29-rt-sep2019-bleed.pdf - Anglo American Platinum

YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ISSUE 29 Safe roads are a must! Page 5 Smart kids need a smart school Page 7 Invest in fresh air! Page 2 Crack batsman loves cricket! Page 8 READY… AIM… Former president Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We wish the class of 2019 the best of luck as they take aim at their final matric exams. With matric in their sights, New Covenant Academy Secondary School head girl Oteng Ngubeni (left) and head boy Rethabile Pooe wish their peers well in the exams. See page 4.

Transcript of 29-rt-sep2019-bleed.pdf - Anglo American Platinum


Safe roads are a must! Page 5

Smart kids need a smart school Page 7

Invest in fresh air! Page 2

Crack batsman loves cricket! Page 8

READY… AIM… Former president Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We wish the class of 2019 the best of luck as they take aim at their final matric exams. With matric in their sights, New Covenant Academy Secondary School head girl Oteng Ngubeni (left) and head boy Rethabile Pooe wish their peers well in the exams.See page 4.


We’d like to hear from you. Rustenburg Times is your platform to share your views and news about happenings in the communities surrounding the Anglo American Platinum operations in Rustenburg.

It’s our readers who make Rustenburg Times a newsworthy publication. You need to help us to fill the newspaper

with articles that will interest you. Let us know what’s happening in your community and who you would like to see recognised for his or her achievements.

EMAIL US All you need to do is email us your comments and ideas and we will get back to you to get the story. You may well find your words and even your photograph in upcoming issues!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS• You need to provide us with your

name, surname and the name of the community you live in.

• You may remain anonymous if you choose. Your name won’t be published in the newspaper, but you still need to provide your details to the editor, who will not reveal your identity.

Rustenburg Times is published by Anglo American Platinum, 55 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, South Africa. It is produced and distributed by the Platinum Weekly newspaper.

[email protected]

As much as we put effort into conserving

our heritage, we should conserve and preserve our environment. I have five words for you: Plant a tree each month!Patrick Fann, Athletico Football Club manager,


I’ve never planted a tree before, but thanks to our talk, I’ll start planting trees. Thank you. Now I’ll help to create more oxygen! Rapula Petlele, community member, Thekwane, Rustenburg

Trees help us identify the seasons and provide us with air – without which we can’t breathe. We must teach kids about the importance of preserving and planting trees for the future.”Nkosinathi Mbandlwa, Mfidikwe Primary School teacher, Rustenburg

I once planted a pepper tree and enjoy its dense shade

when the Rustenburg sun gets too hot! Planting trees

is important. They prevent soil erosion and reduce wind speed.

Clementine Nyakane, spaza shop owner, Tshukudu, Rustenburg

Jobs are a critical component of a healthy country, and trees can play an important role in this process by supplying wood for furniture and construction. Let’s make the world greener, leaf by leaf – and rand by rand. Suzette Prinsloo, community member, Rustenburg

Planting trees is one way to reduce our carbon footprint. Trees have so many advantages. They provide shade, fruit, and a home for animals, bugs and bees. Many of them also have medicinal uses. I simply love nature and, by default, trees. Naomi Motlatsi, Tiny Steps Day Care Centre owner, Mfidikwe, Rustenburg

Plant a tree! I talk to trees and they help me get well. We must all preserve trees and, in doing so, care for the environment. Let’s all do our part to save the planet by planting a tree. Dedrea Fourie, second-hand goods dealer, Rustenburg

Trees have many advantages, including offering shade, acting as windbreaks, creating oxygen, giving a home to birds and animals, and providing furniture and firewood. There are few things as pleasant as getting together with friends around a braai with real firewood. However, we all need to do our part. For each tree we cut down, we must plant two. Let’s do this! Dumisani Nyakeni, Mfidikwe Primary School educator, Mfidikwe, Rustenburg

We’re all united in the sense that we want a brighter future for our kids. This includes – hopefully – a green, clean and healthy future environment. But much still needs to be done. There are, for example, many rural schools with very few trees and little or no shade. We can all make a difference by planting a tree. Innocentia Dlhamini, Clean and Shine administrator, Tlhabane, Rustenburg

Planting and sustaining trees is one of the main ways to fight global warming. What’s more – furniture produced from trees is a major industry, providing thousands of jobs in South Africa. We should plant two trees for every tree we cut down.

Ntombifuthi Benzane, community member, Tlhabane, Rustenburg

We call on everyone to plant a tree in September to celebrate National Arbour Month. It’s a practical way to develop our environment sustainably. These Rustenburg Times readers seem keen to support this worthwhile effort:


Dear Puzzled Teenager,

I am very happy that you are serious about coming up with ways to save trees. As you say, they are very important to us. I wish more people your age were passionate about issues that have to do with preserving our environment. I think young people have an important role to play in making sure that future generations also have beautiful trees to admire or sit under for protection from the sun.

Well done for listening to your teacher and making up your mind to play a positive role in preserving trees.

Don’t worry too much. Do something instead. Just because people use something, that doesn’t mean it will disappear. What is important is to use it sustainably. If people use more of a thing than they put back, it will run out. If they put back more than they take out, all will be fine.

If you would like to play a positive role in conserving trees, the thing to do is to encourage people who live near you to plant trees.

How about forming a tree-planting club with your friends? Approach schools, hospitals and the local municipality with this idea and ask them if you can plant trees at their premises. By planting trees, you will help to replace those that are cut down!

Good luck! Rakgadi

Rakgadi is a regular feature in Rustenburg Times. She is happy to give her personal opinion and sound advice on personal problems to readers who ask for her help in writing.

Dear Rakgadi,

I am confused and I need your help. At school,

I have learned that trees are very valuable

and important to the environment. Just the

other day, our teacher showed us pictures of

the many functions of trees, including making

oxygen for people and animals to breathe and

providing a home for birds and squirrels.

From the extra research that I did at the

local library, I discovered that some people

have no electricity, so they cut down trees for

firewood. I also remembered seeing people

burn wood to cook meat and other food – not

always because they have no other option, but

sometimes because it’s a fun thing to do on a

holiday or over a weekend.

I am now very conflicted. How do we conserve

something when some people also use it for

important things in their day-to-day lives,

or just want to use it to have fun? Please

advise me.

Puzzled Teenager

DISCLAIMER: Please note that Rakgadi is a fictional character. Her responses are managed by the Rustenburg Times editorial team.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The advice supplied in this column does not constitute professional advice. Anglo American Platinum, Platinum Publishers and their employees and agents accept no liability with regard to any actions taken pursuant to this advice. The information and opinions above are expressed in good faith and rely on sources believed to be reliable. However, no representation, warranty, undertaking or guarantee of any nature is made or given concerning the accuracy and/or completeness or this information and/or the correctness of these opinions.

Email Rakgadi at [email protected]. Please supply your name and say where you live. If you would like to remain anonymous, please say so.

Do you have a problem and need help?


To support and unlock local economic development, the Rustenburg operations’ Zimele team has designed a new approach to meeting the challenges that Anglo American Platinum’s host communities face.

MEET THE ZIMELE TEAM… From left: Rustenburg operations Zimele business advisor Zandi Botman; peer advisor Dineo Maswanganhe; hub manager Zukiswa Poswa; hub administrator Bella Masekwameng; business advisor Kearabetswe Petlele; business advisor Laylah Moagi; peer advisor Ntsinde Sibabawe; and deputy manager Benny Masetloa.

The Zimele team’s new strategy finds expression in various programmes

and is specially designed to serve small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). It supports job creation and employability by focusing on mentoring and builds a network of partnerships that offers qualifying SMMEs access to market opportunities and financing.

The Zimele supplier, enterprise and youth development

programmes were launched at the Rustenburg Multi-Purpose Hub on 29 July 2019. The event was attended by local business owners aiming to expand their businesses and young people who aspire to be professionals.

At the launch, business owners were informed of what will be expected of them during their nine-month strategic partnership with the Zimele

programme, in the course of which trained Rustenburg

operations Zimele business advisors will provide access to coaching, mentoring, SMME loan funding, administration and various markets.

“Businesses are run on more than just money; it takes marketing, passion and proper management to ensure that a business thrives. Rustenburg operations’ Zimele is here to assist, but it’s up to you to make your business grow,” said Rustenburg operations

Zimele communications manager Lesego Mashigo.

3E Group director Theko Letsie, added: “Zimele works! We’ve seen significant growth in our company since we joined the Zimele programme. With the right information and passion, you will succeed.”

Rustenburg operations Zimele hub manager Zukiswa Poswa addressed the local youth who were present and congratulated them on

making the cut to attend the programme. “You’re all here by design. To succeed, you need to be committed and eager. We’ll support you all the way – as long as you keep putting your best foot forward.”

Claudinah Modisaotsile, who attended the youth development launch, said: “Through this programme, I hope to grow

as a person and explore opportunities. I want

to make positive changes in my


YOUTH DEVELOPMENTThe objective of the youth development programme is to help to define career paths for unemployed youths and provide them with skills so that they can access job opportunities. It also aims to support young people starting new businesses and to increase the sales of existing youth-owned businesses.

ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENTThe enterprise development programme aims to develop the capabilities and capacity of host-community SMMEs to grow sustainable businesses that will create jobs in sectors beyond mining.

SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENTThe supplier development programme’s objective is to develop the skills of host community suppliers of goods and services.


WHAT TO DO IF YOU FAIL GRADE 12It’s crunch time! Not everyone passes their Grade 12 finals. Use these last moments to study hard. If you still don’t quite make it, don’t despair. Learners who don’t pass Grade 12 still have several options.


If you don’t qualify for a supplementary exam, you should consider re-doing your Grade 12 year. It may seem daunting, because you’ll have to re-do the whole year and pay

school fees, but it’s worth it.


Why not consider vocational training? TVET colleges make it possible for people who haven’t passed Grade 12 to receive a vocational or occupational qualification. They train people for a specific range of jobs or employment possibilities.

Once you have a certificate from a TVET college, you may be able to apply to a university

of technology and continue your studies at a higher level in the same field

of study.

If unfortunate or unforeseen circumstances made you miss your exams, you should consider:


You qualify to write supplementary exams if you:• Failed a maximum of two subjects.• Were medically unfit to write the exams. Make

sure you have a doctor’s note to prove this.• Experienced personal challenges during exam

time, such as the death of a family member.

Whichever option you choose, remember that passing or failing is not the end of the road; it’s the beginning of a new journey. Staying focused and being determined to work hard will take

you places, no matter what route you choose.

Your Grade 12 marks stay with you forever. They determine the breadth of your choices after school. Believe it or not, you’ll never again have as much time to focus on such comprehensive learning material, nor as much help to do it. Embrace matric! Education is an investment. Each of you has a unique lifestyle and learning style, but these tips could help all of you. The secret’s in how you apply them.1. TIME MANAGEMENT

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Start today and plan what you need to do for each subject every week in advance. Make notes to make sure you’re following your study plan.

2. TIME-TABLES DO THE TRICK Draw up a timetable that suits you. It doesn’t need to be pretty or perfect; it just has to work for you.

3. WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT? In Grade 12, you get the feeling that life after school is finally within your grasp. Remember, the kind of life it will be depends on how you do in your final year at school. The pressure from parents, teachers,

extramurals and friends can all get a bit too much. Decide what to shut out and what to focus on. Only you can do it!

4. FIND YOUR STUDY STYLE • If you are a visual person

(someone who learns best by seeing things), underline or highlight key points in bright colours.

• If you’re an auditory person (someone who learns best by hearing things), recite things out loud, make up songs about your subject matter; or record your notes and play them back to yourself. It’s easy! Just use your phone.

• If you’re a kinaesthetic or tactile person (someone

who learns best by touching things), walk around the room, chew gum or even squeeze a tennis ball while you’re studying. Use role-playing with a study partner or demonstrate what you’ve just read or learnt.

5. STICK WITH YOUR STUDY BUDDIES Form study groups. Studying in a group can be easier than trying to do it alone. Research shows students learn more from teaching each other. Just remember to keep your study groups small (three to six people) and only include people who want to participate. Study groups are for studying!

6. PRACTISE PAST PAPERS Past papers are a great way to get to know the type of questions you’ll face in the exams. They also help you to work out how much you already know and to identify your weak areas ahead of time.

7. WHAT WAS THE QUESTION? Make sure you fully understand any question or assignment before you start working out your answer. Grade 12s are often eager to show what they’ve learnt. Some of them give well-prepared answers to a question that hasn’t been asked. They lose those marks, despite being prepared.

8. REACH OUT Never be afraid to ask for help! Find someone in your family to lean on emotionally or to talk to about any feelings you have about exams and performance. It should be someone who can empathise and who’ll encourage you when you feel overwhelmed.

9. MAKE IT COUNT The rest of your life is about to begin! Keep going, stay calm and do what you need to do.

10. STAY POSITIVE! Research shows that, when you’re relaxed and positive, you produce better results. Work on being positive and have some fun along the way! Good luck!

Make sure that you understand why you failed Grade 12. Knowing this will help you to make the right decision about what to do next. If you failed because you didn’t work hard enough, you’ll have to adjust your lifestyle and

try harder. You should think about:

In every challenge, there’s an opportunity to learn something. Oteng Ngubeni

Stay focused – it’s time to burn the

midnight oil! Rethabile


1 2



SAFETY FIRST… From left: Rustenburg operations social performance (SP) specialist Keabetswe Diale, PDS senior SP and development

manager Tumelo Dilotsotlhe and Rustenburg operations communications manager

Olerato Nomaele enthusiastically supported the road safety initiative.


Service Centre: 014 590 4127/39

• Rustenburg SAPS Radio Control Centre: 014 590 4115/6/7

• SAPS Boitekong: 014 593/6001/6002

• SAPS Emergency (cell phones only): 112

• SAPS Marikana: 014 572 8600/ 8601/ 8602

• SAPS Rustenburg: 014 590 4115/ 4116/ 4117

• SAPS Tlhabane: 014 565 9171/54/59

• Ferncrest Hospital: 014 568 4399

• Job Shimankana Tabane (JST) provincial hospital: 014 590 5212/ 5100

• La Femme Clinic: 014 594 9500

• RusMed 24: 014 523 9378/9351

• Fire Department: 014 590 3232 /3444/3333

• Rustenburg Local Municipality emergencies (fire): 014 590 3090

• Bakwena N4 Toll Road: 0800 225 9362

• Traffic Control Room (Rustenburg): 014 590 3221

• Ambulance / Metro Control Room: 014 597 6600

• Ambulance / Metro Control Room (provincial): 10177




Inspired to honour Anglo American Platinum’s commitment to ensuring that every employee returns home unharmed every day, Platinum’s Rustenburg operations employees actively participated in a road safety campaign.

Safety savvy Rustenburg operations employees joined forces with

various stakeholders and a multi-disciplinary traffic law enforcement team to raise road safety awareness on 1 August.

Roadblocks were put in place on the N4 highway to check roadworthiness, proper vehicle documentation and driver fitness and to keep an eye out for possible illicit operations.

Platinum’s people handed out pamphlets and newspapers to motorists and had brief safety discussions with them before wishing them a safe journey.

“The 11 tragic transport-related fatalities that our colleagues in South America recently suffered strengthened our determination to support this campaign. We want all our colleagues not only to make safety a priority at work, but to have a Zero Harm mindset

in every aspect of their lives,” said Process Division Services (PDS) safety manager Moses Monnapula.

Sticking to the rules of the road is vital. The injuries and deaths caused by unsafe behaviour on the roads affect families, friends, colleagues and communities.


Moses Monnapula shared road safety tips

with motorists.

PROMOTING ZERO HARM... Rustenburg Base Metals Refiners (RBMR) processor Keolebogile Plaatjie (left) and Royal Bafokeng Administration (RBA) reaction commander Patricia Senne worked together to promote road safety.

OBEY THE RULES … Rustenburg operations employees eagerly shared how important it is to make safety a priority.

A JOINT EFFORT… Road traffic management corporation transport inspector Fortunate Makhubalo (left) and RBMR fire risk officer Lesley Mafora supported each other’s efforts.


[email protected] Olienhout Avenue, Protea Park, Rustenburg

• Screening • Education to

lower the risk of cancer

• Care and support

[email protected] children are abused, Care Bear Clinic provides effi cient and multi-disciplinary professional services to effectively promote their healing and stop any further abuse.


NPO Reg no: 002-019

[email protected]@gmail.com

1 Watervalrant Avenue, Rustenburg, 0299

014 537 2014/2072 | 086 582 3895

We provide social services to the community of Rustenburg.

Our role is to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults by offering support to individuals, families and communities.

BUILD A HEALTHY, FUNCTIONAL FAMILY LIFE!FAMSA Rustenburg promotes family well-being.

Build, reconstruct and maintain sound relationships in your family, in your marriage and in your community.

014 592 9747 | 073 008 [email protected] | www.famsa.org.za

19 Von Wielligh Street, Rustenburg

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) makes it their mission to combat cruelty to animals and promote the proper care of all animals.


014 592 9747 | 073 008 7416 11 Escom Street, Rustenburg

Care 2B Kind082 061 8458

[email protected] | www.care2bkind.com13 Oos Street, Rustenburg

Care 2B Kind is a non-profi t organisation that reaches out to less fortunate families in and around Rustenburg. We provide families with essential items like food, clothes and toiletries.

OUR SERVICE:First aid to treat injuries

Treatment to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections

Medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy

Vaccinations to avoid diseases

Counselling support and social work services

If you’ve suffered from any form of violence,the Kgomotso Care Centre can help.

[email protected] | 014 592 1127

CONTACT THE KGOMOTSO CARE CENTRE ON: Boitekong (toll free): 080 011 2112(mobile): 072 178 7054. Bapong: 082 979 0836. Letlhabile: 082 979 0857. Thlabane: 072 513 6891. (WhatsApp, SMS and Callback)



GRACE HELP CENTREGrace Help Centre is a safe haven for abused women and children.


014 574 3476 | 014 574 3476Plot Elandskraal, Section 24, Mooinooi

014 592 3158• offi [email protected] • www.lifeline.co.za

• 156 Klopper Street, Rustenburg

LifeLine gives community members access to a 24-hour telephonic counselling service that can help them to address psychological and social stress and trauma they are struggling to deal with.


Child and Youth Care Centre

Môrester Child and Youth Care Centre is a non-profi t organisation and temporary place of safety for children.

We provide a safe and loving environment to children

who have suffered abuse, neglect and

abandonment. www.moresterkinderhuis.co.za


We are a home for children with disabilities. Our vision is to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities in our community.

073 654 8032 | 071 103 [email protected] 1528 Phase 1, Freedom Park, Rustenburg

[email protected] A Kruger Street, Rustenburg

The SAVF is a national welfare organisation rendering services to individuals and

families at community level. We empower

people to improve their quality of life.

014 592 8568


We want to give hope to vulnerable people in our community. We do this through high-quality holistic

intervention, service delivery and aftercare.

[email protected]

072 354 7396

Let’s build a brighter future for all!

ForGood helps you to fi nd a cause that suits your interests, right where you are! It’s easy to volunteer your time, skills or anything you have to give.

You can make a big difference to a worthwhile cause or someone in need, by connecting on ForGood – an online platform that connects ordinary South Africans with reputable causes.

011 325 2584

[email protected]



6 The incident or complaint will be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.







5The department will contact you to discuss the issue or complaint.

The department will investigate and assess the issue or complaint.ST

EP 1



Within about fi ve working days. Within about four weeks, unless otherwise agreed.

The department will acknowledge that it has received it.

What is a complaint or an incident?

The department will contact you to discuss its fi ndings.

You notify the social performance department of your issue or complaint.

The information you need to provide:Email: [email protected]: 31 Marais Street, Rustenburg, 0299 Telephone: 014 592 9813 (during offi ce hours)Meeting: You can contact the social performance department of the Rustenburg operations to arrange a meeting (during offi ce hours).

How to contact Platinum’s Rustenburg operations

• Your name and surname. You may remain anonymous should you wish to.• Contact details to enable the department to speak to you about the issue or

complaint, as well as to provide you with feedback.• The community in which you live.• Details about the incident or complaint. Please provide as much information

as possible.

Types of complaints: A complaint is a concern or issue directly related to the operational activities of Platinum’s Rustenburg operations.Types of incidents: An event or occurrence as a result of the operational activities of Platinum’s Rustenburg operations.

How to notify Rustenburg Operations of an issue or incident:

Settling in Mfidikwe has brought great happiness to 50-year old educator

Kgaile Modutwane. “Of all my years in education, the twelve I’ve spent at this school are among the best. The community in Mfidikwe has the same passion that we have for their children,” he said.

“The parents here are very involved in a number of our programmes and the school has developed a fruitful relationship with them over the years.”

Modutwane added that the achievements of the school’s alumni, which include lawyers, educators, mechanics and doctors, points towards the school’s effective teaching policies.

The school is one of the many that benefit from Anglo American Platinum’s help.

“We have a jungle gym that Platinum set up for the Grade R

learners. They also regularly donate uniforms to our learners during winter and we’re very grateful for this gesture,” Modutwane said.

Modutwane’s colleagues consider him a fountain of wisdom and find his optimism about the school’s future infectious. “Academically, we’re performing well. We must now work towards building a library, which is vital for learning,” he concluded.

Shaping the lives of children for the past 24 years is a source of pride for Mfidikwe Primary School deputy principal Kgaile Modutwane.

SNUGGLE UP… From left: Mortimer Smelter senior human resources practitioner Johanna

Magodielo helped Comcy Park Combined School learner

Matankiso Mokhethi to put on her scarf.

Personnel and service providers of Mortimer Smelter spruced up Comcy Park Combined School in Moruleng on 1 August as part of their 67-minute campaigns in honour of Nelson Mandela.

these are vital as they remind communities to keep striving to achieve Madiba’s selfless ideals. “We hope this school will help to produce many high-performing professionals,” she said.

The school’s principal, Sibangani Mthethwa, could not contain his joy as he expressed his gratitude to Platinum.

“I’m happy beyond what any words can express. We now have a beautiful learning environment and I’m sure this will help us to improve our pass

rates,” he said.

The team, made up of employees and service providers, arrived early

and got stuck into painting for most of the day. They used about 80 litres of paint in the process. The finishing touch was provided by the new furniture that Anglo American Platinum donated.

The school’s 260 learners and its educators were delighted with their beautiful administration and classroom blocks. The learners also appreciated the cosy woollen hats and scarves they received to make windy, wintery walks to school less uncomfortable.

Senior social performance and development manager Tumelo Dilotsotlhe said actions like

IN ACTION… Mortimer Smelter sorter Mpho Mawasha was

happy to make a positive contribution to the

development of the school.

AN OUTSTANDING TEAM…Platinum’s people and suppliers worked hand-in-hand with Comcy Park Combined School’s educators to renovate the school.

WISE LEADER… Mfidikwe Primary School deputy principal Kgaile Modutwane values the relationship the school has established with the community.


Undaunted, Poloko Makaudi manages the pressures and expectations that come with being the opening batsman of the Bergsig Academy first cricket team.

“I just love playing cricket. I might decide to keep

playing after school, but for now, I’m just happy to put on my gloves and head for the batting crease,” said Poloko Makaudi, who lives in Tlhabane West.

His confidence is well founded and likely to stand him in good stead, no matter what career he decides to follow. He is determined to up this score and to work on his bowling skills.

“I bowl off spin, but I’ve not yet

bowled any

overs in the matches we’ve played against other schools. If I work hard in

the nets, that could change,” said Makaudi.

South African cricket legend AB de Villiers

and India’s Virat Kohli are among his

favourite players. He also enjoys

playing soccer with his

friends and jogging.

AT THE READY… Poloko Makaudi opens for Bergsig Academy.

Setswana is a beautiful language. Here are a few useful phrases, translated from English. Happy learning!


Plant a tree!

Trees are important.

National Arbour Week is celebrated from 1 to 7 September.

Each year veld and forest fires destroy thousands of

hectares of trees.

The yellowwood is South Africa’s national tree.

Enjoy the outdoors!

Brighten up your garden by planting flowers.

We must do our part to protect the environment.

Trees provide us with oxygen and

purify the air.

Trees provides us with wood and fruit.

Jwala setlhare!

Ditlhare di botlhokwa.

Beke ya Bosechaba ya jwalo ya Ditlhare e ketekiwa go tloga ka di 1 go fitlha 7 Lwetse.

Ngwaga mongwe le mongwe melelo ya dikgwa e fisa dikete tsa diekere tsa ditlhare.

Setlhare sa yellowwood ke sa Aforika Borwa sa bosechaba.

Itumelele go nna ko ntle!

Kganyisa tshingwana ya gago ka go jwala malomo.

Re tshwanetse go dira karolo ya rona go sireletsa tikologo.

Ditlhare di re tlamela ka mowa o phepha le go tlhatswa o leswe.

Ditlhare di re tlamela ka dikgong le maungo.

Setswana ke puo e ntle. Fa ke mareo a le malwa a a dirisiwang, a ronotswe go tswa mo Sekgoweng. Itumelele go ithuta!


For the correct pronunciation, speak to one of your Setswana friends. You could also download an app like Learn Setswana from the Apple App Store or Google Play or acess an English-Setswana dictionary at https://tn.oxforddictionaries.com or https://forvo.com/languages/tn/.

Go bona kapodiso e e maleba, bua le mongwe wa ditsala tsa gago o o buang Setswana. Tsenya app e tshwana le Learn Setswana go tswa go Apple App Store kgotsa Google Play. O ka bona thanodi ya Sekgowa-Setswana gape go https://tn.oxforddictionaries.com kgotsa https://forvo.com/languages/tn/.

Makaudi has often

scored more than


in a single match.


Tsela tse di babalesegileng ke tshwanelo! Tsebe 5

Bana ba ba botlhale ba tlhoka sekolo se se botlhale Tsebe 7

Beeletsa mo moweng o phepa! Tsebe 2

Batsman e diphatsa e rata cricket! Tsebe 8

IPAAKANYE... IKAELELE... Tautona ya maloba Nelson Mandela o kile a bua: “Thuto ke sebetsa se se kotsi thata se o ka se dirisang go fetola lefatshe.” Re lakaletsa mophato wa 2019 matlhogonolo jaaka ba ikaeletse ditlhatlhobo tsa bone tsa bofelo tsa marema tlou. Ka marema tlou mo tlhakoreng la bone, moeteledipele wa mosetsana Oteng Ngubeni (mo molemeng) le moeteledipele wa mosimane Rethabile Pooe ba New Covenant Academy Secondary School ba eleletsa baithuti ka bone masego mo ditlhatlhobong.

Leba tsebe 4.


Fela jaaka re tsenya maatla mo go

somareleng ngwao ya rona, re tshwanetse go somarela le go tlhokomela tikologo ya rona. Kena le mafoko a le mafoko a le matlhono go wena: Jwala setlhare kgwedi le kgwedi!

Patrick Fann, motsamaisi wa Athletico Football Club,


Gake ise ke jwale setlhare, mme ke lebogela puisano ya rona, ke tlile go simolola go jwala ditlhare. Kea leboga. Jannong ke tlile go simolola go dira mowa o phepa o le montsi!Rapula Petlele, leloko la morafe, Thekwane, Rustenburg

Ditlhare di re thusa go kaya ditlha le go re tlamela ka mowa – ntle le tsona re ka seka ra hema. Re tshwanetse go ruta bana ka ga botlhokwa ba go tlhokomela go jwala ditlhare mo bokamosong.” Nkosinathi Mbandlwa, morutabana Mfidikwe Primary School, Rustenburg

Ke kile ka jwala setlhare sa pepere mme ke itumelela moriti wa sone o o tsiditsana

fa letsatsi la Rustenburg le le mogote thata! Go jwala

ditlhare go botlhokwa. Di thibela kgogolego ya mmu

le go fokotsa maatla a phefo.Clementine Nyakane, mong wa lebenkele, Tshukudu, Rustenburg

Ditiro ke karolo e e masisi ya naga e e itekanetseng, mme ditlhare di ka tshameka karolo e e botlhokwa mo kgatong ena ka go tlamela ka fenetšhara le kago. A re direng lefatshe letala, letlhare ka letlhare – ranta ka ranta. Suzette Prinsloo, leloko la morafe, Rustenburg

Go jwala ditlhare ke tsela nngwe ya go fokotsa mewa ya rona e e maswe. Ditlhare di na le bomolemo jo bontsi. Di tlamela ka moriti, maungo, le legae go diphologolo, ditshenekegi le dinotshi. Bontsi ba tsone gape di dirisetswa kalafi. Tota ke ithatela tlhago, segolo, ditlhare. Naomi Motlatsi, mong wa Tiny Steps Day Care Centre, Mfidikwe, Rustenburg

Jwala setlhare!Ke bua le ditlhare mme di nthusa gore ke ikutlwe kaone. Rotlhe re tshwanetse go somarela ditlhare le, mo go direng jalo, o tlhokomela tikologo. A rotlhe re direng karolo ya rona go boloka polanete ka go jwala setlhare. Dedrea Fourie, morekiwa wa dilwana tse di dirisitsweng, Rustenburg

Ditlhare di na le bomolemo jo bontsi, go akaretse go neelana ka moriti, go thibela diphefo, go tlamela ka mowa o phepa, go neelana ka legae go dinonyane le diphologolo, le go tlamela ka fenetšhara le dikgong. Go dilo di le malwa tse di itumedisang jaaka go kopana mmogo le ditsala go dikologa braai ka molelo wa dikgong tsa nnete. Le fa go le jalo, rotlhe re tshwanelwa ke go dira karolo ya rona. Go setlhare sengwe le sengwe se re se kgaolang, re tshwanetse go jwala tse pedi. A re direng sena! Dumisani Nyakeni, morutabana Mfidikwe Primary School, Mfidikwe, Rustenburg

Rotlhe re kopane mo ntlheng ya gore re batla bokamoso jo bo phatsimang go bana ba rona. Sena se akaretsa – tsholofelo – tikologo e, botala jwa tlhaga, e phepa le bokamoso jo bo itekanetseng. Mme go sale go ntsi mo go tshwanetseng go dirwa. Go na le, sekai, dikolo di le dintsi ko metseng tse di senang ditlhare di le dintsi le moriti o monnye kgotso o seo gotlhelele. Re ka dira pharologano ka go jwala setlhare. Innocentia Dlhamini, Clean and Shine administrator, Tlhabane, Rustenburg

Go jwala le go tlhokomela ditlhare ke tsela nngwe e ko setlhoweng go lwantsha koketsego ya mogote mo loaping. Se sentsi ke – fenetšhara e e tlhagisiwang go tswa mo ditlhareng ke indusetiri e kgolo, e neelanang ka ditiro di le dikete mo Aforika Borwa. Re tshwanetse go jwala ditlhare tse pedi go setlhare sengwe le sengwe se re se kgaolang.

Ntombifuthi Benzane, leloko la morafe, Tlhabane, Rustenburg

Re ikuela go mongwe le mongwe go jwala setlhare kaLwetse go keteka kgwedi ya Bosechaba ya Jwalo ya Ditlhare. Ke tsela e e mo pepeneneng go tlhabolola itsetsepelo ya tikologo ya rona. Babuisi bana ba Rustenburg Times ba bontsha maitlamo a go tshegetsa maatla ana a boleng:

Re ka rata go utlwa go tswa mo go wena. Rustenburg Times ke serala sa gago sa go arogana megopolo le dikgang ka ditiragalo mo merafeng e e dikaganyeditseng madirelo a Anglo American Platinum mo Rustenburg.

Ke babadi ba rona ba ba tlileng go dira Rustenburg Times kgatisô ya dikgang e e mosola. O tlhoka go re thusa go ka

tlatsa lokwalodikgang ka dikgang tse di tlileng go go kgatlisa. Re itsese ka se se diragalang mo tikologong ya gago le gore ke mang yo o o ka batlang go mmona a tlotlomaletswa diphitlhêlêlô tsa gagwe.

RE ROMELELE EMAILSe o tlhokang go se dira ke go re romelela ka email di kakgêlô tsa gago le di kakanyô tsa gago mme rona re tlile go boela mo go wena go ka tsaya polêlô. O ka fitlhela mafoko le setshwantshô sa gago mo kgatisông e e latelang ya lokwalodikgang.

MABAKA LE DIKEMO• O tlile go tlhoka go re fêpa ka leina le sefane

sa gago mmogo le leina la tikologo e o dulang go yona.

• O ka elêtsa go nna motlhôkaleina. Leina la gago ga le kitla le gatisiwa mo lokwalodikgang le, mme fela o santse o tla tshwanelwa ke go fêpa morulaganyi wa lokwalodikgang ka maina a gago mme ga a kitla a go senola.

Rustenburg Times e gatisitswe ke Anglo American Platinum, 55 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, South Africa. E rulagantswe le go anamisiwa ke lokwalodikgang la Platinum Weekly.

[email protected]


Madume Mošha o tlhakaneng Tlhogo,

Ke itumetse thata gore o tiisitse ka go batla ditsela tsa go boloka ditlhare. Jaaka o bua, di botlhokwa go rona. Ke lakatsa gore bašha ba le bantsi ba dingwaga tsa gago ba ka bo ba le pelokgale ka dintlha tse di amang go somarela tikologo ya rona. Ke nagana gore bašha ba na le karolo e e botlhokwa e ba tshwanetseng go e tshameka mo go netefatseng gore bosetlabošhane le bone ba nna le ditlhare tse dintle go di rata le go nna meriti mo tlase ga tsone go itshireletsa letsatsi.

Kea go akgola mo go reetseng morutabana wa gago le go sweetsa go tshameka karolo e e maleba mo go somareleng ditlhare. Se tshwenyege thata. Dira sengwe bogolo. Ka gore fela batho ba dirisa sengwe, ga go kaye gore se tla nyamalala. Se se botlhokwa ke go se dirisa sentle. Fa batho ba dirisa selo thata go feta ka mokgwa o ba se busetsang, se tlile go fela. Fa ba busetsa go le gontsi go na le go ba go ntshang, tsotlhe di tlile go siama.

Fa o rata go tshameka karolo e e maleba mo go somareleng ditlhare, selo se o ka se dirang ke go rotloetsa batho ba ba nnang gaufi le wena go jwala ditlhare. Go ka nna jang fa o ka simolola setlhopha sa go jwala ditlhare le ditsala tsa gago? La ya ko dikolong, dikokelong le ko mmasepaleng wa selegae ka kakanyo ena mme la ba kopa gore a le ka jwala ditlhare ko madirelong a bone. Ka go jwala ditlhare, o tlile go thusa go busetsa tse di kgaotsweng!

Masego ke ao! Rakgadi

Madume Rakgadi,

Ke tlhakatlhakane tlhogo mme ke kopa thuso ya

gago. Ko sekolong, ke ithutile gore ditlhare di nale

boleng thata le go nna botlhokwa mo tikologong.

Letsatsi lengwe, morutabana wa rona o re bontshitse

dinepe tsa ditiro tsa ditlhare di le dintsi, go akaretsa

go dira mowa o phepa go batho le diphologolo go

hema le go tlamela ka legae go dinonyane le dipepe.

Go tswa mo dipatlisisong tse ke di dirileng ko

library, ke fitlheletse gore batho bangwe ga ba na

motlakase, ka jalo ba kgaola ditlhare go dira dikgong

tsa molelo. Ke gopotse gape gore nkile ka bona

batho ba gotsa molelo ka dikgong go apaya nama le

dijo tse dingwe – e seng ka gale ka gore ba ga ba na

boikgethelo jo bongwe, mme ka nako dingwe ke selo

se se itumedisang go se dira ka khunologo kgotsa ka

bokhutlo jwa beke.

Jaanong ke mo gare ga naka tsa kukama.

O somarela jang sengwe ga batho ba bangwe le

bone ba se dirisetsa mabaka a a botlhokwa mo

matshelong a bone a tsatsi le letsatsi, kgotsa ba se

dirisa fela go itlosa bodutu? Ke kopa thotloetso.

Mošha o tlhakaneng Tlhogo


Go tshegetsa le go notlolola tlhabololo ya ikonomi ya selegae, setlhopha sa Rustenburg operations’ Zimele ba tlile ka leano le lešha la go rakantsha dikgwetlho tse metse selegae ya Anglo American Platinum e baganeng le yona.

KOPANA LE SETLHOPHA SA ZIMELE... Go tswa molemeng: Rustenburg operations Zimele business advisor Zandi Botman; peer advisor Dineo Maswanganhe; hub manager Zukiswa Poswa; hub administrator Bella Masekwameng; business advisor Kearabetswe Petlele; business advisor Laylah Moagi; peer advisor Ntsinde Sibabawe; le motlatsa motsamaisi Benny Masetloa.

Leano le lešha la setlhopha sa Zimele le bona phuthologo mo mananeong

a farologane mme se diretswe segolobogolo go direla small, medium le micro enterprises (SMMEs). Le tshegetsa go tlhamiwa ga ditiro le go thapiwa ka go tsepamisa mogopolo mo go tlhatlheleleng le go aga tirisano mmogo e e neelang di SMMEs tse di fitlhelelang ditlhokego tetla ya ditšhono tsa mmaraka le tlamelo ka matlole.

Mananeo a Zimele a batlamedi,

dikgwebo le tlhabololo ya bašha a thankgolotswe ko Rustenburg Multi-Purpose Hub ka di 29 Phukwi 2019. Moletlo o ne o tsenetswe ke beng ba dikgwebo tsa selegae ba ikaeletse go godisa dikgwebo tsa bone le bašha ba ba lakatsang go nna bo mmankge.

Ko moletlong, beng ba dikgwebo ba ne ba itsisiwe ka tse di solofelwang mo go bone ka motsi kgwedi ya borongwe ya tirisano mmogo le lenaneo la Zimele, mo tlhatlhelelong e

mogakolodi wa kgwebo wa Zimele mo

madirelong a Rustenburg o katisitweng o tlile go tlamela ka bokatisi, botlhatlheledi, tlamelo ya madi kadimo a di SMME, kamogelo le dimmaraka tse di farologaneng.

“Dikgwebo di tsamaisiwa mo go feteng matlole; di batla mmataka, bopelokgale le botsamaisi jo bo maleba go netefatsa fa kgwebo e tswelela. Madirelo a Rustenburg Zimele a fa go go thusa, mme go mo maruding a gago go dira kgwebo ya gago gore e gole,” go buile motsamaisi wa tlhaeletsa

madirelong a Rustenburg Zimele Lesego Mashigo.

Mokaedi wa 3E Group Theko Letsie, o tlaleleditse: “Zimele e ya dira! Re bone kgolo e e seng kanaka sepe mo setlamong sa rona e sale re nna karolo ya lenaneo la Zimele. Ka tshedimosetso e maleba le bopelokgale, o tlile go atlega.”

Motsamaisi wa madirelo a Rustenburg Zimele hub Zukiswa Poswa o buile le bašha ba selegae bao ba ne ba le teng le go ba akgola mo go tseneleng lenaneo.

“Lefa lotlhe ka mowa o le mongwe. Go atlega, o tshwanetse go itlama le go tlhoafala. Re tlile go go tshegetsa ka nako tsotlhe – fela fa o ntse o tswelela go gata kgato tse di matsetseleko go ya pele.”

Claudinah Modisaotsile, o ane a tsenetse thankgollo ya tlhabololo ya bašha, o latlhetse la motla pitsong: “Ka lenaneo lena, ke solofela go gola jaaka motho le go bona ditšhono

di le malwa. Ke batla go dira diphetogo tse di maleba mo

motseng wame.”

TLHABOLOLO YA BAŠHAMaitlhomo a lenaneo la tlhabololo ya bašha ke go thusa go tlhopha tiro go bašha ba ba sa direng le go ba tlamela ka bokgoni go ba kgone go bona ditšhono tsa ditiro. E ikaeletse gape go tshegetsa bašha mo go simololeng dikgwebo tse dišha le go godisa dithekiso tsa dikgwebo tse di teng tse beng ba tsona e leng bašha.

TLHABOLOLO YA DIKGWEBOLenaneo la tlhabololo ya dikgwebo le ikaeletse go tlhabolola bokgoni le manontlhotlho a di SMMEs tsa metse selegae go godisa dikgwebo tse di itsetsepetseng tse di tlileng go tlhama ditiro le mo maphateng a e seng a moepo.

TLHABOLOLO YA BATLAMEDIMaitlhomo a lenaneo la tlhabololo ya batlamedi ke go tlhabolola bokgoni ba batlamedi ba metse selegae jwa dikuno le ditirelo.

Rakgadi o phela a le teng mo Rustenburg Times. O itumetse go go neela kakanyo ya gagwe le dikgakolo mo mathateng a sethp go babuisi ba rona ba ba mo kopang thuso ka go kwala.

BOITATOLO: ka kopo ela tlhoko gore Rakgadi ke motho wa maitirelo. Diphetolo tsa gagwe di tlhokometswe ke setlhopha sa baatlhatlhi ba dikgang tsa Rustenburg Times.

MELAO LE DIPEELO: Phetolo e e kwadilweng fa godimo ga e kaye thotloetso ya porofešhenale. Anglo American Platinum, Platinum Publishers le badiri ba bone le di agente ga ba amogele maikarabelo ape a a amanang le tiragatso e e ka tsewang ka ntlha ya phetolo ena. Tshedimosetso le dikakanyo tse di fa godimo di aroganwe ka tshepo e ntle le go ikaega mo metsweding e go dumelwang e tshepagala. Lefa gole jalo, ga gona kemedi, tlhomamiso, ya go tsaya kgotsa netefaletso ya mofuta ofe kana ofe e e dirwang kgotsa e e nelwang mabapi le tsepamo le/kgotsa konosetso kgotsa tshedimosetso ena le/kgotsa nnete ya dikakanyo tse.

Romelela Rakgadi email go [email protected]. Ka kopo bua leina la gago le ko o nnang teng. Fa o rata go nna tlhoka ‘ina, ka kopo bua jalo.

O na le bothata mme o tlhoka thuso?


Dipholo tsa gago tsa Mophato wa 12 di nna le wena botshelo botlhe. Di kaya bophara ba dikgetho tsa gago morago ga sekolo. O dumela kgotsa o gana, o ka seke wa tlhola o e bona gape nako ena ya go tsepama mo tirisong ena ya go ithuta, gongwe thuso e kana ya go e dira. Ikgantshe ka marema tlou! Thuto ke peeletso. Mongwe le mongwe wa lona o na le mokgwa o o farologaneng wa botshelo le go ithuta, mme thotloetso tsena di ka le thusa lotlhe. Sephiri ke sa gore o di dirisa jang.

1. TLHOKOMELO YA NAKO Go palelwa ke go loga maano ke tsela ya go se falole. Simolola gompieno mme o logele maano ko pele a se o tlhokang go se dira go serutwa sengwe le sengwe beke nngwe le nngwe. Kwala fo fatshe go netefatsa fa o latela leano la gago la go ithuta.

2. THULAGANYO YA NAKO E A DIRA Dira thulaganyo ya nako e e tla go tshwanelang. Ga ya tshwanelwa ke go nna ntle kgotsa go siama; e tshwanetse e go direle.

3. KE ENG SE SE BOTLHOKWA THATA? Ka Mophato wa 12, o nna le maikutlo a gore botshelo morago ga sekolo bo mo diatleng tsa gago. Gopola, mofuta wa botshelo o tlile go laolwa ke gore o diragatsa

jang mo ngwageng wa gago wa bofelo ko sekolong. Kgatelelo go tswa mo batsading, barutabana, tiro tsa tlaleletso le ditsala di ka nna le kgobelelo e ntsi. Tsaya tshweetso gore ke eng se o se kgaolang le se o tsepamisang mogopolo mo go sona. Ke wena fela o ka dirang jalo!


• Fao le motho wa pono (mongwe o ithutang bonolo ka go bona dilo), kgwarela kgotsa sedimosa ntlha tsa botlhokwa ka mebala e e galalelang.

• Fao le motho o go utlwelela (mongwe o ithutang bonolo ka go utlwelela dilo), bua dilo o di boeletsa ko godimo, dira dipina ka dikgang tsa serutwa sa gago; kgotsa gatisa dirutwa ka lentswe

mme o di itshamekele gape. Go bonolo! Dirisa mogala wa gago wa letheka.

• Fao le motho le go kgoma (mongwe o ithutang bonolo ka go tshwara dilo), tsamaya tsamaya mo phaposing, o je chew gum kgotsa o gatele bolo ya tenese ka matsogo o ntse o ithuta. Dirisa mokgwa wa bodiragatsi ka go ithuta le mongwe kgotsa diragatsa se o fetsang go se buisa kgotsa ithuta.

5. NNA LE DITSALA TSE LE ITHUTANG MMOGO Tlhama setlhopha sa go ithuta. Go ithuta ka setlhopha go ka nna bonolo go na le go ithuta o le nosi. Dipatlisiso di bontsha fa baithuti ba ithuta go le gontsi fa ba rutana. Fela gopola gore le nne palo e le nnye mo setlhopheng (batho ba le bararo go ya go ba le

barataro) mme o akaratse fela batho ba ba batlang go tsaya karolo. Ditlhopha tsa go ithuta ke tsa go ithuta!

6. ITHUTE KA DIPAMPIRI TSE DI FETILENG Pampiri tse di fetileng ke tsela e ntle ya go itse mofuta wa dipotso tse o yang go lebagana le tsone mo ditlhatlhobong. Di go thusa gape go lekanyetsa gore o itse go le kae le go kaya makowa a gago pele ga nako.

7. POTSO E NE E LE ENG? Netefatsa fa o tlhaloganya potso nngwe le nngwe ka botlalo kgotsa tirogae pele o neelana ka karabo. Baithuti ba Mophato wa 12 gantsi ba tlhoafetse go bontsha seo ba se ithutileng. Bangwe ba bone ba neelana ka karabo e ntle ko potsong e e sa bodiwang. Ba latlhegelwa ke maduo, etswa ntse ba ipaakantse.

8. BUA Se tshabe go kopa thuso! Batla mongwe mo lapeng la gago o ka lelelang mo go ene kgotsa o ka buang le ene ka maikutlo mangwe le mangwe a o nang le one ka ga ditlhatlhobo le tiragatso. E tshwanetse go nna motho o nang le kutlwelobotlhoko o tla go rotloetsang fa o ikutlwa o fekeetsega.

9. NTSHA BOJOTLHE Botshelo ba gago bo gaufi le go simolola! Tswela pele, diga makgwafo mme o dire se o tshwanelang go se dira.

10. NNA O TLHOMAME! Dipatlisiso di bontsha gore, fao iketlile o tlhomame, o ntsha dipholo tse di botoka. Dira gore o nne o tlhomame mme o ijese monate mo tseleng! Masego ke ao!


Fa o sa fitlhelele ditlhokego tsa go kwala ditlhatlhobo tlaleletso, o tshwanetse go naganisa go boeletsa ngwaga gape Mophato wa 12. O ka bona go le thata ka gore o ya go boeletsa ngwaga otlhe le go duela disuga tsa

sekolo, mme go molemo thata.


Ke eng o sa nagane katiso ya bokgoni jwa tiro tsa matsogo? TVET colleges di netefatsa fa batho ba ba sa falola Mophato wa 12 go amogela boitseanape ba tiro tsa matsogo. Ba katisa batho ka mefuta ya ditiro tse di rileng kgotsa ditšhono tsa tiro. Fela fa ona le setefikaite go tswa ko TVET college, o ka kgona go dira kopo ko unibesithing ya thekenoloji mme wa tsweletsa dithuto tsa gago ko maemong

a kwa godimo ka serutwa se o se tlhophileng.

Fa ka go tlhoka lesego kgotsa ka ditlamorago tse di sa isegeng o fetilwe ke ditlhatlhobo tsa gago, o tshwanetse go naganisa:


O letlelesega go kwala ditlhatlhobo tsa tlaleletso fao:• Sa falola go feta dirutwa di le pedi. • One o sa itekanela ka pholo go kwala ditlhatlhobo.

Netefatsa fa o na le lekwalo la ngaka go netefatsa sena.

• Itemogetse mathata ka motsi wa ditlhatlhobo, jaaka leso la leloko la lelapa.

Kgetho nngwe le nngwe e o e tlhophang, gopola gore go falola kgotsa go se falole ga se bokhutlo ba lefatshe; ke tshimologo ya leeto le lešha. Tsepamisa

mogopolo mme go nna le maikemisetso a go dira ka thata a tla go isa kgakala, go sa

kgathalasege gore o tlhopha tsela efe.

Netefatsa fa o tlhaloganya gore ke eng se se dirileng gore o seke wa falola Mophato wa 12. Go itse sena go tlile go go thusa go tsaya tshweetso e e maleba ka ga se se latelang seo tshwanelang go se dira. Fao sa falola bakeng la gore ga wa dira ka thata go lekane, o tla tshwanelwa ke go sekaseka mokgwa o

phelang ka one le go leka thata. O tshwanetse go

nagana ka:

Mo kgwetlhong nngwe le nngwe, go na le tšhono ya go ithuta sengwe. Oteng Ngubeni

Tsepamisa mogopolo – ke nako

ya go itlhobaetsa boroko!

Rethabile Pooe

1 2


O DIRA ENG FA O KA SE FALOLE MOPHATO WA 12Ke nako ya go phuphura! Ga se botlhe ba ba falolang Mophato wa 12. Dirisa metsotso ena ya bofelo go ithuta ka thata. Fa o santse o palelwa, sa itlhoboge. Baithuti ba ba sa faloleng Mophato wa 12 ba santse ba na le kgetho di le malwa.


TSHIRELETSEGO PELE... Go tswa molemeng: Moitseanape wa tiragatso ya loago (SP) madirelong a Rustenburg Keabetswe Diale, PDS motsamaisi

mogolo wa SP le tlhabololo Tumelo Dilotsotlhe le motsamaisi wa tlhaeletsano madirelong a Rustenburg

Olerato Nomaele ka botswapelo ba tshegeditse letsholo la ipabalelo tseleng.

Kgothatso ya go tlotla maitlamo a Anglo American Platinum a go netefatsa fa modiri mongwe le mongwe a boela gae a sa tswa kotsi tsatsi le letsatsi, badiri ba madirelo Platinum’s Rustenburg ba tsere karolo ka matlhagatlhaga mo khampeineng ya ipabalelo tseleng.

Badiri ba madirelo a Rustenburg ba ba tsayang tshireletsego tsia ba

kopantse dithata le ba nna le seabe ba ba farologaneng le setlhopha sa multi-disciplinary traffic law enforcement go dira tsiboso ka ga ipabalelo tseleng ka di 1 Phatwe.

Thibelo tseleng di ne di beile mo tselakgolong ya N4 go tlhola fa dijanaga di siametse tsela, makwalo a sejanaga a siame le itekanelo ya mokgweetsi le go baya leitlho le dingwe tse ditiro tse di sa letlelesegang.

Batho ba Platinum ba neelane ka dipampitshana le makwalodikgang go bakgweetsi le go nna le tshekatsheko e e khutshwanyane ya tshireletso le bone pele ba ba lakaletsa leeto le le babalesegileng.

“Dintsho di le 11 tse di masisi tseo di amaneng le dipalangwa tse badira mmogo karona ko South America ba amegileng mo go tsone di tiisitse maikemisetso a rona go

tshegetsa khampeine ena. Re batla badiri botlhe ba rona ba se beye tshireletsego fela ko setlhoweng ko tirong, mme ba nne le monagano wa Zero Harm mo karolong nngwe le nngwe ya matshelo a bona,” go buile Process Division Services (PDS) motsamaisi wa tshireletsego Moses Monnapula.

Go obamela melao ya tsela go botlhokwa. Dikgobalo le dintsho tse di bakilweng ke maitsholo a sa sireletsegang mo ditseleng di ama malapa, ditsala, badira mmogo le metse. GO DIRA TSIBOSO...

Motsamaisi wa tshireletsego PDS Moses

Monnapula o arogane dithotloetso tsa ipabalelo

tseleng le bakgweetsi.

TSWELETSO YA ZERO HARM... Rustenburg Base Metals Refiners (RBMR) processor Keolebogile Plaatjie (mo molemeng) le Royal Bafokeng Administration (RBA) reaction commander Patricia Senne ba dirile mmogo go tsweletsa ipabalelo tseleng.

OBAMELA MELAO... Badiri ba madirelo a Rustenburg ka tlhoafalo ba arogane gore go botlhokwa jang go baya tshireletsego ko setlhoweng.

MAATLA A KOPANETSWENG... Road traffic management corporation transport inspector Fortunate Makhubalo (mo molemeng) le RBMR fire risk officer Lesley Mafora ba ne ba tshegetsane.




• Rustenburg SAPS Community Service Centre: 014 590 4127/39

• Rustenburg SAPS Radio Control Centre: 014 590 4115/6/7

• SAPS Boitekong: 014 593/6001/6002

• SAPS Emergency (cell phones only): 112

• SAPS Marikana: 014 572 8600/ 8601/ 8602

• SAPS Rustenburg: 014 590 4115/ 4116/ 4117

• SAPS Tlhabane: 014 565 9171/54/59

• Ferncrest Hospital: 014 568 4399

• Job Shimankana Tabane (JST) provincial hospital: 014 590 5212/ 5100

• La Femme Clinic: 014 594 9500

• RusMed 24: 014 523 9378/9351

• Fire Department: 014 590 3232 /3444/3333

• Rustenburg Local Municipality emergencies (fire): 014 590 3090

• Bakwena N4 Toll Road: 0800 225 9362

• Traffic Control Room (Rustenburg): 014 590 3221

• Ambulance / Metro Control Room: 014 597 6600

• Ambulance / Metro Control Room (provincial): 10177

[email protected] Olienhout Avenue, Protea Park, Rustenburg

• Screening • Education to

lower the risk of cancer

• Care and support

[email protected] children are abused, Care Bear Clinic provides effi cient and multi-disciplinary professional services to effectively promote their healing and stop any further abuse.


NPO Reg no: 002-019

[email protected]@gmail.com

1 Watervalrant Avenue, Rustenburg, 0299

014 537 2014/2072 | 086 582 3895

We provide social services to the community of Rustenburg.

Our role is to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults by offering support to individuals, families and communities.

BUILD A HEALTHY, FUNCTIONAL FAMILY LIFE!FAMSA Rustenburg promotes family well-being.

Build, reconstruct and maintain sound relationships in your family, in your marriage and in your community.

014 592 9747 | 073 008 [email protected] | www.famsa.org.za

19 Von Wielligh Street, Rustenburg

Child and Youth Care Centre

Môrester Child and Youth Care Centre is a non-profi t organisation and temporary place of safety for children.

We provide a safe and loving environment to children

who have suffered abuse, neglect and

abandonment. www.moresterkinderhuis.co.za


We are a home for children with disabilities. Our vision is to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities in our community.

073 654 8032 | 071 103 [email protected] 1528 Phase 1, Freedom Park, Rustenburg

Care 2B Kind082 061 8458

[email protected] | www.care2bkind.com13 Oos Street, Rustenburg

Care 2B Kind is a non-profi t organisation that reaches out to less fortunate families in and around Rustenburg. We provide families with essential items like food, clothes and toiletries.

OUR SERVICE:First aid to treat injuries

Treatment to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections

Medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy

Vaccinations to avoid diseases

Counselling support and social work services

If you’ve suffered from any form of violence,the Kgomotso Care Centre can help.

[email protected] | 014 592 1127

CONTACT THE KGOMOTSO CARE CENTRE ON: Boitekong (toll free): 080 011 2112(mobile): 072 178 7054. Bapong: 082 979 0836. Letlhabile: 082 979 0857. Thlabane: 072 513 6891. (WhatsApp, SMS and Callback)



GRACE HELP CENTREGrace Help Centre is a safe haven for abused women and children.


014 574 3476 | 014 574 3476Plot Elandskraal, Section 24, Mooinooi

014 592 3158• offi [email protected] • www.lifeline.co.za

• 156 Klopper Street, Rustenburg

LifeLine gives community members access to a 24-hour telephonic counselling service that can help them to address psychological and social stress and trauma they are struggling to deal with.


[email protected] A Kruger Street, Rustenburg

The SAVF is a national welfare organisation rendering services to individuals and

families at community level. We empower

people to improve their quality of life.

014 592 8568


The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) makes it their mission to combat cruelty to animals and promote the proper care of all animals.


014 592 9747 | 073 008 7416 11 Escom Street, Rustenburg

We want to give hope to vulnerable people in our community. We do this through high-quality holistic

intervention, service delivery and aftercare.

[email protected]

072 354 7396

Let’s build a brighter future for all!

ForGood e go thusa go bona tirelo e e tshwanelang dikgatlhego tsa gago, ko o leng teng! Go bonolo go ithaopa ka nako ya gago, bokgoni kgotsa sengwe le sengwe se o ka neelang ka sona.

O ka dira pharologano e kgolo ya leruri go tirelo kgotsa mongwe yo o tlhokang, ka go ikgolaganya mo ForGood – Serala sa mafaratlhatlha se se kopanyang maAforika Borwa a mantle le tirelo tsa mmakgonthe.

011 325 2584

[email protected]



Go nna ko Mfidikwe go tlisitse lethabo go morutabana wa

di ngwaga di le 50 Kgaile Modutwane. “Dingwaga tsa me tsotlhe ke le mo thutong, di le some pedi tse ke di ntseng mo sekolong sena ke dingwe tsa tse di gaisang. Morafe wa Mfidikwe o na le bopelokgale jo re nang le bone mo baneng ba bona,” o buile jalo.

“Batsadi fa ba tsaya karolo mo manaaneng a le malwa a rona mme le sekolo se tlhamile botsalano jo bo maungo le bone mo dingwageng tse ntse di feta.”

Modutwane o tlaleleditse gape gore diphitlhelelo tsa baithuti ba maloba ba sekolo, tse di akaretsang, babueledi, barutabana, bathudi le dingaka, di supa melawana ya thuto e e boleng ya sekolo.

Sekolo ke sengwe sa tse dintsi tse di ungwelwang go tswa mo thusong ya Anglo American Platinum.

“Rena le lefelo la go tshameka le Platinum e le

agetseng baithuti ba Mophato wa R. ka gale gape ba aba le diaparo tsa sekolo go baithuti ba rona ka setlha sa mariga mme re lebogela thata kgato ena,” go buile Modutwane.

Badira mmogo ba ga Modutwane ba mo tsaya jaaka motswedi wa botlhale le go bona tsholofelo ya gagwe ka ga bokamoso jwa sekolo ele e amang. “Mo dithutong, re diragatsa bontle. Re tshwanetse ga jaana re direle go aga library, e eleng mosola mo go ithuteng,” o garetse jalo.

Kago ya matshelo a bana mo dingwageng di le 24 tse di fetileng ke motswedi wa go nna motlotlo ga motlatsa mogokgo wa Mfidikwe Primary School Kgaile Modutwane.

FUNELA... Go tswa molemeng: Mortimer Smelter senior human resources practitioner

Johanna Magodielo o thusitse moithuti wa Comcy Park

Combined School Matankiso Mokhethi

go bofa scarf sa gagwe.

Baemedi le batlamedi ba ditirelo ba Mortimer Smelter ba iponagaditse ko Comcy Park Combined School ko Moruleng ka di 1 Phatwe jaaka karolo ya matsholo a bone a metsotso e le 67 go tlotla Nelson Mandela.

go leka ka thata go fitlhelela kakanyo tsa ga Madiba tsa go sa nne pelo tshetlha. “Re solofela gore sekolo sena se tlile go thusa go tlhagisa baitseanape ba le bantsi ba ba diragatsang bontle.” O buile jalo. Mogokgo wa sekolo, Sibangani Mthethwa, o ne a palelwa ke go tshwara boitumelo jwa gagwe fa a ne a leboga Platinum.

“Ke itumetse thata. Ga jaana re na le tikologo e ntle ya go ithuta mme ke na le bonnete ba gore sena se tlile gore thusa

go tokafatsa dipholo tsa rona,” o buile jalo.

Setlhopha, se se dirilweng ke badiri le batlamedi ba ditirelo, se fitlhile

go sa le mo mesong mme ba tshwarelelwa ke go penta go ka nna letsatsi lotlhe. Ba dirisitse bokanaka dilitara di le 80 tsa pente. Kgato ya bofelo ya go konosetsa go neelanwe ka fenetšhara e ntšha e e abilweng ke Anglo American Platinum.

Baithuti ba sekolo ba le 260 le barutabana ba teng ba ne ba itumedisitswe ke kago ya bone e ntle ya kamogelo le phapusi borutelo. Baithuti ba itumeletse gape mebese e mentle e e logilweng le di scarf tse ba di amogetseng go thibela, phefo le serame ga baya sekolong.

Motsamaisi mogolo wa tiragatso ya loago le tlhabololo Tumelo Dilotsotlhe o akgetse ka gore dikgato tse di tshwanang le tse di botlhokwa fa jaaka di gopotsa metse

O SEMELETSE... Mortimer Smelter sorter Mpho Mawasha

o ne a itumetse go dira seabe se se maleba

mo tlhabololong ya sekolo.

SETLHOPHA SE SE MAKGETHE... Batho ba Platinum le batlamedi ba dirile mmogo le barutabana ba Comcy Park Combined School go tlhabolola sekolo.

MOETELEDIPELE O BOTLHALE… Motlatsa mogokgo wa Mfidikwe Primary School Kgaile Modutwane o tsaya dikamano tse sekolo di di dirileng le morafe ka boleng jo bo kwa godimo.


Mo sebakeng sa malatsi a le matlhano. Mo sebakeng sa beke dile nne kgotsa mo sebakeng se re dumelaneng ka sone.

Ke eng ngongorego kgotsa tiragalo? Tshedimosetso e o tlhokang go tlhagisa fa o tsenya ngongorego:

Email: [email protected]: 31 Marais Street, Rustenburg, 0030 Mogala: 014 592 9813 (ka nako tiro)Kopano: O ka letsetsa Lefapha la social performance kwa Rustenburg Operations go rulaganya kopano (ka nako ya tiro).

• Leina la gago le sefane. O ka nne wa nna wa nna tlhoka-ina fa o rata jalo.• Dinomoro tsa gago tsa mogala, gore lefapha le kgone go bua le wen aka bothata

jwa gago kgotsa ngongorego, le gore ba go neele tshedimosetso e e maleba.• Motse o o dulang kwa go ona.• Dintlha ka botlalo tsa tiragalo e o e begang. Go tla thusa thata fa o ka rebola

tshedimosetso yotlhe e e botlhokwa.

Mefuta ya dingongorego: Ngongorego ke matshwenyego kgotsa kgang eo e amang tsamaiso ya ditiro tsa Rustenburg Operations.Mefuta ya ditiragalo: Tiragalo e ebakilweng ka ntlha ya tsamaiso ya ditiro tsa Rustenburg Operations.


















6 Mathata a gago kgotsa yona ngongorego, a tla rarabololwa go kgotsofatsa botlhe ba ba amegang.

Lefapha le tla ikgolaganya le wena go buisana le wena ka ngongorego le mathata a gago.

Lefapha le tla batlisisa le go seka seka mathata a gago kgotsa ngongorego ya gago.

Lefapha le tla go itsise fa le amogetse ngongorego ya gago.

Lefapha le tla ikgolaganya le wena go buisana ka diphitlhelelo tse di maleba.

Tsibosa lefapha la tiragatso ya loago ka mathata a gago kgotsa ngongorego ya gago.

O golagana jang le Rustenburg Operations

O ka itsese Rustenburg Operations jang ka kgang kgotsa tiragalo:


Segatlhamela masisi, Poloko Makaudi o laola kgatelelo le ditsholofelo tse di tlang ka go nna batsman e e bulang ya setlhopha sa ntlha sa Bersig Academy.

“Ke rata fela go tshameka cricket. Ke

ka tsaya tshweetso ya go tswelela ke tshameka morago ga sekolo, mme ga jaana, ke itumelela go tsenya diatlana tsame le go tsena mo motshamekong,” go buile Poloko Makaudi, o nnang ko Tlhabane Bophirima.

Go itshepa ga gagwe ke go go kgatlhisang mme go mmaya mo maemo a siameng, go sa kgathalasege tiro e a tlileng go e sala morago. O ikemiseditse go oketsa maduo ana le go dira ka thata mo bokgoning ba gagwe ba bowling.


bowler kgwele

tse di dikologang, mme

ga ke ise ke bowl ditikologo dipe mo metshamekong e re e tshamekileng kgatlhanong le dikolo tse dingwe. Fa ke dira ka thata mo matloweng, seo se ka fetoga,” go buile Makaudi.

Mokaubere wa Aforika Borwa wa cricket AB de Villiers

le wa India Virat Kohli ba magareng ga batshameki

ba gagwe ba a ba ratang. O itumelela

gape go tshameka kgwele ya dinao

le ditsala le go taboga.

O EME SEJARO... Poloko Makaudi a bulela Bergsig Academy.

Plant a tree!

Trees are important.

National Arbour Week is celebrated from 1 to 7 September.

Each year veld and forest fires destroy thousands of hectares of trees.

The yellowwood is South Africa’s national tree.

Enjoy the outdoors!

Brighten up your garden by planting flowers.

We must do our part to protect the environment.

Trees provide us with oxygen and purify the air.

Trees provides us with wood and fruit.

Jwala setlhare!

Ditlhare di botlhokwa.

Beke ya Bosechaba ya jwalo ya Ditlhare e ketekiwa go tloga ka

di 1 go fitlha 7 Lwetse.

Ngwaga mongwe le mongwe melelo ya dikgwa e fisa dikete

tsa diekere tsa ditlhare.

Setlhare sa yellowwood ke sa Aforika Borwa sa bosechaba.

Itumelele go nna ko ntle!

Kganyisa tshingwana ya gago ka go jwala malomo.

Re tshwanetse go dira karolo ya rona go sireletsa tikologo.

Ditlhare di re tlamela ka mowa o phepha le go

tlhatswa o leswe.

Ditlhare di re tlamela ka dikgong le maungo.

Makaudi gantsi

o nositse go feta metabogo e le 30 mo

motshamekong o le mongwe

Fa ke mareo a le malwa a a dirisiwang, a ronotswe go tswa mo Setswana. Itumelele go ithuta!


Here are a few useful phrases, translated from Setswana. Happy learning!

Go bona kapodiso e e maleba, bua le mongwe wa ditsala tsa gago o o buang Sekgoweng. O ka bona thanodi ya Sekgowa-Setswana gape go https://tn.oxforddictionaries.com kgotsa https://forvo.com/languages/tn/.

For the correct pronunciation, speak to one of your English friends. You can also access an English-Setswana dictionary at https://tn.oxforddictionaries.com or https://forvo.com/languages/tn/.