Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Shintia F Dewi Art and A guidebook for exploring Cultural Festivals in Bandung the uniqueness of Bandung

Transcript of Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Page 1: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Shintia F Dewi

Shintia F Dewi

Art and

A guidebook for exploring

CulturalFestivalsin Bandungthe uniqueness of Bandung

Page 2: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Clockwise from top:Bandung Berisik, Festival Kuliner Padjadjaran (Nasi Tutug Oncom), Ujung Berung Festival, Bandung Wayang Festival, Festival Paduan Angklung.

Page 3: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung


Riksa Budaya Sunda__________________________________________ Festival Drama Basa Sunda Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang__________________________________________ Bandung Berisik Festival Kuliner Padjadjaran__________________________________________ Ujung Berung Festival Bandung Wayang Festival Festival Paduan Angklung__________________________________________ Braga Festival__________________________________________ Pasar Seni__________________________________________







Clockwise from top right:Pasar Seni, Riksa Budaya Sunda, Festival Drama Basa Sunda, Braga Festival, Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang.

Page 4: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

AcknowledgmentsThanks God. Finally I can see this project in the form of a real book with no more

daydreaming. Finishing this guidebook through several problems and pessimistic is a reward for me. So, I dedicate this book to my parents, abah Dedi and mamah Ida,

who have supported me all the time.

Firstly, I’d like to say thank you to the Mayor of Bandung: Bpk. Dada Rosada, the vice Mayor of Bandung: Bpk. Ayi Vivananda, and head of the Tourism and Culture

Department of Bandung: Bpk. Priana Wirasaputra for the support regarding this project.

I’d like to thank the following people for their insight, help, and guidance throughout the months: Bpk. Ating Sudjana, Kang Mehonk, Alfi, Kang Dadi P. Danusubrata,

Kang Wawan S. Gumelar, Gian, Indra and Ibu Nia Paramita Anthony. All the information you gave me was very useful in completing my big project.

Ayu, Setiadi, Firlian, A. Zakaria, Riri, Ibu Yani Adyawardhani and Ibu Citra, you are all the ones who have been really helpful in connecting me to the right people I should


I thank to my supervisor, Bpk. Danny G. Nugraha, for the best advice, suggestions, and corrections of this work. Also, I’d like to say a big thank you to my buddies, Teh

Pujiana Nurul Hikmah and Vera Triana Wijaya who were willing to make their time for proof-reading the whole book.

Shidqi Faizal Rahman, thanks for hearing all problems I faced, for good advice, and for the unlimited support you gave me.

Friends of mine in English Department of Polban class of 2009, especially for Agnes, Rika, Rijal, Nuning, Arief, Dessy. Also, those who live with me in boarding house: Tita, Kiky, Fani, Hannabel, Mahayu, Teh Ika, Teh Tika and Teh Merry A. Siregar,

I owe you the spirit that you spread to me. You rock!

Last but not least, thank you so much for my cousin, M. Jaka Prawira who had dedicated himself to help me set the layout of this guidebook.

And okay, this is the last. I had found so much information and inspiration in the pages of Pikiran Rakyat daily newspaper and JJK (Jakarta Java Kini) magazine. That was be-

yond inspiring me, indeed. In short, I’m so lucky to have you all!

Shintia F [email protected]

Page 5: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

1Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung


Acknowledgments Welcome to Bandung

PrefaceBandung, the

emerging creative city Riksa Budaya Sunda

Festival Drama Basa SundaPentas Seni Budaya

ManglayangBandung Berisik

Festival Kuliner Padjadjaran Ujung Berung Festival

Bandung Wayang FestivalFestival Paduan Angklung

Braga FestivalPasar Seni

Other Great Events to GoTransportation Services

Banks and Money ChangersSouvenir Shops

Clinic and Medical AssistanceTourist Information Center

UsefulPhone NumberBibliography





20263238 44525864


Page 6: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Welcome to Bandung Bandung is one of the cities that becomes the

leading tourism destination. It is also known for its attributes: Paris van Java and the Flower city.

Now, Bandung is developed in order to maximize its achievement, and reduce its devactiveness through several ways: by improving the quality of the human resources, management, and infrastructures in order to make more various cultural attractions and by im-proving the marketing and promotion strategy.

Conducting regular events such as Braga Festival, Ujung Berung Festival, Pasar Seni and many other similar events is one of the ways to support the devel-opment of the city. It is made in order to strengthen the root of art and culture, to stimulate the creativity and innovation, and also to introduce the excellence and uniqueness of Bandung as well as to promote it to many people.

These efforts will not give any significance if there is no support from many people. Because of that, I do really appreciate the effort of Shintia Febriyanti Dewi, a stu-dent of Politeknik Negeri Bandung, who has developed her final project entitled “Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung: A guidebook for exploring the unique-ness of Bandung”.

This guidebook points out the uniqueness of Bandung through a number of regular art and cultural festivals of-fered. This is a great and interesting piece of work, for this guidebook can be used not only as the study ma-terials for many of art and cultural festivals in Bandung, but also as a practical reference as well as a guidance for both international and domestic tourists.

Thus, on behalf of the Bandung Government, I would like to thank her and give the appreciation for the ef-forts. Hopefully, this guidebook can be useful, and also fulfill the requirement of the final project as well as be-come a practical reference that contributes to a value added point towards Bandung as the city of service, and the city of dignity that possesses honor, pride and identity as prescribed in the motto: “The City that gives meaning, cleanliness, prosperity and friendliness”.

Kota Bandung sebagai salah satu kota tujuan wisata terkemuka yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan Paris van Java serta Kota Kembang, kini tengah sibuk berbenah. Berbenah dalam artian meng-optimalkan berbagai capaian kemajuan yang sudah ada, dan menekan sekecil mungkin segala kekurangan , baik melalui peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, manajemen dan infrastruktur, penganekaragaman produk wisata khas daerah, hingga promosi dan pemasaran.

Pagelaran berbagai event tahunan seperti Braga Festival, Ujung Berung Festival, Pasar Seni, dan lainnya, merupakan bagian dari upaya tersebut. Dengan maksud, selain memperkokoh akar seni budaya, merangsang daya inovasi dan kreasi, juga mem-perkenalkan dan mempromosikan berbagai produk seni budaya unggulan juga keunikan Kota Bandung.

Tentu saja, upaya ini tidak akan berarti sama sekali tanpa dukun-gan dari berbagai pihak. Karena itu, saya sangat meng-apresiasi upaya yang dilakukan Shintia Febriyanti Dewi, mahasiswi Politeknik Negeri Bandung, yang dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhir semester VI, menyusun sebuah buku berjudul: “Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung: A guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung”.

Buku ini mengungkap berbagai keunikan Kota Bandung melalui berbagai perhelatan seni budaya tahunan ini, sungguh sebuah karya yang sangat cerdas sekaligus menarik, mengingat buku ini tidak saja menjadi bahan kajian terhadap berbagai pergelaran seni budaya di Kota Bandung, tetapi juga menjadi referensi juga panduan praktis bagi para wisatawan baik domestic maupun mancanegara yang datang ke Kota Bandung.

Karena itu, atas nama Pemerintah Kota Bandung saya mengu-capkan terimakasih dan penghargaan yang tinggi atas upaya tersebut. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat, serta dapat memenuhi persyaratan Tugas Akhir, sekaligus menjadi salah satu referensi yang member nilai tambah bagi perkembangann kepariwisataan Kota Bandung, guna memantapkan pencapaian visi Kota Bandung sebagai Kota Jasa yang Bermartabat. Yaitu kota dan warganya yang memiliki kehormatan, kebanggaan dan jati diri, sesuai motto juang Bermartabat, yang bermakna Bersih, Makmur, Taat dan Bersahabat.

The Mayor of BandungH. Dada Rosada, S.H., M. Si.

Welcome t

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3Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

Welcome to Bandung Nowadays, the development of Bandung’s

tourism is rapidly increasing. In 2011, the data showed that there were 6,712,824 tourists

who came to Bandung. In details, 6,487,239 of them were domestic tourists and the rest (225,585) were foreigners. In fact, more than sixty percent of them were staying in hotels and other types of accommo-dation available in Bandung.

Being well known as urban tourism, Bandung and its attractions have been developed and enriched with more features including the improvement of landscapes, galleries/museums, cultural activities, heritage, and many other specific target areas. Also, Bandung is covered with many of supporting facili-ties, such as shopping facilities, markets, souvenir shops, entertainment spots, and the functions of city (academic, health and fabrication). Those aspects have led Bandung to become one of the tourism destinations to be potentially developed. However, the development of tourism destination cannot be separated from other elements, such as accommo-dation, accessibility, and the tourism attractions.

In relation to the tourism attractions in Bandung, I, as the representative of the Tourism and Culture Department of Bandung, fully support the making of this guidebook entitled “Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung: A guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung”. Hopefully, this guidebook can be very beneficial for the writer and can generally enrich the tourism sector, particularly in Bandung tourism attractions.

May Allah bless us all. Amen.

Perkembangan Kepariwisataan di Kota Bandung dewasa ini men-galami peningkatan yang cukup menggembirakan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke Bandung, dalam tahun 2011 saja tercatat sebanyak 6.712.824 wisatawan, dengan rincian wisatawan dalam negeri 6.487.239 orang dan wisatawan luar negeri sebanyak 225.585 orang. Dimana dari jumlah tersebut, lebih dari 60% nya menginap di hotel serta penginapan yang ada di Kota Bandung.

Daya tarik wisata kota Bandung sebagai urban tourism, yang dibangun dengan fitur-fitur kota termasuk didalamnya didukung oleh elemen primer seperti; lansekap, galeri/museum, kegiatan budaya, heritage, dan kawasan binaan khusus, serta elemen sekundernya, seperti; sarana perbelanjaan, pasar, cinderamata, cinderarasa, hiburan, dan fungsi-fungsi perkotaan (sebagai kota pendidikan, kesehatan, fabrikasi) telah menempatkan Bandung, pada posisi sebagai destinasi tujuan pariwisata yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Namun demikian, pengembangan destinasi pariwisata tentunya tidak terlepas dari dukungan unsur lainnya, diantaranya akomodasi, aksebilitas, dan atraksi wisata yang dimilikinya.

Berkaitan dengan kegiatan atraksi wisata yang ada di Kota Bandung, kami sangat mendukung disusunnya buku berjudul: “Art & Cultural Festivals in Bandung: A guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung” yang merupakan tugas akhir saudari Shintia Febriyanti Dewi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Bandung, dengan harapan semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi penulisnya dan pada umumnya bisa memperkaya khasanah sebagai buku panduan tentang atraksi wisata di Kota Bandung.

Demikian sambutan tertulis yang dapat saya sampaikan. Semoga Allah SWT. senantiasa memberikan petunjuk-Nya, dan meridhoi segala niat baik kita. Amin.

The Head of the Tourism and Culture Department of BandungDrs. Priana Wirasaputra, MM.

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5Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung


“Travelling around some places to grab

a pleasing moment has long been listed as one of the people’s needs, particularly those who have full-

exhausting days in their lives. Some people would be willing to spend a fortune just for travelling, but those whose budget is tight have to work out a plan well to meet the best value for the spending.

I’m sure that no one in this world hates pleasure. No matter how busy you are, you would look for pleasure in your own way. Having a relaxed time at home, going for an adventurous trip, going out for an interest-ing film, experiencing a new culinary spot, listening to music, having a party, hanging out around a village, or even perhaps travel-ling around the world may reach the pleas-ure that suits you.

One alternative of the objects of interest to visit is a festival. It is an activity that is made for spending free time, conducting business-oriented program, and leading a tourism-related activity in the form of excit-ing experience that is having a fastest devel-opment in each aspect. Festivals offer you a wide range of entertainment, starting from musical attractions, arts exhibitions to cul-tural parades. You can enjoy the attractions provided in festivals and learn something new from a wide range of exhibits.

Bandung, as the city of art and culture after Bali and Yogyakarta, also offers many regu-lar art and cultural festivals every year. Many artist communities are still concerned with art and culture. Both the artists and organiz-ers show not only their loyalty to the art and culture but also innovation. Thus, festivals in Bandung seem to have well developed to give international tourists more choices of destination.

Great number of artists and their communi-ties frequently gather for a creation and later

Actually, most people know Bandung as “Paris van Java”, because it has many good shopping points in

fashion, like Paris. Bandung is also known as the city of creativity, for there are many creative industries exists.

Bandung has been the trendsetter in fashion, culinary and even the innovation and development of technology.

So, can you imagine how interesting it will be to visit Bandung by its attributes?

on publish or exhibit their creation to be appreciated by people. They said that con-ducting a festival becomes one of the media for showing their ability and creativity. No wonder, people who come to the art and cultural festivals in Bandung are not only lo-cal people, but also people from other cities and countries.

Actually, most people know Bandung as “Paris van Java”, because it has many good shopping points in fashion, like Paris. Band-ung is also known as the city of creativity, for there are many creative industries. Band-ung has been the trendsetter in fashion, cuisine and even the innovation and devel-opment of technology. So, can you imagine how interesting it will be to visit Bandung by its attributes?

Because of those reasons, the Government collaborated with the organizations and communities regularly hold many festivals such as Braga Festival, Bandung Wayang Festival, Ujung Berung Festival, Festival Kuliner Padjajaran, Pasar Seni, Festival Drama Basa Sunda, Festival Paduan Ang-klung, Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang, Riksa Budaya Sunda and Bandung Berisik. This book will tell you more about those fes-tivals. In addition, there is also information of other art and cultural festivals that you might come across during your stay.

Hopefully, this guidebook can answer your questions about art and cultural festivals in Bandung. Besides, this book can also be used as a handy reference of festivals. This guidebook also provides additional informa-tion that will make it easier to organize your time during your visit, such as the choice of hotels or accommodation, culinary places, transportation services and some tips during the festivals.

Enjoy your time in Bandung, and have a great experience!

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Since a long time ago, Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, has become one of the places listed in the choice of tourism

destinations. It has various potential tour-ism attractions. Many people come to Bandung for its natural attractions, histori-cal buildings, shopping corners, culinary spots, cultural experiences, arts attrac-tions, and even just for its fresh weather. As one of the big cities in Indonesia, the weather of Bandung is quite different. Bandung is located in a highland area, so the average temperature of Bandung is about 290C [840F] (about 190C [660F] at night and up to 310C [880F] in the daytime). The weather is a bit humid most

of the time. Thus, sunburn is a rare case although it is hot.

Beside many attractions owned by the city, it is not surprising that Bandung is widely known as a creative city. The 4th

Marketplace of Creative Arts was held in Bandung after the three similar events held in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Astana in Kazakhstan. In 2012, the events were held in Indonesia. Bandung had been chosen as the most appropriate place to hold those events, since it is cat-egorized as one of the five creative cities in Asia. Bandung is known as the city that pays high contribution for the develop-ment of creative industry in Indonesia.

BANDUNGThe Emerging Creative City

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7Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

Bandung is the city where there are more than 25 creative-industry communities that develop their efforts to make it a better city to be visited by more and more people.The Tourism and Culture Department of Bandung has recorded that there are more than 150 active art communities. To maintain their existence, many of them gather to conduct an exhibition, event, or festival. This is very interesting since those are not only about the moment for showing the talents of each community, but also a selling point that attracts many people including those coming from the other cities and other countries.

Thus, it is easy to find the combination of art, culture and creativity of people in Bandung. It can be in the form of art performances, fine art, clothes, and even food. Many new products were created in Bandung and they are not only famous in Bandung, but also in Indonesia and other countries such as Singapore and Malaysia.

Many creative-art and cultural-art festivals are held periodically or sometimes ten-tatively in Bandung. As the medium for showing the abilities of each community which grows in Bandung, it somehow makes Bandung have its own soul that is different from other cities in Indonesia.

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Page 13: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Riksa Budaya Sunda[Preserving the Sundanese Culture]

Showing The True West Java

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A country’s culture consists of many single parts of a region’s culture. As many people know, Indonesia is famous for the country that has

many regional cultures which have their own specialty and uniqueness. One of the parts that builds the richness of Indonesia’s culture is the culture from West Java region that is known as Sundanese culture.

Sundanese language is one of the parts of Sundanese culture. As the native language of West Java, Sundanese language has been a part of the soul of Sundanese peo-ple. Realizing that the culture of Sunda is an asset to be preserved, the student associa-tion of Sundanese literature and language (Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Basa Jeung Sastra Sunda) of Universitas Pendidi-kan Indonesia annually holds Riksa Budaya Sunda. This event has been regularly held since 1997. This event is also held to enliven the international day of native language which is celebrated on February 21st .

The sound of Gamelan traditional instru-ments warmly welcome you while you




Souvenir Stand

PunggawaCourtesy of Firlian Nurrahman


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11Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

“come to the area of Pusat Kegiatan Maha-siswa (PKM) building of Universitas Pendidi-kan Indonesia (UPI). You may experience the Sundanese atmosphere, as the stands at the event are beautifully decorated by thousands of different patterns of Batik with the stand keepers wearing Sundanese traditional cos-tume and Iket (headband) on their head. Iket is a piece of Batik (fabric dyed by using par-ticular method; covers removable wax to the part that wouldn’t be intended) that is folded into several kinds of folding method that has its own Sundanese philosophy. You can get your Iket and learn how to wear that piece of that material in one of the stands there.

If you are interested in learning the ancient scripts/characters of Sundanese, you can reach one of the stands there. There is a group of students who will give you a guide sheet about Sundanese ancient-characters, and tell you how to write something by those letters. You will feel that you are in the middle of old-world, learning how to write unexpect-ed symbols of letter that you haven’t seen before. It’s hard to do, but you can get your name written by different kinds of characters. Just put it on your hand or another part of your body to remember it. That will be unique, and different.

Many stands show you Sundanese culture

and artifacts such as Sundanese traditional equipment, kitchen utensils, weapons and so on. They also sell many Sundanese sou-venirs and handicrafts. You may buy the min-iature of Wayang Golek (wooden puppet) or Angklung Mini (tiny-sized Sundanese musical instruments), and show them to your friends who cannot come to this program. That’s the authentic Sundanese culture that you can bring to your home.

The stands of workshop, gallery, and exhibi-tion are on the first floor of PKM building. Meanwhile, you can get yourself to see the performance, competition and other interest-ing performances on the second floor of the building. A quite large stage is provided for several competitions and art performances within two days. Watch the performance of Sundanese musical poetry reading, Pupuh (the musical poetry that is bounded with a particular theme and number of words used) competition, theatrical performance, Sunda-nese story-telling competition for children even a standup comedy in Sundanese. Those who do not understand Sundanese language may be confused, but do not worry, the performer also brings some stage properties like a magician show. It somehow can help you to get what the comedian talks about through its body language and

You may experience the Sundanese atmosphere, as the stands at the event

are beautifully decorated by thousands of different

patterns of Batik with the stand

keepers wearing Sundanese traditional costume and Iket

(headband) on their head.Wearing Iket

Page 16: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung



1. Use the word “punten” (pu:n-tan) to substitute your “excuse me”. It is just the simplest thing you can do in Sundanese.2. Make sure that you come with the camera/video camera. Capture some interesting things that you find around.3. Come earlier on the first day. There is an ethnic opening ceremony before the event starts.4. Go to money changer before you are off to the events. Bring enough rupiahs since you’ll find some interesting things to buy.5. If you don’t have a plan to buy Iket, you can learn how to use it freely. The stand keeper will tell you many things.6. Taste the authentic Sundanese food and beverages while enjoying the performance and shows. You can buy the foods and drinks at a stand on the first floor.

1. Leave the rubbish in an inappropriate spot. Just bring a container to put it in and then throw it to the dustbin in front of the building.

Casa d’ LaderaJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 224

Phone: +6222 2012491 / 2007202

Hotel EnhaiiJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 186

Phone: +6222 2011797 / 2006468Website:

Banana InnJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 191

Phone: +6222 200 5479Fax: +6222 200 5489

Email: [email protected]:

Puri CengkehJl. Gegerkalong Hilir No. 35

Phone: +6222 201 4198Fax: +6222 201 9218

G.H Universal HotelJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 376Phone: +6222 201 0388

Cipaku IndahJl. Cipaku II No. 2Phone: +6222 201 0220Fax: +6222 201 0223

Gumilang RegencyJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 323Phone: +6222 201 2618Fax: +6222 201 2612Email: [email protected]:

MQ Guest HouseJl. Gegerkalong Girang No. 24Phone: +6222 200 5105Fax: +6222 200 8045



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Kentucky Fried Chicken Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 169Phone: +6222 201 1557

Surabi EnhaiiJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 186Phone: +6222 76966333

Mamink Daeng Tata’s RibJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 53Phone: +6222 201 2109

Surabi ImutJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 194Phone: +6222 200 6848

Padangnese Cuisine SederhanaJl. Dr. Setiabudhi 167Phone: +6222 200 2423

Fuego BarbequeJl. Sersan Bajuri No. 88Phone: +6222 278 6988

Maja HouseJl. Sersan Bajuri No. 72Phone: +6222 2788196Website:

Kampung Daun Culture and Gallery CaféJl. S. Bajuri KM 4,7 No. 88Phone: +6222 278

Suis ButcherJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 174Phone: +6222 201 3772@SUISButcher

My Little KitchenAussie Steak and BurgerJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 206Phone: +6222 204

Holland BakeryJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 119APhone: +6222 203 6675

Ma Uneh Sundanese CuisineJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 159Phone: +6222 201 1959

Brussels SpringJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 49-51Phone: +6222 203 2202

Bebek Goreng H. SlametJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 172Phone: +6222 204 0721

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is located in the north of Bandung, around 5 kilometers from the downtown. The access to go there can be found through several alternatives of public transportation services such as Angkot (mini van public transport) and the city bus that show the route to “Ledeng”. Just tell the driver that you will get off at UPI, and then they will stop the vehicle in front of the gate of UPI.

“The story telling competition of primary school students is really

attractive, since they blend the story, culture and their own

creativity as well. A story can be seen in various ways: each of the

stories is unique as the characters of each performer.”

Hadi AKS, a Sundanese storywriter



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Page 19: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Festival Drama Basa Sunda[Sundanese Theatrical-show Festival]

Dedicated to the Theatrical Show Enthusiasts

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Festival Drama Basa Sunda[Sundanese Theatrical-show Festival]

For those of you who are engrossed in theatrical show, you must be in love with this biennially festival. It is called “Festival Drama Basa Sunda”, a great

festival that binds all the communities of theatrical performing art from all around West Java. In this festival, you can get the new experience of being the witness of cultural art performances. Prepare yourself for the great and prestigious competition of theatrical per-forming art around March in even-numbered year.

As we live in the globalization era, the topic and the stories of the show in the festival in each year are various. The festival usually brings four different stories in Sundanese language that can be chosen freely by each theatrical art community. The four stories that were used in the last Festival Drama Basa Sunda included “Kawin Ucing”, “Satru”, “Pajaratan Cinta” and “Nagara Angar”. “Kawin Ucing” tells about the love story between two old people who are opposed by their grandsons. “Satru” is hostility between two parties in a political campaign. Meanwhile, “Pajaratan Cinta” is about several people who have an eager to kill their feeling for the person/thing that he/she loves. Whether a story can be repeatedly delivered by other

Opening DanceCourtesy of Teater Sunda Kiwari

Kawin UcingCourtesy of Teater Sunda Kiwari

Aki & NiniCourtesy of Teater Sunda Kiwari

MARCH@ Rumentang Siang Hall

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performers, each performer has to deliver his/her show in different ways. Therefore, you will find the creativity of each group which becomes the other attractions that will grab your attention. The festival regularly takes place in Gedung Kes-enian Rumentang Siang, located in Jl. Baranang Siang No. 1, Kosambi. It is the best venue in Bandung for conducting an indoor theatrical show, for you can feel the difference of sound effect that Gedung Kesenian Rumentang Siang can please you.

This festival is held in the range of 2-3 weeks long. The range is based on the number of partici-pants of this event. Usually, there are four shows in a day starting from 8 AM to 2 PM. To enter the hall, you must buy the cheap ticket first. Just pay for Rp. 15,000 for each show, and you can enjoy the 90 minute show and choose wherever avail-able seat you want in the hall.Leading in consistency for more than 20 years in

the preservation of Sundanese culture, Teater Sunda Kiwari as the organizing committee of this festival won the ap-preciation from Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia in 2008 and the appreciation of “Rancage 2008”. As the group of theatri-cal performing art that has been living for more than 35 years, Teater Sunda Kiwari has paid a high contribution in the preser-vation of Sundanese culture by organizing Festival Drama Basa Sunda. For the last two decades, this community has regu-larly held the competition of theatrical performing art for 12 times. This event is the real dedication towards the preserva-tion of the Sundanese language through a drama and theatrical performing art as the medium.

At the end of the festival, Teater Sunda

Kiwari will present their best show. In Festival Drama Basa Sunda 2012, they presented “Jen-dral Debel Nu Debil”. Literally, “Jendral Debel Nu Debil” means the crazy general. That was a drama for criticizing the working of the Indone-sian government. In this play, the general as the main character acted as an authoritarian person. He acted whatever he wanted and did not care of his people.

For several people who are involved in a theatri-cal art, being a part of theatrical performing art can encourage them to find their identity. They learn how to well behave by acting many other figures who are hypocritical. How about you? Is that being the audience can also teach you the other new experience?

This event is the real dedication towards the preservation of the Sundanese language through a drama and theatrical performing art as the medium.

Pajaratan CintaCourtesy of Teater Sunda Kiwari

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1. Take a camera/video camera to capture or record some interesting things along the shows.2. You can bring your own snack to the hall, but beware of your trash! You have to keep the hall clean.

1. Make a noise while the show is running; it may distract the performers, adjudicators and/or other audiences.2. Smoke inside the hall area.

Papandayan HotelJl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 83

Phone: +6222 731 0799Fax: +6222 731 0988

Baltika HotelJl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 30

Phone: +6222 731 3331Fax: +6222 731 0776

Hotel IstanaJl. Lembong No. 44

Phone: +6222 423 3025

Naripan HotelJl. Naripan No. 31-35

Phone: +6222 420 7009Fax: +6222 423 8912

Hotel NarpatiJl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 36

Phone: +6222 730 3376Fax: +6222 731 6333


Hotel Grand PreangerJl. Asia Afrika No. 81/41Phone: +6222 423 1631

Hotel PurwasariJl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 19Phone: +6222 730 0170Fax: +6222 250 5930

There are several routes depending on where you are from, but most of public transport vehicles pass the main roads, Jalan A. Yani and Jalan Sunda where the venue is located, on the corner between them.Several kinds of public transport can be used to reach the venue. However, the most efficient choice is by using Taxi. Since it will serve you directly to the venue of the event, the rate for 1 time service is quite cheap. For the rate under Rp. 20,000, you will be charged for Rp. 20,000.





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Padangnese Cuisine Sabana KapauJl. Baranang Siang No. 7Phone: +6222 520 7130

Padangnese Cuisine Wendi SaiyoJl. Baranang Siang No. 73Phone: +6222 426 1171

Mie NaripanJl. Naripan No. 108Phone: +62 22 420 5516

Kedai Nyonya RumahJl. Naripan No. 92 C Phone: +6222 421 10426

Dunkin DonutsJl. Naripan No. 92 BPhone: +6222 421 0418

Ayam Goreng NikmatJl. Panaitan No. 9Phone: +6222 423 0040

Mie Kocok SKMJl. Sunda No. 38Phone: +6222 420 1582

Yami-yami NoodleJl. Sunda No. 53Phone: +6222 421 4395

Bakmie ParahyanganJl. Sunda No. 52Phone: +6222 420 4843

Texas ChickenJl. Sunda No. 73Phone: +6222 423

Hoka-hoka BentoToserba Yogya SundaJl. Sunda No. 60Phone: +6222 426 1956

Roti Bumbu Bakar Cari RasaJl. A. Yani No. 149Phone: +6222 423 9740

Batagor KingsleyJl. Veteran No. 25Phone: +6222 420 7104

Baso Tahu SabogaJl. Burangrang No. 39Phone: +6222 733 4019

Batagor RiriJl. Burangrang No. 41Phone: +6222 730 3349

“In drama, the use of different language is not a barrier, because it is blended in the theme, story, act, and good characterization to deliver the message.”Godi Suwarna, a Loyal guard of Sundanese Heritage


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Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang[Manglayang Art and Cultural Festival]

When Nature Becomes the Background of Arts, Culture And Tradition

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Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang

Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang is an annual traditional arts festival, which is held down at Sentra Wisata Terpadu Manglayang and is now entering its third year. The event

offers a truly Sundanese atmosphere, as well as folk music, traditional arts and authentic Sundanese cuisine. What makes this festival special is that you can see the view and the relaxing atmosphere of mount Manglayang.

Manglayang is the name of the mountain located in the east of Bandung. This mountain is part of the mountain ranges consisting of mount Burangrang, the famous Tangkuban Parahu, Tunggul hill, and mount Manglayang. Manglayang has a height up to 1,818 meters above the sea level. In the clear weather, you will be able to see the beautiful-greenish peak of this mount in the distance.Combining the uniquness of traditional arts and culture with the beautiful scenery of mount Man-

[Manglayang Art and Cultural Festival]

Topeng BenjangCourtesy of Dapur Seni & Budaya

Kuda RenggongCourtesy of Dapur Seni & Budaya

ReakCourtesy of Dapur Seni & Budaya

APRIL - JUNE@ Sentra Wisata Terpadu Manglayang

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glayang, this event is listed as the most awaited moment not only by the locals, but also by people from other regions around Bandung. Many people also come for its weekly traditional market that offers many kinds of culinary stands, outfits, handicrafts and others. Moreover, people come to this event for a recreation because of its fresh-weather venue that is set around the base of the mountain.

With the free admission, Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang will be showcasing

traditional art performances such as Ram-pak Kendang (Bongo ensamble), Kacapi Suling (musical performance of traditional flute and stringed instruments), and Kuda Renggong (dancing horse). Furthermore, there are also interesting shows of Reak (a parade to express the joy), Jaipongan dance, Calung (an orchestra of wooden bars producing sound by bitting), Karinding (a piece of bamboo’s slice producing vibra-tion), Debus (a collaboration of Bantenese martial art and mystical show), Penca Kawih (martial arts, exhibited with the Sundanese traditional instruments) and the carnival of various kinds of Topeng Benjang (mask exhibition).

This event also offers you the daily show of Sundanese martial arts: Pencak Silat

and Benjang. Manglayang, the part of Cibiru region, is the place where Benjang, Pencak Silat and Reak come from. There are more than 40 paguron (school) of Benjang and Pencak Silat which exist in this region. The appearance by a group of paguron Pencak Silat opens the event in the morning, as well as the Reak performance as the closing.The event is run for three months from the beginning of April until June. The event is held for two days in a week (Saturday and Sunday), within the interval of two weeks. You can find this event starting from 6.30 AM

to 12.30 PM. Just imagine that the venue area is a court that is as large as the football field. The greenish background of the mountain sur-rounding it, and many trees around can make you feel peaceful and relaxed. Then, if you come earlier, the fresh morning weather will greet you softly. I recommend that you try Bandrek, the Sundanese beverage made of ginger essence, sold by some food sellers. It can heat your body in the morning.

So what are you waiting for? It’s the moment to watch and enjoy an exotic cultural feast at a suburban area of Bandung. Then, be a part of Sundanese art and cultural event with vari-ous traditional arts, tasty local cuisines, and the harmony of the folk music.

Be a part of Sundanese art and cultural event with various traditional arts, tasty local cuisines, and the harmony of the folk music.

Pencak SilatCourtesy of Dapur Seni & Budaya

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1. Bring your own camera/video camera down to capture some interesting things that you find, or take your own pictures there.2. Bring whatever head protector suits you. Since the event takes place in an outdoor court, you may need those things once the noon comes and the sunlight distracts you to enjoy the shows.3. Be polite to people you meet. Just in case you need their help, you will face everything easy.

1. Don’t be afraid of the frightening attraction that are usually shown by several performers. The myth exists in several regions in Indonesia. It is just part of the attraction related to the culture and tradition. 2. Don’t take all your stuff in your bag, or you will get shoulder pain after visiting the event.3. Locals there may gaze at you while the event is held, but do not worry or angry with them.

Augusta HotelJl. Surapati No. 203

Phone: +6222 250 7491

Wisma AmanahJl. Cikutra No. 99

Phone: +6222 727 6475

Hotel Bumi Kitri PramukaJl. Cikutra No. 276 A

Phone: +6222 721 6913

Wisma SehatJl. Pahlawan No. 85Phone: +6222 251 4500

Hotel Yehezkiel BandungJl. Surapati No. 191-193Phone: +6222 250 2383

Posters HotelJl. PHH Mustafa No. 33APhone: +6222 720 6012



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There are many food fenders around the venue. They sell local cuisines, starting from snacks, beverages or the extra-big portion meals like nasi liwet komplit (steamed rice wrapped in banana leaf, and served with fried chicken, fried tofu, and fresh vegetables).

There will be so many people who come to this place, because this place is famous for ‘the village fun, economic and

entertainment spot’. The access to reach the venue is so crowded. You need to walk for about 500 meters long from the main road. Never bring your own vehicle, because the parking

area is limited. That choice is recommended if you plan to come to the venue earlier in the morning.

“Sundanese is rich of traditional culture that still exists from a long time ago. This festival is the moment to show everybody that we are one of the rich ethnics in Indonesia.”Ayi Vivananda , the vice mayor of Bandung



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Bandung Berisik[Bandung Underground-music Festival]

Scream The Aspiration Out Loud

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Bandung Berisik[Bandung

Undergroundmusic Festival]

“WE’RE HERE TO BLOW YOUR F***N’ EARS” is baldly printed on the back of the crew’s T-shirt

of Bandung Berisik Festival. Literally, “ber-isik” means noisy, and clearly describes the atmosphere of the festival that is full of noise. Yeah, this is Bandung Berisik, the biggest underground music festival in Asia. More than 20,000 people come to this festival only to witness their “soul” performing on the stage. How can the musicians be the soul of them? It is because they try to show the freedom of expression through its satirical lyrics. They freely sing the voice of self-aspiration.

Fully supported by one of the Indonesia’s

most famous cigarette brands, Bandung Berisik shaken Sulaiman Air Base (Lapangan Udara Sulaiman), and of course throbbed your ears, from May 18 to 19. This year’s theme, Maximum Agression, is the sixth event after the debut in 1995.

The two-day event spreads the screams of the underground bands from Bandung as well as other great bands from several cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Solo, Malang, Yogyakarta, and Samarinda. Sixty group bands are listed to show case their masterpieces. Half of them in this year’s event come from Bandung.

It is already known that Bandung, especially the Ujung Berung region, is known as the center of underground culture in Indonesia as there are many of the musicians originated there. Bandung Berisik is said to be the me-dium for appreciating local music. This is the event where the local bands from Bandung show their ability, expression, creativity, and their talent together.

The S.I.G.I.T, Burgerkill, Rosemary, Jasad, Disinfect, Karinding Attack, Forgotten, and PAS Band are the best group bands from

Photo Gallery at Welcoming Stage Metal Market

MAY@ Sulaiman Air Base

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“Bandung that show their Maximum Agres-sion at the main stage named Inferno. The other two stages, Apocalypse and Holocaust, are placed at the left and right side of the main stage. Those stages are the venue of various genres such as Metal, Pop Punk, Ska, Emo, Hip hop, Hardcore and Grunge which impress thousands of people. Children of Gaza, Bloodgush, Global Unity, Thinking Straight, Nemesis, Don Lego, Turtles Jr., Aftercoma, Asia Minor and Primitive Chim-panzee are ready to rock the metalhead’s -the name of the Bandung Berisik’ visitors- ears at Apocalypse. Meanwhile, Madonna of the Rock, Paper Gangster and Dead Vertical are listed as the bands from Jakarta that will throw show aggression at Holocaust stage.

This festival will not only impress you by the modernity of the musical equipment, but it also shows you the uniqueness of traditional musical instrument group that have the heavy-metal genre named Karinding Attack. They use the traditional musical instruments made of bamboo. It consists of Karinding (a piece of bamboo’s slice producing vibration), Celempung (traditional stringed instrument made of bamboo), Toleat (traditional flute made of bamboo), Suling (flute) and Kohkol

(wooden bar producing sound by bitting). You will be amazed because the harmony of the tones can be heard as well as those from other modern musical equipment.

The admission ticket is priced at Rp. 50.000 per day, and Rp. 70.000 for two days, with the inclusive of a free packet of cigarette. Grab your schedule at the booth at the ticket box, and then you will never be lost because you’ll be given a piece of map of the venue. For those who need to re-charge their empty cell-phone battery or the other gadget, do not be afraid as you can use the electric point at the booth right in front of the food court. Are you a photographer? Do you bring your camera wherever you go? I swear that you will be very happy, since the festival chal-lenges you to join a photo contest. Just send/bring your best photos about the festival (for the maximum of five) to the particular committee at the venue there, or send it to the email address written on the X-Banner. If your work is selected, you will get cash and certificate.

They freely sing the voice of self-aspiration.20,000 Visitors

Enjoy the Show The View from the Back

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1. Beware of your valuable belonging. Put it on the safe place. There will be so many people in the festival area.2. The organizing committee provides you with the camping ground if you plan to spend the night at this festival. Bring your own sleeping bag/tent if you like.3. Bring some cash. There are Metal Market that consists of food court, merchandise booth, and clothing venue.4. Take the body protector with you. It can be a jacket, sunglasses, hat, sun block or rain coat. 5. Bring your own camera/video camera to capture some interesting things you find.6. Use comfortable-yet-durable footwear. Boots are recommended if it is in the rainy season.7. Notice the exit gate of the venue.

1. Lose your parking ticket.2. Forget to bring your identity card.3. Bring alcoholic beverages, gun, and flammable stuffs.4. Bring all your cash in a big amount or bring any other valuable things. You may not know that there may be some pickpockets around you.

HOW TO The easiest way to get to this festival venue is by motorcycle. The access to Kopo is quite crowded. Angkots (mini van public transport) to Soreang operate daily, and will stop right in front of this festival venue. Pay attention if you plan to save your money. The taxi fare will cost higher than the other options.

The organizing committee provides you the camping area if you plan to

spend the night at this festival. Bring your own sleeping bag/tent if you





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“To establish great and advanced music, we need to

have a wise attitude to face all diversities. And now, Bandung

Berisik has been made to support the development of all

the underground music. Metal, Punk, Ska, Emo, Pop punk, we all need to support those who come from different genre” -

Pikiran RakyatKimung, Karinding Attack’ Personnel

Mc Donald’sKopo Mas BranchIn front of Miko MallJl. Kopo Mas Regency Blok 90Phone: +6222 543 0391

Pizza HutJl. Raya Kopo Bihbul No. 92Phone: +6222 541 7785

Holland BakeryJl. Raya Kopo Bihbul No. 47Phone: +6222 542 5235

There is a food court area at the venue. Several choices of Indonesian

Cuisine are available there such as, Mie Ayam (Noodle served with

chicken), Nasi Liwet Komplit, Bakso Tahu (Steamed meatball and tofu),


“In my opinion, this festival is a medium to accomodate the creativity of the youth, especially those who come from Bandung”Badick, Lead Guitarist of Turtles Jr.


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Festival Kuliner Padjadjaran[Padjadjaran Culinary Festival]

The Authentic Sundanese Cuisine

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Festival Kuliner


Culinary Festival]

Just say that this is the ‘heaven’ for those who really love eating! Padjadjaran Culinary Festival will proudly bring you to the variety of Sundanese cuisines only in a day long.

Arranged by the student community of Public Relations of Padjadjaran University, this annual festival always magnetizes people to come and have a nostalgic moment with the traditional food which is hard to find.

Taking place in the north parking area of Padjad-jaran University (Jalan Dipati Ukur), this festival offers you a wide selection of dishes starting from the light meals, snacks, main courses, beverages and many of brand new-phenomenal food such as cassava chips seasoned with a very spicy season-ing. There are also some “hard-to-find” food like Kue Balok (Square-shaped cake that is baked by charcoal) and Colenak (Fermented cassava that is baked and served in thick syrup of palm sugar). Here, you can also find some unique food that you cannot find anywhere else but West Java such as Cireng and Cimol, fried-snacks made from glutinous tapioca that are available in some vari-ous ragout and seasoning.

Perhaps, the taste is quite strange for you, but you do not need to worry as the food will give you to a memorable experience. Keripik Setan, cas-

sava chips in spicy and hot seasoning, is at the top rank of the most favorite snack in the 2011’s festival. They even put the spice in grading depending on how hot it is. Although it tastes very hot, the sensation while eating those chips will drive you to munch it more and more. However, you should be

MAY or JUNE@ North Parking Area of Padjadjaran University

Batagor served with peanut sauce

Mie Kocok


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careful since it can cause a stomach-ache. Just pick any level of its spicy taste, and get ready to feel the addic-tive hot sensation. After that, you can try Es Goyobod. It is the sweet Sun-danese beverage from Garut that can freshen up your body in the afternoon.

There, you can get another Bandung’s most fa-vorite gourmet Batagor (Abbr. Bakso Tahu Goreng). It is a fried-tofu with coated dough of Tenggiri fish. The sauce is made of peanut processed by some traditional spices. It is just tasty and delicious!

This festival, which is usually held around May-June, not only provides you all that Sundanese traditional food, but also offers you some interest-ing art and musical performances at the glorious stage at the center of the venue. You can enjoy your food while listening to some local band songs, the uniqueness Angklung Orchestra, and other interesting traditional art shows such as Jaipongan dance.

Priced at Rp. 30.000 per coupon, you can have a package of your meal that consists of seven kinds of food. There are several choices of package that you can pick. Just change the coupon you have at the particular food fender written on it. The more coupons you buy, the more kinds of food and drink you can get. Never lead yourself to regret, so just grab more coupons, and taste all the Sundanese cuisines there!

“This festival offers you a wide selection of dishes starting from the light meals, snacks, main courses, beverages and many of brand new-phenomenal food.”

Nasi Tutug Oncom


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1. Ask the stand/kiosk keeper about the taste of the food/drinks. If you cannot stand the spicy dishes, you can avoid it.2. Put on comfortable footwear as you will walk along the festival area.

1. Leave your trash in the inappropriate place around the area of the festival.2. Forget to exchange your penny to Rupiahs.



The venue location is easy to reach. Taxi driver can safely take you up and show you the venue. Angkot (a mini van public transportation) with the route of Panghegar-Dipati Ukur, and Cicaheum-Ciroyom also will pass right in front of this venue.

De’Quer HotelJl. Dipati Ukur No. 27

Phone: +6222 250 3536

Hotel GeulisJl. Ir. H Juanda No. 129Phone: +6222 250 7777

Hotel Wisma DagoJl. Ciung Wanara No. 16Phone: +6222 250 1356

Royal Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 169Phone: +6222 250 2200

The Palais Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 90Phone: +6222 250 5111

The JayakartaJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381Phone: +6222 250 588

Puri GardeniaJl. Dipati Ukur No. 30Phone: +6222 250 1221

Rumah EboJl. Imam Bonjol No. 27Phone: +6222 253 3773



“I do really miss my childhood, when every Sundanese snacks was

easily find anywhere. Colenak, I want it more!”

Miranda, a Public Relation Officer


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Ujung Berung FestivalWhen The Custom Showed Off

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From the downtown of Bandung, you can just head to the east for about 12 kilom-eters and you will reach Ujung Berung. It is in the area of 1.034.411 hectares

of Bandung sub district located in the foot of mount Manglayang.

Ujung Berung has become the center of art and culture of Bandung (Pusat Seni Budaya Kota Bandung), since it is the one and only region in Bandung that has the biggest potential attrac-tions in Sundanese traditional art and culture. Most of the locals living in this region have preserved the Sundanese art and culture since their early lives. Compared to the other sub dis-tricts in Bandung, this region is on the top rank in terms of the number of musicians and kinds

of traditional art that is preserved. Most people living in Ujung Berung preserve the original traditional art from West Java such as Benjang, Singa Depok, Kuda Lumping, Ketuk Tilu, Pencak Silat, Gondang, Debus, Bajidoran and Angklung Buncis.

Being known as the center of Sundanese traditional art, it is easy to find a group of people who rehearse the art performance until midnight. They are people from a ling-kung seni (art and cultural community). You may hear the traditional musical instrument gently weeps from the studio/place where they are practicing for the performance.

Having such a big potential of tourism attrac-tions in art and cultural Sundanese tradition, there is an art and cultural festival which is held regularly and called “Ujung Berung Festival”. It has been held annually since its initial debut in 2005. With the full-desired soul of showing their uniqueness, the musician communities living in Ujung Berung try to impress people by the art and cultural traditions that are originally born from Sundanese. They assert that the art and tradition should be preserved by all Sundanese people. As a plus point, it can also be known by people outside. Everyone may join this annual festival that is usually held in the area of Alun-alun1 Ujung Berung for free. Once you come to

1The village main square that is located at the center of the village.

Preparation for the exhibition Pencak Silat

JUNE or JULY@ Alun-alun Ujung Berung

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“this festival, you may get something that you have not seen before.

The Sundanese art performance that can be categorized as a dance can be seen in this festival such as Ketuk Tilu, Jaipongan, Bajidoran and Kuda Lumping. Here, you can also find Sundanese martial art named Ben-jang and Pencak Silat. Benjang is a martial art that is quite similar with Sumo, a style

of wrestling/fighting sport originally from Japan. However, Benjang has its unique-ness. It has to be accompanied by Sunda-nese musical instruments such as kendang, tarompet, bedug and terbangan. When you want to see the musical performance, you can enjoy the Angklung Buncis exhibition that will give you some Sundanese songs.

“Most of the locals living in this region have preserved the Sundanese art and culture since their early lives.”

Sundanese people Reak

Prepare yourself when June or July comes. This festival is regularly held along with the session of Indonesian school holiday. Many people come to this event including children. When you come and see that the performers are mostly kids, do not be sur-prised, because they have spent their lei-sure time practicing some simple dances, such as Tari Kipas, Tari Merak or Sisingaan. You will also find them in the carnival of Alun-alun Ujung Berung, the main place for the exhibition. This event is usually held for 4-7 days long.

When the event is held, you may also see

many kinds of food fenders around the event arena. Most of them sell Sundanese traditional food. Do not worry to try the food around; it is safe and quite hygienic. You may get the new experience in tasting Sunda-nese cuisine.

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1. Never go without your own camera/video camera to capture some interesting things you find.2. Bring a cap/hat and sunglasses. Since the festival is in the outdoor area, you may need those things if the sunlight distracts you to enjoy the shows.3. Be nice to people you meet. Just in case you need their help, you will face everything easy.

1. Bring too much unnecessary stuff in your bag or you’ll get back pain after visiting the festival that is held all day long.2. Be afraid of the frightening attractions that are usually shown by several performers. They are just parts of the attractions related to the culture and tradition. 3. Some Indonesian visitors may gaze at you while the event is being held, but do not worry or offended. They may be actually just amazed of the non-natives who rarely come to the village.

Augusta HotelJl. Surapati No. 203Phone: +6222 250 7491

Wisma AmanahJl. Cikutra No. 99Phone: +6222 727 6475

Hotel Bumi Kitri PramukaJl. Cikutra No. 276 APhone: +6222 721 6913

Wisma SehatJl. Pahlawan No. 85

Phone: +6222 251 4500

Hotel YehezkielJl. Surapati No. 191-193Phone: +6222 250 2383

Posters HotelJl. PHH Mustafa No. 33A

Phone: +6222 720 6012




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Since the traffic to go to this venue is quite crowded in the morning and evening, you had better use a motorcycle taxi (Ojek) near the Cicaheum Bus Station. Using taxi or the other public transportations are recommended if you have extra time to spend on the way.

As Ujung Berung is quite far from the downtown, most of the food sellers around only sell Indonesian food. Most of

them sell Sundanese and Padangnese food. Those foods may have different taste from the western, but all the

Indonesian foods are worth trying. Most Sundanese will taste sweet, while the Padangnese is known for its spicy


If you really do not want to take the first choice, you can head to the east of the Alun-alun (city square) and grab yourself fast food such as Kentucky Fried Chicken right in front of Griya Mart or just head to the west for a Dunkin

Donuts and Holland Bakery that can serve you the best bakery and pastry in town.


“Ujung Berung is a region of Bandung that indicates the pioneer of ‘Bandung the city of art and culture’, since there are many of creative people who love to preserve the culture of Sunda. Therefore, this event is provided to promote Bandung as the city of art and culture.” - Pikiran RakyatWawan Gunawan, the head of BKPM of Bandung




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Bandung Wayang Festival[The Puppet-show Festival]

The Indonesian Heritage as the Gift to the World

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Bandung Wayang

Festival[The Puppet-

show Festival]

Bandung Wayang Festival is a non-profit cultural event that is concerned in the preservation and progression of Indone-sian Puppet arts. It was founded by the

cooperative forum of the traditional art commu-nity, especially those who are concerned in the development and preservation of Indonesian Puppet or Wayang. Bandung Wayang Festival is listed as the biggest and the longest Puppet Show ever. This event offers many of astonish-ing attractions for the world. Those attractions were proudly presented by both domestic and international communities that are concerned in Wayang.

In Java, the existence of Indonesian Puppet is already known from around the tenth century BC. During its very long period of existence and its ability to keep revive, Wayang received the appreciation from the United Nation of Educational Scientific and Cultural Organiza-tion (UNESCO) as one the twenty-eight World Master Pieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 7th, 2003.

You have to witness the wonderful perfor-mance of this Indonesian heritage in the first week of July. Bandung Wayang Festival offers

more than 40 kinds of Indonesian Puppet shows including the contemporary puppet shows from all over the world. Besides, you can enjoy many exhibitions and perfor-mances of the national and international arts and culture. There will be a whole range of other exhibitions, such as paint-ings and comics illustration, Indonesian Puppet collections, masks, graphic crea-tions, and Batik Wayang. In addition, there are also interesting shows of video art, contemporary musical attraction, poetry musical, Marionette & shadow puppet, animation, carnival, Sarasehan, Film, draw-ing workshop of comic and Wayang comic. Never miss the traditional art shows from

JULY@ Braga, Toko You, Universitas Padjadjaran, Institut

Teknologi Nasional, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Asia Africa

Conference Museum, Sri Baduga Museum, Cihampelas Walk, Paris van Java.

The Shadow Puppet


The Puppeter (Dalang)

The Wooden Puppet

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several Indonesian puppeteers, as they will take you to the real unique Indonesian culture.

Taking place in some different venues in Bandung, this festival guides you to explore some important and interesting places in Bandung all at once. The venues of the event for 2012 session include the area of Jalan Braga, Toko You, some universities such as Universitas Padjajaran, Institut Teknologi Nasional, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Several museums and malls are also included; Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika (Asia-Africa conference museum), Museum Sri Baduga, Cihampelas Walk, Paris van Java and Bandung Indah Plaza.

Come to this grand-international Wayang festival at the beginning of July, and then it will give you the experience of authentic Indonesian heritage atmosphere that you will never regret. Bandung Wayang Festival promises you the unforgettable cultural shows in the world.

“Taking place in some different venues in Bandung, this festival guides you to explore some important and interesting places in Bandung all at once.”

The Puppeter (Dalang)


Semar, Petruk, Gareng and Bagong

The Wooden Puppet

Page 52: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung


WHERE TONear Braga and Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika

Aston Braga Hotel & ResidenceJl. Braga No. 99 – 101P: +6222 844 60000E:[email protected]

Grand Royal PanghegarJl. Merdeka No. 2P: +6222 423 2286F: +6222 4231 583

Hotel KedatonJl. Suniaraja No. 14P: +6222 421 9898 +6222 423 9944

Vue PallaceJl. Otista No. 3P: +6222 426 6288

Naripan HotelJl. Naripan No. 31-35P: +6222 420 7009F: +6222 423 8912

Hotel Grand PreangerJl. Asia Afrika No. 81/41P: +6222 423 1631

Sayov Homann Bidakara HotelJl. Asia Afrika No. 112P: +6222 423 2244F: +6222 423 6187E: [email protected]

Near Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Cihampelas Walk, Paris van Java and Bandung Indah Plaza

Casa d’ LaderaJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 224P: +6222 2012491 / 2007202

Cipaku IndahJl. Cipaku II No. 2P: +6222 201 0220F: +6222 201 0223

Hotel EnhaiiJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 186P: +6222 2011797 W:

Caryota HotelJl. Sukajadi No. 169P: +6222 203 2581

Banana InnJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 191P: +6222 200 5479F: +6222 200 5489E: [email protected]:

Gumilang RegencyJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 323P: +6222 201 2618F: +6222 201 2612



1. Bring a camera/video camera to capture some interesting objects that you find.2. Bring a cap/hat and sunglasses. Not all the venues of the event are indoor condition. You may need those things if the sunlight distracts you to enjoy the shows.3. Pay attention to the latest event schedule if you do not want to miss the particular shows.4. Join some workshops, especially the drawing one.

1. Put heavy stuffs in your backpack or else. You’ll get a backache after visiting the festival.2. Be shy to ask somebody if you need their help. Indonesian people are welcome and friendly to everyone.3. Forget your bottled water. It may be difficult to get the nearest mini shops.



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49Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

Sensa HotelJl. Cihampelas No. 160P: +6222 820 6244F: +6222 206 1030E: [email protected]

Sukajadi HotelJl. Sukajadi No. 176P: +6222 203 3888F: +6222 203 4020E: [email protected]

Aston Tropicana HotelJl. Cihampelas No. 125P: +6222 203 0101F: +6222 203 6622W:

Fave HotelJl. Cihampelas No. 129P: +6222 203 0300E: [email protected]

Amaris HotelJl. Cihampelas No. 171P: +6222 820 62688F: +6222 820 62689E: [email protected]

Hyatt RegencyJl. Sumatera No. 51P: +6222 421 1234F: +6222 4210380E: [email protected]

Anggrek Shopping HotelJl. LL. RE. Martadinata No 15P: +6222 426 0868F: +6222 420 0649E: [email protected]

Near Universitas Padjajaran and Toko You

De’Quer HotelJl. Dipati Ukur No. 27P: +6222 250 3536

Hotel GeulisJl. Ir. H Juanda No. 129P: +6222 250 7777

Hotel Wisma DagoJl. Ciung Wanara No. 16P: +6222 250 1356

Royal Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 169P: +6222 250 2200

The Palais Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 90P: +6222 250 5111 The JayakartaJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381Phone: +6222 250 588

Near Universitas KristenMaranatha

Garden Permata HotelJl. Lemah Neundeut No. 7P: +6222 201 1000F: +6222 201 5667E: [email protected]

The Majesty HotelJl. Surya Sumantri No. 91P: +6222 200 2485F: +6222 201 5438

Topas Galeria HotelJl.Dr. Djunjunan No. 153P: +6222 602 0505F: +6222 602 0440E: [email protected]

The Cherry Homes HotelJl. Babakan Jeruk IV No. 37 P: +6222 202 1628Fax: +6222 200 0598E: [email protected]

Ilos HotelJl. Babakan Jeruk III No. 37P: +6222 202 0764

Gemilang HotelJl. Surya Sumantri No. 10P: +6222 201 5003

V HotelJl. Terusan Sutami IIIP: +6222 2006 789

Vio HotelJl. Dr. Djundjunan No. 154P: +6222 8777 5061

Near Museum Sri Baduga

Grand Pasundan Hotel Jl. Peta No. 147-149P: +6222 604 3135

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WHERENear Braga and Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika

Bebek GarangJl. Braga No. 34Phone: +62 22 420 9835@BebekGarang

RoempoetJl. Braga No. 80Phone: +6222 423 6206

The SugarushJl. Braga No. 83Phone: +6222 423 6618@Sugarush_bdg

MomijiJl. Braga No. 64Phone: +6222 420 3786

L’aquilaJl. Braga No. 103Phone: +6222 423 1943

The Kiosk Food MarketBraga City Walk, G Floor unit 56, Jl. Braga No. 99-101Phone: +62 22 84468200@TheKiosk

Braga CaféJl. Braga No. 15Phone: +62 22 60808777@BragaCafe

Braga PermaiJl. Braga No. 58 Phone: +62 22 4233778

Wendy’sBraga City Walk, G Floor unit 01, Jl. Braga No. 99-101Phone: +62 22 8446 0044

Braga Huis Jl. Braga No. 47@BragaHuis

Imperial RestaurantJl. Braga No. 121Phone: +62 22 423 3291

Mie RemanJl. Braga No. 36@Mie_Reman

Bandung SukiJl. Braga No. 70Phone: +62 22 420 7452@BandungSuki

Near Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Cihampelas Walk, Paris van Java and Bandung Indah Plaza

Kentucky Fried ChickenJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 169Phone: +6222 201 1557

Mamink Daeng Tata’s RibJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 53Phone: +6222 201 2109

Suis ButcherJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 174Phone: +6222 201 3772@SUISButcher

My Little KitchenAussie Steak and BurgerJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 206Phone: +62 22 204

Holland BakeryJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 119APhone: +62 22 203 6675

Ma Uneh Sundanese CuisineJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 159Phone: +62 22 201 1959

Brussels SpringJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 49-51Phone: +62 22 203 2202

Bebek Goreng H. SlametJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 172Phone: +6222 204 0721

Waroeng Steak and ShakeJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 170 FPhone: +6222 203 8481@waroengsteak

Giggle BoxJl. Karangsari No. 1Phone: +6222 203 3453

Many food courts and restaurants are available in Cihampelas Walk, Paris van Java and Bandung Indah Plaza



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51Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

All the venues of this festival are located in the area that are easy to reach. However, getting around is not that quick and easy because the traffic is heavy in several busy spots. These venues can be reached by public transporta-tion, like Angkot. The most efficient choice is Taxi. Since it will serve you directly to the venue of the event, the average fare is quite cheap. It ranges from Rp. 20,000 – Rp. 50,000 (US$ 2-5).

TES“In order to welcome the International Wayang

Festival in 2013, this event seems to be made as a good

welcoming event to heat the following moment. We can see anything, especially about the

development and creation in the area of Puppet show.”

- N. Sobari,

Head of Tourism and Culture Department of West Java



Near Universitas Padjadjaran

Reds DipoJl. Dipati Ukur No. 1Phone: +6222 7023 3461@redsdipothebest

Dapur BebekJl. Dipati Ukur No. 1@dapurbebekresto

Bebek van JavaJl. Dipati Ukur No. 5APhone: +6222 7035 3582@BebekVanJava

Toko YouJl. Hasanuddin No. 12Phone: +6222 250 3332

Mie RemanJl. Teuku Umar No. 6APhone: +6285 7224 42447@mie_reman

Bebek Ali BorromeusJl. Hasanuddin(In front of the south gate of St. Borromeus Hospital)

Ngopi DoeloeJl. Hasanuddin No. 12Phone: +6222 251 4601

Near Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Terazza CafeJl. Surya Sumantri No. 76Phone: +6222 251 2321

Rooftop CafeJl. Surya Sumantri No. 91Phone: +6222 7397 0009

Eye to Eye Dining CafeJl. Surya Sumantri No. 86Phone: +6222 2013 353


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Page 57: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Festival Paduan Angklung [Angklung Orchestra Festival]The Sounds of Bamboo Blends in Your Ears

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Festival Paduan

Angklung [Angklung Orchestra


Having an eager to show the ability of playing Angklung1 and to improve the quality, the students community of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) who

has the same interest in a Sundanese tradi-tional music instrument, Angklung, regularly presents “Festival Paduan Angklung” in the period of July to December of the odd-num-bered year.

Having already existed for more than a decade, the festival always presents different themes each year. The 2009’s theme was “An-gklung in Classic”. In 2011, they held “Sounds of Indonesian Heritage: Know It, Love It, Revive It” as the theme to be highlighted. As the implementation of the theme, the choice of songs both for the competition and for the concert consisted of the Indonesian songs such as, Sarinande, Telaga Biru, Ibu Kita Kar-tini, Aryati, Jali-jali, Keroncong Kemayoran, Ati Raja, Indonesia Tanah Pusaka and so on.

1Angklung is a traditional musical instrument from West Java that made of Bamboo. As a traditional musical instrument, Angklung usually has five tones known as Salendro and Pelog. In 1938, Daeng Soetigna modi-fied the traditional Angklung tones into western tones, so it could play songs in general.

Angklung and the old cello

JULY - DECEMBER@ Aula Barat of Institut Teknologi Bandung

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“The festival is actually built in the form of national competition for several dif-ferent categories (Elementary School, Junior High School, High School, Uni-versity, and community). This festival is an event to appreciate the harmony of this traditional music instrument that is made of bamboo. Through this festival, you can feel the taste of the combina-tion between traditional and modern music delivered with both diatonic and pentatonic tones. In other words, the musical instrument is traditional, but the different kinds of Angklung can be used to play each traditional song with pentatonic tone and all general songs which use the diatonic tone.

This three-day festival begins from the opening ceremony which will present the two main shows: “Appreciating An-gklung Performance” and “Interactive

Angklung Performance”. “Appreciating Angklung Performance” is the recital showed by the new member of the Keluarga Paduan Angklung (KPA). This part of the event is made to show the ability of KPA’s new member. Besides that, it is made to light up the spirit of the new members in the form of a show composition. Then, in the Interactive Angklung Performance you will be given a chance to play Angklung. A selected conductor will guide you to play Angklung. Do not be afraid to try it. Usually the songs are not the complicated ones. Just try to play Angklung together with all the audiences and the big family of KPA. How proud of you! You can be part of this concert!

The main event of this festival is about the compe-tition of Angklung orchestra. It is held for the first two days. Angklung performance by the partici-pants in this festival becomes unique because they get the experience of excitement to combine this traditional music instrument with several supporting music instruments such as Guitar, Piano, and Percussion. Each group of participant plays 3 songs that consist of 1 compulsory song, 1 optional song arranged by the participant, and 1 optional song that is provided by the organizing committee. Daeng Soetigna, the founder of Ang-klung, arranges the latter.

After the 13th show has been held, the clos-ing concert of this biennially festival is the most awaiting show to see. It is the precious moment to reflect and express the love for their cultural heritage and the hard works for moths for their best performance. On this last day, the winners of each category will represent their best perfor-mance to all of the audience in a hall. Lastly, the performance from KPA will lead you to the feeling of the real Indonesian heritage that indulges your heart with harmony of bamboo musical instru-ment. In 2011, Indonesia Pusaka and Kemenangan Hati were the songs that are presented. Because this moment is a combination of the best perfor-mances, the admission fee for this day is a bit more expensive than the two days before, around Rp. 20.000-Rp. 40.000.

“The musical instru-ment is traditional, but the different kinds of Angklung can be used to play each traditional song with pentatonic tone and all general songs which use the diatonic tone.”

Children are playing Angklung

Appreciating Angklung Performance

Page 60: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung




1. Never leave your own camera/video camera to capture or record some interesting mo ments that you find.2. Join the workshop of making Angklung to enrich your knowledge; the chance of joining this workshop is rare, isn’t it?

1. Make a noise while the shows is running, because it may distract the performers and/or the other audiences.2. Smoke in the concert area.3. Leave your trash inside the concert hall.

The KartifahJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390Phone: +6222 250 4237Fax: +6222 250 5930

Hotel GeulisJl. Ir. H Juanda No. 129Phone: +6222 250 7777

Hotel Wisma DagoJl. Ciung Wanara No. 16Phone: +6222 250 1356

De’Quer HotelJl. Dipati Ukur No. 27Phone: +6222 250 3536

The Palais Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 90Phone: +6222 250 5111

The JayakartaJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381Phone: +6222 250 5888

Sheraton Hotel and TowerJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390

Phone: +6222 250 0303Fax: +6222 250 0301

Scarlet Dago HotelJl. Siliwangi No. 5 DagoPhone: +6222 250 0300

Royal Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 169Phone: +6222 250 2200

Puspa Kencana Hotel

Jl. Siliwangi No. 10Phone: +6222 250 2599


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HOW TOInstitut Teknologi Bandung is easily reached in several different routes. Located in the northern Bandung, the venue can be reached by using Taxi, Ojek (motorcycle taxi), Angkot (a mini van public transportation) or even on foot.Most of the recommended hotels are quite far from the venue. The one, which is quite near-by, is Hotel Geulis. If you come from Sheraton Hotel, The Jayakarta, and The Kartifah, you can take an Angkot with the sign of the route

Warung PastaJl. Ganesha No. 3Phone: +62 22 250 0416@WarungPastaBDG

Mc Donald’sJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 181Phone: 14045 (Delivery Service)

Bebek Ali Borromeus Jl. HasannudinIn front of the south gate of St. Borromeus Hospital

Café HalamanJl. Taman Sari No. 92Phone: +62 22 251 2530

Tree House CaféJl. Hasannudin No. 5Phone: +6222 253 3648@treehousebdg

Kantin SalmanJl. Ganesha No. 7Phone: +62 22 250 7675

Toko YouJl. Hasannudin No. 12Phone: +6222 7042

Lumpia SemarangJl. Badak Singa No. 21Phone: +62 22 250 453

Angkringan ITB (Javanese-styled Street Food)Jl. GaneshaIn front of the main gate of ITB

“Dago-Kalapa” or “Dago-Abdul Muis” on its top. The Angkots come in dark green color. Only by Rp. 2.000, they can drive you until the T-junction of Jalan Dayang Sumbi. Just go down from that street and the venue gate is in front of you.If you are staying in Scarlet Dago Hotel, you can grab your meal first at Mc Donald’s which is located in front of the hotel, then take the opposite way to Jalan Sumur Bandung which leads you to the north gate of the venue.

“This is the festival that offers you the sounds of nature which comes from bamboo. Indonesia must be proud of it”Handiman Diratmasasmita,the expertise in the making of Angklung




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Page 63: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

Braga FestivalCelebrating the Anniversary of The City

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When you notice the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, the most prestig-ious avenue in Paris, Bandung has Jalan Braga, the most famous street

that has become the center of attraction. Jalan Braga is a small street in downtown Bandung and it was famous for its nickname “De meest Europ-eessche winkle straat van Indie” which means the European leading area of shopping around Dutch-Indies. Being well known as the icon of Bandung, it is lined with chic cafés, boutiques, restaurants, pastry shops and now there are some hotels with excellent services. The art deco architecture of the surrounding buildings somehow brings people who pass it to the ambiance of a European city. It also harks people back to the fact that Bandung was built in the era of Dutch colonialism, remind-ing them to the historical values that cannot be separated from the buildings. Because of these potential attractions among locals and tourists, Jalan Braga is selected to become a place to conduct the annual local festival of art and culture called “Braga Festival”.

The uniqueness of Bandung can be seen from the variety of things in this festival. Communi-ties, fashion, art, culture, and food coming from Bandung become the attractions for people outside Bandung. Once you visit this festival that is usually held at the end of the year (September-December), you will find yourself in the middle of the exhibitions, art performances, bazaars, workshops, parades and all activities concerned with art and culture.

Here you can find performances not only in modern art performances, but also in the con-


SEPTEMBER@ Jalan Braga, Jalan Cikapundung

The Dance in the Parade

The PainterCourtesy of Forum Estetika Kota Bandung

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61Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

“temporary art developed from a combination of traditional art and modern art. You can also join several interesting workshops such as drawing and playing Karinding (Sundanese traditional music instruments).

Grab the entire wonderful experience offered in this festival, and watch the traditional art shows originally from Indonesia such as: Topeng Dance, Jaipongan, Ketuk Tilu and Bajidoran. Braga Festival also features Wayang Golek (Sundanese wooden puppet show), Tarawangsa, Angklung, Rampak Kendang, Calung and Karinding performance and Pencak Silat (Sundanese martial art). You can also set your eyes on the modern art like photography, Indie bands festival, Indie film shows, Magician shows, fashion shows and modern dance by communities of Bandung. Moreover, under the contemporary art, you can have different atmos-phere while watching the musical poetry reading, theatrical shows, and percussion performances.

Although Braga Festival presents different themes every year, the mission of this festival is the same, that is to keep the art and culture of Bandung and its surroundings exist among people, and to be known by the world.

This three-day festival is held along the area of Ja-lan Braga (Braga Panjang, Braga Pendek and part of Jalan Cikapundung). There, you can then enjoy not only the art and culture show, but also many art deco-heritage buildings around.

“You can then en-joy not only the art and culture show, but also many art deco-heritage buildings around.”

CelempungCourtesy of Forum Estetika Kota Bandung

An Old Woman and MasksCourtesy of Forum Estetika Kota Bandung

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1. Bring your own camera/video camera to capture some interesting things that you find.2. Bring a cap/hat and sunglasses. Since the festival takes place outdoor, you may need those things when the sunlight distracts you to enjoy the shows.3. Use comfortable footwear as you will walk around the festival areas.4. Prepare local currency rupiahs before you are off to the festival. Bring enough rupiahs will not make you regret, since you will find some interesting things to buy. 5. Be precautious of your belongings since you will be among the crowds.

1. Bring unnecessary stuff in your bag or you will get back pain after visiting the festival.2. Since the festival will be in a crowded place, do not bring too much cash or any other valuable things. You may not know that there may be some pickpockets around you.

Aston Braga Hotel & ResidenceJl. Braga No. 99 – 101Phone: +6222 844 60000Email:[email protected]

Grand Royal PanghegarJl. Merdeka No. 2Phone: +6222 423 2286Fax: +6222 4231 583

Hotel KedatonJl. Suniaraja No. 14Phone: +6222 421 9898 +6222 423 9944

Vue PallaceJl. Otista No. 3Phone: +6222 426 6288

Bebek GarangJl. Braga No. 34Phone: +62 22 420 9835@BebekGarang

RoempoetJl. Braga No. 80Phone: +6222 423 6206

Naripan HotelJl. Naripan No. 31-35Phone: +6222 420 7009Fax: +6222 423 8912

Hotel Grand PreangerJl. Asia Afrika No. 81/41Phone: +6222 423 1631

Sayov Homann Bidakara HotelJl. Asia Afrika No. 112Phone: +6222 423 2244Email: [email protected]

The SugarushJl. Braga No. 83Phone: +6222 423 6618@Sugarush_bdg

MomijiJl. Braga No. 64Phone: +6222 420 3786





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Do you stay quite far from Braga? Using Taxi is the best choice, since it offers safety and comfort for your trip. See the list of Taxi services in the Transportation Services in page 73. If you stay in the area of Bandung the fare from one place to another is around Rp. 20.000

“Braga is not only the icon of Bandung, but also the part of the myth and story of Bandung. Braga Festival is the moment of cultural movement, cultural politics, cultural economy, and spir-itual culture.” - NgabaragaTisna Sanjaya, A painter and sculpturer

The Kiosk Food MarketBraga City Walk, G Floor unit 56, Jl. Braga No. 99-101Phone: +62 22 84468200

L’aquilaJl. Braga No. 103Phone: +6222 423 1943

Braga CaféJl. Braga No. 15Phone: +62 22 60808777@BragaCafe

Wendy’sBraga City Walk, G Floor unit 01Jl. Braga No. 99-101Phone: +62 22 84460044

Braga PermaiJl. Braga No. 58 Phone: +62 22 4233778

Braga Huis Jl. Braga No. 47@BragaHuis

Bandung SukiJl. Braga No. 70Phone: +62 22 420 7452@BandungSuki

Imperial RestaurantJl. Braga No. 121Phone: +62 22 423 3291

Mie RemanJl. Braga No. 36@Mie_Reman

If you stay in the hotels around Braga, walk-ing is the best choice to reach the venue, as it is within a walking distance. The area of Jalan Braga is the area of Bandung’s old town that the old buildings around are kept. You can enjoy the view around the story of the old Bandung. Try to take Becak, a traditional cycle rickshaw that you can find near the Braga-Lembong junction to go back to the hotel.



“Braga Festival is one of the tourism agendas in West Java, and the area of Braga always becomes the heritage we keep the originality” - DetikDede Yusuf, the vice governor of West Java


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Page 69: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung

PASAR SENI[The Art Market]

The Exhibition of Artistic Creativities and Scientific Creations

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PASAR SENI[The Art Market]

If you are looking for art exhibitions or perfor-mances, Pasar Seni [The Art Market] has it all. The event offers many interesting art performances that can be enjoyed starting from the wide range

of musical performances, traditional and contempo-rary art performances, to dance shows. Here also, you can find many artists who show their creations at the exhibition booths and some decorated spots around the venues. Hundreds of booths sell unique and interesting goods that are mostly handmade. Be ready to explore all interesting spots in this event. You cannot afford even to miss a single booth, for Pasar Seni is held once in four to five years. While visiting this mega event, you do not need to worry for food, because there are many stands that sell various food, snacks, and beverages.

This big event is hosted by the students of Faculty of Art and Design of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and around 10,000 people come to this event each time. In the previous period, Pasar Seni was not a regular event, because the artists worked depend-ing on their mood, so they couldn’t work with a cer-tain schedule. Consequently, once this event is held, people come with full of enthusiasm to see what is happening there. Thousands of people came there, and what the student of ITB expected became true. They really want to break the paradigm of the art that is mostly known as the expensive thing. They want everyone to be able to appreciate art without a thought like “entering the gallery is too luxurious”. This celebration is actually aimed to make the art itself closer to people.

In October 2010, Pasar Seni was held for the tenth time after its debut in 1972. From the beginning, the event had been featured with many attractions.

Playing Karinding

Making Porcelain

OCTOBER@ Institut Teknologi Bandung

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67Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

“Since the hosts of this event were students of a technological institute, you will find the elements of technology in several attractions such as the Vibrator Room attraction where you can experi-ence the earthquake simulator and Zone of No Network Coverage. In this zone, you will lose your cell-phone signal in the area of that venue. If you want to know why, just ask them. They will tell you how it works. Yes, you not only can ap-preciate the art, but also learn something new in this event.

Many of the paintings, sculptures, and statues made by distinguished artists are shown here. In the exhibition, the art goods are also for sale. Collectors come to this event to grab their favorite artist’s masterpiece. In the 2010 event, the paintings of Jeihan Sukmantoro and Sunaryo were the most awaited by some collectors. You not only can see the fine art paintings of those artists, but also the works of many other artists around Indo-nesia as well as from around the world such as USA, Malaysia, and Germany.

Pasar Seni is usually held down in the area of ITB. Since the institution is the largest institute in Bandung, you do not need to worry about the space to be explored. They provide wide area for the event as well as places just for you to sit down and have a rest under the bushy trees.

Be ready for the unpredictable. You will be trapped in the crowd. Thousands of the visitors come from other cities. Almost all the areas of the district are packed with people and congested with motor vehicles. This is a rare moment when the pieces of art are not only exhibited, but also for sale in very low price. This is also the moment of ITB students to expose their artistic creative scientific creations to the world.

“If you are looking for art exhibitions or performanc-es, Pasar Seni has it all.”

Handmade Stuffs

Guess What?

Page 72: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung




1. Buy something! This rare art festival sells kinds of artworks cheaply.2. Never leave your own camera/video camera to capture some interesting moment that you find. 3. Try some foods that is sold by the food fender around.

1. Bring too much unnecessary stuff in your bag or you’ll get back pain after visiting the festival.2. Leave your trash not in a dust bin around the venue.

The KartifahJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390Phone: +6222 250 4237Fax: +6222 250 5930

Hotel GeulisJl. Ir. H Juanda No. 129Phone: +6222 250 7777

Hotel Wisma DagoJl. Ciung Wanara No. 16Phone: +6222 250 1356

De’Quer HotelJl. Dipati Ukur No. 27Phone: +6222 250 3536

The Palais Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 90Phone: +6222 250 5111

The JayakartaJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381Phone: +6222 250 5888

Sheraton Hotel and TowerJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390Phone: +6222 250 0303Fax: +6222 250 0301

Scarlet Dago HotelJl. Siliwangi No. 5 DagoPhone: +6222 250 0300

Royal Dago HotelJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 169Phone: +6222 250 2200 Puspa Kencana HotelJl. Siliwangi No. 10Phone: +6222 250 2599


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HOW TOInstitut Teknologi Bandung is easily reached in several different routes. Located in the northern Bandung, the venue can be reached by using Taxi, Ojek (motorcycle taxi), Angkot (a mini van public transportation) or even on foot.Most of the recommended hotels are quite far from the venue. The one, which is quite near-by, is Hotel Geulis. If you come from Sheraton Hotel, The Jayakarta, and The Kartifah, you can take an Angkot with the sign of the route

Warung PastaJl. Ganesha No. 3Phone: +62 22 250 0416@WarungPastaBDG

Mc Donald’sJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 181Phone: 14045 (Delivery Service)

Bebek Ali Borromeus Jl. HasannudinIn front of the south gate of St. Borromeus Hospital

Café HalamanJl. Taman Sari No. 92Phone: +62 22 251 2530

Tree House CaféJl. Hasannudin No. 5Phone: +6222 253 3648@treehousebdg

Kantin SalmanJl. Ganesha No. 7Phone: +62 22 250 7675

Toko YouJl. Hasannudin No. 12Phone: +6222 7042

Lumpia SemarangJl. Badak Singa No. 21Phone: +62 22 250 453

Angkringan ITB (Javanese-styled Street Food)Jl. GaneshaIn front of the main gate of ITB

“Dago-Kalapa” or “Dago-Abdul Muis” on its top. The Angkots come in dark green color. Only by Rp. 2.000, they can drive you until the T-junction of Jalan Dayang Sumbi. Just go down from that street and the venue gate is in front of you.If you are staying in Scarlet Dago Hotel, you can grab your meal first at Mc Donald’s which is located in front of the hotel, then take the opposite way to Jalan Sumur Bandung which leads you to the north gate of the venue.

“Pasar Seni is the moment to show off the artists’ creativities inspired by the simplicity of daily life and collaborated with the variety of knowledge aspects.” - RepublikaTisna Sanjaya, a Painter




Page 74: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung


OTHER GREAT EVENTS TO GOPop Singer FestivalITB FairPR Music on Weekend Konser Angklung Padaeng(Angklung Padaeng Concert)Helarfest (Creative-art and Traditional art Festival)Pagelaran Musik Bambu (The Exhibition of Musical Bamboo Instruments)Festival Dalang Bocah (Festival of Kid Puppeteer)Gunungan International Mask and Puppet FestivalWeekly Cultural Event at Dago Car Free Day areaKemilau Nusantara (Traditional Arts Exhibition and Parade)West Java Classical Dance FestivalAlimpaido (Traditional Game Festival)Pasanggiri Mojang Jajaka (West Java’s Ambassador )Bandung Drums DayCikapundung FestivalKickfest (Exhibition and Bazaar of Local Clothing, Culinary and Indie Band)

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Being the capital city of West Java, it is easy to reach Bandung. You can

get to Bandung by land or air transportation. For those who come from

the area around West Java, you may use several options of land trans-

portation such as, bus, shuttle bus, travel coaches, train or a private car;

and, for those who stay far away from Bandung, you may take either

international or domestic flight to Bandung international airport, Husein


Land Transportation

If you come from the surrounding area of West Java such as Jakarta or

Banten, using land transportation can be a good option. Beside the low

budget, you can have a few stops over several exciting spots along the

way to Bandung. If you come from Jakarta, you may choose the way

through Puncak Pass, the area of mountainous highland in Bogor.This

spot has a nice atmosphere of the green hills and tea plantation. How-

ever, if you have limited time, you can simply choose the faster way

through Cipularang toll road. It also provides you beautiful scenery of tea

plantation, rice fields, and rock-cliff area in some sectors as well as great

rest areas.

If you choose the toll road from Jakarta, the normal time estimation to

reach Bandung is about 3 hours. Meanwhile, if you take the way through

Puncak Pass-Bogor, you will arrive in Bandung in about 4-5 hours. How-

ever, in case on weekend, the traffic is crowded, so you should prepare

your time 2-3 hours longer than the normal one.

You can reach the city either way by bus, a private car, or a shuttle bus.

The buses from several bus stations in Jakarta will drive you to Leuwi

71Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

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Panjang, the name for bus station in Bandung. Meanwhile, the shuttle

busses from Jakarta to Bandung provide its service to several center

points in Bandung such as Pasteur, Cihampelas and Cipaganti. So, which

service suits you?

Are you from the east of Java Island? Don’t worry, it is easy for you to

choose the railway schedule. There are Argo Wilis, Turangga and Mutiara

Selatan Train that have daily schedule from Gubeng in Surabaya. If you

start your trip from Malang, you can use Malabar train from Kotabaru

Station to reach Bandung. Then, Lodaya Pagi and Lodaya Malam have

daily schedule from Solo Balapan Station in Solo. Meanwhile, a number

of Harinas are operated daily to serve your travelling experience from Se-

marang. Just find out the proper schedule that suits you in the train sta-

tions in that city. It is also possible for you to reach Bandung from Jakarta

(Gambir and Jatinegara) by Argo Parahyangan. Just have a seat for only

Rp. 55,000 then you can enjoy your 3 hours trip to Bandung.

Air Transportation

What if you live far away from Bandung? Eventhough the cost of the

transport is quite expensive; using air transportation will be more effec-

tive. Air transportation services will fly you faster rather than land trans-

portation. There are several choices of international and domestic flights

with the variety of price range. You can get Bandung from Bali, Surabaya,

Medan, Batam and several surrounding countries like Singapore and

Kuala Lumpur. Husein Sastranegara is the international airport located in

the center of Bandung. From the airport you can either use a taxi or ang-

kot (minvan public transport), and it takes you half an hour to one hour to

get to the theatre depending on the traffic.


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Blue BirdJl. Ters. Buah Batu No. 194Phone: +6222 756 1234Jl. Cipagalo No. 194-APhone: +6222 756 0600

PutraKomplek Marga Asih IndahJl. Nilem 2 Blok J1. No. 10. Phone: +6222 540 5010

Cipaganti Taxi MaxJl. Gatot Subroto No. 94. Phone: +6222 731 9498 +6222 700 7000

4848 TaxiJl. Suniaraja Timur No. 39Phone: +6222 4234848

Gemah RipahJl. Gudang Selatan No. 22Phone: +62 22 4217070

Borobudur or Bandung Raya TaxiJl. Setiabudhi No. 117 Phone: +6222 2014018

Paripurna TaxiJl. Bali No. 6Phone: +6222 4201000

Rina Rini TaxiJl. Sudirman No. 561 BPhone: +6222 70511111

Centris TaxiJl. Soekarno-Hatta No.606-A Phone: +6222 751 2100

Kota KembangJl. Kiaracondong No. 338Phone: +6222 7312312

Top TaxiJl. Anggrek No. 35Phone: +6222 7203713

Tirta TaxiJl. Dursasana No. 18Phone: +6222 6037737

Astra Rent A CarJl. Soekarno Hatta No. 515-APhone: +6222 4234 4333Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 811Phone: +6222 7801 715

Agung Rental CarJl. Sekemerak No. 191Phone: +6222 7217 188

Arisia Rental CarJl. Gegerkalong Tengah No. 27Phone: +6222 2021 830

Bug Rental CarJl. Turangga Barat III No. 9Phone: +6222 7308 764

Bike Auto Rent and TravelJl. Srimolek No. 6+6222 7070 7618

Dago Travel and Rental CarJl. Dago Pakar Permai No. 9Phone: +6222 7036 2090

Daras Car Rental Jl. Merkuri Selatan No. 27 MargahayuPhone: +6222 7562 324

Dhila ArmadaJl. Dago Timur No. 24APhone: +6222 2510 815 DirgantaraJl. Lamping No. 7Phone: +6222 2035 050

Gatra Rental CarJl. Pacuan Kuda No. 9+6222 7208 915

Lysan Rent CarsKomp. Mitra Dago Panyawangan BII/11Phone: +6222 7217 070

Rahayu Rental CarJl. Paledang No. 346Phone: +6222 6079 086

V RentJl. Mars Selatan VI No. 21Phone: +6222 7561 079

Vamily Rent CarJl. Sarijadi Blok 9/104Phone: +6222 2000 292



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Standard Chartered BankJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 16Phone: +6222 424 1944Fax: +6222 4260926Paskal Hyper SquareBlok A No. 1Phone: +6222 8606 0680Fax: +6222 8606 0928

Bank ChinatrustJl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 17Phone: +6222 730 5900Fax: +6222 730 8878

Commonwealth BankJl. Jend. Sudirman No. 91 DRuko Capitol PlazaPhone: +6222 422 0455Fax: +6222 4222 0456Jl. Buah Batu No. 202Phone: +6222 730 9699Fax: +6222 730 5397

CitibankJl. Asia Afrika No. 133-137Phone: +6222 420 9999Jl. Ir. H Juanda No. 120Phone: +6222 420 9999

HSBCWisma HSBCJl. Asia Afrika No. 116Phone: +6222 426 7300

ANZJl. Ir. H Juanda No. 7-10Phone: +6222 500 269Jl. Jawa No. 1PO. BOX 1889Phone: 500 269

RabobankJl. ABC No. 17 Braga – SumurbandungPhone: +6222 420 7092Fax: +6222 426 3451Jl. Aceh No. 42Phone: +6222 423 5761Fax: +622 421 6615Jl. Dr. Djundjunan No. 107Phone: +6222 607 0797Fax: +6222 603 7815

DBS BankJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 27 TamansariPhone: +6222 427 1100

Golden Money ChangerJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 86Phone: +6222 250 1817Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata No. 180Phone: +6222 423 3315

Restu Valuta MasJl. Cihampelas No. 288APhone: +6222 203 5151

Aria Jaya LestariJl. Merdeka No. 5Phone: +6222 422 2615

Central Money ChangerJl. Cibadak No. 60 Phone: +6222 423 3023

Daya Mutiara AsiaJl. Otto Iskandar Dinata No. 429Phone: +6222 520 5963

Dwipa MuliaJl. Lengkong Kecil No. 19BPhone: +6222 423 2606

DolarindoJl. Sukajadi No. 120Phone: +6222 204 0808

Provaluta MasJl. Sukajadi No. 232Phone: +6222 203 2370

Aneka Artha MasJl. Naripan No. 43Phone: +6222 424 1204

Tidjara SakuraiJl. Naripan No. 37Phone: +6222 420 5712





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75Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

$Sibayak ShopJl. Braga No. 56Phone: +6222 420 2509

Kebun SeniBandung’s ZooJl. Taman Sari No. 69

Cupumanik West Java HandycraftJl. H. Akbar No. 10Phone: +6222 423 9456

MahanagariCihampelas Walk – BroadwayJl. Cihampelas No. 160Phone: +6222 206 1110

Lukis Bara ApiParis van Java – Glamour LevelJl. SUkajadi No. 123Phone: +6285 8609 79146

Buatan Bandoeng Bagus-BagusParis van Java – Glamour LevelJl. Sukajadi No. 123

Nu Art Craft BoutiqueJl. Setra Duta Kencana II No. 11Phone: +6222 201 7815

Sin-Sin Souvenir and Antique ShopJl. Braga No. 59Phone: +6222 423 8547

PranataJl. Raya Cileunyi No. 335 Ujung Berung

Cuero Leather GoodsJl. Braga No. 89Phone: +6222 423 1783

Kayoe Art GalleryJl. Ir. H Djuanda No. 386Phone: +6222 253 3515

Jerami GalleryJl. Rakata No. 11Phone: +6222 421 5982

Agape Quilts and CraftsJl. Surya Sumantri No. 106Phone: +6222 2018 538

Bella Art and Craft GalleryJl. Dalem Kaum No. 77 CikawaoPhone: +6222 420 6551

Griya Seni Popo IskandarJl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 268Phone: +6222 2014 770

Goong Fine Art GalleryJl. Dr. Otten No. 20Phone: +6222 4239 305

Padi Art Ground GalleryJl. Ir. H Djuanda No. 329Phone: +6222 2504 578

Ki Sunda Art Gallery and Art HouseJl. Cikutra Barat No. 119Phone: +6222 2535 333


75Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

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Hasan Sadikin HospitalJl. Pasteur No. 38Phone: +6222 203 4953 – 55Emergency Unit: +6222 255 1198+6222 255 1191

St. Borromeus HospitalJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 100Phone: +6222 255 2000Fax: +6222 250

Advent HospitalJl. Cihampelas No. 161Phone: +6222 203 4386 –

St. Yusup HospitalJl. Cikutra No. 7Phone: +6222 720 8172

Ujung Berung HospitalJl. Rumah Sakit No. 22Phone: +6222 780 0017 +6222 781 1794

Halmahera Surgery HospitalJl. Halmahera No. 10Phone: +6222 420 6061

Al-Islam HospitalJl. Soekarno Hatta No. 644Phone: +6222 756 2046 +6222 756

Santosa Bandung International HospitalJl. Kebon Jati No. 38Emergency Unit: +6222 424

Immanuel HospitalJl. Kopo No. 161Phone: +6222 520 1656 +6222 520

Melinda HospitalJl. Padjajaran No. 46 PasirkalikiPhone: +6222 422

Cicendo Eye HospitalJl. Cicendo No. 4Phone: +6222 420

Bandung Eye CenterJl. Sumatra No. 22Phone: +6222 426

Lanud Sulaiman HospitalJl. Terusan Kopo, MargahayuPhone: +6222 540 9608

Limijati HospitalJl. LL.RE. Martadinata No. 33-39Phone: +6222 420 7770

Hermina HospitalJl. Dr. Djundjunan No. 107Phone: +6222 607 2525 +6222 603 7815Jl. AH. Nasution No. 50 ArcamanikPhone: +6222 8274 2525Emergency Unit: +6222 710 3330

Sariningsih HospitalJl. LL. RE. Martadinata No. 9Phone: +6222 420 4257

Kebon Jati HospitalJl. Kebon Jati No. 152Phone: +6222 601 4058 +6222 603

Annisa Medical Center (AMC) HospitalJl. Raya Cileunyi – RancaekekPhone: +6222 778 1630 +6222 778 1629

Netra Eye SpecialistJl. WR. Supratman No. 17Phone: +6222 720 1720

Bandung Dentistry HospitalJl. LL. RE. Martadinata No. 45Phone: +6222 4234 058




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West Java Tourism and Culture OfficeJl. RE. Martadinata No. 209 Bandung 40114Phone: +6222 710 3605Fax: +6222 727

Bandung Tourism and Culture OfficeJl. Jend. A. Yani No. 277 BandungPhone: +6222 721

West Java Tourist Information CenterJl. Stasion Timur No. 1 BandungPhone: +6222 421 6648




Fire Rescue113, +6222 720 7113

PLN (Electricity)123

Search and Rescue115

Indonesian Red Cross+6222 250 0095

Post Office161

Airport Information+6222 603 3889

Train Station Information121, +6222 420-3367

77Art and Cultural Festivals in BandungA guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung

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4th Marketplace of creative arts Bandung: Design nation carving creative spaces [Brochure]. (2012). Bandung: WIFE Foundation and Bandung Creative City Forum

A. (2012, April 1). Teater Lorong jadi pinunjul I. Pikiran Rakyat, p. 3:1-5.

Arinanda, M. A. (personal communication, February 25, 2012) explained all about Festival Paduan Angklung

Audipriatna, I. (personal communication, June 2, 2012) explained about Pasar Seni

Badick. (Blackberry Messenger chatting, June 28, 2012) commented on the event of Bandung Berisik 2012

Bandung berisik MMXII: Maximum aggression [Brochure]. (2012). Bandung: Atap Promotions

Bandung Berisik official website provides links to a variety of useful resources of music festival held in Bandung (

Bandung Creative City Forum official blog provides links to a variety of useful information of events held in Bandung (http://www/

Bandung Government official website provides links to a variety of useful information of Bandung (

Bandung Review official website provides links to a variety of useful resources of events held in Bandung (

Bandung Wayang Festival official website provides links to a variety of useful resources of this festival held in Bandung (http://www.

Braga Festival official website provides links to a variety of useful sources of this local festival held in Jalan Braga, Bandung (

C, A. (2012, April 24). Bandung jadi katalisator industri seni. Pikiran Rakyat, p. 24:4-7.


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Danusubrata, D. P. (personal communication, April 20, 2012) explained all about Festival Drama Basa Sunda

Dewiyati. (2012, April 21). Muda dan kreatif, motor seni dan bisnis. Pikiran Rakyat, p. 25:1-7.

Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung. (2012). Sambutan kepala dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata kota Bandung (June). Bandung: Bidang Pemasaran

Diratmasasmita, H. (personal communication, May 12, 2012) commented on the event of Festival Paduan Angklung

Ferdiana, S. (2011, May 20). Unpad gelar festival kuliner padjadjaran. Republika. Retrieved May 23, 2012 from umum/11/05/20/llh1jb-unpad-gelar-festival-kuliner-padjadjaran

Firdauzi, A. (personal communication, February 23, 2012) explained about Keluarga Paduan Angklung ITB

Forum Estetika Kota Bandung. (2011). Media informasi Braga Festival: Ngabaraga. Bandung: Festa

Gumelar, W. S. (personal communication, May 10, 2012) explained all about Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang

Heri, E. (personal communication, February 23, 2012) briefly explained about Braga Festival and Bandung as a creative city

Herviyagi, G. (personal communication, March 2, 2012) explained all about Riksa Budaya Sunda

Institut Teknologi Bandung’s official website provides links to a variety of facts in relation with events held in ITB campus (

Keluarga Paduan Angklung of Institut Teknologi Bandung official blog provides links to a variety of information about Festival Paduan Angklung (http://

Khairudin, N. (personal communication, February 23, 2012) explained all about Braga Festival

Pemerintah Kota Bandung. (2012). Sambutan walikota Bandung pada buku “Art & Cultural Festivals in Bandung: A guidebook for exploring the uniqueness of Bandung.” (June). Bandung: Bakominfo

Pramudya, E, W. (2012, Mei 15). Bandung Berisik siap digelar di Sulaiman. Pikiran Rakyat, p. 24:1.

Page 84: Art and Cultural Festivals in Bandung


Pratama, S. (personal communication, May 12, 2012) briefly explained about Festival Kuliner Padjadjaran

Riksa Budaya Sunda official blog provides links to a variety of useful resources of events held in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung (http://

Sanjaya, T. (2012, May 12). Bandung Kota Kreatif [Television advertisement]. [With Ridwan Kamil, & Al a.k.a Ucay] Jakarta: KG Production

S, H. A. K. (personal communication, March 2, 2012) commented about the event of Riksa Budaya Sunda

Sudjana, A. (personal communication, March 21, 2012) explained all about Ujung Berung Festival

Suwarna, G. (personal communication, June 4, 2012) commented about the event of Festival Drama Basa Sunda

Teater Sunda Kiwari official blog provides links to a variety of useful references of Festival Drama Basa Sunda held in Bandung (http://www.

Tourism and Culture Department of Bandung official website provides links to a variety of useful resources of Bandung city agenda and transportation services (

Vivananda, A. (personal communication, May 12, 2010) commented about the event of Pentas Seni Budaya Manglayang

Yellow Pages official website provides a variety of useful information of important numbers that can be contacted in the area of Bandung (http://www.

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Antara Foto official website provides links to a variety of related photographs of events (

Armansyah, B. (2011). Lagu Persib meriahkan festival angklung ITB. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from meriahkan-festival-angklung-itb/

Bandung Government official website provides links to a variety of useful informa tion of Bandung (

Chevy, D. (2011). Bandung Wayang Festival ingin semeriah Festival Film Cannes. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from bandung-wayang-festival-ingin-semeriah-festival-film-cannes

Evelyn, N. (2010). Mie kocok bakso. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from https://meiroza.

G, G. (2012). Delapan jenis wayang jabar akan dipentaskan dalam “West Java Wayang Festival”. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from jenis-wayang-jabar-akan-dipentaskan-dalam-wjw-festival-2012.html

Ich, A. (2010). Dede Yusuf kuliah lagi. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http://imam

Ika, S. (2012). Paket buka bersama. Retrieved July 3, 2012, from http://sanguliwet

Lorraine, C. (2011). Summer holiday part 2: Bandung. Retrieved May 4, 2012 from

Nirwana, R. (2010). Pasar Seni ITB 10.10.10. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from http://rnir

Paguyuban Pecinta Wayang official website provides links to a variety of related photographs of Bandung Wayang Festival (

Rachman, R. S. (2010). Motret benjang helaran di Ujungberung. Retrieved March 23, 2012, from ujungberung.html

Sedayu, G. (2011). Tisna Sanjaya. Retrieved May 24, 2012, from http://fotografius.

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“Braga is not only the icon of Bandung, but also the part of the myth and story of Bandung. Braga Festival is the moment of cultural movement, cultural politics, cultural economy, and spiritual culture.” - Ngabaraga

Tisna Sanjaya, A painter and sculpturer