Artikel Keracunan

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  • 8/10/2019 Artikel Keracunan


    Awas, Bakteri Salmonella Pada Telur Bebek

    by: Mary Louise

    Mengkonsumsi telur bebek bukanlah hal yang baru bagi sebagian besar masyarakat kita.

    Apalagi bagi penggemar jamu, dipakai sebagai campuran ekstra yang tentunya wajib ada.

    Betapa nikmatnya dan segarnya badan ini setelah meminumnya. Namun mulai sekarang

    Anda harus sedikit waspada. Ternyata telur bebek lebih mudah terjangkiti bakteri

    salmonella dibandingkan telur-telur jenis lainnya seperti telur ayam atau telur puyuh.

    Sejauh mana bahayanya dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya?

    Belum lama ini di London, Inggris dilaporkan adanya 66 kasus keracunan akibat

    mengonsumsi telur bebek. Bahkan, salah seorang diantaranya ada yang tewas.

    Penyebabnya mungkin terasa mustahil, yakni keracunan telur bebek. Tapi jangan salah,

    ternyata penyebabnya bukan pada telur bebeknya, namun pada bakteri salmonella yang

    terdapat pada telur bebek tersebut. Dan yang anehnya, tidak ada kasus maupun keluhan

    pada konsumen yang mengkonsumsi telur unggas lainnya seperti telur ayam dan puyuh.

    Setelah dilakukan berbagai penelitian lebih jauh, ternyata cangkang telur bebek lebih tipis

    dibandingkan cangkang telur ayam dan puyuh. Inilah penyebab kenapa bakteri salmonella

    lebih cepat menulari telur bebek. Cangkang yang tipis ini merupakan pintu masuk bakteri

    salmonella untuk mencemari isi telur secara menyeluruh. Orang yang tertular bakteri

    salmonella akan mengalami gejala-gejala seperti perut kejang, demam dan sering disertai

    dengan diare. Gejala ini akan terasa setelah 10 sampai 72 jam setelah tertular salmonellaini.

    Bila gejala ini dibiarkan, maka bakteri salmonella dengan cepat akan menulari bagian-

    bagian tubuh lainnya melalui aliran darah. Dan ini sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Dan

    bila kondisi tubuh yang terjangkiti sedang lemah apalagi dalam keadaan kekebalan tubuh

    rendah, bisa berakibat pada kematian.

    Bagaimana cara mengatasinya agar bakteri salmonella tidak menulari kita? Juru bicara

    Badan Standarisasi Makanan (FPA) di London, Inggris mengatakan bahwa satu-satunya cara

    adalah tidak mengkonsumsi telur bebek dalam keadaan mentah. Masaklah telur bebek

    tersebut sampai benar-benar matang hingga kuningnya padat dan tidak ada yang masih

    cair. Hal ini agar bakteri salmonella yang menulari isi telur dipastikan mati.

    Lalu bagaimana dengan para penggemar jamu di negeri kita yang notabene pengkonsumsi

    telur bebek mentah? Mungkin kita bisa meminimalisir potensi tertularnya telur bebek oleh

    bakteri salmonella dengan cara mencuci telur dengan sabun sebelum membukanya dan

    segera mencuci tangan setelah memegang telur tersebut. Dan agar lebih aman, siramlah

    telur bebek tersebut dengan air panas sebelum dibuka. Mudah-mudahan hal ini bisa lebih
  • 8/10/2019 Artikel Keracunan


  • 8/10/2019 Artikel Keracunan


    (2) artikel 2

    Food Poisoning in the Netherlands and United States Traced Back to

    Fish Firm

    By Mike Stewart

    October 31, 2012 | Posted inFood Poisoning,Food Recalls,News

    The source of recent outbreak of salmonella poisoning affecting people in both the Netherlands and the United States

    have been traced back to a Dutch company that specializes in manufacturing smoked salmon products according to

    theIrish Times.

    So far, the outbreak has killed three elderly Dutch citizens. It has also made approximately 1,000 other individuals

    seriously ill across both countries. Many of those people have been hospitalized in order to undergo treatment for

    serious contamination. The deaths of the three Dutch elderly people have been officially confirmed at this point by the

    National Institute of Public Health.

    The strain of salmonella responsible for the breakout has been further identified as salmonella Thompson.

    The National Institute of Public Health is currently working closely with both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    in the US, as well as the Centre for Disease Control to solve the problem.

    Extensive efforts are being made to track the contaminated fish supplies and remove them from shelves and pantries.

    Efforts are also being made to closely monitor those who have become ill as a result of the outbreak.

    So far, 18 of the people who have been hospitalized due to salmonella infection are planning to initiate legal action

    against the company responsible for the contaminated salmon. The company is known as Foppen and is based in

    Harderwijk, a Dutch seaport.

    So far, there have been no American deaths reported in conjunction with this particular salmonella outbreak, although

    an estimated 100 people have become seriously ill because of it. About 10 of those people have been hospitalized in

    order to undergo treatment.

    At this point, all of the products containing any of the contaminated fish have been pulled from grocery store shelves.

    Foppen has also ceased production of its smoked salmon products until further notice.

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  • 8/10/2019 Artikel Keracunan


    (3) artikel ke 3

    Girl Paralyzed by Food Poisoning; Infection Traced to KFC Chicken

    By Mike Stewart

    November 19, 2012 | Posted inFast Food, Food Poisoning

    Kentucky Fried Chicken is officially responsible for a severe case of food poisoning responsible for paralyzing a

    young girl, according to anofficial court rulingby Judge Stephen Rothman.

    The girl in question has been identified as Monika Samaan. She was seven years of age when she contracted

    salmonellosis from a Twister wrap she ordered at Kentucky Fried Chicken in October of 2005. The infection escalated

    into salmonella encephalopathya brain related complication of salmonellosiswhich eventually led to blood

    poisoning and septic shock. Samaan is now permanently disabled thanks to this infection and its complications, as

    well as KFCs negligence.

    Several other members of Samaans family also became ill after consuming chicken products from the same

    Kentucky Fried Chicken shop located in Villawood. However, Monikas illnesses were the most severe, as she

    suffered impairment related to speech, cognitive function, and motor skills. She also spent a period of time in a coma

    while in hospital.

    The Supreme Court and Justice Rothman ruled in the familys favor after it was determined that negligent and

    improper handling of food and failure to observe proper legal guidelines in regards to food safety directly caused

    Monikas illness.

    However, it is thought that the employees acted out of ignorance, unaware that their actions could cause such a

    result. The actions in question included dropping food on the ground, throwing chicken around in a joking manner,

    and handling various food items without safety gloves in place.

    The compensation the Samaan family will be receiving is as yet to be determined in another hearing. KFC has also

    officially announced that it will be appealing the decision of the court.

    We believe the evidence showed KFC did not cause this tragedy and, after reviewing the judgment and seeking

    further advice from our lawyers, we have decided to appeal Justice Rothmans decision, said Sally Glover,spokesperson for KFC Australia.

    Wefeel deeply for Monika and the Samaan family however we also have a responsibility to defend KFCs reputation

    as a provider of safe, high quality food.

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