DAFTAR PUSTAKA PEMDA koltim, 2014,Koltim dalam data 2014, Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi Pemerintah Daerah Koltim. Addison, R., (1980),Gold and Silver Extraction From Sulfide Ore,. Mining Congress, New York Andreas. 2004, Perilaku Bahan dalm Medan Magnetik.Bandung. Bateman, A.M., 1981, Mineral Deposit 3rd edition, Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York. Reynolds, Tom D dan Richards, Paul A. 1996. Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering, PWS Publishing Company, Boston. Lindgren, 1933. Mineral Deposits,McGraw–Hill Book Company, New York. Nurgalieva N.D and Yassonov P.G.,2013, Magnetic Susceptibility Remanent Magnetiztion And Coercivity Variations Along Soil Profile, ARPN Journal Of Engginering and Applied Sciences, Vol 8, No .5 Reynold, 1995. Unit Operation & Processes in Environmental Engineering. Second Edition. PWS Publishing Company. Boston. Telford, W.M . (1990), Applied Geophysics. Cambridge University Prees, London.

Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA



PEMDA koltim, 2014,Koltim dalam data 2014, Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi Pemerintah Daerah Koltim.

Addison, R., (1980),Gold and Silver Extraction From Sulfide Ore,. Mining Congress, New York

Andreas. 2004, Perilaku Bahan dalm Medan Magnetik.Bandung.

Bateman, A.M., 1981, Mineral Deposit 3rd edition, Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York. Reynolds, Tom D dan Richards, Paul A. 1996. Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering, PWS Publishing Company, Boston.

Lindgren, 1933. Mineral Deposits,McGraw–Hill Book Company, New York.

Nurgalieva N.D and Yassonov P.G.,2013, Magnetic Susceptibility Remanent Magnetiztion And Coercivity Variations Along Soil Profile, ARPN Journal Of Engginering and Applied Sciences, Vol 8, No .5

Reynold, 1995. Unit Operation & Processes in Environmental Engineering. Second Edition. PWS Publishing Company. Boston.

Telford, W.M . (1990), Applied Geophysics. Cambridge University Prees, London.