1 THE 1 % Formula The Final Ingredients For Success in Your Home Business Created And Written by...


Transcript of 1 THE 1 % Formula The Final Ingredients For Success in Your Home Business Created And Written by...



THE1% Formula

The Final Ingredients For Success in Your Home Business

Created And Written by Lena BjornaCover Desing by Samuel D. Martinez

Copyright True Freedom Enterprises LLC, All rights reserved


Table of Contents

About the Author 4

What is the 1% Formula? 5 Ingredient #1: Mindset: Everything You Need To Succeed Is Already Within You 6

Ingredient #2: Skill Sets: When You Know How to Market, the Sale Takes Care of Itself 10

Ingredient #3: Automation: Let the Funnel Do the Sorting, Telling and Selling 15

Ingredient #4: Leverage: Make 10 Times More with 10 Tme Less the Effort 19

Ingredient #5: USP: Rise Above the Noise and Leave a Lasting Impression 22


About the Author Originally from Norway, Lena Bjorna moved to Southern California in 1995 to pursue her entrepre-neurial dreams.

After several years of dabbling in acting in Hollywood, followed by a couple of misadventures in traditional MLM, she set out to learn online marketing in the spring of 2008. Learning to leverage the Internet and implementing the principles of Attraction Marketing transformed Lena’s business
and her life. Today, she is a recognized industry leader, a top earner and multiple award win-ning marketer.

She has personally sponsored hundreds of consultants from 20+ countries around the world into her primary opportunity and she was the first woman to ever place in a sales contest with this same company. In fact, she did it twice. Lena is a speaker, coach, and as of recently also an author. Her first product, a very personal eBook titled “Her Success Blueprint: Your Crash Course to Success in Network Marketing”, was released in January of 2012 and has been flying off the shelves ever since. One of Lena’s great strengths as a marketer lies in building relationships with her prospects through the follow-up process. A process that takes place completely on auto pilot and without her ever hav-ing to call her leads.

Lena accomplishes this by being unique, personal, real and transparent in her online presence. This way she pre-sells her prospects on working with her long before they’ve had a chance to speak to her on the phone. Lena, who has been called “a breath of fresh air in the network marketing industry”, loves to inspire others and help them overcome their fears and limitations so as to reach their true potential. She enjoys coaching and working closely with up-and-coming leaders who are truly serious about get-ting results. Lena is married to Sam, her husband of 14 years, who plays an integral role in the business by help-ing out behind the scenes. The two just recently purchased and moved into their dream home in a suburb of Los Angeles. In her free time Lena likes to read, write, watch movies, go on hikes, travel with her husband to ex-otic destinations around the world, and be involved in church ministry.


What is the 1% Formula? To a lot of people, success in network marketing is a mystery. They seem to believe that success just sort of “happens” to some people. Those that are in the right place at the right time or, I sup-pose, those that have the right connections.

But I’m here to tell you that it’s not a mystery at all. It’s more like a “recipe”, or a “formula”. And once you know the ingredients, you can step back into your laboratory, close the door and put your gloves back on
and you can do it all over again.

This is why formerly successful people – people who “had it all” but for whatever reason lost it – seem to always bounce back
haven’t you noticed?

They’ve tasted the good life and they know there is something better out there. They’ve succeeded once and they’ve proven it to them-selves that they can do it.

Their setback simply becomes a setup for a comeback. Before you know it, they’re back on top, and this time around a little wiser and more cautious (let’s hope).

You see, my friend, these individuals - these “rags-to-riches-to-rags-to-riches” people – they’ve got it figured out. They know the formula. They know the 1% Formula.

I’ve dubbed it the 1% Formula because it contains the ingredients for becoming a top 1% earner in the network marketing / direct sales industry and make the kind of money in a month that most people don’t even make in a year.

I’m not talking about earning an extra $500 or $1000 a month to pay off some bills. You don’t need the Formula for that. I’m not even talking about an extra 3K, 5K, or 10K a month

No, I’m talking about the kind of income that has the potential to change your life completely, be-yond recognition, right-side-up. That kind of income. And not only your life but the lives of the peo-ple you know, too. And lots of people that you don’t know.

So what is contained in this Formula, you’re asking...? That’s exactly what this report is about. It’s about the five ingredients of the 1% Formula.

You need to know exactly what they are because if you’re missing just one of them, you’ll never see the kind of massive results I’m talking about. On the other hand, when you “get” them, and when you apply them to your business patiently and consistently, there is no way can not succeed.

Because just like 2+2 will always add up to 4, the ingredients in the 1% Formula will always add up to a winning combination.


#1. Everything You Need To Succeed Is Already Within You

Ingredient #1 is MINDSET.

The right mindset is the foundation for any successful business. And having the “right” mindset means having a mindset of abundance.

Not only because you need a mindset of abundance to survive the ups and downs of entrepreneur-ship, but also because it’s only by having a mindset of abundance that you’ll be able to effortlessly attract prospects into your business.

We’ll get back to this last point in a moment.

It Starts Between Your Ears...

Developing an abundant mindset can be easier said than done. Most of us have been brought up to have the exact opposite – a mindset of poverty – and now we have to re-train ourselves to think differently. We have to recognize and unlearn many erroneous notions.

Still, that’s where you have to start. And that’s also where you continue. Because you’re never done. Personal growth, of course, is a life long pursuit.

Fact is, if you want to have something different in your life, you first have to do something different.

Or, as the adage goes, “If you want what most people don’t have, you’ve got to be willing to do what most people are not willing to do.”

It’s your actions that bring about the results...true.

But - and this is essential - there’s simply no way you will ever perform those actions, not with any kind of consistency anyway, if you don’t first learn to think differently.

Which is why abundant thinking always comes before abundant results.

We call this the principle of “be, do, have”, and it’s a concept I discuss in more detail in my new eBook, “Her Success Blueprint”.


How The Abundant Mind Thinks Next, let’s look briefly at some of the ways a person with an abundant mind thinks, and the actual actions this thinking produces. Actions which again bring about abundant results.

If you find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed by this list of exemplary character traits, remember once again that growing your thinking is a process. And you don’t have to master it all before you start seeing a difference!

Often just a small change in someone’s belief system can yield a new set of behavior that produces the desired results.

At the same time it’s also true that the more you are able to stretch your thinking, the more you will find yourself engaging in result-producing activities by default - and the more abundance will effort-lessly flow into your life. Which is why you should never stop raising the bar on yourself.

How To Attract A Following

Everyone is secretly attracted to leaders - did you know? This includes your prospects!

We’re all looking for a leader to follow. It’s in our genetic makeup; it’s been this way since the begin-ning of times and it isn’t going to change unless human nature itself changes.

What’s more, true leaders are followed not as much because of what they do – not because they invent something, establish a company, win a sales contest or even set out on a mission – but because of who they are.

Or, more accurately, because of who they inspire their followers to be.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example of such a leader. He had an almost unmatched ability to stir up a sense of purpose in others, make them feel like they were part of something bigger than them-selves.

Which is how, without the advantage of social media for mass com-munication, long before Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, he was able to draw a following most leaders in modern times can only dream of.

People with abundant mindsets are naturally leader types. They’re looking for ways to motivate oth-ers to take action. They seek to take charge, set the direction and build an inspiring vision.

Are you striving to become this type of leader? You must if you want to succeed massively in net-work marketing.


Asking, Seeking And Knocking If you want to receive something, you have to ask for it. If you want to attain something, you’ve got to go after it. And when opportunity comes knocking, you better open the door and let it in.

Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, good things come NOT to those who wait but to those who go after them with passion.

This is why, if you want to achieve success in your life, you have to learn to step outside your comfort zone. Train yourself to em-brace the challenges in your life and use them as an opportunity for personal growth.

All those things everyone says they want - purpose, fulfillment, financial freedom, great health, thriving relationships - can all be found not within the bounds of, but outside of, our comfort zones.

And as Leaders, we go there first. Because leaders are by defini-tion action takers.

Action oriented people are driven, efficient, self-motivated and self-disciplined. They seek to culti-vate good habits and have clearly defined goals that they purposefully work to achieve.

This doesn’t mean you don’t dream but rather that you take massive action in order to make your dreams come true. While everyone else sits waiting for their ship to come in, you’re in the water swimming to meet your ship half-way.

Becoming The Best Version of Yourself

The person with an abundant mindset also understands the value of continuous learning and of self-education.

He or she is committed to excellence and believe in being the best they can be at what they do. In fact, they strive to be the best version of themselves in every area of their life.

Being committed to excellence means, among other things, that you are a person of integrity: What you do is in perfect harmony with who you are. There are no unpleasant surprises.

If you have a hidden agenda, it won’t remain hidden for very long. This holds more true than ever since the birth of social media: The online world is a very transparent place and, naturally, people don’t follow people they don’t know if they can trust.

To become truly excellent, it’s essential you surround yourself with excellent people. Avoid the critics and the naysayers like the plague. Always look to learn from the best and to associate with progres-sive, positive individuals.


Being committed to excellence also means you take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof.

Refusing to play the blame game and learning to own your mistakes is essential to your personal growth and thus your success. Because if you don’t own them, how will you ever take the necessary steps to correct them?

Happiness Is A Choice

It almost goes without saying that people with abundant mindsets are optimists. They refuse to give in to the skepticism of the world. They have faith that everything is going to turn out okay and are able to see opportunity where others see difficulty.

If you want to develop a truly abundant mindset, you need to learn to be thankful in all circumstances. Understand that it is not about what happens to you but how you react to it
that happiness is, in fact, a choice. Your choice.

As an optimists, you believe things happen for a reason. If you mess up on a call with a potential client, then maybe, for whatever reason, that sale simply wasn’t supposed to happen.

If your customers are bombarded with dozens of emails all at once due to a temporary glitch in your marketing system (this actually happened to me), you choose to look at the cup as half full, not half empty:

The fact that you now have to contact each customer to apologize for the mishap becomes an opportunity for you to build a stronger relationship with each of them.

Believing that everything happens for a reason means you are actively looking for something posi-tive in any and every situation.

When Failure Is Not An Option

People with abundant mindsets leave no room for failure. In their minds they’ve already won. Which is why they don’t have a plan B. Why have a plan B when you know plan A is going to pan out, right?

“If my business doesn’t take off within the next 90 days, I’ll have to quit and go look for a job.”

Ouch. Thinking like this means creating a way out for yourself and therefore setting yourself up for failure. But you can’t make failure a possibility. You can’t have something to fall back on if things go wrong.


No, my fellow entrepreneur, you need to start with the end in mind, anticipating success, seeing yourself in that place of accomplishment, living your dream life.

You’ve got to know that you’re going to make it, you’ve got to know it with every fiber of your being.

You can’t doubt, you can’t second guess yourself, you can’t create an escape route. Instead, let “forward” be the only direction in which you can possibly move because then you can’t help but get there.

I trust this has helped paint the picture for you of what it means to have an abundant mindset. Some of these concepts are probably already familiar to you.

And yet I’ve really only touched the tip of the iceberg here. There’s obviously a lot more to it.

But can you see that the underlying quality of an abundant mind is strength - is that at least clear?

Can you also see how a person who thinks and acts this way would effortlessly attract customers and distributors into their business? Because who wouldn’t want to work with, and learn from, this type of person!

Well, this is also who you need to strive to become if you want truly life-changing results in your business!

#2. When You Know How To Market, the Sale Takes Care of Itself

Ingredient #2 is SKILL SETS.

No product is so great that it “sells itself.” There’s only one thing that sells products and that’s people who know how to market. People who know how to move products into the hands of paying customers – that’s the ONLY thing that’s going to put money back into your pockets.

This is where, sadly, so many of the MLM companies have got it all backwards. Everything is about the company brand. Everything is about the product line, the comp plan, the system, the nutrients and antioxidants, the scientific research behind it
everything but the person distributing the prod-ucts.


Who Owns Your Business?

Most MLM distributors are never taught the skill sets. They never learn professional marketing. They just pitch, pitch, pitch
mistakenly thinking they’re marketing.

Problem is, if you don’t have the skills - if you don’t know how to generate your own leads and turn those leads into profits, and if you don’t have full control of your list of subscribers so that you can continue to monetize them - then, you don’t really own your business.

Let me prove it to you.

Separate the distributor from the company
now, what have you got? It makes no difference to the company - one consultant goes, another comes
big deal.

But that distributor has to start all over again. He or she has to start with a new company, a new product line, a new marketing system, new custom-ers, new leads

They can’t even take their existing list of leads with them from their previ-ous opportunity, which they paid a small fortune to acquire! Because they have no access to that list!

He or she has to start completely from scratch. And this distributor, as they start working for another company, will go through the same scenario all over again. Having no real skills and therefore no value in and of themselves, they will once again become dependent on the good graces of the corporation.

Guess who in reality owns the distributor’s home business? Their company does.

The Secret To Becoming A “Lead Magnet”

On the other hand, if you know how to market, it’s a whole different deal. Then, it doesn’t matter if your company changes its leadership, goes out of business, or kicks you out because you unwit-tingly did something “against protocol”.

You will survive. As an entrepreneur, you will survive. Because you can always rebuild when you have the know-how. What you’ve done once, you can, if need be, do again and again and again.

I touched on this in the introduction of this report: once you know the Formula, you can always go back and repeat the process.

This is why there’s no substitute for learning how to market. And marketing once again, in its bare essence, is the art of moving products into the hands of paying customers.


The more skilled you get at your craft, the more valuable you will also become in the market place. And the more your prospects see that you have the expertise, the more they will flock to you, ready to sign on the dotted line.

As they begin to see you as a leader and an authority rather than a needy, desperate sales person, the tables will turn.

Because everyone wants to work with the best. Everyone wants to work with the person who’s “figured it out” because that’s also the person who can help them!

Make sense?

Being a home business owner is no different than being an architect, a lecturer, a lawyer or any other type of professional:

The more of an expert you become, the more sought-after you will be, and thus, as a direct result, the more business you’ll get.

Something Is Wrong...But What?

If the opposite is true, if you don’t know how to generate your own leads, that’s a problem. Because leads are the life blood of your business and if you’re dependant on other people for that life blood, you’re in a very vulnerable position.

If you’re continuing to purchase leads that aren’t properly monetized and don’t convert into sales for your primary opportunity, you’re in even bigger trouble.

You may not even realize how much trouble you’re in because you’re so busy working.

You’re attending meetings, dialing in to conference calls, talking to people about your opportunity, calling leads, placing ads in newspapers, and so on.

Simply put, you’re following the plan to a T.

Then, one day, you look up from your product samples and it sud-denly hits you like a brick wall. It’s a frightening thought - the sudden realization that you that you are spending more than you are making.

Every week, every month more and more money is spent on leads, products and advertising.

And it’s not coming back in the form of profits. In fact, you’re not even close to breaking even.


Your distributors are continuing to drop off their auto shipments - and that even though you are faith-fully staying on yours, making sure to lead by example. Your customers aren’t reordering like you had expected either.

Suddenly, you get that gut-wrenching feeling. Something is wrong. Something is VERY wrong. You just can’t pinpoint what it is. And you don’t dare to express your fears to anyone - least of all your upline - lest they may think you don’t have “enough belief” to make it.

The Real Reason They Aren’t Buying

I’ll tell you what’s wrong. What’s wrong is that you haven’t been taught how to market properly.

Wearing a button isn’t marketing. Sticking fliers on telephone poles isn’t marketing. Neither is buying and calling leads.

You may call it a lot of things but professional marketing it ain’t.

Professional marketing focuses on giving solutions - simply giving people exactly what they want. No more, no less.

With professional marketing you also “pre-sell” your future customers and reps on working with you and buying from you by first offering value and help. (This is often referred to as “Attraction Marketing” and we’ll talk more about this concept in a moment.)

The “marketing” that’s being taught in most MLMs on the other hand - the pitching, selling and tell-ing - doesn’t make people want to buy from you or work with you.

It makes them resist you because they don’t like to be bothered.

When you’re pushing product samples and business cards on people, when you’re talking to every-one you know about your opportunity, when you’re calling and leaving messages for leads who can’t be bothered to return your phone calls, you are creating resistance. Lots of it.

That’s what’s wrong. That’s why you’re doing everything “by the book” but aren’t getting results. It’s not you, it’s the book... The manual is outdated.

In today’s day and Internet age your prospects are much too jaded. They have too many offers ar-riving in their inboxes...too many solicitors calling. They are overwhelmed, overstimulated and their attention spans are shorter than ever.

That’s the bad news.

But wait, there’s GOOD news too...


How To Romance Your Customer...

The good news is called “Attraction Marketing”. Attraction Marketing is a way to rise above the noise and get your customers to pay attention to you, and it truly is your only viable option as a home busi-ness owner today.

Attraction Marketing has been compared to dating and that’s for good reason: What you do is you strategically build a relationship with your prospect and earn the right to sell to them.

And just like you’d be crazy to propose marriage on the first date, you also shouldn’t try to sell your prospect on your business opportunity the first time you connect with them. No, give them a chance to warm up to you. Give them a chance to get attracted to you as that leader they’re looking for.

Give them a chance to experience the value you have to offer and be-come convinced that you have their best interest at heart...that you’re not just after their pocket book.

...And Market Happily Ever After

Everyone wants to buy from those that they know, like and trust - it’s human psychology. It follows then that when your prospects get to know, like and trust you, they’ll sell themselves on your offer.

That’s right - they’ll come to you, actually wanting to work with you. Because you have established that relationship first. And when they do buy from you, they’ll feel like it was their idea. Which is es-sential because people hate being sold to.

Only if they feel like it was their idea to make the purchase will they continue to come back for more, spend increasingly more money with you, refer their friends to you and help spread the word about your business.

One last thing as we wrap up this section... Sometimes you’ll get the objection that Attraction Mar-keting is too lengthy of a process; that the distributor doesn’t have time to spend weeks or months “romancing” his future customer before he sells them a product.

But who said it needs to take weeks or months? Taking a person from “cold lead” to “sales ready customer” can take hours, even minutes. Also - and this is the best part - it can be done almost en-tirely on auto pilot.

We’ll talk about automation next.


#3. Let the Funnel Do the Sorting, Telling and Selling

Ingredient #3 is AUTOMATION.

Did you know you can have so much automation built into your business that your prospects will buy from you without you having to talk to them first?

If your sales funnel is personalized enough and your Internet presence strong enough, then trust and credibility can build to a point where your leads turn to customers and distributors completely on auto pilot.

That’s not likely to happen your first month in business. Maybe not even your first year. But over time it will - if you truly master Attraction Marketing.

How To Put Your Sponsoring On Auto-Pilot

In my mind, calling leads is the perfect way to bring all the wrong people into your business.

A person who can’t take action on their own after going through a customized sales funnel that builds trust from beginning to end and gives them clear directions on what to do next...well, they’re likely not who you’re looking for anyway.

What am I really saying? I’m saying, stop calling your leads!

Instead, take that valuable time you’d otherwise spend on the phone and work on polishing your sales funnel (lead capture page, sales pages and auto responder emails) and your Internet presence (articles, videos, press releases, blog posts and social media).

As you do, your business will grow more and more automated.

Because with a personalized funnel and a powerful online presence you create credibility with your prospects and pre-sell them on working with you.

Now when your prospects google your name (and they will!), they’ll actually find something, some-thing of value. This makes it easier for them to trust you and therefore increases the likelihood of them buying from you.


Not those that are just looking for a hand-out – they won’t buy. They’ll continue to make up excuses.

But the right people, the people you want to sponsor into your business, they can be brought in this way, completely on auto pilot. Because these people are action takers.

As long as you lay out the steps properly in your funnel, providing a clear sense of direction, they will hit the “buy” button. The RIGHT people do not need a phone call first to make sure you are a “real person”!

Caution: Great Efficiency Required The more skilled you become as a marketer, the more you’ll be able to have your sales funnel do the sorting and filtering for you. Your leads will either qualify or disqualify themselves as they go through the process.

Granted, you’ll first have to get your elbows greased a little. You’ll have to make some calls and talk to some prospects that probably aren’t going to be all that qualified.

Everyone goes through this in the beginning. But it should happen less and less as the months go by.

You’ll eventually get to the point where you’ll spend time exclusively with customers and reps who have actually spent money with you. You have that many people who want your time. You’re that sought-after.

The bigger your business grows, the more important it is that you’re able to make this distinction. The distinction between those that are deserving of your time and those that aren’t.

Remember, talk is cheap and the only thing that matters is action. You don’t care what your pros-pects or your reps say they’re going to do, only what they actually do.

How To Have Real “Quality Conversations”

Realize that very few people have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. And you’re only doing them and yourself a disservice by engaging in hand holding.

If they’re not right for your business, they won’t last. In fact, they’ll end up worse off than before - more wounded and more skeptical than before you brought them in. It’s yet another business that “didn’t work” for them.

Isn’t it better to let the sales funnel do the sorting and selling for you so that you instead can spend your time on profit producing activities?


Such as honing your marketing skills, polishing your funnel to create even more automatization, pro-ducing content, training your team of qualified consultants, and perhaps, over time, even develop your own products?

Not only is it a lot more productive, it also makes being a home business owner a lot more fun and rewarding! In all honesty, wouldn’t you rather not have to be on the phone all day with unqualified prospects who tend to suck your energy like air from a balloon?

Some may argue that this all sounds very cold and impersonal, and not at all like a ‘people business’ but that’s not true.

It’s not that you stop dealing with people altogether, only that you are being selective as far as who you talk to. Then, the conversations you do have will be true quality conversations.

Remember, the Internet is a massive place and if you don’t create various barriers of entry in your business, you are going to die a slow and painful death of exhaustion.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Learn A Lesson From Donald Trump

Still on the topic of calling leads, I want to touch on another issue, namely the issue of having posture with your prospects.

Let me ask you a question:

Do you think Donald Trump would be calling candidates for a posi-tion at his company, dialing leads, blocking his number, hanging up after four rings, leaving needy messages asking his prospects to “call me back any time”...?

The thought is ludicrous, right?

He would never such a thing. He wouldn’t because he is “The Donald”. And The Donald has a lot of posture, on the phone and otherwise. He never comes across as weak or desperate.

Well, “Donald posture” is exactly the kind of posture you need to have with your prospects! Because your prospects aren’t as much looking for a company or an opportunity to join as they are looking for
yes, you know the answer
a leader.

As we already discussed, everyone wants to work with the expert. Everyone’s secretly looking for an authority figure, someone they can follow. So make sure you present yourself as this person...a per-son worthy of great respect.


Professionals Don’t Sell...They Sort

“Important people” (like The Donald) are busy people. They always make sure their time is spent pro-ductively. And, of course, they work by appointment only.

They don’t just hit the phones hoping to get lucky and get a (somewhat) interested prospect on the line, who may sign up and may buy something and may stick around long enough to build a team of their own and create residuals for them.

Never ever. That’s WAY too much of a gamble with The Donald’s time.

What someone like Donald Trump will do instead is have various filters in place – maybe an application process or a survey - some hoop that the prospect has to jump through in order to prove they are serious and qualify for his time.

On top of this, they will likely have a gatekeeper of sorts, maybe an assistant or a secretary, who will talk to the prospect in order to further qualify the person.

And then - if they pass the mustard - they’ll finally get to talk to The Donald. After the secretary or as-sistant has scheduled the candidate for his appointment - an appointment that is convenient for The Donald. The prospect, of course, will have to juggle his time around The Donald’s schedule.

(If he can’t make it, too bad. His loss. The Donald will then move on to the next person. Because there’s no lack of fish in the pond for someone of his stature...and, naturally, he knows this.)

How To “Close” With Incredible Ease

When, after all this, the prospective candidate finally gets Mr. Trump on the line, he has so much re-spect and admiration for him that he is pre-sold on working with him. And if the prospect is right for what The Donald has, then The Donald will easily, effortlessly, matter-of-factly close the sale. “How would you like to take care of this transaction – Visa, Debit or Master Card?”

It’s not even a question. All he does is guide the prospect along, directing them to the next step.

There’s no “selling” taking place at this point. All the selling happened in the minutes, hours, and days leading up to the moment where the prospect finally gets to talk to The Donald on the phone.

How different, how vastly different this is from dialing for dollars. It’s a thousand times more effective, and a heck of a lot more fun. It also helps you bring a lot more of the right people into your MLM.

Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to build your business this way?


#4. Make 10 Times More with 10 Times Less Effort

Ingredient #4 is LEVERAGE. “Leverage”...what exactly do we mean by this word?

The thesaurus gives us this definition: Influence, power, force, control, pull, weight.

When you have leverage in your home business, you have the ability to accom-plish more in less time. You’re able to achieve better results with less effort.

You have better rapport with your prospects, more respect from your customers, a larger following, more credibility and a greater reach than does the person with less leverage.

More people listen to you, more people open your emails, more people buy your products or sign up with you in your business, more people spend more money with you more often, and more people refer you to their friends.

Do you know what the difference is between two accomplished network marketers – one making from five to ten thousand a month working 12-14 hours a day, the other earning $50 000, $75 000, even 100k a month working half as many hours?

The difference is automation (which we already covered), and also leverage.

Why You Need Multiple Income Streams

Having multiple income streams is essential in helping you create better leverage in your business. Because more income streams mean more cash flow.

If you don’t have access to multiple streams of income, you have poor cash flow and you could be building your business on very shaky ground. Let me explain.

Say you’re a consultant with some direct sales or MLM company. You’re marketing a particular prod-uct line and you’re doing quite well. But then something happens: There are some changes within the company that cause sales to hit an all-time low.

Your own income from those products also takes a dip as a result. And because you don’t have any other products – no products other than those of your primary company – you’re suddenly at a stand-still. Before long, you’ve run out of money.


Not so if you have multiple income streams. Not so if you’re market-ing other products, programs or memberships that you earn commis-sions on independent of your primary company.

In life and business stuff happens - we all know that. And for that reason, you’d better have a cushion.

I’m not saying you should work multiple MLMs simultaneously. I don’t recommend that at all. It will only make you feel divided, split be-tween the different businesses.

Think about it: If you have two MLMs, then instead of devoting 100% of your work hours and market-ing budget to getting one of them off the ground, you’ll wind up spending half your time and budget on one and half on another. Which means it will take you twice as long to get results with each.

No - get results with one first, automate it or outsource it before you even think about starting another business! Goodness knows, it’s challenging enough to build one business at a time!

Making Money On Those That Say No To Your MLM

What I’m saying is that you should have multiple passive income streams, which is a very different matter. Affiliate marketing is a great example and it’s where I recommend you start.

You can market these “generic” products passively alongside your primary program by adding affili-ate links to your auto responder messages (automated emails) and banners to your blog. Any time a prospect purchases a product using your link, you’ll earn a commission.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a profit on all the prospects that decline joining you in your primary program - which is going to be the majority of your leads.

It’s critical that you monetize your leads this way or you’ll soon find your-self in a situation where you’re spending more than you’re making.

Also, not to forget, be sure to make your affiliate links available to your downline members. Your own distributors are your best customers. They already know you, like you and trust you. They already value your recommendations.

Affiliate marketing is a beautiful thing: Customers purchase valuable products that help them market more effectively, the owner of the products earns a profit off the sales, and the affiliate earns a com-mission. It’s a win-win-win situation.

When affiliate marketers promote products, they also create leverage for the owner of those products by getting the offer out in more places and in front of more people. More customers get the opportu-nity to purchase the products, creating more profits as a result.


Getting More Bang For Your Marketing Bucks

Do you have an online presence? If not, you don’t exist. Not in today’s Internet-driven world of mar-keting!

Not only do you need to be on the Internet but you need to be everywhere online. Which is why you should always seek to leverage your marketing efforts as much as possible.

One way to do this would be to publish content that continues to live on on the Internet indefinitely - or until you take it down - producing leads and sales as a result.

Articles, blog posts, forum threads, press releases and videos are all examples of such content.

Submit your article to an online article directory for publication and now you have a piece of content out there that will continue to pro-duce free traffic to your website. Submit more articles to the same directory and you have more leverage.

Get those same articles published in to two or three additional directories and you have even more leverage.

Take the content of those articles and turn it into a number of videos that you upload to your YouTube channel, and you have increased your leverage even further.

Leveraging your marketing efforts like this is essential. You’ll be able to reach many more potential customers with very little extra effort and, as a result, see increasingly more leads begin to trickle in from various sources across the web.

The Art of Leveraging Time

You should also look for ways to leverage your time. The bigger your team and customer base grows, the more important this will become.

Consider the following: Instead of having to go through the start-up steps with each of your new con-sultants individually every single time you bring in a new member, why not create a series of video tutorials on the topic that these new distributors can watch on their own time?

Or...rather than spending so much one-on-one time with your members, how about scheduling calls where everyone comes together and where you can train them as a group?

And why not let your distributors bring their own members to the trainings so that they, too, can listen and learn? Suddenly you’re getting a lot more done in much less time!


When you hire people to work for you, such as an assistant or a customer service rep, you’re creating more leverage for yourself.

Training consultants or distributors who go out and make sales that you earn residuals on, instead of you having to do all the work by yourself, is yet another way to create leverage. Now you are leverag-ing the efforts of others.

Are you starting to see the big picture?

As a marketer you should always be looking to create more leverage in your business so you can reach more people more quickly, work less hours and make more money more effectively.

Why? Because you CAN. With the Internet you can. Because the Internet is endless, reaches to ev-ery corner of the world, and it literally it works for you 24/7.

#5. Rise Above the Noise And Leave A Lasting Impression

INGREDIENT #5 is your USP.

USP stands for “Unique Selling Preposition” and is what makes you unique in the market place. It’s what makes you different than all the other home business owners out there. It’s what pre-sells your prospect on working with you - you in particular.

MLM companies, of course, don’t teach their reps to develop a USP. Rather, the sign-ups become faceless distributors, completely invisible behind replicated company sites.

If on your Facebook page or your business cards you are identifying yourself as an “Independent _____ distributor” (fill in the blank with the name of your MLM), you have no real identity in the market place.

Your entire identity is wrapped up in the company brand.

Sometimes even skilled marketers with a history of success will fall into this trap. They end up working for the company instead of them-selves, giving up all their time and energy to build the company brand rather than their own.

It’s not a big issue as long as the company continues to grow, as long as new distributors are coming in and the revenue is consistently increasing. But, of course, there’s always the “what if


First, They Must Buy You...

Why not be truly independent and create your own identity as an entrepreneur?

Building your own brand and your own USP is the only thing that has real value for you as a home business owner. Because this no one can take from you.

It will be around for as long as you’re around. In fact, it may very well outlive you!

Having a USP does not necessarily mean that your products or servic-es are unique but rather that you have a unique angle or approach.

There’s something about you that makes your future customer remem-ber you and come back to you once they’re ready to buy.

Because not everyone’s going to be sales ready the moment they lay eyes on your offer. And even if they are, yours is only one of a few doz-en options your prospect has got in front of them and that they have to make a decision about.

Why should they choose you over the others? What’s so “special” about you? Are you more personal in your approach? Are you more witty or interesting? More visual in your communication?

What is it about you that makes you the obvious choice?

This is the question you need to be able to answer, and you need to be able to communicate it to your prospects through your marketing material and your overall online presence. Not in so many words, but indirectly.

Your prospects must buy that you are “it”. That you are that leader they’ve been looking for. They must buy you first if they are to buy your products.

Free Hugs, Anyone?

With a clearly defined USP, it’s instantly apparent what you’re “all about”. The moment someone sees your face, name, brand or logo, they associate it with a certain benefit or advantage.

Keep in mind that you can only accomplish this with a personalized sales funnel, a funnel that tells your story and brands you as a leader.

Your blog should do the same. It’s the center of your online presence and vital to defining your USP. When done right, your blog will help you rise above the marketing noise and pre-sell your prospects on working with you.


Your blog should not primarily be about your company or your products.

Rather, it should be about “you, the leader”, or more specifically, about how you as that leader can help your prospect. Because it’s always about your prospect and the solutions you have to offer them.

I remember driving down the highway near Las Vegas recently - where there’s not exactly a scarcity of billboards - and noticing this particular sign, a road sign that stood out in a very unique way. It was for a local bail bond service and it read as follows, “free hugs, free ride home.”

How’s that for putting a personal touch on your advertising? ;-)

If I’m ever in the Vegas area and need to bail someone out of jail (which I sure hope will never hap-pen but, hey, you never know), I can guarantee you that the service that’s going to come to mind is the one with the “free ride” and “free hugs”!

“One Tip Could Make You A Fortune”

The bail bond example is a perfect example of a well-defined USP.

Let’s look at another one real quick... When I conceived of the idea for my eBook “Her Success Blueprint”, I was very conscious of my USP.

My USP is that I’m the guide, the mentor, the go-to person for the strug-gling network marketer.

Now, that may not at first sound very unique. You can say that to a certain degree about all successful leaders in the industry: Everyone presents themselves as a coach and an authority - and rightly so. Offering your ex-pertise is obviously an important part of being a leader.

But “Her Success Blueprint”, I think, takes it a step further.

With the accompanying daily marketing newsletters, live weekly marketing webinars and personal interaction with me on Facebook, it is more like a coaching program than “just another eBook”. And yet it’s all online and at affordable “eBook pricing”.

That’s what makes it unique.

My USP can really be summed up in one sentence - and I used this as a tag line during the launch of the book - “One tip could make you a fortune”.

One tip could make you a fortune...one nugget, one idea from someone who’s “been there, done that” and who will personally show you the way... That’s the very clearly defined USP behind “Her Success Blueprint”.


Does Your Business Have A Face?

If you don’t know your USP at this point, not to worry. But be mindful of the fact that to be able to truly compete in the market place and to acquire customers with more ease, it’s important you develop a clear USP.

Your USP is not something you’re going to sit down and figure out in fifteen minutes. A lot of the time what happens is that it begins to emerge almost on its own as you go about learning the ropes of Attraction Mar-keting. Over time it also becomes more refined.

Remember, you can never be all things to all people. It is better then to strive to be everything to some people.

Specializing, narrowing your target market, is a major key to becoming successful in your home business, and defining your USP is part of this.

Regardless of whether you’re selling vitamins, weight loss products, juices, household supplies, cos-metics, purified water, gold coins or something else...it doesn’t matter what your products are...you still need to be the “face” of your business.

Humans relate to other humans, not to companies, products or opportunities.

This is why hiding behind a company logo or a replicated website doesn’t work. This is why plugging your prospect into a recorded call with product testimonials is so ineffective. This is why sending out stock emails that has been passed down to your from your upline’s upline isn’t gonna cut it.

It doesn’t work because it isn’t personal.

Now It’s Your Turn...

Instead – and with this I’m bringing all five ingredients of the Formula together – give this a shot: Try being unique in your approach. Try being the leader that your prospect is looking for and the kind of person someone would actually want to follow.

Earn the right to sell to your prospect by leading with value, service and expertise. Set out to learn professional marketing and become a true master of your craft.

Last but not least, use the Internet to create automation and leverage so you can reach as many inter-ested, hot, sales ready prospects around the world as efficiently as possible.

Mindset, skill sets, automation, leverage and USP...there you have it. Work on those five areas con-tinuously and consistently, and there is no way that you will not acquire customers and distributors for your business.


In fact, you’ll probably end up with more customers and distributors than you’ll know what to do with.

How can I be so sure?

It’s what I experienced in my business once I started implementing these principles. And now that you know the Formula, there is NO reason why you can’t have the same.

True or true...?

All YOU have to do is take action.


What next? Click here to learn about my brand new eBook, “Her Success Blueprint, Your Crash Course to Suc-cess in Network Marketing.”

As you will see, by placing your order right away, you’ll also get two extremely valuable, free bonuses - training that can keep you from wasting hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on strategies that don’t work, and which will help you focus on the right things from this point forward.

Isn’t it time to get the results that you came here for?