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Т О Ш К Е Н Т — 2019



Бош муҳаррир: Гуландом БОҚИЕВАБош муҳаррир ўринбосари: Маҳмуд САЪДИЙ Масъул котиб: Каромат МУЛЛАХЎЖАЕВА

ТАҲРИР КЕНГАШИ: Лайло АҲМЕДОВА, Жамила ҒУЛОМОВА, Жамолиддин ЁҚУБОВ, Аббос ИРИСҚУЛОВ, Марк КРОССИ (Британия Кенгаши директори), Абдураҳим МАННО-НОВ, Рафаэл дел МОРАЛ (Испания), Кесава ПАНИККАР (Ҳиндистон), Родмонга ПОТАПО-ВА (Россия), Ғанишер РАҲИМОВ, Шуҳрат СИРОЖИДДИНОВ, Қосимжон СОДИҚОВ, Илҳом ТЎХТАСИНОВ, Ғайрат ШОУМАРОВ.


Главный редактор: Гуландом БАКИЕВАЗаместитель главного редактора: Махмуд САЪДИОтветственный секретарь: Каромат МУЛЛАХОДЖАЕВА

РЕДАКЦИОННЫЙ СОВЕТ: Лайло АХМЕДОВА, Жамила ГУЛЯМОВА, Жамолиддин ЯКУ-БОВ, Аббос ИРИСКУЛОВ, Марк КРОССИ (Директор Британского Совета), Абдурахим МАН-НОНОВ, Рафаэль дел МОРАЛ (Испания), Кесава ПАНИККАР (Индиа), Родмонга ПОТАПОВА (Россия), Ганишер РАХИМОВ, Шухрат СИРОЖИДДИНОВ, Касимджон САДИКОВ, Илхом ТУХТАСИНОВ, Гайрат ШОУМАРОВ.


Editor-in-Chief: Gulandom BAKIEVADeputy Editor-in-Chief: Mahmud SADIExecutive secretary: Karomat MULLAKHODJAEVA

EDITORIAL COUNCIL: Laylo AKHMEDOVA, Jamila GULYAMOVA, Jamoliddin YAKUBOV, Abbos IRISKULOV, Gayrat SHOUMAROV, Mark CROSSEY (Director of the British Council), Abdurakhim MANNONOV, Rafael del MORAL (Spain), Kesava PANIKKAR (India), Rodmonga POTAPOVA (Russia), Ganisher RAHIMOV, Kasimjan SADIKOV, Shuhrat SIRAJIDDINOV.


Нашр учун масъул: Каромат МУЛЛАХЎЖАЕВА


Uzbek State World Languages University

The problems of philologyФМ

2019 Vol. 31 No. 4LITERARY CRITICISMhttp://filolm.uz

Дилфуза ПардаеваСт.преп. кафедры русского языка и литературы,




В статье рассматривается вопрос использо-вания поэтики мифа в творчестве Ч.Айтматова. Рассматриваются принципы использования писателем элементов поэтики мифа, которые выполняют определенные художественные функции в произведениях.

Вопрос о художественных функциях мифа в художественном произведении стал пред-метом дискуссий, которые продолжаются и в наши дни. Критики, литературоведы особо выделяют проблему поэтики мифа, функцио-нальной значимости и трансформации мифа в современной художественной литературе.

Именно мифология содержала в себе в еще неразвернутом виде и единстве зародыши ис-кусства, религии и науки. Трудно переоценить значение мифологии в развитии различных видов искусств, в самом становлении художе-ственно-образного мышления, и в первую оче-редь в развитии художественной литературы.

Действительно, рассматривая современный литературный процесс, можно говорить о па-радоксе, но если совершить экскурс, то можно проследить, что истоки художественной ли-тературы восходят к мифу. Миф, несомненно, был колыбелью и школой поэтической фанта-зии.

Следует также отметить, что сущность ми-фологизма ХХв. нельзя понять, не уяснив спец-ифику подлинной мифологии, первобытной, древней и современной, не поставив вопрос о соотношении их между собой. Ремифологиза-ция мифов в латиноевропейской, западноевро-пейской литературе, активное использование поэтики мифа в литературах Центральной Азии делает проблему «миф-литература» чрез-

Dilfuza PardaevaSenior teacher of the Department of Russian Language

and Literature, KarshiSU



The article deals with the use of myth poetics in the works of Ch. Aitmatov. It is considered the principles of the writer's use of elements of myth poetics, which perform certain artistic functions in the works.

The problem of the artistic functions of myth in fiction has been the subject of discussions that continue till our days. Reviewers, literary critics emphasize the problem of myth poetics, its func-tional significance and transformation of myth in modern fiction.

Specifically, mythology contained in itself the germs of art, religion, and science still undevel-oped form and unity. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of mythology in the development of various arts, in the formation of artistic and imaginative thought, and primarily in the devel-opment of fiction.

Certainly, when considering the modern liter-ary process, we can talk about a paradox, but if we make an excursion, we can see that the origins of fiction go back to the myth. The myth, without any doubt, had been the cradle and school of the poetic imagination.

It should also be noted that the essence of mythologism of the twentieth century can not be understood without understanding the specif-ics of the true mythology, primitive, ancient and modern, without raising the question of their re-lationship to each other. The remifologization of myths in Latin European and Western European literature, the active use of poetics of myth in the literatures of Central Asia make the problem of «myth-literature» extremely relevant.

One of the modern representatives who drew great attention to myths is Ch. Aitmatov.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

вычайно актуальной. Одним из современных представителей,

обратившим большое внимание к мифам явля-ется Ч.Айтматов.

Следует заметить, что анализ творчества Ч.Айтматова, в котором поэтика мифологизи-рования играет исключительную роль, а про-изведения сыграли ведущую роль на становле-нии этой традиции в литературах Центральной Азии имеет важное значение. Один из самых глубоких парадоксов культуры ХХ века - со-единение того что по сути своей считалось несоединимым, формирование нового типа художественного образа, сплавляющего черты литературы и мифа.

Ключевые слова: Айтматов, миф, мифоло-гия, поэтика мифа, мифотворчество, эпос, сказ-ка, легенда, притча, трансформация мифа, сим-вол, образ, инициация, ирреальность, ритуал.

Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov is an outstanding writer, the author of works that have become classics of literature of the twentieth century, such as» The White Ship», «The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years», «The Scaffold». He is one of the modern representatives who paid great attention to myths.

In his book «Paradoxes of Novelty» M. Epstein notes: «One of the deepest paradoxes of culture of the twentieth century-the connection of what was essentially considered to be incongruous, the formation of a new type of artistic image, fusing the features of literature and myth. The connection of the two poles of imagery occurs here in different ways: in one case, literature from the heights of its development refers to the archaic, long-passed stages of myth-making; in the other case, on the contrary, myth, rationalized and comprehended from the standpoint of modern culture is processed into a literary work»[Эпштейн М., 1988; 251].

Ch. Aitmatov’s works are quiet compatible with the second of the above tendencies. The first step on this way is the novel «White Ship», which has the second title «After a fairy tale». If in the early works «Mother Field», «Farewell, Gulsary» - folklore material played the role of artistic reception, in further works increasing in the use of mythopoetic elements can be mentioned. Meanwhile, it should be identified that a myth is a dominant in the creation of the literary context, and as a derivative from it parable, legend, fairy tale.

Ch. Aitmatov, expounding in his works the aesthetic program, often directly repels from ancient mythological legends, tales and legends. It should be noted that, definitely there is an artistic reinterpretation of mythological material, as the

It should be also noted that the analysis of the oeuvre of Ch.Aitmatov, in which the poetics of mythologization plays an exceptional role, and the works played a leading role in the formation of this tradition in the literatures of Central Asia is essential. One of the deepest paradoxes of the culture of the twentieth century is the connection of which was essentially considered to be uncon-necable, the formation of a new type of artistic image, fusing the features of literature and myth.

Keywords: Aitmatov, myth, mythology, poet-ics of myth, myth-making, epic, fairy tale, legend, parable, transformation of myth, symbol, image, initiation, unreality, ritual.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Hungarian scientist E. Kaman writes about it, which indeed, «serves to reveal the depth and complexity of the human psyche» [Коркин В., 1974; 43] In his works Ch. Aitmatov managed to embody the diversity, the synthesis of the epic, mythological and socio-psychological, where the whole universal values and ideas with conflicts of socio-concrete reality merged into a harmonious. The stylistic polychrome character of prose (a combination of realistic, fantastic, symbolic elements), for example, crossing of life-writing and myth, proverbs, by modern researchers’ points of view, testifies the process of complication of style, synthesis of stylistic decisions as a general trend in the development of genres.In the 70s, a new stage begins in the creative biography of Ch. Aitmatov, which is associated with the use of the poetics of myth. The stories of this period «The White Ship» (1970), «Pinto Dog Running Along the Seaside» are aimed at solving the important question of what helps a person in our time to be and remain a human. The philosophical-aesthetic problem statement is the result of artistic understanding of the world by writer, focusing on the epic space to the coverage of human needs, and the myth with its emphasis on the resolution of these issues plays a major role. These works unite much in the problematic-thematic sense. Firstly, each of them in their own way perform life and carry the light of tomorrow by themselves; secondly, the fact that these heroes are the focus, which is more voluminously and convexly highlights the main issues of life, the surrounding reality: good and evil, life and death, the past and the future. The writer's interest in the formation of personality grows out of the desire to look into the future of all mankind. This close correlation of human destiny and the destinies of mankind, which somehow have to be artistically realized, embodied, implemented, «entering into the work», requires its re-organization. In the stories of this period a large genre of «emancipation», «lekage»[Утехин Н.П., 1982; 151] by definition of N. P. Utekhin, allowed the most noticeable combination of all types of historicism in the work, the corresponding character acquires and narrative: concrete-realistic conditional-romantic or generalized-symbolic. Ancient myths and legends help us to see with modern eyes our distant predecessors, and we must use it, must «adapt» it to the modern worldview. It enriches us...»[Мамаладзе Т. В., 1982; 205-206]

At the same time, it is possible to highlight the main element in the reflection of national artistry – an epic tradition which has its roots in the ancient Kyrgyz «Manas».

One of the most important sources of formation of the heroic epos is the myth. In the archaic epic often appears some significant mythological, dual system of constantly warring tribes - their own, humanity and alien, devilish. This tribal struggle is a concrete expression of the forces of good and evil, chaos and cosmos.

In the story «The White Ship» we can distinguish two fairy tales. The first, about the Horned mother deer - which is essentially a myth, an epic tale. It is based on the legend of the beginning of the Kyrgyz family. The second is the tale of the White Ship, invented by a boy. In it fabulous dream of the boy is to turn into a fish and sail to Issyk-Kul to the white ship, and everything else – that is, the whole imaginary conversation with his father-is a true story of the boy about his life with his


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

grandfather on the cordon.At the same time, it is possible to trace the main stages of process of transformation

of a myth in a fairy tale: deritualization and desacralization, weakening of strict belief in truth of mythical «events», development of conscious invention, loss of ethnographic concreteness, replacement of mythical heroes by ordinary people, mythical time-fabulously uncertain, weakening or loss of ethnologism, transfer of attention from collective destinies on individual ones and from space on social which is the reason for emergence of a number of new plots and some structural limitations.At the stylistic level, the most important genre indicators distinguishing a fairy tale and a myth can be considered traditional formulas of the beginning, indicating in them the uncertainty of the place and time of events in the myths and their unreliability. The direct opposition is specifically pointed to the mythical time of the first creation [Мифы народов мира. 1992; 441-444] Real life verified a fairy tale. A fairy tale is the accuracy of our knowledge about the truth of life, about beauty. This knowledge is available to a happy person. And the boy who discovered the fairy tale is the most miserable in the world. The boy is stronger than adults not only by his humanity (he pities his grandfather Momun, but, he is also able to pity Orozkul) but also by his loyalty to good, his intransigence with evil, which animates the tragic pathos of the work. By imposing myth on reality, the author manages to move events inward, into the spiritual world. At the same time, the myth performs several functions at once, being a link between daily routine and mythological reality, transferring the narrative into parable, giving it a philosophical and conceptual meaning and semantics the further development of the plot. One of the functions of the myth provided its organic entry into the fiction is the transformation of space-time barriers, real and surreal, temporal and eternal, their fusion into a single organic whole. In the creation, this dominant role is played by the image of the Horned mother deer, through which the moral and ethical conflicts of modernity, the boy's dreams and reality, full of cruelty and violence, are revealed. All of this is most vividly shown through the destruction of the myth of the Horned mother deer. The boy does not want to put up with such a terrible, cruel reality. Kyrgyz nation has its own myth about the Horned deer, it is called «Myuyudzou bibiche» (Kyrgyz., «horned mother»), in Kyrgyz mythology the ancestor of tribe is «Bugu» («deer»). There is a legend that two hunters in the mountains among a herd of deer saw two children with deer horns; a girl (M. E.) and a boy. They killed the boy (for which M. E. cursed them of their offspring), and the leader of the tribe married M. E. his grandson. (According to another version-hunters in the mountains were going to kill a deer, but they were stopped by a beautiful girl-M. E., who explained that the deer is her only brother. The hunters spared the deer, and in gratitude M. E. married their brother.). From the son of M. E. became the tribe Bugu. In one of the myths M. E. – a daughter of Kayap, divine patron of wild ruminants. M. E. was famous for her wise and the ability to work miracles: for example, her servant gave birth to a son because she drank the water in which M. E. washed her head; M. E. blessed her offspring. M. E. forbade her husband to look at her when she washed her hair. Once he violated the ban and saw her insides. After that M. E. died and her


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body disappeared in the night (sometimes the hunters meet her in the mountains). In another version, M. E. asked her husband not to enter the Yurt without warning. When he peered there secretly, he saw a female deer, and when he entered, he found that the Yurt was empty (a similar story occurs in the myths of the West Siberian Tatars about picene). M. E. did not return, but after a while the cradle with her son appered in the Yurt. According to Ch.Ch.Valikhanov, M. E. was considered as patroness of lake Issyk-Kul; she was brought sacrifices. Shamans called M. E. as the spirit of the patron»[Мифы народов мира. 1992; 192]. At the same time, in the story of the Horned mother deer, we can trace a harmonious combination of tradition and myth. Ch. Aitmatov changes the structure of the myth, includes it into the plot of the work, providing it a new color. The legend contains information about the ancient history of the Kyrgyz, tribal struggles. When they killed everyone whom they just could kill, that’s what the times were like. Man did not pity man. Man destroyed man. It came to the point that there was no one to sow bread, grow cattle, go hunting. It became easier to live with robbery when you came, killed and took. And it must be answered with even more blood for the murder, and for vengeance - even more vengeance. And the further, the more blood flowed. People's minds were confused. As the result of attacks of enemies only two children survived, whom saves Horned mother-deer: «Now I am your mother and you are my children. I will take you to distant lands, which lie among snowy, woody mountains to the hot sea Issyk-Kul».

Horned mother deer strongly protects, takes care of them. Soon they become a married couple, from whom originates the genus «Bugu». From this place the legend passes into the totemic myth, explaining the origin of the Bugu family, which is characteristic of the mythological consciousness, not separating the essence of a thing from its origin. In line with this myth, events of a specific plan are perceived differently, thus the myth of the mother deer strengthens the artistic power of the story. It seems to be that the author brings generalization to the same conclusion, at first on a material mythological, then-on real. The emotional and moral basis laid down in the myth of the Horned mother deer acquires a philosophical and conceptual significance in the story, becomes one of the leading parts of the narrative structure of the work «White Ship». Through the refraction, across the prism of impart, the myth acquires perception, and the myth sounds the leitmotif of the theme of duty, conscience, memory.At the same time, Ch. Aitmatov notes that reliance «on legends and myths: for him, not an end in itself, but only a method of thinking, «one of the ways of cognition and interpretation of reality»[Айтматов Ч. Плаха. 1988; 301]

In his further creative searches, Ch. Aitmatov increasingly uses such elements of mythical poetics as symbol, metaphor, parable, fiction. Mythologism, metaphorization, symbolism become poetic means and principles of the artistic embodiment of reality, allow us to pose and solve the most important problems of the socio-philosophical and moral order. And while other artistic tasks required adequate forms in the works preceding “White Steamboat”, in subsequent works the writer widely refers to the poetics of mythologizing as an artistic method of reflecting modern reality, thereby


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

introducing the poetic world of folk epic and myth into the narrative.The cornerstone conceptual and ideological functions of the poetics of myth are

also manifested in the next novel by Ch. Aitmatov. These constructive functions can be traced at various levels of the work: narrative, plot-anecdotal, ideological and artistic. Moreover, the role of such elements in the story is so great that there is reason to talk about their systemic functionality and the organic whole in the structure of a work of art. This is manifested in the convergence of plot situations of myth and storytelling, the moral and psychological projection of myths, and in the language design of the novel «The Pinto Dog Running along the seaside». In the poetic introduction to the story, one can quite clearly trace that such an element of the myth as the «rhythmic base of their forms» performs important functions in the narrative structure. This comes from the fact that rhythm plays a big role in the primitive, pre-rationalist consciousness. «The polarization of images acts here, both with its semantics and design, the rhythm picks up a fast and slow pace, and this subsequently makes us distinguish between low and high tones of music, metric increase or decrease ...

«High» and «low» are cosmic, spatial and temporal images ... «low» corresponds to cold, death of the underworld, winter, whilst «high» - to heat, life». These pairs of oppositions, the eternal struggle between the two elements of Nivkh mythology, land and sea, the metaphor of these images set the pace for the whole subsequent narrative. «The sea was buzzing and looming in the darkness, running and breaking into the cliffs. Stone-hard ground met thrusts of the sea. And so they are in a confrontation from the very day of their creation - since the day was conceived by day, and night was conceived by night, and henceforth be all days and all and nights, until the earth and water abide in endless time. All days and all nights»[ Фрейденберг О.М. 1978; 56].

The artistic time continuum of the story is a cyclic eternal time, in this mythological space everything is one whole - man and nature, life and death. The actions of the main characters are included in the general cycle of nature. At the same time, the eschatological myth of the creation of the earth and of the duck Louvre, which takes the narrative to a meta-historical, philosophical level, acquires conceptual significance.

Thus, the typical animations for the mythopoetic tradition of object animation and detailed metaphorical comparisons. Old Man Organ as a living creature turns to the boat «I love you and believe you, my brother kayak», he told the boat. Coastal sled is personified with Pinto. Thus, the life of the Nivkhs is included in the mythological system of the cordon, in the general cycle of nature. The main opposition for the myth of life and death is embodied in mythological images: duck Louvre which served the earth creation - /symbol of life/, water, sea - as a symbol of death. With the help of connecting constructions, epithets, a special rhythm, this opposition is created. «Water arose from itself, in its whirlwind - in black abysses, in immense depths ...»

In real terms, in realistic images, this opposition is manifested in the fate of Kirisk, his grandfather, father, and uncle, who are struggling with forces of nature. One of the functions of the myth in the novel «The Pinto Dog Running along the seaside» is that the situations and meaning embodied in the myth are transformed into a moral and


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ethical sphere, to some extent, either explicitly or secretly, in accordance with the further course of events realized during storytelling.

The fate of Kirisk, suffering from the unbearable pain of loss of his closest people, left alone with the raging forces of nature, is involuntarily associated with the duck Louvre, around which «Water spread all around, only water in its whirlwind - in black abysses, in immense depths ...»As the mythology researcher V.Naydysh notes: «In myth, man, on the one hand, anthropomorphizes nature, and on the other hand, does not distinguish himself from nature, considers himself as a natural creature. Man considers nature as his own continuation; he has a vague sense of kinship with certain species of animals, plants, and even objects of an inanimate nature (totemism)»[Найдыш В.М. 2010; 383].«Mythological images help to relate the real and the surreal, look into the past, think about the future, see the centuries-old length and perspective of the path of mankind. The archaic moves of mythology actively work in a newly created figurative structure to identify the simplest elements of human existence and give the whole depth and perspective»[Аверинцев С.С. 1972; 115]. At the same time, the structure of the initiation rite, in this case, initiation into hunters, plays an important role in the plot-compositional construction of the novel «The Pinto Dog Running along the seaside». The structural and compositional structure of Ch. Aitmatov’s novel has obvious similarities with the rite of initiation, its structure and symbolism, and the narrative course of development.Initiation is initiation into hunters, into adulthood. «Many myths have obvious similarities with the rite of initiation, its structure and symbolism and are built according to the same model as the rites and the structural feature of these rites - their three-part structure: they all consist of the separation of the individual from society (because the transition must take place outside the established world), the border period (lasting from several days to several years) and return, reincarnation in a new status or in a new subgroup of society, from the point of view of initiation, only the youngest and can become a hero, because it’s possible for him to transfer to the status of a senior, and therefore, a violation of the established situation creates the plot»[ Мифы народов мира. 1992; 544.]

In the final part of the story, the opposition of life and death is fixed in the motive of the eternal struggle of the elements, another round of history that it left for humanity is completed.

The lesson of high morality, self-sacrifice for the future. The great law of eternity that makes man human. The leitmotif in the story is the thoughts of the wise old Organ, “a man thinks and thereby goes back to the greatness of the Sea and Heaven, and thereby affirms himself before the eternal elements, and thus he is commensurate with the depth and height of the worlds. And therefore, as long as man is alive, his spirit is as powerful as the sea, and infinite as heaven, for there is no limit to his thought. And when he dies, someone else will think further, from him and further. And the next one even further and so it goes on endlessly...

At the beginning of the 80s, the first novel by Ch.Aitmatov «The Stormy station»


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

(«The day lasts longer than a hundred years») was published. The appearance of the novel genre by Aitmatov is not accidental. It was already outlined in stories and tales, where the writer deeply comprehended the essence of man in his dialectical relations with the life of society and used various forms and methods of depiction.

The novel genre attracts Ch. Aitmatov with the wide possibilities of creative analysis of the origins of moral values, so important for a person living in any historical era, anywhere in the world. Ch. Aitmatov closely looks at these eternal problems of life, purpose and meaning of life, trying to trace the socio-historical origins of moral and ethical values, the dynamics of their development. The problem of good and evil, nature and man, war and peace in the prism of the collisions of modern reality, create favorable conditions for invoking the traditions of mythologism. It is the myth with its installation to express something eternal, universal in the destinies of the individual and humanity that helps to more deeply reveal the diversity of reality, to achieve a vivid artistic effect. At the same time, the tendency to pose and solve universal human problems is solved in refraction through a psychological and philosophical analysis of individual human fate.

The novel was written in a realistic way of comprehending history through the worldview of one person, the multi-layered construction of a work using ancient myths and legends, complicated by space fiction, for the first time allowed us to see collisions of modern reality, in all its realism and inclusiveness, from the heights of the Universe.

The widespread use of the multidimensional way of depicting reality, a combination of reality with myth, science fiction, performing certain artistic, ideological and philosophical and aesthetic functions in a work makes the novel an interesting object of study from the point of view of the functionality of the mythological and the real. This found a peculiar reflection in the plot-compositional construction of the work.

One novel day includes events that have been going on for almost 40 years. But this day has no end, since he chooses the mythological past, present, and fantastic future.

In the novel «Scaffold», Ch. Aitmatov projects the famous Christian myth of Jesus Christ. The duality of characters inherent to the poetics of myth, gospel symbolism, transforms the narrative into a poetic allegory, while modern reality is harmoniously immersed in the context of eternity, and eternity speaks the language of modern reality. In the novel, a symbolic chronotope is built - a story about the past, and a means of explaining the present, and sometimes the future - at the same time, the novel time incorporates not only the fate of the heroes, but also of all mankind.

In the 90s, Ch. Aitmatov published another of his novel «The Kassandra mark (From the heresies of the twentieth century)». In this philosophical novel, he once again showed himself to be an expert of the human soul. This is a warning novel.

It begins with lines from ancient Greek mythology «about Kassandra».«Cassandra, in Greek mythology, the daughter of Priam and Hekuba. Already in Cyclical poems, Cassandra acted as a prophetess, whose predictions no one believed. Apollo, who coveted her love, endowed Cassandra with the gift of providence, and


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when Cassandra refused to reciprocate, Apollo in revenge made it so that her prophetic words would not be taken seriously...»[Мифы народов мира.1991; 625.]

The myth, which is one of the components of the work of Ch. Aitmatov, this time, did not stand aside. The novel is written in the spirit of science fiction, and the action takes place in a tense and dramatic environment.In his book «Mythology» V. Naidysh notes: «In myth, the object and its image in the consciousness of a person, the object and the thought of it do not differ; any images are interpreted by him «as objectivity itself». This in turn entails the absence of a clear distinction between «reality» and dream, life and death, material and ideal, thing and word, fiction and reality, truth and «poetry», true and apparent, thing and its properties; «Presented» and «real», desire and its fulfillment»[Найдыш В.М. Мифология. 2010; 383]

The use of the poetics of mythologization was reflected at all levels of the narrative of the novel «The Cassandra Mark (From the Heres of the 20th Century)» its structure and composition.

It should be noted that one episode, reminiscence from a myth, is enough for Ch. Aitmatov. Moreover, if the ideological shell of the myth corresponds to the global intention of the writer, a kind of interpretation takes place, literary completion, which helps to illuminate the whole essence of the work of art in a different way. So it was, for example, with a story - a myth about the origin of the Bugin clan in the story «The White Steamboat». The myth of the origin of the Bugin clan turned into a myth concept, a metaphorical history of the people; just the same lines from the epic «Manas» reminiscent of mankurt subsequently occupied a key position in the ideological and artistic structure of the novel “the Day Lasts Longer Than a Hundred Years”. Nature in Aitmatov’s works becomes an actor, the landscape acquires that depth, which allows us not only to see, but also to hear, feel it as an amazingly living world, full of great and serious meaning. Filling his works with the poetics of myth, Ch. Aitmatov reminds us of our relationship with nature, bitterly noticing violations of the most elementary ethical standards, such as honesty, decency, kindness, and selflessness. The myth helps to understand reality, expresses in a specific form of relation to it.

It is a myth, with its fixation on solving the eternal, global, universal tasks of the eternal laws of being, that helps the author to more deeply and harmoniously reveal the main timeless philosophical strata.


1. Averintsev, S.S. «Analytical psychology of C.G. Jung and the patterns of creative imagination». In the book.: On modern bourgeois aesthetics. – M., 1972.

2. Aitmatov CH. After a fairy tale (White steamer). Novels and short stories. – Frunze, 1978. – 496 pp.

3. Aitmatov CH. Block./from the author / Preface to the novel «and longer than a century lasts a day»/.– Nukus, Karakalpakstan, 1988.– 608pp.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

4. Korkin V. St. Why look at the stars. In the book.: Man about man.– Frunze, 1974.5. Mamaladze Was Born in the country of our kinship. In the book.: Ch. The parent field. – Barnaul,

1982. – 426 pp.6. Myths of the peoples of the world. In 2 volumes. – Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 1992.7. Naidysh V. M. Mythology. Textbook. – M.: KNORUS, 2010. – 432 pp.8. Utekhin, N. P. The genres of epic prose. – L.: Nauka, 1982. – 184pp.9. Freudenberg O. M. Myth and literature of antiquity. – M.: Science, 1978. – 800 pp.10. Epstein M. the Paradoxes of novelty. – M.: Sov.writer, 1988. – 416 pp.

LITERATURА1. Averintsev S.S. «Analiticheskaya psixologiya S.G.Yunga i zakonomernosti tvorcheskoy fantazii».

V kn.: O sovremennoy burjuaznoy estetike. – M., 1972. 2. Aytmatov Ch. Posle skazki (Bely paroxod). Povesti i rasskaz.– Frunze,1978.–496 pp. 3. Aytmatov Ch. Plaxa./ot avtora /Predislovie k romanu «I dolshe veka dlitsya den»/.–Nukus,

Karakalpakstan,1988.–608pp. 4. Korkin V. St. Zachem smotret na zvezd. V kn.: Cheloveku o cheloveke. – Frunze,1974. 5. Mamaladze T. V strane nashego rodstva. V kn.: Ch.Aytmatov. Materinskoe pole. – Barnaul,1982.–

426pp. 6. Mif narodov mira. V 2–x tomax. –M.: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya,1992. 7. Naydsh V.M. Mifologiya. Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: KNORUS, 2010. –432 s. 8. Utexin N.P. Janr epicheskoy proz.–L.: Nauka, 1982.–184 pp. 9. Freydenberg O.M. Mif i literatura drevnosti. – M.,Nauka,1978.– 800 pp. 10. Epshteyn M. Paradoks novizn.–M.,Sov.pisatel,1988.– 416 pp.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Шаҳноза ГулямоваБухоро давлат университети докторанти




Тилдаги ҳар бир ҳодиса маълум бир тил сатҳига дахлдор бўлади. Эвфемизм айтиш ноқулай бўлган ёки табу тушунчалар номини юмшатиб ифодалашга хизмат қилади. Ген-дерология инсон биологик жинсининг били-ми, маданийлиги, ижтимоий мавқеи, хулқ-атвори, мавқеи, психологик хусусиятлари, жумладан, нутқ муносабатларини ўрганувчи йўналишдир. Эркак ва аёллар нутқи ўзига хос хусусиятларга эгаки, улар тилнинг фонетика, лексикология ва синтаксис бўлимларида куза-тилади.

Мақолада гендер маънони воқелантиришда тил сатҳлари (фонологик, лексик (семантик), морфологик, синтактик ва услубий (функци-онал)нинг роли ва ҳамкорлиги масалалари ҳамда гендер эвфемизмларда маъно вербал, кинетик воситалар билангина эмас, маълум грамматик формалар ёрдамида ҳам ифодала-ниши мумкинлиги кўрсатилган. Эвфемик во-ситалар сўз, сўз бирикмаси, содда гап, қўшма гап, матн, ҳатто, товуш шаклида мавжуд.

Аммо натижалар гендер эвфемизмлари-ни тил тизимининг маълум сатҳига дахлор дей-ишдан йироқ эканлигимизни, лекин уларнинг воқеланишида тил сатҳлар роли, ҳамкорлиги масалаларини четлаб ўтолмаслигимизни кўрсатади. Зеро, аёллар ва эркаклар нутқининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари мавжудки, улар маъ-лум бир тизимга дахлдор бўлади.

Тилшуносликдаги гендер йўналишининг асосий жиҳати - аёл ва эркак нутқини фарқлашга қаратилгани билан бир қаторда бу икки жинс вакили тилидаги фикр ифодалаш-нинг новербал усуллардан ҳам фойдаланиш-

Shakhnoza GulyamovaDoctorate in Bukhara State University




Each language event affects a specific lan-guage level. Euphemism serves to soften harsh words or soften the name of a taboo.

Genderology is the direction that explores the relationship of speech, culture, social status, be-havior, position, psychological characteristics of human biology, including speech. The speech of men and women has specific features that are ob-served in the phonetic, lexicological and syntactic sections of the language.

The article discusses the role and functioning of language levels (phonological, lexical, mor-phological, syntactic and methodological), and gender ephems can be expressed not only by ver-bal and kinetic means, but also by certain gram-matical forms, vocabulary, text simplicity, even audio.

Nevertheless, the results show that we are far from understanding gender evolution as part of a certain level of the language system, but we can-not overcome the role of language roles and part-nerships in their implementation. Undoubtedly, men and women have their own characteristics that affect a particular system.

The main aspect of linguistic stereotypes is the difference between male and female speech, and there is no difference in the use of nonver-bal tactics in the expression of these two sexes. At the same time, the euphemic meaning is also expressed through non-zero means, and the most important of these tools is silence. By default, quiet silence in the letter is expressed by ellip-sis. Silence plays a key role in the Uzbek culture of communication. Silence is a verbal drive that


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

да фарқлар сезилиши кузатилади. Шу билан бирга, эвфемик маъно нолисоний воситалар билан ҳам ифодаланиши, бу воситаларнинг энг асосийси сукут эканлиги мисоллар асо-сида атрофлича ёритилган. Сукут сўзлашув нутқида жим туриш, чуқур нафас олиш орқали кўринса, ёзувда кўп нуқта воситасида ифодаланади. Ўзбек мулоқот маданиятида су-кутнинг ўрни катта. Сукут кенг маъно ифода-ловчи новербал восита. У нафақат эвфемизм сифатида, балки мулоқотда бошқа мақсадлар учун ҳам (ҳурмат, ризолик ва б.) қўлланилади.

Хуллас, мақолада ўзбек тилидаги гендер эвфемизмлар воқеланишида тилнинг лексик, морфологик ва синтактик сатҳлари муҳим рол ўйнаши асосланди. Зеро, вужудга келган ген-дер эвфемизм тилнинг қайсидир тизимидан ўрин олган бўлади. Шу билан бирга, эвфе-мизмларда гендер маънони воқелантиришда лисоний ва нолисоний омилларнинг роли белгиланади.

Калит сўзлар: гендер, эвфемизм, лисоний ва нолисоний омиллар, фонологик сатҳ, лек-сик (семантик) сатҳ, морфологик сатҳ, синтак-тик сатҳ, услубий (функционал) сатҳ,вербал восита, сукут.

broadly represents meaning. It is used not only as a euphemism, but also for other purposes of com-munication. (respect, honor, dignity, etc.).

The article concludes that the lexical, morpho-logical and syntactic part of the language plays an important role in the implementation of gender euphemisms in the Uzbek language. Also, gender evolution is a language system. At the same time, in euphemisms, the role of linguistic and insignifi-cant factors in the evolution of sex is determined.

Key words: gender, euphemism, linguistic and non-linguistic means, phonological level, semantic level, morphological level, methodical (functional) level, verbal environment, silence.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

INTRODUCTION Gender aspects of evolution are one of the issues that have not yet been studied in Uzbek linguistics. The anthropocentric idea of the language is the basis of modern linguistics. Indeed, it can not only calculate the different characteristics of language systems, but also draws attention to the human factor. Therefore, the study of euphe-misms as a speech layer, the structure of the speech system, the discovery of all its bo-tinical opportunities, and the analysis of the gender characteristics of the euphemisms of the Uzbek language. Language system - a set of linguistic elements that are linked to each oth-er's natural language and form a certain unity and integrity [15]. L.E.Pak and I.B.Kositsyna in the world linguistics [10] describe the gender characteristics of the lexical units, O.T.Troitskaya [13], gender aspect of phonetic researches. Zemskaya, M. A.Kitaygorodskaya and N. N.Rozanova [14] peculiarities of the speech of men and women, A.V.Kirilina [2], gender research in linguistic texts, N. L. Pushkareva [11] studying gender issues: birth, formation, scientifically justified their role.The language is complex and its phonological, lexical, morphological, syntactic and me-thodical (functional) layers are part. Since the language system is inherent in nature, its components are also characterized by the same nature [15]. As you know, every event in the language is affected by a particular language level. The speech of men and women has specific features, which are observed in phonetics, lexicology and syntax sections of the language.Alimurat Omonturdiev emphasizes that euphemism is one of the artistic and expressional expressions and does not appear to be in any part of the language system of the ephemeral language. In other words, euphemisms are not only phonetic, lexical, morphological, or syntactic. Its range of movement works extensively - along the language level. Even fishing events also serve to evaporate the meaning. It is reasonable to consider the semantic functional layer as a category rather than a linguistic unit - structure. As you know, euphemisms are found in words, vocabulary, simplicity, common language, text, even sound. But this does not allow them to learn at a certain level of the language (because they have a figurative mean-ing, because of the unstableness of the meaning, the "stinging", the "uncatchable”). From this point of view, we avoid the involvement of gender evolution in the language system. However, we can not override the role of language and collabora-tion in their implementation. Undoubtedly, men and women have their own peculiari-ties, which affect a particular system.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe lexical level occupies a major place in the gender identity of speech. Be-

cause the text of the speech and the words that constitute it emerge from the lexical unit - word. We analyze the lexical status of women in gender euphemism, which describes women's situations and processes. All the worries are your’s, his father, “said Mašuma to Builder by comforting him,-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

this is also the will of God” (Mirmuhsin, Builder, p. 76). Do you have any trouble during the sidewalk Istamboy or are you ill? (S.Ahmad, "Dark eyed lover ", p. 106 Mu'mino grandmother)They let themselves in (live talk) (husband). The bride and bridegroom (now a husband and wife) vow not to speak openly about the names of each other. The interactions of couples at the time of the couple's marriage are unique and unusual. In particular, in the face of open communication, he treats them as abstract abstractions. The bride and mother-in-law your husband - your son; The bridegroom also come to his parents to marry his bride, or his bride to his mother - your bridegroom . The bridegroom and his mother-in-law refer to your wife's euphemic terms. In the East, additionally, when bride and groom knows that they will have a child, they call each other with the name of their eldest child(whether a daughter or son)[8] Even though now his soul is burning like an ending candle,he will give up after burning the rest of thousand ones.(A.Kahhar. “Pomegranate” p117. [author is dead.] In this situation, his sister has reminded of Babur his mother when she was 37-38 years old widow.(P. Kadirov. “3 Roots” p368. Author.) (single) Mistress, please understand. I have no other choice. (M.Osim. “Darkness in Light” p110.Minister Nizomulmulk.)(wife) When heavy woman suffered from a horse,they carried them to an umbrella that had been set on a quiter camel.(Mirmuhsin,’’Architect’’p155.)(conjunction) If he is together with a girl like you then his mind would be opened up faster.(M.Osim.’’In the roads of caravan,p 55Muborakhanum)(Make a wife) I'm free, I know what to do myself. (from live talk) (inadequate) The girl is a little and pretty.Unfortunately, It is fraudulent ... (A. Kadiriy, "The memory notes of Mahzum Kalvak", p. 299) (not a girl) When a speaker knows the purpose of giving a talk, and if he chooses to do so, the target audience can be identified. Indeed, the linguistic expression chosen without feeling completely upset can not reach the target's target, no matter how beautiful it is [4]. V.V. Panin believes that euphemisms are not those tokens that do not contain a negative assessment. But, if we take only the presence of negative denotation in the word as the basis for such differentiation, then a large layer of names (for example, euphemisms for designating professions) is removed from the sphere of politically correct euphemisms. The group of tender politically correct euphemisms becomes especially vulnerable, in this regard, since in our opinion, a negative assessment is not present in terms like anchorperson, firefighter, etc. For example, R. Holder defines the term chair as politically correct, gender-neutral, but not a euphemism, used to designate a person leading a meeting [16].


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Evil words are expressed not only by verbal, kinetic means, but also by certain grammatical forms. In linguistics: 1) affiksoids; 2) forms of dressing; 3) ownership; 4) plural; 5) The function of euphemic speech formation of cutlet attachments or modal, subjective evaluation forms is understood under the term "modal euphema’’ and is characterized by its specificity, namely, the degree of ephematic [relative] [9]. The positive behavior of a person is characterized by the words and additions that are involved in the conversation. Thus, the morphological level also plays a major role in the formation of gender evolution. For example, the President himself himself ("Family and Society") would have been "naked" without the affix (of the President himself himself) about the possibility that there was a political objective beneath these slanders. However, we have been able to enrich the content of the word with respect, such as modus, telephonic meanings, and, most importantly, the word euphemistic. Often used by women in communications, the grammar forms expressing gentleness, masculinity, and ease of speech are evident. In the sentence below, the af-fix –khon (dear)gives the euphemic meaning: “Sociable, modest Gulbakhorkhon has been dear for all”(Saodat) magazine,2009, 6 p5-6) However,…’Gulbahor is dear for all’’is not about respect towards her. This affix is specialized for female communi-cation. ("On Family", March 14, 2013) It is well known that the form of ownership can serve to represent modal meanings such as pure ownership, lack of sense of con-ceit, dissatisfaction, murmuring, calming, sorrow, jealousy, indulgence, humility. The above example illustrates the meaning of respect through ownership. For this reason, the word that we own is owned in plural form. without the addition of pluralities (as the president himself had said) would be like a dry tree. As in the case of dry grass, the above example is not as sensitive as the meaning of dignity, and is not a homophe-mic character. “One day my dad opened the secret to me”. (In Saodat magazine, 2009, p. 6, p. 5), the khan's and their affiliates serve as an evidentiary tool. “The President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, as well as soldiers, intellectuals, representatives of culture, art, sports and representatives of the country's public, have a great opportunity to support the Motherland Defenders on the 21st anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. clearly defined”(" The People's Word ", January 9, 2013), with the modal-eveficial approach by means of additions in publicist style. The principle of respect for the form of homosexuality is mainly related to women's speech and, in some cases, men's speech. The evolutionary meaning of grammar forms determines the role of morphological levels. It has the form of euphemic medium in the form of a word combination. These euphemisms are different from the phrase, because of their speeches and incon-sistencies. Euphemic means of speech combination are also used in the speech of the two sexes. M: The term "death penalty", "bureaucratic nerves" (the pro-government officials), "dependence on the idea", "lightning matches" (causing evil), "spiritual space" ("inferior"), "high punishment" (death), "losing" (lame), "deprivation of lib-erty", "mental illness" (laugh), "a pawn red" (bribe).


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

His father returned from the war withot his legs, and then he set him up as a salesman at the shop of Selpe. (O’.Hashimov, "There are light, there is a shadow," p. 75) Children are being deprived of their liberty because they can not properly educate their families. (T.Malik, "Goodbye, Childhood", p. 210) Tonight at 15 I was deprived from my daughterhood. (Ch.Aytmatov, "The first teacher", p. 42) As I was mad, I rushed to Duishen, a stalker's stomach. (Ch.Aytmatov, "The first teacher", page 51) I was sent to Tashkent orphanage with some orphans. (Ch.Aytmatov, "The First Teacher", p. 46) I went out to the airport and I put a packet of red tea in my pocket. (H.Hashimov "There is light, there is shadow", page 75) The foregoing examples show that the syntactic level of language is also im-portant for gender evolution. The lyrics of the key words of language aesthetics are a matter of expression possibilities - word aesthetic. If the language were only commu-nicated by itself, it would have been a great deal of poverty. Words are very complex in their application and their aesthetic capabilities. The major literary critic N. As K. Gei points out in his "Word of Art" pamphlet book, one word can also be used in scientific literature, propagandist articles, lyric poetry, and lively conversations, but in each of them the word has a specific meaning sensitivity. For that reason, words are richer and more meaningful than color or sculpture. [1]As you know, censology is the direction in which knowledge, culture, social status, behavior, position, psy-chological features of human biological gender, including speech relationships. The views on gender, age and social aspects of communicants are well-documented, with a comprehensive study by the scientists on the national identity, the role, place, place of use, and the use of language in the communication [7]. Noverable communication (Versatile verbal - "verbal" and "communication") - a form of communication that shows the individual's interaction and emotional state. The term “noverbal” is understood as “zero language”. It involves the actions of the human body, the sound of the speech, and the various elements of the environ-ment, its appearance, and even its various aspects of art. Noverbal talk involves mainly signals, facial expressions, visions, and sounds. When we talk about sexual differences, we will mention the stereotypes that are ex-pressed in the noverbal speech. Individual actions, and even all the methods of the noverbal talk, have been described as the maladies of men and women.One of the most important elements of gestures is the look. The mood is also one of the most important elements of both positive and negative emotions, which is the main way of expressing emotions [3]. A.R.Dairova: “Languages, nationalities, national culture, national identity, national consciousness and self-awareness - identify these ethnographic diversity and cultural features of humanity, including individual parameters of the individual, in-cluding gender plays an important role, "states [6].Symbolic meanings of men and


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

women play a descriptive role in the construction of world-class models. The motiva-tion, emotions, behavior of the human being as men or women, their relationship to the world and other people depend on national circumstances. In the sexual symbols of many cultures, "man" is likened to divine, spirit, voice, culture, activity, light, shape, and so on, "woman" - likened to matter, chaos, nature, vulnerability, passivity, emotionality, darkness, space, . This is an example of Alan Pisa's greetings from a man and a woman. Although in the past decades women have a serious role in the world of business, many still have the disadvantages to greet them. The ability to have a hand in men is passed on by their ancestors, but few women know it. "When a man handles a woman to greet her, the woman's hand is hanging in the air when she turns to her face and does not notice it. A man is ashamed to pull his hand away, but at the same time the woman feels the hand she loses and answers it. But now the woman's hand hangs in the air. "[6]The main aspect of lin-guistic stereotyping is the differentiation between male and female speech, and there is no difference in the use of nonverbal tactics in the expression of these two sexes. Alim al-Muminov speaks as a non-traditional means of communication for Uzbek men; swim in the eye; to speak fluently without mouth; shouting in the sense of amazement, ignorance, ignorance; to bite the tongue in the sense of sorrow; to kiss (especially those of their gender); clinging to the ground to look at the floor with a whisper; toss the index finger on the jaw; while talking to the right or the cheek, tilt the head down and bend the headdown; communicating with a communicant (such as talking about distance less than 50-60 cm) and talking to the communicator face as a non-traditional means of communication; to speak as a saw; shake hands, tightly press, pull and ... ask; drunkenness in the sense of drinking; laughing loudly at "xo-xo"; tossing the thumb on the chest in the sense of "I"; the expression "love" as a "friend" in the sense of love [5]. Linguists have also been exposed by the view of euphemic methods. Euphe-mic materials: 1) verbal motor (VV); 2) to the nervous motor (NV). Evaporative meanings often require the expression of NVs. Noverbal euphemic mediums typical-ly include compactness, squeezing, and language economics; context and speaking circumstances. Implants of nonverbal euphemic agents are characterized by kinetic expression. Implicit expression method is based on more context (written expres-sion). The focus is on pressing, ellipse, intonation - silence, and stopping. Implicit expression is not a realistic embodiment of the evidentiary reality, but their concepts are understood by context and intonation (sudden interruption, incompleteness, si-lence, duration, etc.). In this case: a) the structure of the verb will change: incomplete-ness, ellipticity. There is also a change in the content of the talk: enlightenment, such as denotation (emotion, melodicity, subjective judgment), which leads to the forma-tion of a speech. For example, Human is also like a tree: Grows, flakes, fruits, and then ... (O.Siyoev) Gaffor (Trembling): Jamila, Look, look at my eyes! Did you really with rich… in which the concept of death and shame is expressed without words. (by multiple points in writing) [9]. Silence plays a key role in the Uzbek culture of communication. By default,


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

the noverbal engine, which broadly represents the meaning. It is applied not only as euphemism, but also for purposes other than communication (honor, dignity, etc.). Our wise people did not say in a nutshell: The sign of silence is becoming agree". It is important to recognize the role of silence in the gender characteristics of euphemism. Euphemism is to avoid the negative reality, to serve to mitigate the negative effects of such a situation, to minimize the negative influence of the hidden reality that can be dishonored, dishonorable, disrespectful, contrary to ethical norms , hiding; is used to describe, distort, or transmit the bad message [9]. By default, quiet silence is expressed by means of a multitude of points in the recording. We try to argue our ideas through heroes' works of art. "A single-tonnable concrete pad has just slipped out of its sack, but not three, it's over. Luckily at night. If this happens in the morning when pupils are going to study, or when the people are coming back from work ... "(O’.Hashimov," The two gates ", page 7) This phrase used to be used to describe silence" people are under concrete. " "They believe that because of the devastating earthquake, our son has aban-doned the job. What if the earthquake is? What would you do if you did not study? When it is no longer ... "(H.Hashimov," The two gates ", p. 11)" I was ... "in the phrase" I quit reading Munavvar "; The phrase "no longer does not exist ..." implies that there is no need for anything.Nilufar still said, "My grandmother is dead." The word "die ..." was used to mean "deaths" by silence in his speech, and the word "die" is used directly in the child's speech, and is not evo-neutralized. "Yorkin (hardly) to Bek: Remove one candle and put one on the shelf ... Bek: What then? Yorkin (hardly Trembling): after that ... What They Say! "(Ch. Yorrukoy, p. 344)" Come laaaaaaate! ... I prepare a good palov. You will Khanum as well then it's easier ... "(See" Night and Day, "p. 153) "What about that one…Do you like that woman?" (Ch., "Night and day," p. 61) "Remember, in the wheat ... in the pile ..." (E.V.) The above examples illustrate the meaning of "having sex", which are ex-pressed in a multitude of points inthe art, but in the speaking context, its true meaning is evident to the speaker and to the listener, even to others. "Pulat, When I am rude then push me out, I am glad that you are in the pres-ence of a beautiful young lady then to that lady ... "(Ch. Yorqinoy, p. 373), the phrase" get marry "is embedded. Bek: You know today, the last day ... A ... Did I say the last day? ... your daughter's last daughter's day! (Ch. Yorqinoy, p. 340) In this regard, it is understood from three points that "the daughter of your daughter goes away and is raped. “Robiya," he said in prayer, "I ... I am ..." he said softly. (H.Hashimov "The Two Gates", p. 125). The hero expresses his love without saying "I love you". "- I'm not pushing you out of here, let me tell you calmly! Noverbal tactile tone can also generate euphemism. More rhetorical state-ments are used. M: "Is she like him? Where does he go? "In the phrase" Does he like? "Refers to the concept of" orphan "through the word" orphan "," where to go? " In the examples we have examined above, the use of silence to express ho-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

mosexuality was repeatedly used in the speech of men and women.In the language of live speech, especially in dramatic works, women's "lips lips", "head or index finger-fringe" cases are punishable by fear or combat, men's "fists," "watch over", "throat" The process of "supplication in the face", which is carried out by the representatives, is used to mean "dying" and is part of the noverbal expression of gender evolution. M: Allow me to pray, now what do we do? (from live language) Kodirova learned from Abdulla Qodiriy's ability to use euphemism and dys-phamism, which shows that there are insults and pronouncements in his writings: Your arms smell whip , your back smells knife,your mouth under yourmoustache al-ways talks about “your daughter…”,”Your father”,”Your grandfather”. ("Mochalov") [12]."Oymomo's face is ember,her face is like an ember.” She gave her little daugh-ter to Oymomo. " silence is a sign of confirm." (T. Morad, "People Walking in the bright", page 8). For example, it is known that the girl's outward appearance has the consent to marry Qoplon. It is a shame that Uzbek girls express their consent orally, which usually means nonverbal. Adults learn their answer from their facial expres-sions. This is a testimony to the courtesy, ambition and good treatment of Uzbek girls. "... Qoplon looked at her hardly. - With what face? - Oymomo turned left. "This person needs work, he needs money." He is sorrowful ... "(T. Murad," People Walking in the bright ", p. 55). The sadness of the woman in the passage is expressed through the action of "turning round". Oymomo does not mean that "I'm angry" and "I'm offended", but expresses her dissatisfaction with her actions. "The earth is not cracked, Oymomo has not landed there! He quietly lowered his hands over his head. With his strokes, he stood up and left his circle. "(T. Murad," People Walking in the Clouds ", p. 77). In this sentence, Oymomon's "hide his face with his hands" indicates that he was crying in shame. The researcher V.D.Narojnaya studied the concept of women's and men's non-verbal speech in gender research, and based on the peculiarity of gender relations in the Kazakh society. Materials of his experimental researches and observations have shown that foreigners living in South Kazakhstan have limited gestures and emotions.Graham Greel has included gestures and palsy in women: hair straighteners, slightly bending head, knee tightening, putting hands on the abdomen, shaking the groove, etc. V.P. Konetskaya adds to the "female marks": shutting the eyes off fear, turning the ring in the nerves and so on. [6].

CONCLUSION In the Uzbek nation, such things as adulthood, attentiveness, non-interference, and speaking without intercourse are the norms of ethics that have become standard rules. While the Uzbek language is used by women and men as silently by sexually transmitted diseases, the specific movements of the two sexes serve to express gender evolution in the speech. These methods, as we have seen, give the impression that


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

the speaker and the speaker are communicative, making it more effective and more effective than verbal expression. Many verbal expressions have also been used to de-scribe verbal euphemisms. A particular situation does not satisfy the speaker or the listener - he can not avoid the inconvenience. In such cases, the noverbal euphemic medium (kinetic expression method) is helpful. In other words, verbal speech works with the use of extralinguistic or parallelistic means, such as the proverbial speech, the mood, gesticulation, interlocutor movement, manuscripts, speech situation, and the tone associated with these processes, when expressing the euphemistic meaning by lexiconemantic concepts and speech. But these two instruments of speech are not separate from each other, of course. The noverbal medium is an auxiliary factor in the verbal speech flow, which serves as a means of realizing a reality that is based on a language base [8]. In short, the lexical, morphological, and syntactic part of the language plays an im-portant role in gender evolution. After all, gender evolution is a system of language.

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2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Otabek YusupovDean of the English Faculty-II, Senior Teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages



This article discusses the etymology of lexical doublets in English, approaches of scholars in the development of lexical doublets, their division into semantic groups, their use in languages, in discourse and their functional and semantic aspects. Semantic grouping of lexical doublets from different languages has been explored with examples. In addition, borrowings, formation of vocabulary derived from different languages as lexical doublets, and their structural, semantic, functional and linguocultural features were compared and analyzed for their similarities and differences.

Key words: lexical doublets, cognate, set of words, semantic groups, linguoculturology, Latin, Old English, borrowing words, discourse, conversion, recipient.

Отабек ЮсуповИнглиз тили -II факультети декани, катта ўқитувчиси, Самарқанд давлат чет тиллар





Мазкур мақолада инглиз тилидаги лексик дублетларнинг этимологияси, бу борада олимларнинг турли қарашлари, лексик дублетларнинг семантик гуруҳларга бўлиниши, тиллардан ўзлашиши жараёнлари, дускурсда қўлланилиши ҳамда функционал-семантик жиҳатлари ҳамда инглиз тилига турли тиллардан ўзлашган лексик дублетларнинг семантик гуруҳларга бўлиниши атрофлича ўрганилган. Шунингдек, лексик дублетларнинг бир тилдан бошқа тилга ўзлаштирилиши, турли тиллардан ўзлашган сўзларнинг инглиз тили луғат таркибини бойитиш билан бир қаторда лексик дублетлар сифатида шаклланиши ва уларнинг структурал-семантик, функционал ва лингвокультурологик хусусиятлари қиёсий ўрганилган ҳамда уларнинг ухшашлик ва фарқли жиҳатлари таҳлил қилинган.

Калит сўзлар: лексик дублетлар, этимо-логия, семантика, семантик гуруҳлар, линг-вокультурология, лотин тили, қадимги инглиз тили, ўзлашган сўзлар, дискурс, конверсия, реципиент.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Since the languages that have great contribution to the development of English vocabulary are Indo-European, the same language family to which English belongs, many cognate forms exist in English as doublets. According to Denning [13, 28], the term for doublet is initially defined as “pairs of native and borrowed cognates.” While cognates are related forms found in different languages, doublets are cognates found in a single language. As we will see, and as Denning et al later elaborate, a doublet is not limited to “native and borrowed cognates” but can also be a pair or set of words that are exclusively foreign. That is to say that we will encounter cognates borrowed into English from different languages or even from the same language at different periods, and these groupings may lack a native English form.

Often, but not always, the words entered the language through different routes. Given that the kinship between words that have the same root and the same meaning is fairly obvious, the term is mostly used to characterize pairs of words that have di-verged at least somewhat in meaning. For example, English pyre and fire are doublets with merely associated meanings despite both descending ultimately from the same Proto-Indo-European (PIE).

Words with similar meanings but subtle differences contribute to the richness of modern English, and many of these are doublets. A good example consists of the dou-blets frail and fragile. These are both ultimately from the Latin adjective fragilis, but frail evolved naturally through its slowly changing forms in Old French and Middle English, whereas fragile is a learned borrowing directly from Latin in the 15th century.

Another example of nearly synonymous doublets is aperture and overture (the commonality behind the meanings is "opening"). But doublets may develop divergent meanings, such as the opposite words host and guest, which come from the same PIE word ghóstis and already existed as a doublet in Latin hospes and then Old French, before being borrowed into English. Doublets also vary with respect to how far their forms have diverged. For example, the connection between levy and levee is easy to guess, whereas the connection between sovereign and soprano, or grammar and glam-our, is harder to guess.[14, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia].

This approach allows us to accommodate several different instances of related forms. If we were to restrict our definition to an original word, we would not be able to account for doublets that do not share a source word-form. For example, pairings that will still be considered doublets in this thesis may have developed from the same root, but they come from different derivations, where at least one has been borrowed into English. One member of the pair may have come from the base form of the root while the other is from an affixed form. Since they are historically related, our definition should be able to include these forms. That being said, specifying an original word would reflect the importance of borrowing in this phenomenon because we would be able to trace the source of the doublet pairs to an original word-form that was either borrowed in one instance or repeatedly. While studying doublets, we have to pay at-tention to not only its meaning but also functional-semantic features and linguocul-tural aspects of lexical doublets in the language.

Modern linguistics expands the boundaries of language research. The integration


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

of linguistics with the sciences - primarily with culture, ethnology and ethnography - has led to the formation of cultural linguistics or linguoculturology. Comparison of different cultures leads to the problem of studying national identity in language and culture. On the one hand, there are some aspects of an unfamiliar environment that are suitable for a particular culture: on the other hand, as a native speaker learns the language and, in particular, the meanings of words, he begins to see the world through his native language and learns the signs of a particular culture. [1,12].

National characteristics of spiritual culture are not tied to the linguistic way of expression. But as an important component in the formation, development and emergence of the necessary conditions for spiritual culture, it occupies a special place in it. It is about the task of making language a legacy of the development of spiritual culture. Inheritance mechanisms can be explained by an analysis of the language environment, which is reflected in the language. [2, 41; 3, 127-135; 9, 340]

The social nature of the language, along with the external conditions for the functioning of the language in a given society (bi-or multilingualism, the conditions for teaching languages, the level of development of society, science and literature, etc.), together with the language, is manifested both in the system itself and in its syntax, idioms , vocabulary, functional stylistics and other aspects.

According to V.L. Klokov [5, 60], the desire to understand the essence of the cultural phenomenon is due to the existence of man and a certain form of society in the world. At the same time, the author emphasizes the scientific nature of philosophical facts to present date. Understanding culture as a semiotic system, on the one hand, contains a certain amount of information useful to society, and on the other, a scientific approach as a means of finding and satisfying society itself.

The functional-semantic study of lexical doublets in English shows that the following main features are observed in lexical doublets, which appeared during the development of the word after the Norman conquest. As V.L. Klokov stated, in Latin-German doublets, Germanic languages are characterized by the fact that their own words belong to the category of nouns, and words from the Latin language belong to the category of adjectives. The reason for this, perhaps, is the inability of Latin words to compress the original nouns in Germanic languages, or, if not, then the meaning of the adjective used by the Latin suffix, which the British did not see, did not notice, did not attach significance, considered not worth naming, in as a result of which they may have had no meaning.

Latin-German lexical doublets are semantically divided into the following groups:

1. Lexical doublets representing names of animals: ant, formicid (adjec-tives related to ant), bee, apian (adjectives related to bees), bird, avian (adjectives related to birds), fish, piscine (symbolic adjectives related to fish).

2. Lexical doublets expressing concepts related to human and animal physiology: head, capital (main-adjective), ear, aural (signs and adjectives associ-ated with the ear), tooth, dental (signs and adjectives related to the tooth), tongue, lingual (signs and adjectives related to the language).


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

3. Lexical doublets representing concepts related to astronomy: Moon, lunar (signs and adjectives related to the moon), sun, solar (signs and adjectives re-lated to the Sun), star, astral (signs and adjectives related to stars).

4. Lexical doublets denoting concepts related to social life: son/daughter, filial (related to a boy or girl), mother, maternal (related characters and adjectives), father, paternal (related characters and adjectives).

5. A group of lexical doublets indicating other meanings that are not related to the above groups: water, aquatic (signs and adjectives related to water), house, domestic (signs and adjectives related to the house), town, urban (signs and adjectives related to the town), sight, visual (signs and adjectives related to the view).

In the paragraphs below, we would like to bring some examples analyzing a word with different meanings:

Worm (wȗrm), n. [AS. wyrm, wurm, serpent, worm.] 1. An earthworm or angle-worm; also, a larva; grub: maggot. 2. Any of numerous small, elongate and slender creeping or crawling animals, usually soft bodied, naked, and limbless or nearly so. 3. A being likened to a warm by reason of its humility, debasement etc. 4. Anything spiral, vermiculated, or conceived of as like a worm, as the thread of a screw. 5. Something that inwardly torments or devours in a way suggesting the gnawing of a worm. 6. pl. Any disorder due to the presence of parasitic worms in the body, as in the intestines; helminthiasis. [WED. p. 1169].

As for the lexical doublet, which came into use from the Latin - Vermian, it is used in a narrow, special biological or medical discourse.

Spider (spi´der), n. [ME. Spithre, fr. AS. Spinnan to spin; - so named from spin-ning its web.] 1. Any of various arachnids comprising an order (Araneida) and having a body with but two main divisions: a cephalothorax bearing four pairs of walking legs, and unsegmented abdomen bearing two or more pairs of spinnerets for spinning threads of silk used in making cocoons for their eggs, nests for themselves, or webs for entangling their prey. 2. A person conceived of as like a spider, as in craft. 3. A metal pan with a handle, used in trying food. Originally it had long legs, for use over coals. 4. A trivet or tripod to support pans or pots over fire. 5. A cultivator attachment for pulverizing the ground. [WED. p. 958].

And the lexical doublet, which came from Latin, is from Arachnidan. The mean-ing of this word is narrow, and this word can be met in natural and medical discourses.

Wolf (wǒǒlf), n. pl. wolves (wǒǒlvz) sometimes WOLF. a genus (Canis) of large doglike carnivorous mammals, esp. of a European species (C. lupus) or its al-lies. 2. Any of various larvae of certain small beetles or moths which infest granaries. 3. A fierce, rapacious or destructive person. 4. Music a. Dissonance in some chords on organs, pianos, etc., tuned by unequal temperament; also, an instance of such dis-sonance. b. in bowed instruments, a harshness due to faulty vibration in certain tones. – v.t. To eat greedily as does a wolf; to devour ravenously. [WED. p. 1160].

Latin word for doublet is the word "lupine", which has a special meaning and is used less often.

Goat (gōt, n. [AS gāt] 1. Any of certain hollow-horned ruminant mammals al-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

lied to the sheep, but of lighter build, with backwordly arching horns, a short tail, and (usually) straight hair. The true goats constitute a genus (Capra, family Bovidae). 2. In medieval bestiary lore, the animal type of lechery; hence, a libidinous man. 3. Slang. A scapegoat; as, they made him the goat. [WED.427].

Originated from Latin adjective – caprine, this word is used in natural discourse. It is not widely used in colloquial speech.

Sheep (shēp) n. sing. & pl. [AS scēp, scēap.] 1. Any ruminant of a genus (Ovis) allied to the goats, esp. any of numerous domesticated varieties kept for their flesh (mutton), wool and skin. 2. A timid, defenseless creature; also, a bashful or silly fel-low. 3. Leather of sheep skin, as for bookbinding; sheepskin. [WED. p. 916].

Originated from Latin word for oven and this word is rarely used in daily life. The meaning of the word is narrowed.

Goose n. 1. Any of a subfamily (Anserinae) of lamelli-rostral birds, intermedi-ate between the swans and ducks, with long necks, feathered lores, and reticulate tarsi. 2. A female goose as distinguished from a danger. 3. The flesh of a goose, used as food. 4. A silly creature; a simpleton. 5. Obs. A game played with counters on aboard. 6. pl. Gooses. A tailor’s smoothing iron; - from its curved handle. [WED. p. 430].

This word corresponds to the doublet Anserine and has an etymological coincidence with the original word.

Bear (bār) n. [AS.bera] Pola Bear (U. Maritimus). 1. A large heavy mammal (family Ursidae) with long shaggy hair, rudimentary tail, and plantigrade feet, the European brown bear (Ursus Arctos), the white polar bear (U. maritumus), the griz-zly bear (U. horribilis), the American black bear (Euarctos americanus). 2. Anything likened to a bear; specif. [cap], Astron. 3. An uncouth, surly, or morose person. 4. A person who sells securities, foreign exchange, or commodities in the expectation of buying them at lower price later; esp., one who speculates for a decline by selling short. 5. Mach. A portable punch press. v. t. To try to depress the price of or price in. adj. Of, pertaining to, or influence by, stock-market bears; hence, falling; as, a bear market. [WED. p. 91].

The lexical doublet of the word serves ursine. We can follow the words Ursa Major - big bear, Ursa Miner - little bear, Ursus Arctos - polar bear.

Tongue (tŭng), n. [AS.tunge.] 1. An organ or process (often protrusible and freely movable) of the floor of the mouth, present in the most vertebrates. In man it serves as an organ of speech, and as the principal organ of taste. 2. The flesh of the tongue of animal, as the ox or sheep, used as an article of food. 3. The power of communication through speech. 4. Hence: a That which is uttered; speech. b Act of speaking; utterance in words. 5. A language; esp., a spoken language. 6. Manner or quality of utterance with respect to tone or sound, the sense of what is expressed, or the intention of the speaker. 7. The cry of or as of a hound pursuing or in sight of game. [WED. p.1051].

The lexical doublets of this word is lingual from Latin, which is used more often than other lexical doublets that we observed.

Broth’er (brŭth’ẽr), n.; pl.-ERS (-ẽrz) or, Archaic, BRETHREN. [AS. brōthor.]


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

1. A male considered in his relation to another person or animal having the same par-ents (whole brother), or one parent only in common (half brother). 2. A kinsman of a common family, fatherland, or race; in a more general sense, a fellow member of a profession, trade union, etc. [WED. p.129].

The doublet of the word Brother began to generalize with the meaning of brater-nal, and now people can also use this word in the sense of brotherhood.

Sis´ter (sǐs’tẽr), n. [ME.sister, suster, of Scand origin.] 1. A female person or, by extension, animal, considered in her relation to another person or animal, having the same parents (whole sister), or one parent in common (half sister). 2. A member of a sisterhood;-used in the pl. as the title of many religious orders of women. 3. One of the same kind or condition, regarded as nearly related. 4. A women closely associated with another person, as in the same faith, society, etc. 5. A head nurse in a hospital ward; hence, Colloq., nurse.-adj. Having or suggesting the relationship of a sister or of sisters; sisterly. [WED. p. 930]

The doublet of the word in Latin is Sororal, which is not usually used in speech.King (kǐng), n. [AS. cyng, cyning.] 1. A male sovereign; the monarch of a state

distinctively called a kingdom, and usually independent. 2. One the holds a pre-em-inent position or rank; as a railroad king. 3. Cards. A card conventionally picturing a king. 4. Checkers. A crowned man. 5. Chess. The principal piece, moving ordinarly one square in any direction, but obliged never to enter or remain in check. Abbr. K (no period). –adj. Chief; most important; - often in combination, as in kingbolt. [WED. p. 554].

A doublet of this word is the word regal, which comes from Latin, which is rarely used, and instead the word royal is most often used.

The formation of doublets occurs during the evolutionary process, languages in which the primary form and the derived element belong to each other develop from each other. For example, Latin and French, old English and new English, etc. This is the donor language and the status of the recipient language.

Here, to create a doublet between languages, one plays the role of the source language, and the other plays the role of a derived language. In the case where one word is an advanced form of the original word, the other may be an assimilated word. For example, the emergence of the word studium in Latin as studio in Italian is an evolutionary process. But the emergence of an Italian-language studio in the form of an English-language studio is an assimilation of the word. But the word study (cabinet) is a personified, simplified form of “studium” in English. This is also mastering words. Because Latin and English are not the languages of the relative group. There is no “source language-derived language” relationship between them.

Analyzing the above mentioned examples, we can conclude that the word (lex-eme), which at one time came into use from one language, for some reason or another settled in the English language, and we can observe that the English language has a significant impact on the richness of the dictionary.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

LITERATURE:1. Абдуазизов А.А. Тилшуносликнинг бошқа фанлар билан алоқаси. Т.: 2004.2. Ашурова Д. Стилистика текста в парадигме когнитивной лингвистике. // Филология ма-

салалари – Т.: 2003 – n 7.с 41.3. Гак В.Г – Пронстранства, // Логический анализ языка пространств. М.: 2000 с. 127 – 135.4. Каштанова И.И. Лексико – семантическое поле как выразитель концентульного простран-

ства. АКД, М.: 2011.5. Клоков В.Т. Лексика в функционально-идеологическом аспекте. Саратов. 1990.6. Мўминов О.М. Инглиз тили лексикологияси Т.: 2006. 7. Никитина М.О. Этимологические дублеты в истории английского языка-автореф. дис.

канд. филол. наук. М.: 2007. 8. Расулова М.И. Основы лексической категоризации в лингвистике. Т.: Фан, 2005.9. Сафаров Ш.С. Семантика. Т.: Фан. 2013. 340 б.10. Сафаров Ш.С. Тил назарияси ва лингвометология: монография.- Т.: Баёз, 2015.11. Смерницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка, М.: 200112. Фадеев В.И. Этимологические дублеты общего происхождения в английском языке- Ав-

тореф. дис. канд. филол. наук. М.:2011. 13. Denning, Keith, Brett Kessler, and William R. Leben. English vocabulary elements. New York:

Oxford University Press. 2007.14. Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language. Trident Press International. USA.

2003. 15. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublet_(linguistics)


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

A'zamjon DadakhonovA researcher of Uzbekistan State World

Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan




This article provides an overview of the current state of journalist training in Uzbekistan and experiences gained in this regard. With the advancement of information technologies, changes in national journalism education, analysis of the requirements for the development of the industry and the education system will be undertaken in the article.

The concept of media convergence, the attempt to explain through the scientific and theoretical perspectives of increasing the importance of this phenomenon in journalistic practice and education will be covered. The development of Internet journalism also shapes new types of activities in the field of information, including blogging, citizen journalism, freelance journalism, as well as the emergence of online journalism, and, finally, the need for journalists and PR men who would work in these industries. It is also emphasized that interactive journalism is developing in the Internet, with a wider range of possibilities, the popularity of mobile communication and the development of social networks, increasing the role of the population in the dissemination of information – and the need for updating the education. Internet journalists graduate from specialized faculties need more knowledge and experience than the population, and they should meet the needs of the population in the global media and traditional media outlets fast and qualitatively. In this regard, the article highlights the importance to further improve the national education system, by providing examples of international experiences and models of qualified journalist cadres who meet the information age requirements. The author

Аъзамжон ДадахоновЎзДЖТУ таянч докторанти (PhD), Тошкент,





Ушбу мақолада Ўзбекистонда журналист кадрлар тайёрлашнинг ҳозирги ҳолати, бу борада тўпланган тажрибалар келтирилади. Ахборот асри технологиялари ривожланиши билан миллий журналистика таълимида юз бераётган ўзгаришлар, давлат раҳбарияти то-монидан соҳага ва таълим тизимини ривож-лантириш учун қўйилаётган талаблар таҳлил қилинади.

Медиаконвергенция тушунчасининг тав-сифи ва тансифи, журналистик амалиётда ва таълимда мазкур тушунчанинг аҳамияти ошиб бораётганлиги илмий-назарий қарашлар орқали очиб беришга ҳаракат қилинган. Ин-тернет журналистика тараққиёти ахборот соҳасида янги фаолият турлари ва журнали-стика кўринишларини ҳам шакллантирга-ни, блогерлик ва блогсоҳа, фуқаролик жур-налистикаси, фриланс журналистика каби янги соҳалар бевосита онлайн журналистика таркибида ривож топаётгани, пировардида, мазкур тармоқларда эркин ижод қиладиган журналистлар, пиарменларга эҳтиёж ортиб бораётгани таъкидланади. Интерактив жур-налистика интернет маконида янада кенгроқ имкониятларга эга бўлган ҳолда тараққий этаётгани, мобиль алоқаларнинг оммалаши-ши ва ижтимоий тармоқларнинг тараққиёти аҳолининг ахборотни олиш ва тарқатишдаги ролини кучайтираётгани – таълимда ҳам янги-ланишлар олиб бориш зарурлигини кўрсатиши айтиб ўтилади. Журналистика факультетлари-дан етишиб чиққан Интернет журналистла-ри бу борада аҳолидан кўра кўпроқ билим ва


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

offers recommendations on the use of information technology in modern journalism education and the formation of professional skills in digital media and Internet journalism in students. Methods and tools for introducing information communication and internet technologies into educational models and lesson processes should be directly linked to modern requirements, and the importance of journalistic education worldwide is rapidly changing.

Key words: media convergence, divergence, qualified journalist cadres, digital media, internet journalism, journalistic education, globalization, multimedia tools, mass communication, education models.

тажрибага эга бўлишлари, аҳолининг глобал тармоқда ва анъанавий ОАВ каналларида ах-боротга бўлган эҳтиёжини тезкор ва сифатли тарзда қондиришлари талаб этилади. Шу асос-да мақолада ахборот даври талабларига мос малакали журналист кадрлар тайёрлашнинг хорижий тажриба ва моделларидан мисоллар келтириш орқали миллий таълим тизимини янада яхшилаш зарурлиги асослаб берилади. Замонавий журналистик таълимда ахборот технологияларининг қўлланишининг таълим самарадорлигига ва талабаларда рақамли ме-диатехнологиялар ва Интернет журналисти-када ижод қилиш бўйича касбий малакалар-ни шакллантириб бориш бўйича хулосалар берилган. Таълим моделлари ва дарс жара-ёнларига ахборот-коммуникация ва интернет технологияларининг жорий этишнинг усул ва воситалари бевосита замон талабларидан ке-либ чиқиши лозимлиги, журналистик таълим бутун дунё миқёсида тез суръатларда ўзгариб янгиланиб бораётганини таҳлил этиш асосий мақсадлардан бири сифатида қаралган.

Калит сўзлар: медиаконвергенция, дивер-генция, малакали журналист кадрлар, рақамли медиатехнологиялар, интернет журналистика, журналистик таълим, глобаллашув, мультиме-диа воситалари, оммавий коммуникация, таъ-лим моделлари.

INTRODUCTIONThe revolution in the information and communication industry has transformed

the world at a rapid pace, and provides mankind with new solutions and opportuni-ties in the field of vital activity. These historically significant processes, in turn, have had an impact on the media and journalism education. The 21st century is the age of information technology development.

Today, journalists are trained in four higher educational institutions of the coun-try – Uzbekistan National University, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan Journalism and Mass Communication University and Karakalpak State University. These higher education institutions also work to build students' practical skills by providing them with theoretical knowledge, qualifying practice, and opening up seminars or organizing different workshops. But we should admit that today's jour-nalistic practice is at the forefront of a major change. As a result of the development of the Internet and digital technologies, the information age and the globalization of information technologies, Public Relations and mass media systems are developing. As a result, new networks such as online journalism, blogging, social media platforms


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

appeared. Traditional journalism is transforming. Journalists' activities also have both universalization and specialization processes. All these processes require the radical renewal of journalistic education and the introduction of new educational models that meet modern requirements.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev as of May 24, 2018 "On the Establishment of Journalism and Mass Communication Uni-versity of Uzbekistan" as a prerequisite for the development of journalism education and functioning of the university, can be the fundamentals for developing journalism sphere, its features, scientific-theoretical, philosophical-aesthetic principles, provid-ing a training of highly qualified journalist cadres according to the national and inter-national standards, deeply mastering modern media technologies; creation of educa-tional and methodical literature on relevant areas and specialties, taking into account the achievements of our country in the field of mass communication and journalism, the experience of educational institutions of foreign countries and the needs and re-quirements of mass media in the regions, as well as the modern information technolo-gies and distance learning in the educational process. Besides this, implementing new methods is also useful [The Decree of the President, 2018].

In this regard, it can be said that nowadays the introduction of modern informa-tion and communication technologies and interactive teaching methods in the jour-nalistic education, consistent study of the most important achievements of foreign experience, increases the effectiveness of educational system in this field.

LITERATURE REVIEWAlthough creative and pedagogical approaches to the quality, problems, and

teaching methods of the journalism in our country have been studied in a number of academic publications, articles and theses of scholars of our country, the requirements for the preparation of junior education in the context of media convergence, new jour-nalistic approaches to teaching processes research has not been carried out. This topic is partly officially covered by many articles and journalistic evaluations published in our country.

It should be noted that in the current information age, a number of Russian ex-perts and neighboring Kazakhstan scholars have also examined issues such as modern teaching methods for journalists, requirements for teachers, technology required in pedagogical processes, and joint training sessions with production organizations and consumer media. At the same time, research on this topic has been carried out in the far and near abroad. In particular, I.A.Fateev, a Russian journalist, wrote: "Journalists' Choice of Russia: Theory, History, Modern Practice", A.Kalmykov "Internet Jour-nalism in Media System: Formation, Development, Professionalization", monograph V.S.Helemendnka “Union of pen, microphone, camera”, E.L.Vartanova's "Collabo-rating Convergence of Mass Media?", A.G.Kachkaeva's editorial entitled " Journal-ism and convergence: why and how traditional media turn into multimedia", "Media convergence and multimedia journalism" (compiler S.Balmaeva). However, recent emerging information technologies are not fully covered by newer forms of online


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

journalism and the peculiarities of their advancement in scientific research and lit-erature. Moreover, great experience has been accumulated in the UK, the US and Germany.

There are many teaching aids, scientific publications on Internet journalism and multimedia journalism in Uzbekistan. Candidate of philological sciences, associate professors N.Kosimova, N.Muratova, D.Rashidova have published a number of pub-lications on theoretical and practical issues of Internet journalism. These resources can serve as an important source of training for internet journalists today. In particu-lar, Nargis Kasymova's "The Basics of Internet Journalism", Sh.Kudratkhodjaev "Use of the Internet in Journalist's Activity". "Internet: creation, history, security issues", D. Rashidova and N. Muratova's "Internet journalism", D. Rashidova's "Information technology and interactive Internet journalism", "Internet in Uzbekistan: opportuni-ties and challenges" are the main resources for teaching students on Internet tech-nologies. The themes widely analyzed in these manuals are connected with Internet technologies and online platforms such as history of the subject, development stages, internet journalism genres, traditional and online media, news websites, filling out and designing a site content etc.

Journalism education is the use of scientific and methodological tools such as comparisons, analysis, synthesis, case-study, and research in this field, because jour-nalism education is closely related to the activities of the national and foreign me-dia, the structure and features of editorial offices, the state of the media, fields and channels. Besides this, experimentation and observation on the theory and practice of journalism education abroad also have been beneficial during this research. These methods were used in this research.

DATA ANALYSISIn the twentieth century, the media gained enormous opportunities through in-

formation technology. For instance, the evolution of printing technology has led to the spread of books, newspapers and magazines in millions of copies. When the radio was discovered at the end of the XIX century, information was first transmitted to consum-ers in electronic format. Since 1969, the Internet has become a fast and easy access to digital media resources.

Because of the rapid flow of information and ideas in the world we live in, me-dia has become an important, decisive force in the country's development. Electronic media has become an important part of not only news and ideas, but also the fastest setting of justice in society, the awareness of the rights of the population, and the study of citizenship. In this process, it is important how the information reaches to consum-ers. If we consider the news that become obsolete has no value, then the importance of information technology will increase.

The globalization of information changes the world very rapidly, and gives new solutions and opportunities to the uncertainty of its vital activity. The information revolution that has emerged as a result of the accelerated development of new infor-mation and communication technologies and mass media techniques has become a


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

major source of radical changes in political, economic, socio-cultural backgrounds. The emergence of global information networks such as the Internet has seriously changed traditional economics and business, and the convergence process has swept technological, economic, and legal boundaries. These processes, which have impor-tant historical significance, have also influenced media outlets. Today, any user on the Internet may have access to textual, visual, and audio information. This is not only a data sending, but it's such a scene that the video and audio have become a continuation of the text. Speaking about multimedia media here, it is permissible to state another convergence concept. At the same time, the borders between traditional media have disappeared, and a new era has begun in the journalistic, press and media circles. The current socio-political, intellectual, and ideological processes around the globe during the modern information technologies are, of course, reflecting both the world and Uz-bek national mass media. It is difficult to imagine modern mass media, without digital media and the Internet.

"The growing globalization of the global media space requires rapid and consis-tent response to media and media events. Training of highly qualified personnel in this area remains a priority for higher education institutions. Contemporary development associated with globalization, science, and social life has led to two trends in journal-istic education: tendency to universalism and its specialization" [Nurmatov A., 2013].

In the context of journalistic and educational development, formation and broadbanding of online journalism in our country necessitates a careful study of con-vergence and divergence in online television as its component. This is because the increasing demand for online media is growing, and the demand for professionals who work professionally is increasing. Scientific-theoretical and practical analysis of the development of online television by means of a thorough analysis of the existing online journalism system, development of suggestions, suggestions and recommenda-tions is a factor determining the relevance of the work.

"Modern technological achievements are not only an effective search for infor-mation, but also an opportunity to disseminate it in the world. At present, globaliza-tion of information in the news market is accompanied by an increase in international competition, the emergence of mass media, free exchange of communication technol-ogies, and an informational system that seeks to have absolute control over the world information space. New technologies that have been used in media activities require the technical and analytical skills to be fully mastered during younger staff training" [Mirsoatova M., 2013].

In order to develop the national online journalism sector, it will be necessary to pay special attention to the training of cadres, which can effectively operate in this area, in order to ensure that the national web sites of the media are maintained at the most prominent media outlets of the world.

Discussing the national model of journalism training and its problems, journal-ist and scientist Sanobar Zhumanova wrote the following:

"So far, the material and technical base of higher educational institutions has not created the necessary conditions for training qualified journalist cadres. At the new


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

university, taking into account the achievements of our country in the field of mass communication and journalism, the experience of educational institutions of foreign countries and the needs and requirements of the mass media in the regions, creation of educational literature on relevant areas and specialties, as well as the modern infor-mation technologies and these problems can be solved if the introduction of distance learning is implemented" [Zhumanova S., 2018].

If we apply to the higher educational system of countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, India, we will see that they pay special atten-tion to training in the field of mass communication. The term “Mass communication” has a broader concept than “Journalism”, which includes, among other media outlets, public relations such as information services, advertising agencies etc. The most re-markable aspect of this is the emphasis on specialist training in this field, not only on the quality of media training, but also on educating the audience how to access tech-niques and technologies.

Particular attention is paid to the fact that part of the classroom teaching in the field of mass communications in Germany focuses on the preparation of information materials, the reporting and the editorial, and the second part – on the forms and meth-ods of direct public presentation. At the same time, during the classroom sessions one will be able to prepare information material on a particular topic and get information about how to fill in with a text, a photo or video material, use the technical capabili-ties of any media to prepare information material, specific training requirements for online journalism, and direct afternoon sessions, information services, promotion in advertising agencies.

Attempts to develop skills of students in the field of mass communication, such as designing publications, broadcasting audio and video materials, preparing news stories, advertising scripts, scenarios.

These skills make it possible for freelancers to operate not only in one media, but also in all media channels, especially in internet journalism.

At the same time, the use of technology requires media professionals to be uni-versal, as well as be able to give recommendation for specialization in coverage of topics. Journalists need to work professionally in any direction, regardless of their presence in the internet or other traditional media, and only then they will improve the quality of materials provided by the media.

It should be noted that the development of Internet journalism has also shaped new types of activities in the field of mass communication. In particular, blogging social media, and various new types of journalism are developing. Interactive journal-ism is developing in the Internet with a wider potential. Promotion of mobile commu-nication and the development of social networks are increasing the role of the popu-lation in the dissemination of information. Internet journalists need more knowledge and experience than the population, and they need to meet the needs of the population in the global media and traditional media channels fast and quality.

It should not be forgotten that, as the Globalization and the Information Revolu-tion processes go on, future Internet journalism will continue to evolve, and internet


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

journalists will be increasingly demanding. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of teaching journalism faculties today in the basics of mass communica-tion, updating the technical basis and training of internet journalists, based on their language teaching and technical capacities. The graduates of this course should serve to meet the needs of the labor market in online journalism and PR. They will need to learn the skills of working on modern information technology and their programming skills in the lower stages, to form knowledge and skills in the field of media work at higher levels, and in the field of journalistic creativity, because the texts, photos, audio and video materials prepared for the global network, as well as the quality of the mate-rial, should be available in the formats and sizes to online media.

Sanjar Sadik, one of the Uzbek scholars, wrote in his work on the Basics of Radio journalism: "Internet journalism has also captured the printed text as well as the live radio commentary on the live broadcasting on television." [Sadik S., 2010].

To do that, the specialist also needs some software knowledge. "As the greatest achievements of the 21st century, global media can be said

to be globalization, transition to digital technology and the Internet ... Naturally, the media has become one of the first in the vast virtual world. So online magazines were created" [Muminov F., 2005].

Convergence is one of the major impetuses for the radical renewal of the media. This concept represents a mix of different media outlets that are united in one mass communication channel. Technology convergence makes it possible for the public to communicate information through various information channels: cable, satellite TV, cellular communication, mobile communications, etc. It also creates universal online media that combines text, radio, and television. As a result, the audience will also be able to access information from different formats and formats that are based on evi-dence or information from a topic or an event.

In the journalistic practice, convergence is shown in several ways:1. The convergence of the prepared journalistic material – every piece of mate-

rial prepared by the journalist will consist of a text, video, audio, and transmissions in all media channels.

2. The convergence of journalists. Journalist prepares materials using multime-dia tools. It needs to have sufficient knowledge of skills and abilities to make sensitive information for all types of media.

3. Convergence of the information market. The unification of the media with telecommunications and IT-technologies has brought together new participants in the information market: satellite channels, internet TV, computer companies, internet pro-viders.

In the context of convergence, multimedia, networking services, computer tech-nology, and dual-use technologies are integrated into one communication channel. This article can change not only the media system, but also the news media about it [Dadakhonov A., 2016].

In such a situation, the demand for journalistic cadres, which can be used ef-ficiently and rapidly in journalistic creativity, and which collects and processes infor-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

mation materials with the use of the latest information and communication technolo-gies, meets the requirements of time. A.Nurmatov, a prominent Uzbek scientist, notes: "It is now very important to cultivate universal journalists who can write news, take interviews, shoot images and videos, and prepare materials for publishing or broad-casting" [Nurmatov A., 2013].

CONCLUSIONThe age of information is becoming a new form of online journalism and tra-

ditional media activities, in the spirit of mutual competition between them. Today, the rapid development of journalism, including civil journalism, blogging, interactive journalism, journalism, and journalism, is changing the form and methods of journal-istic education. In the context of digital media development and competition growth, it is crucial for national and international experiences to study modern models of journalists' training.

As the most important factor for the reorganization of the journalist training system, the Media convergence has reached the following conclusions:

1. Media convergence in the journalistic practice provides the staff with the preparation of information materials for all types of media channels.

2. The convergent editorials are becoming more and more popular in the ad-vancement of Internet journalism, the media web-sites and news online media.

3. Formation of all types of information materials such as a text, a photo, audio and video materials, info graphics and animation in online media and editors remains a cornerstone of effective journalistic competitions in the information market.

4. In the age of information, there is a growing need for qualified reporters to develop convergent materials, and this has encouraged journalism training institutions to review their curricula. At present, the curriculum of all faculties is being taught in one or more subjects about Internet journalism.

5. The development of social networking platforms and blogging, and the active involvement of students to digital technologies and the Internet requires the immedi-ate reconsideration of content of a number of subjects.

In general, the study of national and foreign educational models, methods and technologies of journalism training and the new approach to journalistic cadres, which can be operated in accordance with the principles of rapid and modern journalism at the modern times in the modern era in which the age of information and digital media develops, and sharp competition between domestic and foreign media and applying their prize to practice is not only of journalistic higher education, but also of journal-ism and mass communication’s most urgent tasks. For example, journalistic educa-tion is a crucial component of the development of this field and determines its future. While the information age demands the broad application of information technology in the community, the need for deep knowledge and skills in this area is growing. Es-pecially important is the role of online journalist personnel in protecting the country from external aggression and filling the national Internet segment.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

АДАБИЁТЛАР РЎЙХАТИ1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 24 майдаги “Ўзбекистон журнали-

стика ва оммавий коммуникациялар университетини ташкил этиш тўғрисида”ги ПҚ-3737-сон қарори. // http://lex.uz 24.05.2018.

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3. Жуманова С. (2018) Янги университет журналистик таълимдаги қандай муаммоларни ҳал этади? // http://marifat.uz 30.05.2018

4. Мирсоатова М. (2013) Ёш журналист кадрларни тайёрлашда медиатаълим тизимини олиб бориш жараёни. // “Олий журналистика курсларида ихтисослашув масалалари” мавзуи-да илмий-амалий семинар материаллари. – Т., Ғафур Ғулом НМИУ. –Б. 514.

5. Мўминов Ф.А (2005) “Ҳамроҳми ёки ҳамкор”, Интернет журналистика илмий мақолалар тўплами, Т., – Б. 112.

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7. Содиқ С. (2010) Радиожурналистика асослари. Журналистика факультетлари учун ўқув қўлланма –Т.: MUMTOZ SO’Z. – Б.124

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6. Nurmatov A. (2013) Professional universalization and specialization in modern media. // Materials of the scientific-practical seminar on "Specialization issues in higher journalistic courses". – T., Gafur Gulom NMIU. – P. 514.

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2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Zokir BoynazarovResearcher, Samarkand state university




This article explores the language picture of the World and its varieties, the role of children's world picture and the features of its study. Also, special attention is paid to the Turkic children's worldview of the 11th century, set forth in the famous "Divan" by Mahmoud Kashgary. Some comments are given on the analysis of the concept of "children's world picture ".

The study of the language concepts of the world, which we have analyzed in the book “Devanu lugat-it Turk” (DLT), which covers LPW in every aspect of the social life of the Turkic peoples in the 11th century, is also important. Different stages of children’s life can be birth, growth, speech, cradle life, walking; mother and child, father and child, children and adults, children's games and many words on toys, toys and fairy tales, child rearing, methods and tools. According to Turkish researchers Zekerya Batur (Batur Zekerya) and Merve Beshtash (Beştaş Merve) 145 words out of 8000 in “Devan” illustrate children’s world, their growth, education process and teaching.

Key words: Language Picture of the World, children's world picture, child’s language, “Divanu Lugat-it Turk”.

Зокир БойназаровСамарқанд давлат университети тадқиқотчиси




Ушбу мақолада оламнинг лисоний манза-раси, унинг турлари, олам манзаралари ичида болалар дунёси лисоний манзарасининг тут-ган ўрни ва уларнинг ўрганилиши, ХI асрдаги “болаларча” манзара ва унинг “Девони луғат-ит турк” асарида ифодаланиши, “бола тили”, “болаларча” манзарани ифода етувчи концепт-лар, уларнинг турлари ҳамда таҳлили ҳақида айрим мулоҳазалар келтирилган.

XI аср туркий халқлар ижтимоий ҳаётининг деярли барча жабҳаларини ўзида акс эттир-ган Маҳмуд Кошғарийнинг “Девону луғат-ит турк” асарида биз таҳлил қилаётган болалар дунёсига оид лисоний консептлар тадқиқи ҳам муҳим аҳамият касб етади. “Девон”нинг тегишли ўринларида болалар ҳаётининг тур-ли босқичлари – туғилиш, ўсиш-улғайиш, тил чиқиш, бешик ҳаёти, юриб кетиш ҳамда она ва бола, ота ва бола, болалар ва катталар, бола ўйинлари ва ўйинчоқлари, алла ва эрта-клар, бола тарбияси, тарбия усул ва восита-лари каби мавзуларда кўплаб сўзлар келтири-лади. Туркиялик тадқиқотчилар Зекеря Батур ва Мерве Бешташнинг маълумотларига кўра, “Девон”даги жами 8000 яқин сўзнинг 145 таси болалар дунёси, уларнинг ўсиб-улғайиши ва таълим-тарбия жараёнини ифодаловчи сўзлардир.

Калит сўзлар: оламнинг лисоний манза-раси, болалар дунёсининг лисоний манзараси, бола тили, “Девони луғат-ит турк”асари.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

In terms of the ways of learning and mastering the world there are different types and forms of the world represented by the language. There are several types of “world image” in the scientific literature, depending on the way a person perceives and reflects on human existence: 1) idealistic, materialistic and dualistic; 2) scien-tific, non-philosophical and philosophical; 3) natural and humanitarian (science) scenarios of the world. From the point of view of generalizability, there are general, fundamental, private and specific images of the world and according to the method of knowledge there are mythological, religious, scientific and philosophical views [Азимов Э. Г., Щукин А.Н., 2009; P. 448].

1. The view which in linguistic studies is called as language picture of the world (LPW). It is beyond the ordinary and scientific landscape of the world, and its essence can be explained by linguiocognitive and linguiodidactive approaches. Conclusions in LPW all scientific researches on linguoculturology and linguocognitology, as Profes-sor Nizomiddin Makhmudov rightly points out, are based on F. Humbold's linguistic-anthropological philosophy: “Thinking does not dependent only on language, to a certain extent, it is a separate language”; It is clearly expressed in the words” and “the feature of a nation is more easily understood by its language than by its ethics, habits and behavior” (Маҳмудов Н., 2017; 57).

At the same time, linguistics is closely related to the generally accepted lan-guage and thinking, and the parameters such as age, gender, beliefs, education, knowl-edge and understanding of the world are exactly the “national consciousness” in the formation of LPW. This process involves the important factors as “national thinking”, “national idea”, “national culture”, “national mentality” and “national character”. That is, when studying the types of LPW, in each particular case, it is necessary to consider the principle of “language within human and the human within language” and anthropocentric paradigm because they involve not only cognitive linguistics but also linguoculturology (Маҳмудов Н., 2011; 59). ).

From the linguistic point of view, there are the following forms of LPW:1. The usual (typical) language picture of the world. A universe based on the

perception, understanding and worldview of the human community or person (so-cium), a systematic understanding of knowledge of the Earth and the universe, the objective and subjective universe, the meaning of life, and the role of man in this complex reality. ). (Безрукова В.С., 2000; 937)

2. The scientific picture of the world. The scientific picture of the world (SPW) is shaped by the process of realizing the world scientifically and this is the main difference that varies from the usual perception of reality (Научная картина мира., 2019; 14).

3. The direct picture of the world (DPW). The direct picture of the world is based on direct perception of the environment by individual or social consciousness. This perception and knowledge is made by the human senses and through abstract reflection.

4. The indirect picture of the world (IPW). The indirect picture of the world can be described as a cognitive picture that reflects an LPW in reflection and pro-vides an external image by means of secondary character systems. (5. П о п о в а


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

З.Д., Стернин И.А., 2007; 34) The indirect image of the world is expressed in a work of art by writers, poets and other creators, by which the artist “delves” the image of a particular reality, events, landscape, inner world, emotions (Петрова Л. А., 2006; 310), and the reader begins to assimilate and revive the world as the product of the thought and imagination by the creator.

5. The language picture of children’s world. Among the types of LPWs the lan-guage picture of children’s world (LPCHW) plays a special role. All of the mentioned LPWs are produced by physically and mentally mature, well-experienced, knowledg-able and skillful adults that are typical of the thought and language of them.

Children have their own notions of the world, their pure and clear ideas do not always coincide with the realities of life. Children are often in the imaginary world of their own creation, their imagination of the outside world and this sytem is a fruit of puzzled thinking, but their impressions of fairy tales and cartoons live in the minds of the real world. To admit this, just remember the world of the child in the story of Ch.Aytmatov's “White Ship” or the pictures of Hashimjon in H. Tukhtabaev's “Riding the Yellow Devil”. The Boy in “White Ship” lives in two fairy tales he has invented, and the protagonist of “Riding the Yellow Devil” would hope to achieve his dreams without reading and learning, as if he were a magician in fairy tales. He expects this help from the “magic cap”. Any child has a half mythological, semi-mystical and imaginary world in his/her heart, and the language picture of the world withinchild-like LPW.

Children are considered to have a particular type of a language. The LPW, sealed in children's language, is unique in their thinking and the perception of the world.

It is widely accepted in the sources that primary and primitive LPW is formed in children’s thinking at the age of three. This LPCHW is available until the age of seven or eight, or that is, until the child learns to read and receive independent learn-ing. From this stage, the child’s own language picture begins to wane, that is, at first the imaginary, mythological, sentimental concepts and related frames leave the child's thinking and gradually take over the world. The child begins to understand the se-mantics, underlying meanings and stylistic features of language units, with the effect of the family and language community being active, and the child begins to absorb a range of new things from adults speech (Петрова М. В., 2006; Batur Zekerya; Beştaş, Merve., 2011; Кошғарий М., 2017.).

The linguistic picture of children’s world is fundamentally different from other types of LPWs, and it is important to pay close attention to these differences. The for-mation of a child’s LPW is similar to the way that he or she masters the outside world through fairy tales, games, readings, learning, hearing, seeing, imitating and repeating itself.

To describe the concept of “child” in Devan, gänč (DLT, 473), oǧul (DLT, 42), ikkiz oǧlan (DLT, 71), oǧla (DLT, 134), qïz (DLT, 134), soŋ (DLT, 444), ton (DLT, 370), bala (DLT, 403), čočuq (DLT, 153) are used. In this row the word “bala” is interpreted as “bird and animal’s children”; “čočuq” “swine and little of all creatures” (DLT, 153). The word “Oǧul” is also used for both boys and girls. For the baby


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

the doubled-used word čar-čarmaq is used (char-charmaq, DLT, 373). The word gänč (ganch, DLT, 473) in the “Devanu lugat-it Turk” has been described as “child” (“gänč anasin emdi”), which is found in various extracts of the work (DLT, 80) “gänč anasin emisädi” (“the child wants to suck his mother” DLT, 117),“ “gänč süt sordï” (“the baby sucked”, DLT, 386), “ol gänčin beladi” (“she puts her baby into the cra-dle” DLT, 416) and all these expressions could give the meaning of “baby who cannot feed himself/herself”.

In the “Devanu lugat-it Turk” the word “tuğdï” (DLT, 212) is used for giving birth to a child: “Oğul tuğdï” - a son was born. The work also contains lexemes di-rectly related “to give birth or to be born” such as “qurtul”( DLT,279) and “yen,yin“ (DLT,354). The word “töl” (fill, 368) is also used, which means “calving time, sea-son”.

In “Devanu lugat-it Turk” the word “qap” (DLT, 373) is used to mean “child’s companion in the womb”. According to the poetic description given by Koshgari the word means “a bag of a child in the womb”. When a child is born with this veil, it is divulged as a blessing, a child is considered to be a noble child and called the “qaplïğ oğul” (DLT, 373). It also refers to the word “umay” (DLT, 62), which is close to the meaning “something that falls from the womb after a woman gives a birth. It is pointed as “the child’s companion in the womb”.

It is well known that the child’s communication with the mother since birth is a cradle. In “Devan” it is often used to refer to the concept of the cradle. Note: “bešik” – cradle (DLT, 163); “oğlan beleldi” – boy is cradled (DLT, 416); “ol gӓnçin beladi” – she cradled her child (DLT, 391); “üğrük” – shaking the cradle (DLT, 53); “urağut bešik ügridi” – the woman shook the cradle (DLT, 115); “ol angar bešik ügrišti” – he helped her to shake the cradle (DLT, 103); “ol angar bešik ügritti” – she has the cradle shaken (DLT, 107,111); “oğul bešiktin yorïldï” – the child was taken out of the cradle (DLT, 387); In “Devan” stated that the name of the linguistic and cultural tradition of singing before sleep, which still exists today as a folklore, is “balu-balu” (DLT, 403).

Physical, physiological, and psychological development of the child is a natu-ral process of growth and development. That is why at each stage a child learns new words, deities, games and habits, weeps, scolds, makes noise, plays games, interacts with other children, hurts, cures and so on. The following world-specific words in the “Devanu lugat-it Turk” are called mother-child concepts: “emdi” (suck, DLT, 82), “emüzdi” (she feeds her, DLT, 85) , “sut soruttï” (breastfeeding, DLT, 303), “sut sordï” (asked for milk, DLT, 386). “ïğladï” (wept, DLT, 119), “čarlaštï” (shouted, DLT, 271), “sïgtadï” (insisted, DLT, 418), “çarladï” (called, DLT, 424), “yïgladï” (cried, DLT, 428), “banğ” (wept loudly, DLT, 443) means that the child is crying in different situations. When referring to the mother’s breastfeeding in all sections of the “Devan”, Mahmoud Kashgary did not mention the use of “breastfeeding” component on mammals like humans. In any case, it seems that in the old days the practice of nursing animals was not used. These traces can also be seen in the use of the word “avizlandi” for beefs in suckling process.

Following to the concept of “cradle”, the frames that represent the evolution of


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the child’s growth have been investigated in this research: “oǧlan itildi” – “child be-gan to crawl” (DLT, 90); The words “oǧlan tišlandi” – “baby’s tooth appeared” (DLT, 282) can be seen to refer to the child’s concept of “to crawl” and “tooth”. In addition to this, child’s growth, nurture and weighth are regarded by language units such as “tigrešti”, “tïkradï” – the baby is trying, growing (DLT, 419), “itildi” – “crawled” (DLT, 90), “etländi” – weighted (DLT, 109), “etikdi” - mature, grown (DLT, 89), “ulǧattï” – grown (DLT, 112), “ersindi” - adult (DLT, 108), “üni qoŋradï” – his voice was trembled (DLT, 461), “bedüttü” - brought up (DLT, 302), “bedüdü” – grew up (DLT, 413), “sünğüklandi” – cornea enlarged (DLT, 462). In the following units, Mahmoud Kashgary illustrates the complete development of the boy's transition to masculinity: “oğlan erätti” - the boy grew up and married (DLT, 419); “oǧlan yar-battï” - the boy put his feet on the ground (DLT, 418); “oǧlan teytildi” - the child was triggered and alerted (DLT, 244).

The period when boys turned to be disobidient to their parents was described with these statements: “oğlan quturdı” – the boy became rebellious (DLT, 274), “oğlan isizlendi”– the boy became stupid (DLT, 121), “oğul yuwğalandı” – the boy was pampered (DLT, 393), “oǧlan yuwǧattï” – the boy became stubborn (DLT, 419); “oǧlan enğrešdi”– the boy became abusive, “oǧul ataka üznedi” – the boy was rude to his father (DLT, 120), “esizländi” – child was abusive (DLT, 121). At the same time in “Devan” are given some phrases to illustrate when the boys were told off by their parents: “igdildi”– the boy was treated (DLT, 106), “er oǧlïŋa qawdundï” – fa-ther excused his son (DLT, 284), “ol oǧlïn čïbïrtti” - father beat his son with a wet rod, a branch (DLT, 470), “ol oǧlïn tutuqladï” – he beat his son (DLT, 436), “ol oǧlïn qulaqladï” – father hit his son's ear (DLT, 437), “ol oǧlïn köčüklädi” – father hit his son’s back (DLT, 438).

Among the lexemes given in “Devan” there are noteworthy concepts that dis-tinguish children by age, family sequence, and social status. Specifically, to describe any little boy used the term “ušaq oğlan”(DLT,40), for both elder son or daughter ton oǧul (ton, DLT,370), for a little child “aštal oğul” (ashtal o‘g‘ul, DLT, 55), for twins “ikkiz oğul”(ikkiz o‘g‘lan, DLT, 71). To represent stepchildren and adoptive children of the family, the combinations of ögäy oǧul, ögäy qiz (DLT, 62) and in addi-tion ,“paldïr oğul, paldïr qız” (DLT, 181) were also used. Moreover to describe a step son consumed different words as qaŋsïq (DLT,453), tutunču (DLT,450), tutunču oǧul, yuwǧa (DLT, 334). According to the time of children’s birth, their nature and character a child who was born in summer qualified as körpä oğul (blanket son)(DLT, 167), hyperactive children as ïsïz (DLT, 62), fractious children as köwezlik (DLT, 200).

It is worth to pay attention to the examples of the words used by ancient Turks in “Devan” to call, cherish, encourage and praise children. “Ulïč” (ulich, DLT, 35) is a lovely word word used by parents to their children and its form ulïčïm used that means my lovely son. A young clever girl who, despite her age, treated others as mother could be referred as “anač” (anach, DLT, 35), the boy who pretended himself as an aged person called as atač oǧul (atach o‘g‘ul, DLT, 35) and a young girl with her extraordinary sensitivity or kindness who could reflect others was treated as “egač”


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

(egach, DLT, 35). They used the words kötič” (ko‘tich, DLT, 145), “yuduǧ” (yudug‘, DLT, 327) and “yiŋdägü” (yingdagu, DLT, 455) to describe the feelings to reprimand their children.

One issue that plays an important role in shaping the LPW in the child’s lan-guage and thinking is the problem of "monolingualism and multilingualism" in the family or community. It is well known that in the 11th century Turkic peoples spoke a monolanguage in the family and in the community (except for the cities of Turkic-Sogdian bilingualism). According to science, children begin to speak earlier in one-language families or societies rathan while in the bilingual environment they start speaking later (М. Шохор-Троцкая., 2019. ). To enhance the speakills of their chil-dren, parents start to ues the childish words (as nanna, umma, ashsha...).

It is well known that the majority of Turkic peoples observed by Mahmoud Kashgari were monolingual and for this reason there are short of childish words in his “Devan”. He pointed out some of the examples on such kind of phrases as well and they are ebmäk, etmäk (bread , DLT, 53), “ebäk” (nanna, DLT, 40), and the mothers imitated čïš-čïš (DLT, 136) to make their children urinate . Alternatively, “čürkü” (DLT, 171) and bütkü (DLT, 171) were also used to feel urinate free and the parents concumed the phrases čürkü barmu? or bütkü barmu?to their children (DLT, 171).

Thus, the process of language teaching, educating and bringing up children is directly related to the formation of LPW in the infant’s mind, and everything occurs in the social matrix including society and family.

Games for infants and children are important tools for learning languages and shaping the world. During the course of the game the child’s personality begins to form as a subject. For this reason, the games instructed for infants and little children attracted the attention of renowned scholars, educators, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, ethnographers and cultural figures. Scientists say that the more children play, the better they can show their qualities at school during their study. Games con-tent serves as a bridge that directly connects the content of the social being to the individual (Раҳимова К. Ҳ., Юнусова Г. С., 2019)

Children are taught through the game the most important social process –labor. From the earliest stages of human development, a tool for children to work and be-ing with matures have been developed. As a result of the emergence of toys the role-playing games also appeared. Certainly, the idea and aspirations of the need to instill a child’s desire to work through adult labor strenthens the idea of hard-working in children. After all, it is possible to teach children to play socially useful work through the play, and to create in their mind a “creative” paradigm and to instill high human qualities. During the game, children’s all personality, interests and environment are clearly reflected.

The articles in "Devan" by Mahmoud Kashgari also contain the information about children, their games and toys in the 11th century Turkic societies. First of all, we analyse the game tools of the 11th century Turkic peoples. According to Mahmoud Kashgari, the word “oxšağu” (similar, DLT, 69) is the common name of the toys. Because all toys represent the small models of the items. The author pointed out the


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model of humanbeing in dolls and to represent them used the word “qoδurčuq” (ku-durchuk, DLT,198). “Tepük” (tepuk, DLT, 155) – a toy for boys that could be made by melting the lead, forming it in the shape of the wheels or rolls. Then the children play with a string of goats' hair gluing it into the ready wheel or roll and played it with kicking. Next toy is“top” (DLT, 363) – ball. This is an abbreviation of topïq (DLT, 153), it is a type of a ball played with rider. “Bandal” ( DLT, 191) – The head of the stick is made of tough wood. The boys burned it at night and played to point to each other. This is called “a horse bandal” played in the game Chovgan. Nuts and stones were also used as toys in some children’s games and “etiç” (etich, DLT, 35) was a hole where children could throw their nuts.

As games play an integral part of children’s imagination and real world there are a range games to play for them. In “Devan” different types of games as“ötüš” (DLT, 38), “tepük”(DLT, 155), qaraǧuni (DLT, 407), “möŋüz-möŋüz” (DLT, 446), “çaŋli maŋgli”(DLT, 452), “köčürmä oyun” (194) are given.

Thus, in “Devan” information about games, their integral part in children’s up-bringing could be clearly illustrated in terms of children’s language world picture in the 11th century.

The articles and proverbs in “Devanu lugat-it Turk” about children, their up-bringing, the ethics and morality are also valuable concepts that help characterize the character traits of children in the 11th century. The book contains a number of proverbs and sayings related to the concepts of “child”, “education”, “manners” and “learning”:

“Oğlum öğüt algıl, biligsizliğ kitär talqan kiming bolsa, aŋar bekmäs qatar” (DLT, 175) – It means “my son, listen to my advice, quit ignorance, as knowledge brings only goodness for man and never stop learning”.

“Algıl ögüt mendin oğul erdäm tilä, Boyda uluğ bilgä bolup bilgiŋ ülä” (DLT, 34) – It gives the idea as “My son, learn from me, wish for excellence, become a great scientist, spread your knowledge, knowledge acquired at a young age is only worth when it is spent on public services”.

“Ulugluquğ bulsa-sen eδgü qïlïn, Bolğïl kišig beglӓr qatın yaxšı ulan” (DLT, 39) – If you find a rank and a career, make your behavior good, be good to the rulers, and accept the positive side of the people”.

“Kelsä kiši atma aŋar örtär külä, baqqïl aŋar eδgülügün aǧzïn külä” (DLT, 65) –When a person comes with a smile, treat him well. Don’t be rude for people.

“Erdӓm tile ögrӓnӓbӓn bolma küwäz, erdämsizin ögünsä eŋmägüδä aŋar” (DLT, 108) – A person who prides himself on knowledge and wisdom, in reality he does not learn anything excepy arrogance. The work of an uneducated and boastful man is in vain.

“Eštip ata anaŋnïŋ sawlarïnï kadïrma, näŋ qop bulup küwäzlik qïlnïp yana quturma” (DLT, 200) – Listen to your parents’ words, do not refuse, do not be foolish when you find wealth.

“Oğlum saŋä qoδur-men erdäm öğüt xumaru, bilgä erig bolup sen baqqïl anïŋ taparu” (DLT, 474) – My son, I will leave you good manners. If you meet educated,


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

intelligent people, be close to them and learn from them.“Oğlaq yiliksiz, oğlan biligsiz” (DLT, 60) – Goat’s kid does not have bone mar-

row, young child does not have life experience and knowledge. “Tay atatsa at tïnur, oğul eredhse ata tïnur” (DLT, 94) – If the son grows up,

the father will have a rest; it means that a clever boy replaces his father and helps him.“Oğlan biligsiz” (DLT, 155) – referring to the inexperience and lack of knowl-

edge of the child.“Oğlan suw töker, uluğ yanı sïnur” (DLT, 214) – The boy pours water and the

adult’s foot is broken; the parent is responsible for the child’s actions and mistakes.“Ata oğlï ataç toğar” (DLT, 231) – A father should draw his attention to his

child’s behaviour. Father can determine his child’s fate.“Atası, anası açïğ almïla yesä, oğlï, qïzï tïšï qamar” (DLT, 417) – Children feel

excuse for their parents’ mistakes and faults. This proverb also has the following op-tion: “Atası ačığ almïla yesӓ, oğlïnïŋ tïšï qamar.

“Oǧlan ïšï ïš bolmas, oğlaq möŋzi sap bolmas”(DLT, 372) –The child’s work doesn’t have quality.

“Anasï tewlüg yuwqa yapar, oğlï tetig qoša qapar” (DLT, 334) – If the mother is canny, her child can be even more wily than his/her parents.

“Muš oğlı muyaw toğar” (DLT, 213) – The behavior of the child is the resemble of his/her parents.

These aphorisms, proverbs and phrases express how metaphorical, metonymi-cal and allegorical formulas represent the concepts associated with a child regarding the 11th century.

Hence, the linguocultural and linguocognitive features of LPCHW presented in “Divanu Lugat-it Turk” require a special research to summarize data within linguo-cultural concepts and identify key parameters and components. We have tried to focus only on some of the features of this issue in our research.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

REFERENCES1. Азимов Э. Г., Щукин А. Н. Новый словарь методических терминов и понятий (теория и

практика обучения языкам). – М.: Икар, 2009. – 448 б. – ISBN 978-5-7974-0207-7.2. Маҳмудов Н. Тилнинг мукаммал тадқиқи йўлларини излаб…//Тил тизими тадқиқи.-

Тошкент: Mumtoz so‘z, 2017, 178 б. – ISBN 978-9943-4718-6-33. Безрукова В. С. Основы духовной культуры (энциклопедический словарь педагога). –

Екатеринбург: Деловая книга, 2000. – 937 б.4. Научная картина мира >https://studfiles.net/preview/2837583/page:14/ (January, 2019)5. Попова З.Д., Стернин И.А. Когнитивная лингвистика. – М., 2007.6. Петрова Л. А. Лингвокогнитивные основы художественной картины мира: монография.

– Симферополь, 2006. - 310 б.7. Петрова М. В. Детская языковая картина мира (на материале детского немецкого фоль-

клора): Автореферат дисс. на соиск. учен. степени канд.а филол. наук. –Москва, 2009, 21 б.

8. Batur Zekerya; Beştaş, Merve. Divanu Lugat’it Türk’te Çocuk Dünyasi ve Çocuk Eğitimi //Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic.Volume 6/2, Spring, 2011.

9. // http://www.acarindex.com/dosyalar/makale/acarindex-1423934135.pdf 10. М. Шохор-Троцкая. Как будет говорить ваш ребенок, зависит от вас // Наука и жизнь. >

https://www.nkj.ru / (May, 2019)11. Раҳимова К. Ҳ., Юнусова Г. С. Ўйинларнинг мактабгача ёшдаги болалар маънавий тасав-

вурлари шаклланишига таъсири https://library.ziyonet.uz/uz/book /download/18256 (May, 2019)

12. Кошғарий М. Девону луғат-ит турк (Туркий сўзлар девони). Нашрга тайёрловчи ва сўзбоши муаллифи Қ.Содиқов. – Тошкент: Ғ.Ғулом номидаги НМИУ, 2017, 488 б.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Djamilya Abduganieva

Researcher, UzSWLU




The article analyses the game method, as a method of teaching consecutive interpretation of senior students of a language university. At present, the role of the interpreter as an intercultural intermediary is growing, that implies the mastery of students’ skills in interpretation activities in various communication situations. The exercises-games presented in the article allow teachers to model different types of interpretation situations in the classroom and provide the willingness of future interpreters to carry out interpretation activities in real conditions of intercultural communication.

The relevance of the purposeful formation of students' skills in consecutive interpreting is caused, on the one hand, by increased requirements for professional training of an interpreter in the context of reforming the teaching of foreign languages at universities and, on the other hand, insufficiently systematic teaching this important type of interpreting activity to students. In order to increase the effectiveness of teaching students of a language university consecutive interpreting (CI), it is necessary to use various exercises that take into account the psychological characteristics of undertaking interpreting activities. As the practitioners of interpreting claim, the specifics of an interpreter’s work is that (s)he often has to deal with subject areas that (s)he is far from due to his/her humanitarian linguistic education. That is why specialists in the field of interpretation training recommend constant expanding their horizons, trying to learn as much as possible special terminology associated with various industries and scientific knowledge. In this case, special attention should be paid to knowledge of terminology

Джамиля АбдуганиеваЎзДЖТУ докторанти




Мазкур мақолада тил ўқитиладиган ОТМ юқори курс талабаларига кетма-кет таржи-мани ўргатиш методик усули сифатида ўйин методи таҳлилга тортилади. Ҳозирги кунда интермаданий воситачи сифатида таржимон-нинг роли ортиб бормоқда, бу эса талабалар-нинг турли мулоқот вазиятларида таржима қила олиш маҳоратларини эгаллашларини назарда тутади. Мақолада келтирилган ўйин-машқлар ўқитувчиларга аудиторияда турли вазиятларини моделлаштиришга имкон бера-ди ва натижада бўлажак таржимонларнинг реал шароитларда маданиятлараро мулоқотни амалга ошириш малакаларини шаклланишини таъминлайди.

Талабаларнинг кетма-кет тажима қилиш малакаларини мақсадли шакллантиришнинг долзарблиги бир томондан, университетларда хорижий тилларни ўқитишни ислоҳ қилиш шароитида таржимоннинг касбий тайёргар-лигига бўлган талабларнинг ортиши ва бошқа томондан, талабаларга ушбу муҳим таржима қилиш фаолиятини етарлича тизимли равишда ўргатиш билан боғлиқлигида кўринади. Тил ўқитиладиган ОТМ талабаларига кетма-кет таржима қилишни ўргатиш, самарадорлиги-ни ошириш учун таржима қилишнинг психо-логик хусусиятларини ҳисобга олувчи турли машқлардан фойдаланиш лозим. Таржимон мутаҳассисининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари шундаки, у ўз соҳасини яхши билиши билан биргаликда бошқа соҳалардан ҳам хабардор бўлиши керак. Шунинг учун таржимонлар ўз билимларини мунтазам равишда кенгайти-риб ва янгилаб бориши лозим, бу эса турли соҳага доир терминларни инглиз ва она тили-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

in both the English and native languages and understanding the essence of translation processes. The methods described in the article contribute to the process of developing students’ skills and expanding their background knowledge.

Key words: consecutive interpreting, theory of translation, interpreter, game methods, conference interpreting, learning process, teaching interpretation, native speakers, speech activity, bilingualism, business game.

да ўрганиб боришни тақозо этади. Мақолада тавсия этилаётган методик усуллар таржимон мутаҳассислиги талабаларига кетма-кет тар-жима бўйича кўникма ва малакаларни эгалаш-ларига ёрдам беради.

Калит сўзлар: кетма-кет таржима, таржима назарияси, таржимон, ўйин усуллари, анжу-манлар таржимаси, ўқув жараёни, таржимага ўқитиш, тил соҳиблари, нутқ фаолияти, би-лингвизм, ишбилармонлик ўйинлари.

INTRODUCTIONThe subject of the theory of interpretation training seems to be one of the most

important disciplines during the work of an interpreter. In daily work, one has to deal with the question of choosing an interpretation method for adequate message transmission, stylistic coloring, and emotional features of the text. For the quality performance of their work, interpreter’s need both in-depth knowledge in the field of translation theory and excellent practical skills. This article focuses on some transla-tion training methods and exercises to improve translation skills. The game method of teaching consecutive translation is more detailed described in this paper; exercises for learning are considered.

In the process of organizing CI training, it is necessary to be guided by the goals that are achieved through practical training with the help of exercises. The aim of our methodology is the formation of the interpretation competence of a consecutive inter-preter; therefore, the set of exercises used in the learning process should be aimed at developing and improving all the components of this competency.

When learning CI through exercises, certain speech skills are also mastered. We mean the actions of perceiving and processing the message that is, listening in a source language and the actions for formulating and generating translated text in a target language that is, speaking in one’s native language.

LITERATURE REVIEW In the light of the new education paradigm, oriented to the principles of the

Bologna process, the global goal of training interpreters is to form a professional com-petence of a specialist in the process of developing his/her potential and disclosing personal resources. A professional competence is interpreted as a hierarchical system of interacting and complementary competencies.

Among the key professional competences of an interpreter, the new Federal State Educational Standard distinguishes knowledge of the methodology for prepar-ing for the interpretation. Within this article, we will consider the specifics of the work on conducting effective preparation for the interpretation situation, as well as focusing on the organization of training for this activity in the educational process.

Thus, by interpreting we mean types of professional interpretation, providing


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

for verbal (sound or sign) transmission of an oral message from one language to an-other (Alikina, 2010).

The program for training of bachelors of linguistics in the "Translation Criti-cal Studies" profile involves mastering such types as sight translation and consecu-tive interpretation, each of which is characterized by a number of temporal, spatial, technical, stylistic, and substantive features. The focus of our research interest is on consecutive interpretation as a form of interpreting conference at breaks, which is an interpretation of dialogue at major international meetings using two or more foreign languages.

According to the definition of D. Gilles, conference interpreting involves re-placing a speech of a high formal and conceptual level in the source language with a speech in the target language of the corresponding level and integrity (Gile, 1995).

As for the spatio-temporal organization of the work of an interpreter, it is char-acterized by the “here and now” formula; however, the success of the interpretation process is largely determined by the effectiveness of the preliminary training. Accord-ing to J. Choi (Choi, 2005), this aspect of the interpretation profession is fundamental, but often underestimated, and sometimes causing confusion on the part of the cus-tomer. Nevertheless, as far back as 1952, J. Herbert, the author of the first textbook on interpretation, wrote, preliminary training is evidence of the professionalism and integrity of the interpreter (Herbert, 2001). It is the preparatory work that helps ensure high quality interpretation: “Preparation is half the battle. When you are prepared, even if you do not understand the phrase or paragraph, you will always know what is at stake, and you can find a wording that fits well with the context ”(Walter,2001).

In order to achieve a decent level of training, as J. Choi rightly observes (Choi, 2005), an interpreter is required to have a high level of “intellectual curiosity” that would encourage him/her to be interested in various fields of knowledge necessary in professional practice. The developed motivation to replenish thematic knowledge should be complemented by the extensive general culture of an interpreter, which can facilitate the process of preparing for the interpretation.

Despite the fact that simultaneous interpretation is recognized as the most stress-ful type of interpretation, in the process of performing other types of interpretation an interpreter also experiences powerful psychological pressure. In a situation of consec-utive interpretation, stressful and “energy-consuming” factors are a long time in pub-lic, a high level of formality, the amount of information received for perception (up to 7 minutes), high information richness, a detailed statement in the target language, and dependence on the sound of the speaker's speech (tempo, volume, emphasis), the need to adapt to the speaker's pauses, standing work, simultaneous performance of various actions (listening and writing fixation, reading notes and speaking phenomenon), lags in the record due to the search for a suitable character or abbreviation, the use of a microphone (Choi, 2005).

As noted in the experimental studies of D. Gile (Gile, 1995a), even profession-als with great experience and excellent reputation have difficulties, not only when translating technical, information-rich messages with a high pace of speech, but also


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

when translating relatively simple presentations on general topics. One of the causes of these problems is the insufficiently prepared preparations for the interpretation.

DATA ANALYSISWhen planning any lesson, a particular difficulty is the problem of selecting

means and teaching methods that are adequate to the subject being studied. Teaching methods are “ways of joint activities of teachers and students aimed at solving learn-ing problems” (Vinogradov, 2001).

When teaching interpretation, the most effective methods are the following:• reproductive methods (business role-playing games);• research methods (independent work of students, work with reference books);• perceptual methods (video lessons, meetings with representatives of Russian-

speaking countries);• logical methods (“language exercises”, “case stud” or analysis of certain situ-

ations).Interpretation differs from other types of speech activity not only in the sense

that it is carried out in conditions of bilingualism. The use of a foreign language vo-cabulary in various forms of speech activity creates the need for students to enhance knowledge, facilitates the process of "entering" into professional activity, and pro-vides opportunities for mastering the specialty in more complex models of production processes.

In the learning process, all knowledge is reproduced. The necessary strength of assimilation is ensured by repeated revision of knowledge. Students' reproductive activities must necessarily be combined with creative activities. Business relations always require a creative approach to their implementation.

A business game is a form of reconstructing the objective and social content of a future professional activity of a specialist, modeling the relation systems that are characteristics of this activity, modeling professional problems, real contradictions and difficulties experienced in typical professional problem situations.

Often, in practical classes of a foreign language, such a technique of indepen-dent work of students is used as working with a text. The same technique is very ap-propriate and effective in teaching interpretation.

You can work with a text at the lesson as follows:Students quickly look through the text to get the direction on the correct per-

ception of the content of the text during subsequent reading. Viewing time is 3-5 minutes. Then proceed to a special type of a text interpretation under the guidance of a teacher: students perform interpretation aloud; during the interpretation process, the connections of words, their subordination or primacy and interaction based on certain external attributes are automatically detected. With such an interpretation, a student can predict words previously unknown to him/her, based on the syntactic and logical-semantic relations of the text. The whole process of mental operations takes place “openly”, which makes it possible to immediately correct the reader’s incorrect actions. Working on the text, students learn to determine the topic of the text by key


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

words and fragments, master the techniques of the so-called “compression” of the text, generalization of the content. Independent work with this approach is aimed at expanding the vocabulary, which is ensured by its intensive repeatability both in ad-ditional texts and in lexical and grammar exercises. All tasks involve the active use of language tools. This way, students are trained to extract, synthesize and analyze professionally relevant information.

Thus, one of the most effective ways to implement an independent form of or-ganization of educational activity is differentiated individual tasks that free students from mechanical work and can significantly increase the amount of effective indepen-dent work with less time.

Perceptual methods are methods of organizing and implementing the sensory perception of educational material. A video lesson is one of the perceptual methods. During such lessons, interpretation skills are developed. After viewing a small part of the text, students translate it. Errors are immediately indicated and discussed, and the interpretation is corrected. Thus, each student can try himself/herself as an interpreter. It should be noted that videos or excerpts from them should be selected on a profes-sional topic. While watching videos, active comprehensive training is carried out, namely: memory training, language-to-language switching training, tempo training, and vocabulary work.

The video method includes educational and upbringing functions, which is due to the high efficiency of the impact of visual images. The information presented in a visual form is the most accessible for perception; it is absorbed more easily and faster.

Meetings with representatives of English-speaking countries are undoubtedly an effective method in the process of teaching interpretation. During such meetings, students have an opportunity to communicate with native speakers, can join their culture and traditions. Such meetings help students to overcome the language bar-rier, adapt more quickly to different communicative situations, and make the right decisions in a timely manner. And also such meetings force students to activate their vocabulary both on everyday topics and on professional ones.

We attributed to logical methods language exercises of pre-interpretation and interpretation nature, providing the formation of interpretation skills. This set should include exercises to overcome interpretation difficulties, to compare different inter-pretation options and analyze interpretation errors, to rephrase and interpret the source text and the text of the interpretation, to translate oral and written speech. The es-sence of the exercises, during which interpretation correspondences are introduced and fixed, is reduced to the fact that on the material of the same texts containing the most common vocabulary, various types of interpretation and retelling are performed as many times as necessary for a sufficiently solid assimilation of interlanguage cor-respondences. Monotony is overcome by setting a different task each time.

Without properly organized exercises, it is impossible to master educational and practical skills.

Another method that should be attributed to the group of logical methods is a “case study” or analysis of a specific situation. The method of analyzing a spe-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

cific situation should be combined with the reproductive method, i.e. by the role-play method, after which there is a discussion of students' work done, errors are analyzed, the corresponding conclusions are made, or with the perceptive method, when after watching the video material, a discussion and analysis of the specific situation also takes place. Thus, students learn from their own and others' mistakes.

Game method as a method of teaching consecutive interpretationRecently, in many areas of science there has been a restructuring of practical

and working methods, in particular, various kinds of games are becoming more wide-spread (Alekseeva, 2004). The game method is sometimes used when learning con-secutive interpreting. The lesson simulates the situation of interpretation: for exam-ple, an interview or a conversation between two foreigners through an interpreter. As "speakers" for training native speakers are usually involved. To control the interpreta-tion process, at least two teachers must participate in the lesson. The topic and key issues, as well as issues that will be discussed in “negotiations” or “interviews,” are prepared in advance. Such classes are extremely useful for developing interpretation behavior, interpretation tactics and didactic as a model of the communication situa-tion through the interpreter: you can really feel the consequences of the interpreter’s mistakes and observe what their result may be. However, in interpreter training sys-tems, this method is not often used, since it requires large teaching costs. And if the interpreter was able to participate in several such classes – his/her happiness. This will facilitate his/her entry into professional activities.

The training possibilities of using the game method have been known for a long time. Many scholars involved in teaching foreign languages rightly drew attention to the effectiveness of using the game method (Bao, 2015). This is due to the fact that the game manifests itself especially fully, and sometimes unexpectedly, of the ability of any person. The psychological mechanisms of game activity are based on the funda-mental needs of the individual in self-expression, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation and self-realization.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:• entertaining;• communicative; • diagnostic (identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowl-

edge during the game);• game therapy (overcoming various difficulties encountered in other types of

life);• self-realization (manifestation of abilities and hidden opportunities);• interethnic communication (assimilation of the same sociocultural values for

all people);• socialization (inclusion in the system of public relations).The game method in teaching consecutive interpretation is used in the following

cases:1) as an independent method for the development of a certain topic;2) as elements (sometimes very significant) of some other method.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

The game always involves certain stresses of emotional and mental forces, as well as decision-making skills. The desire to solve these issues exacerbates the mental activity of the players. A positive fact is that a student also speaks a foreign language. It follows from this that the game method is fraught with rich learning opportunities.

A feature of the game method is that everyone in the game is equal. It is feasible for almost every student, even one who does not have sufficiently strong knowledge of the language. Moreover, a student who is weak in language training may become the first in the game: resourcefulness and quick wit here are sometimes more impor-tant than knowledge in the subject. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasibility of tasks – all this makes it possible for a student to overcome the shyness that interferes with freely using the words of a foreign language in speech, the fear of mistakes is reduced, and has a beneficial effect on learning out-comes. Language material is imperceptibly assimilated, and at the same time a feeling of satisfaction arises, a student can already speak along with everyone.

The objectives of the game method in teaching consecutive interpretingThe use of the game learning method contributes to the achievement of impor-

tant methodological goals, such as:• creating a student’s psychological readiness for a verbal communication;• ensuring the natural need for their repeated language material;• student training in choosing the right speech option, which is a preparation for

situational spontaneity of speech in general.The implementation of gaming techniques and situations occurs in the main

areas:• the didactic goal is set to students in the form of a game task;• educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;• educational material is used as its means; an element of competition is intro-

duced into educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one;• successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.Types of gamesThe place and role of the game method in the educational process, the combina-

tion of game elements and teachings, largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classifications of various kinds of games.

Games are divided by type/activity into: 1) physical (motor); 2) intellectual (mental); 3) labour; 4) social; 5) psychological.

By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

1) educational, training, controlling, generalizing;2) cognitive, educational, developing;3) reproductive, productive, creative;4) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psycho-technical.By the nature of the game’s technique, the games can be divided into: 1) subject,

2) story, 3) role-playing, 4) business, 5) imitation; 6) dramatization games.The specificity of the game learning method is largely determined by the gam-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

ing environment: they distinguish between games with and without objects, table-room, on-site, computer, as well as with various means of transportation.

If we consider the game in terms of a target orientation, then in this case we can divide the game into:

1. Didactic, which is used to expand one's horizons and cognitive activity, they form certain skills necessary for practical activities, in the course of their implementa-tion, general educational skills and work skills are developed.

2. Educators who instill independence, will, cooperation, collectivism, sociabil-ity and communicativeness, form certain approaches and positions, moral, aesthetic and worldviews.

3. Developing, which develop the motivation of educational activity, attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogues, optimal solutions.

4. Socializing, introducing to the norms and values of society, adapting to the conditions of a certain environment, teaching communication.

The place of the game in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depend on a number of factors: the preparation of students, the material studied the specific goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. Games can be grammar, lexical, phonetic, spelling ones. All of them contribute to the formation of speech skills.

Training students to use grammatical structures, which requires their repetition, tires students with their uniformity, and the effort spent often does not bring quick satisfaction. The use of game teaching methods will help to make boring work more interesting and exciting.

Quality control of interpretation activity is carried out during exercises-games (listening to student translations during reading, translation). In addition, students re-cord their translations on the recorder. Materials are used to verify, analyze, compare and process the results of experimental training.

In accordance with the peculiarities of the implementation of the CI, it seems to us necessary to identify the stages of mastering the CI and sections of exercises to achieve certain goals at various stages.

Advanced CI training should be preceded by an introductory theoretical les-son, the purpose of which is to inform students of brief information about the psy-cholinguistic features of CI and its components, psychophysiological skills (stress resistance, loudness and clarity of speech, good memory, clear perception of hearing). Here we demonstrate how to achieve the main goal of the course – the implementa-tion of CI at an advanced level, i.e., exercises to teach CI and methods for assessing students' performance of exercises.

The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson. But it all depends on the specific working conditions of a teacher, his/her temperament and creative abil-ities. It should be noted that with all the attractiveness and effectiveness of the game method, it is necessary to observe a sense of proportion; otherwise the games will tire students and lose the freshness of the emotional impact. The success of using games depends on the atmosphere of the necessary verbal communication that a teacher cre-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

ates in the classroom. It is important that students become accustomed to such com-munication, get carried away and become participants in this process together with a teacher. Confidence and ease of communication between a teacher and students, arising due to the general gaming atmosphere, makes students have serious conversa-tions, discuss any real situations, since a foreign language lesson is not only a game. Experience convinces that the use of the game-based learning method contributes to the development of cognitive activity of students in language learning.

It is necessary to stop on a role-playing game. Role play is used to solve com-plex tasks of assimilation of new material, consolidation and development of creative abilities, as well as for the formation of general educational skills. It provides an op-portunity for students to understand and study the teaching material; different posi-tions

The structure of the game as a process includes:a) the roles assumed by the players;b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles;c) game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with a game, conditional;d) real relations between the players;d) the plot (content) – the area of reality, conditionally perceived in the game.The teacher’s task is to select the necessary situations-illustrations and situa-

tions-problems on a specific material, prepare didactic material: task cards for each, select groups of students and assign roles, set a task by which students should express their point of view, think over expected answers and remarks, show interest and atten-tion to students during the game.

The listed games are aimed at developing the ability to carry out CI with a spe-cific combination of actions and operations and the ability to distribute attention (the ability to make decisions and make speeches in TL without the active participation of consciousness).

The role-playing technology consists of the following steps:1. Stage of preparation. Preparation of a role-playing game begins with the de-

velopment of a scenario – a conditional display of a situation and an object. Then a game plan is drawn up. The teacher should have a general description of the game procedure and clearly present the features of the characters.

2. Stage of explanation. At this stage, the game is being introduced, the orienta-tion of the participants, the definition of the operating mode, the wording of the main purpose of the lesson, and it is also necessary to justify the statement of the problem and the choice of a situation. Issued in advance prepared packages of necessary ma-terials, instructions, rules. If necessary, students seek help from the teacher for further clarification. The teacher should set students on the fact that they can’t be passive about the game, violate the rules and ethics of behavior.

3. Stage of the process of the game. At this stage, students play the situation they have proposed, performing certain roles.

4. The stage of analysis and generalization. At the end of the game, the teacher together with students conducts a generalization, i.e. students exchange opinions on


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

what, in their opinion, has turned out, and on what else it is worth working. In conclu-sion, the teacher notes the results achieved, notes the mistakes, formulates the final result of the lesson. In the analysis, attention is drawn to the correspondence of the used simulation with the corresponding area of the real situation.

Pros and cons of the game methodThe significance of the sight translation for mastering the skills of simultaneous

interpretation and for real interpretation practice seems to us obvious. Sight transla-tion helps the brain tune into “multitasking”: one section is busy searching for infor-mation, another is predicting and so on. In other words, students learn to distribute attention between several tasks, as happens with simultaneous interpretation. Predic-tion in sight translation is usually understood as predicting the author’s thoughts. But at the same time there is a risk of guessing incorrectly, the risk of error, as well as the risk that completing the interpretation before the speaker is silent, will become a habit. In fact, forecasting provides an interpreter with a margin of time to optimize both the forecasting process itself and the processes of analysis, understanding of the text, and phrase construction. This is a complex mechanism that deserves more detailed con-sideration. Sight translation allows students to develop the necessary speed of reaction when searching for an equivalent from a “working” vocabulary, teaches them to clear-ly formulate a thought (choosing a suitable synonym, skillfully structuring a phrase).

If a sight translation is recorded, then this makes it possible to listen to oneself, gradually getting used to one’s own voice, which is extremely important for current self-control (for repetition, poor diction, reservations, etc.). In addition, regular les-sons of sight translation increase the endurance of a future interpreter.

It is important to put students in real interpretation situations in the learning process, which require the ability to quickly find information in the text, viewing it vertically or diagonally, noting for themselves fragments containing precision infor-mation, such as a quote or numbers.

It seems that the sight translation combines the maximum of principles that are important for an interpreter; the list is not exhaustive and can easily be supple-mented. Students who successfully cope with the sight translation usually do not have problems with simultaneous interpretation. Some interpreters regularly perform it for training, preparing for the conference, or just before entering the booth.

Although sight translation is still rarely used in training sessions, this is a very useful exercise for future interpreters at all stages of training. A thoughtful, compre-hensive approach to this discipline will allow a teacher to deepen its subject con-tent and pass on his/her professional experience to students, while improving his/her qualifications.

CONCLUSIONThe subject of the theory of translation training seems to be one of the most

important disciplines during the work of a interpreter. In daily work, one has to deal with a question of choosing a translation method for adequate message transmission, stylistic coloring, and emotional features of the text. For the quality performance of


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

their work, interpreters need both in-depth knowledge in the field of translation theory and excellent practical skills.

In this article we analyzed the concept of interpretation, its basic principles, teaching methods and types. In more detail in this paper the most effective methods of teaching consecutive interpretation are described, game methods for teaching in-terpretation and types of games are considered. The game method as an independent method of teaching interpretation was formed relatively recently. Often, the method is positioned only as an effective exercise in teaching interpretation. The term “game method” is understood to mean the type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at recreation and assimilation of social experiences in which self-management by behavior develops and improves. Some interpreters of international organizations (for example, the UN, WB) find the game method useful for enhancing skills and ac-celerating the pace of work.

There are different opinions about the game method of teaching consecutive interpretation. Some teachers consider the game method of teaching interpretation effective, they believe that exercises should be close to the realities of interpretation activity. Others are adherents of classical teaching methods.

The significance of the game method for mastering consecutive interpreting skills and for real interpretation practice seems to us obvious. The game method helps the students navigate in an unfamiliar situation, increases students’ motivation and gives them more confidence in their work.

Although the game method is still rarely used in training sessions, it is a very useful exercise for future interpreters at all stages of training. A thoughtful, compre-hensive approach to this method will allow a teacher to deepen a subject content and pass on his/her professional experience to students, while improving his/her qualifica-tions.

REFERENCES1. Alekseeva, I.S. Vvedenie v perevodovedenie. / I.S.Alekseeva.– SPb.: Filologicheskij fakultet

SPbGU: M.: Izdatelskij centr «Akademiya», 2004. – p. 3522. Alikina, E. V. Vvedenie v teoriyu i praktiku ustnogo posledovatelnogo perevoda: uchebnoe

posobie [Tekst] / E. V. Alikina. – M.: Vostochnaya kniga, 2010. – 192 s.3. Bao, Chuanyun. 2015. Pedagogy. The Routledge handbook of interpreting, ed. HollyMikkelson,

andRenéeJourdenais, 400–416. London: Routledge.4. Barhudarov, L.S. Yazyk i perevod (Voprosy obshej i chastnoj teorii perevoda) / L.S.Barhudarova.–

M.: «Mezhdunar. otnosheniya», 1975. – p. 2405. Chernyahovskaya, L. A. Perevod i smyslovaya struktura / L.A.Chernyahovskaya.– M.:

Mezhdunar. otnosheniya, 1976. – p. 2646. Choi, J. Qualité et préparation de l’interprétation. Evolution des modes de preparation et rôle de

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7. D. Gile. – Lille: Presse Universitaire de Lille, 1995b. – 280 p.8. Efremova, T.F. Novyj slovar russkogo yazyka. / T.F.Efremova.– M.: Drofa, 2000. – p. 1233


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9. Fedorov, A.V. Osnovy obshej teorii perevoda (lingvisticheskie problemy) / A.V.Fedorov.– M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1983. – p. 303

10. Florin, Sider. Muki perevodcheskie / Sider Florin.– M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1983. – p. 183 11. Galeeva, N. L. Osnovy deyatelnosti: teorii perevoda / N.L.Galeeva. - Tver: Izd-vo Tverskogo

un-ta, 1997. - p. 80 12. Garusova, E.V. Interpretativnye pozicii perevodchika kak prichina variativnosti perevoda. Dis.

kand. filol. nauk. / E.V.Garusova. – Tver: TvGU, 2007. – p. 173 13. Gile, D. Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training [Текст] / D. Gile. –

Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing company, 1995a. – 283 p.14. Gile, D. Regards sur la recherche en interprétation de conférence [Текст] /15. Herbert, J. Manuel de l’interprète: Comment on devient l’interprète de conferences [Текст] / J.

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English // Constructing cultures. Essays on literary translation / Ed. S. Bassnett. / A.Lefevere. – London: The Cromwell Press, 1998. – P. 55-62.

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19. Parshin, A.N. Teoriya i praktika perevoda / A.N.Parshin. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1995. – p. 16720. Reiss, K. Klassifikaciya tekstov i metody perevoda // Voprosy teorii perevoda v zarubezhnoj

lingvistike / Pod obsh. red. V.N. Komissarova / K. Rajs. – M., 1978. – pp. 202-22821. Shiryaev, A. F. Sinhronnyj perevod, deyatelnost sinhronnogo perevodchika i metodika

prepodavaniya sinhronnogo perevoda. 1979 / A.F.Shiryaev. – p. 822. Toury, G. Translation, literary translation and pseudotranslation. Comparative criticism, vol. 6 /

G.Toury.– Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. – P. 73-85.23. Tytler, A.F. Essay on the principles of translation / A.F.Tytler. – Edinburgh: Cadell, 1997. – p.

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– M.: RAO, 2001. – p. 224


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Zarrina Saliyeva

Doctor of philosophy, SamSIFL




Speaking skill is often considered as the most important part of ESL teaching. People may often form judgments about our language competence from our speaking rather than from any of the other skills. It is one of the main skills and means of communication that a student of the philological profile must acquire in the process of mastering FL.

The present study analyses factors that courses problem in speaking and gives a solution for them. Moreover, the author recommends role-play activities based on the communicative method and learner-centered approaches as an effective means in English language teaching, gives examples of exercises and the variety of effective communicative methods that can be used in developing student’s speaking.

The author describes the importance of using role-play activities for students to increase their speaking skills at Samarkand state institute of foreign languages. As some researches have analyzed, using role-play activities is very useful and has positive effect, moreover it has a good impact on students’ creativity to explore the language the role-play activities can improve speaking skills and considered an essential activity for developing speaking skills of Samarkand institute’s students.

Key words: teaching speaking, speaking skill, English, problems in speaking, solution, strategies and methods, role-play activity, recommendations.

Заррина СалиеваФилология фанлари номзоди, СамДЧТИ




Гапириш маҳорати кўпинча инглиз тили ўқитишнинг энг муҳим қисми ҳисобланади. Кўпчилик тилни билиш даражасини гапириш қобилиятига қараб баҳо беришлари мумкин. Бу филологик йўналишдаги талабаларнинг хорижий тилни ўрганиш жараёнида эгаллаши керак бўлган асосий кўникма ва алоқа восита-ларидан биридир.

Ушбу тадқиқот нутқни ривожлантириш-да муаммоларга олиб келадиган омиллар-ни таҳлил қилади ва ечимларни топишга кўмаклашади. Бундан ташқари, муаллиф ин-глиз тилини ўқитишнинг самарали воситаси сифатида коммуникатив усул ва ўқувчиларга йўналтирилган ёндашувлар асосида рол ўйнашни тавсия қилади, машқлар ва талаба-лар нутқини ривожлантиришда ишлатилиши мумкин бўлган турли хил самарали коммуни-катив усуллардан мисоллар келтиради.

Муаллиф Самарқанд давлат чет тиллар институтида талабаларнинг нутқ маҳоратини ошириш учун рол ўйинларидан фойдаланиш-нинг аҳамияти муҳимлигини таъкидлайди. Баъзи тадқиқотлар таҳлил қилганидек, рол ўйнаш фаолиятидан фойдаланиш жуда фой-дали ва ижобий таъсирга эга, бундан ташқари, Самарқанд институти талабаларнинг ижодига яхши таъсир қилади, рол ўйнаш фаолияти нутқ қобилиятини яхшилайди ва нутқни ривожлан-тириш учун муҳим фаолият ҳисобланади.

Калит сўзлар: гапиришни ўргатиш, нутқий маҳорат, инглиз тили, нутқдаги муам-молар, ечим, стратегия ва усуллар, рол ўйнаш фаолияти, тавсиялар.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

INTRODUCTIONNowadays the main purpose of learning English, as lingua franca, is the ability

to communicate in the multilingual world effectively with the other user worldwide. With recent growth of English as an international language of communication, there is a clear need for many learners to speak and interact in a multiplicity of situations through the language, be it for foreign travel, business or other professional reasons. Due to these language teaching and learning takes great importance in modern Uz-bekistan. According to this social needs and for the development of the country there was signed a presidential decree №1875 on December 10, 2012 - “On further im-provement of the system of foreign language learning”. The Decree is a huge step forward to stable long-term cooperation in different spheres of economy, politics, sci-ence, culture and sport at the international level. In connection with the Decree great work has been done in the modernization of the teaching of FL in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is certainly true that the success of acquiring English mostly depends on the method and techniques that teacher uses during the lesson. Mentors and tutors are always in active search of new strategies and techniques for acquiring English and trying to find new ways to increase students’ ability in communicative competence, the major skills of which are: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Nevertheless, out of the four skills, the speaking skill seems intuitively the most important one, the function of which is the ability carrying out a conversation in English. As Jack Ricard points out “The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second or foreign language learners. Learners consequently often evaluate their success in lan-guage learning as well as the effectiveness of English courses on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency” [Richards,1990, p.125]. However, teaching speaking in real- life situations in the class is often neglect-ed and students have little chance to practice communication. Therefore, teachers of English ought to provide students with opportunities to improve their speaking skills.

AIMS AND TASKS OF THE RESEARCHThe given article investigates the importance of using role-play activities as a

classroom technique in the formation and development of students’ speaking skills at Samarkand state institute of foreign languages. The present study analyses factors that course problems in speaking and gives solution for them (being shy, language barrier, afraid to speak, making mistakes and etc.). The tasks aimed at:

- explaining the reasons of teaching speaking by the means of role-play activities;- selecting materials for role-play activities;- motivating students and encouraging them to speak;- giving teachers direction how to use role-plays in better circumstances.REVIEW OF LITERATUREIt is generally accepted that language acquisition without developing speaking

skills is challenging. The importance of teaching speaking in English is considered as the initial demand of language learning. However, as researches and own teaching ex-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

periences show, oral skills have not always been viewed as a central issue in English language pedagogy in Uzbekistan. Moreover, it has been found that the majority of learners have trouble with speaking, especially organizing their ideas in an appropri-ate way, delivering an oral report in front of audience.

Many methodologists considered this skill as a priority in language teaching [Littlewood, 2007; Morrov, 1981]. As Ur mentions, speaking seems intuitively the most important, as it includes all other kinds of knowing and many learners are pri-marily interested in it [Ur,1999]. Azem&Dogar argued that Speaking considered a productive skill in the oral mode. Unlike other skills, it is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words [Azem, M. &Dogar, M., 2011]. Similarly, Nunan says, that the ability to operate in a second language can be actually equated to the ability to speak that language [Nunan,1999]. In or-der to clarify what speaking is, he finds out some distinctions between speaking and writing. Firstly, speaking must be listened by other people. It is received temporarily and immediately. When we listen to other people, it has special aspects like stress, rhythm, and intonation. While speaking, the interlocutor gives an instant feedback to the speaker directly. By speaking activity, orator or speaker have to pay attention of planning and editing by channel. In comparison writing can be seen by readers. The writer uses punctuation as well to make others clearer in vision or reading the mean-ing. Written language is perennial and reader can receive the information later than the time it was created. We can spend unlimited amount of time on planning and correct the mistakes in written speech. Finally, he came to the conclusion that “Speaking is productive oral skill and it consist of producing systematic verbal utterance to convey meaning” [Nunan, 2003, p.48].Furthermore, McDonough says “Speaking is not the oral production of written language, but involves students in the mastery of a wide range of subskills, which, added together, constitute an overall competence in the spoken language” [McDonough, 2003, p.135]. Learners always communicate through speaking, though people can judge a language learning proficiency by their ability of speaking. Moreover, Brown says that “speaking a language refers to carrying on a conversation cannily” [Brown, 2000, p.267]. He cites that people can be treated as a successful learner when they show an ability to get wise goals through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.

The points above show us that speaking skill is considered as an essential part of teaching FL. Thus, ability of easy communication in English in real life situations is one of the indicators of quality of command of language acquisition. When the speech has been automatized, we can “reach the top of the Hill”, we can easily speak and interact in FL.

PROBLEMS IN TEACHING SPEAKINGMany scientists argued that students can learn to speak only by communicating;

if that is so then fluency and accuracy are equally important goals of speaking practice [Scrivener, 2005, p.146]. This fact is quite important in mastering English as a means of communication. They should feel comfortable and confident during the activities


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

[Tsui, 1996, p.149]. Only then, they can improve and develop their communicative skills. Nevertheless, as experiences of teaching English show, teachers come across with many problems while teaching speaking.

Despite the fact that some students of Samarkand state institute of foreign lan-guages who have learned English more than ten years, they are unable to use the lan-guage fluently and accurately. The reason of these can be found in many causes. We have observed that many students are unprepared or unwilling to speak; they have no experience in participating imaginatively and exercising initiatively, because of their poor knowledge of the language and rigid formal training. Most of them are shy and very passive. There are many more reasons for students’ unwillingness to speak dur-ing the lessons. It seemed more reasonable to give Ur’s reasons for difficulties that she encounters in getting students to speak in the classroom [Ur, 1999, p.121]. As she mentions teachers are faced with the following problems while teaching speaking:

• Inhibition: Many students feel inhibited about trying to explain things in Eng-lish in the classroom. They are worried about making mistakes, about their linguistic abilities learning that others may be more competent and proficient than themselves. In our mind, general anxiety, social anxiety and foreign language anxiety are pre-sented in this student’s experience.

• Nothing to say: In some cases students complain that they cannot guess what to produce in FL.

• Low or uneven participation: Only one participant talks at a time or he or she dominates the group while others speak very little or not at all. In a large group each member gets very little talking time.

• Mother-tongue use: When students work in pairs or groups they just end up chatting in their own language. The use of mother tongue is easier than speaking in a FL.

SOLUTION OF PROBLEMSHow teacher could avoid these problems and help students to develop their

speaking skills in these situations? We have analyzed the methodological literature due to this question.

Speaking is very complicated skill and covers external and internal aspects. Brown points out that for external factors speaking requires much more practice and students’ embarrassment and shortage of stimulation may bring negative effects into the learning process [Brown, 2000, p.270]. They need more practice speaking during the lessons. As for the intrinsic problems, speech is fluent and students need to learn all the aspects of language. Furthermore, they have to know informal words and reduced forms including contractions, elisions or reduced vowel, phonological features of speech sound in English. Macaro points out that language learning mostly depends on student’s behavior. Effective speakers do not hesitate for too long when they cannot think of how to say something in foreign language. Most of them try to find solutions to the problems. In these way they involved in the interaction with others in L2 [Macaro, 2001, p. 538]. To know certain ways of reinforcing in foreign languages is a good ability while communicating in English. Therefore, we also consider that student’s


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

motivation and inspiration is the initial factor of successful language learning.Ur suggests: “Good speaking skills classrooms are ones where learners talk a

lot, participation is even, motivation is high and the language is at an acceptable level” [Ur,1999, p.120]. If students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom, they may soon get de-motivated and lose interest in learning. Therefore, as we can see, teachers of English need to be aware of moti-vation, which is a consideration in determining whether students are willing to com-municate: the more meaningful the materials and tasks are for the students involved the better the outcome will be. Therefore, motivation is very important feature that promotes the development of speaking skill.

Scott Thornbury, in his book How to Teach Speaking, suggests that the teaching of speaking depends on there being a classroom culture of speaking and that class-rooms need to become ‘talking classrooms’. In other words, students will be much more confident speakers if this kind of speaking activation is a regular feature of the lesson [Thornbury, 2002].

Realistic classroom speaking activities could be seen as an opportunity for re-hearing the things students may want to do outside the classroom, but in a safe en-vironment, where mistakes can be learned from, rather than lead to difficulties and embarrassment. For realization of the goal, it is necessary to define adequate methods and techniques in developing ‘speaking lessons’. As teaching practice show, commu-nicative activities form communicative freedom for students and possibility of inde-pendent realization of their creative potential at the lesson.

Communicative activities include any activities that encourage and require a learner to speak with and listen to other learners. Efficiency of this activity is based on putting the students in conditions under which they will have to communicate and exchange opinions on the topic set by the teacher at that moment. Moreover, as it was analyzed during the lessons of English, we have concluded, that ROLE PLAY AC-TIVITY is one of the helpful technique for short-term oral fluency improvement for the philological profile students of B2 level.

THE NATURE OF ROLE-PLAY ACTIVITYTo make students speak fluently in English, we need to apply the language in

real communication. Therefore, teachers of English mostly should set up activities properly to develop students speaking skills. Jeremy Harmer points out that there are 3 main reasons for teaching speaking:

• speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities;• speaking tasks show how well students are doing and what problems they are

experiencing in a language;• speaking activities help students to become autonomous language users

[Harmer, 2010].This means that if a teacher will provide students with some speaking activi-

ties, it will help them to use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

There is no one single method that can be used in teaching speaking. Many scholars point out that the integration of all four skills (speaking, reading, listening, writing) and usage of informational communicative technologies can raise the effec-tiveness of teaching communication in a foreign language. Therefore, in order to im-prove students speaking skills, we can only suggest the required method that could help in the teaching process.

One technique that can be considered effective to stimulate speaking skills is ROLE-PLAY activities. There are various definitions for this technique. This issue was given in Ladousse work “The word ‘role’ is they play apart (either their own or somebody else’s) in a specific situation. The word ‘play’ means the role is taken on in a safe environment in which students are as inventive and playful as possible. A group of students carrying out a successful role play in a classroom has much in common with a group of children playing school, doctors, and nurses” [Ladousse, 1989, p.103]. Other methodologist points out that role-plays can describe a verity of activities by involving students in ‘simulated’ actions and circumstances [Marzuk, 2005].

Many scholars argue its effectiveness, so it can develop students’ interpersonal skills, creativity, they feel more confident. According to Harmer “Role-Plays simulate the real world in the same kind of way, but the students are given particular roles – they are told who they are and often what they think about a certain subject. They have to speak and act from their new character’s point of view” [Harmer, 2010, p. 125]. In Brown view point it is very popular communicative activity that gives an opportunity to rehearsal so that students can map out what they are going to say. Moreover, it has an effect of lowering anxieties during their actions [Brown, 2004, p. 174].

Referring to the mentioned statements, we can conclude that this technique:-simulates the real world that students have to speak and act from their new

role;-very flexible, playful and inventive that students could show their individual-

ity and enjoy the process;-from a psychological point of view, it could overcome the language barrier.ADVANTAGES OF ROLE PLAYSMany students need to be trained to communicate in FL by some techniques that

lead to effective performance in real-life situations. Role-play activities are considered as the best way to communicate effectively in different social situations. Researchers state that role-play has many advantages that help students achieve their objectives in speaking English. Methodologists mention the following advantages for using this technique in the classroom:

-through role-play activity we can train students in speaking skill in a variety of situations;

-students freely express their opinions, ideas and act as a user of target lan-guage;

-role-play helps to develop phonetical, grammatical and syntactical abilities;-role-play is very fun, students like this technique, and are very active during it.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Thus, enjoyment leads to better acquisition of language learning;- it promotes fluency and accuracy in students’ speech. Moreover, students are

highly motivated during such classes. CHOOSING MATERIALSIt is generally accepted that choosing materials for role-play activities are an es-

sential process of teaching. Mostly teachers and tutors use authentic materials in order to make the classroom interesting. Gover mentioned that “Authentic materials are any-thing a native speaker of English would hear or read or use can be described as authen-tic: theatre programs, newspapers, magazines, poems, songs, brochures, information leaflets, menus, news broadcasts, films on video – the list is endless. Because authentic materials are not designed for the EFL student they are not graded for level, although some are obviously more difficult to understand than others” [Gover, 1995, p. 82].

There are several types of roles in role-play activities:1. The role that corresponds to a real need in student’s life.2. The role that student’s play themselves in a variety of situations.3. The role that they have experienced directly themselves.4. Fantasy or imaginary roles. The usage of all above mentioned types of role-plays should create a classroom

environment with the help of authentic materials that promote students’ oral language competency. To achieve the goal of the lesson in specific topic, teacher should give a task for students’ collaboration. This can occur when students complete a task through questions-answer in a manner of role-play technique.

SUGGESTIONSLiterature review and own observation show that role-play activities are thought

not inappropriate way. Teachers supposed to be more active and should develop student’s language skills by giving them an opportunity to feel free during the lesson.

For that reason, the writer would like to share some effective suggestions for teaching English by this technique. There are some steps that promote effective way of planning a lesson by the means of role-playing:

Step 1. Choose an appropriate method that suits your class level(CLL).Step 2. According to your topic find out authentic materials (TV, radio,

newspaper materials, news and etc.).Step 3. In order not to face difficulties organize activities properly (Before the

classes organize relevant lesson plan).Step 4. At the beginning of the lesson give an explanation of the aim and the

outcomes of the activity.Step 5. Be sure that students have fully understood and have the information

they need.Step 6. Present new vocabulary. Step 7. Encourage and motivate them by giving the roles they like before the

activity.Step 8. Give them a chance to communicate in different social contexts and


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

roles in real situations.Step 9. During the activity observe as a spectator, after offer commands and

advice by giving feedback.Step 10. Ask students’ opinion about their roles and what would they prefer to

act next time.CONCLUSIONThis paper reviewed speaking skills as a priority in language teaching. More-

over, that is an essential part of language learning that ease communication in English in real-life situations. There a variety of methods and techniques that a teacher should apply during his/her speaking lesson properly. The literature review has considered role-play very helpful in increasing students’ communicative abilities.

The findings of the paper indicate that role-play activity is an effective tech-nique in teaching speaking. Many students come across with some problems like self-esteem, low motivation, anxiety, nothing to say during the classes of speaking. The paper showed that in order to avoid these problems the teacher should motivate his/her students with a variety of activities that encourage them and overcome difficulties in their communication. Thus, teachers should follow some suggestions in order to plan appropriate lessons. The author recommends some steps to give learners opportunities to speak English through using activities that help them to speak and motivate them.

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modern language journal, 85, 2001, pp.531-548.9. Marczyk, Geoffrey., DeMatte, David., and Festinger, David. Essential of Research Design and

Methodology. Canada: John Wiley&Sons, 2005, 306 p.10. McDonough, J.Materials and methods in ELT: A teacher’s guide. Blackwell publishing: 2nd

edition, 2003, 296 p.11. Morrow, K. Communication in the Classroom. Harlow: Longman, 1981.12. Nunan, D. Practical English Language Teaching. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003, 353 p.13. Nunan, D. Second Language Teaching & Learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1999,

330 p.14. Richards, Jack C. The teacher as self-observer. In Jack C. Richards, The Language Teaching


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Matrix. NewYork: Cambridge University Press,1990, рp. 118-143.15. Scrivener, J. Learning teaching. Oxford MacMillan, 2nd edition, 2005, 432p. 16. Thornbury, S. How to teach speaking. Cambridge: UK, 2nd edition, 2002, 160 p.17. Tsui, A. Reticence and anxiety in second language learning. In K.M. Bailey & D. Nunan (Eds.),

Voices from the language classroom: Qualitative research in second language education, 1996, pp. 145-167.

18. Ur, P. A Course in Language Teaching - Trainer book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, 154 p.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Sayfullo Nurtaev, Elmira Muratova

English language teacher of the Department of Languages,UZSWLU;

Ph.D., Associate Professor of UZSWLU



The article focuses on the neologisms in social networks. The object of the research is the lexical system of modern English in social networks, types of neologisms, methods of their formation and distribution. Studying the mechanisms of neologisms formation in connection with conceptual changes in human consciousness in line with the constant development of technologies and scientific progress, it is possible to extract more informative use of neologisms in everyday life in the internet world. The relevance of this topic is that neologisms are very important in our life, especially now, because we have the development of science and technology, new directions in the field of literature, art and music, etc. Moreover, there are many new words created in different areas of peoples’ activities. Given the above, it means that the topicality of this theme is very important.

Key words: neologism, social networks, internet, media, communication, hashtag, “follow”, twitter, linkedIn, Youtube, tweet, technology.

Сайфулло Нуртаев, Эльмира Муратова

Ўзбекистон Давлат Жаҳон тиллари университети мустақил изланувчиси;

филология фанлари номзоди, ЎзДЖТУ доценти



Ушбу мақолада ижтимоий тармоқлардаги неологизмлар муҳокама қилинади. Тадқиқот объекти - ижтимоий тармоқларнинг замона-вий инглиз тилидаги лексик тизими, неологизм турлари, уларни шакллантириш ва тарқатиш усуллари хисобланади. Технологиялар ва ил-мий ютуқларнинг узлуксиз ривожланиши би-лан боғлиқ ҳолда, инсон онгидаги концептуал ўзгаришлар билан боғлиқ неологизмларнинг шаклланиш механизмларини ўрганиш орқали Интернетда кундалик ҳаётда неологизмлар-дан фойдаланишнинг муҳимлигини тушуни-шимиз мумкин. Ушбу мавзунинг долзарбли-ги шундаки, неологизмлар ҳаётимизда жуда муҳимдир, айниқса ҳозирги пайтда, чунки биз фан ва технологияларнинг жадал ривожлани-шига, адабиёт, санъат ва мусиқа соҳасидаги янги йўналишларга ва бошқаларга гувоҳ бўлмоқдамиз. Шунга кўра, инсон фаолияти-нинг турли соҳаларида жуда кўп янги сўзлар яратилмоқда. Буларнинг барчаси ушбу мавзу-ни ўрганиш жуда муҳимлигини англатади.

Калит сўзлар: неологизм, ижтимоий тармоқлар, интернет, ОАВ, алоқа, хештег, “follow”, twitter, linkedIn, Youtube, tweet, тех-нология.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

INTRODUCTION The language used in social networks is unique, as people interact, they form

new words in their social groups so that they can communicate effectively. Social media, being part of the technology, means that they evolve as well as the language used. Neologisms are produced every day to name new objects, things and ideas. This study focuses on the use of English neologisms in social networks, so understanding the concept of social networks is crucial. Social media provide a social channel for the virtual interaction of their users, namely those who often use social networks for communication.

Social networks turned into a personal tool with which people talked with fam-ily and friends, but were subsequently adopted by enterprises that wanted to use the popular new method of communication to attract customers: inform them about sales and offer them special sales and, in fact, collection reviews of their products and services. D. Eisenberg (“Add to Cart. Key Principles for Increasing Website Conver-sion”) (2006), however, stated that the biggest problem with the term “social media” is that it is not media in the traditional sense. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram are platforms for interaction and communication. All the traditional me-dia: publishing, television and radio, search the web provide platforms for delivering advertisements along with relevant content. Social networks evolve over time, they affect how people do things, communicate, and people find new ways to use social networks to meet their needs. Social networks that are part of technology change ev-ery day, as does the language used. Since people use social networks for the purposes mentioned above, they need a special language. This language is sometimes adapted to meet the needs of users in effective communication.

Our study is aimed at examining the language of social networks and identi-fying English neologisms that are used to communicate on social networking sites. Since the study focuses on English neologisms in social networks, it is necessary to consider how the word formation process occurs in standard English, and to establish a connection with how neologisms are formed in social networks. The formation of neologisms includes a whole range of word-formation processes available for a lan-guage of speaker: word-formation is the way in which new complex words are built on the basis of other words or morphemes (Plag, 2013: 13). Neologism can also be introduced by the inadequacy of language to provide a word that is effective for an object or idea. Interests in word formation went hand in hand with an interest in the language as a whole. When discussing the concept of neologism as a type of word-for-mation processes, two terms are important: motivation and productivity. Neologisms on social networking sites can be derived from other words that already exist in this particular language, on social networks, affixes can be added to English words to form neologisms with a specific meaning. Neologisms of social networks, as a rule, produc-tive so users can easily generate new words. On social networks, users can generate countless new words to enable them to express new and old ideas that have adopted a new cultural context. The language of social networks also consists of phrases that form their own special meaning, sometimes derived from root words or a completely


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

new meaning. Therefore, a compound word can be considered as a combination of two free words that exist independently.

Ego + surfer → Ego-surfer – One who raises his ego by searching his name on the Internet.

Tweet + up → Tweetup – personal gathering for people who use twitter

In social networks, there are combinations of words that are cut off together with words that are whole to form a meaning that is completely different from the original words. This compilation takes place using abbreviated words.

Slanguage –slang + Language – a language that uses a lot of slangTwicide – twitter + suicide – a person becomes unpopular on Twitter because of

what he did: a terrible message or an insult to someone or a group of people.

There are several derivatives created using affixation, since the most common among users of social networks are prefixes and suffixes; these two are considered as part of the derivatives.

Re-tweet re + tweet – post someone else's tweetUn-follow un + follow – stop being friends with someone on twitterSelfie self + ie – self-made photograph

Users of social networks can create an unlimited number of words that are constantly used on social networking sites of complex nature.

Troll – means grotesque humanoid, and on Twitter it means someone who posts unpleasant comments or someone who undergoes a negative attack through tweets.

Ancestor – among online youth users, this word refers to elderly spouses in monetary terms equivalent to sugar moms / dads.

The formation of an abbreviation is a process that entails the abbreviation of words: this is done using the initial letters of some words in the phrase. On most social networking sites, these two are often used to speed up writing, and especially on Twitter, they are very useful due to the limitation of the 140-character message that users must adhere to when communicating. As for other word-building processes, they are most useful in terms of frequency of use, and also because they are not only effective, but also productive. Abbreviations form a word using the initial letters of words in a title or phrase.

BAE → before anyone else AMA→ ask me anything


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

In this case, the abbreviations are an abbreviated form of the word or initial letters of words in the names or phrases.

Adorbs → adorable Fab → fabulous MT→ modified tweet RT → re tweet Ikr → I know right SMH → shaking my head LMAO→ laughing my ass off

In social networks, compilation is used when the thought or idea that you want to convey can only be conveyed using a combination of two words to form a single idea.

Cookie + face – cookie-face – one with acnes on the facePhoto bomber – one who invades someone else’s photo and spoils it

The word may lose or gain a new meaning; however, these words do not always have to lose their former meaning in order to find a new one. In this case, users of social networks do not produce new words, they use the available resource of the language without changing the shape of the word, giving the old words a new meaning.

Follow (verb) - perform in accordance with something (among other things); on Twitter, it simply means accepting a user’s request or voluntarily becoming his friend. In this case, the word “follow” has just expanded.

Favorite (verb) - liked or preferred; this word on Twitter takes on a new meaning: post updates that you like one so that they can easily access them in the future. Then the preference value is expanded.

Young people predominate on social networking sites, who prefer keyboard shortcuts wherever possible, and language is no exception, most words are shortened to facilitate communication, as well as to transmit certain messages. On Twitter, acronyms and abbreviations allow users to easily adhere to the short message rule and be able to communicate effectively. There are several neologisms in social networks in the form of clippings and abbreviations, they directly take the meaning of complete phrases before the reduction occurs. Interpretation of the meaning of abbreviated words and acronyms is not difficult for users, especially if they have access to the full version of words.

FOMO – fear of missing out WOMBAT – waste of money, beauty and brains WCW – woman crush Wednesday FBF – flash back Friday DM – direct message


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

BRB – be right back Social networks use a language that is unique to social networking sites and

differs from standard English. By understanding the concept of social networks, the language used in one site of a social network can affect the language of other social sites depending on the relationship of these sites. There is a mutual understanding of neologisms — those that are created on one site can be used and understood on another. Social media provides a social platform for people to communicate; it is almost inevitable that people show interest in social networking sites, although for various reasons. In social networks, punctuation marks are not considered with all seriousness and importance, as in print media and documentation. Few users of social networks use them correctly or use them at all, and when they are used, they carry more weight than the functions that are provided to them.

????? – for example, instead of the word “why”, you can use only question marks: online users can simply post them in someone else's comment, and they will understand that they are asked why.

My computer crashed!!! – and, for example, exclamation points can be used to indicate that someone is screaming for help or expressing extreme emotions of frustration or anger, paying attention to their updates. The text context here helps other users understand that using exclamation marks here means that the user needs help or is trying to express feelings of despair, other users automatically reply with messages with decisions or express how they relate to the situation, or regret the situation.

Consider the word hashtag. According to the dictionary, a hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#) used in the message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and to facilitate searching on it. Using hashtag messages on Twitter is very popular among users. The Twitter application introduced a hashtag-type message that allows users to track updated hashtag messages, as well as leave comments and respond to them. After creating a hashtag, the message seems to be colored, i.e. turns blue, like a link, which is clearly visible in contrast to other entries that are usually black - this attracts users.

#WeareoneKenya – This hashtag was originally created during a terrorist attack on Westgate Shopping Center on September 21, 2013, killing 67 people. The hashtag was created in order to send messages of comfort and condolences in connection with events in a sign of unity. This hashtag is often used, especially when dealing with issues that affect Kenya as a country.

Morphological abnormalities on Twitter can occur when users violate morphological rules by inventing completely new morphemes that are not standard English. These words are used again and again until users become familiar with them and can not effectively understand and communicate using these words.

Tweep – twitter people (users)Among users of social networks, people on Twitter are called twips to identify

them using this particular social networking platform.Dweeps – drunk tweets.Social media users tend to participate in online events while they drink and


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

sometimes update their locations and activities in which they participate. When messages seem stupid or do not make sense, they are then called Dweeps.

Tweepup – meeting for tweeps.This term is used when people on Twitter (tweep) hold a physical or virtual

meeting.On social networks, the use of a semantically diverging language can be

intentional or accidental. Users can update messages that seem too exaggerated or fragmentary for other users to try to figure out the meaning that they want to convey. Elements of semantic rejection make users look for hidden meaning in communication. Some expressions used on social networks are semantically incompatible, but serve to identify a certain meaning, which may or may not be obvious to all users. Figurative language is mainly used to identify semantic deviations, such as comparisons and metaphors. In social networks, the use of figurative language can lead to semantic rejection, since in some cases words are used to mean a different or opposite meaning. Semantic strangeness, pleonasm, periphrase, tautology, oxymoron, paradox, transfer of meaning, synecdoha, metonymy, metaphor, hyperbole, litot, irony are used for this purpose.

Over time, when neologisms are often used on social networks, some neologisms in English and their meaning are accepted in standard English and become part of the language. Social media neologisms are part of the social language that is used in communication. When users come across new neologisms in social networks through the frequency of interactive interaction, the meaning becomes very easy to understand. Social networks access the most personal parts of users' lives and connect them to the world outside their personal circumstances; as a result, the media as a whole is the main force in society. Social networks attract a wide variety of people for different purposes. There are various social networking sites for different purposes. The choice of a particular social platform depends on how it meets the needs of the user. Many people have online profiles on more than one social site, if the user likes to take photos and publish them, Instagram will be useful for them, if the user likes more news related to keeping abreast of current events, Facebook and Twitter are better suited for them.

Users of social networks can be aware of new neologisms as they appear and can effectively use them in communication. Users of social networks interact with other users with whom, in their opinion, have something in common, and develop relationships on the Internet that physically could not be possible. On social networking sites, people can display their identity through their posts, entertaining other users. To perform any action on social networks, the language must be used. But language serves not only to express and exchange ideas and thoughts with other people, but also allows users to convey their emotions and relieve stress. The language of social networks serves not only for the production, transmission and exchange of neologisms, but also for the transfer of the meaning embedded in neologisms, users acquire the significance of new neologisms, and also share the value for the personal neologisms they create with other users on the Internet. Neologisms in social networks are created for the


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

purpose of communication among online users. In order for communication to be effective, there must be understanding between the participants in the communication process.

Neologisms in social networks are created using various word-formation processes, and also deviate from the use of standard English. Social media facilitates a very quick way to send messages and replies among participants, and using neologisms of social networks even the art of composing a message has also become fast. Abbreviations and acronyms, which are very popular, save time. Users do not have to write complete words or sentences in order to be understandable. Twitter especially ensures that the user masters the art of brevity thanks to the 140-character rule, which forces users to trim their words to communicate. The use of hashtags also contributes to speed, since the user does not need to worry about the words being separated during communication. Social media neologisms do not adhere to most of the rules, but they can be effective. Neologism in social networks deviates from the standard formation of the English word, and the change is noticeable in spelling and pronunciation. Thanks to neologism, even users who are not familiar with grammar rules do not stand aside, since they are not limited to grammar rules. This attracts many online users to participate in conversations and other online events, without fear of criticism, as well as the introduction of their own neologisms.

Fossils – really an old man in a relationship with a girl who suits him as a granddaughter.

Sponsors – an elderly man who supports a girl's generous lifestyle, regardless of age

Beast – powerful and expensive carNeologisms in social networks are sometimes created and used to supplement

standard English, especially when users feel that the meaning conveyed by standard English words does not have the expected impact in terms of meaning, so they come up with an alternative word that will effectively convey the point of view. In other cases, neologisms are used in social networks as euphemisms for alternative standard English words, which may be inconvenient for users, since they are considered impolite, so they use neologism out of politeness. There are some topics on social networks that make many users feel uncomfortable, but using the right neologisms allows the online user to conduct the same discussions. Neologisms can also be used to exclude a user group, the younger generation may use neologisms to discuss topics, and the older generation may not have a clue what they are talking about.

Fleek – stunning or fabulousNasty – incredibly meanConclusion Neologisms in social networks are fascinating to read on social networking

sites. Standard English is normal and looks monotonous, users of social networks choose neologisms so that their posts and messages can attract a large audience. Social networking neologisms help users of social networking sites keep abreast of an evolving language. Some people are left behind due to the neologisms used


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

every day, while other users despair about how using this informal environment can lead to an equally random attitude towards grammar. Social networks provide a rich platform for experimentation, development and undermining of the language. This is a great way to keep up with the changes, paying attention to discussions on social networks, and you can notice the appearance of new words, the new use of words. However, using neologisms in social networks, it’s easy to get the exact meaning of the word, social networking sites are accessible via the Internet, and if the word is difficult to understand, the user can find the exact meaning online through the Internet in a urban dictionary that is easily accessible and up to date with all the old and modern neologisms on social networks ever created. One way or another, everyone decides whether to include the neologisms of the Internet and social networks in his vocabulary, but to keep up with the times you need to understand the vocabulary of all developing areas.

REFERENCES1. Eisenberg, B. & Eisenberg, J. (2006). Waiting for your cat to bark? Persuading customers when

they ignore marketing. Thomas-Nelson publishers; Har/com.2. Plag, I. (2002). Word-formation in English. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.3. Twitter.com 4. Instagram.com 5. Facebook.com 6. LinkedIn.com 7. Youtube.com


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Ulughbek Kuchimov

PhD student of UzSWLU




In the works of fiction, the writer creates an artistic world that can happen in life, and shows life and imaginary events in our eyes as if they are true, real, had happened. Sometimes this literary phenomenon requires such an artistic composition that it breaks the boundaries of reality. In the following years, as in all types and genres literature, specific changes, evolutions are taking place in the world of fantasy works, themes, poetics, style, and images.

In the works of Ray Bradbury and Hojiakbar Shaikhov, a number of features such as myth, the flow of consciousness, the image of the human inner world, the existential interpretation, the inner monologue, the chronotope abstraction, the dream, the speech of the hero, the portrait and landscape image, the desire to be engaged in dialogue with the reader can be noticed. In the article, these literary and aesthetic problems are analyzed on the example of the works of American writer Ray Bradberi “451 degree on Fahrenheit”, “The ice and fire”, “Wine from the flower of the Cuckoo” and the stories of one of the founders of Uzbek fiction Hojiakbar Shaikhov “Adjoined worlds”, “The wonderer of the two worlds” “Unknown people”, “Man from the fire” and other fantastic novels, and stories. It is worth noting that the speech of the character of the work is aimed at opening the psychology of the character, in which both the owner of speech and the speech itself are directed, and that Ray Bradberi and Hojiakbar Shaikhov often try to open the psychological state of their heroes through their speech.

Улуғбек КўчимовЎзДЖТУ докторанти



Фантастик асарларда ёзувчи ҳаётда рўй бе-риши мумкин бўлган бадиий оламни яратиб, ҳаётий ва хаёлий воқеаларни кўз ўнгимизда рўйи рост, гўё содир бўлгандек кўрсатади. Баъзан бу адабий ҳодиса шундай бадиий тўқимани талаб қиладики, у ҳақиқат чегара-ларини бузади. Кейинги йилларда барча тур, жанрларда бўлгани каби фантастик асарлар мавзу-мундарижаси, поэтикаси, услуби, об-разлар дунёсида жиддий янгиланишлар, эври-лишлар кўзга ташланади.

Рэй Брэдбери ва Ҳожиакбар Шайхов асар-ларида миф, онг оқими, инсон ботиний олами тасвири, экзистенциал талқин, ички монолог, хронотоп мавҳумоти, туш, қаҳрамон нутқи, портрет ва пейзаж тасвири, китобхон билан мулоқотга киришишга интилиш каби қатор хусусиятлар кўзга ташланади. Мақолада маз-кур адабий-эстетик муаммолар америка ёзув-чиси Рэй Брэдбери “Фаренгейт бўйича 451 да-ража”, “Муз ва олов”, “Қоқи гулидан шароб” асарлари ва ўзбек фантастикасининг асосчи-ларидан бири Ҳожиакбар Шайховнинг “Туташ оламлар”, “Икки жаҳон овораси” “Номаълум одамлар”, “Оловдан чиққан одам” фантастик роман, қисса ва ҳикоялари мисолида таҳлил этилган. Рэй Брэдбери ва Ҳожиакбар Шайхов ўз қаҳрамонларининг психологик ҳолатини кўпинча уларнинг нутқи орқали очишга ҳаракат қилар экан, асар қаҳрамонининг нутқи ҳам нутқ эгаси, ҳам нутқ қаратилган персонаж психологиясини очишга қаратилганини қайд этиш ўринлидир.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

INTRODUCTIONFiction is also a work of art. Because they have an imaginary priority, they also

have their own peculiarities, while interacting with artistic works in common. The responsibility of persuasion is also more than double sized. The ideas of D. Wollheim, calling the fiction as “literature of ideas”, and A.Azimov as “experiment on paper” once again prove this fact.

A fiction work, like an artistic work, can have its own impact on human imagi-nation, thinking, the worldview, his/her possibility, and speech. It plays an important role in the formation of the spiritual world of a human, just like an artistic work. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ray Bradbury notes that “in the history of humanity everything begins with a dream”.

DEGREE OF THE STUDY OF THE PROBLEMBecause the problems of psychology and psychological analysis play an im-

portant role for the literature – “Human studies”, they have been attracting the atten-tion of literary critics for a long time. In particular, in Russian literary studies, these problems were identified as early as the middle of the last century in connection with Tolstoy’s works. The problem of psychology has been studied in various aspects in a number of studies of Russian literary critics conducted over the last thirty years, were devoted to the issues of concrete writer’s creativity and creative laboratory, artistic style and poetics, artistic character and human conception in literature.

Although the first investigation on the problem of psychology in Uzbek literary studies appeared at the end of the 40-ies of the last century, the beginning of a broader study of this problem coincides with the 60-ies. The first special researches on this problem were carried out in the 70-ies of the XX century.

The leading features of the creativity of any poet or writer, his/her skills in the interpretation of a specific artistic world, style, spirituality are manifested directly in connection with the artistic images that s/he has created. After all, in the artistic im-age, which is one of the important elements that determines the artistic skills of the person, who created them, the writer finds his/her own expression of the rebellion of the soul, which arose on the basis of the spiritual world, the perception of beauty, the events of the world and his/her attitude to the behavior of people. Accordingly, our study is devoted to the enlightening the writer’s skills in the leading images in his/her works, the role of the character in the spiritual and mental world, the opportunities of the writers in manifesting their unique world.

Although, the roots of Uzbek fiction go to folklore, and Uzbek classical litera-ture, and the first samples appeared in 20-ies of the last century, modern Uzbek fiction began to take shape only in 60-ies. Therefore, the work related to the Uzbek fiction, its formation and development began to appear in the 70-ies of the XX century. Later, in addition to the investigations of the authors we mentioned above, studies, articles and brochures in a special monographic style began to appear. However, in the works of fiction, the typological studies of issues of psychology and fiction have not yet been carried out.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

THE RESULTS AND REFLECTIONSAs the speech plays an important role in unveiling the psychology of the char-

acter in the artistic work, it also has the same role in the fiction. Regardless of the fact that the character of a fantastic work is real or fiction, the aspects of artistic psychol-ogy, in particular the speech, give them a textual analysis, enlighting the inner world of the heroes of a fiction work, as well as the universe of the character’s imagination, like their reflection in the mirror.

The parents of the main character of Ray Bradbury’s story “The ice and fire” dye after handing over his upbringing to his sister Duck. This scene was given to mother’s children through a testament-style dialogue. Realizing that their days are over, Sim’s parents began to think about their children in the last moments of their lives, worrying about the future relationship between their children. In dialogues, The parents’ feeling before going on the last journey were presented in the dialogues. Before dying, they remembered how their child began to speak for the first time, how much joy they had did not disappoint at the last moments of their lives, and high spirit were reflected in the dialogues.

The facts about how this process took place, how Sim was brought up, the cas-es associated with his formation as a person, his attitude to the surrounding world, the lines inherent to his character, his sister Duck, his enemy Kayon, and the re-lationship between him and the scientists are manifested in the speech acts. In the paragraph of the story “Enemies are made over things like stolen foods; gifts of long grasses make friends. Enemies come, too, suggestions and thoughts. In five seconds you've made an enemy for life. Life’s so short enemies must be made quickly”[Bradbury Ray, 1947] (Ovqatingni oʼgʼirlagan, sening dushmaning, mevali shoh inʼom etgan odam doʼsting boʼladi... oʼtmishdan qolgan bir ahmoqona irim bor. Goʼyoki oʼldirilgan kishining hayotiy quvvatti qotilga oʼtar emish. Shuning evaziga u bir kun ortiq umr koʼrarmish. Tushundingmi? Kimki bu irimga ishonar ekan, hayotim xavf ostida deyaver!) [Bradbury Ray Short Stories., - 1947;p.279] which has high spiritual context, Duck wants to explain who is a friend and who is an enemy for her little brother Sim.

In this story, edibles are considered as one of the main factors that determine the survival of people. They are always busy with finding edibles and eating them. Be-cause they have only 8 days to live, and Sim is to eat a lot in order to be full of strength. But Kayon is on the verge of pulling out his food. Therefore her sister whispers in his ear, “Enemies are made over things like stolen foods; gifts of long grasses make friends” and thus encourages Sim to being watchful. From Duck’s speech her love for her little brother, disturbing condition of her soul for his brother’s life are hidden behind these lines. Along with this, there is also a hint that the Sim cannot distinguish the enemy with a friend, his arrogance, and his young age. At the same time, specific traits of Kayon’s character are also reflected in Duck’s speech. Moreover, were also drawn the original lines on Kayon as a person in the speech of Duck, the sister of Sim.

Eagerness to fighting, violence, selfishness, which are inherent to the nature of Kayon are reflected in the phrase “Enemies are made over things like stolen foods”


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told by Duck him to her little brother – Sim.In presenting the psychology of the characters of the work, the author’s speech

also plays an important role in the same line with the speech of the characters of the work. It should be noted here, that one can take information from the speeches of the author, not only concerning the characteristic features of the main characters of the work – Sim and the people surrounding him – his sister Duck, his enemy Kayon, and his beloved Layt, but also the details about where the event takes place, how the situ-ation is developing, the contradictions between the characters of the work. It becomes clear from the speech of the author that “He understood love, marriage, customers, anger, pity, rage, selfishness, shadows and subtitles, realities and reflections. Like a bird newly cracking its way from a shell, he was almost a unit,complete, all-knowing”1. (“Simning onasi barcha, shirador giyohni ogʼzida chaynab, Simning ham ogʼziga tutardi. Muallifning mazkur nutqida onaning bolasiga boʼlgan muhabbati aks etgan. Ona xuddi qush misol, giyohlarni chaynab, soʼng bolasining ogʼziga tutyapti. Sim dunyoni, atrofni, jarayonni onasining muhabbati, mehrli qiyofasi orqali tuyadi. Muhabbat, nikoh, feʼl-atvor, gʼazab, rahm-shafqat, xudbinlik nazokat bilan bogʼliq tushunchalarni idrok etadi. U tuxumni yorib chiqqan joʼjaga oʼxshab borliqni onasi timsolida koʼradi”). [Bradbury Ray Short Stories., 1947;p.274]

The author continues his ideas and presents the attitude of the mother to her child – her love in the dialogue between Sim’s parents, and thus reinforces the idea that he wanted to give through a dialogue: “Let me kill him!” shouted the father, breathing harshly, sobbingly. "What has he to live for?" “No, no!” insisted the mother, and her body, frail and old as it was, stretched across the huge body of the father, tearing at his weapon. “He must live! There may be a future for him! He may live longer than us, and be young!”2.

It becomes clear from the dialogue that Sim’s father wants to kill him, and the possible reason is: poor living conditions, the shortness of his life, and the inability to come out of this situation. The father’s discontent with the nature of the damned planet, saturation from life, the dramatism of the father’s psychologic state was reflected in this dialogue, in one sentence – his psychological state reached the level of being ready to kill his son. The father is also kind to the child. But he cannot fight against external influence and objective existence. In his character we see signs of weakness, insecurity, and rudeness. He laughs bitterly and loudly. The author man-aged to show the mental state a person, who is waiting for his death with help of dialogues.

Sim’s mother didn’t lose her trust; she expects salvation from the future. Therefore, she wants his child to live. She also respects Sim’s father. She calls him as “Idiot!”. The author uses the word “Idiot” in order to present the mother’s dissat-isfaction with the carelessness of her husband towards her child, as well as her warm attitude to the spouse in her soul.

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.279 / http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/.2 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.274/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/.


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The author expresses his social views, taking as a basis the story of a fam-ily – tribal tragedy. Therefore, the dream of Sim’s mother is common to the author’s dream. According to the author’s speech “…from a young age, feelings of good and evil begin to form in the brain. Sim, as birds or birds learn by means of an inner instinct, fills his mind with all knowledge”[ Bredberi R. . 2001 B. 172-174] (“…miyasida yoshligidan ezgulik va yovuzlik haqidagi tuygʼular shakllana boshlay-di. Qushlar yoki parrandalar ichki instinkt vositasida oʼrganganidek Sim ham ongini barcha bilimlar bilan toʼldirib bormoqda”).[ Bradbury Ray., - 1947 p.277] It is also known from the author’s speech that he understood his ideological opponent in the image of Kayon.

The author also extensively uses monologues when filling the lines about Sim’s character: “I’m the five-thousandth in a long line of futile sons? What can I do to save myself from dying eight days from now? Is there escape?”1 (“Men hech nimaga yaroqsiz oʼgʼillarning besh minginchisiman. Xoʼsh sakkiz kundan ke-yin oʼlimga mahkum boʼlmaslik uchun nima qilish kerak? Bundan qutilishning iloji bormikin?”)[ Bradbury Ray.,1947 p.277] From this monologue it is understood that Sim is able to take initiative on his own, to find a way of salvation, without waiting for the decision of tribal elders in overcoming the problem that arose.

In the speech of the writer, through the conflict between Sim and Kayon, the he managed to show the spiritual world, the mental world of the image of fool-ish Kayon, who does not know the value of both his own and other people. And the image of the forces of nature, given in the writer’s speech, served to unravel the psychology of the ideological struggle between people. The author’s opinion that “a man is weak before the offend, which nature conveys” does not find its own proof in the story. Possible reason is – his heroes look at life with a hope, against the desire of the author; they consider the solution of any problem in science. The author’s speech gives the reader a way in the process of provoking similar subtle aspects inherent in the nature of the characters of the work. In one of the author’s speeches, the pro-cess of Sim’s discovering of the cave of scientists is described as follows: “Finally, Sim found what he was looking for. Inside the mountain, a group of men were caring for rocks…. Every eight days there was an entirely new set of Scientists working on anyone problem”[ Bredberi R., 2001 B. 173] . (“Nihoyat, Sim izlaga-nini topdi. Togʼning ichkarisida, togʼ jinslari orasida bir guruh erkaklar kuymalanib yurardi..., qariyalar murakkab masalalarni yechar, yoshlar oʼqib-oʼrganar, savollar berishardi. Har sakkiz kunda hamma guruhlar butunlay yangilanardi”2) In this pas-sage, the author gives a certain picture of the future, everyone is busy with work, young people are studying science, and the elderly know the solution of complex problems. Ultimately, the author shows the elderly as people, who can find a solu-tion to the problem to Sim and the people surrounding him. Dialogues in the work are also one of the important tools in the revealing the psychology of the characters

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.277/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/.2 Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 173 .


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

of the work. The process of Sim getting acquainted with Layt, and the psychological state of their first meeting was given by the author through their dialogues. “The girl says her name confidently, intensely, and joyfully to Sim and the guy responds enthusiastically”[ Sharafiddinov 0., B. 126]. The author widely uses dialogues in giving contradictory cases between the characters of the work, along with the psy-chological state of the main characters – Sim and his beloved Layt. The author also reveals the conflict relations between his parents and Kayon and Sim with the help of dialogues. The contradictions between them served to show the contradictions between these tribes. The main concept of all the fantastic works of Ray Bradbury is the preservation of man. His firm opinion on this matter is that “a person is to be spiritual, free, and happy”.

The concept of human preservation is a matter that is in the minds of all writ-ers on a global scale. Meanwhile it also concerns the fiction writers. In particular, it also constitutes the basis of Hojiakbar Shaikhov’s works. Literature critics Ozod Sharofiddinov writes the following about the writer “The author thinks not only about making the reader’s mind busy, but also exposing the man’s eternal problems, turning to the conscience of man, waking him up from ignorance and making him more harmonious. Therefore, on the basis of Hojiakbar’s works, there lay issues concerning meaning, honesty, and purity of human life. ...The writer shows the vi-sion between kindness and evil, correctness and curvature, tolerance of breadth and selfishness in scientific fantastic forms”[ Bradbury Ray. 1947 p. 289]

The point at which Ray Bradbury and Hojiakbar Shaikhov’s works intersect is that they are focusing their attention on this issue and are trying to give it a solution.

Even from the story “The ice and fire”, it becomes clear that the author’s origi-nal purpose, the main concept is that a person shouldn’t burn the fire of war, no matter how long s/he lives. The author makes extensive use of the image of Sim in conduct-ing this concept. The author managed to give Sim’s thoughts about living without burning war fire through his inner monologue: “Why? Even if life is short, they will fight and kill one another?”1 (“Nega axir? Shundoq ham umr qisqa boʼlsa, urushib bir-birlarini oʼldirib nima qilishadi?”) [ Bradbury Ray., 1947;p.286]

The event of the work is described as being on some kind of planet in space. In fact, the situation in this story is likely to happen in different parts of the country. De-spite the fact that this story was written in 1946, it has not lost its relevance even now.

Ray Bradberi condemns those who burn the fire of war. The fact is that as a result of the war, adherents of the war acquire new wealth, have a desire to take pos-session of new territories. In wars, they can lose their children, a brother, and other relatives. They would not have material damage, and spiritual damage is not visible to their eyes. Their goal is to make wealth, in this goal they are always on the side of war.

In the XX century, there were wars in different parts of the Earth, which brought countless afflictions to people’s lives. The writer with the help of fantastic images in the story “The ice and fire” shows that he is against the wars. And developed this idea

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/ p. 289/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/


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in his other fiction works. Although the event, which is based on the work, has a happy ending, in order

to achieve this end, the author mainly uses in detail various manifestations of speech when giving events, which happened with the characters of the work. In this sense, the attitude of the characters of the work to the discoveries of scientists is presented in the dialogue between Duck and Sim. “Where are the Scientists?" Dark looked away from him. “I wouldn't tell you if I knew.They’d kill you, experimenting! I don’t want you joining them! Live your life, don’t cut it in half trying to reach that silly metal thing on the mountain.” “I’ll find out where they are from someone else, then!” “No one’ll tell you! They hate the Scientists. You’ll have to find them on your own. And then what? Will you save us? Yes, save us, little boy!” Her face was sullen; already half her life was gone. “We can't just sit and talk and eat,” he protested. “And nothing else.” He leapt up. “Go find them!” she retorted acidly. “They'll help you forget. Yes, yes.” She spat it out. “Forget your life’s over in just a few more days!” [ Bradbury Ray., 1947;p.286]

The writer gives the attitude of the characters to the discovery of scientists in the dialogue between the sister and the brother. According to her sister, the discovery of scientists is a ship is a “stupid thing”. And for Sim, this discovery is the embodiment of freedom. The sister says that scientists “should be gone with their experiment”. She thinks that if scientists did not build this ship, they would not have come to this “damned planet”. However, Sim acts as a promoter of the views and opinions of the author of the work.

The author awards Sim with fantastic qualities for the realization of the idea of the work. Before he was born, he had studied a lot of knowledge in the mother’s womb with the help of hereditary memory capacity. Knowledge would flow into his brain. The author of the work thinks that the people’s rescuer should be a mature, competent person in all respects. He must possess encyclopedic knowledge. That’s what Sim is trying to achieve. He is a herald of light, a torch, freedom in the dark, a hero who is eager to bring his tribe, births out of this “damned planet”. Sim’s words “I want to live1” (“Yashashni istayman”) [Ibrohimova R., 2011;B. 200]when he met with the scientists reflect his spirit, the essence of his actions that he was taking.

Ray Bradbury makes extensive use of episodic images in the realization of his goal in this fiction story. An episodic image in the story is an image of a tall, fantastic person. Through this episodic image, the author also notes that the team that made up the majority in the game repeatedly highlighted the negative opinion about scientists. This person also sees scientists as the reason for their coming to the damned planet. They see no sense in the research the scientists are conducting. The writer does not only use this tall episodic image against the scientists, but also increases the number of those who are against the scientists with the help of the images of Daynk and Kay-on. The reason is: the writer went on the path of affirmation by denying the contribu-tion of scholars to science, the change of tribal people’s way of life. As it happens in

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.289/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/


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life, in the works of fiction, there are scientists whose science, their discoveries serve evil, but the image of these scientists became popular only after the 60-ies in the fic-tion literature.

In this story, the task of scientists is to restore the memory of the genealogy, make a mask that prevents the sun rays. In order to carry out this task, they use various grease, stone clothes, and bird wings. But they are alone in the performance of this task. He returns this idea several times even through the words of Daynk, one of the scientists, emphasizing the same idea, trying to draw the attention of the readers to the same idea. The reason is: the author of the work believes that the number of scientists should be enlarged in order to perform such tasks. And he is not alone among those who think so. Saddy Iskandariy, the character of Alisher Navoi’s works, also collects the strongest shipbuilders from all over the world and attracts them both shipbuilders and 400 scientists for the restoration of three thousand ships and a “floating” city.[ Ibrohimova R., 2011;B. 200]

The author of the work included the image of scientists so that the heroes of the work could get out of the situation that had arisen. But it only takes a wider scope of purpose, without the use of the image of scientists, to solve the problem in the work of fiction. He created in his works a sketch of the discovery of scientists, a fantastic alternative, who discovered in the image of scientists who made various greases, stone clothes, bird wings, grease, which in the future can make invisible from aircraft to spaceships, clothes, and letters.

In order to reveal the artistic and psychological characteristics inherent to the heroes of the fiction work The ice and fire”, Ray Bradbury describes in a solo struggle with Kayon and Sim, in order to demonstrate Sim’s character trait – honesty, at the same time with the use of speech and its appearance, portrait image, dream or land-scape. It is known that despite the fact that this method is ancient, it has not lost its value even in fiction works. Ilya Muromes also honestly defeated the robber nightin-gale, Alexander the Great also defeated the King Maluni honestly, armed with knowl-edge, using scientists, and Alpomish also honestly defeated the athletes of the tribe qalmoq in battle. Even more so, Ray Bradbury managed to open the character traits of the character of the work in the image of the struggle of rivals – Sim and Nxai, char-acteristic of the people of the East. In this place, in some cases, he uses the negative coloring, fertile use of words, analogies, phrases, and adjectives. The Nxoi, which was defeated in battle is characterized as “his eyes are like a fruit that has become moldy from torment, his mouth is open like a crumbling fruit that has been cracked”, spread-ing with the earth as one from ripening. Or, since the images of the moment of aging Kayon, Sim describes (Kayon – Ulughbek Kuchimov, hereinafter – U.K.) as the fol-lowing: “his eyes faded like a glass, his body dried up like a fish”, - or describes beau-tiful Layt as "her senseless eyes were blocked with sticky eyelashes, like a spider’s nest”. Sim fell in love with Layt at first glance, but at that moment Layt’s eyes are now “blocked by sticky eyelashes like a spider’s nest”. From this analogy, the writer wants to express the opinion that the life reminiscent of the game on the chessboard is equal to the fact that Layt does not know what will happen after four walks, as if her eyes are


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blind. Or when the author writes “His eyes were hot emeralds in his face”[ Sultonov I., 1980] about Sim’s eyes, he means that in this way Sim will become the winner.

In this way, the writer accelerates the lines to the “coral thread”, which serves to reveal the psychological state of the characters of the work, and the lines inherent to the main characters of the story.

Both Ray Bradbury and Hojiakbar Shaikhov managed to present artistic psychol-ogy not only through their speech, but also with the help of their internal monologue.

“Portrait – as writes I.Sultanov, – to a certain extent, perceives the inner world of a person and therefore prepares us for a quick and correct understanding of events in the plot”.[ Bradbury Ray., 1947;p.175]

In this sense, the portrait of Layt, one of the main characters of Ray Brad-bury’s work “The ice and fire”, can be evidence of our opinion. “Layt ...was young and beautiful. Her eyes are like silver coins, her neck is as beautiful and elegant, like a swan’s. her little body was reminiscent of a blue flame, whose hair was billowing from her body, receiving power. Though there passed four days, she was still young, beautiful ... like an example of a full moon, and she was just stepping on the thresh-old of maturity”1.

While studying the portrait of the Layt, described by the author, we can see the lines that are characteristic to the nature of Layt – a pure heart, the features that confirm the pure love towards Sim. The author focuses on comparing Layt’s eyes of to a silver coin tells that the girl had shining light in her eyes, her neck resembling the swan’s – her kindheart –her long neck – that her goal is higher, her hair’s being compared with the blue flame – that she has burning fire in her heart, and thus creating vivid and attractive characteristics of her.

In one place, the author while describing the main character’s hair writes that her hair “shone in a purple, rusty tone”2.[Bradbury Ray.,1947;p.175]Here the author em-phasizes that the girl’s hair is purple in color. If we pay attention to the image of women created in the history of fiction, then regardless of their territorial belonging the color of their hair is described as purple or bluish. In a certain sense, there exists the case, when the color of main characters’ hair has specific symbol3. [Ibrohimova R., 2011; 200 bet].

The above-mentioned descriptions, given by the author to Layt served to show the proportions of her external beauty to her inner world, as well as to express Sim’s character with the image of Layt.

In order to describe conditions, in which the characters of “The ice and fire” are living, the author gives the reader a portrait of a fantastic image with an episodic char-acter. According to him: “The outlines of the cave appeared. And a man loomed up, insane and wild and terrible. A man with a dying face. Old, withered by winds, baked like adobe in the heat. The man was crouched in a far corner of the cave, his eyes whitening to one side of his face, listening to the far wind trumpet-

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.188/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/2 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.175/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/3 See: Ibrohimova R. Voqelik va fantastika. – T.: Muharrir, 2011. 200 bet.


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ing up above on the frozen night planet”1[ Bradbury Ray 1947;p.273] (“Telbasifat, yovvoyi, mudhish qiyofali odam paydo boʼldi..., juda qartayib ketgan, tanasini sham-ollar qoqshol quritib tashlagan, ayozlar yuzlarini kuydirgan, goʼyo gʼishtga aylanib ketgandi u. Gʼorning bir burchagida gʼujanak boʼlib yotgancha, gʼilay boʼlayozgan koʼzining oqlarini yaltiratib, sovuqdan muz qoplagan tungi sayyora uzra guvillab es-ayotgan shamolga quloq tutardi2”). [Bredberi R., 2001;B. 167] .

From portrait, which the writer describes, it can be assumed that unfavorable conditions in nature might leave traces in a person’s appearance, influencing his/her psyche, forming feelings of aggression, and hatred for life in a person.

There are cases, where the writer uses positive images, the image of Duck for example, for the purpose of further embodying the environment, ecology, lifestyle of people in particular from.

Sim’s sister loves her brother from the depth of her heart, she realistically evalu-ates life from her point of view, does not expect anything superfluous from life, she does not even try herself to improve it. She lives only to find something to eat. In that sense the writes the following about her: “Watching Dark was like seeing a liz-ard forever flicking its pink tongue, forever hungry”3[Ray Bradbury., 1947;p.313] (“Qizcha doim och, pushti rang tillari bilan hamisha ovqat izlaydigan kaltakesani eslatardi”4)[ Bredberi R.,2001;B. 176]. The writer points to Duck’s state in order to point out the idea that hunger, poverty prevails in places where there is a war between the tribes, for a piece of bread or, for a handful of fruits, tribal people spend their days in search of edibles and spend their lives in desolation. The author wants to describe whole tribal people with Duck’s image. And his thoughts further get confirmed with the help of Kayon’s aged portrait: “That of an old man. A cruel, bitter face. It looked down at Sim and snarled”5 (“Sim egilgancha, cholning badburush aftini, shi-shaday xira tortgan koʼzlarini, qoq baliqday qurib ketgan tanasini koʼzdan kechirdi6”).[ Bredberi R., 2001;176] .

The writer’s goal is not only limited with informing the reader about the situ-ation of the deceased population, their way of life through the image of a portrait of fantastic images, which we noted above, but also the purpose of using this method to find a solution to the main issue. That is, in order to improve the tribe’s life it is im-portant to conduct the idea that it is necessary to live by fighting for a better life, even if there is one day is left to live.

Ray Bradbury widely used this method not only in the story “The ice and fire, but also in the speech of the main characters of the work and their various manifestations, as well as the way of dreaming in a row with the use of portraits, landscapes, in finding solutions to issues related to the preservation of a person, the fate of the people who

1 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.273/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/2 Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 167.3 Ray Bradbury Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.313/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/4 Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 176.5 Ray Bradbury Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.313/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/6 Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 176.


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care about him. The writer uses the image of Layt again with the help of Sim’s dream in order to note the severity of the situation through the dream of the character of the work, the state of the tribal people, the extreme tension: “...it seemed that the girl’s whole face became somehow wrinkled. Her hair was covered with thick wind, as if in the snow, her senseless eyes were blocked by sticky eyelashes, like a spider’s nest. The toothless mouth was opened like a twine, thin fingers were burned and shriveled, and they seemed to hang on the inanimate wrist like a stick. In the eyes of the young man, her elegance, charm, began to wither and fade away. Sim with horror takes hold of the hands of the Lady, and a scream that he had in his throat was held with great effort. In his eyes, his hands also become black, and and wrinkled”1.[ Bredberi R., 2001; 177]

The changes in Layt’s appearance, which previously overwhelmed the heart of the reader with its beauty, are evident from this past time, from her wrinkled faces one can guess the difficulties of her life. As soon as Sim sees her in a dream, who was dying in front of his eyes, he imagines finding himself in such a state of disarray. The only way to prevent this is to fight for the tribe’s prosperous life and his love towards Layt. He continuously looks for scientists. He believes that after knowing the secrets of ship management from the scientists, he will be able to take his tribe out of a ter-rible area where they will live eight days and die at the end.

In another dream Sim sees the following: “Birds lingered upon gigantic trees that took a hundred, two hundred, five thousand days to grow. Everything re-mained in its place, the birds did not flicker nervously at a hint of sun, nor did the trees suck back frightenedly when a ray of sunlight poured over them. In this dream people strolled, they rarely ran, the heart rhythm of them was evenly languid, not jerking and insane. The grass remained, and did not burn away in torches. The dream people talked always of tomorrow and living and not tomor-row and dying. It all seemed so familiar that when Sim felt someone take his hand he thought it simply another part of the dream.”2[ Bradbury Ray., 1947p.287]

- In fact we will do so for our spiritual harmony. “Life is unfair3”[ Bredberi R.,2001;177] (on a damned planet – U.K.), - they were commenting on the circum-stances they were living.

Ray Bradberi also tries to open Sim’s psyche with the help of dream, and gives the reader the opportunity to compare the life of a planet with another, life on the real Earth. As we see, the life on Earth, which Sim saw in his dream, is radically different from the one on the planet on which is damned. The inhabitants of the Earth live a meaningful life, their hearts beat evenly. While the life of inhabitants of the damned planet is restricted (eight days – U.K.); they lives in danger. There is nothing worse than living and waiting for the last day of a person’s life.

In this way, we can see that Ray Bradbury uses the dream of the main character of the work as a tool in giving the characters’ mental state. That is, Sim had the op-

1 Translated from: Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 177.2 Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.287/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/ray-bradbury-short-stories/3 Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 177.


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portunity to compare the life on the earth and the life on a damned planet even in a dream. Layt’s dream once again proves that it was impossible for a person to live on a damned planet.

As noted by psychologists, the image of nature, together with the external con-ditions, is also the main factor for revealing the psychological state of characters.

The main theme of H.Shaykhov’s story “Unknown people” is connected with the environmental problems. Its basis was formed on the description of the life of alien beings who came to earth and are living, and their relationship with the inhabit-ants of the Earth. As literature scientist Ozod Sharafiddinov stated, in this story Hoji-akbar Shaikhov reflects the correlation between human feelings, values, kindness and evil, tolerance and selfishness.

The plot of the story is told in the name of one of the characters of the work. And it seems as if the author is also involved in the story. One of the main characters, Uktam speaks both on behalf of the main character and on of the author.

The writer often refers to the views of landscape, the image of external condi-tions, and he writes the following in giving the mood of the characters of the work: “There poured rain in the mountains one day before we set out to journey. We all ran into the tents and hid there from rain. Outside, the wind blowing and producing sounds like hungry wolves, and the crunching of the trees was causing panic to our hearts. The rain hit the roof of our tents continuously, and it seemed that someone was beating our tents with some object1”[ Shayxov H.,2010; B.5]. From telling this landscape, the author wanted describe the mood of young, inexperienced tourists that have decided to conquer the snowy peaks. The writer uses such details as “the wind blowing and producing sounds like hungry wolves”, “the crunching of trees”, “the rain hit the roof of our tents continuously”, and “someone was beating our tents with some object”, in order to reflect the fear, panic, and danger in the hearts of the main characters. The image of natural events such as “flood invasion”, “stone falling” show the horror that conquered the hearts of the characters in a more vivid way. One of the characters of the work once again emphasizes the fear by telling that when he reached the half of the bridge “the bridge was rocked as if someone cut it with an ax”. In giving the mood of the characters, the landscape is filled with portrait drawings of the characters of the work, such as “slender”, “fat”, “heavy”, “an owner of strong hand” etc.

Ray Bradbury and Hojiakbar Shaikhov widely use such elements not only in their works on a small prose, but also in works on a large genre, giving the mood of their characters. In this sense, we have observed both similar and different features of the themes, artistic and psychological aspects of the novels of American fiction writer Ray Bradbury “451 degree on Fahrenheit”, and Hojiakbar Shaikhov’s “Ad-joined worlds”.

In finding similarities and differences in the artistic psychological peculiarities Ray Bradbury's “451 degrees on Fahrenheit”, and H. Shaikhov’s novels “Adjoined worlds”, “Wanderers of the two worlds”, we considered that it is important to find an

1 Translated from: Shayxov H.“Nomaʼlum odamlar”. –T.: - 2010.- B.5.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

object of study, and we must determine the main theme of these works. Because the theme plays an important role in the artistic work. As literary critic H. Umirov writes: “The theme is ...the image of events chosen by the author, which summarize specific matters of life, calling the core of such reflected life (event) manifestations ... and the idea to evaluate it in an emotional way”1.[ Umirov H.,2004.] It can be seen from these words, the correct understanding of the subject of the work reveals the scientific fea-tures of the analyzing the process, the opportunity to correctly interpret the problems disposed in connection with life.

The main theme of the story “451 degree on Fahrenheit” is “preservation of a human”, which is of course a very broad concept, covers many points, such as the man-made crisis of society, the ability to resist those who promote mass culture, the prevention of the threat of war that would bring disaster to the head of mankind. The main theme of Shaykhov’s novel “Adjoined worlds” is: to awaken a person from ig-norance and achieve perfection. We can see these ideas in O.Sharafiddinov’s words: “the writer does not only think to make the reader’s mind busy, but also exposes a person’s human manners, turning to the conscience of a person, awakening him from his ignorance and making him more harmonious. Therefore, at the root of Hojiak-bar’s works, there lie the meaning, honesty of human life, and the issues of purity”2.[ Shayxov.H., 2001;B7] .

In the works of these two writers – Ray Bradbury and Hojiakbar Shakhov there is one common intersectional point – caring about the human fate. In this sense, they focused their attention on the struggle between the material world and the world of spirituality, their combined influence, goodness and evil, truthfulness and curvature, tolerance and selfishness in their works.

In this way, we see that the struggle for the preservation of human and good deeds, unites two writers living in two poles of the world. The issue that occupied their minds – the material and eternal worlds, the problems of spiritual maturity and degradation for centuries interested prominent people of the East (A.Yassavi, Mashr-ab, A. Navoi, Mahtumkuli) and the West (Dante, Gyote, Vega). Our thoughts in this sense find their proof in Radhakrishna’s words sited by Dyurishin: “The unity of ex-isting views can be explained by the following: the authors, who create works in dif-ferent languages, are inspired by a common source and face the same emotional and intellectual experience on many or little levels”3.[ Dyurishin D.,1979;S.70].

When we say a common source, we mean “universal heritage”, “factors that have established a specific religious-philosophical understanding of the universe, “emotional and intellectual experience”. They can create an ideological unanimity between the works of authors. The issues that make up the priority line of Ray Brad-beri and H. Shaikhov’s fiction works are also fed from this common source. In this sense, the possibilities of fiction and its manifestations (such as scientific, household,

1 Translated from: Umirov H. Аdabiyotshunoslik nazariyasi. “А. Qodiriy nomidagi xalq merosi”. –T.: 2004. – B. 115.2 Translated from: Shayxov.H. Tutash olamlar, Ikki jahon ovorasi romanlar. Soʼz boshi. Sharafiddinov O. Hojiakbarning sirli olami.-T.: Sharq,. 2001. - B7.3 Dyurishin D. Teoriya stavnitelnogo izucheniya literaturi. – M.: Progress, 1979. – S. 70.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

fairy tale, and philosophical fiction) are pretty large. That is, there is a wide field for imagination. Not only imagination, but also reality (behind the curtain of fiction) and social views of the writer are also reflected in such works.

If R.Bradbury’s novel “451 degrees on Fahrenheit” is written in the genre of science fiction, then H. Shaykhov’s novel “Adjoined worlds” is a mystical-fantastic novel. H. Sheikhov describes his scientific views in the mystical “shell”. The fact that the writer writes a work using specific method of fiction is connected with the indi-vidual side of the issue discussed in the work.

Main characters of the fiction work live on a different planet, galaxies. They can be described in the forms of robots, creatures, demons, and as a creature, which has a human like appearance or do not resemble people at all.

The main characters of the novel “451 degrees on Fahrenheit” are: Montague, Captain Bitty, Faber, Clarissa, Milldrid and a fantastic character “men books” Granger and a mechanical dog. All of them merge around Montague. That is, they serve to fill the image of Montague.

The main heroes of the novel “Adjoined worlds”, written by Hojiakbar Shai-khov are three sisters, named Nazira Nargiza and Nafisa. The writer describes these sisters as people with fantastic features. That is, they have the property of seeing the future in advance and communicating with the spirits of the dead people. The story also has the spirits of such saints as Hazrat Ghavsul Azam, Sheikh Tahur, Haja Asror Vali, Tilla Sheikh as the characters, and they support these three sisters.

The characters with evil intentions – the gang of devils Ulispir, Nuj, Nut, Yaos and their slaves – Bolta, Tesha and Uroq are put against the main heroes of the novel – Nazira, Nargiza, and Nafisa, who are characters with noble intentions. Gulshoda Bonu was previously one of the faithful people of Nazira’s family. In order to get the Yashm stone and become wealthy, her satanic character prevails the nobility, and she enters the service of the those young men gang and Ulispir. For the sake of wealth, the Nazarene first tries to bring the sickle to the fortune teller. Later, she leaves these bad people and brings the stone to the nephew of the supreme ruler Uluspir – Samug, who is a son of Kain.

As we see, the images that draw our attention have peculiar features of their characters, internal aspirations, and spiritual worldview. In this sense, it should men-tioned, creating a real image of people is an important feature of author’s artistry. And through the psychological analysis of the works it is possible to get a deeper idea of the creative and the spiritual world of the characters of the work.

The first part of the novel “451 degrees on Fahrenheit” was called as “Shelter and Samandar”. The writer begins the novel with a landscape and a portrait. As it well known “the landscape serves as a means of opening the hearts of the characters of the work. The usage of landscape in expressing the characters’ mental state can serve to the formation of parallelism or contrast”1.[ Xotamov N, Sarimsoqov., 1979;B. 228-229].

1 Xotamov N, Sarimsoqov B “Аdabiyotshunoslik terminlarining ruscha –oʼzbekcha izohli lugʼati.” T.: Oʼqituvchi -1979. B. 228-229.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

The main hero of Ray Bradbury’s novel “451 degree of Fahrenheit” Montague is a firefighter. His task is to burn the. “It was a pleasure to burn”1 [Bradbury Ray., 1953;P.1].(“Oʼt qoʼyish unga rohat bagʼishlar edi”2).[Bredberi R.,2007; 160]. This profession was inherited to him b his father. They came to this decision in 1876, while constantly burning the English spirit books. The founder of this decision is President Franklin. The goal of burning books is not to allow people to think independently, and thus make to turn into robot like creatures. While the progress is a process associated only with the spiritual improvement of people.

Ray Bradbury, to a certain sense, also made predictions in this work. He was able to see that centuries later books would be read through a computer disk. Indeed, now the younger generation prefers to read the book through computer disks. How-ever, let it be in a paper form, or in a form of a computer disk, it is important to con-tinue reading books for the sake of development of human thinking, and for the rise of his intellect.

Dreams of Clarissa, main character of the work, are endless. She believes that people can go up to the moon and be able to watch it. She imagines that they live on the moon, as we live on earth and astonishes Montague by telling “we can find a hu-man on the moon”.

These dreams, which Bradbury described with the help of Clarissa, were pure fiction for that period, but over the years his dream has served as an artistic sketch, an artistic hypothesis, an artistic prophecy to conquer the moon.

When the main character of the work Clarissa asks Montague: “Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?3”[ Bradbury Ray., 1953; P.5]. her words served to express the idea that the writer wanted to give. How-ever, the position of the writer does not coincide with the initial position of the char-acter of the work. At the end of the work, the views of Montague, the main character of the novel, change. That is, the views of the character of the work coincide with the views of author of the work. But in order for Montague to change his views towards the books and the life itself, the writer had to include the images of Clarissa with Greenger, scientist Faber in the development of the events of the work.

In giving their influence on Montague, the writer continues to use images of the nature. Using the image of nature landscape, the writer managed to give the process that was going on in the heart Montague: “They walked in the warm-cool blowing night on the silvered pavement and there was the faintest breath of fresh apricots and strawberries in the air, and he looked around and realized this was quite impossible, so late in the year.”4[ Bradbury Ray.,1953; P.4]. (“...Ularning (Monteg va Klarissa – U.K.) boshi uzra shoxlar shitirlab, quruq barglar yomg‘irini yerga duvil-latib yog‘dirardi... yengil shabada esib turgan bo‘lsa-da, iliq tunda oy nurida kumush-dek tovlanayotgan yo‘lak bo‘ylab borishar. Montegga atrofdan yangi uzilgan o‘rik

1 Bradbury Ray Fahrenheit 451. New York: -1953. Ballantine Books. P.1.2 Bredberi R. Farengeyt boʼyicha 451 daraja. // Jahon adabiyoti. 2007.-№7. 160.3 Bradbury Ray Fahrenheit 451. New York.:-1953. Ballantine Books. P.5.4 Bradbury Ray Fahrenheit 451. New York.:-1953. Ballantine Books. P.4.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

va qulupnayning juda mayin xushbo‘y hidi ufurib turganday edi. U orqasiga qayrilib qarab, bunday bo‘lishi mumkin emasligiga ishonch hosil qildi. Chunki hozir kuz fasli edi”1.[Bredberi R., 2007; B.162].

Autumn is a sign of Montagueэs family life, his relationship with his wife Mel-drid. The spiritual balance is broken in Montague’s family. His wife spends her life sleeping, watching someone else’s destiny on TV and sharing these problems with them. There appeared a spiritual gap between Montague and his wife. This emptiness is filled by Clarissa, which causes Montague to change his views towards life. If we divide Montague’s life conditionally into two parts, that is, when he burned the books led by the captain Bette, and the second – the period when his views changed, associ-ated with the preservation of books; the leaves that fell like rain on their heads is a sign that the first period of Montague’s life has come to an end.

Until the beginning of spring of his life, he will have to experience the winter cycle of it – cold, frosty days, too. While the autumn breeze is blowing, Montague and Clarissa go along the “warm night moonlight silver-tinged corridor”, expressing confidence that they will find their way in their lives. Through the landscape the writer encourages his characters to see their life in the lightbulbs. He points to the brightness of the future of his homeland, America. “The corridor of silver in the light of the moon in a warm night” evokes the confidence of the reader that the road his homeland and its people are experiencing will have a bright future.

It seemed for Montague, that “there was the faintest breath of fresh apricots and strawberries in the air”. Montague is feeling the smell of apricot and strawberry, although the incident is currently taking place in autumn. This is a hint of his relation-ships with Clarissa. This is a sign of spring, which is entering Montague’s life. This is an expression of the state of his soul. In addition, this landscape image was used by the writer in order to give the future of his homeland. He wants the earth to feel not the smell of the fires, the smoke and the ashes, but wants the earth to become a place, where the gardens overfilled with the smell of apricots and strawberries, that Montague is feeling.

The work of H.Shaykhov “Adjoined worlds” also begins with the image of a landscape. “Having melted the rough winter ice, the holiday Navruz is coming, which led the development of living, rejuvenation and renewal, entered the great genius of ancient Tashkent, as it is taking place in all the regions of the country. But as it con-tinued since many thousands of years, the ancient tradition that had taken root in our land could not absorb the long persecution, still cold at night, the winds that conjure the flesh will not cease. Although in the daytime the city will be overwhelmed by a white and dark fog, very soon, in the daytime, the sun will open up as a hostess bride, who has just opened her face”2.[ Shayxov H.,2001; B. 13]

The purpose of the work, in which the writer begins it with the image of the nature landscape, is connected with the mutual struggle of groups, between real and

1 Bredberi R. Farengeyt boʼyicha 451 daraja. Mirza Аnvar tarjimasi. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2007. №7.- B.162.2 Shayxov H. Tutash olamlar, Ikki jahon ovorasi. - T.: Sharq, 2001. – B. 13.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

fantastic personalities used in the work. As a possible reason we can state the fol-lowing: it is the use of landscape in reflecting the imbalance between the material world and the world of spirituality, their influence on each other, kindness and evil, straightness and curvature, tolerance and selfishness in the work. The embodiment of evil in the work, let it be fantastic or real – it prepares images living in human grief over negative images to the inevitability of solemnity, just like the uvertyura in music played before the beginning of the performance.

Here, in contrast to Ray Bradbury’s nature landscape portrayed in the novel “451 degrees on Fahrenheit” – the autumn landscape, which H. Sheikhov points out in the life of society, passes through the winter stage and is on the eve of spring. But the fact that at night is still cold, the winds that make the weather extremely cold, and that the city is covered with the white and dark foggy during the day, and that it is exchange by the sun, which appears in daytime, like a bride, who has just opened her face is a sign that life is a comprises of the struggle between the good and evil, and that a person is always in action in order to survive in life.

With the image of this nature landscape H.Shaikhov also tried to attract the at-tention of the readers to the social problems, hidden behind the lines. The lines “The sun is appearing like a bride is opening her face” is a symbol of dark fog that was didn’t let the light to our lands is passing by, the destruction of the tyrannical system, the liberation and prosperity of our homeland, and that the sun is shining to our land.

External conditions also play an important role in describing the state of the char-acters of the work. “Human character is not only interpreted by internal features, but also by external conditions, social, historical realities that surround him and determine a certain direction of his activities”1.[ Tetrovskiy А. V. va boshqalar.,1992;-B.172]

CONCLUSIONFiction writers describe the contradictions in social life, the cases, associated

with social issues, behind the curtain of fiction. The reason for fiction writers to be-have like this is connected in most cases with the situation, and they are forced to give their views behind the curtains. In some cases the hypotheses put forward in the works of fiction by the writers can be realized in life coming out of the shell of fiction works.

FOYDALANILGAN ADABIYOTLAR1. Alimuhamedov A. A. Qahhor hikoyalarida psixologik tasvir. Sharq yulduzi, 1947.- №2-3. 2. Britikov A.F. “Masterstvo Mixaila Sholoxova” L.: - 1964 - 207 s.3. Bredberi R. Muz va olov. Jahon adabiyoti jurnali. 2001.№12-B. 176.4. Bredberi R. Farengeyt bo‘yicha 451 daraja. // Jahon adabiyoti. 2007.-№7. 160. 5. Bredberi Rey. I tut tvoryatsya chudesa.– Literaturnaya gazeta, 1980, - №10. – S. 4.6. Bradbury Ray Fahrenheit 451. New York.:-1953. Ballantine Books. P.4.7. Bradbury Ray Short Stories. Dark Carnival - 1947/p.286/ http://www.shortstoryguide.com/

ray-bradbury-short-stories/8. Gromov P.P. O stile L’va Tolstogo. “Dialektika dushi” v “Voyne i mire”. –L.: Xudoj. lit., 1977. - 488 s;

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Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

9. Dyurishin D. Teoriya stavnitel’nogo izucheniya literaturi. – M.: Progress, 1979. – S. 70. 10. Ibragimova R.M. Puti formirovaiya i razvitiya uzbekskoy nauchnoy fantastiki. Diss. kand.

filol. nauk. – T.: 1980.11. Ibrohimova R. Voqelik va fantastika. – T.: Muharrir. 2011. –B. 200.12. Karlova T. S. “Voprosi psixologicheskogo analiza v nasledii L.N.Tolstogo. izdadel’stovo

Kazanskogo universiteta, 1959. - 70 s.; 13. Sultonov I. Adabiyot nazariyasi. –T., “O‘qituvchi”. 1980 yil.14. Tetrovskiy A. V. va boshqalar. Umumiy psixologiya. –T.: O‘qituvchi. – 1992.- B.172.15. Umirov H. Adabiyotshunoslik nazariyasi. “A. Qodiriy nomidagi xalq merosi”. –T.: 2004. – B.

115.16. Xotamov N, Sarimsoqov B. Adabiyotshunoslik terminlarining ruscha-o‘zbekcha izohli lug‘ati.

– T.: O‘qituvchi, 1979. – B. 228-229.17. Shayxov H. Tutash olamlar, Ikki jahon ovorasi. - T.: Sharq, 2001. – B. 13.18. Shayxov H. “Noma’lum odamlar”. –T.: - 2010.- B.5.19. Sharafiddinov O. Hojiakbarning sirli olami. G‘.G‘ulom nomidagi - matbaa ijodiy uyi. T.: -201.

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the Kazan state University, 1959. - 70 p.13. Sultanov I. Literature theory. –T., “Instructor”. 198014. Tetrovsky A. V. and others. General Psychology. –T.: Teacher. - 1992.— B.172.15. Umirov H. Literary Theory. “A. Heritage of Kadiri. –T.: 2004. - B. 115.16. Khotamov N, Sarymsakov B. Russian-Uzbek dictionary of literary terms. - T .: Instructor,

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2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Ваҳоб Амонов

ЎзДЖТУ тадқиқотчиси




Ҳар қандай чет тилини ўрганишда нафақат тилга оид ҳодисаларни ўзлаштириш, балки та-лабалар ўрганаётган тилнинг соҳиби бўлган халққа хос маданиятшуносликка оид билим-лар асосини ўзлаштириш ҳам ўта муҳимдир. Испан тили бўйича мутахассисларни тайёрлаш учун талабаларни испан маданий анаънала-ри билан таништириш зарур, чунки бу урф-одатлар ўзбекларникидан фарқ қилади. Мада-ниятлараро мулоқотда юқори профессионал маҳоратга эришиш фақат испан маданий ана-ъаналар илдизини, испан миллий феъл-атвори ва менталитетини билиш ҳолатидагина мум-киндир.

Испан тилининг ўзига хос жиҳатлари шун-даки, бу тилни социомаданий ва маданиятлара-ро компонентларисиз ўрганиб бўлмайди. Тала-балар бегона маданиятни қабул қилишга тайёр бўлишлари лозим, улар нотаниш нарсаларга дуч келганда буни тўғри тушунишлари ва ком-муникатив тўсиқларни енгиб ўтишга тайёр бўлишлари лозим. Мазкур мақолада ўзбек ва испан миллатининг миллий қадриятларининг дунё тил манзарасидаги аксига оид масалалар кўтарилади.

Калит сўзлар: мақол, матал, ўзбек тили, испан тили, менталитет, маданиятлараро мулоқот, маданиятшунослик, тил манзараси.

Vahob AmonovResearcher, UzSWLU



In learning any foreign language it is important to master the language phenomena with the basics of cultural knowledge of the country concerning the target language. In order to train Spanish specialists, students should be introduced to Spanish cultural traditions which are different from Uzbek customs. In teaching Spanish high professionalism in intercultural communication is possible only if you know the roots of Spanish cultural traditions, the Spanish national character and mentality.

The peculiarities of the Spanish language are those that it cannot be learned without the sociocultural and intercultural components. Students should be prepared to embrace a foreign culture, be able to properly understand it when faced with unfamiliar experiences, and be ready to overcome communicative barriers. This research focuses on the issues concerning the reflection of the national values of Uzbek and Spanish people in the global language picture.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

INTRODUCTION Any language as a virtual structure offers the potential of community’s speech

behavior based on the collective consciousness of the particular environment. In recent years, it has become clear that language and culture are increasingly interconnected, and interest in the interrelationship of different cultures is growing. But culture is a very broad concept. It includes many factors such as language, thinking, perception, evaluation and attitude. If we adopt the rule that “Mentality is the ethnic and cultural identity of the community”,[Голованивская М. К., 1997; С.278] then the notion of mentality must be a subject of deep scientific study for practical purposes to determine the national identity of a particular people’s mentality.

THE RESULTS AND REFLECTIONSThe term mentality (from the Latin mentalis) describes a unique and sustain-

able way of perceiving the world, which is characteristics of large groups of people, and defines a person’s attitude to environmental phenomena. Mentality describes the underlying bases of personal and collective attitude to various aspects of life and behavior. It can also be argued that “mentality is a criterion of personal and social consciousness”.[ Леонтьев А. А., 1969; С. 57- 58]. In this context, it is proposed to differentiate individual mentality concerning the features of a person; social mental-ity in social groups, communities, and the society itself; and socium mentality cov-ering the whole state including social awareness of individuals and social groups.[ Гершунский Б. С., 1996; С. 142]. In this regard, A.P. Sedih describes the concept of mentality as “a way of perceiving and understanding reality, which is determined by a combination of cognitive stereotypes (concepts) of consciousness inherent in a partic-ular linguistic society”. [Седых А.П., 2004; 269 с.] A.F. Valeeva says that “national mentality is a national way of perceiving and understanding reality, as determined by a set of cognitive stereotypes of a nation”.[ Валеева А.Ф., 2003; 308с.] Nowadays researchers increasingly focus on the relationship between mentality and culture, the national mentality paradigm, and the particular way in which ethnic communities live. Recent experiments have proven that “national language is the main factor of thinking, in other words, the native language gives its owners the opportunity to use a particular way of expressing their thoughts through specific language habits”.[ Седых А. П., 2004; С.87 – 88].

National values based on geographical, climatic, historical and other conditions have great importance in the process of national formation and development

For linguistic analysis, the concept of value is convenient for a given communi-ty of people as a factor that can be adapted for many centuries and millennia, preserv-ing its national identity in all situations of society. Only a person who has preserved his/her own national values and at the same time feels his/her unity with the thinking humanity in space and time is able to make the best decisions. Only such persons can understand the problems of the nation and of all humanity and can help their country and nation maintaining the identification code.

The problem of the implementation of higher national moral principles implies


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

a culmination of the nation’s development as a synthesis of consciousness and behav-ior. Real national values can only be manifested in the activities carried out by the individual himself/herself, which should be aimed at establishing common national moral principles in all areas of human activity. As a part of universal values, national values are expressed as the criteria for the development of the nation, as a factor that preserves positive experience in the form of values and is an independent factor of the individual and ethnic life. The real impact of social relationships depends on the level of it.[http://vatandash.ru/index.php?article=1795] The uniqueness of national values is determined first and foremost by their ability concerning its role in the norma-tive evaluation of social consciousness and relevant ideological social relations. Each manifestation of national values embodies the norm that characterizes the culture of both nation and individual.

Each nation has its own specifics for objective reasons as historical develop-ment, material and spiritual conditions. These specific features, reflected on traditions and customs, are passed down from generation to generation, strengthened by cultural norms, influences the formation of the spiritual world of the people, determines the socio-political activity of the nation.

The most important national value is the language, which is the result of the his-torical development of the ethnos and reflects the peculiarities of the national forma-tion. The language influences the spirituality of society, which is not only a means of communication between people, but also an expression of the richness of ethnic life. The widespread use of the national language, its use in the transmission of informa-tion from one generation to the next, its unique diversity and originality make people feel proud of their language. In addition, the language serves to preserve the unique national culture. Of all the components of ethnic culture, exactly the language has the most pronounced ethnic functions, and therefore it is the most striking sign of the ethnic community.

Customs and traditions supported by the ethnos’ social power and reinforced in behavioral theories, play an important role in the formation and strengthening of the ethnic identity of each generation. Each new generation encounters old traditions and customs existed for centuries. As a reflection of previous generations’ experiences, they are easily assimilated and embedded in people’s minds.

One of the most important tasks of modern humanities is to study and describe the interrelationship of language and culture, culture and ethnos. Recently, the issue of verbal expression of landscapes in the national world is of particular importance. Many scholars believe that it reflects people’s perceptions of the world, its interpreta-tion of events and issues in terms of value and spirituality. At the same time, valuable (axiological) analysis of linguistic phenomena is one of the key aspects that reflects the relationship between humanbeings and the world. According to Y.S. Starostina “when a person realizes that the objects, facts, events of reality are important or insig-nificant (that is, broad values) for him/her, he/she begins to understand his/her posi-tion in the world scene”.[ Старостина Ю. С., 2007; С. 233 (232-239)]. As a conse-quence, a person's attitude to the world provides the basis for conceptual processing of


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

the language, since “things that are valueless are neither mentioned at all, nor, as they are called, nor described in detail in terms of lexicon or word formation”.[ Шутина В. Н., 2010; С. 93 (93-98.)]. From this it can be argued that the most important principle of studying the values of the (axiological) landscape of the world is verbal-conceptual representation, and the main unit of research is the (axiological) concept.[Шутина В. Н., 2010; С. 96 ( 93-98)].

Each nation uses its own language in its own way. Language is a means of com-municating, naming things. In this way it reflects on nationalism.

A linguistic description of national values through an analysis of specific cul-tural concepts has been cited in a number of studies, demonstrating their high effec-tiveness.[ Дмитриева О. А., 1996; С.67-74.; Чернощекова В. О., 2009; С. 80-85].The ethno-cultural identity of the language is particularly striking through its lexical fund, proverbs, parables, phraseology and paremiology.

O. Chernoshekova stated, “paremia” are expressions that are stable in the lan-guage and have the syntactic structure of the words used in speech - they have the knowledge of traditionalism, publicity, didacticism, in other words, proverbs, axioms, maxims used in the folklore of the nation.[ Чернощекова В. О., 2009; С. 80 (80-85)]. Paremia are characterized by a number of functional and semantic features that allow to occupy a special place among the means of language representation of the national world picture. Proverbs and parables, which are part of the ethnos folklore, are one of the forms of language traditions, norms and perceptions of the world. Such universal expressions characterize life events; reflect the extraordinary nature of time.

For linguistic science, this is especially important because the paremiological fund of a language reflects the values of the normative system of society, allows to characterize cultures in the system of priority values, and to explain the basics of the nation’s worldview. The phraseological composition of the language also reflects the valuable content of the language culture as an important event in expressing the na-tional identity of the people. Phraseological concepts are interpreted through cultural meanings that include concepts, narratives and customs. According to A.P. Babushkin, the history of phraseological composition is “the history of the people, because col-lecting images and reflecting them in the language is the result of a cultural interpreta-tion of the realities of the purpose to express their emotional or evaluative attitude to them”. [ Бабушкин А. П., 1996; С.96 ( 96–97)].

Thus the study of the phrase-paremiological fund allows to distinguish the most relevant spiritual values of society from the linguistic point of view and describe their specific characters as the result of the influence of historical, cultural and other factors in the traditional landscape of the world.

Society and family, which are an integral part of the culture, have their own national characteristics and play an important role in the precious landscape of the social world.

Spanish culture is no exception. Proverbs reflecting Spanish human values can be divided into the following types:

Parental relationships (attitude between parents):


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

A nadie le parecieron sus hijos feos;Al escarabajo, sus hijos le parecen granos de oro (fino).Cual es la madre, así las hijas salen.De buena casa, buena brasa.«Grumos de oro (fino)»- llama el escarabajo a sus hijos.Manos blancas no ofenden. Quien feo ama, hermoso le parece.Relations with close relatives (kinship relations):De casta le viene al galgo el ser rabilargo.Más discurre un hambriento que cien letrados.Más vale amigo en la plaza que dineros en el arca.No es lo mismo predicar que dar trigo.No hay peor astilla que la de la misma madera.Marriage relationships (relationship between husband and wife, mainly detailed

descriptions of their personality):Entre padres у hermanos, no metas las manos.El casamiento у el melón, por ventura son.Matrimonio у mortaja, del cielo baja.Al buey por el asta, y al hombre por la palabra.Attitudes of the younger generation to the older generation (relationships with

minor and major importance):De buen vino, buen vinagre.Triste está la casa donde la gallina canta y el gallo calla. Friendly relations between neighbors (family relationship with neighbors):Cuando las barbas de tu vecino veas pelar, echa las tuyas a remojar; La cabra de mi vecina más leche da que no la mía. Glorifying the labor:A la larga, el galgo a la liebre mata;Acostarse temprano y levantarse temprano, hacen al hombre sano;Aquellos son ricos que tienen amigos;De un solo golpe no se derriba un roble.La perseverancia todo lo alcanza.Praising friendship:A los amigos, hay que cuidarlos;Casamiento en igualdad, hasta en la edad.Casar y compadrar, cada uno con su igual.Cásate con tu igual, aunque no tenga un real;Comida acabada, amistad terminada.Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.En las tribulaciones y males, conocerás a los amigos leales.Entre dos amigos, un notario y dos testigos.Más vale buen vecino/un (buen) amigo que pariente ni primo.Quien encuentra un amigo, encuentra un tesoro.Más vale buen vecino/un (buen) amigo que pariente ni primo.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

Más vale onza de sangre que libra de amistad.The article analyzed language units that reflect universal values.INTRODUCTION Initial proverbs, parables, quotations and phrases reflecting the traditional land-

scape of the world remain unchanged in modern use, indicating the survival of the core values. However, in a particular context or transformation, they can be enriched with new meanings, or altered their content to the exact opposite. In this regard, it is important to note that research on this issue is important for a holistic understanding of the world of Spanish society and requires searching for new ways to investigate this phenomenon and identifying additional indicators.


1. Валеева А.Ф. Языковое поведение в полиэтническом обществе (социологическая дивер-сификативность). – Саратов: Из-во Саратовск. ун-та, 2003. - 308 с.

2. Гершунский Б.С. Ментальность и образование: учебное пособие для студ. – М.: Ин-т. Прак. Псих, 1996.-С. 142.

3. Голованивская М. К. Французкий менталитет с точки зрения носителя русского языка. – М.: Изд-во Моск. Гос.ун-та, 1997. – С.278.

4. Дмитриева О. А. Об этнокультурной специфике пословиц и поговорок // Языковая лич-ность: культурные концепты:сб. науч. тр. Волгоград - Архангельск, 1996. -С. 67-74.

5. Леонтьев А. А. Психолингвистические единицы порождения речевого высказывания. – М.: Наука, 1969. -С. 57- 58.

6. Седых А.П. Языковая личность и этнос (национально –культурные особенности ком-муникативного поведения русских и французов). –М.: Компания Спутник+, 2004.-269 с.

7. Старостина Ю. С. Интерпретация лингвистической оценки в терминах аксиологических суждений // Вестник СамГУ. 2007. № 3 (53). -С. 233 (232-239).

8. Чернощекова В. О. Лингвокультурный аспект пословиц // Язык и культура. 2009. № 1. -С. 80-85.

9. Шутина В. Н. Сопоставительный анализ фрагментов русской и французской послович-ных картин мира в аксиологическом аспекте // Вестник Ставропольского государствен-ного университета. 2010. № 71. -С. 93 (93-98.).

10. http://vatandash.ru/index.php?article=1795


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Gulnoza Amonova

PhD student, USWLU




The thesaurus of socio-political vocabulary is based on intra-systemic conceptual relations between units of this lexical group. The concept of “power” is a structure-formed mean for this vocabulary. Being the main descriptors of the thesaurus of socio-political vocabulary, concepts project a number of their characteristics onto the lexical groups organized by them. Moreover, the structure of the corresponding branches of the thesaurus is largely determined by the internal, structural features of the concepts. As a result of this, it seems necessary to analyze these key concepts for socio-political vocabulary, as well as the concepts of people and nation that are significant for socio-political vocabulary. As it mentioned, the methodology of conceptual analysis is not fully developed yet and is presented mainly in the form of specific experiments of such an analysis.

The conceptual system is reflected in the language, in a metaphor that may not even be understood by the speakers. Despite the fact that at present there is no uniformity in understanding the relationship between the concept and the semantic structure of the word, a methodology for researching the concept based on the analysis of the basic representations of the word in the language is established. A conceptual analysis of a word involves the consideration of its various aspects: lexicographic representations, denotative component, pragmatic meanings, compatibility, associative connections and identification on the

Гулноза АмановаЎзДЖТУ таянч докторанти




Ижтимоий-сиёсий луғат шу лексик бир-ликлар ўртасидаги ички концептуал му-носабатларга асосланади. Ҳокимият (куч) концепти ҳар уч тилда луғатнинг асосий ти-зимини ташкил этади. Концептлар ижтимоий-сиёсий луғатнинг асосий тавсифловчи элемен-ти бўлиб, ўзлари ташкил этган қатор лексик бирликларга таъсир кўрсатадилар. Бундан ташқари, концептларнинг ички, таркибий ху-сусиятлари ижтимоий-сиёсий лексиканинг гуруҳларга бўлинишида муҳим аҳамият касб этади. Шундай экан, ижтимоий-сиёсий лек-сиканинг асосий концептларини, жумладан, халқ ва миллат концептларини таҳлил қилиш муҳим аҳамият касб этади. Таъкидлаганимиз-дек, концептуал таҳлил методикаси ҳозирги кунда тўлиқ ишлаб чиқилмаган ва бундай таҳлил асосан маълум бир тажриба – синов кўринишида бўлган.

Концептуал тизим ўз-ўзидан тилда, мета-форикада сўзловчи пайқамаган ҳолда акс эти-ши мумкин. Ҳозирги кунда концепт ва сўзнинг семантик жиҳати ўртасидаги мутаносиблик мавжуд бўлмасада, концептни тадқиқ қилиш методологияси сўзнинг тилдаги асосий ифода-ларига асосланиб ишлаб чиқилмоқда. Концеп-тула таҳлил деганда сўзнинг турли жиҳатлар тадқиқоти, жумладан, луғавий маъноси, ден-нонатив компоненти, прагматик маъноси, уйғунлиги, маъновий бирликлари ҳамда шу асосда сўзловчининг “дунёвий манзараси” би-лан боғлиқликларини ўрганиш тушунилади.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

basis of this connection with the “world image” of native speakers, with the peculiarities of the ideas in the collective consciousness of their knowledge of the world.

Key words: concept, socio-political vocabulary, power, linguo-cultural society, world image, conceptual analysis, discourse.

Калит сўзлар: концепт, ижтимоий-сиёсий лексика, ҳокимият, лингвомаданий жамият, дунё манзараси, концептуал таҳлил, дискурс (нутқ).

A concept is a cultural clot in the perceptionYu. Stepanov

INTRODUCTIONThe choice of language means in political discourse is determined by the situa-

tion of communication and communicative intention of the subjects of this discourse (politicians). As the Russian linguist V. Karasik notes: "Although all people in the world form a single humanity, the difference between individual cultures, people, tribes and social groups is sometimes significant" [Karasik V.I., 2002; 120]. By identi-fying of more specific and universal characteristics of national culture we can identify patterns in the speech of a separate linguistic and cultural society. History is reflected in the language not in the names of great events or descriptions of rulers activities but in the numerous nuances of daily life, recorded in the meanings of language units.

It should be noted that in the broadest sense all concepts are linguo-cultural. Yu. Stepanov points that culture enters man’s mental world in the form of a concept [Stepanov Yu.S., 1995; 46].

The material of concept study is diverse, depending on how the concept is actu-alized in the language. The concept can be objectified in the language by ready-made lexemes, phraseological combinations, free phrases, structural and positional schemes of sentences (syntactic concepts), texts and sets of texts [Popova Z.D., 2001; 18].

This article investigates the main conceptual characteristic of the English, Uz-bek and Russian socio-political discourse, taken from authentic media materials of the United States, Uzbekistan and Russia by analyzing and comparing methods.

MAIN BODYThe conceptual system is reflected in the language and may not always be real-

ized by the speaker. Despite the fact that currently there is no coherent definition in understanding of the relation of the concept and semantic structure of a word, the methodology of a concept based on analysis of fundamental and frequency represen-tations of words is set in the language. Conceptual analysis involves the consideration of various aspects of the word: lexicographic representations, denotative component, pragmatic meanings, compatibility, associative units and identification of native speakers on the basis of this unit with the"world image", with the features of repre-sentations of their background knowledge.in the collective consciousness

The study of intercultural aspects of conceptual modeling allows us to say that there are two opposite concepts in the international political discourse. On the


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

one hand, linguists tend to call international political discourse as "interdiscourse" [Shmeleva T.V., 2001; 9], where the universality of conceptual models is considered as a main feature. On the other hand, the number of data confirming the national specificity of metaphors in political discourse is growing [Budaev E.V., Chudinov A.P., 2006; 16].

В ходе анализа мы выявили, что английскому (power, war, terrorism, crisis), русскому (власть, государство, общество, народ и нация) и узбекскому (hokimi-yat, xalq va millat, din, oila) общественно-политическим дискурсам свойственны разные концепты.

During the analysis we revealed that English (power, war, terrorism, crisis), Russian (power, state, society, people and nation) and Uzbek (hokimiyat, xalq va mil-lat, din, oila) socio-political discourses have different concepts.

In conceptual-national picture of Russian socio-political discourse the concepts of «власть» (power), «государство» (state), «общество» (society), «народ и нация» (people and nation) are key concepts, that is, they are descriptors of the main blocks of the thesaurus of Russian socio-political vocabulary.

The analysis showed that these concepts are closely interrelated, have a number of common characteristics and structural analogies.

A similar metaphor of some concepts is also grab our attention. Thus, the com-monality in this respect is observed in concepts of 'государсвто' and 'власть' on one hand, and in concepts of 'народ' and 'нация' on the other. The metaphorics of 'общество' has intersections with both of above-mentioned concepts. It seems to us that such metaphorical coincidences are not accidental and conditioned . Thus, the universal subjects of power (state and power) tend to metaphors 'building', 'mech-anism'. 'State building' appears in the process of either construction or destruction (основать, заложить фундамент, строить, укреплять, разрушать, развалить государство, прорабы перестройки):

...происходит распад одних государств и появление других на их руинах, разрушение до основания Российского государства; За 6 лет развалили госу-дарство, которое мучительно строили до нас 6 веков. Заново отстроить его грозимся или за 500 дней, или уж совсем за 600 секунд. Перестройка 'государ-ственного здания' связывалась с изменением властной системы, развал и рас-пад - с утратой части территории. Структурная метафора 'здание' может развиваться и специфицироваться в авторских контекстах: Государство - не богадельня; Человечество от свободы неизменно возвращается в государство. Которое, разумеется, в известном смысле всегда тюрьма, но зато с заранее определенными правилами и некоторыми гарантиями внутренней безопасно-сти для заключенного... Стоит только ослабить государственные запоры и решетки, как "война всех против всех" возобновляется с новой силой;

whereas for the people and the nation only personification is a typical character-istic (with actualization of other signs and characteristics of the person, rather than in personification of the state and the power). Society is endowed with various param-eters and characteristics applicable to the human being. It arises, is born, lives, is ill,


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

dies, decomposes, has needs during the life. Society can act independently (деятель-ность общества, активность общества), move in space (движение общества вперед, наше общество не пошло по пути политического экстремизма), while its functioning (moving) it can face obstacles (общество встречает препятствия на пути, у общества есть проблемы, общество столкнулось с трудностями). Society acts as a subject of interpersonal relations in which it usually dominates (об-щество заставляет, требует, одобряет, от него зависят, против общества борются, перед обществом отвечают). An essential component of the naive-lin-guistic representation of society as an active subject is the parameter of 'health' (нрав-ственное здоровье общества, здоровое общество). In recent times the attribution of various diseases to a society is very popular:

Наше общество тяжело больно. Паралич воли, поразивший общество... Такой "экономией" можно довести государство до полного краха, а общество - до полного паралича. Общую оценку экономики и общества можно было бы давать, как по температурному листу больного, наблюдая за процентами ко-лебания преступности.

Mental characteristics are applicable to society as well (общественные на-строения, воззрения, надежды, ожидания, общество ставит перед собой цели, недоумевает). Society is able to feel (озабоченность общества по поводу чечен-ских событий, ликование общества. по случаю победы, уверенность общества. в политической правоте происходящего, общество негодует). The requirements of ethical norms are relevant to society (Так будет продолжаться, пока общество не обретет некие общепринятые нормы поведения.). It can be characterized from the moral and ethical side: cruel, individualistic, fair and dangerous society (Во все времена о душевном состоянии общества судили по трем вещам: по тому, как оно относится к старикам, женщинам и детям. Наше некогда весьма альтру-истическое общество становится все больше похоже на западное, индивидуа-листическое. Обществу нанесен большой моральный ущерб).

Society which capable of acting as both a subject and an object of power, dem-onstrates duality in metaphorics: the "subject" metaphors 'mechanism' and 'build-ing' meaning, on the one hand, and personification with the actualization of features similar to those presented in the concepts of the people and the nation-on the other. So, for the concept of власть (power), all three types of metaphors are relevant, for государство (state) and общество (society) structural metaphors and personification are of priority importance, concepts of народ, нация (people and nation) are almost not metaphorized, metonymy and personification are common to them. However, dif-ferent concepts use the same metaphors in different ways.

In the collective consciousness of Russian people, «народ» has absolutely posi-tive connotation, both positive and negative assessments are possible to society and the nation, but concepts of «власть» and «государство» have recently gravitated towards a negative assessment. The concept of народ demonstrates the opposition in the collective consciousness of the object and subject of power.

In Uzbek conceptual-national picture concepts of hokimiyat (authority), xalq


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

va millat (the people and nation), din (religion), oila (family) dominate in socio-political discourse. As in Russian culture, in Uzbek socio-political discourse, these concepts are interrelated.

Hokimiyat in a narrow sense is understood as a branch of the state system in Uzbekistan (ijro etuvchi hokimiyat, qonun chiqaruchi hokimiyat, sud hokimiyati). In a broad sense, this concept has a number of phrases (davlat hokimiyti, xalq homiyati) and synonymous to "government, state and power".

Personification is specific to the hokimiyat concept. It is represented as an active subject and is thought of as a participant in various interpersonal relationships and a carrier of various mental and verbal characteristics:

Hukumat parlament so’roviga qanday javob berdi? Amerika hukumati oq uydan turib, xalqqa murojaat qildi:… The concepts of xalq va millat, being descriptors in the 'jamiyat' (society) block

of the thesaurus of socio-political vocabulary, project some lexical groups they as part of this vocabulary. Coinciding in a number of cases in the significative part, xalq va millat considerably differ in assessment, connotations, metaphors which are con-nected with them in language consciousness. At the level of dictionary interpretations, concepts can coincide in scope or be included in one another.

In the concept of millat (nation) in addition to the idea of selectivity, there is an idea of the original isolation from similar entities. Opposition to other nations is a pre-supposition for it. A nation arises out of opposition to all other nations, out of aware-ness of its individuality, identity, peculiarity. The people have no external opposition to other people, they arise not from it, but "from themselves", they are self-sufficient. In Uzbekistan the word xalq draw a picture of a society, living in the territory of Uz-bekistan. So the concept of xalq includes the concept of millat. It should be noted that xalq and oila are one big concept in the naive picture of linguistic and cultural Uzbek society: our analysis revealed that the concepts of xalq, millat and oila act as synonyms in the socio-political discourse and mean the inhabitants of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Each nation exists as if by itself, outside the series, it is individual and is not opposed to anything. It is calm, stable and exists as given. The nation is in the process of constantly self-affrimation. This difference is reflected in the compatibility: mil-liy teatr, xalq maqomi (music), xalq San'ati (art), milliy libos (clothing), milliy raqs (dance), etc. - 'symbolizing this nation with only its pecularities only to it, with its specific, possessing and distinctive features'.

In the same way it is possible to consider phrases milliy hamkorlar, mulkni ba-holash milliy standarti loyihasi, milliy bank where national is equal to state. Both for the state and for the nation, their separation from other similar entities, the presence of a border is relevant. Therefore, both the state and the nation are able to have their own symbol expressing their independent status. The impossibility of a combination of the word milliy with gerb, bayroq and gimn in the same value due to, on the one hand, the absence of the concept of the people across the borders of the selection criteria, and the presence of the people, the semantic component 'informal' and power extent at


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

all. Thus, for the nation the external opposition on a national basis at internal integrity is relevant, in the concept of the people at absence of external opposition the difficult internal opposition to the power is presented. So, in Uzbek statements the nation is a whole unit, and the rulers are part of it, not opposing it.

In the conceptual-national picture of the English socio-political discourse, such concepts as power, war, terrorism, crisis dominate in the vocabulary. The main com-ponents of the concept of power in English political discourse are people, military, strength, government, values. The concept of war is inextricably linked with the con-cept of struggle, which reflects the linguistic and cultural specificity. At the same time, this concept acquires such emotional-evaluative connotations, correlated with the concepts unnecessary, useless, vain and mistaken. The concept of terrorism is associated with such concepts as horror, war, struggle, and the concept of terrorism is currently acquiring a new way of linguistic representation – through the units fana-tism, fear, evil, Islam. For example, a terroristict act in New Zealand was interpreted as a massacre, murder, attack, racist hatred, but not as a terror act in American English socio-political discourse:

My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for any-thing we can do. God bless all! (March 15, 2019)

The concept of crisis in English political discourse has such methods of verbal representation as difficult situation, circumstances, the decisive moment. Currently, this concept also acquires additional verbal representation challenge.

However, it is necessary to point out their similarities. While analyzing authen-tic materials from mass media, we revealed conceptual coherence of social and politi-cal discourse in these three languages:

1. Politics is a building construction. How Little America was built in Afghanistan.AMERICA, THE HOUSE THAT SLAVERY BUILT (Michelle Obama, 2015)National Grid refusing customers to build 'political pressure' for pipeline, Cuo-

mo suggests.Let us remember that America was built not by government, but by people—not

by welfare, but by work—not by shirking responsibility, but by seeking responsibility. (Richard Nixon, 1969).

Let us resolve that we the people will build an American opportunity society… (Ronald Reagan, 1985)

My fellow Americans, if we’re going to build that bridge to the 21st century, we have to make our children free — free of the vise grip of guns and gangs and drugs; free to build lives of hope. I want to build a bridge to the 21st century with a strong American community beginning with strong families. (B.Clinton, 1996)

“You broke the sound barrier, … I don’t know if you know that, you’re just starting to get — you built the nation.” (Donald Trump, 2019)

build a more connected politics, build a career, nation-building strategy.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Экономика "нулевого цикла": конец модернизации в России?Как строитель могу сказать: мы уже давно прошли «нулевой цикл», воз-

двигли стены, подвели их под крышу. И мы все живем на этойстройке в разгар строительства. Это и неуютно, и опасно. Мы видим здесь

беспорядок, строительный мусор, грунтовые воды, подмывающиезаложенный нами фундамент. [...] Однако новое здание российской госу-

дарственности в основном уже построено. Можно переходить к следующему этапу, выражаясь тем же языком, – к отделочным работам. И думать о дальней-шем – как жить в этом доме. (Борис Ельцин, 1996 г.)

Осталось снести политическую систему в России вместе с её президентом, и будет либералам счастье!

Построить действующую демократию сложнее, чем ее муляж.Bozor munosabatlariga asoslangan huquqiy demokratik davlat, kuchli fuqarolik

jamiyati barpo etish borasida mustahkam poydevor bo’lib xizmat qilmoqda Bizning maqsadimiz – yurtimizda xalq hokimiyatini nomiga emas, balki amalda

joriy qilish mexanizmlarini mustahkamlashdan iborat (Mirziyayev Sh., 2017).2. Society/nation is a family. And then there are those – a few – who think we’d be better off if Scotland did

leave the UK, that this marriage of nations has run its course and needsa divorce. Over 3 centuries we’ve lived together, worked together – and frankly

we’ve got together getting married, having children, moving back and forwards across borders. (David Cameron, 2014).

A divorce from Scotland would be stupid, wretched and painful. Like a bicker-ing couple, our countries need a counsellor to step in and make us see sense. I find it positively (heart) breaking to find that the union between England and Scotland – a gigantic political fact for 306 years – is under

threat…What both sides are forgetting – and they have this in common with divorcing

couples – is that it may look OK on day one, but on day two the lawyers come in. There is the division of property to work out, the rights of access to be determined. The longer the marriage has lasted, the more there is to unpick, and the more hell-ish and self-flayingly painful the whole process becomes. We need someone — the Americans? — to step in as a kind of marriage guidance counsellor and tell us to stop being so damn stupid. Divorce will diminish us both. It will be unutterably wretched and painful, and it will eliminate the most successful political union in history. (Boris Johnson, 2013).

«Я много раз говорил о том, что украинцы и русские - братские народы. Более того, я вообще считаю, что это один народ на самом деле со своими осо-бенностями культурными, языковыми, историческими, но по сути своей - один народ. Это говорит о том, что мы договоримся, у нас много общего. Россияне и украинцы только выиграют от общего гражданства" (В.Путин, 2019)

"Владимир Александрович, извините, Украина, которую я защищал - не проститутка, это - наша Родина, наша мать. Говорить о ней, это оскорблять не


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

только нас, но и ее. Это стыд какой-то для возможного президента Украины". (Воронин К., 2019)

«Поливать свое Отечество дерьмом считается достоинством. Сейчас не 37-й год, за это ничего не бывает» (Путин В., 2012)

«Четыре года назад вы приняли историческое решение. Благодаря вашему решению Севастополь и Крым вернулись в свой родной дом нашей общей роди-ны, дом нашей матушки России» (Путин В., 2018).

atan bittadir, shuning uchun ham u muqaddas. Yagona bo‘lgan narsalarning bar-chasi e’zozda — Vatan, Ona, Zamin, Osmon, Quyosh... Bittadan oshdimi, muqad-daslik qolmaydi. Ha, Vatan ona kabi yagonadir!

Yurtboshimiz tomonidan 2018 yilda bayram kunlariga qo’shimcha dam olish kunlarini belgilash to’g’risidagi Farmon tasdiqlandi.

CONCLUSION Based on the given examples, we concluded that the concepts have their own

specific classification, which is explained by the cultural dominant of behavior, tradi-tional value orientations adopted in a certain linguistic and cultural society. Zusman V. G. notes that “ ... the concept is a micromodel of culture, and culture is a macromodel of the concept. The concept creates culture and is created by a culture” [Zusman V.G., 2001; 4]. The Concise dictionary of cognitive terms defines the concept as "an operational meaningful unit of memory, mental lexicon, conceptual system of brain language, world image, which is reflected in the human psyche". In other words, the concept corresponds to the idea of the meanings that a person operates during the thinking process. These meanings reflect the results of human activity. [CDKT, 1996; 91]. It proves that the link between culture and concept is obvious.

REFERENCES1. Karasik V.I. Yazykovoi krug: lichnost', kontsepty, diskurs (Language circle: personality,

concepts, discourse) Volgograd, Peremena Publ., 2002. 476 p.2. Stepanov Yu.S. Al'ternativnyi mir, diskurs, fakt i printsip prichinnosti [The alternative world,

discourse, fact and the principle of causality].Yazyk i nauka kontsa 20-go veka: sbornik statei [Language and science of the end of the 20th century: a collection of articles]. Moscow, 1995, pp. 35-73. (In Russian)

3. Popova Z.D., Sternin I.A. Ponyatie «kontsept» v lingvisticheskikh issledovaniyakh (Essays on cognitive linguistics) Voronezh, 2001. 189 p.

4. Shmeleva T.V. Morbual'naya optika [Mortuary optics]. Lingvistika: byulleten’. uralskogo lingvisticheskogo obshestva – Linguistics: bulletin of the Ural linguistic society, 2001. no. 7, pp. 4-15.

5. Budaev E.V., Chudinov A.P. Kontseptual'naya metafora v politicheskom diskurse: amerikanskii, evropeiskii i rossiiskii varianty issledovaniya [Conceptual metaphor in political discourse: American, European and Russian versions of the study]. Politicheskaya lingvistika – Political linguistics, 2006, no. 17, pp. 35-77.

6. Zusman V.G. Kontsept v kul'turologicheskom aspekte (Concepts in cultural aspect) N. Novgorod, DEKOM Publ., 2001. 314 p.

7. KRATKII SLOVAR'' KOGNITIVNYKh TERMINOV. Pod. red. E.S. Kubryakovoi. – Moscow, 1996. 245 p.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Ислом Минниқулов

Инглиз тилини ўқитиш методикаси №2 кафедраси ўқитувчиси, ЎзДЖТУ




Мақоланинг мақсади ўзбек тилида шарт муносабатларининг ифодаланиш муаммолари-ни тадқиқ этишдан иборат. Хусусан, мақолада ўзбек тилида шарт муносабатларининг шаклий ифодаланиш хусусиятларининг таҳлилига алоҳида эътибор қаратилади. Тадқиқотнинг вазифалари ўзбек тилида шарт тушунчаси-ни изоҳлаш, шарт муносабат ифодаловчи шаклларни тадқиқ этиш, шарт муносабат билдирувчи конструкцияларнинг синтактик тузилишини таҳлил қилиш, шарт муносабат-ларининг тилнинг қайси ярусида ифодалани-шини ўрганиш, шарт гапларни боғловчи во-ситаларнинг вазифасини таҳлил қилиш ва стилистик хусусиятларини аниқлашни таш-кил этади. Мақолада кўрилаётган муаммо-ни ёритишда ва таҳлил қилишда лингвистик тавсифлаш, соҳага доир дастлабки фикр-мулоҳаза ва назарий қарашларни ўрганишда умумлаштириш ва шарт маъно ифодаловчи маркерларни аниқлашда компонент таҳлил усулларидан фойдаланилган. Тадқиқотнинг натижалари шуни кўрсатадики, ўзбек тили-да шарт муносабатлари синтетик ва аналитик шакллар орқали ифодаланиб, синтетик шак-ллар (аффиксация усули ёрдамида ясалган шарт формалар) феълнинг соф шаклига “–са” шарт майли қўшимчасини қўшиш орқали ясал-ган шарт формаларга ишора қилса, аналитик шакллар (икки ва ундан ортиқ компонентлар-га эга бўлган бирикма)га “–са”+тўлиқсиз феъл (эди, экан, эмиш) формаси, феъл бўлмаган сўз

Islom MinnikulovTeacher of the department of English language

teaching methodology Uzbekistan State University of World Languages




The article is aimed at investigating the problems of the expression of conditionals in the Uzbek language. Particularly, in the article a special emphasis is placed on the analysis of peculiarities of formal expression of conditionals in the Uzbek language. The objectives of the research are formed by defining the notion of condition in Uzbek, studying the forms of expression of the conditionals, analyzing the syntactic structure of the conditional constructions, identifying the levels of language in which conditionals are expressed, analyzing the functions of conjunctions connecting the clauses of conditional sentences and identifying the stylistic features of conditional conjunctions. Linguistic description, generalization of prior ideas and theories in the field and componential analysis methods are used. The results of the study have shown that the conditionals are expressed by the synthetic and analytic forms, the synthetic forms (conditionals formed by affixes) refer to the conditional forms constructed by adding the conditional affix “-sа” to the stem of the verb, the analytic forms (the combination with two or more components) include the form of “-sа”+ to’liqsiz fe’l (an auxiliary verb (edi, ekan, emish), the combination of a part of speech which is not a verb+bo’l (to be)+sa, lexical units as desa, bo’lsa, yo’qsa and proverbs. The conditionals are mainly expressed in the grammatical and lexical levels of the language. In the grammatical layer, the conditionals are especially expressed


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

туркумлари+бўл+са бирикмаси, деса, бўлса, йўқса лексик бирликлар ва мақоллар киради. Ўзбек тилида шарт муносабатлари тилнинг асосан грамматик ва лексик сатҳларида ўз ифодасини топади. Грамматик қатламда шарт муносабатлари асосан эргаш гапли қўшма гап бўлмиш синтактик бирлик орқали ифодалан-са, морфологик қатламда “–са” шарт майли аффиксининг аҳамиятини эътироф этиш мум-кин. Лексик сатҳда мақол ва баъзи лексемалар шарт маъно ифодалаш воситаси сифатида қайд этилади. Шунингдек, шарт эргаш гапли қўшма гаплар турли боғловчилар (агар, башарти, ма-бодо, бордию, мадомики) ёрдамида боғланади ва бундай боғловчилар турли стилистик ху-сусиятга эга бўлиб, уларнинг асосий функци-яси шарт маъно ифодалаш эмас, балки шарт маънони таъкидлаш ва бўрттиришдир. Шун-дай қилиб, ўзбек тилида шарт муносабатлари ифодаланишининг структурал хусусиятлари уларнинг синтактик тузилиши, тилнинг турли ярусларида ифодаланиши ва уларни боғловчи воситалар билан белгиланади.

Калит сўзлар: шарт маъно, шарт гап, шарт эргаш гап, бош гап, эргаш гап, синтактик тузи-лиш, тил яруси, боғловчи воситалар, синтетик шакл, аналитик шакл.

through a syntactic unit which is a complex sentence and it is important to note the role of the conditional affix “-sa” in expressing a condition in the morphological level. In the lexical layer, some lexical units and proverbs can be regarded as means of expressing conditionality. Also, conditional clauses are connected by various conjunctions (agar, basharti, mabodo, bordiyu, madomiki all referring to “if”in English) and these connectives possess different stylistic colorings and the main function of such conjunctions is not to express conditionality, but to emphasize and exaggerate a conditional meaning. So, the structural peculiarities of conditionals in Uzbek are determined by their syntactic structure, their expression in different language levels and the conditional conjunctions.

Key words: сonditional meaning, conditional sentence, conditional clause, the apodosis, the protasis, syntactic structure, language level, connective devices, synthetic forms, analytic forms.

INTRODUCTIONProblems of expression of conditional relationships in Uzbek have not been

comprehensively studied. However, the problem has been partially investigated from various viewpoints. As the Uzbek linguist scholar Sh. Shukurov notes, the following scientific-theoretical issues connected with the conditional relationships in modern Uzbek need its solutions: relations of forms of subjunctive mood with the category of tense, classification of analytical forms expressing a conditional relationship, char-acter and type of conditional relationships (Shukurov Sh., 1980). In this respect, it should be noted that the present study endevaors to solve some issues mentioned. In particular, expression of conditional relationships in Uzbek is analyzed according to their formal features.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREPrior to dealing with the definitions of conditional relationships given by lin-

guist scholars, it is, in our opinion, important to consider the dictionary mening of the word “condition”. In the explanatory dictionary under the edition of A. Hojiyev and et.al., the notion of condition can be defined as the following: condition 1) a mutual arrangement or agreement on a particular problem or action. 2) demand or suggestion


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

of the one to another; 3) a necessary condition or factor for an action (Hojiyev А. et.al., 2001).

In accordance with the explanatory dictionary edited by Z.M. Ma’rufov, con-dition 1) a mutual oral or written arrangement on a particular action or matter; 2) a requirement or offer of one side to the other who are arguing or conditioning with one another; 3) a condition, state or factor necessary for the realization of something; 4) subjunctive mood gram. A verb form referring to a condition or action which should be taken. Conditional sentence gram. A subordinate clause referring to the way the event or action in the main clause happens or under what condition it occurs (Ma’rufov Z.M., 1981).

In accordance with the definitions of the notion of condition given in the Uzbek language explanatory dictionaries, the notion of condition in Uzbek means а) бирор нарсанинг амалга ошиши учун зарур бўлган омил, ҳол-аҳвол, шароит; b) бош гапдан англашилган воқеа-ҳодиса, белги-ҳусусиятнинг қай шарт-шароитда рўй беришини англатувчи эргаш гап. So, it is clear that the notion of condition is studied not only a lexical unit but also a syntactic unit in linguistics.

Like many other languages, in Uzbek the expression of conditional relation-ships is observed mainly in the complex sentences, particularly complex sentences with a conditional clause. According to K. Sapayev’s definition, conditional sentences refer to an action necessary for the realization of another action or condition (Sapayev K., 2009).

As Sh. Rahmatullayev defines, complex sentences with a conditional clause consists of the main and subordinate clause, in such sentences the subordinate clause denotes the condition of realization of the action in the main clause (Rahmatullayev Sh., 2012). A similar idea is expressed by R. Ikromov and et.al. as they note, a con-ditional subordinate clause denotes the realization of the action in the main clause under what condition (R. Ikromov and et.al., 2003). We will analyze the expression of conditional relationships in Uzbek from the viewpoint of its formal plan: а) according to its structure; b) according to the language level it is expressed; c) according to the conjunctions.

METHODS OF INVESTIGATIONThe analytical-descriptive method is used in the article. The research results

are quatitatively analyzed. The research problem is dealt with through the use of a linguistic description, generalization of previous viewpoints and assumptions on the field and the componential analysis in identifying the conditional markers.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFormal peculiarities of the expression of conditional relationships in the Uzbek

language are expressed in the following ways: а) structural expression; b) their ex-pression in the language levels; c) their expression by conjunctions. The ways of the expression of conditional relationships are analyzed and discussed in the following section.

А) classification of expression of conditional relationships according to the


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

structural features.As R.Ikromova and et.al. note, conditional relationships in Uzbek are formed in

the following way: 1) by a conditional affix “сa” of the verb: For example: - Бу қанақа қилиқ? Қаердан олдингиз буни? – деди титроқ овозда.- Бу ёққа бер, пиёла магазинчиники, эртага сўраб келса берворасан (Shay-

tanat, Tohir М., 2011). -Самоваржон, яна бир нарса сўрасам хафа бўлмайсанми?-Хафа бўлмайман (Беш болалаи йигитча, Худойберди Т., 2009).2) a conditional affix “сa” of the verb together with the incomplete verb “эди”

can function to connect the conditional subordinate clause with the main clause and in its turn, express a conditional relationship. For example:

Эҳ-эҳ, тезроқ катта бўла қолсайдим, тракторни ўзим бошқариб, опамни ҳечам ишлатмаган бўлардим (Khudoyberdi Т., 2009).

3) The past participle form of the verb –ган+да (-ган+да эди) can express a conditional relationship. For example:

Агар йигирмата “Волга”си бўлганида, бозорда пуллаб, белгиланган муд-датда қарзини тўлай оларди (Шайтанат, Тоҳир М., 2011).

Агар ўша дамларда арзини айтганида қишлоқ аҳли унга ишонган бўларди. Лекин айтмади.... Оқибатда хотинлар орасида “жувонмарг бўлгур эри тири-клигида ҳам ўйнашган, бўлмаса қирқи чиқмаёқ иккиқат бўлиб қолармиди?” де-ган висир-висир гап айланди (Шайтанат, Тоҳир М., 2011).

4) The participle form of the verb with these forms–р(-ар) экан, -ган экан, -моқчи экан can express a conditional relationship. For example:

Ўзбекистон, бошгинангдан қуёш абад нур тўкиб, Дориламон кунда яша, бор экансан токи Сен (Khudoyberdiyeva Kh., 2000).In addition, as G’.A. Abdurahmonov and et.al. the participle with the mor-

phemes such as - ганда (эди), - (а) р экан, - ган+да борми can express a conditional relationships and function to connect the conditional subordinate clause with the main clause (Аbdurakhmonov G’.А., et.al., 1996). For example:

-Сенинг жонинг тикилганда, сен билан кисоблашардик. Сенинг жонинг итга хам керакмас (Tohir М., 2011).

-Шундай қилиб, она тилидан қутилибсан-да?-Қутулдим. Энди алгебра қолди...Ана ундан кейин тўппа-тўғри еттинчи

синфга кириб ўқийвераман... Агар сен билан юраверганимда, биласанми, мен ҳам қолиб кетар эдим (Khudoyberdi Т., 2010).

5) Words such as бўлмаса, йўқса can express conditional relationships. The word бўлмаса, being considered to be a conditional verb, function to connect the conditional subordinate clause with the main clause and precede the main clause. It gives a negative meaning to the subordinate clause and expresses a real condition in the realization of the action in the main clause (Аbdurakhmonov G’.А., et.al., 1996). For example:

-Яхши, биз одамхўр эмасмиз. Эрингни кўмиб ол, сенга қирқ кун муҳлат


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

берамиз. Эрингнинг қарзини тўлайсан. Бўлмаса, етимчаларингн олиб кетамиз. Қўрқма ўлдирмаймиз (Тоhir М., 2011).

Гапимни эшитмади шекилли, “Қофия борми?” деб сўрадим яна.-Нима? – Юзимга қарамасдан сўради аёл.-Қофия, шеърга ишлатиладиган қофия,- тушунтирдим.- жон опа, бўлса

юз грамм топиб беринг. Жуда зарур бўлиб қолди. -Унақа нарса йўқ бизда.-Бўлмаса беш-ўнта вазн топиб беринг (Khudoyberdi Т., 2010). Sometimes the word йўқса can be used instead of the auxiliary verb бўлмаса

(Аbdurakhmonov G’.А., et.al., 1996). For example:-Отам ичмайди, оғзингга қараб гапир, - ўқрайди Сайфи.-Ичмагани шуми? Эл-эламон йиғилган маъракада орқасидан ёв қувгандай

шалдироқ аравасини учириб ўтди. Хайрият, бостирмага бориб урилмади. Йўқса Хайри холага уйингдаги сигирингни олиб келиб берардинг (Kuchkor N., 2010).

-Хўш, энди манави урғочи танкнинг кетига пулуг боғламасдан, бир ўша ёққа- Афғонга олиб бориб келмасангиз бўлмайди. Йўқсам, уволига қоласиз (Kuchkor N., 2010).

6) the negative morpheme of the adverbial as –май can also express a condi-tional relationship in Uzbek. For instance:

Ер кўкармай, мол тўймас [Proverb].7) Also, the conditional relationship can be expressed by proverbs in Uzbek, For

instance: Ҳурмат қилсанг, ҳурмат кўрасан. Меҳмон келса эшикдан, ризқи кирар тешикдан [Proverb]. The synthetic and analytic forms are essential in the expression of conditional

relationships in Uzbek [See Figure-1].It is clear from the content of the figure, in Uzbek the conditional relationships

are mainly expressed by analytical forms according to their formal plan. It should par-ticularly be noted that in Uzbek the conditional relationships are expressed by analyti-cal forms such as the conditional affix -са and incomplete verb эди; the past participle morpheme as (ган) and incomplete verbs as да, да еди; the present participle mor-pheme and incomplete verb as –экан. Furthermore, the conditional relationships are also expressed by the analytic forms such as – lexical means (бўлса, деса, бўлмаса, йўқса) and proverbs. Also, it can be observed that the conditional relationships can be expressed by the synthetic forms. The conditional relationships are expressed by a morphological construction (affixation). However, it should be particularly empha-sized that in Uzbek the expression of conditional relationships by the synthetic forms.

Figure 1: The expression of conditional relationships by the analytic and synthetic forms in Uzbek.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3


In addition, as Uzbek linguist scholar Sh. Shukurov notes, in Uzbek the condi-tional relationship is expressed by adding the conditional affix“–са” to the verb and the analytic forms built by the morpheme э(р) or the verb (бўл) such as борса эди, борган бўлса, бораётган бўлса, борадиган бўлса and such verbs are added the in-complete verb –эди, and the complex analytic form such as борган бўлса эди is built) (Sh. Shukurov, 1980). It can be known from this, the analytic forms expressing the conditional relationships in Uzbek have the complex form such as борган бўлса эди.

Sh. Shukurov also suggests to consider such combinations борса экан, борса керак, борса бўлади as the analytic forms (Sh. Shukurov, 1980). So, it is clear that the expression of conditionals in Uzbek by the analytic forms should be particularly emphasized.

As М.А. Аskarove notes, conditional sentences are divided into two: real and unreal. The real conditional sentences are expressed in the following way: а) the con-ditional form of the verb; b) the past participle + the locative case morpheme; c) the future participle+the incomplete verb экан; г) the negative form of the adverbial +the


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

auxiliary means as йўқса, бўлмаса (Askarova М.А., 1966). It can be noted that the expression forms of conditionals are different, most of them are analytic forms.

B) classification of conditional relationships according to the expression in language levels.

Based on the classification of conditional relationships in Uzbek according to their formal plan, it can be noted that the conditional relationships in Uzbek can be expressed in the following language levels: grammatical level and lexical level.

The morphological means are important in the expression of conditional rela-tionships in the grammatical level of the language system while words and proverbs are essential in the expression of conditionals in the lexical layer of the language hier-archy. A detailed description can be presented in the following figure: [See Figure 2].

Figure 2: Expression of conditional relationships in language levels

As it is seen clearly from the table, the conditional relationships in Uzbek are mainly expressed in the grammatical level of the language. In particular, this phenom-enon is occurred by morphological and syntactic ways. Also, the conditional relation-ships are expressed in the lexical level through proverbs and words.

C) classification of expression of conditional relationships according to the conditional conjunctions.

It should be especially emphasized that it is not compulsory to use a certain conditional conjunction in order to connect the parts of complex sentence with a con-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

ditional clause. A conditional meaning can be expressed without a conditional con-junction, a conditional conjunction can be used only to emphasize or strengthen the conditional meaning.

As Sh. Rahmatullayev notes, the conditional conjunction “агар” can be, some-times, used in the subordinate clause of the complex sentence with a conditional clause, yet without this conjunction, the subordinate clause is completely formed and therefore, this conjunction cannot be considered to be a pure conjunction (Sh. Rah-matullayev, 2012). For example:

Шунақанги қасамхўрки, асти қўйаверасиз, агар гапнинг бирида “мозори шариф урсин” деб турмаса, кўнгли жойига тушмайди... ( T. Khudoyberdi, 2009).

As R. Ikromov and et.al. note, such words as агар, башарти, мабодо, борди-ю can be used to emphasize the conditional meaning in the complex sentences with a conditional clause (R. Ikromov and et.al., 2003). Also, as cited by G’.A. Abdurah-monov and et.al., the conditional conjunctions such as агар, бордии-ю, башарти cannot independently connect the subordinate clause with the main clause, only if the predicate of the subordinate clause is in the conditional form or other verb forms which are synonym for conditional verbs are used, they can connect the parts of the complex sentence with a conditional clause (G’.A. Abdurahmonov and et.al., 1996). It is clear from this, a conditional meaning is expreeed by a conditional verb form and the words as агар, бордии-ю, башарти can only emphasize that conditional mean-ing. Famous Uzbek linguist scholars N. Mahmudov and A. Nurmonov adds the word модомики to the list of those words and claims that such words places an emphasis on a conditional meaning (N. Mahmudov and A. Nurmonov, 2014). For example:

-Агар бу гапинг ҳам рост бўлса, мен сенга...Мен сени дружиначилар рўйҳатига ёзиб қўйаман. Йўқ,.. яхшиси, милиция началнигига айтиб, катта мукофот олиб бераман (T. Khudoyberdi, 2010).

Агар қариганимизда бизларга ҳомийлик қилиб сийлашса, ҳозир “ахлат” деб ҳақорат қилишмас эди, бу- бир. Иккинчидан ва энг муҳими-Мақсуд ака бундай садақанинг бир тийинини ҳам олмайдилар (Шайтанат, Тоҳир М., 2011).

The conjunction aгар is placed before the conditional subordinate clause and it has such forms as гар (particularly, in poetry), магар, магарким (old Uzbek) and агарда and as it is noted that the word башарти is mainly used in literary language while бордии-ю (sometimes, одомзод) is used in conversational language (G’.А. Аbdurahmonov et.al.., 1996). For example:

Анор ниҳон гуллар гарчи кўзлардан, Баҳорда ғофиллар— кузда ҳам ғофил (М.Omon, 1991).Ўлсам, қайта шулардан бир йўла қутуламан. Борди-ю уни ўлдирсам яна

шуҳратим чиқади, обрўйим ошади, яна мулла Ҳошим, бўлиб кетаман... (T. Khu-doyberdi, 2010).

-Тухумни кимга берасан?-Ўқувчиларга.-Уй вазифаларини бажармаганларга ҳам бериладими?-Унақалар бизда йўқ.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

-Борди-ю, битта яримта топилиб қолса-чи?-Бор, ишингни қил, - деди сариқ сочли қиз яна битта тухумни оғзига солиб,-

товуқларимни хуркитиб юборяпсан (Т. Khudoyberdi, 2010). The words as aгар, башарти require the predicate of the subordinate clause

to be in the conditional form, the word борди-ю requires the predicate of the subor-dinate clause in the indicative form of the past simple and places a prediction and supposition to the meaning of the sentence (G’.A. Abdurahmonov and et.al.,1996). For example:

-Агар яна манзурга яқинлашсанг, битта оёғинг синиб қолиши мумкин, чўлоқланиб юриш ёқса, билганингдан қолма (M. Tohir, 2011).

Also, the words деса, бўлса, бўлмаса can serve to connect the subordinate clause with the main one (G’.A. Abdurahmonov and et.al.,1996). For example:

Жалил ўйламагани билан Асадбек ўзини исён қилганлар қаторида кўриб, ғашланди-да:

-Ҳа, ўзи шунақа бўлади: кўр ушлаганини, кар эшитганини қўймайди, -деб минғирлади.

-Кўр десанг ҳам майли, кар десанг ҳам, чала мулла десанг ҳам кўнавераман (M. Tohir, 2011).

-Агар коньяк заҳарланган бўлса, иккаламиз баравар ўламиз, -деди Хонгирей ўткир нигоҳини унга қадаб.

Бу гап ҳазилми ё чинми эканини билмаган Моргаш довдираб қолди. Ҳазил деса, хожаси ғазаб билан тикилиб турибди. Чин деса, бу ерда гумонга сабаб бўлувчи хавотирли ҳаракатнинг ўзи бўлиши мумкин эмас (M. Tohir, 2011).

-Хонгирей ўлмаган бўлса, нега унинг ўрнида Қрим хонига ўхшаб ялпайиб ўтирибсан. Фақат “билмай ўтириб қўйибман” дема, пичоққа илинадиган баҳона топ (M. Tohir, 2011).

Дарди бўлса, айтишни лозим кўрса хожасининг ўзи гапиради (M. Tohir, 2011).So, it should be noted that the conditional conjunctions are used to connect the

parts of complex sentences with a conditional clause and emphasize the conditional meaning expressed in the sentence but not to express a conditional meaning. Such conjunctions have a stylistic coloring and different contextual peculiarities. The stylis-tic nature of conditional conjunctions is expressed in a certain discourse. To be more precise, they are expressed in the text through different styles such as artistic, poetic, conversational, literary.

Conditional conjunctions in Uzbek can connect parst of the complex sentences with a conditional clause and also emphasize and strengthen a conditional meaning. According to the stylistic coloring, conditional conjunctions can be neutral (агар), poetic (гар), old Uzbek (магар, магарким, агарда), literal (башарти), colloquial (бордию).

It should be emphasized that the subordinate clause of the complex conditional sentence precedes from the main clause in Uzbek, but sometimes the position of main and subordinate clauses can be changed. This phenomenon does not influence the meaning of conditional utterance.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

CONCLUSIONAs a result of our investigation, the following conclusion and recommendations

can be drawn:а) according to the form plan, main problems of expression of conditional re-

lationships in Uzbek are determined by their syntactic structure, their expression at a particular level of language and conditional conjunctions;

b) according to syntactic structure, conditional relationships in Uzbek are mainly expressed in the form of complex sentence and here, synthetic (morphological units) and analytic (lexical means, proverbs, main verb with the conditional affix “-са” and incomplete verbs) forms are important;

c) conditional relationships in Uzbek are particularly expressed in the lexical and grammatical levels;

d) the conditional conjunctions connecting the subordinate clause with the main clause (агар, башарти, борди-ю, мабодо ва ҳ.к.) do not function to express a con-ditional meaning (a conditional meaning is expressed by a conditional verb form), but they place an emphasis on the content of the utterance;

e) the conditional conjunctions connecting the subordinate sentence with the main clause such as агар, башарти, борди-ю, мабодо and others are functionally and stylistically specific.

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Science, 1996.- 560 p.2. Аskarove М.А. Subordinating sentences and subordinating forms in Uzbek.-Тashkent: Science,

1966.-337 p. 3. Explanatory dictionary of active words of the modern Uzbek language/ A. Hojiev, A. Nurmonov,

S. Zaynobiddinov and et.al.- T.: East, 2001.- 336 p.4. Ikromova R., Muhammedova D., Shodmonkulova Kh., Мaksudova М. The mother tongue.

-Tashkent: 2003.-187 p.5. Kuchkor N. The secret underneath the sky: Story. «Youth» journal, 2010, 7-Issue.-16 p. 6. Маkhmudov N., Nurmonov А. Theoretical grammar of the Uzbek language (syntax).-Тashkent:

Teacher, 2014.-226 p. 7. Omon М. The shadow of a human fell into the sun.-Тashkent: «Writer» publishing

house,1991.-25 p. 8. Rahmatullayev Sh. The modern Uzbek literary language.-Т: University, 2012.- p 400.9. Sapayev K. The modern Uzbek language (morphemics, word formation, morphology).-

Тashkent: TSPU named after Nizami, 2009.-248 p.10. Тohir М. Shaytanat: First Book.- Tashkent: «East», 2011.-110 p. 11. Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek/ Z.М. Ма’rufov.-Моscow: Russian publishing house, 1981.-

715 p.12. Khudoyberdi Т. A boy with five children: An adventure novel.-Тashkent: Generation of new

century, 2009.-156 p.13. Khudoyberdi Т. Riding the yellow devil: Novel.-Тashkent: Generation of new century, 2010.-236 p.14. Khudoyberdiyeva H. Selection.- Тashkent: «East», 2000.-398 p. 15. Shukurov Sh. Development of verb moods of the Uzbek language.-Тashkent: Science, 1980.-138 p.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Xushnuda Samigova

Associate professor of the translation theory and practice department Uzbekistan state world languages





Topicality of the research is justified with followings: the periphrasis as a stylistic device was studied by many scholars, however, expressing the names of the famous people in periphrasis of two different languages has not been studied yet. Aim and tasks of the research are to study the etymological derivations of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people from different sources and analyzing and estimating linguacultural attributes of the collected examples and to find their similar and distinctive features in the correlation of two languages. Tasks of the following article are: the classification of the names of English and Uzbek famous people expressed in periphrasis; linguacultural peculiarities of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people of different cultures. Object and subject of the research are periphrasis units of the names of famous people in English and Uzbek languages, to determine linguocultural peculiarities of the English and Uzbek famous people in periphrasis.

The theoretical significance of the research is connected with the fact that for the first time the author tries to investigate linguacultural properties of the English and Uzbek famous people’s names in periphrasis.

The practical significance of the article is in theoretical assumptions of periphrasis units in both languages, examples reflecting the linguocultural peculiarities of the English and Uzbek periphrasis units can be applied as practical examples at lectures on Cultural Linguistics and Lexicology.

Хушнуда СамиговаЎзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университети Таржимашунослик назарияси ва амалиёти кафе-

драси доценти




Мазкур мақола инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида машҳур кишилар исмининг парафраза стили-стик воситаси орқали ифода этилиши бораси-да батафсил маълумот беришга бағишланган. Шу кунга қадар парафраза мавзуси бўйича кўп олимлар тадқиқот иши олиб борганлар, лекин инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида машҳур кишилар ис-мининг парафраза стилистик воситаси орқали ифода этилиши қиёсий аспектда ҳалигача ўз ечимини топмаганлиги ушбу мақоланинг дол-зарблигини кўрсатади. Мақоланинг асосий мақсади инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида машҳур ки-шилар исмининг парафраза стилистик воситаси орқали ифода этилишини таҳлил этиш ва унинг классификациясини амалга оширишдан иборат. Мақола объекти парафраза стилистик воситаси орқали ифода этилган инглиз ва ўзбек тиллари-да машҳур кишилар исмлари бўлиб, предмети эса парафраза стилистик воситаси орқали ифо-да этилган инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида машҳур кишилар исмларининг классификацияси ва лингвокультурологик хусусиятларидир.

Мақола ҳам назарий, ҳам амалий аҳамиятга эга бўлиб, ундаги материаллар, хулосалардан илмий тадқиқот ишлари олиб боришда, тил ва маданият, лингвокультурология, тилшунослик фанларини олиб боришда фойдаланиш мумкин.

Калит сўз: инглиз ва ўзбек тиллари, машҳур кишилар исми, парафраза, стили-стик воситалар, тадқиқот иши, қиёсий аспект, таҳлил этиш, классификация, лингвокультуро-логик хусусиятлар


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

The procedure of the analysis of the practical material can be applied writing other articles in Cultural Linguistics.

Key words: English and Uzbek languages, the periphrasis, stylistic devices, famous people, two different languages, research, linguacultural attributes, similar and distinctive features, different cultures.

INTRODUCTIONConsequently, there are significant works being undertaken to master one of

the world languages, English, thoroughly, and teach the young generation. Many phi-lologists have studied English grammar, phonetics, lexicology, phraseology and sty-listics and compared them with the Uzbek language. These are highly controversial and paramount topics to be studied by linguistics. Evidently, besides analysing the language, the culture and cultural features of the nations are studied synchronically. In this research paper, the names of famous people and their expression through pe-riphrasis were highlighted and their similar and distinctive features in both languages were investigated. It is generally agreed that language and culture are closely related. Language can be seen as a verbal expression of culture. Different languages will cre-ate different limitations therefore people, who share the certain culture but speak different languages, will have different world views. Obviously, this happens with paraphrasing the names of celebrities in different languages and cultures. The values, merits in languages are revealed also with these periphrasis units of famous persons. Still language is rooted in culture and culture is reflected and passed on by languages from generation to generation. Therefore, we decided to research linguocultural and semantic features of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people in the Eng-lish and Uzbek languages. Their matching and characteristic peculiarities will be in-vestigated. It makes topicality and novelty of the paper because up to present such a research has not been carried out in the material of periphrasis units of the names of famous people of the non-related languages and cultures as English and Uzbek.

MAIN PARTPeriphrasis – it is a phenomenon, which does not have unambiguous under-

standing in linguistics science. It can be defined as descriptive expression, and as a trope, often identified with other language units – with phraseologies and phrases.

According to professor D.U. Ashurova “periphrasis is the use of a longer and roundabout phrase instead of a possible shorter one with the aim of indicating a new feature of a phenomenon”. The scholar K. Musayev advocates the concept in this way “the concept of such renaming of an object with a phrase is easily understood by the reader within the context”. The scholar claims that with periphrases some certain words, expressions and set phrases can be replaced by other words that are under-standable to a reader or listener. Additionally, according to Musayev, words of periph-rasis examples are understood even without a context, as they are synonymic versions


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

of the words.Summarizing the definitions above, we affirm that periphrasis is accepted as a

stylistic device to swap the definite words with their related meaning substitutes that are grasped straightforwardly. Sentence structure can be changed or the words may be replaced with their synonymic versions keeping the meaning of the previous one. The periphrasis words or expressions can be understood both within and without context. The speech, narrations, texts can be more colorful and diverse, avoiding repetitions.

In the current period, the expressing of the names of popular people through periphrasis has become a noticeable event all over the world representing cultural layer of nations political personalities, religious figures, scientists, writers and po-ets, philosophers, celebrities of theater and movie industry, sportsmen and successful businessmen. The usage of periphrasis units expanded in modern communication and speech of people. These units are widely used in registration of significant events in the life of concrete people. Composing the periphrasis versions of famous persons’ names carry two major imperative tendencies, in general, to develop the language. First, tendency to be intellectual and second, tendency to be democratized.

It should be emphasized that some authors of periphrasis could manage to create original nomination of a famous person, even without violation some norms The King of Pop – Michael Jackson was appreciated by his memorable massive hit in the genre; the king of ballad (Vasiliy Andreeyevich Jukovskiy, his services on the foundation of a new genre in literature was highlighted); or from Uzbek history one of the most adored poets, G’azal mulkining sultoni (The king of the treasure of G’azal poetry) Alisher Navoi was called because of his large number of poems in this genre.

Through periphrasis, famous people can be brightly recognized not only being complimented, also sometimes some ironical features are addressed towards them. In these cases, irony serves to renew the perception of persons by the people looking at them from different viewpoint. In these nominative units, the attitude of the folks to the celebrities would be recognized by how they accept that person, how they evaluate his works and personality. Particularly, ironic periphrasis units are published in media texts as appealing headlines with the aim to attract many readers. Journalists always attempt to write an article, which will be read, and cause to be piquant to the subscrib-ers interest. To illustrate this, when Donald Trump won and became the president of the USA, he was almost the dominant theme in all publications with various expres-sions of periphrasis to describe him, especially ironically. Agent Orange, Big Rocket Man, Duke Nukem, The Wrath of Con, The Fliplomat, Vanilla ISIS, The Lyin' King, The Lord of the Blings, Darth Hater, Uncle Scam, The Banana Republican; Small donkey (Winston Churchill).

Politics are prone to be faced with ironic definitions of their public name more than comparing other celebrities. However, ironic features in periphrasis of the names of famous people are not only shot to the politics, also to the members of show busi-ness sometimes stand on the target of the highly skilled journalists. A strong example of these arguments could be the following celebrities from Uzbek show business Fa-vorite singer of the girls with unusual names (Jasur Umirov, as he always tends to sing


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

songs devoted to girls’ names), Always spring (Alisher Fayz, as he always smiles in his performances).

The representatives of science, politics, music and movie industry are also re-ferred to with ironical periphrasis because of their behavioral or other characteris-tically features Smelly, Applehead (Michael Jackson), Winnie (Winston Churchill), Pericles (Onion Head), The Almighty Nose (Oliver Cromwell), The Great Asparagus, (Charles de Gaulle), Big Nose (Isaac Newton), Longshanks (Edward I), Long Loin (Thomas Jefferson), Liver Lips (Emily Dickinson), Snakehips (Earl Tucker), Granny Lee, The Old Man, Bobby Lee, The Great Tycoon, Marse Robert, Marble Man, Mar-ble Model, The King of Spades (Robert E. Lee was called "Granny" because he was considered by some critics to be too timid and cautious about attacking. He was called the "Marble Model" because he was a model student and the first West Point gradu-ate to never earn a demerit. He was called the "King of Spades" because he ordered his men to "dig in" and create defensive fortifications; when the strategy worked, it became a term of endearment for his troops).

While conducting our research, we had to look through several sources: books (especially bibliographical), newspapers, magazines and internet sites. As it is evi-dent, mass media: internet sites, newspapers, magazines and bibliographical books, articles and narratives are prominent sources of periphrasis units of the names of fa-mous people. Consequently, immense amount of examples, which are suitable to our topic, were gathered. In this paper, we will illustrate the examples of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people and classify them according to some of their peculiarities. Initially, we compiled the names of popular people in periphrasis of the English, and subsequently the Uzbek.

Representatives of the English historical people and Politicians: The Flower of Kings, The Once and Future King, Matter of Britain – King Arthur; The Flower of Chivalry – William Douglas; Bloody Mary – Queen Mary I of Scotland; Good Queen Bess, The Virgin Queen – Elizabeth I of England; An energetic queen Lilibet, Lilybet, Gan-Gan and Gary (because her grandchildren had trouble pronouncing "grand-mother" just like non-royal children!) – Elizabeth II; The Father of His Country, The American Cincinnatus, The American Fabius, The Sage of Mount Vernon – George Washington; The Father of the Constitution, The Sage of Montpelier – James Madi-son; The Great Emancipator, Father Abraham, The Ancient One – Abraham Lincoln; The Sage of Monticello, The Apostle of Democracy, The Pen of the Revolution, Apos-tle of the Constitution, The Man of the People, Long Tom, Long Loin – Thomas Jef-ferson; The Colossus of Independence, Old Sink or Swim, The Atlas of Independence, Bonny Johnny, The Duke of Braintree – John Adams; The Abolitionist – John Quincy Adams; The Great Communicator, Dutch, The Gipper – Ronald Reagan; Old Kinder-hook, OK, The Red Fox of Kinderhook, The Fox, The Little Magician – Martin Van Buren; The Boss, King Franklin, The Squire of Hyde Park, New Deal Caesar, Houdini of the White House – Franklin D. Roosevelt; The First Black President – Barack Obama; Ponyboy, Chip Off the Old Blockhead – Donald Trump.

Comparing to English historical people, the Uzbek famous scholars outnumber


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

them, and they were adored and they are notable with the periphrasis units of their names. Buyuk davlat arbobi, asoschisi (The Greatest Statesman and the founder of the country) – (Amir Temur) can be a an appropriate example. In historical books, Amir Temur was described as Buyuk Sarkarda (the Great Commander). Newspaper today in Uzbekistan has recently announced an article with headline: Sahibkiran in the Memory of Descendants. Thus, the articles used a dominant periphrasis to men-tion about Amir Temur. After the dynasty of Temurids, Muhammad Shayboniyxan appeared in the stages of history. He had an extraordinary periphrasis unit that Shoh Baxt (“Shoh baxti”) – Muhammad Shayboniyxon. It should be emphasized that it is not peculiar to Uzbek periphrasis units as they chiefly are composed with the words like great, founder, the first.

Shoh va Shoir (King and Poet) is a periphrasis of the name of another historic popular person Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur. His outstanding talent on poetry made him famous the entire world. A journalist S. Tojiddinova announced a crucial article about Babur and used a periphrasis unit “Tengsiz Ibrat Sohibi” as a headline. In Uzbek history, many Amirs controlled the country and some of them had been given periphrasis units to their names because of their way of politics. As an example, Amir Shohmurod was dubbed as “Amiri mas’um”, “Gunohsiz amir”(Innocent Amir), while Amir Nasrullo, The Milk Snatcher – Margaret Thatcher.

However, in the English language there are further examples referring to the people of science and literature. The consequences of exploration notify that the peo-ple, who were the unsurpassed in the sphere they performed, were called as a father: Father of English literature, 'Father and Founder of Ornate Eloquence – Geoffrey Chaucer, The Father of English Music – William Byrd, Father of the FDA – Harvey Washington Wiley, Father of Classical Liberalism – John Locke, The Father Of Computers – Charles Babbage, Father of Modern Surgery – Lister.

In Uzbek culture, the words related to the religion of Islam exist in periphrasis units. Thus, the impact of religion on the language can be revealed with these words: Muhaddislarning imomi – Imom al Buhoriy, Buyuk Ulamo – Abu Iso Termiziy. In both languages, as we assumed, the notion of father was dedicated to refer to the head and adored leader of the country. For example, “The Father of his Country – George Washington as he was the founder of the country and served for independence, while in Uzbekistan, “Father of the Uzbek nation” – Islam Karimov. These two people could overcome the life obstacles to establish a new independent country, and both nations similarly use the word father to remember those people.

Roger Bacon was a 13th century English philosopher and Franciscan Friar who was posthumously awarded the scholastic accolade “Doctor Mirabilis” meaning “Wonderful Teacher”. Besides, John Rutherfood described him as wonderful doctor in his book which was dedicated to the study of the life of the heroes of the art and medicine: “Roger Bacon, called the wonderful doctor -Doctor Mirabilis-was born in the year 1214 in the neighbourhood of Ilchester”.

During the research period we investigated the etymology of the periphrasis units of the names of the well-known people. To illustrate, because of his great works


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

in the natural philosophy, Isaac Newton, devoted scientist, mathematician, was known during his time in the seventeenth and eighteenth century as a "Natural Philosopher."

We have also compiled the names of popular writers, scholars, sportsmen and poets in periphrasis of the English, and subsequently the Uzbek: The Sweet Swan of Avon, The Bard, The Bard of Avon – William Shakespeare; The Belle of Amherst, The White Witch of Amherst, The New England Mystic – Emily Dickinson;The British Homer (Milton became blind, like Homer), The Gospel Gun, a Champion of Liberty – John Milton; Ursa Major, The Great Moralist, The Leviathan of Literature, The Great Cham of Literature – Dr. Samuel Johnson; The Flower of Poets, Father of Eng-lish literature, Father and Founder of Ornate Eloquence – Geoffrey Chaucer; The Bristol Boy, The Blue-Coat Boy, The Marvelous Boy - Thomas Chatterton; The Border Minstrel – Walter Scott; The Wonderful Doctor (Doctor Mirabilis) – Roger Bacon ; Natural Philosopher – Isaac Newton; The Father of English Musick – William Byrd; Father of the FDA – Harvey Washington Wiley; Father of Classical Liberalism – John Locke; The Father Of Computers – Charles Babbage; Amarillo Slim – Thomas Preston; Iron Mike – Mike Tyson; Saint Nick, The Bubblegum Assassin – Nick Foles; The Microwave King (for his dunking skills) – Torrey Smith; Mr. Monday Night, Sil-verback, Deeb – James Harrison.

Through analysis of the paraphrases, we discovered some words related to re-ligion Christianity. Those words were utilized to assess positively the people. The Apostle of Democracy, Apostle of the Constitution – Thomas Jefferson, Archbishop of Bullshit – Sean Hannity. Even sometimes, the words related to other religions are met such as Buddha of the West – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In Uzbek culture, the words related to the religion of Islam exist in periphrasis units. Thus, the impact of religion on the language can be revealed with these words: Muhaddislarning imomi – Imom al Buhoriy, Buyuk Ulamo – Abu Iso Termiziy. In both languages, as we assumed, the notion of father was dedicated to refer to the head and adored leader of the country. For example, “The Father of his Country – George Washington as he was the founder of the country and served for independence, while in Uzbekistan, “Father of the Uzbek nation” – Islam Karimov. These two people could overcome the life obstacles to establish a new independent country, and both na-tions similarly use the word father to remember those people. However, in the English language there are further examples referring to the people of science and literature. The consequences of exploration notify that the people, who were the unsurpassed in the sphere they performed, were called as a father: Father of English literature, 'Fa-ther and Founder of Ornate Eloquence – Geoffrey Chaucer, The Father of English Music – William Byrd, Father of the FDA – Harvey Washington Wiley, Father of Classical Liberalism – John Locke, The Father Of Computers – Charles Babbage, Father of Modern Surgery – Lister.

The First Black President – Barack Obama. This example still shows us that rationalism has been transpired in the periphrasis units. Despite the position of presi-dency, Barak Obama was dubbed as a Black president. However, it is a notable fact that, the ethnicity of the USA is mixed. Therefore, it can be accepted inherently to use


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

the words related to racism. Comparing to Uzbek culture, the periphrasis units hardly carry negative meanings within themselves and the mentality of the Uzbek culture does not admit this kind of slightly rude and harsh words.

Among skillful instrument players Clapton, the ‘God’ of guitar, has been an inspiration for rock and blues acts the world over with his unparalleled control his instrument and innovative creations.

Uzbek music representor, “San’atimiz Jonkuyari” was a newspaper article ded-icated to the memory of well-known specialist on playing the tambourine Rustam Ubaydullayev. His apprentices dubbed his name as “Selfless Representor of our Music”.

As we conducted our research on the analysis of the periphrasis units, we ob-served some attributes of English periphrasis units. To illustrate, The Pen of the Revo-lution – Thomas Jefferson, Gentle Shepherd – George Greenville, Rupert of Debate – Edward Geoffrey. In these examples, we estimated some cultural features. The word Shepherd was used to describe him ironically as not strict or a good leader. "Gentle shepherd" was given to him because he bored the House by asking repeatedly, during the debate on the Cider Bill of 1763, that somebody should tell him "where" to lay the new tax if it was not to be put on cider. Pitt whistled the air of the popular tune Gentle Shepherd, tell me where, and the House laughed. Though few surpassed him in knowledge of the forms of the House or in mastery of administrative details, he lacked tact in dealing with people and affairs. Another examples, metaphorically usage of the word Pen towards the name of the politician. However, it does not carry any negative meaning but assesses respectively and honors the person.

CONCLUSIONThe theme of the article is about expressing the names of the English and Uzbek

famous people in periphrasis. So the theoretical part of the research paper is devoted to the review of the theories about stylistic periphrasis. The paper dealt with enlight-ening the linguacultural peculiarities of the periphrasis units. Many examples were analyzed studying their historical roots and other forms of etymologic existence.

Some similar features were discovered in both languages, the same words with the same meaning. It means that both cultures honor the people who served for the development of the country equally. They used the words father, king queen, great to describe the honored ancestors of them. It was noticeable that, the stage people, the members of show business were not always praised, but were chiefly expressed with ironic words.

On the other hand, some examples were found that are totally used in two cul-tures. Some of them can be accepted in English language while in Uzbek they are disregarded and even considered indignity or embarrassment. For example, ironical words are widely met in English language while they are rare in Uzbek. Those ex-amples illustrated the attitudes of the folks towards their honored people. Another important point to be mentioned is that, Uzbek languages has less periphrasis units comparing to English language.

In conclusion this research work was a novel field in the spheres of Linguacul-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

turology and Stylistics. The collected examples of the periphrasis units can serve as a source for other researches in this field, besides for the writings about the life of the popular people, this research paper findings can be helpful.

Analyzing the periphrasis units, we can assume that mostly the geographical places where the famous people were born or lived, the position they owned, and their works that was carried out for the development of the countries were the main ele-ments in composing the periphrasis units for their names. Besides, their physical or mental attributes, sometimes, caused them to have such dubbed names by the folks.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ashurova D.U., Galiyeva M.R. Stylistics of Literary Text. – Tashkent: Turon-Iqbol, 2016. – p

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2014. – p. 376.3. Andrew L. Johns. A Companion to Ronald Reagan. – California: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 4. Aubrey R. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. – London: 2005 – p. 286.5. Benjamin Waterhouse. An Essay on Junius and His Letters. – London.: Gray and Bowen, 1831.

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реферат дисс. ... док. филол. наук. – Уфа: 2003. – 41 с.13. Иванова С.В., Чанышева З.З. Лингвокультурологя: проблемы, поиски, решения: Моно-

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376.17. Musayev Q. English stylistics. – Tashkent: Adolat, 2003. – p. 119. 18. Маслова, В. А. Лингвокультурология: учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных

заведений – Мoscow, 2001. – 208 с.19. Мечковская Н. Б. Социальная лингвистика. – Мoscow, 2000. – 54 c.20. Ramazanova A.Y. Periphrasis of Famous People as Author’s Tool to Compliment. – Saratov,

Saratov University Department of Russian and Classical Philology, 2013. – p. 376.21. The Once And Future King. – New York: Ace Books, 1987. – p. 89. 22. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/23. http//www.literarydevices.com/periphrasis/24. http//www.softschools.com/examples/literary_terms/periphrasis_examples


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Shahlo Khamroeva

Bukhara State University the teacher of Uzbek linguistics department, (PhD) in philological sciences




There are morphological, syntactic, semantic, accentic aspects of layout in the in the language corpus. The corpus is the most convenient means of observing the language fluctuation of the dictionary (neologism, istorism, archaism) and its material must be linguistically processed. The complex of tags is the main tool for the implementation of this linguistic process (analysis).

By monitoring the surroundings of this or that linguistic unit, it is possible to identify certain semantic characters that characterize this unity. The word may refer to a few semantic categories simultaneously, so it is important to consider the level of the word or the category of the word. The rank is determined by counting the distribution frequency according to different categories. Thus, by means of a corpus it is possible to find out the semantic category of words and to get acquainted with the meaning of each category. A set of semantic tags should be perfectly designed so that the body can indicate which semantic category it belongs to. This article discusses the significance of semantic groups, colonies and domains in the development of a set of semantic labels.

The set of semantic tags is based on the semantic field, semantic colon, and LSG. On the first page of the interface semantic fields of the Uzbek language are given, if a semantic field is selected, the second window opens, the semantic groups of the same area appear, semantic gangs are again separated from the LSG. This structure of the interface works on the basis of the analysis

Шаҳло ХамроеваБухоро давлат университети ўзбек тилшунослиги

кафедраси ўқитувчиси, филология фанлари бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD)




Тил корпусларида теглашнинг морфологик, синтактик, семантик, акцентик каби кўриниши мавжуд. Корпус тилнинг луғат бойлигида бўлаётган ўзгаришлар (неологизм, историзм, архаизм ҳодисалари)ни кузатишнинг энг қулай воситаси экан, ундаги материал лингвистик жиҳатдан ишлов берилган бўлиши лозим. Те-глар мажмуаси мана шу лингвистик ишлов (таҳлил)ни амалга оширишнинг асосий восита-си саналади.

Корпусда у ёки бу лингвистик бирликнинг қуршовини кузата туриб, ушбу бирликни ха-рактерловчи маълум семантик белгиларни аниқлаш мумкин. Сўз бир пайтнинг ўзида бир неча семантик категорияга мансуб бўлиши мумкин, шунинг учун сўзнинг у ёки бу кате-горияга тегишлилик даражасига қараб фикр юритиш лозим. Даража эса турли категория бўйича тақсимланиш частотасини санаш йўли билан аниқланади. Демак, корпус ёрдамида сўзларнинг қайси семантик категорияларга мансублигини аниқлаш, ҳар бир категорияда-ги маъноси билан танишиш мумкин. Корпус сўзнинг қайси семантик категорияга тегишли эканлигини кўрсатиб туриши учун семантик теглар мажмуи мукаммал ишлаб чиқилиши лозим. Ушбу мақолади семантик теглар маж-муини ишлаб чиқишда семантик гуруҳ, тўда ва майдон таснифининг аҳамияти ҳақида сўз юритилади. Семантик теглар мажмуи семанти майдон, семантик тўда ва ЛСГ асосида шакл-


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

of “analyze the word” principle. At the stage of morphological markup for the horse horoscope, the semantic area affiliation also refers to an explanation of how the LMG enters the label. The use of the semantic theory of the body in the case of a corpus can also be the basis for the ideological arc of the body. In the complex of noun tags nameing nouns and common nouns and their inner division should be included. But these characters are not enough. These characters are a set of morphological tags.

Key words: language corpus, semantic label, semantic field, semantic colon, semantic group, tagging, tag models.

лантирилади. Корпус интерфейсида қидирув бутун-бўлак муносабати асосида қурилган бўлади: интерфейснинг биринчи саҳифасида ўзбек тилининг семантик майдонлари берила-ди, бирор семантик майдон танланса, иккинчи ойна очилиб, ўша майдонга тегишли семан-тик тўдалар кўринади, семантик тўдалар яна ЛСГлар бўлинади. Интерфейснинг бундай ту-зилиши таҳлилнинг “тушунчадан сўзга” прин-ципи асосида ишлайди.

Шунингдек, феъл, сифат, сон, олмош, равиш туркумидаги сўзларни теглашда ҳам шу йўлдан борилади.

Калит сўзлар: тил корпуси, семантик тег, семантик майдон, семантик тўда, семантик гуруҳ, теглаш, тег моделлари

INTRODUCTIONToday there are several manifestations of annotation in the language of the lan-

guage: morphological, syntactic, semantic, accentic. Annotation is also expected to be introduced soon [Grudeva V.A., 2012; 165]. The corpus is the most convenient means to track changes in the vocabulary of the language (phenomena of neologism, tourism, archaism). The use of the corpus method in the analysis of the lexical-semantic vo-cabulary of words allowed the creation of a new generation of dictionaries, grammar, in particular, a dictionary of static phrases.

Lexicography research is closely linked to research in semantics. By observing the surroundings of a particular linguistic unit in the body, it is possible to identify certain semantic signs that characterize this unit. A word can belong to several seman-tic categories at the same time, so it is important to think about the extent to which a word belongs to a particular category. Levels are calculated by counting the frequency of distribution by different categories [Mukhin Yu., 2010; 74]. The corpus can then be used to identify which semantic categories of words belong to each word and to explain the meaning of each category.

PURPOSE OF RESEARCHThe main task of creating semantic tag groups and their linguistic models for the

semantic tagging of texts contained in the language corpus.RESULTS OF RESEARCHThere is a need for the semantic tagging of the language corpus material to per-

form actions on the semantic properties of the word. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the importance of semantic grouping, grouping, and field classification in the semantic labeling of text. There is a need for semantic labels for the user to perform a semantic character search in the interface. The development of such a set of labels is part of this research task.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

CONCLUSIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS Problems of semantic tagging of the noun phrase category. Semantic tag – A

word-related semantic group, LSG, with a verbal commentary on the field [Grudeva V.A., 2012; 112]. For each word category, it is natural that groups are different. The first stage of the semantic tagging for the noun phrase series begins with the tag that refers to the noun or related noun in the morphological labeling. For morphological tags for all phrases, the label written on it serves as the basis for semantic tapping. So some semantic tags are attached to the vocabulary in the previous step. Therefore, it is desirable for the interface to be classified as semantic symbols of the word in the “semantic sign of the word” window.

Known equestrian groups:1) name of the person;2) geographic name;3) name of the organization, institution, enterprise;4) the name of the celestial lights;5) the date or name of the holiday;6) animal name;7) product name;8) The name of the divine concept.A.Sobirov prefers to divide the semantic field of geographical names into the

following microdistrict [Sobirov A., 2001; 65]. In our view, the geographic name spiritual group can be subdivided into such an internal LMG:

1. Landscape: plain (a); hill (b); mountain (d); Desert, Desert Names (c).2. Water names (hydronymes): spring, pool name (a); , stream, river name (sew-

age) (b); lake, sea, ocean name (turbulent waters) (c). The linguistic model of se-mantic tagging consists of typing a microfilm, LMT, or LMG number after a tag on a morphological tag.

During the semantic tagging of a particular noun, it is possible to attach a sepa-rate tag to the toponyms. For other groups of nouns, the interpretation of the morpho-logical tag is sufficient because they cannot belong to any other LMG or semantic field except for the labels on the morphological tag. The semantic labeling of a famous noun: Saturn's <purchase> [noun], [at. noun.], [TL].

In morphological touches, the related noun spiritual group is divided into a clear and abstract noun. The real horse is divided into the following LMT [Sayfullaeva R. 2009; 221]:

1) the name of the item;2) Name of the person:a) LMG that describes a person in terms of kinship;b) LMG, which characterizes a person by age;c) LMG that characterizes a person professionally;d) LMG that characterize a person by sex;e) LMG characterizing a person in terms of residence;f) LMG characterizing a person in terms of rank;


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

d) LMG characterizing a person's social status;3) the name of the item;4) plant name;5) place name;6) the name of the quantity;7) name of organization, institution;8) name from time to time;9) activity-process name. A.Sobirov argues that the “lithosphere” can form a separate lexical-semantic

group together with terms such as the Earth's core, crust, earthquake, soil, solid rock, minerals, ore. ., 2001; 92] and classifies this LSG as follows:

1. Combustible minerals: coal, natural gas, oil, peat.2. Ore minerals: a) ferrous metals: magnetic iron, brown iron, red iron (all three are made of

iron, steel, cast iron);b) Non-ferrous metals: gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, aluminum.3. Non-metallic minerals: salt salt, sulfur, limestone, marble, granite.Therefore, the substance can be classified into the following LMGs:

For the full and comprehensive use of semantic touches, it is necessary to rely on the classification of semantic field theory, classification [10] created by A.Sobirov. In addition to the description of the LMG attributed to the tag at the morphological tagging stage, the semantic field status is also noted for the noun category. The use of semantic field theory in the system of corpus labels is the basis for the creation of a system of corpus-tags.

Sobirov argues that the concept of the universe is divided into 20 large pieces, based on F. Dornzeif's opinion [A., 2001; 36]:


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

1 Inanimate nature. Items. The concept of the universe is a macrom

olecular classification

2 Plants, Animals. Human (living organism). 3 Space. The spatial state. Fig.4 Size. Relationships. The reason.5 Time.6 World. Color. Sound. Temperature. Weight.7 Status. The smell. Tasting (external and external reception).8 Movement.9 Desire and Will.10 Feeling.11 Emotions. Jazawa (excitement). Characteristics Edges.12 Thinking.13 Symbol. Information. Language.14 Record. Knowledge (science).15 Art.16 Society and social relations. 17 Equipment. Technique.18 Agriculture.19 Law. Ethics.20 Religion. Supernatural.

According to A.Sobirov, the chapter “Divinity and Heavenly Bodies” by R. Hal-lig and V. Wartburg can be divided into at least 4-5 semantic fields in Uzbek [Sabirov A., 2001; 55].

Classification of “Theology and celestial bodies”1. Allah, the names that represent the concept of a micromanage is a grain.

2. The semantic domain of words expressing religious under-standing.

3. Cosmo things.

The semantic vertical area of the words about the concept of weather, wind.

4. A micro-manage representing the notion of Islam.

5. Area of concepts related to other religions

In the Russian-Uzbek thematic dictionary (Russian-Uzbek thematic dictionary) published in 1975, the world is divided into three parts [Tikhonov A.N., 1975; 193-450]:


Human life, activity

Location. The time. Amount. Accounting

1. E


. Lan

d su



2. H



3. N


al p




4. M



5. P



6. A


al w



7. B


8. O








Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

On the basis of these classifications, A.Sobirov argues that the area of the “flora” (phytonymes) can be divided into microfilms in the prey [Sobirov A., 2001; 110]:

World of plants1) algae;2) fungi;3) grasses (greens);4) cultural flowers (greens);5) harmful plants;6) medicinal plants;7) cereal plants;8) black crops;

9) melons and gourds;10) fodder plants;11) industrial crops;12) Desert, hill, mountain vegetation;13) forest plants;14) shrubs;15) wild trees;16) fruit trees.

The wildlife areas of the 20 macromain sites listed above can also be subdivided into Uzbek semantic fields [Sobirov, 2001; 78]:

World of animals1) single-celled animals;2) insects;3) parasitic insects;4) reptiles;5) fish;6) amphibians;7) crustaceans;

8) water animals;9) domestic birds;10) wild birds;11) pets;12) wild animals;13) wild animals;14) mythical animals.

We have seen that the semantic character of the word in the national corpus is based on taxonomic, mereologic classification [13]. Mechanism, equipment (1), ve-hicle (2), weapons (3), musical instrument (4), furniture (5), utensils (6), clothing (6), 7) Based on the use of labels such as the name of food, drink (8), the name of the item in the morphological tag can also be divided into several subgroups.

M. Asomiddinova divides the names of clothing into 4 major content groups [Sobirov A., 2001; 46]:


es o

f cl


ng 1. Hats: skullcaps, caps, earrings, hats, berets, caps, scarves.

2. Underwear, undergarments, coats, jackets, shirts, skirts.3. The names of the items added to the clothing: belt, turban and gloves.

4. Name of clothes: pants, linings, skirts, pockets.

Nematov recommends studying the names of clothing by dividing them into 5 LMGs [Nematov H., 1995, 79]:




of c


ing 1. Hats: skirts, skullcaps, takia, hats, hats, kool, turban, hats, hats.

2. Clothes: clothes, shirts, shirts, coats, coats, caps, shirts, pants, trousers, jackets, coats, suits.3. Underwear: pants, shirts, caneons, scoops, waistcoats, trousers, T-shirts.4. Footwear: socks, boots, socks, shoes, hats, shoes, shoes.5. Cutters: scarves, cuts, belts, ribbons, foreheads, necklaces, collars, straps, belts.

This means that one item of the above classification can also be classified as one of the micromanages of the macro area.


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

In the national language of the Russian language there is also the classification of “mereology” in the word "semantic sign". Based on this, it is also possible to dis-tinguish between the words “only part of the word” for the Uzbek word. These labels include the human body, organ (1), animal body, organ (2), plant parts (3), building, construction part (3), device part (4), instrument part (5), mechanism, equipment part. (6), vehicle (7), armor (8), musical instrument (9), furniture (10), utensils (11), cloth-ing, footwear (12) such as.

Based on A.Sobirov's view, the classification of the human macromolecule can be applied to the body as follows:

1. Semantic area related to the personality (exterior) of the person.2. Semantic area of lexemes representing the inner world of the human soul.3. Semantic area of lexemes, representing human relation to human beings (so-

cial relations).4. Semantic area of lexemes, representing the sum of social structures (atti-


Инсоннинг шахси (ташқи жиҳати) билан боғлиқ се-мантик майдон


Инсоннинг руҳий олами (ички

жиҳати)ни ифо-даловчи лексема-ларнинг семантик майдон микромай-


Инсоннинг инсонлар-га бўлган муносабати

(ижтимоий алоқалари)ни ифодаловчи лексе-маларнинг семан тик


Фан, техника билан боғлиқ микромайдон

gender consciousness communicative activities Microarea of Specific Sciences:

race the senses labor, work, activity Microarea of mathematics;

nation cognition profession Microarea of physicscitizenship understanding,

imaginationagriculture Microarea of chemistry

appearance (body parts)

the idea cotton growing Microarea of biology

family thinking light industry Microarea of geographyrelative memory heavy industry Microarea of tecnicshealth pleasant sensations textiles Microarea of economy illness unpleasant sensations

(antipathy)transport: Microarea of medicine

love the will a) Mechanical engineering Microarea of social science

household temperament b) aircraft construction Microarea of philosophysucking decency c) Shipbuilding

microfinance.Microarea of linguistics

clothing talent folk crafts Microarea of literaturebehavior

(action, condition)free school, education Microarea of history


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

The semantic tagging of a related noun also includes information about the se-mantic field that can be suffixed in addition to the LMG tags in morphological tags. The semantic field attribute function performs the sequence number specified in the semantic tag application. Semantic tagging of a related noun: sky <sky> [noun], [type. Noun], [an.o.], [o.n.], [4.3.]. The highlighted label is “Space. The spatial state. Fig. "Microbe area."

physician <tabib> [noun], [type] noun], [an.o.], [sh. n.], [profession LMG], [11.I.3]. The highlighted label refers to the “occupation” micromanage.

Some Considerations on the Semantic Wires of the Verbal Phrase. The seman-tic tags of the verb category are annotations written in addition to morphological tags. As the main LMG of the verb in morphological tagging [11]:

1) action verb = [every. f.];2) speech verb = [speech f.];3) status verb = [state f.];4) action verb = [nat. f. f.];5) Verbal verb = [thinking f.];6) Lexical-semantic groups such as attitude verb = [attitude f.] Are separated and tags are attached. In addition to this information in seman-

tic touches, these comments can also be made, based on the work done on the verb groups.

I.Kuchkortoyev divides the verb into the following LMG [Kuchkortoyev I., 1969; 77]:

1) the verb to say;2) verbs of speech: to speak, to pronounce, to applaud, to praise, to explain, to

prove, to conclude;3) verbs of expression: to say, to say;4) Pronunciation verbs: lead, shout, shout, growl;5) subjective verbs: to cut, to praise, to describe, to defame, to smear, to scold,

to insult, cursing, cursing, greeting, congratulating;6) verbs of speech: to order, to encourage, to promote, to call, to invite, to call,

to urge;7) symmetric speech verbs. Based on this classification, we again divide the speech group in the morpho-

logical labeling into the internal LMG:1) the verb to say;2) verbs of speech;3) verbs of expression;4) pronunciation verbs;5) subjective verbs;6) speech verbs. A.Sobirov divides the verb lexeme into the microforma of lexemes that repre-

sent movement, position [Sobirov A., 2001; 95]. They are further subdivided into the following topics:


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

1. Topic sets of lexemes common to all living organisms (intermediate media space): run, thirst, stop, hold, feed, grow, live, lie down, get sick, lose weight, fat, die.

2. The subject groups of lexical units representing human behavior, speaking, thinking, creating, appreciating, explaining, talking, creating, dreaming, looking, lov-ing.

3. Topic sets of lexemes that characterize the behavior of animals:(a) Movement of domestic animals, lexemes that characterize the condition:boast, choke, hang, saddle, fall, crouch, milk, crush;b) movement of wild animals, lexemes that represent the condition: bite, paw,

scratch, ripen, winter, attach, claw, crawl, sting.4. Topic sets of lexemes that express the movement, position of objects, objects:a) Trees, plant-specific lexemes: sprouts, shoots, shoots, buds, flowering, twigs,

foliage, rooting, frying, withering, drying;b) movement of natural objects, lexemes that describe the condition: drowning,

choking, rotting, rotating, scraping, stirring, flowing, overflowing, greasing, breaking, shining, sparkling, sparkling.

Movement does not end with the properties of the lexemes that represent the condition. The lexemes that characterize human behavior and condition can be further subdivided into the following subject clusters:

1. Movement of common aspects of human life, theme groups of lexical units representing the condition: live, eat, get sick, talk, work, sleep, dream, relax, read.

2. Topic sets of lexemes that characterize the movement of the human body:1) Lexemes that describe eye movement, position: blink, open, clap, feed, look,

tear, cry, rejuvenate;2) lexemes expressing the position of the hand: holding, clasping, scratching,

punching, clapping, clapping, pinching, drawing;3) lexemes expressing foot movement, position: jumping, kicking, sneezing,

limping, standing, crippling, climbing, walking;4) Lexemes expressing language movement, condition: swallow, lick, taste;5) Lexemia, tooth movement, position: to bite, fill, gnaw, worm, knock;6) Lexemes expressing lip movement, condition: rust, dry, hum, kiss;9) Lexemes that describe the behavior of the ear: to move, to stand, to be dumb,

to be deaf;10) Lexemia, a condition of the heart, position: beating, cracking;11) Lexemia, a sign of abdominal movement, positioning: grinding, feeding,

twisting, twitching, shaking. Verbal lexemes, which combine the social aspects of human life, also fall into

several groups:1. Vocabulary lexemes: to think, to comprehend, to understand.2. Lexemas related to field work: planting, chop, watering, cultivating, weeding,

harvesting, milling.3. Technical lexemes: plow, repair, break, break out, get down.4. Construction lexemes: build, plaster, whiten, paint, saw, bump, rub.


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

5. Drinking lexemes: bake, roast, soak, eat, squeeze, chop.6. Clothes lexemes: wear, sew, pinch, wrap, stitch, cut, iron, staple, clean.7. Lexemes related to pets: vaccinate, water, milk, feed, plow, sow, saddle.Also, lexemes, such as beating, flattening, boring, throbbing, wiggling, grasp-

ing, giving birth, letting go, hurting, jerking, stuttering, enjoying, biting, grabbing, snapping, groaning are combined into a single subject. Sobirov A. 2001; 120].

The third semantic of lexemes such as call, say, collect, summarize, summon, call, lexeme such as vocabulary, affliction, nostalgia, nudge, stroke, apply, befriend, combine, hug, caress can be concentrated in the field [Sobirov A. 2001; 112].

We prefer to give this classification of LMGs as labels of semantic tags, as shown in the appendix. (See Table 1).

In a separate appendix, the linguistic model is identified by the order number, based on these sequence numbers. Semantic tag type of verb word category: ache <ache> [f], [must f.], [state f.], [11.I.h], [14.2]. The highlighted label provides infor-mation on the "micromanage of health" as well as the "LMT, which represents the behavior of a person."

There is no need to write separate labels for semantic tags of quality, numeric, diamond, or imitation words. Morphological tagging can also serve as a semantic character for the word LMG.

Reflections on semantic tags in the rhyming word category At the initial touch step1) time delay = [p. rav.];2) relocation = [o. rav.];3) condition deviation = [h. rav.];4) the degree of deviation = [m.d. rav.];5) goal motivation = [max. rav.];6) Reason for cause = [sab. LMGs have been detected. During the semantic tag-

ging stage, we prefer to attach the following comments as tags based on T.Asadov's classification of the spiritual group [Asadov T., 2009, 82].

1. HR (HR):1) HR associated with walking verbs: uninterrupted, shoulder, door-to-door, in-

tensive, side-by-side;2) HR, combined with speech verbs: friendly, paternal, slow, modest, honest;3) HR, which is associated with the verbs of thought: quiet, passive, logical,

obnoxious;4) HR, which is associated with the verbs of effective activity: radically, poorly,

in the new, in the image, in the whole.2. Time slot:1) the meaning of the starting point of the content of the time: first, first, first,

first;2) the meaning of the time duration: always, always, always, always;3) meaning of time consistency: rings, daily, daily, often, winter and summer,

day and night;4) the meaning of the continuity of the content of the time: instantaneous, im-


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

mediate, instant, immediate;5) Periodically, occasionally.3. Quantity Rate:1) Strength of strengthening: again, abundance, tricks, completely, absolutely,

well, completely;2) irritating rash: hardly, barely, slightly, partially, flax;3) Normative level: sufficient, adequate, sufficient.T. Asadov does not differentiate the place, reason, and objectives of the LMG.

We also found it necessary to divide the positions, causes, and targets into the LMG by dividing the status, time, and degree ratios into the LMG.

CONCLUSIONIn semantic labeling of word categories it is best to rely on semantic fields, clus-

ters, and semantic group classifications. The semantic area of each word category in the Uzbek language, LSGs were studied. The categories of this classification are the basis for developing a set of semantic labels for the language corps.

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2012. – 165 s.


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3. Zamonaviy o‘zbek tili: Morfologiya. (Mualliflar jamoasi. Mas’ul muharrirlar: H.Ne’matov, R.Sayfullayeva.) – Toshkent: Mumtoz so‘z, 2008. – 468 b.

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2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

Abdivali Eshkobilov

researcher, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


The article analyzes the lyro-epic genres of Jadid poetry, in particular, the poetics of the Jadid ballad. Until now, in Uzbek literary criticism, Jadid poetry has not been studied in this aspect. As a result of the research, new scientific hypotheses and opinions on the history and theory of the genre were put forward. For example, there is still an opinion in literary criticism that the first ballads in modern Uzbek poetry were created by Hamid Alimjan (1934) and GafurGulyam (1930). After studying Jadid poetry, the history of the genre was clarified that the ballad in modern Uzbek poetry created by Chulpan and Botu dates back to1920 and the presence of lyro-epic genres and their study in the works of reputed authors is emphasized as an urgent scientific problem.

Key words: lyre-epic genres, ballad, poetics of the Uzbek ballad, Jadid ballad, history of the genre.

Абдивали ЭшқобиловСамарқанд давлат чет тиллар институти



Мақолада жадидлар шеъриятига хос ли-ро-эпик жанрлар, хусусан, жадид балладаси поэтикаси таҳлил қилинган. Ҳозирги қадар замонавий ўзбек адабиётшунослигида жадид шеърияти бу аспектда ўрганилмаган. Тадқиқот натижасида баллада жанри тарихи ва наза-рияси дахлдор янги илмий фикрлар, фаразлар илгари сурилган. Масалан ҳозирга қадар замо-навий ўзбек шеъриятида илк балладалар Ҳамид Олимжон (1934) ва Ғафур Ғуломлар (1930) ижодида яратилган, дейган фикр мавжуд эди. Ҳолбуки, жадидлар шеъриятини ўрганилиши оқибатида илк балладалар Чулпон ва Ботулар томонидан 1920 йилда яратилганлиги, маълум сабабларга кўра қатоғонга учраган адиблар-нинг ўрганилмасдан қолганлиги, лиро-эпик асарлари мавжуд эканлиги ва уларни ўрганиш долзарб илмий масала сифатида таъкидланади.

Калит сўзлар: лиро-эпик жанр, баллада, ўзбек балладаси поэтикаси, жадид балладаси, жанр тарихи.

After obtaining the independence of our country, the attention was devoted to Jadid's poetry, one of the most memorable pages of our history. Noteworthy investiga-tions were leaded by range of our scientists.[1]In particular, prose, lyrics and drama are studied differently in Jadidic literature and this process is lasting. However, the question about the genre concerning with the great jadidic writers, except for the genre of parable ( widely studied by Bekhbudi and Elbek ) , including composition connected with lyro epic genres that are remained without attention. Notwithstanding, "New Poetry" ( Jadid's poetry ) continued serious investigations in the region of fic-tion. Although, it uses traditional forms, such as gazelle and puzzles, it is also widely used in the genre of fingerprints [8].

Diversity of themes, genres and styles in literary sphere 20-30th years, espe-cially in texts, is connected with names and works of our great notionalists such as Abdulhamid, Chulpon, Usmon Nosir, Hamza Hokimzoda, Botu, Elbek and others. It


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

is true, that , although some examples of literature, made by totalitarian dir , are under the influence of ideology of time, its essence is due to feeling of loyalty to people, beliefs in the person's future and society, that that is interesting in the world of our investigations.

Along with the poems of Abdulla Kadiri and Abdurauf Fitrat, in the poetry of AbduraufChulpon, who made noticeable contribution in modern Uzbek literature, there is a range of poems that fully fits to the poetry and principles of genre. Amongst them "Purtana", "Fantasy", "Cleopatra`s dream", "More Snow", "Tiger" , "Lights" ( from Roger Togur), "On the embrace of nature" , "Nature's response"[7,368] . It is possible to include liro epic compositions, which dominate in the narration of stories, deep dramas and in other elements of genre of ballad. For example "Purtana"(1920) [7,53] genric drama in combination with epic genric features of pictures become a perfect example for this type of work:

Пўртана қўзғолди, пўртана юрди,Пўртана ўзини қирғоққа урди;Пўртана олдида бир кема кўрди:Ичида зич одам... ўйнатди, сурди!.........................................................Сув қизи: чиройли, сочлари қоп-қора,Бўйнидан сочилган, тарқоқ...Ана шул гўзални, ана шул малакни,Йўқ янглиш... фалакниПўртана кўксида сақлар:Ерлар сарф этар ғайратни...All appearances, motives in this Chulpon’s work consists of dramatic scenes

with plots, genre characters and mermaid-heroes of traditional genres of ballad. We think, it is essential to give a short explanation for conception of motivation at this time. A.N. Veselovskiy explains this conception: “The formula of being is the bright-est, the most visual and important… The symbol of motive is its figurative partial schematism”[3, 406]. Nowadays, this term is the most widely used category in liter-ary criticism, and it plays very important role in determination and highlighting of exact genres of art, genre characteristics of artwork (emphasis is added A.E.).

In Cholpon's poem, the image continues with one more element of the genre - unexpectedness, extraordinary resolution, disruption - fragmentation. The horrible sea-storm first moves with horrible power, causing the reader to panic, but suddenly calms down:

Қичқирар, бақирар, ўкирар йўлбарсдек,Югурар, сакрар, отилар девдек.Олдида ҳеч тўсиқ, ҳеч моне қўймасдекИнтилар ўнг-сўлин кўрмай!..Денгиз тинч, қўрқув йўқ. Қиёмат ухлайдир,Пўртана жимжитдир – ўйда.This lyric-epic work of Chulpon follows to typical jadids’ principle of 20’s:


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

poet limits word picture and makes social-publicistic statement: “Waves - In The Heart Of The Poor ... // In The Blind Splendor ... //”. Incarnation of poetry of that period finishes with appeal: "Oh, hurricane, don't stop, get some energy. // Don't go to sleep when the time comes, don't sleep ... // Get a fire." This poem as other works of poet contains visual details, which connect with themes and tones of world, especially poetry about revolutionary struggle. It would be logically right to suppose, that it was a phenomenon, which is immanent to definite period of poetry of genre or, more prop-erly, it is a result of artistic aesthetic searching in poetry of jadid.

In addition, there are rows of works AbduraufFitrat’s in poetry, which fully respond to theoretic-poetry genre of ballade. His works includes poems, such as “Sharq” (1920) and “Meningkecham” (1923). Fitrat’s poem “Sharq” was published in the magazine “Tong” in 1920 with a denotation of ‘poem’ genre. This work, also, was included into collection of famous Uzbek poets (1922). However, in revised version in independent years, experts reject genre index, which is not interpreted as poem genre in the following analysis[9, 172-176; 2, 47]. Even if his work does not satisfy requires of poem genre: there are no characters, actions, conflict, etc. Nevertheless, as it was mentioned earlier, there are dramatic situation, rhythmical language of ballade and impressive assonance, which reached mythic degrees in this work of art: the poem consists of 51 verses, written in a method of ‘steps’. If we put ‘step’ lines into right lines, then quantity of lines become less, and in this case, it will fully suit a genre of ballade.Fitrat starts his poem with words: "Brothers, this is a country for you", and tells about beautiful nature of East etc. in 24 verses of his lyre-epic poem. Then he regretfully tells about ruinous condition of this country:

Бироқ бу кун, эсизларким, бу ўлкаҲар томондан таланмишдир йўлсизча,Маданият деган ғарбли олбости,Боқинг, бунинг кўкрагидан ўқ босди,Қушбоқиш-ла қарангиз,Бунда бу кун нелар бор... [5, 11]Moreover, poet states about deep dramatic situation describing horrors of war

and murders of robbers. The poem finishes with a rhetoric question “Don’t you know?” which asks for a causer of spilled blood.

Botu (Mahmud Khodiev), a brilliant representative of Jadid poetry, "began to write a number of poems, ballads, essays, literary, scientific and socio-political topics in the 20s" [3,153-171]. His artistic legacy includes a number of his works, includ-ing "Spring" (1925), "Past Days" (1925) and "On the Road to Idea" (1925). Their analysis, unlike most beautiful poetry works, does not fully meet the requirements of analysis from the point of view of today's ideology, but should be emphasized as a literary and historical event of its time. They are, as mentioned above, influenced by ideology of the time, like certain examples of the literature created by the totalitarian regime of the Jadid literature, but with a sense of loyalty to the people, confidence in the future of human and society, and the elements of the genre.

Among the poets of Jadid's poetry are the poet ElbekMashriqYunusov, who has


Series: LITERARY CRITICISM 2019 Vol. 30 No. 3

worked in the ballad genre. In opening remarks on the selected works of the poet Elbek published in the years of independence, Professor H. Uzakov notes: poems, ballads, folk songs ... and publicist works ”[8,5-20]. As we get acquainted with the lyric-epic works of Elbek, you will see that they are examples of ballad genre, such as "Death" (1925), "Destruction" (1935), "Anorjon" (1936).

It is noteworthy that the ballads of Elbek's artwork consist of memories of a lyri-cal hero and a sad past. Their sad, elegant spirit flashes. There is no doubt that the poet was familiar with the genre examples of poets who created such literary methods as Jukovsky and Derjavin in Russian literature. Elbek was a skilled translator of Russian poetry in his time, also mastered and published the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.Le-rmontov, N.A. Nekrasov, I.A. Krylov [8, 5 - 20]. That is why the name of his ballads and prose works is also close to the Russian belles-lettres: "Anorjon", "Destruction", "Death", "Anorgul". This spirit is especially evident in his Anorjon ballad:

Тарихий ариқдан оқиб ётган сувСингари у кунлар оқибми кетди?!Турмушнинг хушчақчақ , ўйноқ йигитиСўнмас чечакларин тақдимми этди.[8, 105]Unlike Elbek’s poems, Usman Nosir, who began his work as a contemporary of

Uzbek Jadid literature, also has many common repeating motifs and elements of the ballad genre. In his poetry, motifs of ancient Greek, Roman and medieval literature are often highlighted. In this case, based on the poetry of genre motifs and theoretical poetics, we can include poetic poems Black Lines (1933), Nile and Rome (1935), and Israel (1937) in the ballad genre.

The poem "Nile and Rome", written in the title "Book of History", is one of the best literary works in the political lyricism of the poet. This ballad consists of six strings of fourteen lines and is divided into two. The first three lines are dedicated to the Nile River in Egypt (first motive), and the rest to Rome (second motive). The language of the work differs from the language of the Jadid literature of that time and begins with a highly artistic lyro-epic stanza. The language of this work is very close to our current language, without any of the difficulties inherent in Jadid poetry. First paragraph:

Лампам ёнур... Яраланган қанотдек оғирЎй босади. Юрагимга гўё сел ёғир.Қийналаман. Тиришаман. Ҳушим паришон,Ўтмиш, ҳозир ва келажак кўринур ҳар он [4, 21-24]- Description of the impression from the history textbook about the poet’s past

desert (dream and fantasy - the motives of the genre in pure ballads) “riding a horse - faster than the wind, slightly running through the clouds, listening to the sounds of years and people.” This paragraph draws the reader into the world of copyright thoughts and emotions.

The poet rides a horse in the first eighth of the second paragraph: Bloody sun in yellow sands - Sunrise. // White Nile - the era when slaves were shed. " Heavenand earth cannot carry the cry of slaves. The poet addresses Roman gods and folk heroes,


2019 Vol. 31 No. 4 Series: LITERARY CRITICISM

such as Ra and Aziris, and the representative of the dark forces speaks of the suffering of the slaves: "There is no water in the cup of the slaves ... // There is no blood in the color of the setting sun." modified) allows the creation of a deep hidden meaning in the text of the poem, as evidenced by the high artistic observation of the author. The conditional first part of the poem also names the names of famous historical figures such as Ramses and Cleopatra.

The second part of the ballad “Nile and Rome” is dedicated to the great era of Rome, the battle of gladiators, and the reader gets acquainted with Rome according to the vision of Osman Nasir. Homer and Caesar are mentioned and turned into artistic motifs. A gladiator dying in a tiger claw turns into a Rismtimed image. The poet asked a symbolic centennial question from the language of a dying warrior: “O silly Rome, rejoice in blood! // Is there any other humiliation? ”The last words of the Gladiator:“ A mad theater awaiting death from the Roman game ”is a reflection of the poet’s inner subjectivity.

Thus, the ancient Roman motif is fully used as a new theme for modern Uzbek literature and poetry, demonstrating the universality of the talents of Usman Nosir and his ability to create great epic works.

Thus, it is worth noting that jade ballads and the simultaneous lyric-epic works of great poets such as Usman Nosirwere largely ignored by experts such as the works of victims of repression. Now in modern literature it is important and important to study the theoretical poetics of various genres, such as ballad, retrospectively, refer to the texts of these “forgotten” works and recognize them, restore white pages in the history of national literature genres.

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