2021 INKREDIBLE Issue 1

INKredible! Ȉe OFFICIAL Creative Magazine of William G. Rohrer Middle School! What will your eighth grade legacy be? ENJOY THE CREATIVITY OF RMS!

Transcript of 2021 INKREDIBLE Issue 1

INKredible!e OFFICIAL Creative Magazine of William G.

Rohrer Middle School! What will

your eighth grade

legacy be?


Pages 1-3

Staff Spotlight

Pages 4-128th Grade Legacies

Pages 13-15The Gallery

Pages 16-17

Reviews Pages 18-19Short


Pages 20-21Poetry

Hello, my name is Isabella Klawitter you can also call me Izzy. I’m in the sixth grade, red team. Some of my hobbies are drawing, reading, and swimming.

Hi my name is Colin Ayer. I am on 6W. My favorite color is blue. I like to play video games.

Hi, my name is Audrey Moran! I’m red team and play lacrosse and field hockey. My favorite things to do in my free time is draw, go one calls with my friends, to play video games with my friend and my favorite color is yellow.

Hi my name is Emily Giamboy, but I prefer Emi for people who haven’t fully met me. Yet, for my friends I would love to be called Sep. I like to watch anime, drawing, and collect and look at crystals.

Hi I’m Drew Epstein and I’m in 6th grade on the red team. I love singing and mowing my front and back yard. I like listening to music. also, I am a very good actor.

Hey! My name is Nora Tomlin, but I prefer Erin. I’m on 6th Grade Red. I love drawing, writing, reading, and watching the Owl House. I also do XC, Band, and Choir.

Hi, i’m Marley Broyles! I’m in the 6th grade and i’m on white team. Things I do in my free time is basketball and drawing graffiti art.


Letter from the editors:

HI! The editors at Inkredibles have loved making this magazine! We are so excited that you have come to read the newest issue of the magazine and we hope you keep reading in the next few years! We are all thankful for the support you have given us and we hope to inspire future generations and people from the middle school to come join us! ENJOY!!!

- Audrey, Isabella, Nora, Colin, Emi, Drew and Marley.

Hello I am Lila Rodriguez, an editor for the Inkredible magazine on 6 Red with the constant urge to draw. :p

Hi! I’m Alexis Hudnall! I’m in eighth grade on the white team (the best team)! I love to write stories and poems. I play field hockey and basketball. I enjoy going to Target, Starbucks, the pool, and anything with my friends. You will see me pop around the magazine. Although not usually named!

My name is Dayaal Sathish Kumar. I am on red team in sixth grade. I like writing stories, drawing, coloring, and creating new ideas or pictures. I also enjoy doing a bit of editing.

My name is Eric Burgos.I am on the red team in sixth grade. My interests are rap and basketball.

My name is Isaac Sandone-Libby. I am in seventh grade white team. I am 12 years old. I enjoy Mario, Nintendo, art, animals, drawing, and photoshopping.

Hello, my name is Isaiah Crespo and I am a on team 7W, Some of my interests are video games ,like Battlefield 4 (and 2042), Mortal Kombat, etc. I also like art, sports, action figures like Spawn, and Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty.

Hello, I’m Jayna Comber. I’m am on 8th grade white team. Some of my hobbies are drawing, reading, and lacrosse.

Hello, i’m Elizabeth Lucatuorto i’m on 7R. i’m twelve year old. I love video games, cosplay, The Dream Smp, drawing, writing, music and playing piano.

Hello, I’m Finn Heierbacher. I’m on 7th white team, and some of my hobbies are cooking and writing.

Hello, I’m Kai Bissey and im in 8th grade. I’m on red team and enjoy writing, drawing and music!

Hi! I’m Louisa Bunting and i’m on white team. My passions are music, art, fashion and poetry.


We would like to extend a special “Thank you” to

Darby for creating this issue’s cover!

Hi! I’m Riley Egan and I’m on 6th White team. Some of my interests are musical theatre. I also enjoy playing the flute and drawing.

Hi, i’m Nora Sheppard. I’m in eighth grade and im on red team. I like play video games and drawing. My favorite video games and drawing. My favorite games are Genshin Impact, Deltarune, and Minecraft. I enjoy drawing fictional characters and i do it a lot.

My name is Darby, I’m in 8th grade and i’m on white team. I’m into How to Train Your Dragon (1,2,3) and I spend a lot of time listening to alt music!Hello, i’m Keenan

Dempsey! I am in sixth grade and i’m 11 years old. I’m on red team and my interests are soccer, drawing, building writing and artist.

Hello, my name is Chloe Cook i’m on 6 white. I love to listen to music, draw and hang out with my friends.


Hello I am Lila Rodriguez, an editor for the Inkredible magazine on 6 Red with the constant urge to draw. :p

Hi! My name is Shasvath Suresh. I am in seventh grade and on the red team. I enjoy writing,watching movies and drinking Starbucks. I play Ping Pong and Soccer.

Hello, new comers. Welcome to William G. Rohrer Middle School! My name is Casey Birdwell. There is a lot to know about me, but one fun fact is that I love Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday, followed by Halloween. Christmas music is my favorite type of music. I also love watching Christmas movies with my family. Some of my favorite movies are: The Grinch, Christmas Chronicles, and Hocus Pocus. I also play field hockey, and do track and field in the spring. I have been playing field hockey since 2nd grade. I just started track and field last year, and I have had so much fun! I wasn’t sure if I would like it but I wanted to try something new, so I signed up. I enjoy cooking, some of my favorite foods are hoagies, BLT sandwiches, pasta, and garlic bread. I also absolutely love all fruits. My favorite fruits are either bananas, watermelon, pineapple, or apples.

Throughout my years of being in middle school, some of my favorite classes I’ve taken are German and music. I like being outside, playing with my dog, spending time with family, watching movies and so much more!


My hopes and dreams are to go to college and play field hockey. I would like to get a scholarship from playing field hockey. I’m not sure what I want to become, but being a teacher sounds fun! I have made so many amazing memories here at RMS. One of my favorite memories is when I got invited to the championships for track and field. I was so excited, and I had so much fun. I also loved performing in concerts and at the extravaganza. Most of my memories are from band, clubs, and just trying new things. I have made so many friends from joining different clubs. I was so scared to join track and field, but I had so much fun, and even found out I was good at running. If you’re ever scared to try something, just do it! You will make friends, and maybe find a talent of yours.

Some advice I give you is to stay caught up with work and study. Just try your hardest, and keep everything organized. Some other advice I give you is to try new things! There are so many clubs at RMS. Try and find one that you have an interest in and sign up. Also, make sure to be kind and respectful to your teachers and classmates, and most importantly HAVE FUN! Time goes by so fast, so try to make amazing memories. One thing I have always said to myself is aim for excellence, not perfection. I challenge you to try and get good grades, and to try your very best. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it. Also remember to be nice to everyone. Even try and get Hawk of the Month. You will succeed if you put the work into it. All you need to do is stay focused, try your best, and most importantly be kind to one another!

“If you’re ever

scared to try

something, just

do it! You will

make friends, and

maybe find a

talent of yours.”5

Hello fellow students! My name is James Clauson and I love to run, play baseball and play basketball. I also love watching Philly sports (especially the Eagles and Phillies). Some of my favorite foods are tacos, pasta, and as a snack I love Flamin Hot Cheetos. My favorite color is green. Some of my goals in life are to finish college, and my goals for this year are to win a race in cross country and to get straight A’s. So to all of you reading this, I challenge you to try to get straight A's.

My favorite RMS memory was my first day in middle school. I thought it was such an electric and energetic day being in a brand new school and seeing so many people I had never seen before.

When I first entered 6th grade back in 2019, I was nervous, but also excited that I was going to be in a new school with so many more wonderful people. Going into eighth grade, it kind of felt normal to me. I felt like I wasn’t nervous at all and the only thing that I felt was going to be hard was the full days. Since the pandemic we haven’t had full days in a while so I knew it was going to be hard to adjust. Otherwise, being in eighth grade I feel like I’m the role model for all people younger than me. Yes, although I might be smaller than basically all of the middle schoolers that doesn’t mean that I can’t lend a hand to a sixth grader that needs assistance so feel free to ask. My biggest challenge and probably everyone else’s biggest challenge in the last school year was the pandemic. I don’t know if it was just me but I absolutely hated the online learning environment. With 5 other people zooming in the house it got loud, distracting and tiring. Also, sometimes the WiFi would go down, or your iPad would act up, or you would get behind and it was just really stressful.


Something I wish I didn’t do in the beginning of middle school is going to my locker every period. I feel when I would do this a lot of the time I would be running to class or even be late to class and sometimes I was so rushed I’d grab the wrong stuff. Something you can do to avoid this is get everything you need for the first half of the day of school (before lunch), and get everything you need for the rest of the day (after lunch.) One of my biggest pieces of advice for all of the middle schoolers is to get involved in afterschool activities. Whether it’s cross country, soccer, etc. it’s still a great way to meet new people while also having fun, and getting good exercise.

Some good habits sixth graders should adopt are making sure you're hanging out with the right group of people. The moment you hang out with a bad group of friends you should make sure to distance yourself from them. Another thing sixth graders should get in the habit of doing is checking oncourse weekly. Checking your grades weekly is important because say you got a bad grade on a test and want to redo it, but you didn’t check oncourse and that test was 3 weeks ago. What do you think the teacher is probably going to say if you ask? They will probably not let you because they are already in a brand new lesson. Also, one more thing to make sure you do, DO NOT SKIP ONE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT BECAUSE YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE DOING IT. Yes there are reasons you might not do your homework like someone close to you died, or you just forgot but do not say, oh well skipping one homework assignment won’t matter, because it will in the long run. If that becomes a habit you will watch your grade get lower and lower and lower.


Many sixth graders might think, oh I'm a sixth grader I couldn’t make an impact on the school in a good way, I'm just going to tell you that’s not true. Sixth graders CAN make a positive impact on the school by having good manners, or talking to someone that looks upset because just one kind word/gesture could change someone’s day a whole lot, because you never know what they are going through. As I stated earlier I participate in the after school cross country team and I have made so many more friends. In the beginning I didn’t think I would be a great runner, but turns out I’m not half bad. So if you think you might like an after school activity but still don’t know if you want to do it, do it you won’t regret it. In cross country everyone is so cheerful and motivating and my coach Ms.Arena is so nice and I don’t know how you couldn’t like her and I bet all the other after school activities are just like that.

“Sixth grades CAN make a positive impact on the school…”


Hi, all students! I’m Ariel, an eighth grader on the white

team! I didn’t go to any of the HT elementary schools, instead I

went to a private school called Good Shepherd for my K-5 years. I

spend my free time drawing, writing, listening to music and

reading. My favorite music artists are Arcade Fire and Joy Again.

I adore the book No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu, and I think

Spontaneous is an extremely underrated movie. I was on the white

team for my time in sixth and seventh grade, and I loved my

teachers! Based on my experience, if you’re on the white team

you’re one of the lucky ones.

If you’re new here, you may not know any cool spots to hang

out here with your friends. Some spots that I recommend are the

park, walking on Haddon Ave (you can find anything to do there,

you should also keep up with any events they’re hosting!), and

your local Target. Some classes that I really enjoyed we’re Mr

Agnew’s social studies class (especially his 6th grade

exploratory) and Mrs Greenburg’s class! They were super fun and

even if the subjects aren't your thing, they manage to make it

exciting for everyone by adding personality to the lessons.



Now let me offer you some wise words and some advice. #1: I

can’t stress this enough, do your homework. Let's be honest,

everyone made this mistake at one point and it most likely

destroyed your grade. You may have gotten away with it last

year, but the consequences will hold up this time. So let's make

an effort to return to normal this year! I’ll be doing the same.

#2: Make friends! I know it's hard, but you can find them in not

only class but also in clubs. Chances are if you’re in a club or

sport together, you have some similarities. You’re also not

limited by grade, which will help with variety. If you think

being friends with someone older or younger than you is scary or

stupid, no one will judge you and I’m sure any person won’t be

phased by you starting a conversation. So please, please, please

make them! Some of my happiest memories here are all with

friends and they make school bearable — so they’re an absolute

essential part of your time here. Being in the building and

returning to normal may seem scary, but you’ll be used to it in

a couple weeks tops. Remember that you got this and everyone is

rooting for you!


Welcome to middle school! It may be your first year here, and while that may seem scary, I can promise there is nothing to be afraid of. By now, you have already learned your locker, met your teachers, and found your classes- the hardest part is over with, and it only gets better from here.

If you ever have any worries, there’s always many staff members and upperclassmen around to answer your questions. As for me, I’m Alex Billingsley and I’m now in eighth grade here at RMS. In my free time, I play the guitar, participate in musicals, play soccer, and draw/paint. I love listening to music and reading as well. Little Women is one of my favorite books, and I’m currently reading The Invisible Life of Addie Larue which I am really enjoying as well. In the future I hope to keep playing soccer, playing music, and doing art, and I would also love to travel the world.

On the other hand, I’ve had some really awesome RMS memories and I know you will too. I loved participating in middle school sports, like track, soccer, and volleyball. Lunch was always something I looked forward to because I got to see all my friends. While I ended up really enjoying it, like many others I was really nervous coming into sixth grade. I worried about finding classes and homework, but now as I am closer to the end of middle school I have learned to have a calmer approach while also staying on top of my work. The hardest struggle I had to overcome in the last three years was online school. It was so easy to become unmotivated and distracted. Although it was hard, I- and every student alike- pushed through and we made it past a fully online period, then to hybrid, and finally full in-person. While I enjoyed being able to take classes in the comfort of my own room, I’m so glad to be back in the building with everyone. As for sixth graders, my greatest advice would be to work hard and focus in your classes, but also make sure you are having fun. Use your planner- at first I thought it was inconvenient, but I soon learned that it’s a great tool for remembering homework and other important things. I’d also definitely recommend getting to know your teachers, you can build some really good relationships with them, and it can make class a much more comfortable environment.


Seventh graders, make sure you stay positive and once again keep working hard. Seventh grade is right in the middle of middle school, so it can be easy to lose motivation sometimes, but I promise it’s a great year and hard work pays off. Keep meeting new people and be open to change, an open mindset is one thing that has helped me through the last few years because it’s inevitable- things are going to change- but being open to it is so important.

Lastly, to my brother, Hayden Billingsley, I advise you to participate in as many activities as you can, because I did and it has become one of my favorite parts of middle school.

So, middle schoolers, enjoy it. School is truly what you make it work hard and be responsible and you will be great. You’re going to make many new friends, find new interests, and learn new things. Don’t stress too much, everything is going to be great. Have an amazing year!

“As for sixth graders, my

greatest advice would be

to work hard and focus in

your classes, but also

make sure you are having



The Gallery

Want to see your artwork here? Email it to [email protected]

Artwork by Yuri Borden (7R)Artwork by Tessa Berner (6W)

Artwork by Nora Sheppard (8R)


The Gallery

Artwork by Abby Oliver (6R) Artwork by Branagh Kelly (6W)

Artwork by Isabella Klawitter (6R)

Artwork by Nora Sheppard (8R)


The Gallery

Artwork by anoymous1234

Artwork by Brianna Crifasi (6)


Artwork submitted by Lila Rodriguez (6R)

The Gallery


With the peak of gaming coming to its prime, there are a ton of golden gems within it, some of which are published by AAA developers. But this one in particular will blow your socks off. Welcome to the EARLY REVIEW of Battlefield 2042.

While the franchise Battlefield has its ups and downs, this one surely will bring new customers and others to the table. First off, the important part, the gameplay. The gameplay of Battlefield is smooth and fluent, making gamers casual and competitive surely have an enjoyable experience with it. While it’s still on Beta through some of October the gameplay still is as enjoyable and interesting as it is, making a tactical or explosive playstyle possible. Next up, the vehicles. The meat of Battlefield 2042, the vehicles are extremely fun and satisfying. allowing you to go for a fun and crazy approach for any enemies unfortunate enough to see you. From Tanks, ATVS, Jets and Copters. There will never be content or fun dry for you. Lastly, the destructive environment, this was recently added to Call of Duty Vanguard. But Battlefield does it way better, it gives you that feel of being in a war zone and more environmental combat in the game, and it will possibly give it that gritty and realistic feel that fans have been waiting to have. Although there is no campaign, it will still be great--maybe even better. Overall, I rate this game, from what I have seen, a solid 10/10. Preorder it now!.

And that is all folks! Stay tuned for more reviews and news in the new issue of Inkredible!

by Isaiah Crespo


Early access to game launchYear 1 Pass: 4 New Specialists (1 per Season), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season), and 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered Earth”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”)Midnight Ultimate Bundle ("Shadow Stalker" Legendary Outfit, "Obsidian" Legendary Weapon Skin, "Onyx" Legendary Vehicle Skin)Official Digital ArtbookExclusive Digital SoundtrackCross-Gen BundleAnd More!

Battlefield 2042 Beta Review


Liam was at school when it happened, the incident, the most fearful night of his life. The night that would almost drive him insane. The worst thing he thought could happen, happened. His worst nightmare happened.

It was the end of the day. All his classes were done. He was playing tag with his friend, Dennis. Liam ran away and hid in a closet to hide from Dennis. He closed the door and sat there, waiting for Dennis to run by. He saw Dennis run by so he grabbed the door handle and it fell off. He frantically tried to put it back on, it obviously didn’t work. He screamed for help but no one was there, they had left already. He was alone trapped in a small closet. One of his worst nightmares.

Liam instinctively looked for his phone to text his parents. No luck, he had left his phone in his locker. He was really panicking now. He yelled and screamed but still no one heard him. He truly was alone.

Ten minutes passed and he was still yelling for help. It seemed like the walls were closing in, and any moment he could be crushed. It was hard to breathe. He stopped yelling, he would have to wait until morning. He knew he could make it to the morning. He just needed to calm down. After all, closets weren’t scary, they were just for storing things. He relaxed a little.

But, he was still nervous. Liam thought back to what his mom told him if he ever was nervous or scared. Listen to the sounds around you. He heard rain, the radiator clanging, and squeaking. What was the squeaking? He looked around and saw a hole in the wall. He knew what was in there. It was the one thing he was more afraid of than small spaces. Mice.


The giant clenches me in its hand. I see its thin tablet of repeating characters and colorful images. I only understand three of the words; cut, mince, and dice. The moment passes and I’m slammed down with tremendous force.

I hear a loud crack from my left and right, like a weathered timber. I’m jerked upwards, and I see two imperfect white semi-circles. I look up at the giant, it’s eyes like waterfalls pouring down. It drops me onto it’s cold stone slab, and I hear water rushing from the steel waterfall.

The giant appears, picks me up, and repeats the process for what feels like 24 hours. Now I look down and see about 21 imperfect cubes that used to be semi-circles. Some are different colors, while others are white. Now, I’ve been swung under the steel waterfall. It hits me with aforceful jet of water. Then I’m wrapped in the large soft blanket. The giant has now put me in the doorless dark room. There is nothing I can do but tell the tales about my horrific experiences outside in the room the giants call The kitchen.

The Painful Life Of a kitchen KnifeBy Finn Heierbacher


by Alexis Hudnall

You climb and climb and climb,The higher you go, the better you are,Love is simply a mountain,Along the way and as you get older,You look through different eyes,You have obstacles you might need to walk aroundYet, the mountain speaksThe mountain tells you to keep goingThe mountain tells you to remember its’ worth,The mountain tells you,You can do it,And then sometimes,

Love can be like a rock,Cold as ice cream when you bite right in with your two front teethOr, soft as a feather,Or, wrapped in warmth,You are happy with your partner,You don’t want to leave,

Through your eyes,Everything is fantastic,You travel alongIn trust

Remembering your vow to love

Love is like a mountain you try and try to get to the top.At the top is a beautiful viewAnd you never want to go down.You won’t go downLove is like a big, beautiful mountainTough and roughFond and tenderBitter but sweetLove is like a mountain