A Tamil hand-book : or, full introduction to the common dialect ...

yC-NRLF B 4 051 flO? m BC*T* u it it it 'X •c \i »' «" m:^ I )fl^J<

Transcript of A Tamil hand-book : or, full introduction to the common dialect ...


B 4 051 flO?













WmiM BI Ml iAI

A FIRST CATECHIS^-I OF TAMIL CxRAIMMAE, for Schools. Office of the

Director of Public L 'ftuju^n >,'

. . •outh InJi - ^'hri.ii'^-.. School Book Society.

A SECOND CATECHISM C^ TA. 'IL GRAMMAR. Si. th Edition. Office of

the Director (f Public Tnstnict _

TAMIL POETICAL ANTHOLOGY. This work contains 612 select verses, with

summaries oi >\ .'""ing in Taaiil and English, references throughout to the Third

Grammar, an,

'" Vo^:abulary. Office of the Director o'' Public Instruction,

and Ainerii-" Ik

A TREATISE ON \^Press, Madras. ^

--a;-- •j'? ^uistos^l9<c

ir.::r -J;-,:l .\|eliSST. Christian Krwledge Society's


A COMPE. i.>li ..1 i.)F R 4y^O-i_J-^-ACHING, for Schools and Christian

Families. 2d Edition. T ^^^i-^Q\j^'sitory.



^^ Ki\iiOi\. I a !ijoie Mission Depository.



A TAF^^ "iELD.




[* These works were translated by T. Vencata Gharry; and were revised and

edited by the Rev. G. U. Pope. Office of the Director of Public Instruction.']








V/ith copious Vocabularies (Tamil-English, and English-Tamil),

Appendices containing Reading Lessons, Analyses of Letters,

Deeds, Complaints, Official Documents, and a

Key to the Exercises.

THE KEY. G. U. POPE,Head Master of the Ootacamimd Grammar School.

Difficidtks will vanish as you learn on.—Prov.


ilia t rt s$

PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. R. HUNT.And sold at the American Mission Press.


Price Seven Rupees.

V\r V »\V*\>

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No apology is necessary for offering to the Tamil student a book

which has long been wanted. In regard to the imperfections which

detract from its value the writer can only say, he has done what he

could. He has tried to state the facts of this noble language succinctly

and clearly. The examples, with few exceptions, have been selected

from books in universal use in the Tamil country. Should a second

edition be published, these examples will be considerably increased in


No v/ork can remove from the elements of a language like Tamil all

that may embarass the learner. There are difficulties in it which must

be met bravely ; but there are, certainly, none which a very moderate

degree of attention will not enable any one, however unpractised in such

studies, to overcome.

The following hints may be of use to those who use this book :

1. Do not proceed too quickly. An entirely new language requires

great accuracy in the mastei'ing of its elements.

2. Write down every thing from the very beginning. Read always

with pen, or pencil, in hand.

3. Read aloud all the exercises with a Tamil teacher ; and be very

careful in ascertaining the correctness of what you have written.

4. At first, whenever you meet with a new word, look for it in the

vocabulary, and decline or conjugate it in full.

5. Begin to talk—though with stammering lips—as soon as pos.sible

the very first day. Never speak English to a native if you can help it.

Why say, "salt," when you knoAV the word "s-ul/?" Do not be afraid

of makins: mistakes.

e\k Jt /r%. brr ti 4rV


6. Be very careful in noting down differences in idiom, between

Tamil and your own language. If you hear much Clu-istian or Cutcherry

Tamil, beware of thinking all you hear to be really Tamil. Try to

cultivate a Tamil ear, so as to detect an unidiomatic expression, as you

would a false note in music. You should understand all you hear:

you need not use any expression that is not good Tamil.

This little work has been written with a deep feeling of the vast

importance of the acquisition by all who sojourn in the land, of the

language of the people among whom they dwell. Two hours a day for

a year will enable most people to converse freely on ordinary topics

with those around them.

It is proposed in due time, to publish a 2d part* in which the poetry

of the language will be illustrated.

The author would scarcely have ventured to publish, in this country,

a book requiring such peculiar attention to accuracy in type and

arrangement, had he not been zealously seconded by Mr. P. R. Hunt,

the able superintendent of the American Mission Press, to whose efforts

to improve Tamil Typography all who use the language are indebted.

The earnest wish and prayer of the writer is that his efforts maytend, in however small a degree, to facilitate free intercourse between

Hindus and their brethren from the West, and so aid in the impartation

to the former, of all that God has bestowed upon the latter.


JOctober 5th, 1855


The work has been entirely re-written, and greatly enlarged. A key

has been added. This will be of great use, if consulted prudently.

The author has to oifer his sincere acknowledgments to many kind

friends for very valuable suggestions.

Ootacamund, i

March, 1859. <

* Sec Tamil Poetical Anthology.



§ I. Of the Tamil Language in General.

1. The Tamil (^iSCp, perhaps from Sans. Dravida) is the vernacular

speech of about ten millions of people, inhabiting the great plain of

the Carnatic. Tlie limits within which it prevails are thus defined

in the Nannul (a standard native grammar): "The eastern boundary

is the eastern sea (the Bay of Bengal), the southern boundary is Cape

Comorin, the western boundary is the west sea, the northern boundary

is Vengadara (or Tripety a town about 80 miles N. W. of Madras,

nearly on the same parallel with Pulicat)." Here the western boundary

from Comorin [@Lo/fl] to Trivandrum {_^(i^<si:Bis^L\nLD\ is correctly stated,

but from Trivandrum northward the Tamil country is confined to the

eastern side of the Ghats. The Tamil region thus includes a portion

of south Travancore, the entire Zillahs of Tinevely, Madura (includ-

ing the dominions of the Tondiman Raja), Trichinopoly, Coimbatoor,

a great part of Salem and of North Arcot, with the whole of South

Arcot and Chingleput. North Ceylon also is a Tamil Colony. Tamil

communities are to be found in most of the British cantonments in

the Dekkan.

2. The principal languages cognate to Tamil are the Telugu, the

Canarese, and the Malayalam.

The Telugu is bounded north by the Uriya (beginning with the

district of Ganjam), on the north-west by Marathi, on the south-west

by Canarese, and on the South by Tamil. It differs from the Tamil

more widely than do the other cognate dialects.


The Canarese is the language of the table-land of Mysore, of part

of the Nizam's territory, and of a part of Canara.

The Malayalam is spoken on the western side of the Malaya moun-

tains from Mangalore to Trivandrum. It seems to be but a corrupt


Minor cognate dialects are (I.) the Tuluva, which is a dialect spoken

in the neighbourhood of Mangalore, and is nearly allied to the Canarese.

• (2.) The v,arious dialects spoken by the rude inhabitants of the

Nilagiris, of which the Tuda is more allied to Tamil and the Kota

[gohata] to the Canarese. The Burgher [badaga] is simply old

Canarese, much corrupted.

(3.) The Gond and Ku, in Gondwana and the adjoining hills.. The

rude languages of some other mountain tribes in Central and North-

western India possess more or less resemblance to Tamil in idiom and


To this family of languages the epithet " Dravidian" has been applied.

This is hardly correct as that term must include Marathi. They have

also been styled " Tamilian," from Tamil, their chief member.

3. The origin and affinities of the South Indian group of languages

have been much discussed.

On the one hand the more deeply they ai-e studied the more close

will their affinity to Sanscrit be seen to be, and the more evident will

it appear that they possess a primitive and very near relationship to

the languages of the Indo-European group.

Yet they are certainly not mere Pracrits, or corruptions of Sanscrit.

I have always supposed that their place was among the members of

the last mentioned family, and that they were probably " disjecta mem-

bra" of a language coeval with Sanscrit and having the same origin

with it.

They certainly contain many traces of a close connection with the

Greek, the Gothic, the Persian and other languages of the same family,

in points even where Sanscrit presents no parallel.

On the other hand. Professor Rask, Mr. Norris, and more recently

Dr. Caldwell, have shewn that the original language of the nomadic

tribes from whom the races of South India have sprung was probably

what they term " Scythian," that is, a member of that group of tongues

in which are included the "Finnish, Turkish, Mongolian, and Tungusian



4. Grammars of the Tamil may be divided into two classes: those

composed by Native scholars, and those written by Europeans to facili-

tate the acquisition of the languages by foreigners.

(1.) In the first class it is only necessary to mention the following:

(a.) Agastycis Sutrams. It seems very doubtful whether the book

which now goes under the name of Quir ^s^^luld is really an ancient

composition. As a whole this woi-k is not extant, but fragments of

it have been published.

(b.) The Tolcappiam, written by ^nsmsr^LDir&QstB of the town of

Q^ireosirui^Lua^L^, south of Madura. A part of this is in print.

(c.) The Q^iTGsr^^nTeo ( QfiiT<so= ancient, m'^= scientific treatise^, com-

piled by the learned Jesuit R. J. C. Beschius. This is a very compre-

hensive work; but its author imitates the Native writers not in their

excellencies only. It can hardly be considered an original work;

though the chapters on Composition and Prosody are more so than the

former part.

(d.) The fB<Bir_^iirSo (mSo=good, ^irio), composed by Pavananti of the

town of F'zsrems. Of this very able work many editions have been pub-

lished, and a copious commentary has been added by s^im^n fBLoJ^SeurrujiT

of Tinevely. The whole of the Nan-iuil with a plain prose Commentary,

Vocabulary, and Summaries in English, has been published as the

Second part of my Third Grammar. I would recommend the learner,

who may wish to carry his studies beyond the present woi'k, to read

over this Third Grammar, as introductory to the Nanniil. I venture

to hope that he will find that after mastering that work, the writings

of the Tamil Grammarians will present scarcely any difiiculties.

(2.) Ccf-J The earliest Grammars published by Europeans were those

of the Rev. Father Beschius, of which there are two, one of the com-

mon dialect (QsirQi^LSi^) and the other of the poetical (Qs^i^iBip).

They were written in Latin.

A translation of the common Tamil Grammar was published by

Mr. Horst, and subsequently with corrections by the Rev. Mr. Malion.

It has been superseded in a great measure by later publications, yet

is deserving of an attentive perusal by every Tamil student.

The Shen Tamil Grammar was translated and published by Mr.

Babington. This is an exceedingly correct and scholarlike edition

of a most masterly work.


(b.) The early Missionaries of Tranquebar are said to have published

a Tamil Grammar; but 1 have not been able to meet with any account

of it.

(c.) A Grammar was published in Europe by Mr. Anderson of the

Madras Civil Service. This is an able work, but its usefulness is

lessened by its strict imitation of the native grammars.

(d.) The next work was by the late Rev. C. T. E. Rhenius of

Palamcottah. This is a very clear and useful work, and was founded

upon that of Beschius. It has gone through three editions, and

though not a philosophical grammar, is a plain, useful manual.

The Syntax is deficient, and the examples were mostly made for

the grammar, and not taken from standard Tamil authors.

(e.) Dr. Graul, a director of the Leipsic Lutheran Mission, has very

recently published a small manual, which, while it contains nothing

new, is an elegant and scholarlike compendium.

It is to be regretted that the author should have allowed himself

to speak as though he had been the first to " introduce Tamil into the

sphere of European studies."

(f.) Since the publication of the 1st edition of this work a Compar-

ative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages has been published by the

Rev. Dr. Caldwell, which thi-ows great light upon every part of the

subject. No real student of the language should be without it.

5. The native Tamil Literature, though greatly inferior in extent and

intrinsic value to the Sanscrit, contains many works which will amply

repay the careful student. The names of a few of these, in the order

of their difficulty, I subjoin.

(1.) The writings of Auvei (Lesson 97).

When the student is able to read with ease plain prose Tamil he will

find the little works of this far-famed poetess the best introduction to

the study of the poetical Tamil. They consist of,

a. The Atti-sudi (^^^(^i^),b. The Kondrei-veynthan ( Q.siT(Ssr<s<np Ceul/i^idr), and

c. The Mudurei ( Qp^emir).

The two former of these consist of Ethical and Miscellaneous maxims,

arranged in alphabetical order. The last work is not altogether a

genuine production of the authoress; but the greater number of the

verses are of considerable antiquity and of undeniable merit.


(2.) The KuRal of Tiruvalluvar.

This work was intended by its author to be a compendium of all

wisdom, and to stand in the place of the Vedas to the Tamil people.

It is divided into three parts, viz:

a. ^p^giuu IT eo, the division ( ufT&) ) which treats of ViKTVE (^i/dld, 131. d_).

This contains 38 chapters of 10 stanzas each, which are divided into,

(a.) Introduction, 1-4.

(b.) Domestic virtue, 5-24.

(c.) Ascetic virtue, 25-37.

(d.) Destiny, 38.

b. QuiTQ^LLuirSo, the division which treats of WEALTH, ( Qun-(msir, 131

App. xi. (iii.)

In this are included 70 chapters, which are thus classified:

(a.) The functions of Royalty, 39—63.

(b.) The necessary adjuncts of Royalty, 64-95.

(c.) Miscellaneous, 96-108.

The third part treats of se7isual pleasure and much of it is not fit to be read.

(3.) The Raymajanam of Kamban.

Nothing can exceed the sweetness and harmony of the versification

of this real poet.

The first portion or uirso^mskri—i}) (the canto which relates to the youth

of Rama, the hero; Sans, bala, a youth, kandam, a chapter), is deserv-

ing of careful study.

(4.) The Naladi-nanntiRU (tztreo, four, ^i^, line, rBrr^^ss,four hundred

(172)= the four hundred quatrains).

This work consists of 40 chapters on the same subjects as the KuRal.

It seems to be a collection of verses by various Jain authors, and is of

undoubted antiquity. The Tamil is pure, and many of the verses are

of singular beauty.

(5.) The Nai-shad'ham, a poetical version, by king Ativirarama-

pandiyan, of the History of Nala. Of this work it is proverbially

said, "the Naishad'ham is the nectar of poets."

(6.) The Sivaga Chintamani, an Epic grounded on the history of

king Sivagan. This is a difficult work, but without doubt the finest

Tamil composition extant.

(7.) The Tembavani (Q^lduit, unfading, .^gysssfl, a garland) of Beschi

must not be omitted in this enumeration.


This woi'k contains a kind of" summary of the Bible, mingled with

le^-ends. It is a close imitation of the Chintamani, from which much

of its poetical diction, and most of its figures are bori'owed. Some

verses are brilliantly poetical.

There are many prose works in Tamil, which are translations or

adaj)tations from the Sanscrit. All of these are, more or less, unsafe

models of style, being full of foreign idioms and pedantic expressions.

The following are much read, and will be useful to the discriminating


(1.) The s^mix^s^ffl ( s^rr =fahlc, LD(^^rff cluster J.

(2.) The SfSrr&iB^irLoeixfl (S. Chintamani, a gem supposed to yield wliat-

ever its possessors wish for ).

(3.) The u^s'jSSih^ns.sen^, (U(S^^, five, ^i^ins), victhod of acting),

grounded upon the Sanscrit Hitopadesa.

6. There is a large and rapidly increasing translated literature in

Tamil. These works had better be studied sparingly by the learner,

until his progress in the language shall enable him to detect unidiomatic

forms and expressions.


§ II,

[The following pages are intended to assist the student who reads with a native teacher.

Throughout tlie work all matter included in brackets, or printed in small type, should be left

by the learner to the second or third perusal.]

I, The Tamil letters (sr-^^-gi) are 30 in number. Of these 12 are

vowels, and 18 consonants.

^^ [The characters by which these are represented are evidently

derived from the Grantham, which is itself derived from the earlier forms

of the Devanagari.]

H, The vowels are:

1. Short, ((Q-jSieo.)


m. The consonants as arranged by the Tamilians are,




















Class, (g)


^p° [The more advanced student will find it useful to study the

following arrangement of the consonants. (Comp. Pope's III Grammar,68—70.)]

In Tamil the consonants are divided into

- f 6VS\)sQ(SSrLCi,'\ ^ . . , ^ ,. , . , ,

,< „ , ) \isij&3 = strons, wssTLD — class], wntcn includes\ Strong class, J

'" ^ ^' -^

S, 3^, L-, S, U, P [<S^/_^i-//D].

1^* One of these cannot end a word.

•K, < „ . . > IOldso = soft], which includes^ \ Soft class, J'- -'

fBJ, (^, <oSSr, f5, LB, <oST [ m^sjiSjuir/EiDSJr ]


Here each letter is the corresponding nasal to the one above.

^^ Of these (jj, i, il> only are initial. All except iei may be final.

3. / <5^.. , , / r]S)e»i- = middlel, which includes

\ Middle class, J^^' -

lU , IT, (5\). Si/, Lp, SiT [ iL/jiSVifflJtpsfr].

3:^ [0/ these ii and w only are initial: all are final.'\



(c.J <5, ^, u, are pronounced hard in the beginning of a word, whenthey are mute, and when they are doubled; but soft in all other cases.

These letters are surd at the beginning of a word, and when doubled; butsonant when they occur singly, in the middle of a word.

seisr (kan), an eye.

ij<s-«ii) (pak-kam), aside. LDsdr (ma-ghan), a mm (as in German Tag).

^-euih (ta-vam), penance. ld^ld (ma-tham), a sect (th in this).

a^^-jSiii (sat-tam), a sound. ^uld (ta-bham), penance (another form of

^suim). g:^ Almost like h, a slight aspiration,

u-emsrij} (pa-nam), money.

^u-ULh (ap-pam), bread, rice-cake.

\_Compwre the Hebrew use of the Dagesh. Nordheimer, §26..]

(d.) <3^'3' = ch in church

^3=-'3=LiD ( a-cham ), yVar.

(<? ajter lL or ^ = ck).

^iL.-® (M-chi), possession.

Qp-ujp-& (mu-yaR-chi), effort.

^tQ-3i {a,Ti-}u), fear thou; five.

(e.) The first five classes (iii.) consist of a guttural (i), a palatal (al-

most a dental) ( '^), a cerebral ( l-), a dental (^ ), and a labial ( u) Eachof these has its nasal ( la, (q, ekr, i, ld), by which it is accompanied: ^iej-

(?<£, there, uie^-s^, cotton, aeh-i—rrdr, he saw. ^i-fi, this, ^ld-l^, anarrow.

(f.) There are three r sounds.

IT (as nearly as dental as may be): Bring the tip of the tongue to the inser-

tion of the upper teeth, and pronounce a gentle r \_iMinJ:), tiosv/f].

p (palatal): .Apply the tip of the tongue to the ridge of the palate, and pro-

nounce a rough r [ ld^ld, u/rgii'\.

Lp (cerebral): Apply the tip of the tongue, as far back as you can, to the

palate, and pronounce a rough r, in which a z sound will mingle. In the

South, unable to articulate this letter, they use a strong 1 ( 'Sit) instead. Inthe North in the same toay they use lu for up. (Cora. 123.)

3^ These are never initial. The n and ip are never doubled.

(g.) There are three n sounds ih, gar, (sm.

fB (dental): Bring the tip of the tongue to the lower edge of the upper teeth

and pronounce a soft n [/F<sii), <ss}i^tTm'\.

63r (palatal): Apply the tip of the tongiie to the ridge of the palate andpronounce a distinct n \_LD3sru:>, usodr].

<oS3T (cerebral): Turn the tip of the tongue, as far back as you can andpronounce a strong n \_LDem'Lh, ^nsisr'\.

%^ IS seldom (or never) filial, m and em never initial.


(h.) There are three t sounds.

S (dental): Tongue to the lower edge of the upper teeth \_^iTm, Qp^^Lo'].

P P (palatal): Tongue to the ridge of the palate l.QPPpi^']-

I I (cerebral): Tongue curled round as far back as possible \_^L-L—iJa~\.

3^ ^ is never final.

[^ single, in the middle of a word, is sounded like th in this, not like th in

thin, and not like d which is a very common mistake.']

(i.) There are two / sounds.

so (palatal): Tongue to the ridge of the palate and pronounce a soft 1 [«a)].

&ir (cerebral): Tongue curled round as far back as possible [«is»r.


8g° These are never properly initial.

CjO ^/^ is pronounced, tidr, i. e., a d sound is introduced for the sake

of euphony. er^-(rr^esr (en-dran), he said.

^^ If the consonants be arranged according to the place where they

are pronounced, we shall have,

«, El, ['ij], guttural.

^, m, [ff'], dental.

lL, essr, ip, en , cerebral. • {Cacuminals, Unguals.']

u, LD, eu, labial.

eo, p, dr, palatal.

<F, (^, I should call, palatal-dental.

IV, When a vowel follows a consonant it is attached to that conso-

nant, and forms with it what in Tamil is called a Vowel-consonant

l^uSirQLDiu = a living body].

(a.) Remove the sign (" or •) and ^ is inherent in the consonant, « ka,

<F sa, ^ ta, &c. (As in Hebrew, Sanscrit, &c.)

(b.) ^, when it follows a consonant, is changed into /r or ^^ (^ +c?= -&,)•

(These two forms are the same really. The intermediate form is found in

Malay41am, &c.) <s/r ki, <«/r s&, ^tr it, &c. The latter form is only used in

these three cases:

cszir + .^ = (COT).

«^ -t- "iJ = ©•P + ^ - cr-

(c.) When ^ is added to a consonant, only the ^ is joined to the upperpart of the consonant.

s + ^ = Q.

^ + S) = ^iL + ^ = Lf.. (Here there is a slight variation.)

* But compare Max Miiller's note to "Proposal for a Miss. Alph." p. sxzix.


(d.) e_ is changed in q joined to the under part of the consonant,

or ; singly added, or with a loop ^.

^'f The changes in the consonants are only

^ 1 such as are necessary.

em + 2- = ^\.u) + S- = (ip, &c. See the table.

(e.) s^ is the preceding, with an additional stroke or loop.

s + est = <»>. (irregular).

^ + est = (g.

il + eat =:^ ®.

eiar + ear — ^a, &c.

(f.) <oT and <5J are changed into o and <? respectively, and prefixed to

the consonant.

\_They were formerly joined, thus: <s + er = S"<b, and there was no difference in

form between the long and the short. The same may be said of e^ and ^.]

d + er — 0«; <s + er = Q<s.

(g.) ^ becomes <oSi and precedes the consonant.

\_This also was formerly joined, thus: tp + S — enLp."]

i + s — ems, a hand. To all those letters which begin with a loop it is still

joined; thus: Sbsr, &c.

(h.) g&,|& become 0-t and <?-/r respectively. The consonant standing


ffi + eg = 0«/r Win old alphabets, Qsir is '•x'^ and Qsit is ^^ . Compare

« + sp = Qsrr J the English k). •

(i.) ^srr become o-®rr.-

d + (S^etr = 0<5Sfl". (These combinations are rarely used.)

( j.) The number of these vowel-consonants is 18 X 12 = 216.

These are shewn in the following table:





(k.) In pronouncing the letters in Tamil schools, they lengthen a short

vowel and added na; thus:

<s is pronounced ka-na.

© si-na.

To a long vowel they add vena or yena; v, or y being inserted

for euphony.SIT is pronounced kd-vena.

eas kei-yena, &c.

^^ The sooner this is got rid of the better. Children should be taught to

pronounce, ka, kd, &(c.

(I.) But in Sanscrit, suld is added to a short letter, and sirato to a long

one; and this is sometimes used in Tamil.

^ is then a-garam.

^ d-garam.

s ka-garam.

SIT kd-gdram, &c.

V. (a.) If the consonants be properly pronounced the vowels preceding

some of them will be necessarily modified, in a manner analogous to the

German " umlaut."


(to be read with a native.)

^sum he, aven (not avan).

^-su/f he (politely) pronounced aver (not avar).

cS'-O • (viidu).

Oi_«OT — (pon)-

(ffi.i_i£), a place. i3-pm, a neighbour. Q(su-^, an opportunity.

Q^&T, a scorpion. Q3=-UJ&), a doing. Qea-^, another.

Qlq, under. Qu-jpi, an acquisition. aO-®, leave.

^^ The learner must take care only to vary the sound of the vowel,

just so much as is necessary to the proper pronunciation of the following


r^JU before the final m, essr, fr, ip, eo or &r of all but monosyllables takes the

sound of er. Camp. Bopp''s Covip. Gram. 6. In the words ^ffsm® two and ^ff^

^Qsrih, a diamond, the^ of the vowel consonants n is pronounced very short, and

Vulgarly as er. So also in other S. words; as si^sii) sulphur].

(b.) Initial @, ^, (chiefly when followed by a cerebral or palatal),

OT, er, are often pronounced as if preceded by lii, as in English initial m,

is often sounded yu, as in Union.

er<sc-&)iTLD, all. ^-sstui, kindred.

&-(B, an equivalent. ^-eartli, a vessel, dish,

er-^, which. er-evcsT, which man?

^° This Y sound is sometimes written both in Tamil and in its kindred dialects.

__ ^—


(c.) ^ seldom has its full sound except in the first syllable of a word.

In other cases it is often sounded ei/, only difiering from er, in the slight

?/ sound in which it ends.

ems, a hand, and u-QFid-ests, a pebble.

ea>u, a bag, ^-eu-ikr, him. f .tt -i.• ^ \

. ,^

. > (Here it is eT+@.)etoLD, ink, <3^-eisu, a congregation. I

Compare from your teacher's lips the different sounds of

> (Here it is


icissn, put! QLD-em<3^, a table.

In the middle of a word it is often sounded almost like ^.- ^-^-su-QfiW,

all. The rule given in the Nannul is that s has its full quantity only

when it is used to express itsoion name. [Comp. Ill Grammar 15. (I.)]

[In Telugu, and Malayalam u is used often where Tamil uses s; and or

answers to it often in Canarese. Thus:

Tel. VELA = sfl^, price.

Mai. AVA = ^^siEii, those things.

Can. HALAGE = Ljs«s»<s, a board.']

(d.) 2- final, is always pronounced very slightly, and by the commonpeople is often turned into J). It is almost always added to facilitate

the enunciation of the final consonant.

[The Telugu and Canarese also use s- in a similar manner.]

LDiT® an animal of the genus Bos = almost to lditlL. u-tf«-@, in order to,

is pronounced u-Lp.d-Q. Vulgarly initial £_ is sometimes pronounced as ep:

thus S-sJr, thy, becomes epsk. s^i—Qssr = (saL—Qesr, immediately.

(e.) G^srr is often written ^©^ or ^<sii. Thus QiDeirmii, silence is

written tDaj-snnb. This letter does not really belong to the language,

and was introduced, apparently, under Sanscrit influences.

egair-e»ei;, a certain poetess = ^eu-eaeii.

(f.) Commonly, ^ and ^ before « are sometimes pronounced as

if followed by i^.-

^&@, having made, becomes ^iLsQ.GfEfTsQ, having locked at, is pronounced as if written QtEfriLdQ.

uirdQiuih, bliss, becomes uitiLisQiuld.

VI. A letter called ilytham, and written thus: oo or <ffi>i,(=the Greek x),

is used in poetry only.

- _ _


irii. From the old Grantham alphabet are borrowed the following


al^ SH,

(Cerebral; generally lL)

(generally -^ or iL)

eru s,

the English s,

<si^ ksh,

With these the vowels may be joined.

Qfi-SsR-6i^y a teacher. eh-^iff^ a woman.

. .' > loss. "^

. ' y an elephant.

^-D^ =: ffiT^ [s. J^ti] race.

Gin) H,

(generally «)

8 m,(sometimes in the end of

a word in MSS).




QiDmL-s^ix), \ ,^ . ' > heaven.

VIII. The following abbreviations and sis^ns are in use:



m-SLD, 1. , r T «U T

. > a metal, [s. Lonam.J

IX. The following lists given for the sake of practice contain none

but useful, ordinary words. It will be well to commit them to memory.The pronunciation must be practised with a competent teacher. Thenotes may be useful to the student hereafter.

(I.) Words containing •i.

s. m-sua, a finger nail, ^-sld, a yoke. ©«-(g, an cntanglevie7it.

s. rErr-su3, a large snake. @-(cm-S>i, a well. Q^m-ffj, Christ.

Qsirdso, murder. s. Qe^ir-sih, the world, [s. Loka.]

Qsireo, a stick, s. (?ew/r-<

s. Qair-iS0Lh,pomp. Qearr-pjni

(^-eirih, a tank. s^-efru), chaff, stalks, ^c.

a. s represents the Sanscrit k, k'ha, g, g'ha and h, and is consequently surd

or sonant according to its position. The Greek y, x, X-

b. d is often doubled when it follows a vowel. It is never transmuted or


c. The use of s for the Sanscrit h arises from the fact that the Tamil

possesses no aspirate whatsoever.

d. The sound of d in the middle of words is very soft like the final g in

some German words.

(II.) Words with iej.

^im-sii, pure gold. eriii-Qa, where? se/-«»<s, the Ganges.

3=fEj-sui, an assembly. Qm-aih, a lion. afnij-etas, heat.

a. IEJ never occurs in the beginning or end of a word.

b. LD followed by a becomes im (com. iii. e.)

(III.) Words containing saor, ssr or is.

^-em, a male. .Jij-^S, an atom. .jijessr-t—LD, a world,

.^-esm, an ornament, ^i-eto^, an owl, ^ii-^i}>, an end.

.^-esS, a nail. GT-<sei^, a ladder. ^ek-ssrih, food, boiled rice,

.jij-asssr, a dam. eiT-snr, why. .jtii-s. that.

.M-^sssr, an oath. 6ji-gi, lift in the arms, ^essr-ent—, near.

-tsi-^LD, \ ,,. @eir-£lij to day.! > blis

a. (3sr and eszir are never found in the beginning of a word.

b. li not found at the end of a word, or of a syllable, unless followed by^.

c. /E and ear are interchanged occasionally. In poetry m after dr often dis-


d. LD before ^ becomes i (com. iii. e).

e. car is sometimes changed into p before a hard letter, (so suffers the same


/. (SOT sometimes becomes lL before a hard letter.


(IV.) Words with ©.^(c^-s^, {\u\g.) five. u^-s^, cotton.

S(qS, rice water. LD(^-s=efr, saffron.

tQrr-u-su), memory, memorial.

(QfT-asTLD, wisdom.

iQ!r-uSi-g)i, the sun, Sunday.

a. is never found at the end of a word.

b. It is, in high Tamil, used for m, and vice versS.

c. When ld comes before ^ it may be changed into ^ (com. iii. e).

d. In common Tamil ih^ are often changed into 0«. For sirdj/E^ss, it has

grown hot, is used &iTiL(Si^si-gj.

(V.) Words with ^^, pp (tt).


death (personified).

an assembly


a dance.


hook it



change it!


a fault (obj. case).

an assembly (obj. case)


(Qp-pi£)-^p-p, faultless.

', "^. > a book.

LjelU-^SLD, J





<S>_l1 -i—^ -6ro^

a. l-lL is often written for ei^ lL in Sanscrit words.

b. ^^ is often written for w^ in Sanscrit words.





'-SIT, )

-sir, 5

he preserved.

having learned.




a creator.

(VI.) Words with ^, lL (t and d), \_th as in the English there.

Not d, unless in Sanscrit words~\.

C^-a/csr, a god (Sanscrit d).

Q^<ssr, honey.

uir-^LD, afoot.

uiT-L—LD, a lesson.

LDfT-®, an animal of the genus Bos.

Lorr-^, a wo7nan.

/hn-iL-i—m, eager pursuit.

a. ^ becomes lL occasionally when it follows a cerebral.

b. It becomes p sometimes after a palatal.

c. ^ represents Sanscrit t, t'h, d, d'h.

d. lL represents Sanscrit t, t'h, d, d'h.




a. <F represents the Sanscrit ch, ch'h, j, j^h, s, sh.

b. The Sanscrit s is sometimes represented by ^ and lu,

c. The Tamil possesses no sibilants purely such; but in common use

<F = s. The vulgar constantly pronounce O^uJ chcy.

(VIII.) Words with u, di, ld (labials).

)Qsr-ULD, pleasure.

jeir-uu), affliction.










XII. Sanscrit words in Tamil.

s. i^3&^-ldl1i, "17 •, s. ulL-Q,^ -SFii-Q^rr-ei^Ll), joy.

CSkL-s^-LDLD, I ,, u-SmQ, > « bird. e=i-Qsrr-ei^s-S!rizk, he• /» • f- refinement. • >-, I • • j


ua-w, J rejoiced.



iSmm, "J . ^JT6^/r, I all forms of• • f • » n / CCrtUlHtU. , t ^ ._ ^ .

i—-<9^LD, ^> o 5ic((7. mi'SFLD, J .jijffs=stsT , ^- b. Kajaii, a

60/ruLD, ^ ., CeoiTsii, "^

^e^n-uii), J' S-QeonsLD, ! forms of S. Loka,

), I ., £_S«cELD, f. > silence.

TLD, J e_a)@, J

•^QSTLD, I ., £_sOcELD, [ world.

s. QiDeirssTLD,



[1. In the first few lessons letters which are inserted for the sake of euphony are put in brackets,

2. None but common, useful words are used.

3. The exercises should in all cases be written and then committed to memory, after being cor-rected, if possible, by a native teacher. Let the learner frame more exercises for himself.

4. The figures in brackets refer to preceding paragraphs.

5. Every word in each Vocabulary should be looked out in the general vocabulary at the end,

and the Synonymes carefully learnt.

6. A key to the exercises is subjoined. This should be used with judgment.]

Lesson 1.

1. Vocabulary. (To be committed to memory.)

SBT, a man. (^uoaffsk, a son. Q^siisir, a god. asm&<sm, an account-

ant, from s<S2i3r<i@, an account, euird^adsr, a vicrchant. ^suear, he. &Qh, one,

a or an. ^-Ld, and.

semrQi—eir, I saiv. eu/F^rrdr, he came. Q^u^frek, he did. uessres^lfmm, he

made. Q^fnLL—irsk, he touched. (These are irregular past tenses. Comp.


2. Nouns in ejr are generally masculine. Names of irrational animals

and things without life are neuter.

3. The sign of the accusative (or second case), is the vowel s, whichis added to nouns in dr thus: Loesfl^eir + ^ = ldsS^^. (^Lcuraar + s = @Lon-rr'hsr. This case follows the verb in English, but conies immediately

before it in Tamil, thus: Eurrd^sSssr [<s] a<5mQi—dr, I saiv the merchant.

[App. xi.]

4. After the sign of the second case any one of the letters <s, <5^, ^ or

u MUST always be doubled, thus: =gysK^ [^] Q^inLi^irdr, he touched him.

5. The pronoun is often omitted in Tamil where the English requires

it, thus: ffl/zE^/rsBT, he came (not jijeum su/e^/tgw).

6. The verb "to be" is often omitted in Tamil, ^eum Q^eudr, he [is]

a God.

7. When two words would be joined in English by putting "and"between them, 2_/-o must in Tamil be added to both, thus: asmds^wsuiT^^s^LD, an accoimtant and a merchant.




A single ^LD would signify "even," "also," "both" according to the

context, thus: (^LDirri^u) eum^trm, the son also came, or even the son


8. The Tamil has no article, but 9(5 [172] which means "one''' maysometimes be used for "a" or "an." There is no Tamil equivalent for


Exercise 1.

(To be rendered into English.)

9. (a.)

(To be rendered into Tamil.)

(i.) The accountant did. Tiie merchant made. A god and a man.

He touched the man. I saw the man. He [is] a merchant. The manand the merchant. A man and a merchant. The accountant also came.

Even the son touched him. He did. He made.


NoM. or

::}1st case


Ace. or\^

2d case, JSing.

NoM. Plu.

Ace. Plu.

fEirear, I.

ersJr^sr, me.

Lesson 2,

[Comp. App. xii.]

li, thou. ^euesT, he.

liiT, you.

^-d!r%isT,fhee.^ ^isadssr, him.

&-Lbss>LD, you. (regular, com-


pare 3.)

^euetr, she.

^a/Sstr, her.

(regular 3.)

^es)^, it.

miTLD, lErriijseir, we.


rilEJi you.

s^iEjsSsff, you.

msuiTs^, they.

(m. or f.)


(m. or f.)

^(oe^enseir, they.


m^isiOja'SoT, them.


11. (a.) As in most languages so in Tamil the pronouns are irregu-

lar ; those of the 3d person however present the fewest anomalies.

[b.) iiT is what is called an honorific, or polite form, and is used as

the English "you." [The plurals of all the pronouns maybe used in

this way for the singular.]

(c.) The difference between /s/r/i) and mtrijasir is, that ihirii) includes

those %oho are spoken to, minki&ik excludes them. The only exception to

this is when a superior speaks of himself honorifically in the plural.

Thus kings say " ?Fe." In this case /B/rii does not include those spoken to,



[mn-ii may thus be considered as a dual form. The language affords no

other traces of the dual, in this agreeing with both the Pali and the


12. Adjectives (or the words which are so used), are undeclined, and

set BEFORE the nouns they qualify, as in English. [Comp. Less. 43.]

13. VocAB.

^iTLU, a mother. Q^tu, do (the root, and also the imperative).

LDffLD, a tree, miruj, a dog. LDsm, a son. lds&t, a daughter, meceo, good. Qsi—

I—, bad. QuiB'Jj, great. Qekesr, little. Ljgi or t-j^iiJ, new. ueatpiv, old. emu

turn, a boy. a^^uiSiL^L—iTiasr, he called, esisu^^ium', a physician.

^^ He saw me, (ordr^ld] aemi—irm (me [he] saw).

Exercise 2.

14- (a.) QuifliJj inssfl^m. sjSiJ&r m&)&) ^niL. QslLl- ihiriL. Qmesr

LDS&r. fB&)&) (5tDUUj'2i3sr [«] seanrQi—esT' Quifliu (Sun^^sSsr suk^neisr.

UQSLpiu LDSTLD' ^STO^ [^j Q-SFUJ. (oTisj ,%'^srr [^] Q^nL-i—iTGsr. [§ Qasrssr [u]

(smuiudw. i§iT QuiHiu euiT^^sek, 'STesr'^ssTiijLD., a-gsrStesru^ti), ^<Sij'2esriLjth

3?^ljl9lLl^itiost. [iLi Inscrtcd to prevent hiatus. Comp. App. xi. ]

(b.) A little dog. A new accountant. A great God. A good daughter.

She [is] a little daughter. He [is] a big boy. The little boy touched

the mother. He called the great merchant. The new physician called

them. He saw a boy and a little dog. Do that. He touched us and

them. He called me and thee.

Lesson 3.

THE VERB. (afl&6^ o^/rsb = action-ivord.) [in Gram. 75—81.]

15. There are some things relating to the conjugation of the Tamil

verbs that, at first sight, appear difficult; but, in reality, the whole system

is very easy, and when once mastered will be seen to be exceedingly


(a.) Tamil verbs have only three tenses; viz., present, past and future.

(b.) These forms when analysed are found to consist of the verbal root,

(u(Q^), the middle particle denoting time (^es^i- Sl3so), and the termina-

tions which distinguish person and number f fifl@pj, thus:

uL^sQQptk, is the 1st person singular present tense, I read.

ui^^Q^m , is the 1st person singular past tense, / read.

uif-uQum, is the 1st person singular future tense, / will read.

These three forms have the same root utf., signifying, "read" or

"learn." They have also the same termination ejdr, signifying, "/," the

sign of the 1st person singular. They differ only in the middle particle,

which being added to the root, distinguishes the tense or time.

4 ' 25


(c.) The middle particle, or sign of the present is 8s>i or dQ^u.

(d.) The middle particle, or sign of the past is ^ or ^^ or li^ or ^sar.

(e.) The middle particle, or sign of the future is uu or en.

In conjugating any verb, then, the learner must ascertain, first the

ROOT, and secondly, the particular middle particle which it receives.

(f.) As a general rule verbs whicli are transitive in their signiJicatio7i

take dQgii in the present, ^^ in the past, and uu in the future, tvhile

other verbs take Sign in the present, li^ in the past and qj in thefuture,

thus. uL^, ^Hearn,'" being tx*ansitive, makes



Exercise 3.

17. (a-) uu^dQCc/Dek- QiMUJsQQpm'. QiDiLQQpm', ^L^QQpear.

<oi€sr'2i35T ^L^ULnresr. KeOiSO esiUtuesr LJL^ULjrT(Ssr- QloiLulksst fsnoatud

^^- ©ea7"(537" LDS(sr^Lh ^niqili.

(b.) He perishes. I destroy. I feed. The cow grazes. The shep-

lierd grazes. The accountant destroyed it. The little child reads. Thecow perishes. The little dog destroys it. The bad boy will destroy

them (neut.). He gave it. I will give.

Lesson 4.

[Comp. App. xii. and III Gram. 58, 70.]

18. The 2d case [3] of us^ (a cow), is ua-iss^w, of lduiI, (a tree), ldos,

<cB)^; of uiir® (a7l ox), LDirL-es)i—; of iSeirSsir (^a child), iSt^n'bstr^siUJ ; of ^^(a river), ^peis>p; of seo (a stone), seoSso,' and of <s/r^ (an ear), siTes>^.

(a.) us-msii, is nom. ua- + eu + s, (comp, 3). Why is the eu inser-

ted? When the vowels, ^, ^, 2_, eat, sr, gb, gp. <^eir, are folloived hy avowel, eu is inserted, for the sake of euphony {ej may take either lij or <a/).

[Comp. App. xi. II. (II.)]

(b.) i3eir3siTes)iu, is nom. SleirSsn + lu + S3. Why is itj inserted? Whenthe voivels, ^, ^ or s are followed by a voicel, lu is inserted for the sake

of euphony. [App. xi. II. (II.)]

(c.) inrrL-mi—, is nom. io/r© + s, the final s- of the noun being elided

and the ^1 doubled; thus: ldhC-, lditlLlL, LDmLeai— The rule is. when anynoun ends in ®, not preceded by one short syllable, (1) the lL is doubled,

(2) the 2- is elided, and (3) the termination of the case is added.

(d.) From ^s" is formed ^psm/o, in precisely the same way, substitut-


for L-.

(e.) LDir^tsis)^ is LDULD + S3, the m being changed into ^^, or, which is the

same thing : cast away ^ld, insert ^^s^, and add the termitiation of the


(f) sSdSsi), is nom. a&) + <s)) + s. The final cotrsonant of a short

tnonosyllable is doubled before a vowel. [App. xi. II. (I.)]

(g.) sfTemfi is nom. sit^ - 2_ + s. The final e_ of all tvords not

consisting of two short syllables, and not included in the above rules,

is elided before a vowel. [App. xi. IV. (I.)]


19. VocAB.— aS'®, a house, mrr®, a country, arr®, a jungle. ^SH. a

river. Q^a^gu, viud. ljov^sld or Lj^^sui, a book, ^auuasr, tS^tr, a father

[^^suuek is Tamil and iS^rr Sanscrit; the former is more familiar], eufresnh,

the heaven. U)t^> the earth. <5sis, a hand.

%^ He read a book (3). sb© Ljoo^^^ica^ [tj] uL^^^srrm-.

A book he read.

[Observe the order.]

Exercise 4.

20. (a.) I saw a house. He destroyed the country. I fed the cow.

I will give a book. I saw the mud. He called the good father. Thelittle boy learns the new book. He touched the dog. I did it. I sawthe heaven. It destroyed the jungle. The big boy saw the father and

mother. The physician gave a book.

^rr&sr. usi-(m<aii[i^ih eauaj'Siosriijili aioSsrQi—<ssr. i3^aissi<su [<s] s^ulSlL

Lesson 5.

DECLENSION. [_Qeii^£!imLn = a changing.]

21. The Tamil noun is said to have eight cases. These are,

(a.) The first, or nominative, which (in the singular) is the nounitself. [Less. 74.]

(b.) The second, accusative, or objective, which adds s to the nomi-

native. [But compare 18.] [Less. 75.]

[The added particles, signs of case, are called ^0t-/ = form.']

(c.) The third, or instrumental, which adds sg®, or ^<^, of which the

former means "together with," and the latter "by." This is in reality

two cases. [Less. 76.]

(d.) The fourth, or dative, which adds @ = to, or <s@, or 2_i@, to the

nom. [s- is inserted euphonically and d is doubled according to rule.

Comp. App. xi.] If <^« be also added it gives the meaning of "for."

[Less. 77.]

(e.) The fifth, or ablative of motion, which adds ^e^, ^i^QT)i^ or

Issr^ to the noun. [Less. 78.]

(f.) The sixth, genitive, or possessive case, which adds &-mi-iu or

)sBr to the nom. [Less. 79.]

___ __ _


(g.) The seventh, or local ablative, which adds ^&> or ^c-s:,fi<so to the

noun. [Less. 80.]

(h.) The eighth or vocative, which (1) adds er to the noun; or (2)

lengthens its last syllable; or (3) omits the final consonant, and lengthens

the remaining vowel.


[Comp. Append, xii.]


Case (1.) LoeS^dr, « man.

(2.) LDsS^Ssisr, a man ( + Sj.

(3.) LDsS\^<Q&>, by a man ( + .^^ j-

i^eofl^C^®, together with a man ( + ep(B ).

(4.) Loe^^MX^®' ^^ " ^*"" (*" ^^©J-

LDieJ^^^-ssfTS, for a man ( + £-<s@ + ^s )•

(5.) LDSofl^sssfla), Ln<o<^s;<5iM<^Qh)isi, LDsS^sS&^^gH, from a man ( + ^eo

or ^&) + §l(ir)i^.) [lit. being from], or ^ctj + Sesileir^ [a)

+ /5 = ear.] [lit. standing from.])

(6.) LDioi^,s^ieiai—iiJ or LDsS^eSeir, of a man, belonging to a man

( + S-<oe>i—iu or @dr).

(7.) Ui<siSif<sSi—^^&), ) wi//« a wiaw ( + _g)i_^^a) or ^'so). at a man,

iDsafl^ssfiia), ( in a man.

(8.) LLesrl^Qcsr, O man! ( + esr.^

[Notes 1. The Tamil noun has really but one declension.

2. The signs of the cases are the same for all nouns; and in the plural (29)

they are the same as in the singular.

3. The only difficulty in declining nouns which differ from the above para-

digm is in ascertaining the modifications, chiefly euphonic, which the nomina-

tive (casus rectus) undergoes in order to prepare it for the reception of the in-

flexional particles.

The inflexional base (casus obliquus) being ascertained there is no difficulty.

4. For this inflexional base in cases where it differs from the Nom. see 18.

5. It is often used itself for the genitive or 6th case. [Comp. 248.]

6. It is generally the inflexional base that is used when a noun is made the

first member of a compound. [Comp. 131.]

7. It is not the Etymological root in all cases.

8. It is not quite identical with the crude form in Sanscrit.

9. In nouns in ii, the lL is undoubtedly not radical, im and la; or a/ (which

are often interchangeable in Tamil and its kindred dialects), are used euphoni-

cally as terminations of nouns.

10. This final ld gives way to the stronger ^^ before the vowel of a suffix

(and in poetry sometimes before the consonant); before a consonant the nasal

is generally retained, but assumes the forms /s, (d^, li, before «, -3= and ^.

[App. xi.]]



22. Observe tliat ^^ is very often inserted between the noun and the

termination of the case. This is evidently for the sake of euphony, [^gydr

is sometimes used for ^air in poetry.]

23. 67 may be added to most of these terminations. Sometimes it is

emphatic, but /or the most part merely euphonic.

Exercise 5.

24. (a.) LD!j^^ts(^. (18. e.) ^nujssns- semssspiosii—iu Lorjih.

<siiiT^^S(5ufli—^^&}. ia2jiT^^sQ(SV)(Sl- fs fTlL i^eSIQ^i^ (IS. C-) iSl&r'Serr

Qiu ! (18. b-) iB&)60 GS)ULum- <sSlLis^6\) ui^^^n<5sr. sniLi^Qeo (23-J

saiLL^GO LDjT^(oia^ SJj^^^^''

(b.) He came with the child (Tarn, "with the child he came."

Always invert the order). He called the dog from the jungle.

The herdsman will feed the cow in the country. By the physician's

son. From the accountant's little child. He called me with the mother.

I saw him in the house. The physician perished in the country. Dothis for the little daughter. From the river. In heaven and earth. Bythe child.

Lesson 6.

25. Words of the greatest importance.

gtj' By combining the following words, attending to para. 6, a vast number

of useful sentences of two words may be formed, thus: ^eudr 6raQ&? where [25]


(a.) ^Eusar, he, that man, (ille.)

^sneir, he, this man, (hie.)

ersuajr, who, what vian ? {^qnis.)

(c.) ^si, that thing,

^Si, this thing.

er^, which thing.

( e.J* ^uuL^, so, in that way.

®jUUL^, thus, Ml this way.

STUULf., how, in what way?

( b.) ^Guar, she, that wovian, (ilia.)

^<sn<sir, she, this woman, (hcec.)

ereusjr, who, which wovian, (^quse.)

(d.)^ikiQs, <Aere (illie.)

^isjQs, here, [vulg. ^©G-s^-]

(oTimQs, where?

(f.) ^i^, i/za^ (demonstrative ad-

jective pronoun).

^iB^, this.

erii^, which ?

' Often pronounced by the common people si^ui^.



( g.)* ^uQuiT(igsi (com. ^uQuirgi, or

^uQuir), then.

^uQutTODgj (com. ^uQurr^, or

^uQurr), now.

srLjQiu!T(L£^ (com. stuQuitsj, or

stuQuit), when ?

(h.) ^s^eS®, that house.

^isuisS®, this house.

ereueS®, which house?

(a, b, c.) ear is the masculine termination, err the feminine, and ^ theneuter. These are declined like LoeS^dr. Those in ^ elide the final s-.

(a-k.) Initial =sy, ^, er are used respectively to point out things dis-

tant, things near, and to ask a question. Compare the English, thAt, this,

xohat. [^ is used in poetry to point out things in the middle or behind.Ill Gram. 5.]

(h.) These three letters may be prefixed to any noun, in which case,

the initial letter of the noun is generally doubled.

Exercise 6.

26. (a.) ersum ssssri—nm? eiuQunQ^^ semu-nisijr^ (sriEjQa ssssr

STEiQs <s io3ars series) I— cu ^nijb? ^i^ Lcxssfl^ehr <5irkiQa? <oTLjul^ [5ml.

etai— ^t^^^nebr? ^iejQs Quifliu u« QldiuQ/d^. ereufir Q^frLLu.n(Ssr?

s^em^ [u] ui^^^nm. ^uQurr Q^tL. ^Q^iejQs? [<jy^ sriEjQs, 6.]

eriEjQ<ss aii^irdj? [This is an idiom, and is used for, What have you come

for ? What do you want ?\

(b.) How did he make it? Where [is] the merchant's son? Comenow. He saw her then. That [is] his house. He did so. Thus heperished with his son. When will he learn? He will learn now. Thegood shepherd will feed the sheep now. Which is his new house?Where is it? Who is he? Who is she? Which is that?

Lesson 7.


[Some useful Imperatives.]

27. (Si;(r, come. Quit, go. Qsrrem®€iiir (pronounced always Oairemi—ir).

^rm^r (lit. "taking come"). QaiTism®Qu[r, take away, er®, lift up. i@<scsil,

stand, stop (neut.) Sffii^gi, stop (active). G«err, hear. Qs^tr&iSS, say, tell.

QsfT®, give, ^ir, give.

*QuirQfgi = areola




(a.) The root, or crude theme of the verb is the simple 2nd person

singular imperative.

(b.) By adding s-m (or th), this becomes the honorific, or polite imper-

ative, thus: erSliD, Qumh, Seo^ii, Qs(St^Lh, Q3=!r<so^LD, Osn'(BLD, tSgu^gjih, suit

QffU), come (irregular from root euir), ^tiQ^ih (irregular from root ^ir ), give.

(c.) By adding ssir to the above, or ^-iksSir (or ikissir), to the root, it be-

comes the plural, which is used as a still higher /<o7?or/^"c, thus: Qun-iaseir,

go ye. erQ/ijaerr, lift ye. &in-(if^ia<Bm, come ye. Qsi^tsjsSir, hear ye.

Qs^msdsniadSoir, say ye. Qsir®tsj-ssir, give ye. ^iTQffiij6s<s!ir^ bestow ye.

Exercise 7-

28. (a.) ^lEjQs Qurr. ^isiQs surr. enijQs QLDiLsQQrj'm'^ Ssar

iSsir'BofrioiaLU 67®. jijiejQs iSSo^. eSiLi^Qed iS&)^, tDrriLes)!— £i^^

^. siJiT^^s^sai—UJ [i£)«OT2/<5(5d5] (^LDfTrr^s(^d QsnQisjserr. [The

Tamil msm is more homely than the Sanscrit (^Lonnm.'] Q^shisst •stiej

(b.) Come to the house ( = come home). When did he do [it] ?

Where [is] the great ox? Go to the river. Lift it from the mud.Bring the little child here. Take the physician's cow there. Whom did

that man call. (Tarn, "that man whom he called"). He (^aitosr) is the

shepherd's son. That {^suasr) is the great physician's son.

Lesson 8.


[Com. Ill Gram. 69.]

29. (a.) The plural is formed by adding se»- to the singular. Thus:sff®, a house. i£®seir, houses.

83= [am is strictly the pluralising particle of the neuter, or rather of the


(b.) Masculine nouns ending in cjr mostly change ear into /r. Theyalso very generally, but no doubt improperly add s.sir also ; thus : LDsSi^dr,

a man, plural LDsS^irsm, or sometimes simply and more correctly LDis^^^a.

(c.) The cases of the plural are formed by adding the same termina-

tions as in the singular, thus : [Com. App. xii.]

g:^' [Observe here the difference between the Tamil and the Sanscrit and

Classical languages.]




There is a further division into five un&s (= imrt).

These are ["(!•) ^<sssruir&) [= male-parf]. This includes^


the singular masculine of rationals.[

J(II.) Ousmuire\) [= fcmalc-parf]. Singular


^ feminine of rationals. f


(III.) ueciTU!T&> [= many persons-part, 184]. I

1^ Plural epicene rationals. Jr (IV.) sadrpDGsr urreo [= of one thing-part.'] isggBr~~]


p3!\^ (spsm-^ek, a poetic form]. Singular mas- I


These belong

only to 2_

culine, feminine or neuter of irrationals.These belong

H. <! ,,7 '


',"/.,T > only to ^

j(V.) ususilisr uireo [= o/ many t/nngs-partj. o si^'

Plural masculine, feminine or neuter of irra-|

( tionals. J

Lesson 9.

31. The present tense of tlie simple verb. [Comp. App. xii.]

fa.) We have seen (Lesson 3) that there are tliree parts in any formof the present tense ; viz. the root, tlie middle jjarticlc denoting time, andthe personal termination. The following is a full list of tlie ordinaryterminations of tlie present tense.



33. [A nasal GJrmay be eupLonically inserted between the 8 and the ^thus : 8drsii and sQmgji, but this is ra.ther pedantic.

In high Tamil ^iSlssrsa is also (but very rai'ely) used as the temporal

particle of the present.]

34. A full paradigm of the ordinary form of the present tense of Q^a^ii

and uLQ.:


3. m.I



Q-s'luQQpm, I do.

UL^aQQnjeir, I learn.


Q'a=ujSQ(n/'LD, toe do.

uistdQQQrj'LD, we learn.

Qi<3=iuQ(yiu , thou docst.

ULQ.dS(T)/'iij, thou learncst.

UL^<iQ(rr^m, he learns.

uLf.d@0'ir, he learns, (polite- j ! u Lf.d8 (y it ,


ly-) uLf.aisslQr^fT'Seir,

they do.

they learn.

uL^sQQ^eir, she learns.

ULSLd8/D^, ) . ,

. J~. ) it learns.UL^:i8<5m'pGsr, they learn

(seldom used).

uuLs,Qpgi&<s<r (vulgar).

[Also ui^s8mQpssT, &c. uL^tuirSskQ/Dsir, &c. For the remainingpoetical forms, see App. xii. (xii.)]

35. In very common Tamil, ul^s(^^, and even uL^ii^gj, are used for

uL^&8pgj. It is necessary to understand these forms, but not to use them.

Exercise 9.

36. (a.) She does it. They leax-n the book in the house. (Tarn.

They—in the house—the book—read.) We feed sheep in the jungle.

We go to the house now. The mother brings the child to the goodmerchant's house. The child learns. She sews. The father walks.

We learn them. When does he learn this ? They are perishing.

Where are they peiishing ? He is going home. The child walks. Howdoes the child walk ? The boy reads the book [aloud]. They say so.

You [hon.] are coming here. Write that in this book. The cowsdrink in the river.

(b.) fB6\}&) esiuiuesrseir Ljeh>^as^<ss)^u ui^s8(7)^ns&r. ^uQurr sunQ.

Ljetvsss^sm^^ gjeiai—. <st:eiQs QufiQrSffsefr? Ccom. Qufr^irserr ?)

semrss€S)iiJD wit^^s^ud <^(Lg^Q(rrj>ns(3rr. (^LDfTrrsv)i<i(^d Qsrr®. ^su^emi—UJ (sS(B stiejQs ? ^eu&r L9m'2e(T<5S>uj [^] Qs nem®Qu frQ (ir^isfr . ^mJu

(ir^eff. euns^^s^il) sssstssssiild (^UjL<s8nfiTssrr. LcnQ'S'hsrr [^] Q^iLdQ



Lesson 10.

37. The personal pronouns. (See 10.)

(a.) The pronouns when declined take tlie same terminations as nouns,

but in the oblique cases they change the root, and are thus irregular in

Tamil, as in all other languages.

(h.) /E/rsJr I, takes <oT3sr as its root in all cases of the sing, except the

1st. In the plural it takes /n/rii for the 1st, and ibw or 67 lo for the others.

[ii) + i = lEia. App. xi. III. (1.)]

Paradigm of the 1st personal pronoun. [Comp. App. xii.]

Case. Singular.

I iBirssr,


^1by me.

together ivith



lEdLD or mir/a&eir,

ISLDiSSiLCt, sr/Kisc

iBLDLDireo, sr isj 3, <o(r IT <k



Exercise 10.

3S. (a.) GTiEissrr tSl^frQi^ ! (18, a-) eiear eS®. <o76srd(^d QsrrQ.

STSsrC^® SUIT. rsLhiSli—sj^eO. (sresrs^ismL^uj mniss ^tkiQs. (&) isreor

euBi—^^eO eurr. iBUDLoneO ^L^is^neir. ^suissr ^/szd^ ^uuu^ [s^] Qs^lu

firrek. (oTiskQ(SV)(S tSl&r'^serr (Bi—sQp^. [31. 6.] ^-eurspieat—uj Ljeh>

^s^<3S)^ [<?] &<5sr(osr [u] (siauiUGpidf^ [d] Qsn®. ^sar ^suu(osr sSlL

L^io ^(ms@(rrj'a. rELnQpeai—UJ u<3? <srTLLin.QsO QmiLSlp^. [Qldujllj^- 35.]

Cb.) Come to rae (Ttli case). Where is tlieir good bullock? My bullock

[is] here. He does this I'or us. Who does this for us? How does he do this

for us? A good cow in our house. They are destroying my new house.

How does he do it? I [am] a physician. This [is] my book. Read it

to me. Learn it with him. He is wiping my new book. They are

rubbing down your big bullocks. These are my little books. Whendoes our cow feed in tlie jungle? Where is my father? Wliich of us is

reading (aloud)? Which of you is learning? The little child [is] in the

house with them.

Lesson 11.

39. VocAB.

(ip€urlei£l, a munshi or native teacher, (Pevs.) um—il-, a lesson.

Q^fffiLjili, it is understood. sreB7-<s@^ Q^rftu^LD, I understand it (It is intelligible

to me). Q^iBujfrffi, it is not intelligible. (orsi!ra>(^^Q^fflujrr^, I don't understand

it [To rae, &e]. 2_#-<?^//?, pronounce, (pr. S-'3=£=if^<iQQpQsr past, ^--s^-a^rR^Q^m.

fut. ^-s^^iBuQum. [Com. 15.] Write out the whole of the present tense as

in 34.) .a^rHiuniu [_-3=!fl + ^iLiI, rightly. Q^LoesiLDUJiTaj [Q^p/ienu) + ^lu^,

correctly. Qi^&tliaUiTiu [O^srRa!/ +^;Zy], clearly.

Qeii<sik(SiLD, it is necessary/, one must.^

(vulg. Q<S]^)ild).I

Qeuessri—rTLD, it is iinnecessari/, one j^- Defective verbal forms.

must not, need not.\

(vulg. (?(aiy(etw)ii), or si;ff"(Sro)L9.) J

40. A noun may generally be converted into what may be called

an ADVERB by adding ^«J [or ^^e] to it. In English "ly" is added in

the same way, hut to an adjective. [Com. 136.]

41. To make a form answering to our infinitive mood in many re-

spects : when any verb has sQgii iti the present te?i.se change sSgu into -is;

and lohen it has Qsu; add ^, uj or su to the roof. Examples will be found

in Ex. 11.

Form for yourself the (so called) infinitive mood of all the verbs in the

preceding lessons.

^^ fVe mitst read,

fErrii) f^jfrSda Qeu<sm(BLh.

We—to read—it is necessary.



[This infinitive is in fact a verbal noun. The pronoun may be regarded as

forming with it a compound. Thus /eiild surr&ds = our reading; a word mayintervene; thus: mrru} Q^LixsmLD'uiTuj ev/rSds — our rightly reading.'}

Exercise 1 1


^lUUisf- [#] Q&^LULU QsuessTi—fTLD^ Qs^LDGSLDUJ fTiLi s^s^s^rflda QsuessrQuD-

^i^uuni—LD ST(oard(^^ Q^ffliLjih. ^<su^s(^ [^] Q^iflajfT^. ^uQurr(W^ sufT- (Lpesflex^ euq^Q (rrf> fr . <sufTesr^<5m^LLjm L^LSlemujiijil) ustsL—^^rrir.

[comp. 15. f.] LDfTiLiomL^ Sgu^^ Q<siJ6ssr®m. lEasbr eiuui^ S-4^s=ff)<ss

Qeyem^iJD? Qeiismi—nLD^ Qurr! ^auuQssr. ^ems; [i^] Qs^lulu Qsii€sst®ld.

^fjQuj ^uuis^ [<?] Qs=n&)60 Qsy&ssrL^rriM. ^.(ourd(^ gtuul^ [^] Q^tflu^LD?

[The terms Father and Mother are constantly used by Tamilians as signs of re-

spect and affection; a missionary is always called father, and his wife and female

children mothers.]

{b.) You must read rightly. Read rightly. You must pronounce

cleai'ly. Speak clearly. Do it rightly. You must do it rightly. Thelittle boy learns the lesson. He does not understand the lesson. (Tohim, &c.) This must be done. This must not be done, f^ssi^^ q<3=iLuj

[inf. mood.] QeuemQih.) How must I do this? When must they do

this ? He must rub down our bullocks now. The new Munshi is com-

ing now into the house. The physician understands it well. You must

go home. Don't read. Don't walk in the mud. The accountant does

not understand that account.


Lesson 12.

43. s-sBsr®, there is. ) ,. -, , i ^ x^ . 5 .7 . , } (irregular verbal forms).^<ix&o, there is not. )

' '

^eoeo, not, no.

^^^ ^EjQs LDjjrmsm 2_e33r®, there are trees here.

^imQs LDffijsm @j&)dso, there are no trees here.

^sasns&r LDjjiEjssfr ^&)(dO, those are not trees.

44. The difference between the two negatives, gjiso&o and ^&>€o, is that

the former denies the existence of any thing, while ^e^eo denies some-thing that is said concerning it. gi&idsi) denies the subject : trees are not

here, .^eoed denies the predicate: those (which are there) are not trees

(but something else).

[The same distinction obtains between ILLA and ALLA in Canarese

(McKerrell, p. 182); between KADU and LEDU in Telugu (see Brown's

Gram. p. 193), and between AYIN and LO or AL in Hebrew. (See Nord-

heimer's Gram. § 1062—1065.)]



Exercise 12.

45. (a-) shlLl^Qg^ LrurrEis^ir ^ssot®. ^pfSlQeO Q^^ s^em®. ^rnu

(h.) Tiiere is a good physician here. There is a cow in that jungle.

He is not a little child. Put that here. You must put (Qum-.) that

there. We must take this up (<5r(Bds). I must read with the munshi.

We must pronounce clearly. The little boy must come (ajsr) to myhouse. The mother must not walk (iei—ss) in the mud. She has

children ? There are cows there. Wliere [are] the cows ?


Lesson 13.


46. When we wish to ask a question we can generally do so by putting

^ or ^ at the end of an affirmative sentence.

EiiQFjQQrj^sst, he comes. ^ (siQf^QQr^t^? does he come?

\ (mi(ir)Q(rjQ(e^ ? but does he come ?

^ simply asks the question, gg often suggests that there is an alternative.

ii and en are inserted when necessary as in 18. «, b.

[A and are used in precisely the same way in Telugii; in Canarese

A and E are both used as the Tamil ^, and as the Tamil gg; alone is found

in Malayalim.]

47. In lesson 6, we saw that er also was an interrogative letter, er and

lUfT when prefixed to words, are sometimes used in the same way. ^fr

(or lufrir) is commonly used for "who?" erew-ajr is used for "what?" and

differs from er^ which means rather, "whether of the two?" or "which

among many?" istssicutld is used for ersirGsr occasionally, and is then declin-

ed like a noun.

84. VocAB.

uarruffdr, God. (The christian word for God ulsolutely; Q^eumis a God. s=iTQeijemurreir, is used by Romanists. It is Sanscrit, ^ireu + ^munm.= universal Lord. e^si-snirQ, believe, (pr. t. (^s-sua&dQQ^eiir, I believe, past. t.

(^SrGurrS^Q^eir, I believed, fut. i^sKsntrSuQueir, I shall believe. The Christian

usage of this word is not quite native, shgn a-gnui-f

, indiislrtj. s^gasgauuiruj,

industriously. (40.) sfTaipsirrrm, a watchman.

39 ~~


Exercise 13.

49. (a-) unfTuji'^GST eSa-su n&sQQfD6nr. ^em^ £S<9?(Sijn&<s,sQ<su6m

^su&JT s6SSTas(^? ^^ ^-(oir^(SS)i—Uj eSQi—n? ^fraQa LDiriEis&r p^&sar

Ql—fT? ^lElQs LDJJIEJSiSfr ^6\)'2io\)UJfT ? ^^ LDSTLD ^GdeOSUn? (oIiSl5r<S(g

er<5sr<osrQ^ifl[Lii}i? snsijpsrrij^s(^3^ Qs^neo^. sfreu^sniirT ! (21. h. 3.)

(b.) When will 3'ou read ? [15/. 31. a.] Is that my lesson ? Whereis the munshi? What does the physician say? Is the watchman there?

The watchman is not there. He is not the watchman. Who is the

watchman? Is there a watchman ? Is tliere mud in the river? Arethere trees in the jungle? Are there children in my house? Are there

not little children in the father's house. Do'st thou believe in God ?

Lesson 14.

50. In common convei'sation the signs of the cases are often inter-

changed, and those of the 2nd and 6th cases sometimes omitted altogetliei'.

In the higher style of Tamil this is very frequent.

2_iJL/<sO<s/r®, give [me] the salt (not S-uss>u = ^-ui-j + «).

^ sssr (sssr IT Qd5/r(SS3r®ia//r, bring mc [some] water, (not s;isssr<sssr€iafT).

33^' ^sm(5sSfr is commonly jjronouuced ^sin-essr, and Q & ir (oB:;r (B (Sii rr becomes


urrSiiiQ Qs'iL^assr, he committed sin (not ufreij^eis^'S^Qs^iLi^irim). Such

forms may be considered as compounds.

The learner should consider carefully whether the omission of the casal

sign would occasion ambiguity. If not he may omit it, in most cases.

From this must be excepted nouns signifying rational beings (s^tun-^'hsEr)

both mas. and fern., which have the case termination in full, in commonTamil. In Poetry ellipsis is the rule.

It may be stated as a rule that the sign of the Ind case sitig. of imper-

sonal nouns (^'oo/S'Ssssr) should nut be expressed.

[Compare tliis with the usag-e of Indo-European languages in which neuter nounshave the nominative and accusative alike.]

After nouns of number the plural sign ssh- also is in the same wayoften omitted : thus,

He built four houses. (Com. 173.)mirspt QuujiT euii^rrirasiT.

Four persons came. (Com. Camp. Tel. Gram. 158.)

g^ Remark that no ambiguity can arise here. i



51. til before ^ may become (Q \ The nasal is changed info that ofs it

J-the class to lohich the following

fS i } consonant belongs.

Lo may disappear altogether.

JJJ' The whole system of the transmutations of letters, their insertion and

their elision, is very complicated. It must however be thoroughly understood

by every student of the poetical dialect. These changes are gradually going

out of use. A few only which affect the pronunciation are retained. They

will all be explained as occasion requires. Compare also App. xi.

52. VocAB.

^smmlriT, cold water, [^(sm, cool. iSir, luatcr). u^gj, ten.

&-ULJ, salt. uireuLn, sin. u (5m ill, money. QsuSscssrrrrsir, a servant, (^srrff&r, means

a doer, an agent. Qeu^, work, [so afrexi&), a guard or ivatch. srrejensirrreir, a

watchman.']) sk.uiS® , call. QiDtseis^, a table, ^l^, beat. (pres. —afic^air.- past.

—^Q^m. fut. —uQum). uhuld, a burden, umsn^, a bandy.

53. &) before d may become jb: thus, aireuso + srrrjm — srreuflstrjm. [App.


Exercise 14.

54. (a.) uni—uD ui^^^nsisr. [15. /.] ^esarossPn (otiejQs? Qs^uil)

ui<^<iQ(yr/'<osr. ^suesfli—S^eO usssrua o-saar®. srrsii/bsrrji'SGsrd s^uiSl®-

UfT<Sij(^ Qs^iLuj QeiKsmL—nuD- Qld(S!)S= ^jiaQs Qun®. fBrriLi j)jL^^^fT<oir

(for isnesiUJ.) LDrri-Liss)!-. Sj^'i'^ [or lditl-I^ss] Qeyemi—iTLh. sksstg^i

(SSii—Oj Q(sy'2sodsfTiriT eriaQs? u^^uufTjuD ^(TjiiiL^ GT<SldSl(ir^iTS(srr. uemUf. Qsir6ssT(dQjff'f Qs=a6\)^. Qeij^^dsnu-ssr ueoarijL Q'SirsmQisujKsSso'hso


(b.) He is learning a lesson in the house. He is reading a book in

the jungle. Does he learn a lesson? Is there water in the house? I

want [some] * salt. (To me salt is necessary). He sins. Bring the

money to me. Read this to me. Call my servant. Bring ten loads of

salt. Did he give money to the servants? [15./.]

Lesson 15.

Past tense. Future tense.

55. The personal terminations of the present tense are used also for

the past and future tenses, with a slight exception. The middle particle

determines the tense. (Carefully go over again Lessons 3 and 9.)

* The word some is seldom expressed in Tamil, unless it means emphatically

a little.

6 41 ~~


Write out in full the past and future tenses of all verbs you meet with;

except the 3d person future singular and plural, which will be given in 72.

56. The middle particle of the present is @£ii or «©^. For this a few

general rules will be given, but the dictionary must be consulted. Themiddle particles of the past and future are ascertained by the root and

the present.

The following general rules must be attended to :

I. @gii of the present should have /f^ in the past, and <su in the future.

These are intransitive forms. But there are some exceptions.

Ex. Root.



I obtain.

Past. Fut.

I obtained.


I shall obtain. \ To obtain.

Thus are conjugated the verbs ^/Sl, know. ^, give. s<snL—, churn. ^einjD,

smite, ^(w, fall. slB pass off oi' away and a large number of others.

II. Roots in s- have Q^n in the present, ^ot in the past, and <3j in the

future. These forms are common to both transitive and intransitive verbs.


Submit, go



^LI submit.


I submitted.


I ivilL submit.


To submit.

g^* [Final £- before the vowel of a following word, or of a termination is

often elided, for the sake of euphony, thus: ^l—eji^ + ^sir = ^i—iEiQ^k. This

is not done when 2_ is preceded by one short syllable: thus, u* + ^ei5r = us-

eflcsr not u@sir. Comp. Ill Gram. 24. The s_ is evidently not radical. It

is added euphonically to aid the enunciation. ^ is added in the same wayin Malaydlam.]

III. dQjpi of the present, requires ^^ in Ihe past, and uu in the future.

These harsher forms are mostly transitive [com. 160]. There are a fewexceptions to this.

Ex. Pres

Bite. I bite.


I bit.



I ivill bite.


To bite.


Special Rules.

(I.) Roots ending in ^ (and the greater number of the few in ^j, take

iQffi in the present, and foUuw gen. rule 1. in the past, and 111. in the


Ex. R.


R. Pres. Past.



Briny forth

(of cattle.)



[not very common.] semrdsesr ^sjd^cF s^ifliundj ^ifSlwrKssr. sn<sun:)srr

<cS(Sla'bs(nLitJa uesBr^ea^u^tii ^siJ(eu)QeO ^smi—Qeuai}). ^it @«n^ ^fSluu

QsLieikrQil). i§ ^i^ ^LL&ai—s QsneOeoQsuessrL—nu:).

(b.) The day has passed away. We must churn in the house. Theyperished in the jungle. God knows our sins. The accountant and the

watchman will obtain those cows from him. The watchman perished

with the son. The good boy knows the lesson correctly. I know it bythe lesson. You must not smite the child. The bullock fell down. Hefell in the mud.

Lesson 17.

58. VOCAB.

Exceptions to the First General Rule. 56. I.

R. Pres

r QuiuRain.




I. Abuse.




(^ become [^(^-]

be finished,


Quit, Go








[Ob. 268.]

QuirQQpm[Co. 258.]







)u tu (^ eu issr

Q <s^ uj Q eu sir



O/EtuQevdr Qmiuiu.

«B>au(oai;e5r\ eta su luiu





Ache, suffer, pain.


^Qesreir ^Qeusir [or

[occasionally ^©Ca/OT]*also ^ilSGot-ot

for ^SiQej^esTjj

(?i_//r(?<o3r(SiJr[poet. QuirQsum [or




<9^irQ(Siim [or

?/r(5(?«usijr. ]*

QeuQisjsir [or



Q IE IT Q en im




LDissiW, rain. Q eu essrQem lu , butter (Oeueir, white. Qisiu, ghee). uL—isaeu

a woman's cloth, garment. ^8so, a head, aireo, leg and foot.

* In all these forms, which are rather pedantic, ® is inserted for the sake of




Exercise 16.

59. (a-) LD(SS)Lp QuujQp^i iQuLuiLi^. 35.] ^/(Sro^i- s^rfliumuf

Q<fdj(oSuio3r. LJi_(S3)a/(S35aj [or uL^issiSu. 14.] QfBtu^rresr- ^<ou<sn Qeu'^eos

srrrr'2t5sr ssi&jQ nt?(S[r . eresr'Sesr ss)su^a it S'Str. ^is^u <oS)Uuj<nsr s smrd <s dir

\Q'T;n(^^ always, in common talk] (I suffer pain in my head.) ^isi

(o<5 QurTi^(eu)? Lj^ LDfrQ Qsf^^^nl S\^^ Q<Sij'Se\) <sj(5sr ^s ^;a)'8sv)?

(b.J It rains. His leg pains. She is churning for butter. He will die

in the jungle. Did the house burn? Who died? When did he die?

When will they go home (to the house)? [Is] this your leg? Whydo they revile the watchman ? They weave cloths in the house. Who[are] you? (You—who?) Who [is] there? Go to the vvatchman's house.


Lesson 18.60. VOCAB.

The Second General Rule, Exceptions to 56. II. Roots in &-.


I. 1,



Lie d-Miin.

Pres. Past.




Fut. Inf.


&-(biui^uesr \S^®i

^^ And so all in £_, having d3^ in the present.

II. 3.

III. 4,





^ir [or ^0]Remove, he cleared


euetriT [or (auevn^'j



only irregularin this tense



regular fromIrootS/r. 56. I.

sQKQeuiasr ^IT.


liemove. put aivay.j

BJirip [or GuiTQ^']


piTLp [or^/r(7^]

Be humble.

^eum [or ^eunp^





56. I.

(Si) eir(mQ en ek

56. I.




56. I.


56. I.

56. I.






And so all roots in ir or Cp, which may optionally add 2-.





(b.) We must build a new house. Tie the cow there. Who tied the

bullocli? Where did he write the book? The munshi wrote it. Heseeks a pliysician. Who made this? Who did this? Show the house

to the watchman. You must comfort your good mother. Did she seek

the little boy? What do they seek here? We will write clearly to the

munshi. Has the mother boil'd the rice? Did he seek the cow or did he

go to sleep in the house?

Lesson 20.64. VoCAB.

Regular Forms. Examples of the Third General Rule.



(b-) ^fTiLi iSlen-'Se-freiDuj.s sndQ(nj'siT. ibnib sSLLesii—d srrdQp^. j^i

^u GDUtLKoir i-j^u ufTi—^sm^u ufTiT^^asbr. sessrdsesr LD<okenfJuurT(GV)?

iSlerr'Sefrs'Sfr <^lLi^Q&) (^GffldQQrfasefrn? iSl^nQsij! (oT<oSrd(^ Lo&srGsflss

Q(QU(nm®tli- sneo^ssi^s sLSj^^nesr. arreoth <si£lQp^ . <oiissrs(^ ^'^^

jfjifl&GSiiuaanL-®. =gy^ ^ssimuufi ^ id so sun-, Q<fneo§^. ssurrrrir sj&srsafi

Lesson §1.66. VoCAE.

The First Special Rule. 56. (I.) Roots in ^ and ^.



^(SGT Sjl-IUU^ f5L—UUIT(l


Lesson 22.68. VOCAB.

The Second Special Rule. 56. (II.)

Roots in ®, @, su- Pres. in Sgji. Past, lL, d.jb, doubled. Fut. en. Inf. =gy.

[Chiefly transitive.]




The irregularity in tlie past is analogous to that in the verbs Qai and Qisir. (58.)

Compare also e^ir-Qs^^Q/sar.

The regular past tenses of all these verbs [56. (I.)] would be according to analogy,

ajiriiQ^eir, ^irisQ^sir, QstiisQ^eir, QisiriiQ^asT. In eacli case the root vowel is shortened.

In the plural imperative we have ^'cs'^, euirQib (for ^ir&jin, amojib). I apprehend f is

used to prevent hiatus instead of «/, in order to distinguish these forms trom tlie de-

rivatives of the roots ^/raj and «uira;. [Compare srcyii from sir.] This use of ir instead

of di is not unknown in tlie cognate dialects. I must differ then from Dr. Caldwell,

and regard au/r and ^it as the roots, which are shortened into o/ and ^; q- or if being in-

serted euphonieally.

It may be remarked also in confirmation of the above that colloquially jSnQpOr andBJirQpsar (for ^sir-SGpaJr, euir— QQpair^ are USed for ^Qj-SGpOT and eucjSG^DOT.


70. (2.) Paradigm of the past tense. [Comp. App. xii.]

R. uu^, learn, read. R. (Siy/r/E/@, buij. obtain.


1. Pers.


I learned.

3. m.

(for ^iL), sisfound in com-mon Tamil.)

He learnt.


She learnt.

It learnt.

Plural. Sing. Plural.

We learned .

you [hon.] learnt.

Ye leai-nt.

r uu^^^rriT

I The;/ or he

I [hon.] learnt.


I bought.

en [TtEiQ(miu

Thou boughtest.

We bought.


I They (m. and f.)

L learnt.

He bought.

She bought.

They (n.) learnt.

euiriEikizer^ i( Contracted

It bought.

i aiirsj^p^



You bought [hon.]

Ye bought.

[ euiriEjQie^iT



They or he [hon.]

I bought.

£u rriEi isl(m n's eir



eufrraQsar. f

They (n.) bought.

Exercise 22.

71. (a-) iBrrsir ^i^ ^eaird s<ssards(o3T <si(5sr(nj"oisr. ibit ^sj^Ssar O<sx/ffi>60

Q-oiJSST sTSBT^nrpesr.X (STioW us^&a&js sfTLLL^Q&) aemUS.Qua ? unrrun^

<suiT^^s6afli—^^&) (siasrssr <siin!i]Q(GU)Uj? Q-Ulj siin!ij<s<sSl6\)'2eoiuiT?

* lu is substituted elegantly for'^r in this form only.

f This form is seldom used, the singular taking its place.

J When OTOT (70) is used the whole of that to which it refers may be considered to

be within quotation marks. The quotation is direct. "He said,'I u-ill come.'" Thiswill be more fully illustrated hereafter (82).



(b.) Who comes there? Who gave you this? Don't say that lesson

(Qenmsrt—iTix,). The servants must stop here. We will go into the house

with the watchman. The son conquered the villagers. He said he must

stop here (trans. "I must stop here"). Who made this? Who did this?

Who created this? Where did he buy the rice? What did you hear in

the village? Did you see the good doctor in the house? What lesson

has the little boy learnt with the munshi?


Lesson 24.

72. In the 3d person neuter of the future tense (the singular and plu-

ral of which are alike), there is an anomaly. It is formed by adding s-ii

to the root of verbs whose present has ©^ ( lii and <a^ being inserted whennecessary [18]), and <s(^ld to those whose present has &&•£>!.

But Seci makes £jb(g,ii; «<5b, «^@ii); Ctferr, (?<5Ll@ii). Compare their

present tenses.

Paradigm of the future tense.



3. ?«.

R. Qs^iLj. (Pr. Q^FiuQQjDdr.)


7l 3= UJ Q SU OS!

I will do.


Thou wilt do.

He will do.I

Qi s= lu mi (T eiT

She will do.

It will do.


Q €= LU Q en rrLD

We will do.

you will do. [h.]

Ye toill do.


Tlieij or he [hon.]

ivill do.

Q s= UJ en ITas etr

They (m. f.) ivill do.

They (n. ) will do.

R. u^L. (Pr. UL^sQQpasr.)



I will learn.

uL^uumuThou wilt learn.

ULp-uutresr -

He will learn.


She will learn.

It will learn.



We will learn.

You will learn, [h.]

Ye will learn.


'Iliey or he [hon.]

will learn.


They (m. and f.)

ioill learn.

They (n.) will learn.

72. *VocAB.

i^ir, water. tutTssms, the body (only used in Poet. l>ut un-

derstood). srap^M', a letter, a writing. .miw,ld = it will become, serve for ^c.

contracted into ^iJa. For Qu!T(^ld — it will go, Quitw is used. ^gJ, gaming,

(suirgi, disputation. Qsu^Sssr, torment.

_____ ___ _


Exercise 23.

73. (a.J What shall I do? What will the child learn? The cow

will come now. Do you know that letter? It will happen so (Tam.

it will walk so, isi-). The command will come to the villagers. Whomust go to the munshi? When will the tree grow? Where can the

book be (Tam. where will it be)? Will the house fall? No, it will

stand. Will the village perish? Will that house suit you. Will the

child weep for its mother?

(b-) Sjii^ U5/7® ermssT Qs^djuiih? ^^ eruuisf. ^(^ld? ldjtld Qsaifl

QeO ^(TKd(^LDrT? ^a)'2sy, sniLis^-QeO ^(7^s(^lo. un<suuD ^^wfT? ton®

^(T(^ih lunsssis-'''^ [This is poetical. It is a useful quotation, and is

given for variety.] @^ QpsB^s(^ ^ih. Sj^^ eSiun^ Quitss^

Qs'rT(sk{€S)ei) QufTLOfT? '"'(^^iih (Surr^io Q su ^'2esr Q s= (L llj ld.^'' ^,u

uu^,f Qs=djuju QuiTLDfr? us^LDfT® QsLL(^LLir? [iorr® is used for any

animal of the genus Bos. Here us? indicates the species.]

Lesson 25.

74. We have now gone through the present, past (or imperfect), andfuture tenses of the Tamil verb. We have also seen how a form answer-

ing in many respects to the English infinitive mood is obtained. Theimperative mood has been given also. We come now to a form probably

differing much from any with which the learner is acquainted in anylanguage, but which obtains in all the South-Indian dialects.

It is a relative participialform.

The Tamil has no relative pronoun. How then can we express in

Tamil, "the shepherd who feeds the sheep," and, "the sheep whichgraze in the jungle?" Thus,

^(Bsdsn- QldiLsQp QLoiLuum, and sitlLl^q&j

QLDiLQp ^(Bs&r. Here QldiLsQp and QldiuQjd mean "who-feeds," and"which-graze." This form, which includes the verb and the relative

pronoun, is obtained by throwing away the personal terminations of the

present and past tenses and adding ^. QtDiLjsQQjDm; take away ejm andadd ^: you will have Qu,ujsQjd, the relative participle of the px-esent tense.

So QtD'L^Q^m; take away ^em, add=5y; and QldiL^^, which is the relative

participle of the past tense, is the result. The 3d person neuter of the

future tense, is also used as the relative participle of the future: Qldujs^ld.

There is a corresponding negative form. 121. (4.)


[The ^ which is added seems to be the remnant of a relative pronoun, like

the Greek oq, ^, 6, only placed after the verb instead of before it: oy hSov

rlvhorA = tBiT(Ssr s<oS!!ri—. LDissn^asr.'] Example:

( QldujsQQ/dcst, I feed. QmuAQp, who, which or that feeds.

\ QLDiuSlQpes! , I graze. GldiuSjt), who, which or that grazes.


QuDUJ^Q^dr, I fed. Qlduj^^, who, which or that fed.

JQLDiuiQ^cir, I grazed. QiDtui^, who, which or that grazed.

^ ^s^ uiSQearzir, I sent. .^^uiSsir, ^^uiSiu, who, which or that

I sent. [Comp. 70. (2)]

_ C QLD:ud(mui, It tvill feed. Qmiudi^Ln, who, which or thai loill feed.

\ QiDUJih, It will graze. Qldlljld, who, which or that will graze.

The constructions resulting from this will appear strange till the learner

has accustomed himself to them.

This participial form is used in all respects as an adjective. Yet it

has of course the same governing power as any other part of the verb,

as will be seen in some of the following sentences.

It qualifies nouns of any genders, case or number; but itself suffers

no change.

Exercise 24.

75. (a-) iBndn- uisf^^^ UfTL—LD. (sS'lLi^&) ^0dQp LSerr'Bsrr j)i(LpQ/D^.

iilsn-Ssrr sSili^do sjQ^QfO^' <^lLi^6\) ^QpQp LflerrSsyr. smufleo ^0<i

LDjTiEJs&r. Q^6>j(sk ^lLi— SLL.t—.'2£ir. ^isuirseir ST(osrdsfT<s^ ^/vi^ s^&j-

Qs=uJ^ urreyiEis'^ liif LD&smsfIss Qsu<ssar®i}>. iBtTsbr QunQp <^il.®s(^

£ &jrrQ£ij6SBri—iTuj- mrresr (ST(Lp,Q€sr(62) UfTi-.^es)^ Qpeaffei^ unfTs-s Qeuessr

®[}). wrrek Qs^treO^ua Qurr(Lg^ &-<osri(^^ Q^rfltu <su(T^ud.

(b.) The books which the boy sought (62). The daughter whom the

mother comforted (62). The daughter who comforted the mother. Thetrees which grew in that jungle. The garments which the son put on

(60). The son who put on garments. The rain which will fall here (58).

It will rain here. The leg wdiich pained me. The boy who went to the

village died there (58). The cloth which he wove (58). The table

which they made. Beat the dog which bites the little children. Whereis the rice I saw in the house?

76. This relative participle is called in Tamil Quiufr (st^s^ld, or noun-

defect (QuiuiT. name, or noitn, er^^^ih, defect); because it requires a noun

to fill up the meaning. We call it relative, because it relates to the noun

that follows. [Comp. Pope's III Gram. 87. Caldwell's Comp. Gram,

p. 412.]



Lesson 26.

The verbal participle.

77. There is another form which is called eSSssT-er-F&^LJ^ or verb-defect,

bociiu:^e it requires a followiiijj verb to till up the meiuiing. It is a kind

of gerund, is indeclinable and, though belonging to tiie past tense, takes

its time t'roiu the finite verb which closes tlie sentence.

Its fonnation is easy. It is formed from the 1st person singular of the

past tense.

[This is the most convenient way of considering tlie subject It is probabletliat the tense is formed from tlie piirticiple, in which case iinalogy would suggest apres. part, in S^, and a, future in ©j or 04, tu which the personal terminations wereadded, the a. being elided.]

Ca.J In all the verbs included in 56. II. throAV away Qsar-dr: ^t-ikiQ

Qssrssr makes ^i—isjQ = having submitted.

From this Except

Q3=aeog)i (70), whicli makes Qs^irsuS, having said, as though from a re-

gular past tense, O^/r^sSGesrsar.

(b.) In all other cases throw away ereir and add s..- uuf.^Qfiissr makesuL^^si = having learnt.

[The Telugu and Canarese have a present verb. part. also. (Corap. Camp.Tel. Gram. § 313. McKerrel's Can. Gram. p. 86.)]

Its use will be best learnt from a few examples:

(].) ^suzsr s'oesr® Qu&(msir = He saw and spoke. Here <s<SBar© takes the

place of the finite verb, "saw." The Tamil admits of only one Jin ite verb in a

sentence, simple or compound.

(2.) iBmm ^fs^u utrL^^<cin^s QslL® sun&^gi erQ£^Qs!srssr,

I heard, read and wrote that lesson.

sskr®, QslL®, (SiorOipgi, may be translated "having seen," "having heard,"

and "having read."

(3.) §lm<ssru esiuujesr rsi—i^ evi^iTiSir.

(The little boy having walked came.)

The little boy came walking or on foot.

gj" The verbal participle often has the force of an adverb. Upon the proper

appreciation of this will depend much of the learner's progress.

As a general rule, ichenever a subject has two or more Jinite verbs in

English, render all but the last by the afl^ sr^^^u).

8 57


Tamil delights in the accumulation of Verbal forms. By means of

these a sentence may be indetiuitely lengthened out, while the meaning is

preserved from all ambiguity.

By their proper use the principal verb may be modified w^ith a precision

scarcely attainable by any other means. *

(4.) /E/rsJr ^EjQs Quatii eu (rF)Q sii asr


I WILL go there and come (back).

^eiim Giurr&^gis [Qu/rS, eat 64.] (^L^aQq^ek


He IS eating and drinking.

The tense of the subordinate verbal forms Qunii, Quir9^^ is determined

by the finite verb.

Exercise 25.

78. (a-) ^(3S)u><oS)iu isQ, <sr!sjs'2eir ^rnlQujih. ^i^u uitl-^ss)^lj

ui^^^ ^jrSajCo'SiJsoarQih. snSijparjiKSsr !Bua(ip<oS)i—uu Q(Sij'2eodsfrir'2£sr szoa/

ULSf.^^ ci(w^0^r!? serriTfTf} ^L-taQu ( = submissively ) Qu&i^ns&r.

®j<ss)fl^ Q^Gffl^niL S-S^S'ffl^^'S^ Q<frT&}6\)(pSijes!!r(9ui. sm0d(^u QurriLu*

UfTiTssQsiJioSsrQLD. <s5)UiU6sr Q^L^esr Ljerv^sias'SGir sjQd^'dQsnemQ <suit-

[ d, ff-,^-) LJ, always doubled after d^ or @ of this form. ] <sTi^eSLLi^

Q6\) Q^u^suk^niLl eiair^&si—LU Qeu'^dsfiffir ^pih^Quni^nsiklQs^^^uQun(GS)iTS&r].

* Cu/rio 58. II. (for QuircS) the verb. part, of Qur, "having gone" very common.

So ^>u 58 II. (for ^aS or ^©).

(b.) They came and spoke with him. The dog bit and killed the bird.

She entered the house and saw the mother. He obtained money and

gave to the villagers. We must plough and plant trees. The little boy

lay down and slept in the jungle. The mother sought the child weeping.

Which servants died in the jungle? Which are the books that the boy

was seeking in the house ?

*I cannot refrain from quoting the following passage from an essay by Professor

Schoif " on the Tartaric languages," quoted in Prof. MaxMiiller's " survey of lang-

uages." It is perfectly applicable to the construction of Tamil, mutatis mutandis. "Howpeculiar and truly Tartaric this wonderful concatenation of sentences and interven-

ing of words! A sentence runs on in long periods like a majestic stream

The— terminations and suffixes are like the small vassals, depending on the power-

ful and high sounding gerunds; and these again govern and hold together the larger

members of a period, like so many Pashas." In the profoundly learned, but unhappi-

ly unfinished, researches into the Tartar dialects of M. Abel Eemusat a similar

description is given.


Lesson 27.

The perfect and pluperfect tenses.

79. These are not given in native Tamil grammars; but forms equi-

valent to them are in constant use.

(1.) The perfect is formed by adding ^(f^aQQ/oesr, I am, (60. II.) to

the verbal participle last treated of.

Ex. uuf^^gj ^QFidQQ/Dsir, (more generally written

UL^li^Qh&QQp^sr ,) I have learnt (lit. / am, having learnt).

^i—iEjQ ^(T^d3(T^dr, he has submitted (he is, having submitted).

(2.) The pluperfect is formed by adding ^Qr^iQ^dr, I ivas (60. II.) to

the same.

-rr f%y .^

. , > / had learned (lit. I was, having learned).

j/eC^sjt, / had spoken (lit. I was, having spoken).

80. Thus also may be formed the future perfect, uL^^^(V)UQLjm, I shall

have learned; the perfect infinitive, uL^^d^(t^ds, to have learned; and the

perfect, pluperfect, future perfect of the relative and verbal participles,

UL^^^Qf,dQ/D, UL^^^QF)/E^, U L^^^(I^S(^LD, UL^^^Qf)i^, who, tcMch OV thut

has, had, or shall have learned, or is having learned.

3:;^'The perfect is used for the present sometimes, as in Greek. Thus, ^ifl^

^Q^mSQr^iT, he dwells, (^rff, dwell, stop: tarry. 64.) ^/SfB^Q^d@Qpsir, I knoio.

Exercise 26.

81. (a.) ^n (s^lLl<^Q&} (Siii^(7^dSl(n^iTS&r? Qpesflei^ ^Ljuuf..g:

Qs^fTGOoS ^(t^i^nn. j>jih^u esiULusk uu^^^ um^ias'Sen ^uQunQp^iL/DiB^0sQ(nj>esT. (66. j sesardtsasT uessr^(S(s^ S7sar<5@<5 Q^rrQ^^/Q^tB

^trm. iBiT&sr Qffih^(i^si^uD * un^ias'^ LDeinssfliijui' Qs)j'2is\)Ssituit

stLi^uSQ^i^ (sS® (sS(ipi^^. iB6\)6\)iSy(eu)UJ ^(T^.iQ(trj>dsT. (^uj for ^uSl

from ^uSQ(SJ5r(osr, [.58. II. 77. a.] lit. he is, having become good = he is

a good man). ct/e/G« Qumu ^i(T^dQ(rrfm? ^<sm^u unir^^nKsQQr^

uj!T? seKjTirn p.<c^s(^<3= Qs'fTs\)<s61 ^0dQ(yiTs<sn-n? ^jqd^ ^eueor unnss

*The future is used indefinitely for any time: "which at any time I may havecommitted."

(b.) I have written the lesson. You had sought the child in thejungle. The door which he had opened for the little boy. The villager

who had planted the tree came. The tree which the villager had plantedgrew. I have forgotten and forgiven the evils he has done to me. Themilk was mingled with water. The bird drank the milk mingled with water.



Lesson 23.

The use of erdr^.

82. In 70 we had the root otot speak, of which the past is erdrQpm,

and consequently the verbal participle (77.) erdispi = l-aviiuj said.

This form is used, when in English a direct quotation is made, instead

of quotation marks; and when the quotation is indirect as equixnlent to

"that." It is the Greek on. Translate it, when necessary, by "that."

[The infin. erssr occurs in poetry, and sometimes in colloquial use. So (STsk

u^ (88.) and €rasr@p^- To these .^iy (40. 81.) and ^s,, 136, are added when

the exact words used are not quoted. Compare 168. 136. a?.]

8^ iTe said he would come. { ^ ,, "-^"^\("I will come. he said. J

, . , em® ermmi ( S-sm Ci L—idrmi ) eSisusurr^aQQiDsk.I believe there is. ^ "^( 2_iS!OT


I believe that which will say "God is."

^ en rr s_ arar O i— cJr S /D «o ^ e£ s- (su ff & d Q <Sp ek


I believe that which says " God is."

« ^ -/^ • ^ erssrusmliJ: \ . .

He said what amounted to, "I believe.''^

83. When erskgij is used more than once in a sentence s-ii is added to

each ( erSsrgii + s_Lo - erm^u)).

I believe that God is and that he created me.

("God is"—and "he me created"— I believe.)

84. VocAB.

Before, Qjiosr, QprnzsruD, apmrnQiD, Qprsisri^. After, t3m, tSsirLf,

t5/D@, i3purr(B. [Both (ip3r and t5ar must be regarded as nouns, signifying

"the before time," and "the after time." [251.] They govern the 4th case

generally, and may themselves be partially declined.] ismQifiii, well. ( rsdrgji =

that which is good + ^li-i- 40.^ ui^ii, fruit, .sekgn, a calf. Qpt^, [57] be

finished, come to an end; [64] finish, complete. ^J/S'r. see, behold this; ^Q^rr,

see, behold that. {.^^, ^;s^ + g&-] S2m, think. [64.]

03" The desire to obtain more.

[Still to acquire [one] must which says the desire.]

This idiom is frequently used.

Beware of translating it ^<s3rsar(^ ^tiuir^da .^eaff.



85. QpssT, &c. are used with the future rehitive participle; i^^, &c. are

used with the past relative participle. [74.]

^iBJoir ^sm^<j= QiFiLiLjLD \_Q.3:ujQp3inj(^, Q<3^(L/isi/a-^(g. 87, 88.] Qpdr {_(Lf><dr

qstQld'] eu.iG^dr. I came before he did it (lit. the before time tliat lie will

do It).

^eu<asr ^'stn^^ff' Q)'3='ij^i3ek <siiiBQ^s<rsr. I came after he had dune it (lit. the

after time that he did it).

[Comp. Lesson 71.]

Exercise 27.

86. (b) ^j(Suns&r e^LLeB)i—saLL(Slu:i (62.) [slLi^ Qpi^s(^m'\ Qpm<sm

\_sissr(smp'] fr-mp usi- (56. II I. j ^i^^", ^'(^i^P^ <5ii5ur^ Q-fnmteoi&sr

^•su^srr LSoff'^Gmuju Qu/bp [56. (II-J] ^n^uun eim^ (?<5/_lL_/T/f. ^ly^

Qesriosr, ^&}&}su!t? er&sr lSisstQioSt suih^niJu? ^auesr siesr^uo ^jeue^

(h ) Before you sleep. Before the villagers plouglied, it rained.

(LDmLp Qiuii^^, 58). Think well before you do tlii.s. His head ached

(58.) after he ate [56. (Til.)] that fruit. You read your lesson well after

lie went home. Where is the boy who read his lesson well? After this

wiiat will you do? Before I came should you not have wiped the table?

Rub down the bandy-bullock after it has come from the jungle.

Lesson 29.

87. Partiripinl nnvns of very cammon use, and at the snme time very

eleL^aiit, are formed from the relative partici[)les, or QuiuH ers^^ii, by add-

ing personal t(Miiiiiia.tions.

(<7 ) Thus, from u^nL—sQp, pre.*, rel. part, of uemi— (74) create, aie


f U(smi—s3/Dsuesr, one (mas.) loko creates. \_^<^ added and eu inserted.]

1 umt—d@/DSJ3rr, one (fem.) loho creates. [^syt added and su inserted.]

°'"j us(ni—<i@pg], that tohich creates, or the \_gj (for jjj^ ) added.]

[ creating.

r umi—dS/Dw IT, one (honorific) ivho creates, [^'ir added and eu inserted.]


Lj£B)i_<sS/DSu/7"<5srr, those who create, [m. \_^fi,^<sir added and en insert-

Plur. ;( and f.] ed.]


uaoi—sS/DsroS!/ or ) those (neut.) ivhich [gwo; (for ^imsj ) and crosi/

[^ uaat—dSiDesi^'Sssir J create. asrr added.]



From ^estiuiScssr, p. r. p. of =sy^tJL/,

Send. (56. II.)

Sisisreussr or ^i^uSliueuek. *

(b.) From ueni—^^, the past rel.

part, are formedf uss)i—^^isu(sir, one who created,

I &c. \_uiss>i—^Q^rrm.']

Sing. -^ u<c<sii^ssw&!


^emiuiSesrsu&r or ^^uiSiusueir.


uaai—^^SJ, that which created; ^^iLiiSlssr^ or ^^ui^ujgu.

[_ or the having created.

r uesiL^^^eniT, ( ueai—^Q^iriT. ) ^^uiSeare^ir or ^SBnuLSiuevrr.

Plur. { uesii—s^'Siiirsi&r. ^epiuiSssrsun's sir or j^miuSiuaiirsev .

*[aj substituted for or. This is not so common as the regular form.]

g^' Even in the common dialect u0ai—^Q^ir<sir, usiDL—^Q^mT [spssr, c^/f for

^sum, ^sui] are used occasionally for uemi—^^Guek, uemi—^^euiT.

The neuter singular besides its primary use corresponds often in mean-

ing to the participle in "ing," used as a noun: the creating, &c.

1^^ These forms are of perpetual occurrence; accustom yourself to form them with

every verbal root you meet.

88. Participial nouns with a future signification are formed by adding

uu to the root of verbs which take sQjyj in the present, and u to tliose

which have 8gji. In this latter case s" may be used for u in the neut,


^leau), call, makes ^scaLpdQQpm, I call, andThus:

Fut. ^iss^LpuQuek.

^wiLpuueu;^, ~^ one (mas.) who will call, &c.




^iei;>LpLJUi3iiTSsir, I

^fjnLpuuizei<su-&&r , J


\_Lju is added to the root,

j^to which are joined the ter-


^iT, .jijifs&r, eaeu, saeii&sir, as


* u after ot.

Fut. Qs^iuQeum.


Q3=>Leiisi ( eriasrugj* ).




The neut, sing. Q.s=iu(sig], &c. is constantly used; but the remaining

forms of the future are not so common.

89. These nouns govern the same cases as the verbs from which they

are derived.

Thus: erskSssr .jijeinLp^^eufr ^euir.

It is he that called me.

^euSssr ^iLp-uu^ £lajtruji}> ^ffo^.

It is not right to heat him.

90. VocAB.

eufrasTLD, heaven, the sky. U!jLD<sm.L—(Si>LD, heaven ( un, other, LD<cS!!r

i—<cOLD, sphere). y,>S. the earth, ^ldsssi i—<50 ld , the earthly sphere—the world.

( y^ earth, in compounds.^ ^pp, ^\pp^3sr, ^ppeusir, .sippsi, &-C., from ^^,



cease (56. I.), without; he, she or it that is without. ^s(^, a quarter of the heavens.

^iamp'susir (^S(m + ^ppeudr) one who has no where to turn to, a helpless

person. Q^iL'biiI), divinity, providence, gj'hser , help . Q^ireirgii, (56. 11.) appear,

tamp, (56. I.) disappear; (64.) hide. Qp(Bl, (56. II.) cover, shut vp. QsuSsir,

time, opportunity, siasu, put, place, keep. (64.) [In 58 a totally different word.]

• Exercise 28.

91. iSlpii^ssr (66.) ^psi^isi (66.); (^pk^(ssT l9/ds(^w; Q^irmrBssr ld

U!iLD<ssisn—eOiEis<sifle\i ^(i^aQp srras&r tSi^nQsul ^OsSsrr QiDtuaSpsiiair

QmiLuuissr. ssusiarTs srrsQpSijm' snwpsnrr<3sr. (aurrew^^eo updSp^(^QKsS. ^<sm^a^ QffiLueu&sr loTSuesr? ^asppeu^if^^ Q^u.j<suQld

^3s33r. tBrrssr £^LL®d(^-6UQ^'Sus:rSli^ [^ + ^ = ^] (50.) sfi<ssy(su^ ^pdseuih, LDjhpQsu'bsfr (50-) PLp L<f-<S!S)SiJs


s^ld G)s^rT€sr(c<5sr<oar. \jaij0 + 6u + ^-

(b.) Who is it that gives the money to the little boy? Who struck the

watchman? This (man) protects me. This is what I said? Who did

this? How did he do it? Are you he that did it? Art thou he that

should come (euQ^ueuir)? He who has called us [is] God, I sent 10

loads of" salt; have you seen them? It aj^ipeared in the heaven and dis-

appeared. This is a jungle without water. This is not heavy.

Lesson 30.

The Passive Voice,

92. The Tamil has properly no passive voice, but a compound verb

may be used, which in many respects supplies its place.

It is made by adding u®, suffer, (56. (II.)) in all its inflections, to the

infinitive mood of the verb. u(B^^ (56, II,), added in the same way,

would make a causal, concerning which more will be said hereafter.

[160, 161.]

Thus: 0<Ftuaj, to do. Q^iuiULJUt—, to be done.

^6inLpd<s,to call. ^einLpdsuu(BQQpsir, I am called (I suffer calling).

^L^ds, to beat. ^Lp-dauuiLL^iresr, he was beaten.

Q^i—, to seek. Q^i—uu® suit its srr, they will be sought.

In some few cases the simple root of the verb ;^used as a noun) is prefixed

to u®.

93. VocAB.

QslLl—, bad. [past rel. part, of Qis® , be spoiled. 68. 74.] ^<d3=ek,

a carpenter. CisuL-Lf-iurrek, the man who burns the dead and performs menial

offices in a village. «,.ijii)®, call \_3h-ULj, a call + ^® , give, 68.]. anQ^sii,


a paper, letter. a(B^.T&, a letter. <^. esst ewru


ld , a petition, irepi, a petition.

^iT^I, a report or p.tition. gUisnir, a gentleman, "Mr.," a governor, a-eufru/s

effsm, a clerk, interpreter, one who reads petitions and drafts answers. uarQ^iu,

land 07i.li/ Jit for dry cultivation [l/sjt, inferior + Qs^iu, field']. mmQ^iL/, paddyland, wet-cultioation. [/esbt. good.] G)^ iffhjuu®^gi (56. II. 161.), cause to un-

derstand, make known.

Exercise 29.

94. (a-) Q.3;LLi—(omuuijissr ^iL^dsLJu(Sl&jT(st!r ("or ^t^u^eunesr.

Here =5/^9- = a beating.j^i-^ GLoero-f ^s^ffi^Qeo Qs^ojujuulLl-^'. ^^

^fS"Ssi Qjlu^ Qmssif. =gy^^ (cLoszDy ^j&'3SiQs^\b^^. QsulL L^iLin'SssT

QesT'Ssr. Sj^^ u)g]y g^ sn nu

'5 <^suQ ;€S)QeO snnQasuutLL—^. sussr s®^fTQ(5auj^ ^suum (50-) (sasuSlsd QstQ^Q^'oST ^^ /fsstO.^^G'uj/t, qcssr

QffQujfT? !b<osrQ^dj G7S3rj2/LO L^esrQffih t^isBrgiiua., ld^sSIso (stw^i ^qksS)

0-sbr. ^ [}) lSIL—^,S} 6\) isSem sssruu(^ Q^iLQ^ek. io!(ig^Qp^p(^<i* <snQ

^tii <5T(ourjsfli—3-^eo @a)"3so. e_Lo^(5 rS^'^fi (sSemem-uu^^&j Grmrsnrfl


*riie 4th case of tlie participial noun (neuter, siiitrular). trQfgiQrD^ (87), that which

writes. 4- ^iir = ^.ir (il) 4- (5 =z fj the writlnj, fur thu writing.—This I'onii corres-

ponds often to our infinitive used us a noun.

(b.) Tell the gentleman that Mr. Smith has 6ome. This C^<suit) is

tlie gentleman's interpreter. The petition wliicli he wrote is in my haml.

Have yuu dry land or irrigated? I liave both dry land and irrigated

land. Tell tiie gentleman that the person who gave the petiticm is here.

Tell him tliis is not wet land, but dry land. Ask him who wrote the

petition for him. Where was this written? By whom was that evil

done? liy wlioni is this village governed? What is the cow eating?

You must snbmit. Don't bite. Was this cloth she wore woven. Hashe paid tor the garment.


Lesson 31.

Foi'ms corresponding to the subjunctive mood.

9.5. (a.) One of these is obtained from the past tense (70*) 1st person

singular, by changing ecrdr into .^^••

Thus: ^spiuSlQswsir. I sent. ^e^LjSl(ea)0O.^ //"(I. you, &c.) send.

Qs^iLq^qs! , I did. Q£Fiij^(rffO, If (Ij you, &;c.) do.

Ex. S)ffl;^<S(5 sD_(_G'£Br ^^® QufTLLi_rrso i^QfjQwdsff tSliviLpuuiTisiir. \_<2urr(B. 68.]

Perhaps he may live if you brand him at once.

_ _


(b.) Another form, which is not much used, is obtained by adding

@&) or J)CTr to the root of verbs whose present takes ©.p; and d@&}, or

sQek, to those which have aSgs.

Thus: Q.g=ujuSi&3 or Q s^ 'li uSl osr (58. I.);

uuf-dSlio or uuf.aQssi


^Sso, ^uSlsk [58. II. Root, ^ or .^@-]

96. VocAB.—@®, n brand, burning, ^/smi—dssv, punishment, ^essri^, punish

(-dQQpek. 55. III.), ^^aw, much, more. ^^SLOfriu, much, too much (adv. 40.)

dlSsir, spring up, be produced (SQpm. 55. I.)- ^'Ssruua, affliction. tS(c\)LD, \_Se\),

stand'] land. uuSlif, corn, produce in general, u iSl itQ s' lu , cultivate (-QQpem.

55.1.). eiiLp,i(^, dispute. ^ itulj, decision. (spQfiQeijdsir, perhaps. [i^(V5 = one.]

a-i-CsOT", at once [lit. together with, allied to eg®, eg®, signs of the 3d case.

App. xii.] mioeog], very well \_f$so good, .jijffi that (is)].

Exercise 30.

97. (a.) ^ ^uui^'¥ Q.d'ilj^nio ^(smu.'2esrsi]Q^iX). smsupsnn&sr Sji-ii-i

fBL^ii^fTeo siT&}Qi?fT(^ii). iBfTUj st^^^rT6\) ^es)^ ^i^ssQsij<oStn($iih.

Qs^aj^rT&). s_(oST'2iosrss<om'L-.n&} ^(S}j^d(^d fkQ^nei^LDnuSlQ^dQp^.

CTranslate: whenever he sees.) ^enrjijrr uuSirQs^tu^neo. ^k^suLpd(^^

^iTii^rT6\) er<osrd(^ Se\)LD ssm®'

(b.) If you call he will come. If they plough the land corn will be

produced. If afflictions come you must bear [them.] If it rain the

villagers will plough. If the child cries we must go. If he pronounces

clearly I shall understand. What lesson is he reading to the munshi?If the gentleman will decide this dispute rightly. If you leave me thus,

what shall I do? If tlie villagers stand there what will the gentleman

say? If we boil rice tliey will pay the money. If the boy forget his

lesson he must be beaten.

83^ [The /Edrgjff-eo (Sut. 343.) enumerates 12 forms to which it assigns the

common name of <sfl^ er<F'^Li> (77).

Taking the root Q)3=iu, these are said to be

I. For the past:


To these the commentator adds for the future,

13. Qs=uj—^iTi30 [_Q3^'Lff] + ^'so (95. a.^= B-t having done, 21].

14. G)<s=uj—^s<siriso, \_Qs=lu + s^ + ^ + sireo = the tivic of having done'] .

15. O^u—^^LD. [_Q^uj^ + ^&) + ^-ih. 148 = together with the doing].

Of these the majority are obsolete, and poetical.

The dISssr er^cFii is thus defined in Sut. 342.

" That is a s0^ erJ^^il) in which the action and the time appear, but the

finite verb, with its terminations indicating gender and number, is wanting to

complete the sense."

In Sut 344, it is laid down as a rule that " the first four of these forms, and the

last three must have the same nominative as the finite verb, the others may havea difierent nominative."

The more advanced student will find it of advantage to study these Siitrams,

[Compare III Grammar 86.]

Lesson 32*

98. Some of these subjunctive forms are in use as conjunctions:

a. < W- V are the subjunctives of ^, 'become,' (58. II) = «/ [it] become.

, f ersJrr/K'a), 1 . . ,,_„s .,.^"• i ^- > are subjunctives of srer, 'say, (70.) = tj [you] say.

,. (^&f>,^a^. I are used for "if."

If it be so, why does he speak thus?

^QjQsr a(smssek ^(snSv mirui LKsssr^em^s Qsfr(Bds Q<aiJ<5S!sr(Bu).

If he be the accountant we must give the money.

i ernknifio, "J . ,

* ^ • f ^^^ used to expre

\ -n ,' a \ then follow an i

^_ roet. srmiear, )

ss a reason = for, because. Theynterrogative.

Thus: eruuL^ ersaflffi) = if you say, "how .?"

ersJr graJr^ysb = if you say, "why?"

These and similar forms are to be used sparingly. The sentences in

w^hich they occur may often be more elegantly expressed otherv^rise:

I must learn, for this lesson is hard.

.SjSi ereardc^ rErnQr^iu^ Q^iBijud; eruutp. OTScflffD, ^es)^s ssssrQi—cir.

I know that well, for I saw it.

3^ In common talk the future with ^(CS)(Sd or ^@eo is used for the sub-

junctive. Thus:

QsirQuuniLi ^(es)So = Qa/rQ^^frdc, If thou wilt give.

er is sometimes added to the future.

Qsrr(BuurrQaj ^(Ss^eo,

^eu(ssT Qs^iLsmrQasr ^Qev, If he will do so.



Exercise 31.

99. (a-) ^lEjQs €iJ(iTjsuniJu ^(C5)6x) (or euk^n&i) ^i^u uasm^ss)^

(Smsi) (pTiosr/D^ j>i^(es)&)) iBiTLo QufTUj ^<ss)^u u rTiTas(I(sysm® ill. ^(CT)a),

uiFlL<sis^ Qs^inQsuiTLD. (^ppuD unndQeo m-ppih ^eo'^eo. [Poet,] {si-p

ffjLo = attached relatives. See Index I.) ^@)a) (onssresr? sim lBos^s^

uSIQsO LDeSBrUl—isS6\}'2GV.

i^° Tlie learner should now begin to use Indexes I. and II.

(b.) What did you oat? If you slept in the house you must have

heard it. If he have said this I shall go. If he will pay (62) mo (dat.)

the money I will write the petition. They came before I wrote the letter,

because they had heard it from (by) the villagers. This is evil, for

many will be desti'oyed by it. Shall we try it? Whose fault is this?

Did your father tell you to go; if so go at once. If you cultivate will

it grow up at once. Is what he said right, or is it not? If they build

houses in the jungle who will know it?


Lesson 33.

100. (a.) Although I said = itireir Q<3=fr&)£SiLiLD (lit. and I having said).

(h.) Although I say (shall say, may say) = mrasr Qs^irdn^smJ^ (lit.

and if I say).

(a.) Here &-ld = and, (7) is added to the verbal participle (77).

(h.) In this e_zi) is added to the subjunctive form (95).

These two forms are of perpetual use, and present no especial ditficul-

ties. The following are all the varieties of formation. [Comp. Ill

Gram. 141. 142.]

(1.) Verb. part. (77.) with ^im = althoiujh, with the past.

^^uiSiLjij), although [1] sent (and having sent). 77. (a.)

uu^^^uD, although [he] has learnt (and having learnt). 77. (l>-)

(2.) Subjunctive with &-im - although he may, shall, &jc.

^^uiSi(^g!iLD, although [I] send. (95. a.)

utp-^^fT^m, although [he] read.

^QSjjLD 1^i^j j^ -^ jj^ .95_ J , (Poet. ^/iS^ii.)

33' Let the reader, once for all, impress it upon his mind that it is very

rarely the case that any Tamil form of this kind corresponds precisely to an

English particle. Do not translate "but" by ^(OT)(S0 or .^(^^ld, as a matter

of course, wherever you meet with it ; but weigh well the meaning and force

of the particle, and translate accordingly.


101. VocAB.

^3^LD, nevertheless, yet. ^(CTjjs/zi), but. ^rrmisii, tax.

Qm^, Qm§luu(smLh, an instalment of land tax. eufriL/^rruessTLn, the same.

LDir(^so, the produce of a field. ^£U, cut, reap (—sQpgj. 56. HI.) U(^^,

tax (share of government). eurfl, tax, tribute, sufrrrui, a share. (^Uf.<miirffih,

the people' s share ( (^Lp., people, an inhabitant). QLoeoeufriTLD, the proprietor's

share (Qwei), above). .9= itssir it, the government, the circar. rtrsigi, shut

( -Qpgi 62.) s,^<sn •s'fT^^, shut the door (50). Quttq^ib^ (56. II.) agree.

at—.So, the sea. ^smrr, a wave [not very common: ^Ssi) is the ordinary word].

^jtsSluld, wealth. iSimr^smLb, life. Qo^^ld, destruction.

Exercise 32.

102. (a.) When will you pay your tax? Have you reaped the pro-

duce? Before I reaped the produce I paid my instalment of tax. I

have paid my dues (u^^) to Government. Is this the cultivator's

share or the proprietor's share ? Although he reaped then he did not

pay the tax. Although he read with the munshi he does not understand

the lesson. My foot pained me, yet I came with him. The villagers

came walking. Shut the door. How can you tell what the people's

share is, and what the proprietor's.

(h-) s=iTdsfT(r^d(^ (5isk(5sr Qa^eii&d QeuesarQm ? [56. (III.)] ^/Syek

Qew^uuesanh ^&}'2eoQiu<sk(7r^iTS(S{r. cTasr'^esr .^emis^-Qun? sesardsesr

^enff[TiBL—^^eo (Sij ffl sj) iu <i Q


lLsQ <sii 6m® IX) ; <sjQ(5BT6sf]6\3, LD/r@'8s« apm'

^ssniLis^Qed LDirrsjs^ iSLLi^^ii^rr^Lo (68. 79. 100.) ssnirniT ^-(tp^

(60. IV.) uuSiT Qs^tiiiu Qsijmsr®ih. Qunuj Qs=iT<nsr(^^ih QurT(r^iE^s^

Qs^rreoeO Qsysm®LD. L9rrrrem!r,9= Q^^ii) (suii^n^i}) <3u(r^th. "^ ss) fr s t— &)

e^ Lp. Ill i ^ Tf eS uj IB G^®." [Poet. iJa + ^ = ihs;.'\ ^sii'2csr ^Q^iM siT<ssmQurTiM. ^(Syas&r sjhfS!(i^r5^n^is) j>jrSli^<s>JiTs&r ^e\)&). [87.]


Lesson 34.103. "May," "can."

"Might," "could."

a. fBirrmr uL^d-secirLD. /may learn.

b. rsimsr uuf-sss <s^(BlLh, I can learn.

c. ^ih^u (Si!yuLU€k ul^ssisoitld erdsTQ^dr, he said that the boy might learn.

d. ^iB^u es)UiU<sk ul^sss 3^(Bu> isrmQifek, he said that the boy could learn.

(1.) What is called the potential mood in English is formed in Tamilby adding .^ld, to signify peimission, and s^Qih, abilify, possibility.

(2.) ^ii is probably a corruption of ^(^u^, the 3d pcrs. neut. fut. of

^ (72*) become;—if so, it is = will become.



(3.) 3k.® LD is the 3d pers. ncut. fut. of .s^®, co/ne together, Jit; and is

used impersonally = it can be.

(4.) ^m is added to a verbal noun (hereafter to be considered) formedby joining ^<ji; to the roots which have @s>} in the present, and i&io to

those which have aSja. (The analogy of these strong and weak foi'ms

is maintained throughout. Comp. 72. and the inf. mood. 41.)

Thus: Q3=iu + ^60 + ^LD = Os^iuiLKoOrTLD ( lu doubled for euphony), (I &c.) may do.

UL^ + aseo + ^iX) = uujLSSisoirLD, (I &c.) may Icurn.

(5.) rf,_®iz) is added to the infinitive mood.QjFiuiLi + s<-(Bu3 = (d, 3=, ji, u, are always douhled after the inf. mood), O-s^uJ

md 3r^(Biili (I &.C.) can do.

L-'i^ds ^ <g^®ii) = ULf-dsd^h-Qih, &,c. (I &c.) can learn.

(^ (1 ) For such sentences as may you be happy! See 140.

(2) Can is sometimes idiomatically rendered in other ways ;

Can you write? ^-a!rd(^ sr(i£^^ Qs^ffliLjLDrr ? [Is (the manner of)

writing intelligible to you ?]

Can you read? i eurr&uuiTUjfT? [will you read?]

"Can" may often be rendered eleyantly by the simple future.

(.?) Yox cnnnot, must not, Slc. See 117.

Exercise 35.

104. (a.) Q(S>j'2ei)d6sniiiT (suii^ (70) s^esi(Sud ^/DdseOfTLorr? (66) ^G!)fT

i3t3!r'^s'^ jijuuL^s smLu^QeO sB lL(B(sS i—&)ms)!T? (68. When eS®

is thus doubled it gives emphasis = to forsake altogether., utterly. 254.)

inn? ^<3s(Sfr Qus^d sf^QiMir? ^uuuf. ^^ffs^iflsss s?l.®ldit'^ ^^smn

^smi^dseOfTLDfT? ^i^d si^ssTLDrTesr ufTi—.^0D^Lj ui^dsd •sk-QixifT? @^ujiTjTaQ&) ^(^Lo [^in]? (^i<^S(^d(^^ Q^rflujuu(Sld^6\)rTLDrT? (surresr^ss)^

iLjih LiLSsainii^'}) U(5S)i—^^isuiT ^(SS)^u^(^ Qffdjujsak-®iJD.

N. B.— a;i.®zi) signifies, (1.) Possibility. (2.) Fitness, right.

(b.) May the little boy shut the door of the house? Shut the door.

He may shut the door. He can [is able to] shut the door. May they

open the door? Yes (^pds&>n:LD). May I call the servants? Yes. Canthe boy lift this weight? Yes.

[N. B.— Yes is often rendered by .^^i (or vulgarly ^ldit for c^"), =^^); but

the verb should be repeated: QurraeoiTLDrr? Ans. Qufrs&ifriJD, not simply ^iJd.'\

Although the people were come, he slept in the house. Is it riglit to

beat the little boy so ? (3r^®LDiT? ) Although the mother comforted the

little child, it wept. Can you speak with the gentleman at this time?

Ought the little boy to come on foot (^walking)? May the munshi see the

lesson you have written? Must the child weep for its mother? Thereare ten loads of iron, I think._ _


Lesson 35.

Exercise 34.

A Story.

lOo. [Every word in this tale is in use, and every form deserves atten-

tion. Let the learner go over it often, and carefully consult all the refer-


The honey drop tumult

A Muhammedan a great in town to the bazaar having gone,

1 13. 21. 21. 78.

Q^asT <si] !T isj (3)U> QuirsJ '^(3 (3)^(5ifl [_^] Q^ak QcStp &i^iug:j;

honey which will buy the time a drop-honey below was spilt


50. 74. .50. 70. (2.)

of it upon a jly having come it alighted. That Jly,

25.21. 77.70. 70.(2) 18.

^lEjQo^i^ (^iEi(3) ^QP)i^


u&^eS (4) iSu^^g! [<s] Qs!TsmL—gj;

there-ivhich-was {a) lizard having seized, took;

74. 77. 70. (2.)

^m^ [ij] u&teSictniJj [«] s,(cini—isrrrf^(cS)i—iu y^'Ssisr iSls^^si [a] Qsfreisn—S^';

That lizard the bazaar-man's cat having seized, took


25. 18. .52. 21. 77. 70. (2.)

^i^ [tj] y,&srei!)'Li gj^as^^enii—iu mirt'u (-5) ^/^^^[l.'] QuinLi—ffj;

That cat the Muhammedan's dog having bit it put


25. 18. 21. 77. 56. III. 70.(2.)

^i^ /Erremiu [.s] <s<cS>i—ds,irjTeir ^Lp-^^ [«] Qsirdrjy QuaiLi—iTdsr.

That dog the bazaar-man having beaten, having killed, lie put


25. 77. 78.56.(111.) 70.(2.)

oSy/F^ [«] aemi—ssiTij^ssr [^] gi^&am QsiJiLup. [u] QuiTL-L—iT<3sr;

That bazaar-man the Muhammedaii havirig cut down he put;

25. 18. 77. 70. (2.)

cSyi^ [^] ^^a&'Sssr Lcptsa/D [<s] semi—d sir/tits m' Qeul—l^ [u]

That Muhammedan the other bazaar-men having cut down,

25. 18. 29. 77.

QuirLLt—rriTsm; ^i^ [«] ssmi—ssiruemir [^] ^^dsir eu/i^,

they put; Those bazaar-men (the) Muhammedans having come

70.(2.) 25. 29. 29. 77.

s-jb/SI [d] OsfTussari—trn'sar; ^^ssir (^i^ih^Qsrremi—ems: [lj]

having surrounded, took ; The Muhammedans having surrounded the taking

11. 70.(2.) 29. 77. 87.

unk^gi [«] seai—ssanQhsairs Qeii(^ Quiuir s^L^(miTs^ . ^enirat^LD

having seen, for the bazaar-men many persons caine together. And those

11. 64. 29. 70. (2.) 10. 8.



and these hand having-mingled, a row having made, in that aide

8.10.25. 50.77.66. 50.77.58. I. 25. 21.

^gu QuiuiT, @i^ C'^] usa^^Qeo sirS" Ouujit, ^^'' .^irsQej,

a hundred perons, in this side a hundred persons, to die indeed,

21. 172. 58.(111.)

UL-i^isasTLD 6T'S^<oOn'u> uiuigi, ^&)60 s^Qixrrffou ulL(B eusosiB^

the town all havingfeared utter confusion, having suffered, a hurried removal

127. 77.66. 77. 161. 50.


it took.

70. (2)

106. Notes on the story.

(1.) LD^ i3i^ sffosLD. Compounds are often formed in Tamil as in

other languages, by merely putting the crude forms together.

This is simple Sanscrit.

(2.) c^sar suiriEjf^LD Qurrgj, here Qurr^ or Qufr(i£^, meaning ^ewe, is used

for "when;" eijn-iij(^ii> is the future relative participle (74); but is used in-

definitely for any time. Translate: "when he was buying honey."

Thus: ^siieir Quir^m', Qu sr(^ldQungj &c.

He went; and while he was going.

(3.) gjeBpQ^<ssr, drop [of] honey. The words are put in apposition.

Such constructions are frequent. So sb(5 (^i—w ^tmresi^iT, a pot [of] water.

(4.) Qsaemi—^, from the root Qsrreir ((et^) [56. (III)]. It is used

several times here, s-p^is, Qamoswi—irirsm, &c. This verb is frequently

added to the verb. part, of another

(a.) To give a middle or reflexive signification: <suirmjQiQisn<smt—irm,

he bought (for himself). It may be thus added to very many verbs.

{b.) To give the idea of habitual, repeated action: erQ^^dQairessri—in^,

he continued writing. It is not used when the action is done once for all.

(c.) Merely as an expletive, adding perhaps an idea of completeness to the

primary verb ;— as here, iSn^^^sQisfrsssrs—s^. [Comp. 259.]

(5.) &u^^si(u) QuiTL-i—gi. Here Qun-(B is added to the verb. part.

i3ls^^sj- This verb is added to another, to make its transitive character

more apparent. It adds force in some cases. [Comp. 256.]

(6.) 3=iTaQ(si : ex emphatic added to the infinitive mood makes it

equivalent to the case absolute; = they having died.

107. VocAB. to the story.

gsi^iam, a Muhammedan. sent—, a bazaar.

semi—dsmieir, a bazaar-man. Q^ssr, honey, ^sifl, a drop. eumsjiQ, bug, obtain,

receive. (-QQpm. 56. II.) Quir(Lp^, Quirgi, timc,vf'\i\i rel. part. = when, while.

LDpse>p, other. * Q^, under (ej is often added). &i^ spill (-Qp^ 62). * Qld6\),

*Both Qmeo and Syi are nouns governing the 6th case with the termination g;*:

^L-uf-Bn (Jrnsu, Qm'sssiiSiiir Sifl. They may govern also the 4th case.






over, above, (ex is often added.) ^, a fly. Qunnu, swarm, alight upon as

a winged insect ( —a@Qp<ssr. 56. III.). ^iei(^, there — ^ikiQs. uSoeS, a lizard.

iSl^, seize (—3,QQp<ck. 56. III.). L^&sr, a cat. QeuiL®, cut, cut duion (—QQjDdsr.

56. II.). Qi<sii(S), many, much. Quiurr, a name, a person, people, s^smemi—, a row—"shindy." ud&u>, a side, STSXt « hundred, u LLi—fsmld , a town, erisoeomli, all,

the whole. u:u,* fear [only the past, uiui^, &c. are in use.] (—sQQflm.66.) .j)iSo&>s(soQeorr<sOLD, utter confusion (an imitative word like hubbub, &:c.)

(SiKsoesi^, a hurried removal through fear , 8cc. used with the verb eiiiriSKQ.

Lesson 36.

The reflexive pronoun ^irtssr.

[Appendix xii.]

108. (o.) ^/rajr is thus declined:



That boy his lesson learnt.

[106. (4.)]

Not ^eiJ^eai—UJ.

§3= Wherever the meaning is his, her or its own (suus-a-um) use fRm-ena

eioi—iu, ^ek or ^ssr^ , and rarely ^Qj^eaL-iu, ^<sa(efK(oS)i—uj, ^^^etai—iu, &c.

108. * VocAB.—^Qnmsask, each one (he, he). OKsoeoum, ability. sirsssriS

(56. III.), cause to see.

Exercise 35.

109. (a.) The bazaar-man beat his cat. The Muharamedan killed his

dog. The people left their houses and emigrated. There is honey in

the jungle. Is there honey in the jungle? There is no honey in thejungle. Give me a drop of water. Is it right to catch flies? Did thevillagers kill the bazaar-man's dog ? No, the Muharamedan killed it.

Come when I write the letter. Come when I have written the letter.

Go after you have seen the petition. He came before the clerk had readthe report to the gentleman.

srrrfQi^? tEiresr s<omss<ssr ^60s\), sfreupsnirm'^nisbr, ^rriJu ^asr lS&t

arrjrasr QeussgrQt}) (srisir^ (aUisQ^esr. finikis&r eresr'^esru unrrds QsuesarQw.

'^-&sr'^£sr <oS)<su^0i^rT^LD (58. I.^ i§ (^is^s'^ ^i^d^u, iSli^^^s", s^easr

€S)t— Qs^ujiueOfTLDfT? ^&j<osrsij(a5r ^asr ^(ssr eu6\)6\}LJ^(oS)^s sinsmiS^^rrasr.

^(kis&r Q^^ih (oTSsr unsQuuih (oKssTQTf'&sr. ^'Ssw (50.) si<oSi^^^s Qsnem®[106. (4.^] <?/Q^dFLo um^i^<osr. ^€STS(^<s(rQ(S(r ^Qeoir&^^nim'


Lesson 37.

The negative verb.

110. The Tamil has a peculiarity nearly confined* to the family

of South Indian dialects ;—it has a negative form of the verb. And this

is formed by adding to the root the personal termination xoiihout any'particle indicative of time. Compare

uisf. 4- aQ^ + grsjr = uuf.&QQpm, I read,

uisf. + O + CTssr = uL^Qiueir, I do not read.

* Compare Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, preface xxix. Old Scandinavianpoetry afTords traces of a negative not only in verbs, but also in pronouns. Some ofthe Caucasian dialects also exhibit the same peculiarity.

10 73


[The learner may imagine, if he pleases, that the absence of any middle particle

denoting time signifies that the action of the verb takes place in no time whatever;and so an absolute negativefor all times is formed.]


Roots UL^, IBl—, ^^ULj.



uLp-QiLieir, mi—QeafSsr,^^uQum.

ULp-iumu, mt—eniTiU, ^^uuiriu.

ULo.iuirm', mi—eiifresr, ^^uuiresr.

uL^iutr&r, fEi—eutretr, ^^uufreir.

n. UL^iUirgi, mL-emrgii, ^M"^'-'"'^'




Lesson 38.

The negative verb (continued)


1 13. The negative most frequently used, and, on the whole, the best, is

obtained by adding §)<k>dsi = not (43), to the infinitive of the verb. Thisform is indefinite as to time, and is the same for all numbers and persons.

lEirm, p I, thou, he, do "^

li,\ lEi—a&i^isodso &c. did

| ,,. < ,,,-,, r-

i^ot walk.^euesr, shall or will


&c. L J114. _g)svSo is also added to other parts of the verb, especially to the

neuter participial noun (87. 88.).

lEtrsk r Q^iuQjv^ + ^&)^ = Q,a=iuS/D^&)3so, I, thou, &c., do not do, am not



li J Q<^iu^^ + ^&)8si> = Q<3=u^fls\)3so, I, thou, &c., did not do, have

^1 7iof done.

&c. &;c. j Qs^Lusiigj + ^6\)&o = Q<3'iLi€up&)3si>, I, thou, &c., ivill not (at any

1^ time) do.

This is more common, but less elegant than the former.

115. VocAB.

o'itlLS, testimony (also a witness). s^n-LSs^Bmreir, a witness.

Qs^eusek, a peon. (a;/r<a(gg^eoii), a deposition. s=fff, right, •ff^rffajfriu, rightly, m^p

pta, a fault, afreueo *( urrriir) guard, toard, prison. ^lL®, a note. <sa;esW,

attend to (56. III.). @^, indicate, regard (56. III.). &.(^d,&!rir (q^), sit-down

(60. III.). SiLirrujili, reason, right, li^, justice. iSiuinum^eoi}>, a court, a

place of justice (em^eoLo, a place). Qsititl-® (court), is often used, enir^, the

complainant. LSrr^isvrr^ (tSlj^, opposition), the defendant. €i]dSe\}, a pleader.

^syrffl/, a measure. ^tmisiieireii (this measure), thus much. ^eueusireij (that

measure), so viuch. ereueueireij (what measure), hoiu much? Ql^, (56. III.) tear.

* A word written thus is to be considered as a synonym of the one after which it is

put ; but is either a foreign word, or a vulgar and objectionable, though common one.

Exercise 37.

116. (a.) ^smrr ffifliumiid QsiLseSled'hso. i§ iB(^(irfius •ssuesfl^^

(^jB^^ ^<^(oU(S!reij Qu,s-Q(vrj>Lu? <sua^s(^ sr&jiSijefrGii Qs=&)eo QeiHosarQui?

S-€sr f^pp^^psns (22) ^ fStumuLDrrilj^ ^smru^dsLJuQeyaiL. rSiurruuew

^&)^^/Qgo s^m-L&ssrTjjisar s^rfltumLs' Os^neO^) QeuesarQii). ^iejQs i§Q

/5z_<5(5LD. srrsveSlso (urrsTTeSQeo) QurTL^uuLLu-rrfir. &.€srd(^cf s^ntl.

& ^&)'^ujn? !Bn(5sr J)/iejQs Qurrsu^eo'bso. ^aism ssuesfldSlm^eo'^.

QjdSeo €r<osr'2esrd 3^ulSlL(Si<s QsiLseSeo'^eo. i§ Qs^rT(S!r(osr eiJirdrsyPipeOLD

* Lit. " having indicated what, do you speak so much ?" (s^g: is equivalent toregarding, concerning, about. Comp. 230.


(b.) Why has he not written the deposition ? Why do the peons beat

the witness? The gentleman will do you justice. What fault has the

physician committed ? Why do these villagers not pay the instalment

(due) ? The child does not sleep. Although I have called the defend-

ant's witnesses they come not. Although the munshi read the lesson to

him he does not pronounce it rightly. Although his father beat him the

little boy does not attend to his lessons.

Lesson 39.

Some defective and irregular verbs.

117. According to 110, from the roots iDiriL®, hook on; 3^( join;

Quit, go; <^<sm^ii, be possible; 6t<so, agree; ^@, be Jit iStMf); Quirgi, suf-

fice; «e, agree; Qtsuam®, need, are made the very common forms:




.Qi—ek, I will not, cannot.

-i—iruj—uLiT, thou zvilt not, can^st not.


Jt must not



It is not







"It is no go."


he will not, cannot.

she ivill not, cannot.

It will not, cannot.

We will not, cannot.

ye, or you will nut, cannot.

they will not, cannot.

"It luonH

fit:' (vulg.)

It does not



It is not



It is not necessarij.

(Tliis is quite irregular.

For Qeusssri—iTeiiiTLD.

Qeumri—rr + ^li. 110.^

It is not

fit, right.

118. The positive of s^i—n-gi is formed regularly (3d part. neut. fut. 72.)

s^(£lw; of ^eoirgj, srpi^LD (comp. 70.); of ^st^, ^(gii; of (^wsmrgi, <spd(^Lh;

and of Qemsesri—iTLD, QeuismQih. These are all common.

119. a.

May this honey be put iji the store-room ? It must not.

b. ^i^i (^^ssitr uemtp-uSleo Quirc^LDtr? Quits LDmLL—ir^.Will this horse go in the bandy? It will not.

c. eurr^ Qsir®^^ ld^a ^(^^ldit? ^sirgi.

Is the complaint which the plaintiff It is not a fitting one.

has presented a fitting one?


Is it a fit tiling to abuse him? To abuse is not becoming.

e. iSff^sutr^ Qa a n-lLl^Q 60 SB(5 Loegus Qsn'®<is, Qen(ssisr®LDir?

Should the respondent present a petition in court.

QsrrQsa Q en <osm i—iTld .

He need not {shovXd not, Sic),

Exercise 38.

120. (a.) ^i^u (sauiuissr uni—ua ui^ds LDniLQi—f^ <simQ(!rf'm'.

Qlff^^^ LDfTLLQi—fTih etimgu Q3=rr&)^Q(Vj'iTS&T. ^i^d s<ss)t—danii&sr

^smLDdB'Ssrr'^ Q3=uj^(mih^rr^uD^ .^<su^d(^ isit LD<ssr6m1ssQ<Sijem®ih. ^li

^s- f!as^<smms (^[B^^ (116.^ a_i£)(S(5 'STssrsar Q^tflnjix)? &.lls(^^ Q^ffli^ss)^ (S"^*) 'S76060/7-a) (127.J Q^<sifl<sunuj<f Q^n6\)&ods^i—iT^fT? ^lju

isf-U Qus^eu^ (88.) ^(^LDfT? ^gj ^rfliusoeo. (43.) ^^ <sruuLs^ iBi—m

^gsl Q&neo^ fffliunuLi (idiom for g^fliumbs: Qs^neo^^ which is more

correct), /f/tsw- 9S3r^Lo(172. V2^.=^awj thing ai all.) sijBQvum (^mQrj'm.

QsusasTL-tTLD, ^uurf! jjji^uuisasnh STiosrdQ)U QuiT^rr^, 6^iu.t! Qurr^th,

Qun^ihl [For Qurr^n^ we often hear up(irj^ or upp u^niLu.n^ =it won't touch (suffice). Thus, sjw^s^ s^iJdu&tld (syuSpsudt^u up0>^ithe wages woii't suffice for my (suuSgi/. This is often said by the

common people.]

(b.) The watchman said that the villagers beat him; but the witnesses

did not give their deposition rightly. Why will you make a disturbance

in the village? Although the defendant killed the dog you must forgive his

fault. They all sat down in the court. They were seated in the place

of justice when the gentleman came in. This and that agree. Tell himhow the affair happened. He says that he cannot learn the lesson. Theservant said he would not do that. They denied all knowledge of the

atfair. The munshi said that I need not write that lesson.

Lesson 40.

Other parts of the negative verb.

121. (1.) An ordinary familiar inperative. To the third sing. neut.

neg. add ct for the sing. ; sr + s-to for the polite form ; and sr + SL.ik&&r

for the plural.

From fBi—suirff/, it walks not (does not happen),

are formed mi—<sun-Q^, don't walk,

rEi—enirQ^iLjLD, don't walk, sir!

rEi—smrQ^ujimsm, don't you walk.


(2.) The negative verb, participle (27.) is formed by adding ^si or

\^LD&) to the root. One of the forms is therefore the same as tlie 3d

ng. neut. nes;. 110.

not Icarjiing.

(3.) By adding to the above the auxiliaiy verb §}(^ (sometimes Quit

and other roots), in all its parts, a complete negative verb may be

constructed, though the forms ai'e rather cumbrous. Thus:

uuLiurTLDeo @)r/fjdScw<zir, ) , , , /i . , • x

^ -^ • } ne does not learn (he is not learning).uLpLiuiTplQ^eklQ^esr, )

iEi—SiiiT^(m, do not walk.

£ iEi—(Siin'LD6Snnii^fr&), if you do not ivalk.

Further examples are not necessary, but compounds of this kind are

constantly used.

(4.) A negative relative participle for all tenses, and participial nouns,

answering to tlie forms in (74. 87.), are formed by changing e- of the

verbal participle in ^s^ into ^ (or sometimes, chiefly in poetry, by simply

omitting ^).

iBi—e^irgj (— 2- + ,jy =\ /Bi—sufT^j who or which walks not.

@j(Siieir UL^ojir^ iSKUiL/sar, he [is] a boy who learns not (or has not learned).

iLirm sL-L—fT^ (62) a?®, a house which I have not built.

(5.) And thence we obtain the following negative participial nouns:

( /Ei euiT^euear, he who does not lualk.

Singular. % fBi—suir^eu&r, she who does not walk.

l^ IB i—.<sj IT^^ , that which does not walk.

( IEI— <sv ir^ sj IT


he (hon.) who does not loalk.

Plural. -^ iEi~<suir^eiiif—seir, they tvho do not walk.

l^isi—SuiT^smeusisir, they which do not walk.

®je0 60iT^iEii(dr, = one who has not.

121. * VocAB.

u^ga, hurry, (56. II.). S^£ii, be dispersed, come to nothing

(56. II.). (SFjiresTili, wisdom. =«y@ (^irssTih, folly, ignorance, heathenism. ^gir<so,

thread ; a work on a science. Loirpg)!, the relative value of a metal, its fineness.

2_(5m/r, standard of gold. Q^ldlj, (62.) sob. (^tu, (57.) cease, rest. Neither—nor,

£_LD—2_ifl with a negative.

Exercise 39.

122. (a.) § ^<SS)LD Q<9=IULUITLD60 ^Q^k^TTeO (aU fT(Lpeu fTlU. (56)UUj(oloSr,

snLL®s(^u QunsnQ^l (snstsr LSI^nQisu! Gr&!T'2issr^ ^ssiruf-Lua^Q^ih.

(^tsjLsCcisfr ! s^ssares)!— Qs^tLujfT^Q^rEJssirr ! Qus^rrQ^iLjiEJiSSfr! £ uisf.

lUTLDeO ^(T^ifilT&) (Qu'T(SS)S\)) UlTL-ll) (SUSJIT^' ^/Si/eOT" UU^SS LLUL-L^IT

Qetsr ^(sa^ei) uni^ih <siuu u^enQ^ih? (How will the lesson come? Howcan he understand it?^ ufiQrf^ sarfltum Q^^-^. ^sn^<3Si^ff- Qffih


u<suasr [88.] ui—iT^eD^u u(Sl(QiJfT(osr. uiT6iJ(i^ G)s=iuiun^(T^, LDesrQLn! lj^

^ujjb/o [From ^^. 68.] ^/^(^rrasr ^eo ui^luitQ^! ^rroir Q^i-.nuQufT&n-^s^ mrrp^u:) ^6\)'2eo, s^isarTULji}) ^ei)^, (what is got without

effort is not valued). eSli—a (254.) Loasi^ujrraLJ QuLu^Qsnesan^rmii

(Idiom: without his knowing it- Probably a corruption from ^©yisar

^/S3)^ ^/SliutTmeo.) [Many of these sentences can be rendered in

various ways. Try!] Q^wlS^ Q^ldlSI s^ilktld&j ^Q£^!Tm. ^^ eiesr

(b.) I had not seen him. If he will not come. Why do not the

servants open the doors? If they do not open the doors when I tell them(mrresr Q.3^ir<so^ih Qurr^) what can I do ( ermesr^sm^-^ Qs^tLiaj<siiiru>) ? If the

attorney does not properly represent the affair in court (Sojirujem^eo^^Qeo

s^ifliuirius sirrfluj^em^u Qus^itldSo Qum^eo) what can the plaintiff do ? Thisis a thing which has not happened and cannot happen. Silence ! This is

an impossible thing. What is not possible to us, is possible to Him.

Lesson 41.

Some miscellaneous forms.

123. (a.) (70. 2.) The form uv^^Q^m, &c., is vulgarly pronounceduifJc^OTT, and ui^p^^ is ui^s^s-gj or ui^s^a-. So ui^^gi is ul^^s-. Thisis not to be imitated, but in very common conversation can hardly be

quite avoided. Tlius QuiT3=»gu or Qu!t.s=» is used for QuiruSlesr^ or Qun-esr

SJ- This is elegantly QuiruSlp^u. So ^uSlmsj, ^Gsrgi, ^uSipgji is vulg. ^^»si or ^<^#-

(&.) The shortened Q^iLi'luit is occasionally used in composition whereQ^ujiLin-LDPo (121. (2.) would be the full form). This is chiefly found in

the phrases _g)a)6«/r i^l-L—it<5\), Q.s^ujiurr <^LLi—rreo, Quirsrr aflili_ffeu, and the

like. eQiLt—frSi) = if [you] leave (68). Thus Qs=iuujrr (^lLi—it&i, will mean,'^not doing, if (you) leave;" gjikeon- eSiLi—iTeo = "not being, if (you)leave;'' QurrsirdlLLi—iTe\) = "not going, if {you) leave." Tliey are equiva-lent to "unless you, &c.," "if you do not, &c."

The full forms Q.9^ujujiTLDeo ^(i^i^sfrw, &c., are perhaps more elegant.

(c.) For Q'S^uj^iris)), (95. a.) you will often hear Qa^dj^iraarr = ifyou do,

Qun-(e^ssfr = if [you] go, &c. This is either from the poetical formQi&=iUflss{reo, or from Q<FtLsifrSo sfTffO ( ffo -t- £ = jsd, 0-3=tu^rrn^s rrev,) wherean&> is a poetical word for aireoLh, time = tvhen.

(d.) Letters are often interchanged in different parts of the Tamilcountry. Thus, i^ is uj in Madras, and eir in Tinevely and the south.

QsfTL^, a fowl, is QsrruSl in Madras, and Ga/rsrf) in the south.<3- and iLi are also interchanged.



Thus eSujiT^, sickness, is in the south often e^3=rr^.

(e.) The 3d plural (mas. and fem.) is strangely corrupted in very

vulgar conversation. Thus, Q'S^iieun-iram becomes Q^iijeiimiiQsrr, &c. ; Q<3=ili

^irirseir is Sometimes pronounced something like Q 3=111^1701 (cheythaw^a.)

(f.) There is a common form which the lower orders sometimes use in

addressing a superior that is puzzling to a beginner: for ^eo^ they say

^&)^iEjs, &c. This seems to be the honorific plural s-imseir added. This

is carried to a great extent in Madras.

(g.) We have in English a number of words which are apparently

mere reduplications, such as hurly-burly, topsy-turvey, &c. In Tamil these

occur much more frequently. In general any noun may be so repeated

(of course in the merest colloquial dialect). If the word does not begin

with « the reduplicated syllable generally does. Thus, <^p(^, firewood,

becomes sfl^@ S^g = "firewood, &c.'' Qwem^ @s»<f is "the table and its

appurtenances." aLLi^eo QiLi^eo for siLuf-Sd, a cot. Qsrr^&=u3 Qih!^<s=i}> for

QiaiTtQs^LD, a little. This is worth noting carefully.

i^° [This whole lesson may be talked over with a munslii or other intelligent na-

tive and such forms collected. These are given as a specimen. The great matter

is to know exactly what the people say. We can choose our own words and forms

at leisure.]

124. VocAB.

^mesrili, yet. Quit, go, added to instransitive words, gives the

idea of completeness as Quit® does to transitives. 106. (5.) (Qisnp (56.1.) be

deficient, (56. III.) diminish, lessen. ^iBCp, tamil. uiresxSLS^, a language.

Exercise 40.

125. (a.) cgy/F^ <s^® slLi—uulLl-. iSlebrLi i§it Qunihu urnrss Qsuem®i})', ^eOedfreBLLL-neo p^ljdqpqsi—uj (^Lo/yjsOT" QuiTsQ<aiJ6snr(blih' ^<suit

sserr ^i^ili uesar^istn^s^ Qs^^^^rr(aSlLLi—fT&)(Qs=^^^m£ieO Qurr(eu)&).,Qs=

&^^^nQ^ Qun(SU)e\)) ^OJirs&r strsus^do Qunu-uui— (68.) Q<sij(oSBr®iii.

^wfi G'q/'Ssu Qs'iu^fr<9=<9^ S"-"^' (G)<^iu^ having done., ^uS^^ it has be-

come., is accomplished (58. III.)= the work is finished. Very commonform.) (oiesreisrl Q'Su'^eo ^s^s^tr? (What^ has the work become?= well., is

the work finished). Madras cook speaks: QsnuSI Qs^i^u Quns^s^ for

QsriL^ Qs=s:^Lj QuiTuSp^., the fowl is dead. Tinevely Shanan speaks;

^Q^skesr eSs'n^ eressr^u* Q^rfliurr^ (every jb pronounced with a

whirr), for ^j^ srawesr <sSuurr^ erOTjj/ Q^Smrr^ (I donH know what

disease this is). Qs'wsnl ^i^ Qey'^eo ^mesTth si,s(cS&)'^ujn? i§ Qs^iLi

^Q<aij'?&) Qsu(^ i56m(sss^iu ^0'S(^^ (Ironical). iS ^ekearih .jifi^u u©JBT^ao^-F Qs=^^^iTLD6\) ^Q^sSlp^ ersaresT?* eiesrswih c^<?<*^, Qs^ired^

(Tell me how you got on?), smflojuy Qpi^i^s^^.^ for Qpisf-k^^ (The af-

fair is accomplished.)

* OTvf) becomes akrem in common talk—thus mair^iu is i^em^S)'^-



(b.) This work is finished. If you do this evil you will perish. Don't

go! You had better not go. Put it on the table. Do you understand

Tamil (^^ip or ^tBLpuuireeoei^)? I understand it a little (red. form).

Unless you go you cannot obtain it. If he does not send his servant for

it the gentleman will not give it. If you do not hear [obey] you will

perish. Should the little boy be so disobedient? (^t-iiairLuPo. 56. II).

Lesson 42.

Words denoting universality.

126. Some uses of s-ti, and.

(a.) When added to an interrogative form &-ld makes an universal.

eruQufrap^, when? + e^io = sruQu/rQ^^ui, always.

ersiicir, who? + ^-ili = enaimiili, every one.

eria(Q, where? + S-ld = eTiBt(^u), every where.

eruuL^, how? + S-w = eruuL^u-jil, in every way, ly all means.

luneudr, who [Poet.] ) . f = lUfreiiQ^iii C<zk changed to itJ, all persons.

luiTSJ, which J [^— ajir^ih, every thing.

^^jigi, so much + e-ti = ^"Sssrsiffiui, all (rather unusual).

(b.) 2_tD is also added to (?i£>ai, i3tkQ<zsr, mgiiuLf. and many other words

used adverbially.

Qld&) (= over) + ^-ii = Qld^ld, moreover.

iSekQesr (— after) -^ S-ih = iSd/rQasriLiu:), besides.

LDgauL^ (= another step) 4- e_tD = LDgauu^iijth, again.

127. <sr<kieoir = all. ^asu = all. ^(hsr so viuch. [Poet.]

(a.) <5r<so'B^(r as an adjective is prefixed to nouns, but requires ^w to be

put after the noun.

er<k)€OiT tDiS5fl^5/f<5(Bffiii, all men.

erSoeoiT m^fsfmLo, all women.

sr<so&)iT <^®s(&T)LD, all houses,

(b.) ersoeofTil, ((5r<scisi)rr + s-ld j is a neuter noun = ever?/ thing. It is de-

clined after the analogy of nouns in li, substituting ^psn for ^^sn, and

requires the s-ii after each case.

2d Case: er<PCCorrsupea^!LjLD, Sec.

3d Case: 6ra)(fV/r<S2;^G'(Tj'®zi), &c.

(c.) <?««« is a Sanscrit word = all. It is used as an adjective = sr&^ejir.

s'seo Ln<sS^iTS(Sff)iM, &c., all men, &c. It is also used as a neuter noun,

^aeow, and declined regularly, like t/sjii but with the addition of s-ii>. •s^*

(oo^sm^u-jih aekri—rrm, he saw the whole, all.

(d.) =sy&)r makes ^^^gi (sing, neut.) so much, and ^hsriu (plu. neut.)

so many, ^'^^sild = the totality, is regularly declined. These are little

used except in poetry.

_ _


Ce.J erSoioOfr, .s^sm and ^^, all form nouns plural (mas. and fern.)


ersiieonrQ^il), ( + ir + S-m com. 87.) r= all people.

^aaiQf)LD, ( + IT + S-LD.)I

These are declined by inserting the

^%r£iiQ^Lx>, ( + eu + ^iT + &-LD.)-<J

signs of the cases between the words


and S-Ln : er &) &) rrsn it ilj ih , •Fseoes^rriLjih,

1^ ^gy&jraucto/niyii), &c.

(f.) These forms are often put after the nominative case of the nounto which they belong : thus,

UL-i—essTLD erSoeoiTLD seorkiQpS)'' (70.2.) the whole toion was agitated.

SM.rriTiT sr (SH €0 TT QF)ili suih^ir!ra<sfT , all the villagers came.

uL^^^enirseiT ^'SssTSu&arrnjLD si^ui^LLt—iraiT, he called all ivho had learned.

Many of the other words in 126 may be used in the same way.

(g. ) Instead of ersoeon-Qf^Lh and ^dosraiQ^uy, ereoQevn-Q^uj and ^^Qsuttq^ld,

are elegantly used.

(h.J QPQ£, adj. = tvhole. QpQ^mLD, = the ivhole. (lpq£sii^ui, (ip(Lgffiil> = the

whole. The last two are declined as the words in (e.). (ip(Lg requii'es s-ii

to be added to the noun to which it is prefixed.

128. VocAB.

QisfTpflesT, a mason. GisiTeoeoasr, a blacksmith. a^eS, hire.

•s^LDuefTLD, wages. Qeu^LorTesTisi, a present. •3=rsQsrr<Sii,Ui, joy (used for a

present). ^urrrr^Lh, a fine, s^eostii, the world, ^^mefr, which is, existing

(=wv, oiKToc., ov). ^(V), sacred, holy. 3=es>u, a congregation, assembly, ^(te.^

-S'siau, the holy Church. Qu/Tjb^, extol (56. II.). Qsn-(S^s'ih, a little, a few.

^ff^eir, ^!JiT-3=ir, a king (with or witliout^). sitso, time (for <sit€\)u>). ^(vjs

aiT^LD, at any time whatever, ^ir, be removed, 60. act, remove (56. III.).

Exercise 41.

129. (ft-) Did you see all the peons? Why are all the villagers

assembled together? All who had committed sin feared. You mustlearn all the lesson well. He wrote and sent a letter to all the servants.

Why did all the carpenters leave their work ? Where are all the brick-

layers ? Give all the blacksmiths their hire. Have all the servants re-

ceived their wages? The boy who learns all the lessons well. Thekings who govern all the world. The king who governs the whole world.

I will fine you. He never learns.

(b ) <eT&)e\)fT(y^ih eui^rriTseir. (^Qi—&)6\)fTLD Qeuii^ QunuSp^. (58.

IV.) (124.). ^-eOSLD (siiki(^i£> ^-eirGfr ^0j:s'ss)U S-is)(oB)LDU Qunjb^iiu^.

Q(Su'?in\)dsrTffiT (St<50eOfr(T^s(^is> ^uunfiih QuniLQi^issr- ereoedn Qsij'^s

siT!riflL—^^§^LD ^urrrr^LD <SiJiTiEjQ(es)iT. Qsnppn \jun(SiiQ^ui sk-eSl (50.)

euniBiQsQ'Snismi—nhsen', ^'i^ Qsu'^Qs^iL^ ^s^s=0d(^i}i sessrdss^d

<?<56\) irfJ3=iTdsim)is> (^i<^S(^iJD ffns^^nm Q<sii6ssr(SlLl) (58. HI.) (108. c).



s_6i)<3r^(Sro^ ereoeOfTLD .^(syjii) ^jr^ek- rBtrm- uun^ih ^pp uit(sSI (Ihn a

destitute wretch, 90'). (ordu ei^iiSQKih (nSsr^uSOrQuneo sremesafl, rsn&sr ^maaQ <SiJ essr® ih .

*•' umrnQiLirT <5rissr'2issr 1 Qpsiounn^^ ^(T^sa^uo <sT<s5r <s(ay'8si)

^unQiun? uutTUffQisiV (This is poetical; but understood.) ^ffssr @et)

eOir^ QurTQ^6\}e0mh STiosr'2ssr^ ^ebr Loihsia^ssiuuu uirn^^s Qlsn&r&rff

Queo^^i_(o!sT [239.] ^(T^<iQ(7r^&!r. s'<5S)uujrr(sarr [180.] iBieoeonuo QslL

Lesson 43-

Qualifying words. Apposition.

130. It may be broadly stated that in Tamil there are no adjectives.

How then are nouns qualified ? [Compare 74.] The past relative par-

ticiple of ^ (58. II.) (74.) is ^ssr or ^8iu, (forms of ^uSlssr or ^QQ!r) =

"having become." These inserted between any two nouns will either

convert the foi'mer into something answering to an adjective, or place

the two in apposition. This is common and clearly intelligible.

^(^ih, or ^LD (72*) is used for ^sar poetically, as ercire^LD (132.).

Thus: eSffi^tli ^u&^eir, a heroic king [a king who will he a hero'].

Qtsuiliuiresr s^lLssh—., a red jacket (Qsuulj, redness, Ssuucjfrasr red, or which

has become red. You may also say, @iSiiLjLj<g= s^tLeiai—).

^[T!T3=n'(sarTQiiJ ^n'^gi, king David, David the king. You can say also, ^/rsS'^

rT!T.9=ir, or ^iT<£^ erdr^U) ^ijir^ir (in common language sreirSp is used for eraJr

^im), ox ^iri£^ srasTosruuLLi— ^!jir'3=!r.

131. From the above it appears that two nouns may often be .simply

joined together to form a compound, after the manner of steam-ship,

bi-ick-house, &c. This is constantly done in Tamil poetry, and is, doubt-

less, most in accordance with the genius of the language. In fact it maybe laid down as a law of the language that every noun becomes an adjec-

tive by being prefixed to another noun, with or without change. [TheSanscrit Scholar may compare these forms with Tat-furusha andKarmmad'haraya compounds.]

(a.) Sometimes this is done without any other change than the

doubling of letters, as, ^uQuiriB, a spark of fire (^, fire, Qun/S, aspark). Q^QFj^^mr'hmr, the outside jyial C^^Q^ astreet,^>5m'hssr,apial).

(b.) When the former noun ends in ld that letter is elided.

[This is especially the case in Sanscrit compounds.]

Thus: LDUsQstrmLf, a branch of a tree ( ldijui, a tree. QarrLDi^, a branch).

3=rr<st] isiieCKoOesiLD, omnipotence (.s^ireuLh, all, eueosieaLo, power ).



(c.) Various changes take place in the former word, of which the

following are types: [Com. 18. c. d.]

^QFiULjJ' •S'rmQS, an iron chain (^qf^ldlj, iron. s^iEtQS, a chain).

srQFf^gjd, sfT&'r, a young bullock ( erQf)gJ, a bullock. airBstr, a young male).

^pj3i iSek, fish from the river (,MS)!t « river. iSdr, a fish).

^lLOld/esto^, a flock of sheep (.m®, a sheep. LDiiesi^, a flock).

ucariii sir®, a palmyra jungle (u&sr, a palmyra. &it® a jungle).

[The nasal is hardened into the surd; zL of ® and p oi gn doubled; ^ld in-


(d.) @c^. =sy«^. ^psa are often used as connectives, and are thus

used as signs of the sixth case, uaSim uneo, cows milk. ^inSi—^giLDsn^^cir, a man of this place.

i^°[The inflectional base is used in compounds, Comp, 21.]

(e.) A class of nouns of quality ending in emw (184) when prefixed to

other nouns undei'go certain euphonic changes. The following are chiefly

to be noticed :

(1.) Qu(rF)(smLD, greatness, becomes Quq^, QuifflU, QuqFjU), Quit.

(2.) SigaeaLD, littleness, becomes Sign, @/Suj, Sgtiil:, &pgs, &£»•

(3.) ^(mss)LCi, preciousness, becomes =gy(5. ^iffiu, ^q^ld, ^it.

(4.) UNSOLD, freshness, becomes us?, u&iu, us-ld, u&'<x-, swulc.


QunF QfBfe^'S-, pride [©/^(jj*, breast^.

QurRiU rB3!r<cS)LD, a great benefit.

QuQhili uir^, a great sinner [before d, d, ^, u].

Qufffdruu), Heavenly bliss [before a vowel].

\_Quiffiu may be regarded also as a kind of past relative participle. Compare

^^LJiSiiu 74.

QuQfjLD is a kind of future rel. part. (74) from QuqF) C@ j 62 grow great.']

g^ [Of these the roots are undoubtedly Ciuri ( uit, ueo ), &p,(Seo),^iT,u^;

but the Nannul, with good reason, (Sut 135, 6.) treats each of them as having

become first an abstract noun, and as having been variously modified, when

placed as the first member of a compound by the rejection of eaiM, the addition

of ^oj or s_ii), the lengthening of the root vowel, or the reduplication of the final

root consonant. Comp. Pope's III Gram. 121.]

132. ior:k^iM is the rel. part. fut. of erdr, saij. (70. 1.) (74.) Lit. "[of

whom] one would sai/."

It is thus used, ^rr<£^ erasr^Lo ^urr^^ir, king David.

LniresuM erek^isj siruLj, the defence of shame.

u^P Qtusir^LD ersjsfl lEirtL®, plant the ladder of piety.

This is rather stiff and pedantic.



133. The root s-err signifies ^^ existence, the having loithin.^'' To it are

referred the following verbal forms:

3d sing, for all

genders and numbers> e.iS!nr® ('S^<m + gi ) there is. (43.)

S-STrsrr^ is used to signify " it is," but more generally "it is true,'" "it is

really so."

Rel. part, e-srrerr, containing, possessing within itself. [Co. 184.]

This last form added to a noun will have nearly the same effect as ^car.

Thus: ^ffdsQpefrefr Q^suek (^0a,zLD, 7ncrcy), a merciful God.

Sometimes s-crrsir and ^cw may be used indiscriminately.

OTcJr i3 iHtu ripm loir (mLDfrnm, \ ,

an } '"'y dear son.GTcsr uffiiLiLDrresr (^LDrrrjasr, J

Generally, however, the difference between ^asr = "having become,"

and a-srerr = '^having possessed," must be observed.

^[fsaQpeirew i3^ir, not ^fjasLDiTeisT.

lieiTLDfTissr Qainso, not limQpmrev.

The opposites to s-sireir and ^ssr are ^jbp, ^eoeoir^, which are in the

same way added to nouns


Thus ^naaLDpp = merciless.

[=gy^ cease. 68. 74.]

u<rmrLSe\)<sorr^ = penniless.

[^eo = not, 121. a double negative.]

To Sanscrit noun, ^ot- (hina), destitute of, is added,

thus, Lj^^uSisar ~\

L^^^uSasTLDirew n LcsS^dr, a se7iseless man.

t-l^^uSssTQpiciTerr jor L/^^irxsarssr.

[In Tamil Grammar the 4th class of words consists of those called sS^QcF/rei) = quality words. Comp. Pope's III Gram. 118— 121.

These are subdivided into Quujir S-tff = noun quality, and sS^ S-tfl = verb


The words included under these divisions are used respectively to qualify

nouns and verbs; they may therefore be called adjectives and adverbs. Theyare however really nouns and participles, and it will tend greatly to aid the

learner in acquiring the Tamil idiom if he steadily regard them as such.]

134. VocAB.

LDgjrjLD, sweetness, s^uli, bitterness, meuu), newness, er^ir, op-

posite. &gff, little. ULpdsLD, custom, familiarity, sr-sii, comfort, health, .g^rmeu

euisoeo<3B)LD, omnipotence. Qeiair, herb. uirismi—u:>, a vessel, mn^, four. ^riEL—ck,

a thief, umetrili, a pit. w® , middle. Qeiip^&o, betel. Qairi^, a creeping plant,

ueodr, or Que^'sk, strength.


Exercise 42.

135. (a.) This is a joyful day. I have come to (7th case) my mer-

ciful father. This is an evil thing. He is a just king. This is a rea-

sonable complaint. The accountant has brought a right account to the

bazaar-man. Four accountants gave evidence in the court. Will the

watchman put the thieves in prison? All my familiar friends came with

me to the place of justice. This is David the accountant. (3 ways).

This is an affair concerning the church (^QF)<s=.^emud sn-ffftum). Anewvessel. Sweet Tamil. Are you well. This is a herb garden.

(Slsyi^rriTaefr. s'^euevisdeOetDLDiijeirsfr lS^itsvitiL (81.^ ^Q^dQ/ri urrfrusresr.

i^Qeo euk^nrrssfr. &^ i3en-'2efTa^ ^uui^u Qus^eOnLon? ^eu&r iBi—k^

iSp(^u}. (Proverb.J ^sfmoiok (srmQrD <sss)t—-s<snrfm' euii^rresr. ibQ <sul£1

u&)s (^€S}peii<S(^d arrffsmuD. ^^ Qoj/bjS'^evd QsfTUf. iB®Qp^psiT(Ssr

(BsOuD. (Heve ^€sr= which is suitable for.) ^ssrii^m&r^ ^^eos^^<s

(^th ^<om®; ^m-sQeoeo^ (^^ + 3ISI = that which is not. 87.) &-eo

Lesson 44.

Idioms connected with ^Qpgi.

136. (a.) rEiTiEiaeir ibit£ji Quiuq^ld ^s Qiih^rrc^},

[We four persons, to become, if come]= If wefour persons come together.

(b.) ^s is used in summing up = all altogether.

That which i gave (is) four, that which he gave (is) five, making altogetlier nine.

(c.) u^^rjLDiTsu Ljissy^^gj ssjsi;, bury it carefully. Here ^s — ly, added

to a noun, converts it into an adverb. (140.)

(d.) .jtjisiin- erm'Sosr eurrJ' Q,^rr(skm-^rrs iS&sr^Q^csr, I thought he told me

to come [O^/rssrsM-^, ^a, as though it said. Q^s^rrdresr^mL is also used.

^iLj = as if.'}

137. a. ssm&SQsr ^Q^dQ^^rsk, an accountant is.

b. s(5S!srS'S(muSl(mdQ(Trf'i5sr, he is an accountant.

c. semsask @QF)dQ(Trf(^, is the accountant (there)? ^soSso, he is not.

d. s<smrss(QuSl(VjsQ(rf(eu), is he an accountant? ^eoiso, he is not.

^^ ^jj added to a noun shews it to be the predicate. (81.)

This is of thk utmost importance. Carefully consider the above examples.



138. VoCAB.

uiLismLD, a town. QipenAjUn old man. Qtpi^:, anoldwoman-

^piEi(Q, go down to, descend, alight (62.) ^Qf)(B, steal (56. II.) Giurr^, that

which is common. S-<ce)i—iss)LD, possessions. Qun'Qn'sir, substance, wealth. ^irtDrrek.

goods, utensils, ^jji^ilild, wealth, ^eudso, a large brass vessel, np^^imorr, a seal.

u^^inh, care. ^iigu,five. saeiru^, nine, isexsu, place, put (^56.111.) su em rr, limit.

( ej <oSi ITs (&)Lh 4th case + S-to = imtil.) l/6w^, btiry (56. III.), s^ituu®, eat (68.)

Exercise 43.

139. (a-) isn^ Quit ^0i— it ^(Tj ULLu.6m^^&) e^^ QipeSluSlisin- <sSlL

uf.Q(SO ^piEiQ^, ^aisj'Seir ^(r^u^u Qurr^(sSe\) (in common) (smeu^^nKW^

[79. (2).] ^-(oS)L-(sinins2iofnJLjLh u eaBriEi <sdo(T u^ ili epQ^ ^su'^aSQ&J QuitlL®,

(68.) QioQeo Qp^^imiT (50.) ^lLQ, (68);'-' ibaieis&t ieit^Quq^ud ^sS!//?^, QsLl.(^thQun^ (106.) ^sm^d Qsn®, ^^(SiJ(smrrd(^th u^^uiMnsu Lj<5Si^^^ (Srosy" srebr^ Qsn<Sls:^s^^ Qeo fBrreir (50.) ^ei/srr (50.) eStL

if (?a) s'ttuulL®^ QsmssBn^Q^ih^TTiTsisrr. [106. (4.)] ^iriTS'n ^sQuldituj

euQffQp^rrss^Glffnisciri^m'- ibu^iud i§LLimfr<ssu QunQsuam^ Qjrr! ^QiEsiErr

(b.) Here are 5 and there 4: total 9. If he and you together go to

the old man's house, he will give you the goods. Put it carefully in the

house. He has great wealth which he has carefully buried in the garden.

At which house has he alighted? When we obtained the goods which hehad carefully sent by the peon we put them into the store-room. Is this

honey? No, it is bitter. Did he eat this sweet honey? Is there honeythere? No. Did he speak as if the Muhammedan would come? I have not

seen the old man for many days.

Lesson 45.

Optative and desiderative forms.

140. a. ^^ (^iBuSlso sStps ai—ei]^, let this fall into the pit!

b. li miripSiiiTUJiTS, may'st thou prosper!

c. iit eurrups, may you prosper.

d. Qu!r&L-®LD, let it go!

e. mmh srag^ ^eviiuiSs^ sLLL—dsiriSleiruL^ liir mi—iseijLD, act according

to the order I have sent you.

(a.) The defective root <sl- "ought, must" is regularly declined, thus:

/F/rew" [0<F[L/iU,£5] .si—G'SHCT", I ought or must [do].

li [O^uJius] ai—BHTiLi, thou oughtcst or must [do].

It is added to the infinitive of any verb to form a kind of optative mood.



(b.) ^s, like the Hebrew n [corap. Nordheimer's Hebrew Grammar,

^204—206] added to the future of any verb forms an optative mood.

The neuter participial noun future is used for the 3d person future.

Q3=UjQaim, I toill do. Q.^llj(Sqj(^<x, may I do! I much wish to do!

Qs=djsuir(3sr, he will do. Q^iLwin^a, may he do! I long for him to do!

mi—uu^iTS, may it take place.

This is evidently a strong breathing merely, expressive of desire; but it

is explained by the Grammarians as the inf. of ^@. 41. It is pronounc-

ed AHA.

(c.) s like =^« forms an optative mood, but it is added to the root of a

verb, is the same for all numbers and persons, and is chiefly used in


iBfrdrQurrs, let me go! iirQaL-s, may you hear!

(d.) Is an unauthorized, but very common form. It consists in the

addition of ^lL(Bld, or ^lL®, to the root, inserting sd when the present

takes dSssi. The form is abbreviated by casting away the final vowel

of the root. It is the same for all numbers and persons,

n^rr^ } . . ^ . ) lot me do! tBtrm Q3=djiUL-L^iT, may I do it^

^susk ( '

^ he may do!

This is said to be a corruption of i^i1.(Bld = permit, from <^l-(B.

141. VocAB.—=gy, privitive. ^Siuiriuti, injustice, ljuw, a town, giasr or gin, a

prefix = evil, had. LLtrrrssLD, a way. LDmTds<3ir, one who walks in a way. i-j^^,

sense. Loi^rff, a counsellor, prime minister. ^irirs^iPiBi}}, Icing rule. LB(Qii^,

much, very. (lB(^, he ahundant [60. (III.)] past rel. part = which has ahounded.)

lS(^^, ahundance. l8(^piurrear, (30.) abundant. Lf^^sFireS, a sensible person, ^ir

ssih, length (pronounced dirkkam in the compounds), ^irdami-jai-, long-life

(^uSsh or .Mii^'df-, age, life). ^irds^rff&, a prophet, a seer (<sfff&, one who sees).

Qutrdo, as (Qumsi), QuirQ(m). &^^ (56. Ill,) prosper. [The termination <r/reS =

S. sSlin, one who possesses, is often used.]

Exercise 44.

142. (a-) ^isi/sJr ^uui^s^ Os^aj^rrQioisr ^(OT)a), ^l^/s^ Quitss si—

(SjrTesr. i§ L£l(^ih^ LjJ;^<g=fr09 ^(om'^rr6\}, ^ffssnu^sh ^-&rGrreiJ^.s s-s^

rrirs eirn'OTj-fr. Qsn'bso Qs'ihiun^Q^uumurTsl (121.) ^'^^ ^fSiuniu^

^iTuesyuu uessnsssflssr&ji^ eunaSQeO Losm <siS(Lp<si/^ QunQeo ^^ (56^

^srrrs^Qiuih isijQ^Sij^ns- SifStumuLirri}) (siasrp ULLi—omr^^Qei) ^mu:iiTfr.s

sdr (oKSsrQp ^sra^ir ^nuLj^^ <oidsrQp mi^(fi<oauj (dS)(3u^^/s OstremQ

(SKssrprSs. (sui^Qiu (oj(^s, eut^Qiu iB'(m,s [(Poet.), no bye paths.}


(b.) Say not so. Pray do not say so. I beg you to do this. If

I have destroyed his house may I myself perish. There is much honey

in the town. Let the unjust man pei-ish! He who commits injustice

will not prosper. Although I perish I will not do injustice. May I

walk sensibly ! He is a very sensible person. Let him do as his coun-

sellors said. May my affairs prosper! It won't answer. Hail, O king!


Lesson 46.

Verbal nouns in ©na.

143. By adding ems to verbal roots which take Qgu in the pi'esent, andaesis to those which take iQgii, a verbal noun is formed, nearly equivalent

to the English verbal noun in ing.

Q^tij Q^iLieins, the doing ~ a deed.

/El— /5i_<sgra<s, the walking = a line of conduct.

144. Some of the above are in common use as nouns ; but more gen-erally they are used to form an absolute case like the ablative absolute in

Latin, or the gen. abs. in Greek.

^siim ^uuL^<^ Qff rreczema uSed, while he was saying so.

145. ^msuireo (^) = by the becoming: therefoi-e.

146. VocAB.—^<s!J3r2bBr, a fial, elevated seat in front of a house. ®jff(cm®, two.

er®, lift up, take up (56. III.). er®^SJuQun@, take away. a=fruu/T®, food.QuiT.3=esrLD, food, nourishment. ^asr^ssTLDtfood, chiefly boiled rice, ^sfrsrih, food,ivhat is received into the body. J)juuld, rice cakes, bread. n-QairtLuf., bread, a loaf.

&Q^<S, the goddess of prosperity, ^-eia-s, kick (56. III.). ^m(m, turn away(56. II.). 3=!T^LD, boiled rice.

Exercise 45.

147. (a.) 9(7^ mnsir ^i^ tsn&n Quq^lb (st^it sSlL®^ ^sm'SsmruSeo

(131. c.) QuQs QsiT(SiS!iTi^0SissistiSs\). ^si/iT<ss(r ereoeOir^LD euiSjuSlQeo

QurremstSldo ^srem® ^(i^i—<smns aesart—fTirseir. ^qd^ (siQ^^u QurrL-

eonmiT 'sj(ssr^ QslLGl^sst, ^^dsiLQili (Susstqiij'it. ^Qihsrf eS(€s^inu Qu&<iO<sfTesaru^(T^d(o!DsuSleo is (aUs^fTLDeo ^(mss-i si—eymii. ^(aunsm^(sum (sSlLij^Q&) s=n^LD 3^nLJuQes'jSiiS&) /f/tsst (Q}jk^<sSLLQL—(^. ^rT(^s

(b.) While the bazaar-man came running ('^tfEu^ewsiiSsbj the thief,

knowing that, came down from the tree. Give me the loaf. Give usbread. While there are rice-cakes there is enough for us. While themother was gone to procure food the child died. While the five menwere sleeping in the verandah of the house the peons came. May I gowhile he is learning his lesson? While all are working is it right for youto be idle?

_ _

LESSON 47. exercise' 46.

Lesson 47.

Verbal nouns in ^eo, &c.

148. Verbal nouns are also formed by adding ^©o, ^00, aeo, @^ct,

or S.S&), ^^eo, or <s@^ffo to the root.

(a.) Verbs which take Qgii in the present, take =gyOT, ^a).

Q^uj QffiLiueo, Q,FiUfSeii, a doing.

^L—ikj(a\ ^i^Ei<s&), ^i—.iEj(m^eo, a submitting.

The few cases where seo or @^a) is apparently added may be thus

explained: there was a root in @, now obsolete, to which =syeo or ^eo was

added: thus,

Quit (Qurr(^) Quirseo, Qu(r^&), QuiT(^^eii.

(b.) Verbs which take s@£)i in the present, take ^^&), a3.eo, a(Q^ed.

S-tfisj^ S-tsn^^^eo, S-eco^d(^^e>), a kicking.

IS I— fE:^d(^^eo, a tvalking.

149. VoCAB.

QtDtriT, butter milk. Q^rrskn^, an earthenpot. ereff^, that tvAich

is easy. ^iH^, that which is hard, uuf., measure, manner (added to relative

participles = as). sT<Sii&), a command (o"®/, stir up, 56. II.).

He began to consider.

[He a studying became.

He fell a thinking.

This idiom, though poetical, is sometimes heard in common conversation.]

Exercise 46.

150. (a.) "QiDrriT 6i)rriEj(^^jb(^ (4th case = in order to) ^ih^s Qi^eS

i^lLi^Qgo QumLi^ Q^nsmisf- isiQa^s QsrremQ isi//r" <oimgii .^smiLJiSl(€^rT

serr. ^'Qs^ndo&^i^eo eiGO&)n0i(^ih ersifl^; QsneoeSlin [70. (I.) for

O^/rsorsjjr] uis^ Qs^iLuusO ^ifl^mb.''^ "(smsr Offuuednsij^ [^. 87.] tun

Q^amgiiui [ujfT^ + lopmgii + s-ti, 47. 172. 126. any one thing whatsoever']

(Poet.) ^uQuiT^ Q.frrsd^Qro s'laJs^LLjLD Q^iFluueOfrih' <oj^^jb(^LD

LDfTtu ^(T^sQp^. [Comp. 40. Any number of nouns may thus be unit-

ed together by ^^ld; and ^iL added to the last converts the whole into

an adverbial clause.] ^eussr (sisupuisf. Q^fiiiujirQ^.

(h.) It is easy to send the watchman to buy milk. While he com-

manded I submitted. This is the king's command. It is difficult to walk

thus. The submitting to the command of the judge is easy. The having

pity is easy. May you kick the earthen pot? Is it hard for boys to

learn their lessons ? Is it not easy to read a book while walking?


Lesson 48.

151. (a.) Particles used instead of, or in addition to, the proper

terminations of cases.

The participial nouns from the roots otsbt and ^ are sometimes used to

point out, and throw emphasis on the nominative case. ^Qpemasr, <sr&siQp

euek, &c. are also used in very common talk. £87. 88.]

These answer in some degree to the Greek article.

(b.) ^iT, Lcirn- are added to nouns honorifically.

^iTiu, a mother, but ^iriuirir, is more respectful.

^-uQ^&, a teacher,—S-uQfi&iuirir.

LDirir is plural, seir may be added.

^suuesTLorriT, the fathers (^auuim),@0«<S6yrtD/r/f, the spiritual guides ((^Q^J-

S-£u ir^^LD rr IT , the sckool-viasters (S-urr^^ ).

(c.) An honorific form is made also by adding ^/f to certain words


of these Q^snifir, Thou, God, is common.

(d.J s^i—ek, together tvith; QlLl-, near; ^emeiai—, by the side of; ^^,signifying coiinexion (^asnh), are used as casal terminations, ^smeai—

is often redundant: Q^m ^sm-eai—uudsui, on the south side.

(e.) "Trees, beasts, ^fcP — mnikism, iSQf^sm&'siT Qp^eSujisaeiisen. "Sell-

ing, buying, and other affairs" = Qsn-(Bdaeo eutriijseo Qp^wirear airiBiutt^eir.

"Call the carpenter, bricklayer, ^c." = ^s^s^asr Qsirppdir Qp^sinnssreiiiTaSsn-d

"Food, clothes, ^c.'^ = ^'^ear <siiav^iTir^s&r. ('^^ is the Sanscrit for Qp^eo.J

The words are formed into a Sanscrit compound with the Tamil termination atsk.

g3" np^eSiuesxsuseir, 1 "^ are added to nouns in the nominative

(tp^eoiresremisiism, J '

|sing, or plural, and are then equivalent

{^to "&c." Qp^m)," first."—Qp^eSliueiaen

(w^eoiTisw'SuiTsisfr, m. and fern. [ a,<sir as if a part, noun from root Qp^sn

( 8 7 . b. ) ; (7^^ ew /rcffT(sm q; <s sJr f (Xo^ 150 + ^ SBT

_J emenseir, those things which have become.

Qp^&areur followed by a noun common to all the particulars intended to be

included may be used: Qp^<soiT(^ •smfjiuisjseiT.

Qns;iSiuianQ3a<sfr, &c. (and in the last case sfrrHiuii/ssir, 8tc.) may be in any

case ; but the particulars enumerated remain in the nominative.

(f.) ^i—^sJ is used for ^i—s;^eo (7th case): sreueSL-^^ii for erism^i—^^

^UD, every where.


152. VocAB.

^^s, ni7ich,7norc. Qldq^, Mount Meru. ^q^ldli, a straw. udSsst

sS), a house-wife. atruuirpjp!, protect (56. II.) [Co. ^pgii-'] sL_a/srr, Deity.

LoQCp, (56. I.) exult. sril-Uf-, the strychnos tree, ^eoeij, the silk cotton tree. ^,fire, ^uu® (56. II.) he burned, ^aisar, a disciple.

Exercise 47.

153. (a-) Sj^s s^iBQ^tTGL^^^i—Qetsr ^dQuutnuj^ Q^rrssmt^^ ^a/'Sso

Qs^LueSiT^ ^(mmosu QLD(^sijnss= Qs^clksSit. (136. dj. ^suasr LD'SosreSlLDfTiT

^rrssBT® QuirLDfT^^iTLD J)Iiej(d:3s ^^i^mTsefT. si—eii<s{nTio!sr<suiT STSueuetr

euro (^/b/Dth suffiTLneo (sim'^/ssrs sfjuurrjh^i'sijnn. 121. [C^.)] Trans-

late, so that it shall not come. ^mLDnfrssns&r s?^lLl-^^&) ldQi^(e^

^!E^s QsT&)'2iooaS&) ^su(SS)fTy ^eusuiiT, ^(wiB^y <oTsfr{^.i Q<9^/Tsff(erj, s^it

ssiLD, ^^esT, <suiT(^., siht-^., (dsi^<qijit(^, Qs^rrsirixi Qp^e\)rresrss)&Js2sfru

uiiSiT Qs^iL^ snii^fT'obr. Q.ssn'Qdsio surrrEJs&) (used for business in

general), Qp^eOfrem' smflmrhsefflso ^uu<s s^l—it^- er(osr QlLl^ sunn

Q^. ^^esr sQRp^ eimem? QLLL—<Bjn.

(b.) He came with his wife, children, servants, &lc. This is mymother. Thou, God, art our Father. The spiritual guides came with

their disciples. Come not near me. He is just in all his dealings

(Qsir®ssik> euiTims'SO Qp^eatrecr ). Come to the north side (<s>ii—<sJ6S!!r<siaL—u

uisw). What is the name of this tree (^<^)? Near mount Meruis a sea. On the south side of the styrchnos tree is a silk cotton tree.

The next house caught fire ('=gyss3ra»L_sg'® j. The king with his counsel-

lors and others came to the town. [Compare 233-251.]

Lesson 49.

Negative verbal noun in ^si^ld.

154. A negative verbal noun is formed by adding ^otld to the root

(or, more pi-ecisely, by adding emld = ness, ty, [184. a.] to the abbreviated

form of the neg. verb. part. 121. (4) : Qs^iiujw + (Kooj.)

Qg=iLiiurreinLD, the not doing.

isi^sufTimLD, the not walking.

@jio<soiTisiaLD, the not existing. (Double negative.)

UL^iuiresiLD, the not learning.

^&)(Si)freis>LD, the not being so.



[®»LD is added to the present (and less frequently to the past) relative par-

ticiple to form an affirmative noun corresponding to this: thus, Q-g^iLQenrfl (not

Q3=iu@p) + esiLD — Q^iijSlekflWLD, the doing. UL^jiss + ismld — ul^.^^6s>ld, the

having learned. This is little used.]

155. VocAB.

QuiT(Tjf'c6>LD, envy (Qurrgii, endure), •g^sseir^p, one of several

wives, a rival. '-'[8j guilt, blood-guiltiness, s^eij, call out (56. II.). rE<s!rjpi, it is

good, a good thing ( fse^ + s^ ). ^, flower, bloom (56. III.); also, as a noun,

a flower, s^^^iuld, truth, an oath. Sii&o^, thought, ^pua, ability.

Exercise 48.

156. (a-) ^(ov'Sissrd sn(^(oS)ixnunQei QunineSLLL-rrlTs&r' ^m'ssrih

^eOiSOnemLDiun&i ^(SueSli—^^p(^ euihQ^iobr- eruQuirap^u) ^<5s>ld Qs=iu

ujnsinLD tBfisr^ [rather high], ^asr i3&r'^(SSiuu<f s=<ss&r^^ QurT(Tij><omLDuSl

luiT^ QfiLnJU QufT(GU)eir- Lfj^^eSleo Lj^surreiaLD is(^^. QeuQjn s^mLQ ^&)&}iT<o!aLDiurr60 (because there is no) ff^^tuih uem^uisis&r- ^evasr insmih

S\sB(5^ (mind knoioing^ wilfully) Qs=uj^^&}0i)rr<ss)LDuS(^(c&) iSiumun^u^

(b.) Why do you envy him? How can this guilt be removed? Theyhave submitted because they had no money. I suffer much because I

have no food. Because there were no witnesses the gentleman sent the

complainant away. Why did the rival wife kill the little child? I climb-

ed the tree to look for grass. He came down from the tree because there

was no grass on it. Do you think it is good not to talk? You will die

from not eating bread, rice and other food.


Lesson 50.

Purpose, intention.

157. It may be useful to the learner to compare the variety of waysin which an English phrase may be rendered in Tamil, Take the sen-tence, "man eats to live."

(a.) LDisS^m '3eeyLpss-3-- s^rruuQQQifdr. Literal, but not very clear. Theinf. governed by the following verb:

(b.) i^gofl^sar -. UL^iuirsf J' ) \ ,3=iruu(BQ(T^(^.



f the step that "^ ^

Lit.-^ as the step that ^= in order to, that he may.

[^to the step that J

The use of uLp., ul^ujits, uLSf.&(S) is perfectly idiomatic.

(c.) uxosn^issr iSeeitpss^ ^ss^irs3= 3=[rLju(BQ(nfm. Lit. "as a thing that is fit

for him to live'" — that he may.

[R. ^@, (68.) he fitting (defective but reg.).

Pre. ^sQs>(ssr, Rel. part, ^ss, part, noun ^^<ssi;eBr, Sisawew, ^ssgj, &ic.]

This use of ^ss^irs is not inelegant.

(a.)Laews&sr< „ ^ .^ r ^ . , > s^fruuWi^rmesT.-i neut. sinar. pres. and

o ^. "^^r './ Lfut. in the 4th case.\^Oi&nLpuu^fi>arr<s('3=J


The future forms are esteemed more highly than the other.

(e.) LDsan^sBT i3€S)Lps(^th Qufr(T^LL®3= <9'fruu(BQ(v^Qsr = for the purpose ofliving (rather high).

\_QuirQFjL-® from Qufr(f^eir (+^. 184. b. err +^ =lLlL) substance = that which

has the property of.^

(f.) LDet^^eir iSetaLpes Q<aii<sm®u> erajr^ ^iTUU®Q(irfdsr. Lit. '^saying, it is

necessary to live" (colloquial).

Cg-) LDeS^ek iSeaLp^^eSisir iSl8^^l£> 3=iTLJu(BQQifar = "for the sake ofliving" (somewhat stiff).

'5sui, cause, is used, ahsolutely, alone or with ^iLi or ^<s added to it,

in the sense of, "for the sake of"']

(h.) sr<s!ir«@« ^isto^ai/ eurrmDeo ^uul^^^ Q3'iLiQ^<st, I did this that no defi-

ciency might arise to me (eiirrn'^uL^d(^).

All these forms will often occur in books and common conversation.

They illustrate idioms with which the learner must take great pains to

familiarize himself.

158. VocAB.—S-SYrCsiT, inside. <^L-L—ih, a rapid course. eatl.i—U)L3i-^, take to

flight, gallop off ( lSIi^, seize. 56. III.), ^sk^, three. fErrL^eas, a Tamil hour =24 minutes. eaQ^ LDesSQrBUiii, an English hour (&Q^, one; unssS, bell; QfEnii,

time). (^QF) ^iTs^, an hour (^irs-, is a gurry on which hours are struck).

SuJiriurr^u^, a judge ( SiLifTiULD, right ; .jij^u^, a ruler : a Sanscrit compound).

^iruLj,- a decision. ULf., according to. LDir^^uLh, only. tSfftrn-^^ (56. IIL),

pray , beseech. @j(SL^t—Lh, pleasure, desire. uiEj(m, a part, u^sk a-, cotton, evir^

^<SLD, traffic. QpiLeai—., a bundle. er<sS, a rat. euerrir (56. III.) bring zip.

(TFfS- or 2_(T5<3r, proof {H. Ruju.). £-(T5*<si/n-<S(g, S-QFo-LjuQ^s^,- (56. 11.) prove.

&-QK3^Qsfr®, (56. III.) give proof. ^(T^<SL^L—irfE^u>, an example.



Exercise 49.

159. (a.) cgy/F^ P-eisi—eDwsaius Qi^eS Qsn®a(^isiuis^uufrs^ ^itljl^.3=

Qffuj^fTm. S-iEJS&r (Siins(^ Qpeouuu^Quj (properly <snn<s(^^&3^^(m

ui^Qiu) fiiEJs&r Qpesr^QuiT LDn^^mh QsL-i—neo Qsit®<sbs<s a^^i—rr^'

®LD srm^ ^ffULjSF Qs^tiiQenm. ^ea^ <2Sil.(£!isSi—S= Qs=rTs\)&)rT^(r^d(^Lh

sfTsu (136.^ U(i^sf' (SJ iT^^ ss th uemesi^i^nseir. U(i^<3? ^LLeai—s'Ssfr

^sSls&r <3:i^ujrT^(T^d(^LhQufT0LLQ ^suirsetT e^(T^ li^'2isst<3^uu (sumirs^nir

6i^i—iTi^(i^ Qs^fTeo^'QQpeir. ^sar QuesoT'fn^coSiiJu ^csmip^^dQsnesnr®

sij0@prSL£l^^i£i LDinSlujrriT <sSLL®d(^LJ QurTt^(^. ersar sueoeOe^uD^situ

j)lfSl^pQurT(T^LL® ^uuu;ls^ Qs^iu^rriT. ^emQeaw! «/7«3r smg^a(^LLisf.s

(^u Lj6\)^Lj lS®e/s (SjfSQssrm, (5Tm(rrf'm.

(b.) How can you prove this? What example have you to afford

evidence that this house is yours ? He went to fetch his wife. I beseech

you to do me justice. He trafficks to obtain profit. He gives an exampleto prove his case. You must act only according to rule. Do as youplease. I will give you a reason why you should learn diligently. Proveclearly before the magistrate that this house is your father's. From the

absence of proof and examples the house will be taken from you andgiven to the merchant. The cat runs to catch the rat. Will not the rat

run to escape the cat ? What is this for ? I obtained this money by his

means. [242.]

Lesson Si.

Causal verbs and transitive verbs in general.

160. The following examples will render explanations and rules un-

necessary. These forms are generally to be found in the dictionary.

They may be divided into two classes:

I. Forms indicating that the person causes another to perform the

action of the verb.

(a.) From root ^e^tp, call (56. III. where the present takes dQjji), is formed

^osiLpuiS, cause to call (56. III.). Here l9 is added and lii doubled.

^ij<s^<ck erek^ssr ^eoLpui3^s^d Qs,L-i—!Tir = the king sent for me and asked.



(b.) From root Q<9=iij, do (56. I. where the present has Qsu), is formed

Q^iueSl, cause to do (56. III.). Here aO is added to form the causal root.

(^Qh suuSsi).F Q3=tLi6Sl^£5fr(sk = he caused a skip to be built.

(c.) From root ersar, say (82), is formed er<^tSl (56. III.), cause to say, prove;

root siT<sm, see (70.), sirsmiS — sml.® (airessr + ^ J cause to see. show.

From S-szOT, eat [56. (HI.)] is formed ^-isknS, feed.

From aio, learn (70) is formed spiS, teach.

Here lS is added. There are many other forms of this kind in common use.

II. Simple tran.sitives formed from intransitive roots.

(d.) From root rEi—, walk (57. I.) is formed ihi—^gi, cause to walk, lead (56.

II.). There are few of these, and chiefly from roots in ^ and e_.

[The root ibc—, has also a causal /bi—uiS, according to (o). (56. III.)]

(e.) From root er^, ascend (56. II.), is formed ejpg)i, cause to ascend, lift

(56. II.) (com.). To ejfiffi and other transitive forms aflmay be added to form

a causal.

33' [In this and the following forms the causal strengthens the root bydoubling the consonant, or by hardening a nasal.]

(f.) From root eg®, run (56. II.) is formed ge^l®, cause to run, drive

(56. II.) (com.).

[In Ind. I. comp. 3=ir(B, 3=mL(B ; suit®, giitlL®. &c. &.C.]

( g.) From root^sjfii, be removed (70.) is formed ^«^^, remove, put away, (62.)

2_(T5(S5 roll [56. (III.)] S-(T^lL(B, roll over. (62.)

(h.) From root ^i—ej(^, submit (56. II.), is formed ^u.s(^, put under,

cause to submit [56. II.). [In Ind. I. comp. /f/E/@, lidQ).']

(i.) From Ou^g, grow, increase (62) is formed Qu(t^<s(^ (62), multiply.

[In Ind. I. comp. ^@, ^<s@ ; ^SPi(^, <^M3i'S(^, &c. &.C.]

(j.) From root ^Q^LDLf, turn one's self (56. II.), is formed ^q^ul], turn

another, cause to turn (56. II.).

[In. Ind. I. comp. Setrmt^, QeiruLj; iBuldl^, iSituli ; stq^iIilj, stq^ulj;

(^LpLDLj, (^tpULj ; Sk.LOLj, Sr^U Lj . &C. &C.]

(k.) From root siriLi, become dry (56. I.), is formed airtu&^a-, boil, make dry

by heat (56. II.). There are very few of these forms.

(I.) Many roots may follow (56. I.) and are then intransitive; or (56. III.)

and are then transitive. (Compare 15. g.).

[In Index I. compare QjSir(BQ/D^, Q^tT®s@psi; Qi^Qpgi, Si^dQp^,&c. &c.]

fif^ [An intransitive verb in the rE<s!r,^ff&) is called ^m—^dssr — own-action,

and a transitive verb, tSfs—afl&ir, another-action. These terms are taken from

the parasmai-padam and dtmane padam of the Sanscrit; but the classes of verbs

are far from corresponding. Comp. Pope's III Gram. 100-106.]



161. VocAB.

Qi—, be lying down, 56. (I.). Qi—^gi, (c.) lay down, place in

a recumbent position, u® , suffer, 56 (H-)- i-i®^^, inflict upon, cause to suffer.

S3' [The two last mentioned verbs are added to nouns to form intransitive

and transitive verbs respectively: thus, <fihQfifr<5i^i}>, joy; ^rsQ^/rei^uu®,

rejoice; <nhQjS!r(aLS^LJu(B^gj , 7nake glad.']

Qs^io (^ ), go, pass (56. (III.). Q-9=S!l;is'< (56. II.) cause to go, pay, discharge.

^0, be (60. II.). ^Qf)^^ (56. II.), place, cause to be. (^Lpisa^, an infant.

^g= -3= rfl iLi LD , astonishment. 3=lSuld, nearness, ldh^, other, different. Qeuei&Lh,

disguise, appearance, ^^afl, make known (^jiS + <^J.

Exercise 50.

162. (a.) ^suiosr &^ (^ipk(siT>^<ss)UJs QsfTem®<Qui^^, sresr uds^^QeO

Poet.) iBiresr Qs^ndsresruts^ QslLQs Qsnes!!n<^0ii^rT&) s^asrsQs ulLu.

QpiEi siLQeS^^y eSlsuiTSQp^ Q3=ujisB.iQQpesr. urr6\} sniLffs^. einpmuS


(b.) They brought a little infant and laid it before me. The physician

led the mother to the house. Tlie gentleman caused the watchman to be

called. Why have you caused the merchant to be sent for ? Tui'n the

bandy round. Put that man down. Lift that bundle. Put that bundleup on the bandy. Boil that conjee for the infant. Drive the bullocks.

They lifted up the child upon the horse. The rats are astonished to see

the cats. The cats rejoice to see the rats. Did you boil the milk? Willyou lift the cotton-bales ? Don't drive the bandy.

Lesson 52.

Verbs formed fi'om nouns.

163. Verbs are often formed from nouns of Sanscrit derivation endingin^gyii. by changing ^ld into J). They follow 56. Ill, These are not

very common, and should be used sparingly.

SlffSfT^LD, splendor. iStrrsBtrSI, shine. i3rjsiT@lsQQpeist , I shine.

iSi[rsrrQ^Q^<s!r, I shone.

iSgsirQuQum, I shall shine.

_ _


164. Many nouns are also verbal roots, as in English,

ffiafl, exceeding joy. sefrl, rejoice (56. III.). sioSdQQ/Dsir, I rejoice, &.c.

^^, praise. ^^, praise (56. III.). gj^AQQpek, I praise.

165. uessr^ii, make, perform; Qs^li, do; ^, become, ^a©, make, cause

to become, are often added to nouns of quality.

Thus; a-^^LD, puritij; .s^sis; lbu ssstg^i . purify (56. II.).

Sr^^LDir, become pure (56. II.).

3^^^LDiTS(Q, clea7ise (56. II.).

^srirj'SoSSF, investigation; (^.rfrrr^ossrQs^iu, investigate {5G. I.).

S^* [These forms may be divided into two kinds, in one of which there is a

manifest ellipsis of the 2d case; in the other the noun or particle forms with

the verb one compound idea. The former are explained in (50) and in them

«, J:, ^, u in the beginning of the added verb is not doubled generally. In the

latter case it is. [App. xi.] Thus SSsn = stability, a standing place. And, iS^-o

Qugfi [56. (11)) = iS^eianjuQugji [u not doubled]. But iBSsiuu® (161.) is a

compound = become settled, jixed {u is doubled). They are in constant use.]

166. VocAB.

6Tpu(B^gj, appoint, establish (56. II.). .^^, «w elephant.

(Ssir, a chariot, sireoirm, a foot soldier (srrso, foot. .M^, person). 0»^rr,

a woman, ^ieisld, pure gold. uiT!TLD,a load, tveight. LSrrsrrjjLD, manner. euiriTLh.

a week. Q^iushlJd, the dioinity, providence, fate. S-ewetrLn, the mind, the inner man.

ssir^sirLD, falsehood, guile, (^anip, (56. I.) become soft, dissolve avmy. .jydr^,

that day. ^ssrga, this day. ereirg)!, what day? when? (These three words form

their fourth case irregularly: ^<s!res>p&(S), ^ssi<ss)ps,(ff), to day, sresretnpd^LDjfor

ever. OTsarjj; is doubled generally in the last form: ermQpmesips^LD, for ever

and ever.) ^ij (infin. of^/f, be full, 56.1.) is used idiomatically; thus, ssot

(ess\ff, clearly, face to face; LDosr^irrf, willingly, knoiuingly; .srr^rru, clearly, dis-

tinctly. Q^rri^sreii, trouble.

Exercise 51.

167. (a.) ^sm^s QslLQ ^urrs^rr -fiQ^nei^is^, ^j&j'B^sr Sivmun

^&) es)(Su^^<iQs!T6SBri—fT<^' ^<m'(SiD/D-i(^ &-eir'2esru QurfliLKSusk ^di^Qeum. [Here QurfltusiKosr t^<5(5 is a compound.] e^(T^ surrji^^/d

(oTsarssr ? erih^utSlirsfTinDrTas ffr^sLDU6aar^ii<aS'iTseiT. LD€snEi(^<s5)ip!B^

Q^n^^Bi^ Q<?^^^(CC)/f<sisrr. <5J(obrQjD<5sr(off)pd(^ih ^/a/sto/r^ ^^Qs=luisufTiTsefr (or ^^uurrirrTeir). S€m(Sss)ird'S(5m® serfl^Q^m'. ^eksiD/Dd



(h.) The king came with elephants, chariots and foot soldiers. Al-

though you saw it with your eyes do not speak of it to any one. Hewill perish for ever. That king's foot soldiers carried burdens of gold.

We all rejoiced and praised the king. They purified the chariots that

day for the women. If you sin wilfully how can you escape? I heard dis-

tinctly. To-day I shall have much trouble. Pray examine this well, myfather! Will not the judge do justice to the villagers? The gentlemen

will punish the watchman.

Lesson 53.

The infinitive mood.

168. The verbal form obtained by adding ^ to the roots of verbs

which form their present with @s)i, and «« to the remainder, has been

called tJie infinitive mood, because it answers to that part of the verb in

some respects. The learner must beware of supposing however that

wherever the English has the infinitive mood this Tamil form can be used,

or vice versa. The following examples require attention:

(a.) (S!jrj3'Gi.3={TQsr(Qrr, he told (me) to come. The English idiom and the

Tamil correspond.

When some went and told the king, the king called (him).

(c.) iir Qi s= fr <s<d (SO or Q-a^ireoeoeiiLD, please to say.

(d.) Q^iuiuds^i—rr^, (you) must not do (it).

^L^asuuL-Qi—m, I was beaten.

(c.) QaiLsu u<SBsr&!£(eB)iT, he made me hear [a way of iorming a, caussA. Com.160.].

(f.) Quit sresru Quit.

["Go" (I) to say go.]

Go when you arc told.

169. The use of the infinitive in (b) answers to the Latin ablati^-^ ab-

solute and is very concise and elegant; but sometimes it is not very clear.

It is essentially a poetical idiom.

^^^ IBIT0H ^uuuf-'i^ Q&^ir&XoO ^suir fsnih^rrif = rsirasr ^uul^s= Q.3=iTeo^u:>Qu(T

(i£gj ^euiT Qii^iriT, or mirek ^uuL^.3=Q<3=rreo^eiasuS&) ^euir eu/s^irir.



170. Several infinitives are used as adverbs, prepositions, or conjunc-





besides, but




Qp(Ba, .£5®*,


round about


loudly, clearly







cease). sr&xsoau umBu

(eanhuuQ, coa-\<oiQFjUui— Qsu

lesce). (omi—fTih ©rsJr

ereveofrQKLD eg

QFiiSda-ff^ (?<s=

Qjr)(SU<SS>S, ®j'Si>

(<^qF)lS, unite).

(s^i^, fail).

(8lL(B, draiu


('<Si.®, join),

( (^(L£, surround).

(^i^fr, remove).

(uffd, grow


(Quiresii, resem-


make haste).

(probably of Old

CTjUf, chew).

((surr, come).

((SusS, be impel-


(e£leO(^, get out of

the way).



ereirQ(es)(B a^t—

ersJr LDsmiLJa


ueo&su Qua,

he became clean

from all sin.

they unanimous-

ly said they did

not want it.

thcij all came to-


there is no way

besides this.

when they came

near the town.

my son came with

they stood round

about him.

they all rejoiced

but him.

speak loud.

i^Cu/rso ^ that also {\s) like



s®s ( np(Ba ) he spoke quick-

<FOcF/rs(Jr(65)OT, I ly.

Qlci&)<oO QLoea do it slowly.

^ euljenffdsfruj

kgj QurrQp^j


(aiimiuu u^gi



the jlower is

gradually dry-

ing up.

hefreely gave 10


get out of myway.



The expressions ^^ Sps, ^uuuf. ^qkss, ^uul^That standing so, this being so, that being so,

seem to be inelegant, though not absolutely incorrect.



Exercise 52.

171. (VocAB. 166.)

QufTs<sSI&)'2eo (not even half the mud loas removed. <«i_L_ = even). i§ Qjnh

Uc? s^fTuiSIQQiTt^uj [QsTLDU vulgarly for rSirmu to he full, inf. of /^jldl/.

56. II.]. si<o!!TS(^ Qjithuei^ih Qfiirih^sTsij uem^)jQ(rrj'(5sr. (QsTiitueiJii),

sometimes Qsnihuei^LD very vulg.) epQ^eu^s^ ixKsmi^ Qeumefr^^Qeo ^"^LnuSn iiifl6\) ^"hsvcud ^Qip Qsnerr&rm s^l^s a&)^s&r &^i—ldl9Q60 ^-^^^rS^^oarr iSlL^dt^LDrr?

^ssT^m spjTj uifiLtoins^ QuiFi^nss^ Q3=uj^fr&) e^L^tu (srew<s(^<9' s=ibQ^

si ^jirT^ (unless you do), ^m^ Qp^eana <sujr <sijjr Qmirdj ^^s/BdSl(trj>LjQun60 (jij^srfldQjD^Qurr&)) urrs=rTiEJ(^ usmesSsQs


gsbt i^^th

(h.) Unless you pay the money you will not be allowed to go. Un-less a man eats he will not live. I did not obtain even that. When shall

I obtain knowledge so that my ignorance shall depart, my doubts remove,and ray heart rejoice? He gave the money spontaneously to all who askedhim, so that their hearts rejoiced. My servant goes and comes whenI tell him. By conversation the way will seem short. [Com. 244.]You must not speak or think so. He gave much.



172. Numerals.Lesson 54.

Cardinal nouns.

i^simr^^ii )

')ff<sa!r(B, two (vulg.

Qj7es!!r(B )

Qpeirgji, three (vulg.

"i /E/rj2/, f5trek(^, four.

sigi, five (vulg. ^(is^)

^^, six

ejiW. seven

stlL® , eight

i^mugi, nine ....

\u^gj, ten






^0, Sg/f [^(W ' Sg^SliSBT (or ^Qfj^^

Loesn^eir, ^/r|

eir ), (o^Qf,^d^, a cer-

^rf,3=(sirj. tain person.

^iTj^ff ^Q^suiT, two persons.


Qp, Qp, Qpek ' QpeuiT, three persons.

/E/rebar/f, four persons.


© :S, Szi), S/E^. ' SeuiT, five persons.

^ j

erem, stlL®.This seems to be =r one

frotn ten. Compare theRoman numeral IX. wherethe idea is the same.

(2.) r

.3 c OJ

.i: fco

'^ %^ ~0) O C3

+ o§ ?k -^




@, &c



Cardinal nouns.

(4.) f^QSS^SH






(b.) Fifty persons came. The whole 50 persons came. This happenedin the year one thousand four hundred and twenty-seven. [175.] Thereare 24 narigei in one day. There are seven days in a week, and 52weeks in a year. How many peons ai-e there in the court (37.) ?

What o'clock is it? (How many bells?) They came, ten together.

Give the boy 10,000 pagodas. Has the complainant one eye or two?He brought 10 fanams to the bazaar. You may buy two rice-cakes for a

pice. The Hindus say there are six sects. Give the servant 3 Rs. 5 As.

6 P. Five times five.

Lesson 55.

174. The Tamil people do not ordinarily use the decimal notation. It

should be introduced into all schools. In Tamil ©^^ttiD© = 5815. Thisshould, of course, be written {sii|«(5i. The Arabic system of notation has

been recently introduced in all government offices.

175. The ordinal^ are formed from the above by adding to the cardinal

forms ^io or ^'su^ (3d pers. neut. fut. and part, noun fut. of ^), (72. 88.).

But (z^cirgii, one makes Qp^&}, QpsBmn-m, or Qp^eon-eugjjjirst, and in com-pounds, epimgii becomes gj/f (taking the adj. form), u^Q(e^rjiTLD, &c.

the 2d day of the month. the fourth minister.

(Lit. two-which will become.) (Juii. four-which will become.)

176. The former is used as an adjective only; the latter is either an

adjective or an adverb.

177. Some of these numbers are repeated in a peculiar way to formdistributives one by one, &c., &c.

Thus: (^wQisnirmgi (the first letter only of (s^ekgn is taken), one by one.

^susSrrsssr® (the first letter of ^srem®, ^ ), two by two, in twos.

Qpui^asi\g^ (the first syllable of Qpssrffs shortened, Qp), by threes.

mek(m^ ( iBd!rm)Bsr<Q), SSesaui^ ,^eueuir^, er<siiQeii(w, sreuQeuil.®


uuu^gi ( usueu^S^ ). None is formed from <o&musj.

178. VocAB.

^^s/Tjih, chapter. 6Tjns(^es>n^u, more or less (sjp, to ascend,

(^siapuj, to decrease). S-^Q^^ld, about, more or less. s^rrrrs^tB, on an average.

a^/iQ^SLD, doubt. (mnnL-eir, a blind man. a^ajresr. a hunchback. ^si^J'S,contempt, urrireioeti, vision, sight. npsi(^, a back. fipLL&ai—, a bundle, ldjd^,


Exercise 54.

179. (a-) Q^eSd(^^Q^nG<rniiSlrr^^^ Qsrrem emfr^fh Q(mmu^ ^nrrs^ns

S-emri—fT eiek^ QsLLi—nsk (obs. the two uses of (?<j(sfr. 70.).



s?(Tj <5(SS3r (5(25i_iosr euQ^wQurT^ ^ en 'Son-dsemi— sk-esTm ^s^ff&iLirrs :

" *eytT(^m^S"-'""^ 55(5 <s633r untTes^susarTuQuV (182. _)


LDfTUJu uafrdQp^eo'^- ujfrsij<smfnLjLD epq^ sesnTi^aLJ uniruQuzsr''^ srssr

(nj'imr. Qpuu^^ QpsQsnuf- Qs;sijfrs(£r^Lo i?fTpu^Q^essr(ess)uSsTii) Qfieufl

eufr^i^LD (^(LpiMUL^, Qsn'L^nQsfTis^ (^rBiLi ITSGfT ^^LULL fT(eu)/bQuit 6\) eSltsfrEl

Q(SV)iT. ^ir&sarQi—fTQ^ LD!r^^^&> ^/Dis^ QurreuniL. urfl'X-^^ ll^Q^ilj

(srm'usuiT <5i(i£^mr <9hs:S(o<yeL^Lh u^^rriii ^^snniJD fBrreOmh <su<f6srd^](so sing

* wir(r^in, aiirririu = come up! "^ Oanu^/rair, quite true!

(b.) In the fourth chapter. A man blind of one eye. One was de-

formed and the other had but one eye. They must come one by one.

Place these bundles by threes. The children are arranged five in a

class. This is the fiftieth time I have walked round the temple. Onan average he comes every fifth month. On the second day of last

month. Ten witnesses, more or less, proved the complainant's statement.

The fourth person had a bundle on his back. Come for your wages onthe first of the month. I will pay you the money on the 20th in the


Lesson 56.

Derivative nouns.

1 80. From primitives are derived what are called appellative nouns.

These are in constant use.

From nouns in ih they are formed by changing ud into ^gy^js? (18. e.),

and adding ^sk for the sing, masculine, ^err for the sing, feminine {^^for the sing, neuter), ^ft'^ or ^frsm for the epicene plural and ^emeu for

the neuter plural. Many other uouns simply add these terminations.

Thus: Qstr^^rjLD, a tribe; Qsrr^^rr^^rreir, a man of a tribe.

Q&ir^^n^^rrm, a woman of a tribe.

Qs,[r^^ff<i^iTrr,—aar, people of a tribe.

miiT, a village; mariiTiik, ^snarreir, ss!i:ititit.

g^ There are many exceptions to this, since Sanscrit words introduced into Tamilfollow the rules of their own language.

Thus, Lj<okresBajUi, virtue, has L^am-esflujisiifrear, which is the Sanscrit for a

virtuous man; so urriaiLD, sin, hag u/raO, a sinner. The Dictionary must he con-

sulted for these forms, /e/t® makes fEinLL-mT, the country people (Comp. 18. c),

but also iBiri—irm, a landholder, a head man among certain tribes.

* These two are not so frequently used.

14 105


181. sirijissr (m.) and sirift (f.) '^

[S. a maker, doer.'] I

^srfl (m. and f.) (^Are added to nouns in their conjunct

[^srr, manage affairs + ^.'\ [form, (131,) to form compounds.

^ireS (m. and f.)[

[S. a possessor.'] J

From<5i_s3r, adebt,\feha.ve sl—(S^eS, a debtor, si—(sksn'irm, a debtor, sL—drsaifl.

.M®, a sheep, • ^L-Qdarrireir, a sheep-man, ^il.®ssmB.

i-/^^, sense, lj^^^itS, a sensible person.

QpiTL-t—LD, a garden,— Q^trL^t—ssirum, a gardener.

182. VocAB.

fipLh,apart; atiZi^y ( Ang. a man of parts), ^mib, kind; family.

UfrdSiUth, happiness, luck, wealth. urrsQiLSsairsisr, a happy man. uirsQiuen^,

a happy or blessed woman. si^L-L—ireB, a partner, s^/i^^, a race. SFir^, caste.

bjlSs'ld, family. uiTL-L—iTeS\ (urr® suffering), a laborious man. ixQ^eirtreS (ld

n^str, bewilderment), one under the influence of a demon. (^ppwinS, a criminal.

^'ueofTiT, near neighbours (^luio). suupsirair, sailors. ^(smn^ps,!rn<^,

a fisherman (^emL^eo, a hook). lB^ulj, a float used by fishermen (lS^). Qp^QfiiriT, elders (q^ become old).

Exercise 55.

183. (a-) @(3f ^p^^fTeiorriLj!BJ s^uL9(b) 173. 181. (both parties).

uirdQaJwnesr. '' sieoe^ns^ <FiBfi^ujrT0u:) (siesr'hssru unsQuj<Eu^ (Sim'uniT

<5eff." ^(5ST .sk-LLi—fT&flsisir ^i^ QuujQixn(Sisi<3^i— (Syii^rresr. ^i^ isrnl.

i_rnT (oT6\)&)n0iij <5i_i^ ^}(T^dQ(vrj'iTs&r. ^-(sor sStLL-nfflL-^^do eSffniB.

^eiKasT Q'SU(^ umLi—neifl (com.). enasetr Qaa<sS^s(^ ^QtEsm ld^

efrrrefflsisfr S-em®. Suunuurr^u^ &ed (^jhp sunGifts'^ ESLLQeSlLLi—rriT.

Qeo sdbr." [Prov.] ^' (^rreSsseOeO ^muQpis ^isbruQpiii.''^ (Poet.).

np^Q^nn Qs^mssresr (Sunn^OD^ jfiLSlir^ih' ^(Sytosr urTd8uJS=rT&9, ^sussr

(b.) All the villagers stood near. My people. The people of mytribe. All the people of the world will be astonished. All the people

of the inhabited country and those who dwell in the wilderness ( isir®, sfr® ).

The inhabitants of all lands praised that brave person. They are all of

one caste and family. The watchman is a very hard-working man. Youmust inquire of the neighbours of the criminal. Many foolish people go

about as if possessed by a demon. All the sailors left the ship. Thefisherman sits on the bank of the river.



Lesson 57.

Derivatives (continued.)

184. From primitive roots used as adjectives many nouns are formed,

which are both common and elegant.

(a.) By adding mtD many of these become abstract nouns of quality.

iBeo, good [or that which is good}, /esstsidld, goodness ( e\) + ld = <sstld).

~\ .^isir, ^(sudr, .^ssr, ggssr, s. mas. ration. [Com. 29.]

(b.) By addingj

^err, ^sueir, J^eir, s. fem. ration.

the suffixes )^^it, ^<5^it, ^it, ^ir, plural, m. and. f. ration.

(Cora. 31.)I^1^, gj, s. com. irrat.

J *^, ^0ir, ^siaeu, p. com. irrat. nouns are formed.

These terminations may be added to any nouns.

g^ Final ^ becomes ^ before these terminations. Those given here are

colloquial forms.

rES\> msikes rEeti<cOQ}eir, a good man.

iB&)&>siierr, a good woman,

/seoicOeiiiTSisir, / , ,

> good people.tE €0 Q ISO !J rr



iBeoeosi, good thing.

/Beoed&asusiofr, good things.

&^, small, makes S/Siusiiek, a liftlcper-

son, (m.)

S/Siueueir, a little person, (f.)

Q/SISiniTiT, little persons, (m. and f.)

&^ujsp, that which is little.

S/Stuemeuaeir, those which are little, (n.)

(c) The above belong to the 3d person. But such nouns may be

formed for the 1st and 2d persons also. These are not much used

in the common dialect. Thus,

^i^, foot, makes ^i^Q'jjm, I a servant (ejGsr being the verbal personal

term, of 1st singular. 31).

When a person wishes to be very humble in his address, he says


^LSf-Qiu^ ^fEjaeSi—^^ev <siiibQ^0st for /E/raJr, Sec.

/ a slave to themselves am come.

Even tBiTQiu<asr, I a dog, and other disgusting expressions of the same kind

are sometimes used.

And Q&ir®, cruel, makes Qam^tumL, thou a cruel person.

This is not used in common Tamil.

[Tamil Grammarians consider these to be a species of verb. An ordinary

verb is called Q^rBSldso sflfc = [understanding-position-verb], a verb which

implies an action, a time, an object, or an instrument . But these forms are called

(^/jSuLf ^Sssr = sign verb, (i. e.) they can only inferentially express time, &.c.

* Corap. this with the rule in Lat. that the nom. and ace. of neuter plurals alwaysend in a.



They have been called "conjugated nouns," "verbal appellatives," and

"appellative verbs". (Nannul, Sut. 321.) They are formed in poetry in great

abundance from nominal roots, which are divided, for this purpose, into six

classes ; viz.,

(1.) Nouns expressive of some thing possessed fOuyT-^errj: (^smip, an earring.

(2.) Nouns of place (^i—ld): LjpLo, outside.

(3.) Nouns of time (siT<sOLb): ldiT'Tld, a month.

(4.) Nouns expressive of some member, or part (&3osr): ssssr, an eye.

(.5.) Nouns of quality, outward or inward ((^smw): &-<5m<cisiLD, fidelity.

(6.) Nouns expressive of something done (Q^itl^so )-. Q^rr6\}, a word.

Rule.—Prepare the noun in whatever way it is preparedfor the reception of the

casal signs (18), then add the personal terminations as in 31. 87. [Compare also

App. xii. Paradigm of verbs (xii.)] The nouns thus formed for all persons

and numbers may be regularly declined. Comp. Pope's III Gram. 93.]

185. VOCAB.

From S-(smi—, that which belongs to, are derived

s^&ai—uj, a sign of the 6th case, ^-esit—iuevdr, he who possesses.

[Comp. 21.] S-s^i—tusueir, she, &c.

S-siDi—Uj^, that which, &c.

s^eiai—iuecosi], \

isisir, j^-esii—iueairs&r, they who, &c.

sssii—^^fresrsuek, &c., are also used.

[Here e_OTi—^^ is used for ^smi—iugj. For ^etsreusir, &c. see 87. 58. 151.]

£_srr (133) ^-eirtorreuisk (^-(strQeirirek) = he to ivhom there is, who has.

^-(sirioirajesT, = she, &c.

^-(sheir^, = it to which there is, which has.

S-eireireu IT ( S-ik Qen rr it ) 1 , , „ . ^^>= they to whom, &:c. (ra. f.)s^eireirmirscir,


S-is!r(Sfr<5sy(QU—s!sir, = they to which, &c.

[53" The above are regarded by Tamilians as finite verbs ; but the plural

neuter nouns, as 2_te)i_tu, 2_e»r(syr, ^so, Quifliu are capable also of being used in

every respect as relative participles, and are sometimes so considered.

Exercise 56.

186- (a.) urTdQiuQpssii—ujeiJiTs&r icp(T^<su(T^tJa ^eo'hso. i^eoQeoair lurr

<sp(7^ LD&)60s Q^lLi^ ('here ^ssyi—iu governs the 2d case). QrBQtunss)n

QurfKotufTiT <surrn^<5m^(ss)iju^ ^LLi—rrLoeO ibi—. to'SssrujrTelr ^eoevir^ o?®


those which, &c.


urri^' GKcsrsi^ ^li^s QsfTt^iU(G^Q&) ^-emi—neBr Qssni^ifei^ &fSuj^e060.

QufflQiUfTiT ^eisraitT Qurr^uu^ ai—Qesr•''''

&-uS0&TG{r<3j&!r, ^uS(Qefr

(b.) There are none who are always happy. The great have said so.

He is a man of great wealth. Well. Cruel people give trouble to the

poor. All, both small and great, will be there. What shall 1, a sinner,

do? Three of his partners are great people. The inhabitants of that

village are little people. He is a man of mercy. Your humble servant is

well by your blessing! Help your servant who is but as a dog. All

generations shall call me blessed (f.). Litlle people must be humble.

Lesson 58.

187. Many words of foreign origin are in constant use in Tamil.

(a.) Some of these are English. Thus, ^i@, sick—a word of univer-

sal use; Court, Q^sn-iriL®; amm, column of a 31. S. ; LSm,fees, &c. &c.

(b.) Some have come into Tamil through the Hindi. These are of

most frequent occuri'ence in official documents.

Cc.) Many are of Portuguese origin. @0sb9, kitchen, &c.

(d.) Some are derived from Mahratta, Telugu, Canarese, Malayalim,


(e) . Sanscrit words can hardly be spoken of as foreign to the Tamil,

[5^ [In regard to these words it may be remarked that they cannot be

altogether dispensed with. However we may dislike intermingling words of

foreign origin with what we choose to call pure Tamil, these words are in

universal use and must be learnt. Again, since many of these are namesof things brought into the country by foreigners, there can be no reason whythey should not bring in the names as well as the things. It is mere pedantry

to refuse to use the Hindi Gujss)^ for fable, and make the compound Qun^earu

usossis (food-board). On the other hand, if there be a really good Tamilword for a thing, why should a foreign one be introduced? Why say ^«qwhen eSiurr^, sickness, is well known. Most of these words will be found in

these lessons or in Index I. and the equivalent Tamil words where any exist.]

1S8. VocAB.—(As specimens.) LDiiSlsd, a mile. ^lL&i, Judge. ^mu^Qrft,Hospital. lELhuir, number, meuir (Arab.), a person. •s^uurr^^ (Sahot), shoes,

isoiri^ir, a lantern, Quht^it, boots (Hind.), amafl (Arab.), a prisoner. Q^rvLDSiff,

musquito curtains, is Tel. ^^-{^^ (domatera = musquito-veil, ^emrr.)



Exercise 57.

189. (a-) sjSijick ^ssnihi Qi—sQQTf'm. ^eum' iB&srp ^i—^^p(^th

(h.) Bring my shoes. Let down the musquito curtains. How manymiles is it to the town ? Has he laid the table ? Bring the kettle. Havethey made a complaint in the court ? Has the Collector arrived ? Whereis the clergyman ?

[Obs. There are peculiar ways of expressing foreign words in Tamil

which must be noticed. No native would understand : ®i = sick; but all

recognize ^i@].

Lesson 59.


190. (a.) Some verbal derivatives have been noticed in 87. 88. 143.

148. Besides these, many nouns are formed from verbal roots by add-

ing ai/ or ui-j according to the analogy of the future: ^;Sleij, ul^ulj.

Verbs which have en in the future take ©/; those which have lii, or uutake uLf. The nouns treated of in this lesson differ from those in 87.

88. 148. in having no governing power. Those are in every sense parts

of the verb: these are nouns formed from the verbal roots.

(b.) Passive nouns are formed chiefly from roots in s- by changing s-

into s.

Q-xime)!—, a garland (that which is strung), from O^/r®, string together (Poet.)

£_®o:_, a garment (that which is put on), from 2_®, put on (S-(Bul^.)

s-€!aLn, a burden (that which is carried), from sua, carry.

g:^ Sanscrit nouns in A generally change ^ into S when they are brought

into Tamil: so Sita = ^em^, Sab'ha, a congregation, is ff€B)U.

(c.) ^LD is added to some verbal roots to form nouns.

^dsu), wealth (what is made or acquired), from ,^<5@, make.

^L-L—ih, a motion (what is moved), from ^lL®, move.

g^ [In some cases the consonant of the root is doubled or hardened before

the addition of .^ld; as Q^iriLi—La from Q^iism®, &c. There is however

a form Q^trtL®.'] _ —


(d.) Many roots consisting of one short syllable (final s- does not really

belong to the root), lengthen this in order to form nouns.

Qu£ii, bring forth, obtain, makes Qugi, that which is gained, or brought Jorth.

QuiTQF), meet, fight, makes, Quirir a heap, battle.

@®, give, makes @®, what is given as an equivalent ov pledge.

S^- [This is almost the only case in which the Tamil violates the principle

that through every modificiaton in inflexion and conjugation, the Root is

unchanged. Of course final e_ does not belong to the root.]

Ce.J Some roots in sj,£!i, ®, (not short monosyllables), double the

final consonant. [Comp. 18. c. d. 131. c]

Thus, erfw^si, « letter {sr(L£gi, write 62.); uinL®, a song [un®, sing. 62.);

Qp^ a line (Sffi scratch, split).

(f.) sfl is added to some verbal roots.

Qseir, hear, ask. Gcserrafl, a question, report.

Q^rreo, be defeated. Q^msdeSl, defeat.

(g.) ^ is added to some roots: .^^/S, a siveeper (^p& oQ. II.). These

nouns then indicate the doer of the action.

(h.) ^ is added to some roots.

Oa®^, ruin, (Qs® ); Lop^, forgeffulncss (ii>p).

(i.) s^Si is added to some roots: wQip^Q, ^s^.s^Si (wQip, rejoice;

^sip, despise).

(j.) emLD is added to the present and past relative participles. Com. 154.

Thus, Qs'UjQskpesiLD, Q3=uja;<ss>LD. But this is by no means common, and

is strictly a verbal form.

(k.) In many cases the root of the verb is also used as a noun. Comp.


Thus ; QxsiiiL®, a cut, or cut, 62; siL®, a tie, or tie, 62.

(l.) Some nouns are formed by adding £_sr = existence to the verbal'root.

Thus; Q.FiiMLj(sir, poetry, (from Q&^iu, as the Greek nolrjaig from Ttoieco to

make). QuirQ^eir, substance, (from Quitq^, come together.)

191 . VocAB.

aisii(£l, learning (aid, learn 70. J. LSnDek, a neighbour ( i3p, other),

umetaeu, a bird (Ljp,fly). eSessr, vain, ((^esSQeo = in vain). tSg], on, (lS^&),

5th case = QtoGeo). eriii (56. I.) send (as a missile, arrow). Qs!r^eo s^lLi^

fa^tL®, sweep, 56. II.), a church sweeper, Grsirdsih, intention (QfBird(^, look

56. II). 3^L-L—Ui, a congregation (ai^-LL®, collect). Qa®, destruction (Qs®, de-

stroy), uir®, suffering ( u®, suffer). rB<ciat—., walk, conduct ( ibi—, walk), ^da^ih,

fear (^^a). sQh^gi, intention (aqf^gi, think).



Exercise 58.

192. (ci') «ei)'Sso tsSsmsflp u/DeimsiJ-ssfr iB^eO eirBuunQ^l suni^ei^k ^fTt^

gyti. Qu!T!flQ&) ^LDus'^en' <oi ill^nrrsen'. iLseur iSpih^rr&sr (STSsr^ ldQi^s^S

lurrdj ^n^dSlar^iT. ^^=f ^^szold ^ntasss^^i—mDeO ^psQeSiLi—am'' ^eat^

[from ^®] j>LU iresuriEj s^err^ ^rfl^^d Qsnem® sui^nesr. ^esii—GmLDiLjili

(Su^siaLDiLiLii 65(25 '^/^ (Beoeorr^, ''^s^s^Qpua tBnessTQpiJD ^rSleSdoeoniTsQeo

suih eiesrasruuQm- iSlfDiT ^rrQpil) ui^d(^ [s^rri^eii uesan^Q^! ^eu^t

emi—iu QiBrrssLD (sreunm? ^BJek Qsnemri— sq^^^ QsuQp. ^^ =^(5

<oS)i—iu (oSisQujan^^? ^^e^un®' ^eussrsum' urr® ^euesrsv^st^.

(b.) Do not rejoice too much in prosperity, nor grieve too much iu ad-

versity. Call the church sweeper. Neither praise nor blame affects the

dead (^pi^<a]iTs^s(^ ^&)&o). The household are much delighted

because a son is born. They all fought in the jungle. Do not

neglect learning. The young (Sgueuir 185.) should not kill birds. AVhat

is the intention of this verse ? What is the meaning of this word? Whatis the substance of this sentence? What is the purport of the letter he

has written? This is a fatal affiiir. He is a very forgetful person. SoI hear!


Lesson 60.

193. The following are used as interjections.

(a.) ^^, Ok! ^ (ffi, SB Can", 0?io ! ^Q^rr, Jiere, behold! ^i^ir, there, see!

i^rr, here, see! SQiutr, alas! e^iu, Hallo! oh! SeiaiuQujiT, oh ! alas!^Qatr, hallo!

These are used in the beginning of a sentence.

^cirQQT^? ^soeceufT? ^'&)(ooQ<S2][r (corrupted into ^soQeoir)? is it not? Eh?^s(mLD, I suppose, forsooth! certainly.

(b.) ^d(g)U) is put at the end when it signifies "forsooth,'^ and after the

emphatic word when it indicates certainli/.

^euisir iES\]isi)€vek ^<s(gii), he must he reclioned a good man I suppose.

^Qi(^s(ff)LD IE Si eo sum, he indeed is a good man. (This is not classical.)

(c.) ^m-QQj (rather high), ^sdedQeurr, ^(kieoeuir, ^&)Q<soit (vulgar), are

put at the end of a sentence, or after the emphatic word = isit 7lot?

(d.) sfrem, sfr^^LD (imperative of srrem, see) are in constant use in

much the same sense as we use the word noio: erdsrm srr^mh! ivell, whatnote.



194. VocAB.

LD^, discretion. Qld it <3:i}), detriment^danger, deceit. LD^QLoir-a^ui,

loss of sense; with Quit (58.), lose sense, become senseless. mkL-a-LDih, subtilitij,

nicety, srettl^, easy. -Fpg)!, .s=pQp, a little. i5c9^(g, mistake [b6. II.). sfl&r, grow

up (55. I.). lSs, much (generally used with s_u), i£lseijLh). Q^tr^, brightness.

^i—it! [ma,s.), yoii fellow.' =gyif. (f.), my good woman. uitlL^l, grandmother.

.^ tilu IT .' father .' uujeo, a worthlessfellow, eiiirffiriij, come up! well ! ^iriu and^suusir are used as words of respect. ^itQiu ! ^suuQesr ! ^'jS, mother ( = ^irib).

Exercise 59.

195. (a.) spG's/r, i^errefrniu (21. h. ^ is changed into <^iu)! ctsstsot

SfTffluj(i^ Qs^lU^ITUJ? ^UUl^ LD^CoLDrTS^LD QUfTSeOnLD!T? lEluUfJUJ (^lL&^UILD

^rBQp^ Qfi<Siif!S(sr^s(^u> eTerfl^6\}6\)(SQj Cl85' 6._). ^pQp l9<3'SI(SS)&} ^^<5 uireuti) eSl'S&riijCoLD. g&"J, iSiuiruuir^u^QLU., ^aysrr lSIssi^ud QiMirs^dsnifi

(182 )• ^aiiesr ^isoQeorr ^uuu^s= Qs^rrssrsBTSum? ^^ ^nsir sntflinual

''ct/e/@lo S<smjr)iQ/s ^Q^sQekp (o<?/7^." toimuni-Lis^ ^apQmj'dj 1 eiesar

I— a j3juui^s= Qs=LLiQ(nj'uj? (vulg. for. c^issr, ^t-rr.) i turriT ^z_/r, eiesrvy

(oSL-L—fTiosr. ^Q^ssresr ^^sluldI ^Q^it Q^rfliuu uQ^^QQpeur. ejssr

j^uufT, ^ihQiBULo ? ^su(5ST ^emLuQujiT <si<5sr^3?^<sS ^/(Lp^rresr. ^, ^eusu

etreij^ni^? ^Q^rr ^lasetflu-^^so <QUK^(msQ(wQff.^ eS^^sun&sr- (Observe

the inversion which is very idiomatic.)

(b.) Well, is it not ten o'clock? Alas, I am deceived, what shall

I do! My mother. Which is the way to Tanjore? This boy is the

clever fellow! So this is the learned man you mentioned. Here is

a rupee for you. I will come myself. Hallo, gardener, come here.

I suppose that physician was your father. Stop a bit you fellow! He's

a great scamp. Alas, nothing has grown in my field.

Lesson 61.

Forms corresponding to the comparative and superlative degrees.

196. From 130—133 it appears that there are no adjectives, proper/^so called, in Tamil.

The noun used as an adjective does not admit of changes expressive of

the degrees of comparison. How then can we express in Tamil, ^^this is

better than that" and ^^that is the best of all?

(1.) "This is better than that."

a. .j>j^p(Q ^^ iE60&}^. The dative of that which has less of the quality

spoken of: "To that this is good."

15 iT3


b. ^^£iiua ^gi meoeo^. The 5th case with e_LD (denoting completeness):

"From that altogether this is good." This is to be preferred to the former. [If

this be regarded as the 7th case in opposition to native Grammarians, the sense

would be "In all that this is good."

c. .jij^Sd (^^Q&>) ^sj mikioOgj. The 5th case; ''from that this is good."

(cr should be added.)

These three are elegant.

(/. ^es>£Bu urriTsQ^Lci ^gj isSoeo^ ( uirirdS^LD from iJ/r/r 56. III. although

you see, 100. (2.)) — '-Although you see that, this is good."

e. ^<omsu uirrrss @ISJ ihioed^ (uairss, the infin. of u/r/r 169.): That

while you see, this is good.

These are common and quite correct, though not very elegant forms.

g. ^es>s<sSli— S}^ fB<kioiigj ('sSi_ to leavej: "That to leave, this is good."

This is rather colloquial.

f. ^sy^^g) Sj^ =sy^« fB&xoi)^ (^^<SE, more, may be prefixed to lEeixso^ in

all the above. It is not needed.)

g. ^6S)sd arrL-L^^LD _@^ iBioeog] ( sitlLi^^ld from sitlL®, show, 56. II.

although you show) = ''Although you show that, this is good." This is decided-

ly a vulgar form.

(2.) "That is the best of all."

a. .jii^ sreoeorrsu^S^iii ( sre\)eo,T^^^LD ) fE&)<oO^. The 5th case with ^-ld

and a word denoting universality: "From all this is good."

b. .^^ (orw(S\}ir<sup/Sjb(^Lc> (sr&)eiifr^^d(^Lh) /seoei^^. The 4th case with

2_ii): "To all this is good."

c. ^^Qeii ^-^^LDU) (&QaL-i—ui). These two words are Sanscrit and

signify "best, inost excellent."

197. VocAB.

QLodrQiD^U}, more and more (Qld&) + Qtoio + s^ih, the first

syllable shortened for the sake of euphony). 107. (Lpii^, go before, 56. II.

(30/5^, (verb, and part.) Jf/ore. Qp,ifi,{m&n.) (Lpi^ Qpii^, first of all. (Com.)

^i7n-QSiTU<3=irffiEJS<ar (^ffir^, kingly. £_u<s=/rjii), observance. .^ + s_ = ^ in

Sanscrit compounds), kinglg honours. ^<oSiL-UJsk, one of the shepherd caste.

LD<smiEj<m ( LDi—iEi(ff)). a iveight, maund. lB&s = u/r/f.sSjfi/u) (lQ(^, exceed).

Exercise 60.

198. (a.) ^!jnQ^nu3=n!T!E]S(S!r ^<ssrd(^ tEi—i^ euQ^Qro^^ih ^jw

(sS0DL—Luspis(^ fBfT(^<i(^ iBfTeiT [from day to day] ^^sLona mL^i?^

(SUQ^ihuL^iurTs^ (157.) ^lLi-.(^ (165.) Q.s^iL^nm- s^eumSI., ^isf.QiLi

OT2/<5{^ ^<3S)^ eSi—u Qutfl^rresr sirrfliuu) e^&fr^ii) ^6\)'2eo. ^sui^ ^nm'


'•'•e^^eSlesrm-Qp (esr + ih - m) Qsu^uuns QsrrQ^ssth'''' (Poet.) = iSnn-

iD6ts3r0S(^ ^rnjTLDrr(osr^ Qsu^^GSi^u uu^aQp^^uo fsesreoiLD ^ii- 2_i?ot

enfl^LD u^sisr (173.) LDemiai^ (ldi—iej(^) ^^sLDfrss srTuurrp^Q<Sij<osr.

"^iB(ss)^ Q3=rre\} lSIss LDi^snh ^ff0'2sw." (Poet-_) ^nuSleo Qpk^ epQK Qsa

QutTLu Qu<3?Q/D(SiD^u U[Tfr<sQ^(^ s=rrQ/D^ ^Q^ud ibeoeo^.

(b.) You must learn more and more in the school. In the school

you must get the first of all. He is the most stupid of all the sheji-

herds. This minister is greater than the king. It is better to workthan to beg. There is no wealth more precious than learning. Sheis the best of all the women in the village. The mother rejoices

when her son is said to be wiser than others. The elephant is greater

than the tiger; but the tiger is more cruel. This is the heaviest

burden. The son is better than the father. This is greater thanthat. This is sweeter than honey.


Lesson 62.

So, such, as.

199. (a.) gjuui^^ Q,3=iLujeoiTLDrr? May {vfo) do thus? (103).^eiji^^LDirs, ^iiKZiee^s'JJiT'lj, ^aieuAtsmLDiTS, ^i^ eS^LDniL, &C. &C.,might

be used instead of ^uuif.

(b.) ^uQurruuL-L- siTfftuj^eiP^<F Qs^iLiiud &_(BLDfr? (103). Is it right

to do such a thing? (Quit, name, u®, suffer. This is common, but not


(c.) ^uu L^u


lLu. LDiresrdQsi—rresr sirifju^esy^d Q<3=ujiU(Sdn-LDir


(Thus-affected Tionour-destroying tiling may [one] do?)

Is it right to do such a dishonorable action.

{d.\ ^uuL^sQsiT^^iaiesr eresresr^^diV)?

To this-likened person, to tuhat? [^g, agree, be like, 56. III.]

What is such a (fellow) good for?

(e.) ^^^€0 ereueuefTSij QsL-L^ssirnQi^ ^^Qe^ ^KBjeueir&j

In this how-much he is clever, but, in that so-much


a blockhead he will be.

( srsi]€i]0ir<3ii with a and ^entsuefre^.


if') ^^'^'-"^ eruuL^Qturr, /ilsrr^ ^uuL^^^irek.

As is the father so is the child.

This may be also thus expressed :

^.suu^sru Qurreou iS&rdsir ^Q^d(^w.


[It can hardly be necessary to remind the learner that in rendering as into

Tamil, he must consider its exact meaning. If as = when the sentence mustbe changed. Thus ;

(1.) As / was going = /F/rsar QuiTSiasuSl&);

or, /E/rsJr Qun-QpeuL^uSleo;

or, /Etreir QuaSp CSeu3s<TtSl&);

Ior, /E/rdr euL^uSeo iBi—iB^QutrQp a^Louj^^io &c., &e.

(2.) This is KB large x& that — ^gje^LD ^^©/(^ <f//?/

or, _g)^ =Sij^p(g,'3= <5^/fl/

or, ^^ ^sa^uQuiTsciu Quff!^; (?)

or, ®i^^m>i—Uj ^etreij ufrirdSpQu/ran^

^^pi^^ s'/ffiLimLf ^(25'S@^, &c., 8iC.]

200. VocAB.

s<5m(Bi3L^, find out {b%. 111.) (sem®, having seen. t3u^, seize

upon). &a-, an infant. Qshmi^Sj, infanticide (^^^.^Jt;^^, murder, from the

Sanscrit), erffi/a^^ii, every where (for <oTej(^lo). ^Sed, ivunder (56. I.).

Exercise 61.

201. (a ) STuuL^u ulLl- (Biumu (^LLsuD^mt^iLjm sem® tSli^ds^

a;jss Lj^^i5S)UJ3 QsrrQuumT. (^Lpitsm^esiiui Q&nm^ Qunil.L—S^'iew


^ sj isis^11 LD r^iT eim'Qij'eo ^(r^i^uisf- ^-imodld ^(ssii—uunLDeo rsrrear

^iEj(^ixi ^!E](^uD simg}iiJa ^'?eouj6\}fTQLnrT? ''''(Poel-) ^(au&sr stuul^lj

ULLi—6ij(o(SS)? ^su'^ssru urrirds (5rssrs(^ ^^sms= P-Gstsr®. eiuui^ ^Qe^ih (at any rate) ©susar sldlc^s^^Q^ Quiflajsnifluuua. ^uuu^d(^uL^sn'hsfT iSfoi^Q^sQp^. (Such a child, com.) uemtpuu uuf.Quj f^i^u

(b.) Did you ever see such a boy? What is this dog good for?

The more he wanders in the streets, the more will he learn evil

things. What kind of people are there in the village? Why did

you commit such great folly? How can I do such an evil? He has

gone as he was wont. At any rate I have seized the thief. Whatare such boys good for? They are talking just as they used to talk.

May we do such a thing? What kind of things may we do? Olio!

is he such a fool? Such an one came.

Lesson 63.

202. ^s\3&)iTLD&), ^sar^, from =gya), which denies a quality; and _g)ffi)so/r

Loeo, ^^jSl, from §)&), -which denies existence (43.) are in constant use.

^eoeoiTLD&i, and ^ k> <so itld &> , are neg. verb. part. 121. (2.) ^io(so!rgj, and ^eo

eoir^, are also used, generally with ct: ^eofforrQss, ^SoeoirQ^.



^dr/S and ^eir/SI are irreg. verb. part, from the unused past teases ^drQ/Desr, ^dirQpm. 77. Comp. 56. (III.).

^ is) so ITLD so and ^eosoiTLDeo thus involve a double negative: a negative form

of a negative verb.

(a.) @so&)frLDeo, and ^sw-^, are both used for without, absolutelyDENYING the existence of that to which tliey are attached.

LD(saLp ^jeoeoiTLDeo @ijL<5isrr enn^ssu u(BQ(wirse<r, the inhabitants suffer from

the absence of rain.

tu/rQ^iTQ^ s^^^iLjih ^^/S euQF^^.^Cj uu-L-inm', he suffered without any aid


(b.) jij&isoaLDeo, ^cir/S!, are used for besides, except, but, affirmingthe existence of the thing to which they are attached.

^eoeoirLoio, being thus a preposition and having the meaning of excepting,

excluding, governs the 2d case: ereircksrujeOiSOirLDio — besides me.

aeo^iTiom Qufffiu uirff^em^^ ^maQm)&> tSsiri^ ^Lpleu^ei'eorrLDeo ^eiririE^

eu^LLjQLDir ? euSotriuir^; if you put a heavy burden on a stone pillar, it will break,

but not bend.

(c.) ^kxsotTLD&nis) and ^sk^iLiLo signify moreover. The 2_zi) may be

added to the previous word thus: _g)^ai/a) ^eoeoirtDeo, gj^ei^w ^drjS.

203. VocAB.

luirQ^irQh . ..^^th, any whatsoever (lurrffj which, (^qF) one., .s^ld

even. 126.) euQfj^^ui, trouble. evnh^^uu®, be troubled. Qwskr®, desire

(56. II.). QiaULh, the supreme (used chiefly by worshipiJers of Qeuasr). iS.^gi,

seed (also e0g»^, eflgw/r.^

Exercise 62.

204. (a.) CTssr semsQew jtjedeotTuoeo QsuQp s=rrLL& ^ik'bso. Qsuih

[Compare these two: ^ai^dr^ujir^Lh i^Zsiraigi ^-(omQi—rr? Will any thing

besides that lohich is sown be produced?

eSi^^ssT^iijirgiLo i^dstreu^ &.(okrQi—a? Will any thing grow without seed?]

^^eo&inixteo ^sstsstld QsuQp ^-emi—rr? Qs^rr0ld(^m Qurr^iL® S-Sard

(^3= QffrT<obr<osrQ^ ^&}&)itlc>60 QiSijf6l&)'2eo. ^(ssrd(^ Qsiissm(3i(S^<osy^tsQs<3fr.

^l<ssrrB (vulg. ^(SsrssfluSeo) ^isu^emt—iu ^mufKsmnu^ih .£)jeisifiULSId^rTiT-

(oiiir eS^esiiu fBrresr Q^rr'^eoss Qsuemr^QiD j^ieo&jaLcdo ^-iL<i(^s sniFlujin

erssrssr? ^^&sr'^esnusoeomD60 lufrrr eviB^nirseir? e^Q^ LSljTturr-g^cjfiLSissrjS

^«5r<s(5<£ Qsail— 4(^0).



(b.) This child is the only witness, there is no other. Will any

thing grow without water? This seed will grow but not that stone.

Are there any besides this ? Will they come without it ? He must

learn his lessons: what else? He ti-oubles me without any cause

whatever. I have told you one thing : besides that, there is another

which no one knows but myself. The people are suffering from the

lack of true wisdom. They are wandering about without any light.

It is hard to live without sin. Come without delay. If there should

be no water.

Lesson 64.

205. "Either this or that must be true."

b. qaar^io ^^, lassr^eo^^ Qldujiuitiij @Q^s(^ld.

c. &igj QwiL; ^eo&iinSL-L-iTiso ^gi Qldiu (123, b.)

/• ^^"'&Mi'^ ^^iT(^^Lci QwLujrruSlQ^d(^Lh (100. (2.)) = "^'^^ '/ *' ^^ '^"*

and if it be that.

Q:^ Observe the use of the future in the above = mtist be acknowledged to

be, must he, you must confess that it is. ej may be added. . , .QiDiLiLifnu ^Q^d

(a.) ^<s>]si is the part, noun, neut. fut. of ^, that which will be,

or become = either .... or. It must be repeated after each of the things


It is also used for at least: gj^irsugi QLoiuiuirtu ^Q^df^QLo, this, at

least, you will grant to be true. And for "a< all,'" luirQF^sarreugj, to

any one at all.

(b.) (o^eir/S en , 7th case of epdr^n, one = in one (case understood) this,

in one (case) that is true. This is not a classical form, but expresses

the dilemma very exactly, and is quite intelligible.

(c.) ^eoeo erajr (Tyei) (^eo&)Qiz>ian-(Trf'sn), ifyou say it is not, then.

(d.) ^ioeogj neut. part, noun of ^&>, that which is not so, is used

for or. It has some authority ; but it seems a doubtful use of the word.

206. VocAB.

u^&>, u^eCfTS, in place of. ^smiSsLDirs, without any

apparent reason, suddenly, by the visitation of God. Q^dj(SsLurrs, by divine ap-

pointment. iEiT(sir, a day ; but isir^, /Eir^d(^, fEirSsmu^Pesnh (^, that, ^sstld day),

to-morrow. /ErrSsnuSleir ^m-(cmps(^ (Com. 166.) {^ron. fBireSeire^sQ or furreiressr

2sBi!rd(m) the day after to-morrow ( ^asrgii 4th case).




Exercise QS.

ujrT(G^^ui, u^eOns LuiT^esrujrTi^^ii) &-<5srd(^<i G)<sfT®d@Q/Di5sr (pres. for

0«/rerr, ^&}eo^ isSl'2e\}UjrT(SS)^m wfTisjQdQsirerr. i^iasstr (sn'^iu^ ^stsr

LDiTsv^ /F/ySoYTitSssr ^6sr(SS)/DdsrTei'^ sunQ^ias&r. '•^^eoeorriis) sjioeo^^ rsso

Q(ssr^&)'^. isu(T^Q<ss)pQujrr (^(Su^Q^n^Qcufr) ^&)'?eoQujn?

(b.) Either this or that must be true. Either he is guilty or the

witness is speaking falsely. Come to-morrow, or else I will punish you.

Bring me either a horse, or a bandy or an elephant. Give it to some one

or other. Put some one in your place, or I must fine you. This, at

least, you will acknowledge. They either suffer from the absence of rain,

or from some other cause. I am a learned man and not a merchant.

Lesson 65.

208. "Neither this nor that is true."

(^•) ^^®/^ Qld'jj ^leoffi), ^'^sijLD Qldijj ^eoeo, this is not true, and that is

not true.

^gJ Qldiu ^&)<si), ^^(S2/ii GiLDiL ^eoec, this is not true, that also is not true.

(h.) ^^maj^, ^^ireu^ Qldiuiuitili ^rrtrgi. (Neg. of 206. a.).

(c-) §ISJ .^Sjfi/io (^(e^^nw) ^sj ^Q^LD (^(^ff^ii) QLDiLitLimLi ^imsj,100. (2.) = and if it be this, and if it be that— it is not true.

209. VocAB.

LDt^^eir, saffron-yellow. Spil>, colour. &lL(B, a letter, docu-

ment. (^giim(^ (56. II.) give waij, recede. _@if , thunder. Gi^s^edeii, expenditure

(03=00 go).

Exercise 64.

210. (a.) lEnssr ^suGs^L—^^io si—eur <su a(hQ <sur^im ^eo'^, &LL<5mi—d

Qs=tijs;(ausv)ii}) ^j&)ev. ^jih^u y QisiiuLjm ^j&)&)^ LD(i^s^<5rr lalpQpLD ^go&).

esr^ iS.fLD STioir^v Q^!T(5srpei^Lo ^6\)'2sy, ^suesr LD<mrih ^fSli^ Qumu QuQ(€S)issr (5T(5sr^ Q^nssrpts^il) ^so'Ssw. i§ ^eu^ ^eueur ^sv^ ^rresarQCou

t^iLjLD QufTs Qeusmu^LU^. ^p&)GO.,^peOeO, <oi<Sij(SU(S(reiiQ3^eOsurT(^^th

^sLL®Lh. ^^£ijlS1&)'20O, ejy^ei/iz$?6i)'3sw, ^ffsmQiBeo'hso. ''^^rft&l ^^easr

t—iT(^&) <SiiiB(5S)ffii-\(Lp<sm®.'''' [Prov.] ^iflQiLjiSI &)'?&), (Surftems^niLD ^ysv'Ssv.


(b.) Neither the king nor any of his counsellors were present. Thiswas known to neither the watchman of the village npr to the inhabitants.

The book is neither here nor there. Neither of these is sweet. Neither

lias the physician come, nor has he sent his servant. He has neither

friends nor relations in the village. Neither of these will yield to the

other. I cannot quite believe what either the plaintiff, or the defendant,

or the witnesses of the peons say.


Lesson 66.

211. The word wiL® means extent (probably a corruption of sulLl-ld,

a circle.)

euemiT, boundary ((snemir, draw, write).

wfliLti^Lo, term, limit, (Sanscrit.)

and ^sirey, measure.

These words are used to express extent, duration, &c. and are equivalent to

"as far as," "until," "unto," "to," &c.

o. @)ifB!rsir u>lL(Bu>, until to-day (not necessarily including the day spoken


^(W^L—ih ldlL^ld, to this place, as far as this.

S-0!r(mis\) ^'Sstldl-Qld ul^, learn as much as you can. (By you-which-has-

become-the-limit learn,)

LDtL(Bls(^Lh (4th with S-ld) is also used, but is not elegant.

It should follow the nominative, or the relative participle.

^LhLDL-(Sli}>, thus much. ^ldldl-(Bld, so much. 6ti1iLdl-(Bld, how much, are

also used. ldl-Qi—itls^qF), keep within bounds.

b. ^iklSiTisir euemiriLiiD, "i

' ID lo II 'Of viu \ouj IT £B rS\i-Ii , .'

iiEfBireir <sa<8S)iruSl^il>, J

snp^SJ isi;s»/r<S(aii, up to the neck.

ri @juuLn.s= Gis=iL8p<s>i<cSiirs(S)LD, as long as you do this.

£_ii) is elegantly added to denote completeness (126.).

a/iSB/r follows the nominative, or the rel. part.

c. urB'ui^LD should only be used in combination with a Sanscrit noun. ' ldu

emuiB^jjih^tli, till death, is elegant, and is a regular San. compound.

d. &eijcir ^-afrefr<oir<sjix), '\ as long as I live (e-s/r, existence, used

Y absolutely, and sir doubled.)

mirek iSl<ctoLp^^(ms(^LD ^'s»rffl,'/i), J [iSletoLp 56. III. live.)

isrreir enQhua ^loiTsyiii ((sijqru> eyiKD/r<S(gii), ennhQrr) suesifrai^LD, shqkld ldl-(Bld ),

until I come.



^euevetreij, ^eueueireti, eria/ei/errs)/, thus muck, so viuch, how much. (25.)

ST<s^isJ6rr<ouirQej!iLc, how much soever 100. (2.) 208. c.

e. (oTsk^^p sk^L^iULDir^^JK^ Qs^irec^QQpasT, I (will) tell you as much as I can.

[_LDfT^^!iL£>. S. MATRAAi, the wholc extent.']

212. VocAB.—ijoi-L®, as an adj. scanty, .^^^ndsmrm, a rash, hasty person.

^Ssar denotes measure, and is only used in comp., thus: ^^^^, thus much;^^jS&ar, so much; isr^fl^ssr, how muck or many (25.)!^ ^n^Lo, boiled rice, srjfi/

L8ff=3i-, lemon tree. siriL, unripe fruit. srSH iS^


isj <s rr iL [131. c). ^irsau), dis-

putation. ^irds^rrm^aiM, logic, .jijs^j ap^eo ( Qp^sons, or np^pQsrrekr®


@j^<suiss)irs(mi}> = from that to this.

Exercise 65.

213. (a-) <3?^[^6srLDLL®LD iSljjujrr<fuu® fcom.j. ^^s'Sstr tEasar

I— mar. QiBso'^eoajfrQ^Ln G)«/7®, ^iSOeoneSl LLi—.n(sO ^Q^Lon^ili eu€!DfTS(^Lh

^fflysor Qun®Qp s^rr^^es)^ ^Q^iii ^nLiiSliLQa Qsaemu^QK. Quasd<si_i_/70^(o3r^ Qsuessn^uj LDLLQd(^LD Qs^fTssr(GU)(S{r. rsfTesr ejeusueweii?

Qpuu^ <suiss)rrd(^LD ^irds s^nstv^iruD e^ssism/sQtu spguaQsiressTL—n&sr.

fbrresr lojrSI LSl^dQQpesr <oTssr(rf/'iT- ^rriL suq^l'd ^strsifili Qu-fSnp^^frefr.

^^/bssrr<sS&)'?e\}. ^(susuetrGlsiiasrrQ&i'^eM. Qispsap ^meSlQ^ Qs^iL^ ^uuu^, ^p6S)/D(SussirTS(s^ii>-

(b.) As long as we all live we must labour patiently and diligently.

I will not yield a jot of what I claim. He was up to the chin in water.

Thus much I have borne. At least take up this little burden. Be thoufaithful unto death ! It is as large as a lime. I will wait till to-morrow.I will do what I can. From the time the learned man came until now I

have been thinking about the matter. His wisdom is immeasurable.Until to day.

Lesson 67.214. crajr. why?

ermesT, whatf (LeSS. 13.) Poet. srmQm?a. erj-ffljr eui^irdj? Why did you come? [vulg. eriiiQs. eams ir iL ?~\

These words are sometimes used in a manner that may perplex the learner.

b. ^LJUL^^ Q3=L(Si]iTQm3sr? Why docs he (any one) do this?

^uuL^.^ Q<3=iuei]Q^(sk ? Why do this?

16 121


c. ^QsQenr&^ev, ) . . . ^ .- , i /•^ ^. . > r=5!/^) GTCsr, 6ri3OT(T)i'e\),l 2/ Uom say why — wherefore.

(Many similar forms are in use.)

d. li @jLJULp.^ Q^iuQjDQ^sirem ? Why do you do thus?

c. eTeBULD = soever. [This may be, erek + &.ld, or a corruption of ^uSemiw.']

It is equivalent to ^8^u}, in such forms as, 6r<si<siieirQ<sii_^ih fsr, ^(syra/,

eremtLp) how much soever. 212. d.

f. ^Q^iQ^eirsBr ? QuirQajesrsar ? = ^qF)IB^it€0 ereir(S!sr? Qufr(^e^ ereirasr ?

What matters it whether they remain,, or go? live or die?

This is common, and yet strictly classical.

g. ereirQurBso ^0''S7@/-o STesr! Pray have mercy ^ipon me!

Here ejm = pray do, is either for ex emphatic, or from ersar = why not?

215. VocAB.

ssii-i, cease. (56. 1.) Si^, revile (56. III.) -a^^, deceit, ^^frav^

ffLD, science, ^ii/rtu, search into (56. I.), .^skr® , draw near (56. II.) ^Mi^i^ii,

felicity. Qeu&rerrili, a flood, u/riu (56. I.), rush, enem u^eo , a bandy. LD.3^g:iT(S!r

( es>LDSSJet!ti^, LD'^sfsareisr ), a brother-in-law. S-meij, relationship. S-meuir®

(56. II.) cl<iim relationship, airdsir, a bullock, ^asireir, an elder sister.

Exercise &&.

216. (a.) e^funiop Qumii Qs=[Teo^Qjr)<SiJiTS(Sf^i£>.f iB&dQeon&air (184.)

{SiB^dQp<aijrrs(ef^t}), Qupp ^nujiT&nrr <5S)(SiiQp<SiiiT£B(^t}), ^mSsa^ ^^^s'Setts

Qs^iLjuiQJiis(&^ix), s^nsw^jTta<s'2efr .^!TmuiT^eiJiTS(&^ii>, LSIpiTd(^ s-usnn^

(GfKLD ^(^iQ^eisresr., QunQujesresr? "spiurrQ^fT <5r&sr tso/'Ssu ? ^-etrQefr ^rsii^

(m<5s>pun®? &.<osrssQJ(oST (oTiolsrearQBjesiirQu)? .:^^ s?ioSi<oijQiiin® ^esBri—nio

Ques. eusssri^eo ©OsuC^ot?LDs^s^ar^ S-/Deijrr®<suQ^m?

Ans. ^dsrrdstrd Qsirem®.

[This is a specimen of a kind of riddle very common among Tarailians.

''The handy runs—why?

The brother-in-law claims relationship—why?'"

By means of the ( bullock (^dstrSstr = ^/i^a anSsir 25.)

[Qsirem®. 239.] -? elder sister (^i&insn. marriage with whom constitutes him

\_ a u3d'3=iTek. App. x.)]_ _ -


(b.) Why do you do this? He will not give because he has no money.He will not give even a grain of hemp seed. Give me a little water, at

least. You must examine those who claim relationship; for they seemto be deceivers. It rushes on without ceasing. Draw near to the Giverof blessedness. What is all this noise about? What matters it whethersuch people come or go? Please give me that money. ,


Lesson 68.


217. a. ^(Siiei^i—^^eo u^^ ^qf^sQjdQ^it ^eoSsoQiuir ereirjpi Q.3^ir^d(^LD Qutr

(miL(B<^ Q6Fn'(SirQst!reir, I said so to try whether there was devotion in him or not. (46.)

b. ^uuL^^ Q<FiuS/DSueir LUirQufr, ^euek smeir(^.

Whoever docs thus, he is a robber.

c. (oTimQs ^QssiJ> sguuLj/Eiriij Qsam^iEiriLi ^(^ldit? (100.)

In any place soever can a black dog become a white dog?

d. S^u umhuirQ^LD Qurfftu ^if-Oa/rsOT i—L^sa Qeu(sssr®u>,

Although it be a small snake you must strike it with a big stick.

e. lurriT ^slLQld (140) = (let him be whom he may [^<s, (^lL(Bu>']) = who-


218. VocAB.

usQF) (60. III.) speak. [Poet.] Loeoir, a flower, LDeorrssirio,

flowery feet. Q^s-gbtsS, a head [Poet.] iSesis^, upon. [Poet.] Qp8so, a corner,

(^efi, hide. (6i.) (^S^, gaming, (^^ir®, gamble. (56.11.) SQipirir, low persons.

(Sip. 184. j. &-ee)rr, speak. [Poet.] Q/e/S, (64.) stiffen, erect.

Exercise 67.

219. (a.) <oT!EiQs ^Q^LD sem1—^em-Qu. rr ? ^i^ aerj/rsro/T'df sn^s;

^uSfr ^Q^LD Qsn®. Loeaar ^uSlG^im loSsot" ^uSI^ld srruuirjbfSiosrsi]

OT2/c5(5 S_6OT®. iSesSioSilU^ ^ITLJU^ eT^QsUfT ^^QsiJ LDQKIh^. ^iSU

(5S)iTs •sesari—^ (sruQunQ^rr ^uQunQ^ Q^rfluLjLc ^tsuQ^etDi—Uj Qs^iij^.

(Observe the order. This is very idiomatic) ^eik ^Qe^th Quessr

^Q^m QurTUjQs=rTio^Q/ri<auiTs'2efr rsijous ai_L_/r^. iLirrjnTSLLQil) @^/r®QpeiJ(our Qs(SsijrT<osr. ''QQi^rTiT ^uSsv)iii) ^irip s^etarr.''^ a^uQun^ =sy<^

sfT^s^eir Qi5n5l^^<i Qsiresar®, <sijrT'2ev^^girs(^QLDrr., ^uQun^ Qsn&)&>

tSI'^esr^^ireir. ctott Loiem^uSQsd epir ^lLQs(^ ^i^syeSlisuii^ QsnemiQsnem ^(l§^^ ei^(G^QeOii^LD lSsislpujitld^ Qs=^.^u Qurr^sf-. (Observethe confusion of subjects. The sheep died, and not the spasm).



uirtrirQaJir ereir^iuiriii sre\ie\iirib ? ^luir !

Dost thou not see [110.4(1.] iTn,- sormw [:>0.] all? O LorJ


Before (I) spe.ik is it not known r Before sinful me (185. c.)

cUFr[rtr(Siurr t ^^arssrih ^(^sirGoih Si'^^'-^Wilt thou not oonie ? Yet at :niy time whatever

the tluwery feet (131.) my head upon (251.) wilt thou not place? (2G3.)

NOTE (1.) In poetry ^ after ek is sometimes changed into ^(2.) Wlien li) follows u> one is often elided.

(3.) Honorifics are not used in Tamil poetry generally.

(b.J Plave you seen my elder sister any where? I will run away somewhere or other. He is hidden in some corner or other ((^icS^^Qr)sQ(n^!asr

- he is having hidden). Whoever teaches well he is a Munshi. Whetherhe be rich or poor a liar will be despised. Can a murderer escape anywhere? Can you tell me whether the price is what he says or not?

Although he is a young man he is a great physician. I asked him those

questions to try whether he had learnt the lesson or not.


Lesson 69.

220. In 121 we saw that the negative relative participle ended in

^;s, and that the form in ^ was chiefly used in poetry. The negative

participial noun ends in ^p&- Note the following forms:

a. ri ®jiEiQs ev/jrr rtprnQosr, before you came here ( <siiun'^^<s(^(ipekQssr ). sk0

Qpap(^ or <s3(W)<sii^p(Q is probably better Tamil.

b. fEirdr ^isjQs QuiTsir^^pt^ npSsrQizBT (4th case of neg. partic. noun), be-

fore I went there.

c. ^eiiair ea^&sijD'JJ(e^ Q^tuiUfr^ULp-Sc^ <^(<5miu^ ^iBQ(i^(3st , he wanders about

idly doing nothing (very common, but not very elegant).

1^ ®jLJUL^<s: Qg=iLiun^uL^ apiS^Q^ek, I ordered yon not to do if.

[More elegantly ^uul<^S= Qs^ujjdah.i—fr^ ereirgii OtF/rcorG'earOT".]

221. VocAB.

iSlioinLp, a fault. <s0iP, regard, think of (56. II.). aS, yield

moisture, weep (56. I.). s_(5@, melt (56. II. &-Q^d(g. act.). tSossr, think, remem-

ber (56. III.). QufTffi (56. III.), bear with, forgive.

Exercise 68.

222. (a.) "sG\)e\}rTu lS&dl^iljis, s(T^^nu lSoslpiljiej, s&ib^(t^Q iS&)

124 ~


[Poet. Idioms.— 1. The sign of the 2d case omitted


2. sffL>0Ofr, itc, for aeoeofr^. 3. ^Q^s'ireun-iLi, future for imperative or optative.]

Qpd^Qasr, Q^n^sr^LD QpemQasr) Qsu'^evdsfTjiiT euii^rrirserr. ^euear enrrn

(b.) Pardon my fault in not thinking of it. He goes about without

speaking a word. Before the sun set he went to sleep. Before I thought

of that I wept. Why does the boy go about. learning no le.ssons ?' Should

any one go about doing nothing? lie is a blockhead that understands


Lesson 7C-

* -223. VocAB.



very black (sek<ssriEi s^^-s).

^aassriB^si^Qiu ,quite alone (^eareani ^esrl^^J.

&eiri5!!r(s^ Sl^tu, very little ( St<sk<s!r(^ @gii^^).

QuasrcsTLD QuiBiu, very great ( QuskemLo QuqkJ;^ ).

g:^ These and similar forms are in constant use. No rule can be laid

down for their formation. Either the adjectival form is used as arfjtu, or the

QuiLiiT sr.d-^LD (76.) as, sg)i^^.

LD(sm<k), sand. ^iuiej(^ (.56. II.) to languish. smDu^, lust. arrLD/r^, lust, &c.

(151.) jjfT tsar's:ek, a demon, ^'sos^, a butt to be aimed at. rSmii), a colour. Qudj,

a devil. Gie=eaS^Sl<su^^, red. us^eaa^u us=^3^, green. lj^^uu^uj , new.

^6inL_, the ivaist, middle.

Exercise 69.

224. (ft.) &(^<sur(^ QrSlujiTssfr Qs^uj^ wsmp Qg^npos^p e^d(^w.

&(sisresr(^ &^^^ ^<ss)L-. s&yrssrta s^!s;^ QpsQpmefTSiJ&sr (SuiB^nek.

Q^djQeiJtour? ^ssresrih ^evflQuj ^(f^i^ ^LuiaSl^^err. Qs^ss3= Qeui^eu

etrndj ^(i^sQ(nj'&r. ^li^ <s>Jiu&d u^gss^u u<f^^ iBpiMniJb ^(T^dQp^.Lj^^ULj^LU QiBiLQsnemQ (SJiB^QKdQnrj'eir.

^ Jet black in hue— lust anrt other iliabolical demons untoQcSotSsot ^<sossns isneniB^ Ql^iurQo^ ? (215.) uirtnjsrQin I

Me a butt why has't (thou) left ? O Godhead!"

\_QLJUJs(m + eraJr&jT = QuiudQaesrSssr.- Spa ambiT^ (151. e.) n it iai,^-a=u Qudjs

__ _ _


(b.) The demon's face was jet black and he had great broad shoulders.

She went all alone in the desert. He has a very little dog. A very

black cloud hid the sun. Must I languish alone ? The corn is quite

green in the fields. That cow is entirely red.

Lesson 71.

Qpear, iSdr. (See vocabulary 84.)

f Both these words are used

225. (1.) Qpm, before, in place or time. J in the formation of innumerable

tSsar, after, in place or time. | compounds of very common and

Lidiomatic use.

For Qpm are used also

(2.) Q-parQasr, emphatic


QposTLf, sometimes with ^'L and ^«;Qp<a!rimLD, Qpeir:o!irQLi>, generally relating to time;

(tpesresrp, vulgar; Qpeirzsrir, poetical.

(T^ffljr(6B)«, and Qpeki^Qeo.

(3.) Qpeir and iSeir form compounds thus: (ipjbsir<o<:)LD, iSj^sireou), the be-

fore-time and the after-time. Here sbt becomes p before <s.

(4.) tSeirQear, SmLj, i^asrssrir poetical, iSpuir® ( uit® = a state.), iSdi(^Q&),

'^P® (from S. Prdk), are also used.

(5.) iSdrQissr is used for moreover.

(6.) The verbs Qpisi and iSii^^ (56. II.) are used for go before, and come

after; of these the verb. part. Qpih^ and tS/h^ are idiomatically employed.

(7.) Qpek and lSsjt are used in composition with many verbs. Thus,

QpmicS® , (68.) put before.

QpdrsSeo^, (70.) stand before, protect.

tSdre^®, (68.) put after.

iSissrupgji, (62.) imitate, follow after.

i^m<Si]iTi5j@, (62.) draw back.

Exercise 70.

226. (a-) ^prBQ<50 Li0<3i^m- Qfimss)iih Qucssrsrr^ iSlesr^mfTSLJ

("136.) QunQjD Qurr(Lp^ LDpQ(nj'(r^6>j(Ssr ^euirs&r ti)(S3r(CT)(?60 ^/dejQ

surB^n&sr. ^(Sjits&t <suQ^Qp^p(g Qpm'Qesr. Qeonrreir Quir(56r iSljburrQ.

^(Su^s^Lj LfliS3r(S3)G'6i) ^(r^LDiSlsij iB^aiTSGtr. s^pjBi—^ ^nemi^esr i3p

urr®. (5T63r iSliosrQissr liiaseir (sr&)6\)iT(T^ih e^inQ^iassir (com.j. ''QeyerrefTLD

(aU(T^ih Qp(osrQe!!r ^"Ssm- Qupu. QeuemQu).^^ [Prov.] Qpasr lSsst GffuuQ

puis). Q^iu / !BrT(osr Qpi^u QurrSlQpesr, i§ iSk^suffeonuD. Qpk^nQ^.

^sum" Qpm^<i(^ (susrLDmLL-rT&sr.

__ —


(b.) The brother went before and the sister came after. Dig your

garden before the rain comes ; for afterwards there will be no time.

Afterwards I heard them say so. Compare the context (sentences before

and after). I knew this before. The criminal stood speechless before

the judge. There were upright judges both before and after him. Look

well both before and behind.


Lesson 72.

Quireo, Qufmo, AS.

227. Of QuiTsa (56. [HI-]) resemble, be like, the root Quirio, the infin.

Qurreo, the 3d neut. fut. Quirsa^, and the past rel. part. Quirdsrp (rarely)

are in use, and signify like, as.

In the higher dialect many other such particulars are used. Com.

Pope's III Gram. 109.

(1.) All these govern the 2d case.

(2.) But as in other examples, the nom. may be put for the ace.

(3.) er may be added, QuirQeo, Quire^Qeu, Quit^Qld.

(4.) Sometimes Quires, Quireo are added to the subjunctive in ^&) 95. a.

Thus Qi 3= ill^ !T <so Quijiso = as if one should do.

They are often added to the verbal noun in s^i Qs^ujQpgjQuireo (87.) = like

the doing.

(5.) The forms G)<3=iijQ(7i^uQuiTQicO and Q^iu^iruQurrQe^ = as soon as (you)

do or did, are in very common use, being pronounced in a very hurried way so

as to sound like Qs^iiQifuuQ&i and Q^uj^iruuQeo. They are probably, corrup-

tions of Qa=tuQp ^ Qurreo^Wke the way of doing (^ in old Tamil means, wa?/,

manner). Q3=iLiLjLDrruQuiT<so, which also frequently occurs, is a correct form

( Q3=ujixjLD, ^, Qurreo), as if (he) would do.

228. VocAB.

^miT (56. I.), totter, grow feeble. @lBl^, a luhhle. iirs(g,LB

i^, a bubble on the water, (131.) ^^u^io, a body (s^i—ldlj ). QS, parrot. <£idsi),

price. sfl& S-tuirk^, very valuable (suiuir, 56. I. be high). a0&) eypuQiupp,

precious (i^8so, ejp, to ascend. Qiupp, which has obtained. Qujpi, obtain, 56.

(II.)) ^Q^ssiLXj, costliness. ^(Wjeuiajfu/rsjir, costly. Qp^ei, a pearl. §jn^^

esril), a gem. ©jn^^eardaeo, a jewel. (131.) euszsrm^ek, a washerman, .jijldul-

i—dr, a barber, (mnjesidr, a potter, ^e^eii (56. III.), '" beat clothes on a stone.

^lL(B (56. II.), to sharpen. ^L-.®ds&), a hone ( <9= ir'hmT ) . iSl^, seize (56. III.).

iSi^seo, a potter's stone. Loir^iff, manner, fashion.__ . ^—


Exercise 71.

229. (a.) "^fTLu ^iQ^i^m iS&r'Sisir ^mnk^np Qunen {&) before uinto p) sTSuisSli—^^Lo Sit ^Q^i^'i> iBrriosr fi&rrriBffa iSesrQjDssr.''^ QslLi—isiD^Qiu Qs^rreog0!EJ Qeifl^uneO (8effl6S)UJuQurr6\)). eS'^^ou^Luirk^ ^^;S^<5srs seo'^u Quneou L3n-sn&^^^- ^juuu^ ^^julSlu^ Qurreo Q^n(SsrguQp^. Loppeuns^bsfTU QunsO <5T(Ssr'2esr S'SssrdsirQ^ ('for S'^sstluit

Q^)! S^^lujLD ep(nsrr6l6\)eOfT^ i§nd(^L6lL^ Qurresr/D ^-i—&). ^ib^s= ffmL

Qasnuir ptpasr^j QLJriK<i(^Gh'Q<s{r ei'ssarfGmjissr ^(sasudSp S60'2eou Qurreo

sjju), ^' u)


lL I— (oir ^LL(Sld,se\)'2eoLj Qurreosiiu), (^lusiKsur iSis^seo'^bsoLJ Qua&)<sijLD, Qsii^i (o(a/j2/ LD!r^ifliuns3= Qs=iu^ QsmssarQ smh^irfis&r- &.(S3r

Ssaru QuiT^ih (siSlQeysQpsirsfr Loi^ifl eri^^ Q^s^^^^iij Q(5ai—uu^

iSlseiiLD ^jrfl^. J)/s 6B losflsaiu LI QumsoQsu ^dssvfl ^^sQissrpQ^."•!E&ie\)na <opQ^Qj(^s(^ff Q-fiu^ S-USfTiTEJ aiso(DLD6\) sjag^^u Qunp ^ir enpi

(b ) Is there any one like him ? As you sent me so I will send him.

In colour it is like saffron, in shape like the moon. It would be hard to

find a man as sensible as the shop-keeper is. In fashion that garment is

like the mother's. Don't think of him as of others. Suddenly the mes-

sengers came to fetch him. Is a black rock equal in value to a precious

stone ? Are there any counsellors as valuable as these ? Youth is like a

bubble on the water. It would be very hard to find a friend as faithful

as he is. So in this case also you may judge.

Lesson 73.

230. @iB^si is the adverb, part, of @,i? {^Q. IIT.) point out bi/ a sigji=

having pointed out; up^ is tlie adverb, part, of upgn, lay hold of (56. II. ) =

having laid hold of; Q^itlL® is the adverb, part, of Q^ir® \_oQ. (II.)]

touch = having touched.

These are used for concerning, regarding, about, touching. @^^^ is

correct and elegant; up<Si is correct, but not elegant; the use of Q^inL®appears to be a mere foreign idiom.

^esi^u upjSiii Qu@l(ec\iT, N he spoke about that affair.

^enifi^ Q6bitlL(Blj Qu&Q)It, y

In very common talk, J)il® (from gj(B, 68. 263.) is used in the

same way


=5y®n^ ^lL® Qeti(^ u!T(BuL-Qi—m, I suffered much from that.

Qufftso or Qiuujifjea (7th case of Quir or QuuiT,nameJ — about.



A learned man about the king a loorh cvinpoied.

QfsirdQ verb, part, of QtBfra(^, look at (56. II.) = having looked at.

uirrr^g] verb. part, of ufrir, see (56. III.) = having seen.

These are used as equivalent to to in such sentences as;

f ^sn&sr QiBiTsSl ^juui^^r Q,s=rmBr(mesr. (This is

rather stiff.)

ijeu^u unir^gj ^ljul^-3= Qi 6= itm(es^m . (This is

2.- ,' colloquial.)He said thus to hivi,< n r^ ^ ^ .rr., • • , .^

^eiKssrli—fipl'oO ^uuL^^ Q&=ir3sr(^esr. (Ihis is better

than either of the preceding.)

^eu^L—Qear ^uuLp.^ Gi,a=tTm(eT)m. (This is not

(^ very good, but common.)

^^ The verb, participles are often elegantly and idiomatically used in

Tamil for particles. This requires much attention. Comp. 77.

231. VocAB.

QuiTiBs- {V&xs.) recommendation. ^t—.m, a fool, (g/j^sio,

a hindrance ((^/B^dQs® is also used), (^s^uld, cause, urr®, part. u/rL-(Bd(^ =on account of. &^<oS)ld, disgrace (Sgii + etatD. 184.) aajTzi), weight. « tar, adj.

much. ^uiLDtr, idle, without reason. .sBeSitirrsmu), a wedding. Qernsm® (56. II.)

desire, seek for.

Exercise 72.

232. (rt.) ^<Sij'2esTLJ urrir^^: ^safKoLDso ^uul^3= Qg^iLvunQ^ (sim

qr^m. ^0 ^L-'2esrd ^/Sl^^ff Qunifls- Qs^LU^n&r. ^i^ Frrs^rr ^<ssr

iSlerr'Ssfrssfr uu^uunLDeO ^L-ffeewfriu ^)(f^dQjX)<oS)^d asm®, Q&j(^ eSls^esr^

Q^!tQl- .:^Q&iiT®^^(T0sr. i§ ^ijQs QuniL skssi^s (^fSl^^u Qu^sn-euniL ?

ff^^^^(^QeO LDa^^jnh uiuuui—eo ^sn^. (Here s^s-^^fsm^as^rQ^^

might be used. ^ s'S^ajnemr^OD^s (^rSl^^a ai—(SjTULLQi^<ok- ^(Suj.^id

Qsrrs^ULD =gy^« {.S^j^-s'] ^^smLnu ut-LQi^m (^^^jjld is used here for (^fB

^^)' c^ffly'2s5r @l1®c5 strrfliLiLO Greosonuo (^i^SLDmLu QufTcii <sSIlLl—^.

ffl9ei)'2sv)J. <SiJuSlpg)]u ufTLLQd(^ (suqr^^^u u®Q(r)^(our' s6\)<2Sl<su)UJU un/Sis .sear an® ULLQt—(ssr. epQ^ Qpsnk^n^sa^u ujhf9^ ^(SJs&fli—^^isO

euQFjsunasQefr ^60eorTLD&} SriJoLDn' eusr LDmLi^nlrsen''

(b.) I have inquired concerning it. He talked about the affairs of thevillage a long time. I told you before all about it. What will you talk

about to the mother ? It is said concerning this in the 3d chapter. Hehas some end in view in coming to you. What are the villagers sayingabout that matter ? He addressed the king and his counsellors concern-ing the affairs of the country. He has composed a poem about the king.The man is very much troubled about the means of subsistence. Theteacher said to him, learn this lesson carefully.


Lesson 74.

233. Examples illustrating the idiomatic use of the 1st case.

SCf" Ellipsis is the key to almost every Tamil idiom.

The first case often stands for the other cases (50.)

(1.) uLLi—emQLD (193.) Quiri^m, he went to the town (1st for 4th).

(2.) ^(ThLDiS ^(EiKzir ^i—LD Quit, go to him again (1st for 7th: ^i—U> for

(3.) a-^ifls'etsr'zsr srmemnJa (132.) ^iT^m (B^q^susst (172.) ^^/f^tsbt,

there was a king called Su-darisanan (good-aspect).

(An example of apposition.)

(4.) ^irSsoiLjtl) LDfrSsOLLjih isirmiV) Qsu^ld ep^rr^ ^i^essrir ertsarueuiTsefr ^dssr

euQFfLD (127.) u^Qu.

(Nom. for 7th and 2d.)

Those Brahmans who do not recite the 4 Vedas in the morning and in the evening

are all chaff.

(5.) ^(ws (50.) sem^^ih Sl/i^iu Qpd(^LD ^<sd (136.) se^/sjQ S,<s!rQr^Qsr,

with weeping eyes he stood, snivelling and confounded.

[Here ^« with the nom. case is used for the 3d case in gs©, or there is an

ellipsis of a-errsrro/sJr (133. 184.) after the nom.]

(6.) ^(5 /E/rsff epof) iSfTfTLDemireir <^lLls.&) ^ Qf^eu q^iI: eflsv/ruL/^ii) (sS'/e/<ScF (168.)

s=!rui3i^L—frn'a(sir, one day in a Brdh7nan's house they both ate till their ribs were

well lined. \_LSlrrirLD(smeir is 6th case. wit(^ is used adverbially.]

(7.) ^QiBsrEirefririu eurr^ii^QsiressrL^Q^/s^rriTs&r, they lived prosperously, for

many days.

[Here there is an ellipsis ofserr. ^(Z/ = ^«.]

234. VocAB.

Q^3=iTi3;rnh, a foreign country (Sans. com.), ^i—ffi (56. II.)

stumble, trip. GiiBrrekru^, a lame man. uea<3=, moisture. Q (su eirQ eir^imlj

(Gi<si}<sir, white), a well-picked hone. Q,£srrsij (56. II.), snatch at.

Exercise 13.

235. Q^S'mh^jTix) QufT(^esr ; Qut(^i1) Qun^ [106. (2.)] epQ^ wnen-

^i^ <ST(T^ srT&) ^L^rSI, (sSlQpii^^ Qmnessn^ ^uSpgu- [123. a.] ^rrsih

srQ^^^ ^saaressf/T (^is^isu QufTi^(^. fEmtja) U(as)& ^eoeon^ Qsu&r

QeiT^memud QsemsSd, si^s^^iu, ueoeoems^ff^Lo [100.] u& ^irmnio.,

•S^lsQ^nSl^^OS^ J}j<SaL—Qjr)^. ^ir^(T^LD QfUQ^UL^LD UfTmLj(d^ S^tfl. 2srr

ir^ ^HLDfTUj ^(f^sQp^ (-^^ is redundant), ^em^u unn^^ uxssnJoi

Qun(irj'LDed QuQ(^<sisr. un<sj(W^ Qg=dj^ turTSUQKih ^aQ'2ssr ^sai—eunir

__ _ _


Lesson 75.

236. Examples illustrating the idiomatic use of the 2d case. (18.)

(1.) ^eiidosr QLomLsmL— ^i^^^ireir, he shaved him bare.

(2.) meiLeiarrLjQufr'lj-3' Q^irm^freir, he went to the town. (For sai^sg (50.))

(3.) ^ea^u urrs^iriEjGiseir^ ^^iU!rLDeS(W)fB^rreir, he did not know that it was

mere pretence— (it, that it tvasj.

(4.) ^-lUiT^'SssBr (oVasTga LDSuSt^eaiT'F Qd=freir/miT ; ^oajS^aSur srsBrgj; mppesieus

dstrJ: Qa=n-(sir(miT, he calls men "high caste;" and other things "low caste."—(The

technical words for the grammatical division of nouns into 1. those which

indicate rational beings: S-HJiT^hmr; 2. irrational beings: ^oo^'Ssm (29.)).

[The sign of the 2d case in Tamil is s. In Malayalim e. In Telugu

it is nu or ni, in which the real sufRx is probably n. In ancient Canarese

it is am. In modern Canarese a or annu, and in all the languages of the

Indo-European family m or n are for the most part found in the accusative.

The origin of the Tamil suffix s seems to be this : the nasal was dropt

(the Tamil people often pronounce ^ojajr ave'), and final ^ (retained in Can.

and lengthened into e in Mai.) became S, (as ^Sso is the Tamil for the

Canarese tala.) Comp. Bopp. 149.]

237. VocAB.

uiTLprsj Qesargii, an old ivell. LJirip (allied to ueaLpiu) for-

saken, decayed, urrip + ^ld + 8(wsii and ^ elided. QfEtressr® (56. III.)

he lame. QC® (56. II.) draw near. QLDinL<mi^, baldness. OLDtnLemi— .Jiji-f-,

make bald (strike bald, lit.). Qstrt—ireS, an axe. (^tEm<s(^, crookedness.

Exercise 74-

238. enssrssTQinn tilsrrSsvr sn'bso Q.-?rT6ssrQQ/D^- sji^fis^ ®ihs^(sm^.3=

QQfBsm usm <smfls Qsr[(3!r(emSlQp(Ssr. (ipi^w<3Si QsnwLj^ C?ggg);<S(g

^<st03=LJ uiLL-neo QLL(£lLDn (not Q^'^sst^? Qs^^ld ^Q^ih LSI(^ih^ epQ^

urrt^iwQsmjbetDjD @^6^^ ^}(7^dQpQ^(5sr^ smL.isf.(es)SST. <STiJu^su'2esr Qibit

sfTLD&) ^LD<ss)U Qf^rrsseOiTLDiT '^ [BfTuSasr <sun'?e\)s (^ssmdQsQdseOfTLDrT?

^^' sQsfT LfrrsikrQ QunQp^. gtsSI eucerr Q^iremi—s ssmQi—6sr. u&)

eSlGfraQs Qsneisris^Q^ii^rrasT. ejosr'^ssr ^uutsf. /^2ls37«« QsuGsari—nu:).

er<5br'2stsr ^ULJUjL<f Qg^rr&ieO&nrQLnn? <5j(kis(^s(^ ^(Tj^ssbri—Slsarii/a) ^&}eontop stTUun/bp Qsuem&ii. ^j(Sij'2issr ^Q^LonQ^ eiehrgti Qs=fT6brQ(osnoir.

@^ fBrriosr sitQ QsuiLQfSJ QsriL-neS. ^rrrrs=6sr s&)sdsrTfr(5S)fT3= Qonps^

s=fr'?e\}(ssnu j^jemi—eS^^fTir- (Two accusatives.



Lesson 76.

Examples of the 3d case.

239. The particles connected with the regular terminations of the

3d case are


£-i_air = together icith; Qsrrem® = by means of.

You one one a whole melon with rice

hiding like, deceit to make to right (is) opposed

thvs he reproved.

(2.) ^euek ^aQsr^^Qeo ept^ ^SsoQiuitQl— ^i^^ fftrs,^€Sifi er®^^ eiii

^iTim, she ran with haste and brought the rice in the leaf.

(3.) ereeTLiQ^Sip^Sssr er'mQ(^Qi— «^i_^ Q^g^ir&a Qeuskr^LD, Sluit! Sir, unite meto my husband.

(4.) urrQffOir(B Q^eir s'SOii^QF^sQpgj, there is honey mixed with the milk.

(5.) ^ih^u SlefrSsiremiu LcmrQuiri—haaJ:^ Qp^^m Qa!r®^^n<m, he embraced

the child and kissed it.

(6.) ^sj?ksr ^^QiuirL—i^LDir&s QsL-(Bd Qarrm (StKiiiseifr, hear him from the

beginning to the end.

(7.) ^ensSnKBJiTSi^ s^QiT muLDnruSlQhdSp uL^uireo, since these two are both

of one shape. [uif + .^^ (often written uL^uSl(e^eo, uL^uS(e^Qs^ ) = by the

step that, since.']

(mm, he coughed when I told him not. Therefore, I stabbed him.

(9.) Qi^-ir zsreorrQso Q^qesrisiilj ufrir^^^dOsfrsm® SeirQr^m, she stood looking

out of the luindow.

(10.) ^£udr enrriudQ'S^rreo^d Qsit<ss^Ql- ^ssd^ .ji<SdQ^<!^.

His mouth-word by means of indeed this I have known.

(11.) ^'rrismLD'HsiT QtsuSsodarrrfl ^dTLiQ^!SL^Q(e^(Sl Q-Fn'dr^eir, the palace servant-

maid told her husband.

Exercise 75.

sonQeO iSlseijih Quq^^^s QsnQg^^ ^k^s smLtsf-QeO ^iflk^ QsrresuT

_ _



In gross darkuess [and] in thick rain, croaking frogs like,

^Zmr s^esaririre: fft^s^ira^irso ^frsaih ^tli_irsu (163) ueJIuu Q^eiresr ?"

itself which does not understand—by means of science, disijutationsif you engage in, that which will result (is) wliat:

l^i—iT for ^i—Hii^ a poet. form. 270. (5.).]

unQeOnQ ssoi^ ifr uneo ^Qch sj'soeon^ lijrmufSpihQ^tflujiT^. ^<safi


Lesson 77.

Examples of the 4th or Dative case.

242. The particles connected with the 4th case are:

(I.) ^s = for (vulg.) (II.) OTfiJrjj;; 82. {^^<Sii^sQs<asr£it Q&irQ^Q^ost


I gave saying to him.) (III.) SlS^^ldit^s, QpedLDiT& —for the sake of. 157.

(1.) UJIT^S(^LD UITdsSrA(^LD ^iBiUSTlLu QuiTuSi^^ ( QUIT<S'».)

The elephant and the pot are equivalent (in the account): Put one against the other.

(2.) eraird^ ^Q^'-'ff' ua-d&eir ^(TF^sQeisTjDssr,

to me twenty cows there are.

(.3.) Qp<siiQF)LD(a>Jii^ S-<s!!rs Qs QSTs Qsdrgii e£l oj rrd IS tuu UL-L-iriTsm


three persons came and disputed about if, each claiming it.

(4.) G^(5^^ ^0«/r«a(g tSek eumsiSl euissi etosy^^/rsrr,

a certain woman for acash bought some fish and bringing it kept it (in the house).

^LDetBLodQiLD LD^<sisiu>d(^(Q o-s, liiQ s IT®&Qp i-j^Pffesr, a son who imparls pre-

sent and future bliss.

(5.) ^i^u u iLi—icm^gjd (^s arr^suL^ ^^rr^^Qeo ^piki@(^ir,

he alighted a kutham from that town.

(6.) £_£3rs/r(ii/r®D/niyiD ^-tzir^suUiemsiyiiTiLjLD fBfreirs&ssr® QfE®/E!r<cJr ^uSh^,[ijour mother and your father I having seen, a long day has elapsed.']

It is a long time since I saw your father and mother.

(7.) IS ^euiT£B(st^d(^ tBiT'sk Q^rreiris'r^n'sd: Q 3= ir eo (SO Q enemL^m[you to them I as having said to say which must

as it follows.'^

You must fell them from me that, ^c.



(8.) Qu(Thd(^ ep&i QeuirnK QsLDLjiiir Qair(Blds 0<9=rrdT(m<sir,

to tach uite one vessel oj' water to (jive he commanded.

(9.) ^euisir "ereinSeti^ sriaQs" ereir^Qai-Li—s;n)(^ "^lijQa^ed^,"he "where is my chihl" to the askiiiy, "(lie is) not here"

they said.

(10.) ^si/sjr Osus/Tfiflcsr ^rreSuj^ciD^ <cSi^gi<S!jrr_^a(^ eiJtT[kiQsQsn'®^^s,

he which had grasped the wealth to the scholar having taken, he gave,

and to the thief according to the law punishment he awarded.

(11.) <£L-(B<s(^sirQ(sir ^(w,s@((rfa!r,

he is within the house.

[Here @ is the siga of the 4th case, to which is added ^-.eirQeir a sign of the

7th. This accumulation of inflexional particles is frequent in Tamil, and in the

other S. Ind. dialects.

Thus IN-TO, wiTH-iN, &c. combine two prepositions.]

244. VoCAB.—e_/fl, possession; whence S-z/JewLD, possession, s^rfiiueuek, (str,

gi, he, she, it, to whom or which (it) belongs, governing a dative of the thing

possessed, gj en isiafr, a leguminous plant, uq^ulj, peas ^euffLn uq^ulj. (131. c.)

^iretnh, time in music, sg, agree with (56. III.) <c&^^ snQF^Qp^ &c. ^L^asu^

(.jai^stm, to a step, ^Lf-) or, vulg. .^u^sQi^saQ^^nLD, often (one time to a step.)

Exercise 76.

Q<aij'Serrd(^ (Qsa'^dsiTuSQeo) ^eunili U(T^ljlj <siiej(^iJo ^suui—(oSI&)'?e\)- erdi

euetreij Q^rT<ss)s<i(^ su nla


(GS)^ ld ^^^rresr <5i(3aTS(^3= Qs^eoei^at^ dojesar

®ii). OTSsrSsjyr ^swear <5i(ssr<ssr Qs^ihajeorruD? (for 4th.) eTa!rd(^d QanuiJo

euk^g] ^e!!rd(^ f^uui^fi Q^ffltLjih ? ^«^(5 (SKSsrear Q^ujuj&)rri}).

Qs^nii^^ (^L-s^ elegantly for ^iu.^^&)). ^<sij^s(^ LurrQ^ir^ ssu

^(aijrfeSl&}'^. Q(SLierfld(^ iBe\}&)Qs;eir0'iTS6iT. ^esun—euQKeiai—UJ (sijn'd(^d(^

(oT^rr (SijrrsQun^. ^ireissr®d(^il> Qurflius^essrioS)!— eS'Serris;^.



Lesson 78.

Examples of the 5th case.

245. (1.) ^.i^ lifflQeo uiT^uSl(e^Q€0 aireoaSoirff^ Q<3=£U6iBiauujfriLd

OF that water with the half (™y) fo^t well


I washed. [106. (4.;]

^^'c^Qf)ii^ (^rriEJI^se^eo (samg)s, one of the monkeys that were in it.

(2.) urr^<3=Q3=^ ^iSI^^ld S-csrsireSQeo QurrssSev^.(Half the mud even your feet from has not gone.)You have 7iot half cleaned your feet of the mud.

(3.) ^eueSQf,(SiiiTa<oftlQ&) ^-dr LfQ^eL^isir turrir srsarjj/ Qstl.L—rfek.

'''Of these two [is] thy husband which?" he asked.

He asked some of those who came with lam how it was.

(4.) ^(S»isi;«eif)Ca) srim^uQu/rffO ^(msQizirfisueir S-^^Loesr.

Of these the best is he who resembles whic/i ?

(5.) eun'<S!rQp(ss>piUfr.s ^eurrsurriTam sw^uSsS^/h^ LDmhuLpili sums(In order each one's from the hand the mango-fruit which came

SUSmSS Q^ffflLfLD.

the way is plain.

[/] havefound out in order the way in which the mango-fruit passedfrom hand to hand.

(6.) .^iijQ(if)iffi luirrrfreiigj suq^Q/dQuit ^-msrL—ir? Is any one coming from that

place (^Ej(^, that place, used as a nouu, and ^QF,ih^ used as the sign of

5th case)?

(7.) aikiwuQun'(V)em^tQ Q'a=i<)<siiuQun'QF)<str\^ia (^<s6>puSle\)eorr^<suiT^ Thosewho abound in the wealth of learning, and in the wealth of earthly good.

(8.) 6rdr(oijni—^^eS(T^,is^, from me = eTcirssrii^(rEi^.

[Here the sign of the 7th ease is put between the root, and the sign of the

5th case. Lit. = having been in the place of inc.

(9.) LDrj^^asn'ffQsr s=ih^L^ ^/Bigi t^L-Lp.eSnK'h^ ^^lLl^s QairmsrQi— eai^

euQFjesi&ujieo ^Q^L^ek ^ism^ .j^jjSis^ LDrr^^&i @)piij@ enih^irm.

The owner of the tree hearing the noise came running from his house, scolding

all the way. The thief hearing him came down from the tree. [Obs. the uses of


246. VocAB.

Q^eueaQiiuiriLi for Q<9=ui<oiaLDajmLi, rightly, well, eiisreir npeiam

(siiff&) the coming. Qpeap, order), in order. spuiS, (56. III.) deliver up to. ai^ih,

charge, (^hiek^, a monkey. ^^itQ^ld (S. hita + auita, proper and improper),good and evil, right and wrong, ^enmili, a livelihood.


Exercise 77.

Lesson 79.

Examples of the 6th case.

248. (1.) fi<^ hSlL®^ Q^iTL-L-^g] (sulSiuits (Stirk^irasr, he came by the waij

of his house garden.

f Ellipsis of the casal sign, the nouns sff® and Q^niLi—LD

^^^ <?• (T)

I^6^°S prepared for its reception according to 18. This has


'<| been termed the "oblique case," or the oblique form of the


'j 6th case. This is a very common and at the same time elegant

Inform. Corap. 131.

You must not come without (yourJ father's consent.

Here also there is an ellipsis of the sign. Comp. 50.

(2.) QuirdreSosr (^i—ld 2_gio£_/E^/yb Giun'(asr ^(^ixj Loisssrem^ldr (^i—ld 2_s!Di_/E

^dsrre\} srsiir ^(^ld ?

When the vessel of gold is broken—it is gold. When the vessel of earth is

broken—what is it?

[^dr used for the sign of the 6th case. 18. This form is too much used by

Europeans. Even here perhaps Qurreki^eoirQuj (^i—ld would be better—" a

vessel made of gold." 130.]

(3.) iuiTusJ er&r(Trfdr (for tuirQhioiai—iusj, or luirugj), whose is it?

[The form lurr/r^ is poetical, ^gj being a term, of the 6th case in the higher


(4.) rBLDQpi— (for rsiM(Lp<ES)i~.uj ) our [vulgar].

(5.) LDtT^^dsirrresr, the owner of the tree. i^tL.(B.is!Tridsr, the house-holder.

Comp. 18.

[_LDnui + siTfjasr—the particle ^^gi being inserted. 18.]



em^ u^ir, the block-head loho sends his wife to her viothcr's house and does not

afterwards support her is chaff.

(7.) efl^^a/ffisw" sp/D (70.) seoafl. 190.

The scholar's learning.

Lit. " the learning which the scholar has learnt."

g^" It is very elegant and idiomatic in cases like this to use an adjective

participle instead of the 6th case.

(8.) ^isii(mia(^ifliu (^<sm&)L-'SF<omisi.sefr, her qualities and excellencies.

Q:^£-rfluj is often used for the English Possess, case.

(9.) /B®aat—eSeo ^sss.^ ^ulS) ldiuiejQsst ldit^lS, a pilot bewildered, who has

lost his course, in the middle of the sea [ = in mid-ocean.]

249. VocAB.

srSSLDLj, bone. QitlLl^, a rcddy, a caste of cultivators, euniud

arrffL), a water-course. &<SiSeir, a disciple. .ressrLp-, an obstinate felloiv.

Exercise 78.

250. ^emesi^iT (^i^ss ^ppisj* sGmn<s(^u Quni^m. ^(SijiilS snifl

uj(i^ Q-9^ibuLsnL£>eO ^sro/r Q^(SlQpos)^Quj Qurfl^ns lEl'bssTaseorTLDrr? ^euesr

Qu(ssr^ fils^s^uS^^dQsfTsssTL-fTiJssfr. ^i^^ ^esaresaPir syniLdsneo <s>j l£j

uunuj €^isf-p^' (^QKOiDfTL^ QssfTfT^ &<aLf,(5sr. ^nuj<su nnatoS)^ QsefTfT^

j)ji^ ^irfrffrT(sijS(^rfluj iDnLL&emtMiLjth ^^sfTjTQpu::. j^^Q^^f^^ LoesBssn-

*'%£> Here the particle ^lo is inserted instead of the sign of the 6th case:

•^Ps) + Si<^ + ^°°'' = ^ppEjaoDrr, the river's bank. [Pope's III Gram. 108.



Lesson 80.

Examples of the 7th, or locative ablative case. (§)'^, ^'—^^'^•)

251. In the higher dialect there are upwards of 20 particles denoting

place or position that may occupy the place of J)a). Among these are

Qldgo above, Sip belotv, L-jpii side, &-eir within, Qpek before, Slek after,

^i—il>place(^i—^^&)) 2iXiA urrso part, ^/sssrasi—,^'(vj^, ^q^Qs, ^Qr^Qen,

QlLl—, near, may also be used.

3:^ Some of these particles are prefixed to verbs to form compounds, which

are in constant and familiar use. (Comp; 225. (7)) Thus:

QLs>pQanm(&f), [Qld&) + Q&!r<sir(^. 56. (III.)] overcome (obtain the higher


Q^uuuf,, [Sip + UL^. 56.] submit (sink to the lower place.)

_J 37


2_ilt5jCffl;0 \_S-ek + iSlffQeuS. 64.], enter in.

Qpekegn® [_(Lpm + ^(B. 68.], ^Mi before: [give the priority],

i3dsreiifTiEi(^ [l9ot + ia;/r/s/@. 62.], draio bach: [take the place behind.]

LjjDuu® {_Ljpi}) + u(B. 56. (II.)], set out: [experience the outer place.]

asm, meaning place, is also used. These are all essentially nouns andremain so, however compounded. [Pope's III Gram. 63.]

(1.) ^^Sn s(rmi— UfTLnmiU er&>(o\)fnh t^L^^^gi, it caught all the snakes that

were found in it.

(2.) Qufrg7<^Q&> fBfreoiruSlsTil) £>Jjjfra^Td Qsa^^^rruk, he gave 4000 Pagodas in


(3.) ^susk <ciasuSleo Q<xfr(B^Q^sir, this man's hand in I gave.

(4.) ^Guek S-L^Qear gj^s>s(SjSii—^^p(^u Qufriud Qs!r(BsQQp<zsr 6r<3!rQrfasr, he

immediately to the Muhammedan going, ^' I give,'' said he.

[@ of the 4th ca.se added to _g)i_^^so.]

(5.) ^li^u Qu sssr<5mQf)@ &> Q^s-ehga Qu&(^m,He approached the ivoman and spoke.

(6.) msiffldr ^qf^Qs ^sSisn^LOLUtTa (3>jQhiism<suSs\),

(Of the village near alone in the coming.)When he vjas coming near the village alone.

(7.) ^Lp-Qioeo ^if- ^L^^^rreo mLDiS'i^Lh /f-s^ld.

Stroke on stroke ifyou strike even the grinding stone will be moved.

(jss(s 60. I. be moved.)

(8.) auL^iLiniLi ^Qf)S@p LSj^/rssfl Lj^^^ireSl ^(^s^^ld ^eueir <si(m QuirgjiM

^fOT-a^ireiKossresit— ^Q^sseo .^sfr^, a deceitful minister though he be clever, must

not be near a king.

(9.) ^enm&iTi^io eS(ipiiQ^sir, I fell at his feet.

(10.) QpEiQeS&o Qlds))

The Bambu-leaf upon

Will sleep the dew-water.*

* There is a story worth telling connected with these lines.

Kamban, the translator ofthe Raniayanani, and the greatest master of Tamil Rythin, passing bya tank cue eveuing, heard a cultivator as he watered his field sing the line

"On the leaf of the Bambii".

The man having then completed his number of buckets of water ceased at once his workand his song.Karaban was struck with the line, and said to himself, "what can be on the tiny leaf of the

banibu? Probably to-morrow morning the labourer Mill begin his work with the next line ofthesong. I must be there to hear it." Accordingly with the dawn Kamban stood on the border ofthe tank and was rewarded by hearing the man, as he drew his first bucket of water, chaunt thesecond line

"Sleeps the little drop of dew."

Moral.— There is plenty ofpoetry and sentiment in the Tamil people ifyou can only get at it.



252. VocAB.— <3^/r^ (56. III.), to assert, maintain. Q^ldlj, a brass vessel.

QpSsir, a tender shoot. Qsm—rff, an axe: Qairt-nS. inismui, odour (poet.), ereh,

rape seed, eagjieaui, poverty. ^m(e^sj, it is evil (poet.). ^qF), prosperity.

seo (70.), learn.

Exercise 79.

253. epQ^eum u^^uuiraih ^^ldlj (SurriwQ, ^Q^Qjesfli—^^QeOeaGj^^^

LDjr)Q(Tr^0 (o^SF^^/b(^iJ (?L//ruJ<F, Qso euQ^Gi^Eiaefr siSlih^ lSisstu suii^,

Qunih sj<S5>^s QsL-i—^p<^, (SurTiEjQesTiSijesr fEiresr 2_6ar emsaSQeo GjrriEiQ

uem'essrldQsfTGm'i—nsar. .jy/5^ euLpjuuns iBL^k^ (sui^nira&r- ^jresar®

QfuDL^ssfBeO fSssipuj [§ii Qan<smQ(Siijr,ff=Q<3=rTioar(^dir (two vessels full, &lc).

i ^(ou&fli—^^so QtBiLi 6Bi—(5ur (observe the compound.) (SijrTEiQ<sisr^p

uS&) Q&r&rnss ldstw QppiB(^ei Qsni—rfl OsnemQ QeutLi^^ ^enewQiouem

®ti). iL6\}rFl&) LDismrQfih^ (ST&retfleU STtsmQesariLjU), 2_z_s^a) ^ijSI(T^fEiseOi5

^^Quneo. 6^iT ejrfld soDfrQiDQeo Qun(GS)asr. Qpsf^QwQeo eSiff60<sm<3iis

With-the-good-endured than poverty bad indeed, (is) with-the-ignorant-enjoyed wealth,

[_'sm before tii becomes lL, page 11. (III.) f.]

Lesson 81.

Uses of the root afl® = leave. [68.]

254. Many of the chief difficulties in the language are connectedwith the peculiar use of this and the following verbs. Each sentenceis a formula.

g^ It will be seen that where in English a preposition or adverb is

required after a verb, the Tamil often adds an auxiliary verb. Thus, go

away = Qurnu sfl®.

(1.) ^-!^ ^Q^LDissiU OTsS ^sjrjj; eSiLi—^,

Yunr iron a rat has eaten up.

(2.) ^^^Q^em^^Qic^ ^suek eaigj e^L-i—irdr,

At thatjuncture he came back.

(3.) UQ^isi eT®^^sQsir<cmT® Qun-iLi (£iL-t—gj.

A haivk having lifted up, has taken awat.

(4.) ^susir ^m (£lL®.s(^u Quiriii i£lLLi—tr<ssr.

He his house to went off.

(5.) ^eaiTs^ ^^ulS eSlL-i—(reir.

Them he sent away.___


He accompanied them a little distance on their loay,

(6.) ^saeir ^sas^gj iSckgii e^LLt—ireir


She affrighted stood still.

(7.) £50 Gia=uiu liiT npap^ui e£lL-(Bd ,sq£6Su-jL£> Ufr^^ Q'S^QrfLiS^Lh Quits

A vessel-of-water whole, having let out although (you) washed half the mudeven has not gone,

(8.) Qssir QsfTL-u^ t:^L-L-gu, the scorpion stung them (redundant).

(9.) tspckuQdr ^uSrnh eurrirsSssr ^'E/SU LS'Sfr&ira(^d Qsfr(B^^eS(B,

Nine-thousand pagodas to this child give up.

(10.) esQH iBir&r ®!IT^^iB erioeoiril) aSi—ir LDesiipiuiTsu QuiLi^a Qsiresari^Q^i

^Si. (Mu).\up sireo^^eo Loemip i^iLu- Slesri^, for a whole night incessant

rain descended. In the morning after the rain had ceased.

(11.) (Lpfi£sili evL-L^xjia QaiT(B^gi w(BQQps!r, I will paij up loth principal

and interest.

(12.) ^ireair ^ n (sei it uj ir lus S(smmr<sis)!T sSlLQ ^(w^sfreir, he ivept, shedding

tears in drops.

(13.) ^eia^ euirEjQu uirrrsQjD^ Qu,t<o\)u uss^^Qeo qplLl-ld Qu!tl-l^qFjS

Qn QfBahULSQeo QuttlL® (^lLi—itost, as though he would take it to look at it,

he threw it away into a fire which ivas kindled there. C'omp. Lesson 61.

(14.) ^(Siim esxsu^^sm'isu-zsr ^QeSLLt^rTeir, he became a Vaishnavan (re-


(15.) OTcnr QldQsc su^^^^ot^ <siirj <^il.L—tT0sr,

He caused trouble to come upon me.

(16.) =gyji? <Sl-(BIu QumiSipsa [CJu/TcF*],

It has got loose.

(17.) ^6S)^ sSlL® siBffl;, let it alone.

(18.) @ISJ .jtienssr ^^d<s<^LLi— lditlIi = this is the tree which he brought to be

sawn [left to be].

Lesson 82.

255. Uses of the root ^© [62.] move, dance. Trans. ^tL®. 160.

(1.) usmaiUfTefil (mL^etoiU ^-p<sufrL^d Qs(BdsQ<aii<sm(SiLD,

A hostile inhabitant feigning intiynacy (you) must destroy.

jjfTL-Lf. ^suSssrd Qa(Bds6i)iTLi.']

(2.) ^euSosru Ljsipi^ Q<srrmiTi—fr^L(miT, he praised him and celebrated him.

(QsiT<5m®, ^®.)

(3.) QsuL-eiai— ^®<cis>sijS&), while he ivas hunting.

(4.) ^euGST ^i—&) u!Ti—&)a^io sn e\) &) su an , he is a very clever fellow in

dancing and singing.

__ _


(5.) eufrast^ojiT sr<sfi'efrir(B(Q Q-^seiaa euSsrriLi eunFih ernhgissiT Quirio, li&Sei)^

What will it profit though you for ever go round about templesfrom the right, in this

wide world, like bullocks that go round the press in which oil-men grind the rape seed?

[ /fioff + SleotM = the wide land. £usi)u> eunn, go round from the right side —

(6.) ^UffirrB ^(BQpsi (gOT^^ffSesTLD, the conduct of a liccntioits womanis a disgrace to her family


(7.) ^(BQp LDiTil-<ciai— .Mi-!f-s ap&s C<mj<mr(Bil ; ufr(B3pLDfTLL(oSii—u uiri^d

spaa QeuemQih, a dancing cow you must milk dancing; and a singing cow

you must milk singing.

(Yoii must adapt yourself to people's humour.)

(8.) Qafreorri—d (^[jEia!T(Blil>, when the stick dances, the monkey dances.

(9.) uism^gjds,[T(BQ(nfm, he is very urgent for vioney.

(10.) ^lLi—ld = a movement, enterprize. 190.

^susk ^/EiQs (Surra ^u.i—ld .M^SQj-m,He keeps trying to go there.

(^rna^frL-L-LDiruj, like a monkey.

Lesson 83.

256. Uses of the root Qua®, put. [68.]

(1.) iSuii) Qua(SlQ(nf(sir, she calumniates.

erek QldSo ul^ QuinLi—tresr, on me he put guilt.

(2.) ^eu^eiai—iu s®dasirsSstrs <sBLpp/6l^ ^ek arr^Qeo QuiriLQsQsnessn—nQsr,He took off his ear-rings and put them in his own ears.

(3.) ^/F^dB 8t—iTffl amga QuiTL-i—gi, that heifer has calved.

(4.) ^LDtrs^irffLD er(ip^uQurrL-L-!mir, he wrote off the news.

(5.) ei](r^QpeijiTS(^d Qseoedmh s^iruurfQd Q^&:i(Sijld toppd Q<F€ve>is(Sf^LD

itihsQefT QuiTL-(Bd Q<3=ujiu QeuemQw, for all who come you yourselves mustprovide board and all other expenses.

(6.) ewffi QuniL.(BsQsa(B srdr(rifdr, ^uul^Qiu istas QumLQd Q,sfr(B^<sfrenr,

''Give me your hand upon it," said he; so he gave his hand upon it.

(7.) ^(555^ cjy/E^ sS'Llifsb QuinL®<£iL®, gjQ^rr, 9(5 O/e/t^ ^/errsflsb €uis^m®QQp<!k, I will just put it' into that house, and be ivith you in an instant.

(8.) ^if^ s^lL L^3i(^isfrQ(srr ssretmrih Quirt—iscnTLDa? Can you make a summerset171 the bottom of a pot? [Compare also 106. 5.]

(9.) ^p-SQ<so QumLi—tT^LD ^sir/B^Qufr®, though yoti throio (money) into

the river, measure what you throw!

(10.) ^^p(3) /E/rsuQ* aS"® QuniL.® [vulg.], four or five doors off.

[Perhaps for QuiriL aflil®.]

LESSONS 84, 85.

Lesson 84.

257. Uses of the root t5^, be born. [QQ-^

(1.) iBiLiirujir^u^s(^'f 3=ihQ^sili iSpigj LD^(E!r<sir Sii!i4= Q.3=iT<ssr(e^m, the judge

began to doubt and told him to come to-morrow.

(2.) ^siraj^peSlnKiB^ (^(T^/smrat^u i3pii^^, a voice was heard from the sky.

(3.) (zasuQeiJirnK Qeu^seBQisi} ^(merr isiiirAt^u i3pd(^Ui, every now and then

a gracious word proceeds forth.

(4.) SB0 ^^L-ekuLf-dstaaesiLUu tSljouLSeS^^-s Q<sir6SSFi—irn's<sir, they caused

an agreement to be made (double causal. iSl and efl [160. 92.] )

(5.) ^eueir euiruSleSQ^is^ iSp&Qp (suirir^en)^ ersoeoaih QuiriL, every word

that comes out of his mouth is false.

(6.) era^LDirosr £_s^irsy iStpi^neo Qs-djiueoaLci, if the m,aster^s order be forth

coming (you) may do it.

(7.) er'3=LDrr_^s(&) ^euck QldQso ^^s ^3^QiiT<9=Lh Spi^gi, the master took

a great fancy to him.

Lesson 85.

258. Uses of the roots Qun, go, and Qun-d(^. [58. 160.]

(1.) ^(a]^!ss>u.'u .jij^s ^<oB)^ uiudsTui—iTLDp QurraSpgii,

(His excessive lust not bringing benefit went.)His excessive desire was utterly unproductive.

(2.) cSy/E^ Loiissy^LJ us^dseh erecxsosTLD ^ptssi QurruSesr, all the coivs in that

herd died (went dead).

(3.) ^<Siieiiid,(m'3= FiffQuirenruL^ er&imiTLD Q<s=uj, do as seems good to him.

(4.) Qwrr^LD QuitQ(^ld, wc arc cheated.

(5.) ^euesr ereirSssr Qldits^iI) QurraQt^dsr, he cheated me (Qurrs(^ [56. II.]

is a causal transitive verb, from Quit).

(^^irQeu^eo Qurrnpsi QuiTsQ(es^cir, he wasted his time in gaming.

(6.) QufTssLf. iSu^^^irdir, he followed his track (Qufrd(^, =syif = the step

in which (he) went).

(7.) luirQi^irdsr^a Qu!ruSlpQ(nj ^sb^ ld^ul^ Q3=siflAa Qeii<ss!sr(BLh, if any tiling

be lost it viust be acquired again.

^eu^mi—oj QuirQTjSfT erffCicOmh ^rSiumuLorrdju QuiruSlp^, all his substance

unjustly was lost.

(8.) erssi<iSl(fF)dQp QQiS'Sbld Qurrsngi, my friendship will not cease.



(9.) ^i^u Qu<^SrU Qu rr


lL(B ih : QenQp Qu3=3iLj Qua-, let that proposition

alone: turn to something else.

[Quit means go, leave, be lost, depart, cease to be. Added to intransitive

verbs it often gives the idea of completeness:

euiTL^u QuiriSpga, it is faded.

^SigJ QurruSlpgu, it is destroyed.']

(10.) ^//B^ iSeoil) Quits ldjb/d tSecih eresr^eai—iugj , setting aside that land

the rest is mine (that land to go).

(11.) ^QEL-eini—u QuiTssL^A'S sflstr«(g ^Q^dQ/DgJ,There is a light to scatter the darkness.

(^2.) ^isS iBir&Qs, QuirQiDfT? QpdQs QuitQldit?

Shall I lose my tongue? or my nose?

(13.) ^su'Ssa-uurrrr^gja QarremQ!—. Qs^iuQ^ek. ^^(ea)Q0O (s^I—ld QuiB^it

su QurruSlp^ ereksn (^s^enek Q3=rresr(e^e3r, "/ did it ivkile looking at her, and so

the vessel became too large," said the potter.

(14.) ^siim i§s^'cs>T Cu/r(SB)e3r, he has gone to sleep.

[Compare also 32. 58. 124.]

Lesson 86.

259. Uses of the root Q<xrr<ar(si^, obtain, take to one's self [56. (III.).]

(1.) i^L^^gjs QsfTsmQi—ek, I awoke.

(2.) uiTiT^^d Q&ireir<oird Q.s^/rsjrgjsw', he told me to beware, to voatch, look out.

(3.) QuinL(Bs Gi£Bir6Bsn—rr(zir, he put on (himself).

(4.) tsneii^giiG Qsrf<5mL<^Qf)iB^ir<^, he had stored up.

(5.) Q.3=irisoms Qsiremt—nm, they were talking (among themselves).

(6.) ^li^d ai—iriflmsir .zpi^Qsn<5kri-^(iF)ifiasr, those heifers were in milk.

(7.) ^^dsrQLD&d ^ea<s^QaiT6!S^ u.rrsk, he placed his desire tipon it.

(8.) ^euSsmuQunQeo ^uiii Qisnemi—irm, he assumed a shape like him.

(9.) ^&{>^piEjQd Os/rsOT® s?i1ldit ^Q^ii^rrek, he was silent, hanging downhis head.

(10.) Qsrruim Qsnemi—irir, he became angry.

(11.) mi—rrLDemipiurrsu Quiu^ Q'SBmpssny.Q^/B^^, it was raining incessantly.

(12.) iB(^i^ <sii<5S!!rds^gjL-.QasT QsL-(Bd Qsirmri—irdr, he asked with muchrespect.

(13.) ^^susir ^0n^<3= Q^s^iK^surgi np^eoQsirem® ^gjtsi&aniSl^LD,

From the time he said that until now.

( Qp^eoQsrrcsm® having (that) for a beginning = from that time).

LESSONS 87, 88.

(14.) LDfTEiseonsDiUs eissaQisnism® ^ikiQa £uii^ir(sk,

Taking in his hand the mango fruit lie came here.

(15.) ^(auir i^eurraLD u<smesifl(e^iT, he married (as a mini.ster).

^•suir eSiSuiTSLD uessresSHQsirsmi—irir, he got married.

[Compare also 106. (4.)]

(16.) ^eusmfT'ff' QQrEsih WoSsresfldQafrsrrQQJsk, I will cultivate his friendship.

Lesson 87.

260. Uses of the root sirmr, see. [70.]

(1.) ^iB^ (^enriEJs'Ssn-s asm® e^Q^ ^-t—ekuLf.diS!as uemes^ie^iraerr, they madean agreement in which these particulars were included.

(2.) ^ihsaLDLUiTiT ^pQp ,jjei) StpaugjiTjiswi— (iv ^<cis>!T(Sr.n^jiS(^s <siTims\^, the

thread which the old lady spins ivill not suffice for a waist-string for the old gen-


(3.) ^(75 LD/ieff>^^!—^^s(^Lj "QufriLt ^fSDi—iu'hsrs sem®, us^QsuemQii, ^suu®ldit" eTec!r(rij'iTseF, they went to the flock and said to the herdsman, "wcwant a cow, can it be had?''

(4.) sTuuL^sssm® Si^uQuesr? [to semi—emi—Qrogj to him.]

How can Ifind it? [see and take it.]

(5.) ^ei}mjjd(^ ^iodQjST6l^(ipLh s irlu d's^^ ih sessr® iSse^ih eunK^^uuLLt—mdr,

he got a cold and fever, and teas very poorly.

(6.) ®SB5^ ^QJiT emsuSlei) QatT®^gjd s<sm® Qsn<ss!!r®siirr!

Take that in your hand and go to visit him.

(7.) ereirdssrd srr{m:)LD€0 Q •3^ lu^a issr , he did it when I was not there to see (lit.

not seeing me he did it).

(8.) erek<ai^ aa^iiLD ! What is that (an interjection. [214.193.])!


Lesson 88.

261. Uses of the root 6»a/. j)/ace. [64.]

(1.) erdr'SssTs sLLLp.es}€uds^ li Qurr, tie vie up and go yourself (redundant).

(2.) QutrpQiUfT® eexsii^gid Qsrr<ckr® iSideia.3=dQiLD Quiresrs^LDUih^LDinu ^0«Qpsii il is like the man who stored up his wealth in sacks and yet went a begging.

(3.) ^euiTssSsird •s^irutStL.® GUQhihuuf. ^^uiS(smGsjiLjm, send him to cat [pro-

bably a corruption of ^^uL/aSuyti the causal (160.)]

(4.) ^ lBiQ€= esieu^^fr^Lb uesys lB(Q<5= icis><aid&€i)iTsiTffi, although you allow

fire to increase don't allow hatred to increase.

(5.) CTi^r QufffQffO QsfuiJD (oSiSiidsrrQ^, don't be angry with me.'

(6.) .jiieum' <^L-®d(m .JtjLS- <s>aeud@p^eo8s!>, I shall not tread his threshold.



(7,) ^LL€mi—0auj <oT®^^ QLD^m^uSl&) essu^^ir^LD Q^njsm/DeriU'^ Q.3=/be!o/D

emu fBir(Bili, though ijou take a woodlouse and put it on a bed it will seek the rub-

bish heap.

(8.) ^ih^dstriBuj^ioisis; QpL^ee)eijd^n'6\} Qeae^uuL—irQ^ir? If you cover that

affair will it not come abroad?

(9.) ^<smi—^(S6i^s <5B).suSl(S0O is!a<&j^^fnL(Bia]fr^d(^-F sfrsmesii—sstruj Qlds;^u

uiTHLDiT? To him who bears the globe in his hand and moves it, is a chunde fruit

a great weight?

(10.) &as!j^^trs\) (mQiS, &iciafr^^fr&) QLDiril.€s>i—, if you preserve it — a tuft;

if you shave it—baldness. { — \ am in your power.)

(11.) ^Qj^d(^ C)euL^esieii^^0dS(Tr^izir, he is lying in wait for him (lit. a

shot he has placed for him).

(12.) .jijeuhr m(3u^^(iF)iQ(nfwr, he keeps her (improperly).

Lesson 89.

262. Idiomatic uses of root Lj®, 5M^er. [56.(11.).]

'Teir, Harischandra, the great king, son of Trisangu who reigned over Oude. (^eiru

UL-i— for ^easn— )

(2.) Lf/ouuL-(Bu Qufr(es)iTseir, they set out. (u® with what we should call

an adverb: ujpLD.)

(3.) Qseir^uuL-Qc—ein-, I heard it. (u® with a noun.)

(4.) ^saek ^^ ^ldlSssSosSQiso ulL.® ^-imL—ii^gj , his head struck against

the grinding stone and tv as broken.

(5.) =gy^^@ ^suirseir S-L—QsiuLLL—sTiT&m, they agreed to it. (u® with whatis

equivalent to a preposition.)

(6.) ix)2.-^L^ S ULL®aQisiTm, you shall suff'er twelve stripes.

(7.) S-jeSa) ^suuiLi—imeii &.(oC,s<casd(^^ ^ljljld!t? Can the things which

have got into the mortar escape the pestle ?

(8.) iD^aroSsar eufrmQisiiesr^LD (Bu^uSeo w(wisi LDirdosruQurrio iSli^ui' i .nssr,

like a hart caught in the toils he has fallen into the net of domestic felicity.

u® witli a verbal root = iSlL^dsuuLLt—inzk.

(9.) s/rsvi^ iSIlLi—^^so u®ihuLf.uJtrs <EaL^(^asr, he ran so that his heels

touched his hinders.

(10.) s^U!TUj^^(mio erensomD eca<xisU'^uu®u>, all viay be accomplished by

stratagem. ( etnsuS^&ai—iu eu-s^^^Qiso u®ld.)

[Compare also 92. 161.]

_ __


Lesson 90.

263. Uses of the root ^®,^iw. [68.]

(1.) umjQL-(Bs Qs frm (SITlL(B LD , let thevi divide it among themselves.

a part to give

G)sir&r(Sir gives the idea of, among themselves.']

(2.) ^sjr Qu<5m'ff=ir^&auj ^LLQdQsirem® QuiT(^dsr, he took his icife away.

^m LDsSssr ^LL®evfB^freir, he brought his son with him.

[Here ^^® is used for taking luith one, giving the hand to one.]

(3.) QuQF)Si]Lps@LL(B<s= Q3=rr<k>^SlpiTS<sir, you are making a great complaint

of it.

[Here ^lL® = making, giving out.]

(4.) ^(aUiT .jijuuL^ eressremLD ^l-(Bs Qsimmi^QFidetaauSi&:>.

While he was thus thinking in his mind.

[Here ^lL(B = turning over, giving it his thoughts.]

(5.) LSsker^LL(Bu QuirQfLhuL^ Q^uj^rrm-, he made (them) turn back.

QpeinssntLL—afT^-du iSleirssnLL®^ ^^iiLSjswsar, he dreio back the foot that he had

advanced and turned back.

(6.) iSimi^ 3k.<d'<3^60 ^tLi^frear, he made a great row.

(7.) QiEiftL-i— (Sij L^em LUu up/Slu Qufrt^/rssir, he went in the way that first

presented iiself. (Q/bit opposite.)

(8.) sB^eiaeuQpL^u u,l-l^lL.(B QQ3eS\uSl&) siiih^irm.

He shut the door, locked it and came out. (yi-^© ®®.)

[Here §ji^(B seems redundant or else = up: he locked it up. This is very


(9.) (^pprm (V)!5i!>pius (^emui QldsSl- ^(75^50. 168. ,


S-mpsaQa!^<^i(ff)piSi]nLD unrruffQasr .'

87. 74.

O, thou, who possessest grace by ivhich myfaults diminish, aiid good dispositions increase

within me ! O God, kin of my soul '.

[CiDiJi) + @)® increase. S-pp(Siiir from s-gii, be, possess. Not very common.

gssijrii), used for fEp(^SiS!!rLh. S-psij, relationship, used for S-peiiear, a relation.]

(10.) ^sw^ (ipizkswLL(BdQsfrsm(B .^<si]rffi—^^&) QuaQeuissr, I will make that

a pretext for going to him.

(11.) .jijafrenix) ^lLl- eSil-L^iki sisstgstld ^L—eorrLDfr? Is it right to steal from

a house where they have siqjplied us with food?

(12.) 6rs3Jr LDi(ms;uSlQ(DO ep(i^ us? a^em^tSu^^gi Clds^ ^L-Lf.(TF,sQps^


In my herd a coiv has picked np in flesh and increased in size.

(Here tSi^ also is used idiomatically.)

LESSONS 91, 92.

(13.) ^uuL^a <siLlJSs<t ^iLi-QF,(^i}>! [68.] Grant mc this! ( Thus gra-

ciously give coinviand.)

(14.) (SWffl rB(BiaQ, Qlbuj ^(BibjQ, eniriu (^ip^Sl i^Sl-1—Q£SJ Qiairessri—nen-, with

trembling hand, and trembling body, and stammering lips, she screavied aloud and


[sS'/f, a mere imitative word.]


Lesson 91.

264. Uses of the root ^Q^eir, grant. (62.)

(1.) ^idr<oS(mui3L-^p/b(^ er(Lgi^((^eS\ie^n-, he ascended benignant to his seat.

(2.) sf-eumS.' ersardtm sanh leo <a;/r«(^ .' ^^iswCa/essrOii), sir, you must grant me

a favorable reply.

(3.) us^H'B^i^n'QsrLD ^QF)<s!rQ'3ii(sisr®il> erckffi ^euiM uesjremlies^issr, he perform-

ed penances praying for male issue.

(4.) QLhLDiT3=Q!r^^60 eS^^Qhi^Q^etfl (S^eBT , he arose and seated himself on his


(5.) ^eumS ^su/fcssrr spiSi^^QrjeSliuuL^Qiu tBi—i^Qsirism® Qua^arS'sir

Qpsisr, as my Lord shall please to direct I will conduct myself.

[Here Qurr^rr SlasrQpm ^ iajQF)QQpsk. The verb is Qun^Spgi— but the

strictly poetical form, Qurr^rr iSekQpek = Quir^QQpm, is used. Com. 33.]

Lesson 92.

265. Use of the root ^-sbut, eat. (56. III.)

(1.) Q (SI L-.(BemL^n irs !sir , they were cut down.

(2.) sar&sBeo sL-(Bmsn—<siieir , she tvho ivas tied to a pillar.

(3.) jijOp^LD S-<sssr@p iirr<^<eB)Q&} eSei^ui S-Gmu/rQufT? Will they eat poison

with the tongue that eats ambrosia?

(4.) <m>LD QsmLQem® QufruSlpgji, the ink is spilled.

(5.) npL-Qmsr® @ssfltu/rC^, don''t stoop after you've hit your head.

(6.) ")i0B<5^O.£B/r(o20r® ^SsOLLjem® ^iBQqvqst, he goes about distracted by his


[&.(skr® is either = 1. There is (43.), or 2. having eaten— p. verb. part, of s-essr,

eat (56. (III.), or 3. it is used for the passive and so equivalent to ulL®. In

this case S-em® is added to the root. Com. 133.]


LESSONS 93, 94.

Lesson 93.

266. Uses of tlie root ^if, beat. (64.)

(1.) ^LD^dsTga QuimiTiLjua QiDinLemi— ^U)-^gi^ ^rr^^ (£lL-Q<Eii<5m®Lh, shave

these three persons bare aiid send them away.

(2.) ^L^iuiTS lEiT® UL^iLorgj, a country which has not suffered, will not learn.

(3.) &)3!r@npsstrsL-®Lh rE!T^<ssrT&L-(BLh Gresrgn ^S.-o ^i^dQQrj'eir, to day!

to-morrow ! saying, he causes me to dance attendance (^dsoiu, to wander. ^L^dQ(mssr, he knocks me about, tu omitted.)

(4.) ^eueir i3rf'3^im@aQ/Dfip(^ npmQssr (sa(msaQF)LD ^ftssld uesnTi^miDeo ^Lp.^

giu Qun(B<Bi!Tm, hy his preaching he shuts the mouths of gainsay ers.

(5.) OunhLDisisLp jijL^sQpQurrgi (^fSjtr^; &g)i ,gfppeo ^^ldQuh^ @erfl

rihLD, it does not grow cool when heavy rain falls, but when gentle showers fall.

(6.) @^ao/ra»(L/<^ ^sufrrfi ^Lp.dS(Tif:^, he rides the horse.

(7.) ®(T5 s^fTPO ^L^LjQuek, ^nem® s=rrio ^L^uQueisr, s-LDLOfr ldi—sQ ldi—sQ

^LQ.ss i5reir(emio .msit^, I will plough the land once, or even twice; but uselessly

again and again I cannot plough it. (Here .=SijL^ probably refers to the bullocks

that draw the plough.)

(8.) ^eueustre^ ^rr^ruiLD a/SltULo ^rrem® eufruSlQicO y^rrrreufriu ^uf.^giuQuaL-

t—fricir, all that rice and curry in two mouthfuls he ate up.

(9.) ^ifii s&DL-eatus QsiTsirdsir ^L^^gis Qaa<sisr®Qu!Tiu ^iLi—rriTsm, they

robbed that bazaar.

Lesson 94.

267. Some idiomatic uses of the relative and adverbial participles. [25.]

(1.) ^(BKssr eunnQp (m/SluLj, the sign of his coming.

(2.) li @jes)pdQp sTJapLD, the picota toith which you are drawing water.

(3.) LD6tsS <sL-®Qp an'rr<omL£i erekosr? Why do you tie the bell?

(4.) ^ejr^ ^Ls^^^ ^LQ-ssiind aiTL^i^i^m, he showed the stripes he had


(5.) urreospi^ us-, a cow in milk.

(6.) rsi—dQp Qoidsi eruuLp-iLju:) ibi—s>(^ld, an affair which is predestined will

happen any how.

(7.) ^i^ aS'® sil-L^esr uemLb @jGsr<ssris^ Q.3=sceoi^SoSso, the money expended in

building that house is not yet paid.

(8.) .j)i(ssi^ ^/SQp ^/Ssi^, the knowledge of that.

So U-smnhSlp ^-(cmsrirsii, the feeling of a thing.

(9.) ®(SDdr QJQ^Qp Qa^, the day of his coming.

[This is quite idiomatic]

_____ _

LESSONS 95, 96.

(10.) ^(osrnp^eSio ^^S(^ Q^&)Si}frQ/D^ .Ffffmeoec.

It is not right that the expenditure should be greater tlian the capital.

[^sijr = which has become. Qppeo = capital.']

(11.) iSekSstraeir @jQf)tB^ .MSuQ^eiresr? What is the use of their existence ?

[For ^(V)/s^P(e^&).—It is a gerund.]

So, Ufr&) QsfTL—fr^ er(mss>LDsdo<rd sfruuirjb^u ueot^ S-<5mt—fr ? Is there any

use in keeping buffaloes that yield no milli ?

Lesson 95.

Idiomatic uses of the root ^(g. [58.]

268. Many of these have been illustrated fully in the foregoing lessons.

It may be well to collect and exhibit a few of them in one lesson.

(1.) Q'S^tLiuQeusmL^iuQ^eoisoirLD .Q<3=iLi^iTuSnj^ (Qa=uj^!rs=3h), all is done that

was to be done.

^iJ^jb^ = npL^i^gi, is finished, completed. Qs® ^uj<^l-1—^, the time is up.

(2.) spnnsij^esji—UJ (^sssr^em^ ^^Qp^pt^ npimQesr ^eu^t—QiEsr ^seiiir<s=LD

Uismsssrffo ^sfr^^, before knowing a man's disposition to associate with him it is


So, ^QF/daeorrsfTsy, it ought not to be.

[Here ^sir^ — ^angj, it is not proper, fit.]

Q.ff'fnsdeOffOn-LDfT? Q 3= ir (ki <s^ so itld ; Qs^rrioeoeofran^.

May one say '? One may say


one may not say.

(3.) 0<s© .Mssr ^-L—Qear ereir ^ism^^ ^QFUiSld OsfrmsfrsSeoSsi)? Why did

not you redeem it as soon as the date was expired.

(4.) s,npQrj^uu upkpnm, he fleiv like the wind?

\_^iL - ^Sl verb. part. See. 40.]

Lesson 93.

269. Idiomatic uses of the tenses.

(1.) ^sus'tr (mLp-^d^ear^ ^petaLo ^eoeorr^eueir erekgn .^/SiQfi'Ssr.

"She (is) domestic affairs' ability, one who is without," I have discovered.

«z_ffl/svr 6r/E/@ii) ^Q^dQQiffr, God is every where.

(Past for present.)

(2.) if ^uuL^d Q^iLeurriLi ^(S^eo Qe^s^^triLi, if you do so you are dead man.

(3.) li GslLl— euff^isw^s QarrQ^Q^ssir, your request is granted.



(Present for future.)

(4.) ioTlL® rB irhniiSi Q &) i3l^^^& Qafr(BdQQjDesr, I will find it out for you in

eight days.

(5.) iBirdr Q3=uSl^gi eunnQQjDcir eraJr^j^sir, " / will imviediately conqiier and

rctur7i," said he. [Cora. (snirQpsar, siy/rC^eir.]

(Future to denote custom.)

(6.) er<Ar^ss!^ ^<ssr Lcisa^iSiBtuu urrir^^sQsiTefTefrJ' Q^fT6\}^surrsBi , he tells

me to mind his herd.

(7.) eruQuir^iM ^^a^tuaism^u unh^gia Q.^rreihrQ ^/ffeuireir, he is always

going about seeking the wonderful.

(S.) rLpesrQ(emiTssir .jiiuUL^s^ Qs^aeo^snirirsGir , our ancestors said so.

(Future for imperative.)

(9.) @jUUL^<3^ Q.3=iU(ci]frtLj, do this!

gr^ (a.) The past is used for the present in some few cases idiomatically

and to indicate certainty.

(b.) The present is used for the future to indicate certainty,

(c.) The future is used often to express a habit or any thing customary


(d.) The future is used, as in English, politely for the iinpcrative. This is

especially common in poetry. (Com. 140. c.)


Lesson 97.

Some poetical forms and idioms.

270. The object of this work is to teach the common Tamil, as spoken

by all classes of the people. There are certain poetical forms whichmust be understood before the learner can read the two little workscalled ^^^(^Lf., and Qsn-dres^/u QisiiLui^dr, by the poetess Avveiyar*.

These will be illustrated here. All other poetical forms and idioms mustbe reserved till the learner is able to read the Ilird Grammar, where he

will find a full explanation of every poetical form and idiom.

* The traditions current among the Tamil people, regarding the "wonderful old

woman" are very numerous.She was one day sitting in the porch of a temple with her feet stretched out

straight before her— not considered to be a very respectful position in the pre-

sence of a superior.

The officiating priest rushed out to her with the question, " are you not ashamedto stretch o?/f your feet in the presence of the Sumi? s^inS ^(i^aSp ^i—fs^ej sirai liCi—

To which she replied : Qin^^rrasr, guj/r.' s-inSi ^sjei:riS ^i—jsen^s siremnJ^^nai ^mQsQuirJjs

sjo) iLLQiQQpasr : Very true sir! if you will show me ivhere the Sumi ^{J^ovA) is not

I will go and stretch out my feet there." _


(1.) In beginning the study of Tamil poetry, the learner must remarkthat the signs of the cases are very commordy elided. This is called

Q(sapgi<cs>LC!^ Qi^nmis ((S<siipgii(cis>u> a cased termination, Q^aeiss ellipsis. Ill

Gram. 152.).

^p(^ Q'S^iu i^Q^LDLj ('for jaip^sm^ ).

Virtue to do desire.

uQhw^Q^ uuSliT<rG)<3^iu, cultivate in the season ( UQFfiSii^^, from UQi-^euih,

a season, is prepared according to 18 for the reception of the casal sign, which

is omitted and er emphatic, inserted).

(2.) Letters are constantly omitted wlienever the rhythm requires it.

In the above 0<y/i/ is for Q^iLiu.* Comp. Ill Gram. 41.

(3.) Participial nouns, and appellatives (185.) are very frequently


^^sl;^ StesTLo (^gii, 56. II. groiv cool. int. part, noun, neut. sing. 88.), that

which will (must) grow cool (is) anger.

sea^siLDg] (a neut. appellative for sslssud, energy), that which belongs to

energetic action.

(4.) A negative imperative is often found, which is not at all used in

common Tamil.

snQ<sii&> ( srj hide + a; + ereo); <£l&)sQseo ( ^eos(m, remove); i^eirthQuea

( t^efTLDu, reveal); eSQt—eo ('aS)®, leave); @j<zQw<ki ( ^-^Q-Qy despise), do not

hide, remove, &,c. &c.

era) (a lengthened form of .^eo, not) is added to the root of verbs which

form their present with ©ja; and those which form the present with dQ^i

insert sd. [Ill Gram. 92.]

(5.) The root of a verb is frequently prefixed to a noun and forms

with it a compound. This is called aflSstr^O^/rsMa faflfc verb, Q^irms

ellipsis, an ellipsis of the peculiar inflection of the verb).

Q&'uji^l^ ^QF)ih^3= O.PIU (Q&^iu, the root used for Q<FUjQp or Q<s:ujiLjLh 74).

[Ill Gram. 153.]

(The work which you do, to be accurate, do.)

What you do, do well.

Sometimes a letter is introduced for the sake of euphony.

* An amusing story turns on this :

A learned man presented himself before ^^Arra unmsn^ajdsr, a celebrated king,

himself a poet of no mean ability, and wlien the king demanded the reason of his

coming he replied :

Your majesty a senseless man knowing I came.

The courtiers stood aghast. The king smiled and liberally rewarded the visitor.

But why? ^evir^aieir = ^e^eoir^aiesr one who is lOltkoitt, and tllUS L/^^uSlajaiir^ajsir = OUe

who is senseless. But also l/^^uSi^ = in sense, and ^^qjot- = a sun : a high poetical word.


C^/f-sfli-^i) ^^ihgj Qg=iT (Qs^ir, <iu,^i—ii, here the (aj may serve to express

a future idea.j

( The place to be approached, having known, approach,


Having first ascertained the fit place for you to be in, take 7tp your abode in it.

This is a very common idiom. Thus entTLpiBireir (for eurrQ^S/D or en/rapLD

fBtrsfr ) life-time.

(6.) The ^rrtflsmiu or particle^^^ is used instead of a casal termination :


s^irekQnrj'iT ^^ir^^nn, join thyself to the assembly of the worthy ( s^irmQQi^nE

eat—iLi, _g)£3r^^ = ^zsr^^sSi—^^Qeo, ^Qf))- [III Gram. 108.]

(7.) ^ssr is inserted before the termination of a case : thus,

enisu QuiTnF)L-m(om3sr Qldiuu Quanheir ssoeS,

Hand wealth than, true wealth (is) learning.

Here, for QufTQ^eBcar = than wealth (21.), QufTQ^sir + ^esr + ^esr is used

(sir and ^ coalesce in lL).


Lesson 98.

271. (1.) Cautions useful in translating into Tamil.

Your perishing body—is not, ^-dr .jijL^i^QurrQro •s^ifrni, but^l^ eij eir sir S-ggr^/

esii—iu 3=f?rjtM or ^iSeijSaeir^rrQiu ^^eir ^irinh.

The adj. pronoun comes before its noun.

(2.) Do not use the passive form (u(EiJ wherever it occurs in English.


(a.) He ordered it to be given to her. Not ^ei](smd(^ ^gJ Qafr(BdsLJUL-^

0<F/riair(«B)/r, but ^<5ii(e<^d(^ ^m>^s Qsfr(B<ss^G)^frek(e^iT.

(b.) a-sufff&) GTOD^UJ S^^rnh Qu!i6ds= rpg^Lo .^(oio<3^ujrrs^ rS^^ aed^rm aesarii

SiQRsu um^(meir, like a picture painted on a wall, not moving in the least,

she sang so that a stone even would be melted. (Not stq^^^uulLi^. )

(c.) smliurfli^ uts^uimsetr, flowers whose stalks are cut off'. (Not ^//?

ujuulLl )•

(3.) Do not think it necessary always to find a word, for "a," "aw"

or "^Ae" in translating.

This is a tree, ^gi ldsjld ^nssr. Not ^SJ ^Q^ LnnLDniu

This is the man I spoke of, fBirek Qs^rrskosr LDesH^eir ^QJesr^rreir.

(4.) ^'ffis, &c." may often be omitted, as in Greek.

The boy learns his lesson, esiuium um^ih uL^<i3(ir^m. Not .jsjii^u sauiij(3!r

^<ssr urri—LD UL^aQ0'sir.

She is gone to her house, ^(suew !£lL(Bsc^u Quiriu<^,LLi—iT(S(r. Not ^(^

^(smi—Uj e^LL®d(^.



(o.) / have. Not rEtrdr S-<omi—ivisii(e^ij ^Q^dQQ/Dcir, but iors!ir<S(^ ^-skr®.

"Est pro habeo, &c."

(6.) He told me loho it ivas that did so, ^uul^s^ Qs^iL^euasr ^sjr^swereargj] i5r3!rd(^ ^^sS^^rrsir, Not ^uuLf.d Qs^dj^euar ^.ir lormgji.

(7.) He said he loould come, enQr^Qeuek eraJr^ Q^nmi^ck or ^rreir euQ^en^tr

sd 0<5=/riS5r(€5)S3r. Not eunhsufreir (ordsrffi Qs^iresftemeir,

(8.) A new nominative should not come in between the verbal parti-

ciple and the finite verb that completes a sentence. Thus,

The lawijcr stated their case and the judge acquitted them, eudSSo ^(Snirs^

This is incorrect. Render it rather thus: ^

aidSeo ^euiTS(emseii—tiJ a^ias^&auju Qus^ (or Qu®35n3asTLj or QuQ(msir,)

S'dJiriLia^u^, &c.

Rule.—Whatever number of verbal participles may come in a sentence they

have all the same nominative as (he final verb.

(9.) Idiomatic expressions must not be rendered literally, in general.

"^ tvatery grave^^ is good English; <s(3m-<m?(7^errisfr tSCij^is (gt^ is ridicu-

lous. ^em (ois£rB &) ^iBi^d^ ^pd^irdr is Tamil.

(10.) He told me how to act. Not isruuc^d' Q^g^iuiuQeuemQii sresrga

QiFiTskfessfr ; but @jeira!re£I^LDfrad Qs^'uiu Qeue!S!i(BLh isresrgii spiSt^^irir ; or 0<fuj

ajQaiemrL^iu afl^^sw^ srasrd(^d slLi—Ssit ^L-i—rrir.

(11.) It is not always sufficient to translate the English infinitive moodby the Tamil infinitive.

Thus, 6riOT&r« srrem eui^rrirsm, they came to see me, is correct. But,

"It is not right to do so," is not, ^juuL^d Qs^ujiud <3=ifl ^<k)<sd, but ^uuu^d

The infinitive in English is a noun also.

These cautions might be multiplied indefinitely; there is but room,

however, to add one general piece of advice : analyze well whatever you

wish to put into Tamil. Break it up into shorter sentences if necessary.

Transfuse ideas ra.ther than translate words. Never be content till the

whole meaning is fully brought out in your version. Then reconsider

your MS. with a view to abridgment and condensation.

20 1.53


Lesson 99.

272. Hints regarding translation from English into Tamil.

Beschi well says, "soepe dicimus latina verba, non latine; et soepius

europeaui linguani loquimur taniulicis vei-bis." We have often used latin

words without the latin idiom, and still, more frequently do we clothe

European idiom in Tamil words. The mind must be to a great extent im-

bued witli Tamil habits of thought before a man can speak idiomatically.

When the learner has with great labour and study acquired the habit of

thinking in Tamil he may hope to speak the language well; but not till

then. Extensive reading and constant intercourse with natives are

essentially necessary to him who would excel.

A few examples will serve to aid the learner in translating.

(I.) "Heaven is that fold of the Great Shepherd into which no enemyenters, and from which no friend departs."

Bishop HommAnd, first, as to the words: "Heaven" is best rendered here by uuLD-mn—

&)LD (the other sphere); for this indicates a place, which the sense requires,

and not a state, which QLomL^Lh (liberation) signifies.

Fold, Loies)^, Q^irq^suLo. The former means the herd or flock rather; the

latter that in which they are enclosed.

Great, Qurffiu means this; but ldsit, urrto, SIQulLl—, ^-ckssr^, LSff^rresr are all

words not inapplicable.

Shepherd, Qldijuuit, one loho feeds. Not ^ sx> i—iti sir , a name for the caste.

Enemxj, <y^^(5 or U(St!)seueBr (^Qjn^, an opponent, (sr^nrreSl, an adversary),

Enter, ^^L-tSjQsijQ (56. III.), l/q (56. II.), ^saw (56. I.), creep in, Qs^qk

(56. I.), draw near.

Friend, SKSthS^ssr (^lS^^qFi is opposed to •F^^Qf^; ^ein-ierrsirisiiesr to ueiss

eueir), QfE&d@jDSum.

Depart, sfltlOa?®, Qurrujdl®, iSrfli^Qurr, sStLQuQurr, eSlL-CB itij(^ (56. II.).

Then, the construction, if exact, will require the relative participle,

and will run thus:

"Heaven. . .no enemy entering, and no friend departing . ..of the great shepherd

. . . the fold. . .is.''—Otherwise, "^eawc« is the fold of the great Shepherd. Noenemy enters it; no friend departs from it."

• n • iT\• ^ o ^ • • r LDi<cS)S ^ii) or

mi LP wt—'Su QurrsiT'SSJLDiTisr uljjsirasr QLDUuuriFeini—Uj < "=*..

2. urfLD'omt—eOLDrrosr^ Qurfliu Qldiuuuq^stii—UJ Lcikesi^. ^^&> ues)sd

1 .54



3. QLD(rLL.3^LJD uuiM QLDiiiuuiflfk LDihm^iUfTLD: ^EjQs (S^rifjUmseu smi (j^ Qjfit

4. QLDiTL-s^LDirasT^ (or^p(ff) epuuSssnufrm (oTssrQr/'ki, Quffliu Q ld luuu Qh<omu.uj

0^rr(Lpeij^^d(^ <^uuit(^ld. ^^Qeo utms&Qpenirssir eui^Qs^rreiju:} lditlLl—itit

seir. QiB&sQpisurre&T LSltH.i^Qu/ismjLb LDirLLi—iriraer.

(II.) "He is the freeman whom the Truth makes free,

And all are slaves besides."


Words.—Freeman, s-iuir^asrasr = one who rests on his own foundation.

si/®«&)(L//rs2!rsugar, e8®<s^ ^emi—iE^eueir = one who has

ohfainc.d release.

eEKBeQasuuLLL—sveiir, = one who has been released.

^aJr(£OT<£F£!n<?^«<s/rjaJr, = one who lives as he likes.

Truth, ^Ji^iuii, Qldiu, S-^iwetaLD.

Slave, .jtj ufLes) L£) — a bond slave.

A lL® essri—euek = one who is bound.

&em/D = a captive.


B>/ truth—made-freeman—-freeman is • all else slaves are.

1. s^^^iu^^frSo eS® (^ 3,su


lLl—(su Q air <sS®^SoiiLirrs!!reu£ir; LD/bQ/DedeorrrmtD


2. s^^^iuih ereu&sr e£l®^3sis ^sSsarC^/r .jtJSuQesr afl®^^ Qua/Dsveir; LnmjDUJiT

enrffjLD &issypsisii<stT3sr.

3. s^^^iLifliSfreo Qemp iS^'KiQasreudr, ^esp iiimQ(e^0sr; toppiuireurmw 8es>pu


4. &-<oSsnsu)LD ^^afl{6m«y w®^dsi ^tmi—ih^suQssr iw®^3so ^iimi—/i^<s<sueir; Lop

Qipeois^iiTQhLb ^ La.'sm LDa srrn iLi ^Qrj&QQrfirsm.

(III.) Vanilas est, longam vilam optare, et de bona vita parura curare.

It is va/)iity to desire to live long, and to care too little ahoiit living well.

Words.— Vanity, LDirtuism'S. ^isud/SLii, falsehood. eSemr, vain. <^ems n ffllU ld ,

a vain thing.

Life, ^eusk, .mi^^- The former, life itself; the other, life time.

& ejs rr eo tl , life time (but not pure Tamil), <su rri^ th it <sfr , happy days.

Long, i^eiTLDfresr, Msmi—, lit-Li—LDrrasr, Q/blslili, Qm®,

^irdsaiiSigf, Sanscrit = long life, yjesar ^ttSa = full age.

Desire, <^qfiLdlj ( Qpsi,) <^© (aSp^,) Qeusm® (Qpgj,) Qsir£p](QpsJ,)<aUfr(^Q

( dQp^,) Care, seuSsduu® (Qp^ .)

Well, iBissTQrj'aj, Qs^LD&nLDUJiTUj ( fB0O6\j(Sijfi^uj = OS a good man), meveuLSaSled,

in a good way.

To live, fBt—(dQp^,) g&(3^@ (@p^.)

153~" ~~~



About a good life, or, living well—not caring—a long life (to live


to desire is vanity.

1. /E i2ro svi fflj (iss) uj (S:i!^inw<m^a (^^i^gia seuasouui—fTLDisv, ^rrssiru-jSreirioireiii^iu

euiTLp Qsiiimr®LD (ordsTffi (maybe omitted). ^ (^qf^ldljeu^ "^



eisi Qh)^ n €11 ITLD


\^^@iuusii J LD(TiL(oms,iu.!ri}i.

2. QrB(BjBiricinrajLj iSssiLpasQsiKskn-^, lEnkQi^iuu iSsiaLpds miru-frtDeo ^qF/UU^LDrriLims. Here ib^qt^iLilj iSexiLpds is literal and, in Tamil, unmeaning.

3. Lf,rr<sm ^iLjs- e^Q^LDiS^ Q^euu^^u-jefreir ^'J-|3^ Lcfi/hsJ eSQeo^ efl^^/rey/rii.

(Rather foreign.) «

4. mdretoLD &7:^pk^ fsiTstrmu eunipi^qrjLDurrLDeo M<omi—iEn'<ciriTiLi enrrip ^QhLDLj

(S3g] ^u^s^ld; or liessrL—fsirsfrrriu en !t ip


(trld iSi , iB^<es>LD iSei^jDiB^ rBir&ririu euirip

(sSQFiLDurTLDeo ^(T^LJugj sSpm.

[/Ecirsjou) i9i^mpih^ is still ambiguous (as is the English ivcll), and may refer

only to material prosperity .']

The learner will find that this may be varied almost at pleasure, but the

1st expresses the meaning. The following verse embodies nearly the idea.

It is a kuRal veiibil.

"Are many days great if a man docs not virluons deeds? One day spent in

doing good is great.^^

^pua, virtue. @j&)m = ^<so-s\)n-^£u<^, one who is not. Q^iu^eodr, one who

does not do. ej&). if. iBeoisi, goodness.

Lesson 100.

273. Imitative words liice the followinp; are in very frequent use in

Tamil. Their use varies considerably in different localities.

2_^ seiTssir erdtrpi Qsir^sSp^J , the rice-pot hails with a huhhling sound.

^is&.iscisreirg}i ( ^Lss.irsrdr^ ) SQip <^(WiE^ireir, he fell down loith a thump.

^QneoiSTmff! ^n''r^Q^'S(^ QprnuirsuQuirtu iSmQrjQsr, he went direct and stood

before the king.

^ks iBfTiu euireheufrQer-dirjpi ss;^Qp^ , that dog keeps up a howl.

s^Sisni^i^s, Q^SQpcsrgu s^Lpp/Si^eir, he turned round the wheel with a uhirl.


' /o)rA.u^<t

LESSON 100. /

Ssir'^ensm^s (mgiimQ^&sr^ siTihe=3=&) ^i-^&QpsJ , the child has a strong fcvcT.

Qs,iT (oTkkgii ueoLniSimsir, he wept aloud.

^essrssTiT (m(^r^G)(Sireir/Sl(md8/D^, the water is icy cold.

^(B<s(mu utrcksresjiLiLj y^Sssr un—LDQi—ckga ^-QFjiLif-eSiLi^^, the cat rolled

over the pile of pots with a crash.

ssmessPiT LDL-LDQi—mgu eb®3p^ , the water runs on tviih a jnurmuriiig sound,

^eiisir LDSiTLDQ&r&rgti Qu§l(es\<ssr, he spoke very loud.

euiriudstre^Qeo ^(smessrir &^ 8^ srsJrjs/ <^®Qjd^, the water runs in the

channel with a gurgling sound.

rb®m(BisiQu uiLiihffi s^(^imm, he cried out fearing and tremhling greatly.

SL.L—1I) Qu iii <si) ITLD eSi—(^ Q L—eirgii rE(BsQp^ , the body trembles all over.

^1 eu icB1—^^ ic euiriij Qa!T(B^^rTffi) QiDire^ QidirQeomgii ^(ajsr&ai—u lilt^iLJU/rerr,

if you let her talk she loill get up a terrible quarrel.

@&)/s^uSl<oSnFii^ a^eOLLi ,sLpsQtp^£}i &(W(g,9jD^, the loatcr runs freely fromthe ulcer.

QsaiS i-5jj2; i3Qs^mg)! LjpuuL-L-gj , the foivls came forth ivith a rushing noise.

&^i—Lhu assQ^eir^rir^sQp^ , the body is hot with fever.

LD<cS>u> Q.FirefrQ'S^rrQisfreiir^ Quiu^gi, the rain came doivn in torrents.

^ppm Qun-®Q}U!TQi—ssr^ ^^@ps^ , the shower comes rattling down.

^isnasr eriQ.'diiriMLn s^etrs^efr (oTOirgii Qusfeunriafr, he keeps 2ip a continual chatter.

asssrsQ'assrca-^ ^uuL^sQ(vjesr, he keeps up a drumming noise.

£_L_iDLJ «<5i53rsOs3zr£3rj3; siriuQp^ , the body is hot ivifh fever.

C)/E(55* ui—uQi—oirga ^i^sSp^ , the heart palpitates violently.

^(v\ijSn'pQurrQ&:> ^Qhigi uL-uQi—ckgu LDemtp evms^sElLLi—^', the rain came

pattering down suddenly, other things continuing as they iverc.

uirir^^u) urrjifriD&) ui—uGit—ek^ QuSi^L-t—rrsir, he seeing saw not and spjokc


LS'ardsir£B<sir se^sQeoesr^ uLf.dSl0-ir<s<s!r, the children are reading in full chorus.

^0i_eJr ^®^C)i—d!Tg}! ^Lf.(eu)em-, the thief scampered off sharp.

eii<mrL^&) si—sQi—cir^ QurrSlp^, the bandy goes rattling along.

Q.siS3/6:fl ( QsetrerPi) ueou&oQeu^r^ Qs^irik'^Qp^^, the lizard is chirping.

sreo ems srecmmh QeueoQeuQeoesr^nhdQp^, the arms and legs are all crampied.

(Wffia(S) QLDfrgnQLcirQpmfSlQhsQpsij the thin biscuit is very crisp.

s^L 6=Qz OTjj; LDeaw ^L^sQp^, the rain beats in violently.

s^L-wQusdeomh (Si]peiiQp<s!r^(ih<iQpsJ , the whole body is ptarched up.

Q^iT<sm<S}>i— sps,Qip(SSTiSiQF^sQpsi, the throat is parched.

S-t—mLj Qair^QsirQ.^ek^ siriuQp^ , the body is dry with fever.

(SjtiSipSM)Q0O Qi<EBiTs:jQs!TQsssrgji QuirQp^, the bowels are violently disturbed.

Qeuisi^iT QsiiffiQsDQ^Qsr^ ^QR&Qpgj , the hot loater is steaming.


<^6iriTLDULpLD (^(B(^Q i—esrgn ^(BQp^ , the vHam fruit rattles in its shell.

(oTuQurr^LD ^qjsst Qis[r®QsirQi—mgii Qua-Q(Vfdr, he always speaks hastily.

erdrxsrs semi—ireo &(B SQi—eirffii (^(wQqi^sst, he alioays falls foul of me when

he sees me.

<Siin-!ss)ipuuLpw Q)s.!Ti^QsaQLpskgji immrs^ QufruSjh^ (Qurr^Fs^^ ), the plantain

has gone quite bad.

^lisu UL-® (S>jLpsijQixssr^(md3flss, that silk is very soft.

^eum sirrffiULD srededrrLh enLpsuLp Oa/rLp0.a/rtf , his affairs are all disordered.

m/E« e^piV) u snj Q <s=Qsr^ efrfli^Qu!rQp^ , that firewood has burnt up all

at once.

^rs<S3; gjssfl QuiTs?Qun'Q'3=^^ QiS'ii^Quirs^s?^ , that cloth has torn (being

rotten before).

^i^ssr.m sLDsQiD^gn LoessrsQp^ , the sandal yields a fragrant odour.

^li^Uisauujdr (^(bl(^Qt—<^^ is^i-f.uQu/raj(^LLL—frdr, that boy has run off' sharp.

^lis^uusai—snsn iBQSTQij'dj QLD[rs=QiLD!TQ<3=m^QffsQp^ , that cloth is very strong

and loell woven.

s=fr^Qrresrjii umhi-j sp(BQp^, the snake glides off with a rustling noise.

6r<sartf@s Q^QOpssr^ euQ^Qp^, I am quite bewildered, my head whirls round.

__mjin!i^,i(^ s^L—LDL^ ereirssrQLDfr ^ga^Qp&r/Snh&Qp^ , his body is somehoiv

rather fat (he wants a thrashing—is insolent.)

siir lEi rsjf'sas uSl Q &i ueoSso QrBguQfEGpmgnsL^sQQj'an', he grinds his teeth inhis sleep.

ersarear, snoLDfr G«/r«-Q<s/rO<FiS3rj2; Q3=ir(k>^Q(y<Ek, what! He is always whisper-

ing somewhat (buzzing in one's ear).

sreoeoirnhili QLDtrs^QLDirQs^svrga euihffj QLDiriu^^dQsiressri—alTsm, they all came

clustering together thickly.

^rKL—SosruQutrffO ^£3i^QpdTg3 eS tpdQ Qrj eir , he looks askance like a thief.

S-L—LDU Gi^iTgiiQ<3=fTQpcsr^nFd@psi, the body is all rough.

^ajSssru upuQpsisr^ ^(i£^^dQsfr(sm(B Qunfe^ir&eir, they dragged him away


erasrearQLDtrjnp^UQ-pQessrekgii rrsSlULDfTiuu Qu§l(^n-ss!r, they talked about some-

thing or other in a low mysterious way.

@jrresi!r(B fEiTLBetns ldiL.(Bl£: Q^rT(5mQi^iTQ<szTmg)i eSi—frLDei) Qu&imm , for two

hours he talked on incessantly.

sreirssrQLDiT, rLpsiM lS^ lSq ear(oir^QKdQpsj , the face is somehow glistening.

QeiTissBrQairQxsmesrffi Qua-Q(n^<s!r, he talks thickly (as one who has a cold).

^iB^s eSlp(m *j3/=w-0/DsJrj3/ erfflujeS&iSsd, that firewood docs not burn briskly.

uems @]3si)saiu airruSlQ&i Qu rrL-I—it so iBrrs(m e£l^<^Opsir^(TF)dQp^, if you put

tobacco into your mouth your tongue will be burnt.

^ . f fm(BrffiQi—eii- ) n • /-, 7 ...airSQe\} ercsrsBrQiDfT \ ^ ^ . > p'ri^swrnsj, there is a ringing m my ears.


ejuSlg)! U,((h LiQamgji s^uiSl &j(m&@p^ , the stomach is much stvollen.

^SB)^^ Q^itlLl—tSi) QiErreiTQfBfTQeiresr/SQhdQjDSJ, if ynu touch it, it is soft.

^li^ LDiretj QsirpQsirQpQsrjSlnhsQpgJ , that flour is coarse.

Qs:g)i QiDrr^QLDirQ^m'SnFaQpgj , the mud is thick and makes a noise when the

foot is put in it.

lEsmsseir u<siruQ<ofrearg}i iScsrevnQp^, the jewels glisten very brightly.

s^iB^L^ s<9^sQ<SF<sir/S('if)sSp^ , the noise is very great.

.^suuL-QaQsfreiJsr® @j2/@C)^C3rj3; (tpL^dQ^rfeir ( i^.L^<sQ(n^.m ), he is caught

and looks afraid.

Qi—dir^ ^rfliBgjQutrds-^ , the fire seized that house briskly, burned brightly and

the house is burnt up.

srsk euuSl^ ^@^0<5sir^ srifiSlp^, my stomach burns.

LDiTLDrT<i^Q&} ULpu) Qu fT &) Q)u fTQ 00 osrffii QsiTiL(B<sm9p^, from the mango tree

the fruits are falling.

OeofTi—QeOfrQi—ekgu ^uuL^d3(W>:ir , he beats the drum with a dull sound.

iSmdsrr (^£!!(^Q&)<ssrgii &fRdQp^ , the child smiles cheerfully.

srmQasrffnpLD Q en (B Q <su Q i—ekgu Qusf-QfTjasr, he is always speaking sharply.

isauseit\<^Qf)isJ ueaariasSsfu QuirsQt-jrrQ^eirjpi •SFiBd^ir&sr, he poured out the

money from the sacks in heaps.

^i^uuiKsn^ (oTuQufT^ta Q^fr^Qs^frQ^sirffli ^(V)d@p^, that tvay is always


^pjS'Seo Qsiieir'sirLD QLDtr(mCiLDrrQs(str£ii euQF^QpsJ , the water comes down in

the river.

LD-os^Lp ^sfTs^Qsn-mgii QsmLCBQp^, the rain is coming down in buckets-full.

^siiQST ^(m^ Q rjiBkgii ®j(mdQ(ndsr, he is very wild.

^i^u QuiTUjL iBpihQpdsr/SnhdQp^ , that powder is very coarse.

(3=,»(^Q)a=asrg)i Qu@lm)frs<sir, they spoke secrets.

siTULj £msd(^d Q&fTi—QsirQL—eirjSnndQp^, the bracelet is slack on the hand.

2_t_zi)L/ Ljs=uQia^mpifldQpgi , the body is itching all over.

QiDfT^aLD eS/7^<s@ Q^rrsfrQ^aQeirek^QFidQp^, the ring is loose on the finger.

LDeoLDQsoesrgii seasrsssf/f i^L-i—iwQQi^'sir, she is weeping abundantly.

eSQ L—(k> ei) IT ii) Q^ire^ QsirQwdr^ UQ^^trinu Quirdsf^ , the house is all tumb-

ling to ruin.

g^<suQ!j<so<sorrLD S-uuu^^^j Quireo QuirQeockgii s^^(tr,Qp^, the vjhole wall is

crumbling away tvith the salt air.

^su&srd semt—n-eci Q(BQQL—m^ w(Biii(^@QifiTs&i, they all fear the sight ofhitn.

.jijiiS /ESOTtS ^ssiOsekgu iBmmi Qp^i , that jewel shines very brightly.



^sussT ersijr&!r« •B<ss!sri~fr<sv aQsQi-^eir^ QusiSQr^iir, when he sees mc he

speaks angrily.

gi<ss>iBipp (S£ii&9^Ln. QLDtrjDQLDfrQ/Dssr^Q^dQjDSJ, the newly washed garment is


^siiek mssrmoj^ ^L—^Qi—dsr^ Ei]rr&dQ(ri^csr, he reads jluenthj.

LD<cmLp Qutu^Slesr Ljio^ u 3^uQ3=mgii npdsir^^nhdQ/DSJ, after the rain the

fields arc green loilh grass.

Many nouns are formed in this way:

shjpj 3^£)iuLf

, diligence, u^u^s^ulj, an itching sensation. s®s®ui-j. severity.

(^guSgiiuu, a benumbing of the limbs. ^L^gjL^uLj, palpitation. Q^S^jiuu,


Lesson 101.

274. Idiomatic sentences.

(1.) uSuiTOj^gja S(Q'Ffr^ ^'(Si^i—ek, the wretch who feared neither guilt

nor sin. ( ul^>s(^ld utT<su^^s(^LD ^j^i^^ir^ ^ei^L—esr).

(Here S-ld is omitted.)

(2.) ^rsjserfli—^^&'' ^uul^ e£l <si^ es^u


(^ Qs^iuiu^'OrrQQsrek, I have thus made

my petition to your worship.

Q.g:iijiu&), the doing. ^QasTtk, I have become.

(3.) In the conclusion of a letter, ^uul^s(^ stands for "thus writes, &c., =

the old form "this from your^^ (loving friend, &c.)-

(4.) ^ajafl/rsijir® Quqesqld Quirufr^turrsd 0«/r®_jS^iafl®G'a'/rto, we will

give to each of these two persons half Quirurr^urra = e^&i Qsu itQ^iaus^&(^LD

uiT^nrrs. .

(5.) srssr Q-es)!—smLDeaiu ®juul^ujits eS^Lo^dseiiili QrsrfJL-t—^tr? Has it come

to this that my goods should be so estimated?

QfBiT, right in the way. direct, ^®, give, he; QiBiB® = to come to pass, happen.

(6.) ^itlLSs^sits Qisirem® <aiiiT^ S'fFLJu(B^^(^io ^(5mi—Ss!!rd(^eir<sirrrQ(suesr,

if the complainant prove it by luitnesscs I will be subjected to punishment.

[S-sJr, within, under. .^Qenek, I shall become.']

(7.) ^rkism iS^em^uSl^enL-iL! ^(TF)<saLD QuQRetnLDsSsns srrioSisri^d^fTirse'iT, thcij

shoiocd off the rareness and greatness of their learning.

{_^QKimLD and QuQTjsmLD joined together and the plural termination added to

the latter.]

Thus e-rS^&siEisGir, joys and sorroivs.

(8.) ®jihS'i @^®3/r«isrr srsJrsnr eflooO .? What is the price of these horses.

[An ellipsis of the 4th case.] ^/5^<s (^^esyirs(ms(^


(9.) ^<ccr>,s.r Q^a&>0O euirojeurrirLDed LDfjilQunec S'.mQijes!, he stood like a tree,

unable tu say it [lit. the mouth not coming].

(10.) QLD^d(ff)4= .s^LDLD^d^eu^u Qufrev.^ Q^iTm(eFj<s!r, he spoke as though he

approved of it [Ci^j0<s@, outwardly'].

(11.) srrpffi ^Qa^siS^LDfTS Qsm<^uL-L—rrn, he heard it reported.

\_&iTpffi i^Q'5=<siS^LD!riu , as a thing borne by the winds.]

(12.) ns><mp ap&r>puj[Ts, respectively, in order. [Repetitions of this kind are

frequent: thus, .sj^pdsrg^ (^eir^, ^mjpi ) day by day.]

(13.) Qs^eosuih uj n £u rRi—^p^i LD tS^soiurr^, Q^Hssireo Quirio StpQuDeciiTUj

enQhLD, prosperity stands not still with any one, but like a chariot wheel turns

upside down.

(14.) In &^p =5yif, put to rout (.56. III.), up&su^, put to flight, and

similar forms, there is a contraction:

&^p ^L^^^irdr = S^giiiMUL^ ^ujLs^jSirm,I i f>Q -\kj

upss .jijip-^^rrdr — ups,(^iJauL^ ^ l^.s,^ itfk . J

(15.) uirirssu uirirds LDQm)!jLDLBiULD[nu QeiiLf.dstasujirtIj ^(VF^d(^u}, the more

one looks the more the spectacle satisfies the mind.

(The infinitive doubled. 168. Thus, ajjeu£r= by degrees.)

(\Q.) ^li^ LDsrr urr^stk ^m(e^(^ srdiTga a.sir<sQ npQsrQ<ssr

[^'Tkat great sinner such an one" aui/ini/, to thee be/ore

^jSsSdQ^iir, .jij 6\) ed en n ?

I told, did I not?]

I told you before, did I not, who 2vas the great sinner?

LfnESLS^sir @)eir(2)isw' srtkgii (^/SluLjd siressTLDinLi—nLDSo ^iss>s^^nm , shefeared,

not being able to point out the husband.

^Q!r(^ek = Such an one.

(17.) ^is^/EireirmLD G^Qf^ensanL—^^eo ^Qf)i'B^ir&) ^euek ermm' uir(Bui—rreir?

If all thesefour be with a man what will henotsvjf'erf

(£_ii) = all.) g^" The idiom here is English.

(18.) ^li^utSai^aSsir^ ^ek isSLL@d(^ .^<sa)Lp^^d Q&moeiir(BlQufr(mesr, he

took the children home with him.

(Observe the use of ^<5s>Lp.)

(19.) tu IT en Qf)Lh QLD6iirT<s!r smffaj.d&r>^<laj ^Qmir&ds Q<si]ism®LD, .jti^ sro«»,.

L^fT<s£liLi—rr^L£, Q/_/0aoi£>si70ii), all must meditate great things. If they are

unattainable still greatness will be the result.

(20.) itrr Qs^frekesruL^'Suj QsL-Quosr, I will obey you strictly.

( Qsil-Quasr, I will hear. To hear is to obey, in Tamil.)

(21.) .jij^siriffiuih (for ^'/E^<s smBiuih) that affair.

(Here .^gj and sirrBiuu^ are put in apposition.)

2l \qT~~~


(22.) ^sv^d(V) ejdsLD iSl^^^ eS^car^^L-Qar u®^gis Qa!r<smi—iTissr, deep

distress seized him and he lay down ivith grief.

(Both iStf, 56. I. and er®, 56. I. are used idiomatically. smsrs(^u u@t 6r(Bd

@p^, I am hungry.—)

(23.) .^^pawirasfT Qs^rrek^srffi: erikis(€i^s(^^ Q^rFlurr^.

( To this that which they said is: We dont know.)

They said, we don't know.

(24.) sneogjatr^, the right ear. ^i—ffi sirgi, the left ear.

( Q-rirbgsdems, the rice hand.eued^tsms, the right hand.

\ ^^ ,?<!>•• ., , , , r7 , /• 7 , > V ery commonly x ds^^&eias, the hand used for

w)L-siioi!)s, the left hand. \ J ,^' " ^ ^ baser purposes.

(25.) Qaaiwu Qu^iSqFisQpgj , it is grown fat,

[_G)s IT (i£ui-i

^iSia^qhsQpsi, fat—having ascended— is."]

•sfrfBtUih fEi—iiQ^/S (suQ^Sp^, the affair is prospering.

[_rBi—i^ ^/Sli3iiQF)@p^, going on—ascending— it comes.']

(26.) .jijeuSotsr .j>i<sioLpfS^^ULS(Sa!rek, I sent for him.

Here the adverb part. .^snLp^gi seems to be used for the infin. ^eaipds,

I sent to call him.

So QsL-U-^uLj, send to enquire = QslL(^imul^ .jij^ulj.

(27.) @0 U-uQ^Q^^trssreifL-QesT.

[£_ljC^S^^ ^ear S-i—Q^sr.']

77. (b.j 1.30. 106. (2.)

[Having taught, was become as soon as.']

As soon as the Guru had finished teaching.

^eudr Quifltueueir ^Mear lS/dq, after he was grown up.





(1.) Quiriu ifehgi Gltaiueniu Oa/etigaicr ?

70.77. 18. 70. 72. 46.

Will falsehood stand and conquer truth '

(2.) Ritrafe^fs ^im* Os^sus/ QffiLiiu Cq/sobtOio.

190. 117. 190. 41. 39.

To the income suited expenditure make (one) must.

[*^<s 68. 157. /s^/^ past. rel. part. ( ^sQsirdr, ^4«)]

(3.) Gratitude and ingratitude.

18. e. 185. 130. 172. 74.

151. 184. 22. 251. 92. 190. 227.

QibQiej sfTGOu) ESefrfEJ(^i£i; (3) epL^iB^ (4) ^losriSeoeOrr^ LD<ssTQpesii—.tu

131. 233. 72.269. 74. 121. 133. 6U. 185.

6p(^Siy(i5«(5 [<y] QfiL^ ^-USTrfih^ SitQld&} <or(ip^ [u] ulLi—172. 251.

loJQn^^ [u] Qufr60<3=, Qs'iii^ ^uQun^ ^nQssr ^L^o/ii. ^^sO/ra),

227. 25. 108. (c.) 72. 269. 148.

OT/5^ [<£] sneo^^^u) iBGoQeOfTirdCcs; ^usfTir(^ Qs^iueo Qei/emQil).

126. 184. 193. 50. 148. 39.

Notes. (1.) Qs^iLi^ for 0<s^iliiuljul-[^= u>hic7i has been done or conferred.

Or an ellipsis of (ffi^auair =: which one has conferred. The Tamil avoids the use

of the passive voice as much as possible.



(2.) Forms like ^-eaL^tneiiir, ^c, are called verbs by the Tamilians (185.)

and sometimes govern cases accordingly. To an English Grammarian it seems

more natural to consider s-sbz— to be a preposition (belonging to), governing

the objective case, and to which ^entr is added.

(3.) saSis; qualifies sg0(Si;(75<s(g. so does LDstTQpeisL^uj. ^ajrtileoso/r^

qualifies ldqstld. In such cases it is difficult to say whether a word like <^L^m^

belongs to ^drLj or reaches over to ldsstld. The sense must determine the

question. s&LBii^ ep(msu(m<i(^ — to ones loho remain, the rest.

(4.) ^sBTLj { ^eoe\)n'^ = ^eiriSeceiJir^. App. xi. (iv.)


The benefit done to those posses.secl of a good disposition, like the

inscription inscribed upon black stone (Granite), [for a] long time will

appear; the benefit done tothe rest, possessed-of-minds— destitute-of-love,

like the inscription inscribed upon water, even then when it is done,

will perish. Therefore, in every time, to the good especially, the doing

of benefits is necessary. [Comp. 229.]

(4.) The Turkey fancying itself a peacock.

smLu^GO ^(j^aQp LDuSffOfTsw^ ^ssr^sai—iu j)iLp(^&r&r

18.19.21. 269. 151. (a.) 108. 133.

18. e. 64.77. 169. 10. 70. a. elided.

QJiresT Qsai^iUfTiosr^ s;rrss)ith ^uiLDuS6\)fTS S'2csr^^^^ jsc^spiesii—nj

131. 151. 108. 7. 25. 136. 64. 108.

^LpQeOsOrr^ &psm<s eSlifl^^ ^u^lu^ Quh^Qlo, (\) ^eod<s6ssr

121. 87. (b.) 227.

^eodQiLiiEis^sfrd (Epp<Siih LSemipujjbp <s(sSI<5mLULJ L9srs=iEjQds^

70. 87. 90. 169.

^<3S)fi<ssGm® ^onSiJs'Sefrd sp/DrStun^suiSfr ^rrsisr spp LSemLpiunQuj

77. a. elided 121. (4) 130.

seSemuj^ ^(Ssr'^Gsni^ij ajb/r>si,'(e^s (St soar essflu LSrT'fiEjQdQjD^-

18. b. 77. 87.

(1.) For ^ffi>ss<sm^eas;iLjLD ^0isQiu^(sis)^\LjLD, the two words formed into

a compound and the pluralizing particle added to the last. III. Gram. 156.

The subject is Sir3=isiQs@pgj. The final verb is Quir^w.

This is a good though somewhat difficult exercise in Tamil construction.


(5.) Noscitur a sociis.

184. 131. 18. 185. 18. (e.) 131. 190.

Qffnsu^ QuneOs appjBifiSijQsi appfSli^<su(Sis>!r ^•9^S^^<f Qs^irtsuiTiT.

88. 227. 193. 64. 72.

sns(5S)s Si-®s nL- IS/.Qeo Qi—sQp iSlsasr^es)^ ^^Q<i(^LD^ ^^Quneoa270. (5.) 74. 18. (e.) 72.

spprStojn^ PLDL^n PLpi—<smnQiu QstTsmi—rr^-syniT-

(6.) Mens conscia Recti.

108. 18. (e.) 185, 137. 87. 131.

e^Q^&jQ^iEj sn(^^ ^L-d^QeO ^j(i^& e^efflff^d Qsaem® ^,n^<i(^LO.

172.7. 121.(4.) 251. 62.77. 64. 1U6. (4.) 72.

108. 131. 127. 74.

App. xii. (II.) 22. 251. 23 18. a.

185. 64.

25. 117.

(7.) The king and the learned man.

^lirs^'^ssriLjiEj ^ppii ^ird spp i-js\}su'BssriijL£> ^rmihisp18. 7. App. xi. fSo that every 70. 57.

fault should k'ejiove. 170.]

uirn^^ned ^srs^'^etfru uairdQ^Lh Lj&}3uQtour ^puemuiLjeiaL—iU'Qjiosr

95. 196.


^^ (oTUUlSf. loTSsfisi),


^JT<3=^,S(^ ^l&j^emt—uj Q^ff^^eo ^&)&}fTLD6\) ^(^ursi^tu


43. 6.



Q^s^iBJseffleO (sr&XoOrrua inrffiurres)^ ^&kn^fT(^Lh.

127. 4.3. 72.




1. The Lord's Prayer

<3S IT^^ Q^ (SS) I— UJ Q 3" U LD.

LIITLDeS!!rL^&)IEJSSfflsO ^Q^sQp (oIIEl<S(3!r i3^nQ<sj\

272. 29. (e). 74. 60. IL 37. 21. 18. (a.)

^-UDQpeaiL—UJ fBrTLDLD U(fls?3;^u u(Si<oij^ns ; (l)

37. App.xii. ll,(b.) 161. 140. (b.)

70. 140. (b.)

&-UjQp(5iDt—UJ Q^,^il> unLDsmi—eO^^QeO Qs^tuiuu u®Qp^ QurreOu18. (e.) 21. 23. 168. 92. 87. 227.

18.21. 23. 126. 92. 140. (b)Intro. §. ii. (IV.)

166.274.(12)128.133. 37. 18. (e.) 166. 70.27.

GnE]6B(ei^<s(^ eSdrrrr^LDrriL [«] (^pp(^ Qs=iuQp(auiTS(&^s(^ rBrriijs&r

•41. 40. 50.51. 87.21. 37.

LD(Ssr6!!flsQp^ QurreOj ertasefr (^ppihs'bsfr erfEJS(er^d(^ uxssTeaf^iijm'

64 87 227. 37. 29. 37. 27.64.65.

4. 21. 242. 251. 41. 121. (2.)

64. 21. 37. 64. 77. (b) 106. (4)

7. 7. 7. 166. 126.

184. 185. 6. 108.

(1.) This form is not quite idiomatic. It is, in fact, coined, and properly

so, for the purpose. Lit. it would be uiBs-^^u u®^^u uQw^ira._


2. The Creed.

<oSl<3r(SU[r3'LJ LSlULLfTioSSnli. [The law of faith.]


18. (e) 7. 18. (b.) 7. 87. 130. 131. 134 133.

18. (a) 137. 87. 3. 34.

^(aU0(SS)i—UJ e^Gj (^LDrTST(eu)uSl0dQjD iBihQpssit—iu !5n^n

31. (e.) App. xii. 172.23. 137.87. 37. 11. (c.) 29.31. (e.)

Intro. § ii. (xi.) 18. (a) 7. [Farad, of Tron. App. xii.] 131.

^t2SuS(€U)Q&) aekeafi LDrflijjrr(^<omi—UJ sQ^uu^^eo ^jbuisSl^^u21.22.23. 130. 21. 18.21. 77. (b.)

77. (b.) 21.107. 262. 50. 77. (b.) 21.

^(om/DiifessT®, LDifls;^ ^L-dsih uem sssruulLQ , un^asfrfssGffldo

26.5. 77. (b.) 77. (b.) 50. 92. 21.29.

71. 83. 175. 233. 87. 245. App. xii. Note.

77. (b.) 77. (a) 264. 18. 21. 77. (a)

130. 21. 21.23. 77. (b.) 79.

83. 25. 21. 185. 7. 87. 7.

50. 41. 70. 72. 83.

40. 87.

7. 180. 29. 7. 51.

50. 77. (b.) 148. 7. 131. 7. 43. 133. 82.

siin&dQQpm. ^LDm. _


3, Tlie tliree fishes.

S. 18. (e) 85. iih elided.] 87. 83.

= airev^^i\j, 85.

(oKoor^LD^ pmssr^ iS'skssfr ^QiBs fEirmndj si'iTt^i^

17:i. 21). 40 = for many days. 60.

233. C7.)

106.(4)74. 8. 233.(6.) 181. 25.23.

^ismGssFfr Q<ssfT(i^s=LDauS0dQ/D^fT(5msujfr (SU)'2e(r <Shii^ ^^^ @(J5'i®P137. [^ + ^] 145. [_&> -t- w] 74.

127. (f.) 64. 106. (4.)

R. Qsar. 70. 108. 29. (b.) 78.

{Brrih ^wsSi—UD eSltL®^ ^dQiTLDrrsu LjpuuL— Q(SyioSsr®LD, ^^sFl

25. 254. 136. 262.

25. 131. 148. 117. 82.

70. 34.

euQKLD Qurr^ urriTs^^d Q<ssfTeir(Gr^Q(ai.'mh, sntfliuth Qi^ifiQu) Qun^106. (2) 106. (4) 263. 106. (2.)

App. xii (II.) 157. 225.

254. 108. (c.)

214. 25. 70. 157.46. 217. 168.

47. 172. 121. (2) 62. 100.

110. 148. 117.

23. 193.





dE/TL/zjia/SOT"" ^jsljulLQs' Qs^^^np Qunp u/r<?/r/E/(5 ueasressfld

161. 58.227.

106. (4.) 58.


261. 251.App. xii.(II). Tortw Ellipsis of 242.

within= in the meanwhile, sign of case.

56. (11.)

'SiTuusnssr'''' (aij'?evd(^&r ^jsuulL®, ^uQun^ (ST(^ear Qs^ihuueOnih

251. 103.

<oT<sk^^ ^iEJ(^i}) ^/E/(^ii) ept^ ^(sa^d Qs^LDUt—iSijissr semQ, ^i^ujfr&)


70. [Oairsj.] u,psi + g)i-. 172. 126. 70."

145. 126. 163. 64.

4. The merchant resolves to engage in business again.

[sot + IS. App. xi.] S. Mahila = a 132.

woman, Rupya = beautifal.

[S. A^ARDDHA- 130. 172. 60.(11.) 242.(2.)

MANA= thriving.]

uessrm ^Q^'^^^-, ^'oariS!!r(^ ffLDUn^is QeuesarQilt (oTasrQp ^siss^uS

100.(1.) 124.125. 39. 84.

148.268. 58. 98. 203.


[Is any thing difficult of acquisition, that (one) must acquire.]

ffuaurr^^^cssfid snuurrpp QsuemQist srruufrpnSesr&s)^ eStr^^[nom. ^iriiir understood. 108] 87. 87. [aJcT/?,®.]

165. 108. 7. 77.

22 169^ " ~~ ~~ ~~


^^^^LDUira^jT^^p Q^^eoeuL^ds Q&eamSlii). <5jQ<35y<s5T(rrj'eo^ snuunp(^^131. 196. (2.) 190. a. 98. 121. (4.)

165. 72. 121. (4) 72.

j)j^U(sSl^^3= ff^un^^n^^p Qs^eosuL^ajfT^^ (cSssar ^(^/i) <^6sr<f

77. 121, (5) 72.* 82.

and by there being= Both beca use there is. 87 . 126.

([= u)£ijfl45c3"«®OTCosff. 242. (II).


87. 50.

148. 133. 136. 50. 88, 23. 108.

121. (5.) [a walking corpse. 131.] 58.

^(oSiSilS(^^LD^ QLDtoSrQLD^(^ ffUDUfT^UuQ^ QlLHrdQiULD CT63rj2/

145. 88. 23. 6.

11. 106. (4.) a. 108. 74.

I<oTp^f <jy^/D " .^(^^ajisesr, " ''s/f^sott" <^(ok^iuD Qutuetsfr 2_(S3)l_uj

77. [S. Tlie fellow servant.] [S. Thejoy causer] 132. 185.

172. 87. 160. 106. (4.) b. 234.235. 58-

5. The Sun-rise.

[This is a spefimen of Sanscrit-Tamil, The style is inflated and the idiom not pure.]

'sot ^rrrrdsiTGOiEi <sL^i^.) ^lSIjtiei QjrGSsrisjs'Bsrru

25. The night season of that day, 172.

U(oai—^0l0dQm/D (^rfliu usQJtTioir QLfis(^^ ^<ss)<fUiSeo iBihQsbrp

87. 79. 33. 131. App. ix. 70. 33.

131.. [App.xi.III. (III.)ffu+,ff = /Di)] 74. 151. [ctuu4l«® = ctul/4l.] 199. 98

^-eOsiEJs'Ssrr ^'Sso^^^, ^sarasyir eu rrlL l^ tli.,

upueo QsrrQ(o!DLDs'2errd

181. 13. 131.

Qisyrrpd <53srrsi'^/T<s Qsi'prB QeueOnu^s^^&sjs^ ^Q^dsir^^p Q-sfr<sm

170. as if it would weed out 131.


i^nKd(^LD epuup/D UfT&) .ffi-uLSifLDessfldJ Q^&jfr ''^d^tosrih iSuiunsssru



151. 185.

QunprSl<f (^ij^k^ QufTSUITITS err; isnQpm <2S<ssin<sSjh Qs^emgn ^suira

Quneo, (spposip eusmujL'hoOLLjLh <5T(Lp us^ems^d (^^szDffdsSsyrti/LD ^smi—LU185.

^jT^^^eO ^(TKiom<ssr <s=n'iT^^uj(^ Qs^iLisn^rrscf (^iBiU(Ssr ^(currsessfl^

^«, Qi^^^eas^uSso s-^^^ ^^sufruSled^ umLs^^u urr^s<5mtTU Quneo

^&)aiEjs6fflp uiriE^ 6^0^^ ^10'^^ ^(5'^ dySsaT-^^ti j)j^LJULL®i=^

<fS60 L9iiaes3fl<s^LD (sSfSld seiFluusmi—i^issr. [Skandam.]

6. As a specimen of vulgar tarail or G)3;rr.s^<5S)^, tbe following sentences

from the ^rfl^s^^ii^a eSei)ir^LD or Play of "Harischandra," are inserted.

The verses are given with the prose version.

The person who speaks is the q^itl-l^., QenLLt^ajirm or scavenger of

Kasi, whose business it was to burn the dead and to act as public


Harischandra is offered for sale as a slave.

Enter Q^mLL^.

Verse. [_^(j^^ih a species of metre.]

^/f Siurr, ^emQi—, ^iejQs ^<sir isS&) ff^pa Qsil-Qt—m?

Quit sresrsur f ssurr srrasr srcsrosr i Qumiu weed ^aecr sn^enrf

108. 74.

urrrfle^ib u<si!)p'umsQesr ; uemsr^sm^iLjisj Qsir(B^^!T(SO @fi^^22. [rans] Int. §ii.

S!T(^U3 tM^'^ isfl/i)«6= Qs^LD &-ism'i—.!TQLDir, Q^iTffoenmJj.

130, 72.* 269.

Prose. 6T ^fskrQi—! ej ^smQi—! ^fr, Sluit, ^iejQs ^2sn-


sS^<s© <^&Qpsi ? /E/rsJr Q^itlLl^ ^rrtS, lEiTck ut^ms^s^^a

Qsfr(B^s;n-io (^sQp^^<i(^ LDesrsKsisn—fT ? ^uul^ ^(e^<so

94. (note


43. 46. 98.

(oTii^ s^iT ? Quit sTdresr? c£l2so ersJrsar, Q^s^evSaOturr, Qa^eo^ I

Notes. ^<smQi— or ^emee>i—Quj. Siuir thrown in as a kind of interjection.

si = (sfl^<s(g. e£dSp^ — eSp8ps^ (70. Root e£l6\), like a&i). jij ir

SpQpff] = who is it that is selling? Tlie neut. verb is often used in such cases.

:^dQp^S^s(^ = eSpSp^p(^. (157. d.) The corruption of Qp^px^ into Qp^ei.i(Wi is very common. Q,3=eo^ = Ois^fTeo&a. A common corruption in pro-

nunciation. _


The person who sells Harischanclra replies :

Verse. 9i^^lditu ^enmir fSfrQssr Q^Q^eSet^eo ^8so<Stu s^^22. 50. 23.

263. (8.) 98.

^P/Dl1> ^SoiSOlTLDp Q'3=IT&)^S QS IT (cSSTL^L^eJ l8S Si] ' /S ESTQp


202. 263. (8.) 51.

Prose. •=&>'-° ^uurr, ^ensmir^ ^irssr wdsiaw iwps eutEQ^eir. re

104. 194.

OsiTeir(enLD Qurreo ^Q^i^'^'^ Qld^^ •FisQ^ireLS.ui. ^-m^ssru


uirir^^fT&> ers!r<£(^^ •FiiQ^sLarruSlQr^.iQpgj. ^^<s!r s^ir^, eei/f,


Qurr Q^iB^JJ.g= Qs^ireaeo Qsh^uld, ^uurr!

Notes. Before Q^iflu is understood (srssrst^. 39. 157.

E_ii) is understood after ^it^, sslit and Quit.

QsiT<sir(smLD Quireo ^Q^ih^ireo = if there is a probabilitij of your buying.

The Qe^L-L^ijjiTnk replies


Verse. ^rr^uSlp U'cmpiU(e^Qm', ^U(^ «® en—dso siruQum,251. 50. 270.(5.) 269. (c.)

^^ffoir ^i^s <siT&^ ^Qf) lEsir^ Q^mLi^, ^luir!

220. 50.

^irek <K^^ (Mpu^nio Qsls eu/EQ^ek


j/E^ eSp(Trj'<so rSisoenffLoirss Q s itm Q en <3!r


Notes. s=iT^uSlio = in caste, as to my caste.

eSpu^ireo. Root aSJa). 70. (1.)

Sing. neut. part. noun. fut. eSpu^. 88.

This in the 3d case is <^pufiiT&> — because you arc selling.

Prose. erdr^sot—iu ^itSQuit ups=.3=n^. er&r QuQjjir a^irsH/TQ.

fBirsir ^i^A sttS rEsr!^^m(ms,Qp^


Sii—dso sirsQp

Q^itlLl^. i£SiiSJQ&) <^3oO «u.^ ^ppuijf.u3(es)Qeo Qsss239. (2.)


269. (6.)


Notes, ersjrjpgroi—iu ^it^Qiuit = as regards my Caste. ^ is thus used for

but if you ask (Com. 46.). lorrnQr^GO is added often (98).

ujD'd'^rr^ for usap^a^s^fr^. 131.

iBfTsk ^(i^sQp^. This is common = the place where I dwell.

[_is loTiaQs ^(f^d8p^ ? Where do you live?

rsn'm @Q^'sQ/d^ ^(^^rr^ir, I live in Tanjore.']

Qsis — QslLs.

03" The whole ^ffl^s^m^u <£lecirrjFLD is worth reading. It contains one or

two passages only unfit for perusal.

7. A verse.

The following quatrain is worth knowing.

The Tamil philosophers divide the subjects of composition into fourclasses : ^/dlq virtue, Quir^im- possessions, ^swuld pleastire, a?® Jinaldeliverance from this mortal coil. Ill Gram. 215. AvvEi was askedfor a definition of these four. She replied,

GIVING [is] viktde; evil forsaking to accumulate [is] wealth; ever


' ' I 5.


cSlIi—Qs Qufleiru a?0


The words not in common use are ^LLt—&) - collecting together;

er (^ (S^ fr ek £11 LD = ever, 126;

a!r^&), affection; '&-p, to subsist; SlosNihgi for SlSsur^^; uffesr, the Supreme.

The omission of final s_ is marked by an apostrophe, and the first syllable

of each metrical foot by an accent.

For the metre see Pope's III Gram. 190.





[The first line is the exact original. The 2d the corrected version. Compare them carefiillj-.

Read them aloud to accustom your ear to the corruptions. J

ws n m"^^ (^ 3^ !T (aiin & l^p^^ (sap lu (Sii rr s err s= Qp s^^ s (^ (su s S eO


Lc (^0 ^s (3^ L—Q [^ 2- u)a.6i_ OurrL-Q^eun-eQsi)@@ (aU(T^iS1^^^6\) ^Sei^iLQ LDfT3=^^i^ S_S-(d^^SJ QufTiLQ, ^Qirr&^GO

^^SO <35 6SST l—^ 65 ^ ILj Ld ^ j£! IB^ S [T SIOT (Si— (S!n'Lj^<3-'rru3

^Q i—L- IT GSST © g i_ ^^ smrriueufrssrruuSl saar i_ tr uSi ev rs£3

187. 187. 187.

Qiapuiq^ iBLnuTsdstr u<s^ i3lpefi\siTiQ.S(mu>Qu!r^ fIr?(1fT6Tu)j2]— ai

QmpuL^ fBwuiTsdofru up/Slu L3jT6k)^rTLSls(^mQufT^, /b-sx^—m

Oiusmu ss) ^ iLj m ^ m @— LhtEiSiUsmpu^^^iE'S (Gm <ss) l^ lu

ST<osru<oS)^u^u>y 2_0©

iJo fSLDUemrru up^^ ^rsjS(^Qai—UJ

j)li3uSirrTUj^(SS)^ j)j/Sli^QsfT6mQ Q^ffliuuuQ^s,

ii9<s^ i^^^fntSlsvfU^ LtST ^j-ir^sro^ffl ^QL—i—irsmrQ ^i—^^sjDpuSleo, L^^^aiu Qji^ LDsrr ^unujefu^ifl ^Qsi^t^nessrQ ^lL^ ^(Sjd/t

iusurr<xsfr lTnfn&lu)j2|

ld is in u /6i ed Gi hj est S5 iei s err ld it /iS u ^Qsii

^(SuiTS&r "in^GT^— to iBihuiBeo (sjsar ^ikis&r tDiriflu^^eo



^uS (50 Test 3^ IT (m ® s s ti9 sn Sso Q iJJ ssiir Q l9 jd <syo ^fnQ^ ^frfr<zsrr

ja/SSTS^fT Q ^SUuSlsilSsOOlUiSmSlp ^ lEl <S I^SS)L-.IU ^ l9U l9 (TT^ tU ^ SiD ^

Q3^ em mr u u i^ i^ essr ^s^ ai>a9(m^(^Ln<o0fr[Ufr^(oS)puj Giifr<s


^ i£i u i3l qrj' lu Ld 6^(msijfrTs;^(oO O^tBiueuQEQid ssst ©

Sj^pc^'sn'Sfrfiss QsniriLi^eo (cSLLu<5S)<sus(sr^a(^ ^eufTLj QsnQss

Qsu s37)i Lo &r ssr^ Ld ^ IT u u fr (^ p ^ T as (^ (Lp iS(n ^ Q <3i-^ iSl^^QiSU<5m(SlLD iSKskglllhy ^ITUUfT@p^p(^ (T/JOT" ^Qsi^iSl^^

LCi^(^(93i<3;.DSu^}]Lti (oTe^fT^u:, (sSiupu:ifTLi9 opp 3smi3^ a^Q^sO ssssr

LD^<i QsfT(SlssQ<suesar®il> <sr<ssr^uD (sSIsuitldituj nppsnuSi^^^eo sesarQ

Oi (L£>Q ii9(m3S(^j:fffr<sO<ofr Oa=-osr&nuuL-L—<s3yrLD eOfnurr ^ajfrs'iSTr

'^Q£^ ^^dSl/^iTsQetr. Qs^eBreuruLLi—sssrili ^iGOitiuit ^(SiJ.iTseir

GiUsiJ(sSl<SLDfrii3 QloioO 151—35^ Q stJsssTi^.iwss^sB (^fSl^^ a5(BJ3i(GrEai(m

OiUQp^iS (ms(^(7rj>iTS!orr ^m)^u^^ <^ssTQ<sirpi—ii^!oO Qiusmetsr

175 ~ """ ~


^^SSir SUIT'S OsiJ^ii iM Ofus^iuQzsr Oinpui^ Osrrpi—Q Oa.ii—

&-^^ff(sii j)is Q(svssm(SLh- Qi5p<sia/DUJ^(osrLh Qtopuu^ QaniTLL® <3jlL

r<S5 LD eW^ IT Q LD&M rr 3^ LD LD 15^ L£) IT 637 2.r(T@ LD 15 LD U SSifT U^^i

Qasrrpi.—ioed^i—^^<S5)fD luevfra^errnpssrurrs Otusw§5aT O'Si—t—irfr

QsiTiTL-L^eo ^lL^ ^GSfT ^suiTasfT Qpissrurrs erearSsarcS QsLLi—rrir-

s !Ei cTi (&T^<s(m ^ nSeSl^^ G\ <Sr IT <si) (Si) Q iSiJ ^u Q Ln (sar^ ^ en /Si^^ld

s IB s (GY7) L_/u ^i9. uiSlQrj>ius5Sin^si5iTi5sr^nSl m^ O a IT err err

Sl. 35 Q p (SV fT S ^ 6V GSpl Lb



The chief diflferences to be noticed are,

(1.) @® for Qisa®. (2.) p for n- (3.) (^p for Qp. (4.) The mute

sign (i-\<Bn<cS\) is omitted throughout, as are all stops, 8iC. (5.) The words are

not separated. (6.) 2_t_aj for ^-eai—iu in the 6th case. (7.) sressr® for ersjr^.

(8.) ^iiS for .^i/, though now obsolete, is really good.

In regard to Grammar.

Note 1. ^eniT ^i—w for ^'<airffi—^Q&>. This is poetical. ^ji—^ is used

absolutely as the sign of the 7th case. 251.

2. ^s.^Qs= is very vulgar. It was written formerly ^.so^ Q^iLiQ^ = thus

having done. It is equivalent to ^!sm&iUfT&).

3. ^'^ for ^5^ common but vulgar.

Several Idioms are worthy of notice.

(1.) LD£Brr ^air^ero^fff is a Sanscrit form.

Loarr ^jjfr^LDtr&^uj ^rnrg^m^rB — one who possesses, Sfc.

great kingly king's ftlicitij.

(2.) sem® sr(Lo^ ^QF/sQ^irsSn , Lit. having seen, you have indeed writ-

ten ~ you have seen Jit to write.

(3.) Gld&) for ^ioSQldw, hereafter.

(4.) ^..J^^rreij .M-sQeusssrQu:), Lit. an answer must become = I beg for a replij.



Free Translation.

To the very respectable IMr. Sinitli of Tanjore, Rangasami Sastri,

Court Vakiel, witli his compliments, writes as follows


Your letter posted and sent on 22d August, 1853, came to hand on

the 23d instant, and I have made myself acquainted with its contents,

Wiiile I was thinking that when the new Assistant judge, appointed and

arrived, should speak about the above Numbers (i. e. the cases in

court) I would tell him that in the appeal case No. 378, no answer

was needed, and also inform him of youf intentions regarding No. 205,

the new Assistant Judge himself asked me why no answer was given in

the case No. 378. Since I knew well your opinion that no answer should

be given,. I told him so on tlie 8th of December. You wrote in a former

letter that, in regard to the Meliir free-grant-land, the documents had

been sent to the lawyer in Madras. How has the Madras lawyer writ-

ten about what you are hereafter to do ? I beg you to write me your

wishes about what I am to do in court regarding that affair. Yesterday

the head writer asked me before the judge in court, about No. 205, rela-

ting to Melur. I told liira tliat I must inform you before 1 can reply.

Therefore, I beg you to give me a reply immediately that I may know

your wishes in this case. This is my desire. Salaiu.

Rangasami Sastri,

1854, January 10. Vakil.


[For tlie words see the Vocabulary at the end of the book.] .

Analysis of a complaint preferred in a civil court.

49th year (1849) No. 114.

Divani addlut Cumbuconum district udditionuL

•3^^iTiEs:n'(siin'<ssh- SHOP'S s^<s(m <su rr ^i si en u ir u (£l (€^ 3" Ln

Sudramin tv their presence


complainants: in the Puvandsam

fifT&^ssfT ^(SSiL^uuisjsrreSliso ^q^s(^LD (A) ^/Di^^ QumssrTulduk in Sadeii/anydl who-ivill-be dead-and <jone

""23 nt~~


^ em i—S<s ed^ p Q <s tr saar i rr <osi m s^u <s err es) eu uSl^^ sQ iei <s

Adeikalam Turakonduns Sons Vuittilingam

^ p O 3S rr 633r /_ /r sar-a-co ir tH lu ir iS O m e^rr 3 p ld it rfl op g; sn

^pQsfTGmi—iTsbr ("S) ; mrrrflajmiS erearSp LDrriflQpff^^

Taralwnddn (1.); Maiiuyi who is called Marimuttii

^pQ.xirsimL—rrioifr—9.—^fB^&/v^ iBrfraf- iSln^ 6VfrQ<SGrr Q lh p u u^

^pQsiT'Smn—fT(Ssr(a-); ^i^srv^ LSlnrrsi-. LSff^eutT^serr, Qmpui^Turakondaii {2); Their couditionin life, mirusdurs. Defendants: in the above

^sniflso ^Q^s(^isi ^pih^Qunesr s?LJL9snD€3sfliU(ok' ^pQsrr&sBn^mmvillage who-tives dead-and-gone Suppramanyan Turakotidcm's

O u eaar &= rr Q ^^ Q s rr i^ ^ iB^ ew^ i5^/_® (^ i^, ^ ^ esr m(248J Quem^a^ sismisQstTi^: ^i^ew^ (^LL®s<^L^^^io5rih

icife Tanukudi


situation: householder.

f5esrQs=UJ Lj<SSrQ,fiU (SUSmSLUjrfT iS6\)LD Qsidi—ss

Wetland, dryland, of these kinds the land to full to

Qwemu^uj <9^iEJs^uSli\)^ uiflLDnessnh ^urrtLi sn^®^

which should in the affair, value rupees 135

^ (Sm &)—su rr ^ ^ srr Q LT) p u i^^ iSior^suir^OuiBei) O 3^ luiu

^(sm *," eurr^sstr Qiopuis^ L9rr^(SuiT^(cuifl60 G^luojuannas 9 the Plaintiff'^s the above defendant upon which

ui— t— t5l(W^<orio!jresrO(oij<ssT(7rj><oi) ap^ ffd ir eu^ i3 ir ^ ev ir^

is made the complaint ichat if you ask: 1. The defendant's

husband and ourselves brethren because we are The above

^smt— iU[k3irred^3=^m^(nij>p-3isQ(rrj'ijiLDQe)j eiS? — flrilD

Sadeiyangul-as-long-as-the moon and sunlast village {consisting of) velis SO

tslffd^^ is\) O lu fBi s (GT^ 3i (m iSl^ Qrj> p Q^in ir iSl O s' rriu^ u^ ir esr

in the land, to us by hereditary right -our-own bei7iy

npssSo so IT sssT ssy)i 3; (msrrsrrfBSinOg'tu LjesrO^Fiususm^Btunir

Pin issr(B <sO <opissrgus(^ gLsrrsrr (b&stQs^iL Lj(53rQs=uj euemsajriiT

one-third— part tchich is wetland dry land cf the kind



Q eu <s9 iD i§l <30 ^^ .s (m Q vu fBi -s <of?l eo Qp ^ <s^ en fr ^ O u (Trp ffO

QeueSI aO Seo^^s(^LD (siikiseifleo Qp^eo ojrr^ Qusrndo

veils 10 tu the yruund of us the fimt cumptai?iant in the name

LQ(nf>3r^fr3s<s^i^S3r S (rrj> <3 <3i'^ u §ssr lu rr aSl ^ ^u u

ofthemiriis, with register, with out objection, enjoying

eSl ^^ O 3i IT ezor ® QmpuisL.Q(frj'Ln^Si'oSiQLD<oO<sii up ^ ssi p

continuulhj the above viltaye tite yoveimnentul

share onhj {to the) Tunjore Mission clergyman by the company

mnesBuuuD Q.3=ujuuuuLl.tsf-(m-iQp uu^uuiriso (oriEJS(ef^<ocoL..iu QmpLJU^a gift It is made because belonging to our (he above

LB(7rj>a^tSed^^3i(mQLc,'S0 siirr p ^ (sm <s u fr^fBtufr£U<S(^

lAljrrrs^ (Qeo^^s(^uo QiDeosufrrr^es)^ un^ifltufT^d^s'

minis ground the guvernmental share to the cleryijman

0^^}^^0<sir fflrar Q leo) fEi s; sn ^(Sui^^sirenrrii^LnQs=^^^sQsfT<sm® (106) iBtTiEJS&r ^tsSu^^irssfrniLji})

having paid conVmually we both as people who have not divided their inheritance

Q iu 3> Q tu rr 3i Q 'Si<^ tn lt> ir ilj ii^ ^ Q^ ^ & eu (t^ ss) ^ tiSI s\)

and as having one common enjoyment {of the property) while we continued to be

Q lu fBi 3i sffi ffO ^jiJ suO^<3i^i—.L— (m)SiuQL£,puu^. l9p^STEJ<setfl&} s^QKsu GcFlIl-Sst ^Qiu QmpuL^ lSIst^

of us the altogether best who was the above dejend-

eu (T ^ u (m (3^ ssT i^^^n-s^fB^ujssT (Stsfl u3 e^ u (7)j> u eii

(surr^ 1-1(^1— ebr lj^^it <?/5^^ ^<skrSlLSl&) Uffnusu

ant's husband so7i descendant without in the Prab'hava

(^^ Q ^ ^ <ss) IT \^ ^^^&iOiup,'B^QuTu9<£li^i^ir<ssr(SiiQ^i—ii) Q^^aarr iDrr^^^6\) ^p^^ QuniLeSlLLL—nesr.

year in the sitterei month died and ivent away.

^ (oil ^}i <s (5 (S2F) (El 3i sn <3^<3;e» <s p ir, lEi <s (Gm ld O ^ lu ^For him we all rites having done,

and periodical ceremonies perform.ing we continue. II. Tlius while


u3 (SO Ql e)j (^ Ln 3" 3i ^ IT iT)! lu tr €sr QLopui^LSp^eu/r^iiSlssr

it IS a woiiian tvlif has an bting tlie ubuve defendant''


ulUitted subsistence

^^ LD^Si tiSlejrQiuifi<oO<siJ&OtEjSLDtr s^st <s fr^i 3i<s rr Q 3^ inu Eirsjia

consent vpun Valanyhamaii 'Juluk Sembunhudi

(TTj) i£) eQ fEO 'S G) ^ issT O s /r Stor / tr ear O lu ssr u sij sst Q s^ nh t^ isst

Jiumaiingan Tenkondan tvhu is culled wit/i some people

(^ LD u sn <5>-zy. &ifba^QLnpuu:^i3lpQ'S)jir^' ii9 ssr Q u earn-

a crowd collecting coming the above defendant's daughter

eQ 3^ rr ffO fT <sf^' as) lu -s (sQ lu rr ssyr m O 3'- \u^ O 3> tr err sit Q eu sspi

<ESg=rT&)fTLLQ(ss)Uj-s ssSluunernnJo Gs^iLi^ QsfT&r&r (104) QeuesmQuaMiss Wide-eyes m<iiriugc making to take to themselves vce must,

O LD em 3 p '^^ ^ Jill (S3) eo ts ir tni 3, 'Str Quitl— l^qeib^

with the so saying desire we vihich-we-had .put on

[Tj es) s 3i (em i sar ^j aj osrr lu u:> l9! Siir fflfy lo S e\) O lu fB s (G-itj es) i iLi

which-tlie-jewels her and besides some oj'uur

3j 1.^ lu fEJ 3S §srr 11^ m ^ (irj> Q p ^ lh fT n9i Q •s rr sar ® Q u ir em etn ^^L- uj fij s'Setr iLj ih ^rjpQ j^^LDm'us QarremQ Quaesrsm^d

utensds by violence took away (258)

(^/o! ^3;^ ff'u)CT-(^^ (Sj S37 U^ 4f i? sd np ^ SO en IT Q ^ w rr £S en

concerning in the -^1 tk year , in the month ofJam, the first complainant them

O u if^ &.1 ij^ £! jr}i rS i^ 3j ^S lu iJ^ rr uSl (tp ^ <5d etj IT ^ O tj S SO

Quiflg^il) fSirSLSlff^LDfiLu (ip^so eiin^ QuiBsovpon (and) icithout cause the first complainant upon

^1 LL p u i<^. iSlirQsiiirQu^tJiUtTeveQ CS) 3^ ^ rr ji'/ <s <s ir

Quapuisf. iSljT^l&jrr^Luth unsueS.i^^ih ^ir^ssathe above defendant (in the) Pucanasum Ti'diik,

Q LD ^ etV ^^ Q p I— ij^- eo O '3= tu^ O -x iT essr /_ i3l (nj s^ 3i 3i it ^

tnagisterial department made for the complaint

Q i_n p u LO- Q u IT e9 Si^. j>{^ l9 3" IT iSl p Q ei] rr ^1 3iQ &^ O u i^ em 3" lu IT

Qmpuu^ QurrsS'isrv ^iS-fii LSsT^eun^a(^ ^-QuLLetDSiuiriL

(he above police officer to the defendant partial


(l9 (m ru ^'j Q 3: (t ssar ® rtp 35 'S^ au it ai'sm lu Qi^gSliUfTii9 0ufr<s

being the Jirst cunipluinunt recuncdtd to yo

Q<9^ireO'sQi§ipuiS3iiriQ3^\u3i^^ ^ eo Q s^ in ^ ^: lu ew 3} it dsn

Qs^ireO'^ SiTUuiB^ili Q3tus:^^(SU)6d &S0 LD^^Lusn.t^iJs'hoir

haviiiy told trouble because he yuce some arbitratois

es) 61J ^ s^ O 33 If 6SJI G i9 no ^ &j IT ^ ti3 ^}] <ss) i— iiJ ^/^ tS 3?

liaouiy appoiuttd, of the dejtiidant the nje-time

SV SS) p Il9^ Sn otr Q &! 1^ LTi 3^ 3i^ .S 3i IT 3, Q L[) p U U^ !§ '0^ 3, ^SO

us lony as fur the sub;-,istence the above in the yruund

f5S!iTQ\3^iS<S()QsU(sQ ^S S 10^ LD (63) lEJ S STT <sSl Q (^ p Q ^S &S1 ^1 LD

ibmQfuSli\) QsueSl ^ Ssold iBnisjserr tsS(Si@p Q^ear^LOin the wet ground vei '^ land toe uie to leave

^ Jim S ^ iiV olT G'^ S 3i Q U 15 3i S ,'Lp S 'a^ IT <o!ST 3J1 Q 3'- iU tU IT LD (o\)

cgyiSZD^ J3j(SlJS(T ^^^1 L/.'5^«L0 Qp^<&in(3ST^ (^3tU LU ITLD&)

and that she inortyaye covenant tS'c, not viahuig

^1 SSI Si] in IS, IT esT 3^ siyi ^ O 3 a szor ® 3i /r <oii cSi^ u ld Q 3= 'u ^its produce hij means if subsistence making

sv(yE3i;p0^saJ^iS)^pijiiTi5yTLCi Q 3'- lu 3^ O 3; 3 snr 1

suQ^Qp Q^ek^LD ^iTLDiT(cUTm QffiL^ QsiremL-.IS to continue so determinution which they made

l9 p 3> IT IT LD ^ 3p (5)9 U p lEI 3, SsfT 3S 3i SSiT Q l9 f>\> <5)J fEI 3; (^^lSIjsitiii}) -^IS' 'sSl •oil If iBJ s'^eiTs semQ LSIe\)ioijiijs enQKL^Lo

accordiny to these particuhi i s enumerating, in the Pilavauga year

LU T IT 3i L^ U?^ UD^ Sl_ ^(-9 ffO l9l 3 Q. (oU 3 Si Si Q (G3) lEl 3i (GTE ih

LOniTSL^ LDIT^LD « ST Q^^liSls\) l3n^'SUn^S(^ IS IT lEJ S(^ LD

muryari month, 17 th day to the defendant we

^ SU SfT O lU IE] <S (Q^ .S (m Lti <3^ I— tJ:, U ty^ 3i Stn 3i 3i GfT iSl T) u iQ

Sijsnetr fniEJS!^d(^uj s_i_63r uu^dt5s>3<sseir iSpuiSIand she to us covenants having

sQ 3J ^1 O 3i 3 1J337" ® ^ (5S) 3; 3i 3i SSiT ® GLCipUloQlLCi^m)

caused to be produced having seen that to the above

Q; Q p 1^® iSl QY^^ ^ 1^ (nj> Si ,^ Lti 3 (Sij ih (m® 3i 3i u u t^ 1^ (ms (m


^3l-L®U lSl3IT^d(^ ^3n& !BITLD3(SijLD Qs 17®SSU LJ lL l^Q^SQp^magisterial complaint a deed of reconciliation has been given.



tfn - eu ^ qrf Q (GO) Ln IT (ss) su eii rr (ei Q O s ir <sasT l_ O u fr eQ s^p,

iii>—<sii^ ^rrirQ fEiTLDnosxaiJ ennmiQi Qsnemi— QunsS.sivIII. T/iat deed (if reconciliation who took the police

^i^a^irQiuioSTSiST <s ir p ezrar ^ ^ m) Q eii O tu ir & (SiJ iss) ub

officer what from motives'^ ivho-is-a-womuin-to-whom

3^<s<sirf51ujfrmr i3lp^6ijrr^<s3 Q la p u isi. iQ &d ^^ eii

s^ssfTtfltumssr iSlrj-^ eun^si^ QiDpuisf. f§6\)^^&)

a-subsistance-is-allowed to the defendant in the above land

^ — (SO ^ em esm) O <s <sin u. <s .s O sii essr ui. lu^ Q u rr 00

tF,—60 epesT^ 8<ss)i—ds Qsueisarija-UJ^ Qurreoone third to fall must as if

^(osil^Lnfra9^(^jiJ<s(^ ^p^Oiua^^QLuputq^

unjustly to the chief aiithoriti/ a report liaviny written, hi the above

\x) — Q sv <sSl fQ eo ^ ^ sti— fTri—SO sj smr smi ,s (^ err err ^ i^ iiSl eo

iD—Q(3iJ&9 (Seo^^eO ih>—eo e^eur^di^etren' ^i^uSp10 velis of land one third which is below

<s issar L— Si <oO ^ <ss) ^ i3p^syT^siJ3^uu(B^^LDUin_

specijied (259) land the defendant to put in possesion of

&^ ^ ^ J- sn <su fB ^jru S(^p.sfrii3^<oJ srr gv <3= u u® s^ ^ (m-^a-^^jsi/ QjiB^(r^sQp^rruj ^jisijetr <oiJ3=uu®^^esr^an order is come as if she the having put in possession of

i^frtLi3;u0u<o3rjijLD Q u^ p u isj^ Qif ^ (SS) isi ir 2_i_(Sjr7

is an injustice that that (and) the above document of reconciliation

u i^ s ss) s •s Ssrr <s sssr ® ap ^<sO'SVfr^^(^if)si)svrr<S(m Ptp so in

UL^S6S).ss'2Efrs sssar® Qp^ed&jrr^ ^(^ifleo 6urrd(^Qp6[)il>

and agreement looking at the first plaintiff in the head cutcherri/ evidence

(S^ (B ^ ^ ^ p (^03^L[i(oS)L[)iutru9(sQs^rrp dossr O 3^ in^Qs!T(Bs:-^^p(^ff- Qs^LD<mLDUjnuj eSls^nff'^sssr Qs^iL^

to his having given rightly examination makivg

(^friuiMfresr&^<S^j-sijOc9^iutufriMeQ(m<S(^(7rj>iTSStr s^—sv^iSuufTuuLDnssr P-^^nsi^ Qs^ lu in rTLD<S)90<iS(vr^ itset. ^-<sli^

a just answer not making they a? e. IV.

Q LT) p U IS^ iQ p ^ eU IT ^ U (TF (3>p, ^}i Lb (S3) /E7 <S (CTH O)

Qmpuis^ iSji^eun^ li(t^i—^u3 iBn!as(^ix>

The above defendujit's husband and ourselves

- _ _


^ (sSlu(^^^frstrrrintxii5fr6Tr^6i]'S3>iru9ioOQL[>puis^

being those who not divided their property and to this day to the above

fS SO sm LD <s (Gfh <35 Q np ^eoeiJT^Ou(Trf>eoi£l(Trf>3r

affairs in the first Plantiff's name tltemirds

iSrfKuu^is^eSlj'Oujp^ise^Oisv Q en (S3) ixi 3^ <s rr /Si ilj ld

^(muu^i^eSir sj/bsssrQsu ^su(^Lhs^<isnff)iijUD

besides being before being-a-woman-ivho-has-a-subsistence-allowed-her

^ en isTK ^QUD Qubpui^(Q<sd^^:S(a^u,{utrQ^ir(r^

to her and the above land anysoever

g^LnufB^L^eOffdrr ld^ LnOu:^Oe<dQ£>^iuui^ e^ u. lh u uf^<ses)S

connection there not being


us written above an agreement having

arisen (256) in that ivay. In the magisterial department a deed

lem LD IT (all is^ l9 p m ^ (7^ <s s a9 &i QiuiEJSGweii^s^^^eQQ^fB^iBnLonei^iii iSlpi^(y^<i<ss)SiiS&) ensism &js^si^60 ^0/^^

of reconciliation having arisen in our care which was

f§l(Si>^es)^i9p^sijfr^eiJ3^uuQ^^ &^ ^ ^ a- sij O <!p lu lu

Seo^em^u i3iT^siin^ eus'LJU®^^ ^3:^n(oi\ QffuJLU

land the defendant to give possession ofpermission to make

/Si isSI esfl iLj^^ <sfrp em^ fr <erR .s (^^ ^<sirp lQ eo eo tr^^ (g)^ in

to the Revenue authorities authority by being none;

^ u u L^ eiJ3=uu®^^esr^ e^ (Lp fEi (^ ^ u u rr iq im

J)jLJUlSf- (all £F LJUQ^^ loUr^ e^QpiEJ(^^ ^ijU fTiLjiD ( I'Sl)

thus the having caused to take possession a breach of order and

.jy^ <? loO (30 IT^^ (es)S^ lu t^p^ ev rr^ L-j^ <oi^M^ ub (S3) fEi a> (em im

Sl^ Q'f(sO&)n^^(^g^th, iSji^iaiirT^ LKV^L—^ih iBTiEJS(m,i}>

it being ivhat cannot take effect


the defendant's husband and ourselves

^(sSlu(m^^irOerresru^p(^ QL0ipui^(irj>^(e3)iMrr^(sSu^^iT<seir ej(SsrLi^p(^ QmihuL^ ^)rrn^t5mjDrT

people whose property is not divided to the fact (f the above deed of reconciliation

&-L^Li>UL<^'SS!n:S np ^ei>fre!n^Q6sr,SLCi(7Fgi-s<s erfljrjj s (^ p&^i—(oirui<^ses)s Qp^(oOiTQ!r ^jQ(^!rsLD (i^si-is(S(r ^Q^dQpand agreement and many other pro(fs by their


U l^. lU fT ^11 LCi i3\ no ^S'l SV IT ^iSU 3^ U U L^ l^ QR <3i (^ IT Q LH p U ISj-

heiiKj; the drj'cndaiit which-has-taken-pussexsion of the ubuce—

[W)—sd 67) (SSiT e^ 3'> (^ err srr S SO ^s ^ is\) s^ i LnuiQ.s&n'SUisi.

oiie thiid-beiiiy land accvrdiny to the agreement

^ su (63) LD3=s;^,ssir<s ^ Gil srr ^ ^gy u eSl ^ ^for iubxistance she which enjayhig

eu p CS 6XJ SlOt iq^ iu — S^ — QsxjeQ.'QsOLcQurrsiiMpp'BlsO im

euirQeutosarL^uj ^ QsusSI i§oVui Quns ('25SJ wpp ib'ieOm

must continue J of a veli land besides the rest <if the land

O lu lEJ <s (STR s (^ ai O •s isiD I <s <s O (oil (ossr u^ lu (sst ^ (s^ fSl s^ ^to us to foil that it must concerning

l9 p ^ su IT ^Q Qu^rSleQi^i^QT^^ Q3'\utU'Sd(TQi^u^.i3rr^si:n^ Quifl&) (230j ^i^u iSirn^ Qs'djujsd (268^ ^Q(SS)Ld.

thcdefondant upon this complaint we have made.


To the presence of the additional Sudr Ameen, in the CombaconumDistrict Court of Divani Adalut.

Complainants. i Defendant.

The sons of the late Adeikalam|

Tanukodi, widow of the late Subra-

TureykondAn of Sadeiyangal, in the raanyan Tureykondan, of the aforesaid

Pavanasam Tdluk.j


1. Vaittilingam Tureykondan,\

Condition in life: householder.

2. Murimuttu Tureykondan, alias


Condition in life: Mirasdars.

In the matter of lands Nanjei and Punjei, which are claimed. Value,

135 Rupees, 9 Annas.

I. We the phiiiititls and the defendant's husband bein^ brothers


and one third of the village of Sadeijangal, which consists of thirty velis

held as absoUite 2iro[)crty, being ours by hereditary right; and weenjoying it, the miras being entered, without any dispute, in the nameof the tirst plaintitF; and, because the governmental share of the village

of this our miras ground was made over to the Tanjore Mission, wecontinuing to pay to the Clergyman of Tanjore the above governmental

184 "

[app. hi.] analysis of a civil court complaint.

share; and, we as brethren whose inheritance is enjoyed in common,in that division, continuing to enjoy it:—our most worthy brother, the

above defendant's husband, died without male issue, in the month of

Q^^mrr, in the year Prabhava. We performed his funeral rites ; andcontinue to celebrate the periodical ceremonies (in commemoration of him).

II. Things being so, 1-iamalingara Tenkondan, of the village of Sem-bankudi, in the Valangaman Taluk, with the consent of the defendant,

collected a crowd and took away by violence defendant's daughter

Wide-eyes, with the intention of marrying her, she having on the

jewels with which we had invested her. They also took away other

things belonging to us.

Concerning this, in the month of June 1847, in reference to the

complaint which the 1st plaintiffmade against them, and to the complaint

also, which, without any cause, the present defendant made against the

1st plaintiff in the magistrate's department, in the Pavanasam Taluk,

the above police officers, leaning to the defendant's side, used violence

to induce the plaintiff to compromise the complaint. Arbitrators weretherefore appointed and in the month of Miirgari, in the Pilavanga year,

deeds were signed by the defendant and the 1st plaintiff respectively,

in which it was specified that we should deliver up to the defendant

for her subsistence | of a veli of land, which she should not have powerto mortgage or otherwise alienate, but enjoy the proceeds thereof herself.

Thus in the magistrate's court an act of compromise was signed anddelivered.

III. The police officer who received this deed from us, actuated by weknow not what motives, wrote a report to head quarters to the effect that

3 of the land should be given to the present defendant to whom sub-

sistence was assigned, in consequence of which J of the land, as specified

below, was put into the possession of the defendant. The representations

of the plaintiff supported by the above deed of compromise, that such

an order had come, and that it was unjust so to put her in possession,

were not examined and a just reply given.

IV. The pi-esent defendant's husband and ourselves being brothers

who had not divided their property ; and the miras of the above property

being still in the name of the 1st plaintiff; and the defendant being

one to whom already subsistence was allowed ; and she having noconnection with the land whatever ; and, since, a deed of compromiseto this effect having been given in the magistrate's office, the revenueauthorities had no right to put the defendant in possession of land whichwas in our charge ; and their having so put her in charge being a breach

of order, and void in law ; the defendant's husband and ourselves being

also persons who had not divided our inheritance, as is evident from the

above cited deed of compromise and many other proofs : we have madethis complaint in order to i-ecover the above land, except the ^ of a veli

allowed for the defendant's subsistence according to the terms of the deedof compi'omise aforesaid.

[The specifi.cation of the parcels of land follows.]

24 185


Notes on the above.

1. Observe that there is an ellipsis of the signs of the cases and of

intermediate particles wherever this is possible. (2.) ^euirseir (written and

pronounced ^ar/rsrr commonly) is honorific, and is in constant use. (3.) <3=Qp

s^^d(^ = io the good face — a polite form, invariably used in similar cases.

(4.) ^(5<5@^( '"^0 or which will be, for ^q^sQ/d or ^Q^i^: this qualifies the

name esj sj^^eSisj


ld. (5.) The names of the individuals and their castes are

given. The final th of the name is omitted. (6.) Qs'djiuuuiLi— for Q6=iL^,

a common idiom. (7.) •a^Qsir^'iireir for s^Qsir^airaisfr, a common abbreviation.

(8.) The corruptions in general will be understood by comparing the original

with the corrected copy. (9.) Observe the use of 2_:_(SBr for ^® as a sign of

the 3d case. (10.) Qa=iLuj&)rrQ(^LD, a strange, but common form for Q<s=ij

Q^irm, Gi&=iuiki, the doing (274.) (2.) ^Q(^ld, we have become. (11.) There are

parts of the above which are not to be strictly parsed : it is the composition

of illiterate men.


Letter from a younger brother to the elder.

The auspicious all good dispositions possessitig, the infinite Laxshmi's

iSlsrs^earesrirfTissr ^m'sar^fresr utBunedsirnssr ^€mL^<osr(vu<smrr

presence possessing, who gives rice and supports, dependents

^^fflds QJS\}6i)<SlJITfT€!!r LDSIT (DLD(TK^JTfffT(5Sr lBp(^(^)<SOlEJW(T^^

who possesses power to support, who has the strength of mount Meru, ivho is adorned with

good qualities, who is a sea ofknowledge, the most honorable, of the elder

brother to the divine lotus feet • — I a slave, Bramhanuthan

with much devotion and affection, making prostrations with eight members,

<sfrir(^Qffiu^ ernp^dOstresnri— ,ff^iTsi^i—rnasQ^6!5srt—(aiJ^^' srd^eor

and with five, which has written the most humble address: That is

to say, and now the current Purattusi month the 5th day until

I a slave, and your slave's infant offspring

atid thefather-i7i-law Viraputtra Pilley with his wife and children

and Narayana Pilley of the west street, and the rest, who are desired

inuS^^jraeirem'tsu^ih Qt^Lom (6) sj'^i—^^^ ^rriEJS(&^il) ^essresSuunn

friends, all (are in) health. There yourselves the elder sister-

^(SiJiTS(Sf^m & (7) (^Lorrrfesr sem^us^fTLSIut^il) &—^(omns=m£liiiih

in-laxa and the long-lived son Kannusdmi and the long-lived Tureysdmi,_


and the long-lived lady and Sornani and the infant in arms, atid other

in that place who are friends all in bodily health that they are

the news to write and send I pray you to give

permission; and now yourselves Purrattasi month the 15th day

Quj(W^ ujGS)iui3uu s®^rr& <nuiB^ <SijnQs;^u urrrr^^

which (you) wrote and sent the letter coming reading and looking at

all the things I have ascertained I to yourselves

LjjTiJ-L^nQ t^ ^(S>-&> QiuQg^tiJ snuSfi^^6\> Q-aesw^iiin the month of Purrattasi 8ih day which wrote i7i the letter to the long-lived

Kannusumi who teas affianced Kurandeyd Pilley's daughter Kamadchi is

<suuj^—<ss 3=rT^sd(^rSluL^ ^&}'2e\} wpps (S^esBriEJsQefr&JsoiTil)

1 1 years old. There is no horoscope; all other qualities

QsetreSuSlf^^U) uniT<om<siiii^(es)^ih !5i^Q5)LDiunsQsu uSl^sQ/D^ lurrQ^rr^

as far as I hear or see are quite good. There is

no fault. Moreover, for long-lived Tureisdmi who was proposed demanded

.M.g2i(IP'S^^m9(sir'2etr lds&t LSI(^ii^ QeotLs^etssrQperrerr^

Arumugattd Pilley's daughter is endowed with very excellent qualities.

(Her) age (is) 9. To the eye of full age she appears; all

B<ssr<SDLDUunuSlnKsQp^ ^(OT)a) oiLLi—fTOj^ ei&ST^ Qs=n&)^Q(iT^iTserr

is good about her; but they say she is the 8th.

That indeed to my mind is doubtful. Therefore

your idea on the subject having known thereupon any thing

6BrrffliJJtl> iQsi^inuu®^^ QujfT3='^esrujni}S(f^aQQp(Ssr ^oDsuuneowhatsoever to arrange firmly I am intending; therefore

^lE^s s®^!r® sismi—Si^L—Q'Ssr ^iejs(&^(SS)1—uj ^eSluLSfT/rtuQpih

this letter when you have seen your idea

to me that it may be understood having written to me a slave

^^ 1-1^01 Qujiosrgu siLi—'^isir uStLi—Q^etr Qen (sssn^iju^


which is the proper way gracio^isly to command it is necessary.

Such is my petition





This is a real letter. The extravagant respect shown by the youngerto the elder is amusing. The spelling has not been altered. All the ab-

breviations have been explained before and the learner will easily master it.

The writer is inquiring about wives for his two nephews. He has

found two; but the one affianced already has no horoscope, which all

children should have. The other is the 8th child, and that is unlucky.

He waits for the commands of his brother,

1. Q^emi—eu^ is used for a very humble petition. It may be from the

Sans. Dandavat, prostrate. It is connected with ^<5ssn—LD.

2. ^uumjili for ^uQuirw^ua, and now.

3. (QfSRaf- (^Lpikesi^ssir and i^isfr^(^L-Lf. are, lit. cliiken-infants and child-

whelps. They are familiar expressions.

4. LDiTLDiT, Voc. of LDfTLDssT, a father-iu-luw , here used for the nom.

5. iBi(^i^Qpmm for ^(^^L-Qpeiretr; lu is often inserted where it is not


6. QiSSALDih, here is an ellipsis of ^uSlQf^eQQifn'seir.

7. 8 for @!i(s^&eS, a Sans, word signifying long-lived. It is used only by a

senior speaking kindly of a junior.

8. 2_^^iria/ [for S-^^ueif] Qs^tuiuQeiiemL^uj^. It is necessary (for you)

to give permission, = I pray you kindly to do it.

9. ^^iQ^esr, " I have noted the contents."

10. S'^ff, Here is an ellipsis of ^^ ~ besides this, moreover.

11. Qeu^^LD [for Csuisr3r®iil (^(mresuruuLD is the ending of a letter: This

is necessary, This is my petition.

Wrong spelling.

(gsur/ECW^ for QfLpiiiaafi, an infant.

es>LD^^m for LDjb^Li, the other,

LDuS^prrireir for LS^prrirseir, friends.

uSsL^i^freir for ^(Si^i—iTserr, people desired, or beloved.

QuuL-L—irQ for LiiTL-i—rT®, the month equivalent to Sept.— Oct.

S!£s^iuuu(B^^ for t9J^,s=UJuu(Bd^, render certain.

Qeoi—^emQpefreirgi for ^6CL-3=<S!!!!r(Ui<sir(sirffi = is of good qualities.

^^uiSamuil) for ^iSuiSlrrrriuui = intention.


[aPP. Y.] a letter and its ANSWEPv.


Tlie ansioer to the former letter : from the elder brother to the younger.

To the long-lived younger brother Bramitunuthan of God

hi/ the grace all good things and eight kinds- of wealth

possessions, honor, estate and carriage, learning and sense more and more

to increase may it be! and 7iow this current Purattasi month

S.(De7<si_ (SusarTuSl&) iBtrQpLD s^QpffrrjjQpii) iSlsk'Siorr (^ lL t^s(^ th wpg)]

"21th day until we and our icife and children and

other a?id other relatives in this place (ai-e) in health. In that place thou

a_<5sr s^QpfffTUQpih Q—(^LDnrT<ssr LDS!rQ^(5u^ih &—(^LDnn'^^and thy luife and the long-lived son Mahadevan and the long-lived daughter

Amarapathi and other our relatives and friends

of all their health vjten you must write;

and 710W thou, in the Purattasi monthwhich has written the letter has come

to hand. ' its substance we have noted. But the girl

engagedfor my eldest so7i u-hethcr she is short or tall,

Q&)LL,g:sssr(LpsfrefrQ^ssr£i/i}) QsOtls^GmLSIeOGoQ^esr^ih s^uQusw^ldhandsome or plain, black

QsuuGlksst^lo s^asr sQ^rr&LiSi^QeO t5LDS(^ episBr^ih

or red, by thy letter we nothing

Q^ rfl iu eS eOfeo—^eSu &-(osr^j(siDL—LU ^sssressf] QsO^si^ism'LDrrsexjih

learn. Again thy elder sister-in-law says, (she must be) handsome,

(^LLemi—Qiussr^uD QfBLLGni—Qiuesr^ LSleoeorrweo QLDfTSTfTssijLD

neither too short nor too tall, of a middle stature,

and fit for domestic life.

^&}6i)mD60 ^cGrruj(5S)ULU^<i(^s QslLi— QusmQurfleO iSliftiLii^rrioir

Besides for the younger son ivhicli is engaged the girl {I am) infavour, indeed.

But as to her being the eighth many worthy people

eSs^nrBsQsGsr ioi6\)G0iT(r^ili 65(5 Qjldtl^ QunQeo Q<SLiQpQu(sm^nekI impdred of. They all as one icord say another girl



must be looked out. To our house wife

Sji^^u QuemQuifleO iSlrflujih^rrssr @^ sfTrfluj^^(^Q0) ^(SiJ(^LD

upon that yirl is favor. On that account she also

as is thinking about to you to inform she tells me. Therefore,

^(SsresTQpua ^ib^u Qusmr eSLLt-fTsmiTLLju:) j>jdsili uds^^^ih iB(^(Trj>uj

still that girl's relatives, SfC, round about ivell

to examine. Thereupon the eighth indeed certainly

to thee if it be ascertained afterwards to thee in any foreign strange

house whatever agreeing asking to determine wherever it is necessary, so

determine. Moreover the pledging Betel before

doing a letter writing if you send" then thy elder

^emressflssiuj ^^ULSeSdQQpsar QiDsOsuQ^Qp <ssi^ mn^^^edsister-in-law I send, besides in the coming Tei month

to perform the auspicious ceremony the day and lucky time to appoint

I will ivrite and send, afterwards for that the needful things

all in Hiat place make diligence to procure.

Besides to be done all other needful things except your own

satisfaction in any matter my consent you need not wait for;

in that place which happen the affairs to me that Jiiay be known

from time to time without anyforgetfulness you must write

and send. It is necessary. Long-lived one to the elders

my respects to present to the younger "My long-lived

one'' to present.

It is necessary; Guruncithan is our help_



Bond assigning a house-ground as a pledge.

[ Equivalent to a long lease. ]

3ruu§ LDSsr^irsQiu&jrr'Siom- 3" s tr p^ ub ^CTffTffuDflVi <s <S ttf <s m

Prosperity giving of the uSSra Sulivuhana in the year 1743 of the Kaliyiiga

S^aicferrrS-a. a9^ Q tneo^^ Q s^ en sorr tS (ssrp (sQ cp fr (^^ LL IT Q [£^

4922. In the above, in the current Visha year in the month masi

iDSiT Q^^ ^ (^ SSi 3= t5'Sir^^eQ(TFS(^LD ^ IT (sQ L— iSl GfT^IQth day, in the city of Tanjei ivho is Druvida Pilley's

u (SiJ ^^ p <^ir ST rr Ln u l9 err ostr u ^ ^ p <5sr q2? ''^ '°'^ (^^

grand son to Eramba Pilley's son Pdmannu

l3I err Ssrr <s (^ QLnpui^ ^m. iB <S (TR 3^ (^ tji u rr ir >s tr 6s£l u emi^^


ii)srr3sYr<5(5 Qldjdul^ ^e<r[fleSl(f^s(^tJD ufTifssrremflu uemis^^rrPilley, in the above town who is Parkkuni Pandit

^eufTSefT (^LLinreJST !r rr 3^ !Ei 3i rr 1 u essr i^^p ^ lc i3l Q eueou u rr

^62JiTS&r (^LDfTffesr STfTs^iEisnir uemu^^ir ^miSl Qeueouuntheir son Rusangkar Pandit (\) his younger brother Velappu

uemri^^p QsrreSliu^suufrs; (^mrra S^^mrir l£> u essr is^^puemis^^n QsneSre^uutT (^LDirjifr ^^nirnLD UGomu^^iT

Pandit (2) Govindappd's son Sitiirdm Pandit (3)

f^ fEJ <s err &- err (Gte ^ ^ /t qf lo lti dssr ^/_q 3^ rr 3" ear Qp /S!

we and our relatives a house-ground pledge bond ivriting

(m®^^uis^ uSi rBSi^QerrfEi s^^me^ni—UJ ^eii3=p iQ lB as^i lu tn rr 3i

as we have given


this day our need being the reason,

^ LCi np t— es)<siiSleo^i.^(SRe)j3^3^iji Sosr <s Q (sSl u p Lr> Q ld e))

ptliQpemi—uu QSiSuSlb'd s\i—(S<ssi<sii^^ LD'2esrd(^ eSurnh: Qldgo

in their hand as a pledge committed ofthe house, the specification : In west

IT rr 3^ toff^ uSi eo Qis^p ^ (^ ^(iy^3^^^ ei> Q^ emQpQei)<s^3'fr3s

King street in ivest lane, in the south side Kanjd_


Kara PerumaVs house tlieij a pledge taking which have

LCids3T S (3^^ Q^p <S (SR Q UJ EJ <S (STK <S fT loST LC) SoST <Z (^ LD ^ ffi 35 <S fTIT

to the house south, ours ivhich is to the house of the messenger

^lUiuir^fTiD^'djiufBisp (^LniTfrut— I— lUfEi'Srrrr^ su /r« (^w (55 (g^LUITS^fTLSI ^LULUIEJSniT (^LDfTJTIT U lL <SS)L— lU lEJS IT IT ^ (SU IT <S (6r^ S(gEijasumi EyangkCu's son Patteijangkur to them

(g)/E7<55Srr ^ L- (^ (^ Q^^ tl9 Q^S (^ p LD SoST 65 (^ LD GV I— <S (^isfTiKiaeir ^u.(^QsfT(Sl^^ ^Q^dSlp LD'2£sr<i(^Lb <sui—d(^,

we a pledge lohich have given to the house north,

(sasu^^iuili (^LDrrrrsmuf- LD'2issrd (^ ih ^(j^QsiJiEisd^ ^i—(^to the physician Kumurandis house to Tiruvengaiis pledged

LD Bssr •s (3^ LB Q LB p (^ QajrTL^is^S'SfrLr tb rr ir rr lu exrr

La'hssrsi^LD Qldp(^ Q^mLL^ssfTU lEfririTujesnT

house west, to the troughman Narayana

l9l GIT dolT -5(5 (SS) IB] 'S SfT I— (^ (^ ® ^^ u9 (T^ S (^ p LB dsST 65 (^ /57

(i)sff3sYr«@ fBTTiEJs&T ^[—(^QsttQ^^ ^({^^(SP ld'Scstd (^ ej

Pilley we which have pledged to the house

Q LB 3i (3\ ^ 3i li9 !B (S3) [El Ql 'S €^ OoO S (^ GfT (oU L— L— ID fT <o:yT

@LDd(^ ^s ^liiBfKosr Qseofisodr^&r €>JLLL-.LDrm6r

east; thus (136), thesefour boundaries loithin encircled

Q UJ IB] 3; (GYK ^ IT io3T SS IT sB LB SsST Q ^ p S (^ 611 L— SS (m

(oTiEisefT^iTssr sfToSm^esr; Q^jb(^ €UL^d(^

our which is the empty house; {measuring) from south to north

Q 3= LB— (&!'^) 3 Lp <S (^ Q LB p <S (^ OLBSdQcUQ^SrrUL^

9i yard; font east to west including the ivest wall

Q 3" LB Sin LB IT j£l 3i <S SXTT U. Q 3^ LB Jl|lD®'^ S 3p <S (^ Q [p S (m

ss'ld(st,) LonrSldsimTL- (") .ss^ld (=s>/@P) ®^P(^ QLpd(^,

9 yards, square yards 85h {and also) east of this an unoccupied

(3k<5SrQ<Sp(3^eUl—.'S(mQ3^ LB—S'p— Stp>S(^GlLBp<S(^

groundfrom south to north 4i yards, from east to tvest

Q 3^ til (2.6UJ LB ir j£l k s <s3sr I Q 3^ Ln IJD^D ^'^a9'osrLBQ-'S(^

2^ yards square yards IO5 thus, both together, the total

I92"" ~~


3k. (S ^ ei> Q <F LD—ffinlD® 6)^D <S (^ Q 3^ m 3i—(^ LO ^ U Lj U l^

3!i-®fi&) S'fUD (Si,@^^:i<i(^) SS=l}) (s) S(^ LD^LJL^ UCSSTlJ)

yards 95f sq. yards each estimated at

ffnSU'^l ^ <S Q U IT SSr flViUDa. (4 a.^ llSl^ &J ih ^ ^ lU [EJ

S^fanams thus Pan 32, fanams 2j. This and more

which was given fayiams

u9 fS ^ in SoSr S2D lU

This house-yromid


into their

Pon 32 fanams 3|

(SS)suSleo ^i—(^hand a pledge

SS) 6iJ <g^ 3r en IT fEl est ^ ^ (T^ 3? r5<SBir^^'S(^<3^

having placed that which (we have^ received: in the ioivn of Tirusu,

s^iBiutrssrQeOfreij saafl Q ir ezOT Q u isssr Q ev err erfl Q u ir ssr

ffifliurrssr Qs^eorreuessfl ^jjemQuearnQsuGireffl Qunssrrightly current, in double fanams of silver, Pon

(TritDa. U S33r LD ^^ i&StfJ uSllB^QpUU^^ Q IT Sm Q Q U IT <o^

(/&2_) usmih (iih^^glj-) ^li^ Qpuusi^rj(sm® Qunm32, fanams 3f


these thirty two Pon

Gssr ss) tr Q lu ^ sm tr ^ <s ir so u (sssr ftp La (tsin rs <s sS rm su cm lb(tp (ossr ss) tr k)i iLi ^ sm rr s <x ir (SO u (SSsr (m

and three a7id a half and one eighth (f a fanam we

(T^ SV Q^


Q (7rj> <s <s Ln u ^^ <s Q <s fT em i— u isf. ii9 ^ '\d (SO u esyr^^ s (^

ready money because have received, there is no interest

6ii L^ t^ u3 s^ SsO LD dstST <s(m(SiJfrL^S!y><stiSl&i dso. uSi m^ LL Sssr .si^si

due on the money, nor rentfor the house. This house s


date (^is) for years 50


this date fifty years

^ ^ (m err Q GfT u em /e7 (^ ®^^ tc Sm^d(^m(D<sir UioSBTisj Q<sit

_ _withi?i, 9>-ving the money the site to leave

^ rr LD in Sssr eP

Q <F rr ear (63) s\)


if (we) say.


Bosr m i^ ^ Q ^ (S3) Si] uSI eo Sso Q<s(bleiJ<S(3jerrQeir

the site to leave need Within this date



Lo dm (sQi— QuQurrQQr^LD u <ss3r iej (m Q G lb eir (m eo

iD'2evreS!LL(SLj QunQ^Qfj-LD uesariEj 0<5/7®ii) (5Tiosr(vr^&)

"the site leaving we go, the money give" if Q/ou) say

u (ossr fEi (^Q<ss^Q^sv)ioi]uSli5i)dso Q <s Q ^ (osr u ^the money to give need is none. For the term offifty

<oU Q^ (Sip, Qp Ifi LD dm 60) lU ^ IT Q L£t ^ GSST Q ^ CTJ/ U sQ ^^ iS

years this site they possessing to enjoy

Q <s fT srr sfT eu ld uSl m^ s Q <s Q <siJ<S(^'SirQ6irii9i?^ixi dm u9 eO

let them. Within this date on this site

^ IT in LD 3= 3r S <S t— l<f- (S2F)^ LB LB IT iq. S l^ ISj- @ ^ Lt>

they a tiled ( roof) though they build, or an upper house thd' they build, or a terraced house

QsL—tS^LB<f3rSSL^l^ (S3)^ LB Si loUST p Q <SV L- L<^ 'SiSl—U^(S3)0](^

though they build, a well though they dig and build up,

3=^ tr (SO S ^^ S(^Q-3=fE]<S(S0Q>3^LBLL(7rj>lE}<S 60^ Q U IT I— W S

for a channel brick {and) red stones putting though

S L— l^ (SS) ^1 LB u9^SGfr<3SL—.Q(^p^<S(^^frLBQuJ6!fr^(they) build these to the building of they whatever

Q €0 (olJ U <o3ST SSSpl <S S I— t^ (C3)^ LB ^ LB Qp I— S (oSSr •S (m U lij- S (^Q<SO(al^ LJioSBr(osSs iSiLl^f^^th ^U3Qp(SS)t—UU S (oSSTS (^UU l^S(^expense making they build their account according to

G^^^ <35 Q s rr em Q Qs®'Siifr(o!n'(S)JL—.(D(S!sr n-p> fj <oO u li ezrar lb

(op^^s Qsrr(5sur(£l Qs® .sj^(otsr(aHt—Qissr Qp^pU(oSt!nJa

agreeing the date when it is expired, the original money

Q U IT ISS7 fTVilDa. U sm LB fJVi 6)^p ^^ L—Q esr d? ir lb lb 3^ <3h

Qurrdr (/^S-) ussarii) /b>6)^j:' ^^^i^Q(Ssr ^irih tus^sf-

Pon o2 fanams 3f with this, they the tiled

LBfTLSf-Sl— lS^(o!rrLJ (Sm Qp IE} S 1^ IS^ (oST LB dm <S (^(3iJ(TE(o^fr<3^(oOLB

W!TU^SLLlS^€SnJ(^iSTQp!SJ alL l^(o!SrLo'2l5SrS(^ (aU(V^<3i^rr(alJ(7^(B^lh(.^)

or terraced house ivhich built the money alsofor the house built year by year__


u Qp^ u rr^^ u sm np ^ Q a^^S3 -Sj szrar dsm c35 (g <5= Q <3= sti^O)

for repairs expended money alsojoining then lohich shall he current

LKssBTunTini QsnQ^^^d sLLQdQsfTULji—Qesr w'^ssr

money gilding with the built-roof the site

iSt^QsQ<sir(srrQioU @) ,s<siJLCiQ<s(B(oiifr€m'<Siju-(ois!!r

LB'tLQdQsir&r Qsurrwfrs eijib QaQsuiresreiji—Qioisr

we will redeem. Whe7i the date is expired

LD Bssr s (msfTisfru sssr fa (^ Q^^ in Bssr LS6frfriMio^uQuT(e^G\)

to the site belonging money giving the site not being redeeming if (it) go

L£i dm s (^ uSl^ Q su Q ss) p iu<3^fr^iosrubrr£s<si.^is^s Q^ir ssmQ

Lo'2iosrd(^ ^i^Qsu Quia ^rr<fissnDrTs<i sL-i^sQsnsm®for the site this itself sale deed as holding

i-j^^pu(aij^^/D ufrpLBU<ss)trtu!raS im Sssr 03) lu

Lj^^ir Queir^^ir urTiri})U<safTUjrTUJ in'Bssrisisuj^

sons and grandsons from generation to generation the site

^ IT Q Ub ^ mST © ^ OT2/ U<S^^sQsiT(31T(oir S<Sl-^Qiol]irQYj><SSiJLb

they only possessing and enjoying let them he,

uSiB^ LD'2i5srd(g (aiJi^K0aL-iij(i^ s^rreOs^^u Quitsto this site Jor a way to go and an exit for the channel

(^d^uD <ouL^ (aSLL®<iQ<^n®iSQQrj'ih- ^ii^LD2ssrd(^

a way leaving we give. Concerning this site

iufrQiSfrnK.s&fr^L£l<si)SoO'Sefr^<oTriosrQ^friosr/6J @ so

turrQ^iTQ^ seir^u> ^eo'Sso. <s(sirsv)i6{rear Q^ntssrrSlt^&i

any dispute whatever there is not. Ifany dispute should arise

^ tEi <s (o(r ^ ^smi Q u Q^ Q €0 -MP Qfi^^ '^ '°'^ (2? <^ I5

[sniEJSsk ^am^QuiBQeo uj/t.t Qp(osr(osfl<^0>Q^iii

we three persons of some one standingforward

^ir^^'S(^Q<S(3)Q(y]j>lM liSl IB ^ U U i^ ^ Lb LL ^ 3^ 3i-

Qsrr®<iQQ(rfj>uD. ^iB^uuisf. ^imld^^^will settle it. Tims agreeing


ISS) IB] S GIT np S3S)I Q U (f^ Ld QlSipUl^iUirQ^S(^ ^i_(3j

wc thiee persons to the above a pledye-


QPjB (SJnn^s QsirQ^Q^nih,bond have written and given.

(Signed) nirffiasnlr usmuf-^ir s'ldld^ (^0.)

Rasangar Pandit, consent.

QeueouufT usobti^^it S'ldld^-

Velappd Pandit, consent.

Sitdruni Pandit, consent.


fBfrirrrujessr irrT<sij j)/rSl(pSij<m. (10)

Nardyana Row, I know.

Qsnuireos^mil jjjfSIQsui^.

Gopdlasdmi, I know.

Qs>jfasi—rrs^&} iSleir'Sisir ^rQQsum.Vencaddsala PHley, I know.

uesBTihuiTiTesxsy aiT<x-ss(SS)i— QsrisiQcu Qs^lLl^.

The money sight (by me urns seen) of the money bazaar Rengiyachetti.

Qsn^emi—ffaLDLSeir'^etr j)jrQQsu&sr.

Gothanda Rdma Pilley, J know.

This document was written by me, Sundaran school master,^—at full length.


(1) aui^^rflLDeir is Sanscrit, s^uih, prosperity, m^(BLDm=^prosperous. It is

usual to prefix some words indicating good fortune to all documents. (2)

Q.3=mei)iTiBi^p, for Q3=&)£}}Qp. (3) ^-(sir(mipQr^fW)Lii fs-srr, ^-^Qj^ir, S-ld =

within relatives—and,) our whole family circle. (4.) Osfr(B^^UL(L = what we

have delivered as our act is as follows. (5.) sr/ija<sfr^ira!r = our (ercasefr^ 6th

case, .^esr p. rel. part, of ^ 130.) (6.) S-mui— (&.<sir within, ui—fall) —

inclusive. (7.) Loir^ssiskn— s-s^ld = square yards, lit. yards arising from inter-

change, i. Q.from multiplying the two preceding together. (8.) 2_ii> added to ^n

infinitive gives the meaning of "let.'" It is often used with .^ff- Thus, up^sQs!rmQ<sii iTLDirseiiLD, let us receive ! (9.) su^si^/ra/^si^ii) is an incorrect form,

a reduplication of <si qf^sl^ld , as though it were a](T^<SL^ + ^euQ^ei^LD = eiJQfjeL^ir

eunh^i}), by rules of Sanscrit combination = year 6?/ j/ear. (10.) <fldld^ and

^^Gsuissr are added to the names of parties signing as principals or witnesses


__ -



This is inserted rather as a curiosity than for any practical purpose. The English

A. D. is now used very generally.

I. Divisions of Time.
































tSljjutaj 1807-

dlwsj 1808-

s-iQeo 1809-

iSlffLDir^^^ 1810-

iSffQ^iT/bu^^ 1811-

^/E/SiT-r 1812-

&(ips 1813-

ueii 1814-

LLjSU 1815-

^rr^ 1816-

_@<5^*/r 1817-

Qeu(^^freSiLi 1818-

iSsLDIT^ 1819-

eSdSffw 1820-

sfl* 1821-

Ss^jjufT^ 1822-

s^utrmi 1823-

^iTffem 1824-

uiriT^^u 1825-

sfl(L/ 1826

ffQRsii®^^ 1827-

•FQ^eu^rrrfl 1828-








The cycle.



II. The Months.

The year begins with

1. S^^emir April—May.

2. eiasuarrS May—June.

3. .^ssfi June—July.

4. ^if July—Aug.

5. ^eussB Aug.—Sept.

6. LiffL-t—ir& Sept.—Oct.

7. SUU& Oct.—Nov.

8. sirfr^^icSis .... Nov.—Dec.

9. Lorrn-sL^ Dec.—Jan.

10. (S»^ Jan.—Feb.

11. LDirSi Feb.—March.

12. i_'/E/@(Sofl .... March—April.

III. The Week.

su/TiTU) in Sans. = a day of the Week, in Tamil used for a Week also.

1. ^m£lg)s .... ..... (QiruSnjgiid QipeaLD.

The sun

2. ^Eiseir .... ^liisL- QipioiaLD.

The moon3. Q<3=£u(suiriu


4. Lf^ek ,


5. eStLlfTipU)


6. Qeu&reiH


7. s=em


Q^eiieiiiriud Qipeou

... Lj^nk QipeaLD.

eSoJiTLpd QipetoLD.

QsiKSfreBi Qip<^LD,

.... <3=isSd 8ipisaLD.

)(oe>LD, a day of the week.

^3, eu/nrLci^ er.

For these the Sanscrit forms are sometimes used


1. ^^^^ (SuiriTii).

2. Q3=inD suimw.

3. LDIEISffO eUfTflU},

4. (-//E^ (sairrruD.

5. @(5 eairsLD.

6. sfdSjj eurriTiM.

7. uirk^ eaiTffLD.

IV. Minor Divisions.

US6\3, day. ^uir, night. tBir&r = 24 hours.

60 miTL^eias or rtrriB — one mrreir. A !bitl^<5&& or tamil hour is thus 24




60 Sisrri^ make one lErrL^esis.

A <3^irLDU3 or watch = 3 hours.

From 6 to 9 p. m. = Qpfl&)!r<i^ •s^rrtnili.

From 9 to midnight. = ^ffsmi—rriQ s^inoua.

From 12 to 3 a. m. = QpmQi^iQ s^itldui.

From 3 to 6 A. M. = /^/rso/rgj <firLciLD.

Midnight is id(3J='rrrLDth: the middle of the s^irinili. Noon is

or &-QTfLDlll.



The Tamil system of fractions is very defective. It can only express

fractions whose denominator consists of no other factors than 2 or 5.

The following table contains the Elements of Tamil fractions.

_ 1 .

320 'I. Qpi^m or eu^

Two of which make ^enifrasin

Which is the half of airessH or g =

Three airemti make QpisiresiB, or

O ~ "90 J

Two siremB make ^eiainiiir, or <s^

— _i •

Which is half of ldit, or u = -J^j

Two of which make ^a<sm®wn-,

»•• s = tV ;

Three uorr make Qpek^nLDrr or (js) =3 .

Two ^rrmr®Loir make wfrdr(Qtxrr,

or .3D = 1


N. B.—In all these the denomi-

nator contains only multiples of 5

and 2.

II. sireo or (sy =;| J

Two of which make ^ao/r, or 6)

— 1 •~~ 2 7

Three sfr&) make (ip&an&> or ^

Half of «/ra) = ^<sr)rrdsir&) or

rri — 1 •

Then siremB •{- ldit = Lorrsireim, or

aS'.ff.zi, or ijg = ^'^ ;

And I of this, or ^eiamnir ^eaird

air&siB or >3Hrd =: -'^j

N. B.—The denominator of these

contains only multiples of a..

III. In schools a fraction is used

called, SifiQpi^ffl =^-Ijj X sio^

_i _1 02", 4^0 »

An ^u^lB is a quantity 101

of which make one Qipapi^iB =


8^ A question is thus asked andanswered.

Divide 41 among 5 persons.


s enL® rnrpugj : /^jjycwa; .s;

5 ^fwies 8 ore 40 : remainder 1 /

5 ii?nes 5 = / wo remainder.

Ans 81.





Table of Relationship.

I. Parental.

(I.) ^suuek, father: iS^iT, Q^iTUudi , ^(SJ/rdr,

(II.) Qufflin ^suum, Qurftiu ^liium, Qufftiu ^(^iresr; &i^aj ^suudi,

Qnjpuum, Smesr ^(jj/tct-, fathers elder andjunior brothers.

(III.) .jti^em^, father s sister. {^Lorri^S.) ^LOLDrrek, Jier Jiusbaiid.

LD^-Ftreir, / their children.

II. Maternal.

(I.) ^nijj, mother: ^"3, ^LDLotr, ^iLi^Sl, ^iIlditiL^I^.

(II.) Qu/ffiu ^iTiu, mother s elder sisters: QurB<u^uSl. ^jSaj^mij, mother s

younger sister, &<^a!r^uSl.

(III.) LofTLDesr, mother's brother; ^irijLDmDdr,

.^•sem^, lditlS, his tvife.

emLD^gjetsrek, esiw^gjioS, (^<si!>ld&=@,) their children.

III. By Marriage.

LDfTLDsk, father-in-law. <3=LDui^aSir ,parents of the husband or wife, LDaiSl,


Qsn-agi^, wife's elder sister, .^^fiirasr, husband's elder brother, and elder

sister's husband. Qsir(LpfB<seir, husband's brotjier.

rBtTjS^, husband's sister: (/bit^^(^it, ^^^irJ'S.) e^uuL^iuirsir, husband's

brother's wife.

LDQKLDSiQsr, tt son-iu-laiv . s^aeodr, ( g=seouu!TL^) one who has married one's

wife's sister. One wife calls another wife of the same husband ^d.s0fr^^.


^rr^^fT, ^tr^^esT, father's father : (^lju3=9i.) uail-C—eir, mother s father


used also for father's father. uitu-L^, father's mother. ^ldldituS, mother's

mother. ^uuiruSl, father's mother. QpuumLi—esr , great grand-father.

Quffcsr, Qu^pl, grand children.

s^smLDiussr, ^ sest essrek , an elder brother : ^ssnen , (^aee>s<9=@ ) an elder

sister. ^(smesS, ld^isS, an elder brother's ivife.

sldS, younger brother, ^liieisa, ^siaesysJ^Sl, a younger sister.

LDirmnrfosr smu or LDg)i^iTiij, step-mother. ^)?e<nu (^uf-iuirea, second wife.

np^fi (mL^'UiTssr, first wife.

_ __



,S^//(>j),siii ojthe combinutiuns and cliangcs of Tamil letters.

[Compare and study well the table in page 2. Introd: Also comp. Pope's III Gram.

19-42, for a complete view of the subject.]

It may be useful to the student lo have before him a table of the

principal clianges in Tamil spelling, though these rules are not strictly

observed in all cases. It is desirable to write, as far as possible, as well

educated people speak, not u,sing unnecessary changes; but retaining those

which are euphonic and natural.

All thiit is essential is included under llic following six heads:

I. Coiiibinatiun iv!t//out cJiuinje.

The final consona.it of a word often combines simply with the initial

vowel of the following.

SedLD+^(^sQpgi = iBeOiSQF^aQp^ , there is ground.

[^^ It is in general better, however, to separate the words.

II. Insertion of letters.

[Tills is called '^^rrssrps^ - appearing, since a new letter a[)j]ears.]

Fundamental principles :

(I.) Tavo V(jwp:ls cannot coaie together.



CIT.) When a vowel at the end of a word meets a vowel in the begin-

ning of a following word ^ii or en is inserted to avoid the hiatus. [18.]

[The same letters are used in all the cognate languages. Telugu also

uses n.]

1. ^, ^ ^ s, take 'Jj (as most homogeneous.)

2. ST takes either iLi or en.

3. The other vowels take eu only.

^gsfl + SLssjjT® — ^eS'J-jssar®, there is yet.

^ + sriftu-jw =^Qiutfl'±iL}>, the fire will burn.

eaas + s — emaeuiuj, a hand. ( ohj.)

^Si + 67 = ^^Qsu, that indeed.

^n-^Q'Ssr + ^euasr = .jtifj-a^Qesriueiiaa , he is indeed a king,

(III.) When =gy, _g), &~ or ot, demonstrative or interrogative, are

prefixed to words, the following consonant is doubled.

^ + LDSmls;<cir = ^wLoem^eir, that inan.

@j + e?® = ®j(SueS(Bl, this house.

OT 4- sugjs^ = isrdieueas ? What way ?

(IV.) After a vowel, initial a, ^, ^, u are doubled, the sonant being

thus changed into a surd.

LDjb/D + smBntM = lappa s/rrBiULo, the other affair.

@li;S + s^^^Lci — @ii^-3^ ^^^LD, this sound.

To this there are regular classes of exceptions.

a. ^eii(ev) QsBir(B^/Sireir, did he give? (after an interrogative letter.)

b. ^(?m(mn QsfT®il), elder brother, give! (after a vocative case.)

c. Q<s^iLieia^ ^ldiS, thou didst, younger brother ! (after a finite verb.)

d. eai^err q^seo/t, a horse that ran. (after a relative participle.)

e. jil'B snec, the post of a picota : (after a verbal root used as an adj.)

/. ^^ QuiHs^, that is great: (after a pronoun.)

( m<siiQ(e<!)(B QufT, go with him: ) , ., . ^

g. \ ^ J , > (after a case of a noun.)^ STi^gi ^(m, my head:


^^^ There are many anomalies here, especially when one (or both) of the

words is Sanscrit. In general, whenever the latter in any way governs the

former, and there is no ellipsis, the s, <?^, ^j, u must be doubled, thus throw-

ing the force of the compound on the governing word.

(V.) After iLi, IT, Cp, a following <s, <?^, ^ or u will, for the most part,

be doubled.

Oiurnu + 03=isosui}> = Quiriud' 0<fctisi;ld, false prosperity.

liiT + (Ql9i^ — Sir,s(^L8iSl, a bubble on the water.— __


(VI.) (g, LD, li are often doubled after lii or s at the end of monosyl-lables.

GiLD'jj + (QiTasru) = QLr)iLi(^(QiTearth, true wisdom.

III. Transmutation of Letters.

[This is called ^S^So = turning. ~\

Fundamental principle:

Consonants which meet must be of the same class and organ.

[I.) Final ld is changed into ih before <s "^

OTii) + s-sir = STEissirr (37.), our

Final ld is changed into (sj before -f.

That is, LD is chang-

ed into the nasal of

uirsuLD + Qi .g^ iLi QS"S!r = u[T<3J(i^Q3=ujQ^m, J:-the class to which

/ have sinned.

Final LD is changed into i before ^.uemLD + ^i^rrek = ussarm^/i^ireir, he gave money . j

[Compare introduction, page 3.]

thefollowing conso-

nant belongs.

(II.) sBJr and eJr before «, s^, u and ^ are often changed into l-.

2_s»r -f- iSffQeuS^^ireir = S-LLiSffQeu&d^rrdr, he entered in.

iBirm 4- Q^trgiiiM = mtrCSi—iT^Lo, every day.

[Here the ^ of the following word is lost.]

(III.) sijr and a) before «, #^, u and ^ are aften changed into jb.

OLiiT(Ssr + •spiTL^ — QuiTjb<s=n'L^, a golden vessel.

Qunm' + ss® = Qufrpn:!^®, a golden plate.

[Here ^ is also changed.]

s<so + e^L-ua = spsr^L^LD, a stone building.

si—iii + ^emrr = s i—jb/S sb) it , a wave of the sea.

[Here the ^ is also changed into^.]

(IV.) eo and sir before ih are changed into car and mr respectively,

and i itself is changed into the same letters, or disappears altogether.

fE&) + ^<30 = /EisJrOTjffffi), a good composition.

.^(i^eir + fBiT^m = ^(^m^^ck. Lord of grace.

(V.) eo and err before ld are changed into sir and em respectively.

ssb + LD^ = essTLD^, a mountain of stone.

Qpek + Qpi^ = QpwQ-pis)-, a crown of thorns.



(VI.) /E after esV and car is sometimes changed into those letters


smir + liiT = s&ssresi^iT, tears.

sesr + iBffOLD = ^ (sirear ISOLD, his good.

[And sometimes, one of the double letters is omitted.]

IV. Omission of Letters.

[This is called Qs(BjS<m = destruction.'^

Fundamental principle:

Tamil sentences must glide on gently without interruption.


(I.) A final 2_ (in all words except dissyllables whose first vowel is

short) is called (^p/Biueo ^sitlo (^short-nature-^), and is lost before a

following vowel.

Lorr® + e-eaiir® = LorrQem® [18. 5 g. 56], a bullock is there.

But u» + 2_(S33r® = U3^!S^(5ssr® , there is a eow.

Yet ®I3J + sreJrajr = ^jO^^biiesr, what is this?

(II.) Final "> is often dropped before ii> or li.

s!r<ci)LD + LDiTffSLD = s fT ffo LD fTjpi ill , the time will change.

iBiTLDLh + ."B&xsogi — lEiTLDiBso&i^ ,[poET.] the name is good.

V. Sanscrit compounds.

The following are the most common Sanscrit changes.

(l.)^4^^ ( s^r; + .M-rtj — s=nna=s, movealle and immoveable.

^ + ^ \~^ "^

IQssu + ^eoiULh = Q^sufreOiUUi, a temple of God.

(II.) ^ + £_ or ser = sg

(e^rrasr + S-uQ^s^ld = ^!TQ(eff^uQ3i<3'LD, spiritual


C <?^/fa; + ^msurjosr = ^irQeueheurrek, Lord of all.cm )"!/+ ® or © = er < ^ . . . .K I •=^ isii isi> 1 ^^ _j_ @jSLS,i—LD — luQ^ei^i—LD. according to one s




VI. Miscellaneous changes.

(I.) There are certain anomalous changes which words undergo

when compounded.

u^ssr + SIT® = uesriEjarr®, a palmyra forest.

^SL£) + es)« = ^siaizms, the palm of the hand.

(II.) Letters are omitted.

^QKSifisiriofrLD, is written ^nKeijeinJ).

^(SixoOrr^enesr, is xvrittcn ^e^eo/rdr or ^eorrdr.

[This takes place chiefly in Poetry].



VI. (C)^ (233) S. A bullock.

a- is elided

c ^1 w,=1^ doubled. flS)<^'^si, cgCT-emo) &c. added, (151)

I. lTom> CasOk^era/sir,


VIII. C'i)

g-P. y^ rmr. UDIlub. .<^ irec.

Final a. is elided "^ changed into<*j*.

and /s doubled. (18) (18)

II. Accnsativei (236) >®^

+s; the object. (3. 21)

(7«) .^p<3S>p,

III. Abl. of Connexion. (23£L/ra).(I) BY MEANS OF: + ^a).

(II.) TOGETHER WITH: + giQ. {lQl_n®.(21

IV. Dative. (242) si(^.TO or FOR. + or a.*®,

^ar added =for. 'Sdsns.Comp. Hind. Ko. (21

v. Abl. ofRemotion. (245^^®^' .

FROM. + g)a, + (e) i^eil^fB^.

iQ-B-^ or (Ssjr^. (21) pg.6sflssr£ii-





VI. Gen. or Possessive.(248^OT2;aoi_(ij.

OF. + a.«iBi_iu, ^dr (/) Z^5Sr. (0(21) Poet. ^s,^gi,,^. (I) rrs>.

YLL Abl. of liocation, (2.5 1^^;^;^

AT, IN, WITH. + ^A> or g)i_;5Peo. r, n ' /^ '

(/i) {2ii^6£i-^^eo:^p{SestiL-^^<so


mp^^eai—UJ. \ldit,

^prS<m. LOS.


VIII. Vocative. (2iur+ CT or final syll. lengthened.

^Qp! osQl

(a) ssssrsaeir makes nom. pknoun. plu. ID/rQacir, ^gisar tO Wh7th, (f) ^asr. This is sometimescases euphony absolutely require

sometime inserted between the i

^pp, toir^fi) as in the classical Ian

(m) For the cases in whichtermination in eu. This is

times used for S)i_;s^a)

iz=p A)or sai^sirr (©a inserted), (c) loo-Q, ,^^ make

must not be confounded with the 1 st form of the

more common in poetry than in prose, but in many

th case in poetry, ees^sr&e^d^sehr. (i) In poetry ^^ct- is

real root is to be sought in the oblique cases, (idb-cxL,

i "iven are ^^g:^'^, hiS head, and ^oranascr, his hands,

sucjed^to 9Q : eessrasQ&Q. (o) ej may be added to any

chieflines inserted: sGaaae^t-p^eSia^si- (q) ^i-ps> is some-





r L U R A L.


[. Nom. Ci-r. rOEj)

II. iiccuThe theme i

md chaniied


3d. PKi{so>. ' 3d. rtusoN, nelt.

F. \ ^eut. (b) (@s»ffl;arar, 67£roQja(jt.)

OET.) \^<SlJ&X)fT.

III. A'bl,o£)^S-iEJseirfr6v.



IV, Uati a_/B<5(e5<5@,TO or Fof

rhe shortei

takes ^

y. Abl.from:

Final ct-


Oj &.tsjaeffl&).


{sjp^ inserted )_









^ eu ns efrl60


^eiasijseffleo &c.

^supj£l&> &c.

VI. Gen.OP" E.:

simple shortp*





VII. Abl.AT, IN,





wiSleo &c.

^(BseiBeo he.

^ SupfSI^ €S)L—UJ.

^QjprSI&}. \^lEJSefFl&).

l" in English. (11. b.) (f)) ^B,f is used politely or as an honorific. (c)^(rEsa:

(</) ^giaetr, the regular plural, is sometimes used, hut is rather antiquated.

r L U R A L.

PERSON.Eiair («


L Nom. ci-r. I'oEj)

II. iiccul a-/E7aSsTrThe theme i

md chanfred•OET.)

III. A'hl,oi\}^P_iEisetrrTsv.




IV. »at:TO or ro

rhe shortei

takes ^.

y. Abl.FROjr:

Final ct-


3d. PEUSO.N.

P. \ ^^t. {b)



^su nnso.



>". ^'



XsiP^ inserted )






^irEisJrr. (c)



^^&Si^. ^eusfleo &c.

^mxaiisefReO &c. ^liiSleO &c



^Sup/SldO &C. ^rsiserfleo &c.

VI. GenOF- a.

simple shortp°






VII. Abl.AT, IN,

^eniTseir. ^'QuprB^&Sii—uu.


i" in English. (11. b.) (h) ^eof is used politely or as an honorific. (_c)^irEaA

{(i) ^gia^, the regular plural, is sometimes used, hut is rather antiquated.-———














[Nearly all the words in this list are in ordinary use. Great care must be taken to ascertain

the exact idea of each word from a Native (if possible) before using it. The references are

to paragraphs of the lessons where either the word is found, or some kindred form is illus-

trated. This Index and Inde.x II are intended mutually to illustrate one another.

Words in brackets occur in books chiefly, or are not to be used without careful examination.]

^ 25, 115, 141.

S. ^siEi \ sfTinh (^liisirrrLh), pride,


^a>iki I ems (=iy/B iao«, S-etreir/Ei&us).

the palm of the hand.

su/rmir? Will 1/ou put it in the palm ofyour hand, and lick the back of the

hand ?

^a&sS, the interior, co. \_LjpenB.']

S. =«yI

sexfTL^^, immense.

^<x^^, a tree: Coronilla grandiflora.

S. ^s^^iULD, urgency, necessity, .jysi/

QiLiLD. A grammar, said to be by

the Muni Agastya.

S. ^<5/Effla^, pride, presumption : _^j];



L.'®-58. be obtained, caught.

161, 244, 262. I^sld, u®.]

^su\u(B^gu— 161. cause to be



esiu, a ladle, (^usmu.Vulg.) [^«^ + 6i»u.]

^BU(Zs>us siTiiiLi, its handle.

^!^s!Tisfh Qufr^^fh ^aussiu ^sfiirssirdf.

Though it go .50 miles a ladle {is worth

only) half a cash.

S. ^SLD, impudence [s. aham^I];the mind ; a house, [not common.]^SSJ Q)su(Wr(b] Q^iLi—euir ^Qi5S!S3 QsITi^,

Many myriads are destroyed by pride


S.^ffij/r^, a dictionary, [s. ^sn +

^s&nl), breadth. .^<S60<s «il.s»i_,

narrowness, [co. ssiLemi ]

g)»^* ^&o ^seja3il.(SDt This cloth

is too narrow.

^s I e^doO, the market price of pad-

dy : ^/recfltusfl&.

^s,^— 70. become wide ; separate

from. [<jy<55(S»LD.]

^<st^, .jystp, a moat : ld^Sso^ (^i^i

^jsp^ — 62. extend; put away.

[=gysJ2/.] 160.

^sdigii QufT, go away from. 258.


H. .-gya/r^L, a horse's front foot ropes;


S. ^ I

srr&)LD, an unpropitious time.

[^ privative.]

S. ^ \Q^LD, anything unfit, unplea-

sant, [a + hita.]

^QsiT, 193.

S. ^QsTffLD, intensity, vehemence.^Qairir ^u& eSufji Q^irjeir, a severe

ascetic is a great rogue.

^ssLD, a side {vfiihudail.)

^aes).s3=Sl. App. X.

Tel. ^daesip, necessity: C^etneu.

^ssfTor. an elder sister. 215, 216.

App. X.

S. ^laSaj/reofl, a heathen : .^^(^{ej/rsofl.

S. ^ I

dSffLDLD, iniquity. [^+ Quldld.']

S. ^dSrrrrijLD, a brahman village, or


S.^sScsn, fire.(O^CT-Stp,s@. App. ix.)


«^'oo^. that, for ^^.^ro°o^&s!r, a class of nouns, inclu-

ding all irrational beings, [com.

e_uj IT ^'Soosr . 236.]

H. ^EjsiBs'Sa, a jacket.

^isisuL^, ^liiaeuLp., a stirrup.

S. ^Eisti, body, member- sign, digit.


setsSflLD, arithmetic, s.

ANKA+GANITAM : <£«Ora@.]

S. ^isjS, a robe, [^'/saii.]

^sjQsifl—64, receive, embrace,

assent to. \_^?ijrEjQeiTijLD.']

^EJ(^, 107

S. ^ij(^^LD, a goad (for an elephant.)

H. ^.E/igiuW^/r^, a tliimble.

^im(misi>LD, an inch; the thumb.

^s;3'<s, there: ^!ei(^,^siisSi—lo.25.

S. [^ I3=s^LD, weakness.]

^^i—iT, low people: S'tpiTScEerr.

ml^iLimL^, neglect, contempt. [^ +


^<^^, fatigue, ennui, [for ^uirpl;^

suddenness: <s=(B^.

S. ^^ihLSQini.9!iij srifi^giaiti), the doing things

without looking ivell at the conse-

quences. (TitleofaChap. in Hito.)

[a + SAM + PRA + IKSHA + KRI

not-together-before-look-do. ]

S. ^j^/fif? a//roE@, a voice of an invisible

being. [^, -FiTiff, eiJird(Vj.']

•^^(3— ^^- ^^ fatigued, faint. [^

AR. ^^-a), the original document;

princijial sum.

.jij3^ev,{.jiiuj&),) next, neighbouring.

S. ^<^LDi^tJ}, idleness, sloth : Qff^rrLo


S. [^1I

a^iMueuLD, a very improbable


^s^gu, a scab, scurf.

S. .^^,:3rLD, iood : ^esrssru:), s_(S?3ra!/-

S. ^ j^rr^^-Uih, something irrepa-

rable, incurable.

E. .^'9(si«,i_ffs!nr®, EDg. Assistant.

H. ^^iT, or .:^&iT, ready, present.

S. .j^'I

^ffesnTLD, indigestion : ldie^ld.

S.^|«@, impurity. [^'. priv.]

S. ^/ I *^^ii, impurity: ^a-© [^/


j:>j»LjLj,, suddenness : <s=®^.

H. .^'« LDiTssr Srft, a canopy : QldpslLl^.

S. [^*i2Dii), ahorse.

^»eiijQld^im, the sacrifice of a


AR. ^(^ir, huzur, presence, head-

quarters : &-(^iT.

^sta^, a syllable, (produced by one

movement;) rumination.

^sdi'T—57. move, (neut.) 271.— 64.

move, (act.) 15. g. [cud.

^Ba3=\Qun-®—{^Qpgi), chew the


Q/, motion. [_^&s3=. 190.]

^,d^LD, fear: uujld. Reverence:

euef^dsBiM. (^q*.) 192.

S. .jijds-, an axle ; a type, stamp.

—SSL-®, land prepared for rice


^sSleneoiT^ Gsr ^L^irgj^ A CCir with-

out an axle cannot run.

^da-a s^i—Lc, a printing office.


LDL-.1—LD, an Acheen Poney.

S. ^oki^ffLD, a letter : (otqm^sj.

S. ^si^£_, eight: enL®.

S. ^si^i—iTi-EJSili, the eight members.

[=^'si^i 1- .JIjlEJSli)'] .

S. ^ew^LDirsrru), (^^eto^LDesru), prop.)


S. ^m^tS — 64. set, (as the sun.)

S. ^em^euiTrrLD, foundation, basis.

S. ^(cj<F6S, reverence : eui^esnh.

P. ^'^s=&), post, public conveyance :

fiurriso. [ment.

S. .jtf^'S^cnLD, blackness ; magic oint-

^i^Qdetos, reverential fear : uiu

^(OT*, five (a corruption of s,i^.

Comp. S. PANCHA.)

^r^,-*— 62. fear : uiuuu®.

S. =gyI

(ejjg/ran-ii), ignorance. [=gy priv.]

.j>ji—r^, a pawn, pledge : ^sdi—ldit


^/i_«<sii), (1.) enclosing; (2.) mo-

desty, self-restraint : eSesnuLb. (3.)

an enclosure.


^L_a@—62. put down, or under,

enclose. 160. f. [s. ad'has.J

^L-iii3,So, the whole contents; a


=gyi_E/(g-—62. submit, go in, or

under. 56, 78, 125, 160. f.

^L^Ejairu urr(hLjs(^ ^ijiTS=sm gpsiSsu^^L,

For a rebelliuus snake, a bambu stick

is king.

S. <jyi_ii), obstinacy : Sli^eun-^LD.

^i—Qf) — 60. grow thick, spread.

240. LDfjiiiseir ^L—rtii^ arr®,

a jungle thick with trees.

^IL^IT^^, .J>IL-IT,^S, ^L^ITLj, ^L-iTs^, thickness.

S. ^L_a9, a wood : <s/r®.

=syi-/r 194.

^i—tr^, unseemly, 121. [^®.]^U-ir^gl Qs'Xi^aiasr ui^rr^^uSleumir, he

who does evil deeds loill suffer.

3, 4, 24.

^L^^\Qff^, a suburb, [^if + Co^//?].

^ii^, 194.

^'UL, a foot ; the base ; a stroke.

184, 243, 251, 256, 261, 262,

^1-^.3= 1 *su®, foot steps. [267.

^L^ I iwSgii, the abdomen.

^i^L — 64. beat, strike ; drive in.

52, 92, 236, 266.

^iL^LSlL^,3=(smreff)i—, a scufRe.


aoLD, a slave ; slavery, 272.

(II.) 184.

^Lp. Qiudr, 184.

^Lf. u®—SpsJ, be beaten. 92.

cjy®— 64, draw near to ; belonging


.j)j®s(^, aheap, pile, 273.^®ffi a.<Slsairs: sroa;, pilt in layers, one

over another.

^®«(g— 62. pile up, place in regu-

^lar order.

^/®^^, belonging to, near to. [^®.]^®^^, usury.

^®ui-j, a hearth ; s^Sso. [^®,cook.]

^m>i—, incubation ; a kind of cake.

^eiaisn-— 64. sit on eggs.


Q&iTiSl, a sitting hen.

^«DZ_—57. attain to, obtain.— 64.

shut up, mortgage.

^eoii—ds&iia (^(Tjsfl, (often ^esji—s

sedtriE/ <S(W)aQ), a sparrow, ( = the

bird that takes refuge.)

^SBjL- £ss&}LD, a refuge : •s^rressnh.

^ecoL-UULD, a pouch : «3U. [^mii.



LDiomLp, incessant rain. \_^SiOi_.l

. ^<oini—LDiT^w, pledge, mortgage of

real property, [s. vid'hamanam.]^(Stai—


QLOfTL^, a qualifying word.



.jijoai—ajfrefLh, sign, token: (^^uLf.^s>»L-(Sij, manner, all. [^esu ]

^ET^ ^G!>i_a/irs, in that manner..^LLi_(ajIki3r, index, register: ^rreS^ir.

. ^lLl^, delay: ^itlds^ld.

^C-®, ^iLl^ld, 140.

^LLtotni—, a wood-louse. 261; a

leech ; the sole of a shoe.

^(zs^, an anna: sS^ld ^uitu..jijtssS, an ornament : ^eiiiijsfrjjLD.

^sysiisfl—57. put on ornaments, adorn

one's self. [^essFl.']

^ssnflei^ a squirrel: ^ssSpi^&rdsir.

^6g}i, an atom.

^j^m(^—62. draw near : 8lL®.^2omr, a dam, dike ; bed, couch.

Will, tlieflood that has burst the damreturn, though you weep ?

fflio. You must build the dam be/ore

the flood comes.


slL®, an anient.

^35wr— 57. be extinguished : ^eS/E

SJ Quit 239.

— 64. (1.) embrace: &l-lsls

Qsrreir. (2.) extinguish, ^sfl.

. \_^esm(FSbTsm, (vulg. ^(Ss2!r(?SOTiS3r,) an


^lemessrasr, elder brother. [App. x]

voc. ^essfQessr. [eaffiS^U'sm,

.ji/mirm^dsuSgii, a waist-cord : ^^Gm(sm)—66. look upwards : ^bssr

(eUFj/BSyLJp-IT. [vulg .^iS2Jjr(S5^/f.]



^(SOT,eOT)a@, uvula. [=gy<Rjijr + /5ff<s(g.]

^ezar(sro)6=^S, App. x.

^essr IBIS'S) ih^ I u!Tit— 64. look up-

wards. [^(5337-^.]

^<s^imu)<sSiu rriT, teacher: S-Sii/rs;^.

^i5ssr<^, wife of au elder brother:

Lo^eofl. App. X.

^emi—ih, the universe : ^sssri—Qsa

SfTLD 261.

[App. iSekri—LJa.']

^(S3sr®— 62. draw near to : 0/5(5

iEj(^. 215. \_^<sssre<!>L—


^(ossr&si ,^<53sres)L uSeo. 151, 251.

near at hand.

lorsiBrs^s® mirGJSabreni—iijib eui^, there

are ivays to death on every side.

^ir ^esbrani—, on one side; 171 a come?:

^^LDLD, lowest, [sans, superlative.]

^^SLD, destruction : ^evui, Qs®.

^^lL(B"—62. reprimand : seisru^.

^^ir&)^^, adalut, justice, a court

of justice. [great.

^p, a sans, prefix = much, very

^^sLD, 96,97,152.

^^sfTffiM, (1.) a chapter, 178. (2.)

authority : ^^s&ld.^^.sirrruu^^fjuD, a power of at-

torney, [u^^jii).]

^'^airrreh^ir, persons having autho-

rity : [STD^ /f= e_em i_ 11/ si; /f.]

^Sl3=iULD, a wonder. 269 : ^^^ffl

lUlh, Lj^SnLD.

^^a=uSi—64. wonder. 163.

\_^^^, a guest : afl^/E^/rerf?.]

^^<£^L—LD, ^^L-i—LD, luck, fortune.

^^u^, a ruler: ^Ssixsueir 158.


6^9, a shaking, trembling.

(=^'^0.) 190.

=sy^(5— ^0. tremble, quake : /E®/sy@.

Lju9 ^^/rsA), an earthquake, 148.

^,^, it, that, 10, 25. a termination

of the 6th case.

^«w^, 10.

^00^— 57. swell : fiS'/E/f^, s_lJl/.

^em^uLj, a swelling : ^dsii).

^^^iT, attar of Roses ;perfume.

^^^Sosr, {^ +ds^.) 25,212.

^^^sV, a father. [Co : ^/^so)^.]

^^^iTQsr, a cousin; husband's elder

brother, App. x.

^^isne=&, a husband's sister ; App.x.

^^^iTff=&, ^ proof, evidence : ©-(tj

^^^rriLQ, J a-. ^QKsiSii—fT/i^Lh.

S. ^^^, murder: 0«/7&. (written also,

SUT)^^ and s^^.) (2.) a fig tree.

S. ^^^uih^LD, exceeding: ^mi^Lo.AR. ^^^, impediment; boundary.

^^^, inserted, 248.

AR. .jy«^, hindrance ; fear, (addu.)

Qatrci^^ib ^S^ih ^^^euSsu ^6uga«®,

he sta?ids at nothing.

S. .j!i^e!n^= [l.) for ^eta^. (vulg.) (2.)

a father's sister; mother-in-law

[co. ^^^rrffir.'] App. x.

S. ^/B, before words which begin with

a vowel = =«y privitive.

^. ^^BiB^LD, infinites, [^/j = ^/e^lc.]

S. ^fBiT^^LD, an unfortunate circum-

stance : [=iy/5.]

S. ^fEir^rreii, disrespect: ^wld^ulj.

S.^iEiT^, (1.) without beginning. (2.)

a widow, a poor woman, [one with-

out a /E/r^esr.]

S. ^SiuiTiuih, injustice: ^i^ui, li^d

Q<ss(B. 141.

S. ^^, a sans. prefix=together, again:

written also sijepi.

S. ^^.ni^edLD, favour, success: ^^b^eoih, &^^.

^. ^gtjsi-iQffsm, favor; divine mercy:

Qqh&au, SQff'^sm.

S. ^^QuiTsuD, enjoyment, possession;

S. ^^LD^, permission: ^^ld^, ^-^^S. ^G/Eszi, many : ^QeursLo.

^Q/BsiT, many people.

^iB^, that, 25.

S. [_^ih^sdr, a blind man: (g^i—sir.]

S. ^>i^afTfTU3, darkness: ^©s"", _g)0


S. ^ih^sss<omLD, a faculty of the

mind; internal power [the-within-


S. =fflr/Ea5sro^, position, rank: iSsdeir.LD.

l^j.i^isimnT, brahmans; holy men.]

[^ii, ^em.'] 233.



S. ^li^uLjffLD, haram, inner apartment;

S. ^iB^LD, the end; Qpu^sif, 239, beauty:

S. ^rB^ffisjsLD, what is hidden: (Lo&o/Dd

suulLi—^, opposed to uQfftijsLa,

or com. QejeSujffiijsu).)

S. Ijijii^ffih, space, extent: QeueS.']

^msia, there ! 193.

^jih^, evening. ^rh^'^Q^ULh, even-

ing prayer, ^i^^i^, morning

and evening.

S. ^u or ^su, a particle in comp.

denoting diminution, inferiority,


S. ^usrft— 64. deprive, rob: u^.[S. ^i-/ I <£5ffjii>, a malevolent action :

^iEj(^. opp. to ^-usrnjLD.']

S. ^u I SiT^^, infamy: ul^ulj.

S. ^juI

s^irrnh, incivility, rudeness.

S. [_^u^rrifl, a bad woman: eu^sS.

255.] \_&)dl.

S. ^uQs'tULh, ill success, defeat: Q^nS. ^u^<sw, untruth: Quituj.

S. ^uiuLD, asylum, refuge : ^eai—d

e-sor ^uiuth etasTga oimQ^sir, I hcwcjiedto thee/or refuge.

S. ^urriTjSLD, a fault (rad. meaning.)

fine 128,244.

S. ^lurrrr^, one guilty of a fault. 180

S. [_^u lay/r^ii), scandal, reproach.]

^uiremi—i-h, false accusation ; worth-


S. jijuiriULD, danger, jeopardy : QLDfnFLo.

S. ^SlQei^sLD, unction, ordination :

ui i—iEjaL-1—.iso,

[S. ^tS/Biucsrih, gesture.

S. ^Sl/BiJJssfi, — 64. indicate by

gesture.] [65(5^^. App. ii.

S. ^iSlutSrrrrujLb, opinion; sentiments :

AR. ^i3(stS\, opium.

S. ^ [y^freuLD, an extraordinary matter.

S. ^QutLem^, desire : ^(o»d^, aS^iJ


^uuS'Sl —^uum, father. App. x.

^uuLD, bread, rice-cakes. 146 :

&-QjTfTLLLf.. [Comp. ^UULD.^

.^uuLfL, so, [vulg. ^syiijLj®.] ...25.

.j)juuQTi-^^ eaifl , a quiver. ^^ldlj

"*'=5yCy + .^siiaft.]

^sji-iuGsr, father : ^^uuek. App. x.

^uuit! Father! Heb. ab 194,

^uufTuSl, father's mother, [^uueir,

^uS.] App._ x.

S. l^uSliuiiiasanh, bathing with oil.]

S. ^uiSiiU!T3^LD, practice : npiupSl, ui^

ssLD, uuSjbQ.

E. .jijiSeo, Eng. appeal. App. ii.

^iI/L/—62. clap on, cause to adhere :

jijULjpLD, beyond: ^uufrffO. {^+lj

Pld) 25,244.

^uQuir(i£^, ^uQuiT_^, then,. 25.

H. ^usurrLf, miscellaneous heads in

several accounts.

^ldlL®—62. reprimand : ^^lL®.

^LDffih, the stern of a ship.

^LDffldems, quietness : 'S^irrh^w.

^LDQ^— 60. become calm, repose :

^LDtr^^— 62. calm, quiet, makestill; engage, 160.

^LDeS\, tumult : seoaw.

AR. ^iLDSo, government; an office, ^LDeOjSnir, a native collector of re-


AR. ^LDire^, under a colleetor's man-

agement, security, trust.

Port. ^LDiTQF), a cable.

S. ^LDmsurrQ, new moon.

H. ^l8(c^&, work done by compulsion :

^LD(Q&, aL-i—aiu mmL^LUih.

S. ^ilSit^u), ambrosia : ^lQ^^w, ^

.j^SCp,—57. and ^iBCpfs^^ — 62.

sink down,.... 271.

^iSCp^Si— 62. cause to sink, put


AR. ^tScir, ^LS(e^, an inferior officer.

^QpiEi(^— 62. sink, be pressed

down: ^Q£IB^, ^l8^.^(ipd(^— 62. press down : .ji/trp

d^i ,^iBwd^ 160.

S. ^(tp^LD, ^lSIit^ld, ^iBip^Lh, am-

brosia, [s. AMRITA.]


^mLD—57. agree, be engaged, be

quiet— 64. cause to agree ; en-

gage ;provide

; quiet.

[^gisz-D<5=^sJr,^5iOLD<^*, a minister of

state: Loi^ffl.']

^&!)LDjB0O, ^SSiLD^, ^SenLDBil, ^<SISLD^

a=eo, quietness, agreement, 148,


^gyti), a termination of nouns. 163,190.

AR. ^uiurTinh, a heap of grain, &c.:

Yi.^LDurTfB, a howdah.

^LDLj, an arrow: urrem'th.

^LDusOLS), a public place where af-

fairs are discussed.

^snpuSlAi ^1^, ^ihuai^^ai ^(Si. Con-sider the matter in private before youventure to move it in public.

stitoifiQue^a- ^ihuaiih ajgimir ? Will the

words of the poor reach the council

chamber ?

^ldu2lL(3ld, so far. [ldlL® 25, 211.]

S. ^LnLDemsTLn, nakedness: iSirisufTsssrLD.

^iMLDiTi^&l, App. X.

^ldlo/TcfS, mother; aunt by the mo-ther's side. App. X.

^LDiMiTuS, grand-mother by the mo-ther's side. App. x. [^iiianu).

^LDLDirrsir, a lady ; mother : ^ldldit,

^LDLDirdr, father ; mother's brother,

uncle, App. x. [Co. ^iiswizi.]

^ildlS, a grinding stone.. .251,262.

^iheMLn, a lady; raotlier ; the wife

of Sivan ; small-pox, 259.

^iLKsoirir, near neighbours, .... 182.

^a=(oO/TiT, ^(B^^euiTs&ir, Sprr.

^iii<k), neighbourhood : ^<s=(SD.

'^. ^ussTtM, passage: the southern

and northern course of the sun.

AR. ^uek, (1.) actual ; net, clear, the

whole. (2.) BrahraA.

S. ^ I

QiuasQiuuD, unworthiness. [^.priv.]

^iiiutT, Sir : Siufr


S. ^irrd(^^ sealing-wax.

S. ^ff^eur, a king : ^nrrs^m, ^iiirs=rr.

^ffs-, kingly dominion ; a king.

^a3=n-i^, govern. [^(55.]


tasLo, a tree : ficus religiosa.

^ffQ^^, a sojourner : unQ^&.^ITLD, a file, .jyjai,! — (62), file,

[pron. ffireif.'] {_uitldlj.

^uenih, a noise : s^^^ld; a serpent


. l^jisij, a serpent. From s^rruuih,

^jTSULD, ^ueij. In poet, ^air.']

^iKsm, a fortification.


LD&jr, a palace.

, ^SKssr, Siva.

^ifl, a sheaf, bundle ; Vishnu.

^rfl—57. cutoff; be cut off.

— 64. gnaw ; sift ; itch.

^rflssirnesr, a king's messenger.

^fB@l, rice (not boiled.). . 62, 63.

^'4«7, 149, 247.

^rBuLj, itching : {^fft.) ^sjna/.

He who itches loill scratch himself.

^fflsurrev, a sickle. [=«y//? +<si//rGrr.]

^rfleuireiTlLD^omsr, a cutting instru-

ment, stool and knife.

.^(75, ^QF)LD, ^ffliu, ^iT, costly,

precious. [Ill Gram. 121.]

=^(5©—^2 ^^ scarce. [^(5.]

=5^(5©, .j<iQF,Qs, ^(iffQ&) 151.

^Q^ssetfl—64. shudder, be horri-

fied. [ S-^LULD.']

^QF)Q(em^ujLD, sun-vising : [^rmissjr


^(fh I<smLD, costliness, rarity ; value.

184, 228, 229. [^©O

sroio. The value of the child is knownto her who bore it.

^(miii-j, a bud : OLD/r<S(geJr, Qlditl-®.

^(medQK—64. abominate : ^QsrirS.

^•(wafl, a mountain streamlet.

^(W)(3ff)-—{Qp^), be gracious to,

264 : jSUJeifueisr,^!!, QnF)SSiUSh-iT.

^Qhesr, grace : Q^emu., .257, 263.

. .jijI

0l9, an invisible being.

^imir, [0, p.'] half: urr^. App. viii.

^mrrd^siresfl, (i)) ^i-^. App. viii.

^lema— 64. grind, (and 57.)


(s^irem, waist-string : ^essr

(esu)ssu3^. vulg. ^<saiT(s^iT<sssr. 262.


LD[r, (6P() -^^. App. viii.



S. ^QniT^sLD, ^QrrfT&iLiLD, disgust.

S. ^/r^^ii), meaning ; wealth; a half:

AH. ^jfrsfrrr, a messenger.

AR. ^jiT^, a petition, report, urzi. 93.

S. ^sOE/s/rijiz), ornament: ^stmfl.

S. [^ediijQ(T^^iT, ornamented persons.]

^ediEj Qsnreou), disorder, confusion.

^eniL®— 62. trouble, importune :

^isouLj— 62. babble. 160.

^eoiML]—62. dash about, as waves;

wash : l^Sso.']

AR. ^sorruS^fT, separate, distinct.

^^eii&), business: Q^rreS.

^Sso, a wave ; ^ema 265,266.

^dod—57. wander ; be tossed about.

200. i^Sso.-]

—64, disturb, afflict.

^doOssi^— 64. vex, weary, [^gy^,

^&dsh— 62. rinse.

^^d^cFsb, vexation, wanderings.

[^^.]^jjjeo, not. 43. (heb. al.) ; a termi-

nation of nouns. 148.

Port. ^eoLDfTff, [almario] an almira;


^ec^u> us^LD, day and night,

[^&D = night.]

^a)ev}, it is not, 43,44, 208.

^Si^&^sQeOfredsLD, hubbub: ^Loeifj,


^6\)eci^, 205.

^ecie\)ffO, sorrow, grief: gjskuLo.

^ &) &} eu /T ? ^ &) eo Q (Sv rr ? ^SoQeorr ?


^eoeoQeu, ^eos\>, not at all.

^&)eciiT^, 202.

^eveoiTLoeo, 200.

^SveorresiLD, 154,156.

S. ^tsusfT^s^U}, means, opportunity.

S. ^<su \Sir^^ = ^uQiT^^, infamy.

S. ^<aj'3=nu>, occasion, necessity.

App. ii.

S. ^euSliuLD, necessity.

S. ^(Sieioea^, agony, death-symptoms.

S. ^er^fTrnh, incarnation: LDesrl^/reu^fr


S. ^leu ^, distress: euQFj^^th.

^en ,^sa, defamation : Qstreir.

S. ^tsu LDnesTLD, disgrace; neglect:

S. ^euLD, vain : eSeasr, eSnE^rr.

S. ^euivevLD, a member: S-gnuu.

^eueair, beans.

^eufr, (1.) he, (politely for ^ei/siir.)

(2.) they (generally^ea; /f<£E err. )29.

^suirsar, they, 29. App. ii.

^eueo, parched rice.

AR. ^eued^iriir, Havildir.

^siieir, she 25.

^enesrenek, each one 108.*

^eueir, he 25.

^eS—57. , be quenched ; becomerotten—64. ; quench ; boil.

S. l^ ^sSu^^ifaeh , those who have

not divided their inheritance.

App. ii.

S. ^(^uiSffiTiViJi = ^iSuiSlffrrujili, opi-

nion, App. ii.

^eSrR, indigo.

^eSl^— 60., be loosed, untied.— 64.

loose, untie.

S. ^eSi^^LD, medicine : LDQF^igi.

^<oS)<aj, those, n. plu. of ^^. [App.


[^ffl/(SJ3r/f, the Titans, giants : ^*ufr.']

^eueaerreif, 25.

^eueSi—LD, 25.

^Lp(^, beauty : s^syii^jil.

^L^—57., perish. 15, 16,254, 271.


— 64. destroy. (See under ©.ysDa!/.)

^L^ff'.sFrrL-^Ltuu}, vexation. [^//^.]

^L^LcLj, waste, destruction, [^'l^.]

^L^sj/, destruction : Oa®^. [^tS.]


^Q)— 60., weep, cry, 61, 233, 263,

[s. ASRU.'']

'^& ©— 62., putrify. [^/^.]

=^(^ i@, dirt, filth. [^(^^@.]

^Q£^^— 62., press down : ^Qpd(^.[Co. roots ^^ and ^/rtp.] 160.

28 219


^agisi— 62., sink down into. I

^lesiip— 64., call. 88, 92.|

|^= ^eiDLfi^gisQsiiremQQuir, take Willi '

one. ^^ifi^^^^i-l, »end fur one.\


^scmLpuiS, 64., cause to call. 160. S

^eir— 66.; measure.

Though you .squander your property,

keep an account.

^emh, a salt-pan : &-uu<sitld. I

^sireij, a measure, 115,211. [,^srr.]

_jysrf?— 64., bestow.

m&Ti^—62. take up by the handful.

m/rj, 68, 170.


Q<?^lL®, too close dealing. [,-»y

fl + Qj=L-(B, dealing.]

^ptD. virtue, virtuous deeds: ^(5wm. 270.

[ From ^0, ivhat is decided,

laid down.^

^j£l—57, know, 269.

^^|s(s»«,, notice. \_^^/S.'\ 143.


ueesr^is, confess.


npsLD, acquaintance.

^/^I®,',knowledge, 190, 267.

^S>i, 172.

^gs—68., cease; be determined. 90,

91.— 64. cut; reap; saw. 101.

^^^eS, a widow, {^gs, ^ireS.)

^S>i\ ^, completeness, {^gn.)

^rasui Ljeo^, a kind of grass.

^gu^iuirii, once for all.


u^, 172.

^^tJL/, harvest, 190.


sfl^, a final decision, {^gn,

^emp, a room; 244, 190. l^gii.']

s&)ioi)(B!!)/o, a grave.

^an^aS'®, a closet, inner-room.

^(smp—57., smite, strike.

&£Sss)(SiiuSlio ^sap, crucify.

[ Christian usage. ]

S. ^puih, mean, small, little: Q,frrp

UU). [S. ALPA.]

S. ^pLj^w, a miracle: l/^sjolo.

^pp, 68, 74,90.

^pgn, 68, 77.

H. ,jyar(C5)«^, a pine-apple.


^<ssr<s\), fire.

^esre^i ^(Sl QiDQg^Quirai, like WUX in

the fire.

^'(CT)^9, immemorial : ^/e/t^.


<K^(SULo, refreshment, kindness,

success: ^.^sk^edLD.


Q?/i9— 64., attend to; observe;

attain to. l^^^nrrLh.']

sjepi I ufflJii), experience.

^^ueS— 64., experience; enjoy or

suffer. App. iii. [^^CTi/ufflJO). 163.]

^^LJi3tu, 87. App. ii.

^^uLj— 62., send, 87, 95, 248, 254.

(s. ANU.)

^^uuL^, a balance in an account;

affairs in general.


LD^, consent, approbation : 3=i}>

LD^. App. iii.


a3/r£3rto, inference, suspicion:

•3=Qp<3=lULh. [<£5/f.

^'Sssr, ^^ssTjS^LD, ^SssTeuQFLh, ^Sssr

QEHrTQFiLD, 126.

^mi-i, love: @lQrESLD.

^iirup0aairu LSesrup0Q^! Follow not

the nntooing .'

^ssrrS, ^dTjSuSffO, . . . , [^'a). ] 202.

.jijeisTgu, .jijssrsmpdi^, ^ekemp^^ssrih,

then, that day. 25, 166, 207.

^Qsrga, it is not : .jijeceo. (.jii<s\) -t-,^-)

^skQQf}, [^a)] 193.

^sSrssTii), food 5 boiled rice. 146, 151,

263. a swan, [hamsa.]

^-asTissil'ULD, foreign, other : ^wSIiliim.

.^ime^Qiun'eirissrlajLh, union, fellow-

ship: asQiULD.

.jijcirdssr, a mother: co. ^lieaLD.

^ikQ(^, by Brahmans for ^mQQj'.

^, 46, 58, 193, pronounced ^Q^0sr, Hvena. In sanserif comp. =

.^ +^, ox ^ + ^.^a, 136,233, 242.

. ^asKiiSsLD, 206,

^ss^Qs=. App. ii.

^siSL'ULD, mockery: rSissi^. urflsir


^siKBlii 140, 217, 266.


^s= a^ifllu LD , astonishment ; a wonder-

ful thing 161.

^d^<s=/r, 125.

^ra^, ^e=a^, 123.

^ovstb^S, estate, riches : Qis=n^gi.

^efp^ urrem^, goods 123.

^(E^, ^(Qir, ^(sj/rdr, a father.

App. X.

^t—LD, a kind of measure.

^i—UDUjiLn, pomp : QeuL^dsas.

^i—So, dancing. [^®.] 2.5.5.

^^L, the month of July. App. vii.

^0, a sheep, 181.

m(B LDiT®, cattle.

Q<?^LDi£>^^®, a red sheep.

Qeueiretrrr®, a goat.

^®— 62., dance, move. 218, 255.

^€S)i—, a garment.

QpQrftoinL—, a clotli for little girls.

un SUIT'S!) I—, a petticoat.

^<cs>i—UJiTun<cssriEss.<^, clothes and


^lLS, lordship, possession, [^eir.']

^iT'^irLLQ, kingly rule.

.srrestflajirLS, estate.

^L-L-u>, a motion; (190) [.:^®-]

way, manner. This word is used

in comp. with many others= like.

udsT^^ SQfOS)^ ^Llt—iij/ruj, l.l/ie CI p>(/, or

an IIxs.

^iL® 18.


<sS«OTi_, a sheep-pen.

^L-®— 62., move, cause to dance.

[^®, 160.]


LDfiem^, 131.

^L-emi—, (adj. form of ^eissr®, a

year, annual.) QpeuirLLeai—iufreir,

a "three-year old. "

. ^lLq^uld, an objection.

^lLQ 3= u<jssr , incorrect, for ^lLQ^ULD.

. ^lLQs'iS— 64., object, argue against.

App. ii.

^sBsfl, a nail.

. ^i^eser, an oath : <3^p^iL!ld.

^smr, a male ; masculine.

^emi—GuiT, the Lord, master, ruler,

244. [^(25-]

S. ^sLDiM, a sacred work : Qsa^iraLDiD. \ S

^s(T^ = ^siTfi, 121, 268.

^•s/r^, 268.

S. ^sitlSuld, malice.

S. ^3;mLiLD, ^air6=Lh, air, sky; ether,


S. ^sirjTLD, (1.) food. 146.; (2.) long^.

o^-(©^^.)become; be accomplished;

serve for. 58, 103, 130, 136, 165,

268. S.

^QpeuQsr, 151.

^Q<k), 98.

^Sjfi/ii, 100, (2.) 101, 208, 217.

^Qu-i, 130.

^O'^. 72, *73.

^esi&iuiT<k!. therefore, 145.

^dsLD, increase, wealth. (^«@,190.)

S. ^sSl'hsr, punishment ; command.

^3,(^— 62., make. 63, 165.

^s©"'. 1S3.

S. ^imsirsfLo, for ^siasmnh.S. ^^li^ffirirdsL}), as long as the sun

and moon. (Used in law docu-


S. ^-s-ift— 64. observe, celebrate. \^^


AR. ^-fn-, appearance, being present


S. ^msTLD, a seat ; the seat : lSl-ld.

S. ^3'ir\uir6'ii, the allurements of lust.

[s. ASA-p.\s.\M, lust-cord.]

A. ^3'inS, an individual, office, holder

of a place.

3. ^<FirffLh, observance, customary rite.

[S. .icHARAM.]

S. ^•s^irrff, a carpenter, workman.

S. ^3=fTrflajn-, a priest, spiritual teacher.

S. ^S— 64., desire, lust after, {^g,

<ss>s-.) 272. (III.)

AR. ^&rr, present. (Hazir.)

S. ^^ireurr^LD, blessing, benediction.

^&iTeu^, bless. 64, 163.

^s-uu^^ffl—^auu^^rfi, hospital. S

(Eng.) 188.

S. ^sia.a', desire, lust: ^s^em^, 258.

—uu®, 68. desire 259,265,



^<sm(B, a long time ; a year : sxiqF)

^PQ^sm®, a century.

^isisrss)!—, a master of slaves : ^<sm

S. ^^ueij, support ; respect : s^sitiuld.

S. ^^rfj—64., support. [^^JQ/.]

S.^^iriULD, gain: eoiruLc.

S. ^siTiJLD, a support, a voucher : <^^

S.^^, the beginning; = &c. 151,239.

S. ^^airrT(SS!!rLD, first-cause. [^^.]S. ^^d&LD, pre-eminence.

S. ^^^^ssr, a sun. .^^^^ eutrrrLD,


S. ^^^^lULo, hospitality: ^^^.S. ^^esTii, dependance, (government

property.) See sfsuir^esrili, ujjir^

earill, Q^euirSesnh.

^Si, a neg. termination 121.

^^^irisfT, mother. App. x.

S. ^^^rrdsrrrjeii 212, 213.

S.^^^irth, haste; rashness .... 212.

^^g]d(^, to [one's ] house, [a cor-

ruption of =^'«^^«@.]S. ^^^LDLD, ^^^LDir, ^^LDIT, SOul.

S. ^fBii^LD, felicity, 215, 216.

^liesi^, an owl.

^Ksn^ &^gi, S3=<sruQuiHg!. The owl is

small, but it makes a great noise.

S. ^ud^, calamity, necessity.

^u^gja^u uiraiib gjeuZeu. JVeceSSttT/

knows no law.

S. ^ufjemuD, a jewel.

E.^f-fcj^/f, the English word officer.

'P.^usrrffl, a tax on liquors and drugs,

intoxicating [ = belonging to a

maker of intoxicating liquors.]

^uum, a hopper, rice-cake. (eomp.

^uLj, a wedge : Qp'Ssn;.

^LD(DS3rd(^, the castor-oil plant.

&pQijLD(si!srs(^, the variety of it

from which the medicinal oil is


^LD60, neg. term 121.

^LJ^T, 104.

T. .^lSs^ld, means, property, given


AR.^i^sD, a superintendant.

^sniD, a term, of neg. nouns . . . .154.

^&nLD, a tortoise : a^^iruDLn.

^d,, 72,*103, 104, 176.

.MlluL^ajIT = ^SLDULp-UJiriT, \_^SLD,

uLf.'] a caste of people who per-

formed menial offices in temples

Knd palaces.

^LDLjimi—iLiiTissr, ^QpemL—LUfrdr = ^s(wemi—UJiresr, ahouseholder, master

of the house, husband.

^LDuenL ojirew, ^Qp<5SiL—UJ!rsir = m^npeni—iurrar, the mistress of a

house. [_^sLD house.]

^lULD, tax, customs : ai-isj&LD.

^tussfTff&r, a tax-gatherer.

.Sj^^gs stAs&p «ULl«(g ^um^ianai S-esur

i-n'i Is there atiy tax on rubbish?

AR. ^'jjirefT, a woman servant, [ayah.]

S. .MiLiir<3=il>, weariness ; annoyance.

^(iS, mother ; female relation; a

respectful address to a woman. 19 5.

S. ^it5*, ^u^3?, age, life-time, 141,

272. (III.) [s. ayus.] <suuj».

S. ^uS^^LD, ^uj^^LD, ^uj^^Ln, ins-

trument, means, preparation.

^uSlfftl), a thousand, (&;) 172.

^aSum mnsirss^ ^^u^firesbri—siatr. 1000limes J — 62 J. "Many littles make a


^uS^ii, 100, 245.

^jSdr, ..^uSmiLD. 95, 98.

^uSlp^, 242, 268.

S.^LLj^LD,^uj^u>, .^uSl^LD, awcapon;instrument: &(y^s8.

^iLjerr, a.ge; ^uSsf, ^iLjs-. [s.ayus.]

^>L, 81, 137, 268.

^lu— , = ^iTfrdj— 57. select, exa-


aitrasr. He icho dues not leisurely exam-ine, deserves to die.

^iudSl, App. X.

^iLids? 123,268.

.^•L^LD, a letter, (intro. VI.)

^n, fully, 166. l^ir.']

^ijL—iT? Who is thatfellow? 195.

S. \_^rTLD, a garland, necklace : ldf^so.']

S. ^uLDULD, commencement : ^sudaih.



^rfLc>i3—64., begin: 0^/ri_/B(g. 163.

S. ^fffT^'Sssr, worship, acts of religious


^amu— 57., search into, 215. l^ir,

^!jfrLa=§l, study. [^/7-ffiZ/.] [_iuld.

S. ^QfjiTsQiULo, health : asLD, ^<sijdQ

^fr, (l.j who, 47., (2.) an honorific

termination, 151.

LfsSujaQfT.' Mr. Tiger!

^/f— 60., be full : iB<so->p, SffLDLi.

^rrLJUiB~{dQp^), shout, huzza, 64.

^&)LDriLD, banyan tree.

S. ^aJiZJii) (^Sdul/ld), a temj)le : Qsir

<£'.&), 255.

^^, a press for extracting juice.

The iluppei Jluwer is siigur to the

village where there is no sugar-cane


S ^Q eo n•F^sar , counsel, advice ; con-


S. ^Q<soiT@—64., think, take counsel.

163, 241. l^Q&)ir.3=°d5s.'] 109.

^&), (1.) sign of 3d. case, 21.; (2.)

sign of subj. mood, 95.; (3.) a

banyan tree. [^aJLo/jii.]

^eussS, August, the 5th Hindumouth. App. vii.

^a/^, 175, 205, 208, 267.

^ismsoa^, scandal, bad report.

^en&o, desire : ^ss><b=. [^su/r.]

^fflj/rsBT, he will become. [^. 72.]

^aO, spirit ; air ; steam, 263. [Co.

S. ^Qisj^LD, a ghost.

^LpLD, depth ; craft : [Co. ^/r^.]

^LpiTL^, the deep. [=^t^ = the deep.]

<^«rfl, 181.

—56. (111.) rule; exercise, 262.

e»« 'S)&' handle, manage.

sir, a person ; a termination of

nouns. 166. 180. [^(SYp.]

^e)r Oa:/rOT(3, make One slave, 259.

siruD ITs rr <5izr LD , an establishment of

servants, peons, &c.

^iw sirLLi^ aSj-sD, fore-finger.

jB, see ^£ii-{Qpgi-)

^gii, (1.) a river ; 18, 19, 250. (2.)

six, 17,2.; (3.) away, method,

[from ^g)i as Quirrr from QuitqF)

and thus used sometime for ^/Dii).]

^prS^so e^cystreo, Qff&)f^c\i ^(t^shg^, 0nefoot in the river, and one foot in the

mire (« dilemma.)

.M&!— 62., grow cool: ^eazsf),. . 270.

^ppiEJSf:<!)ir, 250.

[^/b/oa), ability, endurance.]

.Mjhffii— 62., cool ; comfort ; bear.

(=g5^-) 160:

uS .^,pg3i, satisfy the appetite.

^pjS^^ Qfipffii, console. [See also


^0sr, 130,135,151,211,268,271,(27.)

^£BT^(CT)a), therefore. \_^Qsr^ 4-

^OT-+ ^a).] 58, 87, 22, 21.

^air_^, ^eaieiiiT -ansir, .M'sareKisij, 151.

^(2ij»ii), 100,101,205,208.

Have (you) not at least heard that

proverb i

^i^sd, 98, 100.

S. =^£s9 {psQiTicS), destruction: ibit3^ld.

.^csrlLDn-^u:), the month of June.

^Qesrek, 58.

^&3r, luaSsw, an elejihant : s^th,

[srR.-] 166.

^u:srs(gw s-sabr® ^ojQsQ. Even anelephant may suffer.

^dn, a term, of mas. nouns. ISO.

.jifcsj-^iT, Eng. a7iswcr. p. 143: 2_^

^, 25, 115, pronounced ^s^.

^*i^' [•— CO., despise 190.

§)-sLp\-s'&, contempt, 178, 190.

^isL-®, distress: ^u^^.S. ^rsjQ^LD, what is pleasant : ^€si\^.

^lEjQs, here, 25.

^lEJEieSTLD, thus. [25. ^ + /E/eOTii).]

^s=S>— 62., strive, contend.

AR. ^^iTLj, an account : .ssiwsQ.

AR. ^-firrTfr, a contract, monopoly.

^SluLf, spasm. [^0. draw.]

S. S)<^®— 64., desire : ^©. [&)-^e'^'^-']


_g)a»cy, harmony: ititsld.

^stn^—57., agree, harmonize— 64.,

cause to agree.

S. ^-^^SLD, flattery: npsm^^.S. ^ jsiooc, desire: ^sma^.

S. ^&^i—LD [^lLl-ld), pleasure, de-

sire, 158.

S. ^ei^i—I

Q^eusm^s, one's guardian


_g),si«,!_ar, a friend, pi. ^Q^i—ir&ir.

H. ^ew^liff, ironing of clothes.

^(qS\, green ginger. [Co. *«@.]^i_i@, rudeness. C^'— •]

_g)L_^6ffl<s, ^i—EJsaa, the left hand.

^L-d^eo, ^i—cs^, 21, 151, 251.

_g)£_LD, place ; room; person. (Gram.)

244, 251, 270.

^i—iT, trouble : euQFj^^ii.

^L-ga, ^i—peo, scandal, cause of


^i—Sii—62., trip,stumble: ^saga. 62.

jD^, thunder 210, 290.

^LQ.—57., fall to pieces;

go to

ruin—64., pound.

^LS-opLpsstM, a thunder-clap.

^L^ajuuiM, a kind of rice cake,

resembling vermicelli.

S.^®—68., give, 190,263. [s.da.]

^(B c^jSluQuiuiT, a jDrimitive noun.

(a name given as a sign.)

^(B^iaessr, ^(BdsLo, straitness,


_g)®<s(g, claws; narrowness.

^©<S(g—62., pinch ; carry on the

hips (as a child.)

^(BuLj, the loins : _@soi

^®LOLy, impudence : S^^. [sre»z

^mi—, middle ; waist; a weight =

[@®.] 223, 224.

^aoi—ff=\^eir, the second son. [jg)

(snz— and S. Jan.']

^!mi~i9,ds:), what stands in the mid-

dle. 15. b. iS.ix>. 190. b.]

^sai^'um, a herdsman. 197, 259,

272, [/. ^ss.-i—a^&J] QsiT(^(ssr.

^smL-iijgj/scgiJ lj^^ tSi—ifliiSQeo. AherfJ.'>mu7is sense is in the nape of hisneck.

_g)an/_|u^, an impediment : ^emi—.

^sai—\'sSi—rrLD<sv-, incessantly. [^(EK)L_, sS®.]

^i^Qi-sir, ^lL®, ^il-t-, from^®


230, 263.

^emrdsil), concord, union : SsQiuld.

^<sssrEi(^—62., consent, act har-

moniously : ^eiT'S=. [^^sar.]

^Jfcjsr, a pair : Q^s^rr®.

F.. ^isssri—rr&v, TLug. endorse 189.

S. _g;^LD, what is pleasant, fit. [hita.]

^^.itQ^ld 246, 247-

_g)^, this, 25. App. xii [corap. this

and that with §)ifi and ^ji^,

take away the final s and t and

invert them : ith, ath.'] [idov.)

^Q^rr! behold 193. (comp. Greek

^^^Sssr 25,212.

^li^, this, 25.

^i^T, here, see ! 1 93.

S- l^i^Ji\3=rre:>ui, juggling.]

S. ^.i^ffih, ^i^ffliULD, an organ of

sense : QurrjS. [-A-PP- i^-

S. ^i^ffesr, Indra ; a king. (Qipsi^.)

S. ^/E^, a Hindu. The Indus. [sind'hu.]

^uuL^, thus : ^em^ls^LDiTiLi, 25, 199.

^uueiftlt (for ^LjQurTQ£^Lo), and


^uQuiTQfi^, novi" : ^fsSmiTLD,. .25.

^uQurr, now, 25.

^smtD, eye-lid : SemtD.

^esiLoQaiTLL®— 62., wink.

S. ^Lh(5e>£F, ^lSss^^f, torture, affliction.

^LDLDL-®i}>, thus far. 25,211.

^LOii/, a minute quantity : App. viii.

@)LL> IicS>LD, this world : ^euet'so&LD.

_g)«ii. 242. [25. 184.]

^lui^ffUi, machine : (^^^stld.

S. ^lULDissr, Yaman, god of death.

App. ix.

^u£S—70., be possible, can: «u.®.

[Co. er«2/.]

^lueo, nature ; a section.

gjiueoi-i, nature. {^tu<k.)

S. ^'unSssr, mirSssr, an elephant.

S. ^Qiurr.s\Q<^LDLh, prosperity, wel-


^ffs^LD, mercy. [j§)J'e;@.]











[56.(1.)]' beg: LS)<Fa»<s= 67®.

ir(E/(5)— 62., have mercy; relent,

softeu. \_^irgii.

n-3=LD, (1.) mercury; (2.) juice:

^rr,3^Sssr, taste : a-es>e^.

Ssisr = @jriL-3=^6i!sr, deliverance.

)jL-g:seir, ^rrL-<3=<siT, a saviour :

lSlLuit, ^rrosi^aeir. [78.

)iilL@, ^rrshfl— 64., save, deliver.

)ffL-L^— 64., double, {^nsm®.)'^rriLeiai—LJLSefrSsir, a twin.

"^jjeinsnh, ulcer: i-jem.

)j6mL—suD, treachery, {^nmsr® .)

^nmr®, two, 146, 172.

)aemQii—nQf,, one or two 172.

i)ir^ii), a chariot : G^/f.

\j!J^iSLD, blood.

i)/7^^s3rii), a gem : Loemfl. 9, 228.

^IfTLDLSiULD, contentment : ld<s^!jldl8


ljrT<su(^, loan: ,SL—<sk. [<5<s/r 6V)ld.

\)air, ^aeq, night : gjUfr^^fff, ^urr

))ja!/s«»<s [@j!imsee>s), a short

jacket worn by girls.

^rjusLD, a tune : usm.

j)i7ff@, one of the serpents sup-

posed to cause eclipses.

ljffiTcB^3=ek, ffiTSs<^<3=ssr, a giant,demon.

ljjfrrs=<srresrl, royal city, seat of


^nir-a^ji^eiiLD, kingly dignity, [xi.

^SiT-3= eS^, king-street. [sS'^.] App.

^uas^m, a king. [^irff-s^/T".]

^rrir^ffsLD, kingly rule, any thing

kingly, 141.

. ^Ef^^t ^'^'^®> JtS, agreement.

^jrrS fEfTLDir, a letter of resignation;

a deed of reconciliation.

^ffir Q^iTus^iTffLD, 197.

^ijn'LL&ujLD, ^nrr^iuiji, ^uirs^Sliu

LD, a kingdom.

^fftTLLu^miM, a spinning wheel.

^ffir^^euil), an army ; comp. uesii—, ua'SsfTtULD.

^nir^QiB, night : ^JS!/, §}ffir. 254.

^LnTiu<3=LD, secretary-ship.

S. ®i!j!rujm^ifl, fffTLueiv^rfl, [S. raja-

sHRi.] respectable, honourable,

p. 10. p. 144, 230.

S. ^nnium, 172. a king 230.

AR. ^urrsu^^eir, a horseman. [;reve7iue.

E. ^ ffld! esfl , ffldlS, the Eng. word,

S. ^fflei^, a rishi, hermit : QpesH.

^& 172.

^^— 60.,be. [Co. s .VRiTA.] 61,79,


^(iT)lL®, darkness. [^(5'sw" + ^184.] 258. [©e^-]

^qtjlL®— 62., become dark. [^^(T^LLuf-uQuiraSp^. It Iias btcome dark.

^(w^(ossr®(SuiT,— become dark. [^0syr. ] 258.

S. ^QT)^ujuo, ^siiULD, heart: Qm(^s-.

S. _g)0^, season; puberty.

^(Jygl t^irii^ aaSiuiremrihj the 2(1 andreal marriaye.

S. @j(mi^!jiTL--3=Lb, red berries used as

beads by devotees.

^OT^^f/n-La^uy.Sxjr,^ profound disscviblcr.

^Qh;i^—62., place, cause to be, 161.


^(f^i^m,^©u^,^QfiUiSlL-LD, place of residence

seat. [^(5.]@Qf,uL^, (1.) iron, (adj.) 131. [^

©iiz^.]; (2.) a being (J)©.) 264.

^QfjLDeo, a cough. [^©G^.]AR. ®iQh'3'T^, a remittance.

^(Vj(Lp—62., cough, 239.

^Qhihi-j, iron, 131, 254.

^(T^ibstDus ssc^piuasur ^ifls(^tnir r (^Utl

udiite ants eat iron?

^(Yjsrr, darkness. [^J®/, 2_syr.]

@(!5&—^6 (III.)> become dark [^0eff.] ^(75<5B3ri_<aS'®,a dark house.

@)Q!ju>u, Qrnhu, GifTiTLDU, much,

171. [Qu. from Soldu = to be


S. ^Qij&is, a line : Qsir®, eurfl, SpSo.

^G/7«@, gold leaf, tinsel: [ Qpeofnh.~]








s_L_/Eis»^, fellowship, i^-i—


£_i_s»io, possessioas, 138. [s_:_.]

^_L^LD = ^-i—Qsr, in comp.

^L_ii)Ly, a body, 228 [e_L_ia}.]

2_L_&i>, a body : sFifffLD 228.

2_i_OT 151,239,262.

2_i_(?s!ir, immediately. 251,271.(27.)

s^u.dTUL^d&s)s, a covenant, [s-l-sjt,

/uqL. ] 257.

^.i—eku®—68. agree with, . . . .262.

2.®— 64. clothe.

&.®uLj, clothes, (s.®. 190.)

^-(ElwLj, a guana.

2_gB)z_, clothes, [a-®.] 185, 190.

s_(ga)£_— 57. be broken.— 64. break.

248, 262.

s-emi—ui-j, a channel formed by the

breaking of a bank, or dam. [s-

«»i_.] 190.

^-esii—etaLD, possession, S-i—mLo. [ &-

mi-. 184.]

^wi-uj, 21, 185, 186, 248.

e-S£i3i_ I au/rsJr, a scimitar.

Z-lLsitq^— 60. sit down ; for ©-(crj

S. n^L-SlfrQ£u&— 64. enter: (2_err) ^esiip, 272.

s_(S33r(75— 60. feel, understand. 267.

^-<5miTff=S, feeling, perception. 267.

^_(smiT<sij, feeling. [s-<smir. 190.]

£_sOT—56. (111.) take food, chiefly

rice, or liquids, 265.

&.0WI— Qff!rpgis(^ ^TBTsn—am uessr^npQ^j

be 7iot treacherous to those toho feed i/ou.

2_s3;iri_/r@— 62. become. [£_iS53r® +

^(g.] 2_iS33ri_/7'<S(g, {Qjv^). cause

to become. [ S-ismQ + ^s@. ]

H. 2_<533rif , (1.) a draft, bill of ex-

change, hoondy. (2.) food (ssssr.)

(3.) money collected.

^sabr®, there is, 43, 133, 265, 271.

S-ssarswi— , a ball.

S-SOTsaufl, e_i5!!!ifi, a tick.

2_(S33rs»tB, reality, truth. [2_sJr +eiaw. 184.] 272. (II.)

2_^®, a lip : ^«tp.S-^LDLj— 62. rebuke : ^^lL®.

S. ^-jSiu^QfB, the eastern hill.

S. S-^ojLD, sun-rise : wL^ujfoaneoLD,

S-^ei)— 62. assist; serve; be useful.

S-^gM— 62. shake.

S. S-^fT^ssri}), abuse, contempt.

S. S-^irjKoimru), an example.

S. s^^rrrfi}}, liberality : ^ajtriotri}).

^-^— 64. rise, {^^ilild.)

S. [si-^jii), blood: ^rj^^LD.'\

2_^0— 60. fall off, as leaves from

a tree.

s-cB^—64. kick, 146.

S. s^a^LDth, the best ; excellent. 145,


S. s-^^ffsii, answer ; command. App. ii.

s-^^ffiM, an answer.

^-^jSiTiTil,, an answer.

S. S-^^Quj/rsLD, service, office.

S. s-^^Qiurrsm^m, an officer, servant.

S-^^ffLD, a beam.

S. s-^Q^3=iJD, more or less, 178. an


S. 2-u, .a sans, prefix, signifying near,

over, secondary


S. &-usrTffLD, a benefit, favour : e_^sS.

S. &-u<s^rrrrLh, observance, respect. 197.

S. S-uQ^s^ih, instruction : Qufr^&sr.

S. ^-uQ^®, an instructor, catechist.

S. 2_ij(?^a — 64. teach, instruct:

S. ^-u^^ffsuih, affliction : ^eiruth.

a. ^-uQdJiTsu), use, assistance: 2_^<sfl.

S. S-uQuj/tQ, one who is of use.

S. S-ueurr^Fw, fasting: t^Q^s^ii^.

S. ^-uiT^, affliction.

S. S-uiTiULD, stratagem ; means : ^i

Qiew? Can as much be accomplished

by bravery as by cunning ?

S. ^-Quemss^, partiality, connivance.

App. iii. [s. UPEKSHA.]

^UL/, salt, 50, 52.

s-ULSiiLu.aja!>ir 2_OTci7OT-a/io (SSsor. Remember

as long as you live those who have given

you salt.

2_iJL/ — 62. swell, be puffed up:

S-uuefTiM, a salt-pan : ^btld.



s_U3s@, to you, 10, 37.

^-l8, husk, chaff.

&.lS, ^—57. spit, send forth, emit,

S-iBip, j yield.

P. S-enLDs^eufTiT, a candidate for an

office, volunteer. [ummaid = hope.]

£_iz), [ pron. ] 10, 37.

S-LD, and, also, 1,7,100.

—denoting universality, . . . .126.

H. ^LD Jsrfl,ss»ffi, grant of land : lditsS


S-iviT— ^-lUQ^ — 60. be high. 228.

s-OJiT^^ssr, a class of nouns, inclu-

ding all rational beings, [fl'hmr.']


^-UJiT^gi—62. elevate : {^-iLiir, 160.)

suiuireii, S-iuir^Q, height, elevation.


2_iiS/r, life, breath, a vowel: ^euek

—64. breathe, live, sigh.

^-ffua, strength, [^.j. ]

s-aeo, a mortar, 262.

a_/fl, skin, hide, belonging to an

adjective : S-ift-ff^Q^/ns)).

S-ffl—57. peel off. (act. andn.)flay, strip off, 64.

2-/fl(2»LD, 243.

^ffitu, 243.

a.(75, [s-Q^Lj, s-Q^suu),) form, figure.

2_(T5(g_62. melt (n.) 221, 222, 271.

£-(T5ffi@ — 62. melt (act.) 160.

&.0da;LD, tenderness, commiser-

ation. [2-(75(^.] LDQSr ^-QRd,ZLCl,


^-QF)—62. be strong, violent.

S. S-(t¥)®, taste : s-<5S)<su.

H. ^-(Tj*, (5*, proof, 158. [ruju.]

S-Q^iL®—62. roll over (act.) i^-Q^si-.] 273.

2_0(Sj)3r(S5)i_,anything round. [s-^syt.]

^.(TjL/, form : termination of a case.

S-QF)UUL^, an article, piece, (^0.)^.rt^suLo, form.

^0ey—62. pierce ; draw out from

a sheath or scabbard.

n-Q^LDih, midday. App. vii.

2_0iSM, through : aacO^si;.

a_(5<oir,e_(75&, a wheel, s^isuih. [_Q(jir

S. S-(t^ULo>, figure : S-Qfjevih.

H. S-^urriLi, ^urroj, a rupee.

S-<ss)rr, (1.) an explanation, verbal

commentary. (2.) standard of

gold, 122.

e_so)i7«CT, a touch-stone. [ 2_s»/r.]

s-ewfl-— 62. (1.) speak, utter, 218,

219. (2.) toy, assay gold.

^-QirrrsaLD, QfTirdsth, ready money.

H. &.QrTmLLp., QfTfTL-^L, bread, 146.

S. 2-(?/7/r«LD, disease 180.

S. ^-QffirLDiM, hair: lduSit.

S. £-<su<£ELD, the world ... .128. ^ai@,

QeOlTSlli. [S. LOKA.]

2_su<K(SOT«, a pestle 262.

2-60(75,— ^^' become dry.

£-(S«/f^^— 62. dry. 160.

^-eoiT^^ — 62. walk, (a. and n.)

a_(SO/ria/—62. walk, take a walk.

Tel. S-^ustau, supplies furnished to

a great personage on his route.

2-^, a rice-pot ; a furnace,. . 273.

s-SsoQpL^, cover for the rice-pot.

you Stop the mouth of the village with

the cover of the rice -pot?

S. ^-QemTSUi, s^QeonG)jr)U), a metal.

S. ^-€0<soiT<3=ili, gaiety.

S. [ e_OT,ji!/r«/-D, £-<s,ji!r<siI>, an owl.]

S. S-isuLDiresruj, n-en&s>LD, a comparison,


s^siiiT, salt : S-ULf.

s^GiiiT iSeOLD, brackish soil : smir.

S-£vrr^^, a schoolmaster.

&-ip«@, ^ of a measure : atrpui^.

2_Lpje/— 70. whirl round. s-Lp&).

£-t£iffl/, tillage. [2-(^^.]

^-Q-p —60. plough.

S-(zpu<3iai—, a plough share.

^-(wi^, S-(em/B^, an eatable seed.

s^emtp— 64. toil.

S-eiTLD, 166. [ £_(syr. ]

S-OTEusir, a spy. (S-eirey.) 184.

corintnj is not destroi/ed ivithout a spy.

S-sireij, a secret. [S-c»r. ]



S-cfrgji— 62. babble.

2_6rl?, a chisel.

S-(SfhasirQ^— 60. sit down: s_il.«/r0.

g_(Sffi—60. be worm-eaten.

e_^, mire.

£_(syr, S-ekQeir, existence ; inner ;

within, among. 68, 69, 133, 211,

251. [This word is much used

in composition : see under ^-lL

and^-OT] 274. (6.)

^-ewLJUt—, inclusively: S-lLui—^-imuu®, agree: sl-lLu® 262.

s_s^<syr, 128, 133, 135.

S-eirefriEjeiaa, the palm of the hand:

^.eirmuL^, actually, in reality, 157.

S-eireini, the mind, the inner man.

S-etreireudr, a rich one (one to whom

there is); ^-err, 184.

S-(sfr<atreireijLh, as long as (it) exists.


s-m&rfrm, a snipe.

s_ar<s8, an onion : ^Q^meifl.

Su^eftlL-i—fTiT, s^(sir(etfip(nfiT, partners,

associates: [s-syt, s-^.]

&.&r(^s(^(sirQeir^ inwardly.

2_£Yr(5r5«M^, inward idea: '&-Lsqf)^si.

^-piEi(S)—62. sleep.

^-pi&LD, sleep, [£-/D/E/(g. 190.]

•e^pwn®— 62. claim kindred, 215,

216, 255. [^/Dffl/, c^®.]

2-/Dffii/j relationship, friendship, 215,

255, 263.

£_^, net work, &c., hung from the

roof as a general receptable.

£_^— [Qp^), be, possess, abide

263. [ This is one of the most

important roots in the language,

on account of its combinations,

though it is not in common use

as a verb. It is allied to ^(5-]2_j3j<s(g—62. scold.

^-g)i^, stability. (2_^.)

S-S)i^SJ—62. terrify.

S-jpiuLj, a member; part of any

thing; a term : ^iijsLl>,^(siiujeuLD.

H. S-ffjiDfrSso, a handkerchief : Gso^*.

&-^Qp—62. snarl.

s-isap, sour milk used for curdling ;

a sheath, scabbard, case.

^-eiapi^ (uecfl, ixxsmip.') frost, snow.

^-(snp uSl-lL , a dwelling place. [2_

emp + ^t-ii. 21 Q, (5.)]

•S-ps^nsiD, 2-<F<Fffszi), fortitude, men-

tal vigour, alacrity.

S. ^-pu^fl, birth, conception.

'-put ,— 64. be born.

s^ppmir, he who possesses. 263.


&-pnnir, ^-.p<^<3sr(ip<mpnjnk, &.pQp

eiapajtriT : relatives.

2_OT. 10, 37.

S. 2_GJrE:rr^, the highest, best. [s. un-

NATA.] 272.


ssaQ— 64. draw inferences; judge

from circumstances : uj^S.

mmssLh, energy: ldsbt (srap^S. 270.

S. 2^Q, a needle, [suchi.]

asrr*—62. grow rancid.

aar®, between: asrCi—.

esr;®(7ja;, through.

ssllL®—62. nourish, feed.

sssiem, food : (s-saar.)

2«!E^— 62. blow.

H. msL^rr, a purple, or brown colour.

aar^gw^, filthiness.

muLD^^LD, strammonium.

eenioata, dumbness.

msnem ld'iu diT , ssLsmLo^S, a dumb per-


eerrsroi^ssabri— SigjuGo/reu, like the duTflO

man's dream (which perishes.)

msLfftTfr, villagers. [ aer/f. ]....60, 180.

esuQF)— 60. creep, crawl, spread over.

s£E0iS5afl, a tank common to a whole

village, [ aatff, a-sszir.]

sar/f, a village, 60, ISO.


sssLiBiuii), service : u<ss£li^esiL-, Q^(su


eer^p—62. gush forth ; be steeped.

ssLgasfTtLi, pickles : (sscgn, situj.)

See msiQ^.



s§<Lp£)i, a spring: (ear^, 190.)

S. mnenTLD, privation.

ssLekffii—62. lean; stick in.

emL-iSpgi, the Stick given me to lean

oil breaks my pate.

S0!:s3r^G'<£5/r&L), astaff : [upgniQair® .1

er, 25, 115,

6r@, steel : 6roo@, ^-(i^sQ).

(orss<so, accumulation of earth, sand,


6rcss<^.F<s«z-D, at random.

srs(^. 62. contract, draw in.

GTiEjs^sw, 200.

GTiEiaeir, our, 10, 37, 38.

<5riij(^Lb, every where, 126.

(oTiEjQs, where ? 25.

S. sr<3=LDn--zir, srs^Lon-asreir, master: <^<sajjr

eiai— , ^essri—snQsr.

er<^<Frfi— 64. warn.

erJd^/flL/L/, i5r^<3:ffls(cs).s, warning,

caution. 90.

[ 6r<?^d=/i), defect; posterity.] [not


ers=®io, wliat is left on the plate,

any thing nasty and defiled.

eT3=§l60S€ii^, the leaf from which one

has eaten, {seodso.)

er®— 60. lift up; carry; assume;

take, get. 27, 60, 146, 239 .^^s(^.

i5r®3;giuQuiT® ! Take away! 146.

[Intrans. in a pec. manner, see

er®u®, be taken away, 92-

<5Til~t—, off, at a distance, [sr^®.]GTL-L^, the strychnos nux-vomica

tree, 152.

CTLliy. UQp^Q^Gir'Ssr ? frtuir^irir (121) aiir

(psO^sBTOT ? What good is it if the

ett'i fruits ? WJtat good is it if the

avaricious prosper ?

eru.®, 172.

(oTlL®—62. reach.

CTsjTs® erLLL-irgi. I connot comprehend it.

enLi^uurTiT— 64. stand on tip toe

to see.

erejor, (1.) a number : ^(oddsLD.(2.)

count, (imp.) (3.) eight, 172.

<orem'3'!T(S5isr ^-i—lolj, a body 8 spans


sr^okra-euu^, arithmetical tables.

GTisssrei^LD, thought, idea : fSSssrui-i.


erehetaflsems, number; conside-

ration; reverence: ld^ul^.

sr<sm^}i—62. count ; think.

ejidassSuQusf, Think before you speak.

er<sssr,^!fffi, 172.

(oTskrQKsmiu, oil : ^uSleOLD. [eriassr,


erismugt, 172.

6r<3mLDi—iEU(^, eiglit-fold: stlL®u

S. er^iT = s. YATHA, as.

S. (oT^irfrs^LD, upriglitness ; sincerity :

er^iriT^^aiir^ Qeoirs eSQair^, One wllO

speaks the truth, is every one's enemy.

er^a^/rstfl, adversary : ©r^//?, . . . .272.

emSiih, One must prevent coming obsta-


sr^ffiioiaL-, oijposition. (^^sroi—


er^iT, opposite. 134, 244, [er^Cj.]

sr^iT— 64. oppose : SQijrr^, {sr^tft.)

€rsj ? which ?

isre»3T, 2d case, sing of <orffJ. [Ajip.


S.er^^csTuo, means, intention, effort.

er^^dm, how many? 25, 212.

loT^^, fraud: <Sii(Qs=^m, @^.er^^—62. cheat : W(q9\.

(oT^^m, a deceiver: sulci.

(oTiB^? which? 25.

S. sriB^ffLD, a machine: (a^^/r/j.

ens€s>^, my father : erek ^ib<sb>^.

GTuuL^, how? 25.

loTuuL^iLjU), by all means, ....126.

<oruGiurTQ£g!, when ? 25.

<oTuGiu!T(t£SiLD, always 126.

(5TU)ldlL®u>, how far .? 211.

erwLDir^Srrtj}, how much ? . . . .21 1



eriDissr — ^lULCKsk, Pluto. App. ix.

eruj—57. send, as a missile : Q^/§l.

errfl, fire : ^, Qieq^ul^, ^m&), ^a©£577.

OT/fl—57. burn ; ache.

—64. burn, consume : ^^sofl.

g)S5>sA QslL® CT«Jr «i/a%» erfiiun^ir? Will

not this report be great griefto me ?

<sriB<s^<s=eOj anger, indignation.

STQF,, manure : s^rjm.

6r0^, bullock, ox : <s/r&ir. 131, 255.

GTQh^^ds IT 3o<r 131.

erq^&^LD, a buffalo : eTQF)<oiaLDLD!T(B.


ereS, a rat 158,254.crzSl »2?ir <:^©)^io, ^et^ai^ Ga/eabr^Wj

though it be but a rat-hole, one wants

a hole to one's self.

sr^i^3'<oSi3=, a lemon tree. 213, 212

eT^L8.3='3^iEisinu^ a lemon, 212.

GT^wL-j, a bone : ^mp. 249, 250.

ereoe<!)<s, a boundary, [greo^.]

sr&)<sdrr 162.

ereL)iso/r0ii, ereoQisorrQFfLD, 126.

OT^cuffii, all, 107, 126, 196.

sre\)3so, a boundary : ereoems, ^<so!t


ereueir, who, which woman? 25.

grsusjr, who, which man? 25.

ers^su'sfrs^, 25, 199.

sreu dl^ih, in what way, how? (ot+

sS^/-D.) 25.

(orsiiei]uSl0Lh, 126. (or ^-2_uSff +©-ii).)

(ST ei] G) su L-(B , er<siiQeu(LQ 177.

<orQ£, 172.

erQ£— 60. arise: erQ£Lhi-j, QsuLhuj.

[Co. GTS)}.'] 264.

67-(7^^— 62. write,....63, (P. 143.)


(oTOQSi^moeS, an iron pen: {^srag^

gi + ^&sil.]

erQ^^gj, a letter, 72*73,

er<T£LDi-j— er(tpui-f— 62. be stirred

up ; stir up. {er(i£.) 160.

eTQ£ 'SUIT ill, the nom. case, subject of

a sentence. [ From ot(i^ + (a/ /?«!/=place. Co. ORiGo from orior. ]

ersSigi, what is easy : ^eo@, a-eou

LD, ^Ca)*, 149, 247. (erer.)

ereiffeiaLD, poverty ; meanness : ^if)^

[Co. GTetaLp.^Lp. gieir.]

ereftliu, poor, [ersyr. 184. ]

eteSlajQp&jgan^asirLLi^^eir, heput on animploringface.

ereSiLKsuirasir, poor people, (ersir.)


erek, srsyrjsTj, rape seed ; any thing

trifling, 252. 255.

6ref(ef^— 62, despise: (otstt.)

srjS, a throw, cast 164.

ST/SI— 57. throw, cast: eSsi?,

ergjiiMLj, an ant,

eigtibij mmirs seu (^^fiiLjin, A Stone IS

hollowed out by the crawling of ants.

eresr, 70, 82,168,171.

eri5sns\}, srGaflssr, 98.

OTSBT, 10, 37, 38.

eraJr— 70. say, call by a name. 151.

erms, 70. This form of the infin.

of erissr is used poet, for when

(he) said.

ermu^, er€sru€s)(su^ srekusum', 82,

88, 151.

ereiriS— 64. prove ; (cause to say.)

[ srajr. 160.]

[_sreBrQufreir — erekusiiear. 88.]

sra!r(7i^&) 98.

for ever and ever, 126, 166,

(orekgn, 70,82, 166,242.

ersjr^ii) = isresrempdi^LD, ermQjDasr

er<ssr<si!r, what? [ somet. er<s!r(^ and

ereBTeanh, 47, 116.

ereimsrQLDir, something or other.

sr<M^ih, 132.

6rs3r(5!o/D<s(gii, for ever,.. 126,166.


ex, an emphatic particle . . . 23, 108.

ejsQurrsLD, one crop.

er<E<sj2si;LD, unity : ^ssSotid, <^p



S. sT'SLDj one

S. ejs Qiurrs Cs^toii, common enjoy-

ment of any thing.

S. er@— 62. go, proceed, [s. ETi = he


ejdsih, longing desire, disappoint-


eiiEj^— 62. pine, languish. ... 62.

err*, 62. use abusive language.

6j<^<3F, abuse: <sii<cS)-3=.

CT®, leaf, page of a book.

E. ^lL, the Eng. head, principal,

p. 145.

CTfoTsf), ladder, [s. shreni.]

ejsmi—rr, vulg = erssr ^i—rr. 195,

ej-^, (1.) which, what? er^, lun^.

(2.) a cause, [s. hetu. 244.]

^djsQp^. 64, deceive: gu^Q, er

eimrmw, abundance : lS(^^.

ejift, a large tank, lake : sldlditiu.

CT<%). ]t is difficult to restrain the

waters of a tank, but easy to let them


eiir, plough, [ Co. Qldl^, &<souiceiU,

QS!TQ£. ]

Po. CTSOii, an auction ; s. carda-

mon : ejesiflQ. "

crjfi?— 56. [III.] agree, be fitting.

117, 118. l^iuio.-]

ejSo, if. [poet.] 272,(111.)

6jisw(50, ej&j^sc, a command, instig-

ation, 149.

©£!/— 62. stir up, instigate : ^^essr

®, 149.

^Q£, 172.

Q-gMip, a poor ignorant man. [Comp.


^p<s(^empiu, more or less, ....178.

SjpuQiUrop, 228.

6T(TrfiEJ3;€ff>i—8, last, [vulg.]

ejffii— 62. ascend, increase. [Co.

€rQ£, Eng. RISE, Lat. orior. ]

[This root is often used in comp.

thus, iEt—isQ^s)i-'\

^p&, suitably: [ ereb. 170.]

erpsissrQeu, erpsQeu, before, early :

QpdrQssr, [irregular form. ]

eip— be suitable; accept, 70.

( era), ) p. erpQpssr.

§ig! ffi.G!7-i(g ejp^iDir'i Is this befitting


erpu = ejps.

eipu® — 68. undertake, become

established, [greo. 161.]

eiearaairm ovfjUL-i^cysScyir. He has

undertaken for me,

ejpu®^Si—62. establish, [gr^' 161.]

6Tpun-(B, agreement, covenant : slL

(Buurr®, n-i^<siruL^s<oiaa.

ejppLD, a picota ; flow of the tide.

267. [67-^.]

[Several compounds are formed

with this noun. ]

eipss— 62. lift up; put into (a

bandy, a ship, &c.) 160. [ eij^. ]


ejp^a Qsfrsir(stK— (Sp^.) receive,

accept. \_^£ii@ps^.'\ 259.

erpguLD^, export. \_eTpsii cd^.I

GTssTLD, a drinking vessel : uir^Pffw.

eTsareuiTiLieBr, a simpleton : [^ej'esrui, a

boar.] ^<sB3=3=<si!TiLim.

6T6p\ LD, 214.

eo-cir, why? 98,214.

s.[Si£, S/b] 172.

S. ^a-eufBiutsi, wealth : 0<F©Da;ii), ^jafl

LULD, ^aop.

S(^«-, S/E^, five, 138,172.

sisT&i ^tQSi'&j 172.

aihugj, ^ihugj, ^eiru^, ....172.

^lULD, doubt: s=ihQ^aLD, SiLjpe^j


alms: iSt.^etas', (Poet.)

SiLiek, 111.

Siurr! Sir! 111. a father, StutrQeii .'

SSemiUfh^, 177.

^esiiLiQiuiT, 193.

^Qtuir! 193.

SQjir, 172.

AR. SG(Si;^, SCsu*, substitute, instead

of ; equivalent property ; return,




eg— 64. agree, 117, 118, 119, 243.

e^ds, altogether, 170.

epi^— 57. be broken : Qp/S, S-asiu.,

64. break.

<sa(Bestli, modesty: ^i—&sld; nar-

rowness ; closeness, ^(Bssld.

ep(Bd(^— 62, oppress, straighten:

(od®iEj(^, — 62. be straightened,

obedient, submit: ^i_/m@.

S. (cbiLisui, epL-eaL—, a camel.

tc^L-t—sai—, cobwebs, dirt.

<^LLi—.ih, a conical heap left in dig-

ging a tank ; a wager.

epL-i^ek, tank-digger.

(o^lL.®, (^LL(Bih, 140.

sgil®, union; contagious. [^lL®.]

^lL® — 62. adhere ; allow.

(cpsssTLf., alone : ^sofl, (^eirpl.

(^<ssisrL^aarrn(^, a bachelor.

(odsm®,— 62. run for shelter, lean

against, [qu. ©sbt^. ]

^(5S!F(SBg^, 117.

epgjdr^, shelter : (S^gndQi—uo, ld

<^^d(^— 62. cause to recede.

®^/E/@ — 209. give way, recede,

agreeing, consistent : ^&a<3^

ih^, 199.

iLesrOfiir^^ iB^^ireir, a hosomfriend.

5iTeto<F, help : 2_^sffl. [<^^^+

(^d^, mortgage : ^i_@. App. iii.

[ PROP. (^pjlSI. ]

<^^^d Qs ITm (&h , agree, 106, 243.

(^^^uunir, compare, collate, 64.

<^uu, like as. [^. ]

(^uui^ili, agreement, [^+ zj/5^/i)]

i^uuih, agreement, signature : 6s>a

i^uudss!, a comparison : S-sustntc.


(^uuffsij, association, reconciliation


mediocrity : ^Qeos-.

(spuuirifi, a funeral elegy ; a nomi-

nal connection.

(^LJiSi— 64. deliver up to; prove.


(spuLf, likeness,.... — ,190. [ sg.]

(^ULf— 62. consent, (sbul/.)

(S^uLjdQsiT® — 64. deliver. [cguL/

from ^.] <sOa/7-sJr(sr5— receive,


(^iLiLnrffLD, order, beauty ; foppery;

inspection of troops.

c&(75, 172.

^(5 I

s'lh^, a fast when only one

meal a day is eaten.

gB(5|.5^/reb, one furrow, once plough-

ed. [ 3=!T(k. ]

£B(25^^, (fem.) one, or a certain

woman 172,242.

t^Q^uuL—, together, 170.

c^QfjUu®— 68. 170, coalesce. [^(5,u®, 161.]

<^(!f,\LDir, 50 (u) App. viii.

(^Q^LSlds, together, 170.

(^q^lS— 64. unite, 170.

(spQTfisiBLD, oneness, unity: ^sQuild.

172, 184.

(o^qr^siissr, 172.

^0 I

(?iaj?etr, sometimes, perhaps ;

Q<soQ£iife(r. 172.

^Cj, one only : 172, [+67.]^sS, sound : s'^^iss, (^(ss)3=.



Qins^eo, an outer gate,

(where all the noise is.)

^{^eS, anything thin.

(speu <s] rrgj , 117.

(S^wQ<s]!TQF), 172,242.

(c^euQeurrdrgu, ..172.

epiP— 57. fail 170.— 64. remove;


— 62. flow, leak ; go on,

behave, conduct one's self. .272.


(cpandsu), manners, good manners :

iBsniL—, [^(y@-] 190.

epQ£d(Q, aleak: (^(Lg&<k, [^(i^@.]

<sp(LgiEi(^, order, good order : <spQ£Ei




AH. &'S=iT(^, «g>/7'(SB). a treasury: Quit

aQ— 57. ooze ; weep 221,222.

s&ei], oozing. [<e0.]

AR. S3?uir, a iirincipal village in a


[_ & 3? LD fT so LD , nastiness. vulg.]

sssis^, cement : uisas=.

S. <s<5^0, <ScS^, a party: uiLs^m, Q^a^fr

«.^*, a band, tape ; boddice. [ Co.


AR. a<fQ^fft, a revenue or police office.

sJ'eiO'F, a belt, girdle : ^es^u&as^si-.

[Co. <S<^*, Q,LDITU/E^ .']

S. sSL^rriLiLD, a decoction.

S. s&^i—iM, pain : eiiQf^^^Lci, Q<siis,6ssr.

S. «en)^, labour, affliction: LSlrruJir.3=LD.

S.a0d=/r, bang; any thing intoxi-


a(Q9t, conjee, rice water ; starch.

St- 140.

S. si—sLD, a bracelet, siassssTLo. [Co.

ems isjdsn , eu^iULo.^

SI—— 66. pass over, transgress:

saeisr®, Lnrpi.

— ;i^- 62. (causal,) 160.

P. <si_^/r0, «®^/r9, a letter : snSfiiJa,

si—uuiresiir, an iron crowbar. [93.

st—esiLD, a duty : si— sir, Qpisnp. [«i_. 184.]

SL—&0, sea. [ Co. ^ri/3^^jLs.] 101.

si—aso, Bengal gram.

si—eu^^, 140.

<sz_si/srr, the Deity, 170. \_si—, com.

GOD. ]

[ Either = si_!i^ e-cV = umorragnoir ; or

«i_£to:o E.srrOTQ//f = the Being in wliomobligations centre. ]

si—(e^si9, a debtor. [ s^csr. 181.]

si—esr, a debt 181.

Si— IT, SI—ITU, tlie male of goats,

sheep, &;c.

S. si—nm^LD, a favorable look : Q(7r,uir

SL ITL 3=Ln, S <S!jBrQ ;6ISV) L I LD .

si—rnff, a heifer : Qt—iriff 259,

si—ireuL^— 64. thresh corn : Qurr

JTL^. 266.

si—rreii— 62. fasten with nails: ^

suf-— 57. be angry with; reprove:

sL^i^ QsirefT(et^. 259.

—64. bite.

su^g;-, asperity. (<5®.)

S. siSL'sau), severity, difhjulty, hard-

ness. 98.

s(B, s(Biu>, sL-i—, [in comp.] vehe-

ment, severe. [Co. sl^, Qsitl^lu,

Qisrr®. ]

a® — 64. be pungent ; angry, s®s®. 64. = s®. 273.

s®s, s®Q!S7M, quickly : i^mfr

euiTiU. 170.


aOfJL/, austerity, [s®.]

s®(^, mustard. [<s®.]

<s®(g— 62. hasten. [isflis»/r,^(a;/fl.]

<s® a ssjr, ear-ring, [-s/r^cszsjfl. ]

s®ssit1j, gall-nut.

s®uLj, acute pain.

liirsaQuLj, Strangury.

omSpjgsaaQluLf, CoUc.

ssisi—, a bazaar ; the end : ssmiS.107. [lathe.

ssmi—— 57. churn; turn with a

ssmi—slsesar, the corner of the eye.

semi— \&, the end, [st—@^, sQi—it& ;)

the last.

seD^i—leuiTiLi, the corner of the mouth.

S. sQi—iTriu>, s(BijLc, cruelty, severity :


sL-i—2str, a command : S-^^jay. 68,


__J)®, vouchsafe 68, 69, 263.

slLi—ituld, force, compulsion; bricks

placed breadthwise. (Co. QielL


siLtpL, a lump, aboil.

sL-L^sQisiT®, give iu marriage. [_s

lL®. 106.]

sL-Lp.sQsireir(sm. annex; take un-


slLl^isci, a cot, bed.

slLl^So QlLl^sv, 123.

slL®, a bond, tie ; bundle ; as an

adj. any thing tied, or made up.


&lL(B— 62. tie, tie on; build, 63,

201, 267, 272.

sLL(Bd\QsrruLj, roof. [See. Qsirut-i.']

sL-enii—, a block, piece of timber;

deficiency in length, or breadth;

met. a blockhead.

sesurdadr, an accountant. [_£s essr d rs^.


180. GANAKA.]

S. <a<sazir<s@, an account, [gana.]

S. sessTih, ^easrw, an instant ; a multi-

tude ; a disease of children . a'husr.

\_semisiissr, husband: LjQF(aLSiei!r.']

setmrsurrtu, a pass between hills,

se!sifl.a=L£i, proper weight, value, &c.

S. sesSl^LD, the science of comj)utation :

[ GANITAM. ] SiS!!3r<S(g.

L?^ ^ssjisfl^ii), algebra.

^rts I sesfl^LD, arithmetic.

s^^, a joint, knuckle.

ffi&BT, a certain disease of children;

an arrow ; a time.

ssm, (1.) an eye; aperture; a

young plant. (2.) a place, 251.

[for s(ssrgji vulg.]

ssBur-STemfliUfTir, a Bishop; overseer.

<x£mi—,sem(B, &c 260.

S. s<smi—LD, a piece ; a quarter of the

world ; the throat. S-ut-idsemi—

'LD, a piece of salt meat. [cloth.

s<mri—iTiEiQ, a woman's coloured

S. &'smL^— 64. reprove; punish. 239.

[Co. «^2./F^Q,s/rsrr.]

somL^, a6mLf.,oB>s, a neck ornamentfor men.

s<oisn-^uLj, materiality; rigor: s<swr

L^<SLD. \_a<smL^.'\

&<ossr®, a ball of thread; sugar


aeisr® i3l^, 64 ....200,260.

asm® I Qp^So, actual produce, [s/r


s<smQi—<s!r, I saw. (irreg. p. t.

SIT'SSS! .) 1.70.

3>(sm;w^!i, clearly. [ aeajr + ^/f. ]

.s<sm(emL^, a mirror, glass.

&<mrQm^®— 62. inspect, look after.

care for.

, a door: \_,suiti—lx,.'\ 66, 67,

101, 263.

s^gii — 62. croak, cry out, . . . .240.

S. s^, [ s. A GOING. ] a path ; state of

existence, heaven, place of refuge,


AR. sQlQ, the head Riiyat.

s^U'r, an ear of corn ; a ray ; spoke

of a wheel.

S. sew^, a tale ; fable. (In comp. s^ir.)


a^fr LD(^,3^fH, [ S. LD(^S=ffl =BUNCH. ]

s^irlSl/E^rrLDesisfl, [s. chintamani =

jewel yielding every kind of


«ajp, a knife.

S. a^^ift— 64. cut with a pair of shears,

or scissors.

s^PrffdCsfreo, a pair of scissors.

s^isrfl, brinjal.

s^^—62. bray ; make a noise. 273.

S. ^fB^LD, an odour: suir^&sr, LosmLD.

S. ai^ssLD, sulphur: Qsi^&LD.

<£5/Fgro^, a rag, patch : iSppeo.

S. aui—Ln, au®, deceit : <su(6J<9^^3r, Qldit

S. auuf., a deceiver.

suLD, phlegm : OsiTismLp.

AR. SUIT, news : Q^a^iL^.

[•«i_'/rz_ii) = «^ia/.]

H. suiT^^, a capon.

H. auiT^iTiT, take care !

H. surrLj, a dish of roast meat.

S. surrffOLD, a skull : fiSsiQajtr®.

S. sQuir^th, a dove ; met. a silly fellow,

" a pigeon. "['-/C7-]

sQurr^, a blind person.

AUULD-, tribute : §)s<^/d.

suueo, a ship: LDffdseOLD, Q^iremsfl



suuearr. a brass vessel : [ see Qanuues^rr, Ang. a copper.^

suiSl, coarsely ground grain ; a


suLf, a forked branch of a tree:

QstTUL-j, seuaQaiJLDLj.



SLDW, (1) acleft in the ground caused

by draught. (2) the waist. (Hind.)

«iD(fl«j UI7S0 eScL-trai Quircj, like pouring

milk into a cleft of the ecu-th.

P. sLDaek, an arch : si/^ai/.

slSs-, a shirt. [^Yr. chemise.']

&Qjj(Q, the betel-nut tree : un&(S)LD


S. SLDULD, a pole: av^LDUw ; nodding.

S. sLDU^siLD, a farm.

S. sLDUesrui, nodding : slduld, Siussld


siiiSl, a wire, a stripe in the border

of a cloth.

S. SLDumiM, sthiSeB, a blanket ; cum-

bly. [ H. KAMMAL. ]

aLDi3<sfluQu3'&, nonsense.

S. &LD1S1JLD, depth : ^LpiD.

E. .ssiliQusSujmr, Eng. covipany.

&u)LDS\), hoarseness ; haziness ; a

kind of ear-ring.

P. sldlB, deficiency ; inferiority.

aihQp—62. be hoarse ; become over-

spread with clouds.

sujgji, &Sgii, rope. [Pronounced

vulg. aia/^.]

[ corap. ^yra). ^eiaLp. e^ji—Lo.]

[ ^j— 66. hide: spe£, Lcetap. 270.


sjraiii, a water-pot.

siTL^, a bear,

&!j(B, a hard knot in wood.

srj(Bnp!T®€ire(r, rough.

sBrremru), a summerset ; a gambol;

means 256.

— Qurr(B, throw a summerset.

atrssnrs ^uiJ(SS)i\i mrousnh, Ij l/OU JCLll

in your spring death ensues. [Kill or


sff'SaSsr, a knot, joint, or piece cut off;

a kind of edible root.

sirreisrisLD, a little chunam box.

srresnTL^, a spoon.

sffuuik, scurf, eruptions on chil-


S. srjLD, hand : ssis.

suLDLj, hard, untilled ground.

AR. <sj/r/f, certainly; true, exact;

an agreement.

sfB, charcoal, [an elephant; witness.]

&if)ff:&), blackness; black soil.

s!fls=&)sn® , cotton soil.

S. &(if), the embryo : sqfjUuld.


SQF,, the yolk of an



sQf), the white of an egg.

&nf), sQhLD, s,fftuj, siTiT, s£!i, black,

[incomp.] III. Gram. 121.

.S(T5<sijo, darkness, obscurity : [<s(5-]

«0g— 62. become black, scorched.

&Q^s,s(ki, cloudiness : ldulj, Loi^ir


<S(T5«@, the edge of a knife, &-c.

S. sQ^i—m, Garuda, the sacred kite.

S. s^Sbsr, tenderness, compassion : siB


mpsQ^'ism, the holy Eucharist.

[ Christian usage. ]

sQr^— 62. think, regard. 221, 222.

sQf)^^, opinion, idea, thought, mea-

ning, wish, [•s^^.]s,QF)LjL^, 3,QF)UULD, adj. forms of <s(5


S. s(ff)LDLh,s(T^LDfr^, deed, action, (Esp.

funeral rites, &tc.)

sQ^LDLj, sugar cane.

sQh'siiiT®, dried salt fish: ^il>es>u.

s(f^(SUTUL-i5B>L-, cinnamon. [«0a//r


^(TKafl, an instrument : ^ilj^ld.

^tsmiT, a bank, shore. [Comp. P.

karan]stsaiT ei£)i, 62. be saved ; ascend

the bank.

— eipga— 62. save, rescue ; help

up the bank.

smn-—57. (n.) melt, pass away. 271.

— 64. ( act. ) melt ( anything.)

S. airs^Sl— 64. roar : Qsirs^®.

<siT'S=^Soisr, roaring.

H. <s/r<^*, change, expense.

S. sir^^issT, sQh^^im, &!r^3iiT, a doer.

H. siTurfl, confusion.

S..SITUUU}, foetus, the womb: .sqf,.

Com. QsiTuum^rfl, a pregnant




S. srruLj^ijLD, camphor.

S. sfreuLD, pride : Q^(Tfi<a(g. [_Q s it en ld .']

sireS — (61.) be proud.

seosu), a tumult ; rebellion, 105.

[ seo. ]

s<oi>d<sLD, confusion, [sot.] [a.


aeu— 66. mingle, 239.

s<sos(^— 62. confound, mix up.

[«OT. ]

•seoffi/gj — 62. be confounded,

bewildered, mixed up. 160,233.

S. «(SO^ii), a pot, vessel ; censer.

seousau, a plough without the


££\)LD, a vessel: a measufe of grain=

12 marcals. [err.]

.seOLDuaij), a miscellany, mixture,

.aeoausroz—, the mouth of a broken

chatty put over a mortar to keep

the paddy in when pounding.

seoiT^, disturbance : s&)eo&>, sS

H. aeo/ruS, the silvering of a mirror;

the lining of copper vessels.

S. <seS, misfortune : ^u^^.seSiLjsii, the kali-yug, or iron age.

«(sS/E/<£5et), affS/E/Q, s^iki(^, a sluice,

aqueduct : ld/sq,.

S. s,i^iurr&!snli, a wedding, joy. 231.

H. .ssSlSsS, confusion.

assisuLD, a small slab for grinding

drugs, &Z.C.

S. s&o, a buck : sdsiLDfrm ; .'^ of the

moon's diameter : ^^; learn-

ing : sdoO (s^frasru).

<s^— 57. be dispersed : Q^gs.—64. disperse.

sSsoiULD, a pitcher;

(^(Bes^ev. small

earthen vessel.

<seb, siiTii£i2/, a stone ; comp. also

apQp^, 70, 191.

«OTjfi;— 62. dig up with a stick,

SiC: Q^miT<mr®


s<Mdsi>, leaves used as plates.

girsQ aaai^Q^dsr, I have aided this worth-

lessfellow in his extremity.

<55eii|ffl9, learning.

seo I afli^^I

<?;/r&, a college, place of


seu^LD, armour, mail ; application

to a wound ; luting.

sen®, any thing forked. [Co. «i_/®.]

£Bisu6m, ssntsssr®, a sling, (aewsmi^.)

seuiT, a forked branch: sulj, a<Sii®


aeviT-57 . plunder, lust after, usurp.

aeu&:), care, 244,272.(111.)

ssusfTLD, a mouthful ; elephant's

fodder : seuni—tD.

S. senssTLD, attention : snr-^ffj.

s.<suiosr\— 64. attend to, 115.

H. ^eiiir^^, seniTUj^^, drill (soldiers.)

S. <5sfl, verse of poetry.

aafl— 57. be intent upon a thing ;

cluster together, 57.

«a)9<?^<5?, a putrid smell : ^s=<3=ui.

s,<^i^— 57. be overturned.— 64.


H. dsffl/ssjif), the gate of a fort.

AR. seijeo, agreement, [k'houl.]

se^jsttl, one hundred leaves of betel.

S6s>su, business, concern : O^irtSien,

ssuei], for Qissireii. q. v.

aLpffjH— 70. slip off, come off.

&Lppg)i — 62. 160. put off, take off,


ssLfe^, a paddy-field : suiueo, fE(e^

si^, a stick ; a narrow backwater.

<si^— 57. pass off, or away, suffer

from diarrhoea. 56.— 64, purge

out, abolish.

sioj^s^ aiiiSiga sL^iSipgi, lie is suffer-

ing from diarrhoea-

SQ£, an impaling stake; an eagle :

«(U)«<s/reB!!fl, a short, fat man.

sapea^, an ass.

•sap^S^, the neck : seia i—ld, iSL-ga.

a(Lpe!j— 62. wash, 245,254.

s(w i^ir, water in which rice has

been washed : sipssS^ ^ekr&s^ir.

s&s>Lp& si^^^ins^, a rope-dancer. [«

miLp, a bamboo, sn.^^ ^®.~\



S. s sir lii a LD , a spot, fault : Loir's^, semm. S. ss^reOT, .seJrsonsto^, sekeiSujiTmi

a .srr(Q i^uLD , a granary.

S. sstTLD, thresliiiig floor, a field.

H. soirrr, barren ground.

£5srreij, theft, smeun®, steal. 255.

H. ffeiriTsi-dsiiTijdsT, a lascar.

«sifl, joy 164.

asift— 57. rejoice.

aeitluiLi, verdigris.

6i3s<r, faintness : ^luireij ; weed.

«^— 57, strip; pull off; weed— 61. faint. [out.

sstr, asir(w^, theft; toddy.

ssireirui, guile; falsehood, 166.

scireimir, a thief; am en lasr . \_sik'.~\

seirsfl, Euphorbium or milk hedge,

ap — 64. milk 255,259,267.

&/S, curry, meat : ^lL(B.xsjS.

H. s^ ( G'haddi ), an hour.

sgiiuLj, blackness, 13, 217.[Co. <s(5.'J

sissip, a stain, [^(vj.]

&(S!ipiU!rssr, a white ant: Qs=eo.

ap-~7Q. learn, 191,253. [«(^.]

S. spudssr, a command; an invention.


^pi3 -- 64. command ; compose,

invent. [_spu'&xr.'\ 220,264.

&pLj, chastity.

spp, learnt, 70.

ep<^,p, a little, a handful.

S. «a!r, much, (^ssstld.) 231.

S. ssarii), weight, honour, 231.

sesru) QuiTQ^i^LU, honorable, wor-


\_a3!r&), fire : ^sSigsfl.]

^Bssreij, a dream: ^(OT), Qs^auuesrili,

s^uQunsM, like a dream.

asS\, fruit 259.

S .[.-fesflz-Lt-esr, a younger brother.]

s'hsr— 64. neigh; hem, hawk.

sasTga, a calf, a young plant, 14, 256.

[ Comp. QLltf, LDj£l.

sasTQsrimarfl'U 223, 224.

sekeitriijs^^a;, 223, 224.

adrsnTLD, a cheek : sQuire^u^.

With ^®, break into a house,


<saJr(OT)£3r, a brazier.

a virgin, damsel. [kanya,KANYAKA.]


srrsLo, a crow : sfT-iarriLj.

siTsueS, balls of rice offered to

crows. [ljsS.]

P. sirSsBtM, snuS^ili, 93.

arrssniu , a crow : sFSih,

,sfrdsfruju Qurreir, tinsel.

<s/r— 64. preserve, defend; wait.

siTiEKoi^is, heat: ^^L-i—<cm tl>


AR. s[Ta=rr, own, personal.

AR. <sir<s=iTeLiiTssLD, tenants of a higher


«/r*, cash, 242.

AfT^L, vinegar.

s(r<5is^i—, a quail.

SIT®, a jungle, 19, 24. [ Comp.S. KASHTAM. ]

sh®an(B, a burning ground.

sitlLS, vision. \_aiTsm.2

sirLLuf.^LD, 196.

,sfTL—® — 62. show. \_&iT(cssr. 160.]

62, 267.

airL-Lp-d 0«ff®, 64. betray.

sfT/sm-u), horse gram, (used in the

south, where 0«/rsJr(sr5, conveys

an indecent meaning.

sirexfl,( g ) x.^-jth; hereditary right.

App. viii.

srrem, .sa^^nuo, 193.

.260.&a(sssr — 70. see; suffice,

arT(5ssn^— 64. cause to see, show.

160, 180.* [.s/reajr.]

S. [<s/r^ffl£3r, an oppressor.]

siT^LD, a kddam, 10 miles.

aa^Jt an ear: Qie=<^.

— <su,siriT — 64 : enlarge and

perforate the ear.

aiT^^rrR— 60. arr^^sOsireir, wait

for. 259. [ «/r. ]

airuurrp^, 62. protect. [sfftJL/.]

152, 267.

siTut-j, custody ; bracelets ; a cord

tied round the arm of a bride-




P. aiTLDnir, a room, chamber.

S.atTLDt}j, lust, 223, 224. [kama.]

sfTLDirdsi, jaundice.

siTLDLj, a stalk 271.

siTLULs, a wound.

P. .sEfruS^LD, sirQ^LD, a paper, letter:

a(B^a&. 93.

.srriij, unripe fruit.

siriLisasfi SiLpsj(sseir, vegetable food


&mL—57. become dry, hot (g. kai)


— 64 make dry, or hot; yield

fruit. [ a/raJ 15. g. ]

s,iTiU3=3=ei), fever. [ «/nZ.'. ] 260, 273.

srTUJ3's-^&2. boil, dry up. 160.

AR. .£E/ru5^/r, custom, rule : \_LDn-Qp(so,']


siTiLuL-j, callous excrescences.

saujui-j&sir-Ij-Qi. grow callous.

S. smjeannh, a cause : ecr^ 267.

sirrnh, pungency.

S. siTirm, s-iTiB, 52, 181.

S. sfTiftiULD, thing, matter: ^its^.

S. siTifltu\aiT!T<ssr, agent: sirrfliijew^dr.

S. <s rr^emfl tu LD , tenderness : srfls^esTLD.

sfTiosarr, plaster.

sfTiT, a kind of paddy.

H. &iTiT<ian-(S^, a workshop, establish-


S. atrr^^eiDS, the month of Nov. Dec.

App. vii.

P. siriTunffl, a superintendant.

S. siTicoQ.a5,p,ULD, subsistence, living.


< .. } App. 11.

Itime—passing. J

S. BireoQiD, in the morning : QeucvQ&r

esr. 244.

S. arre^ih, time : QrBffiJD.

s/rsij/refr, a foot-soldier, 166.

&iT^, morning, 233.

aireo, (1.) (oj) a quarter. App. viii.

(2.) a leg, foot. 58, 166, 262. (3.)

time: sit&old 128.

siren L^, a pole for carrying burdens,

which are suspended from its two


AR. s/rsua), a watch; custody: uaair.

— s^sfrffosr. a watchman. 48, 52, 53,

115. Q'^SL'seir.

appointed a person as a walch andwent away.

srreS'i, red ochre.

aireneufriu, a kiln: (^Sstr.

arrsfriTm, mushroom.

S. saeB, Durga. wife of Siva.

&F^, a young bullock, 131.

siTga— 62. grow stale, rancid.

sfT^S-iEl—57. hawk and spit.

F.an-giiuiTffii, authority; business;


air€e)jD, a collar of gold, or silver;

mustiness, mould.

aupgn, wind, [aff^u-f^]

s.n3si<k, mirage, vapour from exces-

sive heat.

QH. Qea^, Qm^uuemiL, an instalment

of tax, 101.

S. Q<si^(smua7<^ui, the half of the month

when the moon is dark.

H. fisL&L&QL^, a raisiri.

Sl—— 66, lie, be down, 161.

QQQ® — 64, trouble, quake [ an

imitative word. ] [ iii-

P. QL-ikj(^, a "go-down," store room,

Qt—fl^— 62. cause to lie down. 160.


Qi—rrrff, a heifer, 256.

©(o»z_, a fold, or pen; the state of

lying down. [ 3i—. ]

Q'Smi—— 64, happen; fall into, be


a right to that.

QlLl^, 151, 170, 251. [S^®.]@lLi_ld, dross.

QlLl^, an instrument of torture by


@lL(B— 62. draw near ; be obtained:

^lSS, ^<sik®. 170, 237.

, Q<smii, a well: Oi^uld.

What has a frog in a well to do with

politics ?


(QL—fT, (^L—frdsi—&), a bay, gulf,


S.@if-, house; inhabitant, dwelling,

101, 255. [s. KuTi.]

@tfer^—62. take up one's abode.

@if. er^jj/— 62. settle others in

an abode.

@if— 64. drink. 32.

i^Lp.<c(a<SF, a hut. [{^ji^.]

(^L^^^sarw, dwelling, occupation,

household affairs. [@qL + ^cBrii).]

269. App. iii.

(^L^ium , a drunkard: [@i^] Osi'

(^Lf-eurrrrih 101.

(S)®lB, the tuft of hair on the back

of the head 261.

S. @®ii)(_/ii), family: [S. kutamba.]

H. (QL-Uf-, a whelp, young of an animal.

(^lL®, a buffet, cuff.

— 62. strike with the fist.

@zJ.isi»i_, (1.) (adj.) small. (2.) a

small tank. (3.) a dwarf. (4.) a


S. @iS33r<S(g, crookedness: Qsaemeo,

euSstrsij 237.

(^sssruu®— 68. change one's dis-

position, repent. 161. [(gsazrii.]

S. (gszTOtfl. disposition; quality; shurr

euLD. 263, 268. [Co. ^ue\). ^iswld.]

S. (gsasrsuffsir, a person of good quali-

ties. [(gSJISTzi).]

S. (^essrekirE^eir = (Syeasr eii itsk


S. (^(Gss)&)imQQfi^ir, adorned with quali-

ties. [@iSBr, ^eD/E/S^^/f. ]

(^^aa,(B), a piece of lead, &c. put

into the ears to widen them.

[{gsaarifL, the posteriors: ^q^ulSL-LD. (vulg.)]

(^em®, a ball, bullet, any thing


(^<cm®s='3=L-L^, a round pan.

(gararswi— , an ox : sirdssr.

(ff)^ir^eiai—, disorder : ^eOiijQsrr


@^«/risi), [Com. @^/E/«/Ta);] the

heel: LipiiiaiT&).

@^— 64. leap.

^^€miT, a horse Ill, 266.

(a^^miT QpsLo, an embankment of


(5^/f, an earthen receptacle for

grain. [Com. @^(5.]©^ (5^ 273.

H. @c5^(gw<s, a contract ; rent.

@^^, a point ; a stab, thrust.

—62. prick; peck ; stab ; beat

rice, pick the teeth. [ Com. Qair

Slp^dSihqih usvgflffi <S^^ E_j5a|m, evena little straw vuiy serve to pick the

teeth with.

(^m^sLD, a hindrance : (^ih^saQs®.


@/5^— 62. sit on the legs ; walkon tip-toe.

(^(Surjdr, the Hindu Pluto. (enL-d

@. Api3. ix.)

(^uu&), heap : (^i^vueo.

(^uLfg)!— 68. fall on the face. [@

^ai?3jTs (gULjp^ ^tkefii^eisr, he knockedhim down.

^ueau, refuse, dung: Ci^^<5s>jS.

P. (^Loem^iT, a writer, Gomashta, agent.


(^ldlL®— 62. nauseate, loathe : ^(fF,ds6lfl.

S. (^LDfft, a virgin ; daughter ; CapeComorin.

S. (^LDtrifj, (^LDfTffd^, a daughter : ld,s

sir, Lf^^rB.

S. (^LDirueir, a son : LDs<ssr, Li^^ijenr,

a-^esT, etaLD/E^Gir 1,9.

(^l£Il^, bubble : @Qfsifl 228.

(^(Lpsu— 62. sound as thunder;

murmur.(^LDu&), heap; (vulg.) a crowd: a^

(ffjLDiS®— 263. reverence, worship.

(^LDiS® .sflLl^, a pot with fire to

warm the hands.

(^LnLj, a crowd : s^ eard 3k.il.i—ld.

(^LDLj — 62. become smoked.

(^lLlS, a play in which girls clap

their hands and move in a circle.

31 243


(^LOQp— 62. wash gently with the


S. (^lueum = 0<FfflJ25r : Qenefrinsk. 228.

@a5ffi), the Indian cuckoo.

(^arEj(^, a monkey : ld/e^. 246, 255.

Q/ffLDLj, a dam ; channel from a river.

(gja), a sound, voice : s^^^ld,

S. @(25> (SjQF)SSffirLDiTiT, spiritual guides.

[ GURU.]

@0L_0ir, a blind man : QuiriLseji—

uj(asr, sQufT^, ^i^sasr, s<5mQ)^

iftiuir^eum 178.

@(75®, blindness ; what is blind :

Qu (nL.(ci!> L—


(^Q^LLi—tTLLi—Lh, blindness : (^qF)®.

@(5/il®, blind 131.

S. [ g0^, blood: ^ff;S^LD.'\

@C5r^.^' ^ tender shoot.

(^(^aS, a little bird : upesxsu, ul-&.

S. (^QaiT^LD, rancorous hate.

(ff^eoLD, tribe ; family ; caste : s=rr^,

^SSTLD 255.

AR. (S)'SOrrLc, a slave: ^L^<cS>LD,Lj(Lgs<sn&.

AR. (g)<ooneo, the red powder used at the

holi festival.

@j0«(g— 62. shake; walk with

affected gestures.

(gsfi/sO^sJrjj; rsissis— 64. shake the

sides with laughter.

(s0S'sj(^— 62. shake the sides, &c.

(g^, the pit of the stomach ; a

bunch, of fruit, &,c : Qaa^^.(^3so— 57, be disturbed, dissolved,

effaced : sSso.

—64. damage, efface : s8si).

V. (ff)<k)eo!Tiu, a cap, or bonnet.

@aSl— 57. be joined, closed.— 64.

heap up, accumulate ; contract.

(^Lprhaa^, aninfant: &3i-, urre^stEk.

161. [@tp = tender.]

(^LpuLf— 62. thicken, confuse: <s

(^LpthLj, broth ; loam.

(^LpLDLj—62. grow thick, confused:

^Lpeo, pipe, flute : ©sr^ (^Lp<k).

' — 64. stammer: @isrr^, a.

efr£ii 263.

(gi^, (1.) a pit : ueirefTUD. ^2.) the

square of any thing.

iLjib, little pits ure soon filled withwater.

(^siuLp— 57. grow tender; eais. 166.

— 64. mix, rub into paste ; wag.

[@^.] [«»i_.

(WisYTzi), a tank : ^l^itslo, ej/fi, @lL(gerrafl, a wasp.

(m'sirgji— 62. stammer: (^tpgn.

(gsrff— 64. bathe: QfiQ£(g) 75.

@srf)0 — 60. grow cold 266.

(gSlfl/f, (Q<sBh<3=§\, cold : Sj^^&TLD, Ih


©®@5!5 273.

(ffj(erfjUicmu (Lp&ij), a bloated face.

(msirsirdr— {^), a dwarf ; (^iLeai—

(jototSotA Qiaireda® cfi!<"^urrisSl(rrjasr, he

employs a dwarf to uncertain the depth

of the river.

(g^z-Lsi»i_, snoring. 187.]

^/D3F, a kind of verse. [HI Giam.

(S)g3J(^LJULLeeii—, tinsel paper.

Q^ay— 62. be sad. C(5^ + ^'sS-]

@^, (QfSuLj, a sign, indication, note.


@^ Qs&r, consult a fortune-teller.

@^— 64. indicate, regard.

(3^(S^^ 115, 230.

@^, (^jBoj, (g0iLD, (^pgii,(^(Q, short,

small, deficient. [ In comp.]

(^i^ /E(oB>s, a smile.

@^«@, what is across.

(^guessfl, a marcal, [e/. ]

f^ecnnj— 57. be diminished, want-

ing. (@^.) 124, 263.

— 64. diminish, lesson. 124, 178.

Q,snjD, (^an/Dei;, deficiency. 157, 190,


(^PpLD, a fault : ^uiSfiiM, [©5:/.]

99, 115.

(^ppisiiiTefi, a criminal 182.

(^p<S, the stump of a tree.




^^ffiiuSliT = half dead. [ Little life.]

(gjCofl— 57. stoop, bow down, 265.


iOKBjfl, seeds of the Abrus p.

being red with a small black spot:

[vulg. 0lSa3r®LDB3!!fl. ]

(^drgu, a hill : QffI, ld2so, (^mpui.

(^iirgii— 62. diminish: (^eap.

«i_<9;,_, Oh! alas! 193.

Sn_<ssis, a large kind of owl : Qs(nL.

L /rssr


H. s^-s^fT, a goglet, water-vessel.

3^3^ — 62. be ashamed, dazzled,

ticklish, set on edge.

a,_^^LD, shame : QsulL&ld. [ <s».*.


«i.<^.s=(ji), a row ; noise : ^<ocaiT3=s=0O,

(vulg.) [.s..] 263.

«^i_, with 170,239.

s^i—LD, a hall, apartment: ^trLpe^fr

ffLh, ^Qirifi.


cBi_£_/r/rii), a tent : Ql—ijit.

ai^i^uj, s^L^rsar 211, 213.

&^(B, a cage : s^ekr®.

a^(Bl — 62. come together ; be pos-

sible, 103, 117, 170.

.ffi^Oii 103, 104, 118.

s^lLi—ld, a congregation, assembly.

[«^il®.] 191.

3n.LLi—n-efi, a partner, 182. [a^®.]

si^L-L^, one who sweeps: QuQffdQ.

QsiTuSp s^lLltl. a church sweeper.

191. [«^lL®.]

5n.il® — 62. gather together, col-

lect ; sweep: OL/0<s(g. [a^_®.


a^uLQ i^iUfTurrrnh, partnership in


<£s>-lL®^si/, friendship, association :

sdQujLh, [a_£)a!/-]

sk.sm'®, a large basket; cage, nest:


»^^/r, cold.

3r^^^, a dance : rsmsili.

sh^^^iT® — 62. dance, act on the


Sy-ZE^iTisS, an iron crow-bar for dig-

ging wells, &c.: sL—uunm)!r.

a^^uSI®,— 70. call, give a whoop :

^imLp, 52, 93. I a^uLf + ^®.'].

si^LDLj, s^uLj— 62. close as a fiower;

join, close 160.

«>_0— 60. used with certain nouns

to denote intensity : thus, [ cs^/r.]

/©&-fi!/ a^^QiF,, remember.

^asTLj Sr^QT), love (60. III.)

Sr^eaa, a thatched roof: Qld^ Sn.<ss>ir.

H. <sh_/f, a^ifjaj, ff^rri^, sharp, acute

[heb. kur. s. k'hur. ]

«,_/f, edge, point, prick : SQf)&(&),

j^ esn.

[ S^ITLDLD — ^enLD. ]

a^iTstnLD, sharpness: sh.iT 184.

3;^eS, hire; a workman; /EinLsi^eS.

128. [155.

.g^iay— 62. call out, [ coo : ] s^si-

a,^ipnLDL-U)., a slang term for a cow-

ardly, good-for-nothing fellow.

ah.<P^ifi, maimed, defective, cut short,

rotten [ (gLLani—, Ou)/rLL(gwi_.]

s^eDLpdQi—fT, a pelican.

«-iP. pap- [@tptit7.]

a^m-LD, refuse stalks of grass : O.F

^ffls)^; bits of strand : [@u«jdlj.]

si^ffii, a part : uiij(^.

sk-gn— 62. proclaim. [Gr.: Xjyf-i^l. ]

3i^<mp, marriage garments.

Sn^ppio, death: LDuessTLo. \_3i^ff!—


S. ffuesrajr. (m.) a huncli-back, . . . .178.

S. <Si_sb9, (f.) a hunch-back.

S.<Sv.s3r, (1.) a hump : euSstre^. (2.) a

kind of earthen vessel.


^^ Qs is often used for s.

Qsi^s- — 62. supplicate : Qsuam®




QsLp., fame, terror: Sird^, uililo.

Qa® — 68. perish, be ruined :—

64. destroy: ^ifi. 15. g. 254.

Qa®, 0<s®a!/, a date, time fixed: ^eu&BT, eufriu^ir 268.


QsL bad, spoiled, 13, 14, 68, 74,


0<silif., strong, thick : GusoeJr.^ffjii).

G)s5LLLf.dsrrjj<s3r, a clever fellow :

s^n'LDfriT^Sliueir 199.

QsL-Qi—sk, from Oa® 68.

QsblS, a den: (^(sta<s.

QaLnu, a ruby : QaLhi-i<s<seii.

Q.3sil)i-i— 62. make a great uproar:

QsisS— 64. win.

QseSui-j, triumph.

S. Qai—SLD, a shield : u/ff^aa^.

G«®, destruction, 190, 191'. [0<s®.]

QslLQ^^. 70. [R. Cirerr.] hear, ask.

QaLLL^ecdsOiurr? Have [you] not

heard .^ [contract, for QblLi—^So

dsiiurr? 114.]

QslLQi—ost, QsslL®. 70. [(?.ssrr.]

a well; mine. [Ssznr^, ^Qsi


S. Qs^, one of the serpents supposed

to cause eclipses. \_siB.

QsQR—62. cackle: Qs&aS, Qsrrd

(?<55sS, aspersion, calumny, ridicule:

S. QseueOLD, only; simple; weak.

[Hind. HAFiF.]

QsL£>&irr(^, a kind of <a;//-@ or grain.

[ com. Qsei^Qf). ]

Caeff, hear ; ask. (See, G«l1S/d^.)

27, 70, 190.

Cssrrsfl, a question : (sfl(eB) ; a rumour,

knowledge. 190, 262.

Q,sev-<s^, freight.


sro<s, (1.) a hand: sau). 256, 259,

262, 270. (2.) a termination of

nouns, 143. [The compounds

formed with this word are manyand in constant use. ]

CiD/r? Is a mirror needed to see even

what is in your hand?

en^s— 64. be bitter: a<F.

emjB ^(Bt^. 56. (III.) handle, practise,

(oS3<ssi_®. 62. cross the hands in


(sassh^iB— 62. be successful : 0^^.«»<s,s@Q;/r, come to hand 70,

eff)a<sQstreir(sm, receive, accept. 56


eir><s<3='9=!T^^, an invoice.

AR. (StD«^, a prisoner.

emsuupgu— 62. seize.

easuLSqz., a handful : lSl^.

sm<5iJL/, bitterness : a'3=uLj.

(oe>,SLDQuem, a widow: eW^gwia;.

[_\u\g. £BiliLD(emL-L^, Qpessremi—.^

ecosLDLDrru}, rafter. {_!TLh.

es)aix>LDirgii, retribution: tSrr^iLjuarr

<5!oasii/r@, support afforded by the


S. enaeoiT^LD, Sivan's heaven.

sjoaa/cFzi), actual possession.

Qsird&ffi—64. shout ; cackle.

QsiTsQ, a clasp: ^jdlLl^.

QaiTS(^, a heron.

Qsirs-SLD, Qafr^euii, [prop. Qstriu

s=sLh'\ folds of a woman's gar-


Qffi/r*(g, Qa/r<9P, a mosquito, gnat


Q^fT3^g)}, any thing given over and

above: S3fS(^.

0<BffJ£ffl<?=, barbarous speech, a vulga-


Q&!T(s^^LD, a little, few. [ s. kinchana= some-what. ]

0«/r(g*^^G6y ^6i/«!rtou6OT^B);S(i763r, lie

lives upon a little-

Q&a{Q3h— 62. fondle : sS^uj/r®.

QstTL^, a creeper ; clothes'line.


uu.(r^th, creepers spread over the neiyh-

boiiring trees only.

OsfTL^dsrreo, a betel garden, a flag:

QsiTL^ium, Qair^Liurrdj 184.

QsiTL^gi), the jaw.

Qsrr®, QstTL^oj, Qis,iT®Lh, cruel.

[Comp.s®.] 184.



Qsir®— 6-4. give, afford, yield : ^®,;Sir,^ 16, 27,60,267.

0<s/r®<S(g, the sting of a scorpion,

claw of a crab, &c.

Q.z[r®iEjes>s, the fore-arm bent.

Qsn-(BuuSssr, giving in marriage


[ Co. Qs IT eiren &sr. ]

Q,siTemL-, a gift.' [ QarrSl. '190.]

QarrLLi—ireiaa, Qsir/.'.i geoa, a shed


QsiTL-i—iriTili, porch ; elephant's


QsiTL-i—rreS, a yawn. [ Qarr®, ^afl. ]

Qs ITL-tj^iu LD , a company of carrying


QamLL^tussfriKSBr, QamL-L^iuirfk,

a carrier.

QsitlL.l^'s^, a cow house : LD!TL-®a

QsitlL®— 62. empty out, spill. 265.

sting as a scorpion 254.

QafTL-emL-, a nut, seed: aS/eifa;.

QsfrLLim!—da^&, the shell of a

cocoa-nut : QijlL&di

Qisiremi—^ 106, (4.)

QsiTsssri—n-®^-&2. praise, celebrate:

QuDLuJ^s- iQatreBsr®,^®.'] 255.

Q3ifT(mr® 239, 241.

[ This is pronounced vulgarly QlL®in many cases.]

Qsfrem®eBi£, (^(ss!!r®(SisS, a tale-

bearer: Qarreir Qs^ireo^Qmsvm


Q3,rr<5S!sr®Qu!r, take away! 27.

Qa!Tem®sn!T, 0<s/re!rari_ff, bring ! 27,

0«n"(S33ri5B)t_, tuft of hair. [50.

QsfT^—64. boil, bubble up, 273.

0<sff<5;S<s(rzii, bulwark, bastion : Ca/r

Qarr^^, a bunch: @&.Gian-^Sj—62. dig up, or into

; pick

off with the beak ; peck.

H. Qsir^^siiir<s\}, the chief of the police

in a town.

0<sn-i^efl—6i. rage, be tempestuous.

Q<sirw^—62. gnaw, nibble.

QatruueioiT, a co^^er vessel ; boiler;

a cocoanut without the shell.

OsffL/L/erR — 64. gargle ; rise in


QisfTULj, a branch of a tree ; an ear

ornament.a.<y5:(r«tofl« QsiruLSQai gjcjffiS/D^, it IS

on the topmost houyh.

Qs !Tu Lf eirLD,pustule, blister.

QsfTLDLi, (1.) a branch : Qsituli,

S&. 131. (2.) horn; wind instru-

ment. (3.) The figure O. (4.) a

kind of earring.

QsiTiLi—58. pluck off, snip off.

QsfriLisf-— 62. plait, double in folds.

Qsrriijijjrr, guava tree.

Qsfrffji!, Qs/rjfi/fi!/, a king's audience

chamber: Qsir^ LD<smL-ULh.

QsrrSso, murder: ui£l, ^^^, eueen^.

Q«/r<jnj2/— 56. (III.) kill: eues)^.

[Comp. the radicals.]

QsBrrSd^, hack-yard; house-garden:

LjpdsetaL—, (LpppLD 244.

O«/7-(ff0(S0aJr, a blacksmith : siv^LDirm:


QsfTL^— 64. separate stones, &c.

from rice.

QsiTQ^, adj. (1.) fat; fertile. S. (2.)

a plough share.

QsiTQg— 64. become fat.

QsfTQ£ih^dsr, husband's brother.

App. X.

QsiTQ£i^, wife's sister. App. x.

QaiT(Lgi^, a slender twig ; tongue

of fire.

QsiTQ£U[-l,iai; insolence. [0«/r(i^.]

Qs!T(&^d^—62. entice, hook in.

Q-sfrefmrna, an ojiinion : srem(smld .

[ OcS/rsyr]

QaireaeiJOow, taking in marriage


[Co. 0«/r®LJi.ifc.]

QsfT&reB, a fire brand : Q&aeirefl^s


Qairareflaiirtuu lSs-w^^ ignis fatuus.

QsiTm(^, horse gram. [ This wordis not used in the south: a/rssarzi)

is used.]

Os/rsyrjSYj—56. (III.) take, get, ac-

quire, buy. 106. 259.



Qsireirdsir, [1.) booty; robbery: (^

aa/o. 266. [OsffSfrfBTj. ] (2.) a

plague, pestilence : Qatr^Sstrdsn

uj<d''3=e\). (3.) much: iB(^^.

H. Qsrrpi—iT, a small whip.

Qs!T/Sl— 64. nibble, nip oflf ears of


Cisirppssr, a bricklayer, 128.

(0.s/7-^j2/, his business ; from Qan

(SO, a trowel, [obs.] + ^'.)

QsrresTQij'dr, he killed.

Qsirmgii QuiTL-L-fTsk, he killed. 56.

(III.) 77,106.

QsiT&srdssr, (1.) a little cup of leaves :

O^iresr^. (2.) stammering, speak-

ing with hesitation.

^^dQuQus^, speak indistinct-



[ C«ff, a king ; cow. ]

Q^fT 273.

Ca/r— 64. string pearls, &.c. [(?<«/r/7-.]

S. Qsiri—fT QsiTu^ 172.

QsiTL—iTikiQ, masquerade : C-s/rsirar

imQ.' [252.

Qsai—aS, Qam—rft, an axe. 237,

S. QstTL^, ten millions, 172; any thing

new; a corner. [Cs/r®.]

(?«ff®, a line ; horn ; branch.

Qsireai—dsireoLD, hot season. [ Qsrr

esii—. ]

QsirL-i—irdsi), grotesque gestures,

antics : QsrriresS.

QsiTL-L-!r<^, an owl.

CaffLl,g!Di_, a fort : ^Q^ssLD ; halo

round the sun or the moon


measure = (a..) s<cOld.

QsfTSSsnkjQ, a buffoon.

S. QsnemLD, an angle : Qsmg..

QsrnsS, Qsiretsflisiyis,, Q&iresBiuio, a

sack of gunny: 3=it&(^, (5, OffLl®.

Qair^i— 62. be bent, or crooked :

Qsir'hser, any thing crooked or

awry : QsmsmiD.

Qs ir'hssru Qu 3=s , irregular talk.

QstrsJ, the dry refuse after the juice

has been expressed : s^dema,

QsT^ — 62. arrange the hair ; eat


Q<i!T^LDee)u, wheat.

Qsrr^^rjLD, a tribe : (gswii. . . . 180.

Qsn/saiL, a wolf : ep(^iij, gg/E/ruJ.

QsrruLD, anger 244,259.

QsiTiS, an angry person 180.

— 64. be angry. \_QsiruLD.']

Q&ni-jffLD, a tower, steeple.

QsfTLDLLt^, Q&irnpL-L^, a class of


Cs/TLDSiOTzii, a waist-cloth : seijs^esrLD.

Q 3, IT LD IT eXI , one given to senseless,

foolish talk : Qu<5m^.

CsffiiS, vulg. for QarrL^ 123.

QsrruSeo, a church ; Q^euireoiLiU}.

[ Qarr—§)&).'] 191.

QsTTffLD, horror, fright ; excess.

. QsrrrFI, a muhammedan tomb.

GsiTiT— 64. string pearls, &c. on,

[ HEB. AND ARAB, the Same. ] a

string : Qair. [a^ja.

Qsaea^ir, grasses of various kinds : l/

QsrriTLL®, the Eng. word Court. 115.

Ga/r/fano/, a string of any thing,

beads, &c. [ Cs/r/f. 190. ]

, Q&ire^LD, ornament ; form ; beauty;


. Q&ir<oO!TS'Si)LD, confusion, uproar,

bustle : ^Sso^QiDfrppLD. [lifssr.

QsireorrlLSm, flying fish : upeasu

Q&iT^— 62. divide out into beds;


Q&TTei), a stick : «i^, ^^f •

QsiT'^&)= QsiruSi(so.

QsTTQeujpi s(i£<cSi^, a mule. [ An ass

on which a king rides. ]

Qsaemsu, Qsiriremeu, a string of

things: {Qssir, QsiriT.)

C<s/ri^, afowl 123,244.

Ca/TtszDtp, phlegm; timidity: suld,

S!r3=LCi, 3=1^, <3'e<T\.

. (?<56/reiirii), a ball or globe : ^jlL©, s.

Qhtossr ss> I—


Qs IT SIT iTgj] , confusion; ^ir^Lx^irgii.


C<s/r« QSITL 123.

Q^sirerr, QstnL Qs^ireo, mischievous

tale-bearing: Gs/tlL 0<?/riso«\)co.

QsiTfSasinsi, desire: GsL/ssarSsw.s.

[ QsiT^. ]

QaiT£u— 62. desire, wish : aflj-^LoL/,

iSckr 272,(111.)

(3<SSfr [see <s<a/. ]

S. Qssfr^^euLh, deceit : Qtoa^s^LD, sudK

Qsofreij — 62, snatch at: seueij. 62,

234, 23, 5, 242.

QcSsyrerR, (1.) a small kind of lizard :

ij^eS. (2.) a hundred leaves of


<3m^ [ see «, ^.]

S. A^emLD, a moment.

S. ^, or ^<s, a sans, prefix, meaning

with, together, (saha.)

S. ^S3=LD, [=BORN wiTH.]natural, easy,

habitual : euiri^aesis.

S. SFs^, mud : Q'^gji, sJSsa, ^Sar.

er^^ib ^',^eu/r/f^tt2cfl etiur^Lb urrsrir^^ if yuUthrtiw a stone into the mud it won't

splash your neighbour's garment only.

S. #:<sii), the world, [jagat.]

faurnp., a school-fellow : a^&eou

urrLf., a brother-in-law.

S. •S=SS\)LD 126.

S. '9=<sL—LD, a bandy, cart: en esur l^so,

^&lLl^Q&), [ 3=a(B. ] on an average,

in a lump.

S. a^seOQRLo ; 126.

3=sio\)an, ^s>&)uuaL^, ,FaSoO. App. x.

<5=<5syff<sjj, European cloth of various

kinds: U(3Jr(SB)^^.

S. s^&surrs^LD, association: uw&sld, &QiESLD, Q -3= IT s lea a


S. .3= <s ITu^ LD , an era, a year: ei](jf,(SL^Lh,



S. a=arTiULD, help : <op^^!T&a<9', ^^stmr;

cheapness ; weSsij.

S. s^Q, a female companion : Q^iri^


3=Q— 64. suft'er, endure: QuiTgn,

S •s=(^'ssnM, an omen : (SlS^^iIi. [ vulg.


S. ^QsTT^ifl, a=Qa!T^rfGST , sister, brother.

S. 3=dai^L£i, mockery, derision : urB

SfT^LD. [273.

S. ^d'Sinh, a wheel, discus, [chakram.]

S. •Fss&r^^, one of several wives.

3^d@(LpsQ, steel to strike a light


'S=dQ'^uj(sk, a shoe-maker.

T. g^dQaarr, ^^Qsarr, a store or hoard

of grain.

<3=d<sms, the dry cane after the juice

has been expressed : Qsir^.

S. ^Ejs^, occurrence, affair: a> it ifliu ld ,

eil IT^ S LD n 'OyrLD 111.

S. a^iijsL^U), 6FEjaLLt—ij), straightened

circumstances, trouble : ^saiL®


S. FiEJSLD, a meeting, assembly : .s^lL


S. <3=iijsift— 64. destroy: Gairio^.

S. s'lEJspuu}, will, determination,

VOW: iSlffSldSSssT.

S. ^imsiTULD, destruction : fE!ra=u>, Sit


S. s^iEjQ— 64. doubt, reverence. [#^

lEjetaa. ]

S. s^rEiQrjsbb, epitome : «(^<e<slo.

S. •9=Ej3rriTiE^, the passage of the sun

from one sign to another.

S. s^iEiQS , a chain 131.

S. 3=rsjSaL£,, psalm, hymn : (S^iTsaru


S. 3=iijQfr^isewLD, a setting forth, ac-

knowledgment : ^/Sldeas.

S. 3=iEj(^, a conch.

S. a='kiQa^LD, an understanding be-

tween parties.

S. ^lEiems, doubt: 6FiEQ^<SLh; honor:


S. [ •fs'LJo, a hare : Qpiueo.]

S. [^IC-Fsulsro/E/risarLD, bathing with the

clothes on.]

S. '3=d<3=ff<si^, quarrel : <?^i^<F«w/r, &= 'sm eia i—


<y^#, crowd of people, bustle : a=i



S. <r(^|cF^— 64. sojourn, converse. 163.

S. F(Q'3=ir!iLD, dwelling, converse;


S. 3=(^<3=sOLi, fluctuation, trouble : aOiU/r

S. s=(^&eS, a panacea ; medicine to

lengthen life. [Used as a title in

compliment.] \_etai

S. a=i—iki(^, a ceremony : sitldiIi, (Sei^

S.[_^t—LD, body:] s_i_zi)Ly; inert

matter : s^L-u^irk^^m.

S. 3=uf-^, <3=®^, •s'l—^, suddenness


^L^iT eresr.

<s^(B^^LD, controversy, competition,

quarrel : QuitlLl^.

S. 3=<ss>i—., a long plait of hair.

[ a=L-@l, ^lL&, examination.]

^L-L—ui, (1.) a frame; (2.) regu-

lation: <s^(Lgm(w,, Slum^Sssr. (3.)

copy for scholars.

•9=L-.t—iTu> iSt eirdsir , a monitor; s^lLi^ld

s^L-Lp., a pot, chatty : un-^^/jw. 256.

s=L-®iaiLD, a ladle : ^suissyu.

s'LL'ciai—, (1.) a jacket; (2.) honor,


3=<rm6\>, (Com. -s^GimruLj .) hemp.S. •3^(5mL-.msfreir, a vile fellow.

asiir, the moon shines into even anoutcast's house.

3=<5mLa., an obstinate person : a=s.3^

<sm^L 249.

^sm L^eu ITm LD , loss in redeeming a


<FiE33re»i_, a row, tumult, battle : <s=

^tFrrsij, <sa)«ii), QufriT 107.

a^emusti, a kind of flower tree.*

S. a^^ui, a hundred ; certainty, perpe-


AR. a^^iT, principal. App. iii.

AR. ^^rnSeir, an under-judge.

S. 3=jS(cirLD, a multitude : s=ssre=^etrLD.

S. tf^^/r, always: eruQu!T(wsjLh. [sada.]

S.'5^^, deceit; iaj(^,y^Br, Qtofr^a^iii.

H. •3'@iT, a low rate.

S. 3'^ffLD, ability, cleverness ; a square :

S. ^s^iT, four (in comp.) ; an assembly :

S. s'^fT'KJsu), a complete army ; chess.

[ Four members. ]

S. s^^iTsir, an able person : ^ldits:^^'.

ffesi^, flesh ; the soft part of the

loaf, 263. [Co. ^wis-.'\

S. 3=^ = good in compounds : rsed, !b<so

€0, mJD, €Fp.

S. -a^^^LD, (1.) voice : egsw.^. (2.)

seven : ejQ^. (3.) hire of carts.

&c. eiiiTL—<5&s, sgeS.

<F^^— [ d^tj^. ] 64. utter a sound.

S. -3^^^, (1-) energy, strength: ^rrrreaS.

(2.) vomiting : euini^.

S. .a^si^ajLD, truth: QldiL; 155, 272.

(II.) an oath : SsLDirccmiM.

S. 'F^^iTiM, (1.) a place where food

and lodging are given: ^itqjl^.

(2.) incision.

S. s=^si(i^, r^^nn^, an enemy : uisms

lurreiiJ 272.

S. 3=^^<siiLD, strength : ^airetsB, Qu

S. 3=k^^LD, always : Sl^^ti.

S. <s=fB^^, a race, family : 'F/h^aeurili,

Qair^^rrLD. 182. App. iii.

s'ifiLf-, confluence of people : s^iL.

i—LD\ stir: s:s=s-.

-s'li^LD, the flow of metre : ^rjirsLD,

S. s^m^nuuiji, convenience : ^^«i_

S. s^i^enru), sandal-wood.

S. s'lk^rrssrih, offspring : <9=ie^^. 264.

S. s'li^, combination, union ; a place

where streets meet: 3=iisj; even-

ing. [64.

S. '3=/h^— meet, visit: s<5kr(BGi&iTeir,

S. \_<3=/B^iuiT, twilight.]

S. <3=i^rreir, the moon: Seoir.

S. <3=fB^, (1.) a corner, a place where

four streets meet ; (2.) a joint:

S. <r/5(?^«LD, doubt; <F(ip'3=LULD. 178,




<?^/Es»^, a fair ; [@c^SeS.]

•a^iQ^aSL^LD, joy : ldSlpJ^S; a pre-

sent. 161, 128.

S. r/itSip, •3=/iS^fT.3irLh, presence of a

great person : a^QpsLo.

S. a^iitSiL'aS, an ascetic: ^euS.

S. <ru^tJD, a vow ; imprecation on one's

self in case of failure.

S. tF/il— 64. curse. \_a^!Tuua. 163.]

S. 3^es>u, a congregation, assembly,


S. -FU^LD = 3=^^LD.

AR. s=u^, ^u^, sequestration, attach-

ment (legal.)

a=uuL-<seii~, a wing : Slp(^; the


a^-uuemu)\ QarreSj— J

62. sit with

legs crossed under one : a^wto

em-LD. [i^ujLD.

ffuuaua, a canopy for an idol : Qa

^uueif)— 64. be bruised, gaunt.

a'uutT&sS, a lame person: npi—eueisr,

Po. <5^il'Lj/r^^, shoes : C^/r® 188.

<3=uLi— 62. smack the lips, suck :

•rumu, joint; any thing thin.

S. TLD'm^tli, the whole : sr&ieoirili.

S. a^LDih^iresTLD, the king's court, me-

tropolis. Qijes-.s.']

S. [ 3:iM3:as,rjLD, thc equator: i8rri3i&

S. a^LDLD, equality ; level : s^ldgst.

e=LD^n Q&n®s<sn , parallel lines.

a=LD_^fTQan-LL(B(T^euLh, a parallelo-


S. a^LDUJLD, an opportunity ; a sect.

S. £FLDiT^^sir, a clever man : <s:rrLDfTiT^

^inir^^^S(^ ergi Quifliu^? What is

great (difficult) to a clever man ?

S. 3=LD!r4=a^iTrjLD, news : Qa=iu^ 256.

S. TLDir^tresTLD, peace. l^ffT^.'j

S. a^LDir^, the grave ; mystic medi-


AR. <s=LDiTu/E^, ^LDiru/E^, settlement

of revenue.

s^Lorreff)— 64. manage, furnish, ac-


•s^LDfrs^LD, likeness, equality: eauu.•s'lS — 64. bear: QuiTffi; digest.

[ Hence are derived, s-(x.lo and<a=eiaLD. j

a^iBuLD, nearness : ^QT)a!T(sm&s)LD, QlLl-iJd 161.

s'LDiSsr, land ; •s^tSeir^n'iT, a land owner,

a^QpsLD, face, presence : ^/sS^, Qps^fTs^. App. ii.

Q^Qja^QpaLo, the divine presence.

a=Qpa=ujLD, doubt : iFiQ^&Lo; sus-


.9=(ip3=irrTLD, family, wife ; worldlyaffairs


, a^Qpds/refruj, a carpet. [mon.

a^QPfiiTiLiLo, any thing held in com-•fQp^^rjtli, the sea : si—&).

3=wiLD— 57. become ready, [ksha-

MA. Co. ^esiLD. ]— 64. cook; prepare.

^sMiDiL/a), cooking. [ ,5^<gojtD. ]

a^LD, (1.) a sans. prefix= coni., con.

(2.) aterm = born. [ ja. ]

a^LMU^gj, prosperity; acquisitions,


^liu^giih tSu^giEi «.i_Ca/ ^(T^sSiiriDesr,

prosperity and adversity come together.

3=LDuifiLD, connection : SsQojld.

s'LDueQ— 64. happen : /5z

•fLoueiTLD, wages : «,_ffS 128.

\_a^i}>um<ssrm ,oae who is perfect, whohas attained to. ]

a=LDuir, a kind of paddy.

o'LDu ITtii^'Sossr, conversation, inter-


s^ihuir^— 64. obtain, acquire . C^®.ffLDua^^iuiM, acquisition.

ifiliSffp, a principal accountant :

tS essr <ss 'Ssr



3=u)SijLDL£), pomp : CxireoLD, ^l^loa=LDLj, a kind of reed, or sedge.

s^wyjUessTUi, abundance : yj«i3rii>, rS

<s=LDss)u, dried fish, &c ; anheuir®.

a^LDLDLL^L, a sledge-hammer ; horse


32 251



S. s=idS. Saturn: App. vii.

H. s^'oSiLiQsr, bayonet.

S. ^sijr, see under 3=ib.

S. ff^eirLDLD, birth: iSpuLj, 3^(ssr<3!sru).

AR. <FSiJrs!ir^, a grant, document, war-


'S=sirem0O, ^(ssrasrei), a window, 239;


S. .ff^ssrssfl, convulsions.

S. 3=rrarru>, a sea : ffz_a), ^Qp^s^nt^.

^iT— 58. die : u)//?.

H. 3=!r(g)UL^, cultivation.

H. ^rricms, a shed ; a station.

.s^iTssmii—, a sewer : ^eo^irssiir.

S. 3=rrd9rr<ss>jS, diligence: a-gii aguuLf


,^n-d(ff), a sack, pocket;pretext, false

excuse: Qufrs(^.

S. ^rr^s^sarLD, document : Qp^.S. ^/r^ar^Lo, immutability, duration.

AR. d^rrm^, mrrm^, increase, excess.

S. 3=irem^iiLD, a science 240.

S. s'lTeK^nuuu^, according to law.


S. -fiTim^ffl, a learned man ; a title.

[ .y/rsru^/jii). ] . App. ii.

S. ^/r(ag2,i_/r/E;.£EU), prostration with eight

members. [ with-eight-members. ]

H. 3=!Tt—iT, ^rri—n, the whole.

<3=irL^, ajar : ^itl^.

<9=rr(B— 62. rush upon. [sm^s^sins.

<3=rr<siBi—, a gesture, slight notice:

S. 'Ffn-L&, evidence; a witness. 115.

•9=itlL(B — 62. transfer ; beat ; accuse.

•FP'iemeir, f. s^irmt!)^^, one of the

shdn^r tribe.

s^rrenS, cow-dung.

S. ^ir^sssr, a whetstone 228.

-s=!T<sisr, a span.

S. <3=iT^&m, astrological calculation of

nativity: <3=ir^ss (^/Sulj.

S. fprr^LD, boiled rice : Qa^irga. 146, 212,

239. [esTLD.

S, s^rr^esnh, (1.) means; (2.) for .y/r<F

<9=rr^rr, plain work.

S. <3=iTfi!Tn<5mLh, what is common, easy.

S. 9=17^, caste, race. [jATi. ] 182.

A3sv), caste {is determined) by aman's deeds.

g^tr^dsniii, nutmeg.

e^a^u^^tft, mace.

<r/7^—64. assert, maintain ; accom-

plish 252,

S, •a=ir^(^isjsui, vermilion.

S. y/r^, mildness, meekness : ^rrri^

LD, QiD^^esimij. a good person : ibso

edenek. [«ld.

S. rrrs^rBiL/LD, eloquence : eufrti'ds^rreo

S. •3=iT^fi!Tiir, a demon ; incarnation of

the destroying power.

S. s^a^i^iULD, what is practicable, cu-

rable, attainable.

S. 'S^ir^^jjii), = ^iTemPffL£> 240.

<5^/r^^— 62. shut ; apply to;put on.


S. s^rrd^itSatli, ffiT^^i^aLD, excell-

ence, meekness, gentleness.

S. <Fnii^siJ>, meekness : .f/t/e^, a=rr^.

S. ^iTi^ninu(5mu>, a kind of prolonged


'S=rr/B£/, sandal paste ; mortar.

S. 'S^iTULD, a curse : s=!ru^^(B.

AR. r/nSl^iT, a list : <a^iT<^^iT, ^lLi—

Gii'iesur. [233.

s^fTuu®, {.s^iTLjiSi®,) eat: l/0. 138,

^rruufT®, food; a meal. Is^iruu®.'}


[j^nD-^/rasr-Guff-^sBBTi-ii), four method®

of dealing, pacificatiun, gift, opposition,


S. 3=rrLD!T^^lULD, ^ITLDfrir^^UJW, ^LDIT^

^, ability, skill.

S. •9=fTLDLh, a watch of 3 hours; mid-

night ;pacification.

AR. a^iTLDirek, goods ; materials : ^<oir

euiri—LD 138,

S. 'S'aLS, sj-eun-iB, Lord : ^umi—eiifr.

S. ^m9QuiTsLD, the owner's share of

the produce.

AR. a^iriSdr, ^iriSeisr, bail, security.

s=iTes)LD, a kind of grain,

s'lTLDuio, ashes : li^i.



^iTLDunasr, the caste title of the pa-


•s'lrihtSinrressll, gum benzoin.

s^iTLDLj, apiece of cloth.

S.'S'lruisjsireiiLD, ^Firiui^ffLn, evening.

l_s=irujil>, the same.] [ezwii).

S. s'lTiULD, a die or colour : S/du>, suit

AR. ^rriuiT, customs, tax. [ Lit. the

others. ]

S. 3=auj0\), an image, appearance : Q^rr

PJD60, mULD.

p. -FfTuSl, ink : emLD.

S. s^rrsiaiu, a shadow : Sipeo.

g=rr'li — 57. lean, bend ; succeed.

— 64. cause to lean, bend.

.FnLuLj, slope; turning away from

the right way. [_s^rruj.'] l^Firsmi—s 'oSST <F rr uju

Lf, connivance : <sessr

S. s=mii}>, what is essential, juice, taste,

savour, scaffolding. [ s. and verb.

<9^/7"/f. ]

s=n-jT&), a mountain side;

wind from the mountains. [ s^rrir. ]

S. s^rrrr^, a charioteer.

S. s'irrrmuLl), any thing distilled.

S. <s=iTrfj, a walk, way.

•nriffeia'jj, in grammar, a particle in-

serted. 270. [ <9^/rff.]

•FiTQ^, g^triT—60. cleave to. [Co. ^/r

iL and G<F/f.]

s=iTsair, the male cobra.

^/T/TL/, s^irireii. cleaving to, refuge,

patronage, {_<9=mT. 90.]

S. •ff^ireosLD, a drain : ^!tss!S6>l

S.'fnsOLD, deception: ^rrsi)ij>, ^i^ua^rnsniji. [ jalam. ]

^^s'lraiih i_iaiis-OT!/S(7jOT-, " he IS sham-ming.

^rreS 141, 181.

S. FireQeiirrsssrdr^ an ancient sovereign

of India.

S. 3=iT?0ii, house, hall, avenue. [ Pers. ]

s^ir&d, a furrow ; a pot. 266 ; a year.

P. 3=reiiioB>&i, a shawl.

S. <ff=rrisiJST^LD, leisure.

H. ^ireusirrfi, a soucir, banker.

s=irisi]L^, a choultry : ^^^rrii.

S. s^fTsu^imsTLD, circumspection.

ffmsuei), acock: Q^reue^.

^iTisS, blight in corn ; a key. [port :]


H. ,FiTi£i^iT, ^rru^ir, a list or schedule.

^/rai/, death, l^ir. 190.]

FfreS6s>a, a bag.

•FiTgsi, juice ; broth : ^affLh, ^emw.a^rrekQQrfiT, the worthy, 270. [<5^ff^.]









s. s





s. s

SlsnLD, top, crest : ^-s=&.

©a/r, a seal : (zp^^-smrr.

9issui, a network bag. (0<s@.)

©«@, entanglement ; shame ; dirt.

@is(^ — 62. become entangled;

be obtained. [ Lc/rzJ-LjL^Oaffsrr.]

&s,Q.sssr, tenaciously.

Q/sjaih, a lion. [ simha. ]

SiEJsirrrii, ornament : .jtjs^ikjsnrnM.

&af, an infant : (^Leiietn^, uireoaisir.

&a-<mj^^, infanticide. [ &3?, a/p^^.]

Q(si^L^siT, QlLlp.<sit, a creator : ^q^L-U^sif. [^'^•

Si^LSL — 9iL-L^— 64. create: ^qf,

&ms^, SlL6!s-3=, discipline;punish-


if, a creature : &(S^l^, Sq^iLl^.

&lL®, small ; a small bird.

&6S!ir£S(^, a fillip.

&^pij^ — 64. disperse. 266.

&flS>!— 62. be dispersed ; come to

nothing 121.

—57. perish: 0<s®—destroy.


B^ih, will: LD(3F3f 109.

&^^fri^LD, a conclusion : ^iTLDrrsunD.

, success.

— 64. prosper, succeed : eurr

iL. 141. [ sid'dhi.]

0^!iua, a picture : ui—ld. 271, any

thing elegant.

sioir Lcir^uj, the month of April.

App. vii. [^eS.

S^d(cct->^, a small leather bottle : Lf

&QrBsi}>, friendship, affection : &Q,-b




S. &QiBQ^<s!r, a friend. 255. [ ^^Q.-bsld. ]


S.Sli^°dsm\ Qi&s^^, thought: [S^&j.

[ CHINTA.] 155.

S. g/^^— 64. think: /S&ir. [107, 233.

^/^^— 62. spill ; run (as the nose.)

P. Sufrrff'S?, recommendation.

&LJUU3, a bale: &lL®.

©iJl9, a little shell : ^uiSl. [a^LDrrrr.

P. QiDirir, counting, price ; more or less :

QuineB— 64. leap for joy.

&lSlL(B, twinkling of the eyes.

S. &lu>LDrr<Fe!snh, throne : lSi—iIi.

@ijiEj(ff), the itch.

©iTff, the head : «&.P. &ffav<siT^mT, the head officer in a

court orcutchery.

S. Srrt^&eS, a long lived person, used

as a salutation to a younger bro-

ther : App. iv. V. [ ^irLo = ^/7*. ]

S. &ffLDtx>, weariness, sorrow.

&fffnu, a chip ; trowsers.

^fft— 64. laugh: /E»-n«. [196,272.

S. StQuL-L—LD, SQff<ol^L—is>, excellence,

0(S»/r— 64. shave: s^suffLhueBsr,^-

Seo, some: S/b. [_&(so^&0o, &^&<s\},

S&)&)&0\). nannul. 170.]

S. QeoLhuu), fencing.

S<s\)/f, a few persons : QeoQutufr. 184.

^. &(SOiTsQujLD, privilege: aeSsfriTLD.

Ste^fTUiLi, a splinter ; fish scale.

Syr. 0s)j;s!BiaL/, across: ©(5*-S. ©CswiSL^LotD, phlegm : suld.

S. SCeuswi— , a double entendre ver.=e

capable of two or more interpret-


S. QSso, a stone, image : eS^Qirsu).

Qis\><oO€ei/D, trifiing matters ; odd


A'R. &&>e\)a, a district.

SeceutTtssrui, odd money : &ffOiSdeis)jD.

Qeu — 66. become red. [ 0#=Q).]

StsnuLf, redness, 130, [ prop. Qis^su

ULf. g. v.]

S. ^suii) 203.

S. Qeusk, Siva.

@aO«»«, a palanquin : u0O(o\)iTd(^.

&(£isjQ, a leopard.

@lp(ff), a wing

s^uutLemi—QjT)— 66. be remarkable, beautiful.

QpuLf, any thing remarkable ;

magnificence. [9ip. 190,]

9>S^, that which is little; little,

Sign. 184.

&S)i, \_&ps)i, Sleirear, ^^iLi,'] little,

134, 184,217, 266.

&ffiis, sparingly : Qsiti^s^ld. \_LLuf-.

&g)id@, a wench;(vulg.) Qeu^enrr

&ffi&s)LD, littleness, disgrace. 184,231.

§l<Rap, a captive : ^l^siold.

§le^p — 64. shave, 261. [imp. for

§\Sg>!T. g. v.]

Sip Ipuueir, ®pQjjs-^n<sir. App. x.

SesTLD, anger : Q&iuld 270.

Qek^ssr, little, small,.. 13,14.

Sldresr^Q|SljSiLi 223, 224.

©^, embryo: a0. [of beasts.]

Sih = QQ/BSLD.


9S. QsQuLD, quickness 239.

&— 64. scratch the ground, as a hen.

E. ^«@, the Eng. word sick . . . .\^7


S. ^SL^aJr, ^i—Gsr, a disciple: ®(^UJm.

[sisHA.] 152, 249, 250.

if, chintz.

.0, a note; writing; ticket;

document 115, 209.

S, &^Lh, slime and mucus.

S. &^<sirLD, cold : (^0ifffr,f&.

S. P^arzi), dowry. [146.

S. ^I

Q^sS, the goddess of prosperity,

S.^sm^, the wife of R&ma.Sp^^fj-, custard apple.

&i^—62. blow the nose.

&LJI-J, a comb. [^


S. &Lb!Tm, an opulent person.

&<ss)LD, a district, country; Europe.

&IJSLD, cumin.

9ff<5mLD, digestion.

&ir, good state, propriety, order.


&<S0LD, disposition; good disposition.

^sijQsni, livelihood : iS&aLpui^.



S. &<5iJ(e^w^d I srrifi, a woman who has

a suna allowed to her out of the

common estate.

Jivana + amsa + kiri.


S. &eij(e^L83=LD, au allotted subsistence.

S.9<su^, life. 272. (III.)

S. gdl— 64. live; die.

^eij— 62. scrape.

^ip, pus.

&£ij— 62. hiss.

^esTLD, ^(OT), China.

&iotS\, sugar ; h. a saddle : Qs^ssstld.


a-, (1.) asans. particle = gr. £i;,good,

well. (2.) = *(iv, own.

S. *aLo, comfort, prosperity, health:

3^eijdQiULh, 142.

*9. 64. enjoy oneself.

S. [s-QirSoeon-uw, the acquisition of a

friend, suhrid, a friend + &)ituld,


a-dsireir, a rudder.

s^dsfTssrsSo, lime-stone.

.ffi@, dried ginger ; a small piece :

S. s-it&LD, toll, custom : ^^li.

H. s-iEJSiTssr, a pipe for smoking.

S. a-&, purity : s-^^im.

s-L—iT, light, ray : <s^, QaemLo.

a-i^&o, sfi—dsissir®, a burning


g^(B—68. burn; roast; discharge

fire arms.

o-lL®— 62. point out: ami-®.

si-wr®, (in comp.) smallness.

3h'skn—s\a iTiu , the chunde fruit. 261.

S. a-'smm!)iJDLi, lime : /iga. [fees, &c.

S. s^^i^aLD, inheritance; customary

S. a-s,i^!T^, heir, rightful possessor.

H. *^/r, a-^iTsiimu , sf-^m^Qeo, of one's

own accord : ^(ssresna^es)<s=.

S. «I

^ffl<Fto!iraJr, one who has a good


S. s-^^LD, purity : a-^^ 165.

s-^^, sh^^iueo, a hammer.

S.s^i^iTU), beauty: s^stji^nui, ^Lp(^.

a-ULD, a benefit; health; prosperity.


ew^ffltDim, auspicious, prosper-


a-uiTGULD, nature: disposition: ^oj

. ansau, s-uir, a government, province.

, s-uiu^rriT, a native officer.

»LD—66. carry a load, bear. [Co. O^lS; ,3=€!DLD.']

»LD®, a pad put under a burden car-

ried on the head.

»ld\^^— (62), impose (a burden)

on another 160.

3f(S»LD, a burden : uirrrui. [kshama.]

suMLDiT, still, idle ; without reason.

232, 259,266.

gmjLD, in comp. own.

s-ajLDLf, self-existence.

a-iLi!T^Q!r<ssr. 272. (II.) [ssLffi.

»rr— 66. spring forth, gush from:

<3fffEj<£LD, an underground passage,

mine. [a^^sJr.]

^ffsm®—62. scratch, scrape out:

si-rrisKsmL—euLD, a harp.

a-0L£i, a fever : s,n'iuS^<3^<k).

a-Qh)Ssi}>, an abridgment. [Root. ^(tj.

Comp. following words, and *tp,

@Lp, apg)i.'] [a@.

<»0«(^— 62. contract, shorten : @ ja

3^QF,s(^, a snare : auSgii,

d?(iFiij(^—62. shrink, shrivel.

3?q^lL®—:62. roll up. 160. \_3fQ^m.']

•sfd^iLi^s Qairem<i) Quir, steal, carry off.

*(5©—^^- (mo ^^ rolled, or

coiled up.

•m-QF)&r, s-q^lL.® , a-Qf/m, a roll. [*(5.]

*0ua), an image : (SsQrrsLD, ©&).

*souLo, facility : ere^^.

shQeon'au), a verse, couplet: saS.

3fen, sfsviu, eru(SD, s^iJj, own: Q<3=itit.^,

^dr. [in Comp.]

shsui^, a small school-book. \_^l—ui.

s-sii®, track, foot mark: aaeot^,

«eu/r, a wall : ^^60. [heb. SHUR. Co.

©©>•]_s-isuirdstj}, Indra's paradise.

s^(3iigji—62. dry up.

s-suir^asrua, power, independance.



S. «QJ/r<rLD, breath.

AR. s-enfrumeS&v, or g'SijfrumeS&v, a

clerk, interpreter, 93. [264.

S. sKsumS, [<3=in£l,) Lord, sir, master.

S. s^eufrdsa, a flame. [dings.

S. <*I

eSlQ<3=iSi^i}j, the gospel;


S. 3i-^siriTLi, a privilege : Qe^asQivLD.

sKsaeu, taste: ^jfra^iJosT.

^IfiM—56. (III.) revolve. [Co.@tp,

a-ifipsji— {Qp^,) whirl; round.

160,273. [e^rerff.

*L^, a circlet ; curve ; cipher : l/

s-(e!F)a(^, a sprain.

a-mmiT6s£\, lynch-pin: prop. s^L^turr

«&, the pulp of fruit.

x-Q^, a shark. [ LdauLSm. ]

s^£>is(m, quickness: ^aQnih, ^uf.^.

si£aa-g)iui-j, industry, diligence, 48,


s-ppLD, relatives, connections : ui^s&<s!r. 99. [*^j3;.J

g^pg^ — 62. surround. 107. [Co.

(^ip, *^J3/. ]

AR. <3i-ms!rd_^, Mahomedan circum-

cision : eSlnF^^Q&^sesTLD.

&@®, heat ; a brand : siriasffjs. [@®.]^®— 62. brand; wear: ^rfl.

(^L-s-uaih, @«(gLD/i), (^Ss^LDLD, sub-

tility, fineness, 194.

(^L-(B — 62. put on, invest with :

^/i9. [@®. 160.]

S. @t^, deceit;

gambling, gaming.

73, 218, 219.

S. (&^^!jLD, a rule in science ; thread :

^girio, machine.

(^/S^, (a very vulg. word.) the seat.

(miii-i— 62. wither away : eurr®.

S. QiTiSBr, a hero : aS'irsir.

S. (^rfi'djm, the sun.

S. @(5W/i), a trident ; an impediment

from superstition.

(^^, gout.

(gei), pregnancy.

H. @a), g—Dffij, horse-cloth, &c.

(^tp, roundabout: si-p/S^tD. 170.


T. O

^QT/isiieB, a whirlwind. [pROB.from

PER. JORAPARI. ] [107,170.

(^Lp— 60. surround: x-pg}i, 6u3s<r.

(^ustr, a kiln : airmeniriu. [ Co. */b

S», <9fiPJ!/-]

(^sSiuLD, vacuity ; witchcraft.

O^, Q.3^U), Q,f<sii, (and in poetry

Q.g^iu, and O^,) in comp. give

tlie meanings red and right. [Co.


Q^ss€= &<s^^^.... 223,224.

0<s^<s@, an oil-mill 255.

Qs^iiilseo, abrick, [ 0<?^zi), seo. ]

Qi'3=im\(^^^, a precipice, [ Q^ii),(g

^SJ-~\ ^. ]

Q.9=iij\<la!T&), a sceptre. [ Qd^ii, <?a/r

Gi3=fe^ 0<F(?a;, exactly right, straight.

[ Q^u), C)<s=.]

Q<rL^, ashrub: [yeaarifa), yssijr®.]

s^L-L^, a jetti, wrestler ; a mer-


Q&'iL®, trade ; keenness.

Qs'L-es>i—, awing; @lp(^.

Qs^em®, a ball ; a ball of flowers,

a nosegay.

0<y^«@ — 62. chip, adz, grub up.

Q&=^^i O.FiSG'^iSBr, from t?^n-....58.

Qs^^&si^, dry sticks, leaves, &c


3^qh<m 261.

s'ihgj, anything, possessed of ani-

mal life : iSsTfresifl.

^uLD, prayer : iSuTir^^^ssr,

Qs=uuLD, evenness, right, justice :

Q<a=U)eiaLD. [Ot?".]

Q^uuL—eai—, a wing.

\_Q^tJDUL-.(siim, a fisherman.]

Os^LDUu-L—, red. [161.]

Q.TLDLJ, a brass vessel. 242 ; cop-

per. [ Q<FLD. ]

Q <3=li y,ij friEis <e\) , a red stone, laterite.

Q^u^LDfS, (red.) sheep. [0<Fii, iLo^.]

Qs^LDLDfTeisrLD, redness of the sky.

[ Qs^eueairesnh. ]

Q^iiiecot-D, correctness, rectitude. 39.

[ O^LD.]

S. O

S. O



S. Q-^iULD, a^iLiLD, victory: QeupjS.

S. 0<5=nS— 64. conquer: Qeueveju. 269.

[ Q^flULD. ]

Q^iu, a field.

Q3=uj —58. do. 1, 13, 32, 72, 165,

270. [ S. CHESHTA. ]

Qs'iij sins, a deed. 143. [0^/Z/. ]

Q^iL ^, news; doings. [Q<s^iZ/.] 111.

Q^iu IJJ&} 148.

Gj^'LiLjetr, j)oetry. \_G)^aj.']

Q3=iLi^— 64. cause to do 160.

Q^ift— 64. digest: Q^lB.

O<s^0<s@, pride, wantonness : ^guLDirULf.

Os^Q^uLj, sandals, slippers: (?<rff®.

Q^reoireuissS, current : Q^reOLDeni^.


SYi expenditure;permission

to go. (local.) 256. [Q.?-4\] 209,

210, 244.

Qa^eoeuiP, 64. spend ; disburse. [0<f

Q^esa^^ — 62. cause to go ; pay.

(Q<3=<s^^.) 161.

0<Fa), Q,3=6\)^—56. (III.) go, pass.

12. [s. CHAL.] 161, 267.

Q'S'&ieuLD, prosperity ; riches. 245.

[ Q^eo. ]

Qs=eu — 66. be red, redden. [O^eu.'] [Written sometimes, Sev.']

Q<s=ei]uLi, redness : Q^sulj, Qeuui^.

[ Qa=<su.] 190.

T. Q^e£l, ear : sa^.T. 0<?=isi/®, 0<ysfl®, deafness. o;.]

Q,3^isueurrtLi, Mars. App. vii. [ Q^Q'3=en<sm<sii = Q^il><ss)LD, right, upright-

ness, evenness, 246. [ Ocf.] [ar.


Q<3=L^— 64. flourish, thrive.

Q<rm<;!sruuL-L-.(5mLD, Madras : Q3=

\_Q-3=dresfl, the head. poet. ^^, &/7*.] 218.

Q<9^e5r(Tj'(S<jr, (O^^o).) 56, 251.

S. Q'S'srru), a parish, assembly.

S. C^a/i9— 64. collect 258.

S. Q'T&^t—m, the best ; eldest. \_QQffL-

z_ajr, Q.fL-i—m.'\

S. C^fflliSBji— , mischief: qjj/ldlj.

S. Qs^^LD, destruction ; cutting off. 101.

S. Q^^, cut off: ^S)l.

S. Q'^^, a causeway, isthmus.

S. Gcriijii), custody, treasure; health.


Q'3=(7i^, Qs=/T— 60. draw near, [^ff/f.]

236, 244, 272.

— 64. gather together ; unite. 239.

Q .3=uIB ems, {&n lEjs iTiL .) the palm of

the hand.

<?tF/r, a weight, measure.

Qs^irdema, connection : s^LL(BjD<sif.

[G6-/f. 190.] [(?<s-/f.]

Q^rrecaw, a body of soldiers ; a salve.

S. (?<r^, a woman's cloth : ^dso.

S. Q^eusih, service.

S. Ci^ffl/^sw, a peon; servant 115.

G<?^iai;a), a cock : ffireveo.

S. Q<F(^— (dQfi)^) serve 64.

S. Q3=emeii, service: ssel^ojui.

Q^su, mud, 19, 245, 254.

S. Q'ff'Sssr, an array.

S. es)'3=icms, a sign, gesture: ^iT<3mi

H. Q^^irdsiriL/, a long vest.

S. Qs=ad.3=Lh, remainder; interest of

money: euiLip.. [_ujl£>.

S. Q s= IT em^ LD , health: 3^sui, ^QjjirdQ

Q^a^^, goods: 2_(D!Bi_eiDi£i.

Gis^ir^^eiiLD, proprietorship.

S. Q^irii^u), property, own. [s-essririmj.

Q^irrr'Ssssr, sense, feeling: ^jr^sixr,

Q<3=iTift—57. flow down : pour out.

Q.3=iT(jT)(^—62. tuck in.

S. 0<3^/r/f65<sii>, Swarga, Indra's heaven.

Quired, a word : suirir^es)^, Olditl^,

^-SF.iT, euird(^.

Qg=iTeo^— 70. say, tell. 27.

Q^iTjSl—57. scratch.

Q^frrasTm^ir 70.

QiS^iTL^— 64. adorn : ^j<soiEjaiff-

H. (?<Fff®, a pair: shoes.



S. G.9=/r^&!r,examination, trial;iJ/fLl«Eo<F.

S. (?<5=/r^, brightness: sgerf?. [joti.] 194.

S. Q.3=rr^— 64. examine, try.

S. Q<FiT^i—ui, Q^ir^ei^LD, astronomy,


S. Q^rruissnD, congratulation : festivity.

Qs^inhueo, laziness. iQ^frthuj.']

Q<!FfTt}iLj—62.be lazy.

3. Q-s^irasssTLD, gold : Qunm.S. Q<!Frrrru), lewdness ; theft: .ssrria/.

Q^iTQ^ — 60. wither, fall away, slip

down. [Co. <^/Sl. and s^iBJ]

C^/rsS, business, &c. [^j0(E2/(^.]

Qa^frdso, a grove : Q^rriiiL^.

Q.3=!T<sirLD, cholam, maize.

v. Q-rfTQ^urfi, violence, [jorawari.]

(^3=17^, boiled rice : •a^ir^ch. 62,63.

Q^s^irpgjisetas 274. (24.)

Q<3F(3rr [see under ^o/.]

S. Qs^sirdQiLiLD, <F<si]dQuji}), delight,

comfort: 3?&Lri.

[ (^For words beginning with aa look

under g), # or their second co7isonant.^

S.m^iliuiii, a post, pillar : ^^saijr.

S. auseoih, a place : ^irssrii, ^i—ld. 115.

S. m^0sr, m^iT, added to adj. make

them into nouns.

S. &o^iri3— 64. establish : iSSso Slffi^si-

S. em^iresTLD = ^trenTLD.

S. en)^9^, state, condition.

oo^fTLD, stability: e-jj;^, ^i—w.

ov^rR, a woman: Quern 166.

S. avfBfT/sseir, the Baptist, (chris.


S. av/sfreuru}, bathing.

^ [see under cs^. ]

E. ^lLS, the Eng. word judge.

S. geoLD, (see .s^siiii.)

p. ^(SniTLj, an answer. [ jawab. ]

^&!rair&}, a window : ^aJrana). 239.

(S^iTsm, a thread : ^ioS)rr(e^rr<3S!!r, waist

thread 259.

S. (Qtrusii, memory: mir^. [jtjya-


iQiruSlgu, snn: ^rfftuek. [131.

(s^irupgisQLp&nLD, Sunday. App. vii.

S. (sj/rsBTii), wisdom, (ej/rew, spiritual,

wise. [App. xi.

S.(£5/rC(2)'-'C?^<3^ii, spiritual instruction.


AR. i—Qu^niT, a head peon.

H. i_U)iJU>, pomp : Qanevti,


H. L—iT(em), a subordinate police-station.

H. L-fTULj, a list: •3^(c£l^lT.

^a(B, a thin plate of metal.

^muu<ssr, a father, 151, 194. App.ix.

^sffLD, tin.

AR. ^surrir, objection, dispute.

^s/r— 57. be broken to pieces.

—64. break to pieces.

S. ^sesrw, burning.

^s(T^ 117, 118, 268.

iStriresars: Qs^^ii eag-ii. Wlioever meddles

with things that do not belong to him,

will lose his life-

^Q— 64. burn, consume.

^^—68. be fit. 117, 118, 157, 244.


^, fitness, [^(g. 190.]

^(S2D«siS!(cW/rioar@{T5aS), a sparrow, [^eroa

la/, prohibition.]

^sa 157.

^<s@—62. come into one's posses-

sion, [^©-l«i(ffisfl 64. I • . lei•^ .^. . „„ > appropriate. 16 1.

^«<sui_/(£OTr«g/-62. J

younger sister. Aj)p. x.

^rkjsLD, pure gold: ^uni^Q. 166.

sikssm 108.

^m(g)—62. abide : ^/fl. (in some

connections^ic/on^r to.')

^sisaa, a younger sister. App. x.

S.^si>^smLD, (1.) the south : 0^/ei@.

(2.) the right side.

S. ^d-<F<air, a carpenter, 93.

33 259


[Owe who cuts ; applied to a stone

cutter, ado^J^^ek.']

AB.. ^au^Qeush, a document, voucher.


P.^OT^jjT'fl, fees, custom.

^/^fLD, a refuge: ^<ss>i—as<offiM.

^L-.m3,&), an impediment: ^&siL

S. jSi—w, a track : ^L^s^a-eu®.

jSi—<s!i— 62. grope, feel with the hand ;


si—.<smeij, a time : ^uld, sSsio^.

S. ^i—irsiM, a pond: (^anh.

^if, astiek: sl^ 217.

^Lf.— 64. grow fat or thick.

^®LDfrjpi— 62. be confused.

^(BiDirppLD, perplexity 190.

^doi)^®LDfrppil,, utter confusion.

^<mi—, hindrance : ^i_ffiy«i^.

^€mi—iLiLD, utensil; property.

^LLi—nasr, a goldsmith.

^L-L^, a screen. [Co. ^ssj/t^f^^i.]

^lL®, (any thing flat), a plate, scale

of a balance.

^iL®—62. strike against, hinder.

^L-.ise)i—, adj. flat.

pt-isai—LJiSikisirm, aflat plate.

^ism'eo, live coals: [^sajr, ^^.]

^esSl—57. grow cool : ^jd^.jS<si!sr, adj. cool: (^e^irm^.

^<s33ri_eb, collection, demand ; mate

of a ship. [96,242.

S. ^emi—%!r, punishment; ^dQ&sr.S. ^(oBsri—ti, jSisssri—ssr, salutation: eu/i

S. ^(sssTLSf.—64. punish 96.

^(^m-®, a stand ; army ; club.

^ekr®— 62. collect taxes. Sec ; visit.

^emes^iT, cold water 50,52.

S-.^^^il), a gift; adoption.

^^^ti>, belonging to each one. [^ix>+^LD. 108.]

^^^isB—64. vacillate ; tremble.

^^gi— 62. trip, walk uncertainly.

S.^^^suii, quality : ^eksain.

S. «/5^ii), ivory. [g ijirii'i'n.

S. ^ih^jLD, trick; method, policy:

^ksi, 70. [^(^, ^ff.]

^m&i^, a father: ^suum. App. x.

S.^u*, austerities, penance: ^euLo.

l^Qutr in comp. before a sonant, is

written for ^u*.] I^ld.

1. ^Ljuec^p, error, falsehood: ^u^H. ^uufreo=^isi]iT&)=^urr0O, the post.

^urreOLDfT®, posted bullocks.

^uiS^ih, a fault : iSeaLp.

^uiS^^dQarreF^, 56. (HI.) es-

cape from. l^uLj.']

jSuiSluQufT, escape ; go astray.

^uLj, a fault : i5«rotp. p. 154.

^LJLf—62. escape ; commit a fault.

^UL^eS— 64. 160. save, rescue.

H. ^Lodi^, a tom-tom. [sir. App. x.

^LD-ies)s, an elder sister : ^dair^LDium-, ^<ss>LDtum, an elder brother.

fiLDir, a hole.

^iSCp, Tamil, [s. dravida.] 124.

^LD, 108. App. xii.

^. ^LDueoiM, the refuse of betel nut

which has been chewed.

^LoiSi, a younger brother. App. x.

S.^LDiSlrrtr(3k, God. [ Co. 6riisin^= sru>+

^wLjQ^, a guitar. [sro^.

^ujiEj(^— 62. languish. 223, 224.

S.^iueij, kindness, favor: uCs^il,.

A'R. ^iLifTiT, ready: ^in^^ui.

^uSiT, curdled milk.

S. ^€mlU=^UJ(alj.

^/7@, brokerage.

^!is,<3sr, a broker, agent.

H. ^iTULi^iTfTm, an inferior servant

under a TShsildar.

siiLD, a time ; a sort, [^^sh, a/irtos.]

S.^tfi—64. put on; stay.

S. ^fff^asru), appearance: Qs;rrprDLD, sir

lL&; presence : •a^Qpaih.

S.^/fla— 64. behold.

S. ^iffQajili, visibility.

^ifls, waste land: anLot-j.

S. ^rRs=^ffiM, poverty: sreiB&aLc.



^ift^S^sGisfrecr, put on one's self,

56. (III.) [>/fl.] 106. (4.)

S.^0, a tree : lduixj, ^qf^lL^ld.

S.^QF)— (Qro^.) 70. give, [da.]

S. ^(Tjsasrti), time, opportunity: <3=i£

ILILD. 254.

^Q^eS — {&Qp^) cause to come

[ local usage]: euQr^e^. 160.

S. ^«»/r, ground, floor : iSeotp, ^errti.

S. ^irds^g^irau^rrii), logic ... ,212, 213.

S.^irdaLD, disputation, argument.

AB,. ^lidsrreh^, a proposal, tender.

S. ^trueiau, a kind of yellow grass. 212.

S. ^iTLDUj, ^0t£>zi),charity,virtue: ^/Dth.

S. ^soui, m^e^ih, place: ^i—th.

'^l. ^eoeuiTi—LD, ^efreuiri—LD, materials:

^&, ahead: ©j* 58,259.

^SsoairssS, a pillow : ^^ds'Ssasr.

^dsiSipiTs, upside-down. [251.40.]

^ds{i&&sai—, the front.

^(sm'hssr = front verandah.

si^s^&=Q!r, first Ijorn : rtp^pQu^.

[ S. JAN. ]

^Ssouu® — begin 161.

H. ^dsiiuiTiB, a watchman.

^(SiissLo, scarcity ; impediment.

^eussSsir, a frog: ^svdsir.

S.^fflicFii), grain; store: ^irst^iULD,

S. ^eiisr — ^ua-, ^ULD. [a raft.

^eu'^sm, a term, fixed time: Qa® ;

S. ^euLo = ^uffi- 264.

^ia;&, a large brass vessel : ^uSso,


^<si](Lg — 60. crawl 73,

^euSstr, a frog : ^(a/«<s^.

^engii, a mistake; lSIiswlp.

^ei]£u— 62. err, mistake : ^ulj.

S. ^enenTLD, thirst; longing: <siin(i^<oir>^s=.

H.^eutrei), ^uireo, ^LJun'So, the post.

App. ii.

^ia//risb@^s»/r, a posted horse.

^gfl— 64. be wearied : ^dsir; pine:

^eSl(B, bran.

^e£lrr, except: epifiu-i 172.

^eSiT — 60, 57. (neut.) be removed.

^efl/f— 64. remove. [170.

^QgLD.Lj, a scar.

^(Lpetj— 62. embrace : ^'hmr, slL(B.

^eo^Lp, a bud, shoot : {_Co. ^eSir,^


^<cs>Lp—57. shoot, germinate.

— 64. flourish.

^<EW^<cir 273.

^eiTLD, a floor, an army.

^CT-/f— (©.) 60. totter. ... 57, 228.

^sy/-/r|^©, feebleness, looseness,

190. [^s»r/f.] 228.

jSeBfr, a bud. [Co. ^e»tp.]

^^, a bond, connexion.

^sireirir®— 62. stagger, 255. \_^<sit.'\

^eirefrfreioLD, inability 154.

^srr(Br5 — 62. push; turn away;

reject 146, 239, 247.

^/S!, a weaver's loom; axe.

^/S— 64. cut off.

S.^esTLD, (1.) wealth, (2.) a term, of

sans, nouns = ness.

fisS, alone, (adj. ^sot^^.)

s>sSicaLD, loneliness 251,184.

^'(istsr 212.

^OT 108, 270.

^<33rs3r/F^SOT^^ . . . , • ...••» 223, 224.

^ekeariB^eSQuj 223, 224.

^meS'S'eia'Fdsirrresr, 272. (!!•) j^ssJ/",


^rr, give. [The root o{fi(^Qp^. 70.]

S.^iTSii, thirst.

fsirs^^p(ss QsrQ, give me sometMng

to drink.

cresrs^^ fiirsib erQiSlp^, I am thirsty.

K.'R. passed, registration, entry.

KB.. ^iTsQ^, an order : slL/_&.

^iTsi^, an assault.

^ns(S)— 62. dash against; Quar^.

aiTisjseo, displeasure. [^/rE/(g +m&} .'\ 108.

^iT!ii(^— 62. bear, sustain: Qutr^i,


S.^rr,3=dr, a slave, servant: ^i^exLo.

S.^itSI, a courtesan: QeuS, Q^e^i^irS.

AB,. sfr&ev^mr, a revenue officer.



H. ^/r«, a gong, hour 158.

^iTL^, a beard.

^ireeyi—, the jawbone.

^rrsss®— 62. pass over.

S. ^rr^iT, a giver, [datri.]

S.^n-^i, (1.) an elementary principle;

(2.) root; (3.) the pulse.

^iremfi, grandfather. App. x.

S.^fTLD&'LD, ^fTLD^LD, delay. [In Tinn.

^fTLD&Bfr, lotus : ^rj^i^ili, sLDeotJa.

S. ^niSffih, copper: Q^a^mLj.

fiiTLD 108. App. xii.

S.^/riiyeOii, betel prepared for eating.

S. ^rritiir^, a kinsman.

^iriu, a mother.

^iTiULDiTLDm. App. X.

^. ^nu^LoiBujui, difference of greater

and less.

S. ^n-ffili, a wife.

^irffiren-th, confidence, freedom.

S.^/TiB, [dhari.] a terrain. = one itAo

wears, or bears.

^iTQ^LD, give ye ! 70.

S.^rrssjir, a trumpet ; a large drop.

P. JsrrQrrfrstr, a superintendent.

S.-gireoii, a copper dish.

^rrsorru-®, a lullaby.

^ireS, the marriage token.

AR. ^iT^srr, Tahluk. App. iii.

S. ^rrsuffw, a habitation ; any thing im-


^/raflfc, better, [^/r^aj/, ^60^.]

Heb.^/raS"^, David 130.

^ireij—62. stretch forth the arms, &c.

^T(Lp— 60. be humble, bow down.

^rresjip, a kind of thorn tree.

^iripd^Q, want. \_^iti^. 190.]

^irip^SJ — {Qp_^.^ humble, abase,

[^iriJp. 160.]

^iripeiau), ^iTLE>(Sj, humility. 184, 190.

S. ^rrerru), time in music, 242.

^rr^—62. bear: Qurrjpi.

^rreir, (1.) foot, stalk; (2.) bolt;

(3.) a sheet of paper.




^irissrui, (1.) a gift [danaM:] ^emss,

Qsirmi—, (wrjih. (2.) a place.


^irs^iui}), grain : ^euo'ih.

^irm 108, 271.

®^Qso, sudden alarm: fleas, Pemsuu.^«!o<s = (l.) p<5Bi<3=, p&(^. (2.) fright.

^esia—64.be affrighted 254.

peiasuL^, fright 190.

piappeusk 90.

pd(^, (die.) a quarter of the heaven,

90. App. ix.

^liiseir, the moon. App. vii. [Co. a.



pei^L^, sight ; fascination ; evil eye :

^L-LD, strength, firmness : S-ffi^.

Pi—<so, a mound : ^L-esit—, Qix®.

pi-ir, ^lL®. [^Lti.]

^i—iTfftdsBLD, courage, constancy:

^isLeo, pus.IT 273.

P®dQ® "I give a start, be terri-

P®dQse!!r J fied, 263, 70.

plL-i—LD, exactness, accuracy, order :

Pl_®— 62. revile: esxsii, Sip. [146.

Pessr'Ssssr, a pial, elevated verandah.

PP, a day of the month ; observan-

ces belonging to a day, especially

for the dead, [tit'hi. comp. Q^p.]

P^P—64. be sweet. [190.

P^P^uLj, sweetness ; sweetmeats.

piBiEiQeow, a large fish ; whale.

PlS^u— 62. get out of a person's


Pojiiif^—62.be dejected, confound-

ed : aeota(^.

lurreou}, vulg=a/risoii>, time.

tLHTeani, meditation.

'jilL®, a collection, [^jsrr.]

'jlI®— 62. make round; collect.

Ipje^. 160.]

'UGSSTLD, a trifle, [lit: grass.] ^0



^a'hisr, a wisp of straw laid under

the bundles on a bullock's back.

[^iJiff .]

^jju>, firmness : iSSso, ^-.gji^, m^sLo.

^fft^iuih, wealth, substance: ^m^.101, 138, 242.

^rreiriTiS, abundantly.

^treir, a crowd [any thing round.]

^fffei^—56. (III.) become numerous,

round, &;c, [^jsyt.]

^niTLLa^Lh, grape: Qam^Qpi^rfi.

^ijfretmfl, strength, ability : siiSoeouui,

^^gjeilLD. \_UJLD.

^rrnensili, any thing distilled : s'lrrnr

^rR, a wick; three, [tri.]

^/fl—57. wander about, whirl. 220,

265, 269.

ffirs^^iQaseit, He IS in danger ofdeath.

^fffsms, a potter's wheel; a mill. [firfl.']

^fft\QsiTsmt}),a, triangle.

^rfl\Qsrr(5m-\'3=ir^^rTL£>, trigonometry.

^fff— 64. twist a rope, 8tc.

^rfls:'ij(^, a king, father of Haris-


^rfl.a=uju>, what is visible.

^if]^Sj<siiili, Trinity.

^ifiLf, change: Qeugauir®. [^/fl.]

^(5, holy; prosperity, [shri.]

P®@— ^2- turn, twist.

^Q^sn-mB, a screw. Is^ejou.

.^nK^\<3^eisu, the church, 128. \_^q^+

.^Qh(d^i—irm^LD, example 158.


^(vji-OT, a thief 134,242.

^(Tj®— 62. steal. 138,

^(^LL®,(l.)theft: ffl6»-(ffl/;(2.)thievish.

^(TR^^ii), correctness, 190.

^(^/E^— 62. become correct. 270.

^Qfi^^—62. correct. 160.

. ^(muuesifl, sacred service, [(-/sosfl.]

^QFjUi-i—62. turn (act.) [gr. trep.]

160, 268.

^OUJL^— 62. be turned ... .160, 263.

^©(TTjSuif, [^0+^i^.] the sacred foot


the presence of.

^(Vj^ei^eirLh, the divine mind, or will.

^esiiT, (1.) a curtain: ^eiaiT'T^Sso.

(2.) a wave : ^^o. 101.

AR. ^eufreS, [Diwan.] a place of


S. ^eudliu, divine,

^fl— 66. open.

^pmLD, ability 269.

^flLD, a part ; ability.

^pe^Qsfr&), a key : 3=ir<^. [jins.

AR. ^ssra-, ^ersrla-, ^e^», kind, species.

S. ^ssTLDiresTth, ^i^^esrnpLD, lSIjj^^-sbt

LD^iBirQi—iTgiiil), every day.

S. ^esni, a day jdaily : fsireir. 206, 207.

^asreij, itching.

^Sosr, a kind of millet, any thing

small. l^esr.

^dr—56. (lll.)( l.)eat.(2.)itch: ^asr"©/

^mtS, ^ekuimri—ih, food, any thing

eatable : Qrenffieineu, ^<ssfl.

Q^, s. (1.) fire : ^dQet^, Qm(TF)Lji-j.

152, 261. a. (2.) evil : Quireoeoirss-

(3.) sweet, [in comp.]

^s, l@(75afl, an ostrich. [ It is suppos-

ed to eat fire.]

^iBj=^, sweet, (in comp.)

^iEi(Q, evil: QuireoiodirLJLj,^m>LD.[^.']

S. ^iLeiO'F, initiation.

^L-® — 62. sharpen ; beat rice;

write. 228.

^L-Lf, pollution : ^a-&. [^esiir®.]

^SOT® — 62. touch ; contaminate :


S. ^ULD, ^iSl&as, a lamp: (^<Eird(^.

^<smLD, evil, 64. [^, 184.] vulg : ^m

^IEJ(^. [poet.] ^^.S. ^ffLi), a bank ; boldness.

^fftr, =^i7ff<s 220.

^irir# ffisQ^sm, a duuht which is not

cleared up.

^Iira Qairuih Quirinrih Qpisf-tjib^ impla-

cable anger will end in war.

S.^0— 60.be cleared off, appeased,

expiated, [tira.] 128.

S. ^iTd3,fiffl&, a seer, prophet, [darsh-

IN.] 141.




^(ai;<s@— 62. begin : Q^ni—imi^.

S.^euii), a s. term. = ness, ity. [iJ^-/.

gjeuaLD, harshness of taste : ^euir

^isiiijLhuQhuLj 243, 4.

^eiieiarr, a leguminous plant. 243, 4.

^a/rSTp — 56. (III.) bend, warp,

shrink. leuSstr.

S. ^earruLD, [dwaram.] a door ; hole :

S. ^Q^<si^u>, hatred.

^gjnsy— 64. beat clothes on a stone.

curdle milk 228,19,64.

ffiesiSiiVdjeo, (1.) things bruised and

eaten with rice. (2.) tempering

of steel.

gjisB, a drop : . tS«^ 107.

^eftliT, a bud, germ : ^eSir, ^etntp.

^(cYTigrj, a jump.

^err(Sffi — 62. leap, be frolicksome.

^piL®, a hook.

giimp, a harbour, ford, place of

descent into a tank ; scheme.

S. ^sjr = ^/f. q. V 141.

S. ^(Soruii), affliction 96.

S. ^(23r I i£)/r/fs<sii), bad conduct : gii^m

I atsisis,

gip— 66. forsake.

^w&SLD, sleep: S^^eairr, S-pdsLD.

^s(^, a hook or rope to suspend

any thing upon. [Co. 0^/r/Ky@.]

,^s(^, — 62. hang up; weigh;


^EKQ— 62. sleep.

S.^^SL^dimru), abuse : fSi^&sr.

S. jpirS, dust : ffiir&r


^0ireiS, (l._)ameasure : i£j<B<s/xa). (2.)

a quiver.

^em, a pillar : ero^iiuii . . . .265.

^sisrL^e^, a hook 182.


airrrm, a fisherman. Q^yr

'smrL^eo.'] 182, 183.

^sstsr® — 62. stir up, incite : 67®/,

erO^^sS®, erq^uLj. [ger.

S.^r^sar, {i.^^, ^^(sna.) a messen-

S.^sir^, an errand, [gen. a bad one.]

S.^^Uii, incense.

^triLi \issiLD, purity: *^^tD . . . .184.

S.^^ijLh, distance; difference ... .242.

_^iT— 57. be filled up, as a pit or


— 64. fill up : iSeiop.

^^iT^^iZsr, a bad fellow.

^euatoSTLD, drifting rain.

^^fi2/— 62. sprinkle gently.

_^eir, dust, powder : Quai^,^®.,girff!i, (1.) a thicket

; (2.) ill report.

^£11 — 62. drizzle, 266. defame.

^ppso, a shower 266.

^p^, a tale-bearer ; a sweeper,


^pss—62. winnow ; scatter abroad ;


s_OT(S7r \oun\o^ ^ppsi Koiswcnsw Ua/csor

0ii). You must winnow when there is


Q^S, Q^smi—isa^. App. iv.

^° When words beginning with Q^cannot be found here, see under fi.

Q^^gj, a hedge, entrenchment.

Qfi^^ — 62. stammer ; twist any


Q^uuLD, a raft : t-j'^ssur.


(garii), a small tank.

S. Q^LueuLo, divinity, providence, fate.

[daiva.] 90, 166.

S. Cl^lLK^SLD 206.

O^/fl— 57. be intelligible ; known ;

select, pick, ascertain.49, 93, 111,


Q^HiuirineSa^Bgi sSiLQi—osr, I ivas ig-

norant of the matter.

[ Impers. with 4th case ; act. with

2d. case.]


u®3i^, make known.

[ QjSffjuj. 161.]

, a street : eS^ 239.

i—L^djseSiufremLo, the real

marriage. [ Q^(i5sn"= understand-

.®, nausea.— 62. loathe.

— 57. become clear; be

scattered, dissipated. [O^//?.]

— 64. sprinkle, scatter.




Q/, clearness. 39, 190. [O^srf?.]

Q^^ — 64. burst, be scatteredj

shoot stones, &:c.

Q^m, south. App. No. ix. [Incomp.— GT^iT, opposite.



<s=/7@, the south side of a

street. &c. App. vi. [<s(yb^.

O^ssr \p(SO, the south wind : ws^k^

S. Q^sih, a body : s^rPaili.

<S^s(3)—62. stop, cause to stagnate.

Q^rii(^— 62. stagnate.

S. Q^'3=LD, a country : ibit®, &ssiLD.

S. Q^'S^iriB^uis). [^^/E^irii).] 23-4, 235.

Q^(B — 62. seek, [190.

Q^lLl—ld, Q^iLeai—, what is sought,

QjS^, a day of the month : ^^.[tit'hi.]

Q^LDLi— 62. sob, pine away.

Q^iij — 57. wear away, grow less,


—64. rub 32.

Q^UJLD = Q^'3=Ui.

QjS/ff, a sand plain, [tinn.]

G^Q^— 62. consider; ascertain.

C^sro/r, a kind of frog.

G^iT, a chariot; car: ^ij^ii, sSt/jff

(ssnh. 166.

S. C^sulpro^ffesTLD, a temple : Cs/rsSei).

S. Q^ensm^, a god, or goddess. .151.

S. Q^snifiT 151.

S. Q^eS, a goddess ; a queen.

Q^<csieii, need : ^eu^s^rril).

Q^eir, a scorpion 254.

Q^gii—62. be strengthened, become

clear, arrive at a conclusion,

[comp. Q^QF).']

G^/D|afl6^/r/fl, examine thoroughly.

Q^ppLD, emphasis, clearness. \Qpffi.


G^pps&i, comfort.

-62. comfort 160.

52sr, honey: togi 107.

s. January. App. vii.

s— 64. sew, stick in 32.

(ssi^iueo, sewing. 148. [g»^.]<ss>^iupan3<3sr, a tailor, [sio^.] [tii.

S. ea^fftoju), boldness, courage : ^uSfRiu

S. eta^eciD, oil, liniment: ^uSisotJa.

OfiiT(^— ^^- [II-] be summed up,

suffer ellipsis.

— 64. sum up.

Q^iT(g)^, a collection.

—sresur, the numerator.

0^/7-(S»<s, sum, total. [0^/r@.] In

gram, ellipsis 244,270.

Q^tr/sjaSu, any thing that hangs

down 148.

Q^nEj(^— 62. hang, be suspended,

Q^in—iEi(^— 62. begin : ^ffl;«@.241.

Q^fTi—iT, in comp. connection.

Q^iTL-ir— 60. follow after, pursue.

Q^!n—fr-s=&, what follows, conse-

quence 190.

Q^ir®— 68. touch. 230.

—64. connect, put the arrow on

the string.

Q^/rOiJL/, intrigue, connection.

[0^/r® ; or for Q^frt—iTLj.']

Q^fresyi—, a thigh : ^etoz

Q^nL-Ls^, a trough, manger.

Q^iTL-L^io, a cradle.

Q^itlL®, [Q^/t®.] 230. 681.)

Q^iriLQi^ek,! touched, (from Q^ir®,

Q^rrmsr®, a slave.

Q^iresisres)!—, the throat.

Q^irem^^iirgii, 90, 172.

Q^iT^SJ— 62. cling to ; infect, taint.

Q^iT^^(^tuiT^, an infectious disease.

Q^iTiB^rreij, trouble : Q^irii^eiarr. 166.

Q^iri^, the belly : Q^iruesiU.

Q^iruLjeiT, the navel : Qa!ruLi(sir,

^m^. ^sfl.]

Q^nih— 57. languish, faint. [Co.

0^/r&—57. be removed; pass away.

^dso, iiisi(^. 171, 244.

—64. remove; wipe off:

Q^itSso, great distance : Q^irm^HLD.



Qs5ire[)&i), antiquity ; trouble.

Q^tTL^eo, work ; employ.

Q^iT(t£, a pair of stocks : Qi^iTq£LD!ru>.

Q^!TQ£—60. worship : ^nrr^. [alli-

ed to filT(Lg.']

Q^nQseniM, a fold : Qeai—, LD/Ben)^.

Q^frem-rruSrjLD, - 900 172.

Q^fT^, a hole : ^eurrffLD.

S. Q^fresH, sound : s^^^th.

Q^rrm^ Q^mL®, from antiquity,

[O^/rcarjj;, antiquity.] 230.

Q^ireas, a feather, peacock, tail.

S. Q^rrei^iM, fault : (ff^ppLd.

Q^nmis=, a kind of rice-cake.

QismLi—Lh, a garden ... . Ill, 181.

Q^itlLl^, a scavenger: [ QeuLLi^

luirm. ]

S. Q^fTsail, a large boat.

Q^a(smL^, an earthen pot.... 149.

QjSrrsm® — 62. dig.

S. Q^rr^^ffLD, praise .- gj^.

S. Q^rruLf, a clump of trees, tope.

Tel. Q^iTLDeBff, mosquito curtains.

Q^iTtLi—57. curdle, (n.)

—64. dip in, curdle, (a.)

S. Q^irn'smLD, lines of flowers, &c, sus-

pended across streets and entran-


Qfiireo, (1.) root of Q^rrp—Qpgj.

(2.) skin, leather.

C?^/r(SD|s)S), defeat. \_Q^irSo.'] 190.

Q^iTi^m, G^iTL^, (f.) a companion.

Q^ireir, shoulder: ljiuld.

Q^fTgnih, every, each, [affix.]

Q^rrp—(Slp^,) be defeated. [70.

like sec.']

Q<sn-pLi = Q^aiso^. lQ^rre\).'\

Q<srrpp, 70. [C^/riso.]

Q^rrppiD, appearance : Q^nekgn.

Q^npgs, or Q^iTekffi—62. appear. 90.


fB^iL®— 62. push along.

S. /BsiM, a nail, claw.

maQpih ue\)^tn Quirsgr l/oS, O, tiger that

has lost its claivs and teeth.

34 26T

S. issfTLn, lEsifl, city, metropolis.

rESQF,—60. crawl, be removed. 251.

AR. rsa&i, a duplicate, copy.

mens, jewel ; laugh. App. ii.

/ECisa— 64. laugh, deride.

/5<s@ — 62. lick.

P. iBiiiSr^ffLh, an anchor.

[/E/E/iSB)<s, a noble woman.]

/E'S^eo, wasting sickness.

/E*/K/(g—/5««@—62. crush, bruize.

(a. & n.) 160.

rB€m3=, desire ; moisture.

/EcF*, (1.) adj. poisonous: [/^(OT*.]

(2.) desire ; babbling.

S. lEsi^i—LD, mu-i—iM, loss: [^issfl. ]

lEiQo-, poison : aSei^iJ). [adj. /e.5^*.]

fEi—— 66. walk; take place, go on;

suffice. 32, 56, 73, 111, 272. (III.)

267. [/5i_.]

rsi—deas, mi—^eei^, conduct, 143.

S. iBi—s;^ — 62. conduct, cause to go.

App. ii. 160.

tBi—uL^, one's life, deportment, [/e

S. ibi—ulSI— 64. cause to walk. 160.

S. fEi—uiSle£l — 64. cause to walk. 160.

iBi—LDiT®, 62. move about, walk, [/f

i_ii), ^®.]iBL—eif, transplanting. [/5®.]

IE®, the middle : ld^^, <se>LDUJua. 134.

ih® — 68. plant. 57.

ih®ssLD, trembling.

C tB®iki(g) — 62. tremble.

\ lB®rE®it(g)— (273.)

/E®f£lQeO, IE®UUp, IE

the middle.

S. /5«roi_, conduct ; walk;pace ; a trip


idiom. \_rBL—] 191.

iE<cS)L—ut3<smL£>, a walking corpse.


S. lELL^a^^^iTU}, iE.as>p,^^iTLD, a star, con-

stellation : suirmLScir.

/el1(_, 75. [/E®.]

IEL-l—LD=-IE<£^l—LCi. ®+=^5^-]

lEL-L-Tgu, the middle of a liver. [/5

[/HL-L/, friendship; &QrB3,m. r. ie&i.']

iE<skr® , a crab.

iB<skri^miu, for mmQr^dj 125.


)ui3Qffc, in


S. /B^, a river :

/Bji^ua, a village: esi/f.

iB^^ss)^, a snail.

S. reii^eutssTLD, fEih^esrsuesnli, a flower

garden : y^iQ^inLt—Ui, y,(f^Q^ir8so.

AR./BuiT, a person, an individual:

^srr. [«a//f.]

S. rBLD&osimui, adoration ; reverence.

/ELDcmsffl— 64. pay reverence.

iBLD, 10, 37. App. xii.

fBiiujT, the English word number.

188. App. ii.

/eldlSssids, hope, trust : eS<9rai;/r<9=z-D.

[190. fEtli^.']

/Eiii-i — 62. hope, expect, rely on.

S./Bujuj, kindness : ^sBiL/ ; cheapness :

S. /Birsu>, hell : 6r//?/Eff<£ii).

[/5i7<s«b, excrement: lS". ]

iBffLDLf, a chord, string; sinew.

S. iBHssr, a man. pi : /Eij/r or /Ejirrehdseir.

lEifl, a fox, jackall : 3=imljsld.

iBQhS(m— 62. bruise. [Co. Q/sa^, ib

a-, O/E0.]

rbQT)rEi(^— 62. be bruized. 160.

iBeiorr, gray hairs ; hoary.

fEeL>Lh, = ^eir<oSiLD 272. (III.)

mec, /Esieo, /Efir, (sp, good. 13,14,184.

m (SO eo IT IT , IS &) Q eo n IT 184.

S. is<aiiLc, (1.) newness: LjguesiLo. 134.

(2.) nine : (^mu^.AR. iseuir, a person : .^sJr. [see ieuit.'}

fBQ^eif— 62. slip down, or out of

the hand.

meiBir, cold, ague : (ggifl/r.

iBossr— 57. become wet, soaked.

—64. soak, wet.

mmQ'S^uj, wet cultivation. 93.

Introd. §. II. [ 272. (111.)

/EesreniLo, goodness. \_iE60+einLD. 184.]

/EeirjS, a benefit: S-usirrrtD. [_rseo.']

fsm/S ^i;S, (57.) be thankful.

mmgii, it is a good thing ; a good

thing. 155, 184,272. (III.)

S. lEirsiJi, a snake, dragon UlTLDLj,

S. lEiTSii^sLD, urbanity, civilization.

mi'd(^, tongue : miTeij, ibit. 258.

lEFiEiseir, we 10, 11, 37.

S. lEiT^ih, destruction : ^i^sy.

S. /BiT@, nose, nostril : Qpd(^, iBir&&a,x.

S. /Eff^susBT, a barber : ^iMUL-u.m',


S. iEm—.&L£i, a drama : s^^si.

H. miTi—iT, a ribbon.

iEiTL—iT(sir, a polite epithet of certain

classes : [/e/t®.]

S. iBiTL^, the pulse.

isr®, a country, district. 19, 26,

180, 166. Im®. plant 191. d.]

iBir®— 62. seek, desire eagerly. 261.

iBirQu-iruf-Oj, customary : a^rr^irrjissBr.

\_fB'T® + SaUf-lU .'] SllUi.'\

mirQi—/Tffiiisi, everyday. l/EireiT+Q^ir

fBirL-L-Lh, aim, desire. [/E/r®.]

isinLi—mT 1 80.

witlL® 18,131.

ieitlL® — 62. fix, plant.

IB it SHUTLD , shame: QsulLsld, <s._<F<Fii>,

modesty: (^sstilild, [/e/toth.]

iBiressTeo, a reed.

lE"^^—62. be bashful, ashamed.

lb ir'iisssnu LD , honesty ; elegance ; lu^ir

TEirem, a cord, bow-string : siugu.

S. /5/T^(SJr, master, lord : ^(sesri—eiKssr


tBiT^^t^ir, /BTT^^, husband's sister.

App. X.

S.iBirtS, (1.) the navel: Q^rruLfsir. (2.)

a kind of poison : eu,ff=^iETriS.

S. iBiTLDih, a name : Quiuir.

AR. isniniT, a deed, writing: u^^ift

eio<x, ernp^^. 153.

fEiTLD, we 10, 11, 37.

AR. iBirajuQfT&v^iT, a deputy sireshta-

dar. [/E/riL//J = deputy.]

S. ihiTiusLJa, excellence, any thing


S. lEiTUjsek, a leader ; lover.

mirQium 184.

lEiruj, a dog 13,14,217.

S, mirrfiTs^LD, an iron pen, a probe ; a

lane, (local.)



.BiTir, fibres of plants.

IB IT so (T <suSJ 175.

iE!T^, four, (j-.) 134,172. [_iB!Teo,iE!T

p, iBfresr.'] [O^/te/q.

rsiTsjii— 70. hang, be suspended :

fsiT^^dr, a barber: ^jihuu-L-di, leir

miretf— len, a tongue : rBad(^....265.

lEiTL^, a measure : ul^.

S. /Effi^sna, a Tamil hour 158.

iBireir^, current, [/5/r«rr.]

rErre^2irs!^d(m 206.

iBiT(emd(^rBir&r, from day to day.

iBirdsfT, tomorrow.... 206, 244,266.

iBTm, a day: mir'Ssir 206,242.

iEfT£)i — 62. yield a smell (good or

bad.) [/E^.]

mirpu^ , 172.

iBappw, smell : <su(T.3=ds!sr. [/5/rjp.]

icn-pgii, young plants fit lor trans-

planting. 68. [/Eff^.]

S. /E/r(OT),/E/r(C5)isfl^,various -. u<c\\ ueoeSjs.

/sfT^^Mgu ....172.

/Ffreir 11,37.

fEfTeSTQf 172.

leirasrgiiQ&rreir, hang one's self.


S. /9, in sans. comp. = ^ privitive.

S. fSssm®, a vocabulary : u^LD^^rB,

^^Ssip— 57. go on, be on foot : rsL ]

iBamuD, length : lismh, /itLS.

f§s=uu(B^S^, establish a fact = ^-(^

a-u u(B^sy 161.

S. Sl^ii), [/S^ii).] certainty: iS^s^iuui.

S. Slds^iuLD, certainty 163.

S. Sei^^^ii. a thing to be loathed.

S. rS<SL^(Bijili, harshness ; severity.

S. : ei^w.z—, (/SilsBTZ—.) an observance,

religious practise.

S. lS,9m^lLILD, VUlg. for SdffUJLD.

fS<5mLD, fat : Qsfr(tpuLj.

;3. iB^iresTLD, certainty; justice, exacti-

tude 163.

S. Sl^, a treasure.

S. rS^^ih, for ever, daily : S^ld. 255.

S. rS^^ujLD, eternity.

lil^^ssiiT, sleep : airssiiLD.

S. Sliiem^, contumely : ^-^/rsi^cjOTii).

S. rSiu/B^&sr, an agreement; canon:


S. iSuLsi, slander: iSud Q^ireo.. .256.

S. IfSLjemek, a skilful person.]

S. SIlBsl^ld, ( iSlSu.u>,) a moment,


S. /SlS^^U}, a cause ; omen. 157, 242.

iSlSit — 57. stand upright.

—64. place upright.

S. SiuLDLD, rule, regulation, obser-

vance : slLi—Ssit. 163.

S. SiLiirujLD, reason : Qpsni^nuj; right


1^^. 115.

S. S iLi IT iij IT^u^, a. judge, 158. {.,$i^u^.)

AR. Sffd(^, a tariff, price fixed.

iSffuiL], iSuui-i — 62. be filled up,

fill up. [Co. Seap.']

f^ja/— 62. level. [/Ssw/r.] [p. 149.

S. £lIT ITlLq^u Soar, without objection.

S. £Iq^^, (O^issr QLDp(^.) App. viii.

S. Sq^uld, an epistle : anQ^iJa, <sb^.

S. Sq^lS, 64. create, appoint.

S. iS^lS — 64. prove. [Com. ^J.]fSe<>)ir— 57. be in order.

— 64. arrange. [/S«w/r.]

iS&Dird^a^eo, a screen, hedge: ^sro/r.

S. Sit, (in comp.) without ; negation.

S. Siress, luii, determination, certainty :

S/TLDireSTLD 163.

iSrremuS, 64. determine. [sold.

S. Slif<i^^&9, total destruction : SirQp

S. SiTuu/s^LD, without connections;

wretchedness, trouble. App. ii.

S. SliTfue^Lh, eradication, utter de-

struction. [iT/rsazifl.

S. iBrreuasLD, ability, competency : ^S. iSiT(Suir(5S!!TLh, nakedness: .^LDLDessru).

iBeoeo^LD, position; state; affair, \_i8eo.']

iSeoLD, land: yi^. 96. liSeo.] 255.

Seoei], moonlight ; Sleorr.

tSejU'Ssxsu, balance : urrdQ, Qs^iTds^w.

iS&o, a standing place; persever-

ance. With various verbs ; as.

Si^ QaiT<sir, S^SSi), SSsoQugii,

SSsduu®, be, remain ^rm.



62. establish.

/S2so— 64. abide, retain footing,

Sdsi~ss>LD, state, condition.

tSSsoeunth, firmness, stability : £_^^.Ss\>, S6\}£!i, 70. stand, stop. 27.

S. (Seurrrresani, iSeufr^^, abolition, re-

moval : LDcirei^LJLj.

S. SQeu^^iULD, an oblation : uS


iStpiso, a shadow ; shade : •3=ir<caiL/.

S/DLD, a colour : euHemLb 209.

S^ — 64. weigh, poise.

S. Slga^^ — 62. cause to stand or

stop or cease, [nirudd'ha.] 27.

iSesip, weight : urrrrih.

iSss>p— 57. become full : iSffLDLj.

—64. fill : BsuLj.

Seiajusij, fullness : L^ff(5!3rLD 106.

{Bes)pQ<sug)i—62. become fulfilled.

iSesipQsupra—62. fulfill. \_6ipg)i.'\

fSp—70. (Co.Seo.) stand, stop. 170.

S^—64. think, remember. 111,221.

[<S(T5^, i@3ssreija^(T^.'] [190.

/S&a-®/, a thought : SSsstuli, Sisco^.

Sj/S'^ Qtoo) S1saiuuiruSl(j^is^tl3!r^ his

attention loas fixed on that.

fS&srey s^QF), remember, [.s^.ff-.]


I?, thou 10, 37.

iSd(^ — 62. remove, put away


SisjS'Sir, you.

/fs/Q— 62. quit, leave .-

S. i.a^LD, lowness, meanness

li^Fsir, a low fellow : <s=

(f<^<sr, swimming : rSfssJ

^i^—^64. last, be prolonged.

iiLi—il,, length: ^etrCb. 272. (III.)

/^L-if-— 64. prolong, [(fsrr.]

^l1®— 62. stretchout, [/s'stt.]

SsisTt-, long, [/fai-.] 272. [III.]

S. /fp, justice: /?^ii) 115.

r^ksi— 62. swim : ii(^s-.

1^1^, (I.) you, 10, II, 37. (2.) water,

52. com. ^ em esilr rr , ^ &) LD . 72.

i^irA\(^LSL^, a bubble on the water,



S. lieou), blue; indigo. [(III.)

lietTLD, length: SlLQ. [/Fot.] 272.

ii(^—70. lengthen out. [n.]

lisw, long. [Comp. liiL, limrL ] 255.

Sgu, lime ; ashes : efl^^.

i^SU— ipsa — 62. (n. &c. a.) be,

slaked ; slake lime.

^«ii), a yoke: ^s^^ljl.

[^S0—57. enjoy : ^egnueS.']

^iEj(Q, the pulpy part of the palmy-

ra fruit : QtEirrkii^. [^«ot.]

^lLuld, minuteness, a point of time.

„. > =a kind of frog.

^,^)id(^— 62. pulverize.

^,^}iasiJD, subtility : ^lLuim.

^^jiiEjQ) ^62. become small, fine :

^(SBar, (^LL,) = viinute, fine, a root

from which many derivatives are


.Miearr, foam, froth, scum : Q/EirtBoir.

^<5mLp—57. get in, creep in, enter:

i3nQ<sii@ 272.

SieS, the tip : s^ir, QpSssr.

S.^^GHTLD, a novelty : ty^co^io.

,gir&), thread ; a scientific work : ^it

m^rjLD 260.

Sirsii, a hundred 107, 172.

.gFp—{SipgJ,) spin : [.^ei).] 259-

,gjrpQ(yekgii 1 72.

QieQ^— 57. forsake : efl®.

0/E(^6=ii), QrE(^a-, the breast, heart,

conscience : ^qf^^oju).

Qm(B, 0/E®ii), QihL^iu, Q/blL®, Q/elL

1-. 242, 272. (III.) (Co. ieir,)

QieQ isirenniu s-eir^asrQes^ii, I hctve

not seen you for a long while.

QrsiLi—aiUii, placed perpendicularly;

opposed to ssLLt—fnuLi),

Q/blL^l, a noise of the joints crack-


Q/EiL®. 62.



! INDEX 1.

UL-(B, silk.

uL-etai—, (1.) the bark of a tree :

LDss-Qpneo. (2.) a streak, stripe,


uiLaaL-iuui, (1.) a sword : (2.)

title deed : ulLl—iuld.

uiLQi^rrdso, (1.) an edict, (2.) a


u<omLD, money : a/rs? 52, 244.

uessfl, (1.) a jewel: uemfl^. (6.) ser-

vice : uesSsSemi—. [uasiflaSsrai—.

U(siS— 57. bow down, do service :

u sssflu Ciuem , a, lady's maid. [smiii>-

u enS uj ITnLD , ueeSarraiM, cakes: ueo

Ljemfl^eai—, service, ministry: ssci^


uiassr, (1.) melody: airsio. (2.) fit-

ness : dF(^^.

—u®, be fit 161.

S. uemi—s .3= irdso , a granary, store house.

usmi—LDUiTL^, various things : s=[r


usesTi—nrrw, a Saiva devotee: ^<mrL^.

uem a. abandy, vehicle, 111 -.suemL^.

uismrL^etsis, a festival : ^(Tjsflt^/r, ^(tj


U(5kn^-3;dr, a learned man. Pandit.

Qs^irije^rio&i ^^QpenQair uemv^^esr, he

who knows a thiny without telling is aPandit.

S. usssr^u— 62. make, [pana.] 1, 165.

u msr'Ssssr , cultivation : eSuff-iruu).

S. u^dsLD, a breast-plate.

u^iiT,(us;e^,) palm juice received

in vessels with lime smeared on

the inside.

u^ii-, chaff, 233, 248.

u^sijemrr, a literal explanation.

{_u^Lh, a word, S-sw/r.]

Li^^— 62. hurry. 121.*

(SJirdju^^, hesitate in speech.

S. u^, a chief ; town.

u^—57. be fixed, or fastened in,


— 64. imprinted, fix in [r_ii.

S. u^si^i—ih, haste ; rashness : upiL.

u^^^s^, an impression, edition.

u^iULD, a layer, [l/^.]

AR. u^&}, u^&oiTs, in place of; eu^eo,

206, 207, 244.

u^eij, an ambush ; a layer.

u^<ssr {(Lpeis! g)]) 172.

u^im(S)— 62. lurk unseen in a place.

S. u^^iT, a husband, [b'harta.]

S. u^fi, devotion, [b'hacti.] ; a row,


S. u^^ffua, care ; a bond. 138.

S. u^^iBes^s, a writing, document


S. u/F^iuiM, diet.

S. u^^eS, a wife : to&sfl.

u^Si, ten : ps=uj 52, 172.

S. ui^sLD, assignment;pledge: ep^^-

S. ui^LD, a torch ; a bond : um^Sssr,

ui^eo, uii^iT, a shed, booth.

S. uii^, a row, company of guests,

eurBiss)^. [Co. u^^.]S. ui^, (1.) a ball; (2.) relation.

S. uiE^^enTLD, relation, [band'hu.]

P. uiQ^nueh^, arrangement, ma-nagement.

ULDUSLD, a top with which boys play.

S. uiu—56. fear. 107. \_uujlci.']

S. uivemth, a journey [prayanum.I

uiui^ 107.

S. uiVLD, fear: ^J^^ih.

S. uuju^- ^, devotional fear, reverence

uived, eauiuei', a worthless fellow.


uiLiffi, grain, pulse of various kinds.

5. uium, benefit, result: ueoesr. 258.

6. ui6,(ssi ®, the Eng. appointment:

uiL^ mn—frQ),he appointed. App.ii.

uuSliT, corn, growing ; vegetables.

uuSipSi, practice: .jtjuiSiuiT'FLh \_uuS

S. uff, other ; foreign : ^iSiti. &).']

ua— 66. spread out : uhldlj- [Co.

HP' '^P-']

S. uffovuffLD, mutual.

unemB, A small casket.

S. un Qss^ui, a foregin land.

S. uu Qf,@, a sojourner: ^itQ^Si.

uffUffLJLf, haste. 273.

S. ujuLj, surface, extension : Qicpun—62. extend. {u^-



S. uffii, best, most excellent. 272.

S. uffUKSssri—eOLD, heaven, \_uff + Lc><oS!sr

£_<3Uii>.] 272.

S. usjLDndigjLDW, most excellent being.

uffLOLj, extension.

— 62. become extended.

S. urjrrsQrjLDtJa, valour: eSffuo.

S. urrnruffdr, god 48.

H. ujTTiH, a frigitive.

S. ij/fl«/ririi), removal, atonement : /SaS

iT^^, iBennrjemLD.

S. uifisiTift, a doctor; barber.

S. urfl,fLD, dowry.

urRa-, a boat in a river.

S. urfls-^^u:), holiness.

Ufffan.ff:, a shield : Qsi—UJiii.

S. ufftQs^rr^dssr, examination : ui?L-ea<3=.

S. urfJQ&^fT^, 64. examine.

S. ufftg=Q^^u>, (in a neg. sentence,)

entirely. (e^s^w.']

S. Ufft^iTssrii, a bribe : isb)«««>-sS. [so

urffii^Qugr — 62. speak for one,

[ uifi, Qp^. J

S. uifiurreosir, guardians.

[S. ufffuirsuxaL^, technical language.]

S. ufflLDireissrd), value: [vulg. QugnLDtr


S. uiftiDirgii—62. distribute, serve out.

S. ufliUii^LD, term: ldl-(Bld . . . .2\\.

u rft uj IT -3=LD , mockery: urflaiT'S^il,

S. urReu/TffiM, retinue.

S. uifiLsa^, uiftLL&si<r, a trial, experi-

ment, examination : Qs^ir^ikisr. 99.

UQF), an ulcer, boil.

UQ^dms:, a grain of boiled rice :

UQRdsrr/ijseo, a pebble stone.

UQF)^^, cotton : u<Qs.

uq^ksi, a kite. 254.

UQFfULf, dry peas. 243.

uq^itMUL^, clumsy.

UQ^euiii, season ; maturity ; youth.

S. uQfftr—uff + s^, App. xi.

AR. urr^iru, dismissal, discharge.

S. uiTSu^iL, a mountain : ld^. [ ira/.

F. uirevrTi^m, an order : &lLl-.^, ^-^^ueo, {ueo, up) several, many. [lat.


usoicias, a board.

ueo—(dwp^.) grow strong : [ueo

ear.'] [exception to. 66. conjugated

like. 64.]

uev^g)uQutri^eisr, he has gainedstrength.

uenil, a weight ; fruit; result.

ueoek, fruit, result, 267. strength:

Quffodr, uiveir. [p'hala.](Sirasr gssrnSiu/ruJ^cj'/F^ucueJrgjcutw, there

is no benefit to me by thus dwelling

ueorr, the jack tree. [alone.

usorr^struLD, uQeon^sirnLD, force.

L/sS, an offering ; a sacrifice.

uS— 64. profit. 240. [ ueoLD.I [_<ssr.

ueS^LD, the result, application : U(oO

uiodsesnf), a venetian-window. [241.

u^uu^, that which will result.

uesi(^ —62. increase in number [u

St).] QUQ^(Q.

ueo, ueo^, a tooth : «i^ii.

ueoeod(^, a palanquin : ueoeo!rs(Q.

iJCTsS, a lizard : Qse^efl [ueo.] 107.

ueu/E^LD, (prob. for uireuSssr.) pre-


He pretended he had sold it.

uiauewLD, coral.

uLp, (uesiLpiu, uLpth, uips^.'^ old

[allied to entp. ]

LJLp(^—62. become accustomed to,

exercise, [uip.]

ULpdsii, custom, familiarity. 134.

(SULpdsLD, i-ILp-) [Co. ULp.

uLpLD, fruit : ueoQsr. 84. [p'halam.]

UL^, guilt, vengeance. 155, 256.

[Com. uLpLD.]

uL^uLj, disgrace, scandal.

UQ£— 64. grow ripe. [uLpLh.]

uQ^uLfSpih, colour of withering

leaves, [uip.]

U(i^^, .fault, damage. [uLp.]

— un-n-—64. repair.

U(zpen^, a rope of twisted straw.

uesiLpiv, old. 13, 14. [i-iLp.'] ueoLpiu

UL^, as before.

u<sS\!t(^, crystal.

ueirisjil), a pit : @t^ . . . . ....134.

usiretrm, one of a certain caste, (f.

usirsfr^^.) [ueireiTih.]



wsireiH, a small town ; mosque


school. ii).]

—ds^i—u>, a school-house. \_a^i—

up — 66. fly 191.

upssL^— 64. put to flight. \_up,

upmeu, a bird ; anything winged.

lup.-] 191.

upiQp upsaea ergigmrih ? what IS

far to a flying bird^

u^, drepradation, pillage.

u^, a basket used by fishermen.

u^Qis!t(B, 64. be robbed.

ujB—64. pluck ; take from, rob.

ueap, a drum. [class.

—UQsr, J=&. f. one of the lowest

up, see ueo.

up^, 230, 262. lupjpi.^

up£», love ; devotion to ; humanpassion : ^sstlj.

upffi— 62. take, lay hold of, suffice,

related to. 120, 230.

UQsriBjsiT®. 131. [ U&- + ^zii = U(SJFr

LD = what belongs to a palmyra tree.']

uesfl, dew : ijsofl/f/f.

uSosr, a palmyra tree.

uek&aLD, plural, [uevi.]

u<sirjS, a hog, [ vulg. t-'ssiirsiisfl. ]

umeSjimr® 172.


uiT, a poem ; the warp : umL®.S. urrsuj, a portion ; a degree, (in


uiT.sm, an elephant keeper.

utr&fis, a turban : ^Ssouuir.

AR. urrdQ, balance due: /SjS/iaBai'. [182.

S. uiTsQiULD, happiness : euiTLpeif. 109,

S. urrdSujeuireir, utrdQujeu^ .... 182.

utrdf^, areca nut. [_su3£a.

S.un'<9=LD, a snare: dsssiirsBsfl; a cord:

u(T3=niEj(^, pretence: LDirtuLoireotM. 236.

S.uuQ, the green weed on standing


urrQeuifl, rent paid for the privilege

of fishing. SH.\.]

S. urreasi^, uirssii—, a language, [bha-

S. urrt—ui, a lesson 7.5.

uiTi—ed, singing, [u/r®.] 255.

UIT®, suffering ; affair ; wastage.

[o®.] 1, 190, 230.

uiT®— 62. sing.

un &!)!—, a bier 255, 271.

umLi—m, grandfather : Qp^ireia^.

App. X.

umLi—iTisB, a laborious man : e-stoip

uuirefi, luiT®.'] 182.

uiTtLuf., grandmother. 194. App. x.

lj/tlL®, a song : S^ld. [/_//r®.]

S. unsmLD, an arrow : ^ldlj ; rocket,


S. unsssri—LD, a vessel : urr^^mli. 134.

S. urrem®, jaundice, dropsy : uirmr


ua^sLD, sin : uitsuld, gjQrjirsLD.

U!jfi&m, a sinner.

S. ufr^LD, a foot : ^^z-.

S. uir^ireirw, the abyss ; hell.

uir^, the half. 245. ^eiair.

Port. £-//r^/f?i/jff;f, aPAdre. App. iii. (^(5.

uir^, custody.

—SIT— 64. preserve. >

S. uirsei^, a path : snip.

urr^^, a bed in a garden, [osar.

S. uir^^iULD, connexion; security: tS!

S. uff^^iuiav^isk, one who is responsi-

ble ; a claimant.

S. uir^^ffii), (1.) a vessel, a beggar's

dish: i_/ff(ssijri_ii). (2.) worthiness :

S. uirtB^LD, that which is orderly, re-


S. urruil, sin : ummiii.

uiTuun-J=Sl, Mussalm3.n's slippers:


urruurr^^u y,ff=Sl, a butterfly.

Ufruuirek, uiriruuirsir, a Brahman.

untDjck, a stupid person.

urruiLj, (1.) a snake : -fituuld. 2\7.

(2.) twisted grass used to protect

the banks of a river, &c.

S. tJffitSjiij, a preface : Qpseijetoir.

ufTUJ, a mat ; sail. [&c.

—57. leap, spring, run as water,

u!TUJ3=a-— 62. water, cause to flow.

S. un-ffih, a burden: skschlci. 52, 1 66, 261


S. uirnwuissyir, tradition.


H.utriTir, ward, custody: sireveo. 115.

uirrrmL® — 62. show ; boast ; make

much of 255.

[ uiriT, ^lL®.]

S. urrfff, uiTtflajfrm, awife: Qu eisr 3= it^


S. uiTiH^ih, side, part : ussld.

uiremiT, a lever, crow-bar: &lLl-u


utrirda, uirirdQ^LD 196.

ufTiT — 64. behold, see, see after.


u/r/rs»ay, sight: sitlS. 178. lurrir.']

—^®, inspect 263.

uiTiTUUireir, {u/riruuiT^^. f.) a


umruir^s^, a butterfly : uirurr^^.

S. uireosek, a babe : (^Lptkem^.

£j/rs\3ii), a bridge : euirnireii^.

Ufrev, (1.) milk. (2.) part; (3.) in

gram, a division of nouns, &;c.

including gender and number.

251, 267.

AR. urreDfSgj, an article, item, affair.

S. uireiiLD, sin: uituld. 180. [pai'a.]

S. urroj^, imagination.

S. LJ/raS, a sinner. 180. [u/reu/i.]

S. Lj/rafl— 64. imagine. [Lj/ra;&3r.]

^g] ^euair Q^trrsfithQuweouuiT^^g:, he

Jancying it to be his own.

uiTi^QuJsk, I a sinner 184.

uir<3n—62. lay things in order; sow

seed, for transplanting. [mLo.

urr(5Si<si, a puppet ; woman: Ouuld

uiTLp, waste; desolation: \_ues>Lpuj.']

uiTLpiEj Qensrgs, an old well ... .237.

u/r^, the spathe of palm trees.

uireirufssj, Devanagari letters.

LurSsiriuuD, a camp.

uir(cs>p, a rock : aJDunmip.

S. unmLD, beverage.

uiT'^iMUsm',^}!— 62. drink : (gt^.

urrSssr, a pot. [Co. pan.l ....242.


t3@si/, tightness.

i3d(g, intricacy. IS"-

tS<5^@, a mistake, 194. ^u^^ld,^<s]

i3^6i), a tempest : Lf^eo.

iSl^g}!, mingle. 62.

S. tSis'ira-, a devil : Quiu, iSs^rr^i}), Qeu


iS^frasTiD, a kind of paddy.

iS&asr, gum-resin : lilSsisft.

a miser : ^-QeoinS.

tl^^snTLD, avarice : ^•]

tSein*^ — 57. knead, rub with the


t5ss5<5=/i^iz)/r,leaven. [christian usage.]

»S. iSdeeye-, alms : iSesiasf,, l3l-<c!ds^.

i3is^a-, the fruit just formed from

the blossom : ^0/-ol/. It becomes

afterwards siTiij and utpil),or«(so9.

tSli—rfl, the nape of the neck.

— LDiiSiT, mane.

LSi—ciosif, ior Lji—eexEii 58.

iSi—irrff, a demoness, kili.

iSl^siso, a potter's stone.

iSi^—64. seize ; deduct. 107, 228,

258, 262, 263, 269.

iSl^L^^iM, a stoppage, seizure, spar-


tSl Lf.<aj iT^LD , obstinacy : (^L-i—nnLD.

i3®Ej(^— 62. pluck out : u^.iSlL — {8p^.) 68. break into bits.

[ ROOT i-S)srr.]

iStL-L^Li, the posteriors : \_^(ir)uSli—

LD, ^3=e^LD, (^ssarL^. 262.]

iSsssnh, a corpse : s^snii, iSQu^im.

iSsis^, affliction; sickness: Q/Erriu.

iSesfJiufreS, a sick man 181.

tSjsssr, bond, surety : [gffLflsar.]

S. iSlemi—ii, the body ; an embryo : a0.LSl^(em)£E(^, oilcake: {\u\g. ljssst

(S35«@.) luLj.

tSl^jbsu—62. speak foolishly : ^&)S. i^^fT, a father: ^suudsr. 19, 20.


S. iSl^ffiTifdQ^LD, hereditary right, f.

149. [pitara= father, aejita =



tSl^dr^, iS^iii(^—62. (a. and n.)

squeeze ;project.

S. iS^^u), bile : i3^^.

iS^^^m, brass.

AR. iSl^S, humble servant : ^i^Qiucsr.

tSl/s^, a drop : ^eiff lO*'''

62. come after ... .225, 226.



i3ijsir<s=LD, splendour.

iSirsirS 163.

Sffsimi}), (1.) a manner. Apju iii.

[PRAKARAM.] (2.) ioX [iSfffTSITrrili J]

court, vestibule, [praharam.]

, Slrf^/EjsLD, a sermon.

iSjTff'iijQ— 64. preach 266.

. iSlffff^imjiD, childbirth: iSetrdotruQu^.

iSff,3=isirisBrui, appearance : sfnL&.

Sff^iT^uD, favour, kindness: QQ^ecau.

tSffS^^ii, notice, rumour : iSfra-rj-il).

i3ffeeiffs&r, subjects : (g^ufseir.

iSffew^fTLiili, a making known



iSffem^m^—'64. make known, speak

about 264.

[_i3iT0o^iTULD.'\ [right.

i3ij^L-^<smLD, going round from the

iSij^rruu), majesty: QtDsk&aLD.

iSff^irQsrm, the chief, principal. 272.

iSff^irsS, a i^rincipal person;prime


iSij^, iSff^^, opposition, (in com-

pounds.) [PRATI.]

iSlrj^s^eoLD, adverse.

L^ff^dQ&sr, purpose, vow.

t3rr^eL^st»i_, consecration.

IsuiT^, defendant, [prativadin.]

a Sans. prefix= in return,

ia,stead of, re.

iSlij^^ujL-a^iM, what is evident, be-

fore the eyes : QeueSuueni—.

tSj^^iLj^^ffij], rejoinder: Lojj/Oz-D/rt^.

iSliju(^^Lh, the expanse, universe :

tSlffu/s^tii, a work, composition,

treatise. 230.

iSlijueSliULD, renoun, celebrity.

iSffi^, a prince, a lord.

tSsTLD^s^frrff, a young Brahman dis-


iSuLDTsmLD, rule, law: sL-i—'Ssir.

iSlffLDiT, Brahma, the creator.

iSulB— 64. wonder: ^a^s^rfliULju®.

LSu-izsiLD, confusion, stupor : SulBulj.

iSfnlLj, rattan.

t^ffiUjS^QsnJi, effort: (tpiup®.

S. iSi!jiun<3=LD, i3jjujrreiO'S=, labour: S-eaip

ui^. 213.

S. i3ffQiuns=<s!rLD, advantage : ismesiLo.

S. iSlffeuiT^^, 64. go about to do a thing.

S. i3rrQisjs=LD, entrance.

S. iSffisfnuLD, flood : QsuerrsTii).

iSff!TS(^, inattention.

S. iSffrremLD, life ; breath : ^isudr. 101.

S. tSffiT'SsS, a living being : &eiiQs=rEffi.

S. LS/7-ff-/E^,(l.)dullness, (2.)"Brandy."

S. tSj/ru^^^ the result, what is gained.

S. iSniTLDemssr, Brahmdn : UfriruuireBr.

iSffnLUua, age: emus-.

S. iSlffiTiT^^&sr, a prayer, supplication :

uxssrnjL-® , w(sisr<sssruuLD.

S. iSfftriT^^ — 64. pray, beseech. 158.

lSI/A— 57. be divided.

—(iS/D^.)divide, 64. 272. luih.']

S. iStrflff^ed, LfrBs'il), scarcity : for [SlrR

tSlfftuLj, division. [lS/A. 190.]

S. iSfffiLiLD, what is pleasant, delight.

AR. iSiifliuirffi, complaint. App. iii.

[fIRYAD.] iSlfffT^.

iSlffli£2ssr, division.

^e(ouuLSifis£l&sr, schism.

= i3lBlULD.

ill, carcass : iSsssriii, <F<auili.

tSeueS^sofliL/ii), sorcery; LDir/i^rflujih.

iSIl^— 57. squeeze, wring.

iSl<cff)Lp, a fault: ^uiS^U). 221, 222.

iSeisLp— 64. (1.) escape. (2.) live;

(3.) commit a fault.

i3es>LpuLj, livelihood: ^susstld.

iSlfffT—66. split : <S]Q(Tf). [Co. aflcrr,^.]

[This verb (with some others) is

intransit. when followed by Quit,

and transit, when followed by

QufT®: Thus, iSeirii^QufT, be split.

SsfTii-^QuiT®, split.

tSeiruLj, a cleft: [lSsyt. 190.]

iSletrirJ^a-, a roof lath : eii(Bs=s-. [195.

iS&refririLt, a voc. case of iSm'Ssir. 21,

iS<sirSstr, a child ; a young plant. 16, 18.

tSljn— [L//D,] other, 191.

tSjndsmsfl—64. despise: [tS^, .sssot-.]

^ <Fl1SWt_U iEB3r,^U .

iSlp.— 66. be born ; come forth. 257.

S. iSlpc^, after, [prak.] 84, 225.



iSlputS — 64. cause to exist. 257,

160. [l9^.]

tSpuL-i, i3p(E£ , birth : Q^esrsunh. 190.

LSpsir, a neighbour : ^nueorreir. [lS^-]

iSlemjD, the eresent moon.

i^pua(B, after : [L9isJr+ U!t®.'\i3^lj.

84, 225.

iSm. 84, 85, 225, 244, 251, 263.

— LfpeeS, back-biting, scandal :

Seku, S&sresrfr. 84, 225.

tSdrcarif , hereafter, 244. [iil(3nr+^if ,]

S. LSdrarrLD, any thing broken : sflisarcwld.

Sicker^®—68. turn back, (n.) 263.

til-sJr^OTj;—62. plait, braid, twist.

(ilirG'sBr, ^^Sasr. 225, 226.

[l?, dung : /B/r.sa).]

iSlb a> IT Q!T ,plate.

S. \_iSs=LD, a seed : sflsw^, scrotum.]

iS^3=a,ee}S, the left hand : ^i—^<ss)S.

LS,^^niij(^ip<so, a syringe.

S. iSi—ili, a seat, throne : ^^sstld, altar :

S. [iSip.. 64. distress.]

LSemt—, pain, suffering : Qeu^Sssr.

iSrjEjQ, a cannon.

iSijiriu—57. scrape together stones,

straw, &c.

L?^, the gum or mucus of the eyes.

i3g)i— 62. rend, tear: Ql^.

iSppeo, a rag, a rent: &i<5m^.

Husfw— 60. (III.) praise: Qtoii/^*.


Ljsw, LjSLpff^®, praise : C)ldujulj.

164, 190.

L/@— 56. enter : LSl£rQ<su&,^sBLp. 272.

Ljems, smoke.

S. Lj&—64. eat, cherish : s-<5m^^}i.

S. Ljdj^3,iji, a book : Giuirm^sLD. 19.

S. i^(^L^, fatness : \_Qu(V)Ldld.'] QsrrQ£

ULj, ^Lp.ULI.

S. LjSL^uih, a flower : ^, LD&^fr.

S. Lji—LD, refining, testing of metals.

S. Lji—emev, a cloth ; a woman's cloth :

e&i). 58.

Lj(os>i—— 64. winnow ; strike ; swell



ifL-ULD, = l-j<SLi,ULh.

ufiLisf., a bottle.

Ljemqh)— 60. join with, be coupled


Lf<oiS!r, a wound : ^nemili, sfriuiM.

S. i-jessretsSujLD, virtue, merit : ^ffLozi.


Lj^ir, a thicket: Q<3=Lf-.

Lj^eir, Mercury, App. vii.

Lj Q^i , (l/P*, Lf^s!-, Com.) that

which is new. 184.

L/^,(L/^iL/, L/^^), new. 13, 26, 184.

Lis:jd(^—62. renew, repair, [^y^.]

Ljem^— 64. bury : ^i—daLnu&ssr^ii.


Lfes^ujeo, any thing buried for con-


S. Lj^^si}i = U(so^aLo,

i-j^^iMLj^uj 224,226.

S. iya^S, sense, [bud'dhi.] 141.

S. i-jsi^^freSl, a clever, prudent man :

^/Sleurreftl. 141.

S. Lj^^rreir, son : LDS,m 264.

S. LfiULJD,\\\e arm,shoulder -.sBLDtQ^inssr.

LlffL-L-irQ App. vii.

LjniL.®— 62. roll, pervert. \_Ljn(m,.']


S. Lj!iL£), a town: L//fl. 141.

L/j^sij—56. (III.) roll: ^-(Tf)(^.

S. Ljrriressnh, a Hindu mythological


S. Ly/fl, a town: Ljrrui; a rope of straw

strand of cord. [239.

S. Lf (wei^eir , a husband ; man. (vir.)

S. L-i(i^euLD, an eye-brow.

[Lyan/rcFiso, hollow, hole, interstice;

weak place.]

i-l&)LD, a sense ; field.

L/a)LDL/ — 62. bewail : ^(i£- 273.

Lj&)siiBsr, a learned man : tsSd^enirdr.

L/(EV/r<yi), flesh, meat: ldhlSs^ld,

L-j<s^ , a tiger : Caimans.

i-j<k>, Ljaija, grass ; any thing tri-

fling. [In comp. Ljfir. L^p-'] ,®J



i-ILpisj(^—62. dwell in, be familiar

with, [eiiLp.']

t-i(Lg, a worm, maggot. [64.

— [_&Qpffi'], be eaten by worms.

LfoDssLD, closeness : GnEQFfSsiM.

i-jQ£Ei(^— 62. be steamed, grow hot.

i-j(w^, dust, soil : ^@.Ljsifi, tamarind.

Ljim(g), Vie : Qutriij; to Vie 62.

Lj&rsiB, a dot: @^, (Q^^-—urrir—62. estimate crops.

i^/D«@if , a temporary tenant. \_L-IP

w + @if .]

Ljpuu®—68. set forth, proceed.

161, 262.

L^/Dih, side; outside 251.

LfpLDLj, abroad, out side: LjpLoQu.

LfpLDQu!rd(^, land not capable of

cultivation, [see, C/_//r6B@.]

L^^vy, a dove.

i-ipg3i, a white-ant hill.

ueir, [L/a),] 93.

esrOi-Ftu 93.Hkh

U|, a flower, 155. the earth : y/i/.

y— 64. bloom, flower. 155. [y.]

y^3=(smLD, mouldiness : y^Q.S.yS— 64. perform acts of ceremonial

worship ; treat courteously. [y6w<s:.]

y*—62. smear, anoint.

i^&^esSdsir'L, a melon 239.

S.ysB)*:, worship: ^rj-rrs&er.

y<F0, an insect : Qq^lS, i-i(i§.

S. ^^SujLh, nought, emptiness.

y^c^*, any thing that is smeared on,

[y*. 190.]

yLL®, a lock 263.

yil® — 62. lock, fasten ;yoke.

[yzl®nz_, picotta.] [yil®.]

y^y — 62. or 56. (HI.) put on,


ydjir, a knob, ferule.

yj(om®, a shrub, [or see lj^ji. 77.]

S. y,/SLh, a goblin, demon : u^ira?.

S. ^uxmri—souD, the world, earth, 90.

[b'hu.] [y4-/-D<5Sffl"i_OTii).]

S.y,L£l, the earth 19,90.

S. y/jssrii, fullness: S&s^pey. 272. (HI.)

yi7/r, full 266.

yj/rear, a centipede.

S. y/flsa^s, a trumpet : (ordaireiriM.

S. y/fl— 64. be filled. [o^tD.

S. y^rflui-i, plenty, great joy : ^iQ^ir

S. y/Tia/ii, antiquity, what is before ;

formerly: lj^it^sld.

y&-, a cat 107.

QuQuL-Lf., box, case: Qu<5SiLp.

QuLLes>L—, a hen, female, [Oussbt.]

Quern, a female, [Co. Eng. hen.]251.

OL/saOT'|<5^/r^, wife : LD(ksi(£l 263.

[Oi-'<5a?jr, <F/r^.]


®, Queisri—iTL-Uf., vulg. for

Qu eisr -9= a^



uireo, (in Gram.) the femi-

nine of gender.

QuiuQjT'S^s'il), the relative or ad-

jective participle.

QuiuiT, a name;

person ; noun :

Quit. 107.

QuiuiT—57. change one's place.

—64. (a.) remove.

QuiLi—58. rain: euQ^ex^.

Giuifia- [com.] uifl^, great, [Qu0.184.] 258.

QurBujuum. App. x.

Q.u.fjQ'jjirrr, the great; 184. ancestors.

QuQF), \_G}UQF)LD, Qu ifl lu , Qu iT^ great,

13, 14, 263, 266, 272.

QuQf,. 64.grow large, abundant: uq^.

QuQF)(^— 62.increase,grow : [Qlj^.]

— {&Q,Qpgii.) multiply, increase.


QuQKdsLD, increase : euefrir^^S.

QuQF)S(^, an overflowing, flood :

Q isd eiT <oirLh


QuQniEjsfTUJLD, assafcfitida.

G)UQ¥)S=3=ir<sS\, a bandycoot.

Q)uQf)Qp 3= Si- ,[a sigh, agreat breath,]

Q unhLDrrtSl s^ih, heef : LDnL-(B&a,fS.

QunhLS^LD, plenty : LS(gp.

Qu(i¥)<ss)LD, greatness: QLD<ssr<co->LD;

pride. 184.

eu(T^ih. honour and disgrace comefromones selfalone.



QuQ^/iMua^iM, for the most part:

QuQ^LDUiTGsreiaLDiuiTUU. [_QuQhi}i-^

uaeo.'] u&xsk.']

S. Queodr, strength: e^^^euih, [Co.

S.Quga—68. obtain; bear children;

have offspring. 56. 69. [Co. bear.]

190. [b'hri.]

S. QugiiLDiresrui, value, p. 148. [^uiAldit


QupQ^sir, she bore, 69. [Ou^.]QupQ^fr, QiupQQt^fr, parents : iSisir

'^emiuuQiuppwffam. 87.

QuekajTih Quq^^^ 223, 224.

F.Qu, a privative particle, without:

[s. vi. ENG. IN.] HA.]

S. Qu3f— 62. speak, converse, [b'has-

Qu.fS, a female demon. [Quiu.']

Qu&=3h, word, speech; rumour. 239.

258. [Qua.'}

P. Qu(si^sn-ir, a PeshcSr, an officer un-

der aTahsilddr.

[QuCB — QuL-eat—



H. QulLl^, an interview with a great

QuL-€e)i—, a Pettah ; suburb, village.

S. Qu^}!—62. cherish. 248. [pena.]

S. Qu^ih, difference, disunion : eS^^

what difference is there between himand a cow ?

Qu^, an evacuation, purging: Qu^s(^d(^Lp., ^tTuu(B, take purga-

tive medicine.

Quea^, block-head, simple person,

Qpi—tsir, [Co. Heb. pethi.] [248.

S. Qu<cSi^ I SSiLD, folly : LD^uSsSTLD. 184.

Quiu, a devil : ua^ira. 223, 224.

Qurrek, or Qu^^, a grand-child


QuiruiSleFSsir. App. x. [written

also, QuiLiffdr, Qu^^.']

QuiTfTssuri^, com. for Quuek.P. QurBs;, Quffl^, revenue.

S. Quifi, Qufflms, a large drum.Qurfl&) 230.

QuQ^i(^, to each, [Cu/f.] 242.

Quit, (1.) name : Quiurr, tEiTLDLD, mniD

Q,sajui(2.) great: Qurffiu,Qu(if)il.

gjuQuiTuuLLi^, such, 199.

QuiTuiT^, half to each.

S. QuemLp, a chest, ark: QulLl^,


Glj-j2/, what is gained. [Qu^. 190.]

Qp^pQug}!, the first-born: ^(k>^

QuQsr, a louse.


esiu, a bag.

A. <oS)U3=m, decision, adjustment.

(sau^ir, a pie \ of an anna : «/r*.

P. <3s>uQLDSxf., survey of grounds.

€Siuw= ug;-iJo, green, fresh, pure.

emuiLiueauiu, gently, leisurely : Old


etauijjcsr, ujjiLiasr, a boy [gr. pais.]

OutTel. Qufrds'S^LD, OurrdQei^u}, a trea-

sure .- pjjeSuju}.

Qufrmseo, a Hindu feast, when rice

is boiled. 148.

Qurr/Bj(^— 62. boil over, bubble up.

Quir&, 64. eat.

Qum^, dust; any thing little.

QuiTL-®, a spot of sandal on the

forehead ; a moth.

OufTLLOt—esT, this instant.

Qutr^l, a sack 261.

Quir^Loa®, a bullock that carries a

sack. [251.

Qurr^, common ; s=rr^iTrf(S!!!srLh. 138,

Qun^ssiL® — 62. sequestrate.

QuiT^uui—, generally, in general.

QufT^^eo, a hole : ^eurrrj-U).

QuiT^^— 62. cover ; mend. \_iBgi.

Qutrms^, a hole, hollow ; LDrjuQuir

Qurrrft— 64. fry ; hatch eggs.

QuiTQT)—60. join; fight 190.

Quitq^lL® 157,217.

QjUiTQF)^s}do!st, a vow : Q/s^^dsi—m'.

[prop. SlrrtriT^^&sr.'}

r OunQf)I

i^—62. agree ; unite, cometogether : qsjtjj/, ^iIld^.


^gj — 62. unite, make to

sgree : ^^asT [QL;/r0.]I


QuiTQ^s'ir, substance ; meaning


wealth : ^iT^^LD, {_QufrQ^+s-eir.

190] 138,270,245,258.

Qurr&)ecin', Quireved/r^, evil [obs.

root. Ou/reDjfi/.] [^/i/g.

Qu ir 6V ISO ITu Lj , Quire\}s\)irEi(^, evil :

QufTL^—57. pour down : ej^^si^.

QurrL^iuLj, paraphrase; QunL^uLj

emir. 190. [Oufl-i^.]

QurTL^<sii, profit, abundance. 190.

[Ou/rt^.] [207.

QufTQ^^, sun, time ; evening. 25,

QuirQj/'siPLD, impatience ; envy : <s/r

rrLD,snajLD 154, 155.

Qu[T^, a spark ; a sense ; a trap. 131.

QuiTffi— 64. bear, sustain; forgive.

221, 222, 68. [bear, s. b'hri.]

Q)uiTjpid(^— 62. pick or peck up.

Quir^ui-j, responsibility: urrijii,

[Qufrsu.] 190.

Qu rrgu ism LD , patience : Qufrstap, 184.

Qurrm, gold: ^litail 248.

QU!TaL-(BLD 140.

S. QuiTSLD, (1.) enjoyment. (2.) crop

of corn.

QuiTs.isd, a going. [_Quir. 148.]

Quir—58. go. 61, 117, 124, 258.

Qun&sL^— 64. loose, 258. ^ip.

QurrssireS, a dead man, the late.

[Cu/rag, =^isrfl.]

Tel. QurrdSlrfj, a black-guard, vaga-

bond. {_Qun-<i(^.']

Qurra(^, an excuse, evasion ; way :

^/ra@. [Gu/r.] {_Qufr.'\

Quirs(^ — 62. cause to go. 258.

S. Quir-s^tssTLD, food ; nourishment. 146.

•B^rruuiT®. [b'hojanam.]

QurT.3=a, Quir^<sf^ 123.

Quit® — 68. put, place, put forth,

utter. [Comp. put.] 106, 124,

256, 259.

QuiTiLL-imk, [Cu/r®.] 68.

Tel. QuitlLl^, rivalry, competition.

S. Quir^^sr, Quir^ih. Quir^sih, know-ledge, instruction ; &-uQ^.9=ld.


Quir^ir—iSjbSp^ 264.

QuiT^=QuiT(i^^, QuiTLp^ ....25.

QuasJ—62. suffice 117.

QuiTjSgJ, a sapling : Lorrdsek^.

QutTLD 72*

QuiTuSpgu, 70*123,242.Qunuj 78, 272, (I.)

QuiTiT, (1.) a battle: [war.] (2.) a

heap [Ozj/r®. 190.]

Quirirda^ofTih, a battle-field : ^jrcumr


QuiTiT — 64. cloak, cover, put on,

wear. [For this : (Ju/r®, is often

used. Co. 259.] [QurrQ^. wear.]Ci-'/r/fsffixa;, a covering: g/sif , [Cu/r/f.]

Quired, as 141,170,227.E. Quir(£m), the Eng. word, Police.

QufTSs— 56. (III.) resemble. 170,


Quireo _ 141,227.

Qurremh, a kind of gum.

Quirjbsu— 62. extol; preserve. 128.

(?ijff(OT)isJr, he went : Quit 58.

Tel. Quusk, a trap : Qiua/jS.

QuirsirjD 227.

Qunir^^rreir, m. Queir^^ifl. f. a

grandchild. App. x.


LDs&T , a daughter : (^Lorra^^.

LDssw, ason: (^LDfrjdr. [ix>a, acliild]

S. LDsir, great: QuiBiu. [mahat.]272.

S. LDsirm^'~~ App. ii. 146.

S. uasirrrrr^ek, a great king 262.

S. LDarrepiuireudr, a great personage.

\_LDsir + ^^uireuisir.']

S. LoQesiLD, glory. [152.

LD@^— ((]t^.) 60, exult : <9^/EC^/T(SiP.

ldQ^s^Q, rejoicing: aeSuLj. 190.


Lodsm, (pi. ot LDa.) children, peo-

ple : Sl<ar3s(rseir.

S. LDiEi3,eom, congratulation, prosperity,


LDiEK^—62. grow dim, wan : sldqm.

LDs=s(ff)— 62. confuse : ldius,i^.

LD3'rEi(^— 62. be confused : ldiuie)(q.



H. LDs=a8si), horse medicine. S. LD<5meisii—, the skull : ^^Qnjir®.

AR. LD'Tireo^, a torch bearer, servant ld^(^, a sluice, a bridge : uitsold.

who trims the lamps.IS. ld^ld, a sect: .fsisldiulI); madness,

A. LD6=6S, a stage in travelling.j

folly, fury.

Lo,3=.sFi}>, (1.) fish, i^ssr, (2.) a mole. S. ld^, discretion; the moon ... ,194.

Q^Lo&3. (3.) sign, evidence.

LDff'», a tiled roof.

LDo^aesrissr, LD4=Sr(Zsrs=@. App. ix.

S. LD(s^3=i}), a bed : u®s<ss>a.

S. LD(QcFifl, a bunch of flowers; gar-

land : yjLDrrdsi.

LDte^a^m-, saffron, yellow.... 209.

S. LD(si^g=ssr3=^adsi, bathing-room.

LDL-.s(^—62. to fold ; repeat. 266.

Loi-.Ej(^, a fold, a time 197.

uii—iEj(g) — 62. be folded, repeated.

LDl—LDl— 273.

S. LDL—LD, simplicity, folly ; a monas-tery or religious house.

LDU.&), a flat leaf of some trees.

LDLp., the lap.

LDLp.—57. perish.

—64. fold up.

io®, a deep place, a pool.

i/D® — 64. hold, imbibe : g-ssar^ggii.

LDemi—, sluice.

LDesii—iLKck, a stupid person, an idiot



ldlLl—ld, a pony.

ldlL®, LDLLQih, extent, limit, [tsjil.

t-u>.-] 211, 212.

LDL-tmi—, a branch of a cocoanut tree.

LD<sm-iki(^, a maund 197.

\_LDsmLD, (1.) an odour. (2.) marri-

age. POET.]

axsm&i, sand, [ldsot.] ....223,224.

LD essren IT eirek , bridegroom.

LDsssreurTLLL^, (ifl(SBwilqL,) bride.

S. LDSssB, a bell; jewel ; hour. 158, 267.

LDesStussirrjm, a manager of village


LDesSiurrs^uj, the polish given to

plaster on walls.

ld'Sssst, a low seat, a stool : ^^cstld.

Lcessr, earth 99.

^euajr auffttlsu irem^Q^is^gi, he is dis-


LDsssn—eoil, a region ; a circle; coil.

S. LD^ — 64. estimate ; thinli. [o)^.]

S. LD^ULf, an estimate, esteem. 190.

[lc^.] &-^Q^^ld. [sarzi).

S. ld^Qldit<s'ld, loss of sense : lj^^uS

S. LD^LULD, noon: LD^^UireSTLD.

LJD^Si^, the elder brother's wife : ^€stiretsifl. App. x.

S, iDjp, honey, sweetness : (?«sjr. 105.

any thing intoxicating.

S. LD^rjLD, sweetness : ^esftemLD. 134.

P. Lc^^rruLj, a kind of blue light.

S. LD^p, middle : /f®.

S. \_LD^^sua, top of the head] (of an


S. LD^^LDLD, what is in the middle :

S. LD^^ium^ek, a mediator. [Middle-


S.tD/F^LD, dullness, indigestion.

S. LD/s^iraLD, gloom, cloudiness : ldulj.

LD.i^, an ape.

S. LDii^rru), a mystic formula ; secret.

LDi^jrn-Qeoir-r&sT, secret counsel.

S.LD.i^ffl, a counsellor, minister. 141.

LDiBssi^, a herd, flock : Q^irQp£uil>.

258,259, 269,272.

LDULJ, cloudiness : LDi^irjjLh, su)ldSo.

LDUjd(^— 62. bewilder. ['e/@.

LDUJEi(^ — 62. be bewildered : seo

LDiuaesTLD, aburning ground: s-Q^rr®.

S. LDuS^^rjiTisir, friends : iS^gjqr^ss&t.

LDuSlrt, hair: S-QfTrrtDLh.

izjiiSei), (1.) the Eng. word, 7nile,

188. (2.) a peafowl.

S. LDfTs^th, emerald : uS^esy-a^.

LOffssireo, a measure : /btz^.

S. LDffeesnh, death : -a^ns^.

Lon^SJ, see LDjTLD 18.

iMff^^uQuir—58. grow hard, dull.

LDfTLD, a tree : eSlQ^tL^FLn.

AR. LDrriTLD^^, repairs, mending.

S. LDiftiurreia^, propriety, decency, re-



ldqFjlL®— 62. infatuate [LO0ar.l6O.]

S. LDQF/^^euLD, midwifery.

S. LD(75^^sS<5=Q, a midwife.

LDQ^ih^, medicine : ^<sSt^^Lh; QsvLf.

LDQ^i^, gunpowder.

LDQ^madr, LCQ^LDssir, son, daughter-

in-law. App. X. [182.

LDQ^eiTfreri), one possessed. [to(T7)err.]

LD(fF)(ei^— 56. (Ill-) be infatuated :


LDQFj&r, bewilderment: LDivasLh.

S. lditu^lold; lditldld, secret; grudge.

[corrupted into suitldld.']

LD6o(B, barrenness, LoecL—eir, LosdL^,

barren person, (m. and f.)

Loeoih, excrement : iS,

LDeoiT, a full-blown flower. [Com. yand ^'(Tji^L/.] 218, 219.

i£iisi)/f—(0) 60. flower: euirtL/LoedQ^

Slp^, to speak graciously.

iDsS—57. grow cheap.

LoeSeij, cheapness of corn. 190.

ldSso, a mountain : uireu^ih, QiB. 247.

Tel. LD»os\)<sQgLLqi,G<5=LLif, a wrestler.

LDedeou-j^fiLD, boxing and wrestling.

ld&>^&slL.®— 62. box.

LD6^^s(^su/E^ir0!r, he began to


LDeoeoiTQF)—60. lie upon the back.

LDeoeinrAs, upon the back.

iZ)CTisS<s»s, jasmine.

S. LDeajeBTUi, QLD'otresnh^ silence : ^emLo

LDLpSso, childish talk.

LDop, an axe : Q&iti—!t<S ; a red-hot

iron used in ordeals.

LD(wd(^—62. make blunt.

LDQ£iEi(^—62. become blunt.

LDQ^uLj— 62. protract, delay.

LDiDiaLp, rain 58, 266.

LDp—66. forget.

LD/D^, forgetfulness ; (e^iTu,s3i^!T^<sij.

\_LDpLD, sin: zj/rsuiD.] 190.


Q/isir, a caste : \_LDijLii.']

S. LDQr^LLisLtum, a Mahratta.

LD^— 64. stop, arrest. 61.

LD/SliLieo, arrest, stop. [iMfrgu.']

LDgji, [LDjbgu, LDpe^p, LDpp.~\ auother.

LDffi, a wart, pimple.

LDgii— 64. deny, refuse.

LD^^sQ— 64. disown, apostatize.

LDffi^rTiLj, step-mother. \_LDg)i.']

LDgtJ.^fToir, the next-day. 257.

LD£}lUUf., LDjplUL^lLjLD, again : flQfiUlU.

tSsfreijLD. [tji^.]

LDffis^LD, the other world : LD£ii(Se\)rr

SLD, UITih. 242. \^LD£1I. 184.]

Loemp, (1.) secret. (2.) the veda.

Loeap—57. be hidden, disappear. 90.

— 64. conceal, hide : epeff. 239.

LDsmpeij, screen ; a den : ^<s>s)i—,sa

&)LD. 190.

LDpp, the other, 258. [Co;^ is

another.'] [day.

LopQ/fLDibirvc , the day before yester-

Lcprgi, Lopeeip, other. 107, 178.

Lop^LD, besides.

LDe!!r.F/Suj, wilfully : LDiMUD^^ih^.

LDissrsf. Lnasrg], mind. [In comp.

LDicurm, LDQ(m.']

. LDasrau^rruii), grief: ^lua^FLD.

. LDes!'S='3^iTL-&, cousciencc: ^i^&3>n

LDsar^irrr, from the bottom of the

heart, [^/f.]

LCiZsr^ffiEJi^, relent towards any one :



iDssrQ^ir^^ iS^^iTosr. CI covcjenialfriend.

LDtssruuiTi—LD, by heart, or rote : opsUUITl—LD.

iMQSTLD, mind : Loears-, Losm^.

repent: (^emuu® . 62.

ldsstldQw, rejoice, [see ldQq£@pss.

ellipsis of 5th case.]

LD<oS^<s!r, a man: LD^ei^'ssr.

LD€pi. a petition: ^ ekr sssru


ld . 93.

i/)fc, a house ; the site of a house,

262. App. vi.

LDiissTiLirrett , ldSsst^, a house wife.

[a)&.] 152.

36 283


L[>Qm)Sff, captivating, [miud-seiz-


S. LDQ(es)jn-S, cousent : 3=uiw^.

LDQ(emijir<^&uJLDU(oSsr,^. 62. build

castles in the air. [a kingdom of

the mind.]

S. LDQfen^n^LD, desire, [mind chariot.]

LDesTQt^®— 62. supplicate, pray : tSj/r

LDekesrsir, LDesrEsrsueir, a king : ^rja^asr.

[s. tD^.]

LDckeS— 64. forgive ; Quirgii. 65.

LDsk^— 62. take up the clothes (in

passing a river, &c.) {jse^L—LD<oirSssr, throat : QiDeinssn, Q^rremsr

AR. uisin)ireo, lditsv, a palace : ^jeajr


S. LDSiSQiT—LDsiT, LDiT, great.

U}rr, (1.) for lds/t. 272. (2.) a mango

tree : LDtrLOffw. (3.) an animal


LDfT&n-'smw, a small tract or dis-


ii)ffE/<s«sfl, mango fruit, [ldit + £B(S^.']

S. L£>n:3=LD, month. App. ix.

LDirS, LDrr&LDrr'9=LD, App. ix.

LDITS-, a spot, fault : Logii.

AR. i/)/7(gCT, produce: (^Ssir^^eo. 101.

S. LDirJ'S^fffiuiri, LDirpa^iBium, envy : Quit


LDiri—ui, a small hole in the wall to

keep lamps, &c.

mrn^, upstair-terrace : Olo^s»«.

U3it(B, an animal of the genus Bos.

16, 18, 255.

S. u>iTiL§l(saLD, lditlLSI, excellence : Qu(misaLD, QiDiskeenLD.

LDiri—(B — 62. hook, connect ; be

able. 117.

LDn-L-Qtsk, &c 117.

Lnit(^ssasr, a scholar : ^a^csr.

S. LDiresSlasili, a jewel.

S. LDir^L[> = LD!r.3=lJD.

Lnrr^^etr, (adj. LDir^arLD,) pomegra-

nate tree.

S. Lcn^iT, a mother: ^iriu, ^ekdssr.

S. LDir^iH, (LDfr^/Hems), a model ; man-ner. 228. \_Queisr.

S. LDir^, (pi. ldit^it) a woman: em^rff,

S. LDfT^^riLD, a measure, only; as muchas. 158, 211.

S. LDfr^^esiir, a pill.

u>fru\LSerrSs:T, lditulSSsit, bridegroom:

LDessreu irsfTosr.

AR. LDfTULj, exemption, pardon : ex-

cuse : LDdrs^ULj.

LDmam, lditiB. App. x.

AR. LDrrQpeo, usage : euipdaih.

S. LbiTLD'3=iM, LDrrtS^Lh, flesh: LD!!ikiQ<^LD,


(_/i^/i),mango fruit. {_LDir + LJLpu).

S. io/Ti^/ii, fraud, deceit: <o2](^^3sv,(^^.

US®. \_d= IT 60 tli


S. LDiresitu, LDiTtU€s)s, lie, deception:

LDiruiTULj, a covering for the bosom.

[Co. LDTTlTLj.']

wiTiB\s.iT(oOLD, monsoon: LDsa>Lpsrr<s^u>.

AR. LoiTiffuLD, LDiTifiu^gj, part, side,

behalf, by means of App. ii.

LDiTiT, an honorific termination. 151.

LDTTTTSL^ I LDtT^w, tile mouth of De-

cember. App. ix.

S. LDiriTssiii, a way : eui^. 141.

LDiTiTLi, breast, bosom : 0/e^<s-. 239.

S. LciT&o, (1.) evening. 233. 3=!rujiB^nLh.

^i,^siT<soiJa.{2.) a garland. [mala.]

H. LDiTeo, palace, {ldsisdtiso-) ^askruodssT.

P. LDaSd(^^fTrff, paying revenue.

LDfTeftleas, a large building, king's

palace : ^rrsmrLoSssr.

LDfT(€f^—56. (III.) die, perish.

LDfTQifLLi—LJD, fraud, trickery.


siTfussr — (8^^,) multiply

one into another. 70.

LDfTffi, other (ldjj;) 161. In comp =time. ^irfTLnrrgii, night time.

LDfTgii— 62.(1.) change. (2.) mul-

tiply.- Olj0<s@. [Comp. Qeugu-'}

LDiTg}! \uir(B, confusion, perversity.

LDTTppLD, a word ; reply, [ld/t^.]

LDiTroQr^i \^rraj, step-mother. App. x.

ILDrTp(n^<^, an enemy, [of gold.

I LDirp^, change, antidote, fineness



Loapffj—62. change, 160. [i/j/rjj/-]

S.LDiTGsrLD, shame; honour. 199.

S. ld/tsSjjld, a grant. App. ii. iii.

S.LDireir, (1.) deer. (2.) s. term, of m.



l£!s, lSszijld, much 172.

lSI(^—57. 68. exceed, be over, a-

bound. [mickle.] 141.

l8(^\^, abundance. 141.

zi/@ \ii^ 141, 259.

tHisas, fault, affliction.

iBds 197.

E. iS&Qiuirdi, the Eng. Mission.

lB<cs>3=, upon [poet.] : QLoQeo, i£ff/.

218, 219.

LSl^g:Ui = LS(^P 190.

l£I(^3^ — 62. exceed ; transgress :

[ii?@.] 261.

L8i—gu, neck: Q^trsssrsiai—.

lS^— 66. float.

GieaiiS^is^ 4^P, superficial knoivledge.

lS^ulj, iB^mxsu, a float. 190, 182,


l£I^— 64. trample under foot.

S. cS^^ijiDjLS^^nK, LB^^ijsk, a friend :

QQ/BS^ek. 272.

lBulL®—62. frighten. 160.

LSff(^— 56. (III. )be afraid : ^0*.AR. iSgrra^irff, a mir§.sddr. p. 148.

LSffrrsr, is used simply^ii^irff^^/rff-.

S. lBq^sld, a beast.

LSQF)Qai^rim, king of beasts.

[=sy+^ = 67.]

S. LSQFjgj, mildness : Qwgieif, ^trii^ih.

LS&:)n-gii, a road, switch.

iBefrt;^, pepper.

lBgstsQs®,- (prop. sfl^«C<5®),

waste of time and labour.

iSlesreij— 62. [imp.] salute : E0(«5ia/,

LSmtS(m, lS es)i iBepiuuf

. splendour,

polish : uefrusiruLj. \_LBdr.']

L8emid(^—62. polish. [lSsst.]

iSek, LB&srosreo, lightning.

iBekmi— 62. lighten, flash.



3.5^, moustachios : eSes)^. 99.

- (err) 70. redeem: flQFfUi^.

lS^, lS^so, upon [poet.] [i^.]

LSfBS^ = LS(^fBS^. [i^@.]

LS(m = LS(^.

i§^— 56. (III.) turn; be cured:

iSga—62. transgress.

LBek, (1.) fish: Lx>ffr^ii, 242. (2.) a

star: QeumeiB. [LSsir, 190.]



npa^rrei^, m presence, in person.

npa(B, roof: Qldit®.

rmsiEiTL^, complexion.

S. QpsiM, face.

S. (JD.5&-, the fore-part.

rLpa(sij<zs)!T, preface.

S. npsiri^riili, reason, cause : srrsKsimrti.

S. Qpc^iT^^Lo, propitious hour.

npaaiT®, veil.

QpdarremB = (g.) -^\ App. viii.^

S. (rpsQiuii), primary and principal.

rtps'iso, [npiueo,) hare.

AR. Qp.s^rruiT<sn-(ee), a traveller's bun-


(Lp&uLj, weariness: ^dstrutj.

AR. Qps-Qp^fTiT, a district accountant.

Qps^gii, Qpe^®, red ant.

Qpa^'^, a little winnow,/or children

to play with.

H. rtp<rSeSdsir, np-s'&sems, an agree-

ment in writing : S-t^muLf-dema.

QpL—d(^— 62. bend.

QpL-iEi(Q— 62. be bent, or become

lame. 160.

(tpt—LD, lameness, being maimed.

npL—wm, a lame man: s^Lsunes^.

QiiSSiiow "i If a lame man desire the

honey on the bough ivill it come near


(Tcif, a crown : QiFi—Lo.

apL^—57. be finished ; accomplish-

ed ; tie. 258.

—64. finish ; accomplish.



npu^'if.si-, a tie or knot. \_(Lpuf.r\

npL^Sii, the end . smu—Sl. \_QpL!^.']

QpL^a^suDrr^, a pick-pocket : (LpiJf-^

Qp®s, quickly. 170.

Qp(B(^— 62. make haste. 170.

np&siL^—57. plat.

(T^il, see Qp&r.

QpiLQ, (1.) want: @6»^S!/. (2.) im-

pediment : ^esii— [265.

QpiLQ — 62. butt, strike against.

(LpiLisni—, an egg: [^eesn—LD.']

^GSTLD, petulance, obstinacy.

(Lp^So, 151, 175,212, 213, 254,259.

np^eoiTiM, (w^isoiTeiigi 175.

np^eSiuemeusm 151.

Qp^Sso, an alligator.

Qpg}, np^iu, P-psi, ^, old. [seldom


npsi(m, a back. 178.

np^^LD, np^^, a kiss. 239.

np^^emrr, a seal. 138.

Qp^gi, a pearl. 9, 228.

npk^, Qpk^ 197.

(3o/^^//?,= -3^^(a^.) App. viii.

(ipid^fflems, caju-nut tree ; vine,

Qpisi— 62. go before, [(T^ssr,] 195,


npuugj 172.

(LpLD^mg)! 177.

npujp&, effort, endeavour: iSaiutrs^uD.

[(y)UJCT,] 190.

QpiL/pSoysmi—iu/rif ^stfisSl^oni^iutrii, men

of effort suffernot disgrace.

npu®, a knob.

Qpiji—ek, a rude man.

QPQ^ijims, drum stick, (a tree.)

H. (ipeoiTLD, QLDiTffOmh, plating with

gold or silver, y<^<s?.

(tp!h>, a breast.

npLpasih, a roar, growl, deep, sound.


QpLps(^— 62. sound, be at an in-


Qpi^!Bis!Teo, the knee. 60.

QpLpmj(Q— 62. growl, sound.

QpLpLD, cubit.

(LpQ£ 127, 254.

(tpQ-g(^—62. bathe.

QPQ^ds, QpQ^^LD, entirely, 254.

QPQ^^Si—{®psi-) plunge. [(30(y).]

Qpdstr, a tender shoot; germ

; peg;

wedge. 252, 253.

Qpdstr—64. germinate, [_(zpefr.']

open, Qperr(W^, (1.) a thorn; (2.) a

fork; (3.) a fish bone.

nppLD, winnow.

QpiB, a bond ; &lL®.

QpjS—57. break : sgif


—64. break, [act.]

(wgiiA(^— 62. twist.

iSanaanu (ipj}is(g, twist the mustache.

QpgiiQpS)!— 64. murmur.npempuSi®, complain. 68.

np<ss)p, order; turn, relationshij)


complaint ; ratio.

Qp<cmp, 64. stiffen. \_sld.

QpempeaLD, manners, order : Ct>(if^

(Lpp = (Lp<asr, [In comp.]

QpppLD, a yard.

Q-pp/8a<cffi<s, (wp^es)S, siege.

QPPSii — 62. cease: become ripe,


S. QpeS, (1.) a sage : (2.) a devotee.

P. QpesBei^, a munshi. 39.

Qp^, a tip, point : s^rr, Qarr&ssruj.

Qpek. 84, 85, 225, 251, 263.

AR. (Lpm&L-j, a munsifF, village judge.

(LpckLj 84,225.

Qpssrear^aBsr, a manger : U3?J;Q^fril.

if OT ; a front embankment, \_Qpeir,


QpesresTLD. 84, 86, 225.

Opx^issfl®. 263.

QposTegirgn ". .172.

QpekQm 84, 220, 225.

Qpa!rQ(es)iT, forefathers, 269. [(T^ctt.]

QpekQrf'ikiir, the edge of a woman's

cloth. [^/rSssr.]

^Lp 172.

QP— 64. grow old.

ig^^@, nose , beak. 233, 258.


Qpda(ss^iij siiSl^, the nose rope of a



(^ps,si<5mpuj!ssT, one whose nose is cut

off. [=5!/J3/.]

QpmQi^, bamboo.

S. g^i=;*, breath : ^euir^Lh, [murcha.]

QP(S^&, face : Q-psiM. [vulg.J

Qp(s^ȣa, a blind mouse.

S. Qpi-m, a block-head. 192, 232.

QpL—^^s<si!rLo, stupidity, [see ^(sstld.']

QpL^, a cover; apiece of cocoanut.

^®— 62. hide : toeap.

^(B,iox(LpL-®uLjj3=@l. [sometimes,


g/3® k'ssfl, mist.

QpL-t—LD, a fire covered up: sensru

Lj. 254.

QpL-®\uy,'3:&, a bug.

QpiL®— 62. kindle.

QpiLeiai—, (1.) a bundle : [g/j®.] I7S.

(2.) a bug.

Qpsspi, for Qpeir£)i. 172.

Qp\^fTS!!)^ = urrLLL-m-, grand-father.

np^^ffih, urine : &g)iihir.

Qp^QsBirn', Qpuurr, elders.

S. ^h&sLD , Qpirsa^^enrLD, obstinacy,

wrath, madness.

S. ^iT^<ss)s^, a swoon : a?eir, Q^s^rruih.

S. (2^/f^^, body, figure, shape.

S. Qpiso\uiresi<SL^, the original tongue.

S. (tpediM, ^i^iuLD, root, source. 242.

(LpdoO, a corner. 218.

(LpBifr 172,242.

(tpe^, one who has a bodily defect.

gy3(sr5— 56. (III.) kindle.

, brain, marrow.

158, 172.

i^3^i}i=^-fr {!K^) App. viii.

OldQLDff^a-— 62. land: i-jS(Lg, [from


QldlL®, a place where custom is


— s=Q'3=(SJsm, a peon.

S. Qld^, QiDffjeif, soft, [mritu. Lat.


Qld^^, much: Qurfliu, ^^s. 261.

QiLc^'asifi, bed, uQdems. 261.

QldiL, truth ; a body ; a consonant

272, (II.) 179, 263, 270.

Qld(t^(^, polish.—_@®. 263.

QldsS— 57. become thin : ^Ssir.

— 64. make thin.

Tel. Oiflj)2(s@eiDia;iJu®. I61.be aroused.

QiDffO, QtDeir, QLoeoeSiu, fine thin.

QLD6\}eci, QiDedQevosr, slowly.

Qioevepi—70. chew. 170.

Qldq£(^, wax.

— 62. daub with cow-dung. [iLi.

QLoeiretr, slowly : QLoeneo, GiLnffieuir

Oizj^O^sar, mildly, gently : [_Qlo^.'\

QLDmQLD£!iLD, more and more. 197.

Qiz)fi3r[«roLo, gentleness.


S. QLDSU3, cloud.

Po. Qld0»s=, a table.

E. QLD^avQaL-.®, Eng. magistrate.

Qld®, a heap, eminence. 244.

P. Qldl-l^, matee. [184.

QiDLLi^ioiaLD, haughtiness : 0<f(7k<s@.

Qlduj — 57. graze, feed ; thatch a


— 64. graze, feed, (trans.)

QiDiu^a^iS'^, pasture. \_Qlduj.']

QLD'Luum, a shepherd : <^i^® Qld

djuum, 16,57.272. [_Qlduj.']

Qtceiarr, manner: eS^ui.

Qld£}ild, moreover : and above ^&>&>mXl^LD.

Qld&), Qwp, QLDm. 101, 107, 251,

257, 263. App. ii.

entr sigii When the sea .swells and rises

ivhat bank is there to (7-estrain) it?

Gu:)(s\)\si]iTjiLh, the government share

of agricultural produce. 101.

Qldl^, the plough tail.

Qld&tld, a kind of drum : ^uuf.

Qtop Qsrren(&^. 259. overcome.

Qt-cpluL^, the aforesaid, as above.

[(?/_c&iiLJLf .][Intro.]

QldisS, a body;good condition. 263.

CiDCT |<s^(?iMff-, a thatched roof.


QLDdr\QLD0O, more and more. [Clc 60.

QunzsrlemLD, excellence. 184.

—uirniru.®, 62. boast, vaunt one's



ewic, (1.) a term of abstract nouns.

184. (2.) ink, 265, ld&. [mashi.]

a. eBLD^fresTLD, plain: QeueS.

emtD^^fBeir, esiLD^giiS. App. x.

(saiLDii^ek, a son : Losesr.

miLDiuLD, the middle : rs®, ^iswi_.

'E. 6s)i-Diueo, (1.) the Eng. mile; (2.)

confusion: ldiussld.


Qldits(Q, the bud of a flower : =5/(5


QiDmLiciai—, bald: QiDmL'smi—s^^dso,

a bald-head. 236, 261,266.

QLorr^^m, the total or whole : ^<s

QLDiriLi—64. swarm, cluster round,

light upon, as bees. 107.

QlditS, a word : Os^irSo.

QiDfrekfef^—56. (III.) draw water.

S. Qlditsld, desire ; lust : smnLo.

P. QwiTsfr, a seal : Qp^^ima.

S. QLD!TsaiLD — QLc>!iL—s=LD, heavcu, bliss.

QLD!r— 66. smell ; entrance. \_Qps,(^,


«*. Kings bite luhen they appear to


S. Qldhs'iI), (1.) deceit: sut^^F&ir. 239,

258. (2.) danger.

S, QiDirs^issni, expiation : LDm<sSui-i.

H. QiniT^ir, boots.

Gloitl^, arrogance.

QLDrr(B = (ips®.

S. QiDP'tLsFLD, Qwira^LD, heaven, libe-

ration. 272.

S. QiDir^rfLD, ring.

Qu^fTsi— 62. hit, dash.

QwrruuLD, smell, scent. [QLorr.']

H. QiDirrrn-, (1.) agoldmohur; (2.) a


QiDfTQ^ 60. = QLDirsQpgil, fLpSQR,


Qlditit, buttermilk. 149. [swz

QLDireiiiriLi, the chin: ^irsuirim slL

QiDiresiLp, any thing defective. [Co.

QuJ!TssiLpuua,di, cow without horns.

spp;SQiDiies>ifi^ a pedant.


S. QLoetreanh, silence : toiBjan-LD, ^jemLD


S. ojirsLD, a kind of sacrifice.

iLiirdaas, the body ; s^rFjjtl), £-i_eb.

[iu/r=tie.] 72*

S. ujn".r«ii), mendicancy: iSJ^eia'S^.

AR. iJJir^em^, a memorandum.H. lurr^, memory: (e^iTU<sEu>.

lutr^, which? er^. 47.

ujitQ^itqF)—2_zi). 203.

S. ujiT^Peeifr, a journey, a sea-voyage.

iurriT, who? ^ir. 47.

luireuek, who ? ^ir- 47.

iLnrip, a lute : aS'fer.

luirdssr, an elephant: .^^- 342.

S. [uj,^u^, leader of the herd.] [li/^ti

a herd + u^.']

S. QuLcdr, Yama, Pluto.

S. iLjsLD, an age, a period of time.

S. iLj^^LD, war, fight : Qurrir, s^esaeiai—.

S. li/^^, sagacity: S-uitiuld.

OuJS. QiuQ^J=(5!o<3=iLiiTs, as it pleased :

[yat'ha + ich'ha — according to

desire, 41.]


S. QlUfTSUi, luck : ^^(^^l—ih.

QinrrQ— 64. meditate : &ib^.

S. QiLiiT&QujLD, what is fit, decency,

decorum : (^(igesLD.

S. Qiurr.ff'&sr, counsel, deliberation : @

S. QufT^^, a tamil league.


S. Qiu^tsussTLD, youth : ^euOKmLo.


[Properly, it cannot begin a word in

Tamil. Look under ^. ^. e_. comp.

Nannul. 148.]

P.ffem^rr, a road : GjitlL®.

H. rf&v^,

AR. nuSi^gi, a Rayat, cultivator.

AR. jff^, consent, agreement: 3^ld

h.^. ffiT^ tEiTLDir, an agreement ; a re-


S. ffirsi^^sir, jTrrssf^^eir, rrfrL-<s=^tsiir, ^ai^

L-s^^sisr, a demon. 224.

S. r!ns=<ftli, pride, passion,

® .

S. 0L7ii), form: ^-^ui1>,s^(v^<siild, S-Qf,.

239, 259.

emSiib, one should not look at the out-

ward appear'ance but at the disposition.

H. ^urrdj, a Rupee.

S. Q^i3, one who possesses a form. ISO.


gr^ Look for words in eo under ^. s-.

AR. GoQ-stTi—iT, an envelope.

S. CT/iJii, destruction: mrrs'U), ^lS.sij,

E. eoiri^a, the Eng. word lantern.



S. {_Qeon-£Birueuir^ih, a world-wide scan-

dal +. ^UeUIT^LD.'}

S. Q/s^fraih, world : y^iS.

S. Q&i!T€iSt)LD, metal.

S. Q&)[TUL£), avarice : 2_G'a)/ruLJ.


AR.<2y<siso/r^^, agency.

— rBrrLDir, a power of attorney.

S.isw@—64. divide, separate : iSrff. [Co.

u(ff,, uuSlir, <syS/f.]

su(^ui-l, class, division, ["ss^®-]

eusms, way ; kind : sS^^ld. 199. [si/^.]

AR. €usasiurriT, belonging to. App. iii.

S. laud s^sasT , address, titles, &c.

AR. eudSs)), an attorney. 115, 271.

App. iv.

(SiiEisemLD, familiarity : QQiesld.

S. eu^fE^Ln, the season of sjning ; south.

S. eu.3=i},, charge. 246, 247, 262.

evs^uu® , ei]3^uu®jS^— 161. sub-

mit, (n. and a.) 262.

S. ei]s=3irLD, a verse, saying : euirsQ'uu).

S. <aj0.— 64. dwell, live : (w,l^uSIqf^.

[jsn fr -3=LD '} 163.

AR. ei](^&), collection. [/je^j^j.

(susro^, a fault, calumny : (s^ppio, rS

S. GijJ^&ffU}, strong glue.

S. (snm^ffLD, a garment : Ljt—exsu.

S. Q-'sib^, thing, matter: <sBrrrfluju).l^^.

S. eii^3=dsar, isu(g<s=<sii, (Sudf^a^Lo, deceit:

S. <3j(s^§I— 64. deceive : eiLorrd^.

S. a;L_, north, [udak.] App. ix. [ia;/_

<5(g, euu-dQs. Co. ennemL—


eut—iii, a rope : eui—ssau^a.

eiiLf.sL-®, strain, [ojl^, atL®.'] 62.

(Siu^—57. drop, flow downwards.

— 64. cause to flow.

euLSLiBJLD, suif-S!/, form, frame of the

body; beauty: s^^uld.

en®, (1.) withered fruit. (2.) a scar.

€Jsff)L-, a cake.

3. aiL-i—LD, (1.) a small tract, or dis-

trict ; (2.) exchange of money ;

(3.) circle : &^0^^Lb.

(EulLl^, interest. 254.

euL-L^ed, a brass plate : Qessrssim.

sn lL.® (sj li) , betel-nut bag : QeupjSSsc


<sj(S!!!!r<iaLb, reverence : i^®dsLD. 259.

iwemiEi(Q— 62. reverence; worship.

euemL^, eu essrLp-eo , a bandy: uemi^.

eu&M®, a beetle.

ensmemih, manner : euiuetzTto. 4, a


enssm^esr, a washerman: ejarrsS.

<ni]<om(est!\(^gj<cs>p, his working-place.

iEi;^s<sii), fading away : (shitlLl—ld.

Gu<ss^— 62. scorch : eumL®.

<a;^E/@— 62. fade away : sy/r®.

S. (Sjsffl^— 57. bear affliction : u®.— 64. afflict.

S. sK/F/r/E^ijz-D, a wilderness : srr®.

S. euri^ezTLD, salutation : iSisereiiflio.


eij,i^fr(ssr, he came. [swi^. 70.]

S. euLS-3=i}>, a family, lineage, race. 182.

suiity, quarrel, insolence.

S. suiunr, age : euiusij, tSjjiriuili.

^rjojiugiuLilar'kir, one in the prime of life.

suiuem'Lo, manner ; euujssrLh, eS^ih.

eiiiueo, field ; Ljeoih, Qeuei9.

S. enuSijLD, (1.) the core of a tree : ldit

euuSiTLD. (2.) adiamond, eu^Ssrui. (3.)

wrath, anger : Qssiruu>, es^suuLD.

sijuSlnxi, the belly. 120.

eurreurr, by degrees, 170.

euffiV), a kind of grain.

euffs^, (1.) income, revenue. (2.)

coming : eunhissis, (Shqkldhsstld.

S. eu!jui3rj'9=a^Lo, divine grace: Qq^(5!!>u.

eiijTui-j, (1.) limit; (2.) a ridge in

corn fields.

S. (SurfLD, a boon, gift. 269.

(SUffLhi-j, edge, limit : eprrih.

enj&in-gii, detail : iSustld. [a/^.]

suja/, coming, advent ; isv0Sfo,s.

€iirs(ssr(Lp<sisip, (1.) regular order, 146.

(2.) schedule.

ainn 220.

S. [^eurrtrsLD, a boar: eresTLc.]

S. Q;j/r«£3r,apagoda,(money.)[vARAHA.'J

euffiTL-i^, dried cake of cow-dung :

eSlff/nLL^. prop. <su/dlLi^.']

euift, (1.) tax, tribute; (2.) line. 110.

euffl—57. write, bind. [210.

eufflss>&=, order, row, rank : <c^q£iei(^.

S. (sjrf]ff=<s-, pieces of bamboo, &c., tied


ev^—70. come. 1, 27, 32, 46, 70.


ems, advent : enn&f. 190.

S. unQhf&J^LCi, (1.) a year, enQj^u-w; ^im®, (2.) rain : Lomip.

euQ^si^—64. rain: Quuj.

isiiQF^&ssrm—(Cld^@.) App. ix.

euQF,^^ii, trouble. 202, 203,244, 260.

euQKiB^—62. labour, be afflicted. \_s^.

su^li^/rajTii), sources of income : eurr^

suan/r, limit. 138, 211.

enixofr—57. write, draw, inscribe. 211.

eiisiBud(^il. 138, 211, 212, 244.

suireanh, colour : SjDih.

euiT^^aii, merchandize. 1, 158.

euiT^^aisir, a merchant : eSiuaurrffi.

(sufr^^LDiresTLD, matter, business, news:

euiT^^— 64. increase: Quqf^(^. [lc.

lEU &) ,eij ei>^ , the right side: ^LL^a^esBr

(Si/eug!».y, hurried removal— .106.

eueniEKSsia Lo^^irir, pariahs, (respect-

fully) = those of the right hand-


siieOLD, the right side. 255.

(SueoiM eurr, iSfr^LLs^etmruiuem^i, go

round from the right.

fiusS, strength : (SueoeoeatD.

eueSl— 64. ache; row. (as a boat.)

[(qi/sS, a strength: SKifoisoswiD.] ache,

spasm, convulsion.

(SU(Suj, spontaneously, 170: ^irQesr.

sy^, a net 262.

(Si]&), eneir, eueSiu, euepi, sum, euedso,

strong; strength, [ua).]

ev&)&OL^ suLpcEQ, violent dispute.

Gu eo &:>u LD , €ii&>€iies)LD, ability, power:

^Loir^Si. 108.* [255.

ei/CTsueysJr, a powerful, able, person.

eueireirireir ssmi—esr, a very powerful


<su <ki,giirg)i , a hawk ; ^ffrr&^ireB.

suQisy— 62. snatch, steal; Qsstreij.

eiiLps(^, a dispute, 96, 262.

&iLpiki(^— 62. be in use. [248.

(SulS-, way: UDirirdsLh, urfism^. 242,

eui^:—57, flow.

evL^/Bmi—, walking in the way.

euL^urr®, adoration, custom.

QJt^fifl®— 68. take leave of one. 254.

also euL^ ^e^uLj, send on one's


isiinp, a fault, an error: (^jopLc-

£U(ips(^,—26. slide, slip, stumble :

@^£»-si](w<sij— 62. deviate.

eueiruuih, progress, manners, affairs.

su&rili, excellence, fertility.

eueiTQ^— 60. grow up.

(aUstriT—64, bring up, cultivate. 158.

eueirir^^— 62. (1.) increase; (2.)

put to sleep. 160.




S. (sflG<3^iS15,/-o, [aflG<5^i_ii), sflC-s^ei^.sLo.]

any thing especial.

aS)as.F, (1.) elasticity, spring, im-

petuousity : lS(^. (2) a time, turn :

S. sSsi^ii), poison : itf^».

S. <£i(SL^LD, dangerous.

S. (^sls^iuld, affair, matter ; object of

sense : sitiBiuld. p. 146.

S. dlsm^friTLD, amplitude: ^sedLo.

sSi_ 196.



eSL—iTtu, lassitude : sSsir, ^s'^

fflSi^— 57. dawn, rise : £-^«

i^L^ujpair (SOLD, dawn, morning : a.^


sS®— 68. leave. 254.

eS®<ses)^, a riddle. [s£®s0«©/q<s

eflO^^i, liberty: s-tUfr^ssriM, [afl®.]

•272. (II.)

d!®p, a lodging : [csS®.] s=n-<se^s.

<£mL-, (1.) answer, permission: 2-^

[sfl®.] (2.)apullet: <£es)i—3>Qsfr

(£lLl-w, a cross beam ; diameter,


6fl^i_/r^ 123. (b.)

sfltltfOT, grasshopper: Ser??, moth.

aflil® 68, 109, 272.

aflsBzir, heaven, the aether: ^sit^ld.

(£lism<rmruuLh, a petition. 93.

S. dl^LD, kind: ^eurs? ; manner: ld/t

^^ffl. 199.

S. sfl^aoeiT, a widow : ssistiQuem, ^ld

S. S^QSTLD, pain, sorrow : eS^oinD, 0/(75

^^LD, s(BuLj.

S. afl^, a rule ; destiny.

s9^—64. command, destiny.

sflan^, (sSsjo/r, sfl^^^.) seed.

— 64. sow seed: 0^«srf?. 203, 204.

S. dl^^ivirs^LT), difference : Qu^ld, QuSSLO, Q(S]pffS0S)LD.

<£l^d^, seed;

posterity : ^/e^^.

203, 204.

eSd^ieuaeir, a learned man : «

ujsjr, ueceueBT, woSSTL^^ek. 230,242

S. eS^em^, science, learning, [vidya.] I


S. sSq rsrr^ til, Tplay; any thing artificial

and splendid.

S. eSu.ff'n'UJLh, (^sQisiis^irujili.) cultivation:


S. aflL/a^/rjii, (^<sSiUu.FirnLD) adultery,

uncleanness : Q.3=irffLD.

S. eSlu^^iTsdr, those who have divi-

ded their inheritance [vib'hakta.]

S. eSu^^, misfortune. [Co. •s^wu^^.']

S. e^uffih, (sflsuiTii)) a particular : euir

eorr^ii. p. 13.

S. ^uif<SLD, what is contrary, per-

verse : ^ frgii LD rrgu

S. (sSly,^, ashes smeared by Saivas : /F^>

S. <Sld€Old, purity : ^uj<ss>im, a^^io.

S. i^QiM!T3^<zs^LD, expiration ; absolu-

tion : LDekesHuLf.

S. eSihutli, the reflection of any thing,


eSthnp — 62. swell, become rigid,

sob, cry: Q^LDLf.

S. sflizj/f^^^ic, vain, useless : <^<5m, sS.q^

S. s0(L//r@OTLD,sorrow, anxiety : ^asua,

S. (^luirdQiUfTQSTua, commentary: 2_sM/r,

S. (£tiuir-s=QtULD,A.\s'^\x\e, suit: eSeijrr^ui,

suLps(^. 242.

S. eS/iy/r^, sickness: Qibituj, Slesi^, Qnir

si}>. 123, 187.

S. eSliuirusui, extension, pervading all


S. (^lunutrffLD, business; occupation;

trade ; euir^^su).

S. <£:iu!TiSi— 64. be omnipresent.

<£liuiTLpLD, Jupiter. App. vii.

S. aSjsiz), lust, sensuality : sirLaQtEfriu.

^rnL®— 62. [from s0/r(Ey5. g. v.]

drive, chase away: lSIulL®, ^s



S. eSir^Lo, austerity, self-denial, vow :


eSfrSa, finger, toe.

a0/7-(CT5—56. (III.) start aside with

fright : iSffi^.

eSffI — 57. open, extend, becomewide. [Co. iSfff.']

— 64. open, stretch, spread out,

15. g.

fifi/fliyajr, a viper: eSrfJiudruirLDU.

S. eScr^LL.ff^LD, [sfl(75d6i8,LD.] a tree, Lonih.

S. i^QFf^iT, vain, profitless: eSem.

272. (III.)

S. <£iQF)gj, a banner; trophy.

S. eSQfj^^U), [Q;Llz_iz).] a circle ; ha-

tred : eSSfffr^LD.

S. <i£l(iF)^^Q.g=^G!rLD, circumcision.

S. eS(y^.i^frLjLSujLD, old age : QpuLi.

S. dl(V)^^, increase ; advancement


eu0inT<d:&, QuQhasLD.<£i(W)i^, {\.) afeast;(2.) a guest


sSq^uuld, desire : ^sa^. \_<s8qkldl^



dlQf^LDLj— 62. desire. 270.

e8safr, = eSeB>^ 203.

efl«»/r—64. sow seed, [see. sSsw^.]

^ssifT—57. make haste: ^eufH.

dlmrreij, haste, swiftness : Q<suaili.

[aflisiD/r. 190.]

S. e£iQrriT^Lh, hatred, opposition : ues>e.


S. eSlQffa^, an opponent: s^^^qF). 272.

S. eS ir^^ — eSme^


S. WfT^^ITIB^LD, (^QE^^ITli^LD, nCWS;


eflso«, off" 170.

iaS)««@— 62. get out of the way. 170.

— 62. put out of the way. forbid:

i6 ©•weossLD, prohibition, separation.


<sfla)/E/@, (1.) fetters; (2.) [beast:

w6diT, the side.—sr£S)iu>Li, a rib: uq^Qieh^ldlj.

S. dlediT^w. (1.) extension; (2.) sport,

dalliance; a comedy.

rruLjpLD, the side. [i-z/piJ).] 233-

, price : Qjaju). 228, 9.

iLjiuiTfs^, [high-priced.] precious,


i^SsiejrouQupp, which has fetched

a high price.

afliM, a bow ; a rain-bow s-eisr®

S. weusrrfftb, a suit at law : sfliL//T,^©(zjzi).

S. eSenffU), [eSugto.'] a particular, 260.

S. eSeufft -— 64. enter into particulars.


S. sSeuastJ}, marriage : aiSiuirsm-ixi. 259.

S. afiffl^ff-^ifl, law-suit, dispute : (S^is>s(^.

S. eSQeusLD, discrimination: i-j^^-

eSifi, an eye : s,<om. [(T/jl^.]

oSt^— 64. open the eyes, stare,

awake, watch. 259.

e8(Lr,—57. fall; die. 262.

T. <^^ss,rr(B, rate : eS^Lo, iSuarrnui.

e£lQ£iii(^— 62. swallow, devour, con-


<^Q£^i the pendant roots of a ba-

nian-tree, [(SS(M.]

S. eSetrdsm, an explanation, [sflew


<£eirs(^, a lamp : ^ULD, ^S(cma. 258.

sSsyrig — 62. make clear, bright,

evident: O^/ft. [root, eflsr.]

<s£lefrd(^LDrrru, a broom : ^es^i—uuLD.<£lEfr\iEj(ff)— 62. be clear, bright, evi-

dent : Q^fff. [root, sScJr.]

eSistTLDurrii, advertisement, procla-

mation : lSj&^^u}.

SetTLDLj— 62. speak out, reveal. 270.

e^ariT-sPLD, superscription, direction

of a letter : QLn<sO(^:eO[r.3=iJa.

eS)&—57, grow, arise.

— 64. cause to grow. 244.

s=s=&}, crops in the fields : Qurr

SIM. [sfl^.]

lUfT®—62. play. 255.

(sfl£ff|(Br5— 56. (III.) burst open, be-

come manifest.



firewood : siuiS, ^®uL/s(g

IsBj^ — 64. shiver, grow stifF from

cold : ^lSIq^.

Ijb—{SjD^',) sell, [aflei). 70. as .sei).

Ipucksr, sale : eS&QijuJLD.

"^pgiiQp^eo, proceeds of a sale, [afl

IsjTS!/ — (Efl(CT)ay.) 62. question;


I(ss), a question : Cssjrsfl.

&r, (1.) an action; (2.) mischief;

(3.) a verb. 77, 270.

^sjrsSfc, an intransitive verb.

LS^afl&ir, a transitive verb.

isTa=£FLD, the verbal or adverbial

participle. 77.

<^aaLD, a swelling ; blister. [ao'/E/@.


aff/E/Q—62. swell. 233.

eS^u), ^'_ iMiTsrrmrl. App. viii.

sS"*— 62. cast, throw as a net.

(^ea,F, (1.) a weight = 40 iJSDii).- a

viss. (2.) mustachios : tSem^F.

i£ff=3^, a blow, stroke, swing, of anything: [aflff. 190.]

eS(B, (].) a house : ldIw, [aS"®.] (2.)

heaven. 19, 29.

effil® 18, 19, 59.

eS'SsBsr, a lute, [/u/rtp.]

eSessr, vain. [comp. the rad. vain,

lat. VANus.] 191, 272. (111.)

S. affiSii, rule; rate; portion: uiEj(m

S. i£^, a street, Q^(^, Q^q^i^^, ^m^.(^ixiLj, vain talk, loose talk.

S. (^jjih, bravery: (^ifiiULD.

^iT ^(B, cry out, squeak. 263.

[e?^, for eSap.']

^ffij— 68. be great ; boast one's self

[poet.] 264.

eSp^QF)— 60. sit in majesty. 264.


Qsii, Qsuih, QeuiLi, Qw, in comp. hot,

fierce, quick.

S. Oa;@, much, many : ^^sld. [bahu]


S. Q(a;@ja3/r(ZzmD, a present. 128.

Q(aij\ss(risiTi}), fine weather.

Q<sn\sa!Tefi— 64. clear up, become


Qeu\s<ssis, heat, closeness: '-jQ^'i


QeiiLsjL, a shot, report of a gun. 261.

Q(S}]L^— 64. sound, split, crack.

0<a;®a@, rashness, haste.

QsulLsu), shame : idrremiJD.

QeuL-L^0sr(si{, rashness, [opp. QldjS

Q<WL-L^, open, plain. [Qsi/srr.]

QevLLL^iufTesr 93.

Oavil®— 62. cut, fell. 107, 239, 255,

sgio, a tree affords shade to the manwho is cutting it down.

QeusmrQsmiu, butter. 58.

Q(cii<sm(B , a hollow in a bamboo, &c.

Qa/sasrlaniz), Qeuem&aLDiLKrssr, white-

ness, white. [_Q(Sii&r.'\

Qev/B^ 58.

Q&iiSfr, hot water, [^QenLn+riir. Com.<s?®^cs83r®iaf/r.]

Q&i\uuLD, heat: sfTiEKcmS). [Oai;.]

QeueomLn, jaggery : s(iF,uLidail.Lf-.

Qei]&)£!i—70. conquer. [Lat. valeo]

GLDp Qs !T (oir


Qeuefl, a plain ; the out side :' Qen

&refl(ssju.. 244, 263.

Q (sn sflS: e=LD , light : ^sjf?. [Osi/eyr.]

Oa;e/ff|/JLj®— 68. come abroad, be

known. 161, 261.

Q<uu\^6^LJu(Bfi^ — 62. reveal. 161.

Osy |s(fi'L/Lj«i5i_, clearness, obvious-


QEi]efi\\iuijiEJsu), manifest, revealed :

uuSlrriEJsu), i^ff&^^LD, liSlffrrSliULD.']

Qsve^Quj, outside : LjpuiQu.

©(susrflsi)®, reveal. [254.]

Q(aj(er^— 64. wash, whiten. [Oai/eyr.]

Qsnek, Qeuem, in comp. white,

bright, simple, unmixed. [Allied

to eSleir.']



QoKstrarui, a flood: tSrjeajiTSLD. 215,


GKZimsfriTL-L^, a slave girl : QgtisQ.

Qeueireinr® , a goat.

Qeueiror IT (SsarissiLD, agriculture : @tfL^

^QSTLD, [vulg : Qensir&riresiLD, or


Qsiicfrefr/reS, steam, [white vapour.]

O ey err srr /Toff"sir, a cultivator.

Osysyrsrfl, silver; the planet venus.

App. vii.

QetKstrQsrrtig^^, dimness of sight-

QeueirQen-^uiLj 234, 23.5.

OeusyrOgyrar, early 273.

Q eu etrdsiT , whiteness ; white. 217.

Qeu-^, drunkennessJbewilderment :


Qeiigii, Qwnjj^, Qeu^w = empty


bare,' poor. [Co. <aj^. and Eng.BARE.]

Qtsiip^, victory; Q^iuu>. [Qsy^jj;,]

QeunD^Sso, betel leaf, 13i. ^rrLDL/,eoil>.

Q<S!]dsrQp(ssr, Qeuek^ 70.


S. Qojsili, velocity : ^ifj^u^.

Qen— 58. burn.

Qeuasrr®, burning: smu-i<a=ed.

Qeuiaems, a royal tiger : ljsS.

S. QeiiQ, a prostitute : ^irS.

S. CfiMffl^LD, disguise : Lo/ruJLD/rsoiD. 161.

QeuL-CBT, ahunter: QeuLLesii—dsirrrdr.

Qsi]Lp.ses)s, a show, spectacle, amuse-

ment : ^LDtrm.

[Cffl/Lli—CT, offering sacrifices.]

S. Q<s]L-L^, a cloth : Q'S^irLDSBT.

QnmiLeiaL-, hunting. [Csi/syr.] 255.

Qeu^^uih, vulg. for Qsi](sm®iJD. 39.

App. ii. [(STOii).]

Qensesri—rril), [vulg. Qeu^mtn or eiirr

Qeuem® — 62. want, ask for, seek.

203,204. [Co. WANT.] 272. (III.)


Cffl;c33r®ii, App. ii. 39, 117,157.

S. Qeu^LD, a divine book ; Bible. 233.— •FiTw^aLD, tlieology.

S. Qsa^'^, pain : QtBireij, QibitiL. 73.

S. Qeii^iT^^iuiueaLD, readingof the veda.

S. Qoi^irenu), a demon : ^rrtres^^eir;

S. Qeii^ium, a person learned in the


Q(ai]^, a sudorific medicine, fomen-

tation. [Cffl;.]

Qeaii^eisr, QeuujiE^eir, a king : ldcst

eardr. [poet.]

Qaip^Qeiibfidsr, a conquering hero.

Qeuihuj, margosatree. [Adj. Qqjulj.']

Qeutr, root: npeoLh.

Qeuir— 64. perspire.

Q<siiira(V)(rF), prickly heat. [@(5-]

QeiJiT(S!Disu, perspiration.

Qei]ei)LDiSlSi^, gum-arabic.

S. QeueS, (1.) a hedge, (2.) a land

measure about 5 acres [s/reiiBfl.]

or 2,000, @t^ [vela.]

S. QeijSaO, work, affair : sssll^ujld, ueisr

'Sossr, u<5sS, Q^rrL^iiso. 52, 267.

QeuSsossirneisr, a servant : uessfl^

es)L—dsfrjT<sBT. 52.

Gsueb,, a javelin : &!>sQ<sueo, Qwedir

Qeusij, espionage : [«/re«/rif.] ^^eir

S. QsuSar, time, opportunity : s^eioLDiuih.

90, 244, 257.

(Z^rmQeuSsfT, ^:^ ^ o > perhaps.

Qengii, Qsiipffi, other, different. 258.

[comp. LDfr£jj, LD£)i. Eng. vary.]

QeujbguecDLD, change ; difference ; case

of nouns, 270. [da;^.] Qwpg}!

(oSiLDuSesr S-jT^L/, sign of a case.

Ceussflffi), heat : QsrraaL


(siaojsrrS, the month of June. App. vii.

(srosif—58. abuse : ^lL®.

ecaeu — 64. place, put, keep. 138,

242, 244, 259, 261.



[isDia/ffiffffl^, early in the morning.]

<oSi(Si!ia<sc , (cSi<s]aQair&i, straw.

(cV)Sii(mrfl, small-pox : ^ihecoLD.

S. emeuei^eistirBieir, a devotee of vishnu.

254. ,

S. emsiJ^^Ludr, a physician : urflsiriff. 1.

(saeuuurrL-Lf., a concubine, [erooj.]

(otneurTLD, hostility.

istneurrirQ, etaunirQ, a Byraghee : a^i

ihiT&t. [_iijih.

S-, easurjrrdQiLiLh, zeal: u^^esysurrirdS

S. saeuffl, foe.


Q Q] sf! en fr €0 , a bat.

297 4LJ'O^^u^^^^



1. Nearly all the words introduced here are in cominon u?e.

2. No attempt has been made to distinguish minute shades of meaning ; every word should

therefore be talked over with a native. This vocabulary, ichile it contains nearly all the mora useful

words of the language, must only be considered as a collection of hints to aid the student in work-

ing with his native teacher. Look out each word in Index I.

3. The learner should commit a few words to memory each day,

4. For all pronouns, numbers, adverbs, interjections, see under those heads in Index III.

5. For adjectives, look out their corresponding nouns, and compare 130—133.

6. When any English word is not in the vocabulary try the nearest synonyme; what cannot

be found in one place will probably be found in another. Thus of the words, lassitude, weariness,

fatigue, only one is given.

7. Words in brackets are either foreig'n words, or are such as should not 6e used witlwut

carefully ascertaining their precise meaning.


A, An, iJB(5- sgff 8, 172.

Abandon, fflOtlSaS®. (gio,S(sfl®. ...254.

^sfl/f 64.

Abase, ^iripd:^ 62, 160.

He abased himself, ^e!T°^^fiiTa!r ^irifi^^s

Gsiredsrt fnur.

Abate, ^sBzsfi 15 (ff)

(m&np, 64,

The waters have abated, &,asisras^ir aii^mgi

The pain has abated, Qisir&i cj® ^aSpgi.

Abbreviation, a-qhssu). Q^iti^ljlj. ^Abdicate, <^il.(BiiEi(Q 62.

Abdomen, ^^L<s^uSlg)i. 131.

Abet, Q-afl efl® [err©/ + fiS®. 254].

^ekr® 62.

Abhor, ^QrrfrQ 163.

Qeu^. ^Q^euQ^. 64,

Abide, ^iB^^qf, 64, 80.

^Ej(S) 62.

Qurrffi. <5=S. 64. (^endure.)

Ability, sjjotctljld. ^jaaaLD. puiresS.

<3=irLDfT^^ajU}. [108.*


Ab initio, s^suasmQp^iso. 'M^Q-P^flQsrrem® 259,

Abject, iS<3^. ^L^euireur. ^ it ip en rr esr . 134,


Abjure, .^^sr ^lL® efl® 263.

Qppgjim dFerrsrfl sfl®.

Ablative case, {^rnQj^ili, sigiru), ex

LptTLD, Q<Siipgll<SI!>LDSm .)

Able, ^rjiresi^iLjeirefr 103.

He is able to read, enir&uuirdsr. ^«"gi;«®

Ablution, apQ-ps^. m/srresrLn.

Aboard, auueSw. Q^iresSiSleo 21,

He has gone aboard ship, ^aiasr auuAi (50)

Abode, euas^eiv^edLh. (^qz-uS^tl/L/. ssmpuSL-m [270. (5.)].

Abolish, ifd(^. 62, SleSir^^ Qs=iu. 165,

uiBsifl. 64.

be—ed, <or(BuLL(BQufr 92, 258.


Abomination, ^^qf^suqfjUlj.

Aborigines, y,rr<su (^i^sek.

Abortion, aQ^eui^eij. s,(TF)LJULDL^ji^&).

Abound, LBie^a- 62. y/fl. 64.


About, Ctj/fl.^(concerning.) See Less. 73.

What's all this about/ ^Q)^isr<ssr surfiiuih ?

stP^B^ld, (round) @5P- w'^iu.

exp&(S)€Sip±i (more or less), S-^G^

<Fii) \Tb.

Above, QLDffO. QldQ€0. ^^sth.. . .107


—mentioned, QLDpQi3=iT&>miu.

Abridge, s^(i^d(^. 62. j)ji—i^. 62.

Q^iT(^ 64.

—ment, s^-qf^ssld. 3=iqQ'3=uld, Qurrt^u

Abroad, QeueSiQiu. iSpQ^'S^^^eo.

Abrupt, 3=(B^iumoBr. 0^/E/@^^ffS3r.

— ly,^QFii^rrpQutr<o0.er(Bl^^frpQurT&>.

Abscess, eSuLjQ^^. Seo/i^.

Abscond, tspeB^^sQarreir. uxsnpigi

Qua. [iiSai.

Absence, in my, rErrissr ^eoiForr^s Co;^

Absent, eurrrr^. 121. ^^tBec&o.

he is

,^tsusSeodsi [aS'Lli^eSet)^)].

Absolute, ^iTLDfresrLDfretT. iB'S^. a-^^.

1 am ahsolutehj alone, mitsisr ^ekcN-iis ^asflQiu

gig-ffiSGpsBT 223,

Absolution, uinsi eSlLDfr^f^anh.

Absorb, £_^(^<gF. 62. @^- 64.

Abstain, sflOTg;. 62. ss(^it 60.

/ have abstained from that, ^^p<3 eSsuS

Abstinence, ^-ueairs^LD. eSji^LD. izpQ^

Abstract, s. (in law Aoc), ^uao^airi^.

Abstraction, Qiuitsld. s^ldit^. ejsrrm^

Absurd, ui^^iiSsar 131


Abundance, lS(^^. ^irafrevih. 141. er

fffreinh, ^rretr. y^n suntld .

Abuse, V. sffiiia;. 58. QiL®. [56. II.] ej<3^.

62. ^ei^. UL^. 64.

n. ^^sii^iRT. 2_^n"<FoBrzi). euetas^. u

ifiuLf. 61. [in language.]

Abyss, u rr^ rr <oirm . ^sirssLDtra^ (^ipl.

Acacia, QoKSOLDnm.

Academy, s.<50<^'3='3=ndso. s^rr

Accede, s=i1ld^. 164.

®(D3Z!r/E/@. 62. <sp^^dQ&am

Accent, erQijg^Qeon'em,^. euSveSleia'a^


Accei^t, (S^uLfsQ&aeir. 259. ^laQsiff,

ejpsudQarreir. [64.

Access, easy of, he is, ^euemirJ' Od^/ra)

ULDiriu {sreB^irdj)a aaemedinh.

Accessory, S-U-mesi^s. ^'Ssbst.

Accident, ^<5S)i-.ujjg)i. ^pQ,9:iu<s^. [.sssar

i-^th. ^^si''\ eSldSeariD. [_<SBLh.

Acclamation, ^rreuirrrLD. smiSurLpLps

Accommodate, ^i—iaQarr®. ^s^^iuuuem^^ii. eu,^§lu gjarCT)/


Accompany (a friend a little way),

s^u-uQuiT. 6iiL^i^(Bl [with ^^uLj. 62].

Accomplish, iSsmpQcsupgu 62.

Qa=iu^ Qpi^. 64. @i^^ajiTS(W). 165.

Be accomplished, SsapQisu^ 62.

Accomplishment, &^^. sirtftiLiS^^. ^Accord, of one's own, isuSiu. 170.

a-^rr (all ITin.

— with one, (3pQF,LSd£s. <^Qhu:,cMi}>.

According to, 242. (10)159.Account, <5S33r«(g. Q^irsma. afla/jLo.

On account of, iStSl^^m ] 57.

Give an, «isp3r<£5(g (c^uueS 64.

Accountable, one who is, S-^^jaz/r^.

(5S33r<sO<£5/ri_/L^sS.S<S Q St] (pisT L^IU en GST



Accountant, seis^ssosr 1


S(5B!!rd(^LJ (ilsrr^iT.

Accumulate, (^lS. 64. @s0 64.

^niL®. 62. ^n(^. 56. (III.)

Accumulation, @aSu7(cV. ^rjL-@i.

Accuracy, ^qFj^^ld. ^L-i—ii 135.

Qs=LD<ol5)LD. d=lfl. iSi-SFSfTLDeO. [ufT®.

Accusation, (^pp'^-a^fTLLQ. (wis!>pu

Accusative case, SQeup^ismLD. ^jjem

l—fTLD QeUpffiJiclDLD.

Accuse, (^pptQa^mL.® 62

Accustom, uipi,(Q. 62. uip(^ 62.

u/^Sja. 70, utJ^psi- 62. 160.

Ache, V. Qmir. eneS. ^if . 58, 59, 64.

n. ^-Ssiroj. (^^^. Q/Birsij.

A certain 242. (4).


Acid, LjeSluLf. LjeB. \_^ fjima


ld J]

Acknowledge, iz^^gjsQi&nea . ^^dea<s

Acquaiutauce, jij^QpaLD. uipdsw.Acquiesce, ^<5miki(^. 62. S-C—cku®.

s^mto^. 64.

Acquire, a^Lourr^. 64.

Acquit, (^pplQ&>^ 6r<^^ ^it— . 64.

Acre, \_sT<i9iTiT.']

Across, Q^dQs.Act, Q.3=tu. [Comp. 271.]

n. Qi<3=uj<cs>s. Qiflesiiu \_.3=lLu.U}'\ .

Act, in the, istasQiDtuiuirdj. [sw^.

Activity, s-jpis^^uLj. QpiLipQ. ^rrdSff

Actual, S-eireir. iBs=LDfr<ssr. \^uj<s!r.'\

— sin, siTLDUireuLh.

Acute, s^ir<5ViLDtLia<s!sr. sh^rfftu.

— accent, er®^fiQ60!r<im-F.

Addlat, ^^ireo^^. App. III.

Adapt, ^653<5=<a//r<ffi(g. 165. <riBuu(B^

SI. 161.

Add, a^iL.®. 62. C<!r/r. 64.

Addition, a^LL®^s\). s^L-i—ed. \_3=mi<s


Address, iSu-s'ibjsld. Quds? [_(Sjd s^sssr']


Additional, [^if(51^(2)^] (in law doc.)

^^zsTLDiTGsr. [A-pp. Ill-

Adduce, sr®^ff)ds(TL-® . 62. S-^fTjj

etasTEjQsrr® . 64. iBiUfnuiiusinL®


Adhere, epiL®. 62. up^.Adjacent, ^iu<3i>!T&sr. ^®^^. s^iSuisin'

car. ^nnsirear.

Adjective, s-fftdQ^rr<s\). usmLfd-Q^rreo.

Adjourn, Sgu^^, 62. £l^^^€s)'su. 64.

Adjust, (s^(LgEi(^LJU®^gj. 62.

^ffldsi—®. 62.

Administer, /ei—uiSI. 64.

Admiral, QuirrrdauuSoQ-a^i^^u^.

Admiration, ^d-3=ffiuLD. ^iuulj. ^^<S=tULD.

Admire, sfluj. 66.

Qiods-. 62.

Admit, ^pgadQa!T(Sir.

— a person, <?<F/f. 64.

— a fact, i^^^dQsfr&r.

Admonish, Lj^^Q^ireo. erds^rB. 64.

Adoption, lj^^it sk^sitbU). ^^^ih.An adopted child, ^^^darlar.

Adoration, OKsmdaua. rELDOoairrru}.

Adore, <sii<omiEj(^. 62. Q^frag. 57. /bldoi)

srR. 64. uessfl. 57.

Adorn, Siaairrfl. 64. ^eoikisiriB. 64.

L8c^d(Q .62.

Adult, <c£rrs^i^sii<ssr. <^rrsek.

ud(^£u ripen (Sireum— 6fr


Adultery, eSu^frrri-D.

Advance, QpdruessTLD. ^d^irrjib. \_(Lp

urr^ecfT. Gi—Losaiifl.]

Advance, v. npsarsS®. 'S-iuir^si-

Advantage, ueom.'^-uQiunsLD. iSffQujir

•a^enTLD. ^eoiruih.

Advent, euQ^ems \_^®G)aiii^ sBfreOLn'].

Adventure, giesSsni-aiTcsr Q^a^iuems.

Adverb, afl&-ii//fl.

Adversary, er^uirsB. er^ifi. gSQjtit^.

Adversity, ^®dsLh. SgueisLD. ^ostuld.

Advertisement, eSeiriDurriD. jij^deiaa.

Advice, ^(? a) /r<5=^. lj^^ld^. Quir^^ssr.

Advocate, Sliuiriuginii^uek, uiBrEgjQu


V. uiftigjQua-. 62.

Adze, sufTL-S [fflj/ri/<yS].

jEra, <^siTLjjSiJa [=a year of Saka.

Aerial, ^sfroj. ^sir3'L£iiT<ssr.

Affair, <fiejs^. siriftiuLo \_u!TU^gj'].\\\.

Affectation, @j)2/«@. tSj0s@.

Affection, ^dri-j. QrEa^ii. ulLs^w. S!^


Affecting, UDeBrQpQ^s^^ds. uffl^iSd

Affianced, fS'UiB^^Q^m^ (vulg. QrEiB^

^Qf)i^). App. iv.

Affidavit, -^^^^iuld [_'3=^^iuds®^iT@'].

Affinity, npsnp. 2_ff)a!/. uit^^iuld. ^i}>

What affinity is there between you andhim ? CCT"«(5 ^aiiir ereiresr QaiaArQia ?— in chemistry, ^QpuLf.

Affirmative, S-essrQt—ekQp,

— verb, £-i—eirumL®eSSstsr.

Affirm, s^iT^^ffid Q-s^irso.

Affix, ^®. Qa^ir. 64. s&il®. 62.

(n.) aS(g^. s-iTiBic^auj.



Afflict, eiiQF)^^uu(B^^. 161. eu/r^. 64.

be—ed, <snQF^i^. 62. suqe^^uu®.


Affliction, ^druih. ^Uffih. dQ.s^ssu).

iSiTUUfB^U). eurfn^^ih. @j (B d ssm


Affright, uiuuu®^gj. 161.

Affrighted, ^ms^gj 254.(6.)

Affront, ^ens^iEieaa. ^eiiLDrresriM, ulS

Afoot, sireoiBeTii—iutrij.

Aforesaid, QpekQ^rfrekesr. Qldjdul^. p. 9.

Afraid, he, unjuu® 161.

/ urn ufl'uid, erejrsc^u uiuiDirnSfgaSfl^,

After, iSeir. tSmLj. iS/d(^. iSpua®. 84.

—this or that manner, ^iJi_/i^.^L.'Uif-.

After all, semi—Sujmij 40.

Afternoon, Ln^iuii^Qr)LDS 77.

Again, ^Qr^lhuSilLD. LDgHUL^lLjLD.QLD^lM.


Against, (^Qjjrr^LDiTUj. sr^QsT.

Age, sutus^. iSjTfTUJLD. ^iLjetr. ^iijs-.

old , ^Qh^^lTLJl3iULD. QpUL^.

an— , iLjsLD.

Agent, :smflujeio^esr. eusQin.

free— iSHUiT^esreir.

Aggrandize, QLoasresLDUU®^^. 161.

Agitate, <ss««(g. ^lL®. 62. ^sms^. 64.


di, ^efrL£>Lj.&eoim(^. (&)LpL£)U. 62.

^sw^. 57.

Ago, QpmQesr.

long— , OsiiQ sireo^^pimrLpasrQisir.

Agony, ^euaoesi^. S-Uir^.

— of death, LDrrfei^sumem^. [64.

Agree, QurrQ^i^. •3=ldld^. 101. euiriL.

s^i—eku®. sp^^eutr. 243.

^(omEj(^. 62.

Agreement, S-i^druL^dsms. eauui^il[(xp<?"<FsSasto<s. &<sif<k}~\ .

Agriculture, QeuefrrremeeiLo. S-Lpe^j Q^ir

Agriculturist, Qeustrirsfrsir. uuSirdi^L^

(ujn-iSBTiajsar) .

Ague,(g(sifl/fs<s/ruJ<F<rffO. /seffirsirtud^^ew

Ah, ^^ 193.

Ahead, Qpi^. QpdsrQm-. 225.

Aid, si'^sssr. 2_^fifl. <^^s5ir<oio<F.

Air, ^siT-s^LD. airp^. eumu.

Alabaster, Qeu(5i!3rs6\}


Alarm, v. uhjuu®^^. 161.

Alas! ^QiLur! 193.

Albumen, Qeu&rSsirdsQ^.

Alchemy, ^rra:eijirssu>. Q(2UioS)fi.

A-lcohol, •FfnrfTiULD [a)«ro^.a_QiBO/riJ-qL].

Algebra, iS&=a<S!si^^LD.

Alien, ^/iSujm'. LjpQ^^^^ireir.

Alienate, uair^sMuu®^^ (161).

LDtsurth np^iLidQ£=uj . 57 . u<sia<siuiTd(m.

Alike, s^rBiu/rasr. Quneo. •a^LDrrQsrLD.spuLJ.


They are much—,^ajiseir qQt ^ruojuuSiT^iSi

Aliquot, ^LDQsr (Sir (SUIT Qsr.

Alive, ^-uSQfTiTL^Q^sQp.

Alkali, LDjT&jLJLj. sfrrriM.

All, ereoeOfTLD 126, 127.

Allegory, <sbLL®Qii<ss>LD.

Alliance, •Fuauih^Lo. S-i—esrurr®.

Alligator, Qp^dso.

Alliteration, QinirSssr [III. Gram. 183].

Allow, ^i—AQs/r®. 64.

Allowance, ^ldld^w. a=LDLD^.

Alloy, s&suLj. seStht-j.

Allure, ^(ssi 3=u^ lEismL® . 62.

Alluvial, u®eia<s£l&3ili. ^pguuQufrdsrrasT Seoua.

Ally, sdQiu \_^rr.Td@uju>~\. a^LDUii^LDir

eur [^i7<Feir]


Almanac, UfQ^^mkisLD. ^iBilhtisjsld.

Almighty, •g=iTiSii siieoeossiU) [i/yerrsu]. 133.

Almond, enrr^emLodQsfrLLicCiii—. [com.


Almost, QlLl—^^lLl— 0<5/r(^c?^/E/@eto^

lU. ejpd(S)<5S)pVLl. QL-l—Qpt—L

Alms, iSid6<s)3=.^n-LDLD.ajiTa=s,LD [(T/Jilq;].

Aloes, srRQurrarLD.

Alone,^e^eoLDLU ITiu. ^6m Qiu. ^sw^gj.

251. (6.)

I^et him — , <sfijimw ^iT^esCQlih. qSlLG) eS®.

This — hinders, ^gimir^^ms ^snu..

A long time, 242.(6.)

Along with, «../_ 239

Aloud, 3'^^LDinu. Quedds 273.Read— , a/zr© 64.

ff^ffiSCjSt eairSj

Alphabet, Qm(B/ms<smr<i(^.

Already, QpekQ<ajr. ^uQutrQ^.Also, S^l— SL.LD. 7.

Altar, iSi^LD. ui^lSl^ls, [Qeu^isma'].

Alter, LDirpg)!. QeuQi^d(^. ^Q^^gj. 62.

Alternate, e^sk@}i^eSLLQi—n-eirjpi ldit^


Alternative, Qtsngjieii&aa.

Although 100, 217.

Altitude, &.d.s^LD,

Altogether, ^ss., Q^rrens. 136, 170.

(^itlL(Bld. exs <s=.zL-®s(Q.

Alum, ^asrsairriLD. UL^dsfrnu).

Always, (oTuQuirQ^^ih. 126. S^^iii.


Am, ^0 ...60.

Amazement, ^d^fflmih. iSslBulj. ^

Ambassador, ^ir^u^.Ambiguity, s^Qps^tuuo.LDdsosij. SQs\)emL

Ambition, Quijir<aa3= . ^smeuuD. eSthu

\_QLDesr<oiaLD(5iaiLi tBn'®@p Qii'seijS'].

Ambush, u^eij.

Amend, (v. a. and a.) ^Q^i^.^QF^^gj.

62. (^emLD(r(&). [n. ^sq.] 165.

Amidst, ^eai—uS/ev. ssilQi—. /5©sflc?so.

LD^^ uSl Q &:> . S-eirQefr.

Ammonia, fS'Sjds'rrrru).

Ammunition, Sjirefo^.

Among, &.mQetr. [J)g»/_(iS/6b. ^«?l).]

Amount, Q)^ir<sas. ^L^d&ih [136].

Amusement, Qun-(ws^QuiTd(^. afl(?(SB)

^u>. urjirdf^. QeuL^deeis.

Analogy, (^^^^m<mLc>. <^UL^i^ss)i

Analysis, Sr^jpiutr®. ut^uu. ^lLl.Siiisssr.

Analyze, iJ@. 64.

Anarchy, ^jj Steerem ld. ^tr^iLDir^.

Ancestors, QpssrQi^frs&r. (tppiSlprrd

Anchor, fEfiia^rrili. [«eJr.

Weigh , sr^(s 62.

Cast , QuirQ 68.

Ancient, y^ireSsLDaesr. U€aLp(sir>LDiuiT^isT.

And, s^ti. QtD^ui. ^eirjSiLjLD 1, 7.

Anecdote, &^ssin^.

Angel, Q^tsu^^^eii. [^iitoszT*.]

Anger, QanutM. Qesnh. ^ajn'^a^ih. errRd

s=&j. (srrfleurBjSLD. npird&LD. npestieij.

Angle, QsnemLD.

right — , QfBiT —


obtuse — , sfl//? —


acute — , @j3//sy —


Angler, ^^(mrL^psirrjissr.

Animal, i^Qf^sLh. ^enQis^i^ . Q^^ihffi.


Ankle, s'^sssrdarrio. su®.— rings, sir&)<ssS]. -F^imeias,

Anna (a coin), ^(sm.

Anniversary, £U(T^<si^dQ<xrr6m[—fnLL-.Lh.

Annoy, ^ioiai—(^6^6duem^^. ^solL®.Annual, euQFSL^ir/s^rr.

Anoint, ^iSQeiSiSLhuessr,^. sremQxsssriu^s-. 62.

Anomaly, i^ufr^tD. sfl^^g Qtsu^urr®.

[ ey rtf) £u ia» /-D ^) . ]

Anonymous, Quitirfleoed/r^. esiaQtuiru


Another, ^ds^Qx^Qr^. iMpQQjq^. 172.


Answer, ^-/d^rjeif. i3rf^^iLj^^ijm.eS<ots)u.

[siai/Ti^]. (or^ ITQ LD fr ill . iDgu


ld itlS .

Ant, erffiLDU.

white — , setspiuireir. ^Q^a^eo.

red — , Qps-jpi.

black —, (ggoja.

Ant-hill, Ljppi.

Antagonist, er^ifl.

Antecedent, apmisSipug] . npmQiiMTT^.

Antelope, Loaeir.

Anthem, (Qrresr Sit^^Ssst.

Anther (bot.), y,i^frgj.

Anthology, a&)L£iU<sLD.

Antidote, Loirp^ii ldqF)^^^.

Antimony, sqk(Sl8Ss!t. ^(Q'S:e!srdsio


Antiquity, Ljnrr^QSTLh.

Antithesis, (oT^irQiDrrL^ [(Zousot]. Ill

Gram. 206.

Antitype, (ips!ir<s!sremi—ujfTetTLh.


Antler, LDirdsrOsniMLj. s&aeudQsfTLDLj.

Anxiety, ssijSai). ^i]jir(^60w. ^-iaLD

[^(TJ'L.L-Ld]. ®i^^ \^U!T®UpULf\.

Any whatsoever, ajrrO^rrqh,— &-.ld. 203.

You can give inc that at any rate, eruun)-

Apart, ^sSQiu. i^rj^^Qiu&LDiriLi.

Apathy, Qs^itldlj. o-nhssruS&ieoiTeBiLD.

Ape, LDiE^. €U!r(sisriJiJo.

Apex, 2_^©.

A piece, e^<sjQ6iirTeir^d(^. \T7 .^(Wj^s^.

Apocope, «sroi_<s@«iB/D. [Ill Gram.41.]

Apology, QuirgnesiLDQsL-Qpgi


Apoplexy, s^ekeS.

Apostate, LD(TK<otr<sS(wi^sijeir. LDgn^eS^



\_i-j( i euenr.

Apostle, [^tJGzj/rsTD^isvair.] ^^uuuApostrophe, @isro/D«@^iJ/-/. ^eioi_«@

Apparatus, [.5^ /r /.on-air] SQFjmaen-.^efreuiT

Apparent, Q^irppuarssr. \_urr®.

Appeal, \_^ui3eo.'] ^uiuil,. QpmpuAppear, Q^treks)! 62, 90,

air^^ss. Q^ifl. srrsmuu®


Appearance, Qqksi^ld. S-^uua. Qsirjb

mth. 161. utrrretaeii. [62.

Appease, ^/pjj;. 62. ^ss^. Gi.jijLDir^^.

.a^LDfr^rresruu®^^. 161.

Appellant, qjit^. [^uiJ'eDaj/r^].

Appendix, ^^uih^m. (S^L^iSliueo.

Appetite, uS. ^ma^. ^QuiLem^.

I have no—, aecrsi^u uSiiSeu2sy. uSierQsQp

Applaud, QLnff=3?. Qsirsmi—a®. 62.

H^& ;^^•

Apple (of the eye), smnDesfl. s^aSi^.

wood—, ^sTiributfiib.

custard — , S^truifiA.

Application (diligence), QpiupSl. s

(T^^^. {use oi), iStrrQiurrsLh. ueS^LD.

Apply, gj®. ^UL^. 68. Qseh.

Appoint, CT/bu®^^. 62. 166. iSiuiII.Gi.

(^S. 64.

Apposition, ^Q^Quiufr ispL-®LJu<5mLj^

Q^trsas. 130. [Ill Gram. 154.]

Apprehend, tSlt^. 64. s<5ik®iSlL^.

. 64 (mentally), (srskr^. 62.

Approach, QlL®. 62. QlLi—uQuit. 2-58.

Q3=r. 60. III. ^®. 64.

^em®. 62. =5y,^!/@. 62.

Approbation, <3=u:>ld^iJ}. tSrffiuih.

Appropriate (to one's self), ^agjafl^

^sQaireir. 106. (4.)

&.ifl^^rTss<so. seniT. 57.

Approve, s^usld^. Qoiu!/.^* 64.

April, &^^eairu>!r^i}). App. vii.

Apt, ^(^^tuiresr. ^ss. ^(^i^.He is apt to do so, ^uui^^ Qe^iiiaigi ^ai

gl/«(5 aiipssih.

Aquafortis, Qeui^u^uLf^ ^rjrreusLD.

Aqueduct, eumussneo.

Arable, uaSiT'^Qs^iLJsiosdsrresr.

Arbitrary, ^esret^eL^i—LDirenr.

— noun, J)®(g^. [Ill Gram. 49. ]

Arbitrators, LD^'^ium^irsm. U(^^fr

Arc, sfl^^. (SjlLl—sSso^Arch, si/^nsi/ [aioiD/rsir]. sflisoa/Sorrey.

V. evostres^eudstr 64.

Archangel, i^rr^fresr^^asr.

Archbishop, Sl(2rr(^L—SBss!!rsir<os£liLiiT.

Architect, &puiT:s=irtB.

Architecture, Qpus^irm^ffiM.

Arctic circle, S-^^j d^ssinh.

Area, urruuefreij. <£^. ^etai—QsiieB.

Areca, sQpaiMsu^. — nut, u!ra(Q.

Argue, ^sirdstiuem;^.

(s>][rs^Gii[r^LDU!sm^i 165.

Aries, QLou-girS.

Arise, srQ>iiL/. 62. erQ^i^Qf,. ejgu. 157.

(g.) QsiTLDLf. 62. s-UJiT. 57.

Arithmetic, ^lEj^xsesS^ii. sisssrd^.

Ark, Queaip.

Arm, SKcS. ljililo. suld [OcS/rO/ssDffi].

— chair, etas rBirpsinS

— pit,<sffiSii). ^S(^€ir. (^(Tps(^tL(B.

Armadillo, ^(erj.s/g).

Armlet, siruLf. <o!aa<su'^.

Armour, ^iLj^enrrssLD. s<sijs=ld.

Arms, ^iLiiBiBjseir. u<ss>i.—ss<oOrasir^,.

Army, G<f^. ^nir^jieuLD. uemi—.


Aroma, uiBiDmLD. npsk^LD.

Around, ai-p^£iiLh. @^. euSsfriu.



Arrack, •s'lrnrrujLD.

Arrange, eufffecH'S^LJu®^^. ^s^uu(B^SJ 161.

^®<£5@. 62. ^ssSeu^. 64.

Array, ^esS. Qatreoih. [ua/^*.]Arrears, [u/rsS] £l^m<sii.

Arrest, wjS. ^®. 64. iS.su^SJ. 62.

Arrive, sniff Q-fit.

Arrow, ^mLj. euirsmiD.

Shoot , eriL.

Arrow- root, (^eueun'dQwrEjim.

Arsenal, ^iLj^S'S^irdso.

Arsenic, uaei^rressTLn.

Red suli^huret of , ^rff^nsw.

Art, Q^irSiii. tSsBes)^. [&dsi).~\

Artery, ^a^^^ngi.Article, S-q^uul^ [^s^rrrrLjs'Qi.g'iTeo'].

Artificer, sLnLDmsirdr. Q^irLSedrre^.

As, Qurreo, 141, 170.

Js if, ^s. Qup-isd.

As usual, (^QRUL^^-srriu . euLpdauuLf.,

As you please 158.

Asafoetida, QuQ^iaefriuLh.

Ascend, ergu. 62. erQ-pLoLj. QeiriDLj.

Ascertain, ^fS. 57. .smrQiiSLf.. 64.

Ascetic, ^£jS. s^dreSiurrS. Guem-euirSl.

Ashamed, be, «i_*. 62. /srr^mn. 62.

Q£ijlL(^. 62.

Ashes, s=iTLDuSo. ligii [s9y^].

Asia, ^Qiurrdssmi—LD.

Aside, uAsLDrriL. 40. sfleiics 170.

Ask, Qam. 70,242.

(^s^rrfff. 64. (^(SB^eij. 62. ^suld. 64.

Aslant, •a^mveuiTs.

Asleep, Sl^^esifriuirtu.

Asp, eSiftiuisk

Ass, sfwem^.

Assassin, ^^Q.s^djffQsfr&>£sQ<^iTeir.

Assault, ^frd(^. ^ireij. i^api^Lf..

Assay, LCi(rp^uu/^L-esi.3=.

Assemble, sf^uf-enir, 70.

Assembly, <3=&nu. s^lLi^ld. iFE/ffizi).128.

Assert, <F/r^ 252.

Assist, sl.^(s8q.3=!Ij 165.

Assistance, s^2oS!sr, eadsirsn^-. e_<safl.

Associate, with, (^<sorri^dQ^n'<dmL^(fH.

sk^u^dQsireir (^.

Assort, sBuiiit^ift 64.

Assurance, ^i—fsunSldems. iSd^iVLo.

Assure, Slda=uS^ffuQua-. 62. ^i—uu®^ff 62.

Asterisk, /ELL6F^^jjd(^/jSI.

Asthma, LDihjSauaiTs^Lh. sueSiurr^.

Astonish, be—ed, iSffiH, 64. ^^^luuu® 161.

Astonishment, ^ds^rfliULD. 161. ^^.3=UJIM, ^eaisuLj, 190.

Astringency, sushrrui-j.

Astrology, Qs^fr^L^^irm^nui, ^^i^ui.Asunder, iSlrr^^QiusLDirtL/. ^<d.

Fall—, ^ffiiiiffQufr.

Asylum, LfssSi—Lh. ^(Sh^a^ih.

At, 21. 251.— once, n-i—Qasr. sessri—Siji—Qcsr.

At that juncture, si^^(seim^^&>. 254.

Atheist, fEn'<m^s<ssr.

Atlas, yjiSluui—ULjoo^st}}.

Atom, ^smi.

Atonement, uirGuiBojirrremw. S<£Iit^^.



Attach (property), 3=u^U(skr^is. 62.

Attempt, iSffUj^^euriJi. erd^giZTLD. nplUp®.

Attend to, ssusS 115.

UITITLDfft. 64.

Attention, •s^ireu^irosn}). ssusstld. s(n\d

gj . erd^ifldesis. QiB^^isnT.

Attorney, i§liuiriJjffjTiB<srr(dr. sudSsv.

Power of — , SiidaiT&)^rE!TLDiT.

Attract, ^(i£. 64.

Attribute, ^eoiL'S^emu). (^smui.

Auction, grsiiu).

Audience (of a great person), QuiLi^.

Audit, s<5i!urd(^u urfiQ^rr^Sssr.

Augment, /j5/@. 64. eSlQ^^^iVfrdQ.

Augur, ssLD^Sl.

Augment (in Gram.), Q^frmjDiosSsrrrrLD.

Augury, eutriLdQ-a^eoeij. 190 [^<f^

August, ^eu&sflLDiT^w. App. vii.


Aunt, App. ix.

Aurora, ^q^Qi^^uju}.Austerity, (^rj^ic. ^smj^. ^sQetaLo. aessr

L^UL^. Q en iLt—iSsrisf


Author, ^dQQiuirek. aQFj^^ir.


Authority, ^^smjih.The authorities, ^^sirfisa. gionir^^esr^^irir.

An authvrity, QiopQsr-A. ^^urasurih.

Auxiliary, ^^sssriurrsar. &.^e8iuirQsr.

&.U. — verb, ^^ssrsfl^.

Avail, 2_^a/- S-uQiLirrsuu®.

Avarice, s-Gsu/ruzi). u smsr^eia s^ . Ss

Average, FSLLif.Qso. s^rrtrd^rUdseimrdi;^.

Avenue, 3=irSso.

Avoid, aSsO(g. 62. ^e£liT 64.

£iBj(^. 62.

Awake, afli^, 64.

(trans.) erQ-gui-j.

Award, siLi-?m gj® 242. (10.)

Aware, / was not, ^^ otisztsq^O^z/Juj

Away, (^€0s. ^^ai-DiTUj. ^p. 256. 258.

Awe, ^<r<FLD. ^(e^@<ss<sas.

Awful, uiUEisnLDiresr. Qstrsr.

Awhile, SeoQeiidsir. s^p^iQissLD.

Awkward, ems uuLpssLSe^eorr^. ldlLisl.

Awl, Q^LDLD!r_g)ir&.

Awning, QiDpsiL-L^. i^^rresnh.

Axe, Qs(ri—iT<S. 237. ld(I£. uits-.

Axiom, Qp'SO.s'^pliLtLD. ^^Siufriui}).

Axis, (sSIlLi—ld. s-p^Gsr®.

Axle, ^3=3?.

— pin, ^3^s=iT<ss£l, aeoi—LurreixB.

— tree, uekruf.iu&'a-.

Ayah, [^iiy/rsjr.]


Babble, ^eouLj. 62. s^gi.

Baby, (^Lpiem^ . uir<o0.sisk. @l3h.

Bachelor, (c^<;sr^dsiTrr<^. <sS&i/r<ss(SK Qs^uj

— of Arts, ^n-ero^ffiEisioBiso Qps^^emrr


Back, QpsKQ- tSekussLh. iS^upu).— again, PQKihueijLh.

— bone, QpgiQ.s&iiLDi-j,

— biting, iSasn-jpesS. i-ipiij<x^pe\3.



Backward, LCfs^LDfr^ssr. 62. ^irLD^Loirear.

Bad, QsiLu. 13, 93, 141.

^siT^, ^LpuuLDirssr. ^esiLDtLnresr,

^lu. uap^fT'Sar. Gaeueuir^,

Badge, Qp^^emrr. ^es)L-UjfnsiriD.

Bag, <sau. sulLishld. s=as(^. Qarres^l.

Q-3=/r<sttl<oS}S. QuirssmsTLD.

Baggage, <FtrLDrr<osr. ^lL(B QpL-(B . uiussur

Bail, [g/TL/^air] lS&bt. uit^^iuim.

Bait, ^<oarr.

Bake, a-(B, 68.

Baker, S-QrfiTL-L^dsrrijsk.

Balance, [/_//r<sS] Qs^rrJ^s^LO. iS^,cmeu.

— for weighing, rSeo^pQsirw, ^!jit».

— sheet, <^iiLL(BuuLi.Qi—irdoO. eauL-

(Bd a<omd(V).

Baldness, OLDiriLetai—. 237 [<a;(w«(S!B<s^

fidso]. Qpemi—u>. LDL^ULj.

Bale, Stuuih. slL.®. ^lL(cS)l—.

Ball, uiE^. Q.5=(SS3r®. ^-(sssrssii—.

— dance, a^^gi. isi—qs^ld

Balm, epetrei^^LD. ^uSeoih.

Bamboo, QpiiiQeo. Qen^t.

Band, slL®. iSI&h^. adai-. UL-ami

Bandy, evessri^ei', u<oB!sri^. 215.

Bangles, ai—SLn. eudsniuih. #^/e/sb5<s.

Banian, sirrftiLidsfriicir. ^uirei^.

— tree, ^<cdLDrjLh.

Bank, ehuulj. eurruiLi. semrr. ^rjil).


Banish, sin^si- ^ap^- iSipQ^s^^gid

Bank-note, S-em ijp.ujp0lL® .

Banner, 6S(rr,^. Qsrr^L. u^rrems. gj

Qeo. <sS(T^^dQsirLp..

Banns, publish, ^Ssa s^gn. 62.



Baptism, (Qmmi^rBfrssrLD. is^rrssr^L-

ein,s=. [Christian usage.]

Bar (of metal), uiremh. s^&nrema.

— (of a door), ^iripuunip.

CDinp. these.]

Barbarian, iSlQeoa^^esr. ^^(^^Loum.Barber, ^ihuLLi—sir. isireSi^m.

Bare, iB(msii[r<sm . ^sS^^. Qwgn.

Barefoot, Qeujpsiijsrrisd. Qeupgjissrr&i.

Bargain, &LJurh^u>. Qun-Qfj^^iM. 2_


Bark, v. @^. 64. n. ulLsbl ldjilj

UL-eiai ^//?.

Barley, euirp Qsrrs^Loe^u.

Barn, s<5!r(^&LULh. uemi—aa^trSso. uem

Barrack, uirs^em/D.

Barrel, [LSuumu'] (a tube) (ff,Lpiriu. (g



Barren, ldscl^. wsiosrpp. unip \_unLp


Barter, uemi—Lofrpg}!. 62.

Base, ^i-p-. ^ u^en IT fjLh


adj. ^ifieitiretsr. S^. iresr. S!fiS'>iBiuimvr.

Bashfulness, /BfrsssnD. sh^s^^a^ui. QainsmLp.

Basil, epLDLn. sjeirSl.

Basin, s&)ld. Qcm'eistsfl.

Basket, a^eeii— (com. ujS). QulLl^.

Bat, Q eu eff ei] fT eo , a bat to play \vith,<st^.

Bath, np(Lgd(^. m/EirssrLh^—^Q^mLLf.']


Bathe, (gstft. 64. &u/EiresT(QQ^uj . 57.

(T/3(7^@. 62. ifiriT®.

— another, qp(wssitlL(B 62.

Batta, uuf.. uL^^ Q^eoeij.

Battle, Quirir. ilj^^ld. •F<smr<o!oi—. p. 93.

Bawl, 3i^a(^!j(S®


Bay, (S)t^irs.si—<k)


Bayonet, ^sst^iudr.

Baysalt, idlSstreiiLJLj.

Bazaar, cKs»L_. <£s«z_sS'^. \Q1 . ^sejsitl^

[<F,ia»^ ]


Be, J)0 [^@.e-f:i-]. 60. 161.

Bead, wesS.

Strinff of — , ass^sCoSinrsiD^.

Beak, Qpd(^: ujn^smeuQps^.

Beam, ( I ) ^-^^rrih. ri/ijansSlL-i—LD.

(^'~ ) a^i. Sirasanb.

cross — , etiirss>ir<^iLL-\b.

Be an, ^su en frds IT lu.

Bear, n. sfrtp..

V. QuiTg)!. a=Q. 64. s^LD. 66. 221.

an'iEi(^. 3;rr(&n 62.— up in hands, er/E^ 62.

— a child, Qugii. 68. tSij<3=sQ 64.

Beard, ^itl^.

Bearer (palanquin), QuiruSl.

Beast, LSnhsili. <i^eoiEj(m. &eiiQ^ih^.

Beat, ^L^. 64.^6ra/D. b2. Giarr^^. 62.

— as rice, @^^. ^lL®. LD(wd(^. 62.

«i5L. QafftiQ. g)t5L.^4L. Examine these].

Be well beaten, ldSI 57.

Beat against, (as waves, &ic.) Qimit^.

Beatitude, uirdStuih. [ 62.

final —, Qp^^. QLofriLs^LD. Quifim

ULD. QLDml-^FITfh/ifiLb.

Beau, iS^dscsr. Q&auLjdsiriidT


Beauty, ^Lp(^. Qs=efrii^rfliLiLD. Qloc^.

Beaver, /f/f ibitiL.

Because, 6jQi<ssrm(Tijiso. 98. 145. 157.

Be cleared off, ^(5 60.

Become,^ 58.

Become a person, QajirdQiuLDiruSiQ^.^n}

®p^\sjp(^LDnl grey/r^]. 117. ^@.Beckon, <3=iTemi— smLi^d si^utSl®. eta<3=

ems s!TL-® 62.

Bed, u®d@as. Qto^eia^. Si-Lqia). ld(^

— of a torrent, aiirrft.

— in a garden, uir^p.

Bee, Q^egr. — s'wax, Qldq^^.

Beetle, euem® [*0loLj|].

Befall, .a^ilui^. 64. QieiH® 263.

Before, npm. (wekearLh. npekearQiD.

ruxzki-i [ts=(T/3«^^i5D. cF/E/5^(iS^] . 84.

Beg, 6lairiT^^. 64- 158. Qensm®. 62.

&)!T. 66. iSid<ssi'FQseir.- 70. 0<S(6J«-.

62. iun'<9^,sLhu6izr_^. G2. LDekQ)'® . 158.

Beget, Qs^etSuiS. 64. 160. Qu^u. 68.

Beggar, iSdem^dsuffisir. 'iiir^snir.



Begin, ^siis(S). 62. ^HLhtSl. 64. Q^rr;

Besides, e^Lpluj. ^sSff. ^ikiecnTLo^LD.

L_®@. 62. ^(kouu® 62.!

170. afli_. 202.

Beginning, ^suddnh. ^aLouLo. ^^

Behalf, (speaking in one's), (Sw«-<[email protected]<?^

siTL'tM o/osar^;^. 131. 19.5. comp. 212.

Behead, @j^(?6=^^ii) uskr^^a. p(ki> Qsu

Behind, i3 3sr:e^Q <oC: . Sp(^. 84. 22-5.

Be— .til/^^ 62.225.

Behold, uirir. ^-pgnuuirfr. 64. s, it sssr .7 Q


QfEfrd'ff). 62. ^ffiSl. 64.

Belch, 6JUULD (e8(B).

Belief, eSufeutrs^iM. lELOiSldeias. QsitlL.

uit(B. Qsirenesys. ^asiflisi/. Loesru upgH. [Examine these carefully.]

Believe, (sfl«<ay/rS 48.

Bell, Loestfl \_'3=^iEj(S!as. d^ist)/E/«»<s]. 158.

Bellows, gj(F)^§l.

Belly, euuSlgu. Q^rri^. Q^iTU'sau . (g^s

Belly-ache, euiiSfljpjeueS. euuSjbQ/Dfft^

Belonging to, s^tflaj. ^®^^.Belongs to him, ^€U3S)ir3= Q^qt^iIi. (72.)

Below, Sip. 251. ^'iffiSai. p. 154.

Belt, sd^s, ^<cSi!rds3=a^. ^ew/r (e^iressr.

Bench, si]itei(^. (Port.) eflfi?. ofsS*.

Bend, (a. and n.) a/cstr. (gsofl. f/rtu. 57.

64. Qsn^^. 62. G's/rLL®.62. npi^d

@. (ipi—iEj(^. 62. 160.

Benefit, S-usrririh. meir^. rEm(cmLC). lSIj


Benevolence, wp(^(sssnh. sQF^imh. ^luir


Benjamine [Benzoin], .FfTLhiSlrrrr'ss^..

Benumbed (Be,) sflwj^. ^lSit 64.

Beseech, tSuair^^. Q<Si](mr® 158.

Besiege, (tppgusina Quit®. (256.) (top

i§lsijf\s Qurr®. a'?s(r.

Besom, Ocj^s^lo/t^. ^eird(^LD/T^.

^esit—uuLD, eunnhQsfreo.

Best, u-^^LD. SSffL-L C'omp. 196.




To the best of my knowledfje, isinsr ^;^m^uiLLSli@ii>. (211.)

Bet, ®L-;_ii). uiiSK^iULD.

Betel, QeupjSlS^. 134.

Betel and nut, SiC. ^irihu^ic^LD.

Betray, smLL^d Qair®. 77. [ gg)/.

ffjQrriTSLD ueisr^ii. ^rr(azri—SLD u&sar

Betroth, SIiulS. 64.

Better, ^rrcSS^j (Q^eaea &jSodso). euir

Q. comp. 196.

Between, m®Qeu. ^slQl-.. ^ei!)t—uSQe\).

Beverage, uirearLD. «,_tp.

Beware, sr<F'S=ffldeia.s \ -.

Bewilderment, ldq^&t. LciudsLD. 182.

Beyond, ^uunQso. ^ULjpui.

Bible, Qsu^ Lfm^sLo. ^(tjoj/t^i^.

Bid, aiLu.'^ir Qsir®. 64. spSl. 64.

[^iSBjip. eg-av.]

Bier, umnaL—.^^LhssiU. ^<s=ib^.

Big, Quffl-u. u(m^ci. LD&n.

A bigwig, QuQr^k^dBH.

11/10 f^Qj sslLi^Qsj Quse^iriDiT V Is it right

to respect no one but treat all alike ?

Bile, lS^^ld [l9^^].

Bill, (1.) ^lL®. sesardQ^. (2.) Qpdi^.


Bind, slL®. 62. tSeaafl. 64. 'i^S}id(^.

Biped, ^(if)Sirs9.

Bird, L'^emaf. 191. ljlL©. (g^aSI [i^aYr].

Birth, iSlpuLj. iSlpe£l. 190. ^^esrearih. &,p

Bisect, _@0 Ffflu uisTSirdig^. 62.

Bishop, semsires^iUiTiT.

Bison, ^^LDiT. smLL-rr. 131.

Bit, sisisTi—LD. ^em®. s^d(^.

— for a hor.se, s t^en tr efruc




Bite, sL^. 56. III. A — , eSsi^sL^.

Bitteruess, as^uu ( (sn^uLi J-l'B'l. Q&rr


Blab, LSl^m^. ^euuu. 62. Qeu^

Black, sffiitliLj. sQf). sQFjLD. s/rir [=gy(^

— smith, 0«/risDiP«aJr. s qrld ir (asr . siMLDfT

— of the eye, ssm eflt^. [srrii).]

Bladder, ssL^^aLo lS^it^. {Q&aui^

Blade of a weapon, .jy«v)g|.

Blame, (s^pptQ s^niL-® 62.

Blank paper, Qisugjiiij a®^fr&. Qeup

Blanket, sLhtSettl. [^sLhuemh'].

Blasphemy, Q^eu^^ei^etsru^.

Blast, V. ^lu-i

n. ^dj-d

Blaze, si-eiirrdso. [_s-L—iT. QsiT(Lgi^'].

Bleach, .s=6V>s»ai; ueme^. Qei](^. 64.

Bleed (act.) ^a^;SiEj @^^ evrT/ac^. 62.

Blessing, ^SfirsurrsiLo. wiiissfLn. [C^/r

Blighted, become, ^i^Quir. 2.58. [.s^/r

Blindness, (g0®. (Q(^LLu.nLLL—LD. Qimn

Blind, @^lL®. sekr Qfifff-urr^.

A blind man, (^a^i—etr. sQut^. ^fs^assr.

Bliss, QurResruLD. ^fei^LD.

Blister, QsrruLjefrLD.

Block, .SLlsiDi QjP^ {_s ill lS'\ .

Blockade, QpiL® s;lL(Bi. 62. (LopiSi&

<cs>& Qurr(B [_(Lpp£iies>a'].

Blockhead, Qpi—eir. LDesii—iueir.

Blood, ^ff^^LD. ^-^ffLD.

— sucker, e^is^asr. <^i^ {_^ il-esi i—']


Blossom, ^tsorr. Loeoir. lj<sl^uld.

Blot, SSmp. Vbgi. LDITS-. 3iS1TlijSL£'.

—,- out; @&. 57. 64. O^irSso 57.64.

Blotch, euiEjr^.

Blotting paper, msig)i s(B^[r9>.

Blow, suL^. 62. \_sirppL^. 64]. s?*.

— the nose, Qpd(^ ^is^ 62.

Blow, (noun.) ^i^. ^jeap. (^lL® . (g^

Blow — pipe, ma^ (^tpev.

Blue, lisdiij \_ii<sos='S=muLD'].

Blue-vitriol, ^/rflsi-.

Blunder, ^ULJssip. lS^fq. SlwLp. Qp^I—am QeuSso. ^aiffi.

Blunt, QuiinLemi—. LDODisj&coinssr.er^esiip.

Blush, /sff^^y.

Boar, ^esir ueir/SI. sfrL-®u ueirjS.

Board, (1.) ueoems. (2.) a^ikis^i^ira.

Boast, QuQFf&siLDuaainL® . 62. eueo

^iTiLu Qua-. e^LDLj Qu» 62.

Boat, Q^iresfl. ui—Oi. ^L—ld, eii &r errld .

Body, .F/ftrz-D. s_i_a). 2_l_u)L/. Qldjj.

Q^sii. 72. 228. 273. Guxsofl. ernuLD.

Bog, <g=s^.

Boil, V. sniu.i,s?. 160. ^sS). 64.

Qsrr^ 64,273.

a-esari—dsmu. 64.

s. UQ^. Seoiip. at-®. erfflurd^Lh.

Boiled rice, {<a^ir^Lh). Q,3-trgij. ^circarLh.

Boiler, Qsrruuecorr. [146,212-

Boldness, ^ <sitila


ld . ^L-.n iB -i


lJd . ^essr

esiLD. ea^rffiL'LD.

Bolt, ^rruuiTsn. ^am. \_^iTLp'] [^^]

Bomb, Oafifs@iS8Jr®.

Bond, 3=n^<mu;. Qp^- \uiB^LD~\. ai—m9iL®.

Bondage, Slemp. ^'L^issius^^esrLD.

Bone, (oT^LDLj. ^lishp. [qp eir (ef^'j . 249.

Bonfire, qplLl—ld 190.


Book, L/sw^sLc [sr®] 19.

Boot (something to), lS^sq. Qsrrs-g)].

ask — , LS)<S(g 62.

Booth, (SjL^eja^. ueiresrs^irSs^. uii^rr.

Boots, [(?LD/rgi/r.] 188. Q^rrpuuLc.

Booty, QtS/T'SrrSjrr £_(ani_6ini£}.

Borax, Qenesursfrrnl).

Border, (suls-ldlj. ^.eBihi-j. epuLD. semrr.

eujjLDLj. emrui-j [sr is\} 3so. ^ffih'].

Bore, 0^/r&. s,ldk . ^sunjLD 64

Born be, Sp. 66. ^-pu<£i. Qi^eS. 64.

l^susffl. 2-^. 64].

BoiTow, si—ek<siiniEj(^. 62.

QsslL® eijn'fEj(^. ^rreueo (suiriij(m.

Bosom. LDiriTLj. Q/E(6J<p \_Qp&\i. Qsiriki

«an<s. eiu^sSCBrto]



~~ " ~


Both, ^jTem®Ln. £-ii)-e_ii. 7. S-Uiu

Bottle, l-jlLl^. ^s^it [©_<S(Sto^. urrescfl.

Bottom, ^L^.^eoLD. Qip \_jii^rj<sii. ^eai

^Siin'rrLD. euffiju).]

Bough, Qdsir. QsniMU. Qsitulj [say/f.



Boundary, eusmfr. sr&^&o. tsT'SOtsms. 211.

Boundless, ^arsupp. a(cmiTafTi^sm<g.

Bounty, ^-SiirrjLD. ^^usituld.

How, eS&o. £S^ . shemCSl sSeo [@(55'^i^]-

Bowels, (^i—eo 273.

Bowl, Qemssaru). ^iLtp..

Box, QulLl^. QUL-l—SLD. Qusi^ip.

[SiljS^.] Uff-safl. Qe^uLf.

A thump, QianLJS), (sllQ.

Boy, esiuiuesr 13.

^ismr l3 &rdsir


Bracelet, aisjs'sssnh. airuu. eu3!xiuij>.

Bracket, ueoems^triijS.

Brackish, 2_a;/f. ffsurr.

Brain, Qp^.Bran, ^afl®.

Branch, Qsirthi-i. 131. Q^. QstrS!.


Brand, <s-®. 68. @®C?u/r® 68.

a — , Qsirareil,

Brasier, ssir(^eir.

Brass, iS^s;Ssir. QeuemssOLo.

Brass vessel, Oo^ldl/ 252.

Bravery, ujjirsQnLDLD. ^ iiSI /ft uj ld . eStjili.

eSrfliULn. ^MskresyLD. Qi <3= sirfBlu ld . efl<s

Bray, S9^. 62. a'^si. 64. \^sld\.

Bread, S-QuaL-L^. 146. ^uuua [^s/r

Breadth, ^aeoih. sS^rrffOLD. e£lffl<mj.

l^l-li. UffULj.']

Break, s_(groz— 64. ^i^. 64. (Lp/S>. 64.

^s/f. 64. [_lS^1.

— out in pustules, QarruLieS. 62.

[com. Q s fru Lj BIT ld'] .

Breakfast, Q^Qld&o^ (Tea-table).

Breast, LDrriruj. G)/E(g# [ot^sjtld. 0«/r

Breath, si-sun^^LD. (ips^a-. ^sfl.

Be short of— , ^•y^rew^—^.^<sO*/rsrr.

Ill a breath, i^Qrr Qp^.g^inij. 268.

Breathe, np'S=a-suiTiEj(^. 62. Qp^^^eS®



Brevity, o-qi^ssld. ^i—ssui. F/siQrr<xLh,

Bribe, ea<sdff^eS . uift^nesrLD [eo^-Fii].

Brick, Q^ihaeo {_uits.s&>~\.

Brick kiln, (gSw.

Bricklayer, Qsirppm.Bride, tDemeuireii] ("from LD<oS!^ei}msirek).


Bridge, uitsold. eun-ffirej^.

Bridle, SL^sumstrLD.

Brightness, Qs=fr^. iSlrrsirs^LD. 194. ^co

Brim, enrrihu. eSeiffLDU. saULo- seiair.

Fill to the

, ejniiqtDCQiboJirir.'i «.

Gumu illL^)s^ etJirir,}

Brimstone, s/E^aui.

Bring, QstrsmQeufr 50, 259.

Bring forth, Qu_gii [^^] p. 93.

Bring up, eumir 64.158.

Broad, ^seoLDiTfw. afl^/rai ... .130,1.— cloth, s^seosT^^


— day, UL-i^uusio.Broker, ^usisir. ^/r<g,airjT^ 180.

Brokerage, ^[email protected], ^'(TffeS. SpQt^ga.

Broom, s^(5m!—LJULD. sSew"<s@LD/r^.

Broth, ^(ossTih. (^LpiMLj. &=irjpi.

Brother, <9=Qs/T<siTesr. ^tiosar'smesr. ^ihSl.

A pp. X. 3i^L-,uSpiii 3<sii0sr,

Brother-in-law, LD-r^nm. etnLD^^eareir-

LDJ=3^e!!Teir 215-

Brown, sm^rr rSpto.

Bruise, iE(i^d(^. Qi^rr^s(3). msi-i;^. 62.

m®. 64. [265.

be-ed, Q/F/r^si/gj. 62. mqh.s,(S)Sm

Brush, @<5ca-. ^irrfl<ssis. ^irifJiUsQsneo.

Brute, lSq^sld. L8(Tf)S^&ieir. S-uSitlj


Brutishness, lBq^ss c^emu). [Lf^th-

Bubble, (V)lQl^. 228. Q ,s a


lj (sk . ujp

— up, QLDfrd(^si9. QaiT^ 64.

Bucket, e^iTiki [_@5TO^<s=/ra)].

Bud, ^QF,LDL^. GiLD!Te(^<sir. ^eflrr. ^eiDip.




Buffalo, srohesiLD.

Buffet, V. g,zJ_®. (ff)^si 62.

Buffoon, Qs IT <asm ikiQ . QsrrsssriaQ^jS'r

d^ifl. ^^:uaiTff&r. uQi^ssirrrm'. eS

at— aafl.

Bug, QpL-'3S)l—U y^S.Build, aiL® 62.

— ing work, <slLi—l-ld. slLQiI QeuSsi.

Bull, SIT^. ^l—UU>.— calf, Q^FEjscir^.

Bullet, (gcsaar®.

Bulk, UQ^LD<s:r. uqeldim. UQF,es)LD. 184.

Bullock, arrdstr. 215 uttr® .uekri^LDtr®


STQf)^. {S,LD.

Bulwark, Qsir^sieirLD. ^rresur, ^pchej

Bunch, Qarr^^. (^Sso.

Bundle, npiLeai—. s-emLDssiL.® . 1.58.

\_&puLD. Qurr^]. [190.

Burden, unuu). ^sshd, Quagaui-j . 52.

Burial, ^i—ssld.

Burn, Qen. 58. ^®. errff 273.

Burst, QeuLf.. QeuL^d^u Quit. 64.

[Qs^. Jo''. £-a''i_, oJotq] .

Bury, Lj&nfi. 138. ^i—ssld uem^^u.

Bush, Lj^lT. Q^Lp.. ^^ffil.

Business in general, 153. eSiUiTurrjiLD.

Qs^lL®. m^jeu&i. Qendsi. QshtlBiM .

S-^^QajfrsLD. SL-BaiD. Qurr^u lj .

SirlBlULD. UjT®.

Bustle, <s-i^Lf.. (^LpuuLD. ^ldbB.[^sw^^ffl/, ^tlj_io. ^naiirnib. u!ru![ULf.'\

But, ^o^. -saflir. 98, 101, 168, 202.

Butcher, S'S^rruLidsiriTsk.

Butler, iQuiTL-'svif.'] (Eng.)

Butt, ^irdtv,. 62. QpiL®. 62. uiriLi. 57.

Sl^ 64.

Butter, Q}€iJ<EmQ)<5miu 58.

— fly, ^LLi—irrju ^cfS. euessr^sar^is^u

Butter-milk, CLD/r./f 149.

Button, (^LSip.

Buy, ( iSdsoar^) enaisjc^. 70, 107.


By, 239. ^Q^Q3i.

By all means, eruuL^iuLo 126.

By the side of, ^jmsmmi—.


C'al)bage, Gsfl-sflsru.

Cable, ia;i_ii). euL—ssuS^ 131.

Cackle, QsqFj. 62. Q.s<sssS. GisnssiB.

Cadence, riB^LD. £64.

Cage, ehJ® . Sr^eear®. U(^s^ffLh.

Cake, u6si£lu!T!jLD. mfgioi—.

Calamity, ^u^^. ^u^^. ^uirnjiij.

P/SSiJ. ^®<is<sm . fbliruu/E^LD.

Calamus, eu#-ldl/.

Calculate, srism^^a. semdQ® . ssmfJ. 64.

Calf, stsagi. &mg)i& (S^L—l^ 84. <s/r?<5rr.


Call, «^ul5)®, ^'OTip, 52, 93,160.

Calm, ^(saLD3^3:(S0. ^LDiHdeeis. fnk^iD.

Calumny, i9.uld. ^en^/rg};. UL^iri^rnJa.

eiietn^. SesrLjpetxfl . u t£i s^


-f rr eo


Calomel, ^ff-3: umuLn.Calyx, Ljpe£^Lp.

Camel, (s^lLisld.

Camomile, -FtiLDii^.

Camp, un^iL'LD.

Can, s^®l1i 103.

/ can, eraJTiStpG'su ^tgii [«L-0ii)].

J cannot, ctot-^Gsj ^^"'S' [aui—r^]

[(Tp^LtUIT^J. 117.

Canal, euiriLssirio. QsulLi—it^}!.

Cancer, ^ui-j(m^. LSetrsmeu.

Cancel, a/r^ 8srr(S(^ 62.

iid(^. 62. ^L^.64.

[A cancelled liond, sir^pp Qp^. args Qat

eflecT Qp^ • J

Candle. G) ld Q£(^^rB . ev^^.

Cane, SljjLnLi . ^l^.

sugar — , sQFjUiLf.

Cannon, iSrriijQ,

Cannot 117.

Canopy, Qi^p^tLLp. [^'.5^a;/r.arfi/fl].

Cap, Q^iruiS. (y^ev&orr.

Cape, (ipSssr. si—ei) Qp'issr.

Caper, gjsirm^. 62. gjmmniLi—LDiTUj^

^//?. 57. (5^. 64.

Carcase, t3&ssnM. i^Qu^ld- s^euto.

Capital (money), (Lp^&).

One who possesses

Qp^pBrnreir. Gq^ssufcfl.

— of a pillar, ^^ulj.



Capricorn, LDsnnrr^.

Captain, Q^ff^irstDSvds/riTssr. Qs^i^u^.LD,sirLD<sm . LD/rsditSl.

Captive, Qism/D. ^l^h^ibld.

Car, C^/f. ^jj^LD.

Carbon, a^^srfi.

Carbuncle, eriftu.i^Lcrresr unF. ©/r/r.^

Cardamon, envrflS.

Cardinal [point], lSir^ irssr^em ^.

Care, (su^ld. u^^rjua. .seuSso. ei'^s^rfla

ems:. e^tTensiT^sTLD. s'SuearLo,

Carelessness, ^<f^. SireSs^rrrrLn. senssr^

[<FffS55i tnireajtJ ^^LL<sini , uirtTQpsii


Carnel, LDrrLS^^^<i s®^^. SpjStssru


Carp, suen. QssssremL-.

Carpenter, ^<s=3=esr. 93. ^ S= s' rr .3^11 iff


Carpet, «/-0Lj err ii). sihiSeif). s^ ru>d


it etrix


Carriage, /Eaoi—. uireu^ssr.

— (conveyance,) euirsasru).

pay for

, sfsniDs^sS . s^^^ld.

Carry, sld. 66. ot^ 64.

^rB. 64. Si!Trkj(m. 6ji^. 62. Qurr^.

Cart, ueisrup.. ^st—il 111.

Carve, OeuiL®. 62.

Case (in Gr.), g£IuJ;@. QeupgnicSiLD.

(box.) QulLlsl.

In law, ai^s(g. [G«<5f.]

Cash, 6siT». 242. uiszsrz-b. Qit.tssiIi. /sit


Cask, lSuuit. u^^siso.

Cassia, ^sksu/eisld.

Cast, V. 6T^. 57. £?«. Quit®.

— metals, enirir 64.

Caste, ff^ir^. (S)<ovld. isw^sjotlo . . . .182.

Cast iron, ^esijri— suireinh [gun metal].

Casting (of metals); (siirrruLj, 190.


Castor oil, ^^(ii/'LDismrs QseisrQKzm'lj.

Castrate (animals), e^sniruji^.

Cat, yS^-^ [ys93<^] 107.

Catalogue, ^iL.L-eii'hssr. !_iruLj.

Catamaran, sLL(BLDrnh.

Cataract in tlie eye, iSSosiiLr. sir^ih.

Catch, i5if 64. 158. ^suuCB^s^. 161.

^ireij. u^gu. 62. swrr. QuQ.Be caught, ^suu®. 161. tSifu®.

©.a(g. lditlL® 62.— fire, 50(25.56(111).

Catechism, eS(em affsK'Z—.

Catechist, ^-uQ^S.Caterpillar, sLDtSusSu ^^S.Catholic, Quns^eu iretsr


Cattle, ^® LoiT®. LDiT® seisr^ii [for

Cause, <SB ITITesunh. (tpsiri^inh. iSlS^^ix

\_isp s^ ITnui] . 157. CTisy. QpeoLo. iSujir

LULD 231.

Cause (in court), entpdQ). eSuja^Siuih.

First — ,^^siru-ssann. s^i^^^n.

Instrumental — ^dsumasirseienb. X(T^eS.

Cause and effect, siTjessr sniftoj s^ihu/h

^w. [160, I.

Cause to [do, Q^uj<^. p. 80]. u®^gj.Caustic, ansiLD. ^iudseo.

Cauterize, *®. ^®Quit® 68.

Caution, <ore=3=ifl&icSis . er 3^ a=iB


lj . u^^. U^^ULD. g: IT <SU Si IT (3H LD .

Cave, Q<slS. @(2to<e. lj^it. LSecth.

Cease, ^'£ii. 68. ^iLi. 57, 215. ifia^.

(suTTisj(^. 62. i9,<ssrgji Quit . . . .70,2bB.

s^lS. e£l®. ^a.

Cedar, Q^susitiB.

Celebrate, Qsir(mTi—iT®. Qldss-. 62.

[^^,fJ. 64.]

Celestial, uitld. peueSiu.

Cellar, io!e\)(SijeiniD. Swemfl.

Cement, uems, Qsiremeu. ^^

Censer, ^^usseosth.

Censure, (^enjDQsirecesa. sLp.. 57. semif-. 64.

Cent, per, ^pg)i&(S).

Centipede, y/j/rair.

Centre, emiDiuLD. ib®. ld^^. 'B®€aLDUJLD.

Century, ^Qr^em®.

Ceremony, su-ikii^. iSeL^emL sqFjLdiIi.

Certainty, iSs^s^luu). iSsld. rS^^eusTih.


Chafe, (XDj3;<S(g. ^-es)iT(^sf- 62.

Chaff, ufiih. ufiu^. siriS.. s^tsfruD.




Chain, 3=ikiQii^. Q^m—L ^<a;,a@. ^^^[Q^ni—ir. O^/TL-zraj. Q^iTL^iffS). ^Qa®. aSsvB®.


Chair, fbrr^arreS. ^s'si?ru>. L^L-ii).

Chalk, ^emLDa= a-emims^LDLj.

Challenge, QuirQfj&Qi^esLp^^eC).

Chamber, ^mp. ^6mp<^(B. uQdtssis

^^ap. Sn_i—LD. iFfrSso.

Chameleon, uff=(S3=rri^. u&^Q'i'fTim^cir.

Chamomile, ^itld/e^.

Chance hy, ^jbQ -3=lu 00 it lu.

Change, s. 8eo&)es>jD (money), Gc?^

uiriB. ^rftt-j. QeujbsustnLD. Loirga^m.

QumLD. (^srrjjLD.

for the worse, i^smnh.

— (v. tr. ) LDfTjbjsu ^"

Q(Sujpiu(B^£jj 161.

(v. int) LD r^/Su Q i-i rr . LDtrgii. 62. ^«9. 57.

Channel, (SDiriLasneo. s^itsosld. eninn.

273. (?iJ/ra@. .

Chapter, ^^s^irrrm. ^^^ujitijjui.

fuL-Suii. a/rsBBTi—iii- ^(Tjaffiio.J

Character, (^f9uL-j- ^s^iL^'mTLD. @GSSTLD.

Charcoal, [^/OuL/i] arfl.

Charge, sus^ld. 146. [_LDiriftu^^']. Qurr

ffiuu \_r^pp 3= .3:mL® . uxsapuurT®'].

V.— with a crime, (^ppiQS'inL® .&2.

Chariot, (?^/f. ^h^ld 167.

Charity, LSIdFCio^F. ^iTLDLn. ^pth [^

Charter, ^ir^sanh. ulLl-OJui. u^Pitld.

Chastity, api-f. Slea^p.

Chatter, ^&)ui-i 62. 273.

Cheapness, ibujld. ^sitiuld. /sumL®.

Cheat, QLDir&'iiu&ssr^)!. 165. LSs^^evmL

Cheek, sesresnh. ^tree)i—. aQuirsfrLD.


Cheese, urrevsL-L^. &mlssL-Lsf..

Chemistry, girrs^surr^ua.

Cherish, ^^rff- 64. <su_^. 62.

Cheroot, aQr^iL®.

Chess, -rgjrjrt'SLD. Q'S^rrdsLLi—irnir.

Chest, QuscnLp. QuiLi—sih \_ld it rri-j']


Chew, 0LD<a)j2/. 56. fill; se^iL®. 62.


— the cud, ^eB)o= Qua®.Chicanery, ^&l— <£iai—il>. ^/i^rru>.

Chicken, QsfrL^i<i(^(^s


Chief (person), Qp^isi)rT<st?l. iSff^ireS.

Chief authority, ^(^ir- (law.) Qlosv

Chiefly, Sj^tssildituj. (^Q^Si^LDTru

rLpdQiULDfi uj, .40, 268.

Chieftain, ^eenTiDsm [pi. LodseiT.']

Child, iSendsiT. 16. uire^tssr [^iSen'^

— bed, iSiff3=eiiLD. Sen^etruQugii.

— hood, uireSujLD.

Chilly, s. tSlisfrsmlj.

Chin, a iTsu IT iki <s L-sia I— . Q ld n sn itius <s

iLes. I—


Chink, 3= li^ en IT lu . sldi't. Qsvl^ulj .

Chintz, &lLl^.

Chip, SlLDLj. &ffirlij. &£SLDLf.

Chirp, giiiS® 273-

Chisel, 2_srfl.

Choke, (\. int.j ^a@ (Tpd.s€mL-, 64.

Cholera, Qu^, ex'ir.i^Qu^.

Choose, Q^rft. 57.

Chord, lEffLDLj [_suLLi aSffii. /5/rs!OT].

Chronology, sneds^iiis^) ^eci.

Chorus, u&}io\}euLD.

Church, ^(Wjd<3=eiau. QsneSik. Q^surr


Churn, «s5)t— 57.

Cicatrice, eii®. sq^ldlj.

Cinnamon, agueuiruuL-eisi—.

Cipher, ^d&lujLD. s^l^. L^eirefl.

Circle, (Sul-I—ld. (^qfj^^im. ^dsuLo.


Circuit, ff^ps^L-® (Eng.) s-pgv^io.

Circumcision, sfl^is* Qs^^ostld.

Circumference, appmeij.

Circumstance, ^iejs^. airifliuu:}. av?^^



Circumstantially, en ojmr ld rr ili


Citron, ^^Ssir.

City, uL-i—essTLo. maau^- iBSift. ljtB.



Civil, [<?afla)] (in law. Eng). s^u^irrr

Civility, (B'JJLD. ^-u^irjTLD. npsLDzir.

Civilizatiou, mn-siPau).

Claim, Q^/ri—iT^^ ussuramt. 62.

&-{flsaLo Qus-.

rlt! li:is no cluim, ^a/gaAfg^ Q^irL—i^^

Clamor, an-^^^jsu. S)6B)ff<^<9=(a). slduSso.

Clap of thunder, ^u^(ipLpdsLD.

Clap hands, sMa QsmL® 62.

Clapper of a bell, W'sS rsir. [62.

Clash, QpiL®. ^!i&(m. ^z_®. Qioa^.

Clasp, QarrdQ. Qsn(ethi^.

Class, <sj(^UL^ [^iSrfle^. ©isrzi)].

Classic, ®jisodSiULa.

Clatter, si—jOpOl-sot-jj; Qus^.

Clause, S-wsunAQiLiLD. ^ani—QiDiTLS

Claw, rssiLD. s^QiT. _g)®<aS.

Clay, s&flLDsisr^

Clean, *^^. [— cloth, ^eoesisuu Ui—

Cleanse, <F^^LDfrd(^ 165.

Clear, Q^eSsS. 64.

Clear (off or away), ^it 60,61.

Clearly, G^eSsuirdj. 40. «(KJ2rr(ea3)ir. 39.

166. Qeusrfju ueioL—iLnnu . SirdsLDiruj.

Clearness, Q^eflsij. ^eossw. ^ec^siLD


Cleave, Ssir. 68. Qa/Lp.. 64.

Cleave to, s^nir 57.

Cleft, tS-sfruLj. QsuL^uu . aLoir.

Clergj'man, l_ua^rFlujfTiT.'] cZinfi. @(5.

Clerk, s-suiTu issSm. ^ffmjj^dsirjjek.

Cleverness, QslLl^. ^friDrr^^ujuy. lj^

Climate, Q^iF^^sir (m<omQu^LD. ^LSir

Climb, sjffi. 62.

Cling, up^'ui^Ls^. 64. (^l-ij).s Qsirev.

Cloak, Qtop QuiTireexsii \_Q<mi si^ li'].

Clock, «if tu/TiTii). [1.59.

What o'— is it it ? er^^iisr tosBofi ? 1 .58,

Clod, LDshrSL-Lf..

Close, @lLl^. ^rifjQs. ff-iSu. ^®^^.

Closeness, ljq^ssixi. ®j^ssld. ^L—frs

^). QfBQfjdsLD.

Closet, ^-en siTicSip [_^<5iS)p eff®] .

Cloth, LyL_«so(a/. Qd^Sso. ^ssS. 58, 60.

Clothe, a.®, ^ffl 60,61.

Clothes, euera^jTiEjaerr. u^eai—. £_®l/lj.

Cloud, Qld&ld. rLpQed. [_Qissr.

Cloudy, LD/E^rrffLDfT^asr. LDuuaosr . UDim

Clove, QfrrrLDLj.

Cloven-hoof, afl//?{gsyrzi>L/.

Club, ^ism®. y^emsL-L^iu ^ls^. ^is)-s,


Clue, to get a — , ^l^ lS^jl. 64.

Clump of trees, Q^rruLj. QsFtt&a.

Clumsy, uQhLDUL^iLiiTaiT.

Cluster, @<2)D. Qsrr^^.

Coach, ewoSSTL^eo . ^st^ld.

Coal, sifl.

Coarse, uQ^LhuL^ujirssr [u^lo]. uqks

Coast, sL-Q<oO[TrrLD. sBi—psiscorr.

Coat, Qfs®(^ 9=L-esii—.

Coax, npsLDosr Qus-.

Cochineal insect, ^m^nQs,nuLJD.

Cock, s^ireneo [(?<yisi/ai].

Cockroach, ssseon^^.Cocoa, Gifiiki(Q. Q^oassTLDSLD.

Cocoanut, Q^iejsitiu.

Cocoon, ^peSu emu.

Coefficient, 2-i—sar<5/ri7iS3Dr \_ST<sm ^UfSt.']

Coffin, s^euu Qui—t^ ...131.

Cognate, ^tsartDiTair.

Coin, IE IT esisr tu LD . sasf. uemLo.

Coincide, ^smrsi^. QuiTQ^i^. 62.

^<sia<s=. 57. ,3=^^. 64.

Cold, (mefiiT. (^<si9it^&. ^^smh. 273.

Cold water, ^(SssremlriT 52.

Colic, euuSlp^&eij. evujpsu eueS.

Collar, aag^^u uL-t^sma.

Collarbone, cfsk^jl otjP'lcl/.

Collect, V. a^il®. Qs=it. 191. [si/@ot

Q^uj. 57.] Qffsif), 64.

— (v.n.) 3i^®. ^rT(^. (gafl.

— s. a prayer, »(i^d.s^ Os=uim.




Cullection, ^ulL®. ^rjesr. Qs^suld.

Collector, sQe^asL-L—iT \_Q^/rd8jD

College, &&)^s^.3=iT&o.

Colon, (ipm^LDiT^^eiaiT Sgn^^Lo. [Ill

Gram. 165.]

Colonize, (Sji^Qiupgu 62.

Color, Spih. 209, 223. euinmLD. [d^/r


Colt, (^^eiarr "^.

Coinxnn,^em. ^LDUii. a liuih. [_us;^.


Comb, &UL^. [Crf^e/^ @®-]V. euQiT. 57. ^<a/. 62. Qsir^. 62.

LDuSi ireUTQE.

Come, isi;/r 70.

Comedy, &^^sj. ibi—gshm.

Comet, w neo lSm


Comfort, Q^pp^(s^. ^^^eo. ^sssflia/.

[cSfaii). :^e}jd9iiJU>.']

Coming and going, Quns(^ (suir^ffi.

Comma, i^iTLDir^^einff £:£ji^^ld. [Ill

Gram. 165.]

Command, sL-L—Ssfr. erenio. 6S, 149.

Commemoration, G)s,iT<omi~mLt—u>.^


Commentary, (^luirsQiUirsurui. ^-emir.

Commerce, eSiuirsuirffLn. snhp^sLD.

Commiserate, uir^iS. 64. gjiuffuu®.

161. ^niEj(^, 62.

Commission, Q3=iu<ss>s


Commit, 6»<a;. Q^iu. ceL/L/sfl,

(Spuu&nL— uem,^)]. eiasujeB.

Committee, s^rkSji^iTiT.

Common, Qun^. 138. /s/rC


Commonly, Qu(r^Lhufrciriss>LDajfTUj.

Common sense, l-I/S^- s?ufr<sij ^/Si

Communication, s^touii^Ui. Qu



Communion, s&Qiuld.

Holy— , urBs^^^ /E^a^^szsr.

Companion, Q^frtpeir. QsstrL^, euS^

Company, ^liueS. (Eng.) s^lLl-U).

Compare, (^^^uuirn- 243.

Comparison, (SbuLj. ^-eueiaLD.

Compass, airi^u QuL-Lp..

A pair of— es, s(surTrrs=Lli,

Compel, sLLi—iriULD u<5ssr^ii. ueoir^str

jjLD uem^s.Compendium, o-qf/Ssld. QuitSulj.

<3=/ijQrrsLD, ^L—dsw.Competition, Quitl-l^. ^3=eoinLt—u:>.


Complain, (y:>empuS(B. 263. (^efftpQs^ir

&}^. 70. i3rjngj U(5sisr_^.

Complainant, enirfl 115.

Complaint, iSjjfr^. n-pefipuutr®



Complete, Qpis).. (56.111.) ^L 64.

iSi5topei]fTd(^, iSismp. 57. 64.

Completeness, y^rrsmLo. s^nisiQsirunmj

aiM. Sianpeii.

Com.pletely, QppjS^LD. QiLi—p. (Lp(i£

eilffJLD. QpODSS.

Complex, seituuirasr. aQF)a<oO[r&sr.

—fraction, Smear ^-^ulj [SskearLn.

Compliment, eniriLju^rrrrLh. easu-iu

Compose, usm^^ 230.

Compound, ,s<oO, s^lL®.

— fraction, Q^ni—irSeksurLD,

— word, Q<siri—irQLDn-L8.

Compress, (ip®d(^. 62. *0<s@. 62.

— ^i—d(^. ^(Lpd(^. 62. [^z_/E/@.]

Conceal, ldsm^. (56. Ill) egsif?. 64.

(2/3®. [cSJ.]

Conceit, ^s&i&itiild. s;QF,d(^. ^(omeuLo.

Conceive, sn'uu/isiffl 64.

Concern, QuagauLf. sirdltULh. un®.That is your concern, ^^diruirQ.

Concerning, @»9^^. up/S 230.

He spoke concerning it, ^m>^uuprSu QuR



Conch, <F/E/@.

Concise, a-Q^dsLDfrenr. ,

Conclusion, Qptf-Sij. seiatS. ^itulj.

Concord, ^ism^eii. ^(nm&sLD. Quitqf,

Concubine, easuuum-LLp..

Condemn, (^njpeufreB erek^^iT. 64.

^sQ^Td(m0msfrrrd(^. 251, 165.

(ff)ppuu®^gi. 161.

Condiment, \sL^d.3,dQs!T.'\ sLp-uurrek. ' Conqueror, Qs^ius^ire^ . Q3=Ui

^emeutuSo. <^uJiT<3=esru:>. [.s^LLsBafl.] IConscience, LDizsrd^s^rrL-®. ^is^dsu

Condition, ^m^sen^. S^^mLo. m^^.j


fSiTisiirrsLD. Qir. u<skrLi. [143, 191.] !Consciously, 0/E(g<?;^(L/. tD£Br.ff^^ii7. 170.

— conjunctive, 3r^LLL^(mi-^d Q^iTei\

— disjanctive, LSlfftSSoO ^&B I— dQff=n-<5\}.

Conjuror, ^fQ3=<ssrssiT!jm


Connection, .s^ldu/s^sld. 3h.LL(Bpeij, Qsit

Connivance, sfim'.a^muLJLi. ssssT'S^rreiai

Conquer, Qeudo (^). 70. Q^uSl. 64.

Q'S^iUiiiQsfT&r. QLonQstreir. Qeah/SlQs,rrm.

Conduct, lEi—dema. iveai ibi—Ul^.

^•FirjTili. (caaodsLD.

Cone, (gafl/E^a/i^S!,'.

Confess, (S^^gidQsrreir. ^rSldetoauSl®.

Confess the whole matter, s-suarea^ «Ta>e^iT<^

Confession, utreu3=iw iEBir^^esru),

Confidence, gain, ^i—ekQsrreh . . . .259.

Confine, ail-®. Qesypuu®^^. 161.

^»3i 64. Qit(Tf,d(^. 62.

Confirm, MdsiiBgn^^. 62. SSscuu®^^.161. ^t-uu®^^ 161.

Confirmation, ^i—uu®d^&). 2_^^.Confiscate, u-S^Q^®. 64. \_sfu^ usot

Confound, ssvd(^. (^tpuLf. 62. ^®

Be— e 1, s ®ld:t^. s6dia(^. ldhjiej)^.

62. ©s»« 64.

Consecrate, iSlp^lei^ss)!— ^d(^.Consecration,LS^^Q^ginz ^iSQei&sLh,

Consent, s^ujLDsti>. siernLpQ. S-dsusu


^smsrasLD. 2_£_sJrLj/r®.

Consequence, ueom. airiBiULD.

Consider, sressr^jj. sQ^gj. 62. ^Qiscn

& 64.

Sdssr. Sip.Consolation, ^ffii^eiK Qjghpiie^.

Console, .Mpgu. Q^p^u. ^i—uu®^^.Consonance, ^<cin3=<sij. Q3=rr^pds«-a.

Consonant, QldiuQuj(1£^s^. (Spp^ii- [HI-

Gram. 7.]

Conspiracy, ffirnTQ<oi>frf'hsr.'3'PQ±iiT3=dosr,

^jja&iULDiTasr aLL®uu{r®.

Constellation, ^!iir&. iEL-^^Pffrjrr&.

Construct, sil-®. 62. SlQf)L8. 64. ejp


Construe, SHF^^imiT. 64.

Confront, Qps^dsi> 64. i

Consult, .^QschtQ. QojnQ. 2_^/rey

Confuse, seod^ 62,

Confusion, amdsili, tmLpuuui. (^Ssod

3=00. LDUJ<SSSLD. ea)LDUJ6\). s,^dsL^,

Congeal, ^smpiud Q-3=aj. sLLLf.ujfrd(m.

Congratulate, wirCp^^ 62.

LDrsjseOi^ Q3=rre\)^. Qs^iruasris^ Q3=it

Congratulation, euirip^gj . ueoeoirem®


Q:3=iTUtssr euirirsesis.

Congregation, ,Fesiu.sk^LLi—iJa. 128,191.

Congruent, ejpp. S-/fltu. ^(smdsLciiTsw.

Conjecture, S-^Qs,£flo. isTmsremLD.

Conjunction, ^ent—d Q^rreii.


64. s-L-®uConsume, erift. 64. ul

Quit®. 68.

Consumption, ^iuQjiraiJ>. \_.^l^6ij. Q^

Contagion, Q^irpga. \_Q^iTpgi} i^iiiir^.']

Containing, S-eirstr. 133. ^i—iaQiu.

Contempt, =gy<yLL<sioi_. ^sipd®. Simsn

ffLD. ^<dOlL@ujld.

Contend, <9=(ss!!re!0i— Q.3^iLi. Quituit®. u-i^

^(Q Qi.g=uj.

Contentment, ^qfj^^. LDsarjiLciLSjjLi).

J 8


Contents, ^i—d-sw. Quir(man—daLD.

Contest, s=(sm€S)t^, Qurrir. u^^^ld. sfl

Context, (Lp<sinSlesr euirdSiuiEjseir.

Continency, ^d<o<aa= ^i—ssw. smu.Continent, semi—Ln. Q^^ld.

Continual, ^enii—eSt—ir^. litsjair^. ©izj/r

Continually, Qsirskr®. 106. (4.) ^Lp-d

e^L. ^is»i_iafli_/rioa). Q^fri—ifdS


Continue, 106. (5.) S&oQsrr<sir. 259.

Contra, er^rrirtu. ^Qrrir^LDiTUj. LDaqr^s.

Contract, @^^s»<s. e^uu/E^ii. ^^u-ek


V. a-Q^Ei(Q. (gejrji;. <^(Bia(^. (mmLf. 62.

(gsB)^ 64.

Contradict, er^ir^^u Qus-. 62. LDg)i.

64. ^LLC>Ft5. 64.

Contrary, <£lQiTrr^LD. er^ir. sr^fff€s>L—.

Contribution, QLOfrujuueimnh. mem-Qstr

Contrivance, ^lE^rrw.^-Ufriuu). (^i^dQ.

Contrive, isu<6s><xQ^(B 62.

^-uiTiULD uessrejsti.

Control, ^^ao«. ^i—dsii.

Controversy, ^rrdsLn. £iJiTd(^ei]iT^LD.

Convenience, <s^/rsi;«/r<Fzi). s^ii^iruuLD.

Be convenient, (sp^gjdQarrsir. -s^ffju


Conversation, s^murrei^'^SBisr. 3=&)eoiTULD.


Converse with, QuSsQsireir. (g(S\)/risfl<s

Os/reff-. 106. rihuirtBiSi. 64.

Conversion, LDesrih^QfiULj^&). (^emuu®^&). &iTLJU®^eo.

Convert, ^(f^uLf.62.(^<s!sruu®^^A6l.


Convex, Li/DEJ(^i^/i^. [^.

Convince, ^ldld^ssu usm^^ji. ^-emir^

Convulsion, .s^eBresr?. eusSulj 190.




Cook, s. (gS(SBT/a<s/r/r<s3r. '3=<oSiLDiu^sirfTm.

v. s^'mLD. 64. ^ireffl 64.

^d(^. u!T<sili usssr^s.

Cool, ( trans.) ^jb£ii.(^eif^ffLJU(oS!!r^ti-G2.


,^sii. 62. Qefiffd^ Qutr. 70.

^saafl. 57.

Coolness, (^siflirdS. (^sSit. ^sotld.

Coop, ffn_®. U(QS=ffLD.

Copper, Qs^LDLj. ^fTLBrjLD.

— sulphate of, ^q^s^.

Copperas, ^sbtcstQu^.

Copula, ^i<ssi&-dQ)3^rriso.

Copy, ^rresQj. ^/^eo. \@lL®.']

Coral, ueueiru).

Cord, suSgii* fEfTsssr. [_^irLDLj. uagea^.']

Core, euuSiffLD. sitlq.

Cork, (^ds-.

Coriander, Qsfr^^LDioeS.

Corn, uuSrr. ^[risSiuih 96.

growing—, ^®LDuuSir.— in the ear, s^itljuuSit.

— transplanted, mQeijuuSir.

Corner, Qp^. Qsitl^. 218. 3=iigi. Qsir

essrui. Qp®d(^ {_Qp3so Qp®d(^'].

Coronation, ^niT'S'nSlQeij^aLi.

Corpse, iSsmu). a^suu). lSq^^ld.

Correct, v. ^Qf/^gj. &if^n^^^. 62.

&lL& 64.

^iruu®^^. 161.

Correction, ^Q^^i^ti. ^sssstl^uu, &lL

Correctness, Q^LneinLD. ^(m^^Lh. 39.

Corrollary, <^fr^^JJLD. a^irrnSiup^esBei^.

Corrosive, srrffLDfrssr. ^iftdQp.— sublimate, s^eiK^rrih- [Qs®.Corruption, ^L^eij. Ssm^eij. U(w^.Cosine, \_Q£Bfn^ds:fr.'\

Cost, Qe^eveij 190.

Costliness, ^i(fF,emLD 184.

Costly, ^Q^esiLDUjirm'. 130. (sSSsoajtuiTd

^. sSSd Qiupu Qujop.

Cot, QiD^iZtn^. SL-Lp.6d. Q^fTL-Uf.&).

Cottage, (QL^eo. @if«»<3^.

Cotton, U(s^a-. \_^<ooeiiLD l.'^*.] uqf^

^ 158.

Couch, sL-L^eo

Hooping— , sd(meufriir.



Could, .s^Oii). 103.

Council, ^Q &> fT -a^dosf s= ^liisCa.

Counsel, Qiurr^Sssr. ^G'(SU/rj^^.@tp<5^Q.

Counsellor, Lo/Bf'fff.^QeoiT'f^d&iTffesr.


Count, (srzOTrOTU. 62. siss^l. 64. •s<sm.iQ(B


C o\i.nier^a.nce, Qps U3. Qps 3=3= IT€iaL— 131.

OPa -3= a= ITtu eo


Country, /5/r®. Q^s3=ld. 19. &ss>ld.

Country people, tbiTLLL-irn 180.

fBITL-®U LJp^^n-fT.

Couple, Q3=it(B. ^2b3r. ^gem®. ^"hssr.

Courage, ea^fftajtb. eSfflitiLD.^i—rr/HssLD.

(Lpassr. SSS.SSLD, ^«5i5ran/LD.

Course, ebtLi—LD. Qurrdi^. s^. m<ss>i—QijLDUi. npssip. [115.

Court, iQ iU IT lu ao^ eo LD . QsttItl-® . (Eng.)

Courtiers, ^j/r 5^ 3=6auiJJiTif. ^iiit3= 3=Qp


Cousin, eOTLo^^ajrcJr.

Covenant, 2_z_£3ruq2-<E«a)<s. [/E/r^/r.]

QuiT(Tf)^^lJi. eipuTT®.

Cover, Qp®. 62. tom/D. 64, 90. Qutt^.

Be covered, Qpi^iSlQ^.

s. QpLp-- QLDeknpL^. S-tsnp. QuiTirecaw.

Covet, ^3=Q. 64. ^sv/Tffl/. 62. ^S. 64.

Cow,U3?.u3^LDn-®.16. Q^^. [^.<?<s/r.]

— dung, 3=!Tw^. (dTQ^. eTQFjQpL-ismi—

Coward, ULUrEtQisirsTTsS . QsTTsmtp. Qsit

eaip u>ssr3^. [*•

Cowardice, QsiTes^Lp^^ssni). ^arQi!B(^

Coxcomb, i3£S&sssT. eSthueiT. ^i^ldus



Coyness, 3^3=3=10. i^rTemLD.

Crab, mmsr®.

Crack, n. dlrfl3=^^. Qp/S<sy. lSotlJl/

( — in the ground, sldit.) ^tLeai-..

V. Ssfr. S-esii—. Osuz^. QiBifl.

Cracker, ul-i—tts?.

Cradle, Q^itl-l^so.

Craft, ^i^uih. @^. S-uitujim. sul—ld.

Crag, Q3=iEi(^^^TTesr <s<s!rLD&<i>.

Cramp, si/sS. ^^^ 273.

Crane, 0<5/r«(g. lErremrr.

Crash, lui—ldi—ulj. 273.

Crawl, ^<2iQ£. iES(TF, 60.

Craziness, uuSI^^iuld. LD(ssr& (mLDuuih.

Cream, ^s»i iSnQeu®. uirQsd®.

Create, usioz 64. @i(tF)lLl^. 64. s-essr

i—iTS(^ 32.b.

Creature, S(if,lL!sl. ^ea iSurrexB.

Creed, ^3i-(siiiT3=u iSrrLDiTemLD.

Creep, sshqf,, ibsqF). ul—q^ 60.

— in, ^6wtp.

Creeping plant, Qsbitl^. ui—irOs/TL^.

ui—itQ3=l^. 134.

Criminal, (^ppeiiTTeB. [swos^.] 182.

Crimson, Q3=eu/i^ [0<s^s<E/f.]

Cringe, sfGtmrisj.v,. 62. 0<5(^*.

Cripple, Qpi—sueir. 3=uuire!s^. Q/sirmirLf..

Crisp, QLDirgiiQLDiTgji 273.

Croak, &p£ii. 240. s^gi 62.

Crockery, iSikis,iTm3=niJbnm.

Crocodile, Qp^dso.

Crook, Qia^irL-L^. [su^o/-] [n*?®,'.

Crookedness,- Qamsm &> . (gssursig. Qm

Crop, <^^3=:3=&). aS&Q/. [uiiS/f. L-'ei'eJr.]

Cross, Q^sesxai. (5(75*.

[adj.] @^<5@.

Cross-way, @^<S(gsiiL^. \_(^^sQs.']

Croup, Q^ps^^eSujrr^. ^<mip.

Crowd, 3=(o!srs3^L-L—U). a^L-L-ili. (&im

uSo. (^li)L-j. [Z_i-D.

Crown, (tpi-^- Qr^i—th. [eo/raif-.] ld(^

Crucify, ©jj^/szosyttSei) ^'&ap. 57.

Cruelty, GsiT®imLD. i@.<c^(Biith. 184.

Crumple, sff=rEi(^.

Crush, QiB!T£jis(^. ldSi. 64.

Crust, (generally C^T&D.) [Silt-^i.]

Cry out, asBgH- «,_®/.62. fi;^iJL9®.240,273.

<z^LJumftQ3=Treo^. ^'oOuS®. ^so^is.

Crystal, ws/fliwi^. ul^sim.

Cub, (^lLl^.

Cubit, QpLpLD 60.

Cuckoo, (^uSleo.

CnA, ^(ssi3=. [Chew the—,^®nd^Gu/r®.]

Cuff, @il®.

Culminate, &^3=§luSsi<siiTT.

Cultivate, uuSn-Q3=uj 96.

uuSiT ^®.Cultivation, QeneirmirememLD. <£iU3=ir

lULD. S-LpeijO^rTLpltso'



Cultivator, (^Lp.ujn:3!r<sueir. uessi^stssrdsiT

rreir. uuSliTd(^t-^.

Cumin, &rrsii>.

Cunning, ^/E^irsS^es)^. s^rrs^rRmto. ^

Cup, (WjGudsir. urr^PjLD. ejosrili. Q<sm

Curd, ^u3iT.

Curdle, Q^iriu. 57, 65.^€metj. 64. &-<3mjD

@^^. 62. \_u(T<k)(y:>rSl. 57.]

Cure, ^/r. 64. O<F/rsn)^L0ff<S(g. 165.

(^<5ssruu(B^g:i . 161.

Curious, ^^(3sn£>!issr. eS/ssta^U-jeiren-.


Curiously, ^^^jreSQie^fiLDfriL 40.

Curiosity, (any thing which is a) aSC(CT)

Curl, a-i^. a-QF^L-® . s-(meir.

Current, Q-s^ffoirsuessfl. Gc?^ebj0ii.

Curry, a/SI.

— comb, (^rruuLD.

Curse, -FfTULD. s'itu^'S® 131, 190.

Curtain, ^sm/r. ^leafr-r&Sso, 131.


Curve, eudsireij . a^asr.

Custard apple, ^^^iruuLptD.

Custom, uLpssih. tail ipd <s ih . ISi. ^iL^u

uir®. [_LDfrQp0C.siruS^ir.'] (tax),^;iiLD.

aiElSLD. [131.

Custom-house, QldiI.®. ^lu^^emp.Cut, ^gu, QeuL-®, 101, 107.

^ifl. 57. 6sessrLf.. a^^rfl. 64.

— off, fiS. 64. sdssr. 57.

— in pieces, s^essrup-. 64. ^<5mri—fr®. 62.

Cylinder, (revolving), S-Lp8s).

Cypher, y^a^SliLiLD. shL^.

D.Dagger, a/zr/E/Q, «//?aB«.

Daily, ^ssrih^^rr^iM. ^^^csrapLo. iBrr

orQ^rrgnili. S^^ih. ^mQifi—a.

Dainty, Qmrr^etneii.

Dam, ^'Ssstsr. Qe^iLssmff.

Damage, /sei^i—Lh. Qa=^iJD. 0«®^Dampness, ep^w. ^inh, rs&sreij.

Dance, rsi—esrih. sL^^. ib!tlL.l^\uijd.

Danger, ^ustiuld. Qldit^ld. 194. ^gl. ^LD®


Dandy, S^asm. Q&nuL^ssirrjGsr.


Dare, ^etssfl. 57.

Dark, ^qflL®. [s/r/f].

Darkness, §)QF)m. ^ih^sirntD. LDtsmpe^.

Dart, (oT/S.

Dash (against), ^!r&(^. 62- QLcrrgj. 62.

^l-£U. ^lL®.

Date, Qs®. euiruSl^ir. sireo^iiLi—iM.

Dative, (^Qenp^esiiD. mtrmanui Qeap

Daub, <st—eij. 62. QldqmQ®. Qu>(W(m.

62. [y*..^t:/L/.]

Daughter, Lua&r. (^LDrrUjS^-

— in law, LD(TF,LD<sefr. App. x.

Dawn, ^Letups IT (SOLD. ^nhQimn^ium.

V. sffltji..

Day, fBireir. ^zanh. 206. App. vii. [Stp

(SBiLD, eulTITUJ.']

— time, useo. uspaaeito.

Deacon, S-^e^s(^(ff).

Dead, Lofff^jS. Q<Fs,^uQunesr. Qs^dr

^uQufTizsr. [Lji-Li—.]

Deaf, 0<5=sfl®.

Dealing, Q'Sfr®dseo eiiniiiaik. sfl^ i

QuS'iS'SO. enifd^aLD.

close —, ^ p'S=Qs:c(bi ^ sfsc^s^QffcQ.

Dear (price), (^ampd^^s^eo. ^'q^/e^so.

— (beloved), iSffliULDirasr. Q fs s^Qp eir <ofr


Death, LDffessnh. s^irof. ^puLf 190.

Debauchery, ^esTtDfrird'SLD. eSt—ix. Q3=it

Debt, &u.m. 181. [jzi).

Debtor, ai—(eFjeifl. 181. 3ii—msirn<s!r.

Decamp, uirdsfnuub GuinhQuQuir.

Decay, ^i^. 57.,


Deceit, •9=®. QLDfr'3=Lh.eii(^^^.23Q, 194,

Deceiver, QLosT-a^dsirne^. su^l. [^.sisi)


December, lditItsi^ld!t&:ld. App. vii.

Decency, LDiBiuires^^. QiundQiULo. sr&

Deception, er^gi- sul—ld. s<str(swLD.

Decide, ^it. ^irLorr

Decimal fraction, ^•ff^mSd^LSldr&srLD.

Decision, ^itulj. ^iTLDrresnD. 96. 158


64. fE®^,^^. 64.




Declare, ^^afl. s,_ffi. <sus=£sii.

Declaration, ei'iriuuiSpuLj. 131, 190.

Decleusion, QeupgaesMD.

Decoction, s<si^iriuw.

Decoration, ^&sisjsirnw- ^e^emih. Sej

Decorum, i^ibiuld. Lotfliuasm^. QiDsmrr.

Decrease, @is»/d. 57, 64. @^@. (^gti

!©. 62.

&ffii(^. Q^Lu. (^mga.

Decree, ^itulj. ^iTLDirosrLa. sL-L-dsir.

Dedicate, i3£r^isis.<5i!)i—.uem_^. <^uu

gmi_. 64.

Deduct, si^. 64. /f«@. ^crrfsyj. 62.

(e^ismp. 64.

Deduction, (inference) ^imsLDmsarti.

Deed, Q^ium>£E. snhLDLD. ^dsw. @fB<miLi.

Deep, s. ^LpL£>. urr^irsiriM.

Deer, LDirek.

Defeat, Q^frSosQ, 190. ^uQ.3=ajiJ). \_(ip

<Sle^. ^//?ay.]

V. trans. QeuSoe^. Q^np&uj^. Qp/S

be defeate6L,Q^ir60.Q^frp£3iL.'Quir.7Q.

Defect, (ffisw^. ssLssrili. ^sarw. (^eajD

uiT®. (^&!>jD6y. ^[TLpeij. 190. ^(ipd(^.

Defence, struLj. 190. sneii(ki. ^rjsm.

Defend, s/r. ^itiekq. siruuirpgii.

Defendant, t^n^sun^ 115.

Defer,LS)dr(gi»(Si;. 64.^/rLD^L/u®^^.161.

Deficiency, (gsn^o/ 157.

Defile, ^s?Slju(B^^. ^l-I—itsiq. s(snpuu®^^. 161.

Define, snesiffiugn 64.

Definition, smsniriugnuL^. \jsiirrsQiULD.']

Defraud, er^^. <Sii(ShQ. senQn.

Defy, QuiTQ^saemLp. 64. eSuLoQua


Degrade,^ffti^^. 60. ^ifieij \

Stpu f u(BJ:^.

@ffil!SSlLDU C 161.

urasu JDegree, utp, . [^uaatli. uirems. Geog.]

By degrees, euireua 170.

Deity, ai—e^eir. Gi^iusuLh 152.

Delay, ^itldo^ld. ^agsiQ.^rnuLDtr®. [Tinevelly.]

Deliberate, QiutrQ. 64. Ciurr^Sssruem

M" 165.

^-•g^rnsij. 62.

Delicacy, ^-q^Qshld. sS^il>. l^eser

Delight, ^muLD. LnQip^a^Q. ^asr/s^ii.

Delirium, eSairrTLh'. u^^d se^dsua.

Deliver, ^inL®. 64. i£L-®dQsiTeir.

SiULlS. CE^®l^ 160.

(sB®^doi)UJird(^. 165.

Deliver up to, (^uLjd Qsrr®.

(Sbuuiosii— usmespi.

Deluge, .g: &>u i3n <oirlu LD . Slrj-eun'SLh.

Demon, ^nnss^g^eir. 223. <S<mj^ir<sfrLh.

U:3=!ra-. ^jSLD. QuiLr. ^eoena.Demonstration, S-^ua!rrjLD. &-qF)S?.


Demonstrative letters, s-l-Qi^(WjSsj.

— pronoun, »l-®ljQuiliit.

Den, (ggff)«. QsiS.

Denomination, Quluit. ^ostld.

Denominator, UQi^QiLiism.

Density, aecrth. [0.y/)5ffi)/-^'^'^'-f-']

Deny, ld^. 64. ^ioSso 6r(^. 82.

^ eo ec^sL-® .

Depart, Qurnudl®. Ljpuu®. ^l-®sS®.

Depend, s^irL 57.

Depose, ^€ir(e(^. id(^. ^rrip^gi. 160.

Deposit, (susFEJ au-L^etaeii 64.

Deposition, <oair<i(^(tp€CiiJD 115.

Depravity, Qs®^. ^eiresrt—seois. &fr

Qs®.Deprive, u/S. er® (d^u Qua®.) 64.

Depth, ^Lpih. ueir&rixi.

Deputy, tSrj^. iSu^gjisaiT.



Deride, ererr^ 62.

@,55(U). SlrrsirS. Qai^uem^i.

Derivation, iSpuLj. 257. [Comp. III.

Gram. 122. 123.]

What is the d— of this word, g)(!r^# Q^ir



Descend, ^p^@ 138.

Descendants, s^i^^iuirir. Qstr^^u^i



Describe, enecDir. 57. Q <3^rriosSd



(^^jis^'S= Q a: ir eogm , (^euiTLDmv^ Q^rr


Desert, <ati(miE^rrui, sugjtld. air®, uir^

rSeOLD. ^euirii^ifLD.

Design, s. <ss0^^. QiEnssLD. er^okr

emu:'. S-^Q^^iM. ^LSutSffrriULD. Si

SsWUI-l. (Up'SlTli^IILh.

V. Q/BfTS(^. €r<5SBT^}l. aQf^gl . 2-,

Desire, ^ei^t—LD. t^Q^uuui. ^158, 203. ^is»<F. er.s<5ii). a/zrjg

V. ^QElliLj. ^(sm3=uu(B . 161.

em L^dQstreir.

Desolate (become,) uiripu®. 161. uir

— make, uirtprrsi^. unLpssL^.

Desolation, urrtp.

Despair, Cd^/r/fa/. ejdat}}. LDosruiL^eif.

Despise, ^a^il-eai—uem^^. Lfpi&em.^loOL-SlULh.

Destiny, sfl^. ^^sfl^. sfl^sn^LD.

Destitute, ^^ireujbp. ^sspjD.

s. ^a^. ^mir^.


Destroy, Qa®. ^lQ. [15. g] 191,

SiTQp&)LDrrd(^. ^aahueBBT^^.

g](oS>i—, 64. QiS»^ 64.

^lEisiB. 64. Q^itSso. [aili—L^. 64, 57.]

Destruction, ^i^o/. Qs^^ld. Qs®. /slL

i—ii. lEiT'TLD. 101, 191. i§liT^,^ei9. Sit

Qpis\}u>. a=isjaiTj7Lo.

Detach, iSlrff [^^u Qu!T®'\ 64.

QuujiT. 64.

Detachment, uani—euQtJL/. iSSetj.

LD^. ^®. 64.

Detail (in), a^eS'^^miuDiTiL/. ^^Qiutri—i

^LDiTiu. efleujto/rtu.

Details, eurfeofrgii. eSeu^rti.

Detain, ^itld^u u®^^ 62, 161.

Detect, ssekr® iSip. 64.

Determination, ^irLDrresrLD. Siressnuih.

Q^surie^LD. ^£>i^- s'ihsJDULD.

Detest, ^QurrS. Qeii£)i. ^Q^ssefl. ^'(5

siiQ^. 64.

Detriment, tsei^i—U}. Gld/td^ii ... .194.

Devan^gari alphabet, Q^<EiiihiT&ifl. uireir




Devil, Gull, u-a^/rsf. 223. s^n^sinm. ^Devotion, uiuu^^. Q^euu^^.

Devour, ulLS. 64.

Dew, ueofl. [^ldld].

Dexterity, a=aLDrr^^tuti. ^ulj, cms^

*^<S@. <oCn,SULJLpd.SLD.

Diagonal, eSlL-L-ih.

Dial, (mrBiu sL^uuirnLD. [(OT) (^&>ii—.

Dialogue, s^ihuaeiSaoSiir. a^ eo e\} tr


ld . afl

Diameter, (^l-L—ld. (S)^daeweij.

Diamond, eud&inc-esS. eaeurju).

Diarrhoea, euuSlpgu^isij-

Dice, uiTiudSleas.

Dictionary, ^afffr^. Sssm®.Die, '3= IT. 51. @p- 66. ldiA 64.

stnsoLouesBi^^ji. LDffemLD<si!>i— . ldit(^.

(sS(Lp. LDLf.[_rS^ QufT.'] [u®.]

Die (a color), s^aiuih.

Diet, u^^iuLb. [(S0/E/ffl(S3srii>].

Difference, Qu^il. eS^^iurr^Lo. Qsngti

urr®. eS,spuLD. QeupgtiemiD.

Different, Cffl/ja. LDirg)i. 161. Gi<su<suQ<sii(Ty

ear. upueo. uedw^Lofresr.

Difficulty, i3rTUJ!T<3=UD. euQ^^^ii. sps,

^LD. ns>L—®LJun® . •s^imst—LD.

Diffidence, a^da^ui. ^da^Lo. rs item ld .

Dig, QeuL—®. Q^irem® 62.

@sm®. [^j>jaQ£.']

Digestion, ^ffemio. Qa^iftuLj.

Digit, ^jlEISLD.

Dignity, sesriD. QuQr^emLD.



Diligence, si-ffi^gouLj. ^frsQuem^.

Dim, (become) LD(Lgikj(^. ldej(^. lde/3,

Diminish, @ko^. 57, 64. «(2jE/(g. «0<S(g. 160.

Dimness, Lxukise^. sldld&}. LDrh^ih.

Dinner, ^eS.Diphthong, ^q^uSitu lj em' itu


Direction, (of a letter,) Qld<s\) sflsD/r^/i).

Directly, QisQu. 273. Qib(Bs. ^l-Qcht.

Dirt, ^(i£S(W). ^s-&. ^a-ji^ih. [_ssl^

Disa^jpear, uncsip 57. 90.

^jS!fl^'cSrLD!T(^. 165.

Disappoint, ejLDirnj^uQuiT® GS.

be— ed, erLofrgu 62.

Disappointment, <5/r^/L/^^Q/^. ^

Discharge, ^srr^. is(&). O-s^jfi;^^. ^/r.


Disciple, Psl^sst 152.

Discipline, SliLems^. <^(LpiEj(^.

Discord, ^aday/rgroto. LSifli£l3ssr. [^®n^

Discourse, •a^wuirei^'hn^. Qu<s=a. iSiu^iej

Discover, sssstQiSIl^. smL^Ls Qsir®.

Discretion, ld^. eSSeusui. 194. uj^sm.

Discriminate, t^iB^Q^® 64.

Disdain, SpssesS 64.

Disease, S'uit^. QibitiL. iSesifl. Qnirau).

Disembark, ^p'SJ(^. ssmir ergs.

Disentangle, SidQa,®. 64. ^«@ eufnij(g).

Disfigure, Qsireoim Qs,®. ^liia uihsuu(B^g]. 161.

Disgrace, SgjieinLD. ^tSey. LC!r<ssrdQs®.

^jenLDiTGsrui. ^eu Sit^^. Quoasesis.

utfiui-i 231.

Disguise, Qeusi^tli 161.

QurriLia Qsrrs^Lo.

Disgust, ^FraSliUih. ^jQnrrSl&LD. ^(TJ

Dish, ^rnsoLD. eiiL-L^&}. urr^^rnn.

Dishonesty, sul—ld. ^QiuiriQea^. fsir

<smiud Cs®.

Dishonor, QsuLLaih. ^euLDiriWih. &jl8

Disjunctive, iSl/ffdSp.

— conjunction, iSiiftS^ ^;s!!>L-i--Qs=ireo.

Disk, eSltDUih. LDeBsri—eoLD.

Dismay, ^esisuLj. [v. n. fisms. 64.

Dismiss, ^(sir(^. 64. [u/f«jL/ Qg^iL.']

^e^Lji3i^® 254.

Disobedient, He is—, ^euek Smuuip.

inaLap QuirQQrfssr. [Co. ul^JJ

Disobey, SipuuL^iuirLDei) Quit. iSgii.

He disobeyed the commandments of God.

Disorder, ^it^ Lcrrgii. (^^ireSeiat—. ^soih

QsireOLD. seassLD. (^Lpuuth. (^S»^

Disperse, Q^gs- 62. adso. @^. 57, 64.

^spga. Ms(^. upsai^. Q^pi^.

Disposition. (^essTUD. uemi-j.

Dispute, <Evipd(^. (Shit^ld. (suagj. ^haSLb. (weuir^Ln. £iJir<S(^eiiiT^LD. <^iUir:S=

&IULD. 96, 212, 240.

Disrespect, ^suLDiBiuirein^. ^euw^uLj.

Dissect, sessTLp-. 64. 3i^piu®^g].

Dissention, iSifli^SssT. Qu^ld.

Dissimulation, ^irmsrtsu}. eii(e^^3s!sr.


Dissolution, @^e3/, san/nseo. ^L^eij.

Dissolve, (^€S)Lp. 2_0(g. s@s>it. (tr. and

int. 160.) 166.

Dissyllable, ^jnssi'iFe^ Qs^irio.

Distance, ^uim. gjSso.

The — to jvhich the voice will reach, s^u

The — ofa stone's throw, e&iQ^ gurm.

Distil, [^/r/rjiuii] qjul 64.

\_^tlSl(SOLD] ^^>s@- 62.

Distinctly, ^irdsLDirin. Q^sBshitlu.

Distinguish, (?ei/^ u®^s^ 161.

Distort, ^(75«@. 62. ljitlL®.

Distress, ^®<ssld. ^skuijo. ^eu^.


Distribute, uiejQ®. uQaiffi 0<sr®.



District, ^ireaiM. [^eoeofr.'] LDirsiremLo.


Distrust, a=(ip3=LULD. .g^iQ^SLo. ^eu ibld

Disturb, sevi^. (^ipui-f. (160.) 62.

@^. (160.) 64. ^eoi—®. ^8so.

Disturbance, secdatD. ^Loefl. £BS\)fT^.

(mj^uuLD. seoasL^. \_airei).

Ditch, uetrefTLD. ^sip. Qi—iej@. euiriLid

Ditto, QLcpuL^. Int. §. II. viii.

Dive, @si^. [sfifiQiuir®.']

Diver, (LpQ^d&treS. 181. Qp(LgiEiQ. \_(Lp

Q^Q.-\ 190.

Diverge, aeuir e8(B. eSlrff. iSfff. 57.

Divide, ayg. i-/@. 64. uQir. enQir. 57.

UlEjQ®. iSlfff.

Dividend, u(^dsu u®ld sresur.

Divine, psueSiu 131.

UITLD. ^QF). y^-

Divinity, Q^eii .a^rremfliru). Qeu^ ^aehi^

Division, <BJ(^;i^'k>. i3ifi^^<so.

Divisor, U(^d(^u> sremr.

Divorce, afl(a/T<a Qtoa^earLD.

Divulge, au/ruJ ^L-®d O^/tctjs/. 56.

(III.) SrjQ^fiU) ueisr^ii. Q <su e^ lunit

Do, GiiF'dj. U6ssr^)i 13, 58, 60.

Doctor, (onxsu^^ium. [ueasrif^ajr.]

Doctrine, ^uQ^sfld. Quit^sld.

Document, 9l-®. ^fiffs^- 209. [^efo

ffi/rCsu*.] ^rr^esTLXi. u^^ifle(na-

Dog, fBmu. 13. 105. \_»<sm/ij£sesr.']

Doll, QlU!TLD<SB)LD. ufTemsu.

Domestic, sS'lI®* @/fliiJ.

Dominion, ^(&^0»s. ^uird&iuil. gjirfr

Donation, ^ma.. S-u^sfrnLh. ^^^ld. ^it

Donkey, sq^m^. {_a^^uLD.']

Door, a^ffl/. 101. [Co. enns^&i. emripp

Dot, L/srrsrf?. (^^^. \_QumL®. QurrjS.']

Double, girrLLL^uLj. ^(^ldl-iej(^.

Doubt, S^fbQ^Sih. iF(Lp3=UJLD. S^iULD.

There it no — of it, ^^p®u d.^Bai7ej. [^^^

Dougli, i^eas'fB^ LDU. 74.

Dove, LoedluLj^. ljqi^. [_sQun^LD.'\

Down, s. (on fruits), a-'^sssr.

Down, SdLp. ^fTLp.

Dowry, uffl<s=LD. 9^<3stld.

The former given by the husband, the

latter the wi/e's portion.

Draft, s^eisrL^iu <k> . \_s=L—i—tM.'\

Drag, ^(L^. ^L 64.

Dragon, ibitsld.

Drain, s^e^^rremiT. 3=irdses>i—.

Drama, mnisili.

Draught, s^U'SD'su srQ^^gJ. ul—ld.

Draughts (game), sulL®. [^®- 155.]


Draw, §j(Lp 64.

— water, QLD/Teii(ef^. 56. (III.) (tps. 66.

Drawers, ,ff=eoeoi—Lh. tS^Puir.

Dread, ^(^s- 62.

uiuuu®. ^®ns.

Dreadful, uiurtsuLDirosr. ^Qsirrj.

Dream, Q^s^iruuiseriM. ssbts!/.

Dregs, eussart—iso. ^ulS. Qsit^.


Dress, s_®tJu. enwiflffLD. S-anz— ^<smi—

V. 2_®. 64. &-®fi^. 62. sifft. 64.

^rBui^ 64.

Drill, \_ujd^frLjLSu-in''9=U).'] aentr^^.

Drink, (<stf-. ufresnh uesur^^. 32. b.


Drip, eiiLf.. 57. tspQ£(^. 62.

Drive, ^lL®. 160. <£ifTLL®. ^n^gi. 72.

Drivel, (smrih £iTeu^L 57.

Drizzling-rain, ^irrT<so.

Dromedary, £^(5 ^iBed (spL-i—sLo.

Drop,^s?f?. lS/b^. [v.—into. @^.^. 62.]

Dross, (^'—i—LD. sertlili-f.

Drove, si^L-L—LD.

Drowa, [tr. and int.] ^iBi^ii^. ^lSIlq

Drowsiness, CFff/fa/. ^<sfrfrd&. ^^^.^-mdsLD. LD/ESLD. Q&^ITLDLJISO. LDILIaSLD.

Drug, LDQF)i^. spetri—^LD.

Drum, ^Qpd(^. QLoetrui. uem/v. ^ulj.

^i^iS. Qurneeis,.

Drunkard, Qen^tudr. (^Lf-iuek.

Drunkenness, @if. Q<sn^. (g^i^QwrS.

Dry-cultivation, Ljskisia^.



Dry (become), si/^jstj. 56. (III.) srriu.

57. ^-isoQh. mrr®. supgii . . . .&2, 273.

V. a. eupL—®. siTUj emsu. eun'tL®.

Duck, SiiiT^gi. ^nffiT.

Due, Q&=60<od QeuemL^m. S-rfiu. ^(^i^.

Dulness, LD.i^Ln. 135. ^<3=LDihfiLD. Qpl—LD. LD(LPEJS<5ti, QLOITLL(ciat

Dumb, esLsoiLD. Qpecas. Qu^LDtrL-L-ir^.

Dunce, Qpi—ek. ld^ QsiLi—eueir.

Dung, <orm. lSl-€S)l sSIlLsotz— s=iT<smt-D.

Duplicate, iSrj^. [/ss^.]

Durable, ^-ga^iuirssr. S.dsOLUfTsisr.

Jivisi, ^girsir. ljq^^. ^&. Quin^.

Duty, ai—<se)LD. s,i—m. QurrgiiULj. st—u

uir®. iuajr.]

Dwarf, (^<sfnsiri3sr. sl (oe)i—UJeir. (ff^L—sw/

Dye, a=inuuo. SlpLo.

Dysentery, euuSjpi GismLL-&). enuSip^a

a®uLj. ^Ji^^s Qu^.

EEach, (^euQenrTQ^ 108.*

Each one, ^euesreueir 108.


Eagerness, ^eua. ^gu <x-£ii


lj .

Eagle, «(i^@. s^eiflu ulLSi.

Ear, siTff. 0.5^caS. \_s3sr<si!rLD.'] [«^/f.]

Early, sit&)Qld. ^psesTQeu.QeuenQsfreBr.

Earnestness, sshssld. arr^&). ^^g)i^.

Earth, lj,l8. L^QstreirLo. 19. 90. [_g)ati).]

Earthquake, l^l8iij^it^9.

Earthen pot, Q^rrexsri-s. 149.

Ease, @«^^@- 3i(3i)ULD. o^sld. ff^smuLD.


East, ©Lp«@. Sip. App. ix.

Easter, Q^m^rBir^ir &.uSiT^Q^Q£fs^

Easy ereSdj. srs/i^SJ. s^eoutDfrsBr. 194.

135. ^(?is«». 3=a^LD[r<ssT.

Eat, 3=iruu®. ljS. pdr,^ . . . .56, 138.

Eatables, ^dr u<oSsri—LD. Qmir^easu. £_

(gJOTS!/. ^snuLD.

Ebb, V. eiiL^. 57. s. s^jppth. [Co. eippLD.']

Echo, i3rj^ Q^iT€srl. &^ <sb®^eo.

Eclipse, Sirasssni.

Ecliptic, Quam^ LDemi—ffOtxi.

Edge, e^ULD. eflsi^ujL/. a^s^. a^ir.

[— of a cloth, npesr ^rr&sr. ]

Edifice, a?®, ^isoiuth. lditi—iIi. Loire/H

Edition, u^ulj. u^^^&).Education, seoeS^ Q^n.3=@>. ul^ulj.


Eel, eSi eo ITlEj (^. LD&diriEj(m.

Efface, (ff)dso. 64. Q^udsi) 64.

Effect, siTfflium. &<i^. u&)sk.

Effects, ^lL® (ip lL.® sen- . s^rrsi^.

Effeminacy, eiB^rfliuLSmesiLD. Ques^^

eiDLo. QussaiemLD.

Efficacy, <3=^es>^. ue^jek. ^j/risaafl. &^p.Effort, QpiupSl. SffiurrcFLD. er^^ewLD.

Egg, (miL-imL \_^smi—LD. Q^tsr.]

Egotism, ^.SE/a/rijii). [vul. ^/E/sffijii).]

Eight, CTil®. 172.

Either, or, 205.

Eject, ^sir(em. ^n^^. ^sp^. 62.

Elbow, QpLptkiesiS.

Elder, Qp^^eiim. &QrfL-t_m.

Elders, (ip^Q^irir. 87, 182. Qpuuir. 88.

Elder sister, ^s&astr 215.

App. X.

Elect, Q^iBibO^®. 64. \_^Lp(^.

Elegance, tEiremujiJa. s^euri^ssr. Qpui^.

Elegy, spuutTfft. ^dsu utnL®.

Element, y,^th. ^/rj£/.

Elephant, .^^. [<s=?=ii).] 166.

Elephantiasis, ^^sr^tsmso. e^^dsireo.

Elevate, ^-lurr^gi. eipsu- 'or(L^uLj. Q&t

ULj. ffi/E/@. 62.

Eleven, u^Q(eu)t5srffii. 172.

Elision, Qs®a5<so. S(sai—d(^eap.

Ellipse, Qm® euLLi—LD. ^essri—euL^euLD.

Ellipsis, OT'J'<s^/i). sgi^L/. [ '-"f •

Else, ^eoeos^ . ^&)(oOfr(^iLLi—rreo, wppuElse-where, QsuQpisjQaiuaS^iiM. Qm

QpEi(mua. \_aLD.

Emaciation, OldsSs!/. G/E/r(^<F<si'. a^giV

Embark, suuso erg}!. 62.

Embassage, ^a(^u^^iULD.

Emblem, (^^ulj. ^esu^iurrsfn}).



Embrace, ^ag'Sif 62.

^uatmr. 64. aiLi^d QsBtreiri

Embrocation, <s!a^&}LD.

Embryo, sq^. [L?6Yr.]

Emerald, ldjjs^ld.

Emergency, ^'su^^m}} 244.

Emetic, s^enrni^ LD(jr,i^.

Emigrate, (qu^Quit. eiKoCes)^ <siitiei(^.

Eminence, S-eirear^Ln. Qrouu. ^8so<oB)Ld.

s^-rSi^Lo. 2_i/j/fai/.

Emit, sfl®. sriS. Q-s^rrrfl. srtl/. lSjQojitS.

Empale, ^(LpQizujbsii. 62.

Emperor, <s=<isrr£uiT^^.

Emphasis, Q^a^freoeOQ^^^ih.

Speak with — , msKesr^u Qua-, eup

Lj^^^u Qua?.

Empire, ^(Sffi«o<s. ^lL0. ^rrir^&ujLh.

Employment, Q^iTL^eo. QeuS^.^^eueo.

^-^SlQitiirsLD. LJ sssflaflsini—. QtS^eusLD.

Emptiness, (^sShjld. Qeug^jemLo.

Emf)ty, Qeu^. QeugnLo. Qeup^. QwgueSiLDlUITQSr.

Emulate, ^^J2/ 62.

Emulation, ^^(SOitlLl—ld.

Enable, ueouu®^^. ^(^^ujirs(^.

Encamp, uir'SstnuLSpittV).

Encampment, urr'Smiuu). ufT3=imp.

Enchantment, m<si-huesr m^mi^. LofriLi

Encircle, Qtp. euSsn-. Qxrrepi. a-prp}.

Enclose, ^i—ds(S^ 0<s^aj 58.

^(fK)i 64. 2_eTrerf?®. [(55-

Encroach, sreoSso s^lL®. 62 sreoSoO ^<sir

End, (WLf.eij. ^ib^ld. seiai .sanL-^.

Endeavour, i3rraj^^<st!nli uem^)i. 165.

er^^sS. (tpiup^ uem^u.Endure, (1.) ^JDgxi. 62. ^^(WJ- 62. Qiuir

ffi. s^Q. s^SfSiB. u®. ^arsj(Wj.

(2.) S^QsiTffir 259.

Enemy, s^^miQ^ 272,

GrSlirrreiiJ. uesysis^esr. erQffl.

Energy, secaa/Js. (LpiupS. Srriu^^asnh.

^i I®. &i

Enforce, wtpi^gfi^gi. U6\)uu®^^. a/sS

u-jgu^^. slLl^ituju u®^sj-Engagement, ^^suiso. [&.L—eiruLp.d

gWdS. QurriT.']

Engine, (^^Qjui. ^lum^nui. [s^etsfr.

Engineer, \_&pu (sjedeosnek.'} <or(Sf,&esriT

English hour, z-osBsfl Qrajjih 158.

Engrave, uQ. 64. ^(Lg^^. 62. @^.Enigma, eS®a<ss>^.

Enjoy, _ajepiu<sS 64.

Enjoyment, @j<^uld. s-sld. ^s]^Quir,zu:i.

Enlarge, ^'Slsuu®^^. urjui-j. eSfft

Euligliten, Q<aiie^.^a=LDiTa(Q. <sfleff<s(g.

Qfle£(£i. 160.

Enlist, Qa^eiisLD erQ£^. 62,

Enmity, ^QeuSLiU). ueias. (^Qjifs^ld.

Enough, QuiT^ih 117.

Enquire, (£l,9=frrff , 64.

.^mriLi. 57.

Ensnare, ^auu®^^.be — d, j)jsuu®.

Entangled, be, S-iLuQ

QsQaireir. S-&ru®.^liig^^is^rr^^eu ^suucQi—eiT. I am en-

tangled bij that trick.

Enter, ljc^. 1. [56. II.] p. 31. [e_OT]

LSrrQeuS. 64. si^^w 57.

Entice, QstT(^eij. 62. ^<ss>^ smLij^

^epi 3=ifl. QHFrr. ^(lq 64,

Entire, Qp(Lg. QppQr^ssr. ^p. I^ld.

—ly QppQtjs. ^p. s^LDew^LDrrdj. QpmEntrail, (gz_^.

Entrance, iS/rQeu^Lh, eurr^So. gjsnirnLD.

Entreat, Qs^s-. ennhisJ 62.

QenemL^i Qsn'sir(&R. ^ff. LDsknrf®.

Entreaty, iSlfftriT^^Sssr. u^ekQr^L-®.

Envy, QuiTQrftssiLD. siriLiesiLD sirjnh. [maj

eSuLf.'] ^pQi^esiLD. euesraem.

Epicure, Q/hrrgumxsud s&rsirenr.

Epilepsy, QsrrnesS. sfrssfriL eueS.

Epiphany, Q€iiefiuu®^^&) erecrsw/zi)


Epistle, SqfiUld. [^/tS^ld.]

Equal, iS^LDfrear. •ff^rfliurreiT. s^ld.

an — , S-L—Q(m^^isiieir,

Equality, -FLDiresTLb. .Frfl. (oiuu.

Equally, ^rffisuji. <^lju. s=ffliijn-uj.



Equation, s^lh Ssid/d. [^^LbsrrsBsnh.']

Equator, iSul-s^ Qjjetas.

Equinoctial, euiresr fSrrtLsF Gjeras.

Equity, tSiUiriLiiM. ip.

Equivalent, <f//? 242.

Equivocal, &Qe\)emi—iuiTssr. S-Uiuirir^^

Era, S=&ITU^LD. [_LDIT3Sr.

Erect, SliSfr^^. Sga^^. ibitlL.®.

Err, ^uLj. ^uiSuQurr. lS^@. ^sugii.

eiiQMetj. 62. iSaDip. 64.

Error, iSscatp. ^ulj. l51^@. buq^.

Eructation, eruutj). epdeS/reiTLu.

Eruption, QieuL^ULj.

(disease) snuuiresr. Sitei^.

Erysipelas, ^dQ. ^sSu uOisuaJr.

Escape, «LjL9aQ<55/rsYr 259.


Essay, iSrjs^ikisLD. Suu/e^ld.

Essence s^irrfuo. ^^gieuiM. ua-etatD.

Essential, ^'Zsr^iueiaLDUjrrs;. ^nir^. ^a/


Establish, eipu®^^. 62. ot^/tlS. 64.

166. Sidsa. 64. [neut.] fSSsoSgu^^. 62.


Establishment (of servants), ^etrLDir

Estate, S]&)Lh. sfT&sS. ^erb^. [i-/-

Esteem, srsmiosarLh. ioT<5m''smdms, LDplu

Estimate, v. ld^. 64. iS^rreS. 64.

Etcaetera, 151. e. [mi^.

Eternal, S^p'u- ^fseurrs. .Firs^ev^. ^Eternity, i8^^uji}>. s=^fr<s!reou>. eresr

Qpssresipd(^LD. s^ie^siLD.

Ether, ^sst.s'ld.

Eunuch, ^t5i!!ir<on!rsair.

Euphony, gjdreSems^.

Evangelist, *aS(?ir"(Si^<SGW'.

Evaporate, mpg)i. a-supi. 62.

Even, S-ch, ^uSI^ld. p. 115, 171, 203.

Evening, s^friuiBjSUUi. 'S^trturkisirsOLD. ustr

Morning and E. ^rs^9^k§\. sirle^iarrts^.

Evenness, s=ldu3. e^uLjuei^.


Ever, sruQurT(W3Jua. ^ekQptzirsmpa

rff^w. ^^Ssneom. [277. 211.]


Everlasting, iS^^iu. 131. ^na-eu^.

Every, Q^fr^Lo. ebisuQenaQh.

Every one, e^eumiLP 126.

Everywhere, sriij(g)Lo 126, 200.

Evidence, (Sufrd(^Qp<^LD. •3=ml-Q. ^^

Evident, i3ij^^iUL-.a=L[>iTssr. QsulLl^

Q (oiKoBd £=LD . QeueifluiffiijaLDrresr. Qeu

eifluueiai—.iuiresr. tSffS^^UDfresr.


,^6inEj(m 62.

Evil, ^.itoLo. QuireoeorruLj. 141.^E/(g

Evolution, Q^eoisjs.iT^}!^&),

Ewe, Q)3=LDLDlS.

Exact, ^L-L^LDrr<sifr 135.

s^L-L—LDirsar. ^(TR^^LDinsar.

Exaggerate, un-airtL®. 62. utriff. 64.

Exalt, ^-luH^^. QLodireisiLDJJirdcffj.

Examine, Qs^ir^. uifiLQ. ssLL—rnsLU

UIT/T. 64. [lL(SOT.5^.

Examination, i^a^frn'Ssssr. Qs^iT^<sSosr. ui?

— [of money], QrEinLt—LD. [158.

Example, ^nheLS^L^frd^Lh. S-^rrrret!sru>.

Exceed, ii9(^* 62.

Qtopu®. ^^su u® . ^^sift.

Excel, ^doiuu® . Qiopu®.

Excellence, QmaJsruiT®. QLDa;r<ss>LJD. &pULj. n^lLllid^. ^^(SSiLD. QQfTL-l—lh.

Excellent, ^<oiiiL..3^(5m(ipisnefr. ^-^^ld.

Except, ^fflSj. 170. iiEJs&ins. 148,202.

Excess, LSds^LD. eSui^^ui. ^^sld.Exchange (of money), euiLi—U).

Excise, ^UJU). firemen, ^erap.

Excite, (sraguLi. ^em®. ^-p-^rrsu

u®^^. eriSY. 62.

Exclude, eflswsQ 62.

Excommunicate, <F<Esyud(^'li Ljpuiurrd

Excrement, tEffseo. l?. [@.

Excursion, s-so/r, s^irffl. ueusS. iSffiutr

Excuse, QuiTd(^. •3=iTd(^. [szotld.

Exemption, [uj/tul/.] lidsLo. e£l®^^.

Exercise, ^j u i3 lu it -r u^ . uipdsti.


(one's self), ut^QdOsireir. (106. 4.)



Exertion, npiup®. ^SLssih. i3i!jiun'3=LD.

Exhibit, Q^fftius smL®.Exhort, i-l^^ Q^fr&)^. er'^<9=rfl.

Exile, LjpiMQu ^sp&i. ^rsSuj Q^3=^

Exist, ^0. eiin-(T£.

Exit, Qufrd(g.

Exorbitant, ^^aSrrLDLDiresr. LSf^&sar

[s9^.] ^^^.Expand, aS/fl. urjuLj. ujjei^'.

Expanse, ^rfley. (^oo^ithlo. ^s(oOLb.

Exparte, einr,^ds!) euLpd(^,

Expect, er^ifunir. 64. sit^^q^. 79.

fELDLj . 62. euffuurriT 64.

Expectation, ^emessrui. (^^ulj. sfir,^

Expedition, LjfiML- 6r(i^^Q. [^.

Expel, ^ff^^eS® 254.

Expenditure, Qs=&)eij 209.

agricultural — , uiJ/f* Oa-«ua;.

Experience, ^^Quitsld. ^^uehlo.ULpSSLD.

Experiment, uiftLem^s^. Qs^ir^'Sssr.

Expert, uLpQssr. iss>su l^/b^. eiasuu


Expiation, SetirrrremLD. S'^.ir^.^. iSffir

Expire, ^aSlafl®. S-uS ireS® . ^euSssrsSl®


Expi red, O ^^dr^ Gu/rsBr .Lo//?^^ . [iz) ff"^ .]

Explain, <^eb^rft 64.

idlujirsQiU/resTLh u<oSsr^ii.

Explanation, i^etr^sLD. eSurrLD.

Explore, ^jrilj. 57. a-gyrs!/ urriT. 64.

Explosion, QeuLp.. ^^rr<r®.

Exponent, ^soiiismLu^,

Export, ejp^LD^. [2_sB)/r.

Exposition, ^lUfrdQojrrssrili. (^cirdsLo.

Expound, eSiLtrrdSiLtfresTLD U(okr^ii.

Express (press out), lSl^. 64. i3^d(^.

62. (denote.) s9errs@. sp-lL®.

Expression, eurrdiv,. (Eu,g^sirLh.

Extend, afl/fl. 57, 64. iiL® 62.

UffLDU. UffULj. lS»)^/rSVLD/7"@[«OT.]

Extent, isreo^. ^'eireij. urrui-l. [sfliu/r

Exteriors, Qeus/fluLjpLD. ljpldi-j.

Extinguish, ^eS. ^j^j'Ssbsi . ^^. 64.

Extol, Quirpsi- 62, 128. Qtads-. 62.

Qairemi—ir®. utrrrrrL-® 62.

Extortion, _g) (9 <su/i'^. ^Siufriu ^eeari—LD.

Extract, sr®. 64. i3®tt(^. 62.

Extraordinary, @pi^. ^'^irsuLDrresr.


Extravagance, eSessrQs^eosii. ssE^rr/ft^

Extreme, adj. semi—.lurr ear. ^Q^'s^-

^ IB^ LD n esr


Extremity, s(ss)i—. ^gu. ^li^ih. ^gii^-


Exult, u>Qi^. 57. y//?. ^dsefl. 64.

Eye, sessr. aSt^. ibuj(sstld.


Fable, s<ss>^. aLL®daem^.

Face, (LpaiM. (vulg. Qp(^Q.) .... 166.

ai^esru). [Corap. urrrrnpsLh. npscrLp


Fact, s^esuremLD. [^^eirm^.)

W frjS^ LD (T (cBTlJ) . IBl—liflSITlBlULD. ^-GIT StT

anrfliULD. \_ibI—Ul^.'\

Factor, atrrjemiarsw'


Faculty, <s0afl. sffemto-'is^irLDirs^ujili.']

Fade, suit®. 62. &i^!sj(^. LD/i/(m 62.

airiu. 57. Qeu^LoLj. 62.

Fail, i3<9^(m. ^ulj. 62. Q^gii. SiW^-It foiled, iSls^&iriuuQuiniSp^.

Failure, s^eajp}. ^ui-j- i-S6=(g. <sii(L£. ^ir

Faint, v. QpirdS. 64. Qs^rriTfs^Curr.

aSsn-. 64. QiDiuLop 66.

Faintness, a?e<T. QpiTd(c(a<s=. Qg-irsiJD. ^iLiiTffUj. Q'S^rrireij. ^eirirdS.

Faith, ^ s-en IT 3=u) . iBLhiSdetas.

Faithful word, ^euQi/^eun-iT^iser)^. (^sk

(w^g^^^HjLD. Ss=LDfr£!!reurrd(^.

Fair, adj. ^Lpsrreisr. sftB^ir. Qs'eird^rr.


Fair, s. <3=iEem^. [@<f^sS.] The second

day of a

, <se)LDiiJ<sd(e^<3=miaa^.

Fall, sfl(y> 60, 273.

Fallow (land), ^//?*. affLDLf.

Falsehood, serreirLD. Quiriu. 166. ^.5=_^



Falter, §le(^. 62. ^(BLOfr/SuQua-. 62.

Fame, Sir^^. QuujQrj®ui-j. t3rj<^ssn

Familiarity, ULpdaii. 134. eiiiassmLD.

^riresnQiLiirissrismiiJLD. @j!sma<SLD. 3='s

Familiar friend, S-uSlir^^'hmr. Q^rrtpek.

Family, ^cstld. 3=np <3= [TjjLh . (^(BIlduld.

182. [<?^/E^^.]

Famine, ui^^ld. shfulj. [sif/Duu.]

Fan, e£l&^. [apsyrig. qp/dlL. ^p^fkjs^£»Z_.]

Fancy, s. uaenam. \sr<sm€mLD.'\

V. Lj/rsfl 64.

[cTczriirggif. ffsiSpiS. Q^rrp^eS,']

Farm, suau^^ui. simsS. Sleom.

Farther, ^uuireo. ^uLjpih. [_Qld^l1>.

Fashion, LDrr^rR. wsld. euesis. <3J!rLn.s

ems. S-eos/seiai—. uiriki^m.

Fast, s. <oi(W)<Fii^. ^-ueufT'S^Ln. [s\.)e/<s

essT'i-D.] QiEfrmu.

adv. ^sSlrTLoaiu. 40. eSlB!i3=iumu.

Fasten, l^lI®. 62. ^esa 64.

Fat, QsrrapuLj . Sssstld. Q/biu.

Become — , QisirQ^uQug^. 62, ^^l. 64.

^eS. 64.

Fatal, <3=ir6>jsQs^eiirrs!r. [uj^.

Fate, Gi^tueuLD. e£ip. 166. e£l^eu3=Lh. SFather, iS^rr. ^uudr. ^suuek. 19.

194. ^isTi^s.

Fathers, L^/fisuLS^/r^^sifr. (wpS^nssim


Father-in-law, LDfrLD(s^iT. QuemQsir®

^^ LDrrLDGsr. App. X.

Fathom, up-atD.

Fatigue, ^?eiTUi-j. ^'Ufr^io. QpSui-i.

Qsus^esii—.. eSL—friij. ^rrsmLo. sSsir. Q^a

be— d, ^•s^iB^Qurr . . 258.

^Ssir. «&r. 64. Q£smu. 57.

Fault, (mp pLD. (msmp. iS&iip. ^uS^ld.LDfTS-. 115, 221.

Favorite, Slif^ajfresrsusn-. ^ei^i—eir.

Favour, Sifj'ULo. lSIiP^. ^luetj. '^emiti. Sirr

•g^a^Ln. ^(Vjerr. SHF/^SBr. ^lLi—ld.

Fawn, LDfTms(Ssr ffi.

Fear, uujld. 107. ^^^li. flemsuLj.

V. uoj. 66. ^©». 62. uujuuQ. 161.

Feast, (^Qf^ih^. [Relig. usmt^sas. ^Qh

WLpiT. ^-.p-SFSULB.']

Feather, _@/d@. &p(^. Quseias. ^^afl.

Feature, QpaiBtn^. tFiriueo. npss^3=!riu&>.

Fee, <s^eS. s=imu<swld. \_^<sio^if\7\

Feebleness, ueOLL.3=ujLh.uis\)(^esrLh.s5eirir

•3=^. QllBITiLJOSiLD. iS(SlSiI-I&>L£>.

Feed, Qldiu. lj@ 16.

Quir-s=<st!nEjGisrr(B. ^mifrQarr®.

Feel, ^-em-QF) 60.


Feeling, Q^^rrn^ossr. (a-evir^oissr.) e_(S33rr/fey.

Feign, ufr.3=friEj(^sn-LL®. 52. C/Eff«@.

<^^(sis)^ ^® 62.

Feign intimacy, S-peair® 255.

Felicity, ^e3r/5^zi) , 215.

Fellow, ULueo. i^^^ek.

Female, Qusssr. em^rff.

Feminine, Giuemurreo.

Fence, GsueS. ^es,i—uLf.

Fencing, SsoLDULh.

Fermentation, L/erR. 64.

Fern, £rr Qsiildlj.

Ferry, ^em^. ^rjeif^^emp.

Fertility, Q^l^ulj. ernsinh. Qs^fZpisxLD.

Fervency, (smeuffirsQiULD. ^ssreo. lS(^

^iTUih. ^QsiruLD. [ems.

Festival, ^-pseml. Q(rF,eSLpir. uemt^

Fetch, QsiremQeufT. ^lL®s Qsirsisr®

eun. 158, 159. sr®s^ts Qsfrem®eiifr.

eii(meS. 160.

Fetter, eSeoiij^. \_sTppSsir. ^&.]Fever, srTiuS=s=&^. s-stld 273.

— intermitant, (rp&spa sirius^-a^eo.

— burning, ^ru suld.

Few, ^pu. QsfT(s^s=. &<si) 128.

Fibre, /e/t/t.

Fiddle, Q<sssr(^nLD. sS'^bst.

Fidelity, ^-smemiD. Slsii. S^iresTLD. ieit


Field, (suiueo. £I&)ld. Ljeoilt, sLpeS.

QeueB. u eisisr'Ssusr


Corn — , uuSlirQaisifl. Cultivated— , uaSlirajyS.

— oihattle, QuiTird ^erru). ^jjessrsefTLD.

Fie, 9&.

Fiend, iSi.fit.s-. QuiL.

Fierceness, Qair(B(5s>LD. s-dQuih. ^QarrIJLD. ^UsaLD.

Fife, m^Lpso. QeiiiuiEJ(^Lp&).

Fig, =gy^^ luutpLD.']

Fight, QunrjT®, QuitqT). 190, 60. .a^eiisr

emt— Q<FiLi. iLj^^i^ Q)<5=uj.

Figure, S-muLD. S-nKeuLh. evi^svLh. Qld

Filament, „gyriffO. isj-ldli. rBirir.

File, ^HLD. [In law, ee)U&).']

Film, ui—eoLD.

Filter, enL^daiL®. 62. The cloth is

called, QeuQ.

Filth, ^(wd(m. ssr^ea^. ss-lditsold.

Y\\\,Saui-i 62.

Find, s<sm(BSt^ 200.

seesrQi—®. 64. Q^iff. 57.

Fine, s. ^uffrr^LD. 128. ssemi—ih.

Fineness, OrBmueaLD. ^lLul£>. ^eoisjsrr

Finger, [e»<s] i^jjeo. — 's breadth, eSrr

^seaL ^/Ej(g.(St)z-D. {^^eir siriLip.— .

sfem® — . QuQ^Lh — .] [j3/ii>.

Finis, QpL^eij. opp^m. Qpi^i^^ QppFinish, npuf.. Qa^iu^ rmi^. Qi. ^ir. 64.

Finite, Qpt^isijsirefr


— verb, Q-ppsi isS&-. sfl^ Qppgii.

Fir, Q^sii ^irqf).

Fire, ^. Qieq^ul^. ^dQeS. 152. ^lq^o.

Firebrand, ^d Qsire'treB.

Firefly, iBssnSeSl.

Firewood, sS^@. eSlfffriij.

Firmament, ^sitiuld. .^sn<3= sSltflsij.

[su /rairQ iSL' em .J

Firmness, ^l—ld. S-gjiQ. iBdso. (smQirnh.

S\i—nifldsLD. \_Sl3soQaiT<sir. 259.]

^fLpdsih. SLIGHTLD.

First, Qp^e^. 172. lSu^^ld. ^^luijs^sr.

— birth or — born, Qp^pQugti. ^^d<3='Ssr. ^Ssiu iSlekSstr.

QP^^. 74.

Fish, i£eir. U)d.3=LD. 242.

— hook, ^^easTL^eo rLp&r.

Fisherman, Q^LDUL^enein-. LSdnSlLf.dQp

&iesr. 182. euSsiiueir.

Fisl, Qpt-L^. arjQpLLL^.

Fit, adj. jsds. 56. (II.) ^(^jLotrssr.

\_^dauL^.'] iLjdfiLD.s,(^!^iij!r<3!r. sipp.

S-ffliu. 6u IT inuuaear.

Fit, s. <F(?iJriSOT. aveSuL/. ®0ia!/.

Fitness, «(g^. QujirdQiLiLD. ^ems.Five, sd^ 138, 172.

[In compounds sans. lj(^<f.]

Fix, /BfTL-®. iS2si> lErriL®. 62. S.^ti^SJ. 62.

'Sgiieij. 62. eh^iTiS.

Flag, QafTLp.. (sSnh^. eSQF^d QsiTLf..

^(SlI <3=LD


Flagstaff, QsfTL^LDIJLO. gJ<S!}F^ ^LCULD.

Flambeau, ^md^^. ^uud^siM. \_i^.

Flame, si-evrrSsd. *z_/r. .jsidQisiBdQ&rTrLD

Flamingo, Q^isjsfr&j /Eff©»/r.

Flannel, sldusS.

Flare, a-i—ire^LLQL-ffl 57.

Flash, tSekepi 62.

ue/fld§\® . uei^Qrreir.

Flat, ^LLemL-iLirresr. 6FLD(m<sisr.

[<?lJU6lfi;j^ . tFUSroU.]

Flattery, Qpaeio^^. ^id^s-sLo. ^ejQ^LD. SUfTLLjUS^frffLh. (LpSLDm. fEiud

Flatulence, evmLj. eurr^Ln. [Q^/7t?L\

Flaw, QeuLf-ULj. u(i£^. (^esip. QeoeSl.

Flax, .3^sm&). g=essrLDLj.

Flea, O^err^ew.

Fleece, ^l-® Quitldld.

Fleet, suupsr^L-i—Lo. auupp&TLD.

Flesh, LDiTiBa^LD. ^empdS. ^ss^s^ . f<^^.

[affrrear. lvsu/TiSi).]

Flexible, (be), a=<Sii(^, ^©/(srj, 56,

Flight, G^i-i-m. [(Ill-)

Fling, (oTiB. 57. i£si-. 62.

Float, iSs,. 66, 182. id^ 62.

Flock, wdesi^. a^iLi—LD. ^rretr. ^eanh.

Flood, Qeuefremh. tSrreiirraui. The— , cF

eouiSireinuLD. 215. ^(oSSKsmQurrLLi—U).

Floor, ^etnp. ^sitld.

Flour, LD!T.


Flourish, Q<fl^. ^cxoip. y. 64.

Flow, V. eg®. 62. entp.. 57. euifi. Q^it

//?. uiTjj. 57.

Flow (of the tide), ejppu), 190.

Flower, y. ^eoir. ld'SVit. lj<^uld. 218.

sSa^^ii). To

, U)ei)Qh. 60. i£ls9l^

Lo!r(^ 165.

Fluctuate,^ errLDL^._a?'5i7"iinj/rj3;.^®i£)/r^.

62. ^^^eB. 64.

Fluency (of speech), en a ^^f n so lo .

Fluently, ^isi/(2?tDisi; ((?£-/*.).. . 62,121.

Fluid, .s^6V)LD. [Fluidity = 0/5©t£><aY.]

Flute, (mLpeu. SS^soiriki^Lped . Qeuiuiki

(mweo. [Qljits(^.

Flux, tsuuSl^£}idsL9<^'3='S». (SuuSfi gnu

Fly, s. ^ 105.

V. um 66.

Foal, @Llif. l&r^fft.

Foe, uemaeueir. uef>siuiTe!^. ^d^iufrQ.

Fog, (Lp®usS. [_(SULD. 272.

Fold, ^LL(BdS(SB}L— I^lL®^'} Q^a(i£

Follow, i3mQ^iTi—iT 57.

iS&Tun^. ^®^^<suiT. ^^s^rfj. 64.

Folly, ^(Qt^iT'SsriM. li^^uSisstld. uuS!^

^lum 121.

ldQQs® . npi—^^^srus. Queta^ssuLD,

Folks, ^esTEjseir. im^^it. \_jpi.

Foment, eg/bjj/. 62. Qsvaj^afnL®. upFomentation, i^ppi—ih. Qeuuj^.

Font, fs^rrssreiorhiTzsT^Q^fTL-L^.

Food, s=iruuir®. Qurr^sarLD. ^mearu).

^sirsTLD. uQuu. •S-6!zre^. sssksbst. ^3=anLD. 146. ^ajr. S-emi^. ^<c!T>tr.

Fool, Qpi—<sir. uuS^Sluj sfTjsir . . . .231.

Lc>QiQ3,i—<dsr. Qussifi.

speak foolishly, i3<spsii 62.

Foot, =gy^!-. uiT^LD. 184. a,aSo. ^rrsfr.

3=n sssrLD


Foot soldier, aireofmk 166.

Foot step, ^L^'S's-m®. airp-x-eu®.

Fop, QsniJLj.isiT!T<^. iS^gndsek.

For, 67(537 isTQsrQ^eo 98, 157.

^s 21, 242.

Forbear, Qiungs. •^S- 64.

Forbid, (aS)a)«@ 62.

^®. LuiSl. 64.

Force, ueoto. 2_j!/^. ueoir^miruiM.


Forceps, Q,p®. ^®d3.Ford, ^6iop. [<s«rr.

Forefathers, QpekQi^n-s&r. (rppiS^irs

Foreign country, 234.

.jijssrsS^u — uif — Ljp — Q^<ff=Lh.

Forenoon, LD^iu^gisiQ (tpm. &n<so<SLD.


Forest, sit®. su(es^i^!TLh. Qs^frSso. Sijeanh.

Foretell, nptssresr^sS. 64.

Forethought, Qj:imQiQsnsm<sssrLD. App. i.

Forever, sT!k'e<r>p.i(gjLc> 166.

Forfeit, ^(smi—Lo- ^uurr^LD.

Forge, s^Sso. O^/na'ja^.

Forget, Lop 66.

Lopigj ^L-frQ^. Don't forget ! 254.

Forgive, tDSiJreofl. Quirgn 64,221.

—ness, LDGsresnuLi. LDfruLj.

Fork, (ipeir(mj. [.ssL/zf.]

Form, V. uee>i— 64, 32. b.

For form's sake, ^LJL/«(g.

Former, npii^asr. y,iTeu.

Formerly, LiiTeii^^Qe\). npsirQesr. npm(6B)Ca). As


Formula, •s^lLi—ld. <^^euiruj uit®.

Fornication, i^u^'itijld.

Forsake, (^iL® iiiEi(ff). 254, 62. <^lL®

aO®. (S»<ffi afl®. e»<s QihQi-p <sS®.

Fort, QsiTL-esiL .j>]rr<5ssr. ^(v^aaua.

Fortification, ^rressr. .j>j&)iej&i1>. ^'ueafl

Fortune, ^^{^i—LD. urrdQujLD. [ui-l-

Forty, mnpugi 172.

Forward, QpeirQasr.

fall — ,(^uupeS(T£. [i7ii.

Foundation, ^eK^uirrjLo. Qp&)Lh. ^^tFountain, ssLpgji. ssrpgijdseisr. ssagiiesS.

Four, «/rea. /Eff«Br@ . . . .134, 136, 172.

Fourteen, 172.

Fowl, QsnS. upsmeu. ulLQ. ljsit. 123.

Fowler, (^nh<^ QeuL-emi—d sirjiesr. (S^p

Fox, fEffl. (gsk eir rs rff . (^ipl fEffl. [susir.

Fraction, LSdresnh.

Fragrance, urfttDsrrLh. s-sm^Lo. lEpsts

fiLD. mg)Si-[i<smLD.



Frame, a^u-i—m.

Frankness, ^frjirerru}. [sj/jii.

Fraud, ^0«@. sul-ld. sekeinh. ^rfliurr

Free, 272. ^dir liiEiseoirsar. [^air/i>.

Freedom, <^(B^S^. ^sjreoflsi^i— ii). a^ivtr

Freeze, S-sro^. 57.

Freight, eipgiiLCi^.

Frenzy, emud^ajih. ^_(^ld^^i1>. iS^^ld.

Freshness, Lj^ismo. Qs=(Lpes)Ln. uaeeiLo.

Frequent, ^l^s&l^ 243.

Fret, eriB. Quniki^s^.

Friend, QC/eS^ctt. ^(si^i—dr. 272.

Fright, ^Qeo. ^easuL-i. Qisu^.

Fringe, Qairuj.g=sih. Q^miisSo. g^rffeios.

Frisk, ^eiT'sfls @^ 64.

(ffi^ QsirenmK. Q^<E^<emi— uem^jS.

Frivolous, Q^anju. ^pu.Frog, ^siidstr.

From, 21, 212, 213, 202, 239, 245.

From time to time, ^uQurresi^s &u

Front, Qpm . (ipSssr. Qps^a. QpsuLj.


— door, ^3^ds(5(ai—. ^dsosans^eo.

Frost, ^-stnpi^ ueofl.

Froth, ^&aT.

Fruit, ULpm. U6\)<^. seS 84.

Frustrated, he, ^ai^u Qun 258.

iSleksurLj ul-®u Quit.

Fry, QuiTiff 64.

Fuel, StUlSI. eSp(m.

Fugitive, unirifl.

Fulfill, iSaapQsup^.

Fullness, iSempei^. ^asmili 62.

s^LD^rT<5mLD. uffly^assrLc.

Fuller's earth, ^-eu ir LD<skr


Fun, us,L^. CaeS, uQl^. [^ton'*.]

Function, S-^^QtuasLD. Q^iri^ec.

Fundamental, Qpeoir^rriTLDiTeBr.

Funeral, ^i—ssld.

Fungus, sfTefTiTm.

Fur, S-QfffrLDih.

Furnace, (g&-. [QpL-(B.

Furniture, s-irLDirm. ^lL(BqplL® . Ljessfl

Furrow, U(cmt^.ff:.3=ir6\).

Further, Qld^ld. ^uLjptD. ^uufreo.

Fury, npirdsth. QpirdsQeu^.

Fuss, (^LpUULD. S=lh^L^.


Future, ^sSlQioid. euQFjiEianeoui.

— state, LD^eiaLD. uaa^.

G.Gabble, ^soulj.

Gaiety, e-i5i)6V)/r<y/-o. (g<?=/ra). ^sseifluLj.

Gain, ^ecrruLD. ^^atULD. (esi^ujua.)

Gall, iS^^.

Gallnut, ,x(Bdairuj.

Gallop, ^lLi—ldlSl^. 158. [h.^q/®,


Gamble, (g^/r®.

Gambol, (^SsiritimL® . ^eiT(m.

Game, <S'Sst! lumL® . ^lLu.ld,

Gaming, @^. (^^mLL-Lo.

Gander, ^emeurr^s^.

Gangrene, s^m LDiTLS<FLh.

Garden, Q^iriLi-Lh. 181. y,^Q^!rds!>.

Gardener, Q^mLi—s strnek 181.

Gargle, Qsirutjeff 64.

Garland, lditSso. Lf^wrrSso. Q^/remi—. Q^n

Garlick, Oskctt^ Qshiei&itujld. Qsueir(^

Garment, Lji—es^oj. euem^fnj). ^eiai—.

S-.®LJLJ. ^^<SSil—.

Garner, aefriQ&tuLh. ^-sSuirssarLD. ^/t

Garrison, QsinLeBii—^^iT^omiuui.

Gas, eumLj. =^s0.

Oxygen — ^sQieBaiim^.

Hydrogen — ffcuonrn/.

G&te, eun' .3= &). ^8so SUIT -s^eo. [«Ljffi_ixi.]

Gather, «.L-®. 62. C^ff 64.

Qsssih uc!br«55v. \jfCjbl . ^iitlL.® . 62. ©oS. 64.


Gaze, S-p^uuiTiT 64.

Gazette, ^Lons^na u^^fflesia.

Gem, ^a^^esTLD. wsm.Gender, uiT<k>. s=n^. [^sS/E/ato.]

Genealogy, eniBs^ <siiifl'Ss>sF.

Generally, Quitsiksiituj. Giufr^uuL—QiurihUDUircssreisLDiuirtLJ


Generation, ^^Qpeap. s=mf^.

General, (a.) Qurrsjeun^ssr.

(s.) ^<dv 3,n^s,(m . uice)i—^^osO(Sii<m


Generosity, ^u^irn (fffSmuo. ^luasirtD. ^q^

Genitive, ^(njis> QwpgnestLD.

Gentility, isirsifsw. uitiejQ).



Gentleness, rngi. -ririh^Lo. QiD^fSearet;.

Gentleman, ^,w>it. [^/tuSl/.] 93.

Gently, QLogjeuinu . QiLDSir&r QiLomeir.




Genuineness, ^sssretaLD. s-^^ld. se^u

Geography, yG^/rerr -a^nm^rfil:. Ljsne^

Geometry, ^sireif s^irsw^rru}'.

Germ, ^rki(^siJD. np'Sstr. ^estp. ^emir.

Gerund, <c£csar erd^i^ti.

Get, Qu£)j. 68. ^sat— 66. a^muir^. 64.

Ghost, ^'sfl. ^Qsuei^LD.

Giant, ^rrhL-'r^m.

Gibbet, ^^si^ ldjjixi.

Giddiness, QffiQgjiuL^. ^'^ff=3'ifp^.

Gift, ^ffl/- 0.xfT6U)i Qeu^LD^. [^(SJ"'-]

Gift of \a.a.i,'LDiT€SuLD. [^©ti-]

Gild,'^'E/«ii) y*. 62. \_(Lp<sO!nh ^®.]Gimlet, '^La^Si.

Ginger, ^@'Q. Dry— *<s@.

Gird, ^emira s,lL®.

Girdle, ss'mi'S^. ^(smfrdsiL®.

Girl, Giu'essr. @l£j] Giuem. Sgji&Q'.

Girtli (saddle), ^/ij(^euiTiT. ^/Dagaz/r/f.

Give, ^/r. ^®. Q)srr(B. 68. 70. 93.

<sjLpiEi(^. 62. =gy«f?. '64. ^. 57.

Give way, <^SJi^i^ 209

afleUjg. iilssrsofl®.

Gizzard, ae\}^ij€^. ['-/•

Gladness, 3=/sQ^(T£i^Lh. LDQip-ff^S. aetflu

Glance, seisrQ (<5m)LLi—.Lo , umrsmeu.

Glass, ueBiSKQ. semcss^i-s-.

Gleam, .uenusirui-i. Q^^rr^. gjeoAam.

Glide, s'ffK^ 62.

Glitter, ^sir^ewuLj. u^ueiruLj. lS^l8^ul^. 273. [v. iSrirm. 62.]

iSeit^Qp Q^syisoaih Quiriir^ib ^ejei).

All is not gold that glitteis.

Globe, QisfTSfTLD. S-tsimso i—


Gloom, LD/B^inTLD.

Glorify, ldQsiolduu®^^.

Glory, LoSesiLD. iSff^auu).

Glow-worm, lBjstlBsSu y,3=^.

Glue, eu&^&srLD. iSSm.

Glutton, QuQFifB^ewdiEiTffeir.

Gnat, 0<s/rc9f(g.

Gnaw, .sLf.. ^ift. C^®-Go,Qun.G)^is\) 32,58,124,161.

He is going to do so 61.

Go before, Qpresi 197.

Goad, ^iij(^<3^Lh. Q^iTL-uf..

Goal, ^6Vd5@. gret)^.

Goat, Qeusrreyr/r®. Qsfrs=<5Si<g=.

God, Q^&jsk. ufTfrujjisir. sL—eifen. 1, 48.

Godfather, (e^rrssr^ ^suuissr.

— mother, (e^nsar^ ^iriu.

— child, fQa-jsTU iSeir&.

Godliness, Q^sii u^^.Godown, Si_/E/(g 111.

Gold, Quirek. ^eisld. ^urr(^&.— leaf, ^imaQsi&(^- npeoiTLD.

Gong, G^LDdseoih. ^ira-.

Good, issoeo. /S&3 13, 184.

Goodness, /BsineKLo 184.

S-^^LDix. QiurrsQiULD. /ssjr^.

Goods, 3'!TUiir<s!r. ^em^. ^s&@- 183.

Goose,, [6?^sru.] euir^^.

Gospel, a-(sSQa=(Si^jJo.

Gossip, u&^u^uLj. (sm^'Jjp. Qus^si-,

Gouvdi 3T'fO>T-

Gove?!},. ^^. ^(SYJSSJ^ Q)3='U.

Government, [<?=/f«<s/r/f.] gj&'^K^^Gs^

Governmental share, Qij>&> (sufrnui.

Gown, ^lEjQ.

Grace, Snnesiu. ^iLie^. <su/TutSjT:3=ir^ih.

sQh^ssnT. ^^dSffSih. aiTQEsmeimiiJLD.

Gradation, ^.frir^ to lSiuim.

Gradually, enaeurr 170.



Graft, (ffiLli—siBSu. Quitq^^ somen. 64.

Grain, <srTisSiJJih. ^w^s^ld. uuSit.

Gram, Qafrsh-f^; (in the south,) airessrili.

— Bengal, «t_&).

Grammar, ^sodsesar^ireo. eSLUfrsjTsasrto.

Granary, .sefrishQiuiJi. \_^U3.

Grandeur, LDa^^suw. ldSssild. S-esreur

Grand-child, Quask. QuffutSeir^.

— father, uirL-L-dsr. Qp^irea^.

— mother, uitlLl^. Qp^iriLi. 194. App. x.

Granite, &(V)iEiseo.



Grant, ^nK(^, slLl^Ssit ^® 68.

(S.) [,9=/riFiBrZ-D.]. \_^(^l-0.~\ LCfTeSUlULD.

Grape, QarrLp.(ipfi^fff[_u ULpth']. ^uitlL

3=LJ ULpllt.

Grasp, lSljl. 64. upga. senei^. 62.

Grass, Lfeo[_£)i.'\ Qs,!Tim!r. l^jpi-s;u} Lfeo

— hopper, ©srff. <c£l LLLjLen . QeuLL'SdQ

Grateful, fEsir/SI lujS/i^ 77

Gratis, ^eosu^fLDiriu. <ms LDfrjSlan/SI.

Gratitude, it.eirjSiujSfS&).

Grave, (a.) seo-0O(5mp. SQrr^a @t^.

— (a.) sssTLDirssr.— face, a®^^ Qpsua.

Gravel, uQ^ssassisSd. uQFjLD(5sm&}


Gravitation, [_^msr<cS)LDs .ssnirdS.']

Gray, msairiLjsireir. meiair^^^.

— hairedman, iBeo>n-fi si^indr.

Graze, Qldlu. 16. Qlduj sfl®. (the leg.

&c.) eiiLpLL®. 62.

(v. n.) 6ULp^ 56. (III.)

lueStLL—^, I rubbed the skin off mi/

shoulder against the door.

Grease, Qarrn^uLj . \_S(Sssru). su(ZpLDL^.]

Great, UDsrr. QuiBiu 13, 105.

rComp. U(7faDiouj/re!r. iDS^fSirecr. &pE^. Qujjit


Greatness, Quq^&xild. uqf^st^ld. Qtadi

<5S)LD. iSrrs^fTsnrLh. LDfnL&eiaLD.

Greedily (eat), Q}ld!ts(V)- @^<s@.

Greediness, QurTirem^fF. ^suSo.

Green, uiFgOT^.

Greenness, ua-<omLD. lj6=-s»<f.

Greens, Qiosursm.

Grief, s^ssld. (^iijiT(m&)LD. 8Q(E\)^iJ>.

giajffLD. •S' (SK<F 00 IM . LDSur QlSIT(Slf. urfl^fT

ULD. (WSSSTLD. sfltFiJB'LO. «iaj^.

Grimace, QstrumSi. QairL-i—irdso. (ips

O/E/flay. \jlL.®.

Grind, ^m>n-. 64. ^ fr^sssr lSI l^. ^tflm>aiu!r

Grinders, ai—SumLu uSc^.

Grinding stone, ^ldlS.... 251.

Gripes, euuSmgufmeij. euuSlmgasn'^. 131.

Grits, Q IS rr oj oj ffj&


Groan, QuQTjQps^a- efl®. 254. ^em^. 62.

Q/diL® uSliT.' 64.

Grope, ^t—isij. .62.

Ground, ^etnir, iSeoth. ^l8. <xirasifl.

Ground-rent, Sl&^d(^^s,ema.

Grove, Q<rndsi). Q^rruu.

Grow, cneiTQF). 60. uuSl!j(T(^. 165. Qp^.64. 2_(53!!ri_/r@.

Growl, e_^(%D. npgiiQf'^.

Growth, eueiriT^^. euefrirJ^S 190.

Grow thick, ^i—ir 240.

<5^(S»i_. 64.

Grub, i-^Q£.

— up, Qmirem® 62.

sSc^. QsBsr®. Qsrr^^.

Grudge, euiEietos. euirLDth. sfruLD. ^-lLu

e»<s. [^apda/rgii.^ <or (fi s= s^ sc


Gruel, s>(Sf)@. (^LfuxiLj.

Grumble, npffiQpgu- 64.

Guana, s^®LnLj.

Guaranty, ^-^^aemr^LD. lS^sbt.

Guard, (v.) sfr. ppair. uit^sit. 64.

siTuurrppi 62.

(n.) srrsiieo. situlj. \_uirffiT.']

Guardian, sireueOoir. unfTLDifJsQpeudsr.

Guards, Qldoj stru un'eirir.

Guava, GisiriLHUfrlLorrm. ulpld.']

Guess, S-^C^S. iS^rrssfl 64.

Guest, eSnF/B^rreifl, i^QR/hsn. [^'^^.]

Guide, euLp,smLL^ 190.

Guile, sehenLh. ea (^k-s^ Sssr . EutQ^<SLD. sja/ 166.

Guilt, (s^ppih. UL^. Q^rrSL^Ln. urrs;su>.

Gulf, (^i—frdsi—ed.

Gum, iSlSdr. [t5)0(gc9.] — Aralic, Gai

<a'LD /-^^(sjr. \_!3&&r ^L—eif\.

Gun, s^uirsQ.

— powder, Q<a;z^ LHQF^ihgj.

Gunny cloth, Qarressfl.

Gurgle, ,s<srrsisir. ,3=(SCi-f<Si> 273.

Gut, (j^z—a). ^emira Q/I—it.

Gutter, .s^ai^ffsto/r.

Gutteral, LSi—p^piSp&Qp.



Habit, suLpdsili. ULpdsui. uuSljbSi. \^LDir

Qpe\). srruS^iT.'] iBeai uiriEJ(g,. Quit

Habitation, ia;/r<F6rb^i50ti). eS"® euir^Fed.

LciSssr. S-eiap <^i—lc>. ^qruli.Habituate, uLpd(^. uuSpg)s. 62, 160.

Hail, ^eorrtm slLl^.

(int.) eurrips! eurrt^ I 140. 60.

Hair, lduSIt. ^Bso lduSHt, ^-Qijitldld.

[ Comp. (g®i/S. sk-ii^&i. ©ifieJ. s-ifi.']

Half, ^<5f>fT. ^emfreurrS. ua^. ^ir^^iM.

Hall, <F/r&. LDski'L-uih.

Hallo, epiLi. ^Q&tr 193.

Hallow, urfJ3?^^LDrrd(^.

Halo, QsfTLLemi—. urffQeuL—Lh.

Halt = stop, iS&). 27, 70. ^fff. 64. ^/a

@. 62.

= go lame, ^iriEjQ^ ^rr/EiQ fEL— 66.

msiss te/zES/ /Ei

.L^.Hammer, Sr^^iLi&d. a^^. s^ldld.

Hammock, er&isir. Q^itl-l^<s^,

Hand, e<aa. sffih. [u/rsiiafl. ^^^ld.']

Handcuff, eraaeS&f/EJi^. \_&r(ef^.

Handful, Qpikieeis. iSa^. <siy>su lSIl^.. ^Handkerchief, [€«««] @tL(ginz— .a^a/a

«ii). ems S-^LDirdso.

Handle, anu>i-j. es>s iSl^. iS^l.

(v.) £»« UJIT(^ 56. (HI.)

Handsome, ^e\>LL6=<sm Qp&rer. ^Lpstr

eer. su L^eutn^.

Hang, ^d(g). 62. ibit^i 70.

Happen, iti 66. ^/iuafl. 64. enir. 70.

^@. ^^sm'i—fr(^. arrrfjujuu®. Q/Effl(B.

Happily, ^^lLl^lsitllj. .^gif^ s^eo ld rnij


Happiness, undQiULD. Qa=<sd<mjLD. 182.

Happy person, (m.) uadSiusurrm'. 182.

{i.) U(Td@iueij^ 182.

Harass, ^Ssodsi^. 64. ^eoiL®. 62.

Q)^ ITfE^em IT u sssr^^ii


Harbour, gies^p. ^imp QpsLD.

Hardness, a i^isar ld rrssr . QslLl^. jiiQ£^

Hare, nps^'so. ( (tpiueo .) ^s^ld.

Harlot, Q(Sij&. i^dsOLDseir.

Harm, ^isi(Q. ^ee>LD. msifii—LD. 0<s®^.

Harmony, ferns', ^eia&^eij. ^<snrdsil>.

Harshness, s^eu ir


lj . airgLo. ^-jtulj.

aL^QSTLD. £F(Tf)d3=<mlT.

Hart, LDirdsr. eSsn Loireir.

Hartshorn wsud^frir ^-.ulj.

Harvest, ^gnuLj. eSSsinsif sireoii.

Haste, 3^giid(Q. ^dQaio. ^^^ju>. 212.

en. Qeu&LD.

[v. sfl(3!D/r. 57.] 273. gjQhs-. s^rff^ih.

Hat, Q^iTuiSl. [(ga)so/r.]

Hatch, (g(^* QuiTifi 64.

Hatchet, eir><sd Q&m—rr<^. \_ld(w. ljj*.]

Hate, (v.) ^<sjS/. 62. ueas. Geugii. 64.

Hatred, ues>£s. (gCj/rsLo. e^Quir^Ln.

Haughtiness, <F(^d(^. \_l—u>uu>.'] QldlL

L^eaLD. ^siies)^. QuQ^emtD. G),s=Q^d

Have, emeu^^Qf). 60. s^eiai—^^iruSlQF,.

Hawk, ^jiir^ireiff. sued^^ga. uQ^is^.


Hazard, ^sBafl 57.

Haze, LJssfl. (ip® usS. ldulj.

Head, ^Ssn. ( Q^s^meS. 218.) 58. Slrra-.


[Comp. ysaiy. ©sroi—. ^cofl. ]

Head-ache, ^dso{-\- Qrsireii, uSu^, d(^^gj,


Headlong, ^Sso QipiriLi. (^^Q^esr.

Heal, (W(S!i3rto/r<S(g. Q€=(rm^LD!jd(^. *su u®^3J. 161, 165. ^pspi . . . .62.

be — ed,.^^ 62.

7V(e ivound is healed, l/sbw ^^u Quirs^sr.

Health, o-sld. Qs^irem^Lo.^QjjrrdQiuili.

^etfdQtULD 134.

Heap, Quafr. 93. ^LDUirrjLD. (^sSuei).

Hear, Qa&i. 70, 190. (@Q<sfr. 193.)

0^aflO<s/r®. QserreSuu®.

Heart, ^Q^^iuih. ^^luth. QtB(eKs^LD.

0/E(^*. ^L-enefTLD. ld<c!!Tld.

Hearth, ^®ulj.

Heat, ^-(sl&esBnh . (^®. smiieas. C«/r

g»i_. GxaiiLDeinLD. Qisud^iT'STLa. Qeuu

ULD. Qsuist^ed. [_s!T!jek

Heathen, ^(^(CTTSofl. eSd@jTS u^^dHeathenism, ^(^(e^rresnh 121.



Heave, ^^,£E(g. 62. er®. 64.

Heaven, eurrearLD. uuLosisn—S^LD. e^leim.

19, 90, 272.

Heaviness, uiruili. aesrii. Quit^uulj.

Hedge, QsiieS. ui^eo. ^es>i—uu.

Heel, (^^saiT&>.

Heifer, Qi—tT(ft. (si—iriB.)

Height, S-iLiffii. ^-ekssr^ih. £_.^<fld.

Heir, *_«/E^/rei;/r6rf? 181.

Hell, rBSTSLD. uiT^n-efTLD.

Hellebore, Q<3=(su(sui^.

Helm, s-d<srreir.

Helmet, ^^3^(Sa=ir(B. ^^s^&itit.

Help, s_^afl. ep^ff:rre-ia6=. gj^esar. •s^situjld.

Helpless, ^a&pp. ^a^njiresr. exscriLp.

Hem, eum^jj i^uld. eSeffJiMLj. utLsmi—.

Hemisphere, ^ir^^ Qsfremh. ^.imrrd

Hemorrhoids. Qp&) eStutr^. \_QairefrLh.

Hemp, Fessreo. ( s^emiliLf.)

Hen, QsiTL^u ( Qu®.)

Hence, ^emQineo. ^sJQp^<so. ^eueS

Henceforth, ) ^^ Qp^eo. ^iisiretr Qp— forward, ) ^/b QsiT(sm(B.

Herald, ^^^esr. bl-l^uj straek.

Herb, San/r. 134. ^(mr(B.

Herd, LDib<Es>^ 272.

Here, ^liiQa 25.

Hereafter, ^6iBQld0O. tSldr(er)Qeo.

Hereditary right, iS^ffirir^&^Lh. s-^i

Heresy, Qeu^u ljulL.®. \_^!Tld.

Hero, ^(Siiffluj(Surrek. eS'irsir. uuiraQuLD

s=!Tm. (mrreir.

Heroism, <^rjili. wiQuLDLD. urjirsQu

LDil). Q^etrrRiULD. em^'fi'JJLD.

Heron. rEfremir.

Herself, ^irdr 108.

Hesitate, ^(Bldit^ 62.

Saju u(B. .3=mQ^Q.

Hew, OsulL®. 62.^^. 64.

Hiccough, eflcS«^.

Hid, LD(S(npk^. LDici^p ulLl^.

Hide, ^srfl. Lomp 218,239.


High, ^-iiiiT/i^ 75, 60.


— way [ff&D^rr.'] eiii^3='S=infl,

Hill, LD^. (^'Skffij. Qld®.

Hilly country, ld^u Quas(m. LDSoOwrr®.

Him, ^EuSstsr 10.

Himself, ^rreir 108.

Hind, QueesT LDirdr. tSasusTLDiTiSer.

^^. , ( uessrem. 165. s®. 64.Hinder, ««TOZ_ < ^ .


LDjS. 64. (Lpi—<i(Q 62.

Be — ed. ^emL—uu®. 92. ^guQuQua. 258. (y)i_/s7(g 62.

Hindrance, (^i^aih. ^eai— 231. ld^

luSo. ^i_<s(g. eSdSii-srih. ^t—ffi. _@Hinge, Q&>. lS'Ssbbtu eo



Hint, ^fresii e»<5^«!D«. (^rSuLj.

Hi]), ^®UL^. 3=IB^.

History, s^rfl^^uLh. enrr&irrga. ssm^.

Hire, •3=LDU6frL£>. a^eSl.

Hit, ^iLp.. 64. Qldit^. 62. tj®. 68.

ui—Lj uessr^ss- QptL®. 62.

Hitherto, _@^ eu&)ird(^ili 211.


Hive, Q^<3sr a^® . Q^ek ah^essr®.

Hoard (grain), ^eu^iii sLL®d @<s!>t—

iUfriLs SL-® 62.

\_Qs'sfi, gsfl. Qs^ir. 64. ai.i-lS).]

Hoarse, sldlSIu Qua 258.


Hoary, fEet^rriLirresr.

To grow— /Bsroff. 64.

Hoe, w<sm QeuL-L^ 190.

Hog, saL-®u uekjS. ^eesi uesr/Sl.

Hold, SL-U^d Q&rrefTiem. lowsa Qsn'err(^.

259. l9^l. 64. up£u. 62.

— the tongue, <aj/7®nuj Qp® 62.

— up, ^d@u LSItf. 64.

— in,^® 64.

Hole and corner, ^rh^ Quir/i^.

Hole, Qurr^^So. air&iT. ei]iki(^. ^eurr/iui.

Holiday, eurre^.

Holiness, uifta-^^uj. ^luenLD. s-^^il).

Hollow, (^Lpe^. (^LeiTUJ. 0^/rS.T.

Holy, ^0. urftsf^^ 128.

Holy church, ^QFid^esiU 128.

Holy Ghost, urfls^^^ ^afl.


Home, (ad.) gS'lL®,s@.

Houe, 3= ir'Sisssrda <so . ^L-(Bs s eo


Honesty, Qiui^dQiULD. Qiun-sQiues)^. lu

Honey, Q^elst. Logj 105, 107.

Honey comb, Q^asr ak.®. {jsuw.

Honour, sesrm. ixiir(S!rLb. <^iKjio!a^. lds^^^ss>^ss!rs=tr&i QuuQp mrresrih ^aStrtlt Ou/rear

Qsir®fi^irgfiih BJirir^. Honour lost fur half

a cash cannot be regained though you

give a thousand Fan.

Hood, ^&OQpLp.. QpdsfrQ. [_ul-.w^.

Hoof, (^(SfTLDLj.

Hook, s. ^girsisTL^eo 182.


— (v.) uj/tlL® 62.

©i@. ljjlL®.

Hookah, (^®(QL-tT.

Hoop, eudsmuLD.

Hooping cough, asfV^imirrm.

Hop, Qii^. ^€(r(^. ^fi^. 62.

Hope, (s.) !hLDi3d<sins.

— (v.) mihi-j. srseiir^i;. 62.

Horizon, •s^&su euntswLD. ^si^Lo.

Horn, Q^rrtMLj. Qatr®.

Hornet, (gs»rsfl.

Horoscope, ^a^sd (^/Sulj.

Horribleness, uiLiimsnLD- QsaQesiLo.


Horse, ^^aair 111.

— keeper, (^^smird strn^-

— shoe, eotri—ii).

— whip, ff<a/<s@.

Hospital, ^smu^^iH. (Eng.) 188.

Host, G'<F&ir. s^lLl-ld.

Hostage', Qrfj. Sl'SsssnufriistB.

Hot; '

'(^i—TTVsr: £_(si^s3irr. (Q(3JiJi, in

comp.). 273.

Be — *®. [e»i_.

Hostility, ujtos. 255. (^Qfrir^iJo. di^skr

Hound, (SenL-imt— rEniL.

Hour, 158 epismr. [Lat. hora.]

House, sff®. QjTsw. ^&>. ^a)eSi_/-D.

ldSsst. ^.sld. 19.

House ground (site), ldSsst. {_L—iriT.

Household, (^^Lnuui. (^l^^ssshtld. eSiL

Householder. eSL-Q^sirireir. 248.

Housewife, iDSssreS. Lo^ivmLi^. 152.


How, sTuuL^? 126, 271. (10.)

sr<si}w^Lh. STsn Sii ss)s , srsuen tr^. ersii

eii <ssm eesTiM . 25.

Howl, ssai^rr ^® . 263. &^sj 273.

^eoffii. 62. ^eiair. 57.

How many ? er^^&jr. 25.

How much ? (QTensii&reij 212.

Hubbub, ^isoeo aeoQeotreow. ^LoeB.

107. ^•smn'<F<s=e\). ^ibsl^. SLoudsi.

Huge, tSlrrLDiremrt—LDtmnr. QuasrssTLo Quffluj. Less. 70.

Human, LDssrls;^d (qiBiu. in^i s>^°^.

Humble, v. ^nip^^. Sipu u®^^. 62.

(one's self), ^irip. 60. uesS . . . .57


Humbug, sr^s^. eidjuLj.

Humility, un^^^irweiaLD. uesmei^.

Humor, <sSq/. /^/f.

Hump, Qpa-ui^. QpiftuLf. ^l8&). sk.eir.

Hundred, ,^^. 172.

Hunger, uS. ^uesru:. [uSl^^ucsri}).']

I am £76BTa(gij uS!s(ggi.

Hunt, QenLL&ai—iLtrr®. 255.

Hunter, (SeuLLise)i—.d «/rir<sir, Qeui^ear.


Hurricane, Lj'S'eo.

Hurry, (v.) u^^ 121.

^eSfOu®; [u u©;?^]. ,161.

— (n.) u^SL^L-ih. ^^^ath.

Hurt,^/K/@ Q^iii 165.

Husband, unnsiS.'sir. iBiriusm. ua^ir.

G)sfr<Bm!^fr<3ir. ^LDLjeiaL-UJiTeir. sessr


Hush! Qu^itQ^! QLometsrLDiniSQF)!

Husk, Q^aeo. ^-lB. ep®. ^afl®. Q&iTffi.

Hut, (^L^(m>3=. s=!r<sa)s. @^« e?©.

Hyena, sQevmij. s(w<ssi^u lj<^. sQ-p

Hymn, ^irssru u-tt-l-®. Q^uj.

Hypocrite. entQs^aeisr. auu^, ufT-CFiria


Hypocrisy, lditiuld. mniL LDrreOLn. eu;^^

Ssisr. uiTS=nisj(Q.

Hypotenuses [.sssTiZzirii.]

Hypothesis, ulL-^u). Jiff^(^esi(e^.




I, 37. App. xii.

Ice, ^-<mpiB^ /BIT.

Ichneumon, SrB.

Idea, ^lSu iSrrtriULD. aQr^^gi. QiBtrssLD.

STem (sasrLD


Idiom, /5a»/— . uiremei^ fBetni—.

Idiot, uuS^^iLi srrffeir. Queco^. ldlLl^.

Idleness, Qg^nLhwM. Qs^triliL] ... .231.

Idol, cSsSjiaLD. .s-^ULh. @dsii.

If, ^(OT)ig«. ^Qeo, ^uSssi. 95—99.

Ignorance, ^(^(S^rresrLD, ^rSliurr^eiLD.

121. npL—LD. Quesi^icHiLD.

Ill, QslLl [I am— , 6r(33rs(g<5^ a-s lS

io&o.'] [In comp.' ^it. ^. ^. ^au.]

Illegal, 1^^ Q^sL—rreur. ^i^.Illnature, ^ !r,iQ(?m'LD. ^d(^<3mih.

Illuminate, iSlrrair&uiS. 160.

Illustrate, epuu^ siriL.®. Q^eil{u<r

Q^^i'u. eSstrd(m.

lUwill, ues>s. Qufr0'smLD. srif^^rs^e^.

Image, •riruj&). s-^uld. @3so. &.(misi]w.

Imagination, eressrossi ld. sQn^^. @i^

Imbankment,^&!3r. s^jffLhLf. Q^s^iusemrr.

Imbibe, 2_39(OT*. s^eugs- 62.

Imitate, tSim upga 62.

Immediately, 2_z_G'an". ^LL^msrStD.

Immense, Ousjresrzi) QuiBiu. ^m<siipp.

Immerse^ ^i^tp^^. ^(Tjo<s@. 160.

Immoderate, uDLLu^ioisoir^. ldl-®^^uiS. ldlL® ii?(g©.

Immodest, QishlLsisj }

/EiremsriBJ i

Immorality, ^<sir unrirdsLD. ^(^^iratli.

Immovable, ^esis^supp.

Immutable, ifl/r (2?^. <^(ffjSiss!sri~&(rFjisir<sfr.

Imjjale, sq^ Qsup^. 62. \_L8&deo!r^.

Impartial, uithulL'S^ iSffoeorr^. i^rreijirrr

Impatience, QurT(r^effiLD. airiuLDsfrrftli.

Impediment, ^smL— ^smi—uj^^. eSdQesrui, s^i—iEJseo. wsir^tli, Qdrm.

Imperative, ej<S]<ki eScksr,

Imperial, ^rrrr^iPaLDrresr. [^epeuisuirss-yLo.

Impertinence, ^eu LDrBturrem^. ^suld^.

Impiety, ^eu u<i^.

Impoliteness, ^u3=iTjjLh, /EirsEifa lSsst

Import, ^pd(^LD^ uememi. {_eB)LD.

Importance, iSg^irGsril,. rLpdQiULD. aO


Importune, LSlLp.<siirr^LD/rLudQseiT- . . . .70.

^eOiL®. 62. euQ^i^d Qsm.Impossibility, a^L^rr^ sirifliLiili. .^^d

QiULD. ^lueofT^^.

Imposture, sr^si- {^i^-) uit3=itiej(^.

Impress, u^. 64.



Improper, ^ rfluj So eo rr^ . ^sir^. ^Q^.

Improve, Q^^ 57.


Imprudence, uj^^^ sirifjdQ. .^eSQeu

Impudence, ^esSeij. ^®d(^. (^^jjuaLj.

Impulse, afleB)^. [tSl(g].

Impure, ^*^^. ^m-Sfuirssr.

Impute, -3=1111.®. a-LD^si- 160.

In, 21, 245, 251

Inability, ^nn<ssiS\

Inadequate, Qun^ir^.

Inadvertently, i5.?@

Inattention, urrirdi^. ^•a^rrdSjjes)^. ^

Incarnation, .^su^irrrLo.

Incense, ^^usuirdaLh. a^iru^SlffiTesim


Incessantly, ^eiai—eSlL^frLDeo. ^iLinLD&).

eurriBsiTLDisc. iiiii&irLa&). epL^mrrLceo.

Inch, ^E/Qaiio. [121.

Incision, ^^^^jild.

Inclination, dlQ^uuii. ^itujuli.

Incline, <3=inu 57, 64.

Inclose, ^m)i s^p/SI Luemi— 64.

Include, S-iLu®^g;. I61.^i_ffi@. 160.

Including, s^eiruL—^C—IElSlLI. l^fTlUU).

Income, eurrdjan. euirsii. eui^LDrreanh. ^— and expenditure, ey/rav O^sos!/.

Incommode, ^^dsL^. 64. (^tpuLj. 62.

Incomprehensible, srL-L—rT^.LDQ(e^iwird

(md Qsi—£_/r^.

Inconsistent, speueurr^. ^ems^iurr^. Out

ih j '



Inconvenience, ^•s^ii^iruuLD. s^ifluu

L fretoLD. (saeusnfTemu).

Increase, (v. n.) Qu(tfj(^. 62. ^^aifl. 64.

eSnF,^^iUir(^, 165. ^^auu®. (v. a.)

QuQF)d(^. ^Qfi^^iU[Te(Q 62. ^^<xuu®^^. 161. ca;/f^^ 64.

Incurable, (wound, &.c.) ^<^^[.^<sssi.^

^<3=/r^^uj. ^fjiT^ 121.

Incursion, ^rreSlesit—.

Indecency, ^suLDifliufrem^. ^us^fruLD.

Indeed, 108,193.

Indefinite, SJ^^^ujLSlisd&iiir^. (^jSuSlev

Independance, ^eireoflsL^i— ld. s-luf^


Index, ^tL.L—sj'^esisr.

— in Algebra, ldl—bk^ sitlLl^.

Indicate, @^. 64, 115. sitlL®. s?lL®. 62.

Indicative (mood,) [_sirL-i—ec eQarrjTLD.']

Indifferent, .3=LDiS3soiun-<ssr,

Indigestion, ^^jissanD. ldwssi-d. [=sy<sS

6^ /-o/E^ii).] Q^ ffl uj ITd (^(sssr LD


Indigo, ^eijrfl. SeOLo.

Indispensable, ^s^^iuld. ^<su&ujld.

Individual, (^Q^<ajeir. cg^^p. (^skgu.


Indorse, ^esari—iriraa uem^ii. 187.

Qldsv er(w^. 62.

Induce, O^i/sfl. 64. srai/ 62.

Indulgence, ^eirdstriiLD.

Industry, s-gis s^^i


lj . 48 273.

Infant, @tp/5SB^. Sis- 161, 200.

Infanticide, Qs-sv^^ 200.

Infect, ^em®. 62. Q^irppmeu. 64.

Inference, .jij^LDfrsanh. iS^irssnuLj.

Inferiority, ^irip^^. ^eiruuili. ^/rtpffl/-

Infinite, ^esris. er<s\>^uSe\)isorr^.

Infinitive mood, ^aa^psa eS&m ior<d=


Infirmity, giiru ueoih. uso-^earLo. ueoL—

nflate, eS/asu ueisremi. ssl^u uemes^i^

nflect, Qsup^eeiLD'-i u®^ffi. 161,

nflict, u®^ffj. 161.

nfluence, Q-3=(ki(SiiiTa,(m. ^ffiremfl. ^^&irffLD. eneoeoeiaLD.

nform, Q^ifltuuu®^^. Q^rfi<^. Q^neoeQiujjSlsQ. ^^afl. [j0^^.

nfuse, uinLi3=ar. 160. eer^l®. e_L-0^

ngenuity, (^i^^Q.^^^adsLDfreur lj^^.

ngot (of gold), ^lEt&u Ufrefrw.

ngratitude, rEck/61 Qs®.nhabit, aiire^uD Lj(5ssr_^. 62. <9=(^'3=rB. 64.

(^l^uSqr. 62- (^L^exsii- 60. euQ. 64.

nhabitant, (g^L. (^L^iufresreueir.

nheritance, ^lL@. siressfliuiTLLS. s-^i

nitiation, ^ilioWcS^.

njure, Qs^^su u®s:,ffi. (>2. ^ifi. Qs®.SSLgll U®^S1- SlEJCS^ Q -3=111


njnstice, ^Stuirujih. 141. ^r

,3=iLiLh. u&) eugji^. ^eirirJ^S. Qici

^UD. [^L-ZTSU/E^. ^®€illh^.'\

njury, Qs^^ld. ib&^i—ld. Q&®. Qe®^.6S<SL^LDLn. ^USirULD.

nk, etoiD. UD®.

— stand, eiatod <a^®,

nland, S-<sir tsrr®


nlay, u^, ^<ss>Lp. 64.

nmost, 2_eff (Sffiagsfferr/rzw. ^lijSniEjs.

nn, iF^^jiD. <F/rQ;if.. sflS^sS'® . [stoid.

nnocence, ixfrSsiresiLD. (^ppLaioeoiT

n place of, u^eo. u^(SOits 206.

nquire, <S.3=afR. 64.

nsanity, etau^^ajto. Qsu^.

nscription, Qld&) e£l eo a -3= th , erq^^si-

nsect, y^s^S. i-{Q£- <Sii<sm®.

naide, ^-L-LfpL}>. ^sld. a_sr7.

nsipidity, s^irrriS'ssresiLD. usitsr ^ipeij.

nsist upon, .9=ff^. 64. (Tp®s(^.. . .&2.

eiimu^igj. 62.

nsolence, ^®«@. (g^iii-/. ^emi—ifl

SLD. iSlSit<f&. ^®<s@. euiTiud QSIT

(tpuLj. eniriLeQgii^


nspect, ^fftrdj. 57. eSs^irrfi. Cs^ir^. 64.

nspector, QLDe\) w^^irjussa'a arrrreir.

nspiration, urfls^^s ^eSuSl^ euey^eo.

nstance, ^L-i—rriB^aLD- ^-^irffmsriD. ^



Instant, iSltJ}<aLS,ili. eflijmi^. Q/bitl^. S)

eiPLD. Sc^sssTLD. ^ffieuirtu


This — , jSLLaif^<ciswQLD. ^^^ernQto.

Instead, u^esirs. &i—!ia>. iSff^iLiacar.

Instep, Ljp/iisir&).

Instinct, ^lunjeios ^/Seij.

Institution, srjbutr®. iSujldu).

Instruct, uiy-uiS. 160. <sfi)iS. S-uQ^S.QUfT^. 64. [^^(SOTLD.

Instrument, ^iLj^ih. sqf/^. ansmru). isr

— of music, QLDen'eurr^^ajLD.

Insult, iS/i^.uL^. 64. eirs-. 62.^«tp.57.

(n.) Siiee)^. ^eij id frssrLn. ulS. eja^a-.


Insurance, S-^^rreuir^ii.

Integer, QPQf eressr. ^LSmesTLo.

Integrity, S-SOTSioto. iS^irosrw. GiBireaLD.

Intelligible, eSleiriijs^^ds. Q^ifluj^

Intellect, ^jSeij. 190. lj^^. S-sm^ireij.

Intend, QtBirdf^. aqr^gi. 62. e-^C^S.

{Sdssr. 64. OTSsar^j;. 62.

Intensity, ^Qsirrjili. U-dQirii. sQemtD.

Intention, QfEird.fsu>. s(Tf,^s^. 190. Qiutr

Q^3=Ui. rSdosruLj. [Lpssth.

Intercourse, a^seuira^LD. ssll—itl-I—iIi. eu

Interest, sulLl^. Q<Fird<FLD. eulLl^ eii/r&.

Interfere, ^dscn:^il.(BsQ,siTeir. etosuSKB.


Intermarriage, Q <s /r eir<^&srQsfr(Bu Si Sssr.

Intermediate, ^ss>L-.uSl^<me!r. ld^^uSI

e^cfreiT. fsfSi'Smresr.

Intermitting (fever), Qp<ss)pd<siriLi<s=.s=<so.

Internal, 2_ err gyr/resr. 133.^a.^iiB^r;iEJS.

Interpret, aSiOafl. 160. eSujirsQiL/rrenrLD

wsm^^jl. ^(md^ihuiomr^^}!.

Interpreter, [a-eu/rzj /EsS'sfu. ^uuaSl.']

Interrupt, QgjisQ®. 263. \_@p.

Interrogatory, Qsem^QsL-Qp. <c£i(^eif

Interval, ^eiai— [Offl/srfl— (?/Ejti.]

Interview, s^ihuireL^'hisr. [GiJLlif.]

Intimacy, S-pei^. Ss@iuld. essii—aL-i—ih.

Into (pre.), ^eo. 2_srr. ^<s. @. 21, 242,

Intoxicate, Q<5u/Sujits(^. [251.

Become— d, Qeu^ Qsrreirt^. (§tf^


Intransitive verb, sim^

Intricacy, ^m'ssr&j iSesiesreo. i5<£(g. 0<a

@lJ ii)«@. s(TF)Seo.

Intrigue, s^rnliudsij^. ^/i^ffih.

Introduce, ^jSQpsLsiird(^. S-lLu®^^.Introduction, Qpaeijetair. ^su^uld.

Inundation, QeiKsireirU). •s^eouSrjisiTUJiJa.

Invade, Ufosi— er®. 64. uemi—ersx- 62.

GiDSd e^cLQ- 57. \_Q!jn@.

Invalid, afliL//r^efi'^(S3r. iSesSiUfreS. 2_

Invaluable, eSl^Lo^dad s^l—it^.

Invasion, ueiTii— 6jJDpu>.

Invent, [««»^] aC®. (^ipd'si Q^iu.

Inventory, Quuja<siJL^ i—nuLj.

Inverse, ^qf^uu Qpimp. LDirQrfosT.

Invest, ^/fl. 64. @lL®. 6jpu®^gj. ^ir

^Si. 62.

Investigate, aSl^/rir^ssr Qs^dj 165.

eSa=rrrfi. 6i. ^rririij. 57. [eoff-^.

Invincible, Q^frSo'^ujemt—Ujrr^. Q^ir

Invisible, ^^rftSujiDirissr. sir^a^paiu

lU. Q^npqrj^.

Invite, ^eD>Lp 64.


Involve, s-QTjL-®. 160.

Inward, S-<sirQ<sfT. ^-m(zt^s(^.

Iron, ^QF^LDLj. 254.

Irony, III. Gram. 210.

Irrigate, iir uiriLids^. 160.

Irrigated land, meirQ-FUJ. [<rai.]

Irrigation, urrlid^io. l^pjpiu urnLid

Land unirrigaled, aiirasTwuirir^^ ^sroia. ffic®


Irritate, Qsitu^lL®, (STiflds^&)fTd(^. 62.

Island, ^(3i/.

Isosceles, ^Q^-^'^ udsQ-peirm.

Issue (disease), sfir^6\).

It, 10.

Itch, (s.) Quiiif^. 0<3=fr/S. ^earei^'- rpeniLD.

(v.) ^eBTQ/^eOT- 56.(111.)

Itching, ^OTTffl/. ^rfluLj.

It is, 2_sr7-srr^. 133, 137.

Itself, ^/raJr 108

Ivory, ^fh^LD.


Jackal, rsffl. ^'fl. [<?^"> L/«zi).]

Jackass, [^asi] sQ^es^^.



Jacket, 'ff^LLsini ^Ejsnssir. \_stQ3isLD.'] Justification, ii^LDfr(^dQ,^&). [Chri

— for a girl, ^ae^seas.

Jackfruit, ueoauuLpih.

Jaggery, sqj^ulI'S&lLl^.

January, em^ ldit^lo. App. vii.

Jar, g/rtf. \_s=m<^.']

Jasmine, unknoCiesys.

— water, ueireilriT.

Jaundice, airiDir&o. urr<mr®.

Javelin, Qeuec. ^L-uf-.

Jaw, ^<SC(&. ^tres^i—. Qiain^jpi.

Jealousy, 6r/fli^<F^. errfleij.

Jelly, (fffLpthi-j. uiT(^.

Jest, uQip.. QaeS. (^(^ldl^. Qsitulj.

Jewel, ^ff^^eurssiso. ldssS. /essis. ^uffessTLD. ^<SL^(sm'LD.

Job, <Seu8so. (ffj^^eiaa Qoi&o.

Jockey, [ir/r<a/,«^sBr.]

Join, (V. n.) Q^n: 57. <s^®. 62. ^hmr. 57.

(V. a.) (?<3=/f. 64. «^lL®. 62. gi'Ssasr. lS

'Ssssr. 64.

Joint, npefi. a^a. ^lUB. s^kgi.

Joke, QstTL-i—rr^. ^ff<ff=U). Qaeil.

Jolt, (g^<5(g. 62.

Journey, LSrrujfr<smLD. luir^^imn . uiusm

th. en lSuu uj sssrw


Joy, -riQjSiTSLS^iJD. LDQLp<rS 161.

.serf?, aeflui-j.

Judge, (v.) S^ireS. 64. iS it smr uS . 64. ^/f.

SuJiTiuiB ^fr. 64.

(s.) iSliumua^u^. [^ilQ.] 158, 188.



Jug, Qsemi^. (gsaijrtf isbj<s.

Juggler, uiTLDU[TL-L^. 190

QiBird(m i^^eisi^ssTrjjenr.

Juggling, Qihrr<i(V,<^^&a^.

Juice, ^irjjLD. ^H'Tld. ^[rgn. urrev.

Jump, @^. 64. ^^tTj^tj. ^Tsy 62

uiriL. 57.

Junction, ^Kn^^a/. <Fiiflui-i. s=,ip.

Jungle, «/r® 19

Giiesnh. ^^p^sair® ^

Junior, ^dstruj. S^tu.

Jury, LDSi^djem^iT.

Just now, ^LjQurr(i£Q,s.

Justice, /f^. Stun-ujii. 115. /e®®/ rSSso.






Keel, 1^1—d sl-bsh

Keenness, 3,^rr@3LD. 130. «®eE)i£).

Keep, eo^eu^^QE. 60. <5S)Bi^s^esieii. iSt^.

fair, Qu^ii, ufT^sir, ^rri5](^. ^ifl.j

— a day, ^^.g=ifi. ^s'fft. 64. Qsirem


— house, 3^Qp 3'n rjih ^mEi(^.

Kernel, np^§i. QsaiLeiai l/^ul/.

Kettle, Q<srruu€mir. [Eng. QaiLi—eo.^

Key, fffreS. ^peij Qairic.

Kick, s_(gjo^. 146. ^Kid, Qeu&reirmLQs qlL^jl 131.

Kidney, LniriiisiTuSfrSo.

Kill, QsirSo(sii.) 56. (111.) 0<an-^0^

lit. eueia^ 64.

Cisrrm^Quir®. 106.

Kin, ^GSTLD. ^p&j. ui^. a-ppib. ^ULD. (SijlSs^ld.

Kind, (s.) ®s3rz-D. eu0»<s. 182. wsld.

ssjLO- ^(ssresiLD. (sn em <sm ld .

Kindness, uls^ld. ^lueif. ^esi'u. ^jdri-f.

Kindle, (v. a.) ^otl® 62.

(v. n.) QP(^. uJDgsi. ^uup^.— a fire, &,c. ^lLl^ sfl®. 254. upp

igis)€u 261.

Qi3,ir(Z<^^gi. 62.

Kindred, ^issr^^/r/f.^/r/iJ/r^cseff. s-ppm.

e-fflsflcar cLpesipiUnn. u/s^dsetr.

King, ^fffr3=fr. ^/r^sw". 128. [_Q<sud^eir.


Kingdom, ^ffrrdStuLn. ^ir^^.

Kingly rule, ^nrrs'ff&LD. [_Qs=uj.

Kiss, (ip^^LD. (lp^^.\_Qp^^L8®.Qpd^

Kitchen, @^ssfl. 187.

Kite, s(mi—<ssr. UQFjigj. ^irrrs^rr&fl. enSo

— to play with, anpq^i^. uC-L—ld,

Knap sack, ^eioi—uuih. [.5=i_/Ei<sii.]

Knavishness, LjrrioB.

Knead, lSsw-s^. S<ss>^tigj Qurr®. 57. i3'3=

^..•. ........62.

Knee, npLpiEJsir&i. CO. QpLpih^rreir.



Kneel, Qptpmsrreo ul^uSI®. npLp/sjafreS

Knife, s^fl. l&) _@(5.Knit, iSteirepi. 62.

Knob, Qprr®. (mtBrn. QsrrthtsaLD.

Knock, _^il®.^q2.. QsaiL®. ^<ar^. 62.

— knee, (tpLL^Ldafr&}.

Knot, (7/3^2.^*. \_u® Qpi^'ff-a-.^

Know, ^^. Q^fft. 239.

Knowingly, axonr^frji. LoarLDjSli^. 166.

QiE(e^<FjSuj. Qeii(sm®QLDick^. [190.

Knowledge, ^jSl<sij. ^-(smfretf. Q^iT,r&.

Knuckle, (^ajos^i. (Mijeo npsfl.


Labial, &.^®3,(SfrrrSo i3pih^.

Labor, Qsii&o. iSfriUfra^ili. [_i3ffiiJiT£ia3=.']

Laborer, ak.<^iLj!T<Bir. ^sir. uem'^sssnurreir.

Qeu^iLirrefT. [Q.

Laborious man, uitl-i—!t<sS\. 182. iSrriL/rr

Lack, (&)<oSipia>^.

— (of rupees), ^&iLLs=i}j. 172.

Lad, LSewSstriUfremi—fT'Ssr. evfrisSucBr. S)

Ladder, ejeaS

Step of a — uQp.

Ladle, ^«us!B(j. 3=l-®<s^ld. [a/rsaarif..]

Lady, ^€SiiT3=frissn. ^eiDfr ixseir. ^3sci^.


Lag, ^isjQu Qurr 259.

Lake, gr/fl. Qga ai—So. \_imineS. ^^sr.]

Lamb, ^lL.®s (^u^l^.

Lameness, Qpi—il>. Qwrrem^L.

Lame man, QfsiremrujL. s^uurresifl. (Lpt—

eueir 234.

Lament, ^:ijs(Sdiruj, 64. s^dQ. iSih&xt

S. 64.

Lamp, eSsr^BQ. ^uuo. ^iSisjas.

Lance, ^lLl^. Qisuio.

Lancet, .^jS^rnb.

Land, Sleoii. y,LS. 96. ^sm/r.

Lane, isirrrn-s^w (local); a?^.

Language, u/rswia^. 124. Qus^si-.

Languish, ^ujiij(g. ^tuiEj(^. 223. ecrfa(^.

3=eij/Ej(ff,. 62. (Sj(ss>tp. 57. ^afl. Qa^ir

Q 64.

Lantern, wit/b^it. (Eng.) 188.

Lap, LDLf..

Lapse, fsev^. <sii(tp.

Lard, udrjjSs Qair(i£LJH.

Lark, eurrairiliuiTLf..

Larynx, (mrredeiidsir.

Lascar, Qeorrsi-dsBrrrj-dr.

Lash, asa<3=. [«ao<FUJi^.]

Last, seiai—®. ^i^Lo '\

J(v.) fEir&ru®. ^iEi(S). 62. iBdsi. 64.

Late, QtBffiS^ Q-a^ekgii. lS/e^.

Lately, •s^jbgu (ipasrQ<sar.

Lath, enfftds-. \_ul-l^ujs\).']

Latitude, ^^w. (^daih.)

Latter, iSih^osr. iSekeanp..

Laugh, Sffi. /Feri)« 64-

Law, sL-i—dstT. tSirLDP' (SHUTLD. Sujiruju iSg

LDrr<o!Zrih. eS^. Suih^dssr. &=lLu-ld.

Lawfulness, (tpemp. (ipesifles)Lo. &(wsSU). eiirfl0tO<5=. ^S^ITITLD. ^Q^LOih.

Lawyer, [^eusSeo.'] iSnjiriu ^ni^rjasr.

iSiuiTiLi •a^aao^ifl.

Lay, (Emeu. ^®- Quit®.

— down. Qi—3;gi. QQlp emEu. 161, 162.

[u®«««roQ/. 60.]

— hold of, upiSsQismstTi&F). ul^. 64.

— in order, usre^. 62. ^®&siruj «»©;.

Layer, u<m>L — [of a plant, u^iuld.']

Laziness, Qs=rrLhi-j. Q<3=rrti>ueo. ^a^LDih

A lazy person, Q^ir±Qur&.

Lead, (v.) mi—<i^. 62. <sul^ siti—®.

(n.) ^luil. [if..

Leader. ^SsOEuek. Qp^ecur&ff. ajL^.<sinL

Leaf, ^^- ^^SLp- ^<mLp. ej®.

League, aL-®LJurr®. uigjd,sC~®


Leak, (^Q£S(^. [ggilaoi—


Lean; adj. QLceS/i^. (^(^g=L-(mi—UJir0!r.

Lean, (v.) s^rrtij. &=iT(f^. 57. e^QFfdsesS. 64.

— upon, ssLsir/S Sei). 70. seacir^d




Leap, @^. 64. uiriu. 57. (^lissireSl. 64.

Learn, s&>. 70. uuf. 64.

Learned man, ^^^eumdr. 230. asjoafl

Lnaeir. ^SiQsa . ^rSlQsuireir. UiStasn-^



Learning, sSoeS 19L

Lease, (W)^^esi<s . eu/ri—eiaa.

Least, Gre\>eofr<aiin:>^esif^ @^iu .. ..196.

@(zirasr(e^ Sl^iu. 70.

Leather, Q^ir&i.

Leave, (s.) sflssoi— . 2-^^ja/. OcF6\)q/-

(v.) sfl®. 68, 196. i?ia^. «afl/f.

Leaven, LjeB^^ wit.

Lecture, Sas^iasui.

Left, ^L-^. g)L-.

Leg, aneo. 60. ^ireir. ust^ld.

Legend, aiUSia&es)^.

Leisure, •3=saLDUJLh, ^ireu&irs^LD.

Lemon tree, gtM'^'^-^ 212.

Lend, «i_«w" Qsrr®. ^ffeu&i Gisrr®.

Length, fiemh. liiLQ. iL-i—Lh. ^irdsLo.


— en, iiL(B. 62. /f/lif 64.

Leopard, l/sS. Qsniaeias. St<i^imQ.

Leper, (^ei^t—QrrrrS.

Leprosy, [(gL-L-ii.] (^'^i—ih.

Lessen, (^mp. 64. 3^q^s(q. 62. (j^jj/i®.

Lesson, urrL—w. 39. UL^utSl3ssr.

Lest, ^s>!r^uL^.

Let 140.

Let alone, sOlL® etoo; 261.

Letter, s(B^rTS. &lL(B. sit@;Sld.

— of the Alph. i5r(i£^iff- ^^<sFrrLh. 72,


Level, /fijs!/' ^ff^- 62. <FLDLDrrs(^. epu

L^rj(ss]iT.i(ff). a. <^^^'

Lever, uirearr. e_j)2;<s@ ldhld. sjpp ld[ild.

[Lift with a— QiEthi-j. 62.]

Levy, (?d^/r. 64. s^tL®.

— a fine, ^umr^LDQuir®.

Liberality, S-^irffLo.

Liberty, sfl®^^. miuir^asrui. 272.

Library, L/^^s<F/r&).

License, S-^^jq/- ^M"^^-Lick, /E«@ 62.

Lie, (s.) Qurruj. ^eu^^ih. '-li^(^. usr

efl . ^uu<cSip.

(v.) Sz_. 66.

Never mind! 8i—sail.Qm!

Lie down, u®. 60 60.

Life, iSffnesarm. ^aiasr 101.

Lifetime, .MiLfs?. eurri^iBireir. ^eusrreoLh.

Lift, ejpsji. 160. 6r®.^^,a(g.

Lift up, er® 146, 254.

Light, (s.) sgstf). eflsrr<Bg). Qeiii^B^s=La,

(a.) _@Q<EW@. uirfTLSsixoOfT^. ^Qeoa-.

Lightning, iSleksunsn. t—ih.']

Like, Qurr&). 227, 239. lun-euaser. ^i^iJfflT&iru utraihariurrs^ like a child.

(^trmstrCi—mre. like a monkey.— ness, (tpa 9= .3^ iruj 60


Lily, (water,) ^iriMemir. .^eoS.

Limb, ^lasLD. ^evtueuiii. sl-^ulj.

[SSsir. OuD/riiL/.]

Lime, er^LS&^^iwsrruj. s-sssr(eBU)Lhi-j . rij^.

— stone, s^dsirek.

Limit, (StiesifT. 138. ldlL.®. wemtnuecnp.

sreoSso. \_^ei>ir,ssn'.']

Linch pin, .^id^s^ireixfl. &<s<s-.i—iliit<ssS.

Line, cv/fl. Qsir®. ^Qff<ss)s. Qg)i. L—tf..']

— in a poem, .^i^. [aflLLi_if . Q^atL

Linger, ^itld^uu®. ^(i-g@ iSeo.

Link, a=iEjQ<cS euSsfrajih. ^3sir.

Lining, ^ffL-<siai—u L/sto/r.

Lion, QiEjSLD.

Lip, 2-^®. ^^Lp. [S. CpiSI^i_LD.]

Liquid, s'eo.u^nn^^LD.

List, j)^il-.i—<sii'hsisr. [£_/ruL/.] [^/rt5)^/r.]

Listen, Q^e^Qsrr®. Q.FeSeiaLud' ^iriu.

64. ^-pffiid Qssir. 70.

Litany, (S^^nsaniuir. Giungjsmrasr m<sm


Little, Qsisresr. &gji. Qs!T(^'3'ud. s^p^.

^pu. Qs^trpu. 13, 128, 134, 294.

Little persons, Q^Qiuitit. (m &c. f.) 184.

Livelihood, ^(Eusjtld. 146. lS&^lpulj.

Liver, ©jct. affoeSjeo.

Lizard, usoeS. QsetreS. .jifjT^ssisr


Load, Lj/rjii. sfemLD. Ouit^ 166.

Loaf, ^QffiTL-L^ 146.

Loan, ®jn<siieo, st—esr.

Ask a —, si—eir Qaar,

"44 ~~


Loathe, (^ldlL®, 62. Qeugu. ^Qf)<siiQh.

^Qf)SS<s8. ^QjJfT&. 64.

Lock, (n.) ytl®. (v. 62.)

Ijocust, QeulLQs Qeif). (^L-L^eo. [//?. 64.

Lodge, (v. a.) aP®^ 0<s/r®.(v.ii.) ^0.5^

Lodging, afl®^.

Logic, ^irds -Frrem^rrLD 212.

Loftiness, ^-s=6=ld. Qij:)lLl^&s)ld. ^-luireij.

Log, sL-eai— ^^. (^p/S.

Loin, ^(Bui-i. ^esifr.

Lonesomeness, ^ei^&nLo. ex&iri^iM.

Long, tiessri—.

Longing, ^eoia:. msudo. Q^iLetai—Long \\ie, ^irdsmLjs^ 14L

Longitude, Q^-s^irii^rnh.

Look, (?/E/r«@. 62. ufrir. 64. siressr. 19L— up, ^<^(^i^

^— down, (gsjsfl'i;^J^

urnr 64.

— into, Si^pffiiu )

This looks neat, ^gl uirifanais(g Qsp^,

Loose, ^eSip. 15. g. «il.i_sSip . . . .64.

Get loose, cSlLQuQuit. ^^^giu QurtiieSQ.

Lord, skp^h. ^<5mi—en ir . s-eumS. ibt

Lose, ^ip- QuiTssL^ji^u Quit®. 66.

[To be irretrievably lost, QpQfSuQur.']

Loss of sense, ld^Qldit.s'ix} 194.

Lot, uiEj(m. aS'^tz).

Lotus, ^rrLD€S)rr. [_SLDeCLh. ^'jafl/E^i-o.]

Loud, s^ffss. Queoss. eu^da. 170.

Louse, Qum. [273.

Love, ^ekLf. SQ/bslL. Qiss^ld, ul-.3=ld.

Lover, rsaujsesr.

Low, (a.) SLpirear. ^iTLp/s^. T'i. /i^a^. ^l£I

euirasr. 130. Stp.

— fiersons, SQtpiriT. Qip ldss&t. li

'3=IT 218.

— spirited, ^itirrs^LDinu 40.

Lucifer match, ^&(^ds-.

Luck, QiuiraiM. ^^oi^i—w.Good— , /5-ffoso Binillbl,

Luggage, ^iTLDrrm. ^iL.® (zptL®.

Lullaby, ^rreoinL®. •sirsmL®^

Lump, sL-L^.

Lunar caustic, ^ludseo.— day, ^^.Lungs, (ff)dsi>. Q io>i (Sir &? rj <k>



He left me in the lurch. ctcwSot isCi—np^

C«u G^seSiLi iresr.

Lurk, u^iE](&). 62. u^sSq^ 60.

Lurking place, 6=/e^. Quirii^. gg^/^s

@i—LD. LDem/DeSli—U}.

Lust, SITLDLD. SITLD i^SITrjll). 223. ^Ifaill.

QiDiraLD. ^jjneajF. ^ifidea^.

Lute, UJiTLp. eS'SsBsr.

(v.) Q^LD(Tp. 62.

Luxury, Q^Si^euw. Q<9=eoeSdsB>a.

M.Mace, ^rr^ u^^iB.

Machine, eri^inh. (^^^jld.

Madness, lS^^ld. eau^^iuLD. QeujjS.



Magazine, seir^&ivui. ^-dQunsmLo.

^u-lfi 3=irdso.

Magic, '3=iT<sOLD. <sFrreO(^^es)^.

Magistrate, QLo^ehflrrLL®. (Eng.) i^eS,g^irff^oS!!r^ gjetaiT.

Magnet, siri^Lo. ssuQd sirm^ua

Magnify, QLDQsux^iLciuuQd^ . 161. &pui3. 160. [<s^^/reBr.

Mahometan, ^egrssew". ldsldld^ Loirrid

Maid, &ffi Qiuem. sekesnisas


Maintain (opinion), ffir^. 64. (sup-

port,) ^^ifl 2.52.

Maize, Q-Firtpili.

Majesty, LDiTLL@l<mLD. lSr^ituld. Loss^gj

la/zi). Qldlduh® .

Make, ^«@. uam^n. 62. Q^riL.

^-(smi—ird(^. Qei^L^. utomi—. 64.

— known, Sffm^iruiJauem^^i. . 163, 5.

— way, eniSleSl®.

Maker, &Qh&^L^air. Q^L^suir. ueiai—^

^euir, St<sis,i-^aiT^0iT,

Majority, LEds^LDirettreuiraeir.

Male, ^ekr. IojuSjtld.

Malice, ^irs(^<omis>. enrnDLD. u®ueff>s.

Mallet, QsinLi—iresr. LD^^<g»,s.

Mallows, gi^^dQ^a^uf..

Man, LD^<Slf><sk. [iJ3eBT7«G3r.]

— of the village, ssLjirm 60, ISO.

Manacle, ev)aeS(S))Ej(^. 6w««(gLlg£0f

Manage, rEi—uiSl. 64. siriflivuu®^^.




Management, e£<g=iTir.^sBr. sfl^/7//?il'iy.

UfftTLD/ffuLf 190.

Manager, LnexfliUsfrireBr. sarfliusirirasr.

Mane, LSi—fftLDuSir.

Manger, LD!nL®^Q^!nL.L^. npsjsrcn'^oBsr.


Mango, LD rr iki s, IT iL . ld itthum th


Mangoose, Siff.

Manifestation, QsusBiUfriEisth. uuSrfki

SLD. olrr^tsTeuTLh. uirj&ssLD. ^<soaSLn. iSrja&UJLh. QsusBuuioaL—. QeueS.

Manliness, ^smeatD.

Manner, Loa^rR. LSfrairinh, eSi^th. 166.

£uiTd(^. ULps^LD. euLpdsLD. Qpusap.

Good manners, EeoQeoirQpasin.

Man-of-war, Quirirssuue^:'.

Manufacture, emadQ^irL^eo.

Manure, 6r(r^. ^-stld. (^uesiu.

Manuscript, isaaeriig^^.

Many, ^Qibsld. Qsi](^ 105, 107.

Map, UL^LD.

Mar, Q<sC5). @m>^. 64. u(WjSrTS(^.

Mare, QuiLeiaL^.stm^m.fT. Luagjeuirdsr.


Margosa, QentDLj 128.

Mariner, suun^sirrjm. ldit^lS.

— 's compass, sitiejSuOul-l^.

Mark, @^. (^/Sulj. ^seiL—iunarLD. Ljeir

srf?. Qeksssrii,

Market, <sao/ a^i&a^. ^iejsitl^. \_(^d

Marriage, sflei;/r«ii). SySiuirsssruD. LoemLD.

Marrow, g,o^. ^s<L(sm.

Martyr, ^rrdi^d-fffTLLS.

Marvel, ^^^ttiih. ^d^^ifluju:). <^ujljlj.

Masculine, ^emuireo. [L/CTeSE/«zi).]

Mash, ldS. 64. ffj&nsu. /BSf-d(^.

Mason, Qsrrp/Dsk. Qsn&^^^dsirrreir.

Master, er^a^LDiTak. ^esmemi—. eurT^p.

Blat, urnu. [^®,i5@.]

Match, ^sQ.?-*. flift.

— for any one, ^®. Q<3=it(B.

Material, Quttqfi&t. aicib^. u^nfr^su>.

Mathematics, sasS^s^rr^^^aLc.

Matter, sirTftiuw. <s=ej£s^. ]1]. Eurr^^


— (opposed to spirit,) ^i^ u^rrfr^^LD.

— from a wound, &c. 9, 9ijp. ^eoLD.


Mature, (zp^iris^. QpjBsar. nppiSliu, [ud^. &&)<£.'] 74, 76.

Maturity, Qp^irdS. ud(^eiii}>.

Maund, iixsmiEJtm.

Maxim, ULpOLorrL^. Qp^ear;.

May, «^®zj), ^ii) 103,140.

Me, ereirSsur. 10.

Meal, LDir.

— of meat, •ff^iruurr®.

Mean (in Mathemat.) LD^^iurrrrQ.

Meaning, ^Qr^^^ih, QuirQ^eir. snF,.dgj.

Meanness, i<a=LD. ®t^<s!/. ^puih.Means, ^gi, S-urrujLh. 6iil8€u&»£B. sqk

afl. s^irsesrih.

By means of 239.

Measles, Qekesreasui^rff.

Measure, ^swai/. ul^.. LSffLDfTn^ssTih. ^lL

i-il 115, 149.

— (stick), QpLpdQsirio. jijeneifQsiTeo.

— (vessel), LDjjds,T&}.

Meat, @j<mpd@l. LDiTtStFLh. ^esi'^. ®j@nn


Mechanics, ^ujii^rr^irav^ffLD.

Medal, Qp^^fmrr. [0.

Meddle, s^&oaSKBl. mssuSKB. 263. lSitQw

Don't meddle in mi/ affairs! e\dn-aii^aiiiirQ^.

Mediator, tc^^itima^m, tB®e^m.

Medicine, ldqF)^^. ^sflip^ic, ebmsi^

Meditation, ^ilhtsistld. QiurTsih.

Meakness, GiLD^^esreif. ^ai^U), 3=a^i.


Meet, (v.) Qun-Qfj/i^. s^m^. 190. gt^it

Qis!r€kT®QuiT. er^fruu®. QfBift®.

Meeting, sw^lLi—ld. s^iksih. d^esiu.

Melancholy, ^ludsih. ^dsih. Loesrd


Mellowness, ffistsflsj/. lSq^i.

Melody, ^ijitsld. Euemr&mril'. [swir.

Melon, QsTLDLDL-l^. ^^et^dsBirlLl. Sr

Melt, (v. n.) 2_(75@. 221. asmn. 57.

— (v. a.) £_0<s@. 62. a(Ss>!T. 64.

Member, ^eniusnix. ^-gnuLj. ^ejsld.



Memorandum, ^itusld. [_iU!r^n m^.']

Memory, (Qitu,sld. hjit^.

Commit to —, uiru-ihuah-^.

Mend, ^qf,^^, 160. ^rrrrdi^. l/^ulS).

Mendicancy, iuits^sld.

Mendicant, ^ekftf.. iS^^eta^dairrrair.

Mention, O^/reo 70.

^^afl. 160.

Merchant, (SI/ /r<i^<ss?ir, (Siununtfl 1.

Mercury, ^rj-s^w. uir^n-a^ili. [l/^cjt.]

Mercy, ^udsLJo. LDsnwQijsaLD.

Meridian, s^dcFih. ld^^ [(?/7es)«.]

Merit, ^@^. ^esiseiauD. Ljemeis^iLiLD.

Merriment, tcQi^dS. sefiuLj, seiHuurr

L-(B . ^-(ki <o^ rr <3=LD


Mesentery, LDeiSs(^i—.&>.

Mess, seoeoitsu. [£_(ROT"a/.] [«£3r.

Messenger, ^^m, ^iftdsfrrrek. Q<s=eu

Metal, s.Q&)ir<sLD. ^irgj.

Meteor, (Semi^j^QsirmeSl.

Method, (Sjjsto*. etiL^. (£l^U3. <^(t£iEj(^.

Metre, s^ii^icSspuLD.

Metropolis, ^rrirff^irstSi. •ff^LDav^rrssni.

Miasma, ^i<si^sa(rpga-

Microscope, ^^s-iseisriSs^L^.

Midday, ld^iuld. LD^^ojinzsnh. S-dQ.


Middle, ib®. ^sldilild 134.

Middling, rB(B^^jjil. [^^rfi.

Midnight, id®ffiTd:^iB. s^itldld. ^ird^ffa

Midriff, ^ffso^iTEiQ.

Midst, iE®Lji-lfl. /5®aflG«v. eat®.

Mid-wife, ldq^^^sS^S.

Might, a^®ii) 103.

Milchcow or goat, <£s^isffi<si; [uu*. ^®.]Mildew, y,<S<3f- y^^easTii.

Mildness, s=/r/B^iD. -rir^sn. Qld^. Qld^

^esrsij. ^etoLDimi.

Mile, [_LDuS<S^. 0!)LD<S\).']

Military, iLf^^^^df^ifliLi.

Milk, Lj/r«n.'. \_(ip^ illu it So .']

Mill, ej/s^Jii. ^fHsiaa,

Million, 172.

Mimic, (s.) s^rj^a^ssirirm . QsmssnnosT-

Mind, LDsmiJ}. S-eJrsnrrii?. ^is^dajjemLn.

166. 0/F(g*. ^BLD.

Mine, btasrc^i ee> i—aj^i 1S5.

Mineral, s,n^. S\3 s' e^ eagn


Mingle, s,<so. 66. ii).y^. 62. lS^b.^^. 57.

Q^trii. 57, 64.

Minister of a king, LDii^rfl. — in holy

things, QAUjeuuKSsSlwemL ssandir.

M\ni, ^rkjs 9= irBso. ^sS'S=trSso.

3,LDUL-l.— '9=irdsO.

(herb.) ^<sir&.

Minute, SlSIsl^ld. s0(2)tf . sit&i^lLuuj.

Miracle, ^pLj^sLD. [Ly^anLo.]

Mirage, aaeareo. [LD/f^^ti.]

Mire, Co^^. S-^. ^«^. Qs=^wlj.

Mirror, S}3sods(5m'(^Lp..

Miscarry, sQr^aii^.

Miscellanies, sisoldusld.

Mischief, ^rTEj(^dQ3^L-emi—. @j3;/i'L/.

e£l<3L%LDL}>. /plEJ(^.

Miser, S-QeomS. 180. 9<sO<srar«<£E/rirsJr.

Misery, SiruuirdQivw. ^si)€Oco. iSifu


Misfortune, ^u^^. ^.^SJ. asssn—w.

Miss, t5-5=@. ^il-'i-l- '^(!£<^- ,^i^&!- 62.

i36s>Lp. 62.

— the way, eiiL^i^s=^.

Mission, tSiSiiSlQtundr.

Mist, (^pQuesfl. Q^a^iT^.

Mistake, lS)is»^. l9>?@. eu (i£.



. s^eu

gii. ^uiS^th. 194.

Mistress, Quemr^rrp. ^a^n-a^iresn. ^ld

LDfTcir. i5r3=LDfTsSd&. [Improp. esxsiiu


Mix, <sa). 66. s(Ddd(ff), (act). a,&)iEi(^,

(intr.) 62.

aieir/lffi/. 62.

Mixture, aeouui. seOLousm. aeom'isu.

Mock, urBsiT'3=LD 1

cFfr<Fi£> \ u(om^^.G2.iBe(»s. 64.

GaeS )

Mockery, ufffs!T3=ii. 165. Q&eS. ejar

aSTLD. €=ds^r5^LD.

Moderation, LSati.iBil®. [(v.)ix'LL®iJ

usm^^. 165.] ^L—dsLD.

Modern, lj^iu. [uj irea^is


Modesty, eSesnuii. Lnirasnh. wtKcSsiLD. ldit)

Mohur, QunrrriT..



;>J10. 'H' 235.Moisture, uea-F.. J

Mole, ^sQipsS. (on the body) ldsu-

Moment, SlSisl^ld. aessrw.

Monastery, eSj^^ir ldl—ld.

Monday, ^Ej.sm. App. vii.

Money, uessnh. 52. aira-. /EirszsrUJLD.

Monitor, s=l-i—.ld iSeirdstr 131.

Monk, ^ff^^Qsr,

Monkey, (s^niki(^. 146. eanssaiLo.

Monsoon season, i-DSB^s/rGVii ... . 131.

Month, LDfT^iM. App. vii. [to/r-s^ii. ^/s/



Month by month, ldit^ uhT'^ld. 274.

Monument, iqituss, q^ul{.

Mood, @(S33r/-D. \_In Gram. (^'Sssrwsirinli.']

Moon, e^i^am. iSe^ir. ( iSeoeij.J ^dism.

I' nil — Ousirj&JDT.

New— ^loireuires)^.

The — shines, fSoiirs suiuQpg] or er^a


Morality, iE&>Q<s^!r(T£saLD. iBeirQesr^.

More, ^^sii. 196-198. 152.

More and more, GLDsarCiDjfiiii) . . . .197.

Moreover, ^ulj/dlI). Qld^ld. ^€\)€CfT

25, 202. i^mQm. 225.

Morning, sireoQLo. srrSso. ^(W)Q(^^

tuiM. S-Siuih. (Si^iur) arr&JLSi.

[— and evening, ^i^ s=ih^.

morrow (to) /EirSsir. fBiT^s(Q.

Mortal, adj. u®. \_u(B.siruji}>.'] ^ire^s

(mifiiu. s^rreiid QssiLDrresr.

Mortar, 2_/r^. (^m^iT'SsS.

(lime) g^ir/s^.

Mortgage, (covenant,) SB,«^ ui^aw.

Mosque, u^sirefl a/ff^eb.

Mosquito, Qsn3^(V).

Moss, uitQ.

Most, 196.

Moth, (^L-L^&) upesxai. i-jQ£-

Mother, ^niv. 13, 151. App. x.

LDir^iT. ^CBTc^ar. ^i^- ^

Motion, ^L-L—LO. ^eia£Feij. 190. #(M

etSTLD. ISSS)l .

Motive, Qm/rdau). .sirjTeminh. ^iSuiSjiir

LULo. £_^G^^u). Qpani^uLh. eiessr


Mould, ^ds-. S(jF). LDtreo. LDiT^ifl<ss)S.

Mouldiness, uirS. ^(^*.Mound, Qld®. ^i_eo. ^iLemL Qld®.

Mount (v.) 67^. OT(U>.

Mountain, urreu^LD. ld^. QiB.

Mount Meru, Qldqf,. 152.

Mountebank, QrEiississr.

Mourn, gjdsuu® 161.

^dsm Qarrtm'i—iT®. I-j&)ldlj.

Mourning, gi&sLo. Ljsciii-i^eo. iSlij&)iT


Mouse, sKossrQ i—(^ . Blind — Qp^Q'Xgii.

— trap, ereSuQurrjS. Qurr^.

Mouth, eu/TiL. [^ennffLD. ei]irs=<Pi). ripsLD.']

Move, ,jys»<5^.57,64.^®.^LL®. 62,160.

Mow, ^'^. 64.

Much, Osi;@. ^Qaus. l8(^^. 18(^/5^.

\_Qriu^u.'\ lBs. Qld^^. 96, 107, 141.

171, 152, 194. Too much, iBd^il,.

Mucus, 3=<sfi. Qaa<oS)tp.

Mud, Q^£>i. a=s^. ^Ssn 19, 171.

Muhammedan, ^^ssm. 105, 107.

Mulberry, npa-ssL-<cS)i—d Q<3=l^.

Mule, QaaQeugu sap<ss>^.

Multiple, LDi—iEj(&).

Multiplicand, Qu(i^ssuu®ld er<mr.

Multiplication, QiuQFida&). Qu(y^s(^.

Multiplier, G)u0.s@z-d er<sssr.

Multiply, Olj0«@.Multitude, o^l-L—ld. (^ldlj. ^ijeir, ^ms

Munshi, Qpet^ei^.

Murder, Qsirds^. surj^^. suko^.

Muriatic acid, ^-ulj^ ^aiTSiis,u>.

Murmur, QpsnQpsn 64,273.

(S)<ss)p Q^irio^.

Murrain, QairLDirrft.

Muscle, mnwLj. ^ein€= isrrir.

Muse (as a goddess), adsOLoaeir.

Mushroom, sirsfrirGsr.

Music, uniL®. S^L£>. ^lijS^iii. suir^

Musk, sem_0irrft. LjQ£(g)-



Musket, totasss^uuirdS.

Muslin, ssusmfl.

Must, Qeiiessr®LD 117, 120, 39, 42.

Mustaches, LEe!0<3=. [affao.?:.]

Mustard, <s5®@.

Musquito, Gis!r.s-(^. Qsfra-.

— curtains, Q^bstld^u 187.

Mute, QLD&resTLD. sslsbld.

Mutter, Qp&MQpem'Qe^dsr 273.

— in sleep, or delirium, SijaiLS^pg)]. 62.

Mutton, ^iLi^wp'^S 131.

My, ersar. 37.

Myself, /5/rG<23r 10,23,108.

Mystery, ^rjs&iujui. LD€S)/Dei) 190.

Lj<sin^QuiTnneh. ^ifsmhsui. [as^.

Mythology, Quam-fjiresSsLh, <SLL®tB<5S


Nabob, iBUfTLj. 1_Qit,

Nail, ^<5!sS. — of the finger, itstl. s-

Nail a matter, (jdJUiuijl,

Nakedness, ^wuxsmui. Siieumimu). Qpemi—LD.

Name, Quiuif. rsiruiui. rEirtoQ^iuth.

Nape, iSL-ifj.

Narrative, rfft^pjnh. <s®»^.

Narrowness, ^«a)«,s£-S(ai_._g)®aaii).

Nation, ^ffir^&UJili. s^ir^.

Natural, ^iijffou/rcsr. ^^s^LDiTQsr.S-rftiu.

Nature, auaisuii. ^lueoi-j. ^^gjsuLD.

The nature will be seen in the fruit,

Nauseate, (^ldiI.®. 62. S-<sijl-.(B. epdafr

cifl. ^QTidaeS. ^QjifrQ. 64.

Navel, fSTiS. Qarrui^sir.

Navy, &uup Gc^fc.

Near, Ql-l— QlLl— Qpu-L— ^0(?«.

^®^^. s'LSuLDiresr . . . .75, 151, 170.

Nearly, 63'ps,(V)<5S)ptu. QlLl^^^lLl—.,

Nearness, s=i£uili. Ql-L-ld.

Neatness, Qtsp/jS. ^qfj^^ui. ^uLfsr&j.

Neck, &(i£^gj. •BGmi—LD.— cloth, s>Q£^

Necessary, Qeusmt^iu. Q^etaeuturrasr. ^eu^ff. ^a^^iULDiTGsr 117.

Need, Q^etrxai. ^(Sn^Fsno. [^gy-sasro^.]

Needle, ssuS.

Negative, er^frLoeap. 110— 122, 154

Neglect, ^<3=LL<Eiau.. urTirnpauo.

Neighbour, iSp&sr. ^®^^<a;esr. ^uj&)rr

eir. ^iL/eda^^ireir. 191. iSlp^^iuireir.

— hood, ^reo. ^Q^arr&aLD.

Neither, 208—210.Nephew, App. x.

Nerve, lEffihi^.

Nest, «^®. 3^<sm®.

Net, endso. sessresS.

Nettle, sfTfs^Q^irjSl.

Neuter, ^^o/S^sssruuirSd.

— verb, ^ekeSSstsr.

Never, 217. e^(mQufr(W^L3&>^. (SpQ^d

srr^iBe^dso. 202— 204.

Nevertheless, ^Q^sth 101.

New, u^. L^^iLi. Li^^uDLj^aj..A3, 223.


Newness, /Eflu/LD. L/^sTOLD 134.

News, Qa^iLi^. ^LDirs=irffili. \_^.suit.']

New year, suQ^et^ilnSpuLj.

Next, ^®^^. ^njeorrcnr.

Nibble, Qatr/S. ^tfl 64.

Nice, Qfsp/StLifresr. Spuurresr. [s-©^.]

Nicety, (giJ-«iD/i) 194.

Niece, App. x.

Night, @!rrr. ^neif. ^air^pS.To — giwT-^Str^^^A

liast — QisprSrir^^iH.

Nine, 172.

Nip, S<s(r(25. 62.

Nipple, (ipSsi)s,xsB!!r. QpSsod.sfru>Li,..13l.

Nitre, Qeai^iLjULj.

Nitrogen, ^-ULjenntLj.

No, gjeadsi). ^Soeo. 43—45. 202—204,

Noble, QLDm€S)LDUJiT0ir. GLDwuiri—rresr.

Nobleman, tSjn-f. ^dsODsm.

Nod, {§l!jdBLDUll>.'\ fi^tUioSl'F^^SCi.

Node, ^iUBsrs^ikiSlarriB^.

Noise, ®)(oS>iT<s=<9=ei: . ^li^Lf.. <5;i_a@i76V).

g^dsLD. Qi^irssn 273.

Nonsense, eiou^^tuw. <^<ssi!rQu<d3^. lj

Noon, LDji^ujirasTili. S-q^ldld. ld^iuld. /e

®uuae^.Nor, 208—210.

North, (adj.) em The north, csi;i_i@.



Northward, eni—sQa. App. ix. The

north-wind, euisir^^. sui—wetn^.


Noose, ^^r. 3^Qh&(^.

Nose, (ipa(g). fsirS.

Nostril, /E/rS. fsirSi^^eiirrsjLD.

Not, 43—45.Notch, (v.) QLoir&SF.suem'^ii. Sgii. 62.

Note, &lL(B. [g^uL^. ^eai—iLifrmiM.^

(v.) @^. 64. (^^esisu. 64. efl^. 66.

Notice, ^^dsas. (^mLDUsiLh, lSIjjS^

Notion, sQfj^^. QtEirssLD. (sremsmu).

S^iTissTLD. SSosreij. [(?<a/7LlLj/r®.]

Notwithstanding, 100— 102.

Noun, QuiLiir3=Q<F!r<so.

Nourish, Quessii. 62. Qurro^. ^^f^-

UfffTLDff). 62.

Nourishment, QufT-a^^zsrih 146.

Now, ^uQufT(Lp^. 25.

Nuisance, ^3='kiQiULD.

Number, ersm. \_/5iliuir.'] ^€f)dsLD. 188.


Numeration, sr <mn-Drrssru}.

Numerator, Q^fr(^^sr<5m.

Numerous, ^aeirirosr. Oau^. ernTeiruair

osr. ^Q!5<s.

Nurse, ^fr^. ee-jS^^iriLi. Q'3=


Nut, GisirL-esiL—.

Nutmeg, •3=iT^asrraj.


0, oh! 193.

Oak, snf)€i]ir(^LDnLD.

Oar, gj®LjLj. ^SBsr®. \_'3=u^ld.

Oath, <^^^UJLD. ^'Ssssr. iSuLDrrsm ld. 155.

Obeisance, eui^esrui. fELDmsifrjjLD.

Obey, Sipuu®. 70. Qseir. ^u-iei(9). 62.

Object, eQiSU^uih. [—ive case, Qs^ujlj

u®Qufr(Th&T.~\ [^L—iwseo.

Objection, ^lLQ^uu>. .Fisieiads. ^etni

Oblation, fSQeuJi^ajui. sirestfldems.

Oblige, SL-i—iTiLiuu®^^. ueoui^u

Oblique, Qs/rssssreoirissr. ^muis.Obscenity, eniMLj. ^QajirdQiuui. =ffl'(5

Oblong, (s.) iiossT!— ^^rrih. [190.

Observance, ^-i-/.ff^/rjii). 197.^ts3.s^//?iJL/.

Obstacle, ^esii—. ^L—isj&eo. (missuo.

Obstinacy, QprjL-L—inLu.LD. ^l—ld.

iSu^Buir^uD. (s^i'.i.rrijLh. ^(oSHTLS-s,^

eSTLD. <?:SOTrqL QptSSHTLp.. Qpsm®. <FiSW(65

^ir^uL^. [64.

Obstruct, (SviSlujsioL ld^. (^gusQs^®.Obstruction, ^stat—ui^.

Obtain, iaun'iij(^. ^e>»i Qujpi. .s^LDun^.

Qsrr6rr(sm. 70, 107, 190. Sa»i_. ^suu®.

I can't obtain it. 5 ^^^^'<S-Q--'-'^^^-

Occasion, ^(messrii. a^LDiuih. s^suiriu.



Occasionally) ^eni—dQisai—Qtu. Sed

Occupation, Q^iTL^Sd. Qeu^. ^'^jeuffo.

Occupy,— a house, (^l^uSq^. eu/rs^iiu


Ocean, a=Qp^^nui. [^t^.]

Ochre, sfrsStDem. sn eSldaeo.

Octagon, erernQsaissunh.

October, Slju9ildit^ld, App. vii.

Odd, Gpjbemp, (Z^Q^sS^LDiresr. 135.

[ Q.5^/r<5=<?=LD. ] sfld^G'tF/r®.

Twenty and odd Rupees, = ^qsu^ Qs^ss^&ii


Odour, si^LD. surrs^Sssr, Loemtii. mtrp

Of, 248, 131, 230. [^ii.

Off, sfleoffl. j)ip 170.

Offence, (^ppto. ^i—gs. ^®da&).Offer, Q^ejii^s^. 62. uemi 64. ^®.

263. QsfT®.

—ing, <s/rffl5fl<£i3ro<s. 0<s/rjiDi_.

Office, ^-^^Qajfr-stl), Ceu^.

Officer, ^t3,^=iT, Eng. s^^slL^l.

Offspring, •a^fB^rrQsnh. ^/s^^. eS^^.

Often, ^Lf.ssL^ 243.

Oft, ueoQpesipu-iLD. ^QfBsi^nLD.

Oil, ersssrQessruj. ^uSsold. Qieuj.

Lamp— , ^arsQasmQessnu. 131.

Cocoanut—, Q^msirQiueaaQemiriii.



Oilmonger, euiresSiuissr.

— press, Q<F«(g. ^dsn.

Old, u<ssiipiu. @Lp. 13, 138. eSlQ^^^iTU


grow— , OP 64.

Old age, QptliLf. (^Q^^^fTUiSliuLh.

Omen, @/r5?. iQl8^<slo. &=(^&!Tih.

Omit, ^etreSeSQ. eflLL®afl®. 254.

Omm])otence, ^QFQjsuSoeoicaLD ....134.

Omnipresence, ^^Q^eueSiuirusLD.

Omniscience, ^(meufs^rresTLn.

On, QldSo. lS^.. 191,251.

Once, esHheSeei^a^.

One 172.

One third part, ^ekjSeo eptssTgu.

Onion, QeuEJSfrujLb. ^(^meB.Only, LDST^^ffih.

Onward, (tpdrQesr. Q/b(Bs.

Ooze, s&. 57. (^Q£(^.

Open, (v.) ^p 66.

[ ^e£lLp. 62. ]

Opinion, (oremeissrii. Sl&srey. sqT)^^. ^iSluiSfftTiuih. jS irpu ffl lu ih . -

Opium, ^iScir.

Opponent, er^rf!. r^siQF^. aSG/r/r^.

Opportunity, a^LDiuiD. ^QF^ismLD. Cai^.

Oppose, er^iT. 64. ^Qgir^ 64.

Opposite, er^ir. er^ifleiai—iuiresr. 134.

Opposition, e^Qsir^ih. 239. er^ffteaL


Oppress, O/E0<B(g. <cp(Bs(^. ^eioi—^i^

^ ecu esBT^si! . 62.

Optative mood, iSujtEiQsir&r 140.

Optics, ^isi^Lf.3=ir&o^rTU3,

Or, ^0O6\''^ 205.

Oral, eumuuuiri—il).

Orange, /BfTrr^^ihuLpu). Q^&eSuuLgiii.

Orbit, ^jiuasnh. LDessri—eoui.

Ordain, SiulS. 64. ej/buQ^^. 62.

uL-i—iB^iB. 62. uil-L-tm&L-.®.

Order, s_^^/ra/. sL-tSsir. [^/raSion^.]

(Za(wiKi(m. uuLQi—n'Ssi. LDsapsaLD.

(money,) s-smi^. [40.

In order, qpap/Eismu. eufffem^iuiriLi.

In order that 157.

Ordination, ^i^Qsi^sih.

Organ, Qemi^!Tii>.

Origin, Qpenui.

Original, [^'^ei).] QLopum—u^. — sin^


Ornament, ^eoisjatrniM. SutaaffLD.

Orphan, siiTiu^suuesrppLSeirSstr.

Orthography, <sr(Lp^^^stniLh.

Ostrich, ^^(^(vjafl.

Other, Lopsmpiu. topp. ld^u. Qeugii. 107,


Others, Lcppeuirsek,

Ought, Qisii(sm®LD. SI— 140.

Ounce, ^rfessri—sm ITUu SOLD.

Our, /Bu^Qpesii—iu. 37.

Ourselves, mmijseir 10, 108.

Out, Qene^Qtu. t-ipLoQu.

— of order, epnhenisiaaiLifriu. e^QFieS^


Out-cast, (mioOLDLj^fi^siieBr. [^pLo.

Outside, QeueBQuj. LjpLoQu. Qsuerrluu

Outward, i-ipLhuirear.

Oval, npL—<5a)L—Suif.ei]i}),

Ovarious, ^essri—o^LDrresr.

Oven, ^(BuLj.

Over, QldQso. Qld&>. 107, 251,

Overcome, QiDpOsirek. Qeup/SOstreir.

56. (III.)

Overflow, aemrrLfff^. 56. (III.)

Overlook, sessrstrs^. 64. Quksoi^^itit

'^emOis^iu. 57.

Overseer, ^Gerr/TLli^. «e33r<£E/r(S!iafl. Qendso

<sun'iEi(3jQp'Siiesr, QLDffow,3=iTrfiemssir


Oversight, lSIj^(^. ^ulj. ^euffii. <sj(ip.

Owe, si—eku® 161.

Own, sscsir. Q'3=!T,i^. S-rfttu 108.

Owner, s_<siai-~iLieiidT. 185. Q-s^ai^dsir

— of the tree, LDrj^^ssirffosr. 248.

Ox, LD!r(B. er(fF)ffi. 16. (^smremi—.

Oxygen, a^au/r^ eurrtLf.

Oyster, @uSl. ^lj^-


Pace, fsemt (of a horse) <siie\)@^ili.

Pacify, s^LDfT^rrasTUu®^^.

Pack, slL®. &UULO. Qurr^. (LpiLemL—(v.) ^®s(^. SL-®. 62.

Paddle, ^em®. ^®ui-f.

Paddy land, iBekQ^tu 93.



Page, udsLD.

Pagoda, eiJjrrseir. 254.

Pain, QiEtTisxi. [C/s/r.] susS. 58, 59, sfl^

esriM. euQFj^^ui. ^^uir^.

Pains, iSffiuiTs^LD. ^ihuinuLD. Take —i3rfUtr<3=uu(B. 161. su^/F^ . . . . 62.

— of death, ldu imu)sum en^.— of child birth, iStrrs^taij Qeu^Sssr.

Paint, euiresTLD y,». 62. Q^^jno erap^-

ui—ih eroDgi 62.

(n.) <ssiLD. Gurrsuru). iSipih.

Pair, Qs=fT(B. ^'Ssssr.

Palace, ^n'smLD'^r. ^irirs^ Loireiflans.


Palate, QLoeoenrriu. ^ekr'smiji.

Palanquin, ueieotrsf^. [Saflisina'.]

Pale, (grow)— ld(ei(^ 62.

(adj.) LDims&)rr(ssr.

Palm (of the hand), ^siEies>s. S-eirerrrki

etas, (g( iijes>tS.

Palmyra, uSssr. 131. '

Palpitate, s^t^, 64.

Palpitation, ^ u^gj l^u lj. (s^^uems;^

^&> 273.

Palsy, ^LSiTSUfr^Lh. i^ecfipuLj.

Pan, s=iLu^.

Pannel (of a bullock), <sS/i9. (^rfldsiL®.

Pap, (^LpLDLf. Sr^Lp.

Paper, sirQ^ii. sl^^it® 93.

Parable, ^-euesuD. epuuSsBr.

Paradise, [uj^*.] Quhtl-sfld.

Paragraph, iSiflstj.

Parallel, ^ld^h. [swii.

Parallelogram, .s^LD^^rr Qi^irQsmLQQ^

Parcel, ®ljuld. <slL®.

Parch, £i/^<s@. 62. e^jga. 64. Quirift.

Parched (any thing), ev^eueo.

Pardon, iD(^eSLJLj. eSlQiDfr-s^eurtJo. 273.

Parent, (s.) Quppeudr. Quropsueir. QupQQtfir. S^rr LDT^a. ^ien^ ^rriLnrrr.

Parenthesis, t5/fl/E^is»<9=<5 @^. [87.68.

Parish, Qs^ssrua.

Parrot, ©srf?. QisfluSikhT 228.

Parse, ^G^<siiiijLDU(sisr^^-

Part, uiEj(^. U(^p. ufrsti. <sa(^uLj.

isiitQ. fl/DiM. Sr^^. iSlfflei;. [u/reb.]

Partial, U-QuiLeas^ajnesr 158,182.Partiality, ul-^uit^lo. ^mL^^sssr. i^a

euarrLD. u rritulL<9=to. npsLDirLLL—ua.

Participle, (^iSssr er-ff^'S^LD. Quiuir srff'<s=i}>.

Particle, sjemi.

(in Gram.) ^eiBi—-^Q^ireo.

Particular, sSCs^siiii). eSenjU). eurreoir^.

Partly, Qsrr(€^3=LDfrtL. uir^.

[77i(s is partly true and partly Jblse,

Partner, a_LLz_/rsrf?. uikisirefl ... .1^2.

^-i—ek uiEisireffl.

ship, Sl-LLQ. gi^LL.(BtSlUirUIT!JLD.

Party, slLS. Ppih. ulLs^ld.

Pass (as money), Q<s=e\) 161.

Pass (off or away), sl^. 56. 57. iiEi(^.

62. iiEiQuQu/r 258.

Pass over, a.L si—iigjQuir. 66. ^ir

em®. 62.

Passage, a;/^. euit&Qujw.

Passenger, euL^uQuirdaeir. Q^S'iri^iB.

Passion, un®. Sesrii).

Passover, umair.

Past, QurrosT: Q'a=mp. 74. iSrrnd(^.

— tense, &)'Dfss ")

Quit ear JPaste, uesis^. (v.) epL^®. 62.

Pastime, Guirap^ Qufrd(^.

Pasture, QiDiu^ff^eo.

Pat, ^lL®. ^i—eij 62.

Path, urres)^. LDirfrs&LD. euL^.

Patience, Quir^eiaLD. •FiriE^ili. s^ngi.

Patient, QntnurreB. iSetstfliUfreS 181.

Patriarch, Qsa^^ffu iS^rr. [iii.

Patrimony, LS^rrfriT,^@l^u>, ^lLSI. App.

Patriot, Q^<s=!Tt3LDfr(cS.

Pattern, Lon^iB.

Pavement, ^(strQjrBesi&=.

Paw, tBsih.

Pawn, ^efti—LDfreanh, ^i—c^. ^®.Fay, (v.) Q^0$i^^. 62 161.

— a debt, sl—Ssst^ ^it. 15. g. ^sii. 64.

(s.) <rtl>u<srLD. <s._&S.

Pea, uiugii.

Peace, ^LDSTSiiresfLD. ^Lorffdems.

Peacock, tcuSleo.

Peak, &SJLD. e.<F©. Qsfr®(LpL^.

Peas, UQF)ULj. 243. UL-U.rres£.



Pearl, (ip^si-

Pebble, uQFjSsaibsio. \u(!f)S,es>3,.'\

Peck, (v.) Qsir^gj. 62.

Peculiarity, (£iQff=<SL^LD. S-fflm>LD.

Pedant, spp^ QiDirsmLp.

Peel, (v. a.) a.//?. 64. entpiL® 62.

— ofF(v. n.) s_/fl. 57. (ajtp(sr5. 56. (III.)

Peep, eri-LiSLUuiTiT. (saLl-Lp.uuiTiT. &rd

Suu/TiT 64.

Peg, npdstr. (^3=a-. ^ulj. uoffisurrexfl.

Pen, (?ij(SB). (Eng.) ; §}JS(^- [fiih.

Penance, ^susf. (^uih.) Q.'srreiri-j. eSlrr

Pencil, ^^/flgiD<s. sr(W^Q3,n&o.

Peninsula, ^Qeurr^^ ^eafr.

Penknife, Qui^ss^^.Pension, i3(Sff@iek (Eng.). fE<s!rQ)S[rss)i—^

Pentagon, SiBj'2sfr<sm S-Q^enui.

Penultimate, ^ppuj<so<ss)'3=.

Peon, C.5=(aj,sOT". 115. i_(?u^/r/r (ahead


People, a^esTLD. Qi^^sarii. Quijjit. iSIjt

esi^aeir 107.

People of the village, msLntrir. 60.

People's share, (^^Leurrrnh 101.

Pepper, l3isit(^. [^tJtSsS. L&efr&aiu.']

Perceive, lj&huu® . arr^n. ^/S. ^^emir.

Perfection, <3^Ln^a&!!!rLh. uiBy^sssTLo.

LifTsmr -a^pr^smLD.

Perfectly, ^rBsuji. ^p. ^u 170.

Perform, tSsmpQsupg)}.

— a ceremony, rst—UiSeS 160.

Perfume, eurr-FSssr. ldssstld. uiBuieinh.

Perhaps, (ZpQ^QeuSsir. &so Ca/Sar.

[Future, J)©*®'^-]Peril, QLDiT3=La. as^ai . semi—UD. ^'s^

Perimeter, a-ppefrmj.

Period, ffi/rsoi_'Lj@^.

Periodical ceremonies, ^^. sirLDfripjjLh.

Perish, ^tfi. 57. 16. 271. Q<s®. 68.

©sm^. 57. lerrs^uu® . Q.s=^uu®.

Perjury, QufrtL^a^^^tuLD.

Permission, s-^^rr<si^. eSeai—.. /_/.]

Perpendicular, QidirSl^^^isiiiTssr. [soii

Perplex, «'50<a@. 62. (^ipuLf. . 62, 160.

Be — ed, ^QiDtr^. aeoiEi(^. ldujiej(^.

62. ^ems. 64. iS^(^8s'i). ldSso. 57.

Perplexity, ^®LDfrppLD. s^ s®LDrrp

pLD. ^emSULJ. LSffiSuLj.

Persecute, ^esruu u®^^ 62.

Persevere, ^-^^iuituj £!&). ses^i—uiSi^.

(sSL—fTLDW (lpajp&Q.3=LU. /S^....64.


Person, Quujit. ^'sir. 107. [weuiT.']

— in grammar, Qp<^L—Lo. III. Gram. 54.

Perspiration, Qsnireiaeij.

Persuade, s^uhd^lju®^^. ^sssrihs^

Q^lLI. S^.3=UU®^gJ 161.

Pervade, ^lutriS. 64.

Perversity, eSuf^ui. LDirjpsuir®


Pervert, LjffiL®. 160. ^irguLorr^'di^.

Pestilence, G)UQr)£Ufrffls sfruj &:&=&). O^ir

pffi eSiUfr^. QsireirosfT QfEiriL


Pestle, e_CT«ei».s.

Petition, eSlemsmuuu). Lomi. [^/r^.]

93. LDQSTQ^L-®


Pettah, QulLss^l Qjitldu).

Petulancy, ^/r<?<Fsirio. < Qpirem®^ > ^esrih.

Pewter, Qeume^ivu).

Phial, (^ui3.

Philosophy, ffis^^isn a^aav^jiLh. [^osrw.

Phlegm, Qsfres>Lp. suld. a^sS. QQecpuPhrase, ws^sstld. isnn-s^sLB.

Physic, LDqr^kg]. Qu^ txQ^i^,

Physician, emisiid^iu<zir 13.

Physiognomy, (ipsd(^/SLJi-j.

Pial, ^em'Ssssr 146.

Piano, Qem (SHOULD.

Pick, uiS. 64. iSl®iij(S). ^dj. 57.

Pickle, sM^sfTiL. \_lLQ.

Pick-pocket, np^L^s^LDir^, QpLp.,ff=^e£l

Picture, ul—ld. S^^utli. epeStUih.

Piece, s^eesr®. ^emi—Lo. semi—iL.

Piety, Q^euu^^.Pig, uekjS.

Pigeon, L/O". sQuir^U).

Pike, ^lLl^.

Pile, (^sSliueo. ^®d(^ 273.



Piles, Qpeoi^ujiT^ 131.

Pilgrim, ujjQ^Sl. Q^s^rri^fff.

Pilgrimage, ojfr^p&nrr. ^it^^ lUir^^eiD/r.

Pill, LDa^^emfT. (^erilesis.

Pillar, ^^ssbr. m^LDUU).

— by the road side, s^emLo ^friijQ.

Pillow, ^so-s/ressfl. [_^^a(^ ^'Ssssr, ^&o


Pilot, suuQeoiTL-L^. LDfT^tS . lSsitld&si-.

Pin, (m(5m(B@l. [^•3=a eu laswih


Pincers, @^®. upgusQsireci. ^(BdQ.Pinch, Ssrr(®m. 62. Qr5(Lpessr® 62.

— of snuff, QiSLLi—nuQuiTL^.

— beck, 0<r/r(g>F/r.

Pine, (v.) ^afl. 64. 6tiei(^ 62.

Pine-apple, ^eir(eFi&u uLpiM.

Pining, er&sui.

Pinnacle, S-uurfiems.

Pipe, (^Lpio. [_ai-Eiairm.']

Pit, u&refTLD. @t^. 134. [u®@i^.]

Pitch, Ssb. (^IEJ(^SUJLD.

Pity, (s.) ^uasLD. urff^/ruLo. 2_0a«iJ).

(v.) ^!Tisj(ff). urfJ^iS 62, 64.

Pivot, (wdsrrUJ iT<ssifl . (^®lS.

Place, (v.) (sma;. §j(i^^d^- 118, 138, 161.

3^!TSS!. 62. erb^/TLSI. 64.

(n.) @)i—Ui. au^eou}. ^irearLo. tSSso.

Plague, eSujir^. QuQF)(S]irfftd<s:irtLiff=^eo.

Plain, (a.) a^LDLDiresr. Q su etfla skri— ^

(n.) esita^frssnh. Qeuei^. [268.

VlainlyyQsueSuQ urr(Vi<ofrauj, Q^eBeuirs.

Plaintiff, emr^.

Plait, LDL^. 64. iSekssu. 62. [ii.

Plan, (op(Lprt(^. <3=lLi—ld. ^-UITIlild. [_ul-

Plane, ^saLpuLjeii^.

— (surface) usjul^.

Planet, Qusld.

Plank, u<soesis.. [®.

Plant, (n.) /5/r^^. 0<5=if. 68.i-/iiS/f.yiOT

(v.) iBiriL®. IE®. 68. iblL®uQuit®.

256. uuSlfffTsr^. 165. uuSift®. 263.

Plantain, sufresiLpuutpu}.

Plaster, <s=mi^. smssip. y-?'*. (v.) y«.^uLj. 62.

— for a sore, C^/fecia;.

Plat or plait, Qpemt— 57. iScir^. 62.

Plate, iSisjanm. ^s®.(v.) (zp eo n LDu lossr^u . QpeomhLf^si-. 62.

Play, <£2stnuiT® 62-

Plea, QpsapuuiT® . i§iUiTiULD.

Plead, iSiuniUis^ Qs^ikso^. isr®^^uQua-.

Pleader, enaQsn 115.

Pleasantness, ^eSesiLn. •3=mQ^ireL^il>.

Please, iSrfjiuuu®^^ 161.

Please to ^c, ^iuei]Q.FiLi^, ^c.

As you — , S-iliQp&ai—iiJ&^^Lh.

Pleasure, ^jeiruui. @)^i—u> 158.

Pledge, ^i_@. ^®. ^6<DL-Uj/TeinM. Qian

Plenty, L^ireair/j . [Qhldu.'] lSq,^.

Plot, ^^Qujirs=^. s=pudssr. S-uirtULcj.

Plough, (v.)^-Qff


(s.) GTir. <s€OuiS!!)U. — tail, QldiSI.

— share, Qsir(Lp.

Pluck, u^. 64. til®/Ey@ 62.

Plug, ^[(cHiL-ULf. (^a=a.

Plumbago, sn/^tuu).

Plumbline, ,^d(^^ffO.

Plunder, Qs/Tsrr3s<r. (^ee>p.

Plunge, @^. ^SCpisi 64.

— another, qpq^sshtl—®. j)i^ip^si.

Plural, UBsresiLD. Q(SU(^s=(SsrLD. [62.

Pneumatics, ujtldit^}! s^ireio^rrLD.

Pock, Q&iTULjeirLD.

Pocket, a=L-<ss>L-Ljicmu. [Cful/.]

Pod, Qrepffi.

Poet, ueoeuesr. swumuesr.

Poetry, utnL®. Qs^iLiLj&r. a/nsfliuii.

Point, ^'SBfl. ^.-/r. (zp^issr. (g«^.Point out, ffil®. a-LLi^iainL® . . . 62.

Poison, rE(S^J^. efica^ii).

Pole, aLDULD. QSIT So. In astronomy, si


— to lift with, euiresifT.

— star, sjrfRisniEL-^a^s^ijLD.

Police, Qurri^eh). esiirssiTQKso.



Polish, L8eg}]d(9).^(ods(^. afleraig. 62.

Politeness, LDrHiurrem^. ^^u^irrruo. unisj

Politics, ^fffr^F sirtBiuLD.

Poll-tax, ^Bsi)<zjiBuu€mLD.

Pollute, &-ss^puu®^gi. 161. ^.sSuu

Pollution, ^^i-l- ^lL®. ^is-9. ^@a=LD. ^(l^«@. LDfT^S-.

Pomegranate, Loa^fm.

Pomp, jiLL—LhuffU). QsireOLD. [_i—lduld.']

Pond, (mefTLD. ^L-tTSih. euirw. ejtfl. (^lL.

SfflZ LD®. [64.

Ponder, §li^. ^eu^irsiSi. SSssr. QiurrSl.

Pony, LDL-i—ih. ^lL®. [^zJ-Oau/rsssfl.]

Pool, (g^L-eoH IM®.

Poor, sreSiu. erstoLp.

Poppy, «<s=a<?/r.

Population, (gL5L<F-sarii).

Porch, QpauLf. LDemi—utD. tSjfrsrrjLh.

Porcupine, QpeireinhuesrjS.

Pore, Q^rrpi-i<sm!T.

Pork, uek/SluSemjD'S:?!.

Port, s^(f!ajD.

Porter, aemLDsn'rreir.

Porterage, erO^eS. [Comp. 270. (5.)

SresiLDffn^im 348.

Portico, ^&osuiruSl0O. Loemi—ULo. <s=fr^.

Portion, u/ii(^. eurrffih. U(^^. s^ga. ^lS

Position, S^. ^L—LD. ^(SCLD.

Positive, (oppos. to negative in alg.)

Possess, =^(^. 56. (III.) esiisj^^Q^.

Be —ed with an evil spirit, LSs^iradi^^^o^.

Possession, S-emt—emLo. S-fHemLo. 138.

243. eus^asL-® . (sn^sen-sFLD. ematu/r


In whose — is this, ^^iriaiaih?

Possessive case, ^qt^im Qsup^ismLo.

—pronoun, QLp&nLDUtSff^LjQuujiT.

Possible, «L. ifUJ. 118.

Post, (1.) ^urriso. ^0<f&o. (2.) eh^ih

uii). ^!r<5m.

— of a door, Sl^.

Postage, s^uireooy-sS 131.

Posteriors, tSL-i—ih. Qsaarif..

Posterity, iSp^ii^^. i^ekenru^iunfr.

Postfix, ^ffii^fBSso.

Postpone, LSesresieu . 64. sl—^^. 160.

Postulate, s^iMLD^euiT.iQajLD.

Pot, uirossr. 3=lLl^. (^i—ld. lBi—it. <SFrr&).

Puts and pans, urr^ffC^i^sAr,

Potash, LDfflSijLJLj.

Potato, &-(W)3sirdQLeiEj(^.

Potential mood, aL—LjumL®sSl&sr.

Potter, (gfffflygsr. 252. Qeueir/resr.

— 's wheel, ^rfl&is.

Pouch, ^ji'i—uuiM. eiau. s^ira^.

Poultice, upgs-

Poultry, QsiTL^ssir,

Pound, @(f^^^-(v.) ^Lf-- 64. @^^. 62.^e»ffl;. 64.

Pour, GufTiT. 64. ssLjbffii. 62.

— out, ssmp/iSleS®. QsaLLLp.eS®. 254.

Poverty, suga^aiD. ^iB^^uld. eretfleiaLD.

184. Slg)i<ss>La.

Powder, ^<sir. Ouirtf.. a-'sm <5m Ln . iga.

— gun powder, ^Ljn-<sSiZ)(25/E^. . .190.

Power, <sj<k>sO€SiLD. QLj&)m. ^rjrrem. ^^siruLn.

Come into one's — a/a^uuG). si^uuQi.

I will not put nii/sclj in auij one's power,

Practice, (v. n.) uuSl^i. uLp(^. ^uiS

(v. a.) uuSpgii. uip&Q. 160. [190.

(n.) ^Lji3iun-s=LD. uuSpQ. QpupSl.


Praise, ^^. [^^^ujl£>.'] Q^fT^^jjii.

UjSLpi ,164.

{v.)^^. 64. Q^rr^^fB. 64, 63.

LjsLD. 57. eT<i^i. 62. Oz-d.5^*. 62.

QarremrL-iT®. Qurrpgu 62.

Prate, u^us^. 66. iS^pgu. ^<s^ljlj. s

s;^. [258.

Prattle, euaiun®. 255. <Sijfnurr<^Qufr,S(^.


Pray, Q^a^uLDuekr^^. LSffrrir^Q .... 158.

Q(Sj(5m®^'Si)Q<3=iu. Lom QTj'® . <^,<sm<sm

uu iMu esar^}]

Prayer, Q-s^uld. iSlrrrrir^^dsw.

Preach, iSit^ejQ 64.



Precious, (^dso^puQiupro. ^QFjemtDtUfr

CUT. •••• 22b.

Precipice, iELL®d(^^^n-a!rLD3so. 0#/a@

Precision, (speak, &c., with) emse.aiu^

^Si {uQus?. 62.]

— speak, &c. without, ei]0asQ^iTeco,£

^/SldjrTLo&)[Qu». 62.]

Predicate, umesrl^.

Predict, @^Q.5^/risoj2;. [ffl!^t_LD.

Preeminence, ^^sBj/LD. (ip3;ek<ctaLD. QQir

Preface, Qpseifesirr. Nannul. 1.

Prefer, Q^rfji^Qsireir 106.

^iuisQ^®. 64.

Prefix, (LpeuresHgu^sJ. 62.

Pregnant, (be) srruui^ifl. 64.

Premises, (Lp&irih^nLD.

Premium, QismQLDfnssru^. Qstj(^LD^.

(for money,) aySa/ o/tii_ir).

Preparation, ^iu^^ld. (sr^fiesrLD-

Prepare, erd^osruu® 161.

^ujjiflLDLJSssr^:!. ^su^//?. 64.

Preposition, ^-QF)i3emL—S=Qi3=n&:).

Prescribe, spiSi. 64.

Presence, a^QpaiD. .s'/iSl^. 3=fhS^Ti^il\

Present, [.^^/r.] gjQr)a@p 128.

(v.) GiUiS. 64. QaiT®. siTL-®. \_ld^.

(s.) a=iBQ;sn'6i^LD. OsuQi-D/rsriz). QiSi](^

[®(«5)t£.] <Fi^uLj. ^iresTLD. QaiTsai—.

/s esr Q s fT es) L—


— tense, iSst^streou).

Preservation, urftuir€0€srLD. sfruuf. utrir


Preserve, srr. 64. siruutrpsn 62.

Preside, ^SsoetaLnuem^^.

Presidency, ^ir/r<s^^/rsOT. ^SsdiEsn'Ji.

President, (ip^eofreB. (Lpstres^LDssirjisir.

Press, (v. a.) Qp®s>(^. O/e^sq. ^®<s

Press, (printing,) ^3=9liui^rrLD, eyi^

jjih, wine — =^^; oil — Q^«@.Presume, LS(^&idi— 66.

gjes^. 57.

Presumption, ^(s;i5fl<sirii). ^(Bldlj.

Pretence, QrBrrd(^(sS^<cm^. urt:3=!TEJ(^.

uir<s}i3osr. LDiTitiLDireOLD.

Pretend, LDiriULDrr(SOLDuemr^}i. urrs^uim

(^sitlL®. ufreuSssrsirL-®.

Prettiness, eui^eij. ^Lp(^. QmpjB.

Prevail, QLopQisnesTi^. [62.

Prevent, ^®. ld^. 64. /f«@. afl«D«(g.

Previous, Qpii^esr. i3rrird(^. (ipesr(e^m-.

Prey, ^s»/r. Qsmsn-SsmLiseii—einLD.

Price, sfl^o. Qjnnil 228.

Prick up the ears, Qpeiap. eSei^p. 64.

Prickly pear, ^^jjds&rettl.

Prickly heat, Q<mjiTS(^(T^.

Pride, QunR&aLo. sireuLD. ^siem^. Qld

Priest, @(5. ^a^irrffiuir.

Prime, Qp^eotrosr.

— minister, Loii^ff! 141.

Prince, ^^u^. iSulj. ^ffiT3=(^LoiT!j3sr.

®j<sir ^rr<Fasr.

Principal, (a.) (tpdQiu. tSlfr^rresr. Qp^dr

<sia LD in fr esr 1 30.

(money), Qp^&i.

Principle, srrifluju). sirnsssTLo. ^^usnir

asr £liuiruju>. QairtLuir®.

Print, (v. a.) ^sy^^ixt. 64. u^uS. . .64.

^ds-uu^uS. 64.

— of a foot, ^L^derSuQ.

Priority, rLpsesrsBiLo.siSsoeayLD.LSIrj'^n'enrLD.

Prison, arreueo. srreups^i—LD. Qeapd

a^trSsi) 115.

Private, ^i^ffikis. ^rjs&dj. [^rrii.

Privilege, SteairdQiULD. s-wsrrmh. sipi

Prize, Q'SV(^LD^. u/ssm^iuui.

Probe, s^eorrems. [bitijit-s^ld.

Problem, Q'FiusnfBius QsitlLu!t®{?)

Proboscis, gpsQ. [^^«SBffl. ffjuaSd



Proceed, O^i^jj/. mi— 66. Quit.

Procession, s^. ueiisS.

Proclaim, <s^^. 62. ^^sfl. 64.

Proclamation, i3siSl^^i}>. ^^sei^su


Procrastination, sit&i^itld^ld.

Procure, ^uiua^. Q'Fsrfi, 64.

Produce, (s.)z-/u5/7-. [iD/r@^.] afl^ej/. 96.

(v.) sS&. 57. ^ir. 70. [iLLi^^^ev

emiT. 57.] l&)eir.

Product, Q^rresis. ueodsr. Qu(if,s(^u



Profanity, Q^su^etJ^emLD. Q^eiiSlm&a^.

Profit, (v.) usS 64, 141.

— (s.) uecssr, 6\>ituld, ^^itujld. iSrrir

U^. EUITlL®. iSffQiUfTS^eSTLD. QUffl.

Profligate, u(BuaeS. streiitreS.^fffr^^ffl.

Profound, ^LpLDrresr. ^ipi^.

Progeny, ^/e^^. 'f/i^iresTLD.

Progress, rseiai—. Qutrd^.

Prohibit, ldjS. 64. sfla)i(g. 62. ^®.^e£liT. 64.

Project, iSgjiBJi^ 62.

— ion, iSi^asili.

Prolong, /filip., 64. /fsvrsfl®.! 254.

Promenade, &-&)(r. s^euirrfl, (e-so/na/. v.)

Promise, £iiirs(^^^^^Lh. sumr^sm^u

Promote, S-iuir^^. 62. ^^i^ 64.

npek^s(^d QsiT(sm®eiJtr. \_ili^^.

Promptitude, gjfB^LD. ^oj^^ld. ^eug

Promptly, erQ^i^uLsf.. ^shuldituj.

Pronoun, Srr^uQuujiT.

Pronounce, S-ds-S 64.

Pronunciation, S-d.s'ifluLj. 190.

Proof, 2_0*.^^^n"tl0. Q^usffffLD. 158.

^nKLLL—iri^tJa. Si(iffU sssrLD


Prop, ^iriii8'. 190. QpL-Qd^smsd.

— a_^£i/. (a_^/r/r. H.) Qsrr(ei^ Qsitldlj.

Propagation, ^L^afl^^^. iSjueSiLiLD.

Proper, <3=ifl 1

npeajDeioLD > lUfresr. 130. eipp.

— noun, StfluLfLj Quiiit.

Property, S-emi—eiaLD. [_^gv^uit&v^. fl^

LD^. 123.] ^^asrui. s=lou^^.

Prophecy, ^rrds^iB^a^isisrLD.

Prophet, ^ifds^iftSi: [/el5).] 141,

Propitiation, uireu t§e£liT^^. iSjinudQ^

Proportion, .jtjeireij. iSuLDTemLD.

^ij.] \_Qp(ss)puSl'^e!Sisr. See Ratio.]

Proposition, (^^SijU). uiLs^ih. Qarr.

uir®. \_^iTLL.L—iTi^rfiJ:).']

Proprietor's share, QLD<so<sj[rrTLh

Propriety, ^@^. <c^(i£ij(^.

(ipemp. QsFLDeiOLD. QlEir&^LD.

Prose, en IT •B^s ua


Prosecute, Q^ai—ir. 57, [(!•)

Proselyte, LDmrss^^siaLDiE^isuair. 248.



Prosody, iu/rtJLj^«/ririi). [Ill Gram. 167.]

Prosper, &^^. 64. <siin(i£. 60. enniu. 64.

141. Q^lB. 64. ^^si^eoLon. 165.

Prosperity, Gi<3=&}e>jLD. [^(5-] eufripeij.

^(mjsQuji}i. @^^. Q)3'L^uLj. 252.

QuQ^dsih. euaiLiuLj.

Prostitute, Gsu©,

Prostrate, Qparsi (^ui^p.

To — oneself, c^4>-i-'-'5cfl. 57. s^ir&^i—JriiamtTiu

^Qf. [62.

Protect, srruuapsii. 62, 152. ^nim(^.

Protection, ^/r/fia/. 190. UfrmearLh. uiB

urrsoewih. s/tulj. uir^siruLj


Seek — , swemncionL— ^«roi_a««oi£iL/(g.

Proud, see pride.

Be — ^-aiaafi. 64. ^lys/FEcjsQs/rorgj.

Prove, 2-(5a?i2K/rs@. S-qf,s-uu(B^^.

[Sq^lSI. 64. ^-(i?)UaiTffuu®^^. 158,

(oresn3. QldujulS. 64, (^uu'^U(okr

jp. QLDajQujmg)i<^ULji£l. 64.

Provender, ^eiair. ^suostld.

Proverb, ulpQlditlSI. euLpd^dQ^s^fTea.

Provide, g^ihuir^. C^a/fl. ^sm^//?....64.

Providence, Q^lu(Siild. Q^enusTfTLDrffuLj.

60, 166,

^(W)Si](sirdQ^uj6v. ^rjirtudSl.']

Province, ibit®. LDirsfT<smLD.

Provision, Q-a^sfftD. Qpeh^^.

Provoke, QstruQpLL® 62.

Prudence, eSQeusLo. ^rreu^irsnrui.

Prune, (v.) sSsir. 57, /e^<s@.

Psalm, s^iiiS^^LD. Q^w.

Puberty, udi^eusirsinl). \_Lj^^iu^^isi).']

Public, QejettliujniisLDfresr. iSlu&^^LDiTesr.

Publication, lSjshtld. iSitS^^ld- uQ(JIEISLD. [62,

Publish, iSlrrS^^i^usm^ii. s^ga-uauLj.

Puff, esi^, 62.

Pull, ^Q>. 64,

— down, ^if. 64.

— off, ii!®ffiy@. 62. u^. 64.

Pullet, (£<3ni—d Qsiri^.

Pully, sulS.

Pulp, x-ds<r.

Pulpit, SrjSFlSJS^ QjSITL-L^.

Pulse, /E/Tif . ^ff^.


Pump, (any j Q/siT<sk^Ld1 ^ • ^^

onejjisismt^s ks


1^ eisTL^s .... JPumpkin, y^^&sS.

Punctual, QfBuiB^uuirs. s<si](m^. sesar


Punctuation, Sgu^^iiis^u Qufr(B^€C.

Pundit, U(5i!!!rLp.^izir. (^d^Qifreir.

Punish, ^6m^L. QlLQ 96.

^sQSsisr Qe'tu. 57. ssaJjTif . 64.

Punishment, ^smt—Sovr 69.

Pupil, LDir(&!^dsek. &siS,ck.

— of the eye, aGknoetsS.

Puppet, uireaeu. Qufrii&aLo. ugseaLD.

Puppy, iBinb£(B)L-L^.

Purchase, Q<smar(em. 5 6. (III.) <aiiria(^'

62. sfl&)c5(g €uiTrm(m.

Pure gold, ^isisih. ^uj^S . . . . 166.

Purgatory, s-^^ iffs(^i^ sold.

Purge, si^. 57, 64.

To take a — Qu^&c^s^ ^iruu®


GSQir^^sur^^S(^ajiTisj(^ .....62.

Purify, s-^^th ui^ewi 165.

a-jS^aifl. 64.

Purity, s-^^LD. ^^liiesiLD. 165. (£iLDeoil>-

Purple. mn^iT. ^i^u Seoth.

Purport, ^irpuSiULD. aqr^^gi. unsBsr.

Purpose, ^iTLDnGsn}). iBirsmiULD. ersssr

emSTLD. ^tSuiSlTITllJlM.

He—S to go, Qutrsu uirirsQ(n]S!r.

Purse, uessru emu. iciilL®€iild.

Pursue, tSsirQ^m—ir.

Push, ^sJrreij. G2. isslL®.

Pustule, OsiruLjiofriii. [138.

Put, Quit®, msv. ^<B. S^U^SJ. 32, 68,

— a stop to, S^ii^^ 62.

—- in mind of, (s^iru£Buu®^gj . . . .62.

— out, ^eS 64.

— on, ^rft. 64. ^(sufl 57.

— off, ^ULD^. 64. QumL® dl®.

— under, ^z_^@ 62, 160.

— up with, -^Q. 64. QufT^^s^d Qsrreir.

— forth (leaves, &c.) ^e/rlrr. 64. ^<se>Lp.

Putrid, ^Qpssoircar. ssE'3:€0irair. [64.

Puzzle, (£®sem^. [_u®^^.— (v. a.) fi®LD!rpu umsrmii. &d(mu


Quadrangle, mirp Qan(smLD.

Quadruped, mirpsireo ^sum.Quail, srreiai

Quake, ib®iei(^ 62.

Qualify, ^(^^ujrrd(^. sr<sd8ss>u u®^gj.Quality, (^(osnTLD. einl-^emiM.

Quantity, ^eireij. ^irnS. uiflmiremsrui.

Quarrel, .^ssuresit-. 273.

Quarter, aireo. &tr&)eaiT&. App. viii.

^ew^. ^s(Q. App. ix.

Quash, /E(75«(g. 62. Qiziff. 64. ms-d^*

62. ldQ. 64.

Queen, ^aiT'S^rr^^. ^ffrrisisiB. ^siT3=m

Quench, (v.) ^sfl. ^hmr, asesS. 57, 64.

— thirst, ^rrsm ^iT. 64.

Question, CdserrsO. (sS(S5). 190.

Quickly, &s.@tfUirruj. s-giidsiriu. s®s.

(tp®<s. i^eioiTeiiiriu. [gea^.] 170.

Quickness, ^eSlffLD. s-ffid(Q. &dQnu>.cQsSilTiSij. gllB^LD.

Quicksilver, ^u^a^ib. uir^ff^tl>.

Quiet, -Firis^LD. 3=irgi, ^LorRdeas, ^etaijD^. e^LDITplTSHTLD.

(v.) ^Lon-^gj. 62.

Quill, ^p@. ,giri^.

Quit, <£®. eflilOsfl®. 254. fe@. 62.

iSiifiik^Qurr. 258.

Quite, '^a. ^p. QppQ^ii.

Quiver, ^LDLjda^®. ^uLfQi^^^esiB.

Quotation, ^-^iri;6md>. QLopQaireir. sr

®^ffjd&inLu^uj (SUfrdQiLiLD.

Quote, er®^ffida!TL-®. 62.

Quotient, ^<s^.


Rabbit, Qaieirdsir (tpiueo. (^^Qps^eo.

Race, s^is^St- euiB^ih. SSsir. (^&>ld. 182.


Race-horse, ui^iud (^^emir^




Raciness, s^qkS.

Radical, QpevLD. <^^.Radish, QpmarraQ,

Radius, ^eairsSL-i—th.

Raft, ^eu^ssr. Q^uuih, <^i—i-

Rafter, 6S)sldjjld.

Rag, SBiieiX)^. g]<ssiB. iSppio^es^.

Rage, 2_<s@/ru). ^sj^uld, Qpird-stl).

Rail, QfTfT^. s^L-i—ih.

— road ^QF)ULjU ufrea^s. [i^- 57.

Rain, (v.) Quiu. 58. si/^si^. 64. Qurr

(S.) LDeS>Lp. LDITlfi.

— bow, az/rsiraOa).

Raise, 6rQ)UL/.^^a@. er/Dj3/. £-/i/


QetruLj. 62, 160.

Raisin, Qpi^iftuuLp eupped.

Rake, (^uemueufrrf).

Ram, ^LLGidsi—iT.

Ramble, ssoneij. 62. ^dsoiigi^ifl

Rampart, Qsa^^einh, ^edfiiauD.

Ramrod, <s=&>!r<ssis. ffjuiTa@-3^:3=0O!reisys.

Rancidity, Qpesii—. ihuppiD. ssl^iso.

Rancor, (^Qrjir^w. erfHuLj. eurrLDLD.

Random, ersss'^s^istsi.

Speak at— erQ^^irpQuirQeaQu^.

Range, iBeenr. O^iri—ir. ^<ss£. <^Q£im(^.

Rank, eutflisa^. ^i^aogi.

Ransom, lSlLlj.

[price of— lEL-c^ib Quira^ar.

(v.) iBick. [il.] 70. ^®Q3=^^gj.Rape seed, ererr 252.

Rapidity, GeuaLn. gufi^ih. e£l&siTeij. sfgu

Rarity, ^y/fsuii. ^QF,<mLD. Ljgi&iLD.

Rashness, u^d^i—ti). ^^^uld. 273.

Rat, ereS 158, 254.

Ratan, i^jldlj. [In comp. iSjjuuih.']

Rate, eS^tM. e^Q^ian®. s^jtld, ^arsij.

Rather, •s=p£>i. Corap. 96. [161.

Ratify, s_^^ulj®^^. ^l-uzj®^^.Ratio, Qpes>p. (^^ui. [sflS^ii.]

Rational, Lj^^iLjiiksir. U(^^^^<si^enar.

Rattle, 273.

Rat-trap, sri^uOun/SI.

Ravage, QarreirSsffiUL^ 64.


Rave, usdUiLf. 62. iSi^pgn.

Raven, (s.) ^skn—iki&asLo.

Ravish, aeuir. 57. u^. 64.

[_spuL^. 64.]

Raw, u<^mi^.

Ray, a^iT. QrjemLD.

Razor, <3=<sunss^^.

Reach, eru-® 62.

A tniver which reaches to heaven, a/rreir

^arir^iLi QaiTLjirii,

Read, ui^. euirQ 16, 70, 77.

Readiness, ^uj^^ld. Q^^ld.

Ready money, Qurrssili. etasuussarili.

Real, QiDiuiLiRissr. S-eirerr. S-(S!sr(o!aLDiuiTS!sr.

Realm, ^uirJ'&ujili. [62.]

Reap, ^£11. 64, 101. [=«y/fl. 64. QeuiL®.

Rear, (s.) iSasTLfpuD.

(of an army,) iSesrueat—, iSleac^rsistsli.— (v. a.) euefriT. 64.

Reason, SiumuLD. QpstriB^ULD. ejgj. sit

aWKlh. \_<^3=LfLD.'] 115.

Rebellion, «(SO«iD. (^Lpuum. ljjigi9. 105.

Rebuke, ^^lL®. 62. aekruf.. 64. aif/s

Recall, ^(Tf)ii)U ^eaip 64.

Recede, &^iej(^. iSehejiriEii^. 62, 209.

sfl(S\)@. iSicksm®. esp/SuQuir. iS/e^.

Receipt, upsii'S= §lL®. emsuupg!].

Receive, emrikji^. 62. upjB&O&irm^.QupgusQairm. 107. ^lijQs/ff. 64.

^psudOsirm. 259.

/ have received the money, uemiii aicrCi up

Recess, i^gjiQu-LD. np®3i(Q.

Recite, urri—(^ Qa^ireo^. (^sj. 62.

Reckon, sem&Q® 263

scrofi. 64. OTsaJr^^. 62. £Z)^. 64. [161

Reclaim, (gsaartJij®j^. &ituu®^^Recline, s^iriu. a^irrr..., 57

Recognize, ^^. 57. srrsm.

Recoil, 2_0s^. 64.

Recollect, iSSosre>i3^(T^. iS&areiiQsrreir. 60.

Recommend, (^uuemL— (spuiS. 64.

LjswiQifinui3<^. 64.

Recommendation, Stuirifis- • 231.



J. iSff^lLjU


Recompense, ematDrr^. ^

Reconcile, epuLj£r(siiir<i(m.

em. <sb(fheiaLDuu(Bd^.

He — d, ^uLji&iirig. ^iojiriiuQuir,

Reconciliation, ^urr

^&>. ^ sssrd cE U)


Record, (^/Sulj 190.

Recover, (^ismuu® 161.

— a debt, ai—sksiem'®.

Rectangle, _^/rs« rgiSLD. QrsirQsrrsso'Ui.

Rectify, ^(fF)^sJ. [^^/i^^.] 160.

Rectilinear, QrsirQsmL® —Rectitude, iS^irssrLD. O^s^uiwaLD. QfEiresLo.

lu^nrr^^LD. ^tskLDirirds ea(wiij(^.

Red, Qspeui^. Qenuuassr. Q^d-sd Qeu

/i^ 223.

[In comp. Q<Fia;. Q^ld.']

Redeem, LSLL®sQsrr<ar 70, 257.

^Qi-.pS"- 160.

Redeemer, lBlLuit.

Red-lead, Q'S^gik^iuim.

Redness, Q<f<siilju. 0<s=iz)KDLo . . . .130.

Redress, S-^<sfjsutr^ui. utftsiruLh.

Reduce, (gism^ 64.

(^giid(^. 62. ^irCp^gi. 160.

Be — ed in circumstances, Qmiris^

Quit. QldsS/s^Quit 58.

Reduction (arithmetic), ^esTLo/rnn^u.

[QuihasrioiTpgi. ^pjilcariBrrp^.^

Reed, fEiremio. sitlL®.'\

Refer, (g^. 64. sitlL®. 62. [@^^^<sReference, ^/Sulj 190.

Refine, lju.l8®. seflihuspgii. 160.

[si/tp.. O^srf?. 64.]

Reflect, S/5^. ^eu^aeS. ^QaoirQ. ^lurr

<sS. uj,Q. 64. [uj.

Reflection, Qi^Ssar. ^SeOF-s^Sssr. SSssru

— in a mirror, iSrr^eSLhuLh. [161.

Reform, Str^Qf)^^, 62. euL^u®^^.Be — ed. aiySuQ. 161. 9iT^(smg,. 62.

Reformation, Sir^Q^^^Lh. [Qen^ &/r^

Refrain, ^i_s(g.^/LD;f^^.eSe»<s@. 62.

Refresh, (^e^auueisr^^s. 62. npSiuufr

Refreshing, (^effHrii^ 74.

Refuge, ^^<5@. •ff'iriTLi. ^esii—d.s&)LD.


Refuse, (s.) si^e^. (^uismu. Qstrgi.

'3=d(SiS£B. ^ssfTf^uisL. {_srd&eo. 2_<^

(v.) LD£J1 64.

^eoeo^^iL®. 62.

Refute, LD^digiu Qua-.

Regard, @^. 64. sQF,gi. 62. <?/e®. 64.

115, 221. QfB!rd(^. 62. learLo.

Regeneration, LDguiSpuLj. 190. iojj/'ff^'aT

Regent, lilj^ ^jjff^ek.

Regiment, ULLi—rreiTLD. Qs^Ssa'. ^oxfl

iSl](^LJLj. U6S)L-eil(^LJLI.

Region, ^®b<f. §ld(^.

Register, ^LLi—w'hssr. {s,!rss&). i—iru

L/.] QuiLi!Tei]L^&sem<i(Q. [64.

— (v. a.) i—iruiSlQeo sTQp^eiaev. 64. u^.Regret, ^dsu®. 161. ^d@. 64.

QQei)<3=LJU® . sexi^LJU®. [uld.

(s.) ^iTEjs&}. ^3^e6rLD. ^saua. uiB^ir

Regularity, Qitldld. en/ffsme^. npstnjnemLD.

Regulate, ^L-i—uu®^gi 161.

L—IEJ SL-.®.

Regulation, <5b(w:m(m. fl-U-ld. ^lLi^ld.

^lLl- emLi—LD. iSui^dm. &lL®uurr®. SlujLDix.

Rehearsal, ea^^deeis.

Reign, ^^. 56. (III.)

^nirdSliULDUes^^ji. ^irs-Q^iu.

(n.) ^(Si^€s>s. ^lL@. ^rrrrs=f<s;uD.

Rein, sL^tsu/rsfreuirir.

Reject, ^en-(SY5. eSioCid(^. i§d(^...62, 160.

spL^. ^i^iT. aifi. 64. [intrans. 57.]

What is rejected, ^m(^uL^.

Rejoice, ^/iQ^rrei^. 64, 163. a^kQ^sr

GL^uu®. 161. LoQip, s-erilsr^QF). 57.

^dseiB. y^rB. 64.

Relate, (^euifl. isSl(S>jfBd^dQs=n'6\}^.,.6i.

Relation, s^pmj. shppiM. ^esrij}. uii^.

Relationship, ^-p<sij. 215. npesip. urr^

p&i 62. 1 Relative pronoun, _g)(sar<5^*il®^0<F/r^.



Relatives, ufB^^esrim'Seir. ufsffi-isen


Relax, ^eiriT^gj. 62. C(III-)

Be— ed, ^etrir/Es^Quir. ^eu(^. 56.

Release, i^(B^8soujiT<i(^. 62, 165.


Relief, 6F6Biriuih.<o^^^ireff><F.S-^e£l.^2s!sr.

Relieve, ^sfriULhuem^^. s^^etj.

Religion, LDirirdsLh. ld^ld. s^ldiulL.

Relish, S-Q^S. a-ana;. g^irnuo.

Reluctance, QeugiiuLj. Siftoj^issnl).

Rely, /ELD(i)«£i»a(S»sy. 64.

Remain, iBSsn. 64. ^fl. 64. iB^LUfruSlQ^.

137. i5@* 62.

Remainder, lSJ=^u>. Q.s'its^^im. l8(^^.

Q<3=eL^i}). 221. lS^. si^ay.

Remark, Q.s'/Teo,(^^uL^ . a,<su<sSuLj. efl

Qa=(Si^U} 190.

Remedy, i^uitujs^QiS^ld. uiflanuLD.

Remember, iB'Sssr. 64. /S&sro/^^^. 221.

I do not— sitsTm(^t^!rusiSi\jhj.

Remind, SSsstu^lL®. 62. iQirusuu®

^Si. 161. [62.

Remit, LoeirsS. 64. Quir^. 64. ^efr(sr^.

Remorse, u3^<3=iT^^fTUili. LDesrQeu^Sssr.

'Remote, ^^rrLDrrasr 130.

Remove, ^sfl/f. 57, 60, iid(^. 160. ..62.

^a^. ^SBp£ii. 160.

Removal, (ajsuea^. [sj/zte/^.] 107, 62.

Rend, Ql^. 64. Sgn. 62. l?^.

Render, 0<s/r®. 64.

Render not evil for evil, ^»wio4®^ ^aam

Renew, ugjui3. 64. /EsvLDtrdf^.

Renown, Sit^^. iSrrueSujLh. iSaao^iru

LD. LjSLp.

Rent, ei]fri—ee)S. Q.siremi—ds^m . 131.

Repair, UQggiuirir 64.

Repeat, <!;®^^.^

^ Q^/r^ 70.

Repent, Loesr&v^truLju®. (^essruu®.


Lueisrd^QKuu 50.

Repentance, s-^^tDinesrao^rruLh.

Repine, S^aiEj(^ 62.

Reply, i^n^ii^^^rrLD. LD^uQiDtrL^. <sSl

Report, ^iT^. QaekeS. 190. ^^dems

Repose, ^^Tuuirgs 62.

Represent, airsmS. 64, 160. urrsu^ussmem]. 164.

Reprimand, sessn^uLj 190.

(v.) ^^lL®. 2_^i(g. 62. asaarif . 64.

Reproach, ^.si^^Q 190.

><S(g. ^isuLDfresrLD. ^j<su^^g}i. Sid

Reprobate, ^L.i_(SW"./fcs: ear. ^Fessri—irsireir.

Reproof, semL^uLj. [239.

Reprove, ssmt^. 64. suf^dgjQsnik.

Reptile, sstn-enesreij. Lj(Lg.

Republic, (^L^tuaa-.

Reputation, QuajiruiSffeiv^rruu)....131.

SiT^^. QuiuiTsr®uLi. Iqt^lL®.

Request, (s.) eS essremuu th . tpemi . Loeii

Rescue, sflSaffl. 64. lSlL®(£® 62.

^.uLji^. 160.

Resemble, ep^s^e^'ir. <^uuir(^. Qufr<^(m.

Reservoir, i^ir^Q^mLL^. ^L—trsm.

Reside, eurrs^Loueisremi. 165. eu©. 163.

S-(oS>p. 67. (^Lf-uSlQ^. [L—U1.

Residence, en&^p. eS'®. (SDira^tD. 2_<o»^sfl

Resign, (^ulji^. 64. <sflLL®sfi®.

l^fftrS/EirLDird Qsit®.']

Resignation, /r/rS^/rto/r. QuirgaesuD.

Resin, ^iEj(^'sSium.

Resist, <sr^iT 64.

Resolution, ^irLD!T<mLD. [§l frsm luld .


Resolve, ^rrLoirsstl. 64, 163. ^easfl. 57.

Resource, ^^ssr. ^^ja/. .^rrsmirLD. ^£srr

Respect, iDiHiurrex^. ld^ulj. lditc^ld.

.FiEj<Sis>s. esj (osjsrsa LD


Respects, eud^eurii.

Respiration, Qpds-<^®^60,

Response, ld^Qlditl^. \_aLD.

Responsibility, QurrguuLf. n-^^ffsurr

Rest, ^SsiTUUirgii^ec. ^(Z/a/. lS^.

TllG — iDppenirsik, LOppstDsu.



Rest, (v.) ^dsiruurrffii. 62. gg/Z/. 57.

Restore, np^a Quirohi^u usssr^^n.

Pq^ldus GlSlT®.

Restrain, lll-QsslL®. 62. ^t—d(^. 62.

LD/S^. ^(B. 64.

Restraint, ^i—dsih.

Restrict, ^i—d(^ 62.

SL-.®uuiT® usm,^is.

Result, Qpi^eij. ueoek. airiftiuSl^^.

Resurrection, S-uS/T^Q^(ip^eo.

Retail, 0i^st)g»^. [With eiiiriE/(m. 62.

sQeo. 70.]

Retinue, u/fieurrjiLD. urUs^utrir.

Retire, a06W(g. 62. ^<sjj2/. ^esii—i^

Qua. 258. [a/.

Retreat, <^^dSi—Lh. 6^®dSi—th. Laeni'D

Retrograde, iSl^e^®. endQffl. 64.

Return, ^(ttjldl/. 62. t^^^efo. [Co. 160.]

Reveal, QeiisiflLJu®^,^. 62, 161. ^^sfl.

160. [®. 62.

Revenge, uL^si]mEj(^. <ff:rfid(^d= ,3=/fJsLL

Revenue, /Se^l&^u-j. (Eng.) fflj/flic/rczrii).

Reverence, <si;(S3Jir/E/@. 62. ues^. ^l^ulasiB. 57. 3=iEiQ. 64.

Reverend, (title.) <9=/Ei0SisQu/r(rr)ii^uj.

Reverse, (v.) ^q^ulj. 160. ljitlL®. 62.

aeSup. 64.

Revile, ^/e^. ,m'ei^- 64. ^sq^. 215,

60. ©#. ^/l®. 62. «toq;. 57. [64.

Revise, ^q^^^^Qs^iu. 57. iSaoLpumr.

Revive, S-uSit. 64. S-uSluemt—. 57. zi)

srotp. 64.

Revoke, wwp^. 62, 160.

Revolt, ^ipuuLD.

Revolution, Ljrr(^^<so. ^-q^uQ. a-pg)i.

— of a heavenly body. i^lLl-ld. €u

Reward, ueocir. Qai(^LD^. Q<sj(^LDrre!!rLh.

Rhetoric, ojrrdseoEjsfrrrLo. ^etsfluSleos

Rheumatism, euir^Lo.

Rhinoceros, srrsmi—iriBQ^sLD.

Rhombus, ^rriuii^ <s=g]rim.

Rhyme, sr^esis.

Rib, sflis»)/rOsi;jj2/ii)L/. U(wQ<B}^ldlj.

Ribbon, fEirt—ir.

Rice, ^iB&. I'^sarih.— boiled, Q'S^ir^. ^mainh. ^rr^ili. ^— cakes, ^uutb. ^uuih 146.

Riches, SaeaiBiuih. ^sstld. ^m^. 0.s=

siieiju). <3^LDUsgi , ^jreSltutli..

— a rich man, U(omssirrrek. &LDiTeir.

Riddle, (£i®ssis>^.

Ride, s'lTiB.

Ridge, Qps®. [_QLDrr®.'] 2_<?S. m®Qujn-

®. (SlltJLDLI. Q£Sfr®QpL^.

Ridicule, QseS. urflajfr&=LD. &ffJLjurrex£.

Right, 3=fB. iBiuiTLUU). li^. 115. iS^iresi

iM. Qpemp. ^@^. ^L-i—iM. Qmir. Q<3=


Rightly, a^tfiiuiriu. Qs^LDetaLDiinruj. 39,

115, 146.

Righteousness, li^.

Rigid, (become), <£liiQp. 62. [sfliflic^.]

sSeiap. 64. ^LStTir(^.

Ring, QiDir^ffU):— worm, C^toi^. u®

(v.) — the bell, ld&sS^l^. [64. =strike.]

Ripe, UQ£^^. (tp^ifk^. Qpp^csr. ,ssS\

rs^. 74.— 76. [(jo^^eb.j

— fruit, <sGs9. utpth.

Ripen, uq£. 64.— Qp^ir 66.

Rise, er(ipu>Lj. 62. erQ£. 60. Qotimlj. 62.

6jgii. 62. &.UJIT. 57. ggffiy@. 62.

Rite, aQT)LDili. ^i—isj(^. iSL-emi Qpismp.

Rival, er^'ff'SSii—d.sfrjjenr. Qufril-L^sarr

ffm. s^dseiTS^. (f.) 155.

Rivalry, Qurnl-L^. sr^ifl&it—.

River, ^jj;. /E^ 19.

River's bank, ^ppms<ss>!j- 250.

Rivet, g=0si—Ujfreis£. ^eapiuiresifi.

Road, uiren)^. [j'sro^/r.] sui^.^l^uuit®.

Roam, ^ifl. ^®LDirjSl^^if^. s-p^^^iB.

57. ^dsi. 57.

Roar, G)sird&. 64. QptprntQ 62.

J)effiij. 57.

Roast, *®. 68. QuiTiH. 64.



Rob, ^Qh®. 62. Q&!refrdstruSl(B. (^eap

luir®. ui3. 64.

Robe, ^lEjQ. SSsoiuiiiQ. uiLi^Qiao^ffu^.

Robustness, ueou^. Ljei^L^. ^tsmetoLD.

Rock, (s.) ackwdso. urremp.

(v. a.) ^lL®. ^neofriL®. ^rjirtl.®.

62. 160.

Rocket, euirmsTLo.

— blue, LD^jSnuLf.

Rod, ^if-. QsiTiki. iSeofr^.

Roe, QeueSLDtreir.

— of a fish, @^.Rogue, uir^ssk. LfffsitldsrriTCBr. ^q^l—

dr. iSisirefresr.

Roll, (s.) ei-Q^eir.

(v. a. & n.) 2-0(^5. 56. (HI.) «£p^.

&.qF)lL®. SrLppga- 62, 161, 273.

— over, LjiTL-®. 160.

— up, s-qT/lL®. 160.

Roof, s^eaiT, QLDpQ&rruLf. Qldit®.

Qpa®.Room, ^<siap. [<s;rLDir/r.] 3=irds!>. 3k.i—LD.

Root, QeuiT. QLpiEi(Q. QpeoiM.

— of the tongue, ^i^fEir. [/E/rafldr^if .]— take, Qeiiirupsii. 62. Gojirmsicirgii.

— up, tQrrQpisOLD!TS(^. 62.

Rope, aiugis. UQ£€i!y^. eul—ld.

Rose, npL—Qs^euih^,

— water, ume^ir.

Rot, QiEniifiQ^QuQuir. 58, 62, 258

^QS® :

Rote (lesson) eumiJuum—m.

Rotten, ^(tgaeoimar. S-(&T)^^.

Rough, Qpni—'TicST. '3=rf.3=nuuirasr

npff®<str€ir, UQFiil)ULf.aj!rcw. <riTJ'&:ee)rr


Round, (s.) (SUL-i—LD. s^smesiL—

(prep.) @ip. s-piS. s-piS^LD.

Roundness, ^jilQ. S-^i.!-©. ^-(tjszot"

<oS>l~. aiL-t—LD.

Round about, @ip. 3;pjS^Lh. ^dsiluss^^^il) 170.

Round, become, ^^(Eyj. 56. (HI.) s_

0(^5. 56. (HI-)

— make QaiL®. 160, 62.


Row, <3=ism(Soi—.. :a=<3^<3=rjeij. ^weSl. s&)su:i;

<3]ifi(cei3=. u^^. ^emfl. ^@«(g. 107.

(v.) ^<ss!)T®eveS 64.

Royal, ^ffiT'S^^aLDiTasr.

Rub, G^iLi. ^etoL 64. 32. b. <s<5^«(g.

— in, £11 L^ 64.

— ears of corn, lSsmcs^. 57.

Rubbish, (^uemu. s^evih.

Ruby, LS)iT(sis£laais). QsihLf.

Rudder, a-dairek.

Rude, QpiTL-®. [A rude man, (iprri—dr.']


— ness, Qpir.


Rug, amueSl.

Ruin, (s.)

(V.)^£^. «


L^. 64. 0«®. 64. uir

tp<ssif..64. ufrLpird(^. Qp(Lgsuf.. 9esijS. 64.

Rule, (v.) =^^. 56. (111.) [«!»ia.

(S.) sfl^. ^FlLl^LD. (^Q£lkl(^. Qp<^pRuler, (s.) ^smu—sadsr. ^^airrfl. ^8sd


— (n.) [i£>il.i_iJi_/a)eij)«.] Qsit&>.

Ruminate, ^em.3=OiaULL®. ^esi'S^Quir®


Rumor, QsekeS. -r^S^ih. iSgrn^iruib.

Rump, @<S(OT"if


Run, gp® 62.111. 273. uiriL.bl.

— off (as water,) <siil^ 57.

Rupee, (f^uiTiL.

Rupture, isp^ii.

Rush, (v.) QiDtr^. 62. uiriLi. 57. /sfreij.

62. ^emp. 64.

(s.) ^(fFfiliLj, Qanena. mrrsmeo..

Rust, aetf^iMLj. gjQF). gjffja, sm>p.

Rye, siin-f.


Sabbath, ^lueifmireir. \jQtruSp^.i@Lfi

(STOiz).] A pp. vii.

Sack, cF/r«(ffi. siTOU. Qurrdsisiznh.QairiEml-

— cloth, ^ffiL®. [lUih.

Sacrament, ^irdQnQLDiigj, (Qtrasr^nQi

Sacred, ^(5. 128. ^sueSiu.

Sacrifice, ueS. [^S'SsrueS.']

Sacristan, QsiruSleoLoesfliusmTesr,

Saddle, Q-a^emih. [eSesfl.] aeoeo'hssr.




Scholar, eSd^eurreir. 242. LDirm^saosr.

School, uekefldsh-i—LD.

— master, s^uir^^iuirrr 151.

— mistress, a_u/r^^<y@.

Science, s^ir&oflrruj. 215, 240. afl^en^.

Scoff, UrB&lT3:L0 "). -„_

Scold, sLp-i^Qsirerr. 106. ^lL®,

^^L-(B . S-^s(m. 62. smuL^. 64.

Scorch, 3. 57, 64. rLp^QuQufr. siiitlL

®. Gijjpi. sQf)<i(^. 62. [Co. 160.]

Scorpion, Q^en.

— black, !ELL(B<Di3!rdjssfrS.

Scour,^£MZ_. 64.^60«@. l8^&(^. 62.

Scourge, ^emi^. 64. <s'<ajs8(^scL^. 64.

Scrape, P<a/. 62. sipem®. iSQrf&k®. 62.

— off, ffl/i^. 62.

— out, ^Q^sij. 62.

Scratch, Sjj/. 62. Q^it/SI. 57.

— off (the skin. Sic.) eaipiL.® 62.

— as fowls, &UJ. 64.

Scrawl, Qgiss(^. 62,

Scream, ^eogu. s,^^. 62. c^ifi®. S^S(B.

263. <s^s^. 62.

Screen, (v.) airp^ [OauiiSca'] ui—iriMeo

(s^Sii 157. h.

LD&ip. 64.

Screw, ^Q^stremfl. (ip^&siresS.

Scribble, S^sq 62.


Scripture, Qeu^ih. [Q<si^ erac^gJ.']

Scrofula, semi—LDirSso.

Scuffle, ^Lf.tSLp. ^6m&au.. Loee^. em,ss5

eoisis <3= sssr <s<a



Sculpture, S^^rreS^em^.

Scura,^ss)/r. er®. QlLl-ld.

Scurf, Qun-(B(^. asm®. ^s=g!i. [<BjiJ

L/sJr.] Q^n-/S.

Scythe, s^'.^.y/flau/rsTr.

Sea, si—tsv. lurreaeu.'] 101.

— breeze, S-UUEianpagji. aL-psirp^.

— weed, at—pun®.Seal, Qp^^eem. [Sa/r.]

— (sea-dog,) si—eomirii.

Sealing-wax, =«yj<«(g.

Seam, eoy^iuso.

Search into, ^ijiriL. 57. sSl^/riff. 215, 64.

for, Q^®. !BfT®.

Season, UQFfSut}). ^QF^isssrLD.

Seasoning, ue^airiuih. euL^aili.

Seat, ^^esTLD. iSu.ld. ^q^uiS,l-ld.

Second, /SlSsl^ld. sfljcmi^. Q/EtTLo.. sireo

^lLuim. App. vii. gjffemt— ITeu^. 175.

Secret, ^usSIluld. LDempei^. ^ibshbisu).Secretary, Q<^sanQL—iB. (Eng.) ^irir


Sect, •S'LDIULD. LD^IM. iSlfffeij. {_(oOLD.

Section, uim{Q. iSlffJen. Sjjaiijsmsnh. ul-Secular, QeoewSa.

Secure, u^^rrLDiT'Ssr. Qldit,fldpp.

Sediment, <B]es!sri—&) . ld(^l^. \_uu>.

Sedition, ^rnT.3=^Qri!rsil>. 131. @ipuSee, airem. uirif. 70. ^//?S 64.

Seed, afl^^. aSao^^. [aS]«»/r.] . . . .203.

Seek, Q^®. 62. /s/r®. [p^.Seem, sn-eimuu®. 92. Q^rrek^. Q^tr

Seer, ^iras^fRQ 141.

Seize, tSif. 64, 107. se^iir. 57.

up&i- 62. ^usfH. 64. Q/5/fl.

r<sa;a/. euo/a/.]

Seldom, ^^aoiLDrrdj. ^rff^iriu.

Self, ^irdr, [in comp. ^ear.] 108.

— conceit, ^sises)^. ^a^sirriiM. ^— praise, ^pLfs^dS.Selfishness, ^pQurri^eij. ^p&QtEsua.

Sell, sSaj. 70. [as <sa).]

eSdsis(^sQ)siT® . SjnULoirs^.

Semicolon, ^(i^LDir^^eeiirSgii^^tl).

Seminary, ffia)sfl^F<F/r^ 131.

Send, ^^uLf. 62. sfl® 64.


— for, ^emipuiSi^^^uLj.— away, aiL^e^il-i—^uLj. [@.

Sense, i-i^^. eSQeusth. ld^. ilj^^. <Srj

The five senses, — ^wLjsoeir.

Sensible person, lj^^.3=itS 181.

agh^^efreiroj^. {ld.

Sensuality, i^(SL:^!uoj/r(s^eta3=. Qip^muSentence, sanaQiuia. eus^eanh. ^frun.


Separate, t5/fl. 64. 15. g. e^&)a(^. 62.

suQ. U(m. 64. Oei;<a;(?ei;(Ty<s@.


Separation, eSeodath. iSffttn). iSift^Sssr.

Qisu^uitQ.Qu^ld. tSjT^^QiLisLh. 190.

Sepoy, Quumn.September, App. vii.

Serenity, ^eaLo-s^^eo. ^esitD^. [u^^.Series, Qstrir&aisii . Q^m^irS^®. iSnmir.

Seriously, uiuu^^iufriL/ 40.

Sermon, iSji^/EjaLD. [«iii.

Serpent, s^ituuld. u!tldu. ^irrenun. ibit

Servant, Qstj^ssirrrek. sssLiSliudsrrjj&ir.

uemeSeioi—as/rrresr. Qldl-l^ ....52.

Serve, Qeudsd\ ^„ o „.

o . ) Q'3=iu. 57. G<Fafl. 64.

— out (food,) euL-Lp.. 64. uiflLDrr^. 62.

usRi 64. [a/LjL. 64.]

— for, s_^ai/. 62.

Service, ssllBluld. ^-^^Qutrau). [so.

uesSsSssii QeuSsO. Q^ensio. Q^itlB

Set, ^0. 263. enxsii. 64. 261. S^s^gj.

62. av^rriS. 64.

(plants), IB®. 68. ibitiL®. 62.

— as the sun, ^ov^lSI. 64.

— upright, fSiSiT^^. ^^^gj. 62.

Settle, ^ir^gjuQuir® 256.

euesojugii. 64.

Seven, ejoD. [^s^^^ld.] 172.

Several, ueo. ^Qibsld. Qeu(^.

— persons, £-/a)/r. =gyG/E<s/r. Qeu(^QuajiT.

Severity, sL^esnh. ^Gssn^uLf. ^Qsirjj

ih. Qsfr®e<!>LD. P-sapuLj,

Sew, stD^. 64. 32. b.

Sewer, s=rrssoe)L ld^(S).

Sex, uir<s\). [^ioS/E/,szi).]

Sexton, QsrreSeoai^LLL^, 190.

Shade, f i§Lpe\). ^!T(ssiiu. LoeajDeij. 1_Slp

•? (Sy/rL-i—LD.]

Shadow, f eSihuLh. iSrr^^iMutli.

Shaft, smii-j. arreo.

Shake, ^<ss>.3=. 57, 64. c^©. ^iL®. 62.

(^0iiEJ^. (g0is(^. [160.]

off, ^^^^lilQulT®.

— one's self loose, ^lS^uQuit®.— a tree, &.jj2(«(g 62.

[— as water in a vessel, ^etrihuj. 62.]

Shall, 39. 72. 80. 117.

Shallow, ^LptSeireiaLD.

Shame, QeuLLsii. iBiremui. s^J:,3=Lh. (5)

Shameless, QsuLSLSeoeoir^. iBiremim

Shape, a_0ei;LD. ^-(TJ. •EF(ruj&). eiiL^euili.

Share, enfrrrtD. uiki(&. uit&ld. 101. ursj

of a plough, QS!TQ£.

Shark, aQrj'LSm.

Sharpness, s^itssild. g^ir.

Shave, &es>rj. 64. <F<surn£>U(Sssr^ii. 165.

[— the head, QpeasrL^. 64.] <sui^. 64.

— wood, _g)sB3Lp. 64. Seij. 0<5='^a@. 62,

Shawl, <3=rr6dei»sij.

She, 10. [In comp. Quern. QuiL&aL ]

Sheaf, ^//?. ^rBs&L-®.Sheath, ssmp.

Shed, (s.) •s=[r6taa. a^iriijuLj. [a leau to.]

(V.) &,igj. 62. Qs=Fifl. 57. S^jy. 62.

Sheep, ^®. 181. Q<3=wLD/SiLirr®.

Sheet, giuuL-L^. sLLi^ingjuuL-L^.

— of paper, ^a&r. srrQ^LD.

Shelf, uevems. ^lL®. urrem.

Shell, §Iljl9. [0«/TLLi_/rc;ffi<yS. (m®<i

SW.6E.] [eg®. «i_®.]

Shelter, ^rrevrj-Lh. <^gjaQi—.LD. ^(Qs^ih.


Shepherd, (SLDiLiuueir. ^L-®Qu)ajuuejr. 131. ^esii—UJek. 16, 197.

Shew, sulL®. siresanS. 160. a-tL®. 62.

Q^ffldl. 64, 160.

Shield, uifjea3=. Q&l^iuu>. iQst—sui.']

Shift ; let him shift for himself, ^mutrLL®d(^^ pirQosr Q>3'UJUJL-®LD ! 140.

They left him to shift for himself,^wtssrs

0i_/F^ euiraSQeyi QuiTLLQ^LLi—jrirsscirr. 256, 254.

Shine, iSjjsn®. 64. siriu. 57. er/fl. 57.

ST/S. 64. easfieSs-. G^eSrr. 57.

Ship, suueo. ui—eij.

— of war, uetai—dsuueo.

Shirt, slSs?.

Shock, ^^iT^&. ^^iTULj. ^iTS(Q. 190.

Shoe, \_'ruuir^si.'] &iT&i Qs=fr®. uir^n

iLesiff^, Q^QhULj.

Shoot, (v.) #®. 68. aiL®LjQun®. 68.

— up, Qp^ 64.

— an arrow, eruJ. 57. Q^/B 64.

— rays, aS'*. 62.

— (s.) Qp^<r. ^EK^ffLD. ^esiifi. ^eBk^



Shop, [_3=!rLJLjsaiss)L ']s<cS>l— ^ihsiru^.

Shore, <s<s»/r. st—fi)>ses)fr. ^ffth. epuLo.


Short, (^lLsto/ aL-<cS>L— (g^jiQimr. Qi£li.

Shorten, (g^<s@. #(i5<s@. 160. @s»)/d.


Shot, rr&iiBi. [^/Dswisu.]

Shoulder, ljilild. Q^ireir.

— blade, Q^a&ruLL(oiaL—Shout, ^fruurB. 64. a^uiS® 263.

Show, (v.) airekriSl. 64, 108,* sitl-.®.


— (s.) Qei]L^a<5ina. (£sQ(^^ld. l^sst^Tsi^.']

Shower, {v.) suq^si^ 64, 163.

Qs^irrR. QuiLi. 57.

Shower, weiaip. ^ppeo 273.


Shrimp, ^Qf&>.Shrink, <»0e/@. (^uaLf. ep®iEj(^ . . . .62.

Shroff, Q/EirLLL—dairjesr. l^frrruLj.'l

Shrub, Q-FLf.. y^sm®.

Shudder, ^®«S®.Shun, ^eSiT. 64. sSlL® eSisoq. (^eosQ

aS®. epi^. 64.

Shut, ff=ir^£:j. Qp®. 101. [Ozj/t^^.]

— up, np® . 90. QpL^esxsu 261.

^<5s>i— 64.

Shyness, a^<^3=Lo. iBrresaTLD.

Be (v.) LSrrsir. [_sSff(^.'] be— «v_<»-. 62.

Sick, ^«@. (Eng.) i^iu n-^iLfeireir... 187


Sickle, ^rffeuireir. sQTjdarflsuireir.

Sickness, <^iuit^. 123. iSeei£l. QirnsLD.

QfB!T<si^. QmrrdsiT®.

Side, Ljfuh. 251. udsih. uiL^ih. 107.

eSeoir. ufrrfls^LD.

Sift, ^gyrf?. Lj<ss)L— QsrTL^. 64. ^Tfigii.

QiBLDLj. Gifim(W^ 62.

Sigh, Qu(Tf,Qpe=3?. Q fslL® uSI ITu i-j


Sight, ufTiretaeu. aiTL-9l. ^(Si^srot—. Qieit

Sign, ^smL-iuireirili. (^^. ^^(^iSl. @/r5?

uu. ea-s^esiS. <a^irss)L—.

— of the zodiac, ^nirQ.

Silence, Qisieirssnh. ^emLD^&^eo. Qu&^rr

Silk, UL-®. uLL®^io.

Silk cotton-tree, ^soq/ 152.

Silver, Qeue^eif).

Similarity, (^ulj, epuudssr. e^LDiresnxi.

Simplicity, Qu<ois>fieaLo. ^ (c£l Q ens lii



Simpleton, Qu&si^. ejemeuirujeir.

Sin, uireuLD. 52. [Comp. ^emLD. ^dSjjLDLD. Q^irei^LD. (mJDpLD. uLp. ^iQnir

^LD. M'flQa®. ^e^dosr. tS^^sed.']

Since, lSsstlj. Q^itlL®. Q^ni—imQ. Qp^jbQsirek® 225.

(because,) uLf.iLi(r&).

Sincerity, S-ssht'Ss^ld. lu^rrff^^ili.

Sine, [<s=/''.]

Sinew, isitldlj. rsiru^.

Sing, U!T® ,. . . .62.

Singe, s(ff)d(^. Quits-&(^. 62. ^. 64.

Single, isbpemp. <^(cmu^. fi<m\^^. [in

comp. ^esfl.]

Sink, ^lBlq/b^. ^lSlp^sj 160. 62.

Sinner, uireSl. (^ppenrreifi 180.

Sip, s-Q^&ufrir. 64. s_^(^*. 62.

Sir, Sivn .'

Sister, <9=QsiT^ffl. App. x.

Sit, giQ^. 64.

— (on eggs) ^(cm!—/£fT. 64.

Sit down, S-L-sirrr. 115. (^fs^ 62.

Site, Ludm. m^aenTLh. rSSsi. ^i—ld. [ato.

Situation, ^isusstld. Sl&xsmLD. S-^^Qiurr

Six, ^Sii- 172.

Size, ^grra/. QuQ^LDeir. UQ^esaa.

Skeleton, tsrg^LiLjds^®.

Sketch, (^rSuLi. LDfT^rfl.

Skemer, isrriiir^Lh. s^einretas.

Skill, s^rr^ffliVLD. a^mnrr^^iULD. uuSpQ-.

He is skillful

Skim, ^eai—Qiv®. 64.

Skin, Q^rr&}. [.3=0LDii). L^^sa

Skull, fiSsoQiLirr®. iDeasrstai—.

Sky, (aiHTGsnh. (^<skr. ^smuLo ^90. Qsneifl.

Slab, £jisOCT«. spus\)(oas.

Slacken, ^sflti). 64. fi&rir^gi. 62. /S&r

ffsS®. QfESlip^ 64. _g)srr<s@. 62.

Slake, (lime), ip&i. 160, 62.

Slander, ^isi^ffs. Qsaea-.






Soon, s=<s8rrLD, affissiroj.

Soothe, ^JDSSi. 160. ^/tso/tlL®. 62.

Sop, Q^iTiL. ffjes><su. mSosr. 64.

Sorcerer, (^(sijiiiussiTffiasr.

Sore, i-i<om. ^0smu>.— eyes, .sesm Q^me^. aisssrsiieS,

Sorrow, ffid<sil>. <^iU!r(^sOLD. gjiuum.

3=1^3= (SOU). WffirijLh.

Sort, «jzi). €ii<oas. eS^ih. ^asnh. [/b®^^;

Soul, ^3;^LD[r. ^^^LDLD. ^<ssrLDrr.

Sound, SB«»^. <9=^^il>. Q^iTiS^. sgeS.

— ing line, sfl®^.

Soup, (^LpLDLj. ^(omLD. ^rrffi.

Sourness, LjeSut-i. \_Q en (B Q eu (B


lj .']

Will sour milk become sweet ugahv? Qisti.

South, Q^asr. Gi^pQs. App. viii.

— wind, Q^ekpeo. oi^/f^im.

Sovereign, ^ff^eir. •FasrreuiT^^.

Sow, eSem^. sSot/t. 64. isirp^uu ae^ . 62.


Space, _g)L_i2). ^tsmi—Qsiie^. urruLj.

Span, ^rrem.

Spare, SlgaaaQsn® . 64. (^gji^Gisgn^^

^g= Q^tLt. 57.

— room, afl®^. a?®.

Spark, QUIT'S. ^uQuiT/S 131.

Sparkle, ueirusir. 70. u€^rfi(B. 273,263.

Spasm, ^Slei]. ^Qui-i. eueS. eueSuLf.

Spathe, urrdsir. [190.

Spatula, ^(SluLf.

Speak, Qus-. Qs^rrei)^. 2_0n/r. 62, 70,

218. [sSlewiiiL/. Qlditl^. a^gji.']

Spear, ^LL.Lp..€i]is\}&oiuLh. QeiJ&). [(^sozi).

Speciality, sflC^Fisi^iz).

Species, euQUZ-/. ^asnh.

Specification, eSleujiD.

Specified, ssnstl App. ii.

Specify, eSl^. 70. e£l£iiifi^s^.s:Q<9=/t6d_gii.

Speck, setap. ldits-. Loga. (in the eye),

Spectacles, g/)«@<£«»33r(SOT)qz..

Spectre, ^Q<sii3=u>.

Speech, Cc/.r*. urreaxai^. LSIrr,FimaLD.

Speed, sflgOT/ra/. Qstisih. gjiB^tjD. s^®^

Spell (n.) &L-®. ui^asTLD.

(v.) 'SrQ£^^&3^L-.®.

Spend, 0<s^iSDia;t^. 64. Qiff^soaj/ uessr^^ji.

— thrift, ^iBuiuek. Qe^eoei^sfrjjsk. ^sn

Sphere, txiessri—eoLh. 2_ss37"<a»i— Qsireinh.

Spice, eurrs^Sssraek.

Spider, 06U/5^. Qot^lS.

Spill, 0/5^. 107. Sl^ffii 62.

Qs=iTfB. 57. ssLpgu. 62.

Spin, ^eo^pQpSJ ..i 70.

Spinage, u^Ss^.

Spine, Qp^ Qa^ tM Lj . Qpeireni^sm®.


Spirit, .:^sfl. ^^^LDfT. ^.^irH. ^^i3.Spirits, ^rj-ireusLh. s^irsjinuLD.

Spiritual, ^eS«@/flii^. (SKrresr.

Spit, ^LJL/. 62. ^lBlq. 57. [s_i5.]

Spite, giQeuSL^iJa. suitldld s^muu&ns.Spittle, S-iBLpiiir. [p-iB£ir.'] ^ulj. out


Spittoon, ut^sstl.

Spleen, LDimremlPired.

Splendor, ^(StjcSQ. lS^s(^. sfrii^. i3rr

Splinter, &eoiTili-f. Sffiruj.

Split, tSlefT, 66. Sgii. 62.

Spoil, Ods®. 68, 64. ^l^. 57, 64. uq£

^!TS(^, (""(g.) 165.

Sponge, [u(^*.] sL—psirefTireir. urr&.

Sponsors, (S^ir/^^^^nuj^suum'LDiTiT.

Spontaneously, eueSluj 170.

^rr^e^uj. o-ilildituj.

Spoon, spsssTL^.

Sport, uQip.. 6=rrs=u).

Spot, SStOp. LDITS-. [_aeiriEisLD. ld^.


Sprain, s-(m,s,(^. 2_(WFi«@.

Spread, uuldlj. urjui-i. 160. L,'i_/f, 60.

aS//?. 15. g.

— a rumour, ,^^j3;. 62, 160.

— thickly, ^i—/r 240.

Sprightliness ^m&nnLi—il>.

Spring, (v.) umu. 57. euneij. gieir(^.

62.— forth, muffi. 62. an 70.

Spring time, en-a^i^siT'DOLD.

Sprinkle,.^®/. 62. Q^eB. 64. ^^gii. 62.



Sprout, (^(Tj^^afl®. 254. ^esiip. QpSsir.

gjSn. SSs^. 64.

Spur, (^^Qp&T.

Spy, Q <su en trm . QeneifsmTizk. aiT(oi)fn^.


Square, ff^^fftD. .F/fl^s^ffuy. -F^dsui.

— yard, LD/r/Sdasssn—Q.S'fLh. ^^jrQa

Squash, /e8. 15. g. /BaiEj(^. 160. i^Q.

15. g.

Squeeze, l9^. 15. g. iS^s(^. 160.,^^<S(g. 62. ^^/ij(^. 160.

Squirrel, ^es^eo. ^etsfi^iSmSsir.

Stab, @^^. [@^^.] 62.

Stability, /S^. SSsoeuinh. &-.g)i^. s-jlo.

Stable, ecirriuiM. [Q«ffLlLjLeD.] [l_ld.

Staff, ssLstirjpiQsired. uagnaQsir®, s<sm

Stag, ffi^, s&OLo/reEr. an^LDirdsr.

Stage, [ldSsS. ^(^<?^a).] ^lii&io.

StciggeT, ^eiriTiB^rEC—. 66. ^eirefrir®. 62.

^wrefTiMun^ 62.

Stagnate, Q^isi^. 160 62.

Stain, LDITS-. aemp. ^(ipd(^.

Stair, ui^.

Stake, euS. \_eu lS uS Q <s\) aijQ /ELl®sflz^i_/r

(wager), ui^iuto. eai-LL^Lh.

Stalk, strmLj. ^rreir. ^em(B.

Stall, Sswi Oa/TLL^Lsv). Q^ir(i£<siiLD.

Stamen, ^ebsS. y,i^fr^.

Stammer, G^jb/SuQus^. ^<s@. 62. ^cs

QuQus-. (msfTffi. 62. Qsueir^ .... 62.

Stamp, (Lp^^es>ir. ^J^.s-.

Stand, ^sm®. aireo. ^rrisir.

Stand, stop, (v) fQ&> 70.

— forward, (LpmoBeo^n.

— still, ^ifl^^ Sec. ^fEj(^.

Standard of gold, £_6»/r 121.

(banner), ^s^i^ld. Qsm^.

Stanza, «iafl. urnL®.

Staple, (^(oSsrt—iresS. -FissyU-iurresfl.

Star, fBLL^f^Qiffu:,. ^rrsia/r. eS'ssunSeir.

Stare, S-p^uunir. 64.

Starve, ulLl^si^oj it uS qF). 64.

State, SSso. MdsO(oSiLD. ^0sr<ssiLD. &it. iSir

Station, iS^ecuLo. m^fTsanci. ®ji—ld. eiirH

Statue, 9idso.

Stay, ^iEj(^. 62. ^fB. Quirga. euSi. 64.

Steadiness, ^jjw. [gw^ijzi).] S-^^. sen

(Ty<cS>l-D. ^FGOLO.

Steal, ^Qf)® . 138. sefranj Q3=iL.^7 . seunh.

57. Q^frrifQQ^tij.

Steam, QejefrefrrreSl.

Steel, £_0«(g. 6ro'o@-

Steepness, Q<3=iEi(ff)^^. iBL-®A(^^gi.

Steer, ^iq^ulj 62.

Stem, pnisfT, situil^. ^em®. sir&). ldlL.

Step, ^if . — of a ladder, u(Lp.

— place, /E<mi~. QuiTS(m.

(v.) ^L^&aen. 64.

— mother, LorrpQifihfiiTiLi. App. x.

Sterility, ld€0® . utrw.

Stern (of a ship), lS(^^lL®.

— ness, sessTL^uLi. sem^L^th.

Steward, ^-sQuiremS'Sinym.

Stick, (v.) <s^lL®. upgi. 62.

— in the throat, sfl«(g 62.

— (s.) ^L^. ai^. Qairm. ^emi—Lh. Qatr


Stickiness, u<sa-3=. iSil^ulj.

Stiffen (with starch), si^&Qua®. [l/.

Stiffness, npnem. ^i—raaireaLD. e£i<3n/DU

Still, ^WGsnh. ^ek^U). ^Qhii^LD.

(s.) snirSso.

Stillness, ^aoic^. ^ic!olds=^<so, ldsi^zstld.

Still-born, •s^mSendsa-. ^'^sqFi.

Stilts, QurriLissfreo \_slLl^^®.'] {_®.

Stimulate, erq^uLj. era/. 62. ^<si!isrL^<s8

Sting, (s.) Oaff®«@.(v.) QaiTiL® 62.

Stinginess, iSSeS^^eanh. S-Qsoituld.

Stink (v.) fEirgii. 62. rBnJDpLa. er®. 64.

^^irds/i^LDeSs?. 62. <safl<5=* .=S>li-9-- 64.

(s.) ^irds/E^iM. rEirppu). eS^s^ili.

Stirrup, ^lijauL^.

Stir, ^sKcs;. 15. g. ^s»^isv/r®. 255.

«SO<S(g. «SDE/@. 160.



Stir up, era/. 62. erQ^uLf. 62. ...149.

— a quarrel, <5^s3ijr£0)i—g/3Lli^afl®. 254.

Stitch, em^iued.

Stock, ^Lf-LDjiih. esisuSlQhuLj. Q.firiEi(^.

Stocks, Q^iTQ£. eSe\)rKi(^,

Stocking, QLDQ^n®.

Stomach, ^<ss>its(^l—<so. ^es>rrLj&au.

Stone, «a). &dso. [^/j^^sariii.]

Stood, iSmffi. 254.

Stool, Ld'SoBST.

Stoop, (^eS. 57.

Stop, (v. n.) Seo 70.

(v. a.) Sffii^^. &2. ^®. LDjS 64.

(S.) iSgU^^LD. ^emt—ULj.

Stoppage (from wages, &c.) iSi^^^th.

Store, Q<Fsiru3. <Fu>uiririJ>. usssri—LD.

Storeroom, Qi—iej(^. ueiari—a^irSso. 111.

Stork, endsir. fstrem/r. 0<s/r<£@.

Storm, Lj'Feo, Qunnrmsirpffi.

Story, sem^. <3^rfl^^rnD.

Stoutness, S-jld. ^jdu>. ,^^eou>.

Straight, Q&irissm^. QiBuiTioisr. iSIlSitie^.

— on, Qm®s. Q/bQu.

Strain, (water &c.) <si uf-siL® . 62.

— off, sui^. 64.

(make effort), Qps(Q 62.

Strait, (s.) sir&osmrib. [_3^&).

— ness, QiB(iiF),isw. <z^®ssld. ^einL—<s^

Straits, ^®da<sm. Q/BQ^dSemL ^^^

Strangeness, ^^^rBtuiD. l]s^(cS)ld. ^^

Strangle, (^a&ienhffQirEiB. 64.

Strangury, f§iTds®uLf.

Straw, iSBiSudQ^ireo. 152. [^(Wjii/-/.]

Strap, s,J=». eu/r/f.

Stratum, ueni ^®s(^.Stray, sul^^ulj 62.

Stream, liQuinl-i—LD. Qeuaretru).

Street, 0^0. eS^. s^irdso.

Strength, Qusosk. 134. ^^gjetim. ^^^.

— en, Queouu

Stretch, iiL®. 62. ^(Lg. 64.

Strictness, sessri-^ULj. ^lLi—ld. si^esnh.

Strife, 3=<ssBrmiL-. <seo&Lh. (^ipuuLo. euir

Strike, ^if. 251. @il®. 62. ^iL®.62. ^es^/D. 57.

— against, QLDtr^dQsfr&r(^.

String, suSlff!.,girei>. ^irthLj. rEnuiLf.

— of beads, LD<ssS.iQ&(Trr(se)W.

— of a bow, iBirsssr.

(v.) Qsir. QsiTir 64.

Strip, e_//?. 15. g. aippffi. 62.

Stripe, <snifi. sldlS.

Stroke, =gyip-. ^em/n.

Stroke upon stroke, ^Lp-Qwec^L^. 251.

Strong, Quei>^<sir<sfr. uso^^. euedev.

Struggle, a=<5m<ci^L Quirrr. ^3=<somLu.

th. LDeoeofTL-i—Ui.

Strychnos tree, eriLtp. 152.

Stubble, ^iB^ir&r.

Stubborness, (^gathi-i. ^gii(^£}i th lj . <f

(smLp-^^tsarLh. lS Lp-Sn rr^ ld .

Student, LDiT(St!v\d<sesr.

Study, uLp-ULj 190.

Stumble, ^L—jpi. sisagti. 62. ^® .


. .64.

a stumbling-block, fi®&s<so. ^i~JD&).

Stump, sL-m)L-. \_iB^LD.

Stupidity, Qpi—^^esruD. Lf^^uSenriD. ld

— person, Qpil-t—iT<sir. Qpi—ek. LDsmi—iu

sir. LD/B^ssr.

Stupor, LSlT<ce>LD. LDiudsLD.

Sty, (in the eye), s<smsiLLpL.

Style (iron), sTQ£d^nes^.

Subdue, Qipuu®^^ 62. 161.

^i—S(S). 160. QLDpQsrren (&fj.

Subject, QufTQ^cir. sirrftiULo. iSjetn^. @ijL^OT-ii. [Nom. case, erftgsunuj. sir

— (v.) ^lLqs IT eir(^ 259.

Subjunctive, Siui^Sssr.

Sublimate, (corrosive,) ^js^siru^u).

Sublimity, ^-(dreaT^U}. LDfrLL&emLD.

Submission, ^i—dau). 148. <^®d.sLh.

Swuu Lp.^ e\) . ^<smLD^. uemfley.

Submit,' ^i_Ey@. 56. Slpuul^.. 57. ussfl. 57. ^aip. ^eroio 57.



Subscriptiou, effisQiuiruuLo.

Subsistence, ^eusanh. iSisoipuL^... 190.

Substance, QufTQ^eir. eudi^. 138. u^ir

^^i—ssib. QuirifiuLj. S(jy;Sg!. .?/rir(ii.]

Suhstsintive, QuiLiirJ^Q^iT^ ....131.

Subtility, (^ls^ldld, ^LLi_'ii) . . . .194.

Subtract, sifi 64.

Subtraction, sL^^^sea 148.

Subtrahend, Quir ersm. [@0tF/aSaDizj.]

Subterranean passage, s-iTisj<SLh. Seoeu

Suburb, QuLLesii [sw^j.

Succeed (prosper), @^^. BirriL. ueS. 64.

emssh.®. 62. •a=n'iu 57.

Succeeding, iSdreuQKQp. [<3;^iS0ii).

Success, euirojuLj. @i^^. euitl-®. ^^Such, ^uuL^uuL-i— 199.

Suck, a=uLf. 62. uitsh^l^. 64. (tpSso.

u-l<5m. 26.5.

Suddenness, ^(B^. ^s^ulj 273.

Sudorific, Qen^.

Sudr-Ameen, -s^^rr^LSdr.

Sue, (EULpdsiT®. i^iuir<^&tULD ^(B. 255.

Suet, Q& !r (tg liiLf


Suffer, u®. QfEiT. <fS. 58. 161, 191. uir

i—spius£l. 64.

Suffering, uir®. ^-u^^iiuy. 182. ^®ds<mT. ^ssruLD. ^l—it. s0o^. ^susib

cto^. ^<sa^. 191. \_uL-i—u IT® .']

Suffice, ups)i. Qurr^. 62, 117, 120.

He asked if it were sufficient or not, up^ih

Suffocate, ^s(^(Lp<s(^uu®^^. I

uu®. J^^

Suffocation, ^d(^Qps(^.

Sugar, ,F(Tf)ds<so)iT. Peofl. QQj&)60Lh. s


— caue, sQ^tiLj.

— candy, aps<5m®. [number.)

Suit, (^lUirdQiULn. aiLpd(^. (tSuiuiT,

Suit, (v.) era). 70. euaiLr. 64. QurrQ^ds^.

62. ^sB)<F. 57. s^iftuu® 161.

Suitable, QiuirdQiu. ejpp. [era).] pd

Sulkiness, ldsstQe^uuld. ^®d(ff).

Sulphate (of copper,) LDuSpg^^^ta.

(of iron,) ^ekssrQu^.

(of zinc,) uirpgi^^Lo.

Sulphur, sd^aiij.

Sulphuret (of mercury,) ^rr^eSiiisLli.

(of arsenic,) ^ifi^iraih.

Sum, Q^nesis. Qldit^^lIi. ass!sid(^.

Summary, ^L-dsLo. Quitl^iui-j. 6^ieiQ

SjsLD. a-Q^dsih.

Summer, Q<ssiTeis)i—d&neoti 131.

Summit, &-d&. ^dsnuu. (Lpc Qpi^.

Summons, <s/I.z_&.

Sun, ^ffiojek. ^iruS!^.

— rise, ^-^ojil).

— set, ^em^LDSsriii.

— shine, QeuuSleo.

Sunday, App. vii.

Superficiality, QuiQeOQ^dQ. Qu)Qed(w

d^eurr/fl. QiDssriB^d^Lj^^.

Superfluous, LDL-®d(^L8(Q@i(zsr. Gldsv


Superintend, iBi—^gi. rEt—uSl. 160. ,s

(omaiesS. urrfTLOfft. 64.

Superiority, ^dsiesiLD. QLowurr®. ,M^d

Superlative, 'Q-^^idld.

Superstition, eSsmu^^.Supper, ^rfiriiiQuirs^esTLD

Supplement, O^n-i—irdS.

Suppleness, QfE@^d&. J

Suplicate, Qs^a-. 62.

Supply, Q&iT®. (^<o!S)p'^h. 64.

Support, (v.) ^^A. 64. ^iTiEj(^

(s.) ^^jj6^. .s'lTLULDnearLh. ^friEj,


Suppose, /Sfc. ^-<dQ^& 64.

toTsm^i. SQF,^ 62.

Suppurate, QtBir^ 64.

&lpuiSl^. 64.

Supreme, S-^^lu. QQ/tlLl—. [In comp.


Sureness, Sd-g^iuu}. iB^s^ld. SSsusuaili.

Surety, i^'^sssnurreB. \_^iri£m.']

Surf, ^dso.

Surgeon, -s^^^seiaisi^^ujast


Surpass, <si_. 66. Qeueo^. 70.

Surplice, QsiT<^ei>^mQ.







emeu, emauSlnhuu, uir&Q.

u(Sl.^fBQ^@. 64i.

Surplus, /!

Surprise, ^^a^ojih

Surrender, s^uLjeS. 64. e^uusaL 64.

Surround, d^pgn. 62. (^ip. 57, 107. ^Q£sij. 62. euSsn- 57.

Survey, Q/eit.s(^. 62.

— land, SeoLoefT. 66.

Surveyor, tSeOLDeiruQuireir.

Suspect, Siuu^

<F(ZpS^UJU ^

Suspend, _gird(9). 62. Q^iriEja&aei]. 64.

(from office,) ^ehsf^emsv. 64.

Suspicion, ^np^fiULD.^^LDirasrLh. Stuili.

Sustain, ^^if). 64. ^/r/E;@. 62. ujjp-ld

ift. 64.

Swallow (bird), ^&s<omiEj(^QF)i£l. ^etaas8ediTm(m(meS.

— (v.) eS(ipiE/(^. ^friE/(^. 62.

Swamp, Q^SF^uLfSeCLli. sefrir.

Swan, ^dresruuL-Q, [62.

Swarm, (v.) Qlditili . . ..GA, 107. «,_®.

Swear, ^&!iruS®. ^^^lULDuem^u. 165.

Sweat, Giar/fisiosi;.

Sweep, 3,^lL®. QuQr)S(^. 62.^es>L 64.

Sweeper, ^girp^.

— of a church, Qs!r(£ipsi^L-L^.

Sweet, be, ^^^ 64.

Sweetness, ld^uld. S-q^&. ^<s^es>LD.

P^^uLj. 134. iffih.

— meats, Q/sir£ii<oS>isiiLJue33ri—u>. ueosfr

Swell, s5'/E/(g. 62. i^LDQp. 62. ^if-. .64.

Qufrisj(^. 62. QsiTii^eS. 64.

Swelling, i^d<si}>. ^l^ulj. i-ieiai—.ULi.

Swiftness, eSl&amsij. Qsijsw. ^ift^LJo.

Swim, ii^ 62.

Swindler, ^ffjujir<siiffdafrff<zir.

Swine, ussr/SI.

Swing, &sr(^s'&). l(v .) ^(B . ^lL® . 160.]

Switch, iSe^irgii. (^3=&. [ii.

Swoon, npfrg=<es><F. G^/r/fa/. «^. Q^a^ns

Sword, &^^. eurrm. emssuirm.

Syllable, ^sbiS^. [^j€»<s^. ^jem^. QpausjotF. 172.]

Symbol, ^ent—Ujrretrw

Sympathy, urFl^rruu).

Symptom, (^emih. @/rP.

Syncope, (iu gram.) ^<ss>i—a(ff)'ss>p.

Synonym, u<sd Q s^it eo Q eo rrqt^QunQheir


Synopsis, (^jSulj. Qiuitl^ulj.

Syringe, LS,^^a/sj(^Lp&).

Syrup, u!T(9). ^iQa=iTg)!.

System, <^Q£m(^. Qitldld.


Tabernacle, s^^t—irn^eoiuili.

Table, Qunsn^. ueoesis. 52. ^iLisii^sssr.

— cloth, Qtoesiff^gjuuL-L^.

Tail, euirec.

Tailor, etoamj^sirjjeir.

Take, er®. 64. eumijf^. up^. 62. tSta-.

64. Qs!r&r(^ 259.

— away, er(B^s^uQuir® 146.

— fire ^uupffi. 62. up^&Q&inmrQi-fft. 57. 106. (4.)

— place, •g=Lhu(^. 64. rsi— 70.

— hold of, upjSluiSiL^.

—' root, Qeuirupgii 62.

— by force, lS1®/e/@. 62. uS- 64. tSt^.

— up, er®. 146. _^/r<s(g 62.

— down, ^ps(^ 62.

Tale, <s«»^. — bearer, QsiremQes^.


Tall, QfBL-emi—. S-iUffLDiT(S!!r 131.

Talk, (v.) Cu*. 62. ^iiurrei^. 64. (s.)

— ative person, isiiiTiLi3=aeo&m. ^eoCi

Tdluk, ^iT^ir&srr.

Tamarind, qsrf? \_ujuiffiJa. uLfiil.'}

Tameness, <F/r^. utpsaLD. [af/rsar.

A tame (beast, &iC.,) afil® or <f/7-^

Tamil, ^lSi^ 124.

Tan, Q^rr&yu^sS®. [a;/rai .

Tank,_ @sYrii. sn—rraLD. ej-//?. Siito/ru.


— diggers, (^L-L—ir.

Tap, ^lL®. 62.

— root, ^<osBQ<siiir.

Tape, iBiTL—iT.

Tar, Seo.

Target, ^<o'0<i(Q. c^^-

Tare, <s&.

Tariff, [/Sja@.]

Tarry, ^im(^. 62. ^/fl. 64.

Tassel, @(CT<?^ii>.

Taste, (TjS. a-emsii. ^rrciLD.|

Text, eurrdQiULh. ei],3=ssnh. [Co. S-sw/r.]

IT/iis is tasteless, ^gi G^/rgus sxs^^H'^"''^ Than, 196. [ftDSHii.* ^'^'-^

!Thanks, m<ssrrB. eni^esnl. Q^ir^^rrih.

Tautology, s.^jSu^ .a;^^^.\ That, ^i^ 25, 105.

Tax, ^a&asij. sijffl. eu^/Huuemi}^ ... .101. Thatch, (v.) Qu>dj. [Qaidj] 57.

Tea, Q^uSSso. [64.

Teach, Qurr^. S-uQ^Q. ul^ulS. s^lSI.

Teacher, s^uQ^Q. Quir^air. 151. b.

Teak, C^^ig.Teal, S/dQ. ©(srjesjffl;. [273. l?^.

Tear, (v.) 8l^. 15. g. Ji;. 64, 115,— (s.) 'Seaareissrir.

Tease, ^dsodsS. 64.

Teat, Qp^ssessr. np&od&mliLi.

Telegraph wire, LSesr^ufre\). tSsksuiSl.

Telescope, ^n^'^i^i-^sssmi^mui..

Tell, 0<F/reoj2/. 70. ^/Sl<^ 64.

Temerity, ^asfla/. s^etssRajLh.

Temper, (gszoraj. ^ekeaLo. s^utreiiui. u(Sssri-j. [(v.) ^s»ia!J6=^<ji)^®. 263.

^esjeu. 64.] [i_««ii).

Temperance, lSj5u>. ldlLQ. ^s^ems^iu

Tempest, iS^a^ei). Qunhrasirp^ LDes^Lp.

(mempssrrp^. Qsiri^eBuLj


Temple, ^OTUJii). Q^euneoajLh. QsfrsSeo.

Tempt, Q^iT^. ufiL^s)^ uitit. 64.

Temptation, Q^n^dm.

Ten, u^^ 52, 172.

Tenant, (g^L. t-ijud^L^.

Tenderness, Qld^. lBq^^. ^sira. ^

Tender, (s.) ^rrdsrrm^.

Tense, sireoijo.

Tension, sflewcF.

Tent, a^i—fTffLD.

Term, urfliUfB^LD. Os®.^<a;^3Br. . . .211.

Termination, ^gn^. ses-ji afl^^.

Terrace, QLo^&si^. Qld&^bS®. iSeoirnx^


Terraced house, LD3=3i-i^(B. Qsil-L^LDds?.

Terribleness, uu/ejsjjld. Qstf.. ^QsitTerror, ^Qso. [jii.

Test, urFiLeia-s^. ^-eanaio,

Testament, srpuir®. s~i—<ssruL^s<se)s.

Testimonial, mps^fn^Suu^psTLD.

Testimony, ^iriL&.

Thatched house, s^eoitrsS® 131.

That day, ^'siigii 166.

The, 8, 25.

Theatre, /E/rz—s^/r^.

Theft, ssrray. ^qflL®. asfrefrih.

Themselves, ^/tld. ^iriiism. 108.

Then, ^uQuitq^sj 25.

Thence, ^^sisSot-^. ^s/SjTj/H^. 21. [ij.

Theology, Qeu^^frem^rrih. Q^&js^fraoQrr

Theorem, ^^airiftiuQsiriLuir® (?)

Theory, QsatLuir®.

There, ^rac^. ^ieiQs 25, 107.

Therefore, .^etasuj/rsi). ^^&)ireo...l4:5.

There is, ^-em®. 43. S-<5mi—fru3QF,sQ

p^. 137.

There, see I ^rE^tr 193.

There is not, ^<5i>dso 43.

These, ^i^ 12, 25.

Thick, s:ssr^fB. u(f\gi-. grow —^if ...64.

(as trees in a grove) ^t~ir. 60.

Thickness, aewii. uQ^smto. Qa=^sij.—

Thief, ^Q^i—m. 242, 134, astrstreir.

Thigh, ^sioi

Thin, (any thing which is), Q^xjijsS*.

Thin, ^Qm^a^irstsr. 135. QldscsSoj. Qld

grow — OiflsS 57.

[^He is very thin, aippAi, a;i_«u)/riiS(js8cja3r.]

Thinness, GiminuesyLD. QuxasresiLD.

Thing, airrfluLD. QunQf^m. eum^. 111.

•f/Ejs^. eu/Tsi^LDr-esTLo. u^irirdsii.


Think, S."^. 64. 111. 221. &i^. 64.

erem^}!. 62. sqF)^. 62.

Thirst, ^irsLD. ^eut^anh. ^e£luu.

J am thirsty, CTas-ff^^ ^irsib erQsQp^.

This, ^^. ^i^ 25.

— day, _g)£Jr^ 166.

Thistle, @0<s,w. QfEffl<^&ev.

Thorn, (ipm.

Thou, a 10

/ 4


Thought, tSSosreii. Srsen^. &w^3s;r. snh

^^. erememsril).

Thousand, ^uSstld 172.

Thread, ,gir<s\). ^jemip 121.

Threaten, uiuQpffi^^. 62. 2-^«@. 62.

Three, ^(ssrjpi 158, 172.

Threshold, eurr^muL^.

Thresh, Quani^. 64.

Thrive, Qa^L^. ^sD^Lp. 64.

Throat, O^/rsasrsai— 273.

Throb, ^if . ^if . 64. u^£u. 62.

Throne, SlLDLDir^earili. ^!jfT<a=iTs=et>rLD.

Through, ssslQl S-QReu. muL—trs..

Throw, er^. 57. Qs,!TLLujLeSi®. ei/Bii^

sfl®. — away.

— to a distance, sriLL^uQutrQ . . . .70.

Thrush, ^darnh.Thrust, ^srr^effi. 62. ^rriLQ.

Thumb, Qu(TF)sSjjev, slLsku~^n eo . j^i

Thunder, ^i^. 209. QptpsaiM.

(v.) (^Qpjpi. 62. Qpipm(^ 62.

Thursday, App. vii.

Thus, ^uuL^. 25, 199. [212.

Thus much, ^ffi/aferra/. ^d^^. 115,

Ticket, &lL®.

Tickle, ^d(^snun-dje=3^. 62. SiLSem®.

Tide, GippLD. enppisi.

Tidiness, Qn. asasLo. QiBpiB. [15. g.

Tie, tie on, aiL.®. 62. lS&jbt. 64.. (Tycii^.

Tiger, L/eS. QsuiEKcSiS.

Tighten, ^^i@. 62. i3Q 57.

S(ff)Qtsi]pg)i. QfB(TF,d(^. 62.

Tightness, ^ffidaih. i-^Q. QfEQ^dsLh.

Tile, eg®. [>F^(?j/r®. ^lLCz—zt®.]

Tiled, Lodg^. ^LL®^^®a(gaS'®.

Till, ldlL®ld. <siiicS)iTS(S)Lh. 211.

Timber, uarjLD. LDrrd^trLDrr<^.

Time, sfreom. Qibuld. Quitq^^i. QeuSsn-.

^LDLUUl. ^QFi€mLD. 90, 128.

— a time, aO®»<5^. ^sld. exiaLLi^. ^afl

Timidity, «^<^<fld. QsasyiLpd^asnh.

Tin, ^srjLD.

Tinder-box, s^s.QQpdQ.

Tinsel, sirssiaiLuQurrm.

Tip, ^(5s9. Qp&isr. <Su/f.

Tip-toe, stand on, erd8fSe^ 70.— walk OK^ (V)ii^arr<sQ&) ibl

Tire, (s.) <siido<riuLD.

— (v. n.) ^SsfT^^uQuir. ^luira^uu®. 161. ^eiriT. 57.

(^* ^0 ^^dsuu<sm^!S. ^edtL®.

Title, uLLL-uQurr. isrrLDQ^uju:.

— of a chapter, &c. s,8sddQ<9=iT<s!neii.

To, 21,230, 345.

Toad, Q^esiiT.

Tobacco, LjeasBiSlSsi).

To-day, ^m<ss)pd(^ 166.

Toddy, &isir.

Toe, sfreo<£ifT€0.

To each, QuQfjS(^. 242. e^&jQQjirffFeu

s^d(^. ^^d(^ 117.

Together, (s^Qf^tSlds. e^(mLJui—. «^z_.

ff^ifL. epda. i^QF)Q<3=ri. [170.

Together with, a^Lsw-. 151, 239. <9^^

Token, ^«ni_iiy/7-iorrii). (^^ui^. ^^(mS.Toll, ^lULD. a-riiSLD.

Tomato, ^danettl.

Tomb, sis\)6\>(oiap. \_Qamfi. s^mn^'].

To-morrow, fSfrSstr. fEn-SsiTd(m.

Tone, ^es)^. Q^irew. ^sb)-sf. fEir^iM.

Tongs, (W,p®. ^®dQ.Tongue, iBrrd(^. /e/ts^. wit.

Too, £_/i). e^L-. 7.

Tool, ^(Tjefl. ^ILj^Ln. ^L-®QpLL®.Tooth, ueo. ^isnli.

— brush, up(^da-.

Top, S-dSl. Qsnili. ^SsoQld&). [p^ds^n


Tope, QfitTULj. Q^irSso.

Torch, ^euiLtpL. ui^ih, errBufE^Ln.

Torment, eu/Tes)^. Qeu^Sse^ 64.

Torrent, Gieu&r&Tua. iQamLL—LD. 273.

— of rain, e£li—nLDisnLp. Q^frfmtDetsiLp.

Torrid-zone, S-Llz—sazrr ajeBarz—euii).

Tortoise, ^emtD. s^itldld.

Torture, Qeii^Ssvr.

Toss, erjS. 57. ^^. 64.

Total, ^«. Qs5n-es)s. <9K-®^eo . . . .136.


Totter,^6vr/f. 57, 228. [^e/r/f/setci—.]

^&o. 57. (^^.^eirLnLj.^&reirir®. 62.



Touch, Q^ir(B. 68.^L.<mj. 62.^eOT®. 62.

— stone, &.einfrse\}.

— hole, upgtieu rriL. \_<so.

Toughneas, su^a/eo, — in fruits, QpppTour, uiusmLD. Saiuir&asnh.

Toward, QrsadQ. QreQa. sr^Qn.

Towel, ^euirSso.

Tower, QstrLjirtli. ^(T^dsih.

Town, ulLi—'osstld. sshit. tBSnili. 107,

142. LjiTLD. L//fl. iBssifl. QuiLeiai—Toy, eSSmajmL(Bds(iFi(i£l. [_Quir.

Trace, ^ulj. ^L^da-eu® iSil^^^u

Track,^i_ii).«ff«uif-. srsn®. ^u^ds-eu®


Tract, Q^i-i^^sLo.

Trade, Q^fTL^eo. (Siurruirsw. Qs^lL®.

Tradition, uirnLDueenT.

Traffic, euiT^^su). eSajfrurrjjLn. 158.

Traitor, ^Cj/rS. &i(s^'^.sesr.

Trample, lSI^. 64.

Transfer, UDirpgii. .a^rrLL® 62.

Qsrr®^^<^®.Transgress, iSgii. 62. si— 66.

Transitive verb, iSpeSSssr.

Translate, \jsl8lpuu®^^, 161.] Old/t

L^ C) UlLI IT. 64:. ^(7F)ULI 62.

Translation, Qld/tl^ Quiurr^^e^. ^qf,lj

Trap, Qurr/S. Qurrmi . (sfl<5»cF.

— rat, ereSuQuir^,

Travel, iSfftuaessnD uskr^a 165.

uiuem'U) Quit.

Traveller, iSuLunssS. enL^uQundsizir.

Tray, O^itlLl^. uit^^hld. \_u^.

Treachery, guQunsLD. ^rr(nkru.sixi. <Fp

Tread, l£I^. 64. &n-<k><sa<aii. 64.

Treason, ^ffir^^QsrirsLn.

Treasure, Qurrd8(ni^Lh. ^ueSliULh.

— hiden, lj etn^ uj 6)1


Treatise, iSrrurs^Lh. aio(^^eo.

Treaty, ^L.[—muL^d€ms.

Tree, LDtrih. ^qt^lL^ld. 13, 131. ^(5.Tremble, m®iij(^. 62, 273. fB®d(^. =gy

Tremor, iE®d<su}. ^d^a^ih.

Trench, u<sir<siru>. ^3,Lp. o-itiejsix.

Trial, Q.^iT^Sosr. (^ppsS.s^irjj'SoSsr.

Triangle, ^iftQ&rreisisnsi.

Tribe, Qsrr^^rnh. (^<s\)ii). sunrtsMLh.

Tribulation, S-u^^ff<suLD. 0/F(5<sS«roi_.

Tribute,aD/79.^/f(S!niffl. Qem^. suuti). 101.

Trick, LSl^^eofTLLi—ih. ^li^rjih.

Trickle, <suqL 57.

Trifle, (s.) ^jjem'Lo. ^puiM. erertl^.

Trigonometry, ^(B ^ausm'Fnero^rjLD.

Trinity, ^ifld^euui.

Trip, ^i—g}i. ^sii^. 234. ^^^. 62. ^®. 64. 3=^j,(^ D/.

(s.) _>si_ai»si/. mes)!—.

Tripod, LpdsfreQ 172, 180.

Triumph QenpjS. Qeup/Sd&pu lj .

Trouble, Gi^rrd^jjetj. eunrj^^ih. Q-s^treS.

fSiTuufs^LD. 166, 203.

Trowel, arr^sm.

Trowsers, srreod-s^L-es^L

Trumpet, ^rreisrr. erd^irsrnh.

Trunk, QuL-Lp.; ^l^lduld.

— of an elephant, ^z-ol5)<S(So«.

Trust, iBLDt3d<5s>s, wstSu irffUi.

(v.) lELDLj. 62. ^3i-^lT§i. 64. [^^/J).

Truth, QLDUj.S-es!!T(S(aLD. ^^^ujua. lu^iru

Try, i^niun^uu® 161.

Tub, Q^fTL—Uf.. LnU^Ql^lTL—L^ 131.

Tube, (^Lp<k). Q^rr8str. ljssht.

Tuck in, Q,s:n-Q^^ 62.

Tuesday, App. vii.

Tuft, (^®lS. S(sm-®. [_spes)p.']

Tug. i)®'- -a^eS- 64.

Tumor, ai—®. uqF).

Tumult, ae\)sLD. Q,LpLJULD 105.

sss.fruLjn'sfl . ^Loe/fl. slduSso. <3=ib^l^.

Tune, ^ffirsLD.

Turban, urrema. QpessrL—irs^. ^dsiuun'.

Turf, sQ£. u^ea^.

Turkey, (suirrnQsiri^, [(g. 64.

Turn, ^QF)Lhi-j. 160, 62. a€S)i~. 64.^(75

— away, ^err(sr5. 146. _^s»rsiflaS® . 254.

— from, ^(T^LDiSuQuir 258.

Turn, (s.) Qpeap. uirrft.

Turtle, ainL®uLjQt^ ; .^eaLD.

Tusk, ^i^LD. QSITLDLJ.

Tustle, ©iiL/ 62.

Twig, QaiTQ^m^. QSstr.

Twilight, ^i^iLirr.



Twins, ^ffLLesit—utSsirSsirs&fr.

Twinkle, iSmemi. 62. [,^- 62.

Twist, ^rfl. 64. Qpg}is(^. ^0@. '-Sssr

Two, 172. [suTii.

Type, ^ff=3r. In Theol. QpesrememL—iUfr

Tyranny, Qsir®/EiQsrreBretaLD.

Tyrant, Gian®iEjQsfTSOff<r<s!r, Sei^^ffeir.

Q & a uf-iLjon


u.Ugliness, ^emaoLLs^essru}.

Ulcer, uQaim. Seoi^. Ljnh. iSevewsi;.

^ffSSSTLD. Ljem.

Umbrella, (g«»^

Umpire, Lo^^iut^^Ssr. /EQeuesr.

Unanimity, (spQ^LDesTUi. (SbQ^Qp&i^- 170.

Unbecoming (conduct), np&apQs®.

Unbelief, ^waeuirs^Lo.


Uncle, yippuudir. App. x.

Uncommon, euLpiEjafr.s. euwaaLoh/D.

\2\'^!!^QsTLDir(ssr. 130. ^L^aoj. ^Qh

Uncontaminated, be, iSpii^QuxarBiuir

Unction, ^tSlQei^aui.

Under, Si^. ^t^uSleo 107.

\_&-lLulLl ]

Understand, Q^rH 39, 57.

^.ernQT). 57. [^QaiT<sfr(em.

Undertalce, er/bu®. QLopQuirtLQiid

Undo, imSso. ^sfltp. slLi—sS^ 64.

Uneven, -fldldpjd. aa®(tp!j®efrefr.

Unfair, ^t—ir^. SiutrujLDpp.

Unfit, QiLiirsQdjLDpp. m^&ij^.

Unfortunate, ^^L-i—tcpp. \u^me!r.

Ungodly, Q^euu^^uSiio&irffl. ^<suu^^Unhappy, SiruuadQiu. ^^LLi—Lopp.

Unicorn, srremi—frLSI^aili.

Uniformity, epQr; ^ecjemLD. [_eapgiieiBU).

Union, S^sQiuih. s^Lhui^Ln. epHhiBuu


Unit, <^pg)}i;mLD. s$mjpi.

Unite, e^Q^uu® . 161. QutrQ^^^. 62.

(gpoKismLDUu®. 6rG'«/rtS 64.

Unity, eis^^enLD. epQ^eiaLD.

Universal, sriEj(Q(Lp&r&r. Qu/r^euirear.

Universe, iSuuiqs^u:. 3=3,^gi. sSs-suld.

•9^(men Q ec ITa LD


Unjustly, ^ipliuiTaj. ^SiurriLiLDmL. 40.

Unlawful, S^Qs®eirstr.

Unless, (c^L^tiu 170, 172.

Unloose, slLi—sSlp 64.

Unpleasant, ^^Lopp. (^<5ssrsQs,i—frsm.

Unreality, ^a^a;^.

Unripe, QPPQ;ffi- u(Lgsa(T^.

— fruit, iSnQo-. airiLi 212.

Unspeakable, eDiT&(^dQsiLL—iT^. 121.

Unsteadiness, iSSsoLurrei^LD 154.

Unsuitable, ^atr^. ej^tr^. epsueua^.

Until, (Sugffl/r. 211.

Unto, 211, 242.

Unusual, ^y^ireuLDrresr.

Unwillingly, give, [C<55/r«ijfl.sOs/r®.]

Unworthy, ^uit^^j. QiuirdSltuupp.

Up, QldQso. s^djrr.

Upon, CldCiSD. iLlesi^ 105, 218.

Upper, QiDeoiresr.

— house, LDiTLp-. QiD^isn^eS®. 131.

Upright, QiEfffTear. lu^rrir^^Lmresr. 130.

stand — , SlSIit. 60. Slsnei^. 62.

(cause to), SlSit^^. 62.

Uproar, ^Loeifl, aeoir^. a^m^L^. a^s(^

neo. Qsireoirseot}). smuSm.Up-side-down, QLneo^ Qip^rnu. Sup^

Gld(o\j^itiu 184.

Upward, Qld&)its.

Urge, ssKski£lu [Cu*.] 62. Qp®&(g). 62.

^e>j<3^!juu®^_^. 161. £1/(75/5^.. . 62.

Urine, np^^au^. &£iiiiiT. \_aFLU^!T.

Usage, en LpasLD. etiiri^sems. LDrrQpeo.

Use, (v.) iSsQiLHTsLD ueme^i. 62. eutp

/E3@. 62. [eJT.

Useful, SffQujiT^iMLDnea-. S-uQiurrsLDir

Usurper, iSiuirtLnQm^uu^aQpeiim.

Usury, ^iSujiTiLi eutl-L^.

Utensils, s^irLDiresraeii . ^ L-® QplL® a eir


Utterly, ^l^Qojh®.



Vacancy, ^ss>i—Qen<sB. (^<ffsuu.

Vacation, afl©^^. eiirrsij.

Vaccinate, ^LceniLD eaen. 64.

Vacillate, ^p^S. 64. ^es>s





Vagabond, ^rreurreS. QuirdQrfl.

Vain, eSessr. afl^^/r. ^s^ld. eSujirs^suy.

Valley, ueiretr^^iTs(^.

Value, QujruLDfresnh, or QurrguLDir^tli,

for urfJLDfTisssrLh.

Vanity, LoaiLKse^s. ^Ejsfrrrui. ^guLDiru

Vanish, LDeiap. 57.

Vapor, ^eS. ^^LDth. Ujeins.

Variance, i^eusurreaLo. Qurrnhi^TioiaLD.

150. iS<si!sr<£(^. er^fBesiL Loir^ufr®.

Various, fBiT(es^iw^. ueO(Sii&o,siun'asr.

Vase, urr^^ffLD.

Vastness, eirrir&nli. lS)^^. ^^^'ijib^ld.

Vault, S&)(sii<ss>p. s&)&)es>iD.

Vegetable, lduss/S 131.

uuSiT. SlpuuuSit. Q^iriLL^uuiiSa.

Vehemently, tsi^snn'li 40.

Vehicle, U'ssst^l. einTsssnh 111.

Veil, QpasirQ. QpiLi—FS(^. ^esar.

Vein, /suLhui. iBing..

Venerableiiess, s^/asms.

Venereal disease, QtoasS'.iLirr^.

Vengeance, uiSl<sjfriEj(^^€0.

Venom, /e(^s-. sfla^Lo.

Ventilate. ^eosufriL® 62.

^P3)i. 62.

Venture, ^sasf) 57.

Venus, Offl/effsrf?. [fesr.

Veranda, [sflir/r/B^/r.] s^iTLpEUfTrrw. ^smVerb, eS^^Q^ireo.Verdict, Situl^. ^irLDfresru}.

Verge, (^uld. setatr. ^(toq.Verify, QiDiijutSI 160.

Vermilion, s^ir^eSiEJSLb. [aseiS,.

Vernacular, a-iuuireeiei^. /BrrQi—irL^iuufr

Vernal equinox, n^^^wiusssrui. [_ujLh.

Verse, aaS. isu^tssrih. s-QeairaLD. eurrdQHe is versed in many things, isir^sirfi

luibsefl^ib j5yi5LL;L.i_«i;@)iJ)(T5-«©(T5cJr.

Vertex, n-d'ai. s^ds^LD. 'S^d.a^iB^aso. Qsit

®Qpi^. [223.

Very, lB(^ib^. ^^a. Ml. [comp. also

Very valuable, i^&o &.iLin-/s^ 228.

sSlSso sjpuQiupp.

Vessel, urrsmL—Li). ufrd^rnh. suwoi^ir.

suueo 134. j

Vestige, ^L^d^anuiu.Vex, euQ^^^uu®^^ 161.

^Ssodatfi. 64. ^ediLQ. 62. Q^rreo

Vexation, ^smi—inLi—u}. ^LBde^niLuf.iULD. ^SsodsL^eii. QfifTih^eenT. Q^irw

Vice, uiTGiJiM. s^drLDiriTs<s,LD. QuiT&)ei)ir

[In comp. iSj^.]

Victory, Qs=iui}>. Qenp^. !^s=ujld.

Victuals, .y/TL/u/r®, Qun-^a^zsrib.^sfrrrLh.

View, (s.) sfTtLQ. Q^trppui. umreiaeii.

(v. a.) urrn-. 64. Qmirsi^. 62.

Vigor, ^emesiLD. <^!jld. em^fftiULD. ^L-lL.

Vileness, ^L^ei^. ^sarui.

Village, mmn-. 60. QnfTLDLo. ulLl^. 180.

!B^^LD. (mUULD.

Vinegar, sitlsl.

Violence, ^mrQff^LJa. \_Q'S^!TQrj'uiB.'] ueoirpsirijLD. eve^iedLp.. ueouih^iM.

Violent rain, ^jemi—LoeiaLp.

Violin, Qimr(smjjLh.

Viper, eSfffiuet. \_^ffl.

Virgin, s^esn. s^kewisias. S(ck<smujirm

Virtue, t-iessretssftiULo. ^itldl}}. ^pih. 180,


Virtuous man, Ljsik'eBiBiLieij/Teir. 180.

Visible, ^rR&tULD. s<5a!!r^^)is(^rfiiu.

Vision, ^tff^QjTLD. umremei]. &iriL&,

Visit, (v.) s=fs^. s<sssr®Qs,n-isiT ~ 64.

— (s.) •g^fB^uLf. [CulL^l.]

Vitriol, ^^^Ln.Vocabulary, ^sffn-p. [p^uesiLD.

Vocative, sflsrff QeupgnesicD. sriLi—nLo Qeu

Voice, 3=dsLD. SB(S»<5^. (g^u&).

Voidness, QeugaesiLo. (missuiuih. \_lj.

Volcano, ^sSsbAld^. ^dQsSuiSl€trLj

Volume, Lj^^sLD.

Vomit, s^jS®. 64. euirip. 165. euirujir

Qeo®. 64. (sassiTsB. 64. sd(^ .


. .62.

Voucher, s^rr^eisnh. [68.

Vouchsafe, siLi—SsauS®. ^Qr,e(rldQ.3=iij.


Vowel, ^-uSliT sTQ^^s^. III. Gram. 2-6.

Voyage, lurr^^emrr. st—ptSiffiunsmLD.



Vulgarity, ^^ulSiuld. [^^^uiStutli'].

Vulgar fraction, s^ir^irusm iSmosru:!.

— tongue, maQi—iTL^iu uireiaSL^.

Vulture, ^rrirs'irsttl.

w.Wadding, ^/r&nfl^^eo. s^dems.

Wag (the head), ^i^^jw<[email protected], uihes>^iLiLD. atLL—Lh.

Wages, <s=iiz_/isifrii).128.«L.6S.[2_£js/ri7'ii).]

Wagon, uem^L.

Wail, ^(W- 60. LfenLDLj. 62. ^sl^uS®.

263. LSijev/rJ. 64. e^uu/rifluSiL-L-^Lp.

Waist, ^(BuLf. ^m)L ^esitr. [<?-sb5<?^.

— band, GldsSso. ^'(ciafr(6^fT(sm. ^scarrds

Wait, siT^'plQ^. 64, 60. Quirffi. ^rB. 64.

iBeo^. 70.

— for, (oT^iTuirir. evrrsijuiriT. 64.

— (lie in) u^gSIq^. 60.

Tell {him) to wait, dipss-Qs^ir&i^ : sw^^

Wake, (v.n.) a0t^.64. Sl^^iseiiTQ^'sfl.il


Waken, (v. a.) stq^ulj. 62, 160. ^qfj

tl®. 62.

Walk, /Ez_. 56. (I ) 111, 191.

(n.) IB<ES)L

— about, iBi—LDfT® 62.

Wall, a-euiT. ld^So. a-pgudaeiiir.

Wallow, t-iii(ef^. 56. (III.)

Walnut, sQdsiruj.

Wander, ^So. ^/fl 57,200.

0^3^ir/5^}rfltLiirsLJ Qua.

Want, Q<B](5ki®LD. 39, 1 17, 118. Q^eaen.

(ggro^ffi/. ^nipdOi. 190. (^€mpd <3= &>


Wantonness, s^rja^ih. eS^. [il/L-ii.

War, QuiTiT. u-i^^ij). cFszOTSffii—. Qurrjir

Ward, (s.) saeiKs^. &<imjD 111.

— off, £5iriij(^ 62.

Wares, <3=ns(&). uesarL^Lo. s^iTLDaasr.

Warehouse, izxaflsB)*.

Warm, (one's self), (^efliTsfnu. 57.

Warmth, @®. Qeuuuui. Qe^JiheaLD. er

Warn, erds^iff. 64. \_QpQSTesr^<£l. 160.]

Warp,^si;(Gr5.t?^£U(SV5.56. (HI-) [Co. 160.]

Warrant, [az/r/rsszir®.] <slLz_^. [(g/7<ssr.

Warrior, i^irdr. QuiriT'^ffeir. U(o<ni—^!jm.

Wart, un^eibTes^.

Wash, s(Lpe}j. 62, 245. Qeii(^ 64.

y^ULf. 62. <?SUeDa/L/65W"^l/. ^GIDfiy. 64.]

Wash linen, &c., with the hands, (s^LDQp.

62. — by beating, ^l/l/ 62.

Washerman, isii<smism(ik . [f. <su tossr imT)S

^.] er«/reS.

Wasp, @«fl"csfl.

Waste, (adj.) uirip.




Waste, (v.) i^tss^iud ) Q^eosuiB.

i£:nh^iTsniTiud ( 64.

— time, Qu!T(i£gjQun<i(ff) 258.

— one's breath, eijfrajrT(^Quird(^. 258.

— land, ^iBs. sstldlj. \_uit^SI<s<ii1.']

Watch, QsL^'JJiTffLD ; sireueo. \_uiTrnT.']

— (portion of time), ^rriDLh.

— (v.) dlip. 64.

Watchman, ssrenpairiK^ 48.


Water, /f/f. ^smtssSir. .s^soii 72.

— (hot,) QsiimiSiT. I_a?®^6m<s5£/r.]

— course, Guirajdaireo. euirrff. ebeen

aneosuniu. [/Ej6«/r.]

— (fields, &;c.) iiruiTiudsh. 62, 160._g)

(Siap. 64. LD(5s>i^LDng)i. 62.

— (a beast), ^smssiffirafrtL®.

Wave, ^doi. pemir.

(v.) ^lL®. ^(oi>lTL-®. 62.

Wax, QiLDQgr^. j)j(id(g^.



Wax-candle, Qu:i(i£(^^fH.

— cloth, Qldq^(^&Sso.

Way, LDfrfrd&LD. suip. urr<ss^^,

(manner), eS-sth. enems.

We, 10.

Weakness, QuiS0(^(3srLD. Queod(^<!ssip

dff=&). s^d^sutSedeorrcsiaLD. ^s^fl^.

ueo L-'S^ tu Lh . \_<3=isa3s!i. ^efrirdS.^

Wealth, ^jafliL/ii. ^a-wiBiULo. siearLo.

^dsih. Q.a=&>eiiLD. 190, 101, 242.

Wean, urrSoLDp. [_LDjD£BSUues!sr^^.'] 66.

Weapon, ^itf^ui. uemi— ^tLj^eurrdsw.

Wear, (v. a.) ^emfl. 57. S-®^^dQssnm


y,^)i. 56. (111.)

— away, Q^iLi. 15. g.

Weary, be, Q<^s=Tgii. 62. ^iurr^uiT(^.

[(3d9. 64.]



Weather, streoLo. snedQu<gui.

Weave, Q/eiu 58, 59.


^^ eaver, Q/ss^eijdsirrrisir. OsrreSiueir.

Web-footed bird, Q^irisoL^{uup&asii.)

Wedding, seSiurr&mrLn. /^euir&Lb. LDismLo.

Wedge, ^uLj. — of metal, utrsirLD.

Weed, sSsfr.

(v.) sdsir. 57. sSs!nS(Bisi(^. 62.

Week, eurrrrLD. ©tpooLo. App. vii.

Weep, ^(Lp. 60. s<om<se^iT<sS®. 254.

s& 57,221,273.iSffeoiTiSl 64.

— (feignedly), e^ui-issQ£.

Weigh, fSjpi. ^n-uufTiT 64.

Weight, iSem/o. urrrj-ti. iBsaar/sy^. jsesril,

@mu.. 166, 197, 231.

Welcome ! (surrips.

(v.) /5(S3r(y)«/E/0,s/r®.64. eurrws:^. 62.

Welfare, ei-s,u>. Q&f.LOLD. s-sQ^tu^.Well, (ad.) mekQTj'UJ. Qs^euesxsuiuirtLi . a-


Well! fB&)<so_^! ^slL(BIld. 140.

— (s.) Sesarjpi. Qemui. Surrey. ssL(ir,ei!ifl


Welldone ! ^utra-.' ueirirueirtr .'

Wen, stp&o. atpdsodsL-L^.

Wench, SgudQ, QeuekefrirL-Lf..

West, QLDp(^. App. ix.

Wet, (v.) iB<lssr. Q^nii 15. g.

Wet-nurse, [_^ldit.'\ &is^^nuj. [^rruS.


Whale, ^lSieis&)ld,

What? erekesr? 47, 61 214.

What day, ereir^. erirsn-eir 166.

Whatever 202, 217.

Wheat, Qsn^uiesiU.

Wheel, S-^Sotr. [Cj/t^t. ] s^sarrua. 9i<si).

— (spinning), ^ninLL^<3srLo.

Whelp, ^L-L^. [126,

When, sruQuiT(w^. Quit(lo^. 106,

Whence, srsui^t—^^i^QfifESJ. &riij@(T^/s

Where? ot/e/q. st/bG's. era/afli—zi). 126.

Whet, .j^ff^iwiJif . 64. ^il® 62.

«>-j/ra(g. 62.

— stone, <F/r&)3r.

Which ? lungi ? er^ ? 47 203.

While, QevdsT.

Whip, ^ai/«(g. [0<sff2ii_/r.]

Whirl, 273. *tpj)2;. 56. (III.) ^Lp^gu. 62.

— wind, .m-meo airpgn.

Whisker, iB(sa.3=. [S^^/r.] [273.

Whisper, (g<S(g»tJL/. (xpiomQp<^muL^.

— (v.) QpemQpsm (srm 70.

Whistle, ^LpdioBiseSl®. 254.

White, QeuessremuD. Qisii&r?etr 64.

Whitlow, fE,sd3?jb£}J. u(Beveir.

Who ? srenek ? 126.

Whole, QpQ£. ereo&:>rrLD.Qpn£<si]^ui. 107.

— of one piece, — ersS'Sssri—LDfrear.

Wholesale, (su(^uuiraj. GiLDir^^LDmu.

•3=aL-L^Qiso.—\_eii!Tisj(^. 62. eSleb. 70.]

Wholesome, ssn-pm&r. -a^eijdSiu.

Why? ensir. iorm<asr^s:/<s(^ . . . .214, 61.

Wick, ^/fl.

Wickedness, Qurrioe^iTikjiQ. ffiel^i—Ui.

Wicket, ^lL Lp.su IT 3=00.

Width, .^s<oOLD. ^aemi—Lh. ^.FtTffOLD.


Widow, eS^es>ei]. es)Si})Q)u<sssr. ^miija

eS. [(2/3lgi)37(SK)t_.]

Wife, izj^fifi. g=(ip3'ir!jLD. Qu(mr<F:T^.

^irrrth. ^jseurrL-LSL,

Wild, smL®. ^ei^L— [cf/tj.

Wilfully, Q /E (^ s'/jSI iLi . LDesTLo/SluJ. ix>eer

Will, &^^LD. LDeSILD.

Willingly, LDSsr^irrr. eueSiu 170.

Win, 0«eS 64.

Wind, &iTp^. \jmK\u. euinueij, euir^Lo.']

— pipe, (^rr&iisuSsir.

Window, .9= sir ear 00. ueo-seeifl. g^nsirgLD.


Wine, ^ffiTL-.Frr.fU) 131.

Wing, &p(^. ^p(^- 3=uulL0s>l— Q^lL

Wink, @IlBiL®. 62. SSsmLaQsiTiL®. 62.

Winnow, oppio. &isfr(^.

(v.) ^psU' 62. L\0SiL QsiTL^. 64.

Winter, u)irrflarr0OLD 131.

Wipe, s:/0s>i 32. b. gjeuL-® 62-

Wire, siMiS,

Wisdom, (f^rrmih. eSQeusw.

Wish, e^nhuuLD. wiris^eaff. Qsirp^aiass.

(v.) eSlQr^LDLj. 62. ^©. Qi.^wtrmj 62.



Wit, i-/^^. tJLj^^. i^Qeusii^.

Witch, (^ei^iudstrifl.

— craft, lSisosS (^eSujui.

With, s^i-. s-i—dr 170, 239.

Wither, (v. n.) euir®. e)j^Ej(^. (^ldl/.

Qeu^ihi^. 62. 2_e«ff. 57. u(Bl 262.

— (v. a.) euirtL®. 'o^mir^si. 160.

Within, &.ejr. 251.

Within the year, eii(i^(aL^^^d(^'swQsn-.

Without, ^jD. ^dr/S 170, 202.

Without cause, (S/tSlS^^ilild.

Witness, ^itlLQ. <F!rLL&dafra£ir... .115.

Woe! SQiurr! 193.

Wolf, ^(e^iL. Qsn-(ec)iu.

Woman, em^fft. 166. Qusssr. Quern®.LD_^(Si^. {_G)U(oS!!rmn)Uju iSljDri^eu&r.']

Womb, SQ^uuu).

Wonder, ^^^iuld. ^pi-j^LD. ^^a^tft

LULD. Lj^emu). aS)G(6m«i2).

Wood, LDfTLD. [«/r®. eSnjm^.'j

Wool, ^L-(BLDuSliT.

Woolen-cloth, s^s'soit^^ .

Word, Q^frSv. QiditlSI. u^ld. (sumrdecas.

Work, Qsii^. 0^iTiS<so. iSffui^u). 230.

— man, c^err, \_QpLpireir, (zpdsiTisoirerr,

.jij6S)fnufreir, sirei)ireir, SlpQi^efr, a full,

?j 2' 5' S'Ssistant work-man.]

World, '^-sosih. £_(S0(^. 128. [^^ldissild,

LDgaesiLD. _g)aii. ujjLD. ^eBsrc—LD. Sirr

Worm, LfQg. Qq^iB. Quiri—®.

— of a screw, ^iR.

— (in grain), .jijm^.

Worship, (v.) Q^fr(Lp. 60. (^ldlS®. 263.

ej^Si- 62. ^nir^. 64. euL^u®, 161.

— (s.) ^jin-^Sssr. (QLdlS®. ^s»<3^. a/t^


Worth, s. s&sS^LD. Qug)i. QuguLD^.

Worthless fellow, uiu<s\) 194.

^QiuirsQiVsir. sirs^QuQrf^eiieir.

Wortliy, ufT^^rfLDfresr 131.


Wound, siTiULD. L^sm. _@j<s3arLo.

Wrap, a-pgii- a-p^dsL-® 62.

Wrath, s®EjQsiTui}>. QpirdsLD. QpnasQeujS. S-&QrfLD.

Wreck, suujb Qs^^ld.

Wrestle, ldSo^s&l-®. 62.

Wretch 274. _^/f,5^<3=s3rs!Jr.

Wring, iSi^. 57.

—one's self loose, easemuj^^LB^. 62.

Wrinkle, ^smrr. l^rsiocDfr^emfnijeirinreiieir,

one wrinkled and grey,']

Write, (5r(L£^.^ 32, 62.

isuearr. 57. ^l.®.'62.

Writer, ^rrirujs=darrrreir.

Writing, &r(Lp^^. QpjS 72.

Wrong, ^ulSI^ld. iSemcp. ^iii(^. Qurreo


Yard (measure), Q^3=ld. QpppLo. ^im

Y'dxix, ^en. uiT.

Yawn, QstTL-i—irdlsS®. 254.

Ye, 10.

Year, eu (rR<siS^tl> . .M<sm®.

Year by year, euQr/isi^fr eu(mtsi&LD.

Yell, a^^Qeuair. 70.

Yellow, iO(^tFsfr iSlpth.

Yes, ^ii). 104.

Yesterday, Qtspga. QrEpemp^^enrili.

Yet, ^QSTOSTLD 124.

Yield, <£dar. 57. sinu. 64. [@.(Give way), QflirpgauQutr. i3m(SiiiTia

Yoke, jsjsLD. .gia^^t^.

You, 10.

Young bullock, erQ^^^dsirSsir. 131.

Younger brother, ^u>iS. App. x.

Young plants, /Bfrpgii 68.

Yourself, ^/r/m««rr. ^/reJr. 108.

Youth, lueueiKoSTLD. ©jeirsioLD. eutri^ULD.


A ijoutli, LSlen'3s<rujn'(smi—fmir. eurreSu

m. euiua-ULSeiirSofr.


Zeal, emenjjrrdQujLD. u^^eiaeuffn'dQtULD'

Zemindar, Q^Stk^irfr.

Zephyr, QLoeoairpgi}.

Zero, Ljmefi. y,d&iui}).

Zinc, SJ^^fEirau).

Zodiac, ^rrfr&LD(smL—(SOLb.

Zone, ®(SKZ—<sacF«»c5=. LDisJsn—'Si^LD.




[The Numbers refer to the Paragraphs.]

A.A or an, 1, 8, 271.

Abbreviations int. ii. viii.

Abstract nouns, 184.

Active and neuter verbs, 16. g.

Adjectives, 12, 130.

pronoun, 25, 271.

Adverbs, 40,47,136, 170.

of place, &,c., 251.

Affinities, table of, A.pp. ix.

Agastya's Sutraras, int. § 1. 4.

Alternative how expressed, (5.)

And, 7.

Appellative nouns 180, 184.

Apposition 130. &c.,

Apposition, 233, 130.

Articles, 8.

Auxiliary verbs, 79,

Avveiydr's works int. § I.


Beschius, int. § I

Boundaries of the Tamil, int. § 1.




Canarese, int. § I

Case absolute, 106, (6.) 144.










4, 5.



.. 2.









7th 251.

Causal verbs, 160, 92.

Cautions to be attended to in trans-

lation, 271.

Change of a> into lii &c., 29. (e.) ... .51.

Changes of letters, A pp. xi. int. § II.

Cognate languages, int. § I.

Common forms and idioms, 35, 50, 123.

Comparative degree, 196.

Compass, points of the, App. ix.

Complaint in a civil court App. iii.

Completeness, expressed by, Guit, Qua® 106, 124.

Compounds, how formed, 106, (1.) 131.

Conjugation of Tamil verbs, 15. App.


Consonants, p. 8.

Continued action expressed by, Q&ir&r

(Ej. [106, 4.]

Corruptions, 123.

Creed the, App. i.

Cycle of years, App. vii.


Days of the week, App. vii.

Decimal notation 174,

Declension of nouns, 21. App. xii.

Defective verbs ........117.

Demonstrative forms, 25.

Desiderative forms, 140, 185.

Derivative nouns 180.

Dilemma 205.

Distinction between mirui and /siriijsefr.




active and neuter verbs, 15.

^eoeo and ^eoSsi, 44.

^ffi/<S(Sr5<S@, S_LD«@, S_(S!i7<S@, 108.

^m^tsmi—iu and^a;^(g!B^_uj,108.

Double accusative, 238.

Double letters, p. 13 App. xi.

Doubling of letters, 4, 25, 18, 29.

App. xi.

Dravida, int. § 1 1.

Devandgari character, int. § II.

Dual 11.


Elision of final 2-, 15, 18. App. xi.

Elipsis 233. of the Pronoun 5.

verb "to be" 6.

signs of the cases, 50, 270.

verbal infiections, 270.

Emphatic ex, 23.

Etcaetera(&c.), how expressed, 151. (e.)

Euphony, 23. 18.


Finite verb, 77

^rrm used for, 108. (c.)

Foreign words in Tamil, 187.

Formation of verbs from nouns, 163,


Fractions. App. viii.

Future tense, 55, 72.

Perfect tense, 80.

Future tense used indefinitely, ... .81.

G.Gende^-s 2.

Gerund, 77


Grammars of Tamil, int. § 1 4.


Habitual action 106.

His, &.C., maybe understood 272.

Honorific terminations, 151,11,31,219.


Idiomatic use of the tenses. 269.

Idiomatic uses of the root, ^®, 255.



u®, 262.

Qsiren (&F), 259.

s_s33r, 265.

QufT®, 256.

«i»su, 261.

i3/D, 257.

^(Tjsrr, 264.

Quit, 258.

arrism, 260.

Imperative mood, 27.

negative, 121, 270.

Impersonal verbs, 39-

Impersonal nouns, 30. note.

Infinitive mood 41, 168, 271.

used as adverbs, prepositions and

conjunctions, 170, 171.

not used as a noun in Tamil.

Inflexional base of nouns, 21, 131, 248.

Initial ^, ^, er, 25. App. xi.

tu, eo, ir, Int. § II. p. li.

Insertion of (g, 58.

of a;, iLi, 18. 46. App. xi.

J)dr, 22, 15.

^^^ 18,248, 270.

<sm, 270.

of letters, in general. App. xi.

Intention, how expressed, 157.

Interchange of tenses, 269.

Interjections, 193.

Interrogative 46,126.

Irregular verbs, 117.


Kamban (story of) Lesson, 80.

Karmma-dharaya compounds . . . .131.

Kodun Tamil, int. § 1 4.

Kural, int. § 1 5.


Letter from a cou't pleader, App. ii.

a younger br )ther, App. iv.

an elder brother. App. vii.

Lord's prayer, the. App. i.


Masculine terminations, 2.

May, 103.

Middle particles 15.

Middle voice 106, (4.)

Months, App. vii

Mute sign or Ljsir'efl, (^^gi, p. 2.


Naishadham, int. § 1 5.



NS,ladi-n&nnuRu, int. 1 5.

Nannul, int. § I 4.

Nasals 51.

Negative nouns in ^w>ld, 154.

Negative verb, 110,116,121.

Negatives ^&idsi and .jyajso, 43.

Neuter gender, 2.

—— appellative nouns, 184.

Nominative not to be introduced be-

tween a aS^ 6r<^^ii> and the finite

verb 271.

Notation 174.

Nouns formed from verbal roots, 190.

adjectives, 184,

nouns, .... 180,

participles, 87-91.

Nouns declined, 21. App. xii.

Nouns implying negation, 154

Numbers, 172.


Oblique case 248.

Omission of the signs of cases, 50, 233.

of letters, App. xi. p. 205.

Optative mood 140.

Ordinals 175.


Paradigms of noun, 21, 29. App. xii.

of pronoun 37. App. xii.

of verb, 34, 70* 72. App. xii.

of negative verb, 110.

Participial nouns, 87, 91.

Participial nouns added to the nom :

case, 151.

govern the same case as their

verbs, 89.

Participle relative, or adjective, . . . .74.

verbal or adverbial, Tl


used for particles, 230.

Particles used instead of the termi-

nations of cases, 151, 251.

Particle, ^^^. inserted, 2^8.

=sy"), inserted, 250, 237.

5^st tense, 55-70.

used for the present 269.

Passive voice, 92, 271, 265, 262.

Passive nouns, 190. (b.)

Perfect tense, 79.

Permission, how expressed, 103, 140.


Personal pronouns, App. x.

Personal nouns, 30. note.

Pluperfect tense, 79.

Plural, 29.

Plural, 30, note.

Poetical idioms, 270.

Points of the compass, App. ix.

Polite forms of address, 108.

Possibility, how expressed, 103.

Potential mood, 103.

Predicate with ^uJ, 137.

Preposition expressed by a verb, 254.

Present tense, 31, 34.

Pronouns, App. xii 10, 11, 25, 37.

omitted in Tamil, 5.

Pronunciation, int. § II. xi.

Purpose or intention, 157.


Qualifying words, 130.

Question, 46, 214.

Quotation, how marked, 82.


RSmdyanam, int. § I 5.

Reading Lessons, App. i.

Reflexive signification of verbs 106,(4.)

pronoun, 108.

Reduplicated forms, 123. (g.)

Relation to 230.

Relationship, App. x.

Relative, 74.

Relative or adjective participle, . . . .74.

idiomatic, use of, 267.

Resemblance, 227.

Riddle in Tamil, 216.


Sale, deed of. App. vi.

Sanscrit words in Tamil, int. § II. xii.

changes of letters. App. xi.

nouns in Tamil, 190.

Shen Tamil, int. § I 4.

Signs of cases omitted 50, 233, 270.

Signs of tenses 15, 55.

Singular, 30. note.

Sivaga Chintdmani, int. § I 5.




Story,. ,105.

Subjunctive mood, 95, 98.

Summing up 136.

Superlative degree, 196.

Surds, INT. § II. p. 10.


Table of relationship, p. 178.

Tamil language, int. § I.

Tat-purusha compounds, 131.

Telugu, INT. § I 2.

Tembdvani, int. § I 5.

Time, divisions ot. App. vii.

Tolc&ppiam, int. § I 4.

Tonnul, int. § I 4.

Transitive meaning of verbs (Qua(B), 106. (s.)

Translation, principles of, 100.

Transmutation of letters, 51, 70. App.


u.Universality, 126;


Verbal or adverbial Participle, . . . .77.

Verbal nouns in «»«, 144, 7.

in ^160, ^is\>, &c., 148,150.

negative, 154.

Verb, the Tamil conjugation of ... ,15.

App. xii.

Verbs formed from nouns, 1 63.

Vowel-consonants, int. § II. iv.

Vowels int. § II. ii.

Vulgarisms, 123.



K ¥. Y .


[The] accountant came. I saw a man. He [is] a man. [The] son made.[The] merchant did. He and [his] son. He touclied [the] accountant. He saw[the] merchant. [The] merchant touched [the] man. And a God.

wssfl^^jLD- ^jsuesr ldot^^Ssst" [^] Q^nL-i^rrsbr. LDssfi^'2/5sr [«] sessr

Qi—.<osr. ^(Siieir suir^^seur- LPesfls^iLP euir^^a^ih. s^qk LDissflsG^jm

e^0 (SJJirJisasmiiJD- aesBrdsspiLD snih^a&sr. (^Loras^iii) ^(Su2sst [^] Q^mL


A great man. She [is] a ijood mother. A bad dog. Tlie little daughter. I sawa good boy. A great merchant came. An old tree. Do that. He touched us.

Thou [art] a little boj-. You [are] a great merchant. He called me, thee and him.

Qesrasr tsniju. lj^uj sesardsi^- Qurfliu Q^suesr. iBeOeo u)S<sir.

Prefix 9(25 [8] if you wish especially to indicate one- ^eu&r Qshgot

LDSsfT. ^suesr Quifliu sJDUUJissr. ^ssrcsr [u] (SiBULuesr ^rremiu [^] Q^ntL

L ask. Qurfluj &JiT^^s'2ioin- [d] sk-ULSJLLL-fT&sr, i-j^iu emsiid^ujeur ^(Suit

«3syr [«] <si_L/L9zJ.z_/resr. jysneirr (SiDUHJcGsriLju:) &sk<sw rBnesiaJU^tD semr

L—!T€Sr. ^QSifiS^ Qs^lb. €T lEJ s'^fT iLj LD J)J SU ITs"^ IL^ IM Q^ITlL I— H SST. (STSST

^ssru^LD a-iS37"3saruyLD 3?i-u lSIlL i— nm


I learn. I feed [cattle.] I graze. I perish. I destroy-. [A] large cow. [The]physician reads. [The] accountant will destroy me. [A] good boy will learn.

[The] shepherd gave [a] dog. The ox feeds. [The] child learns. [The new oxfed. [A] little daughter and mother.

^L^80'<r3r' sjL^dQQjrxsk. QmiLQQpim. u&f- QiDtLQp^. Qldlulj

uasr QLDdjsQQTf'isisr . ssmasebr ^<sa^ ^L^d^nesr. ©esresr [u] L$?isrr2srr

(sauujisar ^es)<sua'^ ^L^uuiTssr. ^j€mfi\_d'\Qsn(Sid^nm. QsaQuQum.



e?(75 sSiLecDi— [«] tsessrQi—esT' ^su(5sr fEiTLLemL- ^/t^^^/rssr. /Fffisar

U3?ss)(sy QuDtu^Q^ehr. maissr Liehsss^as)^ [d] QsrT(SlLj(oU(osr. Qs^rpis^nri [d]



I saw a bullock. The good shepherd fed the sheep. I saw a cow and a hoy. Hecalled the father. The merchant Avill give a tree. The heaven and the earth. That[is] mud. He touched the child. He touched the hand.


To [the] tree. For the mother. The accountant's tree. With the merchant.[Where he is.] With the merchant [to^e^/ie/- with.] From the country. child I

The boy learnt in the house. [There is] mud in tiie jungle. The cow feeds in thejungle. The shepherd feeds the bullock. boy, learn. The great physician cameto the house. The little bullock destroyed a tree in the jungle.

QiDiLuuesr iBfTiLiJ^Qf^ us^-smsu QiDUJUurrtour. <smisu^^LU^&DL-.iJj ^lditit

(CT)Q). sesw-iss^Kssii—iu &6k65ruL9stcefraSi^6\)-,[LSls{r'SeiTUjfr&). 22.] ^nQiun®

^uj(5sr rBnt^L^Qeo ^L^ih^rKssr. Qskissr LDS(sr^dsits ^sa^ [s=]Qs^ ill. ^ih

fSteS^i^k^. eurrssr^^^LD l^lSIuS^u). [7. 2_lo put after the signs of

case.] iSlai^tjSJ(6V)Q&). [22. 23-]


Who saAv? When did he see? Where did he see? How did he see? He fed

the cow now. Where is tlie accountant's mother? Where is that man? How didhe destroy the country? The lanje cow is grazing here. Who touched? AVhich is

the doctor's new house? The little boy learnt that book. Do [it] now. Where is it ?

^sro^ (STuuis^ [<?] Q^^Lu^iTssr. enn^^s^emi—Lu (^LDtrsrissr ctiejQs?

L^ii^fTssr. eiuQurr^ ULp-uuneor? ^uQun ULs^uurr&sT' tB6\)&) QldiLu


Go there. Come here. Where does he feed [sheep &c.]? What book does the little

boy learn? Deliver [him] tlie accounts. Take up the child. Stand there. Stopin the house. Stop the bullock. Give (ye) to the merchant's son. Where is God?

(S^i-!-©«(^ <si]!T. ^si/sar toiuQurr Qs^ib^aesr? Qurfluj LorrQ <5tieiQs?



Take up the trees. Hear, O men ! Hear, O man I Give to the boys. Tlie

houses of those pliysicians. Stop the dogs. Tell those merchants. He came to the

father. Mother, take up this child. To his bullocks. In these persons' houses.

O Father, pray come, [the highest honorific.]

fisiT eriEiQs? sjsuirs&r sjisjQs?


uuf.<iQ(irj>iTsisfr. !5ITld sfTi-LL^Qeo ^(Sls'Sisv QLDUJ<sQQ0>Lh. [bmaa&r ^uQua^ (sSLL®d(^u QunQQ(irj>ih. [<5, s", fi, u, are doubled after the

4lh. case App. xi.] ^ndj [bi3\)so sun^^s^QDi—in <^lLQ&(^ [u] iSi&r'^eir

aniu [<5] Qsaem® su^SlQr^eir. iSeh'Seir UL^d(^^. [35.] \°)j<sueiT <ss)^ssQ

(Trf-err. ^suusor WL-aQ(irf'iT. ^(SSicsna'bsn \_u'] ui^sQQQyj'LD- ^J'Slksst gtu

sek. (^LL(Sls(^\_u']QunQ(irj'a5r. iSefr'Serr /Fi_«@'^. [35] lS&t'^ gtuul^

tEL—d(^^. i5S)LJiU(osr Ljervfi<s^&D^ tSi]n®aQ(rrj'(^. ^uuu^ [cf] Q^^freo&^I

usf-dseir ^p(£lQsO (^i^dSleurpesr. [(^i^slSp^.'] [31. b.]

[The good boys learn the book. Read [aloud] now. Wipe the book. Whereare you going V The accountant and merchant are writing. Give to the son.

Where is his hou.se ? She is taking the child away. The mother is coming home.We stop the bullocks. The little daughter sews. The merchant and accountant

drink. He is rubbing the bullocks. He is stitching the book.

EXERCISE lO.Our father ! My house. Give me. Come with me. With ns—at OKr place.

My tree is there. Come to me. He perished by our means. He did it so. Thechildren are walking with me. Give your book to the little boy. Your father is in

the house. Our cow is feeding in the jungle.

eat—iu LDfT® ^isj(o<s- ^<oS)^ f5LD<i<sns- [gf] QfujQ(ir^(Ssr. fBuodsns isj<sii6sr



setT' fsmQpoDi—LU ush siuQun(Lp^i smLi^Qeo QiDtLQp^? <5i(sk ^suu (5ar ei rsiQs ? fBUDiSleo ctsi/sst" (Sijn&,i@(irj'enr? ^^rsjserReo eisij&sr uufLS



The boy must read. I Avant [it] now. [YouJ must not do so. You must pro-nounce rightly. I know this lesson. He does not know [it.] Come now. Themunshi is coming. He created the heaven and the earth. [You] must stop thebullocks. How must I pronounce? Don't want. Be off! My Father, pray dothis. My mother, pray don't say so. How do you know?

eurrdj S-s=s^ffl<is QsucmQili. Qs^effl&jrrin &-s=srfl. ^sro^ [<^] Q^ff^LcxsmLD

lurruj [i] Qs'iL. [After this iL double d, s^, ^, and u. A pp. xi.] i^<oS>^ [<?] Qs^LDsmLDLUfTiLis^ Qs'iiiLu Q (su em (Si L£i . QsureuT [/_/] (oJBUujisar uat—d<ssi^ [u] LSis^sQQTj'm. ^sug^}]d(^ [u] utTi—LD Q^fflcurr^. ^sro^ [<f] O^LULU Q(S^<oSsr(SluD. ^i(SG)^<f Qs=djiu QsuemQih' [The passive form often

rendered thus in Tamil.] rsnissr ^<ss)^ isiuul^ [#] Qs^iLlu Qeyesur^Lh ?

^suirsen t^uQufT ^<aD^s= Qs^lulu QeuaJurQih- ^<SiJissr ^uQurr (Bihnp

smi—LU LDfT(Sls'2err^ Q^iLas QsuesarQili. lj^ (Lpsrflsi^ ^uQurrag^ <^lL.

ij^Qeo <siJ0S(yrj>iT. (omsu^^LU^d(^ [^] Q^(S(SuniL^ Q^ifla^LD. ^i^s


Tliere are trees in tlie jungle. There is mire in the river. The mother is not in

the house. This woman is not my mother. The sheep have no shepherd, [estruD HAHKO.] Tliis ditctor is not a shepherd, [i'ou] must read with the munshi.These are good trees. You must tell [me] rightly. There are children. [I have, »fec.]

There are no good trees here. Tiiis person is not a munshi. 1 have neither son nordaun^hter.

^iiQs i5&)&) eaSiJ^^Lu&sr P-ssm®. ^i^s sniLi^eO s^q^ us; ^sam®.

Qs QuLTL— QeuGssri—fTLh- ihiTLD (^iss)^ CT®<s<5 Q <oi] (sm® is> • fSfiGsr Qpesflei^

(cLun® UL^as QeussBiQih- i^nih Q^efflexirriu ^-S^s^rflds Q(SU6mQLD. ^i^rf QfimasTU oDutuosr ctcjt" <^Li,Qs(^ eurrQQjessrQiii- ^mii Qg^prSlQeO

isu-ds OsuioSsn^nLD' ^eu(^s(^u iSeir'Setrssfr ©.ott®. ^isjQs us?d

<Esrr e-SBBT®. U3?sssir snsjQs ?

KEY TO EXERCISE 13, 14, lo.

EXERCISE 13.I believe in God. [A christian ])hrase, convenient but not quite idiomatic]

[You] must believe this. What must [we] do ? Wliat are you doing ? Wliat is

he saying ? Who knows ? Does ttie little boy learn diligently ? But does he learn

diligently. He learns diligently. Is he an accountant? Are there no trees here?Is not this a tree ? Wiiat do I know ? Tell the watcluuati. Come, watchman.What dos't thou believe ?

QsB? GSisu^^ujek ^asresr^sm^ff- Qs=rT6\)^S(Tr/>iT ? snsijpsnii&sr ^fsi

QsujfT? sfTSujh'SrTsiesr ^raQs ^sb'Bso. ^suesr sfT<3u^<srTiT(osr jij&}&).

sfTSu/bsiTiresr ^ir [CTSweir] ? srreujbsiriKm ^-essn^rr ? [&-6ot®.]

EXERCISE 14.He learnd the lesson. Wiiere is the water ? He is learning a prayer. lie has

money. Call the watchman. [We] nmst not sin. Lay tlie table here. He beat tlie

dog. You must not beat tlie bullock. Wliere are my servants ? They are taking

ten loads of iron. Give orders to bring tlie Bandy. Has not the servant broughtthe bandy ? [Here e^^ is tlie infinitive. 4].=ihe coming. Literally the sentence wouldbe : /» there not the servant— baiuh/—Oringiny.^

tsSiLt^GO uui—Lo ui^dQ(yrj>ioar. sfTtLu^So l/sw^«lo (Sun&d@(V)j'<5sr.

ufTL-LD uisf.sQ(rrj>^? 6SlLujlQ&) ^emesefiT P-smi—n? [or simply ^esar

sotFj/T ?] sTssrsi^ULj Q(SU6m®ili- [You may safttly omit eTiS3r<5(^.]

UfT(5U(^ Qa^djQ(irj'(5sr- eT<5urs(^ ^i^u uessnh QsrremQsufT. ^^<su)^

Qsnem® exirr. Q(Sij'26\)dsmr0<i(^u UGCsTm Qsn(Sl^^!r(^?


The sheep feeds with the shepherd. How did he perish. The day passed over.

Tliey shall perisli. The good physician will give us that. The accountant knowsthis well. The watchman will obtain that money. The mother and daughter are

churning. We shall obtain houses and money by his means. Who must knowthis ? They smote tliis person. You must know this. You must not slay this


isf.eo ^ LSlib^niTsek. urnruiresr iBis>Qp(ss>i—Uj ufre^iEJs'^efr ^(SlQQrj'n. sssms

s^LD srrsupsrru^LD .^euesfli—^^eo ^jib^u LJ3r<i<s?6rr ^(sni^ sun ita err.

sneupstTSTioar ld<sQ(SU)(SI ^iSjiB^rrehr. iheo&i (sisuuuek unL—^(5S)^& Q^weiBLD

iLimu ^r^eyrresr. \_<3muujGpis(^'9^ Q^iheaLDLUfriL^ Q^rfliLjuD-'] um^^^(^&)^(SS);S ^jBQeuissr. [future expresses liabit.] S LSerrSsyrsrotu ^/i^d<s

\_.^(Smpuj] Qen esari— ITua . ldit® eSlapi^^^. Q^mrSKceO <sS(ipi5^iT<suT.

KEY TO EXERCISE 16, 17, 18.

EXERCISE 16.It rains. I will do tliis rightly. He wore a cloth. She is reviling the servant.

They abu.sed me. That boy will become an accountant. We will go home [to the

house.] Tliat bullock died in the jungle. Tiie mother's house was burnt at ^hat

time. My head aches. Did he go there. Is the new bullock dead ? Why is that

work not linished ?

LD<oS)lfi QuiJuQp^ [QuLUILj^. Ol/«!j(5^.] ^(2U^d(^S SfTeO Qf5fr(^^

Uji-Qeo s^nsurrm'- a?® Q&jis^^. sksusst Qs^^^tresr? [uj/r/i Qs^^^^j whois it that died?] sruQurr Qs^^^nml (siuQun (^iL®i(s^u Qunsunn

•s&r? ^^ S-(osr sireOfT? ^emrseir (sigst arrsijpsrfrj'hssr 6S)(Su8(rrj'iT,sEe'n- ?

^euns&r <^lLi^Q&) ljl-is!disiis'?6it QiBUjQ(frj'ks<3!r [or simply Ljismeu

50.]. Id ^/r? [/f/f ^iT?] ^iT <jy/E7(cc5 [used in calling a servant =KoN HAi] ? <srT<SiJ/bsfTir^(DS>i—Lu (sSLL(Sld(^u Qua.


They put on garments. What did I put on in the house ? Where did he lie down?It grew in the jungle. What tree grew in the jungle ? Is he here ? Sin has beenexpiated, [has passed off.] Has the sin been wiped away, or not ? The villagers

lived comfortably. The child crawled on its [hand and] knees. [Obs. the use of

3d case-] Why did the mother weep ? Mother ! do not weep. He is going to

bed [to lie down] He worshipped God. Tlie villagers must plough.

jjfTrr unauu'bssra; Q^rrip Qeuem^ih. £ ^euip Qeuismn—iTii); iBi—dsQsuesur

ssfTip QsuesarQiorr? ^m/iraeir -s?^ s-^uumn ^q^ss Q<suiom(SlLD. ^ssrd(^^

^Sso QfBfr(^fifT^ arreo Qr5fT(^^rr ? us? Qs'^^^rr, [uemi^] LofrQ Qs^^^^rr?

EXERCISE 18.He tied on a cloth. The child sleeps with [its] mother. What did he show you

in the jungle. The mother comforts the cliildren. I have written my lesson correctly.

He spake with me. They are seeking water. JIust you sleep now ? [No.] Sheboil'd rice. He built a house.

sjduujSsw^ Q^i^i^QeiTfT? ^(auiTSGfr ^lEjQs ior(osr<osr^(5S)^ [szsgrssr] C^®Q(Trj>iT<sefr? fBtrtM (ipeuflsL^d(^^ Q^efflsumLi ernp^Qeumh, ^ituj Q<sfTgji

KEY TO EXERCISE 19, 20, 21, 22.


M uaiT^^murr? fBrnh iSlsrr2ioirs'Bsrr ^jtlLSIss [from evil which has comeupon them; or sna-s in general] QsueaarQih. ujjfruirissr fSLbQpss^i—Uj

unsuiEJ'S'^eiT LoeurayflsQi^iT. isiiEia&r u rrsy ej s'Serr LDGsriSffflLLiLD' ^oslduSI

esflasT^ ^fTi-LSda QeuemrQii). @^ ^<ss)ld. wfTixi ^&dld Qs^lulu Qeuemr

L—fTU). ^suesr (sSlLl^Q&) (^erfluufreisr. ^sn&sr (sSlL<oS)1— [d] sfr^^rr(oar.

&(omssemi<i(^ ^juQurr usm(^ [l/ssst^kb^c?] Qs^epism. ^eu(csr usm^

Tlie mother takes care of the child. The dog guards the house. That boy lookedat [his] new lesson. Will the accountant forgive ? Are the children bathing in thehouse ? Father ! pray forgive. He spent [his] time. The time has passed away.Show me that raw rice. Tell [me], is that evil ? or is it not ? Will the villagers

speak with me, or write ?


s^Sij^/D' ^/b<sa/r>d <si—iB^iTiTsisrr. ufrQ&jrrQ ^eanrsssfesifrd seoii^frssr.

&&sr<osru etautu&sr ussiifiLu um—^<sm^ LDpih^iTishr. /s/resr i^eiu^s^ss)^ ixtpw

^^' -sssBr<s<s0!r sfTsup<sfTiTQ(^(D fBt—iB^rresr. (^q^gSI ^raQs upiQp^.^eu&r (^q^sSIqdluu unir^^n&r. iSlefr'hsiTLSprBs^. Q(Sij'2e\)dsfTsr(oar ^uQurr ^pihfifrm.

You must not open the door. Why does the servant open the door ? Who will

cross the river ? How did you open that house ? Don't forget this [my], boy. Is

[the] child born ? Who is dead in that house ? It so happened. {JaX,. walked. Ob-serve the idiom.] Will a good man so conduct himself ?

EXERCISE 21.He left me then in the jungle. You must not leave me. Did they serve out rice

to the servants also ? [Idiom.] He commanded this. [You] must grant me this.

The villagers are transplanting the young plants. She served out rice to me. Thewatchman came into my house. She bare a child. He begat three sons. He put[it] in the river. Did he put it [give it] to the bullock or to the dog ? Did hemeddle in this ? Don't go to that work ?

s_io5r<5(5 eissrear^sa^d Qsn®uQu<^? [^^QQsijek not common. QsrrQd

sQ®J'osar(BLD?'\ ^i^ injT^em^ sum' ^laQs rB®80>iTS(Sfr? ^enrfniT sjssr

^3jih^ serr'ciarT (sSl lL I— fT ITsek ? [comp. 254.] ioT<su(Dur ULLi—fTm-? ^ih^uufT(Su^^(^&) CTS3Te5r^«s)^ ^(sni—iB^rriL? siTLL(Slsi^<s(r QurT(GS)sur. (sriiiQs

i^fr(GU)? ^^eo [in that] ^'3su ^i— Q(SU(5mL—rTLD.

EXERCISE 32.He said "I [am] this- village-accountant." You must conquer him. Where are

the villagers standing ? Who told you so ? ISIother, don't say so ! He said, "I will

give at once." Have you seen my cow in the jungle ? They heard the command-


nicnts of God. Tlie mother, the child and the villagers will come now. What are youasking from him ? What did you buy of the merchant ? Did [you] not buy salt ?

LUfTiT ^lEiQs su^Q/D^- [who is it, &/C.] ^<S5)^ s_is?yrcB(5 eisijisbr ^ih^rrebr.

[0<5/r®^^/7'io2ir.] ^(h^u u!TL-.^<S5)^ff- Qs=rT6\}6[) Q(Su6ssru.fTLD' Qeu'hsoi

srrjjiT ^EiQa fS/b<s QsussmQu)- lEfTth srr6upsfTjiQ(GS)(Sl (^iLu^QeO Quit

QsufTuD. (^LDrT3<ssr senrfnemrr Q<sum'(V/'6sr. mrrsar ^laQs Sps QeuessrQih

(UfTiT uemL-^^rriT? ^suisisr siraQs ^(fl& (SurrfEjQ(^(o!!r? is ssLfflQeO

^euresru <5s>uuj(ssr Qpesfl sifluSan'li—^^&) loTeirewu uni—LD ui^^^rresr ?

exp:rcise 23.

iBfTm nesrtosr Q-fLuQsum? LSefrdsv eresresr u uf-a (^ m? usr ^uQun s^jq^ld-

SLLu.'hsir ^uQuiT (SUQ^LD. QpSsfl (al^iuSesflL^^^io LUfTIT QufTS Q<SiJ(5m®UD?

LDiTLD eruQurr eu&rQ^LD? i-i&v^si}> <5tiejQ<s ^](ms(^ih? eSQ eSnnLciT?

lSsTtSsYT ^fTLUdsfT,S ^(l£LDIT ?

What will that bullock do ? How can that be ? Will the tree be in the village ?

No, it will be in tlie jungle. Can sin be expiated ? Oxen and sheep will now grazein that jungle. Will the child crawl, or walk? AVill a little bird speak. No, it will

fly. The body Mill become [like] writing in tlie water. This will be useful for theface. Will that disease go when you bid it. Gaming and disputing cause anguish.Is it right to do thus ? [Thus to do will it go ?] Will a cow hear ?


The lesson which I learnt. [I having-learnt-which-lesson.] The cliild which is in

the house cries. The child is crying in tlie house. The child that cries in the house.

The doctor who Avill be [probalh/, or linbituaUi/ 269] in the house. The servantwlio came now (who has just come.) The trees which the villagers planted. Thecommand given by God. The door which they opened for me. The river which myfather crossed. God who has protected us. [Obs. tlie Government.] The God whosaves men. Bring the children's bathing water. Pray forgive the sins which I havedone You must not come to the house where I am going. The munshi must look at

the lesson I have written. When I tell [you] you will understand. [QuirQ^gj usedabsoluteh/. At the time iv/ten I shall speak to you to be understood it will come.^

(ss)unj(sbr Q^L^esr Ljew^siasetr. ^niL Q^prBem LDaeir. ^rreaiu^ Q^pfSeBT LDS&r. ^iF^s <35!TL-Ls^so euGfTiTih^ LDffiEJsm. LDsm" &-®^^esr €um}

^rjiEJs&r. (Dush)^u!as'^£(r &.®^^(ssr Losf^. ^iejQs Quluilji}) uxsmip.

^lEjQs LD^DLp QudjuL\LD. [Compare these two very carefully.] <oresrd{^

QiEiLi^ Lji—Ss^Qj. ^eviTSSfr u ssm Qssf! snr Qldsiss^. &&ST<saru iSeir'Bsrr


KEY TO EXERCISE 25, 26, 27.

EXERCISE 35.Deliver us from evil [evil removing, us deliver]. You must learn and know

this lesson. The watchman abused and beat our servant. We saw and spake withyou. What lesson did you learn and write ? The village people spoke submissively.You must [say this pronouncing] pronounce this clearly. [You] must go to thevillage and see. Bring the books which the boy was seeking. What house have youbeen seeking [it] in ? My servants are dead ^having died—they went, veryidiomatic].

^d Qairm^QumLi—^ [killed and put, idiom], ^su&r eSLLi^^(^

a_gfr [eSlL L^^(^ sir= into] i^(^i?^ \_6ui?^, coming into] ^rroaius sem

&-(ip^ mjiEis'^eir ibu. [G'u/ri_] Q<suGm®isi. &&sr(SSTU esiuuum' amLi^QeO

'SisossiTiriT sitlLi^&) ^/oi^irirserr? eauiueir (sSlLl^Qso Q^i^esr i^&v^sisi

«^^^^i>EXERCISE 26.

Who are come into the house. The munshi had told (us) so. That boy has nowforgotten the lessons he learnt. The accountant had given me the money. Forgivethe sins which I have committed. The house which the servants had built fell down.He is a good person. Where is he gone ? Hast thou seen this, or have the villagers

told you ? He did not see it; [but] he had heard it from the villagers, [by.]

Qp&sr {forgotten and left, Idiom], unii) ^estsress^Qjjn® sGOk^Q^iB^^.

«^^^^&EXERCISE 2i?.

It rained before he had built the house [built and finished]. After we had soughtthe child the watchman came and said, it was in the accountant's house. He said,

see, there is the cow that bore a calf \amemp may be omitted]. He asked if thiswere the mother of the child. I gave you an order not to beat the dog [I told younot, &c]. Tlie villagers came after the watchman. After that 10 loads came. Whatelse ? I told you to go before, did I not [is it not] ? Why did you come behind.I [did not, or do not] know whether it is this man, or that man.

S ^is(^il) QpmQesr. senffaiT ^-Qpw [^Qff^ Qsn&ri^ili, 56. fill),

comp. 106. (4j] QpmQesr LoanLp QuiLs;^. ^sro^j Qs^tunjih Qpm[?&sr(irj'ilj i§l'2Gsr [tS'^esTds Qeu6ssr®i}), fS'^ssr^^d Qsfrefrisfr 106. (4)].

^kfiu uifi^<oS)^u QufrQ^^ i3ihurT®' ^<Sij^d(^^ ^'?eo Qivnih^^.

^SiJ<asr <cSLL®i(^u Qunssr l9/D(^ i§ urri—^sis^s: Qs^iixEsyuDiurrtu \_iB(ssr(irj'dj']

uu^^^fTiL. [r5e!!r(Trf>ujLj'\ ufTi—ih oz/r©^^ ssiUiuasr (stieiQs? ^^/b(^LJ

i3<o!sr erssrssr Gls^ihsuniv. rB!T(5ST eunKih (Lp(5arQ€sr lu Qldgs)^ ^(oS)t—ds Qeuem



Things that are born will die;

Things that die will be born;Things that appear will disappear;Things that disappear will reappear.

[This is poetical; but illustrates the use of the form.]

lie who created the heaven and the earth. Our father, who art in heaven ! Hewho feeds the sheep is the shepherd. He who takes care of the village is tlie

watchman. That which flies in the sky is a bird. Who is he that will do this ?

The Divinity is the help of the destitute. I told [her] to open the door when [she]knew I was coming, and at other times to keep it shut [very idiomatic]. It is evilto do SO; it is evil even to think [so].

^earesTLJ <5s>utu^a(^u uemih QsrrQdQ/D^iriT [47]? srTQjm,srrir'Ss!n'

^L^^^^/TiT? [Who is iMhat, &c; enaygsr ^/^^^/rsgr, or ^i^^^sijeksreuesT?] ^euesr erissr^iswd •sfTsQQrfGsr [ctsot-Ssst'.s <3SfrdQ/r)<sJiT ^oz/f].

Sl'SSi^ff Qs^Lu^eudr i§uja [/f^/r(SC) 108. c] ? (sumusuir Mirn? erisi

uir/r^^rrrr? SIS' ^ourrGsr^^do Q^rrasTfS ioszo/ri/F^^. ^g} ^'osm'sss^n Mi>Psij®. ^si utTHLoeOeo [u frjrLDfi)/DS'1'



A bad boy will be beaten. This table Avas made by the carpenter. It is [theor a] table made by the carpenter. This table was made by the carpenter. [Tounderstand this form it is necessary to analyze Qsa^gi^^Qsijp sjgi. That-which-made. So the sentence is: This table is the thing which the carpenter made].Call the village scavenger and the watchman and come. I wrote a report to theGentleman. That memorial was read by the secretary. I gave my paper into thefather's hands. Is this dry laud or irrigated ? In the memorial it is written as bothdry land and also as irrigated. I have made my petition to you. I have no paperto write on. I have informed you of aU my affairs in that petition. Do the villagers

know how to write a petition.

g]m)naSl^(3Sii—UJ ^SijfTLjiBe^etv. ^®;63r <sr(ip^esr ^/f^ eresr etosuSlio

^Q^sQmrD^^. 2_iS37"<5(^ mmQsLu ^-emQi—n, LjexsrQffiu ^-emQi—fT?

isr(ssrs(^ rBmQs^ujiijLD slsot®; LjisarQ-fuJtijili ^^smQ. (sSemessruuLD Qsir

Qs'tii ^&)60, L^mQffdj CTsarjy Qs^fre\}^. ^6ij^dsrrs ^ifi eQessremu

uih loT(Lp^esrsi ^^'t erear^ Qsek. ^i^i siiejQs er(tp^uu lLi—^[sT(i£>^<osr^^ a thing which (somebody) wrote]* s/i^^^ ^ssild ^ffirQeo

Qs^ujiuljulLisi [^'t Q-fdj^^']. ^^fi 2sn:/7 ujirirnQeo ^etriJuQ

Sips'' US- <si(5sresr ^GsrQpsi [.^'^(S'^l' ^i— 'S<5 G<sJ/6337-©£i). su^ds(oSusmL^nih. ^<SiJ€sr slLl^gst Lji—Easu QiBtLiuuULLt—^n? ^ih^ enerv

^ff^S'^(S'--' l-iessr(i^Qs'^^^uS(r^dQ(7rf'(es) ?


KEY TO EXERCISE 30, 31, 32.

EXERCISE 30.If you do so you will be punished. If the watchman says so he must be punished.

If he walk much his legs [Tam. sing.] will ache. If the dog bites you must beat it.

If you send the accountant they will listen. If you do evil affliction will result. Well,

if my son gives a right decision in this case [o/iS^^, concerning, ©"9 230]. He rejoices

wherever he sees you. If the villagers sow seed. If this dispute be decided I [shall]

have land.

uuSiT (sSI'Befriuih. ^^uiEJs&r <sufs^rr&) Qurr^sa Qe^jmaiQisi, Loeiatp

Quiu^rreo ^smirrTiT S-(Lp^ QsiTerr(&^eijrTiT6B&r. iSek'Setr ^Qp^rr6\) lErfuo Quits

Qpssfl(oi^u3t—^^&} (5T6sriosr uiTi—is><sun&sQ0>m? ^qsht @/f^ enLpdasss^

-ff^ifliufTs^ ^iTULis^ QffLu^fTeo. Sir efm'2esr ^uuis^ <sSlL® <sSlLi—it&) [this

doubling of the verb is emphatic]. iBn&sr (5Tm<ssT Qs'tijQQjm ? smirfTiT

^lEiQs iB<ssT(irj'&) ^<as)!T (oTesresr Qs^neo^sunn? iBfT(^ Qs=rTf7rf's8(^e\)

j)fSiJiTserr U6st!r(^ Qs^^^^surrirseir. (sauiLKssr urru-^es}^ Lopi^inso sj^'^^ISf-Ul— Q(QiJ6m(SlLD.

EXERCISE 31.If you will come here I will give you that money. You must go now to that village,

for your father told you to come. If you had read the lesson j'ou would understandthis. We must go and see the cow since it has borne a calf. If so, we will makethe experiment. If you look into faults you will have no relatives about you [com-monly understood]. Well ! what of that ? There is no earth on my mustache.

i§ sTssrsar^sjo^u Quir&^^rriLi [^ebr^'iu more generally of cattle, s^rru

u® (68. as if from ffrruLj and ^gy® or ^®) is the commonest word :

i§ lotmssr^QS)^ 3= ffrruuiLi—nuj']? i§ (sSlLu^Q&) ^liiQfe^Quj ^(^&) /f

cjyisw^<5 QaLLu^(T^dss Qs>jeaar®m. sj^<^ ^jljlj^'^' QfneoeS ^(T^aQ

Qr?Q<osr ^(Gs)<s\) [Qs=fr6\)0SaS(i^ih^tT&)1 /s/tot QurTQ(Sij<^. ^su<m €T<ssr<s

(^u uessni^ Q<3=^fi^(eu)6^ \_Qsit®^^it&)] Sji^^ eSemeasruLi^em^

<5T(w^Q6>i(sisr. iBirek sitQ^ld srap^jth Qp&sresrQm (suik^irirseir' <ojQiosreafJ&)

serrjrfnrirQeo ^as^d QsLLi^Q^iB^tTiTS&r. [j)j suits err ^es)^ &es.iTTTffrTQ&)

QsLLt^0i^^(^isO, isnm' sitQ^ld gtq^^ld QpmQ(5m <suih^rTifsefr]. ^^^€G)ld; ejm' (oTssffed^ @^@)S^ ^Qb<sbit QsQsurTirserr [^/^<sjy/r/f<5(Sfr, QslL

®u QuTTSunnsefrl. ^em^u ui?LL<sm3= QstuQsiifTLDrT? ^^ ^Q^emL^tu

(^p/DLD^ ^(SSr flSULKcXST QuTTSS Qs=TTiSSr(^!T!T ? Q3" TT (SST(^QJT ^(CT)6U,

a-i-Ccssr Qurr I /f uuSrr Q<ftL^rTio 2_z_Ge5r (sSl'SctnLjLDfr ? ^oygar Qsrresr

esr^ <?//?uj/r, ^eoeoeurT? j/jSJirsefr srTL-is^Qei eS® slLi^isv)60 ^(T^<i(^^


«^^^^^EXERCISE 33.

i§iijs&r GTuQufT Qeh^luuGssr^QS)^ [QjmiSl^rTU usssr^oyy^f] Qr^^^d^sSfr

SGfr? [Ocf ffjy^^u QuaSl/S'iTseir^ QurT/^irserr, syncope of Q—very com-

mon: are you going to pay-] ldtt(^60 s^j^^^Q^sQrSnseinT? [jij^^



^!T3=3=!T? 123. Having cut^ has it become? Is the reaping accom-

plished? Very common.] /F/rsar wrn^do sj^^c^isi QpmQ<5sr Q&v^uuesar^0s>^,^ Q,9=^^^Qiosr&!r. s=iTd<sfT0d(^'3= Q3=&)eO [56. (Ill)] Qsusmi^vu U(^^<ss)uu3^ Qff^^^ ^(r^.iQQp<sK. ^^ (^t^&jfTjjwfT^QLDevsijrTsnDfr?

113]. CTsar s[rT&) Qi?rT(^^, ^(^^ih ^suQ(^(Sl (SukQ^&sr. seirirrriT (BL^m

^ etith^iriraisn'. a^eij s^n^gi. (^tsf-surrrri}) ^j^ srasr^ih^ Qine\) eumnh

^^Qeiuiokgi/ti) a_(53r«(5 (sruuisf-^ Q^rfliLjih ?

How much is due to the cirkar. Though he has read he is not a munshi. Thosevillager srefuse to pay the tax though they have reaped the produce {^they say there

is noti . Hast thou ruled me ? The accountant must ask the villagers for the tax


for they have reaped the produce before. Although you beat that dog it will bite.

Although trees have been planted in that jungle the villagers must plough andcultivate. Although you tell a lie you must make it agree [tell it plausibly]. Therewill probably be long life [Idiom]. "Seek wealth though you have to travel overthe billowy sea." [This is from Avvyar, 270, and is a commonly understoodsaying.] At least we will see this person. Although they have studied they are

not scholars.

EXERCISE 33.May the servant come and open the door ? May the Gentleman's secretary write

that order and send it ? Is it right for the mother to abandon her child in the

jungle in that way ? Ought you not to abandon sin ? Should a cow come into the

house ? Can sheep speak ? Is it right to pronounce so ? I thinli it is probablymore. Is it right to punish that servant so ? Can (any one) learn that difficult

lesson ? Who can perform this ? May (I) give this information to the people ?

The Creator of heaven and earth can do this also.

QasricSTU eauiuesr (sELLi^^ieai—Uj a^<oS)eus= [(5^il®<5 s^easijj 248]

'^darriT&DfTd s^UL9t—60mDrT? s^ULSu-isdrrth. ^w^u oauujssr ^ih^uUfTjT^em^ (5T®s3is 3k-®LDa ? sj®is<s s^Qih- <5^(SsriEJ<s&r ^iB^nKiE^m

i^dss sp^QuDiT ?) ^fTiu Qmasr u LSl<3(r'2erres)iJJ^ Q^piB<^^w s\(<£^

Q<sfT6mi—^. ^i^^ Qsy'Serr S ^esirTaSL—^^eO Qu3^<soitldit? Qesresru

umTLD ^(mthu ^qks(^iJd CTisar^ iS'^issrsQQp<S5r.


Qsrrdir^Qun-LLi—rrssr (^i^fi^u QumLt—nasr is commonly used as=killed [struck down]), .^esrisjs&r ^laseir (sSQs'^ (sSlL® (oii(SO0as= (S^jitieiQ



QurrLLi—fTiTS&rrT (Qsrrek^ QuiTLLi-.frnserriT) ? ^sJ'feu, ^e^dsesr

^nesr Qsfrm'^QurTLLi—rresr']. rsfrssr siT@^^<ssi^ STQp^mQurT^ M iqjit.

lErresr srTQ^^<oS)^ (st(id^€st iSpun® (Surr, eSiismiomuLJ^ss)^ s seikri—.

iSlpufT® Quit. ^sijmJfB6^<9f- sj^^os^fu ^ ^<ssifTS(^ <aun'Qd(^iii Qpi^Qesr

The servants went to the bazaar. Are you an accountant, or a watchman. I amnot an accountant, but a watchman. Should the mother thus desert her child in thejungle. I came thinking that your honour wanted a servant [ercir^=sai/ing that~\.

You must please to look at me. There are houses on this side and on that. Whatis there on the house ? There are birds. Is it right to fight ? The inhabitants

may reap the produce after paying the tax. Although the people have abused you,should you beat, seize and fight with them ? Each one showed his skill. Yourhonour's will is my happiness—he said (wliatever you wish it will afford mepleasure to do). He sang a song continually shaking his head. He thought withinhimself.

EXERCISE 36.The villagers said they were ignorant of the matter. We shall know if we learn.

When (we) enquired concerning the affair he said he knew nothing of it. This thingwill not take place. He said the money would not pass in the village. He said thathe did not know whether the money would pass or not. I asked, "do you know it;"

he answered, "Sir, I don't know it." Will this little horse run ? It won't run,Sir ! Will this big horse go in the bandy ? I think not.

^s (^^(SS)iT s^L—ff^ ? <jy/J^ LDn® sKosr epi—fT^ ? ^onrr snsbr snifliu^GS)^

eSs^irrflds Qeiiem(Bili. Qs^Lu^(S!DUjd QsiLi^rrfr? ^etsnuS^eai—iu slL

i—'2eir<5!aujd Qssrrnuurf (not very common; comp. 113)? ^esTif^^

O^/flcufT^ (oTesrQfTi^iosr. ^(o!5rs(^ jfjuQufT^ Q^rRiurr^ <ST(SsrQ(nj'm'. <jy/5

EXERCISE 37.The gentleman did not inquire rightly. You must take the deposition attentively.

Please to sit down, Sir ! What do you take so much for ? How much must bepaid to the plaintiff? You will be justly punished for your fault? A witnessmust speak rightly in a place of justice. Here justice will be done. He wasput in custody. Have you not witness ? I won't go there. He does not attend.The agent did'nt call me and inquire. Is your deposition correct ? He will notforgive that fault. I neither borrowed that money, nor tore the bond.

^eyiosr (sresr (a//r<5@ Qpev^iss)^ STQp^ooeud.sseBeo'^ (write and put=write down). Qs=<3vsit ejesr s^mLQd.sn-irQnfr (s^rrtLSs'Sisfr) ^i^sQQij'lTsefr.

^«n/r 2_(S3r(5(^ rSuj!TtU(^ Gl^^ibsijrTir. odsu^^lwoSt erssresr ^/bp(^ Qs=ili



Qs^^^(sSeo'2e>}. i3&r2str ^iEi(^Qp^eo'^. mam- L9jr^Qjfr^uS^<ots)L^uj

^su^<i(g cgy/5^/J LJiTi—^(oS)^ eurT&^^(T^iB_giLD ^eiD^ ^iaii<m s^ifliurrtu a_<^

asiiGsB^^u uu^iQp^&i'^ [pronouns elegantly omitted].

EXERCISE 38.This boy says he won't learn his lesson. Although the villagers have reaped the

produce and taken it away, they say they won't pay the instalment of the tax.

Although (the) bazaarman has done great evils, you must forgive him. What do youknow of that affair ? Can't you state clearly all you know of that matter ? Is it

right to say so ? This is not right. How did this happen ? Tell (me) exactly.

He said he knew nothing about it. Don't, my friend ! {^uudsr=a father ; but fami-liarly in the Voc. case, my friend.) That money is not enough for me, Sir ! Plenty,


^(^ •3=fTLLQdafTiriT s^ifltumh sijrT<i(^Qp6d!Ej Qan^sseSeo^so. i§mn:ifl(D&)

^rr^ii), .-gyo/SOT" (^/b/D^es)^ fiir LDSsresfl-is Q<su6ism®ih. ^QJirseir Gre06\)fr

(T^ixi QsititlLis^Q6\) ^(^dsfTiTih^mT<ssfr. ^(ssar ^-etrQetr SiJii^ Qunag^^

eps(^ts). ^i^s= <?E/<5^ fsi—iB^ (Su<oS)s<oS)UJ cgy<si/(5«(5<F QlfFneo^}!. ^n<ssT

Sji^u urTi—^€iS)^u UL^dssd s^i—rr^ Giasr^ Qs^freO^QQrj'Ssr. [Here

^63r(CT)ffi) is common. By himself it is not to he read: also Qpisf-turr^=it is not finished, is used; Gr€sr(GS)eo Q^iLlu Qpi^.uurT^= ii can't be doneby me.] Qsij'^d:sn'ir(^ ^qs^'^ Q-^tuiuinfTLLQL^esr <5T(^Qr^a!r. ^iEJS(ef^s(^

^fs^darrrfltuih Q^rfliueSeo'hso (Q^iflcurr^) (Siasrg)] Q^rri^(es)iTSGir. tBaasr


Thou wilt prosper, if thou do'st not commit evil. Don't go to the jungle, my boy


0, my father, do not punish me ! O inhabitants, do not fight. Don't speak. If youdo not learn the lesson it will not be acquired. How can he understand the lesson if

he does not learn. A thing done carefully, will not fail [prov]. He who doeswhat is not fit, will suffer much [what has not been suffered]. O my soul, do notsin! [Poet.] Don't read foolish heathen books. There is no standard or touchstonefor the gold which he has obtained without eflTort. It rained without ceasing. Goafter him and make inquiries unknown to him. He kept on sobbing and weeping.I can't accomplish this.

Qeu'^ssairiT ejear s^si^s'hsfr^ ^/PcS^oSeb^su. SBtrek O<^fT60^ih Qufrnp

eSiLi^fTsO) !BfT<m (STGsresr Qs^iLiueOirm. csusQeO ^k^s arrrfftu^aa^d Qsrr

nuLu^eo s^ifliumhu Qus^mDio Qurr(es)60 (Qus=rr(sSlLLu.tT&), if he leave, not



speaking) sun^ (5jmm-3= Qs^iLQp^? ^i^dsrriHujih ^^p(g Qp(^i?L-.k^^i3eo'^y ^eisffQweO iBu.d^seijLD LDmLi—fT^ {^^ !BI-.(b^^lS&)


-«€^^^^-EXERCISE 4:0,

You must go and see that house after it is built ; or else your son must go. Theymust be put in custody if they do not pay that money. The work is done, Sir !

Well, is the work finished ? Peon, is that work not finished yet? Your workis very fine indeed ! Why have you not paid that money yet?

^ireo QsQsurrtL. QurrssfrQ^. Qurrs Qeuesari—nih (QunsnLDsS(T^r5^rr&>

fB&)sv^). QLD<ss>^QiMQed Qun® (esxsij). S-(osrd(^^ ^lSIl^ Q^ffliLjmfr ?

Qsrr(^S'Qi?(^s=ii> Q^ifltijtli. i§ QufrssrrLD090iB^rT&) (QufTstmSLLi—rreo)

^(sa^u QupwrnLi—rruJ (sj^ a_iS3r<5(5<5 Q<sa)L-ssLDrTLLi—rr^). ^sum^<a5r Qsij'bsodsfTir'^ssr Jfjfi/D(^ ^^uufT<s£lLLi—.rT60, ^osyrr Qsn^ssLDtTil.

i—fTiT. i§ Qsen-fTLDjb QurT(es)&) QslLQu Qufreumu. Q&^esru GnuiiKSsr

SjLJUu^ j)jL-iiisfTL£i<sSl0<iseorrLDrT (StpLJUL^ujmD&> Quitseonlb it) ?


Qs^QjsQ^rr ereOeorrix) semus-iin? [<sT60&)TT<a: Qs^eijaonira^ixi, Qs^ojafr

(oT&)60rT(oarTiLjih-'] ^stLffna ereOeofTQUi (oTt^esr^^/isrrsd s^Uf. <aiiih^(r^sQ(trj-n-

seir. urr(SU(^ Qs^tu^SiJiTsm (sreoeorrisi (<5T&)eOrT(r^ijD) uiui^rrirsefr. i§ jijm

^u ufTi—^€S)^ ereoeOfTth ism'Qrj'dju ui^ds QeusssrQu). Qeu'^/sossiTufr sreo

eoir0S(^iEj srrQ^th (srap^i^issr. ^&3^n sieo&HTQ^io GT&STesr^^pens ^ei

a&r Qs>j'2e\i<oS)ijj (s£IlL® eSLLi—rriTsdr ((2SlL(SIlj Qurri^iTS&r)? QanppnGT&}6OrT0[h STiiiQs ? QssfT&)60(TKS(^ (5T&)6\)iTLD s^ihuefTiE] QsnQ [<ai_siJ/

Qsa(Sf]. Qeu'^eossTTirrr (sr60&}n(T^ih s^ihueirih iSijmEjQs QsTTessTL—anaefra?

(oT&)60rru ufTU.iEiss'BsfrLL]^ 9=iBujrTUJU UL^sQp eautu&sr. ^^eos^ism^ gtgO

6\}fTih ^(Gf^ih ^irrTs^rTss&r. Q-eOsth Qp(W<oSiLC)GaujLLjtii ^^ih ^Fffosr.

a_(Ssr<5(5 j/jUffiT^ih Qu!T®Q(aiJ(ssr. ^Qjm" e^^dsfT^m ui^sQ/D^eo'2eo.

All came. The whole house was burnt. "The Holy Church throughout all the worlddoth praise Thee." I fined all the servants. He took a fine from all the servants.

All the bricklayers got their hire. I gave a small present to the carpenters whodid that work and to the accountant when I paid thei>. All the kings and subjects

must indeed die. The king who governs all the world. I (am) a sinner withoutany one (to help me). I must have compassion, regarding every life (living thing)

as my own life. "Dost thou not see me ? Looking in my face, wilt thou not everrelieve my anxiety, O Godhead ?" He is accustom'd (fut.) to ask me to takecare of his flock whenever he is not (there). He is thus strong because he has nofamily cares whatever. Although (he) asked of all the congregation no one replied.

He perished entirely. Don't give the whole._

KEY TO EXEKCISE 42, 43, 44.


Q^m. ^g} ^QnLDiurT(oSr sntfltuth. sjsuit /f^uyefrerr ^irs=<m. ^^ fSturr

lULDfTesr iSun^. sesBrdssifr s<oS)i—d-ssrTir^s(^s^ s^iflturrssr semsi^s Qarrem

^rT(^^ erm'Qp sessrss^ [«6ror<5<S(S3)©aj ^rr<^^' ^n<^g] srekesru

ulLi— sessrd&sar]. ^i^ ^(T^s^s^eaud smflujih. issuuireaari—il). LD^inoaesr

There is sweet honey in the jungle. They brought bitter herbs. "God, the Father,

Almighty." Buy new pots. What he says is a new affair. They were talking in

the opposite house. Four thieves came into a house. Should little children speakthus ? He told all the affair that happened. Water stands in the hollow place.

[The guilty will suffer.] Raman, the bazaarman came. I saw little children in the

middle of the way. Curds from the cow. Anxiety of mind is the cause of decrease

of strength. This is ground fit for planting the betel-creeper. He spoke as if the

world had what he had, and had not what he had not.

EXERCISE 43.Four persons (who were) thieves, in a town, in a certain old woman's house, having

alighted, the goods and monies which they had stolen and kept as common property,

having put into a brass vessel, and put a seal upon it, gave it to her, saying


"when we four together come and ask, give this, till then bury it carefully," andthen for some days continued to board in her house. He said that the king wascoming quickly. Come you and I will go together. No goods have come for

many days.

^lEiQs ^i^, ^rsjQs wn^ : ^s ejgaru^. ^eyGviiLD i^ilju) ^sdQiffSijesr eSLL(Sld(^u QufT^&)., ^eysar ^!h^s= s^nLDiresr QsaQuufresr

^UiSesr SfTLDfTesrs'Borr tBmsiserr <suaiEjQ^ ^ODsys'SGird Qi—iejQQ&) (saeu^

Q^rrti). ^^ Q^(GS)? jfjioeO^ AS^LJurriiSlQ^dQp^. ^i^ m^ffLarssr

Q^'hssrs' S'rruuLLi—iT(€S) ? ^isiQs (?^@) ? ^a)'2so. ^^dask tsu^Q/D

EXERCISE 44.If he has done so let him perish. May you live long and prosperously since you

are a really sensible person. The prophet said to the king, hear my voice ! Do notcommit murder. Let this fall into that pit. as earth will fall into the mouth of himwho has made that unjust decision. If my life goes let it be so. Thy kingdom come !

In the city of Injustice-town, the king Evil-conduct governed, having appointedBad-sense as his Prime minister. Know that to the prudent there is nothing whichdoes not succeed. Go by the way, return by the way.— _


'±i<i cst—eufrdsr. ^i3Lurnjj(i^ Qs^tLJU<siJi^ surTLpLDmLi—fT&sr. tErrssr ^lAjfS

<5(Srr QfffKosreuruisf. Qs^ihuua si—surrir. Gresr smfiitifEisGrr isrioeOfTili Q^


One clay when all four persons were talking in the Pial of the opposite house. Asthey were all going in the way they saw two thieves. I asked if I miglit take it

away; but he said, "let it be." When many people are talking vainly you be silent.

I arrived while they were taking their rice in liis house. Is it right to kick out withyour foot the goddess of Prosperity, who has come of her own accord. [Don't look agift horse in the mouth.] Is there no bi'ead? I have nothing to eat.

[_(STiEiS(Gms(^ ^-QsTmLajL QsrrQtii'}. ^uuiejs&t ^,(T^<i<ssisuSle\) <siiEJS(m,&

(^u Qurr^LD. ^niL s'fTuunQ QsrresurQ (SuinJ QunuSlq^sQp ^(y^easr^^do

uni—LD ui^dansuSeo /F/rssr QurrseoniMfT? (srideoiTQ^ili Coy'Ssu Qs^tu^

QsnsmiSf.(T^ses)aiiSs\) i§ (DS=mhueiifTuS(T^d'S60rTii}rr?


They sent him saying : "Go and bring an earthen pot from the old woman'siiouse, in order to buy buttermilk." Saying is easy to all; but it is hard to actaccording to what is said. [This is poetical, but perfectly clear.]

" There is nothing whicli is my doing; henceforth, O God, all is thy doing. ThisI have learnt to feel." You may then understand also what is said [O^/fliueu ^©lo 72.YIt prevents one from ascending or descending. In that house it is all dancing andsinging. Don't follow his instructions.

urnso sijrTEJ(^GJ^jr)(^ [eun!EJ(^^p(^'] <sn<Sijp<snii'^issr ^^ULjQp^i (sieif^

C^SOT"]. @^ ^rrns^iT(sS^(SiDi-.uj siLi—'SeiT. ^djeS^wrrs isu.s(^^60

isi(^(aij^ ^Qe^3^ [sTGffl^l- Q^rremis^a^Lu n-osi—sseoninrr ? uuj(om

seir UfTi—iEJs'^LJ ui^dSp^i [better than uip.d^&J'] sji^fifr [^ifl^aLDir]?



KEY TO EXERCISE 47, 48, 49.

EXERCISE 47.With sreat joy, lie immediately dug up and took away the brass vessel. "Thou,

O God, wilt cause mount Meru (to be) as a straw, and a straw (to be) as mountJMeru." His two wives only were there. God will preserve me from committingany fault however slight. Don't join yourself gaily to the company of the wicked.The silk-cotton tree also was burnt with the strichnos. That villager was accus-tomed to cultivate beans, Tuvarei, Ulunthu, Yellu, Gram, Samei, Millet, Raggy,

Kamlni, Ker Varagu, Maize and other (kinds of grain) in that plot of ground.(You) must not commit a fault in business matters. ("Giving and taking"= buyingand selling.) Don't come near me. What is the import of this ? Come near.

"Having associated with senseless persons wlio observe no rules of conduct,speaking unreal words, and losing (the knowledge of) the chief one, I am lost."

Qu6aars=n^^ L9:ar'2efrs<sfr, Qan'^sansrir Qp^eonsmtsufrsQefrnQ eutB^mssr.

QfTrT(Sl3f^i—s (^^dssfTLDfTiT (a^ii^niTS'sir. (ST&sr QlLi— eusrnQfil Qsrr(S<i<s&)

surriaseo Qp^&inssr sfrSuuiEissfflsO ^euisbr ^UL^Qp^e\)^e^. eiJi—sxjessresiL^u

uds^^/b(^ <sjfT. ^li^ LDiT^^eir Quujit (srskew \_^Q^&ir(oisr LDUili] ?

^iBseir (ipfisOtT(5!sr&jfraQ<srrn(Sl ^jus^im [@5"/7<F/7(ay/7S3ria;ff] ^s!LQ^a(^ eiJiB^air.

<g<g^^^^EXERCISE 48.

Not seeing him they went away. I came here because I had no food. It is goodnever to commit wickedness. She went crying to make a complaint, laying guilt

upon the other wife, saying that she had killed her child for envy. The not flower-

ing is better than the flowering. Make an oath, since there is no other witness. Thejudge sent him away without punishment because he had done it unwillingly. It is

the peculiar gift of the good not to go in the way of thought, desiring impossible

things (not to allow the mind to desire unattainable good).

jijsijesr (dld&) (ojtm QurrQTf'esiLD Qsrremi—nib? ^ib^lj ul^ stuul^^

^0Lb [(?/_; /r(5 ti] ? usmLSlsoeOireaintuneO ^i—iEjQuS(7^sQ(n^ns<srr. ^sor

s^!TLL&u3eosOiTes)LoujrTeO ^es^rr stjn^QSivu \_iSlirrr^<isrTn''2Gsr'\ ^j spi


lSI sSlL

QsiTiosr^siSLLi—rrek? lj&)^^ Q^i— rsTisk' ldjjix) (ojpQesrasr. ^^Si i^&i

eSleOeorTQDLOiJUir&i LDU^^asreaflm'^ ^pisjQ^(ok. Qus^fTLDGSl(7?,Lju^ fB&)

•s^^^^^EXERCISE 4».

He decided that the old woman should give those goods. I will decide that, accord-

ing to your own deposition, she must not give the good when three of you ask for

them ; but only when all four together ask. I beg you not to bid me leave this.

Do as you wish. She cried out so that the whole village heard. The four, in shares,

engaged in the cotton trade. He brought up a cat in order that the rats might not

eat the bundles of cotton. I will give you an example to prove that the bullock is

mine. He went to his mother-in-law's house to take his wife. He did thus in order

to test ray ability. Elder brother, I climbed the tree to pluck grass for the calf.

" —jg

- —


^sro^ STUUL^ ^0-3i-uu®s:^'siimu [^'*/&(^ sjiosrsw &-(^*<« Q<sn®dQ(7^uj]? ^^ S- surges) I— uj enQ srssr^ &-0<9fd QafT®<i'Slp^ib(^ (smsresr

Qua^ssr. cr(5!5rs(^ i§luunuj(^ Qs'iLluu iSl^rrir^^dQQpeur. ^eorru^

^ ssru isf-Quu Qs^ujuj(c<Sij<sm(SiL}). ^(d^i—d^sbruuf. Qs^iL. i§ sasQffes)^

lurruju ULs.dQ/o^ji)(g s?(5 (ipsfTih^ffi^ Qs^n&j^QQpesr. ^so a_(S3r ^<s

uu^smi—Lu (sSQ (S7(S5r^ ld^gtv^QjilL® (ipimuiTS;S Q^efflsunuj ^qks^u

LSIu^d(^Lhut^ y^'^Gsr €^®Qp^. ui^'2sard(^^ ^ul^ldui^ st&9 epL^n^fr?

EXERCISE 50.He brought a little infant, laid it down by my side, left it and went awaj'. His

father wondered in himself, assumed a different costume (disguised liimself) andcame near the place of justice. "He wlio teaches letters will become a king." Ifyoulisten to me I will cause you to obtain the kingly title, and also arrange for yourmarriage. Boil the milk. Get up yuu ! Rouse liim. Roll away that stone.

"Though you boil away cow's milk it will not lose its sweetness."

Sj'^^s<s!r Qssresrd (^ifiisQa^snujd QsneeurQeuih^ ei&sr Qpesr Qi—^^

^d QsfTsm®, ^iLQd QsrreaarQlQurTfS^ir. _^<smnujn<oisr<s>jff siT(3i]ihsrTii'2issr

^GBLpUlSl^^fTIT. €JSSr ( eT&JTSSrd^jhsrTS ) <SU!T^^s'2eST Sj'o'^LpLJtSl^^lT \_^

jy/5^ QpLL(sai—iS5)iij ejQ. Sj^^ ^L-O^L^isauju ussstl^uSso <sjp^. (^i^i

(ss)^d(^ ^li^d S(^9l saiud&f-. Lon^s'hofr eptL®. LSek'Sefr'SsiLid (^^1

<ss)iTuS&) sip/Slt^iraek. sreSasir y^'^esr <s'?eird ssaar® ^d-ffflnJUULLi—esr.

Lj^'^esrseir <5ieSl<s'2e(i'd ssm® 3'ihQ^n<si^uLiL-L-(^sr- unso iniLd&iGS)iuiT?

U(^,3?QpLL(SB)i—s'Serr eiQuufnurr? uessrisf- epiLi—irQ^ !

€^^^^g>EXERCISE 51.

The king hearing that, rejoiced, appointed him a judge, gave him all manner ofrewards, and placed him near himself To day I will make you a great man. I will

examine (it) well within a week. He heard it clearly and rejoiced. Don't tell awilful lie [0/FQ* ^5-]. What though the pure gold lie on the ground (is it tlie

worse for that)? How will you cleanse it ? They rendered tlianks with heartsdeeply affected. They will praise him forever. I saw him clearly and rejoicedexceedingly. I don't know (whether it is) to day or when it will be.

^jjTS=iosr ^'2>osrsQerrrT®Lh Q^irsQeirnQu) snedrr<^sQmn®LD euiB^nfr- \_S]^

g^eisT C<s^ Ji^ u^[T^sQ(3trn®ih^ eumssmr.'] £ ^esi^d <si3sur(sss)ryd sesur

is^Q^ih^uD <spQ^wQ^d(^(^ Qs^rTS06\)frQ^! ^eussr io!(ssrQpi^(smpd(^iEj QslL®u(oUiT®jrT<ssr. sji^fi ^us^^qsh—UU srreoiTLLs&r [u^/r^serr] s^eiDLDisdsrrd



uiTeu(^ Q^iu^neo eruui^^ ^LJiSl^^,i Qsn&Tf&^s^niJu ? isnGsr sfr^nas

^suuQ&sr, ^(sm^^ ^fTisjssh iB<ssr(frj'UJ eSl.aFrTrr'^Qssr Qs^iuujQ<susm(Su>. rSiuir

(JUtT^U^ SeK!JlT0'S(^ fSujfTLUi^ Qs^lLuULDnLLL—flUn? ^ioS)tT S fTiSlimSfTir^d

«^^^^&EXERCISE 52.

God knows that I did not do this. Not even half the mud was removed. Youeat much. He gives me much trouble. Can any man sleep while the hairs ofhis head is washed about in the water, in the torrents of rain, while the flood rushesunder him, and the stones rub against his body ?

"When shall I behold (the beatific vision) at sight of whichMy soul shall dissolve in ecstacj^ my body shall

Melt away, and all the evils withinShall depart ?"

My doubt will not be solved unless you make yet another great trial. From thatday he pretended that the disease gradually increased. Put it a little distance off.

Besides the fruits that are well ripened, the promising green fruits fall off sometimesby the wind. He will come if [you] tell him.

s^rruL9i—rru)/b QurT(ev)/b [s^frULSt—tTisSLLL^rred'] iSlsmLpds LDmLi—rrm. ^^

eijih lErnssr <5TuQurT(Lp^ [QldluI jjj^&asi' ^jetni—iB^ QsfT(3!r(efKQ(Sussrl fissr

\srs QsslLi— <oT6Osi)tT0<sm!—iu ^0^iUQp^ ffiiQ^fTei^ss (SueSlivd Qsrr®^^nlr. <STGsr Qsu'^isnff&sr (Shit (stsst (Su^eurr^, Quit gtsstu QuiT(SijrT&!r.

Qus^u Qus= euL^ Q^fT'2ei)LLji£i. ^uuisf-U Qus^e^ih f§l'2esrds(Si^ixi UL-tr^.

EXERCISE 53.You must give thus: one elepliant, three horses, seven chariots, nine footsoldiers,

four women, and a load of pure gold. That happened in the year 18.55. Fifteen

witnesses came with (him). What o'clock (is it) ? What (bell) time is it ? Whattime (has elapsed) is it? (15 Tamil hours it has become,) it is noon. ( Co. App.VII.) The two came together.

I thought one thing, the Divine Being thought another. Give this child 9,000pagodas. He mingled these three together and cooked. One of the 3 women said,

"my friend, the leg and the stick are one;" anf)ther said, "the wing and leaf are one,

my friend;" yet another said, " the moutii and the fruit are one, my friend: " thustliey spoke and passed on. [The 3 women passed a mango tree, and compared its

branch, leaf and fruit, with the legs, wings and mouth of a parrot.] He obtained agem as a present.

^ihu^ QuiuiT euiB^fTiTa&r, ^mu^ Quluqkixi iSni?^rriTS&r. ^)^ Sj^'jS


'2issr Qs^euaiT S-sm®? <si^fi'2ssr Loessfl? u^^u QuLU^Lons (136.) ©y/F

(5 65(7j ssssTi^, ^jesOT® sssoTi^? ^euisur <SB(5mi—d(^u usi^u uessrisj

(5 npmsu (f^urrdj^ ^i^(e^^ ^j2/ (otDUS^ad QsrrQ. ^ (ssxauk^ (g/5

EXERCISE 5€.He offered a sacrifice of 999 kings' lieads to the goddess. Tliey came and asked, one

by one. Having lieard the words of both, he doubted and asked if there were any

witnesses? As a man blind of one eye was coming abne, a huncli-back mockinghim said : "come up ! sir, you who see with one eye only !" The blind manreplies to the hunch-back : quite true, Sir, Mr. Bundle-back ! I don't look on one

person with one eye, and on another with another eye. I view all with one eye

[I am impartial]. While 33 times 10,000,000 gods, and 48,000 devotees were around

him he shone resplendant like 10 million times 10 million sun.s ! Thou will die in

a month or two. In the 10th chapter of St. Mathew's gospel, the 4th verse, it is

written as follows. [That which is written (is) that which will be (thus) 88.]

f^rreOirm ^j^smr^^eo. <opQ^ asm (^0i—sur. ^(i^Qjesr s^^esriosr, ldjij

QQTj'Q^&jm p0 aessr QsL-L-Sijm [ruined (as to) one eye]. ^<suiT<s&r

e^suQeufrn^&Jiifnu wn Qeu essi (B is> . ^i^ pwiLeiDi—a'Setr QpwQfxssrQrj'Lu (ssi<su.

^is^u LSlek'SefTiBefr ^qk ®j (^ ljljd(^ ^(ss)Suii^ iSl6fr'Sefrs6{rrrs<f Q^firdsuu

(sSem<3^. ^j&jesr ffrjrrs^ifl ^li^ LDrTS=^0/b(^ ^0 eSlsms^ <s^ (0<SiJ n (ssr , Qurr

si/ff^ Q<3=iT<oir(osr snifluj^GS)^ (03?uu®^^^iT<seir. rBfrednuD Qulu0S0


€<€^^^^EXERCISE 55,

Call both parties. He inquired of all the three parties. He is blessed who acts

justly. All generations shall call me blessed. He came with his .5 partners. All

those country people are assembled together. Enquire of your family. He is a

great sufferer. There are many possessed people (belonging) to our temple. Thejudge allowed some criminals to go. You will find it out if you inquire of the

neighbors. "The fisher's eye rests upon the float." To the spiritual person there is

neither pleasure nor suffering. The word of the elders is nectar. This man is

wealthy, that is pious.

•s^iLmrn t^eoeOnQKih QlLi— fS<sur(Trj>iTS&r. ctiot g^GWi}) [ctsst (SulI i_/r/f].

STissr QsiT^^iT^^s^ s^GBTfkis&r. S-&)sd^fTiT isT&)6On'(0Lh i3silSIs^s QsiT&r

(Gf^GuiTiTseh-. rsfTLLi—rTiT sntLi—tTiT iurrsn^ih GTii^ iBrrLi.L.n(0i}) ^k^^(3S)^ff!iJj s^neSl(SS)UJ^ ^^^^frf!S(sir [Ljsi^ik^niT.sserr^ Qtos^&d Qsn(oSsrL-.niT

__ -

KEY TO EXERCISE 56, 57, 58.

em®iJD \_^sm<5S)u. e§LL®ssrTasiBrT<i QslLs QeuemQih']. etau^^ujssnnn

^QiBsfr LD(T^(SfrfTefflsefrfTS^ ^fflQ^rffrseir. auu/bsfrjjiT ei&ieiHTQ^ih sLJu'2e\)

(sBlLQu QurTi€U)iTS&r. ^essr i^jbs rrjrissr [i^esr LSIi^dQ/DSUGsr] ^nprk•s&aiTuSleo S-(^dsrTiTi^Q^d3(irj>(osr \_(^f5^aQsfT(smLSf.Q^aQ(nj'^'\.

'€^#^^^EXERCISE 56.

There are none who are happy. All good persons will praise him. A pugilist of

the name of Athisuran [Very-brave-one, ©fni]. Bring all both great and small.

This is certainly good. Act without rejecting the word of the great. A housewithout a house-wife is desolate [ujSsr+^sir, mtssnueuar']. The trouble I've had withthat bad fellow is not small. The sufferings endui'ed by me a sinner are great. Byyour blessing I your servant am in health. "It is the duty of the great to forgive

the little faults of the lowly." He who is alive. All the living.

eriQiBirQpth utrdQiuir G^(f^<aij(7^LSl6\)'^. QuiflQinnir jtjuui^^ Qs^nin

eS uS(^dQ(T^iTss{r. ^eumr LDsrr undSltu s^rreSI [lSIs ^snj^iijsoi—ujsum'].

iBeoeo^ ! QsfTU^iJjiT (oTstfliusiJiTS(^d(^^ Q^rri^ireij Qs^iLenrrfrserr. &rSl

QiutTiT QurflQcurriT lurr^Q^ih ^iejQs ^iQ^uufTirseh . UfT<2SQujssr Grearesr

Qa^iLQwf^. ^<5i/sp/<5roL_m sPL^tLi—nefflseffleo Qp<ssr^ Quluit [pweuiil iSls

Gl^LD QuifllLI SUITset- Sj^^ ^SB-HfTlT & tB UU (SU fl <£ (SIT , ^(SUeST ^jOSS np&T

LUfTSurl. ^Ejssrr ^^^<surT^^^(GU)QeO sf^smrrs ^(j^dQQpebr. f5rrQujev)id(^

UfTirasir. Q^QujfTiT uessBeiieinstrsuiTaen'fTs S)(T^<i£s Q(su(om®iii.

'€<€^^^^EXERCISE 3?.

He lies sick. It is about a mile from the place where he stood to the place wherehe went. The judge is coming. That man must go to the hospital. Lay tlie table.

He made a complaint in the civil court. Bring the kettle. He has endorsed andsent it. The Collector has come. Where is the Padre ? Bring the prisoners. Thisdefendant went to make an appeal.

^p(§ er^^'^tssT es)LD&} ^jju). ^ojeir QiDems^ (DUfTLLi—.rTj=.fiT? QslL


Do not throw stones at birds vainh'. Prosperity and adversity. They sent

arrows in the fight. Me is happy on account of the birth of a son. Kot being able

to bear the burden on his head he let it down. He came wearing cloths and orna-ments. Wealth and poverty never remain in the same stay. Fear and shame are notto the ignorant. Two kinds of wealth are called wealth; viz., the possession of

learning and the possession of property'. Do'nt humble yourself in order to causeothers to be humbled. What is his intention ? His idea was different. Whose hand-writing is this ? That's your affiiir. Let each one look after his own affairs.



QjrTifieSI&) sj^SLDfTiu LoQiprrQ^ ! ^nt^eSeO sj^^LoniL^ ^sauui—n

L—niT iB&Gi^LD s^iEQ^rrei^LJ uQQ^'irs&r. ^(suirserr <cr&)ed(T(r^LD sniLi^Qeo

(oUfTjTfTL^ie^iTsefr. s6\)(sSe!!)iu ^<9^Ll<sroz_ u6ssr(G^Q^. Q^euiT up(sms>j

^<ssr Qurf(f^(3(r erssrissr? ^(Sueisr isiap^ssr <snQfi^^(5sr QfEndsLh eresrssr?

^^ Qs®^uuniosr srrrfluji}). ^(aii^d(^ Lop^ Qld^^. (5Tewd(^ sjuuuf-<i Qs&reS.

«^^^^^EXERCISE 59.

Oho, my child, what hast thou done ? Is it right to act thus senselessly. Theminutiaj (of the administration of) justice are not easily known even to the gods.

If you only err a little, much sin will be the result. O judge, she is a very deceitful

woman. It is he, is it not, who said so. That's the very thing. "The light everywhere diffused." Why do you weep, grandmotlier (my good old woman) ? Youfellow, what are you doing there ? He said, who are you, you fellow ? What a marvelis this ? Very well, I'll let you know. Wliy, my good fellow, so long ? He cried

alas ! and wept. Pish, only so much ! Behold this learned man who has come to you.

eresresr, sir^um, u^^wessfl ^s eSeo'hoOuun (^Q &)'?&) turr). g(smuuQujiT, Qisi!i3=LDQunQ<om&sr, erewesr Qs^ujQsnasr? 'M'^} ^(^s^rr (siiitlj

<g^^^i>&EXERCISE 6©.

He caused more kingly honors to be paid from day to day to the herdsman thanwere accustomed to be paid to himself. My Lord, there is nothing greater thanthat. He indeed is the superlatively honest man. Consistent deportment is

greater than learning to Brahmans. I will take care of them 10 times more thanyou do. " There is no charm like a father's word." There is no temple more excellent

than one's mother. The elephant is the greatest of beasts; but the lion is stronger

than the elephant. It is a cause of joy to all when their children are possessed of

more knowledge than themselves. It is better even to die than to tell a lie.

Qpi^dQsrreketr^ GTe\>60iT(ss)fTU uundS^LD QsLLu^dsrjiK^s,']. ^<su(dir

^ioS)t—LuiT sT&)eOrrrfl^Lh L^d^uS<ssr(€U)uSl0dQ(irj'esr. ^smsTreS^ih ^i^LDih^ffl Quffluj(Sijm'. L9d<sm&Qaj®dQp<smfiU ufindQ^il) Q(sv'2eo Qs^iLisu^

/F6x)60^ [(^jTik^Qsrrsmr® ^rfleu^^ih S-(smLps;^d Qsfr<sfr(€m8p^ fBesr^].

se\)tsSu Qurr0effl^(W^ &pii^ Qu!T(T^&fl&)'^- ^enrfleSlQ^dQp QuemseffleO ^euetr ^fTesr tBeOedtsuefr. ^ssr inseir Loppsunseifi^ih ^rSI(Sij<siTefr<SJ(5sr



L^eSuS^UD ^'2issT Quffl^, LjeSlQiurr Qsnu^^ [QsaQemLDiLjefrGfr^ 184].

^^ GTeOsOfT&J/bjS^Lh (<sr6\)&)fT^^^i})) uiTiTQperrefr^. ^iBcsm^iiSe^LD [^<s/j

ussfl^m^ lS^hsSI^i})^ ldsesst ((^mfTjK^, iSleir^Err) fFS\)6\)isu(osr' ^'^^m

EXERCISE 61.He will give (me) sense to discover every minute affiiir connected witli justice

Having called the woman who killed the child, he asked why she had committed suchinfanticide.

"Since Thou art everywhere, should I wander about forever here and there, notfinding refuge in Thee ?" What kind of a person is he ? I wish to see him. Atany rate it is a great matter that he has consented. Such a child is born. Heran away as before. Just so. Idle, as usual ! Let it be as you please.

^uuisf-uuiLi— (SDUiu'Sissr GpQ^isfreorrQ^ih ssmi—^rr? @/f^ rsniu

^•iQsfTe{r(^<aiirT€ur. ^sKrflQ&) siuuu^uulLi— s^esrih? ^uQuituulLi—L^^^uSs6r^(SS)^ (sjshr Qs^iL^ndj ? ^ dj su etastufTear ^siaixxsmuj wrrasr Qs^Lueu

^P(S^ [^(Tj/JO^esrear, QurriL (oimissr? Having been ichat? Havinggone what? Idiom.]

(ipearQasr ^0^^ euLpds^^&srui^Qijj QuQs Qsrrerr(^Q(m'iTS(srr.

snrflujiijs'Bsrr'S' Qs^ihuuedfTiJD? epQssrr! ^Qjesr ^^^'2esrd(^ ld^ Qsi—<^?

EXERCISE 63.There is no witness but my own eyes. Desire nothing but the Supreme Being.

Is there any thing besides that ? I only said so to try you. Ask what you want.He said he would give without any difliculty. Moreover he called his mother. I wasto fulfil my destiny, what is it to you ? Who came beside you ? Without difficulty

you will obtain it.

luirQ^rrm'^ eSl'^ u^Qlofi? ^/^^ eSles)^ Qpfe(r<i(^Qu:i lueOeOrTweo ^is^iseo (ip7iSirs(^inrT? Qp'2isirujfT^. ^^soeOnLoeO Q<SijQp S-emi—n? ^0e\) .

eorrmeo ia>j(T^<3urTiT<ssetnT? ^sjyssr unL-tkia'hsiru ui^ss Q^jessr^QiD • lSost

Qssrmssr? LurrQ^rrQi^ Qparrii^iTQpLSlsarjB isTesr'^ssr (oU(T^^^uu®^^iQ(n^esr.

e_s57"<s(5 sp(7j sntfliui^ Qs^rrmQmrsnr^ ^^iosoiTLD^ih (5T<smdQ<s ^j&)6\)rTLD60

60fTtL6d ffesrias&r <su(T^^^uu®S(fff'iTserr' Qeuetflds^th ^sk^ ^'2e\)i^

^ffJQ(Trj>iTa&r. u(TSL'LSlssr[Sl iBi—.dQp^ ^ifl^. ^ini>^LSl(^fSl<3U!r. ^sm<s5s?


KEY TO EXEKCISE 63, 64, 65.

EXERCISE 63.Has any one of you any evidence ? Your elephant died without any visible cause.

I will give you its price, or another elephant instead of it. Since it happened bydivine appointment either take au elephant instead of it, or the value of it. Comeeither tomorrow or the day after. "There is no real virtue but domestic virtue."

We only played for sport: we've swallowed no jewel. Will you come or not?

ffly/rof/?, ^&!rjS&> ^ih^s^ ffmL&ssnn&sr QuniL Qu3?Q(yrj><5ii . fBn'^d(^

(Si//r, txippuuis^ ^^m'^esr^ ^smisf-uQum. (^6i>60iTeSSLLi—n&)=^&J!HT<sSlLL

u.rT&).) (^^eanaaLuiurrsu^^ UGsarujL'oiaiutunisu^, ^'^sBrecoujujrTiSii^ isiesrs

@<5 QsfT6sar(blSiJfT- ^nKdsa<su^ Qsn®. u^eons spn^iBJ^ssr eis<sii^ Lop

puuis^ &-<ssrd(^ j)jurrtT^m Qurr®Q<5iJiosr- ^^freu^ QudluQuu&st^ ^^^sQsfTeirefrQsijesBrQu:). LDes)L^uSl6\)6\)iT6S)LDiiSI(e^6\)rr(av^ Q&jQp uuitQ^itq^ Qp

EXERCISE 64.I neither borrowed anything from him, nor tore the note. I am not the man that

said that, nor the man that did it. That flower is not red, nor yet (the color of)

yellow. He is neither a counsellor, nor a wise man [devotee]. That has not

come, nor has this gone. When (we) inquire of many persons it does not appearthat what he said is true, nor that he has wilfully told a falsehood. One of youmust go aside (retire), either you or he. There is no rain, or thunderbolt (in theway)

;you must go at any rate. I do not say six, or a hundred: let it cost what it

will. Nor this, nor that, nor both. "Where there is rice there is rank." Neitherrice, nor rank.

_3/@/gg?/g(g ^enrflQsO QQibQ^it^lSI6\)'2iso^ ^_p<sSesr (tp(oS)pujrr0i^6\}'2f3O

p<aii^d(^ J§)^E/0«/7®(5<5 maLLL^rrek [p^isiQu Quns L£>nLLi—n<s5r'\.

(SiifT^ Qs=!rso^Qp^n<au^y L9rr^(ourT^ Qs^neo^Qp^treu^, Qs^susiFlesr s^nul.

EXERCISE 65.Exert yourself as much as you can. Take care of these till I come. As long (far)

as I can. The sense of a rash man is deficient. She put (before him) boiled rice, thesize of a lime. Give paddy, or if not, eat for a mouth the boil'd rice which heprovides. She gave (him) sufficient warning not to go. What am I ? Is it right to

come down upon so weak a person (this cotton) ? He learnt only logic from10 years old to thirty. Will the rice stop there; how (does it appear to you) heasked ? So long I will ascend and treat (the picota), he said. She prolonged speech

^* 25


till the mother came. It is immeasurable. You can't say how much. Till yesterday

this was (the amount of) uews. Until to-day (^-ir^ in its adj. form^p^, then the

noun ^pe!>p=to-day'),

LDmLQi—&5r [s7iS37"c5(5<j Qs=6\)eO Q<su(5mL^iJU^&) fsneisr si(su<sij<srrsyn@^i}>

(^<oSip^^ sufTiEJS LDiru-Qi—iobr]. ^<sii&sr QLonQJiriLd stLeiai— sijioS)fTs(^i5

^iQsrremL^Q^sQQp&sr^ <35i^LSI^^dQsfT6mL^(T^dSl(cpis!r). ^-^^J' ^J2/

unu^ism^ \_^Q&iffiT(osr 3?sisldss)uj'\ ^Q§^ld (si®. wiresBr uifluuiB^is> s_63sr

(oSiL£LLiefr<s{r(Qij(es)!iSI(r^ [s-em'(5S)LDiijntiS(T^']. ^^ sj


lSI s" <? ejs rnu ^&reS

Q^sQp^- iBn'Serr (auesirrdi^iii sn^^Q^uQum. <oT(osr(GS)60rT(Ssru>LL®(i^

^d(^ ^sfreSeo'^. ^(Ssrp&nsijLh l^p(3np<sii(ssiiT-i(^ih'\.

EXERCISE 66."What matters it whether they live or die, who always tell lies, speak evil of the

good, revile the mother that bore them, form a thousand deceitful plans, do not

study sciences, do not confer benefits on others, and give nothing to those who drawnear to them ? Will my anxieties never cease ? Within (my soul) will the flood of

bliss never run ? He is utterly careless [goes about saying, but Avhy, but (is it) so?]


How can I describe its beauty ? What in the world's that ? Why do you wearyyourself out with hunting ? Why do you grieve ? What do you lack ? What(relation) is he to you (idiom) ? What (matters it) though you eat (food) with the

six (kinds of) flavor; or if you drink thin conje ? .(The six kinds of flavor are,

«*UL/ bitterness, p^^uq sweetness, l/eiBl/l/ acidity, s^eniruL] saltness, gsaiftuiLj harshness, aniui^

pungency ) Why (should one) explain a matter to those who know all things ? Why did

you climb my tree ? There are none who will inquire after it ? (None who care.)

Q<?uj<sijn€sr <oje^t4^^^(su^s(^u uemilt ^&)sOfT^^^6\) Qsrr^d'SSLDml.

i—(rissT. \Q<srJW^^LDfrLLi—n(S5ry (oJgst (5i<^Qrj'&) uesanSl&J'Seo. ^^(au^d(^Li

U(5sanSl6\)'S&}^ QsirQdsLDrTLLL—fT&sf]. (sisn-efrnQ^isi Qafn—rr(osr. Qsn(^<Fih ^emessPirnQ^fEJ Qaf^®. S-pisxin®@p<suns'^eiTff Qa^rr^ss Qsijem®iii^

<oj<ssr (oTim'(r)j'&) ^(Suiraerr Qmns^dsfrjiiT eresrpj Q^tresr^Qp^. \_&.psiiiT®

SlpcsuiTS&r QLLrrs'ssmriT ctot^ Q^rrm'^Qpu i^ivrrio ^uniLiiB^ Q^frds

Q<syssar®u).'] ^^ acuiTLDio urriLi^ 6p®Qp^- ^wib^^<ss)^^ ^Q^Qpsuffeasr

<ss)i— Q^(7^ [.^'^'^^ ^mppcmosii— Q^qk]' ^'^^.f •fih^u^ (srio&dnijD eresr

ear? ^uQunuLJLLi-.isuiT,si3ir Qun(€S)^ih (oresrissr, (sui^rr^tst eresrssr?

«^^^^&EXERCISE 67.

(Has any one) ever seen it any where ? We must draw near to him whoever he is

that has preserved these villagers. Give either milk or curds. Whether it be mud,

or whether it be a house, it belongs to the man who has preserved it. That



is medicine wliich removes the disease. When you see him you will know aabout liim. You can't trust a liar, male or female. Whosoever gambles will perish.

"Although they are people of low degree speak gently to them." Whenever it

stitfens its ears, and erects its tail then it intends to kill (you). In my flock a sheepwas seized with this kiud of spasm, which convulsed it, so that no medicine couldafford relief and it died.

CTissr ^<5«/73srr (sriaQsiurrQ^mj ssssri—^emL—rT [is that which has

seen existing]? rBnebr (oifsiQaiunQ^m ^i^u QurrQ(SUiobr. ^sum ejiaQs

®iJd, sisffliuenssT ^stLQih Qunihuuisbr ^sij^3^&<5miju ^'emi—eumsar- 0.5/7

^'BsiTiu&J<oir ^Q^ih Qurfluj 0a(aiJs;^uj(ev)uSl0dQ0'6sr. ^i<aU6ir jiji^Lj

EXERCISE OS."Thou wilt forgive (my) fault in not learning (of Thee), my fault in not thinking

(of Thee), my fault in not standing weeping with melting heart, my fault in not remem-bering (Thee), my fault in not praising (Theej, my fault in not worshipping (Thee),

my every fault." You can't be sure till you've seen. Before he heard it tremblingseized him. The servants came before tlie sun appeared. What hinders his coming ?

That boy wanders about learning no lesson. If there be three and five even an igno-

rant woman can prepare curry. [The five kinds of savory substances {^asinLiii) areiBai(g pepper, Qems^mui dill, ersoib cardamum, Qeii:Ar(^areii garlic, Quq^iisnuih asafvetida].

The tliree kinds of fruits are the plantain, mangoe, and jdca. This is differently

explained sometimes].

^<ssi^ iBn<^ fS'^ssTLuau l9€S)lp<sislu Sit QurT£i;dsQ<su6m®LD. [fS'Seariurr^

(^jb/D^iss)^.'] j^ieussr e^(r^ Qs=fT&)^^ Qs=rr&)&)rr^uu^d(^s; ^tflQQrj'Ssr.

[sji(J5 &jtiiT^<sm^ii^uci Qs=rr&)&)fTLD6\)-, eruQuffSi-LD Qus^mDeo.'] (^iBiuek ^erv

^lSI<s(^ld (LpasTQissr ^ejQ eS LLi—nasr [n^piaQ (SfflLySiiTSsr]. ^jos)^

f§'2GsriuiT(ip(csr ^(LpQ^ssr. ^ih^u (smuimsir uni—LDUu^iJjn^uL^s(^ sjtoir

s^mLDfT ^fflSQTj'^sr ? uununQ^ih e^esr^ui^ Qs^djiLnnrnsO <3^u:)u>iT^ffluj60fT

LDfT? ^l&J&Sr <cp<cMg)]ih ^JjSluJIT PU)L—(o^.

EXERCISE «9.It is like the sand-rice made by little children. A very slender waist. One came

with a very black ftice. He has a very large arm. What shall I a very mean fellow

do ? He languished utterly alone. She is entirely red. That field is quite green.She has brought ghee, melted to-day.

^ik^ ^irrfTLL^^^d(^<s sesr&^rsjsrfluj QpsQpih^ Qumasrti) Qu0^^

^iajOT2/«(5^ &ssr<oST(^ &lfSluj [Bnu^smQ- •sissr(o!srisjatfluj Qld<S(^ (^rFluj^ssr




When the husband going before, and the wife following after, passed through the

river, anotlier person went down after them. Before they come. After some days.

They turned after him. When they had crossed over a little way. Come after meall of you. "Before the flood comes you must build the dam." Do as others do(according to analogy). I will go before, you come behind. Don't presume. Don't

go back. He drew back the foot he had advanced. He won't prosper.

eio^dQsLLQi—<ssr- Qpesr iSlesr isu ndQ uj ieis'^ e^^^uufrir. ^ea^ iBnm

Qpmesrn^ ^r3k_^QsfT<ssarQi—<nsr. (^pjrusumsffl fScufnun^u^d(^ Qpasrurrs

QioerriounDmu [Qus^fTLoeol i§l(sk(yrj'6sr. ^isu^d(^ Qp<s5res)iih lS&stg^iud b^njsfrefT iflLUfiLufT^u^issfr ^^i^ aits err- Qpm iSleisr urrrr.


" Like a child who though its mother is (by its side) yet totters so I though Thouart everywhere stand tottering." Like a parrot that saj's just what it hears. It

shone hke a high priced gem. It seems (he) sent. Don't think of me as one like them.The body which is like a bubble of the water, having no permanence. Of those

three witnesses the washerman made a pattern like a stone to beat clothes with, the

barber like a whet stone, the potter like a stone used for smoothing his work. It

would be very hard to find in any land a counsellor like thee. This fruit is like

that fruit. "The benefit done to the good will appear like the writing on a stone."

He sometimes suffers from a flatulent disorder which comes suddenly.

j)j (Su'2issTu Qunei <s^(m&jeviiLD ^-Gmrt—rr? i§ srm-'hssr ^ spi


lSI (osr^i

QurreO fstrek ^<sii'2esr si^ULjQsuiok. ^^^oai—iu r§pm ini^g^&r (SufT&)

sjj/i), ^ssiosr ^-(T^Qjii) s^ih^rf'SisBTU QuneOsi^iJi ^QKsQekp^i. sss^i—desmj

'^esTuQu n eou Lj^^s^neSl Qssii—sQp^ \_^suu®Qp^'] ^rfl^. ^i^eueoj^n^^s^siDL-uj LDrr^iflsauuu ufTn^^rreO ^najiTQ^emi—uu^ Quneo^

Q^iT(5srgi]Qp^. iLpp<sunjs'^uQurT&) ^eu'^esr iS'^tssruurrQ^ [£i'2esrs

anQ^I- ^0fB^rrpQurr6\) ^^ireui^ ^w'^sard Qsne5t!r®Qun^rrs(3(r

\_^^^ ^QvSsBT" ^ODip^^d QsiTernQQunssuiB^rriTsefrl. s(r^'SJseoeOfT€sr^

^n^^esrdseo'^uQunei) eS'^ (5jpuQupp^naS(r^d(^mn? ^sufrs'Sefru

Quned ^0(5S)LDUJrr(oisr LDfE^iflsar ^^emi—fr? ^efr<sB)U)UjrTesr^ i§iTd(^LSlL^

esycuu Quit^Qld. ^.enosojuQunm'p ^-€m0s>LDiij(3(r&r &QiBQ^'2£sid

semQ LSIt^dSp^ ^rfl^rrCcLD. ^^Quneo ^em^iLjih ^rSih^Qsneaetr




KEY TO EXERCISE 72, 73, 74, 75,


He said to him don't do so any more. She recommended a fool. That king seeing

his sons becoming blockheads without learning began to consider. What will youtalk about when you go there ? It is not right to hear a noise only. I went into

debt on account of a marriage. I suffered great disgrace on his account. By his

means the whole affair was hindered. He does not come for nothing : he comes for

some purpose. He suffers from hunger. I endured much for the sake of learning.

He will come to you for some (private) end, and not without a purpose.

^<ss)^LJupfB (sSls=rTrrdsm'Qs=dj^. \_^<ss>^s(^r8^^ eSl^rrrfl^Q^m.']

Qi5®QrEjiiii Qerrird snifliuiKis'^isfr ^lLQu Qu&d QsnemLSf-Q^k^rrasr. rsn^

QpehrQesr ^fs^ eB&Jsrti) eT6\}eomh &-Lxis(^d Qs^rrmQesrasr- li ^murrfflu.^

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He went on his travels ; while he was going one day that bullock stumbled, fell

and became lame. He became thirsty and went to drink. And a dog, snatching adry well picked bone, bites it, and, though he works his teeth, yet his hunger not beingappeased he is glad. Kings and fire and a snake are ahke. The village is far off.

Seeing that he could not contain himself but spoke out. All who have committedsin shall be punished. A stone's throw off. One night.


I don't know why the child walks lame. I will cultivate friendship with that lion.

If the lame man desire the honey on the end of the branch will it come nigh him ?

He sliowed an old well where there was much mud and water, saying "it is here."

Not being sore concerning the man who shot the arrow, are you sore at the arrow?"Can you straighten a dog's tail ?" The river overflows [its] bank. I saw a rat

digging its hole [to dig]. He was cleaning his teeth. Don't think so of me I Is it

right to speak tlnis of me ? You must protect us without (save us from) punishment.He told him not to cough. This is the axe with which I cut down the forest. Theking put the rebels in prison.



He began to consider in great sorrow. He began to think (stimulated) by thedesire of still acquiring more. It lias survived through the strength of youth. It

grew big tlirough grass and other feeding, waxed fat and wandered about in thatjungle. He made the truth manifest by his own mouth. Water mingled with milkwill become milk, and its color will not be recognized as that of water. What will


KEY TO EXERCISE 76, 77, 78, 79.

result from (my) examining it ? Whoever live with praise they are blessed. " Smallpits are filled with little water." To live in respectability is good. The workshe assings me with his foot 1 will do with my head.


EXERCISE 7G,Within a room. He took a fitting fine on that account, and ordered that he

should give a fowl to the fowl-woman in place (of the one lost). At that time peasof the ^a/floir were not to be had any where. However much (you) buy, this only is

necessary to me for expenditure. What can he do to me ? How do you know I amangry ? What can one do in this (emergency) ? What do you say to this ? To-morrow morning I will be outside the village in the enclosure on the eminence.Money has come to the monied man. I support him so that he has no anxiety what-soever. That will be the source of future annoyance [the after step]. That does

not suit the musical time. Outwardly they said "very well." There is no answeringword to [my] Lord's word. A great quarrel arose between them. The way mustbe passed on by us. To that end I will relate a story. He made it known as far as

to the king.

«^^^^&EXERCISE ffr.

He delivered his children into his (that man's) charge. It being so. While the lion

was comfortably enjoying the kingdom which he had acquired by his valor, one of

those monkeys came. While you are near the king you may confer benefits on manypeople. Not knowing what is proper and what is not, he will eke out a scantysubsistence. It is difficult to raise up a big stone to the top of a mountain ; it is

easy to thrust it down from thence. Just as when a copious [good] rain has fallen

the shoots come forth from the seed, so from my mouth answers suited to the king's

questions will spring forth. Can radiance be separated from a gem ?


He went to the bank of the river to drink water. Not doing (his) lord's business

is it riglit to consider the seeking of prey the great matter ? I sat down by his side.

Though they were calves' bones they were certain that they were the bones of the

Retti. That water flowed along the channels. A disciple that will not obey the

words of his teacher. An obstinate fellow that does not hear his mother's words.

It is difficult to relieve mental anxiety. She went to her mother's house. The glory

and authority of that king. The people of that country.


A certain person having bought ten loads of iron, left it with another person, andhaving gone to another country, came back after some years and asked for his iron.

At the appointed time when he who gave asked for it, the man who had received it

said confidently, "I did not receive it at your hand." He went and made a complaintto the judge. He came (on foot) that way. He told (them) to bring two brass

vessels full of water. Tliere is no doubt you did borrow ghee from her. The fruit

of the tree will fall near the tree [guilt icill bring punislimeyit']. If you don't

pinch off the first shoot, by and bye when it becomes a tree you must cut it downwith an axe. As perfume in the flower, oil in the hemp seed, and life in the body are

mingled. He went on the border of a tank. Putting his finger on his nose, and heav-ing a sigh, is it so ? said he, sorrowing.



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