Transcript of • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW (AND MORE!) • - TrulyAfrican



Table of Contents

1 | Why Choose An Egyptian Woman

2 | What Egyptians Are Looking For

3 | Interracial Dating In Egypt

4 | How to Impress Your Match

5 | Things to Do In Egypt

6 | Where to Take Your Date In Egypt

7 | Meet Egyptian Singles Online




Are you just realizing that you want to find your way into

the Egyptian dating scene? Well, that's just understandable.

No one can resist the beauty of Egyptians.

However, if you are a bit nervous about pulling it off, we

offer you a comprehensive Egyptian dating guide to help

you feel more comfortable about taking the first step

toward meeting the love of your life in Egypt.

Keep reading!

Let's be honest, when you think of Egyptian women, Cleopatra

first pops out in your mind. She was a woman known to be

beautiful, sexy, mysterious, and powerful. So, who can blame

you if you think of her? She is the most famous Egyptian

woman ever to exist. But, it leaves all of us wondering if all

Egyptian women are like her.

The truth is that Egyptian women can be traditional and

conservative or adventurous and open-minded to changes

when it comes to love. This attribute makes them unique

from other nationalities, and it is what draws other people to


Chapter 1Why Choose An Egyptian Woman

There is no denying that Egyptian women are among the

most beautiful in the world. Of course, we all know that love

should not rely on looks. However, you can't help but get

caught by the beauty of Egyptian women. Their golden skin

tone is a certain quality to appreciate. And, their smile is

indeed the most natural thing you have seen in this world.

Nevertheless, men are attracted to Egyptian women for a

handful of reasons. So, know the other qualities that make

men head over heels with Egyptian women:

1. They are the alpha

Even in ancient Egypt, women were the most advanced in the

entire world. They are known to be strong, hardworking, and

they were naturally born leaders.

Until now, they still inspire support and commitment in the

people around them.

2. They are independent

As with being an alpha, Egyptian women are a master in

being independent. They will bewilder you with how they work

hard for themselves. They never want to depend on anyone.

Also, they find peace within themselves rather than relying

on others to make them happy. And, they always want to

become the best versions of themselves.

3. They are very funny

Everyone will always get attracted to people with a good sense

of humor. Egyptian women can make another person laugh.

This trait makes the men even more in love with them.

They fill their partners with so much happiness and

enthusiasm that it makes them want to spend more time with

them. And, it is admittedly one of the most remarkable

features in Egyptian women. Plus, wittiness signifies

intelligence that is a winning quality.

Chapter 2What Egyptians Are Looking For

Everybody has their own preferences when the topic of

romantic love is on the table. There might be some

differences, but here is a list of what most Egyptian would

want from their partners:

1. CommitmentA lot of women in Egypt prefer a man that is all for the long-

haul. They want someone that can form a long-term

relationship with them. They are pretty vocal when it comes

to what they want in a man. She will be honest with what she

wants to achieve in your romantic entanglement.

This character comes from their traditional upbringing.

Many Egyptian girls aspire to tie the knot as soon as possible.

As such, a number of them usually loathe being with

someone who is not that serious in love.

But of course, there are always exceptions. Now, many

modern Egyptian women are not firmly against having casual

flings. But they always want to play it hard to get. So just a tip

is always to be determined and never think of giving up.

Egyptian women are truly worth the fight.

2. Support

A lot of Egyptian believe that support in a relationship is what

keeps the fire burning. Being brought up as independent

individuals, they want to have a supportive and

understanding partner that will stay by their side in

everything they do.

3. Loyalty

Most Egyptian women like to be reassured by their partners.

Even when they aren't too open about it, they want to know

that you will be at her side emotionally and physically. She

wants your presence for your helpful action and kind words.

This is how they build their trust and make your relationship

even more substantial.

Another known fact is that most Egyptian women are quite

the jealous type. You need to avoid having too many friends

of the opposite sex since there will be a huge possibility that

your Egyptian partner won't like that fact.

Also, ever since, Egyptian women have been formed to protect

their men at all costs. They are taught that their man should

be loyal to them. So, be mindful to never look at other ladies

in public, even if you have no malicious intent. They can

always know, and they will notice. A simple tip is to be

consistent. Earn their trust and never break it.

Chapter 3Interracial Dating In Egypt

Are you a person living outside of Egypt, and you are drawn

to the beauties of Egyptians? You just got lucky. A lot of

Egyptians believe that two people of different races are better

together. Modern Egyptian women are open-minded and love

to date and meet people from other countries.

A significant number of the population of Egyptian ladies

doesn't like to be with a man from their own country. Why?

Many feel that Egyptian men have the possibility of feeling

entitled. Such a way that they can somehow act more superior

around women. And, the ladies despise being inferior.

This drives many women in Egypt to find someone from

another country. They love how men from another county

could make them feel appreciated and loved. They like it

when their significant other surprises them by preparing and

cooking for their meals, or just anything that makes them feel

like a real queen.

Chapter 4How to Impress Your Match

When you have decided to date someone from Egypt, you can

help but wonder how you will successfully impress an

Egyptian. One helpful tip is never to let yourself be

overwhelmed with that fact. Instead, try to calm down and

think of them like any other people from the rest of the


If the rest of the world is fascinated by their beautiful faces,

Egyptians themselves can also be captivated with their own

appearance. Many people say that Egyptians, especially

women, always want to be presentable. They take quite a long

time to prepare themselves when they go out on a date or

when they're about to attend a special event. They can

sometimes be high maintenance, so in return, you also have

to put extra effort into what you wear to impress them.

The fact that Egyptian women always try to look presentable,

you have to acknowledge the hard work they put into it. Never

forget or never hold back your appreciation of their beauties.

Openly express how beautiful she looks when you go on a

date, but make sure you mean it, not just for the sake of

buttering her up.

On the other hand, Egyptian may not be as affectionate as

you expect them to be. But, don't worry, it's usually just in the

beginning. They are pretty good at playing hard to get. But,

with the right amount of determination, you will eventually

win their heart. When approaching one, prioritize showing

respect. Keep yourself reminded to keep your hands to

yourself. And never to hug or kiss even on the cheek if you

did not ask permission. Being a gentleman has never been a

bad thing, most especially for Egyptian women.

Chapter 5Things to Do In Egypt

Are you and your partner globetrotters? Well, Egypt will never

let you down. The country's magnificence can't be matched by

anything in the universe.

Here a some of the things to do to liven up your date trip in


1. Enjoy a river cruise on the Nile

Nothing beats a romantic cruise date. It will be a monumental

experience to sail on the longest river on the

planet. The best time to travel is in summer, which is from

June to August. Though it can be scorching, the thing about it

is that there'll be many cheap options to go on a cruise. And,

there are fewer people with you on the ship, so more quiet

time together. You can avoid going on Christmas and Easter

since it can get jam-packed and expensive.

2. Hike up Mt. Sinai

Hiking up to the peak of Mount Sinai is a unique blending of

spiritual, historical, natural experiences. It is best to share

with someone you love. If you get to try it with your partner, a

recommended time to hike it is during pre-dawn to avoid the

heat of the day.

Also, Mt. Sinai is renowned as the site where Moses received

the ten commandments from God. If you are a religious

person, there is no reason for you not to go on a hiking


3. Pay your respects at the Karnak Temple

If you can't leave Egypt without visiting the sphinx and the

pyramids of Giza, you should also add the Karnak temples to

complete your bucket list. The Karnak Temple complex is

among the most beautiful places in all of Egypt. In the 18th

dynasty, Karnak was a place of great religious importance for

the ancient pharaohs. When you walk around the entire

whole complex, you will witness an astonishing collection of

sanctuaries and shrines of the Pharaohs who ruled Egypt.

4. Tour Alexandria

If you land your feet in marvelous Egypt, never pass the

opportunity to roam around the great Alexandria. Founded by

Alexander and ruled by Cleopatra, this place is filled with

history and grandeur.

Known as the Pearl of the Mediterranean', Alexandria holds

modern commercial centers and fascinating cultural

architectures. There are a plethora of museums, a

magnificent library, an opera house, an overabundance of

famous historical sites. With so many wonderful choices, you

surely won't regret pouring your sweat out.

5. Go souvenir shopping in Cairo

No travel is complete without souvenir shopping. When you

are in Egypt, there are lots of shops scattered around. But, the

best way to acquire the best memorabilia in Egypt is to go to

the center of Cairo. A plenitude of souvenir shops floods the

area that sells all the unique and special pieces that are great

to go home with.

You and your partner can take a simple stroll tour of the

place and purchase quantities of jewelry, perfumes, leather

bags, and even aromatic spices. All these things are also

available at night if you want to avoid the city's sweltering

heat. Just like any other souvenir place, prices can get a little

bit shocking, so make sure you haggle if you feel that the

vendors are selling the stuff for a higher price than it should


Chapter 6Where to Take Your Date In Egypt

Are you boarding on a plane after all the consistent chatting,

video calling with your Egyptian partner? Then, you should

also plan out a romantic dinner for the two of you.

You may not think that Egypt is not a romantic place, but

Cairo will prove you wrong. The places such as the Pyramids,

the Nile, or Al Mokattam, provide astonishing views that help

create the most beautiful date spots.

Get to know the restaurants in Cairo, Egypt that is perfect for

romantics like you:

Le Deck

There are many Instagrammable restaurants in Cairo, but the

best in the city is the Le Deck at the Sofitel Gezirah hotel. The

place will let you have a unique experience of the Nile River.

You and your date can enjoy their delicious grill menu while

appreciating the majestic river's beauty.


Are you searching for a restaurant that delivers a modern

feel to your romantic date? Then, you should book a take for

two in ESCA. Its unique grayscale theme, from the restaurant

architecture to the furniture and utensils. This place will

surely leave a mark. And you don't need to worry about the

menu; it serves excellent appetizers and beef dishes.

JW's Steakhouse

No place in Cairo offers the same sophistication as JW's

Steakhouse. The feel of elegance starts from its furniture

down to the impeccable food presentation. And, it doesn't end

there. You can order its famous steak with some seafood to

pair it with.


Are you all for a Chinese food date while visiting Egypt? The

L'Asiatique is furnished with loads of Chinese lanterns that

will put you in the mood to eat all your Asian food favorites.

You will never regret coming for a meal in this restaurant.


Another great option for getting a nice view of the Nile river

is Osmanly inside the Kempinski Nile Hotel in Garden City. It

is one of the best Turkish restaurants in the entire country.

With luxurious decorations, wonderful food service, and

delightful food, you are making the most unforgettable

romantic date of your life.

La Trattoria

Want to have some Italian food in Egypt? La Trattoria is the

place to be. Hidden among the buildings of Zamalek, this

Italian restaurant serves meals that make you come back for



You can't think of a more romantic date in Egypt than 139. In

this restaurant, you can enjoy a delicious meal and have

some refreshing martinis by the pyramids. The view of the

iconic tourist destination is the cutting edge of this place.


Mirai offers a remarkable panoramic view of the Nile, while

serving an impressive array of Asian cuisine.

Chapter 7Meet Egyptian Singles Online

If you are an adventurous type of person, going to Egypt to

meet singles is surely your number choice. Aside from the

shopping centers and restaurants found in Giza, Cairo, and

Alexandria, There are going to be a lot of bars and nightclubs.

Exploring the nightlife could be a great way to meet beautiful

Egyptian locals.

However, in a conservative country like Egypt, you cannot

expect to see ladies always wandering around in public. So

you can never assume that meeting a single lady in Egypt will

be in your favor. With that in mind, online dating to meet

single Egyptians is your best option.

And, lucky you, TrulyAfrican is all here to save you from your

worries when it comes to meeting a potential lover from

Egypt. All you need to do is to sign up to create a dating

profile. TrulyAfrican is safe and trusted by lots of singles

from Africa. It has a fast-growing community, so you are

assured to meet the one made for you.

Just be sure to think of a creative bio to grab the attention of

other users. And don't forget to upload great-quality photos of

yourself so you can receive tons of responses.

Sign up on
