ICCC Indonesia Newsletter May 2010

BERITA ICCC INDONESIA MEI 2010 Page 1 Edisi MEI Untuk kalangan sendiri BERITA INTERN UNTUK ANGGOTA DAN KOMUNIKASI BAGI KALANGAN DUNIA BISNIS DAN PROFESI KRISTEN ICCC ADALAH MIMBAR DIMANA PESAN KRISTUS BAGI KITA DI ZAMAN INI DIJABARKAN, DIBAGIKAN DAN DINYATAKAN TERHADAP DUNIA BISNIS NATIONAL BOARD Spiritual Counselor Pdm. Bunan Djambek National President Benjamin B. Juwono Vice Presidents: Admin/Secretary Tonny Soetjoadi Finance/Treasurer: ManimbulL. Sitorus Membership/Mentoring/ Network Simon Aditan Teaching / Training Eliezer H. Hardjo Johanis S. Najoan Ridwan Naftali Business Development/ Micro-Enterprise Kristanta Dewara Rudolf A.S. Sinaga Johny Rempas Michael Albinus Agus Susanto Markus Christianto Intercessors Eddy S. Kristiawan Mohan U. Vasandani (Mrs.) Suzanna Suadi (Mrs.) Josephine S. Sitorus (Ms.) Hermina M. Usmany Paul Tapilatu Kantor National ICCC Indonesia: Website: www.iccc-indonesia.com Pertokoan Pulo Mas Blok B I / 8, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan. Jakarta 13260 Telp (021) 4890211, fax: (021) 4722274. E- mail: [email protected] [email protected] , [email protected] Saudara-saudara dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus Selamat berjumpa kembali di Berita ICCC Indonesia, Edisi Mei 2010. Saya percaya Bapa kita yang penuh kasih dan rahmat, senantiasa memelihara kita sekeluarga. Dalam edisi kali ini, kita melihat peran ICCC dalam mengajar orang- orang percaya agar menjadi orang yang berbeda di dunia kerja melalui pelajaran TWL. Menjadi orang yang berbeda bukan karena penampilan luarnya (outward ,melainkan berbeda karena penampilan dalamnya(inward). ICCC disebut sebagai ”kamar dagang Kristen” harus berbeda dengan kamar dagang duniawi yang dipacu oleh egoisme untuk mengejar uang semata. Kita memang harus berbeda dengan kamar dagang duniawi, karena kita memiliki roh yang lain. Kita kembali diingatkan Roma 12:2 ” don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ” Dalam pengajaran TWL di GBI Basilea Kelapa Gading, seorang pria mempersoalkan kenapa justru banyak orang Kristen berperilaku buruk dan diexpose secara luas di media masa. Menurut saya inti persoalannya adalah masih banyak orang orang percaya yang masih memilih mempertahankan pikiran lama yang memuaskan daging. Memutuskan untuk memperbaharui pikiran kita dengan pikiran Kristus adalah sebuah proses transformasi. Di sinilah peran ICCC dibutuhkan ditengah-tengah kebingungan besar dalam mencari kebenaran dan kejujuran di negeri ini. Pada bulan Mei ini kita memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional. Dapatkah kita melihat peran ICCC-Indonesia dalam kebangkitan bangsa dari keterpurukan moral ? Bangsa ini sungguh menantikan sosok sosok yang mampu berjalan dalam kebenaran di dunia bisnis, politik, ekonomi dan lain-lain. Peluang orang percaya sungguh besar, karena orang percaya memiliki modal yang sangat besar untuk menjadi saksi bagi dunia yaitu kuasa kebangkitan Kristus yang kita terima dalam Yesus Kristus. Kuasa kebangkitan itulah yang memberi kita kekuatan atas kuasa dosa, sehingga kita menjadi orang-orang yang merdeka dari belenggu dosa. Dalam konteks marketplace, kuasa kebangkitan Kristus-lah yang memampukan kita menjadi pebisnis dan profesional yang berintegritas tinggi, jujur dan dapat dipercaya. Kuasa itulah yang memampukan kita berfokus pada tujuan hidup kita memuliakan Bapa dan tidak tunduk kepada kuasa mammon yang menguasai dunia marketplace. Marilah kita menjadi pebisnis yang menjadi the living sacrifice bagi Tuhan, mampu membedakan kehendak Bapa kita, untuk berperan dalam kebangkitan negeri yang kita cintai. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. Benjamin Bambang Juwono National President ICCC INDONESIA www.iccc-indonesia.com BERITA ICCC INDONESIA 2010


News about activities and articles published by the ICCC Indonesia

Transcript of ICCC Indonesia Newsletter May 2010

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Edisi MEI






Spiritual Counselor Pdm. Bunan Djambek National President Benjamin B. Juwono Vice Presidents:

Admin/Secretary Tonny Soetjoadi

Finance/Treasurer: ManimbulL. Sitorus

Membership/Mentoring/ Network Simon Aditan

Teaching / Training Eliezer H. Hardjo Johanis S. Najoan Ridwan Naftali

Business Development/ Micro-Enterprise Kristanta Dewara Rudolf A.S. Sinaga Johny Rempas Michael Albinus Agus Susanto Markus Christianto

Intercessors Eddy S. Kristiawan

Mohan U. Vasandani (Mrs.) Suzanna Suadi (Mrs.) Josephine S. Sitorus (Ms.) Hermina M. Usmany Paul Tapilatu

Kantor National ICCC Indonesia:

Website: www.iccc-indonesia.com Pertokoan Pulo Mas Blok B I / 8, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan. Jakarta 13260

Telp (021) 4890211, fax: (021) 4722274. E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected]

Saudara-saudara dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus

Selamat berjumpa kembali di Berita

ICCC Indonesia, Edisi Mei 2010. Saya

percaya Bapa kita yang penuh kasih dan

rahmat, senantiasa memelihara kita


Dalam edisi kali ini, kita melihat peran

ICCC dalam mengajar orang- orang percaya agar menjadi orang yang

berbeda di dunia kerja melalui pelajaran TWL. Menjadi orang yang

berbeda bukan karena penampilan luarnya (outward ,melainkan berbeda

karena penampilan dalamnya(inward). ICCC disebut sebagai ”kamar

dagang Kristen” harus berbeda dengan kamar dagang duniawi yang dipacu

oleh egoisme untuk mengejar uang semata.

Kita memang harus berbeda dengan kamar dagang duniawi, karena

kita memiliki roh yang lain. Kita kembali diingatkan Roma 12:2 ” don’t be

conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ”

Dalam pengajaran TWL di GBI Basilea Kelapa Gading, seorang pria

mempersoalkan kenapa justru banyak orang Kristen berperilaku buruk dan

diexpose secara luas di media masa. Menurut saya inti persoalannya adalah

masih banyak orang orang percaya yang masih memilih mempertahankan

pikiran lama yang memuaskan daging.

Memutuskan untuk memperbaharui pikiran kita dengan pikiran Kristus

adalah sebuah proses transformasi.

Di sinilah peran ICCC dibutuhkan ditengah-tengah kebingungan besar

dalam mencari kebenaran dan kejujuran di negeri ini.

Pada bulan Mei ini kita memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional.

Dapatkah kita melihat peran ICCC-Indonesia dalam kebangkitan bangsa

dari keterpurukan moral ? Bangsa ini sungguh menantikan sosok sosok

yang mampu berjalan dalam kebenaran di dunia bisnis, politik, ekonomi

dan lain-lain.

Peluang orang percaya sungguh besar, karena orang percaya memiliki

modal yang sangat besar untuk menjadi saksi bagi dunia yaitu kuasa

kebangkitan Kristus yang kita terima dalam Yesus Kristus. Kuasa

kebangkitan itulah yang memberi kita kekuatan atas kuasa dosa, sehingga

kita menjadi orang-orang yang merdeka dari belenggu dosa.

Dalam konteks marketplace, kuasa kebangkitan Kristus-lah yang

memampukan kita menjadi pebisnis dan profesional yang berintegritas

tinggi, jujur dan dapat dipercaya. Kuasa itulah yang memampukan kita

berfokus pada tujuan hidup kita memuliakan Bapa dan tidak tunduk kepada

kuasa mammon yang menguasai dunia marketplace.

Marilah kita menjadi pebisnis yang menjadi the living sacrifice bagi

Tuhan, mampu membedakan kehendak Bapa kita, untuk berperan dalam

kebangkitan negeri yang kita cintai.

Tuhan Yesus memberkati.

Benjamin Bambang Juwono

National President




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TWL DI GBI BASILIA KELAPA GADING ICCC Indonesia mendapat kesempatan untuk sharing program Transformed Working Life (TWL) seminar bagi para pelaku bisnis, profesional dan kaum muda di GBI Basilia Kelapa Gading selama bulan April 2010 mulai pkl. 19.00 dengan jadwal sebagai berikut:

8 April 2010: Money Matters - Benjamin B.


15 April 2010: Strategic Stewarship – Eliezer

H. Hardjo

22 April 2010: Bulding Business on the Rock

– Johanis S. Najoan

29 April 2010: A Key to Abundant Life –

Simon Aditan

Hadir setiap kalinya antara 30 – 60 peserta yang mengikuti dengan antusias dan banyak hal yang ditanyakan pada waktu sesi tanya jawab Selain NB yang membawakan topic seminar juga hadir pada sesi terakhir beberapa NB a.l. Bunan Djambek, Tonny Soetjoadi, Rudolf A.S. Sinaga dengan isterinya Josephine S. Sitorus dan juga Arion Hutagalung. Pimpinan Jemaat, Rev. Andry S. Montolalu bersama dengan pengurus lainnya dengan setia mendampingi di setiap sesi.

Dibawah ini laporan pandangan mata melalui lensa camera:

Benjamin B. Juwono yang juga sebagai National President ICCC Indonesia memulai TWL Seminar dengan topik “Money

Matters” pada tanggal 8 April 2010

Kemudian dilanjutkan oleh Eliezer H. Hardjo, V.P. Teaching dengan topic “Strategic Stewardship” pada tanggal 15 April


Johanis S. Najoan, member of Teaching Domain ICCC Indonesia membawakan topik”Building the Business on

the Rock” pada tanggal 22 April 2010

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Simon Aditan, V.P. Membership/Mentoring/Networking yang juga member of Teaching Domain menyampaikan topik “A

Key to Abundant Life” sebagai closing session pada tanggal 29 April 2010

Nampak peserta yang hadir dari sisi kiri dan sisi kanan panggung



Welcome New Member 1. Ms. Hermina Magdalena Usmany 2. Mr. Paulus Tapilatu 3. Mr. Markus Christianto

Happy 26th Wedding Anniversary

Dalam kesempatan National Board

Meeting tanggal 27 April 2010 yang

lalu, kami bersama sempat meyelipkan

acara untuk memperingati Ulang Tahun

Perkawinan dua orang anggota National Board: Rudolf A.S. Sinaga dan

Josephine S. Sitorus yang merayakan

Ulang Tahun perkawinan mereka yang

ke 26. Hadir menyaksikan dua anak perempuan Emma dan Sara beserta

kedua suami mereka.

Kiranya Tuhan melimpahi mereka beserta anak-anak menantu dan cucu

dengan berkat Mazmur 128, penuh

damai sejahtera dan sukacita dalam


Tiup teruuuuuss lilinnya

Berdoa dan Beryukur atas kasih

pemeliharaan Tuhan Yesus

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Bagi anda yang akan memperpanjang kartu keanggotaan anda untuk tahun 2010 agar segera menghubungi Simon Aditan V.P. Membership melalui HP: 0816974647

atau email ([email protected])

Annual Membership Fee untuk tahun 2010 mengikuti peraturan International dalam kategori Developing Nation menjadi Rp. 600.000 dimana US$ 50 dikirim ke Kantor Pusat di Swedia sebagai syarat dan kewajiban International Membership Membership Fee dapat ditransfer ke rekening ICCC Indonesia atau FORUKIN dibawah ini, dan mengirimkan bukti transfernya dengan fax ke alamat yang tercantum paling bawah dari setiap halaman Newsletter ini:

Rekening Bank:

LIPPO BANK Cabang Senen - Jakarta No. 716-30-00309-2 a/n : Forum Komunikasi Usahawan Kristen Indonesia (FORUKIN).

KONTAK BISNIS 1. Surya Delapan Mas

Tonny Soetjoadi – Director Offices: 1. HWI Lindeteves 4

th Floor, Block B No. 7

Jalan Hayam Wuruk Jakarta (Barat) 11180 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 6259625 Fax: 062 (21) 6259561 2. Taman Berdikari Santosa Block M No. 16 Jalan Pemuda Jakarta (Timur) 13220 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 4712821 & 91282388 Fax: 062 (21) 4718293 Line of Business: Distribution of Chladianpast Corrugated Roof & Flat sheet for Jakarta Metro & Outer Java and International market

Business Opportunity: Looking for bona-fide Sub-distributors all-over Indonesia as well as outside of Indonesia, preferably having vast networks & experiences in distribution of building materials. Serious inquiry can be directed to Tonny Soetjoadi, Director ([email protected] or mobile: +62811193202

2. HeavenSpring Consulting & Agencies Co. Eliezer Hernawan Hardjo CM Jalan Pegangsaan Indah Barat B I / 8 Pondok Gading Utama Jakarta 14250 – INDONESIA Phone: 062 (21) 4521141 Fax: 062 (21) 4533070 Mobile: (062) 815-13203415 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Partners:

1. Institute of Certified Professional Managers – James Madison University, VA, USA

2. Corporate Turnaround Center Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Line of Business: Business & Management Consulting (Seminar, Training & Consulting)

Bagi member yang berminat untuk dicantumkan dalam kolom ini (free of charge) dimohon untuk meng-update data dan mengirim ke e-mail: [email protected] seperti contoh diatas

Nama Perusahaan Person in Charge dan Contact person Alamat lengkap termasuk no. telepon/fax dan e-

mail Line of business Specific products yang ingin ditawarkan

(dengan foto kalau ada – yang di-compressed)

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What Is Money?

People hold widely divergent views about

money. Some view it as the root of all evil

and believe that poverty brings one closer to

God. Others accept the health-and-wealth

gospel: that Christians are almost

automatically destined to become financially

successful if not fabulously wealthy. Those

who hold either of these contradictory ideas

think it comes directly from the Bible.

Is money good or evil? To lay a foundation

for managing one's finances, we must begin

by considering what money is and whether it

is proper for Christians to accumulate wealth.

Wealth and the Bible

The first time the Bible mentions someone

with a lot of money, it speaks of a righteous

man, Abraham, who "was very rich in

livestock, in silver, and in gold" (Genesis

13:2). Later we find God promising that

through this man's descendants all nations of

the earth would be blessed (Genesis 18:18;

22:18; 26:4). Abraham was wealthy, but he

was also "the father of all those who believe"

(Romans 4:11).

God is not opposed to riches. In fact, He is

the originator of financial blessings (1 Samuel

2:7; Proverbs 10:22) and reminds us that

personal diligence can also lead to wealth

(Proverbs 10:4).

When we have more money than we need for

normal expenses, we are wise to save some

for later use. The Bible speaks well of the

saver, noting that the ant wisely stores up

food for the winter (Proverbs 6:6-11). It

speaks favourably of someone who would

provide for his children and grandchildren:

"A good man leaves an inheritance to his

children's children, but the wealth of the

sinner is stored up for the righteous"

(Proverbs 13:22).

Spiritual traps to avoid

These positive examples, however, do not

give the whole picture. The follower of God

who wants to make money but continue to

follow God must avoid certain spiritual traps.

It becomes easy, as a person accumulates

worldly goods, to view money—rather than

God—as a source of protection and stability

(Proverbs 18:11).

The apostle Paul talked about money and

temptation: ". . . Those who desire to be rich

fall into temptation and a snare, and into

many foolish and harmful lusts which drown

men in destruction and perdition. For the love

of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for

which some have strayed from the faith in

their greediness, and pierced themselves

through with many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:9-


It is from these words that some people get

the idea that the Bible teaches that money is

the root of all evil. However, Paul wrote

something considerably different: that "the

love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."

Money itself is not an evil, but elevating

money and material wealth to a greater

priority than it is properly due is a great

spiritual trap.

In this passage Paul elaborates on the

perspective toward wealth that Jesus Christ

had given many years earlier.

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In speaking of a Christian's proper priorities

(Matthew 6:24-33), Jesus said, "You cannot

serve God and mammon" (verse 24). The

English mammon is translated here from a

similar Aramaic word that means riches,

especially riches that turn one's attention

away from God.

While recognizing that people have physical

needs, Christ emphasized that our priority

must always be God. Jesus taught that we

must "seek first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness, and all these things shall be

added . . ." (verse 33).

Paul's comments to Timothy teach us not to

make money a god or to allow it to come

between us and God. Money is simply a tool

that can be used for either good or bad. The

key lies in our attitude. Paul adds this advice

to the wealthy: "Command those who are rich

in this present age not to be haughty, nor to

trust in uncertain riches but in the living God,

who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let

them do good, that they be rich in good

works, ready to give, willing to share, storing

up for themselves a good foundation for the

time to come, that they may lay hold on

eternal life" (1 Timothy 6:17-19, emphasis

added throughout).

Can we seek wealth and eternal life?

On another occasion, a young man asked

Jesus Christ what one must do to inherit

eternal life. After Jesus told him he must keep

God's commandments, the man responded

that he had kept them from his youth (Mark

10:17-20). "Then Jesus, looking at him, loved

him, and said to him, 'One thing you lack: Go

your way, sell whatever you have and give to

the poor, and you will have treasure in

heaven; and come, take up the cross, and

follow Me.' But he was sad at this word, and

went away sorrowful, for he had great


"Then Jesus looked around and said to His

disciples, 'How hard it is for those who have

riches to enter the kingdom of God!' And the

disciples were astonished at His words. But

Jesus answered again and said to them,

'Children, how hard it is for those who trust in

riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is

easier for a camel to go through the eye of a

needle than for a rich man to enter the

kingdom of God'" (verses 21-25). (See also

"The Eye of a Needle" )

Notice the disciples' reaction when they heard

Jesus' comments about how difficult it was

for a rich man to enter the kingdom:

". . . They were greatly astonished, saying

among themselves, 'Who then can be saved?'

But Jesus looked at them and said, 'With men

it is impossible, but not with God; for with

God all things are possible'" (verses 26-27).

Eternal life is a gift given to those who

humbly seek God (John 3:16; Romans 6:23;

Ephesians 2:8-10). Everyone, whether rich or

poor, must rely on God's mercy for eternal


A lesson in priorities

Jesus explained that eternal life is a spiritual

issue of paramount importance. The wealth of

the man was not intrinsically wrong. But his

misplaced priorities—his improper

attachment to material wealth—was. Christ

perceived that the man was more interested in

his money than God. Indeed, the young man

was despondent over Christ's words "and

went away sorrowful, for he had great

possessions" (Mark 10:22).

God has revealed in His Word, the Bible, all

essential knowledge that humans need to

come into harmony with His ways in both

spiritual and physical matters. God has given

His people specific instructions for

supporting the poor (Deuteronomy 14:28-29;

15:1-2; 26:12-14). His Word even gives

instructions for how His people should

provide financially for annual religious

observances (Deuteronomy12:17-18; 14:22-


Jesus took the lesson of spiritual and financial

priorities a step further. "Then Peter began to

say to Him, 'See, we have left all and

followed You.' So Jesus answered and said,

'Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who

has left house or brothers or sisters or father

or mother or wife or children or lands, for My

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sake and the gospel's, who shall not receive a

hundredfold now in this time—houses and

brothers and sisters and mothers and children

and lands, with persecutions—and in the age

to come, eternal life'" (verses 28-30). Here,

Jesus promises physical and spiritual rewards

for putting Him first.

So He clearly is not against prosperity—

provided we don't make it the greatest priority

in our lives.

Keeping priorities straight can be quite a

challenge for people who have been blessed

with material goods. The rich must not glory

in their riches (Jeremiah 9:23). We must

remember Christ's instruction regarding our

priorities: ". . . Lay up for yourselves

treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor

rust destroys and where thieves do not break

in and steal. For where your treasure is, there

your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:20-21).

People are prejudiced

People can be prejudiced about money.

Sometimes the wealthy despise the poor, and

sometimes the poor despise the rich. Jesus did

not hold such biases. He ate with tax

collectors and sinners, was called their friend

(Matthew 9:10; 11:19) and ministered to the

poor (Matthew 11:5).

Yet He showed no partiality and could also be

found with the rich (Matthew 27:57; Luke

19:1-10). A wealthy man so admired Jesus

that he buried Him in his unused family tomb

(Matthew 27:57-60). Jesus Christ died for all

of humanity, regardless of anyone's social or

financial standing.

The Scriptures we have just reviewed show

that money is neutral—neither good nor bad.

Our attitude toward it, however, is important.

Money tests our allegiance; it makes apparent

whether we are committed to God or to our

possessions. At best, money is a tool we use

for important purposes.

Hardness of Heart - A

Roadblock to Receiving

from God By Andrew Wommack

I used to think people with hard hearts were God

haters or, at the least, people in rebellion to Him.

That’s what I used to think, until the day the Lord

told me I had a hard heart.

While flying to a meeting, I was reading about the

instance when Jesus came walking to His

disciples on the water, recorded in Mark 6:45-52.

They were in a terrible storm. After nine hours

they were still only halfway across the Sea of

Galilee, normally a two-hour trip. They were in

trouble and fighting for their lives. Yet here came

Jesus walking on top of the very thing that was

trying to kill them. He was totally in control.

This impacted me so much that I put my Bible

down and just stared out the window. There was a

solid layer of clouds beneath us, and in my

imagination, I thought about what it would be like

to see Jesus walking on the clouds beside the

plane. That’s not any more impossible than Jesus

walking on the water! I was just awestruck as I

considered this.

I continued reading in Mark 6:51 and saw that the

disciples had a similar reaction. The scripture


“They were sore amazed in themselves beyond

measure, and wondered.”

That’s exactly the way I felt. I thought to myself

that anyone who really thought about the

magnitude of this miracle should feel the same

way. We should be shocked and amazed at the

miraculous power of God. Then I read the next


Mark 6:52 says

“For they considered not the miracle of the

loaves: for their heart was hardened.”

It was just like someone slapped me in the face.

For the first time, I realized that being

shocked, amazed, or surprised at a miracle was

an indication of a hard heart. WOW! Or,

another way of saying it is, relating to the natural

more than the supernatural is an indication of a

hard heart. By that definition, my heart was hard.

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This set me on a three-and-a-half-year journey

seeking the Lord. I wanted to know what a hard

heart really was, what caused it, and how to cure

it. This has turned out to be one of the most

important things the Lord has ever shown me.

The dictionary defines hardened as cold,

insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding. If you’re

honest with yourself, you’ll have to agree that

there are certain areas of your life where you have

a hard heart toward God.

God made us so that we can harden our hearts and

literally shut out unwanted influences. It was

meant to be a positive thing, but because we

haven’t understood this, what God meant for good

has actually worked against us.

One of the best examples of hardheartedness is

found in the book of Exodus where Pharaoh

refused to let the children of Israel leave the land

of Egypt as God had commanded. There are

fifteen times in Exodus where the Scriptures

mention Pharaoh’s heart being hardened. This is

the only explanation as to why Pharaoh persisted

in resisting God when it was so evident that he

was no match for God’s power. A hardened

heart dulls a person’s ability to perceive and

understand. It is the equivalent of spiritual


In Mark 8:15, Jesus spoke to His disciples about

the characteristics of a hard heart. He said in

Mark 8:17-18,

“And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them,

Why reason ye, because ye have no bread?

perceive ye not yet, neither undestand? have ye

your heart yet hardened? Having eyes, see ye

not? and

having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not


In these verses, Jesus gives us symptoms that are

descriptive of a hard heart: (1) not being able to

perceive, (2) not being able to understand, (3) not

being able to see, (4) not being able to hear, and

(5) not being able to remember. These are all

speaking of inabilities in the spiritual realm.

A hard heart is characterized by an inability to

perceive spiritual things. This describes a person

who just doesn’t have an aptitude for spiritual

things. Others seem to perceive things that a

person with a hard heart can’t. A hard heart will

also keep a person from understanding the few

things they can perceive. They might see what the

Lord is trying to show them, but they can’t get a

hold of it in a way that they can apply it to their


When a person is hardhearted toward God, it’s

like they are spiritually blind and deaf; they just

can’t see spiritual truth or hear the Lord speak to

them. And they can’t remember. That last one is a

major indication of the condition of their heart.

People often express to me that they just don’t

have the ability to remember Scripture the way I

do. They imply that I must have a photographic

memory. But these same people can tell me who

won the Super Bowl last year or last decade, the

Major League batting averages of all the famous

baseball players, or the names of all the actors in a


I’ve watched some of those Super Bowl games,

but I don’t remember the details. It’s not because

my mind doesn’t work; it’s just a matter of the

heart. I remember Scripture because that’s where

my heart is. I don’t remember sports or

entertainment trivia, because my heart isn’t into

that. It’s all a matter of the heart.

Here are some of the major things I’ve learned

that determine the sensitivity of your heart. First, whatever you consider, your heart becomes

softened toward. Conversely, whatever you fail to

consider, your heart becomes hardened to. That’s

what Mark 6:52 reveals.

Again, that verse says,

“For they considered not the miracle of the

loaves: for their heart was hardened.”

The word, consider means, “to study, ponder,

deliberate, examine, or think upon.” The

scriptural term that would relate to “consider”

would be the word “meditate.” Or we could

substitute the word “focus” for “consider.” So, the

disciples’ hearts were hard, since they didn’t

“consider” the miracle of Jesus feeding the five


It wasn’t sin that caused the disciples’ hearts to be

hard; it was them focusing on things other than

the miracle Jesus had just performed. They

weren’t looking at pornographic magazines or

fighting or lying; they were occupied with trying

to save their lives in the midst of the storm. That

wasn’t sin.

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If you took me sailing, I would want you to have

some carnal knowledge about sailing. If I ride

with you in a car, I don’t want you to drive by

faith; I want you to have your eyes open and your

brain working. That’s not wrong.

But, if we get into a situation where our carnal

knowledge and abilities won’t save our lives, I

would like you to be able to go beyond the natural

and draw on the ability of the supernatural. We

can’t just be limited to the natural realm.

This is what was wrong with the disciples. They

had just witnessed Jesus taking five small loaves

of bread and two small fish and feeding an entire

multitude of at least 15,000 people. What an

awesome miracle. If they had kept their minds

stayed on that miracle, they wouldn’t have been

shocked or surprised to see Jesus walking on the


And notice that Mark 6:45 makes special mention

of the fact that Jesus “constrained” His disciples

to get into the boat and go to the other side. That

means He had to compel them. They didn’t want

to go, but Jesus made them do it. Therefore, they

didn’t get into this situation because of some

mistake on their part; they were under direct

orders from the Master. That means Jesus was

responsible for what happened to them.

If they had been thinking spiritually instead of

naturally, they would have known that Jesus

would take care of them. Instead of being

surprised to see Jesus walking on the water, they

would have expected it.

Likewise, if we were not so dominated by

considering the natural, we would not be

surprised by the supernatural. We should expect

to see the miraculous power of God manifest in

our lives all the time. But the truth is, our hearts

have become hardened toward God and His

supernatural power because of our failure to stay

focused on spiritual things.

One of the benefits of understanding what

causes hardheartedness is that you can reverse

this process and use it to become hardened

against the devil. That is absolutely true.

In my book and audio album Hardness of Heart, I

go on to explain that you cannot be tempted with

something you can’t think. You can’t go

anywhere in your actions that you haven’t already

gone in your mind. So, control your thoughts and

you can control your actions. That’s simple but

profound. Most people don’t operate that way.

This article has only scratched the surface of these

truths that the Lord has shown me about how to

soften our hearts toward God. You really need to

get the entire teaching to reap the full benefit of

these truths. It’s important because one of the

ways to soften your heart toward God is by just

sitting and soaking in the truth. It’s not enough to

just hear truth; we need to absorb it.

(Kirimkan kutipan, artikel, kata-kata mutiara atau kisah pengalaman anda yang dapat

memperkuat iman pembaca Newsletter ini

kepada TUHAN baik itu berupa pengalaman pribadi maupun orang lain dengan ciri utama

bisnis dan rohani)

Apa itu ICCC?

Forum dimana pesan Kristus untuk zaman ini dijabarkan, disampaikan dan

dinyatakan kepada Dunia Bisnis

ICCC adalah badan yang independen dan inter-denominasi, bukan menjadi

bagian dari suatu gereja tertentu namun ikut melayani gereja yang membutuhkan

pelayanan ICCC. ICCC berkantor Pusat di Orebrö Swedia

dan saat ini telah berada di sekitar 65 negara di lima benua.

ICCC Indonesia melakukan berbagai

kegiatan dan pelayanan baik terhadap anggota, maupun terhadap dunia bisnis khususnya dalam lingkungan Kristiani.

Undanglah kami untuk memberikan

presentasi mengenai visi, misi dan tujuan ICCC bagi dunia bisnis dan profesi

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International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) lahir dari kepatuhan terhadap visi yang diberikan selama kurun waktu enam tahun kepada seorang usahawan Swedia J. Gunnar Olson, yang diteguhkan dengan nubuatan dan terbukanya pintu kesempatan disekitarnya yang sebelumnya tertutup. ICCC merupakan panggilan yang serius dan menantang bagi pengusaha Kristen untuk mengenali jaman yang sedang kita masuki dan dengan terang dari pengenalan itu memasuki dimensi iman yang baru yang disediakan bagi mereka yang …” takut akan TUHAN … berbicara satu sama lain … dan menghormati namaNya.” (Maleakhi 3: 16) Visi ini memanggil para pengusaha dan kaum profesi di seluruh dunia yang terbeban untuk saling berhubungan, bertukar pendapat, memperdagang-kan barang dan menyediakan jasa, saling mendukung dan menguatkan secara rohani dan materi. Berdasarkan eksistensi dari visi itu sendiri memproklamirkan otoritas Kristus yang mutlak diseluruh dunia. Pada intinya ICCC adalah kehendak TUHAN untuk memperluas tali kasih-Nya, melalui gereja-Nya, didalam dunia usaha. Hal ini menuntut para pelaku bisnis mencari terlebih dahulu Kerajaan-Nya dan segala Kebenaran-Nya. Urapan tersedia bagi mereka yang dengan mata melihat dan telinga mendengar panggilan jaman. Sebagaimana halnya Raja Daud yang menerima urapan untuk menjadi raja, jauh sebelum dia menjadi Raja, yang keadaan pada saat urapan diberikan sama sekali tidak mungkin bagi Daud untuk menjadi Raja, demikianlah ICCC memanggil para pengusaha Kristen sebelum peristiwanya terjadi untuk mengalami kebebasan masuk ke dalam dimensi baru, dimana sasaran, strategi dan perencanaan bersama-sma diwujud-nyatakan sesuai dengan iman di dalam Kristus. ICCC mencanangkan panggilan itu sejalan dengan rencana TUHAN bagi jaman ini sebagai kunci memperoleh berkat dan pertumbuhan dan agar dapat bangkit berkemenangan diatas gelombang ombak yang mengancam.

Panggilan ICCC: “Mereka akan menjadi

milik kesayanganKu sendiri, firman

TUHAN semesta Alam pada hari yang

Kusiapkan. Aku akan mengasihi mereka

sama seperti seseorang menyayangi

anaknya yang melayani dia. Maka kamu

akan melihat kembali perbedaan antara

orang benar dan orang fasik, antara

orang yang beribadah kepada TUHAN dan

orang yang tidak beribadah kepada-Nya.” (Maleakhi 3: 17-18)


Satu-satunya TUHAN pencipta segala

sesuatu dalam kesatuan Trinitas: Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus.

Keilahian TUHAN Yesus Kristus. Kelahiran-Nya dari rahim seorang

Perawan. Karya penebusan dosa

manusia melalui kematian-Nya diatas kayu salib. Kebangkitan-Nya. Hak

otoriatas diri-Nya atas dunia dan

Kedatangan-Nya yang kedua kali dalam

Kuasa dan Kemuliaan-Nya.

Alkitab, sepenuhnya sebagai Firman

TUHAN yang memberikan inspirasi dan berbagai peraturan bagi kehidupan yang

dilandasi iman.

Keselamatan pribadi orang berdosa dan

kebutuhannya untuk mengalami proses

regenerasi melalui karya Roh Kudus dalam menuju menjadikannya sebagai

manusia yang dikehendaki oleh TUHAN,



Working Life (TWL) adalah Pelatihan resmi dari Kantor Internasional bagi anggota ICCC

dalam memperlengkapi

anggota dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman latar belakang, tujuan dan

penerapan prinsip-prinsip Kerajaan TUHAN bagi dunia bisnis dan profesi.

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TWL diperuntukkan bagi anggota dan dapat diikuti secara cuma-cuma, namun terbuka juga bagi siapa saja yang berminat untuk mengikutinya.

TWL diselenggarakan dalam bahasa

Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan buku panduannya, yang telah diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia juga, sehingga para peserta betul-betul akan memperoleh manfa’at yang besar dan mengalami transformasi dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun bisnisnya. TWL difasilitasi oleh anggota National Board yang terlatih dan dikoordinir oleh V.P. Teaching: Eliezer H. Hardjo bersama dengan Teaching Team: Johanis S. Najoan dan Ridwan Naftali

Get Blessed!

Posted February 3rd, 2007 by Michael

"... knowing that you were called for this

purpose, that you may inherit a blessing. " (1

Peter 3:9)

It is really important to God that YOU inherit

a blessing! Its not something to be ashamed

of or to apologize for. On the contrary, it is

central to God's purpose for your life! The

Scriptures declare it, and so when you as one

of God's people are blessed, then God

Himself is glorified.

God wants you to be blessed, even in ways

you have never known before. We can get

more of an idea of God's purpose when we

consider one of the main reasons Jesus died

on the cross and suffered for us. It was:

"so that the blessing of Abraham might come

to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might

receive the promise of the Spirit through

faith. " (Galatians 3:14)

God's blessings include forgiveness,

acceptance, friendship with God,

righteousness, the Holy Spirit, prosperity,

supply, healing, deliverance, fruitfulness,

long life, favor with men, joy, peace, love,

nobility of character, capacity and heart to

give, spiritual gifts, wisdom, faith, hope,

protection from danger and evil and even

favor with men. God wants you to enjoy all of

these. It is his will for your life! All you need

is to learn the Fear of the Lord, and how to

believe God, and you will have these in

increasing measure. I want to prove this to


According to Galatians 3:14, Jesus did what it

took for us to have the potential to enjoy the

blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus, in which

every blessing worth having can be found.

What it took was his death on the cross in our

place. These blessings were costly for Jesus

to obtain and so we should take an interest in

what it is that Jesus got for us and make sure

we receive the benefits.

So what is this blessing of Abraham?

Abraham was a rich man, with a beautiful

wife and lots of servants. He was victorious

in battle and lived a long life. But Abraham

enjoyed greater blessings than these.

Abraham had an ETERNAL future with God,

even though he sometimes did the wrong

thing -BECAUSE he was made right with


And the Scripture was fulfilled which says,

"Abraham believed God, and it was

accounted to him for righteousness." And he

was called a friend of God. (James 2:23)

The greatest blessing Abraham received was

being a friend of God, which he could be

because he was made righteous. As a friend

of God, Abraham would truly hear the words

of God, and sometimes God would appear to

him. God would show him things He was

going to do, even beforehand - like He did in

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the matter of Sodom and Gomorrah, and in

the matter of the coming of Isaac. Jesus even

taught that Abraham saw the days of Jesus in

a vision. Being a friend of God is a choice

blessing, and we can have it because of what

Jesus has done for us. Thank God.

The righteousness which counts with God is

the righteousness of His own perfect Son,

Jesus Christ. Without this righteousness, you

won't make it, no matter what good things

you do.

On this site is information which if applied

will enable you to get the curses broken off

your life and enter into every one of God's

blessings. Even though Jesus has payed for

these things, you will only get them if you do

your part. Our prayer life, our confession of

God's Word, and our obedience to His voice

in the things He reveals are all very

important. We need to learn obedience even

sometimes through the things we suffer.

Nevertheless God's purpose is not primarily

that we suffer, but rather, that we become like

Christ and inherit all blessings together with

Christ. The sufferings are just temporary, and

necessary things we must pass through in

order for God to get the desired result.

God gave so many blessings to Abraham, and

these blessings can be yours, if you meet the

conditions. God wants you to meet the

conditions so that you can be blessed! He will

help you to qualify, if you are willing.

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