slum area on indonesia

South Manggarai Improving slum area By: Elinda fariz Nanda hidah melyan Siti yaumilia salsa

Transcript of slum area on indonesia

South Manggarai

Improving slum area

By: Elinda farizNanda hidah melyanSiti yaumilia salsa

Urbanisasi dan pertumbuhan Jakarta yang pesat menimbulkan masalah infrastruktur skala besar, Kini Jakarta sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahaniklim. Risiko terbesar terkait iklim dan bencana yang dihadapi Jakarta adalah banjir yang membebani Kota Jakarta denganbiaya manusia dan ekonomi yang sangat tinggi

Based on DKI Jakarta’s data on 2007

(Office and Warehouse)

Settlement (Housing)


Small number of parks as an absorbtion area

Ciliwung river’s the scope of work

The rest


Population Density in the Jakarta area


Manggarai merupakan Kelurahan yang terletak di kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta Selatan. Kelurahanini terkenal karena di sini terletak pintu air Kali Ciliwungdan sebuah stasiun kereta api penting.


1. Pasaraya Manggarai (cabang dari Pasaraya Grande di Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan)

2. Jalan Sultan Agung bisa ditemukan para pedagang loak/barang bekas.

3. Sekretariat Karang Taruna Manggarai terletak dijalan Manggarai Utara V. Karang Taruna Manggaraisangat aktif melakukan kegiatan, saat ini sudah memiliki tim Rescue penanganan banjir.

4. Rumah Baca gratis "Zhaffa". Rumah Baca ini berdiri untuk menyediakan akses bacaan yang mudah di jangkau oleh masyarakat.

5. Kelurahan Manggarai terdiri dari 12 Rukun Warga. And its near from SMPN 33 dan SD/SMP YWKA.

And also some schools such us STM Karya Guna, SMA YMIK, music school, SMPN 3, SD Cibono SDN 09-18 Manggarai.

6. ada bengkel Kereta Api yaitu BALAYASA Manggarai.



DAS Ciliwung

Ciliwung watershed is divided into three parts, namely: upstream, midstream and downstream, respectively with river flow observation station in weir Katulampa Bogor, Depok Ratujaya, and Sluice Manggarai, South Jakarta.

Manggarai territory itself that located on the banks of the Ciliwung River is RW 01, 04, and 10

Existing fact

From these data it appears that respondents living in Ciliwungwatershed Manggarai largely been long enough that over 30 years, in Manggarai reached 65%.

Existing fact

In terms of job or livelihood generally people who live in the watershed Ciliwung livelihood in the informal sector, such as: selling in the market, porters at the market, selling circumference (PKL), a motorcycle taxi, a masseuse, scavengers, and etc. More clearly shown in the following table:

Existing fact

condition of the house / shelter residents Ciliwung watershed is varied, from permanent to uninhabitable. In Manggarai 55% of respondents stated that the house / shelter them in deplorable condition, and 10% declared uninhabitable.

Existing fact

Status house / shelter they also varied, ranging from contract / lease, own property, inheritance parents, and (still) involved parents. In Manggarai, 60% of respondents stated that the house / dwelling of their own.

Existing fact

Spacious house / shelter they are generally small, in KampungMelayu, 55% of respondents stated that staying at home is less than 5 square meters.

Existing fact

Status of land house / shelter them 100% of respondents (DAS-Manggarai residents) stated-owned irrigation and they also understand that the location is not for settlement.

Existing fact

Related assets of the community / residents on Ciliwung watershed are available in the village of Manggarai among other physical assets. Physical assets eg: housing / residential, street (alley), water supply systems (wells: pump, jet pump, PAM), mushalla, the mosque. Besides the physical assets on Ciliwung watershed in Manggarai, which is quite prominent is the social-spiritual assets in all neighborhoods where there is a mosque committees (recitation), especially for the mothers.

Existing fact

Meanwhile other assets such as financial assets, generally people in conditions of poverty. This condition can be said to be directly proportional to the level of education of human resources (human capital) in Ciliwung watershed are generally low, the average of the people there only graduates untillprimary school, there are also some people who never went to school. This has implications on people's awareness of the (hygiene) environment that can be said to be low as well, where one of the proof is make the Ciliwung River as one of the landfill / waste both solid waste and liquid waste.

Existing fact

• Source of clean water for their daily needs, 90% of respondents of the DAS-Manggaraiexpressed using the well pump (general).

Jakarta conditions that affect flooding problems in Ciliwung

- Poor drainage caused the city solid waste and liquid waste.- Subsidence of land mainly in North Jakarta (Muara Ciliwung)

occurs due to excessive exploitation of ground water.- Uncontrolled settlements, weak law enforcement and non-

compliance with spatial.

Problems, Needs and Potential of the living environment

The main problems faced by citizens like Ciliwung watershed in Manggarai village is flooded. Causes include:

(a) the Ciliwung watershed area is changes in land use that originally many current catchment areas turned into residential and urban areas.

(b) At several locations in the flow of the river (especially downstream) occurs silting and narrowing causing reduced storage capacity Ciliwung River.

(c) At several locations in the Ciliwung River (at the headwaters of Manggarai sluice) there are several river bends (meandering) which causes less smooth flow of flood water in the CiliwungRiver.

(d) The transfer functions of the riverbanks (used for residential, industrial, and business offices) so that impede the flow of water.

(e). Conditions of drainage channels are less than the maximum because itwas filled with garbage, so when the big rains come, puddles quickly formed.

Many people who live along the Ciliwung admitted very difficult to have a house in Jakarta (as it relates to their work) and had to build a house on the banks of the river. But according to some of them, dwelling on the banks of the river is not the only cause of flooding due to narrowing of the river segment, because the main cause is the people who are not disciplined in taking out the trash.



Lots of rubbish

CURVES IN THE GROOVE CILIWUNG at manggarai bridge area

large sedimentation andreduce storage capacityriver.


Information on the flood water levelFebruary 2007 based on brief interviews with people around in Manggarai.


riverbanks usedas slum settlement

river cliff avalanches



Support for the relocation plan, willingness or readiness of those living on Ciliwung watershed to be arranged in order, but with a "conditional". Terms question is "severance". Their reasoning is that so far during their stay in the Ciliwungwatershed pay taxes and other fees as applicable to citizens generally.

Social culture problemLow Empathy: the new comer doesn’t care about the residence rules and most of them arent register as a citizen there

Low Participation : there is no kerja samayg baik between the governmend and the citizenship

Rational Society : their oriented is for economy only. mainly for family consumption compliance


governmend and the citizenship

Penataan Sungai Ciliwung

konteks penataan Sungai Ciliwung yang pada dasarnya berisikan duakegiatan utama yaitu normalisasi sungai dan pembuatan sodetan, yang terbagi atas:• Memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan hunian melalui konsep “membangun

permukiman tanpa kumuh”• Mengamankan daerah bantaran sungai untuk menjaga kesinambungan

DAS Ciliwung• Membangun rumah susun sewa di Bernlaan (Jatinegara) , untuk

merelokasi penduduk bantaran sungai (wilayah terkena dampak)• Terkait pemindahan warga, Kementrian Perumahan Rakyat berperan

dalam menyediakan rumah susun untuk warga.

Future planning

Pada Juli 2011, pemerintah telah

memberi tugas kepada PT Kereta Api

Indonesia untuk membangun kereta api

yang menghubungkan Stasiun Manggarai

ke Bandara melalui Tangerang. Jalur

sepanjang 7 KM akan dibangun untuk

menghubungkan stasiun kereta komuter di

Tangerang dan bandara selain untuk

mempercepat kinerja kereta api. Jalur

tunggal yang ada di komuter antara

Manggarai dan Tanah Tinggi akan

diperluas kmenjadi dua jalur. Jalur tersebut

akan menghubungkan stasiun Manggarai,

Sudirman, Tanah Abang, Duri, Grogol,

Bojong Indah, Kalideres, Tanah Tinggi dan

Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta.

Pemerintah juga menawarkan jalur

ekspress sepanjang 33 KM antara Stasiun

Manggarai dan bandara melalui Angke dan

Pluit kepada investor sebagai Public

Private Partnership (PPP).Ini ditargetkan akan selesai pada 2017








