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Transcript of tJ/ , , , HUMBOLDT HIGH SCHOOL






Whether you have just begun high school or are about to leave

it, your yearbook editors hope that you will always keep the

many wonderful memories of these years fresh in your mind.

Here are your friends, your favorite teachers, the social events

and the nonsense, the hard work and, of course, the sports­

in short, everything that is high school. We have tried to collect

pictorial mementos of these things and to put them into a com­

pact diary of life in Humboldt High. We hope you will enjoy

looking back and remembering - through your 1956 life.


DOROTHY LUNN Business Manager




Our capable principal, Mr. Adolf lngebretson, stands at the helm of the school, pro­motes its best interests and is always willing to lend a help­ing hand. Through a combina­tion of executive ability and deep personal interest in stu­dents, he has set an example of outstanding leadership and good citizenship.


Assistant Principal

Mr. Engebretson, our assist­ant principal, has, at some time or other, given all of us his helpful counsel. Whether the matter concerns our pro­grams or our daily problems, he is never too busy to give us advice, or to help us solve our troubles. 7

MISS WHALEY, MR. TERRY (English) , MRS. KNAUSS (Librarian)




MISS MALONEY, MR. RYAN (Physical Education)

MRS. HALL, MISS HUSO, MR. MADSEN (Business Courses)





MRS. CARLSON, MR. BALK ENOL, MRS. MIL TON (Dramatics, Music, Art J

MR. PETERSON, MISS BLASE. MR. RYNARD, MR. AGA I Social Science, Business I




Is he ill or is he faking? Well, Miss Janice Lindberg, our school nurse will find out.



u R

s E

The Cafeteria Stoff tokes a welcome break from their many tasks, one of which is sa tisfying the appetites of Hum ­boldt studen ts.

lUNCH SHIFT STAFF Roy Davis and Irwin Guberman ore Mr. McDonough "s helping hands during first and second lunch shifts.


Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Anderson solve the doily problems of tardiness, absences and excus•••


Don't let thos picture fool you. Our cus­todian staff is always busy keeping Humboldt spic ond span.

SENIORS ... 13




s E




s ( l. to R. ) Emil Straka, Miss Huso, Ray Davis, Cecel ia Woerderhoff, Carol Josephs

The class of 1956 has been very active in the past three years at Humboldt. We got off to a very good start, in our sophomore year, under the direction of Mrs. Green who was our class advisor.

From the beginning of our sophomore year to May 22, 1955 we worked very hard raising money and making plans for our Prom . By the end of the year we had secured the Calhoun Beach Club for our Prom and later we engaged Jules Herman 's Orchestra. The Humboldt High School Prom of 1955 was very successful and was considered the biggest event of the year.

At the end of our junior year we regretfully

learned that our advisor, Mrs. Green, who had worked so hard to help us, was leaving. We all miss Mrs. Green, but we certainly appreciate all the cooperation and the hard work we have re­ceived from Miss Huso .

As we leave Humboldt our hearts are saddened because we know that we will never again return to Humboldt as students. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our teachers and everyone in the school for the help they have given us .

Sincerely, Class of 1956


ROW 1 ( l. to R.) Roberta Kratzke, Elaine Belden, Pat Nadeau, Muta Buchholz, Colleen Sawicki, Janice Rolig , Phyllis Krumm. ROW 2: Reinhold Markgraf, Scott Calton, len levine, Richard Johnson, Robert Roettger, Donald Droubie, Gerald Silverberg.

ACKERMAN, JOAN "With few words to say, she goes quietly on her way." Chorus 1,2,3

ALVAREZ, BERNARD "Kind of bashful, but nice to know'' Bond 3,4 Student Council 3,4

AUGE, JUDY "Cute, Coy and quite in style." Chorus 2,3,4, President 2 G.A.A. 2,3 Life Representative 2 Office He I per 4

ALBRECHT, GLORIA "Sh• has a smile no cloud could overcast.'' Chorus 1,2,3

BANISH, MARILYN ''Quiet and calmly she comes and goes " Band 1,2,3,4 Ensemble 4 G.A.A 2 Red Cross 3 latin Club 3,4

ALMQUIST, BETTY ANN "We wond r where she gels all her pep." Bowling 1,2 Chorus 4 Cub Reporter Ensemble 4 G A A . 1,2,3,4 G,rfs Glee Club.-' life Representative little Theater 3,4 Majorette 2,3 Swimming 1 Girls' Tennis 1,2 Thespians 3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3

BATES, JANICE "It's the little things that count." Art Club 2.3,4 Chorus 1,2,3,4 G.A A. 2 School Service 3,4

ANDERSON , ELAINE "She was on of the quiet kind whosf!' nature never varied '' Red Cross 3 life Staff 4 Pep Club 4

ANDERSON NANCY " Mighty sweet, moghty wise, the fun iust tw•nkles In her eyes.'' Arrow Representative 2 Band 1,2,3 Bowlin; 1 G A.A 1,2 Historical Society 3,.4, Treasurer 4 life Stoff 4 life Representotlve J Student Council 3,4 Pep Club 2,3,4

BEAURLINE, CAROL "She speaks, behoves and acts just as she ought " Arrow Representat ve 3 G.A A. 1,2,3 library Club 1,2,3,4, President 4 little Theater 2,3,4 Thespian 2,3,4 Pep Club 2,3,4


BELDEN , ELAINE 'She's got a cute little smile and cute little ways, that have helped to brighten our school days .' • G.A.A 2 Red Crou 4 library Club 3 life Stoff 4 Office He I pers 3 Senior Committee Sharks of Shorthand 3,4 Pep Club 4



'')11ence 11 o nord argument to answer.'' Chorus 2,4 Red Crou 3 Office Helper 3,4

BlUESTONE, DELORES "Seeks to be good, but aims nat to be great." Chorus 2,3,4 G .A A 2 Red Crou 2,3 Off ce Helper 3,4

BERGMAN, MARY .. To know her 11 to love her, ar.d she's wide ly known." G.A.A . 1,2,3,4 Homecoming Queen Jun1or Committee library Club 2 life Stoff 4 little Theater 3,4 Majorette 2.3,4 Thespoons 3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3,4

BORTH, PATRICIA "She seems quiet in her way, but wait till she gets started." Band 2,3 Chorus 2 Girls' Glee Club 2 Girls' Sextet 2 Red Crou 1,2,3,4 library Club 3, Swing Band 2 Co·op Work, Treasurer

BERNICK , JOEL .. A little nonsense now and then, does prevail in the best of men. " Arrow Representative J Arrow Staff J,A, Adve-rtising Manager 3, Page Editor 4 l ife Stoll 3,4, Sports Editor 4 l1fe Representative 3 little Theater 3 Pep Club 3,4

BRACK , ROBERT " Too much wine, women and song guess I'll give up singing ." Chorus 2,3,4 Ensemble 3 Boys Swimming Team 2

BENJAMIN , DALE ''A youth there was of quiet ways '' Audio Visual 3,4 Bowling 3,4 Boys' Ensemble 3,4 Chorus 3,4 Football B 2,3

BLOMGREN, ALAN " Boys will be boys. "

BRECHT, EUGENE ''Not so serious as one might think." Audio Vis ual Band 1 Camera Club 2 Gymnast ics 1,2

BUCHHOlZ DIETMUTE • A drover os known by the fenders she keeps." Bowling 2,3 Chorus 3,~ Ensemble 4 G.A.A . 1,2,3.~ Girls' Glee Club 4 Girls' Triple Trio ~ life Stoff ~ Senior Committee Swimming 1,2,3,~ Student Council 3.~ Pep Club 2,3.~

CASILLAS, JULIAN "Dark brown eyes are dangerous thongs and often keep us from getting wings ." Basketball A 3,4 Basketball B 2 Boys' Ensemble ~ Chorus 2,3.~ Ensemble ~ Football A 2,3,4 Track 2

CLEVENGER, SHIRLEY "A rare combination of ability, poise and a sense of humor." Arrow Stoff ~ Cheerleader ~ G A.A. 2,3.~ life Stoff ~ little Theater ~ Swimming 2,3 Thespians Jf~ Pep Club 2,3,4 Homecomino Att.-nrlnnt

BROWN , HAROLD "Happy om I, from care I'm free.''

CLINE , LAWRENCE "Some think the world is made for fun and frolic, so do I."

CALTON SCOTT " All great men are dead, lincoln is dead, Napoleon is dead; and I feel sick myself." Hall Monitor ~ Junior Committee little Theater 2,3.~ Senior Committee Student Council 1,3.~ Thespians 3,4 Pep Club 3.~

CORONADO, ROSE "What voice is that so sweetly rtngtng?'' Chorus 2,3.~ Girls' Glee Club 2 Office Helper ~ Pep Club 3.~

CAMPA , lEONARD "Grouchy? Not a b it Misch ef full of it." Art Club ~

CHARLES, DELORES " She never did harm that heard of." Chorus 1,2,3

CORRIGAN , JAMES "Men who know much soy little." Histo •col Society 3,.4


CRAPSON, JUANITA "Tho bolt~r you know her, th belt or you lik~ her." Auow Representative 3,4 Chorus 1,2 G.A.A 1,2 R d Crou 3, Secretory 3 lobrary Club 2,3,4 l ottie Theater 2,3,4 Swimming 2,3 Thesp ians 2,3,4

DAMRAU, DORIS " Another Ceil Chapman in the making." Arrow Representative 4 Bowling 1 Camera Club 1,2 Library Club 2,3,4 life Staff 3 life Represenlative 2,3 f .H.A. 3

DANNER , JERRY "As admirable and good natured as any could be." Band 1,2,3, 4 Bowling 3

CRISMAN, CAROL " Abiloty and poi1e; a girl that doesn't make much noise ." Band 2,3,4 Hall Monitors 1 Red Crou 2 library Club 2,4

DARROW EDNA • She's full of life and full of fun." G.A.A . 2 Office Helpers 3

CALLAHAN , DONNA '• Something new 11 always interesting ." Chorus 1,2,3,4 G.A.A . 1 ,2,3,4 little Theater 3 Office Helper 4

DAVIS, RAY " I want to be shy, but the girls won't let me." football A 3,4, Captain 4 football II 2 Senior Vice President Track 2

CRUZ , JOSEPH "My conduct in school is the teacher 's delight I sleep all day so I can study all night."

DAMRAU, RUBY " Her ways are ways of pleasant­non, and all her paths are peace .' ' Arrow Representative 1,2,3 Bawling 1 life Staff 3,4 Life Representat ive 4 lillie Theater 2,3,4 Thespians 3,4

DODDS, KATHRYN "laugh and the world laughs with you." Arrow Staff 1 Choru• 1 Ensemble 1 latin Club 3

DRESSLER, LOREN "Men of few words are the best men~" Bowling 3 Co·OP Work

ELVIDGE, ROBERT "Persistent pursuer of knowledge." Audio Visual 4 Basketball B 1

ENGLERT, BERNITA "A penny for your thoughts ." Bond 1,2,3,4, librarian 3,4 Chorus 1,2,3,4 Girls' Glee Club 2 Girls' Triple Trio 1 library Club 2,3 life Stoff 4

DROUBI E, DONALD " Ploy and I'll ploy with you; work and you work alone." Arrow Stoff 2,3,4, Sports Editor

3, Editor 4 Basketball B 2 Camera Club 3.4 Life Staff 3,4 Senior Committee Pep Club 3

ERNSTER, DORTHY "She has no care beyond today." Chorus 1,2,3 Girls' Glee Club 2 life Representative 2

DRUDE , RONALD " The harder I try, the gooder to be, the worse I am .'' Arrow Staff 3,4 Basketball B 2 life Staff 4

FIRNSTAHL, ALICE "Happy as the day is long." Art Club 1,2,3,4 Bowling 1,2,4 Chorus 3,4 Ensemble 3,4 G.A.A. 1,2,3 Girls' Glee Club 3,4 Girls" Triple Trio 3 Historical Society 3,4 library Club 1,2,3,4 life Staff 4 Pep Club 1,2

ECKSTEIN, MAitlENE "She's a quiet g irl , but silence is golden." Red Cross 4 Life Representative 3

ENGEL, YVONNE "'Her ready smile, a happy mind suggests." Chorus 3,4 Library Club 2,3 Red Cross 3

FISH, GEORGE "Silent energy moves the world."



FORMANEK, ElAINE "She's full of life, and full of fun." Band 1,2,3,~ Bowling 1 Chorus 3.~ G.A .A. 2,3,~ Swimming 1,2,3

GILL, SUZANNE "My nul chapeau? A nurse's cap." Bowling 2,3 G.A.A. 1,2 Swimming 2 Tennis 1,2 latin Club 2 Y·Teens 1,2 Co-op Work, Secretary

GROSSMANN, MARLENE "A quiet little body with a mind of her own." Camera Club 1 Chorus 1 library Club 1 Office Helpers 3

GARCIA, JOSEPH " Me n of few wards are the best men." Chorus 3 Co-op Work

GUBERMAN, TODDY "Big in stature, big in heart." Arrow Staff 3,~ Football A 1,2,3,~ Hockey A 2,3.~ Hockey B 1 life Staff ~ Student Council 2 Track 1,2,3,~ Pep Club 2,3

GARCIA, RUDY "Life is such a daily thing," Bays' Ensemble ~ Chorus 1,2,3,~

GUlLAKSEN, AGNES "Jay . , , like a gem sparkles from her eyes." Chorus ~ Ensemble ~ G.A.A . 1,2,3.~ Girls' Glee Club ~ Girls' Triple Trio 4 Historical Society 3,~ l ibrary Club 2,3.~ life Staff ~

GilBERT, ROBERT " Happy go lucky." Bowling 3 School Service ~ Chorus 1

GRAY, SUZANNE "Her greatest pleasure is to make others happy." Art Club 2,3,~ Band 1,2,3,~ Bowl ing 2 Chorus 1 G.A.A. 1,2,3,~ little Theater ~ Stage Force 3 Swing Band 3,~ Thespians ~ Pep Club 1 ,2,3,~ Y· Teens 1,2,3,~. I.C.C. Repre·

sentative 3

HALE, CURTIES .. A rare boy, noble and true, with plenty of wit and sincerity too.'' Art Club 1,2,3 ,~. President 3,~ Chorus 3 Gymnastics 1,2,3,~ Swimming Team 2 Student Council 3 ,~ Track 3

HANNOVER, HELEN "Vim, vigor and vitality blended woth loads of personality," Arrow Staff 3,4, Circulation Man-

ager 3, Page Editor 4 Art Club 1,2,3,4 Band 1 ,2,3 Bowling 1,2,3,4 Churleader 4 Ensemble 3 G.A.A. 1,2,3,4 Life Stoll 2,3,4, Section Editor 4 Swimming 1,2,3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3,4 F.T.A. 3,4 Y-Teens 1,2,3, Chaplain 3, Sec­

retary 3

HELLER, THOMAS "Happy am I, from care I am free ." Aud io Visual 3,4 Bowling 3,4 Boys ' Ensemble 4 Chorus 3,4 Golf 3

HENNESSY, MARY " And athletics marked her for its own ." Bowl ing 1,2,3 Chorus 3,4 G.A .A. 1,2,3 Red Cross 2 Swimm ing 1,2 School Service 4

HANSEN, PATRICIA 11 Siender size, clever style, laughing eyes, genial smile." Arrow Stoff 3,4, Page Editor 4 Band 1,2,3,4 G .A.A. 1,2 Historical Society 3,4 Life Stall 4, Copy Editor 4 Life Representatives 3 Little Theater 4 Thespian 3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3,4 F.T.A. 3,4 Y-Teens 1,2,3

HERBECK, MARLISS "Just the kind af girl you would like to know." Arrow Representative ..t Historical Society 3,4 Library Club 2,3,4 little Theater 2,3,4 Thespians 3,4

HARRIS, COULEE ''In her manner lies her charm.'' G.A.A. 2 Girls' Glee Club 2 library Club 2 Office Helper 2

HOLZEM, DIANE " A light heart lives long." Chorus 3,4 Red Cross 4


HEINRICH , JUDITH " Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well ." Cub Reporter 1

HEMMING, RICHARD .. Napoleon was a small man too ." Bond 3,4, Librarian 3,4 Ensemble Historical Society 3,4, Vice Presi-

dent 3 Red Cross 3 library Club 3 life Representative 2 Student Council 3 Latin Club 2,3, President 2,

Vice President 3

HILL , BEVERLY " The way to gain a friend is to be be one."



HOSSAllA, DONALD "Power dwells with cheerfulneu." Bowling 2

JOHNSON, RICHARD "Ye Godl Romeo lives agc1n." Bond 1,2,3,4, Vies President 4 Basketball A 3,4 Basketball B 1,2 Ha II Monitors 1 Historical Society 3,4, President 4 Track 3

KETCHMARK, FRANCES "A merry heart maketh o cheerful countenance." Arrow Representative 1 Arrow Staff 1 Art Club 1 Band 3 Bowling 1 G.A.A. 1 Red Cross 3 life Representatives

JENTINK, SHAREN "It's nice to be natural, when you're naturally nice." Art Club 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 4 Chorus 1,2,3,4, President 4 Ensemble 2,3,4 G.A.A. 1 Girls ' Sextet 2 Girls ' Triple Trio 3,4 Historical Society 3,4, Secretary 3 little Theater 3,4 Swimming 2 Student Council 3,4 Thespian 3,4 Y Teens 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 2,

Social Chairman 3

KOEHLER, EUGENE "I'm not as bashful as I look ." Bond 2 Boys' Ensemble 1 Chorus 1 Historical Society 4 library Club 3,4, Vice President 4 life Staff 3,4, Advertising Man-

ager 4 life Representatives 3 little Theater 2,3,4 Thespians 3,4

JOHNSON, DOUGLAS .. He's one of those quiet Joes who doesn't reveal all he knows .' ' Art Club 4 Boys' Ensemble 4 Chorus 4

KRATZKE, ROBERTA " She likes pleasure, she likes fun, she'd amuse 'most anyone. " Arrow Representative 2 Arrow Staff 4 Audio Visual 3 Bowling 4 Cheerleader 4 G.A.A. 2,3,4 Red Cross 4, President life Stoff 4 Senior Committee Swimming 3 Girls' Tennis 4 Pep Club 2,3,4 Y-Teens 3,4

JOHNSON MARVIN "laugh-he thought he'd die." Chorvs 1 Football A 3,4 Football B 1,2 Hockey Manager 3,4 little Theater 3 Track 1.4 School Service 4

JOSEPHS, CAROL "like a lea kettle, always bubbling aver." Arrow Representative 3 Bowling 4 G A A. 2,3,4 Red Crass 2 life Staff 4 little Theater 3,4 Office Helpers 3,4 Senior Secretary Swimming 3,4 Student Council 1,4 Thespians 4 Pep Club 3,4

KRUMM, PHYLLIS "To hide one's talents is a skill." Arrow Representative 2 Band 1,2,3,4 Bowling 1 Ensemble 3,4 G.A.A. 1,2,3 Historical Society 3,4 life Stoff 4 life Representatives 1 ,4 Senior Committee Pep Club 3,4 Y·Teens 3 F.T. A. 3,4 Girls' State

KUBE, CAROL "All she did, she did well." Arrow Representative 1 Band 1, 2,3 Bowling 1,2,3 Cheerleader 3,4 Chorus 4 Ensemble 1,2 G A. A. 1,2,3,4, Secretary 3,

President 4 Life Staff 4 Little Theater 2,3,4 Swimming 2 Student Council 3,4 Thespian 3, <4 Pep Club 2,3,4, Recorder 4 Homecoming Attendant Y·Teens 1,2,3

LARSON, ROGER "We can't all be great people, but we all can be great friends." Basketball B 1 Hockey A 4 Hockey B 2,3

LAU, DWAYNE ''Worry and I are not acquainted." Basketball B Boys· Ensemble 4 Chorus 4 Football B 1 Swimming Team 1,2

KUESTER, RIX "The most mischevious twinkle lurked in his eyes," Basketball 8 1,2 Boys ' Ensemble 4 Chorus 2,3,4, Secretary 4 Football 8 2

LANG, DAVID ''Do your best and leave the rest . '' Bowling 2 Bays' Ensemble 2 Chorus 2,3 Golf 2 ,3 Gymnastics 3 Hi Y 2 ,3 Boys ' Ensemble 2,3

KULHANEK, JOHN "life is too short to be serious ." Bowling 3 4 Chorus 2

LAVERTY, ROSE "Whose jolly spirit charms us all " Arrow Staff 3,4 Art Club 1 G A A . 1,2

LA CHAPELLE, WILLIAM "If physique makes a man, he•s quite a man ." Aud io Visual 4 Band 1 , 2,3 Football A 3 , .t Football B 1,2 Gymnastics 1 , 2 ,4 Swimm ing Team 1,3 Swing Band 1 , 2,3 Track 3 ,4 Pep Club 3

LANDSBERGER, THOMAS "Care sits lightly on his shoulders." Art Club 4 Little Theater 2

LEACH, CHARLES "His high school days will never compare with hos high school nights ." Chorus 2,3 Co·op Work, President

lE VESQUE, ROBERT "When joy and duty clash, let duty go to smash."

lUNN, DOROTHY "Energy bottled and ready to sell."


Arrow Stoff 4 Bowling 2,3 Chorus 1,2,3,4, librarian 4 Ensemble 3 G.A A. 3 library Club 2,3 life Stoff 4 , Business Manager 4 little Theater 3,4 Swimming 3 Thespians 4 Pep Club 4

McMUllEN , THOMAS "I'll donee until my shoes wear out .'' Bond 1,2,3,4 Boys' Ensemble 2,3,4 Chorus 1,2,3,4 Ensemble 1,2,3,4

lEVINE, lEONARD "Full of energy, ready with o pun. There's personality that makes for fun ,'' Arrow Stoff 3,4, Sports Editor 4,

Advertising Manager 3 Basketball A 3,4 Basketball B 2 Baseball 2,3,4 Camero Club 3,4 Hall Monitors 4 Historical Society 4 life Stoff 4 little Theater 3 Senior Committee

liTTFIN , DAVID " He is quiet, but he I ikes a good time ." Audio VIsual 4 Bowling 4 Boys' Ensemble 4 Chorus 1,3,4 Golf 3

Student Council 2,3,4, Vice President 4

Thespians 3 Pep Club 3,4, Treasurer 3

MADSEN, GlORIA "She looks on the bright side or polishes the dark side." Bowling 1,2,3,4 G A.A. 1,2,3,4 library Club 2,3,4 life Stoff 4 little Theater 2,3,4 Office Helpers 4 Swimming 1 Girls' Tennis 1,2 Thespians 3,4 Pep Club 3,4 F.T.A. 3,4 latin Club 3

MARKGRAF , DAVID "He may not be in "Who's Who,'' but he knows what's what " Basketball A 1 Football A 4

lUCAS, JAMES "You hove but one life, live it well." Bond 1 ,2 Junior Committee little Theater 3,4 Student Council 3,.C Boys ' Tennis .C Thespians 3,.C

McCUllOUGH , GEORGE " Not merely the chip, but the old block himself." Arrow Representative 1,2 Basketball A 3,.C Basketball B 1 , 2 Baseball 1 ,2,3,.C Ethics Committee 1,2,4 Football A 4 Football B 2 Hall Monitors 1 Junior President Little Theater 2,3,4 Sophomore President Student Council 1,2,3,4 Thespians 2,3,.C Pep Club 1,2,3

MARKGRAF, REINHOLD "A good fellow and a happy one, to know him is a lot of fun." Basketball B 2 Football B 2 Historical society 3,.C Senior Committee Student Council 2,3,.C

MARQUARDT, JO ANN "Goy personality, full of ras­cality She wins her friends by her individuality " Chorus 2,3,4 G A.A. 3,4 Pep Club 4

MEARS, EDWARD "His height should assure him of a high place in life." Basketball A 3,4 Basketball B 2 Pep Club 3,4

METZGER, DON • 'Where there is music, there can't be mischief." Band 1,2,3,4, President 4 Boys ' Ensemble 1,2 Chorus 1 ,2 football A 3,4 football B 1,2 Gymnastics 2,3,A life Representatives 4 Swing Band 2,3,4

MARTINEAU, PATRICIA .. Domeostic bliss is my wish."

MICHAUD, JEROME ''Chase me girls , I'm full of fun." Band 1 Bowling 1 Chorus 1 ,2,3, Treasurer 3 Band Major 2,3,4 Co·op Work

MAULE, JAMES .. A gentleman makes no noise."

Ml LLER, HARVEY "Like gravity, he has the power of attraction ." Chorus 1,2 Ensemble 1 little Theater 1,2,3,4 . Presid&nt

4 Thespian 2,3,4 Track 1,2

MAJI.vv<LL , BARBARA .. A still , small voice . Art Club 1,2,3,4 Camera Club 1 Chorus 1

MELQUIST, DOROTHY "A winning smile that will many a man beguile ." Arrow Representative 2,3,4 Bowling 3 Chorus 2,3,4 Ensemble 4 G .A.A. 2,3 life Representative 4 Little Theater 2,3,4 Office Helper 3,4 Student Council 1 Thespians 3,4 Pep :=rub 2,3,4

MARTIN LARRY "Quite solemn untol you know him , Chorus 2



MILLER, JERIItY "To work or not to work, that is the question. '' Football B 1

MUELLER, MAIH YNE "She's wisest, it se•ms, who avoids extremes." Art Club 2,3,A Camera Club 3 Y-Teens 2 library Club 2 ,3,A

NARDUCCI , PENNY "Her personality is as bright as her smile .'' Arrow Stoff A, Editor Bowling 2,3,A G .A. A 1,2,3,A, Sports Mana -

ger 3 Junior Secretory life Staff 2,3,A life Representative 2,3 Office Helper 2,3 Swimming 2,3,A Student Council 1,2 Thes~an 2,3,A Pep Club 2,3,A , Vice President A F.T. A. 3,A F. H.A . A Y · Teens 2,3

MILLER , MARYANN ''Quiet charm and sincere manner. '' Arrow Representative 3 ,4 Chorus 1,2,3 Oilier Helpers A Pep Club A

NASSEFF, ADELE ''Good nature is good company.'' Chorus 1,2,3 Red Cross A Pep Club A Y-Teens A

MOLINA, LISA " A singing bird that will soar to heights ," Band 1,2 Bowling 2 Chorus 2,3,A Ensemble 2,3 ,A G .A.A. 1, 2 G irls' Se•tet 2,A G irls ' Triple Trio 3,A Office Helpers 3 Swimming 1 , 2 Student Counci I 1

O'DAY, MARJORIE "Having myself a time." Art Club 2,3,A Hall Monitors 1 Pep Club 2

MOORE , MARGARET "What she ain 't got, she don 'I need ." Chorus 3,A, librarian 3,4 Ensrmble A G .A .A. 1,2 Arrow Representative 3,4 Red Cross 4 llfe Staff 4 Office Helpers 3 Pep Club 3,4 life Representative 4

NADEAU, PATRICIA "She's as likeable, as she's lookable." Art Club 1,2 Chorus 2 G . A A 1,2 little Theater 3 Majorette 2,3,A Senior Committee Pep Club 1,2

NELSON , THEODORE ''I served my time and now Good-by."

PALOMO, AGAPITA "A gentle heart is tied with on easy thread." Chorus 3

PARKE , GLORIE ANN "Shinif1g dark hair and naturally nice personality." Band 1 ,2,3,4 Bowling 1,2,3,4 Ensemble 1,2 G.A.A . 1,2,3,4 Red Cross 1,4 Sharks of Shorthand 3 Swimming 2,3 Pep Club 1,2,3 Y-Teens 1,2,3

PATRIN, SALLY ANN '"Prim, proper and precise." Red Cross 4

ODDEN, DELORES "Not bold, not shy, nor short nor toll, a pleasant mingling of them all." Bond 2,3,4 Bowling 3 G.A.A. 2,3 Red Cross 3,4, Vice President 4 Library Club 3,4 Life Representative 3 Swing Bond 2,3 Pep Club 2,3

PEDERSON SHARON .. Smiles, smiles, unending smiles, in radiant lines for miles and miles.'' Band 2,3 Chorus 2,3 Girls' Glee Club 2 Girls' Triple Trio 2 Swing Band 2,3

O'KEEFE, MAUREEN "She's brilliant and peppy too. Just what is there that she can't do?'' Arrow Staff 3,4, Circulation

Manager 3 Art Club 3,4 Bowling 2,3 G.A .A. 2,3,4 Life Staff 2,3,4, Editor 4 Little Theater 2,3,4 Office Helpers 3,4 Sophomore Treasurer Student Council 1 Thespian 2,3,4 Pep Club 2,3,4 Y-Teens 2,3

PETERS, JUNE •·sweet, sensible and sincere." Red Cross 2 Life Representative 3 Swimming 3,4 Student Council 2,3,4 F.T.A. 3,4 School Service 3,4

OLSON, DORIS "A friendly maiden from top Ia toe." Bowling 1,2,3 G.A.A. 1,2,3 Library Club 2,3,4 Girls ' Tennls 2,3 Pep Club 3

PARSLOW, MARY ANNE "I find a joy in living and laughing." Chorus 1,2,3 Red Cross 3 Library Club 2

PETERSON, CAROL "She's true as gold and every bit as bright." Red Cross 3,4 Life Staff 4 Little Theater 4 Pep Club 4



PETERSON, JANET "The ideal woman of one young man's dream." Chorus 3 G.A.A. 1 Swimming 1,3,4

RAMIREZ, NICK "When in doubt what to do, don't do it." Chorus 1,2

IIEIMEII, DIANE "Not very tall ond not very small but fair and sweet and liked by all ." Bowling 2 Chorus 2 G .A.A. 2 little Theater 4 OH;ce Helper 4 Pep Club 4

PFLUGER , CORINNE ''Sugar and spice and everything nice .. '' Arrow Staff 3,4, Page Editor 4 Ensemble 3 Girls' Triple Trio 3 Red Cross 3 life Staff 4 Office He I per 3 Pep Club 3

IlESCH, GLORIA "There never was a Saint with red hair." Arrow Staff 3 Band 1,2,3 Bawling 1,2 Camera Club 1,2 G .A.A. 1,2,3 Red Cross 2,3,4 library Club 3,4 l ife Staff 2,3 Life Representative 1,2,3 Majorette 1 Girls' Tennis 1,2,4 Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Recorder 2 Y-Teens 2 Co-op Work

PIQUETTE , ELIZABETH "A quiet willing worker.' • Art Club 3,4 Chorus 3,4 life Stoff 4 Office Helper 4

IIICHAIIDSON, PATRICK ''I om as I am, and thvs I mean to stay." Arrow Staff 4 Audia Visual 1

PALACIO, PETER "They don 't come any better."

REIL, ALICE "Her fund of good humor is never exhausted." Art Club 1, 2,3,4 Band 1,2,3 Chorus 2,3,4, Vice Pres ident 4 Ensemble 3,4 Girls' Triple Trio 3 Pep Club 1,2,3,4

RINGHAND, NANCY "Modest and simple and sweet.'' Band 2,3,4 Bowling 2,3 G .A.A. 3,4 Red Crou 2 Office Helpers 3 Swimming 3 Pep Club 2,3,4 Y-Teens 3,4

ROETTGER, ROBERT "If you wont to live to see 90, don't look lor it on the speed­ometer.'' Hall Monitors 1 Junior Committee little Theater 2 Senior Committee Sophomore Committee Swimming Team 1,2, Captain 2 Boys' Tennis 3,4 Pep Club 2,3,4 F.T.A. 4 Chen Club 2,3,4

ROBLES, RICHARD "Twinkle, twinkle, athletic star, what a Iunny boy you ore." Basketball A 2,3,4 Baseball 2,3,4 Chorus 4 Football A 2

SAUM, ROSE MARIE "An ounce of cheer is worth a pound of gloom.'' Art Club 1,2,3,4 Chorus 1,3 G .A.A. 1 Girls' Triple Trio Library Club 2,3

ROLIG, JANICE "She wears the fashion of the day with ever winning grace." Bowling 2,3,4. Cheerleader 3,4 G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, Historian 2 Red Cross 1 life Stoll 2,3,4, Sectfon Editor 4 life Representative 1,2,3 little Theater 2,3,4, Treasurer 3 Senior Committee Swimming 2,3,4 Student Council 1,3,4 Girls' Tennis 2,3 Thespian 2,3,4 Pep Club 1,2,3,4, President 4 F.T.A 4 Homecoming Attendant Y·Teens 1,2,3,4, President 3

SAWICKI, COLLEEN "Nothing is difficult to the willing mind .'' Arrow Representative 2 Arrow Stoll 4 Bowling 2,3 G.A.A. 2 Historical Society 3,4 Junior Treasurer life Stoll 4 little Theater 2 Senior Committee Sophomore Secretory Pep Club 2,3 Latin Club 3,4, President 4 F.T.A. 4

ROUBIK, VERNON " Work fascinates me, I can sit and look at it lor hours ." Chorus I Football A 2,3,4 Football B 1 Golf I Hockey A 4 Hockey B 2,3 Boys' Tennis 2,3,4

SCHAVE, JOANNE "Happiness is a hob it." Chorus I

RUIZ, ELVIRA "Good nature sparkles in her eyes.'' Chorus 2,3,4

SANCHEZ, DELORES "She may be quiet, but have you noticed the sparkle In her eye?" Chorus I Pep Club 1 Co-op Work

SCHMIDT, ROBERT "Rother quiet but always pleasant." Chorus 1,2,3,4


SCHMIDT, THELMA "A laugh i1 worth a hundred groans." Band 1,2,3,4 Chorua 1,2,4

SCHWARTZ, KAY .. Hear, see, and be silent if you wish to live in peace." Chorus 3,4 Office Helper 4

SHORTREED, RUSSEll "He laoka ahy and baahful, but appearances are deceiving.' • Track 1 Co-op Work

SCHOENECKER, GERALD "An all around man, and a man all around." Basketball B 1,2 Bowling 1 Chorus 4 Football A 3 Football B 1,2

SILVERBERG, JERRY "He camblnea thoae two quali­

tiea rarely found together­capability and jollity. " Arrow Staff 4 Basketball A 3,4 Basketball B 2 Baseball 2,3,4 Senior Committee Student Council 3,4

SCHOMAKER, FRED " Work fascinates me, watch it for hours."



"A silent energetic worker, whoae kind the world i1 glad to hove . '' Chorus 3 Ensemble 3 Girls· Glee Club 3 Girls' Triple Trio 3 Red Crou 2,3 library Club 1,2 life Representative 2,3 Student Council 1 School Service 2,3 F.T. A. 3

SCHUSTER, JOSEPH " I do the beat I know how."

SHADE, ALICE "A good life keepa away wrinkles '' Band 2,3,4 Chorus 3 G.A.A . 1,2,4 Red Crou 4 life Staff 4 Pep Club 1,2,4

SMITH, PATRICIA ''She was ever fair and never proud, had tongue at will , but was never loud . " Arrow Staff 3,4, Page Editor library Club 2 life Staff 4 little Theater 3,4 Thespians 4 Pep Club 2 F.T.A. 4

SNYDEit, JACK "Why should I worry? -after today comes tomorrow.'' Chorus 3,4 Football A 4 Football B 2 Hockey A 4 Hockey B 3

STEINER, MARILYNN ''Always quiet, always kind, a better girl you'll never find." Art Club 1,2,3,4 Hall Monitors 1 Red Cross 4 Stage Force 3,4

STOKKE, JOYCE "Happiness is a habit ." Arrow Representative .4 Pep Club 4

SOINE, LOYD "Speech is great, but silence is greater.'' Basketball B 1,2

STRAKA, EMIL "He always gets things done, but still has time for fun." Bowling 3 Chorus 1 Hall Monitors 1 Historical Society 3,4 Junior V ice President little Theater 2,3,4, President 3 Senior President Sophomore Vice President Student Council 2,3,4, President

4 , All City Vice President 4 Thespians 2,3,4 Track 2,3,4 . Pep Club 4 Ensemble 1. F.T. A. 4 Chess Club 3 . Boys' State 3 Teen Age Safety Council 3 , 4

SOMAN, RONALD "I take life easy and I'll live till I die ," Football A 1, 2,3,4 Gymnastics 1 Track 1,2,3

STRANSKY, CHARLOTTE "On the list of efficiency she is hogh " Arrow Representative 3, 4 Art Club 1,2,3,4 G .A .A. 1,2,3,4 Historical Society 3,4, Secretory 4 life Staff 4 little Theater 3 ,4 Swimimng 1,2,3,4 Thespians 4 Pep Club 2,3,4 F.T. A. 4 • Y-Teens 2,3 , Vice President 3 latin Club 3

STEINBRENNER, THOMAS "Not that I loved study leu, but I loved fun more, " Aud io Visual 1 Bow li ng 1 Golf 3 Historica l Society 3,4 Co -op Work

ST MARTIN, THOMAS ''He has two eyes, one for ath­lelics and the other for a good time. " Audio Visual 2,3,4 Baseball 2,3,4 Football A 2,3,4 Hockey A 2,3,4 little Theater 3 Stage Force 4

STRASSER, DONALD "Good humor is better than shining armor. " Audio Visual 3,4 Boys' Ensemble 4 Chorus 1 ,4 Football B 1 Gymnastics 1 Hockey II 2 Swimming Team 1,2

SYLVESTER, DONALD "Never be content with touching the surface of things . " Art Club 1 ,2,3, 4, Vice Pre1ident

3, Co-Pre1ident 4 Bowling 1,2,3 Choru1 1 l 1ttle Theater 2,3,4, Vice Pre•l·

dent 4 Swi mimng Team 2 Thespians 2 ,3,4 Pep Club 4 F.T.A. 4 Chess Club 3

VAN POPERIN, MARY ROSE "Knowledge is power." Art Club 1,4


Historical Society 4 library Club 1,2,3,4, Secretory 3 latin Club 2, 3, Trea1urer 2

VOGEL, JOE "Individual in his thoughts and actions. '' Art Club 3,4 Bowling 3,4

THOMSON, JOAN '"Your cheerful nature makes light of all troubles." Choru1 1, 2,3 G. A A. 1,2 Co·op Work

WADELL, ONNALEE t'Modesty conceals her virtue. '' G .A A 2 Girl• ' Glee Club 3 Red Crass 3

TORSTENSSON, lENA ''Intelligence plu1 friendlineu is a fine combination ." Art Club 4 Bowling 4 G .A.A. 4 little Theater 4 Student Coun cil 4 Pep Club 4 latin Club 4 , Vice Pre1ldent 4 Exchange Student 4

WEBER, KATHLEEN "In sorrow or laughter she is always your friend . '' Art Club 4 Bowling 3 G .A.A . 3 life Staff 4 Pep Club 4

TREGONING, RICHARD "Girls ore bothersome, but I like to be bothered. " Art Club 4 Football A 4

VASQUEZ, CELIA "A good looker, a good talker, and a good dancer.'' Stage Force 3

WEILERMAN, PAT ''In measureless content. " Audio Vi1ual 4 Bowling 4 Choru• 4 library Club 3

WILSON, CAROLE 11 life is what we make it." Band 1

BECKERMAN, Earl CALHOUN, loretto CONROY, Margaret DANNER, Wayne FORTIER, Kenneth GARCIA, Kenneth GLASS, Barry HENDERSON, Harold


WOERDERHOFF, CECELIA "A contagious giggle is her prize , she's also bleued with big brown eyes '' Bowling .4 Chorus .4 Ensemble .4 Girls ' Triple Trio .4 Red Crou .4 life Slaff .4 Senior Treasurer Swimming 3,4 Pep Club 3,.4 Y·Teens 3 Homecoming Attendant


JACOBS, Francis KROPP, Marlene McENERY, Dean MELBYE, Robert MOLINA, David NEDEAU , Richard PLANTE, Julian SCHAEFER, Donald


HOLZEM, Dione JENTINK, Shoren JOHNSON, Richard KOEHLER, Eugene KRUMM, Phyllis KUBE, Carol LaCHAPELLE, Wm. LEVINE, leonard LUCAS, James LUNN, Dorothy McCUllOUGH, Geo. McENERY, Dean MADSEN, Gloria MARKGRAF, Reinhold MEARS, Edward NARDUCCI , Penny ODDEN, Delores O'Keefe, Maureen

ZERAHN , BARBARA "Apparently quiet, but with her friends she is full of mirth ." Arrow Representative 2,3 Bowling 1,2,3 Chorus 1,2,3,.4 Ensemble .4 G .A.A. 1,2,3,.4 Girls ' Glee Club 1,2,3,.4 Cecilian Singers 1,2,3,.4 Red Crou 2,3 life Representative .4 Flag Bearer, Swimming 2 Tennis 2,3 . Pep Club 1,2,3,.4 Y·Teens 1,2,3 F.T.A. 3,.4

SHIELDS, louis SULLIVAN, Timothy TOPP, Ronald TSCHIDA, Richard VELASQUEZ, Simon VANDERBECK, Rosemary WENKER, Douglas




Each year the junior class votes for a girl with the qualities of leadership, courage, honesty, and co-operativeness to repre­sent them at Girls' State. Girls' State is an organization prepared to instill good citizenship in jun­ior girls.

This year Sandra McCullough was chosen. Her alternate is Myra Koshelniak. Sandra has all the attributes to qualify for Girls ' State. She is a cheerleader, is ac­tive in little Theatre, and is on the Student Council.

Sandra will take part in a con ­vention which will be held at the fair grounds this summer. There the representatives from the schools will set up a miniature government and learn how it functions . Prominent citizens will tell them of the set-up and tm-

34 portance of our government.

D. A. R . ... Each year the Daughters of the Ameri­

can Revolution award is given to a senior girl who has shown outstanding ability in scholarship, citizenship and who has at­tributes of leadership. This year the award has been given to Penny Narducci who has displayed all of these qualities plus many more. Her alternate, Nancy Anderson, also coincides with this de­scription.

Each girl has been very active in school life. Penny was Humboldt's exchange stu­dent to Denmark last summer and is act­ing as editor of the Arrow this year. Nancy is a pert, peppy student who is one of the most active members of the Historical Society and has contributed three years to the band .

Humboldt's D.A.R. representative will attend a state-wide convention to be held in Minneapolis where girls from some fifty other Minnesota schools will be present.



u N






( l. to R.) Sandy McCullough, Ethel Johnson, Joan Gross, David Cordes.

The mom project of the Junior class was the

planning of the Prom. We Juniors really enjoyed

raising money, and planning the biggest dance

of the school year. We con only hope that the

Seniors enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed work­

ing on it. Another project was the trip to Wash­

ington, D. C.


ROW 1 • (l. to R. ) Carol Skarda, Glayde Whitney, Judy Budke, Carole Chapple, Peggy Bowyer, Dennis Shanley, Edna Dailey, Jackie Semerad. ROW 2 : Myra Koshelniak , Gloria Swanson, Geraldine Ryan, Mr. Reif, Nickie O 'Day, Gladys Carlson, Angelita Molina, Jackie Briggs.

ROW 1: (1. tor.) Koren Herby, Arlene Turrotton, Edna Doily, Mary Ann Simon, Dione Christopherson, Jackie Sommer, Koren Wilson, Dione Bleedorn. ROW 2: Joe k Rhode, Judy Lonoux, Carol (hopple, Mike Gallagher, Morvin Gotlieb, Lorry Dodds, Gayle Riege, Nockie O'D oy ROW 3: Koren Olriksen, Peggy Bowyer, Robert Garcia, Dennis Stoffels, Robert Miller, Ronald Morrissey, Tom Anglo. ROW 4: Artie Staples, James Stoll, Roger Wig, Gory Salisbury, Melvin Howe, William Chavez, Leroy Fenno, Gerold Dahlin .

ROW 1: (1. Ia r.) Maureen Lynch, Joanne Wilkus, Anno Leach, Dar othy Johnson, Kotholeen Grigsby, Margaret Zieman. ROW 2: Dar· othy Livingston, Rita Aguilar, Marilyn Mike, Carol Broche, Lil· lion Marshall, Alice Vogel, Fronk Lopez. ROW 3: Mary Lou Long, Donlon Johnson, Jackie Semerod, Betty Schodegg, Judy Budke, Golen Pole. ROW 4: Dennis Shanley, Charles Otte, Ken An­derson, Robert Houston, Lorry Clark, Roger Reil, James Zit:rmon.

ROW 1: (1. to r.) Gerry Walsh, Angie Cortez, Mary Anaya, Beth Len:r, Rosolvu Lucio, Gail Fortier, Angelita Molino, Mindy Eosenberg. ROW 2: Betty Friske, Margo ret Martineau, Joe Bobick, Lois Mom berger, Vance See, Ann Amacher, Judy Carlson, Donna Tippel, Mr. Mauer. ROW 3 Mary Nicholson, Robert Rodrigue:~:, Sylivio Schwartz, Colleen Augustine, Lance Hammer, Virginia Poucher, James Absey, Robert Halligan, Deloris Gordon. ROW 4 James Reis, Edward Engen, Wayne Boll, Gory Humfelt, Duane Peterson, Bernie Smith, John Moore, Tom Michaud.






ROW 1: (I. to r.) Sandy McCullough, lupe Poez, Donald Meyer, Paul Peltier, Patricia Klaas, Joyce Mae, Patricia Drude Dorothy Nelson. ROW 2: Donna Crahn, lynn Enn ey, Joann Raines, Jean linnerooth, Clifford Frederick, Dove 'sovard, Edward Shearen , ROW 3: Jerard Shave, Thomas Dzik, Russell Rau, Benjamin Hawley, Richard Edward Jorgensen, Ken Mcintosh, Robert Jorgensen. ROW 4: Ken Dufour, Dirk House, Dennis Kober, Neil Neubauer, Dave Johnson, Carl Baumeister, Richard Sandstrom.

ROW 1: (I. to r. ) Ellie Salinas, Flynn, Carol Guegel, Jean Crism Ranae Sadowsky, Rachel Ramirez, Jo Mudek. ROW 2: Jackie Nagel, Shi Folk, Dorothy Auge, Richard Aeilts, G old Millerbernd, Judy Burgy. ROW M:ke Medina, Robert lichttenegger, M l:n lev:ne, Wayne Ridge, Gene Cro Dean Madden, Gerald Barriault.

ROW 1: (I. to r. ) Tina Avalaz, Gary Calton, Carol Kadel, Naomi Sloan, Ronelva Geib, Dorothy Hunter, Donna Livingstone, Janel Nelson. ROW 2: Minnie Garcia, Frances Varela, Robert lorr, Dennis Becker, Jerry Ryan, Odean Kelsay, Glayde Whitney. ROW 3 : Nancy Buchner, Donna Koop, Curt Radman, Rose Marie Smith, Garry Meyers, Gladys Carlson, Arthur St:ce, Gloria Swanson. ROW 4 Ben Quintero, Eugene Markgraf, Frank O'Connor, Tom Stick­ler, Jul:us Charles, R:chard Farrand, John Lofgren.

ROW 1' (I. to r.) Joyce McManigal, Pam Beard, Miss Reidy, Judy Belmonte, Carol Skarda. ROW 2 : Willa Fos­ter, Coral Schomaker, Howard Nichols, Edward Moreno, Mary Arellano. ROW 3 : louise Michel , Wolter Wiener, Cornelius Wildenauer, Robert Tessmer, Donald Younes s. ROW 4 a Joy Flock , Gene Marquardt, Ted Mitchell , Roger Becker, Arnold Marquardt.

ROW 1 Nancy Stiff, Paula Gonzales, Joan Gross, Esperanzo Elizondo, Ethel Johnson, Pat Starrett, Agness Cos­grove. ROW 2: Agness larson, Gloria Fren, Rosemary T uritto, Joanne Jorgensen , Virgonia Van Guilder, Sue Roller, Mono Ritchie. ROW 3 : Mary Jean Miller, Donn a Lowrie, Marian Murphy, Bernadine Walther, Myra Koshelniok, Pat Ripperton. ROW 4: Jerry Kramer, David Cordes, Pot Reis, John Plante, Frances Patrick, Jerry Nelson, lorraine Geiger.



s 0 p


0 M




s CLASS OFFICERS: (1. tor.) Amporo Ruiz, Judy Jo5eph5, Ruth Straka, Pat lunn, Denni5 Davi5.


The sophomore class of 1955-56 ts un­der the very capable direction of Mr. A. Dewall. This year's class officers are: Amparo Ruiz, Judy Josephs, Ruth Straka, Pat lunn, and Dennis Davis. The sopho­mores began taking more interest in their school than a year earlier. They attended

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Terrance Weldon, Petra Mede llin, Mary Josephs, Margorie Tro1e, Carol Eggmann, Nancy R1ng. ROW 2: Suzanne Bandholz, Renate Tietz, R1ta Gifford, Pat ricia Stice, Carol Whihon, Shirley Ha5kin, Mr. Mauer. ROW 3: Judy Mitchell, Karen longsten Kenneth Kane, Thomo5 Criego, Joanne Chinandcr, lo15 Genz, William Kimmel. ROW 4 Nancy Schwager, Ginger l5aoc5, Kenneth Kube, Willard Wood, Jean Marlow, Glenn Charney, Donald G5chlecht.

ROW 1 (1. to r.) Lindo Keyes, Mary Ann Schoob, Joyce Gibson, Marlene Robertson , Ronolee Stream, Dorothy Walsh, Co role Nagel, Marie Roubik . ROW 2: Phyllis Nielsen, Don no Moe John, Koren Levine, John Wholey, Mr. Ettlinger, Don no Hollerung, Sharon Green, Won do Odden. ROW 3: Leroy Olson, Wayne Hauschildt, James Stahnke, Edward MacDonald, Jerome Felde, R1chard Tourville, Claire M1chal ski, Michael Elsen. ROW 4: Judith Warren , Ronald Hillman , Gary Smith, Richard Medellin, Betty Potrin, Robert Burns, Arnold Heuer, John Contreras.

sports activities, rooted for their teams,

and began taking an active part in the

sports. To them sports were no longer

something to watch, but another activity

in which they could take part. At dances

and social events, sophomores took a

more prominent place in the life at Hum­


ROW 1 (I. to r ) Judy Fontaine, Daisy Wortberg, Joan A uge, Mr. Ettlinger, Ann Hayes, Patricia Link, Gloyds Jor­gensen, Lorraine Esterly. ROW 2 • Donald Blomgren, John Weiss, Geraldine Miller, Delphine Chandler, Carol Adolph, Jerome Wenker, Patricia McManigal. ROW 3: Loren Kratzke, Walter Hanson, William Starr, Tom Cross by, Edward Hammersten, Noel Spargur, Gorden Engelen, David Nedeau. ROW 4: Henry Halvorson, Gary Rogers, Gary Jor~en­sen, Morris Togerson, Gary Pagel, James Ward.



ROW 1: (I. to r.) Sharon Turnquist, Joanne Hegstrom, Socorro Osuna, Mr. Ettlinger, Joan Brisson, Betty Roettger, Jerry Zaske. ROW 2 : Paul Palacio, Robert Luna, Jesse Contreras, David Van Poperin , Donald Lieman, John Kinder­man, James Hoffman. ROW 3 : Betty Jane Steiner, Jean McNaughton, Mary Linnerooth, Joe Gunnerson, Gregory Brisson, Beverly Bryant, Joyce Krech, Melroy Englert. ROW 4 Sandy Horsch, Joe Kegler, Alvin Wenner, David Albrecht, Darlene Lou, Alex Gurtin, Janet Scherbel.


ROW 1: (1. to r.) Carol Beckerman, Muriel Kline, Mr. Mauer, Robert Schmidt, Judy McCloskey, Gloria Koller. ROW 2: Milford Blair, Paul Schintz, Beverly Shafer, Joanne Michel, Janice Davis, Kathryn Asleson. ROW 3: Janis Davis, Dennis Davis, Ethelyn Pavlak, Lois Robinson , William Schwartz, Donna Mosing. ROW 4 : Leonard Kittelson, Jerry Howlett, Ralph Landmesser, Phyllis Asam, Gerald Borth, Jerry Klett.

ROW l a (1. to r.) Solly Sanchez, Judy Josephs, Jean Howemonn, Mr. Mauer, Mary Newman, Jane Roller, Marilyn O'Connell. ROW 2 : Pot Gergo, Rose Gobnelson, Pam Pol mer, Dione Donaldson, Richard Adelman, Albert Johnson. ROW 3 : Ruth Straka, Marl iss Stokke, Janet Akenson, Russ Johnson, Bonnie Foss, Koren Stanek, lorry long. ROW 4· Martin Mortensen, Charles Truhler, Jerry Klinger, Herbert Darrow, Gory Nichols, Avis Madden.

ROW 1 : (I. to r.) Dione Hansen, Daisy Wortberg, Judy Fontaine, Pot link, Gloria Auge, Gladys Jorgensen. ROW 2: Gory Pagel, Ed Hammers ten, James Word, Noel Sporg ur, Gory Jorgensen, Gory Rogers. ROW 3: Bill Storr, Gor­den Engelen, David Nedeau, Henry Halvorsen, Mr. Ettlinger, Tom Crosby, Eugene Harrison, Michael Kane, Geral­dine Miller. ROW 4: lorraine Esterly, Joleyn Heiner, Pot McManigal, Don Blomgren, loren Kratzke, Wolter Hansen; Jerome Wenker, Joan Auge.




ROW 1: (I. to r.) Robert Colton, Dave Schaefer, Gerald Hughes, Richard O'Reilly, Kathaleen Lynch, Mike Nedeau, Loretta Westby, Darlene O'Brien, Paul Gallagher. ROW 2: Joseph Reyes, Nancy Schmahl, Carol Schneider, Robert Zeller, Eugene Anderson, Darlene Ytzen, Sharen Kane, Thomas Anti. ROW 3: Gerald Engen, James Kramer, Kern Hansen, Joan Breskamp, Yvonne Folk, Leslie Montgomery, Vernon Hudalla. ROW 4: Robert Troie, Norman Albrecht, Raymond Trembley, Tony Alleva, Roman Wenner, Gabriel Harambasic, Gilbert Bit ­terman, Larry Englemann.

To the freshmen, Humboldt is new, and it takes a while to be­

come a part of it. They go their way with wide eyes, looking toward

the future when they will not only be watching the activities, but

will be taking an active part in them. To them, Humboldt is the be­

ginning of new and bigger horizons.

Freshmen watch their older schoolmates take part in all the sports

and activities around them. They sit on the side lines and applaud the

juniors and seniors who seem very old indeed. They eagerly awart

the time when they will become the heroes of the school.

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Susan Thayer, Sandy Olsen, lois Schave, Bette DuBois, Mr. Ago, Joyce Belmonte, Mary Field, Geraldine Koehler. ROW 2. Sharon Walker, Hornet Grosberg, Edward Sawyer, Betty A ken son, Carolyn Maier, Nancy Beck, Sharon Modemonn, Peggy Witt. ROW 3 : Joan Campbell, Janice Olriksen, Jacqueline Thoreseon, Wayne Samuelson, Richard Meyer, Koren Robertson, Mo ry Kisch, Vince Greene, Judi Joy. ROW 4 , Byron John­son, David Bowyer, Greg Armstrong, Jay Bremer, Tom Ryan, Robert Erickson, Richard Ralman, Samuel Ricci.

ROW 1 : (I. to r.) Rosalie Taylor, Marvin Highlen, Paul Carlson, Barbara Buckrey, Alfred Koonst, Patricia lar­son, Duane Hanson, Gary Fortier. ROW 2: Richard Klotz, Janet O'Kosick, Paul Vining, Jerome Stransky, John Vanella, Peter Rosenberger, Allen Isaacs. ROW 3: William Novotny, Wayne Dressier, Gordon Mcintosh, Robert Peterson, Dave Kastner, Douglas Moe, Donald Murphy, Richard Squire. ROW 4: Richard Wagner, Gary De­Nault, Susan Bossart, Dennis Thompson, Tommy Waldo, Tom Witham, William Bader, Jack Seidl.



MISS WHAlEY . . . Honored for a lifetime of

Service and Devotion to Humboldt ... CLASSES



No monkey business!'

Mr. Madsen, Business Teacher, conducts a typing Closs.

Janice Rolig, Humboldt's Homemaker of the Year


Mr. Funk's senior social class gath ­ers around Christmas presents .

Future biolog1sts view boc­terio through microscopes.

Mr. Hofmeister shows Shirley Cle­venger how to use o slide rule.

Mr. Anderson demonstrates the colipers to Bob Groth.

Students scurry to closses.


What 's for dessert?


Caroling in the hall.

Lena Torstensson, exchange student from Sweden, discusses her country with Judy Carlson and Eileen lien .

• moments pause for grace.

s c H 0 0 L

s c E N E s

CLUBS ... 51



The Student Council consists of a group of students elected by fellow students to represent them in school government. Their purpose is to promote greater friend ­liness and cooperation between students and faculty .




ROW 1: (1. to r.) Mr Funk, Robert Houston, Emi Straka, len levine, Semerad .

ROW 1: (1. to r.) Carole Nagel, Judy lonoux, Coral Josephs, Marjie Troje, Mr. Funk , Jane Rolfer, Wando Odden, Dotty Walsh, Sandy McCullough, lena Torslensson. ROW 2 Joan Auge, Ruth Straka, Tina Alvoloz, David Von Pop . erin, Richard Meyer, Gloyde Whitney, June Peters, Nancy Anderson , Donna Hollerung, Janice Olriksen. ROW 3 : Shoren Jentink, Gerold1ne Miller, Judy Mitchell, Marjie Heller, Koren Herby, Carol Kube, Jon1ce Rolig, Mula Buchholz, Jean linnerooth, Myra Koshelniok, Robert Zeller, Gregory Brisson, Janet Akenson , Jo Anne Hansen. ROW 4: Joy Flock, Peggy Bowyer, Virginia Poucher, Ethelyn Pavlak, Colleen Augustine, Ken Kube, Robert Houston, Ross McCullough, Gladys Carlson, Janel Cordes , Jackie Semerod, Gloria Swanson, Jerry Ryan . ROW 5: Ron Mor1ssey, Jerry Nelson, Jerry Silverberg, Curl Hole, Emil Straka, Tony Alleva, len levine, Jerry Dahlin, Bernard Alverez, Scott Colton, Ken Dufour James lucas, Reinhold Markgraf.

ROW 1: Nancy Stiff, Pat R'ppertan, Robert Tessmer, Marilynn Steiner, Pat Star­rett. ROW 2: Edward Shearen, Jay Flack, lance Hammer, Martin levine, Ron Morrissey.


Visual Education Club is a service ganization which is in charge of scheduling and showing of movies 1n class rooms.




Much of the work done by this club goes unnoticed because most of it is done behind the scenes at assemblies, plays and concerts.

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Glayde Whitney, Edward Sawyer, Milford Blair, William Schwartz, Ronald lund. ROW 2 Don­ald Strasser, Joe Vogel, Tam Heller, Marge Heller, Ken Kane, Mr. Hofmeister. ROW 3: Sylvia Schwartz, Ronald Hillman, Cornelius Wildenauer, William LaChapelle, Dale Benjamin, Pat Weilerman. ROW 4: Gary Humfelt, Robert Elvidge, Dean McEnery, Dave lillfin, Carl Baume1ster.



The activities of latin Club are tv study the rela­tionship of English and latin languages, the con­tributions of the Romans to our culture, and other inter­esting facts about ancient times.


CLUB ...

Before school, after school, during study periods and whenever they have a free moment, members of library Club pitch in and help with the dozens of tasks that couldn't be done without their aid.

ROW 1: (1. to r.) Melroy Englert, Doris Olson, Pat Reis , Carol Beaul ine, Eugene Koehler, Marl iss Herbeck, Gloria Madsen. ROW 2: Agnes Gullaksen, Wanda Odden, Joyce Moe, Lynn Enney, Mary Ketch mark, Harold Peterson, Doris Damrau. ROW 3: Diane Christopherson, Janet Nelson, Mary Field, Bernita Englert, Jerry Ryan, Jo Ann Raines, Alice Firnstahl, Ronelva Geib. ROW 4: Rita Gifford, Carol Crisman, Judy Burgy, Pat Kloos, Mary Rose Van Poperin , Delores Odden, Juanita Crapson, Louise Michel. ROW 5: Nancy Beck, Virginia Poucher, Sylvia Schwartz, Ralph Landmesser, James Stoll, Richard Mensch, Rose Marie Smith.

ROW 1 (I. to r.) Miss Whaley, Lena Torstensson, (Vice-President), Ann Leach, (Secre· tory), Colleen Sawicki, (President), Larry Lang, {Treasurer), Marilyn Mike. ROW 2:

Doane Hanson, Margaret Zieman, Pam Palmer, Agnes Larson, Joanne Hegstrom. ROW 3: Roger Klemmer, Walter Han son, Dave Schaefer, Rosemary Turillo, Lois

Lockwood, Clifford Fredrick. ROW 4. Virginia Van Guilder, Eugene Koehler, Roderick Lund, Margaret Martineau, Judy Mitchell.


The Camera Club, a small b active organization takes pictur of almost all events at Humbold Some of the pictures...ore taken • sell to students, some to secure permanent record for the scho and others to be used in I "life."

(1. to r.) Miss Menk, Don Drouble, Len Levine, Gary Pagel.



The objectives of this society are to keep up to date a his­tory of Humboldt and to record activities of the Humboldt's alum­ni.

ROW 1 : ( I. to r . ) El izabetn lenz, Peggy Bowyer, Miss Wnaley, Cnarlotte Stransky, (Secretary) , Ricnard Jonnson (President) , Reinnold Markgraf, (Vice President) , Nancy Anderson , (Treasurer) . ROW 2 : Agnes Gullaksen , Nancy Bucnner, Diane Blee -dorn, Mary Rose Van Poperin , Virginia Poucner, Alice Firnstanl, Snaren Jentink . ROW 3 : Bernadine Waltner, Myra Kosnelniak, Colleen Sawick i, Marl iss Herbeck , Pnyll is Krumm, Ricnard Menscn, Ricnard Hemm ing, Eugene Koenler. ROW 4 : len levine, Pat Reis, Tom Steinbrenner J im Corrigan, Pat Hansen , Julian Plante, Em il Straka .


Red Cross at Humboldt has participated in many city-wide activities and fund rais­ing campaigns to help the hospitals.

ROW 1: (I. to r. ) Marilynn Steiner, Pat Starrett, Adele Nasseff, Margaret Moore, Agnes Cosgrove, Betty Walsn, Gloria Rescn, Corinne Pfluger, Sally Sancnez. ROW 2 : Marlene Eckstein, Joyce Gibson , Cecile Woerdernoff, Roberta Kratzke, Marilyn Mike, Jackie Sommer, Elaine Sylvester, Suzie Bandnolz, Alice Snade. ROW 3 : Coral Bracne, lorraine Esterly, Beverly Bryant, Diane Bleedorn, Karen Stanek, Eilleen I ten, Delores Odden, D1ane Holzem. ROW 4 : Betty A ken son, Snirley Haskins, louise Micnel, Frances Patrick, Tnomas Criego, Susan Bossart, Joanne Hansen, Peggy Witt, Coral Peterson. ROW 5 : Jean Marlow, Yvonne Folk, Virginia Poucner, Colleen Augustine , Judy Warren , Claire Micnalski, Bernadine Waltner, Myra Kosnelniak .



Representat iv es

ROW 1 (I tor.) Judy Jo seph s, No ncy Stiff. Pot Lunn, Joan Gross , Ethel Johnson, Doris Domrou . ROW 2: Mary Ar>n Miller, Gladys Jorgensen , Betty Roettger, Janet Mitchell, Lo1s Genz. Dorothy Mel-quist, Margaret Moore. ROW 3: Joyce Stokke, Mary Jean Miller, Joyce Krech, Avis Madden, Jo­anne Chinonder, Tom Dzik, J uonito Cropson. ROW 4: Vorg1 n io Poucher, Charlotte Stransky, Greg Armstrong, Ed Engen, Margaret Bote­man, Rosemary Smith, Mor­liss Herbeck.




ROW 1: (I. to r.) Penny Narducci, Pot Smith, Pat Hansen, Joel Bernick, Helen Hannover, len levine, Donald Droubie. ROW 2: Nancy Stiff, Naomi Sloan, Karen Herby, Roberta Kratzke, Gail Fortier, Ethel Johnson. ROW 3: Shirley Clevenger, Maureen O'Keefe, Carole Chapple, Deloris Gordon, Jo. anne Jurgensen, Jack1e Semerad, Colleen Sawicki. ROW 4: larry Dodds, Jerry Silverberg, Patrick Rich­ardson, Ronald Drude, Robert Brache, Irwin Guberman, Colleen Augustine, Rose Laverty.


Koren Herby, Pot Sm1th, Helen Hannover, Len Levine, Donald Droubie, Joel Bernick, Pot Han ­sen, Penny Narducci.


The l ife staff wo rked

diligently to ma ke this

year's l ife th e b iggest

and best ever. long

hours in school and out

helped put the book in


ROW 1 : Corinne Pfluger, Janice Rolig, Nancy Anderso n, Pot Hansen, Maureen O 'Keefe, Susie Lunn , Joel Bern ick, Eugene Koehler, Phyllis Krumm , Helen Hannover. ROW 2 : Ruby Domrou, Coral Josephs, Toni Pi· quette, A lice Shade, Roberto Kratzke, Shirley Clevenger, Margaret Moore ROW 3 : Carol Beourline, M i ndy Eisenberg Carol Peterson, Kay Weber, Elaine Anderson , Agnes Gulloksen, Ela i ne Belden, Cecelia Woerder· hoff ROW 4 · Alice Firnstohl , Mary Bergman, Pot Smith , Carol Kube, Mula Buchholz, Colleen Sawicki, Louise Mochel , Penny Norducco. ROW 5 David Cordes, Po t Reis , Len Lev1ne, Don Droubie, Irwin Guberman, Rona ld

Dr ude, Dennis Shanley, Gloria Madsen.



life Representatives did a

good job this year collect­ing money and seeing that

each subscriber got their

high school annual.

ROW 1: Virginia Poucher, Marl iss Herbeck, Ber nadine Walther, Korn Hansen, Gail Rehpohl , Janet Cordes. ROW 2 : Donna Crohn, Dennis Shanley, Phyll is Krumm, Dove Schaefer, Margaret Bateman, David Cordes, Joyce Krech . ROW 3 : Nancy Ri ng, Pot Starrett, Alfred Koon st , Pot Ripperton, Joanne ~ichel , Betty Roettger, Beth Lenz.



Joel Bernick, Janice Rolig, Susie Lunn , Maureen O'Keefe, Helen Hannover, Phyllis Krumm, Pot Sm ith .




Future Homemakers

of America is a new

Club this year. The

purpose of this club is

to prepare the young

women of America

for the task of becom­

ing homemakers. ROW 1 : (I. to r.) Susan Thayer, i.\~ureen lynch, Ronalee Stream, Sandra Morgan , Mrs. Klinkerfues, Sandy McCullough Dotty Walsh, Jill Flynn, Jerry Walsh. ROW 2: Jane Rolfer, Wanda Odden, Harriet Grosberg, lois Schave, Agnes Cos. grove, Pat Drude, Gloria Fren, W illa Fosler, Terry Arnold, l indo Reyes . ROW 3 : Barbara Buckrey, Dorothy Johnson Darlene Ytzen, Jean McNaughton, Sharon Green, Donna May John , Carol Schneider, Marilyn Mike, Donna Hollerung Carol Brach e . ROW 4 : Janel O ' Kasick , Marlys Stokke, Judy Mitchell , Gail Rehpohl, Nancy Beck, Sharon Kane, Jerry Miller, Carol Schomaker, Betty Schadegg, Edna Daily, lillian Marshall. ROW 5: Mary Jean Miller, Mary lou long Myra Koshelniak, Mary Kisch, Pat Reis, Fran Patrick, Judy Budke, Joan Breskamp, Judi Jay, Arlene Turritin.


Y -teens is open to

any girl at Humboldt

and is affiliated with

the YWCA.

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Susan Thayer, Carol Josephs, Judy Josephs, Paula Gonzales, Adele Nasseff, Pat Starrett, Mary Ann Miller, lena Torslensson, Roberta Kratzke. ROW 2: Muriel Kline, Pat Drude, Carol Brache, Willa Fosler, Gail For­tier, lorretta Westby, Pat lunn, Gerry Zaske, Judy McCloskey, Betty Roettger, Gloria Campi, Caryl Whitson, JoAnn Marquardt. ROW 3 : Karen Stanek, Ruth Straka, Joanne Michel, lorraine Esterly, lavonne Miner, Deloris Gordon, Bev Shafer, Diane Bleedorn, Karen Wilson, Mary Bergman, Penny Narducci, Sharon Green. ROW 4: Karen Herby, Elaine Anderson, Nancy Beck, Carolyn Maier, Peggy Witt, Karn Hansen, Donna Koop, Mary linnerooth, Donna Crohn, Judy Carlson, Jean linneroolh, Joanne Jurgensen, Carole Chapple. ROW 5 : Myra Koshelniak, Nan Schwager, Yvonne Folk, Virginia Poucher, Margaret Bateman, Frances Patrick, Judi Jay, louise Michel, Janet Cordes, lois lockwood, Joanne Hansen, Carol Adolphe.

c 0-0 p


Under the direction

of Mr. Ago the coop­

erative work group

had a very successful

year with each mem­

ber receiving business

opportunities and

school credits while

on the job.

ROW 1 : (I . to r.) Delores Sanchez, Yvonne Gibson, Rita DeGraw, Kathryn Dodds, Gloris Resch, Pat Borth, Dorot F osler. ROW 2 : Edna Darrow, Sue Gill, Ken Fortier, Fran Jacobs, Gene Brecht, Joan Thompson, Sharon Pederson, Mr Ago . ROW 3: David Molina, Tim Sullivan, Joe Garcia, Richard Nedeau, Russ Shortreed, Peter Palacio, Douglas We• ker. ROW 4: James Maule, Donald Hossalla, Tom Steinbrenner, Norman Davis, Wayne Danner, Charles leach, Je Michaud, loren Dressier.

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Carol Kadel, Mory Field, Joon Auge, Suzanne Bondholz, Nancy Ring, Agnes Cosgrove, Borboro Flynn, Betty Roettger, Ethel Johnson, Pot Starrett, Maureen lynch, Marjie Troje. ROW 2: Gloria Auge, Joanne Mar­quardt, Roberto Kratzke~ Mory Bergman, Elaine Belden, Cecilia Woerdcrhoff, lovonne Miner, Caryl Whitson, Joanne Michel, Janet Engel, lorraine Esterly, Kathleen Weber, Alice Reil, Dorothy Melquist, Gerry Walsh. ROW 3: Coral Beauline, Nancy Anderson, Morgoret Martineau, Virg1nio Von Guilder, Susan Bossart, Sharon Modemonn, Joon Camp­bell, Janet Akenson, Dione Bleedorn, Koren Wilson, Coral Broche, Carole Guegel, liso Molino, Jackie Nagel. ROW 4: Charlotte Compo, Janet Mitchell, louise Michel, lois Momberger, Korn Hansen, Janet Cordes, Jackie Semerod, Ed­ward Mears, Peggy Bowyer, Coral Adolph, Joanne Chino~der, Gail Rehpohl, Judy Carlson, Mary linnerooth, Judy Mitchell. ROW 5 Nancy Todd, Colleen Augustine, Yvonne Folk, Robert Roettger, Scott Colton, Emil Straka, Donald Sylvester, Ross McCullough, Frances Patrick, len levine, Charlotte Stransky Jean Marlow, Virg1nio Isaacs, lorna Vining.


The Pep Club is the

organization that sees

to it that our athletic

teams are cheered on

and encouraged to greater heights

through the display of fine school spirit.


ROW 1: (1. to r.) Rachel Ramirez, Judy Josephs, Coral Josephs, Judy Fontaine, Susan Thayer, Carol Eggmonn, Joon Gross, lena Torstensson, Esperonzo Elizondo, Angel ito Molino. ROW 2 · Beth lenz, Jane Roller, Judy McCloskey, Ger­aldine Zaske, Wando Odden, Pot lunn, Janice Rolig, Coral Skarda, Sandy McCullough, Shirley Clevenger, Helen Han­nover, Karen Herby, Coral Kube. ROW 3: Koren Stanek, Ruth Straka, Gloria Campi, Beverly Bryant, Janet O'Kosick, Marilyn O'Connell, Donna Hollerung, Shirley Folk, Donna Crohn, Gloria Fren, Willa Foster, Betty Friske, Mary Ann Miller, Adele Nosseff, Dorothy Nelson, Gloria Koller. ROW 4 loretta Westby, Betty Akenson, Carolyn Maier, Shirley Hoskins, lois Genz, Dorothy Nelson, Jean linnerooth, Mory Jean Miller, Myro Koshelniak, Donna Moe John, Gloyde Whitney, Maureen O'Keefe, David Van Poperin, Nancy Buchner, Rosemary Turitto. ROW 5: Joyce Krech, Avis Madden, Koren Robertson, Mory Kisch, JoAnne Hansen, Geraldine Ryan, Gloria Swanson, Barbaro Zerohn, Koren levine, Judi Joy, Peggy Witt, Jackie Sommer, Phyllis Krumm. ROW 6: Elaine Anderson, Darlene lou, Non Schwager, Virginia Pou­cher, Rose Marie Smith, Judy Budke, Dennis Shanley, David Cordes, Pot Ries, Margaret Bateman, Gladys Carlson,

Gloria Madsen, Carol Peterson.

ROW 1: (I. to r.) Ruby Damrou, Carol Josephs, Rachel Ramirez, Joanne Wilkus, Joan Gross, Joan Brisson, Ronelvo Gieb. ROW 2: Mary Ann Miller, Elizabeth Piquette, Pot Stice, Pam Beard, Roselvo Lucio, Pot Drude, Gloria Fren. ROW 3: Jackie Briggs, Nickie O'Day, Sue Roller, Joanne Jurgensen, Janet Mitchell, Shirley Stromberg. ROW 4: Willa Foster, Ann Amacher, Darlene lou, Rose Marie Smith, Pot Reis, Virginia Poucher, louise Michel.



Office helpers are

students who wish to get office training be­

sides receiving a cred­

it for their work.


ROW l o (1. to r . ) Delores Charles, JoAnne Ackerman, Judy Fontaine, Gra ce Cervantez, Ang ie Cortez, Ela ine Marshall , Geraldine Zaske, Harold Peterson, Agnes Cosgrove Ronelva Geib , Ela ine Marshall, Margaret Moore, Dorothy Melqu ist, Agnes Gu llaksen , A liCe Firnslah l, Mr. Balkenol. ROW 2 : Elvira Ruiz, Thelmo Schmidt, Bern ita Englert, Morlene Grossman , Rose Coronado, Rita Agui lar, Judy Lanoux, Lavonne M iner, Janice Bales, Lillian Marshall , Belly Friske , Mary Ann Simon, Judy Belmonte, Edna Dailey, Sharen Jenl ink , Lisa Molina . ROW 3 : Alice Riel, Judy Auge, Margaret Hiller, Suzie Lunn, Mula Buchholz, Barbara Zerahn, Judy Carlson, Carol Kube, Donna Koop, Karen Langslen , Jo Ann Hansen , Sh orley Hask ins, Darleen Schwanz Lois Genz, Beverly Schafer, Donna Mosing , Jan ice Den nos. ROW 4 : De lores Bluestone, Peggy Bowyer, Stonley Hicks , Judy Budke, Jean Marlow Phyllis Adams, Mary Hennessey, Kay Schwartz, Don Gschlechl , Lorraine Geiger, Jockie Semerad, Diane Holzem, Pat Weilerman, Rose Blese­ner. ~OW 5 : Tom Heller, Don Strasser, Cornel ius Wildenauer, Ken Anderson, Jack Snyder, Lance Hammer, Dwyane Lou, Dick Aeilts, Rix Kuester, Tom McMullen, David Littfin, Dale Benjamin, Gerald Kra -mer, Gayle Riege, Douglas Johnson, Rudy Garcia .

Sealed : Agnes Gullaksen, Betty Ann Almquist, Mula Buchholz, Alice Firnslahl, Alice Reil. Seated Cecelia Woerderhoff, Mar. garel Moore , Dorothy Melquist, Sharen Jenlink.


The Humboldt choir is indeed a wonder­ful addition to the school. Besides singing for many assemblies

the choir presented

with tableaus and

and school programs a Christmas Concert

a Spring Concert. The

choir also appeared on radio and tele -

CHORUS OFFICERS : Suzie Lunn, Margaret Moore , Rix Kuester, Alice Reil , Sharen Jenlonk, Ronelva Geib, Judy Budke, Mula Buchholz.

Seated : Julian Casillas , Rudy Garcia , Tom Heller. Standing : Tom McMullen , Rix Kuester, Donald Strasser, Douglas John· san, David Littfin , Dwyanne Lou, Dale Benjamin.

RUW 1: Solly Sanchez, Daisy Wortberg, Maureen lynch, Sharon Turnquist, Pot Starrett, Joyce McManigal, Geraldine Koehler, Evangeline Herrero, Am para Ruiz, Barbaro Flynn , Carol Nagel, Joyce Gibson, Mr. John Bolken ol. ROW 2: Joyce Mudek, Kathleen Grigsby, Elizabeth Poquette, Janet Engel, Jo Anne Marquardt, Cecelia Woerderhoff, Mary Arellano, Sharon Walker, Gladys Jorgensen , Donna John, Carole Chapple, Sharon Modemonn. ROW 3: Betty Steiner, Deloris Gordon, Delio Delao, Katherine Asleson, Jackie Nagel, Mary Gabrielson, Koren Robertson, Betty Almquist, Kern Hansen, Jean McNaughton, Joyce Krech, Gloria Schlussler, Janice Dav is, Joan Campbell, Janet O ' Kosick . ROW 4 : John Vanella, Accompanist : David Asfeld , Fronk lopez, John Weiss, Mike Gallagher, Janel Cordes , lorna Vining, Sylvia Schwartz, Betty Petrin , lois Robinson , louise Michel , Ethelyn Pavlak, James Kromer, John Wholey, James Stahnke, Eugene Anderson, Albert Johnson . ROW 5 : Marlyn Mortensen, Gerold Kling ­ner, Bernie Smith, Dean Madden, Arnie Marquardt, Marlin levine, Dick Sandstrom, Roger Reil, Dennis Kober, Carl Baumeister, Robert Brock, Eugene Kneer, Robert Schmidt, Raymond Trembly, Robert lesemon . Gerold Borrioull .


vision, took part rn the all-city Christmas

Pageant, and sang for the Winter Carnival.

Soloists and ensemble members were kept

busy throughout the year singing and per·

forming on TV and for various civic and so·

cial groups.

Mr. Bolkenol directs the chorus in song during the Christmas program.

ROW 1 Ronelvo Geib, Jackie Semerod, Judy Belmonte, Pot Starrett. ROW 2 louise Michel , Donna Koop, Sylvie Schwartz, Carole Chapple , Deloris Gordon.

ROW 1 Shirely Hoskins , Phyll is Adams , Sharon Modemonn, Jo Ann Han sen . ROW 2 : Judy Fonta ine, Beverly Schafer, Belly Steiner, Koren longsten , Dorleen Schwanz, lois Genz, Janel O ' Kos ick , Elaine Marshall .

ROW 1 Curt Rodmen , Robert Erickson, Carol Broche, Gloria Swans on, Judy Budke, Hornet Grosberg , Mike Medina, Ken Kane, Suzy Gray, Carl Baumeister, Tom McMullen . ROW 2 : Thelma Schmidt, Ginger Isaac;, Sus ie Bondholz, Joan Auge, Margaret Bateman, Dove Molino, Chela Reyes, Carol Crismon , Gladys Carlson, Russell Rou, Danton Johnson. ROW 3 : Don Metzger, Phyll is Krumm, Robert Garcia, li llian Marshall , Carolyn Maier, Peggy W itt, Joe Bobick, Jackie Sam mer, Dick Johnson, Tom Dzik, Dick Hemming, Nancy Ring hand, Glorie


Don Metzger, Phyllos Krumm, David Molino, Jackie Sommer, Joe Bobick.

BAND ...

Highlights of a very successful band year

included the completion of a uniform drive, playing for football, basketball, and hockey

games, marching in the St. Paul Winter Car­nival Parade, and for the annual Police Pic­

nic, sponsoring of the Christmas Ball; and

BAND OFFICERS Richard Hemming, Thomas Dzik , Don Metzger, Dick Johnson, Morvin Gotlieb.


Gloria Swanson, Delores Od­den , Judy Budke, Carol Broche.

Ann Parke, Marilyn Banish, Bernie Smith, Neil Neubauer, Jerry Nelson, Robert Houston. ROW 4 : Janet Nelson, Beverly Bryant, Kathleen Gngsby, Alice Shade, Janet Engel, Marlys Stokke, Dorothy Auge, Be rnito Englert, Pot Hansen, Tina Avoloz, Robert Luna, Terry Weldon, Morvin Gotlieb, Elaine Formanek, Wayne Ripperton, Bernie Alvarez, Tom Crosby, Tom Ryan, Jock Rhode, Glenn Chorney, Dick Rodmen, Jerry Donner, Gory Rogers.

0 0 0 BAND

the annual Spring Concert.

The band has improved in quality and

stature and is considered to be one of the

outstanding high school musical organtza­

tions in the city.


ROW 1: Mary Bergman, Pot Nadeau, Pot Gergo, Nancy Ring, Ruth Straka. ROW 2: Elaine Marshall, Koren Longsten, Donna Koop, Joann Marquardt, Jerry Michaud.


Byron Johnson, Jerry Nelson, Marilyn Banish, Bob Houston.


Mike Medina, Tom McMullen, Dorothy Hunter, Carl Bou­meoster, Suzanne Gray, Danton Johnson, Kenneth Kane.


ART CLUB OFFICERS : Shoren Jentink , Treasurer ; Don Sylvester, Co-President; Curt Hole, Presodenl ; Mary linneroolh, Secre­tory.

Art classes at Humboldt

are designed to give all an

opportunity to create.

Classes vary from oil paint­

ing to stage design and

production . The art club is

an outgrowth of art class

interest, but anyone may

join. It is tn its ninth year of


MEMBERS) ROW 1 : Marilyn Steiner, Pot Starrett, Marie Roubik, Shoren Jentink, Curl Hole, Don Sylvester, Dione ldson, Mary linneroolh, Belly Roettger, Nancy Stiff. ROW 2: Marge Troje, Judy Belmonte, Shirley Stromberg, Kinderman, Helen Hannover, Maureen O ' Keefe, Rita Gifford, Toni Piquette, Barbaro Maxwell, Janice Boles, Judy

. ROW 3 : Alice Firnslohl, Nancy Buchner, Woyn e Bloechl, Greg Brisson, Bob Halligan, Arlene Turrittin, Wilson , Dione Bleedorn, Suzy Gray, Dorothy Johnson. ROW 4: Margie O'Doy, Shirley Folk, Charlotte Compo, pperton, Belly Steiner, Gail Rehpohl, Donna Lowrie, Janel Mitchell, Kay Weber, Alice Rei I. ROW 5 : leonard , Mary Rose Von Poperin, Rose Scum, Charlotte Stransky, Dick Tregoning, Tom Landsberger, Henry Halvorson,

Warren , Darlene lou .


(NEW MEMBERS) ROW 1 . Judy Josephs , Judy Carlson, Jean linneroolh, Donna Lowrey, Terry Schoe ­necker, Sue Bossart, Janel Mitchell, Janice Olricksen , Charlotte Compo. ROW 2 Greg Brisson, Judy Josephs, Bernadine Walther, Yvonne Folk, Dove Cordes, Noel Spargur, Ken Anderson , Gilbert Bitterman, Joanne Hansen, Robert Colton . ROW 3 : Sandy Olsen, lena Torslensson , Jerry Stransky, Bill Novotny John Vanella, Rochord Nulzmon, Jerry Randolph , Marlys Stokke, Pot Stice, lorroone Esterly, lynn Enney

Art Club co-sponsored o donee with the Junior Closs. Among those who helped pion this donee were : Myra Koshelniok, Curt Hole, Judy Warren, David Cordes, Joan Gross, and Tom Londsburger.

Teachers and parents as well os students attended the Annual Art Club Show.


Lee's Highland Village Inn was the scene of this year's Art Club Dinner.



All students who participate in dra­

matics belong to Little Theatre.

When a Little Theatre member gets

10 points he becomes a Thespian. He

Cast of ''Mother is a Freshman.' ' Given by the little Theatre on March 1st and 2nd. LITILE THEATER OFFICERS

little Theatre Officers: Carol Josephs, Treasurer; Har­vey Miller, President; Shoren Jentink, Secretory; Don Sylvester, Vice President.

leads of "Mother is a Freshman." David Cordes­Bobo; Joan Gross - Susan; Shirley Clevenger - Ab­by; Harvey Miller - Professor Michaels.

ROW 1: Terry Weldon, Rachel Ramirez, Judy Josephs, Marjory Troje, Paulo Gonzales, Harold Peterson, lena Torstensson, Angelita Molino, Shoren Turnquist, linda Reyes. Row 1 : Elaine Marshall, Susan Bandholz, Caryl Whitson, William Kimmel, David Von Paperin, Danna Hallerung, Judy Mitchell, lois Genz, Rance Sa­dowsky, Wanda Odden. ROW 3: Ruth Straka, Mary linnerooth, Jean linnerooth, Judy Carlson, Joanne Han­sen, Greg Brisson, Carol Peterson, Joanne Michel, Sh orley Hoskins, lorry Dodds. ROW 4: Sylvia Schwartz, Donald Gschlecht, Non Schwager, Janet Cordes, lorna Vining, Darlene lou, Danton Johnson, Mary Lou Long, Janet Mitchell, Dione Reimer, Gordon Carlton. ROW 5 Pot Reis, Kenneth Kube, Wayne Boll, Ed Hom­mersten, Bob Houston, William Chavez, Gary Pagel, Gerold Nelson, Arnold Heuer, Jerome Klett.




may earn these points by acting,

speaking or reading before an audi ­

ence. When a member acquires 50

points he becomes an Honor Thespian,

which entitles him to a pin.

Eileen is admired by the men in the cast of '' My Sister Eileen." Eileen was played by Janice Ral ig .

The leads of ' My Stsler Eileen," given on May 15 and 16, were Ross McCullough - Robert Boker; Pot Hansen - Ruth; Scott Colton • Chic Clark; Janice Rolig - Eileen; Don Sylvester Fronk lippencott.

" Ntne Girls," a mystery put an by little Theatre, was g iven in all little Theatre classes. Many such plays are given sa that members may earn paints .

ROW 1 : Carol Josephs, Nancy Stiff, Sandy McCullough, Mrs. Carlson, Joon Gross, Agnes Cosgrove, Sh irley Clevenger. ROW 2 : Maureen O 'Keefe , Jerry Ryan, Ca ro line Beourline, Donno Crohn, Penny Narducci, Gloria Swanson, Mary Bergman. ROW 3 : Karen Wilson, Janice Rolig , Gary Calton, David Savard, Sue Gray, Jackie Semerad, Pat Smtih, Betty Ann Almquist. ROW 4 : Dorothy lunn Juanita Crapson, Morltss Herbeck, Eugene Koehler, Charlotte Stransky, Ken Mcintosh , Scott Calton ROW 5 : Jim lucas, Dennts Shanley, David Cordes , Ross McCullough, Pat Hansen, Dean McEnery, Harvey Miller, Emil Straka .



Which one will it be?

Queen Mary reigns.

Queen Mary and her attendants.

Tension mounts.






ROW 1, Carol Kube, Phyllis Krumm, Mary Rose Van Poperin, Pat Hansen, Sharon Jen­tink, Carol Beaurline, Janice Rolig, Penny Narducci, Charlotte Stransky, Gloria Madsen. ROW 2: Richard Hemming, Bob Roettger, Scott Calton, Emil Straka, Julian Plante, Ross McCullough, Don Sylvester, Len Levine, Jim Lucas, Reinhold Markgraf, Eugene Koehler.




Sandy McCullough, Carol Skarda Roberta Kratzke, Karen Herby, Janice Rolig, Carol Kube, Helen Hannover, Shirley Clevenger.


The cheerleaders are in charge

of leading the crowd in yells at

all the games and in building en­

thusiasm in the student body dur­ing pep assemblies.

The eight A squad and six B

squad girls are under the direc­

tion of Miss Marlene Maloney.

Caryle Whitson, Gloria Campi, Judy McCloskey Dotty Walsh, Mary Linnerooth, Patti Lunn.


ROW 1: Alice Vogel, Morilyn Banish, Janice Rolig, Carol Beourl ine, Nancy Anderson, Janet Nelson, Jackie Sommer, June Peters . ROW 2 Gloyde Whitney, Frances Varela, Helen Hannover, Colleen Sa­wicki, Barbaro Zerohn, Geraldine Ryan, Pot Hansen , Gladys Carlson, Sandy McCullough, Dennis Shan ­ley. ROW 3: Miss Pearson, Phyllis Krumm , Belly Ann Almquist, Rosemary Smolh, Judy Budke, Pot Re is, Charlotte Stransky, Virginoo Po..ocher, Gloria Madsen, Pot Smith, Nancy Todd .



FTA was started last year and srnce then

has become one of the outstanding clubs at

Humboldt High School.

Under the direction of Miss Pearson, the club

is open to anyone who is interested in teaching.

"Quill and Scroll " is the name given to the

National Honor Society for High School Jour­

nalists. Members of this organization receive

an award at the end of the year for outstand­

ing work in the field of journalism. New mem­

bers this year are Pat Hansen, len levine,

Helen Hannover, Joel Bernick, Pat Smith, Mau­

reen O'Keefe, and Penny Narducci.


Pot Hansen, Len Levine, Helen Hannover, Joel Bern ick , Pol Smith . Not pictured ; Maureen 0 Keefe and Penny Narducci.


Shirley Clevenger, Ross McCullough, Carol Beaurline, Emil Straka, Penny Narducci, Harvey Miller, Mary Bergman, and Jerry Michaud lead the Grand March at the Junior, Senior Prom. A

and Queen of Sno-day, Levine and Carole Chap-

Don't push!! Don't push!!

c T






s Maureen O'Keefe, Joel Bernick, Ross McCullough, Emil Straka, Elaine For­manek and Penny Narducci try their caps and gowns on for size.

Jules Herman and his Orchestra plays for the prom .

Mr. Liston receives a Cupidgram from Cuddles.

The Navy Band appears at school assembly.

Dean McEnery won't let his "Twirp, " Peggy Bowyer get away.

Go Teom !I Go!!

A Humboldt first. Cheerleaders an Ice Skates

The old foggies challenge Humboldt Varsity

Faculty skating on thin ice.


Juniors aren ' t Camera shy.

Ohl what big hills.

Mr. Balkenol flips as faculty wins .

The le sson for today is .


c T





... SPORTS 75

Ross able

Humboldt moves


ROW 1: Dick Tregoning, Jock Snyder, Don Metzger,

Morvin Johnson, Vernon Roubik, Tom St. Martin, Ross

McCullough. ROW 2: Dick Sandstrom, Dean Madden,

Duane Peterson, Morris Torgerson, Arnie Marquardt,

Bob Jorgenson, Julius Charles. ROW 3: Jock Rhode,

Dennis Davis, Ken Mcintosh, Tom Michaud. ROW 4.

Jesse Contreras, Mike Medina, Robert Garcia, Art

Staples, Ed Hommersten , Garry Meyers, Ed Engen.

ROW 5: Chota Reyes, Willie Chavez, Gory Humfelt,

Ben Quintero, Robert lichtenegger, Mike Gallagher.

ROW 6, Mr. Mauer, Greg Brission, student manager;

Captain Roy Davis, Toddy Guberman, Bill LaChapelle,

Mr . Funk.

ROW 1: Dick Tregoning, Bill La Chopelle, Jock Snyder, Tom St. Martin , Morvin Johnson , Verno Roubik , Ross McCullough . ROW 2 Don Metzger, Roy Davis, Toddy Guberman, Dean Madden.

Under the direction of the new coaches, Mr. Mauer and his assistant, Mr. Funk, the football team went through a year of building for the future. The team started the season with a victory over Murray and showed a steady improvement throughout the

Fumble I!!



3. 4 .

5. 6. 7 .

season with a well-earned Homecom ing victory over Wilson and led runner up Mechanic Arts eleven for three pe riods of play to finish the season.

The starting team will be intact, los· ing only two linemen.


Humboldt Score Opponents' Sec

Murray • 0 0 •••••••• 1B 6 Central • 0 . 0 •• •••• 0 7 33 Harding •• 0 0 •••• 0 0. 0 28

Monroe ........... 0 7 Washington 0 0 •••• 0 7 14

Wilson ••••• 0 0 14 0

Mechanic Arts ...... 12 20


ROW 1 Greg Armstrong, Roy Trembly, Melfred Blair, le

Roy Olsen, Dove Schaefer, Russ Johnson. ROW 2: Vernon

Hudollo, Bob Peterson, Tom Ryan, Dick Meyer, Sam Ricci,

Paul Gallagher, Tam Haney. ROW 3: Doug Moe, Gerene

Show, Mike Elsen, Mike Nadeau, Fred Buchholter, Mike

Kane, Rod lund. ROW 4: AI Johnson, Noel Spargur, Jock

Siedl, Gory DeNault, Bob Troje, Dove Kastner, les

Montgomery. ROW 5: Wayne Hauschildt, AI Wenner,

Gory Smith, Chuck Truhler, Coach Ryan.

Undefeated Junior Vorstty and coach.

This year the Humboldt "B" squad,led

by Mr. Ryan, won the City Championship

with an impressive record of four wins and

one tie. This undefeated team will be an

asset to next year's "A" squad team.


Humboldt 12 Monroe 0 Humboldt 0 Harding 0 Humboldt 0 St. Thomas 0 Humboldt 25 Wilson 12 Humboldt 13 Mechanic Arts 0

Encouragement from the sidelines.

Humboldt trio stop boll carrier.

Wayne Hauschildt, "B" squad most valuable player.



ROW 1: Junior Cosillos, Dick Robles, co-captain; Duane Peterson, Russ Johnson, Neil Neubauer, Ed Mears, Ross McCullough, co-captain; Willie Chavez. ROW 2: Robert Zeller, manager; Ed Moreno, len levine, Bob Groth, Joe Robles, Jerry Dahlin, Jerry Silverberg, Mr. Peterson.


Co-captain ROSS McCUllOUGH

All-City forward


The basketball team surprised everyone this year with a 5-3

conference record. Under the direction of Mr. Art Peterson, the team

finished third in 'Conference play and won consolation honors in

District 15.

There were many exciting games and all of us were very proud

of the fine work done by Coach Peterson and the 1956 basketball


ED MEARS center



Co-coptoin DICK ROBLES

All-City Honorable Mention guord

Chavez: scares again

SCHEDULE Humboldt. ........ 43 Humboldt. ........ 42 Humboldt ......... 50 Humboldt . .... .... 47 Humboldt . .. ...... 46 Humboldt ......... 51 Humboldt .. .... . .. 52 Humboldt. ........ 62

District Humboldt. ....... . 45 Humboldt ......... 57 Humboldt ......... 52



Wilson ........... 45 Johnson .......... 37 Murray ........ . .. 55 Monroe .......... 35 Washington ....... 47 Central .......... 50 Mechanic Arts . .... 40 Harding .......... 46


Monroe .......... 41 Harding .......... 65 Wilson . .. ..... . . . 46



Niel Neubauer takes re­bound in Murray game.

Ind ians fight far ball

Starting forwa rd wall

lang shot


ROW 1, Jess Contrereas, Poul Palacio, Joe Reyes, Da vid Va n Poperin, Bill No­votny, Gory N icho ls. KO W 2: Melroy Englert, Don Blomgren, Wayne Sa muel· so n, Dennis Davis, Dick Meyer, Joe Keg ­ler, Mr. Ryna rd . ROW 3: Bill Hum phreys, Sa m Ricci, Dove Bowyer, Ed Ha mmersten, J im Ward , Dave Schae fer, Greg Arm­strong, Bob Erickson.


The 1956 "B" squad basketball team finished second in the city conference standings with a 6 -2 record. They also finished in second place during the city-wide " B" tournament held here at Humboldt.

Outstanding players during the season were Ed Ham­mersten scoring 299 points, Dave Van Poperin 126 points, Greg Armstrong 99 points, Dave Schaefer 51 points, and Sam Ricci 65 points . A great deal of help also came from Bill Humphreys and Dennis Davis.

Next year's "B" team looks bright with many prom ­ising freshmen returning.

SEASON RECORD 6 Wins 2 losses Humboldt .. . . . . . .. 54 Murray .. .. . . ... . . 46 Humboldt .... .. ... 46 Monroe .... .. .... 17 Humboldt .. . ...... 54 Washington . . . . . . 42 Humboldt .... . ... . 56 Central .... . ... .. 62 Humboldt ........ . 54 Mechanic Arts .. ... 28 Humboldt .. . ...... 56 Harding . . . . . . . . . 27 Humboldt . . . .. . .. . 46 Wilson .. . .. . ..... 36 Humboldt . . ... . . .. 43 Johnson . ......... 46

TOURNAMENT RECORD 2 Wins 1 loss Humboldt .. . . . .. . . 44 Mechanic Arts ..... 38 Humboldt . . . ... 32 Wilson ........ . .. 28 Humboldt . .... .... 33 Central . . . . . . . 57

Smiles and pats after winning a close game.

'RONT ROW: Dick Wagner, Bob Peter­on, Don Gschlechl, Dave Kastner, Mike ledeau, Roger Kisch, Dick Squire. BACK OW Mr. Mauer, Tom Crosby, Gary orgenson, Tom Witham, Tony Alleva, en Kube, James Stahnke, Les Mont­emery, Mgr.


St. Paul's first 1955-56 "B" squad hockey season ended with Humboldt's addition hnlrlinn

its own. The coaching staff was not entirely pleased

with the outcome. However, the good points seemed to outweigh the bad. The most discour­aging point was the lack of sophomore par­tid pants.

The season's overall success will not be de­termined until the completion of next season. It will be interesting to see just how much the boys will have improved because for many of the boys it was their first real competitive hockey season.

Front line of Peterson, Thompson, Kastner.

Defensive uno! of Witham, Wagner and Gschlecht.

Humboldt Opponents

1. Mechanic Arts .. 2

2. Johnson . ... 0. 0 12

3 . Harding • 0 •• 0 •• 0 3

4. Wilson • .•.•• 0. 2

5. Central . .... ..

6. Murray • 0 0 •••• 2 5

7. Washington 0 ••• 2

8. Monroe 4 4 81 0 ••• 0 ••

ROW 1: Lee Lennartson, Arlie Staples, Toddy Guberman, Roger Larson, Duke Snyder, Gene Crane, Wh i tney Meyers. ROW 2 : Marvin Johnson, Manager; Denny Thompson, Wayne Ball, Dean Madden, Ken Dufour, Bob Jorgenson, Bob Lichttenegger, Mr. Funk.


Captain Roger Larson and Coach Funk . Jack Snyder


The success of this year's hockey season will not be known

until next year. This was defi­nitely a rebuilding year, with

only 4 seniors on the squad. The team ended up the season with a

record of 9 wins, 11 losses and

5 ties. Many of the games were

against the toughest teams in

the state, and many were lost

and won by very close scores.

Many mistakes were corrected

this year and with only the loss

of two regulars from this year's

squad, the prospects look bright

for the coming campaign.

The squad selected Artie

Staples as their captain for next year, along with Gene Crane

and lee lennartson as alternate


Taddy Guberman

Humboldt .

Humboldt .


Humboldt .

Humboldt .


Humboldt .


White y Me ye rs being warm ed up be fo re W es t St . Pau l game.


. 0 Monroe

. 0 Washington

. 2 Wilson • 0 •• 0 •••

. 0 Central

. 5 Mechanic Arts

. 1 Harding • 0. 0 •••

.0 Johnson •• • • 0 ••

. 1 Murray • • 0 • ••••

. 1

. 4

. 2

. 3

. 1

. 3

. 5

. 3

Tom St. Martin, all -city honorable ment ion.

There's o whistle on the p loy.

St. Mart in slops Monroe threat.

Lee Lenna rlson, a ll-city ho no rable men tion and Arlie Staples 1 a ll-ci ty first team .

ROW 1 : Jerry Nodecu, Ernie Reyes, Richard Robles , Paul Chapman, Kent Harrington, Joe Beaul ieu , Bill Roubik, Clyde Millerberndt, ROW 2 . Mr. Pe terson , Greg Brisson, Student Manager; Jerry Silverberg, Bob lichttenegger, len levine, Nci Neubauer, Garry Meyers , Ross McCullough, Duane Peterson, Tom St. Martin , Art ie Staples, Curt Radman , scorer.

ROW 1 : Vance See, Robert Tess­mer. ROW 2 : Mr. Dewall, Jerry Dahlin, Tom Steinbrenner, Roger Becker

G 0 L F

The golf team, coached by Mr. De­

wall, won two of the games played in

the 1955 season. The team which was

captained by Roger Becker, showed

promise and should improve if all the

boys return this year.



The Indian nine, under the direction of Coach Peterson,

compiled a three win, five loss conference record. The

team played their best game against conference champion

Wilson but dropped an 8-6 decision. Paul Chapman won

the city conference batting crown with a .420 average .


The four year tennis veterans, John Herzog and Guy

Stoddard, sparked the Humboldt team's progress from

sixth to second place in 1955, a rewarding experience for

Mr. Madsen's last year of coaching.

ROW 1: John Herzog, Vernon Roubik, Robert Roettger. ROW 2: Mr. Madsen, Burton Jay, Robert Johnson, Robert Kisch, Guy Stoddard .

ROW 1: Mike Gallagher, Robert Chevre, Paul Gifford, Glen DeVore, Toddy Guberman, Bud Madden, Ron Somon, Willie Chavez. ROW 2 : Mr. Ryan , Ben Quintero, Emil Straka , Henry Oft, Refug io Robles, Dean Madden , Arnie Marquardt, Bill LaChapelle

TRACK . . .

The track team, coached by Mr. Ryan,

enjoyed a fairly good season last year by

winning two meets and losing three. The

outstanding members were Toddy Guber­

man who went into the finals in the city 's

220 yard dash, and Dean Madden who

won the city high jump. Dean went on to

tie for second place in the state meet.

Cro ss coun tr y team re laxes after meet at Nokomis.

RO W 1 Ken Dufour, Robert Tessmer, Jerry Klinger, Dove Von Poperin. RO W 2: Refugoo Robles, Jerry Dahlin, Roman W en · ner, Roger Becker .


The cross country team, coached by Mr. Ander­

son, had a fair season, winning two out of four

dual meets. They defeated Washington and Mon­

roe. The outstanding runner was Roman Wenner,

who was the Humboldt runner to gain the state meet.


ROW 1: Jerry Stransky, Dean McEnery, Dick Mensch , Frank lunehki ROW 2 John lottery, Tam Criega, Mr. McDonough , David Johnson , Ben Quintero

Dave Jah nson takes the lead.

ROW 1 : Tom Haney, Allan Isaacs , Bill Kimmel, Raymond Trembley, Michael Medel in, Milford Blair. ROW 2: Dan Metzger, Bill LaChapelle, Richard Taurvile, Jerry Hughes, Tom Ryan , Rod lund.


The swimming team, under the di­rection of Mr. McDonough, won two out of eight meets this year. The team members win their letters by attending practice regularly and by winning points in conference meets.

They 're off.


The gymnastic team was en­tered in class C and D meets, winning two out of six meets Outstanding m-embers were Don Metzger and Bill la Chapelle




This year the Athletic Board added three new members to its staff. Mr. Funk, who coaches hockey and tennis; Mr. Mauer, football and "B" Hockey; Mr. Ryan, track and "B" football.

The board, under the direction of Mr. McDo­nough, Athletic Director, served as a committee to plan the athletic events for the school year.

Other members are Mr. lngebretson, Mr. Engebret­son, and Mr. Peterson.

SEATED Mr. Engebretson , Mr. McDonough , Mr. lngebrelson, Mr. Peterson STANDING , Mr. Ryan, Mr. Mauer, Mr. Funk.

Bill LaChapelle and Don Metzger practicing a hand stand on the parallel bars.

Over and up.

John Herzog presented with " H Club award.

Dean McEnery, Dove Johnson, Jerry Stransky, Richard Mench, Ben Quintero toke lime out during practice.



ROW 1: Marilyn O 'Connell, Esperonzo Elizondo, Angie Molino, Gloria Koller, Judy McCloskey, Jane Rol ­fer. ROW 2 : Wando Odden, Gerry Zoske , Patti Lunn, Susie Bondholz, Lena Torstensson , Donna Hollerung, Betty Roettger, Janet Engel, Janet O ' Kosick , Myra Kosheln iok. ROW 3 : Betty Akenson , Jackie Thoreson Koren Stone~, Janet Akenson, Lois Genz, Margaret Mo rt•neou, Virg in ia Von Guilder, Susie Gray, Jo Ann~ Hansen, Jud1 Joy, ROW 4 : Donna Crohn , Judy Carlson , Carolyn Maier, Marlys Stokke, Joanne Ch 1nonder, Janet Cordes, Lo~1se MIChel , Lois Momberger. ROW 5: Non Schwager, Yvonne Folk , Rosemary Smith , Nancy Todd, Glono Madsen, Pot Reis , Fran Patrick, Virg inia Poucher, Gladys Carlson, Colleen Augustine.

G. A. A.

G.A.A. is the one place where girls get to demon­

strate their athletic abilities and interests. Included on the agenda are basketball, volleyball, softball,

and badminton, only to mention a few. Outside ac­

tivities such as bowling and swimming are also of­

fered. Miss Maloney is the adviser for all GAA ac­


The girls obtain a certain amount of points for

participating in activities, and these points are added up toward awards. They have to work hard for their

awards such as the "H", 750 points; the all-city award, 1050 points; and a GAA pin, 1500 points.

At the GAA banquet each year, the girls get their awards along with the bowling trophy, swimming

medals, and senior award pin.

ROW 1: Rachel Ramirez, Judy Josephs, Judy Fontaine, Susan Thayer, Sandy Olson, Carol Eggmon, Joan Brisson, Sondra Morgan, Mary Ann Schaab. ROW 2 : E cine Marshall, Nancy Ring, Amporo Ruiz, Ruth Straka, Harriet Grosberg, Joan Auge, Joanne MIChel, Sandy McCullough , Dorothy Hunter, Carol Broche, Margie Troje. ROW 3 Shirley Haskins, Loretto Westby, Geraldine Koehler, Janice Olriksen, Margie Heller, Lorraine Ester­ley, Janet Cordes, Beverly Bryant, Charlotte Compo, Gloria Auge, Sharon Green, Jackie Semerod, Gerry Ryan, Glono Swanson, Gail Rehpohl, Mary Linnerooth , Hornet Bubb, Joyce Krech, Avis Madden. ROW 5 : Sandy Horsch, Lorna Vining, Darlene Lou, Virginia Isaacs, Charlotte Stransky, Judy Warren, Phyllis Adams, Lois Robinson, Donna Lowrie.


Bowling ts held twice each week at St. Matthew's and the Mohawk lanes. The league is open to both boys and girls.

At the end of the season an individual tournament is held and a trophy is awarded to the highest scoring boy and girl. Miss Marlene Maloney is advisor of this group .

ROW 1 : Rachel Ramirez, Susan Thayer, Jane Railer, M oss Ma lone y, Ang ie Malina, Mana Ritch ie . ROW 2 Wanda Odden, Gerry Zoske , Donna Hollerung, Peggy W ill, Carolyn Ma ier, Jack ie Sommer, Gerry Ryan ROW 3 Al ice Vogel , Janel Ak e nson , Marg ie Heller, Pat W eilerma n, Myra Kosheln iak, Ga il Pehpohl , Na Todd, Sylvia Schwartz. ROW 4 : Jud i Jay, Yvonne Fa I k, Virg in ia Poucher, Colleen Augus tine, Pat Ries, lo Robin son , Gladys Carlson. ROW 5 : Alan Blomgren , Doug Johnson, Arnie He uer, David l illfi n, Dale Benjamin Gary Rogers, Tom Heller, Vance See.


Swimming is available to any girl that is a member of the G.A.A. The girls swim once a week at the YWCA.

During March a swim meet is held with the other schools and organizations. Each girl that places in the meet receives a swimming pin. This year Muta Buch­holz and Myra Koshelniak received pins.

ROW 1 . Susan Thaye r, Sandy McCullough , Carol Skarda , Judy McCloskey, Dorothy Walsh , Palli lunn, Coral Josephs. ROW 2 : lena Tarstensson, June Peters, Helen Hannover, Lorello Westby, Edna Da iley, Coral Brache, Willa Faster, Ela ine Belden, Miss Malaney. ROW 3 : G e rry Ryan , Virgin ia Van Guilder, Carol Kube , Mula Buchholz, Barbara Zerahn, louise Mochel , Myra Koshelniak , Glorie Parke, Cecel ia Woederhoeff . ROW 4 : Margaret Martineau , Phyllis Krumm , Virg inia Pou cher, Charlolle Stransky, Fran Patrick, Ginger Isaacs , Gloria Madsen , Juanita Crapson.

The advisor to the group is Miss Marlene Maloney.

L. to R.: loi s Shave, Darl e ne Ytze n, Marlys Stokke, Donno Lowrie , Miss Maloney.




1 2 First day of School

19-20-21 Iowa Test for sophomores

30 First football game and first victory


19 Coronation of Homecoming queen, Mary


21 Parade and Dance

22 Homecoming game with Wilson, we won!!!

27-28 MEA meant an holiday

31 Naval band assembly


3-4-5 Student Council Convention at Hibbing

15-17 Mantoux's given and checked

24 Thanksgiving vacation


6 Senior girls given homemakers test

7 Josh Wind gave assembly

14-15 Christmas Concert

16 Christmas vacation began


3 Back to school

17 Final vote for Tom MeAn award

23 AFS assembly, Twirps explained

26 First Twirp Day followed by dance


6 Dental Assembly

1 0 Sno Day at Como Park

9 Humboldt appeared on 9 Teens TV show

13 lincoln's Birthday, no school

14 Cupid service and dance


1-2 "Mother is a Freshman"

15-16 "My Sister Eileen "

19 Juniors got class rings

23 Easter vacation began

APRil ...

2 Schoo reopened

11 Humboldt, 9 Teens Show

13 Art Club Dance

30 Juniors and Seniors took Washington,

D. C. trip

MAY . ..

3 Art Show

18 Junior-Senior Prom

30 Memorial Day

JUNE . ..

6 Senior Day

1 2 Graduation

1 5 School over





. . . our first day as freshmen ... how big the seniors looked . ..

that bath on the water fountain .. . our search for the swimming

pool on the fourth floor ... the freshman girls ' crushes on senior

football players ... our first homecoming dance ... winning con ­

solation in the state hockey tournament .. . Mrs. Green 's help

starting our sophomore year . . the calisthenics in gym class

newly elected class officers . . . the parties and pow-wows .. .

raising money to sponsor the prom ... first activity program .. .

how the boys gym classes hated to dance with girls gym classes

... the f i rst victory of football season .. . feeling left out on the

night of the J.S . ... the day we found out what a cut slip was; the

hard way . .. becoming upper classmen . . . collecting senior pic­

tures . . the junior class dance ... the first sno -day ... the

New Year' s Eve parties ... announcements during homeroom .. .

tardy slips ... the midnight movies at the West Twins . .. getting

our class rings . . . our attempts at going steady ... the band

concert .. . Pat Hansen with blue hair ... Penny chosen to repre -

sent Humboldt as an AFS student ... the trip to Chicago

seeing last year' s seniors graduate ... the first day of our last

year ... getting acquainted with new teachers and students

getting our senior pictures . how small the freshmen looked

the day Mary was crowned Homecoming Queen .. our last home­

coming dance ... our homecoming victory over Wilson ... how

good the band looked and sounded at half- time ... the first time

the cheerleaders wore their new uniforms . . . the boys ' black

corduroy hats . .. all the pow-wows at Spring Lake ... the parties

after the games ... those reckless days before the ARROW dead -

line ... Mr. Liston 's jokes ... dancing during lunch ... when

the senior boys' fancy turned to sophomore girls . . . the table

pounding during lunch ... the long bench in the office . . all

the rush work at the end of the report card period . .. frantic

hope that Mr. Ernst would forget to collect assignments . .. Mac's

weekly reports we never gave ... putting on the 9 Teens shows

•.. winning the cheering cup from Monroe for the th ird time

being able to keep the cup for ever ... going up to Rick 's

Janice's open house . . . official senior rat day we never had

the first Twirp-Day . . . boys leading their Twirps around

Helen's socks at the Twirp Twirl ... ruining Harding ' s chance to

be basketball champions ... the day we yelled so loud in the pep

assembly the scenery fell down ... the boys ' poker parties

the dramatic entertainment at the pep assemblies .. . going to

Mac's stag parties ... driving through the park to see who we

knew . . . the sunlight dances . . . Mr. Liston 's current event

topics ... looking for a stool in the cafeteria . .. the all -city

talent assembly ... how hard the band worked to get their new

uniforms ... the way we drove Mr. Ernst nuts with our gum chew­

ing ... cupidgrams . the Fun N ights at the YMCA . .. the

last game we went to ... our Senior Day ... all the fun and ex­

periences we've had at Humboldt ... our teachers and friends

.•• last but not least, that night we received our diplomas and

finally graduated ...

Congratulations To emors

of 1956


General Banking and Insurance

Member F.D.I.C.

607 outh Smith A venue

Look your loveliest •••

in a sparklin~o: formal

~om our .new collection.

Full length and ballerina

~I ' . b sty es m a ram ow

~of new fashion colora

\\ and fabulous fabrics.

Starting at just •••

I \1


I /)Q ~C(tit_! ._..,_Z-\-_ ::;_L-a~ BRIDALS

MINNEAPOLIS--1023 Nicollet, between lOth and 11th

ST. PAUL--406 Robert Street, between 6th and 7th

Oren :Mtmdavs and Thurroays to 9 P.M.

Best Wishes from

J. F. Jordan P hartnacist

Corner Smith A venue & King t. Ca 8-0565

.. Class of 1923"


s Signal Hills

Best Wishes from

Anthony Beauty Fashions

ignal Hills hopping Center

Fred D. Fredell


Humboldt LIFE



Congratulations to Seniors




859 Deppe Street

Ca. 8-4022

GROSS SHOE REPAIRING Complete Line of Laces and Polishes

Skate Sharpening 1621,2 Concord - Ca. 3-3820

St. Paul 1, Minnesota

GEORGE'S SHOE REPAIR Shoe Repair Service

Ca. 2-3556 464 So. Robert St. St. Paul 7, Minn. Skates sharpened Free with any $1 Purchase

FRAUTSCHI'S Shoes and Men's Furnishings

168-17 4 Concord Street Ca. 8-0415 St. Paul, Minn.


Watch and Jewelry Repairing Concord near State Ca. 8-5010

Ca. 8-3616

Eddie's Jewelry Edward L. Meyer

State Certified Watchmaker 653 Dodd Rd. and Baker, St. Paul, Minn.

Serve Dixie Cream Donuts and Pastry Open Evening and Sundays

Closed 6 p.m. Saturday Ca. 7-3998 918 University Ave.


ew Zenith TV

466 So. Robert Ca. 2-54 70


642 So. Smith Avenue

St. Paul 7, Minneota


James S. Wilkus

Annapoli at Winslow

Ca. 4-3131


Stuhlmans Our Own Hardware

429 So. Waba ha St. St. Paul 7, Minn.

Ca. 2-4424

Paint - Gutter Work Electrical Appliances - Air Conditioning

Power Mowers - Perimeter Heating Sporting Goods - Gas Furnaces





Midland Bldg. Ca. 4-17 40



JOSTEN'S Since 1897

Foshay Tower Arcade 134 M i n n e a p o 1 i s 2, M i n n e s o t a

H. A. P E T E R S E N , Rep res en t a t i v e




3 outh Smith Ca. 4-6735

\X ILLIAl\1 H. BRACHE Popular Piano & Hammond Organ

Home Studios - 25 W. Winona Street Telephone: Ca. 8-0274

Good Luck and Succes CARNES TAMP CO.

315 Jack on St. St. Paul, Minn. Ca. 4-4853

Compliments of

CHEROKEE VARIETY 644 So. Smith Ave. St. Paul 7, Minn.

Compliment of

Riverview Cleaners QUALITY CLEA ERS

531 Ohio Street

Ca. 2-5851

Congratulations to enior

Mohawk Lanes 107 Concord

Ca. 2-5792


RO Heatmg - Air Conditioning

& CHOLZ I C. Mechanical Contractors

Tel. Ca. 4-7823 1138 o. Robert St. St. Paul, Minn.

Compliment - of


St. Paul, Minn.


Corner of Dodd & Str} ker


Ca . -1447 Carl L. Rauer


542 Ohio St.



Life - Fire - Auto

166 W. Sidne) St.

Ca. 8-3377

St. Paul 7, Minn.

Ca. 8-2418



Ertel's Drugs

458 Robert Ca. 2-1016

CHEROKEE DRUG CO. Prescnpt10n peciahsts

63 W. Wtmfred Ca. 2-5608 St. Paul, Minn.


Ca. 2-4813

Congratulation to Graduating Class

Compliments of a Friend



Ca. 4-6797 1074 So. Robert




Leadership ... Cooperation

"Help me. too"

JIM COOPER TEXACO Greasmg and Battery Service

542 Stryker Ca. 2-9854 St. Paul 7, Minn.


Ca. 8-2456 St. Paul, Minn.


E tabli hed Since 1912

571 Str) ker Ca. 8-4296

''Your Assurance of

Finest Quality"

Best Wishe To The Class of '56

West St. Paul Booster

''Printers of the Humboldt ARROW"

1276 So. Robert St.

Printing - Office Supplies

Greeting Card

Wedding and Per onalized




Haupt Floral Company 106 Concord at So. Robert

St. Paul 7, Minn.

Ca. 5-6565

Beautiful Flower For All Occa ion

La Casa Coronado Restaurant

Fine Mexican Food Tacos - Tamales - Enchilada - Tortilla

Arroz Con Polio Etc. Imported Mexican Curio

Hand Painted Skirt Hand Tooled Leather Bag

GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERE T 184 Fairfield Ave. E. Ca. 2-2958


177 South Waba ha Street

Congratulation to the Senior Cia


46 Plato A venue





185 Eaton Avenue


Music at Its Best

J. C. PENNEY CO., INC. ignal Hill Shopping Center

We t St. Paul

Headquarter For Teenage Apparel


NATE' MEN' HOP Corner 9th and Wabasha

Ca. 4-2026 St. Paul, Minn.


liDIRIDRV (QJU~~N "l\llAT FOR TASTE @l A fOOD FOR lit~\'\\\

TONY'S DAIRY QUEE 374 So. Robert at Colorado

Compliments of



Evenrude Outboard Motors 942 So. Robert St. Paul, Minn.


919 So. Robert St.

·'Everything From Nuts To Panes"


Complete Auto Service

Ca. 8-1661 506 So. Smith Ave.


Fully Air Conditioned Classrooms

Globe Business College G. II Approved

Ask for Free Bulletin

23 E. 6th Street St. Paul, Minn. Ca. 4-4378

Leaders in Business Education Since 1885

Minnesota State Bank OF SAl T PAUL


Ca. 2-5531

Member Federal Depo it In urance Corporation

Cherokee Heights Grocery

Ca. 2-1233

880 So. Smith

at Annapolis

St. Paul, Minn.

Best Wishes to the Class of "56"

Easton's ··casual Wear for Suburban Living"

Outfitters for College and Career Girls

Signal Hills Falcon Heights

John M. Frantes & Son Plumbing - Heating - Gas Burners

Ca. 2-8513

114 South Wabasha

Elmer Geiger Farm Equipment

"Serving The Farmer For 30 Years" SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES

St. Paul 7, Minnesota 15 W. Winifred at South Wabasha

Bus. Ca. 4-3997 Res. Ca. 8-1294



Patrons Dr. L. B. Berger en 950 Robert

Congres Cut Price 168 E. Congress

Dutch's Grocery 678 Ohio St.

Future Homemakers of America Humboldt High chool

Frank-Gaston's , D-X erv1ce 190 E. Indiana

G. A. A. Humboldt High chool

Dr. Carl Haedge 42 E. Orme Ave.

Homer G. Heidt Co. 1140 So. Robert

Kriz's Bakery 950 Robert

Library Club Humboldt High chool

B. Mintz Shoe Store 230 E. Fairfield

Dunn's Super Market 426 o. Robert

Compliments of a


Page Little Theater Humboldt High chool

Nelsen and Glewwe 285 W. George

Pep Club Humboldt High School

Riverview Cabinet & upply Co. 405 Waba ha

Russell's Grill 435 So. Robert

Rick's Re taurant 641 o. Smith

ignal Hills Men's & Boy's hop 48 E. Orme

tryker Food Market 581 Stryker Ave.

Todd's Grocery 527 Anita

Tom's Barber Shop 466 So. Robert

F. W. Woolworth ignal Hills hopping Center

Arthur Murray Dance Studio 15 W. 6th Street

Chas. Kopp

Res. Ca. 4-2267 Gene Kopp

Res. Ca. 4-8523

Wm. F. Kopp Construction Company

General Contractors Ca. 8-2351

631 Stryker Ave. St. Paul 7, Minn.