THIS WORLD'S WAR ON FATHERS & FAMILY This World's War on Fathers & Family

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Transcript of THIS WORLD'S WAR ON FATHERS & FAMILY This World's War on Fathers & Family



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Copyright © 2012 Genesis Development West Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This World’s War on Fathers & Family

Renew Your Mind, As the Most High Renews This World..

Volume 4: This Fallen World, Its Plans and Your Children.


KF Ventures

Applied Christianity



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Table of Contents.

Section Chapter Page

Prologue. Preface. The 13th

Amendment to the constitution Today…. 5.

Main Section. Chapter 1. Modern Schools & Lowered Expectations.

Chapter 2. The Courts and Child Protective Services.

Chapter 3. The Trojan Horse Child.

Chapter 4. The End Game.

Summary. Spiritual Warfare in The New Age.

Special. How Is This Massive Mess Paid For?









Addendums A.



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Ephesians 6:12

“Because your fight has not been with flesh and blood, but

with Principalities and the Rulers and The Powers of this

dark world and with wicked spirits which are under


Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)



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Volume 4. This Fallen World, Its Plans and Your Children.

There are now more black men incarcerated than were in slavery in


The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither

slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for

crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist

within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th

Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and

ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

The Emancipation Proclamation. This amendment marked the end of

chattel slavery in the United States of America, right? In one manner of

speaking, yes, but from a broader perspective, not even close. Living



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here amongst this people, we HAVE to become people who examine

the details of any transaction that impacts us. The rule is one thing, but

the “Exception” is what nullifies the rule. It is the exception that we

have to understand and structure our lives and attitudes towards

avoiding. The exception is the trigger that destroys the rule. If we lived

in a sane world, our process would simply be, don’t commit crime and

remain free, but when we start to break down all of the factors that go

into this step, it becomes clear that a war is going on and a plot is in

place to ensure, right away, that this trigger is tripped as soon as it is

able to last a lifetime.

Today, more black men are incarcerated than were held in slavery, back

in 1850. There are more people in the prisons in this country than

there are in the active duty military. Interesting isn’t it? So that means

that there are more people now who are victim to the exception

written in the 13th amendment than were just outright slaves in the

middle of the 1800s. You have to understand, if a young black man is



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convicted of a crime at the age of 18, his life as a free American citizen

is over. The exception wipes out the rule, so this is why the courts want

to know if a person has a prior criminal record. These people HAVE NO

RIGHTS and are eligible to be enslaved or forced into involuntary

servitude. So, how does one hedge the bet, that a certain group of

people will forfeit their rights guaranteed by the 13th Amendment right

after their 18th birthday? This is done at the mental level, by making

“Criminal” and other satanic activity attractive. We covered that in the

last Volume 3-“Our Children”.



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But that is just suggestion. A strong parent can curb this effort and it is

a documented fact that a father in the home will crush this suggestion,

in its place. The next level is to deal with the mental development of

these children. Two things are critical in this stage of life for the target

population: Parents and Schools/ Teachers.

This volume in the series deals with the battle that if fought by Fathers

and parents, in the public schools and directly with the state, regarding

a parent’s right to parent. The fact that a child in Arizona has the right

to drop out of school at the age of 16 is no accident. It is no accident

that children that are at the prime age to engage in crime, sex and

outright rebellion against parents have been sanctioned by the state to

do all of the above. Jan Brewer did not just approve 2000 additional

high security prison beds to be built without a plan. We will discuss

that plan in this volume.



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Chapter 1. Modern Schools & Lowered


My sons have got to be some of the strongest kids I've ever seen. What

I'm learning (that the devil already seems to understand) is that Father

YHWY is raising up a generation of some of his strongest sons and

daughters. One of the generations that comes at the end time. I

remember hearing a message that, painted a picture of the resurrection

of Ha Masciach that stuck with me in my spirit. Our Messiah came out



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of that tomb as the head of a body being birthed and each generation

that followed has its place in that body.

My eldest boy is what the textbooks describe as a strong willed boy.

We've had to get with him early and remain in full court press mode

during his entire career with school. Most folks would call our years of

moving and switching schools, when certain teachers or administrators

moved; a mess and I have to agree that it has been a pain. But the

YHWY to be found in the mess is that He's shown us how and why we

lose so many young black children in the public school system and why



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so many are remanded to special education. For a good number, two

words will describe it. “Low Expectations”. My son spent two years at

a charter school run by one of Phoenix's finest elementary school

education providers.

They operate several different schools all over the valley and their

name is synonymous with high quality curricula and great results from

the student community. This was one of the main reasons we enrolled



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our children. The disastrous mistake that this company made with its

new venture in the inner city didn't have anything to do with location

or funding or even student selection. The mistake that they made was

labeling the school "Low Income". Those two words took a formula that

was wildly successful and a body of families eager to support the

venture and poisoned the minds of the majority of the teaching staff.

People that brought their children to the school, maintain uncommonly

high expectations for their children, both academically and in the

manner that the children carried themselves. The school's expectation

was set by how the school was categorized by the company's

identification system...”Low Income”. As a result, degenerate behavior

in the children was expected by the staff. I was told by staff that my

son had a habit of having outbursts in class and throwing chairs as he

stormed out of the room, not by the teacher directly or by a phone call,

at the point the behavior started, but on a mid-term progress report.

The significance, if it doesn't jump off of the page, is that a pattern of



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behavior was allowed to develop over the course of that evaluation


My son was not alone and at the time we left, the children were

allowed to be (and really, expected to be) disrespectful to adults and

teachers, interrupt class, leave class and display a fundamental

disinterest in learning. It is really not any sort of mystery as to why the

school is behind. A general level of respect must exist in the child, in

order for that child to fully engage. The majority of the teachers that

“REQUIRE” this fundamental level of respect from the students have



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had a great deal of difficulty with the administration and are

systematically removed or remanded to low impact positions within the

staff. So, long story short, the kids cuss, bully and are lucky to learn

anything outside of bad behavior. They disrupt class and talk back to

both parents and teachers. The result of this "hands off" approach is

lower test and homework scores, lower retention and lower rates of

success than what exists at the company’s other schools. What can you

expect in an environment where a teacher can decide that a child must

miss five complete assignments before a call or notice is placed with

the parent? Why is this norm? Because the words "Low Income" set up

a paradigm that also lumps in "Low Expectations", “Lacks Discipline”,

“Lacks Interest”, “Lacks Support from Parents”.



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The end result for the school is that children that come in with high

expectations have their spirits destroyed in the mess. Kids that enter

the school and cause others that have accepted the status quo, to think

about and question their degenerate behavior, are picked on, laughed

at or outright bullied for doing the right things. What the staff

communicates by its inaction is that the behavior, while frowned upon,

is ultimately accepted and that the wills of the offending children are

ultimately stronger than those of the adults. Take this situation of

permissiveness and mix it with the strength of a foot generation child, a



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child that will bear the weight of the entire church of Ha Masciach and

bring us over and you see the reason for my concern as a father.

What I see very clearly is a plot in high places, to spoil good seed. If the

strength of this generation comes from Father YHWY and can't be

broken, even more damage can be done by misguiding this strength

and coddling the worst of these children; the ones that were given the

choice to either straighten up or leave school all together back in my

day. Those bad apples are now cash cows for state funded schools.

The danger that exists for African American boys is not the same as



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other children. Most people descending from African (Hebrew

Israelite) slaves have never read the amendment that outlawed chattel

slavery. A lot of us don't know that the freedom provided by this

amendment is conditional, not absolute. A young black man can be

returned to a state of legalized slavery if convicted of a crime. So when

an educator perpetuates the lie that despot behavior, foul language

and not taking advantage of educational opportunities is the norm and

accepted, they are actually complicit in seeing that child forfeit their

freedom as a young man.

Low or lowered expectations don't somehow endear a student to a

teacher. What it does do is allows a strong child to rebel and makes

that rebellion common. Once that paradigm is set up in the child’s

mind, it follows them into the real adult world. What we can see that

the children can’t (and that the schools don’t seem to care about) is

that “The Real World” sits like a dragon, waiting to devour them as

young adults.



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Revelation 12:3-4

[3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great

red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon

his heads.

[4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast

them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was

ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Low expectations kill. This is not more true than in the lives of young

black men. Schools and the work ethic learned there are essential. The



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monumental and global failure of public schools in this country is

indicative of how this society intends for the life of your children to go.

Only you, fathers and parents, can intervene here and you must do it

even if it means trouble.

If you are a teacher or parent or involved in a child’s life somehow,

remember what is at stake. If you are a parent, then guide. If you are a

teacher, then teach. Do this from “Truth”, not from the politics of

labels. The people that suffer, from all of this silliness, represent our

future, the future of this world and the future of the family unit. Not

demanding better from our schools because of work constraints or how

the school talks about not having this or that is a forfeiture of our rights

as parents. We, who are in the Word, understand the bigger picture of

what is planted in our children, by expecting too little of them.



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Schools are becoming a place where a child’s values are being given to

them instead of their minds being developed. Teachers with “Wisdom”

are being replaced with philosophers, who are more interested in

building the next generation’s world view than educating.



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The Value of Father YHWY, Most High in Schools.

Another disturbing trend in the schools is the war being waged on

recognition of the Most High. It is one thing to say “No Religion”. It is

quite another for pagan teachers to push atheistic values on children

studying under them. Greek and Roman “Mythology” IS actually

“Religion”, pagan religion. It is sold to us as stories and legends, when

in fact its origins are very much biblical and satanically so. If the

history, of Zeus and the gods of Mt. Olympus, is traced back to its

inception, we find out in very short order that the religious practices of



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the Greeks and Romans come from the first Babylonian Empire. The

Babylonian Mystery Religion based its top deity on the sun, which is the

banner of both Zeus and Jupiter. The religious practices of the pagans

are taught to your children as harmless myths and you are never made

aware that your children are learning the religion of Nimrod, the king of

the giants (angelic and human hybrids, Genesis 6) and the first post-

flood anti-messiah.

In our case, this devil worship was being taught to children right on the

campus of an African-American, Baptist Mega-Church. Kindergarten



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children were run through ritual sacrifice as their teachers instructed

them to select the Greek god that they felt they most closely

resembles, placed their name on a paper drawing of the demon god

and stuck the sheets on the classroom door. So not only were the

children subjected to treatment typical of low achieving, “Low Income”

school, but these “Staff” members also got hundreds of Hebrew

Israelite children, for several hours a day, to train up on how and why

they should reject Father YHWY, Most High. This matter was brought

to the attention of the Senior Pastor, but $40,000.00 per month was his

price to sacrifice our children in this way.



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These same values are being taught in public schools as well. It is

almost like these anti-messianic values carry more weight in school

curriculums than Math, Reading and actual History. Rebellion and

apathy are the strongest lessons taught to our children in the public

and “Low Income” school settings. These values show up at home as

the child acts out in a rebellious fashion and causes conflicts with the

parents and we have to understand, these conflicts are key and critical

to the ultimate plan for your child’s middle and high school years.



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Chapter 2. The Courts and Child Protective Services.

Imagine for a moment, you are a strong, dedicated husband and father;

a father that follows the ways of the Most High and honors the

commitment that Father YHWY placed in fathers and you are prepared

to raise your children. Now you’d better know that you are public

enemy #1 to Satan’s plans for the next generation. Now it’s time to

understand that there is a state funded group of individuals, with

almost full legal immunity and almost limitless authority to fight against

you. This group is Child Protective Services. Why are you their enemy?



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It would seem that your mission is the same as theirs and that they

would show up when a good man failed or wasn’t present. Not so.

You are CPS’s enemy because if you execute your responsibility

properly, there is no need to have the state funded version of that face

of the father. So by finding and removing you, they ensure that they

will live on. They do this by destroying any image of the proper family

and the person to person influence of a properly balanced child. You

see, the construct of the Family is under attack from all directions and

at all levels, starting with the poisoning of the woman’s mind. As

discussed in the previous chapter and volume 3, the first part of this

attack is subtle. It starts at the destroyed responsibility of men ending



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at the rebellion of the children, but when all of these efforts fail, this

ends the subtle attack all together. When Child Protective Services

comes into a situation where an uncommonly rebellious child is dealt

with by a father, their mission is not changing the child’s behavior or

getting the child back on track. Their mandate is the complete removal

of the father.

We will talk about why that is in the next chapter, but what we want to

point out here is the net effect of such a removal. The effect that they

are going for in this circumstance is well known on college campuses

and originates in ancient Greece.



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Satan’s Ultimate Plan, As Described by Plato.

Now, Plato was originally looking for justice, but justice does not appear in the list of virtues. The

answer is that justice applies to them all in the sense of their organization. Reason (and the

philosophers) should be in control, with the help of spirit (and the warriors). The philosophers and the

warriors are thus the "Guardians" of Plato's ideal state. This does not seem like a familiar sort of

definition for justice, but the result, Plato says, is that each interest is satisfied to the proper extent, or,

in society, everyone has what is theirs. The philosophers have the knowledge they want; the warriors

have the honors they want; and the commoners have the goods and pleasures they want, in the proper

moderation maintained by the philosophers and warriors. The root of all trouble, as far as Plato is

concerned, is always unlimited desire.

John E.E.D. Acton, or Lord Acton (1834-1902) famously said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute

power corrupts absolutely." Even Plato was aware of this and that commoners might be envious of the

power of the Guardians, desiring it for themselves so as to obtain greater goods and pleasures. Thus

Plato proposes a set of rules for his Guardians that would render their position undesirable to the


1. The Guardians must live in poverty, with any possessions they

do have held in common. The very things, then, that mean the

most to the commoners will be denied to the rulers. Historically,

the precedent for something like this was Sparta, though the

Spartans didn't go quite this far. This does seems to be the first

serious proposal in political history for something like complete



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communism, though it does only apply to the Guardians. It

doesn't seem like a bad idea even today to apply to politicians.

2. The Guardians will even have their families in common. Children

will be raised in common and will not know who their real

parents are. These children will also not be randomly conceived.

They will be bred deliberately to produce the best offspring, as

though the Guardians were a pack of hunting dogs. Even Plato

realizes that such cold blooded match making might be too

much for the Guardians, so he proposes that the process be

kept secret from most of them. Every year, after the breeding

committee, or whatever, secretly makes its choices, there is to

be a kind of fertility festival. Everyone chooses names by lot,

and the name they draw, or no name, is the choice of the gods

for them. This is the kind of thing that Plato calls a "noble lie";

for the lottery is to be rigged by the breeding committee.

Everyone will actually draw the name designated for them; and

those who draw a blank were simply thought undesirable for

offspring. The idea that people should be bred just like animals

is usually called "eugenics" (eu, "well," and gignomai, "come

into being" or "born") and was popular early in this century; but

the only regime that has tried to formally implement eugenics

was Nazi Germany. So it is not surprising that Plato thought this

should all be kept secret.

3. After two fairly disturbing proposals, Plato gets to one that is

more congenial. At the beginning of Book V Adeimantus brings

to Socrates's attention his casual remark that wives and children

will be held in common by the Guardians, which makes it seem

as though women are going to be Guardians along with the

men. Socrates says that he hesitated to make an issue out of it,

but that, yes, there will be women Guardians. Women have all

the same parts of the soul and so all the same interests, virtues,

and personality types as men. Since children will be raised in

common, individual women will not be burdened with the task

of child rearing and will be free to take their places in their



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proper occupations along with the men. If the warrior women

are not as strong as the men, then they may not be at the

forefront of the battle, but they should be at the battle. This

equality even extends to athletics, which is somewhat shocking,

since Greek athletes went naked. Words like "gymnasium" and

"gymnastics" both derive from gymnos "naked." The Greeks

rather prided themselves on not thinking that it was shameful or

ridiculous to go naked, as all the "barbarians," their neighbors,

thought. But Socrates says that nothing is ridiculous except

what is wrong, and that in time people would get used to naked

women athletes just as at one time they got used to naked men.

This all, of course, has not come entirely true, since no athletes

go naked today. But the male and female nude torso statues

that were installed in front of the L.A. Colosseum at the time of

the 1984 Olympic Games do reflect Plato's version of the Greek

ideal of physical beauty.

4. The last rule is not just for the Guardians. Plato realizes that

even with his breeding program, there will be children born to

the Guardians who do not belong there. That is especially likely

when we realize that it is not intelligence that distinguishes

Plato's philosophers but the dominance of a particular kind of

interest. Anyone dominated by desire, however intelligent,

belongs among the commoners. There will also be children born

to the commoners who belong among the Guardians, and so

there must be some way to sort everyone out. That will be a

universal system of education. A very large part of the Republic

is about education. Those who go all the way in that system and

will be qualified to be the philosopher rulers will actually be

nearly fifty before they have finished all the requirements --

although this does sound like a saying of the T'ang dynasty, that

"One who becomes a chin-shih [ , a doctoral graduate or

"presented scholar" of the Chinese examination system] at fifty

is still comparatively young." The Chinese system is in traditional



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societies perhaps the institution closest to what Plato imagined

for the Guardians -- with some of the negative effects, such as

the dynamics of bureaucracy, that we might anticipate from

Plato's vision.

Now, this vision of the “Guardians” or in this application, the “Servants”

of the rich, may seem a bit far fetched when compared to life in

America today. I can tell you it is far fetched to some and very much a

reality for others. When you observe the net effect of the entitlement

system, the results are very similar to what you see described above.

Single mothers who are literally not allowed to marry a man, because

of the benefits they receive; many of these same women entertaining

multiple men for business purposes. The children are actually raised

by the state because the state either instructs the mother on raising

these children or takes the children into custody, via CPS. I would not

have believed that such a document was in existence and even more

that that, that our “Best and Brightest” minds are being trained to

believe that such an existence is a viable one for any segment of this

society. The truth is that my experience with the state and CPS has

shown me that not only does it exist, but state judges, prosecutors,



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defense attorneys and CPS agents actively work to undermine and

destroy marriages under the guise that an involved father is ultimately

bad for the children.

The fact is that the involved father is bad for their business and more of

these types of fathers means progressively less and less for these

people to day. Money. This world’s idol becomes the justification to

create extremely volatile and harmful home lives for children and

families of a specific class.



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Chapter 3. The Trojan Horse Child.

As I write this, January 2013 marks the 13th month that I have been out

of my home for spanking my eldest boy. The incident, as it is called by

the State of Arizona, came after years of lying, hiding homework,

refusing to turn in homework, six separate schools before his 8th grade

year and finally, five separate suspensions within a two week period at

the last non-public school we could get him in….not to mention that he

was to be kicked out of that school also. Needless to say a hard reboot



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to his operating system was necessary. About 60 days later, at the

school Christmas concert, my wife and I were met by Child Protective

Services. Long story short, I was given a choice of either having all of

our children taken out of our home or leaving the home myself, which

was really no choice at all. I left for an initial term of 6 months. This

term was stretched out another month and then another 4 to 8 months

potentially. Now, this to me seemed a bit excessive BUT it would be

well worth it if my son realized how his behavior affected his family, his

father, his mother, his brothers and sisters and himself. It seems one

out of six is what I got. You see, my eldest son finally spoke up at the

second hearing to say that he really wanted his dad home, in time for

his 13th birthday. Not because he felt any remorse or because he was

going to change anything having to do with his behavior, but because

he wanted to make sure that his 13th birthday went well. It seemed

that no one in the courtroom outside of my wife and I really grasped

the depth of what the boy said or the level of detachment that it

indicated. As I thought on the whole litany of this process, it dawned



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on me that “Yes they did grasp it” and the “It” or the “Problem” was

being fed throughout the whole 13 months.

The Trojan Horse Child is the doorway into your home, for state

agencies. This is a child that is simply never satisfied with anything or

has no real appreciation for the sanctity of his or her home privacy.

Today, these children are approached at a young age and pumped for

information about what is going on in their homes. The kid has no clue

what is actually going on when these grown-ups initiate these sorts of

conversations with them, but add to that naivety a rebellious hard-

headedness, and you have a problem. The “Anything” that the state



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employs could include gifts, praise (even when it is not deserved),

resources, celebration time, disguised drug education or courses on

acceptable parental behavior, but especially attention. This particular

child stands out because his or her selfishness allows them to totally

detach themselves from the things that they do to get their way and

the harm those things cause. This child’s selfishness becomes a black

hole at the core of a family and he or she sucks all of joy out of the

most basic celebrations or periods of praise for other children in the

home. A parent sensitive to this tendency can move to correct it early

on, but more obstinate children’s tendencies can lead to aggravated

conflict with the parent. The nature of the conflicts almost dare the

parent to punish this child, almost as though they know that punishing

them means punishing the whole house at some level. The obstinacy of

this child can be mistaken for strength, but it is quite the opposite. This

child becomes a Trojan Horse because his or her need for attention

trumps good sense. As such, this child will run off at the mouth without

discernment or a good idea of what the consequences of his or her



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babbling will entail. State agencies make big money by creating and

nurturing Trojan Horse children. When the state enters the home, the

strategy is to feed this child to keep him or her friendly and continually

babbling. Hebrew (so called African American) parents have a belief

about a child not getting into grown folks conversations (Wisdom of

Sirach). The Trojan Horse child is drawn to conversation with adults

without any sort of discernment or care about what the parent is

attempting to protect them from.

• The first step for state agencies is to get this child to believe that

the conflict had nothing to do with them. The conflict was all

the fault of the parent or teacher and the child should feel no

remorse about the pattern of behavior that led up to the


• The second step is to have the embattled parent to admit

before the child that it was not his or her fault but the parent’s

bad judgment.



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• Next and more sinister is to have the siblings in the home also

submit to the Trojan Horse child and ask them not to show any

form of contempt for the child or his or her behavior.

It works out ultimately to be one of the most wicked form of mind-

bending and spiritual torture imaginable as children who are in order

are made to acknowledge a lie about the child that is out of order and

to perceive their parents as wrong (whose rules and authority they

trust and base their lives on). This causes the child that is in order to

question how they go about trusting and obeying their parents and in

this way, the Trojan Horse Child indoctrinates the other children in the


In short, what state agencies do is find dysfunctional children, remove

the head of the home and place the home under the whims of the

dysfunctional child. In our case, both my wife and I were given

retraining courses for parents and psychological exams. I had to take

an anger management course and also several months of parenting



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courses. My wife received six months the first time and another six

months the second.

There were state workers in and out of our house for the better part of

two years and still, today, as I write this chapter, the state has not lifted

one finger to modify the behavior of this particular child. So out of 6

people in the home, the 5 that were stable in the home were

consistently caused to question their own stability, while the unstable

element was not only not addressed in any way, but was enabled to

wax even stronger in the negative behavior. In the latest round, this



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particular child (now 13) got into an argument with his seven year old

brother, screaming at the top of his lungs and trying to take a paper

man he’d made by snatching at the smaller boy. This took place in the

kitchen while dinner was being prepared. I intervened and spoke firmly

to you my son, stopping this behavior and reprimanding him for not

considering his surroundings. I went further to say that he needs to

stop the behavior and that I did not want to hear anything further

about him continuing in the behavior. The new case aid, that had only

visited the family one time before informed me that “My facial

expression was too strong and that I might have scared, the Trojan

Horse Child”. I was amazed. So, this 13 year old’s behavior, after over

a year, was still not a factor in anything that the state has implemented.

The aid completely disregarded the disregard the Trojan Horse had for

a child half his age, who he put into danger, by wrestling with him in a

kitchen, where a hot stove was in use.



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As of today, this boy still lies and is still oblivious to his part in where

the family is today. As of today, the second day in the school year of

2012-2013, this boy is still engaging in avoidance behaviors where

chores and homework are concerned. These avoidance behaviors are

the root cause to basically every conflict and spanking this child has

ever received. As parents, are we supposed to believe that the state’s

inability to see and move on the root cause of the problem is just an

accident? I think not. The Trojan Horse Child is being manipulated in a

very Hitler’s Youth type fashion today. My children have come home

and told us about CPS showing up at their schools and throwing parties

with candy and soda, with the main theme of the party being

instruction on how to call on parents who discipline or even raise their

voice at the child. As a result of one such “Party” my seven year old

now walks around talking about “Crack” and “Cocaine”. This is a direct

result of a class held by the school to tell them that “Crack” and

“Cocaine” are “Bad”. It would seem to me that if these “Educators”

thought either thing was actually bad, they wouldn’t want their



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existence to be in the mind of the child. Was this an error of judgment?

I don’t think so. I know this because my wife and I were not notified

that this “Class” was going to be given to our seven year old. The fact

that this was not announced tells me that the school was not looking to

educate, but identify the “Educated”. What I mean by that is that if any

child taking the course were to say “I know what that is”, we know that

CPS would be given another paying client to terrorize. These things are

not coincidences. Couple this with the act of coddling Trojan Horse

Children once in the home and you have a very nasty trap for strong

fathers and mothers alike.



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The State of Arizona is actively engaged in creating a psychopath that

my wife and I get to feed on a daily basis. It is one of the most deeply

wicked and Satanic things I have ever witnessed in my 42 years of life.

The “Process” is intended to teach the child that they have “No

Responsibility” and that any feeling of remorse or guilt is something

that they should not have. The state attempts to force parents into

prostrating themselves before this particular child and to do this in the

sight of the other children who maintain the order and respect of their

home and parents. This pushes the Trojan Horse child towards



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soullessness and the remaining children into rebellion. And we wonder

why these children are crazy? This process is “INTENDED” to produce

psychopaths as there really is not another logical outcome of employing


2 Timothy 3

King James Version (KJV)

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,

proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,

incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of

Father YHWY;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from

such turn away.

6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive

silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the


These are the people who are in power and come into your homes.

These values are what they intend to teach your children.



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Dealing with a “Trojan Horse” child is going to be difficult. Because the

times are perilous, dealing directly with the child is not advised. This

child will have to be isolated and placed into either a military school or

a section of your family that can enforce a structured environment.

Spiritually, it is critical to make sure that this child is steadily fed the

word of Father YHWY. I don’t mean the watered down, “For-Profit”

church version either. This is a child that will need to understand that

their rebellion places their immortal soul in danger and opens them up

to other demonic activity. The Word will become the only line of



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defense for this child’s mind and ultimate grip on reality, because

really, what the powers-that-be want is for the child to lose a grip on

YHWY’s law and sensitivity for sin and disrespect.

In our case, Satan and his minions had to take a Prozac! After being

allowed to come home, the state came up with another reason for our

family to be split up again. My son stood immediately and said “He”

would leave to protect his family. I still have a tough time getting him

to do his chores, but the word of our Father is in him and he will grow

into a defender of his people, his family and the word of his creator.




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Chapter 4. The End Game.

Have any of you ever wondered why the FDA does what it does, where

it does it? I know I’m odd, but I’m curious as to whether or not it struck

anyone else as strange that this federal agency regulates food and then

drugs. The most logical explanation would be that the agency regulates

things that we ingest. That’s logical right? But then there are things

like “Restless Leg Syndrome” or RLS.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move

one's body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations.[1]

It most commonly affects the legs, but can affect

the arms, torso, and even phantom limbs.[2]

Moving the affected body part modulates the sensations,

providing temporary relief.

RLS sensations could be pain, an aching, an itching or tickling in the muscles, like "an itch you can't

scratch" or an unpleasant "tickle that won't stop", or even a "crawling" feeling. The sensations typically

begin or intensify during quiet wakefulness, such as when relaxing, reading, studying, or trying to


In addition, most individuals with RLS have limb jerking during sleep, which is an objective

physiologic marker of the disorder and is associated with sleep disruption.[4]

Some controversy



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surrounds the marketing of drug treatments for RLS. It is a "spectrum" disease with some people

experiencing only a minor annoyance and others experiencing major disruption of sleep and significant

impairments in quality of life.[5]

Source: Wikipedia

Why is RLS significant, other than the fact that it is a new “disorder”?

Because there are pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed for it and

even a Foundation, a lot like breast cancer or any other deadly disease.

Those aren’t huge deals either, but the fact that this “Disorder” is

caused by food additives (neurotoxins), is a huge deal. Why is it a huge

deal? It is a big deal because it is the FDA that allows food producers to

put the additives into the food to begin with. Then on the other side,

the same agency approves the drugs to treat the condition; conditions

that would not exist if the FDA was actually interested in protecting the

public, and simply banned the use of the additive. Curious, isn’t it?

The End Game for this lunacy that goes on in the public schools, in

concert with CPS, is very similar to the example I provided above. A

child is taught all kinds of craziness in elementary, middle and high

school. The expectations are kept unnervingly low, bad attitudes and



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work ethics are nurtured and encouraged. This is done this way so that

the child leaves his or her home as a young adult, detached from an

actual reality and the thought process that the state government is

their friend. The child never appreciates that “They” are now the adults

that the state agencies will target, exactly like their parents were

targeted. Their mindset is selfishness and depending upon how serious

the case is, the young adult could involve themselves in criminal

activity. They are much more likely to do this if they are not taught

right and wrong in the home, by the parent. They are even more likely

to engage in this activity if the state enters the home and allows the

child a choice outside of the will of the parent.



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The logical end for this child is the corrections system. Right now in

Arizona and in many other states, governors are investing vast sums of

money in CPS Programs and Prisons (Food…Cause the problem,

Drugs….Fix the problem).

Private prison corporations are some of the hottest stocks trading on

the US Stock Exchange right now. Why is that? First and foremost,

states are incented “Heavily” to outsource inmate management to



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private companies, even though private prisons cost more to operate.

Most of Jan Brewer’s lobbies are private prison contractors.

But if what the states pay these corporations is not incentive enough,

we need to think about the introduction. Private prisons are now some

of the most sought after sources of cheap labor by billion dollar

corporations on the planet. It should actually cause a little vomit to rise

up in the back of your throat. Right now, there are more black men in

prisons than were held in slavery in the 1800’s. This fact brings us back

to the 13th amendment and the exception more-so than the rule. Our

media here in the US is very tough on China and Russia for it’s

enslavement of people and child labor, but the Unites States of America

has more people imprisoned than anyone else on the planet and you

should expect this trend to continue. The United States is $16 Trillion

in debt and the interest on the debt now exceeds the GDP (the amount

of money generated by the US economy in a year is now less than the

amount of interest generated on the debt), so there is no way that this



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debt gets paid. Prisons and prison labor will be the only thing that the

governments have as a resource to get anything done.

So, what you see in the schools and with CPS is the preparation for the

endgame. Your children are being prepped for this reality by the

schools, the courts and CPS. They are intentionally being dumbed

down and indoctrinated into laziness and apathy. It is not an accident

that instead of struggling with a kid to show them the value of

independent work and study, that many public schools have simply

done away with homework.



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In my situation, my three elder children wrote letters to the courts

about how they felt about the state’s treatment of our family. The

immediate response was to accuse my wife of writing the letters. Why

is that? These state representatives have gotten into the habit of

handling families that they have broken with this construct. When they

happen across people in the wrong zip code that are not broken, they

don’t know how to handle those people. The case worker assigned

literally got upset by the order that existed in our home. A 6 month

intervention turned into an 8 month intervention, which then turned

into a 14 month intervention. After 3 different third party social service

groups reported the same things to CPS, the DA and the Guardian Ad-

Litem (the attorneys for the children), that our family was very stable



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and no presence was needed in the home, these folks asked for

another 90 days to be in our home.

People who don’t see the entire picture might get frustrated with the

abuse. We give these institutions and the people who represent them

way too much credit and we still think like sheep. My message to any

person dealing with CPS and the state is simple…. “Believe Your Eyes”

and “Trust Your Spirit”. YES… These people are pure evil… YES… They



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intend to enrich themselves somehow, by what they are doing to you

and your children.

I will leave you with that. Believe It!



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The real issue here folks is that we don’t have a real appreciation for how ancient this

struggle is or how high the powers that are involved reach. This kingdom has thrived

since Rome and slavery as we know it started with the destruction of Jerusalem. We

get hung up on the fact that we built this country, but we don’t understand the depth.

We build Egypt. Our ancestors built the colesium and major parts of Rome. Slavery,

based upon the curse of our Father YHWY, is what we as a people do. The

descendents of the Greeks, Germanics and Romans more willingly accept the truth

than those who have been victimized and are still under vicious attack.

Slavery, as in one man’s labor aimed at the enrichment of another, never ended. It

was never Abraham Lincoln’s intention to raise slaves to equality with European

citizens regardless of how “Hollywood” tries to portray it. The exception to the 13th

amendment and the exploitation of the loop-hole since its passing are proof of this

fact. The question to be asked is “Why don’t you see it”? Hasn’t the government

made it plain enough (even more so now that Barack Obama is president), that their

intention is to continue to capitalize on the creation of mindless slaves? It has done

this since the Roman Empire and the creation of the Catholic Church. The methods

have become more and more subtle, which is how the character of the serpent was

described in Genesis. One of the books removed from the approved canon of the

bible was the Wisdom of Solomon. The second chapter made very plain the minds of



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those who are the creators of the construct that destroys and imprisons your children.

The chapter is below:

• Wis 2:1 For the unrighteous said, reasoning with themselves, but not aright,

Our life is short and tedious, and in the death of a man there is no remedy:

neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.

• Wis 2:2 For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though

we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and a little

spark in the moving of our heart:

• Wis 2:3 Which being extinguished, our body shall be turned into ashes, and

our spirit shall vanish as the soft air,

• Wis 2:4 And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our

works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud,

and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away with the beams of the

sun, and overcome with the heat thereof.

• Wis 2:5 For our time is a very shadow that passeth away; and after our end

there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man cometh again.

• Wis 2:6 Come on therefore, let us enjoy the good things that are present:

and let us speedily use the creatures like as in youth.

• Wis 2:7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower

of the spring pass by us:

• Wis 2:8 Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered:

• Wis 2:9 Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness: let us leave

tokens of our joyfulness in every place: for this is our portion, and our lot is


• Wis 2:10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow,

nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

• Wis 2:11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is

found to be nothing worth.

• Wis 2:12 Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because he is not for

our turn, and he is clean contrary to our doings: he upbraideth us with our

offending the law, and objecteth to our infamy the transgressings of our


• Wis 2:13 He professeth to have the knowledge of Father YHWY: and he

calleth himself the child of the Most High.

• Wis 2:14 He was made to reprove our thoughts.

• Wis 2:15 He is grievous unto us even to behold: for his life is not like other

men's, his ways are of another fashion.



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• Wis 2:16 We are esteemed of him as counterfeits: he abstaineth from our

ways as from filthiness: he pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed,

and maketh his boast that the Most High is his father.

• Wis 2:17 Let us see if his words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in

the end of him.

• Wis 2:18 For if the just man be the son of YHWY, he will help him, and deliver

him from the hand of his enemies.

• Wis 2:19 Let us examine him with despitefulness and torture, that we may

know his meekness, and prove his patience.

• Wis 2:20 Let us condemn him with a shameful death: for by his own saying

he shall be respected.

• Wis 2:21 Such things they did imagine, and were deceived: for their own

wickedness hath blinded them.

• Wis 2:22 As for the mysteries of God, they knew them not: neither hoped

they for the wages of righteousness, nor discerned a reward for blameless


• Wis 2:23 For Father YHWY created man to be immortal, and made him to be

an image of his own eternity.

• Wis 2:24 Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world:

and they that do hold of his side do find it.

A close inspection of this chapter of scripture and the understanding

that it was intentionally removed because it explains the character of

those who hold power in this world will aid all of us in understanding

what we are up against. It describes the mind of those who would

destroy a family, steal billions of dollars, wage unjust wars and even

commit genocide. We as people need to keep this scripture in our

hearts and understand who we share this world with. This scripture

should remain in mind when dealing with people about our children’s

education and general mindset. Remember, Powers in “High” Places.



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A Prayer for Parents and Families….

Father YHWY, Most High…. Strengthen us! Father keep our minds and our spirits

fixed upon you and your works, because the works of this world, all of them, are

wicked and based in Satan’s evil plans…. We are your people who have gone out as

sheep amongst the wolves…. We ask for YOUR eyes father, so that we might see this

world for what it is…. Give us the eyes to see this world and the ears to hear the truth

about what we see…. Father heal our spirits and our souls so that we can

comprehend the enormity of what has transpired against those who would live a

peaceful life….. Father give us the spirit to stand for our children!

Bless the reader of this book Father….. Allow them to taste of the wisdom that they

have sought out by reading Your words….. We have come to the end of this kingdom

Father, open the eyes of the masses…. Open their eyes Father, if it be your will…..

Show them Father, what this world intends with this wickedness and Father raise up

your preachers and your end time church….. Give the parents the skill and wisdom to

raise up one of the 144,000!

These things we ask in the name of our MessiYah and King! These things we ask in

the name of Yahoshua Ha Masciach, our savior and the ruler of this world, we

pray……HalleluYah, HalleluYah, Hallelu-YaHWeY! Let It Be!!

Servant…. Minister D.L. Williams



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Credits and Thank you’s:

Yahya Bandele – COFAH Network.

Rev. Glenn Dennard – Family of Faith Ministries

Rev. John Haddix – Macadonia Baptist Church

Mrs. Yelisa S. Williams – Applied Christianity

Ms. Marjorie Renfro – Applied Christianity

Chike Akua – Imani Enterprises.



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New Books and Series (Available on CreateSpace and Amazon):

The Corruption and Planned Destruction of YHWY’s Creation. The way you find the world today is no accident. Many books outlining what you see today were

removed from your bible. Let’s take a look at the history of this world from the full context of the

“Missing” scriptures and you will see. What has happened in the world is no deep dark mystery

but is based in the same rebellion witnessed in the garden.

Recessionproof:Remembrance. Do you remember how your felt in 2008-2009? Do you feel the same now? Personally, I’m a

different person than I was then and I now know more about the political system than I cared to.

Remembrance is a walk back through 2009, a word on our present and a prayer for our future.

The Recessionproof Way: Vol. 1-Get your mind right!

This series covers the fulfillment of Romans 12:2, renewing of our minds, as it

happened in my life. I walk through the importance and the process of finding

and walking in your purpose AND how that walk changes your very existence.

This World’s War on Fathers and Family. Vol. 1-Our Women

Fathers, the epitome of manhood, are at war with this world. This series looks

at this war from different angles and based on who is fighting against the

father. Volume one deals with the person closest to us, Our Women.

Understand your mission as a father and a man better. Understand what she’s

fighting through also. You may be surprised.

This World’s War on Fathers and Family. Vol. 2-Your Marriage is a 3-Way

Fellowship Volume 2 takes a look at our marriages today. The deception in the garden does not stop with the

woman and the man, but also seeks to infect the Father's most sacred union! As believers, we

must be diligent in our efforts to maintain healthy marriages because we are the role model for

godly relationships. Know your enemy!

This World’s War on Fathers and Family. Vol. 3-Our Children, Health and Pop


Volume 3 deals with our children and how this world, through suggestion,

chips away at a child’s system of values and sanity. Many things are going on

and passed off as “Normal”. As parents, we must confront this suggestion and

protect our children’s spirits.



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Be blessed!

K.F. Ventures-Minister D.L. Williams