Kump Soal Bhs Inggris

KUMPULAN SOAL UJIAN SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL =================================================================== MATA UJIAN : BAHASA INGGRIS TINGKAT : SARJANA/DIPLOMA HARI/TANGGAL : LOKASI WAKTU : 60 MENIT =================================================================== PETUNJUK : Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 50, pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang saud ara anggap paling tepat diantara pilihan yang tersedia. I. Pilih jawaban yang paling benar 1. The North Olate River -------from Wyoming into Nebraska. a. It flowed b. Flows c. Flowing d. With flowing water Ans: b 2. ------Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning first people a. The city of b. Locate in c. It is in d. The tour included Ans: a 3. A pride of lions -----up to ferty lions, including one to three males, severa l females and cubs. a. Can contain b. It contains c. Contain d. Containing Ans: a 4. ----- tea plant are small and white. a. The b. On the c. Having flowers the d. The flowers of the Ans: d 5. The tetrachnes ---- antibiotics, are used to treat infections. a. Are a family of b. Being a family c. A family of d. Their family Ans: c 6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulanis ----- marginal at bes t. a. It is

Transcript of Kump Soal Bhs Inggris

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KUMPULAN SOAL UJIAN SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL ===================================================================


===================================================================PETUNJUK :Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 50, pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang saudara anggap paling tepat diantara pilihan yang tersedia.

I. Pilih jawaban yang paling benar

1. The North Olate River -------from Wyoming into Nebraska.a. It flowedb. Flowsc. Flowingd. With flowing water

Ans: b

2. ------Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning �first people�a. The city ofb. Locate inc. It is ind. The tour included

Ans: a

3. A pride of lions -----up to ferty lions, including one to three males, several females and cubs.a. Can containb. It containsc. Containd. Containing

Ans: a

4. ----- tea plant are small and white.a. Theb. On thec. Having flowers thed. The flowers of the

Ans: d

5. The tetrachnes ---- antibiotics, are used to treat infections.a. Are a family ofb. Being a familyc. A family ofd. Their family

Ans: c

6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulanis ----- marginal at best.a. It is

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b. That isc. Isd. As

Ans: c

7. Henry Adams born in Boston, -----famous as a novelista. Becameb. And becamec. He wasd. And the became

Ans: a

8. -----show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that when aspecs are important.a. Neoral theoriesb. A neural theoriesc. Although neural theoriesd. However neural theories

Ans: c

9. During free fall, ----up to a full minute, a skydiver will fall at a constant speeda. It isb. Which isc. Beingd. Is

Ans: a

10. ----in the first draft ofthe budget will not necessarily be in final drafta. although it appearsb. it appearsc. what appearsd. despite its appearance

Ans: c

11. Until ------incorect, astronomers had assumed that the insidesof white award were uniform.a. Theyb. Recenly provenc. Their proofd. The astronomers recenly proven

Ans: b

12. When -----nests during spring nesting season Canadageese are fiercelya. Builtb. Buildingc. Are buildingd. Are built

Ans: b

13. Located behind -----the two lacrimal glandsa. Each eyelidb. Is each eyelid

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c. Each eyelid ared. Each eyelid which is

Ans: c

14. -----Hale Telescope, at thepalomar Observatory in southern California, scientists can photograph objects several billion light years away.a. Theb. With thec. They use thed. It is the

Ans: b

15. Among bees ----a highly elaborate form of communicationa. Occurb. Occursc. Is occursd. They occurs

Ans: b

16. -----heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlighta. Homesb. A home isc. A homed. Homes are

Ans: a

17. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and ----- of scurvya. It curesb. Curec. Curesd. For curing

Ans: b

18. Because bone loss accurs earlier in women than -----, the effects of osteoporosis are more apparent in women.a. As menb. In menc. Similar to mend. Men do

Ans: b

19. The use of detail is -----method of developing a controlling idea, and almost all students employ this methoda. That most commonb. Commonc. More commond. Most common

Ans: b

20. The speed of lights is -----the speed of sound.a. Fasterb. Much faster than

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c. One fastestd. As fast

Ans: b

21. Each object ------jupiter�s magnetic field is deluged with electrical charges.a. Entersb. It enterc. Enteringd. Enter

Ans: c

22. ----discused by the board of directors when it was proposed agaun by the supervisors.a. The problems had alreadyb. The problem is alreadyc. The problem had already beend. The problem has already

Ans: a

23. A tornado is a violently relating columns of air -----along a narrow path on the ground for a relativity brief period of time.a. It movesb. When it movesc. That movesd. And moving

Ans: c

24. Her feve is ----to ignorse. High too muchf. Too much highg. Too highh. So high

Ans: c

25.The La Brea tarpits, located in hancock park in the Los Angeles are, have proven to be an extremely fertile source od Ice Age Fossils. Apparently, during the period of the Ice Age, the tarpits were covered by shallow pools of water, when animals came there to drink, they got caught in the sticky tar and perished. The tar not only trapped the animals, leading to their death, but also served as a remarkably effective preservant, allowing near perfect skeletons to remain hidden until yhe present area. In 1906, the remains of a huge prehistoric bear discovered in the tarpits alerted archeologists to the potensial trasure lying within the tar. Since the thousands and thousands of well-preserved skeleton have been uncovered, including the sekeleton of camels, horses, wolves, tigers, slots, and dinosaurs.

which of the following is NOT true about the La Brea tarpits?a. They contain fossils that are quite oldb. They are found in Hancock parkc. They have existed since the Ice aged. They ae located under a swimming pool

Ans: d

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26. The pronoun �they� in line 3 refers toa. The La Brea arpitsb. Ice Age fossilsc. Shallow pools of waterd. animals

Ans: d

27. According to the passage, how did the Ice Age animals die?a. The water poisoned themb. They got stuck in the tarc. They were attacked by other animalsd. They were killed by hunters

Ans: b

28. When did archeologists become aware of the possible value of the contents of the tarpits?a. During the Ice Ageb. Thousands and thousands of years agoc. Early in the twentieth centuryd. Within the past decade

Ans: c 29. Manic depression is another psychiatric illness that mainly effects the mood. A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods of manic excitement and extreme depression with or without relatively normal periods in between. The cange in mood suffered by a manic depressive patient go far beyond the day to day change experienced by the geneal population. In the period of manic excitement, the mood elevation can become so intense that it can result extended insomania,extreme irritability, and heightened aggressiveness. In the period of depression, which way last for severals weeks or months, a patient experiences feelings of general fatigue, uselessness,and in serious cascs, may contemplete suicide. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discussa. When manic depression developsb. Now manic depression can resultan suicidec. Now moods are determinedd. A different type of mental disease

Ans: d

30. The main topic of this passage isa. Various psychiatric illnessesb. How depression affects the moodc. The mood changes of manic depressionsd. The intense periods of manic excitement

Ans: c

31. The passage indicates that most peoplea. Become highly depressedb. Switch wildly from highs to lowsc. Experiance occasional shifts in moodd. Never undergo mood changes

Ans: c

32. The passage implies that

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a. Change from excitement to depression occur frequently and oftenb. Only manic depressive patients experience aggressionc. The depressive phase of this disease can be more harmful than the manic phased. Suicide is invetible in cases of manic depression

Ans: c

33. According the passage, a manic depressive patient in a manic phase would be feelinga. Unhappyb. Angryc. Highly emotionald. Patient

Ans: a

34. Blood plasma is a clear, almost colorless liquid. It consits of blood from which the red and while blood cells have been removed. It is often used in transfusions because a patient generally needs the plasma portion of the blood more than the other components. Plasma differs in several important ways from whole blood. First of all, plasma can be mixed for all donors and does not have to be from the right blood group, as whole blood does. In addition, plasma can be dried and stored, while whole blood cannot.

All of the following are true about blood plasma EXCEPTa. It is deeply colored liquidb. Blood cells have been taken out of itc. Patients are often transfused with itd. It is generally more important to the patient than other parts of whole blood.

Ans: a

35. which of the following is NOT stated about whole blood?a. It is different from plasmab. It cannot be driedc. It is impossible to keep it in storage for a long timed. It is a clear, colorless liquid

Ans: d

36. Jenny <u>was among</u> the <u>few</u> sudents who will be <u>selected</u> to lead the <p> A B C </p> <p>commandement <u>exercise</u> </p>

<p> D </p>

a. a b. bc. c d. d

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Ans: A

37. Five to seven month after transfering files to new media the SCADA files should

be checked for compatibility

38. Jenny doesn�t need mese books instead she needs the others books

39. If you have well prepared for the test, you would have passed the entrance

exammation for the goverment official recruitment test

40. Because his attendance at the meeting. He doesn�t agree wiyh this project.

41. On a trip down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, the equipment will in all probability be carried by a burros. 42. The scholarship that James received to study history at cambridge presented an

unique opportunity

43. A radar images of Venus add details about a planet dominated by

volcanoes and lava 44. An human ear respond to a wide range of frequencies

45. During the U.S. Civil War, an american balloonist organized a balloon corps in Army

46. The occurrence edema indicates the presence of a serious illness.

47. According legend, Bets Ross designed and sewed the first American flag.

48. A marionette is controlled by means strings connected to wooden bars.

49. Many comford heating systems using steam as a working fluid operate at the

convection principle.

50. Mars two small moons are irregularly shaped and covered for craters.