Presentation 2 nd Group Y/ OFF. A / 2012 1. Aliyul Murtadlo 2. Binti Hifdlotun A. 3. Novia Sigma A. 4. Putri Ani Puji K. K. 5. Yeni Puspitasari



Transcript of BIP 6

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Presentation 2nd Group

Y/ OFF. A / 2012

1. Aliyul Murtadlo2. Binti Hifdlotun A.3. Novia Sigma A.4. Putri Ani Puji K. K.5. Yeni Puspitasari

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habitat Amphibians are vertebrate

animals residing in a wide range of habitats, such as aquatic, terrestrial, or between both of them.

Amphibi adalah hewan vertebrata bertempat tinggal di area yang luas seperti akuatik, terrestrial , atau hidup diantara kedua lingkungan tersebut.

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Makanan / food The food for Amphibians are

insect (such as ant, mosquito, butterfly, etc), worm.

Makanan Amphibi adalah serangga (seperti semut, nyamuk, kupu-kupu, dll), nyamuk.

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Kepala dan badan lebar bersatu ada dua pasang kaki atau anggota tak ada leher dan ekor Bagian dalam ditutupi dengan kulit basah halus lunak Kepala mempunyai mulut yang lebar untuk mengambil

makanan 2 lubang hidung/ nares externa yang kecil dekat ujung hidung

yang berfungsi dalam pernapasan 2 mata yang besar spherik dibelakangnya 2 lubang pipih tertutup oleh membrane tympani

yang berfungsi sebagai telinga

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Heads and wide bodies unite there are two pairs of legs or members, no neck and tail The inside is covered predictably smooth soft wet skin Head has a big mouth to take food 2 nostrils / nares small externa near the tip of the nose that

functions in respiration 2 spherik large eyes flat 2 holes behind closed by the tympanic membrane

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Kaki katak terdiri atas sepasang kaki depan dan sepasang kaki belakang

Kaki depan terdiri atas lengan atas (brancium), lengan bawah (antebrancium), tangan (manus), dan jari-jari (digiti)

Pada kaki belakang terdiri atas paha (femur), betis (crus), kaki (pes) dan jari-jari (digiti)

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Frog legs consist of a pair of front legs and a pair of rear legs

The front legs consist of the upper arm (brancium), forearm (antebrancium), hand (manus), and fingers (digiti)

At the back of the leg consists of the thigh (femur), shank (crus), foot (pes) and fingers (digiti)

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Warna pada amfibi mengyembunyikan dirinya dalam habitat mereka atau mungkin terang dan berbenturan. Banyak spesies yang berwarna beracun. Warna khususnya memperingatkan predator bahwa mereka bukan seekor amfibi luar biasa yang ditemui. Beberapa katak mengkamuflasekan dirinya dengan mengubah warna. Amfibi dewasa tidak semata-mata tergantung pada paru-paru yang primitif untuk pertukaran gas respirasi. Kelenjar kulit basah meraka, dengan skala yang rendah tersuplai kapiler darah yang berlimpah. Dan juga melayani permukaan respirasi

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The coloration of amphibians may conceal them in their habitat or may be very bright and striking. Many of the brightly colored species are poisonous. Their distinctive colors warn predators that they are not encountering an ordinary amphibian. Some frogs camouflage themselves by changing

color. Adult amphibians do not depend solely on their primitive lungs for the exchange of respiratory gases. Their moist, glandular skin, which lacks scales and is plentifully supplied with blood vessels, also serves as a respiratory surface.

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Reproduction system

Male Genitalia systema. Amounted to a pair of testicles, yellowish white, hung by mesorsium. Next caudal corpus adiposum found, located in the posterior part of the abdominal cavity.b. Reproductive tract. Renal tubular ducts will be afferent and bring spermatozoa from the testes to the duct mesonefrus. Near the cloaca, duct mesonefrus on some species will grow to form vasikula seminal (sperm storage while). Seminal vesicles will grow only during the breeding season only. Vasa afferents are subtle channels that leave the testis, walked toward the medial to the cranial kidney. Duct wolf out of the dorsolateral kidney, he walked on the lateral kidney. Cloaca still occasionally encountered clear

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Female Genitalia systema. Amounted to a pair of ovaries, the next kranialnya found bermwarna yellow fatty tissue (corpus adiposum). Both ovarian and corpus adiposum from plica gametalis, respectively gonalis, and pars progonalis. Ovarian hung by mesovarium.b. Reproductive tract, the oviduct is a meandering channel. Oviduct begins with building a similar funnel (infundibulum) with holes called abdominal oskum. held next caudal oviduct dilation called dutus mesonefrus. And finally empties into the cloaca. (SH Book II, Animal Anatomy textbook assistance).

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Metamorfosis katak 1. Pada awalnya katak betina dewasa akan bertelur,

kemudian telur tersebut akan menetas setelah 10 hari. Setelah menetas, telur katak tersebut menetas menjadi berudu, berudu ini hidup di air. Setelah 2 hari, berudu mempunyai insang luar yang berbulu untuk bernafas.

2. Setelah berumur 3 minggu, insang berudu akan tertutup oleh kulit. Menjelang umur 8 minggu, kaki belakang berudu akan terbentuk kemudian membesar ketika kaki depan mulai muncul.

3. Pada saat umur 12 minggu, kaki depannya mulai terbentuk, insang tidak berfungsi lagi dan ekornya menjadi pendek serta bernafas dengan paru-paru

4. Setelah pertumbuhan anggota badannya sempurna, katak tersebut akan berubah menjadi katak dewasa

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At first frog adult females will lay eggs, then the eggs will hatch after 10 days. After hatching, the frog eggs hatch into tadpoles, the tadpoles live in water. After 2 days, the tadpoles have feathery external gills for breathing.

After the age of 3 weeks, the tadpoles gills will be covered by the skin. Towards the age of 8 weeks, tadpole hind legs will be formed later enlarged when the foot began to emerge.

At the age of 12 weeks, his legs began to take shape, gills do not work anymore and a short tail and breathe with lungs

After growth of perfect limbs, the frog will turn into adult frogs


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Adults frog

Young frog


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