Klasifikasi Kodifikasi Penyakit 7 Pertemuan 3

1 SESI 3 CHAPTER XVI CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (P00-P96) BAB XVI Kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang Berasal dala Periode Perinatal



Transcript of Klasifikasi Kodifikasi Penyakit 7 Pertemuan 3

  • SESI 3CHAPTER XVICERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD(P00-P96)BAB XVIKondisi-kondisi tertentu yang Berasal dalam Periode Perinatal

  • DESCRIPTIONPembahasan materi meliput pengenalan istilah-istilah gangguan yang timbul pada periode perinatal cara menentukan kode diagnosis agar akurat, tepat dan berhasilguna menunjang sistem informasi morbiditasdan mortalitas perinatal yang dikembangkan

  • TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL UMUMMampu menentukan kode diagnosis gangguanyang muncul pada masa periode perinatal denganpresisi, akurat dan tepat, berhasil mengumpulkan, menyimpannya dan mengambil kembali bagikepentingan penyelesaian sistem pelaporan rutin morbidtas dan mortalitas perinatal yang diterapkan fasilitas asuhan pelayanan ataupun yang suatu waktu diperlukan oleh manajemen kesehatan maternal.

  • TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUSMenjelaskan:-Definisi berbagai gangguan perinatal.-Kekhususan Bab XVI-Note, excludes, dan includes serta tanda baca lain-lian yang menyertai nomor kode kategoridan subkategori Bab XVI-Cara mencari dan memilih kode diagnosis gangguan perinatal dengan presisi, akurat dan tepatLatihan soal dengan bimbingan di kelasLatihan soal mandiri

  • BAB XVI CERTAIN CONDITIONS ORIGINATING IN THE PERINATAL PERIOD (P00 - P96)Includes: kondisi yang bermula pada period perinatal walau selanjutnya berakhir dengan kematian bayi atau morbidita*s.Excludes: Congenital malformation, deformation & chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99) Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E99) Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98) Neoplasms (C00-D48) Tetanus neonatorium (A33)

  • BAB XVI CERTAIN CONDITIONS (Lanjutan)Terklasifikasi dalam Blok:P00-P04P05-P08P10-P15P20-P29P35-P39P50-P61P70-P74P75-P78P80-P83P90-P96

    Hanaya ada satu kode ber-*P75* Meconium ileus

  • P00-P04 Fetus & Newborn affected by maternal factors & .P00 Janin/bayi terpengaruh kondisi ibu yang mungkin tidak ada kaitan dengan kehamilan yang sedang berjalan.Perhatikan kelompok kategori yang terliput padamasing-masing kode P00.- (hal 1-766->767)P01Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi maternal akibat kehamilanP02Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi plasenta, tali pusat dan membranes.P03Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi lain-lain terkait persalinan dan kelahiran

  • P00-P04 Fetus & (Lanjutan)P04Janin/bayi terpengaruh oleh zat berbahaya yang masuk melalui plansenta atau ASI

    Includes: non-teratogenic effects of substances transmitted via placentaExcludes: Congenital malformation (Q00-Q99) Neonatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis due to drugs or toxinstransmitted from mother (P58.4)

  • Disorders related to length of gestation & fetal growth (P05-P08)Gangguan berkaitan dengan masa/usia kehamilandan pertumbuhan janin:

    P05BBLR terhadap masa/usia kehamilanP06- (kosong, tidak terisi) -P07Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan pendek danBBLR, NEC.Note: Bila data BB dan adalah data BB.Includes: kondisi dalam daftar yang tanpa spesifikasi apakah usia kemahilan terrekam, prioritas menjadi sebab mortalitas, morbiditas atau perawatan tambahan pada bayi baru lahir.Excludes:

  • Disorders related to length (Lanjutan)P08Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan panjang dan BBL >> (normal)Note: Includes:

    Perhatikan batas ukuran BB/jumlah hari masa kehamilan yang tertera di masing-masing kategori

  • Birth Trauma (Trauma Lahir) (P10-P15) & Resp. & Cardiov. Disor.Specific To (P20-P29) (Hal. 774 780)P10Laserasi & perdarahan intrakranial akibat trauma lahirExcludes: intracranial haemorrhage of fetus or newborn:. NOS (P52.9). Due to anoxia or hypoxia (P52.-)P11Cedera lahir susunan saraf sentral lainP12Cedera lahir tengkorak kepalaP13Cedera lahir skeletP14 Cedera lahir lain-lain P20Intrauterine hypoxiaP21 Birth asphyxia

  • Birth Trauma (Trauma Lahir) (P10-P15) (Lanjutan)P22Respiratory distress of newbornP23Congenital pneumoniaP24Neonatal aspiration syndromeP25Interstitial emphysema & related cond. P26pulmonary haemorrhage originating in P27Chronic respiratory disease originating P28Other respiratory conditio0ns P29Cardiovascular disorders originating

  • Infections Specific To The Perinatal Period(P36-P39) (Hal. 781-783)Includes: Infections acquired in utero or during birth

    Excludes: asymptomatic [HIV] infection status (Z21) congenital: . gonococcal infection (A54.-) . pneumonia (P23.-) . Syphilis (A50.-) human dst.

    P35Congenital viral diseasesP36Bacterial asepsis of newbornIncludes: congenital septicaemia

  • Infections Specific . (Lanjutan)P37Other congenital infectious & parasitic diseasesExcludes: (hal 1-782)

    P38Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage

    P39Other infections specific to the perinatal periodExcludes:

  • Haemorrhage & Haematological Disorders Of Fetus & Newborn (P50-P61) (Hal. 783-788)Excludes: congenital stenosis & stricture of bile ducts (O44.3) Crigler-Najjar syndrome (E80.5) Dubin-Johnson syndrome (E80.6) Gilberts syndrome (E80.4) hereditary haemolytic anaemias (D55-D58)P50 Fetal blood loss Excludes: P51 Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn Excludes: P52 Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of fetus & newborn) P53 Haemorrhage disease of fetus & newborn

  • Haemorrhage & Haematological (Lanjutan)P54 Other neonatal haemorrhageP55 Haemolytic disease of fetus & newbornP56 Hydrops fetalis due to haemorrhage disease Excludes: P57 KernicterusP58 Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive Excludes: P59 Neonatal jaundice from other & unspecified ... Excludes: P60 Disseminated intravascular coagulation of P61 Other perinatal haemolytical disorders Excludes:

  • Transitory Endocrine & Metabolic disorders Specific to Fetus & Newborn (P70-P74)

    Includes: transitory endocrine & metabolic disturbances caused by the infants response to maternal endocrine & metabolic factor, or its adjustment to extrauterine existence.

    P70T. disorders of C_H metabol. Specific to fetus & newbornP71T. neonatal disorders of calcium & magnesium metabolism

  • Transitory Endocrine & Metabolic disorders (Lanjutan)P72Other T. neonatal endocrine disordersExcludes: congenital hypothyroidism with or without goitre (E13.0-E03.1) dyshormogenic goitre (E07.1) Pendreds syndrome (E07.1)P72.0, P72.1, P72.2 dan P72.8, P72.9

    P73- (kosong/tidak terisi)

    P74Other T. neonatal electrolyte & metabolic disturbances.P74.0, P74.1, P74.2, P74.3, P74.4, P74.5, dan P74.8, P74.9

  • Digestive S. Disorders Of Fetus & Newborn (P75-P78)

    P75*Meconium ileus (E84.1!)P76Other intestinal obstruction of newbornExcludes: intestinal obstruction classifiable toK56.-P76.0, P76.1 (ada Excludes: ) P76.2 danP76.8, P76.9P77Necrotizing enterocolitis of fetus or newbornP78Other perinatal digestive S. disordersExcludes: neonatal gastointestinal haemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)P78.0, P78.1, P78.2 , P78.3 (ada Excludes: ) dan P78.8, P78.9

  • Conditions involving the integument & temperature regulation of fetus & newborn (P80-P83) (Hal. 791-792)

    P80Hypothermia of newbornP80.0 Cold injury syndrome dan Excludes: dan P80.8, P80.9

    P81Other disturbances of temperature of newbornP81.0 Environmental hyperthermia of newbornP81.8 Other specified disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn.P81.9 Disturbance of temperature regulation of newborn, unspecified Fever of newborn NOS

  • Conditions involving the integument (Lanjutan)P82- (kosong tidak terisi) -P83Other conditions of integumentum specific to fetus & newborn Excludes: congenital malformation of skin and integument (Q80-Q84)cradle cap (L21.0)diaper [napkin] dermatitis (L22)hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease (P56.-) neonatal skin infrction (P39.4)staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (L00)P83.0, P83.1, P83.2, P83.3, P83.4, P83.5, P83.6dan P83.8. P83.9

  • Other Disorders Originating In The Perinatal Period (P90-P96) (Hal. 792-794)P90Convulsions of newborn Excludes:

    P91Other disturbances of cerebral status of newborn

    P92Feeding problems of newborn

    P93reactions and intoxications due to drugs administered to fetus & newborn.Grey syndrome from chloramphenicol administration in newborn. Excludes:

  • Other Disorder (Lanjutan)P94Disorders of muscle tone of newborn

    P95Fetal death of unspecified causeDeadborn fetus NOS Stillbirth NOS

    P96Other conditions originating in the perinatal period.P96.0 Congenital renal failure Uremia of newbornP96.1 Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction

  • SOAL-2 LATIHAN MANDIRI1. Intrauterine anoxia No:2. Hyaline membrane disease No:3. Congenital pneumonia No:4. Sleep apnoe (newborn) No:5. Congenital sepsis, streptococcal B No:6. Hypovitamine K of newborn No:7. Dehydration, newborn No:Conculsion, newborn No: Coma, age 3 days No: Nontraumatic intraventricular haemorrhage, grade 2, newborn No:11. Fraktur clavicula akibat cedera lahir No:12. Afgar score 3 No:13. Aspirasi air ketuban (meconeum) No:14. Bayi lahir, detak jantung disritmia No:

  • Soal-soal (Lanjutan)15.Bayi lahir dengan hepatitis BNo:16. Bayi lahir dengan infeksi saluran kemihNo:17.Bayi lahir kuning akibat gangguan feeding ASINo:18. Diare non infective, usia 7 hariNo:

    Soal-soal Gangguan Kongenital: 19. Bayi lahir dengan ginjal tidak terbentukNo:20.Bayi lahir berkelamin gandaNo:21.Lubang dubur tidak terbentukNo:22. Lahir dengan jantung letak kananNo:23. Lahir dengan stenosis katub aortaNo:24. Lahir tanpa kepalaNo:25. Lahir tanpa daun telingaNo: