Roselle looks ahead to redevelopment - DigiFind-It

Roselle looks ahead to redevelopment By Nicholas 1ofTrrdo Managing Cditur J he Roselle Borough l ouncil and Mayor Joseph Croteau ushered m the new year by reflecting upon their past accomplishments and setting their pwfa for 2tWt dunng the annual res*- gam ration meeting on Friday The council w ill be able to pursue their agenda "of business expansion. Ux stability and borough beautifica- (ton with the same team in place a* .1 si Ward Councilman Joseph O'Halloran and 3rd Ward Councilman James Eddleton were sworn in for new terms O'Halloran will begin his third term while Eddleton is starting his fifth term overall, and his second con- seculoe Borough Attorney John DeMasy swore in the councilmen at the sere mony. as cash promised to "justly, fairly and honestly;': pertomi then duties Both representatives thanked the voters of their respective wards and- cchoed comments by their colleagues and Croteau to relation to the coun- . cil’s goals O'Halloran said the borough has "m ade tremendous strides" and that he. is "thankful that I am part of this community Eddleton promised the community that. I will continue to cam your confidence and work bard " Croteau spoke for the entire coun cil when detailing the governing body s accomplishments He empha- sised the growing Urban Enterprise Zone, which he sud. “ w ill encourage • the development and expansion ot business in Roselle “ The mayor said there are 55 businesses that currently ijualih to charge A percent sales la*, and that “ these fun is will he relumed to Roselle to improve the UEZ " He credited the l EZ with attract- ing To-State furniture's winning bid in the recent land sale at 1111 ( han- dler Axe He said the company's arrival will begin the redeselopment o f the St Georges Avenue area * t he council also has presided over the development ot Roselle Plaza on l .(O l ust Avenue a -'5,000-square- toot facility that w ilt house 15 busi- nesses when it opens in the next few months The council also nude strides with qualitv of life goals Croteau pointed out that the borough has begun a street scape and la-ode program on Chestnut Street, with the installation of decorative streetlights from first to third Avenues The mayor also is proud of the ' council's- technology - advancements It has recently initiated Radio Roselle, which will function as an emergency radio broadcast system Croteau also said a S51,000 grant from Comcast is providing the borough with an upgrade ot its l hannel J4 facility Croteau also outlined the council’s goals lor the new sear The main con- cern IS lire s.tabiii»tldri ot saves, which he said is due to the revitaliza- tion and huvuicvv efforts Ihey also urn to continue the business expan- sion. to that end, troteau urged the . owners of the old Masonic building on Chestnut Street to get the property rebuilt It was destroyed by fire sever- al vears ago : Office buildings should take root Pkoip Rut* HdfrKli First Ward Councilman Joseph O'Halloran is sworn in by Borough Attorney John DeMas- si during Roselle's annual reorganization meeting on Friday along East Second Avenue, as the bor- ough looks to develop the property at 134 E Second Ave and demolish the. existing building and garages The mayor and council hope to see the renovation of the building next to the Sphinx catering half. -;* r the borough w ill seek grant fund- ing to start a streetscape program along St Georges Avenue from t han dler Avenue west to the railroad Couhcilwoman at large Kathennc Carruthers said her “ visions are being fulfilled.-' for the borough. She and her colleagues spoke of looking ahead to what they can accomplish in the next few year*. “ 1 hope Roselle w ill be a place on . the map we can o- fee proud ■> ' . I at ruthers said appointments The mayor and council voted and confirmed a hsnrf munts*pal.iippi?int' meats, tor the new seat • The Revenue and Finance Com- mittee w ill tx- chaircC bv 5’1 ’ " o Councilman Richard Buska. and loined bv I dClieton and ( arm-tiers * The R ea eat - ' t <mitt ret > : be chaired by -Pi; AAard t ■ Clarence Cunningham O’Halloran and Camithers w ill also join the com- mmee • I V‘Halis»rnn;' CiM'Kur the* Pubh. . Works Committee with .I'arrothets and i unningham • Eddleton w ill be chairman o f the Public Safctv Committee 0,'Halioran will he the liaison to the fire Depart- ment while dnd Ward l outiciiwoman Hazel Walker w ill be the i-aisonto the Department " ' ' — • Walker w ill chair the Human Resources .( -immmee. a- >ng wuh Eddleioh and t annmgham .. the Shade Tree Commission, white Carruthers w "i serv e as the liaison to the Hoard -r Health and 'he 1 tbrarv Board ■' Trustees - U pg . a u co planned Bx Nicholas I offredo Managing Editor Within the coming year 'linden residents may get the opportunity to benefit from seseral recreational in i- tiatives. ■ According to A! MacDonald, the Cjty s superintendent of public prop- erty: and Waller Martin, the recreation program administrator, the city aims to upgrade three, parks as. well as begin construction ot a new recite- facility at the site at the old mov ie theater tvn North Wood I he 'Department -• Re, reatipn Community Services and Public Property plans to provide facility.' upgrades at the 5th Ward Park Dr Martin l.uther king Park and Wilson Park MacDonald said the department has applied to' a grant fronv the -state, the Statewide I tvabteCoinWnt- nines Program . He said the cov ‘ us am.ids pro- vided SHHV.ikm t.« upgrades -o k>ng Park. .. but the department is looking for another S50.WR* from the stale Grant money would be used to reno- vate the plav ground at Wilson Park “ We try to do a couple of parks a sear" he said Tbedepartmeri; is ai>o hoping to be reimbursed for the cost of the proj- ect at the movie theate' MaclXmald envisions a park w; h a picn . area and a bandstand tot concerts Fhe site would host functions b\ the iunder ( ultural and Heritage Committee as well as other conm ut •- g- -aps See C IT Y Page ’ TWO SEC Radio Roselle up and running _ . U / L .l. .■ Man kw >>ewJ tn anni-viinow OeuiiviI m M ftr By Nicholas 1.offredo Managing Editor , . After the terrorist attacks ot Sept 11. 2001. federal, state and local authorities looked to methods to bolster security and emergency plans While much attention is paid to national and slate measures, local governments are working on their plans as Ihev are the first line o f response in emergencies In this spirit Radio Roselle was bom The borough plans to use the new (requeue y tor emergency notification Its antenna and satellite is situated atop the Eire Itep.irt mebt roof, and is powerful enough to he-heard m several surrounding municipalities “ Alerting the people is the borough x responsibility," according to. the Eire Department's I t John Young. the borough s emergency management coordinator The station. WPWKbVv is licensed by the federal C ommunications Communion arid can be found ai 1640 AM It came into vers ice on Jan I and is currentlv broad casting a continuous loop i*f station identification and weather reports as it work-. oul M M k in k s |he slalom was bought from Information Station Spc culm s m Michigan for $25,000 Ihe funds w ere a combi nation of the boroughs .apital dollars and gram monev awarded by the county and state The money paid lor the installation and necessary training, as rvervone involved in emergentv management most know how to program a notification according to Young As per its license; Roselle cannot sell advertising on the station, and does not plan anv regular programming Instead Young and Borough Administrator A invent Bel luscio said the station Could be used to announce school closings and any weather emergencies W hile it may be used to announce council meetings and the like. Young said it "would not be a community bulletin hoard “ The radio station is just a phase in a process which will enable the borough to be able to quickly notify residents in any time of trouble Young said Roselle officials began to think o f the effectiveness of a station after Sept 11 They also realized their shortcomings when thev resort ed to ustng^qnumctpa! vehicles and bullhorns to alert resi- dents of issues with the water supply after a water mam break in Clark this past summer And while the borough can post messages on a,,esv I A M. Mayor Joseph Croteau and Young realize that not all residents have cable television In the event of an.emergency, they would need everyone notified immedi- ately To do so. Young said Ihe borough must replace its antiquated air raid sirehs The sirens were mitiallv developed as a w aming during, the Cold War to alert residents that an attack was im m i- nent. and that they should evacuate to a bomb shelter Young said the sirens are currently txcupted by pigeons It will cost J50.000 to make the sirens operable How ever. Young envisions a lime when the sirens could he used to notify people to turn to their radios to hear a message on 1040 AM Still, the borough does not "want to use the air raid." if it is not necessary in the event that someone does not hear the sirens. Young said the borough w ill be- able to ptPt?rj',t a phone: message which would call residents to notify them the situation A ls o , the borough is in the process of purchasing gen crators « case it ever had to evacuate people Young soul : that it people needesl to be removed, the generators.could Fire Department It John Young and Tom Soban, Roselle s coordinator and deputy coor- dinator. respectively, of emergency management, stand with the equipment that makes 1640 AM the borough's emergency radio system, possible be umtU k> provide pow er to (He Nk.h*w> s 4ttd n'untc»p«» buildings where eit*/en> would be temporjnK housed He said that tie also wouid like u Vv stem jn piave w ben* b> »tremeigcnvv .igcfts; cn in { a 'wi ?-n* . r ,K-; Janee, etc Uould be imkeiJ b\ 4 radio vysteiri rhe\ could immediatels contact each other m the event ot an emergenev N Scrt < ohen D 2u with recogniiihg the impisrtance ot . tie iotd There.-is"a lot o! mun-ll respectbetween the . . - and h.s team, ar.J toev haven't resisted ot\e.' .- hfbblcd fW measures that he cdnsiderecl neves 1.tkewive. he desenbed t ohen as a figMei and said he has worked tireiessls 10 secure funds tor Rosene Linden officials promise progress in 2003 Eighth Ward Councilman Albert Youngblood pieces hts hand on the Bible to be sworn in to another term on Tues- day night B\ Nieholai l offredo Managing Editor The Linden City Council and Mayor John Gregonp began the new vear before a Handing room only crowd Tuesday night Family, tnrndvand residents gathered to hear the annual State of the C ity address, as welt as w itncss their re elected leaders lake their oath' ‘'t office Gregono Council President Robert Bunk. 4th Ward ( ounedman Derek Armstead. 6th Ward Councilman Charles Crane 'th Ward Councilman Albert Youngblood and 1 0th Ward ( ounedman Richard licrbounka were sworn m All were incumbents and had won re-election m Novemhet Bunk. Arm- stead and Crane alt ran unopposed The mayor used his address to thank many of his administration * depart- mem heads, as well as outline his vision for the future of the : uv “Our challenge under my administration has alwiays been to keep our taxes affordable, the lowest m Union County and provide more services than anv other city m Union County Out mission remains fixed and determined Since the representatives officially took their oaths poor to the meeting. Tuesday's spectacle was for the public’s benefit, according to Bunk They used the opportunity to highlight their families, as each representative wav |Oine4 by tbnr wtvft, dwldrat o* ^iwkhildrfn when iwocn m Crane, whom Gregono called "a great councilman and a true fnend.” also was appointed as Council President Pro Tempore '-a -*•*> > The councilmen stressed the importance of civic cooperation in then, remarks as thev each thanked the voters trom theirraspeenve wards ' Representatives from the different ward Democratic clubs also showed their gratitude1 to their leaders by presenting them wtdt gifts ' Kevin Retcho. representing She linden t .ulstuto tor P.-biua? A" -«i pre- lemed Gerbounka with a gift as welt th e councilman told the public that the "dectaiam I make over the next three years will be in y.our interests and sour only ** Gerbounka ran as an independent tins year, joining Oth Ward Couhblmaft Boh Frazier as the onlv independents among the Democrats on the I ' member * 0 #SkBddlhis challenge would be lo "keep our Cits (>nc<- wreking as a ■earn ’ a '' progress is essentia! to our v its t.regono praised the council pres ident, saving that he ' knows the importance o f keeping the governing bods ' ^hTthe nijvor 's opinion, the ( its Council is doing a fine job tn moving the 'l> This is a governing body with a tremendous amount of talent A govemmg hods tha! sates and is dedtsated a governing bods where each member ever vises his or her opinion on matters that come before us the mayor smd (iregono said he has governed, and w ill continue to -lo »> under his proas tfvc philovor'hv ^ •There o atwav, rrawn fiv improvement, new ideas, better and more elTi V W4Y' !i'kiv ,l ' He said the administration and council will focus on several projects over The mavoi wants to see ihe redeselopmem of South Wood Avenue, av pari ,he Special Improvement District project Ihe -Us puns to replace some buddings with I ^ luxury apartments along with new retail ai ps thai will enhance the area and be an economic cataly si" He also said the cits will see an access road off of the New Jersev Tumpikr dunog the sear Gregono said it will happen, as the Turnpike Authority has comrnmedY -in-“pt«mi«M>d v The cits also expects the new high school football field to he completed, which the mJ'va said “will be a state-of the-an facility , xuai .-n Plaza should be complete<f this seat There ts a Hampton Inn Uhi-h is scheduled to open some time rest monlh. a catering hall and* thearer Gregono said the existing stores and restaurants there are all w*B He pledeed to devote his time and energy toward his work My thoughts w ill always be the otv. Jo trs and make it even beam — «™ » * * * P*0- \" l i l ! :x ■ '

Transcript of Roselle looks ahead to redevelopment - DigiFind-It

Roselle looks ahead to redevelopment

By Nicholas 1 ofTrrdo Managing Cditur

J he Roselle B orough l ouncil and M ayo r Joseph Croteau ushered m the new year by re flecting upon the ir past accom plishm ents and se tting the ir p w fa for 2 tW t dunng the annual res*- gam ra tion m eeting on Friday

The council w il l be able to pursue the ir agenda " o f business expansion. Ux stability and borough beautifica- (ton w ith the same team in place a* .1 si Ward C ouncilm an Joseph O 'H a llo ra n and 3rd W ard C ounc ilm an James E ddle ton w ere sw orn in fo r new terms O 'H a llo ra n w il l begin his th ird te rm w hile Eddleton is starting his f if th term overa ll, and his second con- secu loe

Borough Attorney John DeM asy swore in the councilm en at the sere mony. as cash prom ised to " jus tly , fa irly and honestly;': pe rtom i then duties

Both representatives thanked the voters o f the ir respective wards and- cchoed com m ents by the ir colleagues and Croteau to re lation to the coun-

. c i l ’s goalsO 'H a llo ra n said the borough has

"m a d e tremendous s tr id e s " and that he. is "th an k fu l that I am part o f this com m unity Eddleton prom ised the com m unity that. I w il l continue to cam your confidence and w ork bard "

Croteau spoke fo r the entire coun c il when d e ta ilin g the gove rn ing body s accomplishm ents He empha­sised the g row ing U rban Enterprise Zone, w hich he sud . “ w il l encourage • the development and expansion ot business in Roselle “ The m ayor said there are 55 businesses that currently

iju a lih to charge A percent sales la * , and that “ these fu n is w ill he relum ed to Roselle to im prove the U E Z "

He credited the l EZ w ith attract­ing To-State fu rn itu re 's winning bid in the recent land sale at 1111 ( han­d le r Axe He said the com pany 's a rriva l w il l begin the redeselopment o f the St Georges Avenue area *

t he council a lso has presided over the development o t Roselle Plaza on l .(O l ust Avenue a -'5,000-square- too t facility that w ilt house 15 busi­nesses when it opens in the next few m onths

The council a lso nude strides w ith qua litv o f li fe goals Croteau pointed ou t that the borough has begun a street scape and la-ode program on Chestnut Street, w ith the insta lla tion o f decorative streetlights fro m f ir s t to th ird Avenues

The m ayor also is proud o f the ' council's- technology - advancements

It has recently in itia ted R adio Roselle, w h ich w il l func tion as an emergency rad io broadcast system Croteau also said a S51,000 grant from Comcast is p ro v id in g the borough w ith an upgrade ot its l hannel J4 fa c ility

Croteau also outlined the co u n c il’s goals lo r the new sear The main con­ce rn IS lire s .ta b iii» t ld r i o t saves, w h ich he said is due to the rev ita liza ­tion and huvuicvv efforts Ihey also u rn to continue the business expan­sion.

to that end, tro te a u urged the . owners o f the o ld M asonic bu ild ing on Chestnut Street to get the property rebu ilt It was destroyed by fire sever- al vears ago :

O ffice b u ild in g s should take root

Pkoip Rut* HdfrKli

First Ward Councilman Joseph O'Halloran is sworn in by Borough Attorney John DeMas-si during Roselle's annual reorganization meeting on Friday

along East Second Avenue, as the b o r­ough looks to develop the property at 134 E Second A ve and dem olish the. existing b u ild in g and garages The m ayor and council hope to see the renovation o f the bu ild ing next to the Sphinx catering half. -;* r

the borough w il l seek grant fund­in g to start a streetscape program along St Georges Avenue from t han d le r Avenue west to the railroad

C ouhcilw om an at large Kathennc Carruthers said her “ vis ions are being fu lf i lle d .-' fo r the borough. She and her colleagues spoke o f look ing ahead to what they can accomplish in the next few year*.

“ 1 hope Roselle w il l be a place on. the m ap we can o - fee proud ■>' . I at ruthers said

a p p o in tm e n tsThe mayor and council vo te d and

con firm ed a h s n r f m unts*pal.iippi?int' meats, to r the new seat

• The Revenue and Finance C om ­m ittee w il l tx- chaircC bv 5’1’ " o C o u nc ilm a n R ichard Buska. and lo ined bv I dClieton and ( arm -tiers

* The R e a eat - ' t <mitt ret >: be chaired by -Pi; AAard t ■

C larence C unningham O ’ H a llo ran and Cam ithers w i l l a lso jo in the com-m m ee

• I V‘ Halis»rnn;' C iM 'K u r the* Pubh.

. W orks C om m ittee w ith .I'a rro th e ts and i unningham

• Eddleton w i l l be chairman o f thePublic Safctv C om m ittee 0 ,'H a lio ran w il l he the lia ison to the f i r e D e p art­ment w h ile dnd W ard l ou tic iiw om an Hazel Walker w il l be the i-a iso n to the

Department " ' ' —

• W alker w i l l chair the Human Resources .( -im m m ee. a- >ng wuh Eddleioh and t annmgham

. .the Shade Tree C om m ission, w h ite Carruthers w " i serv e as the lia ison tothe Hoard -r Health and 'he 1 tbrarv B oard ■ ' Trustees -

U p g . a u c o

plannedBx N icholas I o ffre d o

M an a g ing E d ito rW ith in the com ing year 'l in d e n

residents may get the opportun ity to benefit from seseral recreational in i ­tia tives. ■

A ccord ing to A ! M acD onald, the Cjty s superintendent o f pub lic p rop ­erty: and Waller M artin , the recreation program administrator, the city aims to upgrade three, parks as. w e ll as begin construction o t a new recite-

fac ility at the s ite at the o ld mov ie theater tvn N orth W ood

I he 'Department -• Re, rea tipn C o m m u n ity S ervices and P u b lic P ro p e rty p lans to p ro v id e facility.' upgrades at the 5th Ward Park D r M a rtin l.u ther k in g Park and W ilson Park M acD onald said the department has applied to ' a grant fronv the -state,

the Statewide I tvabteCoinW nt- n ines Program

. He said the cov ‘ us am .ids pro­vided SHHV.ikm t.« upgrades -o k>ng Park. .. but the department is look ing fo r another S50.WR* fro m the stale G rant money w ou ld be used to reno­vate the plav ground at W ilson Park

“ We try to do a couple o f parks a s e a r" he said— T bedepartm eri; is ai>o hoping to be reimbursed fo r the cost o f the p ro j­ect at the m ovie theate ' M ac lX m ald envis ions a park w; h a p icn . area and a bandstand to t concerts Fhe site w o u ld host functions b \ the iu n d e r ( u ltu ra l and Heritage C om m ittee as w e ll as other c o n m u t •- g- -aps

See C IT Y Page ’


R a d io R o s e lle u p a n d r u n n in g_ . U / L .l . .■ Man kw >>ewJ tn anni-viinow OeuiiviI m M ftr

By Nicholas redo Managing Editor , .

A fte r the terrorist attacks o t Sept 11. 2001. federal, state and local authorities looked to methods to bo ls ter security and emergency plans W hile m uch attention is paid to national and slate measures, local governments are w ork ing on the ir plans as Ihev are the firs t line o f response in emergencies

In this sp ir it Radio Roselle was bom The borough plans to use the new (requeue y tor emergency n o tif ica tio n Its antenna and sate llite is situated atop the Eire Ite p .irt mebt roof, and is pow erfu l enough to he-heard m several surrounding m un ic ipa lities

“ A le rting the people is the borough x responsib ility ," according to. the Eire Department's I t John Young. the borough s emergency management coord inato r

The station. WPWKbVv is licensed by the fe d e ra l C om m unications C om m union arid can be found ai 1640 A M It came in to vers ice on Jan I and is currentlv broad casting a continuous loop i*f station iden tifica tion and weather reports as it work-. oul M M kinks

|he sla lom was bought from In form ation Station Spc c u lm s m M ich igan fo r $25,000 Ih e funds w ere a com bi nation o f the bo roughs .a p ita l dollars and gram monev awarded by the county and state The money paid lo r the insta llation and necessary training, as rvervone in vo lved in emergentv management most know how to program a n o tifica tio n according to Young’ As per its license; Roselle cannot sell advertising on the station, and does not plan anv regular program m ing Instead Young and Borough A dm in is tra to r A invent Bel luscio said the station Could be used to announce school closings and any weather emergencies

W h ile i t may be used to announce council meetings and the like . Young said i t "w ou ld not be a com m unity bu lle tin hoard “

The radio station is just a phase in a process w hich w ill enable the borough to be able to q u ick ly n o tify residents in any tim e o f trouble Young said Roselle o ffic ia ls began to th ink o f the effectiveness o f a station after Sept 11

They also realized the ir shortcom ings when thev resort ed to ustng^qnumctpa! vehicles and bu llhorns to alert resi­dents o f issues w ith the water supply after a water mam break in C lark th is past summer

And w h ile the borough can post messages on a ,,esv I A M . M ayo r Joseph Croteau and Young realize that not a ll residents have cable television In the event of an.emergency, they w ou ld need everyone n o tified im m ed i­ately To do so. Young said Ihe borough m ust replace its antiquated a ir raid sirehs

The sirens were m itia llv developed as a w am ing during, the C o ld War to a le rt residents that an attack was im m i­nent. and that they should evacuate to a bom b shelter Young said the sirens are currently txcup ted by pigeons

It w il l cost J 50.000 to make the sirens operable How ever. Young envis ions a lime when the sirens cou ld he used to no tify people to tu rn to the ir radios to hear a message on 1040 A M S till, the borough does not "want to use the air ra id ." i f it is not necessary

in the event that someone does not hear the sirens. Young said the borough w il l be- able to pt Pt?r j ' ,t a phone: message w h ich w o u ld call residents to no tify them the situation

A lso, the borough is in the process o f purchasing gen crators « case it ever had to evacuate people Young soul

: that it people needesl to be rem oved, the generators.could

Fire Department I t John Young and Tom Soban, Roselle s coordinator and deputy coor­dinator. respectively, of emergency management, stand with the equipment that makes 1640 AM the borough's emergency radio system, possible

be umtU k> p rov ide pow er to (He Nk.h*w> s 4ttd n'untc»p«» bu ild ings where eit*/en> w ou ld be te m p o rjn K housed

He said that tie also w ou id like u Vv stem jn piave w ben*b> »tremeigcnvv .igcfts;cn in {a'wi’ ?-n* . r ,K-;Janee, etc U o u ld be im keiJ b \ 4 rad io vysteiri rhe\ co u ld im m ediatels contact each other m the event o t an emergenev


S crt < ohen D 2u w ith re co g n iiih g the impisrtance ot

. t ie io td There.-is"a lo t o ! m u n - ll re s p e c tb e tw e e n the . . - and h.s team, ar.J toev haven't resisted o t \e . '

.- h fbblcd fW measures that he cdnsiderecl neves

1 .tkewive. he desenbed t ohen as a fig M e i and saidhe has w orked tireiessls 10 secure funds tor Rosene

Linden officials prom ise progress in 2003

Eighth Ward Councilman Albert Youngblood pieces hts hand on the Bible to be sworn in to another term on Tues­day night

B\ Nieholai l offredo Managing Editor

The Linden City Council and Mayor John G regonp began the new vear before a Handing room only crow d Tuesday night Fam ily, tn rn d v a n d residents gathered to hear the annual State o f the C ity address, as w e lt as w itncss th e ir re elected leaders lake their o a th ' ‘ 't office

Gregono Council President Robert B unk. 4th W ard ( ounedm an Derek Armstead. 6th Ward Councilman Charles Crane ' t h Ward C ounc ilm an A lbert Youngblood and 10th W ard ( ounedman R ichard licrbounka were sworn m

All were incumbents and had won re-e lection m N ovem het B unk. A rm - stead and Crane alt ran unopposed

The mayor used his address to thank many of his adm in is tra tion * depart- mem heads, as well as outline his v is ion fo r the future o f t h e : uv

“Our challenge under my administration has alwiays been to keep our taxes affordable, the lowest m Union County and provide m ore services than anv other city m Union County Out mission remains fixed and determined

Since the representatives officially took their oaths poor to the meeting. Tuesday's spectacle was for the public’s benefit, according to Bunk They used the opportunity to highlight their families, as each representative wav |Oine4 by tbnr wtvft, dwldrat o * ^iwkhildrfn w hen iwocn m

Crane, whom Gregono called "a great councilman and a true fnend.” also was appointed as Council President Pro Tempore '-a -*•*> >

The councilmen stressed the importance of c iv ic cooperation in then, remarks as thev each thanked the voters trom theirraspeenve wards '

Representatives from the different ward Democratic clubs also showed their gratitude1 to the ir leaders by presenting them wtdt gifts '

Kevin Retcho. representing She linden t .ulstuto tor P.-biua? A" -«i pre- lemed Gerbounka w ith a g ift as welt th e councilman told the public that the "dectaiam I make over the next three years will be in y.our interests and sour

only **Gerbounka ran as an independent tins year, jo in in g Oth W ard C o u hb lm a ft

B oh Frazier as the onlv independents among the Democrats on the I ' member

* 0 # S k B d d lh is challenge w ou ld be lo "keep our C its (> n c < - w re k in g as a ■earn ’ a ' ' progress is essentia! to our v its g o no praised the council pres ident, saving that he ' know s the im portance o f keeping the govern ing bods

' ^h T th e n ijv o r 's op in ion , the ( its C o u nc il is doing a fine jo b tn m ov in g the

' l> T h is is a govern ing body w ith a tremendous amount o f talent A govem m g hods tha! sates and is dedtsated a govern ing bods where each member ever vises h is or her op in ion on matters that com e before us the m ayor smd

(ire g o n o said he has governed, and w il l continue to -lo »> under his proastfvc philovor'hv ^

•There o a tw av, rrawn f iv im provem ent, new ideas, better and m ore elTi

V W4Y' ! i 'k iv ,l • 'He said the administration and council will focus on several projects over

The mavoi wants to see ihe redeselopmem of South Wood Avenue, av pari ,he Special Improvement District project Ihe -Us puns to replace some

buddings with I ^ luxury apartments along with new retail ai ps thai willenhance the area and be an economic cataly si"

He also said the cits will see an access road o ff of the New Jersev Tumpikr dunog the sear Gregono said it will happen, as the Turnpike Authority has comrnmedY - in -“pt«mi«M>d v

The cits also expects the new high school football field to he completed,w hich the m J 'v a said “will be a state-of the-an facility ,

xuai .-n Plaza should be complete<f this seat There ts a Hampton Inn Uhi-h is scheduled to open some time rest monlh. a catering hall and* thearer Gregono said the existing stores and restaurants there are all w*B

He pledeed to devote his time and energy toward his work M y thoughts

w il l a lw ays be the o tv . Jo trs and m ake i t even beam — « ™ » * * * P*0-

\ "l i l !

:x ■'


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How to reach us:The Spetdatot . .-Adei s published every- T h u rsd a y-, by .V.wrali C o m m u n ity N U w -spajtoU u- an in d e p e n d e n t t a in . y, o w n e dnewspapei company Quf offices are iocategr a! 129' S<u».i 'am Avenue Union - IS J , .07083 We are open from 9 a m So- 5 p m every weekday ,Cai: us as one oS Tht- telephone numbers listed below

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C ity p a rk s s la te d fo r im p ro v e m e n ts . c o m m u n it y c a l e n d a rto pre:. “ T

the (U y C ouncil .had. approved a SbWf.Wlit bond ordinance in A p ril tob in the th e jitfi and is M irrnundnip p iiip e itie v M thouch fu declined t--y rve -im ed i i l ialed cost lo t the total— P dinb .chit thaL t k figure i>e

include the cits v b u tld in g v

rve open space •re is always a

lies ’ M acDonald s The c ity budgeted 1'eat!• mi tht's'fiscal >'*

pio iect. MacDonalds-said 'tffe rc is a ■Tentative aere’emetit ’ between the City and state to p rovide lo r retni bursement

! ' . !.;'tireen a 'crarr w hichaditum stcied by the IX-partn ent ot I tiv irohm enta l Ptoteetion The state provides money for projects that atm


ettv s t. w hich is a l\ is authority

i !o f . tlald '.1301-:..


ntic h larytef fee reatniti i most low ns d o ," said

grounds iliedepa

t te have a department tlia M aitm■ The department services i(> jia rks

around the c ity. 3> o f w h ich have plavpround equipm ent In addition, it

.■perates siv day camps thtouyuiouithe seat serving M u s i to 9 iHkl ehii- dren. according to M acD onald

! hev require a very high level of m aintenance," M acD onaid said of the p .ir ts

M artm and M acD o na id were adamant that they believe that no one can evei sas. “ There is nothing to do in town " I He men take pride in the e ttv 's services given the sue and n o p e o l the dep-inment

W-; tty to give ay m uch back to the residents: M acD onaid sunt, when ta lk ing about property tases "We just w ant to sere c the community ”

Toys fo r Tots drive

Cynthia Ruiz, Max Vasquw EJahigias.- Qpmezi Aitssa Marsh and Latrice Dillard ol Grace Wilday Middle School m Roselle donated toys for the holiday Toys for Tots drive Gunnary Sgt Frank Coopt back. piclt is for distribution

STUDENT UPDATEJ R 0 T C drill team opens new season in style

a ' ' 0 ui i , i ik H tJ t S s tk , , M artin Corps Jumot R O Tf ‘ D r i l l - le.m i^ pened i t ' new season w ith ascci-iid jilace ilE lsti i l V iu g u P k i t f t f ; , s , i i - i V u iL a ltick Oomi o n 'l - sHv i4 I’ iaciin. 'second out iu

-■stl-ioi'i' the ' were lieaien onlv bv the ,1 . . ! * \ rrheast th c M .u jie

ids i i R.di»a-> H ie li SchoolH k v 'H S D r i l l T e « n • m lu k-.ul

L ets- .icvepted ti'c -: u . f h ic during tile• iiJ . u u i i ' i : ' .• I u - i p la n ' — New adet Squad

.Has'ii D t i l l . ;• f i js tp l. ts r - A im ed Bw-tv D r i ll

1 • sec.-lid p in e .... ,1 tunned BaciiDnU

• SbCORtf place - t natmed t’ei• nticl Inspection

• th u d place - l na tm ed.P litoon E:\Ntbitisih D r ill

A d j i i io i u H v A C H S c a d e t; d u e lle d tn the ind iv idua l ca lrgorv ot d u ll com petition the unarmed kn o ck­out test Cadets W illia m M ender ami Renee kchwart7 treetved medals lor t in is lu n ; thud and n in th re s |itc tt\c ly ont ot appro\tm a te h TOO cadets

the U Hb M a im t Corps Jurh* R u t r f ' l i l l I'cam w il l enter it> next com petin ' ii , the ( i lc n d a k Juntot R p rC D r i l l STeam Championship on

. Jan f ' ui i lo ik c - tc t M . i " l ast -ra t t l ir cadelo finished 'econd a! the. eCetH ; ,C

School 9 recognizes stud ents of the m onth

The fo llo w in g stndenLs »ete vho sen hy ilie u cTav'fiiotn tta ch c i as Stu deni o f the M onth at School No 9 in I'tin lcn \ ! r itca b ilic a Jcreim Her Iniski N u o lt (n ip th R -i»cn Bnltatt Kellv G o n ta b e s C ynn Oelu7 I ku wa f’u e ts S ui t a Ravlnuml Rotiila E tw h R o ttrt Patrick Hoag land I lizahcth S w in to ii S lunn. n W alsh /a m a h Rasoul Shannon M ur

■ pliv- Natalie Pattstnevclos James Per je t t i )< n .i H eiii.indc.' Rvan Bettati i Satirema fam e M a lik C intron S amel O rtiz E rin Callahan Ashley Rota f la t all M u ll. 1 Itnoifiv K it rm a if VTntrn i O uarm o Nadhya Sanchez Mepfiame l,rp u ltu Austin h a n k I rm GtUcspie l cnka Bajget Ada> A n iu l sits James R -c Ashley O e a . Jugtoop Hum lal Rahma R avkit. Tho- m a. H erK -it Wanda Guerra. P a tn c i ii is ig L iit i! . jc-sateu M andela.. Jaclyn W oiiiitak I ahrixtio Mendoz.i Ash.lev

Astalv ■ M agda M tc k ic w k t i-’ f i t i - i ■pliei Ca!-. in Ye'stna Santiago. I tn a N!-oliammcil ' l 'ean S larttne. "and ': R.\.i.n i a ilri'c rl , ;

School 8 honor rollSchool No S m L.inJcn awarded

students vv id l super honor ro ll and h o n o r t i l t certificates to t the tiis tn u tku ig petn'd at an aw a id ' a».eitil'!'. on 1 e . IT ' - .

■kupti honor m il• Grade three Angela A ttica

A ltg i i i O r o r d and ro u tRelii'lledo

• trade lo u t Jackie : l ima amt I vdia Pradl-o

T Ie e e r m il• (Made ihtee . David V -aitight

Juslvua Kcpa Ralua M I f lU M Ofvlncr C h iis ta Cohm M atian.! eotis.'ik M tc lu e i Manmm .abtu-.ta M m tllla W ctom ka P a id ik Rsan Sheridan M ichael DeGreg-oio. V j P ltm avrra Qua lata Thum as-O livct Kathy I ihamak Brandon \ ance and Dana Weber

• Grade tout Catherine Ccviztk

Xlc.ih c’pawfotd K r o u l D iaz Daniel Gom e- Joannah Koncenv Magdale­na Stiko R ishi s anna l i t u Rios . M k lia e i s .x . ' lu and Jattce \ il

• ( iradc live Woycicvh Daniel Sophu H a lkus K vlc K ctvtm g Salwa Saadch. June Spann Cn.Mma Natela Karen N atela Bobby W ay, Christian

>! ku n a K on tcny M .txck Kuwa­i t i . Giannuta M u ik N lo lvka Ezmncn 1 Lo]i ■. assie K- necn and Christo pher Hattmann

W asko to study abroad1 n d k . t i College has in fluunvcd

ilu it Kmrtverlv Marie NN asko daughter o l M f ' Dennis NNusko o f L inden haslicen accepted to spend the sprutg ■stmcstei studying L1 • u!

N m nk 't NN.oki' w il l be study ing at Studio A rt Centers In icm a tiona l m I : >eiiie_ lu o

.Students mac elect io 'satisfy th ru ds .-tec icquirem ent at (iverseas col- leges and unisetsitics w lie tc Eadieott:,.i so llaho ta tnc le la lionsfups \N In kabroad students ta le courses that count toward their I n d iu m degrees

The Linden Recreation Department sponsored a one-day basketball 'mtc. featuring Fred Hill of Villa- nova University st* and from right. Youngsters fromgrades four through eight participated in- drills that stressed fundamentals With Hill are. from left. Phil Colicchro, Vincent Guanno. Wesley Divide. Kiann Wilson and Shamona Patterson The camp wasmade possible b y a grant from The Louts R Cap­ped Foundation

in form tcsHlcitt.' id '.u i»u> u jm m um i.mgs Io give your soiiunuimv c‘ r inyour w heduk to .Vpi'i J ig w rirO o r 1109 J it inn 0"t)8T .

. theAtm

i-rnmeniai m a t■iitdicily tltcv deseVve mad fis inaping e d ilo f P O Boy


. rtli B '-ltd of llk-uis >'t Ihc k" 1it , jn iiu a l tt'i'tganlZali

i u t'lu ! ll 't . itv N.M NV 4t‘ ; meeting at ' TO p m

t'n m rm m ii' ' - i i n v - and Pubh,u in c i' Im I tndrit iC 'iile n l'> .ld c t than 15

l i t to 8 h i p m No registration svjH

Ave u 'ir 'C n r-• f lu T V patm icm " t RccWitttnn

Ptopcl tv - p o i i ' i ' l ; y oga t o t ! r i iu is . i.1 '. - t fu . 'u g iiID ' Vlik e I ' lu e the evenmg " t the v G " \ . -ta lc | uve u i ,1 , .he John 1 u c . " i r • R evira tion t. en lc t at

hot mote inha ina tw ii y ' " 1,11 J,,n" 1'in - t r '. :

M or.d.iy. The 1 mdcn Board ot Eduvalion m eet' lo t » . evevutive-session at .

,, m in die CdefeirIts< fvwOI I N .tn iin i-!■111 11 ‘ ^

' T th c Roselle B isUd'ol Pdus.Hi.'-it in n v e n t ' * « f # 1 1 1 » p m in le .n a td N Moore M iddle v i . ■ i 1 M _

I uevil.iv• Kt a t,O ,a .,k -Id a s . i I: I die ........ Revta,

S e t'iu 's and Publh P »kf«*y ■ N * de lcnw vUsse, Imi through ! ’ l u r 'd - ' " A»d Thurvdayy through

(ion. Community i indcn students

m die Planning Room

Fcti r I r o m f to N p m a t .W jn lw T G itL ou ,-K e vtca tto n Center. TC,

■i h>t the programj> la D ;c e ’ sr' ! M 'W,t U l' 1sctved b . i ' i '_ . . .

|-o, m ote m ton.u t.on .a ll J 5b.” Monday through Hrday

5 tn a m to 4 »n p m / , , _• The Deparunctii ot Rectcath ii C mmumiv k e n iv e ' amt u ' »

Ptonetiv ..nets lo m p k tc in m - r w W * sla.-e- l»H l inden tc 'td tn ts o id ft than l i e ’ll Tuesdays ai d Phutsda.-. dm u .h N fa u li . " from 6 “ to " H) p m No registration ->ltl lake p U c me e m u n g " I the vlass

J , ,t mote mtormation sail the -hi. t L,u n R ci«ra ito« - nrte t HO Helen St at iH K -4"4 8bT ' Nfiittdav ihb'Ugh Prtdav .8 to a m m

4 to p. III• the Linden Planum. B* ajd meet a:

Cits Halt M l N NNiod M e' W e ili ifs d .n

. . I h c 1 in ,le nd O ld o l E dttca lhm u in :i» - i i r . u la l meeting at p in in die aud ito rium ot lin d e n High M h o d t . l W M Lrcotges N.e

I |H om m g Jan lb

« the tVpa itm ent o t K tsteati.-n m rtukttyPropem o lle ts sell-detense classes im Linden -ludenis age- S through Is Vuesdav s *nd 111 ui sdav- mi u / h le b : lio in 4 to ' p il l at the John. T G rcgono Reiteatw-n Ccntei M .

C iU t t o die piogiam i»$25 CLt's size is lim ited R tg tu e w u i « d l uke place Jan 14 at ! 4 ' p in on lu s t o -u if f t f ' i s e t 'td haM'

f o r m ote in lo tm atton vail v ' 4 4 ■>(-.' Monday through U n lav5 M a in to 4 ,10 p m

• The Department - I R ecira li. n v 'om m uiim Srtsice.' and Puhliv P toprttv w i l l continue i mplcte T i in c " ever, i c d . i"C s to t l in d e n teo dents older than IS i j ucvdi ■■ uu l Thufvdav' t i >m (< n-n> 'n p m th ro u d i M atvh M N rcc i-txa ti- i. ' -.|t take place tlie evening o l dietli lv v . . . . ■ ., . ’ ;..

Tor more in lnrm ation sail die John T - G tegotn Recreation Center I M Helen S u at * ig 4 4 Sb.” Monday thnnigh Prtd*y t T 0 « » m 4 TO p m ■

• D ie Roscile B rain I- N -NA'. !’ and Bethlehem Baptist l'h u tc h w il lcelebrate M artin l.m hcr K ing 's B irthday w ith the L i l t Every Voice in Son.- po gram at Bethlehem B a p t is t /h u rd i 1902 R iv in g io ’n .St (torn 7-JO to 9 p m A ll ate welcome to attend l ig h t te tteshm ent' w il l be served - ■

The guest speaker P r this vrat s ptogram s ill be K ah ili ta vo n the

New Jetstv N AAC P Labor and Industtv Committee cfu itpe tson K orm o te m h w u t i . n sail M ettle Counts at auk y t . 9 « 4 ’ .<r contact

t:isellcn.Usp.--sotHs.i'! net• D ie Dcpunmeni ot RcotaUpA Community scm ce s arid Puhlis

Property w i l l continue yoga for beginners lo t Linden residents older than 18 Thursdays ih touch Erh L d im " h 11 • • p m v osi to t the prog-

pain is JT0 No tcgistra iii ti ,cdp take plast ;hc c v tm n g " t the classK. r more in to rm a n n sail the jo tu i T (it-, n !. cen te r at

• The RoseJIc Board tit Health * i caedect it - annual re o rg M O o tto l m cctutg at T p m m Borough H a ll 1 10 Chestnut St

Joe J" .• the l ihsIcii I ’uMis l ihrar. 11 E H ew y St » t ith e cluyed a o h t a -

vance o t M artin t uthet K ing Jt s birthday' Jan 21 ... ’ -

• l inden A du lt School w ii l v|u>ns..t m-petwm fegis ita iton. lo r the spring term ti*>m to to > p in in the L inden H igh Ssh.«il sa tc ie ru M a il in reg is tt.ilk 'ii i- due hy Eeb 14 Anv students ic g M e tm , t-J NB1 I S La n d l iE D must attend in pet on registration and must have a S sial Security numfvet

. M ait-tn rtg is iia tin n .»di not he a a e p te d ft i N ti! J s i. ,-i G t i ' i stu dents The spring term hcgins le t- lu and end' Mas ;>

("a ll 90^-456-W Tr' tor m ot* m l. r in a iM i• Hie l inden Boatd -•( Health w il l eondust tls o rg a a rn ttM l meeting ai

' JO p m in ihc Board o l Health o H k t -Room >. I ' l t v HaU 101 N NV,«.d' -A te

. Jan 27• Linden Adult S c h w l w ill sponsor inpe iM -ii r tg u m o n e lo t the

spring tcnn H orn6 to 5 p m in the t mden H igh Ssh.»-i ea lc te tu M a il in rrris tra iu>n i> duchv Erh 14 Xnv students i r »■ l'len ivg t a \ B I ■ E M and G E D must attend m 'pe rw ' g t'tia iio n and nru-i tiavca-Sovta i Secufrtv n u n ik t

M atl-tn registration w il l not h r accepted t-1 ABE I SI or G E D stu d en t' The spring term tie gin c I rt> 10 and chd. M a v .J ’>

C a ll 908486-5930 to t mote u tio m u tio n• The Board o ' Trustees ..r ihc t mden Pul'liv 1 ih ta n w il l meet at 6 >"

p m in die v-onletence b«.m at the Hoard Ql I d ika lm n - Ndniim sira iM ii B u ik ling /" ( ilh b o n s St

n f f e e r j j

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Police investigating Linden shootingl . in d rn

The l inden P olice D epartm ent and the lm o n . County Prucecutoi's O ffice are- investiga ting the shooting death o f Hnan H am ngton o f L incoln Street

The incident occurred Monday at 10 p m Police caul w o males forced their wav in to H arrington 's home ami shot him m u ltip le tin t •> Authorities have not iden tified a m otive for the k illin g

Harrington w a s pronounced dead at- -inn itas H ospita l in H i/a h e th at 10 50 p m

U nion C oupts Prosecutor Theodore Romankow said the sus pects are both between 20 and 10 sears o f age One is 5 foot. I l l inches ta ll, w ith a heavy b u ild The other is 5 . foot 7 inches ta ll, w ith a medium b u ild Both are said to have been wearing black jacket* and dark pants

Anyone w ith , ans kn o w le d g e 'o r in form ation related to the incident is urged to call L inden Detective John Johnston at ,X is -4 ’ 4 - !G t '’ or 1 nion Counts Prosecutor \ O ffice Detective Richard loego rs j t m ix 52Sy4509.-

• Jennifer Santa Cruz was arrested Saturday to r ' sh o p lift in g from Shopnle on Wv's! I dgar Road ‘ '

Police said that Cruz, o f E#M E liz ­abeth Avenue, was allegedly seen concealing $12.9? w orth o f cosmetic supplies and trs fflg to lease the store

The 2 0 -ye if-o td was stopped bs store secunty and arrested w ithou t incident

• HishanUt D ixon, 22 and I mda Julius 40, were arrested tin drug charges fndas

Police sa id ,the l inden residents; were arrested as part o f an tnsestiga lion , and. were arrested on -East SI Georges Avenue at h p m

D ixon was charged w ith d is tribu ­tion o f cocaine, w h ile Ju lius was


charged w ith possession o f cocaine • A Roselle Street resident reported

damage to her car on FridayShe to ld police that someone used

a brick to break the d rive r's srde w in ­dow o f her 1997 Nissan between 6 and 8' p m

■ P olice said a man stole gas from the E xxon station on East Edgar Road Friday at 9 40 p m

An employee to ld authorities that the man. described as 6 feel fa ll and in a silver car. had his lank til le d and asked fo r o il W hen ihe employee went inside to retrieve the o il. the sus­pect a llegedly drove away

The station employee said he left w ith $18 o f unpaid gasoline

RoselleThe start o f the new s ear brought a

rash o f burglaries to the borough On Saturday, a C 'nstiam Streel resident reported that a Gateway laptop comp.iter was stolen from her home ___

The v ic tim said she left home at 4 Id p m and returned at 5 t-5 p m to find ihe laptop gone Police said they found a pry mark near the latch on Ihe front door

The value o f the com puter was $ l. 8 ’ i

, • On Sunday, a Walnut Street resi­dent reported the burglary o f h is home anJ the resulting loss o f $716 M l.incash

The s ic tim said he w as out o f the house between I 15 and 2 15 a m The a lleged b u rg la rs apparently entered the home through a side w in ­dow. w h ich had been locked

Police said that icw clry was also sto len, a lthough the value was unknow n

•A West 7 th Avenue resident

reported the lorced entry o f his home on Salurdas

A lthough nothing was taken, the bedrooms were ransacked, and.a pane o f glass was shattered on the back door

• A W alnut Street resident reported the burglars o f her home on F ndas

The v ic tim and her daughter le ft fo r w ork al ’ I t ) a m and returned al 4 2 0 p m They to ld p o lice they found the ir bedrooms ransacked

Police said that $2,500 i l l jew elry was taken, along w ith $150 in cash Entry was gamed through an open g round-floor w indow , and the perpe­trators apparently le ft through the rear patio s lid ing doors

• A . 1999 H onda 4O0EX was reported stolen from a garage on-East

s 2nd Avenue on FndasThe ow ner o f the car said that it

had been parked there since Dec .10 Police said there were no signs o f ,

forced entry , and there arc no soa­ped s

• Barbara Pieehmk. 41. o f Sparta was arre-u-J fo r d is o rd e rly : c o n d t ic l,on Jan I ai 1 Id a m

Police responded to a report o f a dispute in the street on Chestnut ih e y found Pieehmk and a male argu mg. and were to ld lhat P ieehmk. who was in tox ica ted , w o u ld he driven home

But they responded to another call o f a dispute later, where they again found the pa ir Police said Pieehmk had .left the m ale's ear and was screaming and shouti-ig

they alleged tha: I ’ lcehnik walked in to ihe in te rsection o! C hestnut S ired and East 1st AvenueVand that cars had to d rive around her lo avoid h itting her Police said she w o u ld not leave the area, and struck the respond­ing o fficer when she was being phys walls removed from the intersecuon

S cou ting fo r food

Roselle Girl Scouts, from left. Theresa. Lieras. Deneal Thomas. Patty Krug, Eli­zabeth Salmi and Victoria Krug joined forces with, the Bov Scouts and. the. youth group at Roselle Catholic Hfyh School in an effort to distribute food to as many people as possible


A cra fty challenge

Arman Wheeler, left, a seventh-grader at Grace Wilday Middle School in Roselle, and Philip Williams construct a structure that would be over five feet tail out of newspaper and masking tape The tower was the last segment of a six-week senes on family tools and technology


2 t h e Rahway Housing Authority will open its Waiting List to applicants for £ the federally subsidized low-income family units located at leesvtlle Ave and1 Capoblanco Plaza, who qualify for 1. 2 3 & 4 bedroom apartments2 . Applicants qualifying for one, or more, of the following Admission Priorities £ may improve the chance of obtaining an apartment, but it does not guarantee one ^ A written request for an admission priority must be submitted along'with thej; application Official verification will be required The local priorities are as follows



Trustees meet todaythe .iniuul reorganization meeting

ol Ihe Board olTfusteesof the Rosel Ic Rubin I ihuis 104 14 4lh W i <ri|Einwtls whedukd lot Jun 2 has been rescheduled'lor it might at " 10 p m

Candy contest in RoselleI he Rbtcttr Publiv I ib iars KM

IV c 'i 4 lh Ave ts sponsoring a com hi nation valid-, and conu-s ltoovl d u s tlo r animals th is holid.iv ,ea-on The vo n irs i is o[>en to ch ildren and adults residents and out o f -uisvneis anv N hI v and esrrshodv w ith a swentooth

To cM ci h im . an unopened van ,1 va lo r dog l. -n t m u -o r ig in a l wrapper indicating hiand ingredients to thelibrary Pot cactican donated a person - name w il l he entered inb> live co tllcs l lha l may

eveniii.vlls w in him more than $?5 msweet v .m d-.

V4c have almost Ihrec tim es a- much vanvts as we li.n l lo r our summet leading ilu b u n d s yoMcst- ; .aid DuBUMck Puzzi manage! Ol vourh services, In othei words live lucky w inner w i l l have enough vandv lo last turn on entire vear — <Y a( least cam h im a; tr ip « i the dentist!

C al/dog I '« hI donations w ilt lie accepted u n lit Fridas A t l lu l lim e a ll donations w il l he veni to,one o l the area s an im al shelters

Fo i more m iorm arion ca l! P tizz i ai die lih ra r, Iw vailing 90g 24s supo

Closings scheduledThe L inden Public Librars 11 E

Henry Si w il l Ik closed Jan 20 in observance o f M artin L u th rr R ing Jr > hirthdas O th e r dosings sche­

d u le ' during 2001 in are as fo llo w s

L m to ln sb irlhdav Feb (2 Washing Ion s hirltntav Feb I \ Good Fridas A p r il IS M e m o ru l Das weekend M ay 24: Independence Das ; July 4 I ahoi Dav weekend A ug 19. Lahoi Day Scpi I Colum bus Day .O c t I I -Veteran. \ Das Nov I I f lu n k - . r . M g 'E v « Nov 26 Christmas I se I '-ev 24 C h n simas Das Dec 2 ' ami New Y ear ' Lvc LVc t | .

Board of Trustees meetsD ie Board t i f trustees w il l meet

Jail . 2 ' ai 6 10 p m ui die conference room at the. B oard v if Educatitm s A d lm nis lra lion B u ild in g 2 Gihb'ons x i

Other nice w igs scheduled tor 2001 arc a> lottovvs Feb 24 M atch 24 A p r il 2 ' Mas 26 June 2 ' Jnl> 28 Aug 25 Sept 22 Oct 2 ’ Nos 24 and: Dec 15 ; V .






Applications may be picked up in person or by representative Tuesday. £ January 14 2003 Wednesday. January 15 2003 and Thursday January 16. 2003. from 6 30 AM 10 00 AM at the Housing Authority office located at .165 E Grand

\ Ave Rahway NJ In the event of snow in an amount sufficient to cause school closings in Rahway on any of the aforementioned days applications will not be given but that dayis) The <$ayis) will be made up the same day of week, the following week Absolutely no applications will be mailed nor may they be photocopied obtained before on after the above mentioned dates and times All completed applications may be returned to the Rahway Housing Authority in person or by mail however they must be received/postmarked no later than

February 1 .2 00 3 ANY

THERE WILL BE NO^ EXCEPTIONS, -2 Kenneth Pushko Executive Director

» \



Disservice to department

The l inden C ity C N v jne ilV S O vote to accommodate M ayor John G regorio 's request fo r a deputy ch ie f w ith in

■the city Police Department was a disserv ice to the depart­ment, to C h ie f John M rlia n o and to the taxpayers It appears that p o litica l and personal.concerns were para­mount to a vote w h ich saddled the department w ith a new S 1 0 '.S-T position

The counctlm en responsible fo r approving the ordinance owed the pub lic more than they o ffe red when the issue was debated at the govern ing body's regular meeting .on Dec I ’ Rut. amidst the silence that w as the Dem ocratic m a jor­ity .were.three.hrave.members w ho are to be commended.

J ’or the courage they displayed in questioning and speaking out against the ordinance Counctlm en Edw in Schulhafer. who broke ranks w ith h is colleagues, and Independents Robert I ta / ie i and R ichard lie rbo un ka were the only rep resenta'ives to ehtflienge-the m ayor's mandate

As per the council m a jo rity 's decision, t apt fra nk Kucvytiski w il l f i l l the post a s fire g o r io ’s hand-picked can­didate ( fu r denunciation does not judge the practicality o f the decision, nor the w isdom o f the selection V, h tle t ie r bounka attacked k u c /y n s k i's credentials as subpar. we agree w ith Councilm an Charles Crane in thai a resume does not alw ay s express the measure o f the man The tor- lifer captain may very w e ll be the right candidate tor the

C j o b ; ' _ ■ ■: -Rather, we feel that the members who a ffirm ed the o rd i­

nance ignored an opportunity to o ffe r a ra tionalization for its importance in the tace o f harsh, and log ica f critic ism s .Adding such; a position could ver\ w e ll atfeU the dav 10 - day Operations ot the department, w h ich is the gov ernmen- tat arm that residents, have, the most inlet action w ith , as ' w ell as being, the most crucia l Such a decision deserves

. debate and rtrsti ljca iipn .It does seem that tire idea to add a deputy ehiet was t ire

gono s alone As m avoi. he s in, md should hold the department accountable to r its actions and look for ways to improve Its e ffec liv itv Such c iv ilia n oversight Is v ita l- Rut. the council should not approve ..ordinances just because G regorio wants them ' At a conference meeting on \o v IJ. ihete was little discussion ■■! the idea. except tot

, M ihaito 's■exceptions :I he council had m opportunity tw offer a defense o f the

idea at the regul.u m eeting Vet. the oivlv support came from the m ayor h im self W hite G regorio said that the post w ould provide a smoother opera tion." lie suggested w ith additional comm ents that the re lationship between h im se lf and the chief is strained The mayor appears to want some one who w il l heed his ca ll w ithout question w ith in senior management at the department

I lie councilmcH and res ident' opposed to the. idea attacked it based on its necessity and foresight M tliano correctly th inks that it w il l separate h im from the rank and- lile . d isrupting his authority It was also said that rt just did n 't make sense, based on h is to ry performance, and the size ot the department

- 1 he pubiis was l-h c ii the d unce to understand w in the opposition te ll the wav thev dui Hut those attending wetc

j i o l o lfc ied even Oasc m stifieation lo r ,w in it was prudent “ I very one was lett to |cel that a majority ot the council

voted m the affirmative because the mavor wanted it. and ' that he wanted it so that he would n o t have to deal w ith M ilia nu And that is not reason enough

O u r p o l i c y o n l e t t e r s , c o l u m n sThe S/vi ' /«,.,!«-> *d> inev vuhmi'si'on.vIi,>ni in readers lelteis

I. the ,,clTt>’l it ■['SIT '!■ I'l. , , • .'II .11;, Mil’ ll-, ' A ;!l h . . ,11'lJi-!,-,! ! ■! j'uhb.cation ,in Ilk- .'pmi.'H page'

This •ppommity also rs.vpen to all , 'I Iu ta ls and em ployee ' ,>i the L ies a LinJcii the ‘Borough- a Roselle and the < ,'untv o! I nu n

the Spectator l i a i e t tesecye* Me right u- edat all submissions fo r length, content and stele W rite rs must include their name address and dastime telephone numhei lo r vcn tu a tio n

For p u h lka iin n art fellers and essays musi he received hch ire 9 a m '* Monday at. IJJftl Sruvvesm i \-.e T m pn OT08J •

- The 5/u aiv accepts fetters loiffeeditor jrid guestumnv > ia e marl The address is editnnatc* ihelosjlsourse com

fe lloe and guest sovunais'musrhe.revrtyed by Tam on Mondaysu:i h . node! 0 tot puhlk alien m Ihuodas > edition..-■

•f ellers received via c mail must tv.on topics ol ink-red preferably in response lo ..>mem that appeared in the newspaper .for (lurposesvi ver itisaiion. all leders must rncHidr a name addre,, and dav time telephone minihei

Advertising and new, lease' v,il iM he i.tepicd hs email

KIDS SHOW - Joey Rtz- zolo and Laurie Hardy act out a scene from 'The Lion. The Witch & the Wardrobe,' during a performance last month at the mam branch ol the Linden Public Library The artist educa­tors are part of Youth Stages in Pnnceton

111,R > J>(l O r*"

The past seemed so much easier - and betterj seas chattm jt vs oh a friend o t

m in e the ,«th<! day. and w e vv e rr laTk mg about D avid W este rlie ld . the man

. ,<vrv i, red o l k id n a p p in g and murder-rtg jt " s e a l o ld g ib m ) ■.lhtc'iujimfas.l ■

- Seat..' . .W c 'le r t ie ld w il l receive the death

penalty to r his c rim e Isn 't lhat won

! he c o m e is a h o r . , li.rn e d to a numhs-r ,0 areas o le iudm g a te lle , ' non on what d w as like when we

. w 'lav •

Vs ch ild ren, we w ere able lo roam v irtu a lly free he, .u se vse d id n 't th ink j I 'o .i! perVoris m op in g m il from behind bushes U s ing lo abduct us or neighbors try ing lo gam ou> trust olds to steal it away bv touching us the v o " - , : w.rv o: th reaten ing lo k i ll us i l ssr m id our parents

Thai doesn 't mean there vseien’ i ans perverts in the IWMis when i was ' ;.i ch iuy it!,! we d i.ln ’ has? lo w o rn . m uch hack then

, d.iv s when k js w i k s s h o o ' Ves we lea l's did i ,! - • recall mv 1wends w aum g on com ets lo r the bus Is' p ick them up- , u s , • 1 s .K so 1 y e w up i ■ 's I , . g 'oup .o ' us wa k c i so M t eo g* ritm ia i ssh ts 'l some iw o m ilc s away -

We ,! usualiv nu-es rp irons. ,'•! i'lve.Idmgs un i a ll rife students

! • , " ! ’ S y i eo s w io t-sed " i H e proi ec’ s were outside and ready to .g o

■. l 'm e we-e- * ’ , mans ,0 ,


8y Tom CaravanEditor'ir. Chief

I'he ii w e 'd w a lk m a pack unbl sse go! Ip the school and Ihen w ent our separate was s

Those were also the days when homes '.a d o n is one K ie v is io n scl I ” our apart men l, ours was in the liv in g room , and you had to watch ihe show that was on ihe screen w hether vo - (iked it or not

lodav. i f sou d o n 't have a teles i sion m every room , sou risk making sour kids feel as i f they have a deprived ch ildhood

. I hose were ihe dav, when ihe on ly telephone in the house was the one the entire fa m ily used And it was.usually m the k itchen or the nv m e room , so i l you were m ie rc 'i fd in m aking s telephone ca ll am i wanted ■'pr'v.acv.- oh, -wc!i

Remember when u n i actua lly had to thmk. to use sou r hrarn w hen lak . g math tests and know how to spell when taking E ng lish te s t '1 fn those days kids c o u ld never use a .a lcu la- !o , o p .rests , and spell cheek was something only those on the I nter prise in the le lesrston show ‘ 'siar

I re k " had heaid .ibo.n - R e n e w in g some o l th e . d is lru 'c report cards that are released each v, i i ' cot «s he ' some J scores d o n 't rise no m atter how mans "chea ting ' gadget' the stu­dents use

We wetc.hafdis t-sv d* sen haseballj practice- regardie". - >.■(..w I , I’ f i ‘ k 'V as o> 11 . - . I s - . ' i h / • a , t " . 'v I

T .I-V w in . h we , A;I k O III r I k « 1 c 111 k

' and the p layground at H e rie iev le t race S ih o o ' And we had to w aA to each loca tion itv 'jh e . rruisi pad I he tea so- '. ' " e • c "-*- • wi»-because most tam ilres had only one sehrste and w ith om * (« : , =e tt. s o i.U n 't alvsav s he ava, .i'' ....h We never had- ta il,y game'':hack', then Sty nephews arid m rce ' have

.games, and tovs today fhat I .an'-t even name, never m m d get in to ptav-

k j'ng when I 'm w ith there.W e p layed strekK id m the p t,"

ects, and we used real sticks 1 tr-e ot us k ids w o u ld draw a large K ik ,>n■ihe 'b r i ik w a ti. in vh a 'k : 'it wouldwash awav ,!„• ng ' i andw ith in the bos vu v . XThat was the st >

B a ils fe w ,-tt t!-ost -re , ks » -■ torse, som clim cs knock ing w indow,;out o f there s in liev o r denendir w h ich wav the hatter halted, landing in the m idd le o f the brook thai Bow ed .behind ou> ap o t " ,o „i; ', 'e s

. In w inter o-.-f tie- .--tsrde was b u ild in g huge torts out ot show W e d

go to the A A T on Nse Avenue and- K ) iu n v ;‘ c irn e o f the metal m ilk .ra tes hnng them hack and.use them !P bu ild put fo r t . A fte r packing each w ith snow, and pouring w ater on them' 11 we had to w e 'd turn them , arid stack them one on top o f the.

, other until our w alls were standing ; t d o n 't rem em ber how i t ; wav

;> shed, hut somehow w f m an­aged to put roots made o f .snow on our fo rts Back then. I guess yo u did

.th ings like that when you had to be - cteattve

.lodav: k id ' get to watch video games in w hich there is so m uch yio- Icn .e that v . . ; wonder it the re is som eth ing w ro n g w ith the people m ariu tactu ling them : ,

W hen we were k ids we had. shows such as "Batm an" and "S uper m an:" D id sou eset notice that b lood never flow ed from the nose or m outh o f any o t the v illa in s on those shows ’ W ith the video games today-, b lo o d is the most prevalent feature

fh e best o f a ll. though, was that . hack then, i f you wanted to com m u- nrcate w ith friends, yo u had to do tt in person And there was nothing better than the taee-M lace tmeracUon we i l l shared as opposed to todav vs.ften rr ip s spend hours upon hours o n lin e in then house w ith th e n Instant Messengers and e-mail It 's a shame you re a lly 'c a n 't go hom e again

lo m ( anasan can be reached at, tc a n a s in a the loca

Accompiishments in Roselle during 2002

free press lies, and will continue to lie, upon the press itself."

— Cushrow R. Irani, Indian editor, 1982

S p e c t a t o r L e a d e r

Published Weekly S in e* 1 9 1 7 . IncorporatingThe Lmcjen'Observer

Linden Leader and Roselle Spectator

Published ByW oria li C om m unity New spapers M e

' , Qavtd VYortM Pubtwher

*IdmCanavunErntcv tn C h U

' • * . .. M art Hrywr\*

1291 Stcryvesant Avenue ' Nvctvota* lo lite d o g, mpn. N J 0 7 0 8 3 Managing Edrtor

i908 ) 6 8 F 7 7 0 0 Geo'ge S Gannon. Mameung Director

CW orrall C om m unity N*wspapers Inc Roburt Pnmuno2003 A ll Rigtvts Rknervud Sales Director

ancies mciu'es and advew im ens nerem a»e tw

Iw T w y -epuweanor v r ^ - e e < eutvesa «««r. ■ Circulation DirectortwmiMK’i- is pmrtbrtel ■ -

E d ito r 's m ile I h r fo llo w in gre m a rks w ere d e live re d at the Roselle B orough ( u u n n l's annual re o rg a n iza tio n m eeting on r rulers I his is , the firs t o l tw o [tarts

I l ha, hern an honor to w rvc a- tin- com m unm - m avoi I would like to H ighlight lo t you some o l the a ,, -m plishm ents t lu t the m ayor and'K - r l lr H.-t -u .h ■ u n s il have w-ukeU; . together to im prove the community

r iu o u g h the c llo fts o f Assembly:man N e il ■ lien >t have sceh k cl

, le designated a- ,n 1 tt-an Tsicrprisc Zone Th is w il l citcouragc the deve lopm rn t a id evpansK'n ol-bsstiiesses in Roselle \> d today tlk-rc a lt tmsme-ses in Roselle that have met die stale > requirements to he quah lied a- 1 EZ h w m e - 'C ' Manv o| these arc now charging aids ! petsen. sale ' las I he w tun,I- •> i l l h r tctum c.l lo Ko e lk I- it t i f to v c thtw-i i Z :

The , "rntral B u « m e " 1' I ' I i k i ha- lieenenhanced .* td t the opening ot the

• W algrrcn - an t a -t F im AvenueI h i ' le i- also provided additional lax icvrnue . to l the B uough

The com pletion o f the Rose Ik Pla u at the R ivse lfe /F liM bedl IC-tdct „n la v i F irs t -V t-nus is he atm , cotnpie turn The tifs t stores w il l he opening in the ne st te w m.-RtJiv I here w il l he i ' d itfe re ttl bU'hlesse.s w ith u i the pla ra The. include a Sstau»s Auto Sunt Rad to Shack d e m is ts o th e r woman > clothing spire International B u lle t Restaurant card and g ift shop hair and nail 'a k in , a do lla r store and several other smart o u - rn r s 't ' Ttus i, a 55 tXJO-squate-hkit fa c ility lh a t w ill

State of the Borough

r . s c s e p t . r . - v a u

a f - add to the -las bast ,■■We uc aw aiting the starr o t die

renovations to die C A B utke hudd' mg on East F irst Avenue at the lo o t ot -h< tid .m H -.cnue This w il l become a

( ' i n k ot Friends Adult D a > Cate ( c n let

Die com pletion o f the sak ot the ift lT 't ta n c O e i: A ye hu ildm g is sche­duled tor d iis m onth D ie purchaser is f n State Furniture <-t F ltzaheth . The bu ild ing w il l lie renovated to lie used a , a reta il tu m in irc show-loom w art and tlrse - Dus w ill begin the redevelopm ent o l the St G to tg f ' \> rn u e atea

We arc also tn negotiation w ith a - retailer lo t the prospective puis Ivor ' o l the Department o l Public W ork , ptopettv at 1121 c fund let Avenue and th t ic has been interest expressed m the property at S i Gecvrges and ( lia n d k t avenues to r re ta il use A l lo t - ih i , i,.a ic 'u lt o f the l 17 designation and the I peisent safes lax

W nh a 51X 0000 counts Seniors in Action grant (he renovations to the C om m unity t 'e n te t have been com p k ir d These include a new to o l au cond ition ing and heating im proved ligh ting new restroom fix tu res and new energy c t lk ie s l wuidow s The bu ild ing should he reads lo t use next w eek:,.

' The council-appointed u -k io fee to asst'l in-die lin a l plans lo r the tenos jturn o t Ss Is e>ter Land XTehtorval F ield w i l l he m etiing shortly Con .tru s lio n -houkl Iregiti in the early -p rm ; and V,r tu'jH' to l u ' r thc fk ld reads lo t the ta ll sport, season

J in s work is ('em . done w ith a S i5 Ot*) slant Iro itl d ie .1 ntoti ( oun IS Open S|>ace Fund the botough s cap ita l fund and other grains that have I te n applied fo r hut not vet received

W e have hegtin the. Chestnut Street street.-* ape lacade program w tA the in s ta lla tion -o f .U c .- ia to t u cc ilig lir Ito tn Fust to Third avenues -k special leg islative grant obtained by Cohen provided them Plans arc-now under

• way l " t an rs tc ii ' iv c planting and:- sidewalk program w hich n u y include a pocket patk and other enhance

menis to tm pro-e the appearance an,I a ltia c tj- encss o t the .c r i’ ta l kistness i l l ' l l id

Funding lo t this protect w i l l lie com ing tto m th e ! n io ttC o u m . citecn

the Streets program Com m um is D evelopm ent Blo*.b. Grants and

grants from the New Jersey Depart­ment o f fcnv ironm tm al Ptotection

A id ing die n u v o i and council w ith these accom plishm ent, has been *

,new chtc l lin a n cu l o f l i te r ken B lum appointed last January and a new superintendent o| public works C arl Bow lev who su ited in h tapovt in June Both rtf these men have dedt sated an extraordinary amount o f Umr

.and n iH tfV W helping ret a new ami iK tte i courve tor die Enough and j i t O ttW M f v l- d u n k , to all o l theemployees to t th ru e tlo rtv on hchalt o t our cilt/ens

T " better prepare us ut the even! o l an emergency the ovunctl uhA action io purchase an - emergency hroadcast iatfU) sy stem Radio Roselle has been pu l on tile air al Ib-iO \V ( This w il l

citable die K, r. -ugh t - make emergen c ' inn--srinemedt. thcludmg x h o o !closings

W ith a A M i>;n.r grant from C o m : cast we arr curreM ls upgradmg our - h.innel U ta u lity This not o n h includes die upgrade ot out b u lle tin hoard hut an in-house studio as w e ll

This w t i l enable us t,. p rtd u ie in fo r ■ m altonal jsiograms about Roselle and out activtiies to broadcast on t fu n n e l

U The sabk teks isn-n com m ittee is w o rk ing w ith the administrator toaccomplish this

In eatlv D ecem bo we took ck ltv ers on a new botough bus T h is is used p rim arily to uansport our senior citizens on shopping excuistons and to cu ltura l csents new veh ic le is diesel powered making it m ore tael e f lk te n i and economical to m a u tu in The Hus was putchased w ith lunds Item tfte general c a p iu l fund and replaces, t 12 yearsife vehtefe

V Ite m o e ra l. Joseph ( ro te a uthe m ayo r o f Roselle


s «r* a* »t» k**Jv*lftn* * * * :

f t i i u i i i w i n .

Concerned about an issue facing the qoverninti bodv or Board o f education in your town? Is vour street in d isrep air7 O u r readers can use our In/osource hot line to speak out about any issue whether it is a question, cortiment, suqqestion or opinion, lh a t way, by telling m s .

»■ ' you can tell everyone in town.V r Call anytime, day or night. Please speak clearly into the phone when

leaving your message, Callers can remain anonymous.

G)Pin}nGPDK3ne)IFDlfy 1 ENTERS ELEC TIO N Uiroisi

3% S



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• 3

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t On Floor Models^ Some Scratched, Some Dented, Some Without Cartons ALL FULL MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY> *

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TOSHIBA 50 ’ TV Projection TV C A B L E R E A D Y

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S O N Y D V D /V H S Combination P layei■ <>»*»■»• ’V nrfu* mnoaod system ■ <9 Mtaor tejas■4'Heda cassette itionim:• .Mutt tmte. demote«-ontm *$< .

V E G A ■ ^S O N Y 2 T FD T rin itro n * W E G A *T V• 3-af-i*-jyitp. comt Ute- * JWr .:■ Component v * ie c .P 8 PR :f1pvt ^Wtooty MoQu’afa#--' $cj?• /Vf fcV speaker design • Dynamic focus • O K u 'ti.i** : 7 saw

S O N Y 24 ’ FD T r in itro n * TV• 0fW *C Picture * poetise* • •’ I Jv’ t» L'iYTf VjBI• Trottonf C0K3f ttmptrti&t 'ee\ •4 ^

S O N Y 2 0 ' F D Tnm tron* WE G A * TV•«rt*CtfW»n*n»<«H«! -Vi-! ■ IV SO* W f <*•*".

S O N Y OVD Dream “ System• S nuiitfr Jy>tai 4mpAe< • .*■ <**' PVP'SAtiKX1• WC fflttf iysten' p e w • '■

A\ ComiftK

S O N Y 5 Oise DVD/SACD " Changer Dream System*-55l! tVjifts kt& py,st#* >‘‘*19* ij^V :<5 t<JiWiV:'-,r'

. «./J> •’ 'H2rt V*' ,“4»Wk:* ';•:/■(igkt-ctif- **vi> t / ecodesg

• '■ .$^e0nf/si.Sm/lpetelt

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S O N Y 65" H iS ca n 16 9 P ro je c tio n Telev is ion• OCR ■ ~ Mi tjKton v7r wn*#y • MH' X ’ • PVI wTV -rr fl»c»• CiotMo^on * ’w m e 3 • p*# w * 1' te&wd&Si• Hf) £>{,? h rVwOeW'V n tW ir'E vV ' • We"v . 6T. * * ‘ v>»

jP iC • H-Yf jf? fug?? contrast protect*** 5> Be* *7.* ■ vif v

S O N Y 36’ FD T r in itro n * W E G A * H i Scan* TV• *$ ,:*■ VA- Y.Y .awcw • t * C '« © '«V»■ Cntnvtor r»**r»» 37nuW »"• r«Y- iy»-PlP - <»».vrft n » W » v S-.l’ "YVS t a on«iA*:at ;• MV.,, v. • • "re . 'Arnataa •

S O N Y 3 2 ' FD Tnm tron* W F G A * H i S can* TV• .V fO rr*v * iv 'w 7 i/ 'i 'iJ » ■ M>-Sc*' ’ .A O r'^ in a i• vr IV 3RC' •’ ijrr-r- 'K a r v ■ OVt-HOTVm v HOI

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Joseph MartinJusq th Mat an S o .n l pun Trcvur-

ii t it P t . iu rm c tK i: t . in tk n sited Dev 21 in S ititb tin iVmoHMutv H o v

, l> iu l S u iih u rv i’ .iH i t it tit M i M anm live d

in l. im ic n m t» i u i h i* I t k before m o v ­ing la Ttei.?rii>H l ie a-ayah e d ifo ito r t i i i the lin d e n M,ht» l »\>icm l» r m aiiv u . i i s and le i i r n l .u i | ir im .i|ia l III I f V

M r M .m m u u l m the \ro i-. \ u i 'u r ]K J u im ; AVuiItl \V aI II He also «v*i> ,i member .>1 die board the chon and (he fu u |d c i C lub ,u R clorm cd ■ l iu i t l i . I i iii.lcn and i member u l , ilu I in d t i i R o lan • lid

Surv. ic ing a it a d a u g iik i GeorgmaR iv . lj 'l’ ; i ,tSl-ll I f l l t lV I ' ,1 M.ICI- Helen G u t a \ . ' i . i i id t l i i id i tn and a . [ f a ! g la lldvfiud .

John E. Winstonliih.ll Ildm u lU h Vt.inilun • ! :

VcivaJk: le im e ti -i K -f i le died 0 t \ 1 in N r a a d :h i i m c I M ed; ■cal Center •

Born m k -e lh M i ik tn - io n m uted !•• N o t .ilk 4. -.c.i i - id ' Me t ta . 'a ; lu rk h ii. ! '| ie t i ih 'f a i . k i i k Foods H il l ' id e lic lu rc re iirm . M r W in d u ll a .iv u ii the ustier h u a ij and a member ul die a liu it ii Belklcliem M t'- io lia rv Bapitg l C J iu rtii R iite ile He » a t an \ n n \ te ic ran u t the K. tra il Wor and verted a t ,i radio operator and laterAt,).' . It.ltfl li lt X lltl . k t v tT .l v

v i l l ' ;n in hu t i le Vera i vuii ju l l i l in . daug in rt- \e in iu t . i and; Ie rfv . i three v is in ' Framev H arre ll Mareueetie Johnson and \ l t u u 10 aandv h itd ien and a cica t-g ia ftdeh ild

Elizabeth Machalaba! il.’.d eth Mathaiaha I L inden

died i:> tv : \ m d n iim H i' ' | ' i ia i

B um m E lizabeth M rv M athaiahalive d in Ruselle he lorc tm-ving in L in Jen 10 te a r- ago She ttav a vem nd- grade leather in the R osd le Park v th n iil " , v i t in at ihc Ruben Gordon school lo r 40 tcarv and received die t lu t c n iu . v O utstand ing Teacher ! ■ aid in Id d l ' ,

S u m 'n ig are. her hushoad, Ste­phen and her I'u icn iv M un e l and Joseph Laurence ’ .

Robert Fischbach: R tt iie r iE fhvdibaeh, 1 of'.Rosette.',d ied D e i 2d ui Union H ospita l

Burn m Flizahclh M r F iv th h a th Itte d m Rosalie i 'l "TS te a ls He ".<• a tp ia llit ■ •infol i i i 'p e t i. 'i to i F'W.0 Co K c ii il t t . in h lo t nme tears Prior io that Nil 1‘1' t h h u h ttav a state h u t in T utagei lo t S i ig it Brothers M iit tn g and Storage Co Elizabeth, lo t in ,tin tears lie ttav an k n o t ve t­eran o r the Korean Wat

.S u ty n tW i- :i ' " i t : Henrietta .Davidson ..

Kenneth A. DucaR em it!!. \ Huca t " id Linden

diet! l ' t \ 24 ui ihe D r la lic Nutsm g and C ' lo alestent ('en te r Linden H u iii t ‘-..alieth Ml> Duca rooted lo 1 tndcii'm any tears ago She ot»ned the f i t - . St-rt ne Gas Station in Linden lo t m an i te a t ' lie lore re a rin g m a m fe a t ' a : i 'u t t n in g ! ' a brother l*rtei y.y

Lois L John. V i i i ' I M m SI u lO a k R id g c In t- molt . ! Roselle died Dee 2 ' in C ram ' A l i l l V ut'U tg Home V ics i C a ld w e ll

Bom m Niagara f o lk N t M i "John Ined iff.Roselle be lo ic musing ■io Oak Ridge a tear a.,. She was an


4POSIOI l( < AI VAKY IAB1 KN M l 1“ tec rc Herr few You'“

. . . ,r ■•'fri'fw : t ; \ A : '.h | iv M p ' ! f



'■ Vi A N<

^ si; :t CV Jit!i ' pm arvj i >t

m l i f? L«fut 1 !A M ThufVsJtjvt N-", . Vg vi .‘ids ,r'HiHc •. ...n»tmt -MwfaNi AKt vvr: . ‘M

.itHMrcmp 'Ar<Jfv.v4rrv' 7 p m '$$$\ AiVh. - 'f

Refirtwai V - r t ( » tw m W VAfT'likau' a' jiiaWif1 Wr aha,- • iirif;M Mt.r ■ .ti-iH-keLn AslJavi -n fn-.?AC?>

v.r W 7«»m; -me.:. ,'c;-;.-Msh'ip '

11 A P T ! S Tt huJi


.. v V Sen•"■}> Mati- 'f fr i : A-j.uvttai 'M!N

M » V{. i K«;

Von :

?-..\L*rsa*> vm c A

: i ’l.YtK V*VU at> im\$m a; uf 1 -‘t' iA 'Antdwpsis ttk VaKt-fi v S 1

> ■ . .. \tm sAkm-'..Settti'* PtoHY-. ••

!R(H. T t N T H C O S T A l .

IRIMIT PI NTH OST.Mcs"A ■ ViBisv : »HH, INI SN f H I OWSHIP;. w v : a; ; .■n '! > •

ROMAN CAIllOl 1Ch \ \ \ \ - ' •:4th 4t . ■ : ST I FO S CHURC H


m *m! : t ’fYlJi tv

- J ' Pfh.Os

! NiiSUJdlVi. * A PT ''Y.-J#. p.w :

Y.-ytffM : M.'«vl»v \p.'« Mas* . .. ( j,

-•TT Mite


5h one ch ttfcb M$V. A ; ftp '

the Hihh ■ Lctvr-ru.l i horthea

S' v •-1

iw B S


e x te n t iv tr s c t fe l i fv U*f G f f t f f i !M v iu iv G M A C ISjvtston New Y m k C u t lo r 40 tears and retired t it 1980 M i " John wav a giaduaie o l K a ll. r i me G ibbs School She wav a Sunday vtho, . teacher and member o l the M u r G u ild both ai St Luke ' h i angelica l Lutheran Church in E l i­zabeth M i " John also was a member o l the Juniot Woman s CTttb in Roselle

S urv iv ing i - a bfothet A l t on

Mary G. La BracioM a lt G la Bracm Sb a life long

resident o l Linden died Dec. 26 m I 'r tn iU ' H tisp iU l Elizabeth

M i- l a Bracio wav a cafeteria worker lo t i w n l SA B a y tta t Ret in e rt 1 mJen lo r mure than 2< t ta tv am t retired hi 1984 P rc tm u 'lt , she had heen t bookkeeper w ith Bam- Iterger ' department 'to re in ^ ^ - ^ n t a s a u k s a sw ^u le lo r LuCem Tech’ ; : 1 A ! l ' ! '■ 1,1 , l i " ,c u ' l ' td im lo g t. W t iikI bridge M is Rama wa.-,i v f ia j i ta i tg m bo.iikkecpmg Hum

las Hospital, I l i / jh t l hM i " B rn lu td was a com puter oper­

ator at Protech S uk ty E tju ipm cnt Linden and hetore lhai. at B on tm 1 Pease Elizabeth She had been an uvlie i and emergency th o u memlter and a parucipant in the B ib le Study and W tduevdat N igh t pfayer groups at the F irst Baptist C hurch l. mden

S urv iv ing arc her m other A lg tcMae S ite ! ' three sisters Emma Suuclv M a lic Farrar and Sharon D Myers and three brothers Frank Jr Vernike St and A lbert M yers Sr

Joanne G. RantaJoanne G R anu (n) u l Linden

died Dev T in ihe l inden home of her daughter K elly Anne Pccoraro

Bom in Jersey C ity M r> Ranta h ie d in Bayonne lo r lb years betorc m u tin g io Linden 16 tears ago She

t»« 0 Ctofik m aniwwon ol U«1 aa. *>' bKltltM* m ti*v r« -2 0 % o* WH

two ,i.di>.iLro c4*H Ol C*Ttih#0 ctvmck at '• ot tn.#

,-R». Nww*at MorfiB*8» *■Coitwar #t mOoc4.#t No F-15W4 97Out > •»*» No 83137 017

MUNlClPAClTY Howtigft ul Holt*** County * S lot* Union Ctlunly: Swl*

SUMt ' * "silOOl N u im w * '< *« » ’Aytjtnua " " -VrtfcTam to t * SJocR Number* Vo* nv?

Bkscht 34 "■'*.**IM W is o n t l i? 10 « «0 00 . ZSZ IMn 9 0 0 0N o a rn t Cross Strssl *»«n> 100 00 Som Wosomalon *vsnu#JUOi.iMl.NT AMOUNT ONE HUNDH60 HE Tv THOUSAND SI* MUNOHED SI*TV TWO t)O a *B S AND THIRTY n in e c e n t s t$ iwaeZ-am ATTORNEYZECHNER EitM AN A A liAUSt



TOTAt JUDGMENT AMOUNTi * J 0 K .2 J S 3 9 . :

.u tn u A i, 3 : 9 T« ?3: Z 0 0 3uasos s p > 1 *9 3 001

D r a k e B u s in e s s S t h o p l in E l b a b e t h

. s u i t t \ m g , i ie i w o s u n s A l f r e d a n d

k i c h a r d lu in t i v i e i s M a r i e M u s k a l

J e a n S c l u t e i . F r a n s e s i t w m s k i a n d

N t a t g a r c i N . i g M . o , , ‘ a n d t w o

g i a i t d t h i l d r c n

Olga BenfordO l g a B e n lo r d ( .4 a l i k h m g ie s i

d e n t o l L t n d e n d t c d D c c M i n . l i m i


S H E FUFF ■ S - Nl?MB£ f* '06V .O iy iS iO N - C H A N C E MVC O U N r v U N IO N

• •L \A IN T i» » -v 'N iO N ( t . ' . N T > S A .V ‘N t iS B A N K - ' -

' O E F F N O A N f • •a u V s L 'it ;H M A ('N -. FT,-At.,-'- , vV‘ V OK | .vt ■ '. ‘ 'LN UAM. . -

• ■ o i n W L .0 , \ * v .' . ' - - \s a u d a -tf

W f ONfc S D A T * H t - M M D A Y O F fiB ftu A B Y A O " 3 ? 0 0 3 .

' : By « ir tu * ot t'htt* « tx>v» ffiU lK J .writ ' o f . ■•■•CUftCNvtC rt>* 5fY«« fO<- ia t* t>y pobfhc Vatkiu# at ffw* ciN.ON t OONT v AOMJNiSTRATtON BUHDlNc* ’ $7 4 t CX>« TO tU i/ABOTH TOWN F»i"A- r s’ A t. ag’.atMBtr-.. N J- o> :vvf DNk SDA-* ‘.at:, fwt , I. w k m m* a«#»t>oof' .t* aA»d limy A« »ofcx;#tcafut;©klcl»iA :'mw»t- n a V « of tfww« '

. I '■! A>ArtAtM«.2.n. i/asr^ i>* - ,.:h»cK at't h * co n c H o m o o ot mat* w i a t

' t « i ' < w i y l . t * * > ‘ t s v .-»:**-■ • nvd* C ity o f J " I tfMB C o u n ty Of u n *o n N # a

k ommvwMy n n e*rfv»% u n c o fnL tn o a i' N j Q ’ 03tT

’ a» . iA N. * m BHx» *0.?;.MrT%*»nsH-ns •» •. • 'M ai#** St'

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.**aS.tYtiffy iHtH ol ftotn-.1 .ETi-s.*'. ■ a »*'

S a ta ( • a u b fa c t to O p « n (S a w a o C a r t t A c a t * N o 9 * 0 0 5 ) a o w U V O IA X ) »o M a d v tn C o r p o r a t io n to t a l a m o u n t to r a d a a m 11 ’2 2 /0 2 $ 2 7 8 0 8 . p it ta a n y a c c r u a d in t a n d a u b a a p u a n t ia a a a a a th a y m a y b a c o m a d u a

■ . i.N ■ m '.. a m : ■ * ,t

' ■ ‘ -.■■■• '‘ ATJX)RNCV- •

h : ", "'. •A C W IR M A N A T T C R N f V S'•4 3 » N P R U C f D « i V f P O B O X 1 0^ 4M C H JN T A «NS>0E N j 0 ? C « ? 0 0 i ‘ 4 ’ 'A.m a'Jsl H$0C - X» .* L 4 3 3 7 0

S M f .R l f F.ha; » RszfMi II -.

, .a t s t . ;n iP T K )N ts F i^ g oAT ' M l 'J N IO N C O U N T Y S M f R tF F S

* ‘ iO N E m u N O H E O T m .m • . S I . i s t m O U S A N i O N E M U N D B f D f»F T f f N tK > l

A*. A •»; H I MT . | ( *,TO T A L - ' I ‘t l M f N T A M O N'T

S' 1....... 4 ' ................a n 16 2 3 30 O>003

L J 4 M 3 S F *l ;$1<M 0 0 i

-SHtMiFF S SALESHE Hi* L N MKI Ft CH78.3$&«. j . *. mAN f inCOUNO u V .'N DOC A FT NO Fe<n$9 7 PL AiNT-i F C iT'MOFIYOAOE iN

S ANDHi Nt M S' »• S A M t 7 41

w m r O f t i F C u T t O N D A T E NO Vt MB EH 22 7000

SA, t DATE,V M A. • ,*V T i • t A t »

ANt AM* A D 2003.>•, , tu a j !»•> aL?..■■»# s t« a » j **• ’

Eim.!.T t • m # . » s3 anaA aag a • mh* t‘y pubby. .•'wiioa a’ tna %H.)N C tH ’N fv ADMINi$THAI »QN BUH . (NO 1S V ‘ , CKJH 10 t 1 *ABT TM TOWN »*\ A /A t /a t# n u .< VMDNESDAv at two 0 ctoefc ‘n thm «nam<Kin ot aa«d da* Am •UCdiraaAfi tndda** muat nava TO1*- of tbaw tncl a*AHat>« i f **r. of i*tnna>d cna.A a* rr .• tyoakxi u» tn« aa*aa c TtMi MTUAGt INL. t E S TA m t i<XnS #» «ta iv>-h*( No f «01»$7

Tt*# p r o p a r N A t b # a o td ■* K »ca i*d *r> t L tTY O f LfNDFN S la t# i*f N -t

•S' *i •«M O M T I,

H 1* ir - r r * k t i « t 16

A- m * l r . yr 'T^mup t - Tha

f t-. ■M' OrWn And.'

N#f «.?»'• y 'N # a # # a f e rt ja * a t i# # i P#«a» $1»##fP tm i m n i * ) S U B J f t T T 0 U N P A ID .

T .A A i.S A N D O f H i t * M U N A L P A i t ‘ t N b ’ • '. ta : a m o u n t <u»f a t o f K > i-7 s.47 tor ttar*ladartyprK .n >p in # • * «^ru’ * 9 A t * ot.

t»gv W oodbridgc Mr> Ra h u a member o l tire Christian Service Com m m ce .tml (he Annual P ia iic Coium m ce. bothAAt the C hurch o f StAnne, Garwood

A lso surv iv ing are Iter husband Henry A .» daughter M ary E l t i a k t h M os ie llo a brother Mon.vignor John P O 'C onnor pastor o f the church ol, St Anne and tw o sisters M ary Eh* zabe tb la n z i l lo and M a rg a re t M c lne m cy


j U D i » M E N T A M O U N T O N E m l /N O R E D S F V t N T V S E V E N T H O U S A N D . T W O M U N O H E 0 F O R T Y F O U R D O U A R S A N D - r o w s ’ * v * N T 'S >■' .'44 4." .

:S T E R N I'.A V fN T H 'A t:" 'L T iA N K fc N B E fY J - N O H y .A A M D A :\k A p N tC M . L '

‘ >y);t - -S t NMC A t H L 'AM k W 'A *' l . iV iN v * S T O N H J 0 7 0 3 8 * 1 7 4 '

- S M f'L tiL K . :R A L P H 'F .R O f iH t fC H .F u u i r o A t D E S C R IP T IO N IS F A E O

. A t , ' T H t . ■ t.-.'Ni'ON" C C a iN T V S H f 1-\ n ■

. •'•SAND •TWO’ H U N D R E D '-S E V E N ? V. TWO-. D O l .A R S * A N D F IF T E E N C E N T S

■ ;< a . ' , . 1M i NT AMs ’ i N ? .•. " lI2 .5 4 .2 7 2 151

W n u A f.y 3 tt 1 $ 7 3 .2 0 0 3 -.' - ...

S H E R IF F S S A L E, -vMf M ,i 4 -s N U M B ! n i m *V 64 V A •

v -Mi / iN V: m A V L m •- .' •

• i H X i - i 1 N D f t '1 4 4 .V TP i A iN T ifK .. E O u V C R E O -iT . C O R P O R A ., TjO N O t A M I MIL A! •? L j M ' .A N * K ARfcJN- ( > ' " ? * S.(>.N M H • AYiNSOV h USHANP Qf KAMf'N f

' X sm'N S O N f ? A-i s - " -VVHtT t. ' lL 'f ;Y R D .: /T H .W p A T f : "......

. ' S A L f O A ’ t•’ , v t i' S t S ‘ -A * " T » a l 2V T M L A V 0 C ' ,

A N i '-A R * A C: 2(X43 ••• v-f.-'th# . a tK - .# a ta »# d ." ta f‘f O f .

v -J . ?■ an aft a w p o a# : fo<.- «ai#"tn" • -W tn d ii# at m# UNION

*k D *N G .■ t -S.? I V < H * 10. E i 2 A B t T»4 "T O W N PL A • '

/ A t , . / * b # t t . N J o n W E D N E S D A Y a t Nut- vkx,A m m # a fla *n o o n of a a « j d a y An

• ••»;-.':•«»»,»«! bjddaaa- m utt n*..•■:t « - a * a ^ a b i8 ' ; t r i gaan . o« c # f trh ^ j c n # « t a t ■■ vc .lo th*. aa>«» •:

■ . - t , * , • ’ t**i a* hj >* lo e a la d # ? -.» •

• ■ ;T" ■ - -. '■ A.»*>< -n* .N J -.O T ty O .’. '

T a a L o t N o ?3 S tock S Q 2- •. '•;.'>*••«*• u • s • ' ‘ ::■!.• ;App»o»ifT»ali*fy.i.-2 5 , .

«*d# EV TCP' Hf#i k»Yj .•' N * a f # a i O m 'a a ’.'S irU at' S ftu a l# on. tf>'* # * A

.. t in s > id a w » a .o f A v M h i * ' " ,;t 2fv fa a t n o n , n o * t« a rV N d a ttn a -o f T A * d •.

a. ., '• ■ : V• S a fa i t a u b g a c t lo O p a m ( T a ^ a a ) C a r tm, c a ia 'N o ; -0.1-0.03 ad»d 0 . S 7 A X H . T o '• -•

A m a n c a n T an F u n d m o E L C to t a l a m o u n t So r a d a a n t 1 1 /1 3 /0 2 $ 1 7 ,1 7 0 4 $ ,

> f u a a n y a c c r u a d m la r a a t a n d t u b a # q u a n t ta x a t a a th # y m a y b a c o m a d u a

. -* . M i S ’ A M O U N T O N tT H IR T Y T H O U S A N D Fi.VE H U N D R E D i '. .» p rE |- 'N ' D O U A R S - A N D ' E .l.EV'E-N;A H O H N E X

S \ KfcR'. h . l D B E B L Y A . A C K E R M A N .. ' A f

.. :• M O U N T A iN S i r - t - S - '

; ' . ' ' '... ... .. - 4<Ak PH t MOE.M'k ,; '.Kr * . ••

F u l l . L t i i A ' i P E S O R ip H O N 3 $ F i t E D •A ? ; ?m 'E I. N iO N - ••>': v.H.'N TV .S H E R IF F S ; '. IH K .E ' --"-ONE : H U N D R E D .f O R 'T V .N i'N E /■ T R Q u ;

. .■ r t , l A M S A N D K - . ' . f . . ( N ‘ s . .

r o T A i j u d g m e n t a m o u n t . •.- . *" $4 04-00. '


. .. 'DOCKE T NO' F f 79360 Vp l a in t if f m o r t g a g e ELECTRONfCREGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC d e f e n d a n t s o n n y B NICOL AS and LUSSET JOSEPH AKA LUSSETTE JOSEPH m iS WIFE

WRIT OF EXECUTION DATE O c: t o b e « 2? 2 0 0 2


FiBRUARV A D 2003* • * By H i tu a ' e * tn a a b o v a a ia ta u w n t of .

K Y .t'o n to m # 'm»aetiaci..i ab a8 a K P d a*' *<->' i* ia t>y puHc- : v*odM«. at tha UNION

. C O U N T Y . A D M IN IS T R A T IO N b u i l d i n g1 s t f l o o r io e u / a b e t h t o w n pea7 A F l i /a b a t n N J c x v W K ? N E S 0 a v « t t*au 0 d o c * rf' tn # « fta '» x x *n o t aaxJ (M y a #

■ • s o c c a a ifm tw d d a ta mutnf K a va 20S o f tfia«? ta d *v a « a tM a -n c a a * o< cad if«ad c tm c k at

- ;.onc*uaiN6n :o f .m # M N a.... ? n a p ro p a r tv ,D *>• » fo c a ia d »n t n « .B O R O U G H o f R O S E L EE P A R K . tn fr>a ioonty of ljN iON and m# Stata of Na**

. 'Janway.COMMONLY k n o w n a s 34 EAST


■' •, o vw atM w o n * of m a t o t - * * * - { A ^ c w m UtR a ia - :■' ■«at .m t ia Ijy . H T ). fa a t to n o

’ e a a ra a r C »o a# S t fa a t S a u a fa d o n th a •SOUTHERLY a td a of SUMMER AVENUE 410- fa a t fro m th a E A S T E R t-V ' i * d a of


: r .H ifU yy F-.i-vl ‘ THOUSAND- F-t-y E : HI JN0RS.0 TW* l v r • DOLL ARS • ANO • MF T > • S!X CENTS $23$ $ 12 S6

. .A T T O R N E Y i' -SHAPIRO 4 0IA2 U.P.K-:


• ■406':i,iRF>iNCOT.T..DR»Vl' '••■■'■MARL TON-: Nj:dB05.:iSHE Mif f, '•■ RAl PH FROf; ML*CH

f Ui l i EGAL DESCRIPTION iS' FILED AT THE UNION COUNTY SMI- -qj, pice•w o M u N t)» t f H *TY iM tluSKNO HOW HUMoneo NiNi rv o w t OOt-. *««. AWO TMIRtv TWO CtNTS

I f " * . JU0QM I>.’ *>.« NT

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fho* * ' ‘ d m 1baBORCKK .H D f HOSElLE PAI4K County o f U ru o n a n d S ia ia t>f N J .

it' i t opm enoniy L n o a -n a a $ i 4 h A M it .T O N P L A C E R O S E L iE P A R K . N J

« t* A noam a n d d a a i» n a ta d a a lM o c A 7 o i Lota 28 33 *»h1 34

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Prwi aamai SUBJECT TO UNPAID TAXE S A N D O T H E R M U N IC IP A L l i f M S .Tha.t*3r«ai a im O u n t.d ya Aa of 1 L L 2 3 0 2 to* u n p a id

c h a /s a s 1* m « ta a q e » a v * f« ftu m -o f$1 7$ ;

• 'J U D G M E N T .A M O U N t - ■ T W O .H U N D R E D T W E N T Y N i N t T H O U S A N D F IV E

' H O N O R E D N IN E T Y -O N E D O L L A R S A N D N O C E N T S t$ 2 2 9 3 $ U > 0 l A T T O R N g Y

S T E R N 1 A V IN T H A I F R A N K f .N B E R GN O R C iA A R D A K A I> N iC K l v

r i j.v.H.-2 » 3 f c iS E N M O W fH P A R K W A Y L IV IN G S T O N H j : 0 7 0 3 9 Y 7 T 1. ■_

SHERIFFR A L P H » M O t *44 h h

c ' f U i . I f t . A t I Sa t . T H E .' U N IO N 'C O U N T Y ; - S H E R IF F ^ '.

t W O H U N D B i O l O B T V - f O U B ' M I X , S A N D • i iW t M N O P K O T h i r t y T W O D O U A R S A N O F O R T Y C E N T S

•■'•TOTAL J U C X iM f N T ' A M O U N T . -.. ($744 $32 4k)i

D a c ■ 2 4 ; 2 G 0 2 --J a r i. ' 3 '$•• TA. 2 Y O■ LJ4345.' S H . . i '-*-504 00):


i n # B tw n ig n o f R o aa**a n a a a a a r d * d ac o n tra c t C O m paW yA ' tm kArvg a * afK o *aa*K > n ai ■ pu.ryuan* to N J S A

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'; C la rL •

Awardtd T o Th» law F irm ;of;Rudatfhan4 GwcAman

.6 7 5 M o«na A varn »a ••■•■Sv*na 1.00' * "

.' , Si>nng(h#K1 ;N fW ; Ja» »a y

S a r v X a SpddMP ■ < x ** a t f •'■'••••■• v ' i-afeibr- R a ta n o n a . N a ^ o tia -

. non#. '•'

Coat A n UHiny ra ta $ 1 SO 0 0 notr. $Li y v •'*’ .- . .

... fame' •. ■ Pamxt . v.aar

■ ' i$ 2 5 0 .S » V : 3 2 ) > M a n . » ." - i$ . ; 7 3 ; 3 0 '. 2 0 0 3

U '48 52 S P L ' i t m 00) . .CMfK ;

i 2 " iM i0 3 . •. ^ j f i a n n a B ra d a r. BOROUGH CrFHK

U A S S 6 S P L J a n » 2 0 0 3 , $ t 0 5 0 t


. 'T h a 'B-oTeK^'of R o A a fta 'h aa . A n a K la d *: c6rrt»acf w ith d u t td m p a W fv a -b id d m fl :a a 4 -''

lY o fa ita K m a i. a a rv id a p u m u a n t . to N J S A ... 4 0 A 1 1 5 u M l Tfua c o n tra c t a n d t h a ra a o k i n o n a u th o n /m g H a m a v a a a n m *or pubfck

. tn a p a e fto n ' m th a O th c a o t th a B r o u g h '

. A A a n N K i T o S A F K O IncP O B o r 4 6 * ' .

: RoiMSa. .N .!•■.v ;;^ / ‘En^naaf'' . - 1 1

C o a i . R a ta tn a * F a t n o r t p # « c a a d ■ ; $30,000,00 ' ■

;.T «TWP a n o o r a a f #r*dj#»g 1 2 - 3 1 0 3

•..'Johanna BracNm ''B O R O U G H . C L E R K

u45'»fi SPi; »an $ 2003 .;. 00‘-


T h a B o n J u g h o* R o a a a a h a t a a a n la d a c o n tra c t a^ th o u l co m p ab t»va bKJdm g a t a p ro fa a a to n a i — rxtem p u ra u a h t to N J S A 4 0 A 11 -5 F t *a T h a c o n tra c t a n d th # 'a a .A u -

■ n o n -'a u th o n /tn g *1 a ra : a v a * A t» a . to r .p m N k ■ ;m a0atd«on m th a C W c a o t th a B on»ugB

SHERIFF'S - ale ; .C H ? M 'S 5

S u -h U H A N C F h , ••v t-U *N"fV' ’ .l,C>N

T .'NO TlStMMO *' A iN T -iF F • • .N 0 .R W £$?•'■ .M O W 1 G A G E L.

K M N I A N ’ C L A R IT A t (H U t R i ; * •O ■ .•" '

A; .' --,' V 2000 ...S A L E f - A T f .

WFDNESDAV T H E 2 9 Th D A Y O f jA N U A R -r A D 2 0 0 3

• By YAiua .of .tva ..Afocnra-ftaiad ..***» ' • To m a .'d w ac iad t - a p i aAPLAia M •

• v .• : , pubac *andua at tha UNON. . .

" '1 S T F L O O R ' TCE'EA s/A B E T M T O W N . P f A , / * i . Y jJ b a A ' N J ;«>n W f D N f .S O A Y ' * f .


P L E A S E T A R E N O T IC E lh a i a a a ia d .(.« o p o a a k* to r th a o f O n * ( 1 .) 3 0 0 3 .F o r d F - 1 8 0 4 * 4 t r u c t 01 a R p *o v a d aq u a*

. Tha Borpugn .oT- Roaaaa .m;acepna»nca*k*tn H ^ e A K A t lo n * o n N # a t th a p lh c a M thaB o ro u g h • A d m m it i f a t d r : : ■ 2 10 .C h a a m u t •

■ Siraat Roaana Na*% ' iar*#y »ha» ,.ba ■ rac a rva d b y T h # B o ro u g h A d m tn va lra lo r on b a h art o t th a M a y o r a n d C o u n c A o f th a Bo* o u d h o* R o a a a a a t th # M u m a p a i B u a tim g 2 1 5 r*aa tn u t S tra a i R o a a a a N a * Ja*»a»

‘ H ' " 'W E D N E S D A Y J A N U A R Y 2 « a t 1 0 0 0 A M L O C A L P R E V A IL IN G D M EAi M u c h n m a a n d p *a c a ih a> a h a « b a pub* < t , n w A f l a n d ra a d ako u d -.N o tKd# t a

n k # *» a d * n a f »ha t$afa a«xi u m « a O o vaN w c it ta d M ts d * m u # t o a m a d a o n o o m -r * a ia p ro p o a a i fo r m * a v a a a ta a fro m th #

' M N # Ot ff*a B o r o u ^ * - A d rtw v tflfaU Y - a n d :■ arK :*oaad ijh a n a n y a io p a c taanv. m a r ita d

P R O P O S A L F O R 2 0 0 3 F O R D IS O 4 *4 . T ru c k O R A P P R O V E D E Q U A L N o ta d m ay b a ^wthcaatan a h a * th a d a ta a n d n m a *p # c d *a d a * c a p i > a c c o r d a n t * w d h N J S A 4d A i i 2 4 .

b i d d e r s a r e r e q u i r e 0 t o c o m P L Y W IT H t h e R E Q U IR E M E N T S : o r R l - 19'^" c :v 2 > ' vN JA C 1 ? 2 ’ ....

B id d a rs a ra *ad u»rad to c o m p ly -n th th a p *0v*a*ona * a f to*1h «n th a N J P u b tc L a w

.■ T N M a y o * a n d ‘L o u n o tt of th a B d rO u g h d t -.

R o a a a a N J *a a a *v a th a n g h t To r i ^ c f any**K3 AN b tda:,’

B « f t * n g d tx u m a n ta a n d ip a c X ic a tto n * may ba ofetamad rrdm fh* bfhea o f tha Bo*

.. ough Admmtat'ato* a t tha - .a d d ra a t .mrtad a b o va ta fjM M K th a h o u r * 0* 0 3 0 A M a n d 4 0 0 P M M o n d a y th ro u g h . ‘ F:n d a y '

B y -o rdar Of th a M # y d *-# K T C d M P C ^ n , -» 'f . '■ ' B o ro u g h -.o f - R o t a a a . ■ N a * . j $ f « a y ' '.

SP ,L Jan '2 0 0 3 " .. -.■■ ' T » t 7 2$>

S H E R IF F S S A L E ' “• S H E R IF F S . h , M B I R H ? S 7 '0 $ 2 ' .-L '

' ' M. ■:• ' - '•■''• ' ;

D O C K E T N O F 1 1 4 4 3 0 2 P lA l N T l F F C O U N T R Y W I D E H O M E LOANS INCD E F E N D A N T E D M U N D « F A H O U R Y 4 B A R B A R A N U T T I A H O U R Y H lS W IF E


•W E D N E S D A Y T H f 22ND D A V O f ■.'

• JANUARY. A'D. .2003- ■ ;- B y •"■ M fM U of 4 < a ' :* lK > v a -M a te d w r it o f • a a a c u fe n te m a difactedT anaH a » p o a a i& r ■ w a by pub ac .a m f u a at th a U N IO N

. A e ya n ia d T o R o h a n T u r n ) 4 u m n n o n a Q n a M o v c M d Pfea/a. ' .. .'*. •

•'.;■ 4 0 0 0 R i $ $ • .‘ an* Nank >#**#>.'


. T*'» Appaai c-our'iMH..'•• S’ *5 lx;- t*a* ■ non* - t*t 'a * c .a a d '> 2 5 0 0 0 OC'

T >ma • ■ CM. O T O J th fo u g h I 2 ‘3 t « 3

■ Jnha*vui.',B.adan ■..k .;45»Y S P i - J an .».• 2 0 0 3 ;• ■ i$ 9 5 0 ) ,

: B O R O U G H O f R O B E L L EN O T IC E O F C O N T R A C T A W A R D E D

T h # B o ro u g h of R o a a a a h a * a *y a « la d • c o n tra c i ^ ith n u l c o m f^ U iv # t> d d *n g u a p*dFa*aK>nai *arvKte pumuant *0 N J s A 4 0 a I i - S t n a T ty * csKAract a n d th a ra*d «u fton a u fh cm iK kg n a ra » v a *a b te fo * tM te c '

; jn a p ac h d h '. m . th a . O t t o a ■ 'o f-.'lh a -"B o rd u g h .

A A 'ar'd ad To *>vate A ga*K;y'' u t .'■t t Conwriteoa OhYa"'. ■; CraNord. -Nate -JfflMRf-. •P u b te CKKc*a< B o n d A <n*u#0 tm

■;. P*>«X 3 •■ " , 0 1 0 1 .'OT th roug h ' 1 $■" ‘jdnsnn* B*adan

■' " ■U 4 5 9 8 .S P L J a n 9 • 2 0 0 3 -■ t $ « 2 5 r -


. -.'.Th#. Borough o f Ro»#«a ha* awardtd a .bKRteig a* *

..prdtaaaionte :i#nnc«..-puiauant t r N j S A ' *0A IT .$ \ t ia . TN* nonbac* ahd iha «h o n auffM >n4m g 1 *>«. *va4at.-*a to * p u t * .

• tn a p a c n o n 'th .-ffw - Q fh c a . 0* «h# .B o ro u g h

A ta a n te d T o P M K O n x * )* U2U Sp»w*gh««! R o a d

Kanwaodh Nat* jaraaySa»v«ca f nwnjnmamai E ngmaa*Coal Not to a*caad $5 000 00Tana

M 03 "". jn a B *a d a n

b o r o u g h c l e r k U4MFT SPi Ja« 9 200-J SB T fi


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Editor: JR Parachini Can be reached in

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Union County: 973-763-2557 Essex County: 973-674-2038


Hue* outstanding athletes who distinguished themselves on and offthe baseball diamonds o f Union Counts w il l he inducted tnlt» the l m o ii County Baseball H a lt o fFame during awards ceremonies Feb o

Fred r o lc o l Roselle. W illia m ( i ig h o o l l inden and Ramon One) o f w il l he honored at the 67 th Annual l mon County Base hall Association Hot Stove l eague D inner at the I A lla ire Banquet Center on i n w Route 2? East in Mountainside

The program begins at I p m The special guest speaker at the

awards luncheon w il l be torm ei Kansas (T h Royals and New York Yankees slugger Sieve Baibnnt

K now n p n m a n h lo r fu s ib i l i t y to h it the long hall. Balhom totaled Ik I home runs user (he course o f I I m ajor league seasons

From 1981 through I ‘N f Hal txm i piuyed p rim arily lo t the 'i ank ecs and the Roy las hut a lso had stmts w ith the Seattle M anners and the I etas Rangers

Balhom blasted Th home runs in « » 5 arid helped the Rovlas w in the ir only W o rld Senes that season

Balbum was bom in B n a k io n Mass h i; 1.957 B rosklon is also ihe hom etown o f the great, undefeated h e a v y w e ig h t b o n e r R o c k y M arciano

Balhom now resides in Berkeley Height!

'W e re very pleased To have Steve Balhom speak again at our H ot Stove Dinner." said Freeholder C hairm an Deborah Scanlon ol Croon Tow nship. Who also serves as the lia ison to the county c Bark' and Recreation Advisors Board

H o son p la y s in our league and Steve is a b ig fan of the Fa ll Teen League Ib is year the awards d in ­ner w il l he held on a Sunday alter m v n tor a change. so we hope mote fam ilies w i l l he able to attend and enjoy the ce re m o n ie s ’

Tickets to r the dinner are STS With; proceeds going to help tund the 1 nion C ounty Summer Youth Baseball le a g u e lo r youngsters ages s 15 and the new er Fa ll Teen league

Organised in 1945, the Youth Baseball League reached a new h ig li m partic ipation last summer

U n ion County Baseball Associa­tion .Hall o l Tamers include H il l side v Phil "The Scooter R iz /u to , Jake W ood o f Elizabeth, W illie W ils o n o f S um m it, M ounta inside 's le f t Tortvorg. A1 Santorini o f ! nion Tow nsh ip and Reggie Hammonds >! Scotch Plains

In addition to the new H a ll o l Fame inductees, the Hot Stove le a g u e Baseball D inner w i l l also honor a number o f young athletes and tiwal baseball teams fo r their recent achievements

I ickets to the 67th Annual 1 mon County Baseball Association Hot Stove league D in n e r on Feb '> are available ..for $35 and may . be b ta iiK jl by .aVm g ' * » ' 2 ' 4 9 1 o

D ie dinner i j sponsored bv the I m on fo u n ts Baseball A sm v ia Mon. in cooperation wnh the I mon County Board o l Chosen Freehol­ders and the CmVtn Counts Depart m erit o f Parks and Recreation

Began week undefeated As ot M onday, there were lour

undeleated teams rem ain ing in m on Counts boss and g irls

basketballO n ihe hoys ’ side the unWem

ished squads on luded N orth 2. G roup 2 schoo l' Roselle 14-01, S u m m it t l- O i and G o v e rn o r I iv mgstim i T:0 i and N o rth 2. G roup I svhool B tearley t M i l

t )n the g ir ls ' side, um irlea ied at ihe beginning o l ihe week were N o rth 2. G roup 4 sc lw vl E lizabeth 7 0 ), North 2. Group 3 squad

Scotch Plains tb -lb . North 2, Group school Johnwin ( 4 0 ) and N orth 2,

G roup 1 squad Dayton (4 -0 )

The Roselle hoys are delending N o rth 2. G roup 2 cham pions and are com ing o ff a 25 2 season in w h u h the Rams reached the G roup

state cham pionship game Roselle won a holiday touma-

mem ai South B runsw ick. Btearley anu Sum m it at home and Governor L iv ingston at Roselle Park

The E lizabeth girls are com ing .It a 1" 7 season and are seeking to

w in ihe U n ion County Tournament fu r the- firs t tune since 199’

Daytun was P ' last sear and Johnson is o f I to one o f ns best starts m vear» under first-year oach Steve Kaelhk-m The B u ll

jo g s capruted the Saddle Brook Touraaihem and ihe Crusaders the Roselle Park loum am em

Roselle boys’ basketball is working to build characterKokie feels part of game that needs work

By Jeff U n lfru n i SUIT W riter

R A H W A Y — B u ild in g o l characterThat’ s what Roselle H igh School t v s - baske tba ll, ouch

Stan K ok ie O il his team gained in its < ■ '5 1 victory aver Rahway at Earl H W a lle r Gym nasium last Saturday afternoon

“ It shows what part o f our game we need to w ork on." Kokie said

Im prov ing lo 4 -0 w ith ihe w in. Roselle tra iled 31-27 at die h a ll before ou iscorm g its M ounta in V a lley Conference-M ountain D iv is io n opponent hy a 40-22 mar g in in the-second ha lf

C om ing out o f ha lftim e. I thought p laying the zone press kept us out o f sync, K ok ie said "So, about two minutes in f ' the second ha ll, we went back to man-to- roan "

A lte r Rahway look a th 27 lead on a D aryl M artin three pom ler w ith 6 19 rem ain ing in ihe th ird period,

. Roselle sw itched defensive schemes and had excellentresults '■

The Rams went on a I (M i run that put them behind hy a point al 38-37 The run was capped w ith an evening, leap­ing reverse layup hy siandout senior guard Jesse Holley

Holley led a ll scorers w n h 21 points; p a r ring in 14 o l them m the second ha lf

B ig -lim e players make b ig - lim c plays m hig.nm e games." H o lley said "W e played as a learn and I stepped up when 1 needed to

A fter Rahway \ Dashan M artin scored on a layup lo make u 40-37 Roselle went on anolhet 10-0 run to lake a 4 ' 4u lead .

Ih e d rive was started on a D avon Paige three-pomier Irum ihe lop o l the kev Paige aided Roselle ’s second-hall mov e w n h eight o f his 17 points com ing after in ierm ission

T feelThai Davon is really com ing on. K ok ie said "He warns to shoot, hut he had ihree really nice assists lhal keyed our comeback ” "

Rahway closed lo w ith in 47-42 OB a pair o l tree throws by Osar Igbinosun before Roselle closed out the quarter on a lav up bv Holley lo m ake yl 49-42 O n the' plav. Holley look the b a ll on the right baseline, drove low aids the bavkcl and sw itched hands m m id-a ir before dropping ihe ball through the hoop -

"When I d rive 1 draw a lot o f a llcn lio it. ” Holley said T v e got lo have trust in my teammates to make plays They 've .got to make plays lo r me lo make play s

The lourth q u a rto slarled o f f sloppy lo t both teams as each squad had three consecutive turnovers

Roselle then upped Us lead lo 51-42 on a pa ir o f tree iluow s by Jonathan.Hart Theftinadr i.u w a id had 11 o i his 19 points m the second halt

Rahw ay then cut into the lead hy going on a WO run To make it 51-48

However. H a n made three o i fou r foul shots to push the Rams ahead 54-48

The Indians cut Ihe lead to 56-53 w ith less than two, minutes rem ain ing before Roselle closed out ihe game w ith an 11-0 tu n Hart capped ihe scoring hy fo llo w in g a Sharif Henderson shot

"W e came out a Im le flat because we were so pumped up to play the game the day before at home." K ok ie said "W e had to reschedule the game because id a leak in Ihe roof ot ihe gym nasium The kids were down and we d id n 't have a gi*>d practice "

Dial was sccnJrom the start as Rahway jum ped out to an 8-0 lead

Roselle regrouped in the mrddle o f ihe period and took a 16-14 lead after Holley drained a three po in te r from the let! w ing -

However, the Indians dosed out ihe quarter w ith a 5 0 run lo lake a 19-16 advantage

"W e came out a litt le lav hecause jil ihe Jay before. Holley sard “ Rahway was ready to plav and well prepared They stuuned us a Intle w ith the ir zone

Roselle look the lead at 2 ’ 26 w il l i less than tw o . minutes le ft before interm ission, hut Rahway closed out ihe ha ll by go in g on another 5-0 run lo lake a 31-27 lead

The Indians zone defense helped create three turnovers in that span lo spark the surge

I know (Rahway; coach) B il l Berger real w e ll." Kokie said. “ I know he likes lo play the zone and 13-1 and (he

'.2 -3 ."Roselle was scheduled lo plav al cross-town nsa l R osel­

le Catholic on Tuesday The Rams are then scheduled to play al Si M ary ’ s o f E lizabeth tomorrow and at Ridge on Saturday .

A ll ihree contests are M V C -M ix in ia in D iv is io n games

Rahway boys’ basketball puto n e f l B B H B M M B

B e r g e r t h o u g h t p o o r s h o t s e l e c t i o n h u r t I n d i a n s

By Jeff W o lfra m S ta ff W r ite r

R A H W A Y - E ffo rt was there W hile the Rahway H igh School boss basketball team

fe ll to defending M ounta in Valley Conference-Mountain D iv is ion cham pion Roselle 67-53 last Saturday at Earl H W alter G ym nasium , the Indians d id show signs o l playing quite w e ll

We w ere up by 11 po in ts in the th ird quartet before our shot selection hurt us," Rahway first-year head coach B il l Berger said W e didn t h jv e jh e composure lo attack then ha lf-court p ress"

W ith the loss Rahway dropped to 3-2 We re a young team and this was probably the biggest

game riiost o l the players were in at this level. Berger said Roselle is a seasoned team that is led by its seniors

Rahway jum ped o u r to an 8 0 lead to start the game behind Ihe strong performance o l its sounget plavcis’

Junioi lo rw a td Dary l M artin opened the scoring by nail mg a ItJ-fbotcr from the right w ing Sbphomore center Dashan M artin fo llow ed by slamm ing a dunk home

A lte r Roselle Ux.k a 16 14 adsanlagc w ilh lew H ull three m inutes le tt in the firs t quarter, the Indians struck ha .k hy closing out the period w ith a 5-0 run to take a 19-16 lead

Junior guard Jason Johnvyn ckised the quarter hy scot mg on a d riv in g layup w ith one sccv»nd lem aim ng Johnson had 10 points m the contest

I,ivm ,iik! D a iv l ate (Uinois and Dashan is a iO php iiHwc. so we have a tew young guy v in Ihe starting lineup." Berger said " ! feel the best is yet to some lo t th is team

Roselle opened the second period w ith a 6 -0 run to take a 22-19 k a d hetore Rahway ck>sed to 22 21 on a 15 loo* romp shot hs Nassun C a ldw e ll

W ith the w ore 27 26 in tavor o l the Rams w ith less than ’ tw o m inutes rem ain ing before in lcmnvsron. Rahway closed out ihe scoring w ith aniHhct 5-0 tun to bring the -o ilies t lo 31-27■ Dashan M artin ended the dnve by d r ill in g a MMuotcr from the right comer

M artin , making ho I i im va isiiy s u it lin ished » u h nine points and I I rebounds

The Indians picked up where they left o i l to start the second h a lf as they went on a -7-0 run to lake 4 3s 2’

advantage Dary l M artin capped the run by d r ill in g a three pointer Irom the nght com er

However, the Rams sw itched to a ha lt-court press and had much success Roselle put-together a 10-0 run to p u ll to w ith in 38-37 w ith less than three m inutes le ft in the th ird quarter

A layup by Dashan M artin made n 40-37 before Roselle went on another 10-0 run to put them in the lead lo r good al 47-40

"A lte r they called a tim eout w ith s ir m inutes le ft in the th ird, they went on a 20-2 run .” Berget said "Thev put a lot ol pressure on u s "

A lte r Rahway 's Osar Igbinosun drained a pair o l tree throws to b rin g the score to 47 42. Roselle 's Jesse Holley closed out the quarter w ith a d riv in g layup fro m the right baseline to m ake it 49-42

"Three o f o u r players touted out and we com m itted 26 turnovers." B erget said "You 're not giving to beat a-team of this quality w ith those type o l statistics "

A lte r tra ilin g 51-42 early in the lourth qua rte t. Rahwav went on a-6-0 run to close the gap to 51-48 Dashan M artin capped the run by making a pair o f tree throws

A lte r three tree throws by Roselle ' Jonathan Hart upped the R ani lead to 54-48. R ahway’s R om ell Powell (fa m ed a three pomler Irom the left corner to bring the wore to 54-51. w ith 2:26 le ft :

Holley responded by scoring on a lav up o i l an,assist Irom Hart to make it 56-51 before senior lo rw a td Ray Matthews connected on a pair o t free throw s to bring it to 56-53

Roselle presented the w ore fro m getting am eloset bv ending the contest w ith an 11-0 run

We made a run hack at them and got it to three. Berger said I d o n 't like moral v ictories, but i l we can learn some thing from o u r mistakes, it 's only going to henelit us

Rahway was scheduled lo host Newark Central Tuesday at afternoon T h e Indians are scheduled to host lm m aeula la today al 4 p m and Roselle C atho lic tom orrow tiigh l at 7

l p c o m in g J a n 9 Im m acula la. 4 p m . Jan 10 Roselle C atholic. 7 P n i l Jan 14 at Si M a ry s '.J a n U H iIJs id e 4. Jan 19 at Roselle C arbo lic. 7. Jan 21 R idge 4. Jan 24 at Johnson. 7. Jan 28 at Im maculala. 7, Jan. 30 Gov lav ingslon. 4 . Jan A I N orth P la in fie ld , 7. Feb 7 at Newark

-Central. 4. Feb « W estfie ld at Rec,( enter. ■■

Linden is learning lessons in victoryT i g e r s t o p C r a n f o r d , S h a b a z z

‘— By J e ff W o lfram S ta ff W r ite r

C R A N FO R D - Lessons being learnedThat's what Linden H igh Sc head boys’ basketball coach P hil ( o lic c h io

te ll h i ' team gained a lter w inn ing ai C ran lord 68-48 Iasi I hursdav a tlem oon in W aM n ing Conference,N ational D iv is ion play

L inden im proved its record to 3-2 last Saturday after defeating v is iting'Shabazz- 61-43 in anothet conference T i l

"The wm over C ran to rd was s im ila r lo how we played in tun (holiday > tou rnam ent.' C o liceh io said "W e were ahead, but alter the1 th ird quarter they cut into the ’ lead ''

L inden competed in the A llen tow n . Pa Tournament the last week in December, going I I

Ahead 48 44 heading into the fin a l penod, L inden opened the lourth quai ler w ith a 7-0 run to take a 55-44 advantage Junto! guard A rie l Garcia started the surge hy na iling a 10-tooler from the left w ing

High School Boys' BasketballGarcia Scored-FT o f his season-high 24 points tiv the second hall A fte r C ranford 's Justin Haber cut it to 55-46 on an o ftens ive rehound and

pulhack. Linden went on a 6 -0 run to increase Us lead to 61-46 Senior guard Tons W ilson closed out the run when he came up w ith a steal and scored on a lav up

"Tony is one o l the hotter players in the slate o l New Jersey." C 'o licchio said lie has The added on responsib ility o i leading a very voting team

Besides W ilson and Garcia. L inden s starting lineup includes senior Rai Saadeh and sophomores H afiz B rov in and M ichae l Hendersi)ii

The Cougars cut the de fic it to 61 48 on Chris B row n s e ight-looter hetore the T igers capped the sciinng w ith another 7-(i run to bring the game to its 68 48 fin a l W ilson, who eontrihuted 16 p o in t' arid nine assists, made three o l lo u r Irom the vhunts strips' down the stretch

’T o n y ' the os ’ s eApenenced player we have." C o liceh io said "1 look lo t htfh and his players I,o k lo t h im to take over at the end •>! ihe cants- ’

L inden came out tired up to start the contest hy taking a 6-0 lead w ith 6 2 1 left in ihe quarter G arcia scored the last basket when he grabbed a delensive rebound and went coast-to-eoast s>n a layup

A rie l had a great overall game.’ C o liceh io said lie had eight rebounds and d id a great jo b defensively - l ie s ge lling better alter each game

H a lv r's .th ree -|8 iiffle r.vU tT t to 6 ) belote L inden went on .i I j - u run to take a com m anding -.1.8-3 edge Henderson had; two layups, sandwiched between a pair o t three point buckets by Garcia, to<cap the drive

B row n then km xke d dow n a H F footer and three-pointer to help-Cranford close lo w ith in 18-8 hetore three-piviriters by Gateia and W ilson ended the quartet at 24-8

"They 're not a bigTeam, so They rely on the three poim shot. C o ltcchu . said 'T h e y have liv e kids that surround the three-point line to lake the shot, so they're not going to get a lo t ot o fle n so e rebounds

A lte r Brown scored on a layup to m .24-10. Linden senior guard D w igh t Bailey grabbed an offens ive rebound and scored on i pulhack fo r a26-10 lead ' ■ J ’

.W ith less than tw o ntmutes le tt hetore ha lftim e and tra iling 3.2-19, ( rah- to rd 's Terence G rie r w as fou led on a three point attempt A fte r making one- ot-three shots, the ( ougars tra iled 0 2(i

Haber and W ilson then traded buckets to bnng the score to 34-22 heading in to halftim e

C rantord starred to Gup away at the lead in the th ird quarter and cot it down to 42 v w ith 2 26 le tt a lte r a ’ -() run

A fte r Henderson knocked dow n a iiye -lo o ie r in the lane to make it -*8-42 C rantord s Dave Snyder scored sin an mhounds pass w ith , tw o seconds, rem aining in the th ird quarter to bring it to 48 44 .

-W hen you open up a big lead, sometimes you gel com placent.' C o licchto -aid The earlier vou go up: it gives 'the other, team a shame to s .tkh u p "

N O T E S : Henderson scored Id ot his I " points m the second quartet to give Linden a 32-22 lead ai home against Shabazz He also grabbed 11 rebounds

W ilson netted 19 points, dished out 12 assists and same up j^ ith six steals Linden was scheduled to host W estfie ld Iuesday afternoon in conference

play The Tigers are scheduled to host Scotch Plains today at 4 p m and Newark Last Side Saturdav at 2 p m ilso in o m le re m e action -

l |H liming Jan 9 Scotch P la in s .4 p .m . Jan 11 F.asi Side 2 p m Jan 14 ai Kearny 4. Jan lb Elizabeth. 4, Jan 18 al Irv ington. 2. Jan 2 l at Union.- 4. Jan 23 P la in fie ld . 4 Jon 25 H illsborough. 7 p m Jan 28 C ran fo rd 4 Jan Id at shabazz. 4. Feb I St A nthony. 4. Feb 4 ai W es llie ld . 4. Feb 6 ai Ssotch Plains. 4 Feb 8 RoseUe. 4 at Rahway ReereabOn Cenrer

Motusesky nets 17, Ervelli 15 to lead Image to hoop crownR a h w a y R e c r e a t i o n M e n ’s F a l l L e a g u e c a p t u r e d

Glen Motusesky scored 17 points and Steve E rve lli 15 lo lead Image Mcnswear past Empire 66-60 in ihe firm Rah way Recrgation M en s Fa ll Basketball l eague champion ship game- '

The contesi was held last Thursday n ight a l the Recrea­tion ( enter in Rahway

Motusesky and E rve lli both scored 11 points in the sec ood ha ll as Image Menswear, also know n as The Union Team, erased a 38-31 d e fic it ai ihe ha ll

M ario n M atthews added 12 points lo t Image Menswear. while teammalc A ke d o ( alanho, in Iih iI ln»uhle the whole game, netted 10

Empire received an 18-point e ffo rt from Dwayne A rrington and 15 Irom Jerry Braswell

It anyone is interested m getting a leant to r nest year, they mas c a ll Sieve R o b cn a /z i al 732 669 3m ii7

Here s a k x * at the scoring fro m -b o th team*Im age M ensw ear (6 6 i: .Motusesky 2 3-4 t7 , E rv e lli

' o i 15. Uatanho 4-0-2 10. M athews 3-2-0 12. Charles L I - 2 7, A h e m 1-1-0 5

E m p ir t t6 0 i: B raswell 6-0-3 15, R ivera 3 1 0 9 , Davis 1-0-0 2. Dw A m n g io n 6 -2 -0 IK, De A m n g io n 1 3 -0 L I. Cook 0-0-0 a Gnm vlev 0 -0 -0 0 . D rctaj 1 -1 -0 5 . Peterpaul0-0-0 0

Rahway, Linden triumph behind Green and WalkerPace their teams in scoring

Ih e Rahway and L inden h igh sc lux il g irls basketball teams were v ictorious last week. I inden w inn ing Thursday and Rahway Frida.

L inden bested C ran fo rd 54 18 in l inden in W atchung C onference-National D iv is ion play

C ecilia Green p in ircd in a game- h igh 28 points and grabbed 18 rebounds to spark the fig e ts w ho ip ip ioved to 2 3

High School Girls’ Basketball............................. ■ " ■ ......... .................1----------------------.

sharda Taylor helped L inden by scoring e igh i points p u lling down threerebounds and Coming tip w ith Ihree steals V ic to ria Beratdi netted six [Hunts,

Rahway upped its record to 4-1 after it Jeleuled M ount Si Mary 56,26 hi Rahway m M ounta in Valley Conference Mountain D iv is io n plav

D om in ique W alker paced a ll scorers w ith a 14-po in t performance The ju n io i siandout also came down w ith e ight rebounds

K rysta l W h ile scored 17 points and had seven rebounds lo t the Indians, w h ile teammate Chante Sm all, one o f the tup seniors in North Jersey, scored nine points

K iw r lk C a thu lH d o w n e d : Roselle faced Roselle P arkRoselle C atho lic s recordevened al 2 2 after the L ions fe ll lo l"m o n C atho lic

»6-28 Sunday in Scotch PlainsM eghan M alone scored U pmntv. w hile teammate T iana ( he irv had mne

and eight reboundsl 'm on Catholic paced by Stephanie G reen's 10 point performance out

scored Roselle C a tho lic 23-13 in the second ha ll a fter tra ilin g 1-5-13 al ha ilftm e Roselle wav scheduled to play al Roselle Park Monday n ight in a M ounta in

Valley Conference Valley D iv is io n clash Roselle and Roselle Park are tw o of six learns in the new ly-form ed Valles D iv is ion

Rahway vs. RC hoop games tomorrowRahway is scheduled lo lace Roselle Catholic tom orrow m M ountain Valiev

Conference-M ounta in D iv is ion boys ' and g ir ls fusketha ll The hoys game is scheduled to be played al Rahway and the g ir ls contest at

Roselle C atho lic Both upo ffs are set fo r 7 p m The Rahway b o ys ' began the week 3-2 and were com ing o ff a 67-53 home

loss to Roselle last Saturday The Roselle C atho lic boys' were 2 2 after ta ilin g ai H ills id e 63-45 Iasi Enday’ ;

fh c Rahwav g ir ls began the week 4-1 arid Roselle C a tho lic 2 2"re"-7 ~ ~ • '• "• .- ’ • - L’ . • _ • " “ “ _i*~1 --- :—:' ‘ , -.-------;———


P U B L I C N O T I C E P U B L I C N O T I C E P U B L I C N O T I C E - P U B L I C N O T I C E P U B L I C N O T I C E



• ...------ ____ SALE d a t eW EDNESDAY TH E 22NO DAY OF

JANUARY A D 2003 By virtu* 0( to# above stated wot of

axacuton to me directed < *hay expoee tor Ml* by public vendu# At th* UNION CO U N TY A DM IN 1ST RA T iON BUHOlNG tST FLOOR 10 ELIZABETH TOWN PL A ZA fcmabeto N j on W EDNESDAY At two O'clock in th# afternoon of **id day AH aucceutfui bidder* mu«l have 20%. of th#« OkT AV4MMH* in CA*h Of certified sheen At ■ to# conclusion ©f. the Ad)*s

Th# property to be sold m located m tn* Boroughof .Ro**h« m me County ,ot Union and Slat* of New Jet key Commonly known. a* 20 Arthur Street, Rosed* NJ 07203 Ta* Lot No 23 m Block No 62J4

Dimensions of Lot Approximately- <n N«ar«ct Croat. St##t- West 4 th Av*hu*


QOLDBECK m c c a f f e r t y a MC K E E V E R • A TTO R N £ YS SENTRY OFFICE PLAZA Su it e 420-216 MADOON AVENUE VWESTMONT NJ 00108




0«c 24 2002 Jan 3 9 t'«'. -21)03 U4339 SPL . . iU 7 001





By virtu# of tn* aixtv* statmT writ of execution to me directed. i sh«M a jgxW'-.tof m i* by public vendue a! .tn* UNION COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1ST FLOOR TO ELIZABETH TOW N PL A - . ZA Elizabeth n j on W EDNESOAv at two o clock -.n tn* aftemobn of-said day.: Ail ■ 8ucc*iu»fui b*dd*rs must h4ve 20% of thfir Wd avertable in ca#h o» p«mt.ed,CfWCk art., tn* conclu*<on„ of. tow' .sales CITICORP ML • '•

- Yf WILLIAM D- MCGHEE. . *L'*'l*-' 'Dock*! NO T '-1482'-98.: '

Th* property to be soul <* locnafe >n m* CITY OF LINDEN County of uraon «nd Stal* of NJ•••' ft i* commonly Koonkn ** 823 ■H0n,Y

Str**t Linden .n j -it »• known and (Meignated as Block 121

lot 6 ..-•Th* cHm»n»K>na ar* 80 t**t. .wkJe by 100

♦••t long• N*ar*si crofe street McC«nai*»s Street .

Prior IMKMS1 SUBJF.t ’ TO UNPAID TAXe S- a n d O t h e r m u n i c i p a l -'l i e n s ;

JU O G M E NT ■ AM O UN T - - n i n e T y .;■$! x ■Th o u s a n d t w o h u n d r e d . -Th r e eD O LLA R S AN D S E V E N T V -S E VE N CENTS 498 203'T"%ATTORNEY


.... ■ SUITE" 300293 •ETSENHOWER PARKWAY'-- .*v7


r a l p h f r o e h l i c h FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION iS F*ifcp


'.• •.TOTAL JUDGMENT AM' ■(I134 6 32 .U ) -

. .J in -'9 16 23 -30'-,'2003 U4S49 SPL (193.00}





; WE D Ml ' a * A••••-FEBRUARY a p 2vX).:»

By virtu* at th* •OOv*-*tat*d wnt & ■ . '«xicution term*! dtr*cf«xi i Shull **pid** *6%

Ml* by puOikt v *r« 3 u * at th*'-UNEON . COUNTY ADMINISTRATION S till DINGlis t f l o o r to e u z a b e t h t o w n r l a

•' ZA Bi/*b*lh' N J - W Ei-'Nt.'C '.A - ••.'• two oictock. in3n»-;a«*»>‘w h of MuT dav'-x.ii •

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Th* proparty to O* sold >S Ux at*d ' - ’N 0.6N C otm y Q* UNION and th* stat* at

•• N*w i*rs»yCommonly known as 616 E BLANCHE

.- ■ tAX'LOf. '.Np': 1.7' in Bxxk N< . ’ “«8

Oim*n#Kwis .of - Lot' i..Ajpiim»>rnai*iy. •■%<} ■t**t-w»d*. Bw 1.29 f4*i-'Ofmi ;RRE.Gut AM :'•

N*at*Sl C rot* Str**t SlJUA T f C>N T HE• .SOUTHEASTERLY.--SIDE ’ *f BL.ANC.Kl; •



. "ENTS .$104.956 87) ■•' ATTORNEY .

F R A N K '.':."• • ■ '■

4 BRIGHTON R OAD': . l if t n Y . V. :

' ' . • •. . RALPH f R O EH UC H ■


'. ONE HUNDRED TWENTY TWO tH O u ' .': SAND. , THREE . 'HUNDRED' ' -T H iR ty - .


TO TA L JUDGM ENT AMOUNT(• list m i . -

Jan 9 16 23 *0 200)U4550 SPt ($0 ’ 00'

BOROFIGH OF ROSELLE NOTICE OF CO N TR A CT AWARDEDTh* Borough of «o**«* f»*s a*ard*d a

contract without i <ynp*wtv* tmjrkng as a proNwHtonaM »*rv»c* pur«u*m to N J S a 40A 11S ( na Th.® contract and m* r*ao*u tton authon/ing * are avaiUiM* tor putHt

. m*p*ctlbn.' in m# Ottkyit- at* Borough . Clark

Awarded to • 2 rummy . D*i 090:"tkftmr

•:.-. On* RrvfrfnSnt Pli/a ■ N*w*rk N*w J*f«*y

>uCy*ct to unpatd tanas ass#Mm*nts A*t*r and saw*. '«n s

Pursuant tp N JSA 46 8B 21 at m q m.s sal* may ba sut3)«ct to a iimrt#d nan priority of th* ctjndommnim aasnetatron ana any vuccassfui bidder al sh*«ff t sa*a may be '*spona<t>ia tor paying up lo 6 months worth of unpaid condominium f**s



.- CHERRY HiLl NJ 00002 P.





Jar. V In 23 30 2<X)3U4551 SPi ‘ •• ($102 00) :


, U MAN H ’ t ■ :CO U N TY UNIOND O C K ET NO >‘63959?

. 'p l a in t if f c h a s e m o r t g a g e s e r ..- viC ES »N.C ■ '; •'■•;.OF F E NDANT ALF0N2O J ' . JENKINS

■ ■ WHIT OF EXECUTIO N DATE ■■.,. • JULY 03 2001 ■ • . • S A LE'D ATE.


By vtftL* of to* afcov* staled .*.»'! & ..anacuflorvid' ni# di»#ctad * snail a«pdSW»:t<5» ' s.t)« by public v*«du* at tfv* LiNK:>N

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-tMd -availilH* V> "caan at <*9tiffed cfvack attft* I'-dnciuSiun'-oT tfi* 'REAL E S TA TE TAX DISCLOSURE

M daaign.aiad P*ibw 4h*r* «*<* lien*m'th* estimatf 1 -»s speeded i>#tow •Pia»nt>fradvises thai'the'd-,un.u:ip4*-'ta* dflte*.s%vtiks. t>a contacted to oitam artditmnaiamourit* that nyay h*co.r*S du# '•■""•% '•

Pursuant to a Mumcipa Tax S**rch dated October « 21X0 tn* sat* i* *u^

' jac't/Jo- .• •' ••■.•

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CONCISE DESCRIPTION ': • ' •wiown as .#&& nafrtaan S»a#r

. Moselle NJ '07-203- • .2 . '*a* Block No. 1-008 1 •'I • No 1« •'

.1 . • :'t»*nsu c s » tot K'iVito. * 42’. ..X.i-

'...•• 4 Noaiesf•cross' k»*af St*th.:Ay#f*u* -;

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•' ATTO RN EYS -AT i.AW •' '■ • •

PA( iSADI'S )'AHk No 0 ?«5L S H E R iE f ■ .- - ' . ••-•

.-'■"T-iALPH .,FRt3E:'Hl.»<"•■-: f MU 2L . . Ai . Dt S--. MvM ! IUN .5 F U EU '

■■ ■ ■■•

'ONE- HUNDRED' .THIRTY..-FOUR'. -THOu'- SAND V fe IG'H T • HUNDFTEXo- >dl T Y- T WO •DOi i 'AH'S AND 8 ,1 -V lN TY S E V E N ' CENTS' ' t o t a d j u d g m e n t a m o u n t ....

■ :V$ 1 34 8&2 T h ■■ Dae 19 24. 2002 J*h 3 w 2>« '- U4328 SPt '• 00i


•• ■ Take ; 'Sd»r* that iNN . AMt.M A . A L • - -

Lmdah-. New J * M t tor a Plenary Heta ’C -. -r.svi*'3>i t'* :---''-fKen*e .tor .premise* .rt'Ciatad-.,

'■J*r*ay-"The .

'license .are f.'- .• Aile'n" 'W»<bg*R*n 6 M'-J'Nai- . 2 % ti .

‘.Wridyewatef- New. Mr via' T c*.-Ca*k. . Arthur Way: Mdf>-sv,. '

. V N*:* -• ■ ' >•■'*' I . - ■ . : ■ ; - 'o• ?*>;,. "ahting.'- i \ "

vA ■; ... * ' nd*r Aicoho*■

. -ye JO! N vtf A i ‘- 4 A . * i a '• f

rxator* the first day of a»*eh month to.ttw City Finance Diractdr. .commencing Janu- iov V 2003 and •' :


aided to #>« Clark df th* City, of Rahway and ■'

BE IT FUR TH ER R ESOLVED that this Haaokrttoh be published and tak* *ff*ct pursuant IP ipw

PASSED 0*o*mb** 27 -' 2002 ,.

Rob*fl F Bunk PrasKNmt of Counen

-. ■APPROVED ■Daceme*-f- 28 2002 2 '

Jahr% T " Gnsgoito • v • • Mayor.

- A T T E S T

v al; LY impftaco ■ Yty Clark

'U45'?f;'SPt Jan' ($20. ?5i-


WHEREAS. AS a ?*su« of th* clOStngand tarrtahatton C4 animat contfdi #*rv*c*» t>y th* union County Society for th* Pr* vwntion of Cru*fty to Ammal* th* City of L«n d*n entered into an inhinocai Services Agr#*m#ot wtto tha Borough of C«rt*r*t smee 1991 for the sharing of th* t»sts of such -**» .Y K » * ' a rx ) • . .-.•

WHEREAS '( is m th* teiet tnt*rests of . the health safety and *v*4ar* ot th* crti/en . ry tftsi th* C % Of unden Contimi* toprovKS*.• « . i . af-K-i

WHi Ml AS ■ - I» ugh of Carl*'*!has .rwtkatod its..i9nHtftgra«' 'conWsu* to -

• ’ servto** as atoresato NOW THEREFORE, b e i t r e s o l v e d


"be ami' .hereby a»* rkr*ct*d and authori/ad : to ,*rit*r mip .an intenoca) Ser

•vices Agreement with'!h*.'Borough-Of-Ca*.-' te> ei eh*r*m sax? **rvic*s ww b* con

"'.t»nu*d end "wherein it shall &« wheeled-that m « Borougf' will pay th* City of l md*n th* annuaiueo charge ot '$2.5:.&72.00 tor th* y*a'f 2003 m monthly installment* payata*

■' oo.oi before th* Krit day of each month to -V-me .oty > inane* - CRr*d«v..'' -oommenong'

-January t 2003 #ndBE it FURTHER RESOLVED that a .duly

■***cuted. copy Uf m*» ResoMton 6*.-tor*’: af.ded to, the. Cierk .pf the Borough of Cap'"'■ t*r*t arid •'' • '•

BE IT FUR TH ER R ESOLVED that fhi* R*»qfutk-.n be puMishad and taka effect

, pursuant to law ■- .

'Ro*>a.rt-F Bunk...

'•.ApPROyfjp ’.Dei;.eoioi(k 28 .AX).’ ',

- J o h n t G re g o h o• ■ •'■ •■■•'. Mayc

.A TTES T . : . ■)

T» .D«.rk '. '•.-4572 SPi Jan V 2003

H y o t • •

A w * * ■


P1424 i .1. C■


•WHEREAS.. "AS -A result . ' and tarminatfon of antmai OOhtfOl .servicesDy the union. County Society for me Pr* .antion of Cruelty to Animals th* Cfly of Lin

. sen . entered into an mtartocaf. Sarv*c*a . Agreement with th* Township of W»nf*#W.;.

• suv.* 2000 To* the sharing of th* u)*f« at ,' -.'.such s*iv»c*s • and '

. w h e r e a s ,. 1 m'-th*.'beat •nft«e*ta of m*''health saMy-.-and weffar.e'Of the citizen-.

;' rv maim* City of i md#n com m m -%0 Jfcrovid*': su<Y! services and

WHEREAS The Township <yfWnfKHd 'mss 'fhd*cated it* -wi'»«ngr>ess .to ednenue to.• sh*r* such.costs aha s*rvh:e* as aforefMUd •:


■*<*> t* and h*ret>y are directed and ' auHSpnted. t» ante*, jnto .an »rt*ertacdf' 'S#f:' ,. v A g r e e m e n t with tfi*.Township c9- W to;''

• erthh iakj .services w*«r:be'-p'. ,:»na'. wfiere.n .1 sfian ha mfteeieo .fiat the.'. T o'wnehil- of VVihfieid Park wtw pey th* Orty

of '"Linden: tha annuakxed charge o* $3(000.00' '.to* the. -yea* .'2003 • • ¥■ mohfhry •natanmenta payable on or before the first tov -Y each month to .toe' C*tv finance.

Director. ■' oommerKang january ■■' ZtiOSatod •b e it f u r t h e r Re s o l v e d mat a duty

•executed copy of tftdi Re*biution be tore . arded to toe Clerk of the TowhahE) of wintmm - Park and-,

BE IT FUR TH ER RESOLVED that !h*S-HesiJutHX' be' pubeehed- :$*Mt'-iane-effect ';

»w -

J 'A 's s . f .u . D e c e m b e r. h r . - ^ O O h

• , Pr'esKJW'f of.LOUhfflt-

na Road from thenc* D runntng South 8 degrees 22 mmutes East 1 pc» fee! to a pomt toenc* (2» Nor to fit degrees 38 rwnidee Ea*f 50 feet to a point ther e* 3) North 8

; degreea 22 r w u b i West TOO feet to a pu«R In the soutoerfy srd# of fourth Avenue thenoe {#) along to* saftj* South'$1 degrees 38 mmutes Was! 50 feet to to* point and place of BEGINNING

-. BEING known as- Lots.a V 82 sod p»*it of Lot 83 on Map of Mamsffo-

; .Purk fioaete New Jersey

'• Appi.'o«t-maieiy iCto * 5L-feef ■'•-■. N*ar*6t Cross Sueef Aider.* Road

Subtec I to Tak Sale Certificale 01-0B9 (1ttHMD2) $25,965 50

JUDGM ENT AMCX/NT ONE MUNOHEDi ,.i i> m y e n t h o u s a n d f o u rHUNDML0 SEVENTY DOLLARS AN D. NINE: GEN TS ($187 4 Z0-09)A tTO H N EY


LAW OfflCfcS Su it e218 HADDON AVENUEWE S TM O N T.' NJ- 08T08



t w o h u n d r e d t w e l v e t h o u s a n d' •SIX HUNDRED:,.SlXTY-NiNE'. DOLLARS,

' 10 T A i ' JUDGW E-N t . AJNK3UNT.'$212 889 89)

Dec 10 24 2002 Jan 3 9 .2003.. . 04329 SPi.' - ' ; ■ ($140 00)


. Of-1 i'NT-AN- ,'USL i Li k -ANU- E'T At. -S WRIT OF EX ECU TIO N DATE

■ O C TO B ER -04 2002 '• SALE D A TE ■


By virtue of toe abpve siaied wht of - to me dvecesd i shaft e*pos* for

'sale' - by public vendue At to* UNfON - -COUNTY- ADMINISTRATION BUHDlNCi.

ZABt TH TOWN Pi A '■■ZA Elizabeth N -J. W EDNESDAY at

two uctbfek «n the aftwnoon i»f M»d day Ail •' suvx-essfui bidders must have- .20% of toe*» ;

ted a» «>iat>le m cash o# .ernhed check at ' to* ccinctoaiun • bf'.-to* -.Mile*-.:

Re - OMiMortgege Inc. vs Jose Feliciano, Et Alt Docket No F t 3O79-02 Our File No 03O8-334(VdfS

. Ail' toat'■ certain land: ■ and > pr*mis**. "= . wtuaied to"the City of linden County of

Ufwori State of New :*ers*» b*#>9 mere" uiy' 'deaertoed.-aa-vtoeows - •

Lot t t . p io ck• 27on the Ta* M.apof to*. City cH Linden '■■ -

Nearest Croes Street OrtI Street Approkimete Dim ensions 35ft ,»

■ 1 m ft kim » 3A 11 ft * T3W 79Being niore 'commtwny known as

■’•■$21 Aie»ander Awe Linden N J 07038 •

Pursuant to a municipal tak searchdated October id. 2002. "

Subject to Take* for 4th Quarter of 2002 in the amount of $087 33 Open. Takes for 1 at Quarter of 2003 to th* amount of $918 83 Open, Ta»e* for 2nd Quarter of 2003 to the amount of $918 82 Open ■'

JUDGM ENT a m o u n t o n e ■ -h u n d r e d .- I' ll T Y S . k • 3 U S AND. S E V.E-'.Nh u n d r e d .n in e d o l l a r s a n d f iEt -y .

'•SEVEN.'CENTS' ($158 700 5? j ATTORNEY

M.u W AU.A1K AH.v'Mhf, vs. A.r L A A .. 21>2 CAfiNF-GiE-'CENTER ..

PR INC ETO N NJ 0B543 5228•SHE RIFF:' .' ' ‘ . - r : . •'• . 'v

• , - RALPH' i ROErkiCM •"• 'F U a :'LEGAL-.DESeR|.PTtON:iS F L E D ' t A T " iM f - UNION ■•.COUNTY. S h e r if f , s. "

'M i.i i H'u'NURI 13.'. TW ENTY- N in e i.HV I AMS AND NINETY TW O CENTS

TOTAL JUDGM ENT AMOUNT .• .'.- i$ 188 329 92)

Dec 10 24 2002 Jan 3 9 2003043* S i 13 00)


WHEREAS, there is .a-need 'o< enesnee*• • -g s*r.vs--es- * ■ th* p»eisa»fttK.«r--. :>»'the An ... P*rmit • Appkcetidn. for'. pessne - gas v*»ttt

and tor t*spon<$ng to th* NJDE P : Aorntm »t*atrv* Onler and Notice of CM8- Admmi stfaftv* Penefty A*»**sm*nt -wtalmg to to* City of undeh iandfai and

W HEREAS — ■ af*>'.'ea>g:>*t9d. i«xitos*cf i^ofe**k.v\a« serviceWYonjarice-.wfth to* t _o*.' Pdbkc Contrei'ts

■■■ ■ : :. ' ■ WHEREAS cpn Engtoeenno * a"-pm.

. t#ssion#i licensed and quakheo t<: urnde*1-. . ■; ■■ ■'

■WHERE AS tne \ ay Treasurer harcedi j.fted fun


'.The■.UtV'Tof me 'purpose b< provHkng erig. , ■'Merin^'services: 'wiataig to the Air Permit Application tot passive uas vents at a cbsi

«•«<! * 1 .<•>. :V:. j . TK* Mpyor and Gay Crntyntm h*r#b.y

authonted lb es*cut« such documents as .■n*c**aafy. subek.i fb to* - atifeovai-.of to* Cify Law D*padm*nt a«x| to fHJbksh such

.- ndtw*. of .the award , ,of- cpntrisct - .as -Met**s*r>';.

3 This Resolution shall taka effect mmedMHery

PASSED December 17 2002

Ronerl t Bunk Fhsejoent of Coundf

APPROVED December 28 2002

John T Gregorio May.:*

v m d w n b n e o ocny cie*kU4570 SPI J#n 9 2003

. ; Qm<* ••■■•


$ 21 -0 01 -


Service Bond Council

$ 1 5 0 0 0 p e r hourNot to exceed $10000 00;

■ Time Period Y*ar ending .i2.'3T-0J ' ■

■ Jftoanna Bredeni ^ l O u O H G l M l

U4594 SPI Jen 9 2003 $9 $0i




FEBRUARY A D 2003 By virtue of the above-stared wnt of

execution to me directed i snail expbee »or sale by pubkc vendue at toe UNION COUNTY ADMlNlSTRATtON BUILDING 1ST FLOOR 10 ELIZABETH TOWN PLA ZA. FM/abeth N J h r W EDNESDAY at two o clock in the affemoon of said dev am succeeefut tMddere nxi*t neve 20% of their .bid daeh' ot cor&oH check- at ■ toe condueion of toe sates

Property to be sold * located m the City f t Linden NJ County of Umon and State o<

Premises commonly known as 28 West Ekiabeto Avenue. Linden-NJ 07306

BEING KNOW N as LO T H C C 0 3 BLOCK 253 on the officer Tax .Map of toe cny of under-

6<meneion» Cbnoo umt -None Giveni. Nearest Croat Street Condo Unit - None

Gfven)The Ih e nff lieieiiy letiivea ihe i y t E T edtoum to» sale without further nobca by publication

,■ N O t ic iALCOHOLIC B C V IH A O C COHTHOL TAK* HOT1C* m*f appLcmion b » to — r<

’ ■Ad* to i*h AtcoAont B * .w »g « Control ol Mo«*H lo lu l ov» «,u»n me K»t»n»M SLylArtt OHOOont l «>uo-» Iw pronwM H U M M 380 Wm i O t Avanu* « M H l .

: N » « . M fM y ■ ■. , • *o-np■«.v » M.OAO I'aiKIHM PnvUooA I.ICA—I#.Kimtwf a ct* t f * m « M i a p i i i H i i MK- .)«•««<■ Oiilfcfi !HK»no •• SAVMI* OH ...Out* .Liqup-* l « IK-Ama#* io cm m ! M- J8? VVMI l«t Av«nu« Ao h MM Ha * WTOM

Utywtwn* f »hoiAo BA rn».1»mmAOialAlv w *.*ng lo jntiAm* Bn*tmr ■ A t ilt ft..*— *

. .• H jtti lf» »«* «• > ’". ...\|- «wn st-AAt

Hortti Bahjat. Hj 0f04-,i*n 9 1« 9003,. •OASrs s*«i . « » SO-


W H tA iA S . M * f»»o « m . « A CIOm*l- tm« iAtm*%«»on ol coraitjt *A>vtcA*r-» » » 'onion CootAV boctAty 'ot • » ’*'* .•niton ol CroAity to AntmAiA fftA City ot Ltn•Mr- *nMiAO into AO IrWA-tOCAl SAnnt.A* LorAATOAHt *Wi IMA OtY Ot- '<• '»»». •(«)*

to- A * HAtlng. ol tw O H * ot tuen ■AnncA* and

w h i a c a s it a m itiA tiA»t w m a «tnahAWn MtAtv W a H W V W W W

- -v mat tfiA CHyoi cindAn « a i n » l > » W M A •ucn. naivtcAA .»na

. W H *H «** , th a City g* HAHAAy. rot* ifvfcAIACT it* »i*ngr**» to CMOtinyA to »n A -A «u c n co m .n d aa-vicaa

NOW TH *R EFO H *, •* IT N tttOLV ED BY T H i OOVtNMtNQ BODY O f TH* CITY O f LINDEN m « At# Ma v w Am) C*»

.-.out* OA Alto riA.At)y »IA <*!»etAd «n0: •umontaa to aiaa - into Bn intAitoeAl Sa»VKA* AarAATOAnt *tlh tt»A C«Y <* *»•*"«»wnAtAm *aio AAnncA* * « t » cont»H*dand.*nAwn « Aha« p a 'AttnctAg tnttf ft* -ns p a y it* L ly o* LimJAn in* *nno*L TA0 n »ra A 0 »»2 OOtot thA yAA- 90<Xt

•m -o n tf j. lo*t»»nAnl. eayacia on Ol


•WHEREAS « » « tAAliH. ot m* Knni^Jand Jerm*nptKto of anm\ai obninv MrvHre* hv th* UfMur- | Ourvty Society tor to* Pr*; entxyi .of Cruelty lo-AhWnai* to* c .toy. OH in-''.

,Wto*r*(J.''intb. 4h int*rt«c#:. :S*rne*S ' .A^e*m**'i. wtoh' to* -.Borough Lto-'Ro**#*.

..sine*' 1;»9-TTor '.thi'- sharing Of to* ro*t»'of '. ' - r- yt*VvK ** ..»fKj..

WHERE AS' ' « to "to tto• tr>*i-h*»lto v*af*ty-.'#*id w*ffa>e jf the oRurtfV ■' - -> toat fh* Cay of i irvksn w provide

•■'vices and - • • :-■■". ■ WHEREAS. ’ Borough of R'oseae has"

•.-T'tot* wttbngnes* -f«> 'eunbnu* -"n.v; *ru»r*«t* and sen-tee* as *f»r*sa*d-

NOW THEREFORE BE IT R ESOLVED BY THE GOVERNINO B O D Y OF THE CTTY -OF U N O f H that ff<*. Maypr: and City .C«**k be and hereby are c$reL:te3’ .'and kufhorijted to :ehter'- mid 'an -imertbcai Ser-'vkses. -AgreSkhenf w*h to*. Borough of... Roseito wn*reto Sant services wifi be-con- itoued #no wh*?e*n <t *ha« u* refieiie j toai 'th*'1kto.!ugh-w*. pay theto -t» uf t .mien, tre

■ arwH>4>tom1 charge o> . $2h 400 00- tor toe■ year Z* - ,.-•■ vsfaaments. .payable••on-jor. before to* firsf day:of -eech-.month'to th* ( toy- f-ihark..* -: oommencaXl.

■ .January. ,-i .'ZOOJ'aridBE IT FUR THER RESOLVED that a lUy

c-'toto .copy*rk Of toa- Borough.- «if. ROiei'r

BE it F U R TH fP R fB O L V lO to*t 'h»» ReeoMion tw (HOk*h*d and tas* *neci p«.*r*uar»t lo tow.

PASSED Deuemb** 27 2002

Hobart F Buns PresaSanf of CourtcN

APPfKJvED Oecentoe. 28 2002

' .K.irto T iii

• A TTE ST.-'.'

■ r .e«>no •Maytv .


«Y :N *•

• ' NO , F824902.T\AiN1.'M-- -MORTGAGE'' ELEC TR O N IC '

' : ( f . . a m , m • . c ■ s -t •' -Ci A R ES ■.-.H'OS'PhT'Al- '.. C -A TM ED R A l '■

.- ' ; w«

••.' - "'.Ski f O A t f ■a y -.-Th E •' 15.TH d a y -OF-

' -v- By v-j'tum ■<-.>f "-fte.'-.above.-.«*a»M -wnt f

V';*«eL«tkih-Jto m * dweeted ( ah am *a pose Jo#■ *ai* by--' -pubkt. **nd'ue.'-i-at' tK*. ■

. - . .. - I.i JkMt Ml 1, AN-F*LA - . 2 a E«iab*th:. N-J.'/sm W EDNESDAY at .

to-i -0 CAYA to to* after neon. nf s*kJ day A» *uct***fui bidder's muet,-ha*e' 20% of toe* - tns,s av*ftab.M to c,a*h ,o# oamfied check .at th* cjtocius*oh of- to* safe*• '-.the property to'be-adtd »* K^aMdm-.toe.-' B O fK XXiH of R O S E U t r tha sLtYfON /and"toe Stat* of New Jersey. '

- .-• 'AX i.OT • 1.9, -fU'tX a .’ fW 2i UM MONl Y KNOWN AS H 23 WAR

DEJKtt* • ' "-' •' ■■ ' • - :• . '■*.«* ApjmJkinMt*-. •'

■•>r; !vK}.'fe*f wide- by A'.'' W '•'- ■ N*.i9**». Cfjoss Steal' Situated-;^ -to** '

22V feet hom th* Wt S-T'E « t ¥-sid# ot 12THAVENUE ■ ' "• ■' '". ;


- JUD GM ENT' AMOUNT ONE m u NORI C• • ' > M ■ ' a N i " i m Mt »tfUNDFKO DOLLARS :a N D Sf-XTY-FOUR „

‘ . : i . v - . ' -":• * T ti -ftN'fr Y.'■ SHAPIRO A D1A-7 • LI P •'■•■''AT H iR N lO , AT ,( AW

' " ' -. . ' ■:•S3 . "■ -.

-. ' ' .■ HAL. PH' f ROi.Ml .lCH' •

■ Fu l l l e g a l d e s c r i p t i o n is f i l e d -AT THE UNION COUM TY S H ER IFFSOF f' «CE - ’■ONE HUNDfh THOO- '•'S AND TW O MUNDHE D S « T V TW O D Ot t *MS Ah

TOT A i JUO O M fN T AM OUN1*164.282 041 ■ "

D*< 18 24 X m M n 3 9 2003' SPL, - . "($..i.i,i'.Q0t

vai D . ttobnacoCity t-lerk ■• . '.••04574 SPi van-. 9 Z00T '$21 001.

'•■-..; • .': S H E R tF rs S A L E '.'r.: ■"


■ i ''h iX -N f -.M : Hi -tuSt M.t n: D •■■'♦ -N*N ' «'• -: C O R K jFiA CUN Hi

CsF'f'TNJ’ANY:. Wfi-OAM- J A.v-h. - '. »*.'*,' J >.**.' U'f-:i i art;.' ■

- i f U M B E R 96 N O f


. .By tortoue' of to* -above'ataMd * »« of twfecukin 'to- die daected T *ha» expua* Ka'. '*•»# by ' oube- Htodue • mt th* UNION

. N r > M N,sTMAUON. BUILO.iNG • 1 S T FLOOR • 1.0 f t 1ZABETH TOWN Pt'A - ZA tiuebeth N J oh W EDNESDAY at two ; > duck to toe aRemoun of «a*d day v A» auaeaafui bidder* rmai be*-* 20% .of to** ted awartaCH* to cash at t*rttoed check at toe conckMNon ot toe *aie*

SCHEDULE A"Th*. land MCured by to* fBoatgAge to bekirectoaed, m-.

. AS toai vert-:. 1, A .' »n*jn^v*rn*Hnl» f|f»ng an* being to vtokw’

C-.'unt/ New erae, being ci^rrrictory known aa .44.1 West ettt Avenue Ro*e«e

•. n j . 'and deacrtbed ae'.LOf. §,-'Block. 8208. o f . to* Tax Map a* Roaen* 4k*.outfit . bn mor* partcuta^ -jesortotoS a* -toMowR' :

. TR A C T 1Being known end ___

•• lo t #0 end S Net W**R Lot 79 in Block 172 1 on to*.Tax Map* of toe Borough of Ro*«fte

TRACT 2BEGINNING at a point on toe

-. ni l iiitherty Rifle of Fourto Airenu* - at --■ PSM€ asterfy • from to* tot*f*ec-»on oMh*

■ .(«* • Wfto toe * a # t* * td a .& Atom '


*HJN '■ W ■-.'-■ ■


w* hSEPTEM BER 23 2002

. ' '. w T-DN f Sf •'

' 4 ■ JANUARY A O 2003 ■'....By vtfto* o» toe ebcrve-MiMd writ of

• eaec-uBom'Si toe dated** 1 *ha*.mpoae for; w w - --by. -pubkc vendue, at. toe UNION C O U N TY ' A D M 'B itSTIU tiQ N BUU.DfNG 1ST H O O P TO feUZABElTH TOWN f%A ZA Ekxabeto N j , on W EDNESDAY at two ockjekto toa afkwnoon of aaxd day A* • •uc.oaMfui b*Ww« to a t have 20% of toe*; bid a-a artab** to. cash. ®r o*»ttoed •• check atto* londUMUh at'to* **#•• 'R f Salomon Brother* R— tty Corp v

':v Dahi*f’-;Swtoton.' et; •*! '. ■ ■

D O CK ET NO f 8234 02 «»Me

S TREET A S TR E E T N O 1108 Mom* Steal ■

ta x b l o c k a n d l o tto!*.. i O T ' 4

m i *<■ NS OF L O T 40 » too NEAR EST CROSS S TR E E T 80 tom

.. 12th Avenue. ;

. ' S U P l-■ iff- *ny> '■'



■ TWlEE" C E N TS i f ' 10 445 83f >•• » T T n H N f Y

m x i u * M t fO W C H S JH

1 I* • .r w

Sh e H U tH*. n> FH O EW lC H f u l l I t t i A l DESCRIPTION IS f l t p

AT T ilf UNION -C O U N TY SHF R iff S O ff ICFO N t H UN0R6O tK JH TfclN THOUSAND O N I HUNDRED SIXTY S lv t N OIXi a r s a n d f i r r y five c e n t s


U K IV JA 2001 M o 3 V 2003 UA M l' SPi it»8 00i

-SM ER ITF-S SALESHE Rif F S N U M B IU CH75/OAODIVISION 'CHANCERY Co u n t » u n io n OOCK l ! NO ft .'1790.'PLAiNTIff STANDARD f EO ER Ai BANK DEf ENDANT W ill IE f R A /ltR JR ET a l s -


SALt d a t eW EDNESDAY THE 22ND DAY O l .....

JANUARY A D 2003 By i'l tiA -aDOva -K * » a * "t Of

•«ACuN}fI TO trn SirACtAd > *9AH •■l.i'AA ! « fail* by public v«ruiue at toe UNKJN C O U N TY ADMW lSTHATtON BUUDlNC* 1ST R O O K 10 ELIZABETH TOW N Pi A ZA fiwabeth N J on W EDNESDAY at. twi' octock in' to* atow ftoon- of kaid day xc, cucce**fu> bidder* mult have 20% of toe* (Md available to ca*h ^ . certified cheek, at to* cimc*u*k>n of toe -eaiei

The (Moper ty to b* «>M '* k>ca»* J hi to*. BOH«..XHiM“ »f K )S E lU NJ 07203 Coun ry of UNION arid State of New .!#♦**>' •

Commonly known am ' . 229 EA ST l IGHTH AVENUE R O S E U f N J 07203

Tax. Lot No 33 'to. Block . NO", 2102; . Dimension of Lot approximately 50 feet

w»d* by 100 Met kimg Near**f Cro** aS tfe e t' W Ai N U T

'•STRE'C ...S'*- itc a t a point on the northerly iwd*

line of East a t- Avenue dwtam:* appmk» matety SCO- feet easierV horn. it* Jnt*r**c Bun with the easterly Mdeitne of Walnut

.- S»ee!

AfDGM ENT AMOUNT TW O MUNOliF.D' Nin e t e e n t h o u s a n d r-»vt- h u n o .r l d• F O R T Y ..T H R E E V D O L L A R S ;' A N D .

' J 1' ,ATTORNEY. ' '

f I ‘N Si '• H KAHN -A. .SHEPARD P C

■ C EN TU R Y D^BVfe ' . - PARSlPPANY N J :07054




S.VVl *S *01-Dec 24 ?v>02 " Jen 3 9 18 2003U4340 SPI ' J*93t>0!

SHERIFF'S SALE'.'SHE H'lf'-F. S.:NUMBE M CM757.041..' {)i"y i'S'.ON1 ■ CHANCERY

. "C O U N TY ' UNION •D O C *l T NO F888102 F*l AlNTlFf RANKERS TR U S T COM

" -■• ;u f; Ni AN ? i IO N A H D WU K jM 1 ‘

WRiT. o f ; EXECU TIO N DATE • 'xh C H U R 15 2U02


... .ANUAMY A D J003 B*' virtue 'df to* abtjve'«ated-"wnt-.ot .

"-e»edu*ofi to me deeCted I ah.el e*poa* for • fat:* b» public vendue at toe UNION COUNT V AU M IN iSm A TlO N BUILDING

t : Y B I TM TOW N Pi A ,2A l kiabeto N J on .WEDNESDAY' at twp o'0ock tn the after.nodn or;aaid day • -Aft.:

■ Wcc#A*fu* b'iddei * muet have '20% of toe* . LU available to cMih'.o».;e*R(fied.check-at -

’. ■ to* utodueon -of toe ■*&**'.- The property to .be ioicl'Mi located m. to* CITY u N U N NJ 07038 County Of UNION and’ Slat* of, -New. .J*fi*y : '

Convnpt** known a» 47 EAST MORRIS AVE , LtofDC.N NJ 0-7038 ' .Tax... tot.-ML -.7-to Block No 449 . •

Dtohenwon- o* lot approximate.Met. aid* by YW'Met-tong . N*aEcai....Ci.dke;. .Str**t.'.::GuNTO-N .-

;;STR EET -. ■Situate at a potoi on -to* no»tow**t*tf> .

oxdenne. of Morn* Avervu* fia t d**tanc*: approximately BO.kMiteoutow Haler hr Bom '

% inter MtC-bon wito the *outowe*t*rty **de■ ft* , of .Cknxm Sweet


'. A N D •' T W E N T Y .. T W O. "..-C I■ $ ! V V J J .' ■

ATTORN* > • ,"•.--' "■ .-. FEIN SUCH KAHN -A, -

SHEPARD' P C .-'. SU.H E- 20 i .

■ • '• '■', C- -:-pAM'Sil.-*'A'Ni *. :■•■* - ,'


'. ' C U L iU r •*. . « S J t U ’ Iu IS ..F «i > 1At ' m ; i NtON (, CXiNT •

■ J •. 'ONE •: HUNDRED - T W E N T Y SIX' 'THOU -•


( i'ME N " -AMOl N. ' *128 105 OVi ' •

Dec J4 2O02 Jan 3 9 18 20O3 ■ v !4 34 1 'S P I (■$*>«-00-1 .

•■■'; SHERIFF'S SALE:.:.

•pivrsKJN;.c h a n c e r y . . .

DOCKET NO F2033401 - PVAiNT.l'F- NA ' -'-NA; ;"-D>: MORT--GAGE < Ot;i Cl N'DAN-T.. SMAI. i . ACf.VALY J. ><‘S

■.Mt im * (>E vi'Cf t’s a p i r s o n a l r e p s ■

A H T < If I A le u t N { 1A TE ' ■M 15 '2002 .

S M E DATE .'W e d n e s d a y ■t h e -z z n d d a y o f • -.-

• ‘ JANUARY A O 2003 ' ' By *«.tu#' of toe above eteted- wf« of

' -exeauBdn:tome directed i.*hAH'*■!*>*# to* *ak» bv putoiK. vendue at toe u n io n


. iwo o ctock in toe afMrnoon of WMd day. A*•• *ucc**4AW balder* mwat ha*e Sft%.

baf avaiiabieun ,'eaah othomntm: Cfieck'-at '•.'to* corhSuaton of tod' eaiiea,

. Th* property-to t*e M>*d »• .located to to*- City of i. N D E N to to* County of UN K W

. 'a n d S t a t e ' . J f 'N*w' J*fa*y,Commonly known a* 2129 FAY

NJ 07038tax Lot Nv> 72 in Bank No 5

' Dtmenwon* of Lot (Approx nr wteh' 42 Wet wide by 127 Net king• Near eat C*oaa. -Steet.' Situat*- on;, toe

. A.*fuy* dia'ui**i fiom to*' Eaaterty aid* of nagei AvenuePff.-.r .i-wh-.iiuMtoMuhtcipai im n *oM'»,CiN '<^ttodert.(cieaf>

- :■•'•■'• Aihount .tie of 10 ^ 115 2 •$7 74 78

.AlOGMENT AM OUNT ONE Hu n t h i r t y S ix T h o u s a n d f i v eHUNDRED■'■■fcfGHT'Y t rCiMT CKJl LARS

NO SIXTY FlV-2 C E N TS ($136 588 851 ATTO RN E Y ■':


• - Y' 'ROAD '.• c l if t o n t -Nj '0701-2- : ; • ■Suf »* ft . •


A ’ • u.-t


'•• TOTAL JUOGM ENT aaaoont

:■ 1$145 3?2 48iDec 24 20t>2 Jan 3 9 18 2003 U4342 SPL ' ‘ (SBSOO)





JANUARY A D 2003 By virtu* of to# above Mated wm of

execu*on to me dkected i *ha» expo** forsale by public vendue-, at toe UNION COUNTY AOMHtoSTFLATlON BUILDING 1ST FLOOR 10 ELIZABETH TOW N PLA ZA Eii/ab*to N J on W EDNESDAY, at MO oclock m toe afternoon of aaid day ah

. *ucte**fu> bidder* mu#t have 20% a» then bid avertable m caah or oefWted check at ton Lonckrfbcto of to# *Mei re Am*nctn R**rd*nO*l Mortgag* Cor pormOon v Kwth McComb, ef al


Avenue '.. • :■TAX BLOCK AND LO T


, . NEAREST -C R O S S .-S TR E E T 11145 Horn' NeWhian. Place • r "SUPERiOR INTERESTS <if any)

Borough of Fk>**«* hold* a clean tor uu •ftdu# and or other mumcipW u Ik tie* *uch a» wai*r and or **w*r to to* amount of $3 574 07 a* of 07 09 2002

Ju d g m e n t a m o u n t o n e h u n d r e dT H IR T Y . T W O T H O U S A N D F IV E MUNOREC) FTFTv SEVEN DOLLARS AND

$ I i i ’ 55 ’ 48 (a t t o r n * y :


737 STO KES ROADPO BOX 1088MEDFORD NJ. 08055-0982 '-':




' TO TA L ..JUDGMENT a m o u n tis 1 4 0 182 m l r r r ; •:

' D*i. 7* .Y.V02 Jan 3-, 9 ' 18'2003 .'U434 3 SPI . ($93 00)




MAv u 200Ts a le : d a t e . . . i.

"'WEDNESDAY .THE 22N D -M 1fZ '& '. ' .'JA N U A R Y ,A D '^003 .' ■

Ot *ekr* ot to# above Mated writ of *x#c.utkm t?:>. rni.dkected •* *har**0o*#-teif • .«eN: bv pubkt v*ndu* at to# UNION COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING . iS T f l o o r io El i z a b e t h t o w n p i a 2A Ebiab#to N J on W EDNESDAY at two o Clock « th* ah*rrx>on of aaid day Afl

■ *uVv«»»sJii.‘ t -iW ei •nuet ha»* 20%' of to*ir Lad avaitabi*-to ca*h or. cer»9<cl check at to* oonckrtMon of to* *ak»*HI IndyMac Bank. F S B v Jo h n C M«f chionna. #t al


Avervu*. TAX BLOCK AND i O TBLC ;k 2 7 LOT 8. . DIME NSIONS OF LOT. 35 . 128 33 .'

NE ARE S i CROSS S TR E E T 230 tom -,- -St • •v.»*;'.wu**--X*eou*

-.Su p e r io r :w Te'R ESTS -(ii'anyr . NONE . ' “ .


■ A T T O R N E Y •Wit 11AM M E POW ERS JR

l) CO UNSELO FtS- 737 STO K ES R O AD PO BOX 1088 MEDFORD NJ 08055 0082


A T Th e UNION C O U N TY SHERIFF S■ OFFICE : • • '•:" :.'


■ • L ARS AND - THIRTY ONE CEN TS'•■ ’ TOTWt '-.'. iMI N Vm o u NT. ■

$133 nw 31D*c 24 2V02 Jan 3 0 18 2003 U4344 SPL ($92 001



O C TO B ER 30 2002 ■ SALE D ATE ': - .


:. B-y vrttu* of to* abov* Mat*d w »« of execution to tte directed I *ha« expoee for •ai* by public vendue at toe u n i o n

• r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n b u k d i n o :-' \ ?' •- i • • .’ ABEt h t o w n PLA.-.- .

Y 4 L kLabeto N J on W EDNESDAY *i *v.ntio-:ktfT tn* ahwnoon of aaid day Art *u»xe*.*fui bidder*, to a i have- 20% ot toe* . ■ cud a.aaabw to caeh or certified check at

iu**on bt' toe- *a*e*.,- - •'Tfw.Rrbperh' torbe .•oid.i* located m to*

Borougto af Rq*#«* m toe County of Union ■'New ■

. known a* 223 East- 0to '.•' A ' •; Ffeked# NJ 0 7203" i.'; Ta* lo t No 34 m Block 270t.

. b#mmm>ivi df Lot (Approwm at^i '-S3 Net wMe'-MW 117 f**t kina

N*ar**t Croa* Steel SitiMit* on the -'. rvortoefty kne of E » « 0to Avehue dwtant 341 <9 ? feet from toe weeterty the of Spr uce SfWM

S4H » eubMcf to- open T « .#x $5 924 70 pki* 1 140 07 1AV2 for a totai amount due andiMreig or $8 0 74 87 p*u* ■.

.. any acerwed tot,- and aubaeduent take* aato*v HWy ;b*t'Xirn* due '



-- .■i!'30..'SPMiPO BO x 1024 . ■' - ■■■•

. '• BK3UN NJ'.'O70Bf-00i4 -1 908 733 8500 XCZ 50052

» '' ■ RALPH’ --F RO.EFC ICH '



TOTAL JUDOM ENT AtrtOUNT ' ($138 14800) 7

Dec 24 2002 Jan 3 0 18 200|U4 348 SPL . ($00 00)

■' - ' • .•' . ' . '-• • " ■ '- -.•- ■:.

W EfriN O N o n e t BOHOKOM o r n o t c i i f

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• ..jromRAA m u M hAfc) Mi TMUKSOAV. January M 2003 »i Via Baku Room 2nd now V Via Rjaaha Borough m m 2 10 CHAAtnul SVAM Boa ana Man J m « al T 30 PM .

VrxJArt A BaAuAOO Jf Secretary

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• News• Arts• Entertainment• Classified• Real Estate• Automotive


D uring his remarks, I slfada Was! ed the federal government fo r not p ro ­v id ing more money tor emergent;.

Union will lead the free­holder board as chair­man in 2003

acquired from the original World pt 11 memonai at Echo Lake P,

Changing times

The ceremonial aspect* of the sv.earmg in of the chairperson of ihe tree holder board for 1001 were predictable Deborah Scanlon of Union look ihe oath as ihe biblc was held In a portion oi die grand children and her husband Patrick

The family is oln rously never far from her thoughts She even called liei rcrn.uks Year of the Family But it was her first initialise the establishment of a Freeholder Com miitce on Homeland Security which got my special tnlerest

Leff OutBv Frank Capece

Scanlon srr it out saying, As each day goes by our sense urgency grows So does our for planning tra in ing and sta lling

Times have changed And lineal lacing, out country and county arc dilterenl ihan what we laced just a few years ago

The subject of homeland securi tv does gel a lot of notice The

|H>n relineries airport and pro­ximity to New York City conjure

up a lot ol scary ideas Scanlon said the committee will

development of a hiolerturtsm plan •uni develop a smallpox inpcula lion plar,

But jusi hrt dear plan Id move forward is important Standing ottl ide the coumoiim ceremony

Sherrtf Ralph Froehlnh looked me straight ih tilt eve and said. Nlay lie I will rulllc some feathers, but all we have gotten from the federal government has" lietn lip service They have been often unresponsive tit planning and responding to our need to plan

H raises an interesting problem In ihe. day s ceremonial remarks US Sens Frank LdUicnbtrg and

Jolt Cotznic arid Congressman Donald Payne acknowledged the

concern with the danger to Union County Bui hrlwcrn oui oHictals staled goals and implementation

something akin to* snatu develops when it t.mics rune to get results

It ' »hv I like Scanlon s appointment ol IcUou Fret holders

Chester Holmes with lifetime ecepertettce in last enfutcemem and kick Proctor with puhlu health skills to administer the effort Something about a grand mother keeping a dose eye comes to mind

Securttv needs are being taken seriously in Trenton'4 Osct the weekend Oov Jim McOreevey unveiled a new S’ ' million emergency response center mi Lawrence Brig (Jen Glen Kicih of the National Guard said. We can talk to anv poinr tn New Jersey from High Point to Cape May ut a

secure and non secure means The governor said We rt the only

state ut the nation with a biotenut ism reponse team available Uhours a day

While we strive to keep out nunuuty safe trom tjirforsctn teats we will continue to protect u children ut everyday lilt anion said

It still unnatural to think about ttallpoc homeland security and

S tin fo n said The stark reali­ty of our changing world "

Still, in the Changing world the vision of ihe caring and smart grandmother ukmg charge with a plan was comforting

Y resident of Cranford, Frank Capet* in an attorney.


‘Year of the Fam ily’Freeholders announce programs for 2003

By M a rk I f ry w n a Regiona l f d ito r

l sbering in Ihe Year o f the: Fam­i ly . " {Freeholder D eborah S, anion began, her tenure as c lurt'nijn Sunday, detailing live m tttatives for Im d In addition to w elcom ing a new ch a ir­man, ihe nine-member a ll D em ocrat­ic Board o f Chtuven. fre e h o ld e rs swore in 'th ree freeholders elected in November A ngel 1 strada. who w il l be the -new vice cha irm an and Nicholas Scutari and K ick Proctor

Scanlon announced the county-s acquis ition o f the I f-aere 1 sposlto fa rm m t lark lo r S I 4Y m illio n , w hich w il l play a pait in one o f the in itia tive s announced, a ch ild ren 's museum o l C entral New Jersey

Ihe bsposito I arm is ihe second land acquis ition through the Open Space. R ecreation and H is to r ic Preservation I rust l urid since il was

the county closed on a 0 -a c re prop eriy in S um m it, purchased from New Jersey • A m erican Water Company

"W orking w ith the residents, we w il l reach oui lo tlte com m unity to

■determine the needs and wants to: the future recreational use o f this proper­ty ." she said The county w il l provide S! m illio n as "seed m oney" lo t the museum, w hich w il l be operated m v Jays a week, by a nonpro fit orgum/a

... turn . . . . . .Other in itia tives fo r lo o t meltided

a new grant program t'rom the Open Space. R ecreation and H is to ric Preservation trust Fund, the expuii- sion o f the ch ild scat safety program, a new freeholder com m ittee on home­land security and a m ob ile hteracy and w orkfo rce tra in ing program

l mon C om ity plans to provide at ' least SS(Hi.lHK) to m un ic ipalities to

m aintain h istoric and cu ltura l sites.

with, money co in ing trom the trust fund...

Scallion also announced that three histone build ings in I h/abeth w il l be .acquired b y I m on t oulity tjyc Boil- nett House, the Ite lchei-O gden M an­sion and S t-Jo h n 's Parsotuige The build ings which played "im portant i os during the events leading up to the. founding M .o u r nation," vn

. given: to the. county, at no cost, she - -aid

I mon County I 1 AP Literacy and I veeliencc lo r Ml Program'w d i m a in a V im - iim i icdeial grant to re tro fit a trailer that w ill be used to provide literacy and "custom ized workforce tra in ing as a one-stop cen ter' throughout the county

The ch ild sea! safety progrant has conducted some I inspections at the county po lice headquarters in Westfield Ihe county plans to seek grants to purchase and distnbuts ch d

Phofn<i B> JoM-pli Nurrrnlinu

Angel Estrada began his second term as a freeholder Sunday calling on the federal government to providemore funding for local first responders, those on the front lines'

Nicholas Scutari of Linden started his third term as freeholder, being sworn in by state Sen Joseph Suliga as wife Karolina, holds the bible

- seals to fam ilies:: in. need. - Sc an ion .said '

■ I he u ii im .-nee on h o o u i rml s w i n iv .-w ifi coordinate e 'to r ls o ' live S heriff's O ffice . Prosecutor's UfTice and t du iity Police, as' well: us■.'the; developm ent o f ai b io tc rrons tn response plan and sm allpox inocula­tion plait. ' .'

•-( i.,-:mcisi but in c ic .f i i i task that lakes, advantage' o i lechOofogy -and

/emergency munageineni to meet this new threat." Scanlon said 'Wc. can

■ m uxnm ze securitv by.,.elirtyinottfvg. dupUeatiotV o f e tLots . im prov ing aH irdm aiton.and com bining otir d if-

- te re iif .n ii ic in ii i'. '’ '■ j he som m iitce w-> 'x- led bv - ce

holders R ic k Proctor and t hcsier Holmes Proctor, a health o fficer, was sworn in to his firs t fu ll term Sunday and made emergency response a key

cam pa ign , p la tfo rm . Holm es is a rented Rahway pdtisC o ffice r and Owns a secunlv -and private mvestrga non company

, Freeholders M a t) R uo to lo and I ewis M m go also, w rII serve on '.he new standing committee, the board's sixth- I li.ritu * his it-marks

response focath" S o a penny has a rm e d since

Sept l l - f o t individuals w ho -are on (he front ItniwT ligh ting terrorism andpreparing and responding io emergen­cies, I - O;

g I he .iiiiium t i-'l money tt w ilt take io do th.s is tremendous.'' I strada said : -

Deborah Scanlon of free-

memorial completedBy M u rk l l r y w n a Regional t dHtar

; P re iim m a iv designs 'have been released and fund-ra is ing w il l begin th is m onth for 1 m on t oun iy > m em oria l u t loca l v ic tim * o f the Septl i . Illlll terrorist attacks

C ounty o tftc u fs .hope lo k ick v if . Ihe lund-raisi.rig c tfo rt fins m onth w ith fetters lo. the business lic iim g co ittpbM iiim v to coyer the costs

" I th ink i t w il l be w e ll received, people want to donate to such i w ot thy cause," fre e h o ld e r A lexander M irabe lia . a member o l the sept M ■ m em onai com m ittee, said

Ih e freeho lder com m ittee also includes -( 'bestet Holm es and te w .s M ingo and R ick Proctor, who w il l chair ihe com m ittee th is year.

A pp ro x im a te ly 60 people fro m U nion County were M lc d in the lei-' runs! attacks on Ihe W orld I lade C en­ter fheco u n ty s m em oria l com m ittee includes about a dozen c itizens appointed by mayors o f towns who were, affected by the Sepr , i a 'lacks

. The prelm m iary designs.: fotr-thc.' m onum ent incorporate tw o beams fro m the t in g t iw i W orfd Trade t enter,

w h ic h .ih e co iiiita a sq u ire d fttin r New York t its m SepfeTnber I he beams, iteasurmg seven teet and weighing nore than l.u tm pounds, w il l be tea- w e d prom inently m the m e m o ria l, .n th m a pentagon-shaped bnck

w in c h w il l pay tribu te to the attack, on -he Pentagon in VVashmgtotj. D i"

A » ' an ile b u ck ritscfthed won Ib f tames o f ,a!j ; i n ion County v ictim s ,v lit appear in trc.»q-ut the pehtagon

There also w rit be an d e n ia l lla m e " th a t w il l be 111 during pub lic ■-vents at me park in honor o l F light 'C w h ich cranhed in Pcnasylvamacuv

..Sept I I . 1(XU a fte r passengers .num ed the cockp it o f the hyacked .itrplane A scm i-e ircie o l trees w il l , >et the m onument apart front the rest o f the fie ld at K h o l ake Park in

. ;The committee has been w orking

w ith a n a rtis ta n d the dewgn was gem ,-raied a tie r me nibers walked the «ite last fail.

t )v e ra ll coals for the m emorial are expected to be liru liz e d ■ la id this m onth when the com m ittee meets

Mirabelia said he hopes fin a l designs w ill he com pleted shortly.

Two beams county s Set flame

w ith fund-ra is ing continu ing u n til the memorial iv -dednated ' bv Sept I f . lo o t fhedes ign to r t>:>. eleii-a- fla 'a s t ill must be fina lized

fhe county has done some w ork in

Trade Center will be the centerpiece of the ake Park in Mountainside, along with an eternal

house, he said, w hile others have stepped up” and donated services, such as landscaping, th e re also w il l be some costs in sue pfepaiamm

I mon C om ity sponsors its annual

free summer concert senes at Echo I ake Park and thousands o f citizens Hinted out for a candlehghl v ig il at the sue lo commemorate the one-year mniversai-x c l the attacks.N

UCIA executive director awarded 4-percent payBy Mark HrvwnaRegional Editor

The Board o ! Com nffssioners o f the lm o n C ounty Itn p ro scm e m A u th o rity last m onth approved j 4-percem stdtry mcreaee fee its executive dnevhu

Chartotte DeFihppo, who also verves as shafnnan o f the l m on C ounty Democratic com m ittee , w il l cam S i M M l ib is yc«

T - f t A C hairm an W aller B o n g h t said com ­m issioners have been very pleased1 w ith T te K il- ippo 's perfontUmee as executive d irector ‘♦ i n ­duction has grow n tremendously "

B o n g h i said Ihe im p ro ve m e n t a u lh o rily

DeFilippii was appointed lo a five-year term as executive director of the t CIA tn November 2WW at an annual salary of JltM.OOtt fhe board rgnews her contract on an annual basis Bonghi said A former municipal clerk in Hillside, DeFihppo also has experience as a cunsullant specializing in municipal bonds

The improvement authonty helps with tow miciesi financing lor pubiw ptoiesis

Wayne;Smith, who was ihe Usf Republican to serve on the all-Democratic Board of Com- rrtissionerv said the improvement authonty pro-

• sides a valuable service to the counts, however, he added that a six-figure salary tdi the direclm

plans to issue its fust ever annual nrport this is far too much He served on the board unfiTscar "People will be very surprised" by ihe aciiv itv w ithm the iast. two years

2001 when his term expired and'his seal wasf il le d bv a f^emocrat. g iv ing ihe pans all. nine

. seatsRepublic,in coqirolled boards d'd not do as

much as the current authonty. bui they had part-time Help and contracted out for work, whichwas paid to r through the pro ject's financing. Sm ilh said

there's more activity bui il certa in lv does­n 't warrant w hal goes on there." Sm ith said, adding that h a lf the executive d irecto r's salary m igh t be excessive

'T f you knew the function O f the d irec lo r o l she im prcvenvenfauihority and w hal they d id day to day. it 's a shame fo r them lo be paid that amount o f monev

it's just another pohficat form of payback,"Smith said. „■

The position o f lu l l nm c executive d irecto r wjs r - ablished m i w and fille d by D oug Placa, a tonne t Chief o l slat) to state Sen Ray­mond 1 esniak and executive d irec to r o f Ihe county Demos aiic l om in ittcc Prior to that, the T ' I A had a part-tim e financia l ad itm nsira io r I he move to a tu li-n m c p>'s(. olTtctals had said, was to bring more activity and pro jects through

.-.-.thecounty "fifiAmong the major projects the UCIA is

undertaking is annfTice building in. downtown Plainfield ibal wit) house county and state otfices. in addition to retail space fhe project was held up because eh'-'ronmental groups had filed litigation against the deselghmenl of the dBW tfwint N rtt-M jB a o n >ne

Die I L IA also is h a m ilr g a m u lt im iil io n - do lfar project m M vrns Uoumv

. V


Irwin among club’s Board of Directors

W hen it ci'Hk's m do ing .om otlungp u x tt i'g that w il l im p a v l the tuture o f nut ch ild ren ; you need to look no turthe i than Chris Irw in , a dedicated board memher. b r in g husband and lather suceesMut husuiessnian; and, o l eourse, an a d tiv a te to r ch ildren , .e rya h e te

l i a n r has been a board m em ber o t the Roys and G irls C lubs o l I n ion County f o r 10 years He has served as a member o f the exevutrxc board o l the G lib in the capacity o f treasurer, arid most cu rren tly . a member ot the fa c ilit ie s Comm ittee and vice press dent ot Board and Volunteer Dcse lo p in e iii ires tn also demonstrates his enthusiasm t il l Boys and G irls C lubs bs serving as chairman o t the second annual D irector s Cup G o lt Chal Jenge. o tg iim /e d by New Jersey A rea 'C ounc il ot Boys and G irls C lubs

Im m is the princ ipa l o l C l Assoei- ales an independent representative tor manutacturers o f corporate, in s t i­tu tional and educational fu rn iture He establishes, d istributes and handles m arketing sales and techn ica l support fo r 'h is . clients 'throughout the Neve-

A w i New Jersey metrofyolitan area He also is the piesufem o f Educa­

tional fu rn itu re inc . a design arid m anulaeturing com pany. w ith d is tn - bution w orldw ide p rim arily to yc htsils and libraries

Irysm.received a B B A degree Iran i P a rvu s School o t IV s ig n and a (A R C fro m th e .,V w JerseyFm W ltte ot le ch no liig y He has: been active w ith (he New Jetse.y ( ju ir w i i tor the past three years where tie seised, as treasurer and curientls as a vice chair man and member ol the. M arketing . Committee

' ( tins is a dedicated rnenihcvr o l , i«ur board ami an adcocale tor the south in l n ion Coilhty and in New Jersey'” Russell T n iv b .h re f cxeeu lo e Officer o l ihe H .;s. and G ir l . -

. C lubs o t tin iy in County- -saidOther new B oard o f L'fjrcc tor e ltic '

ers include Chairman Rube:! (Vk-x V ice PiesideiM ot Human Resowcgc • Rax (fe lle r V ice President o f Resour ce D cxe bp n icn l Paul V artno. V ice

.President o l Risk Management James A Bruton. V ice Piesi.lem ; the Board cV Volunteer U eyebpm cut


C h rts Irw in

Edward Palm ien. and Board Secretarv fere 'U P a ie rk u Other board li ie i i iK is include George O la ik . l - ic I ' l l ( lark Ihe Rev How ard Brxaiil ( a i l , I aggten Stephen Pelioss l. sept: s ia ik .s .Si;; Sister A ttn bo th

-if j ic . V laiie iie P e ik iiis I.wart N e w m i , W arren Henderson. Rick Wagner, 'Stephen lle h l. Sharon Pawl arid, John V .ueiilme ■'. fc>i mo<v in fo rn u iio ii about the It,cud o l D irectors and the programs provided by Boys and G irls C lubs ot I iu,.-u Cornuir. c a ll ,U08-htl7>297iv i

N JA W B O free sem in arIhe New Jersey A ssocia tion ot

Women Business O w ners ' Women s Business Center w il l o ffe r its two- houi A re you. an Entrepreneur?'seminar in 1 nion C ounty “ A re you an Entrepreneur” is an overv iew prog ram lo r those exploring the poss ib ility

. o l starting a new business The semi not touches on oues o l personality, business know ledge, experience, and Ihe proper tim e , place and linancm g tor opening a new business

The . lasses w il l be at the Small Business Developm ent (e n te r in Kean l n ive ts ity . fa s t Campus, 215N o ith Ave . Room 242 l n ion. fiom N io I t j n r on Jan r I lk 's e m in a r is tree amt is open to a ll o f those' who w ish to attend

I he W om en ’* Buttnexx Center ispartia lis funded by the I S Small Business A dm in istra tion 's O l lk e o l W i-m en s Business O w nership and ( o ijv ia te Sponsor M e e t Batik

I registration and inhum ation., a ll the W om en's Business Center atMin v.' i 2 2.211 - orWWW w hcU ssH a iiuw hoo tg

Local P T A s h o n o red

EDUCATIONC hild care certificate pro g ram availab le

The D iv is ion ol Economic Dcse li'l 'tn c i( t- '3 n 4 ^C ' '!i(ttiutno f due ail. mi w il l he <iflermgvR « t I » t C h ild C a t ;I'la >'.■Himlulsiis. a courst lii li- C h ild ren - i .ire c i ls t r C e rlilica re P ro ;.a m beginning on Jan 21 it R s t ik P.i-k H .- ll Schsi l m il MI ii-clss i ; . School III l l i / u l ' f lh Hie c i ' i i i ' i i- hem • ottered on Tuesday? and Thursday - Irom b to 1 p m at Roselle Park H igh School am iS h I I TO.! m at St H etlw ig • Scfk>ol .uid in n . u n til f e f 20 v

Bs taking d»s cou rse .; one a i l l tiecome more know IcJgeablc and bet ler qua lified as a ch ild care proles cionril ; Topics covered include growth and development >'t ch ild ren general■ie.iiili C.ire liu tn tio ii| u ln H ie s ,uid p in and ch ild safety- standards -.-g-vgg- '~g: --g -M -;:

■flu cost o t the course is ' i s i , a each section Port II begins on Feb 25 uid runs un til March 2 '

To reg ide i ; tor tlie. course . 't l- ' i w i t ln fo inanon hi a li die certificate program;, offered at t ’n fon ( 'm u m

lit i c .ill (lie p i ig ioii ,1 1 a,.n'om ic O f *a b p m e tll and C 'o ltum im . Eds..III. I. at dus •uO.'mXI

O pen house S aturday! in . mi • Miiir. College w il l host an

pen It*-uce lo r its Paramedic Programon Jan I I on the college ' P la infie ld o .tm pu ' 2 : 2 . f Second Si fro#! 10 a m to I p m

The rvrni is an opponunils lor ilio-cr inrrresred in hccoitim g a para-

■iMtdic Jo ica iii d> io the pm g um ile re d a i IC C inc lud ing the course-

work insolved 'un ion and die time co m m itm en t C o o rd ina to rs (tom ,poh or in , ho spirals -s ill l«t on " l ie t- d is luvs prereqtfi» i&v c lin ic a l w ta it. i. and t schedule inters lew >

fo r. more rn lo m u lio n about ihe ptograin ,ij fu r d irections io d ie ,P la in ; fie ld campus call the O llk e ot

R ec ium iic iit at tU S -'ikJ ' ' I S or m u tile web sue at www rue edu

EM T, C PR classesU nion Counts College s D iv is ion

id Economic LV xe b pm cw and Conn . numg Education w il l Ik- o tte ring lw- dm in. il- spring -emeslcr d ia l '

: provide the iveu; tra tn in g io w o ik as agprotesrsiiiial e ittctgencv rescuer . To w ork a- an I V | t "ire must be trained in CPR The course CPR lor

the I V i r 's io n . i l Rescuer w il l be ■Itercd ..n S .tlttfd .i..Irom •' a in lo b

ii; o if.rhe college . P lam tie ld - ■ pu- ! Second Sr

N p rio r eyperieiice -or tra in ing tu ■ PR i- i .cci u - i 1 ike do courw Hie lo u t - i i . liu ind iv idua ls who ,ue expecied t icsp.-nd !■ em cige iu ic> suvli t * Illega l,lid ' EMTs. and itu fsfs

g Hu ,- u i- i c-mpi,a ..<-c how i,- rec­ognize a n d proyrde cate (or rcspUai >ry and c ardi.u emefeeni ics, how to

I’c r li ira i one a n d . lyy o riscue r CPR training lo r adults infanis and ch ild - sen 1 h i ' I - d ill special leseus -liuw Uoll- wax to itillilllil.-s lh r l is t ,.|d isuse i. u i- . , ; ■ -ii - ii? e m c r. 'u iiystill ill- ?. - l l l l 'u d ll l u-e , I .! ItsUs-itati mi m a s t .-.ind h. .. log reduce thc r isk o i cardtovasculardisejtye The le t tor ihe h im - i - v ' u and a jio c k r i nia 1 i . included i i , ilu i " i

111 add ills .ii l« gim ijng fe b s .m;l .-conuttutng through June l C ( w i l l he

tie ring die ...u t-e f in e rg c itcv M ia h i.i i rc in n , Hi?. - - - e C t i i .(Jury J tic iaH S D cp a rtm e iito t ii . t iis |H>Hatt.on gouisC tin .d ie emergency .a n and tfanspi na(K>nol die - u l ami injured This course replaces E M T w hich w as the pres ions standard led etui Ifeparm ient t < ian>|i»>riaiioncourse:. - _ :V

ihe course cotiusts of leclurrs .end ptactni e - .loirs dedicated lo the u lc g anJ handling ol basic hie support palients as w e ll a - all kinds of medic . i i traum a and env i io i im c n u l emergencies Upon sucees-sful com

ple im n line can rake (In stale exam To enro ll s tudent' m u si haxir u cur rent r PR card in B a s il Life'-'Support dtrough die Am erican Red Cross the American Heart AsssKiaikm . Basic l its Support lo t Health-.Core P roud e i- or the New.g Jersey Stale Saet. C ounc il T i l l ' clays w i l l meet Salur day s Irom S TO a m lo T JO p in on die college ' P la in fie ld campus also

I lie . o 'l IS: S N'O and a copy o f ihe BI..S CPR .a id m ust he subm itted w ith re g w ia d o ii ; -

f o r m o ir m) rm a iion or lo register to r e ither coutse ta i l die D iv m o .u n t fco n o m ic D exe lopm eiit and Conunu m, fd u c a ti'i ll al 't|i,s -'0 *t (-aK

S p ring s em es te r com ingspang is already in the art al l nion

County College U C C w il l oj>en Us doors to r th e spring semester J i n 22 RcgistraUon lo r those dasse. w il l conunue dirough Jan 28 at the co l­lege s C ra n to r i E lizabeth and Plain , fie ld campuses

Siudenis can sign up fo r courses ■Irom *! a m to ' TO p m v io u d i - ih rough Thursdays 4 a m -,u h ttl 4 TO p m Fridays, o r 9 a m ^un td m n a i i Saturdays fo r those w i'lu n -f to slaii •h u i spring semester a little later , urge menu ot i l i " t ' w il l also bed-,

n fc l . l i w u li ic g is u .iii -it to r tli.-.-icon tinu ing un til Feb 12

; l A T offers suridard cfedU coutsrs in ii re d u i degree d ip lom a and c e r i i l ie d p rogram s that inc lude a c c o u n t in g A m e r ic a n 'S ig n Language deal studies atchiteclute in i-n ie .'- o m M H tk n t irm s couipu lets b io logy chem istry crim inad jus lice e iig t ik t i in g lin e u b liber u arts allied health nursing atfd more

A ll disiaiKC td u ca lto n courses are die espsaien; (heir lra d ilio n .il oncantpus couiiierpatts: H kv . vet die came subject n u t le t (W y the some a r d i i and arc taught -by highly tp u li lie d l O t tacultx

The New Jersey P I A had tis 102nd annual conx e n lio ii ui the Taj Vlahal inAtlantis C ity on Dec 2-4 D im e local units tusk lk>me lo u r awards

• Hannah r 'a id w e il s . h on l Safe lx -Award

. • Hannah C a ldw e ll Schooll ii . ii-u im c it ta l Award

• lank's C a ldw e ll School 1 chi. a rii-P e,v.etlc-ike

• Bhkim m gdale Avenue SShcml P aren tFam ily Im olyem em

I a .h award recipient submitted an - t o detaiim g programs ran during

the 2001 (12 sch ik il year along with tiiers, puW icity . e tc : demonstrating . . 'iitp lia ikc* w iths reyjuirt’ i ’ ients and sH u t.iid s pul torth bx NJ P I \

A w arils w e ie presented aldhe. bah s|uet dinnc'i on IX s 4, w h ich signTftes tlu- d o s in g o t com entum

K orean W ar vets m eetthe I n ion County Korean War

Veieiaifs Association w il l h a ve 'its regular business meeting al RahwaxV a - h t l lu b C u b I’a tetsoii s i . Rah way on Wednesday

1 u ik h w i l l t v sc-txed at nmm and ! meermg w r lU o ifo w I veius lo i

2U0T w il l be -discussed -. -g

D ead line exten ded fo r W om en of E xcellence

The U nion County Board o f ( 'h o * sen Freeholders and the Civmmission

“ on the Status ot Women ate acceptme nom inations tor the ( U h annual

1 W om en o f Excellence A w ird s Hie Jeadline i.u nominations is Fnday

“ W e art searching lo t women who demonstrate superior qua lities in many areas, includ ing u lt . , -inmon courage, leadership, ariis iic s k il i ' . and y o lu n te e r is m yard F re e h ir ld e i IX-borah Scanlon, lia ison to the Com m ission on the Status o t W om en and ik'w chairm an ot the treeholder hoard to i 2003 •'The freeholders know the importance o f recognizing and com iik-nd ing women who haxe made out standing contributions or haxe a per yonal o r pro lesyionaf achievement Ibese wonk-n are exam ple ' o f excel tehee tor g irls w id h e r women . t o emulate '

Hte com m ission i> bipartisan and dedicated lo supporting and ackm-w lodging the ach icscm enit .y| 1 nion County women .Categories .tor the a w a r d i tie lu d e b u - 1 n e s ' entrepreneurship, goyem m enl. health .a ie jtrurna lism and pub lic n-larions, law enforcement, and .om m um ixsere ice. yo iiin leerism ;

N o n m n v . to r the award must five ui I n ion County To stihm ii a Aqmt nation. e im U kl Joan Ahrtame al dots.2 4 1 -4KR9. and send a covet let ter. resume and biographical stale m eiit aNml ihe woman, to Joan Abi late '22 Dietz St . Roselle 0 ' 2(M

O pen house Jan . 21Ih e Dtvtston o l Economic 'Deve­

lopment and C ontinu ing fd u ca tn u i w ill h. si an open'house on Jan 21 trom b Mi io 8 p m on the college's O a n lo rd campus at 1033 Springfie ld

..Ave ■The open house o t te r ' an opportun

its lo r ihe com m unity to come an. learn aN>ui tlk ' various non c ie d ilce r t i l l.a le programs ottered in the areas

giit computers such, as M u ro so tl O iltce Cser Specialist and Oracle ( e rtit ie d I ’ to lc ss io iu i i ntu is include Human Resource Managemem M e. ironies K 'ch n n ia n Com puter Arts.

. E ip iu l IV s ig n I uxl ilk ': S ery la ’ .;. W ire less S c lw n tk m g Substitu te teache r Specia lis t and M e d ic a l:- O ffice C oding Specialist Ind iv idua l onuses are also available tit the in e-

o t business, health, real estate, food preparahon. leisure aclrsities. art. dance, music ESI ( o ilege lo t K id .and to r Seniors

On ilk ' .ante evening, Cm on C oun iv C o lle ge s C IS C O R e g io n a l Academy w il l provide a presentation on its program beginning at b 3 0 p m on the C raritord campus fh ts w ill cover how lo become a C isco C erti tie d Network Associate

fo r more m lormatnm,- c a ll the D in v io n o f Economic D evebranem and C o n t in u in g E .n a t io n at tu x '(N "N tt l

M assage th erap y co u rseA m ..ik ' interested in becom ing a

message therapist can bera ira tiitn g at I nion County College u n e o f its newest certificate programs, massage therapy takes one lu l l year to com plctc The program is open *»» fu ll un i. .tudeitts .uid Ihe c ib ise s to he taken this spring ale Human B io logy fundam entals in Message Iheraps M j.s jg e H ic u i ' ' I K inesio logy lor Massage fhe iap is ls and d im e I Registration for the spring semester o

, vU irenti- undei wav ■■

Ilk - 'm ission :o t f l v program is i,. proskte giaduales w ith « comprtfhen sue inkfcisiandm g o f the y irw ctu rc md h m .tio n .-I Ihe human anatomy knowledge of the n id i, a lio ttsand con

; iiam dii.anons lo r therapeutic mas sage aikl the assessment fo o ls Ii de ie iin im when ri; o appropriate' n- te tc i !:> d icn ts o i " iik - r health can1

.j'la c iillo ite ts g Siudenis w il l g a in lhr abthly io design oil appn fm a te treat n v ’u - f Ian u tiliz in g proieysionaf skills w ith on appreciation o f. the erhical re c p .-n s ib ilin e s o l a m assage ihcrapisi ih e n l relationship

It, iiiu ig a i i . is' j h therapist .an •open .the Jts.r te f inanv fob o p im rlun i lies Manx rik-ssage therapists open

fheu own . l in i . s i i i home haw 'd b u s m e s s e fh e y d ie also an im p o r Ijs.i a d tu ik i l. • - .. i lm .- ils o lle rc d bv n k 'd i. al ik v to rs phy sk al therapists, lehab ilifa tion cemeps. hospice fe tite rs ptolessional a ih le ii. icano and c h im p todo rs In addition, corporate w e ll ik y. program*,- spas, resorts, cruise-h ips am) a ihk 'itc s a lw oftyr m am employm eni . f>ponum iics

f o r hk 'ie in fo rm a tio n on the Mas sage Ihetaps Prograin g a ll Andrea M a n am program cixyrd tnaiitt, at '*IS '* t | 4 *t|8

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPromoter finds his passions make for a perfect ‘blend’

By B il l V in S a n !Associate Editor

Itt M eredith AMlIson A popular B m a d w jv m usical, Pro- • fessor H aro ld H t lf ts know n "The Music M a n 5"

Mere tn . t n u n fo u n t ) , that t itle could arguably go to Ahrre. M aros

The Sum m it native and W estfie ld resident is the d riv ing force behind tw o o f the countv \ up-and-com ing concert series ( otTee W ith a Conscience. alternating between S pnng tie ld and W estfield, and Second Saturdays in his

' h om etow n o i Sum m itThe 41-vear-ofd Maros' musical roots date back to the

when. as a member o f the. S um m it Im ia n a n t hurch 's south .group, he was evposed to the communal experience of coffeehouses

When I was 15. lb . I 'd go to these youth group retreats." he said "A n d Saturday (lights, there was always


M an 's .. 'w n 'e a 'A attempts at ; pert> 'i;i:.tig :' though v table, where not as strong as h i* skills at recognizing ta l­ent in others ” 1 always knew who the real talents were. I had an eye fo r it , " h i *aM " I wa> never Uu.te that g.sxJ. but i knew who vnn good And that was <ny passum all through h igh sch o o l"

" P o lld fiftng to * youth in Sum m it. M atos moved to -Berkeley in the San Francisco area There, he found him- A e tf im m ersed tn the coffeehouse scene .

■ "A t Berkeley. I d id something called the 'f i r s t and T h u d ' Today S igh t Open M ike Coffeehouse.-' he said The venture gamed . the attention o f singer-songwriter Chuck Brodsky, who brought not only his ow n act to F irst and T h trd bu t other talent as w ell

"S o Chuck comes and brings all o f: h is musician friends." Stares recalled, ''some o f the best that Berkeley and San Tranctsco Bay area had to o ffer at me tim e .

First and Th ird was also a fundra ise r fo r local causes, something Maros continues today_v*ith his New Jersey senes'

Full of beansIt was also in C a lifo rn ia thal Maras w o u ld fm d his

ev entual trade coffee ro a s te r" ! spent a lo t o f tim e tncafes in B erke ley," he said "Every b lock has tw o o f them, at least There was one place called Pete's C offee and Tea that had the best coffee in the area "

M aros w'as struck not only by the quality o f freshly ground coffee, but by the overw helm ing popula rity o f the establishment, com m enting that the line o f customers often went out the door and the wait was somet mes.20 m inutes o r more. Having performed various:’ odd , o b \ . in c lud ing chim ney sweep in top hat. M aros had found a trade that spoke to him m the days before Starbucks On the east coast, " I had to go to M acs's to buy fresh-roasted beans." he said, "o r I'd have to go to New Y ork to Rabat's to buy good quality beans" Heading back east, he sough: fu n d in g and soon opened his ow n estahlishnient m Crah- jo r d m ISS4

'T m a coffee roaster." he said "I roast coffee, and I have fo r Id ye a rs " Maros is the proprietor o f Ahrre 's C o f­fee Roasters tn W estfield, and the form er ow ner o f t i l l o rig in a l shop th C ranford and The C om m on Ground m

Summit A fte r opening fhe C ranford location. Maros found h im se lf wanting a litt le b it more "T h e dream was to open a cafe w ith the live entertainment, the art exhibits, the whole deal.” he said "ft took tw o and a h a lf years aftet I opened my firs t store before I fina lly found (ust the place in S u m m it" it was at I he Common Ground that Mm* combined his tw o loves

'We had live entertainment there every n ight The a itsvaried between rock V ro ll, blues, iu/ / . poetry, fo lk and the ob ligato r) Open M ike Night "F ridays and Saturdays, we d try to do something w ith broad appeal

•That was one o f things along the way fo r me that got me itj.ite inva jlved in music production, m music event production ”

However. Starbucks opened a Sum m it location not.tar away w h ich soon put The Comm on G round out o f busi­ness I he cafe's c losing, though, d id not s igna l the end o f the popularity o f M aros' m uvcu l o fferings Accord ing to the organizer, submissions continued to come in Iront prospective acts, prom pting h im to fmd a new venue f o r . his musical o fferings

Maros then began art m lo n tia l coflee scries at the Summit l nitartan Church, fea turing local and regional ta l­ent How ever, the. church underwent renovation, closing

.such USC^It was after M aros opened his current Westfield loca­

tion that the opportun ity to help prom ote a new senes pre- u-nted its e lf. . ■ :° '

The Emanuel L 'nited M ethodist Church in Spnngtie ld approached the coffee roaster w ith a re q u rv to donate c o f­fee to a concert the church was sponsonng Maros found the request to be appealing to more than his coffee sense

"The m inister at the M ethodist church in S pringfie ld wanted to start a coffee house series and needed somebody to donate coffee," he Mid And one o f my customers w as a member o f that church and recommended that they ask m e "

It-was through this contact that Maros became invo lved w ith the venture being', undertaken' by the Spring fie ld Methodists

"They called and I jum ped at the chance and I brought the coffee and served it my se lf at the very firs tC o ffee W ith a Conscience event." he said.

Follow ing that firs t concert. Maros soon found h im se lf on the inner circ le, helping to plan and organize upcoming concerts Coffee W ith a Conscience is now in tts th ird sea­son ]n hoping to attract audience members, the'com mittee contacted the First t ntted Methodist Church o f Westfield, which wanted more than to attend representatives w ant­

ed to staff s ta r own senes; It wa* Maros w ho advised that the two churches combine resources and co-sponsor the senes, alternating venues on a m onthly basis

Each church provided a list o f local chanties, w ith one cause appearing on both lists the New Jersey Food Bank Each m onth, the proceeds benefit these chanties, hence giv ing a Conscience to the Coffee

H om etow n ven tu reOnce (he Sum m it £ nitartan Church was completely

renovated, the-' num ber approached M ari's to resume hismusical offerings. S tcondSaturdqy s began not as a chance

Joining Afire Maros, center at a Coffee With a Conscience concert last spring are Jean Bratman. left, and Dan Pelletier, who appeared as a double bill in the monthly concert senes Folk duo CommonbGnd will appear Jan 18 at the Emanuel United Methodist Church m Springfield

'I'm a coffee roaster. / roast coffee, and / have for 13 years. The dream was to open a cafe with Uve entertainment, art exhi­bits, the whole deal. It took two and a half years after I opened my first store before / finally found just the place in Summit.'

— Ahrre Maros

to showcase fo lk celebrities, bui as a r opportunity fo r local artists to flex the ir muscles in a professional venue For the

_ o rig in a l Open M ike Night tn August. Maros attracted asso­ciates front his coffee house w ork as well as his venturesonto the musical stage. The firs t night ; is. a- Maros describes, "coffee house meets m usical theater"

The subsequent Second Saturdays booking* eventuallymorphed nto a venue tot i x a -’ pen n - w, as

."s ta r" attractions Now. every; tew gigs, the open m jke.liV turned o f f to n u k e room for bigger names "The Open M ike Nights raise .to-pay " " the p ro fe s­sional concerts." he said Maros, who has been the re c ip i­ent o f i mon County HEAR I Grants to help subsidize his > ventures, commented that the result wa> tw o factions o r Second Saturdavs audiences the coffee house c row d and the those who » ant to see a "s ta r"

-. W h d e C d ffe e w n h a Conscience benefits a handful o f local charities. Second Saturdays has a pel cause the Keith

Singer-songwrtlers Bob Malone left, arid Jessica Owen will be the featured artists at Second Saturdays Coffee Flouse in Summit this weekend -

Folk duo Connmonbond will appear in the Coffee With a Conscience Concert Series Jan 18 a: the Emanuel Methodist Church in Springfield The series is in its third season

glu ts ! Special Need' f und, w hich aids a form er Sum m it resident and friend o f M aros - who was paralyzed from ihe Chest-sit|»n. ill an accident •t.»:o years ago The' funds ia>sed aid K'nost w .tr the many expenses associated w ith his rehabiTitatioh Coincidenta lly . Knost is the son o i a fo r ­mer m in ister o f the Sum m it 1 n ita n u n lh u re F .

The chance to encounter new talent is among the most a,-pc. g spcJs e u o rie P endeavor rorMaros Re spoke p i seeing Bob M a lone , w ho w il l appear this weekend at Second Saturdays in Sum m it, at a c lub in Hoboken Malone was opening to r Chris Barron o f the Spin Doctors and: appeared on stage look ing like. a 'g r t z - zied,'chubby guy: Then M aione began to play ami blew the crowd awayA ccording to .S la v s ; ;Barron then said. "W o w 1 1 have.-to tohow t-hat'” : : . , . .

; -'Bob' M a'one - ah Bis £ Ds. £ htts-Barron packed ■ - 0. ' M atos c ,a '.c d ’ th a t ’ ght n Hoboken " M W o n e vw ij be appearing, this weekend w ith Jessica O a f it S ec; o saturdavs t offee House -it she Sum m it

'V o it an an ’(."lurch MAY Aidron As e on the com er o f Spring- , fie ld Avenue Tickets are V . : For in form ation, cal! 908- ')2 8 -iil 2 ' o r send e -m a il to in fo a secondsaturdays erg

Appearing in C offee W ith a Conscience Jan Ik at Emanuel Ln ite d M ethodist Church, 40 Church M a ll in Springfie ld, w ill be fo lk duo C om m onbond Tickets are. $ 1 2 For in form ation, call ' A - 2 A 2 - H 2 3 o r cis it w w w co f- teewithConscience com

A se lf-p riv tittm ed "Renaissance man.' Maros is in an env iable position com bin ing his passion* and. at the same lim e, reaching out to his neighbors reaching out w n h the chance to enjoy quality music and w ith the o ffe ro t a help-- ittg hand

Owen, Malone to appearA ppearing Saturday Hi the Second Saturdays C offee House Series tn "sum-

m it w il l be Jessica t >wen and Bob MaloneJesusU Owen I'ules !r i 0 " • M i 1 a -ada \ . t ' n u s e s jre i

home in New Jersey; capt vat g - e c . v ei Ijavebeen w inn ing: her high.accolade*. in the fbriii.'o i.'awards. chow c ases and press, both in ',and; 'h-c I ;i.iteai-Sjatos; 'v ie - y a .c o in jv M lg M 'ig w r i le rw ith an ., unm istakable ab iiits to d-ak tt.e .stenet nto her exp l.-ra tio -c life and the human experience. In the same vc • j * s iorvte llers Yni D e F r jiw v and Sarah M cl.ach lan . O w en's beautifu l voice, tourneys through het unforgettable m e lod ic* and powerth. ac.n.stic emtar playing Whether t s an vnlecttous groove or a hea rt-b re jkm g contessu' Owen always.delrvers w ith exaquisite stvie and ttonesty

"B u b M aione w alks on stage, sits dow n at the keyboard, g rin * ear to ear and blows tt'c audience aw ay' a n - 'd ing senes prom oter A hne Maros " E v e ry me - • .-J- • • i t " . . . : B " - ; n d hiem: ol musical sty Ics.

b u t he also manages to t i l l the room w ith fun energy He is considered he ir to the Agaev o t Professor t unghan ano !>:. M .none g'ew up in New else. ■ ■- ■ " I M ice v- but exten-s ive i. He has developed a unique com bination o f a finely tuned sense ol . c. .i a . . ' ' ; a ues\ . •

It has been said that M aione is an a '.ust e n e u -pedis 'com pendium o f blues and roots p iano styles and as a sst’he. he's m Jihn H iatt s league

Foi in fo rm a tion , ca ll W -9 2 8 -O I2 7



t Eastm an product 6 G uinness

10 Lasting effect A 4 Corpulent15 Showroom model16 Shakespearean

wUa«.17 Flatron parts19 Diagnostic test20 Delight21 French extremity23 School org.24 D ue preceder 26 Italian re n te r 28 Ton road33 Run rampant34 Russian range35 They're agamst 37 Song-and-dance

n a n40 Stratum42 M enu item4 3 Steeple44 M ethuseiah 's la ther4 5 Am erican d ram atis t47 Hideaway48 U nits ot m easure 50 B ean variety52 Heavenly bodies55 Malay gibbon56 C uckoo57 B rs tie59 Celebratory speech 63 Token ;;c,65 Orcnestra nembei68 WM goat69 Kazan70 Holdup? i Singer James 7 2U S illustrator 73 Took an oath


1 R ing coups2 Reec instrument


c o M u m u m r

3 W ooded area4 Oflshore5 M am ta ned 6 N a b c n o v - v . c7 Latvian.: - .8 Islam ic .9 Share top b itting ,

10 Puande k) title word v M ounta r m nge ot

c e n fa i Europe

12 MarWe ' 3 P a lace resident

18 Soviet prem ier 22 Sagas '25 A fr ican rum inan t?7 S ensa tiona lism ,28 H c a r ce L n29 P olish lancer30 Fa in t gum m e-31 R eunion m em bers32 G ivm g the once-over 36 A n -.n ca n sculpto<38 W estern U S s a te39 Piamst Pete'

V i \N S V 1 K R 5 " i i P a tfr B I2

A. CAvtHA W»«—

41 F lightless tu rds 46 S ister o t P «4 9 G am e sh o w h ost - 5 1 1ncubates s . . ,52 Artificial g e m

53 E astern church m em ber

54 Cud hat -58 H indu m onth6 0 O nce m ore61 Storage bu ild ing62 Ivan or N icho las 64 FD R 's bra inchnd 6 6 Sr 's bOte no ire 6.7 N a u tc a i ro p e


FRIDAYJanuary 17th. 2003 :

EVENT Tncky Trey AuctionPLACE Moselle Catholic High Scnoc** Rantan Roac Ros««eTIME Doors open. 5 00pm ; caning starts 7 WornPRICE • .•oocv No one under i$ aamtted Tcvel ihtormation ca l 906-486-3541 or 908-

■925-0928 ' ' ' ; -ORGANIZATION Rosene Catholic M S

% j Gaos O is i paid Jirectoo flfoeab fcf «* P™

id cAb lust S200(i i for 1 web ji firS to I?tod-l1f $M Mil Cixjfloes fa r notice must be in our Maphood t o I*? M ^ 1 In 4 W P\i ob M b lor priduuxi the foil -me t e Ath«n>enwu m\ h be

{fad i IN Sendai Krai 0 n $ - f bto? St . Bkxnfeti M Stof«cs«

Ave la n M iM e iB to rm x ic ih '^^c^M

NJPAC welcomes Cincotti to ChaseThe New Jersey P erform ing A rts t enter -, t aharet at

’,-!d phenom enon, Peter t ir v u lt i , atp m :: ;V ;

1 ickets arc S in . and may he purchased hy telephone W . J W I . I ' ” at the M P U B ov O ffice at l Center

s i , in disw m ow n Newark, o r f e e w ilin g the N J l’A t »eh cite at w w w nipae org

NJPAi s t abate; a! the Chase recreates the .intimate setting o f a cabaret w i.h b is tro -s ty le tabic seating as wee

-ihasc. Cabaret at the Chase is made possible through thegenerosity o.f the S*-inche::aild try m g 1-asihe F 'ouiidatrori.

’ • a-: season a! . ' 'yburigest head liner ever to p e rfo rm at the prestig ious V lgongu jn H o te ls Oak R oom . to which, he re tu rn sm February 2003 to r a four-w eek engagement kg u a d n ip ic threat as a p ian is t, v o c a li lt , com poser and arranger, t in corn breathes new life in to both pop.and ia / / standards O n p iano and voca ls, he leads his. gUartet which.- jn> ides bass’ si: Pe-Cf W j.h m g b m ' W; K"« -W ashington, and Scot! h te ii /e r on tenor .av,.phone

i ■,. -i . p i. e 'a " .1 ' NJP-Xl s . o r - -' ’ '■ ■■ • turns fro m his m uch-an tic ipa ted C oncord Records debut i t ) . “ Peter t incott*.*1 w h ich w it! be released M arch ) t

I he C D produced bs the legendary G ram m y Award- -. • . >’ ■ • ' ■ - 1 ■ « '

" t i j Paa .b irn io ;,. Rav L “ a ife - . i tJunHS Jones, etc- includes pop arid la w standards * » . * * ! ) as three ang ina;

■ songs ' -yrranged by im e o th . the C « re f le c ts . maf-C aspests on h:s a r ti'trs and a w ide palette o l " l o u m tW n c c s and eras Fred W m >hip o t l PI has th is lo re s about < incom s ongrnai. io m p .w itn .n s They are a> arresting 18 then .v r i.s as the ) <M* in ’tu i . i . j i l t s I he. p rove • * - . young b e n to * m i keyboard a rtis t to t v a seen ’pr.'d fgv oCa ..ahher/'a -c is encountered " Stephen , _ . „ y . 1 . . s m p • date- that t ■-j (l!; s renditioris o f standards “ are in tused w ith a youth- - , a. d a ;•

( inco tti has been inspired anil ih llu e n ccd hy the grear

0 1 ■ ■ ' ■ N.P K ■ 1. .v . rley Horn and ' Jrmer' McRae L ike D a n a K r i l l , f it . approash to rernsentmg u . / / 1» part o t a s o u ih fu i d .su o . . . o J> r i Bses the standard w ith rom ance and mystery

' 'co if, began play-mg the F « « » when he- was 3. veer* -oM j - g hv the age -* was pe rl.itn un g on ..age w oh Harts l o r . i tr '

HOROSCOPEJan. 13-19\R | t s N1.iish 2 i Yi r • I 'c

accent is on trave l! Be prepared to a i.-t ot ground phsku-ajly- and',

mental Is is you. pass ..H ir hags i .-i tun and a.)senlure .I At K t b April 2 t ' Mas Jo . I »pcvt a t i l ia n i 14! surprise as a result OT a « n t senture lnsestmems you have made in the past begin to pay o tt Reinvest and prosper GEMINI (May 21-June ! in Concen-

itate or- Mending sow energies with tnenJs iri'iead Of pulling apart A good retail, n.hip ieguire> balaivel 1 . . " |.| -O s.i \N t 1 K Juik- 2.2 J in ' 22 I -s-t. to r s jiuab le tcedba.k and assistance,• ■ ■-.. . ■

. picuhai' ;k n. ->» o;oij die .tsc.'.i - >0 be.:.w ise .and heed then adsue l l r : ; :,i- 2 - \ 2.h ips '“ o -u ttsi .-t th ings to J it th isw t-.v u ■ k sc w break uom the mattne I er s.sur hair dow n 3nd hasesome tu n ' .

v IR t iO . Vug 23-Sepr 2 2 i Y-hi are env.Hiraged to express sour einouons V. ml ho ld ing ihem m am i do ing

miernai damage Get a ll negatis c and,s . - - . , te rlm gs out in the open

, i'HH V V p i 2 ’* iK . 2 ': > Share sour . 1 sew sah-u.i phiiosijpjvy ,>i: re lig io n ,

- an a u d ira e 1 C oe.! mes am iousts w aiting to hear what youhas.1 I sas

-SCORPIO tO c t 24 N. s 2 h Take a long Its*k al vour tiiu n ce s. and Jon 1 iiserfck'k what i ' dra in ing s.-ui fv v k

ei Nu J i'w n tm th a p e n .il and pad and ■ dget ■ •.-••

s A G in \R H ' Nos 22 IV . 21- s „-j ... : , .ui tone o fcom fort and cvpenrm 'ii: w ith a new club or group You m ight t rn d n u t sou have a lot in...inm ion - , , v. ..C VP R K 1 IK S I V \ ' C 2 i-Ja it t b : O tter sour services to sotm-.-ne lit need and w hat s ou g i s c comes ha. k h > sou m uhtp lied Prepare tor aU tm d °tprospems \ R l i S he. 2' 1. ' . ! ' :A 'o k ! (V g ohsatH t and headstrongvs un s.mi mat. Be jsaSieni and l»elppartners 10 see then strengths and vacakncsH'N ■ .PISCES I eh N M w .n 2t*i D iv ide ..m i nnie e.jualls between home and work B.sth ate iu>t as im portant Get !■ h jh ii ’ a, know.iedg-mg .o u t

1. ■ m p - 1 - o’ -I f s o u r h ir th d a s is th is week, .ome-np with vome cfeauve ideas ha sup

plemenling '.a ir im nm e during ih. .-grnmg ' car Choose H o in m akc i. dratls perform ing arts ,v working p i 1 11 rite prom olm g a tnobbs or spe- aa t!in te rest Your m so iscm cn i in a . tub or gritup eridcas m 1 s also . halted he su a e vs Take adsanugc id am eppoflum iy you riught base to . , m r hut.' a'Hl make a d itle rc m e \|sn hirn this week Rotvrt Suck -\nds R .x w s l i t M art Kmg J r . D i/e s [V a n and J im C a n t '

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Ori & Forelli will lead annual photography workshop in Italy’s Tuscany regionNancy J O n o f Berkeley H eights and t h ip F o re lfi

«•! New York w e ll-kn o w n a rtin s »nd educators o f phl>- tog .aphv. w i l l lead a group o f photographers rn to 'T u . seany, an area o f Ita ly worthy o f exam ination and d is ­cos cry '■

Partic ipants w i|L focus on the countryside and tit*, lages, w ith an emphasis on architecture, docum entary, p o rtra it and landscape photography H istory, art, a rc h i­tecture, and the opportun ity to make incred ib le pho to - graphs .await each partic ipan t The w orkshop fee o f 5 1 ,99 5 inc lu d e s tu ttt io n . shared .accom m odation*',, transpo rta tion during the workshops, breakfast, d inners and tours t he workshop g i.c n May 17 to 24 is designed fo r a ll levels o f e s p e ric r.c m photography

VVorking w ith the c ra lt o f b lack-and-w hite as w e ll as c o lo r photography, O n and fo r e i l i o ffe r a cha lleng ing w orkshop w ith in the insp ira tiona l atmosphere o f Tus­cany. I he goal o f this w orkshop r> to encourage person­al v is io n and growth through ins truction , in teraction and s t l f -m o tn a t io n W h ile ft sJitiique is an integral part, it is not the m ain opneehtratum o f th is workshop Focusing on spomarvetly and in s tin c t, partic ipants w il l be m o ti­vated to push themselves creative ly and go beyond pre­viously ventured avenues

I he workshop w il l be ign in Berkeley Heights long be o re your tr ip to Ita ly when a ll workshop partic ipants w il l he in v ite d to meet each other at a weekend atte i*noon gathc irng for orien ta tion A v ita l part o f th is m eet­in g w i l l he. the sharing o f im ages to r discussion and a chance to develop new friendships I hen. a lte r irav c ling to Ita ly in M ay. the second part o f the w orkshop w il l beg in w ith cam eraw ork and discussions in the p ic tu r ­esque: country side and street li fe throughout Tuscany.

. .v is it in g c iiic s s jc h ;a s l.ucasi. P isa,.S iena, and San G im ignano , to name rust a tew

B oth sing le and stiared accomm odations are a va il­able at a p riva te estate outside o f Lucca, w hich w il l be the home base h • the tvo iks iidp . The property is a w in e , and o live o i l estate It is qu ite picturesque w ith a shep­herd fam ily who also make exqu is ite ncotta and pecori- iio cheese "O u r personal cook w il l prepare breakfasts and dinners each day Lunch is on yo u ro w n A n d sev­era l nights, we w il l he de lighted by tastings o t local w in c s i o liv e o il, b a isam iio and.'cheeses' Hie: d in n e r's , g ive us .the opportunity to experience tru ly regional dishes and w ine in the privacy o f this country estate,''

O n said Lucca is located in ’ fhe fo o th ills o f the G affag nana M ounta ins where Leonardo da V inc i and M ichae- langeto personally oversaw the quarry mg ot th e ir m ar­b le /

B o th O n and Fo rc lh enjoy the structure o f a w e ll- o rgam /ed workshop yet like the freedom to stop a long the way when an in teresting photographic opportunity presents its e lf The even ing sessions w il l invo lve d is ­cussions answering many photographic questions M m the d a ilv w o rk in g sessions and orienta tion to r the next day o f photographs

O n fin d s w ork ing w ith photographers at a ll expe ri­ence levels to he qu ite rew ard ing and gives special emphasis to beginners She and Fo re lli have desinged the w orkshop around p ro v id in g an opportunity fo r a ll partis-pants to exshunge experiences wbt.e leaim i-g They have a casual sty le, en joy ing sim ply ty in g sophis­ticated photographic techniques and love to see stu-

•dents grow- m srea tiu ty through the process I he par tic ipan is enthusiasm constan tly rem inds me o f how m agica l the photographic process really is and helps me look .0 my ow n w ork w ith a Iresh view " said F o re lli

I he instructors. Nancy O n and C h ip F.ioreili. have more than 3 0 years experience each as professional pho ­tographers and instructors and are w ide ly exh ib ited tine

- artis ts Or: is founder and d irecto r o t the New Jersey Photography Forum , at the W atehung A rts Center and the Heritage Photography W orkshop Series held: each year in Cape May She has also become an experienced le a th e r through years o t a ffil ia tio n w ith the Ansel \d a m s Workshop in C a lifo rn ia , and in New Jersey at

: the: N earJe iseyH : etiser-for V isual A its m Sum m it, (he. S um m it Area C om m unity Schools. Peter's V a lley t ra ti I due ation l enter m I ay ton. Somerset A rt A ssociation in B edrm nstcr and the Watehung A d u lt School m Watehung

t h ip F o re lli ik a master o t beautifu lly cralted. b lack- and-w hile landscape p rin ts where m an's m ysterious presence frequently hovers l ie has successfully blend­ed a sarccr incorporating p rin t sales, teaching at the In ternational t entet o f Photography, the N J M edia Center Photography W orkshops and the Cape Cod Pho­tographs Workshops w ith photographing td r prestig ious a d v e rt is in g and corporate clien ts Fo re lli believes m

■ ach iev ing a balance between creative sensib ility and

This photograph taken in Montone Italy is an example of the pictures that can be cap­tured by panticipants in the photography workshop conducted by Nancy J Ori and Chip Forelli m Tuscany this May Registration ends next week

sk ill .in s f! a id 'C l s * * i i " , v “ ■ especia lly fey photografth irtg nature: we-Guy recover i sense ot exploration, discovery and wonder.

I o r in fo rm a tio n and. regis.tru lion,,coiitucl O r; d irectlyat SMis-’ M ff.xS lh Ih e deadline fo r reg is tra tion is Jan

JCC to present ‘Broadway Kids’ showsl( t. M e lri'W esi w il l present the

immensely jurptiLiYNljoadivas K id -" fo r tw o perform ances Jan 2(> at I and 4 p m

th is S how tim e to r Fam ilies pres­entation w i l l take place at the M aurice le v in Theater at the JCC o f M etro-

. po litan New .forces: 'n o . N o rth tie ld Aye. W est Orange

W holesom e, ch ild -o rien ted , enter ta inm em 'B road '-.jv . k id s 1'. Is the perfect in troduction to Ihe iovs and w .a idc is o t the Broadway m us ica l

. f eaturing the brightest young slurs on Broadway today, th is g ifte d ensemble

w il l pe rto rm a sam pling ot songs frpn so iiic o-. Am etHa s best-loved ’ m us ica ls , such a- \n m e . ' The ■soi.-Hi o ’ M ils '. . "1 C ' -M isCm Wc s .''

"Ihe I to n k in g " and more Just like Broadway "Broadway k id s is always 'changing, iddm g new u ie n t and new m usical numbers td .a fu lly i lio re t'g 'aphed stage production o f music arid dance ■■ A phenomenon t it fa m ily enter­tainment Broadway K id * " has been featured on network te lev is ion m such

shows as I iv c W ith Regis anJ Kathy Tree" and "T h e Rosie i t 'D o n n e ll Show " T h e i r . hesi se lling recordings include Ih e Broadway k id - Sing Broadway ’ " I he Best o f B roadw ay." ' v n g .America Sing B roadw ay" and ■'Best lihT iroad jyU c,"

1 icke ls arc 52C fo f J.t members, students and senior c ili/e n s . and 525 tot- the general pum ic Irckcis jre available by calling ihe MetruW est hov o ffice-a t d ” , .7 3 ft - ta x i, | vl 2 5 C or a! wwvv in kelwi'H com

t ,• r j p n n f T f i ' W j i w W ' ;: |

( ^ y .V / t f . A m o n v a n F a re ,.

S u H t U l U S t U M d i~tt 06L T- t SOpm

*35 ” ‘. * 1 5 , , - uv.ia«s r i i j . f t

*tk l&fefHu b OrtftiUg'f ' l Call For Reservations Today

(908)273-7656; ■*1*3* cm ■

m Spn»|fleM \**um »Sumntt, NJ f U l

International Buffet Mongolian Barbecue Grill & Sushi Bar

1235 W C HESTN U T ST (2251 ROUTE 22 WEST)

U N IO N111 908 624 9898 F AX 908 624 9698

M O N TH U R S 1110 30PM. FRI SAT 11 11PM SUN 1? N O O N 10 PM

Jose’s Mexican Cantina is a trip ‘south of the border"

J o s e 's M e x i c a n

C a n t i n a•■£ *m *+ * i1m' . i p f w v .' •

N 1«# Urn:• * • * m m 'X -•■

B > OB V LiquorUm *Lunch Special

* 6 . 7 5#*r w e m* *

.*** t1 J6*M X*r (MnMjU'VMli NkflU'



. 6t*“ ****4. •

T a v e i i N, i i in—1 W.' e tm ' :I Oft 7 M o r n * A ve n u e

U n io n9 0 8 6 8 7 4 2 2 2

IftJO Rt 27 I d i t o n

7 3 2-9 8 5 -3 6 64

(0 7 2 Rt 2 2 W M o u n ta in s id e - ^ .

9 0 8 2 3 3 -1 1 3 8

Authentic Ittlitn Cwstne'■ Specialty faata th ih e x • Seafood

• to - t r a c t ta u n t• Mediterranean Pvraa• O ld Wueld H euertv

( sppuccino A Fapeeuo H*rfrsWM'4*S*W) * «!»»»*)»«'.N S tilt* Si * l inden *>08 925-1977

--ti qi'ss C*4* C

Brightly decorated, with hanging chili peppers, traditional sombreros and Spanish music, customers feel as though they are visiting southern Mexico when they step into Jose's Mexican Cantina in New Prov idence.

i he ambiance is as authentic as the cuisine. “ We don’t serve anything else," said Manager Daniel /.epoda.

Families, many of whom have become regulars since the restaurant's opening 14 years ago. can look forward to a special children’s menu that is currently under consideration. But there already are enough options for the entire family.

Customers can eat at the cantina 20 times without repeating an appetizer. Ihe "botanas" range from traditional nachos and quesadillas to scrumptious baby shrimp sauteed in fresh garlic, paprika, cilantro and Pasilla chiles. I he shrimp is served with toasted garlic bread to mop the remaining spices.

Overwhelming flavors are presented with the entrees, w hich, include choices from enchilada and burritos to barbecued jumbo shrimp marinated in Oaxaca style, to tender, marinated beef steak topped with sauteed sweet peppers and onions to a variety o f vegetarian options■ ■ -SSteu

Perhaps the most popular item is the fajitas that arrive sizzling and are marinated with a perfect blend o f spices, peppers and onion. The flour tortillas are light and add to the delicious chicken or beef.

Jose's Mexican Cantina is located at 24 South St., New Providence. Reservations are preferred for more than six people, especially during the more popular Friday and Saturday nights. For reservations and directions, call 908-

464- 4360. Three years ago another location, with the same menu, opened in Warren at 125 Washington Valley Road. Call 732- 563- 0480.

All major credit cards are accepted. Jose’s Mexican Cantina does not have a liquor license, but patrons are invited to bring their own.

Businessman’s I tinchesEarly Bird Specials

Vegetarian Dishes : Em eri.nnm enl .

Party Rooms Open 7 Days

649 Chestnut Street9 0 8 - 9 6 4 - 8 6 9 6


)pcn for Lunch & DinnerM.-ndax* Ihurxdax 12 '"T*0

fndav IJ -

Suaiiiliiv l UMptn-11

124 R l. 22 West, Springfield

973-467-8688Cafe Paris

hhwh cuma a C W nerh fo , '/tultcm ln ' S fn u ltm Ihrm tnm h m . . Wfcx..

’ ' > 5*1*4.«-Fence* * spew«li, #f tM-'Pet.•-Whe* .• t»«te«t«* • u«R3tt» ibwil eBeeti • Sweet t

• ( alt f I>rte4» • Ikwerta• ( eM Dncti • Hm i oflw !>r**4» Kte

■ r a ft A mamp km 5t-rtw»>i Pin ■ i rn u m A P rm » 0 f • ■Alter the m«»v*c p»*n us ft* a I ahulinis

I renek Ik'sKrt nf ( H jH with Codec, etc

O fm M m . - $ m : m I I H p m1 0 6 W a l n u t A v e o u c • C r a n f o r d

9 0 * 2 7 6 - 8 0 3 0

A V A L l l l <

Strtnni line inn* i Cackinls

The Beit 1 f t . r t f Bur o n the la s t Coast

O P E N 7 D A Y S A W E E K

• t t * X A X T * S T • r tmen

H i i i w a m n i t s E L i E • • a 2 4 1 *1 1 1



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El ToritoM e x i c a n ~ R e i t a u r a n t e

0p»n for Lunch & Otnnar 11:OOA*I To 10 00 PM

T U f,t° Sun HV OBAll Sfafor Credit i or,6 Accepted.

CHIIORI NS M tM \n t h e n t n S f f x ic an lo i i d Mee - Big Sfasfl s Restaurant

1114 South Wood A » „ Unden 908-523-1144


Lighting Homes Since 1910

FELZENBERG BROS. LIGHTING2191 Morris Avenue * Union

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Paper Mill to present Uggams in New Jersey premiere of ‘Blue’’ . ,!> IV'. i . .» • • . • S t.'vr h. = ? t v • n • . • ..It •• u 1'L . Al k -CHS’..--. 1 , .. .jp e : M il l T h e !state 1 heater o f

New JcfnCv. ufiudr F sedative Pro--iid-Cdt \n g e k i Del R$>ssi and A.ssoci-41c 1 rv>iiuccr Rov M i:Iter. w il l preventthe New Jcrsev p re m ie re o f thejC C lium ed play w ith ia / / , "B lu e ” byC hat ie - R a n do lp h-W rig h t starringTtvn.v Award w inner Leslie l ggantsand directed bv Sheldon l.pps lo t afive -w e ek run from through Feb 9

B lu r." which feature, m use byN ona H e tiJ i. v am i ly r ic s . by H e n d rw and R andu lp ti-W ngh t, pre­m ie re d a! W ashington. D C N Arena stage m \p r i l 20th) to c r it ic a l and p o p u la r acc la im P h y lic ia Rashad and M ichae l, M e l lros starred in the o f l- l iro a d w a c . Roundabout 1 heater C om pany p ro d u c tio n in June o f .M o l. Three Th ing . R eco rd , record

'B lu e " p ro u d e . an unusual andprovocative s lant on the C la rk fa m e

-iv p ro p rie to r, o f a successful tune fu l ■ home business, a . seen through the , e ye * o t e ldest .o n Reuben, w ho evo lves front a pre-teen trum pet plus er in to an adult a rtis t H i. grartdm oth er T ilh e offers unso lic ited advice, h i. father, Sam J r , ru n . the p ro fitab le

' business, hrothei Sam I I I ru n . w ith the g ir l. , w h ile fashionable mother Peggy runs up the credit cards

R ich ly co m ic and to u ch in g . "B lue" is a celebration o f the A m e ri­

can Tamils abounding w ith tendet- ness acceptance and. u lt im a te ly the search fo r u n c o n d itio n a l love A lthough not a m us ica l, 'B lu e "

e east album o f 'B lu e " fe a tu r in g - s ign ifican t use o f fflttsK h aM e t fno'v and vvffl be on sale a! the unique part o f its store te lling

- M i lu , - d t o t ! Shop through A \e could not have ,i more beau ... , r , . „ ,,f - n ine " t ifu l. w onderfu l and talented act res.

. . . . . . . O ', U i'ih c De R reset" , s . > .is a so

tmpaitV ; a iid 'C sK t t i r i ’ v i see B lue althuugh 1:evhe a

JVC s ' i: ....... -■ P ■ - ect U>ip le 'eiv p- j , e :.iv h e r , see' a. nidre dram atie 0 '' th tsw l kurmuhstings, tile fe len t: evtratirdm ary actress "•hie I’ eggv t ark. ;- . ive J bv le s lie 1 ggams returns j- ijp e r, le is iv

-. , .- povvCoid ■pi.iliEdrch: JeiV-ed bv dark secrets Peggy holdk

oi.o ai fa m 'lv g a iiie 'it ’ g ' eni i verted -v . 'he- rnesme- ' "g .rouve -ot ve\v. ...•Osinger Blue W illia m s , placed bv

SU- o» i the ’ n i ,i. He out

M il l having starred as M rs Sails... Adam s The Hostess. w ith the Moetevs' in Trying B erlin . " t a I Me M adam " H er las! Sew le t.ev appearance was a. ihc legendat f Malta I alias or fHeatrci s Ala.

Les lie U g g a m s

■Tift C lass " ioggams is a lo in Award- w in n e r for her Id b 7 groundbreaking

. ro le tn Halle lu iah B a b y '" H er other

rs IV O .de Her hr.!:. - i - i i ■ B lues -in'

-• \ i n '. . and\ .a. e-AV'sKono v - ly ii ig f k d ie y M :"

fg g a n is leceuits starred O H -Broad w;A !ir IhuiHiei knockin' on the

■ , . •M 'chae l M c l liov re p rise , the ro le

he ongm wied h i New York a . the sew singer Blue W ill ia m s M c f l r o y 's Bn a.iwav cred its inc lude "The W ild

P arts ." 'R e n t, '' "T h e W. 'T o m m y ', ’ ' " M is . S a ig o n ." ''P am

I u Pone on B road w as." and "H ig h R o lle rs " Three T h in g . R eco rd , recorded the cast a lbum o f ‘ 'B lu e ' fea turing McETrov. and. w il l be on sale at the Papei M il l G u ild G if t ’ p throughout the run o f "B lue "

P la yw rig h t C harles R ando lph W rig h t is th rille d to continue his c o l­

laboration. w ith Sheldon I p p . w ith "B lue" p e a al P jp c r M il l R andolph- W righ t, most recently directed "M e and M rs Jones’ at the Prince Theater m Philade lph ia starring l ou Rawls. ’■Blithe S p ir it " at San Francisco 's A C T Theater, and the Nationa l Tour o f "G uys and D o ll . ” starring M aunee H ines

D irec to r Sheldon Epps conceived and d irec ted the D uke E ll in g to n m usical ''P lay O n 1." w hich received three Tony Award nom inations and was produced at SheCipodraan The- atet in C hicago, where it received lou r Jefferson Aw ards, in c lud ing Besl M us ica l Epps a lso conceived and d irec ted the h igh lv acclaimed m u .i- .cal revue “ Blues in the N ig h t," w h ich starred I esbe l ggam> Fppv is cut- rently cn ioym g his sm cear a* artis tic d irec to r o f the Pasadena Playhouse

i ontposet and h n c is t Nona Hendry v began her career w ith the groundbreaking group Labelle. c u l­m ina ting w ith then N,- I reco rd : T ads M arm alade " H r solo record

mgs inc lude the G "R o c k This House” and .ihc hH* "Bustin' Out." "beep .It ( .-"’ d'"' t i. i l. " ■ lranstom ia tionL"' and W - • Should i C r y H e r - d r - n T 'C v :d o f the "B lu e " o rig in a l sast album w il l . be on sale in the 1 obby G ift Shop

The production team o f Blue includes James I eonatd Jov on sets IX-bra Bauei on costumes. M ichae G ill ia m on lights, and.Trancois Berg eron on sound . *

The perform ance schedule: U:‘ "B lu e " is as fo llo w . Wedncsdav through Saturdav cvenmgs al H p m Sunday a! ' Ji) p m Ihufsday and Suiidav matinees a< .’ p m and s..t urdav matmi-es at 2 M p m T icke t' are STO to S6J and rn.iv be purchased bv c a llin g Y ' l 1 " M 1 4 • ot at the Paper M il ! Bov (W ise op H t-w w id e

D rive in M ilib um , w buv directly

online a' vvww papem hM on: A'rsa Mastert a id . IP s ., vc- and A m i ' . - -■'

I vpress are..!"Blue" is made possible m pa/!!"

funds fro m the New . forces -State . C o u nc il on the Arts.Department of state a partner agency o f the Nati.on-

.funds fro m the Natior-a I m l

f l i t the Arts' | he Pape - AT t 114 et s.t' >'

S erifs is free and open l - the pub- Meet in " - f theat." - mez.M: -' the fo llo w in g Thursday even ing '


w ith m em ber, o f the and staff This is an ideal way (,, v .tbe: e n - ’ v the Paper M il t e sp e rw -.t .

Paper A f i l l ’ s A ud io-D escribed Performances, w ith a .ensorv sen- nar "h1 m inutes p rio r to curta in arc whedufed to r Eeb b at 2 p.m . Feb » at 2 ’ t) p m curtain, and l eb 9 at ’ R) p m

A sign-interpreted open-cant .meeperfi-"t>a'KC i. scheduled ‘ - i t - .

' 1 " P -\b o u t the th e a te r; Pap A!

The v a te Theatre o f New Jetses xated sin Biystk.ide Drive in M

. . , Paioer tree and com p . accessible to peiiple w ith disabilities .. - - . y ■ > -t i u e number ■ ry 'h v j j g f for patrons w ho arc hear :

■ :*■

A! a.idio ilescnbedper'.

we:, -is ■ sign-fntfiprecfd rand .igv: captioned pefbirmance.v fo r the hear- -

■ Hi a and I ar.programs, as well as an in lra rfs ! - temng »vstems are j Im* available ' > seiCsied pertomiances

keis are $10 to $b» A . v ten" a-,!. D iscover and Amer-sa- I vprfss are asvcpted $ | i ctu-kst rush ticke ts arc available ibe T performance w ith current ID i-e Bov (> ltisc phone number is u ' t . I ' f t - T U . i . for g ioup sales o f '<> - n w re .c fA d M r u . i g f b Evt >

New York Philharmonic will present Sibelius piece in Friday’s concert at NJPACI be New J e i ' . v P e rfo rm in g Arts L e n to w i l l prescnl the New York P h il

h..-I’ - . !-!),. led by its new m us ic d ire c to r. I..orin M aacef w ith v io lin is t Ju lia h s c h o a. so lo is t m the S ibe lius V io lin t once rto in I ) n u n o t. op 4 " in

ai N i p \ t F jiday at ' p m in P ruden tia l H a ll

. f ,-sc-s a;c S »>. $.'t> $4 $ ‘ 1. $b'> and $ ' i I ic k c ts mav be purchasedbe tc 4e»6-5'2 2 . a l the N.IP.AI Bos O tfic e at i t enter s t in d o w n to w n N ew ark, o r by v is it in g the N JP A l w eb site at u w w njpac o rg

LHc pv‘ i ! o ri!i.!p ce is part vif the F ic f t t U s s p a i Series:" In add ilton to : l i t S ibe lius concert.' . the concert prC gtam in c lu d e s

Icha rkovsky > 'R om eo and J u lie t." O v e rtu re -fa n ta sy and S tra v in sky 's "P e tfouchka-; | o n i Mr-i.-e began his tenure as m lis iv d ih N to io ’ fThe New York Pb-

h im ,o n is t S eptem ber 2tHC, no vearv a i'e r m ak ing h is debut w ith , the or. h f s t i j at the age o f 12 O ver the years, he has led m ore than I $0 o rc h c -

i l .0 : ' 0 0 0 opera .md conce it p e rfb rtR ance t,.and conducted tin Nevs York P h ilh a rm o n ic m ore than 100 tim es p r io r to h is cunen t appo-nf-

Maestro Lonn Maazel


-▼ A \ ± d = l T T T ^ BF O R E V E R Y T H IN G

udget C A s I C / * ® ^T R U C K

R E N T A LFree Pick-up

• Trucks • Cars • Vans • 4 x 4*s* New Union Location Coming Soon

K o n ii w o r t h S u m m itN M r A v e ’ H Kiver Rcl » 0 8 -2 / 3 -b M !>

908 2 4 $ 0 0 5 0 -

tra o f the BavanaR Radio :A sCCsMid gcneration A rn e ri.a o N u n 11 M aazel w a . ra ised-and educated n ib e i m ie .l S late. He has co n d -y .-c [ i roughou f I ropg. Acs! a .-. N r - ,ir o s ■ -\ met is a G pan, the t-> f

-., Soviet l n ii'n . and at irvokt in te rna tiona I v t iv i l* and opera h d u ie s atled a ll the maior symphony orchestras

N in e te e n -ye a r-o ld Ju lia F isch e r has w o rk e d w ith in te rn a tio n a lly acc la im ed conductors such a. H erbert B o ro a ttd t, C h ris to ph I scbenba.1 M arek Janowski, 4 o rm M aa/e So N ev ille M a n n e r Z u b in M ehta Y . Tem irkanov and the late G iuseppe Smopolt: She has appeared in Eur. ;v and the l ntted States, and in 2W 2-JH is m aking debut appearances w ith the New Y 'k P'i 'K arr'.R c I a V a U - t ’c , n .rn ic Ita h s N p o ic io le s . . and I op Jo n % M , i . c Le - and ihc N j: .1 on . s . "p - s- L .the New Y o 'k P b ilbaor m the L n u c c M ales a- d Ita ly, and w it M i. s ir. I schenbach and tie --; ,o ' , \D R N v-,p f -".v m South A m erica

'Ii ! Bridal Shov\i Coupon. l - — - - m m. mm — mm M - - - - _ . „■ S ? 0 0 o r f ,v Nrwr Je n e v ws

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New season of movies will begin in Filmmakers Symposium series

ptv'lure hclore anyone. I hen the lightscom e up. and there in. tro u t o f yo u are She chralors o f the film . reads to answer questions ami discus* the irw o r t

W idclv praised as one o f the best t i lm senes in the w orld , film m a ke rs Sym posium has hosted xr>s movxe premieres in the pasi i2 sears

film m a ke rs Sym posium can tie taken at. lo e w s M oun ta ins ide on Monday evenings starting Feb I “ . w ith the second session beginning M arch l i s t l a ll x t x M t | j ) 4 1 h to r in fo rm ation

I he .series is open to -lm Am f bat seating is lim ited , so earls en ro llm ent is advised Nuhscription is M M to r. sis weeks or S '4 'l tor '-12 weeks plus

m on tee( onftrnk-d film s and under

consideration fo r the upcom ing springsession inc lude "ftfrjB’ald boW iers' vs at; toaquoi 1‘hiseniv. Anna Paquin,I d Hams, d irector G regor Iordan, " t .o 'd id e i i i / ' w ith D ustin H o ffm a n .

. 1 si Hums. Andy G arcia. d itecU ir1'-nt's !ole>, the H a ils -r t psiairs w itt. Jas'er H arden' lean D iego H o llo , d irec to r John M utkos igh D ir ty I're tts Ihm gs w ith Audrey

ra u lo u . C b iw e te l 1 Motor, d irec to r Stephen trea ts "IXw sn W ith lo s e " w ith Renee Ze llw eger. I wan Ms l i r e got, d irector Pcs ton Reed i > i . f s h t r w ith M org an Freeman, i hornas l in e . Jason fe e , d irecto !I uw re n .e K asdan ." "D u p le s “ sslit. Hen S tiller. Drew Harry m ore, d irector

.D unns I ) e \ i t , I el mt. I 'm a Horn I ia r” w ith fe d e n c o Fe llin i. Roberto

Hcmgni, ■ d irec to r D am ian PeM.g r , ss " t h e G ood T h ie f ' w ith N ick N oltc Ralph fie n n cs . Em ir Kusturica. d irec­tor S ell Jordan, " t h e Hard W ord" w ith Guy Pearce. Rachel G r if f ith s . '' d irector Scott Roberts. “ In A m erica " w ith Samantha M orton. I’ adds Const- dine, d irector Jim Sheridan. " In to le ra ­ble C ru e lty " w ith George Clooney.( atherme /e ta -Jo n e s. B i l ly Hob fhorn ton . d irec to r Joel C oen. "Irre - se ts ib le " w ith M oiitca B e lluvc i. Vtn- scm Casse-I, director Oaspar N.>e

Johnns E n g lis h " w ith Rowan A tk in - '" son. John M a lkos tch , d irector Peter- I loss in . "T h e Ills * o f D avk l (.a le W illi K ev in .Spaces, Kate: W inslet.I . r.i l Mines, dm dor C an I’arkei, M anic w ith Don. ( hcadle. Joseph-

t io rd o n . I e w itt, d irec to r Jordan . M i i.H ’tl U n is the strong S o n n . dtrectors t hns Hcgedus. D A IVrt- nehaker. "P rozac N a tio n " vs iih Christina R ic c i. Anne dec he. Jessica’ Lange d irec to r I r ik S k io ldb iaerg "The Safety o f O b jects” vstth G lenn ( lo s e les*.K,i (;'ampbel;|:, d irec to r Rose I o k he " Hie Shape o f ! lungs" w ith 'G routveo M o l, Paul Rudd, Rachel W e ts /, d irector N e il I uBute

sweet S ivteen" w ith M artin Comp- ston, W illia m Ruane d irec to r Ken i oash. tears o t the Sun" w ith Hmco W ilb s M on ica H e llu cc i, d ire c to r Antoine Fuqua, " Ih e W arrio r” w ith Irian K hali. Puru Chibber. d irector \ s i ! K apadt.i and W a t i l l ! Wants ssitfAn'uiki-i Bynev .Colin I m l). Kells Preston, d irecto r I Jennieiio 'n io n

Ossat vsim teis and -nom inees

Filmmakers Symposium director Chuck Rose, right, wel­comes Derek Luke, star ot Antwone Fisher,' to a recent screening A new series ot screenings will be kicked off Feb 17 at the Loews Mountainside

D a m n A ie llo . A la n A rlt in . Jamest ro m w e ll, I rank Daraboht. I than Hawke. Tean-Piertc Jeunet, R ichard l aUrascnesc. John Susies and M arcS jw m u i have m ined S u/s Am i-,

T )s lap Baker Bob Halabau B runo ■ Barreto, I n i Bellow s. P h ilip . Bosco;

l im Brener. Vi fra n k e a fa m k e . Janssen, D e ltos I m d i v K e v i n " M iC a ith y . I ) ,o n ! M orse, V u:,'o ,_ N f ’ i'.eiisep. A iisfih ;. Pendleton. M a n . Kas Place K ev in S m ith ., D a v id S tra iha in t. Henry Thomas and Wends WasssMs icst speakers is ho

have come to share their insights w ith Sym posium participants"

N sm posium . d irector ( 'h u sk Rose promises, "The sene- w i l l alvsass be fle x ib le in order to take advantage of opportunities as they arise W onderful surprises and fantastic ce lebrities can pop up out o f nowhere, so I try to keep the schedule as f lu id as possible l ast sear, vse prem iered 4 " movies w hich later earned a to ta l.o i 1 1 i )sc,u. '4 B rit ish A cadem y, 21: G olden

G lobe, and 3'* Independent S p irit Award nom inations "

‘Family’ series continues at UCAC with ‘Sarah Plain and Tali’ Feb. 2

T-heutreworksi N.A w il l present "Sarah Plain and ta ll '-a s part o t the T mon ( ognts A rts ( enter s " f o r the K id s " series fe h 2 at I p m

The rest o f the senes includes "C inde re lla ." "H a rrie t Tubman" and "Just So Stones ■ - „

Sarah Plain and I'aH" is based on Patricia M a d achlan's Newberry Award- w in n ing book by the same name fh is louchyvg new m usica l is ahoul a fam ily

Caleb. Anna and Papa whose house oh the prairie, is devo id o f jo y and song u n til a n u n ou le i bride named Sarah enter.s their live s aw akens then hearts and

.Sail Pi w il l present " ( indcre lla ," one o t the best-known la irs tales,

in the w orld . M arch b a t I p m I his story is more than l. l l f io sears o ld and can be found in alm ost all cultures throughout,ihe w o rld

S a il ProduCtlons-w4lfalM)pre>eaU-"H arr iel t ubm an" M a tc h 2.1at 1 p m This lu lls staged, fa m ily musical is not only the story about the famous 1 nder- ground R ailroad conductor H a rrie t Tubman. but about others w ho helped i l k cause o f freedom from slavery

. W rapping tip the " fo r the K id s " senes is 1 fieatrevvoiksl. SA 's.prodi.vUon o t . "Just So Stones" A pril b at .1 p m . "Just S,. S tones" takes us to a Worid w here , the elephant had no trunk, the cam el hadno hump and the rh ino had a th in skit), where every th ing was " ju s t so” u n til a great adventure ifa tis fo n n e ifth e n i a ll

Iicke ts fo r the " fo r the K ids ' series are M o to r in d iv id u a l shows Purchase tw o o r tnoie showy a n ^ ta v e S5. per ticket Group discounts ate available .; I ic k ­ets mas be purchased by phone w ith a V isa. M astert ard. Discover, or Am erican I \p ress (•! itvpe rson at. T icket C entra l. K a il Irv in g S t : m Railway io im o r e in fo rm ation ot to purchase tickets vail the l m on ( ounts. A rts ( enter at “ v - 4 iw S22K oi dow nload an order f i i t ln at vsww .ucac org

11 V ) - ( , > V i o s, - ■ i - 1 i p< •>, v 'P n I v du. : tu . upresenting the best in the pe rfo rm ing aits.and,aslocated,in:tbe icstoreu Rahway theater, a I b ’ jv vaudeville and s ile n t f ilm house m dow ntow n Rahway I ( AC is handiyapped-accesstble M a jo r support for the A rts l enter and its programs

: comes from the c i; . o l Rahway Mu>.k*ar)d l o . the 1 m on < ouni B oard o f Chosen I reehotders ( omeasl D ig ita l ( able the Rahway Savings Institu tion and 1 iberts Bank Other fu n d in g has been made possible by the New Jersey Sfate C o u nc il (m the A rts D epartm ent o f State


l l i is : tre'wspaper ts, a re liab le u te a iis o l fe .se;iich ing the co m m u m iy m arke i. Id boost ypn r business in the co m m un ity , ca l! our ad dep artm e n t at■Kiser,K6-7700 today

‘Ella’ and ‘Louie’ take center stage in ‘Jammin’ With Pops’ at Arts Center Jan. 24Golden Age Towers o f Rahysas w il l sppnsor "Ja m m in '

W ith Pops, a new m usical revue s p . 't f ld m n g ia / / greats Lo u is A rm strong and l ! l a T f l/g e u ld . co m in g to- the 1 nron Counts A rts Center in Rahway for one perform ance Jan 24 at s p m

Set in a sm all tow n theater in t"e m id - .the show recalls some o f the h igh ligh ts o i the stars lives syj hold an im prom ptu ja m session; M ore than-TO.weli know n songs are featured in the show, in c lud ing hots like 'H e llo , D bITyf." "W hen y o u 're S m ilin '," “ O n the Sunny Side o f the S tr a i I i t G ut R hsthm . Hastt- street B lues "W hen the Saints G o A la rc h ih ' In ," " A in 't M is b e h a v in '." " \Ticket, A Coke! >ur l ove Is,llcie tuStav" "S’Won Jc r'.-t I - s (Jots a Paper M oon M uss (m es Rousid and 'R ound ." W ha I Is This Thing C a lled I os e ' "1 ads Be G ood" and " Ih e M an I i ovc "

'Jamnm! W ith Pops", is f ic tio n a l: bu t ihe people, the background and tb r music are real E it/g e rtM and A rm ­

strong h a se jn c re d ib ie stories to te ll and some great m usic to sing l.o u is ..p la yed by I Tester Grant, invo lves the. audience as he explains hois he started and what he d id ts' become one o f.ihe greatest names in . : / / for that matter one o l the gre i-s | A ' P ' 1 'us's l ' i;a. p o e d by I ’ at.last- a! vs as s'a private pfersvin reluctantly shares her storemore and more is 'h s e u " ’ . p 'ov'.ssc-s .

This is a w o rld prem iere to u r.o f "Ja m m in "W ith Pops, w ritte n by Barry H arm an w h o is best kn o w n to r "Rom ance Rom ance" ssh'ich ran on Broadway at the Helen- lia se s I heater, in 1 o n O i". '- West 1 nd and i>n national tin t' T'he show received fiv e : lo n y nom inations inc lud ing Best M usica l Book and l o o f - v (h-w ( n 'u s < .Awards, one D ra n ij Desk nom ination and one Joseph Jef-

so m m nation I k beg.n • s sar'eet w o t ng tot p tim e shows such as " '-M rin the l.a m tls ," " t h e Jeffersonsand "The C a ro l-B u rn e tt Show " “ Jam m in ’ W ith Pops" s - produced bs Encsvre v u je in us. w h ich re c o ils toured

M ahd lia ," " l n forgettable Ih e Nal K ing ( o le 'story' atid "M aster Class " ,.

T ickets J rg *S 2 i S2tTand S IF (o .n ip disv,units are also av atlable I ickets may he purchased by phone ssith a A is .i M astert ard, D iscover o r A m erican I xpress. o r in person at Iicke t Central at IWH liv in g St. in Rahway, -for' more m terfnahdn.: ca ll the I'n ro rv Cpuilty: Arts (: entei at 7 4 ') 'l-s :2 b or vis it w w w ucac org to download an order form ■" ■ ; . ■

: The I m on Counts A rts ( enter, is a ior-firGtTt co r­poration dedicated to presenting the best m the perform ing

arts and is located-in the restored Rahway Theater a :'C s vaudeville and silent f ilm house in dow ntow n Rahwayl ( AC ts handicapped-accessible l nuin ■ C o u n ty 1 Arts

■t’enter wishes Jo thank Golden Age low ers f o n t ’s \pon s.-rship ot Jam m in' With Pop- At.uor support for,;th<f Arts ( enter arid its programs comes from the C itsyof Rah- wav \ ie tc k and t o tile A riiiS.n A do niv ■Boats! o f Chs'seif freeho lders, Comcast D ig ita l ( able, the Rahway Savings Institution and l iberty Bank O ther f unding has been made possib le ' by the N.-w 'ersev State,: ( o u n c ih o n . the Arts Departm ent o f State

This newspaper is a reliable means ot researching the community market To U <isi your business in the community, call our ad depart- ment at 908-P86-7700 today

Bill Van Sant. EditorCWorrali Gornmunity Newspapers Inc: 2002 Alt Rignts Reserved

Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment section : can mail copy to 1291 Stuyvesant Ave PO Box 310.9. Union, New Jersey, 07083.

Far Brook School will welcome parentsf . c B rook Scbooi located at 53

(trea t H il ls Road. Short H ills , is c u r­re n ts oO cring snra ll g ro u p tours for patents who w o u ld ,iiE < io consider e n ro llin g ch ild ren fo r the 2(10.1-04 school seat

Now riv its 5<fh year, f a f B kH ik is an independent, co educationa l das school lo t n u rse s th rough grade e igh t ssith an e n ro llm e n l o t approsi- matels 225 students d raw n fro m '2 com m un ities in I ssev I m on. M o r­ris and Somerset counties

f o r in lo fp ia lu m or to make H'sgr sa lions lo r a tour, ca ll 97.1-1“ *) 144-2, o r to learn m ore about the school, v is it the fa r B ro ok s»eb sue at w w » fa rb rook org

I he locus o j the special lou rs led- by parents o f cu rrem students and o f a tum m w il l be to show interested parents the ways in w h ich fa r Brook com bines an in n o va tive cu rr icu lu m o f m ath, science, and lib e ra l and ere a tisc a rt- w ith o p p ortun ities lo r md: v idua l se lf-deve lopm ent h iu rs w il l begin w ith M orn in g M ee ting a tits

Cisco course isV n w m f Mints C o llege is a Region

,1 i .. . N etw orking Av-k demy and through its D is ism n o f Economic pevetsspnteni and Continuing Educ a mm lead iev the C isco sponsored cur ncu lum to tra in adults m become C er­tifie d C isco NeHW’ tk Assonatev The first semester o l CC 'NA tra in ing begins Jan 27 on the sotlege s ( ran- to ld -am pus 1073 Sprfngtu-UJ Asc The vw irse lee as jH 4u

. r t r O sM . N e tw ork ing Asademy program teaches adults how to design bu ild and m aintain local, national ati-l

i r r , » iu * e it 'n e to li fe .if I • B- >k where (He e n tire school gathers each day tor announcements-h>. D ire c to r.' M its Weam \y it-rc , stadent prgsen- taJiitris. facu lty .readings tvf f r i 's e and poe try , and songs led bs A fus ic Ibrscior A .n A ‘ - At uo ,• Me:.?! ■mg w rif »c tui-im yed b s '.a '.a m p .is loco so that -I-O tfs , J l, ,'.*iv/,se classes tri se w to n Fours w il l con-, elude w ith a d iscussion and ques- tion -and -answ er p c ih h I w ith Drrec fo r o t A dm iss io n s Ir is Leonard , A ssistant D ire c to r and Mead o i lo w e r School M atthew G ou ld and N u tse ty teacher m d P re-schoo.< oordm ator Paula l ev in

fa r B rook School s trives fo r aca- de iiiK excellence through in tegra tion o t libe ra l arts and sciences w ith the A realise art- ( ctitru i to the school s ph ilosophy is the expectation that ch ild ren are capable o l in te llectua l depth and o f m eeting rigorous stan dards o f ach ievem ent The school's cu rricu lum denm nslra ies ifs behel m learn ing through the arts and in the

offered at UCC• :■ ><ks P , t , .... .u r r i iU ,

■ lum pans ides a complete range .4 has ic through advanced netw orking con ccpts from p u llin g a cable through such com plex ccincepts as subnet masking rules and strategies Students

. wflyi com plete *H 'four semesters ate prepared ro lake th c C C N A i t 'd C om p ! U N etwork exams. (A N V vlasses

this spring arc o ffered exenm gs.m the A college's ( 'fa h k ird .ca m p u s

t or more- m fprm atron on the: ( A N A program , contact the D iv is ion o f EcdtHirmc.Dex etupnieni and ( omV nuing EaJucalion at U0gl709-7(S00

that basis sk f k a n K jasrcc; •eta •.* • ok! - reiesa-r: ssrten taught rn a rich , m ean ingfu l cxmtest

l at B rook is un ique m its in ter- d isv-p l n ifs -approach (o ' lea rn ing th ro u g h w h ich ch ild re n receive a c la ss ica l.lib e ra l arts education at an . elementary school lese l The p ro ­g ram .is one that stim ulates curios ity and in it ia tiv e in ch ild ren w h ile I'tis . le rrng .independence and desek'pm g the a b ility -to th ink re flect, feel-.and

:ch ild ren to approach problem s in as

- mans d iffe re n t wavs a- possibleT,o Brfsvk’sA-avi.g.ianipus.fea-: ,

lure? large, p lay ing 'T e ld ' an arts b d iliJ i'iig , m eeting ha!!, gs.mnasiutii: lib ra ry adm in is tra tion b u ild in g and three other bu ild ings w hich encom ­pass classroom s, a w oodshop, French Aifiguagc room . |wi> .•m rput- er labs and science labs The exp e ri­enced, caring s ta ll is made up o t 2.5 fu l l - l l in e and 11 part-tim e facu lty

Pr epa ra to r y C e n t e r f o r t h e A rts• M o n t c l a ir S t a t e U n iv e r s it y

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David AndtrsonUCC Clast of '85

Director of Television Dro«ramming, CNN • Atlanta, Georgia

'N o t only did I learn a lo t while 1 was at UCC, but I enjoyed myself w h ile doing i t . . ,UCC is the reason that I am in television today!"

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▼ *


A ' ' - ARV ? , ....... _ ____________________ _________ ____ ____ :------ ------------------- m M e A l l A t t i

NJPAC will commemorate sixth annual Martin Luther King evemDavis. N orw ood and W alker to be am ong the perform ers

P A O Arts

M - . fv t r l Ik )

) SAfV, Ho * VDorothy Norwood

; ! i « ; H « .M rodus 'fe

RiwN- S e» Jeniey P erfgtm .ng \ t * i' . ’ emerging * -

jrs> center in the 1 if irjtndv. V»jfi3 » Si-

Srv4 ten.


. ■_ . ■, o , . ^ i a - . . ’ ' vv . ! r a w i . r j - irs -v* 4 iu- * • • -• •• -

E xhib it at NJCVA w ill explore R oss ’ ‘Landscapes and Dreamscapes’ this m onth

iJV- \ U \ \


lo s c ^ re .3* N ew „e 's e *40C»c-,« . Df ve E 3*nMd Nj 07003 • '■ t* S73 «9.- • r

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A im S h o w sNJCVA FACULTY EXHIBITION will De on display through V .ejne’sday >n the Palmer Galley at the New ■ Jersey


T h e a t e r

says e r s * i i

. MIXING MEMORY ANO DESIRE " Vworks of Carol Alter will be on exhibit

Patfher GaiiNerv aHhe Spnngfneid Free B o o k s

IS lo t ‘Dr AL ARTS m Summ.! will offer in Monday 2002 classes and workshops m al me coming months Offerings are

Aye Wes' and White Master Class, throug■ " • - v t5 . 1 Art o f live C lay Mon

is a n d im ! Watercotor Mobiles Beginning dates a ie mg Beginning P a rtin g and Chi

.at oh. can D a y Class NJCVA is sjcaied.Elm Ave Summit fo r jntowi

.M" '


BOOKS BY W OMEN. ABOUT C o l l e c t ib l e sWOMEN n eets -w hrst Am 1-<es.Mythe month al Barnes and Noble in THE W ESTFIELD STAMP CLUB



. CIRCLE • ie d ■' by Chary*.'Rdcaoetti,‘ i . ~

UNION COUNTY ARTS CENTER mRahway wiis • present ■ Doo Wop Reunion III* - featuring Charlte Thomas Dnflurs The Orlons andLarry Chance and The Earts - Jan 18 at 8' p m Tickets am $20 to $2$

R.t' way For information, can 732- 499-8226 or visit www ucac ora ANORE PREVIN with bassist DavidF mek wH appear in concert Jan 19 at

• 2 30 :p m m Victona Theater at the ■ New Jersey PeHofmind'Ans Center' in- -

Newark Tenets are $ 46NiPAC is located at 1 Center $t '

^Newark,.For mf^mation call 888-466 -.rgr.-

BARNES AND NOBLE 240 Route 22West will present musMCal perform ancey throughout the y e ir All con­certs are from 8 to 10 p m in ten cafe section For information call 973-376

C r a f t s


H o b b ie sTHE MODEL RAtCROAD CLUB INCmeets at 295 Jefferson Ave Union behind Home Depot on Route 22 E ast

days from 1 to 4 p m For. information.


K id s

rv.a* ■■ calf732-574 1479

WORLDS the works of J,

j jh 16 at the Les MaTamui Pu

1 oaiu.ruays MafamotvAi


THE HARVEST QUILTERS of Centra*New Jersey meet the first Monday ofeach . th at 7 p m at Co*y Comer Creations Quilt ■ Shop Park Avenue <n R^hfcf' Plains For information call

ire Mo


Wii 13*0 p'dL

AFRICAN-AM ERICAN INTERESTSmeets, .-the.- second T-hv,fsday- 0*' trie..



- • ’ ,1' TVe . iid of Rahway An w: iakepiuce Jar

■days, r to' 4 p mto 3 p m i n i :S to 7 ()d s located at '6 7 0 ay For information i c« send e-mail to

CONSUMER REPORTS * ■iif- id itro ja n Feb .’ 0 at th

STAFF RECOMMENDATION BOOK GROUP a hv.nihiy .leadingij}f.0!#i»a-

meets me s e a -M Thursday the - ,• ’ n , - a1 Bames and

. Noble m Spfingfftid Bames and.r Noble is located - a? •. 240-Roufe,‘22..





and Nc ■'and. Ncifeie’ is.-. i&




Ma, 17 Kevin Brody Springfield

AH concerts • begin • art 8 .pm m. West-: ■ field concerts are a! the -First United MethoJiSt Church of Westfiek! 1. E Broad S t . SpnngfieiJ concerts are at Springfield Emanuel.. Methods t

og virtPut 'oca> chanties For: infor­mation can 908-232-8723 or v«srtwww coffee w itnconsoence com

THE NEW YORK PHILHARMONICw-rit appea' n concert Jan 10 at 8 p m

■■ in • Prudent',ar ■ Hdil at .the New; Jersey

5 . .. 1 v:sJ...www i'lpai. org PIANIST PETER C INCO TTI a

Newark Fpr information ca»i 8 9 8 -4 ^ - •5722-Or y s.t ww'w !\ipa org FRED HO AND THE AFRO-ASIAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE a P 'eses"' *L.f t- al the Dragon On e Upon a

New Jersey Performing Ads Center - - - sets are S3'

NJPAC is located a’ ’ ->* '«*•« -A i . > * A o n -,t. htW-Abo


at 8 p hi- at The P f*s b > V .^ C K .vT

j Broad./. Street- '•. Tickets -am '-$15- -'for.;vadults $ l. i 's t u d e n ts * and .rJ - ,■


TRAILSIDE NATURE AND SCIENCE CENTER in Mountains Je .<■ - sr •Owt Prowl' Tuesday from 6 30 to 8 p m Spacers tim'ted and pie-registra­tion is required Admission » $3 p«' person Trailsiil# is located at 452 Nee Providence Road. Mountainside, For information, call 908-789-3670UNION COUNTY ARTS CENTER.Rahway, edit present *J<m W ests Dinosaurs - Jan 19 at 3 P m as part

of UCAC S For the Kids' senes Trek-.; ets are $10 UCAC iS located a t1 6 0 ’trying St- Rahway For- mldbi'latk.ih

t o


$12 ;1j f ."NtJf-.l .are $7 F-pr irtl


P o e t r y


. ■' "


POETRY OUT LO U D 1 * :a«ri

OPEN MIKE POETRY NIGHT Lee»-:U <* -the' ■ sieconj. Sun-d.ay .-/* .-.even

fricHAth at 7 ; -'V" <!' h.n"•♦’ N u-.LNotwe ■

R a d io



Mondays o f the m onth at the Wtik>w ■;iva» P 'A * ', > ' 1 ' 1 •



' \ AkIE T YLOS PLENEROS DE LA 21 or'Thiee Kings D*ly C e leb ra tion ' will be pce-

■ ren ted by the New Arts Center m Newark S aturday a l 2 p m rn V ictofia The<1 ter Tickets are $19 for aduffs $10 for chiWrert

■ N jP A c .is l o c a t e d ■ 1 :C e n te r S t Newark Fck information cal* 8B8 466 5722 o t v 'Sit www njpac org LIVE JAHEIM V ,ii . - ..j S latv TheIntrude ‘-Rio wifi be pre-

--Sertted' ja n , | f - af-7-30."P iti- -at tf?e R-Ka. :' . 'v... I j Y - ^ k e f s ' $4ir : .


r i 7 «,iV .i! rr>e Nee Jersey Per


for c.h iijren .i -i‘ ! Center

15722 o r visit e w e njpac org


;»•** i t* ‘ M M N i l Of t Ufi»■ tanan Church 4' Waldfcsn Ave S u m ; ■

■ ftift. FfyiJiuNSCI w$IL ba an *op#h. mAta*V forum of m use>. - comedy and

■ is 'aw.'.-served Donations aw swggesteit t o .

• ' ■ i ‘

THE . B AC K PORCH R . i- e . i ’, n


-i :>1 ■.1 ■ . . . . i . i ie ' i ' i



ali- ejkfUK o* tree •>

I.- urahun.r :M m B w

NJ Symphony diversifies the offerings in its annual Winter FestivalM jrtlv r

• Newark MuvcuI rv livat P re ludt ! ■■ ‘ - i p a v v T n 1'

Svi’Gi'a• Ymerican Roots le v in at: Jubilee

West; M .i ■

h,»i: j|,J M-.-tnip.

d*h H o rii* i rdm iliif II-

Jan ) V a t k p m huden ual lu l l . NJPAt . N o »4ik M'lfcvcm, “Silver SpJan 1 k at A p m ; Pruden '14 M.i NJPAt Newark - 5 M ac IN »w etJan. T9 at V p m fhuden Hat K il l NJPAt . N o*ark f he .Memo.! !David Alan M iller, con*Jucl.T and Marc in. Rohetlc, ’■( 'ciestiaTRai

\ -.piahis Si-inafa •tfOttscJiaik, ‘Sight th The Tropic.," K 0 '2 2 5 ; Johncon. '1 ‘aw nee Horsesamekraw, Joplin, **Trt ‘cnio-i?nTij p y e rtu tf. stilt • ■- ”Nav a;o War D am

M S t r . AVinter FiNewark. Mus

iic n u tv l o lum bia H igh V tie and N eearkN Syienee I

karttyipanu in the festival Afn.a, and ticnhuin Khapwlv in Blue m the . I ’ rseptuah/a tion-and Tickets S’ 2 $5h. $M l; IT V ,$ T ‘)

I e v tt*»l Prelude: M a fC ttt Ruhert-. and the MdMC 'e ’’ rem iened ■.- - st at e t n n e rv itv L hnruv Ken H am rickcim*ult«r.i and - humamtifi ■ Frstnal In lerplai: T he litdtaaiilv

-h:e-f,,. al: the hum an ittfs Newark M useum. N ew ark '•t iVJi Ih u n d e tb iiii D ancer. Benjam in Pa-ternack. p-aAmerican R o o t* I eM 'iva i” The M on tc la ir State I m v e r \m ( hnru-v ( urt ( aciopn the American S im p tc m . .nipovet H-= ‘ v < o ttnor guev! vpeaker and Jo *rce\ I ouhcil the M uhun . H onH v tt/ 1 ->■

a n j dance, concetl c o rk * by D

guiuCd t in m o t per‘ Newark- •.


\ni4rrkan Roots I t*vti\al j Cu Melting Pot

' ScHtth. -■(.Jrange.' Viable ;■V*; , ’ i t|"cicnce Ht*h ichooli. • j«d- 4>the-iS-'' pri

- .V .BusJdmg o-n. the success -• UMl. ihc • !v i/; Newark.. ;/■ . ' \ .ican Roots Festival' nent AmencaM art

int'uencfi aml'vul1 . . *-eW Jer 1 Hin program i' N'l . the -New Jirtey .Si

■the Arts the \rw ' on the partner of the Nafiifd hi T he Ne».irk Mirteurr the Manlvn Home i

fm tiv a t Pretuv*m

New Jersey S iom j>hofly O r c k r i t r i A m e rk M R o « u F m t fv i l

January 200Vlencan Roots Festival Am encan Beeibm e dav al H p m , FrudentiaJ H a ll. The New m g A rts Center. N ew ark ^

demurt Hal! V )P A C , NeSunday at j p m . rru c .: Anne M anM >f^ondiie tk>f, A iah-Fe inbci

Dante! Usman, actorIves. MF fw n t' u.\ at Sux'k

F,m<fsorv ct)ncerti» (or P ta w and Orchestr Symphony No 5 in C mtno^. O p 6^

Ttekeis $T2, $$6 $50V $33 , $19 \-

• American Riots Festival; Harry Partclii oiicetl at * ' ° ' ‘,' '4,'P ' a ■American Roots Fes Montclair Mate l niverstts. • American Roots Fetftsal: Vik«IRecital with Nnion

. } jn I u at • p ns . MemCinaj ..Audrti-i-fiufh.;-. M bn tc la if F o rd •Suie ImversfUtpper,Monte lair Jan 26 at ! p m . HtUy iohnwn Auditunumlhe

New hand Art»»t-( n»emhle-»n-Residence and Dean Newark Museum* Newark Drummond and Stephanie Stann. executise direcumv Nmon Ford, hantone. and Mitchell t trier. p»atH>H a m Partch Im titu te A vcicaJ rec ita l inc lud ing sc*ngs hv Amencanv (»t*rsh-

» y ;. ; . P a r t d ' * H erlin and Kerti"; -and-.tfadrtitmaiFrabious Day. ‘ TTie Le tte r." ’“R in g A round the M o o n " and t to to r and' R ^ lu k , ’2-l)fiifttmcsn^, -**Tlie;:-0«y.iNc Sun

id • '-• Stodd S ti ll , and Steven. ‘ O to M ake Drestths T"rue,.’:': w o rld • premiere _

5> T ickets $2tt and $ 15 w a ita b le by catting ‘*7 3*65 5; w ithou t the NJ SO n. 5112 . V' Tickets $!5

• A m e rk a n R o o ti F e s tiva l; The A m e rica n P iano

iK plus music h> t lw t. B ra h m i, Vk jgtver and h e iu n■"

This concert is prevented by the N IS O in asMx iationerth the Marilyn H<wne F dwyiiHifli • end- ry •• ■erftsfmiNf

B iFor in fo rm a tio n , cal

Pmdehttai Hal), N iP A L7.'N ewark- 2' w.W.w.f'(}*vmphof-v:org' NJSOat *00-255- MTh.or'ytiii-'


m Community ■

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I - 8 0 0 - 5 6 4 - 8 9 1 1To Place Your Classified Ad

S e a r c h s o u r l o c a l cbsMliedh o i l f l i c i n t e r n e t

\v ss \v lot alNfRircr c o m ;

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2 .


3 .

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7 8 Q ........

10 ’”■ 1 1 ’ 12 - -

1 -j ■ 14 V x 1 5 ,..'...

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OR 20 , ... 30

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P r in t y o u r n a m e , a d d r e s s , p h o n e , c ity a n d z ip


A D D R E S S . N ”

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A P L A IA A SON A ll ty p e s o f fe n c e e y p e rt ly in s ta lle d y e a r round New and repa irs F ree E s tim a te s (9 0 8 ) 854-5222

■X" X


j Re/Max experiences year of growthAPARTM ENT FOR RENTREAL ESTATENEWARK HEAR Broom***; Avenue ana

Cakmbus »a»(nm 1 bedroom iwing roomeat-in-kitchen CaS 913-143-1829 treated lo r c a tlt a llilia te d a » o u a tc .h o w a duscxl ta le ' vo lum e at cxe e ..

and d ik e throughout die .L ite o l S5. b illio n , a J4 -|itrt,c iH merex-cSearching lo r h o m o on the Super - o ve r 2000 T h r region closed 2 081

■ lie ic lt ir ib data on. every R e M .iv v i le . itaH yactio ti- a tT - | ic ix e iit|>roperi\ Ik ie d lo t v ile throughout the iia .iea e l.a the \c ,tf ■talc In addition. Itvdng tn lo rm a lion T o coliL ict Rc M a x o l New Jct»'c> Iro in to m p titn ^ b ro ie r t d lk e t i- |> ro - in M oore.tow n ta l l 800-829- 065 v a lid th ro u g h a t iH ip e u m e J iiie r iic j ^ Re Max o l New ba>ed in D a u E u h M g e " r I D Y M a iid a tc d ln M . .o ie .low n i . a privately owned amithe National A » o t ‘tatitm o | R ealtor, operated d iv is ion o l Rc Max Intern,i-nad provided hy most M u ltip le L i. l - tm na l th e R c/M ax Iranchivc net-mg Service, in the .ta le th i. broker w o rk now m it . 10th vcar'o l con.xccu-le t tp io t i t ) program e lim in a te , the r ive g row th; i . a g loba l real c.ta ie .ys-need to -.eaah lo r hom e, on more tern opera tn i: lit 41 to u m r it M«mttlu n one W ell .ite . 4 V k > independently owned o l i k c .

In an indu .uv that to n tin u e . to engage-76 000 ntemlvcr .a le . a .s o ti-to n .o ltd a tc Re/Max th ro e s w hile a te . who lead the industry in prolev-other tom pante . are lo tte d to merge .to n a l designation, experience andin order to .urv tve It tan on ly gel bet- p ro d u tlio n w In k p rm id mg real c.U teret lo r our ow ner, and agent, wild .e rv itc ,. tn residentia l com m ercialCj.>UII>er * ^ re fe r ra l, re lo c a t io n , and asset

Pina I f ig u re lor d ie 'y e a r 2001 management

Ail real n u n advertised tw *m is sub­le t to tt>« Federal fa n Housing Act •fuels makes it - , o to advertise any . . r i l i t im i limitation or discnm,natron bisad on race. color rtligion h i hand- ,CJJ» familial status or national origin or intontton to mat# any aucli pretsr- ( net. limitation, or (..acrtmmation "

W# «tll not knowingly accapt any »dv#r*JS>r»g lor raat aalatt which ■* in .lolatson ot tha taw All poraona ar» hers- by >nlorm#d that alt dwellings advertised jr» avaltaota on an equal opportunity baa»"


Nee Quiet Buying S Near Transportation

uopuiH* Serve* Program ON SITE SECURITY

SECURE UNDERGROUND PARKING Call Ms 0 for appointment


AVOID- STOP FORECLOSURE Behind on Mortgage Payment*'1 No Equity needed Servees Guaranteed Real Help 968-241-4984 |24Hout3>


REAL ESTATE FOR SALE6UM.D YOUR New Home With No Money Down1 Qyr unique sweat-equity program saves thousands SS 100% financing on Lana Material! Labor and Closing costs No down payment and no payments while you 6uiW Per mob.atecj. famine* with incomes over S40 000 Ca* today 800-119- 1790 extension 130 wwwIMEonlme com

m the company . membership a. 306 a.MH.talc. mad. the move In Rc Max

Wc attribute this .truces. to die quality ol .ervtco wc oiler In our associate wild Jell Snyder en­ow tier ol Rc Max ol New Jersey Other av.iH.iaic in the> .ee

ho w .uctc.'lu l Rc/Max agents arc. and they art now makutg the move

The number of Rc/Max office-, a d o ., the stale has also, dramatically increased during the la.t live year.Sevtntv new franchise, have been added In the region since 199' bring­ing die number ot individual o f lk t .from 80 to 150

\ t Re Max wc .lay mi the cutting edge ol lechnology ptovklmg every- pane . membership thing Irotn diem contact wilt ware tn Internet marketing and training As we help make the buying and selling process inure cltkicnt. we continue to gam market share, mid Steve Gold­berg. vice, president .01 Rc/Max of New icr.ey -

Earlier this summer Re/Max ol New Jersey unveiled redesigned, lea- l u r e s . t o i l . W e b s i t e , vcxyvv.rcmax-nj coin Rclcrred to as the” it offers an extensiveartav n! service, lot haver.and .ellcr.

FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENTBxOOMfiELD OAKVIEW Ai ta One lur- rutned level with bedroom Irving room pri­vate fu» bath share kitchen Short term iease a.aoaWe 913-338-1356APARTMENT TO RENT■AEST ORANGE Llewellyn Hotel Cbove- •went lo transportation Rates from $11(5 weekly Call S13.13'.8M5 or .

APART!RAMWAY OPEN h o u s e Sunday January 12th UOOam-itJOpm 4 bedrooms 2 baths central Sir walk to wain large yard , 2 basements $219 900 Call 132-382-1364HOUSE TO RENT

Si . J .VN ■-. M tS Government and Bank u n io n 9 ROOM C ml 4 Wfdrooms J! oreciosures'HUD vA PHANocfedKOK luii balhs l.imily room, finished basementFor lutings now1 800-501 m 7 extension ld,g , kl|,. newer appMncea central an193. Fee 2 car garage wrap around deck Timberiine----------------------------------------------------------- ---- root O ou tue lo t NYC bus at comer walk.

to tram Washington School 908-681 -4555OFFICE TO LETMAPLEWOOD GEORGETOWN brick

k«d.«g' 1100 square feet 'avAaoNe- Perfect tor professionals 913-

WESTFtEiO FOR Sate by Owner 619 Raymond Street $695 000. Charming Goto- mat 4 bedroom* 2 - 1 bams Comptetey renovated Custom kitche" & bams Central au Quick Closing! Cat 201-925-3106 torappwmment A subscription to your newspaper keep, your college .indent clove inhume

town activities. Call 908-686-7753 for a special college ralew eNt l AO R TH 3 BE DRbaths-; 2 '(***» /washer. s

ab i* -mmeciate-I Cakexientivv . !4

OUT-OF-STATEQuick And Convenient

ABANtlONED FARM- i t Acres - Was$29 900.Now 524 960' great hunting near state lane' Town road *as> terms’ Hurry' 888-925-9211 WWW upstatcNYIand comS e t t t o u r H o r n *

u n i o nC L A S S I F I K D

C ' A l v I v

/ . > / * h n r( t i / \ s i f i t t / \ i /

i lt > *>ui ItH .ii c L m i f i r s Kth the Itudt fit !

W v% ix.c .tlwStlJkC % < HIT

c fw m e < i J r # * y j n e a w u a a'Burgdorff'sg i f t to buyer and utter efunts who

participate in the American Dream: finding a borne' Catt for pregram details or visit us at

ADIRONDACK ■ LAND SALE 18 Acres:$;4 w crS i'W T! • *ood* punting msnO'dWTtoWtog1 Town road etecinaty Bat terms* CaH No a ’ 1-600-260*2914 AAA - n , r **:om


Vyell-maimained nome ■r. LINDEN offers 2 Bedrooms 2 full oaths

Forma! Dining Room Eat-In Kitchen Jalousie porch basement Recreation Room newer driveway

and roof completely fenced backyard and oyersizeo 1-car

delacned garage $209 900

Working Together to Give the 'American. Dream oi l Inmcmvnmhip a Strong Future

a n s i b b e e p ^


L ocatcu 1" areaPLAINFIELD this wonderful and spacious 10 room home includes 6 BRs 2 2 balhs M aster BR with frpl and walk-in closet EIK Formal DR w China close! LR w /frp l Library w fireplace' first floor laundry pocket doors deck enclosed and open porches patio and m uch m ore. 1 $ 2 "9 900 ' ; ■

NEW LISTING"m : ft f im ltrvw **.*■»■' w »$

■..gMON VIAT HOM# li O»TCW FXHOOi AJ8f A MAuTtHU. COL QAH i "U-k iATH$-Cukir<Ac a:WMu.T * o a * m m*«oc


Maintenance-free exterior home m KENILWORTH features 6 rooms and

■ includes 3 Bedrooms. 2 updated baths EaMn Kitchen Living Room

basement Recreation Room and storage room . Central Air

Conditioning and.'ehced yard Great starter home $239 000

'N fw tisrm ci* ■;;*<«<« U » 4*1*1 * H-i.TMf »»* JWtTM«. **( i I «Mi$ M» ' F"» 0SMNT A-

IHC i JHC-gWr*-.H*Vf *•« StHW*!.'' ; * t 5 M 3 M ,. ' M* N*AHiD -' NlW-USTlNti".

. • ,•*- i | **'■■OPEN SUN 7/ 4 PI4

■ **-;•*■, •jvfi.T uc\i ih cmotitQh * iiv ti a - .iHAOtS ?f vL APIA . I»4 m

Union Office • 1307 Stuyvesant Avc. • 90K-687-4800800829-22 '4


Spacious MOUNTAINSIDE home features 9 rooms and offers 4 B lo o m s 2 5 baths cherry paneled Famify room w ith fireplace and sliding doors td bnck patio Living R oom and Dining Rooms with chan railing and comer cabinet, entrance foyer with dentil molding 6 over 6 windows and private wooded lot $549 900

(fU A H k (f<M


COLONIALCompletefy renovated 1872

MOUNTAINSIDE home set on 5 acre features ? rooms and includes

2 Bedrooms 2 fo il b a th s . Family Room w ith firep lace ' Galley Kitchen newer front stone wall and walk rear

Been patio beamed ceilings bam, com cnbr'shed Pristine home perfect

- tor artist or c r tB s m in $595 000

Another one of Our Success Stones'

Congratulations Meet Jerry & Joan Cantara, Former Homeowners of

by.sflU Gusman■ C H O O S IN G A B R O K E R

In a ll w a lk , o f li fe , w c the• p rtLo n vu m e r. are taxed w ith -m a k in g ..' VV)

d e m o n s w h ic h ca r is. sa fe .! ,.- ■ . lo r

w h ix h co lle g e o t te r , the p e lt _ ^ c u rr ic u lu m , w h ic h d o x to r cana lle v ia te o u r pa in K ca l estate is no -

, x ! » J>lexxeptH iii W hen it iv t im e to . e l l ahom e we .eekFax.ixtance C h tH H in g4 He-fht>r a - one o f the m ost * *•/tfiim p o rta n t d e x i.k> n . a . it » t i l decide „ the f if la n c fa l am t e m o tio n a l s o l.e x u n lic . o t our fa m ilie s Just a . we c o n fid e tn o u t d o t io t fo r m any, r ~m a m v e a r., w e m ust tru s t our

G uB ro ke r ^

In cho o s in g a R ea lto r, w e m uvf seek the q u a litie s o l honesty, ^ m teg rttv and e th w . ta lk in g to trlends and rte rg h p o t. and gen ing re co m m e n d a tio n , from people yo u ^ tru s t is a key tocto r \ p ro ve n track record o l a ctkmparfx t* v ita l \ 1 ' B ro ke r kn o w le d g e o t the f

29$ East 5th. AvenmBosells^NJ

T h a n k m g J ill G u z m a n R e a lty In c H o m e C lo s e d o n D e c e m b e r 18 2 0 0 2


Amenities abound in this spectacular 9-room MOUNTAINSIDE home that,.includes an in-ground pool w ':cabana stamed glass window and. sathedrai ceiling in dming area Also offered are 4 BRs EIK with cherry cabinets and .Cohan counters FR end Den wrfirepface and picture window LR w-hmplace ndwd firs and CAC $624 900

D e a r J illT h a n k y o u s o m u c h fo r a ll th a t w a s d o n e to s e ll o u r

h o m e Y ou did a m ce jo b a n d w e w o u ld re c o m m e n d y o u h ig h ly W e a re v e ry p le a s e d '

Y o u r p la n t lo o k s b e a u tifu l in o u r n e w liv in g ro o m K e e p u p th e g o o d w o rk a n d th a n k s a g a in

S in c e re ly , J e rry & J o a n C a n ta ra " J ill G u z m a n R e a lty In c R "

n tau m lim its pu t Of fi*st m e m i n t a h d se u r n in• 2 9 6 EAST 5 “ AVENUE, BAS LISTED BY / IU 6U/MAH OE I I U W ZN A N





CHARMING COLONIALLovely HILLSIDE home with 6 room*

2 Bedrooms, t. bath iarge Eat- in Kflchen Living Room Dming Room

enclosed front porch part finished basement 2-car garage chestnut

woodwork hardwood 8oor* and aluminum siding $189 900

x i'u rs t. m arke t va lu e . i> essentia lt A V I A ! I M P TOR ■ le t the

i’ uver bew are W atch ou t fo r le ttersand xorrespkindente that . la te there is a buye r w a ttin g fo r yo u r hom e l e t ' , he re a lis tic Max the buyer

. id e yo a r to m e H a i she buyer seen vOur home’r ' Be on the

W E S T F IE L D O FFIC E s 600 North Avenue West

Westfield • 908-233-0065;or all your mortgage needs Call ERA Mortgage at 888-421-381j,

76 ELMORA AVE . ELIZABETH9 0 8 - 3 5 3 - 6 6 1 1

FAX: BOS-353:5080

W f f l c h e r t

B U Y F O R $ 1 ,8 6 6 /m o



w w w J i l lG u z m a n R e a l ly c o m

[ 800-LSA-SOLD 1 (80W T2"653> 1 w t ic h e r t .c o m



\ • \


Be prepared for dangers of winterThe Federal crneigettsv Manage-

mem Agency i- e H * u * p a & out- • i»» lake p ic vc m iv t measures t" cm',ure ih c ii M id ' and reduce ihc r i ' l ,n M in in - i . i i i , J.unagc h pri>|>tfiy

IV fM .iu l Saleis P a d pte-tdcM' '

i .n id i v u u • t iu " i i n in iic - m l h ii-m i " i • arc !..-i p rc p jrn l it* handle111, , M .,1.1. i MU I .1 i l l II • 'H i l lf t n l i . t J in k j i t |’ 'ii la m ih i- .unt ...m pa im s.ii: i i i ' i i f c ih c ii v i l i i i .mil p . H ih l i v i ' i mnnes ihrnugh ihcn in n ir . in t r s .irn a s

f r e p i i r i i ia vo u r l. iim ly » VncmliSf .1 ai^i'Ui 'Hjipi In -

Mi ' i t d r in k in g ii . i ic t canned h i '- i i i T i i ' . ' i l a it- ti electric 1411 "p c iic r l i r - ll l i i kl! ' i I I I [M ' i l l ' l l M il l" f l . l ' l l

i t j l i i d id cs ii i b i t t e W "h e re vmi . I ' u i ' l l . . ii (Iw .1 nk

p l l l l l l m in •Us Ii i ' : I f i t ' l l It!' '.H ill alii! . - t l lt i HU I «:H i l i 'S l f C 'lplI'H lrtli! f

• [ ’ l l p . l l l I I I l l i i j l l lM i l l i l l i ' 8 i.ltvi<it H il l 'j j ie i t.i tit vo w k u n e tu t , r i n d a . . ,t i le r ’ i a m in -.1. tin M a la M tii vmi !w - f i i i l l t i t i n tI i i. it in . ! 111*1 its- w i l l - . is c iiic 'l.'C ilc i : 111 ll ii. H | l l . |- 1 i ' i l-li U i n i ’. i i iS I t i 'U ■

. It, i k . t i l l • |" -I .ill .n li l i t ! " l l. i i . H .k a. m u ll jV i'p Ic Hint h i l t t f i l i i l r

■t t.iknt ■it'imcC v» i!i - . i k t i■: pri'emitTi’ itY-.; ;Kw p i n i i ii> i ' i '■ i " ' 1 iii- i f i t i ■■Mite cscruH ie III I Hitt house I l l ' l l "hi>.i i f ii ic them "

. .1>ii a lJ ,li. if . help ih ie tK f t . d isuh ln i

j i n . i . .m il tits.liV'i»t- f t c tn p if see-• \ ! t in i . in ' . .M a t! i ■' h r i i u 'in

kc i'iC H c lie a le ii in as m il a bn ild ttp ' i. i n f i i i i i f - a n d itlw a i > ft jw c lfU in iile Keep a il l! i. .K ! - it It a*t ■ three ■ le ft t | . ill l l . l i l i l t l . l f ' i t - I ' i l i l '

• 1 i t . , i i . i . i.i.c ir- t h -ct l l t l l l . i l , ill i l i . i l l .1 amt i le t l l l l i . r i ih t i than lie l a i i t t bras y i i ’ ilitn ,: M itrt •,iniicin> di.H ild he tighth u c« a ii.l H.itct ic jH -litl.t f t cat a lutt mute:. ami -ttm h n a l f f p i f ' i l t „ l | i ( , , . i t vm ii m outh is t il l a n a i l

tn p in ti'U m u t lungs Ithiii cv lrcm clsVilli) air

P re pa rin g v t iu r home• l l i ' ta i i it. f il l a n id i 'll - o f t i t le f

.ir iU i i " l i l t l l plastic. i iM l i i t c >ialK .mh) attics .util a p p li caulk ami

, .v iM tlii i i ln p p i i i . ' tu J u f i . am!i m i ! " ' "

• Winterize . mu hutiM' )>ar«, »hedn i i i f . f t lu ' i ir u . im i that i iu v pel. vide vhcltet to f ynu i fam ily neigh I v t - a jiim .i! ' i equipment C lca i rani . u l l i l ' ir p . i l l I i i t f leaks and cut ,iv .is I ’l.iHvhi-- tlia l im iW ta ll no .a ho tt-i nr other M iiiit iite du ring a ' l l l l l *• • l i i ' i i la t i- pipes -i tth Hi Milan, m '.-.t newspaper* H ill a i l l ' - ' la m e t' Ii* ilftp a hu ll' during .o ld .veathci in .h uiftI 't '. 'lll /;

• lea rn h " ' i 'ft iu f fiM aiC T vati f . in i . t ' i i p ip t ! u i- i -

• R if t a i . ' i i t f a i i i i In ilte ii■ tt if 'im i i t i i i . i l a li l l it t f t lliv i ' l l.; -u -u t i i itn U 'iia ll. l i r a ' > i ' hi lt'> it. the . iiu m .u la ti i. ■! ' l l i ‘'. I• ii t il l • '1! .U:ii n * I ' ill - ! ! ':! " i 1 tk. • k i l l ; -V l i t a ml ' l l • f '. M .'Uo

. l i i i t l ' v l i ' i i f .uul n tlic l M liK tU K . .ittfJ tin M.'im p a n >

t 'a ie p a i'in d y m il u ii• keep i . i i . ih f ; • e fu it r i ■■

fu rled anil in . " hI icpa il f t i i iu i i . 'c tauir i . i t !". ih e tk ia . h h ii , m t ' l i u iv icn iiii'H ' i Me ut th c iiti 'ta t i ip l i t ' lia s h c t' vvhau.'t hra.tei h fa lc '

. l i f t t in H i ..lid t u t ' t l i ' i iu that .•««a i l h .i' .tiic.|M.Hi- • .M iu liic /c I ' i l l . t 'In i !.t iia sh e rU u h i and il amt citn .1ie . lilaiT. t l i i f u .h . 't i i , ttiv ' I ' . i ' f f t

• i T i ll I A l l l l l ! I I I " I l ' l l I .1.t I . 1. I.II , 'l.iiu .li I ! 11 ■ I

.1 q .1 111 I 1 1 I I l , 'i t i i i i u ii • ; i m i ' ’a iu i i r * . la te r .

' I, I Hit extra l l l l l ' all.! M iltteii- T l . i i i t . i : ' kt.-uii ' l ' ’ h) '- i1'■Jtl.i ■..Miit M l'.' : tl;Ti.i;i.'.ii'.: . i ' lw r y c i l i i ' l la i i ' and i i i ’u irw c iif i l t ' t i i " t la ;

• T .iih v c f t t ih J i i ' i i l i l lia ic a pci Mina) mi I c t l (U v l hi H at a ll t i n i i ' I f r in . Hi the |H 'i'i '! ia l '. i lc t i p a i l . l i f i i l . l t<e a b k ti i i ih 'U i i i l c v im ii i an.) i " l . l - i i i l i i iit h rn i; . . I lc i l r i i

• , • ■ . .ii l u n i . i ■ n itr t

.ti im i i a t i i i t in .ui in ii iy lig h t Don t travel alone Keep n th cr. in fom ted Of H im ' ih c i lu lr ,uiJ route anJ *uy onm ain roads Vvoid d r iv in g ilu rm e ai .M il i : i . i. ir r .m ; m M u& u d

■i.o in n ;I 'n rp a rin K fo r v o u r com m ute. .'..I i . i . . a i i j ic im n a l vafetv

p a i l t lu ; i. in u iB s p a il . I fc d na lc r i t i l l l a f l i c le a f - lic it life heal p a i l ' l l f h i MUUir lam near cm e re ch ii M an ic ! am! pciM-hai ia rc i lc i l i ' Pci . Mittal M iteti p a i l - that m n u m iIicm He lp ' - i i.a il i l lx ' in . i i i enoujjh to la rry in a h n r l vase and he lig h t " eight t V i -'' - . i l t l i p a i l ' >.an Ik pui . , l i j ' i . 1 Im -.i i -.i iH ' f 1 't t f ih . i'in . a [K i'O tta l ,'itletv p a i l is more io n ic

. mem d u n try ing t " assetnhfe one f it: v i i i i i ii»yn. ; •(.■/v-.i

\ \ in te r H ta fh e r te rm s k . - tliv ic m i- u m iI h i iica thc i .

t i ' i c f . i . ' i r i ' i i -that; vm i l ie ,u ly umlei‘a i i - l .......... ii l m u l l and sour

.. .m iiiu m ii iitv lndutg ■• f t unci iica th c i adv ivory f t u ite i

i i i . i i l n i londm ons arc cvpc itcd to i.iU 'C ' i . ' i i i lu a n l tn u 'n s ’c n ic iu c ' .uiJ

l-i Im .’.ih IoU ', C 'p ru a llv toii in t . 'U 't -

• f t in le i 'M i l l n a t i l i He a lc ll aI Mil is' |v " i t ' l l

• f t u i i i- storm i i anting l a ic n Mn M om u y . K i t t f r in g f t m il

-i! ' . i j i ' i i i die area• i 'u . . ii . i .s.train. Sivoss .uiJ

'.i. ii. i i im l ' i 'tiih ined M ill p rndu ic.M a ilin ', 'ii« 'ii lie..; / c n i ' I 'lh t l ity ,fvcp J im . .iml l i l r threatening « in il

n l i i to - t n m iir ilia tc ls• H '.w t s ia n u ttg f . Helms

t in . - in ic inpe ta tu rc ' arc expevtedp c i- n.ii valets P a i l p to itd c ' no

i . >i 'C itin i.U ' to live p u W ti anil in tp o u i , ! .tiiii ! a Mi|’ | I let; J cft*n iC ili sf i i ,■ n i i ln c " .applies p i .. fam ilies , ’ , , i i in i . M i f i i ' and

MiuswesseA ■ o f: a ll ' i . - t ' Pot more in fo tina tion . 'tt i.u i Persona! S a lc li

- ■ o rPer> ! il - ; t'.ivl to tmatlcom

K n lie i i s |w ll.n ir is ( i re s i il tn l of IY i ' .d e n l ' .« k and a i f r t i - f i r i l e i i ic ig f iH t | ) ro * ra in m n iu u e r

In K e a rn y , W e ic h e r t C o m m e r c ia l B r o k e r a g e - h a s a 9 4 . 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t building locatedo n S e i le r s S tr e e t a v a i la b le fo r s a le . .

Weichert offers commercial propertiesf t t u lien :C; i. , i iic t. !.il H io lc i . iu

l l i i Ii.i- t'cc ii 'c k v 'c d a- c v ilu - iv e t ' lo le i to m a lle t In c in sd U ite m p i i i p r t t t c ' in i eh I f i f f J e i 'C i ami mm id vompaiis P iC 'idenT Ji'hn G 1 dell The j'M g iim cm i- hewg lead In Das id M i i - h c i s rtu o i s itc IHC'idcm and h ia iiih o ftive man igci ..I f t v k h e rt t ’l in u m i. ia i - CentralJcisey Kegiofia l o l lk c io ia te d in P i- I a tan .r. . ' -

The d ie n id u .tn .it p i p c itiC ' o tle fcd f in ' . i l i an 'l ie d h i M il le r In d u 'U ia l P rnpeiftC ' a prom inent o s in rt o l industria l real estate t i l th a p o rtfo lio id ptopettK's m the Hudsoii P 'scva n d l tt io iu o u n is in a rle ip la v r I u lie t lias rep ir-cn icd then icn lestate m lc tt- 'ts lo t tin' j l o t ca l-

III, kearn ■ a 44 :* v i Mjiiarc 1 l hu ildm g If ia ie d o il .Seller' S tlce t n available lo r -ale i i fe a iu u lf< «■ :4 | . h.i ve iliiig sa n d lb ta tih iia id load­ing d.H»s th is im f 'tm c n t propenv 1, lu l l ' . ‘" U p t r d h i I.t • te n a ii!■ III O nion fish e r r m a ikc tm i tu o build n ig ', fo r sale on Burner Avenue: -V

Ilie five industrial properties offered for sale are .owned by Miller Industrial Properties.

'in u a i-M fu a re t s i h u iU m ; i ' IcaM-d to a 'in g le tenant u n til Jan T l '( i tb and a 4 ' ’ " s p u n - I i i l i i h u tld ii i. ’ t. le .is id to a sin.:ie tenant un til lan M 'On*' In S e n a i l a > n « ' s«| b v 't hu tltlttig is o lle red lo t sale lh c p io j ie i t i is lu lls leased u n til M arch t | , ' ; t is and teatutC' tsso eM eii.-i ta ilboard d m rs one m ienorH ailboa id d ". r and u i i " r po lts and**r h ig h a as s \ n a d d i t i o n a l

'KSf T ..jsi.itt ( " ' i h u iiJ in .: in t ivnmi ■>. under y .m in ts t

R e ie n l tra il s a iiio li ' 't 'H ip Ir tc d by 1 islier im lu .le irp tevcm m Hunter In d u 'i r u l P a r i in leasing 18 (30C1 M jiu ie ie t l o l indu tr ia l space on Bui in i A venue in 1 m»n to C entra l Jersey f t . H i i i ' U I I Is ln l also leased 4 b “ .i|u a ie le d o f o l lk c spaic in l n ion I "

all adscrtlv ing lo m p a n y sold a ' ’ OO-'ijuarr loiU u f lk e b u ild in g inNessarl lo an investor and rcpie vented K am u in the sale o l their .’ O ii 'M -M ju jic ioo ! M .irrhouse build mg m H ills ide

f te iih e r t C om m ercia l Brokerage l iu lu s sold and leased over a h illinn dollars o l com m ercial prvvperty and the l ompans s 40 sales aw ocu les lu s e ilosed more than 2 .000 transai tit ms in H u n t seals W e iche rt Com- m e n u ! is an a ilil ia tc o f W eichert Realtors the largest independent real estate .company in the na tion w ith IQ OOO sale- a " ..n a te s in ose t 200 o lln .es I 'o r in lo n tia t io n absmt W e iih e it C om m etcia l ca ll 4 ’ ' 2 b ' ’” '8 o i vis it the company » f t e b site at mssss u e n h c its iim m e ii i. i l co m

N E W J E R S E Y M O R T G A G E R A T E SNew look to the Burqdorff Web site _ FOR UPDATED RATES C A L I INFOSOURCE 908-686-9898 AND DIAL THE LENDER CODE__

T u r e r i c v in c o c n u TU C IM TFR M FT ft) WWW CMI-MORTGAGEINFO COM: k ■ f . ' ■ •’ 'f ' v ’ ' ' . . >s 1 111 )* .

■: >! .■' .• : >: ...s: ■ ■: V. .: ■. ■

' o IISin.i I. s \ in d ied Web -Mi - o n i

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d ih v t i f i i Hid mapping rcijhc .yi■

ilu l i i.n T ii ■ in. f t tu n i.p r . j*e im , -i,• i. n i Hu in'- us ihc i* pcr> m l .

|V l t l" h . f . ith e n H i m .iii\|iA i:,icpcop tc-than_

: r - d f V f f f f i f i l l r . ■ittsptitertf p r ' f f fvide then ."m iitu n ity ih lro iliiv tio ii and lio u s iii. ' Hit 'miaWi'ti s>iiett l i lts re

m i i i f i i i T i'm inem i'd in i, Rci . i pnadent iil Bnfgdorllf ■■ i , ; '

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pel I . iw fI:.; th r l i i l ic :til' ih ttr..p it >H al' p roperty leiirch a fte re & K a u n g thefh <1.1 f i i liu Internei . . .

l i u . i h. s e u i h c lt i ' i ts llun the m i. si outstanding fc^tiue o l th t new f t eh site i- tile ssas il- budge, l i l t gap lie lM tiav il t r I r-wiytUIC I: m J . . * t f i i l . l l • i.n m in iii ia lt iiH f te know ir .e , . •H .m m ii.iii' i! i:< tv iiem eT


inf I 1 ■ ill v lit ili' r i l f l c l ' l c if

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ii: i i . i n i ip l t ' l in k f I ! alt 11 may < in -vhedule an .nm al pt. |K fts ;

. . I , , . .u ii; ’ i r i i f i f i r ' i i i i i j i p t ife is a ' .

n . jin ■(. v-.i'lls lu ilid ji'i! i- " i l l ‘ " it f i j n i i i , sail . i l " ' leash "Ut. I<-r a live n j- l.s d ia h n : 'M i B u i f . l " i l l and the sail W ill l>e il ia m tr le d ti the appi: p it. iU " I ' l l f i II spoh i* f

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c ip c n c m c i.ii i l i t lea l t - u ic im s in c ".

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■■ ii ic n i. '

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. i . ; n . jpp i.- .i ' i . i i i i ' a ic i l

isiaii llbrats ssttii glu-sats and tips vis a n 1 " a lk i a d rs v iip li Hi !

;in , mpaiis ' . ' l in e s and m a iu u 'in ’i i ,) ! r i vj In i id 'ii '( H ll tg d o f l f ' .iwald ss in iltlii le lm a inm ver s lie s

t in site bn rgdurfl sum IS anm legral vompoBCkH o f Otn imgomg vininniimcni if . 'u r.ilie m > If pnis ide ilu uiv Ik ( iiuds io meet thru needs

i i ; fi . . in i prevent die latest , i n i a p p h ia ti 'll i hi " in

• in . . m ludes R r c u 'Ih A iled n i 1954 H'ut .'d o ll! I R A

‘ v s u l estate finu m d.'llai s.'lunte nail' nailv. with dAOffice '* f . lie ' . i s ' . n a i t ' The : u i f •. oi miss Hl includes 2 tOo m.lepcndently ow ned and oper ned "ttne- in the l imed Slates .uid ui TS t uii trie NR I In . ■ Ip- ra ted die

" n.stii;n . „:m a id i n iu ! lea l e-lalc h r o lr t a g t .. 'to |i.iii i t- a 'U li. 'id u is f i

indant ip-1ad.hi NYSE i1)

Editorial doadlinesEoiKsw mg in* ikadisrtes lo t news Church club am) v m i T h u rv liv


Einertiinmcrii Ertday noon Spmtc M ond is m *m ■ leitnv to the falitm Monday Yam iier,era: Monday S pm •

Black Rivt*t M foe Co 90a liv. ('S lo ts Savings Bk

30 YEAR EIXE0 I 6 00 j 0 0 0 6 0 6 | APP 30 YEAR FIXED i f ^ i N l l f i T v l l i K I K k a

i j YEAR FIXED T 5 50 T O.Otf 5 6 0 ■ .FEE 15 YEAR FIXED . 5 38 j 0 .00 j b 4 i f .) . i - t t

iv W J liM B O 2 4 5 0 0 0 3.41: 1 '$ 295 i ' l -30 YR ■ ' f ' 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 35 1 S 350 1(■ - ; -PufcKaM Specials. 0un:n Ck?s« . loan* y

Cofumbta Kentwood Fmanc«<


J. JO ;4 88 ’

J W3-00 | 5 3 4 ' .FEE is YEAR FIXED |' 5 38 T o T 5 42. i FEE

S' V'3G Y R . • 4 88' 1 .0 00 ] 4 48 $ .150 30 YR JUMBO ..... j |f 6.13 j 000 .6 TB f l $ i9 5

15 raw tn a e .a s !«W*I>

F iaosta f Bank Synergy Bank 800-4vraoEK ■ ■ ■ ■

tO YEAR FiXFD . 5 88 0 0 0 j| 5 9 X ■APP] 30 YEAR FIXED ' * m 1. 6 1 7 APP

18 v EAR FIXED f 5 25 0 00 ; 5.31 'r y m ] t5.Y£.AR. FIXED ' “ " q 5 5 0 0.00 5 5? . '■ FEE

U i f t f l VR 1 5 2 5 0 .00 ! 5 I ' f , 5 ' iY5 fO i'l -30 YR . . .■ '.. .. , .1■ 0:00 5 4 ? . % )2 §aneing OREM f DAYS JtNW-pf-..AkKt-h *o?

Union C enter Nat l Bk) 80*4 ■8R-9500 ,

Karat compHaO on January 3 M03 WP - Mot proKidaU fry mamutiofi

30 YEAR FIXED : 6 1 3 0 00 6 ( 2 APP15 YEAR FIXED 538 0.00 .5 '3 ? FEE5 ’ fJOYR . 4 7 5 0 0 0 5 9 5 5 350

; :» PfQBiaw aiavtatw :. ^ i ^ ^ Matam^iwatappn C Mi ms tea »»wtai>Maapapart m «a«Ma» «■

... , v . m M n i . v M . » * > «.v av»‘ K a M a a r a w K - r b . - . - ^ «. . . . . ........... i a ■ "■ *»*»> » WyuaWMmaajf,


REAL ESTATE SERVICES a .“Small Town Service, Big City Resulttm

w w vr Q Q in e fro m re a le s ta te co mm a r ia o t iu aSUVA JOINS THfc Mom«f Ton! Heal X tia lle Sennets Ttrtmf

* iiVefcoCnm ■ ■

'•a .'..' ; -imm# ;’".Hear

Xslate- . Counsel tmoe TSW OfilbB ts

'•f';' #n ’ro-m&bnq.' aM . wWti Sn# 'i* • tommunt?>^ wtstm ^ *»*

oinis *ue*f Rortutiawscaoin W W * sn».i»avaiuatara»»*f c i f * H o r t t w i Raw f state Senate team.

,1 a " . j te a fSB'»seed* 90S J51 ?000

S a t nw

TMf, RIOHt . HOME' tMf RIOHT i .X.AOOM’ ’ • l *«- •« ! j W J

*» *■ tst&i ■'#* px* ■ ■**

t*A A ' <MN et. jpvrr<_b,nyW ^ « o r e ^ a ’ tVl4.900

lOIN THE Hom a fo n l R »» i1 Sarvuei i f AM'iaa> ,afi whaeK-you'» a vcanaen apaonooamutw a jiear va* ptacaio sopUa-mg a ue» cwta- r Rea. F«Ma gna u» a cal wmdp as Coma<nd, , .V , Home! rofsl Real Eateta Sarvicaa v me juaceio ta

Glen Volturo, Broker 1155 Ubertv Avenue • Hillside

(908) 351-7000 fax: (908) 353-0232

/ ' f a r / <

UNION Cape Cod in excellent condition boasts 4 BR sI R D R , 3 F B s . t a c u z / i tu b , h w f lo o r s , f in b s m l & d e c k UNI9499 Offered at $279,000

UNDF.N - Charming Colonial boasts 3 BR s, FDR fpl. fin bsmt. beautiful hw floors park CAC & 2 car detached garage UNI9501 O f fe r e d M l $ 2 8 9 ,9 0 0

11 baths, like yard.

^ <;et P re -A p p ro v e d b e fo re yoa look.( o ld w e ll B s a k r r M o r tg s R f m akes it easy 1 -B * * - 3 6 7 - M l»

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*Pnr*s met aH costs to be pant by the consumer except He., reg & taxes Pnces valid from 72 hrs. of publication. All payrrwnto based on primaiy tender approval nntira Pali dealer for updates "on select models if quai Subject to pnmary lending source approval

S S f t S ^ U o p S a s e ce^stitors vehicles Vehicles subject to pnor sale due to adverting »adlme

w.. K, -------GM A Lease programs subject to changeCredit may impact terms down payment or monthly payment Rebate in lieu of financing




OLD'SMOBiLE AiERO 199S red. 2 door 10.000 meet (Estate Saiei m»il conation Manyopbons A»k«vg$9 200 C M 973-762- 6638

ABLE PAYS TOP It* IN CASHCar*; Trucks ana Vans also Wrecks ano Junks running or not Tree p<k up 7 Days

1-900-953-9328 90M88-2929Its Mark Maynard

Copley News ServiceSir A la Issigosis a ltered B ritish

hislutv w ith l ib sk nn .i napkin .1 j sm all lu it v jm rty .tu c l-c f lk ic M four- jia v t i i i- 'c i fa m ily a r

T h a t'G re e k -b o rn e n g in e e r who Jived :n Turkey w as the designer at tlte firs t m in i lo m ia lly the M ortis M in i-M in o r

Now an evo lved, re-creation o f dial siju .il little ta r is find ing a trc>h plate in h istory as B M W revises the brand and the ta r

Iksignois li t t le ta r was an idea o) necessity brought on by die 1956 Suez o il U h ls England needed a ta r that was sm all in tra ffic , fue l e ffic ien t and large enough to ho ld lou r adults

W ith <t> front-w heel drive , fla t flo o r lin y tires and stamped fenders w ith exposa l scams, die tra d e ecorto- lw>\ w ould go on to sell m ore than 5 1 m illio n units in its life tim e

The M in i was cvetyman > t . ir — a fa m ily ta r and a sports ta r And so it w il l l>c here as BMW tom inues the DN.A w ith m odem m aterials and sale tv features

The new M in i Cooper w il l Ik sold in two models in North A m e l ia The standard U5-horsepow ercd Cooper starts at $16,850. inc lud ing the $550..' destination charge. and tom es w ith a live -speed - m anua l transm iss ion15- in th .tires amt many to m lo it lealurcs

The s u p tr th a rg e d 163-hores- jiowered Cooper S s ttrts at $19,850 and comes w ith a s tiffe r supension s ix-speed m anua l g e a rbox and16- meh run -fla t tires .

M ore I'eople learned to d rive in a M in t in England than in anv other car hut lew e t than 2 percent o f A m erican ' were aware o f what a M in i was

. The first; M in i went on sale in the ■ United S u its 35 tears ago lor $786 75 Fewer than 10.000 were sold iKTc.iK twcen i9 6 0 and 6 T yet some­how d ic tc a r t 11.000know n lo c x is i

T rue t<v its B ritish roots the new M in i is I'c tng b u ilt in O xfo rd Eng hind , in die o ld M orris I acton w hich has been crank ing out cars since 1927

E vo lu tio n , no t re troThe Cooper name tom es from

ra te car b u ilder John Cooper who

turned die ta r in to a tenacious ra llyw inner In 1961 the M in i C ooper m ode l debuted fo llo w e d by a Cooper S The new M in i to n m iu e 'th e associ­ation w ith p r i lo ru u n ie

W hen you see i t yon recognize u as a M in i and something dial makes you smile says Kevin P hillips M in i p iodu . I manage!

Bur it is not a re tro ta r he insists: it is the evo lu tion o f die o rig in a l - The sal I- a bu lldog P h illip s

says, low io the ground tugging at the leash o l ike world

The wheel base t- longer than a Z.3 roaster the chassis 50 p ca cn t s t il- I r t d u n the BM W '' Series and n stands ass ta ll and a- w ide as a T-Ser- ie> b in i l is die shomrsi new t ,u ill Am erica

The Ikidy shape 'la ris sm all in the bask and the greenhouse widens lo the

T ro iii M i,,f! hut -vide u looks lik e a iw o sealer lu ll i l ta rries lou r in c lu d ­ing a f)- io o l 4 male in die back; w ith a 6 - lo o t 4 male m the trout scat, says b-1■ lot 4 1 l i i l l l i j 's w In ,T a n p e titu m die size lest w ithou t mussing lus h a il

■tit -s n it nig 'h i l t I . ‘Mm., lon g ,le g s in to die h a d .-seat area

The I 6 l iu i fo iir - ty lin d e f engine is mu about horsepower hut exh ila ra ­tion P h illips s

Us p.h; s ita f d in ic iis ions make il h igh jic lo rm e t W uh tiles pushed out to die to u t corners die aubby shape has no extra w eight sw inging around w hich lei ■ il go extremely Iasi through a slalom .o ii i-e ,

The 2 ;524-ptruhiE M ir ; w i l l s to o 60 mph in 8 5 seconds and has a lo|> speed o l 124 m ph The Cooper S wall do 0-60 in 6 9 second' and lu s a top speed o l 135

T he sUmlard m odel tan be ordered , w id i a tsiSJintiiius v aridble —• auloniag

l i t — iia iis in is s io n w hich is at its op tim um rpm at .til times io keep a tcc le ra ti. i! stto iig It won i w in any sf p ligh t (atts bin there ate six ra t io s - tlia i stimulate m oving d itoug li die gears'

, D r iv e r adaptive, the transmission g ive - longer upshifts and quicker d iiw nsh iU s lo more aggressive d r iv ­ers There are sport and manual m o d ­es Hcs.iusc there .ire no gears, the C V T i ' h a lf the w e igh t o f an auiom a

Ut transmission and even increases die lu c l economy P hillips says

The Cooper S is sold on ly w ii l i thesix-spccd^ iaf

The Iro ii i wJicel-dnvc to u ligu ra lion created a suspension-design chal­lenge fo r the engineers T ile b>ur- whccl independent chassis uses a m u h ilin k setup in the rear ' im il.u to vvliai is used o il a re .it-drive cat M at P llcrsoii strut.' in iron l w ith length d rive ' l u l l s lim n to tiju c -leer and a 6.3 .37 w eight ba la iue t fo ii l b- rear i ' kev to fron t-d rive ..balance

Despite its subcompac.i size the car s body is very rig id im proving crash resistance .-absorbing impacts instead o f jo lt in g tlic in through die cabin

Even the base m odel conies w ith six a it bags Front bag- seat-fiiounted side bags, and a B M W head p ro tectionsyste in b i A p illa r to C .p il­lar lo r Iron! to r ia l u > -c la .c ( llltd seats hook up w id i the Lac li ISO F I \ system

Though die o rig ina l M in i was cheap arid h u ill to stay that way die new M in i Cooper o technologically.u lv ails

I l hasa ii I-B us electrica l system tor p lug-and-play a ln liiv lo r Xenon head­lights C D changers and more

Id e n tic .h vv lt.iu lic Power Assisted Steering lu s its own m otor not a bell pu lling power from die engine The steering ratio is 2 5 m nis and die turn ing c irc le i- 34 9 feet w hich is a h ide broader than a 1-Series sedan

The electronic throttle g ive - im m e­diate response and optim um air-tu- tuel m ixture

Plus, ilic rc i- no m echanical linkage and a hole in trud ing in to die cabin E lectronic saleiv a id ' include AB5 F B D — e lectronic brake d is tribu tion — and C B C o t cornet brake contro l io m odulate brake ' from s it e lo side

Standard equipm ent im h id e s a six- speaker Ill-dash C D w ith cassette a lt cond ition ing automatic c lim ate con. tr.ol and pollen til le r . SVSf) sp lit l i jk l, ing teat sealhack one-touch down w indow s and central pow er locking

la k e your p ick o l 12 co lors w ith contrasting roo js ami m ir to t ' inw h i le b la c k o r b o th c o lo i

Sec M I M Page B ib

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THOUSANDS OFF MSRP!On 2002 Leftovers

•Avalanche *Monte Carlo •Tracker >Vans •Css-naro *Hi-Cubes

BMW introduces Mini Cooper

V O L V Olor life


Mini Cooper has BMW styleC i'iiiin u cd Ih 'in P.i-'c H I '

9 heels can 1w a rule it stiver, ami ihc lyase 'C ic n -h n k a lie f I designs cjii be va'tl .il m> i lu r . - t t.i ,j» u g h l spoke wheel w iUi a ll waxMi m e- A lb - in ch w ilce l iip im n m utes w ith run fla t lire , w h ich ta n b e d n v c it lU i for So im U ' ii ' i ' mph

llici.c .in- 14 JilliTiTH rn ia i" ! |» • • i l ' l l i lU ' ilu iu J ih . 'p .'ll 'C a l' . .

And the M in i chines w iih a veal SlkOUO-tmle A.IM.IIIII and flee scheduled maintenance for thtee vc.ii-, *i! m >- m i i i - . .

IH-signMid dun g> yrm forget;#? dvfeil

ih i ih w . ' d ia l an H - iii f i id n itd iu lltsl.TIC ll '.IV ' Gen H lldl-1 't.llid tin

M in i i ' . " i j ic i d i-M p ch ie f w in w,ht-\|>Luittsi_■ t il l' citddi*. charm -t thenew 1.11' hi: d id n : -dll'll' dc 'i.-n .

Hi- uGu n (•■.tid m ih i l.i". i n H ild rliu ild ' w il l guide the 'K ill i't m

. m M uii.J i i t r l l i i . i l l i '.vll.t'' ' 'a i'll lit-ij

shape the M in ts lu llin ' lu u u c plans m u U include a speedster convertib leWundt ,11 a: pickup

The rig im il M i:n design A .i 'i i i about i ih i I n was about function l l

, eii : i:h i led uni designed. h>!; I’ li- Lytle Hildebrand

\ rt.i'|> ii,'n and tubthbefah . t it ha id in i t i j i because ih o .tic m ed c u l t Jay and il they w com t ik . - i . l i t d •• t i l '.. il l wnald t i l l i n ' 'T h rill JW.Ii In nr,'

f lu i d t i l l M in i ! ' t U ll.n ii i away “ i t is a e la « lc » car that CoW- millik.iU' with all people Hlldc brand says-

kllU’lig tile new designs air severalIca liin "

.1,1 |, III it ld ll'lly - lll- .lone large sheet I ■! > .n •- u .. th R ln c '- that I- 'tam ped m ju m nil l i f . i i i iM i i id f t i l t

Hie iv l ia t i ' l tip 1 k- h i t a le u

BMW M in i Cooper‘ ' t u n l i i . ip i i |H u IIU|

VISRP. y l i i u i i i i i i l hiy $55(1 J c ' I i iu iu t i charge'' I . m i l - . l im i t i ip i. i in s

\ t m i i i h e a d lig h ts w ith p n w e r w ashe rs : >5ih i

N .iv ig a tm n system s. M . m n i

M e ta llic (M in t , ' 44nI ra th e r u p h o ls te rs . > 1.25(1( • ' 1 transmission, 61.250P a rk Distance l nntrul, 6500K ig h t-s p e a k e r H a rm o n K . ir t in n s o il m l sys tem , 6550Dynamic S tability A 'u n tr iil, $500

O p iu m packagesPremium package 61 2.' include' multifunction 'leering w heel w ith

wisn.'C im iiia i pamijamti: ' i in t i ', -! aali;m.tUC:a l i , . ivdau.<riur : seith .tu tiiic r .Ui-a --nlvard-compiilcr

25( include- Dynam ic S lab jjtty C ontro l, rear >p, der tb in J i li'c ->uu alloy wheel.' and pertbriiianec 225 <SR Ib-mch run-tU:

- it .i^h i . . 'Gold weather, p ackage-S W inejodes fam scn'tm f wipers and. heaifd'-

I >eaicr-mst,i!icd ,u c csso n c -Pails installed ai the time ! purchase and m-ialled In the dealer carry the

lu ll new-vehicle warranty'. 'Parts added by die .leak: o:c. the pirn cmcied m ihc haianct id tlie waitanty « me tear tt mi the date .’ fu iia lla -0«>n whichever ikdcui^et, ; ■

Be. rid the B 'uaf I. d-ravl »-.>lea:>. !ic.ct;se'-p!.i:i Maine, .seal , mmk nets i !h» r ihab there arc me uni.pie mmi n - J i lx i- such a<■ i S tflK>u lack ir.chcckered-lLiCTiHst ctaphii SISremiwal-it .u-s a, . . . ; y;.

Vcn> l i t suld hv the p in e nr um ip k le >et w h ich insludes die tru til and few; apruhs side .skirls radial.«r grille nip ^n llc hampers and htense A.irrier -Vlf pUri> voine .primed arid rcadi in he panned tn the ik a k f ITie wh .t t i u . '! M 2iV bul J '<s no! i iu ^ . i i die u < i l, ! pam lin ; I UlsUilaln 11

can I tc a U 'C 0 is The d c ' i i i l c ! ' lu d lo rp o llC II t»> l i lv lu d t d ie ! l i l t she ! on tile a lav m ode l, so. s i i im ; around a lte rw ink tine evening 'tu rn ip a sis pack a dcMCliet nek a l>cc' can and ' lu d 0 mio die t l .n It looked kny coihI to cjkoijtc ,

Hie -peed.-nitter ui the cenier at the panel yoc. hack to. tile 'rails da 's so the Ua'ij.Mlof could inomtot aveta/c '|H-ed In t i etc . 5 h i. round Wshometer is tigh t W Ironl id the driver

fiygiC;switthe.s are another new- .iiminauon , Betide,.the govern meill lund-wringci' would OK the switch design sal'ety loopj lud to he dt'i.ncd hit ween each switch so (lit. ci.-n l punch holes in I'.hIv part' in the i . ell I o.t a ctadi Ihc tow o| 'iv "u n h t ' opciatt' loot' windows, to; light' stnd 'diet options so Oidtl dicili a ll l<; av oid a liUnl plastic plug

'. m place o! a toggle.: -final words

Beneath die H u ii 'l i iom . die new M in i c'lKipei is a dc 'tialde l-u r- cvlim ler cat 'e l l endowed w idi the B VTVy per !> e ethic'

Hi;. ! power ha i l ' place ' bill there ' an indcsaiahk pkasure in driving a lour cylinder BMT6 mam* pnla liiig power thh'ugh a well- machined g r.irhov and tceling , the-u'pension woik w ith the undulation'

1ill that enjoyment o in place in ihc

'Mim ■’ t' -engine I ' sm all hut rcspoiisi'c

, — ami reijutrc' tretjueni gtnr changes to keep the re's m the power hand

I nltke the old Matt or e 'en the PI . Gmiscr and \TV ' New Beetle the

new MuuCoiiper im i tan evtryman > car ft s an every man » sports and

■ those wh. appreciate l Uui suspett.;■ 'ion .wall appreciate die .M in i ;

Hie r id e is m > I trm d ia l u can he a im e ii't Jnv e on (he in ie f 'la te no t tile lm e o t 'e a r f would ptck lo r.a cross-; counin adventure

When news ot the M ini tir>i a m t out 1 was ready to put my monev ., dow n ; . "O;

.But .i.Uet it. 'U fig ..,'lie . tor. ,,i. le'i.o •.. Os' • 'ts i '. c decided thei it . i ... ■« .. c t i )■ »tleJ and Ttukc lo ts .o! " liitis 1; would tathet ha'.e the 'Upon.farged Cooper 6 Vnd the aero k it the drt'ang lights nuvl>c a tool (lag and .

\ f n k Mavnard i'd r iv in g in cybc i' pace at maik mars nanl lonirih com

The new. Mint mance ethic

Cooper ts a desirable 4-cylmder car well endowed with the BMW pertor-

Cooper a new venture for BMWBy M a r i ' la y Hard

l o p lfv Newv k e r iu e\s die newcsi d iv is ion id BM W

M in i i the tits t step .m l'id c o l the u im pany > well-established l ine The 'ira te .", continue ' n e w seat w ith the

' debut .a the new R o ttt-R o y c t, a> BNi'V assumed ownership Jan I

■ >:ie c 'mpanv d o te (lands and an enviable -pan o l oppoitum ly to teach almost a ll age' and incomes artiund the w orld

The M in t Cooper and Cooper S cover the so-called ends-leve l >eg-

■ $24,001 BMW*t i l l the nud-rw ige o l $24 000 to

■ o 'A nd '.iv ,' f i - M " President. Tssm

F u r ' c ' R o l f w i l l t i l l : h e■iS2®,000-pills ■ jew eriy end o t the

businessVk e need to binld more small tars

tor a ll vtns i ' l reasons, but we need to . k true c- out brand And there is a lim it to ho-a tar down in c i i t we can go and you gel down l«i th a t. ' ire vou need (ront-wherl drive

s.;'n '.Tie m Europe -itice Ju l- 2lXH ■he in-v M in t in ' ’ t e n a m avi >ucces- and dealct' wot Id w ide ate asking lor more car'

The c .'iim a ifd U S allocation is 2t>UU0 k> 25.UUU. and t fa i m ight

!, , i- .in ihc!- shljt is idded In the Ovtord. England lactnfy The majott- ty o l cars am viirg ,i t dealers ale the.-vu n d a rd l •• pci tm t M d ii en^ee ttthe Coo|H-t S. to represent about 50 pet

. vcut •! - . Ik 'BM'V. is h tihg aggre"ivc almut

ideiitilym g tt» ■ ttvpnng a> its; own brand And V is »■ phemunetton <>('

. m atkcu iig and-salesThe m arketing chaltenge is to rede

line die htand ailing ’ the lutes o f Swatch Apple computer or Harley- D a 'ids,.n says M in i clue! Jack Pit- t ie ' who m iivcd over (torn the BMWside ■:

In preparation M utt hired a young woman away (torn the New V. rk tashion scene to develop M in i hle>- t y k accessories Pitney enpects the ' t in t brand t.- make more money on Itlesty le accessories than B M W does on m o to icvck '

Selling a car that is available in such small numbers U also a d ia l . lenge lo die BM W dealer w ho has to bu ild a separate showroom o t ai least 2 000 situate tre t I t must h r eacmng and c o lo itu l to d i ' t in g u i ' l iM im Horn •uiv othet brand on the m arket Pk - lie ■ -a-. > a

There w i l l be W0 M in i stores w the tn u e d S u ie s F it ly showrooms

opened in March and 20 m ore .u r inthe pi s t "

" h i l e the S lim has its ow n plat h u m and engine it does use some B M W components beneadi the skin such as die e lec trica l "s te m from the V-Senes Thiise fhtrts are tk ld -p ro 'c n .inJ " o rk well Piutcv >avs

For die dealer the M vtstm en i fas alreadv heen made such as fo r d u g - BOStKS he u i " anJ w ith slight m od ifica tions BM W deakrs can serve M in i '

O ther showroom c u lu s n c include M m i d rd le a lrd — not B M W —

employeesA " a l l ol music CDs trom c'ery

genre fo r _y«ur test d m e so take a long one.

“.A m utt on die seat o f your car when you hay; n or have it serviced

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