs t vessel to is l l on ths O rsst Lakes, the Orlflln, arrived a t Mackinac, with no lees a person than the Sleur de La Salle on board. Later Mackinac, as a central meeting place for tbe various tribes of Indians on the Upper Orest Lakee, became on* of the most Im portant rsndsivoui to r the French fur tra d e rs Frenchmen dressed In the toggery of the Indians spent the w inters among the savages learning their languages, astabUsh- Ing friendships and rapidly gaining knowl­edge of the trapper's craft In th s Interests of the fu r trade.

L ater ths struggle between the French and English for the over-rule ef Canada tound Its echoes a t Mackinac. For a tong timo the Island and fort remained In pottesiion of the French, but In 1711 Captain Oeorg* E therlng- ton becamo commandant a t Mackinac. A gltm pis of Ilfs within the stockade of the fo rt If given ae tl was on ths arriva l of the B ritish troops.

I t le a t this transitional pertbd between French end English control th a t tb s pic­turesque ttgnre of Pontiac emerges, "one of these rare cheractsrs among ' the Indians whose m erits are so transcendent that, w ith­out the aid of adventitious circumstances, they talce by common consent the leadership In peace and the leadership in war." From Francis Packman's fine account bf "The Con*, splracy of Pon tiac ample quototloqa are made. Tbe Indian trouble* finally led to a terrible maisecre and to many etrang* ad­v en tu res all of which add to the historic In­terest of Machlnec. DurliJg th s American Revolution the most Important event a t the S tra its of Mackinac was tha removal of the fo rt from the south side of the s tra its to the Island Itself. In this removal the famout backwoodsman, Gaorgs Clark, had am Im­p o rtan t p a r t With ths rerosvsl': ‘ Ofd Mackinac became for over halt a centqry th* .canter of the French fur trade, although there wee a t this time great co’myetltlon both from euch great New York fu r m erehanti aa JOhn Jacob Aster and from th* Hudson's Bay Company. Later, however, A lter becamS pro­prietor of the Mackinac Company,, and tber* ara still a t the present time m sm orlsls of hie- IntlUeaoe on the island.

I t Is good to know that such VolUdiss as ; th e is are yearly Increasing Jo tm'mher, and. I th a t the cities and regions of .historic or I scenic atlrActivenesi ere finding eueh pleas­

an t memorltlA

Th* United States had net long been a t war on Germany before i t found Itte lf engaged In raising not only an army and supplies thsro- fsr. and supplementing the navy with f ig h t­ing craft and men to man them, hut In pro­viding enormous war funds

These acllvlllsB began somewhat slowly but have since taken on huge proportions. There was no hesitancy, however. In the public re- epoase with funde in exchange for Liberty bonds, and of the three Issues there has been a oontlnuous, libera) and patriotic response.

At the beginning of th is month the T resiu ry Is reported In W sshlngtoo dispatches to have had on hand a not balance of 11,418,116,4KB, despite sit the extraordinary expenses In tho preceding eleven months of the flees! year.

According to sim ilar advices, tho to ta l Treasury rsvenues for the period from all ■ources aggregated 114,701,808,414, compared with only 41,699,141,804 In- a like period of 1914-1917. Out of theie eleven months’ re ­ceipts for 19IT-191I t® al government ex- pendlturee are said to have amounted to 114,143,499,496, as against 41,409,684.736 In ths preceding fiscal year.

It is unnecessary to list tho heavy ex­traordinary expenditure. Aside from our ordinarily Increased costs of running the government, they are explained by war outgo lor ehlps, training camp expenses, troops In the field, production of munitions, explosives, clothing, shoes, arms and other supplies, together wjth the multitudinous unusual out lay called for by a state of unprecedentedly expensive warfare.

Tho Urge revenues were, of course, produced by the eslee of th e ' three Issues of Libertybonds_though some of the proceeds of ths lastoffering have not yet been received—sales of Treasury certificates of Indsbtsdnsss and very much expanded receipts from Income and excess profits taxes, together with rove nuts from other sources.

T otal' revenues for eleven months indicate an average payment to the government of aboM 1*9,000,000 every day during th a t period. This |a an average government reve­nue of about 43.040,000 an hour, or 414.000 a minute, or 1664.46 a eecond, day and night.

Government Interest charges. Incidentally, have Increased from 111,761,000 In the eleven months a year ago to 4111.409,(100 this year, and ordinary expeniea 'wjtlch Include all w ar activities, from 4141,549.000 to ,44,491,661.000. Loans'tO our war partners for eleven mpnlhe totaled 14.496,189,000. or at tbe ra te of 414,410,006 a day,! about 4669,000 an hour. 46,116 a minute or- 4146 a eeconA

The present rate of expenditure le one month’s revenue every two days

There's an Instrument, betlev* us, that's tb* king of all th* hom e:

It's a monarch of th f music th tngs that stir th* sluggish blood.

W ith Its blKrlng, tearing, crack ing ,' It will cure one's feet of corns;

I t will start a man at double-quick through dust and beat and mud.

And the man who slips the trom bone slide, s* troop* go to the fron t.

With his oom -ts-ra-ra-ooro-pah, while th* drums slaih-beng and thump.

Is the lad that fills th* boy* w ith °pep to go and take tha brunt.

And to rush the trenches F rits has dug and ' take them on the Jump.

Speaking of bands, how m any of you heard th* one that was around g e ttin g recruits for the Marin* Corps? If they heve l»nd* Ilk* that over beyond, it Is no wonder the raarlses are fighting like nothing th e Xaleer’s troop* ever saw or heard of before.

THE PHILOSOPHER. '"Only a few month* ago," said th* Four

Corners Philosopher, 'T apent several fru it­less hours overy day, Iq company with a couple of hundred other person*, who had nothing more eessntlal to do, in front of a clothing itore near th* porner* try ing to ;dls- cover if a figure In the window wae a dummy closely Imitating Ilf*, or a llv*. one closely Im itating a dummy. None of us could eotv* the puxile, and' later w* became Intereitsd tn a demonstration of a belt th a t could bp used as a pair of suspenders should dire necessity present Itself.

"W hat I started to eay 1* th a t th* figure has reappeared In the clothing store window- afte r a vacation In th* cellar or eomewher*. I t wear*, a Palm Beach su it now and It’s a dummy all r ig h t The rem arkable thing I* th a t now there l^no m ystery as to Iti etatus! nobody pay* any particu lar attention to I t Things such a* Baffling Bertie, as w t got to calling tho dummy while doing our dally gueselng. are like lot* of people^ locludlng politicians who oceaelonally run for Semttor and one thing oi“ another. W hile they keep US figuring they get some atten tion ; when w* find out where they stand they cease to In­terest us.

I t was a guileless reporte r who, on th* oc- csslon of former President T aft’s reeeht visit to Newark, was told by designing mates that Mr. Taft had a prepared sta tem ent regarding hie meeting with Colonel Roosevelt In Chi­cago, So be approached the distinguished visitor and asked him; "Have you a copy of th a t report you will give m*7" "A copy of what report?" 6Ir. T aft Inquired. "Regard­ing your talk with the Colonel In Chicago.” said th* eager reporter. "Haw/haw-haw!" was Mr. Taft’s comment.

Many ara the last hour ImpTesilons the hoys take to camp and to F rancs with them, and we'll wager a bit th a t standing out ,wHh all the rest ts a mind picture of th s t ," ^ o d - |by, good luck, God bless yon" placard that has been placed on the side ef a house near the railroad track In E lisabeth.

A man there ta and h* decamp*When girls com* 'round and try to sell bim

- savlngsUtam paHe ha* their ^ally schedule pat— 'A slx-and-a-qUarter stick e r tn hi* dtrby h a t


L A U T E R C O .Newark's Greatest Masic Store

591-593 Broad StreetA Pianist Who Never Learned to Play

He never took lesson*. He didn’t spend hours of prictice orhundreds of dollars to acquire his musical talent. When he played, ho simply abandoned himself to the spirit of the composition and never to the letter.

'IjPouId you like to know how you can follow his exaniple and bacome as delightful a performer as he? Then choose the complete piano, the '

LAUTER-HUMANAPlayed in two ways—by hand—by masie roll

The playing of the Lauter-Humana is not different from Hie playing of human hands. Why? Because you are enabled to guide tonal effects to the most delicate shading. The Lauter-Humana re- sponda almost as quickly as you think and feel.

MUSI C ROLLSOur list of June Music Rolls includes popular hits, wtftime songs of sentiment, sprightly dance and instrumental music and beautiful gems of the classics, ,

VI C T O R RE CORDS ;Missouri Walt? At the Jazz Band Ball Thais—by Farrar tong'Long Trail I’m Sorry I Made You Cry Rlnaldo—by De Luca Inditnola " One Day in June Melody—by Heifetz

Complete Stock of Vietrolas


W. L, George’s Litersry Fancies. .W. L George, an English nevsllst in d

critic, with whose work Americans have com* to be more or less familiar during th* past two or three y ssra Indulges in mndom re­flections In bis book, "L iterary Chapters" ILIttle, Brown). Some of the-opinions he ad­vances are fairly Interesting, but none has any remarkably striking quality. Bid tribufb to Iletlon t t rather balanced by bis Jibes a t the lack of Judgment shown ns to novel* by

.the great reading public of England and America; tn particular he hemoana th a fact th a t *e few writers of tales a re raMed by ap preelatlve British authority to knighthood, or given tb* Order of Merit o r other recog­nition. It le eomewliat eurlou* to .find Ztr. George commenting on ,0. Henry as among

'.the Authdrs who have not attained, thai pop­u larity th s r detervsi this, of coursa may be tra a of England, but bi Agierlca. esrtslnty, O. Henry does, not lack, adtntrena Mn Georgs does not’ appear to be much Impressed with

T hrift-and National Stal^tyT h e f i m n d a l s t a b i l i t y o f a

n a t i o n i n a t im e l i k e e

p f c s e n t 1* in d h ’e c t .p ro *

p ta r d o n t o t h e a b i f i t y t o

p r a c d o e h a b i t s o f t h r ^

f tp i n d iv i d u a l c id z x m s .

L i t e I n s i i r s n c e i s a t e c t o f o p e z a t in g t o ^ d s v otwviv^ s t r e n g t h n o t o n l y d i r e c th r

t h f o u f ^ d i e f u n d s a o c u ib u la t e d b u t m d i -

r e c th r > d i r o u ^ t h e h a b i t s o f d i r i f t i n c u l c a t e d

i n t h e i n d i v i d u a l i n v e s to r . I n s u r e — a n d

s a v e — N O W .


r r . i




The eeciatl tiena prtvloi fifty-f forty-: U. Jos Memor of "Pt the af( of ths nsvolsi th* agi 414.189 absth first c trlbutl 44,140.8

The church Church Of lh« record! showet 9.793, I First city, gained snrolm Church with o ths y*{ Church niembs Th# y* ttsm. I and th a totalEllagbr

CSnli greats* b tra a Buffers! nine, church organli fact Is to Its ; ■clergyn Hsmmll Ivsen g logical ' Loss*

througl srosur*

.J'htrt, for Am BOOistle Bonletle tiet Pu five chi to ths from tl to 46,(h organls church*

Other Northsi Baptist MInlets Board, 88,116.61 bringlnto 464.1 gear.

Enrol teacher schools amount and til echools throe 1 With ai thirty-!

Thethlrty-1 tesn p 11.618,1 an aggi 4184.48( indsbts Sion* f amount

Enrol Society branch* Union, l is t am tlon, th and s li flrat gt rent ex respccti for th« 44.68 an ■ Rev, Hilt Cl Edueatl Ba'Wden Organli

Foatu th* odd fees of the Nev tl*n< w1 llgtoue recomm of the'b dlsouts*

S ix tee i

IlSsoIEdge’sthat hli Senate 1 to bq r ■ tatesm qnqplm teentb n ig h t that tt wiljiaot raantg' emrupt

Th* 1 Georg* Beheea tag In I

The 0 dents ol of New eititend ■gatehld loyal « a-iu ig* Siqti* * to'fd* U did opt Waekln piArtot.’

dot* fel

ER.ralO|T of

(ro dAfldi t / •

an th t vtinAoaflvdly we4lL M

tI to th t bey*

Toopt oa

og tn t not a

tat Irombont

,t. ttaa fi th t

!q( b that atlr

k ina,' It will

ulck throuita

bont alldt, a t

ih, wtailt th t mp,Ith °ptp to S'*

I h a t dua and

of yon hoard f racru ltt for r t bandt llk t r the raariati a lie r 'i troopi

R.aid th t Vour ttv e ra l frult- pany with a >na. who had In front of a try in a to ;dli- w ai a dummy t , one oloialy It could toiva I Intereattd tn could tap need dire n tc ttilty

lat th t flaurt tto ra wind**’ ar aomewtatre. ow and If f a table ttaina ■ to Iti atatiit: tttn tlo n to I t . a t w t a*t to ina our dally ipl« IncludlRit in for Senator tallt they keen itlon; when w t y c ea tt to In-

rho, on th t oe- f t reoeht Tlilt Ina m atte that nent rtaardlog latvelt In Chi-

dlatlnanlahed you a copy of

!" "A copy of red. "Reaard- ■I tn Chlcaao," [aw.'taaw-haw!"

npreealona the noa with them, ndina out .with of tbat."Qood- " placard that f a houee near

try to tell him

a t— 'I h it dtrby haL JEAN B R Id

rtice or played, on and

pie and implete

om the 0 guide lana re-

rrarD« Luca -lelfetz


East Jiers^ Baptists Renew Loyalty Pledge

Closing of,Seventy-»evcnth Soision Marked by Rewlutions for

I Prayer* During War.

Prohibition Receives Indorsement

Aged Man Hil by Troley CarReported in Serious Condition

^ ru c k by an eaitbound Jertey City trolley car on Newark turnpike In' Kearny Juat before mldnluht laat ntctal Jacob Abram*, eeventy-two year* old bf flrov t i tre tt, th lt city. Is In bt Mlchael'i Hoepltal eufferlnp from lucar- allon* about the head end other in- jurioii. Hie condition 1* eald tu bo serl- ou*.

The police lay that Abrami, who elated he was dealroua of se tting to Kearny, bed been put off care by the i-rewa while riding back and forth over the "pike." The car that hit the man

Theaccident happened about <00 feet eael of the Fenniylvanla electric line.

“Drys” Win Seven of Eleven New Gintests

Reaolutloni renewing their pledge ofloyal eupport of Prealdent Wllaon and , . ..........the government, and of determination to pray for the Intelligent working out of nivlne purpose in the war, were adopted by the East New Jertey Jtap . tist Aieoclatlon last night at the d o t ­ing of Ite eeventy-seventh anniversary meeting In the Roeevllle Baptist Church.

The aesoctetion aleo adopted reeqlu- tlon i to further national prohibition.Tonng people of the demoninatton will be, urgM, In view of the eeveral i eeo- lutloni. to manifest greater devotion to the nation's aiauss and to exerclie self-imposed economy and self-sacrifice dally.

The resolutions aleo urged that In view of the conclusion reached a t the m ornlns't conference on "Evangelism," conducted by Rev. J. E. K. Folsuni, that the tabernacle form of evangellam has proved unsatisfactory, the churches, with their pastors, give themaelvee more definitely to a form of lay evan- gelltm, and that pastors be urged to conduct classes along thia line with a view to training young people for leadership and to encourage them to dedicate their lives to miaslonari^work.

Other closing features were the re­port of young people's societies given by Edgar H. Oodhy for the committee of which Rev. Clifford I.lttell LaDuo, pastor of the entertaining church, Is chairman. Addresfes on "The Toung People’s Day," by Rev. William M.T h ^ p so n of the South Baptist C’hurch, andron "The Investment of a Life " were made by Rev. Dr.- W alter U. W alker of Sdranton, Pe. Dr. W alker etreseed the great value of life In time of war. and urged unselfleh living on the part of nil, holding up the soldiers of thfs coun­try as axamplee of unselfish devotion te principle.

Henbcrshlp Galas.The net memberehlp gain of the aa-

•eciatton. In proportion to the addi­tions, exceeded last year that of the prevloue twelve montha, amounting to fifty-five per cent. Increase, as against forty-one per cent,, according to Rev.M, Joseph Twomey of the F irst Peddle Memorial Church, given In his review of-''Progress In Growth and Life" a t the afternoon eeselon. In all but aeven of the th irty .five Churches larger be. nevolent contributions were recoiMed, the aggregate Increase In gifts totaling StS.SSS.81. In thfs connection the Eli*- Bheth Avenue Church, this city, holds flret place, having Increased it* con­tributions from tI,S38.2S last year to M.t6(1.80 for the year ending lust mouth.

Ths association comprises ' Ihtrty-alx churches, including the Irvington Church, which was received yesterday.Of the thirty-five whose statistical records were reviewed the reports showed an aggregate membership of 9.793, as against 9.919 for 1917. The F irs t Peddle Memorial Churoh, this city, which lead* In membership, gained thirty-six members, bringing Its tnrolm ent up to 1,119- The F irs t Church, Plainfield, holds second place wltfi a membership of T99, a gain for the year of nine, and Clinton Avenue Church, this city, ranka third with *5* members, ten more than last recorded.The year's gains Included <02 by bap­tism. 232 by letter, forty on experience and thirty-one by restoration, making a total of 706.Ellsgkrtli ('harck Skews Large Gala.

Central Church, Ellaabeth, made the greatest gain, adding sixty-two mem- bersi while Ihe church a t Plscataway nuffersd the largest lose, amounting to nlns. The last named Is the oldest church In the asaoctation, having been organixed In 1(189. Coincident with this fact li the fact that It has Juet called to Its pastorate probably the youngest clergyman In ths association. Kev.Hemmll L. Chambarlalo, who has just Ivesn graduated from Rochsatsr Theo­logical Seminary.

Losses In the aesociatlon totaled 237 through letters, lOT by death, 166 eraeures and thirty-tw o eiclualona.

,Jh lrty -one churches gave 310,660,77 for American Baptist Foreign Mlsefon eooletlee and 37,793.86 to home mleelon BOOletlee. Gifts to the American Bap- tlot Publication Society from twenty five churches totaled $870.86 and th o ^ to the New Jersey Baptist Convention, from thirty-three churches, amounted to 36,000.66. City or county mlsrlon organisations recetrsd from sixteen churches a total of 33,177.82.

Other gifts wsre as follows: To the

Dunellen, Penningtoo, Lambert- villc and Four Townships Latest Communities to Drop Saloons.

Dover with Places Staying "Wet”

Eleven local option elections held In New Jersey yesterday resulted In m ak­ing eevon more places "dry" and keep­ing four places "wet."

Additions to " I try ” gpals.The places voted "dry" are the fol­

lowing. the figures representing the total votes cast hy each side; ‘ •

Punsllen, Middlesex County, 260 to 209.

Slonrns Township, Middlesex County, 202 to 109.

Pennington. Mercer County. 119 to 6<.Hopewell Townehlp, Mercer County.

22S to 98.Franklin Township, Gloucester Coun­

ty, 121 to 192;Lsmbertvllle, Hunterdon County, 633

to <!f.East Amwell Township. Hunterdon

County, ]<8 to 120.Places R eato la lag H clet.

The communities preferring to stay moist and the total vote for and against the "dry" proposition, are;

Dover. Morris County, ],]I9 to 746.Freehold Township, Monmouth Coun­

ty, 291 to 2« .Freehold Town, Monmouth County,

<83 to 374.Berkeley Township, Ocean County, 80

to 94.E very W ard nt Dover

DOVER, June 12 tSpeclall. — Thia town yesterday piled up a majority tor the ','wets’’ In the local option election th a t exceeded the hopes of the most ardent advocate of continued liquor selling. More voters by 421 favored the retention of the ealoon than op­posed It, and the total vote cast, 1,911, la the heaviest in the history of the town. The vote stood: Wet, 1.II9; dry, 746, A majority of 300 to 150 for the wets had been looked for.

By wards the vote was as follows: F irs t Ward, wet 299, dry 303; Second Ward, wet 306, dry 108; Third Ward, wet 233, dry 191; Fourth Ward, wet .828, dry 239, Every auction of the town, therefore, went wst. »nd this result was disappointing to the local opttonlsts, who had looked for an em­phatic showing of dry votes in some section B.

About noon yesterday the Impression got abroad among the liquor forces th a t the drys were turning out (n heavier force than had been expected, and, according^ .he latter got busy.

At night th e n 'w a s a great deal of jubilation. al'Aough no disorder among the victors, it/id the local bars did a rushing buMhess with celebrants.

O iouM ster Nearly all aDyy.nWOODBDRT. June 12.—With the ex-

ceptton of three towns, Gloucester County went "dry" last night, when the "drys" In Franklin Township won a victory In the speolal local option elec­tion by a majority of 129 votes. There were 163 ballots cast by the "drys" in th e first district, which Includes Malaga and FrankllnvIUs, while ths "wets" polled 109 votes. In the second d is­tric t, Including Newfleld, In ths lower end Of the township, the former rolled up 1*8 to the latter's 88 votes.

The "wets" had the surprise of their | lives when the Italian farmers, upon I whom they depended for victory, swung over to the dry column and helped to vote out of business three saloons, ono | In each of the towns The district has a population of between 2,000 and, 3,000,

Twenty-five End Their Newark Academy CoursesGraduate* Include Two Who Com­

pleted Graduate Work and Three Special.

Farrand on School in Wartime

Northern Baptist Convention, *996.34; | township in the ciiiint;Baptist Homs f*f the Aged. *2 105,20; to vote on the license question. It iswg I H tagwviaae a m -g mg I vo ii n n a h 1-m-a* ^Ministers' &nd Mlselonartes' Benefit Board, 93,272.59; car« of church poor, |3,ll&.52, and tnlacellaneoua, 930,681.26; brinirinr Ui« total for benovolencei up to |5 | , 434*76, as avainst 940,444-94 Uat ]C«ar.

MSarolniOt fitatlaitcikIhirolment of puplU and officers and

tftftcherB 'In the twenty*’nln« Sunday dchooia whose reports woro preaented amounted, reapectlvely, to 6.930 and 838 and the average attendance of the fichoots wae shown to be 3,892. The three branch echoole \iave 836 pupils. With an average attendance of 181, and th irty-three officers and teachera

The total value of the aeaoclatlon'a thlrty-four houiee of worship and eta- teen paraonagee is eetlmated to be 11,618,323.43. Nineteen churchea have an affgreirate m ortreve Indebtedneae of $124*684.98; and twelve have a floating fndebtedneeB of 119,440.96. Contribu- Aiona from all churchea for home uee tmounted to 9174.844*77*

l^prolied In the ilxteen Toung People*a Society of Chrletlan Endeavor* the aeven brenohee of the Baptist Toung Feople'a ynlon, the three Toutig People'i aoole- tle i and the Toung People's Aeeocta- tion, the reportn ehowed. are 831 senior and eighty-four junior membere. The flrat gave 9468.46 and $526.36 for cur­rent expenses and benevolent objects, reapeetlvely, white the junlore gave for the eame purposes, reepectlvely, 94.63 and $4-60r' Rev- Albert Bretechnelder of Clinton HIU Church reported on "Religious Education," and Rev. William .H. Bblirden of Perth Amboy on "Auxiliary OrganUatlona*"

Featuring the afternoon session was the address by Professor Isaac B. Bur* gsaa of this city, general secretary of the New Jersey Sunday School Asaocla- tltn^ who spoke on "A Program of Re- llglpuB EducBtlon*'' He presented the recommendations of the recent session of the Northern Baptist Convention, and dlsoUBSed these a t length.

A------------- ---------- ;-----------

Sixteenth Ward Republican Chib ' ‘Suggeit*" Edge for U. S. Senate

RMolRtloni commending Ooverncr Kiga’a admhi'lBtratlan and euggsetlng th a t hla candidacy for the United Statgg Senate p rtien te "a iglendld opportunity to bp repreeented tn W ashington by a atatesman and a iiatriot," were adopted qngaliBoaely a t a m eeting of the s is - tepnth tVard Republican Club laat n ig h t till* was one way of showing tjM9t the d o b t« for Oovamor Edge w it^oot Aiaklng one of those "Indorse-, raariti*" wblcli are prohibited by the oium pt practices act th is year.

Ths retmlutlona ware presented by deorigs ^ Judd, and Judge E|)ward Beboep expUlnsd that there was noth­ing In them that ths law prohibits

Tbs olilb raiolvsd, "that the rssl- dsnta of the Hxtsenth Ward of the d ty a t Newark, feel a personal pride aa ^ n n t and as Republicans tn the ^ te b te s a record o f aohlevement of otif Ipyil And patriotic Governor, W alter 1 . B lge. His candidacy for the United gIgtM Aaaate a t thia critical time af- fefds Ut* Reopla of New Jersey a eplea- Ald o p ^ftu n lty to be repreeented la W aeklagton - by a ita tasm aa and a patrio t"-

Tba dafe alto made It riear that It la ,tvf F rank E. Daveniiort as • eaipM- dai» fa r Me Assembly In the linsginaty dto trlet'w hich Domprisea the Sixteenth

gad" Ird iw ton. Chairman John .B.v'WIm WMi e t tha Coimly aepublloan

I has easgred tha c|ub aiem- Is to r DaVapnoirt

i‘Mp». agpresaM n r thg ngresaman Fi;pdor'

waa aDROnhosd nmlttae had epn-

SsihtPY^lmoM in to y g ^ y

the largest single section to go dry In the county.

Child Is Run Down by Auto Of Deputy Chief McDermitt

struck by the automobile of Deputy F ire Chief McDermitt when he swerved to tbe sidewalk to avoid being jammed between a trolley car and another auto, ten-year-old Caroline Edwards of 312 North Sixth street Is In the City Hos­p ita l with a fractured collarbone and a possible fracture of the akull. MoDer- m ltt reported the accident to the police and was paroled to await the outcome' of thochlld 'a Injuries.

The accident occurred about 7;30 o’clock last night. McDermitt was drlv. Ing hiB car north in North Seventh s tree t and when he approached Orange s tree t was confronted by s trolley car. To avoid striking the car he turned sharply east into Orange street, only to find an automobile standing In his path about f lfte tS fee t from the corner. Then he turned to the sidewalk and struck a porch, knonking down ths railing, and a second later striking the girl, who was passing. The automobile finally crashed Into a pole and stopped.

The automobile standing In Orange s tre e t wae owned by Andrew H, Jones of 72 Floyd street, Belleville, and-Chief McDermitt commandeered it to take the g in to ths hospital.

McDermitt was not going to a fire a t the time, but waa on his way to No 16 Engine House In Park avenue. He look the North Seventh street rente be­cause Roseville avenue was tilled with arm y motor truokA The deputy chief denied he was going a t on exceaslve speed.

The g in had been out of the hospital only , ten days after an operation for appendicitis.

Pavilions Asked at S(d»o for 100 Tuberculosis Patients

New buildings of the Inexpensive pa­vilion type, to house ISO tuberculous p a tlen u and to hq oonstrootsd hnms- dlataly, were asked hy the'board of ma]u agera of the Couaty Isdlatlon Hospital a t Soho, when the hospital commUtte of the Board of Frasholdore met a t th a t Institution yesterday. The request was referred to the building Oommlttee, with a recommendation for Itverablo na­tion. Similar action waa takeu upon g request for repairs and Improve- m sp u to the InatItuUon’s boiler equip­m ent and steam plaa/L

I t was explained to tha eomn-lttee th a t tha tuberootoals seotlon of tho Isolation hospital is full to capacity, and that there Is a waiting Hit of. lor- ty -e igh t persons suffering from tuber- culdsis. «hoM admission Is.dssirable. It was also reported that th e n were laar.r tuberculous prisoners In both the jail and the psnttantlair, who ahotld be removed to Sohe. If there ware room for them thsrA

.The repairs to the heating pUnt were urged by ®r. William H, Brie.i of the oohUittoas dlssaaes notion, aa ameooa- sa iT preparation to r next w ia u r nod a m eans of saving monoy on a tltu tlen 's ooal UIIa Bb twtlor ash pits, te nwks of eenl AvaUabIs tor ttss. sib4 A gfsnin mnln to the.i In t iu ir r and SMdtPos aoKCltb The reoM st oladod the reoonaiaPdaeed Jm an- undsfi

In accordance with It* custom, simple graduation exercises were held this morning a t Newark Academy at the opening of the last day of the term. Diplomas were presented to twenty who had completed the regular courses, to two who had finished the graduate courses and three who had concluded special courses. Honors were awarded to two students and three were elected to membership In Ihe Cum Dhude So­ciety.

The morning, exerclsee began with the singing of "America," followed by a short addrese by Wilson Farrand, head master, who apoke of the qualities the school had to instil Into Us atud- snts—Integrity, Inddatry and perse­verance—and to these he added s fourth, the Importance of which has been developed by the war, diacipllne.

"With all Us horrors, the war is doing a great service In leading our people, especially our young men, to realise that the chief object of life Is not to win a position for one's self, but to serve one’s country and man­kind," Mr. Farrand concluded. Re then presented diplomas to the graduates and announced the. names of graduate students and of those who had sa tis­factorily completed special courses.

A "circular of information” wae Is­sued today following the graduation. I t explains soms of the problems the school has had to face and announces several ohanges In the teaching staff,

It also makes it clear th a t the Acad­emy has no Intention of abolishing tho study of the Oormsn language because of tho war.

Staff la Depleted."Like moat educational Institutions,"

tho c lrculir points out, "the academy has auffered severely during the past year from the loss of teachers, clerks ati^ jan ito rs

“In February Paul F. Barackman. who was lnH:harga of the F irs t Form, was called Into service with nottes of only two or three days, and tem porary arrangements were made to divide his work among the o ther teachers until ebme one could be found to take his place."

The circular then explains th a t for next year the vacancy in the F irs t Form has been filled by the appoint­ment of M. J. Dillon, a graduate of St, Patrick’s Teachers’ College. Dublin, a t present teaching In the Arden School, Staten Island. Because Charles K, Savage, the aselstant physical director, was asked to take up similar work a t Camp DIx, the entire coaching work of the academy waa taken over by R. E l- mer Ihal, with the aid of only supple- inentary coaching In baseball. No a r ­rangement has been made to secure a Buooesaor for Mr. Savage next year.

The only other change In the teach­ing staff Is the departure of Horton Snfder, assistant head master, to be- oome inspector of high schools for ths sta te of Oonnectlcut, His place will b# filled by tha promotion of Harold C. Sjnoe, wlio has been an Instructor a t (he academy since 1913. Jam es A. ^urastead Jr., who has besn In oharga oT the uppfr Intwmedlate clasA will become registrar. '

's t i l l Tcaeb aerm aa."Ths academy has not been carried

away by the movement to abolteh the study of German In our schools," the circular reads. "It la of Interest In this connection te note the fact th a t since the entrance of America Into the war the United States Military Academy at West Point has made German a re­quired study for all Its students on the ground that In order to fight the G er­mans effectively a knowledge of the German language Is highly desirable."

The cfroular then points out that In the sconomte struggle to follow the war a knowledge o f German will be neces­sary tor those participating In the oom- merclat combat. It concludes:

*Tt Is evident, therefore, th a t In the years to come a knowledge of German will be of dtstlnot practical valus and there Is no reason why such a know l­edge c4Uinat be obtained w ithout c rea t­ing a aympatby for German atandarda and Idaali, The academy Is Justly tmoud of th s excellence of Its Instrac, tion In modem language* end It la Its purpose to oontlnue to offer tta atu- denta tha opportunity to gain a w ork­ing German, aa well a* of French and spanlih." *

Oradaatas IlainMd.Tha graduatea: Clasaleal, HtniV

Bwsld and H tnry F. O, Spalr; Latin ad an tirio ,. Ernaat a Alliopp, Noel a Arrowamlth, O w rlea H. Brumbaugh, William A. Cudllpp. Howard R, Gherke,- H enri C. Mathey Jr., Donald B. Uelilo, Henry D. HtUlU’, Thames L. Phrsonnst. Frederick tf. Phillips, Harry' J. Bchnall Jr.; aetanttfic,.David AkeretiMnble. Ed­ward A. Chaateaey Jr .. Idw oM a F ish . wick. Donald J. Undo, Chester W. Haemmalt, Newton B. achott; complet- iBg'gratfiiate oovraas, Frederick Belter Baton agd^Frederick G. Bbcrhardt; oomplaunc apemai courteo. Donald B, CoIpKM, Frtdsrlok A. DteklDson and Jaaen Btnga.

Prevaatsd from aseorlng diploma by lllnass la laat yaat, Augostga D. Clark and 4 rM w U K a M tta ,

IkwptiMfk, ftiKiisB aad

mathematlcB; Parsonnet, loitln. mathe- matICB and science.

Elected to Cum Lnude Society on the basis of superior scholarship, Roeni- melt, Kchnell and Echott. These are In addition 10 Rrumbnugh, Mathey and Parsonnet, who were eiecied in March.

A gold inednt was presented by the Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association for the best work during the course in mathematic* and science, to Parsonnet, with honorable, mention for Rrumbaugh.

Of tho entire class, tw enty-three ex­pect to go to college, Allsopp, Brum­baugh, Cudlipp, Ewald. Manchee, Mathey, Mellls, Phillips, Spslr and Btrau* to Princeton; Bberhardt. Miller and Schnell to Cornell; Parsonnet lo Harvard; Dickinson to Tele; Colpitts to Dartmouth; Eaton to Williams; Ar­row-smith to Havertord; Schott to Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Chasteney lo fltevens; Rnemmelt to Norwich, and Clsrk to Annapolis. Abercrombie and LIndo are undecided as to where they will go.

Red Cross to Conhnue Registration of Nurses

Though Military Enrolment Drive Enek Tonight, Efforts to Get

Quota Will Be Extended.

Only 35 Signed, 125 Are Sought

Although the drive for enrolment of nurses under the American Red CtDes officially closea tonight. It was an­nounced today that reglstratlona wl.1 continue lo be received a t the local chapter'i teaelilng center, 3 Weet Pare sMeet. until Newark's required quow o f 126 is reached. Bo far only .thirty- five have registered, and It Is the hope of the committee In charge of the dilvo that Newark will not fall to answer the call sent to It and spoil a record that heretofore has borne the reputation of going over ra ther than under the goal set by the national headqyartera-

A final appeal, made public a t noon today by the A tlantic division head­quarters, calls upon nurses and student nureee to respond quickly to the call, The appeal Is made personally by Hiss Jane A. Delano, director of the depart­ment of nursing of the division.

"Ton who have crowned your woman hood with a nurae's cap have now ths opportunity to make that cap also a symbol of liberty for the world," the appeal asya.

"With the German drive developing with a fury that means more and mors of our men under fire, with the grow- Ing movement or troopa to Europe and with tho m ustering in of new mllllonii under the draft, the need for thousands of army and navy nurses It a m atter of utmost military Importance.

"The llita of severely wounded and ■lightly wounded now appearing dall.v In our newspapore are direct calli to duty for every.nuree able to serve with the flag.

"Wounds of battle cannot w ait for nuries. There must be Bkllted women on duty In every dressing station and military hospital to receive the shell tom fightare, to eaee their early tor­ment and to glvo them unromlttlngL- care and treatm ent that may mean for them eav|ng a limb if not saving life ItaaU. For othar than Amortean wommi to oaro for our hoyi In army and navy UQltottn would be to rob our woman­hood of Its greatoet opportunity and privilege In this struggle for world decency.

"There la work for I.OOO reglitered nurse* watlng for them to volunteer through the American Red Cross for tha Army and Navy N uns Corps. Twenty-Rve thousand nureea m utt be In military uniform by January 1 and many others muet be In navy uniform at the great naval hoapltale. Theaa must be sent as needed—no call must look immediate answer. No traniporl, I trust, with space for nurses will sail without Ita full complement of women trained In our hospitals for aurglcai and medical duty.

"The Red Cross la deilgnated hy army and navy as their chief recruiting agency tor nuriea. The Red Cross en- rolls these noble voluntaere and then saslgns them to m ilitary authorltlea.

"There will be.,na lack of nurate be­hind our sector In Buro|i*—ou r nurtee will heed the call In auoh numbgra as any emergency may demand. The spirit that sent our brave women to nurae in tho boaplUIs of tha Civil W ar Is alitl allvo. Our noraos, who alone poaaese the akin required In modefn m ilitary hoipltalt, alwaye havs been actuated by a aeMt* of public service. Those who give of their strength eo freely to the civilian ^Ick lelll not fall the** who are offering their Uvoe for their eonn'try.

"Heed the battle cry to skilled woman- hooA Enroll. Dedicate yourself anew to humanity. Biehango your uniform of r eyivi for one bearing th s lettera U. 8,"

(Hber tltlHty Mai lgga Oft,Baoauaa of tho argnm ant In tha J>ubHg

Barrie* Railway cass. tha roheartng of tha applfoatlon of tha HIddlotax W atar Coropaay for approval of lUd.pgq w m h of etook waa postponed today h y d h e Pnbllo Utllitlea ComnlqMon. HaarUw |a tha case of tha Bound Ht m Ii CMhiw Bearfog Company agalqft the W atch- upg W ater Campany also want ovar. Dn2**-for tlja I will b* iBgounci

Graduate! of the Montgomery Street School who are membere o f'lhe Pub­lic School Safely Patrol, and who d*- ilro to contlniir In the activities of the patrol although because of gradua­tion no longer active members, met last night at the school and organised the Montgomery Toung Men's Safety Association. The neu- organliatlon will he under the fupervisinn of Fell* Dunn of the attendance department of the Department of PuMHc Safety, About twenty-five members of the patrol were . present.

officers were elected as follow;,' President, Abrahem Plolkln; vice pres­ident, Morris Btepnes: secrelarf, Pyser Jacobson; treasurer, Morris Ackerman, and sergeant at arms, Jacob YIskIn.

Tot in Tears as G)urt Deaees New Custody

Molherle** Two-Year-OId Is Prin­

cipal in Action Between Hi# Two Grandmothers.

X Company also waut ovar. the h e a ^ g of tbag* e « ^

uounced uittg, ^

Camille Martin Claims Haag Murder Reward

Convicted Slayer Write* Mayor, of Orange He’# Innocent, but Ha*

"Clue" to Culprits.

Chancery Will Settle Dispute

Camille Martin, convicted of the murder of Jamea J, Haag, tho Orange Jeweler, has written Mayor Daniel F. Minahan of that city claiming the re- ward of *1,000 offered by the Orange City Commleeloh for information lead­ing to the conviction of the murderer. Martin claims that the money should be paid to him aa he is "not the guilty man of that crime in Orange," but hse a clue about "two fellows arreeled a t tho present time." The communtcetlon has been turned over to City Connael A r­thur B. Seymour.

Becauie several have claimed the re ­ward and Inaemuoh ae one suit hae been started and another threatened, a resp. tutlon waa adopted yesterday afternobn by the Orange Commlealon providing for the payment of the money Into the Court of Chancery.

Jess Gerardo, a bootblack, who Is eald to have Informed tho police of this i-lly of the sale of diamonds shout a pool room, where Martin waa arreatod on March 14, hat started litigation to obtain (he reward, and counsel for Al­fred Roninger of West Orange has In- formid the Orange authorities that un­less h favorable reply la received to a clnlm be has made for the 31,fl9;i su it will be started. A Up given by Ronin­ger was Ihveetigated without result. Aa told, several members of tho police force of this city have also been In a AUpule over division of the reward.

Ill the communication which Martin addressed to Mayor Minahan the signa­ture does not seem to bo In the same handwriting as that of the body of the letter. The convicted rourderar's claim for the reward read* aa followi:

"I am about lo tell thai I have gott a few words sh o u ts reward that la to bo giving thro Jasa. Wall, I wish to inform you that no such reward | i to be given out because If you do It will bo trolng money away because If Iher Is anybody that orto get that money it orlo be mo. because I am not the guilty man of that crime In Orange. Becauee 1 have aelue of where the tow felows a r that don the work. This tow felows %r arrested a t the preaonl time they ar what 1 have suspect to be the man. Tours truly, Mr. Minahan,

"CAMILL MARTIN." lU llraa i Daatege Settlemeat*.

Under resolutions adopted by the ^ ‘"’Rflaaton. peymenta totaling

*2,626 were authorised In aettlement of property damagea on Scotland etreet where five front yard* are helow the grade of (he southern approach of tho viaduct over the Lackawanna Railroad. Llalme of the property owners on thia otreot have bean adjusted aa follows:

C*l‘*tian McCarthy.O- McKenna. *676; Mar-

fJT?*- *169; Devereux Elmes.*371; Benjamin Sanderson, 1735.

Rebatas were authorised for aeveral pimperly owners In Berkeley avenue, who bad paid thalr aaaeeamentt for the rapavetnont of that thoroughfare. The coat waa reappurtloned after the tax- im yen protested direct aeeeaemeutB for the Improvement a t elreat Intersec- tloiia

A whoUaale and a retail liquor Rcenie for 291 Mala etreet were tran s­ferred from Ovldlo C. Blanchl to An- - the ealoon licensefor 61 Freeman street waa transferred from Frank Kaiser to IVIltjBni o Baumgart. Renewals of ialddft license a were granted the following; wm tarn Wludecker, 217 Day etreet; Albert 1* Kotek, Its Valley street; John J. Cowen, 141 Main street; Patrick Man- gan, 91 Tretnont avenue; Jamea Mc­Carthy, 166 Lakeilde avenue; John Mrnael, <1 Park atreat; Joseph S b n ti, tS Canter s tre e t

After the meeting, which was the UUt regular sekilon of - th* outgoing commlealon. Mayor Minahan etatad th a t th* date for th* organleatlon of the new conunlselon has net been fixed. The soltller vot* polled a t the Inunlcl- pal elaetlen held Hay 14 will be can- vateed tomorrow, and the Incoming oc-mmleslon may meet Friday or hold the organisation laasion a t th* regular lime o^ th* waakly meeting TuetMay afternoon. f

Marshall Not to Be Candidate;On Contrary, to Support Parker

Howard Marihall of East Orange has come forward with tin; announcement that he will not be a candidate agalnet R. Wayne Parker for the Republican Congressional nomination in the Ninth Dlitrlct. He also declarea th a t he does not think this Is the time to "change our Repreeantstlve."

For some time Mr. MarehsH's name hsB been mentioned se a possible esn- dldste In the Republican prlm srlsi, hut h li announcement today deflnttely. takes him out of the rrce.

"This Is manifestly not the time In which any cUfien of the Ninth Dis­trict would he justined In seeking ofhee to gratify persons! Bitiblllon," Mr. Mar­shall Btstee. "It I* clearly our duty, In the 'present situation, to renominate and re-elect Richard Wayne Parker, our present Representative, who hue continuously and coneletently, day and night, and with energy and seal sup­ported vigorously In Congress every administration measure designed to promote the eucceseful prosecution of the war,

"Mr. Parker I* a member of several Important committees chirgeil wllh great responsibilities. His experience and counsel ct this time are of ulinoet value to hiB colleagues and tn our enun- try In the present emergency. More­over, It is required of him th a t he ehall remain In Washington attending fa ith ­fully to hla manifold duties until the adjournment of Cong'rose. This will prevent him from taking any part In a campaign for reiiomlnatlon. There­fore, I cannot bring myself to believe th a t any patriotic citlsen would scrli to take personal or political advantage of such absence and become a candi­date against him. Certainly I ehatl not.

"I believe the best interest of the country will be served by hie continu­ance se the Representutlv-1 uf the Ninth District until he has tinlehed the im­portant work In which he Is now en­gaged. I shall support him for renom- Inatlon and re-election. I will work for him. and for the reagune I have stated, I ask my friends to do the ■sme."

Enors Court Dflaya DexthOf Martin Pending Decision

ggartsl mrefee of m TfBWS.TRENTON, June 12-—Pending an ap­

peal to tha Catirt of Error* and Ap- paslB, th* execution of Camtilo Martin, who waa to have ban electrocutad this week tor tho m urdsr of Jamo* J. Haag, the Orange jeweler. <tas been ordered stayed.

Chsnealler W alker refused to ‘'g ra n t a w rit of error *« spplleatlmi of Clar- finca 8. Blake and Hariiaon P. Linda- bury, counsel for MarilB. Th*' a ^ now go** bator* th* Court of E rro rs and, jiendlng a daolelon by th a t body, th* death saolenoo It wltliliat^'

tn thb apMlegUon eoanaal'qjtad *r- r o n they . l M appeared' a't 'jSii tr ia l and also naiiain arrara alleged to Iwv* bean nuda- In tji* conn'* efeMga-

Baag taca; sh o t ' a n t apttMd la hlajawaUy atnr* In Orsng* an ih* night of Fabfggry I. H arllg wai* trl*41 jn i.prU m d nonvtoled pf ' t ^ dagro*

Seeks Coromission on Powder Sold by du Pont# to Russia

Claiming that It was through hla ef­fo rts that 9.909,1)99 pound* of powder wee eold to the Rusilsn Imperial Gov­ernment by the E. I. du Pont de Ne­mours Powder Company, H. McAllister Smith of the Harvard Club, 27 West Forty-fourth itreet. New York, is suing the powder company In the United S tates District Court here for *149,269, which ho elalins to be du* him as com­mission.

The suit was opened today before Judge Haight and a jury and Is ex- posted to continue through tomorrow. Smith alleges hs was employed by Col­onel B. G. Buckqer, vfc* president of the du Pont company, on August 18, 1*14, as anAgent for th* sale of powder to Ruiela, the agreement providing he should he paid a commlealon of two and one-hsif per cent.

In January, 1918. Ih* 6.990,0*0-pound ■ale was made by Ih* company for 11.369,000. Smith cisime th a t It re- eulled from hl« preliminary negotia­tions. The company, througb F rank 8. Kateenbach, jlenles that Smith had any­thing to do with it, declaring th a t Saittn was engaged solely for one par- tloular sale that wse to hsv* beon mad* through Nicholas KokcharofC of P e trtg rsd snd that never we* put through.

Mnlth ha* been a aelllng agen t In Egrop* for varlou* Amerloan manufoo- turare. he - says, and a t on* tim* osid battlaahipa abroad for th* New Tork Ship Building Campany.

T m A l I i n"Mt fMi w«kcli a loa. mr n n

nir hmA tkiimp* back whfi. t*m dnMrty and Im- ft*. STk^v'^"' heiiprs t

■t'i net ■■ bed o> that, DIt- ' ,venr wKem a sood cIh o Iiu shi ■nd tbm k m It rlesn with the . m-n L.tXATItl


At Parkaia d( 1 Hoill. I'c.

------------- mJ

Given to iKe One in Florida

L ltllr Toniniy I-;. Adams Jr., for nil that ha Is only two years old. set up a mighty outcry In cmirl veslerdnv when Grandmother- nierii, wlfi- of Chriatian Olacu of the T,-wnshlp of Wondbridge, ohrylng the boiioat of Vice Chancellor Lane, turned Ihit IILtle chap over to Grandmother Adams, lo hr taken flrat to Norfolk. Va„ and eventually lo far-away Orlando, Fla.

The child was brought Into court In obedience to a writ of habea* corpus, ■ued out by William M. Brown a t the Instance of Thomas E. Adame of 8c- wsren, th* lad's father, who wished to have hla own parents tnke the hoy In Charge, the mother, who was a daugh­ter of Mr. and Mra. L'Isrn, having dli-d Uat November.

Tbe vice chancellor ruled that th>- surviving parent had a righ t to th« cnetody of the child, holding that the contention advanced hy Rtephen F. ftomogyl of Perth Amboy, counsel for the maternal grandparents, that the father’s concern (or the welfare of th* child was more or less put on. and what ho waa trying to do was lo ts - tabllsh a ceie of dependency to evade being placed aa a selective In C lan 1-A. was not proven.

It tranaplrari that Thomas Adam* married MIsh Nnr* OUen In October. 1914, and shortly thereafter went with Ills wife 40 Orlando, Fla., where nlH parents lived and where the child whose custody was yesterday In rtla- phte was born. Eventually th e couple wllh their child returned to Wood- bridge, where, Sccordlng to the tes ti­mony of both Mr. and Mre. OUen. Adams failed to provide adequately for his wife snd child, with the result that the grandparents themselves made good -the lack.

In Ihe course of a reettst by OUen of his SDn-ln-Uw's alleged shortcom- Ingi, he said: "All In the house 1 gave them; they had not a hod to sleep on, nor a chair to sit on, except what I gave them; and I gave them money, too.”

OUen told further that a fte r the death of hU daughter he and h li wife look Adams and the child Into their home, but that on Mnroh 24 last he ordered hU son.ln-Uw to leave the house, alleging he found him playing carde In a satoon.

Rev. James J. Griffith of Woodhrldge, who married the couple, testified In Adame's behalf. 'Adams'e parents were also In court, having come up ffbm Norfolk, where the elder Adame ls at present employed a t th* n svsl base. Both leetitled to s willingness to rear Ihe child.

Mrs. OUen left the court room In tears. The child was eventually quitted.

' NWAVERINC Is o4ir tdsbly le ths highest Idssle, t* ths ■saUag *t d*. P ■ ■ <1 a h I « cloth** I • r ■*B sad h*ys

snshits a t to gasraat** tSHtfaclion. Oar euataiar showlttg offers ihse* hi- heroat qaslltloi sad ilaad- •rd* *f oxesUme* that hsv* hspi oar raputal'.on OS prOdoatlaoot •* tho clo4ho* thoBiaolvoo.




195 M arket S tThe Albany Deolleu. IH I4ark«t tL .

fnvtte you to oi>n«uli them rega rlliit (hf condition of ynur teeth,

Kxpert den tlitry m 11* brAtiobM And nioderfete prirea, fnntblned with twenty ym rs' eKpertonct no*r the Tour Comere le your

ConeultAtlon fre« At any tim e; MB end let ui oonvlni't you of our Rblllty to fulfil the Abov# ■talamenti,

H n a n i BiW t« • F. M. TAVAday, T liB rad«y , ta tw rd iir*

a P. M.TclApllAB* HArlCAl diMkt,


N«w«rk TbM U r BuUdlnfv


T 5 S E 5t e r m i n a l ‘s

TODAY mnd All ThU WMk*

MME. P E T R O V Ai n * T h e U f e M a e k ^

A Hrilory lirsmo ef o Meep-Wslhlag Bride. Alto

TOM MIX In ' Aee HlgliA Drama ol Advrntare Is the iervtei

of the Nerthwest HDUntedPolM^ CoBlIsuone, 10 A. M. I* U P. H.

UaUnrei I to « P.M.—Bvea., 1:16 P.M.Picture Prelude I and 7 Sharp.

Raaervrd Heats Can Be Secured Six Waaka in Advance. Phona 7919 Bki, TODAV—Ml.t.E. DAZng A CO.—He- KAY A ARIIlNK-cHARBY BHKRN— " T H 0 Vti II T " — ALBXANDEB A yiBLUg—OTHER HEADUNBM.

Clianeed Mondaya and Thuraduya, Smnklnx Rntraifol A Balcony—19 to 7Ba

Klavator Service to Your Host. .


la the comedy of flint alodl* life.• T H E S Q U A B F A R N TEhUr* »r1glDBl >'■ Yi em le produrtkMa

44'^. Matai tte to Mc.iNlih U 36c to T8c.

Neii let tlm« Mrwher*^ th* Bo-Vriety Comrdy DniniRLs BImm P«irL**^




AtlAlN THK BUST OF ALL- Free rif«worlt» Every Tubeday • ThuradVa

iHhar Attraftloni.SBak WATEK rtURFViolet Kay PUtered OPEN

(;ooDWjfi[ALL n u n WEEK.

FANNfE n.\RD In “The V«>llow Tk>kMv'* Aim Mr. end Mm. MilniT In "P»y

Day*" * Flv»>R«wil Comedy r>ramii. ComlRf. Nnoday, alune 18, MAKIDN DAVlEH

In "t'eoUin of the Pink Rnere.'*

W aBace HalP, Y. H?. C A.JI'LKM FAf.K. Vfolinlet. and


R R S T CONCEETff JU N E 1 4SEC O N D C O N C E R T p JU N E 1 5

«:1S P. HaBeaefli of Iha Ladlce of the U. A. R. B f(»

V Boef (irela. hJNDl.B ADMIBBION............ | |

NE,y^RKj;Faotero MU—tTlU N MAH'nN (•-vuitt4«"i i wakhbCrn

BKVdV f'K iddcr • Ko"l. Kryttose Comedlea. World Newo. Open tummrr

K E E N E Y ’ SMoo.. Tdob., W'Fd., Jana 10. II, II-

DRIMORE • MOORE. In "Behlod tha dcroMt" DDKANE t CO., (ipcctocalsr lUlwioHlBl, ood g li Other B li Kroiioy Feh- lure oeia. Mallhrc, l•c-18r. Eveolsi 19t- tSe. OPEN ALL (H.MKER.

« •■ • goMlor MI4BMOV P tH «Upon hts admlwlDn ho hod furniohed

w liitkF to An sm iy Usaomsnt, who Ksd plosdod ho Btedod K i* r m«dlc*l purImoo, Martin J. Nichols* of Tsnefly, n «M«r«n of the Rphnlah-AmeHran Wur, weig fined *26 ;by Jddge U sight In t1;e 17*61*4 State* District OodrI y**t*rduy,


To whom it may concern;Tako notico th a t on Juno 14. I t l t . a t *

P, 31., at tha Municipal building. MapliwooU. th t undotaisuod OS coiumlaaioutra uf ataaat - ment of Hie (ool and expmaeo of ron iirurl- ine torh omi xun«r on il-iunlain ivpnuc, ono uf tl'O otrooto ->r osid inwnablp, will conduct a publli incetinx for loo pvrpoia of offordins ijpporlunlty to bo hoard me told iinprovaiuonio to iboan of the l#*- Dto-oro of aald townalilp Inter-atoJ iho-vU.

,1, t'HAKLUJ O'BniAN.b l u e r b h u w .x ,JOHN W. HSI.LE’I.

Coii.u-Dslviioro,Dated JUBO II. IH I.Newark .vcr >, June IJ, U - j -

t o w n s h ip " o r s o u t h o h a n o * .To whom It moy concom;

Take notice tha t on .luno 3 |, )9II, dl S P. M„ at the Municipal bulldine, M*yl|in tho anderalgaad oa oommltalonari o f stment c3 the cost and Axpwtten t f cSaXIn i cuth snd g u H « on ffew aid. *vi out a f Ihu n tn o tt *3 s*ld AW* conduct a >nhllc m tettqg f l i t t f of oftording opportw^ e te hitf big oMd tmnravtfhtii** to iM *a'i^ puyort o4 r - ’"

W, MnqSPKIf .V I-4I33M.ll- -“l ,'--C ti. I.-'V.

N«aiirk News, Junv 1.

1 - -r



O tfln. t l l - l l t B rtnM rlek butlt* « • ! > « . T«l- M H -IB l

I fldttST**flcT » « • P*opl«'i g«* biilWiBjt. I, i , 0>i B u n tu , IH ColarM*

. O W ^,;«nlu>4 .f ln < v1*1*.

Ir Br*

m wsiji •:T«l». Onw

««>• BC« I t i l ;

DwdBafiJOHNSON AV*.—T w fa m llJ ' :"''*••• • "

prov#m*‘ni* ; prio#RIDOEWOOD A V » I^ lir« ..U m ll7

AU inipro»«nnnt»; *‘**’*'*’• It.trlo Iltlil* ; P f l«


CHAUWICK AVE.—Thr**>fw*nllr **f“*J; ^ B*Rr Clinton: »li h«Al*r flr*i flM>r R ll for

____ ^V noh Offle*. I4« B lM m fldd »t»- 1 h , i i , r (lr»i S w r; owner'1*»vln». toirn will«3*. k»lf Slook «l»0« D.. L. * W. Tol. ____

B nnoh Office. H s« tu lld . I b BLMONT AVE*. U#> Clinton n n m i* ( ^ w n Conlnfl. I prortm onli: room for i

'ou lck . owner will inKo M.OOOM »fM nwn*Bmncli OC^on, I I Bonth n trn t.

Trt t i t . Branob OffiM, Cimp- btU 'i drag Btor*, B*nk bwlldluf. Milt- town n c ia c i. '*•1. *» Mlllbarn.

k t w u t Brnnoli Ofticn. I Pnrk plncn. Tol.I t Hnwtnn. „ , ,

EWtoirir Britncli Ofticn, Boom 1. ttnotnl Imlldln*. 11 Hnpln a t r * ^ Tnl.

B w w BrnBCti Oftton. 11 Wont BlnokwIII Tsl SSI<Niw JW iny) Brnnch O tfl« . I

T O c V J A V f n f ‘OrVa*. X:S'SS5S5:I I I Iten ton . „

m jU S E V SEASHORE o r F i n i —<M lU In n tn n t (Onorfo W. P itU nner'I m l tilA t* offlctK ospoalt* pottofffM. TRu W XtbulT Ptrts. AdTM-tlalBf

SOUTH rOURTEBSTH "T , om f Clljl®";Av«.^Twn-Uniily h n w , rH Improve

mente: prip«SOUTH e ig h t e e n t h '

ny,,_Two-t»ii>lly houtni nil moilcrn Im provemenlp. prlt* II.IPO*w r i to r A M ir gBCTtON—Sfv«n-Tf>om Hou#*,'' . nm aifctJio p*'";;'* f , lot lOalDO; s n rn ir lor two la r i . owner will

for II.Pop.

DweDtafiAVn.—O nftnm lly .ELIIA PETH AVn.—Ont-rnmlly. ,

rooma bath: hot w ater hint- elfJtrb-Hi. hardwood flnora; M iH lL lo theneaa aettlon: will onehnnsn for itn a ir r ptop

(the amall am oonl of raah. n ia ln lSis’ nno; ihVa la n »ood dMl for bualnrea man. Moardilaj. *1* Clinton jtrn.}1e*rdi)«yH A N D S O M E Iw o - f n m l ly , I I ro o m a . 1

a e p a ra ie a le a ra . a ln c t r lc l l j r . p a r u u c t flnora , o p e n D r a p la r e a , t w o - c a r | i r a f » : re m a < trl i aiP: Kiretlon on CUnlon Hill. pri<

— fifirdetoy, S tl CUnton RVf>*COZY oneffRinUra 7 room*. b«.lh: np 'H HHc.

■teem, •lectrirlly , ecroene, Rhedrg, »wn- Inge; betwllful gerden; fruit nVj[*ehrubbMfy; 37^*110. peved elreet: bergein for *omfl on«. lioardel^'y. ton RV«.

S U I T H B E I . H O N T

l o c a l b r a n c h O B FIC U tW nphonn lOtO M arknt.

Ula nvc.. I l l V yrtln n n „ I I (Rom- rlif nT«.j I I I Ttlla)-i at.. Ilil SouU llittb tl , . I l l

t l . . I l l

houaa. arvon room#: • • • tJ ’.-Y .'li.i 'o n l.h llrhia: to bo aacftnoad for 11,101. oot qoHALSTKD ST.. V alllburih S a rtlo ^ T h ra r- ” family houae; all Improvamenta. prl*«If, 101.

1 BicTMOOn AVE , at CtlBloB are —Two* family houta; all modatn Improvcraanta.

drivtway for a a ra f i : Pflca ll.ioa.For parllculara

L m e r m a n . »oo tm oA D s r .




I t mo—COST ont-fam ily i • t l !" h e a l ; 1>«“ Ofol a .rd .O i -irrof.

i lOallO, Olio A Co., I f^ B e raan it.II IDO ASKING—Clinton Mllli

I I ro o m a . a l l a a p a r a ia I n i n r o v i m i n i i ; f i n * I c o n d it io n O t to A C o ,. I T I B a r f a n f t .


TREACY AVE.—BIS, b taulllu l Iwo-famllyi ^1 4 TooBii; ba th ; alaam: ilactrlclty; lot fT llilIO ; cheap a t 110,100, Otto A Co.. I l l Barien at.


111 THIRD AVE.Boatlas and ColHctlps a Bpaelalty.

I t h HEE FAMILT—Twenty rooi"':■eparata iia am ; triple porcbea, lot lO "'#!;

Clinton Hill; aaklna (T.S06. Otto A Co.. I l l Berien nt.

At i* VII.VWP m joAnsBAAw 11 _■OCCBSiORS TO A, U CRMSj



I THREE-rAM lLY—ain toB Kill;aitn porch; Iliad baiha; M tam , b e w call.

Ilna i; alM iplfliy; lot tla io o , •10S»"' "«'*»'■ borhnod; M.IOO. Otto A Co.. I f fB a r ia n at,

BLAIBERO A Z IB O L E R ,_____ _Vi^i_cLwroN^

tT.OM — LAROE bathai all **Pi .

.10; Clinton Mill: a a la li. only | l neadfd. O tto A Co.. IH flergiB it,

II rooitiatwo-family; -- . . . . . aoparaw Improenmtnta: lot l la Mill; a i f i l i j . only ll.t* * r*»'>

EDWARD p b u d b n t ia l b u il d in o .il EHal*. tn a . Leana and A ppraliala

11,1*0—TWO-FAMILT; I I roowi: all im-proTttnoBU; lot l i i t lO l Clinton Kill. Otto

A Co., I l l Bnrian at.BEAL ESTATE tmuAbl. w id nod a a o b w r f B fA U T irU L lw o,fainllyi 11 Momoi bnUii

atwywhare; nlao to ld on aniy Him*. I “ . iK tr ld iy i pnrQOot noora; awnttil fOTin Eatnr. I l l Mwkat at., oeor Cbllda, | ( „ IiV aaa; Clinton H ill; IM *0. Olio A Co.

■ ' ■ ' ' IT4 Bergen i t .REAL ESTATE FOR SALE— OTT

BargaI WEST ST,—Lnrsa tlvo-tamlly: traina and

■111- ■rO B S A U S -B lM jn ta on E lm *t., an trollay

' — And. panad and aawar connaouana. S a n M ir J r., I f - l l Lawranca at,

"b rick ; . t « ^ M h l n f l» :i0 0 - to « .h h o > ft^ barhaM ; flna Inveaimant. Otto A Ce„ ITI Barfan at.

I , s a . " (Mm-

HI'NTRRIXJN 8T , nn»r riln lnn rtmily. 13 room*; itpar& te eitem . »n

Irene*, fin* fondUlnn, wld* lot; aeKlng ’ ” ■000; mortgage 4 per cent. MiSbK- liBJirrte- |poy, nis riln ton av«.

Wednesdays and Saturdays

are special real estate days The Newark Eveningfor

News. Advertisements must

RTLVAM AVE.—Two-famlly. IS roome. «wn beihe; e*paret» etaam hulMlng an<l

Inari forecloeure; eail fur libera)m origige. Beardaley, 618 Cllrtlon av*ONE-F'AKILT. center hall. R rnome. bath:

el»am h**ati iplnndM neighborhood: doe* In n in lo n gva.; 6ft*60; will yi»u offer me

»nardel*y. 616 cMlnton ev*C LlN T O s'lflLT .. 1-eirll* et-, BS. corner Bev­

erly -Klne hotue, IS roome. with ev^ryImprovement, end garage; may be an? tlma; v»w empty; Immediate puRC.Mlon. William Frey, 40S Clinton ave.NEYMOirn AVE.. near Clinton ave., con*

venient to all car lln*i— room#, with every improvement, lot IQO; owner, living out f t town, will eeii Tor fS.OftO. William Frey. 4G8 Clinton ave.

be in the hom e office by 10:30

A. M‘. o r the publication

thereof will n o t be guaranteed

in the first ed ition . Early

copy is u rg en tly requested

and will be appreciated .

KsanyWINDSOE tT .. 7S-»*Twa-fainUy all

Impta aacapt h eal: prloa 14,gag. Ow&artIDl Curamingi at., Irvington._____ _

OWNER m o a t' Mil a li’room h o w . b a t^ ■team h aa t; haattilftl aacilon: larga J a t ;

Is,100 ; tartna, fsgO cash, balanca | m amouth' W Ulo'Company. 141 Stuyvaaant ava„

" ■ Call. ipvaaUgata,Lyndburat, H. J,

BAROAIH—Two two-farally hotUM op High­land ave.; easy termi* Sbaldop, I I I Mar­



TWO ex tra fine bomaa. coatalplnfe • room* each; every modern im p t: aldewalke, fine

b u t n o w . Mil la ltr . mah* bigbuilding impaMlble account nigh pnoett

real estate for sa l e - out ofTOWN

fhi4B tra u . la r(a lota; 11,710 o u h : vary i ta y t a r n t ; n th rr proM rtlta frem |t,0 N up

lld.OOg. all r*etrlcted; d o te to irolley and

but yeu CBB puiohBaa btrBalna, all laca- ilona, by w naullln* C h irla i Mom. H I n ^ J w y . Now Y^ k . Tab Haclor It!*^

.chool'i; 1 ^ 0 Union car or Nawartc and Nila-abaih Jltnayi to Bvarfraan Camatary. main fa ta , ofia block |B.__ F. KeBBady, HDD Salain


ava. Phono 1110 Wavarly,

FOR BALE, raaaonable. a ftno l-room hnuao;alt Improvamenta; T Iota; fina chickon

houia; double naw la r a ia ; la rfo number of line fru it Ireea. thte properly can be oaed for realUential purpoae or buelneia; near lied- ilen'B Iron Worke; H JI I-onf ave.. Lyona Farma, N. J. Bea ma parionally. H ri.Elickaone

CLINTON MILL—Ono-fanilly hnuae. e lfh l ronmi: all Improvamonta; ateem haai;

ila ie roof; fa ra fa . h1» b a rf tin a l Iv.lOO. Wiinam Fray. 401 Clinton ava.CI.INTON HILL. Twalflh a t . 111. enrnar

Madlaon ava,—Deeuilful houae. Iwelvr ro.iroa; alaam h»at, c lactrlr. Ihrre lava- tntiaa. laundry; hardwn.ul irim ; flimrl; large porrh: IM* hnune waw huUl hV * ■arpenl*". who hulll II for himeelf; will »Jtll t l hargaln; hnu*« now va t«n t. may l>« aefo aus lime: key at offlL*. WlMIftm Frey, Clifton avsinKWFjy 8T.--Two-family

roomi flrui. ■)* aerond floor, h rm « lio firet. laronil 117 rani T J ' ' ! 'tn ilth ahap wlih itab la oit IDainl lot alonf- ■Id, of the houta; *nod hualnaai place hlichem llh or fa ra ia ; act quickly. Imhof. .1

PLUS foracloaure «P*"’*0' ••7“ '" ! . ?,'!Norlh Sevanlh at.; coal me tIJOO; will aell for 14,100: former m o rtfa fe waa, appraleol value 11,000.Jnq^ulre 4 N orlh N inth *L,

C. C. LURlCt! A CO._________ _

CLathaiiriTATHAM—Fine reeidencei I* room*, bath ;

i.]ErtrUliy; newly painted end decnraied; Inf**' bkrn and garege; plot ft. front*2I 4, poaaei door; hotween etatl^n and W eihinsinn av*. key Is next dnor.wel Lyon*. wlU sell «t earrlflre Owner, 121 0ouin Ar* |lngli»n hve. Kasi Orange.

DsEvUlaCEDAR LAKE. Denvllla. N,

waterfront for a%Ie; oonlalning gboul three-f^'urih* a rre ; beautiful elruatlon; well wooded: containing eeveral fine ■lies: no grading neceweary. w , c . spei- man, Shore Hill, N. Ji

East Orawt14)00 BUTS l-rooni houee, Imuti.. near

--------- S tation; a b an a ln .


AVE.—Bnalnaai property; 1-tane-____aad ito ra ; all Im pta a ioapt haatC aitteBtello, I I I R antarden ,L

RILL IID E AVB.—Two-family. '■ P '® ^manta; ntaam h4*ti naar tro l lir , of-

farad to oloae aa la ta ,T i .TOI; want beat olfar.

,MT ilT B ; htch-B lan ntlshbor- .at 1*1x1** ft,: barsain for caah. aalty C a , * CIlBtoa at.

BILLSIDE A V r.—Two-family:Hiht, ataam haat, naar Irollor, la r ta lot,

•----- for s a r a iN ; aak lnf I

a t a SNAB—Commaroa a t ; thrao-atory brick hkUdlBii laraa lot, |0 ,IM . C. J , Klaran,

U CUaton a t

s o u t h roU BTEEK TM ST. half hlM k frera ClIntuB g v e .^ U laPW-J

f o r e s t h i l l , a t ,, , ,Coet owner nearly 118.600;

room, big fireplace. 4 la ri* corner bed toonie, tiled bglh. iteam . double floor*, electric • room for garag*; unueual bgria im


Grove It. or Ampere a.—, ------ .IH.6G0 buy* #*roorii houae, all modern

ImptB.; In perfect condition: poaeeeelon a t f>nce: 6 m lnutei to E a it Orange or Grove fttreet Htetloc. ...compele owner to eacrllioe new l-rnom eeml-bungalow, all modernImpleai hardwood floora, beamed celling, open fireplace: never llv*d in; torm* offered;

ifenl to tu ln & trollay.con-fireplace; never

venfeni to t**ln —WILL aacriftce. 14-room, all modem

ImpU.y high claaa two-famlly Loalon plan houae; large grounde; R mina. Grove 8t, aitg. A trolley; ftral offer of Ig.&OO lakea It,

J. T. r a n s o m .I l l Baton pi., opp. Ofove St. SUtlon

r e g u l a r in v e s t m e n tMoat modern, up lo date.

parlm ant houae. /lueat aectlon Ih.NewaTltrncomeVri'eaceas of IS.OOD; reasonably feniea:will aell for ^TTwri-iW btBERTRAM A. HAM. 31 CLINTON BT.


M parata antranoat adklagSOUTH aiO H T& aN TH iT .. M f CHMoft

av a—Twe-fam lly; alaam. tttriBoa, two poroha*; le t tgil8l>i llaigg-

rW O -FA llILT hooBA ton ronmi. L*f*yo(t* k i y S . P 'V l I A i t * 5 o u s5ds mJ S f a f t c ?hC: W H u n b u ff pi.. 11,100) two-lKnlly r A V lU J H Q V m A»DkM M BABburs pL, ton rooma, BOtr lohnol. TIONS OF T M y T X .|M M , . ... . W«l| p torVMFWl BOMB WWvOPfj l l M ; two-tMPlly tatiM . BOBT H w k lin if., t L l l l t odiy liflko. IN cbi Co.. M Clinton at.

B U Y P L A N E I T . H O I f ElA | Court it., I* f i i t tFonl; • nom a, b*th,

alw-lrlnltv: oil Im nti: act OUlCkly;

b e t l is t .B. B. BOND • CO„ INC., t i l BBOAP IT.

IfUSil. ilic trle lty ; nil Impta; act quickly;

; Mpardt* *Bt M M ; M Ihuidl I

n i Brood I t

TH R B B-rA U lLT honao; oil ImstAi naar ^ a^rln«flald ova,, on Ntaotoonth oLi pMeo

NEW twovfomUr bona*, with xU o n to aBtronco. aw nlnta and

" ■ oaa„ aeuUi of South^ ju fh t for fl.llO- Ad- Nowa ottlco.

x-foinlly hoitaai *oU''^ Im w m m raa o t^ ^ u r^ M tr ' iiiboma par y to r ll.tO I: prio* 110,M tFAIRVIBW

rie* twa-tamlly? SM, s a d sold wstar, tab s

<Rih Ms ysrd for chiekans; nartk and lawsifei tB raeloran tosi O tain

jw r AVE.—OBa-forollT bouioi ola

peaMaaloP; f ia rk e t at.

srsslB .

tu t ) boat a t eondltloni

atayans WEBQDAHIC PA B K -O ni;U m l1y:homo of I I rooma snd I aun h*7lnr^ on

plot “ ........ ‘ '■ * "■ ■*"am

11x100) bum to anlt owntr) now. mod- ww-oawa.a, .**.,4 , . a » .g doto) opon flrwlooo) poroPotS t * IW ,h r tj s l l Impta. axotpt a ltin i I —("J, f l , „ ggp ,M ond fToorti a p ^ u t: r a t U i l H " V i i po roh)T isB d«m a ftitn raa i aaklns fll.lOO)Jlo rowjals ta p s a t Addioaa B„ Boa j g g p , a tla r) rauat toll forn u k a offorj rauat toll for btuIxMi rosow



1 OWH four tw o-fsm llr kouoat In RaoootUo,

j N PU , I I I —^ ro o - fo m lty honoo, ImprovomoBUi food MpdlUon; i»od---------------- aUklo) lo t to x lH i aoU

ih. laqulro fIT 8oi

B u t OrsBsa so d Amparo aactloBB: oa oo-I count of b ^ f esllad m tho aor-lco^moat


loorlfleo thorn oil hoforo I laov*: o bualnooo qslok snd s i low prlo ii snd p torms, Addrooo W o k AettoB, Box II off loo

loforo I laovo: will do ' on t ta y


AVB—Nleo throo-atory brickII I m ^ j Hen-fM ldent owner mu»t sell to m Umi^ g H impta.* room for drlvow*y; Pfie* \ Hon-fM ldent owner mM t aell to

rW iU « M w ora ,. T'^room b rk k DO«Mi I ImmadtAl* cmH; modem houae: pigt |g x ll« , Iptaif I 8 t l ^ B. Xv il^ g * t l i t I egceplIoMtl <ti*lcitiyo■rn»Bj ir-.. -

F B I ^ * rHIBT, , n i Brood OL Tol. MM Mkt.

in v e b t o b h a t t e n t i o n , Cllnlon Hill, 171*11011; 0 four-room

hath spsrim anta; annual Incomt, II, p rlc i 11,600 on aaay t» rm s Aik

FBlH t * FHIBT,f i t Brood at. Ttl. *100 H k t

HIGH 8TREBT b a r g a i n .Cornar brick houto; s ll Improvomanli;

room to r s s ra to ; owner will aonrlflco for quick Action, Idool for d o c i^ . Aik

FB18T A FEIST,Til Brood at. Tol. HO* Mkt.

NEAR CENTRAL ,VVE., convonlont to Lock *w*nn* Depot—For ten daya only we *re

guthoriaed to aell thta beautiful elght-rnom houee with flnlahed a tllc room on a 68-fool lol; electric llghia; perfert condition throughout: full length acreena, ineludlng porch; garage on premlaea; h ^ u ilfu l, re- fltrloted elrnet: woflh 17.688; aell for 34,608 nffer wanted. Sievena, V* tVntral ave, gVewark. _____________ ___CRAFTSMAN’S dwelling. Juai being com

pleted. convehlont Brick Church Station and Central trolley: corner plot; room for la ra g t: cheainut trim , open fireplace, bar ouet floore, Ulad b a ih t: fineet decorailoii*. grtcraft flxtureai hulit-tn window a«at and bookcaiieB; aolldly cotieiructed and a bargain for IflJOO; eell eame for 31.008 otah. balance like rent. Bteveni. 47t Central ave., Newarl^




Rapidly buildiof up w ith nrat-elaaa reel dencea; property reelrtctedi na twc-famlly or apartm ent houaea; location beat In all the Orang**: high and healthfu l: aeverai (Ina bungalow altca; six to ten mlnutaa to Lacka­wanna Railroad S tation; tbrea le floa min- utea to Newark trolley cara; prIfM and lerma liberal; phone or write for parllculara

NEWARK. BRA LTr CO.*611 Proepecl at-, Hapleirood. N. J.

Phone 781 South Orange.s a c r if i c e b a l e —Owner movlag, mu*t

aetl dandy, nearly new colonial houet. a ii roome, eleeptng porch, large, front porchi electric, eteam : large lot; beautiful borhooa; near etatfon and trolley term*. Klacre, 311 Broad at., Newarl


IN prettleat aftctlon of community, modern houee of 9 rooma and bath. Otrag«i Beau­

tiful tree*. Very convenient to train and troli ley. 39.000. 31,009 down. J , Charlea O'Brlei) Co.. South Orange. ______________VERT dealrabte houae. I rooma bath, heat,

electricity, gaa; barn ; good buelneee looa' tlon; lot 76x210: m ust be aold tocloaeeatate. cash required MabQO. Phone South Orange 713,1. _________36,000 BUTS well-built aeven-reom houae

all Improvemente; good outlook: •mal am oubt caah reoulrad. rharlea R. Reev#* Suburban Properttea. Mllburn.

MoitdairFOR SALE—Montclair, N. J., attractive

home In eachtalve realdentlal eectlon: nine bed rooma, two bathe; large lot. Addreea Bigma, P. Oa* Montclair, N. J.

COMPLETE Hating of what la for aale or ren t in all parts of Mantrlalf. Mabel

Corby, IS Orange rd. Phone 2401,

MbebUIe StatinSat, eleeirlo, ateep

oublo oak neora.f ROOMS, bath. atM ra,


In heart of floe farm ing eeetlon. »*ar world'a heal markoU: between large city aed famoua coaal reeort; abort d ieunce to *R“*r. only IW mllee to advantagea^

BUNGALOW, near ehore; four or five rdema; loweal prices for caah. Addreaa Caah, Bog


KEANBBVRO, H. j ., opp. plai—Mlah-cl»aa rcom lnf hnua*. with ru ts a rx n t ; flrat-clMa

P artlcn ls ri B. M. Robsrta,H « l£ m a i^

FOR SALE OR TO LET-SEASHOREa t BRADLEY BBACH. ft. J .—M ^ o n t W4' — a. ~>rtoaa fromtaiea for *ale «* r«*RJ12,600 to 138,000; ren ta li frem 31*8 to IM 88. pia^ be iBepectud any tlme._ A^ply W ohardMe Neely Agency

any 1............. 181 Aabury.

town; 36 acree atontieM, level tillage aad wood: fru ited to applea. peara, eherriaa. peachea, grapea, amall f ru lu ; cottaga heueegood oondltlon. barn, etc. tiring : Includaa for quick

aged owner re- le all atork and

tool*, with 2 acre* growing p o ta lc^ . H acre- ‘ 3 1 , 3 8 0 ibeam , U acre atrawberrle*. etc.; I1.600 get*

a ll; 3718 down; aaey terme; all details pxge pi, fitrout'a Big Catalogue of thia and elker farm bargalna. many with stock, looie, grew- tng crop* Included; melled free. E. A. Htrout Farm Ageacry. Dept. 647. 130 Naeaau a t , New York C ity; aleo Ktnney Bldg , 780 Broad i t . Newark, N. J. ____m ACRE8; wall w o o ^d : plenty of fruit:

fine stream runs through; l-room house and naceetary outbultdlnge; near Cheater. N, J . : eold to eeUle estate: price 14,080- Orben* Flrem cn'e building.18 ACRES; one mile etallon; l-room houee;

ateam heat: barn, other buildings: seme fru it; farm ing tools; price 33.260, half cash (^bea , Flrcm en'e building.ONE mite ata ilen : 66 acres; 4 wood*: Mine

fruH; good 4-room hone*, bam. crib, poul­try h o v e . ahop. grlliy loam soil: no etonea,f oaaaealon a t once: brlra 12 ,600: ertortgage

1,000. Orben, 310 Firem en’a building.f a r m , 71 aer«a Monmouth County; grain.

polato and dairy farm : brook; fine houee; outbuildings: on the main road; U cews, 3 horses, pigs, chlckene; all farm maehinery and iTQp«; price 38.000: terms to eult. T\%n* sel, roevn 620, Kinney building. Market aodBroad.

___ aroapd Longwrenon, « . J. \ r l v ^ bay and ooefto front

iropertlea, A rthur HoUton. Long Branoh,jL

LITTLE FARM*-:*ln and Brandh, N.



1 FARM, alx suraa. FreahoW; msln road; alaht-room ully bom*, hot and eold w*4*r,

bxlh) fru ll; haat w s,*r) prle* II,M*. half exah. W«DS*I. rmiro 110. KInnay kulldmi.Mark*, *nd Bread. '______________________ _


Bflm ar. N. J.M«d*rs ru rn lah id H ouifi, f«r i l l * «r B*iL

HONCB A DUBOIB,10* Tanth iv*.

Opp. D*pot._______Phona III.______ _BAY HEAD. M. J .

kfadarn furn!ah*d h*ui«a for aala ** ra p t JOB. P. HORTON,-■ - 'HPhona I*. Bay H«ad, N. J .

BELUAR, H. J . Bummar home* for mnL

W rit* for Buoklat. O arrabranl A Conovar.



TO L E T -

8TATEN ISLAND, Buhgalowfa furnished complete;

I beach, bathing, boating, tiehing ; m oderate; electric llghte.

private refined.

4 and8 roome: vegetable gardena Reilly, Sprague eve., Tottenville, Sfaten Uland

ground, 70 acre* tilled. 630 ACRES ff i------_ , ^acree wooaland: Paeealc River front, one

mile 33 roomt, all Improvamenta. In A1 con­dition; olectHc wiring, barn*, cutbulldlngi; half mile race track ; fully furnished, delng ■ood hotel bu*lne*e; will ren t or sell; pielerw -. . ..-al__. dm. mull Blir_■alilna, w ant to rttlra ; tirm * to »uK aur- chaaer; urnperty locaiad naar Slngar; ahon: four m il., from P a tin n n ; 11 m lltl fromNewark. Ju .l off Pompton Turn pika road; appolatm an, m a ^ to Im I, proM tljr svar. For pkrtlcu lari. Box II . Nutlay. w. J.11-ACRE trunk farm. Fairfield. Monmouth **Co,) iplendld h*ui* and ouHmtldlnai: alt niwlT ahlnxl.d) S■enaer station; 12 mllee to Aabury P“ k. nrlc* 39,080. Donnelly, Farm Speelallst,07 M arket it.

REAL BAHOAtNB Ina c r . . . aood « l '^ .« 'V * rV s V 5 iJ m * J T .d

B rtifi"K Bly“ r c * r n o r i O. 'Bfown, Cranburj Station. N. J.

^ _________ p n o p B R T T rall calftvated: 3-room heiiae; barn; all neoee- nary outbuilding*. Including wagon ahed. pig

wood houae, etc,; ejwy term*.

C O R N E R llftvpen. wood houee. etc,; easy lerm*.K R-A-E-M-E-R, 770 Broad it.. Newark.

COMD LAKE PARK, Eighteenth ave.* Bel- rnmpg-^Very coxy four-room bungalow,

good, clean badi; all nicely furnlahed; water and la a w ithin; ran t re w n a b le ; fo r the aaaaon. Inqulr* I I I South Fourteenth at., phona 1**7 Wavarly.______________________

full *aa kitchen, apon tiraplae*) an laraar iot; ih id * treaa: handy alatton; prlo*

I0,BI0; term*; Im m edlit* poiaaiilon. L has Orben* 010 Firem en's building, Newark*___^NVESTIGATiO if yoiTwant a home; |6 ,S «

would cost to dupUcale,

FOREST HILL: ASKING 118.000. W hat le your offer? Out-of-town owner,

wante oulck ealej 10 roome. 3 bathe, aun par­lor, fireplace, eto.j thoroughly modern, beau-

CLINTON BT.Su b u r b a n crsftam an'a bonralow with

garage room: six rooms* tiled oau par-quat fleora; Da'ld alon . firtplaca and porch o lliira, poMemloo 1* day*; Ju it Imita; price M.fO*. Stoveni. 47B Central



Aiita|t«iiOORNBB hou« , l* -fl. 1st) T

celd w ater, range, wash tuba, not sir heat, prloe 13,160; Ihl* le rldlculoualy cheap- Is vacant and can be eeen and poMseelon^ had any time. Slevene, 473 Central ave. ark. _________ __


rRA N K LIN PL., 11—Well butlt, detached h o u * : 10x116; I rooms, bath, eteam heal,

e le e ti^ liy ; owned by New York party de- alrea immediate ta le ; offers coneldtred. Cor mlef. 4T3 Elm st.. ArUnctivn.________ _

UP-TO-DATE one-fam lly houee: eight large rooms and bath : large front and b * «

porch; ell Improvem ontii hardwood Doors throughout: garage for two c a n : fine g a r­den room; \ox 49 feet by 2H . convenient to trolley (Central) end echoole; directly o p ' poelte Elmwood P a rk : will aell for 3*.000.

hone Orange 166IW. 96 Freeman ave.^ ^

wouiu IQ uuyitL'Qs.«. 39,000: all 1mprovemente: fine lot and neighborhood: th rta mlnulee to irolley; ten nunutaa to train* Telephone 280IJ Orange.

Muny Hin

EAST ORANGE—Com er lwo-f»rally near Central ave., and convenient to Brick

Church Station: lot tgg lS I; garage r ^ m ; 15 roome. 2 hatha; separate entraneaa and ateam heaieri; rent 617 and |80 : poaaeaelon second flat, June !fi; prlc* |«.6W ; terme arranged- Biflvena, 473 Central a v a , Newark.

AT the edge of th e city , and the beginning of the country. Tuxedo P ark Tract, South

Orange, le delightful ell the year around; new leven-room. one-famlly, dwelling open for Inepeotlon Sunday: send for booklet. Crowley-O'Brlen Company, Ewex bldg.

l a r g e , fine residence, every impt : 10 mln- uUe' walk- from station; three to four

acrea: high and healthy location; cheap and eaey terma. Sheldon, l i t M arket it.


FOR RUNT—ru rn lih .il 6-roem near ocean, railroad

also near river and lake; will ren t *•*' son for 3136. Call or write to Mri. W. B. Algar. W hile et.. and Seventeenth ave.. Bel- m ar, N* J . ______________ _ - - -

MADISON lacilon; five rollai eul,*ooa, level land; «0 a m *

hnuM. new ham . nock . crap*. ImplemeB a. 17,100. p a rt caih, If taken at once. Philip Jan n ln ti. 118 Bread at., Newark.CHESTER lection, flchool.y'l

acrea. mountain land; 8-roomSood le t outhultdlnxi; fine fruit; Idait Iw

ommir uaa: 81.0*0; ei*Y ta rm t Philip______ ___. I1.0*L, ----Jenningir 738 Broad at.* Newark*

OCEAN GROVE. N. J . ___Furnl.had ce tta ia i, hun i.low a »«« « « ; « ;

In f houaat for rant, aaaaan 1811. Band to t“ *'■ C b arli. L. K ia it. t* Main xv».

OCEAN GROVE. N. J.Furnlahad cottafaa and h « m l i i f hooiiai, RENT or BALE; **nd to r BOOKLET T«.

B, nT w o 6 l bTON. l i Main avAOCEAN O R O V E -C ettafi. hoard ln j «

room lnf houae; 10 room .: Imp.ti... !?“ ”/furnlahad; ran t I ITI par aetaon; black pcean. Bayer. II* M aritat a t , Newark.

CLABBY BUNGALOWS wUh ti l lateat f ia tu ra t a t Nutlay, N J .; • rooma and hath ; th* eaiy houiakeapin* lypa: lira* p la ti: liberal term i. Lambert, opp. Franklin Ave. Station, Nutlay., N. J.; phone 814. _________„

KEANBBURG— Bunialow i, tu rn lah rf. and apartm ent*: weak, month or • “

ImprovamiBta; alao furnlahad rooma by week. M. l i Schuck, t t Msln it*FURNISHED bungelow to ren t e t Leojj*'^®*

N J i. for the month of July* lequire Mrn. A. Shunley, 111 Morrl* nra-j city.

SNAP—I^ve-foom. l-room eottegfp; *11 tm- provemente; plot 39x170; 13,300 up: 3308

te 3600 c4Mh; Dne for gerden, chlckena, truit. Orben, 110 Firemen'* bldg.. Newerk,

ELEVEN-ROOM eubetentlel reeldeno* l«- oeted Til Perk eve.^ near ■Wkeblngionj let

78x330 and terraced; wilt m ake right price, term* to euU pErchaeer. Phone Oraoge661W.

OWNER m uit **11; alx room* and hath ; all 1mprovetn*atet new end up to date; v.^bt

&bA i l r y : corner lot; oeavanJent to irol aye end tra in . liiQuIre 301 Laurel ave., Artlng-iOBa


e i g h t < K S K 3 i l ? ‘h o u b h b

« D A m , ana-fMOtly, l « : C « -1., nadr lab w , oAalAmItT. ••*!

g ,. sat-fAmUy, i l H i TArkar *L, ona- n i A . Oalaa* A » » »L

r O U I l T H j j v AT*., t*

J*t A**A^

•*.*Mtam at

par yiAr: p nn

f i t B rand at.

V S . B H A P II rnonuA avary ImpLi

alaiTreHH H O B BT.. II-TI—O na-fin^T . - - roam*: aII Imprsvamant*: alaAm liaAt And

:-E-B, t w BroaA a t.a l to iw i-fam lly d»oljl«*. h o t 4»*U* foot;

c u r r o N A v » ., t w o -f a m i l t .' q n rt floor*, alaatrla.

j s f t i ^ t h S i r a v b iis?> ,r»7. A. HAM. II c L i NTO

1*I jay* Ahd p o rt NawarA

Martin, t« TIehanor at.

THREE OPPORTUNITIEA Bavan roam*. l* rf* I Ivin* fo'’" '.,!** '’ plAaa, a tary m adam •n*BL. hanutimi, hlah,

ru tn o la d aeotlon; aatata will .all a t ll.IuO.

llx aplandJd raom a la tf* > -o« A .” Jot 4*xll0. parquet floor* etc., |A***.plot 4* ill0 , parquet floura

l-room ham*, avary m odirn Im-Dandy l-room homa. avary n provamant. one year old. l• ,l lo •

Raal houtoe—not hunxalow ^ p e . BERTRAM A, HAM. H CLINTON 8

Homa BpaolalItt, Newark.

BEAUTIFUL home, near Brick Church Bta.;modern. I rooma, * iplendld flreplM**:

wonderful llvlnx room; artlatlo throuahout; nricl only 17,09*; haraaln, William H. Bte- vanion, of flea* opp. B rick Church B ta, Beat Oranai, or !18 F ranh lln at., Bloomnald.___

PoE ltOB ToTBI BF JR BALE—Property on Potapfc^>u turnpike:

eaUmeted velue 330,900; free end ®lrar’ «ne itille from trolley; price low to bone nde purebeeer; laeke offer. Apply F* F* Ken- nedy, Tth floor. KInnay Bldg.

P ltiB flB ldPLAINFIELD—Lerge houee; lot 71x180; ele-

gent locetlon; every Impt.i eesy terme; bergelo. Sheldon, 311 Merket at.

Houses for_ Se1?*_B*nt.5> r ..E ^ h * ^ * ^ lnb a s t o r a n g e , s o u t h ORAN


Oppa Brick Church Steiloe. Eeet OrengeaONE-FAMILT—Eight ^roome end beth:

ateam heeii lot 39x190 • neef Itetloe end trolley: eeklng It.lOO: inake offer.

H. C. WOODRUFF,Hollywood and Central evee.. Orange 3IL

BOMMTEIKO to b* proud to owni Meet loeetlon; fin* medern house* * roome.

ilHTON BT. I BUMMER AVBaa 337 end lll^ -T w e n io ^ rn * two-femlly houeet te do ie in « t iM ; fjne

( m . olaar from ancumbranoa, axoapt amtU khSrtEaia; no a ta n ta Inquira T* Bavarlay i tO iU ataB D BT.. U l —Ono-famlly raildanea.

t n l ^ rosma. on lot l O i t l t fa il J o Camp M. Apply to Wm. 1. Caopar, t t* Broad a tBOVTB BIGHTBENTH BT-, 111—O pa-tan '

lly; alao prlo* >ir*«*.adJolalrtv and driveway;

ila ad t A G aaa E iatx,***—DANDT t« o .fa iD llri All aaparato

p ta j^w ill hn llt: n a a r ftaHvlII* Btatlon.'iS s? ean aa l, I* ifa ton pL. Haat Orani*.taEmbdroh

A irim pta.; t*.*** «p; hklABo* rant, Orban. l i* Firem an a Bldf.

_______ BECTION—i-roora hautaimpta.; t*.*** «p ; hundred eiah,

r*;idM t7S”»o ir» n i omivanlant to two tfoSl^^ -- ono or both. II .H * **cb.

Ch«j, Me Teyler, 838 Bummer tve.

OHS-rAM ILT brick houae ee Mt, kTi, fe r eklo: 31 » o » * . ineluding 3UU*rd

Toomi ateem he*t* gee end eleetHo light; a la 10*; ‘ "low nrlaa lo quick buyir.

Charfaa J. Baaoh. <T Bavanth av*.__________lot

ba th ; open altlo; all Impta.; baa'- ? a '’Quet floor*; tortanad porch; .heautlful lot, fruit tr*M, ihm hM ry; convenient lo c a q r ; deatharcta aala; 14.***. WILLIAM H STEVEN-

80N. offlo*i__qpp. Brick Church Hti.,_ Buatfarcta aala;80N. offloai opp. L .--------- - ..r.,,Orpni*. or H I l^an lilln it.. Bloomfield^



|I0* CASH, n s MONTHLY..ay l-room co tlaga porch, nio* yard for cWldran; qultt, retpeotable^ • treat; _eot

quick! 10 day* notica 1. raqulrad. Inform* Oon C hat, ^ k c , ra t i a .ta t* and hulldar.

ONE-FAMILT, a***« fo*ma_ and Irnth; all Improvamanjal 10x140; ra ild .n tla l i*«t<oni

btauilfu l fX rfan ; t f “ "dnr I n ^ h a ^ j a t : I t ralnntt* from Broad and H arkat by ”g ilnutaa h r oar: p*M**il«n July 1- A ddran

uharba. Bax I I , Nawa oHIea- .___________BANDFORD AVE..

OUMTON B ILL—<*iI0»; l-tam lljr, I naow ,


ell Im praram entat muet be l a l d ^ i d a n : lota 40I-410I lot MxlOO; ohaap: t i n t morl- aaa* can tam alni taka hack aicond ifo rt-

*f* for 11,1*0. and 01.100 In caab. ' ^ h l a , tW M arkat at.

b a r g a in —14 Opdan a t ; tbraa famlllaa; I I rooma; amall paym ant down, baianc* can

rana ln . Bamuol B. C airn ., 411 Broad at.x I g SACRIFICE, quick

heuxe: Imprev'nmetita; ren t 3la<6«.

buyerImprDvnmenU; ren t 3738 yeer; pi

AddrsH Houee* Bex t, New* offlee.

. . eii-remlly 738 year; prlo*

U J. PLBAtAKT A V B .^^orner tram* h o ^ :I roomit ImprovemenU; ametl Amount «f

eesh; eeey terme. Dolan, 114 Market at.BADGER A%*E,—TwQ-remlty, All Improve-

w n U Mcept b eet; e t r w i ^ i y ^ ; driveway:14,388. Ojener, room i l l , 30 Clinton et*FAKRHURBT BT., near Clinton eve.--L lrhL

eheerful heme* eeven reoine: room for fArgfp. Barnette flm ltb. ;13 ClIiBen at,____COTTAGE BT.. 40—Corner prftperty: two-

fAmlly: ten U rge rooma; price 31,188; easy em iv Hendl A Gem, Essex building.

Irwo-FAM ILT house: 18 roome: All ImptA: 11,980; Belieont, aeAT Meeker eve. Ad------- — ----- a.._ *w__ A« wr----dress 'Weequehlo. faox 48, Newg effice.

llO»EVILLE>*BoAUttfal two-fAmllr; gArAge lAteet Im pta; tiled bAth; new four qa;

llnee* RosevUle BtAttAn* 63 V j m et.BDC'ROOM both

quAtik; 33,360“ ‘■ uW -tee, d rirav A ri usat Wee- : IramedlAle poaweilen, Ad-

ire e t HtiUlde, Bex 43, N ew t oUIcb.big

AdTMRBE-FAMILT houee. lUohtrde s4.

bergeln; muet be sold; en eeey terme dreseTkrne, Box U i, K een efrioe.T^O-FAMILT, South 'N tneteentb et,, a e if“ ‘ ‘ ------------------ ‘ dfr—Central eve; 31,680; big hArgela Beey TemsA Box 134, News offleerwO-FAVTLT bouse; All Impta.; steam heat

reAtoneble; good reeldentlel eeotldn. lag ------ “ life ’ - '111 Bo. Twentieih at.* next door.CLINTON HILL: beet location; two-femlly

" ~ ,14 ver^ large rMmx; ob 19-toot lei.Gau Renateg. Academy et.


RD ST., I I —nro-fem U y houee, *m le eondlUon: Improvements; let lIxiSI.

iwner, 111 Kelsey et.

HAVE A number of deelrable boutes, city Add aoburbs;. very easy terme. L. Qorden,

111 Market et.. form erly 114._______

FOB BALE, to oloa* an aatala. Hi* 1-alory brick and fram* houaa.. I I Burnat a t .

Nawark; i apartm tn ta , l i r o o in i ; lol lO J i 100. inqutra J . B. JallK, Ear., 17 Duko* a t , K*amy, N. J . ______________________

_______ _______ . I l l —p*taoh*dhona*. a*van room*, bath and attlo; ataam

haat. (M . ooa) ranp., faa r a n o . front aad ■ - ....... ------------- newly paJi

SOUTH TWELRTH i t ., ----------------- -vih

114 Bloomfield av*,. Bloomfield.W E h a re parfeolly new hom ei: ali, aeven

or more room*; modern In every reap ed ; email or la r i* lo t.: w ith or without paraxe; all handy to tra in ., trolley., e ta .; term* caah

r .a i home aea our, ....... Jfvanaon Co., Oil Bloomfield

or very eaay; *o get a offerlni*: P f*" •'■S®®, upward. T h . Bte*

av*.. Bloomfield,BEE thla plan* Immediately; only 14,000 for

new T-rpom >ouee: all imirti.; ateam. . alTV . -heat; gee kltehen; hardwood floors: fin* lot: eholoe fru it treee, grai>« vines, flower bade; near achool, aloree. trolley: garage room, WTLLtAM H- BTEVEaNBON. opp Brisk ChMTCh 8ta., Bast Orani*, nr 2T4 FraJikHn s t , Bloomfield._________________

EAST ORANGE—Two-famlly h o u u ; A1 «oa> ditlon; alx room* and bath ; steam heat;

nice neighborhood: near station; ownerSouth, must sell. M l Morris av*., E lisa­beth. Ne J . Phone 82SR. ___ENOINEBR’B HOME In East Orangs; seleot

location and neighbourhood; hot w ater heat, two bathe, electricity, garage; ramarkAble sacrifice. Gertrude Cook Meyer, Homeflnder, Orange 8114.____________ ______________ _

S o bA Drugs

OCEAN OROVB—Fum lahed ce tta fa , J “ nO' • ID weekly; fin* for convaleecent*. Beyer,

114 M arket, over Chtlda. Newark._______

GLEN GARDNER BECTION—4 « « 1 Wfh elevation; B-room houae; ham , iM fe pou)-

try bouee; s to rk ; crops; Implement*; 3ie**y* fine for aummer uee. Philip Jennings, 783 Broad at., Newark. ,GRAND opportunity; lO -tr ti f"™ :

•rn 8-room houee; fruit, berrieSi ati around tlllahle; farm ln* tool*. wtfonO and carriage, Adame, Box 183, B elpaf, N* J*17-ACRB poultry, truck, potato, gralB farm ;

good houee and buildings; fruit; bloe lo-pocaesaion i t ono*._ C.cation; eaay te rm i; - - - -

O, Brown, Cranbury Station. N* Jy Box E*CHESTER section? 189 Acrei; Ideal for cou

try home ette; bulldlnge__ ha lf cash 1 to settle eitAte*713 Broad it.. Newark.

' Philip'Jenulngti.

LAROE. email farms. 81.098 up; ault client; call, get particulars, can 't buy

w ithout aeeing: don’t rale* opporlunUy. c, C. Morrow. 308 Broad et, ______ _

OCEAN g r o v e —F eur-room cottage.ocean and bathing; |1I3. Beyer, 134 Mar­

ket sL. over ChlldA Newark.______________HIGHLANDi.

Lent* t6 \%&!3Sle

fi, J ,__stone co ttigea andlet on Shrewsbury River. C. WJU-

U.OOO—HOUSE, five rooDu, three aom. rich. tUtabl* _ !*ud j “ **ultaete »n*ii «*■•* ’->■*)*■” ••• —e —«—

Sharkey. Pin# Brook, Morrle County, H. J.MILLINGTON—Saven-acr* farm, 11-room

houjo; ilecirlc itxht, atoam heat, lele- phone; near town. Morrow, 300 Broad it.


OCEAN O R O V E -P irty withe* i m II eot_ tag* or aaeoclallon .ten t, furnlehed, _for

Ju ly ; reasonable. m^JJeWj^^ofgcej^

Addreaa CotUge. Box


RESTRICTED BERKELEY AVE. Saotloh— Convenlant to atatloii, Irollary. aohoal; 7ix

170; Bhtde, fra il; aeven roome. hath; lacri- flea a t 11,00*.

SCOTLAND ROAD.hCOTIiAND KUAU. o io d a*Mountal* Station, *1x811 (two f r o n t im ) .

11 rooma. bath. Reoahtly renovatad; »r,l«*. k e ANI

BBLMAR. N. J.. E iphth hotta*. all Im ptovemenii; ren t |4*». a i »

l-Toom bunpalow. tl**; both *o*'^ half Mock from ocean; owner op PM ™ '*" “ aea a»*nU. Fbpne W averly t t t i .

IIP* BUTS ■ aerta of level land by payins t l down aod I I monthly; oo taxe* M In-

tereet. Call 143 M arket J ti_ _ M ri_ g ifa i-


Well located and h lih ly productive Jerme; anywhere In New Jereey; 1* acre., *l.«o*. I* acrea. t*,T*0: J48 acre., all eOUlPP'd, H*,0*0. Updike. *10 Broad e t , room 1*8.■£222-1£5!1— — e —


ED. P. HAMILTON B CO., t l Broadway. N, T. _

tlon. FhcBO It .Oppoilt* Oranaa SfatfcBEAUTIFUL elcbt-room Colonial reeldene*.

14* T urrtll av*.; Juat comphtod; avery Improvement; open fireplace, p u e le d dlnlnar room, parquoi floorln t, artletlo decoratleai and flxturoe; flrai floor allver *ray o h « - nu t; atcond floor white anano l: tiled balh: lot 11x186; term a reaionable. E r « « t H. Foutner, 900 Broxd a t . __________ ^ ^

TWO-FAMILY, ten room*, two hatha:....................................1f‘

Church Station. Eaat Oram *.

at par-ale healtre ; jirlce *8 J* * ; reaeonable terme;

rented l i t . Geora* F. Mach. opp. Brick

16.16*; BATON FL.. oor. FHtethUi iL ;dandy two-fam ily; all Improvomenta

Robert Meniel. 66 Eaton pl., Eaat Oranx*.COZY eli-room houat: ateam. i*a. eieo-

irlolty; parquet tioore; plot 44x1**-, only *4.1*11; term*. Orhen, *1* Firemen'* bids.17,1**—DANDY tw o-fam lly; all aeparata

ImplaT'Vear Grove St. | t a t l a n | la r i* lot; well hunt- R. Menial, I* Eaton pt-SOUTH GROVE BT.—Two-famlly; 1* room*;

all ImptajULCopt heat; 18,1**; eaay term*. ' ~ nd j T', *** Bread at. _________

all Im pta; steam , block to 8**0;. H ll 11,110; isrm*.


etetlon; rent Orhen, 11* Firem en's buljdln(.

HOUSE—I I rooma, 8 hatha; built 111*. H lfh around, lood nalghborbood. G araQ Ou

Jreralaea For qu ick .aa la owner aaonllcaB; 7,00*. J . Chart** O'Brien Co., So. Q raai*.

11,10* CASH will tecur* seven-room hauaa;all Improvamenta; fruit, ahada, ahnlhbary;

■mail mortaaa*. Address Hauee, Box 148, New* offloe- ________lift* AND *11 monthly buy* ala-ream hone*

for 11.1*0. Call O 'M art, room t i l , Wla* bulldins, *11 Broad.

Short BffilBEAUTIFUL Old Short Hills: naw house,

to room*. I batba, aun poreb, ateam, fka. electricity, open fireplao*. double floors, (In; ipruo* and m apit shad* tree* (are** for I caia. M-*or* pround; price *1 >,***; tarm a: Iramadftl* poaaaaalon. Bei Che*. Ortan, *11 Fireman'* bulldluf, Nawark. ________

KBANBBURO—Six-room bunpalow to rant for ioaaon; amtaWe for

housa; reatonpble. Mr*. E. T. Frankton. P . O. V x 4. Keanaburp, N. J . Phona H I

CTan^a.^uth '


ABBURT p a r k . Hack M., lurgs exd smell roome; edjeeaui N ona



TO LET—To doatrable party. f*rm''wltb pood house; all I ro p tt; very low rent; near P « -

alppAky, M crrli Connty. Poatofflce Bo* 154. .lareey CRT-____


buyers end exchanges for Income proMri> my epselelty; eetebllstied 1133, R.. A* dchur, t i C oniapdt at.. New Tork.




q ^ B E B A PLUM. l458iROAg_lIi.

COMFORTABLE ton-room houae; »>1 *»• proirement*; par^iust floete; eunllght ift

ov'ery room; d r y '^ l f ^ ; coDcrete sidewalks;u;rjthi™'in1*1; 1* mlnutaa to M arkat and Broad, tw o blocke from Broad at. tr^ la y ; price I7,«*«. Addreaa Mom*. Box I*. Nawi office.BARGAIN—Three-etory, elpht room a ilo r-

a ie and b a th ; all tmprovaroanla; concrot* aldewalka and cellar; full ■*“ '"*1 vanlent to ^ r o a d a t trollay ■tatlona; N orth Newark; prle* J*.®*®. Ad- dreie Barpaln. Box *«. New* offlee.tS-FAM ILT apartm ent houae. In one of the

____A ve-o_p i-iw raiaM - v « h * r I


tooreh; kesse bSirTy ps loo to buyer. Apply 47

jnted: . Reatiar ava i


CHATHAM, N. J ,—Why live In aparlm eata In th e hot, nol|v city, when yon can pet

„.ie of four new houaa* In a qulat, raatfnl plae* w ith all oonvaSlancaal Tana* «***<•■ abla. Addraaa Ollbart C. Brown, 11* Faa- sale It. ________________ROIEVILLD, betwsea Ceatrai s v a ta d Or-

sage et.—7 reoma; ateam best; parquet ttsorei exesileat condition; poeseselon any time; prloe 16*889 to clocs eatstee Bievena, 471 Central ave ____________ .AT LINCOLN FARM* on fo raM i t ^ f p l e a -

did bouse; 11 room# and bath: for home,Sr telao t roomtiig; eaey tenne; 34*1 W. Ad-

reel Goldea OpportonUya Box tO. Newe of­floe. _________________

BBW N rooms, ba th ; sll Improvements: seml-Colootal home: a bsrRSln for quiek

p^chssse as owner muet sell; emsll psyment s ^ convenlODt term s srrangsde one block from Bioomflsld ave. trolley. 16S Watsei* ting a v a _________________ _______FOR BALS-"A beautiful, modvrn l-room

t)QUfSe all oonvsnlsnces; will isH a t a sac- rlfloe; would consider renting to reliable party ; ren t 338. G. E. Boherer, Berkeley and watseeelng avsa.* Bloomfield; phone 4987 Bloomfield

IF TOU ARB LOOKING FOR A HOME reaaODSbly prioed. we have ft: also a

geod opportunity for luvsitori. Call on • W T L H O F T ,41 Bread e l . Bioomflsld. (TsK 4131.)

BLOOMfTBLD — Two-famlly. nine rooms, tw a bathe; Improvereente; no heat; large

EliiabtAFOR SALE—7-room hou**; Impta.: cornar

lot. 164x10; n ia r Broad at.. E llsahcth; t l . tw . Inquire 181 Do H art pl.. Ellaabath.

Gin RidgtNOTEWORTHY opporlunily to purchase in

this attractive borough a t the low prloe16,080, an excellent protkerty comprising

nlna-room houee; alt iTupiDvsmsnta; In flmi- claee oondUlon: on lot 64-fse(. w ith drive­way; early poeaeeeioii and reaeohable te rm a Conklin, Union building* Newark.JUBT completed, Bloomfield* Glen

new. clesey aeml-bungalows, 6 to 7 open flreplaree: the real thing; I4.68B 16.609, 16,980; little ceeh ' Immediate ilon. Chae, Duke. Real E sta te and Builder,


a r t is t ic .onatruet

well-built house; hollow yttle conairuetlon; tw^jv# rooma three bMhs.

three open flreplaoss; good* garage; three acres of land; well eltuatsd; term a Cbarlee R Reeve, fluburbati Propertlsa, Mlibura.

ATTRACTIVB modern HOUSBfl* Beautifully elluaie^ J * ™

Bee J . C K A A L B 8 O ' B R I E N C a .South Orange and 141 Broadway, N. T»

W*# OrufcFOR gALE—W est Orange, two-famlly b eo ^ i

96,680; one-fhmily houee. large greDaOs* 37,3()8: elegant enburban hom e,, mountalu •setloB, 93,408; good building lots, near

nlceet locatTons of Best Orange, r e n ^ 113 ,140 per year: will trade for T ree^n d clear land or nice residence.188 Broad i t ________

L. Herman,


WARE BOUSEf a c t o r t ' 'b u il d in g .

For Sals or Beat.About **.*00 square, feat; _ut*d u»tllraoently a* faotory; equipped with «q tom atte fir* and m rlnklar e jita iM Wd alevator: located m Brooklra. Nj^ T jconvenient to railroad frelpht tarn and w ater Ironl. ^For parllculara addrcea B. K., 110 Broad a t . Newark. N. J.

F O U R T H a v e n u e ; .A t Bloom fitid *"•* ™ '’ 'avery Im pt.; m tr. lt,*0*. „ -

K-R-A-E-M -E-B. 71* B read a t


w i l l ael) or axchan** proparty and b y i- naia, confactloncry, etatlonary and noltoo

atore, for tw o or three family houae. Ad- dress Owner, Box 49. News effice.

vlnaton. Addreee Equity. Box 104, Hew.Irv ln tton .iliiSL

echool,'trolley*’ and railroad elation, ley, Birch e t , Weal Orente._________

>14 nioomfleld ave,, Bloomfield.

b a n k 8T. (rcaldeBUal aeellon)—Thre*-(am- Uv hrick f la t; IT roam*, tiled hatha; lep-

a ta i* ataam haatara; little ceeh raqulred. Addreae Ownar, Bo* 10, Nawi cttlc*.

BOTJTH BBLMOHT AVB. lACRIFICE. la ilA —Two-faraUy. 18 reoma; avary mad- am luapL; rantal 1 ^ ; near Hawthorn* ava. . * —. . 19* BROAD IT.A. L. BLAND ;BARGAIN—Over 8* par cant on moaay In-

vaatad; *10* caah, htlanc* |8.**0 mort- ■ar*. huya threa-tanUly; ranta * tt t . 8*a

------Prudant' ' ~ ‘ownar, room 180, FradenUsI Bldg.SOUTH TENTH STa. l t i - * v s n w m e ,

brlok; s ll Impts.; le t 3}xlMi drlvewsy;------ ----- 4A. ■ lagulreII W srren 9t.

.. ................ J v - ,- . .ly term s: secr1ftC|> _6ag u lre preauses Msyttw* opUclsn. 4

yti^ i two minutes to fuse trolley, trslo or school. Address Terms, Box 3. News offlee.ON tw o Iota: tine two-femlly houee; 13

rooma; sU Impt*,; high* dry; ex tra clean placa; H,«00; M lriv a ly no laaa lara, Chaa- Duka, Real E atale end Builder, 814 Bloomneld ev*„ Blocmflald._________

ON beautiful B ldtew oad ave.; beet aaetton;Dear both ila llona and trall*8. a c W m iM

,ree;denci; with y a ra je ; JH.OOO, Fred H.Conklin, 1008 Union

Fred Newark.

NEAR Rldiewood a v a ,; * modern roome;tot 1B*>00; lOJOO; terme. or m lfh t ren t;

fine ahade and lawn. Phone 104*; Allen, 8 W aehlofton pl.

WATSES8INO CENTER; *1.800; 7-room houaa. all Im pta, facin* two aM aU : -a r-

a n : srap**; n(<» yard. K a ra Duke, Raal S l a t a aad Builder. 8*4 Broomfield av a , B l o c m f l a l d . _______________________LARGE numhar of Iota tor aale In Italian aaollOB, oa aocount of foreoloiure; aacrl- (lo* for A'oloh huyar. Addraaa Lota, Box 68, Nam OHIO*. ________________BLOOMFIELD—Twa-fam lly bouia; fin*

■ - -------- — brick; ront *884 yr,;aaltkkavboqd; impt*,: brick: ront y n : price tl.lO*. Addreea B arta in , Box *. New* oirio*. __________

CHEAP tenam enu, Rill aactloi, naar lavf* fac to ry :

BEST built th ree-aton ' corner houte. with ^ j ; a ^ | e J o r three ca ra le.tOD. Roee Ker*'

B adyer ava.HOLLAND ST.. 87—Three-famtly and atore;

~ ~ n t^ tau t 1*41; price *4,800. Mendl A I, laaiOaM, ia a ix bulldlns.

B4ROAtN—l-femllr houaa 87* ML Plea*- qal ava.i rant *4*1 prle* ti.tlt . c. j.

XlanJ). I I Olhrton *LSaVEN-ROGM 8ran» , p a rt Impta.; har-

■am, vain* U,***: •*!> for leea Call a t l l ^ a r t t o r d a t _____________

iw v.vir, ta n u *101 par month; no r«*on- ablo o tfar rttuaad , a* aatata muet aail. Iw an- wlck A Company, f t* Prang* t tSOtTTH f i f t e e n t h 8T.--New twc-«iml!y.

all Impta.; ataam haat. alaatrio l l ih l; pri- vai* m ortcaa*; little caah raqulrad. E. Uo-D ons^h '. *£fiih*rb»Udln*.

SOUTH FIFTEENTH ST., near BfrintDaldWVC.__Bwall two-famlly houae. In n t e oun-

dltton; ow n tr m utt tell; *6,80*. Addreaa B arta in . E tx 7, Newe effice.______________

ONB-FAHILT, aaven room*, tllad Imth,

WREE-FAM8LY houat i all Impravemaata *xo,pt h aat; to a d looatlon. Moon, 441

Hawthorne ave.

ItODBBN thraa-tUBtlF haqae, Twaifth a t, t t a t T hlrieeath ava.1 b a rta la . Jay a Jay,

H lknar huHdln#. ____________________iaRGA INB—KInnay at., ThoraM^at., Bpriat

a t , Eaitlea at., O ran i* at. Sheldon, 811

ahowar, p « q « t | « ; V l Sacreaaad porch; lot Bex 10*. Nawt otao*.ROSEVILLE—Bualnaaa eorner; wall rentad:

prlood a t th* ataetaad value: Iht* la a toad buy; lot ue tell you about It. Bwaawlok Si Ca- 69* O rant* at. _________

SEVERAL flne, un-to-dat* houae* In Bloom­field and Eaat 0

cation; cheap.. . S ran ie ; la r te lota; fIna is-

thaldoR. I l l M arket et.


HscksttitawmSTONE MILL, 8 etorlea; n a ^ reprira; « t* r

power; I S4!gee: houte; « u h . Wll-^etohsm* 334 gummtr sve.PM

ten K'

IrTtagtaRBUILDING !oU. In a ««*iS V i i i l n ;Inxton; 36x186 f t , on w ait Mde of Hlllst^le . ( v i ; 41X1»*. a ix t i i , 4IXHt ®“oaet tide; 68al0«x*l ft. on Sandford av*.. eaat aide; 48x181, 4lxl»*. Stoyveaaat ava,

- - --------------- 119weet alda Particular* a t Jrvlnftcn. N. J.________

I Sandford ave,,

IRVINGTON, on th* hill: on* and Iwa- faralty houtaa; itll pricee; room tor

la r i r e ; refined a e o lla n iy o u r own ter™ . CxU spy <3sy 0^ eveulngi Frank Bn<ller, 111 I JJprIngfleW sve.; phone 1464 Wxv.; money le Icsn. ____________

TWO new ons-fsmlJy houaea; finest locsUen;elx rooma, bxth; sll linpts.; eleeirtc. ataam

hast, sewer; perm anent road: easy p*y- BMntf. Inaulre Theodore C. M aU^, builder. 14 C^mpbMl sve.e ■etleville; take Broad Lias ear to Qreylock sve. ___________I4,*9«, A R n s n e aeral-hunmlow, 111 Orey-

lock ev e—Six room* haih. eleeirlcltyyana kitchen. opeB fireplace; awy term ,. Cadia. 114 U n m n av e- Belleville.EXECUTOR, e lcaln i aatala o( dacaatad

ownar, will aatl fin* two-fjunlly houe*. on l* r ( t oorner p'mt, « h a ^ a ln . Apply * tllaraa oorner pmt, a t oartarn . Union buJldlnt . N ew y k , N. t^.

w a l n u t e t .. n a ir B yaad '-E H ht m m * and b a th ; vary dealrajn* rtaldfaoa; a t

a t* pile*. _ ow nar, Harbett Rawaua,■o* av a . Naw Turk.

mad1 Ma


M arkat at-NORTH END—n u e aaetloai one-famlly, 1* ^ r o a m ^ ^ ^ tk . A ddtaat Owner. Box 98,

IM O bStD B eB im oN ---Tw o-fainlly boim , iB ^ ta p ta , prica 19,*99. Baa Hayrli, I t l

i|l|_ AVE, I t I—Modar n o n e -ftJ ji^• la a sa a M n u ; m u tt bo aoldi I

FOREST HILL SECTION, 8H B ite* at.— O nt-tarally l-TO*m ea tta ta ; avary Improve-

m ent; J"a**“ *^ Dr.Grom. *99 H lthTW O -FA U LT b9UC*. 09*1' B ith taaath av*.;

« room a with haU, e i * a $ naor, and twa tlnlihad a ttic room i; prica II ,M '. m Avaa awa


BELLEVILLE—For ta la . *-rooin houae; mod­em Im pta; lol 86*111; aanuln* barta in :

8I.899. ow ner. 1* MalatM at-, Eaat Or- a n ta N. J . ___________

BO dLAsBUDD LAKE taction, on* mil* from lake—

118 acraa; ll-roora houae; f l i w a a lo u t - b u l ld lu c •Itoo 'm jto iid . wooda; or tra in land; *8,909, Philip Jan n ln ta 18* Broad I t , NawarK________________

WILL aacrtfleo, 1-room houae: all Improva-mentai ateem h ea t; lot 1* ft. tro n ta te ;

■Ixbl*. chicken coopa: near .cen te r; price only 14,1*9, Be* Harrta. 1*1 H arke t et.MX ROOMS, hath : ataam. *a* and alagUJc,

paneled cefllnti county at., no lam iatnenta; p riw low; tw o To ***» oath, ta lanc* aara* a t rent. 8** Orban, 119 Fireman hUlISInt.WILL SACRIFICE, raetanabl*. naw two

family honaa, a ll Impt*.; alaotrlc l^ h U ; ateem heal; roem for te a te * : IR* 69x109. Inquire Sd floor. 1* BrookaM* av*.

BARGAIN! Blaven-raom, two-famlly houee; Improvemente; butlt for ownar*

reeldenca; aall cn monthly payment*, n t t t l Vallay rd.. W ait O rani*; phone t I f J5rsngi. _______ _____ . _

STOPevery irapraraiaept: I t , 90S up; llO t td 9600 oseh. bsISM * ran t; own your own home* 8 ^ Orben* 331 FtreBaen'a building*________

fiEMI-BUMGAIiOW houses. Mr. Tsllsy Way And Msple ste—>Two blocks Dora

West Orange tre llsy line end new eekeeii opfti for Inspectlen: high Isestwne

VstirWilAmO T iiT ^ - g .

£ i r * i ? a r “ w i M « rterms; esranitly raetneted; large b est bestni free b s th ln f beM hi geod fishing.

FurnlMJL9.1ta«t*,{.t^(«r^5{>«V,Sale* A tant,

____ _WATER

thing n e M i geoa ni

A, l l M N N I W v# a t a r W ltd U f .



COMMODIOUS modern raa ld en y ; beat oar nev In Eaat G rant*: aultabl* (*f,J?*o*of'.9I

two faralllei who w t ^ *o be lo ta th e rt 199a 189; r tth le ; wlR aacrlflca- Edw, P. " ^ 1 1 - ton R co„ i l B ro a d w a y ^ . T-, and uppoalt*


nd bittsand b i t t s r your■stisfy y o u ^ j J k t a i - I l l g E a B a t e a l

rs If 1 csiTt

r ea l e st a t e fo x exchange- out OF TOWN

rap srty

B *«T tiOCATlID LOFTS IK NBWAltK. Two blocks from oorner of M srket snd B rosd s t^ ^ .BlectrlQ lights snd power: live stesm

JAm'k S M.*SETM0UR. I l -* t Lawranca at. F s a s Blowers, Ventllstors In gtockv

LOrTir with POWER


CENTRALLY located. 119-87* Broad et., eeveral l l th l loft*; rieem , I'oat"*-

rental. Apply ownar*, Felblcratn R Co., T it Broad at. ______SHOP—III rant, tronnd flonr. 81**9; Tliht

and airy; wltn tarax* In rear: 411 South mr Sprlnttleld Xvt B. Mae*.Sixth at., near Sptinffi

m u l b e r r y 8T„ m i -811—8.699 ligh t; sll improvemente. Apply B sx tr «

Grover* sgents. 763 B rasd st.

FACTORY loft to lot for llaht tnx; 1.69* feet aqusr*. 168 Sot*** av*.

FACTORIES AND LOFTS WMtTEpFACTORY or war# houaa w a n t^ for Maraj;*;

not Icae Ih iJ ^ t ,* * * iquxre l**t: tj^v* particular*; ^ ro h o ra pntactvd. Addraaa

Xt ra n wish to e x e^ i' and D SilR E --------- „sssfw it s e p s ^ l le i

AwsHmente, l-fsraUy end single honssst letA n a ^ l n a for **

Oaa, Orava St. S tttlon . Eaat O ranta, M. J .tin*HEIGHTS — B trsn ln .HANOVER

country ham*, *-«uwh. »«— , ««•- “r n room, beamed eeltinta. porohe*. I Iota planted with all kind* wafelabla* and patatoah 18 fruit treae, larfj ••"'okan hoMt: b*te»jn JJ quick buyar. Inquire 191 South Farllath at., Irvlntlon.________________ -

r ea l estate wantedb u y e r for two-famlly, on Clinton H ill,'.all

nbmit »».99t. Band parilool*** J o■ ■ Clli ■




TW O-FAM lLr hnuaei 8 block from S p rite - field ave.; 14 room*; all Inuarovamonta aji-

otpt haat; m onthly ran t *48;Marichoor, t i l Avon tVA

print t*-8*9.

TWO-FAMILY: 14 room*. Ulod batha: •***», elecMclu. laundry; baauttful location; il99; prlco 11,999. Owner, ID* Ham-i* il99 .

•on pl.KOUSES-«l*-f*ro(ly. tw a-dao llr, iM lud lte

■tore; ronirioud lwo-fai»ily, IJ toomaj Borion t ly la 81* Fifteenth paei. lyy tte to".

BUDD LAKE HEIGHTS, one mile frem lake (Dverlcekhii l*ke>.^^ne acre p lot* hun-

aaiow and unmp altaa i^81*9 aora; eaay tamm- phlUp Jenaln ia. 18* ilro ad at., Nawark.

d e l a v a n a v e .e ra : Hnprevamant*

we-famtly houaa; mod- : 1* rnlnn

C*ii"ilT*3ratwr';Lritt U0«. Ph*n* III*mlnutaa t« tuba*

I K T c l ^*3S r

. J l Camden a t , aavea-room le t I ix lH . Felblemau A Ce„ 1*1

aOsW &tM. F in t at.. 1 tl—Two-fxml ly t Impreaqmaataj' tally renw f; I*,tt9>

t t t kO D IlR h a th ! Itx lM ; food laoA- ttaSi ImBnirantaaU. JU Sopfh SWh at.

B. B„ bafey* (.BIX raoma; aarquat tteori; pay*#* for two oar*: block and halt ( iw two iroRoy tineo; Clinton HuTaaetlDA Addraee ta, Nowa oftloo.___________


FO R SAUR-Stx-r9om hanati li oaHd S t Ipan* Paam*! "

quir* awnar, A. Smith,"Slaill'wTitui

itx ia* ! to- I.IH . in-

lUatpB avA,

EUDO LAKE aactlon—I* acraa F a ^ J ^ / n Issd ; 3-roora e tons bsu#*; ram* M rac^b,

wggeh hssee* flu* fru it; ll.fOOi e sw PhRlp JewHlwgXi f i t l ^ s d et.8 News

.. . terras, ewxrk.

THRKB I ^ p M U t klscks fram ecesh*. el*«30

FORBIT B IU r a t 37.313. f kirnie* Ids splesdld roam s; Ulfd bxlh,

wellM lW stesra, . p x r ^ t tfloors, electric I

^ K t O K BT.

IS Cpi_____ I4B3 eseh* 0e

C ilw . 44'WskeraAh kra*

C O R N E R P R O P R R T T :

COST homa; ovary t*t*al tm provam ent: on It; BO u a e iw o a te ; prion low, OfboB, l i t l% in ian 'i buHdlnf.

county atroot; no u a a terma eeey.

T ht UeauUtuI toara of Panwood, H. J-, r i i h l in u ro h o lo e i t a« tton o ; ,‘« J ' « « « " trolley 8 miuotea. C. R. IL Station l^m lh- utoa. Th* h l ih a it ^ t pound Of rb n n betw sss Kew Tork Sftd Fhlis* dilphls. No Mid niMquUMe SW,neeitelbls A bsswUful snd hesHh? environ* maul IS d raT lSd pdtelA Sdhooja, c h u r j i ^

.....................- ~'B4h(efsnd cilr trapraramstiuif Idtsl for chlidwra.Lot* aold ontelane* **.•« maBihly par lot or 19** off

for oath.THOURANDR OF IXlfclARS I / J S t

by talllte to taka advanta** “( w * •*' pert unities

Lay th* fM^Sk**™ noraitel coat). W BUM , pu t w i f i l 'CAN'T OBT

THREE houiea ta Jaraay a t y to a ^ a j ^ .ranted; a lio Trantou, N. J „ bnaln*#* l ^ P -

a lly ; M .tW ed ta ty In ta o h ; trad# tw r a t a - T. k ina .’*14 ^^ata et-K -V kubiH i. J . —

for sale or to let_ _ _ ___ — - * — — m jaameaaBIGHT-ROOM houaa; all improvamanta: w


vary la tf* s « r a ta■eulkwair coMiar of a n l i f M. md MoM- ave.. batwaan I and » P . **.., axoapt


BAKBRY and propatty atatabi* for any kind of buata***! lot I0*l»8: (ay a*J* or

rent cheap. IIQ Sprtnsfleld av%. Irirtniten.iproWra*TWO-FAMILY hfluaa, all improbamenl* hot

heat; tat 69x1*9: cloa* ta centar; price M.169. See B arri* . H I Machet et.

■sie OH ih s g t m d s Midwsy Sod Hwnter res* flatordsy* J«ns sb ra t I P . M* Ik lae s t rstn* i s ^ wUlJN h ^ oti

B ^ te le y ', >1* CllBioa sve.

BdYBRilOT ene-famlly, frem •*’W *If ypo w sn t to sell. •##■■ BesrdStey, 31®you Cllbtsn sve*■WANTBO to buy. modern *vo-(amlly *lonov.

with driviwoy, between Third »t.. Now- O f t land parkway. Of»n*f. . n » r "D tan ia ear l i te i no apenta; price not over

,9*T Addreaa Medarn, B u lU , Nawt ef-Jl’c

aSiA*Bte Vl8i Nw'e’fftOA



HAW CAtH BUTBM . for all bsrgslns: far ooe, two or thtee raaiiiy

hI s s s .'rrfT. ,

SOUTHERN Hill, waaquahog a te pMparflaa wantad ta r o M h b u ra ra A. I T bC S d JR., 898 BROAD ST. * ,'W EEQUAinC BECTION—OP*-(*««» hanaa:

1 or * rooma; all Impta.; i)i*d® •UJ5J5S® (or iarMoi about |6,ef«, Addrou Roaaoo-

HAVE caab bnyer* (or on* aad iw* ( ^ l y houat* In the Beaarille aoatlgn; W**i ^

cheap ; m ad full imrUoulara, EaanwU^ * Oo„ 6*9 Orange at. ------

• m a l l

no agenta, ■tfloa-

two-famlly houaa paahtBo ava.. naar CTlnton av*„- Addroaa Houao, Boa Ml. NE**

CfiCkOSSD bulldlngSi selllsd fleerssSsd [granted xUm*. i e ? r « tattrsMes. Ciynss, ikerartb 34 CTii-

«raSi?L■terag* purpoao*.tan tt ,

Ciynaa,USP Ha , g I ]!■W ILL BUT yaor on* or two Sh l i h . ibM vill* Motion and r m r . 1 ^ 1 Jprightofloe-


Eb wijc S I

■end■tat* wR 'ulo m '^ ! ^ a y k y in, t t* Braadriap.: Haw Y*r)t.a t Y eir ihango.

Bkturday followlag. TyMa imvoa U. B,rted^, N.w«. aM;*f J . H._. Of «•»'

TWO-FAMILY. *oml-dotaoh*d; t* rooma. 8 botha; b u t ; 11x1*9: Tnoomo 18*9: prle*

11,190. O w atr, 11 Sharon aVA

Km i A wkBtACH front lo u , a ll l iB p ra v io ^ u ;

Boardwalk; oM apj ad jo la lte talg l t » vhl torma vary oaay. llorrlaoy R WalRor, Carr avA V1199 BUTS * ihroa-yoom .bungalow, (u r-

nUhad: tat t l x lH . Bat SayrA >8 Caatarslfp O rs n g S i I I I - V

ustsfe tra iie j swd f32 off s t liw stsr w ra and one Blsek wratka Autos wUl raest

irsU.N*W HOirc* * IKWmiFNF OD.

H A W «Mk bwF*« *37 k s rfs ik .PTOpertf4s In u S S te B jg u ie k sstipft g iran; r a n All

f im letti oKlesT

We heIf Mice 11 erllSB s tBlsomfls]mJHURl

emeu i IIf housi wood ee< Cestrsl IMODBRf sn Imi Posaviuernutisi.offlee.TWO.PA

raeste. way; 34. AvoB-bF-91X-ROC

mente, be wlthli NeWi ofiifAVB a

koueoeOrsngee:■ t i lket IIN THB

reoras; ley, B irdWItaL P;

raoderi]Fpet Csel


my t-n iu t t SI It for the m den. 36; IchraldtdUMUtll

refined long


UAP1jE¥ rsoine;

assy wsikA cbickiBuramsrRsymoodTWO bn

Lsksbsth : Isj porchex Tnutlug dMNX: ro

porth t In flneet, Mneble 1 South OrBUt>& 1

with Is)provemesute to Is)XdAKB E<

nlehed raorae; )i Orsxd sv<TO LB T -

Sttd AuiSll Impti.phene


KJffNT, ?u le e s tl«

PiSOte Jtlpi., BrcgkrtTHNWH

<quire, tsrk, k 3,F im ilS H

chiokeai from KewiPOP Itsi

six rdon T tl IMUGRSEll

July I; porch. A|GEEBNW

1 nomi W. WomtTO BENI

hoUat, Njjtti. jj


SMALL ( couple f

with atsbl hour Crau Dished hoi Writs psrZ&pSihSm

gf.TWepiB'bsth i *l

W sraHy 1TG liB T -

fsrden i, a t . rity. I

TWO er ts rag H i

sad Ceatn Beg t t , MbSallI

■ OUBS Ofor Bsit

V, J . Hfl New TorkWAKTBO.

fir J_ July l i s te n , orw a n t e d .

with 1 Hena4;.

MODERN bath*; aK i l lClair H*WEAST 01roens is P-<isK>riS ^I.BOOM ta

seP poulplSBtlda 3BBVSK-RC

is rg i gsitg^StsUgllf


1 7 s


snd Csm stale e r a is ta le^ e ra irr ume3i_


turea. U mobile dUmOi6131tWp MsAT Cetatill


M e*« M A (lto o 6 t« n and Walk

J r , S s » ! K S T L S T IS U K

[LUJI ,^r^- iTII.K9*'«otloi«; w r irffl cUt b-mo ire to •U htr:

of n U rw d \ tUlBire B*d SM, «h«rriM. otU s*jd owner re* ill itock and Ltoea. H acre .; tl.lOQ fata d a ta lii page

ila afld elh«r , too1e» fraw-

S. A, Stroat jM u at,, Kaw '•0 Broad a t .

i-roem taouaa; lldlnga; lomo BO. half caih

wQodaS cdme crib, poul-

M: no atones, 00: enortfAfa bitlldlni-ount7: grain, c; fine houae; ad; i t c»wa, rm maahlnery to Bull,, M arktt ADil

malD road, id cold va ia r. k 1 1 ,000. half iney bultdlni.

tlllad, 4 t r 0 var front, one ite, In A1 cpn-

cuibulldlnvo; rnlahed. dafni or aall; p ta ltr I to ault pu r' aingae; abooi I mllaa from

'urnpika road; p ro ^ rty ovar.

Id. Montnouth outbulldingi:

' walk to paa* Aabury P a rk ; rm Spaelillit,

a floa to t l 0 thing: good

lartlcuTark giid own. Cranbury

B R t T r barn; all naeaa- agon ahad. pig irma

i t . . Newark.out: TO ooras;

illable; l-rooin m, implemanta:

once. Philip ark.I Uountaln: IS ,m ftona houae; fruit: Ideal fur tarma. Philip ark.—4 acraoi k ifh km; larga pool-amanta;p Jtim lngi. 73t

ra farm: nod- . berrleai oH rla, wagena ami B elpar, W. 3a

Lto, grain farm ;frdUi bice to*

on dt oFkoa. C. y . j . . Boa g*: Ideal for noun* I poet; t4.Q0d: P h illpJann ln ta .

lO up; ault OiU' iara, can’t buy opporiiinUp. r .

three aoi>i tieh. welt. IfalaGhta I CoBPty, W. J.

farm, 'll-room earn heat,* tala-

100 Broad it.

land b r paring no tazM or In-

. b ir. Olfaa.

tH C H A M G lFARMSiroductlve famiei Id acrea. fl.600. m, all a<tiiipp«d. d a t . room

LETh farm 'w ith goed w ren t; near Par* oetofflcc B o i IBI.

ITEDTWHBRB: oaab r Income properi> l i t . R. A. Sebur,


X OR TO LET:t8 e

LDINO.B en teet: utad ufM\ nipped with an* ler ayatanup and rooklm. N | T.; freight term inal

eaa B.r. K.. l i t

aFTCT O lE T0 IK MBWABK. ar a t M atlu twar: ll .a itaamil.(> Law nnea at. tto fa in Ktgck.ND LIVE STKAM.SQUIPHKNT.WILSON.■tt MBCMAWICBT.

no-17* B ro^ l al.i lam haatad; to» FalblcnOD 4 Co.,

tieor, tlxOO: J l i h t IB ra»r: 111 South la hTB, R Mm.

—S.tM aq. (t- i I*od a. Apply a i l i l r «

_____ ________' light maniitaelur* I. I l l eoaMz av a

OPTS WANTEDwanted for ataraAe; ruare feet; viva full rotaettiL Addraaa ifflce.

"W AOTEPOB Clinton H ill; .All Sand purtlonU n to.rom M.IW to ta» ,B »nl*M y, »H

n two-timilr hoona. an Third H »«- iM, n a r Control or inU: p r l» not ovor, B u lU . N n « ot-

BlJYBIt* , ., two or thtoo ftn itlr

L lBSK r ^ f .-.dooth Hnd. Clinton and Irrts» to n ; **r-

tar onoh OuW«. *• r o a d ST. > If--Ono-(omity botso: iti.i som fo or ipnooo. Addrooo ItoonoB-00.OM nod two (Sadly

Ilia aootlon; tiuh* V Hitnr*. Swnnodo^ *

I ;« stiritSiNMM

iSssr-\ 4 t

r iS !TVeSr

» nil

i J l f e W A B K : C T E N T N G N E W S . W E D N E S D A Y . J U N E 1 2 . I W a


REAL ESTATE W A N T E iy-d U T O r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOWN

hoMO. alx nom a otid '™ pr"yo™ oau; Irrlnd toa or Hlll-

d d t pH lorrod; n u o t bo nonr trolloy u d In t ro t-c lM condition; Mto full u r t l r a l i r i In O/JP lollor. Addrooo p, O. L., B o t *1 . Nowa otrlon

T O U R O P P o k T U N I t t .. . V f ’’oro buyara to r nil k ind , of r(ol ailola If M co la raoaonnblo. P lan u Hat your brog- crlloi o t onoo. W ILTHOPT. " Bleomflald. ~—_ 41 Brood a t,

ITal. I l l f Bloomnald.)BUBURBAN proportloo wnnied, aapaolntly

ainoll ona-fomlly houaoo ond nny t 'o -fo m - liy houoo; oapoeUIly * o n l proparty in Elm. wood oootlon o t B u t Omnso, hterona 47( Control nvo,, Nownrk.

’w ." . * " ‘om* Old boi»;RoHTtlJo o r Moplowood- oonyomant for ooX- thUtlng. Addreaa Modern. Box 71. Newa office.

DUES, o m c i s , E TC . TO LETQBB, good loeality fer iNHoateaatw e r

hardw are atore: rent |1S. w ith lle lb t I l i t . I I M ataataa a t

STORK tn food leedtiea. on M arket a t , u ta r Broad, tanutre Novelty Store, 111

B arket n .^IL ib tub let booth on^Publle Senrloe m w

couraa to reliable party; a t onee. Track




houae la Irvington; impro<re> mante. hM t ne t eeeential; room for drive*

way; M.joe to M.OOO. Addraea Box 114, Avom-br-tha-lea, N. j ; tel. Market 1I|ISIX'ROOM houaa In Irvlngtoa. alt w-” — gar age or apace; price m utt ^^Jj^lthm^reaaon. Addrcae HouBe, B|x tS.

RTORB to lai, W eil Oringe, centrally lo­cated, ran t | » month. Inquire A. Dlecka,

STABLES, ETC, TO U TLAROB bam or atalla to let.

at. Phone 7 ||« Market.14 Longworth

ifAVB for ona and two lomity

6SVBN 0TALL8 and top floor, with power, aultabla email factory, near Orange CMpnt.

njl_Eagea_^w.j Orange.honaea In Irrln jiton , Maplewoo-1 md the ----------------------

O r tn ^ „ ;m u a lb ,T n rm ln n H .rrla, | « Mar- LODGE ROOMSAND HALLS TO LETTN THB ORANGES—O ne'fam llr houae, 7

ro w * ; near a ta tton ; not over I6J00. Du lay, Birch at., Weat Oranga.

^Von room

FULLY equipped hall for meattnga. baib- Queta or any private affaire; rant reaaoti-

able. M. Breaaer, iH WaahIngtOB tt.~ - '• * -n»w». (-HII lur BIX gr ^

modern houae; deacrlba fully, ^esL£tghf_^Bgx_10. Newi offloi.

AddreaiLODGE roc me to let, I t per meeting night,

Inquire of Janltreaa, t i and E4 BelltvIUaavA. Mantorlal Mall.

FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET**9!?*.*® tarn lahaa d»rln» Julyand Aufuat; I rookno and ba th ; p rlra t. rnldenca; amall famlnr, or tawly marrlod ™upli DMfarnjdj p rtv ila ia al boardliip two “ i J .(Irut-cloM r . f . ^ c . 1 roqultad;^ d a n t l a l n»l»hborhood of V alliburtu wo- tioni low ran t to raaponilbu p a rti.., Ad- draaa Vallaburnh. Boa t | . |aw a olfltaLINCOLN AVB.. 17J—O oltt iway, will l i t

^ l-room, oom plou ir fipnlahtd ru ld tn i:.. lu i t a* It la, with avary m,Klem oanvanTonc., for tb . n m m .r or th e year; nleo larfo n r - 2*!‘ Inqulro ,.oq p r .m l.ti orlehm ia t A Co. ,111 MarlBt a t . ___________SUMHIIR AVB., H b—Babin room, nod batb;

rafttiM naltnborhoofI to r aummir or= “ t== =S = = = S = ^ L = = = = = — ^ FURNISHED H O ^ E S TO L E T -

O U T O IT O W NTO LBT, for the ■unMer monthi, furalahid

hoUHB. I rooma: bm utlful acenary; mouii' tain water; bam , luMkble for garage; about 41 tnllea from naw <Tork; good atraam tor Dahtng nearby; ren t SIO per month. Addreaa W, W. CoroelJ, Ra p No. I, BomarvlUe. N. J.MAPLEWOOD, N ./ .J__Furnlahed houaa,~T


A P A Jt^B K T fl. Beatrice Cewit and Sd tth Manor, Johnaon ava. and Bigelow at.—

Four and five raoma; Inuaadlata poaaaaalob; refarapcea. J. Helnoehowtu, I t l l Waverly.APARTMENTS, Bergen at., 174, cor&ar

South Orange a v a —Fire roonu, oath ; all Improvamenta; ran li 9 t t - | |lo Jan ito r oa premtaea.iM R T M E N T , The Harvard. I l l Cantral . »VA—Five reoma, avary Im p t; eentraJly looatad. Inquire Janitor. Phone w av. t i l l .APARTMENTS, Roae Court. Thlrtaanth ava.,

OOP. Howard a t—$ rooma, modern Im pta Inqttlre Stapnar, or 40 Market a t ; »04 MkLA ^ r t m e n t b —DMa ran and Summer avaa.;

nve rooma and bath; all improvamenta; J o l r 1. Apply ian ltor: phone l l t l B. B.a p a r t m e n t . 111 Broad a t —Five rooma;

modern improvement; prafaretica to pualnaai people; manager on premlaaaa p a r t m e n t —ThreO'famfly houae; flv*

rooma. bath ; |>B; ChiiRtlana: aduUi only. Inquire m i Bergen at,, p r. Bchmldt.

rooma; high, heaitby location; I mlnutea' eaay walk to L ackahanna; large plot, garaan A cblcken houa*' Immadlafe poaetaalon; ■ummar montha dr longer; 171 a month, Raymond ConooUyCA, South Oranga.TWO bnngalowa. one on beautiful Cad

Laka Danville, N. J., the other on nlU top. near lake; tfteelan wall water; toilet bath; large aerfianad eating and alaeplng porefaea boating b a th lM and Sahing; com* mntlng dlatancp Tal. B. B. 4P7a.________NINE rooma. IMo ba the ; garagai aleai

' ; elagaitly furnlahed; near trol t gactloA of South Orange; rent raa*

aonable to n l# family. I l l HamlUan rd.,

APARTMENT to le t; 4 rooma; aU Improve- manta; heat and hot w ater; |t0 . inquire

Janitor, t i t South Orange ave.ABINOTON, 4*8 ML Proeseet ava, _

P leR Adama_ wit! aublat bla apartm ent-M r,

n a n Adama will aubiat hla apartm ent, wnajeting of flva large, light rooma and bath, A ugm t 1. Inquire auparlatendent.AMERICA

apartmep!opportunityK W - 'r \ Clinton

having roomy modam ran t room; axceptional

Hill. Phone Wav. 1784.

poreh; elegi la flnaat gectlo

itly fu rn li^ e d ; near trofiay^ South Orange; rent rea

ALPINE bT,, 1—Flva-roem apartm rnt* ateam h eat; hot and e^ d wate./; i^ow et

bath, l i t E lliabeth afa, Wavariy H i t .

South OraagaT Tel. Mulberry 6tX.BUDD

W ’iflva rooma and bath apart-

^ m a n t; aeraenad porch; Janitor aervloe. C. Rota, I7 t Balmont ava.

provemente; uta to lake

■Nicely fum lahei cottage, A r o h n 0T.g 474—Elegant flat, flvp larga• - --- -..AU — A--- - - - - H ---- Yywith larga ^ r c h ; e igh t rooma; modern Im* anta; « rga grounda; garagai ona mtn-

id Btoraa. Mra. M. Mablln.

rooma, w ith pantry and bath ; a ll nawu daoorated; raaaonable rant. Inquire M. Dornbuaeh. I l l Ridgewood ava.

LAKE H O nT C O N d—Raccoon laland—Far- nlahad. cd taga fo r ren t; I rooma; 8 bad

roomt; i a i ^ h and boata. L. Evani, 1108 Grand ava* Aabury P ark . N. J.TO LS'


BEATRICE COURT, 111 Johnaon ava,—To anblat apartm ent of 8 roocu;

nca a t MO a month. 8. J . W ^ ,will aacrl-

BT— m la h a d ilx-room bouaa for July___Auraat; raaaonable to a amall familyi

all Implif I t Oaboraa a t , Bloomfiald, K. J.i phone BUemflaid t m w . ____________RENT, Magalow. O rate pond* N. J . | good

laeatlA : furnlahed; canoet open lira-plaoa. Mra. L. T. Robtneon* 141 Smaovon pi.* B fc^ynoFURNSIHZD pottage fo r ranti Cuivtr'a

Lak«^ tarma raaeonabla. Write or In­quire. R. Bchoolay, 110 Orchard a t . Naw- ark, k 3,_____________________________PURFISKED eottaga, five rooma { gardatu

ehEkana; all m odern Imnta.i I t mlnutae from Newark 1 H i. T4B F ifth “ '

AVe ., b. B., cor. Oaralda a t room* and bath: MO; Ju ly 1. c B.

Shipman, i l l £aa«x building.BLOOMFIELD AVE„ l |g -W o ttld like to

fh o n a I4MBellavlUe. Patroalno.

y»i^*hurgb aeotion—i 5 l il* <lBAm beat,-lectric ligh t; front porch a ^ pan try ; rant

MB; mdulta. Phone Mulberry I04t.CLIFTON AVE.. 741—SLa roome* all Im-

provem anu. e fta r July I- |8G. Cell 888 Woodalde ave,; tal. l l t l 6 . k

, LyndhuratFOB RENT for n m m a r , fumUhad hooaa,

itx rooma; all Impravam anta; tine laeatlon. T al | i |U o r «W Bernardaville; P. O..Boz 41.

CLIFTON ATE., t i l —Second floor, 7 iarga itaam haatar; July 1 :

C, B. Bhiprean. 811 Eaaai building

GREEN F i ND—B ungalow for iStat until July 1: rteaoaabla; fine location; aertanad

porch. Apply P- O. Boa 484, Newark, K. J.OltEEKWOOD LAKE—Fum lahed bungalow;

7 raomai month of Ju ly ; raaeonabla M.W. Warner, IBP Pavonla a v a , Jeraay City.TO BENT.^Jof^ Ju ly and Auguat, I'room Park'^anli e ls '

hodM, n rn iahad . Apply moralngn* ItA —--------j j « t - -

FOTR roomq fig . lo a tlo n ; Janitor and hall I l r l n rr lo a . Oxford A p u tm .n t, 111

“ f- IJe lo v * ava. T»l. 1177 B ranch Brook, 7 to • p. |T•■OUR-HOOU fla t a t l i t Charlton i t . ; I l l

par m onthi for datlrab l, colored fam llr: will d te o ra ta Aak R ant A Polat,7SI Broad a tFOUR-ROOM apartmanto:

aorvlea; ataam haat; | 0rSaif nbatb ; Jan ito r

Lincolnw,-a near Camp at.


aKALL tnniataad botiao wantad b r ym ua conpl* fo ra d a m a r m antha In tha eovatir,

with a tab laand haaaaxF: not a o la than ona kasr trom Broad and M arkati an ontor- ntfhad h o w i t la doalrad looatlon cor roar. Writa nartlcnlara Immadlaloly, Box 1*4, Kor- w jlk j^ o n j^

~ HOUSES TO LETCLXNTDB AVE., ttT —Tan-room hoiua. aU

IBprovteRanta; nicaly ipcatedt iuttabla tor

FIVE-ROOM apartment, 18« Cllntati eve I ell modern Improvamante. For further

perttcMiare call a t JI4 Clinton ava.FOR moving or atoraga call Weat Bide Stor-

Age W a ra h o ^ e , T4I-U8 South Fpurtaantb a t ] tat. M il Wav.

daater; laT af* In ra a ri ran t H it ready to be aocupTed July 1. * ‘tween I and 4 e’oloak.

1. Inquire on premlaai ba-

FOR White or eolovadi monthly paymenU.I l l tib, aaaia u ran t, will buy one or two

f a iu lr Domaa; only MdO c u b required i atart naWi Bayer* |t4 M arket at., ovar Chllda

t ONS'FAM tliT bouaa. I t rooma| im ptai Summer ava., n o rth o f Second a v a lo-

qulra l i t Sammar ava,

BtoIMeJBETH AVB,. 44—4!mrnari alx tteiwst

FOUR rooma and tkath; all Improvaiiunte* haat and hot water; MO, M l B i ^ o a t

eve., th ird floor.IVB rooma and bath ; hot end cold Water; ren t | | 7 ; no children: rafaranoaa. 8o

F ranklin a t , aekt to city hall.FIRST BT., 141—Flva nice rooma. hot and

gold w ater; two-family houae; aduUaHIGH CLASS atrloUy modern apartm ent;

vary aultabla doctor or private. Inquire eftafpoon, IM Clinton |;ve.* near l^ c o lg p a rkIF you can’t locate right roomA Place your

fo ed f w ith Tha Madarn Storage Co.; ator* age. moving im aao n ab la rataa* Offloa* i l Aoedatny at, r a o n t Tl l i M arket.__________LARGE rooma. aultabla for light hooee^

heaping. Apply 141 South 8e................Phone M arket 41I8W.


TWO unfuralahad roem e w anted hy alnglt wentan; atata prtoa. Addrgae R eaaa, Box

t l . Newa aftlaaTHREE rooma and b a lh : unfumtahad; rae-

aenabla. Addreaa B. D. S.* Ben IIT, New#effica IWANTED bjr'reflaed wuple* with two-yaar-

old ck^d, October i or aooner. Roiavllle or D ranpa, four to aU room apartment, all Improvamenta; haat furnlahed; near aietlon end itolley; rant not to aNpead M i par month- Addreba, w ith full partleulara, Lock Box i4. Chatham. N. J.

STPRAGE AND MOVINGAtTTO VANS—Local and long diataoea niav*

lAM-, planee hetatad; carting; gat o«r nrloaM fera m aking your arrangarhente 4 Brown, 4 Arlington a t Tal ~ Bowlaa


s t o r a g e .Long d ia taaqaau io moving. Phene l l t l Mkt. NA‘nO?UrBTORAOg ccf. tl4 - li0 f l a u U

JOHN CLARK A SONS Storage ware houae; light, airy reeme:

m otor van aarvlce; city or country, IIT-718 South l i th a t ; phone Wav. 3124 B at 1114.

FURNOHEO ROOMS TO LETCOtTAQB ST., 11. n t u W nlaat—B x tn U rx a

tro n t » * u with klichanottA p tiM ; r u - aoiwklt..___________BU SA BH TR AV*.. t»—Hawlr fiilkUhoA

room, w llk two alntl* boAa; oloatria l l ih t nnd hqUi; good koqrd nanrbp.KDWIK P I , . H —Choarfm, Ilfh t. qJrr room;

■ tu rn hoAt, hot wntar nnd bn th ; t in t floor. H. Uopor.

WAKTBD. flva or u x rooo).;rant l i t or 111; four ndu lu .

M-.'in A Box II , Kawk ottloaill Im plr., ___________________

Addrota A U T O .V A m -rh en o nigh t or day* laitf dli* tafloa moving: beat aarvica fuargptaad: get Y p r l^ J M fe re n ak la g final arrangaraintA in ry C. TnyW , 84 Cettage a t : Mkt. 1444.WANTED, 4 er 8 uafnralahed rooma; three

adulla; near atailon and Srolley. Addreaa Rooma, Box 34, N ewt alfiea.WANTBD, by amall fanM ly. l-ream flat:

haat net nectaaary; about IM . Addreaa B., Box 40, N«wa otnaa.j^w a n t e d , four OF rive room a In twa*(amily

houae, with im provam inta. S. F, Mlri- wlck. 3<4 Clifton ava.TOL'NO COUPLE w ant three or four room

apartm ent; give all partleulara. Addreoi M.. Box 48, Newi office.YOUNQ COUPLE w anta I or 4 rooma, wuh

bath; |i4 'f l5 . Addraaa Couple, Box IS. Newa .office-__________________________


a p a r t m e n t . South Mnpla nva., J, K „ t Orange—Five and elz beautiful ronma;

parquet floor#: beam cellinga: tlla haih; aioam heal and ho t w ater et^pUad; poaact* •Ion at once; ren t |42 and M2.60.a t once, janltor-


APa RTMBNTS. n P a rk d rlv e -F lv a rooma.Including bath, ren t reaeenable: near Edt-

aon'a Bee Randall, 88T Main et.. near Day, Orange.APARTMENTS—I and I rooma, 141 to Ml,

from July 1. B. MoOovarn, H Caraagle ava., Eaat Oranga.BLOOMFIELD—Uppar floor. 1-famlly houae,

five rooma, impta. 81 W alnut tar., Bloom­fiald. Phone u f lW .BELLEVILLE, John r t . I I I - Four rooma to

rant; price I I I , Phone 84j 3 Ballevllla, Patroalno.e a s t o r a n g e —Ap a rtm a n u MT* ML M t:

three and four rooma. tiled batni* Janitor jarvica. Immediate poateaalon. Tal. Orange 8041. Call day or evaaing- F iita, Agent, IS Mala at.. Eaat Oranga,BAST ORANOB—E legant apartm ent; tineat

in Beat Orange; nine rooma. two b a t^ ; adulta; Immediate peeaea ilon; leaae two ta five yeare: no anlm ela Philip J. Bowera A Co., I l l M arket a tEAST QEANOE—Three-room u a rtm en i,

'Bteuban,” corner Steubaa at. ahd Suaaexava.; peeeaaelon im m edtataly ; rant Btavana, 471 C estra l ava., Newark. Ml

EAST ORANGE. Carztagla ava.. 8-4—Beauti­ful apartmenta, 4 rooma. batb* large foyer

hall; avary Im provem ent; ran t 8*1. Any agent or on the pram laeaEAST ORANGE—Six rooma, ail improve-

m teta , a lw garage. Inantra Mr. C^illlni, 111 Elmwood ave., corper na la ted at., Baal Orange.EAST

Janitor Brick

OtlANOE—FIv :or Mrvioa; III. Church Station

Iva room s bath: porch; 0. George F. Hack. opn.

Ion, E aat Oranga.EAST o r a n g e . Shepard av«., near Cantral

—Five reeraa. ba th ; ren t MO; adulta; June 16. Phone SIm H a rk a t

and bath; ataam heat, electrtc ifght, hot water; wall aafer Incloeed perch; hardwood floora; Janitor aervice; overlooking beautiful parkway; rant 1*8 per month. Apply C. Cornlah, 1R* North Parkw ay, E te t Orange. Telephone Orange l i l t .FLATS moved In padded vani, I* leadi

ptaaoa moved. M.IO; atorage. O’Oonnor. 488 Main it.. Orange; te l. 4171 Orange,IMMACULATE alx-roora apartm ent. Bait

Oranga; full aoutbera axpoaura; aelact lo­cation; Immediate poagaaoton! only III. Gertrude Cook Meyer, Homaflnder: Orange

NEWARK-PHILADBLPRTA Auto Freight Sarvloa; overnight dahvorlaa

WINSTON TRUCKING ro ..114 M arket at.

n***,.., V V., INC,, Tel. Market IllW

WHKN you wont to m nk, th , right movo or « o ro your coll Btrry. IH H Bonk

It.; p hono 111* Mnrkot or lOiTJ M nrkotAUTO (or lo n i or xhort d lito n n niovlnt An4

Alio P nrtln i: 1 nny . no htovy ,xpoiih« toSoy: I o*n mo»o r»Mon,hty. Phono III! In rk it; I t B « ,ch ,r ,1. Soundon.

LOCAL tn d dUlADCo moving of botuokold good,; m otor oerv lc .; oor.ful work!

ohorgM iBodonto. Mutuol E ip rrn Co., Inc.


BEAUTIFUL apartm ent, 4 rooma and b a th ;everything new rent }43. Carnegie, oor.

BOj^__AMIagton, Eaet Orange.


APARTMENT. ’’Oaborne H all''—Hlgh-olaae;elx roeme and balcony; will aublet from

Auguat 1; Janitor aervice. haat, hot w ater d: beet part of Cllntou IIIH: f t l .furnlehad: oeet pare or u intoi

Cbaa. J. U arkhorn, 21 Sayre at.ATTRACTIVELY furnlahed modern ap a rt­

ment; two, three, five or alx rooma; adulta only; rcferencaa. Eock, 1114 Bread at.b r o a d STm 1181—Two and three rooma

and bath, furnlahed for houeekeeping. Tal. IT! W avariy,COSILY furnlahed four-room!ahi

■ubie* Ju ly a ^ Auguat ; fine laeatlon. Addraaa Refined,

apartment, jguat; fine laeatle

ox i l l , Newi otfloa.CLINTON AVE., Bfl—Thrae rooma end bath,

furnlahed: Ju ly and Auguat: adulU only- Inqulre Janitor; phone Wavariy 4811.FOUR-ROOM corner eparttnant; wall fur-

ntahed; Clinton Hill aectlon; for rent •ummar m onthe; raferenoa required. Ad- dreae Rooma. Box 111, Newa orflee.FOREST H IL L —Beautiful aaven-roem ap a r t­

m ent; ooreaned'lA porch; aecond fleor: t - famlly heuae; n^erencaa. For appointment addreaa Foreat, Box I. Newa offlcaFURNISHED apartm ent for vummer to l i t ;

Mven raoma: a ll ln » ta ; five mlnutea from Broad and M arket, j^o p a Market 817,NEWLY turnlehed apartment, four roomoi

bath; all impU: July I : convenient Port Njwbrh; adulta. For appointment Wav. ITI7PRIVATE party will aublet oeei. nicely fur-

plihed r ------------ — ‘ 'to refined16: referencea required able, Box 10. Newa offTt

apartm ent of three r o o ^ . bath, 1 QCuple from July 1 to September iBcaa required. AddreM Raaaon- 10. Newa offloa.

ROSEVlLLlb^AFartm ent, with a ll targe, airy rooma. comfortably furniahed; all Im-

frovemente; five m lnutei from fta iloa and rolley; three to alx m onthi; moderate ra n t

H. D. Poatar, 1*0 Seventh ave.ROSEVILLE—Furnlahed apartm ent from

June 18th te Sept, i i tb ; all ouUIde ex- loeure; 6 rooma; rent, adulte only, |80, iterena, *78 Central ave.

KEBlNBD cQume wlihea to ehare modern B |iartra te t; RoMvlIle peotion, Addreae

Ref-nrd, Bbx l i t , Newe office.THREE or five beautiful rooini, July 1 to

October 1: eight mlnutea from t u ^ t i l Stone ot.; Bleomfield car.

MADISON—Two iplaaaent rooma; all mod- arn; alectrlo Ifgjiie;^ panh* *kroili ---*mlnutea atatioo.

family; refarapcea, Newa office.

I m ltiu iAodrew

iayi krt a**Q„ Lox T.

ORANGE VAXgLET—Three nicely palated rooma, otty w ater and toilet. Apply to

Edwerq White* 148 Day at., Orange.FART of country houae; door. 4 rooma and

bath. Improvement#. M. E. Patera Morrja turnpike, Mlllburn ave., MlUburn* N. J.,

a t a r - “ —near i iilon and trolley.TO lA T —F ln t floor fla t, |9 I Orange rd.,

Montclair; Mx rooma and bath; medera Imprevamente and trolley coavenlenoe; m il be vacant July L Apply J , W, Plaaeoen, ““ ^ M o n t c l a i r } phone i it t j111 Orange

(antclairTHREE oogf ^ t a a w ith gae rangej Im-

Ur Datnr SIO- I South Burnett


i v o B l h ^ KODBKK. SAhnTAHT T A U W BOOlU

BUKABBTH ATB., 4*--C«ni*r| ilx tM But hnthj oloctrlcltri pnrqaot (loom n n t III.

Thvarfy I I HTU l a T —JnH-roDiB houM) trou t la d

( m r a o n r m t tt« . laqu lfo i t I* oirAon t t . aitr. * '________________________rOBBflT HILL aSCTIOK, B lg h ln il i« « ,

ry te ia ; a ll impr^vemaa^ta.

WMITEDhom e within LittletonTWO

a v a , _______a a t Centril avm ,; e ta te price. Bus 81. Newi o fh e a

between South Orange Addrega W..

MODERN flat* five rooma and aun par- lor* all ImprovemenU: Clinton R m aec-

llon; one mlnule from Clinton pi. and Clin- ten a v e^ ren t Mb. A ddrim Flat, Box 44. New# effifla

* |t .* lh - V .,7 d j- rin b i* . n tw lr dtooniod . ,ii-roam l u r i -

monti 111 IroUtx.! ront **0, Apply J ifflo r .U O IU liN lU im h u to d iiu r tm au U , n»»

u a iJx roomn u d bdUti id u lu ontyi n i - ifonco. fOQiMlroil. Bock,~-111* Brood rt,KOBBVlLui, Fourth ive., * , | b h t A n » r «

■lAtlon~Slgtat room,: i l l Improvominti. Phono 1*7* B ru c h Brook.

I t—Pour room, on f lr it

■liALL lo tu * w iB tod Id conntryi. muI got o w It*. H r. J . A. L« r o r n , IlM o n tta

■ lihm iU oL, K m r k . i>, ono-flm lly h o ^ f l i

y irr in Conoty tirm .Box IM, N o n oOtco.

t l • x o h u f , (or I AddroH U. 7V„

BUHHBR AVB., floor.

TU I. n i l m k t , n ig h t p b o n b m t h k t ,U B BR TT aTORAOB CO.



t AMT T, BTlUcfl.

XOUSt or ( l i t , In p lo u in t loeitloa K .w irk


1* A R L l M 7 T . ” ° " l° g A ? ? K T , MGR.THB ABINOTON, **| M t Prolpoot i»«.—

FiT.-room npnrlnirnt; up (o dnio; Iromo. d lito poH nilon . S ti J in ltor.WA8H1NOTON “ AVB.. |7 S _ r |T «

rooma; all Improvementa Mulberry I IH ,

or Bait Orange; refined Araerloan faiBlly.U, J . Hflanda. ' “ ........ — •New Tork City,

flandai 4t8 W eat Twenty-fifth

WAN*B&, 7 or I room h a o u or i p i r tm i i t W July L A d d n H 171 Argylo pL, lr>

linftoh, or phom A rll i^ toii 1*14.W A K tlD , ^


m odern hooeei garage; muat ne reaeen Bex 16* Newa office.

. . two'family,reaeoneble, Addreae

SMALL te u e e .e r flre t-tleo r fla t; rent not over |2 t; for Ju ly 1. Addreaa A. L ,

Box H . t7ewi offtoe.^

T O L E r -O U T O F T O W NABLINGTON---Teaanta. nan you pay Mi a

Mwnta for a beautiful aU-room houN f CeiitAiQii bath, etaam heat, range, white alnk. hot and lold w ater, Jilee porch, garden, lawn In b e a t *f houee: Improved atreet; handy to trollaya and Jitney*; only MOO caah and your raot bujii it. Get the key from Mr*. L. M, Eummej^ 4Bf K*arny a v a , AriingtOA

MODERN tan-ropm. heu** to rent, two bntkii ateam h e a t; ready for oouiancr: a

gatwg*, ta rd e a p lan ted : near Lackawanna Itailpn: MontcliJrr N. J. Telephone Mont- Clair i18V. _________________EAST^ biitA fioil, 487 W llllim a t—Ten

roc ra , bath. M<l; Imm ediate peeaewlon. Oeorja F. opp. B rick Church Station.|>RO01l houM: e te a n h aat: bath; modam;

neb poBltry hooea S0x48; large gaidan. all planlad. I? W a ln ^ a t* B loo t^a ld .SEVEN-ROOM bouaa* all Impro^amaati:

i0 ge gardaa and ehloken houae; 1 mlnutea t^ t^ U g n . Morrewi tM Broad ygt

HOUSES W A N T E D -O U T OF TO gNYOUNG m arried oeuple deeire part two-

fkmliy houM In inburt»e, about I rooma,

APARTMENTS, ROOMS AND F U T S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED_______ __COUPLB. four or fi»« room ( l i t Improvc-

m in t i ; r u in n ib l i : quIit nilghborhnod i l* m ln a ti . W llk B roid in d H ir k . t ; vi™ ncy ib»Bt Ju ly H . Krontr, *1 N ilw n pi.COUPLB diilTM I or * roomi. w ith I n p t , . :

good l o t i o n ! prifom hly k o n v llt , . .c t 'o rn rm t l l o - l t l . A ddr*» E. W.. B n i l | , N .w i Office,COUPLE, w ith -on. ehUd, would llkh th r r .

or four reom i with bath. F o lng i. 047 South floTwito«nth It., city.FOUR room ! in d bath, with i l l Improra-

m*DU: In q u l.t ru ld e n tlil itoU oi, north o( Second ivc ,, w n t of WMhlnglon iv r .! uppor door In tw o-lim lly hou .., with i l r . in n « t p ro lo rnd ! a m u d wit* dnir. A dO rm . s iltin g prlc i, Amsrlcin, Box t«D. N«w, oN flcOi

BY JULY IS tb or Auguat let, Sva-room Sat or apartm eah a ll im provam enu; aeleet neighborhood. Addr" - . ~

Newa cnice.Couple, ^ x 88,

WANTED) Ju ly 1. by faualoea* woman, two ■eeond floor u n fu rn l^ ed rooma, with

heat} near Grove St. S tation or Brick Church; two bleoka from car Jlnae; private. Addreaa B. A. B., Box 48, Newa office.w a n t e d —r i a l upper two-family, perohj

Beat Orange, near Laekawanne; Auguat 1 or Heptamber 1; 840. Addreaa Orang*, B*g B gN ew i office, O ranga


tor th* atorlng and aafe keeping or your Louaehcld good*; w* invite the public In- - of our w are booM* a t all tlmea

let ua ahow and explatt) our aervice. gill be p lv M d a t the atteDtlon mod

teeotloB of our w are bouM* a t all tlmea. Come, let ua ahow - ■ ■You will be p lvM i. . . .ear* given to each lot of gooda.

A large, experienced* well orggplaed force of fornlioire and plane mover* maka* u* laadera la thta branch of th e bu*lnea*.

KNICKERBOCICBR STORAGE CO.* 180-181 A rllbglou *t*«

Phone Mkt. ItOO. * Newerk, N. J .

Telephone 7871 Markets

L » g Dletanee Movlug Our •peclelty. Sanitary Carpet Cleaning.JOSEPH J . KROEOER*

Planoi and Furniture Mover. Packer and Shipper.

MOTOR VANS,Bterage W are Houae* and Office**

1*8-141 CENTRAL AVE*, 47t-4f» TW ELFTH AVE.,

Newark* N. J.




LONG DISTANCE MOVING. Houeehold Good* and Flanci^

JRIgh'Claae eervlc* to and _from Trenton,Phltadelpbte, Aabury P ark . Point Plaaeanti Newburgh, Pourhk«*p*l*, Bridgeport, N*# H ew n. Hartford, New Tork Cliy, Longlaland and Interm ediate pclnta; epeclai trip* anywhere; m oderate chargee. For laform a tlon and ratee telephone M arket 718*.

ROSEVILLE STORAGE CO.,Frank J, H tQ ra tb , Free.

New Cobgrete-Steci Storage Ware Houm, • I1-24-S8 Cabinet at.*

Newark. N. J.

WILL RENT w ithout profit, lo charge for furniture, cool E-rocm apartmeat, taeta-

fully fu ralihed ; 16 mlnutea frem dowqtownt lum rear montha 88*. Phone W averlr T in .


8-4 ROOMS and b a th ; furnlahed e ta te location andaprice. Ad

reaecaableiIreaa Room*,


•roem apt.IB; electrl


llghta;from July l to September

iiii in evei it*. 6Ba s t o r a n g b , H tin it., m i—8ubi.t n r*

reoma and b a th : light 8 'improvement*; full furnlah adulta; |M ; janitor. Theo.1am at.) Ea

running hot w ater^Jm lto r: auallght jry room; 80 nUnutea Vroad and M arket

at*, s f l W aahlngton ave,* ^ llav llie .Il-B ubl* t ’

light and airy; lateat hot water;. . . _.jve, *it wm-

aat Orange,



reum for couple or gentlemen; light I keepiag If deatred.

■ T v-i *™Ro o m f o r l ig h troUBEKBEPINO.

E I^ A B B T H AVE., I t—Nicely room w ith refined couple.


B U tA B E T H AVE, 18—Nicely reoma. w ith refined people.

BAST FERRY tm proveraenta


411—Large reora; all

FOR two men, eplendld large, front room;twin bade, open fireplace, aieotrlclty, hot

w ater; private family; axelualve ne ith l« r- hood; rive mlnutea' walk to Broad and Mar> kat. Addreaa Exrluatve, Box 3, New* office.FAIKMOUNT AVE.. I l l —Two and three

neat, olaan. furalahed rooma fo r light >uaeke*plng,

neighborhood, ----- ------- ----- . j r iigihouaekeaplng; with all improvement*: In fli

- i minute* to two ra r lla*aFOREST HILL flection—Private family can

accommodate gentleman with a large, pleaaant room. Addree* K.. Box IIT, Newa office,FRANKLIN ST., 41—Neatly furnlahed reom!

with running water, for gentleraan or builnria couple.FRANKLIN BT, S ^ P laa a a n t. light houae*

keeping room, with runnlog water; floor w ith rbatb.g r a n t ST.. I t —Large room for two, near

D., U A R. R.. with light houaakeep- Ing privilege*; middle belt.GREEN ST., 64—Nicely furnlahed front and

back room and running w ater fer light houeekeeping.HIGH BT., 184—Nice, oemfcrtabl*, l*rg*

fren t room; hot and cold watar; on* amall room: nicely furnlahed; for gentlemen; refer­ence*.BIOH BT..

provemaatiH i—Large front room, all ina-

Jib au iub le for two i builneia couple. Phona Market

lor two gentleman or■■ ■ 7(7*4*.HIGH BT... . _ . 416—Large, nicely furnlahed

room, private family, eultable fe r couple er two gentlemen; all Impta.HIGH ST., 448—Bxeeptionally large, oteaii.

•dry front room; flrat fleor; auri two; refined

room; flrat fleor; aurtable for near court houta*


BRICK CHURCH, U lo o ln , 1,, I f -T w o l . r t .double room*, w ith w ivata bath; two

room* w ithout bath ; eoutbern expoeurt; ex- eellapt table board: phone I t l l Orange.KABT ORA NOR—'Large tingle and double

foome, private fam ily; Five mlnutea’ wnlk Weatlnghouee. B prim e'e , International Kuae, SmUh'a Addreae Reaeonable, Bex F, New* office. Orange.EAST ORANGE, Main at., 141. near Orove—

FurnUhed and unfurnlaKed rocme, with or without board, and hbuiakeaping prtvllegee. In firat'claa* fam lllee; open aveninj*.BAST ORANGE. South Munn ave., i71—Two

larga baanttful room*; every Improremani; private family: auUabta for two or thrae or couple: near trolley.EAST ORANGE. South B urnett at.* 16—De-

■irable reom a furnlahed er unhirnlahed; light hoii*eke*piMg It dealred; 4 min. *i*llon.BAST ORANGE* North Arlington av*.^ I

Large tront room, aiao amatler one; n*ar etatlon and trolloy. Telephone 84tl O ranff.BAST ORANGE, N orth Pamkway, 46—

L arga airy room* In aeloot nalghborbccd; .......................................wlleonvanlant ta train* and trelleya. -jL

FURNISHED room with alcove, «uliable for young couple o | two gentlemen; two

mlnutea from tra in and trolley. 214 Main at., Eaat Oraago;IRVINGTON. E1U* av*.. t l f —Thra* fur-

niahed room*: aullabl* for two gentlemen; cenvenlant te trolley.ORANGE, Day *1., 74—Furnlahed room* and

rooma for ligh t heuaekeeplnit oonveB- letit to trolley and train.VBHONA-Furnlahed bungalow, rant; beau­

tiful ground*; «ori«ned parchi five mlauiea trolley. H. Smith, 148 Bioomnald ave., V*. rona Telephone 8*81,WATBESfllNO BectfoD, 1|0 Dodd a t , Eaat

Orange—Dotlrable furntahad room*} con-yen ita l -locaUqn,


TWO ladle* w ant tw o aecead-itery connect­ing rocmi for ligh t houaekeepmg. Ilcilay,

18 South B urnett et., Beat Orange.WANTED In country by adulta furalahed

rosma or amall cotlage for light bouae- haaplDg: reaaonablo. A. 8. M.» 416 Chaataut

Arltnglon. N, J.


«Uttabla for two: al«o amall room, wlin or without beard. Tel. Branch Brook 1811.

HIGH ST.. *lT-»dlD|la room, furalahed com- plotely for hooaoieoplngi canter e l city.

Inquire 4 |l .HIGH BT., 4H—Large, cool room*:

houeekeeping or alaeplnf.light

HIGH BT.b *86—Apartment i l , large fren t reorq; all Improvement*.


CENTRALLY LOCATED, LlW lB .SUifMlT. Springfield ave.. i l l —Four nicely

furnlahed room*, eisgle e r tn aulte; all_ _ ----------- Improvement*; good locailtyi Jltneya, trol-

r»*.on.W .ialoe ligh t facuaekeewlna room*; flv* min­ute* from Broad and Market aU,HILL BT., I I —Large

enette. fo r light houiakeeplng; alio ilngl* roomi.BILL BT.. 46—PARLOR FOR ONE OR TWO

GENTLEMEN.JE L L IF f T lV b ., l i t , near Clinton ave.—

Farnfahad room* ail Improveraant*; naar three car line*] rent 12.LARGE furnlahed fregt room, aaeend fleer,

alcove and bay window houae; medern voreened cercbj alee eman room; referencea exchanged. Addteg* Private. Box 161* Newi offloaL IN C O I^ PARK, I—Large, pleaaaat, fu r-

Dtahad room for light houeekeeping] aleohie rplea ian t room, aultable for ona or two.

LINCOLN PARK, 17—Nicely furnlehed room, aultable for on* or two) all pon-

veataneea. ___________________ •MARa h ALL BT-t I I—I^ rg a alaaplig rocBA

aultable fe r two; all convenlenceai five mlnutea from Four Comer*.NORTH ELEVENTH BT., *1—Airy* bright-------------------- --------- - .»room*; private family) RoMvniei genti men only; no board; good table board can he had naxt door; reaaonaclei eonvtelancea.NORTH s e v e n t h ST., 106—LaTga, eeoond-

•tory, light bcuaakeaplng reem : adult* | |4 .i0 ; *le*plng room*. |I - |2 .8 6 | I ilgee car*.NORTH FOURTEENTH IT ., 116—Fur-

nlflhad room: Imp rove meat a; light houiv* keeping If dealred.

SOUTH TH IRTEENTH ST.. UI-PleoM Uit. , coot room for aummer montha; bualneaa paeple praferred; board optional! privateSPRUCE ST.. 26—rieaaaq t, airy rooma te r

one or two gentlem en: electric light; *d-


BOARDINGACCOMMODATIONS (or (ontlom w ; boan-

tlfulty furnlahed froat room, with or w ith­out maali, Addreaa Clinton Hill, Box 161, Notti office.BROAD BT-, 166, Balvtdire—Neatly fur-

niehed, oect. fron t room; vacant June i l ] alngle or double reem a; board.d e s ir a b l e poeme in private fu il ly ; {An-

coin Park location; board opUenal. Phoap t i l t Mulberry.BAIT KINNEY ST., I I . Delamar—Daetrable

large front room, running water, eleotrlo light, home cooking; beat rteorano**.HIGH ST.« f i t —Large double room; running

water; aleo elagte room; large yard; tennl* court 1 one block from Clinton ave*ijlf iL lfl St .* 74, near corner Cllaton ave.

and ilx leen th a t .- 'F r u i t room, •eoend floor: naar ba th ; private home; Mreeoed porch} *1*0 table board. Waverly HI*,NELBON PL* 16—Large, light room; all ^^l^mprovtmanU: good table; phone Market

ROSEVILLE, N orth Seventh a t . T4—Large front rooMi for one or two gcatlenen with

board; all improvement*.


No'oh D oburth (n.o O’K M tti). h»Tt«« l . i l an Mnrrh 4, I will not b t rotgonolbl* (W• n r il.btx conir»ct*rt by taor. I l |n td ,. J - n . 10. I , , , . PI?BUliQH.

*® Ctnidon, N. A, Ju m U . wlih auto tfuck: (naan

; 0»m d,n or rlrln lly irusonnbln » ,( , 01, 1,. Stornio C*,,fmr « * •"'> “ * « “ •ATTENTION—W* h»vi » l ir (* movtnr natu

v»n tru fit f a in , to RnrhofUr, N. T.. b«- fTn*™" S®*: » ''» ■’'■’l' • i-111 bring • to«d W k frnnt I ^ o h i iu r N. nr vicinity, roMOn,, •bla. M ad.rn 8tornx* Co., offico, II Arnd-• roy It.; nixhi nnd dny ghona. 'uUt. III*.

***’*' c o n c e r n —Mr wU., Jomimo Anna Bouton ina« Bmlth), bnvInE L**.'. *• 7 —m not b* roBponalblo tor•ny (labia inutriniail by bar.

, (Rlinad) TR —Juna 1 ), 1 , 1 ).


raaponalblo torK b W. BOUTON,

tha (dr.•J.W ..I* " ‘‘f ’*"* « Lincoln T irk ,m . n . J i . i 'v ' . ' 'f*?**”™ BK-'ut, oinimi a t r ’ k *t l» H Torh. «

H A \E BOLD (or Alia* Qr»rbtll tha for- iilahail riwra ond binnfdin, hoUM, () South

■tl, Nawark, Cradltora praHiit b{ll, n t my ef l l o batoro Juna I t , I t l l , Tork, I Pbrfc »l,MAVB told (or Anno Haiuar tha (amlfhnd

raominx bouaa, Ivcniwl i i j Canlr»i »v^ NawArk: n rriltnr* praaant claim , *t m r ot- (let bafare J u na 17, 1911. Tork. • P»rlih l.BOARD wonted with muthar'a coro In nn-draaa Baby. Box I t . Nawt nfflea.

Be iim m PditoBtb■UEBRELUOUS BAIR ramovot hy a4ao*...*11**5/' ** aamrlanca.MUM .C, A DUNBAR, auenaoanr to UMB, B.


_ BED BUOR NOACBBII, MOTHi. w* eontract l« axtarmlnhio hn,a In hoinau.

Apartmantf, poblla buUdlnft, alo., «* yon can do It wUb E-Z-KiTl. Tal 1411 llu l E-E-KUl Cham, Ca„ 114 N. J. V b ! Awl

_ _ . _ ____ BD your 1dence by Improved m ethodi l lo l l up:

rtpe lred ; fe e th en renovated. AMERICAN U A tT R E id RlNOVATlNa OO.. m B arclay xt. P h ono Wav, 1HA________BRABR BiiDR ranalahod, ronalrad: xaa and

alactrlfl H th t (Ixturaa fuarantaad to iMk Ilk . now; alootro p la tln i: will eall: roMon- • bU prlca,. rn lian b o r, Broa., I t MKbanln a t . : phnna 7U I H k tFINEST HAND EHBROtDERT. BEADINO,

MONOGRAMS, TROUSSEAUX. L lN aC - RIB. DRESSES, WAISTS. QOLD h 'A R EU- BROIDERT. I4( BROAD ST. TEL. I l l* MbUm a t t r e s s e s rano .a tad a t otialomar'a raal-

danca, l l . io u , i braM bwla rawilUhad.mada Ilka naw. Bnlargrlaa MaUjwoi ~------------ .. ......................v a tin , Co.. (1 B idlord at.; ph. Wav, 1117,


DR. HANDBVILLE, (onnaTly of H i Broad a t , h a , opanad ntfloa a t 1 , 1 Mulbarry at-,

natwaan W alnut and Rlnnay lU .; hoiira I to 4, t to I ; Sundaya, ofdoa oloaad.WILL b in out full aatf o( tabla i l ln rw a r f

for w oddlpif and p rirata a fta lra munlcata If- Braanar, r*,tauraDl, H i '

d i a l , and p rirata a fta lra M- DMInfton »t., city.

PANAMAS claanad, blaachad and rahloffead, •iparlonrad lialtar. A. Nlwnann, t l w ill-

lam at., naar Broad. Tal. Mkt. llO t; ast. l i l t .BEWIklO MACHINES rapatrad r lfh t tn your

homa; any maka. Sand poalal la N r Mltchall, 40 ThlrtotbUl ava.; tal, H I | HiR.SWEDISH HASSAOB IN ST—Vapor and

tharmollto batha. 491 Clinton a m .t phunn ( I H W avariy: bunri. to A, M. to I r . M.HASRAtlK—Facial, icalp fq d xanaraU xrad-

uata nparatnrx. Nolaon, 1(7 Naw at,, Eaurv 70 IQ »: oppnalta Hudion tubcit.TTPBW RlTTNa o( nil hinda: on* lottor l ( c .

to 1.9(10 a t II .II . Lillian Culp, l*T Law- yere' bulidirtg, i l l M erket a tMASSAGE—ElaciHc vibrator, eoalp tyeat-

m eat; heura 16 to I, ta Wlaanar HaU. f6 t Broad at. Johneoa ft Evana.RW BDisH and alectrlo maaeaga; elM inv

rgblaat b a th a Hanton A Co., I l l fflntny eve.; tel. 1686 Waverly. 7MABSAOB and batba. MoBven A Aadcreo^ ^146 ClUton ava., corner Farley* Newark

N. J .; tri. 8701 Waverly.MASSAGE, alectrlo treatmentA bathA Suite

6, firet floor, 166 Murray, cor* Broad aj.

SOUTH TENTH BT.> IS—Large* weU fur- nUhed Croat room, all Improvementgi elec*'

trie; convenient for (wo people; near Cen­tral care; w ith or w ithout board.

NELSON PL., 48—Neatly furnlahed room for two working glrli, with young married

couple. Mr*. A* Bpticb.NEW ST., *4—lArga furnlahed front room

for gentleman) all Improvament*! near tube*] private family; reference*.

SABT o r a n g e . Central ave.—fiv e rooma bath, eteetrtalty, to September 18. 188

m onth: 16 m tnutei to Broad tn d Market at*. Addreaa Suburban. Box 82, New* offloe.EAST o r a n g e —Modarn outalde ali-raem apartTnent; nicely run lahed ; private porch;

beet realdcbtlal aectloa: ejoee to trolley and Lackawanna. Gro**, 87 Harriaon at.EAST o r a n g e . Sanford at.. 188—Five

room* and bath ; all Improvemaniii aduKt; ren t rea*onabta: phon* Orange6 l« W ; from June’ 20 to 6cto^- '|£tober_L

furstabadEAST O R A N G E-^om plete furitabad apart* ment: five rooma, bath] rent |46i July t

a la itr . 681 Main a t , near Frledlandar.

to October 1 KarrlaoB *t.FIVE ROOMS and bath* eleotrlo llgh ta hot

water, piano, garage, Janitor aervloe, poreh; overlooking Orahge MounUlna; 6 monthe; ren t reaeoneble. 77 Froepect et* Eaet Orange. C. H. Semple.

FURKlBKBD apartm enta, 8 room** bath garage; June 11 or July X to October 1.

TT Proepeot Eaet Orange* Apply Jaoltor*IRVlNOtON* Cummtngc at., 104—Five-room

furnlahed apartm ent; from July 1 to Sep- tembar 1.

TO RENT, reaaonable. to a email family, fur* alihed five-room apartment* for July and

Auguatj all Improvem enta 18 Baldwin * t ,Blogl»ifl.ld. N. 5. Tol' tMTW.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LETATTRAOrtVELT furnlahtd room la raodera------------- -----apartm aat; alt ImproveiptnU; contTnuoua

)t water] alngUp *n r '^ -------a ia l t i ; lum m er ratm .hot water] elngUj an eulte with private bath ;

Bock. IIB* Broad.At l a n t ic BT.» is—Large front room. *ult-

able fer two gontlemea or a bimneae couple; aleo a hail room; all Impt*.; three minute* from tubet.ATLANTIC BT., 18—Pleeeent front room) I

wladow*: all im pta.; near tube* ta d car line*; alao vingle room.AIRY, light, connecting room* for light

houeekeeping; all conventencee; central. Apply J i l H igh *t. .near Central ave.AIRY room*, all Impta.; ratee reasonable;

oentrat location. Inquire Wilma. 66 Court *t.. corner Waihlngtonv- •BROAD 8T.* 881, overlooking MlllUry P ark

and Park pi.—Front room for a gcnile’ men; adjoining bath^ minute to tube; pleas­ant lof^atlon; phone.BROAD BT., 181—One large front alcove

room; hot and cold water; rant rcaeona- b le to gentlem aa or buslnaaa oouplo; private.BROAD BT.* f t - L a r g e , airy room, aultable

for two; also vlnxle room; light houee­keeping If dealred. Tel. B. B. It|7.

HIGHEST ' t t p b b t o r a g b , m o d e r a t e RATES—^Wh*Q you atore your good*

wouldn't you Ilk* te place them In a room that you know Is abaoluteiy clean aad sani­tary 7 I t will mean a lot to you when your good* are returned; our new roona*. just rompleted. are all th a t can be desired; you

enleaoM, w ithin oommuUng die- Hew Yorkv H- B. Charlton, 886 Lm-

withtaflce - ____ - -OBlj | l » Brooklyn. N. T.

lUILDINGS TO U TTWO«VT0RY brlok b u lld lr t, vtalalty Bread

and Camp atk , *!•• 81x21; t i n t floor auli- ab le igarag* ; eeeond, ligh t nrmaaCaotuilng

STORES, OFFICES. ETC., TO LETTj- rW~i~R~x~irg**N~*"r«~i~ ~ — — ~~i~inr i—ia u t o m o b il e aeoqqnry store, with flx-

iorea, In conaeotlott w ith garage; mdblle dlatrtet BlltW* M arket.

on C entral ava.*: apto-


AT C ed tr^ a r* . and Klghtta at* lultable for any ruslaM L M ata A Co., Union bulldlag,

6 ClfntdB « tVECMD STo* 417—Beeond and th ird flonrs

eoRabla to r offlee o r lig h t maatkfaeiavm*

FOUR or five neat roome w anted L all Im- p ro rem teU ; three la fam ilyt ren t | | 6 er

|2B. 424 'Wanwn *t„ store. Phone 7.814 Mkt.

FOUR or five room fla t w aated wlik wi* aad bath for a couple w ith one ehlioT

CMntoa Hill eectloa preferred. S. FlemUiK. 867 Cllaton pi.

POUR or five reomi wanted, wjth *mpruve» mente: Irvington or Hill eavllonv .\d-

dree* Room** Box t l , Newa office.

FOUR or five roome and bath for four adulte, Ju ly 1. C. Nlteche* 18 Birk* pi.*


FLAT, by young couple and alx-year child;five or elx roome: 82L Adilreee Couple.

Box m * Newa offlee.________________

FIVE rooma and bath for three adulU; rent about fIT; Improvemoata Addreae Adulte,

Bok 8. Newa offlee.

LADY deelrea two uafurttlehed roome wUh w ater and g aa Addreae Roome, Box 100.

New* offifi*. ______LAd V wlahee one tsnfurnlahed room, near

trolley lln*. Addreae F.. Box IT, New* of­fice. _______

id bath; eVrk ur Addr«

____ _____ ____________ ____.sirea; y<can hire on*, any ala*, a t modarate r a t i . , came, see and Judge for youraelf or phone I 860 Branch Brook fd^e itlm a ta .

PARK AVENUE STCfRAOE COHPANT, P ark ave,, a t Tw elfth §1., Kewerk.

_____ Wm. Pecker, G*n*ral Manager. ____


taken over the atorage w are houeaa; we arergady to take all atorage and movltii; aanl- tary* aeparate lacked room*; auto vane; teoal and long diatenee moving; planoa bolated. trucking; freight and baggage auto from all depota. Storage Waverly 6618: rea Waverly 1148. 741 SOUTH FOURTEENTH BT. Stor- M e ware bouses open fo r Inipeotlon. h . QreepetelB. prep* *

NEW MODERN CONCRETE W a'r B ROUSE for ito rage of furaltu r* and piano*; sept.

r . ta IsolMd room ,; oomploto T.cnam •ritm o; •r«r)( (ACilttx (or tho propar i.fakK p lnc o( four coodi.

LOW INSUKANCK R A T H .I t M to your x S n n ta t* to phono MuI. 1(71,

Wo avnootlp xollolt ro u r paroonol IWIptotlDo. Naw Jarioir Worn Heaxo co.. ,9 Howgra , t

b r o a d St ., 114t—-Wall furnlohoO cornor room for ona or two (ontlaman. Phone

7>(* Wnaorly.

laal BROAD ST., 1191—Nlotly (urnlihaO hauH.

I^ARATEo o o B

S H A U . (•H illr K .h h I a f ^ x »HIroxpoct.bla nol(btior1io«r In Noap

• n r of Ito lubnrlM; rant * b ^ 1 , 1 .


M O y NO. IlpDBKN STORAGE CO. OF-riC E . iT ACA?-------- - - - - - - - - - ~CAM n . gFORBBSr.M*


DeelrabI*. Bex 160. New* ■ nc*.SMALL, clann family want* flva rooma and

IFonS ntoiwf* it* paSdod jN m otor -n s* (or loao. ,'ord trucks n r qulan xtr- > (rt-j phono • l l t 'V n t . ; #o-

ROh. FroTtaoiKO AbS Lwowood, t«ko (ooSo up rouoonuUb

r u s i l F l a r n ^ S ^ '

: (<wd Ml

^ itoro, w ith Toain* o r wtthnut. i t iu i m t m t o h o b l s IboulM

( I I Soutk Twolfth ul. __________ V ourUoath s t a aud . South H ot-

:h At. w ith or w ithout room i; ront roA-

both ; H i to 1(4; K oorw , A rlln to n nr Now«rk, AddroN (f. H.. Bex H . Soi ‘

rk (liJO. Now, o(-

- . . . - L / aldd lo -scod ij9lo:;_rowushlo n o L Addrow Rollohlo.

j i s t -

ABLK OIMooo ta lot, U tbo CuhAOdo ■ ■■ ' a o t.; olOTOtor, oloowio

: n s i ntoOBOhlA

SMALL Got. h r J n ir S, oMipIo:; roscoushlo t '

Box 141, Nowo ofdco.TH R EE or four ro o ta wanted h r • buMnmo

wornm,. by Jmio i* •* Ju ly i j , t m iauioi to B»u>i Mrf M arket oto. Addrooo Hro, w .White, S t Sherm an •vo„ oup-

to la l: (nruWMd or u itu r- H phw kWo t e (ood ten an t C,

dlitanoo oloa. ! ‘

______ ____________________NSW ware hoaae/dqokad roama; motor van

aervloe to r lacfe}. and long dl*tanee new- Ifli; get our i^ e e a keforu m o rln i «r etovkog

! r d n I^ IS « D lSrOR*o1?'^‘wABlP*HOnSB,lU - l t l Mow T ork OOP. Tol. Mul, I tf .

IT A S R im ra N STORAOB e o „ H U to n t ta o t.; xtoroso, larEo-ateod ran lead, | l , lo

m outh; moTlar, lo rao -ilH unn, Mt any port of a lly ; auto *ap (or Ion* o r iltaA dtctaaoo. Tot IM f M arket Jandb LkhteSeW e, prop.

dre— CMfltPU 8101* S ox a7il»w^ im ou . for eCflca TM SSE t e four ^olieB i

MWtea* ' vam *

r a v k StORAOl A MALSET — ■■188 HALBST


Br o a d ST., 1122—Bleeping roome, 81: beautifully fur^lsbed^ aleo light houM-

keeping rooms: ImprovementaBROAD BT,. 8*6, n e tr city hall—Pleasant

front room* also an g le mom, gentlemen; conveniences; etleo t; refernacee.

BROAD ST.. 1111—Beautiful furnlahed room, gentlem en; next to batk; electric light:

tel* 8661 Waverly.

NEW BT., 14—Front light housekeeping room; running waterj aleo hall rocun.

ORCHARD t7* 46, ^ e a r city hall—Neatly furnlahed single room for one or two; all

Improvement*. •PENNINGTON BT.. 22—Larg* tron t room,

suitable for one or two gentlemen; a1*o •liigle room; ton mlnuiee' walk from Broad and M arket ate.PARKER ST., t i l , hear Second ave.—

Nicely furnlahed roem, In private family, ■uLtabI* for one or tw ^ gentlemen or buai* nee* couple*

SOUTH TENTH BT,* 48—Large room, prl- vats house; near three car*; with or wi(h>

out board.TICHBNOR ST.. II . near Llnooln Park—

Light, airy room, w ith or wUbent board] suitable fer two; aleo elngle room.THOMAS 8T,j 88—Two large front rooma*

furnlahed; hoard If desired: ail Imgte,] Pric, roa.onabl..

PARKHURBT BT,. 84—Two furnished rooms for light houeekeeping and use of bath;

between E lliabeth ave. and Clinton ave. trolley car.PARK PL., 6, opposite Hahne'e—Newly fur-

niehed elngle room: modem; suitable for gentlaman.POINTER ST., 1* off Ellxaboth ave*—Com’

fortable furn lihad room with large clooet; •Ite irio ligh t; bath.FOINIER ST.* 14* near BllBabeth ave.—

Large, airy room; evitable for one er two*ROSEVILLE, North Fourth et., SOT—Large,

nOatly furnlihed, front room: coot ana a iry : every Im pl.; private houee: suitable for ooe or two; reasonable.ROSEVILLE AVE.* 44—FurnUhed room,

lig h t housekeeping If desired: laundry privtiegee; convenient to elation and trol- ieyo.ROSEVILLE. North Sixth *t., 281—Two

largo rooms, with screened porch; elngle • r eonncotlag. If desired. Tel. B. B. 1178.PO rETILLE. North Sixth i t . 112—U rg e

front room; private family; suMable for bueintav m an or couple.ROSEVILLE AVE.. 41—Room adjoining

b a th ; two oloaBto; convenloni to a ll llnoi. FhonB B. B. 7t41.________________________ROSEVILLE, Ninth avo., II—Nicely fur-

nlohod room; all convinloncea, to refined xentleman.ROBE ST., I—Doitrable room (or ono or two

lonllemoD; oonTonlont to oari; ono door from Monmouth xt.SOUTH e l e v e n t h ST.. 407—Bed

ruom ond ann parte r (or ono or two tontlo- mon; m u it ho loon to bo approclotod.

___ BO AH D W A K T E D _ _ _ _ _ADULTS f8l Wish I furnished room* wKk

tea rd ; good Iteatlon ; ataU full particular*. Addreei Central, Box 118, New* offlo*.FATHER and eon, 8, wish board In a prl-

yatfl family; plain cooking; a t moderate price; In Forevt 11 11 or Weequahlc eecdou. Aadreai Particular*, Box 61* Newi office.

LOSTb a n k b o o k lost. No. 11281.

American National Bank.Return tO'

c e r t i f i c a t e , oontalntng seven war giv* Inge etanipe, between Bamberger'* and 17

Lomnardy st„ June lo, i 6 i i ; sum p* ar* reglsiared a t poatofflce; of no valu* except to owner. Roward for return to H. M. Mil­le r 17 Lombardy *t.. city*COAT—Baby's eont, going from Billot U.

to Haiiock at., via Summar ava, P leA e re turn to 38 Hailack at.d o g —I xoit, young female, short hair, tan

harnete, vicinity South Stxvet B utlon; r*< w ard for inform ation; anaweri to name Cut!#. Phone M arket 2788._____________DOGS—Two hound dog* lost. Return t» 611

North Sixth eto ______________________DOOR MAT—Lnil. Saturday flight M train

Joaving Broad *1., I t '84. roll of netting and a door nt*t. NoEify F H. Adam, *7Camp e t.; reward If returnte.KYEGLASSCS^Pafr eyeglatefe and case*

‘’ prtvh?*(^!?lIy!‘ )teSr^bu‘'J!-"?-'“ ™ ! I^X^M.rri^,'’ 3!l j"Boird, Box I t t . Nowo offioo.TOUNQ COUPLB wloh Poom and board;

Improvemonte; privato family; reroreneoo. Addreoi R tdaod. Box 1(1, Nowo o(nee.roUNG Ka n wo»to board with private

A ?"™ * PtIvoU Board E., B w 1 1 ,. Newo' omco.


Invallde ta red for In private home of nurse; beautiful m irroundlafe: large, cheer* ful room*: doctor's teatlmonlala. u ltra phone Orange 48|2* or call at.. Eaet Orange,

For partlc- 11 Hall

BRICK CHURCH, W aihingten it.. 8T (cob- Dieetone hou te)—Large, cool rooms: nrl-

vats bath; beat table eoppHed.M IC K ^ CHURCH, W im «n i t , 484—Fur*

niehed roome, w ith ftr*t<o]a«e Uble board. Phone 2664 Oranga.EAST O^RANGl, Baton pi., Tl—Large room,

every convenience; cool, atiraetive homa and table. Phone 388*R Orange. Bogan.EAST ORANGE, Hollywood ave.* t*'—Double

rooms; table board; 2 m lnutei from train and trolley. Phone Orange i486.

board a t the Edlsonta Terrace, 88 V alin road, W est Orange; rates rea-

Telephone 8214 Orange.THE BEIjVXDERE. 8B*91 North Muna ava,.

East Onfnga—One large roem. fully and completely furnished in mahogany; table and service of high s tandard ; catering to

I MORSE—Roan mare, five yeare old. with ' while left hind mukle; rewerd for Infor­

mation leading (o Its recovery. Addree* N. Abato, 126 Franklin et.. Silver Lake, R J.KKYB—Bunch doaen keys, nesr Broad and

Market ate., on Saturday; liberal reward. Acidrewi |I . , Bfix 12*. New* offloe,

LIBERTY BOND loat* on June I, In nelgn- horhood of Brnad and Market eta.; Ictev

In poor clrcumetancee: liberal reward* H ar­vey Bchloeman, care Dcuglai A Newman Co*. 160* Broadway, New York City.PACKAGE—Will (he party who picked up

pei.‘Kag* by mUtahe, containing navy blue ehirt. In Fox'* Carltep Theater, kindly re ­turn same to Carlton Theater box office, we t hey ere kn^own?________________________PACKAGE Of crepe de chine a t M ulr'i

•(^rsx Beat Orenge, Friday, June 7, Finder kindly re turn same to lire. Bartley* c* Mcritclalr ave.. Montclelr.POCKETBOOK tnet. brown, with ggfn of

money, on Broad ei.. near Straus'* denaTt- niept etore. Reward If returned lo *87 ^ \v > thorn* ave., second floor.PIN—Platinum pin, wUh tliemondae on Ellle

Hve,, from Twenty-third it. to car: Mon­day evening. Finder kindly return to E. Fuhnnann. 40* Lafayette it., city; reward.rrcT U R E —oT i^L T ^P rC T L ^B r"N o! 2*47;


SOUTH ORA6IOE AVB.* 1—Nicely furnished room, all Improvemeni*. private family,

lu ltab le fo r gentlem an; ring flr it bell.SOUTH ST., 47, near Broad—Large.

room: nenr b a th , hot water; eleetrlci phone; couple or tingle. C lark

ligh t:fty;

SOUTH ORANGE, telephone 188W—Hlgh- Ola** furnished roome, elngle and double;

facing trolley end park.SOUTH FIFTEEN TH ST.* 714—Nicety flir>

niahed room* with bath, for gentleman or lady, from fl.86 up.SOUTH FOURTEENTH ST., I l l —Light,

room; private family; near car Hnei.THIRTEENTH AVE., 286—Room with p ri­

vate fam ily: convenient to cars; homo comfort*: breakfast If dealred. IB62H Mkt,THIRTEENTH AVE.. 26|—Room with prl-

V M famUy. convenient lo care: homn com fort: breakfast If desired. t668M Market.t h r e e furnlehed robin* te let; private fam«

llVi geod location. Addrors Hoom**- Box 88. Naw* offloa

keeping room, running water, 4niiite.: rea> “‘ tbTe.

BROAD BTo, H IT—Two or three roome wlUi kitchenette: ren t reasonable: near South


b r o a d St ., 1187—FurnUhed room** singib or double; light hnueekeeping If deetred.

BELLEVILLE AVE.* 228—Nicely furnUhed front parlor, for one or two gentlemen or

buetness couple; all improveinetiti.

BBLUEVILLB a v e ., 111. fleer Bloomfield ave.—Finely furnished* i large room for

light housakaeptng; conveniencee.

BURNET ST.. I t —Large, pieeaant front room; eultable one or two men; private

family** reaaonable: Improvements.

BURNET ST., aM -Laige. nicety farnlahad, front room; running water; for leatlemanL

with or wlikouC board.

BLEBCXBR ST.. 84—NIeely furalahed room.all ImprovBinenta; a lly : aultabla for one

or tw o; elagla bade. MeGoa._____ _

BERGEN ST.j l6fo near Clinton av*.—Two room* and bath, all ImprovemenU: sea*

arate. Inquire second floor.

BRUCB ST., 114—L tfh t, aliy room for gm tiem aiit tw e mlnutof to Bonib Orang*

BRUNSWICK STop 1l6p aegr MllUr a t . - lA iFe room for one or two gentlemen; |4

weekly.BIGELOW ST.i 116—Fum lehtd rtem j oewiy

deockratedo m Clinton Hill aoetlnn.CLINTON ATRm 178—Flaaanni furnlehM

reote) prtvatn faiallyt modem impta.; oon-------------- g f ^ rvenlte t loaai- ^

C r a t n n r r > r . , i ( —M aiiokooptni roomo, \«onnptoM i M v ly (onilxkoj, loe lM lat k it- okHHu wxxk tabx* r u ( o , poroki IK .

ta r oao or two to A io n tn .

CHBtTMtJT n . , W ~ > li w i »t. o«M(oitxWT (« tabko4 ro an . wHk rOMIkf water, In

oeloot boaoo; oloetrta I t f h n MMteirxteC W rn iA L i i S C(nr l i f k t , ,_____ .ohlK. caH ooMtkfX

l*«) (90 0k]0M I» te

c o u isT f i t . , m , xkooo ^ rootei oloclrlo, (DWWOri toimi

k o r a t kloo # i i« t t » ro aa t Kn).‘ A - u A t . i ■ ”

THOMAS ST., 14—Nicely furnished ream for gen tltipan or buatneaa couple.

WEST KINNEY ST., 12—Airy* email, front room, well ' —

hot watar, eh vats: reaaonabi

well fumtihed, clean, oontlnueu* If, shower, eieotrlcily; central; prl- (Sonabib. Inquire Berla.

y W T K m N O T “sT.p 2 1 near Broad—Well* furnlahed room; ilectrielly; eontlnuoua

hot w ater; shower bath; reaeonable. A part­ment To

W M T K W M T ^tT-x J8-.JTWO 1 * ^ airyroom*, faelh

utM t* Broa 'mg I id*Mi

the atreet corner; arveti Corcoran.

OF TOWNBOARD wanted. Ju ly and Auguat, fer an

elderly gentlemanr feeble* etaye In b li room; no particu lar c*re. Phone Grange I62JM.

PURSE—Small leather puree, lost, oontaln- Ing money end coin 18810, on Iiafsyette

St., or In Bamherger'e; reward. 180 Little-

RING—Valuable dianmnd ring In Wood- aldc Motion, musf have sbeolute proof*

e tr Address Ring, Bnx 111. » w e office.


Healthleet epol in Jersey; home cenked meals; fresh egg*, own vegetables; large plaaees; booklet, H. A. Loonfy, Mgr.GOOD board; high etevatloni dry, cool.

■hady. good w ater; all kinds fruit; ba th ­ing Oh farm : ra te fT. Pieaeant View Farm* Thoma* 0. Hoffman. Callfon. N. j .WOODCREST, beautifully eliuated on (he

Wetohung M ounUlne; gocN) home rcoklng. milk, eggs: rates 810. Mrs. Merrill. Mlitini-tgtit_N^.__

BUSINESS NOTICESTHE Bast Side Bteoirleal P lating Co,* 111

ChMtnut ei* fram Jaae 16 on willim Jobbing shop In th a line of buffing and pol-

bhlog a t^ n ie |M plating; will Mrve to - - please. Phene 1181 MarkeLrkej.

WE flntah your allverwar*. chandellera and brass bedeieade like new; anything In the

metal tlja geflnlshed and repaired: try ua.NBWABK n i c k e l PLAtlN^O CO.

Write ef phpne 81*7 Mul. R te r 46 Welnul *t.

SWEATER—H tevy gray coal sweeter lost Baturdey, *Fune 8* on Old Short Hills H ..

near MlUburn. Ftnder return for rewird |7( Mre. J. M. Oooijmen. 12 De Forest tvs.. Summit, N* J, Tvl. ttOJ Summit.w a t c h P q B. gold, with monogram, L. B .

on cherm. lo»(, between Newark. Bloom­field and MoMclalr; liberal reward. Louie Baunach, » 0 South Nineteenth et.WATCH—W ellhnm gold-fars wetrh, mono­

gram o . A r . . flflur de Hi pin, three pterjej reward G A P* 618 Hunierdon *t.

FOUNDEYR0I.(AS8ES, found at lotdlere* pared*

April 37, Flndsf may have aatn* oy telsphonlng 2180—B*r pin, Saturday, on Seoefld ave.;

nnner may have same by proving prop­erty and paying for advertisement. tOioRiA B H StsV


>npne 18*1

OLD L I it. tepa lr,


W IR T KINNEY ST.* It, near Broad<-Larg«W M * r e o i t bpuookooplnf prlT|)o(o« (V near Central Station.

W E ff KINNEY ST.* _________rooma, alootrio lights and ahower bai

Mr*. Hahn*.I k -T wo n ite

W M T K I N ^ T ST., « / n e a r B r te d -a * * n h te tekaep lng room: alee couple er gentla-

zaan; | l .

hou**-WRIGKT ST.o 62—Two eonnootteg

furntehod or unfarntihedx for light kooplng; alee largo front roem; alee fur* ntahed room on ■aeend floor; ail Improve^ went*; rent yoatonabl*.

WRIGHT STo* t l f —Three oenneettng room* fe r light l^Hf«hM pln|. or elngle rooms:

alt Impfe. CaH after I.

WASHINGTON ST.. I l l —R ail room, near ba th ; tight and airy; facing * troet' Im-

provemonte.Wa r r e n s t ., iih—F i n t floor; hwueoiiMP'

Ing; w ater eame floor; |2,86 up; tloeplag


ba th : eentrnl; ftetleTnan: ita le pHee, d i w K.. Beat I4g. i^w * < ^ o t. ,.S7!OBNTUUlAN van

m o o n th at. A M ivm q«l4k,

,N v a n u i « at. v n (01 ok, i t ,

K/fooii OTO., (L K or t ( .

Nova o(ne«.HUtKPtNO XOOB, ' oritk batb, v a ilu d b /

fonlloraan; not oxoood(B« |( . Addnox »„Box m , Noora ofdeo. *WANTBD, b r ooBpio, tbroo or (nnr raomi . w llh tmpte., botvoon Iteooolllo ca* barni

« d O t ^ Ot Maliso. AddrteO K , ^ x M, va.ofB do.

_ LBAKT R O O ri.Wo point. Vopolr, ta r coror all kindii low.

0X1 p r lC i lliho xuaran t* j l n n .THE CENt i Ia L RO oriN O CO.,I l l Broad I t . T .l. ( ( ( Markot.

CEMENT work o( all k ind .; x a ra fu . c.llar*, ild fv ilk a . a te .; orork (uarantM d; r.aaoo-

Obloi olio m anutactnrer o( c .m tn t bloeka. Capo Broa., ((4 deuth Oranto avaHAEON WORM—Chimnoro robulit. ropolrod;

p tu tf r ip i ; altoratlono; Jobblnx a xpoalaUy. T. H. Dormodr, 47 B ank at. ( lol. IDIlM Hkt.

NEW FS.rc. rn c .r hlnrtlo. P.lm or-Artn- •tranx tiro*, (rom BprlnxU.ld av .. nnd

Tw antr.flral at.; raward. K .nk .l, 749 Bonl.*, Tw*niioth It.____________

CIVIL SERVfCE n o t ic e s '

ERASS BEDS nnd fqrnltur<J reffnlohod; n*w furniture a t wholeOikle. Crescent ReflnlsU- f Co.,lag , l i t Springfield ave,* Irv.; Wav. 4SI6*

NEW JSRSKY CIVIL SERVICE examina­tions, July 8, l i l t —Operating room nurse,

departm ent of publJe arfalrs, Newark; also chnrge nurae, vacancy c ity Hoapltal. paying 1466 per atihum, open to female reoldent* of Newark. Nure«, Board of T!:ducatlon, New­ark, salary 166 per month a t cuteei. open to female reeldent* of Newark. Boiler room helper, Newark, vacancy at City Hespitat. paying 812.80 per month, open to male resi­dent* of Newark. Dietitian* department ufBubJIc affaire, Newark, vacancy a t O ty

loaplta), baying |t,6IQ per annum, open to female reetdenl* of Newark* BJanke must he filed one week In ad^’am e of date set. Com- mumeate with the Civil Service ComnUeelono State Houee, Trenton, N. J-

MASON WORK—Plaaterlngo fnifoti Jobbing a.Xpaolal^l wet oellart made dry. k

qubtteo 8 We*f Fqrk et* te h 4IM MarkM.BXPRr t ebimaey b u ild ir; ahlranoy* rebuilt

and repaired; cleaned top te beltem* 18 per flue. George H a rrla t i t Bergen *7.NEW RUGS ^ o m old carpeie. New Jtrm v

Rttf Work#.. 1628 Bprltigfleld av*.^lrviBgo ton. Fbons 4118 W averly. *CARFET^ER, JobWng. a l ^ t l e n a , reefing,

•to. Bead ptwtal, W m Ring* I Rooeevelt ter., Irvington.

Matal CdU«|t**■*'■*«' CEILING ca,


• ’ ■»! kUekana »II op.^ 7 1 Nor(olk ■(.________Tol. 1711 E. b ITUNITED IT B E t, CEILING CoT 171.171

f ? '* * C «Bxo OTO. A c Wit WoOi P ol opr pttetei oil work (ovanteoAteL Fb il I ^ ' a n d w a l l iC” ”

r ro d Bonk. 1 M ( lUlx yeu; phene 8161 Wnvwiyxcolllaw , (( np.e.i nenr Clinton

j i a y D l g j B . 0 Hoi

NEW JERSEY C(VIL SERVICE .xamtnii- tione, open to revldenta of the etate a i

follows; July 3. dietitian (female), demeetlc and Initltutfonal service Or, IV (M«IV), *al- *ry ranges from IID to IT6 per month ptu* malntennnce, varency eileta; July 6, cbi!« dren’s librarian (female) Free Public Library. East Orange* |T8Q to 8166 per annum, va-rancy exist*: July 16, Inepactor of power veaast equipment (rpalel. Ihspeetlonal eer- vleq Gr. u (L -II). vaeanoy extela peyfag 886per month. Blank* must be tiled one week In advaaoA of «*ch date Mt, Cemmunleat*with the Civil Service Coramlafton, House, Trentofi. N* J-


NEW JERSEY Civil S€rvlc« •x*mlnatkrii.July 16, 1618, open to mate realdenie of tho

ita ie-^lnatn io tor In printing, aigte ••rvlce, Vacnnclw: N. J. Reformatory, Rahway, pay. ing 81.266 per annum; N. J* State Home fer Boy*, paying 878 month and malneananoep Blank* mu*t b« filed one week tn advahoe. Communicate with the. d v ti Servlca Com- miewlon. Bta ^ House, Treaten, N. f .


u m r S J t n E L c b i u Mo (eSbnth (wiiuN ovo. Tol. tkl*

H o M ^tii-Tfi:

TATLOR'A ________ __________OrM«nakUt(. LoAloT ToUortea. D oolntea,

O radlnr ond MtlUnotr: only p M ^ o x o oduo! d( tte kind la Ibo o ta ta H a n E Lyaoh. (94 BItOAO o r r O B M C E N ^ C k ^ELITE flCM A Lr-Doilfiriof, Drowmakldk.

Mimnars*. W a fodeb n«I(*I»^ ttfNaUM V.'rr^-tly . ( t , J o 's ; , o f

E|T..1(H. S iK ttE .. ■ H I. MAI_


troLa.'A ll

a u t o h a t io .




O O..c v b l a n d m i d q r i d u i t .

k ^ T E FOR FIRST-CLASS l« N . PPL'a p p l t a t O N ca



Wli* M r W* moM r * in » »o“■m l u f w r l T * And r*pA)rln( oa dl«f*rtnt (M lj Mlf-(tArtAr>: l lu n K fUA»ntM d or S m t n f«n4»d; d a r and * ir» ln i cIm j m . fKtn«a*i. I t StAt* It., nurLArkAwannA ItAZ u ro iO B IL B SCHOOL—Aik w hr our

oaorw . U tw iti n i» cnrii A e it-iu r tir i; BeAAAi soArADttid: ipielnl *Adli^

b e n c h m e n a n d c a r p e n t e r s .FIRST-CLASS



r o s e a n d HUNTERDON STK


a c c o u n t a n t ,

f o b l o c a l M W jufA CTU RnroCONCERN.


M u * ap*«l*l lA dl» c i* H ^aAEFVNTBR aIjT&MOBILB SCHOOL

H I BELLEVILLE AVE,AUTDItORILE MpAir m*". <!;»! " '" • j •?-MrlAAceil mAchAnto; for All-Aronnd work.m . — -A .St »l.r>nA 'T1

J K fjMlT and w orkini tondUlona

Motor C«r Co.a 1T>Th» Wal-

fomorM t iUAtlTOMODlLS MKCMANIC wanted; itoady

.poaluon; food wage* to man who under* idaiid* hi* husin***! OrMimutii t Sixin nt..

H B StM i

M B «Mr.

m*n and millAUTO TlKK bulltlaw. «t>Bfr i,.-.- M B waaUd. OrarUnd Tlr* Co*, t i R!v«r

■eh, N, J.a u t o WABHBR wanted, night work, to »ar*

aga. Apply J. A. Bello. *S0t Wa*h- tM ioo I tAJ#t8TANT—0*neral ufllc* aoilBiBnl. fam il­

iar with corporiiton acct'iniB. balance thaa ta «*0m Bnd napahle of corapiMng tfaal gtatement*' eacaUont opporlunttr in a l i r a gTowlng organleatlon. ealary 120 ;

. a ia ta your quahAuatroiie fully an*l »»>n**a. Addfio* atatiBtIcf, Boa 11. ^«w* •A re,


c a s e m a k e r s -WABted fAiBlIUr »«>> ^ r ^ ; ,|D ( mACklBi. Id J ,'!? ,,.'" b! i•ultcaiei: alaady work* Apply William Bal

- 7 Vyey at.COLLECTOR and owivi to repraaanl

larg* <!onc*m In Bllaabalh; aalary and commleefod' opportunity for■n^l for ona apM ktnf Pollah or U ihuanlan lapguagea. Addraa* P<O lllfi

A d d ^ P ollah , Box IH . Nawa

COLLECTOR wanlod; ona who la famlHar with the O rantaa; pood opportunity for a

huatlar- O. Wolff A Co.. IS M arket at-COAT CLERK aapUtant; young man about U

to II yeara of ap* w anted a* aaaletani lo root dark In factory; atato age, axpenenc* and wagaa axpactM . Addraaa Cf4t nerk . Box US. New* o f f l c f * ___________ __

BOOK-KBEPBR-ACCOUNTANT b j lUetrloAl momifaciurlng company of 5*^*t^^**», \ . ««tw ihAB* Bhou tl apply who hav* Lad

rLSKKB, produrtlon and atooki ooupla*' chauffaura: chw kara. factory: three bell

boyi, colorad, l td : n ight portar------ ...£q

DISHWABKBR; lU a waak: B iturday a f te r­noon and B andar off. Call, Mr. Lawranco.

Edieon'a Storage B attery Co,, Wool Orange, bring thta adv. with yoit



ELECTRICAL rapAlr m in for A. o. d- A wind Inf A ADd cuU ld , r?p ,lri; *0o. p ,r

hour; itA l, « ip« rl*n» , Af» And full P*f" tleu lan : rorraapondeneo confidential- Ao- draee Oompoiant. Box t t , Now* offlo*-

..,'ltchboard; handy m an, auL..........valor anri billiard M y: atarchor. whlta.

attand waahar. ole-

• epdTlDrtca In manufarturlng booh‘kB«pl.ji: • - chanea for advancement; ata.e

iSlars’ wanted, raference. eiporlanue. *g^ S llS U lU r A ddrr,. BoPk-K «p.r, Bo* Ilf . New* office.mAACKSJrliTHB end hetpan «•»

bodita: Heady work: good JfM ja. ha lf day Balurday. Topo Co., ClintonBLACk 's s iITH And bolprr, ®" . 'f ;* ? !? . auto*: alao painters. A. McLaughlin M

ltl-167 Hudpon iiL_________ _Bro.,nilFyERB—Fitperlanoed man, for outting

down and coltirini braae and ateal ahaat m.tAt »rtttl««: hono, p«l'>atieiidanre, fllnmn Zinn. Ina.. Tw enty-flftb et. and Kleventh ave., N- T»-C. ___

ABRIBTANT hook-kaepar to brewery offloe;appHcknl muat bo able ta oparate type*

‘ WfRar. alao have knowladg* of eiafiograpny, Addraa* appUcatlon in own kandwruing. Mating age. rafaronoaa and aalary daalroil.AddrlSa jSwka. - ____ _* B T I f T S - a « ,n l PPUHF m ,n •».

fw b o n drawing and oommarrlal iHuairat-i n g ! g « 3 p S aflar l a ^ l n i i^ ayeftloga, or wrlta far parlloutara TUN ¥R O M A riT lrUDlO. t u Broad a tlO M A ll _________________a u t o m o b il e . m e c h a n ic _A"d J r l ’'^ . J i :

iJ llA , with All PAfU of W ^lar. Adilraa* Mechanic, Boa l#a. now*


.round ,*<oi.-.. ri»«1 b * j» l« r ,nd r,llA- M*I rr tw in ce , ttuuiroJ. Frfd«rltk RAiIlnr. *1. BlootndrII AH.. Bloomrtrhl- ___SVTOMOBILB WAihor, flr,l-tlAM. LAn,

ttu ag a . Ridge at, ana Blbpmfleld avii


NOT ABBOLUTRLT NRCEBBAHT: OOOl* |?A r: BTfiADT WORK, BXBLOID CO.. 41h u n t e r b t . ______________ ___RRAXBMBN and flramaii ^fof

point a; b o a rd lu aocam m odatloui f r u tranaportatlor,. **LEmplovmant Offic# 111 Markat a t

FAQ MAKERS WANTBO.Stitrhera an Bngllah bag*, framaa ppjj-

ter* w anted; good wagaa paid. Waatar* Lioaihar Oouda To.. • rratiHHn at., city.BARKER, nret-daaa Amaricaa; no iundgy

work; pay 120 and on*‘half Jj^«r II* «r flat salary of |3 I. Phona Btttlar 4lhl joaaph M. Oormley. Sutler, N. J.BARBER. Drat-elaa* for f lra t-c lM ahop;

ahori houra: wagaa •11, rtc laundry. Cad- lUac Barber Shop. Apply for Information, K& Springfield ava.

house carpenter, lU ; porter*, etc.: klirhen men. chaaffeura. cooka handy man *nrtau for Bluapolni. w h lta Lake, uraenwcwd Leke. Retmar. Aaburr P a rk end many other lead* in i raaorta; chef* for Alexandria Fey. fl®*'- uarfara paid one way; good wages offerM. call and tea n i about going away; open *venln,,. a OBNCT,I t l H i Id ft., n .A , Q rov, ,t .. EA«t Otaha,.CLERK for MBtrAl offiM work; know kdf.

of lyp.wrllin* noceMAr,; lo c^ phAiic, foradvaniamenl. Apply the Schofield o n co^ Inc.. N.wArk TrArwIrr, N. /■ I LB. B, of N. J. IrAln And f* t oft TrAnifor. wAlk l h r « block, « u (h aIooiAv.Duo H.

e l e c t r ic ia n —A niAn m m t undw tU nd A.C. And E. C. And i to r * ,, bAtforl,,; ileAdy

Job If righ t m an; middle aged man p re­ferred; ra te 4ie. to atari. Addreaa Rlnc- trlclan. Boa l i t . New* office, ___ ___

LABORERS, Me. per Miiir. ARpIr MtdTkl, CbrnNAl WorkA, Batwat ab4 Loss

■ “ ■ ‘ ■£, • A. —B ranch R- R,. miiiabetb Tkuraday.

IAN wanMd wHk « m « rtF*rt*»b* At p in ii ,1*14; pMltlan. Strww R rt-

wr A AsHaaCo, Co., f l Btfolnw it .OFBBaTORS

LABORERS pAtd dAlIy, Apfijr CnmnwrclAl WAn K onni, I* ComnwrclAt i t .

MAN. mUMl*-AC*d. in mAk* hlnwolf f « - ATAlly MKtal Aroifnd a wloon. AddrMi

Idlnoo, Bn* It* . N«wAO(tlcALATHE S r r -U F MBN.



MAN *r gronai tnAn aen*i fumlahli^. Bndff* and

men oor.

» btial Broad

not aubJect to draft; Wm, M. Btnlth,btialneaa.

■taMAN wanUd lo travel from j:oaat to coMt;

g o o d RAT&to carry tw* aam pla caaaa Apply Btrelcher

Mfg, COd. Id Clinton at. __________________

a p p l t a t o n o b .IHTBRNATlpNAL ARIIB * _ F U » CO*. BLOOMFTBLD AVK, AND DEOVB BT*.


■AN w anted to fllo enamel on platad jewelry. Krem enta A Co., 4* Ch^atnut at.

LATHB HANpa—Turret la the handa. Fox monitor lathe handa w anted for gevom-

BNOINBER on Corllae angina; glv* refer-oncaa aa to experience, tsge

peeled; oaay w ork; all a iru ' Xddresi L. M.

ay w ork; all airFclly eonftilentlal. Box •, Newe office.

ELECTRICAL worker* winders and trouble

Thompson-Bonney Co., Brooklyn, N* T,

m fctad: am atarameW; alao helper*..

m ent work on night ahift; a te ad r work and highaat poialbte wagaa paid. F. K. Lovell # Cor, Arllagton. W. JiLATHE. HANOa one flrtt-c laaa m an, aad

two all-around machlntaia, Hygrade En- ilOMrlag Co.* f t l Ifulbarry at. »LBATH_ _ WORliERB—WANTED, HAND


lt-2b Henry a t .

KNDINSER, with Jeraey llcanao: wagaa M® month, room and board. Alamao Hotel

(formerly B roittnl. Ml. Arlington. N. J.


ind heipar around drum*. W iniama, >21Academy at.

m a n to halp In Etactro P lating

room. Marigold Chaatnvt a t ___

MAN, eu ln rsd /w *nt*d t a ^ o r k In n Sonrd- Ing stable. Apply I t O rchard a t

W# no*d experienced operator* on braaalcras.

If you know hnw to run a P*'**' •owing machine and can only work p a rt of a <lay co^e and eee ua

We hav* a modal factory: cool, airy work rooma* and w* will pay you w elt



MAN to help In g ra e n h e m Apply V olghtr&Eighteenth av#„ cor. Roae it.



OFFICE ASSISTANT waim anufacturing concern ----- , ^

n u j t bs fim llU r with. hindUn* of cor

n t«I by In I t n i y


rHpondinec: A m tiiu o . d r i f t «*om>l; «1 - *iy l l d - t l i P*r weak. A d d ,, , , A aslatini. Hr h , n , w* ornc*.OtFICB CLERK w u t . d lo tmk, Cir* of

iroducllon in d com rico rd ,; **p*rlM to tn* knowlodd* of tvprw rttln t H ic n ttil . Cnll

CLBBK for f r u i t m ,» l d»p*rtm«nt; »Md oppartunlty for rl*h t n iip . Inqoira__.^r.

B urlir , Swift * Co.. K»»rnr.Jcriay City c*r. _____

N. J. T»k,

CLERK wantMl for i h ird w ir t ilo r il raw* u n d in u n d Ih* bu iln rrt. Inqulr* f»I Of-

*nf* It. __________________ .






BARBER: flr*t-cl,M ; h l ih i i l • • l « y com m illion; food llp>; food h o u r i BlAncb-

»rd, B roid and O rin ir ,i«. i m B. B.

AMISTANT In ,blppln» d ,p ,r tm ,n l: coco* ABd choooln , niff, comp»ny; lU id y pu,l-

lJ*ji; itAt* AXiHrlanr,, asa And ulA ry. Aa> drAA* Bo* l i t . N ,wa offlo*.

BARBER wAnUd; food (AlAry M d no San- dAy work: b#*ln Mondiy. P, H. Woll,.

S li Btoomflitd ATr.i MnntclAtr, N. J._______BARBER for iliAdy poiHlon;

AIR BRUSH BPRATBBi on# with aom* « - parMhCA prAfiiTAd; food waaoa: *I*Ady

Apply R. LlfbmAnn M ff. Co., IJPiAti* ,L ,

a Xx a TURB w in d e r s wAntid; I I p»r day. I k w r woyk; doAbl# pAy for orartlm ,.

I A m u lu r,. Bo* H I, N,W, offlri^ITANT iH H PIN g_CLERK;, SONNE-


h o t b , o v e r I t t e a r s o f a g e .





ROT—Itro a s b«rto i c t A, elAfk

wanted a t oaea In branch office

gf 'w aU eatabtlahad bualneea, eon- vaaJeeitly located I® t h e ^ t y ; light tS d lalayaatlBg werk. A ddran i j rigtervlew In own baadwrltlng. B. F.*

, Newa bfftoa.

I WAMTB1>»A few live beya can earn1 money In vacation time r«{»rMnUtigoA money in vacation t i--------

l i Fnhllahing Company; a a ta ri In bnel w ith free raerehandfae and aliractlyerlth fiw™ — - .

, eftera will be made eacu ooy who • : a dollar hank depoelt given each bay tag good and Y, ,H , C. A, mamherehlp

^ b o fi Bpeelally luhceMfuU Metropolitan .M c ^ , I I I Waahington a t ; call e r phone

• l ia r echool

BOY FOB OFFICB WORK*A targe corporation haa a raaponalble

Weelilcin open for a brigh t and reliable G 7 . Bkeelleot opportunUy for advanoe- ■ M t; moat be ambltlooa and oorne well Tanawiipriiditll Addraae Office* 114. Nffwe offloe.

and commiaaion >6 to I I per corner Branford pi.

| i r a weekcem . It®

BABBBR wanted for Saturday a n g gunday or ateady for next week; good wage*, IF

Valley rd., Weat Oraoga________________

rUTTFR wanted on table theara; m uit be familiar with culling fiber, cardboard or

leather; ataadt Job. Apply William Bal Co*, 7 Vaaey iL* N aw arir_________________ _CUTTERS, EXPERIENCED ON BHAS-


'fin# ahoei. Charlea Cort. Inc. aevenlianth at., Newark, N. J.

441 South

e l e c t r ic ia n wanted for wiring or motor* anil rectorv lighting; higheet wage* and

aieady work to capable man: no other need apply. F. H. L o v e ll* Co.. Arlington. N. J.







BLOOMFIELD, N. J ,f o u n d r y auperlntendenl wanted for htgh-

ciaa* braaa. bronxa and aluminum work: high aalary paid to proper man; muat v® • » 'perltnced In high preemire work: e icjdlent working pondlllnna. Apply Anierican Foun-

ry Co.,•k, N. J

working condllinna. Am.-, dry Co.. lm-„ 484 South Ekvenlh at.. New-

CUTTERS on lAdl«'work all year guaranteed. ttO Wliltam at.

BARBER w ahtid : •taady, reliable abeat induoamenta Ih houra and pay.

Adame* NT Broad a tBARBER; experienced; mage* t»f.

of Bummer and South Broad eta.. B llia-Cem er

belh, N. J.b a r b e r wanted; no Sunday work.

Broad a t __________II I

b a r b e r wanted: flrat c lan . H I Bread,*!.BU8HELMAN, experienced, to tak e c h ^ g *

of alteration room on men a fine clothoe. Quality Clothe* Shop. >4> Broad aL

CORE MAKERS w anted; good w age!; fin* working condition*. Atlae Foundry Co.,

Coll a t and Lyona av e . Irvington.

BUSHELUAN—Flrtt-claia biuhatm ed. Apply Cuatom D*partm*nL

burgh A Co., MB Broad at.

ihatman want- Stouten*



BUSMBLMIN;" ataady w^otk;Grove Street Preaalnf Company. IW Main

CONTRACTOHF on dolia* dr w e ; ihoae who work In tenem ent houeea ihould not apply.

Federal Doll Mfg. Co.. 8 il B’w a y . ^ e a ^ ^ .

■t., Eaat Orange.BUSHBI.NAy, . t ' " ‘quire in lallof more, 154 W aehlngion at.BRASS b o a r d e rcolorad bufflnga, O* Stelnhardt, luc., I l l M eW hortar at,b u t c h e r —F lri(-«lAM m*ii w*nt*S ^ oaM.

APkly Am«rIoAn B « f A Pf*due* H * rk ,t, IT t MAln ,t .. BAit OrAASA________________BUTCHER. CApAhlA of isAnASlnf AmAll roAr-

kAL <1 F«m f ,t., oorn.r ComrAM._____b e c o m e a ctiAuftrur, l**rn "H W t <»rA

ton oouTM, l lU l .y ’?,*/}''?! F ' m -llotn,*: M«n from I A, M, until 1» P . M., All dAj SundAjA Way. T ill. Krick. l i t Avon AVA.


b e o v e r d r a f t a g e , w i t h c l e r ic a l a b i u t t . t o t a k e c h a r g e o f s t o c k d ^ p a s t m e n t , i h m a n u f a c t u r in g


|K)T wsatAd In offloA of mAnofActurins_____ , out vko tiAA JuAt l i f t Khool p r,-

StrrOd: «AC*f M to ttA n : food opportunity • SrA dvA iM m ont: r,p lp In own hAudwrlllni. ASSrooo Hoy, Bo* II- Ho** Qffic*.

BOTE.CLBAM, U O H T f a c t o r y WORK; GOOD



c h a n c e f o r BRIGHT. STBADF BOT, 1»N JA M IN E JOHNBS. « WARREN ST.. HEAR WASHINGTON BT.Ho t WAnUd t* ItAin loot-mAklni tr*a*: boy

with sood oduoAtlon p r,I ,rr* d ; aHo ono w ith bool room **p»rl0B0A L. t L Munu- tM tw tn s Co., Ulffc At And Eighth Avs., NAwArk.




GOVERNMENT WORK,. l a k e h u r s t , n . j .

IS fon t, pAr hour.I I hour,' work; U ho u r,' pM .

odging Fro*. iTr»n,porlAtIon F toa.Lodging :CHARLES B. HBDDKN COMPANY,

PmdontlAl building. N,wArk. N. J. LAkokurot, N. J .

Ho t s , l l yAA,#: 4 ;lt to t ; BoturdAy All d#y.N ifty Novolty Co., oppoolto omployoto ,B-

tfAUOA, Robert TroAt H ot,li oaII After 4 ;ai>.HO'T wAntAd, gooarAl oftlo , work, w ith

mAuufAoturuig oompAoJ In Ampere •ao- tloa; aIaIa Age And oduoAtlon. AdareAu u , t T i . , Bo* D, New, otfICA, OrAngA _____HOTS—SEVERAL BOTS WANTED IN

W BQ B o f f i c e ; MUST BE IH TELLl- OEMT a n d n e a t . ADDHiSS OPPOB-------------------------- -p-p-TUNITT, BOX 111. NEWS OFFICE.BOT—Good PAy; OAAy work; oioAdy Am-

plAymont; d iy boy to deliver telegTAm*: bring working pAp*ra And falcyclo. ApplyWMtom Union, OrAng,.BbT-~CoIor*d boy vontod In toetory of

BiAnufAeturlng Jowolor; gooil rhopeo for bDgbt boy. Apply Jone, A Woodlond Co., t GordAn fet.BOT—Bright boy. I t , tor light work In tAO

tory; chAnce to leom nnu odvAnim; good



Aiperlaneed UAleamAn to r eArp*tA And rug# Employmanl Office. w *4"‘5 Door; open from * A. M. unlll A P. M.

FOUNDRY FOREMAN—If you undoralund etipolA and know aomeihlng About mold­

ing mArhIhAA, WB will ennalder you for olG gray Iron foundry. Addren* F. F.. Bo* fij. N«wa ofHci-. ________

LUNCH MAN to Aotlal In fAotory rottAUrunt n ight,; no Sundoy,. Maaa a WAldatoln,

Avenuo H. Niwork; „ k Mr. Hgfldoraon.LIJNCHHAN WAntad At onco. 718 Broad at.

m e n WANTED,

:o-4f T*AraNo ayperlanco nactHAry,


Good pay and bonuA.

Gat A muMttlon JobAt OBDA.









L a th i, planof, milling machine, boring mill; nnly tlrut-clAAo blueprint and micrometer men: good wageu; tranaportAtlon free.

In lereon with letter nf appIlcAllen, writion In ewn hAndwrHIng: eyrrllrn i opportunity. C. *. Redman A Cn., Inc.. 44 Dlekeraon el.OPFICB BOT; good rhanco to advanco fur ' on# who Applle, h liu » lf : give ago. oto.,

“ , B o,when replying. New# office.

Addrau j . P. C., Bog 11,

OFFICS BOT wanted for ware houee oiflc Applf £P Commercial et.

ORDER COOK wanted. ItT Mulberry tt.




BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.Apply to MprwentAllve a t Foderal Entnloy- m ent offlc*, I Franklin it.. Nowark, N. J.. and ChoHoA Neighborhood Public Bmploy- mont Buraan, 140 WEST IID BT., NHW YORK, and a t Bothlebem plant. Oftlco open dally oicApt Sunday.


FOUNDRY HELPERS And tabDrera; good pay. T. Shrlver A Co., Hamlltan el. and

Franklin ave., Harrleon, N. J.______________ _FOREMAN. rxperlABced In lOUIng up bench

lathee, mnalt mlllere and other email ma- chlnei: muat alee underetand bench work; muat b*' capable of hamlilux man and women; e tite ago. eiperience and AAlarT e*necled. Addrea, A. V.. Bo* »0, New# of. flee. __________ _

FOREMAN FOR NIGHT SHIFT.One thoroughly ram lllir with tho mann-

facturlng of tix turei. gago,. J lg i and m a­chine parta: on* who can handle night onlft from 4:41 P. M. to 1;IS A. M. Beaver Ma­chine A Tool Co., 14 Franklin I t ________

CASE MAKER—One who haa e ip ttlance on aei or book binder; Atoady work;

FACTORY coAt and pay roll clerk waiRed by la ri* manufactuririK' concern In Jer*

■ey City: American: draft axemut: rood op­portunity for advancement, mnd_ perinaneTilpw itlon; eVlary I l l - I l l par week- Clark, Box 14. Nawa nfflca.______



Nolle* la hereby fivan th a t all turnera and aawyera who hav* heretofora.been eni nloyed by the Janaway Button Co, can re celve vary ramunerattva work a t the follow In i edvanevd prlcea

For turtiJnf:24'' button* from To. to lOe.IO“-84 buttona from tc. to 11 He.14" buttona from Pc. to 14o.44" button* from 14c. to lie .40'*' button* from 19c. to 2Bo.

tn law lnf frea band: ^Mio. par r i W

Blabblnt:IH c. per froaa.

Tbaaa prlcaa ara not tem porary, but will b* Qontinuad; 10 par cant, of the weekly earnlnf* will be paid In war *avln |e etampa

JAN9WAY SUTTON CO..New Brunawlck. N. J,



violin caaeip — ------ ---- - . -food pay. T ritich-flehoenberf Co,. lOJ ’ elllff av#A ___CHECKERS w anted; axparlenoad lor

■rare house; fOod pay and w orklof eondl- Mikt. P. L. R adar. 114 Jallift ava._______COUNTER MAN w anted for a lfh la . I l l a

week: easy work. Call all day, BUta Lunch. 10 cen tar *1, ________ _COOPERS OH OIL BARRELS SONNE-


BETH AVE.. NEWARK. ________ _COAL DRIVER. CALL J l PRINCE IT .COOK—Exparlaucad man for fhort ordara;

nlffhl work, V ictoria Luneh, 111 M arkat at. „________ ___

II D E M O N S T R A T O R i M


f a r m e r —I w ant a fOod farm er and fam- llv; drlvlnr team and paneral farm work;

food houaa, fa rdan , flta wood; aattafactory waarii veer round; farm in Central Jeraey. Addreaa H. F. CallaUe IT B attery pi.. New York CUy. _________________f a r m e r , m arried man, to work email dairy

form In Sueaex County; houae, salary and prlvllefea furn ished; state ape. experience and mimhar tn fam ily: food opportunity for rlah t man. A ddrau Farmer, Box 14, New* onicB* __________ _f e e d e r —Cylindar feeder; steady joli, ll®.

The Abbey PHntehop, Main and CUnton eti., Baal O rante. _______FOUNDRY HELPER IN BRASS FOUNDRY.







MACHINISTS.American Spray Co.* Pine and Third eta.,

Bllxabethport, require competent tool m akers; one capable of ta k ln f charxe of ■mall shop; h lihea t salary will be paid to r lfh t party . ____ ______________ _____UACKINISTB, tool roakare and laths hand*

wanted on n l jh l sh ift for aovernmant work; h lfhea t possible way#* paid to com­petent men; no other* need apply. F> H< Lovail ft Co.. Arlington, N. J. _



Ftpit-clas* m acHnliti and wood worker# to work In pis nnlng booth to give out Jobs t» the employees.


s t a n d a r d ALBCRAFT CORPa, Brunswick ava*., Elisabeth, N. J

FOLISIERSon surgical lnBtrunren:i: flret-cleas work­men ooly^

CAI a o to H ft CO.. 46 Mulbary Bt.

PLUMBERW anted: good wager steady work.

MACHINISTS, all-around, to tak* charge nf repair ahop of tool m anufacturing concern:

steady and good Job for right man. Addreea Machinists. Box $1. News office*MACHINISTS w anted: only first-class men

need apply; elate experiencs and aalary •xpected. Addresa Help, Box 14, Now* office.MACHINIST for taking oara of baiting and

shafting, etc*: steady work. Apply Joasph R o n ft Co., n o Colt at., Irvington.______ _


"-■i!. K J.BtoomMriil,

MONITOR LATHB HANDS wanted, a t once. Apply Hedge* ft Bro., 10 R. R. pi._____ ■


MEN w a n t e d . HiaH-CLASE. f o r LAYOUT WORK ON BHEET

m e t a l . APPLY t - l . 1-tgUNGER B RO a,


GORDON FEEDERS, good wage** 41- hour week. ha>f day Saturday. Ap-

to the Oiborue Co., Tit Bummer Newark.ply

GORDON feederWvanted; good opportunUy: good wage*. Colyer ft Seller, f1® Broad





g r o c e r y c l e r k . il"it class, capable of tak ing charge of recall m arkat: ona fa ­

m iliar wUb w riting ada.: parm anant posi­tion and good aalary to right party. Queen City M arkat Co.. I l l West Front t t„ Plain- field.

wanted, experienced on Brownell twister for tw isting lockstitch threads

HENalso Universal fixem and w inders; also boss thread dreaaer tender and regular dresaar tenders; also dya helpers; m ust have expar- ience: state where worked and how long; alao ita ta age and If m arried; must be strictly temperate and have good references: state aalary wanted and full particular*; all answers will ba treated strlutly confidential. Addresa Utilverial. ^ x 12. Newa office.

Experienced men and wood workers who have had several y ean ' experience In mod­ern fhoPi to act aa order men.


STANDARD AIRCRAFT CORP., Brunswick ava., Ellxabeth, N, J.



POWER PREfSdepartm ent of large m etal goods factory requires ierv lrei of man aae lake chargg producMon: unusuki opPWthtUy with ex­ceptional prospects for I'splUle. ambitious man; write, ntaling eiperl«ic«. aga and salary expected. Addresa rrotpecte, Box >•. News office,

F r o d u c t io n c i-B $ i7 'Young man (o ajiainl In production de­

partm ent In factory; good opiprtuntty for tactful, connclenttouR man- Ansyer, staling age, past position and ealary ^peeled , to Production, Box 120. Newa office.PACKER AND WRAPPER FOR '(p iP P lN O



PORTER—ELDEBUT MAN AS POR­TER ; o n e w h o m W lU .lN a ; PBR-


PORTER, whit*: About 44 jcA n ; WAMod In corset and braulere factory. Apily a t

- ----------- Co., <1 Clinton atonce. The H. ft W.PORTER (colored) for outside work, ip p ly

Head Porter, Robert Treat Hotel, rear en­trance.

HAND SCREW UACR.Steady Fositloiia

GRINDERS—Men with eome sxpertencai on disk wheel m achine; steady work. Apply

Koehler Motors Corporation, Fourth vvs. and Ogden si. ______ . _______ '_g l a s s b l o w e r —Wanted, an sxpsrtanced

glass blower for experlmsntat work* Ap­ply Mr. Farrand, Marconi* WIreleas Tele- graph Co.* Roselle Park. N. J*ORAINER and brass boarder wanted on col­

ored bull ngi. G, Stalnbarot, Ino.. LtS McW horter it.







g o o d w o r k in g c o n d it io n s


STANDARD AiBCRAPT CXIBP.. Brunswick ava. Ellxabeth* N. J,


h a r d e n e r —Young or middle aged men, accustomed to working around flrea.

wanted as hardener on high oarbon steel. W'm, Crabb ft Co., Third ava. and Fourth st.HYDRAULIC PRESSMEN, with experience

on BakelUe and Condenalt* molding. Tlie Duranold Mfg. Co., 318 Chestnut at*________ _HOUSEMAN wantad In hotel; good wagee.

N. B. Herman. Pleaaantdalo. N. J* Pbone

MBN—Newark Railway Mail Clerk ™ m t- nations coming; hundreds wanted; l>®

monlh; sample quostloni free. Franklin Inatltute, Dept. y i F . Rochester, N. T.m e n . we can give you a good Job In our

aefembllng departm ent good pay: good oondltlona "Louts Sachs Iron Foundry, Ifam-berg pi., near Ava I*_MEN AND BOTS FOR GENERAL--------------- ----------------------- . FAC­

TORY WORK; GOOD WAGES; flTKADr WORK. APPLY R. LIEBMANN MFO. CO. 78 BRUEN ST.MEN and boys to delivsr telephona dlrao-

tfiriea. Apply between 3 and 4 P, M., NeW York Telephone Co.. 794 Bloomfield ave., Montclair. ____________________ __MEN wanted loading oxpresa car; fOo* per

hour: a fter 6 P, M.; about t hours' work each night, Adams Express Co*, Orange, N. J* _______ ■■

Highest WagtAF eatsr Englneoring Co.,

lOt Uonroo st.



AMERICAN m a c h in e ft FOUNDRY CO.,f i f t y -s ix t h 8t . a n d s e c o n dAVBv, BROOKLYN,



PORTER—Colored man for portbr work In drug atora. Address Porter, Box >4, News

office. ________________ _PORTER in

M, Sllvei'e; exM rien^d only. Apply

,h. 3®2 Bloomlfetd ave.; city.PORTER and lunch m an; Steady position.

Cafa, 122 M arket sL _______ _PAPER CUTTER WANTRD, EX PER I­


expresa packing; onepaBcei post and

rlth* deparSmentstore' experience nrefeiTad. Aiiply J . Wiis A Sons' Co., 32 Littleton av«.PLUMBER—Firat-olass plumber wanted. A9~

ply A. H. Riviere Co., Summit. N. J,PICKERS—IS strawberry idckeft wanted:

light work, good pay. Wm. Jasoby, Boy-den ave., Hilton, N< J-POLISHER, experianoad on adsaory c u t lw ,

etc* Apply Joseph Robs ft Co.,Til® Colt st., Irvington, N. J.


Verona 6 lt l .HANDY MAN around blacksm ith shop.

Call, ready to work, 874 Halaey at., city.INSPSk^TfON -SUPERVrSOH

Excellent opperiunltv for a man thorougb- famlllur with avory detail of sU-Inch

Addra#t Shell, Box l i t .t^ell ini^pi«ctt->n, Nfwe nnea.

COST ACCOUNTANTwith m anufacturing book-keeping expari- enca: capable of taking entire reeponsIhiUty: future limited oaly by own ability: a meet dM lribla opportunity. Addra** Aecouat- an t. Box IS. NaWa office.CABINET MAKERS w anted; ataady work;

•m ail shop, with machinery, making

pay to a u rt.• t.

Apply Wabb, foot of center

jgOTB—We have good Job* for bopa over 11 yaara of age: good pay; good condition.

S tar Heal Plata Co., Hamburg pi., pear Ave- QUa L.BOT aranted In surveyor's office; ppportunuy

to laarn business; no expsrlenra necemary. ftddreas Surveyor, Box 8>, Newa officsBOYS wanted to learn good trad*: I* la

s ta r t: obanos for advancament. Weelern Leather Goods Co., I Franklin etBOT to learn the retail ehoe buetneee: one

who Is ambitloue (o get ahead. Apply Funk ft Butphin. 417 Broad at.BOT wanUd to meke himeelf generally use­

ful In office. The* Heller ft M en Co.. Hamburg pi. and Avenue L




INSPECTORS far phonograph motors.- - - iToi ‘

Ap­ply De Camp ft Bloan, IT® Pennington at.

JOB PRESS FEEDERS wanted by advertising specialty • houae* variety of work: good working condlllona and chance for advancement; only com­petent and willing workers need apply.

Geiger Broa., 17 Nevada at.

MEN, colored. In ware house; steady po«1'‘ tlon: good pay In full waakly. A pplr *t

once. C. O. W tnaw Co., 124 rreiinghuyaea

h e n to drive team ; iteady w ork; p a r airary nlghL Wm, A. ParkburaL centraotor,

IflI-Tt® Houston i t , naar Ham burg pi. ___ .MEN with soiue machine shop experience

steady work. Apply Koehler Motors Cor poratlOP, Fourth ave. and Ogden st.MicN and boy?^ to deliver \alephone dirVo

tcriee* Apply ' st., ESJBildwin I

New York Telephone Co., 9 ast Orange, ___

m e n and boys wanted aa helpers and to learn business: steady Job. Apply WUIlam

Bel Co., 7 Vesay * t ___________________

N, J . R* R. AVB.

MECHANICAL ENOtNEER with aMQUtlve ability to aatltt. ^taking charge of m ale and female help and turn- Inc out production In faotory. Answer, alat- In i age. past position and salary expected to s tart, to Mionanloal. Box I t l , Newt ofPeam a n a g e r s , chain stores, city and country;

must be capable and well recommended* Call Saturday, P. M.. between I and 6; other days, A, M., between I and 1®: or apply by moil. Mutual Grocery Co.. SI® North Fourth st., Harrison, K, *** | _______

RING MAKERS. ____ _r i n k ft SON. ^ 2 MULBERRY ST,



j e w e l e r , accuslomed to repair work. W'. Parsons, 1 Branford pi., cltjr^____


JOB COMPOSITOR wanted; good; good pay. F. F. Morse ft Co.. 3>® M arket at.

■peoiai o rder'fu rn itu re ; aga M to IS pr#-. ferred. W rite, etallng experle tiu and wages wanted, "Woodcraft Hnop, B ank si. town, K. J . '_____


________ m a k e r s —SEVERAL BXPBRI-e n c b d c a b in e t .m a j^ r b *^o n

CABINETENCBD »jAi5inafi mAn-oinck. v>* •^J'^***


wanted. Jarvla, Ino., I l l Mechanic st.

CHAUFFEURte drive Seldrn truck; must ba ex­perienced; machanto preferred: steady p<^tlon: good pay; no boya wanted.

L*>V to w-urh un vegelnble wagon: steady paaltl'^h; advancemrnt: good pay. 272

Knii'>'’ri1.m et„ second bell.

SOY to go to New York dally; good wagee and steady empioymenl, Apply Roaber-

Kueblrr Co., 21® Plane at.BOT wanted In comroerelal sign shop; good

Addresapoaltlon; opportunity to learn. A.. Bos 144, News otflee.BOTS wanted to learn plumbing trade,

ply a t once. Jaehnig ft People*. Inc., 2: Thirteenth *ve„ city. -


BOT In grocery alore to carry out orders > and be generally useful. E, Darby. 94 Pennaylvanlt avaBOT8—Bright hays ovsr sixteen years; goodrli .

chance for advancement; steady work*12# William et.'

BOTS wanted to work a t Jewelry trade; ex­perienced preferred, Berman Mfg* Co*,

H W alnut at.BOYS to feed Gordon cylinder preeeee. An

ply a t one*, Keyatone Folding Box Co., 43 Spring st.

INTERNATIONAL TICKET CO., io Grafton avenue.

CHAUFFEUR wanted to drive Ford delivery car; alea work part time In ohemlraj

tory a t Elisabeth; state age. experience And salary desired. Addfens Chauffeur, Box IH , News offli'f.

te r work In government plant ■ * ‘tehu • ■■ ■a t t«akehurat. N. J.

I l f per week; lodging and transportation free.

Apply Chief Engineer,CHAS. R. KEDDEN CO.,

Tel. Lakehurat 21. Extension 14, Lakchurs^, N. J.



l a b o r e r s .l ll- IIG per week.

Ltvinge account and carfare advanead.Bhipmants Dally.

MAN o te r 4# years of age In good health, w ith (a ir euuca-

tlon. will be given perm anent poHitton In ebarge of branch office of wall eatabllshed New­ark business concern; work Ln- tereettng, but not hard ; effiee centrally located and convenient to all trolley lines. Address for Interview In own handwriting, B .'F., Box 2®0. News office.

Fra# V dob.


Next to Public Service Terminal. Call Early.


c h a u f f e u r —Experienced onJored chauf­feur wanted /n r Hudson car. Inquire

Whitmgn'e Millinery, 140 Springfield ave.CHAUFFEUR—One experienced on Autocer

trucks and ran handle furniture. Easex Storage War*' Houeea, lIB Halsey at.

CHAUFFEUR for furn/lura trudk, wages tlQ : steady work all the year. Address

Cbauffaur, Box 14. News offloe.

CHAT^PFEUR young man, 17 to 11, underatftndn Ford delivery car, for n t r i r

buteher. Apply 137 iit'lmont eve.

CHAUFFEURS for heavy trucking* Apply Comroerriil Garags, 491 W arren •!.

BOT for light ahop work; only s 'Baetem Brass Works,

llfh apply. Ba

teenth ara-

steady nerdt i l Thlr- CARPENTERS



BTEFFENB-AMBBRa CO.. U t MORRIS AVB*BOT wonted, not under U, to help on soda

foontolfi. WablaFa, I I SprinffDcld ave*BOTS wanted, over 14 yaara

graph Cn., t l q i n f a a tPotial Tele-

BOT wanted. Salftari’i d rug alote, 141 Main •L, doTser High, Oraoge.

THE TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO*can hire Id® carpantara, axpertakoed on re Inforced rtnorste, a t W ashington, D., C.:wagaa 15 for 2 houra; Job working 19 houra per day axcapt Sunday, when cwpoltlolti per­m it; time and one-half for tim e'over 2 houriexcept Saturday time. Apply

afternoon, when double



BOTS. M*rlf«ld K l*ct» FlAtlnt Cg.. *I UfcAAtnilt At


BOTS O V M I f TH A M (*r llfh t (ACtarT wprfc.

L A B O R lU .

STKADT WOKK. Oood wRAF with hoa-A.



CARFBNTKRS vAnt*S. b*a«b And mAchln* hAndA: a u h And d«*r fActnrl**; ualan

^AC*A Cvrtl. Biv*., <9 MAln At. KA.1 Or- Anir*.citX F, whit* « e*l*T*d. f* r Iw ttli All* i

und «K>li: chAtiflAur ts r track . aIao r*pAl niAn. wAtclunAn. a)m iM tory jAnltcr,S irdcttAT, oAr* Iawa. Anund fActef). iro n a d t.

mtBAn lo r lArtofy, t l i JW—h: .niArrt*dApply KmnloymAAt BarMto.

iW o U S K ^ K C T H IC A M (^ ■ “ ■ HAWArh.W KStW i_____ _ ^

OCABS* and nAA*.>W.,MFO. CO.,

b x p e r i b n c r p a t d i p p i n g a n d






l a b o r e r s .109,



Job warkfnK t«n bnur. w)t«n cnndlltun. permit.APPLT

TURNER c o n s t r u c t io n COMPANY, l i , WEST J4TH BT., NEW YORK,,0 LAWRENCE 8T„ NEWARK, N. J.

m a n WAntAd. **p*rlenc*d In tin t- ink, pAtnti And enAinela; 4T

hnur. w**k: seod w orktn t cnndl- tlon*: p«rm tn<nt poaltlon. Apply

Murpliy Vnrnt.h Co„ 2!4 MeWhortnr at.

m e b r e n o e r b o y w a n t e d a s m b s s e h .GBR BETWEEN NEWARK AND NEW


one whochanic care preireferenceRlchmoni

UA*V W •»*' -'Wt» rred : permai ek Cornells ; B. t , N, T.

Antomoblt. m«.___ h*A work*d on CAdinncp*rntAnentnmplDym«nt; itnt*-----'• Motor C*r Co„ Port

POLISHERS on hnrd wh**l- Hnrtfotd EI*e- tro PlAtln s Co., IT Chnctnnt At

PAINTERS, who Tind«rftknd In nnd outild* work. CaU At 11 TT.At P t. r**r of » «

RAlAoy At., e t t y . _________ ________'PAINTER—WAnted, pood brt*h hAnd. A<-

d re u PAlntnr, Boi 146, KAWi offIcA.PRESSERS on cotton clothlnK AtoAdy work.

— ■ ' “ 51 C of^n at. ___The Lowenberg Co.,PLUMBER'S HELPER wAAtod. StAubtr

EroA. 19B PorUn »t.____________r a d io o p e r a t o r s . i

Short conoentrAtAd e;DKKAHD.

ipAclAlly AdADtnd for drAllAd in*nt b*At rAdlp conn* In itty .

WntA or oAll'todAy for bo«kl*t H._HAdto Behool. i n EAtt »itb At* H*w Tork. ROUTE MAN. mAlTl.d. - r IBOr*

W**klP, OAtAbltihod rout#; povAr dA ltw y CAT.: buAlnMA lA clAAiBd by ip w ram o n t, AAA nont ewentlAl tndurtrlw . ApptjhCol LAund^. Twelfth W., n .a r TwAlflh #'RBCKIVINO Clark wAnt«d; m u

oUAtomAd lo r«:*lvln* And ock to A mfs. hUAfn.

I; m tw Id lu Q lli

: ' :S i ! id * V r . ^ i S n c ^ ' l 'S i r . S Y o c i r i K i

b* An­nins raw


I t , N*wA nftlo*.


chins And pKo* work*™;Ught, Airy Ahop. .JUIaa Foundry Co., Colt n t And Lyon# ava„ IrTington^________________m e c h a n ic wAntsd to tAk* cAr# of And run

Ford cAtt: rWAlr eoncrel* mlneiA. fM en-glntA And light .hop work; AlAt* oerlenoe and aalary exgeeted. Address L, J. F , Box A, Kewa office. Orange.UANAOHUt—W anted, employment manager

ohemlcal faetory In Newark. Reply, s tating expeyiance, age, raference and salary, to Chemical, Box H , New* office.m e c h a n ic s , all kinde. for railroad work:

boarding arcommodations; free transnor- tation. Pennuylvanta R. R* l^r#* Kmpley- ment Office, fH M arket it*

MAN with shipping experience: must

poaaais Initiative and execullve ability;

eptendld opportunUy for advancement to one

HA-m o l d e r s —f l o o r , d e n c m a n d CHINE WORK; ALSO

l a b o r e r s , g o v e r n m e n t w o r k .


RIVlWfeRS on tTAT.llnf bAgA: aIa. ^ 7 * aaI.Arnerfl good w a ih pAtd. SaAOA.L*AthAr ag Obk, 9 Campbell e t____________ '




S A L B S M ft^te earit .iM iM fto rt.

a m e nyaor oB com alw ica home office a r t dolw r_^: ft-4700 In one week: t T w . R, ’g*®*!****A. D. IJSOf R. L. H. gWO: C. P.. l lU l o«n- nlete names and addrease* g tveti;upM re­quest; Quick promntloB If yau m easfH up; we tre ln you In on* w**H how T o d* I t Addr*M BaIoa, Boa 14. N*wi difit*, for Appol Btmeot.Sa l E s MBN. mArrted. 0T*r *1 ysArl.atTjtoy

p o n tn ln g the.* quAllflDAtion.. Apply Em-

LASORKRS.whit* or o o lm d ; «t**dy wdrk, good p*y. addIt 1 A. M. ready to work, M anhattan Braaa C o ,r « 3 lo s t ■fweniyelglith at.York City, -__________________




l a b o r e r s .

DRAFTSMAN; m utt b« c*p*bl»: g«od p m I. tlon for righ t m»n, Swift A Co.. Tu—

pik* rd., HArriAOn. N. J.DEARBORN on* And two ton Ford truck

unit*; county •g en t., loosl Agent* w»nt»d *v*ry town In Emcc County. Frederick SAdl.r, t l i BloiimReld *v*.. Blooninold.____DRUG CLERK. At NeM'i dTU itorf. Corner

BroAdwey mud Bridge *t., ^ te re o n . N. J . 'A «PAbl« et*rk, r tulnered <ir T e e te re d aj. •letAnt; good r*fer.n.;oA r*<|illr.d; .tAte wAgeA AApeotAd. Addr*** by mAlL

. . . -------------- -------------------------- ilAtAnt or Juniorwith .Ap«r1Aiic«; Abort hour*: good poy.

A d d m i Drug, Bo* I*. Now. offlc*.DRUG CLERK, r*gl*t*r*d *i


DBAFTING—Jigs, fixtures and machine* de­signed by experienced man. Addreae D.,

L. Box I7r Newa office.DIE MAKER for forgtog dt»*; gqod oppor-

tuntty for ataady wotam an; steady work,Sixth Ooor, 10 Johnson at.DECORATOR W A N T ED -A fln t-c ltj* dte^

orAtw on *llT*r depoelt; ittAdy ^ r k , good «*y. Apply Th« Rockwell Silver C*., Mi a*n, CoBO.



i ,0 FERRY ST.

ployment HAneger, Lu* MAnutAc'turlng Cem-

p.ny. 111 EASt Kinney st., Newerk,





MECHANIC, experienced on Ford; good op- ----- Call Standardportunlty for live man.

Music Roll Ca.. 39 Central ave.. Orante.



tberougbly tamlUar with canitruc- tlan and npera lin i all latest model talking machine needle machinary; alen capable to take charge of new and np-tb-date plant, with g ied Impelling: all deallnga strictly oouft* dential.


over 91 y**r* of eg*; iteAdy wotk; bond reoulred; drewlng Aeoouot_II« *4r week

Id commltBlon. Cell, H i Jeckeon et.____SALESJT.iN, Advertlulng end prlnlfog; the

•beet poWtfoB you ever bed If ra n bure the Bunch: axperUnoe not neoeasayy. Idaree#punen ; axperienoe nut nnw w w f Perm anent, Box 99, Newe oiflc*.

Arm raqtilrea thede aalgaiTiaK pnel-

Per *r*peintm ent phoni M arket 9751.

BALB6MBN—Flnanctal•arvices of two nigh rrade aataaiti

tione w.trtn a t leaal 11®® weakly*

BAIaBSUBN wanted for evening* and Sat­urday hfternoon and evening: must be

experienced. Apply 1. Hauamaq ft Sana, 119 Sprlngftald ave.SALKSMBN — Two e x ^ le n c e d '

men wanted to take charge nf efews; good. WAgexIne

pAy. CaII 4 to room 19.

4 p . M., l i t MAlbtt At.,





DRIVKR. Axwteneed, tor^kari* And «M on; poMtlon;etMdy poMtlon; mArued mAn prefiriod.

H. Smith, i S ' South OrAUd* ata.DJUVBM (tw o); steady^ w o i l i r j l ^ ~ P ^

Apply a t 0R«*. Holme* Coal Ya^l. t l North Oraa|ae.

o to r ln id i di

Apply^ Greva s t

y a n t ^ ; ^ e a d y

couple*.for country plaoes, ImieTa, beai^ng heoMs and private famlltso, wasea I I I to 9^ 5; factory hands, - aieady, aafo, laalda work, 4dc- hour, ten houral drivers, riable- mek* porters, nievater operators, .waiters; huudrf4 good-paying poattlona fo r’ capable


K>tebll9b*d t im e t Rfiy ycAiE

DRIVER—CoAl >nbt< AA* with experteiAc.

jehAtlAA Ave, kfAniy.

drlvAT WABted;p rtto m d . CaII i t '

F e n a e n , ItojuiiAi IpAnlAh And. Orwkd, with gAng, t« dgyj AAAItiAnt forHUAt, l i dAy; lAlrong lAboreri. |4 dAy; l9-hour R u ; neAt Bridgeport, CouAr; two wook*' bc—rd; lodg-

DIIIVBR—WAOted. Agpertenoed drt'ver fw W ^ r y delivery erkSCR. BeAttle, 11T Uul-

bgffy At.DRUOR—Juntof ubiyk WABtAd; two ywArAjt-

peMeuee; good pemlii t i . NkM -filcm

A ddnie H„ Kox

?S?EHH*!fS’b^E“*”T , S ?

APM .T AT ONCE. _ „ i h t e r n a 'i To n a l _m u b a m m w c o .,

b l o w f i e l p . h . j ._________

m a n—InduAtrloRA, Aober, Able bodied, be- Iween l , end 41 veere of eg*, to weib And

chArge two elACtrlo mnd on# gAA truck#; prcvloue experience dexlrafale,. but not Abeu- fuiely necAHnry If appHcauI 1a bright And willing tp leArn; houra • P. M. to i.A . M.; reference regttUwI, Apply ThundAy, be­tween 9 end 11 A. M., b» by le tter. H. J. Heine Co., 114 MlddltAd* iL , HAirteob, N. J.

i h h e d i a t e l t ,

BOX 1«9.n b w s o f f i c e .

SALESMAN WAAted; roAl m#n At u»ee; g o ^ priAcnt And future eernliw*: Ijw kf^en , 16

to 40 preferred. CaII 991.949 PIpdeollAl building. _______ __________'_______SALESMAN—C trpet And llnolAum *Al*g»iAii;

lAlnr* 999 A week end oommlntloi. -He* mAUAgw. I I Springfield ava


HAN wAnled; m u tt be d ra ft AiAmnt; aMa to re#d And writ# plnhily; good reftrenco* a*

to hone.ty regulreffe AXperiAnce In electrlcil or kArdwAr# etoy, W'** "'R"we hAvt An oMmetunliy Attordlng AtAAdywork And gbMI pny; don't Apply unleie yen AT# willing tn atmR to th# job And grow with It. Apply MAAAger. I l l llArket nt. ______MAN, exempt, under 49. who h#e bed u k .

chine Ahop or olectrioA) axporltnoe, to work At A hellAge, wAge# #n_Box 119. Newe 4

;op or oiecinoAi expontiuw. co helper; oteedy' employmcAL etete end BxnerKnee. AddreAA Traeki,

lewA Office.


ing In *dvAO< chArged- CaI) II, rAfunded; no fe#

gL, Newerk.La b o r e r s w a s t e d .


OODEN ST,. FOOT o r CROSS ST.La BORERR wsBied; jfAAdy w ork; wage*

M id daily. Apply T ^ . U.. Y V ri^l » Crinb TrnM portatlon On., tool ol Centur et..tfowerk.

MAN for gonerRl work; m uet be ilrsAg andwtlllng; lemporarF employment; lie . per

henr. Apply tn ttrn a llo n a l Ticket Co., I tGiatten aya. N ewarkMAN—Elderly maA wanted te take ohAtge

et gfrnge a t n igbt; food, etoody poM tlM A ^ y A t OBOt, Rellablo Uatago, I I I n f - leeath Ae^ Vm a n wanted to m lll|7»wA end make htin:

•Alf toaerally oAofdl around etabKc; jn*** bo gteady and aober.leonthar* .

Ova Lewie, 499 Edfii-

HAN owBlni guiemtoWlo to 4)rtm It, f n m 9-9 dTA dayi pcAe'elTi ilgk t ^ l lv o c h m )-

j l l . ARdren d s n . NCR L4II VOWS aS n a

. on aargloAl iBAtramontA. Flrat-elAoe workmAn only. „ APP'Y

CARTER, Bo u g h a c o ..44 Mulberry *L

n i g h t WXi UNDBRRTAI

BOILffR.,.. — MAN; Q<iOD 8,MAN.’ BOX I. NBWS

NIORT wAtchman, Ja r tllA T -K b bolliirai only eobar. oxBotWhoed man AA#d Apply;

muat bring refArghoea. 41 DIckeraon^L___OPERATORS *n C a m ^ U and AtollAr ma-

ohineo; c « ! .- * « » « .» ? .c" ;;;r ,u ^ w o rth to rH ortfo i^cattera a&S ^ierO r

ton Cq., Y# WarrenCoiui-oMd b R CLBBib—*»perieno»d la elW rloal

■ -■• ia ii* matiutActar-L,BBlb—*»perie>u rin f line, by ll----- ^

In Jereoy CUT: S*»d opportunity■ ust bo ■ ■ ■■

laABAtAOtUrilin f eoBoern In for AdvAnooTnentt; must bo AmeriCAn, d ra ft a e tn p t ; elAto AxMrience. aad ealary aa pootAd. Addrega K)<Agio*. ___________b f T t o i X A N .. diW l. exBBt,

Addrega n a o tr lu ^ . Boa 14, Haw*

SALESMEN to , eell Ford « r a a n d iF o rd tneokingood propoiltlon. Clinton HUl-Auto

Ceu. 441 Clinton avo. _______ ' .






Man between SI dnd M y«kru f t working up ebon apocItlMtion* fropf b print*. PtacHcaI men with d r* ll lp r , roomexperience preferred. Wiite, gxpeiienc* And aaIait fxpeoted, 49, Newi Atlla*. . '

b iu t

a t * t ^ Age,Bug

SWITCH BOARD end etwrator hoy. ontondi antoo imniwantad imni—Iiat-ly. for Apgytntobt'

th ird weak night oorrlo*; wogeg I l i b ' ha re fhAmmAr aehoM edwatloen h R ^ W . <>■ honggf RBd nnf»»ih ly H*d, n t M w . b a i i n n a r - j ^ A. My AT Apply to e n W M W t-

wjra; w niA AtAtljW E^Al- ' glfcyW b gglj>ltira :,t rank AbtW |^■ ariM lty tor live w in ; .wnia, a u t lo f m l - fttafttaersct « sS ^

s 5 ' a b ® , W u a » . s ? . ' i a , . > . * » . . S S f ' r c i ? r .' ' • - ' f e u ’ ‘ i

ITC ft ]



SNTP Kasy te

M iienca ;Office,

____ OpanSKIPPIN '

Inc: vh ftaaily p(aalary. A<

s t k a m v iwork ti

Haloh Be N. J .SftWTBlI

kinds tw m u rn 1STfiNOOl

elchteeiBrown ft

TOiff,u oCOl


ji^VSt'790, M R OVER «H





INTER!b l o o m


. M; %


WITH Tt o o i, b <QOUQH.TOOL *m •tuet n Twanty-f]T l .IA £fiB)

t ^ g e tlien ; m uio l l! ^[ Inelruo te ra p e rtli

N*wg off!T R trffK l

PIT Wllt a i l o r '

and go gl., K u l I


W ANTBI w ith It

affleg. by

Sns maperlenca i 10 Pine *1


H IO ^

WOODWC oh sitiaJ

r tc h t m a J % tf f avi

.w S o D i V n a a s y

M fr. Co*.W OOI^N

E roal^ , yW ARS »

tarai pa« oot Chetfoot

W A o o ir ; U m alh

irftIT jCR Jnea.' .1



r o i n

-TOD*rpuMt;. afell. .

p g rta

to S r i

' aSf;Newt

T o o mw a r k

B o s i n o iPERIBNC W HEN I BOX II ,

lO V N O I' 'SPiRI

Noodi* aT o v m .

galre f I to I t y« go«d okai *«BW>*aAT P IW O ,

■MW'iUM y % ta i


m m j

E K '

a p«tv«r ly work

Y: cool, will pay


fay larva ronar City; in i of cor- iaemvt; »a1'II AnplaUnt.

aka carl of ; oxparlanLa •aantfali. Call lion, wrUion ooportuuti.r.

Dlckerion at.advaoca far

va a n , aka,,C.. Bos tl,

heuM oifics.

fu1l>crrs aU


p CO..

MEN,■rood workar* VO out Jofai to

CORP., h. N. J

t-cla«s work*CO..

idjr work.


foodi factory r lako chargaIty wUh os- iblo. ambitious he*, a n and


sSicproduction de* jpjfartunliy for \.nayor. a ta tln i y aiprcird, to fIcoV____ ^■ O R ^irF iN a[NEB,T.roN . .


CO., 49-«U N. J,

para; waiAad tv

la work. i.pp1? Botol, rear an*

l>ortkr work l^r, Box to. Nawa

id only. Apply old ara., city,lloady poaUlon.

BD, EXPBRI- tjbrful. butBSARTj aOO©CSLOlb CO„ 44

naacol poat and tth* dapartroant Apply J- Wlaa

ibar ivantod. Ap*imR, N. J,

r :eM irantod: Jacoby, Boy*

adaooi% outlary, * co.,Tno Colt

Merlfold Elae* at at.1 In and outside Mm raar of tts

irtsh haad. Ad->ws offlca,UK ataady worh.o f^ o i t .pasiod. StvabtT


dem and .Iraftad mOni la atty.‘ boakfat H.S at^ Waw Tork.Itl-Ml or mora ; povor dattvary r gownmant aa Apply. Columbian rwalfth aaa.1; imtst ba ao* ad h a i^ llnv raw i: a tib aalWIdrata Mock, Boa

Lga; alas boya aa I. SsaosLsatkar

IftAtTMBK ;JT1 AND BCUTB AHxa . t a . A b c t TiriTHBABIflKag•rv ir AMUASSniBDrOlITt; IF H IB WBM. ^ a uF AN lEARTAn. lANTBO IF lUDSNTtAl. 4 0fWiCK

BB* 9T «<!,• »«, 4it MmlSiMii St : F. A. a. mada n. mada V40f; T. C. P., IlM) cam*

• g lvan ;td^ you maasdra up; >H Vow -to do It. Nowf dtneo. for

' t l yeai% toady wotk; bend St t i t p«r waak I yackaoH at.aod prlntbig; (bo ad If you tauva thp ^ s a a ry . IddroM oiflca._________

irm raqtiJraa tho da aalisitiaift; pool- waakfy. Par ap'

76t. •;mnliiga and Bat- •vonlng: must bo uanuiQ A flons. l i t

rioncod'. raagailna rga of c ^ w s; good

l i t l ^ r h a t St..

man at odea; good Inga; loovr inan, 15 ltl*dn PfpdaotUI

llnolaum aalsMian; Gommlaalca. ^flao

rd cor* and '> Ford L Clinton HUl*Aiit4j

IN OF M XrtiR-



)If MAM.I, Sr«En Of f%4 <(«, Im lttm , trou t Uu* »lih d n lln C . rown W iito. lU»tllU, Ml*. rpwtMj, A tCj MuJt

iMTEtor ter. tetendi >r MmitelteVteMo; •; m e n I t te te m t

ly hiLjiya„. 1^ O^nga.

: w r m m i r W E D N E S D A t . J W E 1 $ ,

H n rw A iiT O ^ -im ir —■ ■*i-,-g*M~ii~¥~<~iBHWv~teWirM~»~ir ifiriin nfv~> r.,

BTOmAOl BATTBltT BXPBBT.A local mareantlla eonotrn has a

daalrabla poaUloa open for man tfaorovdhly H m liiar with alactrla s io ra tf batlarlaa Addrasi Expori, B os I I I , Newt ofllco.



SHIP BUILDING TRADE fiCHOOL. Easy torma; no corraspondanea; actual as*

patianca; laarn rlvatlqi.01«c*. 141 MARKET RT.. ra«m >«.

Opan ovanIngSi, t : tO to 1:10 o'clock.___VKIPPlNa “CLERK—Bhlpplng and"^paca|v*

Ing; *choco]aia and eoeoa mff. company: ftaady position; ststa aiptrlanca. a«a and salary, Addrasi A. B., Bos |g |. Naws ofOct,BHiPFXNa CLERK tor fumlturr~lious<;

vona but sxpsrlenesd men naed apbly; salary III a waak. Apply Greana Furnitura Hfluaa, I t Broad st.» Eltnaboth.BKIPPINQ CLERK—Exceptional oppor*

tunity ; old*a4tafaUsb«a wholasala houia; otato ago, axporieiiro, ale. Addraia Estab*' llsbad, Box 1, News offtca,



SHEET METAL WORKERS. Amarlcan Spray Co., Pine and Third its .,

E llaabfthpori, raquira a flrat*e1ass layar* out: t f ’hour shop; planty of ovartlm t; good pay for an a ttlclaat man. _______BTBEL iKGRAVER—Flrat-class stsal' an-

gravar; axpaiisneed in ouitlng hubs for rings- and Jawalry, Apply Jonas A Wood* land Co., I Garden at.BPIKNER WANTED—A flrat-ctaaa iplnnar

on starling sltvar hollow ware: siaady work and good wagaa. Apply Tha Rockwall gUvar COm Marlden, Conn.BTEAMfT t t e r . first'Clawl wantad; ataady

work the year round for the right man. Halph B, Schmidt, Inc., II Ann st., Newark, N. S, _________________________SAWTBR wanted, who Is faniUlar witb all

kinds of power eaws; ataady lab. Apply wmurn Bal Co., T Vasay st._______________STENOORAPHER—Toung man. sixteen or

aigbtaan praferrad. W rite or cal), Qaorga B ro w n A d a ,, ITO Passaic st.

T O O L M A K l R I i






c o r f ,nU M S W IC K AVB., EU EA BSTH . M. A,








_ TOOIAIAKERS AND l^CUtHtSTI w a n t e d on close WORK; BEIT WAOEE;! 4I.HOUR BHOP. BEAVBE MA­CHINE f tool co„ is f r a n k l in i t .



8lw*t inotjil iiDvoUlM. BEmon Zlitn. Inc.. Tw«nty-flfth *t. tnd Eloventh tvo., N. T.;C dB R ~C it)ia11a m»n tor t**ch>r nnS

iHffot In * Cothollo corrootionol Initltu- tl*n; mult b* t cood dloctpltnoflin, capublo of InilruotiDE In l o w brnnohoi, dltlim l and l*inp*rSU In taabitif iiato whiro lu t «n- Pt*»te.^*n« flv* n h n n o u ; tulUSl* t*nn» 4* H |b t party. Adcrala Toacber, Boa III. N*w* ofCloi.TEfuNK MA'NERB vantad; itoady Job. Ap.

pit WIlllAin Bal Co., T Voaay il.________t a ilo r wtntad at onoi: food, ataady work

sM aote wato*. Mh Kaplan, III Mali. at., EAit Orantt._____________ _________TAILORS wantad: thr*» coat mtkara, two tnitioliRia, at one*. 141 F*rry ot.____*^ANTED, a boy or youo, man. familiar

wHd ivdorfament work In an Inauranca •ffleq, fay leading New York City brakaraga hatM; Mosllant opportunity for rapid and pamapUBt adyancament for an Infalllgtnt yudng qjan, Addraas. with panlculars ef ax- Mlanea and salary daslrad, M. 1. flpoonarp tP Pina, at, New Twk City. _____

WAGON BOtTTHE He d e l l company, bro ad and


S J s S . * appdy r u m e l lI ^ ^ A E E CO,, lot FHBLINOIHUTfHN

WOODWORKER, all-around maohlno hand, ott sinail work; goad pay, staady work, to

right mm, Trltecfa-^hoenbarg Co.. 30l J ^ f t ava,, Newark. _________* ‘ *WdObv WORKER on sman wood artlclas:

Oalkargyfg. Cg„ II Columbia st j _____ •WOOl^N BplNNERB wanted. compatanL on Davis and Furbsr mules; good wggas and l>aiius, Bonnd Brook Woolen Mill. Bound Broal^^N. J.

HELT WAKTtD-*MEIIYOUNG MEN tor wwk lit sake ahov: tood Gbaaoa for advaneamant (or staadr bays who have areblUan U laarao Ward B ^ n gCo., Fourth av*« and N orth riftaatU h s t„ Bast Orange.YOUNG man wantsd as timakaepar: dfflao

auistani; stale ag*. asnarlsnea. adumltm and salary axpaotad. Address M. F» Box r,Nawa off 1 ca Oraata.____________________YOUNG HAN la grocary fauslnass, to dtillvar

orders with Ford ear and be Hnarally useful In store, 2£. L. Darby, M Pennsyl­vania ava.YOUNG HAN wanted In carpal dapartm oat,

lo loam trade: good wages; ebanaa for advancapiant L. Baumann & Co., 41 Mar­ket at.YOUNG UKN wanted for light factory ««rk;

good mportunlUaa for rignt pa rtia l Apply Strong Rubber A Asbestoa Co., 41 BlgalOw at.YOUNQ

factory Addrasa '

MAN wantad for time keeping in atata age, tsparlanea and Muary.

Tima, Box 116, News office.young HAN wantad for dupIlcAllng ma-

ahlna: good pay; chan>:e for advaaesmant Addrass Toung. Box Its. News offlea.yOUNO HAN wanted for bundle coontar;

good chance to team shoe buslaaBe. Apply eiatar'i 8hoa atora. dill Broad sLTOUNG HAN for baneb and light maahtna work; good pay; ebanoa for adviQoeqianL Apply Webb, foot Canter s tYOUNG Mi::N and boys for help In labora­

tory, Cromlow Film Laboratory, f t Standlih avs.. Wait Orange.YOUNG MAN wanted for shaat metal work:

good pay; ataady work. 11*11 Crawford a tYOUNG MAN In shoe store. Quality Iheae,

181 Market st. . . _ .


lt**dr. »IM* w*rk; fo«4 psr- WESTERN ELSCTEIC CO„ INC..


N*Ar WMt It., Mm hloqte Hmtfe *t IKh.ARTISTS—B*v*r*l youns IaSI** msS slrli t» lu rn (>*hlon drmwinf mnS IlluttntlSSl food pay m(t*r Itkralni; u l l mfuriiMiy). *T >v*Dlnt*, or wrlu for "pmrtlculus *HE THOMAS STUDIO, l i t Bromd mU ______ACTRESS, PHOTO PLATS—TrroBt siwUi;

Informmtlsn m stlen pletur* AotlH ; In- ■truetlon If d*«lrod. Audrjr U w rftea SiudlM, I I I WlH bids., i n E r u l I t . ; HkU M il; hokr*. II A, M. to 10 P- M.assistant for»l»4r wtntoA In t l r i l te l t l -

w tltt (Actorrj tpplF I t onc4. Aroo woUU, ■ 0 Plon* It.. Nowmrk. ^ _____a ltera tio n HANDS wmntod; ompori-

*ne*d on Iidlio' dr4MH, Apply *t i l lClinton *v*.












ITHE H. A w . c a ,I I CLINTON ST.










WARE HOUSE MEN—Thrt*, truoknri and ■ iwu pmnktn. Apply t# Pnton pmint o ,.. foot Cnontor arm. NaariTk,WAODR PAINTERS wantad. Apply to WIII-

taina A Condlt. 407 Main it., Eaat Orang*.WAITES for Saturday and Sunday avtn-

JngA Da Jtanna'a II Cantral ar*.




'TOUNO MAN—Aa opportunity for a young «ll« ovar draft ago. with

. sblUty, for handling a factory da-

fiartmtmt: an uaucual ohaaoo with a arga eompany; manufacturing and taurmtlnF producu. Addroao, giving , rafiraaoeg, u w lc a ra and other par-

tlculara, to Opportunity. Bax 1)0, Nowi effloa





OY®* U Ma t a p^ t . a d - ^ j ^ OPPORTUNITT, BOX lit , NEWS

TOUNO MEN. aetlva.^l yaari, t* aagUt la a i ln ln i departwint of ^tOTF) MWI havi

•wroruM from tact amplofir. AlMy ha- Hraan I amd II A- M.. ai Loaewr Xalttlng KaaSla Oa., 41 Bprlng it., NavfaJk,________TOUNO. MEN--Manuta«tulBs eoaeata ra-

OBlm ik i wrvleaa of four pmag man, (Itn I I yaara « alA tor elattcal poMtloiu; SOAd ohanoa tor adraaoomcat; cuto ago aad aisarlaaaa, Addrcaa Aga, Earn I, Ngweemea.TOWO .MAN, auchaaleplly InoUipl! with

aMM’dfafttnB urparlanaa, waatM lii mlto, o w T u ta rr: gaoA ntOTl aw and; flvi

H te - .








'ORK p u l l t im e , s p e c i a l ARRANOB-MBNTS a r e ALWATI MADE FOR HER.

W E HAVE A SPECIAL D E F A R ^ E N T FOR GIRLS 14 t e a r s a n d o v e r W ITH. OUT BjfrERIBNCB, WHO W IlX BE IN­STRUCTED AND p a i d w e e k l y SALART W HILE l e a r n in g .WORKINO CC^DITIONS IN OUR BSTAR-


111 i h i p :------NEAR COURTPUHT S I .



WHO HAS h a d E x p e r i e n c e , i n o r d e r


g o o d w r i t e r a n d A C c in u T R a t f i g .UES; GOOD POSITION fO R ONE WHO




OORSIT o p e r a t o r s , PERIBNCRD ON



CLERK—a n i fam iliar w ith k an d lla t « * m .ipondme*, fallow-us lyltam and dwtatlas la tltn and. raplrta: a kqlteadga ol ite rt- hand and lyptwrlllng daitraMl, hat ant ah- aollitaly MMntlal; to on* who can anally, porraanont iwaltlim and adraBOamaat u - torod; glvt aga, aalarr dwiiad and all othir datalla AddrawXr.A., Baa 1), Nawa otttea

wte hia had wplrlng

h tr t nh tsl aduoattan, wamtad by wha nan ha da- Tk at athgfa, ar

aa amaarliDoi la aaparvlila*: In *a dgtalla. ago, Mlnrp a a a c ta ! aw.1 am iiaat aysartiinlW Tte acipaaMWaat; I^MrtUan^im AMr«g ClarS, l a s tl,

e t jrR E S Ifcipw jinetd t e r iwU oirnfaIhnp olarhA laminar iHte ttma fUMrlbn- tlaa and artUi loma kaawMiia a f ghap taela.


MANUFACTUIUNO CONCERN: IN TOUR APPLICATION s t a t e a g e . REFERENCE AND SALART WANTED. ADDRSH AO-v a n o b h e n t , b o x m . n e w s o f f ic e .CHAMBERMAID and w allrm a; tlnt-claai

boarding h o u ia 111 N orth Arlington ava, B ait O ranga ________CHAMBERMAID and araltruo wanUd.

w hlla to work In tha country. Apply Tl Hamburg pi.______ ______________ ______CMAMEERMAID and waUroaa: rtftrtaeo

rtaulrad. 17 Protyocl tt.r Ba*t Oranga.CHAMBERMAID waiTtte. Hotal Alv*rd. I t

Saath Clinton at.. E a tt Oranga.



CASHIER. Moving picturo houH. I ll Clin- ton 4TS.COOK wutegr ia Uka pUca ef eotk going

an Yscstlon for two waaka: cell witn rafaravaoa: home algbU- ignttorlum. Ml High atCOOK-^oikI, plain eoak. willing ta go to

easihora. Tal. 1111 Orenga: Ud Harrleen rt.t E>st Oranffi_________ ______CQOK'-^Wtntad, nn axpaiianeeg cook, while, _ ta go to Muntry. jLrihue C. Kseilsr, 71 Hvmfatirg pi.COOK hiuS p houaewerliar w in itg to go to

the country, IhQglye v t I I Tregcy efe.CHICK ROOH girls whBlad; Wathlnglon

Rfstaursnt. 8 f t B rosg i t , N iw erk; itasiiy polltlen; good pny: aipartanea not neoaaaaryv Apply 10 to U A. W.; rafaranoa.CONTRACTORi on doll drsMae; tboes who

work In tenem aat houeae ghouH not Apply, radare l Doll Ufg. Co-. Inc- I I I FwAr. New York.c b o ra L A T R D IPPER S wanUd; good nay

and ataady work for ompaiianced girli. Sandall Candy Co., m CatUral ava.CROCHETERI wadttd on all klada at doll

wtar. Call norolnga only, Mra J. Staud, ITi Birgan at.DEHONSTRATORI for houat aanrigoing:

only u p a rlM o id halp w anted: aalary and oarnmlaaioni f t to | i par day; wa guanntaa I I par day; not naoaaaary to carry haavy packagH aa aulomoblla acaompaniaa daman- atralori. Call Monday, Tha snek Shint Co., J l DIvlaton pl„ tetw aon Eaat Park and Cantar ol

OIIHW a IR E R for factory rta tauran); I I I for i l l dayo' w ork; Pollah girl prafarrad.

Mr. Lawronca. Ediaon’a Itoraga B inary Company, Waal O ranga; bring thla adv. witn you.DIdHWASnBR; atoady poaltloa. Da Jlinna,

17 Cantral ava.DRESSMAKER wanta ampariancad draaa-

■nakara and flplabara Apply 848 Clinton av a


_ ^ 3 T ^ 1u a R In g c e l l u l o idTONS; L E A R N E R \ ~_____ L E .___ . ^PAID. GIRLS D E II BTBADT BMPLOTMENT 'Sfll . GOOD PAT APPLT WHITB-








LIGET assem bling .






m a c h in e w o r k .F U T T HOURS A W EEK


aiR La.


T H E C E L L U L O I D CO^t ie rE n n T s t .





GIRLS WANTED. Clagn—light wark*-Good peyj

I 'h a u r dsy**IO houn par weak. Baniia of 10 par eant. ra re tte a d - enaa end puncluelity.WEaTINOHOUflB LAMP

Bloemflald, N. J.COag



GIRLS to halp wrap our fine oeks; light, plessant work; easy to Laem; dsyllgltt

bakery; houre 9 to 4; f t whlla lasrning. W ard Haklng Co.. Fourth eve, and N orth FirtapTiih at., E is t Orenga-GIRLS to work In finiahlng roam of U rge

eelander menufeoturlng i^ent: axparletioa not neoaaaery; good wagai and chabaa of advencamant. Apply to tna Oaborne Co., 711 Summer eve., Newark.GIRLS on maohina workt good opportunity

to taern maehenlcel profeieion; repid ed* ▼aricamtnt: women with raUtivaa a t tha front given prefaranct, K reauter A Co., 871 Elghtaanth tvs.GIRLS WANTED. WITH *OUB EX P E R I­


GIRLS, light work] exoallant opportunity for edvanoemant; l ib par weak to atari.

Apply L. Schwarts. 4 Court Mouia pt.

GIRLS by the LOllO a# switchboard op«ra- tera, pleasant work; short hours; big sal*

erlae; evening cleMaa; July elaea h seiiy full; tolti now. d e rk e t 41(5. 0 ‘B tian'e ^ h o o l, 107 M arket at.GIRL, l i to l ( , to ua la t In oars of twin

bablai, Christian family; private raaldeheo near MMhora. Tal. 3518 F i r Rockaway. or write S. J . Graham, 1333 Proipect at,, F a r Rockaway. N. Y.








u o n I il h f g . c a ,•8f SOUTH n S T ST.,






G IR L 18, ta an iw ir phana, taka ardara In caal office; caay paililan; 88 p , r weak to

• ta r t; near BotiLh at. atatlon. Addraaa Coal, Bon 88, Neva office,GIRLS wanted to work In facto ry ; inu it be

over 16 ytnm of a re ; good aalary and obancB for advancamont. Apply A. HoUan- dor A Son, 148 Eaat Kinney iC


start , a dd bk sbfa cto rt , box111, NEWS O F F im

Gi r l s wanted, for naaembllng work;. uLeo.clean, light work In our laatonr; f i t par

w lak Wtilii l•a^•n^ng. Apply F. H. Lovell A C a, Arlington, N. J.GIRLS wantad, light (aaiory w ork; »a n -

parianca naeaaary! |10 lo a ta ri; chanea for advaneamant. Joe. Molkonthtn A lone, >87 Mt. Ptaaeant ava.

GIRL wanted, bright, about 11 or II , to halp In itora from a to 4 and all day S a tu r­

day. 81 B ank at.GIRLS wanted a fter eehool hour* aa aalea-

g lrli, from 4 to 7 F, 14., Iti bakery and dericateaeon. Public Servlca Term inal Dell- eg teuan, Newark.


GIRLS — WANTED — WOMEN. Opportunity ta aarn from I t la II

■er day on MUNI'TION WORK.

No eiptrieueo nteeieary.

Aiaembtori,Beneb Hand*.Chackeri,

Drill PraiaOparalan.tagpectar*.

Lathe Kanda,liming MiohluOpmtafa,


in t e r n a t i o n a l a r m s a f u s e CO M r ANT.

B laem fm d a v a and Grava at., BLOOMFIELD. N. J.



IOEB UN LIGHT FOOTS 3 lL f ^ F % L ^ C E Di x P E B O T c e b j o e y




OPERATORSI t agpgrtagead, oaa aarn |U par w aiS

A ay .aai' wha ggg m ake naalaiF,

AND T M mH ERS A earn 111 f i r walk, and take thimlilvig uatful la

LBARMERS ALSO WANTEB; ara paid good lalgrta*.

FaeUtr la a a ^ light aad fagltant. Il-bear w a a R -C ^ ^ ^ ^ H r^ ^ k Mturdiy.Ilh Door, III Plana at.

a iX L IRtUtdi. a te d t l i . ta o a n tar taWp .x i , 5 f e . n ye^ i r I S ”N »

and HbT lad ^

i i R a “ ' " — — ^


Nlaw- M.,t i r

vr gei three in fei

l l l i B '/ B v

.............. -^mlly.Horr, 133 Park avs.

Call m em lhg or e v e n tu : carfare paid. Phone

GIXLS wanted, (var twenty, for ligh t m a ­chine work; f i t for fifty-hour week.

Knickerbocker Mrg. Ca., MUl and Main ats., BeiievilLe.________________________________GIRLS wanted, tsm ing celluloid rlnga: gnod

working condltlona; lunch room a t factory, Bdward Mohr, Ruhberaet Co,, Ham burg pi*GIRL wanted: Steady emptoyment; home

nights; waiting and light housework, call with rafarsnesv ganatorlumg 6(1 High i tGIRLS wanted, light factory work) ixpert-

anoe not nacasMary: good wagaa. Apply (bird floor, 114 Adams st.. A. C Fans, InaL

GIRLS,■ipeHencod a t wrapping sttok oaodyf

goad pay. Charms Ca.. I LM ayetta s tGIRL wanted. In furniture store, make bar-

aalf generally useful, also do little book* keeping. Apply Cash, (4 Acxdemy a tOIRL to do bcpkblndlng work; exparlanee

not naeaMiry; almpla, clean work; good wages. Coiyer A SaiUr. t7l Mrpad at*__OIRL wantad aa book*ksapar, able to oper*

e te typewriter; s tate rafaranoa and aalary. Addraaa Rallabla. Box 41, News office.OIRLS^OOD PAY, STBADT WORK. [N

MANUFACTURING PLANT ADDRBSB OTRLS, BOX «l. NKWS OFFICB-5IRL8 for light tnachina w ork: ataady

work; good wagaa. Apply Joaaph Rots A!o., n o Colt a t, Irvington.

GlRLS-wBrlght glris, aver II , fa t light, clean work; good chance for advaneam ant;

■tcady work. 118 William et.GIRLS o r woman for power praaa work;

high wagaa whan proficient. Tha Duta* ^pld Hfg* Co., 318 Cbastnut a tOIRL wanted for general housework; three

In family: good noms; easy piece* Wood, I I Morton pl„ Seat Oranga,GIRLS wanted In chawing rum factory;

hoars 7:to to 8:10. Apply The Mansfield Company. 3 IT High it.OIRL for general houaswerti: four In fam ily;

goad wagaa; refarancaa>e I I Clinton road, Olan Ridge: tal. IIIR .GIRLS to laarn pallablng

work. Moore A Hofmann, at., Newark, N. J.

■llvar novelty 4df Mulberry

OIRL aa nurse for two ohildran* f ( Bails* W # av a , Upper U ontcliir! phone 4871

Mm. KaoGragor.GIRL or woman to work In fumlibad room

hatua; must be wall racommandad* Apply >1 James iji.OtRldB wanted for wrapptug caedg: ataady

wairti: f fo d pay. C ham p CampaBy, gg Snmmar avakGIRLS (1) of raflnam sst, 10 to 19 years,

good aalary* Addraia HatiBad, Box 13T, News office.GIRL for housework

no waahlQi TU High at.

--- ____ __ - small aparmani:no waahiQt: good ham a Mra J . U. Harrta,

GIRL wanted for tailor store: m ust undsr* stand tailoring builsasa. 7»t South Or­

anga ava. ■OIRL or woman far ganerai hauaawork: no

la u n d ^ work. Mra, O* W aiiack, I4 t w aat Kinney a tGlBUl and wemo^ aafa and elaaa work:

good wggaa. R. C. Dick A Co.. 1S9 Oliver ft.GIRLS w anted to work to Uandry> Apply

Now Jersey Toilet A Towel ittpp ly Co-. I f N*w at. '

OIRL fat^general warki no seeking o r wash* Inge H North Arlington ava.. Bast Or*

aaga.GIRL (er ganaril bauaework. Apply a t I I

O raw fo rf at. batwaah 9 A- M. aod I I A. M-OXRL8 wantod to work fn an tea araam p a r­

lor.- Itanton Candy Co>. i l l Bprlngfletd «ra.GIRL, eoiarad, for general hoagawork; fam ­

ily ef eight; 919 par waa1|. g | Ingrahamm. __________GIRir--Wantadb

w ork: two in (atmiy. i t .

a girl for fonaral ____111 North Savantb


GIRLS for'wax ftenoMphafg, awitek- board eporeiim. Room Jt, la Ae^damy at

0 9 1 ^ 'fiSHta. ganaml houetAark^r nnnilnga* South Afiipgibn ava., Bapit Q ra ^ a .

g ir l wanted far gantral keuaawork from9 ta I. t l i AoadsTBy ft*, South Oranga.

G f B t w M iid 'ta « i1 t (rant i l to r. . A m irtoas iaatanfMH. T9 M ulW ry oL

FbT i-a & r t » . r i . ; e « d . '' ; u atv*Jl , _ — I n r e i t e eltver noveltith. Itoor

HELP WANTEO-WOMENCTRL (or gsnartl huusawark In small fain*

lly. Inautra 3 ( | Parker a t ,

Mfg* Co., 39 ConiTraso at, ^ _______V. W, Parsaaa. IGlRL~Brrand

Branford pi., girl.cily-


GORDON faederaj good wagos: 4S*hcur wiak, half day Saturday. Apply to

tha Osborns Co.. 789 Summer ava.» Ksw* ark.

GORDON faadsra; good wages; forty* slihtvfaour week; half day^Saturdly*

Apply to tti# Oebortie On.. 761 Sumrntf avs.) Newark.

OBNBRAL housework no waahtng* D. Mayer, l l Farley avr.

HELP- help. help, nuraea, day workers, nhambermahln. w allresiri, tnolner'a helpers, salad girt, food rfai^t^kera, pantry

woman, nouseworkera, laundrasson, clSrka, atanographers, part Rmu. ate.; miao pastry cooks, cisahsri, handy woman, chamber* maids, w altrsssii. for Oreanpond. Biairs- town, Bluepolnt, Lake Mopaicong. Mt. Arlington, Aiburv, Beltuar aiul many other leadtpg shore and mountain rcnoris, call and have your choice; opart evanlnci.

UROVB AGB.VCY.141 Main at., near drove, Bast Orange.

HOUSBWORK — Young or middle-aged woman as m other's helper, light house­

work, plain cooking; two adulia; eaashora (9 Brighton eve., Bast Orange: Croaeiown trolley.HOVSBWORK***Goo<! homo and wagea (a

woman to do general housework In coun­try hoarding house; tm r>b]ert1on lu child. AddrsM Maplo Hill Houio. Madlaop, N. J.HDUBBKBBPBR, middle-aged woman, for

home In country, about forty.five mUea from New York; two In fam ily; plain cook­ing. 141 Maple ava., Montclair, N- J.HUU8BWORK**-Good, white girl for ganaral

houiswnrk: one lady In flat; no washing; good home, inoulra 140 Quitman at., near Clinton ava., second floor.HnuSEWOftK--Q«od whits girl for gentrsl

housework; one lady In flat: no washing;

?ood home. Ingulrs 1(0 Quitman at., near linton ave.; second floor,

KOUSEWOHX-*Whtte girl for housework, plain cooking. |>6.

fil., naar Clinton avs., opposite Boutb aenth at.

ganvaiTt Gltwrd outb Flf-

KOUSBWOnK—Girl for general housework;no waihlng or Ironing; highest wages.

Mra Seely, iM l>e Grew ave. Ptaona B. fi. 1081.HOUSEWORK—<Hrl tor light houaswork;

good home, small family, glanta, iva Hiiksidfl ava.; phonS Wav, 8419,KOUSBWOrK—Rxperlenced girl for gsnsral

housework; referanraa. Call (01 High st.HOURBWORK <— For ganerat housework,

whits fir). Mrs. L- Reich. 677 High st.HOME work; neat sawara wanted on chil­dren's overalls, with factory experience pre­ferred. IT Elaine at-. Newark; aide nniranc'ei call all week esoapt Baturday, 9 to 4.LADTEIB—113 per weak salary, commlaalon

and carfare, ta offared you, combined with pleasant, outdoor ampbymant. Interview, addrasa Macco, 371 lAfayatta a tLACK RUNNRRB, axparlencad on Infanta'

white dreaisa B. Llhmsn, atoutenburgh building, cor. plana and Academy ata., New­ark* N. J.FRATHBft 6T|TCMBBa, osprriancad on In-

lami^ white dresses.- B. Llbman, Stouten- burgh building, car. Plane and Aoadamy sli., Newark, N, J.LBARNERB. 14 (o 18 years, on infante*

white drrsseii; paid while learning, B. LIbman, S North F ifteenth at., Baal Oranga,N. J. _______________________LAUNDRBfS wanted, corapatent. w hite

Proicstani woman, to do laundry work three days In week for private family. Call Wednesday. Thursday, 191 Prospect at., Beet Orange.LAUNLlllilBB wanted, neat woman, for

washing, ironing and cieinlng, two days In week; referencci. 119 South Ninetaanih st., clly.LAUNL>RK8d wanted, eolored; cham bermaid

wanted, colored. Apply W indsor Hotel, Oriinge.LAUNDHT-**Bxparianced cellar g irl: also

mangle girl. Lalaant A C a , S&& Spring-

LADIEB.I want to engage the aervleaa af twenty*

five ladiss: must have aaiting ablUtlea: un a hcuse-io-housa propuslUon, which has been oondui'ted for years; mUat be able to earn for themBelves 930 to 110 weekly a fter (he first tour weeks: for the first four weska a straight salary a t the ra ta of |18 per week and transportation win be paid; must be able to travel; If you can 't I rav e r don't apply. Apply In peraoi) only. Suite 496, World Bldg., New York.


ptrlonc* tendUnc e u S AddrMi Cwbl*r, Boolti t , FtiMIc SarviM T,FBiln,l.





AFPLTSTANDARD a i r c r a f t COR^ ,



th* HrvtCM *f uporlanrod lolMwomon for th tlr ShoH. UphoUtttrv. OlovM, Jovrotry. w h it* 0*,idi oad W h Ii G*m i d tpo rtm taU . Aloo M lM *oiii,n r*r RU-t tlmo; hoiin from II M. to 6; Id P. M. O oportunltr for ftdvtnrem out with IJterol i» l* r l» urftrvd to thooo who auolif)'- ARpIr Em vlorm tot Otiloo, *to«nd fiMr.

SALESWOMEN, ottpiTlottctd, vrontod for •h lrtw ilo t d a p o rlm n i; aood H lorv. In-

oulr* 104 CtllUon ov*.s a l e s l a d y for .Iry lood i; mu*t h»vo oanit

• iportonr*; load te lo rr to tho rt»ht on*; no ahjtc tlon to m ld d l,- ,( ,d . B loom 's IIS Moln It., Boot Ornnso.SALESLADY wontod, o ip o rtn in d In dry

Road, aloro, Nnsol't B*o Hivo, ItT Horn at., Dronf*,

s h o e s a l e s w o m e n .MUST BE THOROUOHLT EXPERIENCED; . . . -------- C O N ^ M te --------------- ---- ___ ____ 'P, NEWEUPLOTMENT OFFICE.? 2 R S . a p p l ^at ivanamakbr-i

t h e

f f ^ A L ^ llp S T E te a AF#rOK



sten o g r a ph e r — Wootod, romnotoittM onorrnphar, with lu triclo te huiltiXo ox-

porljn t* to tok* chnr»t of dotoU work In • moll offico; apply In p trao i or hy l*tUr, • to tln i •lOO, otportonot and aalary aiM otod. Bmplra Craam Saparator Co., Wattoaalny Station, Bloomflald, N. J .BTENOGRAPHER, to a c t aa (iiharitata far

two or mora w*,k> in A ustu ii only full- fladyad. eompetanl f ir l naad apply; aalary 111 par waak: olata ap t. »p*rlonea and nama rararanca, Addroa, Compoiont, Boa 114, Now, oflle*.STENOGRAPHER and (anaral offtca olark;

on , ualnp tha Grapy lyatam ; muat b* naai. pulek, accural* and irtlMtip. Writa, aU tInp apo,.aiparlanea. rararancta and aal- ary a ipao ttd , Stanopraphar, Box II , Nawa omca.s t e n o g r a p h e r and typaw rtttr; oplandld

opanlnp for brlpht, actfva yotlbp lady, ona raa r'a oHIca aipiriancft, Addraia In own handwrltlnp, a la ilnp apa and aalary dailrad. Opportunity, Boy IT, Nawi oHtca.BT^NOGRAFRERS—N J atanopraphari'

Eichanp*. )48 Broad it. M bi Saumanlp ttich ca atanopraphy. (ypowrillnp and teoR- haaptnp; lacura* poattlana for atanopraphari w ithout rapard to whara idueatad.STENOGHAPHER: raal a a la ti if t lo i; lotn*

oxparlonca; i t i l a aalary doalrad; 1 to i. Addraaa Stanopraphar. Box I I I , Nawa ofHo*.STENOURAPHHR !n Rtorap* w ,r« houia

and movlnp offlci. Eaaax e to rap i Wara 'Houaaa, IIS Hntai-y at.

HELP V A N T B IlU V O in i^OMBN—Miaa fgumastg. K. J.

matter where educated.^PM*CN wanted la U rga oeJendar lU M *

(M turlngtpient; ttgarlann* iMt BMMHiTI « d exoalUnt e k s n e w i^ B -

Inlalllpant, niat . .‘ *»hla, lU a n d ^ r i bbyeleian, m easing, 4lgbwan

i f t f t f mHklni! I « par menth.

wanted (or tpara Uma work. 1heura a 4^ ; pgjr you ffom l l l to l l l??ia frem 9 to I F. M*.1(1 Market n . room ii. — •

Jteriar fv' ."'N.w.,^k*“ " 'ROMAN—Whlla Proiaatant womaa waolad

for hotiMwork; no waahlnp' tia war month. Call mornlnp or ivaninp nt I t i Flra ava,, Eaat Oranpa.WOMAN u werklnp hotnafeiapar

adu lii; a la u homa If p ra fa r r a d - ib i aw an”/ f lo o r ’’' ” F*'> **•* Oriuiia, i ta

'aall m -

WOMEN (l> to waih piaaiaa; na axpariaSci••• ntonih and mails pixahia

H ow ’’’ “ ™>'*-l>*L R obartttia t

'WV'**’*-, awaapinp and -at*a>dnp TactnPr.

WOMSN for sorting and psektog e m k l good pay, r . L. Radar, l i t JalUff ava.

^*hi9d. Vxehaua Butfei 91Clinton ft.; Biehanga BufM, 111 MaiRM It.* houri. I lo i

WAlTREBSRg (190) wanted at ouoa («g ^ e leading ahsre and mountain raiorte:

wagea and tips, call ready far work; onau avsnlnge,GROW AGHNOT.148 Main at., near Orova st*. Bast Qrtafe.

WAlTItX tl Mead waltrtaa eraWtedt whlla Apply Ketel Marlbersagh. U MnUl

llngten ave-. Raat Oraags.WAITRBHBfl wanted. MpaiiMifa aK Mfigi*aary. Apply at The*«Boteniayep If i win* lam at., Baat Orange.WAlTRBflB^RxperleneM waltraat wuitot:

aleo experteaoed ehambsnuld. AptiglO'Tl B re^ i tWAtTRBdfl wanted in small boardlhf I

sleep home. 19 TIohansr tt* «Hf«WAITRB08, jaed, rMtanraat. i l l

field ave.* Bls^flsld* N. J*


WAMTHIX A Vombaval

TOUMG LAOXSB,hstwesa tha ages mt l l u t f t t« iMfR


For 4enlrai ofllaa warfc la Mawark* Oriagsand Uontcliir,

A aalarr i f 91 wa«k la »aiA vBOalearalpgi

PosIMimt ts thofs wha «MJI(r; p tn u M I employmebt and rapid adrahoaiasat U the oompatsnt

Apply between I A. |(« aad I F* 11, Battr* day, I A. M. ta 1 Fa IL, ta


■11 WashlagtOttMawartt 19* /« I

LADISS for pleeiaant government work; life­time poeltlune; salary (1,290 etart: Wash­

ington, H.T., Newerk; eve. claeeee; oonlract guarantee furnlahed; join summer examtna- tloiM. O'Brlen'e School, 207 Market et.LADIES and children, beglntiere, wanted for

eoclfly motion bJotures; high sHlery paid (or good talent i tryout arranaed, i-pon tUl I o'clock eve&lngs. Fine Art Litton Picture gtudiee, 184 Uariul st.LADTEH—We want a tow refined ladles to

train aa corMtlerei tor our vacant ter­ritory, Inquire 587 Central ave., corner boulh Thlrieenth el., city.LADY canvaeeers for food product; light,

pleasant work; ■alary.and commliiton to earneitt workers Call l i i JgelLion et.

STUNOGRAPHUR—Fergus Motorf, Ino., 876 Jelliff eve., require an extra etenofrapher

for government work.BTKNOtlRAPHEH, two h o ire svenlngeT C ^i

7:19 lo I;I9 p . M.. 141 M arket et., room 692.BXMt-lNVALip, nervous mother wants

pleasant, agreeable, young person to aieiet in care of ten-year-old girl; poaitton open July 1; Btate are, reference and salary wgntw ed. Addreee rleaeant. Box 19, Newt office,BEAMSTR&SS wanted for plain sewing. Ap­

ply Mre. J. B, Davey, 180 CenM ava, r*«U Orange,

MAID, while, for general housework wanted; refined, expenetiesd; two In fam­

ily: no wMbing; reference required* Addreei Green, Box K, News office, Orange.MAID wanted for general houttworii: a In

family; retortnoee requlrad. Inquire Wil­lett, 91 North Arlington eve.. Bail Orange.MAID—Competent tnaid for general hcusiT-

woik, In family of three, Te). Glen nidge 476} before 19 o'clock.MAID—A competent eolored maid and wal(-

reee wanted; wagee |I0. Phone 26ZO Elle- abeth; call 97 Wert Grand si,, Rlliabeth.MAID^-Good reliable maid for upiialre In

Home tor Aged Women, 218 Mt* Pl«a»ant ave.MAID for general houiework: no washing or

Ironing; good wagte. Phone Uonldalr 9999*MAID wanted; experienced; light work. Ap*

ply 181 Broad 11.MACHINE operatore wanted, to wrap chew­

ing gum; noun 7:99 to 8:l0. Apply The Manefield Company, 2IT High et.NURflK—Wanted* an experienced chMdren’e

nurse', please apply 47 Brunewtrk road, Montclair; phone fittH .NURSE for children; willing to spend sum­

mer at BSMkora . 166 Xlm gl.: tel. 1318 Montclair







6IGMUND XiaNER COMPANY* School and Wlekllffe afa.

OPERATORS wairted for Singer power ma- ehlnet e& plain white geode gewlng; good

pay; rtMdY work: also crechitfri and hand embrolderere; home work* Call 811 Bergen et.. atort. rOPERATORS, experleiiced on Infante' white

dreuet; light work reotn; steady work. B. Idbman, Stoutenburgh building, comer Plane and Acadnmy ata. Newark.OPERATaRg, experienced on 9-needle Sin­

ger machlhee, on Infante' whit* dreMSi. B* Llbmah, Stoutenburgh building, cor. Plan# and Academy gte*. Newark* N. J,OPERATOllit on Mwlng m^hlnea: will be

taught our work; pitd while learning; ateedy work all year. II9 WIlUam e tOPERATORS, experlexiocd on Infante' white

dreeeee. B, LIbman, I Nerth Fifteanth gt>, Baet Orange* N. J.OFFICE CLERK wanted te take edre of

production _and cost records; experience and knowledge of typewriting eeeentlal: ball Id pareen with letter of apnliaatien written in own handwriting; eeceiUnt op- periunlLy. JC. H. Redman ft Co.. Inc*, 4| DJekrtaan ei*OFFICE ASSISTAKT wanted by targe men- . ufacturlng concern In. Jeveey Clly; vnuet hdfanMilar with handhag of« ooiraebondenre and offlCB routine; Amerloan; taiary |I5. AddreM OtQce, Uos 18, Newt afSce.OFFICE ASQIBTANT-^eod apportu&ltir for 'future; beginner cenrtden»d If bright and

WUllng to werk. Standard Uiiolc Roll Co.. I# Central eve.. Orange.FABTBT COia<L~Col»nd woman for peetrr

cook and chame -of pantry, for hotel tn

Souotein*. Apply Hotel Clinton, I t South Inton M., Siel Orsoge.

SEX A y*,'


L. BAMBERGER ft CO. have very desirable poeiUone for experienced eboe ealeiwomen for afternoont; thla le an opportunity for women who have bed previous experience in iboe selling to earn axcelfent ealarlee for part-time work* Employment Of­fice, seventh floor, open from 9 A* M- until 6 P* M.



TOUNO w om an


YOUNG GIRL wanted, help mathay with housework, care baby: kood hem*, with

p lea iu t •arroundlnge. mrl M. o* Hen­dricks, 78 Florence awe., Hhloyon Park, Bloomfield.irOUNG WOMAN, cliiioal worker In maau-

feoturlng concern. Ampere; must he qnln and aceurata; a(*u experience, age sad sal­ary expsoted. Addreee Clerk, Box tl. Nows oRlce.


experienced ealeawomen tor theirwomen'e shoe department; goodpo- atiioni for those who qualify. sTm- ployment Office* leventh floor, open

YOUNG WOMAN. It to 99, as stenoifagMr: •tats experience and salary s x m M ;

houre, 9:80 to 8 o'clock* Addraas w,, JiM 31, Newe office.YOUNG GIRL wanted, to aaslet d tth ckll-

dren* good home for the right party. Phone Orenge 13I0J. Call any evening be­tween I and 7,YOUNO GIRL, aboit 11 years* QUlek aadd*^* curate at flguree and able to run type*

\ writer. Union Steam Laundry Co., I l l Broad at.



e x p e r ie n c e d w o rk ers d esired m ALL DEPARTMENTS







I TO 19 A M.




YOUNG LADT to do clerical work ia shjy* pln i departm ent of large manufaotiwhtg

concern. Addreee P* O, 198* Newark.TOtrNG LADT for clerical work, furaltwe

office; state age, experience, salary. Ad­dreee Posting, Box 69. Kewa emee*TOUNG ‘WOMAN wanted for effln vtrki

good chance. Add reel Capable* Bax 949,News efflca. __________________ ______TOUNO GIRL w a n t^ ,^ i th expeiienee. at

book-keeper tn butcher shop. Apply tt9Broad ( t__________________________YOUNO lady wanted for dertoal work;

retorenoei. Apply A. Fink ft Seni, HiBelmont xve*_________________________TOUNG girl to taka ears at child 9 years ef

xee. H* Mendel* 183 Springfield ave,,city.TOUNO^LADt” wanted T o aaslet In OffR*

work. Apply aiaur's shoe Store, l i t Broad

YOUNG GIRL Inexperienced, family ef two; light housework. Mlndei. 114Jphneoa_i|vt.


man and wife with a family to take charge of a boarding house at a plant In Central Jeriey boarding mtchenice: man to work around plant; wife and family colideot boarding nouee; eatlsfariory wages; axceljent opporturiliy fnr right family. Address B* F. Callan, 17 Battery pi.* New York CltP*COUPLE—Wanted, man aod wife, tor beaiie

In Kail Orange: woman to do general houiework; man to make hlmeelf ganeeally perful. preferably If he Snowe about avta- mobtles; good home; best of referenoae re­quired. Address Burnett. Box 101* Newt office.COUPLE for country boerding house: waii»n

must be good oook: >310101 or boaidung house experience; xieo chambermalde ana laundrestee wanted. Call Thundey, 44 Bar-net et.JANITOR*—Colored couple wanted te take

care of apartment house In Rees villi* Ap­ply 1( Norih Arlington avsu. East Oranse: telephone Orange 1891________ _________JANITOR {couple); must be experleneed;

pay between 949 and 989 per month. M. Kraener, (99' Broad it.JANITOR wanted for apartment bouee. Ap­

ply Mr. Maes, 44 New York trva

TRDCMEM .and MILLINERS, ceapsCent, Wanted: ■pltndld poeltloas for right par* ttee. Apply Kaye, i)J Market it.

TYPIST* adth general office exptrleaee n d fainlUar with small tetoghoiH iwltoh-

tosrd, call TItefiei Metal Roie Company,Badger ave. and Runyon rt.




OHBH e A M O im . eli«l« t(nn«, citr and m iBin’: anlr Haallhy. o8teMa. tetm aa U

ant -4*1 naa* apply. I w d * P. ”Ju If,U t

. . — I- Call 8atiifdap, t e i m a i t t , p thar day* te lw M n'P .nnd J*

a^p lr by ;^al1j ttp tpa) O n w y «a..


plddla-pitei U>* . antlra oaraPaiiaa; 5»»at te p«4l wok; no nuafliTan tk I - | m r «G| ak h ^tM ak -

iaal, dlnnar aanrad; ft* waatk. Aidraa* fWid Manatar, Boa M, Hanrj aWlea.

«( riarioal a n tritea ti ipoat grit* k»»ll aad te aooaSla at (nwte, X ,d-

■Ceertkwaai coroar Hatey 8M dtedifO-■h-

HBN-WOUEM wanted Immediately:'U. S.Government w ante thouegjida, 11 oy ever,

for war poiitlone: easy clerloai work; |19fi m onth; list poeltioiui open free: write Immf- diately. FraokUn Inetllu te . D ^ l , KIFi Rocheeter, N* T._______ ______________FREtSERS wanted on ladles* rarilHr^:

•teady pofiiion and good pay. 199 Cllnieit ave. Shapiro. ^SHIRT tronere wanted; steady work; good

pay. Newark Stock SUrt Laundry, 188 Summit at.WAITER or wattreee (or dining reopA* ex­

perienced. Stanebury, 41 North Arlington ave,. Beet Orange.




U 8PRWaOT.. lOJW.OP*. 1 TO la A- V-

Ek H O y k illT WJIA{RXXniTAMi-4XM*

- ------ 4dfi«,

KEWAt e ■ "

r i X R T E D ^ E MI iMii----Iwvii bMB In ron-

, P « M l IHdln( cnnrnrna u —-/erettsm en. uaintnnt rhlsf «n-

*P«i f«» »n««*»m«nt Junn 11; i ifK frw Addrm Dnlianr, Box I olfln*. ____________________ _

M«n*i tr**m» Imttxllodt_____ _________ AmOTiCMHrmA ot. I M. U tt KxrkoLu d

I XRd Inrootlixllonn ot X eontldOK' m n madurtod with utmoit privacy.

It., P. O. Box IM. Noaxrli.r-irMPBR. rMhIor. pxr_mH, typHtf »

y txporloncei lillh »txila*i«. 3 dtri ocoouotiDi: not in drill: | 2l. AnblUaax Box m , Wiiwi oHIci.

rO R S A UASpluil/rrTubbir roolln*. 11.10 “t i "® HM M hoia GM a* u a F m i tu «

ttcomia or r«n»niinW; Mr»lghl Rflo^; nulli rbH c«in«rvt» JncludRdl ftthflf rftoflftf ni*"” rVl.V rVuMrt hRv. rh«(«KKlt And atvA yon *5 t<i « P"”WA Alio <|ft roofInS' Roofing Co.,ThlrlAomh al.; l«i. Wav. ___________ _ALli hloAf of Aaphatt rooflnt.101 afl. ft. nar roll; nAl li aind ramant In*- d _ . .11 . mmhA rM&d flcluii,d' BirJioi rt'lli; ixphilt xnd mitij'le

ird TSc. a.A iii n io‘ »«£■■* h. H, Cm * Bnii* Propi.. lt*-lt« No*yim y m ilroid ivi-

. . -»1ICT«» dMbli.*iitry, lOYtrilijJi ■^xJSrx’ iipiriinr*; xlio ixpoyt xtonodf*' 'xdSTdrxtt ixinapt. Addrou Bookx Box II,

► o f f l c o , ___________________ja t t t l lT K . yo«n« min, ixportino^. * lh» pmUIob. Addmi Holpor. Box 10.

I ofttoo.aaioTPCtTR—Blnxlo min doxlrm poiUlon

, prlvitoTunuly; Mvin y»«mOBidi. mibrn own ripitn- II Honry iL.^Or-


iwuA. mioliinlo, doilM,.po,ltlon; I ro^imoc, from on* fxrally, Cbirli#

II Hlirloon ivo„ Writ Orinto. . .PBUR (or Ford dillrory oir; Mbor, r vaah waJtti pocUlun. AddrvM FrAOk, II Roook I t , Orint*. H. J-

IB. oxfiorfincid In bulldlnx con- wintx now or ropijr diy or coo-

■. ip ^ t work. HI BMW iTo.i Wiy- (lit- ■CABFBNTBR ind oiblnot molior. U y**'' . oipoiioaoo, winio otcidy pp^tloii. John

f,. >P1HH, II CMrLton it. '______________jV Ir w A R b. nmrrlod, II yo in old. would Ilk*

F ir-(,tl*n u » » rd or p r ln u bo.yoirx' okporlonoo: or iny otbor kind rk; with food rolortnoo; plooxo xUto

1.1 WMIF- Addrooo Bloody, B « I 0(1100.with tood r*(»rtnooi pli ddro* Btudy, Box I*. »'

( ItblABD, li^o n th * ' oxpoTlonot; iblo-hodl^

foaltl^n. Ad-•Slid 'lliV ‘portlton~ix"iiiird or witchnijn: ■ ^ lo oilirT (or xlowly wiltlc- *■'- 1 Piltblil. Box li*. Now* o((lco.

BxIAltD—Amorloin. flrxt-olixi . nb*y»'' i''' T ammib MAttltm: *-g* hilfht I ft, 11 IP*' ► w J K t ^3^ AddK^ OlACIplIiiArlAn. Bo» - ■ HAWR AffiOto

inU D LABOR rORSMAN op«n for ' .'Will# #ifi#rtA®c* gnd th#ro#fhly canjp#i##t

. H hKdlliiB llbor; n o d tl;l u ro(*r to BmoBt omployor. J. H. W., HT * ..S lrtk Brood*^. Wlilboth. W. J.________i U A P BtlBirBB winlo poilllon •Bb • J«>F. £ nfflihlo flOioom: ploxoo itilo Kind o(

^ iSsM d rito oTpiy. Addrcoi Biporleiiood, 11 Mow* oKloiItHIBT—Tovnx min, drift o»nipt, ad into 1 pomllon by hontol oonootn.

ro m ubliUt tndo oib b# loirnod Ihor- dy lad BMfoet; two yoir*' .xporlonoo;

-- —Mb for Intonrlow.Mow* otflco.

A8PHAI.T (lint foollnr f«lt, |1 xnd ll-ll per roll; no.wxr price, her,; bare not id-

vinctd; ••II It Ihe iimo low fliuri i i tlf- twn yeim no . S K. blxyloc- *•* Hilxry «l., nexr Kinney; clxbilibed l » l -______ _AI.I. kind! of *tor» n« lu tio r ln ip ; ,mo mo

b«fore you buy. fl-tramor. I l l Jprluofleld iT i . : t i l , TVivifiy Idol. ______ _BOWUNO AL.LETS—Four Brunwick Bilki

No. 1, complala, mlnarallta baua, Wmpiax pla-aattara, •loop'tha-li>«p“ lIcAlly now. "W. a. HactTHoah, l MMRer al.f wa« OrAM#.BOT BTOUT hbrnkl coAt U iAch* WAlah'A

Bona * Co.. Claf And OfOAO ■!.#._____ _DOOOLAB Rt#Am boUar. Hv# vAlvtA flTAAlr VAlv#a, plpoa. fttllngik flMA. olh.r plinli I t .auilly low A Douxtii, 111 Mlllbum •».„ Mlllburn, ft. J.; iitio llrtid n i l ; wrilo for pkrllcimri.DISCONTINUE Ihi bindltn* of lb. (oltaw- ln» Hue will dl.po.1 of tho unto l l 1 y.ry ohiip prloo; Wheolbirrow. of ll kind! oinil contriclori’biTTOwi; ilM onil fork! ind HI kln^ o( null walffbUii If (nlaraatod cAil At 412 Or* AHga aL, city- T#l. B. B. nut.DURINQ AUirmar VAcAtlon do not laava your

VAlwblAa unprolecled; ^aitghtly i»a#d. mrdlwm-BlAAd taf#*: good cor dUion: pric# raaaonAblfi, K. Hiutirngar, w4t


t t p e w b it e e duk, «o« III, 0*11 toy i i i j towM b e i coot l i i , Mil lor M: inx™ l« b«U, co« I I I lOll lor 7 i M- Hf- U»*b. I ll Wiihlniion It. _______ ________ _t u yards Wtltnn Vilvit plilr cirpei i t •

Hcrldce. Id. U, (Iirdlnor. 11 Aeideiny at., Mcund floor.


P a iH ifB r C a nI

G U cktatFOR BALK—Feoruiry Hid Wimb bitched

whin Irfihorn palliu, Wo, ind IM- iicn. Addreii HI Mnlbemr i t . ___________11RA1.T1I7 h ilchod chichi. 11*.

hoVni,’ illnoroii, Rsoki ind IloiA. E l' H iIchery.lH North Stvenlh it.; phono 1411B. B.II.DII DABT CHICItS. from puro Ylfhiti Ux-

honi, t l pir 1*3; Birrid Rocki, B. L Rodi, li4 por 110: H ti dollTity lurin lM il, bookiit (rii. t i B. Coolly, fnnchlown, N. J.



Boirded, cllppad, wuhwl: •IjN'tb Toin-. HAya. R8 Thomu #t.. gl»owf»am w , IllRoat stud—Boitoa lorrlir. IJttli pirbjr Tim.

II Ibi; n ili t ir id ; ( « J.**-,,

WHO CAEEBIF r r ii A u s i b cart

All you cin do with m •** tomohlli, mw or old, li to nil It with SW, otOp OB tho lltUo hMtoi ind drlTO iwiy. No onoh it yoi will kiow. or uro, bow yo« boodht tho oir or whit yonpild tor It

ClJI I t our ibow toomi m l lot M ihow you n r ooid 0 *w-load Illl-IT modtlo. Thoy look ind ran tlho niw c in .


A U T O IO itL E S

6 > B ia iB t^ C a n

OOOD •AMBd-hAnd eomrA#rclAl cAra es tlm» pAymtBtao Pad#n1 Tru«]i ConpARy #f

NAWArky HAla#r t t

FORD ItlT <!#11v«ry cat, acraan bodju iidA ourlAlM. dampurtAblA rlma. good Utaiio Crown fandara. Motor BAlaa Ag«»oy, MaI# And Clinton #ta.. Bar* Orangr: phon# lilR.MACK—Thr««-top with A larg# nek body;

ovorhAUlAd and In good oondlUon: vary low price. EMiR AutomoMta Co., lao.. Aen- #on trueliA. l i t Bread at., Ifawark, If. J.


AatBMUlBB W aalaaWANT tourtni cir, lito modil; Dodn. Ford.

Ororlind; cill with cir. RiodilL IIIHibi It.. Bur Diy, Ormii.FORD wintod, flvi-pMionror: will piy IITI

to ItIO; muit be to (oed runniBS order. I t Alter I t , third f l o o r . _____________F3VE-PASBRNGER tourlnr body for Oimr-

Had. or ixrhinr. for roiditer body. Bb- ■intir. III Rou It. ___________IF you win! to ull your cir. iny m iki. oill

up IdtO H irkit; cuh money hire witUnB

t i n WIlliw-KBlfht. l-oyLHU BOO, T-pm. l-cyUIIIT OnrliBd Ciailry Club roidxutt i l l OvirliBd tourtBd,




VORD builnwu ciro; (ood rnnnini order;one open ind one cloeed body, i t t i l l ; i

bit bertiln. II South Qrinte ive, ____


H* WtOAD ST.Ur. StewBrt, Uwed O r MbI.

FORD delivery car. newly pilnted, Drat- c]am rOTtnlng order. M<Hor Balea OATEg#

COm Btudebaker d#*lera, SU Haiti at., Sant OTAnga.FORD bualna## cAfA IVIE and HIT, all dlf*

farant atylea, bodlei hand mada Kopyta, - jt. n i l --------SS4 South Oranga avr. Tet. I Uarkai.

Thon# SMI MaLONB-TON TRUCK for sata or axrhange for

Ford touring car. Henry Raub, IS SouOi Oranfo ava., South O^nga^_____________

for you-LATS model ooupa; Dodge Brothen, Old#

or ilmllAr. Addraae Caahe Boa Siy Kawa office.

B U S M E S i O P rfW IU tU llE SLAROEBT lilt of fu iM M room iBd burd-

Inx houeu In the otty; pHcu I lls I* II.MI;I; eeveril 1(0% Invulmenti with *o^

lefil metbodi employid. buyem fully protected. Tork, I PBrh pl„ n u r HudeoB tub**.BROAD BT.—Cwitril; I I room*; profit ISO!

monthly; not «i«E*rit*di buuflfully fur- nUhed: price H.IM. Tork, I Park pLLINCOLN PARK—Sixteen rosmx, f in bxlbe;

eliotriclly; net profit ItH monthly; prl.r 11,100. York, 0 Pirk pi.BBADTIFULLT (urnlihed ilxleen-mu n

hsuu: Pirk it,; receipt! tlOO monthly; few rinl; prio* $1,000. York, <VPirk pi.

CRANK ih ift wintid for i four-oyllndir Nybers oir. A. Biluh, 1ST Thomii iL

HDPMOBILE. modil II or othir Ilfbt cir. Reid, 111 StiBhiu It., Belleville.______

FORD (eurlnp oir wintid; l i t i model. Ad- drau B.. Boi It. Niwi office.


SPECIAL BUTBR of old fatao toath. brtdf#■, ...... '- i« rpr' ' . , ■ ■

near, platinum, gold, ailvar and dlamOD'

ba*t pricaa paM. JaaaJar, 14# Mulberry #ti

field Ave-i Irvtngtofii phooa HH Wavwy.BOSTON hull, "loy, dirk .eil, m»tlM* pupi, cheap to (ood home; price | 10. 1Hruen ive., Irvlniton. __________

Mulberry el.; no deilere.

FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTe( 1 ipielilty cloak and lult ihop;. new and up to date: *o*l II.OOO lo build lu t year: will mil for but offer to quick buyir. Call or writ! I BrilntniU pi.

DARDEN BOSE, i cent* par foot IBd up­ward; tenti and cinvii coviri,


OUM I-ABELS. l.OOO. Ho.! other priotin# 1* reiionible; quick, xeiL Rou Priu, 71 Clinton at.; ground floor._____________IF YOU w ilt Hooid-hind Mdi (ouitllni

and D itiini call and u a ua. K Arilix- ton at., hefore purcbaalnc.

BIO wBtchdoi (or alia; lultibla fur firm or ailaon. Inquire Frank Ubrind, t l CloveraL___ ______________________________CKOCOLAT® POMERANIAN; *««»l4; B""*

braedar; blatk pupplee; ali( red Pohlni- Bia, remile, two yeare. pedlfrted. 10 Vin Neee pi, __________COLLI B PUPS for eale; rauonibla.

Brlshton ava., Arllnxlon, N. J._____1(3

DR. U. VANDER ROESTS HOSPITAL FOB DO08 AND CATB.1(, II, 14 Orcnird at. ’ Tal. KH Mulberry.OR, SMITH’S UeaplUl; boirdlni kannela;

clippiny inim ilt; called for. dallvfre^ Plcaunl Valley wiy, W. OriBya; tel. 1311 Of.FOR SALE—Two pure white illk malteu

poodle pupa. 3 mentha old. I l l Fourluoth at., cUy. _____ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _

JEWELERS’ »r watch mikera' work bench, almoit now; cheap, 374 Avon eve., aec-

ond floor.

FOR SALK—White Amerleiii hull terrlere. 111$ North Bruail el., Lyona Forma, N. J.





REO 1117 %-tsn cbaula; Juat overhaulad;e#r in egeeilent condlttoni itrlet |700. 'th#

White Co.a as wnu#m etFOUR-TON truck fur hlr« or lal#; re#*

eonable to reiponilbie partya Addreia Aulo, Boa #1, Newi uf&m. ___RBO BUfl. Iti good- mechanical condition;

will pay to Inveaitgata Addreis Autoa* Box I, N»wa office.JITNBiY hue and permit. North Newark line:

mcchanlciilly perfect: elegant big body. 91 Broad at., Newark. ___________FOR 9ALE. Ra# JHney, l i pai

new; driven i.OH miteaWharton. K. J.

eetifcra: nearly Thomai Kub,

WHITK truck: lone: beautiful condi­tion: a bargain. S93 Central ave.. Eatt

Orange. _______ _______ _FORD Itl? delivery car; in good condition;

MiO. WItaon'i Garage, Herrleon. N. J.

HIQHEfiT price# paid for ledtea' aad gttttF eaal'Off clothibg. eboua> fura and olu jew­

elry; aend poeial and X will call. Loula rtbeman. Sit Bank eu. near Wlekllff# eL_

FULLT fumlihed tt roome, Rant Park el.;three baihe; receipt# l t 7S munthly; prl«e

tS.iOO. Tork, I Park pl.FULLY fumlehed; 1* room*, near court

houu; .lactrictty. ateam: recetpia lllei price |1,0(«; tarui. Tork, I Park pi.OREEN ST., Bear City HiH—17 r»mx; r*nt

tIO; IncsDie ItOd; price tllO; binaln. Terk. I Park pi.FOURTEEN room*, near court hooie: rent

|65: recelpta 13$ weakly; fully furnl.he.1; price |7((. Turk, I Park pi.WASHINGTON BT.—Eleven rooma. well

rumlebed: Icny leiae; newly deeuraled; Income ItlS; price 1710. York, I Park pi.

HR. HANSON, m WARREN ST.Hlybaal prlcea paid for yenu’ olotblny,

hit* and uoaa; more Ih ii any dealer in«DU MIWIIj lliwxw inSKlstown. Phone Market I til ,CASH FOR OLD FALSE TBSTH SETS;


platinum, ecrap Jewetry and falee teelb. Lubln Ekchange, 111 Market at., near Broed.

t e n ROOMS; modern, high grade tumlah-Inge; monthly income 9190; 9100 monthly

profit; price arrenged, ToTk. i Park Pt»REBTAURANT^EaiabUflhed buelna## for

•ele; an eaceptional opportunity: worth tnveatigatlon; owner retiring. Addre## Rea- taurant. Boi i i . Now# offka.__________

rated bu sin ess man w anted .Will make IlirOO# upward yearly to r yoiu ■ —----officeAddreaa Manufacturer. Bov Tly Newa office


OLD GOLD, allver. arrapa of Jewelry and faCae teeth bought for ceah. P. W. Par-

tona il7 Broad at.; 1 Branford PhOLD GOLD, allver. dJamonde and platlnnm

bought. Balevre, l i t M arket iL , oppoalte Newerk Tbaater. eecond floor.

For aaU. a good' paying bualne##. deli- •y ana i

ligaUbn io'Verkeyit. Park Ridge, N. J.

eateiien. confectionery and lahoheon; ten- room houee end atore: tmpta; plot itiU i} next to high echool; Inveellgatlon iollolted' 94.000. M " ^salted FKANUTB for vending machinee. Is

l i r e , ......................... ......

OVXRLANDSp BUICM& HAYNESFIVE-TON dump truck; good condition; five

month# old: reaeonable. 41 remden at-

pricy pa------ ----------------------0 . Tlachfar. ^22 Weal Kinney iL; tend poetal, or phone Wavorly ITTL

large quantilire, delivered -wUhIn reaaon* able dlitanct- Write ua, American Peanut CSo.. 12 wooeter et.. New Terk.


SU-FON truck; aeven mnnthi old; good con­dition; reaaonabl#. 41 Camden at.

HoniehoU Goods W aoted

stationery inS conficllonery itof* fi>» eite; miklny bly money; worth I1,$((l

Pill letl Cor (i.MO. Addreii Quick. Box a(, Newa office.

Tirei, Accssioriot, R eptirt. E tc

KtNDLiNO or cord wood delivered; eendT<'QH BALE, oocker apenlel pupplea.

North Park at-. Bait Orange.

. . BOSUy 1x0 p«<*el: two ym fatal or phone 9001 Market. Liberty Co.. Ma ■darket et. HEALTHY, pedigreed, male AIrfdaU pup.

nine monthe old. for aale; reaaonakle.

' I XAK. marrtaa* wlahea mnplo^ant a# col* ^ laafof. aalfatnan or any eutalde work where kogttor yrni h# appr^lated ; nan run a ma-

LARQE newly mnunted Maine deer head.Hardware store, ElevonlU ave. and

Slvlh at. ___ _

Phone South Oiwnge 974J.

RRr>1911 1917 1*11 touring CARS.


Several complete jitneya1114 Cadillac, five-paaaenger. ■ iffai

W u . and T and 9 A, M.idr, want# work three day# a week. I OMiMn. lU Rauth Slath at.i after

PAINT TOUR SCREENS and prevent rualing. We carry a full line of

palnti. Olla. fltr.A. C ofctcim^S A CO..

4TI Broad at. Tel. Mulberry 14*1.

WANTED, et once, anv brfed nf dog mixed, fox terrier, or any email dog that h u

pupplea not over twn weeke old; wUI pay fi. Adama, 121 Mulberry at.

C aA R sfii te n

HOy paperhaaglngi eale^lnlng and ring done vfyy raaaonabla Jacob 111 South Mvaatoanth at

PRINTING plant fprlvate); 1x12 prfi#, card cuUor, cablneta latJ^a t>pe, acoea-

a«r14a, Gre«nbtrg, 411 Bloomffeld ava., Mont< clalr.

CASH raglftar. to reglater from 1 e-ani lo 12; muat be In flret'claa* condition; elLte

heat emah price* Addreaa Regiater, Box 140,, New# office.

ROLI^MRvfei -'V ' »XF*rle««o4 tuller. yfll klnSi irf meull, Sf *, feat u d oeM. ehoete, rod* ond Iwite; excel- 5 ; j u l refeteiKe*: d*elt«* joNttun. Newark Addreoe Roller, Box 114, Newe

POOL TABLES (four), htryein, Bruuewtcfc- Btlke ’’eubwxyx:’' yood condition. W, S.

Horlntoeh, 1 Meeker it.. Went Orenye.

4 dUNO HAN, nnlley* eduoetlon, eiperltiinad '• 'Ik 'ttatefT moooynraeiil. dee(r« S™'*'*" . q rla toiure proeneote. Addreee H, T. f lit. Ftoopeot ove., oily.


M cffD MAH <19) wli^#a poaltlon at any- ^ iSlafe kat afraid of work; wining to laarn ^ ----- 1 trade or butlneaie Bonkoekl, I Bait

at,, Blooinflald.fO MAK, 19( dealrea elarlcal poaltlon; wMge book-k«^ng( operate lype-

ji aomiraU at ngurea Addreaa if., 9L Ifiw# offlae.

light trvok; avpeiianoed.M#U1Addn


and aprlibUy. daalrta poaiuon aa.11 “ ■ -----l«B ar attendant to older lady; will

. flf town. Addreaa Brlghty Bot 111. offlea.

^BftHATD wlahaa poemon. any ooun* hotal: ban famtah referencea Call or<fea«iid nearL FterUlo* II Tiffany pi.,

F ra^ ltn tar., lr*tjurton, N, J.

PRINTING PRESa. Keliay; bargain.Call between T and 4 P. M.. flrat flour. 441

Hawthorne ava. ____ _RUMMAGE SALE—Private family, moving,

ha# clot hint, picture#, rurntture, perlor •tove and eome anllquee; reaeonable; no dealer#. Call all week* 26 Lombardy et-* city- ^

ESSEX CASH REGISTER CO.. Comer Lawrence and Market au.

1*19 Overland tourrag.1*1$ 4-eyl. 7-pau. Studebaker.1*17 Maxwell aedart.Teuralne «-T-pa##Stewart one-ton truck.HIT Grant 6 roadettr.Loco, gpeedelar I lls Bulck. one-ton truck.1114 Ford d#lhef>.1*11 late model Hupmofarlle eeaan.New l i l t Ford expren.1411 Chalmers winter top.

'1*14 Reo roaditer: wire whcrla.REO MOTOR*CA^CO.. ST-1*PHONId MUL. 9010, Aik for MR. QIliMORE.

SAVE fS to 4S per cent, oa itandard tlreaend tube#.9QxS ..9TIU I2x4.,ll«0« SSx4^.-i:0 00

aoxiu.. * 00 34x4.. 11 DO 84x44.. 22 *03JX*^..18 00 3Bx4.. 14 00 31x4H-- 0031x4 ..1$ 00 SCx4.. t l $0 21k£ .. 24 00

Out-of-town waall orders filled. UNITED OUARANTEK TIRE CO..

Jobbera and Retailer#,9T4 Broad et,, opp- William; phone *18 Mkt, Dlitrlbutera of the famous Cariprlng and

Purtaga Tlrea S.DOD mile# guaranteed.

14 Aeaden^ gL—What_ erything

furniture and everything you want to aall for

AT MR. CASH'S. ____have you to #ell for ea#h? thing and evei * • -

- bgy #«/(for caoh: aeoond-haad

SOUTH BT, Tl-M-Fumlihed room house of eleven ruom#: all fuHj income III* mo^h;

rent 942.60: going Weat for my health- Call evenlnga .

caah; I pay mure than any dealer or aoetlon houee In tM olty; no ageoU to pay eommie- elos; I call myeelf penoaictly, that’# why Zpay more thtn othem: get my pr4ce flrat; tend poatti; 1 will call at onea; ntulaea#

TAILORING, ditlny xiiS cleenlny •*t«e.doing good businti#: sell reaaonabla; room#

with store; rent 930- Ingulr# drug atore. 11* Eliiabeth ave, _

atrtctly confidentlaL Tel. 9699 Market. VEGETABLES—Parly pajated to rent par* of market. 4T Ferry e t, corner Congtee#.

FOR forty yean we have been digpoilng of householu furnishlnge for the peoplo of

DO ToWSknoW that you can have that ecorsd cylinder reptlrcd WITHOUT re*

grlpdlng? Save money by having your cyl- Imlof repaired by L. Lawrence Paiented Prores#, at 2*2 Hal«ey st.. Newark. N. J.

thi# state; if you have any household ef­fects in good condition which you with te dlapoio of, consult us and we will advlae you a# to the best method-M. J. O'CONNOR'3 SONS.

113 Mulberry st. '1^. Mulberry 911.cigi

WEI.L-EQUIPPED .#Mbo##lng _ plant la working condition coaotiting of three new emhoMinf presaes. airbrush plant for 2# girls and other machinery #ultable for em- bo#stng leather, paper, celluloid, ale., for

,ox 1$, B. A H. Adverllalnf

We »ell robullt NATIONAL oa«h reftoteri at about onewhalt lb# oiiglaal owt; eeaypaymenU: two year#* •Ivea: we

>111 also reflnlah your old raglater rf*<

ROLL-TOF deek, 914; offlo* 92,19;large refrigerator. 11,50; braas bed, 919: lerye quertere.1 *xk flut-t*p deek. I l l; ruyi; beryxlni. 11 Heleey it. _________ ^

• tr u b b e r stamps.

Slynxture etempi, ,ee1 urMiee. TT( Bro*q ^yx rfltt. A Himpitea; u k i elevytof.

•HOW CASBS-^Sllent leleimen; xltnuet new; bxi-yeln. Druy .lore. NineteenIh

et,. CDV, Nineteenth eve.______________SCHOOL DESKS tor ixle. Apple MIee

Creven’i Srhonl. II Weehlnyton et., or telephone Hul. 414- ____TENT, 11x14, price 111. R. Mitchell, 1(41

Clinton XVX, Irvinyton.WASHING MACH1NK, 11(0, In (rood con-

ditlon; on xcecuni of inovlny will loll toquick huper for f(> 431 Sommer eve.WHEELS—Hexvr end llybt wheel. (Ill),

Iron exlei end tine; weyone (el< klnde). Zuckir. I l l Aldino it. ______ •

'Luk Muii atn went, noeltlen In I WHITB bAhy cnrrlxy*. htyh ohxlr uid (old-7*(5m1S? X d d U T ^ k r w T « L— — itura.

Tl I kBer

jt» _____■m**, Onnyn,WOBBXBa BUFPLIBD FREE

FPLY ----- — ------■UFI YOU ANY TIME YOU I-----*:aS — -------------TH A ’WOMAN TO DO TOUR '


, -l-NOTB noelo roll*, oheep. Beryxln, Box t l . N*w* olllo*.



W ll5 S ia i: '‘* .p"H“S8iP* GROVEINCW, orange l td .

BAT'I ’WORK, wuhins; women (eoland), V i-muAnm uw Blexner. wlihei work hr th*

V - Addreee K. R.. ko i 41, H*w* oKlee.,n m deeirM euytomere et bom*,

■ m il Walton, II Nteth *vo„ Roio-


SU Wd otkd taV# llnan, tawala. atOi•or #«d many «th«r pt#o«a, Itmvlng " flatr p1#ca« for homa tronlng. Gur

H sossktU r G««ds ta d FoniitaTsat lir. Cwh’i, I d Wuhlnyton iL, oomet

Academy; three or five piece perlor eulta, o«et 171, eell for III.K ; xoldin oak dlnlny room eulte, elx black leatnur chalra. buHot, round top table, coot t i l l , aall lor IK; ruyi, ooyt IK. eell tor Hi.

Boneble price or buy It (or epot eaab.Tbe laryalt Independont ceeta roglitor dealer* In New Jereey.


and CREDIT PILES.Lewaet prlcea Smell monthly peymentA No Interaat eheryoe. Written tu inn tiA Old Reyleten repaired, rebollt, bouyht, rold

and exchenyed.J. W. PERKINS. AGENT

Tha National Caeb BeyUter Co., IT Bank Strict. Phone ilulbttw Ml

every car a bargain .IIIF Maxwell, tourtny.I lls Velle, roadaler. n i l Cole I. 1-peia louriny. lets Cole I. 3-peueiiyer.1114 Cedtnee leuriny. l i l t Merlon, coupe.IIU CADILl-AC LIMOUSINE.1113 Cadlllec, tourlny.I t l ) Cedlllec. roedaler.1111 Pope Herltord, runabout,III! Mermon. Icurlny.Ford motor end Ford rear.Ford axlee and Ford aprtnya You need tbe car—we need the Kom,


I l l Broad ll. Phone IIK MarktL J. W. Olffordi. u»#d Car Mahagsr,

TIRE DttALERH. ATTENTION.I have # large itock of tlrr# and tubes;

unusual sises. of varlmii Tnaka#, at right price; ask for quotations. W, G. Mount, New RrUltswUk, N. J.

ALWAYS pay hlgheii cigta prlcea tor cob* tents ot bouse#, part or full fiat# of furni­ture, hoUiohold good#, rug*, brle^a-brae.

clothing, unpaid etorage receipt#, store#: Btooka ot every deacrtptlon; office fiimitura,'

AlTTO TIRBa vulcanlied: Inner tube# vui- canixed, lOe.; eaeond«h#nd tlrea Boyden

Vulcanising Co.. 2*4 Waphlr.gtnn et. Alt work guaranteed. Teh I22B Market.

bualne## confidential and prompt attention: aatlmale# given free. Wtitr, call. phODO 48*9 Wav. J. sTlvermaa, 124 Someriet #t.WB BUT iecond'hand furaitura. In large or. . . .#matl lota, or anything you wtah to a^l for oaah: we pay 25 per cent, more than dealer#

BOHCH MAGNBTOS—Offlciel Bo#ch aUtton.all makes repaired: etanoard made first

and tubes. Tire Trading Co., II WilJUm st*

or any auction house: need theta for rooming■ • * -jj

REPAIRED tires, standard make#: 10i3H, 1$; S2xt^, 94; Nx4. 97; M#4. 17.79; expert

vulcanising. v«ed Tire Co., ?S4 Halsey elem il l e r TIRES — DtPtribulera lim»r Tire Co. Newark,

284 Hnlsey it.

L tfM tn . b sn ic k s u d F lsip o lssA COMPLETE end hlyh-clxaa Ihi* leddiTi.

eeeffolde, mxnl]X vop«. *t(-- *7 butldenu d (xalorroa; »ak' for eetticna u d pri*----- -------- --THE BOCR-A-WAT LADDSB

O. L. KIMMBBLB A BRO., FwPrielorf. HI Ssrlnyfleld XT... Newerk: tel. Wkv. 1(44.ALL kind! of Heel, wimd (leipole*. palnterF

leddwi, ecx'lolda, weehMlex tWerx, luke. Portland Ladder Co., (el. Il4 B. B-BAUER Safety Leddere and-Platforme; one

man can put up aama and tax# down m * minutes aaek time and paint a whole side without chAnge; l a ^ for olreular Safety r tm ." Addre## Pafetyy Box 47. New# «f- flc*. , __________

DOBBINS.HIT Cadillac, 4-ryl. Umouilne. run only 7,000 mllaa: perfect condition.111! Cadillac, model 91, louring, rebuilt, re­painted; very fine mechanical condition.

1917 Overland delivery; uisd but very little. I f l l OldimobUe. 4-eylJnder runabout.1914 Overland touring.1*14 Case coup*. ^1*15 iCitcbell *-cyt. tour.: extra tire.I t l t Packard. T-paaa. llmoualue: very fine. 9190 buys a 1*14 touring car, with electric

light# and starter.■00 11200 buy# a claasy speedster: good condition.

Every car guaranteed a t reproiented by ui.

AUTO radiators and lamp repelrini by #x- L Amerlcib Auto Radiatorpen mechanic#. ......... .— -Works, 44 William it. Market 20*3.CAK8 overhauled InVyour own garage or

cure; work guaranteed. 40 Prospect ave,, Irvington; tel. 7481 Wav,BARGAINS—Two extra good, new Ford

Urea; 30x3H; 911 each. 94 Jacob si., near Sixteenth ave.

houee#, that’e why we pay the moat; aem_ poetal; w« will call #t once: bualnaaa cosfl- denUal. Mr. Ferry. 311 Washltigton at.ANYTHING you have In furniture, beuae-

hold good#, carpet#, ruga, smill or lart*. . .; see me before you aell,‘ pocltlyel. beat cash price* paid; eitimatea given free; all bualneia confidential and prompt auen- tion; land postal. S Lerman, 54 Hlllelda pi,; call or phone 472! Waverly. _____

sal* at isrrlflce.-------- -- - — ^Agency, 21 East Fourteenth #t., New York City.WILL Invest 94.000 to 99.000 In a good pay*

Ing manufacturing bujlneas; active. Ad­dress A. A., Bos is. New# office.________14-ROOM houee; running water In every

room; will rent all newly furjiUhed and full of roomers', 19 rooma bring l*#**^weekly: owner going away for health, will make reasonable termsBroad «tv, room 49.

Saunder#. 961

990b BUYS a good paying, clean bus1n#sa; -n« early or late hours; no risk; a Ufetlna chance; must bs sold quick on account of owner’s wife ordered to Denver. Addreee I*. y„ Box 9. New# office. _______16.600—PARTNER wanted In growlu man-

ufsciurlng businesa; beat of rsfereaea#. Address partner. Box 78, New# office. ___

ABSOLUTELY Ih* hlgheet prlcei paid for• - ihleither paU or entire fumishlngs of house#


PU noi and O r i a nV. --------------- ----- ii GET one of the## used piano# ar playeror flat#, iter*, off ce fixtures or merchandlaa pUno bargains on our factory to horn#

of any dtMrlption; w# pay spot cash and .pMl upright piano, 946. 111. 9*9remove promptly; get our offer before *ell- f yp- x rna# 91 per week; player pianos, lag. Write or phono Reids, *-11 Arlington I ,pecUie while they la«t: 9*0 c*#h fer one at. Tol. 4191 Market. j piey#r with damaged caet, but In playing■KLL y.our eewid^hend (urnitun K_ Am.r- 1



u . hiiv In i .m or email lota- termi: SE ueaa toll, go wnn any oi mev \ r e£i‘ X i ‘EJ

once. Wegman Plano Factory, T7 Austin #t.. cor. South Broad and -Aitor it#._____

yet my eei.miie oBiur. irj.i.e v-nc,-, now my price eppeela to you we will pay you epot oeah, Joe Treat. 21( Weahlufton at.; tel, (44 Market; poetel will eeve dpllere.

. TRUCKS, by trip, hour, d*y or week; venaI for moving; eloreye. Weet Side Storey* | .---------------

Werahouee, T4t ^ 7B» 8oulh Fourteenth et.; , ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST PRICES peld (or


Full value paid—honoreble methode ueoo. AFTER YOU HltV-E TRIED OTHERS

'ifRITE 43 SOUTH ORANGE AVR.OR PHONE »7I MULBERRY.Open Sunday, end evenlnxe.

DOBBINS AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. , _ . ______________________ „ , ,3)0 Belleville eve. ' lelephnno (OBJ Wxverly^^_______ _ your need (umlture, lerye o r ematl lote;


COLE, 1(17. l-ry1„».wire wheel# and good tire#; condition and

appearan^*# like new; |1,960-COLT-H'TRATTON COMPANY,10* W#il aixty-fourth #t.

New York City.Uaed Car Dept.

Ith floor. Tel. Calumhu# 110L

touring rar; LOCAL and dlutanco trucking and carting, sVlf^LMirart 1^5*^al*^ n*ear Academy, — prompt , efficient motor service; contact# I Leob*>M» 1* ---- ' ------------------solicited. Mutual Rxprew Co,, Inc, Fhone SMITH. 79 Academy #t.. buy# fumlture. Branch Brook 6190. » featheri. carpet#, office fixture# and

everything, imaii or large 1®#; ^ y « fullONHJ to seven ton trucks by day or trip; IhHadAlphla buelnew Mllcltlee. Belby

I Transfer Co.* 35 Harrison ave. Tel. 8100-value, apoi cash.

CARBUF^TNRa. PirU, fittings. adjaiAing.

BUD ROOM StTITB, braa# had, golden eak dnwaav. ohUtonnler, dreaeing labia, *«at

JI9, ##11 to t tl9e At Mr. Cash^#, tOf Waah> tgton ft.

MORfUB CBAIR. coat $15, #«ll for 91 i Ing maohlne, cost 940. ##11 far 14; kitchen lain, 69a; m th a r pillow#. iOc, Mr. Ca#h,ebaln,194 Washington iU

•n, 7c, par ponn^ 19 pound# or under, BaBdk#rehl*(i. le.


lEWORKERS ID, eae wok, te y* b*bi* ■Synte; on* «xp*rl*nced nurw, twe J[iris

te wetk t«y*th*r, tin* nure* ylrl to *o xwey; it ta l l Uoi» ,w6«1i*r*. N, T. end N. J. Iqdoi

trtel Exebeny*, Montclxlr, N, I .; phon* KK-UIT,

,1 ..HOUSEWORK - ikK5_^F F*my womxn; M^wuktny; (b* y*«F* <xpert*nc*

•ntK, A4dr**» »■nio*,

rel*r-Iptutworit, Box K, Nnva

COTTON TOP MATTRESS,'SI; ipriny,. (1;(oldlny coU, c u t tell tor 13. Ilk* naw;

roll-top duk. c u t |l ( , a«ll tor t)(. Hr. Ce*h, i(4 Weeblnytim at.OBEX run . c u t 113, ull (nr t t; Turklah

renkor, nu t l i t , u ll tor ID yrephophona. II. Mr. Ceeb, >(4 WeihlnyTon it^______


Xitanilnn Ladder*. S t» lAddm, Pelntar end Me»n Scedolde.

Empire Leader C*.. Pbene E. B. ITtAFOR SALB-One l4.(«ot exI.nKiri leMer

la perfect condition; reasonable. I l l Bira #t.* city.

S e m M , AwEiEft, S ts m S aA , Etc.ATTEfTflON—Bava monay knd have your

ecreen# made > Newark Work*.144 Shaw ave.; ^on* Wavriy 9984. ___FOR all kind# of screens, for deon. ^ n -

duw# or porches, write or phOB# u#, day or night. Orange icreen Co., Valla/ #t*. South orang#: phone IS4. ^ ________ _FOR BALl!>—Bight wire ecteens, llx ll : gwd

aa n«w. 740 Bergen et.. second floor. Call

rail*, CHHK*E, •"Leryeit end oideat In etele, ir«t ■■■

ribullalny.Rerlleld, Stromber*. Sehehler. Merv*l.

M lLS GARAGE. INC.,M9 ■ellevlUa ava. yhon# 99* B. B.

XM paying caah prices for eocond-hand fur’» , nlturer n#^ aame for aumm« home#,IH-TON truck for hire by hour. day. w«ak \ j'jj gruc# at Phone 9919 Vmv,or trip; long dltlanoe or ihort haula R — L' _^

RIbner. 44 Ridgewood av*.; Market 1966*TRUCKS for hire; 1 and 41* Ion#, by the

day, week or month. . Bsaax AutomobileI day, week or month. Ksaax auio Co.. Xaa, 991 Browd #t, Mawark, K, J.



PAINTED; BARGAINir tic u iLars. f . o. e iSen bbro , _(k < —

ATTBNTIDN—A bit more then the other lei low; I buy ererythlni; bu t prloee pxid lor f •tores, and mercnandlM o^_aU

PLATER PIANO, a good one. *175; It U not a slxty-flve-not# canvarted to 81, but

It I# a genuine 88-note player that play* and Is de|i-ndable. New Jersey Plano »loraga Co., 370 Waihlngton at., Newark, N. J.UPRIGHT PIANO. 9*6: one for 940; soma

more at 950 and 940, 970 and 980, IlOO*9116, 9300; this IsNew’ Jersey Plano Storaga C0.4 399 ■Wash­ington i t , Newark. N. J.WHY pay big price# for planoa-^han you

can rent a good upright _here for Uiree dollar# per month? Nerexu..... .....................Jaf*ey Plano Slor-age Co.. 800 Washington at.. Newark, N. J-WHO li Bam OrrT Where is the N- X P-

Storage Co. ? Where can I get an upright piano for 93 per month? New Jersey Plano Storage Co.* SdO Washington # 4 Newark,

particuiLahs.CLINTON AVE., WAVERLY n i l .

RACK or ptitturm truck tn hire by dey, | ' “"‘“ ‘I,,?,* ev« Mkt tile■ er Job. Hrrrv Benk et.: bhone 1 klndx Wlllner. II Syrinylltld eve- Mkt. »ei».1*14; night phone B017J Market, ACT QUICK—I am paying more than otbert

for your stores, stock# and m#rchjuidl#*yT__' avi. -fe V HtH lVHi*aeplV-IRVINGTON: p Aone 1 yiS '^ .l? ) B;ucT;L-ri"*u.-T»rwiT*7ry.L Marlon, phone 66. Butter. N. J._____

SEVEN-PASSENGER Cbendler, (ull nickeled I ■bn?d end «dl«*r; MOTOR HAULAGE TO.; llybtFrench yrey; In toed ninnlnr order: four [ end beevy trucking In ell pvlnlx Cell new shoe#, one spare; demonatratlon given: \ Market 4174e ■ " - - — 184 Franklin #t„beat cask offer buya. Bloomfield. I

Wedneedey evening.

When In doubt .bout e eele piece to go, . ■Ik * wtatr* BO two prloee ere Hked, . piece where every ertlcle le uierked IB plein

MCME (eelortd) would like to Uke c ^ t t one or two ohlldren, to n ewey (o- the eummer. Apply M. T., 31 Fri(yot Oreny*, N. l :

M. T., 31 pTupect pi., cure J. Newinytoo.

NURSE—Trelaed uuru will tek* meterBUy, -• mueAfloy end otber e u u el home. 1(1

Bentk Seve.lh et.; phone (I3IW MarketNURSE—Tnlntd im ru wUhu poettipa to

taka fkiw of Invalid or ohlld, Addraae MurM. Box II* Nawa office.PUBLIC SCHOOL teacher would like a peal-

Uon for July; efflce work preferred; un- deretindi filing. Address U, Box llti Nawa o f ^ a, ^MBFINED L A D T ^ihai a posluon » t a ^

car# ot elderly lady or a ohtlA to go to

Rlace where every -------- - ^gur»a at the loweat pcealbU quick sale price; our stock la al^ all time# large andvaried; bought and sold for cash a t th# low •at poMlble #xp#nae] walk In and get posted. Roam A Paakovr succesaorauto Commercial T ry in g Oo„ *5 B ran ilfd pi.* cor, of Arllng-

AT A BARGAIN.Baby crib, with new mattreea, eo#t 116,

eell for 93.50; organ, cost 9360. sell for 918: llano, cost 9509, like new, icll for tl0>

H k CASH* 304 WASH3NGTOK BT., com«r Academy at*

WINDOW and porch acreen# mad# to ®rBer;order aa aooh aa pos#ih1e. John Kopp, 4»

South Ninth it.; phone Wav. 13*.

S ip p lit ta l l m akes ty pew r iter s .

Rented. 13 up; eOld, (I*------PEWR'.TER EXCeCkNOE,NEWARK TYPEWRITER KXCL---( B»v«r tl., reer at 3(7 Hxrxet et-

Telephoni Herket 4(l(.______

Uukor«. t ( l Orxnt *t.■MOB Rm'AlRINO.

Ltdie*. don't bxve pour eood ehou C(D bl*d: briny them to me end bevc tbem med* ttk( nur. John Hwtb. IK Merkel e t, beee-nent, neerly oppoelte Newerk Tbeeter, under

“ I AHxnover Shoe Star#.BTBNOORAPHBR, thr#a years' #yperienoa.

wlahMi to mak# a change: familiar with afllce dalall and aacretarlal work; al#o com* patsat to Interview; #ome knowledge of law a-orkv rhone 9Tt4W Orange, or addraia Sfano, Box 43. New# office.

Y, ftTRNOORAPHBR, thorooghlv exMri and competent, deeir## position when

roapondenca la heavy. Box in . Kawa Affle#.

eoeed ere cor-

'Addres# Accurate,

ANTIQUB mahogaay furniture. R. H. Roltt.*14 noJme# at., BellevlUe; ibona B«11#-

villa *199.CHINA CLOBBT, 9t3; white Iron butigalnw

bad. 91: cotton raattr»sa 13.69. C#ll wed

ALL makes of rehutU typewriter*: ch«fJP«a( exchange In Jersey; reniats, 99.60 Ihwe month.; repelrlny, Thomeon't Typowritor Ex.. Broed et.; MXfXet l( l( ; room H.

KIT I-CTLINDIH Bcrlppe-Bcoth 4-peee*n- xer exf; wlep wheel., good tlree, two *xlrx

wheel, end tSroi. mirror eud leneee; niuel be

PaMcBicr C an far K in

WlHFEUII Hi ON. *!»»**•»• ---e — ,,otd.el one*; 1 (( JAY S’r.T ai CentreI nve. lei. 7H Mul.


PACKARD RENTING CO„11 Huel evA. Weel Oruli*. N. J, T*1. (ISl |Orange* ___________ \ FJTVB and seven paBtenger touring car# for6 5 5 gE 1(14 touring; A1 condition; bly bar- hire, b/ hn«r t.l“'i?4TMkl:gain; Ford 1*17 runabout, demounUble ! Oarage. 410-13 8. utange ave.* tai. ups wxuwtaeetB, 9300


ATTENTION—Best price# for store# ofall kind#; tee me Oelore you sell. Bommer,

I4S Springfield are.; phone Wav. 1001.ANT BUSINESS BOLD QUICKLT*


CANDY, groevHea cigars and notions: a good chance for right party; opposite

echool. Inquire 148 Bergen it.CENTER 8T-, near lubes—Fifteen-room

houss: rent ffi«; receipts, 9140; price llaO. Tork, 4 Park pi. ______________ _

Chevrolet l*l« touring; eplen- | beVSN-PASBENOER touring. U por hour, did condition. Newark Auto Exchange, *j gp^ctal rates d^ly; camp# and Bear Moun* |Halsey *l. Market *710. tain on tbe Hudson •pedal. Tel. B. B. 3*|g.

DELICATESSEN business; finest aecttoi-;country town: receipt# *900 weekly; price

11,300; fine fixtures; Inveatlgatc. Wensolj rooms S20, Kinney building, Market anf

baby grand Chevrolet road^r, |I76: pqrd touring car, 11.60 p«r hour; any day)Oekland roadstifi .9160: TS” 1 owner drives; comfortable SMting for two■ aiBOU ivwpUNkBi, TA44W, owner anvas; cutuiarioui^ owimhr a

new,,940; Ford panel hualnew b o ^ , 9*0; 1917 \ paasengeri. Phons R. B. 3T7.Ford radlatofr n*w, 111- 555 Twelfth a v e , . -----■ ----- -— -7------------ — '■phone 9685 M arket TOURINO car hy the hour or day. I n d u ^ g

—-----— tripe to Bear Mountain #nd camps. Fhone

UNDERWOOD, Bemington, Oliver#, |I I up: rentals. 9* up; sunpirea; ?*I**rtng. Centm

Typewriter Store. 4 if BroA 94.; B, B, Ig5l*


«<«day eveniDC or Thursday morning, Myrtle sva, second floor.


rCONTENTB of four-room flat, equal to new; mahogany dresser and chiffonnJer, braas

Tnd enameled beds, chairs and round tabis, oe box. music cabinet, blrdeeye maple dree- eer. oak drnaaer, princes# dronaer. hall rack* desk, morris chair, living room #ulte. library table and a large assortment of other goods, U. J. Hunt, 111, 986, 917 Broad tt.. near D., L. * W. Btatlon.CONTENTS of alx-room houiSy Including

plane: Itavln# olty; no dealers. Mrs. Beok«fx II Astor at.Dr d f -HBAD Singer eewlfif machine, almost

new, |30. Frummer, 88 Bnyd«r,_ cor. Parksta., Orange* Telephone Orange 4114*

IBAM8TREBB, excaUent, wt#he# poaltlon In rooiInBlUuUcn: manage eawlng

gnt honaekeeper; refereno#. Plane at.

im or aaal«t- Poeltlon, 15f

B^USTRESS—Woman want# plain aewlng by day. AddrtMM L., Box M, News offlcoy

fi Oranga.WABRINQ.

Tha best and cheaneet ioltitlon of the houvehnid washing problem 1# the HILLIBR ROUQM DRY PLAN. Bad and table tioe#ironed. Everything #1ee dried for home finishing; many pleeea, such aa flannei un derwear, ho#*, etc,, need no tronlng.

• c a r m PER POUND. Handkerchief#. 1 cent each extra.City and #uburban deliveries.

UfLLIER ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY Oa* 481 Booth Cthiton et.* Baet Ora&ge«

FINE SELECTION of new xnd up-to-date furniture In period eultea or separata

placee; living room suites from 146 to 9300:U a “ ■ .......................... room xuiies, 914 up: library tahlo* in oak, fumed oak and mahogany; braes and enomelad bed#; music and record cablnnte; cedar ohesta; costumer#, mahogany pvdea- lal#. baby carriage# and go>cartn; a large

................. '7........... tWi

selection of rug#. H. J. Hunt. 383. 895. 8f' Broad st., near D.. L. A W, Station.

SPONSOR motor cano*. 1111; li-ft. m o t^ boat. 9100; rowboat with motor bed, 919;

email hull with motor bed, HI* ■ Inquire 154 Broed st.w a n ted , I* lo 1* f t motorboat; l-cyllnder

enrine: atale price, make, candltlon and where located, Addrea# Mopatcong. Box no, News office.

C omCOWB. CO we. cows; Just received two car-

loade of choice, freeh cows and sprlngera, which are tor sal* nr exchange at leweit market prices at Oua Lewis’# Stables. 446 Eighteenth ave., Newark, N. J. Teleptons 3904 Waverly- ___________________ _COW. ten years eld; prime for buteherint.

■■ “ >ters. Morris turnpike, neat MHl-Davld Peters, burn ave., Mlllburn.

1917 SIX-CYLINDER Studebaker touring, I or^nya i040.fairly gone over, first-class runniTig order: .

practically new ehoee. Molcm Sales Giraga |Ca„ Studebaker dealers, 114 Main et., East jOrange. ------------------- ------- ---------| goulh Broad at., running from

street to street. 60x100; at a very low

G a n ( «

Broad at#.GROCERY, fruit ind v.yeUble ni.rket,

nearby town; receipts *800 weeklyvegetable 9300 weel

1800, 'inctudlng aulo 'deUvery wagon. Wen-ry; pn n. We

sel, rooms B30, Kinney building, Market and Broad Sts.

NEW. used and second-hand player g Ian os at the loweat prlc#«'-la Newark. I i |6 op.

New Jereey Plano Btorue Co., , 389 Wash­ington *t., Newark, N, J.1116 WILL buy magnificent mahegany

player; latest Improvements; perfeot coa- dltion. Baker Co., 924 Waablngtog at. next le Bamberger’s;.WHAT is the Idea* Better rent a good up­

right piano for 8 Per month. N ^ Jrrxoy Plano Storage Co., 9*6 Washington | t . New­ark. N. J. _____ 1.FINE electric player piano: a tnoney wakair:

nickel In slot; made berejn Nemrk; J109cash "take# it. ' Wegman Piano Cox, 71-9T Auetln #t.ll-NOTV PLATT:r , mahogany plain c ^ :

tine oondltion: *3#*; *a#y terma Mker CA, 836 Wxihjngtoa st., next t* Bam­berger's. ________ ;


*7 PER MONTH will buy full aim HT*t * pl,yer ptxn*: •(((; yuxr,nteHl. B»xee Co,. 314 wwhUiytPB *1. next to Barntwyer iBEAUTIFUL m,bos»Bjr pl»y,r oteM. H«l:

iniict aell account of draft. Call pa-tween 7 and 9 P. M-. ( » «°uG> Twelftlt ,t.

runabout, 1*17, ,lmMt new, elx-oyUnder; nioeel rxr on tho mirhet; will tell cheap

to quick btijer. Paramount Garay,, Twellii a r t and Slitli at. Mkt. (304; ,ak (orCroibr.

1*11 h ath™ co upe , and 1144 M « - TTBLL. RADEL. PHONE 1731 MARKET.

to.rUyiInjerleot order. J. E.

hlcer. BernxrdaWI*. Tel, H I Bernordavtlla.PIERCE-ARROW. T-(p*ae.,

guaranteed Injerfect order. J.oar*Kuis

LIGHT 6-paasengar Cbaltncra; perfect eon- ■= Ulon; fine paint; caw tlm;^ one extra»IUV p«IU»a txmrt aaoww, veew

ttre; prlee Ut*. (7( Bprlnyfleld av(.VBLIB Bear Cat racer, A1 oendlUon; will

oaerillee; nritat* partx! 1*4 Hunterdon at., or phone Mat. 1*». Aak tor De«.____H it O'VBBLAND tonrlng oar; good cOBdl-

llon; now tlrea; |47», Addre#, Overland, Box N. Nawa oHlca, Orxnya.____________ _

rental.GARAGE, (0xl4(. on mxln ihoroufhfare. In

East Orange, including show rooms: rent reaeonable. Full particulars. L. Herman* 800 Broad at. _NEAR Clinton avt.: can accoramodaie five

ears; rent |20 per month. Ask FEIST A FEIST.718 Broad a t Tel. 8809 Mkt

LARGE^garai* for rent; all or Individual atore; twenty car*. 287 Cenlral aye., Bast

Orang#' Apply to J. English. 551 Main st.. East Orange.GARAGE for Jitney repairing or «4orago;

ipac# for 16 machine#: rent reasonable. 340 Bruc# a t ________________ _

FURNISHED roome: 18-roem house; near tub#i: always filled; quick sale aarrlflce

for $700. Wensei. room# 530. Kinney build­ing, Market and Broad.fu rn ish ed 19-room hou##; pjntraL celpte i m monthly; always filled; fine localusn: price *1*000. haU caah. Wen#e|, room# 620, Kinney bldg., Market and Broad.d r a f t in g —J lga, fixture# and machines

designed by experienced man. Addreaa D 'l, Box 17, New# offlo#^____________KPTABLIHHED Newark manufacturer

wishes to get In touch P»fty whocan invest from 96.000 to *19,000; acnico# considered; better than a 10 per cent- propo- #Ulcn: loiervlew. Address D.. Box 31, News office. __ _BSTABLIBKED yrncarx buxintaa. with prop- artv; no nppo.ltlon: owner reltriny; worth (nvMtlyattni,. >t( Valley ,1.. aoutti Oranga.

RkbbibFOR BAI.B—Whit, rahhlta, varloua ***,.

Yletor Herrmann. 195 Naw England av#., Summit, N. J.

MAXWELL runabout car; model A l; gemd running order; with 1*1* llceni#; 176.

Blake. I f Dodd *t., Orange.

S tfe i

FOR HALE—8iX'dining room chairs, buffet.table. #orvlnr table; ali quartered oak. Tsi. 8138 Wayerly.rOLDiNO BED wHh cover, cheap,

quire 46 High at. In-

LAMP. eloctrlo fixtures #nd Urge nvtl rug. 448 Ridge si., Newaik.

PbotiM: Market U31 Market TinOrange 1141

Woman, ever 9 r#ara'. Ipg ciassifiad help, d«rifes Chang# of emSBC# In sslect-(M v.,»wyki»ay ucx| , MWr*H vaeOK* 0« "m-

{toyment; p«r*onn«i ol manufielurlrtf or dunoa# esn^rn, Addreee Proficient, Box*9. News office.

WOMAN, raftned. well aducaitd, wlihesposition as comMolon or tutor at saashore;

would aasome cnarg# ot. child. Address

VAHCMIANY and oak drosMrs. with Urge mirrors, cos' 136. sell fnr *10; kitchen

tables. It. Mr. ^ash. 200 Waablugton et.NEW ruga, *x13. rent 941. sell for «2f; rhlf-

fonnlor, post |1S. sell for 64; oak dresetr. ooa 916. sell for 16. Mr. Cash. 204 Wash­ington st.

gAPE wanted; a small one; give price plea#*. Address J - Bex I*. New# office. _____ _




P u ic B it r CmnFORD need cars; every oar taken in W u# is thoroughly iaipected and rebuilt before delivery to you at exceprionw prIo#* M«- Alilster, Carton Ar Btul#, 1069 Broad st, city.

ONE dining mom set (leather). 1 velvet rug, 1 china closet. I iertiher pouch, 1 buffet,

1 set china dishes. Call 64 Howard at.

auto topr—seat covers.Prampt, o(rid»nt » rv l» ; topjlra; ( a l r ^ ^ B8AT OOVKH* MFO, CG.. K( HiLagT tT,



FORD tourtoy. IllT-KK. denwunUhla rima.■icaltant sondltlnn; extr.a: runabout, 1117.

(t Main It.. Kxet Grany*.CHBVROLBT Baby Grand 1*14: run I.I04

nillaa; good H naw; ixuil be lold. (It Central a,,-. Koal Orasyo______________HKRCBR tpoadatar: muat be ooId today;

cannot hijd any lonyor, Cuiter Garage, Cueler av*. and Bergen et______________MAXWKLL (oorlny. tote 1*17; like new; per-

(*ct: *xtraa; Orange ( t tl . 61 Main at.. B u t Oranya. ___ _____________FtVig.FASSKNGER Stud.baker (or oala;

y«tt .tartar; eleetrlo llyhli. 117 Soutn Taiith i t ________________ _

FOR RENT—Large prlvata yaraye, 17 per month. 443 Mt. Proepect ave. Apply P.

O. Box 4M.

Astom dbilei W u tc 4IT WILL PAT YOU

to Me UP bafora Mtllny your old ear. Our high prlcea can’t bo biat. Via buy and Mil .econd-hand t1r»a. aloo auto p.rta. Pboue or poetal brlnya_Ahe t he B w |r with caeh.

RKLIABLS AUTO WRECKERS.Ml Bloomfield gv*.. Glen Rtdye. Tel. *10*.

WB pay bigbeit pricee lor old care, «iy ron- dttlou °r make; we . 1.0 buy »n.l .ell r« - end-lwnd tlrex t*b*e..^P*rt", Pbcin" or poiitel

will briny ui with the caah. 8. Hlrath * Son. m Llvlnyaton au Wav. 1(14._______ _

axCBPTIONAL bargain; turnlihed 14-room hou.r: Center at,, near tube.: rent IfiO;

Income (IM; prloe |40(. Meyero. 141 Market at.

GOOD upright piano, to rant. Ihree dollar* per month. New Jeraey Plano ftoraye

Plano Co., » ( Waahlnyion at., Newark, N. J.JUST think o( renllng a good upright piano

for II a month. New Jeraey Plano Slor-ay. Co.. (I* Waahlnyion at.. Newark, N,piano tu n er—Practical piano mster; re-

patrlny. all branehaa; new »irin*ii. ml lx F. ’W. Conn. 113 Bruniwlck at.; 37? Way;TWO apoctola at (3M; 17 pm month; »i-

nnU p'.ayer-plano; guafnntred. BaKnr t-u., IS4 WMblnylon at-, next to I’amhvrjuir'e. _UPRIGHT PIANO. ((*: eaay termat Kt*k-

auer Broa, make. Baker Co,, 134 Wkeb- Inyton ft., next to tlamberger’a _____

POR SALE—Gnnerol merchandlee .tore, do- Iny a thtlvlny year-orouiid bualneaa: Ural-

J l r . . l »»rBL-VS p,.yer.,^no;^and gaa: will fell btialnM. «*P»rata or^ual- muale,; For full partituiara auurvM e

I( Intereuted,neo. and propeny toyrthM. writ. A,, P. O. Box 141, Dover, N. J,FOR SALE’—Refriyeratlny plant ot Commu­

nity » rk e t, Montclair: dlacontlnulnymeat; excellant Brunewlck alx-top machine. 1( H. P. motor; Mill boxes, 4xl(, 4x1) coun- lere; I4-(t. wall esaea; good eondlUiul; low price. Bmeraon P. Harrla, (17 BloomOeld eve.: phone 4(1* Monlrlalr._____________

Box 24. New. oHIee.


USED upright planoe, 340. 4*0. t»(, llle.(17*; eaay term*. Raker Ca. I2» wu.n-

Inron at., next to Bamberger’aPIANO TUNING, HEI’AIRl.NG, aullon teru-

lating. A. H. Rlehmxo. rvaldenre . , Fabian pi.; lei, lllb Waverly.RENT B good upright plane, 10 per m(iBt

New lerncy PInno Mtoraye Co.. Itc Itaah- Inyion cl., Newark. N J.___ ___ ___will” HELL |(M player! (l-now, like n'w,

uaed flve month., 4474; eaay lerma Bauer Cij.. si( Waablnyton * t ______

pxAnic uorLaht piano, ftna romtltiau; naoi.yeSr prfee If in'ewted. Addrewi Uprlx'G.

Boi 74. New* otflco. __________

FOB SALE, corner ^rocery^ bt^nem. dotoy

k in g h it aa,en-paaaenyer. altl't^eyllndM;In good condlllon. B. H. Caablon, 11*

Brqod at. ______________________

SPOT CASH w 11 be paid for l»l«roadater; Bulek, Hup, Old., Dodge or Studebaker; 4 or r. cyllndora; muat be In fjrst-claas codAIHuu; slats pilca. Aaoraaa C*r. Box 34, News offic#-________

l i l t MAXWELL runabout: opnn body; five n#w tir*#. >4x4. Call avenfngia 367 Run­

yon it. __________________

WE a r e itlU ellv* and buying car#, paying 160 UB tb 9800. anywhsrf; also rairylng

a full ifn# of parti for #v«ry known tnaM ear. Th* Ouy*a Aulo Ka<’hang#, 1* Bay at., Montclair: ta*« 1*17; «p#n Bunday#*

1818 FORD town car for aal*. Black A WhU# Taxi Ca* * K«w Jersey Railroad

ava 4

Tutor, Box F. New# offlo*. Orang*.WOMAN, mlddl*'. .

hoti#ek##psr for #f tiy, ‘ " “ “

g^e wants position as . . _ «i lady or la small fam- AddrOU E. E.y Box tl, News offlos.

WOMAN <#olor#dl witfaas work thr«« first days of w##k; t l par day and carfar#. 197

■Wwfwa it* ____________A YOUNG WOMAN wl#b*# housawork wb«ra

<#hltd IH ytars old may ba kept: country6

ONE full sis# and one singla slie hod. mat- trass and spring; threa stand tables; all

go^ condition. 40 W, Kinnay at.. No. I ball.OAK folding bed with large mirrory In good

condltloti; soil cheap un account uf ntov- Ing. 177 Ptsne sf.PARLOR suite, 9 piMSS. 931; new rafrig


■afrlg- . ITe60;

Axmlnttvr mg. III.60; hi. Halsey st.. naar KahiM's.

orator. II3-50; oak muslo cabinet, lady's deake .9Hv.59

Addraae w., Box 108, News

X0UN9 LADT wtab## pMtUon m tyglH kod gonsrat offlo# worki axperiancad. Ad-

“ boi_i 0l£ sSL2£512&,

IW L O T M E n T WANTED ~ MEN i . AND WOMEN• r .s.-|ti>Kfy l F FhFVF»u»F4>ytoa»>.F»Fwnw>S(SFW(iu.(-.FW.SuFbf»»Wrfeq,_ .lU lf. wife sad flv« cklidraB want# work •*

p, ' Mihiiak fariDe BUdIsj Waanaakl. lADawaasT«- J-

^ iW A L L P A P E R AND fg H ltH A N G lN Gr«' QUHTBB AND DBOOBATOB-nS wtll pagar paw rwoBa from 93.19 up; I am tbe only

' ITS who ass #sva ycNi mobw. t .96 Mmt# sva.y lr*lBff8«s. Fhast

LEATHER library sot, l-pteca, 989; record cabinet, | 1&; new bras# bed. 9S0< library table, f it; side Ice refrigerator, 9*6, ralu#

I* up. 5i Halaey at., nsar918: olhera Hahne’aPARLOR CHAIR, 98.50; mahogany round

table, 912; fine hcokcaae. 135. cost 989;

auto m achine w ork . B.H.PBEDERICIC. 14 BBDDEN PL,, NEWARK. TEL. B.».*431.

WINTON 4-oyllnder, 7-pa*aanyar teuilny;pertaet eflndltbm aviry way; priOa (((* or

beat offer. 36 Harrleop ave.; tel, 41(4.

NEW 1»L«In every reipeel; cempletoly equli you want a bargain gnawer xt eoce. dreea Uaryaln, Bex 113, New, ufflce.CYLINDERS RBOROUND. PW TONl

■bd ring*; overetxe wrlxt Iilito mo4a to orSSr YT & Samuel. 46* Ifetovllto « . . . Bloomfield, N. J.; jhene 1311.____________

Wilton v«lv#t rug, 632. cost 955; small ruga» 18 Pennington #1,oroamenta

ROUND dining room table, parlor tabis, ta il Axmlnsier mg. Third floor, 43 Hob-

iob l i . : no dealers.■BWING MACHlNBg--N#w Homo. 91: Slo-

g«f mar-hlns, 95; Amert''any tl . Whs#lsr ft Wtlaon, |30, etr,. ropatrloge'Fsuwwft t1#rr- ling, Ifl Norfolk st,; phone 1111 Hkt.

FORD 0WKER*"H»\» Yon* ,« « with dsmouniabla rims wWI# y#W loweat iwarwued.Motor Ttrs Mart, >4 Mal##y at, _____ _1*19 SIX-CYLINDER Btudebakor teurlng,

Iccks and runs Ilka new.G ars go Company, Btudtbaker daalariy 6t4 Main «l.. Bast Orang#.________ _________1 WOULD #*ebaBge my 8-pas#«iig«r

SCRIPPB-BOOTH, rtH : weeks old;practically n«w; bargain. Call B. B.

«T4I.POPB-BARTFORD limousine. 18! 3. In good

condition. Inquire r#ar 1603 Broad st., city. _____________ _______

MANHATTAH AUTO WRECKERS CO.; ^pay beat market price# for old care In any

r«>nqninn; all parts for ial«taanth av#., Jnnctlim of Sprlngflald a v a ; phone W averly 2919.

935.000 yearly; Inside and outride trade: one horw and jvagon. Inj^ulre H. y . Stein-hart. 108 Sherman ave,.FOR SALB—Grist mill and saw mill. In Or­

ange County. N. Y.; equipped with lathes for handles and gun stocks; part cash. Ad­dress 6 Academy ave., Middletown, N. Y.FOR BALE—Lunch wagon and dining car;

gona to war raison tnr sailing. Marlin ReTuerllnf, Broad and Kim ate., weatfleld,N. J, ________ _

\ B A L l^o trior apre bi . Na^rk.

FOR parlor ave.

Jonfertlonanr and lea cream branch l»kery. S95 Summer

WBB ARB the people who buy car In any shap#: poetal or ^one

iromptly wlln cash. ^,B, H. ft.Ivr^Ears. Monlclrir; phone 9784.

can crippled briaga #*a. Auto

FOR BALB-^Implex c«-perfeot condition. *“

fIva-pMaCbger. 449 Ridge tt.. Newark.

8TUDBBAKBR touring 1*19; alt new tlrea; ..................... in.At condition; bargan Phone 8»4t B. B.

FORD touring car at 391 Halsey »t,; rtason- abl* prJea; chsap aal# to qultfk buyer.

FOR SALE—fttuts car; must be sold^qulok. Nelson BaiUh J r , 197 Mulberry »t.______

DODQB iouring car; also Fard touring: must sell cbtapk 399 Chariton 9t.

engar- 9360. Call at HI Mulberry aL» satenfl floor,___ _____


ford sedan, 1*1# l*lf model. Aulo Co., 441 Clinton ava.

Clinton Hlil

FORD, 1*17 body, tn g»d^ cotidltion. Bloomfield ave. Antiabd^________


DODOB touring car; ruo only 5,099 rail##.1811 model, for a 4 or 5 pW ngw ef good DODOB touring car; ruo akc, *17 or ‘U modil#, Addreaa Sxchant#y Inquire f4 Bathgate pi

papetTkanslaff, ptasterint; all ft tM f«M #d: very low prieea: write arOFeell. i t ftc#^* 999 Wgkteeiith «va.

■FalnUng and paper-; IMM-alaa# w k gwar-i t ; Wri. 471 Wav#ny,

irvpi prloe#: Wet##, It*

t#L H17 Market V^tW APER Oo7. at (It

RBFR10BRATOR6 and tnilque walnut bed and dreeeer, kltohan table. Urge clotlie#-

horae. aaeortment of plctur^e, lace curtains, dining room gaq dcme. stair carpet, dining room rug and padding. fi*niher plllowachina dinner •«(, curtain atretcJisry window

mm n•creena dress and ekirt forms. 4la#~tl: two- burner gaa etove and tube; no dealers. Call Kra Bird. 91 New et., East Orenge.SINtiBR aewlng machine—Wain atore Hai­der- - . .aey and Academy et#.: meehtne* lor rent, abri»*nrn gt reduced prioea; repairs and eappilea for all makes; kemstUebing.SINGBR iliWTNQ MACHINB CD., 491

tfpripfftald ave. BltghUy used tnaetalnaa at low wrtuve: open eves., I <?clock. Wav* 20CB.sid ebo a rd , kUfksfi range (No. T). parlor

stove, far tale eheaps a# dealer#. l«f ■IMteenth ava, , ,

Box 99, New# offleti1914 COLE touring; must aairlfli!#: jimt be#n

overhauled; tlree vary good; many including slip covere. Call Butcher Shop,414 Warren et.SAXON six tflurint. perfset mechanioelly;

good appearaaoe; exception#! hargalp for appredlat*vo buyer. Wade, i l l Main it,ySnm Orang#^________________________

LATE model el-x. In excellent condi­tion. Tl Centrel ave.

a tten tio n . AUTO OWNER*:Hlgheet prioe# for old car#, any eoqdioou. IV mak#; before selling call Wav, 411*i

Full Cooper, 184-199 Llvlngeton atany maka;prompt *

FORD touring car. late model, In g ^ con- dltloa: 1190

reaeonable.819( dowTL 935 a month; must b#

• ’ box Ul Old Bridge. N. J.I AM LOOHINO for cam. any maka: will

pay 1100 apot oaeh; muat be In good run­ning order; bring your car down to U* Avon ava.. If you wuJi to aell quick. Krlch.

FINB, attractive and eatabitehed bualnaee iftckidini cOraeta and lAdlea' wearing ap­

parel, lor aale: cheap i naa other buefneea to ett#|fd. Addreaa toady. Box 100X Newa office.FRBB—The Weatern Miner three monlhe t#

get nequatoted; devoted to an axojptiwai mining lnveaUt»ni_and new a^^a_^W e^rnMiner? 1517 Weat Thlrty-saventh av#., Den­ver, Cot. _____ a

UPRIGHT PIANO; atendiird maltc; very good condUloa; | I 86: batgiviu. 14 Aflaor

it-, third floor_____Haines Drev. mak'ijUPHIOHT oil----- .gain. 184 Pennaylvanla av*,

F im o i , Or|»B», E tc , W in tdCAPH paid for second-hand piano*.

9149 Ml " ■ *— market B. Orr. 3*0 WuebiBgion *U| •end postal, will call.

TtBclHi MicliincsI1CTCR Vlclrola. ijr ila r (14 •;*<regular III* machine. 976. II New at., ttpstalm. -IF rou have a talking machine to sell, call

OH Ihe Liberty Co.- 1*7 Mnrkri.e^.


BY ORDER o r THE u n ited sta tes d istrict C(>UR?r.

In the matter ot the

FuRNMHBD teranly-nlne-ioam ways fllltd; owner, boaloc*# man, no time to manage: sell or take lady vurtuet. C#U

Manggcrg room 911, Wise butldlnj.FRUIT and vegetable markets |M9 we^ly hoafoeoi; will aacrifloe. W r o « ■wrlBeo, Box 4. News offlea

w a n t e d , .m alt touring rar. good dnnat- Uon; whieh will eUnd tnveallyatlon; .to t*

loweat rooh prlta. mtlM, y«»r. partlcuUra. A ddret, 8., B o. 147, Nawa olGce._________FORD or othqr IlyM touring oar, In yoad

condition, wantad, In oxchjnira ,lot_ dwf*.

OAItAOE FOR BALE. Ht---------------mFOR btoraob IS BEEN TO BESnbider a n y , r

OOOD l^d^T IO Ji MEPAinai HV.*? ■cia ted^ ^ ^ ll


wlnd-owa-or oolliwork.' M-' Turhal, 34 Bad- ytr ava.; Wavertr *>4(-

’MERCER. 1M», il*-»4«aenytr.^ln axetlltnl “ SSdltlen; p a to to d '^ c ^ Viciorl* (oiu

arrv TonoaJnt car* M*rcat Company, UIHairy TonoaJnt car* Oentral »v«'FORD runabout, jn»i ovarnaniao; i i i .

modal; p ri« | 1T(. Itarlhemar. 114Gniat Eoot Kawork; phon. 11(4 Harri-

, 114 S A L M E X ^

C M t B t r d t l C u n

(W-TON Pope-Kartfo»d tinck thoroughly ovarhinlog. good Ur.4, damonatrttlon,

(1*4,- t*-t«n taw whoal wonn, (qutppod (or two or thr.o horoao. (la*. Wlehei Ma- (hlnarr Co.. ^ )^m ont and W*at Bid. avto., Jorwy City.FORD landaul.t toxicah; Ovarlond (-poa-

eenger teurlng oar: Fnrd l*ll une-toa chain drive truck wUh open oiprsas body. HanhatUa Motcra Corp*. edmer Suaeex — and Summit at.

t ave#

LOTH JEROBNB l-tf» dump body trqck 119* 'b#4waafi~8 A: M. ai(or «ala *lMap, y*ei- repair, will doaon- ----rrg-r Vrate anywbWe; alao ayprw M y am* 1 IFACE to lory^krlvata

dump body Wqck

I AU looking tor * (-paaaenyor Dody* or Bnlok; muet h» reaeonable and In good

rondltton. Addreaa Dodge, Box l(t, Newi office. _____WELDING—AU kind, hroktn aatamohMe

and machln. poyto. Manhaiun Wjidlii* Co.. 11 Blxtoenth^va. cor. BprlngH*ld --»■a utom obiles wontod; Bultk 1(17 rood-

otar; ali-'ryllinlar: muat ha In goad comll lion. Addreaa Autoc Box I« . N(wa oftic*.


M10H-CI-A88 hoarding hou«1IB B«IO™nit*tor aal*; It rootna;

robma *11 oocupltJ;mnoM th* roaion. Addroo* High Claaa Box 1(*. N*er* offlo*. ____________


THURSDAT* JUN# t l , at !0 a, m..AT g39'CENTRAL AVB.,

the following wtU be sold;One FalgewDetroU new Sedan, one Fatge-

Detroit new Llmoueine. 11 eecand-hund

gTSi Patgs. QtudeUaker. Ford, fitoddard- aytoa. also lot parts and acocaaorlea. very

fine office furniture, up-to-date office* OUbe si##1 cabinet, aaf#. mahogaay deak#. office chairs, wlllow furniture, #leL>trfB fans, and ail cthar gonds belqnglftg to■aid bankrupt, will b# sold |n aceordsac# with the nrder of theWILLIAM L. BRUNYATB. Receiver. KSMLBR ft KEFSLER, Attorneya ‘ '


akh devdteETTOP ------------ ----------------- „uatful in wheleiMil# of mercantile Hn*' ' Aa-

drees Ambitioui, Bex l90y New# office.

HAVING rearrang#d my b«#ln ------ , - htwo days weekly ae salesrnim^pr j^anerall

By (rd*r of the Adania Exprroe Co, ((( riBCEB OP UNCLAIMED FREIGHT

AireOUOBILE P A j^ Iira ,4T*( WAY.


HILLER, I t ftwllughnyaen rye.WANT m l,- I t l l or m i Cadlltoo, L ^ .

Mormon, Heroar or Stmtx; atat* prlc*. Ad- driw 'Auto, Ban 1((, N«w. offlo*.

lunch room (or tok* In ka*ln« of o»*r (((( any further inforraatlen call a t 416 wm el., Arlington, N. .I.

-will b# #etd at the F, R. R. FHBJUHT STATlONi

Goode conkMring ot koxsa. barrrls. Lrifnks ommntepu, fnrnllur# and menhaadi#*-

;##crtptlon a t absolute sale without #«•'

I t il , .Acadi Our r«

sucoessful the mroin Graduates tlosa C* IM for I J.

•44 £W1L80RFrepari

bust nessDulum ai Tk* h«__ h«durtag Jt

In teptenA<

Feundi Jiiae At Ov#

Che### tlTRB N iii-119


> #ehi#a] Irsgejiti: <MONTCL«r1t% . b:

AdvaboF a r ' " ' -to, II


BDNA D .piano a of tka pi

BrooklynMUBtC 1

ilk# to ■fd amboard am Nawa offi

K. To I1tu<LUZOl 8 .Naples Ston# #t..RAGTIMI booklet wina Schi



Mft CHA ill ios

^Im i tlul

rilANC Otatoi Modem

hawast blayttsra: eliswhereard schm TUBS.. Di

H- C. I l l Breail

p * F \<^a#i«s TMISS II. 3

ogpotUt day and i Market 9iBBM T'l , Beglimi Tuikday.

BDJBTUDIO,PRiVjp r iv a t i

19 Beln Bank. L.


1On* H I

S i to .

BICTCLB“ ■ nbl&tumb. PUBCB. l$ u tU •M n al: 1 laqdsof 1ft Muare io. OraliDf

, TBU Ber1< tk* llU illu ••cond The well- MW«»la 8 lord Cyeb


■la Cec,s a j ? '


day morr Vroaf «te

.ONI K»i ona-oyll 119 Whiti

LATB no Altloa;

attar 9 pTRB bigi kibdi (tlrti, ium

' Orafonoli

otS. c*iXARLBT

W**p- Court at.,n i l ih d :

ill*. I after T F.I t l« HUY

motor ^

iK D Z A N y41 Mon



M s t o f f

SPOT CJ eye)*;

eeydlGon trk*r* mi(pet*. BmWAMTBI

ehoapi dram IdolYTHOFcI**;Oa. I l l 1



Tn i i*«ur*dm enl." ! B S fhttWtaeft ftst on Prdmpt iMbmd


CHAZdHB lS 4»9«, 1119, H it or other IMIit ear, M lt^l# fur truok. Fhon* B*ll##iU*

1190, b#4W9n 8 A. M. and 9 P. M.

U«BBtD> AY & .-K^ IRD* hum* ^ 1 - n<eS('1arge atons four rooms: Tour lou,mad oM r i w .trada

strait^wlL_, C ' Sauic 14*'Sh'mtL*n avaT ph«* 1 _ Wle# a ^91 W a v a r i y . i HaMsy #h

im iB Sto Abdl board* •Ic^ IITS t» iti with food t, bnjrora fuilr noar Hudaoo

a; profit I50t Mutirully fur- *ark pUla, fiv« batha; lonthly; prtLe

atftaao>rou o 100 monihiy; (^FarkSaat r*rk ai.; lunthly; prl>*

, naar court roceipCa | 12&; ark pLf rootna; rant 100; barialn.

■t bouM: rant lly furnlatae<l;

rooms, wall ly docoratad;■k, 4 Park pl«rrada fomlah' ttoo monthly 0 Park pjibutiQSfli for

tupity; worth Addraas R«a-

WANTE0. roariy tor yon. f Nawa offfcaI1CKNES6. bualnopa, dsll- onohoon: tap- : phot itiil*}

ktlofl soilclttd; tio. W.If machtnaa, IB irtlhlp raatofi* larlcan Ptanul irk.nary vtoro for worth | 1,M0|

Quiak, Boa 9A<

room hottaa of na tll^ month] y baalth. Call

ilaanini •otofa, laonabla: rooma tra druf alora*

d to rant part ornar plant In If of thrsa aaw

plant for 94 iiUabla for am* utold, ttc.; for K- Advartlalaf ■t.» New York

!p a food pay* la; active. Ad« flea.valor lb evary

furnlahad and biihf

for boalth. will Saundara. 441

sap buafnaaa; Ti« rfak; a Ufatima t on account of anver. Addraaa

D ftowlif man*of raferoaeat.

rwa offtca.

IMENTS|«B1ianoa ar playar actory to boma0, MS. |9K. $44 ;; playar planoa. Id cMb far ona

but In playing1, im , at'vary with any of tba

inoi and playor muat be lold at

*tory, TT Auatlp eta.

one. II7S; It la /artod to 81. but »r that playa and y Plano Htoraga fwark. N. J. .IB for MB; eoma 4 and 480. | 100, b« place to buy.

Co.. 3f4 Waah-

planof 'Whaa you t bare for threa ar**y Piano Stor-

Newark, W. J-a Ii the N. J- P. t tat an upHfht

<few Jereey Plano yn *%, Mowarh.nd p;ayar ofuioa Mawark. H|B up. I Co.,' 38Q Waab*

ncent mahagany inta; parfoot cob- abiBgton eL. naat

r rant a fond up> •nth. Now J^raoy ihinfton pt, Now-

: a money makar; I In Neirarti: 1104 piano Co., T1*IT

If any plain caaa; lay tarma Bahar , DHt t t Bam-


itT PLATER BR-i. TEL. IlM P. B,' full itaa i||<4 «ta laranfoad. Baker ift to Bamboffer ■layer plana.. $114; f draft. Call be* South Twelfth at«

rent, tbrae doliara ey Piano Blorafo , il„ Newark. R J.[ood upright piano Jersey Plano tKor- It.. Newark, N. J- •1 piano maker; rr> new athnfv. Telia, •k St.; 37t Way.17 pir month: 44* nntred. BaKnr Cu.,tb Fainbtt^er'h.ear/ termai Kvak- ar Co., S24 W<sh- •rgor'a____tb7^9 . Ca. 92* Wu«n* •erfer’ARlNU. action feru- iau, rvsidapea .4^eriy. ____ •ano. 43 per mfimh- age Co.. HO tt ash-

. Il-note, like new, cat/ Unna Bi iavr

; Riah< rany bane% jtara aitur*sa Fuuo,

ne naoitL Address CprlfM,

ndurd maite; very battfalii. -H Ae.ur

B IjTfe. makL ; bar* a ave,

Etc., W intcd• iiand plancpt. T«L 390 WuabtBglon »U{

IciliDClar 141 modal., 4Sil , I7&. II New i t .

Tiachlne to aall. call 17 Market ■».

S A L E r .

OF THE , .18TRICT CpUR*r, er of the). OP NBWARK,iptt1, AT 10 A. kt. •

RAL AVa.,vtll be sold:law Sedan, one Paige* ine, It etcand'bund cer. Ford. Stoddard* and acooasorlei, very

I, up-to-date offUe. afe. Tnahafany deakia r furniture, elavirtn

fooda belonfiftf to w aold In aceordanco 1 rmivt.JNYATV, Receiver. BR, Attorneya 'AUCTIONEER.

dams Express Co,LAIMED KRBiaHTId at the UHT BTATlOJt,. railroad FU.B 14, AT II A. M. hoxoa. barrols. Lrdnka• and mert-hatidiav at ■olute aali without ro*’iral P^alfht Afent,• A O C tfow iB .

l ig h t smn aBtiu ec^aii ^

m m u c T R MSchM lf

M . COLBKAM NATIOMAL MthIMI. BuaiNEaa c o l l io i . Twr

Aeademy and Halsey ata, Newark.Our reeard im oar relerapca; 41 yaaip af aneeaaiful work Oaleroan frs4uataa get the nradareBce everywhere. Enter aay tlma Oraouatea aaalalad to the baltar typa of poal* tloaa Call, write or phono 7I0T-TI44 Mar* RM for Ittaratura.

J. KUOLXR JR., Frlscl^L


_ Founded n i l .WILSON FARKANU, HEAD MABTkR.Roppens i^ptembar U, IMt. rraparation for colltfa sclantiflc school or hualntaa Ufa. Primary deparement. Cym-

DMlura and atblatio flald.Tha haad maatar will make appolnlmunta

dunng June to oaa appifeanta for admlaalon IB laptamlMr.AOB WITHOUT EXPANSION

^ IS retrooradation .Founded IMl by Hon. Wm. E. DrakaJUB# 1, 1411. SEVEN Drake Schools

_Ajid TW6 Affiliated Bchnoli,Over 1^000 SurceaatuI fitudenia.

Choaaa the suraat, Shortaat, Safeat Routa COLLEOE OTl

COLLEGE. .lfl* lS4 'lll Market at., Newark, N. J, LEADIWQ. LARQksr iEBT.K. J. COLLEGE Prep iohool; gram, and h'ah

r whaol itudlaa; languagaa; oblldren'a dsf»L; raganU; college eBtranoaa. IIT BiUevllleavaMpHTCLAIR Sacratarial Brhdel, Theater

bldg,, Montelatr; aborthaod. teuoh tyna* writing, booh'keeptng; indlvidug} InitmctLa.

M stic


_Prtrals lessona, 40e.: new and uaad In- sala; waskly pavmaau, WEIDT SCHOOL OF MUBIQ IT COURT ST.

VIOLIN INBTRUCTIONRAdvance court# by a. SlnifalUano. Pre­

paratory eouraa by Helen Nagel, aaslstant Rtudto. >44 Broad st. Phone Market itio.CHARLES TAMME.Taaohar of Slnflag,

^ III Orchard at,, .Nawara. N. J, Booklet and tarm'i upon requaat.

_ FLORENCE ARTHUR.ToMhar London Conaarvatolre t yaara.

SlBfing (Italian raathodj, piano, violin. 114 Waablnglon at. ............Phoua SHI Mki.

Edna DAIK. I4 Olllette pi.—Laaaons In piano and singing; for seven yeans head of the piano and vocal departmem of the Brooklyn getUamant Bchool af Muelo._____MUSIC TEACHER, beat references, would

Ilka to five music lessons In eschange for board and room. > AddrsM Uuelo, Box |l , Miwa office,

ALEXANDER BERNE. Pianist.„ _ ^Newark Studio, 147 Broad at.W. Ti wtudio. Metropolitan Opera House bldg.LUZOt 8PADA, vtollutat Instructor, from . NapMf Royal ConMrvatory. Studios. I ll Stona ft., near Bloomfield ava.; t#l H B. D.RAGTIME piano playing, 14-14 laisons:

booklet frfe. Phone IfkL ITU. Glark- WIbo School. >47 Broad, opp. Broad Theater.

EDWIN WICKENHOrfeR,Violin inairuetlon, IIT Broad st.,

_ MiwaTk; 14 Cottage at.. South Orange.raT R f STUDIOS,ARTISrrC ilNQlNO AND PIANO PLATING.


A Inatruetcr of piano, organ, harmony. ^Iloi nutsv -mandolla and guifar.


Otaton Hnll, Broad and Bridge ata. Modern, claialc: private or claaa laaaons:

heweat ball room dnneca; Franclaco diagrami ayitara: w« guarantee our dances; If fejled elsewhere, ace ua; part Mymant pjar.; itand* ard achpol. Mbt. 4HL PUBLIC DANCES n m . . BAT. JAkZ BAND.

IL C. RICHARDS DANCE STUDIO.I ll Broad at., Elaele bldg. Ttt. Market >114.

p r iv a t e lessons ant hour.,Oaaiaa Tuaa., Thttfa., Friday £ Bat, Bvsn'AMISS II. HELEN HacHuaH, fi Park pi., od-

oppoaite Hudaon Tubea^Prlvata and evening: open all aummer. Market 1614. Phone

BBRRTl School of Dandni. 144 Broad st. , Raflnnera' olaai Saturday night. Advanced Tu<May. Frlvata any time. Phene Mkt. Ill,


p r iv a t e LESSONS K BPECIALTT.PRTVATB dancing loMoas, day or evening, _14 Belmont ave., next American National Bank. L. Brllli tel. Wav. 14«L

L a n fn tf«RICO’8 ACAOBHT OF

LANOUAttHH... t i l l Bfos^way, cor. llih. New Torh City.

LBSSON8 and TRANBLAtlONB in all tnadirn laa^agee by eipcrta. Special couraee ia Spapieh Tor teachera

B EHLITZ SCHOOL C»P lANOUAGEa.I ll WMUam et.. O tann. All languagee taught*. I^tasri or private, O. B. Cicmbreleng.

Shortbuid u d TypcwrhiBiFHIVATK INSTRUCTION In ,h«rtU»nd evi-

aghga; Individual Inetruotlon; Irving W. Bg|jAjj7^Man»jmihj»J*^hoaa^


INDIAN BICTCUD&Ob. T il l InAUn, («)n; tw. m i InSlu jn a n n t.M pwtkot oonlltlan; othm

tr*m t n ud; owb or endlL BleintM | l i SSi DIM Otlitt ttlFb'trDd. DiikM DM nAr.tullr OT.rh.aira motarcrclu. ■dj- ■tlDj. Ba.7 pAjm.tiU. St ih ItaWt Ca,, U l #A>liln(tsn (t. TO. U dbitrr l»AaiCTCLBS-.<!ARLOADS OF BICTCLHB— M .rabla, th . .i.n te rS of th. wwld; FUBCK. FRANK KRAMER'S CHOICE:

. SAUlU VELODROME bloralM th* only mW ddI; cro w n . raCTCLE. MIAMI; thou- MnSs af p .lr . of t lru at th . old priew. For

. A MUtra S*Dl so to SCHULTZ. K -IiU -tl So. OrDDS* *VA. oor. HowurA Ph, Mbt, lali.THE B*nu 1* BXCELSIORHOTOBCTCLR.

t t . laUft. ntMt powartul muhlnA Atno t t . fMITB bOTOR WHESr. A Itrs* atooS , u MoondAsDnS mAohloo. dlw ^i on u ad . w.U KDOwn Bldok BMutr Bleroln. ft?.

Sold for «*h or pirraasU. Hdtv- «M.d Cyot. Co-, m Broad . t ____________

EICTCLB8. BICTCLBt.Itm-JohMon. B. 8, A.. Plwoa, r.l* and

M n o n v *l old nopnl.r prlooa; fall M »rl- liM t of lAbuIlt Dlcrslw. nppUH. »im ont C M . Ca . tt€ B ro u at.. Junction of BaUa- «U . dVA and Clap nt CIom4 Snndirn.


WHEELS. Ili.lO up. OunnntHd bIkA «Hh UDh*, (uud , .td , now ftL il. Eaf.I t JitariM. II w tn tu , ■L. nMr Broad: I I r*nn .H.MirinABAEtdlT'DAVUISON UOTORUTCLES AND

BICTCLBB—UMd mnehtn.i on wux tin u . • « nV; ^ V E l ISTD LIGHT WEIOHT. |M down, ^4 par w uh ; opon .vtntnr. B u ; £ f stornTusi. CARL W. BUSH CO., i l l Brodd dL

. ONE H*rl»-0»Tld.OB, *lth odf; »'•* Ona-oylladM' uetorcrol.; alt Impta Inqulr. I l l Whtltl«W a»A. W «t Onnia. O. Roll.

LATE nodal, with aid. » r ; (Int-ol.ii con­dition; on* n t r . Itrt and tubM. Call

(Iter « F, I t . Link, l«T Blitacnth nv».THE b liiH t bloycio .took In tho city; all

kind* of m .kH ; w«kly payinontj alio ttra , lundiiM: r u ^ r ln i apoclnlty; Columbia

' Qrafanolaa 111 ikHith Qrann *« .TWIN EXCELSIOR HOTORCTCLI,

MlTn.a; u n it bo .old thia wwk; ni S. Call I Mapla ar.., lrrln«ton.

HARLET metorcyol., iwrioct eonditlom ttM p, Call bMwnn T and • P. M.. I l l

Court iL, city.U ll INDIAN motoToyoIt; nld. car; t-ipead: ' m t ^Ii^ulr. atoro, 414 Bprlnirl.ld av*.,

I l l BUTS' a dead notorcyda, a tu Smlt i motor whoM for ml*, i 411 CantraT nra.

MOTPECTCLB iid« «ar* tor •ala, firat III taMaa It. 41 MtaMon at., MontoLalr.

INDIAN. HIT; inuat bo bold thla weak. Call 41 Monmouth ot. W. Selbort.

SHALL boy'o bloycla ll-ln. frtma ehoap. I l l Runyon oL

EICTOLB for Hnrrlaon.

n lo . 14 Wuhinftoa it..

.MEtwcfetss ts d Btcrdei W u itdSPOT CASH paid (or eaeond-hind meter*

eyele; Htrley-Davidiefi preferred; gay eeQdltloB; itAte lowest price, plnee ifld time Wgire nuehlne can be m o . Addroei Motor* etcle. Box 104. News oBlce.______________WANTED—One or two cylinder metoreyele

eheep: stkU price, year end tneka Ad* dreaa Itotorcyolei Bex 101, Newt office.WW will pay rood prtoeo lor used motor*

«ycl«e: Harley preferred, Carl w. Bnahgfa fU ■


Mad* to April I*.E A tt monthly Rnwinont PUd at Local Charaoa

Tm Baa ebtam a iMa of m t* 11*0.oooorod by homo (otnltuo, orltlilmt ro- moool, Or by yogr not* noroutaod op a* ^ |F » 5 i S S T t lo monofad by local I kiln til and prolaaolaiuu mao. and wa*

fat orsaDtaad toltly to mak* maoay.rompt, oourtoaun, eoutldanllol aoniea

aoaufod. Call, writ* ar iplia» Hr. Bata.EEilBFlfitM. LoM s g e ^ T .' r Eulldlat tTBIrd Floor),I4l Markat S t r ^

Uofgm by Rank Commtaalonaa llombor Nowork Hoard of Trada Oloo* Eaturda/o 1 F. H. la Summon

con tw r.

UlpnrS LEOAL SAFE LOANS Ullrard u ABoojttoFOf* oa^wnliof* oad wWAoat^oloy or pabltcityi yon o u sot tS*

I r a n f r E w e x L t‘ eooL iatorcft.’ oonL .'*■ "


TBMPORART WANS NlGOttATlD. IlMiey loftned oe tlret* Meend and third . ifewrtgggea, laalneee aten aloe (loaneod.


B1 Clinton a i Phone 4ST4 U a rMmortgage MONET AT I PER GENT.

First aetf nd and Mnairseikm leahli A irr AMOUNT priv a te . TEM^RART LOANS NBOOTlATED;Bo AND La ASFN FUNDS; NO BONER Ccmt^netlea (J4 straight A 4 B. A Z^ LiMl


4 Braad at, Bloemfleld (Tel. 4141),MONET TO LOAN


COUNSELOR-AT-LAW,ROOM 410-4J1. PRUDKNTfAL BUlLDINaMONET to loan on flrti bond and mortgago

at f per oent.; aume of |fit4 up: ae ho nua eharged. Seharrlnghauaen A Hartponue, counaalora>at*law, 74( Broad StPRIVATE building and loan and seoond

mortgage mener to loan; city or aubwhe: A. U BLAND JR., U4 BifOAD BT*

CONSULT UN for mortfige loaua or invest­ments; prompt, oaretul eerrlce; reaaonabla

ebargea. Getaar A Plum, 141 Broad e t8W 8 of 41,000 to tlOjOeo at i Mr cent,;alM _B . A U Aie'a fosda up to jUi444. Cbma Peube!. conneelor'at'law, 10 Cttnton s tMONET to loan on bond end morlgage, prl*

vate and building and loan. Isaac Ftslauh- man, eotinse1or'at*law, l l Clinton st.MONET loanod on 1st and Id mortgtges and

undivided Interests In satatee* Morris Gordon, rooms 411-ItT Essex building. ^MONET to loan on bond and mortgage.

Charlei B. Ourner. oOhnMlo*. >-14 Clfaton it.. Union bunding, room 1 1 1 . ________I Have sums of II.IOO and II.044 to le u on flret mortgage; | | per cent, valua F. W. Snover. 976 Mfihoi^ si

LOANS W AN TED -R EAL ESTATE44,000 FIRST morlgege wanted on a new

modern two-foiBliy houet. Hiller, rewns >13. 471 Bt^ad: Market tii l . ,,

MORTGAGES FOR SALE• %FIRST'raortgags7e2'eatali^^ out loM in 44 y ^ |p Inveetor; 1104, |i04,

tlyOlS amounta Write (or ctrcular I4f. Bold y B. W. straua A Co.. 414 Kinney bldg.

GUARANTEED firat mortgagee on Unproved real eetate: IL004 upward. Guarantee IJort£ij^S^Ntt^Tnijgjjace^^^lnhej^Wdj|*

LOANS WANTED— PERSONAL4600 AT 6 per cent.; 8 per cent bonue;

aUndard securltlei; no loan agenta Ad* dre«^eeiUTltlW j^gooniJj^5 J [ ^ ^




aale requlremente for thla locality.IIM swing x6 ft. bed ....................... |t7t.04IBM owing x6 ft, bed ................... IBt.OOU awing x6 ft. bed ........................ 4 ll.»11H awing xt ft. bed ............ 714.St1414 awing xlO ft. bed .....................1,111.44


SOUTH BIND LATHER Barcdar—4601. 3t4 Murray at., ff- T.

MORRIS MACHTNERT GO., FormerlyNewark Second-Hand Machinery Co,.





EEONER A CO.. I t! New Turk ave.. offer, ■ubject to prior eale. hangere and cast Iron pulleya, 6 and 6 cents a pound; wood

pulleye, 60c. to IS each: ehaftlng, 6 and 16 cente a pound: breea pipe, 20 ceiue a pound; 600 pound! tobln bronse, 80 cents a pound; duplex pumps, steam, gea and gasolene en­gines, 426 to |8S0; 6,400-pound short ends, machinery and oojd rolled steel, 414 oents a pound for the lot; t cents a pound, your pick of the lot; Babbitt melal, RB cento a pound: Buick automobile, with ehort box body, 1100.ELECTRIC MOTORS—Motort and wiring

InitaUatlons for manufacturert. We main­tain TOUR OUTPUT through regular Inspeo* tlone by contract. Over 46 yeari^ experience t newly equipped dhop: five care and spare motora Inaure most efficient lervloa

ELECTRIC MOTOR A REPAIR CO*. 364 Halsey «t.,Newark. N. J.

Call up 4641-4 Mkt for expert co*operatlou.WIRING, REPAIRS. MA7NTSNANCB* We Specialise In Power. Equipments and Wiring Inatellatlona.

Have Our R»Tisentatlve CalU ELECTRIC MOTORS AND EQUIPMENT bought, sold, Installed, repaired, exchanged. New .Tersey Blectrlcal Clearing Rouse.

HROWN*nUNKELB CORP*h 14 Meohanie sL; phone 1411-4114 Market,










t^-HORSEPOWSR fteolene engine far aale cheap: 4 montbi old; can be seen runnhig.

Nelson Tool A Machlna Co., 16 Stirling et.POWER PRESS, heavy back wheel; also

Bethlehem sheer No. 2, geired; flrst-claae oenduion. Schulti, 4t Lawrence at., city.SAW TABLES end other used machlneVT-

Wealey Tldey. 417 Fifth et. Tel. 1644 B. B> ghaftipg, haagera, pulleye. belUBg.LINCOLN mllJlTig machine; perfect eondl-

tlon; fitted for heavy work. Central Plating COa, 10 Oliver at., Newark.WILL SELL reasonably, one ton high braee,

.414 thick and 14 Inches wide. Unique Art M fr Co.. 60 Snipmah etQAB E n g in e , 6 M. P.; good for a garage or

light manufacturing work. Addreea 171 Myrtle ave., Bloomfield.

Mtehiunr W utedDATTON ewageing maehine, No. 00; (frit-

claaa condition; state price and where It W i be seen in operation. Addreae Dayton, Box 141. News office.MACHINE work wanted; will take lathe or

power prana work; call or write North End Tool Co., 44> Franklin ava, Bloomfield,N. / . _________.FIFE CUTTING end threading machine, (rom M to 1 Inch; to run by power. Ad* droee Madhina Box 41, News office.BIKAM pla n ts bought and dlamontltdo

Ffkn A XendaU, Ferry and Foundry ata.« ttUTMih f i M°i- «»*■ I


• u s AND XX^ANOt STABUiai 11 AND » BHIDOa «T.

. Aaf «m In BOOA of toy hoiMo, II will k* JO-F««y *i*okUm t* toak my MHk o w , ** I fa»* tuna* at ***ry tecripuen oid ton n f t yOo la nrio* oad ooomys I bovt ooraral

**'•*0 —a lsU u np to *■*?*.?*'' *™L* olosU « * « k«r*MwotflUBf l .l t t ; Mm kova onM oiaallont a k s n o a l i t n o i^ J a w a k i ^ i ^ hok* ajjyoU w ^a^A on^ horaa* tSot hoy* kooo

HORSES, wuona, moeUnary, ate. On Frl- dor, Juno 1«. ot 111 Aidin* at., naor Idrona

***. <*M CIlBlon pi.), ot 1:10 P, M„ th* fol. Iswlnc Vlll ho osld: A Baarr trneka, • top w.(t>pB, t dump waoona, I aurraya, 1 run- oboun. 10 aata hornHa, lot oyl*. and wIioalB, chain., block and talla, I ton* holta, rlsolns*, aoayaoaaa, bloelumlth'a loela, a complat. Iln. ol dairy ruchlnary, conalatlpi of atar- Itlaar, botil* wuher, MttI* flilar; copirino tnochloaa, lorx* hollar, ddor ptoob, miKaf. I.naouo tenia ^ d .fujpmaat, orttheul raaon* ler immodlata rtmova,); o n a r retlrliK from bualuoaa,

A VAN POENAK, AtlCnONKER.Ofllo* t) South Otaiif* OVA

BAM BT BBOB. ^fpedallpti J&

Posnoylvoato Aeelliaotod HorooASI SRIDaB ST.. HHWAKK, N. X

J u t raeolvoA two eorteoda of Pannoylvoato aoeliBWtad bonoA eoauriallac of hoovy drafi. up to I.IH porsadA of -blob th an oto moay matad poln; (onu, lljbt Srilvonr waso* 1 form chunk*: ooaa* mai

I S E I S S S f i S l ^Thomas RaueteMo BaleenikA

ONM FAIR M ameii mulei vltk han»«m, weight kheut 1,401 pounds; oreworking order; g e ^ —“ -------" ■ ■

•oil «neap, Robert i eta, New Terk City.

*au«a uawfM iriVIS S»MZ»W«,,UI pound*; ora In tin*

BMADL block pony *ltb. Wakat corrioka;oil kinte ol work harua, truckt opd n p -

onA Ot ralrvlaw ova., oonar Wovarly or*.A if in S iA C J l t i l Hon. otook; **00BA.b*Bd tarnaao oollotA bridiM, ralOA***ry ■ daaoiiytlopi ■Ofhod and allM. .vary port ropolrad,

TOUNO H O sn ; (ood u d atpadi onltobl*



CITY OF NEWARK,City Hall. June U» l |l l .

Tbe following Is the list ot the names, reaidenoei and pieces ot huiinese of appli­cants for Itceneei, contained In all applfoa- tlone or peUlloot made to thU board xor the granting of licensee to tell splrltuoue, vlooue. maU or brewed -llquore, and not heretofore pubUebed according to .law, to wit;Name. Place of Builneos. Reildence.

retail—REN BWAL8.Michael MasRotk 41 Flret e t.......Same plaoeJacob Kiel, 60 Berman at....... ...Sameplace'Frederick V- ftuland, 81 Howard at.,Same placeThomaa J. mod Joeeph A. PurcelL 48

William at...............................Same placeQuetave Schllnk, 204*SO& Markat at.,

IT North Ith et. Mn. Tetta Klein. 141 High at.,138 Monmouth «t, leraet Suetklnd, IQf High i t . . . I l l Haloey et.

aeurge Duerr, I to Bergen at.__ Same placeerbert C. Bulllvant, n Market -st..

Ba me placeJulius Pltsoher, 466 Broad i t .......Same placeMaUioiue Welenlskls, 231 Jefferson st..

Same placeJulius Im , 111 Avon sve............ Same placeEdward Sifouae. 11 William a t. .11 Court st, William F. Ruppei. M4 South n th a t,

‘ Seme PlaceCharlei Afflltto, 111 Ttb ave.......IT crane st.Joeeph M. Alter, 186 Orange at. .Seme placeMra. Marie Gitt, 116 14th ave__ Seme placePatrick Carroll, 114 Bloomfield eve..

ll> Clifton ave.Edward HuraL 161 let ave..........Same placeWHOLMALB—RENEWAL. Dominick PaganeUl, 161 Verona ave.,

Borne placeBEER BOTTLER—r en ew a l s .

Jehn baalmulUr, 641 South 11th st.,Same place

Fatriok 4k Kiefer, 40 Hayes i t . ..oemeplace John f . Hdth. 484*444 Elisabeth ave..I l l Oefaerne ter.

RETAIL—TRANSFERS.Joseph Kerman, II Tichenor et.. to

Max Kesaelhaut...................44 Tichenor et.Steve BIrcher, 160 Court at., toVinoont Oondak.....................144 Court at.

Frank Da Maio, 86 6th ave., to \Giuseppe Barone....................... S4 Ith ave.Sotomun Dick, 88 Uater ave.. toDavid Fried................... 184 Littleton ave.WtLUAM J. BRtafNNAN,

uireotor Department of Public- Saftiy.4L 4, COMOLINO.

Commlasleoer of Lloeneee.




We wUI have our weual awetlop FRIDAT. JUNE 14-


Joet reeelved. two eorleods «t extra choice draft and expreae knriNHP that were Mreeaaltir ss* leotod by Mr. BToy from ike tixiks throuiheut fwaneylvaula. These horNi are t i A1 neodltleti and ready foe immedlata ov*. Attotton lolM Toeeday end Fri* day: privaie tales a t oil tiwet*


WIC. Ao FARKBURtT, laleraua. B. ■ONNABBMP, AoeUMser.

FOR SALE—four horees and wagons, bar- new. rte.: oheap to quick buyer. Apply

llT Muihwrr «t.ONE ieani of horeea for aale cheap: good

wind and work. 114 Rose it. N. C. Sle* ratring.SIDE SADDLE, runabout carriage, har-

neuea. 41 North Arlington ave.. East Orange.GOOD horoe and wagon for delivery; also

good carriage. Ap^y 611 Clinton ave.HCRBB. wagon and harneao. Mi. Leamond'a

Express. 414 Vnllsy st., Maplewood.THREE WAGONS, good condition; chsnp.

411 BHmaii nve.

H om s sm I C v riifM WaitedWANTED—Old hsrneaa coUnra riding sad­

dles, any devcrlptlon; repaired, bought •old or taken tn trade. Q. M. • Aschenbneb Hnrnesi Co.. 141 Plaqe atTWO-WHEEL dump cart for one herte. 174

Avon ave., second floor.


Typewritten Form Letter Co., 41 Aopdeiwr e ti phone Market 1441.


KOTICB o r IAMB11,074,060 1% BONOS OF

t h e CITY OF NEWARK. NEW JERSEY.(Passed by Capital Issues Committee,

aa not Incompatible with tbe natlenal Interest, but without approval of legal*Ity. validity, worth or eeeurfty. Opinion No. A-410.)Sealed propoaale will be reoelved by the

underalgned at his office In the city hell. Newark, New Jereey. until Wedneeday. June 96, 1918, at n o'clock A. II., when they will be publicly opened, for the purchoee. at not leea than par. of bonds of the city of New­ark, of the following auihorlied lasues, vis;

lifl.OOO Street Opening Bondi, of ine de* nomination of tLOdO ea^ . maturing In an­nual Inatalmenie ai follows; Twenty-four 424) bonds on July 1 in each of the years 1419 to 1481. ioeluelve; twenty-Dve C86> uu July 1 In each of the years 1414 and 1111; twenty-elfkt <ltJ on July i in each of the years 1114 to 1128* Inefualve; thirty-three (88) on July 1 In each of the years l42l to lis t, Inclusive, and thirly-elz (|l> on .July i in each of the years 1184 to 1144, Inclusive; and,

1240,440 Water Bondi of the denomination of 81,604 each, maturing in annua) Inslal- menlf og follows: Five {l> bends on July 1 In each of the years 1>1> to 1188. Inclusive: six <6> bonds on July 1 In each of the years I t f t to 1118. incluBlvfl. and seven (7) beade on July 1 In eacb of tne yeare 1484 to l l t l , Ineluolvs.

All of the bonds will be dated July 1, If ll. will best interest at the rate of five percentum (4%) per ennutn, payable eaml- annuellr on tbs first day of January and July in each year, and will be ceupon Made, regiiterable at the option of the holder ae to principal only, or as to both principal and Interest. Tbe principal and Interest of the bonds will be payable In gold coin of or equal to the present standard of weight and tine* neee, at the National State Bank of the city of Newark.

The succeestul bidder or bidders will hi furnlehed with the onlnlen of Meeere. Rtado McCook 4k Hoyt of New York City, that the bonds are valid and binding ebUgallaga et the city of Newark.

Tha amount necassary to be raiaed hr the aale of sold Street Opening Bonds li 8III,H>; and the amount nioeastry to be raised by the Bale of said Water Bonds la Ths bonda «f each issue wlU, unlsas alt bhls therefor are rejected, be sold to the bidder or bidders complying wUh the tbrms ot aalb and offering to pay not lees than the aiaeaiit naceasary to be raised by the sale el gtioh Issue and |o take therefor the least amount of bonds of such Issue, commencing with the flret maturity; and If two or more bidders offer to taAa the same amount of bonds of the seme Issue, than such bonae will be sold to the bidder or blddera offering to wgy therefor the highest additional price. The

fiurchaeer must pey accrued Interest from he date of the bonds to the date of delivery. No mwe bonde of either issue will be sold than wilt produce the amount neesaeary tv

be raised by (be sale of such leeue and an additional sum of leu than 11.404 for such Issue. Tha right Is reserved to reject all bids.Fronoeals should be addressed to tha Pi- reeCOT of the Department of Revenue and Finance, city hall, Newark, N. J., and |n- cloMd In a eetled envelope marked oq the oulalde: "Propoaata far Bonds,"

Bidders must at the Urns of meklns their bids depeslt a osrtitled check for tw# per cent* of the faee amount of the bekda aid , for. drawn upon an incorporated baalt or trust company, to tha Order of the "Oweetor of the Department of Revenue and Finanoe of the c u r of Newark;' to aeeure th i oUy against any less riiultlng from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. Checks of unsuooessful bidden wilt be returuid upon (be award of the eonda.

Blank proposali can be proeured at the Director of Reveeue and Flnanoo. city hall* Newark. N. J.By order e( the Board of CommisslOMre.

Dated June I, U ll.A. ARCHIBALD.

Director of the Department of Jlaveaua and ginanes.

PUBLIC NOTICE le Hereby given that tks (ollowiDg otdlaanoe paated a third and

final reading at a meitlag of the Board of Gommisirlonere of the s t^ of Neworllo held June 8, UU, and la therefore a law.

W. 7. BGAM,City GloriaAn ordinance to regulate the headway mt

•treat pars in ths City of NewoilaThe Beard of Couuntslloaers ef the City

of Newark, do ordain: teetioa L Every pereem oempanr or onr*

poration (hat does now or o h ^ hereaftw operate otroet oars an the rurfooi of any streit er streets within the limitg of the olty of Newark, shall ran dhd aperate such ckra wlth|n^ tie oily limits from hath the Inbound ou4 outbsund terrafni of the reals of every lias af railway wTthtn said olty at Intervals ot net more than ten minutes apart between the houra of I A. M. and 14 F. M., and at Intervals of not niare than twenty mlnutee sport botwoen the bovs of 84 F. and midnight; providad, hawoter, th«t aethlpg In this aectUHa ilo lt apply to Unas mt railway whose t 4f**hC ishedule on file in the Department ol iiroau and FiWIe Improveraento of the City of Newark ▼idee (er a headway of more than ten min- uUe, ood provided fnrther timt ne delay In the TuqnUig ef cafe aiused ly Inurferenae with tbe eperatlen of eotd ears by firty coouAlty. Pdndsa er the extgepolea of itreei trofUs ehalr desin^ » rIolailoQ of ths previslona of this sestlen.iaetMii 1 Every pemon, ooH»paay sr oor* poratiM that sWL the provIMeas efthin efehibnas sholh upon omfottem for­fait 4M pay (|g tvsey enek msmoa. a saoi Ml o S g iS d S ty ( l» ) deUMA

MttpBk^AU ordioMfsa or porta dl or- ......, gpgii tnke etfeot

W E D H H B D A T . T O S E 1 3 , 1 9 0 .


» BENErlTXNotic* I* harabr fiv tn th»i an ataaaomaai upon *)1 tha ownart ot oil <ht lanOa and rjo l O riou pacunotlj tAtiatltad by *oe» of th e following Improvemenie, nemtiy: The repavlRg of

HIGH STREET.fram W arren street to the northerly aide e f Borden place, according to the provieionH of an «rdlnann« of the city of Newark, en­titled . ''An ordinance to provide for the re ­paving of

HIGH 9TREET.ftem W arren itroet to the northerly side of Boyden plooe with four (4) Iqch wood blockSavem ent on a six (6) Inrb concrets foun-

aUen, approved October 2. U U . hoe been prepared ey (he undersigned commlselonere «r aseeaemenU for loca! imBrovemante ap- poloted by (he Board of OornmliiiJoners ef the oUy of Newark, and that a rsp o n by a eerllflcate In writing, with an accom­panying m ap and echeduie showing the sev­eral aeeessraeote agalnat the eevtrel ewnere peculiarly beneRted as aroresaid. ha t been depoalted In the oUke of the cUy clerk of (he city of Newark, for examlnetron by the parties Interested therein.

^ I d osssasment comprieee all lots, (rao ti and parcefe of land and real la ta te liable to be aeseeitd as aforesaid, lying oh both eldei of

HIGH street .from W arren etreet to the northerly side e f Beyden place.

A "lot" represents an entire plot of land w hether large or email.

All pereons interested in eald aaeeaetnent may be hoard before eald commlisloners of t sseei M eals for local imprnvimaaU on Thursday afterDoon, ths thirteenth u>y June. U l l , a t 8 P. M., a t the commissioners’ room, Ne. 4 (th ird floor), city halL


Commlsslonsrs of Aseesaments for Loeal Improvements.

NOTICB OF INTENTION.BOARD o r COM.M1B8IONF,Rh OF THE CITY o r NEWARK. K. J.Furman I to a fesolutlen adopted by the

Board of Cemmleslonera ef the rtur s( Ksw-

frk. at a meeting held the 4th day of June. Ilia publlo notice la hereby given that II la the Intention of the Board of Cemmlaaloneri of the city of Newark, under and by vlrtua ef provlelons of the act entitled "An' oet to

revise and amend the charter of tbe olty ef Newark,'' approved March 11. l l i l . and the euppltmanis therete. and other public laws of the state of New Jsreey, to order and cause the repaving of

JE rn B iO N 8TREET. from Walnut etreel to Biro street, with 4-la. weed block pavement on the old - concrete foundation, repairing the old eoperete where neeeetary, wllh the necessary new curbing or resetting of curb, together with olher eppurUnaiices (noldental to (he piving pf the etreet. Insludlng lie laying of conoreto •Idtwalke st street Intereeutlona In s<.;oord- arce with the statutes af this state, being Article 20, Chapter 111. of (be state law# of 1917.

Such persons aa may object thereto are re* guested to prassnt their objectlene In wrlt- Ing. to the director. Department of Streets and Public Improvementa. olty ball. Newark, Ob or before the expiration of five daye from

>ts of thie notloe.By dlreottoh of the Board of Ccmmiselon- ere ot the city ot Newark, N. J.M. R. SHB^ERD,

Chief Engineer, Department of Streets and Public Improve-

ttentaNewark, N. J,. June 7, U ll. _______


Notice Is hereby given that eaalsd pro­posals will he received by (he Board of Chosen Freeholders of the county ot Mon­mouth, at the meeting room e( u id board. In the county court house, Freohollt New Jereey, oo July t, UU. at eleven o'cloua A. M., and Ihen and tnera publlely opened and reed, for the furnishing of $i\ necessary machinery, tools and apparatus, and other meeno at conelructlon end doing all of the work and (urnlehing all Lhe malerlale called (or by the following five classified Mts of plane and epeclflcatlons, and wlthki tho time therein provided, vli.:1. The erection and construction of main building and power houaa and laundry;2. Water eupply ayitem and plurablng:

8. Elactrloal wlrlring, machinery and fllures:

4. Power plant and heating;I. Bewerage system,

In and about (he erection and cpnatraatlon of a county hospital, with lu eppurtentncee, for the core and treatment of perMns euf- ferlng from thp disease known as tubor- culone, on the land heretofore acquired (or that purpoea near Allenwood, Wall Town- ■hlp, Monmouth Coqbty, Ne* Jersey, which plane and epeclflcatlnns were prepared tberc- (or by Warren H. Conover, architect,

Proposale ore Invited for each eeparaie oloselftcatioB ot work at above provided, and any bidder may bid on any or all of eald oiosilflcatlone of paid work, |^ aocord- aqce wllh the plane and speolfloa( lopa pre­pared for each eeparate eioss aa above upecl* (led. Bids will bs considered and coiuroct awarded on each cioaelflcatlon of work sep­arately.

Plana and spedflcatlone for each classi­fication Of aforosald, may be seen at the ofDce of the oollectar of the county of Mon­mouth. Court House. Freehold, N, J., or at the office of the architect, Warren H. Con­over, 114 Liberty atreot. Neat York, N. Y,, during biielnese hours, or caq be obtained of the said Warren H. Conover, f t hti office. 114 Liberty etreet. New York, N. Y., upon depotUlng ihe sum of tan dollare. which B^d sum will be returned upon the return of the said plane and apeulDcatlons, In good condition.Bid blauke can he ob t^n^ without charger 4f tbg seld Warren H. Conover, at hla ofDoe, 114 Liberty sfHet, New. 'York, N. T.,^gy At the county ^elltotori office, court bouse. Freehold. N. J.

Bide must M on the staDdard proposal form provided for In each separate cloos of specifications, and in the manner de­scribed therein and required thereby, and a certified check drawn to the order of the oollector ef the county of Monmouth, In tho amounts hereinafter apedfled, muet ac­company each bl4 upon each eeparate cloael* ficatlon of work oi follows:

1. A cortlfled check for 91.404 must ao- eompany each bid fer the erection and oon* itruciUm of the main building and power bouse and laundry:

8. A certined ohtek for |S64 must aqouro- pany each bid for the water supply iyetem and ‘—td plumbing.

3, A cerlllfed oheck for 8844 must acoem- .„^ny each bid for electrical wiring; ma* chlnery and futures:

4. A Rortlflad oheog for 1310 most accom­pany each bid for the power plant and hoat-Iq i;I. A certified check (or |2IQ roust accom­pany each bid for eewerage syetam.

The checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be rotorned os soou oe the bids have been examlnsd and tabulated and the result of the bidding determined, Tha check of the suecegatul bidder fqr oach olaeslfleatlon of work will be retained until the contract os epeclfled Ig duly executed and a bond de- poelfed as required within ten days fvom tha award ot ths eontraot.

All proposals and certlflad checks must be Ineloeed la a seeled envelops, which en­velope muet bear the name of the bidder and aleo the name of the speqiflc classifi­cation ef work hid OB, on the outilde. and be addrOMtd te the ilo4rd of Chosen Free- hioidera of (be county of Monmoulhi and be delivered at the hour and place named.

^ c h bid must be aceompanlad by, or have Inoorporated therein, a certificate of the bidder that the provleloni of Chanter 864, Laws of l i l t , of new Jereey, have been and will be strictly compiled with in connection with such work. _The Board of Chosen Frsaholders of the ooupty of Monmouth reservaa the right (o rtiA t any er ell bids If deemed lo the best liUerests of (hs county so to do.

By ordsr of the Board of Choian Free- holders of the ceunty of Mq^outk,

CHARLES H, ^C K O F F .Director.

^^^orlee B. Close, Clerk ef ths Board.Frseh^da N. J*, June I, llil-

FUBLIC NOTICE.Sealed prepoeals will be rioelved by the

committee on public buildings of tbi Board of Chosen Frosboldera of the county of Essex* at a meeting of said cemroKtet to be ....................... - ‘ -^'err «held In tho freehme room, oourt house.Newark, N, J» on Wednesday, June 11. 1411. at 8 o’clock F. M.« for the purchase ot one oomblnatlon auto chemical Are hose eart (or use at ihe Eaeex County HeepUai at Oyar- brook. Bids will only be rs«elved from bona-fide manufaaturere of fire apparatue, and must bo aubmllted at ihe above time and plaea In atrlct acoordanoe with the epecIficaUeae. which may be InsoMtsd at the offlee of the superiotmient of the pur* ohoelng department, court house. Newark, No JBoeb bidder will ho required to iMlset with tbe hid a oerUded oheok to the order of Btohord W* Booth, oounty collector, or otih In 0 sum equal to ten per eenl. of the u ieu n i of the bid, to secure delivery el the apparatus within (he time eaUsd fer Mi the a»Mflc«U*na, urdar Ih* tWI foil-ttf* ae i* OoU-af will forfait tOa dapoail.Soeh bid Ond dapealt muat b* locladad In oq eqvelope, sealed and Indorsed with tho bams ol the bidder, , . .TB* oonimttt** r***t»** th* rirbt w nloot u y or 0)1 Wd*. ond tho oetlon el tb* eem- if^tte* it In *U reapeet* aublaet to (B* > r- pravol r i th* Board at Choatn Vraabeldon *f th* eeunty of IBa**K. ^THOMAB W, i i n m .



BKKMirrt BALB-Io Chonemr itf Wo* ^«n*r-B*tw*m th* KnlBbt* erf PnblM BuIMIbc ond U*« ooaoelotlmi «t ««w*rk. Now JorOoT. coBiblolnoBt, * ^ ABtehl* Oonot* ot ol*,, doUndoni*. Fl. to., fer aol*

ef*"uSf*'ohov* ttotod *»)t ofttarl faolo*, te a* dlroetod. I ahWl onyoo* tor 0*1* by mblie TWdu*. ot th* oourt houa* IB Nowork, eo Tue^ay. th* ,J««i'd day ai Joly naot, ot two *’* t ^ f , U., oil tboo* troot* or p*r«*lo of lOkd ood prtml*** altuott. lyb* OhdtatiK In th* alty of Mywork. KOMa County. Now Jamay.

FIrot Tn*t~BHl*Btu Ot * polnl In th* ' waatarly Iln* of Vawlon atraot thiny-tw* ta*t nwr* er 1*** mribarly fren lb* aartb- w«ot ewnwr of Feurtoonth oyMuo oad Newton Otraol. whioh print 1* tb* onuth* aoat corflor of lot orid by ROwol and wif* u K. Verikor; tbtno* t1> wttlorly oloac bta, Ua* en* bandrad foat to l*t h*|On(InB lo L. D**b; Ui*nM oeilherir ol*o« his tin* twooty-Pin* l**< mar* at ),** t* Fourtaootb •**•*•; thtao* aaoUrly *1aa« th* Itn* Ol Feoriaantb o n w .n* hun­dred f**i n a n cr laaa to Kawtoii atran; thane* nortbariy alany th* tin* *( Naw- toB aunat thlrlytM faat n o n *r la** to th* Floe* ef twrinnlnf.

Baoood Ok fka voatarly*M* ■ at HowtOn Phfott *t o pelni tbanla diiloot oarthorly IkIrty-aM laet uo* Inoh** Cron th* ooraor ttnood W *« *“ 'toaotoUoa of m i r i^ .* * ftowteo :aar**t « ) tt tt* nerthoriy ^ of FMtoanth av*m ; ttaao* Ferthorly olsof. n M old* of KoarM otroot twoBty-fOnr Toot ttn *

DEATHSCRAMBK—On June II, 1*)|. after a Un-

(ortng lllnaa*. at bla honM. l i t Garalda atrtat, Kdward C.. huaband ot Mary J. Cramer, aged 74 yesra, Notice of funeraltotnorrow.

DRLOlIERC]D--On June U. liU . Anne JHIfuerelo (nee Smith), aged 81, belcvad wife at Wtiiism Delguerclo, former real- denee BellevlUe, K. J. Relatives and friends err kindly Invited to attend funeral from her reiidenoe, 182 South Orange ave­nue. en Frliiiiy June ii, t A. M.. to B(. Joeeph'e church, where s moss of requiem will bo offered for the repoee of her loui. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

FLANAGAN—On June 14. 1418. Helen G. Flanasen. Reledves etuS frlende are kindly Invited lo altend the funeral ecrvlcto *t her ileter's reeidencv. Mrs. F. J. Klgglni. 8l 6 North Ninth etreei. on Thurudsy, at 8 A. M.. to St. Roes flf Liroe'a Church, where a high mose of requiem will be offered for the repose of her soul at > A. M. Inter- ment In Holy fiepulchre Cemetery, rhila- delphta papers please copy.

f u l l e r —On Tuesday, June 11. 1818. Elen A., huaband nt Almira A Fuller. In hie 74th year. Funeral lervlrea will (>• held at his home, 114 Orchard ilreel, on Thuradsy eve­ning. June 11, et 8 oeiock. Heistlves end

Clends sr# invited to attend Interment In i. Piooeant Cemetery at the ronvenUMvee of the family.HALI*—On )uns 10, m s , st her parents'

home, 88 Plane street, Mildred E.. beloved dsufhier of George F and Martha B Hell, aged 14 yasre Notice of (uncrsl hfreslter.

HATCH—On Monday. June lo, 1911. et his reeldence, 16 Wlllowdele e 'enue, Montclair, N, J.. Orlmal Conta Hatch, huaband of Har­riet Judson Hatch, le hie TOth year. Fu­neral Thursday, June ii, ii a . M

KETMER—On June 11. 1811, ^Vliliem J Keymer. beloved husband of Mary A. Ja ­cobus, aged 71 years. Relatives and friends, and membsrs of Newark rounell No. lie, Jr. O. ti. A. M.. ere Inrited to attend the eervleta at Kle home, 66 Race street. Bloom- field, OQ Thuradar evening, June. Ilj el 8 o'cloek. latermeni st oonvenlorice of family.

LEPORT—At West Orange, H. J . Tute- day, June U, 1918. lllee^Th A., widow of George R, Lepprt. Funeral eerviceewill be held at her residence. 10 Mein etreet, Thursday evening, June 11. at 7;Si} o'clock. Reletivee end fHends are kindly Invited to attend- Interment at flucca- suans. ,V. J.

LIKDDdLET—John NIcol, at hts reildenoe, Ti Cleveland street, Orange, N J.. on June ll, n i l , tn htf 78d year. Funeral private.

LUKE^At her home, on June I*. 1911. Matilda Inetl, widow of John J. Luke, and sister of Mra. Fred M. Harrison and Mary Etta Putnam. Kunsrsl eervtoes at her home. 284 BetievIMe avenue, on Thursday aflernoon et 8 D'clDok. Relsttvee and frlen^ are In­vited to attend. Interment in Falrmount Cemetery. New York papers please copy.

MARTIN—On Tueedey, June 11. 1111.Jacob, beloved husband of Mery A. Martin (nee Hohensdel), In hla T4th year Rela- tlvee and friends arr kindly ihvfiod to attend the funeral from hie residence, 404 Ferry •treat, on Frlvley. .fun* 14, al l : |4 A. M.; thence lo Nt Aloyiius's Church, where at * A. M. a high mass nf requiem will be offered for the repose of hie soul. Interment tn the Cemetery of the Koly Sepulchre.

McKEON—On June 11, 1418, et his resi­dence, 88 Second etreet.' Peter, beloved hue- band of Mary J. McKeon {net McCluakey). Notice o“, funeral hereafter.

MUCHMORE—On Monday. June 10. 1818, Florence Jane, beloved wife of Ward W. Muchmore. Rr)aliveii and friends are In­vited TO attityl eenvlpM at her residence, t 0« North Sevantfi street, on Thursday, June 18, at 3:10 V. M. Interment at the convenletice of the family.

PAHTHTMOB ADAMB—Rntrrrd Into rest, Oh Monday. June 14. ills . Ida Parihymos- Adami (nee iftode). In her fUh yi.;tr. Rela­tives and friends ere Invited to attend ihe funrral on Tbureday, Junp 13, a*. 2 P. M., from the residence of her mother, Mrs. Marie stimmerman, 414 Bouth Twelfth street. Interment in Wuodlaud Cenkelely,

SHAW—At Orange. N. J.. June 11. 1411, Genevieve Bhtw. Relatives ami friends ere kindly Invited to attend the funeral from tho reeldence of her father. Bylverius flhsw, 40 Esiex avenue, on Thuridey, June 13. at > o'clock; Uiesce to St. John's Churc:i. where a solemn high mose of rtiiulsm will he offered for the repose of her soul. In- termetft ill St. John's Cemetery,

SHANAHAN—On June ll. I t il . Bridget Shanahan (nee Gaffney), beloved wife ef Patrick ShaDehan, aud e native ot County Weal Meath, Ireland. Keiatlvsi and friends a rt invited te attend the funerkl from Tim­othy F. Foyle'e parlors. 888 warren etreet, on Thursday, June is. at 7:10 A. M . to Bt. Joseph's Churt'h, where a roses of requiem will be offered for tbe repiwe of her soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Beputchre,

BHEPARD-On June 14, l i l t . Chsriea be­loved husband of Mery U. Bheperd. ber- vicea at hie reetdenre, ll Long etreet, East Orange, K. J.. Thursday. June 1|, at •>34 F. M. Knights of Pythlme eervlce at resi­dence Wedneaday eveolng at 4 o'clock; 1. 0 . O. F. eervlcef Thursday. I P. M.. at grave, Roeedale Csmsiery. Relatives, trlende end reesnbers of lodges fhvllsd to attend. Pleaeo omit Dowers. New Haven (Conn.) and South Bend (Ind,) papera please copy.

STAGE*—On June 14, I4l|, Francis, be­loved l^band of Annie Stage- Relatives and Irlenda end the Holy Name Sndlety are kindly (nviied to attend ■the funeral from hie reeidetioe. 1 Suseex avenue, on Thurndey, June 11, at 8 A. U.. to St. Patrick'! Cathe­dral, where a high mail of requiem will bs offered for the repoee of Ms eottl, at 9 A- M, IMerment in ths Cemetery of tbe Holy Sepulchre.

WACKRNHUTH—Psoaed away, on Tues­day, June 11. 1914) ih'ederlch C. Weeksn- hutli. beloved husband ef Dinah Wacken- htith-(nee KrelllerL aged 67 years. Funeral eervicee kt hts home, 688 High etrest, on Thursday, June ll, 1918, at I P. U. Relt- ttvee and friecpla are kindly Invited. Tnter- reent priva^.

WILLIAMS—On June 11, 1I18. WIIttam, beloved husband of Florenne Wtlllams. Rela­tives and friends ore kindly invited to at­tend the funetat from the parlors of ths Peoptn'e Burial (Company, 180 Broad street, on Thursday, at I P. M. Interment In Evergreen Cemetery.

SHERIFF’S SALES(Okohoerr A-l*».)

BKBRIFF*B BALBh-ln C!hancery of NewJerser-Bstweeh Jsy Ten Ey«k, surviving

executor, etc,, oomplatnapt, and' Edward H, Quinn Jr. end George H. Oleeeon, In­dividuals and •• exeeutors, sto., el sis., de- fendaita. Fl. fa., (or esta of mortgeged promises.

By virtui of the above stated writ of fieri foows. to rpe dirteted. t ahell expose for sale by public vendue, at the court house In Newark, on Tueeder, tbe (wenty-firth day of June next, at Dwo o'eloeq P. M.. all that tract or parcel of land sad premleat sUuats. lying and being In (he olty of Newark, Essex Ooudtjr, New Jereey.

Being the land laid out aqd deeignated 04 lots numbered three and four en a map entitled “Idtp of Hadden Tract, prop­erty of tha Mutual land and improvement Company, altuated In the olty of Newark. Emox County, N. J„" and more particularly deacrlbed •• fellows;

Beginning et t point In the westerly line of Hedden (emee as the eatne bsa been recently laid out end eetabliihert on sold map, diatsmt ene hundred and fifty feet eoutherly (ram the corner formed by the mtereeotlon of n ld line «f Had­den terrace with the eoutherly line of Clinton avenue, said Mint being also the eouih^iierly corner or lot number one on eald map; from thence running (1) west­erly along the souiherly line of said lot number one and two on seld msp, and at right anfles to Hedden terrace one hundred end fifteen feet end sixty-seven hundredths of a foot; (hence running southerly and nserly parallel with Iftdden terrace ona hundred feet to (he north- weeterty comer of lot number five on said map; thence running (8) easterly along tho northerly Mae of eald lot number five and at right onglto te Hodden terrace ese kundnd and fifteen feet and seventy knndrtdthi of a foot to the westerly line c( HeddeB terroos: thence nianlilg tiorth- orly along the aaroa one hundred feet to the

or ptaoe of begluitng.Newark. N. J.. May 27, igiB.

JOHN 1L FLAVELL, Bherlft.Albert W. Ifarria, Borr. (|i7.g|)

(Chancery A—1M.>BKSRIFFB 8ALB—In Chancery of New

Jersey Between Vittorio Maglloochettl, MaplainsnL and John Cssale at al«., de­fendants. Fl. ftM for sals c( mortgaged prawisat .

By vtrtua of lha tbova statoi writ of fieri facias, to ma diracted. 1 shall expose (or sals by public vendue, at the oourt house In Nawork* on Tuaoday. the alghtaanth day of June next, at 2 o'cioqk F. M., the one- half undlvldad right.' Utia and Interait la oU that triet or poroel of laid* and preiRltM, altuata. lying ind belog lo tha olty of NfFork, In lha county ef Eooax and slats of New Jaroay.

■aftnning fn the sOuthwsotarly ewoar of CrOfia and Wood strdata; fpom thence run­ning waatarly along Crane atreet thirty- three feat; thenoa aoutharly nearly at right angles with <^ns strsat algkty foal lo a Mint thlrty-alfhi and slaty ona-hundred tbs tael dlrtOnt voetsrtr (ram wood stra«t: thanct eastejrly parallel with Crane itraet thirty-sight and elxty one-hundredths feet to Weed street, sod thence nortWly along the waoterly Uae of the sama eighty and tfrewty-tero oqe-huiidrad(hs faat to Ormaa airoet and the ptaea of beglnohig.

Newark, N. J., May » , 1918,JOHN R. FLAVBLL, fherlft

ttoatnffirr. Mayor 4 Atbako, Eel’rp. < O.W|>

(ChOMory A-IU.)BHBRIFFB BALS^In Choftoery of Now

Jsra^ — Batwan Vniorla llagliaocAatU.

aulainant, and Ermats PlersontT at alg.Widonts- fl. f».. for oala of mortgogad

pramlaee.Tinua af tha above stated wria of fieri

fattoa. (• ma dirteted. I ehoU Mposa for gala by pubho vendue, at ika cuun houaa tn Naworkf on Tuesday, ,(ha alAtaanth day ^ juM next, at 2 colodk F. If*, the etks* half undlvM right, Gila sod untrast hi ^ that tract or parcel ef lands and premises* iltuate, lying ind being tn the dty Of Newark. In Uw county of Bsgsx and suta j^ k g ir Jaroek.

Beglnoing in tha ssulliweiUrly corner of Crane tod Wood etfeota: Dom tbsoca run* nlng waatarly along ^Croos stroat thhix* thrw feat: Immo souibarty nearly at right itagisg with Grnne atreoi eighty (eat to a poAit tklrty-atihi so^ sixty die-hubdradtlis foot diatoat wdMerly from Wood atraat; ttagoos dsraliai wlm CTso# etraei

Am aVERSART MASSCALLAHAN—Beoeod anhtearaory high

moat of raqulam will be offtrsd t& tna Church of the Holy Croes. Harirtaon, on Thursday morning. June 18, l il t , at I o'cloek, far the raposs or tOo soul of tba lata John F. Callahan. RaUtlvaa oi^ frieide art kindly Invited to altand.

HOLLAND—An annlveraary high mars of requiam will be offered for the repoee of the soul of tho late May B. Hollafid. os Thuri* day. June 18, at 6 A. M. at 61. AloyfluFt Church, fulattvee and friends are kindly Invited to attend.

BCHNETDBR—First agalveraary mosa will be affared (or (ha rapqsa ot tha #ouI of Tharaaa ichnelder. at BL Leo's Churoh. Myrtle avenue. Irvingion, oa Thursday* June 11. at t A. M. Ttelatlvee and mehda are kindly Invited te attend.

IN MEMORIAMIN loving memory of our dear metliar*

Loulia Van Kiae, who was colled to her heavenly home June 18, 1917./ knew by tha beautiful amllo on your faoe Gm) bteaied you and bid you atay*

After tha auffarlng af fife, after Its smile and Us frown.You hgve told dowa your cross at the Bavtodr'e feetAnd He has fUlsd your crown.

Reel on. your aufferlpfs art o'sr, melhsr.’Tie wrong for ue to woep.For Christ Koa but kspt Hla oromlMAnd given Hie beloved sWft* . ••___ _____


IN memory of out dear husband and fatbar, Thomas H. MeKavlit. whs auddetily de­

parted this earth June 18. 1917. what peaceful hours we onee enjoyed.Row sweet (hair matnory still.

But they have left aa aoklng void The world can navar fill.Could ha have rsltad hli dying katd To bid a Uet Urawell,The blew would not have beea so hard On those he laved so well.Home (inne. some day our eyes shall mast the race so sadly mieied;Some time our hande shall praaa la bis Anri never eav rorewell,BEHF.AVHD WIFK. loAURA McKRVlTT, AND DAUUHTBRB.

CARD OF THANESWE dAklre to expreae our eloeere sad

heanfeli thanks to our relailvee and trlende, iLeo tha membare of Q. A. R.. No. 11, for their attamJanca. kind expreoehme of tymputhy and moat beautiful floral tributae extended at the funeral of our be­loved husband and father, Henry UoDon- atd; tha aantlemen who so kindly acted aa pallbearere and the funeral director, Mr. Murphy, for hie very kind and moet amtlafactory aervloe rendered.UAMARBT McDonald , w if e , andDAUUHTBR £L1*EN.

MASONIC NOTICEAN *tn*rt«nt L'smimmicatlan of Curtko

U>4(* No. I I . F. ond A. M.. oil) b« hald T hunday avanint.' Jun* 1). o t T:** o'clnoh. from lit* Indie ronm, 10 Hill atraet, for the parpnao nf •u n d ix lln i funtrol aeralceo (or our lot* brother, Krtd W oikorhm ii. a .) H lfh aUMt.

, , „ ^ WK. R. DRAT, W. tl .



I ll BROAD BT„ CORNDR BlaHTH AVB. JOHN a KIERAN. ). J. CHRJBTUAM In AUandanet.Medertta rates and efficient ssrvlos, day or night,Funeral parlors and aqulpmeoi ef ths latest and moat modern dealgo,

Automobilea for long dlatancas,Lady attendant. Chapel Oreo. ORAWr BURIAL COMPANY171 Broad at., corner Eighth avt,Phoua Branch Brook 1118.


116 BROAD iT.. CORNER EIGHTH AVI., wI ll fu r n ish for 178

axtra fine black broadcloth, white or silver grey plus)i casket, with maaaivs bar handles, engraved ntmeplata, casket beautifully llnel with fine Silk or satin: outilde case, advar* tiling, embalming, dretilng, shaving, c/«o|- flx, oandelabra, glovee, chairs, hearaa and three coaches to any city catnatery*




468 Broad st.

ion of tha lata Joshua Briertay,

MorluarlanTal. B. B. l i l t .

BBTAB. t i l l . T SU M41 HKT«A. J. A J . M Q L LC


Automobile cone 114 Orange

)IIe eenege ^ r leni A. iTAhTLEY COLI. •t. Phone J i l l B. B.

dtitanoo*144 Oranga*



CLARK • DOWLINO.____ fu h rra l d ir r c to r i,PHONB <m WAV, *11 BFRfNnriDLDAVa

ELMBR H. VReF iIaNP.. . . » ''NRRAL dirdctor .107 B ll.ab .ih *T«. Phon* 7411 Wtvarlp.


P. J. OILROT, INC.,_ LnOartakara. '

t i l Braad at. Phas* |U l Ms).JOHN D. CRANE. UNDERTAKEa *** Horrlaon ov*., Horrtaau. N. J. a n Kaarnp a»a„ Arllnitoo, N. J.

JOSEPH P, MURPHT. FUNERAL d irecto r , m Flamlog ava, Fh*n* III llrl.

WILBUR B. WHITE, Funaral DIraotar, HI ninta* av*,; phon* HI Wavarlp; fuoarala

5L2J22£iSl3_SU;itJS!;£2l3!iyL!lISi2i™-._____ MOURMN _ _ _ _ _ _**2H1**2’*’® QOODB dirad at abort natlu, C*tl.d for ond dallv.nd br Banr A Bac, H I Farrr at,; pbana a m Markat,WORK flnlahad In H hauri; allfc walata and

drMi,# dyad In I! houra. LiboottL III Main at., Baat Orania; pliuna tlTl.

CEMETERIESEAiT RIDoSCyGv^rcEMETBR^^^ p*l*-tnna, M, J.. on Irolla, ]ln*. bttwaao

Havark and Paaaolc; fintai In atatt; p*r> patuol.ooft fra.; lot. of four gravee. ^44 up.

4 FLORISTS ^FUNERAL daalina, pilma, dico.atlona tor all *M**tona; tlmalif datlvary. Cannatlr «

* - • ' j « Biimon“ ova. Tal. Brnarii Brook 4471; Wavarlr am.„ THB ROBERT FLORAL CO.,117 Markat at., saar Broad; floral doalrna

delivered on anart nollca. Phone Mkt. 494.^ WASHINGTON FLORiaT,Floral dealgna for all oc<*aeloni; to* srloas.

Discontinuance of Chain Utters A*itcd by State Defense Council

staff Corraapotidtar*.TRENTON, June 12.—At the roqutat

of th* Council of National D*(«na* th* atat* organlaotlon call* attonllon of tho publlo to th* fact that chain letter* In Raneral ehould be dlacouraRed. Atfen. tion la colled to a uarles by the Amer- leon Chain Company which Is being cireuloted "to found o apecloi hoopltal In Franoe for th* treatm ent of wound* In the rface and Jow." Tho letter atate* that for evary tlS.OO# rolled by the Amerldin committe* the American Red C roii win give $1,000 In cash. Re- clplenta of th* letter or* requested to write five more letter* and to a*nd twenty-five cente to tha French Conaul, Beottla, Woth. Thla chain letter. It la onld, woa started by the French Conaul through o mlaunderatondtng on hla port. The American Red Cross alates It ha* never agreed to give any money to thla couse, ond it, os well oa tbe Freioh Amboffodor to this country, la onxlDus the chain ehould be brokaii up.

The Treoiury Deportment hoa oa- tborlaed .the following etalement; “Choln latteri, which In the post hove been used to gel fund* for, worthy par- POM* and to r oome unworthy ones, have been otarted by some enthualtotio worker* tor the sole ot war aovlngo ■tomp*. The Treasury Department hag otficlally disapproved their uo*. and the National W ar Bavingo Committe* wlshe* th* publlo to undsratond thot thsoo ‘lettoro wor* not Inotigotod by the notional commltto*.''

Reverting Former Ruling, (^urt Sete Aside Award to Stevedore

gparial Sarrfca of rt*JER8SY CITY, June lt.~-Holdfng

that a man omptoyod oa a atovodore la a* muob under morltim* jurlodlotlon oa Is a tailor, Judge Dohortr th |g morn­ing aot aaldo a doclalon mad* by tor- toor J)idg* Hark A. Sullivan on Uaioa ) l , m i , whan ho awarded a vortlcl iindor th* omployorg liability aot to Qtovannl Tolleotto ot i l Qaorg* otroot, I|ew York, .who wa* fniUred while iSulR g coat an tho lUbmohlp Vatorland I* July, 1*11. ohertly botdr* th a t ship w aj Intornod.

JM ge Bulllvaa orduod Folteotte'ii owploFor* to M y him tr.lO a w tsh tor 2*4 wook*. Tboy oompllod aeltb thi* ordoi tintll loot month, whan thay «p- pegrid befor* iudg* Dokerty, asking that th* order b* **t u id e en tk* ground*'that tho quoftlon should hav* boon aoUlod by th* msHUm* authorl- 14*s Ju d f* Dohaaty agrood Uiat judge ■glilvan u d no JuHMIelton and *01 told* hlo'sward.

)unby-Wide Unit r f i Manufacturers Ur

Plea U Made by Plrendent IQsg^| of Jertey Council to Big Graql i '

o f ^ t b r e n .

For Co-operation in War Work

gparisi Serrfco of l*« XMW8.ATLANTIC CITY. Jun* l l,_ U rg ln g a

fodoratlon ot manutaoturoro, whlob will oTsntually ombrao* all th* m anntaotut- ars In th* vnttod States, W arren C. King ot Bound Brook, prosidont of th* Van- utacturoro' Council of Now Jorooy, to ­day outlined to more than 2,to t buol- nose man of thio oountry tb* nooooolty tor centralliad roprosontation In an er- ganloatlhn that would b* truly rspro- ■entatlve ot all tholr bualnoao intoroota.

Mr. Ring apok* botor* tha w ar oou>- cll ot m anutacturors ot New JorotF. New York, Fennoylvania, Uaosaohuiatta, Conneotleut and Delaware, the aiiBtea having been called to conatder prob­lem* Incident to tho proeooutloh o t tb* war from the manutaeturer*' otalid- point. The meetings will clooe tonigkt with a banquet In tha Hotel lYay- more, where nil oesalon* or* bolag hold.

In a mossag* today to tha ooUTOn- tIon Bsnator Frellnghuysen doclarod tho t "ths notion'* manutaoturoro can oror be dopondod upon to put Amorlo* tlra l In their operation* Amorlean Olt- lionahlp know* no more loyal, patriotic body of man."

Mr. rraltnghuyson was to h i^o boon a guoot ot tha convontlon, bu t bocoua* of tho proea ot otticlol dull** In Waoh- Ingtoa woo obliged to eonool hlo plan* for going.

"On* o t th* objeote e t th* manufao- turera' council of thla ototo," Hr. King sold, "lo to eotabllah an organlootlon of, to r and by monutooturoro o t th* United Stotos. Thar* *re *00,04* manutiM tar- Ing ostobtlahment* In th* country to ­day, giving employment to mor* t b u 10,000.000 persons. Th* National ABBO- olallon ot Manutaoturoro ho i a n o i l - b rrih ip loa* than one and one-halt gar cent, of th* 200,000. Thor* are m M *r- ou i sta te organliattona, but they ar* not welded together. Ws, In Now Jo r­ooy, hope you gentlemen from th* otfeor atates will olect oftlcars and th a t tba proaldents ot atat* oouncll* wilt pro­ceed a t once lo th* formation of a man- ufacturera' tederotlon.

"Thi* convontloD has boon oaII4d (o t tb* purpoa* of upholding tho Proaidont ot the United Btoteo and In co-oporat- In i with th* War Induatrloo Board tR adjusting m anufacturing to tha p rat- srsn tla l nesds of tho oountry,"

Ths oonfsrsts pisdged tholr ouppert to th* Prooldont ond the Administration a t Waohington. Th* monufacturor* da- olirod tholr willingness to undergo aay ■seriftea to aid the prosseutlon of th* war.

Louts Tracy, of ths British Hlasloo In ths United Slatss, stated In an ad ­dress on th s human sacrifice th* B ritish hsvs msda In tbe w ar th a t Croat B rit­ain has armed 4,4*0.000 men fo r th* great conflict.

Bpsakors scheduled to addrtaa th* delogatss today Included H. M. Milos of the war Induatrloi section. Council o t National Oa- fenst; Louis E. Post, assistant Bsc- rsla ry of Labor; Charles A. Clayton, United S tstes Labor Employmsnt Bu­reau; Louis Tracy of thO B ritish W ar Mission; Captain Francesco d u a rd ah a u t ot the Italian W ar Mission; President W. H. S. D sm srsst Of RutESrs Collog*. Captain N. A, Ross, B ritish army; United States Senator Joseph B. B rt- Ilnghuysen end Austsn C olgata

W hat ladwstrtoa Mast DmIndustries milst Immediately davolop

tholr organisation along tha Iln* o t war roqutromonts or bs pu t o u t o t bualaasa Charles A. O tia ch lif of th s bnroou o t rssourcs and eonvorsloh of tha W ar induatrlss Board, told th* tnanufae- turore. Continuing, in part, tb* apoakor ■old:

"I know 1 can sofoly say th a t thapolicy of tho doparlmente of our gov­ernment lo to do everything th a t la poostbl* to m aintain ths financial and Industrial struclurs of our eeuntry, pat, beyond this, to do everything ntcosoary to win th is war.

"It Is obvious that as wa progroaa the government will bs, to a groat SX" tsnt, th* only buyer. It Is facing na now th a t many Industries m utt Imms- d lstsly develop their orgaiiliatlon along the line ot war rsq'ilrsm onta ur be put out of business. To sava ttUt very sarlous situation Is tho work 4f the resource and eonvsrilon laettoa, and Ue work Is dependant upon tha hearty support ot every builnssa iltav of the country."

Camp Vail Officeri Are to CluH^Kouse Located Near O c e u '

Special Streiet al tks S8WI.LONQ BRANCH. June 12,—A «lub

house for th* Camp Veil officers a*- oluslvely will be located a t Second and Bath avenues, oppostt* th s Dt Oama estate, a block from the oesan. ThOr* will be a cantsen a t th* club and Uinohes will be served Saturday and Sunday.

A dosen or mors acres are under eul- tivaltnn at camp. Lieutenant Harold W. Evans of Texas who would have been graduated.from Harvard th is yaar had ho remained In collsgs, la In charge of the farm. Ho has tt,004 tomato plant* growing, about six bar­rels ot potatoes and 10,040 oabbaga planta'. He expecte to s ta r t raising pigs.

The postofflc* at Camp Vail moved yeeterdey to one ot th s new buildings near the L ittle Stlver-Ocsanport road. William O. Pinson Jr., th* suparln- tsndent, haa two assistants, Frmak R. Slocum and Arthur Ryarson, and a fourth wilt be added on Ju ly 1, a t which time a number of Improvements are to be made to the office.

Plans Under Way to Erect About 500 More Buildings at Merritt

Specla) Serrife of Ifle HEWB.CAMP MERRITT, June 12,—Plana ar*

under way for th* conitructlon of about BOO mor* buildings a t this camp. Th* new structures will be erected on all of the ovallabl* open places on tha present camp site, ond some w ill b* put up further north In Dsmarsot on th* old roc* trock sit*. It Is sxpseted th s t work will bs slartsd in July. Th* contract hot not yot boon lot, but wilt he shortly. Th* present contract hold by the F ln e ll Company will b* com­pleted shout Sotutday.

The camp, whon the additional build­ings hov* been built, wilt be on* of Ih* lorgest In this oocllon ot th* coun­try, Two contracts have been let so far, th* Drat to MacArthur Brothara and tha aaoond to the Flosoll Company. Tha FisaoII contractor* ar* alto work­ing on eonorat* roads In th* camp- Kntekerbockor road, Grant and Madison avenuoB, the principal otreets In th* camp, ar* being built ot eoncrete.

Cold Storage Meats Decrease In Jersey, May Report Sbowi

staff Cerroepondenc*.TRENTON, June 12.—Material da-

oroota In lha cold storage supply of trash maata and edible tot* and oils for the month ending May 21 as com parri w ith th* preceding month la shown In a bulletin Issued by th* a ta te Depart­m ent ot Health today. Indicating th* quantitloa of foodstutfa held tn th* storage wore houses lo Now Jorooy to r th s period In question.

Fresh m eats In atoraga on M ar I t amounted to 24,109* Ivs pouaita or a *»- ersasa of 2,711,087 pounds as comparoa with April 2*. During the earn* parlad tber* waa a decrease of 1,822,(01 pounds of edible fats and o tia ut* amount In atorage last month being 2,718,110 pound*. FartlallF offaettlng thaae was an inersas* of L Itl.tO l pound* of frsoh flah ovar April, thsro halng 1,208,101 pounds In storage May 21,

On May I t thor*. Wore 144,741 caaoa ef egga an increase of itl.O fi caaoa ovor April 24. Othor food* tn cold otorago.on Mor 21 as compatod-with A pril JO wora; Bfokan ogga I l M t t pouadj, a docroaao oO II.ITO;, olMaaik 1(1,010 p c u n ^ a daofaaaa bl- pounds: buttar, 171,181 poondA a OraaoF o< O ilitlt pailBds) r AOblirOl pgw tiE a daoraaa* a t poiMd*: m ilk and milk101.000 peunda aa Inenaa*POBWUI BUBcallanaetus paeRagattt a Aordaaa o ^ t O A

W'';'N E W A R K B V E ^ n N O

f ’**r'

/ b q i i ^ A s k

p r i ^ Ere ExecutionTlirift Campaign Counted on 1 Red Cross In Vrance

To Increase War Stamp Sales GrOWth of W ork

listed as Delinquent Selective, Writes He’s in Thickest of Fight

Confessed Kill- in Expected Shoot­

ing Against Wall.

Row Caused Warren Crime

tm k * ^ <*« Ifsira.»OTON, N. * 1-1 Juli* II .—

ot • ttBlok tn*reh to ft ‘dob* ,’ fMow*d bx ft aquftd of iombroro-

•oldlorfti ft ibort Intonrftl to ftod thon ft flftih ftnd ft

UtS dSTknMi. n ittod through tho ( 'ftt two Mftxlcftnf h«ro yootordiy jilio eoronor ftt Now VlUftgo ftu-

1 bift Jurx’i vordict ot '‘g u lllr of Kurdftr."

P ip f t ftnd f lth tln * »t>d drinking ftl- t'lM l bftftii thoir boon oomgftnlopo.__ (hbwftd ft trm o of fo»r-I womoiit of ploftouro »nd comfort

t'gil thox wftntod.\hidaa wo hftoo ft drink of whtaky ftnd

rvi|_ jiigeretti," coolly ookod Amulfor “VilhkgW* wbo hftd lu ll confOMOd to

In tko iku ll ot ft frlond with ">0-,th»n pip* ! • « Hondfty. Hlo foivow- "Silggeer, Foil* CrUido, noddod to tndl-

thftt Bftpuoft hftd oxproiiod tbo “ t t hlft doftiroo, »nd looked hopo-

» ftS lho ooronor- , -k ii.ontotftl, Howftrd f ^ r o ^ o f Phil

f wfto nonpluoood. T hit wftor M W rdtng to tho formo of "Jorioy

ft" Ho hftd oxpoetod to m»ko a lOh ftbout holding tho prioon-

wwT tho Wftrron 6r»nd Jury. ftUftd ftnd tiiod to oxplftln to th»

I from tho iWuth thftt they .„»w go tft ftbolhor Iftll. thftt thoy ; Orftit fo r ftnothor body of mon to

thorn, thftt thoy would hftvo ft fthd ft irlftL . ^

Hoglcftiift iitillod cynlcftUy. Ihought It Wftj ftn ftttompt to

^(h tlr laftt momftnU. Tho olrcum- U du , tho formo. tho Iridlttono of ''A aw rliM proooduro wore boyond ■ egmprfthoDoion Thoy ooltlod book ly to wftJt for tbo oo*t turn m r.oohool of tftto

• M T M U o M k o ra .tbo moil ftro In tho BoWidtro

, . _ J Pbllllpoburg 10 u ik lo g ftbout ^ggeUemOnt thftt bogftn Mondfty. '' 'b i t fa ll itorokoopoTO and farm-

p m rlo w Wftrron County oom- tfoo bftwo boon Joltod and Jbjf**

Wftyft of vmutfto and C*r- _nd tho BdUon Comont Com-

w .Jfow Vtltago hftft boon rogrot- «tho tftol tbbt U oTor omployod

L nooonlly « dioohorgod all hopiBg thoy would find now

, thotr untamod way*, bat thoy IlggWod In 'th o company 0 bunk

WABHINOTON, Juno II (* ) -—Th« (OTornmont harroot of war oavlngo hos docroftMd In tho IftOt throo montho, but offlclftlo count otrongly on Ih i Oftvlngo plodgo campaign ending Juno I t . Thrift D»y, to ralio rovonuoo from thlo oonreo ftboTO any paol record. Tromoury ro- porli today ohownd about 11,100,009 lo now pouring Into tho government cof- toro from war oftvlngo compared with dolly rate* tn May, ll.OOO.OOO In April aftd |1.7i*o. 000 In March. ,

Saloo of W ar Suvlngi and th p ft oUmpi by montho olnce the campaign atartod early laol Docombor are aa fol-

" ’DMombor, 110.110.000;iSI.OOOi Fobruary.

ISt’is MOO: June to Thooo flguroo chow. H waa pointed

out, that tho biggoit ing April, when tho Liberty Loan cam-

Ic'nd S : ; « m . n t . Total ro c .lp t. from war aavinfo now amount to IIOS,-

**Tho* National W ar Oftrdon Commlo- .lo ? % d .y offorod 110.000 a . P r l» . the boot canned vogotabtoi srow n In "war gardono” of tho United StatOi, Tho awarda will bo made to cannon In competition with a t Iftftot five c o i^ Batltoro at rocognlaod canning c lu ^ and falro. The th rift aUmpo will bo offered In hooka half filled oo that In filling tho booka the wlnnora will aid In the W ar Sftvinga atamp cam- Pftlgn.

American Nurses Now in Every Hospital Where U. S. Troops

Are Attended.

Report Meeting Every Call in May

Physicians in Spirited G)ntest for Presidency

of thooo wore la a card game L lb a d a y . Two wore tbo prlionaro

BoWdoro. Tho third wfto JoaoJogft lost KOBfty and demanded M y Criftdo and Baputft. and a

Eleventh-Hour Candidale Against Dr. Lambert of New


Chicago Convention Near End

uatgat«aI gftt nftd rm io b w af* ."m M o u to r wmiftm A. Stry-

»dav, **aS I wfts very <pad

gbft oftmoat p lant poopU found ift hoftd wft« erufhod and ho- b«Sy wfti *0 Iron piP* ai>®“ ‘


»:KMdfty ftitftmoon Chief ftf Po­of Phllllpehurg. who w m

rat fo* ■__________thft mftn, wftft itftndthft FftanftFIvanlft lU llroad 8t*-

pbaa bft ftftw two Kw lcan* dofth gftBtIftao C n u ’ft bearding houoe lb onto thft trftla a« i t began to

oarS Tronloo. Ho ihoutod to : DfttftfttiTft Joioph Dlndlor and

■^ft train w a i atoppod. m to Sbftwt Hlft captor, baadontfftd Crlado Immo-

,,"bnt DlndUr Juot took Bopuftft g m . tuddftniy * rftvoWor hBggft't UoUM, and ft fight In arhlob th» pu to l w ia wreotod

~thft Mwlofth. Both pollcomon atartftd to r th* lock-up, but more

r-B««»n vrtion Bepuftk tried _ liltSo, dftftplte th* handcuff*.

Ickly Wftft dlftovraftd,Cblftf dorgaa w in t b»ok and

. Cruft. th* boarding houfto ead.Mftrgftrlte H tm andei, who

„ J 1 ^ « r w l th B tp u u and Criftdo. « r« bftlng hold ftt BeWldero a t


CHICAOO. Juno I I (ff).—A opirlted eontoot over tho election ot officero onllTOnod procoodingo a t tofffty'o »o»- ftton of the olxty-nlnth annual conven­tion of tho Amorlcftn Modirol A*»orla- tlon. Tho prlnciptl fight I* over ths proildoncy between Admlritl W. C. Sraloted, eurgeon general of the United Stfttoi nevy, and Dr, Alexander Lam­bert of Now Tork, medical director for tho , American Hod Croat work In Franco and proildent ot the New Tork State Modicol Aooocifttlon.

Dr. Lambert It the candidate of the regular organlifttlon leaders and hit friend* oxp*et*d h* would have no op- poaltlon. Admiral Bralotod booamo an ftotlv* candidate for tho place today and developed ouoh otrength that hli trianda predlctad hi* election.

Tho houio of delegate* ot th# ao»o- clfttton will meet tomorrow morning to elect officero and eelect the meeting piece of the next annuel eeeolon.

In an addreie before the section el meeting on dlioaeee of children. Dr. Paul Armand Do Lille of Pari* declared social ftorvlce eenlera and visiting DUreeft' afteoclallonB were the two most effective agencies for child wolfftre he had seen In Americft, He deocrlbed the work of tho French Government In teaching mother* the proper care of their children, but eald thftt the for­eign method* did not compare with thoie of ihl* country. In Franco, be- cauaO of the war, nur*lng mother* are oompslled to work In m unition fao- torl«* and tn other war Indaitrlea, he Mid. Bach factory ha* a nuraery. where the bable* are cared for while the mothera work. Thl* clae* of work­er* are required to feed thotr own chil­dren by nursing. . . , . , ."When I return home I Intend to -a t­tempt the organisation of visiting nureo ftSioclatlone In the thickly populated center*, with the aid of tho American Hed CriMih" Mid th« apeakar/

PARIS, June 1* <*).—In It* report for May the m ilitary affair* department of the American Red Crooe eaye that "no cal! which hae bean made upon us nor any need which ha* come to our attention haft been neglected."

Two new American Red Croee hoe- pltala were opened May 10. One. known a* No. 8. had 100 patlente. It le now running to Its capacity limit ot 000. The other has ISO beds and all Amerleanft in ft e e ru in sector will pees through It on the w»y to Amerlc»n base hoepUftle, thu* being constantly under the attenttoo of the American medical personnel.

American nurie* with French-ip*ak- Ing American girl* have been placed In every hoapltat where American wnimded are being attended. The num­ber of such hoepltale le more than twenty. .

PARIS, June 11.—American ■ubecrib- ere to the Scottish Women's Hospital, of which Kathleen Burke, a deeccndant of Edmund Burke, I* the American rep- re«entattve, probably will be glsil learn that the wounded and a valuable part of the equipment of the hoepitai were safely evacuated from Vlllera- Cotteret* the night of May 10 by car* from Royaumonl, a**!*led by the AmV- ican Red Crooe and an American twelve- etretcher car. _ _ _ __

A portion of tho i ta ff got away on fool when tho tovrn wae eholled and was picked up later. The hoepiui fiinotloned during night bombing raid* and latterly during day midday of May *0, w h e n ImraMlate evaouatlon wea ordered by the military authorities.

Navy ( • Opem HoapttftLLONDON. June I I (A’).—The ■*'b*r*‘

can navy la to have a hoapltal of Itaown at London. F o r this purpose Mr*. Frederick Edward Oueet, wife of Cap­tain Gus*t. member of Parliament, has turned over to the American Red Croee her reeldence In Park lane, known as Alford House. Mr*. Guest *»» ' " ; merly Amy Phlpp*. daughter of Henry phlppe of Pittsburgh.

GENEVA, June 12 (A>V—The can Red Croe* has taken

Bynard, on* of the itioit hlitorl ral and beaullful building* In which hae been loaned to them I'** local aulhorttlas. The lo « l committee of Amerlcane here will o'** *wounded Allied loldlers. and Swlse clU-

and later American soldiers being repatriated will be cared for.

Special SerPlee of tbs IftW t-BATONNI. June II.—Although he

hae been in the eervlc* lo France about ■lx month#, the name of Private Arthur p. Flay of thl* city waft listed March 10 among tho dolinquants by the local exemption boftrd. A letter wae re­ceived from Fifty yoitardfty »ny wrong Impraselon bo c o rre c ^ . He enllitod tn ftn «ngtnoore corpe Oc- lobar I, hftft bfton In Fr»noo P* 'comber ftnd MW »ollon In tho flret lino tronchoi.

He wriloe; "1 do not want ftny one In tho good old United Stfttoft to think 1 am ft ftlftcker. 1 ftm willing to do unythlng to bring home victory with honor for the United Stole* ftnd I hftve been in the thickset of the bftltlee.

Turn War Work West To Relieve Congestioh

Federal Boards Announce New Policy to Meet Labor and

R. R. Situation.

Edge Warns Against ‘Teadwring Of Pwsona! Nests" During War

See No Hardship in the East

German Air Squadrons Mix Signal, Fight Each Other

WITH THE BRITISH ARMT IN FRANCE. June II.—Oerm»n »eri»I equedren* operating Independently ftgalnit the Britleh llnoe were confused by ft German ftoout'ft signal. »nd, mis­taking each o ther for enemle*. clMhed in A general ftngtgeittont June 5. Brit­ish ft viator*, ro a llsln r whftt Wft* h*n- ptnlng, ascended, and, hovering on the edge of the melee, dealt In deadly fMh- lon with tho deluded Qirmane. More than ft half doien pUni* wore downed.

A Qermftn acout, aneounterlng a B rit­leh plane, dlftchftrged a green rocket to call ae»litance. The vcout evidetniy had no knowledge of the preeence ot the eeoond Gorman equadron.

Both the eooufe own equadron and the one working Indepondenlly *aw the etgnal for help. Each of the converg­ing equadrono mlotodk the other for attocklng planet ewoouing down nn a lone German machine. Unable to dl»- tlnguleh the m arking* of Ihe pumee, the two Gorman flight* »wvpt Into »c- tlon against tach other.

WASHINGTON. June I I (A*).— Steady IndUfttrlal expanelon In the Mlo- dlft Woftt and South through the plac­ing of w»r order* with plant* In those section* for the purpose of relieving E astern rftllroad congertlon and labor •hortftge Wft* seen today in the an­nouncement of a new policy of contrect allocftUon by the W ar Induetrles Board and th* fuel end rftllroad adm inistra­tion*. In lh» tretiafer of new order* and p lan u to the Inlend district*. It Wftft pointed out, no herdshlp will beworked upon the toTk* dletrlct In which It de«lgned to prevent further expenslon, we* out- tio« l u follow*; The New England

Senate Sub-Committee Will Visit Jersey Aero Plants

Mrs. Alberding on Stand Tells Husband’s Attentions After Suing

Sperial Pm’lce of (Ac VEITS'.JERSEY CITY. June II —Mr*. Allc*

Alberding of 113 W averly avenuo. Newark, who** hueband, Edward Al­berding of n o North Fifth etreet, H ar­rison, Is suing for an abeolute dlvorc*. naming Director of Education Charle* For*t of thl* city a i co-respondent.wa. the principal wllne** of the suit before Vice ChanceBor Lewie yciterday afternoon. Although Alberding commenced the in November, Mr*. Alberding testified that he paid ardent attention to her In December and they exchangoU Chrletmae preeenle. . . m - ,

Mr*. A lberding. wept while about alleged crueltle . she tered from her husband. 8h# eald ehe

been falsely accuied, but con-

From (»* ff«At«9lOft Byres* ef f»« ETB- NIHO WBWg. ft

■WASHINGTON, Jun* II.—Th* sub­committee of the Senele military a f­fairs eommllt**, designated lo Investi­gate th* alroraft eltuellen, will Inepeet eeverel New Jersey plant* next weik, beginning Tuesday. The Itinerary, ee now mad* out, call* for vlell* to the BUndard plant a t EllMbeth. the W rlght-M artln Company, New Bruns­wick; the Aero-Msrlne Company a t Keyport, and th* Wlttemftn-Lewl* Aeroplane Company a t Newark. Th* committee also will Inspect the Prince­ton Aviation School and the flying fltlds a t Mineola.

During It* etoy In tha state th* committee will be entertained by Sen­ator Frelinghuyten a t hi* estsle a t Raritan. Tn* committee Is composed of Thomas Reed and Hoke Smith. Dem­ocrats, and Frellnghuyeen and New. Ro- publicaiis.

lined aa follow*; The Btatei, Bftetern »nd Souther* New Tork, Ponneylvenl*. ae fM weal as Williamsport and Altoona; New Jersey. Delaware and E astern Maryland, e i- cluilve of Baltimore.

The aim of the W ar Induetrles Board, which passe* on the larger por­tion of lb* contrect* of the Wm and Navy department* and Shipping Board, according to the new policy, will be to •M ign contract* to *#cUon* where transportation will not ovsrtiM th* railroads, denude other e*«onttol In­dustrie* of labor, and where new and leM congeeted routa* to South Atlantic and Gulf port* will be easily avail­able. With a constant supply of coal a* th* heel* lor the rapid completion of all w ar work. It Is expeotod a large portion of the new order* will go to the dlstrlcte not fa r dletant from the coal supply. Thus. In the opinion or offldale, the new policy will mean an expansion of war work plants In W ceu ern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Ill­inois, West Virginia and other sections of th* Mississippi Valley, and the Bouth. Non* of the dletrlct*. however. It wae emphaelsed, will be so flooded with government orders as to cause un­natural Industrial booms.

BjMriet Firolto of the TiHWS.MILLVILB, Jun* 11.—Father* and

their relationship lo the wer we* th* theme of *n adrees here la e t night by Governor Edge a t a meeting of Ih* Father#' Aeeoclatton of the Millville I High School. Accompanied by Major Mahlon Margarura, th* etat* executive motored over from Sea Girt early In th# evening ftnd reviewed the local com­pany of the State H llltia Reserve. He wae tendered a dinner at the Hotel Welherby. Gtieete Included city com* missionere end the Board ot E ducation .

Declaring th a t th* fathers of New Jersey have heavy reeponsiblllttei, the Governor mentioned thftt they had eent 80,000 of their eons Into the wer ser­vice. He Bald th«j were struggling with many domestic pfoblem* Incident to th* war and th a t they must to make fttlll g rea ter sacrifice*. While food, fuel, a irc raft and ehlp* are neces­sary to win the conflict, he added:

"There muet be no ■elflehnosi, no profiteering, no feathering of the per­sonal nests to the detrim ent of the com­mon good. Honeity m ust ch*r*ct*rli* every activity. We should live and comfort ouraelves with the single Idea of winning the war, of throwing energy into the balance agalnel Hun greed and cunning."

Tho Governor predicted that one re - suit of the w ar would be a bettor understanding between the S®’'? ''" ’"*"* end people. He mentioned ‘hat the etate Is tak ing a keener " ‘JJI*** &crlcuUural In tereita and itld that thja co-operation 1* merely In the P’’®’'™’" nery elage, Real reeulls. he asierted, would accrue In the next few yearn.

Militiainen WiD MarcK In Review Before Edge

Officers *nd Non-Coms to Parade with Field Pack Before Camp

at Sea Girt Closes.

Problem in Field Firing Friday

Sees Mexico Guided By Views of Wilson

Manuel Carpio Says If His Nation .^Takes Up Arms It Will Be

with Allies.

Mexican Press Comments Few

Twenty-One Planes Destroyed By British on Italian FrontLONDON. June 12 (A>).—Twenty-one

enemy xeroplanee have been deitfoyeu on the llaHen front h y the Britleh ulr forces opefatlng there, according to lO- day'* War Office etate nont roportlng on the British operatlone In this area.

Shoe Output at Maximum on 54-Hour Week, Board Finds

Predicts Surprises When U. S.Air Plans Are Working Fully

tinned”' '# i^eeV'hlm because eh* etUl

Quick Recovery of Wounded Reported from New Methods

r Ruaei Hopkins to Headladhutnal Relations Section [ wlekig* whereVc

qi^liHIHOTON, June II.—Secretary , j H M lli.a to tftrtsriP ^*"~ ™ * ‘ti* Bppoint- " ' - t t HTiMftt M. Hopkin* to b* aa-

to the Beoretary ot 'War In of tgAuttrlal relations. Mr.

la ft fvftduftte of Dartmouth eUMt of ItOl- After gradua-

a* ftngftBea In aam lnlitrattve work 'a # gftoyetsivF ftl Dartmouth for eight iyqgn, BttbftftqUftntly, for aeven year*,

. 1 Wftft ftftftoqlftted with thft Bell Tele- Comtwnr. th* curti* F u b iiib in i — ta d Wllllftin Fllene'ft Son*

o f Boston on verloue prob- . of uaftfttrlal organisation. He

_ rftoftllftd to Dartmouth In l i t* to ftMmt th e prestdenoy of the college, WhUh he still hold*. He has received tlM honorary degre* of LIU. D. from AmbftTftt and LL. D. from Rutgers andColby. . „ ,tlpoD th* appointment of General Oeethftlft ftft aatlng quarterm astor gen- •Tftt Utft tn m t he pieced Mr, Hopkin* In charge of Industrial relatione for the aUftftonnftOtftr department, ft pesltlon whtOh Ur. Hopkin* ha* elnce filled uftder General Ooethale ftnd General Wood.

WASHINGTON, June 13 (JP).—Im­proved eulgloal method* employed In France permit the eendtng of eighty per eent. o t the wounded men back to the fighting force# within three or four weeks, where** form erly t t took months to our* them.

In making thl* announcement today the surgeon general's office eald that ae taet aa new mean* of treatm ent are developed th* Information 1* tran s­mitted to the United State* for the 1n- (trucUon of surgeon# here.

'**Vorit, It wae ttallfled, vletted th# home of Mr*. Alberding on Chrletmua Day. Ho hftd gone there to Iftke Mr*. Eethrr Smith, m other of Mrs. Alberd­ing, home from a hospital. The eamo afternoon AlbefdlnS raided men.1 and wa* worsted In a flti flgu‘ with th e co-respondent

Ralrolman Frederlik Webber of the Newark Police Department gave Alberd­ing# rai* a set-back. Webber wae the policemen who went with W alter Johnson end Alberding on the night of leet October 23 to watch Mre. Al­berding from n shed in the rear of the W averly avenue houee.

Anderson and Alberding had testified that they eaw Director Foret with Mr*. Alberding, and had watched them tor three hours. ‘Webber, however, failed to recognlie Foret ae the man wljo wae In the room w ith the defendant; eald that the watching party did not remain

the shed over an hour and that he

LONDON, June 12 (A>).—There will be eome eurprleei on ihe weetern front when the American air program Is In full working order, says a epeclal cor­respondent of The Tlmee, In concluding today hla authorised description ot the work of the American forces In France.

There are already large production depftrtmenti, eeverel huge flying tchoolt. repair ehope. and supply cen­ter# In France, and aleo plenty of pilots who, thft correipondeht 1* con- vlnosd, »re im ong the bast tiler* at the front. One of the typical air se r­vice departm ents which th* correspon­dent visited cover* an area si* miles by one end a half miles. There the construction, assembling end repair of American aeroplane* will soon be go­ing ahead on a scale never before known.

"An Intermediate »ectlon, comprising a variety of enlerprlee.* over A large section of the country, skilfully linked by rail, looms largo In the American plan for the quick handling 'of store* for any arm y of millions. At one point. It 1* added, row* upon now* of steel structure ware houses are being built to hold supplies for thirty days for 1.000,000 men."

NEW TORK, June 13.—Reporting upon a atudy ot the boot and shoe tn- dupstry, similar to a previous atudy of cotton manufacture, the National In ­dustrial Conference Board, In a s ta te ­ment made public todey. revrlews pri­marily the question of output in rela­tion to hours of labor. The report deals also briefly with the relation ot hours of labor to health of employee*.

The board states th a t a week ot fifty- four hours suffices to maintain maxi­mum production In the industry, while some chopi achieve a maximum with fifty-two hour* a week. A forly-elght- hour week. It Is reported, resulted In diminished production, though there are too few caeca of a forty-eight-hour week to w arrant final Judgment on this head.

The report cover# 110 eetabllshments and tS.OOO employees, and the replies to the board's questions Indicated that a rapid shortening of hours had of late taken place In the trade. Between 1014 and l i n th# percentage ot work­er* on a fifty-four-hour basle Increased from fifteen per cent, of tho whole number to eixty per cent. A tendency le reported toward voluntary reduction of hours below the legal maximum.

The board points out that Irregularity In actual hour* ot labor under various ayeteme of nominal hour* made It diffi­cult to compare result* In term s of pro­duction under the longer and the shorter work day. Tho effect of differ­ing hours of labor upon the health of employ sea could not bo traced, reported

NEW TORK. June I t (# ) .—The Mexican people are tpuch impreesed with President Wilson’* view* on In- lernatlonel affaire, and If they decide to take up arm s U will be with the Allies, declared Manuel Carpio ot Tuca tan. a member of the party of Mexican editor! who are touring the United Btetes, when he and hie colleague* a r­rived here laet night on their way to New England.

Bpeaking on behalf ot the PariJ; Benor Carpio epoke enthuslaetlcally Of their reception by President Wilson last Friday and eipteaeed their beiiei In hie honesty and elncerlty of pur­pose. Benor Carpio said ho felt as­sured that when they return to Mexico, their report on the visit to this coun­try would put ancomplexion on oondltlone in the UnltM States as they are now understood In

MEXICO CITY, Jun* 11 (A>).—Presi­dent Wilson'* addresB to Mexican Journalists In W ashington last week was printed prominently by most Mexi­can newspapers, but comment on the sentiments expressed Is pecially from government officials. Tho speech was distributed broadcMt throughout Mexico by telegraph and by

Bpertat Serrice of Wl* VBFS.CAMP EDGE. Sea Girt, Juno 12.—

Governor Edge will take a review of the 600 officero and non-come of the New Jersey State Mllltta before tha current camp of Instruction le con­cluded probably Friday or Saturday.The militiamen who have been formed Into a provisional hattallon will parade with full pack. Preceding the revleiv there will be some exhibition drilling.

Brlgsdler General Bird W, Spencer. Inspector general of rifle pracllce for New J»r**y, will direct a field tiring problem Friday. Lines of ellhoueue targ e ts will be raised from the rifle pita and upon these Iheoretlco! enetnlc* the militiamen will advance In attack.It will be practically the only rifle tn- . etrucllon of the current schndl. so far as actual firing le concerned. The of- flcere may be sent Jo the ranges I"- ,morrow and Friday for pletol practice. General Bpencer Is lo talk lo the 600 officers and non-coms tomorrow, on small arm s practice.

The Bcop* of the drill work was ex­tended this morning and the men got their first opportuiilly tor ciose order drill# In company tormallou. The san ita ry troops, Including tbo baiuls- m*h. who are used for medical work also, were put through llttor drills under command of the mcdlcul officers —Major John J. Broderick, Captain Ed­ward E. Markene and First l.ieutenant Jam es R. Hewson.

Lieutenant Colonel Bcotl ScammslI Of the Judgre advocate general's depart­m ent talked to the troops this a fte r­noon on tha subject of military law and court-m artial. This morning they heard a talk on company sdinlnlstra- Hon. Major Broderick talked yesterday on pereonal and camp sanitation, and explained the Importance ot keeping clothing, body, tent, kitchen and ground spotlessly clean. Lleutenunl Colonel David B, Hill initruclod In ‘h* preparation and carrying of tho field pack.

Major Broderick and Lieutenant Colonel Robert L, Patterson of Ellxa- both, camp Inspector, are making their Inepoctlons together, and where unrotte- Isfactory conditions are found the field officers are taken on an Informal tonr of Inepeellon and shown th* shortcom ­ings. together with their remedies. Notable improvement le seen In the condition* elnce the opening of the camp.

Ban on Wrightstown Lifted, Dix Soldiers in Rush There

'^G&neral Qarcl* Vl^n, President of tiift Chamber of Deputies, Is the only

-government leader whose view# nave been made public. The general eald m enltng reminder he believed th a t the Prosldenfs speech contained serious advice to democratic people, eepeclally to Mexico, not to be daealftd by German militarism, a-hich destroyed all liberties.'

Eviryw here. the correepondent con- ‘h® C a*

was poeltlve th a t there was no wrong-

Raising Trolley Fares Discujscd At New York Mayor’i Conference

Efforts to subpoena Lieutenant Oppe! of Newark, who. It I# said, assigned

oludes, there 1» an air of soimres-od energy. The first year's record !s "n. glorlou* achievement, prom lsinggreater things for th* near future."

Roosevelt Pute End lo Cries from^ Audience, "Roosevelt in 1920

12 C^>.

quale records. Nor did the hoard find traces ot any speclaliied occupational disease or m ortality rate.

Clemeanceau’s War Statement Gives Reassuring Impression


University to Introduce Three-Year Course in the Fall

nT H L E H B M . F*.. June I t —Lehigh ITftlvftnjtT, ft* a wftr meftture, will 1b - treABCft Pftxt fftU In ftll depftrtmenti tkr**-yiftr coursst th a t w ill cover the work heittofore given lii four year;*. The new tystem, which will go into effect Mpteniber II. shorten* the euni- M tr vacation and substitute* three lerros of fourtesn weeks for two term* ef seventeen week* each ye*r.

^ U h the Introduction of m tllU ry training and the thortenad soar** a etudftnt can feel thftt he 1* preparing tn thft ihorteat time poislbl* fbr ef- flelent eervloe," iftyft' President H. B Drinker. *ThU step I* In dlreot re- eponee to the dsslfe of President Wil- ftpB'ftiid of the W ar Department that meaftura* ihall be tokeii to keep our young men a t their acboiastlc work, so th a t thotr service when offered to the govftmment shall be th a t ot trained men."

NEWBURGH, June I J Th*question of perm itting afreet surface railway compftnle* to Increase their fares from tiv* to six cents should be considered on the p a rt of municipal aulborlUea frankly and In a atralght- torward fashion, and w ithout rancor, ISeclarsd City Attorney Richard C, 8. Drummond of Auburn In an address to ­day before the *1*1# conference of May­ors and other city officials. Mr. Drum­mond was chairman of th* special com­m ittee of the conference which con­ducted the fight against th# traction companle*. ,

"Our idea* upon the*# question* af­fecting public util 1 He# and puhllo eer- vice enterprise* a r r changing very rap­idly." **ld Mr. Drummond. 'Ti, in order to exist, the railw ay companle* must have more money, th a t revenue roust be provided. If It can be provided in no other way save by Increased fare*. Increased fare# m ust be granted. Bach municipality m ust decide them for i tie lt"

Tuderaon; counsel for F o rst said he here laet night by crl*. would renew them. Juvenile Dourt [ jjjo " - Theodore Roo# Judge Edward Schoen, who appear* for Mr*. Alberding. has announced hie Intention of Investigating the circum­stances of the raid. , ,

Forst made a general denial of tne charges, sta ting that his Interest m Mrs. Alberding was only a friendly one.

Lieutenant Oppel. on duty today a t the Second Precinct Station, said that no one has made any effort to serve on him a aubpoena In the Alberding case. Furtherm ore, th* lieutenant ■aid hie recollection of th* case wa* vague. He recalled that Patrolman Webber did aome Inveatlgatlng In U. but how the Inquiry began or what Webber's findings were th* lieutenant said he did not recall. He scouted the Idea that any influence* had caused him lo assign a man to the case, adding that he 1* not, and never has been, acquainted w ith Mr. Alberding.

Aooi«v9Um O !" Theodore Roosevelt stoppea speaking until the audience wae sUeiit. and said; . , . .

"Friends, this Is nothing but an American meeUng a t which w* are dis­cussing Americanism and all It meanft preparedness, and putting th* war over. We m ast stand by every public servant as he develops and uses the etrsnglh ot the country. Wo should aland against him precleely to the degree that he fall* to develop and use strength of tho oountry."

There were no more interruption* of th a t kind.

Mr, Roosevelt spoke her* In opening ft w»r Bftvings stamp tel* campragn. prelim inary to hla address on "Ameri­canism, prepartdnete -and Putting tho W ar Through Now," he mad* a plea of Investment In war savings stampi, and also paid a tribute to th# memory ot Charle# W. Fftlrbankt. Vtc# P rts ld tn t when Mr. R o n ttv tlt waa President, who died a t his home here rtcenUy.

Warren’s Grain Crop Not Ruined As Farmers at First Had Thought

Policeman Couldn’t Keep Reward. So Baker Gives It for Soldiers

Talk of J»pan-Cenp»n Alliance Decried by Tokio Journalists

To Decide Soon Rightful Widow Of Helmuth Schmidt, ‘Bluebeard’

WASHINGTON. June I I ( » ) .—Secre­tary Baker has received from th* chltf of polio* of Sprlngfltld. Mas*., a check for H0.63, representing a reward paid to a member ot h i / force for appre­hending two deserters from Camp D,v- ens, Ayer. Mas*. Springfield police oommlialoner* decided no police otticsr would be permitted to accept any re­ward for the a treat of deserters.

Secretary Baker, In acknowledging the money, eald; , ^

"I knjg* 'ST no bette r way In which to *pftlflrthlB money th an to forw arl ii to th* Commission on Training Camp Activities for the purchae* of ethletto material for our forces.”

pOHTtAU, Mich., Jun* I I (» L —Judge Boss Stoekwell, will decide on July IS, vrtift 1* widow of HelmuthBchmldtbllisyal Oak man. who ended M l lE jail, after confetalng that W* tram ed Um body ot M l» Augusta IMstBbfteh o t K*w Tork, who was lured to Ibift OUT 1>T b take matrimonial ad- veitfatotoAf pfloted In a New York QrosSBftPftr. Three women—Ur*. Adele UMiek BrftU". Mrs. Helen Tint*. M m ld t ftOd Mr*. Anne Hooke Bwltt ftti a t Nftw Tork, have filed clftlms

th# Behroldt eftUte.

Mm Above Selective Service Age May Enter New Officers’ Camps

_ _ Brftun Wft# the wife o t Setamldt left hft lived ftt Lftkftwood, N. J. It

ghft who teld th* ftuthorlllei that t of others of the "Btuebeftrd’F’

ght be found under the cel- kewood houftft. No bodtee


WASHINGTON. June 12 (A’L—Tomeet future need* for officers the War Department 1* considering a proposal that men from civil Ilf*, who are above selective eervlce age and have special qualifications, be adm itted to th» next and aucceedlng train ing camp*. Even If all men now tn tho training camps are commlseloned, there still would be a deficit In commlseloned personnel for organisation# now under eontemplallob.

SpHsI Serefcs of IS# HKWB.WASHINGTON. N. J , Jun* 12.—Con­

trary to the opinion of moot Warren County farmer* about six weeks ego. the grain crop of this county now la expected to be almoet up to th* aver­age. I t had been thought that a large amount of th* grain had been "acftlded out" by the Ice storm early In the winter, remaining on Ihe field# until th* breftk-up In the spring, when the warm rays of the stin acalded the jrain* However, the spring rains have wrought ft big change, and where early In May some farm ers even contem­plated plowing up the field# m d p lant­ing potatoes, there now will he a t least a two-thirds' crop. Tho farmers etal* that th* heads on the grain stalk* ar* shout one-third longer this year and well tilled, and this also will have a tendency to average up th* crop.

The rains, however, have retarded cultivating the corn »nd th* weeds have gained on the farmers on most farm*. U h»* aleo been necessary In many eftsss to replant the corn field# twice end even three times. Most fields In spit* of Ibis handicap, are now ahowlng fairly well end It Is **■• nected that the corn field* will nearly all be "knee high by the Fourth," which la th* rule In th is aeollon and Insure# a good crop.

CAMP DLX, June 12.—Restriction# th a t were placed May 21 on soldiers going into Wrightstown, where un- healtbful add generally unsatisfactory conditions had been found, were re­moved laet night, and thoueande of the men descended on the borough in a vlett th a t was turned Into a Jubilee. W ith the Influx of the troops W rights­town cash registers tinkled un til U sounded like a Swiss bell-ringer act In ft rapid-fire finish.

Th* tune of the regletsrs wa* m e r^ music to the ears of merchants, lo r In th* three weeks that the borough was under th* ban «te occasional^ tone of tha cash gong wae a doleful and to r­m enting reminder of th* day* when business was booming. The borough- Ites had been so busy counting coin* th a t they were quite careless about th* cleanliness ot shops and atreole In the place. But the army embargo has made of merchants wiser, a* well

Vessel at Cape May ReiwrtsFinding Gennan Mine Afloat

CAPE MAY, June 12 (^ ) .~ A n Incom- Ing Blesmshlp report* having picked up a floating mine about four miles oft Ship Shoal Island, Va,, which I* soms distance north of Cape Charles LIghL Undoubtedly thte la one ot the many similar weapons of destruction set afloat by the German U-boats during their raid along the coast last week.

But sadness was forgotten last night when the largeet crowd in the hli^ tory of the borough swarmed In from tho cantonment. Rookies J**®’’hearing of the attractions of the cross­road* metropolis without being ahlft to ■ee for thsmselvsa end, when the barswer* le t down, there wae a stampede

of refreshm ent andfor the placesamusement, _

Official word was. received yesterday th a t reduced-rate tares will be In force for soldiers on furlough from the camp.Soldier* purchasing Itn nrnduee certificate# of leavetheir raio along me ------ ou.-,--.-- j

Government mine sweeiiers are steam- qulred WHhout suchIn.t ..n and down the coast searching a t the agent* oltice. w «nIng up and down the coast searching for mines and oftlclats expect they all will be accounted for shortly.

Sixteen mines have been found off the Delaware Capes. Ten wore brought tn by various destroyers and patrol boats, thro* wore exploded a tsea by a coast guard cutter and three


PARIS, June 12 (A*).—A reassuring Impression has been produced by statem ent given In the Senate by Pre-

ler Clemenceau on the eltuatlon at the front. He said th a t devtslve results had been obtained a t certain points with minimum forces and minimum losses, while the enemy losses had been enormous. He laid strees on the re ­sources of tho French army, which at certain times had crushed the German offensive. Details of the admirable American effort to dispatch new forces to France wore given.

The Echo De Paris elates th a t there were crack divisions from General von Hutler's army In the enemy forces which were forced to re treat In the French eounter-attack between Rom- bsscourt and St. Maur. tn the center, divisions of the guard commanded by General von Schoeler were repulsed.

The Petit Journal calls attention to the fact that th* appearance ot certain elsmente of Frlnee Rupprecht'i army mingled with General von Hutler's men Indicated th a t th* German losses were heavy, as the German etaff ie opposed to mlslng forces from two different army groups.

were Cast up on the beach below Del.

The g reatest cautlpn Is being ob- eerved In the movement of ehipe along the coast, None are permitted to t r a ­verse the ocean a t night. Each evening all those In the vicinity of the Dela­ware Capee put into the government harbor near Lewes, departing a t sun­rise under e sco rt

cirtitTcate a men can obtain only a fu ll-fare ticket and this le expected to make It easier for m ilitary POjl®* to pick up on the train* men abaent w ithout leave.

Miss C. F. Howell of Morristown Weds Lieut. Caffey at West Point

Jersey City Drops Plan to Buy Tract and Construct Terminal

Sp«4nt FervifS of WWB.MORRISTOWN, June 12.—The m ar­

riage of Miss Catherine Pr»P««® “ f * : ell daughter of Mr. apd Mr*. Wllllft K irkpatrick Howell Lieutenant Eugene “ **'*artillery corpe took pleco toa*y coeel erunory 1"a t noon in th* ch.pelrd ? f t te ly following Id .u t.n ft.t^ ^ ^ ^ ^S ;T g r» d u » tlo n this morning from Hi®

LONDON. June II (* )-~ A majority ef the Jftpaneee nation doee not believe th a t Jftpftn ftnd Germany will become ■Itles a fte r the preftent war, eaye » cablegram from an organisation of Tokio newspapermen to the Dally Tele­graph, The cablegram reftds:

"Th* Chin JukftI, an aeioototton of leading Journalist* a t Tokio, wishes to Announoo th ro u ik your Journal th&t talk of a poastbl* alUanc* between thl* country and Germany ftfter the war. recently heard In oertoln quarUre here, does not represent th* view* of a ma­jority of th* nation.

"We wlih to lake the opportunity to assure our Allied friend* that the Jap ­anese. ee a nation, are determined to abide ee faithfully a* ever by the a l­liance and to Join in the prosecution of the war until the ultim ate object—the crushing of German mllllariam—!* a t­tained.

Indiana University Graduates 236 Stu^nts, Roosevelt Speaks

alxty 4Mtollfy to* ClcrUhlp.

War Finance Corporation Holds Confab with New York Bankers

BIX30MINOTON, Ind,, June 12 (dP>.— Diplomas were given to 2|6 student# of Indiana U nlvsrslty a t the ajtnual commencement etero leei held on tha .oampus her* today- The principal epeaksr wa* Theodor* Roosevelt. Thl degrees were conferred by William Lowe Bryan, president of th*. univer­sity. Many who would have gradu­ated are now at the front.

LAFAYETTE, lnd„ June 13 ( * ) .— Among the ISO young men and women Iraduated from Purdue University to­day were e ight soldier* from Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Du* to the fact that soldier# w*re among th* grad- uatee and also that Purdue la s train ­ing school for hundreds of seleqllve servlet men patriotism had an un­usually prominent piece tn the exer­cises. Form er United tSetee Senator albert J. Beveridge delivered the ad- diass.

Sjieriol Ferric# of (He SBW8.JER8ET CITY, Jun* 11.—Propoials

th a t the city purehafte and develop‘the Mungo J. Currie tract on New Tork Bay were rejected yesterday by th* City Commission. As eounssl for Intsr- ests th a t w ere not Identified, W alter Condlot of tha lew firm of Condlet, Condlct A Boerdroan submitted to th* commission a request that th* city undertake a t a cost of about fT.S90,909 a development which Mr. CondloYa clients would lease at completion on term* advantageous to the city.

When the subject wae first brosohed, to the oommlstlaners Mr. Condlot eab- m ltted an olaborfttftlf worked out pros­pectus th a t oftltsd for th* building of bulkheads along the treat and tho ru n ­ning of otftftmehlp piers Into th* bay. Th* trac t extend* to a depth of perhaps half ft mil* from th* weterfronL and run* from the Bayonne city line to the Gate* avenue yftgdft of the Pennsylya nift Railroad. \

United States MlllUry Academy, lowing the ceremony, which waft per f" m * d by ChftPlftln H. P® "y

P o in t a luncheon for th« famny M d intim ate friend* of th* bridegroom was glvtu Highland

T h i bride was given- ftwsy h r her fa th e r and was attended by Ml** McAlister of West Point s#Miss Ruth Brewster o ' of honor, and five b rldem alds, th e Mieses Ruth and Hatfle Howell of Boonlon, Anns Kuehl Mercia Kltchell of Troy Hills and Mary Frances Buffum of Louisiana. Me.

Lieutenant William Godson, ft boj-hooi fii ^d ’of ipw*:#'_ member of today'* Point* wa* be*t man.

Cradle Is More Dangerous Than First line Trench, Speaker Says

f t" ''- -s i : I w ig ■•torn* aif Varowr.BPSUB, Jnn* 13.—At Vas-

rs flfty-thlrd annual eom- yesterdsy a prise w»*

. JM New Jersey g irl and an- " ft graduate fellowship,

rd, th* Virginia Bwle- prtft* given by the

n t,'w * ttt to His* Bhtttl ^ Mentclslr, .R u s t in g clftaa. The I AJSthonr Ooldeehmtdt

-----arwardsd bptlvhn Mis*

Te gcTve a t V. M. C. A. Mea Atoesft.Special Ferric# of (S# 8KWB.

OCEAN GROVE, June 13.—Former Assemblyman T. Nelson Llllagor* of this plaq* la aw aiting a call for w»r etrvlc# abroad In th* T. M. C. A. ranks. Me expecto to sail t i th t r lo r.Italy or France within.* few flsdra. For a wtek nr more Ur. LUlftgore has been under­going Intensive train ing for th* dutise h t win perform abroad, reporting dally a t the F ifth Avenue Baptist Church, New York, in a class under the direc­tion of Secretary Uric* of Ih* New York Y. M. C. A. headquarter*. As Ur, Llllagor* expects to act a t Uiterpretsr, be has bean brushing up In five Uh-. gu'ages he speska. A barltons singer of local note, he will also be preparftd lo ac t as an en ierts iner for the soVdIers, Hr. UlUiger* has slgaad te remain abroad eighteen m onth* but ha* stg- nUisd ;U s ' intention to stay longer hhould the wgr contlnn*.

Flo/f CorrcspondcBM.TRENTON, June 13,—Among Slaty

candidates who met the tests In the civil service examination for th# posi­tion of clerk, elxteen Nswarkers q«all- fled, as announced by th* Civil BervlM Commiselon today. They are Rose G. Harris, Herman .B. J. Weekstein, Will- torn M. Cherry. Miriam V, Ftoohbeln. E tta Weinatock, E llah e lh M.Iren* M. Owens. Fannie Marcue, 8 « l* B, Felienslein, Benjamin P. Harris, Ba# Davit. Paula F. Bruber, Hattie Slesholts, Mlnmi P. Blrkhahn, Elsie Ruegg and Uolll* Schwarts. Others who qualified wtr* Anna C. 3lcMlUan, Bloomfield; Mrs. Cathsrln# Dowd, East Orange; Maud* C. Atchison, Orange.

NEW YORK, Jan# II,—Members ot the W ar Finance Corporation held Ihelr flret m eeting In this efty today a t the Sub-Treasury. .They wer# In confer­ence with representative* of leading banks, trust companies and banking house*. I t was understood they dls- cuesad the eppllcstloo of certain pro- v ltlon i of the Wftr Finance Corpora- tlcn act which *9*#* banker* wer* yet not reedy lo Indori*.

An open meeting waft scheduled this afternoon, a t which representatlvse of local public u tim U i companies aub- mlttod applleftttoni for financial ae- elstanes.

Chattle High School Class to Support Fatherless French Boy

Gal(-Attaft«e Ceiftftl Propotod-BT. M A R rs, Qa.,Jun* « (JP),-~nan*

for linking the A tlaatle O i ^ *'*'*i,*^'! Gulf or Slexleo by an inland cft^al from St. Uary'A Oft- to B t Marik*, were outlined to th* AGsnlle to Canal Conference her* t o ^ by «» nor Dor»*y of Oeorgift. ftJttendlng from Oeorgift, Florid* • Ih tr itfttftg.

Liberty Bfutds (or Creditors Of Aetna Explosives Company

SperiftI Ferric* oL,!*® NEWS,' LONG BRANCH. June 13.—Th* Chftt- tie High School graduating elass has undertaken te support * fftthelss# hoy in France for two year! a t »n annual cost of 319.50, Th* action of the gradu­ate* was mad* known a t the clas* day exercise* last n igh t a t th* Intermedtol School.

The class numhere elxty-eeven pnpllA thh largest In th e h ltto ry of the eohool. Th* c<wnin*n*i*nHinl ♦xwciMi will b* held Friday n igh t *1 the Broadway Theater.

Special Serri« of IS* ySWB.MORRISTOWN, June 13.—A meeUng

In the In terest o t child welfare waa held yesterday afternoon In the parish house of St. Peterift Church. The chief *d- drees was made by Dr. W, M. Gorman of Jersey City, who told what that city Is doing now In this line, his address being liluetrated by etereoptloon view*. He eald th a t the cradle Is seven tlm ei mors dangerous, so far as loss < llfft !• concernad, than th* first line trenches,

Miss Eugela Eddy, head of the d is­trict nurses, spoke on what Morristown Is doing with a conference every w ttk at the Neighborhood House. Slsty- Ihre* hab its have hen examined there In three month*. There are a t present employed by th* Visiting Nurtes Aafto elation two graduate nurse*, *h# r# ported, and oo* pupil nurse froni M* morlftl Hospitftl. Mrs. Henry Rsvri president of the sssoctotlon. end ftsked th* becking of *11 present In the bftbyveftving work now under way.

Appul of Count Minotto from Fo€ Alien Decision Dismissed

The bride wore ft gown of■Ilk, which had been worn by ^ r 1

m other and ton* i r tk hdings. H waa draped with tulle, ^ m nWM caught up with orange blossoms and her tulle veil, *l#o worn by her m other w*a covered with a veil of m adelri lab* -wblch had belonged to her great-aunt. The ^ftll was held in dtoce by a coronal of orange- bloseoms, both these blossoms fthd those on hergown having been worn by her motherin d grandmother as brldss. She car- Jled ft bouquet of while rose* and whit* iw e tt peas.

The bride’s attendftnts wore wWte costumes. The maid of honor w ort ftgown of whit* organdie with ft wWleleghorn h*l trimmed with daisies, gnd carried a bouquet of-dslel**. ■

Miss Buffum, who led ‘be brldee- maids, wore pal* yellow organdie wjth ft yellow poke bonnet, and ‘be other bridesmaid*' frocks were of whit* dr- gandte, with which they wore while crln hat* trimmed w’‘b ‘dU*- AILitor- rled bouquets of daisies. The H‘‘l* flower girl also wore white orgendle w ith pal* yellow ribbons and •basket of yellow and whit* daisies.

The bride’s mother was in gray toU'! foulard trimmed with dahliaJtotln a i^ wore a large whit* hat with white

L toutanint Caffey ha# been given s sho rt leave, after which he will be tem ­porarily stationed a t Fortress Monros. His parents. Colonel Lochlln Laffey. L. a. A., and Mri. Caffey, were unable to be preeent a t the wedding booauee of having Just been transferred lo Alien tu. Ga, Colonel Caffdy, like hie son, Is •graduate of West Point, ^* Lieutenant Caffey’* olasi, beoapa* -,f w ar conditions, w ts graduftted ft year In

NEW TORK. Jun* 12 <»).—The r* eelvert of th* Aetna Expjoelve* Com­pany wer* authorised by the federal court today to pay In full *11 approved eredltora who would ftecept their ftmounto‘ lB Liberty bofida To other approved olftlmsuto a dividend of twenty-fv* per cinL will be paid a t once, and this will leave ft final tw enty. tIv* per eeilL to be paid to these cred­itors Ifttsr.

A fifty B*T' cenL dividend paid to esfd lto n eoM* tim* agd ftggrsgftted

Ex-J«rsey Postmaster to BeSentenced to . Electric Chair

CHICAGO, June t lof count Jemee Minotto from th* de­cision holding him to be an alien *"«^Y was d lam lased.ln the Court of Appeftto today. HlnoUo. » n - fn-law Of Louie F. SvrifL the PMker, Is Interned a t Fort Oglethorpe, G*.

ft d V ft tl G *Among those who

ding were Mr. and Mrs. W aahburnHowell. Itowrenee Mdxfnrriatown and MlsS'Lllllan WaiihburnMorrUtown and Mir* of Livermore. M»-

NEW t o r k . Jun* 13.—Alton Cleve­land. poetmaeter during the Roosevelt ftdmlnlstrAtlon of National Park, N. L, a euburb of Cbmd*n, will be senteneed to the eleotrle pbalr on Monday a t a result of W# In f to s t lo n for Miss » y Lewis, whom h » /^ ‘ i?2 J?**ruary IS last wounded hllO'to it H . wftimurder In befit n r

a 0 r

prietM T W ltb Calllan* B*e«p«*,PARIS, June 12 (.V),—Ai Joieph Call

laux, the former P re m l^ was b ^ g btouight from th* 8*nte Pr sen yeg^r d*y to tastily before Captain ^ u cU ar- don, who le investigating the charge e f treftton ftgftlnsl Calltoui gnother p rli- oner, rig h t behind Jitm. Oirew a h in d W ■" pepper into th* tacel P< ‘h* ran past CftlHaug and I t *l f tP l f 'ran past ^ .The to rtosr- - —

BlsapprevM Work floft* o* So7i.H>tSesrini .V'rfCl'T' ot ,PBMPTON l a k e s , June If.—Al- ihoufth th* veniltotlnk system and w lr- ine of the new echool building h id been completed by th# oontractore. ft w ag reported to the Board of Educa­tion Monday evening th a t the work dhl not meet with the approv^ of the Ift- •urance Inepeotor, and the building e M ^ I t t te was Instructed to ask the

the stlendftocft ddfUtoj,wMvk

!V olff Bur«

L Has Bee

f ' p w

C tp i t t l in

AKSTEROJ Biftny has lodi U gton and Affttnst luch lyaohlng o t 1 llnsviiie, III., g W olff Bur iQftar quotlni In reply lag tc Mueller ot Hi P rivy CeuncI fellows;

"The lynohi Vegs oommttt* th a t Prftgsr M th lU d with Bwts* Hlnlst' ledged ft corn) guard* ftgftini

"The Unlteil bu t iftys thft Hnoli, It oai vestlgfttlon 1 Ptope ere belli

T h e Unltef ktftrrlng ageli te re ita ot hi rM pepsIblllty lean Ooverm hatred to be f toftn peepl*. w ith th* stft Illln e lt are li ft ettufttlon. inent m ust f righto ftnd I AmerleA

"Tbs O trm t bdly mftd* k W n ls ttr that eeuld be ftoeel dlllOna In th The United under all cln th ings do not

H err Musi paper had pi cases end th<

"We are g( w* can deal n a n eubjsets.

WABHINO’I p lain t from lynching of Atate Depart ttogatton, wh affair* In t t nothing had flom* tim e ai fared to pay hu t the Stat h e was ftotini th* German <

The Federi thorltif to pr< ^Ut tVl Att( him self In U flelmle point! ample of wl law s were Gorman talk, enactmont 0 pending In C


lug his s i t to r ugry I, sdvoi peace optnly pgrtloular re practice In I those treatlei

Trestles, tl ht* leitor, *h' their negotto' gotlfttlons, hi be be tte r sal llolty whloh

The The Preild “I wleh yi

te torm uiatiHismorandun m ittee of thlInclosed. v*i granted that Is no time tisorlhes apd neunceij for not th s t th discussion* I no seerst s tired Into 1 relatione, w above board

Th* mam itc re ta ry L te Senator t to have yet

Robert R. resenting In Heue* 'ways day th a t Gon bill should pert the Tre tiens. He are binding net on t|i* larger Incon

The Houa. rsaehed no Georg* O es to* on publ proprtfttlon mlttos, and for ft furthe

A rsftolul m ent to th l grass power employment year* of ai House by Illlnolft

The bill I ef Maine, p m ent of Hoi Maine, was The park ftors*. '

Fuze Pla O m paAtthoufth

out by niniployod (q- Tuso Co. In e f John J eltifttor of Voard. the hav* retus ponding ft cording to tors who I qnartkt'S of Hr. Rodgsi tt*. lisa e< Dapi^rtmeni the conesrj

Rocently, gro dsmani them tb* wages tn w ith 'th* hi ter be plihostd, th e ' Mr, Rodgei troversy bj earpentsrs a ie^ t for t the oomrali fa r tw entj giveh a h*i eompany, ■ was neth twenty-flvi Wer* helm

Th* ear m«k* a oh they bhy. walked ou' elded te 1eariwptsrpw e ^ .tomepsny pftie: m fttisr be Should thli tbo eftrpoi back to w<

At tb* eg ratng (* ftft .hour MeeMr- ' foftlf, or henr. Aft f««ua#t, 4 voluuUrltj th ftJM S t



ie 12.— view of

of the ore tlia IB con- ftturdajr.

formeJ I p«rade ‘ review UrllUnK. Hpencer. .:iloe forIt ItTklli llhouetie the rifle enetnlea

1 a ttark . rifle III- . 1. so fur The of-

ngee lo- _ practUe.I the soil ■row, on

wae ex>men got >se order III. The0 baiuti*- ra l work or drills1 otfioera ptaln Kd- leuteiiant

iitimeli of» depart- iils after* layr and ng 'Ihey linlnletra- yeBterday illon. and [ keeping :hen and deutenunttod in the

the field

Lileutenaitt of Eltea-

king their re unA tts d the field yrmal tour shortoom - remedlea.

en In the ng of the

Lifted, sh There

Idlers I un*

andB of the rough In aI a lubllee.B WrtghtB-

ed un til It -ringer aot

w ai merry ante, for In orough vraB nal, tone of rul and tor- days when

tie borough- ■ntlng colni ■elcaa about and BtreBta ny embargo iser, as well ler, men, in las t night In the M i­med In from

have been of the crosB- lelng able to hen th s bars

a stampede Bhment ajtd

ed yesterdayII be In forte om th e camp, a will .be re- ite s of leave thout BUCh a itatn only a

In expected llttary police I men absent

1 ST­OW-m isI «the

idsy Im-

3sf- the

Pol- per- T of mily and



h e r '


lo r r is to w n I W es t P o in t ' I p .


its wore white r honor wore s e with a while ith daisies, l^nd Isles.led the brldes- r organdie with

and the other re of white dr- ley wore white

tulle. All eer- les. The Uttit white organdie

Its and carried a hlte daisies, as in gray satin dahlia satin and a t with white

SB been given a 1 he will be te n - fo rtress Monroe. BChUn (.laffey, li., were unable to ■ding because of terred to Atlanta, Ike hiB Bon, la a'It, .class, bsoapae >,f aduatsd a year In

tteiided th e wed- Mrs. W ishhnrrt

Sidney Howell of U lltan WaiibbUru

la .

la 11—Al­im and wlr- illdlng hdd 1 tractors, t t

of Educs- Ite work did 1 of the Ib ­is building to ask the

Rev. Bea- inca dtflcsb year, wWi-hm

Gentian Complaint on . LyncKing Is Reported

IVdff Bureau Says Washington ^ Has Been Atlced for Safe* p I guards in Future.

Capital in Ignorance of Action

AKSTKROAH, June 13 <«}._O er- hiany has lodged a complaint In W ash­ington and asked for safeguards ag a in st lucb txceissa as led to the lyaehtng of R o ^ r t P. Pragar a t Col* llnnvllle, in., on April i, according to • W olff Bureau telegram from ner- m an r quoting Privy Ceunollor Simone, In replying to a question asked by Harr JiueUar of Uelnlngin in the R epihtlat, P rivy Councilor Simona Is quoted as follows:

"The lynching of Frager It a fact and Was committed for no other reason than th a t P ragsr was a Herman and sym­pathised with the German cause. The Bwtss Minister a t W ashington has lodged a complaint and asked for eafe- guards against such excesses.

'T h a United BIstss admits the taots, fcttt says that, Under the laws of II- Unola, It cannot Interfere. The In- vsstlgatlon is proceeding and legal btens are being taken for the future.

"The United States, which is allegedly W arring against the H uns' in the In­terests of humanity, bears the main yofpopsiblllly for the crlinc. The Amer. loan Oovornmont permitted German iiatrod to be fanned amongst the Amor- loan paopU. We cannot rest sa tliflsd w ith the statement that the lawa of ^lllnolt are Inadequate to handle ouch a situation. The American Govern- n s n t m ust find ways to protect the rig h ts and llberttas of Oermana In Amsrioa.

"Tha O trm an Government has repeat- M ly made known through the Bwles Itln la tsr th a t progress In th is m stter could be aoesisrated, whatever the con­ditions In the United S ta ts i mey be. The United atates Government must under all circumstances see th a t such th ings do not occur again."

H arr Mueller said that a British p a p tr had published a list of simitar cases and the Privy Councilor replied:

"W# are going Into those cases, but w e can deal only with those of Ger- n a n subjseti."

WASHINGTON. June 11.—No com­plain t from Germany against the lynching of P ragsr has reached the S ta te Dopartment. and at the .Swiss Legation, which has charge of German affa irs in this country. It was said nothing had been jecelved on the ra sa Soma tim e ago the Swiss Minister of- fOrod to pay Prager's funeral expenses, b u t the State Department established ho was aottng tor relatives and not fi r the German Government.

The F td sra l Government has no au- th e rlty to proceed agalnet the lynchers, h u t the Attorney General Inte'estod hlnaetlf In the case. At the time of- flelalo pointed to the case as an ex­ample of w hat might be expoetal if law s were not paesed to curb pro- Oorman talk, and the affair hastened onactm oat of the eeditlon bill then pending in Congress.

iWiison Blocks Publicity On Treaties’ Discussion

r ___#*(Contlnuad from Flrit*’Page.)

lug Ms atatsm ent In his address of Ja n ­uary *. a4voeat1ng "open covenance of peace optniy ayflved at," said he had partloular reference to ths prevalent practice In Europt of keeping secret those trsa tlss that hava been ratified.

Treaties, the PteSIdsnt Indicated In hts loiter, obeuld be made public after their negotiation. The proceeses of ne- getlatlona, however, he suggested, can be be tte r oallslled without undue pub­licity whlelt might .orobarraoB their course.

H ie Preetdent’e Letter.The Preoldinl'e letter said:“1 wleh you would be kind enough

to form ulate a careful and ooncluatve memorandum for the ues of the com­m ittee of the Senate with regard to the Inclosed resolution. I take It for granted th a t you fool as I do, th a t this fa no time to aot ao tha resolution pre terlbes apd certainly when 1 pro­nounced for open dlplohiaoy. I meant not th a t there should hs no private dlacuSBlans of dolioats matters, but that no secrot agrosmsnts should be on- tired Into and that all International relatlohe, whon fixed, should bo open, above board and ospUclt,"

Tha memorandum requeeted from gocretary Lansing was not submitted to Senator Hltohcook and was said not to have yet been completed.

Robert R. Reed of New fo rk , rop- rteentlng Invaetment banksre, told the H om e ways and means committee to­day th a t Gongress In Its coming revenue bill should provide legislation to sup­port tho Treasury's Inooma tax ragula- tien a He said the regulations now are binding on ths government but not on tfie individual. He suggesttd larg e r Income taxes.

The House appropriations committee reached no concluilon on a request of George O eel, chairman of the commit­tee on public information, for an ap­propriation of tl.OtS.OOO for tho com- mittoa, and win reoall Crtel tomorrow te r a fu rth er oenterenca.

A resolution proposing an amend­m ent to tho Constitution to give Con­gress power to prohibit or regulate the employment of children under sixteen years of age, was Introduced in the' House by Rspresentatlve Mason of Illinois

The bill Introdueid by Senator Hale of Maine, providing for the establlah- m ent of Mount DeMrt N atlonarpark In Uatno, was ordered favorably raported. The park would contain about l,0(lil pores. I

NEW YORK STOeX MARKETThe range of today's prices for (be

more aolfve lecurltles In th s New Tork m arket In contrast w ith th e previous closing quotations, as furnished tor the News by Post Jb Flagg, la given below:

,——Today’s-----. Prev'sHigh. l<ow. Close. Oloes.

AImksGold....... 1ft 1ft 1ftAlhi-Chtl.......... 33ff 33ft 32>t 31KAm. Beet 3ugii„ 66Am. Can.. 45)tAm. CarliF.w.. I l | f

I4 |f72ft31

<1 M ft 76ft 66H

Am. Cob OU-...Am. H. * L......Am. H. A U .pr.Am. Ice.............Ase. LI timid Oil Am. Un. OU,pc„ Am, LeoouAm. Smelt........Am. Steel I d j a .Am. Ssgii—......Am, Ssmtln......A m ,T .A T „ .„ Am. Tobioco....Am. Wooltn—...Bsa Zinc...........Antcondi,. - ......Aich...................A, 0. W. I . ......Bsldwin Loco,,..,B. A a .BeUi. Steel, BB. R .T .- ..........

....BstlsA Supenot.Cel. Pel..............CxL F eb ip t......Csn. P ic,..........Ctn, Leiibet.,,...C . A 0 . . .........Cbl. G. W.........C.. M. A 31. P.„Chile Copper......Chino Copper...,Col. F. 4 1 - ......Col. GuA Elec.Com Prod..........Coro Prod., pr.. CrucihloSteeL.... Cufab Cine Eugic. Chi. 4 N'wmL..Con. Csn...... ....Diib Sec........... .Eria..................Etlib 1(1 pr.........Oen. Elec Co„„,Gen. Motors.....Goodrich (B.F.). Qt. North,, pi,... Gl, No.Ore.,,,,,,InipirsboB ........Inter. Con..........Inlet, Con., pr... Inter. M. U „ .,„

General List YieldsAt Gose of Market

Reading EIxtends Gaing in Last

Hour, but Other Leaders


Steel Leads Advances








100633192 ftn5Sft15ft32N

147M 147ft 6Sft 65>t 65

56¥56V 56M 7V 2V

43V 43ft ISV 15V 37V 38 48 4831fi 31ft 40ft 41

10 0 lo d 61V S2V 30H 30f<92ft 92ft 71 71S7V 57V 15V 15fi 32ft 32V

144 V 143 144V 142130 ft U6V 128 ft 127 4 if l 44V 44V 45 8»ft B9ft 89fi 33V 32ft 33 50ft 49V soft 8V » 83t

41V ♦“ V 41V 29ft 2«V 28V






Inier. M.M.,pr. 104V l ^ V 103V IWVIn. Nkkel,.-...... 27 27# 27# 27#In. Ftpet........... 37 36# 36# 36Kui. City So..... 18 18 18 18Kel-Spiing U n . SO# 50 50 49#Kensecott...... .. 32H 32 32# 31#Lack, StaiL....... 86# 86# 86# 85#Lee Tire............. 18M 18# 18# 18#Leblfb ViUej.,,. 59# 59# 59# 59Uoxwell - .......... 26 26 26 ......Heilcia Pet—,.. 95# 9 4 # 94# 94#Hiiml Copper.., 27# 27# 27#Uidv*]* Stto.. 49 48 48# 48#Mo. Foe............. 23# 23# 23# 23N. Y.Cent........ m 71# 71# 71#N.Y.,N.H.AH,. 42# 41# 41# 41#N or. 4 W .„...... 103 103 103 102#NdIj Focific.. . . MH 66 86 t t #Ohio CitiM 0x1.. 37# 37# 37# 37#Fenn,_........... 43# 43# 43# 43#F(apt*'s G**.. - . 45# 44 44 45F. 4W . E. a . . .3 5 # 34# 34# 34#Fhiladelphtx Cc. 29 29 29 29#Fitli. Cell....... .. S3 52# 52# i2 #ft. Steel Cu ,... 62# 6 1 # 62# 61Fullmn............. U S# US U 5Rxy Coni.......... 23# 23# 23# 23#Keedini............ 90# 88# 90 17#Rtp.1, 4 S M . IS >4 84# 53#

NEW TORK, June I t ( * ) .—The so- tlvlty of pools In speelsltlei was the only noteworthy feature of today's un- oertalrf stock m arket, the general ll«t yielding to late preaiure. Sales ap­proximated 466,OdO eharei.

Reading was ths only representative liiu e to extend Its gain In the last hour, other leaders reacting l to i points. Ths closing was firm.

Liberty IV s sold « l tl.SS to tt.70: first 4e a t ti.TS to 64.16; second 4s at 64.44 to 64.70 and 4Hs a t 66.70 to 86.14.

Early gains In Industrials, equip­ments, meteia, n llt and ship- plngi were supplemented later, U. S. Steel emerging from Us racent Inac­tiv ity a t an advanci of IV polnta. To­bacco made additional gains and spe- elaltlea were led by Dlsttllere', Alco­hol, Cotton Oil and Lintaed common and preferred. Investment rails hsrdensd on buying of the tranacontinentala, At­chison and Reading. The promlnenot of minor coalers a t 1 to 6 point ad- vancea was en unusual feature.

Liberty f V i sold a t 66fi to 16.70, first 4e at 64.60, second 4e to 61.64 to 64.70 and 414" to 66.74 to 66.14,

Trading langulahed In tha early af­ternoon. but fu rther gains w ire reg­istered under the guidance of steels and other leaders. Sugars, Amsrlcsn Woolsn, Marine preferred end Hide A Leather preferred advanced one to two points over yesterday's closing prices.

All sectUiiie of the market were strengthened at the opening, the Im­provement being ascribed to overnight war news G reatsst gains were ecored by epecuiative issues, however, espe- olally tubaucos, Mumatra making a new maximum at 146%.

Bteels, cappers, Colorado Fuel, Great Northern Ore, Baldwin Locomotive and American Car made appreclahl* ad­vances. At The sta rt, w ith Marine pre­ferred. Mexican Petroleum, Reeding and Union Pacific. P ittsburgh and West Virginia again led the low priced ralla.

Supply of News Print Equals Week's Production, Report Shows

WASHINGTON, June 12 (.T).—News print paper stocks on hand a t the end of .May were equal to about one week'a production, axld a nummary of the paper Imluatry. Issued today by the Federal Trade CommlBslan. The stacks amounted to 26.46.3 net tons. In the last week of the month fourteen mills were I'dle. most of them enkaged In making repairs.

CHICAGO. June 12 {JSt-—According to H. N. Kellogg, chairman of the apt- d e l standing oommltlbv oi the Ameri­can Newepaper Publishers' Aesoclatlon, government agencies arc now cousidnr. Ing a plan for p ro-rating dlflti'Gju'.hin of print paper which Iio said would mean smaller papers and curtailment of employment.

Mr. Kellogg's rem arks were made In an address today to the conventln.i of th s International Stereoiype.'s and Electrotypera' Union.

"The effort to force publishers to Innreaae wagwa so th a t their employsei will escape the burden of Increaied eott of living entirely will. If persisted in, reeult in disaster to m any nawspspera and consequent loss of employment to the men themselves," said Mr. Ksllcgg. The speaker reminded his hearers that the war had Increased the expenaes of newspapers w ithout augm snting reve­nues. Increased prices for newspapers themselves h a t not equsltd the enorm­ous Increases In expenses which have increased, he said, a t a rate far greater than the living expensts of the In dividual.

Ssxen Uston....Sesbotrd............Slosi-Slief..........Soatbi ......So. B y , , , . . . . . -Stndebsksi.........Sinclair OIL........TenD. Coppa..,.lex u Co............TobaeceFiod...Unioo Ficiflc, . . .Union Ftcifibpt.Un. Cifsr Stores 98 96Unltsd Fruit..... 125 135U.S, luL A l... m V U2U. S.R6l>br.....V . &Kubb«,Ut.

96V12S 122

58 58 58 S7V102V 103V I02V IQIV

Fuze Plant Carpenters Say Company Will Not ArbitrateAlthough the ssttltm sn t of k w alk­

out by ninety carpenters formerly sm- iloyad by the International Arms A a t t Co. In Bloomfield la In the hands

«f John J. t . Rodgers, fedsral epn- alHator of the National 'War Labor Board, the officials of th a t eoncarn have TSfussd to take back tha men gendln'g a docttlon by the board, ac- eerdlng to a commlttsa of ths oarpeo- ta r i who met this noon a t the head- quartsirs of the local sarpsnters ' onion. Hr. Rodgers, according to tho eommlt- taa, bas cpmmuoleated with the War Csp%rtmeni In regard to the adtions of th s concern.

Rscsntly, when ths darpentsrs, who are damandlng that ths company pay them ths prsvalllng union scalo of wages In this district, communlcatid with the officials asking that tha-m at- ter be placed hpfora an arbitration board, ths'ifrompany refuted, it la said. Mr. Rodgers was assigned to the oon- trovaray hy tha Labor Board a fte r tha earpen tsrs had appsalod to tha govem- a itn t fo r aid. Thomaa Mooney, one of the oomrolttaa, said Ur. Rodgers tried for twanty-glie hours before ho was gtvfh a bearing by the officials of ths eompany, and was then told th a t there was natblng tb mediate, bseauie tw sn ty -fiv i per oent. of the oarpentere Wars balng paid tha union waga.

Tba carpantsra ai'a not try ing to make a olosed ehop of the (u te plant, they 8ky> for non-union oarpentere walked out with them when they de. elded to ask for the Incraaea. The earpantark a re willing to go back to w ont tomorrow, they say, if tha com- pany offielals will wittingly place the maVar bafor* an arb itration board, ghottld thU board dtelda ag a ln tt tham, tba earpenters promlOa they will go bask to work a t their peasant wage#.

At th e praaent w e oarpentere a r t a a ra ta g tnim forty to torty-flva oanta an ,bo«r a t tha plant, aoeordlpg to Moaaay. W hat they a ik la the union aeahh or elxty to seventy oante an htun. After the oarpontars mads their r a g u tlt , Aloonty slatiha, tha company Toliwtarlty raised tha pay of a faw ' th a ,aw n to flfty otata.

' I. I II. li I ,i( I-". -

-B. W ard a t t t B arrlton , isiM PiiM.daslaiiily

U.3. a M i . . - . . 99# 9 8 # 98# 98U. £. SM , pt.... n o # 110# 110# 110Uuh Coeper..... 8 0 # 80# SO# 80Va-CxfoliO*.’. . ... 49 48# 49 48WebMh .............. 9 # 9 9Webiib,pr. A ... 42# 41# 41# .....Wabito, pr. B.... 24 24 24 ....lK**t.Md........... 24# 14# 14#WMbagbouK...- 43 42 42 41#lAlhee'lLk. Erie. 9 # 9 # 9 # ....WlboD Componj, S I# 58.W M # 57#

..... 2 0 # 19# 19# ■ 19#•Eli. Divideud. tEx. Si«hL


by J. I, Kipp«t ft Co.:w*fO fgr-

nlthtdCollulold ............'.....................Conisol* Tftctlon ................... .CoDBOl* Triictlon ..................l£w«x ft Hudaon Ota Co*.........Qm ft ot Bam n Co.......qm ft of Be Co. l»t Sa*.. 04* ft bf Be Oo. ffen- ft.Haakenseck Water 4s..............Human County Gas Co............Hudson County Gss Co. Es..,. Jersey ClW, Hob. A Pat, 4e...Newark Coneol. Gas Co..........Newark Consol. Oei Co. te ...Newark Pass. Halt. Co, 6s-----Newark Gas Co. le ...............North Jerioy 8t. l ^ lM y 4s...pst. a Pas. G, A *1. Ce. ------pat. a pw- G. a Kl. Co. 6a...Public Service .........................Public Sorvlce CerlKlestes... . Pnbllo Service Oen. 6e, U46..

Bid. Ashed. ■ 111


South Jersey O.. Jpl. AJTr. Co.. 116 l l j Boutb Jorier Q., W. A Tr. Qo. le 66|jn i. Union a Mid. Lta, C e... 66 70gom. Union A Mid. LtS- Co. 4e,. II ' . . . .United Blectrlcf Uo. 4 s.............. . le GBonde, suerenteed sto^e and Public Ser- vice Certlflcetes qnoted "and Intereet.

NEW YORK CURB MARKETThe followlsa quotations were furnlshsd

- wie A i f ■by BIsele A ElnrINDUSTRlALt.

High. Low. Aetne Rxplosjvse ■■ . J f * ,1 !* Chevrolol Meters .. I l l 111 j r l pum V, t. otfe. H »c;iL U fht A Beat. tJ4 . JS- A •leanuhlp , . |

sited Moton 17oihfndem M ,

|:l6Prtv 'e P.M. Cloee.

n i * 111

* ! ■ijf

Aeroplane Chemical Engine Now Project of Morriitown Firemen

MORRISTOWN, June 16— goon, If the attitude of Independent Moee Company can be taken as an Indication, eentl- mental tribute will be paid te the good eld daye when roaring, eputtaring motor fire trucks rushed through the strtots. Independent leem t to think that In a little while the automoblls nnero* will go the way of the spans o t galloping grays th a t a t every alarm of fire relied back the centurlee to the rtayo of the Roman arenas and racing chariots. The local hose oompany con- Ism platei buying an aeroplane chemical engine.

Independent was the flret company In this section to have a Chemical en. glne. a horse-drawn affair. The con - pany obtained an automobile eouq afterw ard and held the dlittnction of owning the first motor apparatus in this p a n of the state. Members of the fire company regard the preetnt action ae a means of saftguardlng their trganisallon 'a reputation.

Auto Ucenie of Chancery Clerk Revoked by Commisiioner Dill

Blafl Correipsadsew.TRENTON, June l l .—Failure of

Louis T. H. Bhatsr, a d a rk In the Court of Chancery, to appear and answer a summons charging him with being in­volved In an.autom oblls aecldsnt while under ths Influence of liquor, resulted In the revocation today ot his llosnse by Commleeloner Dili of tha Motor Vehlele Department.

The charge agalnat 6tr. Shafer Is that, while he wae intoxicated, about midnight on May 12, hie maohlne col­lided with a truck on the road between Metuchen and Perth Amboy, doing con­siderable damage to hie own machine. Recently Mr. Shafer was ordered by CommlBsloner Dill to answer a sum- tnons Iseued by M agistrate House of the New Tork T raffic Court, for an alleged Infraction of the trsfflo rulei of that city.

Owner of Bus with Poor Brakes (Jlonyicted for Hurts in Mishap

ELIZABETH, June II.—Jacob fllfla- now of Newark, charged with assault and battery w ith an automobile, was convictsd late yesterday before Judge Pierson. An auto bus owned by Blfla- now ran into a cro'wd In Broad street, Ellsah'dlh, March 23, necessitating hoa- pltsl treatm ent fo r Mrs. Margaret Heller of 614 De H art place, Blisabath. The defendant will be sentenced F ri­day. aiflanow knew that the bregee were out ofdirder. It wae teatlflod, and this made It Impoealble for John Bono, also of Newark, the driver, to 'atop . Bono wae eubeUtutlng for Barry Fur­man. tha regu lar chauffeur, who. It was testified, had warned him about the damaged biwkes._________

Court Cuts $15,000 Off $20,000 Bill of Hauck Estate Lawyen

JBRSBT CITT, June 1 2 .-^ u n ty Judge Jaraee W. McCarthy yeiterday allowed 66.000 aa the tee for Barrett A Anthony. Newark law yert, and counael for the exaoHtore of tho eetate of Peter Hauck, the Harrleon brewer. The lawyer! had tutlm atad that their eer- vtcee were w orth 116,060, but Judge HeCarthr'deoldad th a t thle w ai 811.600 too much.

THE DOMINION AND THE WARIntanalficatlon and enlargement ot

ectIvlUee and a broader aelf-reatleatlon are eald to have been conspicuous of- feott of the wer on Ceneds. With a population larger than that ot the slate of llllnele, but amaltsr than th a t ot P tnn iy lvan la — approximately about 7,006,000—the Canadian Dominion, after four years of w ar In behalf of the m other country, produces a record of remarkable achievement In Industry and financa,

Thle is all the mere striking heceuee tho relatively meager population Is scsttered over a centlnenul area greater than that of th e . mainland of the United Btatei, and has been gener­ally regarded ae in the egrtculturel stage of economic development. The unanticipated resourcefulnees ot the Dominion Includee lending more than 6760,000,0(10 to the government, the ta k ­ing of nearly 82.000,660,000 ot war or­ders and the e ipanilon of Its foreign trade bg more than 11,000,060,006. Few,If any. had Imagined, prior to the war, that any such eipan ilon on the part of the Canadian Dcmlnton was among ths possibilities.

But thle Is not all. Ae Indicated In an outgiving by the Guaranty True! Company of New York these accom- pllehmonte mean the crowding ot the work of decades, ur e generation, Into a few yeare, the transition from a g ri­culture to Industrialism, the expansion of uoloniallsin Into Internationalism, the asBuniptlen of an unassailable po­sition among m anufacturing and trad ­ing nations of the world.

Before the war Canada had doubted Ite ability to borrow as much ss |60.- 060.666, but sines than It has success­fully negotiated fa r more than that. Its total debt ha i Increased from 8186,- 996,360 In March, 1814, to 61.010,786,476 In .March laet. But th ree-quartvs of this Indebtedness represents the sav­ings of men and women who are con­fident <7snada can ami will pay, an In­dication of reserve strength that over­shadows all liabilities.

Industrially, the Dominion haa. dou­bled Its output of steel products sines the w ar began, a largo part being of munitions, ami its output of tools end machinery has enormously Incrsated. Both Its ship building Industry and foreign trade totals have grown very m aterially. Fourteen ship yards there are now at Work on steel vessels.

In the ftical year Just ended, Canada’s exports of domestic sod foreign mer­chandise were valued at fl.6B6.l68.79t and Its Imports a t 1862,621.147, to­gether more than double those of the two fiscal years preceding. Can­ada's exports to the United States within four years have more than doubled, and Its Imports from this country havo more then trebled. Go- minion exports here In 1914 were 8-90,- 469,376 and In 1817 they were 8466,- 170,690, while its Imports from thle country amounted to 6200,766,091 In 1914 and to 6077,611.616 last year.

Canada Is already planning greatly to expand Its fishing Industry, not only to supply an extended use of fish aa food at home, but to send more abroad. The possibilities of wealth in the un­limited BUppliss of fish In Dominion waters ere ‘to he taken even mere ad­vantage of. Timber resources of the Dominion are Itkswile to b t exploited to the utmost, end competition with the trade of the Scandinavian Penin­sula and of Russia in that direction It contemplated.

Canadian sheep-brsedlpj and wool growers’ assoolstlone are alio under careful consideration, and it Is anttcl-

, pated that the production of shsep and the selling and roarkttlng of wool will take a position of promli.mos north of us which they have not hitherto as- sumed. A nothtr aettvHy Is to he ths Intensification of work In extending and expediting chief mining Industrie!, with the ettahUskraant of various boarde of Inquiry te make surveys a* determine the best dlrentlons In whiah to push agricultural. InduStHal, com­mercial and professional qctlvuy. Sight le not'lost, either, of the need for car­ing fo r tha maimed who return from the war. end prevision li b ting made for their getting hack, ae far a> po|- slhle. Into eslt-euatalnlng imployment.

Evidently the elder deughtir of the empire hae shewn herself worthy

Liberal Flan Announced For R. R. Improvements

Govsnunent, However, Will Con*

fine Expendituref to Work Needed for W»r.

Tracks and Shops Main Items

WAaniNOTON, June 11 (JP).—In ag- nounelhg today claeilfled item i of the 8668,818.606 railway oapital expendi­ture hudgeta for thle year, the railroad a ttn ln lsira tion diieloied that it will pureus a liberal policy In the oonitruo- tton of new ewUch tracks. Induairiil eldlngA ahop buildings and freight ita- tioae a t tsrmtnaU. bu t will cut ex- pepd 'tu rta for npw paeaingar itatloha qttlee building! and other enterprises not contributing Immediately to war demends.

Rellroade will spend 818,1*1.600 ter addlilenal yard track i, tid icg i and In d u iiry traeke: 161,178.886 (or ehep

building*, anflns houae* and appuf' tanencei; 147,471,608 for additional main track*, 888<6I8|848 ter bridges, trestles aod culverts, and 111,616,608 for ralla and other track maierlali.

The to ta l to be apant for Improve­ment* Is 8666.611.690 and for iqulhment 6611,417.696. This le approximately three tim es aa much aa raRroadi hava spent for thee* purpose* annually her*'tofore.

EqalfM caf ■xpaadltaves.Eoulproent expenditures are now an

nouhesd a* follows:Freight cars, 8866,811,000; lecemo

lives, 1168,676,066; pawenger cqre, 816, 340,006: Improvement* to existingequipment, 116,041,066; other equIP' msiU, 8I8i8*3,966.

For exttnalons. branches end new lines, most of which already dr* under Qonitructlon, the road* will spend 111, !37,006.

Freight, pa tienger and office build Inga will cost 623,640,686.

The greater part of tha expenditures will be tor Unas sa il ot the Mlsitielppl and north ot the Ohio, In the d titrict where freight congestion' ha* been worst.

NEW YORK BOND MARKETThe fallawlng auilellens wscs (uraiihsd

hy Pest A Flsggi

U 6. Lib. 1st c. 4« V. a. Uh. 9d 4<K,.. U. 8. Lib. >d 4I4«Am. P. ate. I s ___Am. I. A Mf. Is .. Am. H. A L. * s .. .. Am. T A T. ell. ..Am. T. A T. I t .......Asm* Fr. isi f t ..Aieh 4s .............Ateh edJ. 4t..........." A p. I l l* .........

A O. evt 414s..

SO. 4s .............. T. Is l t | l .. 04. lastM r I*..

Chss. A ntalD evt. 4s OKss. A Obis 4 U s .. Ches. A o. «vi. 1 r. X. 414s

Oirn- Hl|h* mt- *•(.

IiPW' 2 *4Ht. P.M• r . i i t i te t i . i i t t . l lM-t$ H.|B 14.11 14.H$4.70 $4.1$ $ 14.*• i t i t . i t t i . ta ta . t tI t IT »i%tt% 11%til . •T%•t% 11% •i% •1%lt% IB •1% IB• l Ut«V4

)t% t t. it% . . . .

iiH fi “ i i #T«% u%

illt i3 . . . . e > . e • • • ■T4 . . . . *. t . ***•

c., R A 4* . . . . C.,M. A m > jv . 441*g., R. I. A P. 4s .. r


, B, 1. A P. Csl. A Bsu. It . . . .D. A R. a rsf. ..Rrls evt. 4s B. .. Intsr-Uel. 444*Int. Hsr. Msr.*sw* rest,Csn. City . K T. __

Meatana Power Isto. Pao. 4s ..........

. . Y. Central It.N. T, C*n. Is .........Or*, ehsrt Lins Is- Psnns. O. H 44ts.. II

. Lerlllsrd Is . . . . Ui .tsdina II

r. Msr. * s .. III4 160 sst. 4t . . . . 41% 44 ly is . 4* .. tllC II ' . M........... l i l t II\u

isdlna II ....... . 1114

I. Hy. 4s............... l i i lnlon

_ Bf»lt.»U Cti- l l .Illon 4|. . . .nfftit f**. evt* 4«

~ Km I I t .. IkubHvr $• . IftryUnd i

Wv*l- Union *•-.


«i% i i# ii%

ii'% tiw it'ie‘i 11% • 3

194% K 'itt ti% tt>t% It t t*•% •»# t t uII H r t tII It# IIi i ” tt% t i kiti t i ’ it 17%

H itt i ”Tt t l i ir l

t u t 11% lt%

ii% ii'% t i i i

iBIUMGE verlastingly

dependable end uniformly of one qutlity — the best. Made of the center hide of the packer steer — th e b e s t

leather in the world.

Is Y our B e ltin g C B ?

Vrite today for our booklet, ‘The Drive for More Power."

C o u se s B o n



4 3 U r A Y i m a t^ m m r k .N .J i


the best traditions of the fninlly.of

“Patriotism Don’t Pay,” Plaint at $100 Fine

Ship Yarcf Worker Admits Driving

Auto Wilhoul License in

East Orange.

Fifteen Altogether Pay $167.25

^ k i Time limit ExtensionFor Taking ^ o r t Line Roada

WABHINOTON. Juno I t ( * ) — DlrfO- te r Gensral McAdoo today rsqusiud Cnngrssi to sxtsnd tha tims within which short Hn* railroad* may h* taken ovsr by th s governmsnt to Jan­uary I. 1911. Ths law now tliee th* time s* July 1 nsxt. A rseolutlon em­bodying th* request was prepared hy Senator Hmith of Routh Carolina, chair­man of the In ters ta te Commerce Com­mittee. John Barton Payne, attorney for tho railroad adm inistration, who tranem ittsd ths requast, aald a rat* ot compensation for short lin t roads would h* agreed upon Sventuelly, hut owing to many dsta lls to he worked out In connection with tak in g over of th* roads It could not b* don* within the time epaelfied by the railroad oontrot net. , ,,

Under term ! ot the law. ae finally passsd, all ehwrt Un* rallroadi a r t te be considered a t coming w ithin govern­ment control unless otherwll* ipeol- fled by July 1.

In retpont* to a lltnat* reiolutlan Director McAdoo informed th* Bsnat* th a t no agrssm snt* had b**n rsaehsd with any railroad tak sn «v*r undsr th* federal control s e t as to th* rat* «f compensation th* governm ent will pay. He eald no carrier lo fa r had rafuead te tia e u l* coatractA

After th* paesag* of th* se t th* director said atfort* war* mad* to agree on a itandard liad compensation eentrset. but no eonclustone had bssn resohsd.

In reply to a raquaet for th* namsi of ca rr ltrs whoa* systsma are now In poisesilon ot th* Unltsd Btatss, th* director eald th a t elnos aom* reads m ight b* rsltnqulaksd bafers July 1 It would be Impoealble to prepare an ao- curat* list beter* th a t time.

Emigration bureau! of railroad traffic orgaalsatlono, davotad. lo alu- eating farm ers and hem* saeksre to th* advantage* of new regions are to b* continued generally under govern­ment operetlon.

Thle wee Indicated In eonneetlen with a denial by th* railroad administration of report* th a t th* work ot the** bureaus had bt«n ordered disconttnusd. In lom* case*. It wa* sxplalntd, rail­roads have voluntarily ourlallsd their agricultural extension work, end In o tb tr* 11 ha* b**n oc-ordlnat*d with ■Imllar aotlvlly of *tat* agricultural collag**.

Corn Market Score* AdvanceAfter Early Downward Turn

CHICAGO. Jun* 18 (JP>.—RsUaf from exctssivo hast turnad th s corn markst downward today. Th* b**r* w«r* also favored by a contlnuano* of liberal racstpti. On the *gtr*m* d*oUn«, many commission houee* swung to th* buy­ing eld*, and oauaed a sharp rally, but fr**h breaks aneued. Opening tltur*e which varied from H ' to 1% low*r, with July I I I to l i t and August ll>6i, were followed by an upturn to well above y s ittrd ay 'e finish and than by

S k = 2?if 4 4

NEW YORK METAL MARKETM»W TORK. J w * 18 (JP).—ll* ta l *x.

eliaug* qm tsd ]«a^ film : apbt. r . t l f 7.71. Bpaltor, firm ; > sa t Bt. tioutd.

T.4I0T.II. At LoR4Mi>-0|l*p*r. *ika,<«t|(r«6i, <u*( qWetfwf •


Aslu lUe«lvcr f4tr Hansbwrg Csaesrw,SlBff Correspoadsnw, , . . , , ,

TIUtNTON, Jon* 18— Steking to have tb« Hamburg Lumber Company of N«wark d'aoreed Inaelvent. Bva Herman of M«w*rk has fllsd an appllostlon In th* Court of C hanotry for tha appoint­ment of A rseslvsr. Sh* olalm* that th* oorporatloq Is Indebted to bar to th* extant ot 8188 on a promlirwry not*, and thgtix Judgment for .81,168 ha* ba*n obtatnoB difaiaet th* company In th* ■utrame Conn, andthar in th* S*t*x Common Fl*aa a n t a t|ilrd In an Sassx court for-ft80. fh o also d*«laf** that th* iiahiliti*# ot tho lu n b tr •qmhaar aggregate 88,10^ M d th a t Ita proh*rtI*i ar* heavily aRaiimh«t*4.



'It don't pay to be patriotic," de­clared W alter J. Clark of I I I South Clinton etr«et, East Orange, afU r being fined 6180 thle morning by Recorder Nott In tbs B att Orange Police Court tor driving an automablle without a Uotnie- In court Clark produced a x«t o t plane fo r a boat and displayed a ■hip yard workar'e badg*. claiming l*nt*ncy on th* ground that h* was working for the government. He ad­m itted th* charge, although when a r­rested BalurdSy night by a motor va- hid* Inspector, It wa* eald, he claimed th a t he had a 1811 Itcenee. He denied this statem ent this morning, but Ra- oorder Non retorted that he wae with the Inepector and heard th* etatement,

As a result of a round-up of auto- moblllitq Saturday night by th* in- ■peotors tine* and oosti totaling 867'8I wer* Imposed on fourteen others be- stdee Clark. Charged with driving w ithout Itcenaa* Edward King of 84 Richmond etreet, this city, and John Anderson ot 'West Nlnety-.Cfth street. New York, paid fines of 818 e tch and llfty-flv* cents oo ita Beniteno* was suspended on Stanley A. Heman. a sailor, ot 36 Cottage avsnus. South Or- dngt, and Ralph J. Landis, a ecldter, of 111 Santiago avenue, Rutherford, on the same charge.

Charged with falling to have their hecdllgbte properly dimmed, th* fol­lowing wer* fined II each and ttfty- flvo cents cost*: Joeiph R Aker, 111 South Tenth atreel; Clifford A. Dean, 362 Balmont avenue; Fred Falech J r , 79 Springdale avenue; Daniel A. Oerllff, 721 South Seventeenth street, end Nape leon LeQue, 111 Bank straet, all of this city; G torg* B. Nichole, 48 W ashington terrace, Eaet Orange: John H. Craw­ford, 27 Reynolds terreoo. Orango: WHUam SUlman. 116 Valley way, W eit Orange; Fred M. W inter, 817 W arwick avenue, South Orange; Steve Delekai, 468 East F ifth atyeat, Plainfield; Otto Unglaub, 116 North Mountain avenue, Hontotstr, and Andraw Reynold*, 416 Hoboken street, Weet Hoboken.

Sentence w ai euspended on the fol­lowing: Samuel Brodyt 16 Park *tr**L Orange; John 1* Clements, 10 DKferd street; John A. Hengerer. IS W Inaai street. Boat orahSo: David Halt, I I W arren place; Meyer Sataky, 114 New­ton alrest. an* Fred Btarkle, 61W Lackawanna avenue, this olty.

Homer Zink Appointed Receiver For Ktauss Chandelier Works

On an allegation that lb* Krauaa Chandelier tro rk a of 818 Haliay etraet 1* ineolvant, Vto* Chaneellor Ims* yoa- torday mad* an order appointing'Humor C. Zink lempurary reoetvor. fixing hi* bond 'at 11,668. P a rtita in lnt*r«at ar* to show eaua* a**2 Tuoailay why th* raoolverahip should not b* mad* por- manaBt.' ‘ ■

r« s t HnaorAwardsd Newark Bpy At Uair Academy Comntneemttt

■etbaeka much below th* initial range.Belling wa* ovaedene, for when a let

up In 'offering* took place aborts who tried to oover found great difficulty, and a sharp advanea resulted. Th* aloe* wae strong, l l i to 154c. net higher, with Ju ly 1.4484 to 1.48, and AuBuet 1.4684 to 1.6884.

Oats wer* B6Y*VP4d h r th* action of oom. Trad* wa* l ig h t A lter open­ing unchanged to h a lt cent lower, with Ju ly 7884 to 7884. th e m arket scored a m aterial advaaee, which, however, was soon lo s t

Buelnesi In prevision* was almost a t a etaRditllt, Small gain* reeultod from ahaenc* of le llln g preeaur*.

A falling off of packing In the West ae compared w ith a year ago tended la te r to prevent any Important de­cline.

Price* In deUll:Corn—No. I yellow, l,6f 01.68; No. t

yellow, t . l l ; No. 4 yellow, 1.4101.66-Oata—No. 3 whit*. 778407884; itand-

ard. 7684078. Rya—N*. 8, 1.86. Bar- ley-^l.dO 01.11. Tim othy — 6.660l'86. Clover—Nom inal..



favorable w eather and crop advice* led to Increased otferins* In th* cotton m arket early today. Except tor e little precipitation a t Naw Orleans, th* early weather map ahowed generally claar waathar In th* South, end It wae rumored th a t preliminary mid-month returnd to on* of the Southern authorl- Ues Indicated a condition of 66-1. eora- pored with tta report of II-8.

Th* m arket opened iteedy at a da- clln* of nineteen to twenty-eight polnta. rallied a few point* on covering or buying by spot haus* broke re. but aoon eared off again under liquidation. July declined to 16.12 and October to 33 73, or about tw onty-four to thirly-ftva polnta nat lower.

Th* weekly report o t th* weather bureau wa* more levorahl* than *B-

Seoltd. w ith th* decline extending to 6.66 for Ju ly and 3110 for D»g*mb*r during tha middle of th* morning, or

ebcut 81 to 88 points net lower. There was enough covering a t this level to oaue* raUIsi ot aeveral points later, with Ju ly relatively firm on bullish spot advice*, but otherwle* there wae liUlc support and prices were still 16 to 81 point* nat lower a t midday.

Trading wa* quiet later, with th* tone fairly iteady , particularly on new crop poaitlone, which wars Inlluenoed by th* ooverlng of early eelleri. July held around 16.66 tow ard I o'clock, or about I t polnta net lower, while later month* wet* 11 to 16 point* net lower, w ith October selling a t 13.16.

Cotton--4lpot, quiet; middling, 88.10.


corn flour, un**tll*d: 64,66016.41; ba r­ley flour, firm ; *.60019-80.

Lerd—Easy: Middle West, 16.63«84.96.

B utter—Firm ; recelpti, 7,176 tub*, rream ery . h igher than extra*, 4 4 ^ 0 41; extra* (13 ecore), 44; flret*. 430 41%; packing atock, current make. No. 8. 1109I54-

Bgga—Firm ; recetpta, 14,611 caeai. Freeh ga thered axlrae, H O ll ; fresh gathered sto rage packed ftrite, 86840 1714; (re ih gathered regular peaked extra Grata, tl% 0 3 7 % ; do. flreU, 140 II; e tate, Ptnnaylvania and naarby W eitarn hannery whites, fin* to fancy, 44048: a ta te , Pennsylvania and nearby htnnary browns, 380 41; do, gatbared brown and mixed colora 86 0 97.

Cheoee—Steady; raoelpta 1,148 box**. State, whole m ilk flats, frteh.'epeclale, 284408184', do., average run, 2302314'

Beavei—RaoalpUi l.TTO; itaady; Bteare, 16.66 0 18-IOi hull*. I6.660I6.IM cows, 6.66 0 I6.II.

Calves—Receipt*, 3,*60: higher. Veal* 18.09 011,86; culls. 11.9001806.

Sheep and Lambs—Iteoelpte, 1.700: Iteady te a lre n f ; ehaep, 10.60014.09, culls, l.00O*-66i fa ir yearllnga, 16.61/, Iam bi, 81.60.

liege—Recelpti, 1,460; low**; prim* hogs, 17.76;, rcughi, 16.69.

Potatoes—B aiy ; Bermuda, new. No, I. bbl„ 6.00688.66; Ko. 8, 4.0904.60: Boutli- arn. No. 1, bbl., 8.1006 36; No, 1, l.lOO 3.66; Jersey eweete, baik tt, t.|IO t-7C.

Cabbagee—Steady; Southern crate 69c.082.66.

PeuUry—Live, firm; ehlekene, brell- e ra 69066; no other prioee eettled: dressed, firm ; fowl*, 40011; turkeys,« • « ____________ __

East Orange Suit Dismissed,Defendant Being a Soldier

R uling th a t th* defendant was pro- taotad undar th* civil rights act. Judga Charles B- Clancy diemleeed a eiilt brought y e ite rd ay in th* East Oreng* Dlelrlot C ourt by W alter Schiller, to ■sour* poieieelon ot th* premlie* a t I t South Savanth etreet, this city, ooou- pled by the fam ily of U eutenant H ar­old Kill. Testim ony showed th a t ba- caut* of aome dlffareno* between th* landlord and tgnant a thirty-day notice had been served on Kill, which he failed to carry out. Suit for poisaselcn fo l­lowed.

TMB u o s n i s * » a is x lUlLROAD CO. The antittsl ineellni of 111* lUckheldeta »t, th* Morris A Bearx Rtllroid Ce., for the

elect len ot dlreciort end eny oUiee hiielneM that may he brought before th* meetlea, will be held at the attire ot th* company, Terait- nal bulldinx.Heboken, N. J.. on Wtdaaadoy, Jua* 14, l i l l . -Pnllt win open at 1C o'clerk aad wUl el«M at n o'clock A. M. ot th# eeni* day.Tranlttr buohe win cl«* June le and re- gpea Jun* It, 1911.ARTHUR D, CKAKBBRB. ■eemory aad Treotaren

THS CHESTKR RAILROAD COJThe annual meetin* of the ilaykBofdei

Ri" ■ ----------llrer broi

1 i t ■■3t, iik i

the Cheeter Railroad Cempaay, tor tha i>r r ■ ^ "7-------

£ht before th* meetlai. . . en. N. 4., on Wedaeoday, June

tlderi of iho one- loes Ihal I will b«tleo of dlrertun and eny ether bniliK

may bo broutht before th* meetlai. held Kuboken. N. J,, on

Roils will open at 16 o'oloeb, sad will oloe* at H o'clock A. M. of tho aam* toy,

■ ■ ' will oloe* June li, andbook!re-open Jun* II.JJU ,


iecretary end Treetute


■ aMllaiq«yGlY


■ . *w m w 1* at




NATIONALBTATRRANK. NIWARXi N. Ji A apeclal meeting of Ik* Wockboldm *8

lhU_Wiik will be held rel^^bank^njlweit emenSmeat *1 tuen Wok nMilfty

to vet# UDflQ A MrOfM#d #1 MNMlatron to

value of tha iharM «f lU oapltai itook m m fifty 4ellar« to «A# h u a a m ftelHra( |l i$ » fi#r #aar«( dlvMIlAt lU caftitiof five hundred thAuund dallart <|i

____ ^maat___tatr#aw toa fftf

Into five thhuaatiA eharee ef taob* eteed ot ten tboujj^,j^.h.^,^ o t ^ ^ ^ . ^




Lard—34.06.Riba—81 780 18,88. ,The tollowlog quotatlone from the caleag*

Roerd ot ‘Trade wer* furalened hy J, M. Byrne A Co.:

Cdro— Open.Ill

Hlfhe Low*July . .. - Jun* ... ill

iti%AUB. tt:% iti%OAto~

JUD4 • • • 71% m tJuly ...* t>« n 5n e r k -

t t t t H SJuly - - t i . i* t i . t t

tl.T i t i . t iL«rdw-

July )4*n $ »4,ltt4.l»R«Pt. • e . u . i i 14.41


PieWi citei. else*. 144% 143%

% 141%

Compromise Wage locreue Endi Trolley Strike t t Sothenectsidy

SCHENECTADT, N. T.. June I I (JP|. —Trolley servic* In thle city and be- twqsn her* and Albany, Troy and Bsra- t'ega Spring* wag reenmad today after It had been tied up elnc* May 11 by a • trik e of operatives. Th* men, who itru o k for nine oenU an hour morg, ac­cepted an locraasc of six and a half, cen ts with a poactbl* add'tionel In- c ra to t to be determined by th* Tatt- Waleh W er W ag* Board.

n * Common CcuBotL *v Dart of th* tto u n p tlsn atracnicnt, decided to re- quect the Public BervU* CenimlMlcn tc g ran t .a slx-oeat local far* ra te If, Aftor an examination of th* compeny'i bMk* by experta, a ra t* more*** It doavsd psoeoigry. __________


. ta 'r l f f r ^ W

*5£1»5Sw K, J*»s 81—«ohf4t ,k.Reaaek * t Wtwtoh w«»• oladg of fortySouT g tu liP U wWlli

8s«flt to X4|dlg I

NHW YORK. J« M I* <JP> —Mgroaa tU* iHipsr, 4 montbi, 8; 8 rochtba I ' day hitti, 4.71%: o«Mmer. «ial dO day bin* on banks, 4.78; cpra Morolal 16-day b01%4.71*4; toblai, 4.TI7-18. manE M l # ; Cdblet. 1.81 Dam an# I t ; eiiMtol 18#mand, T » :

8 tt*';**'

4.7114; demaod. I. Franat; Do- 8,1114. Ouildei

I t # . Lire*: 1 . . , . , .81. Rubldi: t

Xftand, , 1 |# | toV to , 84, "97" J t e r illvesi, 88#. K su o aa do tlan t 77. 0 « . ^ m w t b ^ t o eagy. RallroM b*q«g hnrag iiu . lesRg otaadR: 86 Bw

l | # i te dgpd. I # 0 8 ; 8 menti .. j i . Call aionay firm, high 8. IM 1 rtiUng rata, I: e lo itns Md I # . oO- 1 s t 8. IMS loan I.

Ih ■

B S a f S K I KM emben *1 4h* New T*S*x and FhnalelphlB Steek Ekehaagea


Bonds758 1 780 Broad St


Blatea B ureau of Marketi.—Hoga—He- oelpta 18,660; itrong, 10c. higher than ye ite rday 's axtrem* cloei; packers buy­ing iparlng ly , bulk ot ealei, I l . t tO 16.60; butoher hog*. 16.16016.60; pack­ing hog*, 18.I60I(.)> : llEht hogi, 16.66 016.79; rough, 16.60016.69; pigs, 16.26 016.78. _____________________

LONDON MONEY MARKETLONDON, June l l ( * ) — Closing; Bar

■liver, 4814 psr ounoa. Uonsy, 1% per cent. Dlaoount rates, ahert bllis, 118-11 par c e n t; three month* bills, 81i

rer cent. Gold premium, e t Llabon, 19.66.

S E C U R im S , W V I^ T M E m ETC.

P 0 5 U F U S GHembess N.T. fteeh

STOCKS &B0ND$790 Broad S t

U P -T O -T H E -M IN U T E O O . N E W Sand Iti poeilble effect en ell MCurttlM Is earelully aneiyoed every Prltoy l i ear Watkir Market lumroary. Writ* tor latest leeue. wblek oentelee alee a eem-"^^diuj^m ikif'siTUA TIONIn addltlen te Important IhfarmtUeh *■" ‘^ E ^ R S L A W E e l l l * .

UmVKU, I l M i i t l TRItoMIMI Mala Otfloa, 17 WUltam Bt, N- T> Ottr-


A ik H r H it JV-IE

F. M. Chadboonie & Co.FircmtR'g Inaunne* BulkUnt



Member Ceneelldated Bteek l a . of H. T.g OUNTON BT., VNIOM BUM..

Molberry tSlT-MU. Nemull.


771-773 Brom S t Niwiilt, N. Ln iK raO M B 1«8C HDM HtRy.

American Forei^ Banking Corporation se woii sb«*t, n*w yoa

Capital^ $3^00^000 Surplus^ $1J52^000O rgR iiigB d pB Tiuant to th e F a d c n l R a s e rv e A c t a u lh o r ix in f M t lo n a l to ow n ito c k in a b a n k « R g a |« d In I n te r n a t io n a t e i d d n f R M o p e n t i n f n n d g r c « n t n ) o f fB d e ra l R ogerve B o ard .

Albert B, W teirta, Chairm an of the Board ArphlbaU ftalBs, Praaldent

Bapdwi « . •ftwi'ts. Vie* P rsald to t T. BWed.Aaptoa, Vice Prsildeat caearl** A. Uaekeaolc, Becretary and Tr*a*ur*r

Every deseviptloa fiWreepaaaawts ef ta ie raa tlonai banktog baetaM i tl«B*«t*d.

to all pert* a t th e AIUa« «■« R n t r a l WorM. ^*^!A **** . tevea ag a taa t ahtpmenta a t B»rehamdla*.

* L •»*•■■«■ negtototea. ■■« callewted- Dmfte aad Gettera *f credit Ueced.

8mpeM aad a g p i i ^ ftaancad.D la te rra t aUwwtd aa balaBoea.

_ J _ _ _ BHAKCHRBP o rt d« PVtoem B ain _ P aab aM O ltr. Itogdbllo ec PRm m

Criatpbwl, C a u l Ben*ff te W N M p f (Ag Banking C o r p a r a f to n m d y fra t te v td (kfewpA



y | | V IRto AMvfi Of Omr $3^000,009onDepoHtttoll^DOO

mMM M om. MO K.-IE' . OtdNP to fS 'd >. t e '

»Q iA lU > o r

s s t o t o t o l i p l l ^ ^' -a


;ta l A rttvtU Q S itavrV zw ar^ mit n l ^ d h b o n n f i ^ i n i n u n i t t c s

| | r i . HatwrC W. Adkini of l it , Pro(- M ft *Mnu« rtturneil tod»y «ft»r ■pndtB r ilz waeka a t A llenhurtt. Sh«

ac^niDantad by her dauchtar. Mr*. ■ rnon Oiborna ot W uhlngton, P»..

for part of tha tima by Mlaa Bor Adama. Mra. Oaborna will r«-

wlth bar mother for tha jfraaant. Mr. Oalwraa haa a jioiltlon with the govarnment In Waahlngton* and hla wtfd tx p fc ti to the?# #horlly to live, Riehard Adama. who la a paymaatar in Iba navy, la now overataa.

Tha Mlaaaa Lillian and Haaal Puller o t RoaavHIa avanua will apend two waeka ot July In Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mra Arthur Naofua of Rldga atcaat ara at Mt. Tahor for tha aummar.

aacratary. Mra. L. H. MacBryda; urar. Mra. J. E. H arrla

A picnic luncheon a t the homo of Mlaa Bllaabath H. Qlorlaua. MO Clinton avo- nua. Irvington, Friday at 1 o’clock, win coaatltuta tha laat m eeting of the aaa- ■oa for tha Keep Together Club.

ilr . and Mra. Harman Oornbuach of I I I South Thirteenth atraal calabratad tha opening of their new home Sunday night, whan about fifty guaata from Plttibnrgh, Jersey City. Now this city, Including thair eon. Edward ot PUtoburih, ware praaanl.

Mlaa sadya Duffy of *M taanlb u ra a t will entertain her claaa of 8t. VInoant'i Academy a t dinner at the Hobart Treat Hotel Friday night.

The Balmont Avenue School Alumni Aioodallon will give a tonight In tha ethool. Electlona wiltlAka place.

A Red Croaa niata meeting ror the Thirteenth Ward will be held June II In the W ait Side ft bool. The principal. B. F. Monaghan, will preelde, and Mri. Joieph G. Bpurr, prealclent of the local Red Croaa chapter; Mra. John Oontrell Jr., chairman of the ch«|iiar’a eaieii- aion committee, and othere will tell of what la being done by the orgenlaalioii. There will alao be musical numbere^and a chlldren'i program. Marry I’. Eck- meder, leerelary of the Thirteenth Ward Patriotic League: Irving Fried­man. eecretary. and Mra. E. J. Btevene, Thirteenth Ward community leader or the local Red Croee, and othere will be In charge of the affair. The service flag of the ward, containing 178 atari, has bean raised in West Side Park by the league. A meeting of the commit­tee of arrengementa Friday night In Weat Side School detalla for the maee meeting will be completed.

Artiflic Performances GivenBy Mrs- Petri’s Piano PujmIs

The final meeting for the eeaeon of the Lend-a-Hand Society was held ya«- terday afternoon a t the home of the preeldent, Mlaa Florence Matthewa of im North Seventh atreet, and was ad- drstead by Mlaa Klliabeth Baldwin of the Roiavllle Dletrlct of the Bureau ofAseociafed Charttlaa. The aoclety added to Its lilt another deserving family

Mr. and Mra. John Mathea of Speed­way avenue have received word arrival ovaraaaa of thair eon, Joieph Hhthea.

Mra Henry Olorleu* 8r. end-daugh­ter lire. B. O. Stmpaon. have cloaed tMIr house In Johnaon avenue and are a t thair summer home In Belmar.

Mr. and Mra. F. W. Baden Sr. of 177iJelUff avanua have*.■ __I__1 alemiw ann |i*,the arrival ot their eon,

Jr., ovartaai. * • •Simon Englander, eon of Mr. and Mra.

J. J. Englander of l* Seymour avenue, has anllatad In the navy as a radio electrician and has been cplled to eerc vloa. A farewell dinner was given laet Bight a t Schary Manor, High street.

_ o t Hapeaavanua '• vlaltlng Mra BFuca Scrlm-gaotir of Monamere-on-the-Hudaon.

Mri. Edward H, B u c h iw........................ .... BFui

to be provided for. About 1180 wan appropriated .with which to eupply milk In needy homes during the summer. Plana were also dldcusaed for a rum­mage eale to be held the third week In October under the dlrectldn of Mrs. Carmen L. Sheldon. The only meetings of the summer will bo those held lo meet the needs ot emergency caeca. It was decided.

Mrs. E. J. Quigley wan elected treas­urer laet night a t the closing meeting of the aeaeoii of the Lorretto Qutld for Catholic Women, held In l^orretlo Hall In Belleville avenue. It was announced that the new wing lo the hall will prob­ably be completed within a month. There la already a waiting l il t that will nearly fill the additional rooms. It was stated. The guild will resume Its aeialona October S.


Mrs. William Hunter Btrawbridge/ (onnarly Mlaa Kathreen O, B. Maurui of th li city. It attending the graduation aiarolsaa of New York Uni varsity. Mrg SttAwbrldga la a mamhar of tha olaaa of June, 'l l , and will reoelve a bachelor of aclanca dagraa In tha W ashington Ig m ra Collage.


Mlaa Dorta Richards of ! l Homaataad park II camping a t Cantarvllle. Capa S d . where ahe will remain for three ■MBtha Bha vrtll ha Joined by her aliW rl liter. s e e' Mlia B ills DaBlank of Norfolk etraat

i l ipenling tha lutnm er tn the Pocono Htuntalna, a t Cinadanala, Pa..• • • *

Mrk Cacll Agate, wife of Captain A n u , V. 8. A., who prior to her mar- r t g « two whaki ago a t Peiarahurg, Vg.. w ai Mlaa Helen Bogga of th is city, k i i raturnad to live with her par- inta, Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Bogga of M l Rldga atraat.

At the monthly executive meeting of the Hunmne Society held iaet night In the city e lerk 'i office. It waa reported that to date Ml has been subscribed to the society's Red Star fund to care for horses and dogs wounded on the batlle- fletds. This amount will be forwarded to Albany to the headcugrtsra of the Red Star at once and the local society will continui Its endeavors to ralec 1180, Five new members were enrolled. It was reported that full returns to date of the cake sale held Saturday for tha benetif of the aoclety total | 111.

p lanlitlo talent out of the ordinary waa diecloied during the recital given by advanced puplla of Mra. Lillian Je t- freye Petri In the Petri studio laat night- The aeaUtIng itu d en ti were Carl Albln aieaa, Mrs. E. W, Olven and the Mlaaea Kltle Llttell Condit, Roae Oebel rind Haiel Tolaon. By their performances of compoeltlona testing their technical and Interpretative abtlttles. they earned from dlecrlmlnating hearera the ap­plause th a t uncommon merit prompts.

Not since Arthur Klein won. In a rom- peiUlve examination with sixteen other young planliis. the privilege of appear­ing aa a lololat at the Newark Music Festival two yeari ago haa a student •0 accompllihed as la Mlaa Condit taken part In a recital here. Her technic hna been developed to a degree that enablol her to play auch difficult works n» Llsst's fifteenth Hungarian Rhapaody. Schumann's Etudes Symphonlquee and chopln 'i "Butterfly" elude w ith an authority approaching that of a pro­fessional. Her command of a varied touch, coupled fvlth her aktU In pedal­ing aa well ail fingering, reauliart In such dynamic cantraels and tonal color­ing aa emphaelaed the character of each work and made (Jie perfo.-mance of It a notable dlsoloaure of Its l*tt*r and spirit. That ahe hee a strong feel­ing for poetry and romance w ai evident in her Interpretation ot Chopin a Noc­turne In fj minor, the charni In which she evoked by the lovely quality of tone she produced and artful phrasing.

Masculine energy, allied to intelli­gence In setting forth a com poters Ideas and aenattlveneaa to musical values, marked Mr- Giese'a playing of the five sections In Schumann’s "Carni­val." The "Romance" In p a rticu lar was interpreted with appealing lono and a regard for the melodic oonl.>ur that made his performance of it admirable In spirit and execution. L ater In the recital, ha advanced himelt In llie ea- teem of the audience by hie perform ­ances of Rachmaninoff's "Barcarolli* and Prelude In O Minor.

Mra. Olven put 10 her credit a finely expreaalve performance of a noctunie by Qrleg. proving by her Interpretation that such works by the Norwegian compoaer are ae worthy of attention by pianists a t the more hackneyed "mood" pieces of Chopin. In Mendeleaohn's “Spinning Bong" and Mason's long neglected "Bllver Spring," Miss Oebel showed the facile technique demanded. Her scale playing In the "Silver Spring" waa nolable for It* equable character and clearnese. Miss Tolaon gave aored- <table performance of Areneky’i "Sea" place, but narvouaneee hampered her work In Chopin's "Impromptu."

o r e J u n e O p p o r t u n i t y S a l e sFour Poworful Money Saving

Evejits that Will Crdwd This Store—Read for Profit.

We redch the very climax of value giv­ing in these events—the selling will be | enormous—get your share of the savings.

! 4628 Prs. Women’s IS tiilffiH & uJah- vet Pumps, Oxfords & Colonials less Than Cost t o Make



No Favors for Organiiationa In Ship Yards. Declares Worden

We have n o hwitation in '’'J !;,*greatest shoe selling event in the history of this store.

Never before so many pairs on sale.

Never before so many good styles.

Never before such I Never before such e low]fine leathers. price for such, high grades.

We have been weehi in the iweparatlon ot thie in Brttoklyn, In Boaton. up in New England; in fart, we have acoured the of the Eeit to find footwear we couid sell at a price that would bring us the greatestbusiness in our history. . . . . . . . . . . ispa

Tomorrow we place before you the results of our efforts in the shape of theae 4828pairs of high grade shoes, pumps, oxfords and colonials, al the low price o t ......................

Styles, models and leathers to suit e v e r y woman. hu»t for every need—dress, bpsiness and sport. All sizes^z h in all widths, but not in each model. .


F u l l y 6 5 d i f f e r e n t u p - t o - d u i e s t y l e s t o

c h o o s e f r o m — a m o n g w h i c h a r e


• Mrs. 0. O. W ilihm an of Clifton iv s- nw, has returned from Mt. Tabor and WUI open her home there for the eea- tM Uie Uat of th lt month.

The marriage of Mies Beatrice Carey Smith, daughter of Ur. and Mre. Thomas McKIrgan Smith, to Willard Nathaa Emmoiie of Nutley took place last nigh* at the home of the hride'e parents. 28 Rosemore placd, Belleville. Mrs. How­ard W. Stoddard of Nutley wae the matron of hon&r, end the brtde'e slater, M ill Winifred Smith, was maM ot honor. The beet man waa Russell Rm- mone, a brother of the bridegroom. The uehers were Stewart Smith of Mont­clair and Howard Stoddard ot Nutley.

Mela-Haacr.Mite Frencee Bauer, daughter ot Mrs.

Betha Bauer of ISl Milford avenue, ami Luclen Male of New York were married last night a t the Robert Treat Hotel. Rabbi Solomon Foster of Temple B'nal Jeeliurun performed the cere­mony, which wae followed by a dinner

The Women's Guild of the Mt. E tsw ant B aptist Church wilt hold a f M v a l ea the lawn of the church frem 4 to * F. H. Friday. Mre. O. A. Clark |a ohalrman of the affa ir. Mre. O. 0. WielsheiAn, president, reports th a t dur- | u tha laat alx m onthi (78 garm snta wsra flBlehed to r ths French rsllet. bosideg numerous aw eatars end seoquee fer the soldiers. The guild will pey ha lt tha cost nt having th s church doors jjwe.nyer. , ,

Oe^rgs B. Levy of Jaeksanvlllg., U visiting h»r paran li, Mr. ang , ' William a . Muller of 1(7 Wee- htc avenue, tor the summer, e • *

CsetalD TetW il L. Fowell of the U ttb F. A. ef Camp McClellan. Ala^ tn m e rly with the Mutual Benefit Com- M ny of this city. Is home for a visit 'to bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vnwall nf tIO Belmont avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fowell have received word of-th# arrival ovaraeai of their younger eon. Corporal Trevor J. Powell of the ElpgI- ae«ra

for forty gueste front 8on#rvIlle, where ths bridt formerly IWed


A ennferenoe will be. held by the exeouttve committee of The^ Contem­porary of Newark and th e committee of n « y Monday a t 1:10 o'clock a t the T. W, C A. P receding. the bnelneai eei- lion the raemberi will meet a t luncheon a t I t o’clock. Mlej Florence A. H agu^ correeporidlng eecratary. la in charge of the'program and Mrs. R. M. Laird and Mra. Howard Vanderpool ara aaioolats chairmen of arrangementa.

Raporting a total attendance ot 1.07* children a t the East Side Day Nureery cared for during the month of May, and tha Isrgeel attendance for any one day aa sixtv-one. the board o t managere of the Instlltttlon held the cloeing busl- neks meeting of the season yesterday fittemoon In the nursery building In Elm etreet- A totel of 4(8 bottles ot modified milk were prepared, a de- creaee over previous months, In ratio to a isasened dsmand» Plans were made for the summer's series o t monthly block dances. The second of these will be held June *( under the chairmanship of Mrs. Frederick DIefenthaler, who will also be In charge of the July dance, ih# dale for which hee not yet been eel. Mtei Loulee D. Shugard. preeldent of the hoard. Is m aking arrangem ents for the seventh annuel card party lo be given during the eummer a t Belmar. It wai reported that the newly equipped consultation station a t the nursery le faring well. Doctors In charge Include Or. B. W. Murrey. Dr. M. Royal Whlte- nack and Dr. Angelo Blanchl.• • *

A new working unit of the Newark Chapter of the American Red Croea was organlaed yeeterday afternoon at SI. Charles Borromeo Romon Catholic Church. Mre. John Contrail Jr., chair­man of the chapter’s sxtenslon commlt- ts*. prssldsd end gave a ta lk on war work. Following the election of offi­cers. ths pselor. Rev. Thomas A. Walsh, congratulated the tnem beri and offered whatever aisletence he could give to aid In the eucceee of the unit, p f fk e r i are: Chairman. Mra. W. C. W alth Jr,; vice chairman, Mra. H. H. Ricketts;

Danvitls, 111 Indlenapolts, Buffalo, Rochester ami New York. The bride wae attired In a gown ot pearl trlmmsd white la tin end georgette crepe and carried white orohide and sweet peas. She wae a t ­tended by her eletar, Miss Nettle Bauer, who wore white leoe and carried Ophelia roees. The best man wae Leonard JWsIl df New York.

Pslowbcf-Ayrea.Announcement carde have been re-

eejved 'tn the Orangee from Mr. and Mrs. William John Ayrss of Weat Ken. slngton, London, England, of the m ar­riage a t noon Saturday, May 98. at St. Mary'a Church, West Kensington, of thsir daughter, Mtsa Ellen Wllhelmlna Ayres, lo Msurico Edouard Peloubet. son of Mr, and Mra. Louis G. peloubet ot Springdale avenue, Bast Orange. Mr. Peloubet has been In Untlend. Holland. Francs, Ireland, Sweden and Norway during the lae t four years, moat of the time oq government business. He le now with a firm that Is building con­crete ships and will b t in England a t least another year.

HalUGIIIard Wedding.Mlia L illian Mary Glllard, daughter

of Mrs, W illiam H. Glllard of *5* Rhode Island avsnhe. Maet Orftqge, will be married a t noon Baturdey, June 28, at the home of her mother to Clifford Hell ot New Brunswick. Miss Gladys Hall, lis te r of the bridegroom-to-be, will be brldeiroald. and Jam es D. Qlllsrd ot W ashington, bro ther of the bride-elect, will be bast man. Rev. A. Frederic Dunnsis, pastor of Elmwood Presbyte­rian Church, Bast Orange, will perform ths ceremony.

P t^e-'W llIeeB .Announcament le made of the m ar­

riage of M ill Mabel Belle Wllleon ot II Cummings street and Orlando T. Frome of 81 Linden avenue. Irvington. The wedding took place Saturday a t the parsonage of the Irvington Metho­dist Episcopal Church, *8 Myrtle ave­nue, the pastor, Rev. Karl K. Quimby, performing the oeremony.

MoGavraa-Fiaekel Bagagem est,

That tha plant ot the Submarine Boat Corporation a t Port Newark will con­tinue to be run as an open shop and th a t members In organisations, f ra te r­nal, social or labor, will not obtain prelerm ent or favor with the m anage­ment. are features of a etatem ent from General Manager B, L. W orden, pub­lished In Speed-Up, the ship yard pub­lication. . . . .

"We desire It distinctly underalood. declares Mr. Wordsn, ’'th a t we have operated and shall continue to operate strictly as an open shop. We shall not dlettnguleh between employees, except eu to merit, and the record to r merit will be based on re g u la r , attendance, quality of work and quantity of work. Any endeavor of any Individual or set of Individual! to Induce employees to Join elube. locletiee or any of the various labor organisations on tits ground th a t thsy will thus obtain pre- fsrm fnt or favor Is unauthorised.

T h l general m anager goee on to eay th a t the question of w hether an em­ployee belongi to one or more or none of the organlsmtlone will have no In the determination of hie relatione to th e company and to the work. In ­dividual liberty of M*he“ Z yduot his persenal affaltw as he may see f it will not l»e Interfered with, he a iie r t i . provided hie efficiency *-■ employee l» not"Any repree#ftt*tlon th a t w e are backing any organisation of any .k . •o tam en t continues. ' Is without

Womens Dull and feight Leather High Cut Shoes Women's Dull and Bright Leather Oxfor^

Women’s Clever Sport Oxfords in Black and Tan Women’s Smart Patent and Dull Kid Colonies

Women’s Good Looking Patent and Dull Kid Pumps Women’s Cool ^liite Canvas and Nubuck Pumps

Women’s High Cut Whit* Canvas Pumps — Women’s Field Mouse Kid PumpsWomen’s TwoTone Boots in Fully Twenty-five Different Effects

Jligh or Low Heels—Button or Lace

Famous “Walk-Over”


and prii poplins, vored sti

Shoes idenlical to these would cost to make _ _ under present conditions of In lw and^ ma- ^lerials at leaat $4. While most would slrlcted choice . ■. •

Many would cost t5. cost to . Your onre-

Extra salespeople—extra scllinft sp ace- sale begin* promptly at 9 A. M. Thursday. Come early to avoid the !ale-in-lhe-day cTOwdi. Sale Second Floor.

An Inslanl “Hit”—Crowda Here trom Store Opening Time-Our

*wa «tiit#Tn#nt oofitlTUioa* foJndltlon. K»ch and «v«ry amploy## o f this company will be required to live So to and abide by the rules ot

UoTw In n n«u” n «

hia tdvanoattidnte

About Ready for Full Rehearsal Of Y.W.C.A. Club’i War Pageant

The engagement hee been snnounced of Mies MenHetta Flnekel, daughter olConyere B. Flnekel of *01 Orenge road, Montclair, to W alter McGowan, eon of Mr. and Mr* Robert McGowan of * Olenwood avenue. East Orange. No date hae been set tor the wedding.

The first complete rehearsal of thepageant of women In w ar ‘Come, Amerlcal" lo be preaented by the, l r l . of the Y. W. C. A. Federation oClubs the last of thle m onth, will heheld tomorrow night under the super-vision of Mies Kasel MacKay. specialworker on drematlce for the Nationalworker on ^ pageantwB** w ritten eapeclally for the olube by H iss Josephine Thorpe of East Or- angs author of "The Torch.

Mlsi MacKay, who Is considered snex p « J ^ P .g « n try . Cw ue Joaephlne Hedden. chairm an, Mrs. a ile n J Perrett. who 1. deelgnln , the coitum ei, both of the College of Wom­en's Club of Essex County, and Ml si Josephine Oberhsuser, le dlrecHngthe call. Mlie Jessie Doty will have charge of the music and the chorus Is being directed by Mlse FlorenM Taylor. The proceeds will bs sen t to Frence to aeelst In endowing a "foyer canteen or club bouse and recreation center In a munition factory town In th a t ^ u n -

the National W ar Work

I f Grea1 cstS alc*S g*sS :S rD ressesliftSr- 9 n o n .*» A 11 r A r t u n l M. S S a n d $ 6 V a l u e s !2 M 0 in A l l ! A c tu a l $4, $ 5 an d $6

F ortiT B eau tifu l S tu le ^ -E ig h t A re P ic tu i ^ S n len d id ly M ade! P le n ty of Good Chooeing!

Made Up in Plaid Ginghams Striped Ginghams Piald Valles Striped Voil« Flowered Voiles Tissue Stripes

Q)/or« AreLight Blue PalePPink Lavender Rose or Bisque N&e Green Black or White

[ Ideal Frocks lor Every Suniroer Occaston-Get Your Share)Finished in various effective ways with organdie or pique collaw, vestew

and cuffs, some daintily edged with frills, others surplice fronts, detachable belts, flap or inserted pockets, shirred or plaited skirts.Every d r a s is made and flnished in a manner to pleaae the mort p « tic ii l« -^ h e lace*

fine auality—the button* are welt sewed on and the buttonholea will laat----------- ">

AH Sizes for Women wid MisMfl. Extm SiUspeople* Sizes Arranged on TiMes*

June Hosiery Sale I S ^ Feast of Good Values^ ^ « ¥__ff__i_ J . / am A ll AfFhifiThe Entire Family Can Benefit; Reliable Grades; Numerous Special Purchases Included; Sfocfc Up for All SutymerNow

ei 1 o.ei Wont«n*.s39cto50c ■ Women’s 1.15 to Women s Fine Sd

try under —Council of the T. W. C. A.

A aalhrr Test a t Rae8 Ride Beth.There will he another contest tonight

at the E ast Side Bath, a t which ewlm- mere w in demonalrate their proweae in order th a t volunteer life guards may he picked to serve thle eummer a t the bath 's swimming pool. A almllar event was held last Wednesday night, a t which several volunleera were obtained. The plan le th a t of William J. Mc- Klernsn, head of the recreation eyelem.

Dress Rehearsal Tomorrow for Pageant to Aid Hospital Fund

Dr, Lymaa Pawell t* Talk Here,Dr, Lyman Powell, preeldent of Ho-

hart College, will speak tonight e t a meeting In Grace English Lutheran Church. 11 Mercer etreet. on "America a t War." Dr. Fowell lies Just returned from France and the Allied nations. Dr. Powell's promise to attend tonight's meeting was obtained through the co- operation of the American Defense Society.

A drees rehearsal a t Weequahle Parktomorrow afternoon will complete ths preparations being made by the New- ark Normal School of Physical Educa­tion and Hygiene for a pageant Tues­day afternoon end night end Weilnes- dny night of next wdek a t the home ot Mri. R. A rthur Heller. *86 Ml. Pros- nect avenue, for the benefit of the port hospital fund as part of w ar commun­ity service. , , .About 17S persons are expected to take part, fifty of whom are students In the department of pageantry of the achool. Mlsi Katherine E. Quinn of the rieoartment Is director o t the puecaot-

The program, which la entitled The Spring Festival." will be divided Into . a r . . enlenries. "The Renewal of Na-

Men’s Sox—Big ValuesSilk liale Rdd Ude fin­

ished cotton; black, white 19cand colors; (light seconds of 2Sc and 35c grades; pair

Men’s Fine SoxFiber silk, look like pure thread

(ilk, but give better service; extra strong heeli »nd toes; bisck, white and a fine ar­ray of colors; 3 pairs SI; i p a i r .............. .....................

Men’s $1 and 1.25 Silk Sox

A sensatlonil value; pure thread silk and very Bne silk and fiber mixed; all are full regular mad?, with extra double soles and toes; high spliced double heels; black, while, tan, champagne, green, bronxe, gray and navy, also line a a array of clocked K | I A efleets; 3 paiia >2; p a i r . . . . . . . .

Women’s 25c and 29c Stockings

Extra fine grade lisle finbhed cotton with extra strong heels and toes; double garter tops, black, white, tan, gray: all y i l A are perfect except the U V \ f while; pa ir..........................

Children’s Good Sox-f in e liale finished cotton

with roll tops, white, black, tan, sky pink and copeti- htgen; sixes 5 to 9!4 ; pair

StockingsVery fine silk lisle with

double soles; extra strong heels and toes; double garter tops; black, white and some colors; regular and extra large sizes; some are subject to slight hurts; such as a neatly mended a a drop sl’tch or a l U A

\ compare; some ape pure : ik^hread silk, others are


cil stain;

Women’1.35 Silk Hose

Six hundred pairs in the lot: values beyond

silk and fiber mixed; mostly i l l have seams up the back; black and a good assortiheni of striped or embroidered efleett; some have slight irregularities in the weave; 3 pairs S2; pair at ............


Children’s Good SoxFinest silk lisle and fiber silk with

double tops; white, tan, black and pretty striped top effects; sizea 5 to ; pair

Women’s 59c Silk HostVery fln« srtde fiber silk boot

hose with double soles; ex trt itront

15c heels and toet; double gar- ler tt^ s; black only won- * j y Aderful value; 3 pairs $1.10; pair

HoseA record value pure

thread silk, the kind with ieams up the back; double soles and toes, high spliced double heels and

'double silk lisle black, white, navy, khaki, champagne and g r a y , a l s o pink; p a i r . , . .

Children’s Silk SoxPure thread silk with pretty roll

lops; white, sky pink, romper blue and white wilh' pretty m A all over or with fanw k l l A jtrlptd tops; sizes 4 lo 9j4; t f V vpair ....................................... ,

Infants’ SuperiorRibbed f ib e r ‘silk end fit* silk

llsib In sizes 4 to 6'/>; white, sky pink, sky black and tan; extraordi­nary value, pair............ .. ■ ■

►87 n


Ihr## FpUort##, ”Th - » .tu r# ” '‘Oulri^or ActWUUB of Man »nd ’•The n#dicotlon of All E n e rty to Ser­vice of Humenlty-” Ticket# wlU b# on sale a t L. Bainberiter * Co, end the Tauter pUno hXo?#’

Is No L onger N ecessaryNew, CImui* Ee*y, H anale ta T rea taeu t F irst Bottle Give* Satiafaetioiu

After having been tried and pnwen eoeccseful by hoBdreds of their cua- tomera, tead in i reMm-n en d ittf “Cenut* V a te r for CrayHair” W •►»«•* ’•►*** *,**V***i,^ H t h d t hair raetored, 'L . Bamberger St o f U lL iIc a Riker^Hegeman Drug

aril It. and all queatlona one ‘ naiurally tak e are ►»« plainly an-

•weried.m wr aUOUITELT lAFE TO USEf Too“ a r use Ces»te

> wttlieul tae

M M W U, euRsr <4 teqe, w lsh u ori 2 ^ * r > S a i 5 a ^ a s r .?-!!

end netufnl molbod of rtvlvlng th* youthful color of htir Ihet he# lurnid ft#y ffont eg#, lllnoia ot other c#umi. Proof lh*t C*nut# Wntir li not n dy« I# thet tt he# n# nuni; h«r«d «hndB#—th« «#m# bold# t# g#od for Bhedw at hnlr, whlli, #■ th# rB«d*r know#, dyei itB aumb«rtd S o? t.

Rev. C. A. Tindley of Riiladclpliia To Talk at Old St. Paul’s ChtirchRev, Charles As Tindley. paator ®t

East Cavalry Methodist Eplecopel Church (colored) of Philadelphia, will make an address Friday n lah t a t the

Bl. Paul's Methodist SplicopsloirtChurch. Broad and MarahsH streeU. Mr. Tindley will coco under the Joint

' MSdaeu e( a s r lUod-r“ * « > " S •» p _ _ iria UUM hsJr sad eoalp ae eedlaarr 'WeMc *t Is tee estsfwsl use enly.■ .^aslb 1C '80U. TEE EUUIM OR BdAJ.8 7

« ( E V u K l j K »»«*• ^ S S r t lT M fS sd e or iosip.t a i n u i r Is i« eep^sUy

HOW IT 18 APPUBOT Very oeslly. Jost w«t yeur h#lr with U end nilow It to dry I* good, tr«»h #lr. Nothing hard oboat th#t. 1# tb«r#T Apply on hair one# daily, and d#y by day obMrv# the hair twcomlog darktr and darkir. And by tho tin* you bar# f1ni#h«*l th# fiTBl botti# th# youthfut color of your hair will b# rc*tDr#de It will th#n remain that way. and ilmply nqnir# a rotoachiug onot ovtry w#«lt or two m th# heir grow#.

ausolces of the State Nearo Walfa;v U „ u . and the Down Town Xtommittee.

Another epeaker will he L. Hollings­worth VVood. preeldent or the Nalloual T ^ e u e on Urban Conditions Amohy t h r o e s with which org*«!x»tlou th« welfars league Is affiliated. Aepeclel program has “been at ■‘ naeu.

n m 1—v

Two Kecord-Breekiii* Jose Opportunity B vaite-O tferin* Splendid Savings

Silk W aist Sale j Great Sw eater Sale

t u x t h e DAItKBNED COLOR WARU OB4IIB OFF? Tho color nUI not wanh ntf. g h n t f ^ iht hnir all you Hko—nut otay wen on a hat curling Iron, on not nvan Ihet will ntteet the color. On tho contrary, the •noya you nhampoo the hsir the aalter niul flutfter the hair will hennae. htnMm^r, II will only he noceadary to une Canste water (or Orey Rntr afterward onto iverr wook or two on Iht new heir that grows.

wiSSesMf; I t lestii n so naturally —, * j g K |2 % e .5 e s t i e te UU you « « untsg

It helaf sUnky asdevealy

fa B flir taK lrely not. That If Jurt E f E water li e alapic

■ '

Believe us, after a week yeu'll thank yew- •elf for havtax triad II. M d at the abgrye mnlioned itoree forr l l . t l e bottle er by a«U direct. Frltdmen Cannt* Co., IT Biet Ifd 81. Now York ^liy—Advortliotndnt,

Supwfluottt Hair RcDOOved

E l e c t r i c N c c d l e M c t h o dFeeltlTely Witlwwt Isjary la lbs able

hy FrMneebwsIM R S . M . L P O T T E R

Esteeerly wtth *»"• r . A. Woelley. nW i Aeena, New Yeeh.WOBK OCAEANTEBD ____


WHSEMf .anB rW iiB t. TeLEM.(877 lOTWlNE EY arrO lN T E B Ilt High Orsde Tailed Fregdintlew.

2.87Actual $4 and $5 Values-Choicc of Any at

Georgette Crepe Waists.................Crepe de Chine Waists...................IPiiggy Willow Waists.....................Washable Satin Waists.......Striped Crepe de Chine Waists.........

Wilhout question one of the beat waUt lalea means much, for we have offered many great values. mgByart hand embroidered, others are lace trimmed, “**“ *,"“ iMliirtailored models among them, while others have large late collafa; best colors; three models ate pictured; fifty others as good,

Lo¥ely Silk and Cotton Waista at 1.97 , _Jap Silk Walita, Crepe de Chine WalMs. Volte Walsta

Lace waists offered in a broad array of handsome atylea; our price l* ie»» than preaent whoteiale for identical grades: el! ii*ea.

Identical Grades Sell at $5 and $6 Elsewhere Shetland Floss; two of the models

are picturrf; with pretty brushed wool collars tlipHjver styles; takeVAl^r r tlO i£ £ V t * , * a . a a - A F * « « * • * * * *^ Sweaters a i i the mode of the moment Z ’JU li

here for choice, aleo corabinition effecte.Fiber Silk SwgUers Are Here at 4.98

a aua. fcLa Mhik* l ie n tia i ii t iid sg gsU for tuBCb nw w tslwwliwHp tlijiback, m h<«, finlrtieil wjlfi

i ? r S « l K d p a t ? h % ^ ^ ^ lu o n«py other Myleei moet desirable sWdea



ored stri in natty of the p< dots.



e f close! Knee or er long 48. Dri


1 Men 1 without

I ment—si [ in sizes ' colors.


Tbous buttons jet. pear noveltiei

Coat, tons; all getber ' Three to S to 12-


Over ta |„ cot Imiietioi ingt, ed are less tail vail Inches u


BoOf w

: blue am ‘ check.1 tractive


Good 01 med wll

HIn gli

Billie S eailor e pique 81 ■u poe



’’■v W '

r A B K P W B W S . W B D N B B D A T . j t J S B 1 3 . H H &

avingrhist./a lue giv- ; will be ^ i savings. |


a lowgrades.



aluesf m c r fifow

f s Fine Silk Hoserd valoel; pv« k, the kind with the back; double id toes, high ouble heels and lilk lisle tbps; white, khaki, le and a l s o 1.15SUkSox Iwith pretiy roll ni

nk, romper blue ||| pretty fancy

1 ta 9 'A - ,

lerior Hdseik and fit^ silk to 6'/>;

k, sky (traordi- 2 ^


T tuimner use, and Itsd waist; another Inable new color la

4.98tore elsewhere; th f b m , finished with

net desirable shades

Are Your Quarters Marching to the Tune ofThrift*'

—O u r boys can’t m arch to Berlin un less you help provide the . money. A q u a rte r a day helps m ightily , $4.17 now means $5,00 to you in January , 1923.

H a h n e & C o .6 0 Y m tn o t S u eeeu fid S t9 rtk««p in §

Fly a Flag June 14—The many p a tr io t i who wish to com m entoratt

the ann iversary o f 4he b irth of the S ta rs and S tripes by flying a J la g Ju n e 14 can And the size and style to su i t th e ir purse at H ahne’s.


Don^t Let These Dollars Slip Through Your FingersThis Page Gives an Idea of What We Mean by Hahne Values

9 5 ch Below Present

Wholesale Price for ^

Men’s ShirtsSplendidly made shirts of woven

and printed madras, percales and poplins. Neat patterns In the fa­vored stripes. Siies 14 to 17.

3 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Men’s CravatsWash Silk Ties in white with col­

ored stripes, foulards and soft silks in natty patterns. Including aplenty of the popular blue and white polka dots.

8 5 ch Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Men’s UnderwearBecause these are a famous grade

of closely woven soft Balbriggans. Knee or ankle length drawers, short Of long sleeve shirts. Shirts 34 to 48. Drawers 30 to 4fl. First Floor.

2 1 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

I Men have found put this value without requiring dhy advtrlise-

I ment—sizes now are broken, chiefly I In sizes iO'/i. Black and a few

colors. Men’s Shopa First Floor.

5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

. ButtonsThousands upon thousands of

buttons of al! kinds—metal, bone, jet, pearl, galli leath, glass, ‘‘ivory,” novelties, etc.

Coal, dress and trimming but­tons; all sizes, styles and colors, to­gether with a host of novelties. Three to twelve on a card—chiefly 0 to 12—the card 5c. First Floor.

5 c/* Below Present

Wholesale Price for

LacesOver 50,000 yards of torchon,

cotton and linen cluny lacea; Imitation filet laces, etc., in head­ings, edges and insertings. Many are less than half present day re­tail value in other stores. <4 to 5 Inches wide. First Floor.

$1.00Is Below Present

WholestUe PrUe foe

Boys’ Tub SuitsOf white corded material with

I blue and white or black and white check. Collar, cuffs and belt In at-

i tractive boyish style.

9 8 cit Below Present

Wholesale Price fot

Clnhbfen’s HatsMade of straw, hemp and leghorn.

Good asaortment of colors. Trim­med with flowen and ribbons.

$ 2 .9 8Is Below Present

WhoUsak Price for

House DressesIn glnghama, percales tad voile;,

Billie Bnrke end regulaiion ityles, ■ailor end round collars of lawn, pique aiid self materitia, deep belta le d peekett. SItec 38 to 46.

$ 1 ^Is M ow Present

Wktdesale Price for

S n ocbOyeter white llnea ,vftb amart

color epots a(4 JIgaree. Some wHh pochola. A goM porch wrap or n r Iport wear, a t wall as for gar-

. . . . . . . t j f l i ^ f l o i i i t

'. i".

\ '

1 ^ 2 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Bread MakersLanders, Frary & Clark make;

four-loaf size. Used to raise as well as mix the dough:


$ 1 .7 5Is Below Present

Wholesale Price forAlaminom Preserve Ketfles

Eight-quart size, made from heavy durable aluminum.


$ 1 .8 5Is Below Present

Wholesale Price forAlnminDDitloffeePercolators

Made from heavy metal, with glass top and curved spout. Six- cup size. Basement.

$ 1 . 5 0 & $ 1 .9 8Are Below Present

Wholesale Prices for

hfants’ Long SlipsMade in sheer nainsook, embroid­

ered, feather af%hed and tucked mioat elimoratcly.:. Dainty chriated^. ing slips. All hand made.

Second Floor.

4 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Iniants’ SacqnesMade of white pique with edges

scalloped in pink or blue.Second Floor.

7 2 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Six Tea SpoonsWh. A. Rogers famous hard-wear­

ing silver plated ware, in a good, popular pattern. Sold only in naif- dozen lots, Six Rogers Table Spoons, $1.44.

First Floor,

$1.00Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Pearl NecklacesGood length strings of well

shaped imitation pearls, strong clasp. First Floor.

$ 1 . 9 8 & $ 2 .5 0Are Below Present

Wholesale Prices for

Inbints’ CapsHand nude from fine lawn or

organdV, hand stitched and hand embroidered. Second Floor.

2 5 cIs Below Preunt

Wholesale Price for

SatinS and m Inches wide. Rich, lus­

trous quality for hair bows and trimmings. Colors are pink, blue, old rose, cardinal, brown, navy and Alice. First Floor.

9 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Fionndng4 'Cold, silver and meUl flouncingi

embroidered on white and gray nett. 20 to 27 inehei wide. Title tmall let is added to the sale for a "cletn-up.** First Floor.

2 1 cIs Below Present

WkoUsoie Price for

L iu m rlm td H q g i Ifa ilih e d V r lf la g P aper, w h ile , v q rr tin e q n a ltly , i f

. ih e e ta tH d -A iive le p e i J a . tegg M ti, m 6 i m t n ----------


prVER so often lately manufactur-ers have told us we were foolish not to raise

our prices, because we couldn’t replace our merchandise at the same prices—**no, not even at wholesale,**—So we set about to find out how many items

we had in stock below the present day whole­sale price.


3 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

nte YmlesA filmy white voile with wide

taped edge. Firmly woven of close- ly twisted yarns, 36 inches wide.

2 9 cIs Betbw Present

Wholesale Price for

ntc PiqneImported English quality that

comes through the tub with ail its original freshness. For summer skirts and suits. 27 inches.

1 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

tile "Glasgow”A trade marked white goods with

linen finish—something on the or­der of a lightweight Indian head. 27 inches.

$ 2 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

. Bolt Nainsook▼oven of fine ap W :^ rB s, this

snoV white nainsook is ideal for lingerie. 10 yards to boll; 36 Inches wide.

$ 3 .9 8Is Below Present

Wlwlesale Price fot

Bolt NainsookA peculiarly soft Jap nainsook;

delightful for baby clothes and finer sorts of lingerie. 10 yards to the bolt in two neatly folded pieces. 36 inches. First Floor.

2 5 ch Below Present

Wholesale Price for

OretonneA variety of light and d irk color-

pattema.'Third Floor.

llgtIhgs in dttriciTve pattema.- 36 inches wide.

$ 1 .3 5Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Conch CoversRich Oriental patterns in good

celoringi. 50 inches wide. Fringed all around. Third Floor.

3 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Awnii$ Stripes31 Inches wide, in lincy blue

stripes. Full weight.Third I Floor.

< 2 9 tIs Below Piresenf

Wholesale Price far

GlasswareThin blown tsbiewire in tea

roee or dahlia cuttings—goblets, sherbets, ice cresm glasses, wines, cocktails and clarets. Basement.

$1.00Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Silk Stockn^sPure thread illk, black, white and

African brown. The same splendid wearing quality that has t e u been Hahne’i special. First n oloot.

3 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Silk Lisle StockinpBiMk or while only. Good

voight, Mali made hoaiety. Three ' 1 ^ tofeJlM , , Fiat FIok.

8 0 c & 9 0 c^ Are Below Present

Wholesale Prices for

Cork LinoleuinsPrinted in attractive patterns for

bath rooms, kitchens, pintries and hillw iyi. Sold by the square yard.

Third Floor.

$ 1 .7 5 t o $ 2 .1 5j4re Below Present

Wholesale Prices for •

lid LinolenmsTile and parquet patterns, In

colors that go through to the back.Third Floor.

5 0 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Window ShadesMade from heavy opaque cloth,

full size, mounted on self-acting roller. All wanted colors and white.

Third Floor.

2 4 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

GinghamsWith common calicoes selling st

25c a yard this value speeks for it­self. Ail full pieces. Attractive stripes and plaids, and all fast color. 27 inches. ________

2 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

PercalesSpun of fine cotton yarns in a

close count percale. Neat patterns in black and colored stripes and figures. 36 inches.

1 8 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

L eader Voiles250 new patterns of these famous

voiles—we’ve sold them freely all season long at ISc; now the-whole­sale price has jumped heyond our retail price-; no m on tL iB e when these are gone. ^

2 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Peggy CbthA sturdy f u t color fabric for

rompers and kiddy clothes. Ner« stripes. 32'Inches. Galatea Cloths also at 29c, In stripes and figures.

5 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Ramie LinensThink of an ail linen fabric at

59c. Ideal for suits and skirts. Old rose, copen and reseda shades.

4 9 c1$ Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Union LinensLinen united to cotton, a long-

wearing fabric for summer eults. Complete line of cotort. 36 inches.

9 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Boys’ B.VJ).UnionSnibSizes 24 to 34, In the reiuIeHon

summer style. First Finer.

$ 3 .5 0It Below Present

Wholesale Price foe

Striking B i^Deublt end bell thape, bmwit

napt leather, tripped eeiini.'.> S«w«d Flon^

a : i t ,

-We found a great many items, but we shall not raise prices to conform to the new whole­sale figures. As long as piesent stocks re­main, our customers can buy—as we bought —at the old low figures.-This page lists some of the items we thought you would like to know about; partly for their timeliness; more becaus.' of the sure savings each item affords.

$ 1 .2 9Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Room Lot o( Wall Paper

Selected from some of the best lines, of which we have only one, two or three rooms in a style. Lot includes 10 rolls or sidewall and 18 yards of border or binder. Limited quantity only. Third Floor.

$ 5 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Mahogany LampsHandsome standards, flited for

two electric tight* l8-inch Japan­ese bamboo wicker shade, lined with silk, green, red or brown. 26 inches high over ail.

Third Floor.

$ 6 . 0 0 & $ 8 . 0 0Are Below Present

Prices for

Boudoir LampsHand-painted iiandarda and plain

or parchment shades, Egyptian or Chinese style, standing 12 to 20 inches high. Third Floor.

$1.00Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Women’s Corsets“Royal Worcester" make, in

coutil, lace and ribbon trimmed. Medium bust, long hip and heavy attached hose supporters. Sizes 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23.

7 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Boys’ BlousesMtde from white madras, with

collar attached or plain neckband. Fine materials In self stripes. Suitable for graduation or dress

Sizes 7 to 16 years.First Floor.


9 4 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

PetticoatsOf Heatherbloom. These are

cisssed as “seconds," because of slight flaws In the making that do net lessen their usefulness. Wide flounce, lucks and ruffle.

Second Floor.

2 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

HandkerchieLsWomen’s pure Irish linen hand­

kerchiefs, with J^-inch hem, hem­stitched and embroidered in one corner. Open work or solid em­broidery. First Floor.

$ 2 . 5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale'Price for

House DressesLawns, percale and gingham

drosses, trimmed with linene and pique, sailor and round collars, pearl buttons. length sleeves, pockets and belts. Light, medium and dark colorings. Sizes 36 to 46.

Second Floor.

9 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Glove SIk TopV onen’s Pink LUle Union Snits,

ileeveleis and tight at lha kiM«. Top of gievo oiik. Regular alie*.

F la t Fioor.

$ 3 - 9 5Is Below Present

Wholesale Price fot

Women’s PumpsOf patent colt and gunmetil calf

leathers, with tight weight welt soles and leather Louis heels. A im irt square throat pattern.

Second Floor.

$ 1 8 . 5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Fox ScarfsWonderfully rich, glossy skins in

the wanted taupe shade. Full fur­red. Silk lined. Made up in ani­mal style. Splendid summer furs.

Second Floor.

3 9 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Pillow CasesMade from splendid bleached

muslin, fine close weave, with wide hemmed ends. Size 45x36 Inches.

First Root.

Tkoe PricesAre Below Present

Wholesale Prices for

Hemstitched SheetsSize 72x90 Inches, $1.95 Size 81x90 Inches, $2.00 Size 81x99 inches, $2.15

Made from thb finest of cotton yarns, closely woven snd bctutlfully finished. First Floor.

$ 2 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price fot

linen DamaskHeavy Linen Satin Damiak, 70

Inches wide, made from selected pure flax linen yarns, most dura­ble, soft and luairou*. Handsome designs. First Floor.

$ 1 .fs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

BlonsesOf check gingham end colored

stripe m slerlali; tiso white with colored vesieea or colored ties. Others In white tillored models or trimmed with lace and embroid­ery. Second Floor.

$ 1 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Croqnet SetsAn eight-ball outfit, well mtde

and llnished, varnished and pol­ished. All the necessary malleli, balls, wickets snd posts, boxed.

Second Fleer.

2 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price tor

Bath TowelsBig Turkish Towels, 16x36 inches,

with pink, blue, lavender and gold stripes. Sturdy, very absorbent towels far your summer home or for year round use. First Floor.

$ 3 .5 0Is Below Present

Wholesale Price for

linen NapkinsSize 20x20 inches. Beautiful grass bleached linen, of sturdy linen yams, excellent patterns.

First Floor.

5 0 c ^Is Below Present

WholetaU Price for

Scissors & Shears"Made from excellent steel, highly

Rnished. Good for long service. Slightly flawed. First Floor.

7 5 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price fot

Women’s Union SuitsMade from fine white lisle, wlt^

low necks and sleeveless. Tight' knees. First Floor.

5 0 cIs Below Present

Wholesale Price for

Pink lisle Union SuitsWomen's Union suits, with tow

neck and sleeveless; also bodice style with ribbon tops. Regular and extra sizes. First Floor.

r O d d 'L o ts i§ Thursday Only—No Mail or Phone CrJrrs 9D — In addition to the odd lots we acquire from m ills and wholo* J 9 salers underprice we often round out th is section w ith special ci D item s from reg u la r stock. D

D J9c Wooden Salt Boxes, 12c |J2 Made to hang on the wall or in the kitchen cabinet, to keep g Q salt clean and. yet handy for cooking. (Basement.)n $15.00 to $18.50 Sleeveless Sport Coats, $9.95A In silk velvet or novelty striped velour, lined with .silk p n cygne. Same model of knit Jersey or polo cloth, ualined. Black Q and sport colors. Limited qusntity. (Second Floor.)D Women’s 25c Hosiery, 17c; 3 pairs 50c gO Black or white; fine cotton. Seamless. Reinforced soles, heels QD snd toes. (First Floor.) SH $2.00 Voile Blouses, $1.44 §

Fine voile, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Also tailored K m ^e li. (Second Floor.) g

o 25c Curtain Muslins, 18cD Yard wide goods, dotted, figured or in tiny squares.0 tains. (Third Floor.) ||6 $25.00 Steamer Wardrobe Trunks, $17.95 2S Three-ply veneer box, fiber covered. Six hangers and three gU drawers. Men’s or women’s ityle. 40-inch size. (First Floor.) SQ 25c and 29c Ribbon Remnants, Yard 19c oO Moires, taffetas and aatlita. Good asaortment of colors. Widths QQ S snd S'/t inch. (First Floor.) 59 Children’s Coats at $5.00 5D Serges, check* and coverts In many color* and a range of styles, 99 Sizes 2 to 6 yetrSs (Second Floor.) ^g $5.00 Large Silk Bags, $3.95n For shopping or knitting. Colored silks, plain and fancy, silkU i i - x fiti J ■

For half cur-

with purscT (Firat Floor.)lilk, 6<Ox. Can 5c

lined.Evaporated . __.............

Arden’s or Viii Camp’l Bnnd; not more then one dozen to • ciisteiner. (iBtecaient.) i i

$1.50 Pink Lisle Union Suits, 95c ,Glove silk top women's union tuita In regular size* only. (First Floor.)

$1.25 Window Shades, 59cDrab ^Uamt, 36 Inches wide; strong siWag rolkn; fixturw.

Table Oilcloth, 21c „ >>Small ftdtty pattern*. 45 inch** wide. Second* tO a (Third PMiofv)

•■M l

sew am c BVBimca m o w , wbdmbbpa^

lit in No Man's Land, Newarker's Experience

Mehin ^ i tx W rit« te I^nnte of How American Patrol Finally

Found Way Back.


(kiUaU G raud HU Hetmat

How h* WM I f it hi M* M«»’» Lm a whili on pntrol fluty nnfl thi oiporl- •ncM th»t ntuUofl tr» tolfl by Molvln Spiti, »on or Mr, »nfl Mri. Jotoph ep)U of ** Bro»fl itroot. In » lottor Xv-rlKen M»y II »nd rocelvod by hi* parents this morntnc.

Voun« Spita ia a rifl# irenadier with the lesih Inrtntry, th* nuelou* *1 which w a. th* old 81,ty-BlBth Now Torn. In wWeh h» *nU»t*d Ihortly after the doolaratlon e l »*»• Hla re*l- ment wa* one of th* l in t from the American force e to be aent to lb* flrit- lln* trench**, and h* ha* teoauntad many eacltin* Iticldonti In hi* latter* home, but no** that approach** thla laat In Intereat

Spita'a letter foHowii ••Dear Parent*—May 11 and ®“‘ •***

trencheal Thla trloh wa* a La I*. B*. for* 1 »o any turthar I want to aay that I'll probably hav* to fintah thla tettar In pencil, but that won’t make much dlffatenee. A i yat I haven’t claanefl up aafl »*v* a w.ek * h « id on, toaetbor with an *UO*l amount of »ud.' alab • m oti or lea* uniform.

«W* reached th* tranche* and ra- llaved an outfit after ***rlH i"* walrd talea. Amona them wa. lha Von Hindenbura Clroui lal*. dUlalon he k a .p . tor tha *ol* purpo*® af polllna off raid*. They’r* her* on* oiahtand th a retb ea M t I f . a pity K aldn't matarlalla*. ,

■The poet I had wa* a youna araenal havina iBnumarabl* affanalr* and d*. tenalva Bf*n*d*». rlflt “automatic rltl* and our raiular Bprlna* field*. Every on* wae aet t* a‘«

, boch* aom* raaapttoa. I*clrcn* thay **»t a huaah af Mlper*.

"Qaa avaaini I wa* tirinc bay whan th* double « '« * tkeae earblnaa ran* out.Vullata araaad i»rwhitaad pait my **r- N*adl*»» *•* ^4{.;‘ r t b ^ r ; s < vorr ta* -«r .«*Uil* trick, which didn t make any plea**nl*». PMln*. oh* of th*

Exarelaaa of a patriotic charaotar will mark th* fradualloii tonllht af nln* youna women from the tralnlna achool for npfae* at the Home for Cftp- pted Children, Clifton and Park ave­nue*. Th* fraduatee ara: Mr*. PlaStraltwall of Beynoldavlllt, Pa.; Mlaa Emm* Bachaldner nf Eaat Oranae, MJa* Batata Kally of Bloomflald, Ml** Ma­thilda Janaen of Perth Amboy. Mtaatniiaa ub * ......... ..Laura Kroah o l gjWM*B. Mlaa Mabel Robert* af Bloamlleld, Mr*.rtnUVri,* •« AAlweeaeaw—I ---Green, Mlie Mary Mallon and Mlaa Ann* Campbell of thl* city. Th* au-


perlntandent of nurae* li.Mta* Natali*

Th* profr»m will open with the mareh of th* nureea, plw»d by Mla« Mollte Btlehle, *nd thla will h» *o‘- lowe# by "Th* 8p*nal*d manner, to he euna by *h* graduate* »«d th* audl- enc*. Th* Invocation win bo offered by R*y. Uriah MK’llnchlo of Irvlna- ten, Wiwi alao will deliver an eddraaa to th* J|radu*tea and pronounce the bencdlctlin. The diploma* will bo pre- aanted by Dr.'Sidney Twinrh.

Other rtumbere on Ihe program In­clude an addrei* by Dr. Richard C. Newton of'Monlclalr; two violin lelao-

tlon* by Frederick A lt. recltatleo by M lu Anna Enalehardt, piano **l*o- tlon hy Mlaa Bechaldner, recitation by Mlaa Eula St. John, vocal aelectlon by | Mlaa MariomPelereon and long* by the nurn^s' clioriii. .

The auditorium wlU be dacofated with the national colon. Thar* will be refreahmenta and danolng at th* conoluelan pi the cxerol***,

Thoie In the picture are:Top Row, Left to Right—Mro. Strait-

well, Mlaa Bachaldner, Mlaa Kelly, Mlaa Jensen. Ui*a Krogh, Mlaa Mallon.

Bottom Bow, Left to Right—Mlaa Roberta, Mr*. Green, Mlea CarapbelL

purohaa* In th* *laa* •* ••"•Cf.L"'*?* Itor* would r**uU In lettllna with un i*our«d or*dU*Ti on a fifty P*r baali, whlU th*lr exoluilon mit th# p»yni*ot of un»«cur*d claim* In

“in l |li OPl*l*n, VIo* chine.ljor Fo*- t*r point* «ut that whil* a th* r*purch»i* by a corporation of it* Itaak I* valid, authority to ao r*pur- ehM* 1* llmltad t* lolvant corporatlone, lino* auoh afre*m»nt to repurchae* cannot b* partormed to th* delrlmint ol cradltOTB.

Stockton want to th* plant to taka poaaeBBlon h* found th* larger plant abandoned and th* tmaUar one being operated by 8. Charle* Adam*, who wa* secretary and traaaurar o i th* Uni- veraal company. , ,

According to a biu fllad by Michael


:j^"rn,Va7i;hUl.a*^hVlThU a

rn'” p ^ . t ‘^ * lu « tV r a 7 r ia h t tcuch of It, th* •t*«l ol my bj«l oU‘c ‘ “ I*®*: ina it, but pit* a l tb* boy* waa *tunn#4 te r a whlla,

M U eta Or*** Helmet."On* e v ih lg f OUT looey eaked toy

•l*ven men from th* putoon to *0 OJ a raconnolterlnf patroL (It W*1 *ome thriller. W* atarted out a t dark, aaoh man armed to Ih* lo*a a**h on* had a ,tl, **m* granada* car- Had 1* th* eanl*tn oovar and a tr*non

"W« got out o l our wlra* a»d atarto* toward th* German lib*, crouched *• low to th* ground ao poialbl*. No Man'* l* n d wa# a awamp. plentifully punctuated w ith ahall hoi**- we'd etumhl# *t every other atep. " a ta r waa th# baat thing Ihete hola* held. Hvery *no* l» a whll* *pm* Infernal liar* would lend us to th* ground, fac* burlad i* mud. It didn't g tuttar w hat the condition of th* ground was—you drappad to th* ground and ramalnod la th a t poatltoA fo r Hr* mlnut**.

"W a raaohtd aur objaotlve, whloh waa fifty l**t from th* booh* tranche*. Th»y w uat hav* h*ard u», lor ij* flare* w w t up. w * droppad aa auiahiy *a Boaalhlt. bu t th a t waan't gulck anaughr

had lU ttok a waohln* « « . aMjvTil* dorkasa* th a t we were, blebilng before waa Ih* only th ing that aavad th# party. I naver ttitd* myielf ao smalt

'■'iw all my lll#~ Ju* l pu*h*d myaelf Int# tb* mud un til I wa# even w ith th#ground. __

H#«t Am*rt«*n r* tt« l.

Injunction Continued Ag&init MounUin View Brick Concern

On th# r#turn of an ordar to ahow ’ cause y*it*rd*y, VIo* Ch*ncellor Lan* continued until flnH h#»rlng #n Injunc­tion realratning the Adeon Brick Com­pany fr«m "aaalgnlggi tranalerrlna, aolllng or conveying, aneumbering, or •tharwia* Intarmaddllng’ with a brick yard at Manntaln Vlaw reoantly con- vayad by tb* Unlvarsal Fit* Mrlck Company, lno„ to the Adaa* company.

The permanent Injunction wa* ob- talned by Patrick J. Dolan, at whoa* inatanc* tb* Unlveraai company waa racently put In th* h*nd* of a receiver.

Fight Against Hearst Papers ‘All Camouflage*

receniiy pui ,,i , jRichard Stockton being appointed t# that p o |t Th# Unlv#r*#l companyin a i pw*-. ww.. —--- - , - _owned end operated another lorgvf plant adjoining tha on# oonimyed by R to th# Adaon company, and when Mr.

“During tb# Interval* #f fifing managed to crawl on our h»ndi and- * ____ . -a_—. aL_A vaaimtalAea Aa wAkneei'away from that poaHten. Aa w» ■tartad to braath a littl# •aaiar th#lieutenant afghted earns figure# on th# ■Ky Un#. Another drop, plltol In left hand and a granada in th* right. It wo# an Am* r loan patrol. By thl# time we had. by the simple process of going around In olvcle*. eampletaly lo it our- aelve*. At this point th* Lord avl- dantly thought that W» weren't wet enough, and from then on till day­break It pourad.

"After a ehnrt confab w* set out In the direction *f where w* thought our wire* were. W* reached eom* wlr# and, after felling to find the cut through which w# w#nt out. etartad t# out our way In. Th# berk #t an auto­matic rifle and • few gr#nad#t #oon dtaeuadad u# from doing mush of that.

"At thl* point a pl#t#l abet araeked. One of th* fellow* yellad Tm ahot* Upon th* llantenant iBV««llg#t1ng he found that #•* qf th* hofa aafaty had workad looi# and th* gun accldantally want off. Th* T'm shot' fallow's Imagi­nation had run away with him. H* wasn’t even vcratohed.

"W* agelp med* an unavailing aearch for an enlrano*. The only al­ternative was to lay In a shell hole all night. Thl* w* did. Believe me, my teeth chettered until dawn.

“Aa day broke, w* found that w* Were at our wire, and It was an easy mattar to work In. You can take It from me. It was aom* «xparl*DiM. Whan we got In some enterprising genius passed a cantaan eontalnlng aom* elixir of lit*. After a shock of that 1 wantad to go hack.

‘T went to bed aftar hanging out my clotkaa, and did I alaapi Woke up In time tor atand-to feeling fin*.

‘I think I've done my duty In this Wilt writ* soon again."latter.

Egg Farm Employees Hold Stock, Lose Out on Claims

Am S 4 ttm * d f r m (A* A liH om T im m ^ m lo m m t J a m 4 , m s .

[TA# TliiiimUnlon I# awiMd and ddltad By Hmi. Ilarthi 'M. CMyim, former QevMMr H t*VifK, •Iw w t'b y Pr#Hdoirt W«g»ii h# rgntMlndt*Mr. WHiM fcr PT#»td««rt In th# □#«**«•»•• N«- tlgMl CgwfwHlWi of f t lS ]

r % gM m toM T m N W H a w ft « d

N r . i M n t p g r w a a lly w flart* « » « » « •«T

« f «In p w tigg 'O oiu M iu ii Im i t f lM w to w if s I r i a S -

IgM ,» k«7iJ*y tq th* a # i M l i f P»*“ ***^* r e r m • W B N a e i* r f d e o ir o y l a i o d i l a « B < w |( b l

n * M M d M m r ti th a t « n S fh t tB f U x. B g a n t i a

m i a U M ir h M * 1>Ma f ig b tb if U n mnrn lin M

f t H t o iM it w ilD {f JoBtloo f M a U f buBlr

th a t M o i p l o l l t o f ih o MaSlM • »

_____^ > g ( biff b ta la tM , a a * o m y a n a w ho

ta l i l t l a tk a U f l i t m H o a m I t iltiM r «m w h o is

l a t h s m f la r o f t i M i w t s o f oory ocato f N o d or Is an

i W M S a i d • b f f d M T k i lB « e e w k P o a M t s s h m v

g o o d m m h a r t so e o v a b o d to th o w tla i s a d p e w s h r o -

M W i t I h i w d N M n t p g o p o ffia d ist, t n t tlu tr d o a o t

IkOM Ottto l e h b d th a o S o c l

P oM M m i h w a o th in f f lo d o w ith 11

i ie d h E M W or pro-AH y o a U « b f lf fw e whatOTSr., A m I h N f iD s * n DMd t o e o m tho hM ooM SM s o f

a m m fg k m f t o yoaW i H r . H o o n t fo r th e flffhS o f y o s n

h o h M W w M ik la ff t v Iho pooplo.

* * s v i E T c K n o n m o i o n r n i u o f t f iQ K m i( x * *

W m j rn im rO a g dtom oat th a t hao b i o f s iN « t thaloU iiao o f W M hiB gton an d d f t a a y la n o w Sgfa ft4r H o in t ,

Of tb if f h a m f o a ^ h t e fo r y o a n .X m y affoat U f t a d oorrnpt burinoM la A g h tU f

■mploy### of th# Corning Egg Farm , naar Bound Brook, who tom* years ago Invasted aom* of thair sav­ing* In Btook of th* Corning company for the privilege of rmployroent, now aeo themrelvea coming out a t the little and of th e horn, so to speak, through a dacltlon Just fllad by Ylc* Chancellor Foster.

Between them, the employe* in vat- tor* put a total of approximately tid,o6o In the etock of the company, under a w rlttan agraement by which th* com­pany pledged Itself to repurchaa# th* stock of any who dealred to quit Its amploy, th irty days' notice being re­quired. Such notice waa given by Devld H. Davies, among others, who con­tracted for hts Job In October, 1P1&, and In Ju ly , 191®, Informed the directors th a t he would quit In sixty day* and daslrad the return of t7®0 Inveatsd by him In eeventy-flve shares of the com­pany's stock.

Davies quit, but didn't get his money back, nor did any of the others In Ilk* case. W hsn the company became In- aolvont. In March, 1917. be end his fel­low -unfortunates fllsd claims tor the am ount of their respective holdings w ith Hugh K. Gaston, receiver for th* concern, who dlaaliowed them, taking the ground that th* claimants w art

, 'stockholders, pure and simple, and not general rrsd lto ra

Through John F. Reger of Som ervlllt,. Davies appealed from th* disallowance of hi* claim, with the outcome that Vlct Cka#ce|lor Foiter has now g |v tn H re hie finding th a t Mr. Gaston, who da- fended hla action through Thomat A- Davis of How* A Da via, wa* right.

Aa the oaie wa« detailed by Hr. Davla. lactation of Davie* and th* etiiar amployeas who took #tack of th* Corning company under contract* of ra-

StoutenburgKs’Superior Shoe SKop797 Broad St. Newark.

m r n n N iM tr w m cU W i M lM « r t l u t Id>had th * M w l t e l d m * f 1b* n t t i M f i «P to th* f i 7 th* O o w iir

Mart t««k M tfol U U tU i IffM *g*iait hlo.I r t r y rtU rohd l a d d lr* o ta r w ho ha* r*bb*d

U i o n p l ^ * i to p*7 CKrt I s fflTtd*Bdt th * p a s* !f th a t •b o s ld h M goM to th * nw a I s b e tto r w sg a i 1* I s fU >

fig h t a ffs liu t B **n t) fo r re g a rd him aa th U r a B a n r.

O o ta ls p*ffq* lead lsff th * figh t a re th e h e w * c rg a s i

• f o o rra p t U g bsifaMai a n d w w p ro fito an , a a d tb * tobla

th a if SI* M ts f *1* th e M M m an w ho hav* d i s w s f a t la -




.TIRESknows a h a t l ib is ^ .

tires are kt t e cost of running a car.

TAX NOTICEY oq ODt tU a team d e e m to th e

low sn t figOT* b y e q u ip p in g arith ^ d c r a l a . T lie y are l in ew n a e

and th a y are. Oan#ta aad talk ova# F#*#f*la wUfc no.

Newifk Riililiiir Tire Co.* *. 4 H V I vhw.»^ # 0 B ■RhnM BSiiNii.


266 lu s n Sr. N m ii N. J.Tea* M M ia w f etem ct tervt## atoteMb

Low Prices and Easy Terms Previdl at Hart’s

J. T aaaar to M*. Dolan's hahalf. th* I U niverial company bought th* email** plant for and after payingt i t , (190 qn goQOunt of th* purchase prle# had th* Adeon company, organlied fo» the purpoie, *B»ume th* tU.OOO m o rt. gage balance and take over tha plant.

(M m N ff Im rtsT r fo r ib o w ts g Ha MMtbari h o w

t e t e r < 0 ^ g e I s ttM w e t k * ( p lq a d a d n g th * p«hUa

■ a i r t a h a a p o n t o f Jafl.

N f s r j on* a f thaae eneaato* o f th e p eo p le te a r ra j* a

g g g t e t Haanrt a s d hi iqu eaU n g abou t bla o w n lo y a tty a n d

paSrioN na. In th e oaae o f n ea r ly ev er y on* a f th a n , patrl-

o t i m s M n ly m aani profit, and th e y Mffwril p d m i« o n ly

M it offer* opp ortu nity fo r p lu n d erin g tb * paepla.

" p o u n o ili PLDNDXaiBfi AaiJNBT m i . "B e s n t haa h M fo r th * p eop le , and pehttoa l ^ u n d e r -

a n w a i f f itn a t him .E e w i t is fa r O ovam m est ow neaahlp (rt publia s t f f i t e ,

an d ih*** w h o h ave p iled 1 9 fortu nec flua aoipg them u s -

ffer p r iv a te aantonhip are a g a ln it him .H a u M h w atood fo r o g a a i n d labor fo r ya*M and

haa f oofflrt tto battlaa, a n d a ll th* U g m oM yad m ao ^

hottavo th a t a ap iW t h o i ld arffanixa in avecy poaatbki w a y

Mrt la b o f eboBld n o t be perm itted to o ^ u d s e a t a ll are figbttoff hfas en d p w ad in ff th e ir patriotU m aa a n a n « n e e t

I t la hnM th a t N r - H aarat d id n o t w a n t th is o o n n tiy

M g o in to tb * w w t f It oonld keep out Kod p ro tect fta

Mifi In torM i Thar* a n m any m ilttons o f m en w h o

r a t a* M r. H eaM t M t before ou r a s k a s o a Into th o ■ te ffg !* .

B u t tit w paopl* are itand ln ff lo y a lly , f i m ly and p s tr lo l-

toaO y w H h t e PreeM ort, w hfla m s s y e l th a aavly b o w te *

f o r w w krtt th e ir in t h s e U M aa aoon ag w a g o t h i t s t e

• I n V f la 'I s th la o s H w n t th a ory of p s t r ia t ia s a a d o b y

th a b o w to a la o n ly a rafug* to r profltoora. I t la a f l | ^ onttapoapla rater t e a onNannt. IT lfS B IA M B O U )nttBcr SAff r (w TXABfi ANi) w ill0 0 (HI IB LOBO IS THB P088IBIUT7 OF m U O f U lB W IX lin i IIIP M EllW x rOTHfl) TO BTIMD H IN I W IT Off IN I BLUMgpill®

dsome 7-Rece Dining Room Set,S 2 .S 0 CASH, 7 8 CENTS PER W EEK

The ibove illustretion is an exact copy of our seven-piece dining room set we aro efferiug. . , , .S l ^ S u M d V r i ^ . . d »™>. Td. «h.ln, . r . m .d . .1 Mild o . tnicety polished and well built, with a ganuine leather seat The extension table made of the same material, is large enough to accommodate eight people. Has thrw leaves and can be had with daw or colonial feet, as deaired. The entire set of ^ 2 9 , 5 0

$2.50 Cash, 75c Par W eak iseven pieges, at

Steel Bed, Mattress, Spring and Pillows ^ 2 6 '$2.00 CASH. 75c A WEEK

Talk sbout unusual sav­ings. W iit till you see this splendid Bed Outfit. The Bed is an all-steel Bed in white enamel arid is extra large and massive. The spring is woven wire and guaranteed vermin-proof. Has a heavy sanitary cotton top mattress and a pair of feather pillows, 17x25.

Thara ara not many of these outfita in all and it i* advisable to coma early to make sure of getting one. Outfit complete ................. q ) « V * lO


> 1

$3.00 CASH, $1.00 WEEKLY

$J.OO CASH, 75c W EE^YNotwithstanding the low price of this Re­

frigerator it is absolutely guaranteed in qual­ity to be as good as any Refrigerator manu­factured. For a amall family this is the most practical Refrigerator that you can place Inyour home. Exactly as illustrated. $16.85

The above cut showing our three-door Side- leer Refrigerator is the most convenient of all Refrigeratora made. If your kitchen will ac­commodate a lide-tcer, by all means place ono like this in your home. White ensmol^d fitiisn on the inside, thoroughly baked, and will wear for yeare. Easily cleaned and has perfect circulation. Made throughout of hardwood, nickel plated hardwaretrimmings. Lock and key for each $29i0door. Price

a s k t o s e e

3 lMi«fFinitire fitr $13950

Dinbif Reel*. B«d Ratal

tid Kitchen 112 CASH


t i A R T *t >© Z l T S T

-NEW hRK '5 great LSI fU R N U U R E HOUSE

ASK TO SEE4 Itoin if

Fanitm fw $189U a to f Room,

Bed Room, U v lu f R fopi •nd KHchca


How cm you tell if yotir baby Is well tHa s he a gfood appetite-a clear

pink skin—bri^t, wideopen eyea—alert, sj^ingy m usete—a

contented little face? Does he gain ea^ week in weight —does he sleep quietly with eyes and mouth lightly dosed ?

If he hasn’t all these things, something evi- denUy ia wrong wiA him and nine times in ten that something is his food. Your baby can’t grow rosy and strong if he doesn't heve the right food.Nofse your baby if yoq can. If you can’t, give him NestW’a Food.

Pt f t f

,UT there is something in eows* milk that isgood for yo®r baby*

that something ii ohMgtd arid ■ islig h t.piurified so that it is as

atiefying and aa pure afi (sother'anUk Itself.

Don’t give him raw cowa* milk. Cows milk needs a calf’s four stomatiha to digest it.“Cows’ milk, as ordi*ntrily marketed is unvi|t for human oensumptien, saya t e D. S. Qovemment.

mUk itself. That if what is dam fpr your baby in Neetld's Fopd^

• made out of pure mUh^ with Just t e right

amounts of cereal and sugar added.

It cqmes to you re« duced to a powder r-, in an air-dgtrt oaf** You add onlyjffater^ bdl one minura-^end it is ready with just the right amount of fats, protqidl. and ear- bohydrates (o mako your baby healthy*

Sendte cauppnor a postcard far a free t r ia l f M c h M o f j U

book abo^%iS! booK apow eawvs* wjr ^ PQitloryou^bah^•ltetodij^

»T1I t o u a a t e M K ir a i im i



J .



m icotfinth ltin• r iiiyoftm:m«Ly

JceJwhthltintn itoUoformeIt«tr


1paion< htr 15.< cot «r< wo I t (

opi Bn wll ft r ho h t u ti ■ul ho hti iro thl Ini fttout

«0|inthsr t t■ltiroa•tilLt1

J■COfiflhoiforman i l•hiItsproeon


InilrocNu:dorMr.woi■ls<• tnmotho






1buieoi8#lahlre tlev

Cd o•OIoftwh

1tieInin tBkJulTh1*«coid*:


av<n*ito im*cot


sfferinKighout— m « tch ),

« extra,



cdoor Side- lien t o f all in w ill ac- tce one lik e inlah on th e ;r fo r years, tion . M ade id hardw are

$29i0TO SEE MW ifI t v $189I Room,

Room,« RoomRHchen CASH



- c t f feows*

4ht, asDfthor’t I dom ? o < 4 -f

right taf and

ro\t re« irder T-.t o a tv

a - ^ a n d th just unt of n d O f r *

m ah a thy.upon or a fraa o f n

t f wR p ae ifd *o l o d i i y .



Untrained Women as Farm Hands Seen As Novel Feature of War Exigencies

Progress of “Farmerettes” in Their Patriotic Work of Tilling Soil and Toiling at Unaccustomed Jobs Being Followed

with Wide Interest Throughout State.

Doings of Short Hills Unit, Woman’s Land Army, Described


" -- ■ -....... - f

Butineu Agent at Maw Meeting

Sajrs Union Will Do Utmost for Peaceful Adjustment.

Federal Mediator Investigating

W hether there l i to be • strike of m ecblnlite In th li Tlelnltr—efteetlng eountleee war materiel coBtrecti belna finished In hundredi of ihope by many thouaands of men—appaara to be con- tln aen t upon the reoaptlon by emplop- • r i of a set of demands Just annduneed b f Local )10, iDternatiohal Association of Hachlnlate. Such, n least, w as the Impreaalon rained lest n irh t a t a mass m eetlna of SOO machlnliti a t the I.abQr Lyceum.

A class of ISO new members was re­ceived Into the union a t the m eetln t, which w ai one of a series, held weekly, th a t beran a month aro and w in con­tinue through thle month. The m eet­ings are part of a campaign calculated to recru it the atrength of the organisa­tion until It will be In poattlon to en­force Ita demands. Figures of the total membership could not be obtained, but It was Intimated that the local's s treng th extends well Into the thou- ■anda.

Harvey W. Brown, bualneas agent for the machlnlets' union for thia dlatrlct, told h ie gisoclatei what !a being done.He Bald that employers are being ap­proached with the union's terms, with a prim ary object—a peaceful settle- m eat. Bvary means of moral auaeion will be employed to Induce the em­ployers to deal with the union. In order th a t no work on contracte shall be dis­turbed, If pOBslble.

A geat Avoldi Word agtrlkc.''Throughout hie talk to the men, who

packed the hall. Hr. Brown did not once uee the word "elrlke," but he did h in t plainly that wltn the streng th of 16,000 or 10.000 men. an organleatlon could enforce Its demands on employ­ers. The time limit fixed for the new w orking conditions desired by the union Is Ju ly 1.

Tha union lenders do not expect solid opposition from tbs employers, ssid Mr.Brown, for he hsd found the m ajority w illing to treat with the union men on a reaeonable basle. But there a re some, he aald, who are itrongly opposed to having their men affiliated with a union, and to conceding other demdnde subu 'ltted by tha organisation. .Tuat how many of theie the union leaders iiave rnccuntered the bualnees agent would not lay, but he expects, before IhiH mouth t i out, a get-together meet­ing between employers and workmen, a t which the terms will be threshed out.

The government a t W ashington Is oognlsant of the machinists’ program ; in fact. Hr. Brown declared last night th a t a federal mediator has bean ope­ra tin g In this olty on the m achlnlsti'■Ituatton. He aald that one firm a l­ready h a i been requeeted to agree to ■ubmlt the union terms to the War Lsabor Board, but thus far has refused.

W age Seale Deaunded.A i baa been pubtlahad, the wage

scale desired by the union extends from fifty cents tan hour, for m achinists' hslpers. to eighty-five cents sn hour ; for tool mskers. Thsre ere o ther de­mands, pertaining to overtime rati* , n ig h t shifts and holiday and Sunday shifts. The union's contention Is th s t its demands are all designed to Im­prove and stablllM the men's working | conditions.

The demands are being made a t th is tln;e. say the union men, becauee the heavy demand tor machlnlsta has given them their flret opportunity to stand­ardise their trade conditions

Besldea Mr. Brown, the werkmen last n igh t were addressed by Deputy Di­rec to r «»f Public Bsfety F ran k J. Mc­Nulty. He is also International presi­den t of the electrlosl workers’ onion.Hr. HoI*unr< described tbb k eae tlts of workm en's organliatlons. snd empha- Btsed the neoeastty of m aintaining a t tr e o g permansnt body. He urged all men In the trade not yet members of the union to Join It.

John H. Phipps, president of Looal 110, presided.

Arrange Annual Session of U. S. B. & L. League Here

Arrangem ents for tbs snnoal con­vention of the United Btatoi Building and Lean Leagua to be held a t the R obert Treat Hotel July Jl, 14 and » . w ere dlsoueeed further laet n igh t a t a m eeting of the Eieex County League of B uilding and Lean Aieoclatlons In the Base* building. A meeting of the Joint comm ittee of arrangementi, composed of delegations of five esch from the N ew ark Board of T rada th k B u te League of Building and Loan Assocla- tlons and the Beiex County League, w ill be held Friday night in the eame place. . ' ii.The dtscueilon bore princtpallj on the souvenir progrsm In course of propsra- tlon. from which It Is sxpeotsd to do- rive a sufficient sum to pay the ex­pense of the convention, estim ated a t *6,000. ■

About 110 delegates ars sxpseted to participate In th* cenvenllon. I t is ex­pected th a t most of thoss coming from o th er places will arrive in Newark in tha course at the evening of July t*. when there will be sn InformsI rscep- tion a t ths Robsrt Trsat. /

The next morning there w ill be s busInesB seiston, followed by a lunch, eon a t noon. In the afternoon the dele.> itoa w ill be taken on a trip to the ship yard a t Port Newark and on th sir re tu rn there will be a banquat. tel- iowed by another seseloa.

On the third day thsre w ill bs a closing session in tils morning, a lunoh. eon a t noon and an auto rldo In tho aftom eon, winding up a t Olyrapto Park, w here dloiter will be served.

K a r r r J. King submitted a prepoal- t te n to have the league In terest Itself In the beldlng of a proposed Newark In d ustria l Hooslng and B etter Homes B iposltlen . scheduled for the week of Ju ly *0-17, In the KTUe(ar Auditorium.The meeting decided to have the league’s representatives bn th s Joint eom relttii present the proposal a t Frl* day night's session.

Bov, O. r . b taalcr 4s lo r ra Abtaad-Rav. Chsriss F. Stanley of i l l Third

avenue has beau accsptsd by th e Inter- nstlonsl committee of the T. 1C. C. A. for field servlee In Franca and baa m ads appllcatloti for a passport to th a t country and Orsat ^rltaln.

W h e r e C a n Y o u M a tc h T h e s e

Ko-Ko Brown

Oxfords and PumpsIn Molt Faahionable Models

R e g u la r ly $ 6 . 5 0 a n d $ 7


8 0 7 * 8 1 3 S o . B r o a d S t

Introducing untrained women to farm ers ae farm hande la possibly the most rtovel feature of war exigencies, and If American farm ers In the ma­jority become converted to their uee It will mean victorious satisfaction to the volunteers prom ulgating the work. Uore than that, It will be a reward in accompilihment tor the patriotic toll of, the so-called ''farmerettee."

England's W. L. A., or Woman's Land Army, proved In general of such value to food production that tho effort anu progress received International pub­licity. Last season New York State began sending out Its women to do farm work under the same organleatlon name and this spring New Jersey Incorpor­ated Ita own division of the Woman's Land Army of America.

Naturally the farm er le intoreated In the new type of labor that Is being of, feted him. He carea not for the pic­tures In publications showing the latest style of farm erette costume. He wante a good laborer. The difficult problem Is to Induce him to nak for working members of the land army unite and the chairmen of the counties in which the land army Is a t present operating are optimistic, although the work is In Its Infancy, because a ra ther favorable per­centage of farmers have aaked for women farm hands.

The flret working group of Now Jer- sey, eetabllshed a t Hopewell by the Union County unit for the Initial pur­pose of pruning fruit trees. Is said to have been so eatlafactory to one of the county agents for the Department of Agriculture that he wrote a le tter of commendation. Following closely this unit a group of ten girls was estab­lished In Short Hills, Essex County, which unit now numbers about twanty g lrli from New Jersey. New York and other sta tea One English g irl Is work. Ing with th is u n it

Move Valta PerailBg,Thors are eight active unite In New

Jersey at the time of w riting anu sav- eral In process of establishment. Con­ditions vary so In the counties that the women farm ers to be generally successful through the sta le m ust meet the pacuUar problems of the county la which Individual units work. I t will he of Interest, too, to th s conium lnt public as well as to the farm er to ta l ­low the pragreea In tha different counties.

~Thl* story concerns Short Hills as ons of the Initial units beginning some time in April. Foeslbly Bho.t Hills doss not afford the greatest amount of m aterial concerning the ability o1 women to operate farm machinery and to do the heaviest and hardest of ta rn work, Inasmuoh as the topography of th a t up and down seotlon doss nut perm it the frequent or extensive use el tractors or other power roaohlnea

Neither does It afford tho g reatie t epportuntty of ithe state So study the girl f irm e r on large tracts of land de­voted to Intensive farming, much of tha work being done on large estate grounds or In w ar gardens on prlvats premises. But Short Hills Is of Just as much Intarsst, for. as tho county chairman, Mrs. H. W. Hack, tla ta s : 'The ■plrit of tha girls Is such th a t they are anxious to gat Into the hardest work; they favor the actual cultivation and p lanting of acres ra th e r than hems gardanlng.”

The eo-oalled "Bedford P lan" taken from the H t Klsoo, N. 'T., experience of last season Is In epsrntlon In ^ o r t Hills. There are three Newark girls In the unit, one f io m E ast Oranga and •ns from Arlington. The very first farinertts smploytll, an Illinois girl trained In a Nsw York school as a phys-

R ttlio n r P r& teetto aASPIR IN

For Um p u t 14 ym* Made on the banka of th e Hudson River

Bg]w>TW)leta god Ctpiatw of Aiptrta contrin gBOoloe A ip ii^Dgnotad thtminthtorifbnl padcafat.

Ver poor pmsetjea svair package u 4 avgi^ fsBM Is p U iiv and 1^ wlaM p aaifcai srtik

‘Tnur I I A S l I * ________

o f i

leal culture teacher. Is still enthual-. astically tilling tha soil at Short Hills; and so Is the English girl, who says she Just “ran over" from where she was stopping to do her hit In Jereey.

H oiue lilotket's Work.The "Bedford Plan" specifies a

m onthly wage of 111 and board for tho fa^m hands and ths same for the su­pervisor, or "house mother," who. In th is unit. Is Mrs. Isabel Eaton of E lis­abeth. who proffered her ot. .1 home economic! by violating the stipulation SB to her wages, substituting in its stead the maintenance of herself and two im all boys. In aocordaiice with , the expressed sentiment of Mrs. Hack It la a fortunate unit that possessea a supervisor with personality to hold the g irl! In unison by a motherly In­terest as Mrs. Eaton succeeds In doing.

Voluntarily asrving with Mrs. Hack in th is enterprise Is Mrs. S. P. Nash of Abort Hills, who acts as general m anager for the camp. The unit house haa been lent through the courtesy of Mrs. Hack, all of the furnishings have been donated (or the summer's use. and the transportation truck which Is run by one of the girl members of tha unit Is another kindness. It will, therefore, be noted that the Short Hills unit has a goodly voluntary backing, which will not be the case In all of the un its started.

Concerning this Important phase Mrs. Nash has this to say; "In communities with conditions like this there will be little difficulty In operating units. We expect to return to the treasury tho organisation financial backing we have available If a t all possible, and we be­come self-supporting. 'We are vary fortunate here. But in some of the southern parts of ths state equipment to eetablleh working camps li going to cost quits a little; therefore there m ust be sufficient money In the treasury to meet sta te ’s needa"

The Short Kills plan specifies also th a t the women shall bs paid two- th irds of the raoognlitd farm wage In the district. Tha women work eight hours Instead of ten, as ths men lome- tlmes do. Thtrtfore, Ifia man Is paid fa for ten hours' w ork,'a womaa ge ts ta for sight hours' work. B srry pick­ing l i paid pleoework In some locali­ties. Olrla have to paes a medleal r e ­quirement, m utt be over elghtetsi years of age, and enlist tor a t least th ree weeks. A bsndolet with plow Insignia and tha letters, "W. L A.," Is to be Issued te girls giving s month's sa tis ­factory service.

OIrl Ik lH PIswIag.The firs t sroploysd girl, ss m en­

tioned, has tried her hand a t plowing and harrowing. She, perhapo. Is tha only ons who hae plowed. A few have harrowed and done it successfully. Next In arrival a t Short Hills were nine girls from New York, six e t whom w ars still In camp a day or oo ago. Ons hsd formerly pursued th s a r t of Interior dseorstlng down In Qrssnwich Vilisgs. A little Irish stenographer, weighing under. 106 pounda ehaltangad the earth to withstand hsr ardor. A Now York Btate maiden forswore her study of muelo and tbs other day plodded around In muddy furrowa working fast to outwit ths sting ing raoaqulloss In pursuit Three book­binders from Newark hoed In the sam e plot a s another who ejerked In a p rin t shop And cheerfully grinned as the s llg h te it one remarked; "Tbie is the life."

As said, ons girl has plowed snd several have horrewsd, Espsrlenee under gutdanoe of the farm tr probably m ust bring about a stra igh t line In harrowing. It has bten said th a t In­telligent women lesm to do farm work evan more quickly and eftielantly than a oartaln type of male farmhand. Re- eently tha irirla of this unit planted a larg e field of com. They have oultl- vated and sown by Hand, especially In gardens on private pieces. Three hard days' work was dons on Bseehcroft Farm whan the currant bushes were hoed and th e owner expressed hIs a p ­probation to the leaders of tha unit. Dna of tha girla haa fo n t In for oblck- ens, being hired by a farm er to care for laying hens and to gather eggs. Onion and strawberry beds have been prepared Oy the girls snd one term er made a atcOnd application for fa rm ­hands from the unit to plant tomatoes. T hsir record took of contracte shows orders of ons sort or snothsr to r all ■ummsr ibng.

To Work la Dafrloi,SIX girls who planted several acroa

of oom on tb s Hartshorns E sto ts were ssId by Mr. Winis, In clisrie, to havo performed ths Job ss well ss men would have. Mrs. Hsok states th a t In dairy work on this farm tbs girls will also to employed. Tbs girls In th s un it have taken the places of s considerable number e t seleoUve tsrvlce men In Short Kills. A man o |iara llsg -a largo dairy routs centenplated employing women from the land army as mHk dlatrlhulara In place of bla men ealled to lervlos.

tn h l i own wordt, as rapaatod by dne of th a wbman, "a dam llttla bit" • f aarvles w ai offered by T rank Bohmldt. brothor In khakL when ha velturtoeeed to trajn dally m e m iu of the land an ay for two Bonn .111 tka

home garden back of the unit house. He further agreed to assume pareonal reeponelblllty for the unit home gar­den. The Housewives' Lssgus of Short Hills provided all the kitchen utensila and groceries were donated from a nelKhborlng grocer.

The unit eoon overflowed the Harte- horne house In which It was quartered and a white house down by the lake was commandeered aa a dormitory. A raal vacation element is given to tha farming project by tha swimming facll- ittea offered a t th is delightfully ru ral epot. Several girls approached an ­nounced their Intention of staying all summer.

Out In a corn plot three g irls were "hilling,” while the farm er looked on. Two days a week, Mondays and F rl-

1 / ' ( :

No. 1—Farmerettes hilling com In war garden.

No. 2—Mrs. H. W. Hick, Essex County chairman. Annex dormitory in background. ^

No. 3—Girl chauffeur and transpor­tation truck.

No. i—Two Newark girl farmer­ettes.

No. 5~.Engllsh girl land enthusiast ind physical culture teacher recruited In April.

has agrsed to have Federal-State-Mu- nlclpal Employment bureaus act as re­cruiting stations with a clerk assigned to enroll women.

Co-operation has also been given by the Y. W. C. A, branches which have appointed a secretary In charge of the work. IVomen's c lubs garden ctuba and the Department of Agriculture have volunteered to help in the prog­ress of the land army. Tha Foetotflee Department hae given permission fur the posting of placards and h a t prom­ised recruiting aid.

T hO iecu tIve i ta ff of the New Jereey Dlvlatbn of the Woman's Land .\rmy is as'fo llow s; President, Miss Anne Haoflvalne of Trenton; vice president, Mrs. John A. Stewart of Short Hills; raoordfng aeeratary, Mrs. Augustus

days, they work on this place. At t h e '.Trowbridge of Princeton: eorrespond-tlme of the visit one of the g irls waq remarking, betwean a trlk a i of her hoe: 'T he earth Is very heavy and bard; at least It'i chunky," and leveral timea they exclaimed: 'Thew, I t 'i hot." "You eoon get Into the right way," said the slender blonde. "Are wa doing thla right, Chrler’ "Chrla" assured them in his best English th a t they were hilling In a proper manner. They politely re­torted that he Is a good-natured In­structor, anyway. "But, you are doing right,” he protested. On the side, to be honest In this writing, "Chris" said the glrle are "pretty good; they do nearly as much work as a man,"

can II "Graat W ork."The Newark girl aald: 'TVs the

greatest thing on earth—thla farming."tVhlch Is the ip lr lt that muat come to

iheaa girl farmara It they w ant to be farm hande Inetead of a p re tty senti­ment known as farmerettea. Theaa women are eight-hour farm laborere to bo occupied steadily until their truck cBlIe for them at night and to be sub­ject a t all times to detail from their au- peplor offtcere. I t te not an oaey ser­vice, but It may be a beneficial ona, W hatavar It accompllshta In a big way, bera la, at least, a force being created to prevent wastage of crope and to till In for men. If New Je riey m ake . It a financial as well aa working suaeass It will have made a name for i tie lf In history snd have established an organi­sation of value as a fu ture govern­mental policy and part.

Outlining the policies, aooompllsh- menta hoped for, and neede, Uro. Maude Trueadale, atate publicity aeorotiry 01 the army, eommenta:

"The girls who sn ilit perform a pa­triotic eervico by doing this unaocua- tomed work. It Is hard work and the pay le only *16 a m onth and board.

"The farmer Is getting labor for no more than he formerly paid. He la getting, In the main. Intelligent labor. Many farmara report th a t It Is more intelligent labor than they have had and that the g lrli work more rapidly than men.

‘The looal community ihould, under preaent plans, bear tha ovarhead charge of equipping the unit heuae. Tha farm er abould, U positble, furnish transportatlea.

Cities n « lM Give AM.‘T hq eltlaa should bear the seat of

organisation and any deflolt w htre thay havo to put Id aoveral unite to help out the farm era Where they have te establish half a dosen units the ex­pense le too great for communities to bear. The cities f t t l the need of produce end where help la net ebtaln- ablq the farmer atlewa food to go to waste, which makes a shortage und increaeea the m arket price to ctin- BUmere.

"Employers of labor should reoog- nlae that this to an attem pt to moat the labor sltuatloo In a business way, a plan to standardise woman farm labor as part of tutura atate work."

A publicity campaign la being car­ried on at present In the middle sec­tion of the atate by means of tha motion plotura and printed m atter. Celenel Bryant, commlislnaer of labor,





Not F«( in ^ Ears. | l In Bock of Eats,” b u tr t ia Noatiils. Nona senelB* wlthsat signatars A.O. Leonard. "Proof of Sneoeik' and lilt of draxjrlat a teo ti eg reaaeil. A euMMstur sale elBee IHT. No

gtter If sverythlagelei hea failed, e Leonard Bar OU a i^Doa i« p you. A D. Leeasrd, f t n tth Are., New York Cttg.'frite HI,

Ing seuetary , Mrs. T. Tower Bates of Now York and Morristown; treasurer, Mrs. Franeli O, Lloyd of New York and Bernardsville.

On Staadlag Ceounltttee.On the standing committees are Mrs.

Junlua Morgan of Princeton, chairman of finance; Mra. I. W. Hutchlnton bt Jobatown. chairman of labor; Miss A. R. Goodlatta of Passaic, chairman of foreign, labor; Mrs, E. R. Hewitt of ningwood, chairman of units: Mrs. Dyneley Prlnca of Sufftrn, chairman of equipmant; Mrs. Maude A Truesdala of New York, chairman of publicity; Mlai H aiel Mltotiell of Ridgewood, chairman of meetings, and Miss A. B. K irkpatrick of New York, chairman of rhcruttlng.

County chairmen are Mra. M. Inger- soil, Atlantic; Mrs. 'Veryl Preston, B er­gen; Mra. Thomae J, Devery, Burling­ton; Mrs. Elisabeth Oandy, Cape May; Mrs. Bloomfield Minch, Cumberland; Mra. H. W. Hack, JFaiax; Mrs. Horace Nixon, Gloucester; Mrs. Henry Lane Eno, Mercer; Miss Htlen L. Wllllamsun, Middlesex; Miss Emma Martin, Mon­mouth; Mri. J. Otis Post, Morris: Mlsa Agnes Davie, Ocean: Mre. Edward h. Hewitt, Passaic; Mrs. Trueman H, Clay­ton, Balem; Mlse Elisabeth Packard, Somerset; Mrs. ^ r r o l Bassett, Union, and Kra. J, Blair Rallly, Warren.

Members of th s advisory council are as follows; Mrs. Wallace M. Scudder, Mra. W alter P. Bliss, Mrs. Thomas J. Preston J r , Mrs, Sarah Lee Phillips, Mrs. Garret A. Hobart, Mrs. Cornelius Hook, Mrs. Lewis T. Bryant. Secretary of Agrlouttura Alva Agei, Prasident Klbben of Princeton, Senator J. S. Fre- llnghuyaen, Richard V. Llndabury, Profesaor Jacob G. Ltpman, dean and director of State Agricultural College, New Brunswick.

The Council of National Defense Is co-opsratlng wltb the use of its s ta ts . w idt maohinery.

H ist MacIIvalno It optimistic as to tho aooompllshmant of the farmer girla, stating th a t their spirit Is won- dsrful as tbsy angags In ths work. She Isotursd on tho subject recently a t the Trenton Normal School. Fifteen girls elgntd up a t once aa a unit, with Mlsa Shapherd, tsaohar, aa their supervisor. I t Is raportsd tb a t a csrtaln New Jersey baaa hospital will antar a requsit for girls to (0 truck gardsnlng near the building.

H lai Edna Beuddar of Trenton, a gradual# ae luparvisor from Farming- data. Is eonosntratlng bar Intorast 10 tha Haokstistown unit. Twenty girla ara angagad a t Haekettstown by an agricultural axpert on bis farm.

Glaitei of Varioui Sort* Sent From City for U*« of the Navy

A box containing tw anty-three blnoo- ulara, lansea and apyglasses waa for­warded today to A ialstant Saeretary of tho Navy Roossvsit by the local navy recruiting station In answer to ths na­tional call; "Will you supply ayst for the navy?" Chief Yeoman Johnson of the atatlon said th a t many more ara needed, explaining th a t the -glaasee would be returned If poaalble. They must be In good condition and must bear a card with tha owner's name and addraas. They can he left a t the atatlon, I I Park place-

The donori of the glatses sent today were;

Mrs. Herbert R. Crane of 611 Mt. Prospect avenue, Mies Frances C. Force of I I Thomae atrest, Mrs. Mary Haybaum of HT High Itreet, Jacob 8. Bmtt of 161 pMblne avenue, Mrs. Min­nie X. Kearney of 165 Klllelde avenue, Francll £. Sandfofd of II Broad strM t. William D. Sargent of 110 Broad street, Mrs. Benjamin Hacktnberg of 111 Bar­clay street. M ss Florence Becker c t 110 Thirteenth avenue. H ist H altit H. Jones of l i Miller atreet, Robert C Holland of 36 Newton street and Will- lam Doyle of 1> Providence etrest, Newark- •

HIh P- H. Longdon df 14 Cleesland streeL Orange; Jamas L. Oarabrant of IIT South Hunn avenut and Dr. Ste­phan fi. Lee o« 11 Hatated street. East Orange: M ra Lucy Reads at 71 High atreet, Nutlcy; Charles F. Vlacelatte at I4 l Waahington avenue, BetlevlUe; Olltaert a . B. Head of S it Maolls ave­nue. Glen nidge; Hrg. J. G. Stead oM I* Beat Twenty-ninth otreat. PateroOn: Mrs. Jana Goble of Weat Point Plaag- a n t Mra Oliver Ptautler of I t Bast Paul avenue and Peter H- Dolan of Hetal Hamilton, Trqnton; Bobert X. Scott of Morriaetlle, P a .'

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MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINAHON FOR $ 1If you ire tick tnd h iv t b««n treated

without sueceia, It may be due to the fact that you have not had • thorough phyiictl exemlnation, end the cauie of your trouble hat not been found. Finding the ciu te of the d lte iie it the moat importint of a doctor'* work.

'W'e make a thorough examination of each and every patient that c illt at our offices, by means of the wonderful X-ray and other tcientlfic methods we endeavor to get at the bottom of the dlieaie and treat it intelligently.

Our charget are moderate.CATARRH

you suffering from thla most noying tnd dangeroua dlieaae? Do u aufier from head nolaei?

Areanni you

Perhaps your hearing ia falling? .Catarrh often extenda from the no&e

and throat. The stomach becomes af­fected and if this condition becomes severe you are sooner or later made an invalid.

STOMACH DISEASESCausing dyapepsla, tndigeatlon,

heavy or uncomfortable feeling after eating, belching of g u , nausea, heart, bum, pain, dliilneis. These are aymp. tome that should call your attention to the feet that you need treatment.

Our apedillst on diseases of the itomach and bowels waa formerly at the American Hoipital for atomach diieaaea, where hundreds of such cases are treated yearly, thus affording him an experience with these diseases that la not obtained by tho average family doctor.

RHEUMATISMExperience hat shown that much of

the medicine used In this diaesM I s . useless. Our specialist hat bscn at Rot Springs, Vs., where hundreds of pa­tients journey yearly to obtain troit- ment. Aa a result of hii study and experience, he has worked out a hone treatment baaed on aclentlfic prin- clplea, to that It ia poaalble for you to obtain the most beneficial results.

Sciatica, stiff joints tnd pain yield to this treatment quickly.

PILES AND RECTAL DISEASESMuch progress hai been made In the

treatment of plica, fistula, etc., by the use of the new, hcrmlesa local antf. thetica. Aa a result 85% of these easos can be auccessfully treated by ptlnloK methodi. Piles or fissure are rindend painless and by a simple method i n removed perminently. Tho tretim m t is so quick and painless that the patlOBt often Inquires after the treitment whether anything has been done, and when Informed they ire gone forever expresses aatonlihment.

DectrO'MedtcalDodorsEISELE BUILDING. «53 BROAD fTT.

Office Hours: Mondey end Thni;edBy.I0 :3 0 A .M .to 8 P . H. Tucedey endFridey, from 10:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.Other deye by eppointment only.


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The C F. Briggs Co.373-375 Central Avenuo

TeLB. B. 4S41 DeeUte Wealed

lean Women War Workers Overseas-^-Other NotesDespite War, Dame Fashion

Is Busy in Realm of Dress

ji, woman dolnf r«H»ranr kln'l ovorieni r«Jolc«f »t U»* opportunity atfordod

[to Itoip >»or natton'o cauio, oron yn' "opportunity may bo alone

Rptlroly dlfforont from what oho Lalaaned whan ahe loft Amarlca. ^ I tha rarloua nnlta In Franco In

. Wowarkaro have a apodal In- t ia that under the direction of Mra

K. Dlehaon of Now Tork, of

■o that hla comrade followlnf him fln- lahed him. and both Bochei *• *<>ground. NollhorKftfh wounded. Ono of wM

had bi«n up over 100ft 0«rmftn whoriiMa'an'd no one could get him. The Aoovaaiainmn* hftd been there, ee I eufi^drororn lght and' ringing with the B * ® ' ' * ® ' ' * ® :n___ sayo ho never oaw ouch flying aaheas boya do. ao awlfl they mount and

dlmb, .0 m^veloualy they arop noae down, and turn ovor,_«nd a_o won-

A body of woman known ao 'the eom- mlttoa to aocuro ranli for army nuraoo”’ la Intaroitod in obtaining m illury rank tor American nurtea The egocullvo committee of the fronP '•Mre H. 0. Havomoyer. Mra, aVanton Blalch. Dr,Mre. Stuart Henry and Mabel Arm etrong Tenney of Now Turk.

"Letter efter letter coming front our

Cape llnea ere noted In many of the new eoate.

While the narrow thouldere and tight eleavea are emphaatied In moot model! of tall aulta tha aaparate coatc are treated In quite a revarae manner.

An unueual combination of meterlale for fall coate le bollvla and velour.

nursee In Franco tell of their n «d fur Btatu.

• ( a member. Mlea Cummlng re home at the expiration of her

i le the itatement of the

aUuf eervlca When the unit left laet fall the plana wore well

u, to open a creche or two In the alty of Peru, but war I

a change In all thla On their •1 the roembere of the ““ i,

ailed upon to helpUU, ktnde; at on . time It w « n

B et Hotel Pavilion, Y. M. C,

„ of the Wlnetka'gorteeworn out, borrowed three of Dtokeon unit to help her In her

dlltrlbuted In elx or more vll It wee among thoeo

worked. There were countlM*,en“ktnon* **’* P’’’*"*-*! " f “**'*moit be cared for; Mre. Dl^eon

U lu Mary Humphrey of New York. T h eT w -w o rk o re . took l.MJI of

OB a thirty-hour trip acro.o to dlitant polnle of eefetv.

, after many delay., •’..dquarteri finally ae.lkned and ready to be

Id Id L nevllle, the I nrevented their occupancy. Leter watt did return to the Chateau whicha *.» htemlv SIMA, butft rahui»' v.»*~ ,bltn turned over to their u.«^ but

? ia , work only. SUPPIU. and furnleh-

and furniture of all *‘*“ * ,II bard to «et and i;« y » m Ingenuity maetered ‘he ilt

couchee. droaiing table.dn g* iSnS T if;;w rU er,d «k ._ .n d- w Uble were faehloned from pMk_!beiee. The headquartore proved aM O t real to many at American w ldler In ‘hat vicinity.

the early daya of the GermanmeJIS.™ Of the unit were

Into eervlca at varloua place.. «g from Nancy tha latter part

arlL Mlea Murophray telle of a trip *a doctor to Toul, where •h*

oa. etogiB* th* PI*';.* Tn „vemeDta of our own aWatere. m i of her letter, ahe nuY*'*' I arrived Saturday ; Bundy they

and taw two Boohei ap,- aa the alert eounded one ourted hte rnaohlne and

■tralght up. aI to do, aa tha Bocha wae rifhtovOT u d had the vantage. lU pitched an Iflghtendamaebed ‘h » "

■ OB tha other and damaged him

nurae wrltea: W e have no head, to our unite except the one chief nuree, but every one feele that wo could do much better work If We hed renk over the appmntlcoa that le, the hoapitel eoipe men.' Another eaye; T have telrad near a Canadian hoeptlat, and have met many of tha nurae. I wlah we could have rank euch aa they have In their ermy. It m ake, a groat dirfor- eneo In the attitude of the men. The Canediane toll ue ao, _y* *‘"®7 only too well oureelvee. SHH *'*®*P*® atatee: The Amortoan nuraea doing overaeaa duty feel th* leek of ml lUry claeelftcatlon very keenly; any »‘‘«b*P‘ toward giving them a military be unanlmouily welcomed. And e clilet nuree, who haa had charge of y can hoipltal elnoe the beginning of tho ^ ar. aaye; W o managed to got

flret, but now 1 believe for ‘h« of efficiency and dlaelpllno opr aimy and navy corpe nuraea muat be given

theCardins hai been growing more pop­

ular for aaveral month.; In many of t y fall iulta heavy cord lucka give garments their note of dlattnctlon.

Deep amethyet, Pekin blue, mahogany and brick ate among the bait colore for early fall wear.

The eoparate akirt of plelded or cheeked material la extremely good In Riodele calling for aocordeon plalta.

Flying panel, on frocko and ••‘•rte will be extremely amart thle fall. Braiding le a favorite trimming.

White end blue millinery vie with each other for flret place. The white feather hot le quite ee eraert now aa the one of velvet hae been other year, at thli aeaeon.

Banded hate are decidedly amart, whether worn with tho eport ault, the lingerie frock or tho coetume of georg­ette. They come In black, navy and natural etrawe, tha pineapple etraw being oepeclally favored. The bann­ing may be of foulard, crepe, georgette

NOW FOR FREE CANNING BOOK32 ptges,. fuUy Ulustrsted, just for the tsking.

THE NEWARK EVENING MEWS has been notified by the National War Garden Commission, Mary­land building, Washington, D. C.. how its readers may get this Free Canning Book of instructions. Send this coupon and a TWO-CENT STAMP FOR POSTAGE NOW to

NATIONAL WAR GARDEN COMMISSION Miryland Bdlding Washington, D. C.Herewith two-cent stamp for postage, for which please send

me your Canning and Drying Book free.(Pleaae write pleJnly.)

Dainty Untfergarm ent*


""In Canada," the ^"the K in g , re g u la t lo n e an d o ra o r i io r _____Canada militia gave In 1810 the relative rank of lleulonanto, captalna and in eomo Inotancae, major., to Tha term mean. •''*®Y*5‘®*.*** comrolealon on paper. U uniform, rank badgei, pay. allowances authority and aalute"

Jds! MdtyJuajfhr^

Mlea Harriet Marple of who hae recently gone to France In the mteroete of the W om en. O’'*” ®** Hoepllala. H. 8- A., le an expert In the naraffln treatment for cute and burna. ah . h.ii unueual practical experience


ever, in tho few week, the boye have

erUr.’* uk. doV. o"*i.»h!can acarcaly *>®''> dSuof lying around waiting le very

1 and ttreeome."T w o young hundred women reeently took

IS V .and Ihreo-quartori of tho foot

Qlrdlet grow wider ea the aeaaan ad- vancei,

Blue and gray are popular ehadoa, ao It la little wonder that coral Jew­elry le more. . . . le more and more exploited, tor It heighten, the color echema of both theee ehadea

The old-faahloned ribbon aaah has come into Its own again, the brocaded ribbon, being eapeclaily .mart.

R e t r e s K r a e n t s

IJ^en You Entertainwriter In Farm Life make, eome

diaat luggaatlona foraanta that may bo aerved by the

wUe hoateaa who wlahaa to •n‘«" S a r gueau and at tha ‘5*

rigtdly to the raqueata of the 'SbBlnlatratlon. Hero are

gjilgMI garvad at maatlnga of a nCirkiBk aba balonga: ,

One. '-B ite Pudding with Whipped Cream

I Orape JuloadaU pudding requirau two agge

tableepoon of corn


» “i« . f * f r k - e r ’'?ni X S n “ oVH eaUboM h. City of New York.

She had unueual practical - In tho Carnegie eteel work., after hav Ing eerved an apprentlcoehlp of many month, under Dr. Mo.elnger In the D akin-Carrol method of hae eleo epeclellied In the Arabrlno treatment of wounde.

Mlea LlUian Barker le of the Woolwich Areenel In where 21,600 women worker, are em­ployed. ____

Bad Croaa branchea bava ^eeh or- ganlaed among tha women of “ *• okee, Oaako and Delaware tribe. I Oklahoma. ____

There are i l l women working ee experlmontel chamlete et the plant of the Atlaa Powder Company, Taraaqua, Pa.

Philippine embroidery te eeen on eome pf tha lateet rnodele in coraetry.

Tho veii, which is really a happy combination of large hexagon meah and chiffon, tho heavier material form­ing the lower half of the veil, le one of the noweet accBBeoriOi; by many U la termad the fifty-fifty. It cover, the hat and drapes well toward the welat line In back.

Mre. Raymond Brown, wlio h*. b . «appointed by the National American

Sivoled ' ' V * * '£1. ."“"C S h \ “o f a l . : funde^for

Top OH Dinner withA Victory Dessert

Farm School in Philippines

m olt

form of war work, -- . ., . i unlta have been formed and a w i r b i forthcoming a. *®®" « 7angem .nt. to that end can be made.


p u t porttDTitwo

“■Sn. Twapoon of baking pow- <nip of ougar,

one cup choppad Engllah wal- » a k . twenw -fiva » inu U . In

inm oyen.Two. I

'■ Wat BrmA Butt*r S»ndwtch«i/' ST* aft. ftftift aid on® IfcriR can or j pruii a*i»a .ntiloi

Suta"*Sllca the fruit.

of hard'bMlod' egg on top and add dreeelng.

Fruit SaladOatmeal Cookie*

Fruit aalad can he made of moat any

D eiiert after dinner lin't the important thing In life in theee daya, hut It l i Important enough to deaorv* eerloue attention. The woman who ar­range! her moali with a view to avoio. Ing the uie of wheat and other foode that we Amerloani muet refrain from eating In order that we may eend them to the ooldlere abroad, muet redouble her efforli to make tho meal attractlvo. Mora than that, ahe mUet. oven more than in normal tlmee, exert hereelf to make euro that every part of tha meal

real food, aerving a feal food pur-


cheeaa. Placa allc. m lettuce leaf. Form

and■*eheeee into amall hallo In oenter of the P'"***'?'*- tb li one tabloapoon of mayon-

the nut broad uag .qge eup ewoet me egg,pnf jsttp-

1 uegone egg, th«a-q«(fit.*e cup. of

gorhmeat onedour, three tew oofta baking

1 CUP nuta. to t raiaa twenty ka forty minutea.

Throa,Styawberrlea and Cream

Cornflake Cookie*

Food production la now receiving *cl- entlflc attention oven In the PhiUp- plneK whore the Indanan Farm School haa boon In operation for two years, Tha eetabllahmont of thla ochool In the hsart'Of the Island of Sulu la due to the vision of »n American woman, Mrs. Lorillard Spencer of Newport, R. I., who bought forty acroa of fertile land and provided a fund for the matnunanco of the loititutlon.

Three bulldingp, equipped with all the modem conveolencee previously un­known to the Btudenti, forty of whom are in training, are ueed for the sidiool.

"Should the school ever c ru m b le to duet—end wo hope tho eun will never see that day—nothing can oblllerale the eternal gratitude of the many receiving and to receive tho boneflte of a liberal education, and of tho Filipino people in general for thle decided step In solving the More problem," doclarei the Philip­pine Review. "Tho ettacte accruing from thli Inetltutlon will be of telling value to the people. The Influence It will exert all over Sulu through He benetlclarlea will bo wholeeome, and It will bo the right sort of Influence the government will need."

:; iu " r ip 7 lM ^ " d “' into em* mix with the nuts, ewoeten to

taste*' and aorve either In a sherbort glaai with a cherry on top, or on a let^ ce leaf with mayonnelae dreeelng. ' For tho oatmeal oooklee nee one cup sugar, one large tableepoon butler, two a g n throe tabloipoona rice flour, two and A half cup* rolled oate. one tea­spoon baking powder, one *;»»»P®®'"'*;

r-hopped nute can bo added It Drop the mixture from a tea-

the oookiea uee two egg* beatenf; 'rw . _ ___* ___ MiiMSC Allft

dMlred.apoon on ‘for the brown.

cake to spread. Bake until

,1a, one leant cup of augari one Tanilta. Add the auger to the

•tir In th« *nd thin illr■S’ much eornflakeo ae you can i t one-third of a box; one-half cup

^ MtfOddsd cocoanut adda to tno P flgaof. Form In amall cakea and put f far apart In graaaed pan. Bake tillL »qw n. _ '‘ Four.

Chicken SaladMrawn Bread and Butter Sandwlehei

;• For the brown bread uis two and a half eupa graham flour, one cup rice B o v , half cup corn meal, one cup IV it molaeeea, ana cup ralalnl, one and g half oupa eour milk, one heaping toa- Moon eoda, one tableepoon melted hotter. Bake one and a half houri In g. laitf pan or In tin cane for round aggdwlchae. It does not need to rise.

Bake or boll a good eixed chicken gatU quite tender. Remove tho meat from the bones and cut up In amall gubag To thla add oelery, chopped fine, •hopped nutg chopped olives, onion If dewed, and. If you want to add bulk, you aan chop half a cabbage fine and etir It In. You can add most anything to Uill lalad, according to your taste, V you can make It of nothing but JH

Just a Moment!no v3 a n d 'c h e b r .d a il y s t r b n o i

IfiCompiled by John 0. Quinlui

(Tho Sunohlno Mfth)■Ironfih l» niAdo ptrfoct

CoT* iiHe i- My Ood, let me etart again

on the path of exl.t.nce, no longer In jearoh of Thee, but with Thee. Let me moot Thee at tho door of Hie. that thou mayeat be my Interpreter through all the way. 'When croiBee lie before me end 1 call them acci­dents, interpret Thou to me; Bhow mo that the Croei le the road to tho crown. When weak- nesB ovortakei me end 1 call *t failure. Interpret Thou to me; ahow me that Thy atrenglh la made perfect In weaknesa,—From Day Unto Dhy.

If*’°Tho man haa hli part to play also. Sven a favorite doasart le a amall thing to eacrttlce ea a contribution to the world', etrugglo to maintain }';*''‘Y ‘ "J aconomy. If the woman ought to work out now doeeorta, or alter the old onee. the man ought. If neceeaary, to learn to like them.

And that le the eltuatlon exactly. If It le a part of tho wartime duty of women to change their marketing, their menui and their cooking, U le a‘*o “ ** wartime duty of men to change tneir taatee and adapt tbomeelvei to the euo- etltute deeeerte.

There are plenty of deieorte that can be made from the varloua cereals, euon as rice puddings, cornstarch doaaerto. Indian pudding with fruit, and many delicious iteamod puddings made from some of the victory cereals.

A good pudding will prove a eatle- fylng solace to the moot ommvoroua ple-eatlng male In captivity. The fol­lowing recipe le a Victory pudding that haa been tried out on the mare male with gratifying euooeie;

One-quarter cup molaaiei, two cupa milk, one tableepoon ouot, one-quarter oup rice, one teaapoon cinnamon, one teaspoon salt. ^

This may be cooked In a Rouble boiler or In a flreleae cooker for two hour, and a half. It can bo varied by the ue» of raleini or nuta, or both, and a little orange or lemon rind adds to the flavor. Serve with cream.

Cleaning White FeathersOne who hae tried It gives these

dtrectiona for cleaning a white feather or plume of any kind; To a quart of gaaolene add plaster of parle until you have a mixture about the con- eletency of thick cream. Dip the teathera to be cleaned In thla mixture several tlmee, equteae and pel out th* moisture. Hang tn the open air to dry. In a short time tho gasolene will have ftvapor&ted. Do not hftfidlo the feathers until thoroughly dry, then shake out and you will find the feathers not only white, but fluffy- Whttq fura, it la said, may bs emnntd In a Similar way. Of course, cleaning with gasolene should be done m the cpen Mid away from alt artltlctal light


E x-C ZA R

Fabric Hats LikedSatin alone or In a combination with

maline and later with velvet, la sure to be popular for mtHlnery. for U le equally good In fashioning the large and tho email hat, and whether of tho dressy or "tailored" order. For eummer wear, organdie, georgette and Itndn are favored, often these materials being

i combined with a little fancy straw, i Wreaths of sUk or linen flowers or tiny I vslvet flowers or velvet and leatin rib- 1 bone are used for trimming purpoeea

THE LITTLE FOLK OF ANIMAL LANDladdie Rover, the little puppy boy.

who lived next door to Buster and Tommy and Teddy, and all the other lliUe Cuddleees. had a big doggie uncle by the name of Uncle Ben. And Instead pf keeping a store or working in an of- fleoi like a grskt many other uncles, this particular Uncle Ben we* a trav­eler.

Well, one day Uncle Ben returned home from a trip to a far country Where there wore so many strange thlnga to look at that he wrote Mother never a long tetter telling her all about them. And that very same afternoon Laddie Rover happened to meet Buster Cuddles, and. of course, he had to tell hla little kitty chum all about hie Uncle Ben and the wonderful things he had seen.

'There were elephants there most aa big as honees—that le, Just little houses, you ■ know," declared Laddie. 'And Hone and tigers and----- oh, every-

“Could you ahoot them? eeked Bue- IV, aa he wondered whether It wouldn't na lota of fun to whang away with hVi little gun at a really truly, big. roaiffig

*^(^ur»a you oouHi" replied Laudle. “And, oh. yea!" he went on, "thore'o wild nawere there that grow ae big gg iunflowara. Uncle eaye there le."

“I bat they*ra pretty!" exclaimed the little kitty boy. ,

"And, what do you thlnkl*' uald Lad- dlt. In a mTitorloui kind of a way. TTnolo Ben eaya If you Jnit take a common wild flower and plant it in a flawar pot It w ill have a different kind of a pratty flowar on It when It geta big."

"Huh th afa funnyl" aeoffed Bueter. "Honeatt It will," Jnelsted Laddie,

“ ’eanae Uncle aatd ea.'*Now I don't doubt at all but what

tMi little puppy boF had made • mi»- take and Dncla Ban had said »om*thlng ahtlraly dtffarant So l*ddle bad tUngi all mlwod up.

“Wouldn't It bo Jolly," thought Bue- tar, on bln way homa. “K I oould plant aa«a wild Itowars and they would grow Jtp Into eanuetlona and roaaa or aome- kklag Uka thaL"

n know what m do." ha decided «gieh)r. " n i plant aoma right away gad mrpriaa Mothar Cuddles."

■a tha naut morning ha started oft to ftiUigg aoaea planta of wild tlowere, and •■ ■ Y head homa aad plantad them In

^ Mother Cuddlea'e empty •eta. And If I am not mtataken ran a dandelion lU lk and a daily

,'BMM aad two little violet aproiRa.It wnas't vaiy tong after that when

Csddtea dhROverM what bar IlMty boy had done. And Inetead

tham away, aa lOme pniar- _ might hate donV she put hogget gad went to eg(l on tho

may be offered for sale in our country—the for­tunes of war and chang­ing ownership may even bring some to our show windows.

If you are a lover of gems you will find in our large stock a liberal range of prices, meeting every requirement.

b u y y o u r

D iam ondsAT

Poftt OfHtie

B road and Academy Sts.


tlorlet doggie. And when ihe ?*turned home she had one little plant that looked for ell the world like a danda- Hon Btalk, and another that reeemhled a daisy planL while the other two you might have Ukoo for violet plante.

For the next few weeks Bueter was a very, attentive lUUe gardener, and tended to hie little plants as faithfully aa could ba And what a surprleod and happy little kitty boy he waa whan hla tour little plants burst Into bloom.

"Oh. Mother Cuddloel" he orled, with Joy. aa he ran to tall her tho good newa "come quick and look at the flowert! I planted them all for you."

And It seemed very queer that the dandelion stalk should hava a pretty pink poppy on It. while the daisy plant had a big, rod carnation tn the center of it. And as for the two little violet plente who would hav* over thought that they would have borne tiny yel- lowk poeeeT __ _ ,

"It's Just as Laddle'i Uhole Ben told him," deelered Bueter, with sparkling

But Mother Cuddles emlled a waa bit of a amtia ae eh* thanked her little kitty bqy for h li nice surprise. And whether Unole Ban wae right or not, n i let you decide for yourself.

FOMONT TINTSWill Tint in Rich

Delicate ShadesSilk Undergirinentg

Waghabte Satina . Crepe de Chine

GeorfetteHoeiery, Gowna

Taffetog, Glovaa Negligee, Laceg

' Woolen Blnnketg Faded Silks, Etc,

___tn the rlnn '“■*Reetoree the orli

Use tn the rinee like bluing.■Iglnal luiter to

illks that have been



.',4km ws


on your Rug or Carpet will come out If you iniiruct ui to SHAM- Irenons the colors, removes tho grime smut tndPOO !t. ........... ..............------- ---------- , „ ^

gives an appeirance of newness Cost very tlighl. Thir^i year* of experience In thli tnitlnese.

JANCQVIUS A SON, Inc.112-116 ArlinjctoB S t, Near CiMiit St* Newark, N. J .

IV :Write, Can or Hmmo TOT end 70S Hulherry

All DeUvorlco try Motor Traeko

tnat lugter 10 wftihod

and fadod.WlUTiotaUm the hands, nor crook; used in cold or warm water. The best dys evor mad®, In thirteen woiiderfuS colors.

Price 25cFor sale by leading drug-

giete, department etoree and lingerie shops.

Fa)fe-MiM|gMnr Cw m sHnI4.S33 liasfaw Nnr Tidi On$»S33liasfawIt not earritd by war dealer

tend 25c for box color detirtd,JI~lL 0~l 1^1 j

FO U N Dths place to have your Umfaretla Bapaired

while TOOW A I T

GARDI NOR’S1 7 Academy S t .


MINOR RUBBER CO.8 41 soo'TH nou

33 STORKSy>‘ -


City........ State........

WARNING! You Must FUl Out TOfl Blank!

Triple voile Is one of tho favorite tnaterlale for undorgarmonto at presenL It Is not only dainty, .but haa unueually good wearing qualities and lenda Itself to trimming, with handwork and lace, with equal charm. Ribbon ahoulder etrapi on chetnlaee and eamleolsi pre­vail and edglngt of lace on ellk gar­ments are particularly hmart. Linen I* ueed to an extent, but this material te beeoming more and more scarce and correepondlngly coatly, »o other tabrlea are taking its place. Crepe de chine sontinuea In favor, and blue le more popular than for many a'yeaeon. Pa­jamas of this color are partleolerly good and are quite elaborately trimmed with ribbon and lace, auuming more of the character of boudour gowns than sleep­ing garments. NIghtgowna of purple are regal In their elegance and winning friend* because of their nevH v.



Bridesmaids GiftsAn excellent choice 8t the Wis* Store. Among

our suggestions in solid gold—Brooches, Bar Pins, Fancy Rings-i-range of prices from $2 to plO. Many useful and beautiful articles in Sterling, some as low as $1.25. I

J. WISS & SONSDiamondSf Watches, Jewelry

665 Broad Street

A Thrift Stamp Free

to encourage a lesson in Thrift. Every child that brings in a pound of tinfoil to our store before August 15 will receive a Thrift Stamp free. The tinfoil is to be turned over to the Red Cross (the greatest Mother on earth helping our boys in this great fight for democracy).

of «


time all the time.

IS-Jevrel beauty. Hek aaU-lllled, guaranteed caaa, KNtFB a b i CHAIN, omn-



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Help the CauseFathers, mothers, sisters and brothers can

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See Howibsolutelywe extract teeth

without pain.All painless extractions free

with other dental work.

$15 in W. S. S. FreeA $10.00 W: S. S. to the boy or girl bring­

ing in the greatest number of pounds, and a ^ .00 W. S. S. to the one bringing in the second greatest number of pounds up to 6 P. M,, August 15th.

A ll Work Guaranteed Easy Payment Plan

DR. MCBRIDE’SAmerican Dental Parlors

173 Market St.Hanrai f fa e F. M. Ope* Taeaday, Thunday aad Satarday Bveatug*.

89 & 91 Market Street



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AliOgNBUCK A BBO. Ntemrk. N.

i l i »

ifaeoatiOfenii Fnm

[ » 5 t « » 5 . 0 0 0 1L t>H Small W f k t y orL JgoiMUy Paymma*..

SmadAI Aeoouuta Stpeolallv


srep iw .CQguBuera omnfnB

C S m T SJme Sole

OutfitsOoyov hopss

TAesm OiSlft

il t l .f l WeeAly. 4 Jteau


’1 ^'S 'CW eM eOmwi,a.4*d, e «ooo


iM M eBaum aim 'sTkreeatoutSoresm a flee »« « « A* aoditvm wont to etart AawsAssptof. ITau etB eelert a medsit outfit /o r •

™m.drBBdl<i6ssBtodiit)B/<ir BBBUtoeAoiB.. r « •*« fsestos ttd soma Warat « d a . a emaU amonol down, the tetoiie* in emaU poymento.

C^MfitessMirMif by ocAuI eeMportoon, B*d Aar you taf/orcosA or on endii, Ibat


Y b .«*sa*Haeayse C®

mleI Linetoo**

ovtutosrortt*"" Beddiua«wiu*SeMULBv^iiiis*


Beg. Me* tiai-MI


Jacoioan"Oak Dtntnt Room Suit {Four Ptem)

j k l ^ M / ^ . r s s t oeebercmdl*



CLOeir—Re*. We* SIT b ctunbion Ta ble—»«*. price SBRVlNa TABUB—Be*. P tl« I*'Salt 4 Brew Bods ,Bw . M m USBO14.74


98.49o r

ItiillIs ftaw 1

tame sad Bek

Sx* t%. M.eB t0x«0 IB. gl.d» STxSe In. SLIBW* eke mmmm e

BuecM asit e t j

iS w n P to m e to D m50c


Omaet an Anooemt

“ afyS S r" •BSl”3.98J S S fSS w i

eUDM■tvTMW mm s®"lss:



f M or Rhclmle It

f S A 4 ! K .P h adinner sets

Sete. ^20.85

ead «B.d* WbYBB* ^

U O a t C n I o m n t ^

?M fim m *»W .

1 2 .9 5

wh*t#v#f rva WftRtte

_______ Bewsmaletu r t h l v w* Bell V It to your eellit at I le lt wM .SaU^Whlk EnamdiRefrigerators

Lift TppStgb

1 2 . 7 440* ueed,


'C L v il^ ea iD tnSggT


48-St Hu m SL Nmrii

■ATDBBAYx rxN m os

in n n ,U OTJLOGX

o e r o i m o« u bt BOvaB.


B e5-

O w H O f


■There:" ex ■Wuxiy, the li ae she stood gelow kitche ■Qtnethlng on like them, Ui

'Tm sure 1 sxid the bum

"Ob, no, yoi won't!" eudf twiddling hei got. You wo

'■Why not? prised like.

‘'Because I "Forgot to

asked M r. L puuled. "Fi croee, Janie whet are you

"Jam tarte lady. "You i supper, Ijiecau But, at the it any Jam tn can't have Ji them."

■'No," agree you can't. Bi Jane?'

"Not a bit the muskrat head, and a I the cruet pai but no Jam. i

"Oh, don't f "I'll go get I nothing to d and seven ce 'What kind et

"Any kind answered the ever you wist tbeee empty them with Jai the stores. Y

"1 think, X the bunny noee. 'Til ge for you, Nura

Bo over th wood* he hoi Jam store.

"Whet klr Uncle WIggll: Dock, who k< green Jam, n have black Ji and 1 have r berries."

"I'll take Uncle WIggll Jam hae tucl

Bo Hick or running up put eome ret Wlgglly, anc toward hla h Nurse Jane tarta

"But r ii Jtaste It,” sat two of the be out In the * some red Jan eating away, tart was, wl from behind :

No, you're fox, or the nor yet the f Skeeiicks. ] raeuale boy, that Uncle W

"Don't you mouel* boy?'

"Thank yo gnawer. "Bu

"Right her< he paaeed ov« which he and made.

"Take a gi said the bum take a good and then he i

■■Oh, wbal'i hav* cut my of the tart! J’oeeum! I'm Juice runnlni

"Hueh! Yo; laughed Unci cut at alt. Juice you Me out of thi/ta aee?' 7

'■Oh, yea, I boy, "I—I glad I’m not rible good!"

And Uncle thing, and u eaten all the the bunny at<

So ovorythi see, and If i hla ahovet dc paper and r l^by. I'll te W lgglly and

Chancp for To J<

Oppori battallor Paleetin' Caaadlai ily llooal exptalne tn charg Sion, tha antes th to tha N tunlty., enllelei training of all n

Three terday T h ey a r Austin HI Urltlah, Ulltott Wllkee-I

The m tn quart


DlltCt and Not Tt oy B' York an leurent.

Deebr: A. M.; ’ *;&0 A. t u'Mt ; ]*nuthke lliitJrr.n Feuthkn

In tern Yri-k, 1

Werosster. gl. Htatb uDstly, tncti

From Ptar II,


COLOB O S ln iO V lD ;A U OC l 'MUl

orit*isent.u»llrU n itlacCi


lan I* lal II

and brlei china more

Pa- food with

t tba lleop- lUrpia nnlnc




m n


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nid aricaluKi-

M a a lOol* «

!(•*»*•Ico nirtibk*wttorwodilaaR«wtMwbLnoiParai-


laltUwHldjMit a l ^ehtaiM■tom

loatrtnfff S S S

fK GIVS A H.**


DOOV> IkIihS* It

amtihot > Pilea.


,9 5Cradlt.


B e d t i m e

S t o r yH O W A R D R . C A R I S


'Tbara!" exclalmid Nun* Jan* F u»y Wuxiy, the ihuikrat lady houitkaeper, a i she itood In the hollow itump bun- calow kitchen one day, and looked at lomethln* on the table. “I think you'll like them, Uncle Wl**lly,"

"I'm eur* 1 wilt II you made them,' ■aid the bunny uncle.

"Oh, no, you won't, either! Oh. no, you won't!” euddenly cried Nuri* Jane, twiddllne her. pawi In the air. "I (or- Bot. You won't like them at all."

"Why not?" naked the bunny, eur- prleed like.

"Becauee I torsot to put any In.""Porsot to put any which In whatf*

■eked Mr, Lonseare, now very much puiiled. "Far be It from me to *ot croee, Janie dear," he went on, "but what are you talking abou tf

"Jam tarte," anewered the muakrat lady. "You eel 1 made aome tor your ■upper, because I kne.w you liked them. But, at the last minute, I torgot to put any Jam in them, and oI couree you can't have Jam tarla without Jam in them."

"No," agreed Uncle Wlgglly. "I guess you can't. But havs you no Jam, Nurss Janer '

"Not a bit of Jam," sadly answersd the muskrat lady, with a shake of her head, and a twist of her tall. "I have the crust part of the tarta all baked, but no Jam. Oh, dear!"

"Oh, don't feel badly," eald the bunny. " n i go get the Jam for you. I have nothing to do and I'll hop to the alx and seven cent store and get the Jam. What kind shall I buyT'

"Any kind you think you'd like," answered the muskrat lady. "Buy what­ever you wish. And here, take some of these empty tarts with you and fill them with Jam on your way home from the atoree. You may get hungry."

"I think, very likely. I shall," said the bunny with a twinkle of hie pink nose. 'Til get the tarte filled with Jam for you. Nurae Jane."

Bo over the fields and through the woods ho hopped, until he came to the Jam store.

"What kind of Jam do you want. Uncle W lgg llyr asked Hickory Dlckory Bock, who kept the store. "I havs pale green Jam, made from gooseberries. I have black Jam made from blackberries and I have red Jam made from straw­berries.”

‘T il take some of the last," spoks Uncle Wlgglly. "It sounds good. Red Jam has such a cheerful color, too."

Bo Hickory Dlckory Dock stopped running up the clock long enough to put some red Jam In a dish for Unde Wlgglly, and back the bunny hopped toward his hollow stump bungalow so Nurse Jane could flnleb making the tarts.

"But I'll Just fill on* myeelf, end taete it,” said the hunny. So he took two of the baked pieces of pl^rust, cut out In the ehape of tarts, and spread some red Jam between them. He wae eating away, thinking how good the tart was, when, all of a sudden, out from behind a stump, came a-----

No, you're wrong. It wasn't a bad fox, or the sklltery-scalery alligator nor yet the Skedaddle or Bcallawag or Skeexlcks. It was Just a poor little mousie boy, and he looked so hungry that Uncle Wlgglly said;

"Don’t you want a red Jam tart, little mousie boyr' v .

"Thank you, Indeed I dp!" wa* the •newer. "But where could I get o n er

"Right here," said Uncle Wlgglly, and he passed over one of the red Jam tarts which he and Nurse Jane, together, had I made.

"Take a good bite—don't be afraid," said the burmy, and the mouele boy did take a good bite. He bit Into the tart and then he gave a cry and ehouted.

•'Oh, whstf a the matter! Oh, I muat have cut my mouth on a sharp piece of the tsrt! Oh, dear! Send for Dr. Possum! I'm all cut! Look at all my Juice running cut I"

"Rush! You silly Itttls mousie boy'" laughed Uncle Wtggiiy. “Tou are not cut at alt. p h t t Is only red strawberry Juice you A e rnnnlng down. It comes M sr^ Jutce—

glad 1 m not. These Jam tarts are ter-riOiR I'SMXlJ

Uncle Wlgglly said the semelaten .h"*"®!! i ’’* boy hadth i “V '■*'’ be wantedthe bunny ate some himselfsee a^S'TJ’'lb ! ■" •''«''t, youhls’«hnS*/*ii tioeen't puthi* Bhovel down on the piece of whiteh S r i T t .T ’'* '• 'oob'ltkeW l^ . l ^ “ n d*’t‘h .T o u n X g y a ^ r

Chance for Young Jewish Men To Join Service in Palesline

Opportunity to enllet In a Jewish battalion for immediate service In Palestine Is afforded st the British and Canadian recruiting slatlon temporar- lly\localed at 86 Park plaoa It was explained today by Captain P, p. Daw, tn charge of the special recruiting mU- elon, that the government would guar­antee that the recruits would be sent to the Near East at the earliest oppor- tunlty., Me pointed out that me.n who enlisteit five months ago are' li-iw in training at .Cairo. Young Jewish men of all natlonaUtles will be accepted.

Three men offered their eervices yes- tordns' for the Canadian infantry. They are Michael Colinen, Irish, of !8 jtiistin street. Newark; Oeorgs L. Lewis, British, of 372 South Main strest and Klllott D. Smith of 35 Gate* street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

The mtsijon will move In a few days tn duarters at 761 Broad street

S T ^ S W S ,


*^'aihlaiten Inrleg," "I ^Kehert V^ton,"



ALBANY DAT LINK,"Heedrlck Hndseu," V’ "AlbeiiT."

. iNO BUNDAY,Dlitct Rill Cennectloni to all pointa West

and North. All Ihrouxh rail tickets and Tioy Bvenint Lino ticket! botweea New York and AlMmj accepted. UusIq, Rm< tBurRnt.

DflfcbrMMK St.i Sr40 A. H.: We 41d 8L. I ■ i ill* A. M.: Yonkwi,

'•"11"? *‘ Bear Monntein tu out Point weekdays o iy ). Newhuteh, I'nuthkcepsio, Kingston 'Point, Catoklll Hnilsr.n and Albany. Ons-day outings to Poughkoopsis, Nswburgh and Bear Moootaln.

Information at DoibrotMi 8U NewYrrk. TSI. *)0« Cattsl. '

Weresster, Ut.Sfi Provldsaee dlrast, gMti m r a B pqiig .^ .M , fi.M; gt.oa,

_ iBCludlnjd iunday, ( ; |S w, k .From Pier 1*. B. R. phsnt 370* Botkuaa.



^ * a h ^ s at fits p. if,

.’!0H[ cooaiiifcm


1 u d > q t i U m , W awl |4No tnm laf.


Model JChAwilf ear- rylni ^ c a ­pacity, Ih- G I u d 1 n r w«t|ht o f body.z2sePMb

$1045Model ACHrmIe car­rying ra­pacity. ln> c l u d 1n r w olfh t o f body.3500 PhWi

$1S45Model BChasald ca r­rying ca- PRclty. In- o ] u d 1 n g weight o f body.'(SOtPiilii



Tlie Bnt WoriH'Drioe Truekt of Tlietr Prieet MadeTo the hard-headed business qian who deals in facts and figures the

D-E proposition appeals with force.And briefly, the D*E proposition is this: In these trucks you get

the very best and most approved units, the highest grade materials, the most skilled construction.

You get in D-B Trucks the greatest value in motor trucks on the market— $300 to $700 leas than any other worm-drive irucka of the aame carrying capacity.

nYou gel the benefit of the saving of the freight (because they are made in Newark), and you aave the coat of A n tin g , because the chassis comes to you painted.

You enjoy advantages of service no others can give, because the factory Is here in Newark.

That's the D-E propoeltion, straight from the shoulder, the beat truck prop­osition in Newirk todsy. The experience of hundreds of Newark users proves it: your own investigstion will Twify it. Immediate deliveries, Let us hear from you.

RKE-MACRAE MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY.228-230 Hfilsey Street, Newark

Model CrUauiM car­ry Itig ca­pacity. Jn- c i u d t n g walfht o f body,70MFm A

$2395Model DChaoala for dump load; carrying ca­pacity, In- c I u d t n g wFlfbt o f body.55(10 F*aA$1995

Modd EChooBlM car-^ Tying ca­pacity. In- c l u d 1 n g w tigb t o f body,H.BOO IW t


“P-A-N-A-M-A H-A-T-S”Blewhea sjia Beblocked la the Lete*l StglM

WAGNER & WERNERt i t WaahlMgtw 8t, Tot yorkat U44.

Ihe BlggMt Bratd Value You Can Buy We also bike the famous


FISCHER BAKING CO. ■ . Newark, N. J.



Have you a Cord Tire on your


T h eEconomy of

Insured MileageIt is economy th a t

not only shows a lower mileage cost but pef'- mits greater continuous use of your car.

Maximum mileage and^i^tmost usefulness are insured by Hartford quality. The high rep­utation of these tires has been earned by consistent performance for a quarter century.

Real motoring econ­omy dem ands long- service equipm ent— more in these war times than ever before.

The Hartford Cord which is a d i s t in c t advance In cord tire construction, is the lat­est addition to the Hart­ford line. Made also in the well-known “H" Tread, "Strongheart”, and "Plain”.

r ® n

Happy the ManWith a

War GardenTo plant things, to care

for them, to see their magic growth brings delight to every one with a garden— besides, it gives a patriotic thrill.

TooIb here for gardening.Cultivators that prove

very helpful in keeping the earth stirred up.

Wire for fencing and bracing up plants.

Garden Hose to keep things well watered when nature fails.


•’E xp«rlt tn EardteareT h at bland* H ard W ta r"

97*99 Market St.



Facia! SoapTake a Cake Along With You in

Your Car

For Sunburn ForW indbumHealing, Soothing, Protecting For All Irritations of the Skin

At All Drug and Dept StMes

1 —HartfM Rubber Work* Co., ICftO,

I IW B roadw ay, W»W Y pdt N

Economy Auto Supply Co.DISTRIBUTERS

268 Halsey St., New$u*k, N. J.Mir

Warner’s Safe RemcidiesA Conetant Boon to InvatUh Since 1877 Warner's Safe Kidney and U w Remedy.

Warner’s Sife Diabetes Remedy,Warner’s Safe Rhcmnatic Remedy.

Wamgr*s Safe Asthma Remriy^WjnHg'S Safe Nervtaie.

W aaer's Safe (Conadpati^and BUhrasneas) i The IMMitis PjamUy M e^btee

Sod by l e a ^ on receipt of ten cents,t m e p q e s r n t N. Y.



Don’t worn), ab«ut old a**. Don’t wottt • bout bting tn oibar paopla't way whoa you or* fatting on In yeara. Koop yobr Body In joed ooDditlon and you can bo halo and htarty ttv your old doya and ovary uno will bo f|«d to 000 you.

Tho kidnoyo ta d bltddor oro tho m m oo o f koBlto afflictions. Koop thain idoui and la propoi- working condition, Drlvo th« poltonoua waaien from tb» oyttom and avoid urte acid accuroulattana. Tako a o iiO MBDAL Hoarlam OH Capoule* p ^ o d lea lty •n d you will rind th a t tho lyitom wUI alw&ya b« In fo rfect working ordir, Your iq^rlu will bo anllvenod, your muoctaa modo ttrau g oad your foco haya oroo mora tko look of hoalth .

Tboro U only ono guarontood b ra id el Koarlora OU Copauloa. GOLD MCDXU Be our* you got the Original GOLD UBDAL Im ported Baorlam Oil Capauloo. Tb*y or* th e only relUblo. f o r solo by all fim -elaoo drufflatOL — AdverUaemant fer OeaulM Hoorfom OH Bfff. Co*

Use Caticara Soap T oQ earY ou rSkitf

8 0 and 91 MARKET STREET

Have Your P u r c h a s e s Charged, and Pay for Them in Small Weekly or Monthly Pimnents, According to Your bioome.

Bed, Davenport, Arm Chair, Rocker, Library Table, Finiahed in Mahogany, Fumed or Golden Oak

Four-Piece Davenport SuiteF our Pieces

C om plete


Delivered to Your Home on $6,00 Cash Payment

Balance $1.25 Weekly

This Four-Piece set has a Spalding 2-in-l Davenport which is a settee by day and bed at night, a large, roomy comfortable Arm Chair and Rocker, all of which are covered in Brown Substitute Leather, which will outwear many genuine leath­ers. The Library Table is 27x36 inches and durably constructeil. 0 0 ^ 9 fS£% Four pieces sold special a t................................................................... f a v l y

W isconsin Peerless RefrigeratorsFrom $ 9 . 7 5 to $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 , on E a s y Term s

Style like instration, S ' ! Q . S 0 White lined

Three-Door Side leer, White I^ed $ 2 8 -so

THE WISCONSIN PEERLESSIs Used and Indorsed by the United States Government

This line of Refrigerators cannot be excelled for construction, insulation or beauty. The outside cases are made of hard wood, thoroughly seasoned, and the insulation is mineral wool, the best known non-conductor of heat or cold. The fin­ish is a rich golden, highly polished. All styles of the Wisconsin Peerless Refriger­ators always on hand. Write for catalogue. Any of these are sold on our dignified credit system.

“The Windsor” Three-Room Outfit, $148-°°$18 .00 Initial Payment; Balance $ 2 .00 Weekly

■ □ O D o a a a o a a o a a a D Q a i D o a a a a o o D a a a D o a D o a n Q L j a D O ■0 B

□ □ a S a a o o o a a o c j O D O o o D a a a □ o a i

n a□

Three Rooms Furnished Com te for $ 1 4 8 '^This Windsor outfit Is carefully selected furnjture o^depcndability and not lit­

erally thrown together like most outfits advertised. A personal call will convince you, and if any article does not meet with your approval oneTo your liking can be substituted at a small additional cost. A Bed Room, Dining Room and Kitchen, all complete, for so low a price seems too good to be true, but this Is due only to Donald’s enormous buying pow er..


All Goods Marked in

Plain Figures89 & I' Mi ket Street

augooAi Markedto


McCarthy Player* Loom Dan- geroui, but B am o Relieve* Hig-

gini and Saves the Night.

Bruio* Play at Home Tomorrow

BAIiTIMOBE. Jun» 11.—Wh«i> .v en ln i .h .d o w . f»U J .ck ' j " * "hump th» b»ll, J«ri*y n ty J;'’the loc*u y*»i«rilAy In *''® ®f.ulhnA l tw ilight »»m. I" hlitory, 4-1. P»rnh»m'i “ “« «< ! th . *am..N«w«rk pl»T«r, « » • *’“ * *tba BkaatarA

The score

Bttetal StniM 9f l»« «tWB.BINOHAMTOK. June 11,—The ihedee

of Bicht were (sUI»> s lo n i the Johnson City p s « when s crowd of Mrloelty eeekeri declared theee Blnce to be the clssfc They bad won from Newark, t-4. the first "In the Bloatnlne" iionteit to have been decided a t Johnaon Field. By way of facatlouaneta It may be wrlttan th a t thare was "nothing new under the eun,“ becauee "the blua fky bad turned to gold" before the epochal eontaal was tarmlnated. Oft In the stilly houri of night *.riora ahowad "the old fight,SGCounta lor "the light In '» •II waa "darkeat Just befora the ^w n , u Ih t Bears inada a determined hid for

howevtr,viciory'’in the eevdnth-relieved Festue KIggIns,

**The conteit was started at I JO and tha baiebaUleally curloue were on their way home shortly after * J» O'clock. It wae a good show. 3'l'«J''* . itori did much to make It eo. They ware atwaye blaalng the way effort! to win. The Brulne' pitcher did not prove to be a lucceitful night Walker. He would probably have turned "the night lime Into day lime lor the flret four Innlnge U Itpoaelble, as the Binge oltheir rune In theee perlode. Bill Kay hit one In the fourth and came all the way home, " ’Taint no harm to run when you get scared." quoth Bill- I t was the flTit circuit drive of the eeaaon on the home lo t Kay had a good ey^h'.ni

Beltlrasre. K. H. *•Blihsp. lb. Mulrey, r . t . . La wry. lb ... tibennon. l.f.. (irlttin. lb ... Brown, c.f. .. HcAlpIn,Eain. 0........Farnham. p.

Intmr City. It. H. *■Breck. r.f---- S I IIrving, aa....Kamel, a t . . ■FtiB, e i • a e aK'hBU*.MeOrcm, Itt..Carrolt, 0 ...

6|' LabBt*. p -

ToIaIb- BalUmor* jai-Mr c itr

4 • «( ToUl«- ■ ■• 1 * 1 4 - - - .• 0 4 V 0 4 0 4

Twnwbu* Bhaftno®. J******* hH ^rlffln ,Kromhaua. OrUltn DoubleP«MBrownUrnaal and Bowman; *gan *"d Lawry.

Baiaa on balla-OH Parnham *i - "- ucii out—oB) Pirnham T, by L*bat# iv1. Struck <

Onslow’s Circuit Drive Halts Overtime Game

Maple Leafs Flutter Home Ahead of Rochester Clan in Great Sev­

enteen-Round Bout,

Petersen Ha* Better of Hagen

He had four h lu In four tlmai a t bat. Tba HcCayihv troupe a tarieThe HcCanhy troupe aUrted

daring the first atrask of twilight. W alter Shay’s “blgheat one of the day was d ro p p i by Bill Flachar, Hlgglna doeilad tha attamptad marlyrlcal lilt of Barman Schaafer, and both runtten wars aafa, Shay scoring on Calhar’g out. Tha Jaraayltaa *ollao*ed two counte in tha fifth. W alker and Shay singled, advanoad on outs and scored on a wild pitch by H lgglna A Bear movement was nipped in Its Inolplency during the •eventh inn ln i by the insertion of Barnes Into the fray. With one down Ted Gather hit to Pleobertown for three baaea Quy ZInn waa dlaposed of but Irving Kolaoth tripled, ecorlng Cither. Hlgglna rallnqulehed the pltohlng bur­den a t this Juncture and It wM up to Tom Downay. Tha veteran Inflelder struck ouL Barnes choked the Bears durtng the remaining gasps.

Bunohlng of hits oft Walker really taUa the ito ry of the locals’ triumph. The Newark team opens a three-game •arias with Syracuse a t home tomorrow. Vhotbor or not twilight baseball la to be Inaugurated In that city la not known. Several years ago promoter At lAWion ftttpmptetl to run oft an aioctric Mgbt game a t Johnion Field and the «sowd waa a large one. Tommie Dowd’e A. J. * 0 . team of the New York State

ague opposed Binghamton. lAwaon a

IU«1U of OaniM Tsetcrday.B lnshem ton I , Newark 4.

Beltlmore 4. Jersey City 1.Byracuee I, Butfelo 0.Toronto Is Bochoitor I (17 in*)#

StaadiBS of the Teana

Toronto. .. H 1< .SltiByracuM . W »1 .III Buffalo... XT 14 .SHi Jersey City. I Jl .m

Oaaice Tedey.Newark at Blnthemlon.

Jersey Ctly »i Beltlmore.Roeheeter at Toronto.ByracoM ftt Buliawe

TORONTO, June 12.—Eddie OniloWa home run brought curtain i for a great eaventeen-lnnlng twirling combat he- twaan Patersan and Hagen here ye ile r- day, the locals winning from Rochaa- tar, J-3. Petersen deierved triumph, a t ha allowed the oppoaitlon only nine hlte, while Hagen yielded fourteen blows. Ho alio struck out eleven men, while the Huetlora' pitcher breeied four men. Hagen gave five baaei on balla Peterien leaued two panes.

The ecore;

A four-bell golf match, likely to a t­trac t a good deal of attention In thie ■action of the country, wae arranged yesterday to take place June 17 a t the Marlon Cricket Club near Phlladalphla. Max Mareton. the B altusrol amateur, and Charlea Evans J r„ national ama- tau r and open champion, will meet the profeeslonalt. Jim Barnes and Walter Hagen. The match w ill be a t eighteen holsa In the afternoon, and the Golf Association of Philadelphia is going to tee to It that a large am ount of money Is raised for the Bed Cross. Plans are already under way to have the belle used by the players auotloned off after the match.

This win be one of the few occaelons when Evans will be able to play In the East. There Is a chance, however, that Chick will be seen a t Baltuarol In Au­gust, the Idea being to have him end John Anderson take on Jerom a Travers and M ai Mareton.

Limiting Entry to New Jersey Af­

fect* Chami^oiiship Play at Montclair.

Emerson Looks Best for Title

Jersey Women Clash In Semi-Final at Rye

Mrs. Stockton and Mrs. Hucknall

Meet in Golf Tourney on Apa-«

wamis Links.

Latter Beats Mis* Lounsbery 2 Up

Mitchell’s Bruin Boys Triumph Over McGraws

Heitman Is Best Man in League. Says Arthur Irwin of Hustlers

KocbiiBt4r. Re R>

gkb*** ___w____ - -■LDt to eU ctrtly the «^ w e re r , and thet v rii the J u t of n lfh t

%M«b&U locally until last n tih t.The ecore: .

ttiarv • .......iehatfare ih .. . Catber, L t . . . .Btnn. c. f .........XelMth. tb.vv O»won4 lb ’.-- Madden, Mftmwti. r. f .. ^alhar. ........

A.B. R. . I i0


Walih, th. HaffaB. tb. V, ZiiUAs r.f-. - •UenM, Cat. V, Smith, 0-ev Hesen, p .. . Rrevei. L(-.riahertjr. 2b. H«ltmajiy lb. Brady,

Rv B,; 1 1

Total!. • Koch«!ttrToronto


Teronto.Worhopp. c.f Onslow, lb..* >

, W'hoU!*. !-f. - ® 01W«an«r, i .i . . d dlPorttll, 8b- -.. 0 1| ThrMhor, r.f- 0 ol Andcrion, lb. d0]F1th«r, ....... Qo' PotirMOt p ... e

^ ^ ^ Total!....... 8 143 « tl t l o o i o o d d o o d o o o o o c—i o o o f l o i o o d o i d o d d # i—%

biu— ThT!»h«r Horn!^ _run—Onllow. Btoleti bk^*“ B?i***

Speeding Western Outfit Gather*

Victory in Ninth Frame with Red Causey Pitching.

Pirates Rout Brave* in Sixteenth

B m iu at Oemce Yaeterdmr.Chicasfl b. N*..PUtiborgh 4, Bolton I <l< Jn.j.

Brooklrn-Clncliinell 0»l")'Phn»d.lphls-8t. Louli (r»!n).

Arthur Irw in Is endexvorlng to de­velop some "future grexts" *t R o­chester. The re te r in m ineger seys he has the best baiebAll player In the New International League In Heitman. and the beet catcher In Smith, a young player whose home Is In Hot Springe, Ark. Smith wae taken In tow when the Superbei were training In that lo­cality.

Irw in ta y i th a t Heitman Is too good a h itte r to keep out of tha game, and too good a pitcher to be kept out of the box. "He hasn 't been beaten yet, and la the beet Inflelder end outfielder on the club," aaye Irwin. Heitman waa obtained from Brooklyn by Rochester on optional agreemenL

Yank Defense Crumples In Twelfth Paragraph

Indians Scalp Huggins’* Merry Men When Roger Pcckinpaugh and

Ray Caldwell Bobble,

Comiskeys Win in Battle of Sox


niBTn!nMi. Bkftmtn, 8b..


iFischer, 1, t .............. *HsLarry, lb .............. 4■anl*y. a ■............ ••IteddHk, e .............. *MfSlna P................. *Harnea, p . 1

0. A. S.3 3 33 3 81 0 0t • 81 8 8

8 81 2 81 8 81 1 1

s« f 1

0. Ae V.• 3 81 1 8i 8 83 0 81 8 1

11 1 8• 4 1« 0 81 1 «8 8 1

17 l i $1 80 8 •—1

Sacrlflo* hUi—Polerecn 1. Brady, An^raon. Furtall. iacrltloe fly—Whllahouaa. Dmible Blaya—Andaraon and On.low; Brady. Hell- man and Hosan. Laft on T Toronio 14* Bm*! on bnll*—Off « !f!n 4, off Paurien V Btrack oul—By Hasan 4. by patat^n 11. _____ ■ '

Btoadlns of tkaW. L. P.C.

ChloMe... »t I* ■!*!New York. IS II .US Cincinnati 21 2i .401 PItubursh to 21 .444

Oamta 'M itf Chlcas" al Now York.

Boaton----Phlla.......*1. Loula.. Brooklyn.

W. L. P.C. ;0 24 .444 II » .414 II 21 .il l IT 21 .121

Effective Pitching by Heck Vanquishes Wiltsc's Blsons

Cincinnati at Brooklyn.■ «bur,h at Louli at Fhlltdalpbla.

French “Blue Devils”Will Visit Velodrome

b u f f a l o , Jun* l i .—Clever pitching by Heck accounted for the defeat of George W lltee’e Blsons yesterday, S-0. Heck also hit the ball effectively. Ty Cobb's brother, Howard Cobb, pilfered two baees.

The acore:Buffalo, R .«. »■!, SyraeuM.- - - - 0 Irvin

R. K. B.

Total*.............. . >1 >gtwark .... I ; 5 SInshamlon . - 1 1 1 3

Two-baa* hit—Maddan, Thraa-baM h l t ^ Cather, Kolaalb. Momt run—Kay. Wolen baMa—Catbar. Zlnn, Plachar, Rllay, Hart- nan, Kay, Walkar. fiarritloa hita—RomiBal. Haddock. Bacrtfloa fly—Kolaath. Lott on kaaat—Btnsbamion I, Nowark t,•ti error! "BlBib^mtotii I, New*rb % BAm ! en ball*—Oft Hlsslni t. Hlta—Off Ulstlni, 2 In T I-l inninsai off Walkar. II In I tn- Blnsa; off Barnia. 1 In t 1-t lenlnsi. Blruek

“ Igslia 1. by B a n n I, by Walkar ilola—Hlggln*. ■Wlnnlns pltch*^-

Don'ld*on,l,f. Heriia. a* . .. Murphy, r.f.. U.Murphy, c, coopar, lb ... McCaba, 0.1.,Nowak, lb . ..ClInnway, l b . . Dovtnnay, p..

IS. r.t.,,. 01 Carroll, i.a.... e McHala. lb ... ot Raymond, o-t- « Pal,*, 3b. . . . . A] Bctistbltta l-f> <0 Cebb. c . . ■ >* >1 W!!V«r, lb...I K!ClCa P........

TeUl!.......Buffalo a. a a.8yr»cu!«

8 I 8l « 18 8 8

lUftf!: bff 1eat—Bf X ltfti! I, I. WU4 piteli—Mlfi MilgiAAs

Steel L ea^e Claims Pair Of White Hose Performers

CHICAGO, June II.—Pitcher Lefty w illlam e and Catcher Byrd Lynn etf the W hite Box. both eligible for eeleo- tive service, have reeolved to engaga In shipbuilding a t the Harlan A Hol­lingsworth Bhlpbulldlng Yard, W il­mington, Del. When Charlee A Comls- key heard of the players' Intentlone he demanded the re turn of their unifom a and term inated their contracts. Wlll- lem t and Lynn probably will play baae- b ill In the Bethleham Steel League.

Totals.. ........ 0 0 I « 0m .......... j 0 a 1 0 I 0 0—4

Two-baa* hit—Hack, flolan ba'o^M c- Halo Cobb I, Carroll. Bacrlflo* hit—Pal|i. Double playi—McHala and Waavar:Harris and Ooopar 3: Hack. Carroll and Woavar; Pals*. Carroll and Waavori Pals* and Weavir; Dovtnnay and Ha^li. !^fl on baaai—Buffalo I, iyracui* I. ,Flr*t bMO on arrora-Bulfalo t, Byracuaa I. BaMa on balla—0(1 Oovlnnar I, off M*ck 2. Hit by Dllchar—By Devlnnay (Carroll). Htruck oat_By Davlnnay L by Hack 4. Wild pitch—Heck. ______

Fred Mltehall'i (lashes from out of the Golden W ell added the Giants to their t i l t of vlctlmi yesterday a t the Polo Grounds. Claude Hendrix engl-' neered the humbling of Jawn Mc- Qraw'a pennant asplranti, final count being 6-1. It wae not until the ninth, however, th a t the Cubs pul the game under lock and key, three runs being knocked off with Red Causey, former Rochester pitcher, on the mound. Jer- terson Tearenu started for the Olante, but wae Inclined to be generous with passes and was relieved by Fred An- deraon. who worked one Inning. Caueey tlnlehlng. Up to the ninth Causey did well. Grover Cleveland Alexander wae present In khaki and waa given an ovation. Chrleiy Mathewson wae also received with Joyoui aoelalm by the crowdi

P ittsburgh and Boston engaged In elxleen-round combat a t Boston, the p ira tes winning, 3-2. Ray Bandera was h it harder than Bunny Hearne, but the Buccaneere' twlrler was Invincible In the plnchee and allowed only one hit In the last eight Innlnga of play, fh e winning run was scored by Fred Mollo- w its on a squeese play with Inflelder Caton.i Konetchy'i triple brought over ttiB Brgv«a' two runs*

Mountain Battlers Will Drill and Sing Sunday^ in A c tio n to

Viewing Races.

Basulti of GeoiH Yestesday.Cleveland t. New York I d l le-L

ggseisl Sert4« of « • NEWS.RYE, N, Y., June II .—The two New

Jereey repreeentatlves who are In the leading flight of the Women’s Mstro- polltan Golf Association tourney at Apa warn! s were brought together today In one semi-final bracket. They were Mre. L C Stockton of R aritan and Mrs Thomas Hucknall of Koyest Hill Field Club, and the winner willplay the final b.Vveeenvictor In the other semi-final Mrs. B. A. Hersog o t Falrvlsw and Mrs, W. B. Bird ol Bleapy Hollow.

Mrs. Stockton was Invlnolble In herfirst-round m atch y**‘"2*'?l„** Mr* Mrs. C. T. Russell ot Ardsley. Mr*. Hucknall and Miss Beatrice Loune- pery ot Bedford had a close Jb**'?' margin a t the finish being two hMes Mrs. Hersog advanced by default

Mrs. Stockton won by * and s . ^ n # Somerville player w ent 0“ “ “ was excellent, considering the little roll the heavy tu rf allowed. Mrs. Hucknall had an up and down matoh^ Only two holes were helved. At the turn, the Forest Hill woman was 2 up. Her medal round w as 100.

In the second eight, Mrs. J. ®' 'Ina of Englewood loot to Mra u. Morrow of Great Neck, the last winning by 4 and 3, while In the third division four New Jersey women^wm clash today. They

II.. VaA«1 AYVArvsi. bW [iU veiaa eaaa

Minus practically all of tha prom inent players who so i^ h t the title In other years, competition etarted yesterday In the New Jersey State tennie cham- pionehlp on the courts o f the Montclair Al'nletlc Club. Because of a recent ru l­ing only New Jersey restdenie were permitted to compete. The draw for the singles numbersd twenty-alx. hut dofaults were eo numerous th a t only six matches were actually coiitssted during the day.

As the Held appeared yeitarday, Gerald Emerson, the Eaet Orange High Bchool boy, should have the easleet io r t ot a Urns clinching the championship. The only eerlous obilscle to the school boy. who was a finallet In tha junior national Indoor champlonehlps last March, loomed up In Lindsay Dunham ot the Itderan Outing Club of Rahway, the developer of Harold Throckmorton, but the obstacle was leveled when Don- ham defauged his first-round m atch to Carl L. Russell o t Rutherford. Em er­son's one match yesterday te n t him against Carl Tucker, a local product, and resulted In an eaey I—I. *—l vle- tory for the fsvorttj-

Only one of the opening day malchea went Into an extra set and It reaulted In a victory for L. S- Hobble of Forest Kill over R. W. Beabury ot Mountain Lakes. Hobble took the flre t eat a t I—4, lost the eccond by the same eoore and then collared the third a t S—1.

R. T, Bennett of Eisex County wae the only player to a tta in th e th ird round* In the fJrst round he put out Gardner Colhy of E m x County, l —J.(__1 and In the second round H. K-,Wldmer, a Newarker, was bis victim a t S—I. *—3-

The lummarlee:New Jarssjr' Championship

f r X V ^ j ;H Oaklay, Montclair, baat T. C. Corwlji, Eeit Oranf«e 8— __ _vaaeae. SHm

.tw -rirst J a

Carl hi Buwll, Buthtrford; won 'from jAndW Ilderan by default; B. B. Benneit, "'■■■* County, beat Oardnar Colby. S?**«—I, S—4i H. R. Wldmor. Nawark. won froP; Malcolm fioott v r 'f iJ i;L. fi. Hobble. Foreat Hill, iM l R. w. bm bury. Mountain Lakat. 4— D M.W iri. Rutharford, biak ArHiur Boyd, Both

-4. 4—3; Gerald Bmerion, O r^» « . Niwark. 4—3* e— &

War l. Rutherford, _beat Carl Tackir, Newark. *“ *»Braiaw. Bm!! County, won fro**' C. rt*nbv ^oraatL by default; Herbert Oexdner, R^thi^ford.* woS" f,om“ Wantea McBumey, Montolatr. by dafaull. ^ o n d ro u n d ^ K. B. Bennitt baat U. R. Wldmar, s—I, *—*’

Philadelphia I, Detroit 1.Chicaso 4, Boeton Louli 4, Waihlnston 2.

Blandlns ol the TeamaW, L. P.C.I YV, L .P .a

Boston. .. 10 10 -400l8t. Loula.NawYork. 22 20 .4241 Waeh'ton Chleaso... 24 10 .441 Phlla-...Cleveland. 26 24 ,520lD*trolt...

Gamee lodsw- New York at Cleveland,

‘ Boaton at Chleaso

II 21 .m I t IS .410 I t >2 .400 II 22 .«T

Farrelly of Bnglewood. who will meet

Philadelphia at Detroit. _ Waabli

Bamberger Card On for Tonight

Waahinston at BL tau la ' Miller HuftIds's Tank'aa team played

perfect baseball for but auttered lapsee Cleveland winning,Inpaugh tailed to Frank Baker had

eleven Innings, In the tw elfth,

4-1. Roger Peek-cover third after left the hag, and

Miss Pickhardt. a club mate; Mrs Bosthan of Spring Lake, scheduled to fak e on M rs' G.‘ P. Kuller. another Englewood representative. In the fourth eight. M r. F . E. DonOhoe Montclair defaulted to Mrs. R. ^ Eycroft. while Mrs. C. F. Ueb.lacker of Hackensack won her match.

The summaries;The summsrles follow;

firs t Eight.

J'tr.'.t.’’'M fi. W B. B " r Siaapy Hollow,

vollay, b*»‘ M ra Charlee T

Henry B atsford and Charlae bars moved out to the aeml-flnal bracket yesterday In play Brooklyn tennis championship- »*»•- ford dsfsated Frsdarlok G. Anderion,

*—4, and Chambera pu t out J. 8. O-Boyle. T -S, 0—*, S -J - KfAnk A"*'*'': son Is a third player who hae reached the semis. , , ,

Bain held Up ths matehee icheduled for yesterday In the Women s M etro­politan Championships in *wing o“ the West Bide Tennis Club oourte a t Forest Hills, Long Island. Flay waa resumed th is morning. ^

HARTFORD, Conn.. June 13 ( J ) .— The New England tennta championships were begun here yesterday, when the prelim inary and firs t rounds in the singles were played and the second

doubles and

Catches Ball Dropped from Aeroplane 700 Feet in Air

Terry Reilly and His Friend*To Make Gay at Annual Games

May Replace Southern League With a New Six-Club Circuit

NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Jun# 12 ( ^ ) .— Replacing of the Southern Association, alrsctors of which, a t a mooting Mon- day a t Birmingham, voted to close the •eason June IS. with a sIX-club league, ts being considered. Officials of ths Atlanta and Nashville clubs bavs ex- PTSssed thsmsslvsB as favoring the ertatlon ot a new league, especially It a ruling by Provost Marshal Oensral Crowder favorable to baeebiU players under the "work or fight" order should he mads, as rumorad In baishall olroles.

The plan I t being considered by Man. ager Frank, of the Atlanta team, and Bacretary H aury of the Nashville olub Is to discontinue the New Orleans and Mobile clubs and uae the players from those two clubs to strsngUien tha ethera.

n t e a e a ’e Teas* Dewaa New Jeraey. The Flrem en't Ineurance Company

nine and the New Jersey Fire Insurencs team played a sovsn-lnnlng game yee- tarday a t City Field, with the former a winner, 4 to 2. The defeat len t the losers from second place to thlriL It was an tnauranca League eontaat.

The score:Flremen’B ......... J J } J « Jjf, J. ...................C 0 1 0 I 0 0—1

Batteries—^Waller and Hemple, P rist •nd Haselngsr, ___________

k e l l y f ie l d , Tax., June 12.—Cor­poral Michael Angelo Beieolo of an aero squadron hsrs caught a baseball dropped from an aeroplane 700 feet in the a ir on Memorial Day, according to the Kelly Field Eagle. Lieutenant E u­gene Bowers want up In hla m a r in e Just before the baaeball game o t that day with three doien halla. and dropped them one at a time, as he circled around the field with hla alllmeter registering 700 feet, 10 the players who wera w ait­ing for a catch, but tha wind was blow­ing hard and tha course of the balli was difficult to estimate.

Ju s t as the last balls wera baing thrown and the attem pt waa bellavad to be a failure, one described a wlda curve and came straight for Besaolo. He held hla hands high and mads a euro catch, hie hands being driven against his chest, staggarlng him slightly, and bruising Ms hands, but he played In the game In right field w ithout a ball being h it In hli direction.

Besaolo was an aaslatant taller In the Untied States National Bonk In Los Angeles previous to going In the ser­vice. H i played ball on the 8L Vincent Collage and University ot Santa Clara teams, and ratuead an offer to play prcfeastonal basaball a fte r graduation.

Street, the Washington American League catcher, and Sullivan of the W hite Sox, held the record w ith 641 feet from the top of the W ashington Monument. 1 ! ' ' >

The hlggest affair ot the year, as far as Terry Reilly 1* concerned. Is elated to r Sunday afternoon a t Heidelberg Park, Maplewood, where the Tarry Reilly Association will hold Its annual ath le tic and pleasure outing. The tickets this year ara to ha M a ■mash, but says Terry, the best time ever le oesured. There's more fun a t these parties, saye Terry, and more people are killed than a t any other a f­fa ir of the kind.

Fireworks are expected when the Irish and Scotch clash In a football game, one of the feature numbers on ths program. The fat man's race bs- tween P a t Bum* of the Police Depart­ment and Lieutenant Byran of Engine Company No. 6 le expected to furnish ■ome fun. A relay race between the Puritan Athletic Club and the Reilly Aiiouiatlon Is expected to send a t least seven to the hospital the next day. and a three-legged race le alio slated.

A hall ganw, with Eddie Cadue, the veteran umpire, handling the Indloator. Is the final number on the cy d . One would think that Cadue, w lth'eo many rea rs of eiperlsnea. would know better than umpire a game like that, but he evidently doesn’t cars what happens to him. Something's going to happen, that's a surety.

Bauthwa Asseetatloa. New Orleani I. Memphis 1. New Orleace I. Memphle 1. Atlanta I, Niahvltl* I,Mobil* I, LUlle Bock I. Blrmlnfbam I, Chattanoega 1.


E M ttn Lcagae- N*w Haven 2, Waterbary 1.

SprlntflekWfct»rbury 0.

London I. Sprlntfleld 6. New London 11. gprlnsdald C.New Haven I,New London 2j

Next Sunday promises to be a devilish day a t tha Velodrome. There have been ^evlllth days there In the past, but this Is to be "Blue Devil" day and 103 Blue Devils or Chaaseure Alpines of France

I will be the guests of the management.In addition to being guests the Blue Devils, a ll of whom have been deco­rated with Legion of Honor medals and th s Croix de Qusrrs, will provide part of the entertainment. They are to drill and sing.

The Blue I5«vI1b are. In truth, tne gueete of the Prudential Instlrance Company, which sublet them to Colonel Chapman for the eflernoon.

An afternoon of bike racing should prove entertaining to the French moun­tain warriors. A number of them, It has basn disclosed, are or were amateur or professional road riders prior to the war and all are devotsts to cycle racing, which la to France what baaeball la to th is country.

Another attem pt will be made tonight to launch the season of nocturnal meets.It will he "Bamberger night," and every Wednaeday night will be "Bam­berger night” until "Bamberger night" paiaea Into hletcry. The events com- pOBlng the "B. N." program are a pro- fetslonal record tria l a t a sixth ot a mils, a flvs-mlle eptn and a one-mile handicap for ths pros and two amateur ■ aces.

Felix Fuld and Louts Bamberger hav^ arranged to be preeent and will fire the gun th a t will s ta rt the races named In honor o t these members of the L. Bam­berger Company.

Partic ipating In the featlvltles to­night will be Albert ("Musty") Crebe of Balt Lake City, whose sole claim to fame Is possesalon of tbs world's record tor a sixth of a mils. "Huoty'' a«t the m ark a t 112-6 seconda some yaars back a t Balt Laka City, and aver sines the day of "Musty's" Immortal ankllng Frank Kram er and other members of the cult have tried In vain to erase "M uity’a" fam e Once, on the very boards on which "Musty’' streaked to Immortality, Kramer equaled the record, but as no member of the etald N C. A had an official eye on the per­formance, Kramer waa unable to shoul­der ha lf of "MuBty's'' fame.

"Musty" Is slated to exhibit his six th- mile prowess tonight, hut It must not he expected that ha will equal or even aoDroach hie Salt Lake figures Recordvw _ . Sear

Ray Caldwell bobbled an Infield tap In attem pting to cut off a runner a t the plate. lA'allle Plpp's debate w ith Um­pire Dick Nallln, following a decision a t second base, was an anim ated one. PIpp did

nVli.V” ™ " HUr>S’*" W - BiilVic* Louna-Bedford, 1 up.

Second Eight* 'Dun-

" i M l m u " *77nto will b . — f " * TTfl’ i"■ S ; , a 2 'K.'TrSn’S rb«


Hloepy Hollow, beat Mrt* C.Mrs. J. - H- N!!t!U,

rip p V..M not finish the “Thdy&nke«B tl!d the icor* In A*}{*all but pried Jim B ighy off the nui. C&ldwell pitched good ball fo r the NewYorkers. ^

W hite ehowert above the red In the battle of the Sox a t Chicago. The ComJakey Sox bunched lilts off Jones of the Barrow Sox and won. 4-1. Urban Faber wae accorded eonwtlonal sup­port, catches by Eddie Murphy and Happy Felech featuring. Faber hae enlisted In the navy and expects to re­port Friday a t the Great Lakea T rain­ing Station. . . ‘Batting of George Burns featured the Philadelphia and Detroit game, which wae annexed by the Msekmen., 8-L Burns peeled oft a triple, double and three singles In five tlmee a t bat. Cun nlrgham and Carroll Jones were given a Blxteen-hlt lacing by the McGIlllcuddy youngster!. *

Fhaw eiaayed a !eml-lron man leai for Washington, but hie good pitching proved futile becauee of bobblleh tac­tic* ' >• Johnnie Lavan, St. Louis win- nine by a 6-1 registration. Shaw pitched seven Innings Monday r* 'turned to the milling yesterday. The Browns acored three rune In the third Inning, enough to win.

up'and t to play.Third Eight.

8"KB»mTApaw:mr.: 'An<1. bcut Ur!* B- 0 _. arlAvnAfl.MU.' “.” Vud, PlckhijrdT; Xlnfl.wood,

* 'w '*Ia* We*l, Chlnaaa champion, fur- •nUhkd the nioet ipectaouJat tennli* corSlng rem behind In s .v .r a l aela to HnTlly win. R. I* Jamoa also «howsd fine form. ______ _

Navy Eleven Wants to Meet Princeton, Harvard or Yale

u J i Mr*' M Power*. ApawimU, by de-

Fomrtjl Eight*a « —it Mr* C F. ‘Uebaleelter,

HreSnejek sire. <y

A ecu, i / p f . e . bo?;pyecrofl. W y ^ y l. beat Mr*, ohoe. Montolalr, by detaulL

T lltk DlvUloa.w".’' ‘2S*'pe”ke,'AP*?:

* T * w : r r i

ninidal*. by default Wyktgrl, dr*W a

lira FrankSnn-Z4k,


Prohibitive Price Placed On Omar Khayyam by Viau

Bridgeport 7. HirUord 4. PTovidenc! I, WorcMlor 1.

W.H. Wilson Followed Racing In Primitive Days ol Sportw H WlliorT, one of the early boom­

ers of light b a rn .sa racing In the South, Is oomparatlvely unknown JP” **"*' day followers of ‘to many p erion i of the 80'e

ANNAPOUS, June 12,—The published statem ent th a t PrlneototL H arvard and Tale expect to have football teams In tha field n o il fall has been r»calvod with much Interoat a t tha Naval Acad­emy. and an effort l i being made a t once to fill the open—with one ot these teams. The Naval W e ro rm a n a g e m e n t w ill be glad to play any one of them a t Annapolis on the^dato manllonod and reasonable requirement

The question arose aa to whethar It wouW ba wise to play «> »trong M antagonist In tha event of a Weat Point, which would be played one week later. The Navy, however, le ready to take this chance in order to secure a hlgthe local eeaeon and dooa no t feel thM the chance otwould be such a great one. ^ h l lo It le hoped tmrt the service game will be played, there Is no certain ty “7 ‘probability of it a# yet. The N a ^ people are witling to tak e a chance at having to play both gam e. t |« "

big game on the beme

Amertran Aseoetatlon.St. Paul 4. Lnulevin. 2. Toledo 6, Kanea* CUV 4. Irdlanapoll* 4, Mllwauke* Columbus 4, Mlnneapolli 1,

breaking la largely conlrolted by geog rephy. There Is considerably leas ra- •iatance to the atmosphere ot Salt Lake

than there Is In the oione otCity ............... -Vgllgburgh. Th« VallBbtirgh atmotphero l i compo!8d alm oit gnllrsly of re il t t- ance. generated by various and mindry tmprovament aasoelatlona. If Musty nanatralsa this realitance within a JeconVot h i. sa lt Lake time he will he perform ing a laudable bit of propelling.

Omar Khayyam is for aale, bu t the purchaser will have to pay U®®;®®® get the famous four-year-old. Wilfred Vlau recently set the purchase price, although the owner say# he Is not anxious to sell, even x t th a t price. E d­ward McLean offered *76.000 for the Imported oolt, but the W ashington man's otter received no serious eon- slderatlon. However, th is offer was followed by another, which prompted the owner ot Omar to fe t a m ark which all can shoot at. Vlau’s prohibitive price shows Just how anxious he i t to dispose of the sleek golden cheetnuL

commander J. K. L. Rose, owner of Cudgel, oald following Cudgel's vic­tory In the Kings County a t Jamaica, that he would not take *100,000 fo r him. Sam Hildreth declared only a few days ago that Hourlosa would no t have been BOli fer *160,000, previous to his re ­tirement. The thoroughbred m arket would appear to be In no danger of rolHipao. Vlau bald *26,600 to r Omar Khayyam at auction, while Cudgel cost commander Rose *20,060. Those prices were considered big las t year. Evidently the war has done racing a world of go4>d.

the game, but who recall day*

Wilson l i remembered as a tall, dignified looking Indi­vidual with a full beard, "btr p a w n • trifle long, topped with a broad-brimmed ha t of Senator al prm portion* and an unlimited volume ofeonvereatlon about tro tte r , and^aesr^e

w ! H “ " o n Fhlried around

forego inds

:o the*™he Naval A4mdemy expects to have one of the strongest team s In the coun­try next year, w ith Ollmour Doble. the noted coach, again a t the *'•*'*’ hoped th a t th is fact will no‘ hlg fsllowB from coming to Annapolli.

.a - ear* trM ke of the Middle W ait bo-T h l K V a r , l^ y d.

Baalguetiea •* *Uoe Aeeegted.NEW YORK, June 1* < ^ ) . ^ h e res­

ignation of Jim Rice, eoacb Columbia Untvorilty crew* sine* *** "S 'ceptsd last night. uats m anager of " ‘‘“ •J*®"', dared hie resignation. accepted. The athletic authorities in- stead granted him a leave of absence for one year ao th a t he m ight engage in w ar work.

whiVs: rsTo^rtS: b o w ht, . cm, «.ded

‘ V o A h e W f f i l l . Mas "Cynthlana'

Lengthy Entry for Stake Events of Lexington Gird

Trxa* League CeaoMera GolHlag.DALLAS. Tex., June 13 (JPh —

W hether the Texas League will play out th is eaaeon'd ichedule will be de­termined today a t an adjourned ses­sion here of directors of the various clubs, ■ Unofficially. It wae eu ted mag­nate* were about equally divided on the oueetlon of concluding the eeaeon late In Jap e or aariy In July and playing out the ecbedule. __ ________________ __

Professional Baseball Players Hope to Be ExemptedFrom Work or Fight Order Until Close of the Season]

J i b fltyn ii MSS•lU.TONIBKY



M l w iMllcif, 1 W*

WASHINGTON, June U-—Profes­sional. baaeball playsre may bo ex- einpt^d for th® remkJpdir of the pre!“ ent playing season from ths work-or- Itght order recently Issued by Provost ^ r a h a l General Crowder.

Baeebail magnates. It le laamod, have been promised a deltnite atiiw er on the m atter within ton days, daring wkloh time the whole (luoitlon will be put before Seoretary M ker.

Repreaeutation hae been made to the provost mantaal g snerari offlee by the baseban heads that the w ork-or-flgbt order would cauie a tremendoue mone­ta ry loee to owners of basaball clubsthnnighout the dcuntry, who have eo- tarad Into leexon centraott of various•o rts and who aro obliged to carry out tbeae oontraets. They have told the prevost marshal general th a t they would be willing to suapend next year If allowed to finish out tho present geas4>n.

Provost Marshal General Crowdar •aid yesterday that be will Issue prob­ably witbln a week a statem ent giving a immpleta explanation ot the work.-or- flgh t order wblch could be need by

I loca l. board* tn dstermtning the ap­

plication of tha order of thousands of cases, which, under tho present In­definite rule, present perplexing que*- ttone to the local boarda

"The complaints and Inqulrlsa that we have received have been thoroughly and completely gone Into," he e a l l ■*and they will form the haala for tha statem ent which I Intend to make. The ■tatement must be litued before July 1, on which date the woTh-or-(lght order becomae e((Bcttve,"

Genaral Crowder underatands th a t thara wae muoh uncertainty all over the country in regard to the order, and th a t thouaande of men have been In doubt as to whether the order applied to them. Local boards have baan un­able to give theee men latlifactlon as to their atatue, and aa a consequonoa the man have bean In doubt a i to whethar they ought to change their

'"’After the explanation of the work- or-ftghl order If made, then each case will be determined on Its own merits with the lo(al boards aa usual having tb s righ t of determining each case aub- ject to appeal either by Ih* govern­ment *r the man attectad, ,

jtm m ie Coclunan H**d» Leegue.Jimmie Cockman, former Newark

basabeU P lay er, hae been elected presl- S?” Of ?he Guelph (Can.) Industrial League, a baseball organlxallon ootn- poaed of five teems. Each team U to play three games a week.

In the ten fixed events scheduled for the forty-Blith annual meeting of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders’ A i-

■ soclatlon. 807 horses are enUMd by , breeders and owners from all idotloas I of the country. Tho lift of entries equals any previous entry in the aieo- rtatlon's history. For the thrse-year- old Kentucky Futurity for tro tte rs valued a t *14,000, forty-three young- siera have been kept eligible. This Is the most finsnelally alluring race of the Grand Circuit. Tho Transylvania

: 2,06 trot, all aged championship race,I le one of .the most Im portant of the Grand Circuit events. The event has u *1,000 vales.

. . ■4 yn in ..« - WlUon from ths town farm , Abdallah Park, was lo-

atl other Wilsons, and branch of tho fam ily Blue Bunrivaled Hambletonlan. J f4h* home of the tro tter, owes ' W. H. W ll« ra debt of gratitude, as he was

only very active In reorganising Thi K?Btucky T rotting Horps Brssdsrs

a iUd »nd a t o n e W liw* to tne Bins Oraas 43ountry. Both of rived In 1*71, and both of them died in

' ‘p rio r to 'th e lr Advent Kentucky sent out a few troUere, Lady Thorn be-

the b e e t George Wilke* (Ranged thf*. and hla deecendantsvdld th» bal­ance. Whtl* It I* true th a t Alexander • AM^llah. through Almont and Belm^ont, haadv Hedtum, Aberdeen nod Hitold* helped, th e g roa t volume of Kentucky light harnee* racing *5“ * SGeorge Wilke*. The (J**e*ndaot*?hl. hor* . added more to the the e ta t . than any u th ^ fgwllhin It* boundaries. W. ll. wuaon was also fortunate lo

nf h ie best son*, for Atadalloha f t « P«TSg Abdan*h. Ih;^an-

a^llB and am uggler were discarded.

C A P T .J A O Kn AN

id e a l ! u m m w o o l l a h


wKT«**Mav*MUsa ••. Tsev.«. V.

Miriam Oay !■ FromlsIUB T rottar.Miriam Guy, three-year-old t ro tu r , 1*

ceneldsred 'a Itksly aapiratit for raotng honors. A few days ago Fr*d trove her a mils over the C h a rtfr Oak track a t Hartford tn 2.11, w ith the U*t ha ll In 1.684*. The filly I* a daughter of Guy Axworthy, l .t lH *

Tkrse Barvarti Oaxamaa MHH*t-CAMBRIDGE, M ast, June I I (*>'

Throe memhers of the Harvwm vMalty erew enlisted yeeterdar- John U h o sj went Into the naval aviation, Bwhafd Bowse entered the naval rsM W e ^and Frank Farman Jotnpd th a iMinhM' '

Rii**efl Boy Promise* to Show SensationiBy Along Big Grout

The oaoar Bnasell Boy promisee to ba a Gland Circuit seniatlon again thl*

‘•hdlng stake wlnnoT of HIT recently turned th* North R ae- te n traok Ih *-®*- A* f*•eason Busaslb J?!sU bls of BlUla Donohua A ftsr tho homo lost a t p e tro lt to ®•all Boy found hla way to th s Oaef* ■tahls for tho second tim*. and race4 t ^ n g l i th* Grand Circuit, for th* v * t* r in d rlv .r . AfUr-th* s ^ n ’s cloa* Ru*s*U Boy F a i transfsrrad to. th* ■uhl* of F tod Edman and remains In chars* of Edman. BUm s I! Boy 1* squlppee "» lth hobblw and right now la i* d d r lo B a st comatg.

•"Solo” socks never mrNot even when there’s

run on fancy "Solos” tAll fast color! '•Raglstersd Trademark.

Neither do our silk shit run!

Athletic underwear size however, run up to 54 chesj

Ro g e r s P e e t cc»*p a n yBregd«t]r Brotdn^ 13th St. Fdur M3

Sroadwty Store* Fifth AvddtW anen dt41»tStl

NEW York City

Teuii pdign f*r Associdtii of grgnti S. Myrie players « on foothi focused < that, fivi of both “malcln*’

On* “ W*

body bui theae *pc re action,

Thar fit at foi •rms and to a coi|i

Only * lege men graduatli away th< appllcatli preparatl the gam baaeball quitting few, an* college sports rp settle on letes wh football ners tn i loave the made thi have g rt draw for Is alway) of men v on dlamq tentlon a nls, lndO( Its wortl beatable ■hould b< (or, ratk crowds I real objs aid to Ol recitatloi kaep a ) exacting world 4H the mast a eport, I mencerot Inence w (or tennl

Tonnls I

I t ts m istake entry fo ehlpe ati Under oi could pr to aasur w ar tim leader i mente t] minor al anawred which al ot the H of these the coun hard enc of other even hat permittee m andi ( Under tl lo be ex players medioert the f irs t * n the lot more,


Vary i tween gi and ouk U tteria I •uch la

WBD] M ifli

imey ; of Stars’ Jcney Af- ip Play

t for Title

he prom inent 'Itle In other re ite rd n y In

:enole chnm- tbe Montclnlr ! a recent rul- leldenta were rhe draw for 'etity-*l*. hut )ui th a t only ,lly coutesteiJ

id yeiterday< O ranse H l(h

te eaiteat eort champlonahlp- to the achool In the Junior lonehlpe la it ,deay Dunham kb of Rahway, rhroeltmorton. led when Dun- ound m atch to irford. Emer- day eent him local product,I—1, t —1 vie-

g day matohee ind It reeulted bble of Foreat y of Mountain le f i r i t aet e t the tam e acore ,rd a t «—1.IS County waa :aln the third ind ho pu t out [ County. •—1. 1 round H. R-, IB b ii v ictim a t

Wntlee—rirat e Coorte. won Ir, by default Ir. C Corwin.rl L. RuimU.leay Dunham, lanaett. Ktaax lEeiaa County. Newark, won B, by defaolti at R, W. Bea- ( _ t ; 1. M. ir Boyd, Rulh- lereon. Otante, _J. a—1; A, C.1 from C. 0. irbert Oardnar, ■ca McBumer. nd round; K. r, e I,narlaa Cham- e aeml-final ilay lo r the nahlp. Baaa- O, Anderaon, pu t out J, 8,

F ran k Andor- a haa reachad

latohaa ichadulad Women’* Metro-

I In iw in* on the a courto a t Foreet 'lay waa returned

• —, June 11 <“ )•— nls ehamplonihlpeiterday, when the it round! In the

and the lecond The doublee and

II be ita rto d today, e tournam ent will be tra in in g camp

champion, fur- tacu lar tennla. aeveral eeta to e l aliO thowed

ints to Meet Arvard or Yale11,—The publtehtd

loloit. H arvard and , football teame In haa been received at the Naval Acad­

ia being made a t date—November 1* Ceame. The Naval

int w ill bo glad to im a t Annapolla on and w in m(Ot any

ent in order to do it. la aa to w hether It pley eo etrong aa ■ent of a game with vould be played one Navy, however, la chance In order to to r the cloelng of

d doee no t feel that eakenlng Ito team eat one. W hile It la rvlee gama will be certain ty or even a aa yet. The Navy to tak e a chanca at j gamaa ra th e r then :ame on the home

imy ekpecte to have t team i In the coun- 1 OUmeur Doble, the 1 a t the head. It It !t w in no t deter the loming to Annapolla,

I Aecoptad. p< »).—Tha rea- ^ .cliof Columbia fl 1»0T, waa ac-

y Flaher. grad- i- itlci, alBo ten- but It waa not authorltlaa In- -

ave of abaence .. I m ight engaga

ocks never rur when there’s "Solos"!

lor! Irradomark,

lo our silk shir

underwear size n up to 54 ches|Peet company

BroadaPour at 34tb S|Storea

Y o r k o t y

Fifth Avd at4SatSb

O N B W ifr ' O FL O O K IN G A T IT

#Teunla as a ma)or college sport la on the way. Following up the cam*

paign for development of |unlor tennis, the United Stataa National Lawn Tennla Aaaociation has addressed the various coHego pmidenia on the advlaahlHty of granting the net gams a major sport rating. In letters sent out by Julian S. Myrietc, vice pretidani of the auociatlon, irgumant la made that if the players were able to win athletic honorc in isnnii tgulvelent to thoio conferred on football and huahall men, the attention of many mbre students would b« focused oq tha court daring their collegiate life. Ii i« Mr. Myrick’i contention that, favored with euch recognition, tennla would begin to claim the ettention of both boyi and girls el an age when moat boyt now begin to dreim of "making" their grammar or high school team in baieball ar (botball.

One parigrtpb of the letter holding particular significance reads In parir"We raoeinisa that iperts such m football, huehall and rawing are great

body builders. It very often happens, bewever, that many who participate in theae sports in collage do net continue their exercise after graduating, and the reaction, tberefore, la distinctly harmful to their phyilcal condition."

Thera ere, however, thousand! of ooilege graduates who are as phyalcally fit at forty as they were on the day they tucked their sheepskin under their arms and set out to conquer ihe world, and their fitness may he traced straight to a continuation of athlatics.

Only a very amall paretntaea a t eot- laae men compete on th* erldlrep a fte r graduation, and even theae few toei away their football toga after a few appllcatlone, for It requlr** special preparation to withaland tha rigors of the game. A tew varsity meo sdopt baseball aa a tentative profession on quitting their alma mater, hut only a tew, and the great msai of graduated college a th le tes fall back on other aports for exercise. In the main, they settle on tennis, Isldem do the a th ­letes who tpeclallied In baeebsU or football In college become prise w in­ners In open tannie competition; they leave those spoils for th t players who made th e ir tennis tssm In college or have grow n up on the court, but the draw for any club’a cloaed tournam ent la alw aya well cluttered with the namea of men wha In other dayi were heroec on diamond and gridiron. The atrlct a t ­tention which, these athlete* give ten ­nis, Indoors and out, Is proof oneugh of Its w orth aa an sserclse and an un- heatabla argum ent why the court game should be favared with a major rating, (or, ra th e r than a magnet for great crowda and tha creation of heroes, tha real objact of ootleglate sports Is aa an aid to conquering the problems of the recltatlofi hall. The sport which will hasp a g raduate primed for the more exacting du tle i of life in the business world cannot but assist a student in the m aite ry of hia atudlaa. And such a sport, Btll) helpful after the last com. m encenant day, deserves all the prom­inence which the N. L. T. A. Is asking (or tennis.

Tannla lilm lta tlon Hurt*

I t Is quite evident that a genuine B tatake was fhada In confining the entry for the sta te tennis champion* ■hips s tric tly to New Jersey residents. IJnder ordinary condlliona New Jersey could produce enough of her own son* to assure a bang-up tournament, but w ar ttmaa ohangs things, and from a leader among melropollUn tourna­m ents th s f l i tu r s haa dwindled to a minor a ffa ir. Only twenty-six players answ rsd hs call (or titu lar play, which sta rted yesterday on the courts of the M ontclair Athletic Club, and five ef these defaulted their matches. W ith the country a t war It would hava been hard enough te malntela the standard of o ther years In paint of compstltlDn, even had the old order of things been perm itted to stand, for the nation's de­mands on tennla have been g en era l Under tha «aw' llm lutlona It was only |e be expected that aa as many crack players hava antered tha aarvlce a medioora flald would seek the title and the f I r i t day's play was attended with all the an tlc lp au d mediocrity plua a lot mors.

Another Record (or WU4Very often the oqly dl((*renee be­

tween gslfere prominent In oempstltlpn and o thers not so well knqwn li the le tte r’e tack o t oppetlunlty te practlca. in ch la th e caia a( IddlB Wild, tha

Cranford amateur, whs would be heard from more frequently If he bad the chance for almost dally visits to the links that all professionals and many leading amateurs have—or did have, before tbe war. About two or three times each season, Wild braaka out with a round of exceptional golf. It doesn't happen |h tournament competl- tlen, because the Cranford man doesn't break away from business for a two or thraa day Isava very often. More generally it comet on an occasional In­formal round. Buch was hi* no te­worthy performanee at Flainfteld, where he brske the amaleur record (or the course by going around in TO, one of the most deserving efforts ot the sea ­son.

A TO a t Plainfield Is fast stepping. The profeaalonal reoord la only a atroka under, and la to the credit of none other than the home profeaalonal, Marty O'Loughlln. The T1 aet by Gardiner W hite a y^ar ago and the TS made the previous year by Wlld'a fellow-towna- man. Max Harston, were both excellent rounds, and as the course haa been stiffened alnct Maraton'a record, Wlld'a 70 la all the more creditable. Nothing more Imprcaalve regarding the b ril­liancy of Wlld'a round can be added to the fact that h li card Included nine O'e.

- 4, -

No UpeetB bb Apowem la

Everything In the Women's M etro­politan Golf Aaaaclatlon tourney nt Apawamis la running atrlcdy to form. In fact, Ihe eihlbltlona of the first two days emphatlied the original choice that the final will be a contest between Mrs. L. C. Stockton of Rarlt-an Valley and Mrs. S. A. Hersug of F.vlr- vlew. The only poaaiblllty of one ot the favarllea failing to attain the final bracket la the chance of Mra Htcokton falling today In her eeml-flnal against' Mrs. Thomas Hucknall ot Forest Hill. If Mrs. Muckhall keeps up her game, (he match will be the beat of tha tour­nament, but the odds favor her oppo­nent from Somerville. Mrs. Blockton la the lower loorsr, but her advantage uvei Mrs. Hucknall la not ua g reat In n;a'.ch play a t It would be In stroke competition. At tha present time, Mrs- Hucknall la not a t the top e t her game as she wea In the metropolltau ehani- Pionahlp a year ago, when she waa ru n ­ner-up to Mrs. W. A. Oavtn. Thta le prim arily becauae tha F o ra it Hill woman haa net been playing aa fre ­quently this year. Mrs. Stoekton aleo has had leia tournament compatuion than In other aaasone, but the abaence of fixtures haa got hurt her game, as her showing In the first two daya' play a t Rye attests.

BAscbalt Men WorriedAt the preiant momsnt basehall In

B lck^vary alck—and there la In tig h t more work tor the undertaker. Yester­day the Southern Aiaaelatlon made an ante-mortem statem ent concerning tbe diapeial of Its remain* and to^av the

*««M tM g u e la bslag iqtataured fewa stylish ahroud. The New Intarngr tlonel yesterday tried tw ilight beaebelt w ithout Inoraeelhf the puUe action ot Its turnstiles le en encouraging degree end th s bfinthee, that chirping angel of death, is lurking In Ihe twilight Crowded by General Crowder, the big leagues ere In e a te ti of hyattrls and yelling te r help.

I t ’* a trying eltuatien for bMtball, fa r more serious than a t any time dur­ing th* Federal Irsague epidemic. There appear* to b« little hop* of the major­ity of the minor league* finlehing their playing schedules, hut (hing* ars a bit more hopeful tor the big laaguti. The two major erganlaatlop* have placed their caaes before the W ar Department baaed on the plea ttigt baseball, like the theatera, which arc exempt from the “work or fight" order, serves aa a die- trao tlng medium fully aa well aa ths comedy or drama. The majors hava re­quested that they he permitted to go through with their playing schedutee, and if th ii Is granted there Is no ddubt about them rscelvlng'sufflclent support to be able to reach the end ot their BcheduleA

The ch lif affliction of the minors is lack ot support, which Indicate* that the folks of ih li country either do not crave a distracting medium or are too busy to Imbibe the tonic. If attend­ance was normal the ralie In rales on the raliwaya would net menace their existence to a eerlous extent, and the "work or fight" order would not sap th e ir man power-to an alarming degree, a s a nieJority of the intnor league players are over or under the age limits stipulated In ths provost marshal gen­eral's decree. Apparently baeobsll ot the small-tim e variety la a victim of clrcumetancca from which it cannot rc- co v tr until afte r the war.

BaJeer H ay Bo Halted

Many New York critics are figuring th a t tha former Quaker, J. Franklin Baker, will Just about lead the Ameri­can Deegue In batting title season. ThcN 'a no aaaurenna that ths far- famed cltlien ot Trappe, Md., will not lead the Ban Johnson organisation's clubbing pageant In 1111, but there's a chance to Insert a negative prediction with glowing ohaneea of winning. J. Franklin Baker la about due for a slump. Ha has something akin to a slump avery year, and the periods ot batting Inactivity last for many days. Baker, marvelous batsman though be Is, la not conslatent. Like the little girl who had a little curl which hung right down on her forehead, when he Is good he Is very, very good, and when ha la had he la 'orrid.

- 4 -

An Era of OometiacligSurely this la an era of comabacka.

The Bedells gave evidence ot being dangerous aa of yore In Sunday's bicycling at' the Velodrome, Floyd Kreba caused the talent to take a firm er grip on the eeata, while Jackie Clark daisied along lo a triumph. Even Arthur Rhodes carried the pack around a t such a vigorous clip that comment waa rife. Now Nash Turner. Jockey, famous a decade ago, flashes to the (or*. Turner saddled hla first w inner of tha year yeiterday In the first raca at Belmont, and did It ao Impreselvaly that h it friends predict a re tu rn to hla old-time form. £oon one may hear (hat the Cardiff Giant has been resurrected to battl* Ajax. One never can ta l l

TroxlcrV Main S aap To Be Sufly vs. Lyons

Newarkfr. 145*Pound Champion of Camp Dix. Signed to Box

New Yorker Here Friday.

McCrca and Saliman Pul on Card

Qua T ra ile r haa signed up Young Sully of Camp DIx and Bobble l.y.ona of New York (or the main go a t th Central Inatltuta 'a show Friday nigh Sully won tha lf(-pound title a t Cam DIX recantly, but before Joining th . army he was nevtr more than a eeml- flnal and preliminary performer. Ac­cording ts reports, sully hae improved fifty per pent, and hia large following probably will be out atrong to root fo r him.

Lyona la a newcomer hare, never having performed In this city before. He le said to hav« fought Leo Johnson, Joe Malone and a fsw other good boys. Tha aeml-flnal will be between Harry McCrea and Young Salatnan, a pa ir ot v e te ran s The usual prelim inaries will be staged.

Instruction Standardized . In Required Camp Sports

■WASHINGTON, Juno 12.—The ques­tion, "What Is the moat popular sport In the navy?" cannot be categorically answered. The answer aeerot to be: "The elective aports are not unl- vereal." The elective sports include football, basehall, rowing, hockey and hashethall, with numerous less prs- tenilouo games. Thera are. however, three apcrti which eyary man In the navy must take, a t least In masa dr|Il, If not In Individual competition. Every man must know how to ewlm, box and wreatle, as a part of hla navy train­ing.

Local Scrappers lo Battle For Gmp Merritt Soldiers

Meat of Newark's leading boxers and aeveral from Klliabeth uflil appear In bouts a t Camp Merritt one week from Saturday. The offlolglt In charge of the M erritt enleHalnment asked Bennie Miller and Jimmie BrUnsa, the local boxing managera, |f they could asalst In securing boxers for th t affair. Miller and Brlenaa Imnierilgtely offered their entire atable. Young Cardoll. I’annie Paveaa, Johnnie Howard, Johnnie Evans, Joe Forglont and Pals Cook will all m ake the trip, along with Kid Henry of Newark, Tony Render, Joe Tierney and BennI* O'Neill of E ltiabeth, and an effort Is being made to Ipnd Tommie Speno and Banty l.ewli.

. . .Dannie Paveie intends to i t s r t tra in ­

ing tomorrow afternoon, a fte r a long Idleneas. Dannie was Isid up for sev­eral wsehs with an attack of rheuma- tiam, but he bellevaa he la atrong enough again to raauma gym worli. Dannie will probably maka hi* dsbut nt Troxler'a with Whitey Fftggarald of Philadelphia as an opponent. P ltsger- ald la a fte r a mateh with Dannis here and Dannie expects to spring the propo- eltton OB Qua Troiler.• • •

Kid H$nry, -who engraved In iuch a a«nsaMonal bout with Toramte fipemu last wRek, has Bljrned for elirbt- round gro with JotinnJs Haysi^ to take pUce a t Red Bank one week from F j-1> day nl^ht.

• « •Young Cardell has been m atched to

box Young Rector of Jersey City In the main go a t Eastern Club In Long Branch, June 21.

* • •Lcoka aa If there eoon will he a bout

between Mickey Delmont and Dannie Baveae. The pair had an argum ent yesterday over a cuckoo olock and be­fore they slopped arguing nearly every one In the crowd was "cuckoo." Soma one suggested that they fin lib the battle with gloves.

* 9 •Mickey Pasquale In nut with % oha!>

to Pete Cook. There le no one in thie c!ty that* Hickey would like to lake a crack e t more than Cook, but raequale doean't know how to make Cook tnad*

9 • «Mickey Belmont th lf m ornlnv re ­

ceived a wire from Providence offering the Newark bantam a match with Johnnie Ruaaell to take place tomofrow n lfh t a t Newport. R. f. Mlokey didn't accept becauae the notice waa too abort.

H arry Qreh and Oua C hrlitle are to meet June 24 a t Bridgeport. (Ireb \b aleo to tackle Jack McCarron June 2t a t Toledo. Another match Qreb hae pending la with BaUUng Iievlnaky, to be staged a t Cincinnati within the neat two weeke* Tke racing eeaepn opene at Lutonia Friday and It |a the opinion of Prom oter Jimmie Bhevltn a big Ca'owd m ight be attracted to the match.« • 9

The dirertore of the Mercantile Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce of Danbury. Conn., yeeterday paeeed reaolutlona Indorelng the proposed Ful- ton-Deinpeey scrap, July 4, a t Danbury. The Danbury Ministerial Aeeoclallon went on record a t the same time aa being opposed to the bnut, end Intends to take action to etop (he affair.

« • •Another benefit, with boxing the

feature, le elated for Madison Square Garden June 20* The proceeds will go to the W ar Hospitai pn tert# tn inent Committee, which handles the erection of auditorium s in boapitale "over there"



ARE JSPECIAUY_rOR^^^ Q l g g R in iN A T I N & .A N D E X P C R I E K C E P

S n O K C R O f H IG H ^ A P E it u k k i s h c i g a r e t t e s

P ie U e n t l in ^

i s e x c e p i i o w l .

m t i i * , ! ^

1 8 .cents

They are just

like m eeting your Best Girl face to' face.

JHEM£MBERm*There are n o oihere like yo^r C /*

gg th a t IXt lnjura4 bays aaa bavg glitti* rscreatlon while convalsacing.

K rlttaa C a rr ln F lg k t t* D aw gay.BOtTOM, June I t I r l tta g

a t New York was awarded tha dsatalsn g t tha and of a iwalva-raund basing bout with Bryan Downty of Oolumbug O., hare last night. E x n p t In tha first two rounds, Downsy was on th* ds- (snslv* throughout ih* bout.

A. A. U. Will Reconsider Protest of Columbia Team

Th* Analaur A lhlillc Union hg* d t- cld«d lo r*con*ld*r ih* dlsquallfltg- tlon of th* Columbia taam s In tha Junior national medley relay qh%m- plonahlpi April tk. When th* rgog# were run In cohneetlon with the spring games of the Thirteenth Regiment, Columbia's teams ran first and ssaond, but were disqualified becaue* of a vio­lation of the registration rule*.

A1 Kulseback, Ihe Columbia captain, competed on gn expired reglslrgtlSD curd, which automatically dlaqualttlsd him and the tsAm on which h* ran. Wlttelle, who ran on tha first Blue and White team, never had h it registration Iransrarred from hla c|ub to hi* col­lege. This threw him out and hla team with him.

Whan the rtg la tratlon comm ltu* of the A. A. U. promulgated Ita declilon on the caae, Harry A. Flaher appealed. tilH appeal wa* refuaed. Columbia waa far from siUeried, however, and kept hammering away until the Metropolitan Asaoclgtlon decided to reopen th s caae. A mall vote will be taken on the affair, but no raveraal ot th* original decision le expected.

Baum Canp HorrlaoB ('kaiaploa. Corporal Baumggrtner of th is oUy,

who boxed locally undar the nom de guerre ot Young Baum, la now tha un­disputed Ifb-pound champion of Camp Morrlaon, Newport Newa, Va, Baum stopped Battling Julian of Xllvar Lake In a bout last week th a t lasted only Sevan round*, and was staged before a crowd of tiearly lO.ObO aoldlare, Julian held the itt-pound championship in three different camp*.

REAL EkTATE TRAMgrEIM.The feUowlng dfada were filed yeelerdey;

n ew a h k .Maraaret M Y„rk and hue t o ! Louis* M

f.Y?*',', * 1 “ J '" " « **• *' • t i iu " a v ! ilixluU amt other tract. ,t. Idaiilo Uravand el at lo Jacob Machlln, • a

oor N uranxo av and Priaco ii. thsm, ,TpoHenry Uobreclu ct ux to Anna J Moiford.

Solluu av t* ft * fr Uraltun av,l.uui'i Wallir I t ua to Wm Rivera a a

Peniuylvama av to (i a tr Aaior et, *6x100,Jennie C Oeborn eirx to Commltlea of

Kr«i Lhuren Ljttenalon In ihs i^r«iibylery ol I? vvf Uarelde et and ilh av,

Joe Panningtoa et ale to eiuart Unde- ley, cor land Joe tteaoh by rd. i acre#, II.Valentine At Kaolirolh el ux to Adolph B

V *'*‘**““" ** Belmont ov,Joe i XicManuB at ux to Frank A Oonnelly

et ux, i» a Ilaleied it ooti ft e fr rear of whom traot, lixloa. It.

John It Flavell (xherlft) lo Qeo J Javser. ll"ojJ *"*** ev *16 ft w fr Borseti et, 16x100,

V-hlilp B Uoeti at ux to Frank I|,nch et ux, w e ! llth It 100 It I Ir llih av, *6x100,

.Voltio V Wordley and hue to Lather J*?Ttni D * * *'

Marjjla S Holt and hue to Harry w Cainpfleld et ux, w a Waktmaa av 60 ft n fr lit av, 11x111. II.

'i,?'*?!? tJiborn ears to Blixs Thomoa w f. i! ****** *1 *1 Jetnee xl. 21x77,f t,iqD,

Philip Bhulman to Ixiule gchiln, e i Prlnoi at 100 ft 1 fr Montgomery at, *6iioo and other treat, |1.

Ada L Loiter to Caiherlqo 1| Reilly, n a Cottage at ITi H e fr Mulberry at, llalT. |l .

Itobt M Colbom et ux to Piula Laddey, a j^aummer av lOl It i fr Cheater av, 11x61,

OUTSIDB OF NEWARK.N ¥ A N J Holding Co to F Sidney Colton,

Montclair. (26 ft n e cor N Mountain sv and Van VIecIt el, 71x160, |1.Bfflg p Liladdinf end hue le same, Mont-

olalr, 1 e cor Cedari rd and Hnollwood ter. lluxllj:, II,p Sidney Colton lo Btfle p Glsddlns,

Montclair, (II ft n a oor N Mountain av and Van Vlick et, tliliO , |1.

t 'fJu tli •! *1 to U arg sre t L Bachel, Ituntolalr, ■ a firunawick rd 10 ft e fr Central *in 60x160, f l.

Claus r Flnck et ux to Ellta B Be Young. Montclair, n a Frederick i t 111 ft w fr Eexex av, 61x110, Jl.

Broad and Market Nat Bank of Newark to Henrietta B Murphy, Irvington, w a Siuy- veuol av 171 U n fy Cilaua *v w, *6x101,

Caleb Craiit i t ux lo Howard C Crane et ux, w Caldwell, w ■ Mountain av cer land U C Crane, lOxtIl and other tract. 11.

Elizabeth N Rueby to Joe 61 Long et ux, Nutliy. 0 • Uolmii at *66 fl w fr John et, IPxlQO, It.

Augqil O Feld et ux to Henry Carl et ux. Irvington, w t Sandford av 360 fl n fr Elm­wood av, llillO, 11.

John Barryman et ux to Max Cehen. B Orange, n i Lenox av 69) ft w fr S Arling­ton av, lixiBii, (i.

Henry C D»ty i t ux to Oeo Iflesier ot ux, S Orenge. n a Burnett av 6*0 ft e fr Spring- flew av, 60x100, |1.

Philip Roienbirg at ux to Ilex Kranei at u*. Irvington, a t Park av 61 ft e fr Lin- 6oIn pi, Idj£l40, |1,

Krneal Hlldibrant el ux to Anna □ Schaef­fer, Irvlngtan, w • Elmwood ter 110 ft ■ tr KImwood av, t6xl*0. II.

John R Flavell (iherltl) to Howard Save iitit, Belleville, w • fialsh at 130 ft a tr Joraiatnoii at, llxiso, ti.ioo.

Philip J Bowera A Co to Antonio Slefs- natU. Nullay, a a Ktns at *10 ft w fr Croat at. 10x10, It.

Maud B Kins sod hen et ala to Alice B Dorland, Glen Ridge, n a'Lincoln at at a e cor land A U Page, 6*xl(0, 16.200,

UORTaAOEB.Theia nortfggaa wars filed;

NBWARK.Mary C Hinrkh te Belignct B A L Aean,

I a Bergen et 16) ft a tr CRnton av, tt.OOO.tema to Charlta W Vsnaita, a s Bergen at

lai ft a fr Clinton ar, fllo.Wm M Rlvari to Loula Wallar, e e Penn-

•ylvanla gv M ft a ft Altar at, 176*.Flortnca L Smith and hue lo Century B A

L Aaen. w • Lake at f i t ft u fr Uunlclalr-V , |<,0Q f.

Com of fra* Chav, |<,0Qf.

Com of praa Ch Ei _ _Oaburu ciri, n t cor Oarelda it and 6th av,Extanalon to Jennie C|6.6«b.

tiugal* Kimpler and hue to Morrle Cordon, a a Hunmouth et II It a ir Sprure at, 11,000.

Myer Hartman at al to Eddie Wealer, n a cor Aater and UebI* eta, |i,*O0.. Frink A Oonnally et ox to Unity B A L Aiam W t Hateted at *64 ft a fr an angle,,

Ueo J Jaeger et ux to Concetta hlanfredt, (I ft W ^telly el _ ._ __________ _

n * Scheerer ay lU* fl w fr Bergen it. 1600,n a Lehigh av *'

Philip > Dohnelly eiIT fr Bergen et. 61,063. ux to jom ee A Coe,

F’rank Hench et ux lo Minnie Heilman, w I B i) ih at 100 f t I f t l l t h av, D.IOO.

Luther J Lecey lo Nellie V Wordley, w e S 30th I t 1*0 ft a fr llth av, |1,3*0.

F*rt|tcals e t ug to SamuelVlnoenxo Fenqtcols Sehechhe'r. n t B Kinney at" 360 ftAdame f t end other track 1*00,

Bavaria D Urea at ux to Malteo Parlel, w a Fairmount av 36 f t n fr l l t h av, 66,(00.

Louie Schein |e Philip Bhulman, • a Prince •I 300 ft • fr Uonlgomery at and o ther tract, I MO*.

Fredk Pfatf et ux to Bergen B A L Asan, * • I9 tt sy 2j - ■ -

Oeo U Botri ter, A e W ell'

Cryetal Realty Co to Emil Uuttenbauer, i 1 Market i t 6* ft e fr W ard ah ll.lm er


faff et ux to Bergen B A L Asan, ’ 2i ft * Ir 8 m n I t. l i t* , o trs ir I t iix In uep J U elm iteed- s11 hi 100 ft n fr D troy at, 11,000.

Hotrsrd 8 Otee et ux tp Oeo Latba et al, Moalelalr, g i Park et i l l ft ' .sv, 17,166. . n Ir WetchungAntoula BardI at ux ta Jennie O Welle,

Hontclalr, a w cor Wildwood av end DIrl- elan et. t|0*.

H ehrlelta B Murphy and hue to C h ii H gtiw tr.t t iu i, Irvington, w • stuyveeant sv 171 ft n fr Ollnton av W, |1,00*.

Oeo T Fox e t ux to John B O’Brien, Siaomltgld, IV e A ihland sv 3(6 f t s tr Maollx sv. (3.000,

Morris Pomknff et ux to BxAad and Coin- meroe B A L A nn, Orange end E orange, n ■ Park av 111 ft w Ir P ark at, 36.600.

John A Goodrich et ux to Chaa Metele et ux, Jrvlagtoit. n t L*i>r*l «v tM f t n w Cr rierence gy, |l4 t .

Jo* M Long et ux t* RoievUts B A L'Irii ioi"*’''" ' **°'****

Sjtin* I* Ohes Beeger, NuUey, e u t* prop,’ Henry Cerl et ux U An Irvington, w i Sgndtord ex wood g», (M7t.

Max Oohen to John B e r r y u n . K Orange, n B Leeea gv i t i f t er f r g Arlington sv, 13.006.

Oeo Ilegler et qs |« Henry 0 Ollly, 8 Or- gng*. q ■ Bitrnett gv 1*0 ft n * ft mrlngtleld gv.^ll.tlO.

Max Krgn** et ux to Philip Rneegberg et g|. Irvlngloh, s c F srh gtr 01 f t * tr Lincoln pi. 1603

John D RIm o I e t ox to C sq tn l B A L A nn, Bellevine, a t Union gv Ti f t * f r Jonlem en *t. I (.HA

I* Aus O Fglg et ux. If* ft It Tr Elm-

nen it, |(,H 3it L Ulut* as! J u* le Pgsltn* T r, E OfsngO, n * Perk av )[ ft * tr

J l i l(.0lt,*nt Oerp te Idg K Jgoeh, r

i r f h T H ^ 'R i d i ' n . i i S r ' "w e n K m o N i n ^ qwtAXB.^

Vht tellewlSf nortgag** gftenttng prop­erty In wtet HndOon wars regarded yecltr- dgy:



BABxitcw m m im N a contbaoy.Ptnneybrgnig Rgllregd vtth Xeheg B Httg

Motormen and ConductorsPublic Strvice Rsilway Comptny •HiPi itqftdy ind per

mqnent employnient to mwi qt motormen •n<t coniucton •nd to women es conductors, upon the foltovtn( qtirtetive wage scale:

For the first six months’ service (covering the period of learrting the business).......30c per hour

After the first six months and un­til the end of the fifth year,

I ' 35c per hourAfter five years.......40c per hour

A minimum wage of $17.50 a week Is essured every platform employee who answers all roll calls and perferms such duties as may be aasigned.

To all persons entering the employ of the company for the first time, an extra payment of $10.00 will be made upon completion of thirty days' actual platform servica.

The employment offered affords an opportunity for patriotic service in a healthful occupation, upon a remuner­ative basis in an eaaential industry. The company will lend every encouragement to new employees. Application may be made at Public Service Terminal, Room 100, for men, and Room 100, Concourse Floor, for women. Use North ^ n a l street entrance.

Former employees whose record wss aetiifactory will be welcomed back into tho company’s employment, and tho standing of those returning forthwith, so fir as tho rat* of pay is concerned, will be continued at of the time of their withdrawal from service.


I The Oldest Paint in the Newest Form

Dutdi Boy Liquid Lead la a new and ooiivenlant form of pure, reliable white-lead, ready-mixed for the painter’s brush. For all outdwr work. Cheap, cat per aquare foot. Wears down so evenly that no, expensive and dangerous bumlng-off ts naoaaaaiy iwhen repainting is finally sdviaablaFFor interiors— aoft-tintod walla—Uaa Dutch Boy Flat Wall Paint. Ready-mixed, the painter likes its convenience. Gives a dull-toned surfiace, washes like tUe.


J. J. UtcNtPjM Co.g III Brofed • t

A. C, QttetMua # Cfl.g 491 9r«a4•t.

Gui L. Klmmerla A Broi, Ml Sprinfftold AVD.

N«wark Pntnt 4 Bupply Oe.. t l4 Sprlnftltld ava.

Ii BieKAli 4 Ch4Pltt>ti f t.K«w&rk QUm Co., 3TS Mtrkot it. Ax A. g|pp«i, 41 Utrkot Bt.V. Wilnrlfli CO..US Multerry Mt. W1lli«m nrr«pr«, 111 Aotma at* Hm# C. Beektr, III rlcminf av. S, TJohd, 3*1 b e lm o n l *v,X Lev«n, 111 Bflmont Taornton 4 Co.. ITI Bloafnfl«t4IV.A. Uildarmaii, SIB Court iti AtDiTi SnidUr Co.. II Ward it.p«oM«r 4 tmith, |T4 lluibtrry M Jofitph sehaodol. StS Warroii at. Ruhln Bro»., I l l lU rrlaon av.,

HarrltoR, K. j .S. H. Novo. 144B aprlufflflld av.,

IrvlBftcm. N. J-

aaondtir Srofi, TT| BarlBffltld AV., Irvlnflon, tf. J.

J. B. BuTtMnir, BII Kata ftti Bati OrtnrOj N. J.

EAot Oranfs H ardw ira Ca.. 49 IfalH It.. Eaoi Oraoio, K. J.

Ji U. IJn4MVi IT av.gfla il OranfOt H. J.

fl. V Ul North Park at..Caatbrahia. N. j.

U. Arnauin, SIT Mala H-. Orp ang«, N. J.

rra«aUi( Braa,. Uaplav««4,>• y It*, Pill*-vin*. N. J.B. B. Davli. CbMiaiit at-. Nut-

!*y. Ni JiOaaman Brai.. 41T Bloomfltld av./Caldnall. K. JF. w. Millar 4 80a. Ml Bloora- fiald av., Caidwall, M. J.

I. S. Cram. liarHalalr CaaMr, Uontclair. N. J.And thi b«it«r olaaa af paint and h^rdtrari d«al«ra whtra.

The Road To a Man’s M indThere is a orisp, imperative, pese-

trating clearness to the telegraphed message that brings instant con** eideration to your business.

More than ever time is money.

T H E W ES TER N UNION T ELEG R A P H C O .T fl* g ra m ~ -V a y L tm r t—Night I t t t t nC ablegram -^Jitnuy Transferrtd iy W in

Paint—'Maiter Mechanicifht cgiue*

'rlo r emkmwithip, loigll**PCXJK light cgiue* *poiJag*. rior workmwuhip, *mgli*r put. Let Hgmpatn Smrtrtiy Mil

I proDlAn oil p(unt which give* w*B* * now-white, tUc-like gppeeggnee. AQ light 1* (gthered gM diitributM eveolF anti a tna o rd in ^ y legt by ai dgUagd for •■rvlee.No Iqjwtpui VBTiililt h* thig pahit.I t preaerve* turfacg asd BWibaneg* " for ye***. WgohiUitf, eoo*to**i«gl—

■ n»«F lri* to iC |||^ ^ '

N e e w u * EM aC rltautorC. l IUHEUf‘61 m . U) SgiqMt (raw

H a paint that doaa smt* ftea mat

BohOj hr

Oeod Paint Uabm far Ortr OG Yeon SpriaffBald. HniaachnMCla

'J^4a .

lO V jC*-

stm A M ’ EVi

IVMihcr. S‘«»r, eMier taal«h« •■*

G oW iiii G«t ?aB ookofT ees

with •vary pvrohui* of rotf loodi n^a In our Sportlnv Ooodi Bhnp ara vlll ffiro » book of Ueo. It I; n »lTOpl» nmttor to toar ono out «nd Mt tt up to place your ball on. Blitn Floor.




Women^s 15.00 Wool Jersey a n d Silk Dresses on Sale

a t 10.98

In a


NutshellSubscribers to Liberty Losni m«y make payments on ac* count at the Service Deske on

•econd. third and floors, and at Main Bond Office. Final payments must be made at the Main Bond Office, seventh floor, at which lime bonds will be delivered.

Reduced Directly from Stock for This Event

Carry imaH parcel*1 Thli requHt ti made In conloiTn- lly with the wlehee of the Coimnerclal Economy Board of the Council of National Defenee. Carry parcel! and help win the war.

We are miking hiitory m fut that we have Utife or no time to dwell upon the pagei as we write them.

It will take another generation to realize to the full all that we are. accompliahing.

Compared to thia preaent war the great wars of ancient times were aa May feativili.

Their leader! never iiw a ateamboat, nor a railroad train, nor even an electric light. They never knew the thrill of seeing an aeroplane swoop and circle /

- d j# i

One hundred dresses in the lot—if you come ei rly you may choose from an excel­lent assortment.

Suburbanite!: Make uae ofour Free Toll Service. Con- lult your phone book ror num­ber. When I you call B»m- bergor’! you will be charged a! though It were only a local call.

The wool jerseys come in a fashionable model for sports and general wear, in beige, French blue and lavender.

The silks come in pretty, smart styles, in navy, black, rose, French blue and burgundy, as well as a few good patterns in silk foulards. The solid-color models are mostly taffeta. Some have geor­gette sleeves. Attractive for afternoon wear all summer.

Sizes 34 to 42 when the sale begins—but not in every style. This is a splendid oppor­tunity for early shoppers.


Ticket! on !ale at Bam­berger’! Information .Deik. flrit Boor, for Broad Theater and Proctor'■ Palace Theater. Get your tlcketa for these theater! while down ehopplng. Choice eeate at Bamberger'e.

high above their heidi. Nor looked out over the wateri to view tn absurdly smsii pip aticklng up from the waves, and realize that human eyes were looking from it.

They had their thrills, no doubt—but thecould not have been ALWAYS present, at it is now.

If one of those ancient war- riori could come to life lud *** today’s papers, he would aay they told of magic.

A Sale ofEar-rings

Im porian tNewark-Famed for Her

Great Industries-Is{Thursday Only)

2 5 % o mA disposal of odd pieces that

occurs once a year.Ear-rings which are reproduc­

tions of flne diamond mounted designs, others are long, graceful drapes. Sapphires, emeralds, pearls—a variety of colors.

The former selling prices range from 75c to $11.50.

The sale prices range from 50c to 8.50.BAM BERaER’8—FIRST FLOOR

I la la* taacM wbccc tke lo t! In IW» eoloBia arc1 WF canno t g a a ra a te c th a t theywill rcKata on aalc a'l day. we I atate at the bottoi. of oacb I Itraiai "Wklle tbey Inn* I no

■lU p1ioB« or C.O.O* order*.iMportoat Sole of lleWo

S p o r t S h ir t*1,100 b ran il new aport uoUorDT»nU ISPW -a.— ' ,

*hlrt* for men. ideal for *li oul- door u*e. They are .f*

I food m tlerU la, In pr«ttyI dealfii* *nd colorlnfH. They come In half Bleev* i ty lo . with iporl I coU*ri e llached. .The low price, die. !■ fe r below the coit of the m etsrU I alone. On **[« *blle they loot only. No meil. phone or C. O. D, orders. We reaerv*the r lfh t to lim it auantlllei »old j

Women’s Cool, Attractive T w o a s S ketch ed

Daytime Dresses2.29 2.50 3.00 & 3.98

'Percale Gineham Voile Lawn Pique

t'S ; ■f e ' .

GinghamSmart models that are "easy to slip into," practical for

housework and pretty enough for general morning °n the porch and on shopping errands—exactly the dresses that every homekeeper needs for Summer.

PERCALES AND GINGHAMS in stripes and plaids, made simply, many of them in the favorite "Billie Burke" style, with pockets and loose belt.

WHITE AND COLORED VOILES in cool, dainty models, nicely Rnished.

LAWNS AND PIQUES in styles that include plait) white models for Red Cross and other work that requires simple white custumes.

1,800 in all, in sites up to 48 and 50.BAMBERQER'S—THIRD floor

I ino rzKiii w .iiii.bI 10 **on purchaaer. FIril floor.I ’n o m r ii’* 4-00 O stord Tic* o* I

Bale *tI P a te n t coUa and fu n -m e ta l ca lf , I vampB, w ith f r a y and [aw n cloth 1 tope.' T hey A n bu ilt w ith p la in

toes, w e ll M ies and Cuban bM is. On enls w hile they U at a t t.S« th e pa ir. Second floor.

W ovem ** 911k Rocca T ieWoni«n> silk hoee, full r«iu-

] lar, made with double eolM. high Hpllced heele and llele far* IfF folds. They come in black and white only.of th* 1.15 grade a t Tic. F irst |

[ floor

Helping America WinIt was in Newark that John T. Holland

worked out many of his Ingenious plans for thesubmarine. . tr n j

it was in the Passaic that Mr. Hollandlaunched one of his first sub-boats. And year after year Newark has been piling up industries, gathering into her arms hundreds of thousands of industrial workers,

Newark today is building ships—to sail the seven seas. Newark workers are helping win the war. Newark has become a city of vast im­portance.

To our “new neighbors in Newark—these thousands of new workers—A WORD. In New­ark there is a great store of the people—a pleas­ant, friendly, neighborly sort of place foi* e v e r y b o d y to shop, and that store is— BAMBERGER’S

Soedal !hop! here for meni On the Flmt, Second and Sixth Floor. — Bamberger i.


W omen’e 1.00 P eltteoate , 0»e ' W hite vat*en petlicn a ta ; a mlB-

I collaneouji lo t of m any iilyleii. .They a re m ade w ith eu * tlc a t

I u a le tb am l. Are elllfbU y M lUd.M ade to •e ll for l-O# *f • « ’-

j No m all, phone or C. O. D. order*. T h ird floor.

Outdoor Garden Furnitureon Sale a t Half Price

I .J S C a t « l a i ! B o w ie , 1 J » FruU or u lx d bowli. the roll

tl(h t-ln ch ■!». cut In » vory | p re tty pattern on lead ulanke,

I On sale while the lot la«l* *t 1.50. BaMment.

“Arterele” and "Wheatley” pottery, a composition of materials, impervious to rain, handsomely constructed into stately art objects for garden and porch use.

M e RlbkoB! a t n r l a r d .Satin taftata ribboim, hi»h1y

luilroua; «Vi Inches wlOa; In a va«t variety of pretty colorlnu. Flr»t finer.

Jard in iere, and pedeetala, reg­ular 28.H. at 1S.M , . _

J&rdlnleroa ana podbitalo* riff- u lar t&.ODe at 13*50. ^Window and porch box*i» r«ff- ular 2.25. at 1.15. ^Window and porch boxii, riff- ular 3.00, at 1*50.

•»* •If-

Preserving on an Even Lafger

Iced Tea SetsTimely Wedding Gifts

iced tea glasaei in lightlycut daisy design, with 6 iced tea spoons, S.94 tne set.

8 floral pattern iced tea glaaaea, with 6 iced tea spoons, 2.40 the set.

Other seta in optic, etched and glasses, complete with

........... id :plain . ,spoons, 1.73, lu!4 end

S h e r b e t S e ts in A t t r a c t i v e D esigns

^ sherbet glasses for ice cream, crushed fruit and other uses, grape and leaf design, 2.34 the set; in cut-star design, 2.10; in optic stripe design, IJO; In Helaey colonial design, 84e set.

Lemonade sets, grape juice seta and jelly acts interestingly priced.


Scale Than Last Year!In reaponae to the government'e appeal every housewife preserved

v e g e U b l M g o in ,nr preserving this year on an even larger acale. Ltat year there was a shortage of jars. There will proHbly be another ahoriage this year if e v e ^ ^ e waits until the lait moment. If you get yours at Bamberger s NOW you can buy

Jars at Last Year's Prices'Ball Mason jars, 1 plni, 6e.Ball Maaon jars, t quart, Tc.Ball Mason jafs, % (aUon, 9t.Sure Seal jars, }4 pint, 7e.Sure Seal Jars, 1 pint, 8c.Sure Seal jars, 1 quart, 9c.Sure Seal jars, Vi gallon, lie.


Kerr’s Economy jart, 1 pint, 13Ca

Kerr’s Economy jara, 1 quart, 14c.

Kerr'i Economy jars, yt gal­lon, 19c.

And a complete line of jelly glasses.

Middies for Marchers in the Great W. S. S. Parade Next Saturday "1 *50f L69, 2M

Much of the effect of a great parade lies in its uni­formity—these middy blouses meet the demand for com­fortable, becoming white attire. Worn with white skirts, they will make an effective, attractive uniform.

S i ’« s fo r g ir ls , 6 to 2 0 y e a r s S ize s fo r w om en , 34 to 4 4 b u st

Galatea and middy cloth developed in regulation_gll white or white combined with red or blue in

collars, cuffs, pocket flaps and lacings.We are the sole agents in Newark of the famous

"Jack Tar" middies, two styles of which arc included in this vtonderful group. They are guaranteed by the makers to launder very well, if you obey directions.


€.75 Silver T«a!aa®a». 5.SOVilU Biaata « - ——r — |s w r l ln f BhveT w a ip o o n a . In

a p re lty J>la%I A preiiF jaiBizi 'r” , —. 7whil* a amall cnjanlUy laat* at 5,05 the Mt. No mall, phone or

I c. O. P ‘ ortlere, Fltil floor.

"window aiid porch box*!, reff- . Sai

9.00 LlffklOtT.OO ^

It- In c h e lec tric or Ttidlrect I dcm*a. m ad* w ith a r t J ^ t - i

o rn am en led w ith coat itie tal . •croll d ea lfn an d avapended by thr«* cha lua. The eloctrle dome* ' *r* f lt ta d •w ith tw o-U rh t aocketa;

I aa* dome* h ave W elibach doma J bufn«r^ m a n tla and clobe. Baae- I m ant,

P**rt BvUob* a t 35c D«McaI W hite , amok* *nU roae pearl

button*. In tw o, four, flahaya and fancy effec t* In varlou* n lw .

I O llih tty Im parfeci. On aal*1 th*y l*at a t |5 c dosen. Flr*t I floor.

O cta sea V rllla a , 1*« V an lI A ml*cellaneou* lo t «f o c te fo n

v e l lln f In U rg t . . I ' " '" ™ ,•ni>ll All• h t d u » l thU p rin t. W h llt theyiM t »1 l i e y»rd. F l r t t floor. '

ular 6,50. at "Window and porch box«a, r*g- ular 11.00. at aae.Window and porch box#!, reg-

Tia.ular 14.75, at Window and porch Doxea, rag- ular 1*,60. at SJ*. .Window and porch ooxat, reg­ular 12.00, at SdiaBird bath!, ragular 4.00, at iMO

* Bird bath i. regular 7.60. a t *.75. Bird baths, regular I.T6. at I J* . Fish tan k ilabs, regular 1.75,

at *9e.Pedestals lor gating globe or

sun dials, regular 18.60,- a t T.75.“pedesiala'for ^slng globe or sun dialB, regular 11.00, at SJM>.iiton, regular 9.60, a t 4LTB. Three pTecee of genuine terra

cotta atatuary a t fa r below to day's wholesale 'i wholesale cost.

One pedeetal and Jardiniere at yao.

One pedaatal and Jardiniere at


One flower bowl, priced very . low a t M.oe,

The June Graduate-What to Give Her

laffff Ty*«ak Mokalr*a 1*49I 44 Inch** wid*. thli tmarl ar«*i

fabric that ha* th* appaarance I of ollk. In all th* wanted c&lw- I Inf*- Sacond floor.

Rttalc B olU at 33e Hand played roll*, on naJ* whU* I th«y l**l. Amon* tn*m ar*

one-*tep*. fox trots, wait*** and marehaii Sixth floor.W kli* Gabardime a t Yard t t ‘lnch while gabardine, new clean merchandi** of anClean m«rcn*mai»w «» *“** .,r, tlonol quality, A limited quantity nn sale while It la»ti at ZSc yard.


Flag^Plenty of Them a t BambergeFs

There should be a flag flying from every home and building on Flag Day, June 14th, and on June 15th, W. S. S. parade.

Flags are here in all sizes.

Prices are moderate Get your flag NOW’


FOUNTAIN PENS — Water­man, Swan, Salz and Bamberger peni. All guaranteed. With gold bands or plain, at 1.00 to 25.00.

DESK SETS—and all other Bcceaaorles. A large aiaoitment of seta and separate pieces. In wood, brass, glass and leather. Sets priced from 2.50 to 25.00; separate pieces, from 25e to10.00.


book ENDS—Various de­signs and sizes. Bronze finish, verde finish and real bronze. Best makes and titles, at 2.00 to 50.00 the pair.

WRITING PAPER — Novelty effects; colored, lined envelopes; gold ^rder or colored border effects; white and rainbowshades. One, two and three-

1 quire boxes. At 35e to 2.00.B—FIRST FLOOR

F l n t rioor40c Pouter B oari at aOc

"M uB csrsm ” bflxrd fo r poator and aa n a ra l illuatratloB work. B o lu h la aurface fo r w a la r color, uancll an d crayon w ork. 8I*» !«x ,0 . S ix th floor, A rlla ta’ Suppilea.

Boys’ Oxfords White Shoes

ContinnsThe Sale of

Beautiful Silks

for Play and OxfordsLight weight tan Russia

calfskin oxfords built for rust-about, athletic boys.

for Men

j4 s S k e tc h e d

This 26.50 Tea Wagon on Sale Wednesday

at 15.75 ,

Made with flat "spring" heels. Suitable for use on the tennis court. Athletic girls can wear them just as well as boys.

Sixes 1114 to 2, at 3J25.Sizes 2V2 to S14, St 3.50.BAMBEROBH'S—SD FLOOR

Tou a r ! planning your vaca­tion now. figuring whara you ara going to apend your waak-ends and m aking arrangem anli for outing!.At wa have a white nu- buck !hoe or oxford, with leather or comnoiltlon !ole (iome with neoUn aclaa), on a neat Ilttlnij to* *hap*'. Come in A to D widtha. a t *dk>.

At *.00 there la a white or (tr.ty genuine buckaklii with to n tra rt vamp atrapa. . uW hite canvas oxford! and n gn ■hoea. with leather or nibber !Ole». priced at a J5 te


Fashionable silks at IJS9 and 1.98 yard. This Jot compriaea novelty sports, satins, taffetas, novelty silk foulards, chiffon taffeta, chiffon voile, georgette crepe, natural pongee and plain and embroidered shantung. 38 and 40 in silks, reg. S2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, at 1.98: silks, 38 to 40 inches wide, reg. $2.00 and $2.25. at 1.59.

40-lnch. tl.k* crepe de chine, a t IMI yard.

Women*s Wool Jersey Bathing Suits, Slip-On Style, 6.00

A Lower Price Than We Have Ever Before Been Able to Flake.

They arc made of an excel­lent quality of wool jersey in a pretty slip-on style, piped with white jersey and smart­ly trimmed across the top with smocking.

Large pearl buttons give an attractive finish.

Comfortable—i d e a l for swimming—fashioned with a wide, loose belt.

Sea green ' Rose Plum BeigeBlack Navy

BAMBERGER'S— FLOOR O ne a s S k e tch ed

Children’s White Canvas Button ' Shoes Offered a t 1.89

ll-inch , 11.25 Summer silks.whlllI phs quantity laata,


pricedat aOi-

12-lnch. S4e Chinese shantunir. sale a t Me yard.

32-lnch Imported natural shan­tung. tl.5S grads a t l.kS| tL25 grade a t I.IO.

26-Inch whits silk ahantung. r!g. 42.50 and 14.00. a t l.»8| reg ­ular 42.50 a t XS8 yard.

)S-tneh, 45.50 crocodile satin baronet, a t S ja yard.


Afo4i« fo Sell for 2.50These shoes Vere made for last season’s' aeUing, but ow i^

to traffic congestion were lost—so we were able to buy them

'T i8t7el^*the?” oS7h1ve sold for $2.50. Thit season they would be marked higher than that--you see what you save by t t k i i i f f ildvftntffU ® of this low m Ic pno6. ^

l5sde on fhe same last aa our *Goodyear welt soles. Sixes 7 to 11. Wdths B to D.

' While they jtat, L89.b a m b e r o b r ’b— aillcxjHD f l o g j i

1.25 to 550.00 The P re ttie s t W hite Corduroy

Your choice of solid mahogany, American walnut, Jacobean oak or golden oak. *

The design is simple yet elegant—as the sketch reveals—and throughout the construction ts of a high order.

It has four rubber-tired wheels, a large, re­movable tray, and a fine, permanent gloss. .

The tea wagon is the greatest little step saver tha t wo* ever devised for the home.

. Oh sale tomorrow at 16.75.■ x v m n E R 'a — F i f t h f l o o r

The best clock you can afford is the cheapest in the long run.

The difference between m ex­pensive clock and a cheap clock Is the difference between accuracy and inaccuracy.

We have clocks here that will not vary more than sixty leconda in a month.They are the famous 11- jewel Chelieai. Their works are marvels of mechanical perfection, hand-cut with exquisite akill.

S kirts o f th e Seasonon Sale a t 3.98

All brass and steel parts are

In cheap clockt the wheels are machlne-preseed. They cannot iitain the delicate preeWon that marks the hand-cut ones, therefore you cannot expect them to retain absolute accuracy for long,^ We have the exclusive right In New Jersey to w« Chelwt clocfa. We are one of the five department atoret In the United Statea thatare permitted to sell them. ^

TOe Selh Thoma lever jewel movement Is another fin* clock thatV9 ire protti to feitu^ u •. * i

Mantel eize Cheliea docks, 84.90 upward; Seth Themu docks,:2S.OO upward. bambb»OeR'8—first floor

L B flH B E R G B l& C *

Made of wide wale, exceptionally heavy white corduroy with a close pile and s6ft, vel­vety fin ish-the kind that launders nicely and requi«§, no ironing.

■rhe styles are new and smart, as the one sketched indicates. Wide detachable bejts »nd “different’’ pockets are featured, and high quality pearl buttons are used to f'n«h.^ .

There is more satisfaction to be obtained from a street or sports skirt of good whitd cor- duroy than from almost any other material.


New l ! x Co!t ol in x n P General cater D

That tl Uc Servic a ieven-( for trans meet the the bellel Carter. I have th e i ter privil)

Mr, Jlc In preeen company the State mlaelotier At the B agalnet s trolley ir elon ot a to work and left ences wl tlon ol t

The P ground t than a ii eary to tho eenti federal ratee, wh the poB!Labor H men tnon ot euppll

“My o vclopmei thle proc going or through Hr. HeC granted be great tltion. !even-ce the rlgh danger o an order danger with thi coal rat( crease o Have an;

Taklni the trolli our petl operatfn amountor that Iincreaaej rate of promleei ml Baton balance be, waa ■hop! at pony'! w

"Tou aorlbed I place In a! a ret impeeed 4450,690C arieiM

IntSgo Into there, tl threaten be met, ibat 445 net ajidi In wage a total the 4S60 and oth bill! wll

“But Carter. They hi War La my Jud more tl compan; tlon an wage e In force that t t tbeughi neceaeai Jurladlc



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