Kelompok 13 Metal Alloy Gue


Transcript of Kelompok 13 Metal Alloy Gue

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Dean Puji Firmansyah

Chaerul Umam

Arif Kartawana Shidiq

Wahyu Nurrohim

MEA! A!!"#

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 erdiri dari satu jenis atom danmeru$a%an &am$uran dari duama&am lo'am atau le(ih yan'di&am$ur satu sama laindalam %eadaan &air



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Ke%erasan $ada lo'am $aduan da$atditin'%at%an dari %e%erasan lo'am asalnya

•Ke%uatan tari% da$at di$er(esar

•Daya $emuaian da$at di%uran'%an

• iti% le(ur da$at diturun%an atau dinai%%andi(andin' lo'am,lo'am asalnya

KE!E-./AN MEA! A!!"#S

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!o'am ferro

Logam ferro adalah logam besi (Fe). Besi merupakan

logam yang penting dalam bidang teknik, tetapi besi murni

terlalu lunak dan rapuh sebagai bahan kerja, bahan

konstruksi dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu besi selalu bercampur dengan unsur lain, terutama at arang atau

karbon (!). Logam ferro juga disebut besi karbon atau baja

karbon. Bahan dasarnya adalah unsur besi (Fe) dan karbon

(!), tetapi sebenarnya juga mengandung unsur lain seperti"silisium, mangan, fosfor, belerang dan sebagainya yang

kadarnya relatif rendah.

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Ferrous #lloys

,Alloys &ontainin' Fe as the main element0,he most im$ortant ferrous alloy system *Fe,C system+,Alloys of this system &an (e further di1ided into steels and &astirons0,Steels &ontain less C *'enerally 2304wt5C+ than do &ast irons

*'enerally 6047408wt5C+0 ,hen9 all steels solidify into a sin'le :,Fe stru&ture ;rst and then e<$erien&e the &om$le< eute&toidrea&tion0 herefore9 heat treatment $ro&esses9 whi&h alter theeute&toid rea&tion9 are 1itally im$ortant for &ontrollin'mi&rostru&ture and $ro$erties of steels0,Cast irons e<$erien&e&om$le< eute&ti& rea&tion durin' solidi;&ation9 due to the

formation of 'ra$hite or &ementite0 Solidi;&ation &ontrol is themost im$ortant sin'le fa&tor for $ro$erties of &ast irons0

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Steels are alloys of iron and &ar(on $lus otheralloyin' elements0 .n steels9 &ar(on $resent inatomi& form9 and o&&u$ies interstitial sites of Femi&rostru&ture0 Alloyin' additions are

ne&essary for many reasons in&ludin'=im$ro1in' $ro$erties9 im$ro1in' &orrosionresistan&e9 et&0 Ar'ua(ly steels are well %nownand most used materials than any other

materials0Me&hani&al $ro$erties of steels are 1erysensiti1e to &ar(on &ontent0 /en&e9 it is$ra&ti&al to &lassify steels (ased on their&ar(on &ontent0 hus steels are (asi&ally three%inds= low,&ar(on steels *5 wt of C 2 >08+9

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!ow &ar(on steels*mild steels+= >03,>065C$roeute&toidF B small amount of P

hi'h forma(ility9 hi'h du&tility= elon'ation=78>5relati1ely low stren'th= yield stren'th=6>74>>MPa

e<&ellent weld a(ility &annot (e stren'thened (y

heat treatmentusually stren'thened (y &old wor%in'

ty$i&al a$$li&ations= $i$es9 $anels9 sheets9 wires9 .,(eams et&0

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$edium carbon steels" %hese are stronger than lo& carbon steels. 'o&eer these are of less ductile

than lo& carbon steels. %hese alloys can be heat treated to improe their strength. sual heat

treatment cycle consists of austenitiing, *uenching, and tempering at suitable conditions to ac*uire

re*uired hardness. %hey are often used in tempered condition. #s hardenability of these alloys is

lo&, only thin sections can be heat treated using ery high *uench rates. +i, !r and $o alloying

additions improe their hardenability. %ypical applications include" rail&ay tracks &heels, gears,

other machine parts &hich may re*uire good combination of strength and toughness.


)ood&om(ination of stren'th and du&tility

 #ield stren'th= 8>>7?>>MPa

 ensile stren'th= 4>>7>>MPa

Elon'ation= 765

Stren'thena(le(y heat treatment Welda(le welda(ilitydeteriorates within&reasin' C5

Used for load,(earin' a$$li&ations9 &ran%shaft9 (olts9 'ears9 hea1y,dutyma&hinery9 minin' equi$ment9 &ranes(0.4% carbon steel)

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'igh carbon steels" %hese are strongest and hardest of carbon steels, and of course their

ductility is ery limited. %hese are heat treatable, and mostly used in hardened and tempered

conditions. %hey possess ery high &ear resistance, and capable of holding sharp edges.

%hus these are used for tool application such as knies, raors, hacksa& blades, etc. ith

addition of alloying element like !r, , $o, &hich forms hard carbides by reacting &ith

carbon present, &ear resistance of high carbon steels can be improed considerably.

/pring steels" 0.120.34!predominately eutectoid pearliteat room temperatureoften

strengthened and hardened by heat treatmenthigh strength andmoderate toughness%ool steels"

0.325.64!proeutectoidcementite7 pearliteery high hardness, lo& toughness, ery difficult

to machineused for chisels, hammers, knies, sa& blades, drills, dies, punches, cutlery, chine

tools and &ear resistant applications'igh carbon steels hae poor &eldabilityand poor


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/tainless steels" %he name comes from their high resistance to corrosion i.e. they are

rust-less (stain-less). /teels are made highly corrosion resistant by addition of special

alloying elements, especially a minimum of 564 !r along &ith +i and $o. /tainless

steels are mainly three kinds" ferritic hardenable !r steels, austenitic and precipitation

hardenable (martensitic, semi-austenitic) steels. %his classification is based on prominent constituent of the microstructure. %ypical applications include cutlery, raor

 blades, surgical knies, etc.

Ferritic stainless steels are principally Fe-!r-! alloys &ith 56-584 !r. %hey also

contain small additions of $o, , +b, and +i.

#ustenitic stainless steels usually contain 534 !r and 34 +i in addition to other minor

alloying elements. +i stabilies the austenitic phase assisted by ! and +. Other alloyingadditions include %i, +b, $o (preent &eld decay), $n and !u (helps in stabiliing


By alloying additions, for martensitic steels Ms is made to be above the room

temperature. These alloys are heat treatable. Major alloying elements are: Cr, Mn and


Ferritic and austenitic steels are hardened and strengthened by cold &ork because theyare not heat treatable. On the other hand martensitic steels are heat treatable. #ustenitic

steels are most corrosion resistant, and they are produced in large *uantities. #ustenitic

steels are non-magnetic as against ferritic and martensitic steels, &hich are magnetic.

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Cast .ron

 hou'h ferrous alloys with more than 6034

wt05 C are desi'nated as &ast irons9&ommer&ially &ast irons &ontain a(out 80>,405 C alon' with some alloyin' additions0Alloys with this &ar(on &ontent melt at

lower tem$eratures than steels i0e0 they areres$onsi1e to &astin'0 /en&e &astin' is themost used fa(ri&ation te&hnique for thesealloys0

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 +on-ferrous materials hae specific adantages oer ferrous materials. %hey can be

fabricated &ith ease, high relatiely lo& density, and high electrical and thermal

conductiities. 'o&eer different materials hae distinct characteristics, and are used

for specific purposes. %his section introduces some typical non-ferrous metals and

their alloys of commercial importance. Aluminium alloys

Co$$er alloys

Ma'nesium alloys

 itanium alloys

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