temu ke-2

Kristal- Mineral GS1126 - 2 SKS teori by: DR. hill. gendoet hartono Semester 1, 2014-2015 Senin&Rabu&Kamis-jam 09.15 – 10.55 Sabtu-jam 11.00 – 12.40


kristal mineral

Transcript of temu ke-2

Slide 1

Kristal-MineralGS1126 - 2 SKS teoriby:DR. hill. gendoet hartonoSemester 1, 2014-2015

2Senin&Rabu&Kamis-jam 09.15 10.55Sabtu-jam 11.00 12.40



glasshardglasshardPetrografiBatuan Beku


Mineral membentuk batuan.Gabungan senyawa dan unsur membentuk mineral.Gabungan unsur membentuk senyawa.Batuan membentuk Bumi.

Hirarki Unsur Geologi Atom membentuk unsur.

4Here the intent is to show how the various pieces; atoms, elements, compounds, and minerals, rocks and even the Earth, are related to each other in a hierarchy. Classroom exercise- Take some road salt (larger pieces of rock salt used to melt ice and snow) and have the students look at them and describe what they see. A magnifying glass is very handy here. Students should note blocky nature made up of various sizes of blocks or cubes. As appropriate, note the differences between 2 dimensional references like square or circle and 3 dimensional references like block, cube and sphere. This will require three samples of rock salt that will be broken to show the physical characteristics of a mineral. With goggles on to protect the eyes, have a student gently tap sample 1 with a metal spoon (or some other relatively heavy blunt object) and observe what happens (salt/halite cleaves or breaks into many smaller blocks or cubes). On a sample 2 use a butter knife placed diagonally on one of the faces of a salt block and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (results is similar to the spoon maybe fewer small pieces) On sample 3 use a butter knife placed parallel to the sides about in the middle of a piece of salt and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (Fewer, cleaner breaks / fewer pieces because energy was direct more specifically along the cleavage planes in the rock salt. - much like a diamond cutter does when the start working on a new diamond). How many crystal faces are there on a cube - how many directions of cleavage are there What is the angular relationships. Examine regular table salt with a hand lens and describe what you see. Grow crystals from salt water or sugar water - have students dissolve the sugar or salt in water - how can they tell when they have added enough? When the salt or sugar does not dissolve any more but goes right to the bottom of the glass - what happens with mixture is heat? (supersaturated solution). Try a mixture of salt and sugar to see what happens. What other household materials could be used to grow crystals (alum, Epson salts ). Students should observer the crystal growing experiment daily and record their observations. Have students explain how the terms dissolve, mixture, precipitate and crystal relate to the crystal growing exercise. Another variation is to have students place their crystal growing containers in different locations sunny window sill, on heat register, in a storage closet and have them discuss what effect the location had on the outcome of their experiment.For even more go to GEOMANs page @ http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/index.html

Created October 2, 2000, revised September 2001

Mengapa harus belajar krismin ?ILMU PASTIKRISTALOGRAFIMINERALOGIMINERAL OPTIKPETROGRAFIILMU KIMIAILMU ALAMBAHAN GALIANGEOKIMIABagan alir posisi kristalografi dan ilmu terkaitDari kata Krustallos (bhs Yunani), diperoleh dari kruos & stellein yang artinya beku krn mendingin, sering disebut sebagai hablur / balur. Bahan padat yg secara kimia homogen dgn bentuk geometri tetap, sbg gambaran dr susunan atom yg teratur, dibatasi oleh bidang banyak (polyhedron), jumlah & kedudukan dr bidang-bidang kristalnya tertentu & teratur.Setiap mineral / zat mempunyai bentuk tertentu.K R I S T A LDifinisi:KristalografiGrafi = graphy = graphein = gambaranKristal = zat padat yang mempunyai susunan atom atau molekul yang teratur, berulang secara 3D yang dapat mendifraksi sinar X.Kristal dibatasi oleh bidang banyak yang mengikuti hukum-hukum matematika terutama hukum simetri.Keteraturan kristal tercermin dalam permukaan kristal berupa bidang-bidang datar dan rata yang mengikuti pola-pola tertentu.

KRISTALOGRAFICabang ilmu geologi yang khusus mempelajari kristal: sifat-sifat geometri kristal terutama perkembangan, pertumbuhan, kenampakan bentuk luar, struktur dalam, dan sifat-sifat fisisnyaSifat geometri : letak, panjang, dan jumlah sumbu kristal yang menyusun bentuk kristal tertentu, dan juga jumlah dan bentuk bidang luar yang membatasinyaPerkembangan, pertumbuhan, kenampakan bentuk luar : selain bentuk dasar, juga bentuk kombinasi yang masih dalam satu sistem ataupun kembaran kristal yang terbentuk kemudian Struktur dalam : susunan dan jumlah sumbu-sumbu kristal, menghitung parameter dan parametral rasionyaSifat fisis kristal : sangat tergantung pada struktur atau susunan atom-atomnya. Bentuk dibatasi oleh bidang-bidang kristal, sehingga mempunyai motif atau struktur teratur dan biasanya anisotrop.Keadaan mineral secara riil di lapangan berupa : Amorf = a : tidak morfi : bentuk Mineral telah mengalami perubahan bentuk

Kristalin = terdiri dari kristal-kristal Sebagian besar dari mineral-mineral terdiri dari kristal-kristal10Here the intent is to show how the various pieces; atoms, elements, compounds, and minerals, rocks and even the Earth, are related to each other in a hierarchy. Classroom exercise- Take some road salt (larger pieces of rock salt used to melt ice and snow) and have the students look at them and describe what they see. A magnifying glass is very handy here. Students should note blocky nature made up of various sizes of blocks or cubes. As appropriate, note the differences between 2 dimensional references like square or circle and 3 dimensional references like block, cube and sphere. This will require three samples of rock salt that will be broken to show the physical characteristics of a mineral. With goggles on to protect the eyes, have a student gently tap sample 1 with a metal spoon (or some other relatively heavy blunt object) and observe what happens (salt/halite cleaves or breaks into many smaller blocks or cubes). On a sample 2 use a butter knife placed diagonally on one of the faces of a salt block and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (results is similar to the spoon maybe fewer small pieces) On sample 3 use a butter knife placed parallel to the sides about in the middle of a piece of salt and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (Fewer, cleaner breaks / fewer pieces because energy was direct more specifically along the cleavage planes in the rock salt. - much like a diamond cutter does when the start working on a new diamond). How many crystal faces are there on a cube - how many directions of cleavage are there What is the angular relationships. Examine regular table salt with a hand lens and describe what you see. Grow crystals from salt water or sugar water - have students dissolve the sugar or salt in water - how can they tell when they have added enough? When the salt or sugar does not dissolve any more but goes right to the bottom of the glass - what happens with mixture is heat? (supersaturated solution). Try a mixture of salt and sugar to see what happens. What other household materials could be used to grow crystals (alum, Epson salts ). Students should observer the crystal growing experiment daily and record their observations. Have students explain how the terms dissolve, mixture, precipitate and crystal relate to the crystal growing exercise. Another variation is to have students place their crystal growing containers in different locations sunny window sill, on heat register, in a storage closet and have them discuss what effect the location had on the outcome of their experiment.For even more go to GEOMANs page @ http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/index.html

Created October 2, 2000, revised September 2001


Penurunan temperatur secara cepat: ukuran kristal halus, bentuk kristal kurang sempurna atau bahkan belum sempat membentuk kristal, yang terbentuk amorf atau gelas.

Penurunan temperatur secara lambat: ukuran kristal kasar, bentuk kristal lebih sempurnaPerfection of crystal face development: Euhedral perfect crystal faces Subhedral imperfectly developed crystal facesAnhedral no crystal facesUNSUR-UNSUR SIMETRITitik simetri Pusat simetri Titik yang terletak persis di tengah-tengah kristal dan semua sumbu berserikat pada 1 titikGaris simetri Sumbu simetriGaris yang menghubungkan titik-titik berat sepasang bidang simetriBidang simetriBidang yang seolah merupakan bayangan pencerminan bidang yang satu terhadap bidang yang lain* B.S. Pokok : bidang simetri yang melalui dua sumbu simetri* B.S. Tambahan : bidang simetri yang melalui satu sumbu simetriPUSAT / INTI SIMETRI ( i ) : Adalah merupakan titik imaginer pada pusat kristal, apabila ditarik garis-garis dari setiap sudut pada luar kristal maka garis-garis itu akan bertemu pada 1 titik yang disebut pusat simetri.

BIDANG SIMETRI / CERMIN ( m ) : adalah bidang imaginer yang memisahkan 2 bidang yang kongruen pada kristal.Sb.SIMETRI / Sb.LIPAT / Sb.ROTASI (r): Adalah garis imaginer dimana kristal berotasi pada 1 putaran menghasilkan beberapa kenampakan bidang yang sama bentuk dan ukurannya.

Besar sudut putar untuk simetri lipat 2 = 180oBesar sudut putar untuk simetri lipat 3 = 120oBesar sudut putar untuk simetri lipat 4 = 90oBesar sudut putar untuk simetri lipat 6 = 30o

Sumbu simetri adalahgaris yang membagi suatu bangun menjadi dua bagian sama besarNoNama Bangun DatarSimetri LipatSimetri PutarSumbu Simetri1Segitiga samakaki1112Segitiga samasisi3333Segitiga sembarang-1-4Segitiga siku-siku samakaki1115Persegi Panjang2226Persegi4447Jajargenjang-2-8Trapesium samakaki1119Trapesium siku-siku1--10Trapesium sembarang-1-11Layang-layang11112Belah ketupat22213Lingkarantak terhinggatak terhinggatak terhinggaSimetri lipat, simetri putar dan sumbu simetri beberapa bangun datar :

Segitiga sama sisi mempunyai 3 simetri putar dengan sudut putar 120, 240, dan 360. Persegipanjang mempunyai 2 simetri,putar dengan sudut putar 180dan 360. Persegi mempunyai 4 simetri putar dengan sudut putar 90, 180, 270, dan 360. Belah ketupat mempunyai 2 simetri putar dengan sudut putar 180dan 360.Setiap bentuk kristal mempunyai unsur-unsur kristal :

bidang kristal (f = face) sudut kristal (c = corner) rusuk kristal (e = element)

Rumus : f + c = e + 2ABCDEHGFf = ?c = ?e = ?Bentuk kristal cubic6812ABCD, BFGC, CDFG,ADEH, EFGH, ABEFABCD-ABFE-ADHE,BCDA-BCGF-ABFE,CDAB-CDHG-CBFG,DABC-DHEA-DCGH,EFGH-EFBA-EHDA,FGHE-FEAB-FGCB,GHEF-GHDC-GFBC,HEFG-HEAD-HGCDAB, BC, CD, DA, AE,BF, CG, DH, EF, FG, GH, HEf = ?c = ?e = ?ABCDEFBentuk kristal octahedronBentuk kristal dodecahedronf = ?c = ?e = ?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNf = ?c = ?e = ?Bentuk kristal ortorombik spenoid dan prismaABCDEFGHKJLISumbu kristalografi :Suatu garis lurus yang dibuat melalui pusat kristal.Sumbu a : sumbu yang tegak lurus pada bidang kertas gambar.Sumbu b : sumbu yang horisontal terhadap bidang kertas gambar.Sumbu c : sumbu yang vertikal terhadap bidang kertas gambar.abc-a-b-cSudut kristalografi :Suatu sudut yang dibentuk oleh perpotongan sumbu-sumbu kristalalografi, dan saling berpotongan pada titik potong yang disebut sebagai pusat kristal.Sumbu alpha : sudut yang dibentuk oleh sumbu b dengan sumbu c.Sumbu betha : sudut yang dibentuk oleh sumbu a dengan sumbu c.Sumbu gamma : sudut yang dibentuk oleh sumbu a dengan sumbu b.abc-b-c-a

Belajar & Berfikirlah !tau....!terima kasihSee u next week.Types of Igneous Rock


Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

ConglomerateCoarse, rounded grains64mm-256mmBrecciaCoarse, angular grains2mm-64mmSandstoneGrains2mm-1/16mmShale

Metamorphic Rock Pictures

PetrografiBatuan Sedimen

Tekstur klastikTekstur klastik

Tekstur klastik34

Tekstur poikiloblastik

Tekstur granoblastikTekstur foliasiPetrografiBatuan Metamorf

37Rb follows K & conc. in Ksp, mica, & late meltNi follows Mg & conc in olivine