- Answer the following questions:- - Questions from 1 to 7:- - Choose ...

- Answer the following questions:- - Questions from 1 to 7:- - Choose the correct answer:- 1. ............ classified the elements into metals and nonmetals. (a) Bohr (b) Mendeleev (c) Berzelius (d) Thomson 2. The long form periodic table consists of ............ horizontal periods(rows). (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 18 3. The long form of periodic table consists of…….vertical group. (a)7 (b) 18 (c)10 (d)16 4. The long form of periodic table consists of…….vertical column. (a)7 (b) 10 (c)16 (d)18 5. p-block contains … … … … … . elements in each period. (a) 2 (b)6 (c)10 (d)14 6. The elements of the same period are similar in …………………….. (a) the number of electrons in the outermost level. (b) the number of protons in the nucleus. (c) the number of energy levels occupied with electrons. (d) the chemical properties. 7. Elements of d-block are called ............ elements (a) representative (b) transition (c) noble (d) actinide

Transcript of - Answer the following questions:- - Questions from 1 to 7:- - Choose ...

- Answer the following questions:-

- Questions from 1 to 7:-

- Choose the correct answer:-

1. ............ classified the elements into metals and nonmetals. (a) Bohr (b) Mendeleev

(c) Berzelius (d) Thomson 2. The long form periodic table consists of............ horizontal periods(rows).

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 18

3. The long form of periodic table consists of…….vertical group. (a)7 (b) 18 (c)10 (d)16

4. The long form of periodic table consists of…….vertical column. (a)7 (b) 10 (c)16 (d)18

5. p-block contains …………… . elements in each period. (a) 2 (b)6 (c)10 (d)14

6. The elements of the same period are similar in …………………….. (a) the number of electrons in the outermost level. (b) the number of protons in the nucleus. (c) the number of energy levels occupied with electrons. (d) the chemical properties.

7. Elements of d-block are called ............ elements (a) representative (b) transition (c) noble (d) actinide

- Questions from 8 to 15:-

8. The element with the outer electron configuration: 2s2,2p4 is a ............ element. (a) main transition (b) noble (c) representative (d) halogen

9. The element in which its outer electron configuration: 4f7is from ............ transition series (a) first (b) outer (actinides) (c) second (d) inner (lanthanides)

10. The element with outer electron configuration: 4s1, 3d10 located in ……….. (a) period 4, group 3 A (b) period 3, group 3B

(c) period 4, group 2B (d) period 7, group 3B

11. The first period contains……element. (a)2 (b)4 (c)10 (d) 32

12. The fourth period contains……element. (a)2 (b) 10 (c)18 (d) 32

13. The sixth period contains……..element. (a)2 (b)8 (c)18 (d) 32

14. The sixth period contains ………….types of elements. (a) 3 (b)4 (c)5 (d) 6

15. The number of actinides is …………… elements. (a) 4 (b)8 (c)14 (d) 18

- Questions from 16 to 21:-

16. All the elements of the …… are radioactive elements and their nuclei are unstable (a) lanthanide series (b) last column of p-block (c) actinide series (d) second transition series

17. Actinides and lanthanides series are similar in …………………… (a) the successive filling of 4f sublevel. (b) having unstable nuclei. (c) containing 14 elements. (d) present in period 6

18. In the periodic table, the second period contains…..elements. (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) 32

19. Elements of (s) block.. . . . . . . . . . . (a) Are found in groups 1A and 2A of the periodic table. (b) Are located at the left of the periodic table. (c) Their outer electrons are in (s) energy sublevel. (d) All the previous.

20. P-Block elements…….. (a) occupy the middle block of the table. (b) occupy the left hand block of the table. (c) occupy the right hand block of the table. (d) are ten groups.

21. With the exception of Helium the electronic structure of noble gases is…… (a) ns2 np6 (b) ns2 (c) ns2 np2 (d) ns2 np8

- Questions from 22 to 28:-

22. The representative elements include……….. (a) The elements of p and d blocks. (b) The elements of s and p-blocks (except noble gases). (c) The elements of s and d block. (d) The elements of the d-block.

23. The element whose electronic configuration is [18Ar] 4s2 3d3 is a(an)....... (a) main transition element. (b) Inner transition element. (c) Representative element. (d) Noble gas.

24. The element whose electronic configuration is [2He] 2s2 ,2p2 is located in. . . . . . . . . . . . . .of the periodic table

(a) period 4 and group 2A (b) period 2 and group 3A (c) Period 2 and group 4A (d) period 4 and group 4A

25. When a metal atom combines with a nonmetal atom to form a molecule, the bond length equals the…………….

(a) sum of the two atomic radii. (b) double of the nonmetal radius. (c) sum of the two ionic radii. (d) double of the metal radius.

26. The ionic radius of the metal is …………its atomic radius. (a) bigger than (b) smaller than (c) equal to

27. Ionic radius of the nonmetal is ………………its atomic radius. (a) bigger than (b) smaller than (c) equal to

28. The atomic radii increase as we go from…. across a period in the periodic table (a) up to down (b) right to left

(c) down to up (d) left to right

- Questions from 29 to 35:-

29. The atomic radii increase with the increase in atomic number in the same group in the periodic table due to ……

(a) the addition of extra shells. (b) The screening effect of the inner atomic orbitals. (c) increasing the no. of orbitals in the same level. (d) a& b together.

30. The biggest atom in size in a given period is that of group… (a) 1A (b) 1B (c) halogens (d) 8

31. The biggest atom in size through the third period is……………..atom. (a) Cl (b) P (c) Al . (d) Na

32. The ionization potential is inversely proportional to the ……………………… (a) atomic radius. (b) electron affinity. (c) electronegativity. (d) a , b and c

33. The equation: X + e-→X - + energy, represents ………………. (a) the electron affinity. (b) a chemical process whose ∆H is positive. (c) an endothermic process. (d) the first ionization energy.

34. The electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of …………. (a) bromine (b) iodine (c) chlorine

35. The electronegativity of elements through the horizontal periods increases as their............

(a) atomic radii increase. (b) atomic numbers decrease. (c) atomic radii decrease (d) a and b

- Questions from 36 to 42:-

36. ............ has the highest electronegativity. (a) Lithium (b) Fluorine (c) Hydrogen (d) Cesium

37. Halogens are characterized by……………………. (a) high electronegativity. (b) small atomic radii. (c) high ionization energy. (d) a,b and c.

38. Three different element X,Y,Z in the same periodic and successive groups, if rhe

element X with atomic number 11 so element Z will be in group…………………

(a) 1A (b) 3A (c) 2A (d) zero

39. ...... is the amount of energy required to convert an ion with one positive charge to an ion with two positive charges.

(a)The first ionization energy (b) Excitation energy (c)The second ionization energy (d) Kinetic energy

40. The element which has the highest ionization energy found in of the Periodic table……...

(a)upper left corn (b) lower right corner (c)upper right corner (d)lower left corner

41. The first ionization energy of 13AI is................... the second one. (a)more than (b)less than (c)Equal to (d) much more than

42. The element whose atom shows the greatest affinity for an additional electron (a)Li (b)F (c)CI (d)O

- Questions from 43 to 50:-

43. Calcium oxide is considered from ............ oxides. (a) acidic (b) amphoteric (c) basic (d) nonmetal

44. The nonmetal elements are characterized by ............ (a) large ionization energy. (b) electropositive elements. (c) small electron affinity. (d) large atomic radius.

45. Metalloids are characterized by ……………….. (a) valence shell, filled with less than half of its capacity. (b) high electronegativity. (c) electric conductivity more than that of the metals.

(d) the appearance of metals and properties of nonmetals

46. All the following elements are metalloids excerpt ……………………. (a) Gallium Ga (b) silicon Si (c) germanium Ge (d) antimony Sb

47. The strongest nonmetal lies in …………………… (a) period 4 (b) B-groups. (c) group 7A (d) group zero.

48. ………….is the strongest metal. (a) Cesium (b) Fluorine (c) Sodium (d) Iron

49. Most of metallic oxides are ............ oxides. (a) per (b) amphoteric (c) basic (d)acidic

50. Acidic oxides react with ............ forming salt and water. (a) acids (b) alkalis (c) amphoteric oxides (d) nonmetallic oxides

- Questions from 51 to 57:-

51. All the following oxides are amphoteric oxides except............ (a)Sb2O3 (b)ZnO (c)Al2O3 (d)As2O3

52. The general formula of oxygenated acids and alkalis is represented by MOH because they are ............ compounds.

(a) carbonyl (b) hydroxyl (c) carboxylic (d) oxygenated

53. The substance that ionizes according to the equation: MOH →M+ + OH - is considered from…………………..

(a) mineral acids. (b) alkalis. (c) salts. (d) oxygenated

54. The substance that ionizes according to the equation : MOH →MO - + H + is considered from ………………… (a) acids. (b) alkalis. (c) metal hydroxides. (d) salts.

55. If the sulphuric acid H2SO4 is represented by the formula MOn(OH)m , the values of m and n respectively will be ............

(a) 1 ,3 (b) 4 ,2 (c) 2 ,4 (d) 2 ,2

56. Orthophosphoric acid H3PO4............ (a) is trihydroxyl acid. (b) is very strong acid. (c) reacts with nonmetal oxides forming salt and water. (d) its phosphorus atom combines with three oxygen atoms unlinked with hydrogen.

57. Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 is an amphoteric substance. So, the attraction force between O- - ions and Al3+ ions is ............ that between O- -ions and H+ ions.

(a) bigger than (b) smaller than (c) equal

- Questions from 58 to 61:-

58. In the corresponding figure, if the attraction force between M+, O-- is more than that between H+, O- the substance will ionize as ............ (a) base. (b) acid. (c) solid. (d)a and b.

59. In the corresponding figure ............ (a) the attraction between O-and H+ is stronger. (b) the attraction between Na+ and O- is stronger. (c) the bond between Na+ and O- becomes stronger.

(d) the substance ionizes giving an acid. 60. The strength of oxygenated acids depends on the number of the……

(a) hydrogen atoms. (b) oxygen atoms linked to hydrogen atoms. (c) oxygen atoms unlinked to hydrogen atoms. (d) oxygen atoms.

61. Sodium hydride (NaH) is a compound ............ (a) which is ionic. (b) whose hydrogen oxidation number is -1 (c) in which hydrogen gas is collected at anode on melting and electrolysis. (d) a, b and c

- Questions from 62 to 67:-

62. Metals are characterized by……….. (a) large atomic radius and high ionization energy. (b) large atomic radius and low electron affinity. (c) small atomic radius and low ionization energy. (d) small atomic radius and high electron affinity.

63. Nonmetals are characterized by the following properties except……… (a) their valence shell has more than half its capacity of electrons. (b) they do not conduct electricity. (c) they gain electrons during the chemical reactions. (d) they are known as semiconductors.

64. On the periodic table, metalloids are found only in… (a) the d-block. (b) group IIIA through VIIA. (c) the f- block. (d) groups IA and IIA.

65. One of the following elements is a metalloid which is… (a) gallium (31Ga). (b) sodium (11Na).

(c) germanium (32Ge). (d) sulphur (16S).

66. The most active metallic element is found in the …of the periodic table. (a) upper right corner (b)lower right corner (c) upper left corner (d) lower left corner

67. Which of the following groups is composed entirely of nonmetals? (a) IA (b) IIIA (c)VA (d) VIIA

- Questions from 68 to 73:-

68. Where in the periodic table do you find strong base formers? (a) left (b) right (c) middle (d) inert gases

69. Zinc oxide is a (n) …. (a) basic oxide. (b) weak acid oxide. (c) strong acidic oxide. (d) amphoteric oxide.

70. The acidic character of oxides increases in the periods when….. (a) the atomic number increases. (b) the atomic number decreases. (c) the basic character decreases. (d) a and c are correct

71. The basic character increases in group 1A ….. (a) in descending the group. (b) in ascending the group. (c) with decreasing the atomic number. (d) with decreasing the atomic mass.

72. The number of oxygen atoms which are not linked to hydrogen in ortho phosphoric acid (H3PO4)is……

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) zero

73. The general formula of the oxygenated acid is………………. (a)[MOn (OH)] (c)[MO2n (OH) m] (b)[MOn (OH)2] (d)[MOn (OH) m]

- Questions from 74 to 79:-

74. The oxidation number of hydrogen in ............ is equal -1 (a) CaH2 (b) H2O (c) H2O2 (d) HCl

75. All the following are oxidation processes except ............ (a) taking oxygen. (b) losing hydrogen ion H+ (c) gaining electrons. (d) increasing the oxidation number.

76. The reduction is a process of ……………………… (a) losing electrons. (b) losing hydrogen ion H+ (c) taking oxygen. (d) decreasing the oxidation number.

77. Which of the following processes is a reduction process? …………….. (a) 2Br(aq)

− →Br2(ℓ) (b)Zn (s)→Zn(aq)++

(c)2O(g)−−→O2(g) (d)Cu(aq)

++ →Cu ( s)

78. The reaction ………….represents oxidation - reduction reaction. (a) CuO + H2SO4→ CuSO4 + H2O (b) CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 (c) Cr2O7

2- + 3H2S + 8H+→ 2Cr3+ + 3S + 7H2O (d) NaCl + AgNO3→ AgCl + NaNO3

79. The reaction … … … … . does not represent oxidation - reduction reaction. (a) NaOH + HCl →NaCl + H2O (b) 2FeSO4→ Fe2O3 + SO3 + SO2 (c) Zn + CuSO4→ ZnSO4 + Cu (d)2Mg + O 2 → 2MgO

- Questions from 80 to 86:-

80. The hydride ion is present in ............ (a)NaH (b)NH3 (c) PH4

+ (d) HCl

81. The oxidation number of potassium in KH equals ... (a)-l (b)+l (c)-2 (d)+2

82. The oxidation number of sulphur in S8 molecule equals ............ (a) 8 (b)4 (c)2 (d) zero

83. Atoms of chlorine in Cl2, oxygen in O2 and phosphorus in P4 are similar in the ……. (a) atomic number. (b) oxidation number. (c) crystallization state. (d) chemical properties.

84. Sulphate and carbonate groups are similar in the ............ (a) number of atoms. (b) type of atoms. (c) oxidation number. (d) number of oxygen atoms.

85. Ammonium and nitrate groups are different in the (a) number of atoms. (b) type of atoms. (c) oxidation number. (d)a, b an d c

86.The reaction : 2FeSO4

∆→Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3, represents ............

(a) reduction of iron (b) oxidation of sulphur (c) reduction of oxygen (d) oxidation of iron and reduction of sulphur

- Questions from 87 to 92:-

87. The oxidizing agent............ (a) gives oxygen or gains electrons. (b) takes oxygen or gains electrons (c) takes oxygen or loses electrons. (d) gives oxygen or loses electrons.

88. The reaction : CuSO4 + Na2S → Na2SO4 + CuS ............ (a) does not represent oxidation -reduction reaction. (b) represents an oxidation process of sodium. (c) represents a reduction process of sulphur. (d) represents an oxidation process of sodium and reduction of oxygen.

89. Phosphorus has the biggest oxidation number in …………………….. (a)NaH2PO3 (b) P4 (c)PH3 (d) Na4P2O7

90. Oxidation number is……. (a)the number of hydrogen atoms that unit with an atom of the element. (b)the number of unpaired electrons in the valence shell. (c) the number that refers to the electric charge that the atom would have in the compound, be it ionic or covalent. (d)the number of electrons in the valence shell.

91. The oxidation number of iodine in KlO4is………. (a) +1 (b) -1 (c) +7 (d) -7

92. The fluorine, oxygen and sulphur atoms in the molecules F2,O3 and S8 respectively, have the same……….

(a) atomic number. (b) oxidation number. (c) crystal structure. (d)chemical properties.

- Questions from 93 to 100:-

- Write the scientific term:-

93. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 in………. (a) HCl (b) CaH2 (c) H2 (d) LiH

94. Zn(s)+𝑪𝒖𝒂𝒒𝟐+ → 𝒁𝒏𝒂𝒒

𝟐+ +Cu(s)

The reducing agent in the above reaction is……. (a) Zn(s) (b)Cu(s) (c) 𝐶𝑢𝑎𝑞

2+ (d) 𝑍𝑛𝑎𝑞2+

95. What is the charge on anion in AlPO4? (a)2+ (b) 3+ (c) 2- (d) 3-

96. The actual energy levels in the atom……………………………………………………………….

97. A group of elements that occupies the left hand side of the periodic table and their

outermost electrons occupy the s-sublevel …………………………………………………

98. Elements that occupy the right hand side of the periodic table and their outer most

electrons occupy the p-sublevel ………………………………………………………………..

99. A group of elements that occupies d block …………………………………………………

100. A group of elements that occupies f block …………………………………………………..

- Questions from 101 to 110:-

101. The elements of s-block and p-block except that of group zero………………………..

102. A group of element is characterized by the complete filling of all energy levels with

electrons except for the highest level ………………………………………………………….

103. The elements that are characterized by the electronic structure ns2, np6…………………

104. A group of elements in which all energy levels are completely filled with electrons except the highest two levels……………………………………………………………………………….

105. The elements of the f-block, where the f-sublevels of these elements are successively filled

by electrons ………………………………………………………………………..

106. The elements in which 3d sublevel is successively filled……………………………………

107. The elements in which 4d sublevel is successively filled …………………………………..

108. The elements in which 5d sublevel is successively filled ……………………………………

109. The elements in which 5f sublevel is successively filled …………………………………

110. The elements in which the 4f-sublevel is successively filled……………………………………

- Questions from 111 to 120:-

111. The arrangement of elements in an ascending order according to their atomic numbers which agrees with the building-up principle………………………………………..

112. A vertical column of elements in the periodic table …………………………………………

113. A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table ……………………………………..

114. The group of elements in which the outer sublevel of its elements is (ns1). ……………….....................................................................................

115. A block of elements is placed on the left hand side of the periodic table and occupies two vertical columns………………………………………………………………………..

116. A block of elements whose outer most electrons occupy the p sublevel ..........................................................................…………………………………………………………

117. A block of elements in the periodic table that consists of 10 vertical columns ..................................................................................…………… …………………………………

118. A series of (d) block elements located in period 5 ............................................

119. The main transition series starting with lanthanum. .........................................

120. A block of elements that consists of two series each of which contains 14 elements. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

- Questions from 121 to

121. The horizontal rows of elements in the long form periodic table ………………………

122The vertical columns of elements in the long form periodic table …………………………

123. Half the distance between the centers of two similar atoms in a diatomic molecule..........................................

124. The distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms ………………………………..

125. The distance between the centers of cation and anion in ion crystals……………….

126. The elements of group 7A…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

127. The amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron completely from an isolated gaseous atom ………………………………………………..

128. The amount of energy released when an extra electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom………………………………………………………………………………………………

129. The tendency of an atom to attract the electrons of the chemical bond to itself..................................................

- Questions from 130 to

130. Elements which are characterized by high values of their ionization energy and small atomic radii…………………………………………………………………………………………

131. The energy required to convert M++ to M+++……………………………………………………

132. The largest element in ionization potential in group 7A…………………………………

133. The smallest element in ionization potential in group 1A…………………………….

134. The elements whose valence energy level has more than half its capacity of


135. The elements whose valence energy level has less than half its capacity of electrons. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

136. The elements whose valence energy level is nearly half filled with electrons…………