428 Vol XVII MM 23 3 colour.pmd - Madras Musings

WE CARE FOR MADRAS THAT IS CHENNAI MADRAS MUSINGS Vol. XVII No. 23 March 16-31, 2008 Registered with the Reg. No. TN/PMG (CCR) /814/06-08 Registrar of Newspapers Licence to post without prepayment for India under R.N.I. 53640/91 Licence No. WPP 506/06-08 Rs. 5 per copy (Annual Subscription: Rs. 100/-) CMYK Is VPH to get a new The ides of April News: Immediate fines for lit- tering, garbage dumping (in- cluding unsystematic disposal) from April 1, 2008. You: Great. Watch out, all you paan-spitting, litter-bugging types, because ... Voice-from-the-Crowd: Hoy! You (slightly taken aback): Yes? VFTC: Are you being funny about something as serious as garbage disposal? You: Er...no... VFTC: And waste segregation? You (nervously): Of course not. Im registering support, in my own, possibly totty-headed way, for the cause and... VFTC: Why specifically men- tion paan-spitting? Thats sheer social bias. And why are you hopping about? You : Not hopping. Reeling. With shock. All I meant was... VFTC: You think paan-spitting and garbage-dumping are con- fined only to some social cat- egories? You (mopping your forehead): No, no, paan-spitting, garbage- throwing, ignoring recycling and bio-degradable (or non) as- pects... offenders are every- where, regardless of sex, in- come, education, appearance, hair-type, taste in music... whatever. VFTC(raising voice): Prejudice- ist. Inappropriate-funny-sider. Theres a menacing rush to- wards you. Choosing to be even feebly funny for a career sometimes requires you to be fleet of foot. You take off for the open, dis- playing impressive speed. But, dutiful to the last, you yell out: April 1st... remember, April 1st. You have till then to study and categorise your gar- bage. You almost chuck your speech notes, then hastily stuff them into your bag. Every little gesture counts, for a responsibly clean environ- ment. Ranjitha Ashok INSIDE _ Short N Snappy _ National Trusts team up _ Dr. Kesaris reminiscences _ The weavers agony _ The Auroville dream When will IT Expressway (Continued on page 7) Ours is worlds eighth densest metro keep its promises? T he Highways Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu, has in a recent meeting announced that the work on the high profile IT Expressway (now renamed Rajiv Gandhi Salai) will be completed by March 31 st . He has also stated that the main carriageway of the first phase from Madhya Kailash to Siruseri, spanning 20.1 km, and the ECR Link Road, con- necting Sholinganallur and Akkari (2.1 km), would be ready by March. The service roads are expected to be com- pleted by August. It has been decided to build link bridges from the MRTS stations that are on the same route. The toll plaza will be complete by April and will be operational from July. The reality on ground, however, appears to indicate that it is doubtful if any of this will be completed to the satis- faction of road-users. The Expressway to be completed by March 31, 2008! A drive down the corridor shows that almost all is well on the stretch from Madhya Kailash to Tidel Park. But from Kandanchavadi and Perungudi onwards, it is clear that work (Continued on page 7) T he US-based Forbes maga- zine has, in its recent sur- vey, listed Chennai among the densest cities of the world. The city ranks 8 th in the list. Delhi is in 13 th position and Bangalore is 19 th . The magazine has com- mented that Living in a dense place affects the quality of liv- ing, unless you have loads of money and the place is gentrified like Tokyo and New York. Dense is, however, a rela- tive term. A Mumbai native vis- iting New York is bound to feel like a New Yorker vacationing on a Wyoming dude ranch. The magazine has blamed fast- track economic growth for the density of population in metros. It is significant that the list of the top ten densest metros of the world has three Indian cit- ies Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Citizens of Chennai may take solace in the fact that the list of the top 25 dirtiest cities of the world does not include the metro, while it does have Mumbai (7 th ) and Delhi (24 th ). But while Chennai appears to have escaped, neighbouring Ranipet has not. It comes in for special mention and it is stated that Ranipets pollution can af- fect up to 3 million people, as it is upstream from populous Chennai. Its tannery waste amounted to 1,500,000 tons a year of toxic material. There is contamination of ground and water. There are efforts being made at containment. While Forbes magazines penchant for listing just about anything (10 hardest drinking cities of the world, is an ex- ample) may have resulted in the dirty statistics going unno- ticed, last years Worldwide Quality of Living Survey by Mercer Human Resource Con- sulting showed Indian cities in a very poor light as well. That study stated that Indian cities score relatively poorly on health and sanitation counts, with scores ranging from 52.8 for Chennai (position 177) to 38.2 for Mumbai (position 209). Most Indian cities are densely populated and have poor waste removal and sewage systems. These issues, combined with in- creasing air pollution, contrib- ute to their relatively low rat- ings, according to the study. It highlighted the fact that there is a very real risk of transmission of diseases in these cities owing to the poor ratings. Given this scenario, the Central Government has come up with the idea of satellite townships for 35 cities in the country. For all cities having populations exceeding a million and naturally Chennai is one the Ministry for Urban Deve- lopment is finalising a satellite (By A Staff Reporter) Would they fine us for not gener- ating waste, too? (By A Special Correspondent)

Transcript of 428 Vol XVII MM 23 3 colour.pmd - Madras Musings



Vol. XVII No. 23 March 16-31, 2008

Registered with the Reg. No. TN/PMG (CCR) /814/06-08Registrar of Newspapers Licence to post without prepaymentfor India under R.N.I. 53640/91 Licence No. WPP 506/06-08

Rs. 5 per copy(Annual Subscription: Rs. 100/-)



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2 MADRAS MUSINGS March 16-31, 2008

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March 16-31, 2008 MADRAS MUSINGS 3

Thus they spoke...

Readability pleaseDear Readers,As letters from readers increase, we are receiving more and

more handwritten letters, many of them in a hand so small andillegible or large and scrawled as to be unreadable. Often thisleads to our discarding a letter, particularly if some part of it isunreadable.If you wish us to consider your letter for publication, please

type it with enough space between lines or write it using amedium hand, clearly dotting the ‘i-s’ and crossing the ‘t-s’.Many readers also try to fill every square centimetre of a

post-card space, making reading or editing impossible.Please help us to consider your letters more favourably by

making them more legible for us.– THE EDITOR

Our AddressesFor matters regarding subscriptions, donations, non-receipt

of receipts and copies, change of address, and allother circulation matters: CHENNAI HERITAGE, 5, BhattadTower, 30, Westcott Road, Royapettah, Chennai 600 014.E-mail: [email protected]

On editorial matters: THE EDITOR, MADRAS MUSINGS,C/o Lokavani Southern Printers Pvt. Ltd., 62/63, GreamesRoad, Chennai 600 006.

No personal visits or telephone calls, please. Queries sentby e-mail or regular mail will be answered as soon as possible.

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� I/We enclose cheque/demand draft/money order forRs. 100 (Rupees One hundred) payable to CHENNAIHERITAGE, MADRAS, as subscription to MadrasMusings for the year 2007-08.� As token of my support for the causes of heritage, envi-ronment and a better city that Madras Musingsespouses, I send Chennai Heritage an additionalRs..............................................................................................(Rupees .......................................................)

Please keep / put me on your mailing list.

Name : .........................................................................


Address: ......................................................................




Note: Overseas postage Rs. 550/year extra. Cheques for

overseas postage alone payable to M/s. Lokavani South-

ern Printers Pvt. Ltd. All other cheques to ‘Chennai


Subscriptions andcontributions

� Since Volume XIV, No.1 (April 16, 2003), Madras Musings hasbeen priced at Rs.5 a copy, ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: Rs.100/-.Please make out your cheque only to CHENNAI HERITAGE andsend it, together with the COUPON, to CHENNAI HERITAGE,260-A, TTK ROAD, CHENNAI 600 018 or C/O LOKAVANI SOUTH-ERN PRINTERS PVT. LTD., 62/63, GREAMES ROAD, CHENNAI600 006.

An ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION of just Rs.100 covers only a partof our costs. Corporate support and YOUR support will continueto be essential for Chennai Heritage and Madras Musings to playa greater role in creating awareness about the city, its heritageand its environment. We therefore look forward to your sendingus your contributions IN ADDITION TO your subscriptions.

If in the coming year Chennai Heritage receives repeatedsupport from those of you who have already made contributions,and if many more supporters join the bandwagon, we will not onlybe able to keep Madras Musings going, but also be able to con-tinue awareness-building exercises on on-going projects as wellas undertake one or two more such exercises.

Therefore, please keep your contributions coming IN ADDI-TION TO YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. If, say, you send in a cheque forRs.500, we will treat Rs.100 of it towards subscription to MadrasMusings for 2007-08 and the remaining Rs.400 as contribution to-wards the causes Chennai Heritage espouses.

We look forward to all readers of Madras Musings, and thosenewcomers who want to receive copies, sending in theirsubscriptions. We are indeed sorry we can no longer remain afree mailer.

— The Editor

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March 16-31, 2008 MADRAS MUSINGS 54 MADRAS MUSINGS March 16-31, 2008


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�� ��� �We publish below the list ofdonors who have, between15.2.08 and 15.3.08, added tothe support Chennai Heritageand its voice, Madras Musings,have already received. Wethank all of them for theirsupport for the causesChennai Heritage espouses.

— Chennai Heritage

Rs. 900: Subramanian, N.Rs. 400: Padmanabhan,K.S.Rs. 150: Ayer, R;Narayanaswamy, V.Rs. 100: Suryaprakash,P.V.; Prema RamakrishnanRs. 25: Rama Krishna, V.C.



March 16-31, 2008 MADRAS MUSINGS 7

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8 MADRAS MUSINGS March 16-31, 2008

Published by S. Muthiah for ‘Chennai Heritage’, 260-A, TTK Road, Chennai 600 018 and printed by T J George at Lokavani-Hallmark Press Pvt. Ltd., 122, Greams Road, Chennai 600 006. Edited by S. MUTHIAH.


Since 1856,patently leaders ������������


Published by S. Muthiah for ‘Chennai Heritage’, 260-A, TTK Road, Chennai 600 018 and printed by T J George at Lokavani Southern Printers Pvt. Ltd., 62/63, Greams Road, Chennai 600 006. Edited by S. MUTHIAH.

F.L. Smidth Limited

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Statement about Ownership and other particulars about newspaper(As required to be published under Section 19-D Sub-section (b) of the Press and Registration

of Books Act with Rule 8 of the Registration of Newspaper (Central Rules), 1956.)

Form IVMadras Musings (Fortnightly)

1. Place of Publication : Chennai (Madras)2. Periodicity of its publication : Fortnightly3. Printer’s name : Mr. T.J. George

Nationality : IndianAddress : M/s. Lokavani Southern Printers Pvt. Ltd.

No. 62/63, Greames Road, Chennai 600 0064. Publisher’s Name : Mr. S. Muthiah for Chennai Heritage

Nationality : IndianAddress : 5, Bhattad Tower, 30, Westcott Road,

Royapettah, Chennai 600 0145. Editor’s Name : Mr. S. Muthiah

Nationality : IndianAddress : 5, Bhattad Tower, 30, Westcott Road,

Royapettah, Chennai 600 0146. Names and addresses of : CHENNAI HERITAGE

individuals who own the 5, Bhattad Tower, 30, Westcott Road,publication Royepettah, Chennai 600 014

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd. S. MUTHIAH




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