1 Dr. Hunt resigns to take Paradise Valley position - DigiFind-It

(JUINDSOR- H IG H TS HERAL D Vol, 13, No. 31 fwo sections, 38 pages lursday, Aug. 3, 1078 Second class postage paid in Hightstown, N .i. 08520 $4 a year 15 cents per copy 1 Swinging single Despite a few clouds which covered the area on Saturday, tt was a great day for a solo flight. Jenny Alter of Probasco Road spent pan of the day playing play pilot 'co-pilot and navigator on this suspended tire by the Drew School in Twin Rivers IGeri Finner photr Gino swins planners' approval Fast food' coming to East Windsor bv Ellen Kolton-Walon Staff Writer EAST WINDSOR The township’s first fast food restaurant may be open for business by the end of the year The Gino’s Corp obtained unanimous planning board approval Monday evening to erect a 140-seat facility at the comer of Dutch Neck Road and Route 130 Unlike the sometimes-testy discussions between the board and developer during the last year-and-a- half of hearings, Monday’s con- frontation was amicable and marked by bantering THE ONLY disgruntled parties weref Jody and Harold Voelbei. ad jacent property owners, and Fred Klein, their attorney After the meeting they claimed that the Gino’s project would prevent them from proceeding with plans to build a . supermarket complex behind Gino's The board was setting a dangerous precedent in allowing Gino's to build •20 feet from the highway, complained Mrs Voebel BuUshe, her husband and Mr Klein said -they've decided not to appeal, citing a minimum cost of $2,000 to furnish the Township Council, the appellate body, with transcripts of the planning board hearings After the board had assured itself that the type of signs, widths of and inside tveways, lighting and shade trees ?re in compliance with the zoning ws. it turned to more esoteric WHY ARE you erecting a flag pole-' You know we allow only the American. State or local flag to be flown in the township, Y'ou can’t fly a G ini is slag.' *oud member Leonard Milner We are going to fly an American flag We find most towns like that,” said Charles Gfeller, Gino's con- slruction manager, Save yourself the money,’ replied Mr Milner in almost a stage whisper Smiling, member Mary Kay Mellon said she wanted to ask Mr Gfeller "a genera I question about Gino’s policies You always refer to a girl when you Dr. Hunt resigns to take Paradise Valley position by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor HIGHTSTOWN - Dr John Hunt's job search has ended The controversial superintendent of the East Windsor Regional school district reached an agreement with the Paradise Valley Am school board last Friday, bringing an end to his stormy nine-year reign as local chief school administrator Although accrued vacation time allowed Dr Hunt tie fulfill the un- written 60 day’s notice requirement, he will be leaving the district tomorrow and starting his new duties in Arizona on Aiig 23 An interim superintendent is ex- pected to be named at a board meeting on Aug 14, according to board president Raymond Miller DOROTHY Goodman, director of communications for the Paradise Valley district, said Dr Hunt ami the Arizona board came to terms Friday night. She refused to divulge the terms of a three-year agreement providing for d starting salary of $42,000 Dr Hunt could not be reached for comment The offer rejected by Dr. Hunt three days earlier had reportedly provided for the same salary, but failed to offer any long-term security In his new position. Dr Hunt will assume responsibility for a district with a $30 million budget, 16 schools and 1600 employees Located in Maricopa County, north of Phoenix the district serves an area with a population estimated at 70.000 people Mrs Goodman said Dr Hunt was chosen from among 180 to 200 ap- plicants The agreement with Dr Hunt ended a four-month search process in the 16,500-student district, she added MR MILLER said Tuesday he would be pleased if East Windsor s search could be concluded that quickly, adding that he hoped the board would be able to name a replacement by December and have him or her running the district by February Before it finds a permanent replacement, however, it will first have to name an interim superin- tendent Mr Miller had hoped to name one earlier this week He called an emergency meeting Monday night at i he Hightstown High School annex, but it was quickly adjourned after three board members refused to recognize that an emergency condition existed Under provision of the Open Public Meetings Act, three-fourths of the board members present must agree that an emergency is of “sufficient magnitude to cause substantial public harm” before it can be officially convened, Ms Miller said Three of She eight board members present - Warred Olsen, Barbara Swan and Don Davies didn't feel the emergency was serious enough to justify the waiving of the Sunshine Law notice requirements UNTIL the board meets again, Mr Miller said, Barbara Anderson, assistant superintendent for personnel and training, would be in charge Normally, he said, the acting 'hands-on-t he-heliti responsibility would rest with George Hepbron, the senior-most assistant superintendent. But Mr Hepbron. he said, was on a camping trip in Maine and wouldn’t be returning to the district until the week after next Mr Miller said the interim superintendent would be chosen from among the ‘existing assistant superintendents” in the district - Ms Anderson. Mr Hepbron, or Dr Edgar Thomas ASKED WHETHER he thought the person chosen by the board would have an inside track od the permanent position. Mr Miller said “ there are two schodls of thought on that “ On the one hand, there's the feeling that the person who’s the in- terim superintendent automatically has the leg up The other argument is the exact opposite - that you really oenalize them Jhere’s no way t0 be 8 winner in interim because you’re a custodian, if you try to do things creative or imaginative, nobody's going to side with you ” Mr Miller, who said he felt there were several good candidates for the permanent superintendent’s position within the district, added that the ground rules for the screening process would probably be discussed at the Aug 4 meeting THE BOARD’S choice, whomever it is, will become the district's third superintendent in 28 years Dr Hunt Who came < Eas: Windsor in 1969 replaced Metvin H Kreps. who retired after 19 years as superintendent At thajt time East Windsor had four schools'compared to six today). 3800 pupils '5500 today) and was in the process of regionalizing Dr Hunt came to East Windsor from a suburb of Rochester, N Y , where he served as director of special programs and assistant superin- tendent of personnel in the Greece Central school district CHOSEN from among 54 can- didates. he was hired at $21,000 and given a two-year contract- Pnorto his Job in Rochester was a math teacher and athletic coach at the Lawrenceville School He was graduated from Princeton University with a B.S degree in mechanical engineering r 958 He received an M Ed from Harvard University in 1965 and a D Ed in educational administration, also from Harvard, in 1968 Dr Hunt served as a flying officer m he S Marine orp , from 958 64 He was a squadron instructor and >r h the Armec* Forces Institutes Operation Bootstrap Dr, Hunt A nine-year history by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor HIGHTSTOWN — Respected and admired by some, disliked and disrespected by others. Dr John Hunt was a lot of things to a lot of people If there was any common denominator, it was a strong sense of SOMETHING for the 42-year-old chief school adminstrator by detractors and supporters alike Enigmatic and volatile. Dr Hunt’s relations wtih the board, the com- munity and the press followed an uneven and frequently tumultuous course The following outline offers an historical profile of Dr Hunl’s tenuous decade as superintendent May, i»7i — A group calling itself Parents' Forum circulated petitions throughout the community seeking to have Dr Hunt dismissed The petition charged that Dr Hunt — then in office for less than two years with starting up $250,000 in new programs without informing the community and adding $100,000 in administrative costs while trimming transportation and instructional costs The petition charged “ a continuing lack of candor and disresoert for the community shown by the school ad- ministration, " causing a deep and wide gulf of misunderstanding bet- ween the school system ” At a May 10 meeting of the school board, the parents’ group, headed by an unsuccessful school board can- didate, Cecilia Ott, presented the petition with 1100 signatures on it The board voted 5-4 to reject it. July, 1971 — The board, by an 8-1 vote, granted Dr, Hunt a $3,000 in- crease. raising his salary from $26,000 to $29,000, and offered him a three- year contract for the year 1972-75. thereby assuring him of tenure In New Jersey, superintendents become tenured the first day of their fourth year on the job June, 1972 — Dr Hunt reportedly was a candidate for the superin- tendent’s job in the South Orange- Mapfewood school district. March, 1973 — By a 4-3 vote, the school board granted Dr Hunt an 8 percent salary increase to $33,240 May, 1973 — The Herald" reported that Dr Hunt was a finalist for the superintendent's position in the Pinellas County, Fla,, school district, March, 1974 — It was reported in the March 28 issue of the Herald’ that > Hun was one of five candidates unde- consideration to Gov Brendan Byrne for the state Commission of Education post recently vacated by Carl Marburgef The governor s office would neither deny nor confirm the report When asked if he were under con- sideration, Dr Hunt was reported as saying, "I'm he superintendent of schools in East Windsor, that’s what I'm paid for. that’s what I work on, and that s whai I 1! talk about I might as well try to flap my elbows and fly as to talk about rumors of job offers April, 1974 — Dr Hunt chastized the noare after receiving a 6 percent pay ike 'or excluding him from heir deliberations on his salary He maintained he had a legal right to sit in as a non-voting member of the board a( every board meeting March, 1975 — Three “anti-Hunt” school board candidates were elected to office Later that month, the board voted,' 5-3, not to renew Dr, Hunt's contract or give him a pay increase November, 1975 The board passed a controversial 42-point job descrip- tion. seen by some at the time as a transparent attempt to pave the way for his ouster Board member Robert Abrams, one of two members to vote against the job description, claimed “ the person is not borji yet who can perform it At that same meeting James Moran of the Association of School Ad ministrators spoke obliquely on Dr Hunt’s behalf He warned of the dangers of “ trial by rumor,” adding that if the board “ plans to dismiss its See HUNT, page 12-A B / if DiGarbo named -epioce payne on if trough Council by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor HIGHTSTOWN — Win, lose or draw, Russell DiGarbo, a Republican candidate in the upcoming Borough Council elections, won't have to wait until January to get a taste of life as an office-holder The Franklin Street resident, a division planning manager for JC Penney, Monday night was named to replace Ernest J Payne Jr. on council Mr Payne, whose term expires Dec 31, resigned his post for “ medical and persohal reasons “ His letter of resignation was officially accepted at Monday’s meeting ALTHOUGH Mr DiGarbo’s path to political office was easier than he might have expected, he will have to campaign this fall. He and Ramon Martinelli will be running for seats being vacated by Mr Payne and C'ouncilwoman Joanne Frazer at the end of the year He will be joined on the Republican ticket by Harold “ Skip” Cox, who defeated Councilman Ronald Prykanowski in the GOP mayoral primary in June Mayor Ernest Turp t < is nd|fseeking reeleetion Mr. DiGarbo, a relative newcomer to borough politics, has been active in the Republican Club for three years He ha* resided m Hightstown for seven years The resolution appointing Mr. DiGarbo was approved, 3-0, Coun- cilwoman Frazer and Councilman Mac Sugg were not present at the meeting, IN OTHER business Monday, council authorizes the advertising of bids for the leasing of two new police cars and re-introduced a $380,000 bond ordinance for water and sewer plant mprovements The public hearing on the measure is scheduled for Sept 5. The council also instructed its con- sulting engineer, Mac Lowenhaupt of Thomas Tyler Moore Associates, to draft a letter to the county requesting that something be done to improve road conditions on South Main Street Mayor Turp. who said he had received several complaints from borough residents, told Mr I wenhatipt t< ask he county to make it passable and less noisy Ftlnds, have been provided in next year's county budget for recon- struction work on South Mam laiv-ic talk about a person who takes the r orders and when you speak of a lanager. you always,say a man.” she, said What exactly are the hiring arts . 1 *>-A practices, she wanted to know: are j calendar .......... ................. 4-A classified ____ ; ................... i -ff men always in the managerial 1 obituaries ___________ : .......... 8-A police blotter ________ 2-A MR GFELLER quickly reeled off social notes ics illustrating that in the New sports Jersev area alone, there are some nine town forum ...............................4-A women assistant managers and one manager, aside from several crew THE DEVELD i’FRS of the proposed chiefs who are women and scores of Howard Johnsor s motel and restaurant men who take orders near Exit 8 of the Turnpike hope to He conceded that he had lowatch his submit a formal application to the plan- w ords and grimaced when Ms Melton ning board In the end of this month. See advised Clean up your language s to n , page >-A. Alter he meeting Mr Gfeller said I / , 'hr new restaurant would employ TOW NSH1P police conducted an earlv about too people, men and women,” morning raid on the Empco Automotive emphasized, in both Lull time and 1 shop on Mercer Street which led to the pisrt ■ tme positions arrest of three persons, including the shop > owner. S*e the details on page J- Ht \\D W ITH ER Gino's official A es’ iniated that ’he construction costs . ! BARBARA GR EE.NBFKG. left, and would reach about $300,000 The 1 building is a new organizational - £n It looks more like a sit-down I restaurant they said, explaining that 1 her (,htick Chek mate- were drubbed bv fii : urnished in Earlv American 1 Pepsi People, 14-0. in a senior girl* decor with Tiffany .lamps, wood 1 division game las! v*eek in the I win paneling and a fieidstone exterior with ■i water wheel at the entrance Rivers Siftball a-ague. See the details on page } 2' A See (UNO’S, page 12- A Miller on Hunt No one could have come out a winner by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor HIGHTSTOWN While the news of Dr John Hunt's resignation brought cries of deiight from some quarters, the hosannas were far from universal particularly among members of the East Windsor Regional school board Dr Hupfs departure at a time when his relations with the board and community werei as relaxed as any time during his tenure, colored the news of his decision with a tinge of irony THE SUPERINTENDENT’S nine years in office were uneasy ones, for the community, the school boards and Dr Hunt alike According to School Board President Ray Miller, circumstances were such during those nine years that upheaval and chaos were inevitable — regardless of who was sitting in the superintendent's seat I doubt senoush that anv com- munity that grew as rapidly as we did,” Mr Miller said, “ with the diversity we had — with the city boy confronting farmer, with urban aspirations dealing in a rural en- vironment and our differentiating ourselves with all kinds of racial, ethnic and religious minorities — I honestly don’t see how anybody, no matter whom, could have come out a winner. "HE WAS here through a very disruptive period Part of that period was the thorough and efficient legislation When that first came out, every community had a problem with their superintendent “ When I first came on the board (1976), I went to the new board member’s orientation conducted by the state School Board Association I made a personal point of asking every board member I met — and there were several hundred there — how do you feel about your superintendentThe answer., Mr Miller said “Aw I can’t wait |o get rid of that sonofabitch ’ It was the nature of public education at the (jme “ Np, it i the turmoil) wasn’t good for the community, but I don’t know that it wais avoidable Dr Hunt just hap- oeried to be the personification of it in cur Community MR MILLER who said Dr Hunt’s single biggest problem was public relations called him, an excellent leader and administrator and credited him with carrying out all of the policies established by the boards He delivered exactly what the boards that he worked for demanded of him or instructed him to obtain As board member) Bill Moore says, 'you not only have to want what you want, but yjou have to wantwhat it leads to.’ Frequently people say they want something and get it. and find it’s not really what they wanted “ I'd sav the major accolade 1 can pay to him is that he found a way to See MILLER, page 12-A DR. HUNT’S resignation brought an end to nkte-Year s of controversy. A

Transcript of 1 Dr. Hunt resigns to take Paradise Valley position - DigiFind-It


Vol, 13, No. 31 fwo sections, 38 pages lursday, Aug. 3, 1078 Second class postage paid in Hightstown, N .i. 08520 $4 a year 15 cents per copy


Swinging singleDespite a few clouds which covered the area on Saturday, tt was a great day for a solo flight. Jenny Alter of Probasco Road spent pan of the day playing play pilot 'co-pilot and

navigator on this suspended tire by the Drew School in Twin Rivers

IGeri Finner photr

Gino s w ins p lanners ' approva lFast food' coming to East Windsor

bv Ellen Kolton-Walon Staff Writer

EAST WINDSOR The township’s first fast food restaurant may be open for business by the end of the year

The G ino ’s Corp obtainedunanimous planning board approval Monday evening to erect a 140-seat facility at the comer of Dutch Neck Road and Route 130

Unlike the som etim es-testydiscussions between the board and developer during the last year-and-a- half of hearings, M onday’s con­frontation was amicable and marked by bantering

THE ONLY disgruntled parties

weref Jody and Harold Voelbei. ad jacent property owners, and Fred Klein, their attorney A fte r the meeting they claimed that the Gino’s project would prevent them from proceeding with plans to build a

. supermarket complex behind Gino's The board was setting a dangerous

precedent in allowing Gino's to build •20 feet from the highway, complained Mrs Voebel

BuUshe, her husband and Mr Klein said -they've decided not to appeal, citing a minimum cost of $2,000 to furnish the Township Council, the appellate body, with transcripts of the planning board hearings

After the board had assured itself that the type of signs, widths of

and inside

tveways, lighting and shade trees ?re in compliance with the zoning ws. it turned to more esoteric

WHY ARE you erecting a flag pole-' You know we allow only the American. State or local flag to be flown in the township, Y'ou can’t fly a G ini is slag.' *oud member Leonard Milner

We are going to fly an American flag We find most towns like that,” said Charles Gfeller, Gino's con- slruction manager,

Save yourself the money,’ replied Mr Milner in almost a stage whisper

Smiling, member Mary Kay Mellon said she wanted to ask Mr Gfeller "a genera I question about Gino’s policies

You always refer to a girl when you

Dr. Hunt resigns to take Paradise Valley position

by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor

HIGHTSTOWN - Dr John Hunt's job search has ended

The controversial superintendent of the East Windsor Regional school district reached an agreement with the Paradise Valley A m school board last Friday, bringing an end to his stormy nine-year reign as local chief school administrator

Although accrued vacation time allowed Dr Hunt tie fulfill the un­written 60 day’s notice requirement, he will be leaving the district tomorrow and starting his new duties in Arizona on Aiig 23

An interim superintendent is ex­pected to be named at a board meeting on Aug 14, according to board president Raymond Miller

DOROTHY Goodman, director of communications for the Paradise Valley district, said Dr Hunt ami the Arizona board came to terms Friday night.

She refused to divulge the terms of

a three-year agreement providing for d starting salary of $42,000

Dr Hunt could not be reached for comment

The offer rejected by Dr. Hunt three days earlier had reportedly provided for the same salary, but failed to offer any long-term security

In his new position. Dr Hunt will assume responsibility for a district with a $30 million budget, 16 schools and 1600 em ployees Located in Maricopa County, north of Phoenix the district serves an area with a population estimated at 70.000 people

Mrs Goodman said Dr Hunt was chosen from among 180 to 200 ap­plicants The agreement with Dr Hunt ended a four-month search process in the 16,500-student district, she added

MR M ILLER said Tuesday he would be pleased if East Windsor s search could be concluded that quickly, adding that he hoped the board would be able to name a replacement by December and have him or her running the district by February

B efore it finds a permanent replacement, however, it will first have to name an interim superin­tendent

Mr Miller had hoped to name one earlier this week He called an emergency meeting Monday night at i he Hightstown High School annex, but it was quickly adjourned after three board members refused to recognize that an emergency condition existed

Under provision of the Open Public Meetings Act, three-fourths of the board members present must agree that an emergency is of “sufficient magnitude to cause substantial public harm” before it can be officially convened, Ms Miller said

Three of She eight board members present - Warred Olsen, Barbara Swan and Don Davies didn't feel the emergency was serious enough to justify the waiving of the Sunshine Law notice requirements

U NTIL the board meets again, Mr M ille r said, Barbara Anderson, assistant superintendent for personnel and training, would be in charge

N orm ally , he sa id , the acting 'hands-on-t he-heliti responsibility

would rest with George Hepbron, the senior-most assistant superintendent. But Mr Hepbron. he said, was on a

camping trip in Maine and wouldn’t be returning to the district until the week after next

Mr M ille r said the interim superintendent would be chosen from among the ‘ ex isting assistant superintendents” in the district - Ms Anderson. Mr Hepbron, or Dr Edgar Thomas

ASKED WHETHER he thought the person chosen by the board would have an inside track od the permanent position. Mr Miller said “ there are two schodls of thought on that

“ On the one hand, there's the feeling that the person who’s the in­terim superintendent automatically has the leg up The other argument is the exact opposite - that you really oenalize them J h e re ’s no way t0 be 8 winner in interim because you’re a custodian, if you try to do things

creative or imaginative, nobody's going to side with you ”

Mr Miller, who said he felt there were several good candidates for the permanent superintendent’s position within the district, added that the ground rules for the screening process would probably be discussed at the Aug 4 meeting

THE BOARD’S choice, whomever it is, will become the district's third superintendent in 28 years Dr Hunt W ho came < Eas: Windsor in 1969 replaced Metvin H Kreps. who retired after 19 years as superintendent

At thajt time East Windsor had four schools'compared to six today). 3800 pupils '5500 today) and was in the process of regionalizing

Dr Hunt came to East Windsor from a suburb of Rochester, N Y , where he served as director of special

program s and assistant superin­tendent of personnel in the Greece Central school district

CHOSEN from among 54 can­didates. he was hired at $21,000 and given a two-year contract-

Pn orto his Job in Rochester was a math teacher and athletic coach at the Lawrenceville School

He was graduated from Princeton University with a B.S degree in mechanical engineering r 958 He received an M Ed from Harvard University in 1965 and a D Ed in educational administration, also from Harvard, in 1968

Dr Hunt served as a flying officer m he S Marine orp , from 958 64

He was a squadron instructor and >r h the Armec* Forces Institutes

Operation Bootstrap

D r , Hunt A nine-year historyby Randy Bergmann

Managing Editor

HIGHTSTOWN — Respected and adm ired by som e, d isliked and disrespected by others. Dr John Hunt was a lot of things to a lot of people

If there was any common denominator, it was a strong sense of SOMETHING for the 42-year-old chief school adminstrator by detractors and supporters alike

Enigmatic and volatile. Dr Hunt’s relations wtih the board, the com­munity and the press followed an uneven and frequently tumultuous course

The following outline offers an historical profile of Dr Hunl’s tenuous decade as superintendent

May, i»7i — A group calling itself Parents' Forum circulated petitions throughout the community seeking to have Dr Hunt dismissed

The petition charged that Dr Hunt — then in office for less than two years

with starting up $250,000 in new program s without in form ing the community and adding $100,000 in administrative costs while trimming transportation and instructional costs

The petition charged “ a continuing lack of candor and disresoert for the community shown by the school ad­ministration, " causing a deep and wide gulf of misunderstanding bet­ween the school system ”

At a May 10 meeting of the school board, the parents’ group, headed by an unsuccessful school board can­didate, Cecilia Ott, presented the petition with 1100 signatures on it The board voted 5-4 to reject it.

July, 1971 — The board, by an 8-1 vote, granted Dr, Hunt a $3,000 in­crease. raising his salary from $26,000 to $29,000, and offered him a three- year contract for the year 1972-75. thereby assuring him of tenure

In New Jersey, superintendents become tenured the first day of their fourth year on the job

June, 1972 — Dr Hunt reportedly was a candidate for the superin­tendent’s job in the South Orange- Mapfewood school district.

March, 1973 — By a 4-3 vote, the school board granted Dr Hunt an 8 percent salary increase to $33,240

May, 1973 — The Herald" reported that Dr Hunt was a finalist for the superintendent's position in the Pinellas County, Fla,, school district,

March, 1974 — It was reported in the

March 28 issue of the Herald’ that > Hun was one of five candidates unde- consideration to Gov Brendan Byrne for the state Commission of Education post recently vacated by Carl Marburgef

The governor s office would neither deny nor confirm the report

When asked if he were under con­sideration, Dr Hunt was reported as saying, "I 'm he superintendent of schools in East Windsor, that’s what I'm paid for. that’s what I work on, and that s whai I 1! talk about I might as well try to flap my elbows and fly as to talk about rumors of job offers

April, 1974 — Dr Hunt chastized the noare after receiving a 6 percent pay ike 'or excluding him from heir

deliberations on his sa lary He maintained he had a legal right to sit in as a non-voting member of the

board a( every board meeting March, 1975 — Three “ anti-Hunt”

school board candidates were elected to office Later that month, the board voted,' 5-3, not to renew Dr, Hunt's contract or give him a pay increase

November, 1975 The board passed a controversial 42-point job descrip­tion. seen by some at the time as a transparent attempt to pave the way for his ouster

Board member Robert Abrams, one of two members to vote against the job description, claimed “ the person is not borji yet who can perform it

At that same meeting James Moran of the Association of School Ad ministrators spoke obliquely on Dr Hunt’s behalf He warned of the dangers of “ trial by rumor,” adding that if the board “ plans to dismiss its

See HUNT, page 12-AB /if

DiGarbo named-epioce payne on if trough Council

by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor

HIGHTSTOWN — Win, lose or draw, Russell D iGarbo, a Republican candidate in the upcoming Borough Council elections, won't have to wait until January to get a taste of life as an office-holder

The Franklin Street resident, a division planning manager for JC Penney, Monday night was named to replace Ernest J Payne Jr. on council

Mr Payne, whose term expires Dec 31, resigned his post for “ medical and persohal reasons “ His le tter of resignation was officially accepted at Monday’s meeting

ALTHOUGH Mr DiGarbo’s path to political office was easier than he might have expected, he will have to campaign this fall. He and Ramon Martinelli w ill be running for seats being vacated by Mr Payne and C'ouncilwoman Joanne Frazer at the end of the year

He will be joined on the Republican ticket by Harold “ Skip” Cox, who defeated Councilman Ronald Prykanowski in the GOP mayoral primary in June Mayor Ernest Turp

t <is nd|fseeking reeleetion

Mr. DiGarbo, a relative newcomer to borough politics, has been active in the Republican Club for three years He ha* resided m Hightstown for seven years

The resolution appointing Mr. DiGarbo was approved, 3-0, Coun- cilwoman Frazer and Councilman Mac Sugg were not present at the

■ meeting,

IN OTHER business Monday, council authorizes the advertising of bids for the leasing of two new police cars and re-introduced a $380,000 bond ordinance for water and sewer plant mprovements The public hearing on

the measure is scheduled for Sept 5.The council also instructed its con­

sulting engineer, Mac Lowenhaupt of Thomas Tyler Moore Associates, to draft a letter to the county requesting that something be done to improve road conditions on South Main Street

Mayor Turp. who said he had received several complaints from borough residents, told Mr I wenhatipt t< ask he county to

make it passable and less noisy Ftlnds, have been provided in next

year's county budget for recon­struction work on South Mam

l a i v - i c talk about a person who takes the r orders and when you speak of a

lanager. you always,say a man.” she, said What exactly are the hiring

arts . 1 *>-A practices, she wanted to know: are jcalendar .......... .................4-Aclassified ____ ; ................... i -f f

men alw ays in the m anageria l 1

obituaries ___________: ..........8-Apolice blotter ________ 2-A MR G FELLER quickly reeled offsocial notes ics illustrating that in the Newsports Jersev area alone, there are some ninetown forum ...............................4-A women assistant managers and one

manager, aside from several crewTH E D EVELD i’ FRS of the proposed chiefs who are women and scores ofHoward Johnsor s motel and restaurant men who take ordersnear Exit 8 of the Turnpike hope to He conceded that he had lowatch hissubmit a formal application to the plan- w ords and grimaced when Ms Meltonning board In the end of this month. See advised Clean up your languageston , page >-A. Alter he meeting Mr Gfeller said I

/ , 'hr new restaurant would employTOW NSH1P po lice conducted an earlv about too people, men and women,”morning raid on the Empco Automotive ‘ emphasized, in both Lull time and 1shop on Mercer Street which led to the pisrt ■ tme positions

arrest of three persons, including theshop > owner. S*e the details on page J- Ht \\D W IT H E R Gino's officialA es’ iniated that ’ he construction costs . !


would reach about $300,000 The 1 building is a new organizational

- £n It looks more like a sit-down I restaurant ’ they said, explaining that 1

her (,htick Chek mate- were drubbed bv fii : urnished in Earlv American 1Pepsi People, 14-0. in a senior girl* decor with Tiffany .lamps, wood 1division game l as! v*eek in the I win paneling and a fieidstone exterior with

■i water wheel at the entranceRivers Siftball a-ague. See the detailson page } 2' A See (UNO ’S, page 12- A

M il le r on Hunt No one could have come out a winner

by Randy Bergmann Managing Editor

HIGHTSTOWN While the news of Dr John Hunt's resignation brought cries of deiight from some quarters, the hosannas were far from universal particularly among members of the East Windsor Regional school board

Dr Hupfs departure at a time when his relations with the board and community werei as relaxed as any time during his tenure, colored the news of his decision with a tinge of irony

THE SU PER IN TEN D EN T ’S nine years in office were uneasy ones, for the community, the school boards and Dr Hunt alike

Accord ing to School Board President Ray Miller, circumstances were such during those nine years that upheaval and chaos were inevitable — regardless of who was sitting in the superintendent's seat

I doubt senoush that anv com­

munity that grew as rapidly as we did,” Mr Miller said, “ with the diversity we had — with the city boy confronting farm er, with urban aspirations dealing in a rural en­vironment and our differentiating ourselves with all kinds of racial, ethnic and religious minorities — I honestly don’t see how anybody, no matter whom, could have come out a winner.

"H E WAS here through a very disruptive period Part of that period was the thorough and effic ien t legislation When that first came out, every community had a problem with their superintendent

“ When I first came on the board (1976), I went to the new board member’s orientation conducted by the state School Board Association I made a personal point of asking every board member I met — and there were several hundred there — how do you feel about your su p e r in ten d en tT h e answer., Mr Miller said “ Aw I can’t

wait |o get rid of that sonofabitch ’ It was the nature of public education atthe (jme

“ Np, it i the turmoil) wasn’t good for the community, but I don’t know that it wais avoidable D r Hunt just hap- oeried to be the personification of it incur Community ”

MR M ILLER who said Dr Hunt’s single biggest problem was public relations called him, an excellent leader and administrator and credited him with carrying out all of the policies established by the boards

He delivered exactly what the boards that he worked for demanded of him or instructed him to obtain As board m ember) Bill Moore says, 'you

not only have to want what you want, but yjou have to wantwhat it leads to.’ Frequently people say they want something and get it. and find it’s not really what they wanted

“ I'd sav the major accolade 1 can pay to him is that he found a way to

See M ILLER , page 12-ADR. HUNT’S resignation brought an end to nkte-Year s of controversy.


2 -A WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD Thursday, Augus-n 3, 1978

C.P A Services Available toindividuals Businesses and

Non Profit Service Organizations

police blottersi W indso


S E R V IC E S D E S IG N E D TO F IT Y O U R N EED S FEES R E L A T E D TO S ER V IC E S P R O V ID E D F IN A N C IA L G U ID A N C E F O R E F F E C T IV E M A N A G E M E N T W o rra n P lo io W a t t

R*. 130 H ig h ttto v an N JPhone f o r A p p o in tm en t

Jamet Horttroft Jrj C.P-A; 409-443-44M

According to police, two ale juveniles, 3ged 16aincl 14, ere reported ly throwing cks a I each other at a con ruction site on Abbington

? One of the ro tedly struck a passinf ruck carrying Mr St Homan and anot ntified occupant ording to the report.

spped the car, jum e door and assaulted lies One of the vict eporfedly struck in while the other was al times in the chest h Mr Stout and m were picked up ■ shortly alter the





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New Evening Hours OPEN TILL 1 A.M.

Sun. thru Sat.open until 1 o.m. 7 Days a W e e k

Michael's Plaza Seating for 100 6 0 9 - 4 4 3 - 3 4 1 1

Mercer St,, Hightstown Open 7 Days

ctdent occurred and arrested Released op their ow n recognizance they are due in municipal court on Aug 7

Joseph Lifrten . 20. of M-14 Windsor Castle Apt* , was arrested on July 25 after allegedly offering an off-duty policeman a reefer 1

A rresting o ffic e r Ronald Barowski said he was! driving down Hickory Corner Road near Brooktree Park when Mr Lifrieri flagged him down, forcing him to stop

When Ptl, Barowski stop­ped. Mr Lifgier: reported)) stuck his head in the car window and asked him whether he had any manjuana

After Ptl Barowski iden- ' if led himself as a police of ficer Mr Lifrieri reportedly starting cursing him Mr Lifrieri and a juvenile who was with him were then placed

jNarure, r has a cat rcrwCrby Jo e Locke

!'<*» crmnm*m it** er*«**»* f* H»« | rhui ornf tiHKiiN her tha gRiwfRi ( • ♦*§ ary o* gltnh «imm(M> c*H*«f Japam*** RolltM Thar* arm « m t "v m l* i of noiTMKf v*ri*M*» in fhh grow* owid* tot*#* th*roc*or*»Hc» AH a* tR**» plmnH mr* »roodl•«* *v*r r«MMi* with imoii dork green who**nmple oundoC 4oo*o* ronf• froe* J of on i«ch to h't- ol on <«<h In tlx* Thor* or* wartfh* wh*cfc RiRy f*t *-•R in K*tfh* »c 4w«H »®r»*♦**» whichip'eoo J O' 4 H *itti ■ mo*v»f* ktN|ht of f2 inehoi !!*■ rronot* hohori. TH*** ptonU oil *olor*t* shod* *#*d ****** condition* ot w*il A* thotr tohfWK* *® wrnt*> kHI eorloe *H* MtiCfle* of vOrioH** and plant tocotWr nwH bo torofttMy chowon

I f / / ,<>y*

Y o rk Rd R t S3*(Ho* »ov*h of th* ligkl in NifMitfwn

H ig h ts to w n N .J 08520

Wans ihad* fr**» ho* and con now h* *a*ily Transplant** Our tr*o* or* oockin* dvf to H*ot ffcotr root* or* only minimally dhitvrd*d VttiAGI WUtSftWS attar, « WHt« eort* *y of • h*d* tr*** in • voat numb*' of h im At w* from- m**f of ovr *r»** you <*n pick th#m Out frotn out H td i bofdr* thtry or* fug if you wt»H )

S u m m t r H o u rs :O p e n M o n d a y ih r o u g h

S a tu rd a y9:00 a M . to 5:00 P M

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Lffflfer - 3 * * £hoard, council agendas

under arrestMr Lifrieri was charged

with creating a disturbance under the influence of alcohol, obstructing and m olesting contributing to the delinquency of a minor and simple assault

The assault charge was brought after Mr Lifrieri allegedly started pushing and shoving Ptl Barow'ski in the cell block when the officer tried to lock him up

The 17-year-old juvenile was charged with consumption of alcohol by a minor

Bail on Mr Lifrieri was set at $1,000

A breaking and entering was reported at the Twin Rivers- Shell station on Route 33 last Thursday

According to police, station owner Frank Baldross found a plexiglass panel on a front bay door kicked in when he went into work at 6:15 a m

Although there were signs of pry marks on some meta! cabinets inside the station, nothing was reported ly missing

P t l. Jam es Hennon in­vestigated.

An early morning raid on Empco Auto Parts on Mercer Street last week led to the arrest of two men and a woman for possession of controlled dangerous sub­stances and possession with intent to distribute

Police said they found ap­proximately i *2 pounds of a green vegetation believed to

be marijuana'' in the auto parts store Approximately eight township patrolmen were involved in the raid, conducted July 26 at 1:30 a m

Arrested were the store owner James Pastore, 36, of 113 Broad St Hightstown, Randy Bqgart, 20. of 37 Bum- side Ave . Trenton, and Patricia Little, 18, of 516 Bert Ave . Trenton

All three suspects were released on bail

James Ward, 19, of Yard- ville and Allan Beckwith, 31, of Bldg .12, Apt 3, Westerlea Avenue of Hightstown, were arrested July 26 at 3:10 a m and charged with possession of controlled dangerous sub­stances with intenj to distribute.

Ptl. James Hittinger andPeter Rossi were the arresting officers


Monday. Aug. 7 East Windsor Planning

Board — The board will hold an informal discussion of the Town Center planned development, Phase I, and hear a status report of the m aster plan rev iew com ­mittee

The board will also hear a request to change zoning on the Jensen property on Wyeoff Mills Road from industrial o ffic e lo agricu ltu ra l and continue the hearing on G.A •

for lots on Dorchester Drive and Hickory Comer Road

PHightstown Borough Council

- At press time, the only item listed on the agenda was a resolution for the addition of another cab by Johnny's Taxi service. Main Street

Tuesday, Aug. 8 East W indsor Township

( ouncil — regular monthly meeting Public hearings will

•including two sa lary o r­dinances which would raise non-supervisory sa la ries up to 14 percent over an 18-month period and non-supervisory salaries 8 percent this year

Two other ordinances will set fees for electrical in­spections and zoning work in t he proposed Town Center planned development area on the Zaitz property off Route 130

A fifth ordinance if ap­proved. would increase the amount allotted in the capital improvement fund for road repairs and a sixth would change zoning on the Estenes property from Green Acres to agricultural

Council is also expected to introduce two bonding or dinances -one for the pur chase of a new ambulance for East W indsor Volunteer

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Rescue Squad 2 and another for the purchase of electronic data processing equipment for the finance department

The council is also expected to receive an auditor s report, award road repair contracts and authorize the ad­vertisement of bids for public w orks c o m m u n ic a t io n equipment.

Other agenda hems may be added up until 48 hours before the meeting

Wednesday, Aug. 9 East Windsor Township

(ouncil - work session Ageneral discussion of the future p t the townshiprecreation department! was the only item scheduled! as of press time.

Seniors show flower power

WEST WINDSOR - The K eenagers have again beautified the park in Dutch Neck Center by planting a variety of flowers The senior citizens who worked on their hands and knees to beautify this highly traveled road were Mrs Jesse Martz. Mrs Betty Simon and Lester Applegate, the president of the club

This is the third year that the Keenagers have per­formed this service fdr the community.

Firemen slate chicken dinner

WEST W INDSOR — Volunteer F ire Co, No. 1 will sponsor its annual chicken barbecue and boiled corn dinner on Sunday, Aug 13, from noon to 6 p.m at the firehouse in Dutch Neck

Dinners will cost *4.25, or *2 25 for children under 12.


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Thursday, August 3, 1978 WINDSOR MIGHTS fURJtLD 3-A

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Stores Hours:Mon. Fri. 8:30 5:39 Sat 8.30-1:00 p m

Fashion focus of club brunch

P r in c e t o n C h r is t ia n Women s Club will meet for brunch on Thursday, Aug 10, from 9:30 to 11:30 a m at the Nassau Inn

A fashion show from The Lady bug Shop will be featured at this ‘ Back To School Brunch Richard Van Derhorn will provide special music and Alice Heistronri is the guest speaker

A free nursery is provided for toddlers and pre-schoolers at Princeton United Methodist Church. Nassau and Van- deventer

r enn s o a r *-Vse* 7f courts

WEST WINDSOR - West Windsor Townships annual Tennis Party will be held at the Community Courts on Saturday Aug 26 from 5 to 10 p m The cost ot K per couple will include tennis balls, soft drinks no dogs hamburger* and salad

Deadline for signups is Aug19 he part\ will be limited to20 couples Raindate will be Sept 2. For further in-orma i->r: anc stgn-up please

cat; Pat Atkinson ’ 99-1615 Gd Gtudice ’99-0356 or Flo St George ^99-3622

h o m e mover

C h a k ro la t Baouvitt* Von

* sboenbrn to p«" wboi* g*ng into you' c*f ’ oasoonp* v*ns b*v« en o ug r room »o' tn« g*ng

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Pillow-poloThe East Windsor Recreation Department's summer park program began Monday at the Kreps School. The rains kepi the

children inside but none of them seemed to mind those engaged In the game of pillow polo

at least not

HoJo s plans progressingApplication to planners could come this month

by Ellen Holton Waton Staff Writer

E AST W INDSOR - At- lorneys, developers and builders of a multi-million do llar Howard Johnson’s conference center are now courting township officials in preparation for their ap­pearance before the planning board, possibly by the end of this month

By m eeting with the township engineer the zoning and building officers and thehead of the Econom ic

Development Committee, its backers hope to speed the approval process, according to Bruce Shore, the Hightstown attorney represen ting the applicants

The B&A Motel Corp. of M aplewood recen tly pur­chased the TV Motel and Leopard Lounge on Route 33 near the Hilton Inn for an undisclosed amount: Those buildings will be razed this month, according to Mr. Shore,

PART OF the deal will be to pay some $20,000 tn delinquent

Po l ice h o p in g loca ls can h e lp s o lv e m u r d e r

taxes TV Motel Inc owes to East Windsor Township, he said The Internal Revenue Service now has a lieri against the corporation for $2,405 in back payroll taxes, according to an IRS spokesman

No one from the TV Motel could be reached for com­ment

B&A will join with Lan Associates of Connecticut in lhe pro ject, accord ing to Antonio Reale of Lan

They propose to construct a 100-room m otor lodge, restaurant and four-story office building on the site

While their negotiations with Howard Johnson's are con­tinuing, a fina l franchise agreement has not yet been reached A contract will not be signed until they rece ive preliminary approval from the

local planning board, said Paul Backus Howard John­son's regional rea l estate director

The initial franchise fee for the motor lodge and restaurant is $45,000. he said.

Mr Backus wondered, however, whether the builders would be capable of financing the construction costs of Howard Johnson s mandated plans It costs in excess of $20,000 for each motel unit, he estimated, and added that the motel and restaurant would cost at least $3,5 million to build and furnish

While refusing to comment on any of the financial arrangements, Mr Shore said it appeared that his clients would have little difficulty- meeting planning and zoning requirements .


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Jackson Township police are seeking three adults believed to be from the Princeton area who may have information regarding the murder of a white adult mate whose decapitated body was found on Saturday, July 22. in Jackson

Police were investigating a brush fire when they discovered the body on Route 571, north of the 1-95 overpass three miles east of the Great Adventure amusement park

Police received two phone ca lls from passers-by regarding the fire and are anxious to get in touch with the callers One call was made to the Allentown Fire Depart­ment at 5:08 a m on July 22 and may have been made from a pay phone booth at the in­tersection of Routes 571 and 537.

The second call was made at 5:34 a m at the Village Donut Shop on Rt 571 The caller was described as a .white male, aged 18to22, 5’9", of thin build with short hair and a moustache and w earing glasses

SENTRY SAFESYour important records and valu­ables can be conveniently and securely stored at home or office in one of these three safes U.L, Fire-tested up to 1700°F (for­merly "Class C"}. Vermicuhte in sulation keeps inside tempera­tures well below the charring point of paper. Each model in­cludes three-number combina­tion lock, four steel wheels, four-inch locking bolt with two dead bolts Sand color finish(A ) CADET—Hasmovable shelf(B) STANDARD— Includes 5 * It removable drawer

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With him were another white male, no description available and a white female, described as 18 to 22 years of age 5 4 ’ , with long blonde hair

The police believe the fire and homicide may be related in some way and think the nree may have passed the fire

on their way from the Prin­ceton area to shore

“ It is thought that they might have stopped at the scene and attempted to ex­tinguish the blaze, but did not notice the’ body at the time,” said Lt Dean Peterson

The unidentified people are asked to telephone the Jackson police at 201-928-1111, All in­formation received will be held confidential.

Street Theatre to hold auditions

Princeton Street Theatre will be holding auditions for their upcoming production of One act plays Included are“ D a te ” by Sam Sm iley,

Lem onade.” by Jam es Pndeaux, and Botticelli” "bv Terrence McNally.

Date” deals w ith old age in our society ; Lem onade” involves two middle American housewives and their empty lives, and Botticelli" ob­serves the games of war

Auditions will be held at Dorothea House at 7 p.m tonight and Thursday. Aug 3 For information call 924-7452

Street Theatre's production of “ Good G rie f. Charlie Brown” will be presented at Mercer County College (in Aug 4 at 130 pm


Mon. thru Fri, 10-9 Saturday !0-6

■ Sunday 11 -5


HIGHTSTOWN STATIONERYN ext to the Theatre-2 V* Floor*

118 Main St. Hightstown 609-448-1031

■ .£•„ m


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24 hour recorded message


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1978 Outerwear SaleJ a c k e t s

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• Sale Starts Wed., Aug. 2 * .l ,:v$ :^ee fy acceptedAlso see new styles for Fall from

Health-Tex, Little Topsy, Rob Roy, Donmoor Wrangler, Love, W iggles - at our usual discounted prjees


town forum4 - \ m i N n m n h i <WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD

4-c%V7 ,■<*''

i;i:* Ihursdav August L |d'8


Changing the state s image through license plates

It seems highly appropriate; that N e w Jersey w ould pick on the license plate as a vehicle to ex p r e s s it s c h a n g in g im a g e . T here p robab ly isn't anything residents o f the G arden State see m ore often than license plates, l a k e a -lo o k sometime T here s a lw ays one right in front of you w hen you ’re in that traffic jam .

A n d license p la tes are probably our most visible sym bol to the w orld outside. V isitors cer­tainly w ill run into them by the thousand on the P ark w ay or the T u rn p ik e or during any attempt to go to the shore. Jersey residen­ts carry the svm bol away with them to all parts of the country — as often as possible — in an e f­fort to increase, their exposure to the hungry hordes‘seeking some sign o f our fair state ',.

G o v . Byrne has said he thinks the old straw background with black letters is too d rab H e w an ­ts som ething that w ill represent a break with the state’s “ blah

crumps cornerby stuart crump

Saturday Bite Fever 'Just when you thought it was safe to

gp back into the disco. Hollywood has done it again

This time it has produced a movie so frightening — so stupendous — so nerve shattering — that it may possibly close discotheques from Key West to Bangor

“ Disco Shark" or. as the trade papers have dubbed it, “ Saturday Bite Fever." is the $100,000,000 blockbuster movie which tells the story of a giant macho white shark and his rise to the top of the disco w'orld.

VS THE MOVIE opens. Sharkie, as he is known, closes in on a pair of

gobbles up the radioitrHk swims a little further down thei

mf king out on the beach beside a ring radio He crawls up on the iI

re splashing in the oon <|>ff the coast of they listen to disco

ansisltor radio >o irritated by the usic that after he ; the swimmers he

Hey, this is groovy,” the shark says to himself as be belches in time to the background disco music He picks up the guy's clothes and finds that they fit him perfectly. “ Dig these modem stretch fabrics. Sharkie says He ambles up the beach and is im­m ediately a ttracted to a local discotheque

Up on stage the PG ’s .are singingtheir latest hit. Flavin the Bite ’

IN THF DIM interior., which .is lit mostly by flashing strobe lights, no one notices that Sharkie isn’t exactly John Travolta He begins dancing with every girl in the place

T hunk you are just my type, i.esays to Betty Sue “ Your place or mine ’

“ Yours.” she says, her eyes halfshut as she continues dancing -»

They step outside the door and he! -3fs '1GT

is repeated half a dozen I Howie notices that wrong “ What happened

1 Bonnie. Joan, Delores. Marv Ann ’ " Howie

WINDSOR MIGHTS HLRJtLDServing Mights tow n ar\d Eo*f W ind tor

Public food every Thursday at 300 Withargpoon St

Princaton NJ 0S54Oby Tha Prineatan Pock at. Inc

bus mass aHica: 149 j>oufh Main StNights-town N J 08520 Toiaphona: 609 448 3005


Sharkie says o m e with me ” ie door. Sharkie

Randy Bsrgmonn Gaorga A Wright Nancy Sharwood

Managing Editor Advartising Wanogtr

Office Manager

BY THE END of the second reel, everybody in the disco has been eaten, ‘xcept the hand 'Even a shark has fetter taste than to swallow some of he garbage those guys are putting >u} “ Sharkie says

The next night he visits another hsc» where he makes the same

WithSubscription rotas: ana yaer S4 $6 out of s total. Two yaars $6 Throa yaars S8 Nawsstand prica t 5 cants par copy

Sacond clos* postaga paid Sacond class postaga paid a*

Nights town N.J 08520 Publication #486360


Tai*phona 609-1924-3244

Cantral offica productiqn plant and cor porot# haadquartars 30<j Wither vpoon St Prmcaton NJ 08540

week he has visited every e town and eaten all the he disco owners begin to

is a dog-eat-dog ridiculous. " one of

t < it out mat a snarK t omers. a not her own would go to discos We

WON’T LET you img and ti

surprisespoil the movie, othei at the. shark totall\ disco business anc

Mary l. Kilgor# 8#ilmon fioord CHoirmanody o\’pn not ices that it's gone

Edward P Burke Editor 6 Ganaral Mgr ollvwcH»ci is a ireadv working onRobert P KtHy Executive Editor vkhjrh Sharkie visits m<Robert Hutchmton Production Managar hi in it plil \ ridiculous movies ,Rostyn Danard Jamas 8 Kilgora William Barmati

Advertising Director Kf><? fluitnass Manogar j J

CifcuJotion Monog#t , . ,

iting the patrons when he popcorn is sal

Im age o f the past. H ow about red ink on a sea o f taxpayer green? For a little logo, how about a sp en d in g “ cap ? T h a t w ay they ’d be colorful and just full of sym bolism . A nd they’d m ake great C hristina - gifts.

Just think o f all the fun state residents could have dream ing up new license plates to fit the sta te 's c h a n g in g im age . O ily black with an Atlantic Ocean background and a blackjack hand in the com ers would be a nice touch, but that p robab ly isn't what the governor has in mind.

- Perhaps if he w ould give a few d u es on what N e w Jersey’s new im age w ill be after it stops changing w e 'd all be in a better position to play the gam e. At any rate, it ’s nice to know our im age is changing,

,Now if we could only do som ething to get rid of all those cal4. ,

s y s t e m

recreation rap up

by Eileen Crown443-3707

Mini-Camps — Softball, track and field The softball clinic will cover rules, proper fielding and hitting techniques and play as a team. Track and field instruction will be given in sprinting distance running, relays, long jump, high jump and basic conditioning

Designed for third to sixth graders, il w ill be held at the Drew School, Aug7-11. from 9 a m to noon The cost is

? Soccer i l M in i-ca m p -Intermediate and advanced soccer skills w ill be taught These will include traps, passing, clearing goalie options and team strategy

For first to sixth graders, it will be held at the Drew School. Aug 14-18, from 9a jn to noon The fee is $13

To register, mail checks to Recreation Department East Wind­sor Municipal Building Ward Street.

community calendar

Monday. -Vug. 7

l,a Leche league of Hightstown EastEast Windsor, discussion on the ad- regular vantages of breastfeeding. 8 p m 45 buildingl.ake I>nve Roosevelt Info 443-8058 4000or 443-6762

T u e s d a y . Vug. 8

idsor Township Council, ing 8 |p m , policeMile Road Info 443-

Hightstown Borough Council. Wednesda y . \ug 9eeting 7 30pm borough hall Info , East iA mdsor T ow nship Coune

48 2188 work sc>ssion. jB 30 p m poll;f ast W mdsor planning board, work building One mile Road Inf;:> 44ission. 8 p m police building one 4000lie Road Info 443-4000East Wmsor Rescue Squad. District Thursday . .\ujg. 10ne American Heart Association Fast tiVindsor Mlumcipal l tihtiPR course, 7 to 10 p m , at the squad Authority, monthly meeting ft p rr

. : r-i < ne Mite Road 4is; \ug 9 E W M l A Building Driv1 and 16 Info 448-9048 Info 441-Oooo !


senior leisure

Marv \nn Yoegeli 148-1783

lorrow there will be a bus going iker Bridge Mall There is no o register The bus will leave Rivers at 9 30 a m and the lunity Education Building at

The next Senior Citizen Planning ouncil is scheduled for Monday. Aug 4 at 1 p m Plan to be with us We need our thoughts, suggestions and ideas

There will be a senior Citizen Flea larket and Garage Sale on Saturday ept |6 t’ lan tej sell ytour -easures. books etc Call Mary Ann ■ >egeli 448-4783. to register for the

East Windsor 08520 Include child's name, address, phone number and emergency phone number. All checks should be made payable to East Windsor Township

Summer Park Concerts — The Hightstown East Windsor Concert Band will present concerts at Grant Street Park on Aug 15, and at Veteran's Park on Aug. 29

Both will begin at 7 :30 p.m Be sure to bring a lawn chair

Teen Centers — The Kreps and Drew School gyms are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m Both centers are well supervised and offer a variety of activities for teens This program is for those 13 to 18 years of age

The Summer Park Program is being held at the Kreps School through Aug 25 for children entering kindergarten in September up through 12 years of age It is held Monday through F ri* day, from 9 a m to 12 noon, and 1 to 3 p.m

There will be someone to supervise lunch from noon to 1 p.m The fee is $5

To register mail checks to the Recreation Department office on Ward Street Please be sure to include ch ild ’s name, address, telephone number and em ergency phone number

■ Swim Lessons There are a couple of openings in the Intermediate Swim Class given by Don Colbert at the Dorchester Swim du b on August 7-11 and Aug. 14-18 from 9:15 to 10 a m

The fee is $13.50 and can be mailed or brought into the recreation office

The fall V alley bail League will begin the first week of October Anyone Wishing, to enter a team in either the men s or women's leagues should start recruiting players now Details will be announced shortly

letters to the editor

Prykanowski: Citizens have right to privacy

Editor, H erald:

I see Mr Managing Editor Randy Bergmann never gives up trying to cloud the issues No survey is going to determine how the “ Herald covers crime in this area see “ Herald" surveyj July 27 issue, page 4-A). That is a m anagerial decision The “ Herald” must decide whether it wants a family newspaper or a scandal sheet

As far as the Hightstown edition of the police blotter goes, as long as 1 am borough police com m issioner, no reporter will have unlimited access to our police files or be privy to in­formation unavailable to others Just as the; press has its “ Shield Law the average citizen has his right to priva<[> until aired inj an open public court

I realize that there is ah element in this community which thrives on the police blotter as a rat thrives on garbage but the blotter in its present form is an affront to j this community and serves no particular purpose,

ei ther as news or a deterrent to crime

No one in this community is going to tell Mr. Bergmann how to run his newspaper or what to print We know what kind of a job he is doing there He missed the arrest of the area s largest drug dealers and relegated the In - -uctional Service Center breaking and entering to an unimportant position in the paper

The “ H era ld 's '' investigative reporting eaves much to be desired and its articles with its theatrics' serve to incite rather than inform

the present area and newspaper do not live up to Mr Bergmann s editorial‘prowess then ! suggest that tie do one of w« things Negotiate with the “ Princeton P a ck e t" publisher of the “ Herald for ad

ditiona) reporters to cover the cri- minal scene in our community or, 2~ seek employment with a paper that can fulfill his dreams

Ronald Prykanowski Police Commissioner Borough of Hightstown

Sand saw graves needed

Editor, Herald

Many Perry L. Drew School parents have been busily learning about tire sizes radials. recaps and gravel chains, etc Are thej. starting their own warehouse'' No, they are getting ready for the construction of a tire playground in early lall

The parents of the Drew School, in conjunction with W illiam Weisz nationally knowri playground designer will construct a children's playground made frim hundreds of tires. I

The prim ary piirpose o f the playground is to provide a creative and stimulating play environment for the students The [p layground is primarily climbing apparatus which provides opportunities for the development of psycho-motor skills, muscle development and coordination and balancing skills

The parents, operating with a minimal budget from funds they raised, are still in heed of various materials and, of course, manpower for this project

A similar playground if purchased com m erc ia lly would cost many thousands of dollars However when built by volunteers! workers with cooperation from lock i merchants and businesses, it can be done far less expensively

A (community playground built en tirely by volunteers including children) has many Advantages It is an even! which brings the parents of the community together in a creative positive way

A group project requiring physical effort promotes a strong feeling of community closeness among par ticipants who might not otherwise get to know one another The experience is analogous to "barn faising,"

Parents are provided a unique opportunity to show [their children in very real terms that they care Children participate in the building of "their '' playground and are highly

motivated to use protect and preserveit.

Some important items are still needed in order to successfully build this playground on Sept 16 The itemsneeded are a chain saw quantities of sand and gravel and earth mover sized tires if anyone can help with the above items, please call 443-3387 or 448-8695

Joannie Kim. Chairperson.

Tire Playground

Good coverage

Editor, Herald

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for the com prehensive coverage you have given to the East Windsor chapter of Women's Am erican ORT(Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training)

As part of the largest private eehmi-s: and vocational train ing

agency in the world, we service more than 80,000 students in 23 countries including the United States We firmly believe that by providing our students with the skills needed in today s omplex --ocieUes we are developing

independent and productive people This past year we have worked

closely with M ercer County Vocational School and the VICA elute because the goal of our chapter with mere than 240 local members has been to make our community aware of he need and desirability of vocational

and technical training We are suc­ceeding in our goal because of your borough and cooperative coverage of HI otjj| activities

Th^ok you once again

Barbara Lach, President, East Windsor chapter,

• Women s American ORT

lighter sideby dick willever

American in heatby Dick Willever

The Packet Group

Only in the United States does the average person feei it’s a matter of right to be hot m January and cold in July The lucky masses in some parts of South America, of course, by some quirk of nature which makes even heir seasons backwards, enjoy the

same advantages Blit in these nations the phenomena are creations of the weatherman, not part of the political heritage To us, it is as though the Founding Fathers had put it in the Constitution

MOST OF US burn more energy trying to stay cold when w e re sup­posed to be hot then we would ever dream of putting to some good pur­pose In a time of high energy costs and dwindling fuel supplies, it is our great national shame Waste is part of ' he American w ay, but nowhere is that waste more criminajl than when we burn up precious fuels that ought to be going to make synthetic plastics just to simulate in July the cold we seek to escape in January

This summer I told everyone who

would listen that 'hings were going to be different in my house this year We d gp back to the good old days. Back,to the days when July was really July* and gave people cause to think fondly of January It was the right ’ hinjz to do, the only sensible thing the only just thing Energy just had to be saved. Someone had to take the stand and set the example

We .were going to prove that air conditioning wasn't any more necessary for the American home today than it was when we were growing up Back then, It wasn’t necessary because nobody could af­ford it Besides it would only be fair to January to give people some reason to think fondly of it.

EVERYTHING WAS going well until sometime in the middle of the night Saturday morning when in a blind raging fit of sanity I dragged out he wo old, broken down electricity

eaters and jammed them into their rightful places

They then ran for two days without a breather After all. I'm an American citizen I know my rights

Thursday, August 3,1976! SDSOR HERALD i -A

Buyers and sellers meet every week

on the Classified pages.


OPEN TO PUBLIC7 Days a Week 11 am C pjrr

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Fresh picked daily T]ry us — You'll come back!

Rt. 33 betw een A irport and Hickory Corner Rdt Open Dally 1J0 to 6

H IS 'N' H ER SHair Stylists

504 MERCER ST. H IGHTSTOW N W>0 4 4 8 9 6 9 !



Pat’ B. J.

Styled Cuts

Cut, Wash Et Set

All Conditioners

Reg $6.00 WOW 96.00

Reg $11.00 NOW » 8.00

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GoodTunw. W ed. frTH urt thru August

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August 9 to 13W arren Hotel Spring Lake N .j.

% pecio< W e e k e n d P r ic e

$ 125 per person and S5 to Cancer

Ats"■ ciudes 2 mea* brtokfss and dinner.

•• X , - : ■ -vaneptafv tennis

poi* Office Bo« t t Princeton CotlAO* 882-0433 fll 609 392-7S82


On their last legsParticipants in th« Shierra (bearmg th in a benefit event

1 win H Ivors v e baton), finish for the East W

vthletic Club's "Run for Safety id up 24 hours worth of relay run rdsor Volunteer Rescue Squad

led by Carol ning Saturday Some 85 per­

sons, including 35 TRAC members, took turns running n of 208 miles. An estimated $2,000 was raised in pledges

tile laps, covering a total

(Geri Finner photo)


by Jane Petrol! Staff Writer

clu ster housing plan sketch p lat approval

Come in today and rent any one of our ew 78 s We have all sizes and styles to ^oose from at reasonable rates


K Hightstown, N. J.448-|94Gben* jy?


WEST WINDSOR The township’s second clustered housing development, Prin­ceton Ivy West, took a sizeable stride toward ultimate con­struction when the Planning Board last week unanimously approved the sketch plai for 194 homes to be built around nearly 62 acres of open space

According to the developer's attorney, Alan Frank the sketch plat was the twentieth proposed during negr with the Planning Boi developm ent plan panel and the to planner dating back last winter

The clustered appr housing, relatively i West Windsor, pern- developer to set aside percent of the total acr open space It dot however, permit an i in the total number of as prescribed by the ordinance

The advantages builder, in this case Schmulewitz, reside m 'he decreased costs f construction and serv utility lines, all of wh shortened by the redu individual lot sizes

Accord ing to P




Board Chairman -Robert num Webb, the developer s con- strat struction savings are then passed on to the homeowners in the form of a reduced purchase pnee

The township benefits from this type of construction as well,” said Mr Webb ‘There is a definite long-term ad vantage to keeping our green belts, which are substantial visual breakups ”

Princeton Ivy West, to be located on a 201-acre plot between Penn-Lyle and South Mill roads just north of Village Road West, was first proposed as a clustered development with the open space area wrapped around parts of the outer edges

The orig ina l plan was re jected by the Planning Board, explained thedeveloper's attorney, because the largest benefit from this arrangem ent fe ll to surrounding neighborhoods rather than to Princeton Ivy West homeowners

The latest plan provides as much open space as possible right next to the lots, and where lots don't front or back onto open space, homeowners can easily walk to it,” said Township P lanner Gerald Lenaz during last w eek 's meeting

He explained, too, that

of paths leading from strategic aireas within the devleopm ent w ill provide additional access lo open areas and avoid subjecting children to possibly hazardous trave l along developm ent roads on their way to play in the green belts

West W indsor w ill en­courage further clustered housing in the future, said Mr Webb, once the final revision of the township's master plan has been adopted This will provide clear guidelines for use by potential developers and relevant boards

The firs t clustered

development. Landing Lane, includes about two dozen homes off Clarksville Road

Landing Lane was a more d ifficu lt developm ent to negotiate and u ltim ately improve, however, because of technical problems related to sewage disposai The new subdivision will be sewered by the township-wide project now under construction

Prelim inary site plan ap­proval for Princeton Ivy West is expected to take place during an October public hearing before the Planning Board

We Carry AM Name Brands

itDecount Pnces

SHOESLargest Selection in Area

• Stride Rite• Buster Brow n• Ch id Life

• R e e l A it• and Mat / More• W idth &<£EE


Ei pertiy fitted

9 99— $Hog s-8 to *28 15 99

J o y c e e s s ttm g *>gh* on males only ruling

ting t order

mceton ight” in

Jaycees are the wake o f

rom the national ion to preserve male- Tihership. according ia Kidd, head of the

eton group


don't w i roversv



Herman SpiegelTo each his ow n furniture.


for your shopping convenience

we w ill now be

upon sun thug I2 (loon lo 4pm

We are in contact with around the

have women are gathering

at ion on how many re.’ she said “ But we want to create con- ;y It takes too much vay from our projects ” 3rinceton Jaycees have ble female membership ?re the first group in ?rsey to admit women the state numbers

several groups with members from both sexes

The national organization officially rejected a move to allow women during a con­vention last month, but local Jaycees have not responded to the order

In a more recent statement, national Jaycees officials said all chapters must be ex­clusively male by December

“ We re just sitting tight until we figure out what is to be done For now, w ere continuing with our regular business, which is to serve the community,” said Ms Kidd


A G A B IT I’ S SHOESMA 'OP •. ffff) ’ AbU' fi( fprfl)

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Hours M on f n 10 8 P M • Sot 10 S P M • Sun 1 2 3 P M







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Visit Our Factory Showroom

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ON ALLw f O C H f i N O l S t

Except Lingerie

BlUWENTHAL'S102 Mercer St.

*>ght$tQWf' * 4 4 8 -0 9 1 4

(>*A WINDSOR NIGHTS HERALD Thursday, A u p « 3, 1QT8

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Sam Says ,My F*m4 Surrainw Qmranc* S«y»

Reductions o> tt 50 psr cant and t|tora

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This Kodak Camera is yours for only $16.75

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retail valueva r ie ty ot

s . . one is 3 stop in today ip a Kodak ">tant camera

LANTICMidlantic National Bank Cranbury

220 students take courses in HHS su m m e r program

Everything s just duckyAt least rt appeared to be for this threesome, spotted on the grounds of McGraw-Hill on Route 571. who were watching the traffic go by and not complaining a bit when passing motorists offered them bread and other culinary delights,

(Geri Firmer photo)

H IGHTSTOW N -■ Two hundred twenty high school Summer School students enrolled in |8 different courses

7 •School a live ly learn ing center

The programs offered — advancing English and history, rem edia l English, history science physical education, and compensatory education English and Math — aU encompassed objectives and materials that suited a w ide varie ty of students' abilities

A 'bus made the circuit between the Kreps School and 'he High School library every 20 minutes, affording time for research and individual projects

The fo llow ing are b rie f overviews of the courses that were offered

Students in Advancing U S History I studied colonization in America up to and includingthe Industrial Revolution Students were asked to form, and then test, various hypotheses concerning mayor themes and events that oc­curred during that period A d d it io n a l e n r ic h m e n t readings were provided daily from our iibrary.

The Advancing History II course dealt with 20th century American history Only the most critical issues were dealt with The Industrial Age. Post World War I isolation. The Depression. Causes of World War II and finally, the Civil Rights struggle ami the development of ethnocentnsm in the United States.

Students were required to

REM EDIAL U S History II d i s c u s s e d A m e r i c a 's emergence as a world power and the ' contem porary ramifications of this new role both dom estica lly and in­ternationally Consideration was given to the First World War, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression. World War II, and the Cold War The last part o f the course discussed the social problems and social changes of the 60 s and 70's

The students enrolled in co m p en sa to ry edu ca tion English concentrated on improving their reading skills Each day, each student worked on increasing his or her reading comprehension and reading speed Students worked independently and in small groups using a variety of materials

Students also worked on basic grammar and usage skills, creative writing, and individualized reading

THE SKILLS that the 9-10 Remedial English program focused on w ere reading, w riting, paragraphs and compositions, and grammar The students were encouraged to write briefly in journals each day. The students read a novel in the class as a group Each group was required to do vocabu lary related to its specific reading selection

The Junior Rem edia l English classes worked on various skills including vocabu lary, individualized gram m ar and w riting In addition, each grade read and

read extensively at home, do discussed different types ofresearch in the library, write a number of papers ami par tic ipate in classroom discussions Tom G arrett, social studies content specialist at the Intermediate School, and Leo van den Blink. Unit Leader at the Perry L. Drew School, w ere the teachers

The Am erican History remedial class emphasized the m ajor themes with 20 behaviora l ob jectives as prepared by the history team during the 1977-1978 school year Particular attention was given to the political and social leaders from the period of colonization to 1900

literature such as the novel, poetry and drama The in­d ividual needs of these students were monitored with daily and weekly progress checks and follow-up activities pertaining to the skills that were found to be weak

This sum m er, the high school Math program was expanded to a staff of four teachers and o ffe red a program of remediation in a small group instruction en­vironm ent, Specific basic skills areas such as com­putation. math concepts, and word problems were taught Students had the opportunity

Johdet-Ziegler b e*rotho *o»d

EAST WINDSOR - Mr and Mrs. Gunnar Johdet of Stenstorp, Sweden, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Agneta Johdet to William J Ziegler Jr., son of Mr and Mrs William J Ziegler of 6-B Dennison Drive

The bride-elect is a psychological counselor Her fiance, a graduate of K ingsborough Community College, is presently studying com puter science at City College of New York

A fall wedding is planned

' vCorrection

George f Newman

Newman promotedHIGHTSTOWN - George F

Newman of Hightstown. a New Jersey Slate Police trooper has been promoted to the grade of sergeant and named a Troop D iTurnpike) shiftsupervisor

Sgt. Newman enlisted in the state police in 1961, He was previously assigned to Troop C Central Jersey),

In last week s Herald” an article on area gasoline prices incorrectly quoted prices at Dom ’s Getty on Mercer Street

The correct prices were 63.9 cents per gallon for both premium and unleaded gasoline Getty does not sell regular gas



About Face

A B E 4 L T I F L L E X P E R IE N C Ein proper

l-earn alxint wpir fare, and the -imple healthv 'k in : b a 'ir make-up: and fari ......in one even ing......

Join form er Palm Beach Model P A M E | \ Mil R D O C K at the \ A S M

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and experience the beauty!

I nfortunat**!' a« »ndiv tdual attention w ill beparticipation w til bt» lim ited.('.all f«»r registration inform ation

[ \ \

of completing either or both of two math tests at the end of the summer term One was the California Achievement Test to test out of the Com p r e h e n s iv e . E d u c a t io n program The other test was the High School's math pro fic iency test which a student must pass in order to fulfill his math high school graduation requirement,

TWO REM ED IAL science courses were offered this summer — environm ental science and biology Theen v iro n m en ta l students c o v e r e d a s t r o n o m y , diastophism, meteorology and environment

B iology students covered cell structure and function, r e p r o d u c t io n g ro w th , populations, and factors a f­fecting the environment.

The Physica l Education program included as many of the activities as possible that were o ffe red during the regular school year, such as football, volleyball, basket­ball, badminton, soccer, bowling and pillow polo, the skill aspect of the sports was emphasized The health class was a course in first aid, covering wounds, bums, ar- tific ia l f respiration and common emergencies

The Advancing English classes covered the ap­propriate literature selections for their grade level The seniors studied World L itera tu re : the juniors,American Literature, and the sophomores, an overview of the types of literature A research paper was written by everyone and a language arts skill program developed for the individual students


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G i t Salt 10 30 * 00 • Sun 11 00 5 00

yfrcime fociKeep your

memories in the proper place.

Kat octure of you and Uncle Fred at Lake wtanacoma That souvenir sea shell Torn *ne islands Even the football your husband caught on the fingertips to

oeat State n 49 Frame them all for fun1 tour work is guaranteed, of course

M *rc »r MaliRout* t Qvafc«rJ»rttf« *d

Across trom Quok •rb rld g* Mall

Lawrtnctvill* 452-1091


to 2 PM and after 6PM and HOLIDAYS

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Shopping, visiting, busines^, pleasure.'Take full advantage of the new Free Service Hours on Mercer Metro buses. Cars are

expensive to drive and to parjk— let the buses get you where you're going. Riding the bus is hassle-free— no driving tensions, no parking

problems. Convenient roptes to most places you want to go. Ride the buses often Nobody can beat this price It's free!


Mercer MetroMercer County Improvement Authority

N.J. Department qf Transportationire doe-i oot appl, to Raufef, V. N, SSH and other non-sc heduled services

D esigner eyewear now at very un-de la Renta, un-Vanderbilt, un-Dior and un-Cardin prices:



l .very Dior tic la Renta Vanderbilt and Cardin frame in the store is now on sale complete tilth clear Haifwcight plastic lenses. Just §39 75 with single vision lenses Only S59.75 with bifocal lenses Kryptok or Flat top stvlejs) It's a perfei t time to get your favorite

designer at a very tin-designer pric ( Iffer expires August 12 978 visionc e n t e rMyTRENTON— 2490 Brunswick Ave Tel. 882-2020

LAWRENCEVILLE — Quaker Bridge Mall, Tel 799 2285

rh u m lav August 3, 1978 WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD

so c ia l n o te s

by Mr* Robert s Tartoe Jr

Mr and Mrs Thomas Powell and their family of Franklin Street enjoyed several days vacation visiting in the Am ish country m Pennsylvan ia While away their daughter Jennifer celebrated her !0th txrthdav on July 21

Mr and Mrs Alan Sykes

Vor'hgate Apartments are hosting for two weeks Alan's brother and sister-in-law Keith and Janice Sykes, from Yorkshire, England Alan, a native of Yorkshire has not seen his brother in five years

Brenda L ee Urstadt, daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Urstadt, Sr , 4<M Monmouth St., left Tuesday for basic training in the V S Army in Fort McClellan, Ala

NINA'Sp u u it s i g ift s

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1<kT |Mot Sat 8 to 5«*» fort Sena* oi Oof Gxrnwim g


SfMKlmlhtfmy m all' Unto* at c iwnnnik) *m on iou w iw

m%ara**<# ff»cWaMfj

OktcMfs l Othcm LoteKty Architects aad Eagmecrs

’‘ t d i s a i i l UakBitj

Lavyws. Raai 1 stair Agaat* »trLaMMy

1*4 Mm wN.J MA4C




i f uk r<Y



Mr and Mrs Robert F Douglass 18 Covington Drive East Windsor happily an­nounce the arrival of their first child, a daughter Nicole Ahce Douglass 4 lbs 154 os., on July 13 at Princeton Medical ( enter Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clement* Olechna of South Plainfield and Dr and Mrs E H Douglass Jr of Newburgh N Y

Lon Zaslavsky daughter of Helene and Howard Zaslavsky of East Windsor wifi celebrate her ?th birthday on Saturday with luncheon at F a r re l ’s Restaurant in East Brun­swick Included in the party will also be her brother Neal grandparents from New York City, an aunt from Cranford and some of her Inends

Mr and Mrs Walter Wright 158 Mechanic St celebrated their 38th wedding an niversary on July 27 Mrs Wnght is still recuperating from a mishap

Mr and Mrs Robert Rebh East Ward Street and their children Jeff, Richie and Nancie. returned last Saturday from an enjoyable three w eek ’s vacation at Manasquan

Mr and Mrs Walter Fomer and children. Wait Jr and Darlene of Seattle, Wash,


Bloom m g Y oh at Kalt*s N ur*er\

3 Sourwood lOxeydendroni pendulous clusters of white flowers, brilliant fall color 9.95

2 to 3 A.Delta tiny clusters ofdaintv ptnk flowers now anti) frost 11.75

2 W Sweet Pepperbush, fragrant white or pink blossoms, yellow fall color 8 .95

2% Pee Gee Hydrangea large clusters of 5 .95 creamv white flowers

Visit u» soon.OpenMon -Sat 8:00 a m D *Hi , m S u n d ay 10:00 a .m -4 IN* ;* m

Call for d ir e c t io n s


who are visiting many friends here in the East for a few weeks, were supper guests atGrace and Bob Turton last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Thomas Evans ano daughter Chris, at Lin­coln Avenue were guests of the president and superintendent of the Mt Washington Cog Railway. N H During one of their many tripe to New Hampshire, the Evanses were the guest of Mrs Meidnrr, Thompson J r , wife of New Ham pshire s governor, at their p r iva te home Chris Evans is now enjoying the equestrienne program af the Girl Scout Camp flak Spring in Somerset for two weeks

Mr and Mrs W illard Knanun and children Woody and Bonnie enjoyed a few days away from home They visited Woody i godmother " >liy angdowr: Adounan hear husband, John, and their family in Bethesda Md and also saw some friends tn F redericksburg, Va , and made a tour of Busch Gardens

Mr and Mrs Walter Dye Jr Morrison Avenue were pleased to have their son and daughter in-law Walter Dye III and Mary Anne and the hree grandchildren Robert

Pa Hi and Pam of Lexington Ky , for several days visit here with them

Midshipman R ichard D Canning Jr a rr iv ed in H ightstown last Saturday evening after a month’s tour at duty cm he submarine. USS Henry L Stinson, in the Atlantic Richard is the son of R.D Canning East Ward Street

Nadine Alexis has returned to her home in Bkxxntngburg N V after visiting here for two weeks with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Philip Edeim an of Shady Rest Trailer Parti

F ilim ena Bonfilio, Helen Hutchinson and Betty Lou Thompson have returneid from


S n e a k e r s & J o g g e rs by K e d s P ro K e d s C o n v e r s S t r id e R ite Z ip s

Originally $9,50 $19.00 NOW $4 90 & $7.90

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E n t r i e s o p e n f o r S t a t e F a i r p a g e a n t| TRENTON — Entries are now open for the Miss New Jersey State Fair Pageant which will be held opening day Friday. Sept Sat the New Jersey State Fair, Route 33. in Hamilton Township

Mi girts 17 through 25 years of age who are single, Am erican citizens and i-esidents of New Jersey are eligible to enter There is no entry fee nothing to buy. no special taiem of any kind is required to enter Contestants rfre fudged in both bathing suits and gowns before a panel

nidges on basis of beauty, poise personality, charm and good grooming

F ree entry blanks are available by writing to Miss New Jersey State Fa ir Pageant, P O Box 8174,

’ renter New Jersey OSe&OThe winner of thus year s

Miss New Jersev State Fair Pageam will succeed Miss Kim Tint I* of Nutley She will receive nations recognition wm many valuable prizes and meet many dignitaries and celebrities as the Fairest of the Fair ”

The New Jersey State Fair, she ddest Fair in America and one of the largest in the East was first chartered by the King of England in 1745 Now in its 233rd year, the New Jersey State F a ir is the Garden State s annual display of agricu ltu ra l, industrial, cu ltu ra l en te r ta in m en t cu linary and educational progress It will run from Friday, Sept 8 and continue through Sunday, Sept. 17.

G e l l i n g M a r r i e d ?Don’t miss our 8-page lull color insert in the August-September issue of BRIDES

The national magazine devoted to the bride-to-be

• Beautiful bouquet ideas• Decorating for the home wedding• Receptions• Altar flowers y

• i A 4 % o u n / t l f 14 j /

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A limited number of copies w ill be available at our shopStop in for vom FREE copy

E. W Tit le I p r o g r a m s t r e s s e s o c c u p a t i o n s

two weeks in Hong Kong and ne surround mg islands They

had the privilege at speaking to* she American Consulate 3ohn M ille r The people, mostly Chinese, were e x ­ceptionally friendly and the weather was beautiful They missed the big storm of the typhoon season and they: all enjoyed shopping

Emma Grover North Main Street, will be observing herbirthday an Sunday

The family of Manuei J .•onzaiez wishes to express its

sincere gratitude to all for m essages of sym pathy flowers mass cards and any kindness extended hiring the <iss of a beloved husband father brother and grand father

Frank, Joan, and Mary Lynn McBee returned Sunday from a 10-day vacation

irougt he South -oghiight vere Washington DC eights Williamsburg Va and Dieney W orid and Sea World in Florida They also v*s»ted with Tom and Swannie Arcofeo fo rm erly of Host Motel Windsor who now live in Titusville Fla

Man- Walton of 381 Momsor Ave wii celebrate her 96thbirthday am Aug 9 Cards will be greatly appreciated

While at the Kingdom Ha it serv ices Sunday morning Agnes Jackson was notified of a mishap which occurred at her home She is very grateful : o her neighbors Mr and Mrs Rose and Mrs Jean Heron of he Wynbrook West Apart

merits and the East Windsor Fire Department for their aier-ness heir kindness anc assistance when it was needed Agnes is ateo glad she had a smoke detector

Gertrude F ran k *!, Oak Lane, spent two weeks v is iting her sister, Ann Recklinghausen, n Inglefide 111

HIGHTSTOWN - Under the direction at BUI Millet Title I coordinator, and Yvonne Johnson teacher coordinator and taut leader during the regular school year, the recently completed Title I Summer P rogram was planned and developed around the theme ‘Careers and Oc­cupations

Each week the students took tripe. met classroom visitor? and worked on projects andactiv ities related to some special career field

W EEK ONE dealt with careers related to food preparation service Week two focused on community helpers week three on oc •u pa lions which dea with

anim als horses dogs fah.eu and week four an careers and occupations in the area o f sports and en­

tertainmentIn addition to classroom

teachers teacher aides and student aides, tins year's Title I staff included a nurse andschoo l Yhome cou n se lo r Nutrition and guidance became an important part of each day for the student

THE TR IPS , v is its and projects became a basis of discussion story writing and a means of getting to the in­dividual language and reading skUJ needs of each student

The T it le I Summer Program is an extension of the T itle I program provided during the regular school year and is federally -under.

"ho -ear s arograrr was held at the Melvin H Krepe School and involved ap­proximately 10(» students in grades 1-5

D R R O B E R T P H O C H R O NSURCfON eooiATniwr


r o « TW l PWACTJCt OF


Ofrtc* Houki ®> AWOtN-T'MKrMT'


EAJp-T W1 fg DSOR N. j o * « aro TKIl.. f*0*> 44# 44 10

Henry Hsiang promoted by New York Life Co.


EAST WINDSOR — Henry C Hsiang at East Windsor ha? been promoted to an actuary in the pension department at New York Life Insurance Co

Mr Hsiang wined New York •ile in 98B as an actuaria

assistant in the group in­surance department. He was promoted to assistant actuary in 1972 and was appointed an associate actuary in 1975 He was transferred to the pension department in 1977

La Leche to meet.ROOSEVELT La Leche eague of Hightstown-East

Windsor will bold a discussion on ’ The Advantage* of Breastfeeding cat Monda' a: 8 p it at 46 Lake Drive

La Leche League is a non sectarian organization that encourages and aids b r e a s t fe e d in g m oth ers Fathers and interested members of the community are w elcom e For further information call 443-6058 or 443-C762.

He was graduated from ehigb . 'mversity m ’968 with oacheior oi arts degree He

received a master of science degree in ’968 from Nor theastern University.

He and his wife. Gladys, have one child and live at 33 Sheffield Road

CertificatesHIGHTSTOW N — The

H ightstown East Windsor S ervice Center, recently presented C ertifica tes of Appreciation to i volunteer!, who served as tutors for students tn grades -12 during the past school year

Receiving certificates were Karen Byrnes Delores Wilhard, Ron Gepner Shanxi Andersot. Jane Cope, George Seligsohn, Faith Sarafin, Robin Snook Michael Ford. Sandy O'Brien and Tammy Tiger

The Center under director Ted Wnght oopes to expandts Career Education Program

next year

o rtd sc o p * G a r d e n in g

M ain tenan ce • P lanting

♦ PETERSON S*Nursery & Garden Market

Rt 206 between tawrencevrile & Princeton


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Sack To Fail with BraemarPure Scottish Shetland wool sweaters by BraemarInternational m a tremendous variety of styles, patterns and hues

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Roy A , PetersonRoy A Peterson, 65, died

Saturday in Boulder, Colo He and his wife were enroute to •heir new residence in the state of Washington a fter residing at 32 Constable Road, Kendall Park, for the past five years

He retired March 1, 1978 after five years as the General M anager of H illsborough- Montgomery Telephone Co

B o m - in Everett, Wash June 24. 1913, Mr Peterson graduated from the University of Washington in 1937 From 1936 to 1968 he was employed by West Coast Telephone Co <whih later became General Telephone Co.); from 1968 1973 he was Commercial Vice President of Telephone Utilities. Ilwaco, Wash which he left to come to New ,Jersey to head H illsborough and


$ )Spend a super summer


weekend in New York *BROADWAY THEATRE GO-ROUND 3 Days 2 Nights

Only S81 per person double occupancy Thursday or Friday arrival Includes luxurious room orchestra seat to

m usical and com edy or drama ot your ch o ice all taxes fbut no gratuitiesEAST-WEST GO-ROUND 3 Days 2 Nights

3iniy SSI 9 5 per person , double occupancy Thursday or Friday arrival Includes d e lu x e room special dinner at ch o ice ot restaurants (S ir Walter s M aud es

or The Draxe Room ticKei to Th e New York Exp erien ce plus parking in the hotel'» garage, ad tips and taxes (exc luggage handling

S U M M I T WEEKEND 2 Days 1 NightOnly $39 95 pet person double occupancy Friday or Saturday rnval includes de luxe room club breakfast in room or Sunday

brunch at M aude s full co u rse dinner at M aude s plus parking in the ho tefs garage an tips and taxes iexc luggage handling

ah prices subject to change without notice

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Mew York 10022 Tat (212) 752 7000 For reserve lions and folder u»e your travef agent

or call LHt Inc (Loews Representation ntemabona in your area loll-lree From Mew Jersey

call 800 5 23 9000 (Philadelphia

Montgomery Telephone CoA retired Colonel. U S Army

Reserve, he spent 36 years in the U S Arm y National Guard From 1941-45 he served in the U S Army as Signal Officer at Camp Cooke, Calif

He was a life member of the National Guard Association of Washington, a member of Independent Electrical and E lectron ic Engineers, In dependent Telephone Pioneers Association, Alpha Masonic Lodge 4212 of Washington Elks Lodge »1937 of Long Beach Washington In New Jersey he was a member of Belle Mead R otary , and Harlingen Reformed Church. Belle Mead

He is survived by his wife, Evelyn K Peterson: three children. Dr R Jerom e Peterson of Boulder, Colo Lt Cmdr Randall D Peterson, U S. Coast Guard, Astoria, Ore,; Mrs Marilyn C. Me- Clintock of Ilwaco, Wash ; two brothers, Earl C of Seattle, Wash and Leonard M of Tokyo, Japan, and seven grandchildren

Services will be held Friday, Aug 4 at Challaeombe, Fickel, and Precht Funeral Home in Everett, Wash In lieu of flowers contributions may be sent to the American Heart Association,

H arry B ra ith w a iteHIGHTSTOWN — Funeral

services were held Saturday for Harry Braithwaite, 72, of 715 Seventh St., South Wind, who died July 26 in the Prin­ceton Medical Center

Mr B ra ithw aite was a retired m achinist for Congoleum Nairn Company of Trenton He was a member of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum ami Plastic Workers Local No. 107.

He was born in Trenton and had lived in Jackson for the

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lacM ’ • ■ a-m ic at thp sarrvi :

I nere ,;s rx service Del

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past five years He formerly lived in the Trenton- Hightsioun area He was a veteran of World War II

Surviving are his w ife, Jennie Wolfe Braithwaite: a daughter. Mrs Frank Farral of Whgrton and a brother. W illiam Braithw aite of Browns Mills i

Funeral services were held a! the Glackin Funeral Home, 136 M orrison A ve , Hight- stown. with the . Rev Paul Follansbee chaplain of the Princeton M edical Center, officiating

Cremation followed at the E w in g C r e m a t o r iu m Memorial contributions may be made to the Princeton M edical Center, Building F und

A rth u r Pu llenHIGHTSTOWN — Services

were held Monday For Arthur H Pullen 62, of 215 Academy St., who died last Thursday in Princgton Medical Center

Born in Etra, he was a Hightstown area resident most of his life ami worked as an auto-mechanic; for many local garages More recently he was employed in life maintenance departm ent of the East W indsor Regional School District

Su rviv ing are his w ife, Margaret Bowers Pullen; one son. Donald A Pullen of Windsor; a daughter, Mrs Joseph Kowalik Jr of Yard- ville and four grandchildren

Funeral services were from the Glackin Funeral Home, 136 Morrison Ave ; Rev Dr. John R Bowering. of the First United Methodist Church of Hightstown, officiated. Burial was in Cedar Hill Cemetery

H arry K e rr J r .EAST WINDSOR - Harry

H Kerr Jr . 78, of Devonshire Drive, died July 25 in the Merwick Unit of Princeton Medical Center

A form er . Princeton resident, Mr Kerr retired from she accounting departm ent of Nassau-Conover Motors in Princeton He was a past master of Princeton Lodge No 18 K&AM where he received His fifty-year pm in 1972. a member of the Ancient Ac­cepted Scottish Rite Valley of Trenton, the Crescent Temple AAONMS of Trenton, where he

also received a fifty-year pm. a former member of Princeton Hook and Ladder F ire Com pany for 17 years, a former chief of the Princeton Fire Department, and one of the orig ina l m em bers o f the Princeton Lipns Club

Surviv ing are his w ife , Marjorie Smith Kerr, two daughters, Kathleen Sine of Pennington and Gale Pat­terson of Thornburg, Va ; one sister Bessie K Hendry of Troy. N J , and five grand­children

P r iva te funeral services were held last Thursday under ihe direction of the Mather Funeral Home Burial was inPrinceton Cemetery.

O liv e W e lln itxC R A N B U R Y — Funeral

services were held Saturday for Olive B Wellnitz, 76, of Piainsboro, who died July 26 in Middlesex General Hospital. New Brunswick

Born in Binghamton, N .Y., she lived in Piainsboro most of her life

She was a member of First P resbyterian Church of Piainsboro. She was also a graduate of Trenton State Teachers College and was an educator in M iddlsex and Mercer Counties.

Surviivng are her husband, Rudolph A W elln itz; a daughter, Julia A. Coleman of Claremont, Calif ; two sons Rudolph B W elln itz of P ia insboro and Bruce R Wellnitz of Foxboro, Mass. ; two brothers. Daniel E Bolles of Hightstown and James C. Boiles of Metarie, La ; eight grandchildren, and severa l nieces and nephews

Funeral services were heid at the F irst Presbyterian Church of Piainsboro Lloyd S Alamsha officiated and burial was in Brainerd Cemetery Arrangem ents w ere under direction of the A.S. Cole Funeral Home. 22 N. Main St., Cranhury.

Contributions may be made to the Memorial Fund of the First Presbyterian Church of Piainsboro or Piainsboro First Aid Squad

Opal ParksC R A N B U R Y — Services

will be held today at l p.m. for Opal Parks. 25, of Hoffman

Th e a tre -B y-th e -Lake to p re se n t Fantast icksHIGHTSTOWN - f Theatre-

Bv The Lake continues its summer season this weekend with the longest-running musical in the hisiory of the Am erican istage, “THE FANTASTICKS

The show ’s: plot 19 as simple as its platform setting boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back A beneficent narrator presides, stepping into the action as needed Walls, trees and other such conventional trappings are created by the Mute, a silent 'o f course/ character who sets moods with the wave of his hand The boy and g ir l’s fathers scheme mightily to ensure their ch ildren 's betrothal by pretending to feud an obvious tack since the only way to get children to do anything is -to tell them the opposite An older actor and his protege < a specialist in death scenes! help the romantic story along in the best fractured Shakespeare All of this takes place to the tune of such classic songs as “ Soon it’s Gonna Rain" and

They WereM nu all framed bv the immortal ‘ “Try To Remember

Directors Thomas Cardea and Francis! A. Towne have

gathered a fine cast for tne show Chris Negus of Princeton p lays the narrator, John Mazzoli and Carol Cope both of Hightstown, play the boy and the girl. Jon Mack of H ightstown and P e te r L o ­patin of Trenton play the two fathers

Theatre-By-The-Lake is an indoor theatre located on the campus of the Peddie School. Performances are on Thur­sday through Saturday, Aug 3, 4 and 5, with curtain at 8:30 p m For ticket reservations and in form ation, ca ll the theatre at 609-443-4544 after 7 p.m.

B u c k n e l l p io n s f r o s h r e c e p t io n

A reception for 24 central Jersey students who will be entering Bucknell University as freshmen this fall will be held Wednesday at the Turkey Hill Club in.Fairless Hills

Area residents entering theLewisburg, Pa school this fall will include Jessica Huff of 84 N Main St., Cranbury, and Carmen J Narvaez ot 382 Mercer St,, Hightstown

Full G o sp e l B u s in e ss M e n 's

F e llo w sh ip In tern atio n a l M id -Je rse y C h ap ter

Presents ■' ,OPEN AIR R EV IV A L

S a t A ug . 5 ,1 9 7 8 aftern o o n and even in g se rv ic e s

P la t *B eh in d B u rg erian d

R o u te 33 £t A irpo rt Rd H ig h tsto w n , hi J .

■ / maturing at 2:30 p.m .

C h ild ren s P ro gram The R ev R o bert F ish e r s

Yogi B ear at 7:00 p .m .Speaker

R ev . J o se p h RavanetSpecial Music

B ro th er F red ric O w e n s and the

R ich a rd so n S in g e rs

Station Road, who died Sunday in the Neuropsvchiatric In­stitute at Skillman.

Surviving are her parents, Charles H Parks Sr. and Alma Johnson Parks; two brothers, Charles H Parks Jr. of Chicago. 111. and John Parks of Cranbury; three sisters, Claudia Redd of Helmeta, Linda Muse of Somerset and Prisella Parks of Cranbury

The funeral will be heid from Mount Airy Missionary- Baptist Church, Oak wood T errace Jam esburg Rev M arshall Ta lbert, pastor officiate Burial will be in Brainard C em etery, C ran­bury, under the direction of (he A S Cole Funeral Home, 22 N Mam St

n c ^ u rs ’ 9 S U R A N C E


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sports Bad ending for Post 148 season

Windsor-Hights Herald

RON GAFGEN and his Post 148 teammates cooled off during the Gafgen, one of the hit second half o f the season, (dropping their last nine contests league, finished the sea

S p e e d w a y w i n n e r s includes I 7 c o m p e t i t o r s

leaders all season long in the Legior at 333 (Mark Czajkowski photo)

bx Bill kpplegatrSports Editor

The ftnal. week of play for the 1978 Hightstown Post 148 baseball team more or less characterized its plight; during the recently concluded season

High! St own lost its last three outings, ail b\ i one run and finished last in the Southern Division of the Mercer County American Legion League with

a 10-16 record j The inconsistent Post 148

club, which was in contention for the division crow n midway through the campaign when it possessed a 10-7 mark thus dropped its last nine games in succession

Trenton Post 93 mfhdted the final setback an Hightstown on Sunday by pulling out a 7-6 victory w ith three runs in the bottom of the ninth The division champion Schroths 21-4-1 used a two-out single

by Fred York to chase home the deciding marker

PR IO R TO TH AT, Bor- dentown Post 26 ‘ 13-13) not ched a 5-4 triumph over Hightstown on Saturday after Broad Street Park Post 313

18-6-11 eked out a 4-3 comeback w in over the locals on Thursday night

In their finale. Post 148 took a 6-4 lead into the last of the ninth but couldn’t hold it Ron nlatush s solo home run and

RB I’s by Ron Gafgen Troy l rness Jeff Ball and Rich Rousseau helped Hightstown build its advantage

But Trenton, which had wrapped up the divisional title the previous day. proved why it was number one With its winning ra lly Post 148 reliever Brice Cote put the '■ -n ■ »r ■« put

out by filling the sacks on

walks before Anthony Revilacqua drilled a two-run single to tie the game and set the stage for York s game- winner

YORK and Bevilacqua both collected two hits and two RB I’s to pace the w inner s offense while Rousseau and Gaften topped the Hightstown attack with a pair of safeties apiece

L e g io n L e d g e r

Lf OK>* STATS IfWwH noofficial

BiB Breun *flton Gfttger ’06Bor- D«b*tu«h *5Rice Rou««*^ <8Mark CarOuo*Bob Dycumen


Shewn Confer. 96 Ken SchaHne 2*Bnee Cot*J*t1 *6j*ff Cate*Sh*un L*ch*p*«* 6

T*»m Totfe* 816

*»» Avan m11 33313 3336 327

. 5 3002 .29*


Despite four hits by third sacker Mark Carduner. Bordentown held on to defeat Hightstown on Saturday Post 26exploded for four runs tn the last of the third to take a lead it never relinquished

Key hits by Joe Meszaros, Tony Nueera and Bob Hayes sparked the winner's early uprising After the visitors dosed the gap to 4-2 with a pair of tallies in the top of the seventh, Bordentown added what proved to be the deciding run in the bottom of the frame

EAST WINDSOR - With just more than half the seasbn completed, a glance at the total winners list in t|ie combined m odified and sportsman stock car division this season at the East Wind sor Speedway shows 17 dif ferent winners.

In the sportsman division, 11 different drivers have entered victory lane which is already three more winners than all .of last year and just one shy jof the record of 12 winners in 1976 F ive of the 11 who registered victories this year were first time winners I— Frank Mangone, Richie Cats, Danny Klockner, Dorn Taylor and Andy Belmont

The big powerful modifieds have produced six different winners, with Jimmy Hortjon to Bridgewater, leading jali drivers with 11 triumphs, ixjily two behind the record 113 victories scored by Stan Ploski in 1971.

Ken Brenn of Warren has five wins and single winners are B illy Osmun of B r id g e w a t e r , G e r a ld Chamberlain of Everett, Pa . Billy Pauch, Stockton, and Lee

. DeVault of Palmyran ils Friday at 7:30 pm

there will be more events, including two features

. Gates will open at 5 with warmups slated to begin at 7 p.m

A c e for HarringtonNEW YORK — William L.

Harrington of 18 Taylor Ave., Hightstown, is ejigibie to win a free trip to Scotland and $1,000 as a result of scoring a hole-tn- one at the Peddie Golf Course

Mr H arrington 's ace qualified him for the 18th annual Rusty Nail Hole-In-One Sweepstakes a national competition sponsored by the Drambuie Liqueur Co of Edinburgh, Scotland

The winner will be an­nounced early next vear


B e c o m e a c h a rte r m e m b e r ofthe e x c itin g

M E WMercer Racquetbaii ClubFEATURING:12 R e g u la t io n a ir c o n d it io n e d R a c q u e tb a ii H a n d b e ll and p adCieoai courts.

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IN YDDtTION to Carduner sfour hits three singles and a double Ball and Rousseau also starred with two hits apiece for Post 148 which added its final two runs in the eighth Mesz.aros stroked two hits and drove in three runs to back winner Stu Fouiks of Bordentown

Ygainst Broad Street Park, Hightstown held a 3-2 lead entering the bottom of the final fram e but again couldn t maintain the margin Tony Romano singled home pinch- runner Walt Brooks with the w inning run after losing hurler Brice Cote wild pitched the tying marker across the plate

The winning rally w as set up by Ken Torn and Paul Anartia who both stroked singles to start the frame Lefthander Paul Notte benefited from the

comeback to chalk up the mound decision for BSP

ROUSSEAU paced the Hightstown nine-hit attack with a pair of safeties and a run batted in On the other side of the ledger Anama and Romano led the way with two hits each and Jun Hudik drove home two markers

Even with its late season slump, Hightstown still produced five of the top hitters m the league Braun (31 for 86 > led the team with a hefty 360 batting mark as he failed to get at least one hi! in only six of 26 games

Ron Gafgen 35 for 105) and Ron Dilatush 125 for 751 tied or second with identical 333

averages to help Post 148 compile a 270 team batting norm th addition. Rich Rousseau < 16 for 49' finished with a flurry to end at 327 and Mark Carduner (24 for 80i ended nght on the 300 mark

DILATUSH’S two homerstopped the club in that

department while Jeff Ball, Gafgen and Dilatush tied for the team lead in triples with hree apiece Braun dubbed

so doubles arduner ripped five two-baggers and Dilatush added four two-base blows

Pitching wise Braun posted a 5-4 record and tossed four two-hitters in the process He was Hightstown s lone bright spot on the mound


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10- A USISDSOR MIGHTS HERALD Thuradav, August i , 1978

McCormick cops mile title vVhof a racquetOver the past few seasons standing m iddle distance

the stock in trade of Hight runners stown High s g ir ls track That fact was amplified program has been its out during the past two weeks


SAVE!!t r a n s m is s io n M a in t e n a n c e Service

$17.20*S u m m e r H eat,

o r o v e r lo a d in g c a u s e T r a n s m is s io n p ro b le m s S e rv ic in g

c a r s t r a n s m is s io n w ill h e lp k e e p it

ru n n in g co o l w ith f re s h o il a n d c le a n f ilte r in g

s c r e e n . If yo u p u ll a t r a i le r a d d o s e p a r a t e c o o le r a n d d o n ’t

be in a h u rry It s a v e s g a s

when HHS distaff runners past and present excelled in their respective races

On Saturday three HHS girls gleamed in the Essex County Invitational Meet which hosted the top female track names in the state

FORMER RIGHTS TOW'S High stars M argaret Me Cormick and Pippa Holman along with present Harnett e stalwart Sharon Bennett, provided local fans with plenty of excitement at the meet

McCormick now attending Bowdoin College won the women's open one m ile championship with a time of 5:13 while Holman, presently enrolled at Rutgers Univer­sity, placed second in the w om ens open two-m ile championship in 11:15 In addition Bennett copped third place honors in the 14-15 year old division of the one-mile run

THE PREVIOUS week at the Lawson Invitational Meet, two other current HHS stars excelled Mary Lee Damutz won the women’s open halG mile race and Karen Sweeney finished third in the 14-15 division of the half-mile

With two of New Jersey's biggest summer meets behind, coach Dempsey Dixon is again looking forward to the New England AAU Championships

Sue Bednar of East Windsor siammed, stroked and served her w Girls Open last week in both the 14 and under singles and dou

tto the finals of the Princeton championship match on Friday"at the Princeton University Pagoda courts she fell to Mary Dineen, comoetitio- n the singles of Sherburne N Y, 4-6 1-6 (Mark Czajkowsk. photos)


% T '\ PIPE

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And then theref r r r * P * U S P o r t s

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Sun Devils, Jimmy Hall's make 'A' semisDie Sun Devils swept their lest-of-three quarter final lenes with NYL, 12-8 and 10-5, o join Jimmy Hall’s in the am i's as they won, 18-6 and 8 i, after losing the first game.

IN GAIN ING this week s match-up with Strike & Spare the Sun Devils had to first vereome a 6-0 deficit in their

opener against New York Life Winning pitcher George Field clubbed a home run to aid his own cause while Lou Piscatelli, Keith Field and Stuart Field all stroked three hits apiece to also excell,

Chris Root and Jerry Daniels ripped three safeties each in the nightcap for the winners to back winner Ted Van Pelt Another hitting star for the Sun Devils was An-

hony Conover who collected seven hits in the doubleheader

For New York Life, Dave Gunneii and Mike Josephson clubbed homers in the first contest and Rob Conlon blasted a four bagger in the second tilt.

Meanwhile Jimmy Hall’s ' a vet- ->iew a 9-3 lead in the — - game u neir cenes a*Hilton Inn (exploded for seven runs in the sixth togo ahead to stay However, the eventual winners efime back with a vengeance to easily win the next two encounters

us© starring for the Jaycees in he first game was Perry Sensi, who had two hits and four RBI s Then in the second contest Mark Shane drilled three hits one a homer and drove in four runs and Jerry Bergman added a solo home

The original six-team battle for the 1978 playoff title in this loop is now a four team affair

New York Life and the Hilton Inn both fell by the wayside Igst Sunday in opening round action while the Sun Devils and Jimmy Hall’s Tavern kept their hopes alive

Regular season thampion Richardson R ea lty , the defending playoff titlist, will square -off against Jimmy Hall s in one of the best of three semifinal sets while regu lar season runnerup Strike & Spare Lounge takes on the Sun Devils in the other semi-final series

Quaker Bridge Mai Lawrenceville

(609) 799 8231 New White Electric had a 'Higher row to hoe It copped he hriliing opener when Ken

Gevine singled to start the last of the seventh, moved to second on a ground out and then scored the deciding marker on an error Bennie Randolph four hits smashed a three-run homer in the sixth ■or he winners o tie the game at 12-12.

AFTER DROPPING thesecond game to Coca Coia, despite a grand slam homer by N W E ’s Lee Cooper, the eventual winners overcame a -6 deficit with three runs in he finai frame to pull out the

deciding win Ed Hershmans RBI-single tied the gam e nefore Ai Shapiro and double winner Lou Vittieilo added -un-scoring base hits to win it


Adult softballa r e f u l ly g & a r a n te e d f o r o f f * y *m r

• R V. s Pkk Up* A Trucks• Foreign Cam• Cu«tom Duo) Syitam * I B Division

The Jaycees and New White Electric both hurdled their first obstaicie in their quest of the playoff championship in this division, but they each

■ took a different routeAfter building big leads in

j each gam e, the Jaycees i coasted past Carvel, 10-5 and I 14-2, to earn their spot in the / sem ifinals New White

Electric, On the other hand. T had stage iast frame rallies

to nip Coca Coia. 13-12 and 9-8 I ike won he middle game df I the three-game set, 17-10.

Those results set up this Sunday’s semifinals, which are also best-of-three series

I In those sets regular season champion Stackhouse Agency

I will tangle with New White E lec tr ic and runner-up

j Hudibras w ill battle the ! Javcees

* Cuitom Pip* Sanding* from Sofaty Impaction* CoastTo-Coaat Guorantaa

L if aft me Guorontaa on A marie on Muff lam




List P r ice

The COROLLA 5-Door Wagon *4726STOCK CAR R A C IN G

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10 Major League Events

The H-EW Pop Warner Football Association has announced that registration is stilt open to any youngster interested in trying out for the organ ization ’s four clubs Candidates may sign up tonight or tomorrow night from 6-8 p.m

The iocal grid group also announced that beginning nex’ week nightly practice sessions will be held from 7-9 p m replacing the current 6-8 p.m schedule

For more information on re g is tra t io n p rocedu res contact H-EW Pop Warner president Rich Royee at 443- 4813.

Standard features include• 4-speed synchrom esh

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Our lot is loaded We re ready to deal. Immediate delivery on a full selection of new Toyota cars and trucks Stretch your bucks with America s * 1 sellingimport car a ■ •

LAST SUNDAY, the Jaycees goi stout pitching from double winner Ai Pollard and solid hitting from Joe Fuchs, who went 7-for-8 in the twinbill to continue on the playoff trail. The winners built a 9-0 lead in he 'pener and then coasted

home before scoring in every lining orom p in the nightcap

t k * NDYORAirport Rd. Hightstown NJ.

Hot lint - 609 446-0470V V * A W r i M A V M W M W V W W

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Buck-Stretching USED CAR VALUES AT TOYOTA OF TRENTON ONLY'75 C H E V R O L E T V e g a L X coup# 4 c y i A u to m a tic F ran s p ow er iN t n n g m a n u a l b ra k e s fa c to r y a t r co n d it io n e d , v in y l 'DO' AN*. F M r | . £ m md ie S3,000 m $ 1 5

74 T O Y O T A C O R O N A D E L U X E *-d r 4 -c yh , a u to m an s te e r in g and b r a k e s . fa c to r y a ir cond A M E M store© v in y l

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$2495'73 T O Y O T A M i-L u x R tc fcu p T r u c k 4 -C ytm e t k . M a n y # S te e r i B r a k e * . , A M R a d i©Am ## 44.000 m »M ite s W a t

7 7 T O Y O T A C O R O L L A O E L U X E 2-D r 4 - C y l , S-Spead M a n u a l T r a n * A M F M * tere©- C * lo t t o . V ln y in te r io r T in to d 6 t « i l , M a n u a l S t e e r in g A Brakes 4 sot m ■*$ m m Mil#* 1 i 5 ¥ 5

■0 v w S q u a r t b a c r s u t l e r W a g ­on 4 - C y i 4 Sp ##d M a n u a T r a m . M a n u a 1 S te e rin g m e E ra k v t- R oo f R a c k , A M R a d io r * A ir ©n© -

■75 T O Y O T A C O R O L u A SR-S Spf Coupe - Y e llo w 4-C y i . 5 Speed- M a n u a l T r a n s M an u a S t a r r in g and B r a k e s A M F V C a s s a tt * S3.00C AS m *

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T O Y O T A C a fic a S T 4 -C y l . to m a t ic . M a n u a l S ta r r in g , in u e l B r a k e * A M - F M Radi©

5 2 9 9 5

72 D O D O E C O R O N E T C u sto m V-4, A u to m a tic P o w e r S t# # rin g and B r a k a s A M R a d i# V in y l Root 4 aoc »

$ 9 9 5

7 0 F O R D G A L A X I E 590 V - l , A u to m a tic P o w e r S and B r a k a s F a c t o r y A ir

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u<’ $ 4 7 9 5

7 5 K A W A S A K I A t D fr t B lk a ISA C C M ikas and L ik a N aw

7 4 C A D IL L A C E fd a ra d a , V | . A uto P w r S ta a r in g a n dB r a k a s F u l l R w r Star#© . L a rsd a u V in y lR M y0( i 4 J O i M ila s 1 4 # 7 9

§ 9 9 5

7 2 F O R D P in t # R u n a & a u t , 4 C y i A u t o m a t i c , M a n u a S t a a r in g a n d B r a k a s , A M R a Ota P m l t f K < l | ) ) U .45 .0 0 0 M i la s S & T f *2

7 4 T R I U M P H T R * C a n v o r f ib ia 4 -C y l 4-Spaac M an u a T ra n * M a n u a l I t a a n n g and B r a k a s . A M Rad>e 44,900 a * * «Mfias. f i J V ?

43 P l y m o u t h f u r A u to m a t ic M a n u a l S to B r a k a s , A M R ad i© . M ila s R u n * mG ra a t . S

7 4 T O Y O T A C a r a i ia S R 5 coup# 4 c y i S spaad m a n u a l t r a n s m a n u a l s ta a r in g a n d b ra k a s .

I - " 1* $ 3 1 9 5* 2 6 9 5 Y O U R



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Thursday, August 3, 1978 WINDSOR NIGHTS HER/tLD 11-A

12-year-olds t o p S t .Meet Bast Brunswick Tuesday m Clara Barton tourney

It was a busy week for three all^tar teams from the H-EW Youth Baseball Organization and all of the local clubs distinguished themselves in one form or another

The local 12-year-old team debuted in the Clara Barton Tournament in Fords on Sunday with an impressive 8-0 triumph over St Joseph s of Roselle behind the brilliant one hit pitching of R ich ie Rebh In addition to his mound heroics, Rebh also collected three hits, including a solo homer over the centerfield

wall in the second inning

H -EW B R O K E open the contest in the first with five runs, highlighted by Len Marcocci s three-run circuit smash The winners w ill return to action in the 32-team double-elimination event next Tuesday at 6 30 p m against East Brunswick

Prior to that. H-EW 12’s bowed out of the Trenton PAL Tourney on Saturday when they lost a tough 3-2 decision to Sunnybrae Ron McClung s

Township s a y s n o to owning r a i l s t a t i o n

by J a n e P e tro ff S ta ff W rite r

WEST WINDSOR - An invitation from the state Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider possible township ownership of the Princeton Junction railroad station will be politely but firmly refused

A questionnaire prepared by the DOT, requiring responses to questions concerning maintenance, insurance and operational aspects of municipal ownership of the station, was introduced to the Township Committee Monday by Adm in istrator Christine Rapking-Allen

A cover letter from the DOT stipulated that if the township is uninterested in assuming ownership fo the station, a sim ple “ n o " w ill su ffice Submission of a completed questionnaire, on the other hand, would be viewed by DOT officials as an indication of interest in the proposal

Although Mrs Rapking A llen assured com m ittee members that filling out the questionnaire could not be construed as a commitment to municipal operation of the station, the governing body was unwilling to offer more than a letter indicating a willingness to sit down with state o ffic ia ls to discuss possible ownership of parking lots near the station

Most felt it would be-^nsibie to request ownership of the parking lots, providing tig- state did not interfere with the

establishment of short-term and long-term use fees, and provid ing, as w ell, that B a m b e rg e r A s s o c ia te s ’ proposed m u ltm se tran sportation, recreation, office and entertainment center does not become a reality

Com m ittee m em ber Ray Lockhart said possible ownership of the parking lots “ seems to make good sense,' but cautioned against a s s u m in g u n w a n t e d responsibilities “ We wouldn't wan! to see genera l tax revenues used to maintain the property The lots would have to be self-supporting.

sacrifice fly in the top of the last inning provided Ihe deciding marker

Paul Houston s two-run double in the bottom of the fifth had tied the game for H- EW before Sunnybrae pulled out the win Houston and Rebh each stroked two hits to pace the loser's attack against winning pitcher John Kroscawilz Ml K Marocci was the losing hurler despite allow ing only four hits

M EANW HILE the HEM 10-year-old all-stars also made a successful debut in the Clara Barton event on Sunday by posting a 4-3 decision over Merril Park They will con tinue their quest for the tourney crown next Tuesday when they meet South Plainfield

Loren Lipker turned m a fine all-around performance for the winners He buried two-hit ball over the first six innings and struck out 12 In addition Lipker drove in the winning run in the seventh.

Previously, the H-EW 10’s lost their final two games in the Matawan Invitational Tournament but still copped fourth place honors in the event After losing 13-4 to Morgan in the semi finals the locals dropped a tight 5-3 verdict to Jamesburg in the consolation contest



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tourney action the H-EW 9- vear-old all-stars raised some eyebrows with their third place finish in the Hamilton Little Lads Tournament The locals ended with a 5-3 record in the event a fter South Brunsw ick elrmmated them on Monday by a 6-1 score

Darren Viliam singled home Chris Alexandras, who had

Y o u th b a s e b a l l

also singled, to give H-EW a b rie f 1-0 lead but South Brunswick tallied twice in the bottom of the fourth to take the lead for good The winners added four more tallies in the fifth to sew it up w hile H-EW stranded nine runners to lead to their own downfall

The locals had stayed alive

in ‘ he event art Mindav bv dealing the ho$tj clijrb a 4-1 setback after 'railing 1-0 A t4iree-run homeif bj David Marcus m ihe fifth snapped a l 1 tie and made a winner of \illan), who tossed a four-

O SE DAY prior to that the H-EW 9s waltzed tip an 8-1 victory over the Pennsbury A s behind Alan Shonek s one- hit hurling Hittipg Stars for 1 be w i rtners were; V i 11a ni two hits Alan Mvers triple and Bobby Fusick triple)

Follow ing three Straight w ins at the outset of the tourney H-FW was handed its first loss one week ago by the same South Brunswick team that eventually elim inated them SB notched a seven- inning, 6-3 triumph despite a two-run triple by! the loser s Geordi Evans I



t/ . iw m t t u 41 o n t n t r

KMF10GDr~2 / ~\ n hd i v o n p\n /3inoi L a/A\ N u” (inLi v v Lb LSL-vlrJ U JJu VG

2 1 0 0 N E W C H E V R O L E T S C A P R IC E S , IM P A LA S , M O N TE C A R L O S , M A l IB U S M O N ZA S C A M A R O S , N O V A S , C H E V E T T E S , P IC K U P S V A N S , S P O R T V A N S S U B U R B A N S B L A Z E R S . E T C C H R Y S L E R S , N EW Y O R K E R S N E W P O R T S C O R D O B A S LE B A R O N S P L Y M O U T H S P U R Y S V O L A R E S . H O R IZ O N S N EW JA G U A R S T R IU M P H S , M G S N EW J A P A N E S E IM P O R T S 2 D R S H A T C H B A C K S , G T S , P IC K U P S R E E D M A N N ON F R A N C H IS E I M A K E S S U C H A S N EW C A D IL L A C C O U P E D E V IL L E S NEW S E D A N D E V I L L E S N E W S E V IL L E S & O T H E R S E T C





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7 8 C H E V Y IM P A LACustom 2 dr VR V-8 auto tran*.. P.S. P B A|r AMRadio 27 705 m ii*t Stk No9 0304PRICE $4799O F F ................... 800

Y O U P A Y $3999

7 6 C H E V Y V A N Cu*tom intarior, 2 dr V-8 3 sp**d manual tron* manual *to*ring 8 brok** no air cond. AM radio 49.184 mllo*. Stk No 9-0141.PRICE $4499O FF 800

7 7 C H E V Y E L C A M IN O2-dr 8-cyl outo tran* , P.S. P I factory air cond. AM radio 23 770 m il** Stk No. 9 0520PRICE $4099OFF 800

7 8 C H E V C H E V E T T E 2-door sedan, 4-cyl manual tran* 4 tp **d factory olr cond AM rodio 35,781 mil**Stk No 9-0415PRICE 53499OFF ............................... 800

7 6 C H E V C A M A R O 2-door 8-cyl., outo tron*P.S. P.B AM rodio 49.015mil**. Stk No 9-0401 *>RICE $4199OFF *00

YO U P A Y $3699Y O U P A Y 35299 Y O U P A Y . 32699

YOU PAY $3399


$424910 o fb * r Mo vet*


M od * #1X X 2? out©, fro n t ©owe*- * tearing & b rake* 6 -c r tn g in * r»o air condition ing Oodv *»d* m olding w b « * cover* w h itew a ll radial tire* ra d io . S tock N8-8164

KAenwfectorer * Svggetted Price SA804 25



1978 C H E W F L E E T S ID E



Mod*) *CC 10903. 4 eyl., 3 *omtO mon tran *. power steering 8 brake* no air cond. twovy dvty roar spring* painted rear bumper G 78-I5 trie* Hr** Stock #8927 Manufacturer * Sugg**t*a U*tPrte*$4BO* 25


M odal # ■ A W 80nr*c< gia*» mot* ro n to ia <win rem o te Sport m irro rs Cargo I

Roil* AM Rodic to il* W heel* Stock 89-991 M an utactw re r*Suggested Retai* “ ' ic * 15715



M ectori*








Need A PlumberCall

Bill C h a m b e rlin Plum bing ft Hoofing Co

609 44ft 1848l k w m #5344

Thursday. Augqst 3, 1078

Lee DeVault records first win in £. W Speedway ModifiedEAST WINDSOR Young

Lee DeVault of Pa lm yraregistered his firs! vtin ever inModified competitnon as hewon the 25-lap featijre at ibeEast Windsor Speedwa ia:-Friday night



DELIVERY 448-0365






M A iN Nf jARAbr N




Rout* 130H ig h t t t o w r : N


44* 0479

The largest crowd of the season packed the grand­stands and was witness to the record-breaking attempt by Jim m y Horton of B ridgew ater, the track s winnmgest driver in 1978 who went for his eighth consecutive Modified victory

Racing well into the lead through the 13th lap, it ap­peared that Horton would set 'he record But he sodden! v, dropped his statew ide *;>, fron the race with drive lin e problems DeVault went by him to lead the rest of the way

RALPH BROWN of Bor dent own led the race through the first six laps, with DeVault

using the inside route to take the lead on the next circuit. Horton slipped into second at the same time and followed DeVault into the tenth lap before taking over first Horton began moving away from the field, before failing from the race in the 13th lap

From that point on, DeVault Lee Taylor o f New E gyp t, Ken Johnson of Frenchsown and Walt Olsen of Paulsboro ran bumper to bumper and side by side right down to the checkered flag

DeVault, in his fifth year of •'lock car racing, has only been racing M odifieds for two years Taylor finished second. Johnson third. Olsen fourth and Fred Dmuchowski of Manville fifth

In the Sportsman feature, Ea-si W indsor crowned another first time winner, as Andy Belmont of Langhorne. Pa won his first 15-lap event

nf the season

JACK HELGET Jr paced the field through the first seven laps before Belmont, coming out of eighth spot on the grid, moved into first He was never headed after that despite the presence of seven- time winner Newt Hartman of Som erv ille , who trailed Belmont closely the rest of the distance to finish second Richie Cass of East Windsor took third, with Larry Kline fourth and Helget finishing fifth.

Modified heats were won by Flemmgton’s Howie Cronce, Horton and Rah Tobias of Lebanon, Pa Olsen won the Const Sportsman qualifiers' were won by Beimortt, John Leach of Burlington, and Helget, with R ich Holden winning the eonsi Racing in both divisions Will continue this Friday night at 7;30 p m

LOCAL DRIVER Rich Cass, dnv

Friday night.ng car 75 finished third in the 15-lap sportsman feature event at East Windsor Speedway lam

M il le

outdoor scene

I ( onlinufd from Pagr One

found a way to obtain every single item the boards be worked for demanded of him Even < ex-board member and board president Lynn ) Friedm an has reluctantly admitted that ”

by gerald wolfeus

TH E" Mrs

THINGS he did for Friedman said, “ he

Brush-pawing for f i sh Hunt

i a f t m g i l f w l n 'cO W V Ii M PW BBV w


f o g o l e D t a f

Routes 202 and 31 (201)702-1234


w H H tkh w d

by Gerald E Wolfe Staff Correspondent

On most sm all stream s there are sections so brushy that all fishermen give them a wide berth I used to do the same, but now 1 hunt them out The reason is simple During the hot months of summer that's where the fish often are At least often enough to make it interesting

I guess I've known that fact for years, but never really put any effort into brush-paw ing to get at them until just recently, when a fishing crony said he d discovered a place we could catch yellow perch a foot long in a spot on a stream not much wider than a queen-size bed

1 WAS a little skeptical at first, but foot Jong perch aren t all that common around here and 1 couldn't pass up the opportunity We went through briars a dog would have had trouble chasing a rabbit through In some places we almost resorted to hands and knees craw line The leaves

and branches were as thick as Scotch tweed So were the bugs At best a half-dozen yards was good visibility

1 could hear the stream muttering off to my right as w e broke out of the brush by a little pool with a sm all w a terfa ll flow ing over a natural log jam It was a pretty spot, not an empty beer ■ an. crushed cigarette pack, ■r empty bait c-dhtainer in

sight. But 1 rem em ber remarking as how one angler hardly had enough room to fish, much less two.

We managed, however, to .the tune of 16 perch Only one was less than a foot long and two went 14 inches It's still hard to me to believe that many fish were holding in that one spot

1 WON’T betray a trust and divulge my friend’s secret spot, but merely use it to illustrate the fact that there are many spots like it on streams right in this area

Fish loves the brush. Trout, bass, perch vou name it It's





(The Good Service Dealerj 1$ CLEANING HOUSE, GETTING READ? FOR



cassia t**p»r -*«*!#•' a * •v=4' ri P*«e- ■»♦**'•*« 4 f 1- —•| •*!*«♦*' A**> >*«« *4Oe****«" fc*** *4««4» Ow»*«4lt Ftm •*<«■»» • **•#*t --rv AA* *M R04»"0 »|(IW') Y>«*»»* Gum *•<»*'» »•' L*Nt*** Cw****" f4> »**< WtJi VBHltl#' -***> t .*m *»o *!’ > »* V**hc* *1 ¥***»

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7 * CHEVROLET iMPftU* . I S I I K d n*TIOM W4CO«

U«. Nh » $7405 Mk m $1 SS



uil Mrke $St*! K u w « $731

now * 5 ! 5 0

Ufl Pm. $4054MmmmiI S1S4

- i 8 00

evroletThe Good Service Dealer


1 1 — S W V C E f t . , T N I N T O N , N . J .<1,1 .01 I I I ' I I I ” I 0|9 I 'f

shaded there, and insects and other food abound in the im peded, rotting wood-filled water In late summer, when water turns warm, fish flock from all along a stream, or up pond and lake tributanes to the cool, shaded depths of the brush

Like any other t.vpe of fishing, the brush requires the right kind of equipment

1 PR E FE R a short ultralight spinning rod not more than five feet long A two piece that can be taker down is even better for moving through the heavy s!uff V any rate don t attempt to prow l through thick busfies w ifha rigged, extended rod because you'll be pretty sure to break the tip before the day's over

Dress nght. Even if it’s hot, w ear som ething p rotective for going through briars and such A light nylon wind- breaker will protect against cuts and scratches Boots are also necessary If vou wear glasses tie them am Don't Carry a landing net unless it's the folding kind you can luck away


1 < ontiavni from Page One S

superintendent, the people have a right to know.”

D ecem ber, 1975 The board instructed attorney Henry Coates to research the legality of the content and “ rou tin g” of two memos issued by Dr Hunt to deter mine whether they were in violaiton of statutes under which the superintendent operated.

One memo reportedly dealt with the hiring of non-tenured teachers and the other related to information about prin­c ipa l's negotiations which were to have been kept con­fidential

July, 1976 — As (me of four finalists, Dr. Hunt went ot Kansas City to be interviewed on television fo r the KC superintendent of school's post.

June, 1977 — The board voted to give Dr Hunt a cost- of-living increase — the first increase'of any kind since the 1974-75 school year.

June. 1978 — The board, by a 7-1 vote, gave Dr Hunt another cost of living increase and a $7,000 salary “ correc­tion" — a cost-of-living ad­justment covering the 1975-76 and 1976-77 school years during which Dr Hunt received no increases at all.

roftSAUE ugftesf btdRer onw eacfc 3N >atax copying machine and 3Mcopying

Seated bids will be received

To hij Thermal 209’ copier

on Tuesday August 15, i978 at eleven il l 00 a m in the ( ranburv Elementary School, 23 No Mam Si Cranbury N.J

Equipment may he inspected'and bid forms secured at the Board office 23 N Main Sr '"ranburv N J

Mary B Bende) Board Secretary

Business ManagerCranbury Township Board of Education

WHH 7-27-78 J i j Fee *4 .2 0

Gino s

did because we had a six- person majority I'm proud to say we were a very strong board, we had our heads together and we knew where we were coming from in education And Dr Hunt realized that we were strong in our opinions ”

While Mr Miller viewed Dr , Hunt as a good administrator.

Mrs Friedman saw him as a manipulator, intent on solidifying and broadening his own power base

Her qualms with Dr Hunt— like those of many of his detractors — centered more on his methods than his e f­fectiveness as an ad­ministrator.

On a subjective level, she criticized him for setting a tone of educational mediocrity in the community.

“ Jack's (Dr Hunt) thing,” she said, “was always 'we're an average district, spending an average am ount,’ — average, average average I think that this school district can expect excellence, and I think it has tostart at the top ’

W ILL A NEW' person sitting in the superintendent's seat result in any perceptib le changes in the quality of education'’

Mr Miller thinks not“ Insofar as any real sub­

stantive change. I doubt it. But, you know. I ’ve come to be lieve in se lf-fu lfillin g prophecies If the community believes its school system is good, then it is,

“ It may be a little of the head-m-the-sand approach, but I think a new person will bring the kind of great hopes — the boy, we ll really have a good school district type of thinking — that will make some of those people who are negative now take another look "

W H O EVER is fina lly selected to succeed Dr Hunt will be faced with a number of serious problems. Mr Miller promised

“ 1 shudder when I think

what boards will be going through in the next two years with heavily reduced caps — that's already forecast The state is now beginning to discover that it can’t afford horough and effic ien t

education, and especially the mandated programs for the extremes — the gifted and talented or the handicapped

It will lake someone with Dr Hunt's administrative skills — and something more — to meet the challenge, he said

Tj imagine Dr Hunt will do wonders in Arizona for the people belie! in 'heir own

district I hope we can find someone who will bring that tous."


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tt 33 4 Mi EM *1 HtfUtiMwo

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609-448-8920Hmo f S«M>. S( Yim*

I < unturned from Page One

They expect to apply for building permits immediately and said they hope con­struction will begin within a month It should take about four months to build and a year-end opening is the target



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Fo* 8»s«nr<ing 6 Advanced Saftom - w On Sm a* Boats to ,

O caan Cnaaara

« * * - ■ * * *

Prmcetor Sailing School & Boats, ‘ M I h M EG Boat Sale*

r T f ■!jOmm 0€f««iJ j 1

j (Vim<- out In 11H ID E -A -D E E H E !

j town t Gurdan Trocton ) F R E E p»r\-up on tinnier

tune-ups 4U Makes ,• M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T '|

C O M P A N Y\ St 130 Sobblntvill* H ,

' mil« Nortti ot Itgft*6 0 9 ) 5 8 7 -9 6 6 6

DENNY'S TV REPAIRCOLOR a n d S la c k ft W h i t » T V

also Stereo System s Repaired B Radios installed TV Antennas Installed

D E N N Y C H A P P E L L 4 4 8 - 8 1 0 5

Hilton sweepsTops Trophy Shack for titleWomen's Division

The Hilton Inn completed a sweep of honors in this loop when it defeated Trophy Shack 16-11 to capture ibe playoff crown last week

Previously, the champs had won the regular season title as well to become the first team in the c ircu it ’s four-year history to win both honors After losing their initial two games of the: campaign, the Hilton Inn came back to win nine games in a row to wear its dnubie crown,

In the piav'off contest, the

T w in R iv e rs so ftb a ll

‘rs built up a 16-3 lead hen withstood ia furious

h y If rophy S ha ck ing tor he victors were Craig (#*$[* on# homer;), e Watson (5-3). Ronni

Ganeles <5-51, winning pitcher Jean Reres (3-4) and Sheila Leder (defense!.

THE TEAM will be honored by its sponsor the Hilton Inn, on Sunday, Aug 27 at a championship brunch

Senior Girls

Bv winning the loop playoffs with a 14-0 decision over Quik Chek. the Pepsi People <8-l) matched the Hilton Inn’s twin titles in this division

E xce lien ! o ffens ive and defens ive p iay by Wendi Rosen and Kim Perkins h ighlighted the w inner's victory. However, a complete team e ffo rt propelled the Pepsi People to their dual championships

An outstanding performance by Alvssa Spumberg helped keep the score close for Quik Chek, which displayed fine sportsmanship in the contest

rr 4 — -s * T T ’v *

J v>.) I*

C A R D U N E R 'S 1* "


>ce Machine on Premises

Cubes or Block

PrincMton Road & Routs 130 Hlghuiowr 448-06 ’ 4

Op»n Mon thru Fn 9 A M to 1 0 ? M Sot. 9 A M , to 9 P M,



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Box 146, Hightstown, N.J. 08520

Thursday, August 3, 1978

M cC le e ry s n e w play capt iva tes aud ienceAn initial “ first’ ' — Intime's

inaugural journey into production of original plays — has resulted in a hit Audience applause on opening night last Thursday showed over­whelming approval of Wiliiam M c C le e r y ’ s w e ll- c ra fte d souffle. Match Play

It is indeed a pleasure to see lightly constructed piece of work, and this McCleery s play is. Performers director Dan Berkowitz. and staff all worked together to give the piece a fine send-off

“ Match P lay ” concerns the perennial triangle but it is more than that Though we can guess ending long before the curtain rings down, there are some crisp lines, some acute character observations and some excellen t per formances by the small cast Alice White as Lucia Dutton

p * ----------------------------1

f « s DANCING1 0? nriitf s*t * sun tint


S i K*m#ior S« X Tt« a|<e ItAmair n 'tit f i r J

who must balance her desire [to find a safe haven in jm arriage against her [dedication to the fam ily [newspaper on which she [serves as publisher. Neil Ross, her managing editor,

: a nose dedication to the I ield of [ journalism has won him a lofty reputation among his peers

[arid the populace in general [and Adam Tow niey, who j represents the charm < and the oard-nosed attitude of big

[money Adam is L u c ia ’s | fiancee, and represents her ! high hopes of having her cake j a dream of bringing big [money into, the fam ily publication loupdate the aging

[ press machinery and offering I her surcease from the [w orkaday world as she ! escapes into a m arriage surrounded by the luxury

[p rovided by crinkling [greenery' dollar bills/ Will I Townlev bite into her dream

cake or will he as Ross supposes be hard nosed on paper financing"’ And what will Lucia s reaction be’ The tug of war between the two men good crusading jour nalism vs the businessman's desire for a quick profit and Lucia's strong will make for some humorous moments and a pleasant evening in the theatre . .

It is a blend of old and new as far as service at Intime staff goes Richard Ferrugio has designed a set that combines new art. with some marvelously functional office furniture that suggests that an office decorator had a hand in the design Above ail the chrome and tufted modern furniture hangs the stern photo of founding father hung in a rococo frame

Ms White is both appealing and imperious as she projects successfully) the role of a

upperbut wh< retains

hand over her emotions Newcomer Lauren yA nods is increasingly con­vincing as he warms up to his role as she hard headed editor, who has a nose for news, an eve for beautiful women, ami a fear of entanglements with the opposite sex Outstanding in his sm all v ignette o f a capitalist on the run is Randall Robbins who makes his In- time debut

This is William MeCleery’s welfth piay Several have

made it to Broadway We can but w ish him well in his latest enture Match Play ’ has the

mgredients that could spell success He offers us a good 'ime with some good lines

Elaine P Heinemann



Blossom featured n next Summer Sounds

KATE THE SHREW'S sister Bianca /Sunni Famngton banters with he Levin), white a bored retainer looks on. Shakespeare's comedv plays this Crossing Park's open air theatre


arts Sr leisurer theatre bills of the Shrew

WASHINGTON CROSSING The verbal magic and

bawdy wit of W illiam S h a k e s p e a r e ’ # c la s s ic comedy, “The Taming of the Shrew” will be brought to the stage of The Open Air Theatre at Washington Crossing State Park, Aug 3, 4 & 5 The production is being presented by Shakespeare 70-

Audiences for over 350 years have laughed at and with this fast paced comedy, as they enjoy the rollicking, no-holds barred battle of the sexes ’ fraught with wit and humor by Kate, the shrew, ami the free


M EET & M IXE»ary Fri, t Sot. ot 4 p.m


ItOUTE 1 X0RTK XEN BXUXSWlCk Mm S3.06 torn Adm $2.50)

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All aget lot* 20 * - iO i Nubile InvlfaU • No Club to Join

545 4994

spirited Petruchio Carl Wallnau stars as

Petruchio, the suitor who sets out to wed and “ tame” the sp irited Kate played by Colleen Smith The pair won critical praise for their per form ance in last season's “ Much Ado Aoout Nothing

Andrew Hornyak of Hamilton who recently ap­peared in “ Man of La Man­cha' at Artists Showcase is seen as Hortensio, suitor to Bianca, and Dr Lee Harrod of Hopewell appears as Baptists, father of “ the shrew”

Tom Moffit, who recently appeared as Sancho in “ Man of La Mancha,” appears as Grumio, Tenton psychologist Peter Sterman is seen as

PRINCETON — The rock- disco band Lotus Blossom " i l l be playing Friday, Aug 4

M) p m at Community Park field, as part of a series of free, outdoor concerts produced by Summer Sounds Ra indate is Aug 11,

Lotus Blossum ,” a relatively new band on the disco-rock scene, is the brain­child of Princeton native Dennis Alexander He is a student at Manhattan College who composes the songs, sings lead vocal and plays the keyboards He is joined by Todd Logan on bass guitar and Jim Allmgion, who helps with the arrangements and plays the drums and percussions Rounding out the group are

4ittor f ’anm >leman and Steve igton Bernstein on trumpet and

saxophone Both who have worked and recorded with Valentine. Touch of Class, and the Jacksops

The next Summer Sounds concert will be on Friday, Aug 18 at Nassau Green on Palmer Square Rocky Hill,” a blue grass hand, will be playing

v there at 7 30 p.m Then cm

Sept i, the rock group Castle ■ urn* wilt be playing at

Pardee Field The Summer Sounds concert series is 'upported by the Pn nee ton Youth Fund, the Arts Council and Princeton University-

State M useum exh ib its w ork of sen io r c itizens

'RENTON Mime than 100 ward-winning paintings by emor citizens trom ail areas

of New Jersey w ill be xhibited in he Auditorium tileries of the State Museum

"o n July 29 hrough Aug t3 Representing work by both

professional and non- professional artists, the

ward-winners were selected •arher rus summer in county- evel competitions sponsored hroughout the State by the "vision or Aging of the New tersey Department of Com

munity AffairsAwards will be presented at

;>ut>in reception honoring all he artists \n he Auditorium

Galleries at 2 30 p m Friday, Aug 4

ling i he Shrewis directed by John F. Erath, professor of English at Trenton State College, who specia lizes in Shapespeare and Renaissance and Restoration Drama Gerald E Guamieri is producing and designing the production with costumes designed by Jane Hauber and executed by Rosemarie Foris

Tickets at the open atr theatre are $3. for adults and $1 50 for children under 12

| Pointing*. G rap h ic l Photographs Craft* & ;« wair v

0W» io[s*S*t ftWi 14205 W St*tt Street

Trenton NJ fSOSl 39* 5310Free parking in state lot

t>e- i jseum on weekends

WfNikddy parkmq at Holiday Inn

■tj'Pcr meyw oum

Starts Friday Show* 7:15* 9:15

Bargain Show Son 5:20


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Shakespeare's TH E TAMENG

OF THE SHRE\SAugust 3, 4, 5

(Ram date Aug. 6)Cart** text 130 PJ1

Tickets $3.00 Students under 12 $1.50 ' 0o* Office Open at 4 00 P M on

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Burt Reynolds is " HOOPER

fcrwt** A Kent *

T h e S w a r m'r44 J:!4 St» 9t44

Hwrttof Frt 2-Jtta 4t4i 7:18


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BYE BYE BIRDIEst 10 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 7 , 18, 19

Starts Friday fCoth«rintt D*n«o«t Gioncorlo GUmnini



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The Holiday V

1445 WHITEHORSE MERCERVULE RD(B atw ow n K locknar * K u it r Rd r*nton N

a - Rl SHI ’ l r m r ** SEAFOOD * PASTA -a


Children Under 12 Per tenon

$4.95 $6.95B O B SM ITH S

L A M P L IG H T E R S' ne B Piece Orchevtra with me Sounds o» Tommy Oors«v Be- "* &<x>dm«n. A r il* Shaw. Gipn Miner

E V E R Y FR ID A Y 9 P M - 1 A M* W N C U I B A R LOTS O f t i l l » 4 » R N K

- MO C O V « » O R M H H AAW IH \ i* u o « « • « • * » o o » \ r

-1 »1

Trv OutPrinceton Street Theatre

3 One Act PlavsAug. 2 & 3 at 7 pm

Dorothea House 120 John St

(across field from mam Y building)


< r e k b

202 J* 202 4 *7 Bo* Office Show Starts DRIVE-IN 609397 0530 Opens 8 pm at Dusk

S T A R T I N G F R ID A Y T H R O U G H T H U R S D A '

Hit „ r ^ ____ . |HHG eorge C. Scott m I



G eorge C. Scott in



C H ILD R EN U N D E R 12 F R E E Mon. through Thurs. $3. per car

THIS WEEK W ed. thru Sun August 2-€ Frank Perry 's Flip, Absurdist Com edy W estern

RANCHO DELUXEwith Jeff Bridges Sard Waterston. Elizabeth

Ashley, Clifton James & Slim Pickens Plus: JOHN SCHLESINGER'S Classic

MIDNIGHT COWBOYwith Dustin Hoffman & Jon Voight

1969 Acadarny Awards Bast Picture Directoi Wed.. Thurs & Sun. RANCHO at 7:30, CO W BOY

at 9:15/Fn & Sat RANCHO at 8, CO W BOY at 9:45

M ercer County

4 H and Farmers Show

M ercer County Skating Center West Windsor

Thursday j pm Opening Ceremony August 3 Balloon Rides

Friday 9 am 4-H Exhibits, Petting Zoo,August 4 7 pm Dress Revue, Family Square Dance

Saturday 9 am Dog Show, Sheep ShowAugust 5 Baby Parade, Puppets, Floral

Demonstration, Refreshments

7 pm Queen Contest

-REE Admission and Parking


*2.75A ir conditioned K R E S G E A U D IT O R IU M on thePrinceton U niversity Cam pus at W ashington Rd A William St Free Parking For inform ation call M cCarter Theatre 9 21 8 70 0


MATCH PLAYa new comedy by Princeton s

W illiam M cCleery Aug. 3-6

CALL 452 8181to r re se rv a t io n s M u rra y Thea tre P rin ce ton Univ

Co mingNext:A g o th a C h r is t ie s


m - m i T i ' S L Z Z u ,ir i i j s x2 /A sm iiffiiv * vm uftlZENS WITm AWC CARO $2.25 v " - i -v- ENGAGEMENTS

tn: „ iu i iw r n n i

Aug. 2 They Cal! Me

Mr. Tibbs!- Sidney Po it le r

J 1

I M 4S

Aug. 9Cool Hand Luke

-■ Paul N e w m a n

A ll sh o w in g s 8 pm M cC o rm ick A r t M u seu m

P rin ce to r

rickets *1.501

#!*'•• ip"< ! n - a rsA M rrc xT i s w J b k - h i a n a m

A JAWS 2 x r n rrts rs O N ELT H EARTS

W i — CLOT SAffDP f T * ,’N'vtetAA KUAM JBfl I

» W tC lA i (X & A IM M IN -[ l M 4 U F lTSLH f-M i-4 #0-1*:i l 1 1 S - .r u .* : J0MMO- i 0: i f

OUTER SPACE 5,;3QK w m m


WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD !Tujrsda\ August .'i. 19781 4 -A


open (For business 24hours a day;7 days a week i2 weeks a yearplace vodr ad Monday Friday

sen 9 and 5 he results i for themselves.will spea

201 297-3434 (Mon., Tues., Fri.)

• e a r


I "he i awrencp! /xjgtTTHE CENTRAL POST

WINDSOR H IG H TS H E R A LD Seven For Central Jersey


The Mdnville News' rv f M n k S in V E H A R E C O R D

Classified AdvertisingThursday, August 3,1978 1 FF /

Bus nes BusinessO p p o ^ u " o p

Business BusinessOpportunities Opportunities

COUPLES k SINGLES, work together building a business -Start part-time and grow We help Phone for appointment 201-874-5990

FOR SALE — Small growing copy center print shop in Princeton Junction Exc prospects for expansion Call 609-799-0210

STOrtE IN NEW HOPE Main St,, good lease 1 person can operate it Inventory, fixtures A more readv for excellent profits now in high season All tor only 09750 for quick sale Cal! owner m ornings or evenings 609-466 1819


We are a world-wtd« Wader in the health care tnduttry and have a chaHengtng opporutnitv available for an Electro- Vtechantca Technician in our Special Research Group, located m North Brunewick

We are seeking an individual with a minimum of 2 years of technical training, with work experience in prototype eeeembh and in the use of; eiecrorac test equipment This diverse position will enable the employee to experience all aspects of prototype fabrication including mechanical assembly circuit wiring end trouble shooting Ultimately this beck ground wit enable the individual to tv ogress to a position on our field service staff with excettenr growth potential

W e provide excellent working condrtrioftt, a comprehensive benefits package tuition reimbursement and com pertsation geared to individual performance and growth

Reply in confidence stating experience and salary history in detail tot

iOOtlSOf! & JOftltSOfSaecM (issasrtti Umap

l i f t Carparst* Ksse Ihsf KHats Inm iti n., m e ;saesrtsi# Sawed Caatafcaact

ACCEPTED, SUCCESSFUL PROGRESSIVE — restaurant in rustic rural area, needs to expand its operation We seek two individuals with time, energy creative ideas and/or capital to invest We are into natural, healthy foods, & a work alternative with high potential Serious persons who identify with the above please call 609-259-2136. Wed-Sun. 12- 4pm

FULL OR PART TIM E Couples & individuals for business of your own Local AMWAY distributor trains you for splendid opportunity Phone 609-448-3183 8-lQpm

PRE-CAST Concrete business tor sale Terms available 201-359-3000

V E N D IN G m a c h i n e ROUTE — 3 new gum and mint machines on location Must sell 201-297-5046

BUY A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS - earn upwards of $20/hr FU sell you a state of the ar> raeque' stringing machine k equip you w/a host of supplies for a complete string & gnp business set own h ou rs / m a k e h a n d s o m e profits, interested parties, call Klaus at 201-297-3149

E STAB LISH E D BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT - Ample parking, nominal rent Call anytime 609-737-0259

R E TA IL BUSINESS center of Princeton Cali Audrey Short at Realty World Audrey Short, Inc 609-921-9222



Experienced m mechanics- equipment design with knowledge of piping Trenton area Established company with excekeni -inge benefits

Reply to Box #01*63 c/o Princeton Packet

LandscapeS u p e r t r » t « r « 1 * - -

Minimum of 2 years iex penence Company benefits j

The Dawson CorpW indsor, N, J 08561

6 0 9 -4 4 3 1561



We have openings

curacy with figures to operate a 10-key adding machine Will train 1:30 P M to 6:30 P.M 4 day week Lawrence To w n ­ship

Please apply directly to the Per sonnel Department, Main Of fice. 9 AM to 11 AM , or 1 PM to 4PM


NATIONAL BAN*1 West State St

Trenton. N. J . 08603Equal Opporiurary Emplew

R E S T A U R A N T LEASE HOLD — in nearby shopping center Busy owner tiring Capacity 150 3840 sq ftBeautiful layout and equip ment. Call for details Broker V> Brickely 609-924-7474

UNIQUE PR IN T IN G PLA N T - Established 28 yrs ownerretiring If interested call 609-392-1168

H e l p W antedSMALL. Active Advertising Agency, needs a Recep t ionist 'Secretary Bookkeeper who types well and has a car Interested and varied duties Please call 9-10 a m only 609 921 2093

T W O P R E - S C H O O L (■ A HERS NEEDED for

YM CA pre-school programs, afternoons noon to 5:30, teaching certifica tion , ex ­perienced in aquatics, music, arts & crafts k pre-school gym desired Inquire YM CA office. 609-924-4825

CLERK-TYPISTPart-time, Interesting position. Som e flexibility in hours. G ood typing required Som e fringe benefits available Excellent working conditions



moapfwre of a bury resist and are interested in earm good salary and liberal be including shopping disco BAM BERGER'S * the ptac you!Our C A R R IA G E HO R E S TA U R A N T has an ope tor an experienced set

work a full 11 30 am 8

COOKsc heck Mon Sat wrth a day the week We seek hard working indivd familiar wrth r operations


QUAKER BRIDGE M Lawrenceville, N , *tn «|u»i OOpOftu

N A S S A U P LA C E M E N T S ...by Bea Hunt We specialize in secretaries at the executive level.

95 Nassau Street 609 924 3716

a c c o u n t a n t /AN ALYST

Immediate opening in the financial Planning Dept of a World-Wide Operation located in the Princeton area

R e sp o n sib ilitie s 'in c lu d e assistance in preparation of m onthly financial reforcasts, annual financial plans, variance analysis, etc

Growth potential and excellent binge benefits Accounting degree/0-1 year experience

,e- lesume B o x # 0 1 9 ** eto The Princeton Packet

An sous* oppom m wv em ploy*' M F

Call Farsonnal fo r appointm ent

2 0 1 -8 7 4 -4 0 0 0 C a r r ie r F o u n d a t io n

B o l l * M e a d , N . J.

iquoi Opportunity Employer M F

Princeton Savings and Loan Association

W a n t e d F u l l T i m e

M o r t g a g e C la r k , experience preferred

T e l l e r experience preferred

T e i e p h o n e O p e r a t o r , will train


Paid benefits, pleasant surroundings

Call for appointment Personnel O ffice 8 0 9 -9 2 4 -0 0 7 8 , E x t . 9

An Equal Opportunrtv E mglovar M *




Good typing and steno skills needed for this diversified position tn our Marketing Department

S E C R E T A R Y / H I G H T S T O W N

Good jobs available now. close to home. Hight stown Princeton Cranbury & Twin Rivers. Good pay Good Hours Never A Fee

Good tYP'Dig skfUs required Will work for various people our Engineering Oepar?mjen?

A D J U S T M E N T C L E R K /

H I G H T S T O W NTo work in our Credit Depart mem. Must have knowledge accounting terms with 6 months to one yea' general off*< e ex.

Call Today! W ork T o m orrow !

609-882-0030 609-5865898sw ift tem ps

penence u»ood msth-iiPiiitY a must

K E Y P U N C H O P E R A T O R /

H I G H T S T O W N / S O B R U N S W I C K

6 months to one year experience on G2S or 129 eouipmen* S Y S T E M S A N A L Y S TPositfons are ocatfd in our Highstnvvn and Sc Bn; -sw c* facilities. Company jjffers good salaries and Oenefits 'npa- « offers good salaries and benefits CaH 18088 448 4000 or apply at:


Position available immadiatafy on our temporary stari for a systems analyst for data processing standards Responsibilities include analysis of riWNfti, design of i m M t y studies, and the development and writing of recommended standards and procedures Tw o years technical writing experience, preferably in the data processing area necessary Flexibility in hours and schedule possible »ease ca» 609-921 9000, Ext 3641 for an interview


L IG H T IN G C O R P O R A T IO NBank Streat, Hkghtatown, N J 0*520

Lgu#i Opporfunwy t m&ovm Wf

Help W anted Help W anted ^eip W anted p W onted Help W antedCOMPUTER OPERATOR - we have an im m ediate opening for a com puter operator with a minimum of 2 years experience in DP en vironment This is a full time permanent position To arrange for an interview, call 609-924-5900 ext 203


Princeton NJ 98540An equal opportunity em ­ployer



Let Selective pay for your vacation with the above average salaries you’ll make working at our local com panics We offer •Above average salaries •Bonus plan •Pension plan•Short & long term assign ments•Plush companies close to home

We have no contracts. Stop in, ask for Wayne or call 609-452 1400


Mercer Mall, U S #1 Next toK M ar Princeton; ItJ

PROGRAM M ER - COBOL 3 or more yrs. experience CICs a plus Local companv Great benefits Fee paid $29,000 Call Carol King. Swift and Swift, 690 Whitehead Road, Lawrenceville 609-989-7200

SYSTEM S^ A N A L Y S T - $22,300 IBM 370 and familiar with COBOL Knowledge with minis a plus Fee paid Call Carol King Swift and Swift, 690 W hitehead Road, Lawrenceville. N.J. 609-989 7200.______________________CLERK TYPIST/



You will be the first person that clients of this super company see Your skills and m aturity along with your pleasant personality will make you the winning candidate for this spot Good spelling, good grammar and accurate typing are a must Don’t hesitate, this job is waiting for vou to start NOW


101 College Road East Princeton N J 609-452-1122

DRAFTSMAN / W - In­dividual needed to work in com m ercia l design Sheet metal experience a plus $13,000 and up Fee paid Excellent benefits Call Jane Rogers. Swift Personnel, 69G Whitehead Road 609-989-7200

S E C R E T A R vImmediate opening for a secretary wrth excellent typing skills. Must be a self starter for this diversified , position Knowledge of Spanish a plus

Excellent working conditions and firnge benefit* Call Mrs Maresca at 609 924 $500 ext211 tor an interview


Nkwston, New JerseyA n £qu«t O p p o m tm y Em tfov** M /f

P R O M O r > O N


Immediate Opening Drv. of Indust Giant Seeks ex periencea manager tech services group $35,000 plus bonus (Fee Paid). Interface w/research & manufacturing Chem./Mech Engineer Degree a must Phd preferred Contact Wfresume:

Dean Wentz Asaoc

121 W Broad St.Guakertown 18951

215-538 1 177Responding to Needs


Energetie management con suiting firm is seeking equally energetic front office secretary

Able to work Independently at variety of office tasks - ex cetlenl typing SC W PM pleasam and competent telephone manner routing office duties The more capable you are the more respan srbiltties will add qn. At least one yes> cterica background Casual small office atmosphere Excellent benefits 170-176 Call for interview appointment


Ad (sou* oppcrtuf

SEC R ETA R YFor sales office o f ' dynamrc company in minicomputer related industry Respon sibilities include typing, telephone liaison. T W X correspondence making travel arrangements etc

WIRE PERSO NResponsibilities are for assem bling wiring harnesses andm ech an ica l assembly o f test equipm ent from blueprints

Cal or send resume to:Mm Ackers

SOB '99-0071D A T A R A M

CO RPO RA TIO NPr»»c**on-Hight*town Road

Crantourv.NJ 08612


All grades, all subjects required | Certification required.

WE NEED A HIGH SCH O O L NURSESchool Nurse Certificate required

CALL Mrs Bowman (609) 799-0200)Was! Windsor Ptemsboro Regional

P.O Box 248 Princeton Junction, N J 08550Where I f ceUonce In Education 1$ A Keallty*

An Iquat Opportunity employer

MICROWAVES e m ic o n d u c t o r C o r p

A leading masubctiirei of transistor: S amolifiers is nos seeking qualified Utrionaef to fill the h>Ho»mf positions

•OPERATORSmm fitocESsme met?ne tilth 4 3C »*> AM

• OPERATORSOff BOUkTIkt SOLDEtWt.•HIRE 80801 XL 2*4 Shift

• TESTERS -full time-dap. familiarity unfit test equipment such as oscilloscopes parameters frequency i generators etc a plus

[nceilent saury 6 company benefits CONTACT: A. MiftOffOt



ISO Setts* nous* Asad I m b Somerset »e» lersei[ XnEaiWOooonunev [mplcrw


PLUSHPlush company needs mature minded person to answer phones & type No fee, allbenefits. Calf Cindy, 609-452- 1400


Mercer Mall, U S, #1 next to K-Mart Princeton, NJ

RECEPTIONIST for national real estate management company with headquarters in Princeton Terrific position for dynamic dilhgent individual Telephone, typing, filing etc Excellen t starting salary Phone Mr Rowland at 609-924 8038

E LE C TR O N IC TECH — Entry level position for in­dividual with micro-computer circuitry knowledge *11,440 Fee paid Full benefits package Call Jane Rogers Swift Personnel 690 ■*+ ehead Road. 609-989-7200

CLERK TYP IST Start $160 a week Fee Paid En joy hniking” Then this spot is for

you* Great typing will get you top area organization , beautiful surroundings great benefits Call Irene Carter. 609-989-7200 Swift Personnel 690 Whitehead Road,Lawrenceville2% ____ ________________ _

F U L L 'P A R T T IM E homemakers, students & those w limited incomes if vou-are willing or able .to work 4 or more hours per day doing light assembly & brazing or if you have air conditioning exp call 609-466-3403


On all shifts for RN's, LPN's, tor vacation relief on temporary basis Competitive salary Calor write:

M orris Holl Haolth I Rehab Center

2381 Law renceville Rd awrencevitle % J86461609)896-9600 Ext. 216

Equal Opportunity tm p ta r*



Interesting and diversified secretarial position for the Con­troller of W o rld -W id e Operations at corporate headauaners in Princeton.

Good typing and aptitude for. figures essential Cal! Ms Anglr at 909-924-850Q ext249 for an interview


prina»ton, New Jm wtA n «qu*t opportunity emptoyet m/1


TUESDAY 11 30 AM to 1 30 PM W EDN ESDA Y 730 PM to 11 "00 PM SATURDAY 7 30 PM to 11 00 PM

Good salary working con­ditions and fringe benefits



f-ouai Opportunity Employ*.

N U R S E S RN'SPART TIME 7-3 & 3-11

Good Sa-tary hinge benefits

CaS personnel Dept E20118744000


6qu* Opoonunitv EmjXoy®. MW


T r a in fo r Restaurant Management Excellent starting salary

CaH for Appointm ent201 526-6876

Between 10 am and 2 pm or 3pm and 6 pm Monday through Frnury


^ A Y R O L l


Responsibilities include preparation of input for payroll entering and running payroll on System 34 Computer, preparation of payroll tax report & accounting records Duties also include data entry for and running of general ledger and accounting records main tenance High School diploma and courses tn bookkeeping required Minimum of 1 veer experience in txxjkeeping or payroll. Experience in computer work preferred but not essential

We offer campus atmospnere 4 weeks vacation after 1 year and other benefits including 35 hour week

Ca» Bunntn Manager S 0 M 7 ' MOO 0>et R o m


An « q u * opportunity orfipioym


Kelly has assignments foryou...NOW!



We need experienced Typists, Transcriprionists, Stenograph ers and Secretaries shorthand 80 wpm. typing 55 wpm + )

inventem working loSsttons excellent working conditions assignments as frequently as you wish and our employeesget TOP PAY Come in or call1

3131 Prmceton Pike Lawrenceville 896 1010

2733 Nottingham Way Mercerville 890-8080

K ELLY GIRLDmnatort erf K*#y Srfvscrb taum OpporTunrry E m p lo y * M/F

S A L E SIf you are interested m the challenge of retailing, but don't like working tong hours, we have the (Oba tor you

DAY PART TIMEWe are now seeking sales minded individuals for PER MANENT day pan time positions on the following schedules11am-5pm 1:45-6 45 pm

MONDAY-SATURDAY With a day off during the week!


PERMANENT Sales positions are available on the following evening schedules T ues & Thors Eves 5 45-9-45 SATURDAY 115-9:45Sunday 11466:15These are excellent positions that provide a source of ad­ditional income for those m drviduals interested m working eves and weekends

These are NOT Summer temporary positions. THEY ARE PERMANENT

We offer good starting salaries •beta) benefits that include a generous store wide shopptung discount


'W < L

QUAKER BRIDGE MALL uawrencevifte, NJ

M eguh o w w rtuo ily «m<jtoy»r M 4

The Princeton Pocket Nem tpapert 300 W lthenpoon » „ P.O Sox 350

Princeton N.J 0*540 60« *24 3244

South Somerset Newspapers P.O, Sox 144

Somerville N.J. '2011725 3300



: on e sq u a re ie r •a x h i« tt« r , n u m k t i space at punctuation )

4 LINES - 1 IN SERTIO N ......................................... .................................. ....................... $3.003 INSERTIONS no changes paid before b illin g ........................................... $4.50

W billed add 50c billing charge




THE PRINCETON PACKETHie l.awrRnre l/sdger

Seven For Ceritral JerseyTHE CENTRAL POST


Classified JfduertisingATfLLSROROl KiH BEACOfSf

T h e M d n v H le N e w s

Thjp fra n klin NEWS RECORD

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help WantedMEDICAL RECORD DATA ENTRY CLERK -W e seek an individual to process clinical case reportsC R T Medical terminotogi a

pr<Data entry (via

must A R T or equivalent a plus We offer an excellen starting salary & a g<|>od benefits package For further in form ation eontac' Cakol Morgan, E R Squibb & Sobs Inc PO Box 4000, Princeton N J 08540 hoshc 14386 An e^ual opportunity emplovjer

RN — pan time evening shift'. In q u ire A d m in is tra to r . Sunny field Nursing Home, 161 Maplewood Ave Cranburv NJ 609 395-<)64i


A rapidly growing, centrally located research firm has ab immediate opening on rts production staff for an esj penanced technical typisj

Must type at least 65 wpm, nejt. minimum t yr experience Ability and willingness to woijk overtime, including weekends on short notice. Please can Eleanor Pickensjpr interview at 609 799 2600 ext 302

An opportunity •mpiovf' m l I j

m g t t r a i n e e p r i n t i n gDiversified position available with growing retail printing center located m Princeton N J Experienced preferred but will consider bngh! am­bitious candidate Salary com m ensurate with e x ­perience G rea t ipport uni ty tor advancement Call after 10 am for interview 609-924-6937

T Y P I S T to * 1 5 6


Fantastic company needs person with accurate typing & good phone voice All benefits no fee Call Arlene, 609-4521400.


. Mercer Mall. L S *!Next ot K Mart Princeton NJ


Opening for 3 receni gradua to assist m project level des»c n tasks Physics appreciate v -a interest tn micro processo added plus


EN G IN EEROpen for experience analog/digitsl circuit design for -project level assignments the conceptualization ar design of state-of-the-art mici processor board in strurrentation. Requires n depth design background along with experience n leading a protect from design i o productionSalaries comensurate wnh abilities and experience. Con­tact Gary Sehneer ext 261


f uH time positions in expanding production departmerit Musi be capable of PC board asserf bte and soldering, chassis ar d cable wiring and other asser - bly tasks Experience preferred Contact 8ob Perry ext 235

P R IN C ETO N G A M M A TEC HW ashington Street Rock* Hit NjfMRfe

8091924 7310cttwrin cemiMKir p#*tf bmneftt* and opportunity amplov««


Central NJ psychiatric hospital requires a Director of plant operation* to administer program for maintenance of bukdtng grounds, equipment 6 security Supervision of a staff of 27 Assist m planned faddy expansion. L.P Black Seal, S-1 ot S-2 licenses helpful Excellent fringe benefits package

Send resume stating salary requirements to Box 01969Princeton Packet, 300 Witherspoon St„ Princeton. NJ 08540

fcpuN Opportunity Employs* MAN


'Do you have a flak foi make-up and enjoy dealing with people? H so we may have a job for you a* Lead Urje Salesperson for LANCOME, JOVAN, RUBINSTEIN and CHARLES OF THE RIT2 Schedule is fun time 3754 hour work week 2 Saturdays per month required The ideal candidate shoutd be an experienced aggressive saies oriented i, dividual who would like to put their talents to work m return for a good starting salary liberal company benefits and generous storewide discount



Equ*1 Opportunity Employ** M*

Accounts Receivable BookkeeperResponsibilities include cast' receipts and tutting on an automated bookkeeping machine for j an active service organization Must posses? aoove average skills in organization accuracy, flexibility dependability and initiative as well as the ability to communicate effectively Applicants mujtt have bookkeeping experience and typing «s required. The salary grade range is 98,111 to *10,643, and we offer an excellent benefit program Interested applicants apply to: Kathleen McGrath, Business Services Dept P 0 Bo* 909 Trenton, N J, 09605

An aouljl opportunity #mptoy»*

SECRETARIESecretary to Regional Logistics Manager

We have an immedtaje opportune to 4 years experience tfc> work witf Manager In addrt. candidate onust ha- listings and comph or willingness to lei

> gc tb'i


the c

? exc


Secretary to Regional Sales Development Manager

Our Regional Sales Development Manager is presently looking for a top flight secretary ir addition to norma' secretarial duties of typm j, stem, and interfacing with compa; v executives you wilt assist in the establishment of the department, coordinate the sites and training materials handling request and inquiries as (necessary Secretarial background in sales a plus, but,an qualified candidates will be considered Th-5 position is located ar the Princeton Regional Headquarters

To apply tor either cjf these positions please sena you’' esume to Joan Harkins Digital Equipment Corporation Dept G730 3297 U S. Route 1 CN 2 Princeton N J. 08540 We are

iquat i T

i * l,• *


RN - M F. 3pm to 11 36 pro Extended care facility Very good opportunity to com e aboard with a highly ac credited m edical facility Good working conditions Wonderful opportunity for future advancement Apply in person 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri Franklin convalescent Center Rt 27 Lincoln Hw\ Franklin Park NJ



Test e lec tr ica l equipment, estimate engineering time and equipment cost plan and coordinate detailed phases of e lectrica l design and development for a number of projects, customer service as required, and direct the work of designers and draftsperson If you have 4-5 yrs design experience in power e lec ironies, a good understanding of thermodynamics, and a strong theoretical and math background, come to TOWN today Remember, never a fee to the applicant at TOWN


101 College Road East Princeton, N J 609 452-1122

S E C R E T A R YWe seek an individual with ex ceflen: typing, shorthand, and mag card skills Must have two to four years secretarial ex penance We offer an excellent starring salary and a good benefits package For further information contact

M* Carol Morgan EJR. SQ U IB B

f t SO N S INCPrbxcaWm, *| J MB*



1609s *46-6500 (609i 896-2323

Routt 130 Htfhtitoart NJ.

If you are in a bind, ” G F ’ will help you find

. . .a job Receptionist


Dictaphone Bookkeeper

Keypunch Operator General Laborer

B O N U S E SNever a Fee


If you have a flak for colot and design and you re mechanically inclined why not put your talents to work with BAM BERGER'S Displav Team* Display experience is neeesaarv Opportunity for future growth

We offer a good starting salary, and liberal benefits including generous store wide discount on everything you buy'


QUAKER BRIDGE L a w re n c e v ilte

" *Qu*i opportunity *rrq

RESEARCH T Y P IS T — ■>k tiled tvpist needed for the month of Aug. to assist in the preparation of reserach papers Requ ires above average typing speed good gram m atica l skills, e x ­perience w charts and tables, and ability to make neat c o r r e c t io n s S e le c t r ic

pewriter, congenial work environment, and excellent -alary, including paid lunch hour Further inform ation please call: Carol Hanawalt at "‘H 799 2600 ext 354

Mathematica Inc P O Box 2392

Princeton, N J 08540 Equal Opport unity

Employer M 'F

PROGRAM M ER Systems, Cobol Teleprocessing 123,000 Fee paid Call Carol King Swift and Swift 690 Whitehead Road, Lawrenceville, N J 609-989-7200

PRESS ROOM U T IL IT Y PERSON Excellent opportunity for person to operate various simple machines and perform routine inventory, m ain­tenance and utility work in an in-plant print shop Will train Heavy lifting and basic mass skills required Suburban Princeton location P lease contact Debbie Bart 609-921 2806 ext 210 for interview

1 OR -RStiNN* «11114 State tone Nacam

m 9244SUJLtWJCAl, produrDo*: rtrtoo* * »BOOKKEEPER 9 mREcmwasT tvpw % mACCOUNTANT ,«n*> * 9KWD«0 *>NOC€SSlNG * 9*AOMMSTRAtIVC ASSISTANT 9 9KSCCRETAWY S 9KTYPIST, Mfelce • UK !Hh tfM • 12KStCRTTARv 412KCOMPUTER OPERATOR I13KACCOUNTANT com •UKPROGRAMMER HMmWv »20KSALES, *ofrw*r« •20A£€ FM duHW csomiTf 8-30*.EE Macro-w»v« 932*

riBurne oi kppwmmen

CLERK TYPISTSWe re seeking individuals who type at least 40 wpm. have math aptitude enjoy workingWitn people and can handle busy phones Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM Please apply directly to the Per sonrrel Department, Mam Of­fice, 9 AM to 11 AM or t PM to 4 PMI


1 West State StTrenton, N 'J. 08603

€qu** Opportunity Emptoy*r

»f- P A P ’' M E N 'm a n a g e


Quaker Bridge Mali

Excellent opportunity for a person with strong reedy to wear or accessories experience For appointment call manager s office at 609 799-9500

An vqua oppomrfWY ampteyw


B a n k in g P o s it io n s

FuN Tim e:STATEMENT CLERK statement preparation and telephone


Part Time

ng, sorting and telephone

check cashing and deposit

jyee Denerits including ension. Call <6091924


An Equal Opportunity Employe* MiF

GROUP TEACHER —j needed for Day Care Center hrs. of E arly Childhood related subjects or Early Childhood degree needed Experience preferred Salary S6500 to 8500 per yr, 40 hr week 52 wks a vr Better Beginnings Child Developm ent Center, an Equal Opportunity Employer For further information call Pat Smith 609-448-6226 days


Responsib ilities include preparation of input for payroll, entering and running payroll on System 34 Com puter preparation of payroll tax reports & accounting records Duties also include data entry for and running of general ledger and in b o o k k e e p in g r e q u ir e d Minimum of 1 year experience in bookkeeping or payroll Experience in Computer work preferred, but not essential

We offer campus atmosphere 4 weeks vacation after 1 year and other benefits including 35 hour week

Call Business Manager 609-921 -8300 l bet 9-3pm !


An equal opportunity employer


Position available immediately for technical assistant in math learning center far N J Com­munity College Duties include working wnh students! in small groups, record keeping and related assignments Position requires associate degree in math Experience in similar position desirable Salary range minimum *8 400. Respond in writing on or before August 15, 1978 to Mercer County Com munity College Pesonjnel Ser­vices Department H, Box B,

Trenton, N J. 08690Opportunity

Afftmattvg >ct«oc fcmptpygi

:h ecker$MARKERS

Behind the scenes openings available to work Full Time 8 em 4:30 pm Monday Friday

We otter a good starting salary, liberal benefits include generous store wide shoppingdiscoun t.



Lawrenceville, NJ*n xgual opportunity omployot MIX


Three Assistant Football

One Asststant Field Hockey

One Assistant Boys Soccer

Successul candidates must have valid N Jl Teaching Cer­tificate

Interested applicants should send resume or call


609- 924 5600Personnel Office Box 711

Princeton, N, j CJ854C;EouaJ Opportunity

Atftrmatrvw Ac*oc Emptoy*’

Princeton Packet


OO D IS P L A Y 7 W A Y S !


Mercer County Community College needs pan and full time cafeteria workers to prepare and serve food, assist at special catered affairs and other food service duties Must have good understanding of safety and sanitation precautions and be able to deal effectively with the public Please call for appt 609-586 4800 Ext 249

fctjuai Opportunity Aftfrm*tiv« Action Emptoy**

Temporary,AN ’" 'ji »

TYP 6J FILE? CLERICAL W O«K ’ STENO? «U K BU SIN ESS M ACHINES? LIFTC a r t o n s > a r r a n g e s t o c k ? l ig h t ASSEM BLY




SOUTH MUNSWKX Rat t owxwt Qo* AH* 12S20AC OMV >03 PM Ciowcl FnOw


ELEMENTARY s c h o o lForty per cent temporary position, starting September 1, to provide individual and/or small group instruction for speech and/or language d e v e l o p m e n t . Job includes assessment of student needs consultation with classroom teachers and parents and participation in child study team evaluations and program development Master s level training with school experience preferred N J ‘Certification as speech correctionist required Submit resume to Personnel Office by August6, 1978 or call


609-924-6600Personnel Office Box 711

Princeton, N J :«£»*<Equal Opportunity

Attwm m we A cuon Emptoy**


Entry level position with Princeton Advertising Research Firm. Prior experience would be helpful Excellent fringe benefits.

M A PES b RO SS INC 1101 State Road Pewtcetoc N J 08&40


DIRECTOR OF ADM INISTRATIONKey corporate position reporting to President of organization

Responsibilities include development of personnel office, salary and benefits admnistranon affirmative action plan

Assist President | m development of financial controls and systems, special proiects

The ideal candidate wtll have a minimum of 3 years experience in personnel administration andtor financial management

Send resume and salary requirements to

PfBSfdwrttRESPO N SE A N A LY SIS P .0 Bo* 158PrinoBtort N J 0854C

Eoupf OppOftufMTV Ernpioypr

Thursday, August 3. 1978

Hefp WontedG A R D E N E R W AN TE D -r- horse breeding farm needs person full time, to care for grounds Exp required All necessary equipment owned by farm Pleasant working conditions Good pav Call 609 737 2873 or write Box *01981 c/o Princeton Packet

TYP IST RECEPTIONIST - needed for local company Will also do light accounting good typing skills necessary Call Sedgewick Print Out Systems 609-452-1660

PR IN C E TO N BASED - Marketing communications firm seeking m arketing consultant account exectuive Must have strong planning, strategy & marketing skills & conceptual capab ilities In ­dividual will be responsible for account management in the tele - communications busi­ness Reply to Box *01990


Jr spoi good ste worldwide market m anager Opening promotion S88<X) Fee


228 Alexander St Princeton NJ 08 40




•- 7 Help WontedM AC HINE DESIGNER

Tto, for Research due to paid

Excellent opportunity for new product design & im ­provements on existing line . w small m anufacturer of Ext 40precision m achinery for plastics processing Minimum 3-5 years experience Send resume and salary data to Chief Engineer, 'Foster &Allen. Ind, P 0 Box 1980 Somerville, N J 08876

1 LERK STENO Immediate position available Must be accurate typist and have knowledge of shorthand Fullm*i rvw .* ___/-i____ _____nieposiiior Contac 609-896

Ext -


IW \• ' W'N istime foryou louse yourjskills to move forward in your Local company is’ look bright individual with supervisory experience and a background familiar 4-ith OS, DOS. and VM for tlfeir shift If you are ready forward call TOWN ’

career’ ng for a

2 yrs

2nd to move


101 College RoadPrinceton N J 609

NCYlast-452 1122

L P N — M 'F . 3pm to 11 30 ptn Extended care facility v ery good opportunity to come aboard with a highly ac­credited m edical fac ility Good working conditions Wonderful opportunity for future advancement Apply in person 9am to 5 pm.Moh to Fn. Franklin Convalescent Center. Rt 27. Lincoln Hwv, Franklin Park NJ

THE PRINCETON PACKET needs a press helper Must

have driver s license Call Mr Pellicciaro for interview at 609-924-3244


ra n tor Restaurant Managemen; Encellem starting salary

Can tor Appointment 201 52645876

Between 10 am and 2 pm or 3 pm and 6 pm Monday through Friday

M a r jo r ie V f. H a l l id a v s


AGENCYSpecializing ijt

Tem porary HelpPermanent Placements tn

Secretarial, Clerical Executive, EDP'and

Technical I352 Nassau St Princeton

t 609 924-9134

SECRETARIESClient pays oil lees

Secretary/Administrative Asst

* 9.620Secretary/No Steno 9,360Vy/Dec Typist 9,620Secretary'Sales 8,840Secretary/Bookkeeper 11,000

S w ift and S w ift

6 0 9 -8 8 2 -0 0 3 0

6 0 9 -5 8 8 -5 8 9 8

Save Opoonunny Imptovnxni Ape*:,


We seek an individual with ek penence in typing statistical reports Position require* a high tevei of accurarv and near ess The individual will also be

responsible for coordination of cost reports In addition normal secretarial and functions will be required We offer an excellent

starting salary and a good benefits package For further information contact

Carol Morgan 6 R SQUIBB b SONS INC

M R 43MAn Equal Opqom jM iY Emcaoyw M /F


T e m p o r o q 1WHAT CAN YOU DO’


k ? l ig h t

t v r rt yog » n 'ogn tono wijit*. anatt*»<• s r v c f coniotnv * j r ’t lad th« from rsg*» wring wrtri us

F stop you

Or-ri 1 v»r? « DKAMMCy W « d N>< vigfres-7«t«s wsekty pSyCtYSCfe: mj'on Wing*b*nsf'ts triarr sn v ofh»? s«jv ie s comperw *nd nmm c riargs e f##. .*V*r


SOUTH M UN SW tCK H e #! O p * « ..ND«m> JMM) JW IWf Omih 1S-3 PMmm*




t*Gome join our staff working in our beautiful Carriage HouseRestaurant1 If you enjoy good tips, and flexible day [art time schedules including Satur days the we have aj job foryou1

We offer a good startiri/ liberal benefits packace storewide shopping d«

a p p l y personnel

g salary and a





Full Charge

With secretarial skills Ex­perience necessary in payroll, costing,A/R, A/P, general ledger, etc Excellent fringebenefits Hours, 8 4*30 or wilt consider part time Available immediately

C L E R K - p *S t

Interesting, diversified position. Excellent Typmg skills required Phone contact and general clerical duties. Must have experience Excellent fringe benefits Hours, 8 4:30Available immediately

Call 201-754-3355An Equ*» Ooportunrty Employe?




H you have numerics, aptitude and a minimum of 1 yew s clerics1 or cashiers experience, you may be on the threshold of a stimulating hew career as a Franklin State Bank tetter With your skills our training will give you the tools to get you off to a good start on your new career in banking *P S We hire experienced tellers toolPART t'IME. Starting salary to$3.00 per hour

EAST WINDSORHours 3-8 daily and 9-12’Saturday

KINGSTONHours 10-2 daily 12-8 Fridays and 9-12 Saturdays To fom our staff of fnendty people please can 1201 745- 6141 or 1201) 745-6144


Corporate Headquarters•30 FranMbt Btvd

Somareat, NJ. 0M73roue Oooonurwv tmotova M/W

ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR-nam. esearc’ firm has an excellent opportunity available to

raais' toe directo1 of contracts administration Successful andidate should nave some college or relevant office & ac ounting experience Excellent written Ft verbal com-

a no ns sk*iis Musi be able to work wen under pressure " ’ " W ' staff & wo'« ong hours whor reouired to meetleadlines r more years experience with preparation of cosiness proposals ir epsonse to requests for proposals & wrth government contracts procedures fflease send resume with salary requirement to:

P R .-232Box . 393 Princeton N.J 08540

A" *<AMN oopommitv »mploy4»r M If



Excellent opportunities for semiretired or moonlighters to beat the high cost of living wrth an extra job*

O PEN IN G G U A RDWe are seeking a re dividual to (pin ourDept or, a part time Jasis 24hour work week, 6 arrM o n S a t to b e re s p o n s ib le fo rthe security of our

rable m Security

10 am

during pre-opening hours

C LO SIN G GUWe have an immediate on a part time evening Mon., Wed Fn Sun per week I to be respoi detective work as closing of the store

ARDopening schedule 16 hours

fsibie for as thewell

The idea! candidates should have previous law enfi vcement related experience arjd desire career stability

We offer a good starting salary, libera: company benefits and generous store wide discount



QUAKER BRIDGE! M ALL Lawrenceville,' NJ

opoonunitv «*mpiid4fw M/T '



NEW SKILLSVf 'ram You On the-Job, Especially If You Have

Any Kind of Background in


or have some experience and aptitude in using tools or controlling processes

~ A k . JUR GROWTHWe are a pacesetter in the fast-expanding, highly interesting field of photo-electric industry devices and instruments This a an excellent career held We are constantly m need of more people who have skills or want to team our growth means many opportunities to move aheadTechnical training can be valuable, but rt a not essential WE LL TRAIN YOU

We are a unit of a large worldwide company Working con dmors are excellent salaries and benefits attractive °te8»e cal

6 0 9 ! 7 9 9 .1 0 0 0

EMR PHOTOELECTRICA» f* v « l Oj*fK»f4vf*ltY I M/f

20 W atec* Rd.Princatoo Jet., N .J. 08660WC$T

THE PRJNCETON PACKETI "he I awroncp! >edqp.r


Thursday, August 3, 1978

Seven For Central Jersey

Classified Advertising* F L S B O R O L K j H B E A C X X i

The Mdnville Vws^ • im l .n M w v R f o k d


Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted e t • "ec Help Wanted Help Wanted z Wanted Help WantedNURSES A ID ES & OR^ DERLIES — Full time & part time All shifts available, 7anS to 3 30pm, 3pm to 11 30pm;. Upm to 7 30am Experience helpful but not necessary' W onderful opportunity to learn a new traae & help youjr fe llow human beings O r i e n t a t i o n p r o g r a m provided Apply in person 9atn to 5pm Mon to Fri, Franklin Convalescent < enter Rt 27 Lincoln Hyvy, Franklin Park NJ




Company needs person to handle busy phones Accurate tvping All benefits, no fee Call Arlene, 609-452-1400


(Next toK M art) Princeton. NJ

SECRETARY PART TIM E for busy o ffice dealing w diversified public in mat ters of alumni & career ser vices and church relations Position requires excellent c lerica l typing skills In­terpersonal skills 4 working knowledge of IBM M ag-2 equipment Call Rosemary 609-921 2981 for applications 4 in terview s at W estm inster Choir College, Princeton AA T O E __________________

FOOTBALL COACHES A Head Coach and Assistant to coach Jr team at Princeton Day School E xperience needed for head position only Reply to Box #01991 c?o Princeton Packet

CH ILD CARE needed for infant and 2 school aged girls in Princeton 8:15 - 3:15, Monday through F riday, beginning after Labor Day Must have car $100 per week Call 609-924-9007



Here it is — the short work week: Local company needs a senior operator with 3 yrs experience on 370 145 370T58 and fam iliar with OS, USl Work Monday through Wednesday and take 1-o-n-g weekends all year round Bring vour talent to TOWN n o v t


101 College Road East Princeton, N J 609-152-1122

SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Rotating day 4 evening shift Apply: Manville Board ofEducation, 1100 Brooks Blvd Manville, N J 08835 , 201-722 4220 on or before August 21, 1978 Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer

HAfRCUTTER - to work in H illsborough cutting salon Salary plus com m ission, benefits vacation, sick days, cutting schools, hair and skin seminars For the stylist who wants more than just a job call 201 359-8102

C O U N TE R H E LP for Laundromat 4 Drv Cleaner Aonlv m Derson between 9am 4 4pm Mr Gus's Laundromat Warren Kiaza west Kt 130 & Dutch Neck Rd Hightstown


We are a Swiss company in­volved in the creation of fragrance compounds for the cosmetic industry A position is available now for an in­dividual with chemistry or b io logy background Op­portunity to work in a professional atmosphere and To continue education under tuition refund program Comprehensive company paid benefit program Apply m person or call 609-452-1000

FIKMEN1CH INC. Plainsboro Road Plainsboro, N.J.

M A TU R E W OMAN WHO WOULD LIKE 7 ' JOIN OUR FA M ILY CIRCLE - We are offering private room plus salary in returr for assisting working mother with children plain cooking and light housekeeping 609-448-829C

P A R T T IM E HOUSE K E E P E Rm otel in WindsorHightstown area Variab le work No experiencenecessary, sem i-retired or retired persons also con sidered Call 609-443-4672

TEACHER ASST NEEDED for established nursury school in Princeton Mornings 5 days wk Reply to Princeton Packet, P O Box 01992

NURSES AIDES M F ail shifts E xperience not necessary. Contact Mrs Herron, Applegarth Care Center Hightstown NJ 609- 448-7036

MATURE WOMAN to stay w (2 girls 5 nights a wk Own transportation Call 609-799- .588.

BABYSITTER NEEDED for toddler girl Hightstown East Windsor area $8/school day.ISS­

UANCE TEACHER with knowledge of ballet 4 jazz for a few hours weekly Next school year Please telephone or write Aparri School of Dance, 217 Nassau st., Prin­ceton 609-924 1822 or 924-2686

SECRETARY for top area real estate office Must have typing 4 shorthand skills Licensed real estate salesperson pref but not required Call 609-737 0964

CHEMIST National company needs experienced polymer chemist for their local R & D lab $18,000 and up Fee paidTop benefits Call Jane Rogers. Swift Personnel, 690 Whitehead Road, 609-989-7200

PAR T T IM E office help needed Capable of doing some bookkeeping 609-924-8280

E LV E S N E E D E D Demo Playhouse toys, gifts No cash investment 201-446 3086

BABYSITTER WANTED. 5 days. 2 children, my home 201-828-3400 ext 209 WalterCross

PART TIM E - ushers con cession isls, box o ffice cashiers, year round Apply in person Thur or F n at the Quaker Bridge Four Theaters at the, Quaker Bridge Mall, Lawreneeville

E L E C T R O N IC S D E S IG N ENGINEERS (31 - needed by la s t -g ro w in g e le c t r o n ic s manufacturer Exp desired in either analog, d ig ita l, or micro-porcessors Background helpful in in strumentation, environmental specs, process w i t r o l , or m ilita ry Hardware D egree desirabfe but not nec Exc salary, benefits ami growth avail w engineering-oriented company EOE Write Box *ni»H2 c o Princeton Packet

SECURITY' ASSIGNMENTS full tim e openings in

Cranbury, Trenton Part time in Trenton, Som erset, Sayreville Call 609-587-7551 Pinkerton Inc EOE

R U B B E R M A ID P A R T Y PLAN — new in area needs dealers No co llecting or delivering Call Pam, 201-251- 7581 Also booking parties

LEG ALSECY up to $225


One of (xi r favorite, fast growing legal firms, whom we nave assisted for a number of years is once again adding to their staff We are in urgent need of TWO sharp legal secretaries 1-2 yrs or more legal experience Typing of 50 wpm, steno of 80 'wpm Any litigation or workmen’s comp experience a plus Company offers excellent paid benefits and very pleasant work en­vironment Call TOWN today


101 College Road East Princeton. N.J 609-452-1122


EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $11,000 Fee Paid For top n a t i o n a l c o m p a n y Fascinating spot at execu: ve level Great location and benefits Call Irene Carter, 609-989 7200 Swift Personnel 690 Whitehead Rd , Lawreneeville

COOK experience preferred in institutional setting We will train if individual has good potential P lease apply in person, Mon-Fri, 9am 5pm Franklin C ow Center Rte 27, Lincoln Highway, Franklin Park 201-821-8000

R E G IS TE R E D N U R SE - Oearbrook ambulatory health care facility needs part time night nurse to assist adult residents ? when m edical em ergen ces arise Hrs 10:30pm to 6:30am Clear- brook Health Care Center, 609 655-2706



Great company needs your accurate tvping No fee all

Call Cibenefits1400

indv 609-452

LOVING PERSON NEEDED - 5 days a week to care for new born baby and dohousecleanirig Must likechildren and have experience with infants Call 609-883-8353 after 6 30 p m.

T Y P IS T to $145


New company needs person to tvpe sta tistica l reports Shorthand a plus Good chance for advancement No fee Call Arlene 609-452-1400


Mercer Mall, U S *1 i Next to K-Mart)

Princeton, NJ


We need the following for long 4 short term assignments





228 Alexander St. Princeton. NJ 08540


W A ITE R W AITRESSWANTED Experienced only Good working conditions 204 246-0660


Mercer Mall, U.S #1Next toK -M ar Princeton, N.J

FU LL TIM E BABY SITTER to care for 3 and 5 year old children in mv home’ 201 359 1544,

PROMOTION ASSISTANT needed by Princeton book publisher Secretaria l and a d m in is t r a t iv e re sp on ­sibilities Apply in writing to Box DGH, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ 08540'or call 609-452 4876

LO O KING FOR ambitious, open minded person who D ESIRES good part tim e income Call 609 799-2275 for a p p '_______________________

CUSTOMER SERVICE REP — order processing, phone contact with customers, follow-up, and some ad m in istra tive duties Send resume to Sales S ervice Manager, P O, Box 288, South Bound Brook NJ 08880

TEACHERS — complete up- to-date listing ol public school teacher openings For more information write to TVL, Suite 100, 189 Clifford St,Newark N.J 07105

COM PETENT SECRETARY — for busy Law Office in East Windsor Top skills necessary, legal experience preferred Salary com m ensurate with ability 609-448-1819

INTERVIEW ERS needed part time days, evenings,weekends for Princethnresearch corporation Call Judith Forusz 609-921-8100, 9-5 weekdays,

C H ILD C A R E - Mature, dependable woman w refs desired to sit lor 15 mo old boy in my home, Mon thru Thurs. 8:15 am to 3:15 pm. starting Sept 5 Light housekeeping chores Salary negotiable Own’ trans req Cal) after 4pm. 609-799-3059

WANTED - BABYSITTER in my Hightstown home, ltam- 5pm" weekdays starting in Sept 609-443-3355 before 9pm

W A IT R E S S W A IT E R counter, part time days or evenings, apply tn person Jersey F reeze , Freehold Circle, Freehold. NJ

SHORT ORDER COOK some experience, reference preferred Full or part time steady em ploym ent Own Transportation Cal! Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm, Coach 4 Four Restaurant 609-448-2400

P A R T T IM E - P la in ­sboro East 4 West Windsor area Established morning newspaper routes avail to reliable persons w car Ex eellent earnings for part time work Call 6 30am-6pm 609 655-4260 4 evenings 201-877- 4053

PART TIM E SALES HELP WANTED Ail leads sup­plied Experience preferred 609-448-0091 from 9 to 11 am

DAY’TON establishedmorning newspaper route available to rename person w car Excellent earnings forpari ? ime work Call 6 30 am • 2 pm 609-655-4260 or 201-8774053 evenings

BARTENDER BARM AID for Restaurant-Cock tail lounge C o n g e n i a l p l e a s a n t surroundings Own tran­sportation Steady em-

ioym ent Good salary e ference necessary W ill

'ram right person Call Mon- Fri, 9am to5pm, Coach & Four Restaurant 609-448-2400

S E C R E T A R Y ' B O O K ­K E E PE R — part time, af ternoons. for sm all professional office in North Brunswick 18 hrs. up to $84 weekly Call 201 249-5055

ACT NOW - Join the OLDEST Toy 4 Gift Party Plan in the Country our 31st yea r! C ommissions up to 30% RLUS E X P E N S E S F a n ta s tic Hostess Awards Call Toll Free 1 800-243-7634, or write S A N T A ’S P A R T IE S Avon, Conn 06001 ALSO BOOKING PARTIES_________________


Growth 4 Challenge

Tal-Star Computer Systems is expand ing ’ We seek in­d ividuals with thorough knowledge of digital circuitry The qualified applicants should nave 2 yrs. tech school or equivalent and 2-3 yrs experience in the computer fie ld We o ffe r a salary com m ensurate with e x ­perience, a generous benefit package including educational assistance 4 pleasant working conditions To arrange an interview call Mrs SchTieben, 609-799-1111 or send resume to Box T1000. Princeton Jet, NJ 08550


TWO POSITIONS OPEN - with medical group Accounts rece ivab le clerk & ad­ministrative clerk Both have diversified duties w some tvping If interested please call Mrs Pmelli at 609-924-9300 ext 304

WANTED skin and beauty care consultant No exp nec Will irain Commission plus bonuses Paid vacation Free car Beauty and health products at wholesale Call toll free in Somerville M l-685 1990 in Princeton call toll free 201-874-4070

C A R P E N T E R S A P ­PRENTICE applications will be accepted for Princeton carpenters union #781 from7 30 - ’9 30 4 3:30 4 30 p mMon-Fri at 454 Terhune Rd, Princeton from Aug 28 Sept8 An Equal Opportunity Employer

D R A F T S P E R S O N - w e lectron ic exp for PC layout & taping of PC boards Some exp needed Call 609 883-8110 Kir appt

DRIVER educational book distributor has opening for Rook Mobile driver Unique opportunity tor right person Apply Books Mobile Inc . Hay Press Rd , Dayton. N J

GERMAN A N D T )R FRENCH letters requ ired from

E n g lish N o n te c h n ic a l , simple correspondence 609 921 3405

PAR T TIM E Mon., Tues.. Thurs 9-5 Position requires record keeping, light typing, ability to work independently Please submit response to Box *01986 c o Princeton Packet

SECRETARY up to $175


Plush is the only word to describe this company Potential is the only way to describe this position Winning candidate mut have good typing and steno, pleasant personality, must be someone who is eager to learn and grow You will enjoy this plush professional environm ent Why not be a w inner today and register with TOWN P E R ­SONNEL for your personal interview with the company Come to TOWN immediately Remember never a fee to the applicant at TOWN


101 College Road East Princeton, N J 609-452-1122

D ENTAL HYGIENIST - for 3‘ 2 hrs. Sat morning, Hights­town Dental Office 609-448 0013. 9 to 5 except Wed

SALES L IFE INSURANCE - 1st vr commissions 100% - 265% plus renewal Major company 609-452-8960





40 wpm plus warm smile lands you great spot All benefits, no fee Call Cindy. 609-452-1400


Mercer Mall, U.S *1 Next toK-Mart i Princeton, NJ

(mUim "imtfinraP O Box 81*


6 0 0 -9 2 4 -8 0 6 4


Bilingual Secty. — French For Sales Mgr Good skills F P 9,500

F/C BOOKKEEPER — Expm inventory control w mfg bkgd req Salary DOE

Secretary —- Top co R4D Some slat typing 1/2 F V . 1/2 reimb 151

Computer Operators =21 Lite exp IBM 370035 or larger To250. F /P

Clerk/Typist — To 135, F/P. 50-60 wpm. Growth potential.

Secretary — One gal office, small co To 9.880 Fee nego.

Ex. Secty. Sales Marketingoffice. Good skills! To 220 F P

Library Asst — Typing 40 wpm, able to read one foreign language College preferredTo 7,700

Secretary — lit* steno, heavy stat typing Top co, good benefits F P To 12K

Production Typist — Diver sifted Must be accurate F /PTo 135


Sales To 13K Fee nego W holesale paper products Expanding co Exc benefits inc profit sharing

Sales — To 15K F P Your future starts with this distributor of ice cream products N.J. territory

Sales Trainee To 13K. Grow, with this industrial safety supply co Will train on sales and products

Sales — 20K+ Prestige co looking for sales bkgd in of­fice supplies Full benefit pkg plus oppty for management

Management Trainee — To9,100 Fee nego Top retailchain Prefer .some supv exp Can move up rapidly

Sales — To 15K F P Status co. Full tra in ing program Business machines Expenses 4- top benefits

f l n n l K n n mbnemng unsmnPO Box 817

2« Nassau St Princeton. NJ 9854VWed. evenings by




Good typing & shorthand will land you great spot Paid vacation No fee Call Arlene 609-452-1400


Mercer'Mall, U.S #1 Next toK-Mart Princeton. NJ

W ANTED CLEANING LADY — willing to pay top dollar for reliable cleaning lady, 1 day a week with recent refs 4 own transportation P lease ca ll 201-874-4957

TYP IS T — good typing skills, pleasant telephone vo ice congenial office atmosphere CaliCarolynHingher on Friday for appt 609-924-3800

P R I N C E T O N D R Y - C LE A N E R — needs m/f trainee to eventually manage cleaning department Salary range $7500 $10,000 Many benefits, Apply in person to Craft Cleaners 225 Nassau St, P rinceton_________________

T E L E P H O N E SALES - expanding Princeton firm has Sept opening for experienced telephone salesperson 25 hrs- wk Salary -f commission P re fe r individual w 'e x p selling to corporate le ve l contacts Must be articulate, organized and able to work w a minimum of supervision 609-924-5347.

B U ILD E R S H E L P E R - steadv job, apply job site, Hudler s Farm , Rte 206 4 Cold Soil Rd., Lawreneeville

SCHOOL BUS DRIVER - 21 yrs or older Will help obtain special license Route in West W indsor Twp 609-896-9707 $4 /hr.

L IM O U S IN E D R IV E R - Must be 21 yrs or older, make neat appearance, have clean d riv ing record, part tim e posit ion. am or Dm hours a va ilab le 609-924-0070 .

C L E A N E R S F O R HOPEW ELL area from 8 to 5 Call 201-756-5716



to $ 1 5 0

Fantastic company needs person with accurate typing 4 good phone voice All benefits, no fee Call Arlene. 609-452 1400


Mercer Mall U.S #1 Next toK-Mart I Princeton, N J

EXPERIENCED MASON & FINISHED CARPENTER good benefits, paid holidays 4 vacation Full time work Send resume to Box Princeton Packet

NURSES AIDES pari 4 full lime For interview contact Adm in istrator. Sunnyfield Nursing Home, 61 Maplewood Ave, Cranbury' :NJ 609-395- 0641

CLEAN ING LADY NEEDED 1 day per week Owtn trans

Refs Princeton Farm s, Hopewell Twp 609-466-2250

CHILDCARE NEEDED - for infant 4 2 school aged girls 8:15 to 3 IS, Moin-Fri, begin­ning after Labor Day Must have car $100 w k Cali 609 924-9007 ______ [____ [

A R T IS T P A S T E U P 4 C AM E R A READY-M E C H AN IC ALS - per manent, full time position for person experienced in the preparation of camera-ready copy, capable of accurate line stripping & photo layout Must be meticulous, fast A able to work under deadline pressure Exc salarv Cali 609-924-5338

T IM E FOR A C H A N G E ’ Hilton Realty has a lot to offer including plenty of floor time

Think about it Shouldn't YOU call US'1 Call 609-921-6060

PART TIM E EVENINGS - experienced typesetters onlv Call 609-921-0895.

Grow ing m anufacturer of precision m achinery for plastics processing is looking tor a mechanical technician w a minimum of 3-5 years experience Machine shop & a s s e m b ly b a c k g ro u n d necessary Send resume & salary data to Chief Engineer. Foster & Allen Inc P O Box 1980 Somerville, N.J 08876

W ANTED — Bakery helper Learn the trade ’ Hours 5.30am-2pm Call 609-452-1550

PRODUCTION WORK - Full or pari time Operate gluing machine Salary plus bonus Company paid health and life insurance, paid holidays North Brunswick area Call 201-249-8882


Leading ladies ready-to-wear chain is looking for a highly m o t iv a t e d a g g r e s s i v e manager for Princeton store Call Mrs Hartman 201-325- 0402

AU TO M O TIVE SALES - person w experience selling ' ruck parts, accessories, etc Must use own vehicle Salary + com m ission, veh icle allowances & good fr in ge benefits Territory covers New Jersey and pari of Delaware Send resume to Box *01983 c o Princeton Packet

SECRETARY - The Gallup Organization in Princeton is seeking an experienced typist with no shorthand required Full time, vear long position, interesting work Call 609-9124 9600 An Equal Opportunity Employer

E LE C TR O N IC S T E C H N I­CIAN — to move into sales dept of fast-growing elec Ironies manufacturer Duties will me adminstration and ech back-up for sales

w opportunity to advance to sales eng Alert, conscientious A am bitious individual needed ASAP Exc salary, benefits A growth EOE Write Box #01982 c (0 Princeton Packet

SECRETARY permanent pari time for LawreneevilleUP A firm Excellent typing reg shorthand pref Please call Mr Eros 609-896 1221 or write Leopold Edelman A Eros 3131 Princeton Pike Lawreneeville, N.J (18648

SALESPERSON specialty shop, Montgomery Twp, full­time. exp pref Call 201-2972433

IM M EDIATE OPENINGS — for full time dishwashers experienced part tim e buspersons Must be Over 18 Apply in person between 3 A 5 p.m 138 Nassau St, Princeton

C LERK-TYPIST - full time, liberal benefits Phone Mr Bergmann. 609-448-2426

RECEPTIONIST- T Y P IS T - minimum 60 wpm Some dic­tation necessary Permanent position With all benefits Call Mr Biddle 609-883-3399, 9-4:30

B A R TE N D E R — evening hours, pleasant friendly at­mosphere With or without exp Will train 609-448-4800

W O M A N C O M P A N IO N NEEDED — part time for lovely intelligent older lady Must drive Call 609-924-4485 or924-4317.

NIGHT DISPATCHER - for limousine service Must be familiar with general area 4 he able to talk with customers on telephone P a rt tim e position 609-924-0070


Full Time-Part Time Train Call >609-799-8736

P A R T T IM E D E L V IE R Y HOUSEKEEPERS - Full A PERSON — with car and good Part l,me ioj3s High salaries driving record Call 609-921- Call Helping Hand Agency 0895 j ! 201-842-8788

MODELS Girls 3-28. boys 3- 8 Beauty and poise a plus' No 'alent necessary Call 2pl-494-1453



The Princeton Packet needs an experienced person to work in composing room Must be a self-starter Have experience in newspaper paste-up typing and related duties This is a full im e part-time position 3 days per week Mon Tues Wed with paid company benefits

For appointment ca ll Mr Hutchinson at 609-924-3244

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - for newly formed alcoholism inform ation program Ap­plicants must have o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , a d ­m in istrative, fund raising experience, as well as ex­perience and or education in alcoholism field College degree preferred Reply by Aug 18 An equal opportunity employer M F Box #01988 c b Princeton Packet

PART TIM E MAG CARD II operator - needed for progressive Princeton firm Very varied hours Technical typing background preferred but not essential Will train if person can be very flexible in hours Please reply to Box *01976, c 'o Princeton Packet and state salary requirements.



sweep over to


and register today

We can place you in, tem­porary short or long-term assignments and you 'lF ’clean up those overdue bills withextra dollars,

TOWN TEMPS Princeton Forrestal Center

101 College Road East Princeton, N.J, 08540

6091 452-1122

HAUFFEUR Must be 21 y rs or older will-mannered 4 make neat appearance Fullt i m e p o s i t i o n w .h osp ita liza tion , paid acation A hohdavs Apply in

person A 1 Limousine next to lreadyway Inn, Rt l, Prin­ceton

PROFESSIONAL PARENTS New program seeks married couples qualified to proved 24 nour care and services for 4 e m o t io n a l ly d is tu rb e d

• idren >r need of residential reatment intensive training

and counsel tat i or, provided e xcellent opportunity for child are professionals and other

background tn human ser vices One member of the couple should have a bachelors degree in a related fie ld Potentia l income of $18,000 plus operating ex penses This involves a full Hme commitment for both persons Send resumes to Teaching Family Project Box 510 South M ontgom ery 7 renton, N J 1862S or cal) 609- 292-0590

REAL ESTATE Assured nctsme for full tme sales and

nroker licensees with proven ract sales and listing ex

rer ise Superior specialized raining program and out

-landing sales tools For onfidentia discussion phone

Larry Huntress for ap pc in t men i Tuschak Really 609) 921-1720


SECRETARY — Looking [for person with some typing and dictation skills to join fast­growing company in Prin­ceton Must have pleasant speaking vo ice and same knowledge of bookeeping Excellent pav Call Mr Price, 609-921-3916

M ATU R E responsible wmman to share a beautiful large home in Hopewell with older widow Lovely furnished bedroom avail in return;for companionship and lijght housekeeping References required Write Box #01p78, cm Princeton Packet

CHARTIST - Responsible for posting and maintenance of extensive library of financial charts and graphs E x ­perience not necessary but neatness and accuracy essential Some background in figu res and/or graphics helpful 609-924-9660

LO VIN G B A B Y S IT T E R - Hillsborough area Respor sible person to care for child 2davs per week, 8 30 am 3 pm Cal! 201-874-3731 between1 4 3 p.m or after 5,

FIELD HOCKEY OFFICIALS needed A pari time job that pays w ell and provides i raining Those interested are urged to contact Lihda Stefanelli at 609-737-0657.

SOMEONE W CAR I 4 patience to :ake my 2 children ages 9 4 10) swimming, on

day trips, etc., 3 days per; wk 201-297-9110, 297-6584, j 297-0757___ ________________ I

CLERK TYrPIST - consulting firm located in the center of Princeton seeks a clerk-typist o assist executive secretary

Fast, neat, and accurate typing is a must as is tran­scrib ing from a dictation machine Memory typewriter exp desirab le, but !not necessary Parking provided Please send resume to Harold Denton Assoc., 32 Nassau St , Princeton, N.J 08540

CLERK TYP IS T to $135


High school graduate plus 50wpm lands you great spotwith Princeton company All benefits, no fee Call Cindv, 609-452-1400


Mercer Mall. U.S. *1Next toK-Mart i Princeton, N.J I

W A IT E R W A IT R E S S - restaurant 4 cocktail lounge Breakfast, lunch or dinner Hours flexible 5 days per week Call Coach 4 Four, 11am 4pm for interview 609 448-2400

MATURE WOMAN - j who wants to return to Work Handle a variety of (office asks Typing 4 previous exp

useful Write Gen’! Mgr P O Box 1163, Princeton; N J 08540



Good company needs your skills for busy office Good advancement potential Paidvacation No fee. Call Arlene, 609-452-1400


Mercer Mall, U.S #1 (Next toK-M art)

Princeton, NJ


We are a Swiss company in­volved in the creation ' and manufacture of flavor and fragrance compounds We seek an individual with good typing skills and the ability to handle diverse job responsibilities Comprehensive company paid benefit program including tuition refund plan. Apply in person or call 609-452 1000

F IKM EM CH INC. Plainsboro Road Plainsboro,S J .



Sell Avon at home or on campus Hours are flexible- earnings, excellent For full details call 609^99-1729 . 609-737-2922 or 20U359-153S

DRIVER - Steady work lor right person to deliver to wholesale accounts in local area Must have experiences, driving large trucks 5 day week guaranteed slary plus commission 4 bonus All paid Co. benefits Reply Box #175 cd> Central Post

P A R T ’ T IM E CLERK FOR TOBACCO STORE - Ideal for retired • person or while children are in school 609-448-7050

CLERK TYP IST - long term assignment with renowned company NO FE E ! Getty Temps R! 130. Hightstown 609-896-2323 or 448-6500

PART T IM E 'F U L L TIM E - E xc itin g opportunity for mature individuals Learn how to enjoy excellent health 4 vitality at any age Share with others V achieve finan­c e independence Training for various positions provided Call for interview, Princeton 201-874-4070 Somerville 201- 685-1990

G E N E R A L O F F I C E HELPER - to work for rapidly expanding local company Duties w ill include sw it­chboard, mail room, errands and light typing Person must be flexible and willing to learn Hours 9 30 6 daily, Excellent benefits State salary requirements and reply to Box *01977, c o Princeton Packet

SHOE SALES - full time, NEW POSITION Finest brands in growing family shoe store B e n e f i t s E x p e r ie n c e preferred. See Dick Lavtnthal at F ischer's , Lawrence Shopping Center, R te 1 Lawreneeville

CONSTRUCTION COOR­D INATO R expandingdeveloper is seeking a con­struction coordinator with a minimum of 2 years ex ­perience in single fam ilv

nstruetion, o ffice P&rk........pm c > ••elated Held

Would be responsible for purchasing easn flow cost accounting and o ffice management We are a

■ igressn ■ nuudinc romoam > iking tor he right individual

to develop and learn with our iperations Excellent fringe

oenents. hospitalization Salary com m ensurate with xpenence and ability Please

send resume including salary history tn Mercer Ewing Holding rp 3564 Quaker Bridge Rd Trenton. NJ^Otfi 19

TEACHER AIDES Eden Institute for Autistic children -eeks eacher aides for 1978/79

school year Will train. Con- act Lynne 609-921-0016

BOOKEEPER We need an individual with exposure to com puterized accounting vstems and experience in

payroll payables and receivables Some college evei accounting courses a

defin ite plus Reply with ■alary equipments to Per sonnei Director PO Box 324, Rocky Hill NJ 06553


)ue 'oa promotion we have an pemng for an experienced -id i vidua I w excellent typing

4 office skills We offer a s a la r y c o m m e n s u ra te w experience, a generous benefit package am f pleasant working conditions To arrange an interview call Mrs Schliehen 609 799-1111


M A TE R IA LS COORDINA ’ |R We seek an individual o aid in coordination of in­ventory production, control activity of key products for iur wona-w iue company

a ffilia tes Know ledge of s t a t is t i c a l te c h n iq u e s , weighted averages 4 per centages plus ab ility to nmmunicate both orally 4 in

writing is essential. Can­didates should have some college w approxim ately 2

ears related experience We ■ffer an excellent starting

salary 4 a good benefits package, For further in­form ation contact Carol Morgan, E R Squibb 4 Sons, inc PO Box 4000, Princeton, N J 08540 609-921-4386 Anequal opportunity employer M/F



Princeton corporation is searching for someone with w< .ears college accounting

and 2+ yrs exp, degree not nec This position will allow you to utilize your management ability General edger recently computerized

Call us today


101 College Road East Princeton N J 609-452-1122



DELICATESSEN CLERK - full time Apply after 4pm Nassau Delicatessen 1 Palmer Square Call 609-924-1802

Friendly company needs person to work with people No tee, all benefits Call Arlene,609-452-1400


Mercer Mall, U.S #1 (Next to K-Mart)

Princeton, NJ

THE PRINCETON PACKETl l i e i - a w r w * ijfidger

I I Seven For Central JerseyTHE CENTRAL POST


Classified JtduertisingWLLSBOROL1GH BEACON

The Manville Sews he* a n k lin M H S RECORD

Thursday, August 3, 1978

t * e Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Jobs WantedINDUSTRIALS 1*1


TOWN TEM PS has immediate openings for people interested in lite industrial work These are tem porary long term assignments If you Tike the company and the company likes you, these jobs can go permanent These jobs are here now and waiting Get started on your job tomorrow

TOWN TEMPS Princeton Forrestal Center

101 College Road East Princeton N J 08540

' 609 i 452-1122

e x p e r i e n c e d l e g a lSECRETARY

for small, pleasant Princeton law office 1 Palm er Square Accuracy essential Fast typing shorthand, use oi d ictating equipment all required Poised and mature able to deal with clients, etc Looking for top flight person with substantial recent ex perience as legal secretary Benefits Salary negotiable Reply P .0 Box 483, Princeton NJ 08540



Meet & greet in this exciting company Accurate typing, pleasant personality All benefits, no fee Call Cindv, 609-452-1400


Mercer Mall, U S #1 t Next toK Marti

Princeton. NJ

S E C R E T A R Y for Lawren- cev ille C P A firm Steno, typing and use of adding machine required Call 609 883-2540

NURSE - LPN or RN needed by 23 yr old fem ale quadrip legic For morning care, as early as 6 30 am for approximately 2-3 hrs , Mon F n Showering, range of motion therapy St dressing involved Griggstown-Rockv Hill area. 201-297-5902

S E C R E T A R Y for a r ­ch itectural firm Minimum typing speed of 60wpm Call 509-924-6789 for appointment

SALES PERSON NEEDED for unique Princeton area jewelry and gift shop Only mature, recent experienced person need apply. Excellent starting salary Please call 609 - 924 9400

W ANTED: LOVING PERSON to care for infant in my home plus light housekeeping Must have own transportation Starts Sept June. Mon Fri 8 5 pm Cranburv Manor Dev Call 109-448 7271

RN — full time position, 3-11 shift. Good benefits & working conditions O rientation & professional developm ent o ffered through in -service educational program Call Princeton Nursing Home. 609- 924-9000. weekdays 9-4

SECRETARY Part time (25 lo 30 hrs per wk) to work in established Real Estate & Insurance office doing shor thand. typing, & billing work Pleasant working conditions Hrs flexible 609-448-0600

LOVING WOMAN — to sit for infant in my home plus do light housekeeping Must have own transportation Hrs Mon-Fri, 8-5 pm Start Sept i through June Call 609-448-7271

ACCOUNTANT educational n on -p ro fit o rg a n is a t io n Monthly reports, budgeting, receivables payables, payroll responsib ilities A ttrac tive benefits Retirees encouraged to apply Equal Opportunity Employer 609-921-2021


We are a young family of 4 looking for an "A lic e ” to work part-tim e in our bright Princeton home. Must love children St have own car Please write Box #01974 c 'o Princeton Packet for details

W AREH O U SE PERSON/ Truck driver — needed for plumbing supply house, ex­perience p re ferred P lease call Gordon & Wilson Co., 609 448-0507

SALES PERSON full or part time, experienced in fitting childrens shoes Apply Ajgabits Shoes Dover Park Plaza. Yardville. N J , 609-585-5885

BABYSITTER W ANTED by working parents Your home. Princeton area Start Sept. 6. Contact 609-921-8932 or 609-443 3585

RN part time, 11-7 shift Good benefits & working conditions Orientation & professional developm ent o ffered through in -service educational program Call Princeton Nursing Home 609 924-9000, weekdays. 9-4

JEW ELRY Permanent parttim e position 3 nights & Saturday Ideal for mature individual who can work with Hobbiest type tools & who enjovs selling Apply in person on lv Duke of W indsor Jewelers, East Windsor Town Center. R* 130, East Windsor

The Princeton Packet is in need of a press helper for a Web offset press Must be a self-starter I f interested, call for appointment at 609-924- 3244, ask for Mr Pellicctaro

M A IN TAINENCE PERSON needed for luxury garden

apt com plex Must have know ledge of plumbing, beating & air conditioning w a minimum of 5 vrs exp Salary neg Call 609-799-2710

L E G A L S E C R E TA R Y tv ping & dictation required Call 609-443-1600

PORTER par! time, own ransportation Somerset or

Hillsborough area Call 201- 874-6202

BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT Perm anent, part full time Small Nassau St office 609- 924-204(1

S K RET VR \ 1165



handicapped children, is seeking a part time secretary lo do weekly typing of correspondence, billings, A telephone referrals Must be a self-starter and able to work independently Please contact Lynne at 609-921-0016 $4 hr 6 hours per week

RECEPTIONIST part time, for weekends & holidays Light typing & other clerical duties Attractive working conditions call 608-924-9OOO

PART TIM E - Technical Statistical Typist Beginning Sept Hours to suit Several davs per week for top notch typist Plush downtown Prin ceton o ffic e P lease send typing sam ple, ava ilab ility and job reference to Box #01959 c o Princeton Packet

Stuffers and M ailers U R G E N T L Y N E E D E D 1 $25 00 per hundred GUARANTEED Send self addressed stamped envelope, TK EN TERPRISE Box 21679 Denver CO 80221

SALESPERSON full time, p e r m a n e n t p o s i t i o n s available Experience in retail sales preferred Contact The N ick le, Princeton , 609-924 M01.___________ -

D E N T A L ASSISTANTS receptionist & chairside, full time or part time for ex ­p a n d in g m u lt i - d o c t o r suburban specialty practice No even ings, excellen t working conditions Send resume to Box #01958 c/o Princeton Packet

BABYSITTER Tues & Thursfor 3 y r old for school yea r Ml 874-8365 Hillsborough

FLOOR WAXERS - Part tim e, nights, own tran sportation, experienced, top pay Call 201-874-6202

STORE M ANAGER - 7-11 store in South Amboy Cali Mr Shann 609-585-2772'

F U L L T IM E K E N N E L PERSO N - for veterin ary hospital Reply to Box C 4. c o South Somerset Newspapers, 240 So Main S! Manville



A ll you super Keypunch operators who have ex perience on N-track or 029 come on down to TOWN We have a wide open job order for operators to start immediately on long of short term assignments at a upe- company If you warn v.urk just Sat and Sun . or if you want ot work daily 8a m 4p m or if you want to work 4 5 hours at nite Come to TOWN and get started on a high paying job today

TOWN TEMPSPrinceton Forrestal Center

101 College Road East Princeton, N J 08540

< 609 i 452-1122

F U L L T IM E secreta ria l position — for expert typist in national tennis o ffice F am ilia r ity w ith dictating equipm ent or steno, Send resume and references to USTA Education & Research Center, 729 Alexander Road, Princeton, N.J 08540 or call 609-452-2580

HELP WANTED part time for newly established cleaning firm Must be dependable and have references 20t-469-009<3 after 5 p m i

WANTED Musical talent interested in playing in a relaxed atmosphere The Rathskeller at Trenton State C ollege Now holding auditions Contact C U B Rathskeller, Student Center Trenton State College. Trenton, N.J 08625 Enclose name, address, phone num­ber, times available and type of music.



Do you consider yourself profic ien t, in telligent, and vivacious with a desire for a fast moving job with a salary potential that is -v ir tu a lly unlimited’’ If so. it is at your fingertips now Winning candidate on this position must have steno at a minimum of 120 wpm and typing at a minimum of 75-85 wpm Ex eellent spelling grammar and ab ility to handle heavy pressure is a must for the self starter on this job If you are a quick learner with a strong aptitude for figures ana possess all the other skills, this job is perfect for you This position is .exclusively vours at T OW \ P E R S O N N E L Remember never a fee to the applicant at TOWN


101 College Road East Princeton, N J 609-452-1122

SECRETARY’ to manage sm a ll, law o ffice in New Brunswick Excellent steno & typing skills acquired Out­standing c rea tiv e ca reer opportunity. Top salary & benefits paid Will tram right person Send resume to Box #01965 c/o Princeton Packet

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST full time position in Belle Mead & Somerville offices Must be mature minded with own transportation P lease send typewritten resume to Box "01963 c o Princeton Packet

WICK AGENCY needs 3 ex­perienced licensed real estate salespersons for our new dynamic office in the Dayton. South Brunswick area All replies confidential Call 201 738-8585 Ask for Mr Feist


Super company neectl ex perienced mature minded person to handle busy phones 60 wpm Accuracy a must All benefits, no fee Call Cindv, 609-452-1400.


Mercer Mali. I S »i Next to K-Mart * Princeton, NJ



Selective temps deals only with top companies They are plush air conditioned 4 close to home We offer •Above average salaries •Bonus plan .•Pension plan•Short & long term assign­ments

We have no contracts Stop-in, ask for Wavne or call 609-452- 1400


Mercer Mall, U S #1 Next toK M a r t i. Princeton, NJ


Individual needed to clean small apt, near Princeton Shopping Center Hours flex ib le For further in­formation applv in person or call 609-452-1000

F IR M E M C H INC. Plainsboro Road Plainsboro.N.J._______________________SEEK E X P E R IE N C E D - careperson for our infant daughter beginning late Aug, 2 full days wk, maybe 2 half davs. Our home or yours Call 609-924-5874 ____________

R E L IG IO U S SCHOOL - teachers wanted for Sunday mornings, 32 sessions, elec­tives Bible, American Jewish H istory, The Holocaust, Israel, Jewish art; salary commensurate to experience Call 609-695-3479

A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E PROCESSOR busy .nan cial department of prestige P r in c e to n -b a s ed p e tr o ­chem ical company wants competent person with ac­counts payable experience ■Duties include exam ining, coiling invoices, maintaining voucher reg is te r, .check urcparati Typ 'bg &bookkeeping background required? Know ledge of c o m p u te re iz ed accou n ts payable system s very desirable 1+ yrs exp Ex­cellent sa la ry , benefits, working environm ent. Call Personnel Dept 609-924-6560 EEO M/F

Part & full tim e hours ava ilab le both days & evenings Meet new people & make tnem happy by serving quality products’ in pleasant surroundings Good pay. fringe benefits, flexible hours For appointment call ii09-799 3669 Friend ly Ice Cream Shop, Quakerbndge Mall An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F

HOUSEKEEPER to care for baby girl, clean, cook Must be cheerful, dependable love babies Live-in or out Pleasant family of 3, quiet wooded area of Cranburv Exp. & refs. req. 609-4413857

D E N TA L ASSISTANT trainee program available for recent nigh school graduate Fine opportunity to learn an interesting career Must he alert conscientious & outgoing. Cal) 609-921 8225

R E C E P T IO N IS T tvptst general assistant m doctors office Prefer person with some o ffice experience Respond to box =01971 c/o Princeton Packet

18 15 to 20 hrs a week Floyd's Deli. 609 448 7050

BABYSITTER In Kendall Park — Commuting mother needs competent babysitter for a minimum of two days a week beginning in September from 8 am 6 pm a! my home Must have own transportation and be at least te years old Call between 6 30 pm and 6 so pm Mon thru Fn 201 297-5053

BOOKKEEPER Par! time m Twin Rivers Send Resume to PO Box 763. Highfstown N'J 08520


(§0*) Ml-tSW1609 K96-2323

*•«»» Hi*kmow N.J1*5*0

Call Mrs McCormickLegal Secretary Clerk'Shipping & ■


Receiving $9kSecretary $8kReceptionist $8kPayroll Clerk $8k


Safety Eng I E To $24kH V A C $23k +Consumer Product $20 skElectro Mech Ddsign

MATHEMATICS TEACHING position - high school. Also math aide for math resource center Contact Mr Eide, Hopewell Va lley Regional Schools, 2 Academ y St. Pennington NJ or call 609-737- 1511

KOVALS Personnel Agency

Technical Services, Inc

Engineers. Designers, draf­ting. M/FMechanical. Electrical, CivilTechnicians, M echanics,ElectriciansClericalProgrammersExecutivesBeginners & Experienced Perm anent or job shop temporary assignments)

Call or rush resume to Kovaes. 13 Conover Rd. Hightstown, NJ 08520 609-443-6151

S ID ING PERSO N - Ex perienced in wood siding Good pav Year round work Call 609-448-7707

MECHANIC/ to serv ice small gas & electric vehicles Must be self-starter & have mechanical exp Please call 201-521-2500



We have many fantastic temporary openings with plush local companies We offer:•Above average salaries •Bonus plan •Demon plan•Short & long term assign n vents•Plush companies close tohome

We have no contracts Slop in. ask tor Wavne or call 609-452-1400


Next to K-Mart Princeton. NJ



Do you feel like voB-*are in a dead end job 1 V. ithnowhere to go' Well, take your two years college accounting and some cost accounting and inventory control experience and bring it

TOWN We have the job just waiting for you The growth potential is There and waiting Some supervisory experience a definite plus Bring your a tents to TOW N


101 College Road East Princeton, N J 609-452-1122

To$20 skElectro Mech Design

To$20’skRecent GradB S E E $l4k Vapor Recovery I Open

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Process Eng To$24kIndustrial Detergents $18k Water Waste OpenConsulting Open

CHEMISTPalomers To$22kPilot Tech i $15kLabTech SlOk

PRODUCTION Maintenance General

Foreman'W $20kPlant Superv isor $20k F orema n ;W $l3k +Tool & Die

Machinist Top RatesCall Mrs Kantor

Sales Computers To$30kAccountant'Budget exp $26k Systems Analyst szaxProgrammer Scientific $24k Accountant Big 8 $23kProgrammer $15kJr Programmer $10k--Management Trainee / Credit

$8kManagement Trainee Bank

‘ $7 5k


>NC. L A R I | -

BUS OR VAN DRIVER We will train Hillsborough Twp Board of Education. 201-874- 3104_____

SHARP AS A TACK r- That s the type of administration assistant I need Excellent skills are a must Excellent salary 4 fr in ge benefits Princeton area location Reply to Box #01879, c/o Princeton Packet

R E A L E STA TE SALES PERSO N - for well established Princeton office Excellent training program Reply to Box #01903 c/o Princeton Packet.

REAL ESTATE SALES now in terv iew ing for W eichert C a m p a n y R e a l t o r s Hillsborough Office Join the w inner's c irc le Submit resume to Box 5317! Clinton, N.J 088O9

SPEECH TH ERAPIST part time, ( C.C dr C lin ical Fellowship vear required Call 609-882-1503 after 5 pm

u n i v e r s i t y L e a g u eNURSERY SCHOOL needs leathers assistant : for 1978- 1979 school year; 11 :lo - i 30 pm. Mon-Fri. no certification or experience required Contact D Friedman. 609-92P 2908

O F F I C E C L E A N E R S NEEDED part time. exp necessary, please call 201 889 4200

D ENTAL ASSISTANT Ex perienced preferred. for new periodontal practice 609-921 1940

P A R T T IM E W A IT E R WAITRESS Plea$e call 609799-0450

ASSISTANT CHEF kitchen helper, full time HUB CAFE



S E C R E T A R Y I Y F IST computer input, general office duties New minicomputer installation Call 609-466-3403

BABYSITTER W ANTED for ;}c yr old child df teacher Cranburv Mann* preferred Begin Sep* 609-443-.5692

TYP IST lo ! 15.


Bring your smile 4 accurate typing All benefits, no fee Call Cindy. 6O9-B3-140O


Mercer Mall. U S »l Next to K-Mart i Princeton. NJ


The worst tob in the world is now ava ilab le The' phone never stops ringing, the pace is hectic and some days you’re even busier Even worse, you work independently with little supervision, so you must keep up with a million details at once We are £> placement service, one of the best in the business What do we offer? For the first month, a lot of hard work, headaches and a bit of money After that, a lot of hard work headaches and a lot of money You can expect toeam 15 to 20k your first year

18 to 20k your second year and after that vou write vour own check We even nave benefits in case you break a leg Call Florence Wnght (609: 452-1122.


101 College Road East Princeton, N.J 609-452-1122

HELP M E ’ - I am the secretary and assistant to a Pnnceton based executive 4 am leaving to start law school I need a replacement who can type 80 wpm, take marvelous shorthand 4 likes to work alone in a fast paced en­vironment You will be totally responsible for the office 4 the complete support of vour boss Call Carol, 609-924-3537

REAL ESTATE — can be a ew a rd: ig prof essiona 1 e>

perience REALTY' WORLD THE CHASE AGENCY'offers an opportunity to grow .with a rapidly expanding o ffice >upert xus and materials formal classroom tramihg, an excellent commission /policy and a most cooperative and congenial w o rk in g ' en­vironment Cali Gloria /Chase anytime at 609-737-1330

EARN EXTRA INCOME The Am wav Wav As little as $17 gets you started > in a nusm’ess o! . -ur own Qef thewhole story 609-7


hard w irking man woman to clean stalls 4 do general - able iu'ies a! 609-4^6-1383

M AINTENANCE HELPER needed full or part (One in ...twrencev >ie Rep.v Box 01915 c i The Priqcetonr8Ck6t

NURSERY SUPERVISOR for recreational facility 4 hours per dav Call MoniFri. 9- 5 609-452-1951

PART TIM E - Light evening work some Saturdays, $4 69 per hr . salary/profit Over 18. For interview m Edison or Trenton ca ll 201-287-0225 between 2 4 6:30 P M

P R IN C E T O N ’S L E A D IN G REALTOR has an opening in their Hopewell office for a Secretary Salary com ­mensurate with ability. Job is demanding and requires a se lf-starter who assumes responsibility easily and is flexible Applv by calling 609 4662550

E L E i I R u L l X NEEDS one person to service lm mediate area Cull ’ / ?• t- 0O8O ask for Mr Jake t oson Equal Opportunity Em ployoer

D E N T A L ASS ISTAN T Chairside, fam ily oriented genera l practice. 4l4 day week experience preferred Call 609-924-3997

TE A C H E R S A ID E - p re­school, 2 yrs co llege minimum, 12-4 30 pm 201-297- 9144 or 297-6066

PR IN TE R M ’F - multilith press operate* to learn all phases of printing production. 609-799-2800

PA IN TE R Experienced, full or part time. Salary negotiable Call 609-799-3657evenings/

C O M PAN IO N for e lderly couple, Tues 4 Thurs, more hours available if desired Call 609-395-0947 or 609-655-0001

MAID M / F-part time, 6 days. iiam -2pm daily Peacock Inn, Princeton 609- 924-1707

MANAGER Mature person to m anage yogurt shop Ex perience helpful Call 201-297 2144 after 7 pm

SALES Earn $200 week plus, -5 dav week, all leads --upphed Must have auto 609 443 4767 for appointment

CLEANING PERSON wanted tor Hightstown offices Half dav per week Call 609-448- 4236

SALESPERSON WANTED - tor children’s specially store Full time, part time and eve hours Call (509-448-2670

MATURE RESPONSIBLE person to babysit for 2 childrenHightstown area, own tran­sportation preferred 609-448- 1220

H ELP W ANTED waitress waiter grill person Flexible schedules available for day & bight shift Apply in person, Buxton’s Nassau St Prin­ceton

PAINTER NEEDED /Area contractor looking for extra help, Interior, exterior, ex­perienced 609:924-8718

CUSTODIAN recreational facility Call Mon-Fri, 9-5 609 452-1951

BOOKKEEPER 4 hours per dav Call 609-452-1951


BABYSITTER — My [home For girl toddler daily [during school vear for teacher: Excel Salary 609-448-6827 ’

U N L IM IT E D O F P O R MTY tron homf Musi

tit ve 18 all 20 297-4744Thursday 3-9

LANDSi \P f HELP neededStudent considered for summer Have work through fall Call 609-799-86881 leavemessage on machine j

SEEKING MATURF’ i PER .»»N lo care lor intaii in our borne Mon-Fri starting mid- Sept All 297 1962

OFFICE CLERICAL - for insurance office on Najssau St Some typing required hours 9 lo 5. 609-921 7059

D ELIVERY SALES part/ full time S5.ll salary/profit Over 18. car Call 20U287-0225 bet 30 4 6:30pm or 609-8900779 bet 5-9pm

INSIDE SALES — Inow in­terviewing for day or’ evening uli or part time Sales exp a

must P leasant ivorking conditions Many now! earning over $6 hr oh salary and bonus basis Call 609-924-303€ Mr Fama

EXPERIENCED - ([hairside assistant wanted for modern progressive office Excellent working environm ent for career minded person Please call 609-896-0529

MUSIC TEACHERS needed by music studio. P iano, drums, guitar, trumpet Do not call Send redume to V vickv - Musk S.’ucjio. 249 3 Main St.. Manvdle, N J 08835

COUPLE INTERES live-in. managing


Seashori resort Plegse seruinfo, c/o Mr P ile he!, P.0, Box 272. Iselin, N.J. 08830 or call 201-381-6818

OFFICE CLEANING - Steady pari time evenings Mon - Fn Car necessary Call 609-443-1033,

A COOK WANTED - in a natural foods restaurant This

an ipptirtunity Cal! for an appointment 609-259-2136 Wed through Sunday 12 !<j> 4

DENTAL APPO INTM ENT secretary - oar? time position with flexible hours Call 609 896-0529

STERLING THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES are m- iT iiew in g for real estate

sales associates Compare our methods of marketing and continued followup New or

xperienced, we o ffe r a and vou

continuing trainingeducation program ndt make over $50,000 last

year selling, or, yot want to. cal! tor an interview 201-297 0200 or 800-392-6810 Ask for Phillip Dezan


BBB OF CENTRAL N.J needs representatives to call nn businesses for ! potential membership Call Jack Pinto. Better Business Bureau of Contra) N.J . Rt 130 4 South River Rd , Cranbdrv, N.J 08512.__

SALES HEPRESe In TATIVE Train at $200 weekiv with

over too yr old highly respected life nsurance company Phone Mr, William J Ariel) 609-599-3035

DUG GRO O M ER Ex RETIRED PERSv perienced onlv Large 4 small clean school 4 do breeds 609-924-3444 or 890- hrs wk. $2 75 hr 9426 or 297-6066

INCREASE YOUR INCOME Active and progressive offices in Belle Mearf and Franklin Park seeking full and part time sales agents, experience preferred , m otivation and ability to deal with people a must We are members of M iddlesex and Som erset Multiple Listing Systems And members of M ultip le Relocation Organizations We also offer an interesting bonus plan as incentive For con- tidential interview ask for Len C ooper. M ID — J E R S E Y REALTY, 201-359-3444

P A R T T IM E P R O G R A M ­MER - The Gallup Organization in Pnnceton is seeking part Time year round programmer Knowledge in 430 FORTRAN Assembler Call 609-924-9600 ask for Steve Oberhein, An E O E

S E C U R IT Y 1 GUARDS Uniforms 4 equipment sup­plied Full or part time Work :n Central Jersey area For appointment call weekdays, 9- 4 201 -329-4541 An E 0 E

C AREER. JOB SEARCH 4 E D U C A T IO N A L C O U N ­SELING — Testing 4 Resume included Dr! M ichael L Rosenthal. 609-737 2236

R N ’S, L P N ’S - va rie ty , flexibility 4 bonuses Call for a p p o in t m e n t S T A F F BUILDERS. 20 Nassau St Pnnceton 609-924-0603

KITCHEN H ELPER - Please call 609-799-0450

WARM LOVING WOMAN wanted to babysit for 14 month old boy. Approx. 10 hours per week Davs 4 hours flexible 609-443-5188

EXPERIENCED MOTHER licensed teacher, form er assistant d irector of TR Toddler program with

ihi shea bab ys i t t ing sines: has openings

tgmning in he summer Finished playroom, vard. nearby playground, daily "Uting- meals 4 snacks provided < ail 609-448-0406

medical tran- "iption or any other tvping

in my home 609-443-1351

WAITERS WAITRESSES full time, exp HUB CAFE, n o Rt 27, Kend Pk 201-297-

2609 ______________ _HOUSEKEEPER Warm responsible person to care for teacher’ s two children References. Call 201-874-3311

EARN A GOOD INCOME - While you tfa in for a professional career in Sales Call Mr DeCandia 609-298-5*52

ResumesRYAN RESUME SERVICE Dayton. N.J Even ing ap­pointments ava ilab le Ca '. after 4 p m. 201-329-2431

PRODUCTIVE RESUMES - $1 x age Camera Ready Inquire of SECON inc Box 306. Trenton, NJ 08602.

THE PLA IN TRUTH ABOUT RESUMES Did you know that prices for resumes range as high as $3000’’ And as low as$15° In today's confusing marketplace with its shifting standards and tastes, how can vou ju dge ’’ F or exam ple What is a good resume^’ Is 'here a correct form"5 Should you go to a professional, or write vour own? Are you assured of getting a good resume just because someone claims to be a professional? How much should you pav? Is There a real difference bet­ween the $15 and $500 resume’’ Is it worth the substantial amount of money it is going to cost ’’ Do you need a resume at a ll” This is where I come in In a field where there is an in­credible range of quality, my resumes are consistently good Clients bring back reports that, p rospective em ployers were im pressed enough to comment favorably about the quality of resume my clients showecUthem, I will give you straight answers to the list of most frequently asked questions above and many more If vou call me. I w ill sit down! with yob and take tim e to answer a ll vour questions w ith no obligation on ’•<>ur part If I do a resume for you. r will be glad to adv ise you about updating it for a period of 2 years after, free of charge Call me to find out more PRINCETON W RITING ASSOCIATES 201:559-5948

BOOKKEEPER - full charg' hru G L seeks par time job

F am ilia r w/all types ol ,-vstems 609-448-1422'

W ILL BABY SIT in my home Reasonable rates 609-443-1610

GOING ON A T R IP ” Whv bother hiring a oabysitter when you can leave your school aged child in a familv atmosphere in our La wren eeville home We’U provide lots of TLC, meals tran­sportation For more info please -all Marcia 609-883 7863 _________________■


everything from building new "■mes panelling dens But he rea; satisfaction comes

when we meet the challenge that an older nouse offers staining the integrity of the dwelling without sacrificing comfort and beauty solving problems with ^novation and experience using the ex peruse and craftsmanship ha' nas made WILLIAMS

BUILDER known in the Pnnceton area for years Call 609-587-8500

TWIN RIVERS Mother - will are for your child while you

mk Playgroup atmosphere Finished playroom and backyard for summer play

;ncV nc naps 609-443-4555

: f v HERS desire exterior "use painting Experienced

fuliv nsured. free estimates < all 201-359-7652 after 6p m

MATURE BABYSITTER mpiete daycafe available in

Princeton Junction Years experience fully equippedp la yro o m , huge y a rd Very reasonable daily and weeklyrates. Call 799A263

D O C TO R S ASSISTANT EKG Tech - desires full time work in doctor’s office. With references 609-443-6710.

Nil ; HER TEACHER will care for your children her home, whife vou work or play201-821-8422 '

CHILD CARE experienced mother will care for vour child weekly, 609-448-5873.

EXP BASIC + , Programmer seeks challenging part-timeassignments 609-737-9435

CHILD CARE in my home for w orking, mothers. E x ­perienced References Twin Rivers area 609-448-4593

H O U SE C LE AN IN G — E x ­perienced, references, own ransportation 609-443-6785

after 6pm,

B A B Y S ITT IN G - T n my home Reliable mother. In­fants and toddlers Hot lunch and nap Swimming pool for summer plav Lawrenceville 609-882-3817._ _________

E X P E R IE N C E D P R IN - ( ETON LADY looking for work for retired couple or single professional male 809-924-0798

WELL KNOWN & ReliableMother w ishes to babysit daily "r weekly located across the

from McKnight School 609-448-5338

RESUM ES U N L IM IT E D - Your com plete one stop resume serv ice featuring resu m es p ro fe s s io n a lly written to h ighlight vour qualifications, expertly typed & offset printed For personal, confidentia l serv ice ca ll. RESUMES U NLIM ITED at 609-448-0701.

CAREER JOB SEARCH 4c E D U C A T IO N A L C O U N ­SELING Testing & Resume included, Dr M ichael L Rosenthal, 609-737-2236

Jobs Wanted

A TTE N TIO N M OTHERS! Experienced sitter has TWO :ul! time openings Constant : VE AND ATTENTION 609448-5206

ENGLISH R \ specializedin Psychiatric nursing, at 'ended summer school of Ucohol Study at Yale, seeks

position as companion and/or night duty Write Box *01970,< a Pnnceton Pack’et

HOUSECLEANING wanted 1 ?rd J + J .ri dav on Wed $25 Call after 5 pm zui-z»/- 609-695-8790 Mrs Francis

CHILD CARE - -my home \ a liable all year round on a full or part time basis 201-297-2373.______ _______________

A n n o u n c e m e n t s

P A R E N T S W IT H O U T PARTNERS; JOIN US - on the 4th Tuesday of the month, 8 p m , Umtarjan Church of Princeton, for program and social hour For information, call evenings '609 ' 924-2572 or 1201i 257-7553

THE PRJNCETON PACKETI 'h e l.a w H ^ r^ e iix J ge r

Seven For Central JerseyTHE CENTRAL POST

WINDSOR MIGHTS HERAL DThursday, August 3, 1978

Classified AdvertisingHILLSBOROUGH BEM'OfS

The M dnville Sewshe Franklin S fv tS RECORD


Announcements Announcements Personals so go V c - Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mo * Bargain MartPLEASE H ELP tf you saw a young man tnjured at Kingston Shop Rite Sunday July 23 around 5:30 pm please call 201-297-7436

NASSAU C O O P E R A T IV E N U R SE R Y SCHOOL IN PRINCETON has openings in its pre-school program Children 2‘ ? - 5 vrs may be enro lled in N U R SE R Y SCHOOL 9 am 12 noon (w/afternoon option/ or EXTENDED DAY 9 am 3 pm For further information call 609-924-7352

F L Y WITH ME TO LAS VEGAS F R E E 1 Send for free details. Glenmark Publishing Co , Box 233, Plamsboro. N J 08536

D U T C H N E C K COOPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL — sitll has openings in its fall, 3 yr old program We are a non-sectartan, non d is c r im in a to r y nursery school For information call 609-799-3685 _■____

THE FOURTH WAY is a method of sell-development introduced into America bv Mr Gurdjieff AKHALDAN fl is a school in ihe Fourth Way led by an experienced teacher 609-443-1898

R ID D E R IN G *D AY NUR SERY SCHOOL has several openings for children 24 to 5 yrs old Half or all day, flexible hours for working mothers Hwy, 27 bet Kingston & Kendall Park State licensed Call 201-297- 1956


At their own home child !• family learn how to ebpe with probfem s arising from em otional, physical or developm ental handicaps Priscilla Maren, 609-466-2039

W IN D O W F ASH 1Q W OVEN WOODS BLIND S BY D E LM A VERTICALS ALL AT OFF INSTALLED You pay my overhead beca nave none! Call Nikki *


25% don't

ause I arris

for price quote, 609-443-16791

backMOTHERS' Going work or school Establi Nursery School pro\ QUALITY DAY CARE your preschooler or dergarten child Loving in an educational setting Busy Bee School 609-443

to shed ides

for Kin- Care Call


MOTHER OFFERS Chile care Your home evenings My

home days Hourly or daily basis Twin Rivers onlv, 609- 443-3343. ’ ■

LOOK, LOOK LOOK ; h« parking ?t Princeton St Rates 50 cents per day. for overnight. by the |3 (MX), by the month $8 only overn ight parki Princeton 609-924-0976


re, is Hop

week Th«*



UNLIM ITED - Tired of places by yourself — a fa conceri t hea ter m ovie, youmissed it because you won't enjoy it as much alone ‘ , playing tennis, going to a beach resort vacation Maybe even, after learning budge, backgammon, chess or Mah Jong, you haven't got a part­ner Maybe I've got the an­swer 1 would like to start a group to make friencs 4 plan share some of the i bove activities or suggestions If you are single, between 10-50, please reply Box *01977 e ■ The Princeton Packet for info


with e ffe c tiv e organic Shakiee food supplements Results are guaranteed Call Jack Peck 809 799-4906 15%discount thru Julv

FR E E F A M IL Y FUN - Balloon rides, band concert, square dance, fashion reyue. puppet show, craft workshop, baby parade queen contest animal shows Mercer County 4-H Fair Aug 4 & 5, County skating rink. Did Trenton Rd, West Windsor 609-989-6833 for details. _________

EARN *1 00 A POUND — We’ll pav you SI 00 for every pound vou lose -m THE SHAKLEE WAY SLIMMING PLAN The plan that helps you lose weight while gaming good nutrition Phone Jack Peck at 609-799-4906 Your independent Shakiee distributor

W AYS TO COPE - R E L A X A T IO N . A SSE R TIVENESS TRAIN ING . SELF IM A G E B U ILD IN G era phasized in our Train ing Program In Life Skills 4 Coping Techniques for personal growth 4 develop­ment at home, school and/or work AM /PM 8wk courses at Kendall Park . Hopewell. Princeton & Hamilton Con­tact THERESA TOMAIRCHIO & ASSOC Box 271, Kobe well. N j 08525 , 609-4664)636 !


l^arn to identify and! fulfill personal needs, increase self­esteem and im prove in ­terpersonal communications These themes and others will be explored in a supportive setting through group in (fraction Certificated 'group leader Offices in P n pee ton and Kendall Park Contact B Blank, 201-297-9567

DAY CARE — or halt day ereatife pre-school experience ai M ontessqn Children 's House in Kendall Park 6 to 5 p m T r a n s p o r t a t i o n available Register now, ul for additional information at 201-297-6066 or 297-9144 af^er !2 noon

C ARO L'S PLA C E - Per sonalized stationery, in vitations and gift itennis at discount prices Call 609-443 '3141

KILIjPAYING Young artist needs apt or portion o f house at Pi mceton area in exchange for reasonable rent and/or chores Excellen t local references Call weekdays, 609-921-6122.

F L Y TO N A N TU C K E T - sharing expenses in IFR twin engine airplane witn multi- engine instrument flight in­structor Cost varies with weather 4 traffic It is likely to he between S40 4 $50 per person round trip 609-921- (867

ARE YOU INTERESTED — in joining a selective group of s ingles'1 Interests include dancing, gourm et dining, sports (heater and intellectual discussion Reply Box *01980, c o Princeton Packet

ATTRACTIVE DIVORCED WOMAN LA TE 30's no dependents desires to meet kind sincere executive man 40/-50 for m eaningful relationship Write Box *01968 c/o Princeton Packet

A F T E R SCHOOL CARE AVAILABLE for 1st thru 3rd

traders in the Hightstown last Windsor area Princeton

YWCA program runs Monday thru Friday from 3 to 6 p.m and on early Tuesdays from 1 to 6 p.m and is held at the Kreps School w ith tran- .s p o r t a 111 / r i a r r a n g e tf f r o m other area schools Some financial and scholarship aid a va ilab le For inform ation call YWCA 609-924-4825 ext 21

FREE — 100 Tablets, 50mg B IS. $7 95 value Free in­troductory o ffe r with pur­chase For information write Health is Wealth, Box 153. Craribury, NJ 08512

MASSAGE Women only by Pat Hubley Princeton location For info, 609-443-6784

LEIGG1 D AY SCHOOL applications now being taken for all day nursery school - Ham 5:30 cfaih open all year ages 2*2 to 5 609466-0805

WOMAN 44 desires dating settled gentlem an, books nature, quiet activities music, drives 609-466-2829

W ILL PA Y FOR RIDE - from Twin Rivers to Carteret or vicinity Arrive 7-8:30 am. leave 4pm or later 609-4433974 ______________________


G AY SW ITCHBOARD in- formati»>n center Call 609-92 2565 Best hours 7-10 p m Mon thru Thurs

K A Y ’ S IN T R O D U C T IO N SERVICE - all ages Meet ■■ partner for a friendship or marriage 201-534-2726

HIGHTSTOWN PLANNED PAR E N TH O O D C L IN IC Monday evenings Call 609-446 3439 __ _______ _____________

IN F O R M A L TA LK S - on d e v e l o p in g s p i r i t u a l awareness Bahai Faith Call 609-771-0661.

NEED A BAND’’ Weddings are our sp ec ia lty ’ Good danceable music fdr'all ages reasonable prices 4 we are dependable 201-359-1800

W ILL PA Y for ride to Prine June! Station from Tw in Rivers ar 7am Return to TR after 5 609443-3974

POSTSCRIPTS Invitations P e rs o n a liz e d s ta t io n e ry . Substantial discounts Call for appt 609-924-8167 , 921-3854


FEM INIST RAP GROUP — forming 8-8 at a space of our own. Call 609-546-5143

B arg a in M artFURNITURE - black leather Stratorester (electric). V ic­torian day bed. V ictorian loveseat needs repair), iarge ■Simmons hide-a bed (cheap, needs rep a ir ), Po loroid Camera, case, attachments. Queen Anne type desk, small round table. sideboard sm a ll!, overstu ffed chair

bookcase, chest of drawers 609-924 2686

PEACHES' The best part of the Summer has arrived Peach harvest tim e at TERHUNE ORCHARDS The bams are painted, the flowers bloom ing, the vegetab les ripening 4 the peaches are in. Come jusi minutes South of P rinceton for baskets of peaches 4 summer apples wonderfully delicious fruit you can only gel at Terhune Or­chards. Cold Soil Rd 609-924 2310 Open wkdys 10-7, Sat 4 Sun 10-5pm

JC PENNY' RIDING LAWN MOWER — ‘Onlv used for a time Sell for $499 $700value 5 speed 8 horsepower Forced to sell because of transfer to area in which lawn mower will not be used Call 609-448-0858.___

MOVING SALE - Reed 4 Barton heavy s ilverp la ted pitcher 6 goblets 4 tray $60 other silver serving pieces available All as new Electric fondue set, brand new, $10, large electric corning ware, brand new, $15, numerous other articles 201 359 3854

FOR SALE M OVING MUST S E LL - NOW - Rocking chair $33 or best offer. Woodson P A system like new $375 . 2 speakers 4 leather covers for afl, l mike, 2 stands 4 plug-ins for your instruments, cash, best offer lakes it Metal brown clothes cabinet 2 dr w / mirror, 2 shelves deep space in bottom, good cond $75 or best offer Din rm rug 9x12 mixed colors $30 Also garden tools, Xmas lights, disnes, clothes odds 4 ends 609-924-3670

SKIS - Head-Star’s, 178cm Salomon “ S” bindings, used twice, excellent for nov to nter Call after 7 609-799-1983

P R A T I Q U E ! V O T R E Franca is en joignant notre groupe Reunions bi- niensuelles dans un cadre am ieal Pour tous ren- seignements, appelez s’ il vous plait 609-921-0492

COLORADO-BOUND PER SON wanted to drive old VW Beetle Io Boulder 609-924-3341, iffice hours 452-2700 ext 2777

1'M A S A F E T Y WOM AN LOOKIN’ FOR A SAFETY MAN One who’s in good shape physically, 28-50. and ready to give as well as receive Reply Box 01939 Princeton Paeket

NEED RIDE TO SCHOOL— in Chicago area Leave Sept 8 <>r 9 Will share driving auto 4 manual 4 expenses Call 609- 166-1909 after 6prr.

LOOKING FOR A CHANGE’’ Switch !o an active roll Help elec! Jessie Havens Somerset Countv Freeholder Call 201- (539-1361 Paid by Citizens for Havens. Ludlow Ave,, Belle Mead

tIVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets Thursday evenings,

1st P resbyterian Church. Hightstown’ For information call 609-448-2481 or 448-5459

CO LLEG E SELEC TIO N 4 A P P L R A T I O N C O IN S E LL IN G individuals T sanali groups Ur Michael L Rosenthal, «09 73 *-2236.

DATES DATES MORE DATES send name. 4 ready 'tamped sell-addressed en­velope toC F D PO BOX 1123. Prmeeion NJ 08540

W F 40’s divorced active- seeks sincere a ffectionate man of quality and means

.ready for a new love-one who usually would not answer ads Share holidays, social events and quiet times Write Box *01975. c o Princeton Packet •

PER EGO C A R R IA G E< oinverts to stro ller $50 Originally $125 . 609-443-4010

FRENCH PRO V Bedroom Set fruitwood. 5 pcs $300 201- 297-6476

MOVING TO TEXAS SALE! Parlor grand piano: 8 ft X 10 ft cyclone dog pen; 2 month old Sears washing machine; Hamilton gas drver 4 much more 201-297-943S

DOUBLE BED — boxsprings 4 mattress plus triple dresserw/2 m irrors In excellen t condition Call 609-448-2102

MOVING SALE - 3 pc sec­tional Hereulon tweed very good condition, $100 Shetland electric broom as new $7 Sears heavy duty floor polisher 4 rug cleaner, $20 Gibson air conditioner, very good condition, $50, iarge crystal vase. $10 201 359-3854

O R T O F O N M I 5 E - and Stanton 680EE cartridges also Sansui TU7700 tuner Call after 5pm. 609-737-2590

TU RKEY COOPS — wooden, brand new. Student deskw drawers, shelves 609-655 1834 __________________ ____BOYS SCHWINN Sting ray bicvcle - 3 spd vers good condition $45 Call 201-3596265 _____________ ; j ■DINING ROOM SET - Table with leaf, 6 chairs, Hutch, Oak contemporary style. A ! cond Stereo Console, w/am/fm radio, turntable 4 B trackcontemporary style 609-448 7311, 8am to 12 noon or 7pm to 10pm ________ _

RALEIGH 26 BIKES - 39*, like new i man’s 1 g irl’s each, golf clubs 4 bag t4 woods, 10 irons, rt handed best offer 19” color TV with wood TV stand, best offer d ecora tive matching w all plaques, 1 Ig 4 2 sm, $35, 5' Christmas tree with all decorations. $25 living room furniture, never abused, ex­cellent condition incl couch 4 2 chairs, (both in plastic covers) drum table, hanging lamp, stick table, 7’ stereo cabinet with components) Will sell as whole or separate Best offer 609-448-6984 after 5pm

STERLING SILVER - ingot c o l l e c t i o n . iC o m p le t e P residen tia l ingots. $525 Famous Am ericans b icen­tennial collection ingots. $650 Verv excellent condition Both for $1150 Call 609-896-0686 Ask for Lance or Rich

FOR SALE - Sears Road Ta lker 40 channel CB, sideband Asking $*200 Ask for Paul 609-921-6737

W ASHING M ACH INE Kenmore 5 cycle. 3 spd. good working condition white, $60 Call 201-329-4659 after 6pm.

9x12 OLD O RIEN TAL RUG - needs repair on 1 corner, $85 Empire china closet, 2 glass sides 4 2 glass doors, $185 Empire 3 glass door bookcase, $90 Purp le glass bowls w dolphins on base glasses 4 dishes to match, best offer White carnival glass lamp shapes, imperial stretch glass

E lates 4 blue bowl, 20 gallon utter chumer crock $20

French lomage teapot sugar 4 creamer $70 Old birch rocking chair - stripped, $85 Set of 6 Mediterraman dining rm chairs. $75 plus lots of good collectable glass, good jewelry, etc. Sat 9:30 to 5 p.m cal! for appointment - 201-329 6722 ------------------------------

POOL DECK — approx 9x12, $100; stainless steel above ground pool ladder $35 609 448-1009

FOR SALE 4 year old, 15 ft Grumman aluminum canoe Barely used excellent con­dition, $200 Call 609-921-3707

GE REFR IG ERATO R 18 cub gold, top freezer Equipped

for an icemaker 4 months old Doesn’t fit in new townhouse. must sell $375 609-771-0256

Convertible sofa, Hereulon, $189 95 Bookcases 48” high. 23” COLOR TV Sylvama solid state, VHFOIHF Fine con-

j temporary dark wood cabinet. Also, GM baby car seat Call after six 609-882-9141.

ZENITH TVs: 17” color, $150; iwo 12” biack-white, $50 each Rocking chair $60 redwood picnic table $45, Norelco stereo reel tape recorder $125 dehumidifier $75 Swing $40, slide $10 M exico Forge p la ygrou n d equ ipm en t climbing toy $100, volleyball poles and net > $50, tetherball pole, ball) $25 Call 609-452-

5321 883-8957 Mostrom

NISSEN M O D EL TR AM POLINE FOR SALE used in gymnastics program Good condition $700 or best offer as is Additional information, call 609-924-4825

A IR C O N D IT IO N E R S 2 Kelvmalor 7.500 BTU. $105 10,000 BTU $130 609-882-9193after 4:30 p m

REFRIGERATOR iarge Norge, $100. Also 3 desks $15 $35 2 radial snows $30 . 20” window fan. 609-443-1692 eves

M OVING — GE E lec tric Dryer, 1 yr old $75. GE Washer, working condition $25. green reclmer chair. $25 pine hand painted blanket chest, $125; lamps, etc 609 443-4444 . 443-1220

E A S Y SP IN D R Y E R WASHER - 5 vrs old, ex­cellent shape $120 Call 609- 799-1305 or 0736

C O C K T A IL T A B L E S . DINING ROOM SET fixtures, custom drapes, pictures, lamps & bedspreads A ll reasonable. 609-443-6325

C R E A T IV E L E A R N IN G CRIB - Originally $300 like new $90. must sell Plavtablealso avail 609-448-8507

DRESSER French provin­cial Beautiful $75, lamps 201-874 3685

SEARS 10 spd BIKE - silver 27” lightwt, center puli brakes. I vr old Call after 7 609-799-1983


---C on tem p orary F lo o r Lamps on sale up to 40% off chrome, brass, colors, wood models available

— Visit New Hope early Saturdays, avoid the crowds We pav for parking and fines with vour $25 00 purchase 215 862-2982

—Hours: Mon to Sat 10 to 5, Sun 12 to 3. Our 17th year

BEECHNUT CHEWING GUM choice of flavors Fresh!

$1 50 each vend package of 20 packs of 5 sticks each Call 201 - 297-9215

MOVING — Simplicity lawn tractor 8hp, $550 new 96” BroyhiU blue velvet sofa, $375 Sehg o>laid sofa & loveseat $375 Call after Thurs. noon 201 359-4251.

EXCEPTIONAL BUY New. never used, Morsan’s best 8x10 bungalow tent, model 29-352 Sells for $210 plus tax, will accept best reasonable offer 201-297-9084

SOLID M APLE HUTCH - 3s h e l v e s . r e f i n i s h e d beautifully Call 609-896-1986

CASTRO SOFA — opens into twin beds, exc cond 2 sets of covers, $100, round marble top pedestal table, $50. brown leather chair $15, brass plated double bed headboard. $20 609-448-7524

DINING ROOM OR KITCHEN SET — brown Formica Ig oval table. 1 leaf, seats 6 closed. 8 opened; 4 ivory upholstered arm chairs Set looks like wood Excellent condition $150 609-655-0583 or 655-0584

WHIRLPOOL — convertible washer 4 dryer 15 mos old $275 609-924-3441

FREEZER - 22 cubic ft chest, like new $199 Call 609- 921-6035

TWIN STROLLER - for sale, $35 GM toddlers car seat, like new, $20 Cali 609-799-2674

MUST SACRIFICE Hotpoint heavy duty gas dryer, GE washer Ham ilton washer Westmghouse dehumidifier TVs, KW truck seat & back cushions, new new bed­spreads & other household lems 20' 329 3021 201-287-

1322 Everything goes!

ML.VI KELL — blue green liv ing room couch, blue matching chair, marble coffee table. Top Cond Call 609-448 5947


Home grown naturally fed steers Cut to yogr own specification , wrapped and frozen Kaufman Farm 609- 466-0773. Master Chg avail

SEARS - 3 spd floorscrubber polisher Used only once. $50 609-799-9159

FOR SALE large selection reconditioned refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers Guaranteed Can deliver anddo electrical or gas hook-up 201-389-3718

5 SPD RALEIGH 609-924-7693

$50 Call

KITCHEN SET - 42” round formica table with cast iron base. 4 matching black swivel chairs, $125 Call 201 329-4659 after 5pm

MOVING - MUST SELL Rosewood table, Drexel dining table, bentwood chairs, Oriental rug, several designer lamps, double bed, stroller, baby carrier 609-924-2982

M O VING - must sell everything 8 leather couch $200 Stuffed chair $150 8walnut bookcase $50 Full folding beds w 'mattress $65 Loveseat $100 Piano $400 Other chairs bookcases, desk abies. etc 609-924-9585 after


BOAT - 12" Mirrocraft Motor & cart op earner and other accessories 1968 Honda 90, auto clutch Call 201-329 6430. after 6 pm

RAGGEDY ANN & ANDY Highchair, $10 White Wicker Dressing table, $10, Painted chest o f drawers, $5. Horsev on wheels. $5 609-443-6419

ONE BOX SPRING & mat­tress, standard size, new' Asking $60 If interested please call 609-921 2288

SOFA — must sell 1 y ear old 7 ft brown ieather-lifee vinyl. Tufted, brass tacks. Will not‘fit in new home 609-883 7395

M AYTAG D RYER - Por­table Lemoge dishes, Wool rug. approx 9x15, tools, misc Priced to sell 609-448-2799

5 PC D INETTE SET $25. stereo-phono $15, steel shelf. $10. aquarium, 201-359-2367

BASEBOARD HOT WATER HEAT, com plete e lectric boiler, cheap, 609-397-0363

2 HEAVY DUTY' radial arm saws, 16". 1 never used $700 1 slightly used $500 609-466-0685, after 6, ask for Charly

STAINED GLASS WINDOWS unique selection of old

glass $50 to $250 609-924-0260Keep trying

AMERICAN HERITAGE - 64 books, 1955-1970 $50 Horizon 66 books. 1958-1971 $65Brittam ca Yearbooks 1945- 1961 $25 609-921-8774 after 6 p m j

INDOOR PLAN T BARGAINS FROM THE PLANT LADY - Must c lea r out overstock before Septem ber Hours 10am-5pm, M on-Fri 518 Cherry Valley Rd Princeton 609-921-8405

2 - UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS plus used baby items, coach

carriage 2 strollers, Basset crib, and playpen 609-448-3729

4) - IM PORTED FRENCH SIDE CHAIRS Handcarved 4 hand rubbed wood frames Seats 4 backs are upholsteredin elegant ivory-colored velvet $425 each Please call 609-443-1356

LIQUIDATION SALE, Fn 4 Sat., Aug 4 4 5, 10-4. Surplus inventory 4 supplies after Art Bam closing including store fix ., d isplay cases com pressor w 2 Duofast staplers 4 air gun. art work 4 misc frames, craft supplies doll houses 4 handcrafted items pius much, much more at sacrifice prices

CHILD'S DRESSER, 20 Sch wmn boys bike, trike, 4 tovs 609-443-6895

GOLF EQUIPM ENT - PGA handcrafted registered clubs, lefthanded. 4 woods, 9 irons, head covers, leather bag. puli cart, canvas carry-bag. 2 prs of shoes, lot. 4 U Sell all or par; Stereo inc 2 speakers receiver 4 BRC turntable also for sale 609-799-1607 after 6P ™ __ —j____ I____D R APE S - for T R 2 bedroom townhouse end unit Custom made for living room, kitchen and hall Reasonable tffer Call eves. 609-443-6640

GESTETNER Mimeographmachine. $50 For information call 609-448-7567

TENT — cots, icebox w. sink gas bottles. VW engine crank­case, girl $ bike blue van seats 609-921-8050

HOOVER CANISTER $15 Twin mattress $25. 21” Color TV console! $100 609-828-5982

-------_ L --------1----------

FOR SALE — Sears Craft sman. 22” self-propelled lawn mower 3 years old Good running condition Bags 4 maintenance agreement $85 firm Call 609-921 7692


Colton Skirts $12Pants $10Pant Suits 4Dresses 50%, off




D R A P E R IE S - hea vv c a s e m e n t , g r e e n g o ld ’ 160 x94 . $150 Call 609-9211475. _______ 1_________ ______

BUREAUS — kitchen sink, stove, oven, bathroom sink, cocktail table 201-359-6097

ONCE AG A IN SH O PPE 140 S Main St.. Hightstown

Mon-Fri. tO-2pm Used but not abused clothing for the entire family

Summer Clearance


SALE” Hijacking a bus to come to our sale is a serious crime Drive in vour own car JULY 24 - AUGUST 6 You won't be arrested and you’ll save 20% to 30% from a'huge selection FURLONG LAM P FACTORY OUTLET largest for a 99 mile radius 3 miles south of Lahaska Peddler s Village on Rte 263. Furlong. Pa OPEN 7 DAY’S Weekdays 8-8. Sat 10-5, Sun 11-6 Micro Dot Pricing 215 794 7444 5-6

B E N J A M IN R O O M ' features Spode Royal War cester, Bing 4 Grorxkhl bone china and quality brass home furnishings 12\C 794-5242

C O N TE M PO R A R Y Wood Dining Table 4 6 chairs, 24” crysta l Chandelier. 2 raditional living room chairs,

lamp table coffee table 3 pc sectional couch No easonable offer refused Call

609-448-548 >r 448-6999

PORCH F U R N IT U R E - Lovely sofa-bed and chair Aluminum frames «- floral print cushions 609-737 2864

G E N E R A L E LE C TR IC in wall or window air conditioner with fan. 17,500 B T U Good to excel cond Asking $200 After

p.m 201-725-2588


Edinburg, N.J.609-443-1214

We sell Rem ington, Win­chester, Savage Moss bergIthaca. M arlin , S K B , Thompson center 4 all scopes

suggested Dealer Wholesale Before you buy a gun or a bow anvwhere give us a call 4 check our prices Hours Mon., Tues , Thurs 4 Fr. 12 noon-9 P M Wed , 12 noon-6 P M Sat. 9 A M -6 P.M ., Sun 10 A M -4 P M For rem ainder of season, all fishing rods, reeis 4 ac­cessories in stock 25% off price marked

F U R N IT U R E SALE - changing decor must sell c o n t e m p o r a r y p ie c e s Couches, lamps, accent tables, glass 4 chrome dining room set Much, much more Call 609-443-5559. after 10 am

DINING TABLE - $45, K it­chen table $25, curtains, traverse rod Yellow sofa, $125, green rugs. $45 609-443- 5508

AIR CONDITIONER 10.000 BTU GE High Efficiency, used 1 season $250 ‘69 Olds 98.

f exc cond. $700. Hot water heater, new. 40 gal gas fired. $100 firm . Elec chain saw $50; Drill press frame - -a , $40 Jacobs Parallel Squares - 48” $25 -60 $30; Pine trestledesk, $75; 2 chairsupholstered, cut-velvet floral red/green whiU background, mint cond, $175 pr En­cyclopedia Brittanica book case included Best offer over $100 Call 609-924-6332

MOVING MUST SELL - slale .pool table, orig $500 Ex col lent condition $150 609-452-8013

FREEZER 17 cu ft. Coldspot chest, new in 1975. excellent condition 609-924-1772

L6Q15 tires, $45 for pair. 1 new AP wagon w heel 15' $30 ( 201 (29-8979

GOLF CLUBS — Woods. *s 1, 3 4 4-4 Irons <1, 2-9 + P $50. arm chair - red black $35 609- 443-5863

PORTACR1B - 5hp riding mower, good condition, Crib mattress, like new; GM infant love seat; 9’ umbrella tent201-359-5948

LIVING RM FURN. - 2 pc Sect Couch Avocado on Ecru w plastic covers Mint Cond 2 Lady Chairs Beige on Ecru w/ plastic covers Mint Cond. Antique Wht frames on both items Best offer on each item. Call after 5 pm, 609-448%237

RIDING MOWER Outdoor furniture, roll top desk, 12x18’ green rug, rocker, boy's Sch­winn, 2 g ir l ’s Schwinn, toilet 4 sink. Anniversary clock, Seth Thomas clock, electric heater 4 fan, lamps chandeliers, va let chair, E lectro lux, decorator rods, custom drapes!, loveseat. poker table etc 609-882-1533

10 FOOT overhead door, never used with all hardware, ready for mstullatian Call 609-448- 3643 evenings or weekends

BEDROOM SET - 5 p c , suitable for teen girl, asking $150 609-448-4979

CALIFORNIA BOUND - for 'a le >ak coffee able 4 end lable, rock maple hutch 4 cabinet, gold nylon carpet with tag colonial sofa 4 chair in piaid Hereulon, metal desk chair g ir l’s -no speed banana seal bike large gvm set Miscellaneous Colonial knick- knacks 609-921-8049

LENSES Canon mount — Vivitar. 85-205 zoom 4 35mm W A Best offer 609-921-7352.

DARK PINE - round 5’ dining table w one leaf 4 4 arm chairs, exceptional Glass top $.350 609-883-8019 after 7 pm

LIVING ROOM It Prov sectional, gold cut ve lve t couch $125. chair, brown $50: Green Cnntemp Couch. $60, green chair, $30 Good con­dition 609-655-4369

WHIRLPOOL - for bathtub with timer. $75 609-921-8774after 6pm

D A R G A Z IN E - Oriental runner 12 4 x2 Must sell $600 firm Call after 6pm. 201-297- 4864

‘HER R E P E L L E N T FOR SALE keep deer out of your

Gardens away from shrubs 4 'me plantings Easv to use

non-toxic 4 com pletely rganic Tested 4 proved in ur own orchards Terhune

Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Rd 609-924-2310

MUST SELL Redecorating -beautiful Van Sc iver Hal Prov couch 4 match chair, fruitwood trim w blue uphol. Kitchen set w genuine teak wood table Swedish mod dinette game table w / while leather chairs A lso lamp, end tables, chair, Col. 3- pc sectional (tree-to young couplet Weekday eves call 609-799-1408

STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES Distributors 4 Discounters

Custom designs Repair 4 • restoration Lamps, mirrors,planters.* etc Princeton Stained Glass, 38 Spring St., 609-921-1311.

W IN D O W F A S H IO N S WOVEN WOODS M IN I BLIND S BY D E LM A R 4 VERTICALS A LL AT 25% OFF INSTALLED You don’t pay mv overhead because I nave none Call Nikki Harris for price quote. 609-443-6791.

DISCOUNT GUNS 4 AM MO Shotguns 4 rifles $10 over wholesale Ammo discounted

10°„ off most hand guns Reloading supplies discounted

; Sell 4 Trade Murph\ s Sportsmen's Den 3152 Rt 27, Kendall Park

Mon & Tues closed WedThur-Fri 12-9 Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6

,, 201-297-3357


ERTICAL BUNDS30% off list delivered

Elenby Products Call for quote 201 364-4583

A D IFFERENT KIND OF FURNITURE STORE - now open at 2000 Turk Road,Doylestown, across from

l Furniture!! Used fur niiure. decorator items, hanging baskets, etc Stop in and ask for Alice 9-5 daily, closed Sunday

WROUGHT IRON (te flon oated patio furniture, able

& 4 chairs, setee 2 planters ( ost over $650 Yours for only $400 Authentic tiffany period snade best offer over $300 namond ring, orange blossom

pirouette 39 Carat $350 ulbransen spinel piano $400

' -anciscan china 4 glasses tor 8, hand painted open pattern steal it for $150 Call '09-896-0699 between 6 4 10 p.m

K ' At RIB dressing able ombmation Like new $35

carriage stro ller combo Beautiful $75 609-443-1856

D IN ING ROOM TA B LE ’ dern 62x30 with 2 boards. 4 ’ airs plus huffe’ cabinet 609


LIN ING ROOM SET 5 pc Bed shag carpet Baby ac cessories Lamps Antique cocktail table Drapes Call•419-443-5725

TEREO COMPONENTS 4 RECORDS 20 to 40% off list All major brawls available a/, guaranteed CALL AUDIO

T LE T ai 609-92 1 2965 after 6 pm

SHERATON SERVER Mahogany beautiful Satin -.i/od and Yew inlay work, 75 ears old. $325 Bed Drexel

iouble extra long, mahogany, m luding box spring 4 ma! ress $150 Coffee table 44

round, solid mahogany. Sheraton legs, brass casters $150 All quality pieces in excellent condition 609-655- 2090. _____________________

P A L E BLOND modern dining group, ig table, 6 cane back chairs 4 breakfront. 1 yr .Id $600 Also 9x12 shades of

brown Rya rug 609-883-8019 after 7, pm

PICK YOUR OWN - bring own containers, POTATOES, 9« a lb Sat 8 30am-ll 30am, CORN. 8 <» per ear, Tues & Thurs 5pm-7pm, also Sat. 8 ;30am -ll 30am, Corn also picked on order, $1.50 per dozen Grover Farms, 348 Village Rd East Dutch Neck. 609-799-1195.______________

SLEEP SOFA - plus 2 chairs. Med Good but needs some upholstery work $50 for all Extendable, strong kitchen able plus 4 chairs. $30 201-2*7

2520 ____________

KARASTAN ORIENTAL - 10 6 x18 Must Sell. $450 firm Call after 6pm. 201-297-4864

SOFA — 8 ft Fr blue faille, tuxedo type 8 loose pillows, exc cond Coffee table, Henredon. Fr Prov pecan wood $400 for both or best offer 609-655-3767

SOAPSTONE — Green. White, soft stone, easv to carve. White pink, translucent Alabaster. Carrara Marble.

: per Stpne power tools and accessories. Sculpture House Inc , Open Mon-Sat Skillman, N.J 609- 466-2986

DEN FURNITURE Colonial ofa, loveseat 4 leather chair end abies. coffee table 1 yr

old 609-883-8019 after 7 pm'

HI . ASTRO CONVERTIBLE SOFABED walnut bar withbrass rail 4 2 stools, single ■naple bed, 2-king size bed­spreads 609-924-634(1

POOL” TABLES used 7’ able $400 8’ 4 9 tables

available Order now for in­stallation or lay-away for holidays Bumper pool tables too Call 359-0260

EARLY AMERICAN art reproductions on , canvas Incredible brilliance, real exture For home office

gifts Art Fac Gallery, 12-14 Mercer St Hopewell 609-466- 2913.

UR1ENTAL GROCERIES 4 GIFTS Trenton Fanners Mariiet, F ri’s 4 Sat’s. 10-7 609 394-8887 ) Columbus

Farmers Market. Thurs thru Sun's 609-298-3191). I f no answer 609-882-5767.

DISCOUNT LIGHTING The Roosters Coup Lighting ixtures. lamps shades, parts

and repairs Clocks, gift items6 ’replace equipment Huge assortment of brand names at discount prices THE ROOSTERS COUP on Rt 29, Lam bertville . N.J OPEN7 DAYS. 609-397-0027

THE RESALE SHOP - 901 Camplain Rd.. M anville Buying and selling - You name it' Antiques furniture, tools and useable items 201- 526-3761

SOFA — maple, loveseat, red cushions, excellent condition $80 609-394-0581!

COUCH $30 pole lamp $30, kitchen table w/4 chairs $140; 2 arm chairs, $30 ea ; vac. cleaner. Hoover” $65, carpet 11x14, $100 lawn mower $35, mirror $15, 3 tables, $10 ea , lamp w/wh. shade $5 clock $5 iron $5, boy's baseball glove $3; rotisserie 2 radios, one w clock 2 pictures; games 201-329-6791

W HEELCHAIR — cane seat 4 back Mechanically perfect condition $70 609-799-9127.

D INETTE SET - All Formica table with leaf, 4 chairs. 2 pc breakfront $375 609-799-2207

RUGS rose pink shag 3" 8” x 6'3 and 2’3’ x 5’7” . Pink oval 2 x3' $35, Call after 6 pm 809-882-8784

PLYW OOD SH EATH IN G - ext new 4x8 - 3/8” $7 68. V $8 48 5/8” $11 38 3 4 $13.88Knn dried lumber 1x3x8 48 cents 2x3x8 $1.20 2x4x8 $1 60, Andersen windows $32% off Tex : . plywood siding 5/8' 4x8 $16 48 sht 3/8” 4’x8‘$12 88 R R tie, new creosoted 8’ $7 95 Candeliver 215-674-0205. eves 887 2313.___________________

SWIM POOLS - FACTORY SPECIAL Closing out 1977 line Luxury pools with deck fence and filter Only $639 installed, financing avail Call Frank 609-235-4747

■HUGS - Jewel -of Kashmier rugs in various sizes 12x15, 4x6, 3x5, 2x4. The base coloring is bone, accented by soft shades of green & burgundi Call Mr, Haulen- beek, 609-883-5800 or 882-5243

RCA CONSOLE - com ­bination am/fm stereo 4 record player 609-452-9218

FURNITURE - Walnut 6 drawer dresser, 2 end tables r V solid Rosewood table top. etc 609-448-5850 ' I


THE PRINCETON PACKETITiel awnsnreljedger


Seven For Central Jersey


Classified AdvertisingTTILLSBOROi >GH BEACOt\

The Mdnville News

'HefranklinNFHn RECORD

Thursdav . AufuM 3, l <>“ 3

Bo^gc Me Bargain Mart " * ,PO TTER ’S KICKW HEEL - with 150 lb stone Wood frame d isassem blies adjustable seat Plus 500 lb good clay and extras Best offer 609-921-6529 or 452-3875

HIDE-AWAY BED $6) Left handed gold clubs new $50 Round cocktail table, 48", walnut formica besi offer

' Pool table, 8\ $350 Other mise items 201-359-57567 PC D INETTE SET, $75, sofa with attached end tables $65 new furnace humidifier 201 329-2025_____________________

BARN WOOD FOR SALE - Hand hewn beams, 100 yr old oak milled timbers 3x7 3x4 jak rafters Pine shop-tap barn siding, ye llow pine flooring, oak chestnut bam siding Wholesale, retail 201- 236-6680

MUST SELL — living room, queen size bed, lamps end tables, garden tools, con vertible high chair, stroller carnage 4 bassinet: ancient Egyptian sty le table w/2 luftets, toys, pots 4 pans. Call 609-799-9219, Piamsbor

VERY ATTRACTIVE -84 SE L IG SOFA matching loveseat, brown 4 white H e r c u i o n , e x c e l l e n t condition, $275. tree custom made plastic slipcovers 201 297-1460

SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERA Canon auto zoom, 814 F l 4

lens, zoom range 7 5-60mm Fully automatic TTL Sfervo EE in perfect cond $130 AlSo- Auto 8 movie projector, Model 478B Bell 4 Howell In perfect condition $120 201-431-0196

MINOTLA - SRT 101 w Fl.4 Hormal lens. 135 telephoto 28mm w ide-angle, case & electronic flash 609-448 5363

TRAM PO LINE - 124” x 80” chandelier Brass 10 lights 609-448-3336 from 4 to 7 pm

BARRELS - 42 4 52 gallon oak $12.50 each. Oak planters $10 each 809-896-1916

HOT PO INT glass ceramic lop 30” electric stove with d ig ita l clock 4 autom atic limed 4 self-cleaning oven 609-448-4769 after 6 pm

CHILDCRAFT CRIB - Good condition with mattress $65 Cal! 609-443-1338

RUBBER STAMPS School or College address Home, business, zip code Rubber stamps of all kinds and sizes made to your order at:

IIINKSO NS 82 Nassau St

MINOLTA 202 Black body only Exc cond , $1® 2M otorcross b icycles, exc cond., 1 yr old Orig $150. each Asking $40 each 609 443-3827_________

GE, E L E C T R IC R ID IN G MOWER - 14hp. 42 inch cut 4 36 inch Parker sweeper Exc cond $900 Free de livery within 20 miles Call Fred or Rick Petry Petry Storage Co

Rl 1 609-883-9300

WROUGHT IRON - coffee table 4 end tables, tile lop China cabinet, m ovie projector with sound electric dryer 609-443-3008

HOTPOINT PO RTABLE dish washer $75. Snow blower. $60 Air conditioner, 7500 BTU 150 After 6pm, 201-297-4581

D INETTE SET formica table w/4 chairs GM car seat, Marmett carriage, play pen 4 swing 609-448 7343


with purchase of a Guitar

FARRING TO N ’S MUSIC Princeton, 12 Spring St

andHightstown. Rt 33

MAGIC CATALOGUE $1 credit of $1 with your list $5 order Jack’s Magic Den Box 312 Princeton Jet

TWIN BED — w/box spring 4 mattress, walnut veneer Best offer 609-443-4875 after 6om

DRAW DRAPES - 3 sets 14 ft each, with hardware, lined $25 each; used double window with storm windows $25 609448-6247

MOVING SALE - July 29 4 30 No price tags Will sell furniture, washer dryer by appt 6 Bolfmar Ave, Grovers Mill 609-799-1380

RALEIGH SPR ITE - 5 spd ladies touring bike 4 Triumph 3 spd ladies bike Both in perfect working order 609-924 5827

RALEIGH 10-speed Suntour components Front bag 4 rear rack Good-to excel cond $70 609-448-5996 -9 pm wkdays

DINING RM SET - But­ternut, table 4 chairs, china closet, server, excellen t condition, $550 609-883-1758

S TR O N G C A R D B O A R D moving cartons for sale All sizes 609-448-8986

ROLL TOP DESK - dark pine, has light, lots of storage 3 yrs. old, $550 Cali 609-737 1853 or 737-0708

ADVENT MODEL M l TAPE DECK $175 Technics SA6000X receiver, $175, KLH Model 20 speakers. $100 609 883-8250

LARGE REFRIG ERATO R FREEZER - also G E small refrigerator 4 fan 201-359 5365 _____________________ _

QftE CONFERENCE TABLE -92 x 42 w/8 chairs $375 or best offer Phone 609-585-0100 bet 94 4.

A IR CONDITIONER - Ad- TRAINS N gauge never m iral. 15,000 BTU, $125 used Layout included many C o n v e r t ib le d ish w ash er, accessories Call after 5, 609 Caloric, $80 Both run well 896-9036 609-799-2494 eves

SEARS Frostless fridge, auto. ice. good cond $125 Swing set w slide like new $30 Elec fireplace, new, $75 4 chrome 15x8 rims w/600 tires, fits ford, F-10 or similar. $125 609-443-5821

SOFA — 90” Italian style Green Awhile cut velvet plastic covers. Like new1 $400 Lamps etc 609-443-1856

STU TT K IL N 18 ”x24 ”, 20 planter molds. paints, brushes etc $250 20 ! 329-2594

PIONEER TURNTABLE - with ca rtr id ge L ist $140. asking $70 609-799-2464

BLACK - wrought iron table 4 4 chairs, $100 2 black leather chairs, cane sides. $40 ea Red Ethan Allen recliner $75 609- 655-3307

PO TTE R S - C lay, kilns, viheels, tools and chemicals STANDARD CLAY MINES Open Mon-Sat Skillman, N.J 609-466-2986

TYPEW RITERS Electric, manual, portable, o fficemodels New reconditioned ADDERS, CALCULATORS Name Brands Rentals Repairs, Trade-ins CENTER BUSINESS MACHINES. 104 Nassau St 609-924-2243-------- .----- 1..... u

3 FISH TANKS 5, 1C, 4 20 gal All accessories included $35 201-329-2594

CO-ed SCHWINN bicvcie - frame 16' $35 Call 609-9240714, ask for Rachel.


CASH FOR YOUR ANTIQUE FURNITU RE - we are a large dealer specializing in Oak Willing to buy 1 piece to entire contents 201-329-2062

CASH for STAM P C O L L E C T IO N S , P O S T CARDS, Old Letters, Etc Call 609-448-0380

WANTED TO BUY Scrap copper, brass, lean, aluminum, stainless s te fl sterling silver, etc solids r turnings. Industrial business or private Correct market price, cash paid S. Klein Metals Co., Inc 2156 Camplain Rd Somerville. N J 08876 Phone 201-722-2288

ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Before you sell any Chinese or Persian rugs let us make you a cash offer Sell direct to "the European buyers Reap praisais Free We go anvwhere, anytim e anv place 609-345-8400

L IO N E L 4 A M E R IC A N FLYrER TRAINS Anv age or gauge Top cash paid for all items 201-521-2195

WEIGHTS — bars, and bench Metal weights preferred Call Bud, 609-448-3128

iCASH FOR GUNS SWORBS military items Licensed

C ollector/D ealer w ill pay more Bert, 609-924-3800 days

OLD S A M B A S S A D O R TROMBONE, exc cond 201 329-4589

Wanted To BuyO RIENTAL RUGS we pay cash for antique 4 semi­antique oriental rugs One or many 609-393-6513

OLD LIGHTNING RODS will buy 4 take down Also, buying beer cans 609-799-9410

OLD LACE DRESSES hand­made lace doilies and trims, lace household linens 6Q9-921-fiZihL---- -----------------

CASH FOR YOUR JUNK inoperative electronic digital watches Need for practice in starting repair service 609- 799-0581

YOUNG BUSINESSMAN wants to buv going business or partnership interest W rite lor details E M Rubm, 178G Am berlv Dr. Englishtown, N J 07726

DOG KENNELS — 6x12' or larger 609-799-9410

A L L L IO N E L TR A IN S highest prices paid Im ­mediate cash avail 201- 531- 4929.______________

WANTED TO BUY Scrap metal, light iron, steel, bat tenes radia- ms, copper brass, aiunnnu. and used machinery Curr ntly paying the highest prices i the area Payment a! time o delivery Receiving hours 12-5, m Mon thruFrt 8 to 5 on Saturday No quantity too large or too small Gale Industrial Scrap Iron and Nletal Co . North Valley Road. Roosevelt For info cal! 609 448 2679


GIBSON Les Paul » Deiux model, guitar gold color, new cond with hard she!! case $350 Fender Vibroolux reverb amp with extra Sunn 2-12 cabinet $200 609-924-6399 after 5 30pm

GUrTAR 61 Gibson LGG Mahogany. 6-stnng $100 609- 921-7352

WANTED - TRACTOR TIRE — used One or a pair size 8" or 9’x24” . Call 609-586-1148

WE BUY — good used 4 an­tique furniture One piece to entire estates Call 609-393- 6513________________________


C LAV IC H O R D III Zuckermann 1975 Double strung, unfretted Cherry case W onderful to play Portab le 609-921-6529 eve , 452-3875 Keep trying

SUNN CONCERT LEAD head and six 10" speaker's in cabinet Immac. cond Lists for almost $906 need money will take $400. Call Dave 201 359-3016.___________________

PIANO — James 4 Holstrom Excellent tone Moving must sell $400 or best offer 609-924 9585 after 7pm



Princeton, 12 Spring St andHightstown, Rt 33

VIOLINS BOUGHT 4 SOLD Minor repairs, setting up 4 adjustments, hows rehaired Call David Kohut, 201-874-3224, Mon-Thurs or write David Kohut. R iver Rd. Belie Mead, NJ

CONCORDE Mark 33 guitar and hard bodv case for sale. 1 week old, $225 Call 924 2040 anytime and leave message for Francis Trammell

BEUSCHER ALTO SAX with case, good cond $150 609 443-4380 afTer 6


Steinway. Bechstein Baldw m. Yamaha

Story 4 Clark, Sohmer

NEW-USED-RE BUILT 1001 N. Olden Ave:

Trenton 609-695-7456Daily 9-9 Sat 9-5

M A R T IN 0021 Fender Rhodes Ovation accoustic Call Jim 609-896-1275

PIANO FOR SALE Spine! Excellent condition $400 609 921-0602.

BALDWIN Hamilton Piano Like new Call 609-448-3680

UNI VOX. ASPEN Guitars Both have, solid bodies. 2 pick ups Asking $121 and $140 609 737-2280

ACCOUSTIC G U ITA R Guild, beautiful instrument Magnificent sound and plays very well Must see Hardshell case Asking $350 Call 609-921 3698 ' ___________

JANSEN PIANO w built-in Lowry organ Beautiful $895 609-695-7095

ACCORDION 120-Bass Good condition Phone 201 297 4691

DRUM SET 5 piece. Lud wig. blue sparkle high hat stool, excellent condition $325 609-737-1912

0At the Annex of


Now . thru Labor Day A ir Conditioned

Open 7 davs a w eek 609-466-9833

Auctions Garage Sales Antiques Pets & Animals Pets & Animals

SOUND C IT Y - e lectric piano. P erfec t condition Scarcely used $250 Call 201- 359 5088_ ______________


Milford, N.J

SAT AUG 12 and SUN AUG 13

Antique Contents 18th Century Homestead 1965 Falcon, art, rare books 4 records. MovieStills

westbound on 1-78, exit at Jutland''Norton, left a! stop 4 left over interstate, go So on Perryville Rd pass school 4 bear rt onto Rt 625, continue ill stop, rt onto Rt 579, go l mi,

left onto Rick Rd, go 2>s mi to sale auction arrows posted)

By order of Mrs. Lee Town­send who has sold her home and is moving to New Y'ork City

In The Rural Seclusion Of The Townsend Fawns Saturday starting at 9:36 am - inspect from 8 am day of sale

VERY PA R T IA L LISTING ONLY Important early 18th Cent P INE FU RN ITU RE incl 2 D R A W E R B L A N K E T CHEST 4 CORNER CUP BOARD (Conn) C H E R R Y ROCKER 4 side table C 1825. Rd OAK T A B L E w/hvy carved full lion head 4 claw iegs ptd, OAK ICE BOX, E M P IR E MAHOG CARD TABLE C 1830. Viet mahog SECRETAIRE BOOKCASE; OAK D ISPLAY CABS walnut 4 much other fine antique 4 household fumiutre LOADS COLLECTIBLES GLASS CHINA BRASS - COPPER - IRON old mold toys 4 mini cookstove, DUNHIL cigar cab, GORHAM STERLING pierced small shades, nice PEW TER COLLECT, Amer Steeple (7) pcs ea rly rose m edallion, French Marble clock, codec milk glass cov HENS. (2) fab GWTW lamps 4 (2) oil lamps, chem bal 4 store scales Chaps (2) Dbl Brl 12 ga C 1915, antique clothing mirrors, extensive JIM BEAM bottle collet 1965 FALCON run cond , riding mower, GE wash (dry, SEARS FF freez, wagon w"heel, pitch forks 4 old farm implements WE ARE STILL E M PTY IN G A T T IC ’ MUCH W ILL BE FOUND TH AT CANNOT M AKE AD DEADLINES This will be a lengthy sale

SUNDAY starting at 11 30 AM


MRS LEE TOWNSEND Fine selection PEN 4 INK 4

brush draw ings some w washes by LEE TOWN SEND (1895-1965 > Amer artist who saw, understood, 4 interpreted w (joy, compassion 4 humor" L IFE AROUND R A C E T R A C K S (w r it te n biography on request1

Im portant group WOOD CUTS by JOHN HELD JR

1889-19581 Cartoon originator F L A P P E R S Forem ost ROARLN 20’s illus (written biography on request)

B e a u t i f u l g r o u p in g W ATERCO LO RS by TOM CLARK, depicting FAMOUS AMERICAN HOMES

Real nice selection oils 4 w aterco lors bv H E LE N C LAR K Chiefly" FLO W ERS Searched for old mags, n e w s p a p e r s , e x t e n s iv e ollectton WESTERN MOVIE

ST ILLS . RAR E AN TIQ U E BOOKS & BIBLE, RED SEAL 78’s OPERA SINGERS of the turn-o-cent era

Refreshments 4 Seating Available


COL J ASON RAHM Auctioneer Appraiser

Clinton. N J2(11 735-9362


10°.. :f0"„ Reductions on All Merchandise


Garage SalesHOUSEHOLD SALE - Aug 5 4 6. 31 Alexander St., Prin­ceton Couch, chairs, lamps, bookcases. bed, desk, plants yards of wool, aishes loveseat, tables all household items

M U LTI-FAM ILY - Garage 4 puppy sale — Wed, Aug. 2 thru Sun Aug 6, 9-5pm Puppies Husky Black Lab mix Auto and m ower parts, fabric , costume jewelry books, some antiques more The Cricket Cage 81 Mam St (Rt. 27), Kingston

YARD SALE, Aug 5 4 6 ,4 Beryl Ct Kend Pk China, 8’ Alum Sliding doors, stainless steel 40 Roper Gas Stove, exc cond , 4 many other exceptional items. Rain date Aug 12 4 13

Y ARD SALE — old tools, dish washer, sm all appliances, lamps cloth ing costume j e w e l r y , c h i l d r e n s magazines, brik-a-brak Fn 4 Sat Aug 445, 10 a m to 4 p m NO early birds 179 A Township Line Kd D2 mile east of Pike Brook Country

JTWO F A M IL Y G ARAG E SALE - 35 Galston Drive, West Windsor, Sat Aug, 5, 10 4pm, raindate Sun Toys, household items, kids clothing etc Also, twin tied dresser 4 mirror $25 609 799 0753 or 799 0883

6 FAM ILY YARD SALE Sat Aug 5, 9-4, 6 7, 8, 10 Newman Rd Kendall Park

--------------------------------— ,-----------------

HOUSE SOLD - tools, bikes, bunk beds years of ac cumulated things must go Sat 4 Sun Aug 5 4 6, 10 a m to 6 p.m, 11 Fieidhedge Drive

YARD SALE ADVENTURE Sat., 8/5, 9-5. Ram, 8 6

Gates Rd off DeMott Ln Somerset Tram board, tools. Hsehld

TW O-FAM ILY YARD sale, F n ..Sat., Aug 445, 10-4 12-ft boat 90 cc motorcycle, 8-track p layer, household items. Dikes, good prices, 600 Jamesburg Rd , Dayton

GARAGE SALE 4 M OVING1 13 Steven Rd Kenid Pk . FriSat Sun , Aug 4,5,6. starts 9 30 a m

GARAGE SALE - Moving Sat Aug 5 from 9 a m 4p m 12 Amy Df East Windsor 609 448 4298 Castro Conv

couch, dinette set. 2 sofas, recliner household items, lovs. books, etc

A N T IQ U E — 6 matched empire lyre back chairs Circa 1830 N ew ly upholstered, refinished Private 201-249 5733

ANTIQUE BUFFS - treasure seekers. Come to 50 Aiken Ave. Sat., Aug 5. 10-4 In 'cresting furniture 4 many old things Rocker, chairs, commode, oak desk, corner cupboard, tables, sleigh bed, pressed 4 blown glass porch furniture, antique cooking utensils. Many - other treasures Turn o ff Nassau St onto Princeton Ave, 1 blk-tum left

H AN K iN S ANTIQ U ES. 169 Mercer St Hightstown. N.J. We buy & sell furniture, china, glass, jewelry, lovely things Come in and browse Open 11

. t o 4 ’ 30 Tues to Sat 609-443-4102 or 448-6772

Y A R D SA LE sewing m a c h in e , c o l l e c t a b le s , records, books. Sat Aug 5. 9 a m -3p m 224A Harrison St , Butler P ro jec t Princeton Ram date Sun, Aug. 6

LAWN SALE rain or shine Rte 206 4 Carter Rd Sat Aug 12, 9-5 Many antiques

M U LTI-FAM ILY GARAGE SALE Sat, Aug. 5 8 am 24 Benford Dr , Princeton Junction Princeton - Hightstown Rd to Clarksville Rd, west to Benford Dr Wheelbarrow, g ir l’s 20" bike housewares, CB base station w antenna, baby items, fabric , dress form , Kean p ic tu r e s , aquariumequipment, rotisserie. fur niture, large dog house 4 bed luggage, electrical appliances ana much more

COUNTRY ANTIQUE SHOP P ine Corner Cupbd...

Pine eupbds Good selection tables: jg country, round, tavern 4 many sets chairs Jam eupbds pierced tin pie safes, dry sinks desks, swivel chairs, stack bkcases. ar- moirs, Chevelle mirrors, ice cream tables 4 chairs. 7’ wal server, water benches, Hoosier eupbds. trunks, firep lace mantels, lamps, fixtures 4 accessories Visa 4 Master Charge ONE OF NEWj e r n e y s L a r g e s t a n dBEST STOCKS OF M O D E S T L Y P R IC E D R E F IN IS H E D AN TIQ U E FURNISHINGS! Routes 202- 206, Pluckemtn 7 miles No. of Somerville Circlet Wed thru Fri 10-5, Sat 4 Sun 10-6 pm 201-658-3759

^ets & An mo isFlea Markets & Rummage SalesDEANS FLEA M ARKET1367 G eorges Kd E very Saturday, 9*5 Call for table; 201 297 0137

THE ’SOURCE - has it a ll’ Clothing, linens, collectibles, housewares, hardware, shoes gowns, furniture, books, stamps Consolata V illage Route 27 Somerset Every Saturday 10-3


PUG PU PP IE S males 4 fem ales AKC reg istered , champion blood line $175 up. Cal! 609-882-9161

AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS champion sired champion bloodlines, show pet or field 609 586-5112




PrincetonSmall Animal Rescue Leagu“

E N G LISH — mahogany H ep p lew h ite s id eb o a rd , original faded color, Circa 1790 $1500 609-466-1329

BARN SALE - Sat Aug 5,10- 3 Branch alley off Park Place 5 American oriental rugs. 3 antique iron beds, complete bottles, glass ware, frames American Indian oil paintings. 50 collector Boehm Domes, ra ilroad gold watch, television, old jewelry old swords—,---------- 1---- j_— ,—YARD SALE t - Sat Aug 5, 9am 5pm. 93 N. Mam St, Cr- anbury Bed, desk, old

mantels, pool table, sports equipment games, etc

G IANT GARAGE SALE antiques, furniture, household items, clothes, toys, work bench old trunk scales 4 records, tires, kitchen faucets, books, Aurora trains, ping pong table. X-mas items Aug 5 4 6. 9 a m. - 4 p.m 127 Meadowbrook Dr (o f f of Terhune Rd.), Princeton

GARAGE ~SALE - maple finished bunk beds, Maytag washer, Necchi sewing machine, books, furniture 4 household items, black 4 white TV set, toys 4 games Sat. Aug 5. 9-6pra, 27 Sleepy Hollow Lane Belle Mead

Aug 4, 3. 4 6, form 8 am to 5 pm. ANTIQUES. Horse equip kiln, contents of Craft Store, baby furniture, ch ild ren ’s toys games 4 bikes, indoor 4 ■ outdoor furniture. Gang mowers. Tools', etc 1 mile East of Imlavstown on Rt 526 609-758 3113"

CHINESE 4 Thai Antique Furniture —- Chinese carved canopy bed C arved Thai Dining room buffet and chest Thai prince chair Thai carved elepnant Howdah chair Chinese inlaid marble coffee table Chinese Corom andel screen 4 panel 609 - 921-1868 or 6p9 -452-5469


-New Location-

Tom ato Factory Antique Center, Ham ilton A ve , Hopewell

Mon Sat . 10-5 . Sun 11-5

Information call 201-873-3938

COLLECTORS plates, trays 4 bells Rockw ell Society, GrandeCopenhagen, Grandma Franklin, etc 609-921-6035

2 family YARD SALE - 129 Mechanic S' off Banks St Hightstown, 8 4 4 5, 10 to 2 pm Everything’ Soup to Nuts1

YARD SALE Aug 4 4 5, I0am-4pm, 508 Village Rd W Dutch Seek

YARD SALE - 5.22. 29 . 8/5, new. used |toys. books, hikes baby itemk, (ires. etc.. 10-2 only. 5 Brook tree Rd . E W

MOVING SALE j - 161 Moores M ill Rd Hopewell - Sat.. Aug3, 10 am From elegant junk to fine furnitiire

MOVING - MUST SELL — 4 perfect stained glass windows, ivory statue, antique jewelry, paintings, objects d art, cobra evening purse 609-924-2982

BELL POST ANTIQUES Collectibles. Furniture 4

Oil LampsMany interesting items



Jus! west of 206. Dutchtown Harlingen Rd Belle Mead.N J ._____________'

7' VICTORIAN TUFTED sofa — Creme, excellent condition

Call evenings 201-873-2156

THE LANTERN ANTIQUES Copper 4 Brass cleaning S

Main St Next to HagerU Florist Cranburv. N J 609 395-0762

GLASS REPA IRED — Nicks 4 chips on art glass, cut glass 4 stemware. Call 201 -36941021

APARTM ENT-SIZE piano cast-iron liner for fireplace credenza. misc items 809 771 1306._______________________ 1VICTORIAN 10 piece dining room set Excellent condition Must sell 201 359-5287

OAK SPOOL BED - 2 benches. Mahogany 4 Oak. 150 y r old red brick’s 609-448-3336 from 4 to 7 prn

CHINA CLOSET Walnut. 65” h 40"w I3” d Queen Anne Must sell Reasonable offer 609-882-3329


SAVE is a lending institution We lend a helping hand to homeless animals

8 wk old female tri-color pupLarge short-haired brown pup 4 mos old ' •2't yr old male miniature poodie, blackFemale 3 mo old poodle-type brown 4 white pup. coat of a DoodleFemale shaggv-type dog, pepper colored Male 2 yr old cocker spaniel Male Labrador shepherd, good w/children 4 pets9 mo old female spayed German shepherd, good

«w children, prefers outside ’ lifeMale 1 yr old German short- haired pointerMale large long-haired black coiiie-tvpe dogMale & female short-haired beagle-Schnauzer pups Femaie 8 wk old Germanshort-haired pointer type pup

Call us about our kittens and young cats

Call Mrs Graves for an ap­pointment 609-921-6122, hours 8-4 p m Sat. 10-12 Report lost ana found pets within 24 hr period and call the police if you find an injured pet

7 A C T IV E — affectionate Husky-Black Lab mix puppies need loving home The Cricket Cage. 8! Main St 1 Rt 27 Kingston 609-921-3038

HORSESHOER - Y E S ’ Dependable 24 hour service 7 days a week All types of shoeing Specia lizing in co rrec tive standing and traveling programs YE S ' will come out for 1 horse Call anvtime Del Omdal 201 369 4967 or ' 2011 782-5775

RIDING HORSE 6 yr old mare, good w children Call609-259-916!

MOVING sadly must part w our family of cats - 4 females t male all altered Please find a place in your home for one We do not want to destroy 609-924-0943. after 6 pm.

A L L B R E E D DOG GROOMING free pick up 4delivery within 15 miles of Kendall Park The Pooch Parlour 201-821-9664

HORSE BOARDING Good facilities large riding ring, good trails, pasture, stalls available. Ptainsboro Bob. 201-297-5736 or Mike 609-799- 1413



Personality plus pets guaranteed to bring love into your home.

Sweet kittens — soft colors, all shots up to date Orange 4 white female cat — affectionate 4 playful, lH yrs

Dark colored tabby — neutered 4 deciawed male cat, independent 4 outdoorsy English Springer Spaniel — AKC B4W 2 yr old male, housebroken travels well 5 ml) old female puppy beige wiry hair, housebroken Female Foxhound mix, very gen lle , good w 'children*, housebroken

UtRM ER INSTRUCTOR at a*- ioria famous Seeing Eye

'w onductmg mdividua tog obedience training m the Princeton area Off teaife- • <’ice control of your dog, the result of veal's of research at

• 'eeing-J"f ye an now beichieved m the com for' and relaxed atmosphere of vour wn home In addition, there '• 1 he classes specializing in eaching children how to tram

and proper I v care for their togs Contact Jeffrey coy at 201-889-9125 or leave your lame and phone no at 609-924


PUGS puppies, 7 wks 1 fem ale, l male AKC especially beautiful. 1st ■hohtL ■.'■net wormed 609-298-9042

All animals have received their shots, many are neutered and spayed All nave complete personality h istones The above is only a partial listing.


7 days a week 9a.m 12 p.m. Tues 4Thurs 6 p.m.-8 p.m

KITTENS — litter trained, m ulti-colored, need good home 609-989-8944

V iR K S H IR E T E R R IE R PU PPY AKC reg, male, shots, black 4 tan, 10 weeks Old, $150 609-695-4514


BE! . 1 MEAD VJ <*5«2

Complete Care Boarding Stable

Hunt Seat Instruction

Convenient Location


Feeds and Grains for all animals at

KOSEDALE WILLS 274 Alexander St

Princeton 609-924-0134

ADORABLE, intelligent, gold- eyed orange kitten 10 wks. J eer rained energy to spare great with children, free to good home 609-921-7276 eves

REGISTERED APPALOOSAGelding - 16,2 English/- Western, experienced rider Asking $500 Must sell 201-446-4037 after 8 pm

K IL L E D M O TH ER CAT leaving perfect 2 month old, grey male kitten orphaned, who needs a home PLEASE Call 609-921-8626


Daniel J Mullen 609-443-6878

Over 30 yrs in this area

COLLIE PUPPIES AKC sable. 9 wks old. 2 female*, 1 male $150. Call Beverly 609-<2! '575 hays or eves 924-3834

1 HESTNUT MARE - 8 yrs old ia nds broke Western goes

English, always in the ribbons, Leo breeding, ideal for am­bitious showperson $1500 Call 201-572-3150 for appt Keep trying

COLLIE GERMAN SHE? HARD - M IXED BREED D j yrs. old Housebroken Free to family w room Call 609 799-0087 after 7 pm or 201- 436-8985 between 10 4 4

P U L I PUPS - AKC ch ired import bloodlines Exc

w children Ready Aug 20609-924-2983

LITTLE VALLEY - Canai Rd Princeton 1 mile from

•<:K> Hii Box stalls, hghted ring turnout Unlimited trail riding Adjacent tow path of

< * R c a n a l 809-924-7012

LARGE BAY PONY mare - part Arab, Eng , good disposition sound $400 firm 609-921-1768

SIBERIAN HUSKY PU PPIES for sale 9 weeks old. no

papers $50 609-443-3854

RABBITS New Zealand white Exc for pet, meat, fur or breeding 10 wks old 609-737- 0899____________________ ___

H A LF TH O RO U G H BRED G E LD IN G hunter, 16.2, shown and hunted suc­cessfully will make excellent pleasure horse Must sell, leaving for college 609-448 3731.

HORSE B O ARD IN G 4 training at Molli G Ranch in Belle Mead Large airy box stalls, training ring, "many miles of open country trails.. ner 4 blanket repair work done (201 '359-2316

ADORABLE PU PPIES - Free to good homes '-r springer spaniel Please call after 5 p m 201-369-3643

GOLDEN PALAM INO GELD­ING 15.2. Rides western 4 English also jumps Good with kids 4 for experienced rider also. Some tack avail. Cali 609-737-0664 evenings

REG Q U ARTERH O RSE gelding Bay, 12 years And reg App mare, 7 years, roan shaded Guaranteed quality god sound Boxwood Farm Call 609-737-1036 or 737-2116



' rseback Riding Instruction •Small Groups, semi-private

or private•Beginners thru advanced •Children and adult classes •Dressage

Private relaxed atmosphere, competitive rates


CATCH ON F IRE TB grey filly for sale Robert Barclay. 201 369-8201

FREE PETTING ZOO - Peep show Mercer County 4-H Fair Aug 4 4 5 Sat sheep 4 dog -how County skating rmk, Ola Trenton Rd, West Windsor

SHARE BOARD - on half Arabian mare in exchange for riding Outdoor ring 4 trails near Kingston Also mulch hay $1 25 bale Call eves 609-921- 1691

■iIDEAWAY - ARM offers the inest facilities for 'he care no boarding of your horse

with he largest area indoor ing 4 ounge Only a short conn inve Most reasonable

rates Instruction, beginner, hunt -eat and western Lind- >ergt b : Hopewell 606-466-


REGISTEk ED MORGAN- Mares 4 years $900, 6 .ears $1200 me reg quarter horse mare 16 years $800 2 paintDomes i yr old stallion $300. 7 r old mare $400 One grade

horse mare, 10 yrs $500 201 - 359-8385 after 5 pm

DOG FOOD - Frozen meat neef chicken, tripe 4 kidney 2 4 > lb packages Also han­ders Of W AYNE Jim Dandy

Science diet dog food Call Kauffm an Kennels 609-448-

114 Rt 130. So of Hightstown

Cu s t o m r id in g s h ir t swith full stock tie and/or monogram choker Fine selection of pure cottons imported from France and England each fabnc a limited edition s weeks for delivery from $38 Showroom open daily til 4 pm Also at Beval Saddlen Bemardsviile NJ Wed nights. Deux Chevaux 2-4 ’hambers St , Princeton 609-


HORSE SHOEING - for expert protection of your horses hoofs, call Dan Smith graduate of Oklahoma Farriers College Hot, cold and corrective shoeing Also special shoes for racing Fast courteous serv ice 609-737- 9455

G O LD E N R E T R IE V E R PUPPIES AKC Reg Bredfor Show' Obedience. 4 Field Excellent ch ild ren ’s pet Zetasam Kennels 609-655-06®

NEUTERED mixed breed bitch med size 18 mo, housebroken healthy can’t keep will give 609-924-6124

LONG H A IR E D G U IN E A PIGS 5 weeks old, $6 each 609-896-0840

COCKER S P A N IE L P U P ­PIES AKC black, shots, wormed 215-295-6408

WELSH CORGIS - Ch sire, ch dam D elightfu l tem ­peraments O ffered by dedicated breeder Pet 4 show 201-297-0473

THE PR/NCETON PACKET he 1 aw rvrw e |


Thursday, August 3, 1978

Seven For Central Jersey

Classified Advertising-HILLSBOROUGH BEACObf

The M dnville Newshe Franklin N E ^ n RECORD


P#ts & Ammals Autos Wanted Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sal© Autos For Sal© Autos For Sal©GERM AN SHEPHERD pups AK( registered males onlv Big-boned. farm raised Nine weeks *75 and $100 600-5871935

WE B U Y AND SE LL L IV E STO C K - Kaufm ai. Farms Skiilman. NJ 609-460 0773 _______________________

SHELT1E PU P FOR SALE - male home raised shots, leash (ra ined 609-883-7185 after 5pm

E N G L IS H S P R IN G E R Spaniel puppies AKC, liver & white 4 wks. old 201-526-9306

HORSES BOARDED - tur­nout pasture, quiet new bam, box stalls, Belle Mead area 201-874-6346 or 201 359 3795

AFGHAN HOUND PUPS — cream males AKC, pet and show whelped 4/25, 201 249 6770

WATCH DOG - med size, needs room & lender loving care 609-443 5969 a fter 5 30pm

G O L D E N R E T R IE V E R PU PPIES AKC, champion Gold Rush lines bred for lemperament A show $300 609-737-9210

USED FO R E IG N CARS WANTED top prices, any condition Call (Sirl, 201 249 5533

JUNK CARS WANTED-$20- $100 201-548-6582

W A N T E D ^ V V T BUG, Squareback or Karmann Ghia Any year or condition Call Bill 409-924 .166ALL JUNK CARS and trucks wanted Free towing $15 and up Scarpati Auto Wrecking 609-396-7040.___________




Autos For Sole1966 VW — in good running condition, needs some other repair E xcellen t buy for person w ith m echanical abilities Asking $250 or best offer Please call 609-921 2288

1973 CUDA — 55,000 mi, 4 barrel, dual exhaust lots of extras Best offer Davs 609 921-2233 or nights 609-921-0477

A PP - QUARTER HORSE 15 2h, English A Western, dressage rartied w illing jumper good with kids 609 195-0420

AKC REG BEAGLES - Pups and started hounds Field champion sired *201-329-2070

AKC POODLE, It* years M iniature, fem ale, black Needs affection 6O9-896S30

, P INTO MPG RUNABOUT 76auto, vinyl top, cream puff

$2500 or bes' 609-896-086

1972 M ERCURY MONTEGO GT, 351 V-8, auto , PS/PB a/c, steel belt radials, elec ignition AM FM stereo, rach ' vac gauge, etc Loaded exc cond 67,000 miles $1950 Cal! 609 452-5321, B83-8957,Mostrom

CHOW CHOW* - female, black, 9 mos., AKC, call bet 9 A 4 30 Ask for Linda 609-452-6171

FREE — Long hair kittens males A fem ales, m ixed colors. Call 609-443-4379

FREE TO GOOD HOME red Irish setter, 2ly yrs old Good w children 609-466-0853

1973 DODGE CHARGER SE - loaded, going to college, must sell Call eves,, 201-722-3725

LHASA APSO AKC male, 9 weeks, shots $250 201-722-8233

Lost & FoundLOST in the vicinity of Ped die, gray Tabby cat,'neutered male, answers to the name of

Aramis 609-448-5788 or 448 1421

FOUND Big dog on leash Identify and claim Pay ad 609-443-3155 after 8 pm

FOUND-B lack kitten, gold eyes, loving needs home Call 609-448-72®

LOST IN THE VICINITY' of Law rence Hospital for Animals Female orange cat recent mother Just spaved A still has stitches 609-882-9229

AutoT r e S u p p l i e s


55 B EN TLEY H.J.M rare) $13,50063 BENTLEY' Convertible,

white red int . exc cond $27,500.67 ROLLS ROYCE Jam ® Young Coach, full power, white w'burgundy int . exc. cond $32,500


Sales, Service A Spares Rolls-Royce A Bentley

Exclusive U.S. Route «130

South Brunswick, N.J.

201-297-4582 Anytime

’74 PINTO — 4 spd stick, a/c, vinyl top, wheel covers, rTi, remote mirros Reasonable 609-448-6366

CADILLAC 1966 — a/c. runs well, recent tune-up, new shocks Needs muffler $400 609-443-6414 after 6pm

'67 MERCURY - auto, p/s, a/c, p 'b Needs new batten- $250 as is 609-924-9194

VOLKSWAGEN PARTS - for 73 PLYM O U TH STATIO N sale Engine has about 5000rm WAGON 360 V8, 9 pass good Call 201-874-6346 shape *900 609-466-2219

TRANSMISSION for BMW stickshift Completely rebuilt $375 609-587-7323

2 WHEELS - for 1974 Mustang A 1978 Pinot. 3 wheels for VW Bug 4 P155/80 Dl3 tires forChevette 609-587-6749 between5-7 pm

TRAN SM ISS IO N - for M ercedes Benz Stickshift Perfect cond $250 609-5877323,_______________ _ _

S T A N L E Y S HUB C AP SU PPLY 10.000 hub caps tochoose from Bring yours to match Car A truck wheels Truck tires U00x24. 12-ply: 1100x24 5 . 825x15 - Michelin 825x16 Tank for truck or boat 3231 Brunswick Pike, opp NJ inspection station

Auto RepairsTRANSMISSION REPA IR Automatic and Standard Low prices. Work guaranteed Call 201:559-2103 after 6pm

Autos WantedA-I JUNK CARS


C lass 2 A 3 201-526-6906

int., like new, 212-431-7839

snows. $3700

JUNK CARS - bought and sold Towing 609-259-9604

1970 SAAB needs Iran smission, good for parts, has new tires, battery clutch A brakes Call early mornings or early evenings 609 92 : 3285

1970 BMW - stick, Michelin tires, valve job. owned by BMW mechanic *1950 Call 609-587-7323

75 F IA T SPYD ER - 5 spd 37,000 m iles, good cond , asking $3400 609 259-2832 eves

CHEVY NOVA 71 - 2 dr hi V8. automatic, a 'c , ps tinted windows, am 'fm /8 track stereo, 5 radials, 1 brand new low mi, excellent condition, asking $1295 609-448-6984 after 5

PONTIAC TEM PEST - 4 door. Auto Trans , AC, very good running condition 609 655-2937 17’ T V in goodcondition, $25

1968 COUGAR XR7 - red w/black v inyl roof needs work $200 1971 VW bug, needs work, $100 Call 201-359-4361

76 DODGE DART 2 door 23,000 mi.. 6 cyl,. AC, auto snows. 609-443-4291 after 5 p m

72T-BIRD — fully automatic, a/c, good cond 1 owner, last of a breed . a steal at $1500 609-883-6219

72 CUTLASS SUPREME a/c, ps/pb, tape player, new exhaust, new tires, 56,000 mi, $1800 201-446-9372

69 BUICK S K Y L A R K 118,000 m il® and still going Strong $340 609-443-1692evenings

1969 TRIUM PH GT + good mechanical cond Needs Body work Less than 50,000 mi $600 or b®t offer 609-443-3947


63.000 m il® , new brak® $395 609-737-3114 . 4 pm

1975 CHEVY' VEGA coupe - auto. 30.000 m il® , am radio, excellent condition $1800 609 585-8266 ev®

70 CHEVY CAPRICE — V8. auto good interior, fair body, very gixxj running condition, great transportation ' $275 609-452-1141

1971 VOLVO — 4 dr sedan, auto, trans radials 34.000 mi 609-443-5489

1975 FORD LTD L A N D A l - 4 dr , V8 auto, factory air, all pwr, am fm stereo, velour

1974 PLYM OUTH gold Dusler very good condition Has

been used only for turnpike driving. 2 dr. 6 cyl. auto trans •Excellent intermediate car Asking $1800 or b®t offer 609- 448-6443

1-967 DART-Orig owner Mustsell. 4 dr. ig 6. w 4 new tires, needs bodv work 1st $125 ak® it 609-448-4156

AUDI FOX 73 - 30mpg. am fm, sunroof, no rust, hi m il® , runs OK. best offer 609 452-21U ext 328 davs. ask forDoug

VW s — 69 body interior good Needs engine 67, 3 good Mr®, new battery. r® t goodfor parts Twoj for $375 Call 609-466-0215 weekends only

FORD - Classic 56 Fairlane Blue A white. All original Needs r®tora(ion $500 Call 609-466-0215 weekends onlv

' 11 'Dot. POLARA Yo.OWi ■ a k i , ■■9S9 EDSEl Ramzer® ’uliy equipped •* luding ^

cond A ™ collector’s item* 1600 J ■b* st, offer First *975 tak® it 609-587 7659

609-896-1841 ev®/wkends ,

VW BEETLE 1969 good running condition 88,500 ml,, $650 609-921 -8095

73 PONTIAC - Cat., 2 dr htp, ps pb, a c, *1350 or best o ff® 609-448-3115

1971 OLDSMOBILE - Vista cruiser Wagon, ps pb, auto, air radio, tape p layer M ichelins, Z iebart rust proofed when new Exc cond , by orig owner $1795 609 799 3575

VW RABBIT 77 — mint con dition. 12,000 mi, $4400 or best offer Call Bob 609-924-6934 or 609-452-5223

1971 FORD COMET - 53;000 m il® , 4 door. 6 cylinder, manual In good funning condition, bul some rust *400 or best offer ’ 609)921-1468

A LF A ROM EO B E R L IN A 1970 — high mileage, but excellent condition Konis. am/fm D ay,609-452-5321 ev® 609-452-1235

1972 HONDA 600 - Sedan 27.500 mi,, 4 speed am/fm/C- B Deluxe interior. 3 new tires, very nice compact car $700 Call Tom 609-452-6691. Leave message

71 PLY M O U TH FU R Y STATION WAGON - Power brak® A steering, A C $750 609-448-5308

69 M ERCURY MONTEGO MX. 2 dr hdtp Black vinyl roof, orange bottom, one owner car, beautiful cond 68.000 original m il® 289 cu.in V-8, auto trans., P/S, am radio, rear speakers, black leatherette interior 4 new- tires, new exhaust system, and battery $95o Call 201-874-8662

76 F IA T Xl9, 23.000 m il®, a/c, call 201-359-4725 after 5 30pm

1969 MACH I - 351 Cleveland Motor B®t o ff® Call 201) 297 2239

1973 OLDS DELTA 88 - p/s, p b a/c, vinyl roof, *1300 609 799-0753

1970 CHEVELLE WAGON - p/s, p b , 8 cyl, exc cond Owner going abroad $550 or offer 609-883-1728

75 VW DASHER GT silver, am fm stereo, very* good cond 43.000 m il®. *2800 609-4487158

1974 CORVETTE - white w black interior A C , stan- dard trans . AM 'FM *6400 Call 201-297-3508

72 AUDI 100LS - 4 cyl., auto , new paint, Michelin radialsClean 609-587-4774 after 5.

1960 HUMBER - super snipe *100 Cail 609-696-6993

1975 CHEVROLET Capn - 38,000 m il® Good cond a/c, PS PB new snow tires Must sell 609-921-1229

1976 TOYOTA - liftback SR5 a c, fullv equipped 30,000 m i.,$3995 609-586-4551

1971 OLDS 98 many extras Reverse do® not work Will sacrifice Make offer 201359- 8487

1975 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT exc cond am/fm stereo

tape system 35mpg 609-921- 9234 after 6pm

71 TOYOTA COROLLA AM FM, 78.000 m il® very good condition Ask $500 Call after 5 p.m 609-799-4190

PONTIAC Ventura 1973 60,000 m il® , excellent running condition One owner some bodv work needed $900 or b®t offer 609-924-9585 after 7pm

72 XR-7 COUGAR a/c, am/fm, radials, rear defog $800 or b®t offer 609-924-6280 days, 4661152 e v®

1978 FIREBIRD ESPRIT - V- 8 eng. 4 spd. standard, p b . p s . black w /beige int 2500 mi $5500 Call after 6 609-5851794 ___________

62 THUNDERBIRD - white, red int , many power options, needs minor work, B®t offer over $900 609-799-2472

1976 FORD BRONCO - ex­cellent condition std trans . 4 wheel d rive 609-443-5833 evenings

1975 F IAT 128SL good running cond $1600 Must see to appreciate 201-369-3563

1974 PINTO RUNABOUT - 4 spd, exc mech cond radials. new brak® A battery, must sell $995. or b® i o ffe r '609-799- 3564

FORD F A IR L A N E 1969 Station wagon — Y8. aulo trans. air cond asking $600 609-443-4012

1977 DATSUN 280Z 2 plus 2 Auto Trans . AC. Stereo Cassette, am-fm Excellen t condition Best o ffe r over $7,500 -Call 609-424-9300 ext 251. or after 6 p m 609-737- 9027


$1800 609-466

PORSCHE 1968 Targa 5-spd •rig owner, rebuilt engine

$5000 609-924*6579

68 OLDS WAGON rum fairly well New carb-t;r® S2Q0-BO 609-921-8233

1967 VOLKSWAGEN body- excellent. motor running but needs work $250 Call 609-924-8411

73 OLDS CONVERTIBLE fully equipped, exc cond 609 88345430

’67 CHEVY IM PALA - new rubber speak ere, exc engine $350 Calf 609-896-0930

77 CAMARO - V8-auto. p/s, p b, a/c, am/fm cassette, 18,000 m il® . $4500 609-7993563

MUSTANG original con vertible. 1965 92.000 m il®W ell m aintained, $6000 original owner Box 312P Chatham, 07928

1971 VW 'Superbeetle E x ­cellent condition. 201-359-5287

1975 TORINO 44.000 m il®, excellent condition, ps. pb a c, am/fm stereo tape deck £2695 or b® t offer 609-896-0630 days, 921-4526 ev®

1964 MGB CONVERTIBLE - Runs good needs body work

Call 609-443-4246 between 9am A ipm

68 CAMERO CONVERTIBLE new top new paint job,

excellent cond. $950 609-443 4380 after 6

TR IU M P H TR6 1976 con vertible — 6-cyl, 4-spd manual trans, factory am fm stereo radio, new Michelin radials, new exhaust, green, 39,106 m il® , superb condition 201 247-8769 or 8771

1974 T O Y O T A ■ P IC K -U P econom ical 4 cyl, manual trans, a ir, white spoked wheels, custom cap, am fm 8 track Call Sue at 201-521-1091. anytime

1967 O PEL rebuilt engine, new paint, manv new parts 30 mpg $250 201-359-3540 after 6 pm

1964 VOLVO 122S Rebuilt engine with 4-speed 2-door coupe, excellent body New battery, exhaust, shocks Michel 1 ne radials and paint 10b new Sacrifice first $750 or nest offer 201-874-8414

73 CHEVY IM PALA - hard­top. 4 dr a e, 4 new radials, exc cond 18mpg Must sell

•73 PONTIAC Cat 2 dr htp ps pb, a/c, Sf350 or b « t offer 609-448-3115

1972 AMC HORNET - 4 dr. ps air, excellent condition Onlv $995 Must Sell Call 609-737- 3758

1909 OLDS 98 ps, pb a/c, excellent condition $700 609-924-6332

1973 OLDS CUTLASS Salon fully equipped 64.000 m il® $2495 or b®t Offer 609-896-0630 days, 921-4526 e v®

1972 MERCURY 4 4 dr auto transmission, p/s, p/b, asking $795 Call 609-448-3193. 4pm

1973 OLDS DELTA - 2 dr. pb, ps, air. new tir® and exhaust system $1450 609-799-2532

68 MERCEDES BENZ 230S executive touring sedan, steel blue 609-924 2256

67 BUICK SKYLARK - 4 dr. V8 engine, gd cond auto, ps pb. radio, 2 studded snows 75,000 mi , asking $800 201-874- 8536

72 C H E V R O LE T Km gswood Estate wagon, very clean. 76.000 mi.. 2 new lire's. $1500 68 VOLVO, needs auto trans $300 or b®t offer 201-359-2930 after 6pm

76 TO YO TA CO RO LLA, AM FM, radial U r®, 4 sp . exc/cond 20! 329-2473 after 5

1966 PO N T IA C Catalina convertible, refitorable Make offer 609-883-2457

70 FO RD LTD Wagon Country Squire, good cond

" 129-688,

1959 IN T E R N A T IO N A L T ra ve la ll — pwr brakes, smooth 6-cyl, trailer hitch, $300 609-924-1967

1977 FIREBIRD ESPERIT auto, ps pb. am/fm radio, a/c, wire wheels, V6 engine, red w white int , lji.ooo mi., can provide financing if nec®sary $5800 609-499-2424 after 6pm

’76 NOVA - 6|cyl, am/fm, CB, auto, disc brak®. ps Asking $3000 Call between 5 A 9. 609- 883-0035

1974 DODGE CO LT ST ATIO N WAGON good condition. $1400 including snow tir® Moving must s e lf 609-M 3-3356

88 F IA T 124 sedan, comp - parts Fiat 1400,1600 eng parts 609-448-6533

1976 F IA T X19 - conv Blue w brown int., am/fm stereo, radials. 15,000 mi., exc cond , asking $3495 20 1 297 2295 after 6 pm

1967 CAMARO - body needs work 2nd engine runs well B ® t o ffe r Call 609-448-8520 after 6pm

1972 C O N V E R T I B L E CHEVROLET Impala. a/c, ps/pb, 55,000 m i., am/fm radio, no rust, exc. cond 609- 466-1111

’74 PINTO WAGON — 88,000 m il® , 1 owner fair priced at $530 as is 201-874-3328

FOR SALE - 1975 red VW Scirroco Air. exc. cond New tir® $2800 Call 609-890-9445

68 OLDS - Auto, air cond, runs good Good bodv A fir® $300 609-882-6316 !

1958 CADILLAC - Coupe de ville, exc, orig cond $1700 201 359-6267

MERCEDES 230SL 66 Low mileage 2 tops, dark olive, A speed $7000 609-924-7779

70 TR IUM PH TR6 - good condition. w ire wheels, Michelin radials. roll bar. new carpet, nearly new top Runs smoothly, 69,000 m il® , $1800 609-924-6399 after 5 30pm

1973 O LD SM O BILE CON V E R T IB L E — , fu ll power pack, 32,000 mi, a/c. $3200. 609 448-6162

VW KARMANN GHIA ’72 C O U PE —50,000 mi, R A ­DIALS. AM/FM $1250 CALL E V E N IN G S 609 448-5296

'76 CORDOBA — exc. cond Best offer, 609-921-4952 btwn 8A4 30 No weekends

'72 VW SQ UAREBACK SEDAN — 52.000 m il® Good condition mechanically Mav be seen at Hans Kimm Small Cars. 201-297-9438 Rte I North. Monmouth Jet Mon-Fri, 8am- 5pm, $900 firm

1977 O LD SM O BILE Delta Rnyale — full power, velour interior, like new $5600 Call 609-443-6043

1977 CUTLASS SU PR E M E coupe loaded, dark green, must sell, call 609-586-0906after 5pm.

71 VEGA 609-890-0518

Runs well, $165

1974 DODGE COLT - auto, good running condition. 30 MPG. low mi B®t offer 609- 448-0406

70 BUICK ELECTRA 4 dr, ps pb. p w A s, a/c Ex rub Luxurv $695 609-921 7915


loaded vinyl top, air, p/s, p/b, tinted windows, automatic, bucket seats and extras $1695 609-443-3902

75 VW RABB IT DELUXE - green 4 spd. a/c 44,000 mi, $2300 609-448-2347 after 5 A weekends

1976 F IA T 131 - 2-door 5-speed 30.000 m il® , good condition $2400 609-921-1223

1974 4-DOOR CHEVY IM ­PALA — p/s, p/b, ac, V-8 engine radio, steel belted radials good running cond 201-828-3726

COUGAR ’71 - pewterw/burgandy interior, good condition Asking $1150 Call 609-443-5279 after 6pm

VW 1971 BEETLE - Ex­cellent condition, reduced to $975 for quick sale Call 609 924-8233

CHEVETTE ’77 - perfect, 34m pg b®t o ff® 201-359-4942 ev®

1971 DODGE Challenger — 4new tir® , am/fm. a/c. auto, ps/pb 72,000 mi 609-443-6021

1977 DATSUN 280Z -autom atic, a/c, burgundy, 25,000 mi, $6800 609-448-2163

’70 M AVERICK - Stick shift $600 Call after 5:30 pm; weekends 9 am 6 pm (201)297-4624

1976 1 OWNER DODGE VAN — customized In exc shape Must be sold at sacrifice Call 201-356-5432 or 356-4922

RED UCED FOR QUICK SALE - Excellent 1974 AMC Hornet, hatchback Am/fm radio, 8 track tape CB radio, new tir® , only $1500 Call 201- 359-4589

1977 CHEVY NOVA - ex cellent condition, 3 spd no frills Asking $3400 201-874-4542 e v®

66 CrtEV fiLLE M alibu - Runsgood. needs brak®, $400 Mini-bike A go-cart. b®t offer Cali after 5 30pm. 201 329-2650

’71 TR6 good engine, body needs tender loving care B® t offer 609-737-3565. keep trying

1976 MGB excellent con­dition, like new. 21,000 mi $3900 Only serious inquires please 609-896-2641,

1973 MGB CONVERTIBLE - good condition, new top A brak® 201-536-6764

1974 P IN TO — 4 cyl, 4 spd New tires, shocks,* braking system Tuned $1450 Negotiable 201-874-8317.

77 HONDA CIVIC Red. 4 spd, a/c, 11,000 mi. $3400 609-448 2347 after 5 A wknds

1970 FORD LTD - Good running cond , good interior B®t offer over $600 Also Sunline 15 trailer Completely furnished, sleeps 4. B ® t offer over $1,000 Call 201-329-6730

1950 PACKARD WAGON —512.000 1954 Ford 6 cylinderVictorian $1000 1938 FordWagon $4000 Phone a fter 6 30pm 609-587-0313

1975 DODGE CORONET - station wagon a/c, gd cond Call 201-359-3524

1EEP WAGONEER 1968 A wheel drive, auto hubs, drive train good, body needs work120.000 m il® *1000 Beat thew inter rush D R Jones, Roosevelt, 609-448-2573.

74 PONTIAC station wagon — ps, pb, cruise control, stereo, a/C, w w $2200 609-924-8735

1974 PINTO RUNABOUT - blue, 4 cyl, 4 spd radio, radial trr®, passed June inspection Good condition Asking $1400609-799-3564

VW DASHER 74 exc cond e x c e p t i o n a l l y c l e a n , automatic, air am/fm stereo 48,000 m il® . $2900 609-7998645

1978 CHEVETTE — 4 dr, 4 spd rear window defogger, dark green Call 609-5864)906 a ft®5pm

TRIUM PH SP ITF IR E 1972. new engine, transm ission, brak® A tir® 32,000 m il® , body excellent 609-448-3731

1968 OLDSMOBILE - Vista Cruiser Station. Wagon — auto, ps pb pw al'c.: cruise control, etc Suprisingly good con dition Asking $550 Call 609 448-4451.

71 AMC GREM LIN - 31,000 m il® , p/s, p/b, a/c, snow tir® . cassette deck Runs well, needs paint. b®t offer 609-799-4506 keep trying

PLYM OUTH 1970 Fury II Grand coupe p/s. p/b, a/c, 83.000 m il® Just tuned up New battery, new belts, new U-joinis No dents, perfect cond Very dependable family- car $800 or best offer After *5 pm. 609-924-6071

65 MUSTANG 189, stk, 7- M ichelins. extra bumpers, good condition, running 609 737 1932

67 VOLVO 122 wagon — auto in good condition Asking $650 Call 609-397-8455

74 VW DASHER Light blue, auto, 4 door excel condition 201 228-4320 aft® 7 pm

73 O LD SM O BILE TOR- ON ADO — front wheel drive, ac am/fm stereo good cond $1800 Cal) 609-443 -6980

1977 FORD LTD III Country Squire station wagon — daul rear seats, 34,000 mites, ex­cellent condition, serviced regularly by Ford dealer Make offer Call 609 799-9388 after 5pm

75 - i , DATSON 280Z ■ 2+2, silver, a c.std ex cond. 44,000 m il® $5975 609-466-3563

1975 PONTIAC ASTRE A/C, radio A Heater, 38,000 mites, $1350 609-883-6073

1967 JAGUAR XKE - conv , good cond , com plete, for parts $1250 609-448-3594

1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA exc, cond.. full power, a/c,

e lec def , tilt-wheel, low mileage vinyl top. AM/FM stereo, leather seats, plush carpe> $4100 201-329-674]

1971 T H U N D E R B I R D LA N D A U - loaded good ondition Must sell Received

Co car $1580 Call 9 to 4 askfor Dennis 609-586 777:


Many makes and models available Also trucks and vans We need Customers who can qualify to just make payments on our inventory

aV dealer a! 201 725-5804 'or information

JAGUAR LAND ROVER - Authorized dealer T A T Motors 210 Woodbridge Ave., Highland Park, N.J 201-572-2577.


We buy care outright Call VISTA MOTORS for details201-725-5800

71 CHRYSLER WAGON - 70,000 mites. $850 Excellent buy 609-896-0395

1968 M USTANG, — fastback, 305 eng. auto, runs well, body fair needs brake work $350 Call 609-921-6259 after 6pm

67 TRIUMPH TR4A - r®tored. very fast, *1700 215- 295-3013

M- MATADOR wagon pwr a 1 r small VB. 58,000

mi new tir® like new *1100201 297*0631


»asteady sound 197, Ford r m is for 5-aie PERFECT

TATION CAR Starts winter 'um m er spring A fa ll Automatic, 6 cyl power cering, am radio Relatively ew nattery A transmission

000 m il® Good on gas Asking $250 Call Jerrv after .pm 609-921 2404

968 CORVAIR MONZA - for sale Parts A oody in good ondition Cail Mr 'Matheson


DATS! N 1972 240Z Mustset. as nave moved up to Alpha Rom ero Exc mechanical condition A C AM FM Michelin tires plus snows 4 Pd No rust Asking $2900

Kves 201-463-8871

AMC MATADOR STATION WAGON 1974. V-8. air fm 'tereo, 55 000 mi $1200 SOS- 448 1151

976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE ^agon, 20 688 mi Auto, v-8 air p.s p/b, radio extras Im m aculate $3795 609-8909222

DATSUN 240-Z 1973, 4 spd>4 000 m il® new radials mi fm looks new oest offer ver $4000 609-921 2585

97: FORD PINTO Runabout new ’ ires, radio, excellent

unnmg condition $1000 201 359-7873. S-8pm

1966 DODGE Coronet — Good running condition B®t offer Call 609-799-1611 between 12- 8pm

74 T R IU M PH Spitfire - Racing green, like new con­dition very iow mileage new

>r A diais 609-799-2266

70 TR6 — am/fm stereo, new tires Cali before noon A after5pm. 609-799-3251.

1975 CHEVROLET MALIBU STATIONWAGON - atr p/b p/s, radio A rack V8. Good cond 609-799-1630

970 DODGE SWINGER 6 y $300 or best offer 609-655


976 HORNET SPOKTABOUT WAGON 6 cyl 29,500 mi excellent cond, very clear,

all after 5pm 609-585-3782

72 MERCURY Marquis Brougham, fully equipped good cond $975 609-799-9462

,976 PLYM O U TH Votare Wagon Auto., PS PB. A/C, AM/FM like new $3,950 201* 159-6626

CLASSIC 1966 GTO CON­VERTIBLE call 201-874-8671.

955 CHEVY running needs -ome body work Call 609-4433355 before 9pm

AMC MATADOR X-74, 2 door ully equipped bucket seats

$1750 Must Sell Call 201-3563412.

68 PONTIAC FIREBIRD — 350 V8 Hurst 4 spd New iming chain water pump A

exhaust Good cond Must sell $995 201-.359-8395

72 FORD PINTO original owner excellen t condition, asking $900 215-968 2598

VW DELUXE RABBIT 1975 2 dr. stickshift, air. rear window defoger, passive restraint, radials, $2400 Well main­lin e d 609-799-1476

MERCEDES-1965 220S A-C good condition. Asking $1800 Call 609)896-0045 between 6-9p.m

74 FIAT 124 sedan/white 42.000 mil®, well maintained iow gas mileage Asking $1250.’all after 7 pm or during wknd


TOYOTA COROLLA 78, SR5 lftback Air am/fm stereo

$700 under dealer price $4700 609-587-4641 Must sell

M otorcycles72 TRIUMPH Trident 750cc

10,000 m il® excellent con­dition custom paint A chrome, new tir®, chain, etc Call 609- 924-3121. ask for Paul.

1075 HONDA CB 360T 1400mil®, fairing A other extras $850 609-921-0145 after 5

1976 FORD VAN 22,000 mi, 74 SUZUKI, GT 550-Exc cond • * -.r® partly customized 3000 mi 78-79 NJ Reg plus

* ‘ " $4: oi Please insp Xtras $1250 Cal) 609-799-ph le 609-924-2654 , 1288

1972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS - 4 dr with p/s, p/b. new tir® . „ exc cond 609-452-9371.

DODGE ASPEN .4 dr Like new - excellent condition - low mileage - must sell new hubb\ has new car 609-799 8244 after 5 pm weekend anvlime

72 FORD — 4-door, p/s, p b, a e $800 Call 609-448-4560

1978 PLYM OUTH Sports Fury, 9 pass station wagon, fully equipped 3.000- m il® Orig cost $8700 plus tax Asking $7300 plus tax Call 609 924-3889

CADILLAC 1966 - sedan. Automatic, all power, electric am

VW Square back B®t (609) 921-0330

1976 KZ 400 KAWASKI exc •ond extras. 5900 m il® $800 firm 201-297-0459

1 , . u i i i m i , v a i vax.ivxatjs.x_j . >»v-

w ^ o w s .a c ^ e e ^ w o r k .A s is wh;lewalLs. exc cimd 30,100$200 firm 609-921-3830

1971 SAAB WAGON -* good condition Must se ll Best offer Call 609-921-3812 or call collect 212-734-9327 or 518-462 4936


PONTIAC CATALINA - 4 vinyl roof, p/s, p/b, air, fm. rear defogger new

1976 YAMAHA SO Excellent condition $675 609-443-4427


1976 2-DOOR CAPRICE - exc conn am/fm radio, air, auto w iridows. $4500 609-448-7585 or 609 448-8012

..... . , _ „ '74 MGB — am/fm, excellentAsk‘i,n| $!2*K’ Cal condition B®t offer 609-466609-452-6D27 weekdays 12I!> afler 5pm

1969 CHRYSLER 300 — 2drvinyl roof, blue, 12mpg. p/s. p b a/c, am/fm, 383 eng $550 See it at 363 Iverson Place. Twin Rivers

MONTE CARLO - ps/pb, a fe , am/fm stereo, pwr windows Going overseas, must sell. Asking $4300 609- +13-5843 after 5pm

74 SUZUKI GT 550 - electricstart 5 spd. 3 cyl New con­dition. only 2700 mi $850 201 2976651, leave message

72 TRIUM PH, DAYTONA 500 $825 or best offer 201-297

<026 or 201 780-9697 af' 6

68 HONDA CL175 SCRAM­BLER 4 stroke OHC twin good condition with 2 helmets

>ois,&manua $290 firm 609r 448-0464 ev®


THE PRINCETON PACKET I V I ■awroncf I n d ge r

Seven For Central JerseyTHE CENTRAL POST



T R IU M P H B onneville 1970- Recently rebuilt engine ex cellent condition Call mor mngs 609-896-0080

1977 KZ 650 KAWASAKI mint cond 4600 miles Best offer 609-921-0477, after 6pm

’78 HONDA E X PR E S S MOPED, exc cond., $250 or best offer Call 609-737-1252 anytime

YAM AHA 72 350ce - clean, exc cond., 14,000 miles, very fast bike $525 After 5pm 609 921-6343

1970 HONDA CB450 w,'extras exc cond $475 201-297-0123

BSA M A R K IV S PE C IA L 650c< chopper $1500 609-446 2751

750 KAW ASAKI (1972) - 2 stroke, Koni shocks, new crank new pistion, 18.000 miles $500 609-883-5179

C*YCLE INSURANCE Im mediate coverage low rates liability, theft and collision 609-799-0472

HONDA ST90 exc cond , ask for Mark 609-896-0957



Thp Mdmilie Sewsbe hankitnMWN RECORD

Thursday,! August 3, 1978


1976 FORD 250 PICK-UP truck with cap 390 engine auto, a/c, p's, anvfm stereo cruise control 78,000 gvw , step up welded bumper, dual batteries 4 gas tanks 19.000 mi plus extras, $4800 201-369 3675

PICKUP 73 CHEVY W- Cap. V-8, 32,000 mi disc brakes $2600 201-821-9011

1974 HONDA 350XL - road & dirt $4000 mi, excellen t condition, $650 609-448-6146

MOTOBECANE - moped Low mileage exc cond Best offer. Call after 6 609-921-7557

1978 XR - 75 Motorcross bike 201 329-6730

1968 FORD F100 4-wheei drive, 4-speed, 360 engine, 6’ bed with cover, new clutch, new front brakes oversized tires, runs very good, some body damage $1500 201-359- 5905

YAM AH A—Harr Brothers— Motorcycle Sales Service Parts 1605 N Olden Ave., Trenton. 609-393-7550

1973 HONDA 750cc — 7100 mi., custom gd cond Best offer Chuck 201-297-2061, days, 297 4485 eves

75 BULTACO PERSANG 125 MX. Practically never ridden excel, cond boots, helmet, loads of extras $395 201-359 6334 ________________

73 HONDA 175 — w/1600 mi. Saddlebags inc 201-329-2641

YAM AHA 400DT on 4 off road scrambler fully licensed & registered, low mileage nevercompetitively raced Full cover, shop manual, helmet extra high gear-all for $800 809 799-9127

* 73 YAM AHA 500 — in exc cond with backrest 4 luggage rack low mileage completely serviced, on 6 '3078 $795 609 452-1141

YAM AHA ENDURO DT175’ (74) - verv good cond Asking $495 609-443-1381.

71 HONDA CL-350 excellent condition, like new, w 'helmet $450 609-292 7617 ( 9-4); 921-8350 evs & wknds

75 YAM AH A RD350 - 7,000 mi., good condition w/extras Must sell. $350 609-924-1099

FOR RESTORATION one 1947 ‘ 2 ton Dodge pick-up. oneS953 1 ton Dodge pick-up Each $100 - as is, where is Call 201 359-5424 after 6 pm

.1974 TOYOTA Hilux pick­up. am 'fm radio, a 'c . mags radials, $2300 609-587-2549 after 5; 30pm

1978 E 150 FORD VAN - 4- spd, 21-mpg, carpets, stereo cabinets, bed. more, excellent condition $5200 609-466-2786

BULTACO-125 ccM X , e x ­pansion cham ber exhaust system, unbreakable fenders 4 gas lank, buddy pegs, new drive chain sprocket 4 counter sprocket, excellent condition, many extras, Helmet incl $325 609-448-2497

’72 YAM AHA 650 — Mintcondition, $1000 201-521-3380

1973 WINNEBAGO — motor home Low mileage Dodge truck chassis. Sleeps 6 $9000 or best offer 609-448-5007

GMC SCHOOLBUS CAM PER Self contained, runs and looks

good $2500 or best offer 201- 782-1782

MOPED - Batavus Excellent cond , low mileage. $300 609 921-2630

SUZUKI TC’ 120 very good condition, less than 1,000 miles $325 609-448-5823

TrucksFOR R E STO R ATIO N one 1947 1/2 ton Dodge pick-up one 1953 1 ton Dodge pick-up Each $100 — as is where is Call 201-359-5424 after 6 p m

'67 FORD PICK UP w cap and insert 351 engine, as is. $350 201) 329-8979

1972 GMC SUBURBAN - 4 whl drive, low mile, exc cond, RV tires, spoked rims, many extras. $2,500 609-448 8657 "after 6.30pm

BoatsSAILBOAT 18ft fiberglass, sloop-rigged with tilt trailer $750 or B O 201-873-2340. after5 p.m

12 PENGUIN SAILBOAT 1 off - fiberglass hull, like new Readv to go, with trailer $500609 292-7617 '9 4 ' , 921-8350 evs & .wknds.

OUTBOARD MOTOR — 6hp Evinnide, exc condition with tank 4 prop guard, $225 609- 921-8626

DODGE VAN - 1975 B100. 34,000 miles 3 spd am fm, carpet, runs good Call 8am 4 30pm, 609-452-2300 ext, 697

63 GMC RACK body truck 201-269-4585

1973 DODGE VAN - a/c, am/fm stereo cassette. Ex­cellent condition Custom interior 4 ex terio r Many extras $3100 609-443-5899

■57 CHEVY PICK-UP with 76 LT I SO small block, good shape *950 firm 20 359-3961

1955 FORD PICK UP - body exc mechanically not bad considering Not stock $450 609-466-0782 eves

M achinery &Equipment

TROY B ILT ROTOTILLERS sales and service New and used models available Call 609-890-0371 eves 4 Sats (Trenton).

G E N E R A L “ E A G E R BEAVER 9 ton trailer used 1 yr $2400 Call 609-448 1128, 9-5

50 GAL TRACTOR DRAWN high pressure sprayer w 5 ft boom attachment 609-443-4340 or 655-2505

Ret reattono Vehicle*

76 FORD VAN / CAM PER - w automatic, sleeps 3, pop lop, fully equipped 20,000 mi, $5895. or best offer Financing avail for qualified buyer 609 924-7162

NEW SAILBOAT It M OORING Beautifulyellow islands 12 fiberglass day-sailer, French ZEF design dacron jib and mainsail, hiking straps, an­chor, shroud covers, mahogony trim Great for one person, also a good family boat — will hold 2 adults and 2 children Excellent condition, in the water, mooring included for the remaining two-three months Of this season Can be seen and sailed locally Price includes an "orientation sail Selling to buv a racing design Call 609-924-1984

22 SE AF A RE R SA ILB< ■ A T loaded Electric start Johnson $5900. Call 609-586-2300 9am noon Ask for Jack

FOR SALE - 12-14 boat trailer needs spring $90 609 443-3985

16 5 W E L L C R A F T F IS H E R M A N - U5hp, Evinrude New leftover 77 EZ-Loader $5200 Call 609-586 2300 9am-noon Ask for Jack

12 -FT G A M E F IS H E R w 'oars Best offer 609-799 9410

14 FIBERGLASS BOAT 35hp M ercury engine tilt trailer, good condition $650 Call after 6pm 609-448 3139

A LL FIBERGLASS 1974 , 25 Luhrs. fly in g bridge, fwc F f w f w.c., loaded used 40 h rs , show room condition $15,000 or best offer 609-296 5382 or 585-1093

14 CHRYSLER CADET w 20hp Johnson Exc cond 215-493-6105

17’ SLOOP, sleeps 4 Motor and tra ile r, exc cond Evenings, 609-882 3149

S A IL B O A T S , C A N O E S , T R A IL E R S — Princeton Sailing School 4 Boats 609 921-8632 H a n d ic a p p e d welcome

SAILBOAT 14’ — force five with cover, used 2 seasons 609-297-4233

15 FT TR IH U LL exc cond glass, Merc 65 hp-trainer & canvas equipped 609-737-1932

Instruction1975 COACHMAN TR A ILE R 20 * 2 ft sleeps 8, self- contained. excellen t cond Must see $3550 201-2464021

PH E LAN ’S MOTOR HOMES rentals in 2 sizes, new 21 4

26’ fully self-contained units F ree insurance 4 trave l planning Call 201-329-2241 for circular

17’ A U O TR A ILE R - exc cond. Gas range, heater, hot & cold water shower, lavatory Sleeps 5. Full kitchen facilities $1450 201-821-8269

SCHOOL BUSSES FOR SALE Exc, cond. For churches or

campers 201 359-6267

1974 DELUXE PALOMINO ha rdtop — sleeps 7, ref , stove oven, many extras 201-297 4233

26 N O RR IS T R A V E L TR A ILE R — self-contained like new cond used very little Awning Sr screened in en closure inc 201-359-6337

MOTOR HOME RENTALS Sleeps 8. $300 $250 weekly$60 oath . plus ioc a mile 201- 356-1380"

IQ 74

A UNIQUE APPROACH to language learning 25 languages Native teachers and translators Instruction for children and adults All

versattonal and literary classes Intensive courses for ’raveiers and business peopleTutoring Call 609-921-3063 or 924-9335

InstructionSAILING INSTRUCTION - for beginning 4 advanced sailers All sailboats. Sunfish to ocean yachts Princeton Sailing School 4 Boats Cer­tified MAISA 0877 609-921-8632 Handicapped welcome

W AN TE D - c rea tiv e 4 talented individuals who want to teach their skills to others Guitar gourm et cooking bicycle repair, wine tasting, meditation, leather works etc Small fee is paid If interested contact C U B Mini courses. Student Center, Trenton State College, Trenton, N J 08625

TUTORING - Masters in Education wishes tutoring for the summer All subjects Call 201 329-6730

LEARN THE HUSTLE! - in your home, privately, with vour friends, at your next party or club meeting Stop being a w a ll f lo w e r Call Jennifer today, 201-545-7515

CHESS LESSONS - by an expert Phone 609-466-0805

G U IT A R IS T S ; T ired of ying the same old licks?

rt fast relief with Pete's guitar lessons All styles all artists, reading, theory, technique, improvisation ra ascriptions of any music

Learn only what you want, beginners to advanced Best of references Lessons given on Princeton campus 212-874- 6809 Keep trying!

LOHURS 09 28’ , completely reconditioned, fly bridge, Chrysler 310, sleeps 4, fresh water head 4 galley Free slip till Oct 1. In water, ready to go $6000 or best offer 609-393 8677 or 215-788-3754 after 6 pm

BOAT T R A IL E R $180, Electric fishing motor $40 Marine battery 4 case, $25 all items new 77 609 799-2355after 5 pm

FLUTE. C LAR IN E T 4 SAXA PHONE lessons N.J cer tified teacher Private lessons, my studio or vour home 201- 389-3215

GUITAR LESSONS - 6/12 string Contemporary method includes tape analysis in my studio Bob Korman 609-921- 3669

NEED EXERC ISE '’ - But hate tra ve lin g to distant places with strange faces’’ Invite YOUR friends home and learn exh iiera tin g exercises designed for your specific needs Call Jennifer lodav, 201-545-7515


Evening Yoga for all levels Mon " t v e -Healing Class

4Sat Morning Women s Class


609 799-8238

InstructionTRUM PET 4 TROMBONE LESSONS N J certified teacher Private lessons, my studio or vour home 201-369- 3215

E X P E R IE N C E D TU TO R C ertified in secretaria l,

feneral business, bookkeeping all elementary subjects My

home or vours 609-921 3376"

BusinessServices Catering Home Repo ^ome Services

PR O F B K PN G 'A C C N TG servs by qua! 4 expd sm business aecnt Reas rates 201 329-2471

RESUM ES U N L IM IT E D Your com plete one stop resume service, featuring resum es p ro fe s s io n a lly written to h ighlight your Qualifications, expertly typed 4 offset printed For personal, con fidentia l serv ice ca ll, RESUMES UNLIM ITED at 609-448-0701.

PIANO, ORGAN 4 GUITAR LESSONS - a ll ages,reasonable rates 609 989-9061

DRUM LESSONS — all styles Reading technique 4 "con­ceptual 201-297-1754

TUTOR - Certified NJ teacher, w ill provide continuitythrough summer months in reading and math skills P rim ary 4 in term ed iate grades Call 609-924-4226


17 Livingston Ave New Brunswick, N.J

Complete Secretarial and Accounting Courses

Day and Night Courses Telephone 201-249-0347

P IA N O TE A C H E R Con­servatory Graduate 281-2972322

LE A R N TO P L A Y THE GU ITAR this summer, 6 wk course, all ages welcome Call 609-924-8418 early evenings orreply Box 01923 c/o The Princeton Packet

P R IV A T E S W IM M IN G LESSONS — in private pool by mature, professional, e x ­perienced teacher Han­dicapped 4 timid adults a specialty Call 201-3594217,



COMMUNICATION ^.Adults & Children


157 S Mam St Hightstown609-443-4113 ‘

MATH TUTORING - by Ph D High School 4 College Preparation for SAT Exams also available 609-448-3690

SCUBA DIVING - Cali for course nearest you Scuba sales, rentals, air, service trips PR IN C E TO N AQUA SPORTS, 306 Alexander St,. Princeton, 609-924-4240

PIANO. FLU TE LESSONS - E x p e r ie n c e d , c e r t i f i e d teacher All ages, all levels Hillsborough 201-874-4709

PROFESSIONAL Teacher of Guitar 4 Violin Graduate of Berklee College of Music Call F.d Cedar 609 443-5163

DRUM LESSONS N J certified teacher P r iva te lessons, my studio or vour home 201-369-3215

EXPERIENCED PIANIST feacher accepting students in

.beginner through college B Mus. M S The Julliard School. Diploma Di Merito, Chigana, Siena. Italy's Staff of Bovchoir School of Princeton 609-921-0802 or 924-9665

GUITAR AND BASS LES­SENS - teacher with music c o l l e g e e x p e r i e n c e , reasonable rates 609-799-0132

LESSONS ON GU ITAR - Trumpet, banjo, clarinet, etc F A R R IN G T O N ’S MUSIC Hightstown and Princeton

READING TUTOR Certified Reading Specialist with MEd. experienced primary to HS Will test 4 tutor your child 609-443-4552.


INTERIOR DECORATING custom painting, European style craftsm anship. F ree estimates Call 609-771-0570, 4 7 pm or 609-771-0071. 7-1 pm

STATISTICAL - 4 technical E>P>ni . resumes, letters, thesis, manuscripts, etc Done on Selectric II 201-359-3673. dav or eve

G W Jr 4 ASSOC - Con­sultants conducting security surveys, training seminars" colleges schools, hospitals reta il, industrial, govern mental agencies Test 4 modify present training program 609-883-1948

T H IC K 4 WINDOW LE T ­TERING - show cards, paper signs Herbert C Rodgers 201 297-1648

TYP IS T wishes to work at home Accurate work at reasonable prices Ringoes Hopewell area 609-466-2815

CARPET INSTALLER - will sell carpet, do installations 4 repairs Licensed 4 bonded 609-448-8888

W IN IF R E D D O N AH U E 'S SECRETARIAL SERVICE 240 Nassau St., Princeton 609 924-1424 Your complete, one stop secreta ria l serv ice Featuring the Xerox 800 E lectron ic Typ ing system Plus Manuscript typing Cassette 4 D ictaphone Transcription , Xeroxing, Offset Printing, Mail Handling and forwarding, AUTOMATIC L E T T E R T Y P IN G every page an original) No job too large — or too small

A LL TYP IN G WORK DONE ON LATEST IBM Selectric Reasonable rates Fast ser vice Call between 5 and 10 p.m 201-821-8740

Princeton Packet Inc * has some

Press Time Available Web Offset Press

Let us print your newspaper or in-house organ Camera ready m echanicals or negatives required *We print regular standard pages or tabloids

Your paper can be printed on regular 30# newsprint or 50# white offset stock There is a nominal extra charge for a second spot color, a you so desire

Our capacity for your needs is 24 pages standard and 48 pages Tor your tabloids

Call Mr Hutchinson or Mr Burke at (609 ) 924-3244 for particulars on youif printing needs

* iWe have won state 4 national press awards for quality press work

TYPE W R ITE R R E PA IR General cleaning and repairs Free estimates Call Eu Radigan. 609-448-6443


BOOKKEEPING ^SYSTEMS S im plified pegboard ’

method ideal for small 4 medium size concerns For further information call Judy White 609-883-9288

F/C BOOKKEEPER Services for Accountants 4 Businesses Call 609-448-4921

T Y P IS T — Experienced executive secretary available for free lance typing, from mv home on Selectric i f Pick up 4 delivery 609-585-0315

PROFESSIONAL TYPIN G SERVICE - Warren Plaza West. Building C, Rte 130, East Windsor NJ 609-448-6707 Your com plete secretaria l serv ice featu ring ERRO R FREE AUTOMATIC TYP IN G

every page an original Also, letters, resumes, theses term papers, dissertations, news letters, addressing 4 mailing inform ation storage 4 re tr ieva l. X erox copies Equipment IBM Correcting Selectric II and an IBM Memory typewriter

TYP IS T — free lance, ex­p e r ien c e M an u scrip ts , resumes, theses, etc 5 languages IBM correcting Selectric II Rates negotiable 201-297-2377 . 4- 10pm


609-92KfifejB Day or evening

Resumes. Letters. Theses, Dissertations, Manuscripts, Statistica l 4 Technical Typ ing cassette tran ­scription, etc Equipment Selectric II 4 an Automatic Mag Card II Typewriter

FU TU R E IN SU LATIO N S C O I R E T H A N E "FO AM S P R A Y A P P L IE 4 CELLULOSE BLOWN IN Solar buildings homes, attics, wallsr cold storage boxes storage tanks, roofs, trailers vans specialties 609-397-0132. 82 Rocktown Rd Lam bertville NJ


For cocktail, and dinner parties fam ily dinners, special occassions Call m advance see our menu of home-made soups, party appetizers, hors d oeuvres, dinners desserts, home-baked goods, party platters Special requests filled , ethnic s p e c i a l t i e s , q u i c h e s , delicacies Reasonable prices saves your time ami effort, lets you entertain without fussing Call 609-259-9375

LAWRENCEV1LLE DELI Com plete catering serv ice 609-896-1850

PAR K PLU M B IN G 4 HEATING - Installation 4

ir of all vour plumbing Lie* 5648 201-297 7538

PhotographyNATURAL COLOR - Par traits. Bar Mitzvahs, Wed dings social events from $12T Remarque Studio 608-44E 7938


CANED 4 RUSHED - Make an old chair better G ive it a new seat Expertly done 609 395-0342


Your Party is Laggin’ Without the Disco Wagon’

Parties or Any Occasion Free Estimates

Ca ll Don (201) 238-5650 • 201 ■ 846-1208


M agic com edy 4 balloon animals Available for school shows, birthday parties, grand (ipenmgs and fund raisings For further information call 201-254-6374

WOLFY TH E CLOWN - Birthday parties and all other occasions. 609-448 2125


From spectacular stage shows to intimate close up magic Childrens birthday parties banquets, any event Each show personally planned to vour needs by a professional magician Reasonable rates Cal! after 6 p.m, 201-359-2847 Ask for Ed

HAVE MUSIC THIS YEAR Professional guitanst/singer Richard Winthrop will add the right touch to make vour party a success 609-921-0967

M A G IC IA N — shows for school, cub scouts, parties, clubs 4 m ore Audience participation 4 balloon animals Low price1 Call Ted, 609-921-1549

JUNCTION a versatile 4 piece group which plays all occasions 609-799-0855

HARPIST — for weddings, receptions Oberlin Con­servatory graduate Former 1st harpist Toledo Symphony Naomi Markus Alter. 609-924- 1899

EXPANDING D IP N STRIP is now a complete service

center for anything made of wood or m etal that you have in your home, found in your attic, bought at the flea markets 4 auctions We do hand strip­ping all types of repairing refinishing, caning 4 rushing also, furniture bought 4 sold Try us, you won’t be sorrydip n St r ip 49 Mam s t ,Kingston, N.J- 609-924-5668 Open Mon -Sat. 9-5

CHAIRS - CANED-RUSHED regiued, tightened Furniture

refinished Years of ex­perience Free ptek-up ami de livery 609-896-0057

Piano TuningA and Z PIANO TUNING ANDREPAIR Call 609-799-2477


Regulating RepairingROBERT H. HALLIEZ

RegisteredMember Piano Technicians

Guild. Inc 609-921-7242

PIANO TUNING 4 REPA IR David Forman at 609443-

6866 or 609-767-0432




609 2S9 7940 Peter Wikoff

C A R P E N T R Y A L T E R ­A T IO N S A D D I T I O N S No job loo large or too ma 11. Doug Renk, Builders 609-655-1221

C A R P E N T R Y - Expert c r a f t s m a n s h i p w i t h -easonabie rates All phases of construction We will help you design your ideas Over 20 yrs, experience 201 297 7080

MAjSON — P lastered or sheetrock walls ceilings holes cracks repaired Most all masonry repairs Sheetrock taping speckling, finishing done Call Edward Gudc 609 466:3437

s m a l l Ho m e r e p a ir s myspecialty Charles H Van N oje 10 Lakeview Ave , Kingston, N.J 08528 609-921 866$ ‘

CERAMIC TILE REPAIRS - tile installed permanently with new cement hoard Bathroom remodeling, lowest prices Tile for do-it-yourselfers DELAW ARE V A LLE Y T ILE 29 Years of experience 609-888- 1067


Carpentry, Int. 4 Ext Painting Minor Plumbing 4 Electrical Repairs


PLUMBING - Lie #4621 Need a plumber, free estimates all vpes >: plumbing Call Mike

anytime aav or night Phone 609-586-0266

REPA IR PARTS - for all m gjor appliances Vacuum Cleaner bags belts 4 repairs Buncc Appliance Parts, 255 NO. Main St., Manville. 201- 722-2922

CARPENTER - CABINET MAKER — wants moonlight wprk good quality, reasonable rates Small jobs welcome 609-466-0782

GT RENW a RD Painting and general maintenance Gutter wtork, aluminum doors and windows Interior 4 exterior painting, floor refinishing and waxing Free estimates Call 201-359-4455

Home Repairs Home Services

CateringY OL ARE IN V I TED - to plan \our next occasion with the Mo v e a b l e f e a s t From a few trays of finger foods to a complete gourmet banquet, menus can be created to fit any occasion Call us for a consultation and let us share your next social triumph Deli platters also available 609 799-1641 or 799-4031

WE CATER ANYTHING Picnics to banquets 5 to 500 Special dietary platters available Some Chicken Inc Montgomery Shopping Center 609-924-5659



Fireplaces, stone, brickwork steps, patios concrete, waterproofing, etc.



G & R BUILDERS - General contractors Additions 4 a lterations Brickwork 4 fireplaces, patios, aluminum siding Free estimates 609 799-0753. 799-1779

ALCOA ROOFING 4 SIDING of all types Shingle, slate, hot asphalt roofs 4 repairs Free estim ates Budget term s avail 609-396-8041, *24-1760259-3446 or collect 215-968-0793


kinds of home improvementsand alterations For free estimate call 609-259-9427

P A I N T I N G H O M E R E P A IR S 4 Remodeling Quality work Free estimates Call after 5 p.m 609448-2958

NOVOBILSKY 4 VAN D O R N - H O M E IM PROVEMENTS - Carpentry, roofing, siding, int. 4 ext painting, insulation 4 screening 609-466-0926

GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS Free all points check up on cables, springs 4 door sec tions Automatic garage door openers installed Call Carothers 4 Co 609 448-3717 or 201 297 181-

HOUSE CLEANING - EX TER10R - Alum siding, red brick brightened, stucco Whitened, loose paint removed for painting CUSHM AN ENTERPRISES 201-359-3717

FLOORS - S T R IP P IN G SE A L IN G 4 W AXING Professional job-no short cuts IWe are the best NOT THE CHEAPEST Appts onlv. Call 609443-3531 after 5 pm "

n E H O M E.^ | A M N G 4 P A I N T I N G

SERNICE Full service leaning or painting single

problems or entire home Reierences Phone Mr Bie


HE BUCKET 4 MOP now Gen- general housecleaning.....see by ‘The Moppettes

20 ) 359 4722


E R F D ITUW E a PH 0LST F R E D We do customwork m the finestradition ! will come to your

home with hundreds ofleautifui fabric samples to

give sur home a new fashion* * ( 'all Becky at Rogersphoisten 609-799-2807


• Yes we do windows• Indoor-outdoor house

Painting 4 papering• Outdoor fix ft tet

walls, etc• Spring 4 Summer lawn

care 4 clean-up


l-'ree Estimates 609-896-2476 after 5pm

ISTOM WOOD WORK by expert experienced c ra ft­sman Wood articles made to ur - our needs Lumber cutto

for your projects Wood fuming and uinping. Small projects preferred 609-882-5*35 after 6 pm.

AIR CONDITIONING cen- rai. window units cars ••asonabte-ales 20 2974722


of loose paint, soil, mold,

shingles siding, brick, stucco Quotation no obligation

ashman Enterprises 20) 3593717.

AVAMIAN Appliance

Repair 4 Service Air Conditioning Washers Refrigeration DryersHeating DishwashersRanges, etc Reasonable" ' !

All work Guaranteed -09-443-StKM or S09443-688S

PATIOS INSTALLED $1.78 sq. ft.

Minimum order 2S0 sq. ft.

C AST CRETE CO. 201-521-1887

KITCHEN CABINETS — Wail units fine quality, indivuaiiy styled 4 craftetf of walnut, oak. cherry^ butternut or maple Also refinishing or resurfacing existing cabinetsp a r k l a n e c a b in e t s 2018744151.

Ca r p e n t e r c r a f t s m a n -$mce 1952, qualified for any sfize job Cal 609-655-2064

TREE WORK - ALL TYPES Pruning, Topping. Feeding. Rem oval, Storm Dam age. Land C learing 4 Chipper Service Firewood 4 wood chips available Competent work at a fair price Fully insured Free estimates 609- 737-3)26

; GENERAL CONTRACTOR — Qual i ty craftsm ansh ip Specia lizing in concrete, block brick, curbs, stucco, and drivew ays Carpenter work. Kitchens, Framing, Dry Walls, Insulation, Dormers, and Additions Heating 4 Air conditioning and Duct Work Commercial or Residential We stand behind' our work­manship 100% Call ALL-WAY' CONST CO 609>662-02S8, ask for Ken Williams

BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME - with an elegant fiberglass flagpole From M to 70 feet in height Four standard colors to choose from Installation serv ice ava ilab le Main -:;arx-*' )> existing 'lagpoles

All types of Flags ana Ban­ners You name it we have

(ail 201-3S6-2388

10% DISCOUNT Woven wood vertical drapes and Flexalum horizontal blinds Leisurely shop at home MR . ice and installation included r « t Call Rogers U pholstery


7RADI ATE CONTRACTORS Painting andscaping ex

erior maintenance E x­perienced Free estimates Reasonable Charlie 609-882- 6105 Bill 896-0934


Cranbury, N.J. 609-395 1389

Home and Industry .arbage, Trash Rubbish

RemovedHauling of all Types

LAWN MAINTENANCE "hatching, seeding :iean-ups areation insect control ungictdes fertilizer lime 4

weed pre-emergence Tota. .sinfenance program offers

ne above a! considerable savings We 'nvite you to compare our quotes Cali 1 Tee t are Inc 201-297-9300

FLOOR SANDING - hard wood floors sanded and

nisbed Phone 609-585-8235



7 Trucks - No Waiting


20 Years Experience 201-873-2534 201-356-5800

L A M P SHADES - Lamp mounting and repairs NassauInteriors. 162 Nassau St., Princeton


f o r m ic a SERVICES



J lj





u O

u u


Tj U

u L

i u m


r t








H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID EThursday, August 3, 19 <8 O F F

T T U LJ U U ' 'L i I T U I .J' m j U !J U U t J TX T J L J "LJ i j T S r i X ^ 'LJ L i "'"T "T ! ? T T t - ' ' — i_ j u u t r n r


609-924-2222 609-921-1700

The Prettiest Dutch Colonial in lowrenc® TownshipThin Hum. Dutch eoloaiai with Mate roof i* me o f the finest offering* we've seen in many a month Inside, from iu gractou* center hall to its living room with fireplace and French doors and formal dining room with excellent wall space there is a moat satisfying flow to the classic floor plan TH* eat-in kitchen, with powder room nearby, is completely remodeled in excellent taste lipatairs, are three spacious bedroom* with ample ctoaet space and -ven room off the master for a second private bath. When you come to see it. notice the fine craftsmenship evident from the plaater walls to the finished natural woodwork throughout Situated on almost an acre backing up to wooded open space for plenty of privacy. Financing available to a qualified buyer $75,000

A Marvelous Contemporary in a Wooded Western Princeton Setting

K very versatile home with tall contemporary windows surrounding a living room with fireplace, a separate formal dining room, an eat-in kitchen with access out-of-doors, and a lower level family room filled with light. In the bedroom wing are three comfortable family bedrooms and a superb master suite with its own bath, sitting room and study The potential in-law apartment usage » excellent at Hher end of the residence t >uUnde, a lovely charming in-ground pool in a very private setting. Call our Montgomery Office at 921-1700. $145 500

Firestone $ Newest; A Striking Two Story Colonial on a Delightful Cul De Soc

rins o.ctur<-perfre home - evet ;■ • *■....... tw -.sale . argr sparxnit liv mg room, formal dmatgroom with chair rail, a super bright eat-in kitchen with all the conveniences, a .carpeted family room will! brick ftrepiacr and butlt it :• -■*. ,.nr abtneu. 1 twtairs are four delightful bedroom*, two full ceramic life* baths and wonderful storage space In a great neighborhood with a beautiful park and two tennis courts at the end of the street $ „ *,oe

Slot# Roof Victorian with Stone Cottage in o Peaceful 5 Acre Setting in Hopewell Township

This neat Old Victorian bouse features a large entry foyer, spacious living room with fireplace, a full formal dining room, an eat-in kitchen with warm knotty pine panelling and even a den looking over the beautiful country side, L pstairs are four good bedrooms and even a maid s quarter* with a rear stairway . Available on either 5 acres for SS5 000. or with additional acreage at $4,900 per *rr> Zoned business and ideal location fo ra nursery. Call 921-1 700 for an appointment SSS.000.

From Montgomery: A Charming Ranch Along a Stream Called Bedens Brook

This neat rancher is nestled m the trees on a. parklifee two acres alongside a beautiful country stream. 'The pole barn in the rear and fenced in -paddock easily accommodates two horse*. The paneled living room features a moat handsome fireplace: there’s even a second fireplace in the full basement Then* * a neat eat-in kitchen and three comfortable bedrooms that round out this con­veniently located country home. Call our Montgomery office today at 921-1700. $47 500

A Splendid Home >n a Delightfully Wooded Neighborhood in lawrenceville

Prfitier ih®n a piety re ss thi# splendid <x>k>mai home within walk mg dtstancr of the village -if Lawrenceville From the elegant slate foyer, to the fireplace in the living room and private warmth of a corner fireplace in the family room, I you feel a sense of being able to have it your way. The kitchen with eat-in area is situated conveniently to the dining room, laundry , powder room and family room l j ;.stairs, are four marvelous bedroom* and two baths, including a master suite with a dressing area and plenty erf closet space. Neat a* a pin and waiting to be shown for the first tune when vtm call vour Firestone agent at 600-9. : 1700 S i l l , 000 -


F ir e s t o n e R e n t a is - W e v e G o t T h e m !Sour land Mountain Contem porary: \ trull* superb 4-5 bedroom home, with a spectacular vtew. J in-ground pool, and lush forest surroundings. Available August 1st, rent the main house for $750 I per month or with the in-law quarters for $1,000 per month. Excellent New York commute or I Rutgers trip.

K ingsto n Academy St H o rn *: A neat .l-|Bedr.« im residence in a quaint little town near Princeton I U alk to the post office and have lunch at it harbe- $450 per month available August 1st.

P r in c a to n B o ro -w e ll fu rn ish ,- .! (>■-{-,, , . i ; h. .m e , ,n f ind .-h i ,ane . Shot uer m .Princeton: Hamilton Ave„ 3 bedroom home available ini mediately. $575 je-r mo.Princoton T o w n sh ip : A Linwood Circle tjxmtemporeiry with 4-5 bedrooms, three baths, and a super I ctmvenient location, av ailable Sept 1 $675, per month.

A Brand Now Listing from Montgomery Townshiphtr Montgomery Office proudly Dre»*-ru* an unmaculate spacious cokmtai bi-level in one of the

•:icest are*- M-.mgomerv ’ owrwhti .he upper tew' is a large living room, dining room, an-al-ut kitchen, three bedroom* ami hath- 'n the lower level is a family room with slid mgglass " «>r* pan a stud* n taundrv and half bath, and a two car garage Aoeautifii .a id . great iandscapma r. -nci «i! today for ao appointment with your

t t i ,00$.

A Brand New Firestone Listing from PlainsboroSituated in an in-town location, th buy, A marvelirtt* *.>ung neighbort pliances and carpeted through.nil the area *<■ be the first bv calling *

■ - « | .. four bedroom two story colonial hi an excellent • ----- - omnuumg. all ap-

, ! W bet - u can t find a better v ahte in■ ---1 ... It gem. $75 500

- . * - I . : ; i n n n n r-$ r u C

Home ServicesCARPET INSTALLER - will sell carpet, do installations & repairs Licensed 4 bonded 609-448-8888


B R IG H TE N YO U R HOME YEAR ROUND Your fabric Labor only Call for yardage needed R eferences on request BOB’S SLIPCOVERS 609-855-1573

C A R P E T C L E A N I N G SPECIAL — Any size room steam cleaned by experts $19 95 New Dawn 201-446 4313 __________

C H IM N E Y SW EEP fireplace, wood .coal burning stoves Clean, e ffic ien ' vacuum system A d irtv chimney is a fire hazzard Call Robert Ackers HOME COMFORT 609-466-3011

TOP SOIL fill dirf . sand, dri vev. ay stone. f i rew ood, lunk haufed away 609-394-5921 anytime

B ILL CHAM BERLIN — PLU M B IN G & HE AT IN G License *5394 609-448-1848

HOUSECLEANING Window Cleaning Floor Washing &

WaxingHonest. Reliable

Experienced Call after 5 pm

609- .3X7 -8055

LET'S MAKE A DEAL w ill trade work for whal have uut to sell S tyer Sales Paperhangers, 609-443 3138

E X P E R I E N C E D S E A M STRESS draperies, hem ming. s im ple a lterations, reasonable rates 609-921-2708

CUSTOM CAR CARE We wash, wax and clean ml 4 ext trfailcars Callforappt Mike 609-448 4301 *r Bob 443-6919

C O N T E M P O R A R Y O IL PORTRAITS at artists studio work available ;>« viewing adults and children lor appointment call 609 448 .533

Spec ial ServicesSPRING — A is the time to prune your trees of un­necessary water sprouts 4 uprights B R em ove con­flicting branches that open bark to disease and pests C. Remove dead wood and broken stubs D Spray for overw in tering insects and their egg masses, strangling scales and a head start for control of Elm bark beetle 4 Dutch elm disease E Feed those trees damaged by ice 4 ■now !o insure their health We invite you to compare our quotes. Call Tree Care Inc 201-297,-9300

TYP IN G - all done on IBM se lec tr ic reasonable rates, fast serv ice 201-821-8740 evenings


TREE WORK - ALL TYPES Pruning, Topping. Feeding

Rem oval. Slorm Dam age. Land C learing & Chipper Service F'irewood 4 wood chips available Competent work at a fair price Fully insured Free estimates 609 737-3126

T H E P R O F E S S I O N A L MASSAGE CENTER - for relief of muscle strain 4 general stress New Hope Pa 215 862-9147 We o ffe r gift certificates

CO LLEG E SE LE C TIO N 4 A P P L I C A T I O N C O I N S E LL IN G - individuals 4 small groups Dr Michael L Rosenthal. 609-737-2236

W ILL. CUSTOM M A K E drapes bedspreads pillows specia liz ing in building 4 covering cornices, lambrequin & headboards Your fabric Call 609-448-4642

E X P E R I E N C E D S E A M STRESS will sew women's, ch ildren 's. 4 some men's clothing Also, alterations 4 draperies 609-466-2516 c

L A D I E S C U S T O MTAILORING coats, suitsdresses, gowns, skirts, etc made to order Hillside Studio, 609 737-0090

Special ServicesSEAMSTRESS my home, Mo% Jet, E xpert work manship, pers serv 201-821- 7167




A L T F. H A T 1 O \ S 4 DRESSMAKING wedding gowns & veils a special?* (i ret chen 609-448-5829

D R E S S M A K I N G A N D A L T E R A T IO N S - Jan ice Wolfe Call 609-448-2125

PEN AND INK drawings of your home, pet etc 8x10 $12 609-448-3815.

SHOE R E P A IR 4 orthopedic work Tues thru Friday -7-5. Sat 7-2 102 Roger Ave ,7Hghstn 609-443-5616

RELAX. EASE TENSION with Shiatsu m assage, an efficient health-giving method of Oriental acupressure For appi call even 5-7 30 pm 609- 921-1652

AUTO WAXING $15. $20 & $30 Call Mike Caster 609-448 5240 evenings

Painting & Paperhanging

CAPITOL PA IN TIN G m- enor & exterior, reasonable rates tullv insured 609-8831537

< OLLEGE STUDENT Experienced in interior exterior painting now looking for summer jobs Call for estimates, 609-921-6333 or 921- 2720

< u s t o m p a in t in g s e r -\ ICE' Residential, com mercial Interior, exterior Ad work guaranteed Call now for special Spring rates 10 vears experience 609-882-0891 or 924- 1760

Pointing & P a p e rh a n g in g

HOUSEPAINTING interior exterior. 5 years experience, free estimates, low rates Cali Tom, 609-921 2508

PAINTING JOBS WANTED - 2 experienced college men will paint inside or out Call 609- 737-2261 between 6-8pm

IN T E R IO R 4 E X T E R IO R PA INTING — free estimates reasonable rates, clean work Call T La ski 609-799-1462

PAINTING - Inf r 4 Ext r Exp college student Lot refs 609-921-8027 after 6

I N T E R I O R , E X T E R I O R Painting 4 paperhanging Fully insured Free estimates 609-924-3727 ext A 28

PAINTING paper hanging Paper removal, wall resur facing exc references, low rates quality work Call 609- 921-0690 .

NANAK s SERVICES Professional Painters

Inteiror 4 Exterior Longstanding Reputation

Local References Fully Insured


PROFESS 10NAL PAINTING interior & exterior F .

Noebels. 609-443-3559

EXPERIENCED PAINTER - E xterio r In terior Work guaranteed F"ree estimates Cali 609-443-3522

PAINTING - exterior or in tenor. insured, co llege *tudent with 3 years e x ­perience, many local references, reasonable rates !>ui high quality. Call Arthur or John, at 609-921-7772

PRINCETON PAINTING AND restoration Interior and exterior Residential and com m ercia l Sheetrock

Blaster and home repairs om Sheeran 609-924 9219


PAPERHANGERS SPECIAL Bedroom, 10x12x8 $25 00 in silver dollars dated before 1955 t all Stver Sale* 609-443-3138

P o i n t i n g &

PaperhangingPAINTING - local college student 5 years experience F'ree estimate Refs avail Call Mike 609-3964784

PROFESSIONAL PAPE R HANGING 4 PA IN TIN G Call Manuel a fte r 5 pm 609-799-4160

EXTERIOR/tNTERIOR PA IN TIN G & WALL REPAIRS — by two professionals Neat, con scientious, reasonably priced Insured References provided Call Bob 609-921-6173




P A IN T IN G — Interior, e x ­terior, w allpapering, light carpentry Quality work Cali John 609-655-1598 655-2015

PA INTING 4 PAPERHANGING-Frank Janda 292 Dutch Neck Rd Call 609 448-3578


Specializing In EXTERIORS

Consumer Bureau Registered Excellent References

Christensen Painting Co.184 Carter Road Princeton609-921 1277 924-7737


Prompt personal service All types of wall covering

Free esti mates Dan Rudenstine


THE PA IN TE R S " — now ava i lable for excellent ex ­terior interior work, 5 vrs experience Call Bruce or Margaret. 609 92I|-1871



Pointing & Paperhanging

TEACHER w/7 vrs painting exp , int/ext. Reas rates Free estimates. 201-446-9718




609-448-4438 ]CALL AFTER 6 R M

ElectriciansALL TYPES OF ELEC­TRICAL WORK Call 201-3593387

VE X P E R T E L E C T R I C A L WORK—Free est., oldi houses welcome No job too small.Diamond E lec tr ic . J01-722- 5176

N W MAUL & S0N U.S. Hwv !30 & G rig g s Drive

201-329-46S6 |Repair Service

Electrical Power 4 Lighting Installations

Industrial Maintenance

F 4 T Electrical Cont

IndustrialCommercial |

Residential Wiring 4 Repairs

-Lie *4667 609-448-5202

JOHN CIFELLI, Electrical C on t ra c t o r re s i de nt ia l com m ercia l 4 industrial wiring 609-921-3238

Root ng & SidingA S PH ALTSH IN G LIN G I-Top quality materials Top quality w orkmanship - Consumer Bureau registered Alj jobs f u l l y g u a r a n t e e d CHRISTENSEN RO0F1NG CO . Carter Road Prinjeefon 609-921-1277 4 924-7737

BAUER ROOFING - Asphalt shingle roofing Kendall Park homes 1 F'ree estimates! Ca.i ■ •- 301 297 2388 or 609-4483075

Roofing & SidingROOFING All Kinds

Free Estimates



ALLIED ROOFING— New and old roofs of all types repaired Fil l and dr iv ew ay stone delivered All work guaran teed No job too small. 609-448 5707 Free estimates

ALCOA ROOFING 4 SIDING Aluminum, vinyl 4 steel siding Windows, gutters 4 trim Discount on all Alcoa products Free est Financing avail 609-924 1760, 259-3446396-8041 or collect 215-968-0793

CUSTOM RO O FIN G SER VICE All types of roofing done Shingle, slate, hot tar tm. Let us cater to your roofing needs 10 vears ex perience Call now for special spring rates 609-882-0891 or 924-1760

B E LLL MEAD ROOFING-28 yrs in business F reeestimates on all type roofing and leaders and gutters and chimney flashing Callanytime, 609-924-2040 or 201 359-5992 (lo ca l call from Princeton)

Why wait until the roof leaks Plan ahead for your roofing needsNEW ROOFS REPAIRS

COOPER 4*SCHAFER63 Moran t Princeton



VINYL COATED chain link — direct from manufacturer a* tremendous savings - experi installation Free estimates

RDF'ENCECO 201-359-1276


R U N IN 7 P A P E R S FO R 1 L O W P R IC E

Movmg &Hauling

W ILL H A U L IT —Cellars, attics and garages cleaned Call 609-799 1680 Consumer Bureau Registered

LIGHT HAULING done by e x p e r i e n c e d p e rs o n Reasonable rates, free estim ates Local 4 long distance, Tri-State area). 609- 394-8093 or 20)-297-2848

LIGHT HAULING 4 FRI S KING Quick, efficientand economical service Call Kill Murphv. 201-359-6555

BEE LINE EX PRESS-H o u s e h o l d m o v e r s . Reasonable rates. F ree estimates 201-526-0646

A T T I C S . BASEM ENTSgarages cleaned out Light hauling and moving 201-359-6402.

STt DU V f Light hauling in a 4 ton pick up Low rates

Local & mg distance 609-896- 0839. ask lor Kirk 896-0072. asktor Don. Jr

COLLEGE STU DE NTS - • ,ive truck for light hauling 4 - VC tal l 609-924-6944 or



K V1DREIRO concrete -k sidewalks, patios, etc1 201 -329 2018

tlMOW M I L L E R ra* ..r Specializing inr firep laces, patios, (•ways, barbecue pits, walks waterproof ing nn nts Call after 6 pm.


43 SPRING ST fl’RIN'CETON 609-924-2880 MIRRORS



K K BAt. KHOE 4 complete contracting services John W H"ff 4 Associates 609-466-37Mevenings.


red brick brightened, stucco whitened, loose paini removed -"m a!' surfaces Machmerc

cleaned CUSHMAN E N ­TERPRISES 201-359-3717

< ,F NERAL CONTRACTOR European trained

QUALITY craftsmanship

Specializing in•Finished rec rooms•Concrete work•Driveways•Block arid brick work•Basement waterproofing•Carpenter work•Bathrooms•Kitchens•Replacement doors •Insulation•Air conditioning 4 heating

We do quality work and stand behind our workmanship >00% Residential or com mercial Call All-Way Con- : ruction Co 609-663-339

ALL TYPES of excavating land clearing septic systems drains driveways installed. cut out, stoned or paved call A1 Padge” 201 359-3735 after 5 pm

HILLSIDE BUILDERS INt General Contractors

All vpes masonry 4 ceramic , lie work New construction as

well as repair work 609-921- 9099

F R A N K J, C L E A R Y — contractor All types of con­crete work Free estimates609-466-2776


New homes, additions, garages driveways, roofing, ustom masonry fireplaces

swimming pools and patiosFull line of aluminumproducts


Serving Princeton area for 30 vears Financing arranged



H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID ElU F f

Thursday, August 3. 1978

Town & Country Specialists Since IV15


N E W L Y L IS T E D -- Split-Level home in Nassau Estates having 3 to 4 bedrooms, 1 A baths, panelled family room, bright open living room with large picture window and vaulted ceiling, formal dining room, modern eat-in kitchen, 1 car garage. Close to schools, -I >pping. etc.

. . . . . . . . SIXTY NINE, NINE.

SO M U C H r o O F F E R - Alum, sided exterior, plush carpeting. 3 or 4 bedroom* 1 lA baths, finished basement with bar and for summer iun an above ground po< with redwood deck. Excellent condition and convenient to

y+h , , F IF T Y O N I F IV E

C O L O N IA L L A K E L A N D S - See the* inviting 3 bedroom rancher -with enclosed breesewav rev room m basement fireplace in living room, modem kitchen, dining area, private rear yard, nice mature treed area of Lawrence


G R A C IO U S I m y <11 b* v-nr- in 'hi* prestigioy-home featuring a large foyer, elegant living room and formal dining room, modem kitchen, 3 oversized bedrooms. 2lA baths, huge family oom with fireplace, basement, C/A, fenced rear yard and on and on! See for yourself. An excellent buy . . . . SE V E N T Y ' 1 WO., F1V E.

2681 M A IN ST. iJKT. 206) LAW RENCEVILLE 600-896-1000

O L D W O R L D V IC T O R IA N charm with modern world conveniences: copper wiring, totally remodeled kitchen with new plumbing, refinished oak floors, three bedrooms, two baths, basement and insulated attic with stairs. Located in quaint village setting and offered at newlv reduced price of F O R T Y E IG I i T FI V F

E X T R A S G A L O R E can be found in this very desirable Hickory Acres Fairfield Split. Four bedroom, family room with brick fireplace, 16x16 Florida room off family room with brick patio. This homes’ exterior was recently painted and the inside immaculate Call today, to see this taveiy home offered at......... SEV E N T Y F O l R N IN E

M O ST D E S IR A B L E L O C A T IO N in East Windsor This newly listed Chesterfield Colonial is centrally air- conditioned. Grained vinyl siding on front and ail trim make the exterior virtually M A IN T E N A N C E — FR E E . Four bedrooms, 2Vi baths, front-to-rear family room with sliding doors to lovely yard, Formal living room and dining room, spir and span kitchen with built-in appliances. Dry basement and two car garage and much more for.................... ............... ............S E V E N T Y N IN E , N IN E .

W O O D E D Vi A C R E L O T - vyith water and sewers. Located in loverly rural a r« _........... E L E V E N T H O U S A N D , N I N E N IN E T Y

ROUTE 136, EAST 1NDSOR 609-448-6200

W OW LOOK H E R E ! New Listingt High on a hill overlooking historic Lambertville just renovated, new roof, new insulation, new kitchen, bath, 3 bedroom*, formal dining room a rea Partner for

............................... S IX T Y S IX , F IV E .

N E A R L A W R E N C E V IL L E (New Listing!A fantastic 3 bedroom stone and frame ranch nestled into over 1 acre of land that looks like a park, large redwood deck. D on ’t miss it - call 737-1500................. ..............................................S E V E N T Y , N IN E .

28 A C R E H O R SE F A R M15 acres fenced, 5 box stall stable plus a new 38’ two story bam , 20x443 Sylvan pool with cabana and spacious red brick patio, sprawling 3 bedroom stone and frame ranch with central air eond., dining room. 20x22 family room 3 fireplaces, out of state owner asking O N E H U N D R E D S E V E N T Y FO U R . N IN E . W ill listen loan offer

P R IN C E T O N F A R M SHere in this fine Hopewell Twp. community we offer this large impressive ranch with attractive double door entry , formal dining room, family room, full basement and 2 car garage, spotless condition and early possession.

........................................ Asking E IG H T Y T W O , F IV E .

ROUTE 31, PE NN IN G TO N , N.J. 609-737-1500 609-882-3804

9 Offices to Sene ) ou and 6 Multiple listing Services to Serve You

> H h • i ' R 1 G G -T O W \ ! N V E S T M E N TY ou ai iive n this immaculate 2-3 bedroom. 1V» bath cape with a grgft.1 deck overlooking the above-ground pool and ai* . enjoy an income. The attached apartment with its

n | , separate entrance, is perfectly charming it has agood *!7.ed living room with electric fireplace fully equuioeo -ai ir Kitchen bedroom 3 bath and is presently ented - I . mo There are lot* of nice features such as

'u! 'in. -.a*emem aluminum siding. 2 car garage hard­wood floors and a marvelous 1 acre wooded lot. Only

. . S E V E N T Y ’ N IN E . N IN E .

H O M I IS W H E R E T H E H E A R T IS4 m l -nee m »u see this one you'll know what we mean. Truly a family mini-estate, everything » right here for

■ ng. entertaining and recreation Every room in * ■ ' *»■! hath -suanded ranch is king size, like a

t -m and 21 master bedroom The view is « *e( ,n a 3-f- acre rise overlooking your own

; * -locked pond, lovely woods and an 18’ x 36 poo!:? 0, Harbourton Hills n the

ai.; Belie Mountain *k. -lope close by Summer or winter an be an at-home vacation. Call us today at 921- 2700 to show vou this unique property.

Asking < »NE H I N D R E D F O R T Y FO U R T H O U S A N D .

RI ' F !N P R IN C E T O N FA R M SW he a terrific * 000 sq. ft. ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 full bath* ouge country kitchen, 36* living room-dming room wuh Sreoiace. full basement, underground sprinkler

*ieir ilentv of spacious closets in a very desirable Hopewell location comes on the market and the price is O N L Y S E V E N T Y E IG H T . N IN E , don’t hesitate a minute to call us to see it or you may miss this great op­portunity.

2421 NASSAU ST ,.PR IN C ETO N 609-921-2700


In terior K E x tv n o r Photos M l S R EA LTO R S- INSURORS International Relocation Sr'n ice

OPEN H O USE= n Bu ild ing


S, t August 5 and bun August 6 23G Varsity Ave„ Pi nee ton


fOinied Cdu _ : n yyell i ttnufcs from trains and university

’ to. dire ■ jn s or slot- tor a pro • ., -

cbox C&SLazot \ l A l j v’ S

*•» H»ght*tc Rd Princ#fon Junction 08550

609-789- 2072

#*« f«* ilk ttb th « n m firutiO , m i ' r * m t&may

N STh i fewalks

si one reliable Free es

i ompieli iiterior &remodelh ng Roofingarch i te c : tura l f i r epatios & driveways idesignedprofessic

& planner

YYork gua:ran teed Call


G a rd e n in g & Landscap ing

I ENT Howard la cut, *20 acres ppj

nlv 120 hi on

G a rd e n in g & Land scap ingLAWN .MAINTENANCE

ood Cotnmeric*! & Residential rice .Landscaping

«59 v id-Shrub*Seeding Fertilizing Thatching Edging Driveway Sealing


609- 924-6489

t-.-yvis Geranium s t-guma.s, i i ihus, Ageratuni .irigolds, Impatien* Scarlei rge Petunias .(hers ai eyrer A Smith Garder •nier, 2020 Greenwood Ave ■ nton 609-587 3333 open 7

Also Evergreen "w critig Shrubs. Shade Tree* .idv to plant now

DAN AN LANDSt APING The one that still has pride n their •l rk Landscaping A weekly cutting for home A indus!r u09 -921-2542

OKK YLl I V RES ng Topping Feeding i Storm Damage leaning A ch ipper

f* irewood A wood .ailable < nipelcnt a fair price Fully Free estimate* 609

Gardening & Landscaping




BLACK DIRT Load A mrself $t 50 per vard in amounts, 609896-0514

e x p e r i e n c e d l a n dSCAPER - looking for private lawns to cut your equipment or mine prices vary ac cordingty u09-921 9558

O BR1EN S LANDSCAPING • Specializing in designing A planting for the home Also sodding A rototllimg Call for free estimate: now 609 586- uuo

BL>M>M!NG Mt IMS. PLANTS Many varieties. Spiders, footballs and .4hers. SOcents and up Brown Cranburv South River Rd at Dunhams Corner Rd >01 $214)27.1

NEW HORIZON LA N D SCAPING wje do it all at reasonable bates Ful ly equipped fully (insured Freeestim ates Call 201-526-0299 after 6 prr

Gardening & Landscaping

NEE D L A N D S C A P IN G advice on 1. Railroad ties for bedding. edging or decorating ' 2 Moving shrubs from overcrowded areas or shade trees 3. Im proving existing landscapes 4 Patios

Blue Stone or brick or complete planning of a new home'’ All stock purchased at Princeton Nurseries when ava i lable to guarantee specimen! planning We invite you to compare our quotes Call Tree Care Inc 201-297 9300

IK IP L E A LAWN SERVICE, dependable grass cutting, free est residential A com mercial, serving So Bruns orea 201-329-6471 or 201-329 4565

Gardening & Gardening & Landscaping Landscaping

SCENIC CREATIONS, INC Designing and planting, lawn m a i n t e n a n c e , s o d d i n g Commercial and residential Free estimates Call 609-890 9086

SE A WE ED—Liquified or granular The ideal plant vitamin At Peterson’s \*ur sery, Rj 206 between Prin­ceton & Lawrenceville

New Law:n„*. InstalledOld Lawns Renovated


Mowing A Main Lawn ( are Progi Landscaping

M d L IN T O C K S L A W N SERVICE A LANDSCAPING com m ercia l A residential accounts wanted 609-737-0834

L ADLER A SONS — SIM ­PLICITY - Snapper mowers - tractors tillers Route 130. N Brunswick, 201-297-2474

HERB P L A N T S - 35varieties Also potted trees Call 201 782-4593.

'enance ograms


Warned To RentH AN D Y F I X IT - Civi l servant, 29, non-smoker, seeks Princeton apt w private bath a! reasonable rent Can ex-

DOERLER LANDSCAPES Kotoiiiling Spravmg change ftirden care, light during off hours forTLaatflug repairs

Landscape Designing portion of rent Call David,and Certified N J Pesticide Ap 609-921- 1929, eves.



TRY l S” 24 YR OLD Professional

LAWN M AINTENANCE Commercial and residential Call LeRoy Diefenbach, 609 448-4757.

D tP SOIL, STONE A F IL L Bulldozer work, trenching and land clean ng 201-297-9^4 or 297-3091


HUBER S I Fertilizing and renov<alter 6 pm


,AWS SERVICE pruning planting lion Please call 609 586-4505

n <ie looking for rm or small apt in or around Princeton.Ask for Mike, 6O9-397-04O5. 397-8151

W ANTED TO RENT - family of 5 seeking 3 bdrrn home from Sept 1 thru Feb 1 in HopewellPlease call 201-227-5145, after 6

Wanted To RentNEWSPAPER REPORTER and TV producer getting married m Sept Looking to

. geP r :nee'on Seek ong term lease starting Sept. 1 or Oct 1 Reply Box *01960, c/o Pnnceton Packet e*

WANTED T' i RENT garage .1 Mragi space Kingston

area preferred Please call 609-924-0051

PROFESSIONAL WOMAN — A teenage son w civilized cat seek moderately priced 2 bedroom apt or small house. Lawrence Twp. fall oc­cupancy Reply Box *01950 c/o Princeton Packet

BILL PAYING Y oung artistneeds apt or portion of house n Princeton area in exchange

for reasonable rent and'or chores Excellent local references Call weekdays, 609-921-6122

WANTED TO RENT - 3 bedroom townhouse in Twin Rivers 609-443-4475

CANADIAN PROFESSOR - and family (children age 9 A 13) seeks a 3 BR house preferably furnished: Sept l

'78 thru May 31 79. within 15 mi of Princeton Non- smokers. no pets Reply Box *01979 c/o Princeton Packet

Thursday, August 3, 1978 1 IFF

HENDERSON, OF COURSE!From Hopewell (466-25501 From Belle Mead (874-5191} From Princeton (921-2776}

T F — T F

N »« ronsinution A two stor* colonial on Blur Sprues Drive, I mpoaing doubt* chimney* flank the i entral x t t iM of tht* traditional colonial on 1 V a r m Feature* include a formal from to back firm* room with cove molding* and old brick fireplace dining room with chair rail, rat-in country' kitchen and adjoining beamed family room with rough »awn panelled fireplace wall Laundry and powder room* adjoining hreeieway and attached two car garage Four bedroom* and two full bath* on second. Full basement central air . *154,500.

. 1

HEAVEN CAN WAITBecause we ve found a home to sun vour growing family's need* Thai five bedroom Garrison Colonial in Belle Mead w ready for immediate occupancy and the layout » ideal, entertainment-wise There is a large living room, forma! dining room, panelled family room w raised hearth brick fireplace, eat-in kitchen, 2H bath*, laundry room. fuU baaement and a screened porch All you could want and more -4 inc swimming and golfing at a nearby Country Club and produce from a huge vegetable garden M ove in before the harvest' Call now to see our newest l is t in g !........... j............I . j.. j .............. 1112,000.

IN A CLASS BY IT S E L F ' l.uxur* is yours ui one of Princeton* finest aafgls- borhoods Brookstone Within this brick ranch you'll have the large ii\mg room M l t H A f room area ha >■« • afwai i reamed W ith twi fireplace* to reiax by and fivebedroom* vour growing famil ha- pientv >f -pace for all their activities There * aiao a study and on the lower level a ven large family room with French doors overlooking iV i seres All in Princeton *169.500


New Construction. Stunning Colonial Cape on H4 acres overlooking neighboring pond snd estate grounds. Formal living and dining rooms, large family kitchen adjoining beamed cathedral ceiling family room with rough sawn panelled Fireplace wall Master bedroom suite and study, two lull bath* on first- Tw o master sired bedrooms and bath on second Attached breeseway and twocar garage Full basement, central ail 11*2,500

SLEE PY H O LLO W L A N E , M O N TG O M E R Y TO W N S H IPn>is charming 4 bedroom colonial that was really planned for family living displays quality tinstruction and exceptional maintenance offers a most gracious living room, formal dining

room, a relaxing eat-in kitchen and family rootp that open on to a carpeted deck and screened in porch (overlooking richly attractive lawns and artistic landscaping! 2V; baths. 2 car garage, finished basement. Chock full of extras. See us today for an appointment to inspect. .. , i , , , 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . , .......... ................ *112,000


' ( ’ N J k i v i f IW N SH IP You 11 love the 13 x 2*■ ."unmc ■ at - * urrieo iim ih -■ n powder room and laundry

all on ihe first floor On the second floor there are four large bedroom* and two baths. Well* .............. . i . .tk.; new inside and out: Jm • short wait ie

ali « hoots snd shopping *79,900

r a i n b o w h i l l r o a dNot at the end" bin in the middle of the peaceful Werstvill* Valiev s three bedr - ■

bath Colonial on 3-9 acres. Living room with fireplace, targe family room with fireplace, for­mal dining room, eat-in kitchen, full basement and attached two car garage Six stall barn with tack and washing room. Equipment shed 22' x 22' Additional land available........................................................................................................... *129.000

Two Houses of the Vt eek

ENJOY YO LK O W N P A R K AN D P R IV A C Y ON T H IS B E A U T IF U L O N E -AC R E LO T W IT H P A N O R A M IC V IE W IN M O N TG O M E R Y T O W N S H IP Offering 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, spacious famil* room, living room with fireplace, dining room, two fuil hath* full basement; T E N M IN U T E S TO P R IN C E T O N . LOW T A X E S . LOBU T IL IT IE S . Asking *84.900.

W H IT E FENCES, C L IM B IN G ROSES. M A N IC U R E D LAW NS. LUSH G ARD ENS A N O R C H A R D A N D YO U R O W N G REENH O USE surround M s magnificent dam -ooiec. 'Oioma; rum* located r ” iwnsiup. Having an air of country living, thecomfort of the thirteen rooms, five and s half baths, five fireplaces. French doors leading to flagstone terraces invite rordialit* and gracious living Formal and informs rooms give flexibility i< tamii* am) guests aiiks Private star* wading to * master sort* mam stain

t t - - .in . ,,,, as- stagrs from kitchen wmg. May be purrhaaed with or without spectacular barn on 4.52 acres or 2 H acres. Cal) for further details

LO V E LY 100 YE AR O LD renovated Hopewell Boro home with a touch of country living, large lot with garden are*, barn, 2 car garage with workshop House has 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, new kitchen (owner leaving all appliances including washer and dryer! Ainmmunr sided for easy maintenace. Make o ffer' . Asking *62.900

A N O U T S T A N D IN G V A LU E IN M O N T G O M E R Y T O W N S H IP N E A R C O U N TR Y C LU B Five spacious bedroom*, family room with fireplace, very large eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, spacious living room, 2H bath*. full basement, 2-car garage centralair. citv sewers. A V A IL A B L E IM M E D IA T E L Y *107.500

‘ N E X T R A O R D IN A R Y * 1 ” (ON (\ P R IN C E T O N TO W N SH IP B U IL T 16 'E A R S BE.EORI :TS H M l B A R C H ITE C TS FOR home-office complex Ex­ceptional construction durable, comfortable nside area opens to flagstone patio. Core lemporarv design a --ee flow f r , .m- m both levels -wo fantastic brick fireplace* full- glassed arv awning window- ti-.-ngnoui kitchen with Giochar range a gourmet * delight Four bedrooms phis huge studio upstairs, family room with fireplace phis two other spacious >«>m» i e office or fla -nrmi client insulation, a qualitv home for manv use*

A good opportunity $1 38 *00

P E N N IN G T O N W A L K TO E V E R Y T H IN G from this dramatk William Thompaon English Contempoary Entrance foyer, powder room, step down living room with massive brick fireplace, formal dining room, kitchen, family room with brick fireplace SEC O ND FLO O R feature* master suite and bath with sunken "pool tub three other double bedroom* and double vanity compartmentalized family bath and laundry Full basement and two-car garage

OLTS1DE a multilevel wood deck and < ting. , ...................... ........ .............- ..........

overed porch - entry , Private and air* wci

Parcel of 45 acre* with mature trees offering privacy in East Amwell.

One sere wooded lot in Princeton.......................................... ...............

3.6 seres, parti* wooded lot in Hopewell Township. Perc completed *42.000,

R E N TA LS : 2 retail shop* in Hopewell Borough available immediately $145 ea per mo. Also small shop on Railroad A ve.. Hopewell; make offers'

Investor* here is a two family house in Montgomery Township for under *60,IKK), The upstair* boast* two bedrooms, 1c it-hen -itting room and bath; the downstair* offer* living room, dining room, bednsim and bath and kitchen Call soon for detail* that make this s fine opportunity . ...................... Offered at *59.960



* 1 f N BoR< ■ • r. > H AM A quiet tree-lined street oi nice neighbor*and good ; h a dream kitchen ol aohd ch** , *famih w ith loti of good mom, or a flat poaeibilitv Have it your wav $11JSSOO.




H O P E W E L LHopewell House Square Hopewell, N .J. 08525


L A M B E R T M L L K12 S. Franklin St.

Lambertville, N.J. <6001 397-2800

P R IN C E T O N 4 Charlton Street

Princeton, N .J. 08540 <0091 921-2776

W IN D S O R SBox 98

Princeton Jet., N.J. 08550 <6001 799-4500

B E LLE M E A DRoute 206

Belle Mead, N.J. 08502 <201)874-5191

H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID E! 2FF Thursday, August 3, 1978


Q zrfcuy,n i l 21




List your Home with Krol, Realtors and ....GET READY TO MOVE!i i i

4 + i'/ .+ 1 -F 1 + X = K h» tQ U A TlO N AND ALGCM AtC SOLUTION TO YOU* SACK TO SCHOOL HOM t SIAOCHING =«OBi£M5 .Withn walking distance of the Lenape Country Club eri)Oy swimming tennis and al of the beautiful surrounding countryside Situated at the end of the

tone' this lovely home not only offers the seclusion that you have been looking for but is also the 'S M A R TES T" buy in Montgomery at

m ooo

HI . rtC - > ■"><►*• » Hf D O O * HEW EN G LA N O S A ia o x COLONIAL Standing on the slate' Hoor of this very functionalkitchen you can almost smell the hot breed m the oven while outside the children will be pursuing imaginary Indians behind every rock and tree of this three acre country estate that boasts three spacious bedrooms and two and one half baths Tw o fireplaces insure the perfect setting tor family

togetherness so be sure to stock up on plenty of Cocoa and "hofToddies ITS 500

ra N C S TO fTS HIODEN EMERALD' s the only wav ' les; -t><■ me « iSt, contemporary ranch that boasts a 32’ wide and 60 long 'in-ground swimming pool and an ever-flowing Brook so said the late Barney Kilgore publisher of the Wall Street Journal. Tw o Fireplaces and an Old English pub along wrth a fascinating M YS TER Y" make this a ‘must see wooded •Ratal s iw .to o

V* 'Ml Hf -AO * ROOM Ok MEW OWNk and •n ’t it timeme' me twr >' you had a rttle more privacy A master bedroom suite with ou own natr and walk-re close’ along with four additional bedrooms

car make mis a reality would take a full page ad to describe the enumerable amentias that lie within the wa*s of this Williamsburg brickand aiumin,.,-- eng ustom Manor You owe It to yourself to St leas’ took a' • a her ii V0 U DESERVE IT It s vacant and you can be in before school starts for,. * MR 900

HANG IN THERE MOM SCHOOL STARTS IN LESS THAN FIVE WEEKS I I I . , and Hit* ROCKY HILL CLASSIC offers IMMEDIATE OC CUPANCY' I With five bedrooms and two and one half baths a family room and sunken living room the kids can t say there's no piece to get that ‘homework" finished With that out of the way they have lots of property

to run off that built-up energy before sitting down to dinner m a country kitchen with all of today's appliances P S You and Dad can enpy a quiet

candlelight’ interlude in the formal dining room overlooking a majestic mountain range Exquisite at it s reduced price of $14* 900


A O N I ROOM SCHOOl HOUSt WAS THE ORDER OE THE DAY when thepre-revokmonary Cranbury mansion was being built Mandcraftsmanship and pride are reflected m it's sturdy bock construction containing six bedrooms and three baths and an efficiency apartment Your homework asstgnment is to inspect this gracious historical home and be sure to node#the shade trees that proudly stand in front $135 000

YOU'RE BOUND TO FIND AN APPLE FOR THE TEACHER ON ONI OF THIM ANY FRUIT 'REES on this beautifully landscaped oroperr. r h* GARRISON COLONIAL is all dressed up for the first day of school with cedar shakes and yellow trim Four bedrooms and two and one half baths a raised hearth brick fireplece and even a buift-in bookcase from floor to ceiling for those new school books it's more than an ELECTIVE1 Make it a REQUIRED S U B JE C T that you see this for your fall curriculum1 In telligentiy priced at $97 ,500


609-924 7b 7h


YOU W O N T NCEO A S U M t t . n o w ’ h a ’ 'HIS WILLIAMSBURG* $ $ « >i :>NiA MAS BEEN "D R A S T IC A U * R ED U CED ’ 1 r h » epitomeM iq - - stands brestigiousty on a m ost private cul-de-sacj bedroom* sne wo and one half baths and a floor to ceiNng fireplace

along wtm kxet space galore make this a must tor this sem ester$107 90C


B E L L E M EADStation Square

201*74^8700■ ,. A. -*0US'N POOR' UNITv

FOR THE ENTERTAINING FAMILY This spacious atuminur- sided colonial in Hightstown will satisfy the most demanding and practical buyers The home features master bedroom suite plus 3 bedrooms and 2% baths, a large panelled and carpeted basement spacious kitchen dining room, and famify room with fireplace Outside is a large brick terrace for summer fun

$75 000

THREE BEDROOM RANCHERHightstown this frame ranc wall to wall carpeting, dining deck kitchen with dishwe

an a dean end street in large living room with sliding glass doors to a

I no-wax floor, three xtenor is asbestos with

$34 900

STATELY COLONIAL PLUS APARTMENT Located on 1.9 acresm upper Freehold Tw p is this charming older home consisting of a nice living room large dining room, country kitchen utility room four bedrooms and 1 54 baths The apartment w «s added in 1963 and has a sun porch, living room, large kitchen laundry bedroom and bath The house sits well back from the road and is surrounded by plenty of shade trees 5*0 000

RANCHER IN PEDDIE SCHOOl AREA While aluminum siding brightens this home from the outside, the interior is enhanced by tastetui decorating The floor plan includes a large living room, formal dinmg room eat-m kitchen three bedrooms and two baths. Half of the basement is finished off with panelling, hie floors, and a bar wrth cabinets. Wine tack and a sink. The laundry area is in the other part bfthe basement There is attic storage and a one car garage - $49 000

SIX ACRE FARMETTE -Waitable with a iovely farm house which has 8 rooms, 1 % baths together with an unusually good set of bams Selling price is S150.000 Additional acreage is available The home is m beautiful condition since it was recently renovated with new roof, siding heating system, electrical service and redecorated throughout Situated on a high knoll up a short lane this would make an excellent horse farm Sub division required

2 FAMILY IN HIGHTSTOWN 2 apartments with four rooms andbath each. First floor apartment has corner fireplace and kitchen


OLDER HIGHTSTOWNHightstown d a beautifi offices and two apartme rooms all on the first fkx trim and hardwood floor for further information an


HOME: Located near downtowni house which has been converted to its There is a nice foyer and six large r The older section has natural wood i. Over 2,000 sq ft. office space Ca* I arrange for a private showing

$105 000

>N W LIVING QUARTERS 8 roomsice portion. Rooms are panelled and

Separate, private entrances for, both ters The 9 rooms of the residence are ions Sun deck 2 car garage Nicely riveway and parking area. Excellent

Jutt reduced $*9 900



nakes thts Twin jde living room bedrooms, 2 % nd unit with gas furnace, aB ap

145 000

S3* 500$49 900


O ff ic e : 609*448-4250160 S to c k to n S t. H ig h ts to w n , N.J.

After* Howry A Sunday Call:Richard Van Hue 448~ffl>42




WANTED TO Responsible proffssional unman and small cat seek a one bedroom apt to rent by

1 Moderate rent, reasonably quiet and cen­trally located in Princeton, Pennington or Hopewell preferr«i Pelase call Jane Bradley at 609-924-3244 before 5pm

SMALL FAM ILY a child seeks house or apartment to occupy Sept 1, HillsboroughSchool District 201-267-4100 ext. 41 or, after 5:30 584-3599

LOOKING FOR - starting Sept or Oct, 1( 1 BR, cottage or apartment in the country Will pay $150-1200'mo Exe refs 609-452-9371.

SINGLE — Professional woman seeking neat & cleansmall cottage or large I bedroom apt in Princeton or vicn iiv Sep: Oct occupancy Reasonable rent Contact Linda Harbey. 609-921-4560 between 8 30-5pm

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL COUPLE — looking to rent small house or farm cottage 201-463-9068

PROFESSIONAL MALE - seeks 4-5 room home apt, country setting or Princeton201-297-5057 after 6

SINGLE PROFESSIONAL WOMAN — seeking apartmentin Princeton area Clean, comfortable house in quietresidential neighborhood preferred Please call, 609-466-

WANTED Rider College students need rooms' apart tnents for fall occupancy Call 609-896-0800 ext. 679. Mon-Fri

PROFESSIONAL COUPLE — leading quiet responsible hlestvie need nice 2 BR ap-

house approx $300 609-393

WeichertRealtors rrs BRAND NEW

B ustom builder 3 bedrooms kit - « r wtustom cabinetry and wooded

tot w/city util Somerset. $47,090. MB-

Cak *74-4100


With -aised beerth fireplace and picture window view of yard & petto Belie Mead % H 90C fB 36

Coll 874-8IOC

AM W il; PARKN ew homes by Doh Hom es fnc; on 1 Vi acres o f 'ctNng tana wrth un­derground util From the $7(7»

For oetollx Ceil *74-8100


s i* '- setting Vintage details (2 walk veplaces etc A d d t ! acreage

available E A m w e* T w p $175,006, 5-

Wherever You Buy. . . Wherever You Sell..Offices Open Until 9:00 P.M. ^BASKING RIDGE. 22 H enry S I 766 7500 BRANCHBURG. 3920 Rt 22 526 5444 CHATHAM. 64 Main SI 635 5000 CHESTER. 142 Main SI 879-7010 CLINTON. 9 W Main St 735-8140 FLEMINGTON. 221 Main St 782-8800 HACKETTSTOWN. 22 Rt 46. 850-0100

I HILLSBOROUGH 421 R! 206 S o u th 874 810' LEDGEWOOD C IR C L E . 546 R i 10 584 7 ior,

MENOHAM. 5 W est M a m Si 543 6511 MORRISTOWN 122 W a s h in g to n SI 539 8000 MT LAKES PARSIPPANY. Rt 46 C h . - r , h ,h Rd i u

SPARTA. 92 Woodpor! R d 729 2700 SUMMIT. 474 M orns Ave 277 1200 SHORT HILLS. 40 Farley PI 376 4545

STOREPRIME RETAIL LOCATION2,-100 Sq. Ft. Available November 1.

Customer off street parking. In Princeton Junction Call 609-259-3316 or write Box 577. Allentown, NJ 08501

Housesitting Housesitting

F E x r iu s iiw M trm B e rHonwowrers BHocatitr Senna

Wanted To Rent Wanted To Rent Wanted To Rent Wanted To RentiFESSIONAL WOMAN ts sunny, quiet one room apartment in icelon for September Cal) mne 609-452-1085

SMALL HvrL bt, Uli Ah' 1 — 6 r or 3+ storage, unfurn City/rural. Civil servant, 10 yr owned home Quiet, reliable, kind to bldgs, non-smoker, garden care Referecnes 392- 1317 or POB 877 Trenton 08605

SEEKING HOUSE IN ir 4 bedrixi



HousesittingEXPERIENCED AGE 41 professional prefers long termnousesittn.rt position near Princeton Days 609-452-2300, ex! 365 or 921-38U eves

A RESPONSIBLE MALE looking to homesit for sh and or long periods of time am 24 yrs old. returning Rutgers for my degree soon be a real estate agent & 1 ha been working at Nass Broadcasting for 3 years love children & pets I ve liv in Princeton on Kingston F for 19 vrs Numerous respected references offen Please call 609-921-2148

GOING AWA Y? We d like to care for vour house while '■urs is completed Cali Ed or barleen 609-448-5363


lie looking far rinceton area homeowners r at- leas! | 3 »fs Davs 6(»- & weekends


U V E REN T-FREE!M agrvhcmnt 2 f«m#y Nou*e S*ck»-t>Y-«*c»«

W*hou«m 1«t form*-1tfvms room b cfm#>g room 2 t»rg« t3*droom* pka m nw boOroom suit* Ebim l rtcfion M tx»Th. ut*tv room 2nd «partm«ni ^99 iivxng room . 3 SKKSroom* jnonc* kitcfwn hi9 biffa b iouFKfrv room knmoc condiisor frm Otmnama «nciO$w0 POTCfl b 1 C

A Slsei al $54 900



fxjM bmmrrmv, crrtranc* NKI cXrang room.living room »rg« m t^n xitcDon. ancto—ri oorc* b nun cxi iw bMtmV'. b 3 mrg* DaOroomo on 2nd too*. Abaotutafy cNarmtng on 125' * 200' lot

Asking in the low 40't.


living room, <Jmmg room aat-m cm anacHad g»ag® AbaoAjwN C antrai mn<*cap*d woodad

Asking in the high SO i


mtorr- Capa wtm- fmrntrnc b«om«ntW tfr buFttm bar kitchen dining room. hvng room. 2 maatar -aurad oadroom# b oath 1»t kavai 2 bad»ooma on aaoond On baautifu 100x100 tot wath 1 car datachad v*** Tnany extras

Asking in th# H>gh S0*»

Working WICKRealtors

C or D o y t o r t - J a m » » b u r g & G oorgoi Rd D o y t o n N J .


Thursday. August 3 .19T8 1 3 F F

Me :>o r* just Show Your House. We Show It Off.

Each off ice is independently owned and operated.



JUST LISTED Custom ranch n Dutch Nec» or acre o ‘ nature aes an ornamentals 3 bedrooms screened porch large redwood deck and neated pool, 2 fireplaces, very convenient to Dutch Neck School, fine home in excellent condition $97 000

COLON IAL IN HIGHLY DEISRABLE PRINCETON VY oniv ,ne vea> -to four bedroom home on an interior lot has a natural mature tree break at rear of the property and many additional plantings One of the few Pnn ceton Ivy homes with a border of large trees spacious foyer pecan panelled family room with floor to ceiling fireplace, kitchen with breakfast area and two separate work counters, home with many extras $120 000

TWO STORY WITH A CONTEMPORARY FLAIR Moder 5 bedroon bath home in Princeton Junction, very convenient location - wrthin walking to trains: wooden beamed family room with wet bar, kitchen with breakfast area and no-wax floor flagstone patio leading to heated pool 2 zone air conditioning, professionally landscaped many other extras

$127 500

WEST WINDSOR W OODED RANCH in Jefferson Park city sewers airy wooded setting backs up to Green Acres, is on a cul-de-sac and is Mint condition. $*8 500

PRINCETON - Charming 4 Bedroom 2 Bath Cape Cod on cul-de-sac Lovely wooded lot. Most convenient and desirable location near Com munity Recreation - can bike to downtown Absolutely beautiful backyard

, $97 000

West W indsor - Apartment -1 bedroom $260 and $275 per mo


134 Nassau St., Princeton Princeton Circle, Rt 1

6 0 9 9 2 1 6 1 7 7 4 5 2 2 ' 8 5R E A L T O R S

The toast of the town is this classic colonial on one acre! 4 bedrooms, bar gasgrill, deck, and central air! $129 600 After hours call Linn at <609) 924-5825

Welcom e this Colonial "newcomer' on 6 rolling acres1 Beamed ceilings, hearth fireplace, and lots of country charm — $120 000 After hours call Mike 1201) 469


M ONTGOM ERY'S FINEST BUY! Within walking distance of the Lenape Country Club, enjoy swimming, tennis and all of the atmosphere of this beautifully lan- dscap/ed Colonial Many great features $99 000.


This lovely split level home priced to sell at 569 90© boasts many great extras anc is beautifully srtuated on a professionally landscaped lot

Goodness spacious1 Here's 3 bedrooms, panelled ree room, living room, dining room/kitchen combination and a big park like property a ’ 5x8 900

Be the proud family to enjoy happy times in this classic rancher, featuring ingraund pool, large deck, country kitchen. All on a beautifully wooded lot $79 900 After hours call Diane (201) 469-2347

A roooomy solution for a growing family* 4 bedrooms, den, recreation room, and patio too1 Just $64 900. After hours callFrank (201) 249-1764

M ONTGOM ERY TOWNSHIPOwn your own dream1 This spacious Colonial, situated on a park-like setting features a formal chair railed dining room, hearth fireplace built-in bookcases and more1 Moderately priced at $97,500 After hours call Eileen, (201) 359-2195

extras! Extras! See All About It! 4 Bedroom Colonial, built-ins, tiled floors, Family Room with Bar custom vanity. Window treatments and carpeting too1 $72 90©

COO L O FF! This gracious colonial split features redwood deck overlooking an in- ground pool, central air and many custom? features $85 000 WOW l!


« List your hom e w ith « ; Century 21, Kro l a n d ... ;


Gntuifc21KROL f R E A L T O R S


30 State Rd ., Pr Station Sq., Belie Mead

609- 924-7575 201- 874-8700

ilAU TlFU t BROOKTREE me 'ocahnr * mis lovely rhreebedroom, two bath ranch house It has a large living room, dining area an eat-<r kitchen sundry room, one car garage and full basement. Very cbmfortable living for only U> f 500

MULTI FAMILY ZONE WITH 245 FRONT FEET t i i This Princeton area property is quickly being surrounded by expensive Townhouses and various mini business/office complexes DEFINITELY FOR AN INVESTOR/BUILDER TYPE BUYER

$102 000

A N E X T R A O R D IN A R Y HOME BEING OFFERED FOR HE F IR S TTIME .Just a stones throw from the historic SALTERS MILL! -hree lush ac'es sits this redwood siding colonial with a most contemporary interior. Don't miss 900

H IS T O R IC H O M E <■» a F N ' W N n t ip * O P C O N D IT IO N W eknow you wiH be impressed with the spacious rooms and the cuai'b " workmansme ha- e so after lacking < todays market Completely modernized w/3 or 4 bedrooms. $55 90©

f SEDROOM s t a r t e r h o m e IN lOW TRAFFICAREA OF HIGHTSTOWN This home features aluminum siding,

basement garageand good access to shopping, elementary and intermediate

nas Dee- . ,-ec with aluminum siding, new guttersanc leaders, gooc oofing, \jrnacewater beater fenced back yard and a large part >garea Allentown lake area, just listed

G ntui^iSCS AGENCY?C \ V a • St Mightstdwn

609- 448-0113REALTORS


H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID E14 FF Thursday, August 3,1978


PRINCETON JUNCTIONbedroom, 2 ~ oat* Colonial fa m ii? oorr witf fireplace eat-in kitchen Irving room, formal dining room Basement, central air 20 x40 inground pool with deck and patio $125 000 WEST WINDSOR SCHOOLS • Plamsboro super buy

$#7 900 new Cotomat 4-6 bedrooms game oom family room, eat-in kitchen, living room with fireplace, 2'h baths central air, w/w carpeting Low taxes

i l M i i H i

SIRCHWOOD Situated on a heavily wooded % acre 5 bedroom, 2 Vt bath Colonial with enclosed breezeway, semi-finished basement 20'x40 inground pool. Patio, family room with fireplace central air w fw carpeting, drapes and those great West Windsor Schools Call Oliver Realty for an appointment today $149 900

1 M l M U LmIU U k

PRINCETON JUNCTION - Gracious living, 4 bedroom, 2% bath Colonial, eat-in kitchen, livirg room with fireplace formal dining room, panelled famify room, basement, 2 car garage 16x36 inground pool, fully fenced yard. Walk to train and schools $112 000

PRINCETON JUNCTION New listing .arge our bedroom 2 h bath raised ranch, washer dryer refrigerator, dishwasher on extra large lot, low taxes walk to trams, schools and shopping

s r 9oo

PRINCETON JUNCTION shaped Ranch 4 bedrooms 2 baths, living room with one wall completely bricked with fireplace, dining room, large family room, 2 car garage on ^ acre

SI) 900

PRINCETON JUNCTIONshopping and commuting, 9 year old, 4 bedroom 2% bath colonial, kitchen, living room, formal dining room. Panelled family room with fireplace, central air basement, 2 car garage,on landscaped

acre $95 000

CRANBURY - New listing beautifully restored 4 bedroom Colonial with stone fireplace on over 1 acre. Aluminum siding new wiring, new plumbing, 20x40 in-ground pool oatio, 2 car garage,low taxes and many extras Reduced to $74 500

C a ll o r w r it * fo r o u r ta b lo id of h o m e s m a g a z in e CALL 8 A W to 10 PM - 7 DA VS A WEEK • (609) 799-2058



'The People PleasersPrinceton Station Office Pork • Bldg 6 — 14 W ashington Rood • Princeton Junction

H om e-T o -H om e . . .We Cover New Jersey

20 offices to serve you.

Mem ber Princeton Real Estate Group N .A .B .A . Relocation Service with over 5 000 Realtor M em bers

Donny Kllneberg Peter O liver Coleen Nichols Peter L, O liver Realtor

Liz O liver Eli Kowoloff

Nancy M acFarlan G ary McW horter

\ an Hise RealtyRealtor

Pennington, New Jersey Tel.: 609-737-3615 or 609-883-2110


A rrtA C T IV f c o l o n i a l wtuatec on a wa* enascaoeo com e w Entrance love tk x Iw rt ic tw with anting aran forma' *nmg room attractive living room with bay window, family room with sliding glass doors to ea< yard laundry room 4 bedrooms modem dual bath okis Vi bath, ful baanmnm, * car

central a r conditioning le t 900


AUTO B O O' ««*AI* SHOT -ocated on Pennmgton Road near 196 Excellent for right person Tw o story dwelling also on property wrth two apartments lor additional income The property must be seen $144 000


QUALITY BUILT SANCHES . Entrance foyer modem kitchen with breakfast room, Irving room, panelled family room 3 bedrooms. 1 Vi modem beths basement oversize two car garage with electric door opener central air conditioning, attractive comer lot......... $7f 900


EOS t h e ASTUTE INVESTOS a the 12 unit masonry apartment building, fully occupied, excellent condition Gross annual rental ncome *31 ,000.00 Enclosed parking area for thirty cars Call for additional information $130 ,000


'NDUSTSIAL BUILDING located on Route 31 Approx 4000 square feet building plus 8 acres. Call for details


APASTMENt EOS SENT - Rural and secluded Eat-m kitchen living room with fireplace 3 bedrooms, full bath Heat mcludeb in rent Cal for details $345 per month

BUY LAND: THEY P O N T MAKE IT ANYMOREColl u i Lor moro information on tho above listing*

31 ACftES - Hopewell Township $!500 per ocro

17.• ACSES ■ Hopewell Tw p residential $2500 per ocro

23 ACSES - wooded with stream West Amwell Tw p$30,000.

Member of Multiple listing Service Holidays Call:

Bev W lllovor. 737-04*2 Cothy Nemeth 737-3051Eronk t Sickerts 504 *70* Hetty lindeboom 444-204*

BREATHTAKINGcontemporary, beautifully built and designed, with 10 rooms of lovely proportion, filled with light from tall windows, many skylights, and 2 story ceilings in living room St dining room 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2 fireplaces 2 decks On 9 Raritan Twp. acres, partly open, partly wooded with pond, A home of uncluttered purity and perfection $149 500

item \ n r sneera i is t s


WHAT PRICE PERFECTION?In exclusive E L M R ID G E P A R K , we have the perfect home - located on a lovely 1.V5 acre lot. and constructed of maintenance free brick add aluminum siding, each of the 10 rooms is more beautiful than the other and just waiting for the particular executive family seeking a most distinctive borne. W e ll be proud to show you through 14 ........... .................................1184,900.

Weidel Real Estate

L R <*alti

242% N A S S A U ST. P R IN C E T O N V J .


. o K l H f i l f J (

Stockton N .j 409 397 2663 A n r W H o ck I R e a lto r

itam yllla N .J. 201-832 2155

SPLI1 L E V E L Wooded lot. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, est-in kitchen, den, livinu room w ith fireplace haunt; heating coils to supplement heating system, garage - Near Exit8A. New jersey Turnpike. . - ,

S i u l t s K c a l i u (£n~I, North M ain St.. Cranbury. N.J. 08512

Phone: WW-395-(>444

HousesittingWHILE YOU'RE AWAY — this reliable, experienced housesitter can provide securify for your home Also gives proper cart to anv pets, plants and the pool Best of Princeton area references Call 609-924-2734

27 YE AR OLD; returning to finish 2 years ait Princeton University seeks housesitting nr apt for 1978-79 academicear Call collect 212-628-8920

after 6 pm or wrltje Thomas P Prank 409 E H2nd:St. Apt. 1-C.

Apts./Houses To Share

HOUSE T( roommate

SHARE — female needed for house

w other graduate students, 4 blocks from University Must share cooking & cleaning Rent $144 + utilities No smokers 609-452 3897 days or 609-924-4067 eves

ROOMMATE WANTED - Beautiful farmhouse outside ofHopewell Rent and utilities reasonable Call 201-782-3768 and ask for Ted or Dave

The lifestyle you deserve at a price you can afford.

Sitting mgr on a wooded slope d g e b 'oo* 'own H om es have been designed with an eye to the future .o w m aintenance -tnergy efftetem desigr and enduring -aiue were prime con siderations

Double-insulated windows, extra-thick insulation, heat pump and central air-conditioning are standard features Even windows and doors have be»n carefully placed to save energy

winter and summerAnd there are no monthly association fees to worry about.

Edgebrook offers the best of both worlds gracious country living and a convenient location with easy access to New York, muaiietpnta PltHCHfcOII and a short stroll to New Hope Elegant •ving at an incredibly >ow cost from $F 90C Be sure to visit us soon, or call 609) 39t 17 or 201 928-5900

Standard FeaturesSun Deck w'slidmg glass doois • Cathedral ceilings • Fireplace ton some umts)* Refrigerator/Di5hwasher/Wasnef/Dryer • 2) or (3) Bedrooms including Master 5 it* widressrng room »i,2 T t- Bat"1" • Full size Basement w/extra high ceiling » Special sound-proofing Between units • 200-amp electrical service • Insulatedglass doors to backyard * City sewer water • And. much mote1

Ixlgen r o o K ,________ At LcmoeftvieTHf CUSTOM fCWNHOUSfEDGEBROOK at L»rnt)«rtym«Swan LamboitvlH* N.J


Is you* drearr to live above the Delaware in a oeeutifulty sftuated house Close to (-96 yet ak the feeling of country Find yow answer in the unbekevsbie 2 year old dream house The 5 bedrooms and 254 baths are just the beginning of alt the extras n th* house $45 500

NEW LISTINGU N IV E R S ITY H E IG H TS Serene Peaceful and “ teas mg A loving hot®# to encompass you 5 year old, 2 story of brick and sparkling aluminum on graceful 5% acre Enter the airy center hak with carefree slate floor Wander through the sunny hying room Er dining room Enjoy the warm friendly family room with Its skdmg glass doors, the relaxed country eat-in kitchen with bnck walls & wood dado complete with dishwasher and ak other ap pliances Picture 3 spotless bedrooms, 1 Vi beths ^rushed 2 car attached garage Pamper yourself with new central as, automatic attic fan and central

Only $49 900

TALK OF THE TOWNTENNIS ANYONE7 Own your own tennis court and this outstanding home Difficult to describe there are so many custom features If you are looking for the ultimate in living you ve just found it. Oak for your personal appointment to see this now listed home in Hiltonia. 8 you need tt we've got it!


MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP Offering a special home >' gracious living with eleven wooded acres andompiete privacy "his custom built, five year old,

tour bedroom three bath ranch is inclusive of many extras for $135 000.

EAST WINDSOR airfield Split with four bedrooms and two full and one half bath with central air two car attached garage lot of 138x160, hardwood floors, underground sprinkler system and much, much more for $76 900

MONROE TOWNSHIP Three bedroom ranch ocated or: 2.8 acres o’ ovely wooded area with a small stream and brook running through propertyoffering a twe car garage central air and fireplacein tjhe living room for $6 9 9 00

HIGHTSTOW N jvo family located on Monmouth • riightstown with separate entrances three

bedrooms each full dry basement stands as agood investment. $44 900

EAST WINDSOR Three bedroom detached homewith centra air five major appltances storms/screens, finished basement, stone block patio completely fenced with spacious view for

$59 900

'W IN RIVERS Two bedroom townhouse coverted *o three offering panelled bedrooms with overhead hxTures copper wiring five major appltances©decorated krtchen with special lighting all

maintenance free located in Quad III wrth good ocatior $3*.500.

'W IN RIVERS Quad V three bedroom townhouse wrtf five major appliances, shutters, storm door studded basement immaculate movenn condition with good assumable mortgage of 7% % wrth a balance at $36,895 and carrying charges of $433monthly All for $42 500

DiDONATO REALTORSPrmrpfon Mightalown Rd Fa»» Winrisn N

609 448-6555


— -

V E *- J *

J fK / L



1 ot lok* Driv*| lowrtnctvilb NJ.

Apts./Houses To Shore

RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE who appreciate children, with or without their own, needed to share 10 room farmhouse on200 acres 7 miles so. of Prin­ceton With 2 children (4 mos & 2‘ j vrs.i St 5 adults '22-36 yrs Ability & willingness to share rent, utils, food, laughter & tears No c i g a r e t t e s 609-448-4310 anvtime

iffl t

Mew Contemporary For Salenow u n d e r construction on wooded lot m Prin­ceton Township with four bedroom s, study, fa m ily room, two fireplaces and two-car g arage.

2 0 ' 699 5383 • 201-821-7556



609-921 -1050 , m

S TO R Y RANCH with 2 bedrooms down and 2 bedrooms on second level, 2 full baths Living room, dining, kitchen, family room and targe entrance foyer Other pluses are the fu l basement, two car garage and attractive landscaping............................. .................... S67 000

* ' ' v " V 4 -ihir minute* t reman. Princatoa and Highttiown i*hi* -ui standing -em.-rec farmhouar situated on 4 5,acre* of phiah (awn rad tall shade tree*. I V "m f feature* four bedroom* master bedroom with fireplaost two full baths, irvins

..... - hretnar* .are- iurmai dining room new eat-in kitrher . also a m m met kitchenan a ill! baaemer Tv,-, stairways 220 voit electric service and maintenance free

:uin -l ime "he utbuildings unaist if tseo barns two car garage repair shop and all aw r<>of» and wiring T h » property u suitable for horses and represents many op- ■ — unities New to the market and ready for votir inspection $ 11 9,‘KH)

NO BEGGING PARDON THERE IS A ROSE u A R O nand flowering trees on the pretty acres surrounding this adorable brick and frame Cape Living room with fireplace panelled family room with bar Four bedrooms and two full baths *82.000

PIRFEC ' LOCATION FOR COMMUTING SCHOOLS shopping arc pleasure Large 5% year old four bedroom colonial in excellent condition Front to back family room with Tennessee cut stone fireplace floor to ceiling Separate master bedroom wing Modem kitchen with breakfast area Full basement two-car garage and many other extras $85 500

-H ARM \ND C O N V E N IE N C E arc in this unusual West Windsor four bedroomotoniai and within walking distance to schools and recreation. The home dales back to

utKtriarv times and is approximate!* 275 years old There is a generous living room with a stone fireplace, family room, dining room, half bath and an eat-in kitchen on the first i to the second floor are four bedroom* and a full bath A barn with a loft that includes

a- garag* all u im iinder hree acres of piush lawn and man* flowering and shade trees For full particulars and an appointment to inspect this property, Call now! 1114.500.

CO N VEN IEN T SPLIT-LEVELAmple sized living areas a modem kitchen and three pleasant bedrooms provide a comfortable house for a young family An inground pool, nicely landscaped, fenced yard and a patio-perfect for entertaining


IN HE RO ulNG COUNTRYSIDE OF MONTGOMERY* we oMe- m,s iewiv constructed center hall colonial with living room dining room modern kitchen, family room with fireplaqe, four bedrooms and 2 % baths

f $115 000

, 1 ; \ W E N ’ » I N ! W IP within walking distance to schools, recreation and shop-n* ’ . - • listed raiaec ranch with an inground swimming pool There are three or

- .»• iw.|r.H)m- living r.*>n gener us dining room, family room with a fireplace central air and a ->ne car attached garage Read* for vour inspection by appointment only. Lots of valueat the asking price of ............. ..............................179,900.

A C R E S OF PR IVA CYLocated across from the Beden's Brook Club this Pre-Revolutionary far mhouse is well suited for entertaining on a grand scale large entrance hall, spacious living room, party porch, gracious dining room, kitchen with skylight, large family room 5 bedrooms and baths. Large bam and out buildings *750,000 NO WAY CAN YOU PASS UP THIS LISTING! 4 bedroom 2 Vi bath air

conditioned West Windsor colonial is in exceptional condition Con venience, family-oriented neighborhood, and other pnme assets make this a most desirable dwelling $117 000

■ )N I V M IN U T E - FROM NASSAU S TR E ET rad within walking distance to the New rk und bio service » this wel ared for colonial Featuring four generous bedroom*

i naif bath* and an exceptional familv room with beamed ceilings, parquet -esaed lighting inn -ii.n* fireplace The kitchen feature* a no polish floor self-

.-■ar'Ttg - one v e n . . t h e lamib room There is slso a large living room and dining , ... at wall i ari-etmg 4 i ■ - m trai air .nditionmg. hardwood floors throughout

and a 2b \ 20 patio Read* for vour inspection and priced to sell st *99.500.NO NEED TO KILL YOURSELF with work in this 3 bedroom ranch The current owners have no time to waste so they minimized its care and maximized their comfort It's in superb condition - all ready to move in andSTART LIVIN ’ $89 500

FOR THE H O RSEY SETEasy to maintain one story; living room with fireplace dining room, eatin kitchen, large family room with built-in bar and 3 bedrooms. 3 stall bam with tack and feed rooms and full loft 316 acres and trails 2 car garage kennel and dog runs 3 miles from Princeton. $115,000

■ • >b HF M ) l \ ( . F A M IL Y Loveh rancher in immaculate condition on s -»• ‘ - rig >nn lin ing*, kitchen with breakfast area. famih room

••■ms *- i bath* •** ■ ar garage -antral air conditioning. 14 acre lot. $,2,500

W nrtsor I in .minium bedrooms. 2 baths, all appliance* -entral air$395 per month

THREE SCENIC ACRES 5 bedroom colonial, 3 full baths, family room with fireplace, large kitchen, dining room living room. Full basement, 2 car garage In-iaws could have own living quarters. $110 000 carpeting

BUILD THE HOME OF YOUR CHOICE ON THIS NICELY WOODED 3 + acrelot m Hopewell Township Pen approved October 1977 $28,000. home o f the professionals

16 ACRES OF W OODED LAND IN PRINCETON TOWNSHIP wrth running brook 1750 ft frontage on Cherry Valley Road Zoned residential. $ ?40 OOC

M ON TGOM ERY TOW NSHIPBetter than new 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 ’6 bath house near a country- club Situated on a treed acre lot which is completely fenced, the house has newly carpeted living room, dining room and stairs, plus a new no-wax kitchen floor. It is in "move-in" condition and available immediately


Terry M errick Bill Roebling

WMla Stackpot« Eleanor Young

Princeton Real Estate GroupEvening and Weekends Call:

William Schaussiar 921.1943 Marvay Rua» 201 359-5327 Rita Margoiis Allan D Arty 799 0AM Russ Edmonds 201 449 9357 Jim Atom lor. 444-1592 A saC Mowary J95-I471

MEMBERMultiple Listing ServiceAffiliated Independent Brokers

Hamilton O ffica 609 586-1200

Windsor* O ffic* (609) 799-4500open 7 days till 5 p.m.

194 Nassau St. 921-6060 Hilton Bldg,, 2nd Floor

Pete C a llaw ay Pat Cahill A nne G allagher Linda H off

Judy McCaughar Charlotte McLaughlin

Hunt#rdon County Muitipi# listing Stryict Rrinc*ton R#o! Istot# Group

H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID EThursday. August 3, 19.8 1 5 F F

H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID E16FF Thursday. August 3, 1978

7 ^ O u ££u h fOF ✓ H O M E S / *



Gallery of Homes, Inc. — RE ALTORS


MontgomeryFor the critical and astute buyer, we offer 7 acres of beautiful park-like property with a Sytvan inground pool and a magnificent custom-built brick and cedar contemporary home Over 3,000 sq ft. of living space featunng a unique master bath, 40 rec room, 25' family room" of fice/study plus 3 bedrooms Fabulous floor plan fine fixtures exceptional extras and built ms and a sensational sight of Sourland Mt, To see this exciting home call 874-4121

$225 00©


i i * i n

If you've been looking few a spacious almosloew Colonel in a quiet well-kept area you'll be pleased with this home 4 bedrooms 254 baths fireplace and beamed coking in the family room centra an and rtground pool A prettier home would be hard to find

SIM .000

OPEN HOUSESunday August 4 1 -4 p.m .

HillsboroughEnjoy condominium living. Conveniently located within walking distance of schools House features 3 bedrooms, panelled femky room, storage balcony central air conditioning and more

*52 400Directions: Route 206 South toHillsborough Right on to Triangle Left on to Farm, Right on to Cardinal La Number 85


This lovely Cape Cod offers charm, comfort excellent location and a reasonable price The master bedroom is unusually papered and serenely seciudeo from living area 3 other bedrooms cheery kitchen and a dining room to accommodate a targe family Good homes like this are hard to find and sell fast See it today.’



Realtor associate in the new Montgomery Gallery Etlie has resided in Belle Mead for the past 6 years Her husband Ron, a buikJer of custom homes, s also associated with Eisenhower Elite is vice president of the Ladies Auxiliary Montgomery #1 Rre Company where Ron is captain Her familiarity with the area, her concern for the community, and her experience in ami knowledge of raai estate make Eilie an agent you can rely on

Ellle K rese ftky Friend,Neighbor Professional — Here to Some YOU I



Consider the f inest . . .E W IN G T O W N S H IP

Luxury aportmxnti with private pools Effktamriot 1© ov*r i i i « 2 OiNSroem* Carp# ooms arxdst apmg Con»*flM»n«yocof«Mf wtth Go* o#f-straat pork mg

________ MtGHGATf _____________

I M ta* IWCmHmr ft Mr* A *** -M3






PRINCETON WOODSo r , C e l —Jet, w e Mofvrat Serrtnj

T w o rnllee f m m th e P rfn c o to n l in t 0*1 R a v m o rw A c S o f n x w e x s R n n c e to n k d l k t W

OPEN H01SE SAT. & SUN. 11-5Monday through Friday 12-2 p.m., 4-6 p.m.

6u H O U S E S S O L D o n l y ^ H i o u s e s l e f t *

F I V i D I F F E R E N T M O D E L S !

C*R Mr

*0 O O B R O O * HOUSI





In the Arinceton-MIghtstown area Luxury garden apartments in quiet suburban settingsAH hove pnvote balconies and spacious wall-kept grounds Wall-to-wall carpeting Free off-street parking. Swim Chibs

1 8R from $2452 8* from *280


This dramatic house boasts professional decorating, custom tiled floors custom wall coverings, open kitchen and family room targe fenced r yard Outstanding living room and dining room It's the dream of the modem day family



Better than-new 4-bedroom Split Level home just 2 years young on \ acre 254 baths, 2-car garage, family room, patio, and many extras This could be the end of frustrating hours looking for the right house See it today

*84 500


Dvtcfc Nock t m»e QbN Mf lM n WMt* *09-44ft-

BROOKW OOD GARDENSHickory Cwnt too# CMI !«•* *«9-44ft i«31


CfltiM t Aa* *ft9-44ft-*9ft<i

ROBBINSVILLERural tatting with acres at braathing tpac* around lovaly apartments Extra targe room with wall*to-wolf carpeting Fra* parking for 2 cart Convanlant to oil highways

SHARON ARMSM»*f»fi lo a d acr«M from

P w rg n Country Ctak \ lift 48* It 1ft

Nortk o4 MM art I kH 7A M J. Tpfc* can m>, t M * to-*m -m t

KRIEGM AN AND SMITH NCProperty Monogemen-










Lorpt HvtntrftotnSoparof#ReamsRoar SeOrearns

* kitchens* Ohr kot*f A

cm S e w* JV* hath** Family Rooms

• Centra* Air• 2 Gar Eeroftt

DnOererovfSd Jtumes

• iMr«ptaPC«ft

• W f Oei M Acre 'kn*minftim Sldftee

• F*»ii sesemem• € xceOent cemmvhhf


PRICES START AT $95 400ncluding ah ?f»« above extras

An in or iwre is untneet vatu* far any et n»s» «v* wountv meows Pteos* cell '•« ' ®" 30O.I *' «"« no* -ov bw arcn.rec* mom n <hh ,« h<» an* m« m*««

* « si I*of tboJO H N


4 OwttM itreesREALTORS

tafOTOk. he* hrwt *8544 404)921 ; '6

'nr""W ..nr'- ’O — w — upp.-—mpan

, i

You'll be pleased with the land 1 75 acres and pleased with the house a customouih Ranch featunng a covered front porch, 20' living room with raised hearth brick fireplace, self-cleaning oven, 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths The price is an added pleasure


Route 206 Montgomery Route 206 Hillsborough(201)874-4121 (201)359-4121

Bound Brook 201-356-8121 - Martinsville 201 469-1776—Branchburg 201-722-9020

T h e W e a t h e r is HOT! HOT * HOT !But its oooooh so caooool in the poof and there's stilt plenty of time to enjoy the pool this summer From midnight dips to cocktail parties on the patio your neighbors will never know because of the privacy this property affords. You'll enjoy the rest of the house too, with Formal dining room, living room, family-room and a cozy den with fireplace Also 4 bedrooms, 2 N baths and all city utilities Reduced to sell $117 500.


Condo 1 8drm plu* Den lake Apt* Plu* eorpet, S/C over, F/F Ref W ether dryer Combo, C/atf d!»hwo*her Priced for quick *ole-*2S 000

3 8drm T.H. only 4 yr*. old ■ Newly painted elate to T ennit 5 pool, school. F/F ref got S oven got heat gat grill < § lamp Ptuth carpet In matter J Bdrm 2Vt batht c all ■ atking *44 500 •

Lake Condo 2 Sdr , 2 hath S/C oven, F/F ref W ether dryer, d ithw ahei. c a ir eat-in kit, utility rm End unit. Atking only *30 500

3 Sdr T.H. 2Vt batht fin. batmt new carpet, kitchen, fore. rm. panelled F/F ref W at he' dryer d ithw ather c/otr end unit (ut* reduced to *43 500

_ L

all tYPES of f en c in g available

Letters to the Editor always make good reading.

See page 4


6.25 A C R E S - Hopewell Tw p., nice view, perc and soil log approved. $29,500.

S U N S E T D R IV E - Hopewell Tw ., acrewooded, perc and soil log. Asking $ 16.500.

C IT Y W A T E R , S E W A G E <S G A S - 125x225, towering trees, overlooking the Delaware River.


E V E N IN C L U D E S A B A R N - 125x283, all city utilities, towering shade trees, river view.


E A S T AjVfW E L L T W P - 10.5 acres with a panoramic view, pec and soil log approved.


78.53 ACRFiS - ideal for 1 or 2 large estate type properties, in the beautiful Pleasant Valley Rd. area and even includes a stocked lake. An out­standing investment at $1800,00 per acre.


B A Y B E R R Y R D . - Hopewell Twp., a gorgeous 1.7 acre lot beautifully wooded, no perc.■* * owner wants a sale. |

A L T A V IS T A D R IV E - Old section of Elm Ridge Park. 200x310 Lrreg., no perc.. asking $20,000 to settle estate.

W E I D E L R E A L E S T A T E , E N C .

e g 02 Route 31

a p a r t m c n t r e n t a l s


f. Incorporated

— -e I 609-4*6 2444

IStudios 1 6 2 bdrms sterling at $185 All with W YV carpet, Appliances and C?An 780 Sq Fl office and commercial space available

Twin Rivers s an ideal residential community with shopping and major tran spoliation Adult & Toddle’ pools tennis and handball cts., and many other features

Pennington. N . J . 08534 J7 3 7 - 1 5 0 0

> *

For Sale By Owner


All brick Rancher with maintenance free exterior sitting on over N acre professionally landscaped lot 3 bedrooms, master bath with sunken tub $ gold fixtures Octagon shaped living room with fireplace formal dining room with cascading fountain. Wall to wall carpeting, central air. custom drapes in-wall vacuum system imported ceramic trie and other luxury features too numerous to mention Close to 1-95 l

$147,00©Cal! For Appointment

609 585-9111 of After 5 P M o09 586 5016

Houses 7o Shore

FEM ALE RO O M M ATE - warded to share large Prin­ceton house 2 blocks from University. Own small bedroom plus use of all common areas of house Non- smoker preferred We are looking for a roommate, not a broader, and prefer someone interested in sharing cooking & cleaning Call eves 609-924 3837

MALE ROOMMATE to share 2 BR apt & rent Call after 3pm 609-883-4609

PROFESSIONAL W O M A N — to share new. spacious, comfortable house in beautiful Princeton suburb 609-443-3567

ROOMMATE WANTED - to share 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt m Princeton Meadows starting Sepi l. Tennis, golf, poof, $190 mo incl. utils Call Bill, 609-799-1970 evenings

STEELE ROSLOFF & SMITHn i 1 vim River- Shopping Mall


Apts., Houses Apts./Houses To Share To Share

PROFESSK needed — to apt with same Lawrence1, rile oj house with vou area. Sept Call jeves. 609-392 6093, keep trying

female shafe 2 bedroom

$115. mo in • share a pi in Princeton

HILLSBOROUGH 28 year old female needs roommate to share 6 room country' ranch with cellar &,2 car garage in very scenic and convenient location Must be neat Call eves, 201-369-3625, da vs 201 524-32811

NICE BEDROOM — in large house on 21* acres just no of

’ on Lots of space, good people, some work to shape place up $103/mo Fern pref 201-874-4948

PRINCETON BORO - Share great furnished house with one responsible executive Own room Send picture & write something about vourself Reply Box #01963. c o Princeton Packet

SHARE 2 BDRM APT - inPrinceton, wooded area, deck, a c, washer dryer. $235/mo. Call Scott. 215-299-1118, 9 bet 8& 5.

SHARE A COMFORTABLE country house with a swim­ming pool, near Princeton 609 799-1385

L A W R E N C E V IL L E T w o C o n te m p o ra ry H o m o s

4- " >n 2 ' acres 4 bedrooms. 2'A baths 2 car garage, full basement $175,000

VYm Bucct BuBd«r tnc.For information call

SOS-9 24-0908or see your broker

S E E O V E R 2 0 0 H O M E S IN O N E D A Y

.-an c* write tor the latest issue of o u ea- estate magazine ~odav chock toll of pictures prices and descriptions of over

200 available homes m Somerset, Merest HootertSor Middtesex Monmouth, Ocean, Morns, and Warren Counties .The Heartland of the Garden State.

* » ' " 9 ■ l o m p s o r £ A ssoc S o a lto rT o U F io a *00 343-4*10 axt 243

or loca lly 201 287 0200 or 201 52* *448La* or write for the latest issue of the tea estate magazine Today

2 PERSONS WANTED share 1st floor of beautiful Princeton home $240/mo. each plusshare utilities 609-921-6251 - keep trying

YOUN G PR O FE S S IO N A L WOMAN wanted, to share 2BR apt in Princeton Meadows Aug 1. Please call Valerie 609-397-2250










2 Ww*t Broad Straat •fopewa* New Jarsav 08S2S



T H IS O W N E R DOESN’T S E L L A N Y T H IN G U N L E S S IT IS P E R F E C T - A N D T H IS H O USE IS T H A T . Three bedroom. 2 bath custom built rancher in triple A condition - fireplace in family room, full basement, separate dining room, garage and, most inexpensive to heat' $85,000.

T E N N IS A N Y O N E ? A V E R Y S P E C IA L SPO T W IT H A L IT T L E B IT IF E V E R Y T H IN G . S U C H AS. Very well built 3 bedroom ranch, tw o storv brick and frame barn, large stone-lined pond woods, meadow, pool, over 9 acres and much, much privacy. Super location and only minutes away from the new Tennis Center

H \ RE 4U A IT IN G NEW D E V E L O P M E N T S on our 33 acres of ground. Still only $1200 acrefor all.

L U S C IO U S GRASS, A N D W O O D S to the side and rear of this gracious home have never looked better. Even the chirp of the birds sounds sweeter at this country location. This 3 bedroom. 2 bath home is well worth the $70,000 price tag

H O O D E D B U IL D IN G LOT. one acre, very neat country spot. $23,500,

O N A N D O FF , we have rentals - $300/ month range usually

L U N C H E O N E T T E B U S IN E SS FOR S A L E -$15,000.

Mwibw HAaroar County MLS.censed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania


Apts Houses- Apts. Houses' □ S h o r e T o S h a re

COTTAGES TO SHARE - in Hopewell 2 bedrooms, kitchen,

ving room Large yard *125 plus utilities Call before 11 a m 609-466-2719

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL - 'o share quiet, secluded country house in Belle Mead Pool $275 plus utils 201-356- 8000 ext 632 or 201-874-6597

YOUNfc PROFESSIONAL - to share a quiet secluded country house in Belle Mead Pool *275 plus utilities 201- 356-8000 ext 632 or 874-6597 eves

ONE PERSON TO SHARE — $100-mo., convenient to public transportation in Trenton Call 609-392-9185 after 5 p.m


H O M E H U N T E R ’S G U ID ET h u r s d a y . A ugust 3 , 1 9 7 8 17FF

waIur a Howe tNe C aUerv of HomesREAL TO RS U S U R E R S SER V IN G PEO PLE S IN C E *886 ^ N ^ E R N A H O N A i N f ' W F * » " I ' f P i ^ M D E N ' B R O K E R S

B fm W G P R O U D AM O * T A T 1 I.» » - ‘«g a *'>- nadr-ur- ettefv,Mov»-m condition with many extras Location is close tor railroad commuting and shopping with privacy too—on end ot eut-de-sae Exca«ent schools and children of at ages m immediate are* Cal 799-1100. H A W

M M K P U fA M M -iro o m 1 % bath ? -story Cotorual with wooded back yard whichcompletely fenced in Living room dm ng room, eat-in kitchen, famity room, ful basement attached garage and central as Ported to sen at a n 706. Can '99 ’ IOC

<3000 N E IG H B O R S -IVE HERE Here - - v - -re* -i* aoec stree’ **<!•nice famines— end nice children, too YouH like them, they'll like you— end you’ll LOVE this Ranch with two firepleces In Princeton Call 924-0096 H l t W

NEW CONSTRUCTION se! xt'et . ■ wooden o' - ■<, - -no. At'lua - •vimpsu-Contemporary Sam offers aH the amenities required for a pleasurable rustic, but sophisticated life style Living room with 2-story glass wall oak bam beams, 3 plus firepleces central air condition rig, deck & screened porch famity room with wine cellar Located only 5 minutes from Princeton Cal 799-1100 #166,600

C H A R M IN G O LD E R C O L O N IA lserene sylvan setting of 1 v workshop detached garage wart for an appointment 921

S O '- 9¥ just over the Princeton border set rti a ■(rooms two full baths' Large 2-car plus

Town a short walk to the New York bos Don't

I A T T E N T IO N IN V E S TO R S ! 1 we acres on At Zoned General Business Call 924-0095*110.060.1

M E T IC U L O U S three bedroom Ranch on cutdesac tn West Windsor ' wp _arge living room dining room anc panelled family oon- with 'ifeotace 2-car garage ','aste*uHy decorated profeeeionety andaceped with automatic sprinkler syetem petw with gas grill Bnck end stratokte offer a -in* over* maintenance free sxtenor Cat 924-0096 for an appcwntmen


R U R A l S E TT IN G . E A S Y C O M M U T IN G jrge i bedroon . bam Ranc* >' appro* . ar-m in W a r Windsor has a farm n back and a view of • farm m front yet it's close to the ratkoec station for easy commuting Living room with fireplace dining room eat-in kitchen ferrety room activity room and oversized 2-cat garage omptete 'ha outstanding value a' »73,000 Cad 7991100,

M O V U N C O N O fTIO N ! Out custor buih Dutch Raaeo Rene* can be yours in time tor the children s return to school. Eight flexible rooms 4 bedrooms central err, 2-car garage excellentayou-*or a mother-daughter arrangemen' ot a family with teenagers all 799 00 * 76,900

h o u s e s f o r n a n

4-6 .--ad Students wan tec : ease * jm »hed nome i WEST* W IN D S O R Hides ■ grounc ooo. basemen• and : car garage ai ’99- 00 eBM/rno

LA W REM CEVILLE mode* Abedroor y y r * -.e#r New h Bus fure* • ,! bath* *amihroom with fireplace separate den, central a« 2-cat garage References and 1 H months security Ca# 7991100 ♦798*w 5

PRW ICETON attractive 3 Dedroo- 'umiehed house blocks from Nassa Stree: Avertable Sept '978 June 979 References anc * months security Cal 79B '" 00 *TOO ttio

Q U E E N S T O W N C O M M O N S r O W N M O U S* bedro- - -at*- arpetec draped asapplisnues Aveilatar- mmedieten all 924-0097. *700./mo

U N FU R N tS H ED H O U SE mtr a r n Prknoeton 8orougt‘■replace arqe > t.- her Available Sem RTg „ac 924-0096 *4SO*no

B R A N D NEW j S Home 4 oedroo- hath Cotomai locate- - PLAa cc e ss tor com m uting and shopping All appliances included Reedy for

IOC MGOnm*799-110L . .

f^S B O R OFell, occur

with goodoccupancy . Call

A u O V ELV W O O O CD LO T ■ ' 'n s Supe - fieri'■- i i j ' i* tat -' xitchen livingroom dnmg room feeplece - ' « r * -oo • central a* AND screened-m porch worxsnop and 2-car garage Can 799-1100 m j

SUPER BUY FOR THE ‘ AM U > W H O LIKES T O D E C O R A TE - -her wn taste ;>u< ser-ungton Brick ' ™ 4 aedroo-- okima- has - targe yard partiaNv fenced Spacious rooms includeeet-in kitchen, hardwood floors central air baaement 2 -car garage. CM 799-1100 *73,999.

P R IN C ETO N B O R O U G H < ie- •■ome has i. "me ocation on a quiet tree shaded streetThe second floor s a small apartment An inexpensive changeover will give a 2 bedroom and bath second flow making the house a bedroom 2 bath with comfortable living room with fireplace Detached garage House has new roof Call 924-0096

U N IV E R S ITY H E IG H TS "ransfemao owner wants quick sale Just m inutes from new elementary school A spacious Ranc’ featuring entry foyei Irving room dmmg room familyoom. targe eaten kitchen wit’ dishwasher and no wax floor, 3 bedrooms 1 Vi baths Nicely

landscaped Call us today 890-880C W M

A G R E A T FIRST HOME* j- bedrooms bath large 'iving room/dm mg roomombination witf-slidmg glass in outside pain gas grit -iciuden This Town House can


L A N D Zoned Researcr Office ytneering 5 acres high ground moated on 206 >n RockyHill 20% coverage or 120.000 sq ft of building space Catl 924 0096

'We are one of the iarge»t insurers of homes in New Jersey See us for y o u r

HOMEOWNERS POLICY before you close on your new home


609-924-0095 • SEA GIRT Princeton Junction609-799-1100

Member ofMiAtsple ijettng Sendee

M I SM ercer Soroerser and Hunterdon Counties


Pnoceton 11 am 3 pm

EFPsGallery of Homes, Inc, — R E A L T O R S

a mW e B ring People H ome *

It coats nothmg to see the property. This well-kept Split Level home m Manville offers 4 bedrooms. 2 full baths farotty room, and modern kitchen with no-wax floor and ceramic tiled back splash Many luxury extras including central an and intercom See it tor FREE Buy it at a pnca that won't bust your budget

*M 900

SOMETHING OLD SOMETHING NEWThis older Colonial Cape Cod in ManvHle offers a newly remodeled aat-m kitchen and bath aluminum sidmg. and a 2 -yeer old roof Add 3 bedrooms an above ground pool with redwood deck and an enclosed front porch tor something pretty something for you

M3, soo

FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLERerticuler People took special care ot this house since it was built They added landscaping and a patio fenced-m the yard, and tiled the basemer” floor They panted and prettied the rooms in this oversize Cape Cod in an idea) location m Manville They pride themselves in the immaculate condition of thee home And how they're leaving the area — their loss is your gam

*57 500,

lout* 20* Montgomery(201) 674-4121

Rout* 20* Hillsborough (70! 359-4121

Bound irook 201 354-9121 - Martinsville 261-4*9 ! 77* kronehbv rg 201-722 9020 J


WILL BUILD TO SUITFrom-your plans or the builder's, you can have your dream house on this heavily wooded lot in the Western Section of Princeton.Our E N E R G Y C O N S C IO U S builder use* the

latest methods and materials to assure a beautiful, fuel-saving home for vou. Homes start atS150.000.Call us for details.


Weidel Real Estate242‘A N A SSA U ST. P R IN C E T O N , V J

609 921-2700

Province H ill» • » a new concBpf in luxury housing

OPEN HOUSE S4T. ll-5. SI N. 1-3Eackler Road, near Route 20b

Just South of Princeton. Lawrence Township (Princeton address!


W Ith Vk and If

M T&GM j **a.*po* * ~ J L - V *murmfk eni comemporarie* »rv dmigned for thr partmuUr family »m l fe*w m i*rtrr- riitrrliinmrni t m * under dramact i-*lhedr*l rnlmg*. finer Kbrarip*-jar*, duwnstsir* master suite* « ith luxurious bath I stall *bim ef and uversRet# p tN ■f Hnrairr All on vratr <mn private road Three different plan* are available and are fxisaibie Price* start at tlT i.lHk)variatHjns

y d if bfial h f-aturr^ I nctucif** Zoftfd Healing and Air CtwnditMining* ( Kfrsiznl 2 CarGarag** vv AulomatHv I)oor * Skv lights And C le rw to n ^ indcm*** FjiH% i and^ aj:N*d

tm w r » ^ arrant'1 Ho P


* ln*»uUu**d ( r bn*. I hrmigfount *C Jt\ ft aier and Citv* Paved Dnvewav* ( of 1 ni»*ri*>r f* kN:wri* Self O fam ng * Hens

all I Li*»t ft ♦*!! te ll' I aboui it and show y«u thr actual I H HIN j


R E A L T O R S4 Chorlton Str#«t Princeton N#w ) * r%*v Q$$4Q

( 6 0 f ) f 2 1 * 2 7 7 4 M a tc * f C o u ntyHuntardon County Multipla Lifting S#rvica

Multiple lifting SfmrtcaSom*r*#f County

Princaton R#ol Group Vlultipla Lifting S#rvtc*


The Apartm ent peopleLincoln Property Company

Come to Princeton Meadows. And live just minutes from the fun of shopping on Nassau Street th e tradition of Princeton University The excitement of living in one o f the nation s most prestigious areas And the convenience of the New York-Philadelphia train.

At Princeton Meadows, unique 1 and 2 bedroom apartments are surrounded by tennis swimming and the all-new Princeton Meadows Country Club with championship golf course.

FYincetenLeasing office open every day.Phone (6 0 9 ) 799-1611 for more information,Princeton Meadows Goff Clubis now taking reservations: 799-4000.

H O M E H U N T E R ' S G U ID E18FF Thursday, August 3.1978


REALTORS 609-921-1550


TH E LU X U R Y OF TO TA L PRIV At * P nestled ona hilltop and surrounded by almost 5 acres of Park-Like land A spacious four bedroom house with many quality features ♦ 775,000

AN O LD HO USE B U FF 'S DBF.AMbe seen to be appreciated

area 1740 on seven acres. Must A stcvtg *96 OOt

A tn u L Y C O M FO R T A B LE four bedroom split-level on a quiet street convenient to schools and shopping Reduced to. $118,500


An established community within desirable Montgomery Township. Close to Princeton, yet aesthetically rural. Excellent schools, recreational facilities and social atmosphere A limited number’ of one-acre lots available for your selection of style and interior features Superior construction by R & S. Colonial BuildersModel sketched, th e 2,700 sq. f t . W a s h in g to n

SI 17 950.Exclusive Agont*



(609; 921-1720

A p ts ./Houses To Share

MALE-FEMALE, grad or professional to have own room in Lawrencevilie apt with single father and 5. 7 year old daughters. Call Aubrey after 6pm. 609-896-9486

SHARE HOUSE with 2 others Located in town of Hopewell: 12 min northwest Princeton Exposed wood beams in living room ceiling garage, basement $135 mo & low utils. Call after 6pm. 609- 466-1982

Rooms Fo' RentRCX>M FOR RENT — fully carpeted. Air conditioned and full use of Apt $ 5 0 'w k Business women preferred Elderly welcomed Must be re liab le * references Call 609 466 3798 until 3 p m

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM — share kitchen. for professional man 609-921-6242 after 5pm

SHOP SU SSM ANNEW LISTIN G Six year old detached bouse rmovenn condition on approximately !§ acre 3 bedrooms. 2 'full baths, full dry basement, central 3« 5 appliances 7 56.900

U N U SU A L AND O U TSTA N D IN G ancr style contemporary with slate entrance foyer, den ultra kitchen with custom cabinets, formal dining room 20 x 26 living room with redwood ceilings 4 bedrooms 2 full baths, parquet floors central air and carpeting *61,500

3 H O M ES xesentiv being bunt on , acreots choice of Bi-Levels or Coloniais Hardwooo hoors custom cabinets hotpomt dishwasher driveway graded ana seeded Ready for Sep’ember possessor Hurry *56,900

O U T S T A N D IN G Bl 4 o e d ro o r e v e 5 yearold on Vi acre with central air, family room with ’'replace 2 car garage 2'A baths, wall to wall carpeting, custom features and in A-1 condition

*60,500HK3HTSTOW N

P R IV ATE C U L -D E -S A C - W e 've iust steel a 5year old bi-level featuring a formal dining room, ultra kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, family room garage, carpeting, 8 plus rooms in all, brick and frame construction. Owners are being tran-

*54500TWIN R IV E R S

M OVE RIGH T IN Just iistea on Canterbury Cour in Twin Rivers 3 bedroom townhouse with 2V* baths dining room, ultra kitchen, large patio with


CO N D O vacant and oaded with appliances Elegant wall to wall carpeting, central air ultra kitchen, formal dining room, pool facilities

L A W R E N C E *22.500

P R O F E S S IO N A L S Excei'er- borne office combination on a fantastic lot (excellent parking) mature trees and shrubs, and unusual historic background This partially describes the beautiful

Benjamin Johnson House", a colonial with 12 plus rooms, 2 full baths and 3 powder rooms, alarm system, barn, corn crib carnage house, basement balcony and fireplaces Ask for our brochure

Ottered art *159500

CO U N TR Y LIVIN G Ramble wood Colonial on 1 h acre lot backed up to woods Only 6 months old and in lovely condition. Alt large rooms with ultra spacious kitchen leading to rear deck, family room with fireplace 2 car garage central aw full casement, lovely hardwood floors 2 % baths and 4 bedrooms Pnnceton address *122500.

M ILLSTO N E TO W N SH IPJU S T LIST ED 10 acre farm (ideal for horses) With 3 bedroom rancher, full basement, eat-in kitchen, dining room, full bath Move-in condition Two large outbuildings with cement floor and basement Also included is 1 car detached garage Owner relocating <96 000


PRIN CETO N -H KJH TSTO W N RO AD Zonec professional approximately 1,000 sq ft rancher and garage Please call for attractive purchase or lease plan,

C O M M ER C IA L present’s ;sec <- *vy .paper and candy store situated on 1 acre on ‘Route 571 Available for purchase or lease Financing available

THE SP IR ITED >■ S S f t , . - v s B S B B B I i r

Qussman|U N96 9 30 0


Comer Res. LawrencevIR* N J

Rooms For Rent Rooms For Rent1 ROOM EFFICIENCY - furnished, p r iv entrance, parking, quiet Single only Avail immed 609-896-0383

ATTRACTIVE ROOM nice home, graduate student or professional pre ferred No smoking please Available

tockv Hill $125 Call0pm, 609-924-6289

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with share of kitchen or

without it Professional man desired Cali after 5pm, 609-

ROOM & SHARED meals avai lable for student or professional Additional space tor study etc Essential ly share use of house Take care of pets when owner awav Pennington, close to ETS, Mobile Western Electric, Sauibb & close to Princeton Contact by mail Owner. RFD *1, Box 210A. Pennington NJ 08534 Owner away until after Aug 1

RuOM FOR RENT in very spacious apartm ent across from MCCC $130 plus heat.Includes 2 l ivine rms, fireplace & backyard. 609-924 2040 Sherwm Horowitz

L A W R E N C E V I L L E - fur ­nished room in private home for non-smoking gentl“ man Refs 609-883-0916

ROOM & SE MI E F ­FIC IENCIES—at weekly rate Princeton Manor Motel, Monmouth ,Jct 201-329-4555US Hw> *1

FURNISHED RM. j for gen­tleman On quiet street, 2 blocks off Mam St . Manville Call days. 201-722-0070 or eves 201-722-5524

ROOM FOR RENT Working woman preferred Call after 6 pm 609-448-6831

ROOM FOR RENT 1- between 2-5pm call 609-259-3774 after 5pm, call 609-448-0650

ROOM FOR RENT - walking distance to campus Pvte entrance Share bath, no cooking Ava i lable im ­mediately, $150 609-924-9194

ROOM FOR RENT; - Central Nassau S! Low rent, newly


Apts ^or Rent


IMMACULATE 2 tied room t living room, separate mg room, kitchen.

Ava i lable after Aug 15 Hopewel l area $385 References require*! Call 609 799-0299

MANVILLE — 4 room apt. kitchen, iiving rmi,;2 bdrms. available Aug I 301-372-9157 7-1 lam or Tpm-midnight

Something extra comes with a Fox and Laxo Listing

and that’s Fox and Laxo Service.WEST WINDSOR

Call now to see this charming 4 bedroom 2 bath home Convenient to schools shopping and commuter transportation It offers a huge country kitchen for Mom, a workshop for Dad plus a great yard for the kidsCountry living at its best only $75 900EAST WINDSOR The custom kitchen is an added plus to this delightfully unique home situated on a well groomed lot in East Windsor Twp - it offers 3- 4. bedrooms, 1 % baths, cozy family room fireplace

$69 500EAST WINDSOR - Bourbon Street awaits you with this maintenance free 2 family home conveniently situated 2 separate apartments excellent income Shown by appointment only Call now Im *00

INVESTMENT PROPERTIESWhat a way to go. Invest in this well kept 2 apartment house across from Helene FukJ Excellent income Cal ’or Details

Join the Fox' S Laxo residential sales team or m anagem ent team Fox and Laxo Is the larges* diversified real estate com pany In the D elaw are Valley.

• Founded in 1886• Superior earning due to outstanding

training program• Sales management guidance and

strong nationwide reputationStrong sales support program including ex­tensive newspaper and direct mail advertising for a confidents nterview call Jack Burke 609 799 2022

We re m ore than a friend, w e're a family.

cFox CSlF^REALTORS54 Hightstown Rd

Princiton Junction N .J M55C 609 799-2022


O n # Mil* Roodand Prlnc*ton-Hightstown Rd.

(opposite McGraw Hill)East W indsor N.J.

1 and 2 Bedrooms from $240. per month




Apts Por RentSUB-LET — our 2 bedroom api for 1 vear. Sept-Oct 1978 to Sept-Oct 1979 Fine fur nilure, color TV , stereo linens, etc Central air and heat, swimming pool & lennis courts 200 yds from golf course, 4 miles from Nassau St No children or pets 1 month security and references $475 mo plus utilities Reply Box *01921, c 0 Princeton Packet

4 G R 5 B D R M A P T - located m convenient downtown P e n ­nington $465 mo plus utils Sec & refs, required 201-359- 3610

HIGHTSTOWN - 4 room apt. 2nd fi Available Aug 15 Call after 6 pm 201-763-5049


REN TALCountry Cottage in Skiltman with living room dining room, kitchen den 1 bedroom and batn Completely furnished Available Sept 10th $325

-«f SOS O* f ■» . stnvicr r rH i




OPEN HOUSESunday A u g u s t * 1978

1-4 P .M

If you wish your house to be your castle you should own this NORMANDY TUDOR with a perfeet setting for out-door entertaining Watch the deer come out from among the matured trees The stately beauty, distinctive details, traditional design (ends ageless grace to this construction. 5 bedrooms (including the maid's room with it's own entrance) 3% ceramic tile baths, paneled family room with brick fireplace and wall to wall raised hearth, front and back stairs, a gourmet kit­chen with modern conveniences.EXCEPTIONAL $148 900

Directions- Lawrencevilie Route 206 to Cold Sod Rd., to first right Wood Lane, to first left Ivy Glen cane to our sign, 14 Hoky Lane

On his fane iust around the curve nestled in the os- natured -ees THIS NEW STATE! y

EN GLISH TUDOR SECLUDED ON 1 S ACRES R .....4 bedrooms including master bedroom wrth small sitting alcove dressing area 2V4 ceramic tile baths, paneled family room with a wooded view and corner fireplace, large library with custom details,r REES TREES TREES $152,000,

ARGE CYCLONE FENCED LOT FIELD AND TREES VIEWED FROM PRIVACY FENCED PATIO FOR O U T -D O O R EN TERT A IN IN G . Unique entrance foyer, large living room, spacious kitchen, dining area with double windows small study, secluded family room with Anderson bay window. 3 bedrooms, 156 baths.MANY MORE QUALITY DETAILS $61,900.

Coll Uc About the O thers $27 900-$152,000


C-'Luuclui VLo w r*nc*v ll|* N.J *09 896-0005

r Preview to

2nd Section

^riarcrestat Ewing Township

t he Tossi ble U rea mM

Mod** 1* Of>*fi tor inspection every doy (12-55

ctos*d Thurtdtrfs

F R O M $60,4908 3/4 % MORTGAGES t o

QUALIFIED BUYERSWelcome. W e are pleased that you have

stepped into the possible dream. Come, journey with us through acres of a country setting; wit­ness the green elegance that adds just the right touch of warmth and peace for family Iiving Featuring 3 and 4 bedroom homes — ranches, colonials, mufti-levels all with 2-car garages

M odel phon* 609 883-4490: 4494 Exclusive *9*r>* ideal Realty Co, Inc. Realtor (201 )54®*4720

DHtfCTtOMS lOnty 30 minutes from New Brunswick) Take Rt 1 south to i 95 south to Exit 7f1B (Federal City Rd I Follow through to EwtngvMte Rd Turn left and follow to models on your right SROM PRINCETON Take 206 South to l 95 South to Exit 71B and follow as mentioned FtOM PA.: * 96 to Rt 31 South, Turn left at Ewmgville Rd Models on your right

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEThursday, August 3, 1978 19FF


in the Woodsville-Harbourton area comes a terrrfic new offering A custom built 2,200 sq. ft ranch on a 2,6 ac tot with very exciting large trees and landscaping. There are 4 bedrooms, 3 baths livnig roonr formal dining room, large modem kitchen, dinette, panelled family room with stone fireplace, laundry rom, large deck, 24 x 24 porch, 2 car garage and heated Sylvan swimming pool Extras include thermopane windows black walnut trees, circulating hot water, central air con ditioning and is fully insulated It is surrounded by an old stone wall and must be seen $139 500

PRINCETONS «4 500 — 10% DOWN

This 3 bedroom ranch on a quiet street in Princeton Township within walking distance to major shopping offers a large living room and dining area, modern kitchen, full bath, large closets, patio-porch off master bedroom, attic storage carport with storage shed freshly painted exterior and beautifully landscaped 85 x 200 tot. Heat costs only $5i£>/yr.

Realtor'The Land Broker"

195 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J *609-921-7655Eves and Wknds John Thompson 609-443-3875


1101 State Road, Princeton, N.J.

$3.50 per square foot net, net areas up to 30,000 square feet.

427,000 square feet in Park Occupied by approximately 50 Tenants

Princeton Mailing Address and Phone Number

C A LL ; Research Park 609-924-6551

Adlerman, Click & Co.609 924-0401

For AM Area ListingsRealtors and Insurors 609 586 1020

4-6 Huifish St.. Princeton. N.J.Evenings (609) 924-1239

Est 192Member Princeton Real Estate Group Multiple listing Service, World Wide Relocation Service

Ar**vto 8tone PhyiH* Ltvin D«n foccini to t Crt#n 6#rf Ann RofttMrili&arfeero Pinfc hornKar*«! l ©4* F##Jo IM#n G rots mo r? EsfHor

Hoxol Stiii N or i WHmflfSufei Low InD o fe r ir ) K ro w # r iOn« L-»t Iwr'yoon Alpvrf

Olonno ibhop Morton# Horovfti KlH lI im Eoo M&o EoHortit Soreh loroch

fW M C rtO N IS TN I F lA C f TO U V i • En(Oy the Universrtv library the art museum the community pool, the excellent school systems end beet o< a« the interesting people Add to a* this a (ovetv 3 bedroom ranch with te/mg room w timing area new kitchen 1 Oath, sliding glass doors from master bedroom to wooded lot and carport w/attached storage building $7* *00

A BIT o r AMERICANA • Our latest town house listing * a beautifully maintained 5 SIR colonial in charming Hopewell Downstairs: you will enjoy the gracious living room with a fireplace a dmmg room and a huge aat-m kitchen w (formica cabinets and a two room office suite which can be used as the professional office it is now ot as a family room and a study Upstairs there is a master B/R with an adjoining sewing room and bath. 4 family B/ft's, a T ,V room and a family bath The small garden a shaded by mature trees and has a fenced area for Rover, good parking, and a 2 car garage ***.500

COUNTRY RANCH O N FULL ACRE A good buy at $44,*00

LAWRENCEVIUE VILLAGE VICTORIAN - Our 5 BfR village home has been beautifully restored The chestnut woodwork and beamed ceilings create an air of warmth and elegance There is a living room wfa stone fireplace a family room, an enormous dmmg room, a modem kitchen wla breakfast room. 4 BIFts a study and an up­stairs play room and 2 % baths, The two story barn will house your cars and can be mode into a guest house or office. Three acres of trees and lawn will allow for tennis courts, swimming pool or 3 saleable building lots I $14* 000

YOU CAN HAVE IT BOTH WAYS • All the charm of an older home and ail the modem conveniences of a newer home' Half acre beautifully treed lot is the setting-for this 3 bedroom 2 bath tom e with modern kitchen and dinette area The fully enclosed porch isperfect for your plants and relaxing Garage and store room makes tti® home ideal S4S 000

* BEDROOM RANCH with separate studio building Eat-in kitchen living room wlfireplace separate dining room, 1 car garage

S3* *0C

TRUE COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE - Bi-ievel ranch in HopewellTownship Upper level has large modern kitchen living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage breezeway Completely finished lower level contains fully equipped kitchen living room, bedroom, bath, storage oi additional bedroom Central air conditioning Opposite golf course $**, 500

THREE APARTMENT income property on a lake Walking distance to town shopping and a New York bus Tw o apartments Com pletety furnished Financing available to qualified buyer Realistically p-icedat \ $52,000

STRATEGY dictates higher use for this unusual property heat the new Mercer County College & Park There is a long impressive drive to the 5 bedrooms and 3 car garage and parking galore I for a professional, this ts a winner

15+ - ACRE FARM IN MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP • Let US show you a genuine workigg farm in the gorgeous foothills of the Sourlands if you are investment minded you will appreciate the early 1800's home, the income producing cottage the large beef tom and numerous outbuildings Close to Princeton the gen neman or working farmer can look in alt directions and see beauty Additional acreage available $250 000


Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent

Now under construction, 2 large luxury homes by a fine builder in a lovely wooded area of Princeton

from $15* *00


LAWRENCEVIUE CREAM PUFF All the amenities are included m this executive home Large foyer wtth gallery and winding staircase large living room, library, dining room, family room with unusual stone fireplace 54 bath, marvelous kitchen with super storage breakfast room and porch, 4 comer bedrooms 2 full baths, and 2 car garage on wooded lot ! A must see $110 000

HE'S TRANSFERRED • You'll Benefit Modem 4 bedroom 2 bath ranch living room 18x25 with comet fireplace many extras Excellent condition beautrfui backyard with buck barbeque and exterior speakersdighting for gracious outdoor and indoor living,

$52 400.

BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PRINCETON RANCH Large living room separate dining room, kitchen wldinette, sun room or study 3 BRs, 154 baths, 2 car garage Spectacular family room w(fireplace & wet bar. Unfinished upper level which can be made into 2 additional BP's & bath Large patio Et lots of trees Asking $125 000

IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to describe the many features that are not basic to this tome so we'll give you the bare outline Large l R. dsting area modem kitchen wan oven, dishwasher etc,, 3 BRs (2 of which are panelled) panelled basement with another tufty equipped kitchen enclosed sun porch, enclosed breezeway and to top it all off a swimming pool and paved patio with shade Lovely trees and shrubs on a quiet residential street Believe it ot not, all this for $5**00

BUILDER DREAM HOUSE uxunous Princeton 'anch built by a builder for his own family The rooms are spacious beyond belief and the quality of the construction could not be better There ts a huge living room a forma! dining room, a lovely library, an over sized kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, and a full basement w/a Pub room with s wet bar The list of goodies is too tong to describe so make an appointment today for your persona! inspection


YO UN G PEOPLE DREAMS COME TRUE TO O For $55 000Adtermarr, Click & Co, has just listed a country house on 2 acres Your family will enjoy this 3 bedroom ranch house with living room, lamily room, bath & kitchen A separate building can be used for an Office or bam or just for your hobbies or dreams

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP Situated on a N acre tot this 2 bedroom ranch has living room separate dining room eat-in modern kitchen 1 54 baths and oversized one car garage Also for added en joyment, there rs a 16 x 32' in-ground swimming pool $72 OOC

M ONTGOMERY RANCHER ON 1 V, ACRES 3 BRswith LR, OR, Family Room w"fireplace and deck kitchen full basemnt and 2 car side-turned garage must see at


2 54 bath home superb ea’ -in

This home is a $*2 500

$7* *00

A V f* ' FfNf IMHNCETON NEIGHBORHOOD Surrounded bv ta«rees this toveb 5 B(R home a a delight to offer A sweeping Irvng oom dinars room eat-in kitchen spacious family room

w(fireplace, “ h oaths and closets galore round out the perfectamir, lome rose tc top schools, stooping and transportation

$142 500

A N EA$T WINDSOR CHESTERFIELD We are pleased to offer thenode! -n o r sougm after c East Windsor n na* ® hand­

some « r , Hi , ,arg* st , onna D/R and a lovely from-to-back a A--fireplace "here are 4 good -sized B/R's, 2 H oaths «

to basement central an and a 2 car garage !r addition there is a - > rot or > lovely pure' street -n short *h» house has #« the

teatues the market asks for $7* *oc

AMILTON SQUARE only SO, utils tncl 5 rooms, nice srd, hum 'TOWN 4 COUNTRY. KKK


Ma g n i f i c e n t i bedroomapt in h istoric V ictorian mansion 20 mins from Pnn ceton Large paneled living room 4 m aster bedroom, porches, barns, pasture 4 12 acres of land $450 includes heal Cal) 609-924 9194

A COUNTRY STUD If weekly, with fireplace living, grxid deai


1 $50private

4 ROOM AFT 2nd Floor walking distance to Nassau St Parking facilities $395 mo heat included Avail Sept l One year lease 609-921 7242

CHARM INGLY FURNISHED studio apt close to univer­

sity. transportation, shopping $285 plus utilities Oct 78-May 79 Reply In Box *01964 C o Princeton Packet

TWO BEDROOM APTS 2 baths, brand new imrnediateo c c u p a n c y . e x c lu s iv e Langhorne, Pa area 215 949 2050 or 752-8907

609-695-3100 GftE(tlf2 BKDRf W >M APT 2nd fi<x>r

SU B LE Tof 2 family house $275"mo plus

Aug is*. 1 utilities Country living ‘ allbedroom $220 incisor 201 'SO H727 cart1

WinRegency Apts 609-448-0460

MANVTLLE 3 bedroom! apartment Available Aug l 1 $225 per month I month security required Heat and hot water furnished Call 201 725-14% or 201-725-4732

lit \TEKDON COUNTY — mans selections ava ilab le < all us tor selections

TOWS 4 COUNTRY BRK609-695-3100

3 RM APT AVA IL Aug 1 rm apt avail Seps al

mg arrange

Our Com petent Staff Can Show You Any And Every Home

READY in 4 WEEKS s m* 2 story coton®) --tow being built! 4«rge bedrooms 2 s baths panelled family room and formal dining *•oc>n are a ‘ew of its features • you’re looking for a NEW spacioushome caK us to see this one 17* NX

3 B/R CONDO AT BEEXMAN VILLAGE in Hillsborough If you can -r :aug»r between Amwet 9 New Arowei both under -apex

nestled in the far comer of Devonshire Court, you w# tot bedisappointed 3 B(R s 214 baths 21 x 17' L/R-D(R combo eat-in I tchen and famriv room finished in the basement - many extras an conditioning, etc Immediate occupancy S5* NX)

OR1NCETON RENTAL - 4 BIR, 2 » bath colonial on a tovafy tot$775 p er m onth .

BEAUTIFUL ROLLING LAND WITH FRONTAGE Zoned i Ac.Avertable in Montgomery 60 plus acres Call for details

LAWRENCE BUILDING LOT - Just listed V> acre m beautiful resident® area off Lawrencevilte-Penmngton Road City sewers ana water *2$ *00

LANO Contiguous to American Cyanamto, 24 43 plus acres zoned RC asearch and office Very short distance to Route 1, Quaker Bridge Mall and Mercer Mall Easy access to Pnnceton and Princeton Junction

PRIME V. ACRE BUILDING LOT in country setting just waiting foryour house!" $1**00

CLOSE TO RR1NCETON - The time tb buy « now For investors and builders 74.5 plus acres m Montgomery Township with dual zoning I either 1 ac, residential or officeYesearchl. Strategically located, thisproperty has 14 room historical tome, charming cottage large bam ana outbuildings picturesque and roiling land with 2 road frontage "axes and price are tow but the potent®! a high We're excited about this new listing and you will be too — May we stow you this ovetv property $550 000

PROFESSIONALS I C A fTU R I THE SWRIT OF YESTERDAY Enjoy therelaxing and friendly atmosphere of a small town and an office in your home Our roomy beautifully maintained and modernized 5bedroom colon®/ home has a 2 room office suite with its own entrance. Located in Hopewell only 20 minutes from Pnnceton

$** 500

COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRY - One Story masonryburtdtng, 2,200 sq ft Has 200 ft. road frontage, good parking

;U«- educed to $45 000

ROOSEVELT MARKET business <oi sate including furniture fixtures and equipment $45 000 plus inventory Entire building containing

>00 so ft to- sate a IBS 000 Business may be purchasedseparately Owner will help finance Entire building ax conditioned,including U S Post Office rental,

in the Areaw m b b b b — — mmmmm— — — — — m & m m m

Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts For Rent Apts. For Rent Houses For Rent Houses For RentL A M B E R T V IL L E Truly fantastic 5 room apt includes w rking firep lace , natural wide wood floors. spacious Inver with winding staircase, large balcony o ff master bedroom, fully equippped kdeben with cathedral ceiling and complete attic for storage $,Mni mo plus half utilities C all •9J9 197 3736 or 201 782-0527

■ M BERTVILLE iund flixir apt withenc rch. spacious living rm


i1 Adults only Nn pc’s



2 BEDROOM APT located in convenient downtowm Pen nington $350 mo plus utils Sec 4 refs required 20! 3593610

CONVENIENT 3 bdrm apt. walking distance to campus Pvte entrance 4 driveway, backyard, 3rd fir $450 in­cludes heat 609-924-9194

A F T FOR RENT Quiet. 2nd floor farmhouse P r iva te entrance and porch 4 eom- ‘ortable rooms mtjdern kit­'s - 4 both near Penmngton_

C irc le $385 mo utilities’ included References and security required 64®-7:t7-3079

H ILLSBOROUGH 2 b r iownhousc condominium air cond $435 201-221-6912, 201 ,159-4465 after 6

LA W R E N C E TO W NSH IP APARTM ENTS - Convenient to Princeton 4 Trenfon. walk in schools 4 shopping 1 BR LR. eal-in kitchen, bath, garage 4 plenty of storage Avail immed $30<) mo ALSO 2 BEDROOMS living room w fireplace Eat-in kitchen hath basement, garage Avail tmrned $425 mo Call Rett at Really World 609-466-2444


T O W N * COUNTRY BRK609-695-3100


BEDRC )M APT - for with extras Call after201 -722-6375

ONE 4 TWO BEDROOM APTS — for immediate oc­cupancy at Windsor Castle, E Windsor Twp From Pnnceton lake 571 to Old Trenton Rd make a left then proceed to the first left beyond a couple hundred feet from Old Trenton Road 609-448-5995

KINGSTON — executive 4B R rinly $425. palio, largevard

TOWN 4 COUNTRY. BRK609-695-3100

BUCKS COTTAGE - Just $175, 4 rooms, great area, won’t last

TOW N * COUNTRY, BRK 609-695-3 HW

MONMOUTH JCT - lovely 5 room collage, only $275. many extras

TOWN 4 COUNTRY, BRK 609-695-3100

HILLSBOROUGH secluded 6 rooms, $320. la rge yardextras

TO W N *C O U N TRY. BRK 609-695-3100

TITUSVILLE - near Rte 29 only $300, wAv. hurry!

TOW N 4 COUNTRY, BRK. 609-695-3 !O0

PRINCETON — just $375, large 7 room, yard for kids 4pets.

TOW \ 4 COUNTRY. BRK.609-695-3100

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE20FF Thursday, August 3. 1978



Due to growing consumer and retail merchant demand, vie have added 15,000 square feet to our shopping mall located at the hub of New Jer sey's growth frontier There are only five units left Each unrt has ap proximately 1,760 square feet of space We'.re looking for a good cross section of store services and wares to complement our blue-chip mer chant group This area of Central New Jersey is experiencing un precendented, accelerated growth We don't expect this space to be avialble too much longer So, if you're interested, please act now!

P lease phone 201-722-0903 9 a m . to 5 p jr i., M onday through Friday.

CRANBURY - Handyman s Special, 2-family home needs work, can be converted to ' family

*3 * 000

HIGHTSTOWN - INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 2family home 4 rooms each apt., live in one and rentthe other, tow n w ater and sewer $64 *00.

STANLEY T WHITE REALTY INCPrinceton Rd . Hightstown N J Realtor 609448 2477

Apts. For RentBUCKS COUNTY Hope, Riverfront privac bdrtus. 2's baths swimi pool, entry room, living r dining rm modern kite shortirip to Princeton 215

B E A U T I F U L B i t h COUNTY — executive sui 27' hv rm , din rm 20x15. RW 3 hath library breakfi rm kit washer it dryer, du washer, central air $650 m< utils Yardley Commons Ap 215-493-6365 after 5pm 215 4! 1697


t f*• ■' V.



Offers in-town conveniences, aluminum exterior. 2 car detached garage, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, and room for 2 bedrooms upstairs with a finished ceramic tile bath.

Offered a t .............. ............................ .. J ......................... $66.(KK).



HopewellH opew ell Hows* Square Hopewell New Jersey 0*525

>609 466-2550

M * r«»f County MurtlpG U ttln f Snrvkn

Huntnr4e« County Mutttpto Ltstlnf S tnkt

Srincoton Sooi istpto Group


Luxury Apartments 1 and 2 Bedrooms

starting at $255. per month

F eatures:

all-to-W all carpeting over concrete in 2nd floor apts.

All utilities except Electric Individually controlled heat 2 air conditioners Private entrances Walk-in closets Individual balconies Storage room within apt.Laundry Rooms ^Superintendent on site.

Open Mon.-Fri. 12:00- 5:00 p . m .


609- 921-1550



T H IS H A N D S O M E IC IB C A 800country home in nearby Montgomery Township has all the amenities of a new house plus the mystique of an old colonial home. Two living rooms, each with a fireplace, beamed dining room with walk in fireplace four bedrooms and two and one half baths AH on twenty-five acres with a pool and detached three car garage


We re The Place921-1550

Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent * Apts For RentD ire ctio n *: From Princoton P rm tffo n H ig h tito w n *d torn right on OW Tren to n Kd Vi m ite turn loft o«d fo llo w sign*

Apts. For Rent Apts. For RentALLENTOWN. V J

! & 2 bedrooms, living room dining room, kitchen, colored tile bath, luxury apt l bedroom $210 2 bedrooms S265 Immediate occupancy P r iva te entrance private porch, a ir conditioning, c a rp e t in g , th erm opan e, screens, spacious closets and cabinets R e fr ig e ra to r freezer, range oven washer

dryer facilities. TV antenna, reserved parking


BREZA ROAD •iff Yardville-Allentown Rd. |

ALL AREAS ALL PRICES 100’s & 100's of apts and homes 6 offices to serve vou

HOME SEEKERS Realty. $40 S09-394-S900

U N F U R N IS H E D NEW L U X U R Y APTS 1 & 2bedrooms $300 and up

.Meadow Lane Apts , 5 minutes from Princeton Jet; Call 609- 452-2104

HOPEWELL. N J - U r g e 3- 4 bedroom duplex, large dining room & living room w bay window & fireplace plus sizable kitchen, recreation room, separate basement w shop area, sundeck & yard Newly decorated $475/mo Call 609-921-2417 2435

2 BEDROOMS — living room, kitchen with dining area Leigh Ave near Princeton Hospital A va il m id-Aug $265 mo excluding all u tilities security deposit required $365

1 BEDROOM — living room, kitchen with dining area Leigh Ave near Princeton Hospital. A va il m id-Aug $235 'ran excluding all utilities $335 security deposit required

L IV IN G ROOM — with -sleeping area, kitchen with dining area Leigh Ave near Princeton Hospital Ava il mid-Aug $175'mo excluding all u tilities $225 security deposit required





In park-like setting

PRINCETON — best only $225, bills paid, now -3 nice rooms


PRINCETON - 1 BR apt w parking on Linden U ne $350^mo plus utils. I 1? mo sec 609-921-2091.

F R A N k U N C O R N E R GARDENS - Lawrenceville. just off Rt l, now renting 4 and 5 room apts, heat and hot water included $280 and up

Dorn. Apt D-l 609-896-See0990

H ILLSBOROUGH — hand­some 2 BR, $300, w w, 2 baths, laundry, much more

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

HOPEW ELL BOROUGH - 2 BR duplex on Broad St $285 plus util Adults, no pets Cali 609-466-2363

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

DUPLEX FOR RENT - 3 bedroom, AC dish washer, in Princeton Junction $375 per month 609-799-2541

3 or 4 bedroom house, semi fu rn ished " P ro fe s s io n a l people 7 miles from Prin­ceton $525 Yard, parking 609-655 3808

LAW RENCEVILLE - all bibs _id. $235, air, big yard! ,oaded . Call us,

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

e4 room apartment, 10 mm, from Princeton Dishwasher washer, fenced-yard. all utils Business couple $375 mo, 609- 655-3808

HAMILTON SQUARE - rare deal. $50 weekly, fireplace, all private, carpeted & more

HOME SEEKER Brk. $40 394-5900

LAWRENCEVILLE — prime area, under $250. all utils mcl Try us!

TOW N & COUNTRY, BRK 609-695-3100

APARTM ENT AVAILABLE with swimming pool, near Princeton Call 609-799 1385

HIGHTSTOWN - loaded, 4 rooms, only $245. kids & pets OK heat paid, air, carpets

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

WINDSOR — private living $120. no lease, call now, won tlast

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

A P A R T M E N T FOR R E N T 10 minutes from Princeton,

Hopewell Boro Singles are w elcom e $345 plus L 2 utilities Avail Sept. 1. Call 609-799-2760Jfor appl

THREE BEDROOM APT La w r< ncev He 609-896-1318after 7pm

LUXURY 2 BEDRM APT - available for immediate oc­cupancy Call 609-452-2104

DELUXE APT - Hightstown. center of town. 5 rooms, kit & bath. 609-448-2889

WINDSOR —- wonderful duplex, only $240, pets OK, heat paid, appls

HOME SEEKER Brk 140 394-5900

MANV1LLE — 3 room apt for rent. Adults only, 1 mo, secuntv Available Aug 6. Call after 5 201-722-6231 _


Announcing Complete Exterior Maintenance Free Homes!

b yM.R. Toth Construction Inc.

For Particulars Call: 609-655-2330

M A N V ftllC M AT STAflTW N O M

Ranch or 50 by K)0 iot. Low, k m * »*,nchm-< jge *vmq room, 2 bedrooms r m * roofAn anrea'


tying 'tiom, formal dining room, country kit- :har modern batf 3 badroomi 1 car dfeiichad garage many extra* _ , t ,


ocatsct - Rustff Man Ample free parking, y-tttity storeroom over 1500 aq. f t , central air. fe - :ellen- tranatt and wsfc-m trade. C a l for

and informationWt AlSO HA Vi MWOMC LOtl AM Kwoevnoeeeo CA U KXD fTM i

Houses For Rent Houses For Rent Houses For Rent Houses For Rent

E3W -Wo* yrat'r* tarnAft»e 6*c a

§#*• ra sca l •- «ra fcaa


212 Soudi MalaSfc.MaaeMa, M J»

i r a H i m m T r - i m r w i l i M w «U M M tM u m n

HOUSE FOE RENT 3 BR Ivrm , eatin kit fam rm w/fireplace, 3 car garage on l 2 acre in Roosevelt $450 plus utilities 609-448 1422 evenings

J tL L U U k D T R A IL E R inly $150, carpet, appls ■xt’ras


HOUSE FOR RENT — 2 story Colonial in Hopewell. Gooii location 3 bedrooms 14 baths living room, dining room laundry & modern kitchen Rent, $520/mo plus utils 609-924-1474

— 4 bedroom24 bath, close to

Available August 15

A DD «-d ul\ !fa m ,

LAKE HOPATCONG A screened porch, 5 min tohideaway, a retreat, a place to station or Nassau Si Availablelive year round or vacation .'yPpI JFamily like atmosphere Old hole! on Lake Hopatcong. $600 tno 3BR ranch, hugecocktail bar on prem ises fam ily room w/stoneBoating fishing swimming $200 weekly includes 2 meals

fireplace, screened porch, in-ground pool, walk to the

Nolans Point Park Call 201 - station WW Twp Available663*9844 Suomi Hovi Hotel immediatelyAsk for O J

LAW RENCE TOWNSHIP$650 mo 4 BR colonial fam rm LR w/fireplace. c/a WW

elegant 3 BR house large LR Twp Available Sept 1

Houses For Rent houses For RentNfeW TOW NHOUSE - 3 bdrms, 2 4 baths, custom Colonial in lovely setting. 3 miles from center of Prin­ceton Appliances, a c. car­peted, with outside m ain­tenance. $600 mo plus utilities 609-655-0856 evenings 4 weekends 201 -494-2500. ext 418 days.

PENNINGTON garage, basement enclosed proch. $350, kids 4 pets OK

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-5900

WEST WINDS<)R 4 12 year old house on quiet street. 4-1 2miles to Nasisau St Pnnc(1-12 miles 1lo train staticbdrms 2-1 2 baths livingfamily rm. 1ormal diningAll wall wal i carpeted Fmodern kitehen 2-car ga4 basement Asking $595plus utilities 609-799 -0491

HOPEW ELL — on 6 secluded acres, $350, washer dryer, dishwasher, check it '

HOME SEEKER Brk *40 394.>900

FOR RENT - 3 or 4 BR home on wooded loi Large family rm and screen porch w patio W m 5 minutes to Princeton Jet tram station or Nassau St Avail end of Aug $650 mb Call 609-452-2755 or o09 693 -4u84

PR IN C E TO N HOME FOR RENT 4 bdrms 2', bath1 olonial. fireplace, fa m ily rm2 car garage, basement, lo veh lot $775 mo AD l.fcRM AN & CLICK REALTORS. 609-924 0401

DR modem kitchen w < washer. 2 lull tile hi central air. beautifully 1 scaped vard which aff much privacy Utilities me Avail Aug 15 $475 Call after 6pm, 609-8%-on 609-882-9049

HOPEW ELL BOROUGH Unfurnished house dut 3-4 bedrooms, 1 bath, di room, liv in g room fireplace, kitchen, rec n separate basement with area, rear deck ami I porch decorated $475 Call Walter B Howe. Pennington O ffice 609

SPACIOUS RANI H bdrms. 2 baths, large living rm. dining area, & kitchen equipped with cook top oven 4 e m h ref rig freezer, deck, full basement, rec room, large

Walk to bus 4 elementary

ngl$49r> 609 -4r>


carpet, callW ASHINGTON CROSSING near park Old stone farm hm,«r tember 8.

double hou ooms & bath on 6 'acres w. creek HP 2 tember30,-available late Surnmer $435 HOM L SKI HER Brkr 140 bath, huge LR w walk-in fiire“ preferredCall 609-9'.£4-0633 4-59CHI place DRw fireplace kitche send vournr JO! 793 799 c 0 Prino

S O U T H B R l N S W I C K f u r :MSHEL) L'NFCRNBrunsw1ck Acres Fully 1SHIID. 3166 Hwy 27, >ecuntv Horse barn avai

furnished house avail from Kend Pk 4 or 3 ig romsl. 609-737-3548 ROOSEVEmid Aug 4 BRs liv rm. din. c 4 partKing, $350 4 $250 kitchen 3rm . fam rm i\ ba t hs, 2 ca r iocal express to N Y at door PRINCETON LOCATION w lirepiacgarage I lexible lease up to 6 1 2 hr also near A&P & * Cod 4 bedrms, 2 batfroes $590 utilities Call restaijrant AuU Its $400 per month plus utihtu201297 465i3 a f t e r 6 pm all p r in c e t o n j u n c t io nday weekirods FOR RENT I.vOeated adiacent very convenient unfumish€*d

to Pt lo ll Course bedim 1 bath w garge $2FARM HO11 q p pn me al home* with tour large per month plus utilities 1 rC ] > 1 t, J


REALTORS 609-799-8181

TITU SVILLE tempting 4rooms, secluded, $290 w/w, pets OK. extras

HOME SEEKER Brk $40 394-59(6>

HOPEW ELL. N J — Large 3- 4 bedroom duplex, large dining room 4 living room w . bay window 4 fireplace plus sizable kitchen, recreation room, separate basemenl w shop area, sundeck 4 yard New lv decorated $475 mo Cali 609-921-2417 2435

PR IN C E TO N - near Riverside School, completely' furnished 4 B R . 2 '. bath split Lovely fenced yard, patio Immediate occupancy W F ID E L R E A L E S T A T t

ttioning on i Princeton liab le Sep-

CUSTOM TOWN HOUSE - fabulous outdoor patio, 2400 sq ft living area huge rec rm.. A/C, w/w carpet, recreational am enities 4 outdoor maintenance in­cluded Exc schools 4 ideal location betw Rt l. N.J Turnpike 4 130 $550 moOption of lease purchase 201 329-2108

SPACIOUS RANCH — 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, dining room and kit­chen, deck, full basement with rec room, la rge lot overlooking canal in Kingston 1 block to mis and elementary school A va ilab le Aug 1 Fam ily only $500/mo on yearly lease 609-924-8530

LAW RENCE WOODS! - 4 bdrm Colonial Recently built Walk to town or NY bus ra m iiy room w 2 way fireplace, central air, 2 car garage. Avail Sept, for ] yr or longer $600/mo Call 609-452- 5702 weekdays

HOUSE FOR R E N T - HOPEW ELL TW P • 3 bdrm ranch, unfurnished, in-ground

location. $450. acrea utils paid' Rare find

HOME SEEKER Brk . 140 394-5900

■ooms. 2‘ . batns. lamily n. finished basement. 2 car tge Beautiful condition 00 per month Leonard Hise Agencv 609-448-4250

iDghion Real Ksl8 P a lm e r sq LPrinceton N .1


1978 through sep- 1978 Mature couple If interested please reply to Box *01961

1LT — Lvrm eat-in BR. 2 baths, fmrm e. 2 car garage on 7 min from Might nin from Trenton 4 $450 plus utilities

2 evenings

JCT — fenced-tn $.175 air. appls kids 4

welcome, must see'

•ME .SEEKER Brk *40.194 5900

pool fireplace, family room. !oveh setting, all appliances Jacobs Creek Rd Sept 1 to June 1 $650 mo + Utils 609 924-2608 after 5pm

FOR R E N T - in Hillsborough, 2 bedroom townhouse condominium A/c, pool and tennis on premises $435 Contact 201-221-6912 or 874-6265 i j

ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM house Young couple without children pre ferred N ice country setting in Roosevelt, N.J $324 mo Call 609-448-2538 or 448-7174

HOPEWELL on 6 secludedacres. $350. washer dryer dishwasher, check it?

HOME SEEKER Brk. $49 394-59(61

RENT half house kitchen bathroom, living rm, 2 bdrms vard, no pets located in W indsor $230 plus utils Lease avail Sept 1 Call after 5 pm. 609-466-1000

LARGE COLONIAL -+- with magnificent landscaped yard in Princeton 4. bdrms 2'2 baths living rm w fireplace, dinmg rm. fam rm. large eat in kitchen Asking $800 per month plus utils Available early Fall Call 609-452-4353

LO VELY 3 BR 2 bath ranch in Kendall Park Private yard, near P rineeton/N YC bus Avail Sept Family preferred $450/mo plus utils' on vearly lease 201-874-3306

F O R R E M O D E L I N G , R E STO R A T IO N , cabinets, countertops 4 floor sanding Call Frank Sr 609-259-7058

ALL AREAS, ALL PRICES 100's 4 100’s of apts and homes 6 offices to serve you

HOME SEEKERS Realty. $40 609- 394-5900

3 BEDROOM - 2 yr oi townhouse in historic Lan bertville, central air, off stre< parking, all appliance: $400 mo, available in Sep 609-397-2183 after 6pm

NESHANIC FARMHOUSE -4 4 BR 2 full baths. LR DR, large modern kitchen, washer 4 d ryer A va il Aug 1 SS75/mn 201 359-4652 after 6

HIGHTSTOWN House for family of 3, attic and basement, yard $350/mo plus utilities 4 maintenance Inquire at 151 Wycoff Ave , Hightstown,


OCEAN FR O N T - Long Beach Island, beautiful new 3 bedroom , m baths, spectacular view, w/w car peting, washer/drver dish­washer Sept 4 Winter ren tab. 201-445-5856 or 609-494 6410

LONG BEACH ISLAN D Beach Haven, beautiful 2 bdrm apt. avail. 7 !28 - 8/5., 8 19-8 26 9 2-9'9 $185 week Adults, no pets 609-737-1159

POCONOS — wooded building lot Y ear round resort location 1 . acres $7800 Call 609-799-3046

SE PT — OCT - Vermont lakefrnnt cottage available for rental by week or long weekend Completely private on 8 mile long Lake Bomoseen near Rutland 3 bedrooms living room kitchen, deck and family room overlooking lake Excellen t sw im m ing 4 fishing, boat included Perfect location to enjoy fall foliage season $150'week $100-long weekend 609-448-7439 a fter 6pm Between Aug 19-Sept 2 call 802-273 2219

ResortP r o p e r t i e s

F O R R E N T - Vermont Green M L Luxurious 3 bdrm fully equipped stream side townnouse, 1250/week in­cludes linens, heated pool 4 tennis courts, 10 mins to golf 4 horseback riding Call 201- 297-3485 after 6pm, for free folder

POCONOS - LAKE NAOMI Like new chalet 3 bdrm, 2 bath, frp l., dishwasher, wash/dryer Near lake, clubhouse pool, tennis, family extras $250/wk 201-359-6268 rent/buy

M A G N IF IC E N T VIEW - Interesting oH house on bluff overlooking C~pe Cod Bay at W ellfleet F irep lace deck, sleeps 6 Birds, trails, fishing, bright sun. cool nights Sept Oct $115-$170/week 201-521-0229 In Aug wrrite Foster, Box 352, South Wellfleet. Mass 02663 617 349-9490

HOUSE IN BARBADOS WEST INDIES fully fur­nished for rent 2BR. 1 bath, hot 4. cold water Located in Si Peter, 100 yds from beach For more info call 609-924-1789 after 5pm

BOOTHBAY, M AINE — Salt water front cottage Franklin stove, tennis Aug 5-26 or Sept $225 week 201-359-6452

LONG BEACH ISLAND - Ocean front 3 BR H i baths Avail Apr. Mav. June 4 Sepi $30/day 609-799-2235

LONG BEACH ISLAN D . Harvey Cedars — ocean side, 2 bedroom apt screened in sun porch Due to cancellation Avail Aug 12 to Sept 2, $250 wk 609-494-1456 or 215- 357-6568

RENT VACATION HOUSE in Poconos 4 bedrooms. 2 baths F ree sw im m ing, boating, tennis Screened porch Available immediately Call 201-846-5230

POCONO MANOR. PA - House 7 bedrooms. 3 bedrooms, kitchen sundeck championship go lf course $250 per Week Cal) AC 215- 493 3664 dukihg day or AC 215- 295-2040 after 9 P M and weekends

POCONOS - 2 hr drive 4 Bdrm and 3 bdrm houses available Pvt community, sw im m ing tennis, many activities S250/ wk $200 wkrespectively 201-359-3518


LIKE CAM PING? — Vermont hilltop small isolated cabin 4 bunks, outside tap, outhouse 15 min drive to village Lovely lake Ava ilab le thru mid- October $40 weekly. 609-921- 7633.

LONG BEACH ISLAND 4 bdrm. Cape Cod, and 3 bdrm duplex Low rates after Labor Day 609-655-2656 or 492-8259

FLA BEACH CONDO 2 BR. 2 bath, $280 wk Mr McGuire, 609-655-3662 or 201-746-6600

GREAT GORGE PLAYBOY CLUB - Time Share Plan, Stay 2 wks for next 11 yrs at H3 cost Also use as country club golf, tennis, swim, ski at reduced rates 201-297-5371

3 - S r ' e s s

: pe"’ esOFFICE SPACE - 2 new 1000 sq ft adjoining offices, each with lav and independent heat and central atr Close-in hwy 206 location with ample parking Still time to arrange tor partitions, ceiling preference wall and floor treatm ent $400/mo net Neighboring offices leased to professional tenants Phone Tuschak Realty 609-921 1720 for details j

SALE OR RENT - Church building, classrooms, kitchen 4 banquet room, parsons house. 9 miles to Princeton, 2 to West Windsor. 5 to Trenton Good neighborhood, on busline parking for 50 cars. Ideal for professional persons, private school, restaurant 4 so forth Call 201-663-9844


RENTW ARREN PLAZA WEST Rt 130 4 Dutchneck Road

2 room suite $240/mo4 room suite $450/mo

office furniture available> Attractive prestigious building with ample parking in ex­cellen t location. Paneled walls, carpeting, acoustic, ceiling, central air. 1 or 2 vear lease with option Call 609-448- 6586 , 9am-lpjn

RETAIL STORE with cent air plus 3 rm apt on 2nd floor Paved parking lot Excellent traffic location next to Turn­table Junction in Flemington Live and work in your own building Phone Tuschak Realty, 609-921-1720 for details


Country Cottage in Skill man witti living room, dining room, kitchen der bedroom and bath Completely furnished, Available Sep! lOtti 51M




BusinessP r o p e r t i e s

OFFICE SPACE downtown Princeton 1 room perfect for consultant or sales person. 138

m odes electric, firstfloor carpeted, desk 4 typewriter available $225 a month Available now-month to month or longer 609-921 3092

WAREHOUSE SPACE - 10x12 door to 288 sq. feet, ground tiisT ptu >76 sq feet 2nd level Total 864 sq feel Make offer Evens call 609-395-1258

JUST L IS TE D - Amoco Service Station on 4.3 acres 5 bays. 2 lifts Owners relocating Ranch house With full basement included Asking $160,000 Term s availab le. P lease call Sussman Realty , Realtors, 609-896-9300


Hightstown AreaAll utilities. 1004 sq.ft

Ideal for professional use Call 609-448-2426

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 800 sq ft. Rt, 130 4 Prin­

ceton Road, Carduners Shopping Center Call 609-4480574

DOCTOR’S OFFICE SPACE for rent. 3 rooms on ground floor, approx 600 sq ft Private entrance, lavatory, post office bldg Kingston Call 609-466-2012

WEST WINDSOR INCOME PRO PERTY - 3 units 3 bedroom house, studio/store both rented separate small

building Good parking $89,500 Broker, W Bricklev, 609-924-7474


HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE22FF Thursday \ugu«t 3, 1978



231 ROGERS AVE HIGHTSTOWN C O Z Y CAPENear Intermediate school Living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms bath down 2 finished bedrooms up W IW carpet, full basement 2% car garage Maintenance free siding and many oth * nice features...................... .................. $43 WOLOVELY TOWN AREA3 bedroom Split, living room with cathedral ceilinf, modern eat-in kitchen, rec room, 1 <4 baths, carpeting throughout 1 car attached garage Mint condition $45 90CCONDOM INIUMAll on first floor 1 bedroom, living room, dining area, fully equipped kitchen, carpet throughout, central air patio Reduced to $25 000

Another 1 bedroom condo this one with formal dining room $27 500 End unitThis attractive first floor 2 bedroom, 2 bath con­dominium has been uniquely decorated with custom drapenes, carpeting, and mirrors. You will be impressed with how charming and comfortable ms. $31,900,FOR RENT2 bedroom apartment in a colonial home which has been recently remodeled and refurbished $275.2,500 Square Foot Office Building Near to Exit 8 and 8A This is a brand new office building Office* d o w n to w n locatior Call for particulars EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP LAND10 acre rectangular property with 5 room house 5 acres clear 5 acres wooded Zoned Industrial Office $170 000

CONVENTIONAL m o r t g a g e s a v a il a b l eAS LOW AS 5% DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS

Howard iird*aii Ron«M» K**tlor

*09.44*. 1*34 *0* 44* 5340


ROUTE 130 Windsor, 3 offices containing 600 sq.ft plus 150 sq.ft storage space, your own front entrance & parking lot. $300 per month includes all utilities. Call 609- 443-1551, 9-6pm

OFFICE SPACE FOR R E N T — central Nassau St Small or large, avail now low rent Telephone secretarial services available 609-024-2040

OFFICE SPACE 780 sq ft. Princeton Hightstown Rd Ample parking Write Box*01813 c/o Princeton Packet

STORAGE OR SHOP tor rent nearR te 1 & Inf 295 No auto repair 609-896-0514

HAMILTON SQUARE - 20 min from Princeton, office or store space O ff-street pa rk mg, references 609-924 0498 , 7-9 p m

DOWNTOWN PENNINGTON large building abilable for

prolessionai' and/or office space Lease and rent negotiable depending on renovations requested or requ ired A va ilab le Sep­tember l Call 201-359-3610

WANTED TO RENT 2400 3000 sq.ft light industrial space for workshopReasonable rent 201-246-8197

RETAIL STORE - & Office Space available Rt. 206, Belle Mead Will alter to suit 201- 159-3000

Garages For Rent

HOPEWELL - 2-car garage storage space $60 $30'*09-466-2363

BORDENTOW N C ITY - 3 car ga rage with e lec tr ic ity Sl'25'mo Call 609-298-3588

Real Estate Wanted

Land For SaleMILLSTONE TWP - 24 wooded acres brook ap

groved P e rk test 4 mi from ,xit 8 off Rt 33 east 609-448


ELM RIDGE PARK - 14acre lot with trees Willfinance*42,000 net Call 609-737-2203

M O N TG O M E R Y T W P - Minutes from Princeton 4.6

rt wooded acres 563 ft rontage Cherry Hill Rd Perc est & soil log approved for

building. 1 house only 609-466- 0742


5 ACRE LAKE — surrounded bv fields 4 woodland Ex c e p t io n a l iy d e s i r e a b le property-includes thousands of evergreen Great in­vestment potential. Will sub­divide 2 acre lot. 609-466-1687

2 ACRE LOT East Windsor, 609-448-0807

Woods Road, $15,000 firm

LAND WANTED building lot m We: Call after 2 pm. (

w oooea r incisor(85-1451

Land For SalePA R A D IS E FOUND - approx 30 acres of w ilderr Woods, fields and brook, 7 from Princeton $60,000 359-3684 evenings


ACT NOW : Of r a n the opportunity to own !*w to maculate condo in model-tike condition Ptuahty carpeted and featuring large living roofr dining bogttt kitchen, cetemit bath bedroom and laundry at an .noetevrt*. * »

V A lU f PLUS: Quiet Quad « Location, 3 bedrooms. 1 » baths, modem kitchen, ftnahed baeemem a* appliances setter w * participate in closing costs Cal Now 1 M .S t C


Q P U \j n ' . (■

T O U «

SUNOAYTwin tivp r* 1-5 8 M

m - .- l m » >11111111 t»i *•••Qww ■ alw T»

i ONM*»> m ***,♦#• MMtI a.aBdris *• WrtrfWktMf Wy»m Olfcai

ASSU M rnO N 4 num e the VA mortgage with current annual TVs % interest lor «ss man 20% down Lovely Quad IV 3 bedroom, townhouee with al appliances central a* oabo 214 baths, hilt basement large kvrtg room diring kitchen /family room com bination and more M * N O .

FOUR M DtOO** Excedem condition and convenient making location for shopping, pools tennis, ate Slate lover living room formal dining huge combination kitchenltamity room, leading to beeutitui brick pet». 4 bedrooms 214 baths full basement all appliances central a» and more $45 ,400

ADULT C O M M U N m Ctearbrook Condo Resales * me bedroon apartments to three bedroom single family homes with garage Security maintenance goH swimming appkances clubhouse Resales starting at 435*06

L A lta i J ST O f f : Ample room for all in this gracious older 2 story home on a mature 50 * 150 site in Hightstown Featuring a panelled living room formal dining eat in kitchen den 4 bedroom bath, basemen!, fenced in yard and more $42,400

I*ARK LOCATION _ovefy quiet location across bom charming park «h Hightstown frames this excellent colonial home Picture windowed living room dining, handsome satin kitchen 3 bedrooms, bath full finished basement patio off kitchen enclosed 'ear yard, 2 zone heat carpeting and more at an outstanding

$51 500

F AMU V W-LiVEL Exceptionally large brieve: home on a 125 x 175 site with mature shade trees in East Windsor Features include 21 picture windowed living room large formal dining, bnght modem eat m kitchen, panelled family room with fireplace 4 bedroom, 1 *4 baths, 2 car garage storage shed central ait and more. $64 400

SPECIAL SPLIT: Situated in the desirable Devonshire/Renaissance area Of East Windsor on a well landscaped 100 x 200 site Features include large foyer, gracious living room, dining, modern eat in kh cben 20 panelled family room, 4 bedrooms, 214 baths basement2 car garage, patio, central air and more

IMMACULATE COLONIAL ynde wnership makes this 8 vee old colonial home a prize purchase Framed by a mature half acre lot arid featuring gracious foyer, piano sure living room, formal dining large eat-in kitchen panelled family room 4 bedrooms, 214 baths, full basement patio, central aw, 2 car garage and more

$75 400

BE A WALKING COMMUTER Walk to Pnnceton Junction Tran Station in less than 10 minutes from this large colonial home in Benfqrd Estates Gracious foyer living room formal dining, modem; eat-tn kitchen, panelled den with fireplace, 4 large bedrooms, 214 baths tuH basement 2 car garage patio and more I4B 500


IMMACULATE RANCH Superb 3 yeat old ranch in top East Windsor location Featuring picture win do wed living room, formal dm wig, large eat-rn kit­chen, family room 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths basement garage patio central aw and carpeting at a realist!,: 143 *06




Real Estate For Sale

SALE BY OWNER W indsor: love ly

East i-leve l

Colonial 1st level features large open foyer, formal DR, eat-in modern kitchen & paneled FR w/brick fireplace LR on 2nd level has cathedra! ceiling Next level has 4 BRs, one a teenage suite 24 baths, centra l a ir & vacuum, w all /wall carpet, 2 car garage basement, and prof landscaped lot are just some of the extras Call for appt 609 448-6082

HIGHTSTOWN — excellent location near High School, 8 yr old Bi-Level, Mint con dition 8 Rms 4 Bdrms , family Rm , 1 car garage excellent. Landscaped fenced in yard corner lot. Wall to Wall Carp Storm s & Screens, Priced to sell - $56,500

Real Estate For Sale


Large Ranch Home — on a h illside surrounded by old oaks with a lawn leading down to the Delaware R iv e r J a p a n e s e Garden, pool, 3 baths, 3 bedroom s, 3 powder rooms, fireplace and lots of luxury

V i % B O U D I NM em ber of

M u lt ip le List ing Service R ealtor 809-883-19®®

Real Estate For Sale

EAST WINDSOR - 3 B/R Ranch, 2 fu ll baths, full basement, oak floors, central air. 1/2 acre 8 years old in excellent cond Near Kreps School Avail Oct. 15 $65,000 Firm 609-448-6586 weekdays 9am-4pm For sale by owner wily f]

HOPEW ELL TOWNSHIP — B ayberry Rd 3 6 acres, partia lly wooded large stream on property Satisfactory perc Ready to build By owner 201-431(759

TWIN RIVERS - 3 BR. Quad III, Dining room converted into panelled den and now we have a large sunny country kitchen, & many decorator extras. Come and see it! 609 443-5192

LA W R E N C E TO W NSH IP Lot with trees in a cul-de-sac on a dead-end street All custom-built home area close to Lawrence Shopping Center Sewer and water Seller must approve house plans Will build to suit


609-695-8501 anytime

2'4 ACRE BUILDING LOT - in West Windsor with perc lest $28,500 Call 609-799-0085

2 TWO ACRE LOTS - tm mediate vicinity of Spruce run lake with view Perc tests and soil log Call 1609 >883-6576

3 ESTATE SIZE LOTS - all beautifully wooded, each with private driveway entrance 74 acres $55,000. 94 acres $68,000. 17 acres with lake $88,000 Surrounded by ex pensive homes and estates in Princeton area Princeton address Out of state owner desires immediate sale Write Box *01922 c o Princeton Packet Inch address & phone

Real Estate For Sale

VICTORIAN. Brick. 10 rooms 2*3. baths, modern kitchen, fireplaces, large well land scaped lot, patio, 2-car garage half hour to Pnnceton in Lambertville In the $90‘s E.J LELIE AGENCY 609 397 1700

MONTGOMERY TW P New 4 tied room Colonial, Large rec room with raised hearth firep lace 2 -4 baths, full basement. 1 acre lot Extras Call builder $118,000 201-359 5837

R E A LTO R S 609-448-8811 Twin Rivers Town Center

SOUTH BRUNSWICK TWP 6 4 acres, mostly wooded 3

t>edrm , older house 2 full baths, fireplace, 2 car garage breezeway, 225 ft frontage $55,000 Call John Crocker Realtor. 609-586-0220

OWNER MUST SELL 4 yr old house $84,900 in Hunterdon County Value $100,000 12rooms. 6 bedrooms on 3 open farm acres Oversized detached garage with enclosed lean-to for horse or whatever 7 ft studio over garage En­closed windowed porch room t X 9 House and garage 100 percent Douglas fir con­struction 24' dog run 280 gal gasoline tank. 1000 gal oil tank resulting in 10 percent discount on oil cost Thick insula'ion throughout Fuel bill for one year. $320 200 AM P e lectric . A ttic fan cooling svstem Hot water baseboard heal throughout Perfect for large fam ily. mother-daughter set up professional man or for income Two complete* in­dividual apts Available 1m mediately Call 201-782-8289

SOMERSET CO Sale by owner, ( apt* Cod 4 bedrms, 2 lull baths, central air, w w carpeting 100x150 lot $64.900 201-356-8288.

H ILLSBOROUGH TW P — modern brick ranch w 4 large iiedrms on j plus acres in the exclusive Sourland Mtn area Only 572.500 201-389-3414 nr301 985-3100


up-graded carpet raj wax kitchen flo k patio and landsc

all appliances grime location

TWIN RIVERS - 3 BR. 24 bath, desirable Quad I, Ind- seped patio w gas gri. C/ac, are among extras Owner transferred Priced to sell $42,400 Call after 6 609-443- 4539

2 BEDROOM - 2 bath con­dominium, 4 vrs old, large rooms, total electric, main- tainence free grounds, wall wall shag, washer, dryer d is h w a s h e r , f r o s t - f r e e refrigerator redwood patio, deck Pool & tennis use Many extras Must be seen For appl call 609-448-5776

TRENTON — Historic Mill H ill. 148 Jackson St., 2 bedrooms, $31,900 C E Bugdal, Broker 609 394-5039

H I L L S B O R O U G H - (Millstone area; beautifully landscaped. 3 bdrm ranch, panelled fam ily room. 14 bath, w w carpet P R IN ­CIPLES O NLY $69,900 201-359-4219 __ |

C H E S T E R F I E L D - CROSSW ICKS By owner Large colonial on sprawling 1.1 wooded acres U ltra modern kitchen, 4 bedrdoms, 2 t/2 baths Vermont weatherboarded den; with bricked F-sanklin Stove Spacious dining room and living room Full basement, 2- car garage 5 years old, mint condition. $78,000 609-259-2S38

LAW RENCEVILLE Custom California Rancher Wgodlike setting, mature oaks tulips, elm , dogwood trees, professionally' landscaped 3 bedrooms. 2 full baths Cathedral ce ilings Foyer living room w firepiade plus outside firep la ce covered patio Full dining rikirri, large panelled family room, built-in bookcases and windowseat Heated garage, running water Central a ir BY O W N E R P R IN C IP A L S O N LY ' 609-896-0635

Real Estate For Sale

FOR SALE BY OWNER - 7 m iles form Princeton , 3- bedroom corner ranch w (attached garage in one of the nicest sections of Hamilton Sq Generous-sized liv in g room and charming dining room with wood-beamed ceiling overlooking panelled den Hardwood oak flooring with w all-to-w all carpeting throughout! Modern eat-in kitchen and air conditioning to cool entire house Another added attraction Professionally finished 18x24 rec-room with * cedar panelling, cedar-lined closet, congoleum floor, and wet bar' Plenty of mature shade trees and shrubs surrounded in back by split rail fence' $58,900 '609: 452-4195 during day, 609 890-9549 after 6

TW IN R IV E R S Ideally located 3 BR. townhouse. Quad I I I O versize yard, special landscaping, stucco beamed fam room 7% VA mortgage, partially finished basement No-wax floor. 5 appliances, central air, many other extras. Low 40’s 609-443 4 1 8 6 . ____________

EAST B RU NSW ICK AP P L E T R E E — By owner, immaculate 3 vr old, bi-level, wooded loi. 4 BR, 2 1/2 baths, fmrm. formal dining rm. w w cpU C/a, Ig deck, burglar/nre alarm, sprinkler system, plus man\ extras Asking $92,500 201 257-1693

RANCH 7 rooms. 3 large bedroom s, kitchen-dinette, fam ily room , pool, large landscaped and I reed lot Asking $55,500.

RIVERS (,,»uad IV UK erd unit, twnhse by

Real Estate For Sale

MUST BE SEEN — By owner Princeton Twp newly decorated split level Walk to shopping center and schools 3 bedrooms. 14 baths modern kitchen.'family room, living room with built-in oookshelves, dining room has French doors to huge screened porch overlooking private vard with in-ground swim­ming pool 1 car garage, carpon with attached storage shed, all appliances including trash compactor, dishwasher and gas barbecue in yard Manv extras Principals only. $110,000 609-924-8679

TW IN R IV E R S — 3 BR Townhouse fin den upgrd appl. opting, C/a, Prof lnd- seped bkv<£ gas grl, many extras 609-443-6325

TW IN RIVERS - Quad IV, 3 BR end unit excel loc, many extras 609-443-3982 upgrd appl. newly painted

88 ACRE farm 4 bedroom house + bam for sale Located between A llentown and Hightstown 609-599-9248

TWIN RIVERS - QUAD IV 3 bdrm Townhouse By owner. Lots of extras Call 609-448 5619 ---------------------------— 'AVON V ILLAGE — Condo, 1 BR, pvt entrance end unit, $23,900 609-448-8663 days only

LAR G E 2 F A M IL Y RESIDENCE - both 2 BR Income producing 609-448- 2889

MANV1LLE SOUTH SIDE 2 FAMILYAluminum siding. Kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms and bath on each floor 2 car detached garage 73' x


■ns andmark 2 story commercial building is in the offering. ,-dl buck, 1st floor contains center hall foye* 4 huge rooms plus a kitchen Et full bath Second floor has 2 apartments, 3 rooms each and ul oath Large walk-in attic basement with 4 zone no wate* heating system Ample parking area property faces 2 streets. Fantastic use for Doctors,

»wvers Engineers and Retail Store Outlets Call for details $1 * 0 000


Stadeie s Organ Building is in the offenng Owner retired and moving. Huge corner parcei.with 2 nice

zee parking areas Main building has 3 stores or -ice suites Attached dwelling can be converted

c office use or mufti-family use. Detached 3 car garage Many other extras Call for details Asking

$300 000

Chameski If Bongiom oRealtor and Insurance

42 So. Main St. Manvilla (201)722-0070

Evening hour* on Tue* Thur*. £ Friday lo t* i»«rtilne* 20 ) 722-S52*

Real Estate. For Sale

TWIN RIVERS, Quad II, beautiful 2 BR twnhse. ftnb smt. many manv extras Must sell Call 609-443-4542

KENDALL PARK 8 mom ranch on cul-de-sac, large lot, low $50’ s ACA R E A L T Y Broker 201-297 1944


BEST V A LU E IN E X ­CLUSIVE WEST WINDSOR - lovely, 4 BR. 2G bath, bi-level n large treed lot. Walk to

schools, train, shopping Owner transferred Asking $74,500 609-799-4263

CAPE COD HOUSE — in Pnnceton Near schools & shopping center, 4 BR. 2 baths $76,500 Call R E broker. W Briekley 609-924-7474

TW IN R IV E R S —By owner Why buv OUR 3 BR 24 bath Split ’ WE offer choice location ■n scenic lake, fireplace, new

cpt ihruout, Cathedral ceiling besides other extras Priced to S e lf Low 40‘s 609-443-5718

TWIN RIVERS Quad III. deaily located townhouse. 2 ■*drms. den. 5 appliances, gas grill patio, finished basement, c a. new carpeting no-wax entry fover. many extras Assumable 7% mortgage Bv >wner 609-443-6187

BUCKS CO UPPER MAKEF1ELD - 3 mites to I 95 8 5 acres with woods and stream Restored stone & frame home, circa 1710 4fireplaces. 6 bedrooms. :u baths, exposed beams in living room & library, dining room Stone outbuilding, spring house, mg round pool Secluded yet convenient. $225,000 Call or send for brochure EASTBURN REALTORS 156 N State St., Newtown, Pa 189-44 215)968-6711[

TW IN R IV E R S 3 BR ’wnhse, 24 baths, finished bsmt, w bookcases & cedar closet, attic fan. recerts paint in & out. gas grill.I upgrd carpts. manv x-tras 609-448- 8736 . 1 .

KENDALL PARK 3166 Hw> 27; 2 fam house/ 9 rms . 4 baths, gar 200 ft: frontage storage shed. 20 X 80 f! 3 15 acres. $95,000, $16,000 cash, 18 yrs to pay. bai al 8 12 per cent int bus stop at door near schools, A&P. church & restaurant 201-297*4560

ow ner $43,900 609-44 8 '4:r79-

TWIN RIVERS QUAD IV - 2 . KENDALL PARK PRIVACYBR. 14 bath twnhse ( A, s/S, h room Ranch, 2 baths, central5 uppis incl s-c oven 609-448 air, many extras. Low 50's. By5099 owner 201-297-6852

SOUTH BRU NSW ICK TW IN R IV E R S - 2 BRRural 8 room Ranch $37,500 Townhouse, lakefront finA C A . REALTY, broker 201- bsmt, manv built-in features297-1944 $39,500 Must see 609-443-4772

COLON I Al. Our builder is building this 8 room. 24 bath. 4 spacious bedroom home with lull basement 2 car garage on a ! acre lot in a lovely rural area, ava ilab le exclu sive ly 1 hruugh Mid-Jersey Call us now Price is only $87,500

MID-JEHSE1 RE \t T$ Realtors

Rt 206. Belie Mead. \.J.201-359-3444

IW'NER E W IN G 'it on. N J Mtn viewBrick rancher on 2f!

ft lot 3 bedrm, 2ig rm vv fireplace,

eat-m imodern ki2 car garage wcentral Air. wall t

meting, uiif ini shed :r $85,500 Call 609-8It

TWIN RIVERS Quad 111, 2 bdrm wnhse with uen or 3rd bdrm, U. baths, c a, w/w carpet. 5 appl copper w iring, aitic tan, storms and screens, hum idifier, smoke alarm , panelled entrance & dining rm., newly papered kitchen & bathroorr new floor in kit­chen. great location, 1 block from pools & (ransporiation 7 T. assumable nitge Super Buv' Call 609-443-6638

area % BEDROOM 2 bath Con- Lt ft v dominum. 4 years old Large baths, rooms, total electric, main- dining tenance free grounds, tchen. wall/ w a ll shag washer.auto dryer dishwasher frostfree

s wall refrigerator, redwood patio second deck Pool & tennis use Many 82-1901 extras Must be seen For

Only appointment call 609-448-5i<6

W EST WINDSOR IN THE 60 s Owner selling 3 BR. 24 bath

split near tram, shopping top schools. E xtras Asking $68,500 Principals Only. 609- 799-3162

TWIN RIVERS - Quad I, 'errific 3 bdrm Townhouse w manv extras at 20 Bennington Dr 609-448-4848

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP - Allentown area Custom-built rancher, 3 BR. 14 baths. DR LR. eat-in kitchen, family room, full basement, 2 car garage. 16x32 in-ground pool, cen tra l a ir, a ll aluminum siding Lot 100x185 Many extras Price S68.900 609-259- 7743. ___________ __________

NEW LISTING - EWING - customized 5 bedroom split featuring an unusually large family rec room, and a re­cently remodeled kitchen with the highest quality appliances, cabinets & custom extras; including a solarium im ­mediately off the kitchen Central air. large wooded lot, many extras, priced at $75,900



HOUSE FOR SALE by owner jamilv and store. Man-

ville. Camplain Rd 201-722-7U98

KEND ALL PARK - 6 room : olomai on quiet side street. 3 hdrms 2 baths, attached garage, $51,900 Call owner, 201 297 7080

Real Estate For Sale

' EAST WINDSOR - Cranbury Manor By orig inal owner Move-in condition. 4 oedrm, bi-level, choice location, est neighborhood, 1/2 acre, professionally landscaped, wooded & leve led lot, magnificent back yard, pic­ture-windowed liv ing rm ., formal dining rm modern eat-in kitchen, 14 baths w/windows, separate laundry rm , storage area, central AL w electronic air cleaner, auto, garage opener k many other desirable extras $66,900 Call 609-448-8616, Principals only

KENDALL PARK - need_ an economical 6 room, ranch. 3 bdrms. 2 baths, attached garage $46,900 Call owner, 201-297-1975

HOME IN SPE C TIO N by licensed engineers One day service Call for information Princeton Home Inspection609-921-3775

ROSSMOOK Condominium — Available in May Excellent location 609-655-3307

HILLSBOROUGH TOWN- HOUSE ( Brookside Sq) — condominium home, lgcountry kit. w/no waxCongoleum. 3 BR. huge MB, 24 bath, full bmt., w/w caimet in halls, stairs, DR. 2 BR Pvte fenced in yd, a/c, humidifier, smoke alarms, gas heat, thermopane wndws, hdwd firs., 2 pools, 4 tennis cts, playgd Own vour land maintenance free ’ fey owner Principals only, by appt $54,500. 201-526-0194 before 6


Frying to succeed in business in Central Jerse\ without advertising in any of the T Packet newspapers is about as successful as this household substitute for a saddle horse.


F he Manville Sew s (201 ) 725-3300

The F ra nkl in N F W S R E C O R D (201) 725-3300




1 he 1 jnveeiiee l.edijer (609) 896-9100


CH ILLS BOROUGH BEACON, (201) 359-0850

Rea Estate For Sale

ail,E BY OWNER - 2 >nck classic country

home in prestigious Cream Ksdge u h approx 2*. acres of rolling lawn & huge shade !rees Large center hallway w beautiful staircase Livir

a froom has fireplace & old oa, beams Formal dming room w French doors Recently remodeled kitchen Very large family room or mother-in-law

1 full as 4

apartment » adioini bath Second floor bedrooms, walk in closets, alcove 4 full bath Basement has been finished into ad­ditional rooms All carpeting included Several out >u ,dings $89 500 Call 600-758-

2510 Principals only

NEW LIST IN G ' Twin Rivers, immac 2 bdrm twnhse fully carpeted l 1* baths fin base bar, 5 G E appis storm & screens c a. unique eat ui kitchen best location custom patio Walk to tennis, basketball, baseball, football, pool playground, school 1 block to shopping, NYC trans $38,500 By owner 609-443-3754

BRICK VICTORIAN - on a near acre hillside in Lam bertville Center entrance hall with slate floor transomed double doors at each end 8 rooms, I bath 4 a large, half- finished m aster bath in dressing room Modem kit chen. 2 staircases 4 landings Mature plantings Needs some work but worth it at $63,000 609-397-8057 evenings 4 weekends

CUSTOM TOW N HOUSE fabulous outdoor patio, 2400 sq ft living area, huge rec rm , A/C, w/w carpet, recreationa l am enities 4 outdoor maintenance in­cluded Exc schools 4 ideal location betw Rt 1, M.J Turnpike 4 130 $57,900 201 329-2108


Choice Ham ilton Square neighborhood, lovely 3 bdrm split. 1*2 baths, cheerful eat*in kitchen, formal dining rm 4 living rm, family rm, w/w carpet, laundry 4 rumpus room, attached garage, large patio, porch, shed, 4 many extras Professionally land­scaped Come visit us at 67 Walt Whitman Way, Sat Aug, 5, ll-6pm 4 Sun Aug 6, 11- 6pm Asking $52,900 Call 609 587-7872,

M INI FARM custom built 1000 sq ft home featuring central air 2 fireplaces 2-car garage m-ground pool with cabana, 2 story 30x50 bam ort 4 acres, located in Springfield 1 »'P- only 6 years old. $130,000 GALE REALTORS 609-758 3300

TW IN R IV E R S - 4 BR twnhse, 2 4 bath, prof decorated, s s, C/a, all appi dbl gas grl, brick patio, hmdfr C vac, many extras High $40 s 609-443-3461

TWIN RIVERS Quad IV , j 3 BR 2*a bath twnhse. nice location, s/s, other extras $42,900 609-443-1386

TWIN RIVERS — 3 bdrm twnhse. upgrade neutral w 'w, s?s, finished basement, patio, fam rm, gas gnll, move-in cond Low $40 s 609-448-0228 eves ’wk nds


With a view over the beautifulJericho Valley near New Hope, this 6 acre estate is the epitome of a country placeCustom built, with finest quality workm anship and materials, the house nestles against a wooded hillside 9 rooms, including LR 17x28 , form al DR, huge kitchen w island sinks 4 mam butlt- ins panelled lib ra ry w fireplace screened: dining porch 4 spacious bedrooms. 3 baths, 2 powder rooms below at want but leve l;a recreation or family room 17x44> w/wet bar dressing 4 powder rooms Sliding doors lead to the filte red sw im m ing popl Com plete privacy Owner m oving South lias set a realistic price $209,000

J < arroll Mol toy, RealtorThe Heritage Group

30 So Mian St Dovlestown. Pa

215 348-3558 open Sunday 12-4

YAR D LE Y Brand new home owner must relocate 4 BR, 24 bath, center hall colonial. ‘ 2

acre prim e exec area.commute to NY or Phil $94,900 Pnn only, no realtors 215-493-1054



Pa PropertiesAN E S TA TE for the d iscrim inating buyer who recognizes value and was born with taste 20 incredible acs surround the outstandingly beautiful 18th century stone manor house and the ar­chitecturally brilliant studio There are "also 2 charming income or guest cottages and a barn All in the estate area of U. Makefield Twp $325 000

81S Clinton, Ooylestown, Pa .15 348-88W •' 348-8098 eve-

Y A R D L E Y AR E A This superb- 4 bedroom 24 bath colonial mirrors the prestige of its Lower Makefield setting E le g a n t a p p o in tm e n ts throughout include pegged floors, family room with stone fireplace and open beams, eat- in custom kitchen, screened porch and 2 car attached garage Natural beauty of the wooded site enhances the patio Ready for the executive family anxious for a home in move-m condition Easy New York or Princeton commuting E L L IO T T R E A L T Y MLS Realtor, 609-771-9133, eves 215-297-5319

Too Late To Classify

PUBLISHER of new multi- volume general encyclopedia, positioned between Brittanica and World Book, headquar tered in Princeton , seeks experienced copy editor Minimum of 2 years work on encyclopedias, re ference work, college texts, or quality non-fiction trade Salary range $10 14,000 depending on

ualtfications and experience end resume ana work

sam ple. stating salary requ irem ents to Gemma Scherer A rete Publishing Companies, CN-28 Princeton Forrestal Center Princeton N J 08540

SPANISH LIV ING RM - 2 piece red sectional w attached Slack slate end tables mat­ching slate octagon coffee table, red velvet tabie and swag lamps like new $635 Call 609-586-3720

SAX-W OODW IND p layer needed for part time 7 pc jazz/rock group Vocals helpful Experienced serious musician only Call Steve 609 695-9783 between 6-7 pm

FURNISHED 5 B/R HOUSE _ PRINCETON $700/mo plus Util 609-921-7591 or 924-4400ext 235

BASS P L A Y E R vocalist needed for part-time 7 pc jazz/rock group Experienced serious musician only. Call Steve 609-695-9783 between 6-7 pm. _______________________

GARAGE SALE Thurs, Fri. Sat, Sun, 10-4, 19 Sturgis Rd off New Rd, Kendall Park Misc household items, bed spreads, furniture

CUSTOM VELVET SOFA excellent condition Best offer 609-448-6933

HOUSE CLEANING OUT­SIDERemove loose paint 4 mold

HOUSE CLEANING OUT­SIDEClean brick, stone, concrete

Cushman Enterprises. 201-359- 3717.

HOUSEKEEPER live in, responsibility for house 4 2 school age children Must be loving 4 able to cook Call after 5 pm 201-297-5478

MONTGOMERY 1+ acre lot. wooded, secluded on aright-of-way Asking only $ 11,000

Other lots available call us to see


Rt 206 Belle Mead N J201-359-3444

THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE EXPENSIVE a second income can help you get the best for your family Call local AM W AY distributor for details Phone 201-874-5990

Too Late To Classify

CLEVELAND RIVER BURNS C leves Cuyahoga River

bums 5 days documented proof Unusual possession, Xmas gift or start a hobby collecting unique items Bottle 4 4 " by 6’ Mail $5 49, Fire Water Inc PO Box >19096 Cleveland, Ohio 44109

PIANO — baby gram! 54" beautiful mahogany $750 or best offer 609-737-1438

C A R P E T C L E A N E R TRAINEE — earn $150/wk plus Experience or will train Must have car for Hightstown area 609-443-4767

SALES — Earn $200 week plus 5 dav week all leads supplied Must have auto 609 443-4767 for appointment

1966 L IN C O LN CON­T IN E N TAL 4 dr climate control, ps. pw pb, best offer over $700 201 359-6555

M ANVILLE 3 room apart­ment A va ilab le Aug 1 $225 mo 1 month security required Heat 4 hot water furnished Call 201-725-14% or 725-4732

MATCHING MAPLE CHEST $50 double dresser w /mirror $75, lg end table w/drawer $25. or 3 for $125 201359-1279

74 VEGA good cond $750 With new wheels 4 tires, $950 Must sell 201-722-7459

IM PALA 73 — custom, 2 dr. vinyl top, air, all power, fm/am new transm ission $1100 or best offer 609-737- 1438

HAGSTROM electric guitar 4 Fender vibro-champ am ­plifier Like new . Call 201-722- 7459

D A IR Y G O AT - heavy producing Alpine Freshened in June 175 201-874-3645

STOVE W ANTED - 30" or 36 electric, good cond for vacation home 201J59-K83


Responsible position requiring the preparation o f court dockets and papers, the custody and accounting of funds attendance at court sessions and related work requ iring public contact. L ibera l benefits, 35-hour workweek Please call Mr J Pascale at 924-5749 for ad­ditional information and in­terview


F A R M H O U S E / A P T - Hopewell Twp near 1-95 All m o d e r n , d i s h w a s h e r , refrigerator, 2 BR basement, 2 car garage, on 37 acres $325 plus utils Avail, 9/1, M Kuzma Realtor 609-883-7109. 737-1359

1967 MALIBU — needs work, runs well or use for parts $100 201-329-60EI after 6pm

ANTIQUE HORSE HAMES - workbench w/vise at Giant Garage Sale Aug 5 4 6 127 Meadowbrook Dr, o f f of Terhune Rd 4 Braebum Dr. Princeton

CLERK TYP IS T - full time position in Princeton area with non-profit organization E x­cellent typist to perform general office duties including Xeroxing, filing 4 preparation of mailing Will be trained to operate a computer terminal Excellent company benefits Starting $6800 minimum For interview contact Elizabeth Kilcovne 609-921-7575

1967 VW — blue, engine runs, $200 or best offer 609-448-4417.

LEICA ~i M3, single stroke, 50mm fl 5 Summaril Ex- cellenl $325 609-883-0833

WE NEED AHOUSEKEEPER ' A earing individual who can cook, housectean. and be there for 2 school age 9 4 12 children Must have own transportation Live-in or out Plenty of free­t ime for personal needs $100 week Call Harvey 609 924-7500

COMPLETE billing system i n c l u d i n g B u r r o u g h s b o o k k e e p i n g m a c h i n e u stand, addr essog raph imprinter ledger card and statement file Original price $5,000, willing to sacrifice $1,500 Will instruct new owner how to operate equipment Inquire 609-896-0200 or 8%- 0727

PRODUCTION AND M AIL C LERK — Princeton publishing company has 1 m med 1a te openi ng f or a personto process high volume m ailings, make local deliveries and pickups, and handle some administrative duties Must be familiar with Princeton area, have driver's license, and be a high school graduate t all 609-924-53®


T o o Late :■ C ossify

GARAGE SALE — washer dryer range dishwasher. Kite ner sink -efngerator furniture, toots 73 Eldoradoconvertible 66 Dodge con­vertible Rt 518 1 mile east of Hopewell Sat 4 Sun Aug 5 4(5. -1965 MG Good for parts, engine stil -uns good lightsbatten etc $50 Call 609-921 8942 ______________________

CHEVROLET IM PALA — 71 - p/s. power brakes, a/c, am radio rear window defroster First owner 609-799-9219

FOR SALE — washer exc cond heavy duty, *125 dryer heavy duty! exc cond $50 609 655-3830

FOR SALE — Am peg VT 40 amplifier four speakers 60 watts $175 609-921-6757

W AN TE D JU KEBO X - working or not 201 -828-656- or 201-254-4988

WASHER, beds bureau 2 -effigs aircond Kitchen set Cheap 609-395-1549

F IAT Xi/9 75, Exc cond less than 20,000 mi am/fm st assette. luggage rack seat

covers 609-924-6137

MOVING YOURSELF** I will help you $5/hour Can also drive large rental truck Call Bob 201-545-5575 9am - 6pm

E U R O PE AN WOMAN desires live in position with her husband, but the job is for her She likes children and animals Good references 609- 799-9160

REWARD FOR C R IPPLED P E T M issing from 668 Manvtlie Ave since 7/31/78 Young cat, right rear leg m issing, blk w/orange streaks, wearing yellow collar w/name 4 address V ery timid 201 725-4956

BABYSITTER Mon thru Fn 8 to 5, mv home Call 609-448 0788

F U L L 4 P A R T T IM E MACHINE OPERATORS for a light gage sheet metal manufacturing plant Must be willing to work at least 40 hrs a week Will tram interested parties Please apply at the corner of Old Trenton and So Mam St in Cranburv between 4 4 5 pm Gilbert A’ Cheney. Inc 609 395-0350

INFANT CARE in my Twin Rivers home while you work Weekly 609-448-7390

68 FORD FALCON new tires, r 'h. 8 track piaver, air shocks, low mi, 609-448-5963 or 448-5944after 5.

1969 VOLVO 144 S- a/c, stick, I owner, excellen t condition 609-448-8325 after 6 pm

AUGUST SALE at Creative Designs Final reductions of 30 to 50s Start Tuesday Aug 1 hru Sun. Aug 13, closed for

rest of Aug for alterations See Sept paper for date of reopening 4 new hours Rt 206 Belle Mead Closed Mondays 201-359-1319 located next to ’ he Curiosity Shop -1 mi no of Belle Mead Post office)

WANTED IM M ED IATELY full time cashier for check cashing service at the Prin­ceton University store Apply in person or phone Mrs Watts, 609-921-8500


all 587-6355 for cycle ac­cessories — maybe we won t have what you want.

COOPER’S CYCLE RANCH 866 Rt 33 Hamilton Sq . NJ

Phone 587-6354

Mousetrap will replace Happy End

PR IN C E TO N - The producers of Summer Intime have announced that they will not be presenting the Brechi Weill musical Happy End" as the final show of the season Legal difficulties over be acquisition of rights to the ■

show, including a clause in composer W e ill’s wi l l : stipulating a full orchestra for any performance of this work, preclude the production on the Intime stage

Instead. Summer Intime is proud to announce that on Aug 10, it will present the final show of its eleventh summer Agatha Christie s splen­did com edy/ m ystery, . "M ou setrap ,” under the ■ direction of the Ice Cream Cabaret's Susie Lewis

Present reservations for I Happy End are fully ex

changable and reservations for Mousetrap are available now through the Murray Theatre box office

S t a t e M u s e u m

e x h i b i t s w o r k o f *»

s e n i o r c i t i z e n s *TRENTON More than 100

award-winning paintings by senior citizens from all areas of New Jersey w ill be exhibited ;n he Auditorium

aiieries ! he State Museum * rom July 29 through Aug 13

Representing work by both professional and non-* ;■ professional artists, the award-winners were selected earlier this summer in county- .evel competitions sponsored hroughout the State by the

Division on Aging of the New Jersey Department of Com­munity Affairs

Awards will be presented at a public reception honoring all he artists in the Auditorium

Galleries at 2 30 p.m Friday Aug 4

Tennis party set at courts

WEST WINDSOR - West Windsor Township's annual Tennis Party will be held at the Community Courts on Saturday, Aug 26. from 5 to 10 p m The cost of $8 per couple will include tennis balls, soft drinks, hoi dogs, hamburgers and salad

Deadline for signups is Aug19 the party will be limited to20 couples Raindate will be Sept 2. For further in­formation and sign-up. please call Pat Atkinson 799-1615 Gil Giudice 799-0356 or Flo St George. 799-3622

Too Late To Classify

H O U SEKEEPER/ CHILD CARE responsible, a f­fectionate person, 3-8 pm wk- dys Start Sept 2 girls ages 9 4 10 gent hskpg, cook simple meal 4 tom us for dinner $75/wk, Lawrenceville Call 609-883-6587 evenings 4 weekends or send background info to Box <K)1993 c/o Prin­ceton Packet

GA RA GE SALE — new sunflower boat. 2 box spring 4 mattresses, antique mirror, kitchen ware, furniture, many,

her stems ,->a 4 Sun Aug 5 4 6 Euclid Rd off Line Kd Belle Mead I./2 mi from Pike Brook Country Club 201 359- 6012

CARPO O L wanted from Twin Rivers to Princeton area private schools Call 609-448 2457 after 5 pm

VW VAN - 1965 excellent engine new tires, rebuilt engine modified top $350 609921-3691

SECRETARY - PART TIM E — Prominent real estate officein Princeton is looking for an H E LP W A N T E D The >>ut-gomg person with good Princeton U niversity Store typing skil ls no steno has openings for sales helprequired and a good phone Only those interested in presence D ivers ified , in- permanent full t ime em- eresling position Must be ployment need apply

able i w orx on own initiative pleasant working conditions 211 nrs/week Call Weidel Real Apply in person Mrs Watts, Estate. Inc Norma Greaves beginning Monday, Aug 609-921 2700 between 10-12 am

B ASE M E N T SALE - en­cycloped ia sets, ch ild ren ’s gam es 4 books, tennis rackets weights brass stand 4 headboards, end tables chest of drawers boxspring 4 mattress, lamps, sleds, X mas tree 4 trimmings, woman's bike, standing fan. Argus slide projector, old Revere 8mm pro jector + screen, lawn sweeper, cedar sidewall shakes, garden tools 4 more Call 201 359-3339

NTERA 1973, silver. 26,000 a/c, power windows,

i/fmst New Michelin XWX es, electron ic ignition, lley carb exc cond $15,000 m '201-722-4586

L A D Y D E S I R E S HOUSEWORK every other Monday or every Tues In Twu River-area 609-298-703*


In the market for a good deal on wheels? Before vou wear out a pair of shoes, or kic k your first tire . . . stop! And kirk around this idea. Check our Classified listings. Because whether you're looking for a car. a new job, a comfortable home, or a hundred other things... you'll get the best prices and find the biggest selection in our Classifieds.

And remember, when you've got something

to sell, there** no better medium than our paper's W ant ids. They get the job done as economi­cally and a* quickly as possible. Rent an apart­ment. sell a service, turn unwanted merchandise into cash with a Classified ad.

You'll be kicking up your heels when you find out how easy it is to buy, sell, hire and rent in the ff ant Ads. Call today and we‘ll have aClassified working for vou pronto!


i c i . m v r c i t c o i . c ( K ] c r

(609) 896-9100

W IN D SO R - M IG H T S H E R A L E(609) 448-3005

THE CENTRAL POST(201) 297-3434

I he 11 diiklin \l U S R EC O R D (201) 725-3300

-HILL SIH )ROL 'OH B E AC ()\ (201) 359-0850

I h e M h iiv ille Neus(201) 725-3300

Coll 609 924-3244 or (201) 725-3355 or fill out thi*simple classified advertising form :

4 LINES 1 w eek : S3: 3 weeks ordered in advance with no changes $4.50.50c billing charge1



