20th Century Charlatan - William Branham Historical Research

William Branham: 20 th Century Charlatan SECOND EDITION JOHN COLLINS

Transcript of 20th Century Charlatan - William Branham Historical Research

William Branham: 20th Century Charlatan




Revision 1 Copyright © 2020 John Collins.

All rights reserved.

Original Version Copyright © 2015 John Collins.

All rights reserved.

Dark Mystery Publications

ISBN: 9781512227185


Table of Contents About William Branham ........................................................................4 Stage Persona .......................................................................................9 Trinitarianism ..................................................................................... 12 1907 Birth Year ................................................................................... 23 Toddler Prophecy ................................................................................ 25 Bridge Prophecy .................................................................................. 27 1933 Baptism ...................................................................................... 29 1933 Prophecies .................................................................................. 32 The 1937 Flood ................................................................................... 36 Fatherless ........................................................................................... 38 Faith Healing ...................................................................................... 40 The Halo ............................................................................................. 45 Mystery Cloud..................................................................................... 47 The Church Ages ................................................................................. 50 Jehovah’s Witness ............................................................................... 53 Marks of the Beast .............................................................................. 56 Cult Rules ........................................................................................... 59 Shorts ................................................................................................. 68 The Man From Windsor ....................................................................... 70 The Tragedy of Donny Morton ............................................................. 72 Raised from the Dead.......................................................................... 74 The Driverless Egg-Car ........................................................................ 76 Los Angeles Prophecy .......................................................................... 82 Two Major Prophets ........................................................................... 86 Speaking in Tongues ........................................................................... 88 Twisted Scripture ................................................................................ 91 Creation Theology ............................................................................... 95 Physical Abuse .................................................................................... 97 Misogyny ............................................................................................ 99 Civil Rights ........................................................................................ 101 About the Author .............................................................................. 108



William Marrion Branham (A.K.A. William Marvin1 Branham, 19072-

1965) was a Pentecostal3 minister from Jeffersonville, Indiana credited by

some as initiating the Post WWII Healing Revival.4 The first of ten children

of Charles and Ella Branham, Branham claimed to have been born in Cumberland County, KY5 and reared in the booming Southern Indiana

casino town directly across the river from Louisville, KY. He was also a

"doomsday prophet",6 predicting several years that he claimed to be the

End of Days. When American Prohibition disrupted the thriving liquor industry of the

local area, Branham's family became poor and destitute. Branham's

father, employed as a driver for Otto Wathen7 of the R. E. Wathen

Distilleries, was arrested for violation of the liquor laws, worsening their hardship. At the time, William was in critical condition in the Clark

Memorial hospital after being shot.8 The Ku Klux Klan came to the rescue,

paying his hospital bill and making an impact on his life that he would

never forget.9 Shortly after the Klan was exposed for taking control of the Indiana

government, Roy E. Davis came to Jeffersonville claiming to be a Christian

1 Draft Card Serial 2342. 1940, Oct 16. Clark Co. No.1 Ind. 2 Three birth years are used by William Branham and/or his parents on government documents and to newspaper reporters. The earliest and most likely of the three is 1907 3 Warranty Deed. 1936, Nov 9. Clark County Courthouse. “The Billie Branham Pentecostal Tabernacle

church and their successors of Jeffersonville, Indiana, of Clark County” 4 The Healing Revival 1947-1958 – An Overview. Accessed 2020, Sept 8 from http://www.voiceofhealing.info/02_1947-1958/overview.html . “William Branham is the person universally acknowledged as the revival’s “father.” The sudden appearance of his miraculous healing campaigns in 1946, including an astonishing use of authentic spiritual gifts (notably discernment of spirits, the word of knowledge and healing) ignited the dry tinder of American Pentecostalism and fanned its flames into a mighty fire.” 5 Branham, William. 1950, Aug 20. My Life Story. “I was borned in a little log cabin, way in the mountains of Kentucky, Cumberland County, near a little creek called Renox.” 6 Example: Branham, William. 1961, Aug 6. The Seventieth Week Of Daniel. “Now, counting the time,

we find that we have exactly (Listen.) seventeen years left, and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit since A. D. until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years. God deals with us the same as He did with the Jews. See? How about that? Now,

mark down in your book a little Scripture here I want to give you. Leviticus 25, begin with the 8th verse. God calls a jubilee every forty-ninth year; the fiftieth year was the jubilee. We know that. We understand that. From the first jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release.” 7 Branham, William. 1959, Apr 19. My Life Story. “Mr. Wathen kept ice out there in the country. And Father was a—a chauffeur for him, a private chauffeur. 59-0419A” 8 Branham, William. 1956, Feb 29. Being Led Of The Holy Spirit. And I remember a preacher shooting

at some birds and seventh shot hit me in the leg. 9 Branham, William. 1963, Nov 10. Souls That Are in Prison Now. “ the Ku Klux Klan, paid the hospital bill for me, Masons. I can never forget them. See? No matter what they do, or what, I still…there is something, and that stays with me, see, what they did for me.”


evangelist and becoming a choir leader for Ralph Rader. Davis was at one

time an official spokesperson for William Joseph Simmons' 1915 revival of the Klan,10 as well as a high-ranking member. He was also affiliated with

other white supremacy groups Simmons created such as the "Knights of

the Flaming Sword."11 Shortly after being appointed as an elder of the

Rader Gospel Tabernacle, past crimes of swindling, fraud, and multiple violations of underaged sex caught up with him.12 Davis was terminated

from Rader's church, and started a Pentecostal church taking several

members from Rader's congregation. It was at this Pentecostal church

that Davis claims to have converted William Branham into his first Pentecostal Assembly.13 According to William Branham, Davis was his

mentor, the one who baptized him, imparted the "Holy Ghost," and

appointed him as a minister. Shortly after, Davis was extradited by the

Governor of the State of Indiana to the casino town of Hot Springs, Arkansas on charges of grand theft and connection to murder. William

Branham seized the opportunity, taking control of Davis' rowdy church

and forming the Billie Branham Pentecostal Tabernacle in 1936.

A year later, the 1937 Flood demolished the town of Jeffersonville. The once thriving casino town nicknamed "Little Vegas" that once attracted

the likes of Al Capone and John Dillinger suddenly was leveled to a

desolate wasteland. Later that year, Branham's first wife Hope died from

a disease she contracted in January of 1936,14 and his daughter died shortly after.15

In 1944, Roy E. Davis joined forces with former Congressman William

D. Upshaw in an operation under the disguise of a children's orphanage in

San Bernardino California. Soon after the orphanage was exposed for swindling thousands of dollars from the Los Angeles area and being the

defendant in a highly publicized criminal lawsuit,16 Davis introduced

Upshaw to William Branham.17 A year later, in 1945, William Branham

began his evangelistic "healing" ministry, and Upshaw (who had witnessed been physically running since 1936) entered one of Branham's meetings

as an "invalid" in a wheelchair. When Upshaw was "healed" from his

"bedridden" condition, Branham's fame in the faith healing business

quickly spread. By 1947, William Branham had embellished many events of his "life


Associated Press. 1923, Jan 13. Says Ku Klux Not Anti-Negro, Jewish, Catholic. Times Herald. 11 Associated Press. 1925, Jan 23. Fraternity Attacked as Making Money Order. Lead Daily Call. 12 Pastor Held in Mann Act Case. 1930, October 12. The Courier Journal (Louisville, KY). 13 Davis, Roy. Wm. Branham’s First Pastor. 1950. The Voice of Healing. “I am the minister who received Brother Branham into the first Pentecostal assembly he ever frequented. I baptized him, and was his pastor for some two years. 14 Death Certificate: Hope (Brumbach) Branham. 1937, July 21. “Date of onset 1-1936” 15 Infant Follows Mother to Grave. 1937, Jul 26. Jeffersonville Evening News. “Sharon Rose Branham, 8 months old daughter of the Rev. William Branham” 16 Witnesses Say Davis Claimed to be F.B.I. Man. 1944, Apr 22. The San Bernardino County Sun 17 Branham, William. 1959, Apr 19. My Life Story. “Doctor Roy Davis. Sister Upshaw, the very one that sent Brother Upshaw over to me, or talked to him about me, Doctor Roy Davis. 59-0419A - My Life Story”


story," removing the details that would raise skepticism and adding

"supernatural" aspects. He started claiming to have had several conflicting "commissions" by God,18 and introduced a tragic but partially

fictional story of his life. Over time, his stage persona began to include

stories of being born under a supernatural sign, having a prophetic gift as

a toddler, fatherless at an early age, and more. Even the tragic death of his wife was embellished to become part of the story. It was such an

interesting tale that he became the side show for Little David Walker, the

12-year-old boy preacher. Before long, William and his brother Howard

Branham, who ran a Jeffersonville nightclub, started touring the country to participate in the "healing revival". His new stage persona, combined

with Upshaw's "healing," was very powerful in lifting Branham to the top

of the revival. He had a very successful series of meetings throughout

parts of the United States and Canada, but his success began to fade shortly after when ministers began to notice many people "healed" were

dying or worsening in condition.

Roy E. Davis , who had not been (directly) involved with the Branham

campaign, wrote a letter to the Voice of Healing publication produced by Branham's campaign managers to cross-promote Branham's and his own

evangelism. But by this time, William Branham had started distancing

himself from many churches, claiming to be the return of "Elijah the

prophet." Telling his listeners that he had buried his prophecies in his Jeffersonville Tabernacle in 1933 (the church he purchased in 1936),

Branham used the grip of fear from the Second Red Scare to create a

following that would replace his quickly diminishing listeners.

During the birth of the Civil Rights movement, Branham began leaning back towards his Ku Klux Klan roots. He began claiming that Martin Luther

King was "communistic inspired," African Americans should "forfeit their

rights" and be "satisfied in the state [they are] in," and that "hybreeding"

(interracial marriage) was an unpardonable sin. Like other ministers supportive of white supremacy, Branham taught that the doctrine of a

superior "super race". But he continued the "Elijah" claims as well,

eventually convincing his listeners that the "Elijah of this day" [himself]

was the return of Jesus Christ. After Branham's death in 1965, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's query into the Kennedy Assassination exposed

the fact that Roy E. Davis was in fact the Imperial Grand Dragon of the

Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,19 as well as a strong leader,

promoter, and supporter of several white supremacy groups. Many who were with William Branham during the early years agree

18 Example: Branham, William. 1954, Jul 18. “And a strange thing of that, that you might not know, the very day the Angel of the Lord called me out, May the 6th, 1947, and issued the gift to pray for the sick, was the very same day that Israel become a nation for the first time for twenty-five hundred years. “ 19 Assassination of President Kennedy. 00-2-34030. “On December 9, 1963, Inv. Brumley, Intelligence Unit, Dallas Police Department, discussed this case with the reporting agent, and he through that Earl

Thornton, Klansman, and former associate of Rev. Roy Davis, might be suspect in this case. Thornton offered to allow Davis to use his printing equipment when Davis was in business as Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. Brumley, who knows Davis personally, doubted however that Davis printed these leaflets.”


that William Branham's doctrinal teachings were destructive, and for that

reason was constrained to "healing" and not "preaching." Testimonies from Ern Baxter,20 Alfred Pohl,21 Gordon Lindsay,22 and others refer to

Branham's "Message" cult with distaste, and many examinations of the

fruits of Branham's ministry have produced confirmation of its destructive

nature. William Branham was directly responsible for igniting the ministry of

Jim Jones in Indianapolis.23 From 1956 through 1957, Branham and his

campaign team held meetings with Jones at Peoples Temple and the Cadle

Tabernacle,24 and Branham held private consultations with members of Peoples Temple. There are deep concerns when you compare Branham's

"Message" to Jim Jones' "Message." Branham-focused communes in

Prescott, Arizona25 and Colonia Dignidad26 have exposed the sexual

molestation, abuse and rape that have been hidden behind closed doors. It was Branham's version of the Joel's Army, Manifest Sons of God

20 "New Wine Interviews Ern Baxter", 1978, Dec. New Wine Magazine. Christian Growth Ministries, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, pp. 4-7, 22-24. “Branham as a teacher was outside of his calling. The fruits of his teaching ministry are not good. Ern Baxter” 21 Why I Left the Tongues Movement. Accessed 2020, May 17 from http://www.bereanresearchinstitute.com/03_Doctrines/D.0030_14_Why_I_Left_the_Tongues_Move

ment_-_Alfred_H._Pohl.html. “Time went on, the campaign ended, and Mr. Branham and his party were gone. Then we began to see the results being tested by time. It was a difficult time for us, and particularly for me. For one by one these that I had personally seen "healed" and declared so by the "healer," died. Our faith was severely tested. Relatives of the deceased ones would ask, "Why?" What could we tell them?” 22 Hagin, Kenneth. 1992. He Gave Gifts unto Men, pg 164-170. “Then brother Lindsay related something else to me that had happened regarding this same prophet. He said to me, ‘This past year, I was praying

with my wife and sister Schrader about the work of the ministry. (Sister Schrader was a prophetess who has since gone on to be with the Lord.) We were praying about different projects in our ministry. Right in the middle of the prayer, Sister Schrader blurted out, ‘Go warn Brother [Branham]… he’s going to die.’ Brother Lindsay said, ‘I was busy, and I let that get by me, and I didn’t go warn him like I was supposed to. Then later, my wife and I and Sister Schrader were again praying about ministry projects. Again Sister Schrader blurted out right in the middle of prayer, ‘Go warn Brother [Branham]… he’s going to die. He’s walking in the way of Dowie.’ After his morning meeting, Brother Lindsay said, "I talked to

him as the Lord had instructed me, but I saw that he wouldn’t listen…" 23 Reiterman, Tim. Raven. 1982. Penguin Publishing Group. “To draw the crowds, Jim needed a religious headliner, and so he arranged to share the pulpit with Rev. William Branham, a healing evangelist and

religious author as highly revered by some as Oral Roberts or Billy Graham.” 24

The “Full Gospel” Origins of Peoples Temple. Accessed 2020, Sept 24 from https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=92702 25 People vs. Loker, S045060. California Supreme Court. “Leo Mercer, a self-proclaimed minister, ran the park. After Brother Branham's death in 1965, Mercer gradually became more authoritative, employing various forms of punishment. He would ostracize people from the community and separate families. Children were beaten for minor infractions like talking during a march or not tying their shoes. Mercer would punish girls by cutting their hair, and force boys to wear girls' clothing. There was also evidence that Mercer sexually abused children.” 26 Victims of paedophile sect led by one-eyed German Nazi who oversaw daily torture and abuse of child

slaves over three decades in Chile hope to finally see justice with legal bid. Accessed 2020, Sept 24 from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3561040/Victims-paedophile-sect-led-one-eyed-German-Nazi-oversaw-daily-torture-abuse-child-slaves-three-decades-Chile-hope-finally-justice-legal-bid.html


theology that empowered Jones.27 Branham's "Message" cult following

has been labeled as a destructive or heretical cult by many apologetics and cult watch groups, such as Watchman Fellowship.

27 Joel’s Army: The Manifested Sons of God. Accessed 2020, Sept 24 from https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=102213



William Branham used multiple versions of a stage persona during his

public ministry, and each version included variations depending upon

which audience or location he was currently speaking. Many doctrinal positions held by one particular stage persona, such as the Trinity, were

opposing viewpoints held by his other stage personas and their alleged

denomination of faith. Branham is largely remembered as a strict “Jesus

Only” Oneness Pentecostal preacher,28 but in some versions of his stage persona, Branham accepted the Persons of the Trinity.29 In his earliest

stage persona, while holding revivals with Roy E. Davis, Branham claimed

to be a Pentecostal minister30 in Davis' Pentecostal church. According to

Branham, he and Davis challenged the audience by drinking poison at a time when Pentecostalism was known for drinking poison and/or handling


After Davis was extradited to Arkansas on charges of grand theft,

Branham formed the Billie Branham Pentecostal Tabernacle32 and toured while holding revivals with the Tabernacle Band. During this time, letters

written to local newspapers were very articulate – that of an educated


After the 1937 Flood and following the of his first wife and daughter, Hope Branham and Sharon Rose Branham, William Branham appeared to

have been affiliated with the United Brethren Church. The wedding

ceremony33 for William Branham and his second wife, Meda Branham was

28 Streeval, Joseph M. 2018. The Oneness Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth and Twenty Frist Centuries. “William Branham, a oneness minister, who was a faith healer, and known for his infamous doctrine of the serpent's seed in 1958.” 29 Branham, William. 1951, Sept 29. Our Hope Is In God 51-0929. "... making intercessions now for we who've accepted the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity. And in our hearts, tonight, He rules and reigns." 30 Davis, Roy. Wm. Branham’s First Pastor. 1950. The Voice of Healing. “I am the minister who received Brother Branham into the first Pentecostal assembly he ever frequented. I baptized him, and was his pastor for some two years. 31

Branham, William. 1953, Sept 7. Lord Show Us The Father And It Sufficeth Us 53-0907A . So Roy when he made that challenge said, "Why not some of you guys out there believe that God's so real," said, "try this sulfuric acid test." Now, now, I'm not telling people to do that. Don't you do it unless the Holy Ghost

is with you. See? Now, I don't believe in taking up serpents, or... I believe if I was baptizing out in the water, and a serpent grabbed me, I'd throw him out on the bank and go ahead and baptize like Paul did or something like that. Or somebody slip poison to me, I'd trust God for my healing. That's right. But I don't believe in bringing things, say, "Come here and I'll show you I can do it." I think that's wrong. That's right. But Brother Davis walked up to the platform. We got a notary public's statement on this. He walked up there. He said, "Christian people," about two or three thousand setting there, he said, "I'm twenty-five years old." He said, "I'm a minister of the Gospel," and he said, "I--I know that my God

is able to deliver me from that," but said, "nevertheless, if He does or does not, I'll never let that infidel stand there with that in his hand and challenge God's Word." He said, "I'll meet you in glory." 32 Warranty Deed. 1936, Nov 9. Clark County Courthouse 33 Broy-Branham. 1941, Oct 24. Jeffersonville Evening News


performed in the home of Carnie Carpenter, a Brethren minister, and

William Branham was affiliated with E. Howard Cadle,34 who planted several Brethren churches in Southern Indiana.

In 1945, William Branham toured as a "faith healer" who claimed his

"healing ministry" was the result of a vision of "white-robed people". He

published a tract describing the healing campaigns and ministry,35 and his stage persona changed to that of a "Baptist" preacher. It was at this time

that the Billie Branham Pentecostal Tabernacle was renamed to "Branham


In the spring of 1947, William Branham claimed that his healing ministry started in 194637 and that an angelic being commissioned him to

"heal" the sick. He toured with W. E. Kidson, who supported the version

of stage persona with the 1945 claim.38

In 1947, Branham expanded upon his 1946 claim, introducing the notion that other supernatural events happened during his early childhood

years. He also introduced the claim that he could perform metaphysics,

moving bracelets and other objects using thought projection.39

In 1948-1949, Branham was involved with the Latter Rain movement, frequently speaking before groups of people involved with the Latter Rain

sect of Pentecostalism.40

In the early 1950s, Branham claimed that an angel commissioned him

to heal the sick in May of 1946, and claimed that this “commission” was the same day that the Nation of Israel was formed.41 His 1946

Commission claim would continue through multiple versions of his stage

persona. During this time, Branham transitioned his stage persona to that

34 Branham, William. 1953, Dec 13. What Think Ye of Christ. “A bosom friend of mine down from Milltown, Indiana, where I pastored a little old Baptist church down there. I’d say, “Brother Cadle, I want you this morning, in the face of the Philadelphian Church, tell me Who you think the Son of God is?” 35 Branham, William. 1945. I Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision. 36 Misc. Church Advertisements. 1945, Oct 13. Jeffersonville Evening News P 3. (First Mention Of

Branham Tabernacle) 37 To Be Treated by Faith Healer. 1947, Jun 30. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. (As Henry Branham). “’Then 11 months ago I got a call so insistent that I went out and started healing people.’” 38

Brother Branham, the Faith Healer. 1947, Jul 6. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “Two years ago he was in a room by himself when he heard heavy footsteps behind him, and there stood a bearded man. The man said, ‘I have been sent from the throne of grace to bestow on you the gift of divine healing.’” 39 Branham, William. 1947, Apr 12. Faith is the Substance. “I said, ‘Now, if the faith the size of a mustard seed would move that mountain, how much more smaller faith would you have to have just to move that bracelet?’ … I said, ‘I moved it.’ She said, ‘Well, you’re fifteen feet or better away from it.’ I said, “No, it’s my faith that moved it.’” 40 Curtis, Ian. 2006. Jesus: Myth or Reality. “The Latter Rain is the Restoration of the Church and the Harvest of souls, the gathering together of His people to be God's ... William Branham, George Warnock, Paul Cain and others, attempted to introduce Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God” 41 Branham, William. 1954, Aug 9. The Manifestation of Thy Resurrection to the People of this Day. “The very day that Israel was declared a nation again for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, that same night the Angel of the Lord sent me out to pray for the sick, the very same time, May the 6th, 1946, the Lord Jesus did that.”


of a Latter Rain Five-Fold Ministry "prophet".42 In 1955, Branham’s “1933

Prophecies” were introduced into the stage persona, though they were initially introduced as “1932” prophecies43 and he sometimes claimed to

have been reading from a paper containing the year 1932.44

As other "prophets" entered the "Five-Fold ministry", Branham began

introducing the notion that there is only one "prophet" per "age", implying that his rank of prophet was greater than the others in the field. The

stage persona shifted to that of a "prophet-leader".

In 1964, using his “Manifested Sons of God” doctrinal foundation,

Branham introduced the notion that the "major prophet" of his "age" was the return of "Elijah", and that this "prophet" is the manifestation of the

Son of Man (Jesus). Prior to this, similar claims were made indirectly. In

1965, Branham claimed that Jesus Christ was on earth in the form of

"Elijah" the prophet, which he alleged to be.

But the Elijah of this day is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to

come according to Matthew the seventeen-…Luke 17:30,

is, the Son of Man is to reveal Himself among His people.

Not a man, God! But it’ll come through a prophet. – Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. 65-1127B. Trying To

Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will


Branham, William. 1951, May 5. My Commission. “I am God’s Voice to you. See? I say that again. That time was under inspiration.” 43

Branham, William. 1955, May 1. The Faith That Was Once Delivered to the Saints. “Now remember,

I still say this: ‘Before the end time comes…’ Wrote twenty-three years ago. ‘Before the end time comes, there’ll be a woman, that’ll be a great ruler in this nation. She will either be president or something on that order, some great woman. And at that time, automobiles, just before the coming of the Lord, will be in the shape of an egg.” Now, remember that; keep it in mind. See? That was in 1932, or something like that.’” 44 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation by Representation. “I’d like to read something to you. ‘1932.’ Listen to this. ‘As I was on my way, or as I was getting ready to go on my way to church this

morning, it came to pass that I fell into a vision. Our services is being held on Meigs Avenue, at the old orphan’s home where Charlie Kern lives in part of the building.” He lives just across the street now, you know. “And it came to pass, that, while I was in this vision, I seen some dreadful things take place. I speak this in the Name of the Lord.’”


TRINITARIANISM William Branham is historically known for his firm stance against the

doctrine of the Trinity.45 That “history”, however, has been written by

"historians" supportive of Branham's theology and/or cult movement that

has continued to grow and thrive long after Branham’s death, and their

views of Branham's alleged historical stance against Trinitarianism has propagated through the writings of theologians and cult awareness groups

critical of his ministry. But are their accounts of Branham's history


When studying William Branham's doctrinal views of the Godhead, "historians" supportive of William Branham's ministry allege that Branham

was anti-Trinitarianism before starting his ministry as a preacher and

evangelist.46 In some versions of Branham's stage persona, William

Branham claimed that he took a stance against the Trinitarian baptism when he was baptized by Roy E. Davis.

When I was just a little boy, nobody could tell me there's

three Gods. No, you couldn't poke that down my... You

can't give it to anybody that knows any--knows what God is. That's right. So when I baptized... A Baptist preacher

baptized me. I said, "I want to be baptized in the Name

of the Lord Jesus Christ." Dr. Roy E. Davis baptized me in

the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ when I was just a boy.47

Historians supportive of William Branham's ministry carefully choose

quotes from latter versions of his stage persona when describing early

years of his ministry when other versions of the stage persona were used,

and fail to mention the difference between each version of Branham's stage persona, or the fact that during the same year, different stage

personas with opposing viewpoints were used for different crowds of

people. These "historians" typically use quotes from the later years, from

meetings with a mostly anti-Trinitarian audience, wherein William Branham alleges that only "false teachers" would promote the Trinitarian



Branhamism/William Branham. Accessed 2020, Oct 3 from

https://www.watchman.org/profiles/pdf/branhamismprofile.pdf 46 Branhamism/William Branham. Accessed 2020, Oct 3 from https://www.watchman.org/profiles/pdf/branhamismprofile.pdf . “In his early ministry, he came in contact with “Jesus-Only” Pentecostals. This sect broke away from the traditional Pentecostal movement, thus denying the doctrine of the Trinity. He attended one of their national conventions and was invited to preach. A number of their ministers invited him to conduct revivals in their churches. He returned home and informed his wife, “Oh, I met the cream of the crop.

It’s the best you ever seen. Them people ain’t ashamed of their religion.” Although he was persuaded not to continue the association by family and fellow ministers, Branham was greatly influenced by the “Jesus-Only” Pentecostal movement. He later adopted a number of their doctrinal views.” 47 Branham, 1960, Dec 12. The Laodicean Church Age


False teachers can rise, teaching all kind of Trinitarianism

and everything else, and be anointed with the Holy Ghost, and perform just as many miracles as the true Gospel can.

But by the Word here, that's what does it. See what I

mean? Now, it's all right to teach this, I guess, I'm--I'm

in a interdenominational tabernacle this morning, in--in

this hotel here.48

What the "historians" fail to mention is that the stance that latter

versions of Branham's stage persona took against Trinitarianism is also a stance against earlier versions of his stage persona, and polar opposite to

the Trinitarian versions of the stage persona that William Branham used

for specific audiences. In some versions of William Branham's stage

persona, Branham taught the Trinitarian doctrine and claimed that it was supportive of Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and


Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and

forever, "A little while, and the world seeth Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I will be with you even in you." Then

Jesus Christ comes into His Church, to His people, to

manifest Himself out through the people, while He,

Himself, is setting at the right hand of the Father, sending back the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity, to live

in human beings, to work through them, to show the same

works that He did in the beginning, making Him, "the

same yesterday, today, and forever."49

In 1951, after the Latter Rain movement caused a deep schism in

Pentecostalism, William Branham's stage persona began to gradually

separate from the heart of the Latter Rain movement into the Manifest

Sons of God sub-sect. He was still affiliated with many Latter Rain leaders such as A. W. Rasmussen and Joseph Mattsson-Boze, and the Latter Rain

movement as a whole did not support the Trinitarian doctrine. With the

decreasing popularity of Latter Rain, their affiliation could potentially

decrease the number of speaking engagements. In 1951, William Branham decided to expand his audience to include Trinitarians.

And may the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity,

come in now, the Promise, the Comforter, that You said

You would send.50

48 Branham, William. 1965, November 27. Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will 49 Branham, William. 1952, July 13. God Testifying Of His Gifts 50 Branham, William. 1951, July 29. The Resurrection Of Lazarus


Then suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, died, buried,

rose the third day, setting at the right hand of God the Father, making intercessions now for we who've accepted

the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity. And in our

hearts, tonight, He rules and reigns.51

During this time, William Branham began to inject Trinitarian

comments into versions of his early "spiritual experiences" that are

collectively known as his "Life Story".

We love Him, that great, third Person of the trinity Who

burns through our hearts. And we love Him. O Holy

Spirit, I thank You for Your Divine leading, and how You

led me here to Hammond. And God, in that great matter of last night, God bless that young woman. Make her that,

out yonder, Lord, to win souls after souls of them lost out

yonder. Grant it, Lord.52

By 1952, William Branham was not only teaching the Trinitarian doctrine, he was supporting it with quotes from the Bible that later

versions of his stage persona would use for deity claims. When alleging

that he “was not a man but god,”53 in later versions of his stage persona,

Branham often used John 5:19 as his proof text to allege that Jesus Christ was only the Son of Man, not the Son of God, and that the Elijah of the

"last age" (allegedly himself) was Jesus Christ. In 1952, however,

Branham used this verse as his proof text to support the Trinitarian


51 Branham, William. 1951, September 29. Our Hope Is In God 52 Branham, William. 1952, July 13. Early Spiritual Experiences 53 Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will “But the Elijah of this day is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to come according to Matthew the seventeen-…Luke 17:30, is, the Son of man is to reveal Himself among His people. Not a man, God! But it’ll come through a prophet.”


Is that right? Now, according to Jesus' own words, which

I believe they are the Truth. No one disputes that Saint John 5 is not in... but what's inspired. And according to

His Words, He said, "I do nothing until the Father shows

Me what He's doing. Then what the Father shows Me, that

I do." Is that right? Saint John 5:19. Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, "A little while,

and the world seeth Me no more, yet you'll see Me, for I

will be with you even in you." Then Jesus Christ comes

into His Church, to His people, to manifest Himself out through the people, while He, Himself, is setting at the

right hand of the Father, sending back the Holy Spirit, the

third Person of the trinity, to live in human beings, to work

through them, to show the same works that He did in the beginning, making Him, "the same yesterday, today, and


54 Branham, William. 1952, July 13. God Testifying Of His Gifts


Now, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever,

and do we believe that the Holy Spirit is on earth today? How many believes that? Well, that Holy Spirit is the Holy

Spirit of God. Is that right? The third Person of the trinity,

Jesus Christ. "Yet a little while, the world seeth Me no

more, yet you'll see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Is that right? Then if He's going

to be with us, in us to the end of the world, that makes

Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right?

Now, if He comes down in our midst tonight, and I'm just your brother, remember. But it's the claims that I say

about Him, that He is the same. And here's what I believe.

I believe every Word of the Bible is absolutely, infallible,

the truth. That's the way... I--I think you can't say, "This is not inspired, and that's not inspired." I believe it's all

inspired of God. And I'm willing tonight to hang my soul

on any phase of it, and say, "It's the truth." I believe the

whole book. And I believe when it said that "Jesus was the same yesterday, today, and for ever." I believe that Jesus

made a way that He could be with us, as He said, "A little

while, the world seeth Me no more; yet you shall. For I

will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." I believe that He returned back in the form of the Holy

Ghost the second, third Person of the trinity, come back

as the Comforter, and is with us, working the same thing

that Jesus Christ did when He was here on earth. Now, that's either right or wrong. Now, that's the way you got

to take God.55

May the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity, come, take the Word of God, and place It into every heart, just

as it has need of.56

By 1953, William Branham had integrated the Trinitarian doctrine into

his creationism doctrine, preaching that the “Third Person of the Trinity” was placed into mankind from the Garden of Eden. Branham's Trinitarian

doctrine had advanced to the point of describing distinct, separate,

Persons of the Godhead. According to William Branham, God the Father

was never seen, and never would be seen. Like most Trinitarian teachers, Branham described the Logos that went out from the Father to be Jesus

Christ the Son, and described the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the

trinity which was placed into the hearts of mankind. In his 1953 sermon

entitled Show Us the Father and It Will Satisfy Us, Branham fully describes

55 Branham, William. 1952, July 20. Who Has Believed Our Report 56 Branham, William. 1953, April 5. Witnesses


what most Trinitarians believe as his own teaching:

And when He made everything that looked nice and good

to Him, now He said, "Let us (plural) make man (plural)

in our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural

Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen, never will be seen. He's all nature.

And there He is. And now, here's the Son, which is the

Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a

supernatural Being that went out in the beginning. "Let us make man in our own image." After He made a man in

His own image, He made a supernatural being. Yes,

indeed. Genesis 1:28, read and see if that isn't right. And

then when He made man in His own image, he had rule over the beasts. He led the beasts around then like the

Holy Spirit's supposed to lead the Church today. That's

right. He led the Church around and... And then He said,

"There's no man to till the soil." So He created man out of the dust of the earth. Now, He might've give him a hand

like a monkey and a foot like a bear. I don't know what

He did, but He put him in five senses. And He put this

supernatural being which was called man, the third Person of the trinity, Holy Spirit, into mankind (That's exactly

right.), that man and He made him in His own image.57

William Branham also described his stage persona's Trinitarian beliefs

during his prayer lines. Each of the three Persons in the Trinitarian Godhead were fully defined. Branham claimed that God's provided

Sacrifice (The "Son", or Second Person in the Trinitarian Godhead) was

present, and the Holy Spirit (the Third Person in the Trinitarian Godhead)

was "moving over the building". Branham used the phrase "Third Person of the Trinity" when describing the Holy Ghost, and then described the

Father (the First Person in the Trinitarian Godhead) drawing people closer

to the Sacrifice, or Second Person in the Trinitarian Godhead.

57 Branham, William. 1953, June 11. Show Us The Father And It'll Satisfy Us


God's provided Sacrifice is here. God's Holy Spirit, the

third Person of the trinity, the Holy Ghost, is now moving over the building. What made you raise your hand,

sinner? Because God is calling you. "No man can come

to Me except My Father draws him," and the Father's

trying to draw you to the provided Sacrifice, which, one of these days, all that you have is going to sweep away. The

atoms that's in your body will return back to the air. The

dust that's in your body, where it was created, will return

to the dust. Then what? I'm going to ask prayer for you.58

Sometime in 1954 between April and September, William Branham

began transitioning his stage persona away from the Trinitarian doctrine.

In April, Branham was still described the Holy Spirit as the Third Person

of the Trinity. In September, however, Branham began claiming that Jesus Christ was the Third Person of the trinity in Spirit form.

Now, Father, take the Word, and may the Holy Spirit, the

third Person of the trinity, comes, take the Word of God,

and break It out to the people59

Now, tonight Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and is

living right here among us in Spirit form, called the Holy

Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God, which is Jesus Christ, the

third Person of the trinity. Now, now, He's here in Spirit form. He was with the children of Israel in a Pillar of Fire.

Is that right? How many believes that was Christ? Sure

it was. And then He come down, was made flesh to take

sin away, take sickness away. Then He said, "I came from God," out of here, He said, "I come out of here, and I'm

returning back in there."60

During this time, the Latter Rain movement was quickly gaining popularity. Branham was frequently invited to Joseph Mattsson-Boze's

Philadelphia Church in Chicago, and Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones of

Indianapolis Indiana was starting his career as a "faith healer" in the Latter

Rain movement. By the time William Branham joined Joseph Mattsson-Boze in supporting Jim Jones' and Jones converted to the "Message",

William Branham had repositioned his stage persona's stance to be once

again against Trinitarianism.

58 Branham, William. 1953, June 13. God's Provided Way 59 Branham, William. 1954, April 1. God's Preparation 60 Branham, William. 1954, September 2. South Africa Testimony


Therefore let all the house of Israel know... (Listen to

this.)... that God has made this same Jesus, whom you... crucified, both Lord and Christ. What about that? Is He

a third Person of the trinity, or is He the entire trinity? He

is the entire fullness of the Godhead, bodily.61

This stance, however, was not consistent. Many were already familiar with William Branham's Trinitarian stage persona. When speaking to

specific audiences, Branham used the Trinitarian stage persona, still

naming the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the trinity, and described

Jesus Christ (the Second Person) going to the Father (the First Person).

So One that has been among us, died and rose again, is

glorified in the Presence of God tonight, comes back in the

form of the third Person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit, and

dwells in us, and moves, and proves Himself to be the same Lord Jesus. "A little while and the world sees Me no

more; yet ye shall see Me for I'll be with you, in you. The

works that I do, shall you do also. More than this shall

you do, for I go to My Father." I wonder in the light of this Scripture, if you've come tonight, if you're not a Christian

would you raise your hand and say, "Brother Branham,

pray for me just now. I here want to raise my hands to

Christ and say I haven't lived the right life. Be merciful to

me, Lord Jesus."62

Now, you know what's the matter with the church? It's

been so cold till it's got a spiritual cold. And it'll take more

than coon grease to open your eyes. It'll take the oil of the Holy Spirit and the power of the resurrection of Christ

to take the coldness away from the church and open their

eyes, that they might see the Presence of the Lord Jesus.

Let Him open your eyes. He's the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity here tonight to grease up your eyes

with God's salve: open your eyes.63

It wasn't until 1961 that William Branham fully eliminated the Trinitarian doctrine from his stage persona. In January of that year,

Branham began to claim that he had "THUS SAITH THE LORD" (divine

revelation) that Trinitarianism was "of the devil".

61 Branham, William. 1957, August 25. Hebrews Chapter Two 2 62 Branham, William. 1958, February 8. The Queen Of The South 63 Branham, William. 1958, March 16. Door To The Heart


Now, my precious brother, I know this is a tape also. Now,

don't get excited. Let me say this with godly love, the hour has approached where I can't hold still on these

things no more, too close to the Coming. See?

"Trinitarianism is of the devil!" I say that THUS SAITH THE

LORD! Look where it come from. It come from the Nicene Council when the Catholic church become in rulership. The

word "trinity" is not even mentioned in the entire Book of

the Bible. And as far as three Gods, that's from hell.

There's one God. That's exactly right.64

In some audiences, however, Branham attempted to find common

ground by combining the Second and Third Persons of the Trinity. He

positioned himself as opposing to this view, however, by saying "You call it the Third Person of the Trinity".

Now, look at that Angel with His back turned, told Sarah

what she was thinking about. If that ain't the Word of God, I don't know it. The Bible said in Hebrews 4 that,

"The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and

even a discerner of the thoughts of the heart and mind."

Right. It discerns; It's the Word of God. And the Word of God is in you if you'll let the Word, because He is the

Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

was with God, and the Word was God; and the Word was

made flesh, and dwelled among us." See that? Then that same Word, Christ, the promise, the Holy Ghost; you call

It the third Person of the trinity, that's fine, that's what It

is, Christ, the Holy Ghost in you. He was in a Pillar of Fire


Later that same year, Branham's stage persona fully rejected the

Trinity and removed all common ground. He did so in a sermon entitled

"The Comforter", in which he publicly stated the change in position for his stage persona. After this sermon, Branham made no attempt at switching

between the opposing viewpoints of his stage personas.

Not the third person of the trinity; no trinity in It. He is

God, and God alone, made manifest in flesh.66

64 Branham, William. 1961, January 8. Revelation Chapter Four 3 65 Branham, William. 1961, February 11. Abraham 66 Branham, William. 1961, October 1. The Comforter


Now, when Jesus came, He wasn't just a man. He wasn't just the third Person of the trinity. He, He was God. He

was God, Himself.67

In 1962, as his stage persona began to shift into claims of deity,

Branham began claiming that his stage persona's stance against Trinitarianism was fulfillment of the Book of Revelation from the New

Testament and that he himself was sent to "reveal" the rejection of

Trinitarianism as a "mystery".

Where, the extreme Trinitarianism has brought it into titles of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." And the mystery of the

Godhead being fulfilled in the baptism of the Name of

"Jesus Christ," according to the Book of the Revelations,

that the Church in this time was to receive. There is some of the mysteries. The Pillar of Fire returning back. Amen!

That's the thing that's supposed to take place, and we see

it. Oh, how we could go on, naming the mysteries!68

67 Branham, William. 1963, April 28. Look 68 Branham, William. 1962, December 30. Is This The Sign Of The End Sir


A trinity of frogs! A frog is an animal that always looks

backward. He never looks where he's going; he looks where he's come from. See? Don't you see? Where was

Trinitarianism born at? Remember, "three unclean

spirits," individual spirits. Are you getting it?

[Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Notice, they look back to the Nicaea Council where the trinity doctrine was born

at, not in the Bible. There's no such a thing. They look

back to the Nicaea Council at Nicaea, Rome, where the

trinity was born at. Notice where they come from. Notice. And the trinity of frogs came out of an old trinity, give

birth to a new trinity, their mother. What'd it come out

of? A trinity, "the dragon," see, "the beast," and "the false

prophet." A trinity, new. For when were these frogs come out? When did it? Notice, they was there all the time, but

it wasn't manifested until between the Sixth and Seventh

Vial, just before the Seals opened to reveal it. "For in the

Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God would be known," all these Trinitarian things, and false

baptisms, and everything was to be made manifest. God

help us to see what's Truth! And not think it's somebody

trying to say something to...69

False teachers can rise, teaching all kind of Trinitarianism

and everything else, and be anointed with the Holy Ghost,

and perform just as many miracles as the true Gospel can.

But by the Word here, that's what does it. See what I mean? Now, it's all right to teach this, I guess, I'm--I'm

in a interdenominational tabernacle this morning, in--in

this hotel here.70

69 Branham, William. 1965, July 25. The Anointed Ones At The End Time 70 Branham, William. 1965, November 27. Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will


1907 BIRTH YEAR In later versions of his stage persona, William Branham claimed to

have been born in the year 1909, which he claimed to be spiritually

significant based on astrology.71 According to the information given by

William Branham's parents for government records and newspaper

accounts, however, William Branham's birth year was 1907. The 1920 Census is the earliest official record yet identified.72 In January 1920,

William Branham's parents stated that William Branham was 12 on his last

birthday, which would have been April 1919 placing William's birth year in

1907. This age and birth year would continue to be used by William Branham's parents throughout his childhood.

In June of 1934, while working with Hope Brumbach as an elder in Roy

E. Davis' Pentecostal Baptist Church, William Branham and Hope

Brumbach were married. At this time, Branham claimed that his birth year was April 8, 1908.73

In a 1949 sermon in Zion IL before a group of followers of John

Alexander Dowie, Branham alleged that Dowie's "prophecy" regarding a

"coming revival." was describing his ministry. Two years later, addressing Raymond T. Richey, Branham again reminds Richey of Dowie's prophecy.

In this sermon, Branham makes the claim that Dowie "died on one day,

and I [William Branham] was borned on the next."74 (Both Richey and F.

F. Bosworth were also followers of John Alexander Dowie until they left to join the Assemblies of God.) Dowie died on March 9, 1907, making

Branham's birth year claim to be March 10, 1907.

Starting in 1952, William Branham introduced a story into the

background of his stage persona describing a fortune-teller who informed him that his birthdate was significant in the world of astrology.75

According to Branham, the "mystic woman" quickly recognized his "spirit,"

and asked him, "Sir, did you know that you were born under a sign?"

71 Branham, William. 1960, Feb 10. The Revelation That Was Given To Me. 60-0210. “And she said, ‘You

were borned under that sign.’ And she said, ‘What if I tell you when you were born, would — would you believe me?’ I said, "Lady, you can't read my mind. I won't believe it. " And she said, ‘You were born on April the 6th, 1909, at five o'clock in the morning.’ She said, ‘That's when certain stars,’ she said,

‘crossed or something.’ (Or astronomy. ) “ 72

Fourteenth Census of the United States (Birth locations of siblings) 73

Marriage License: William Branham and Hope Brumbach. 1934, Jun 22. Clark County Courthouse. 74 Branham, William. 1951, Sept 29. “How Doctor Dowie, in his death, prophesied that I would come to that city forty years from the time that he died. Not knowing nothing about it, he died on one day, and I was borned on the next. And forty years to the day I entered the city, not knowing nothing about it. Oh, how God’s great move is coming together. I hear the sound of abundance of rain.” 75 Branham, William. 1952, Jul 13. 52-0713A. “She said, ‘Well, I work in the White House.’ And she said, ‘Right as you go in the steps of the White House, there’s a astronomer calendar.’ Said, ‘There’s a sailor standing behind you. Ask him if the moon doesn’t control the tides.’ I said, ‘I got sense enough to

know that.’ See? And she said, ‘Well, that’s right.’ Said, ‘And your birth has something…’ Said, ‘Perhaps, I will tell you just exactly when you was born, would you believe me?’ And I said, ‘You can’t do it in the first place.’ See? She said, ‘Oh, yes, I can.’ I said, ‘Let’s hear you.’ Said, ‘You was born on April the 6th at five o’clock in the morning in 1909.’


Using this theme, Branham started promoting the notion that "before God

does anything on earth, He declares it in the heavens," using the Biblical star that the Magi followed to find the Christ Child as an example

paralleling his stage persona. He alleged that the same star that led the

Magi to Christ led astrologers to his birth.76

76 Branham, William. 1952, Jul 13. Early Spiritual Experiences. 52-0713. “She said, ‘Three wise men, the Magis was following three different stars, they didn't know when they were coming. ‘ Said, ‘When they gathered together, and met each other at the Bethlehem gate, following three different stars, and they formed the one morning star, that hung over the Christ... ‘ And she said, ‘One was from the lineage of

Ham, Shem, and Japheth, the three sons of Noah. ‘ And said, ‘Those three stars went together and made the one star that hung over Christ. ‘ And said, ‘Then when they separated, they've never went to their orbits, they've never been since. ‘ And said, ‘Now, all the stargazers in the country never seen such as that.”


TODDLER PROPHECY As early as 1951,77 William Branham introduced a story into his stage

persona describing his prophetic gifts as a toddler at age three. Branham

claimed to have been a mouthpiece for God to his parents, instructing

them to move “near a city called New Albany.”78 In some accounts made

available to the public, Branham claimed that a voice spoke to him from a tree and gave him this prophecy.79 According to Branham, this event

happened at the early age of fifteen80 or eighteen months — a time when

most children are learning motor skills and attempting to grasp the basics

of language. The details of this prophecy changed over time depending upon the

version of Branham’s stage persona or the audience to which he was

speaking. Sometimes Branham claimed this vision came to him as early

as fifteen months, while in other accounts he described this prophecy being given around age four.81 The accounts claiming the vision came at

age four would seem more likely based upon the rate of child development

and the descriptions of the setting during the “prophetic” event, but they

do not align with the historical record. According to United States Census reports,82 the Branham family had already been in Indiana for almost a

year by William Branham’s age four. The birth of William's younger

brother, Melvin Branham, took place after the family moved to Clark

County, Indiana. The United States Census presents significant issues with not only

Branham’s “Toddler Prophecy” claim, but also many other details woven

through various iterations of the “Life Story” presented by the differing

versions of William Branham’s stage persona. The birthdates of his siblings are in direct conflict with Branham's descriptions of his brothers

and sister in the Kentucky log cabin. Branham often described himself

wearing a toddler's dress, and described his brother "Humpy" crawling

around in the same outfit. According to William Branham, the alleged prophecy took place while Humpy was still crawling on the floor wearing

that dress.

77 Branham, William. 1951, May 1. Exhortation Of Divine Healing. “Later on when I was about three

years old, I remember hearing a voice speak to me and tell me that I would live near a city called New Albany.” 78

Branham, William. 1955, Nov 14. The Darkest Hour Then Jesus Comes Along, San Fernando, Ca. 55-

1114. “Visions, the first thing I remember as a little baby boy was a vision. I wasn't eighteen months old when I told my mother where we'd live at, And spent my life near New Albany.” 79 Branham, William. 1958, Oct 5. Hear His Voice. “And I thought It was a bird sitting in a tree, but the bird flew away. He said, ‘Don’t fear, ’cause you’re going to leave from here some day, and live near a city called New Albany.’” 80 Branham, William. 1953, Nov 4. Deep Calleth Unto The Deep Owensboro, Ky. 53-1104. “At about fifteen, eighteen months old I had my first vision.” 81 Branham, William. 1957, Aug 11. Expectations And Leadings Of The Spirit, Edmonton, Ab. 57-0811. “When I was about three or four, between three and four years old, He spoke to me. I was in the mountains of Kentucky, said, "You'll live near a city called New Albany. " 82 Fourteenth Census of the United States (Birth locations of siblings)


Edward “Humpy” Branham was born in Kentucky on May 12, 1910.

During some versions of his “Life Story” accounts, Branham claimed to have been born April 6, 1909. He also admitted that the family moved to

Indiana less than a year later, which would place the family's relocation

around May 12, 1912. The next oldest brother, Melvin Branham, was born

in Indiana in 1912. The United States Census confirms that of the siblings, only William and Humpy were born in Kentucky. This becomes

problematic in the versions of Branham’s stage persona that used a “Life

Story” having all siblings in the Kentucky log cabin at the same time.83 It

becomes even more problematic in the versions of the “Life Story” that included tales of hunting and trapping to support his widowed mother84

and siblings85 in the cabin – According to the United States Census,

Branham’s father was very much alive when the family migrated to


83 Ex: Branham, William. 1959, April 19. My Life Story. “I was born in a little mountain cabin, way up in the mountains of Kentucky. They had one room that we lived in, no rug on the floor, not even wood on the floor, it was just simply a bare floor. And a stump, top of a stump cut off with three legs on it,

that was our table. And all those little Branhams would pile around there, and out on the front of the little old cabin, and wallowed out, looked like where a bunch of opossums had been wallowing out there in the dust, you know, all the little brothers. There was nine of us, and one little girl, and she really

had a rough time amongst that bunch of boys.” 84

Branham, William. 1955, Oct 1. “I said, ‘Yes, sir, that's right.’ I said-I said, ‘I know my grammar's awful.’ I said, ‘I'm sorry about that.’ I said, ‘I was raised in a family of ten, and I was the oldest. And my

daddy died, and I had to take care of ten children, and my mother...’ I said, ‘I didn't get a chance to get an education.’" 85 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 2. “Well, we was raised up in the mountains of Kentucky. And my grandpa used to hunt raccoons. And he would take the grease, and render it up, and make some kind of a little lard out of it. And mama used to keep that raccoon grease setting around, when us kiddies got cold in our eyes, sleeping in an old house with clapboard shingles on it, and a piece of canvas over the top of the bed, keep the snow and rain off of us. No floor, just a stump sawed off at the top for a

table, a little old bed with a fence rail around it and a piece of canvas tacked on it and shucks for a bed... Don't know what hard times is... And our eyes would get cold in them, and they'd shut up, swell shut. And little, mama called it, "matter" would get in our eyes. And she'd go get this old bowl of coon grease, and grease up our eyes and make them soft, so that we could open our eyes and see daylight again.”


BRIDGE PROPHECY During the construction of the Big Four Bridge that spans the Ohio

River from Jeffersonville, IN, to Louisville, KY, several men drown during

a tragic accident. In 1890, a section of the bridge collapsed, trapping

several of the men inside one of the caissons. Details of this tragedy were described by newspaper reporters in several states, some of which

described "sixteen men" drowning.86 This event happened before William

Branham’s alleged birth year of 1909.

In 1928, construction began on a second bridge spanning the Ohio River connecting Jeffersonville to Louisville.87 The George Rogers Clark

Memorial Bridge began construction in June 1928 and was opened to the

public on October 31, 1929. The project was closely monitored by the

United States Coast Guard,88 and only two non-drowning deaths occurred, neither the result of drowning.89 A journal was maintained by the Coast

Guard, and included events transpiring between two-hour segments of

each day. The logs described everything from the barometric pressures

to the groceries and other supplies needed by the men at work. In March of 1948, William Branham began claiming to have had a

prophecy concerning the George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge as a child

and prior to its construction. He claimed to have been told by a vision

that sixteen men would fall to their deaths and die by drowning during the construction of the second bridge. According to Branham, the vision

included a sign with the number "22", meaning that twenty-two years

after the "prophecy" the event would take place.

86 A Dreadful Fate. 1890, Jan 10. Sterling Daily Gazette. "Louisville, Jan 10 -- Sixteen men working in a caisson used in the excavation of a foundation for a pier of the new bridge across the Ohio river between this city and Jeffersonville were caught by a sudden burst of waater, it is thought, by a too rapid excavation, and are believed to have drowned." 87 1929, Oct 29. The New Bridge -- Chronologically. The Courier Journal.1929, Oct 29. The New Bridge -- Chronologically. The Courier Journal. 88 Coast Guard Life Saving Station. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from

http://searchingforvindication.com/2013/03/09/Coast-Guard-Life-Saving-Station/ 89 Documented Bridge Deaths. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from http://searchingforvindication.com/2013/02/25/Documented-Bridge-Deaths/. “We discovered that only two men had died during the construction in our first visit to the Indiana State Library.”


A little later on, about two weeks later I was playing

marbles with my brother, and I felt something come to me. We lived up on a hill, and the river was below us: a

wilderness around. And I saw a bridge come up out of the

wilderness. And it started across the river. Sixteen men

dropped off in-into the water and perished. And I seen a big sign, it said "twenty-two years." I run in and told my

mother. Oh, she said, "Son, you're nervous. You went to

sleep and you were dreaming. " I said, "No. No. I saw it.

" So they wrote it down on a piece of paper. And twenty-two years from then, the great bridge crossed the river,

and twen-sixteen men dropped off of it and-and drowned

in the river. Every time, it's perfect. – Branham, William.

1955, Jun 26. My Life Story. 55-0626

There are many issues with this alleged prophecy, from the bridge

having the actual tragic event in 1890 that William Branham appears to

have confused with the second bridge to the way in which men died during the construction of the second bridge. The most significant issue,

however, is the “sign” describing twenty-two years, and Branham’s claim

that he saw this “sign” twenty-two years before the “accident” happened.

Twenty-two years before the Bridge’s construction in 1929 would be 1907, Branham's most plausible birth year, which is two years before his alleged

1909 birth year. Simply put, by also claiming a 1909 birth year, William

Branham alleged that he had a “prophecy” two years before his birth.

In 2014, after the Coast Guard Logs were made public and the “Bridge Prophecy” came into question, William Branham’s “Message” cult

headquarters, Voice of God Recordings, published a video containing a

testimony of Jeffersonville native John (Jack) Vissing.90 Though Vissing

does not appear to be "believer" in William Branham's "Message," and details of his "testimony" do not match William Branham's "prophecy,"

Voice of God Recordings used Vissing's statements to defend Branham's


90 John (Jack) Vissing Testimony on the Second Street Bridge and William Branham . Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUKB3K2965g


1933 BAPTISM In February of 1955, William Branham began claiming to have held a

baptismal service in the banks of the Ohio River91 that drew international

fame.92 He claimed that this event happened in June of 1933. According

to his description of the event, thousands attended93 and over five

hundred were baptized.94 Branham claimed that as he was immersing the seventeenth person, a light shone from the heavens and God Himself

spoke to announce William Branham’s spiritual significance.95 In a story

that parallels Jesus' baptism by John, Branham claimed that God

announced: "As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, you have the Message that'll now forerun the second Coming of


When combining the various details concerning the event that were

described by all variations of William Branham’s stage persona, this was no small gathering. As many as ten thousand people attended to witness

“God speaking”, and as many as five hundred people entered the water

for baptism. The alleged event occurred very early in the baptismal

service, an alleged four hundred and eighty-three people baptized after God “spoke”. If these details are accurate, and the associated press

picked up the story as Branham claimed, it would be very easy to identify

countless articles in newspaper archives describing the event. At

minimum, one of those newspapers would proudly be displayed at Branham’s “Message” cult headquarters, Voice of God Recordings. To

date, only one single article can be identified from May of 1933 published

in the local Jeffersonville Evening News:

91 Branham, William. 1955, Feb 27. The Healing Of Jairus' Daughter. “I was baptizing them down at the end of Spring Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana, in the Ohio River, when… nearly seven or eight thousand people standing on the bank, bear witness, that two o’clock in the evening, June, 1933, how

that a Pillar of Fire come down out of heaven, and hung over where I was standing.” 92 Branham, William. 1964, Apr 27. A Trial. “Newspapers packed it all across the nation, plumb into Canada. We got the clippings. ‘Mystic Light appears over local Baptist minister while preaching, or

baptizing.’” 93

Branham, William. 1950, Mar. Gifts And Callings Are Without Repentance, Carlsbad, New Mexico. 50-0300. “After while, I met up with the Full Gospel people. And I... Just before then, I received the baptism

of the Holy Ghost. And then look like it just kept coming more and more. And then it, He appeared on the river, one time when I was baptizing before probably ten thousand people, like a great morning star came down where I was standing. Thousands seen It. He went back right into the heavens.” 94 Branham, William. 1950, Aug 13. God Revealing Himself To His People. 50-0813. "But It appeared down there on the Ohio River before nearly ten thousand people while I was baptizing in August. I was baptizing some fi-five hundred, I guess, that afternoon. 95 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 19. 65-0219 - This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled When I was baptizing

my seventeenth person, under this Witness; and you know the rest of the story. And when I was standing there, baptizing the seventeenth person, a Light come down from Heaven, shining down above there, like a Star falling from the Heaven. 96 Branham, William. 1963, Nov 30. Go Awake Jesus.


Considering the fact that most of William Branham’s accounts of this

event describe God speaking after the seventeenth person was baptized,

the single newspaper account of Branham’s baptismal service describing

only fourteen conversions combined with the absence of other newspaper coverage raises several questions. Branham’s newspaper claim becomes

even more problematic considering the timeline. At the time, William

Branham was still affiliated with Roy E. Davis.97

Roy E. Davis was an official spokesperson for the Ku Klux Klan who briefly operated in Jeffersonville, IN after narrowly escaping felony

conviction in Louisville, KY for sex with a minor and swindling his church

congregation. While fighting criminal and civil battles, Davis attempted

to drum up religious support through making wild claims in the local newspapers. When the Jeffersonville newspaper refused to publish Davis’

descriptions of the events that took place in his religious gatherings, Davis

began publishing his own newspaper.

97 Branham, William. 1955, Feb 27. The Healing Of Jairus' Daughter. “ I’m a Baptist preacher, out of a Missionary Baptist church, ordained by Dr. Roy E. Davis out of Dallas, Texas, and was made a local elder for the church at Jeffersonville. My first revival, five hundred came to Jesus Christ out of a three thousand congregation when I was twenty—about twenty-two years old.”


A publication with the name “The Banner of Truth” at its

head published by Roy E. Davis, of the First Pentecostal Baptist Church, claims to owe its existence to the refusal

of the Evening News to take a “write-up” of the services

and Sunday School of his church, giving as his reason that

we intended to prevent his getting publicity, but he does not state that when he began preaching here a short time

ago he brought his own write-up to us every morning

following his meeting the previous night and written as

though it was the product of our own force and that he continued this daily until we stopped it, wondering why he

should expect us to give him daily publicity contrary to the

policy of this paper.98

98 Church Publicity Policy Explained. 1931, April 18. Evening News.


1933 PROPHECIES As late as 1953,99 William Branham began claiming to have had a

series of prophecies in the early 1930s predicting events leading to the

destruction of the United States100 resulting in the End of Days.

Depending upon the version of Branham’s stage persona, the details for this “prophetic” event vary significantly, from the number of prophecies

and their descriptions to the location the event took place, to the storage

of an alleged paper with the prophecies transcribed before their

fulfillment, to the year in which the event took place. Branham is almost universally remembered has having a distinct seven prophecies in the year

1933, however, by his cult following101 and authors102 not familiar with

the differing versions of Branham’s stage persona and prophetic claims.

Branham claimed that they came in the form of a vision while leaving or preparing to leave for Roy E. Davis' “Baptist” church.103 Depending

upon the version of the account given, Branham described seven varying

"prophecies" allegedly given to him in a vision in the year 1931,104

99 Branham, William. 1953, Mar 26. Israel and the Church #2. “How many of you people heard years ago down here when they was going to have me arrested down here for preaching on that ‘mark of the

beast’? When I said that Mussolini, when he first come in power twenty-some-odd years ago, I said, ‘If Mussolini ever goes towards Ethiopia, mark this down, there will never be peace till Jesus Christ comes.’ And I said, “There’ll be three great isms, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism.” And I said, ‘They’ll wind up in one ism, and that one ism will dominate the world and will burn the Vatican City.’ You remember me saying that years and years and years ago.” 100 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 25. Conference. “Then I turned to look and I seen the United States was a smoldering something had burned it up. And down beneath there I said, not in the trance, but,

‘I predict…’ (remember this, I guess this is taped too), ‘I predict that these things will take place between now, 1933 and 1977.’” 101 Seven Visions. 2016, Jul 5. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from

https://branham.org/articles/6292016_SevenVisions. “On a Sunday morning in June of 1933, Brother Branham was given a series of seven visions that would happen before the Coming of the Lord.” 102

Weaver, Douglas. 2000. The Healer-prophet: William Marrion Branham. “In one of his scrolls, Frisby

included Branham's seven "prophetic" visions of 1933 to compare the similar content of his own prophecies.” 103 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 25. “And I was a pastor of the Baptist church there. I didn’t even know what a vision meant, and now, them things that happened I’d calling it falling into a trance. I didn’t know to call it a vision. At that time I was just a boy: 1933, on June. 5 I was on my way to Sunday school, and when I was getting my Bible, a vision came before me; and I was stopped in the floor. And here was what it said. It’s on yellow paper. Will be printed in the “Herald of Faith” right away, because

most all of it is fulfilled. 1933—think of this now. Many, many years ago, about twenty-eight years ago it—it taken place.” 104 Branham, William. 1961, Mar 19. Jezebel Religion. “1931. Seven things happened. I got it right on paper here, with me, wrote it in 1931.”


1932,105 or 1933.106 He frequently claimed that the fulfillment of his

“prophecies” would occur before 1977, which he claimed to be a result of “divine revelation”.107

In some accounts, Branham claimed to have written them down either

on the flyleaf of his Bible108 or on a yellow piece of paper109 that he kept

in his home110 or in his church.111 In one sermon he allegedly read from this paper, reading the year 1932,112 and announcing that his associates

Gene Goad and Leo Mercier would be altering the list of prophecies to

"bring them up to date".113 Regardless, the year "1933" and "seven

prophecies" would become a fundamental part of the latest version of his stage persona.

There are as many as fifteen distinct "prophecies", considering the

variations in their descriptions and the timeline in which they were

introduced into list. Some changes were significant, and appear to be politically motivated. The “prophecy of the women’s vote”, for example,

was introduced as William Branham and Roy E. Davis were raising

opposition to John F. Kennedy during the battle for Civil Rights.114 Other

of the variations in prophetic claims are minor, such as the addition and/or removal of specific details. The list of “prophecies” that William Branham

is most often remembered for include:

1. Roosevelt115 (later changed to Hitler116) would lead America into a

105 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation By Representation. “I’d like to read something to you. ‘1932.’ Listen to this. ‘As I was on my way, or as I was getting ready to go on my way to church this morning, it came to pass that I fell into a vision.’” 106 Branham, William. 1956, May 13. Teaching on Moses. “between now and ’77, I predict that either

a great destruction or a total annihilation of the entire earth, between now and ’77, I predicted it in 1933.” 107 Branham, William. An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages. “I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with Divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium.” 108 Branham, William. 1958, Jul 20. By Faith, Moses. “It’s wrote, and laying in the stone, on the fly-leaf of my Bible” 109 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 25. Conference. “It’s on yellow paper. Will be printed in the “Herald of Faith” right away, because most all of it is fulfilled.” 110 Branham, William. 1961, Aug 6. The Seventieth Week of Daniel. “It’s wrote down on old paper, at

home. It’s already in print and went out around the world. See? That was in 1933.” 111

Branham, William. 1963, Nov 17. Once More. “It’s on old paper there at the church.” 112

Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation By Representation. “I’d like to read something to

you. ‘1932.’ 113 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation by Representation. “By the way, Mr. Mercier and many of them are going to take some of these old prophecies, and dig them out, and revise them a little, or bring them up to date, and put them in papers.” 114 For a full and complete view into this opposition, see Collins, John. Preacher behind the White Hoods: A Critical Examination of William Branham and His Message” 115 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 11. The Laodicean Church Age. “1933, it’s on paper. Of how that

“Roosevelt would cause…he helped cause the world to go to war.” 116 Branham, William. An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages . “The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war.”


second world war

2. Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that would be his last invasion117

3. The Maginot118 (or Siegfried Line119) would be built

4. Cars will become shaped like an egg120 (later changed to include

automatic guidance systems121) 5. The United States would be ruled by a woman122 (later changed to

President Kennedy123 and the Catholic Church124)

6. A progression of decay in the morality of women125

7. The United States would be smoldering and burning126

Variations in the prophecies include:

1. Roosevelt would take America into a second world war 2. Hitler would take America into a second world war

3. Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that would be his last invasion

4. The Maginot would be built

5. The Siegfried Line would be built 6. Cars will become shaped like an egg

7. Cars will have automatic guidance systems

8. The United States would be ruled by a woman

117 Branham, William. 1964, Jul 26. Broken Cisterns. “And now I have predicted by revelation from God, or a vision in 1933, that seven things would happen before the end time. And that, one of them, that, “Mussolini, who was then becoming dictator, he would become dictator; and also, he would make an invasion and go down to Ethiopia and would take Ethiopia; and the Spirit, It said, ‘he shall fall at his step.’” 118 Branham, William. 1958, Sep 27. Why Are We Not A Denomination? “And in 1933, when the Lord…When we was having meetings over here where that church of Christ is standing now, the old Masonic home, the vision of the Lord came to me up here and predicted that “Germany would rise up and put that Maginot Line there.” 119 Branham, William. An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages. “It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it.” 120 Branham, William. 1956, May 13. Teaching on Moses. “I saw a vision, that, ‘Before the Coming of

the Lord, that cars would look like an egg.’” 121 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 11. The Laodicean Church Age. “And I said, “Finally they will invent a car that they won’t have to have a steering wheel in it. I seen a family going down the…Call it, ‘road,’

in a glass-top car, great big fine-looking roads and fine car. And they were sitting, looking at one another, and the car was running by itself, going right on around the curves and everything.” 122

Branham, William. 1956, Apr 28. God’s Covenant With Abraham. “I predict this: that a woman will

be president before we’re annihilated. That’s right. I said that in 1933 by a vision.” 123 Branham, William. 1964, Apr 3. Jehovah Jireh. “He give seven things in 1933, would happen. And now every one of them has come to pass but two things, perfectly, just exactly. How that even President Kennedy would be taken in.” 124 Branham, William. 1960, Jul 16. From That Time. “She’ll either be President, Vice President, or it’ll be the Catholic Church as a woman.” 125 Branham, William. 1964, Jul 26. Recognizing Your Day and It’s Message. “how that women would

wear garments and look like men, even like their underneath clothes; and would finally come to putting fig leaves, like, on them. How the immoral act, how they would act in this day.” 126 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 25. Conference. “Then I turned to look and I seen the United States was a smoldering something had burned it up.”


9. The United States would be ruled by the Catholic Church

10. The United States would be ruled by President Kennedy 11. Women will wear fig leaves

12. The United States would be destroyed

13. Do not eat eggs127

14. Do not live in valleys 15. The United States will worship a woman named Mary.128

16. Three “Isms” (Fascism, Communism, Romanism) will rise, and one

“Ism” will rule – God didn’t state which.129

17. Fascism, Communism, and Romanism will rise, and Communism will take over the world.130

18. Romanism will take over the world131

127 Branham, William. 1963, Jul 21. He Cares, Do You Care? “I was prophesying, and said, “It shall come to pass in the last days, don’t live in a valley and don’t eat eggs.” I’ve got it on my book. I thought there was something about that, and I went and looked at it. “Don’t eat eggs.” That was way back in 1933.” 128 Branham, William. 1961, Mar 19. Jezebel Religion. 61-0319. There'll come a worship of a woman in the United States, and that'll be Mary. I seen it, thirty—1931. Seven things happened. I got it right on paper here with me, wrote it in 1931. How that I said, "This President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he will

cause all the world, help do it, send the world to war. " Hadn't come to war yet, during time of the depression. I said, "Another thing... " And my mother, a square-back Democrat, if she didn't look at me hard when I said that. I said, "I don't care if there's a Republican or if he was a Socialist or whatever he

is, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD. ". 129

Branham, William. 1954, Jan 3. Questions and Answers #1. “I was preaching this same thing down here at the Redman’s Hall that night. Yes, sir. Saying, “There’ll be three isms. And they would all heap

up in one ism, and that ism will bring forth a persecution that would send Jesus Christ to the earth again.” And that’s exactly so. And that was Communism, and—and Hitler and—and Nazi, and so forth; and how that Fascism of Mussolini, and Hitler, and Stalin. I said, “One of them will take the place. I don’t know which one it’ll be” 130 Branham, William. 1957, Jan 20. God Keeps His Word. “But now we are fixing…As years ago, by the Holy Spirit, I’ve always told you, before. When Hitler and Mussolini raised, I said, “It’ll all heap up. Communism will take the whole thing, and come down from the north.” 131 Branham, William. 1962, Jul 26. A Testimony Upon the Sea. “Bible says Romanism will take over, not communism. Look at Daniel’s vision. See? Not—not communism, it’s a puppet in God’s hands to destroy Romanism.”



In January 1937, the Ohio River flooded in what would become one of the most devastating floods in American history. Torrential rains, sleet,

and freezing rain filled the Ohio River from January 9 to January 23,

raising the water to its highest recorded level at Louisville, KY. The water

crested at 51.1 feet and eventually reached 57.15 feet above flood stage on the upper gauge. Central and Western Louisville, KY, Jeffersonville

and New Albany, IN were almost completely destroyed. Sixty percent of

Louisville flooded, and two-thirds of the city's population was forced to be

evacuated. As early as 1950,132 William Branham began claiming that he was a

Baptist minister133 who converted to the Pentecostal faith after a series of

events during the 1937 flood resulted in the deaths of his wife, Hope

Branham, and daughter, Sharon Rose Branham. According to William Branham's "Life Story" speeches and publications, he had avoided

Pentecostalism at the request of his mother-in-law,134 and for that reason,

he claimed that God punished him by killing those he loved most.

According to Branham, several family members died within a few days.135 This tragic event became an integral part of multiple versions of

William Branham's stage persona. During the height of the Latter Rain

Revival, many churches in the Latter Rain sect of Pentecostalism would

invite William Branham to speak about his "Life Story".136 The supernatural claims associated with the Great Flood of 1937 were received

as confirmation of the movement's focus upon a last and final wave of

Pentecostalism before the destruction of world systems.

While many fundamental parts of Branham’s “Life Story” accounts are based on actual events, many details change and often conflict between

versions of William Branham’s stage persona. The association of the 1937

flood to Branham’s transition to Pentecostalism disagrees with the

historical timeline; While claiming that God punished him by claiming the

132 Branham, William. 1950, Feb. Here We Have No Continuing City. “Oh, the 1937 flood came up and there was sorrow. I never will forget it. Wife was laying just at the point of death. I went and I was praying for her, doing everything I knew. And every time I’d pray, looked like… I went and told my

church. I said, “She’s going to die.” Said, “No, that’s just…” I said, “She’s going to die as certain as anything.” My babies, both of them were sick, the flood come up and everything, houses breaking over, and rushing, and miles of water sweeping over the country. And they taken my wife out to the hospital,

to the government hospital, temporary hospital. And I was on patrol duty. And I was riding up-and-down the streets, and trying to get the people out.” 133 Branham, William. 1952, Jul 13. Early Spiritual Experiences. “I was a Christian then, a Baptist minister. I stood there, I said, “Why, there’s going to be… I seen a vision, and there’s going to be twenty-two feet of water over that street down there.” 134 Branham, William. 1951, Apr 15. Life Story. “And—and there, friends, is where my sorrows started. I listened to my mother-in-law in the stead of God.” 135 Branham, William. 1965, Sep 11. God’s Power to Transform. “So, I know how to sympathize with Brother Demos. I had a father, brother, wife, and baby, to go within a few days apart, so I—I know how he feels this morning.” 136 Example: Branham, William. 1951, Jul 22. Life Story (Toledo, OH)


lives of his wife and daughter for remaining Baptist and avoiding the

“Pentecostal Call”, Branham was ordained by Roy E. Davis into Pentecostalism137 as early as 1933138 – six years before the 1947 flood.

After Davis was extradited to Arkansas on charges of Grand Theft and his

congregation transitioned to Branham’s leadership, William Branham

established the “Billie Branham Pentecostal Tabernacle”. The deed for Branham’s Pentecostal church was signed November 9, 1936 – several

weeks before the 1937 flood.139

In some versions of William Branham’s stage persona, Branham

associated the death of his first wife and daughter with the 1937 flood, describing his journey through raging flood waters by boat and arriving at

the hospital shortly before their deaths. According to Hope Branham’s

death certificate, however, she suffered from tuberculosis starting January

1936, and died in late July long after the flood waters subsided.140

137 Davis, Roy. Wm. Branham’s First Pastor. 1950, Oct. Voice of Healing. "I am the minister who received Brother Branham into the first Pentecostal assembly he ever frequented. I baptized him, and was his pastor for some two years. I also preached his ordination sermon, and signed his ordination certificate, and heard him preach his first sermon.". 138 First Pentecostal Baptist Church. 1933, Feb 18. The Evening News. “Elder Wm. Bronham [sig] in charge of praise service.” 139 Warranty Deed. 1936, Nov 9. Clark County Courthouse. 140 Certificate of Death: Hope Branham. 1937, Jul 21.


FATHERLESS Charles Branham (1883-1936) was William Branham's father. In later

versions of William Branham's stage persona, when Branham claimed to

have very little education, Branham associated an "early death" of his

father Charles to his “grammar-school-level education”. According to

Branham in this version of his stage persona, he was forced to help his widowed mother and siblings by trapping and fishing. Though Charles

moved the Branham family to Jeffersonville, IN when William was age

three, these versions often included details describing a fatherless

"Huckleberry Finn" lifestyle in Kentucky. In 1952, Branham claimed that Charles died before he married Hope Branham (Brumbach).

I said, "Yes, sir, that's right." I said-I said, "I know my

grammar's awful." I said, "I'm sorry about that." I said, "I

was raised in a family of ten, and I was the oldest. And my daddy died, and I had to take care of ten children, and

my mother..." I said, "I didn't get a chance to get an


As poor as I was, and I didn’t have no Dad at that time and so forth, and ten children to take care of, and…Dad

left her nine, ten, with myself. And I thought, “How, then,

would I—would I ever be able to support someone like

that?” And I thought, “I’ve got to make up my mind. I’ve—I’ve got to either ask her…to—to marry her, or I’ve got to

let her go and let some good boy that’ll take a hold and

she’ll go with him, and marry her, and make her a good

home and everything, and she’d be happy.”142

141 Branham, William. 1955, Oct 1. Expectation. 142 Branham, William. 1952, Jul 20. Life Story


Well, we was raised up in the mountains of Kentucky. And

my grandpa used to hunt raccoons. And he would take the grease, and render it up, and make some kind of a little

lard out of it. And mama used to keep that raccoon grease

setting around, when us kiddies got cold in our eyes,

sleeping in an old house with clapboard shingles on it, and a piece of canvas over the top of the bed, keep the snow

and rain off of us. No floor, just a stump sawed off at the

top for a table, a little old bed with a fence rail around it

and a piece of canvas tacked on it and shucks for a bed... Don't know what hard times is... And our eyes would get

cold in them, and they'd shut up, swell shut. And little,

mama called it, "matter" would get in our eyes. And she'd

go get this old bowl of coon grease, and grease up our eyes and make them soft, so that we could open our eyes

and see daylight again.143

In most versions of Branham's stage persona, he correctly described

his father's death in 1936. In these versions, Branham claimed that alcohol was the cause of death. According to his death certificate, Charles

Branham died from rheumatic heart disease.

But my father died at fifty-two; drinking killed him. But I may live to be old. Usually they-when they get old, they

get the palsy, shake, when they get old. That's just the

nature of Branhams. Like it was the nature for Isaac to

be blind, and Jacob went blind, and so forth like that. It's

just the nature of our family.144

143 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 2. 58-0302 - Door To The Heart 144 Branham, William. 1956, Jan 22. The Junction Time.


FAITH HEALING William Branham is recognized by some as a fundamental leader of the

Post WWII Healing Revival.145 Posing as a Baptist minister interested in

the Pentecostal faith, Branham toured through the United States and parts

of Canada creating a movement that would involve multiple sects of Christianity and last for decades. During the first few years of its

inception, multiple groups of Pentecostals united to participate in the

revival. The revival formed a new sect which became known as The New

Order of the Latter Rain, or simply “Latter Rain”.146 For the first several years in his ministry, Branham traveled with other

ministers who preached the sermsons prior to Branham’s “healing lines”.

From Ern Baxter147 to "Little" David Walker148 the 10-year-old boy

preacher, to Assemblies of God founder and nationally recognized "faith healer" Fred Francis Bosworth,149 Branham traveled with ministers and

evangelists who had gained well-established followings. Some of them,

such as Gordon Lindsay and Ern Baxter, urged Branham not to teach,150

but to use his "gift" in healing the sick while they preached. Bosworth, whose teaching would heavily influence William Branham, was taught

under the cult leader and world-renowned faith healer, John Alexander


In later versions of his stage persona, Branham claimed to have been given his gift of healing "the very day Israel became a nation", which

145 The Healing Revival 1947-1958 – An Overview. Accessed 2020, Sept 8 from http://www.voiceofhealing.info/02_1947-1958/overview.html . “William Branham is the person universally acknowledged as the revival’s “father.” The sudden appearance of his miraculous healing campaigns in 1946, including an astonishing use of authentic spiritual gifts (notably discernment of spirits, the word of knowledge and healing) ignited the dry tinder of American Pentecostalism and fanned its flames into a mighty fire.” 146 For a detailed overview, see Joel’s Army The Manifested Sons of God. Accessed 2020, Jun 25 from

https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=102213 147 Example: Spiritual Crusade Conducted Internationally Famous Evangelists Branham-Baxter. 1952, Aug 9. Battle Creek Enquirer. 148

The Most Powerful Gospel Team in America. 1947, Sep 20. St Louis Post Dispatch. 149

A Ministry of Healing. 1949, Mar 31. Community News. “Not in forty-seven years have we seen such crowds of people here at Zion as came to the recent meetings at Grace Missionary Church as

conducted by the Rev. Fred F. Bosworth and the Rev. William Branham. 150 William Branham. 2008. Accessed 2020, Jul 25 from http://www.2rbetter.org/archives/2008-07-01%20-%20William%20Branham. "Branham had a true Gift of Healing, but was a terrible teacher. I walked out on two of his meetings while he was teaching. Gordon Lindsey prior to Baxter, tried to get Branham not to teach, but was unable to do so. I believe it was for this reason that God took him home in 1965, before he could do more harm with his teaching." 151 John Alexander Dowie – The Father of Healing Revivalism in America. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from

https://www.hopefaithprayer.com/john-alexander-dowie-father-revivalism. “Those who were influenced by Dowie include: F. F. Bosworth, John G. Lake, Charles Parham, and Lilian B. Yeomans, as well as various missionaries who went around the world with Dowie’s theological perspective on healing. Bosworth, Lake, and others later joined the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles.”


Branham incorrectly claimed to be May 6, 1946.152 (The Nation of Israel

was formed May 14, 1948153). Earlier versions of his stage persona, however, claimed that his “gift” began at other times, and early

publications describe an already thriving ministry claiming the gift of

healing. A 1945 pamphlet entitled, I Was Not Disobedient To The

Heavenly Vision, for instance, describes a different stage persona with a different start date and “divine” commission. In this pamphlet, Branham

claimed his healing ministry was initiated after having had a vision154 of

people in white robes which represented his followers. In later versions

of his stage persona, Branham claimed his “gift of healing” was the result of an angelic visitation.155

In 1947 Branham officially updated his "commission story" via

recorded sermon to include the story of an "angel visitation,"156 which

Branham would being to claim was the (new) "beginning" of his faith-healing ministry. In 1954, Branham repositioned the timeline of the

angelic version to May 6, 1947, one year closer to the actual year of

Israel’s formation.157 This change would be maintained throughout his

ministry through each iteration of his stage persona.158 Through the years, the description of this angel and the description of the surroundings

frequently changed. In some versions of Branham’s stage persona, he

did not see the face of the “angel”.159 In other versions, Branham

described the “angel’s” appearance to be that of a man with a clean-

152 Branham, William. 1954, Aug 9. The Manifestation of Thy Resurrection to the People of this Day. “The very day that Israel was declared a nation again for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, that same night the Angel of the Lord sent me out to pray for the sick, the very same time, May the 6th, 1946, the Lord Jesus did that.” 153 Creation of Israel, 1948. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/creation-israel 154 Branham William. 1945. I Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision. “It was in the month of March, 1945, one morning about 3:00 A.M. that our Lord Jesus Christ gave me a vision. ... That evening we had prayer and attended services in the large tent. Bro. Bill explained to the congregation the gift

of Divine Healing, given him by God.” 155

Branham, William. 1955, Jan 17. How An Angel Came To Me. 156

Example: Branham, William. 1947, Apr 12. Faith Is The Substance. I said, "Now, look, there was an

Angel came down into the room and told me that way back, back 'fore I was born, was foreordained to have a gift of Divine healing. And He came and told me in the room one night that God had sent the gift, and it was a gift of Divine healing for the people. And if I could get the people to believe me (believe me), and would be sincere when I prayed, that nothing would stand before the prayer. ". 157 Branham, William. 1954, Jul 18. The Great Coming Revival And The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit. And a strange thing of that, that you might not know, the very day the Angel of the Lord called me out, May the 6th, 1947, and issued the gift to pray for the sick, was the very same day that Israel become a

nation for the first time for twenty-five hundred years.” 158 Example: Branham, William. 1959, Oct 4. Who is This? “Israel became a nation in 1947, on same night the Angel of the Lord visit me.” 159 Branham, William. 1950, Mar. “But I’d never seen His face.”


shaven face.160 This life-changing event happened, according to

Branham’s earliest stage persona, in his room with a light.161 In later stage personas, the “angel” met him in either a cave, a cabin162 with a

window, Green’s or Tunnel Mill,163 or a path to the cave.164 All of

Branham’s later stage personas described the same underlying story: An

angel in the form of a man instructed William Branham to elevate the people's faith in himself.165 Branham would often quote this “angel” as

saying, "If you can get the people to believe in you, then nothing will stand

in your way, not even cancer."

Branham's campaign team issued "prayer cards" to the sick and afflicted, asking them to describe their illness, their name, and their

address.166 These cards collected by the ushers and would then be given

to Branham for prayer. Branham would then call out the numbers

associated with each prayer card. As people approached the pulpit, Branham would claim God had revealed the information written on those

same cards to him, a gift Branham called "discernment." Though

160 Branham, William. 1947, Nov 2. The Angel of God. “And coming walking through this Light, came a Man that looked like, as I said before, would weigh two hundred pounds, a huge Man. He did not have beard over His face, like Christ's picture does. Who He is, I do not know. But He had... [Blank. spot. on. tape — Ed. ]... shoulder. He was more of an olive complexion; He had dark eyes. He walked as close to

me as the microphone is there.” 161 Branham, William. 1947, Nov 2. The Angel of God. “But in the room that night when He came (to you people)… It appeared to me many times in a form of a—of a star. I’ve seen it many times. But when it came visible, it was a Man that would seemingly would weigh two hundred pounds. A little over two years ago now, I was sitting in the room. I was reading my little Scofield Bible, and I heard something. First, I saw a Light.” 162 Branham, William. 1951, Jul 17. The Manifestation Of The Spirit. "And I went to a little cabin ... I no

more than had prayed my prayer, till I seen a Light come on the floor. I looked up, and above it was that whirl of light, still there again, whirling around. But the first time in all my life… It spoke to me hundreds of times. But coming walking, I heard somebody walking. I looked like that, It scared me. It would you. And walking right to me, not a vision, just as natural as I am, come a Man about two hundred pounds in weight. He had His arms folded. He was strong looking Man, had a peaceful looking face, and very calm; He had dark hair to His shoulders, smooth face. And He walked up to me and looked down kind of pathetically, said, “Do not fear.” And oh, when I heard that voice, I know it was the same One, said,

“Don’t smoke or drink.” I knew that voice. He said, 'I am sent from the Presence of the Almighty God to tell you, that your peculiar birth and life has been to indicate that you’re to pray for sick people, and take this to the world.' Said, 'If you’ll get the people to believe you and be sincere, nothing shall stand

before your prayer. And you’re going into all parts of the world; and kings and rulers, and great men will be come and be prayed for. And there’ll be great things and signs, and the great things to happen.'" 163

Branham, William. 1953, Nov 9. How the Angel Came To Me. “But anyhow, it was just at the time

of the Angel of the Lord had just met me up at the place called Green’s Mill up there, Tunnel Mill and had told me about these things.” 164 Branham, William. 1951, Jul 22. The Second Miracle. “I’ve got a cave way back in the hills where I go to. I showed him where I met the Angel on the path.” 165 Branham, William. 1947, Apr 12. Faith is the Substance. “And He came and told me in the room one night that God had sent the gift, and it was a gift of Divine healing for the people. And if I could get

the people to believe me (believe me), and would be sincere when I prayed, that nothing would stand before the prayer.” 166 Discernment Errors. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from http://en.believethesign.com/index.php/Discernment_errors


Branham, claimed his “discernment” to perfectly accurate, many errors

did occur.167 During the early part of his ministry Branham claimed to experience

vibrations in his hand which detected disease. These vibrations, Branham

claimed, would cause the color and the temperature of the patient’s hand

to change – if not, they could not be healed.168 Branham claimed that his use of a luxury Longines watch was the result of these vibrations.169

Men who worked with William Branham alleged that his “gift of healing”

was accurate, but that his preaching was destructive. Even Ern Baxter,

who helped launch William Branham’s career with the “Baxter-Branham” campaigns admitted that Branham should not have been teaching.

Branham as a teacher was outside of his calling. The fruits

of his teaching ministry are not good - Ern Baxter170

One of the reasons for my leaving him was that he was starting to say some seriously wrong things. When that,

coupled with other circumstances, eventually became

unbearable, I resigned - Ern Baxter171

Gordon Lindsay, Branhams campaign manager and long-time promoter, admitted the same. According to Jim and Marie Watt, who

reaffirmed Ern Baxter’s testimony, Gordon Lindsay attempted to persuade

Branham not to teach while conducting his “healing ministry”.

167 Example: Branham, William. 1957, Jun 13. Thirsting for Life. “Now, just with your heads bowed just a moment. How long have you been that way? Hear me now? Can you... Amen. Two years...?... You hear? Yes. Amen. He can hear now. Let's say, "Praise the Lord." God bless you now. Go on your road

rejoicing and be happy. Amen. [Lady says, "Brother Branham, Brother Branham."] Yes? ["He isn't deaf, he has hardening of the arteries; he can't talk."--Ed.] Can't talk? Well, he's sure doing a good job of it now. He's... Let me see him just a moment. I thought it was your hearing. Can you...?... It was his

hearing and his speech. Say, "I" [I] "Love" [Live] "Love," [Love] "Jesus," [Jesus.] Sure you can say it. Say, "Thank You." [Thank you.] All right. It's over now. You can go on rejoicing. All right. Do you believe with all your heart?” 168 300 Fill Out Cards at Healer Service. 1947, Dec 17. El Paso Herald-Post. “Mr. Branham looked for a red and purple color on the palm after touch to indicate improved health. If no such color appeared on the patient, there was little hope, he said. 169 Branham, William. 1950, Jan. “And there’s a watch; I take a hold of a human’s hands, with that on

there, it’ll stop that watch dead still. I’ve got a Longines watch now, just come from the factory.” 170 Dr Ern Baxter - "New Wine Interviews Ern Baxter" - New Wine Magazine - December 1978 - CGM Ministries - (p23). 171 Baxter. New Wine Interviews Ern Baxter.


I agree with the general insights expressed by Baxter in

this interview. Branham had a true Gift of Healing but was a terrible teacher. I walked out on two of his

meetings while he was teaching. Gordon Lindsey prior to

Baxter tried to get Branham not to teach but was unable

to do so. I believe it was for this reason that God took him home in 1965 before he could do more harm with his

teaching. - Jim & Marie Watt172

172 William Branham. Accessed 2020, Sep 25 from http://www.2rbetter.org/archives/2008-07-01%20-%20William%20Branham


THE HALO In a January 1950, a photograph was captured William Branham

speaking before an audience at the “Faith Healing Debate”173 in the Sam

Houston Coliseum of Houston, TX. The photograph contains a streak of

light above William Branham's head, which William Branham claimed to be the same "Pillar of Fire" that led the Biblical Children of Israel out of

Egypt.174 The newspaper reporters at the highly publicized event did not

seem to notice anything unusual; the coliseum had many lights of varying

configuration.175 Of the many reports describing the event, only the unusual circumstances that led to the event and the brawl that broke out

afterwards176 were covered.

When William Branham attempted to use the photograph for the cover

of his upcoming Life Story publication, he was refused due to copyright infringement. An announcement was published in Branham’s Voice of

Healing publication describing the delay:

Cause of the Delay of the Branham Life Story: We regret

the unexpected delay in the Branham Life Story. Brother Branham had received permission to use the copyrighted

picture taken in the Sam Houston Coliseum. This he

planned to use on the cover. However at the last moment

this permission was denied, so an extra six weeks were required by the Doubleday publishers to prepare a new

cover, which is done by a special process. We now have

a promise of the books in the early part of December.177

After the delay, William Branham began claiming that the photograph was held for investigation by George J. Lacy, who Branham claimed to be

the "head" of the F.B.I.. Branham alleged that Lacy confirmed the

photograph to be “supernatural” and then immediately sent it to

Washington, DC for verification.178 Branham further alleged that after


Faith Healing Debate Is Set. 1950, Jan 24. Lubbock Evening Journal. 174

Branham, William. 1954, Dec 31. “And It’s had His picture taken, standing where I was standing. Now, no, not for me; but for the Church, for the Body of believers. See, it’s to everyone. Now notice.

If… I—I believe that It was actually a Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel” 175 Several photographs from the Sam Houston Coliseum exist, some of which display similar “halos” above the Beatles, basketball players, and more. 176 8000 Hear Faith Healer, Pastor Debate: Fists Swing, Words Fly at Coliseum. “Fight follows: Bystanders broke up the fight before the question was settled” 177 The Voice of Healing. 1950, Dec. 178 Branham, William. 1950, Jul 14. At Thy Word . The next morning, they flew the picture away to

Washington, DC for a copyright. Before it could be released, it had to go before the FBI examinations. And when they did, they went and got the best, George J. Lacy, the best there is in the United States. He kept it for two or three days, and to see if there was any touch-up, or anything was wrong … Mr. Lacy said it was the first time in all human history that a — a supernatural Being was ever photographed.


verification in Washington, D.C., the photograph was in the "Religious Hall

of Art" as the only supernatural photograph. Lacy’s investigative report, however, made no mention of the

supernatural, and only provided confirmation that the photograph had not

been altered. He simply stated the fact that the light had struck the

lens.179 Lacy did mention the fact that his investigation was the result of a request submitted by Rev. Gordon Lindsay, who was representing

William Branham.

Though William Branham claimed that his “halo” photograph was the

only one that God allowed to develop,180 many other photographs of the event were printed and published in the local newspapers.181 In fact,

many of Branham’s claims regarding the photograph and investigation

were inaccurate. George Lacy was a private investigator, consulted at

times by the F.B.I. but not employed by the Bureau.182 After his dishonorable discharge from the Houston Police,183 it is unlikely that Lacy

would have been eligible for employment in a Federal agency, especially

with such rank. And though the photograph was sent to Washington,

D.C., it was sent to the Library of Congress for copyright – not for investigation. The “Religious Hall of Art” of Branham’s claim does not

appear to have ever existed.

179 Lacy, George. 1950, Jan 29. Report and Opinion 180 Branham, William. 1954, Mar 1. The Angel Of The Covenant. God wouldn't permit that camera to take one of the pictures. Every one of them was negative. Then when he pulled the other one out, there was the Angel of the Lord. They sent and got George J. Lacy, which was the head of the FBI and fingerprint and so forth.” 181 Example: Baptist Cleric to Challenge ‘Miracle Man’. (Rev. W. W. Best and Rev. F. F. Bosworth photographed arguing). 1950, Jan 24. The Houston Press. 182 George J. Lacy. Accessed 2020, Sep 26 from http://www.asqde.org/about/presidents/lacy_g.html. 183 Civil Service Examiners Uphold Chief in Lacy Row. 1923, Mar 2. Houston Press.


MYSTERY CLOUD In December of 1962, William Branham began claiming to have had a

vision of five angels184 that would come from the heavens in the form of

a "pyramid", which prompted Branham to travel West for a hunting trip.

According to Branham, his meeting five angels out west would be

spiritually significant because the number of the letters in the word "grace" were also five. He claimed that these five angels would bring him the

“Message from the Lord.”

Branham made preparations to travel West and hunt javelina hogs in

Arizona. Prior to javelina season-opening, in late February of 1963, a strange cloud formed over Northern Arizona. This cloud and another

smaller, similar cloud185 floated across Arizona heading southeast and

drew national attention while scientists scrambled to determine its origin.

According to research by James McDonald, UFO researcher186 whose preliminary report was included in Science magazine, the cloud formed

the same day Vandenberg AFB intentionally destroyed a T.H.O.R. rocket

booster,187 which he admitted could have accounted for the cloud and had

only begun researching.188 McDonald had for some time been collecting research on unidentified flying objects to present his case to the House of

Representatives that "There is no sensible alternative to the utterly

shocking hypothesis that UFOs are extraterrestrial probes".189 This

particular cloud was not helpful towards that objective, however; the “mystery” cloud of February 28, 1963 was not unidentified or

unexplainable. As McDonald continued his research, the T.H.O.R.

184 Branham, William. 1962, Dec 23. The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word. 62-1223. And no more than the second group of birds come by, I looked to the West. And looked like in the form of a pyramid, like two on each side, with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever seen in my life … I couldn't see Them, but I had been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of Them, inside this constellation of — of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, death Angel would will be one. Five would

be grace. " I was thinking that. I thought, "Oh! It's — It's coming with my Message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the Message from the Lord. " And I screamed out with all my might, as loud as I could, "O Jesus, what would You have me do?" And when I did, It just — just went away

from me. 185

… And a High Cloud of Mystery. 1963, Apr 19. Science Vol. 54, No 20. “Many observers reported a second cloud off to the northwest of the main cloud, with a shape very much like that of the main cloud.

Correctness of these reports has been established from some of the first photographs that have come in from northern Arizona. 186 UFO Buff Found Dead Near Tucson. 1971, Jun 14. 350 Casa Grande Dispatch. “Dr. James E. McDonald, well known for his controversial flying objects”. 187 Space Archive: Vandenberg AFB Launch History. Accessed 2020, Sep 27 from http://www.spacearchive.info/vafblog.htm. (See Feb 28, 1963). 188 However, a brief press account of the intentional destruction of a rocket over Vandenberg AFB, Calif.,

that day led to inquiries that are still continuing at this writing (6/4/63). The Thor booster of a military satellite-launch was detonated at 44 km at 1352 PST almost directly over Vandenberg AFB. 189 Randles, Jenny (1987). The UFO Conspiracy: The First Forty Years. Barnes and Noble Books. ISBN 978-1-56619-195-1.


detonation was documented as part of his scientific theory.190

Nether William Branham or his converts living in Tucson, AZ where McDonald’s research was published mentioned the continued research or

its ongoing publication in newspapers across Arizona.191 Instead, William

Branham changed the number of alleged “angels” from five to seven,192

and began claiming that he was standing directly underneath the cloud at the time of its formation.193 Interestingly, this claim was not made for

several weeks after the event; Branham’s recorded first mention of his

alleged association to the cloud was on June 23, 1963 after the research

was published in Science and Life magazines.194 This timeline becomes more problematic when examining Arizona’s

javelina season, Branham’s hunting location, and Branham’s association

to the stay of execution for Leslie Douglas Ashley, the nephew of

photographers Ted Kipperman and Jim Ayers who captured Branham’s “halo” photograph. According to the Arizona Game and Fish department,

javelina season in 1963 was open March 1 through March 10. Branham’s

hunt took place at Rattlesnake Mesa,195 over 310 kilometers south of the

cloud’s path.196 If Branham was hunting javelina as he claimed, he was doing so illegally. This does not appear to be the case, however, according


McDonald, James E. 1963, May 31. Status of Investigation of the Northern Arizona Stratospheric Cloud of February 28, 1963. “Thus the agreement with respect to drift speed seemed rather poor, even though the height agreement between detonation and cloud seemed very encouraging. It was clearly necessary to seek further wind data, so inquiry was made concerning possible observational data from the Meteorological Rocket Network. 191 Example: Sighting in on a cloud. 1963, April 6. Arizona Daily Sun. 192 Branham, William. 1965, Apr 10. Easter Seal. “I saw seven angels come. Didn't "Life" Magazine pack

it, just a fog of It floated across here twentyseven miles high and thirty miles across. Is not Fred Sothmann and these others, Gene Norman and them setting back there, stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill? It shook the hills for miles around like that. There stood seven Angels and throwed a sword in a hand and said, "Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given." 193 Branham, William. 1963, Jun 23. 63-0623M. “And now, the ‘Life’ Magazine picked it up. And I have the–the article here this morning in the “Life” Magazine there, of the show… Now, here it is, the same

time I was there. See the pyramid or the Cloud? I was standing just below this.” 194 Rivera, Nathan. A Logical Refutation of Branham’s Message. Accessed 2020, Sept 27 from https://www.scribd.com/document/61215199/A-Logical-Refutation-of-Branham-s-Message. “A

majority of the public, including Mr. Branham, never learnt about the cloud until the story was featured on Science magazine on April 19 1963, and again on Life magazine on May 17 1963. After this story of the unexplained cloud hit the media on these magazines (which Mr. Branham likes referring to), it also

conveniently found its way into Mr. Branham’s hunting trip. The famous cloud that allegedly forms the face of Jesus was published in these magazines – that’s where Branham came across them. Mr. Branham never talked about the ‘appearance of Jesus in the clouds’ until after these magazines ran the story. After these publications of the ‘mystery’ cloud on Science and Life magazines, Mr. Branham’s accounts of this hunting trip are inundated with stories about the stratospheric cloud” 195 Rattlesnake Mesa. Accessed 2020, Sep 27 from . http://en.believethesign.com/index.php/Rattlesnake_Mesa “North side of Sunset Peak, 10 miles south-

west of Rattlesnake Mesa. It’s on the map, but it’s not where William Branham was hunting.” 196 Rivera, Nathan. A Logical Refutation of Branham’s Message. Accessed 2020, Sept 27 from https://www.scribd.com/document/61215199/A-Logical-Refutation-of-Branham-s-Message. “All reports indicate that the cloud hovered above the stratosphere over 320 kilometers to the north”


to statements Branham made during the sermons following the cloud

event. Branham preached the sermon entitled “A Absolute” on March 4, 1963 in Houston, TX197 while organizing support for Leslie Douglas Ashley,

and then returned to Arizona for the hunt during season. According to

Branham, it was after his return to Arizona that he stood underneath the

“seven angels” which he claimed to have formed the cloud after giving him the “Message”.198

During the span of weeks prior to his usage of the Science and Life

magazine publication of McDonald’s report, however, the alleged location

of the “angels” delivering the “Message” shifted several hundred miles. After returning to his Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, IN, Branham

began preaching a series of sermons he claimed to be his "revelation" of

the "Seven Seals" described in the Book of Revelation. During this series

of sermons, Branham alleged that the seven angels formed the shape of a pyramid199 (as he originally stated in his original “vision” of five angels),

and claimed that each of the “seven angels” met him in personally in his

room, one-by-one, delivering his “revelation”.200

197 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 4. A Absolute. 63-0304. “Good evening, to Houston. I certainly deem this a great privilege, of being here again tonight in Houston. It's been many years since I've had the

privilege of being here. And I've been setting, listening tonight to each of these speakers.” 198 Branham, William. 1963, Jun 23. Standing In The Gap. 63-0623. “Brother Fred Sothmann, I know he's here. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. We was up... I had to go to Houston about getting

that little boy saved from the electric chair. And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren. And that morning, I was standing there picking cockleburs, or — or what they call goatheads there, burrs off of my trouser leg. And the blast did just exactly the way It said it. Is that right, Brother

Fred? And I — I — I must have jumped way off of the ground. And just above me was the Angels of the Lord that sent Message back, for me to come here to break these Seals. Why here, why at the tabernacle? Why didn't I do it there? Because I had made a promise to my church and to God, that any new Message would come from this tabernacle, recorded from here. And He was helping me to keep my word, to stay back here to do it. And then immediately I went back again.” 199 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 24. The Seventh Seal. 63-0324. “He was to my left in the constellation in a form of a pyramid. And you remember, it was in the pyramid where the mysterious white rock was

not written on. And the Angels took me into that pyramid of themselves, the mysteries of God known only to them.” 200 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 24. The Seventh Seal. 63-0324. “The interpretation come just as I had need of it; that was in the room. And I gave it out just as He give it.”


THE CHURCH AGES William Branham supported and promoted the doctrine of

dispensationalism introduced by John Nelson Darby and continued

through C.I. Scofield in the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible.201 As

early as November of 1947,202 Branham taught the extra-biblical notion that the Seven Churches of Asia Minor203 from the Book of Revelation were

not really “churches”, but instead “church ages”.204 Though Branham

alleged that his teaching of the dispensationalism doctrine came from

divine revelation,205 the subject matter appears to have come from the Scofield Reference Bible he studied206 and the works of Clarence Larkin.207

Considering the chronological timeline of the “ages” Branham claimed

to have “revealed”, it would appear that his “revelation” was mostly based

upon Larkin’s drawings in Dispensational Truth. In earlier versions of his stage persona, Branham admitted that he copied the dates from men he

alleged were authentic historians.208 Later versions of his stage persona

claimed that the “Angel of the Lord” drew the church ages on a blackboard

201 Dispensationalism. 2020, Apr 29. Accessed 2020, Sep 29 from https://www.5minutesinchurchhistory.com/dispensationalism/. “The story of dispensationalism

begins with John Nelson Darby … The Scofield Reference Bible had seven of them. Dispensationalists did not always agree on the number of dispensations, but they did agree on the concept.” 202 Branham, William. 1947, Nov 23. The Children of Israel. “You say, “Well, I’m looking for a great age.” I know, many of you people… There’s a teaching, the schools of the prophets. And they’d say it’s all the great church age is coming. Don’t believe it. The next thing to come is Christ for His Church. That’s right. To… So remember, the last church age is the Laodicean church age, a lukewarm that’s spued from God’s mouth.” 203 The Seven Churches of Asia. Accessed 2020, Sep 29 from https://www.bible-history.com/new-testament/seven-churches-of-asia.html. “Position of the seven churches in Asia Minor to whom the seven epistles in Revelation 1-3 were addressed.” 204

Branham, William. 1954, May 12. The Seven Church Ages. “I’d like to teach tonight on the church ages” 205

Branham, William. 1963, Mar 24. The Seventh Seal. “So I could truly say that to the best of my

understanding and according to the Word of God and the vision and the revelation, the interpretation thereof is THUS SAITH THE LORD.” 206 Branham, 1947, Nov 2. The Angel of God. “I was reading my little Scofield Bible” 207 Branham, William. 1961, Aug 6. The Seventieth Week of Daniel. “I’m very grateful to Dr. Larkin, of his views.” 208 Branham, 60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age. “And remember, as I've said before, sometimes on these things we might disagree upon them as far as—as the theology is concerned. And most of my

dates I take from the authentic historians, which really not interested in any side, they just wrote down facts, whatever it was, what the churches did. And I... Of course, the Divine part of the interpretation, I try to place it upon there myself, the best that I know how.”


in his Branham Tabernacle.209 Regardless of the source, Branham’s

timeline matched Larkins’ drawing entitled, “The Messages to the Seven Churches compared with Church History” with only two exceptions:

Branham repositioned the date of the beginning of the first “Church Age”

from A.D. 70 to A.D. 53,210 and repositioned the date of the sixth “Church

Age” from 1900 to 1906.211 Using Larkin’s dates and his two adjustments, Branham then appointed

“Church Age Angels” or “Church Age Messengers” to each “Church Age”.

According to Branham, the list of ages and messengers were:

1. Ephesus (A.D. 53-170), Messenger: Apostle Paul212 2. Smyrna (A.D. 170-312), Messenger St. Irenaeus213

3. Pergamos (A.D. 312-606), Messenger St. Martin214

4. Thyatira (A.D. 606-1520), Messenger Columba215

5. Sardis (A.D. 1520-1750), Messenger Martin Luther216 6. Philadelphia (A.D. 1750-1906), Messenger John Wesley217

7. Laodicea (A.D. 1906-Rapture218), Messenger “Elijah” (himself)219

209 Branham, William. 1963, Jan 16. The Evening Messenger. “And, by the way, has anybody ever heard them tapes on the church ages? On the last time I had those ages drawed out there on the blackboard,

and the Heavenly Father knows this is true, when I completed it with the best I could, under the inpiration that God would give me, that Angel of the Lord that you see in the picture (many have seen that picture, haven't you, that Light?), It came right down in the room, before about three hundred or four hundred people, went right over on the side of the wall (as a Light like that) and drawed those church ages by Itself. We all stood there looking at It, watched It draw the first church age, the second, third, and fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.” 210 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 5. “Now, the church age begin as I said, around 53, to 170” 211 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 11. The Laodicean Church Age. “We believe that the Laodicean church started in a.d. 1906” 212 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 5. The Ephesian Church Age. “The angel of the first church was Saint Paul, he founded it, God’s messenger. The angel of the church of Ephesus was Saint Paul.” 213 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 9. The Sardisean Church Age. “Second church age was 170 to 312, Irenaeus being the messenger of the day” 214 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 10. The Philadelphian Church Age. “The third church age was the

Pergamos Church Age. Can anybody remember, in the class, who was the saint of that church age? Saint Martin, is right. From 312 to 606 60-1210” 215 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 10. The Philadelphian Church Age. “And then the next church age was

Thyatira. Can anybody remember the saint and the messenger, angel of that age? Columba, is right. And that’s 606 to ’515 60-1210.” 216

Branham, William. 1960, Dec 10. The Philadelphian Church Age. “The next was Sardis Church Age,

which was last night. And anybody…course, you know what the angel of that church age was. Remember? Martin Luther. And then his was 1520 on to 1750 60-1210” 217 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 10. The Philadelphian Church Age. “And tonight we’re on the Philadelphian Church Age; which is John Wesley, the messenger of that day. From 1750 to 1906 a.d 60-1210 - The Philadelphian Church Age Rev. William Marrion Branham http://table.branham.org” 218 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 11. The Laodicean Church Age. “We believe that the Laodicean church started in a.d. 1906. I predict…Now, remember, “predict,” especially you listening at the tape. I don’t

say it will be, but predict that it will end by 1977, that the church will go completely into apostasy and she’ll be ousted out of the mouth of God.” 219 Branham, William. 1962, Sep 9. Countdown. “Now we’re in the seventh age, the Laodicean church age. And we are looking for that great messenger of the second appearing of Elijah, on the countdown”


While Branham admitted to having studied the works of others for his

“revelation”, he does not appear to have invested much time studying for his additions to their works. St. Columba, for example, was not alive

during the years of his alleged Church Age. While Branham lists St.

Columba as being the “messenger” for his Thyatira Church Age from 606

to 1520, Columba died in 597220 during Branham’s Pergamos Church Age. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was only alive for twenty-six years of his

alleged “Age”.

220 St. Columba. Accessed 2020, Sep 29 from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Columba. “[now County Donegal, Ireland]—died June 8/9, 597, Iona [Inner Hebrides, Scotland]; feast day June 9), abbot and missionary traditionally credited with the main role in the conversion of Scotland to Christianity.”


JEHOVAH’S WITNESS After presenting his alterations to Clarence Larkin’s Church Ages and

alleging that he was the prophet-messenger221 for the last Church Age,

William Branham began to claim divine revelation on numerous doctrines

from his version of Christian Identity to the revelation of the mysteries

hidden behind the Seven Seals of Revelation.222 When these doctrines are examined, however, they appear to be directly copied from either their

original source or publications from the source in which Branham came in

contact. Once such source was Charles Taze Russell, the central figure of

the Jehovah’s Witness religious cult. It was no secret that William Branham studied materials published by

the Jehovah’s Witness Watchtower Society, or that his doctrines appealed

to members of that sect. When preparing for his sermons, Branham

studied from the Emphatic Diaglott223 – a very popular Greek/English polyglot translation published by the Watchtower Society.224 Members of

the Jehovah’s Witness sect attended Branham’s meetings at his Branham

Tabernacle in Jeffersonville.225 When he was buried, Branham was placed

under a pyramid-shaped tomb almost identical to the one chosen by the Watchtower Society for Russell.226

Of Branham’s “revelations”, his doctrine concerning the Godhead

would have been very popular among the Jehovah’s Witnesses who

attended his meetings. Especially the way it was presented; Branham frequently claimed that Jehovah of the Old Testament was Jesus of the

New in both recorded sermons227 and his published writings.228 This was

221 Branham, William. 1953, Nov 9. How the Angel Came To Me. “Do you believe me to be God’s prophet? You believe that God give me His Word?” 222 Branham, William. 1964, Jul 26. Recognizing Your Day And Its Message. “The Seals are open. It’s

revealed to us. We see what they left off. You that want to debate and fuss about the serpent’s seed, and water baptism, so forth, you’re blinded and don’t know it. The god of this world has blinded you, to It, and you don’t know it. Wonder I had such a time this morning, fighting through them pressures!” 223

Branham, William. 1959, Dec 19. Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost. “Now, reading from the Emphatic Diaglott of the Greek translation, where I was at last evening, which is laying open before me now.” 224 Reportedly, Watch Tower printed 166,244 copies of the Diaglott between 1927 and 1960, as well as an unknown quantity before 1927 and after 1960. See The Watchtower, October 1, 1960, page 599 225 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 24. The Seventh Seal. (At Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN). “Now, I have many fine Jehovah Witness friends sitting here, that’s all…or have been. Maybe some of them is still Jehovah Witness. But they’ve always applied, Mr. Russell did, this hundred and forty -four thousand, to being the supernatural Bride of Christ.” 226 THEY SAY A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS! Accessed 2020, Sep 30 from

http://www.angelfire.com/la2/prophet1/pyramid101.html 227 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 4. A Absolute. “Jehovah of the Old Testament was Jesus of the New” 228 Branham, William. 1920, Sept 30. An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - 1 - The Revelation Of Jesus Christ. “The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New”


a doctrine fundamental to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.229

While William Branham is typically remembered by religious historians as a Oneness Pentecostal minister,230 some versions of his stage persona

were more closely aligned with the Jehovah’s Witness sect. Oneness

Pentecostalism rejects the Trinitarian doctrine and promotes the deity of

Jesus Christ by alleging that Jesus also manifested himself in the forms of the Father and the Holy Spirit.231 The Jehovah’s Witness sect, however,

believe that Jehovah was an angel.232 This differs from mainstream

Christianity in that Christ is generally believed to be superior to the

Angels,233 based on passages from the Bible.234 In later the versions of his stage persona after 1945, William Branham

claimed to have had the assistance of an angel on the platform during his

sermons and healing lines. In some versions of his persona, this “angel”

was touted as a “minor angel”, which would have been subservient to God.235 In those versions, William Branham denied having prayed to the

“angel”.236 In other versions, or while speaking to specific audiences,

Branham did pray to his “angel”.

"Angel of God, I do not see You. But I know that You are standing near. Please, Thou knowest my heart, and know

how I love these people. Stand by me tonight237

During the times Branham used his stage persona promoting the idea

229 Gruss, Edmond Charles. 1970. Apostles of Denial: An examination and expose of the history, doctrines and claims of the JEHOVAH’S WITNESSESS. “Proceeding from the Witnesses’ own position that the Angel of Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament.” 230 Streeval, Joseph M. 2018. The Oneness Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth and Twenty First Centuries. “William Branham, a oneness minister, who was a faith healer, and known for his infamous doctrine of the serpent's seed in 1958.” 231 Slick, Matt. What Is Oneness Pentecostal theology. Accessed 2020, Sep 30 from https://carm.org/oneness-pentecostal-theology. “Oneness Pentecostal theology affirms that there exists only one God in all the universe. It affirms the deity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, Oneness theology denies the Trinity. The Trinity is the doctrine that there is one God who manifests Himself as

three distinct, simultaneous persons. The Trinity does not assert that there are three gods but only one. This is important because many groups who oppose orthodoxy will accuse Trinitarians of believing in three gods. But this is not so. The doctrine of the Trinity is that there is one God in three persons.” 232

Gruss, Edmond Charles. 1970. Apostles of Denial: An examination and expose of the history, doctrines and claims of the JEHOVAH’S WITNESSESS. “the Angel of Jehovah of the Old Testament.” 233

Jesus the Son, Superior to Angels: Hebrews 1:5-14. Accessed 2020, Sept 30 from

https://bible.org/seriespage/jesus-son-superior-angels-hebrews-15-14 234 Hebrews 1:5-14. “For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son; today I have become your Father’” 235 Branham, William. 1950, Jan 15. Believest Thou This. “And God, when He sends a great something to the earth, He announces it by Angels. We realize that. The birth of Jesus and all down was announced by Angel. Now, minor Angels will come. Say for instance, the One that come visit me, a minor Angel. “ 236 Branham, William. 1948, Mar 4. The Angel of God. "I do not pray in the name of the Angel, or even know His name. But if you'll check the Scriptures, when God sends His people, it's an Angel that directs them." 237 ." Branham, William. 1948, Mar 5. At Thy Word, Lord.


of Christ being angelic, Branham aligned his doctrine with the Jehovah’s

Witness sect. Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses,238 William Branham taught that Jesus Christ was Michael the Archangel.

And at that time, Michael shall stand, the great prince.”

Michael was Christ, of course, Who fought the Angelic

wars in Heaven, with the devil. Satan and Michael fought

together, or fought against each other, rather.239

238 Gruss, Edmond Charles. 1970. Apostles of Denial: An examination and expose of the history,

doctrines and claims of the JEHOVAH’S WITNESSESS. “Michael the reigning Jesus Christ, delivered his people, spiritual Israel, for he was their great Prince. With an ‘archangel’s voice’ he issued a ‘commanding call’” 239 Branham, Wiliam. 1955, Jan 9. Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation


MARKS OF THE BEAST During the early years of Branham’s involvement with the Latter Rain

movement, Branham presented the notion that denominational churches

were growing “cold and formal”,240 a theme which would become

integrated into the core belief system of Branham’s “Message” cult following. As Branham continued to become more aggressive in his

derogatory statements against other Christian denominations of faith, he

frequently referenced the thirteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation

describing the Beast, and the “Mark of the Beast.” After convincing his following that he was the “Seven Church Age

Messenger” for his “age”, Branham began claiming that all who did not

believe the messenger or his message for the age would be doomed,241

or more specifically, accept the Mark of the Beast from Revelation.242 Because denominational Christian churches were labeled “cold and

formal”, and non-denominational churches did not follow Branham’s

teachings, the resulting conclusion was that Christians who did not

assemble in the churches affiliated with William Branham’s ministry were also doomed.

The problem with this strategy was that to accept Branham’s “Mark of

the Beast” theology, one was forced to also reject all passages from

Scripture describing salvation through faith in Jesus Christ243 (not faith in a messenger or mediator244). As a result, one must either believe that

Branham was the Christ, or that there were provisions within this “Mark

of the Beast” that deemed faith inadequate. William Branham implied that

he (as the “Elijah” prophet) was Jesus Christ while speaking to some audiences through use of his Manifested Sons of God theology,245 but to

the general public and on most public recordings, his stage persona

240 Branham, William. 1950, Jan 15. Believest Thou This? “That’s what’s the matter with down in these

countries now, and all around over the world. We got too many old cold formal churches, having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof. What we need today is get a little starch out of the Church. And that goes to Pentecost too. Amen. You know it is.” 241

Branham, William. 1964, Aug 16. Proving His Word. “All that believe, all that believe the Message of that age, come in and was saved. So will it be in any age. All who did not believe the Message and the messenger, perished.” 242 Branham, William. 1965, Aug 29. Satan’s Eden. “And the last call is going out, to catch the Bride before She gets into that. For once in that, she’s took the mark of the beast, and doomed, she’ll never come out of it. That’s the reason, say, ‘Come out from among them, My people,” before it goes into him, see. ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separated.’” 243 Ex: Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.” 244 Ex: 1 Timothy 2:5 NIV. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man

Christ Jesus, 245 Ex: Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. 65-1127B. “the Elijah of this day is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to come according to Matthew the seventeen-…Luke 17:30, is, the Son of man is to reveal Himself among His people. Not a man, God! But it’ll come through a prophet.”


rejected the notion of his own deity.246 This conflict was instead reconciled

through many varying ways in which a person could receive the “Mark of the Beast.”

In the early years of the Cold War, before labeling all non-Branham

Christians as apostate, Branham claimed that Communism was the Mark

of the Beast, alleging that in his “1933 Prophecies” that he had claimed that Communism would eventually rule the world.247 Though no court

records exist for such an arrest, Branham claimed that he was arrested

for preaching on this topic.248 The 1954 version of Branham’s stage

persona rejected the notion of Communism being the Mark of the Beast.249 After Branham’s stage persona introduced his version of the Christian

Identity doctrine labeled “Serpent’s Seed”, Branham claimed that many

people had already accepted the Mark of the Beast. He claimed that there

were only two classes of people on the earth: those with the Mark of the Beast and those without.250 There were variations of the stage persona,

however, which disagreed with this version. While preaching to some

audiences, Branham avoided Christian Identity and instead peached one

bloodline instead of two.251 In this version of Branham’s stage persona, the two “marked” or “unmarked” bloodlines did not yet exist; Branham


Ex: Branham, William. 1957, Sept 1. 57-0901E. “Although, the great move of, what’s called, the—the Voice of Prophecy, they’re firmly against me. They said that I make the statement in the pulpit, and said, “I was God. And that—and that this Light that followed was an Angel, and I was God. And I come to the world to do great things, to prove people that I was God.” Now, that’s what the Voice of Prophecy said about me, over in California. And ever who told that, you know, told something, wasn’t so.” 247 Ex: Branham, William. 1953, Mar 25. Israel And The Church #1. 53-0325. Today what is it in this church? A betrayal. They getting documents; they're going to try to have a... Well now, you just keep

this on your mind. They're going to have a confederation of churches. The churches of Christ of America has already confederating with all their churches, and they're going to have a band here someday that'll shut out to fight Communism, which will hook up with Catholicism, with the Protestant church and the Catholic church together. And the interdenominations who stand out for the truth, and get away from that dogma that they've got, will be persecuted. The mark of the beast, the Seal of God, the showdown will soon come. And, brother, if That's not in there, you'll be deceived as sure as the world, 'cause it'll look so nice. You'll say, "Now, if Communism made a — a — made a... for the world, why, let us make

another agreement, and bring all the Christian, and Christianize the world back. " And look so good, the people will jump into it. See? They'll confederate the churches, and bring, try to make Christianity one unit. And the Bible says in Revelations, that he give his power and everything, that he made an

image unto the beast and exercised all the power the beast did before him.” 248

Branham, William. 1953, Mar 26. Israel And The Church 2. 53-0326. “How many of you people has heard years ago down here when they was going to have me arrested down here for preaching on that

mark of the beast?” 249 Branham, 1954, May 14. The Seal of God. “And now they say, ‘Here comes Russia down, communism, it’s the mark of the beast.’ But, it’s a lie. It isn’t the mark of the beast. The Bible tells what the mark of the beast is. The mark of the beast is not no great anti-religious anti-country raise up like that. Communism is not Russia; communism is a spirit. It’s all…We don’t—don’t have to worry about Russia.” 250 Branham, William. 1958, Dec 21. The Unity Of One God In The One Church.

58-1221. “There's only two classes on the earth. One's got the Mark of God, the other one's got the mark of the devil.” 251 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Who Is This Melchisedec? That makes us all back from Adam, which makes us all brothers. The Bible said, “Of one blood God created all nations.”


claimed that the “marking” would occur after the Church had left the

earth.252 In the versions of his stage persona that used fear of Communism,

Russia253 was linked to the Mark of the Beast and End of Days. More

commonly in his later years, however, Branham alleged that the Mark of

the Beast would come from Rome,254 and that all Christian denominations would unite with Rome as the Mark of the Beast.255

252 Branham, William. 1959, Mar 1. Strait Is The Gate. “You say, ‘What about the mark of the beast?’

That's to come in the tribulation. The Church will be gone then. Won't have to mark these; these done gone. See? The marking's going on now. The marking is the showing forth, the brand. Flee to God; flee to Him quickly.” 253

Branham, William. 1951, May 2. The Angel Of The Lord. “When Russia goes down there to get that oil, look out. That's all she needs. That's what the prophet said it would do. And we're ready for it then. So Church, get ready to meet Christ. He's sending great revivals and meetings, and stirring the full

Gospel people. Signs and wonders appearing everywhere, Great wonders to draw His people together. And one day He shall come, the Deliverer.” 254 Branham, William. 1954, May 15. Questions And Answers. “Now, I'll answer that one first, God helping. I said that the Catholic church was the... We find out that the mark of the beast (night before last) had to come out of Rome. Is that right? It can't come out of no other country but Rome. There's where it's seated; that's where it's placed” 255 Branham, William. 1959, Nov 15. My New Ministry. 59-1115. “There'll come a mark of the beast

soon. There'll come a confederation of churches, and they'll put out a sign that — a unionized church that no man can buy or sell. And Your Church, it won't bother them; for Your Holy Spirit shall lead them and feed them as You did Israel in the wilderness. You are God. Don't let us miss that, Lord. Let us remain faithfully. Let us be true.”


CULT RULES For most of his public ministry, William Branham promoted an ascetic

lifestyle based heavily upon works-righteous salvation. On the recorded

sermons still available to the public, Branham frequently listed several

forms of entertainment, articles of clothing, sports, and other forbidden pleasures that his followers must avoid. Generally, these “rules” came in

the form of condemnation against those participating.

It would be a never-ending task to try and identify all of the many

things that William Branham condemned, when they were introduced and why. No exhaustive list was provided, and not all versions of his stage

persona would have agreed upon the same list. These are some of the

most common examples:


• No watching television256

• No newspapers257

• No listening to the radio258 • No watching movies259

256 Branham, William. 1959, Dec 19. Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost. “Brother Branham, I think television is a curse to the world. What do you think about it? Well, ever who wrote it, I'm going to agree with you. They have made it a curse to the world. It could be a blessing to the world, but

they've made it a curse. Anything like that, my dear people, is what you look at yourself. If television is a curse, then the newspaper is a curse, then the radio is a curse, and many time the telephone is. See, see, see, see? It's what you make out of it. But being that the brother said the other night, that there's hardly any programs on the television any more; that's too much money. A poor preachers that preaches the Full Gospel can't afford a program on the television.” 257 Branham, William. 1959, Dec 19. Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost. 258 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 9. The Handwriting On The Wall. “And this fellow with his wine bottle

up, drinking, having a big time, he said, "Just a minute. All you all, listen to me. Turn your radios on now. " The vulgar, dirty, filthy things that's permitted, uncensored programs... When did it start? Look back through the history. It started back there in the days of Clara Bow. And with this scheming, ungodly

Texan, went out there and made these women's underneath clothes that made them look sexy... And this begin the first vulgar song, they let pass, was about the ladies rolling down their stockings and showing their pretty knees. They've got by with that. And now it's uncensored: they can say and do

what they want to. The devil's took the thing without firing a shot. That's right. What do you think them Hollywood prostitutes in hell today would do if they could return? They'd make it different. But their influence upon the world, has set the world in a flame of corruption.” 259 Branham, William. 1955, Jul 24. Enticing Spirits. “Like I said the other night about the hog, about the sinner. You can't blame... A sinner's a sinner; don't try to reform him. Don't try to tell him this, that, or the other. He's a sinner to begin with. He's a pig to begin with. He don't know no different. If he goes to the movies, and he goes on Sunday, and he goes to ball games, and he does all these things; he's a

sinner to begin with. His nature's like a hog. The old hog stick his nose down in the manure pile and eat all the grains out of it and everything. Well, that's — he is a hog. You can't blame him; he's a hog. That's the way with sinners. But when you go and call yourself a Christian and stick your nose in with him, then you're no better than he is; but you're worse, "Come out from among them. " Let go of the world.”


• No comic books260

• No rock music261

Dress Code For Women

• No trousers of any kind262

• No shorts263 • No low cut, sheer or form fitting clothing264

• Any garment that shows the knees is forbidden265

• No painting fingernails266

• No fake fingernails267

260 Branham, William. 1961, Feb 15. Thou Son Of David, Have Mercy On Me. “Now, but today with all of our modern convenience, and instead of reading the Bible to her children, will turn the television on and let them look at something that's not even fit for them to look at. Now, that's right. That's right. And another thing, we'll give them these little ol' comic books, and little ol' story books off of the...

some drugstore mantle that oughtn't to even be sold to make … make kindling wood out of, or fire out of. And yet we poke all that kind of stuff down our children's neck.” 261 Branham, William. 1956, Jul 28. Making the Valley Full of Ditches. “And now, tonight is a bad night, Saturday night. This is the devil’s night, you know, the one when the devil gets on the highways and all the booze joints and all the liquor running crowd, all the low-down, hoe down, boogie-woogie, and rock-and-roll, and all that rolling and rocking tonight. Hundreds will die.” 262

Branham, William. 1958, Sep 28. The Serpent's Seed. “And you women, putting on these little old pants and things, and wearing them out here, little old (What is it you call them?) knickerbockers... Or what is it? What is that, sisters? No, no, it's not shorts, it's that — got the long legs in them: pedal pushers and overalls, dungarees... Go and they said, "This is for the ladies. " I said, "No, you're mistaken. Ladies don't wear them things: women might, but ladies don't. " That's right. The Bible said it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment... And for a man to put on a garment that pertains to a woman... And men is becoming more sissified every day, and women is becoming more masculine.

What's the matter? (We're going to find out in a few minutes by the Bible. ) women ain't women no more.” 263 Branham, William. 1958, Sep 28. The Serpent's Seed. 264 Branham, William. 1957, Mar 25. The Lamb And The Dove . “Here the other night I went to a Pentecostal meeting, and the women out on the platform with earrings, looked like the devil had done put a saddle on them and used them for a stirrup, hanging up and down the place, and dancing, their little old dress on that looked like she’d been poured in there, so tight the skin was on the outside; and

you mean to tell me that’s Christianity?” 265 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 9. The Handwriting On The Wall. “And this begin the first vulgar song, they let pass, was about the ladies rolling down their stockings and showing their pretty knees. They've

got by with that. And now it's uncensored: they can say and do what they want to. The devil's took the thing without firing a shot. That's right. What do you think them Hollywood prostitutes in hell today would do if they could return? They'd make it different. But their influence upon the world, has set the

world in a flame of corruption.” 266 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 11. Why I'm Against Organized Religion. “Now, if you … if you didn't have any hair, and … and you wanted to wear some hair, it'd be all right, but, wear one that looked like human. And if you didn't have any fingernails, and … and you wanted to get some fingernails, don't get them like hulls off of navy beans, get … get real fingernails. If you haven't got any of these things, it's all right. If you haven't got any teeth, get you some if they make you some, get them. But don't pull your God-given teeth out just because they're a little crooked, and they're good teeth, to get some. Don't

dye your hair, or something, and look like something that come out of some mire somewhere. Don't! If you're colorless, and you want to make yourself look like you got some color, it's all right, I imagine. But don't make yourself look like Jezebel, like a barn somewhere being painted.” 267 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 11. Why I'm Against Organized Religion.


• No "booster" bras268

• No high-heeled shoes269 • No open-toed shoes270

• No painted toes271

• No cosmetics272

• No earrings273

268 Branham, William. 1964, Aug 23. Questions And Answers 1. “I have more honor for a woman like

that than I do some of these women that put a little old strap under them to throw theirself out: don't even look like a human being. They got a purpose in doing that; that's sexy, ungodly. A woman wear ever so many clothes and try to make herself look like something she isn't... I... Why, women ain't — ain't actually that way; it's some kind of Hollywood stuff. And the devil spirit get on them women to make them try to attract attention of men through sex. A woman's breast was given her for the baby to nurse. That's exactly right. The woman's right in the primitive line, but she's lined right. I have more

respect for that, for that woman like that, 'cause she... That's the way her mother raised her; that's the way... They — they never — don't pay any attention to it. The baby nursed right out like the Madonna picture that you'd see. And if people would only get their minds set like that, it would be different.” 269 Branham, William. 1955, Sep 11. The Unwelcomed Christ. “Yes, ladies, you can take and go out here, and just fix all up, and wear the best of clothes. You can go to the best of churches. You get all fixed up, and have your hair manicured, or ever what you call it, and wear the big high-heeled shoes, and paint all up like a circus, and go down to the church, and say, "I'm just as good as they are. " Oh, you miserable,

blind wretch. You don't know that you're lost. Yeah. You think 'cause you got a change of clothes... And, mister, 'cause you can ride in a good car today, and got a good job, and the boss pats you on the back, you think you've got everything made. You shun church. You wouldn't go to a place where they went to the altar and prayed. You're ashamed that your neighbors would see you. You poor hypocrite, don't you know you're lost? You don't want Jesus. You ain't got no room for Him.” 270 Branham, William. 1956, Oct 3. Painted Face Jezebel. “Now, it ain't paint, and scissors that cuts your hair that bothers you. It's that spirit in you that makes you go get it. That's what it is. Max Factor could

make all of it he wanted to and lay it over there, and if you was a Christian you'd never touch it. I mean if you was baptized with the Holy Ghost and living where you ought to live (That's right. ), and your pastor preach the truth and let you know about it. You wouldn't even care a bit. How could you sell old

button shoes down on the street today, them high laced up shoes which have got more leather in them than a dozen pair of these little things that you pay twenty five dollars for? A little strap across the toe and a big old red painted toenail sticking out like that, and the heels flopping around through the rain,

and you go down the street like that. That's right. That's right. But you couldn't sell that old fashion shoe because you don't want it; you done seen Martha Susianna out yonder wear some other kind. See? You want to dress like her. You don't want that dress that hangs loose. You want that one's like you're poured into it, because that you seen Susie on the television and the radio and in the magazine.” 271 Branham, William. 1956, Oct 3. Painted Face Jezebel. 272 Branham, William. 1956, Oct 3. Painted Face Jezebel. 273 Branham, William. 1956, Jan 22. The Junction Time. “Today you got too much Hollywood evangelism,

some little sissified guy with manicured hair, and stand up to a bunch of women with earrings hanging down like the devil's stirrups, and enough paint on their face to paint a barn, and bobbed hair, and every... That used to be a sin among you Holiness people. What happened? You did run well. The Bible still says it's a sin.”


• No haircuts, trimming, or split-end removal274

• No curled ends in hair275 • No dying your hair276

• No false teeth277

• No wearing the latest fashion278

Dress Code For Men

• No shorts279

• No suede shoes for men280

• No sideburns for men281 • No bangs282

• No flat-top haircuts

274 Branham, William. 1956, Aug 5. The Church And Its Condition . “We’ve called ourselves the lamb of God. The women and the man, together, has begin to act everything but like lambs of God. You look

at them going down the street, with short, bobbed hair, curlicues all in their hair. And a few years ago, you call…you, they…you couldn’t have hired them to do that. And then you wonder why is it the church is in the condition it is. Is because you’ve took the nature of a wolf or a goat, instead of keeping the meek gentleness. And you say, “That’s my privilege, Brother Branham.” I know it’s your privilege. ‘Barbers cut hair. And as long as the barber will cut hair, ain’t I got a right?’ That’s right, that’s your American privilege. But are you willing to give it up, to be a lamb? Are you willing to submit yourself?” 275

Branham, William. 1956, Aug 5. The Church And Its Condition . 276 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 4. Blasphemous Names. “But when you pull out your real good teeth, because they're just not as bright as they should be, then you done wrong. If you've got red hair, and you want black, and you go down here and color it black, just because; you done wrong. Yeah, I think so. But the main thing… There's no Scripture for that.” 277 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 4. Blasphemous Names. 278 Branham, William. 1962, Jun 28. A Greater Than Solomon Is Here. “Christians do that too. What a

shame. We're not supposed to pattern after Hollywood. Hollywood shines with brightness. But while Hollywood shines in — in brightness and glamour, the Gospel glows with humility. There's a difference between shining and glowing. And the church is beginning to shine with polished scholars, and education, biggest church, and So-and-so. And our full Gospel people's getting right in that same trend. It's a shame. Glowing with humility, and Christ.” 279 Branham, William. 1965, Aug 29. Satan's Eden. “Now she has got her Adam to wearing her underneath clothes. A man put on them little old sissy-looking shorts, and get out here, I don't think

there is much man to him. He is the biggest sissy I know of. See? See, she has got her perverted Adam to act like she, see, wearing her underneath clothes. She seen what she could do out yonder when she took off all of her clothes but her underneath ones. That's the shorts. Course, that's the woman's

underneath clothes, and here her Adam is wearing them now. Which, according to God's original Word, ‘Is an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man, and a man to put on a garment pertains to a woman,’ from the original Word. Think of it!” 280 Branham, William. 1964, Jan 12. Shalom. “There seems to be something among man. Man don't seem to be, have that masculine touch that he used to have. Women don't have that feminish touch she used to have. You take man today, man don't seem to be burly like they used to be. It's all some sort of a... They want to wear suede shoes with purple, and — and they want to act like Women. Now that is true. It seems to be, more or less, like a perversion.” 281 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 9. The Sardisean Church Age. “And He don't want a man with great big sideburns hanging down like this, and then, like a duck setting on the back of his head like that. He

wants him to look like a man.” 282 Branham, William. 1965, Aug 1. The God Of This Evil Age. “Then listen, man, you bunch of rickies! If you were born to be a man, then act like a man. These bangs hanging down in your face, and curled up like some sex appeal, why, you perverted generation of snakes! What's the matter with you, anyhow?”


Eating Rules • No eating hybrid food283

• No eating eggs284

• No soup suppers285

• No drinking alcohol

Women In General

• No washing machines286

• Stay at home.287 • No dishwashers288

• Women are forbidden to work289

• Women are forbidden to vote290

283 Branham, William. 1963, Jun 23. The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming. “A few years ago, look where man has got to, in his body. Look where he's got to, by the things he's done. Science is constantly trying to make a better food, hybrid corn, and — and hybrid tomatoes, hybrid beef, when the stuff's no good at all. It's killing the people, and they don't realize it. Why, in a few more years, they'll be nothing but just a — a bunch like a jellyfish.” 284

Branham, William. 1963, Jul 31. There Is Only One Way Provided By God For Anything. “When I heard that egg situation the other day, I went back in my book where the Lord spoke to me in 1931, and there I had written in my book, "In the last days, warn the people not to eat eggs or live in a valley. " And, see, not know what fallout and things would be, see, but yet the Lord forewarned that, way back thirty years ago, see, "Not to live in a valley, in the last days," and, "Don't eat eggs," everything will be poisoned. See? And that's just what's happened. Now imagine that, thirty something years ago.” 285 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation By Representation. “But they hybrid the church like

they did the chicken, like they did the mule, like they did everything else: hybreeding it, making it different, breeding in the world, the things of the world, basketball games, and soup suppers, and … and bunco games, and all kinds of things of the world.” 286 Branham, William. 1959, Aug 14. As I Thought On My Ways. “And you've neglected it for the washtub, for a job out yonder in a factory somewhere. Some of you women that ought to be home with your kids, reading the Bible to them. You got a job out yonder to make a extra dollar. Shame on you. God gave you a job; that's raise them children. Teach them the things of God. It's the truth. Think on

your ways, woman. What will them dollars do? They'll ring like Judas Iscariot's did. Think on your ways and turn your foot to His testimonies, unto His Blood, unto His grace, unto His offer. "As I thought on my ways," said David, "I turned my feet to thy testimony. " Sure. Think on your ways as you go.” 287

Branham, William. 1959, Aug 14. As I Thought On My Ways. 288

Branham, William. 1953, Jun 7. The Ministry Of Christ. “Now listen, this is my afternoon to be with the Lord here in the — in the services. I just say what He tells me to say. But it's a sad day, when they

created wash machines and dishwashers and everything, they give the women all this time to lay around barrooms and things, and drink, and smoke cigarettes, and run out over the country. That's right. Come busybody, idlers, plenty of time, nothing to do. It'd be better if you had the scrub brush and back in the wash with these kind of wash machines, the way my mother used to do it. That's right.” 289 Branham, William. 1953, Jul 29. Questions And Answers On Genesis. “It used to be that women was so feminish till men would go to talking to them and they'd blush. Huh. What is blushing anyhow? I haven't seen it in so long I wouldn't even know what it was if some woman blushed. They haven't got

any of that dignity any more, all that there fine feminish spirit. They're just... They can... They'll wear clothes like a man, cut their hair like a man, smoke like a man, drink like a man, cuss like a man, vote like a man, work like a man, so, become rough, burly. Oh, my. That shows where you've got to.” 290 Branham, William. 1953, Jul 29. Questions And Answers On Genesis.


• No women on the police force291

• No telling jokes292 • No supper gatherings293

• No birth control294

• No loving dogs

• Can be divorced if they cut their hair — THUS SAITH THE LORD295

Men In General

• Naming your son "Ricky" is forbidden296

• Naming your son "Elvis" is forbidden297

Aging In General

• False teeth are forbidden298

• Dying your hair is forbidden299

Sports And Recreation

• No baseball

• No basketball300

291 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 11. The Ten Virgins And The Hundred And Forty Four Thousand Jews.

“Like they got women on the police forces, out on the streets. That's a disgrace to the American flag, to put them mothers out there on the street. And tens of thousands of men without a job! Why, it's a woman's nation, it's a woman's place, a woman will take over. It's woman-worship. It's that Catholic dogmatic spirit, worshipping a woman for a god. Here's that just... It's just sitting right, don't you see the setup? There's nothing that God could have give a man any sweeter than a wife, a real wife. But when she gets anything beyond that, she's — she's out. That's exactly right. God never intend women to work in any of these places and to do them kind of things like that. These women, you're... they're

to have children and raise their children. They're all little preachers, every one of them, but they have their own pastoral at home with their kiddies, bringing up their children. All right.” 292 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 18. The Uncertain Sound. “Women, with all kind of a—a—a ladies’ societies, and making blankets, and going together, and telling jokes, and having suppers and soup suppers to pay the pastor, and so-forth like that, ‘And never able to come to the knowledge of knowing Jesus Christ exists today in the Power of His resurrection, in the Holy Ghost.’” 293 Branham, William. 1960, Dec 18. The Uncertain Sound. 294 Branham, William. 1953, Dec 4. At Thy Word. “I took the little baby to one side, and asked the parents the secret, that they were doing in the line of birth control, and things that wasn't right. So I talked to them privately. 295

Branham, William. 1956, Feb 18. The Worst Sinner In The City. “And the Bible rights gives any man a right to leave and divorce and leave his wife, that’ll cut her hair. That’s the Bible. That’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” 296 Branham, William. 1961, Feb 26. Jehovah Jireh. “They have to raise them on a bottle with cow's milk. They take the nicotine, and if they do they become a neurotic like Ricky and Elvises out here, you know, running up and down, just neurotic. That's exactly the way the... Your kids named that, change his name. See? Now, it spiritually speaking means Judas.” 297 Branham, William. 1961, Feb 26. Jehovah Jireh. 298 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 4. Blasphemous Names. “But when you pull out your real good teeth, because they're just not as bright as they should be, then you done wrong. If you've got red hair, and

you want black, and you go down here and color it black, just because; you done wrong.” 299 Branham, William. 1962, Nov 4. Blasphemous Names. 300 Branham, William. 1955, Apr 3. Fellowship By Redemption. “Not a church that practice "free love" and all these ungodly things, and goes to baseball games”


• No pool games301

• No bowling302 • No ball games in general303

• No "bodily exercise"304

• No bingo305

• No bunco306 • No dice307

• No playing cards308

301 Branham, William. 1961, Mar 15. An Uncertain Sound. “Oh, how you just go to the modern home today. Look what it is. Papa, he has to hurry down to the pool room. The boys are playing pool or they're bowling or something, him and ma. Sister's at the canteen, somewhere, or out some rock-and-roll party. Junior's got the hot rod, out seeing how many he can run down. And that's about home life. And the Bible? Oh, it's a great Book, but It's put in a drawer somewhere until pastor comes in or somebody. And we just don't have the home life we used to have. It's a... Home life is so uncertain.” 302 Branham, William. 1961, Mar 19. Jezebel Religion. “Now, I can expect these sinful people like now, that call themselves sports, out here in the bowling game. One of my kids would start towards a bowling alley, I'd run him out of the country (uh-huh). Call that sport; that's not sports. What's this... If you want to be right, get right with God. True.” 303 Branham, William. 1955, Apr 10. Proof Of His Resurrection. “’A little while and the world will see Me no more,’” that’s the unbeliever. They’re out to ball games and swimmings, and so forth. They’ll

never see Him.” 304 Branham, William. 1956, Nov 25. A Blushing Prophet. "I ask for mercy for us being so dilatory concerning the things of the Kingdom. I ask that You'll pardon us of our sins and take away our — our — our transgressions. And forgive us for being so stupid of the... ?... How we have come short. How we have taken bodily exercise. How we have done things that we ought not to have done. How we have sinned before You". 305 Branham, William. 1961, Jan 22. As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest. “’We’re going to have a bunco game

in the basement.’” That little… Bingo, that’s what it is, bingo. I just… I don’t know them kind of names. All right. What is bunco? Is it? Maybe I was wrong. Bingo (See?), ever what it is. Anyhow, “We’re going to have that.” That little eagle couldn’t understand that. That wasn’t the thing he’d been eating. It didn’t fit him just right. Did you feel that way when you was out there? Boy, I did. My goodness. The stuff stunk to me. Calling yourself Christians?” 306 Branham, William. 1961, Jan 22. As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest. 307 Branham, William. 1959, Apr 24. Hear Ye Him. “People say, ‘Yes, I'm a Christian. I believe in Divine

healing,’ and then act different. Say, ‘I'm a Christian,’ go out and put on them kind of clothes. Say, ‘I'm a Christian,’ and act — go out and smoke cigarettes, and shoot dice, and do all these other kind of things. Shame on you. That's a... I — I — I'm not a... I love you. But, brother, I'd rather give you just a

little correction now, than when I come to the judgment, you say, ‘Brother Branham, I'm so glad you done it. ‘ It's too late then. What we need is a love and respect for God and for His people. No matter what they belong to, the denomination, as long as they're brothers they're brothers. We need a love

for one another. And love will contact when nothing else will do it.” 308 Branham, William. 1956, Sep 2. The Handwriting On The Wall . “Look at the modern American home. You know where, pop, where’s he at? He’s down to the barroom, having a social drink with the neighbor. Where is mom at? Well, she’s down at the stitch-and-sew party, playing cards. Where is Junior at? In his hot rod, out racing on the streets, dragging with everybody; with a girl wrapped in one arm, and a cigarette in the other. Where is sis at? She is down at the canteen, doing a rock-and-roll, out all night with a bunch of soldiers, with everything she can run with. That’s a modern American home.

Brother, the handwriting is on the wall. Right! “’Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.’” And great men has crossed this nation, Billy Graham, Jack Schuler, Oral Roberts, and them, preaching the unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus. And people has laughed at It and made fun of It, and turned It down, flatly.”


• No “stitch-and-sew parties”309

• No social drinks310 • No dancing311

• No parties312

• No sunbathing313

• No hula hoops314 • No swimming parties315

• Men swimming in the same pool with women is forbidden316

Dating Rules • No kissing (before marriage)317

309 Branham, William. 1956, Sep 2. The Handwriting On The Wall. 310 Branham, William. 1956, Sep 2. The Handwriting On The Wall . 311

Branham, William. 1954, Aug 14. The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People . “Those things, such as dancing, and card parties, and playing, and bobbing your hair, and painting your lips, and manicuring your face, and all that thing, is the attributes of unbelief.” 312 Branham, William. 1955, Jul 24. Enticing Spirits . “All these here trying to get rid of cigarettes, and little social drinks, and little parties, and selfish things; God, stimulate their heart with the Holy Ghost in such a way that those things won’t have any desire no more.” 313 Branham, William. 1951, Oct 3. Believest Thou This? “I said, ‘If my girl ever stretches herself out

like that, she’s going to get a sun tanning, but it is going to be Charlie Branham’s son, give her a tan with a barrel slat and bring her home’” 314 Branham, William. 1963, Jan 20. The Voice Of God In This Last Days. “They invented a little thing called, the kids used to call the "hula-hoop," hula-hoop, or something. And if you ever noticed the vulgarity and things that follow that lot, in the little children. That's not right.” 315 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 17. A Man Running From The Presence Of The Lord . “Now, I go to church and—and see the pastor get up there and announce that there—there is going to be a—a

swimming bee. All the women in these bathing suits, they’re all going out there. They’re going to have a contest; these women, swimming. And they’re going to have a—a party of some sort, and they’re going to fry up a lot of—of chicken, and play bunco, and—and all these things like that. To me, that

takes the genuine sincerity out of Christianity; just get by with anything.” 316

Branham, William. 1962, Jun 3. The End Time Evangelism. “So this fellow said to me, "That would not work today. That's against the sanitation rule, health rules. " And then that same man take his

family, wife and all those children down there to that swimming pool where all those women and men, and in that water at times of the month that they shouldn't be in, and all that. They never go into the restrooms sometimes, and…and all them dirty bodies and filth in there, and them spurting it through their mouth, and eyes, and things like that. And then say that Jesus spitting on the ground and making a man to see!” 317 Branham, William. 1957, Jun 30. Thirsting For Life. “Why don't a man kiss a man, woman kiss a woman, in the lips? Because it don't cross the glands. Children is born by crossing glands. So it's almost

a public adultery again, everywhere. Look on the screens and everything you see, a — a slobbering and a — a carrying on. No wonder immorality is on the — is on the incline! How can they do it, and spurring themselves all up by kissing those women in the mouth, knowing that that's adultery! God won't forgive it unless you repent.”


• Interracial marriage is forbidden318

Household Rules

• No Easter bunny319

• No telling children about Santa Claus320

• Putting fuel in your vehicle on Sunday321 • No living in valleys322

318 Branham, William. 1960, Nov 13. Condemnation By Representation. “Hybreeding, hybreeding, oh,

how terrible, hybreeding. They hybreed the people. New York, the big molding pot. I've got hundreds of precious colored friends that's borned again Christians. But on this line of segregations and things they're talking about, hybreeding the people. What, tell me what fine cultured, fine Christian colored woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a white man? No, sir. It's not right. What white woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a colored man? God made us what we are. Let's stay what God made us; I believe it's right.” 319 Branham, William. 1963, Dec 14. - Why Little Bethlehem. “But, remember, what ever what day it

might be, we still doesn’t take away the sacredness of what its supposed to be. Where Satan has robbed us of this, has made a great commercial, and Santa Claus stole all of the worship. And it’s become a—a day like Easter, like bunny rabbits and pink ducks. And—and then what’s that got to do with Easter?

What’s that got to do with the resurrection of Christ?” 320

Branham, William. 1960, Dec 25. God's Wrapped Gift. “What’s any more of a myth than Santa Claus? Never was such a thing. Telling children lies, you’ll be responsible for it at the Day of the

Judgment.” 321 Branham, William. 1959, Mar 1. Strait Is The Gate. “Belong to church, deacons in the church, pious as they could be. Why, you think they’d buy gasoline on Sunday? No. But on Monday do something that’s dirty and rotten and low-down. God dwells in the heart, not in outward, it’s something comes from the heart” 322 Branham, William. 1963, Jul 31. There Is Only One Way Provided By God For Anything. “When I heard that egg situation the other day, I went back in my book where the Lord spoke to me in 1931,

and there I had written in my book, "In the last days, warn the people not to eat eggs or live in a valley. " And, see, not know what fallout and things would be, see, but yet the Lord forewarned that, way back thirty years ago, see, "Not to live in a valley, in the last days," and, "Don't eat eggs," everything will be poisoned. See? And that's just what's happened. Now imagine that, thirty something years ago.”


SHORTS Most versions of William Branham's stage persona preached strongly

against men, women, and children wearing shorts.323 According to

Branham, men who wore shorts were wearing "women's underneath

garments", and were "sissies".

She took off the clothes that God dressed her in, back in

Eden, for her journey through the--this wilderness. She

took them off. She stripped herself down. When, God had

her wrapped all over in skins; she's begin to shave a little off each time, now she is back to where she was at the

beginning. Now she has got her Adam to wearing her

underneath clothes. A man put on them little old sissy-

looking shorts, and get out here, I don't think there is much man to him. He is the biggest sissy I know of. See?

See, she has got her perverted Adam to act like she, see,

wearing her underneath clothes. She seen what she could

do out yonder when she took off all of her clothes but her underneath ones. That's the shorts. Course, that's the

woman's underneath clothes, and here her Adam is

wearing them now. Which, according to God's original

Word, "Is an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man, and a man to put on a

garment pertains to a woman," from the original Word.

Think of it!324

Offstage, however, William Branham wore shorts. According to Rebekah Branham Smith, William Branham's daughter, certain "brothers"

asked William Branham to wear shorts for a photograph in Africa. Upon

further examination of the photo, however, it appears that William

Branham's legs are already tanned.

323 Branham, William. 1954, April 4. Earnestly Contending For The Faith. “What would he say today to see them in shorts and carrying on the way they are now? You see? Satan might've went out of fashion, but he's not out of business; he's still on the job. Brother, the thing it is, you just let these little old things creep in, creep in, creep in, till the devil has blinded the eyes of the American people, and Communism has swept every church, and every school, and everything else. Yes, sir. That's true. Oh, I wished I could scream it out to the people. We are finished; as a nation we're finished. That's right?

We're... After the revivals and thing that's swept this land, and people still walk along the way they do, ignoring the Holy Spirit? How can you expect anything else but ruination and damnation and judgment?” 324 Branham, William. 1965, Aug 29


This was in South Africa, at the Kruger National Park and

when he was down there I believe it was 1951 and the brothers took him [William Branham] there and talked

him into putting on one of these safari suits and had his

picture made to bring home to us kids and when we saw

it, we said, "That's not Daddy! That's not Daddy!" but you know the Stetson, the Florsheim shoes, they give it way.

That's Dad - Rebekah Branham Smith



In August of 1949, William Branham held a series of meetings in

Windsor, Ontario. Along with the spreading of Branham’s “faith

healing” fame, critics like James Randi325 were also making waves as

they questioned Branham’s “healing” power. Not surprisingly, a letter

was submitted to the editor of the Windsor Star appealing to those who

might have otherwise been skeptical of Branham and his claims.

Coming to Windsor this Sunday (August 21) is Rev. William

Branham whom God is using in praying for the sick. No building

is large enough to hold the crowds that come wanting to be

prayed for. Many hundreds are turned away daily. Bro.

Branham couldn’t heal a sick headache, but God can. He prays

the prayer of faith and the Lord does the healing. He is only an

instrument in the hands of a great and wonderful God.

I have been to his meetings and have seen the Lord make

crippled legs straight, heard a small boy, eight or nine years of

age, blind, shout for joy, “I see, I see”

Cancers disappear; T.B. People are healed; hopeless bed-

ridden people jump from their beds and shout praises to God.

Now can anyone say, I don’t believe it? If so, come to the

Windsor Arena August 21 to 25 and see for yourselves.

Bring your sick, your blind, and your deaf ones. Come

believing, get rid of your sin and God will heal your bodies. He

never fails.


Both well, Ont.326

At the same time, William Branham introduced a story into his stage

persona which appears to have been an attempt to halt the critics.

Branham claimed that a certain pastor who questioned his abilities in

the Windsor meeting attempted to expose the reason behind his use of

“prayer cards”. Branham alleged that the man wrote a disease on his

325 Branham claimed that cancer was a “demon” that could “fall out”. Example: 1947, Dec 7. Experiences. “That cancer turned white, fell off of his neck, and rolled over my feet.” 326 God’s Healing Power and Witnesses. 1949, Aug 19. The Windsor Star.


“prayer card” that he did not have, and was struck to the floor by God.327

This was a story that would continue in various forms throughout

different versions of Branham’s stage persona.

In 1953, William Branham claimed they man was given the disease

he wrote (Tuberculosis), 328 which he would suffer with for the rest of

his life. In 1956, Branham claimed that the man did not fall to the floor.

Instead, he ran screaming.329 In 1957, Branham claimed that the man

died a year later. Parts of the recording were missing or

unintelligible.330 Later in 1957, Branham claimed that the man also got

cancer, and that he did not die. He was still alive, in critical condition.331

In 1958, Branham claimed the man got cancer, not tuberculosis, and

died six months later.332 The next month, Branham claimed that the man

did not run screaming or die, he was struck down paralyzed and was still

alive.333 In 1961, Branham claimed that the man was not alive, but died

six weeks later.334


Branham, William. 1950, Jan 10. Moses. “And he fell down on the floor and begin to screaming to the top of his

voice. He said, ‘God, have mercy on me.’” 328 Branham, William. 1953, May 8. God Commissioning Moses. “I said, “’The disease that you put on that prayer

card will be on you the rest of your life.’” 329

Branham, William. 1956, Dec 9. Jehovah Jireh. “And screaming, he run from the building.” 330 Branham, William. 1957, Jan 27. Blind Bartimaeus. “I said, ‘The thing that you put on your prayer card, TB and so

forth, is on you now.’ The man died about a year later.” 331 Branham, William. 1957, Jun 30. Thirsting for Life. And I said, “The things that you put on your card, you have.

Both cancer and TB.” And he fell down on the platform. But the last time I heard him, I never heard no more, just a

letter from some of the people, that he was in a serious condition.” 332 Branham, William. 1958, Feb 8. The Queen of the South. “I said, ‘Now, what was on your prayer card you have.’

He died about six months later with a cancer.” 333 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 30. Christ Knocking at the Door. “How many was at the Windsor meeting to see

that critic, that preacher? They packed him out paralyzed, and he’s still paralyzed.” 334 Branham, William. 1961, Feb 12. Jehovah Jireh. “And I said, “Because that you have said, and put that on your

prayer card, now you have it.”


THE TRAGEDY OF DONNY MORTON On June 9, 1951, Arthur Morton arrived in Los Angeles, CA with his

four-year-old son Donny looking for a miracle. Young Donny was dying

from meningitis and specialists had told his father that at most, Donny

had six months to live. Brain tissue had already begun to deteriorate,

removing Donny’s center of balance.335 After hearing about William Branham’s faith healing campaigns, Arthur left his family in Saskatchewan

to attend one of Branham’s meetings held in a tent just outside Costa

Mesa in Orange County, CA.336 Branham pronounced “healing” on June

10, 1951.337 Arthur’s hope became elevated after the first night of prayer.

According to Arthur, Donny smiled at him in his sleep for the first time

ever. Arthur returned to the meetings several more times,338 and Donny

stood to his feet for the first time in several months.339 News of Arthur and Donny’s travels to the faith healer quickly spread.

A woman in Pasadena begged Arthur to let her doctor examine Morton

after having been cured of a similar condition, offering to pay for the

expensive operation if the surgeon advised.340 Dr. William T. Grant, the specialist in Pasadena, offered to perform the brain operation free of

charge.341 William Branham claimed that he had healed the child,342 but

Donny’s symptoms still continued. 343 Eventually, Arthur took Donny to

the surgeon in Pasadena. Sadly, neither the operation from the surgeon or William Branham’s healing claim were successful. Donny Morton died

335 Father Hunts Miracle to Save Doomed Son, 4: Pair Travel 3000 Miles in Hope Pastor Can Do What

World’s Best Surgeons Can Not. 1951, Jun 10. The Los Angeles Times. 336 Father Hunts Miracle to Save Doomed Son, 4. 1951, Jun 10. The Los Angeles Times. “William Branham, whose headquarters are in a large tent just outside Costa Mesa in Orange County. 337 Prayers Stir Father’s Hope for Doomed Boy. 1951, Jun 11. The Los Angeles Times. 338 Prayers Stir Father’s Hope for Doomed Boy. 1951, Jun 11. The Los Angeles Times. “He plans to stay for five more days, attending afternoon and evening revival meetings. In the evenings ailing persons may ascend to the stage for Branham’s personal blessings. “My boy not only smiled strongly at me this

morning, but last night he smiled in his sleep – for the first time ever in so long.” 339 Ailing Child Can Stand, Miracle Seeker Says. 1951, Jun 12. The Los Angeles Times. 340 Offers of Aid Pour In For Boy Needing Miracle. 1951, Jun 13. The Los Angeles Times. “Outstanding

was a letter to The Times from a woman living in Pasadena who asked that her name not be used. She told of her own case. After a brain injury she became almost totally helpless and seemed doomed to die. … And then she offered to pay for the complicated, expensive operation if her surgeon deemed an

operation advisable. In her letter she begged Morton to let her doctor examine the child. 341 Baxter, David. Baxter’s Views. 1951, Jul 15. The Odessa American. “What happened was that Dr. William T. Grant, a great brain specialist of Pasadena, California, heard of the case and offered to perform a delicate brain operation on Donny free of charge. A short time ago the operation was performed and I have just now had word that, after several days of observation, Dr. Grant says the operation was a success and that Donny will recover. 342 The Miracle of Donny Morton. November 1952Reader's Digest. "Your son is suffering from a serious

brain malady... But do not give up hope. With faith in God's power, and help from the medical world, your little son will live," Branham said. 343 Baxter, David. Baxter’s Views. 1951, Jul 15. The Odessa American. “no ‘direct’ cure was effected on the spot when the child was brought to the evangelist.”


November 1, 1951344 of spinal meningitis345 complicated by pneumonia.346

For the next decade, William Branham claimed that Donny Morton had been healed in his meeting.

And the mother and them thought they could maybe take

fifty dollars, and all of them come to the United States,

and take Donny to the meeting, and everything else. It wouldn't even pay one of their ways on a airplane. They

had to come by a bus, couldn't even come by train. And

when they got there, they had to take Travelers Aid to get

out there to where the meeting was. And the Holy Spirit told him who he was, where he come from, and so forth-

-little drawed-over father, holding his baby. And so...

Then it told him exactly what would happen. The Lord

healed the child to the glory of God. And when being interviewed on that, they said at Mayo Brothers,

"Reverend Branham, we don't profess to be healers. We

only profess to assist nature. There's one Healer. That's

God." That's the best, isn't it347

344 Death Wins Fight to Save Boy With Brain Ailment. 1951, Nov 3. The News Review. “Donny Morton died Thursday night.” 345 Canada Thanks US For Kindness. 1952, Jan 16. The Fresno Bee The Republican. “Donny underwent

several operations here and finally succumbed to spinal meningitis.” 346 Fight for Life Ends; Donny Morton Dead. 1951, Nov 3. The Oregon Statesman. “pneumonia weakened him following the fourth, and complications arose.” 347 Branham, William. 1962, Jul 25. A Greater Than Solomon Is Here


RAISED FROM THE DEAD William Branham frequently claimed to have raised people from

the dead during his sermons.348 According to Branham, he had collected

“bona-fide” statements from those who returned to life,349 claims that

could be verified.350 When newspaper reporters attempted to verify such

claims, however, evidence to support such claims could not be found. On July 23, 1947, the Jeffersonville Evening News put one such claim

to rest. During his meetings in Canada, Branham claimed that he had raised a man from the dead after the man had been sent to the

undertaking parlor – a claim easily verified. Shortly after Branham’s

meeting at the Zion Church in Winnipeg,351 Ted Shrader, a newspaper

reporter from the Winnipeg Tribune, attempted to verify the claim by

contacting the Jeffersonville Evening News. Jeffersonville reporters informed the Winnipeg Tribune that Branham’s claim was false,

commenting on how such a startling occurrence would have certainly

made the news. After their investigation, Branham’s claim to raise the

dead could not be substantiated.

348 Example; Branham, William. 1950, Aug 20. Believe Ye That I Am Able To Do This? “The other night, at the same meeting I was telling you about, the newspaper they carried where that woman had raised up from the dead, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop.” 349 Branham, William. 1963, Nov 10. He That Is In You. “Look, we have five bona-fide statements, of people “dead,” and the Lord giving vision, and going to them and raising them back.” 350 Branham, William. 1953, May 6. Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever . “Every one of them is bona fide, everything is bona fide. You can check it right back.” 351 Zion Church. 1947, Jun 14. Winnipeg Tribune. “The special revival meeting with Rev. W. Branham is definitely settled July 12 to July 20th at Zion Church.”



THE DRIVERLESS EGG-CAR As late as 1953,352 William Branham introduced a prophetic claim for

his stage persona, claiming to have had a prophecy in 1933 regarding the

physical shape of future automobiles. In his earliest accounts,

descriptions of the "vision" alleged that immediately before the End of

Days, automobiles would become shaped "like an egg". At the time of the 1953 introduction to this claim, it would have seemed prophetic; the

shape of vehicles were certainly becoming more aerodynamic, while most

people would have forgotten the timeline of the shifts in design. In 1933,

however, a prophet was not needed to predict the upcoming changes in the automobile industry.

In 1902, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle published an article describing a new

automobile design that was breaking speed records. Mr. Serpollet won a

contest in Nice, France using a brand-new 12-horsepower egg-shaped automobile.353 In 1921, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle published another

article describing German innovation. An article entitled "Sensation

Created By Egg-Shaped Car With Rear Motor" described a stream-lined

automobile that was making world headlines. By 1930, newspapers across the United States354 were preparing Americans for the change

coming to the automobile industry based on the innovation of engineers

in several countries. Scientists realized that aerodynamics were critical to

automobile design, and had determined through wind-tunnel testing that the egg-shape design performed better than the block body style of the

past.355 The automotive industry began producing prototypes of

automobiles shaped like eggs, while newspapers intrigued readers using

titles such as "Freak Car Like This May Be Common In Future!"356 And "Future Autos May Be Shaped Like Egg and Run on Air!"357

The Louisville Courier-Journal, a newspaper sold in Branham's

hometown of Jeffersonville, IN, published an article on August 9, 1931,

352 Branham, William. 1953, Mar 26. Israel and the Church #2. “I said, ‘Just before that time comes,

that automobiles…’ Which was built that old straight back, twenty years ago or twenty-five years ago. You can remember twenty years anyhow. And I said, “They’ll look like an egg. They’ll be shaped. That’s a vision. Be something on the shape of something like that.” And that’s the way they’ll be just before

the Rapture. 353

Automobile at Nice Breaks All Records. 1902, Apr 14. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. “M. Serpollet with a new 12 horse power, egg shaped automobile” 354 Example: Days of Gasoline Engine Not Numbered, Declared: Auto Still Due For Radical Changes. 1930, Aug 10. The Owensboro Messenger. 355 Days of Gasoline Engine Not Numbered, Declared: Auto Still Due For Radical Changes. 1930, Aug 10. The Owensboro Messenger. “For example new body shapes are being tested in a wind tunnel of one of the country’s laboratories in order to determine which would be least resistant to wind pressure thereby affording greater power and economy to the motor, and yet conform to reasonable standards of beauty in design. As a result of these tests we may yet be riding in egg-shaped automobiles, if our

aesthetic senses will permit.” 356 Freak Car Like This May Be Common In Future. (Photograph of egg-shaped automobile). 1930, Aug 13. El Paso Evening Post. 357 Example El Paso Evening Post, Wednesday Aug 13, 1930.


describing the "egg-shaped car of the future",358 and it is likely that the

future of the automobile industry would have been a topic of local discussion. The reporters in Louisville beat William Branham to his own

prediction. Multiple cities in multiple countries were discussing the new

"egg design". Ottawa Journal, for instance, published an article on April

25, 1931, entitled "Egg-Shaped Automobile Body Predicted For Future" which described the changes required in the bodies of vehicles to achieve

greater speed.359

Knowledge of the upcoming changes to the automotive industry

became even more widespread due to the 1933 World's Fair Century of Progress International Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. Visitors to the 1933

World’s Fair were given an even better glimpse into the future through

prototypes on display from top manufacturers, and those prototypes soon

transitioned from concept to reality. The Lincoln Zephyr, for example, was based on the 1933 Briggs Dream Car360 and looked almost identical

to the egg-shaped Volkswagen Beatle. The Lincoln Zephyr prototype was

made in honor of the biggest attraction in the 1933 World's Fair: The

Pioneer Zephyr, an early model of what would become the California Zephyr, a train that would quickly transport passengers from Chicago to

San Francisco.361

The Pioneer Zephyr was proudly displayed as an attraction for visitors

to see how aerodynamics would pave the way to the future. The front of the train was rounded and angled forward to allow air to flow freely as it

cut through the wind.362 The Ford Motor Company appears to have used

the design of the train for the grill and mid-section of the Lincoln Zephyr

but took aerodynamics to the next level with the rounded fenders, rounded top, and overall shape of an egg.

Many automobile companies were already presenting their

aerodynamic designs at the 1933 World's Fair. The first prototype of the

Dymaxion, for instance, was tested at the Fair.363 The Dymaxion was

358 Streamlining is Looked For. 1931, Aug 9. The Courier Journal. “In addition to being egg-shaped”. 359 Egg-Shaped Automobile Body Predicted For Future 360 Lincoln Zephyr Coupe. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from http://gtsupreme.com/lincoln-zephyr-coupe-

1938-1939. 361

Lincoln Zephyr Coupe. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from http://gtsupreme.com/lincoln-zephyr-coupe-1938-1939. “The car was conceived by Edsel Ford and designed by Eugene Turenne Gregorie. Gregorie

had a design concept based on the 1934 Pioneer Zephyr streamliner train, also referred to as the Burlington Zephyr. The 1936 Lincoln-Zephyr car was called "the first successfully streamlined car in America" by the Museum of Modern Art in New York". 362 All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr. Accessed 2020 Jun 1 from https://www.msichicago.org/explore/whats-here/exhibits/all-aboard-the-pioneer-zephyr 363 Buckminster Fuller's Three-Wheeled 1933 Dymaxion Car Hits the Road in 2015. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from https://www.solidsmack.com/culture/buckminster-fullers-three-wheeled-dymaxion-car-hits-

the-road/. “When the Dymaxion #1 was presented and driven at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair, it made headlines and scared off potential investors after it killed the test driver and injured two passengers in a brutal crash. Unsurprisingly, the public lost interest in the car before it even went into production and it became known as a literal death machine.”


even more egg-shaped – looking very much like an egg-on-wheels.364

This design proved to be flawed, however; the Dymaxion was involved in an accident that killed the driver and seriously injured two passengers. It

was determined that the vehicle was top-heavy and the single rear wheel

did not offer enough stability. It crashed at the entrance of the 1933

World’s Fair, bringing nationwide attention to the new design and its flaws.365

Not only would it have been difficult for William Branham or his early

following to have been unaware of the many predictions concerning the

shape of automobiles, it would have been nearly impossible for Branham not to have seen the prototypes. William Branham visited the 1933

World's Fair Century of Progress International Exposition in Chicago,


I remember when I stood by the side of the seashore the first time… It wasn’t the sea; it was Lake Michigan. I was

just a boy preacher, went up to hear Paul Rader preach at

the World’s Fair, about 1933, I believe it was, when it was

at Chicago366

All manufacturers appeared to be competing for their race to create

the future as described by Norman Bel Geddes. Bel Geddes was quickly

becoming a recognized name in not only the automotive industry, but

many other industries367 do to what were deemed to be his prophetic368 designs. In 1932, Norman Bel Geddes published a book of the

advancements in science that were soon to become reality. In "Horizons,"

364 Pictures of the Dymaxion Car. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from http://www.washedashore.com/projects/dymax/pictures.html 365 Ernst, Kurt. 2014, Mar 27. Cars of Futures Past - Dymaxion 4D Transport. Axccessed 2020, Oct 1 from https://www.hemmings.com/stories/2014/03/27/cars-of-futures-past-dymaxion-4d-transport. “at changed on October 27, 1933. With race car driver Francis T. Turner at the wheel, the Dymaxion was involved in a highly publicized rollover accident that was immediately attributed to the car's

unconventional "reverse tricycle" design. Turner was killed in the crash while passengers Colonel William Francis Forbes-Sempill and Charles Dolfuss (the Air Minister of France) were seriously injured. A later inquiry would show that the real cause of the impact was a collision with another vehicle (driven

by a Chicago politician who wanted a closer look at the Dymaxion), which immediately fled the scene, but the damage was done.” 366

Branham, William. 1962, Jun 12. Behold, A Greater Than Solomon Is Here. 367 Marchland, Norman. 1992. The Designers go to the Fair, II: Norman Bel Geddes, The General Motors "Futurama" and the Visit to the Factory Transformed. "Bel Geddes had glimpsed himself as a designer and planner on a grand scale. He adopted the stance of an adversary to the irrationalities and resulting inefficiencies and dangers of present conventions in highway building and as the champion of rational engineering and mistake-proof technologies. A system of 14-lane highways, on which drivers would respond to messages from radio control towers and find their way illuminated at night by an electric-eye controlled system of indirect lighting, would eliminate most of the accidents resulting from "human

failure." 368 Norman Bel Geddes, prophetic designer and unsung hero. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a6238/this-is-norman-bel-geddes-prophetic-designer-and-unsung-automotive-hero/


Bel Geddes describes the car of the future:

This form is approximately that of an egg, though the

small end of the drop tapers more sharply to a conical

point. In falling, the larger and blunt end of the drop is

foremost. This is the shape that creates the least turbulence … It is my prediction that within the next two

or three years some farseeing manufacturer will again

turn his attention to making his machine go, that this time

his design will be the result of what has been learned in this motorized-buggy era. This means that he will start

afresh and that his objective will be the ultimate form of

the future motor car. This car will look very different from

those you seen on the road to-day but not very different

from Car Number 8 as illustrated here.369

While the egg-shaped design, with rounded tops, fenders, and oval

designs were popular in the 1940s and 1950s, the automotive industry

eventually shifted to a much different design to accommodate greater speeds of travel. Vehicles of today are flattened when compared to the

automobiles during the 1950s when Branham claimed to have made his

“1933” prediction. In fact, the shape and design of automobiles were

changing throughout Branham’s lifetime. It should come as no surprise that additional details were later added to the “egg-shaped prophecy”,

and focus shifted from their external design to internal components. After

Central Power and Light Company began advertising the automobiles of

the future in "Power Companies Build For Your New Electric Living,370 Branham's description of his “prophecy” was changed to include details of

the people sitting inside of the car as it drove unattended. His description

closely matched the scene from the picture in the article, from the rounded

glass dome of the vehicle to the family playing a board game in the cab while leaving the steering wheel untouched.

369 Bell Geddes. 1932. Horizons. 370 Power Companies Build For Your New Electric Living. Accessed 2020, Oct 1 from https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2018/05/driverless-cars-flat-tvs-predictions-automated-future-1956/


And now, it also said, “And it shall come to pass, that

before the end time shall come, that automobiles will take on the shape of an egg, become more like an egg.” And I

saw an American family driving down a highway in a car

that…They were setting facing one another, and had a

table, and were, look like, playing checkers or cards. And they didn’t have any steering wheel in the car. And it was

controlled by some power without a steering wheel. How

many remembers me prophesying that (see?), that’s been

here? Now, at the World’s Fair they’ve already got the car on the market. Here is the…It’s sold now; some big

company has taken many of them. And this car, here it

is. Paul Boyd remembered the prophecy, looked into his

book what I’d said, and took the picture in there. And there it is, exactly in the form of an egg, with two seats

setting that way, and two seats setting this way, and a

table setting in the middle to play the cards and things on,

just exactly.371

371 Branham, William. 1964, Aug 23. Questions and Answers #1.



LOS ANGELES PROPHECY In 1965, William Branham watched a television program discussing the

instability of Los Angeles. In the program, a scientist was interviewed

who stated that Los Angeles would sink within five years.372 Not only was

his entertainment choice in violation of the rules presented by his stage

persona,373 it became the basis for a “prophecy” that would be used for that stage persona until the end of his life.374 Speaking in Los Angeles

during April of 1965, Branham predicted that Los Angeles would sink

beneath the ocean.

372 Branham, William. 1965, Jul 11. Ashamed. “And this scientist was speaking, being on an interview. We was watching on television. And he said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava. " And he said this, he said, "That is a chunk will break loose," and said, "and it will. " And this inter-... The man, scientist

interviewing this chief scientist, said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?" He said, "Could? It's got to!" Said, "Well, course, will probably be many, many years from now. " He said, "It can be in five minutes from now, or it can be in five years from now. " He just lotted five years. But just as I sure was

standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking of Los Angeles, she is gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know.” 373 Branham, William. 1947, Apr 7. God Keeps His Word. “The devil throwed out a television yonder, and then God worked it around to throw men on the television; and every drunkard in the barroom, or wherever he is, will stand without an excuse. Yes, sir. The testing time has come. What did I tell you from this pulpit? “Last year, America made her fatal mistake.” I said, “Fatal mistake!” She sure did.” 374 Example: Branham, William. 1965, Dec 7. Leadership. “Look here! Do you know what the Lord says

about Los Angeles and these places here? “She’s gone!” You remember what I told you, about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada up here, Alaska? I also tell you that “Hollywood and Los Angeles is sliding into the ocean. California, you’re doomed! Not only California; but you, world, you’re doomed! Church, unless you get right with God, you’re doomed!” THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!:


That is solemn warning. We don't know what time, and

you don't know what time, that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. "Oh,

Capernaum," said Jesus, "thou who exalted into heaven,

will be brought down into hell. For, if the mighty works

had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it'd have been standing to this day." And Sodom, Gomorrah lays in the

bottom of the Dead Sea. And Capernaum is in the bottom

of the sea. Thou city, who claims to be the city of the

Angels, who has exalted yourself into heaven, and sent all the dirty, filthy things of fashions and things, till even the

foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send

it away, to your fine churches and steeples, and so forth,

the way you do. Remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of the sea, your great honeycomb under you

right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath

you. How much longer He will hold this sandbar hanging

out over that? When, that ocean out yonder, a mile deep, will slide in there, plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be

worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los


After returning to Jeffersonville, IN, William Branham alleged that he was speaking under divine inspiration, and did not remember what he had

said. According to Branham, God had spoken through him, calling Los

Angeles “Capernaum”, and warning that the city would sink beneath the

ocean.376 According to the voice that “spoke through” William Branham, Capernaum was beneath the sea.377

The problem? Capernaum is not and has no record of being beneath

the sea. Capernaum was a fishing village at the time of the Hasmoneans

(140-116 BC), and is still located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is one of the tourist attractions promoted by Tourist Israel.378

Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient synagogues built

one on top of the other. Capernaum was spared by the Romans during

the Jewish Revolt (AD 66-70), and was referred to as a fertile spring in


Branham, William. 1965, Apr 29. The Choosing Of A Bride 376

Branham, William. 1965, Jul 18. Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God. “A few nights ago, many of you, just in about a month before going over to Africa, many of you perhaps has

the tape, of you people that get the tapes, on, Choosing A Bride, was preached in California. The last few minutes of that tape, I don’t remember of ever being there. But the Spirit of the Lord came in such a way. I had been condemning them the way they were living and doing, and after the Gospel had been preached and declared before them so much. Then, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit spoke out and said, “Capernaum,” see, “the city that calls yourself by the name of the angels,” that’s Los Angeles, “thou are exalted into Heaven, but be brought down to hell.” See? And then after it was over, why, I was outside, and Brother Mosley and Billy was with me. And they said…Went back and looked, and the whole floor

was just laying full of people, ministers sobbing.” 377 Branham, William. 1965, Apr 29. The Choosing Of A Bride. “And Capernaum is in the bottom of the sea.” 378 Capernaum. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://www.touristisrael.com/capernaum/7636/


the writings of Josephus.379 Many homes were built in the 4th century,

and one of the homes was greatly transformed in the 5th century. Evidence shows a constant transforming city since before the days of

Christ until about the 5th Century.380 According to all archaeological

evidence and historical information available, Capernaum has never been

under the sea. It is common knowledge, however, that Los Angeles is positioned near

a fault line that produces major earthquakes,381 and that knowledge was

common long before Branham made his prediction. Los Angeles is

particularly brittle under its foundation,382 and the people of Los Angeles are no stranger to earthquakes.383

Such predictions were also not unusual, and William Branham was not

the first to predict the sinking of Los Angeles. While in the hospital in

1937, for example, 17-year-old Joe Brandt claimed to have had an out-of-body experience allowing him to witness the tragic event:

379 http://www.bibarch.com/archaeologicalSites/Capernaum.htm. “Josephus recounts that he was brought to Capernaum, or Cepharnome, en route to his headquarters at Tarichea, after injuring his wrist when his horse fell into a quagmire in a battle near the Jordan river during the First Jewish Revolt, CE

66-70, with imperial Rome (Josephus, Life 72; Whiston 1957:26). He also wrote of the springs of Heptapegon as the springs of Capharnaum (Josephus, Wars 3.10.8; Whiston 1957:736).” 380

Capernaum. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://www.biblewalks.com/capernaum. “An octagon

church was built in the 5th century AD at the location of St Peter’s house, and serviced the Christian citizens. At that time the village covered about 60 Dunams (6 Hectares), with a population of about 1,500. Note that the excavated area that is seen today is only 1/3 of the entire size of the village.” 381 The San Andreas Fault. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://geology.com/articles/san-andreas-fault.shtml 382 Living with Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://oregonstate.edu/instruct/oer/earthquake/13%20chapter%2011_color.html . “brittle or

ductile. Brittle crust fractures under the accumulated strain of the motion of tectonic plates and produces earthquakes. The underlying warm and pliable ductile crust deforms without earthquakes.” 383 List of Earthquakes in California. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes_in_California.


I've been thinking about it all morning. I'm going home

tomorrow. It was just a dream. It was nothing more. Nobody in the future on Hollywood Boulevard is going to

be wearing earrings — and those beards. Nothing like

that is ever going to happen. That girl was so real to me

— that girl with those kids. It won't ever happen — but if it did, how could I tell her (maybe she isn't even born yet)

to move away from California when she has her twins —

and she can't be on the Boulevard that day. She was so

gosh-darned real. The other thing — those ham operators — hanging on like that — over and over — saying the

same thing: This is California. We are going into the sea.

This is California. We are going into the sea. Get to the

mountains. Get to the hilltops. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Utah. This is California. We are going

into the sea.384

Unlike Branham’s other predictions, the Los Angeles prediction was

given a timeline. While standing outside May’s Department Store in downtown Los Angeles, William Branham told his son, Billy Paul Branham,

that this tragedy was to occur before Billy Paul was an “old man”.385 Billy

Paul Branham became 85 in 2020, born on September 13, 1935. William

Branham himself claimed to be an “old man” at the age of 45.386

384 Brandt, Joe. 1937. The Coming Earthquake 385 Green, Pearry. 1969. The Acts of the Prophet. “Billy, I may not be here but you won't be an old man until sharks will swim right where we are standing” 386 Branham, William. 1954, Oct 6. Law or Grace. “I said, 'No.' I said, 'See, honey, I’m getting old.' I said, 'I’m on forty-five years old.' I said, 'I’m an old man.' Said, 'I ain’t…My,' I said, 'I’m getting old. I…don’t make any difference to me whether I’m bald-headed or what. Doesn’t matter to me, as long as I don’t go, take—take bad colds so easy. Yeah.'”


TWO MAJOR PROPHETS After the Latter Rain Five-Fold Ministry had produced numerous

“prophets”, many of which joined William Branham’s Voice of Healing

Revival,387 William Branham introduced his “two major prophet” doctrine,

strongly associated with his Church Age theology. According to the

doctrine, God only allowed one “major” prophet per “age”, and there were no examples of two “major” prophets in the Bible. This was also strongly

associated with his Manifested Sons of God theology. According to William

Branham, the “Elijah prophet” of the last “age” – which he claimed to be388

– was the full manifestation of Jesus Christ:

But the Elijah of this day is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to

come according to Matthew the seventeen-…Luke 17:30,

is, the Son of man is to reveal Himself among His people.

Not a man, God! But it’ll come through a prophet. Now, He never had two major prophets at the same time,

never, in the world.389

In Christianity, the distinction of “minor” and “major” for an Old

Testament prophet has nothing to do with their rank, position, or supernatural power. The terms are used simply to categorize certain

books in the Old Testament by length – not by significance.390 The “Four

Major Prophets” were Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel,

and the Twelve Minor Prophets were Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

Contrary to William Branham’s claim, there were major prophets alive at

the same time, some of which described the same events or people. The

major prophets Isaiah and Daniel, for instance, describe the reign of Cyrus:

Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right

hand I have held— To subdue nations before him And

loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double

doors, So that the gates will not be shut - Isaiah 45:1

387 Example: Oral Roberts. Accessed 2020, Oct 3 from http://voiceofhealing.info/03_two%20giants/roberts.html 388 Branham, William. 1960, Mar 10. Elijah and the Meal-Offering. “Do you believe me to be God’s prophet?” 389 Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will 390 Who Were the Major and Minor Prophets in the Bible? Accessed 2020, Oct 3 from https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/who-were-the-major-and-minor-prophets-in-the-bible.html.

“The Bible uses the terms major and minor simply as a way to divide the prophetic books of the Old Testament. The Major Prophets are described as “major” because of the longer lengths of their books, not their significance. In order of occurrence, the Major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.


So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the

reign of Cyrus the Persian - Daniel 6:28


SPEAKING IN TONGUES In later versions of his stage persona, William Branham claimed to

have spoken in unknown languages during his prayer lines. Branham

claimed that it was not his voice speaking, implying that the words were

flowing through him supernaturally in what he called a “trance”. In one

particular instance, he used the phrase "Jumalan rauhaa" and the word "kiitos". After using them, he exclaimed, "What did I just say!"

Visions to me are just like a trance. And they were telling

me of a woman that I had called back in--somewhere in

the audiences, and had told her that a certain affliction had gripped her. But she was--couldn't understand me

because she didn't--she was from a--another country, a

Finnish woman. And then the Holy Spirit, to show that

He's no respect of person, spoke through here, and called her name, and told her to bless God. Spoke in a language

that I didn't know, and called the woman, and give who

she was, and something about to--the Lord's blessings

upon her, something another, in Finnish language. I don't even know English, let alone Finnish. So it goes to show

that God speaks in all the languages and all human beings

belong to Him. How wonderful.391

Right straight back, the back of this place here, about middle ways of this aisle, there's a little--there's a woman,

and she's suffering with a high blood pressure. She--she's

not from here, she a Finn. She's from Finland. If you

believe, sister, you receive your healing. "Jumalan rauhaa," rise up to your feet and accept your healing and

be made well. God bless you. "Kiitos Jesus." Hallelujah!

What was I saying?392

Prior to this claim of speaking in tongues, William Branham toured Finland holding healing revivals. In 1951 – eight years earlier – Branham

described the meetings and the new words he learned while touring

another country. Among them were the same phrases he claimed not to

know in his “trance”.

391 Branham, William. Branham, 1959, Apr 12. Be Certain of God. 59-0412A. 392 Branham, William. Branham, 1959, Apr 11. Watching His Star.


Now, we were in Finland, or England; we flew to Finland

right away to start. At Helsinki we had a marvelous congregation. The Finnish people are so lovely and sweet.

And many times when I think about how poor they are

there, and how much that we ritzy Americans have, we

should be ashamed of ourself. That's--that's right. Those poor people... There's a Finnish woman come on the

platform the other night. And I was trying to keep myself

under anointing, but when she passed she said, "Jumalan

rauhaa," that's "God's peace upon you." And I said,

"Kiitos," to her, it means "thank you."393

“Jumalan rauhaa” was a phrase that Branham used frequently after

hearing it. Though he later claimed not to know the translations in 1959,

Branham explained the meaning of both “jumalan rauhaa” and “kitos” in 1956.

1951: [Finnish brother speaking: And that very great

service with Brother Branham and his party was doing in

Finland, it is still growing and bringing fruit for God's work. Praise the Lord."--Ed.] Amen. God bless you, brother

there. So glad to get to see you again. God bless you.

Jumalan rauhaa. God bless you. Let's say, "Praise the

Lord," everybody. All the way from Finland.394

1952: As the Finns would say, many of them in here,

"Jumalan rauhaa." That's "God's peace rest upon


1953: Anything that'll make a Finn put his arm around Russian and a Russian around a Finn, will settle every war.

Jesus Christ is the answer. Yes, sir. They had nothing

against one another. They wept and cried and hollered,

"Jumalan rauhaa," that's "God's peace rest upon


393 Branham, William. 1951, Jul 28. Three Witnesses. 394 Branham, William. 1951, Jul 29. The Second Miracle. 395 Branham, William. 1951, Jul 20. Who Has Believed Our Report? 396 Branham, William. 1951, Nov 6. Do You Now Believe?


1956: And I was passing through here the other night,

and the custodian said he was from Finland and his people was from Finland. I spoke a few words of Finnish to him.

And I said, "Kiitos" and "Jumalan rauhaa." And he looked

at me. "Kiitos" is "thank you," and "Jumalan

rauhaa" is "God's peace be upon you." And so I think I'd speak a few words in German, and they'd be a whole

lot of people understand me.397

397 Branham, William. 1956, Jan 22. The Junction Time.


TWISTED SCRIPTURE The Book of Revelation ends with a solemn warning to all who might

consider altering, adding, or removing words from the Holy Writ: If any

man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God

shall take away his part out of the book of life.398 In some versions of his

stage persona, William Branham affirmed his belief in this passage,399 though he frequently alleged that he was “God’s Voice” to the people,400

a living or spoken Word,401 and frequently used a single verse for the

context of a sermon rather than the full context of Scripture.402

Throughout his ministry, however, William Branham used verses that sound like Biblical text but are either not from the Christian Bible or that

were altered by adding words or combining words from other verses. Of

Branham’s alterations to Scripture, three invented verses were used most

frequently as a foundation for Branham’s extra-biblical doctrine:

I will be with you even in you until the end of the


This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased to

dwell in.404

398 Revelation 22:18‐19 399 Branham, William. 1953, Sep 6. The Living Jesus Christ. “God wants us to believe His Word just like It’s written there. “Whosoever shall add to or take away, the same shall be taken out of—his part of the Book of Life.” See? So let’s just believe It the way It’s written” 400 Branham, William. 1951, May 5. My Commission. “But I am God’s Voice to you. See? I say that

again. That time was under inspiration.” 401 Branham, William. 1961, Dec 12. Paradox. “But we’re coming to something greater than that now. We’re rising above that. See? We’re coming to that spoken Word.” 402

Example: Branham, William. 1961, Apr 26. Micaiah the Prophet. “But you that wants to look in the Scripture, if you’ll get into First Kings, the 22nd chapter, the 14th verse, that one verse for a little text to make the context from, if the Lord helps us to speak just a few moments.” 403 Example: Branham, William. 1959, Aug 15. As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest. “When He was on earth, look what He did when He was in a body of flesh, the Word said He did. He said, ‘Now a little while and the world won’t see Me no more.’ Cause, He was going away. ‘But you shall see Me (ye, that’s the church), you shall see Me, for I (I is a personal pronoun), I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world. The works that I do shall you also.’” 404 Branham, William. 1963, Mar 20. The Third Seal. “’Well, he said…And one day he was standing there, he said an odd thing. He said, ‘You know, here He comes right now!’ They said, ‘How do you

know?’ Looked over there; just an ordinary Fellow standing there. He said, ‘I see the Spirit of God, like a dove, coming down. I hear a Voice saying, “This is Him. This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell in.”’ Then he walked right in the water and baptized Him, so forth. Well, there, he said he knew Him.”


As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were

saved, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man405

William Branham frequently added the words, “even in you” to the last

verse from the Book of Matthew. Matthew 28 ends with the words

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:

and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”406 This alteration of Scripture was used by William Branham as the

foundation from which to build his Manifested Sons of God doctrine and

ultimately as the basis for his claim to be the manifested Jesus Christ407

of the 20th century.408 Similarly, Branham added the words “to dwell in” to the end of Matthew

3:17 to further support the Manifested Sons of God theology – specifically

to promote his own deity. The versions of Branham’s stage persona that

promoted that doctrine also alleged that Jesus Christ was only a prophet with God “manifested” inside of him,409 and claimed that God was doing

the same in the 20th century.

In the fall of 1957 as Branham’s following began to decrease in size

and his speaking engagements were starting to become more limited, Branham attempted to resolidify his stance against “cold formal

denominations” position that there would only be a small number of

405 Branham, William. 1962, Jun 28. A Greater Than Solomon Is Here. “Just when the revival’s going, and the Spirit of God is moving, God is moving with the people, then when He gets that crop out, weeded out, that’s it. That’s for that generation. Remember, He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.” See? Each generation will just produce so many. And that’s the way you see it today. Everywhere it’s just a dying away, a falling away. Sin is collapsing in everything.” 406 Matthew 28:20 407 Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will. “And Elijah was not…That wasn’t Elijah; That was the Spirit of God on Elijah; Elijah was just a man. Now, we’ve had Elijahs, and Elijahs’ coats, and Elijahs’ mantles, and Elijahs’ everything. But the Elijah of this day is

the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to come according to Matthew the seventeen-…Luke 17:30, is, the Son of Man is to reveal Himself among His people. Not a man, God! But it’ll come through a prophet.” 408

Branham, William. 1965, Nov 27. “Could you think, church, that you’re looking with your own

eyes…The living Word of God made manifest, the promise of the hour, in the last days, looking with your own eyes at the living Word being interpreted in natural form, God among us! “I see Him with my own eyes, the One…I heard that He would do it.” All the old sages looked for this day, now we see It manifested with our own eye.” 409 Branham, William. 1953, Jun 6. An Ensign. “Then Jesus Christ never performed one miracle until God told Him to do it, till he had a vision, God telling Him. He said, “The Father showeth the Son. Whatsoever things the Son sees the Father doing (‘sees’ the Father ‘doing,’ present tense), then He

goes, does it just like the Father said.” Now, He said, “A little while and the world will see Me no more (The world’s the unbeliever.)—the world see Me no more, yet ye will see Me, for I will be with you, even to the end of the world.”


Christians saved.410 He did so by combining two passages from the Bible

into one single (invented) verse. The two passages he chose, one from Matthew 24 and one from 1 Peter 3, had different contextual meanings.

The first, Matthew 24, is describing the sudden coming of Christ that will

catch many unaware. Branham injected the words “wherein eight souls

were saved” immediately before the words “so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be”, making it sound as if only eight people would be saved

when Christ returns.

Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass

away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day

and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven,

but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in

the days that were before the flood they were eating and

drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day

that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming

of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the

one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall

be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour

your Lord doth come.

The second, 1 Peter chapter 3, describes God's patience and faithfulness to even a select few:

410 Branham, William. 1965, Apr 24. “There is approximately five hundred million so-called Christians

in the world today, and each day ends a generation. And now, what if the Rapture would come today and five hundred people, universally, would be taken in the Rapture? You would never know or even see in the paper, of them going. And the Coming of the Lord is a secret Coming. He’ll come and steal away. It’ll be such a minority”


For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the

unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he

went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which

sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering

of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were

saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism

doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of

the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into

heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and

authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

Of the other “Bible verses” that William Branham invented, the most interesting when examining the many claims made by Branham’s stage

persona appears to be an excuse for not telling the truth. Branham

frequently referenced another “Bible verse” that was the result of

combining two different verses: “You’re borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies.”411

This newly invented verse was the result of combining Psalm 51:5 with

Psalm 58:3, and were describing two separate groups of people – the good

and the bad. Psalm 51:5 describes a righteous person; the author states that he was conceived in the sin of his mother, but asks for wisdom. Psalm

58:3 explicitly states who the author believes go astray from birth

speaking lies: the wicked:

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the

inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me

to know wisdom - Psalm 51:5‐6

The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray

as soon as they be born, speaking lies - Psalm 58:3

411 Branham, William. 1954, Mar 6. The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People


CREATION THEOLOGY William Branham based his creation theology upon extra-biblical

sources, combined with extra-biblical "revelations" that were not aligned

with the Biblical narrative. According to the Christian Bible, both men and

women were created by God, in His own image.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image

of God he created them; male and female he created them

- Genesis 1:27

According to Branham's theology, however, mankind was created in

the image of animals. Branham claimed that this was because it was

man's "duty to lead the animal":

And then He put man in the dust of the earth, which was the first man, Adam. And that man was made after the

image, this human man here, is made after the image of

an animal. These human bodies are made in the image

of animals. We got a hand just like a monkey, and—and got a foot like a bear. Take a little cub bear, strip him

down, pull the skin off of him and put upside of a little

baby girl and look at the difference. Huh! Brother, you

sure have to look close. The whole diaphragm, the makeup, is almost the same, the way it’s made and the

form of it, and everything just exactly. It’s in the image

of animal life because he was made something on the

order of an animal, because that was his duty to lead the


While the Biblical narrative describes God creating both the male and

the female, William Branham's creation theology did not. According to William Branham, only the male was created by God. Women, according

to William Branham, were designed by Satan.

She is not in God's original creation. She is a by-product413

412 Branham, William. 1953, July 29. Questions And Answers On Genesis 413 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce.


You may question me about Satan being her designer, but

that's the Truth. Satan designed her. He still does it.414

There is nothing in the world, made in God's creation, that

can be immoral, stoop that low. You say, "Wait a minute,

'man'!" We're going to get to that. The woman has to say

"yes." Notice, there is nothing designed to stoop so low, or be filthy, but a woman. A dog can't do it, a hog can't

do it, a bird can't do it. No animal is immoral, nor it can

be, for it is not designed so it can be. A female hog can't

be immoral, a female dog can't be immoral, a female bird can't be immoral. A woman is the only thing can do it.

Now you see where Satan went?415

414 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce 415 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce.


PHYSICAL ABUSE William Branham advocated for the physical beating of women and

children as disciplinary actions against those who did not adhere to his

cult rules. In most cases, this was limited to corporal punishment. In

extreme cases, however, Branham advised men to hit their wives with

boards until the skin was blistered.

Now, you can take some of these little two-by-fours if

you want to, but that's what God said. That's what Christ

said. Now, that's the truth. Oh, God be merciful. What

must the great Holy Spirit think when He comes before the Father? You say, "Why you picking on us women?" All

right, men, here you are. Any man that'll let his wife

smoke cigarettes and wear them kind of clothes, shows

what he's made out of. He's not very much of a man. That's exactly right. True. He don't love her or he'd

take a board and blister her with it. You know that's

the truth. Now, I don't say that to be smart. I'm telling

you the truth. That's right.416

In some instances, Branham praised those who supported physical

beating and mutilation of the bare skin of unclothed children. In multiple

instances, Branham urged his listeners to strip the clothes off of young

women to properly beat them.417 According to former members,418 these instructions were put into action by parents or guardians.419

416 Branham, William. 1958, Mar 24. Hear Ye Him. 417 Example: Branham, William. 1960, Aug 5. Lamb And Dove. “She'd take a limb off a hickory tree, and she'd take the rest of the clothes off her, and the hide with it. Then call that illiteracy. God knows

we need some more mammys like that. That's exactly right.” 418

Our Stories. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://castingpearlsproject.com/our-stories 419

Example: A. Anna-Lisa. Turning Pain Into Power. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from

https://castingpearlsproject.com/turning-pain-into-power . “The abuse included the most degrading forms of humiliation. I was locked in a basement cellar for hours or even days, naked, with no food. I was forced to walk around my home completing chores, not a stitch of clothing on my body. I was coerced into performing various exercise routines, naked, my parents laughing while they picked apart and ridiculed my body. My legs were scarred from where my mother grabbed me and dug her nails into me. Handprints and nail marks were left on my face after being slapped or pinched on the nose and drug wherever I was wanted. Punishments also included beatings with a belt and a Louisville Slugger,

the resulting welts impossible to describe. My mother spat on me and told me I was completely worthless and would never amount to anything because I was Hispanic and adopted. Even though I had never kissed or touched a man except when I was raped at age 5, she called me a “Judas”, slut, trash and an endless list of other names.”


You would find out how illiterate they were. She'd beat

her till she'd be so full of welts, you couldn't get the clothes over the top of them. That's what needs to be done


420 Branham, William. 1956, Jul 28. Making The Valley Full Of Ditches


MISOGYNY William Branham admitted to having struggled with destructive views

of women from an early age. According to Branham, he had thoughts of

killing women during his youth, and still struggled with thoughts of killing

as an evangelist.421 Branham recognized the fact that others were aware

of his issue with women, and frequently stated that his thoughts of killing excluded women within his own following.422 According to the testimony

of former followers, Branham’s statements were used as the basis for

physical and sexual abuse.423

Branham’s views of Biblical women were much the same. In the versions of Branham’s stage persona that believed that Jesus was God

and not Michael the Archangel, Branham claimed that Jesus spoke

negatively to Mary by calling her “woman” instead of “mother”.424

According to Strong’s Concordance, however, the word that Jesus used to address Mary was one of respect.425

There are many examples of respect for women in the Bible. The first

miracle Jesus performed426 was performed in response to a plea from His

mother when he turned water into wine for guests at a wedding celebration. The resurrection of Lazarus was the result of a request made

421 Branham, William. 1959, Apr 19. My Life Story. “This was my remark then, ‘They’re not worth a good clean bullet to kill them with it.’ That’s right. And I hated women. That’s right. And I just have to watch every move now, to keep from still thinking the same thing.” 422 Branham, William. 1959, Apr 19. My Life Story. “Now, I’m called a “woman-hater,” you know that,

because I’m always kind of against women, but not against you Sisters. I’m just against the way modern women act.” 423 Example: Psalm 147:3. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://castingpearlsproject.com/psalm-147%3A3. “Most of the Message groups followed William Branham directly and his words were their absolute. My dad, however, always had a way of taking everything to the next level and that's where my story begins. Picture this: a dark room with a faded light. It's a place that is only found on an old country road of Indiana. I was 4 years old. I can still remember the smell and feelings that I felt that

night. My dad thought that he was a prophet. He said that he was one of the 7 Thunders. He got that from The Book of Revelations where it prophecies about 7 Thunders uttering their voices and my dad believed he was one of them. He believed that it was his job to proclaim Joseph Branham, William

Branham’s son, as the second coming of Christ. This is one of many shameful parts of my life, but I feel like it must be shared in order to understand my dad’s state of mind. In that dark room was my father, my mother, and my four siblings. He told us that God had a special message for us. He told us that God

wanted us to get naked and pray in a circle together. We proceeded to strip off our clothes and then the lights were turned out. I know I was only four, but I felt a sense of embarrassment having to strip off in front of my dad and brother. As we begin to pray my brother decided to touch me sexually for the very first time. 424 Branham, William. 1964, Jan 19. “On the cross, when He was dying, He also spoke the same thing. He said to John, John here, this man, “’on, behold your mother!’ Not, ‘Mother, behold thy son.’ ‘Woman, behold your son!’ Not, see, she wasn’t no mother of God. She was just a borrowed womb

that God used; no more than any other woman that God take a notion to use.” 425 1135. guné. Accessed 2020, Oct 2 from https://biblehub.com/greek/1135.htm. “or in respect, John 2:4; John 19:26” 426 John 2:1-11


by two women427. Jesus first revealed himself as the Messiah to a

woman,428 and he was anointed with oil by a woman.429 Women were among the very first "believers" who made up the early church,430 and the

first church in Europe began with a group of women who continued to

meet in the home of a woman.431 Women were included with men when

Jesus expanded group of disciples.432 He commissioned women as the very first evangelists.433 Women were included in the group of disciples

who for prayer after the Jesus ascended,434 and at least one early church

was either led by a woman or cooperatively led by a woman.435 There are

examples describing the early church being staffed by many women,436 as well as examples of the early apostles promoting gender equality.437

Branham, however, took the doctrinal position against gender equality

during later versions of his stage persona. According to Branham, the

female human was the “tree of death”.438 These positions were often in direct conflict with passages of scripture supportive of women. Proverbs,

for example, describes the female as the “tree of life”.439 Branham

claimed that women were not in God’s original creation,440 designed by

Satan441 to be the lowest of all animals on earth.442

427 John 11:1-44 428 John 4:25- 26 429 John 12:1-8 430 Acts 5:14; Acts 8:12; 17:4, 12 431 Acts 16:13-15 432 Luke 8. 433 Matthew 28:1-10; John 20:17 434 Acts 1:14 435

1 Corinthians 16:19 436

Ex: Romans 16:12, Philippians 4:3 437

Galatians 3:28. “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and

female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 438 Branham, William. 1957, Sept 25. Questions And Answers On Hebrews #1. “The woman is a tree of death, the man is a tree of life; for the woman doesn’t even bear life in her. That’s exactly right.” 439 Proverbs 3:18. “She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.” 440 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce. “She is not in God's original creation. She is a by-product” 441 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce. “You may question me about Satan being her designer, but that's the Truth. Satan designed her. He still does it.” 442 Branham, William. 1965, Feb 21. Marriage and Divorce. “When, in God's sight, the Word, she is the lowest of all animals that God put on the earth.”


CIVIL RIGHTS Though he was not consistent in the recorded sermons from 1947 to

1965 that are available to the public, William Branham frequently took a

firm position against the Civil Rights movement as its heroes fought for

the freedom that African Americans enjoy today. After the heated battles

between races subsided in major cities, William Branham would hold "revivals" nearby and declare his position against those who stood for

freedom. The best example of this is in Little Rock, Arkansas, a city that

Wiliam Branham frequently visited, and that his mentor, Roy E. Davis,

used during his transition443 into power as Imperial Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.444

In 1957, nine African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central

High School, causing a disruption that would eventually explode into a

crisis requiring militarized intervention. The Little Rock school system was segregated and was making national news as it refused to recognize the

unanimous decision in the Brown v. Board of Education case. Since 1954,

the Supreme Court of the United States maintained that segregation in

public schools was unconstitutional. Many white supremacy groups objected to this, claiming that the desegregation of schools would

eventually lead to interracial marriage -- which white supremacy groups

(and William Branham) fought against to stop.

It was during this crisis that Roy E. Davis started gaining recognition. Federal Bureau of Investigation documents describes Davis as one of the

most active leaders of the white supremacy groups in Little Rock.

Declassified documents describe F.B.I. informants from Little Rock in

Davis' secret meetings leading up to the Little Rock Crisis. Apparently, Davis held meetings under the names of several different white

supremacy organizations, but inductees were introduced into the Ku Klux

Klan. In fact, Davis was so successful in his recruiting for the Ku Klux

Klan that a large population in Little Rock and the surrounding area became active in the battle against Civil Rights. Largely because of Davis,

the President of the United States was forced to intervene. On September

4, 1957, 289 soldiers in the National Guard was ordered to restore law

and order. After the crisis situation had subsided, but still while the battle for Civil

Rights raged, William Branham admitted to the people in nearby Hot

Springs, Arkansas that he was present during the Little Rock Crisis. While

Roy E. Davis was recruiting for the Ku Klux Klan, William Branham was on the scene. According to his testimony, Branham sided with the white

supremacists -- not the African Americans seeking to gain their freedom.

443 Klan. 1959, June 7. Arkansas Gazette. “R. E. Davis of Dallas, who is said to have tried to organize a

Klan last year at Little Rock” 444 Imperial Wizard says KKK’s Membership Very Small in Texas. 1961, Feb 11. Dallas Morning News. “A Dallas man who claims he has been the Imperial Wizard of the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for over a year … R. E. Davis Sr.”


So they're not slaves. They have as much freedom as

anybody else. They, if they were slaves, I would be on that side. But they're not slaves. It's just because they

want to go to school. They got schools. Let them go to

school. That's right. Was there, remember that old

colored brother standing up, that morning, in that riot.445

Branham continued his speech in Hot Springs, declaring his own stance

against Civil Rights. As his sermon unfolded, he appealed to the white

supremacists by claiming that he personally witnessed African Americans

who were "satisfied in the state [they] were in," and also claimed that the school systems segregated for African Americans were far better than

those segregated for white Americans.

"The white woman," raised up and said, "I don't want my children schooled by a white woman," said, "because

they... she won't pay the—the interest, take interest in

my children like a colored woman was in my own race."

Said, "There, look at our schools. They got swimming pools. They got better schools and everything. Why do

we want to go to their schools?" That's right. I believe

God is a God of—of, well, I'd say He is a God of variety.

He makes big mountains and little mountains. He makes deserts. He makes forests. He makes white man, black

man, red man. We should never cross that up. It

becomes a hybrid. And anything hybrid cannot re-breed

itself. You are ruining the race of people. There is some things about a colored man that a white man don't even

possess them traits. A white man is always stewing and

worrying; a colored man is satisfied in the state he is in,

so they don't need those things446

Though a majority of "ministers" in the "Message" cult following of

William Branham today claim that they were unaware of William

Branham's position against Civil Rights and his secret activity with Roy E.

Davis during milestones in the Civil Rights movement, many of these same ministers were present when William Branham declared his siding with the

white supremacists against Integration. Cult pastors Willard Collins and

"Junior" Jackson were present at the same Hot Springs meeting where

Branham admitted to being present during the Little Rock Crisis:

445 Branham, 63-0628M - O Lord, Just Once More 446 Branham, 63-0628M - O Lord, Just Once More


Sitting over here to my left, Brother Junior Jackson. I

seen him shaking his hands like that, kind of reminded me of Brother Ryan. How many thinks that the Methodists

can't receive the Holy Ghost? You're mistaken. Stand up,

Brother Junior Jackson, him and his lovely wife there.

They're from down in Indiana there, a Methodist minister. Where is Willard Collins? Is he in the building this

morning? Where you at, Brother Willard? I thought he

was around here. Another Methodist minister standing

over here, if you don't think Methodists can receive the Holy Ghost and be rebaptized. Stand up, Brother Collins.

There is another one.447

After the nearly successful prevention of Integration in Little Rock, Roy E. Davis was asked by Eldon L. Edwards, Imperial Grand Wizard of the

Atlanta Ku Klux Klan, to lead the 40,000 to 50,000 members of the Ku

Klux Klan in Dallas County, Texas. On March 28, 1958, Davis came out

of the shadows and unmasked himself as a strong leader against the Civil Rights Movement. The Associated Press covered the story, and

newspaper subscribers from coast to coast suddenly became aware that

William Branham's mentor had been actively recruiting white

supremacists for his army of militant s against Integration.448 According to the A.P., underground meetings were held in 8-10 places almost every

night in the city. Davis also mentioned that he sought after a higher post

in the governing body of the Ku Klux Klan.

While the A.P. published article after article describing the Rev. Roy E.

Davis and his organized fight against African Americans, William Branham

continued to promote the Klan leader. Though many of his listeners would

have been aware of Davis' political agenda, Branham praised Davis from coast to coast. We cannot be certain how many of Davis' recruitment

rallies Branham attended, but we can confirm his location during major

events such as the Little Rock Crisis and the highly publicized membership

drive in Shreveport, Louisiana. From 1957 to 1958 alone, Branham praised the Imperial Grand Dragon almost 20 different times from coast

to coast.

57-0115 - Sturgis, MI 57-1020E - Jeffersonville, IN

57-0125 - Lima, OH

57-0126B - Lima, OH

57-0226 - Phoenix, AZ 57-0306 - Phoenix, AZ

447 Branham, 63-0628M - O Lord, Just Once More 448 Ku Klux Klan Active in Shreveport Area. 1961, Feb 10. The Times Shreveport. “Also during this period, Shreveport has become a favorite spot for the nation’s top Klan man. He is R. E. Davis of Dallas, and he calls himself the National Imperial Wizard of the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.


57-0310A - Phoenix, AZ

57-0407M - Jeffersonville, IN 57-0407E - Jeffersonville, IN

57-0516 - Saskatoon, SK

57-0727 - Tacoma, WA

57-0908E - Jeffersonville, IN 57-1229 - Jeffersonville, IN

58-0214 - Terra Haute, IN

58-0316E - Harrisonburg, VA

59-0325 - Middletown, OH 58-0521 - Bangor, ME

58-0611 - Dallas, TX

58-0928E - Jeffersonville, IN

Of these, Branham's mention of Roy E. Davis in Dallas, Texas on June

11, 1958, is most interesting. After national attention drifted away from

the Little Rock Crisis, it shifted towards Dallas, Texas. Dallas was making

national news in its refusal to integrate the school system, and Davis was at the heart of the battle. Davis was president of the Oak Cliff White

Citizens Council and had been actively recruiting high-ranking officials into

his white supremacy groups. Newspapers across the nation described the

situation: Civil Rights leaders protesting for freedom while government officials and local police officers sided with (and even joined) the white

supremacy groups. Davis began publicly denouncing those who supported

the Integration of schools, and claimed that he "would rather die or be put

into prison than allow Negro children to be integrated with white children in the Dallas white schools."

In the early months of 1958, Davis and the white supremacy groups

gained ground by helping to postpone the decision by the Dallas Board of

Education. From February to June, Davis held events gathering support against Integration, speaking at conventions and rallies. His position was

to be presented before the Board of Education in June of 1958, and many

white supremacists gathered in Dallas to show their support. It was

during this time that William Branham held a week-long campaign in the city of Dallas. During the campaign, Branham referred to the Klan leader

by name, expecting his presence in the meeting.

Dr. Davis may be right here tonight; he lives here in Fort Wayne or Fort Worth—who baptized me into the Baptist


Interestingly, the first portion of the sermon is missing from the

transcripts and recordings. After William Branham takes the podium and thanks to his hosts, the recording has been removed and transcripts

449 Branham, 58-0611 - Thirsting For Life


replaced with "[blank.spot.on.tape-ed]." After the "blank spot," his hosts

are never mentioned, and he enters prayer for the service -- which is not typical of Branham's style. In most of Branham's sermons out-of-state,

his hosts are thanked by name. Often, personal stories or testimonies are

given to support the hosts. In this Dallas sermon, however, the hosts of

Branham's meeting are omitted:

Thank you...?... Thank you friends. [Blank.spot.on.tape—

Ed.] It's a privilege to be back again tonight at the tent

to—to speak in the Name of our Lord again tonight. And now, before we open His Word, let's have just a word to

Him first, as we bow our head.450

Ultimately, William Branham and Roy E. Davis were not successful in the battle against Civil Rights. The Dallas school system was eventually

integrated, and African Americans enjoyed the freedom of the same

Education available to white Americans. But the damage caused by their

campaigning against Civil Rights was extensive. Eventually, in that same city, groups led by Roy E. Davis would organize protests that would gain

national attention. So much attention, in fact, that they would contribute

to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. On November 22,

1963, as the President was traveling through Dallas to speak, local police were occupied with multiple distractions by the white supremacy groups.

The President, well known for his strong support of Integration and Civil

Rights, would be executed in the city that Branham and Davis influenced.

Sadly, the influence of Roy E. Davis upon William Branham's ministry would be both far-reaching and everlasting. Scattered throughout William

Branham's sermons are several statements in strong support of white

supremacy organizations, including but not limited to anti-Catholicism,

anti-Semitism, against Integration, against interracial marriage, and against the most influential Civil Rights leaders. Their strategy of

recording and distributing the hate speech in the form of religious

propaganda was powerful in its own time but continues still today through

the outreach of Voice of God Recordings (branham.org). Still today, and through the disguise of a Southern Indiana cult, Davis' Ku Klux Klan

propaganda is distributed around the world and across the nation.

Children are indoctrinated with this propaganda from an early age through

clever marketing (cubcorner.org), later to be fully exposed to the Klan's agendas in indoctrination camps. (stillwaterscamp.org)

During the indoctrination process, cult victims are told that William

Branham supported all races, and was not a white supremacist. Unaware

that many of his "bible teaching" is aligned with the Ku Klux Klan's battle against Civil Rights, the cult continues to influence the masses with the

propaganda created by Imperial Grand Dragon Roy E. Davis through Rev.

450 Branham, 58-0611 - Thirsting For Life


William M. Branham.




John Collins is the author and webmaster of William Branham: Historical Research. He was born and raised in "The Message" cult

following of William Branham, and is the grandson of Willard Collins,

former pastor of William Branham's "Branham Tabernacle" in

Jeffersonville, Indiana. From 1976 to 2012, John was unduly influenced to believe and practice many of the religious and cultural views expressed

by William Branham and by men and women who were in Branham's inner


After his escape in 2012, John began the process of deprogramming from the indoctrinated religious and world views Branham expressed on

recorded sermons from 1947 to 1965. This process included re-evaluating

every aspect of life, including personal experiences and beliefs that were

core to his belief system, world view, and personality. In the early stages of this re-evaluation, John's worldview was centered around indoctrinated

apocalyptic theology that resulted from William Branham's focus on

doomsday through either doomsday predictions or alleged doomsday

prophecies. As a result, early research focused upon differences between Branham's theological views and that of evangelical or fundamentalist

Christianity with the intent to categorize Branham's doctrines into

categories of Biblical, Extra-Biblical, and Anti-Biblical.

Once establishing the baseline for religious views, John began to research the historical life events of William Branham. Branham's "Life

Story" was integrated into the religious views as core theology in "The

Message", due to William Branham's usage of his accounts as the

foundation for many doctrines expressed in his recorded sermons. While focused primarily upon William Branham, it was necessary to also

research the men associated with or influential to Branham, as well as

notable events in the historical timeline of United States and World

History. When this research was organized chronologically, John began to notice patterns of data that appeared to suggest strategic usage of

Pentecostal and fundamentalist extremism to advance the political views

of men affiliated with or participating in the creation of William Branham's

ministry. William Branham: Historical Research is an ongoing project to document and organize that research data for public usage.

He is the happily married father of three boys. He enjoys spending

time with his family, playing his collection of stringed instruments, and

visiting new places. His hobbies include music, art, video games, science fiction books or movies, or documentaries. When not writing, he relaxes

by studying ancient world archaeology, geography, religion, and culture.