Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)

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  • 7/23/2019 Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)


  • 7/23/2019 Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)



    A distinguishing mark of the accountancyprofession is its acceptance of the responsii!ity toact in the pu!ic interest" Therefore# a professiona!accountant$s responsii!ity is not e%c!usi&e!y to

    satisfy the needs of an indi&idua! c!ient oremp!oyer" In acting in the pu!ic interest# aprofessiona! accountant sha!! oser&e and comp!y'ith this (ode" If a professiona! accountant is

    prohiited from comp!ying 'ith certain parts of this(ode y !a' or regu!ation# the professiona!accountant sha!! comp!y 'ith a!! other parts of this(ode"

  • 7/23/2019 Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)


    Fundamenta! Princip!e

    A professiona! accountant sha!! comp!y 'iththe fo!!o'ing fundamenta! princip!es)



    *c+ Professiona! (ompetence and -ue (are

    *d+ (on.dentia!ity

    *e+ Professiona! /eha&ior

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    Fundamenta! Princip!e

    Conceptual Framework Approach

    The circumstances in 'hich professiona! accountants operate may createspeci.c threats to comp!iance 'ith the fundamenta! princip!es" It isimpossi!e to e&ery situation that creates threats to comp!iance'ith the fundamenta! princip!es and specify the appropriate action" In

    addition# the nature of engagements and 'ork assignments may di0erand# conse1uent!y# di0erent threats may e created# re1uiring theapp!ication of di0erent safeguards" Therefore# this (ode esta!ishes aconceptua! frame'ork that re1uires a professiona! accountant to identify#e&a!uate# and address threats to comp!iance 'ith the fundamenta!princip!es" The conceptua! frame'ork approach assists professiona!accountants in comp!ying 'ith the ethica! re1uirements of this (ode andmeeting their responsii!ity to act in the pu!ic interest" It accommodatesmany &ariations in circumstances that create threats to comp!iance 'iththe fundamenta! princip!es and can deter a professiona! accountant fromconc!uding that a situation is permitted if it is not!!y prohiited"

  • 7/23/2019 Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)


    Fundamenta! Princip!e

    Threats and Safeguards

    Threats may e created y a road range of re!ationships andcircumstances" 2hen a re!ationship or circumstance creates athreat# such a threat cou!d compromise# or cou!d e percei&ed tocompromise# a professiona! accountant$s comp!iance 'ith thefundamenta! princip!es" A circumstance or re!ationship maycreate more than one threat# and a threat may a0ect comp!iance'ith more than one fundamenta! princip!e" Threats fa!! into oneor more of the fo!!o'ing categories)

    a" Se!f3interest threat

    " Se!f3re&ie'

    c" Ad&ocacy threat

    d" Fami!iarity threat

    e" Intimidation threat

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    Fundamenta! Princip!e

    Safeguards are actions or other measures that may e!iminate threats orreduce them to an accepta!e !e&e!" They fa!! into t'o road categories)

    a" Safeguards created y the profession# !egis!ation or regu!ation4 and

    " Safeguards in the 'ork en&ironment"

    Safeguards created y the profession# !egis!ation or regu!ation inc!ude)

    5" Educationa!# training and e%perience re1uirements for entry into theprofession"

    5" (ontinuing professiona! de&e!opment re1uirements"

    5" (orporate go&ernance regu!ations"

    5" Professiona! standards"5" Professiona! or regu!atory monitoring and discip!inary procedures"

    5" E%terna! re&ie' y a !ega!!y empo'ered third party of the reports#returns# communications or information produced y a professiona!accountant"

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    Fundamenta! Princip!e

    2hen initiating either a forma! or informa!con6ict reso!ution process# the fo!!o'ing factors#either indi&idua!!y or together 'ith other factors#may e re!e&ant to the reso!ution process)

    a" Re!e&ant facts4

    " Ethica! issues in&o!&ed4

    c" Fundamenta! princip!es re!ated to the matter

    in 1uestion4d" Esta!ished interna! procedures4 and

    e" A!ternati&e courses of action"

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    Integrity is the 1ua!ity of eing honest and ha&ingstrong mora! princip!es# mora! uprightness" It isgenera!!y a persona! choice to upho!d onese!f toconsistent!y mora! and ethica! standards"

    In ethics# integrity is regarded y many peop!e as thehonesty and truthfu!ness or accuracy of one8sactions" Integrity can stand in oppositionto hypocrisy# in that ,udging 'ith the standards of

    integrity in&o!&es regarding interna! consistency as a&irtue# and suggests that parties ho!ding 'ithinthemse!&es apparent!y con6icting &a!ues shou!daccount for the discrepancy or a!ter their e!iefs"

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    The 'ord integrity e&o!&ed from the 9atin ad,ecti&e integer#

    meaning 'ho!e or comp!ete" In this conte%t# integrity is the

    inner sense of :'ho!eness: deri&ing from 1ua!ities such

    as honesty and consistency of character" As such# one may

    ,udge that others :ha&e integrity: to the e%tent that they act

    according to the &a!ues# e!iefs and princip!es they c!aim to


    A &a!ue system8s astraction depth and range of app!ica!e

    interaction may a!so function as signi.cant factors in

    identifying integrity due to their congruence or !ack of

    congruence 'ith oser&ation" A &a!ue system may e&o!&e in a

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    In ethics 'hen discussing eha&ior and mora!ity# anindi&idua! is said to possess the &irtue of integrity if theindi&idua!8s actions are ased upon an interna!!yconsistent frame'ork of princip!es" These princip!es

    shou!d uniform!y adhere to sound !ogica! a%ioms orpostu!ates" One can descrie a person as ha&ing ethica!integrity to the e%tent that the indi&idua!8s actions#e!iefs# methods# measures and princip!es a!! deri&e froma sing!e core group of &a!ues" An indi&idua! must

    therefore e 6e%i!e and 'i!!ing to ad,ust these &a!ues inorder to maintain consistency 'hen these &a!ues arecha!!enged# such as 'hen an e%pected test resu!t fai!s toe congruent 'ith a!! oser&ed outcomes" /ecause such6e%ii!ity is a form of accountai!ity# it is regarded as

    a mora! responsii!ity as 'e!! as a &irtue"

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    IntegrityAn indi&idua!8s &a!ue system pro&ides a frame'ork 'ithin 'hich the

    indi&idua! acts in 'ays 'hich are consistent and e%pected" Integrity

    can e seen as the state or condition of ha&ing such a frame'ork#

    and acting congruent!y 'ithin the gi&en frame'ork"

    One essentia! aspect of a consistent frame'ork is its a&oidance of

    any un'arranted *aritrary+ e%ceptions for a particu!ar person orgroup ; especia!!y the person or group that ho!ds the frame'ork" In

    !a'# this princip!e of uni&ersa! app!ication re1uires that e&en those in

    positions of o

  • 7/23/2019 Etika Profesi Akuntansi (2)



    Accounting ethics is primari!y a .e!d of app!iedethics and is part of usiness ethics and humanethics# the study of mora! &a!ues and

    ,udgments as they app!y to accountancy" It isan e%amp!e of professiona! ethics" Accountingintroduced y 9uca Pacio!i# and !ater e%pandedy go&ernment groups# professiona!organi=ations# and independent companies"Ethics are taught in accounting courses athigher education institutions as 'e!! as ycompanies training accountants and auditors"

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    O,ecti&ity is a state of mind that e%c!udes ias# pre,udice andcompromise and that gi&es fair and impartia! consideration toa!! matters that are re!e&ant to the task in hand# disregardingthose that are not" 9ike integrity# o,ecti&ity is a fundamenta!ethica! princip!e and re1uires that the auditor$s ,udgment is not

    a0ected y con6icts of interest"

    O,ecti&ity and independence are important ethica! &a!ues inthe accounting profession" Accountants must remain free fromcon6icts of interest and other 1uestiona!e usinessre!ationships 'hen conducting accounting ser&ices" Fai!ure to

    remain o,ecti&e and independent may hamper an accountantai!ity to pro&ide an honest opinion aout a company .nancia!information" O,ecti&ity and independence are a!so importantethica! &a!ues for auditors"

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    The need for auditors to e o,ecti&e arises fromthe fact that many of the important issuesin&o!&ed in the preparation of .nancia!statements do not re!ate to 1uestions of fact utrather to 1uestions of ,udgment"

    A professiona! accountant in pu!ic practiceshou!d consider 'hen pro&iding any professiona!ser&ice 'hether there are threats to comp!iance'ith the fundamenta! princip!e of o,ecti&ityresu!ting from ha&ing interests in# or re!ationships'ith# a c!ient or directors# o

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    A professiona! accountant in pu!ic practice 'hopro&ides an assurance ser&ice is re1uired to eindependent of the assurance c!ient" Independence ofmind and in appearance is necessary to ena!e the

    professiona! accountant in pu!ic practice to e%press aconc!usion# and e seen to e%press a conc!usion# 'ithoutias# con6ict of interest or undue in6uence of others"

    The e%istence of threats to o,ecti&ity 'hen pro&idingany professiona! ser&ice 'i!! depend upon the particu!ar

    circumstances of the engagement and the nature of the'ork that the professiona! accountant in pu!ic practiceis performing"

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    A professiona! accountant in pu!ic practice shou!d e&a!uatethe insigni.cant# safeguards shou!d e considered andapp!ied as necessary to e!iminate them or reduce them to anaccepta!e !e&e!" Such safeguards may inc!ude)

    2ith dra'ing from the engagement team"

    Super&isory procedures"

    Terminating the .nancia! or usiness re!ationship gi&ing riseto the threat"

    -iscussing the issue 'ith higher !e&e!s of management'ithin the .rm"

    -iscussing the issue 'ith those charged 'ith go&ernance ofthe c!ient"