Forming a New Life

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  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life



    DIBUAT TAHUN : 2012



  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life


    Forming A New Life

    1. Conceiving New Life

    2. Mechanisms of Heredity

    3. Nature & Nurture: Influences of

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    Heredity and Environment

    4. Prenatal Development

    5. Monitoring & Promoting PrenatalDevelopment

    2012 by [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life


    Forming A New Life

    Fertilization = conception

    Zygote = one-celled organism resulting from fertilization

    Dizygotic twins = 2 ovum / 1 unfertilized ovum splits + 2 sperm

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    Monozygotic Twins = 1 ovum + 1 sperm and then splits

    2012 by [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life


    Forming A New Life

    DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Genetic Code


    Genes Human Genome

    The basic functional units of heredity are the genes, which are

    made ofDeoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA).

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara ( 2012 by [email protected]

    DNA carries the biochemical instructions, or genetic code, that

    governs the development of cell functions.

    Each gene is located by function in a definite position on a

    particular chromosome.

    The complete sequence of genes in the human body is called

    human genome.

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    Forming A New Life

    Autosomes Sex chromosomes



    Heterozygous Dominant inheritance

    Recessive inheritance

    Human has 23 pairs of chromosome (22 pair of autosomes + 1 pair

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara ( 2012 by [email protected]

    o sex c romosomes ema e , pr a ee page

    Alleles : gene that can produce alternative expression of a

    characteristic (ex: dimples).

    Alleles A (from mother) + Alleles A (from father) = homozygous

    Alleles A (from mother) + Alleles a (from father) = heterozygous

    A = dominant inheritance; a = recessive inheritance Page 59

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    Forming A New Life

    Autosomes Sex chromosomes



    Heterozygous Dominant inheritance

    Recessive inheritance

    Phenotype vs Genotype

    Human has 23 pairs of chromosome (22 pair of autosomes + 1 pairof sex chromosomes XX female XY ria See a e 58

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara ( 2012 by [email protected]

    Alleles : gene that can produce alternative expression of a

    characteristic (ex: dimples).

    Alleles A (from mother) + Alleles A (from father) = homozygous

    Alleles A (from mother) + Alleles a (from father) = heterozygous

    A = dominant inheritance; a = recessive inheritance Page 59

    Phenotype = observable; Genotype = genetic make up of a person.

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    Forming A New Life

    See page 62 Birth defects

    Incomplete dominance

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    Sex-linked inheritance

    See page 64 Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

    Down Syndrome

    Genetic counseling & Testing

    2012 by [email protected]

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    Forming A New Life

    Behavioral genetics: quantitative study of relative hereditary and

    environmental influences of behavior.

    Heritability (keturunan): Statistical estimate of contribution of

    heredity to individual differences in a specific trait within a given


    Concordant: Term describing tendency of twins to share the same

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    trait or isor er.

    Reaction range: potential variability, depending on environmental

    conditions, in the expression of a heredity trait.

    Example: body size Canalization: Limitation on variance of expression of certain

    inherited characteristics.

    Example: eye colour, baby growing up processes

    2012 by [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life


    Forming A New Life

    Genotype-environment interaction: The portion of phenotype

    variation that results from the reactions of genetically different

    individuals to similar environmental conditions.

    Example: Allergic reactions.

    Genotype-environment correlation: Tendency of certain genetic and

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    , y ,

    reactive (evocative), or active.

    Niche-picking: tendency of a person, especially after early childhood, to

    seek out environments compatible with his or her genotype.

    Nonshared environmental effects: The unique environment in which

    each child grows up, consisting of distinctive influences or influences

    that affect one child differently than another.

    2012 by [email protected]

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    Forming A New Life

    Some Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and Environment:

    Physical and Physiological Traits


    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (


    Personality and Psychopathology

    Temperament Schizophrenia

    2012 by [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Forming a New Life


    Forming A New Life

    Stages of Prenatal Development

    o Germinal (fertilisasi 2minggu)

    o Embryonic (2-8 minggu)

    o Fetal (8 minggu kelahiran)

    Environmental Influences: Maternal Factors

    o Nutrition & Maternal Weight



    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    o a nu r on

    o Physical Activity and Strenuous Work

    o Drug Intake (Medical drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, NAPZA)

    o Maternal Illness (AIDS, Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, etc)

    o Maternal Anxiety, Stress and Depression

    o Outside Environmental Hazards

    Environmental Influences: Paternal Factors

    o Quality of sperm (age, etc)

    2012 by [email protected]

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    Forming A New Life

    See Page 89

    Care should begin before pregnancy to identify the risks. Such

    care should include the following:

    1. Physical examinations taking of medical and family histories

    Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara (

    2. Vaccinations for Rubella and Hepatitis B

    3. Risk Screening for genetic disorder and infectious diseases

    such as Sexual Transmitted Diseases

    4. Counseling woman to avoid smoking and alcohol, maintain ahealthy body weight, and take folic acid supplements.

    2012 by [email protected]