Falah Absurditas

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  • 8/2/2019 Falah Absurditas


    Andai Kita Hannah Arendt dan Martin Heidegger

    *Falah Absurditas

    "Obat yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan cinta adalah obat yang telah diketahui

    sepanjang zaman: membalas cinta[1]" .

    "Orang yang memahami sesuatu hingga kedalamnya jarang sekali tetap bisa

    mempercayainya selama-lamanya. Sebab mereka membawa kedalaman tersebut ke

    tengah-tengah terangnya matahari siang yang cerah; dan segala sesuatu yang

    terdapat di kedalaman itu biasanya tidak enak untuk dilihat[2]".

    "Bahkan orang-orang yang paling berani pun jarang sekali memiliki ketegaran atas

    apa yang benar-benar mereka ketahui[3]".

    Sudah berapa ratus tulisan ku untai untuk menggambarkan dirimu dalam batas bayang

    yang tak pernah lekang. Kau yang manis, selalu menyalakan api dalam diri, hingga

    aku memiliki warna yang berbeda dengan orang lain. Aku bukanlah bintang dan bulandalam sungai hitam, tapi aku adalah gambaran dirimu, yang selalu sharing di serambi

    mesjid itu.

    bibirmu tipis serasa senja di taman kampus. Ku senang waktu itu, duduk berdua

    denganmu, berbagi tawa, cerita, dan membincangkan sains dan filsafat. Entah apa

    yang ku rasa selama ini. Dalam gerimis Hujan, kau tanyakan tenang hal,

    Arendts hermeneutic phenomenology

    The hermeneutic impulse of Arendts method consists in its orientation to

    understanding, i.e. to the meaning of phenomena and events in their very particularity,

    newness and contingency. This interpretive current in Arendts work is particularly

    manifest in relation to the phenomenon of totalitarianism. 4 It is accentuated in her

    well-known and much repeated insistence that the desire to understand animates her

    research: Ich will verstehen The accent on understanding phenomena through the way

    they are experienced is nicely illustrated by her introductory remarks to The human


    What I propose in the following is a reconsideration of the human condition from the

    vantage point of our newest experiences and our most recent fears. () What I

    propose, therefore, is very simple: it is nothing more than to think what we aredoing. 6 And in the introduction to The origins of totalitarianism, she writes:

    "This book is an attempt at understanding what at first and even second

    glance appeared simply outrageous. [Understanding means] examining and

    bearing consciously the burden that events have placed upon us - neither denying

    their existence nor submitting meekly to their weight as though everything that in

    fact happened could not have happened otherwise".

    Understanding thus means the unpremeditated, attentive facing up to, and resisting

    of, reality - whatever it may be or might have been.Arendts method is to approach

    political events through the shared, i.e.

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    intersubjective and worldly, experience of these phenomena. These experiences

    constitute the true, the only reliable teachers of political scientists, as they are the

    most trustworthy source of information for those engaged in politics.28Research

    arises out of theexperience of incidents and should remain bound to them; as the

    circle remains bound to its focus. Arendt summons the cultivation of a scholarly

    attitude or ethos of commitment to incidents, events, facts, and appearances and ofradical openness to the factual, that is, contingent and unpredictable nature of events:

    I have always believed that, no matter how abstract our theories may sound or

    how consistent our arguments may appear, there are incidents and stories behind

    them which, at least for ourselves, contain as in a nutshell the full meaning of what

    we have to say (...); and the only gain one might legitimately expect from the

    most mysterious of human activities are neither definitions nor theories, but rather

    the slow, plodding discovery and, perhaps, the mapping survey of the region which

    some incident had completely illuminated for a fleeting moment. Events are central to

    Arendts analyses because they disclose or illuminate the meaningfulness of the world

    in a certain way.

    What we experience is this illumination. Subsequently, the experiences of disclosed

    parts of reality require explicit interpretation (slow plodding discovery and

    mapping survey) in order to appropriate their full meaning and significance. Several

    aspects of this description demand closer inspection by situating them in the

    hermeneutic-phenomenological tradition.

    Dengan sedikit senyum, hatimu memelukku untuk kala pertama. Sungguh ku bahagia

    kala itu. Memang ku sedikit bingung, karena tak tahu siapa Hannah Arendt itu?

    dengan sedikit malu, ku akui bahwa aku tidak mengerti. Hanya bisa memberikan

    sedikit komentar yang usang.....

    Bellongs to idea..

    Arendt adopted the emphasis Heidegger typically put on the dimension of disclosure,

    appearance, showing and unconcealment (Unverborgenheit); respectively

    disappearance and concealment, in his analysis of what phenomena are. For

    Heidegger, phenomena appear against a background of concealment, carrying some

    things into the light from darkness.

    This process he called world-disclosure Entirely implicit, Arendt also adopted

    Heideggers emphasis on the worldly nature ofhuman existence. This worldlinesswas Heideggers critical response to the Western tradition of metaphysical and

    scientistic thought.

    He called human being Dasein in order to avoid the metaphysical notion of the subject

    and argued that Daseins primary existential way of being or of relating to the world,

    others and itself (expressed in the so-called existentials), is in-der-Welt-sein, being-

    in-the-world. Unlike things, human beings do notcoincide with themselves, nor are

    they not enclosed in themselves.

    On the contrary, they are always already outside of themselves (Ek-sistenz), open

    unto things and other human beings, in the midst of the world and engaged in theworld of which they are part, and in their own being. Arendts conception of the

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    structures of human existence as human conditions is certainly informed by this

    phenomenological analysis of human ways of being and their primordially worldly


    Aku tahu ia memakai buku apa, namun itu telah dibaca dahulu kala. Dimana aku terus

    diguyuri oleh ketidakmengertian. Bagiku, "Mengerti berarti memaafkan segalanya".Memang selain kau cantik, manis, dan pintar, Kau juga pintar melebihiku, dimana

    dulu kala kau sering share denganku, Hannah Arendt.

    Ku telah ungkapkan hatiku padamu, dan dalam pesan itu kau tersenyum untukku.

    Secara langsung, ku tersenyum dan terlelap dalam imajinasi bila kita duduk di bawah

    pohon dan ku peluk dirimu untuk selamanya. Itu semua ingin ku lakukan sebelum kita

    melanjutkan akademisi ke luar negri bersama namun berpisah. Sejujurnya, ku ingin

    bersamamu, Hannah Arendt. Hatimu dan hatiku berseru. Kau padaku, dan ku padamu.

    "Three metamorphoses of the spirit do I designate to you: how the spirit becometh a

    camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child. Many heavy things are there forthe spirit, the strong load-bearing spirit in which reverence dwelleth: for the heavy

    and the heaviest longeth its strength[5]".

    Tak ada kata metafor yang bisa menggambarkan kebahagiaan kita, Hannah Arendt.

    Semoga bumi memeluk kita berdua secara bersamaan, karena kita berdua telah

    berlengkarnasi. Kembali secara abadi, untuk terus menerangi dunia ini, oleh

    kehidupan kita.


    1. The Dawn Of Day : Friedrich Nietzsche : Buku IV : Aforisme 415.

    2.Human, All Too Human : Friedrich Nietzsche : Aforisme 489.

    3. Twilight of the Idols ; Friedrich Nietzsche aforisme 2 : Maxim and Arrows.

    4. Martin Heidegger :Nietzsches The Will To Power As Art.

    5. Friedrich Nietzsche.Also Sprach Zarathustra : THE THREE METAMORPHOSES

    : Aforisme : 1-2.