The Effect of Cooperative Learning through Alphabet Method ...

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(An Experimental Research)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teaccher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of education in English Department










R4- Nrmber




The Effect of Cooperative Learning through Alphabet

Method to Enrich the Seventh Grade Students' Basic

Vocabulary of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

{An Experiment*l Researc h)


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EnglishrF.ducation Departrnent Strata 1 (Si)

Teacher Ttxining and Edu,eation

trV$akassar,-:. Novernber 2016


Consulta*if I

Qrt-.-*uo*i tnstitusi


Consultant II

Head of EnglishEducation Depa





:.t:::- 3ias nama SUARIU SUARDI, NIM 10535 5196 12 diterima dan disahkan oleh

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ffinm;r lXt Tahun 1438H12A16 M, tanggal 26Mvhar::am 1438 lll27 aktober 2016 M,

@ ii:: saru syarat guna mernperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Jurusan

ft661r* r;- 3ahasa Inggris .,$hl<ultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitasrhtrf,rur: ,' ", - \lakassar.@i @rd;SBnin tanggal l4 Novercb er 2016.

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Dr.'E#i:Abdul Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M" (.........

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t. il.{&p{hrun Amin, MJIum.

ry'MitdiS.Pd.,M.pd.3. Dr. Syamsiama Nappu, M.pd.

4. Dr. Abd Muin, M.Hum.





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C I Terakreditasi lnstitusi







Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawa ini:

Nama : Suarni Suardi

Nim : 10535 5296 12

Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Judul Skripsi : The Effect of Cooperative Learning Through AlphabetMethod to Enrich the Seventh Grade Students’ BasicVocabulary of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto.(An Experimental Research)

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Demikianlah pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi

apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, September 2016Yang membuat perjanjian

Suarni Suardi





Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawa ini:

Nama : Suarni Suardi

Nim : 10535 5296 12

Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, September 2016Yang membuat perjanjian

Suarni Suardi

Motto and Dedication

“ Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan, maka apabila engkau telah

selesai dari sesuatu urusan, tetaplah bekerja keras untuk urusan yang lain, dan

hanya kepada Allah, hendaklah engkau berharap.

(Qs. AsySyarh: 6-9)

Working without praying, will be nothing prayingwithout working are empty dreams. Believe that Godwill always open the blessing door.



SUARNI SUARDI, 2016. English Department the Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation, Makassar Muhammadiyah University. The Effect of Cooperative LearningThrough Alphabet Method to Enrich the Seventh Grade Students Basic Vocabulary AtSMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto (An Experimental Research) Under superior SyamsiarnaNappu and M. Astrianto Setiadi.

This research aimed at finding out students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of accuracy(noun, verb, adjective and adverb) by using Alphabet method. What the effect of cooperativelearning through alphabet method to enrich basic vocabulary the seventh grade stdunts atSMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto. This research used a pre-experimental research. Theresearcher conducted a treatment for 8 meetings at the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 2Bontoramba, Jeneponto. The population of this study is the seventh grade students’ of SMPN2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto in the academic year of 2016/2017. Total purposive sampling. Theinstrument used pre-test and post-test with the multiple choice and fill in the blank test. Thefindings indicated the achievement of the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 2 Bontoramba,Jeneponto was improved after using alphabet method. It was proven by mean score ofaccuracy in terms of vocabulary (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) was pre-test 37.29 andpost-test 55.96. the improvement of the vocabulary was 50.04%. It means that there was t-observed was 316.88 and the t-table 1.706 the result was that t-observed was more than t-table basedon the data above, the writer concluded that, teaching English vocabulary by usingcooperative learning through alphabet method was accepted and it also mean that thealternative hypothesis was accepted because the t-observed was higher than t-table (316.88 >1.706).



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe who has

been giving and blessing the researcher until she could complete this Thesis with

the title ”The Effect of Cooperative Learning to Enrich the Seventh Grade

Students’ Basic Vocabulary of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto”. Peace and

salutation are upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family,

companions and adherents.

This Thesis is presented to the English Department Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah Universit as a partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the Thesis Examination.

This researcher would like to address her thanks and great gratitude to her

consultants Dr. Syamsiarna Nappu, M.Pd and M. Astrianto Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd,

for their time , guidance, valuable helps, correction, and suggestions for the

completion of this thesis and helping to the write as follows:

1. The researcher highest appreciation for the rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University, Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, MM

2. The researcher highest appreciation to Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M.Hum

as the Dean of FKIP Makassar Muhammadiyah University.


3. The researcher apprectiation also is due to Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D as

the head of English Department and and Ummi Khaerti Syam, S.Pd.,

M.Pd as the secretary of English Department.

4. The researcher apprectiation and deepest thankfulness to my beloved

parents Suardi Arlam and Nuraeni you are my best parents. And all of

my family for the attention, support and their love.

5. The last apprectiation also goes to all my friends from class D and

especially for my friends Hj.Erna, Astrid, Uni, Nurhaq, Ratu, Alumni

SMPN 1 Tamalatea, Alumni SMAN 1 Tamalatea and for SMPN 2

Bontoramba thank you very much for your attention that cannot

mentioned one by one. It never been forgotten. Thank you very much

you are my best friend ever.

Makassar, September 2016


Suarni Suardi




TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………………….ii

COUNSELLING SHEET…………………………………………………………………...iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN……………………………………………………………………iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN………………………………………………………………………v

MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………………………..v



LIST OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………..viii

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….………….ix

LIST OF GRAPHICS……………………………………………………………………....xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………1

A. Background……………………………………………………………….………..1

B. Problem Statements………………………………………………………………...4

C. Objectives of The Study……………………………………………………………4

D. Significance of The Study………………………………………………………….4


E. Scope of The Study…………………….…………………………………………..5


A. Previous of Related Research Findings……………………………………………6

B. The Concept of Vocabulary……………………………………………………….8

C. The Concept of Cooperative Learning……………………….…………...20

D. The Concept of Alphabet Method………………………………………...25

E. Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………28

F. Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………29


A. Research Design…………………………………….…………………….30

B. The Variable of The Research………………………………..…………...31

C. Population and Sample……………………………………………………31

D. The Instrument of The Research………………………………………….31

E. Procedure of Data Analysis………………………………………………32

F. Technique of Data Analysis…………………….………………………..34


A. Findings…………………………………………………………………...37

B. Discussion………………………………………………………………...39



A. Conclusion………………………………………………………………..42

B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………………….42







Table 3:1 Design of The Research……………………………………………….…30

Table 3:2 Classification of The Research…………………………………………..35

Table 4.1 Students vocabulary mastery……………………………………………..37

Table 4.2 The t-Test analysis of the students improvement…………………………39




Figure 2:1 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………28

Graphic 4.1 The mean score students vocabulary mastery…………………………..38




A. Background

English is one of the most dominating languages in the world. It is spoken by more

than one billion people as a native or a second language Baugh (2002:176) The role of

English in Indonesia is quite important as it is in many other Asian countries. New

technology and the adoption of the Internet have resulted in a major transition in terms of

business, education, science, and technological progress, all of which demand high

proficiency in English. For example, these days many companies do business and reach

their customers through internet, quite a lot of distance education programs and other

courses are provided by many universities and other educational institutes through internet.

We can get almost all kinds of information from the internet and English is widely used in

all these cases.

Among the four language skills (i.e., reading, writing, listening and speaking)

Vocabulary is so important to mastery that four skills, because when Learn English The

first researcher must controlled vocabulary to enrich that skills. Vocabulary is the total

number of words in a language Hornby (1995: 1331). Vocabulary is an important part to

mastery English well. According to Pigeat’s theory, a child at the age of 7 – 10 years is

always interesting in recognizing and knowing new words, he stands to repeat new words


repeatedly so that he will memorize them. Founds the difficulties in learning English occur

due the fact some of English vocabulary have many students not studying in childhood so

that students are now less able to memorize or remember new vocabulary.

As vocabulary is very important in learn English, many Indonesian learners of

English want to develop their English vocabulary. Vocabulary is central to English

language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others

or express their own ideas. Wilkins (1927:111) wrote that “ . . . while without grammar

very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (111-112).

Furthermore, based on the previous explanation the researcher has observed that at

SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto students are lack of vocabulary. So, Learning English as

foreign language seems easy but some students feel fear. The English teacher should find

out solution by created an efficient and creative technique in teaching English became

difficult to be remembered and forgetting words. Another problem the students did not

want to pay attention when the teacher delivered the material. The students are not

interesting in learning vocabulary and getting bored.

The researcher will make a research by implementing Cooperative Learning to

enrich vocabulary. Because cooperative learning is successful teaching strategy in which

small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning

activities to improve their understanding of a subject.


In Cooperative teams, students with lower levels of proficiency can interact with

students with higher levels in order to negotiate the meaning of content. Cooperative

Learning provides the structure for this to happen. Teachers should consider the question,

“what is the best use of researcher students time”? with approximately thirty students in a

classroom who can interact and negotiate meaning, a teacher needs to take advantage of

this environment for language aquistion. Each member of a team is responsible not only for

learning what is taught but also for helping treatments learn, thus creating an atmosphere of


Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully

understand and complete it. Teachers also need to convince students of three things; those

different intellectual abilities needed, but that each member of the group will have some of

the abilities Cohen 1998:214 (in Johnson & Holubec1991) have established a definition of

Cooperative Learning which identifies five basic elements necessary for a procedure to be

considered cooperative. They have developed an extensive set of worksheets for teachers

and students to use in establishing the five elements are as follows: Positive

interdependence, face to face promote interaction, individual Accountability and

interpersonal and small group skills (Johnson, & Johnson 1989:31-32).

There are many kinds of method in Cooperative learning they are: Alphabet Methode,

Scrabble Game, Number head together, pairs check, the flash card game, team test taking

for practice, round table, three-step interview and etc, in this research the researcher will


apply Alphabet Method because can make English classes fun, cooperative, and exciting.

Therefore, expected with the implementation of the Alphabet Method children will be

interested and motivated to learn English, especially in the mastery of vocabulary.

Therefore, the researcher will conduct a research under the titled The Effect of

Cooperative Learning through Alphabet method to Enrich The Seventh Grade

Students’ Basic Vocabulary. This research will be conducted in the seventh grade

students’ at SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jenepont. In academic year 2016-2017.

B. Problem Statements

Based on the previous background, the researcher formulates the research question

as follow: “ What is the effect of the cooperative learning through Alphabet Method to

enrich the students’ basic vocabulary at SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto?”

C. Objective of The Study

The objectives of this research is to find out: The effect of cooperative learning

through Alphabet Method to enrich the students’ basic vocabulary at SMPN 2

Bontoramba, Jeneponto.

D. Significance of The Study

Theoretically this research support teaching vocabulary, particularly in procedure

vocabulary and to give contribution toward previous many theories were defined by

expert. And Practically, This research can give information to English teacher through

Alphabet Method can be used to influence students vocabulary.


E. Scope of The Study

This research was focused on the Alphabet Method to enrich the students’ English

vocabulary at seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto in academic

year 2016/2017. Alphabet Method is one of the method of Cooperatif learning that

suitable with this study. It will be restricted to the meaning of words. The words mean

here are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverb.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

Many concepts have research factors influence students vocabulary

achievement. Some that researches explained about the vocabulary skill and

development those reseach are as follows:

Andika (2009) in his research, Teaching Englsh Vocabulary Using

Cooperative Learning Strategy At The Second Grade Students Of Junior High

School 1 Cisalakakab Suban found that teaching English by using

Cooperative learning is better than the conventional strategy and was effective

to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The experiment group that got

cooperative games treatment had better score than control group that got

conventional teaching. It shows that making a match games combined with

flascard game are more effective in learning vocabulary that is the ordinary

way of English teaching.

Indriani (2009) in her research, Teaching English Vocabulary Using

Cooperative Learning Method At The Tenth Grade Students Of SMK Harapan

Bangsa Cihampe found that teaching English using cooperative learning is

better than the conventional strategy the experimental group that got

cooperative games treatment had better score than control groups based on the


questionnaire and observation, the writer concludes that learning vocabulary

through games is more interesting and enjoyable for the students.

Hikmawati (2009) in her research, Teaching Vocabulary Using

Analogy Through Cooperative Learning To The Students Of Junior High

School faund That the result shows that way to teach vocabulary using

Analogy, through cooperative learning is divide by three activities. They are

pre teaching, whilst teaching and post teaching. In pre teaching, the teacher

takes several minutes to govern the students to seat on the chairs that have

been rearanged before. After everything was under controlled, then the teacher

asks students to make groups and checks their readiness to start the lesson.

Based on the previous finding above the researcher considers that this

research is different but have a correlation will Andika’s and Indriani’s,

finding their research finding with the effectiveness media in teaching

vocabulary, Hikmawati’s and Indriani’s were different they findings focused

and given more activities to encourage the students motivations and analogy.

While their research focused in developing students’ vocabulary especially in

vocabulary in terms of noun, verb and adjective.

The similarities of the Cooperative learning with the strategies above

is respective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery, and the difference of

Cooperative learning on the Alphabet Method than strategies above is

Alphabet Method more interest to the students to study English because this


strategy is fun and enjoy. This, the students were not borred to study English

and it helped students to categorize the words.

B. The Concept of Vocabulary

1. Definition of vocabulary

According to Carter in Tahir (1997:44) that vocabulary is the concept and

function words of language which are learned so thoroughly that they become a part

of a child’s understanding. Speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is the words

having meaning when heard or understood, eventhough no proceed by the individual

him self to communicate with other.

Vocabulary is “an alphabetical list of the words used in a book, often including

their translation or definition”, Webster (1983: 1989).

Hornby (1994: 1462) says that vocabulary are total number of words, which

(write rule for combining them) make up a language, (Range of) words known or

used by a person in trade, profession, and book containing list of words used in a

book, etc, usually with definition or translation.

Hornby (2000:245) in the Dictionary of current English says that vocabulary

are: (1) all the words that a person knowa or uses, (2) all the words in a particular

language, (3) the words that people use when they are talking, and (4) a list of words

with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language.

Webster in Wahdiah (1996:7) states that vocabulary is a list of words and

sometimes, phrases, usually arranged in alphabets order and defined, a dictionary,

glossary or lexion, all the word used by a particular person, class, profession, etc.


Sometimes, all the words recognized and understood by a particular, although not

necessarily use by him.

Observing all definitions havin been formulated by the expert above, we can

take a conclusion about the meaning of vocabulary. Vocabulary is the meaning of

words or the words used by the speaker of one language to communicate with each

other, no only in speaking but in writing, reading and listening.

2. Types of Vocabulary

Basically, there are two types of vocabulary, namely active and passive

vocabulary. The active vocabulary consist of the word, used in conversation and

writing, while, passive vocabulary consist of the words are not usually points of one’s

speaking vocabulary but which are recognized and understood.

Harmer (1991:195) also divides vocabulary in two types, they are :

a. Active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that the students have learned,

they are expected to be able to use by the students.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to word which students will recognized

when they meet them, but they will produce.

c. According to Nuttal (1983:74) active vocabulary consist of words we

know well enough to use by ourselves, and the passive one is word

we understand approximately, to kind of its utilization active

vocabulary is claimed for the egree of accuracy and fluency, while

passive vocabulary is for unproductive ones.


For furtheir comparison, according to Good (1973:644) states the vocabulary

divided into four kinds, as follows:

a. Oral vocabulary; consist of word actively used in the speech; they are

the words that come nearly to the conversation. The more often the

person has uttered a word the more readily it will come to his/her


b. Writing vocabulary; for the words hat comes really to one’s fingers

vocabulary, it may even happen that a sudent who is more editorially

than visual disposed has a speaking a vocabulary; stocks of words to

which one responds with meaning and understanding in the writing


c. Listening vocabulary is the stocks of word of which one responds with

meaning and understanding in the speech of other.

Reading vocabulary is the stock of that one recognize when he sees them in

print or writing.

Shall in Medarwati (1997:8) stated that every person has three types of

vocabulary, they are:

a. Active vocabulary; the words we customarily use in speaking and

probably run from 5000 to 1000 words.

b. Reserve vocabulary, the words we know but we rarely use them in

writing a letter, we have more time consider or when are as searching

for a synonym.


c. Passive vocabulary, the words we recognize vaguely but are not sure

of the meaning.

3. Vocabulary development

Harmer in Jawariah (2005: 15) defines that vocabulary development can be

defined as the action or act of building up vocabulary or words that the students have,

or it can also be said that vocabulary development is the element of English

vocabulary that is being developed. Besides that, in teaching vocabulary the students

must have some elements of English vocabulary, such as nouns, verbs, and

adjectives. He or she can also develop the students’ vocabulary through many ways,

so words must have a good meaning and the form must suitable with formulation well

in context.

4. Some Strategies in Learning Vocabulary

Many strategies can assist students to develop their vocabulary. Each uses

different strategies in learning new words. Ellis and sindari in Nurmiaty (2008:

13) suggest that:

Strategies that can help learners become more conscious of their own

learning strategies and those of other members of the class.

1. Provide the learner with nine words that they unlikely to know

already, give the five minutes to learn these words. Here is a list of

words that has been use with adult learners at intermediate level.

2. After five minutes, dstract the learners’ attention for a short time by

discussing something different in order to disturb their short term


memory. They task learners to write down as many of words as they

can remember and consider the strategies they use for learning them.

3. Find out who has able to remember the most words. As they can

remember and consider the strategies they use for learning them.

4. Find out who has able to remember the most words emphasize to

learners then in this activity that main focus is on their learning

strategies, rather than on the words themselves.

5. The Classification of The Words

Vocabulary to include of three parts, they are:

a. Verb

1. The following definition of verbs is deriving from several views.

Collin and Herman (1961: 128) explain that a verb is words express

action of states of being. Verbs are action word, the more action can

note, the more power full they are.

2. Swan (1995: 27) explains that a verb is word which can be used with

subject to from basic of closes sentence.

b. Nouns

The determine a noun, first remember the tried and true wisdom that a

noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Second and perhaps a little trickey,

a noun can be an action, let’s be clear here: a noun cannot be an action in

the same way a verb.


c. Adjective

Very simply adjective modify is tall. This means that they may modify

any tall;adjectives are divided into categories as a way of understanding

their purpose.

d. Adverb

Adverbials add more details to a sentence. They tell us how, when, or

where something happened Eastwood (2009: 46). Often an adverbial is an

extra element that could be left out of a sentence, but sometimes it is

necessary to complete the sentence.

Frank (1990: 141) divides adverbs into the following types :

1. Classified by meaning

a. Manner – quickly, neatly, awkwardly. The manner adverb has the

most characteristic adverbial form (a ly ending added to a

descriptive adjective).

b. Place and direction Here, Away, West Among the adverbs of place

and direction may be included some prepositional forms appearing

after the verb He came in; They walked down.

c. Time (definite and indefinite time). Definite time has a fixed

boundary in time yesterday, today, tomorrow. While indefinite

time has no fixed boundary recently, soon.


2. Classified by Function

a. Sentence adverbs. These adverbs often have a loose grammatical

connection with the rest of the sentence, and are looked upon as

modifying the whole sentence rather than the verb fortunately,


b. Conjunctive adverbs. These adverbs establish a relationship

between one sentence or clause and the preceding sentence or

clause. Conjunctive adverbs indicate such relationship as result

(therefore, accordingly), addition (moreover, besides), contras

(however), condition (otherwise), time (then).

c. Explanatory adverbs. These adverbs illustrate or enumerate

(namely, for example, as).

d. Exclamatory adverb how. This adverb is used with adjectives and


According to Ba’dulu (2008:15) that there are two classifications of the words.

1. Traditional of the words classification

There are eight parts of speech, namely :

a. Noun, A noun is the word or word group that names a person, a place,

an idea or a thing (objective, activity, quality, and condition).

b. Pronoun, A pronoun is a word that functions a noun substitute.

c. Verb, a verb is word group that expresses action.


d. Adjective, an adjective is a word group is word that tell a characteristic

or quality of noun pronoun.

e. Adverb, An adverb is word or word group the modifies (characteristic)

a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

f. Preposition, A preposition is a word group that functions to show

meaning relationship between the object (the nominal which normally

follow the preposition) and some other words in the sentence.

g. Conjunction, A conjunction is a word or word group that connects two

sentence components’.

h. Interjection, An interjection is a word or word group that ‘interrupts’

2. New word classification

Fries in Ba’dulu (2008: 19) have classified all English into two divisions:

a. Class words (pats of speech)

The class words consist of four classes; they are (1) class 1 word (noun),

(2) class 2 word (verb), (3) class 3 word (adjective), (4) class 4 on word


b. Function words

Based on the parts of speech they occur with, the function words can be

subdivided into the following groups: (1). Determiners, (2). Auxiliaries,

(3). Intensifiers, (4). Preposition, (5). Conjunction, and (6). Question

words. The determiners are function words covering the articles,

numerals, demonstratives, and possessive pronouns. These determiners


always occur with nouns to form noun phrases. The auxiliaries are the

function words which always occur with verb to from verbs phrases. The

intensifiers are function words which always occur with adjectives and

adverbs to from adjective phrases and adverb phrases. The prepositions

are function word which always precedes nouns or noun phrases to from

the prepositional phrases or the relater-axis. The conjunction are function

words which alwas connect words, phrases or clauses to form coordinate

conjunction. The question words are function words use to from questions,

particularly information questions, namely, question giving further

information to listeners.

6. The Role of Vocabulary in Language Skill

a.Role of vocabulary in reading

According to Salam (2008: 22) Vocabulary is a very important language

component in reading comprehension. A reader will not be able to decide all the

massagers written in the text successfully. By having vocabulary mastery, we can

identify the meaning of certain difficult words of phrases and sentences.

In addition., some words have implicit and explicit meaning depending on

the author’s perception. We can select a word among others to fit on the context. The

implicit meaning of certain words need who has low vocabulary mastery, usually o

pens dictionary, to look up the meaning of certain difficult words. However, he/she

fails to interpret the text appropriately. Abdul (2008: 22). In relation to this Nunan

(2008: 116) noted;


“A word is a single unit that has a meaning and it can come throughout asentence or paragraph to support ideas. While student’s comprehensionsdepend on grasping words meaning of grouping meaning word so that thesentence and paragraph become intelligible”

b. Vocabulary writing, speaking and listening

Salam (2008: 24) states to developing writing skill is relevant to developing

vocabulary mastery. The students can write on a given topic depend on their

vocabulary mastery. Besides that, developing speaking and listening skill are also

relevant to the vocabulary mastery. Then a listener can comprehend the speech well

as long as he known the meaning or words he/she hear.

In English, the teachers usually develop the student vocabulary mastery of

speaking skill by trying to speak English. The student this case will be motivated to

imitate their teacher. This also happens in developing writing and listening skill.

7. What The Students Need to Know About Vocabulary

According to Harmer (1991:156-157) there are four aspects of vocabulary that

the students need to know about it, namely :

1. Word meaning

According to harmer that the first thing to realize about vocabulary item is that

they frequently have more than one meaning. When we came across a wor, and try to

decipher its meaning, we will to lokk at the contex which it is need Harmer



One word may have more than one meaning and the meaning of the words on

the context. Thus, in the teaching vocabulary students should be taught with a variety

of context word to show various meaning.

2. Word use

Harmer say that “what a word means can be changed, stretched or limited by

how it is used and this something students need to know about” Harmer (1991:157).

3. Word formation

Word can change their save and their grammatical value too. Thus, the ‘run’ has

participles ‘running’ and ‘ran’. The participle ‘running’ is as an adjective and

‘ran’ as a noun. Students also need to know how prefixes and suffixes work.

They also need to know how words are spelt and how they sound.

8. Principle of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

There are many principles in teaching and learning vocabulary as follows:

aims, need, situation presentation, meaningful presentation, presenting in context,

inference (guessing) procedure in vocabulary learning, technique in teaching and

learning vocabulary.

Wallace in Mulbar (2002: 55) indicates six principles of teaching and learning

vocabulary such as follows:

a. Aims

In the teaching vocabulary, we have to be clear about our aims how to

explictitly we must decide the vocabulary that we expect the learner to be

able to do.


b. Need

The vocabulary that tough the students depend on the course book or

syllabus but the teacher should consider the aims of the course and the

individual lesson.

c. Situation presentation

The words presented are appropriate to the student’s situation.

d. Meaningful presentation

The students will be clear and specific and understanding of what donates

or refers to his required that the presented in such a way denotation and

references are perfectly clear.

e. Inference (guessing) procedure in vocabulary learning

Inference is also one of the strategies in learning in which the learners are

heard on a practice by using a definite knowledge is clear understanding

the word they learn. The students infer the meaning of words by listening

or reading them using in certain situation.

9. Technique in teaching and learning vocabulary

Similar to Wallace, Allen in Muhbubah (2005:10) classifies the technique in

teaching vocabulary for beginner classes as follows:

a. Let the students look at several words that are introduced in the first year test

book, word representing noun, verbs, adjective and others kinds of words. For

the young learners are emphasized in simple words such as the animals, fruits etc

in noun. Simple verbs that they are usually use in everday, name of colours,


characteristic of person in adjectives and many others that are easy to children


b. Showing the real object.

c. Showing some pictures, especially the pictures the students draw.

d. Definition in sample English, using vocabulary that the students know already.

C. The Concept of Cooperative Learning

1. Definition of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning refers to a set of instructional strategies which includes

cooperative students’ interaction over subject matter as an integral part of the

learning process kagan (1994:11). It’s provides a golden opportunity for students

to acquire social skill in the natural approach and prepare the students with

essential tools for success in work and life. As the students interact in their

cooperative groups, they become skill ful in listening, paraphrasing, taking the role

of the other.

Johnson, Johnson, & Stanne (2000:667-693) summarize that cooperative

learning strategies are widely used because they are based on theory. Validated by

research, and almost any teacher can find a way to use cooperative learning

methods that are consistent with personal philosophies. In a meta-analysis of 158

studies, Johnson & Johnson report that current research findings present evidence

that cooperative learning methods are likely to produce positive achievement



Cooperative learning offers methods to each the whole range of educationl

objectivs more efficiently than traditional methods. Cooperative Learning

methods are structured so that no individual can coast on the efforts of/her

teammates. Learning is individually assessed and students are individually

accountable for their own learning gains. The methods that are offered in

Cooperative Learning are called “strucures”. Structure are the ways of organizing

the classroom, not set or curriculum materials Kagan (1994:5.2). Structure can be

analyses into their components, called elements. An element consists of an action

or interaction occurring within a group size, for example, the structure of “Think-

pair-share” consists of three elements: individual thinks pair discusses, and

individual shares.

Furthermore, in Cooperative Learning, the teacher’s role is as observer and

consultant, not as evaluator or director. The wise teacher knows that good learning

is focused learning. When the students work in teams, the teacher circulates,

monitoring the students’ progress. Responsibility for the task and the learning

remains with the students. Occasionally, if the students are moving down a blind

alley with no possibility of discovering and correcting their error on their own, the

teacher may intervence, but the intervention is usually to make them aware of a

contradiction or some additional resources. If a request from the students is made

for an answer only if the students aware of their own resources, and provides an

answer only if the students could not obtain one on their own.


2. Six Key Concepts of Cooperative Learning

There are six keys concept of cooperative learning that can be implemented by

the teacher successfully, they are as follow:

a. Teams

Team is a group may be of any size, doesn’t necessary have an identity

or endure over time. Cooperative Learning in contrast, has a strong, positive

team identity, ideally consist of four members, and endure over time. There are

four types of Cooperative Learning teams and assorted method to produce


b. Cooperative management

There are a number of management skill necessary in the Cooperative

Management classroom. Cooperative classroom management differs radically

from classroom management in the traditional classroom. In traditional

classroom students do little talking and interacting, so managing students

behavior is relatively simple. Some system is instituted to keep students from

talking or intercting. In contrast, in the cooperative classroom interaction of the

students is encouraged and so management involves different skill. Some of

the management concern introduce along with the introduction of teams

include seating arrangement, noise level, giving direction, distribution and

stroge of teams materials and method or shaping the behavior or group.


c. Will to cooperate

There are three ways in which the will to cooperate is created and

maintained: team building, class building, and the use of cooperative task and

reward structure.

d. Skill to cooperate

Some theorists include social development as a defining characteristic of

Cooperative learning. There is a variety of ways of fostering the development

of social skills.

e. Basic principles

There are tree basic prinsiples fundamental to cooperative learning.

They are simultaneous interaction, positive interdependence, and individual

accountability. These principles are built into cooperative learning structures.

f. Cooperative structure and activities

A structure is the content-free “how” of instruction it is the social

organization of the classroom, involving a series of steps or elemnents which

define interaction pattern. A structure can be used to deliver a wide range of

academic content. The content is the “what” of instruction. When we plug

content into a structure we have an activity. Content is delivered via structure.

At any moment in a classroom the activity is defined by combination of a

structure and the content: structure + Content = Activity.

There are many excellent cooperative activities whch teachers can design.

Activities almost always have a pecific objective. There are specifc and


counted bound, they cannot meaningfully be defeated many times. In contrast,

structures are content-free ways pf structuring group interaction; structures

may be used repeatedly with a variety of curriculum materials at various places

in the lesson plan, and across a wide range of grade levels.

There are dozens of structure. They are categorized into six types by function:

Team building, Class building, Communication building, Information

exchange, mastery and thinking skills, within these categories, there are

numerous structures. Each structures has a different impact on students.

Cooperative learning strategies may be used in a variety of ways, such as

a five-minutes team builder to introduce a lesson, a short activity to evaluate

the students’ understanding, a series of brief, cooperative activities to each

content, or a full unit of instruction based on cooperative structures.

The following cooperative structures and activities show how a teacher

can use one activity or a series of activities to build awareness among students

for the need to work as a team and to develop English language skills. The

team building and oral language activites are designed to familiarize students

with cooperative learning strategies in English as a second language (ESL) or

bilingual classrooms.

The activities described below are not interdependent; teachers may choose

to try one or more of them. Once familiar with them, the teacher may want to

use several activities together, or try a full unit of structures and activities such

as the one provided in this publication. Teachers should be familiar with


cooperative learning techniques and be able to explain each activity in order to

ensure its success.

D. The Concept of Alphabet Method

1. Definition of Alphabet Method

Alphabet Method is a method that uses the alphabet as a medium of

learning, ranging from letters A to Z. This method is applied by connecting the

student's personal experience and cognitive ability. As said by Jerome Bruner "true

learning comes through personal discovery", so the learning outcomes will be

absorbed to the maximum by the students by Piaget (1896-1980), Vygotsky

(1962), and Bruner (1983-1990).

2. Step by Alphabet Method

a. One week before the material is delivered, students are asked to look for

information and vocabulary of the English language associated with the material

to be delivered. Students can seek information from various sources, such as

from books, the Internet, or the surrounding environment of the vocabulary.

b. After one week the students were asked to make the group into five groups. In

this case a group of five people. And each member of the group received a

single alphabet . Example : group A- E , F - J , K - O , P - T, and a group of six

U - Z. If the number of students more than the amount of the alphabet A - Z,

then these students can join one of the existing groups and get the same

alphabet as members of the group.


c. Following the establishment of complete, students were asked to recall

information and vocabulary of the English language in accordance with the

alphabet they get. And fill that vocabulary in the box provided in alphabetical

their group. Example: Students who get the alphabet in groups A-E, then they

fill in box A-E with the English vocabulary is preceded by the alphabet A-E,

such as Cut, Small, Playing, Long, Always. The number of boxes in the figure

can be increased in accordance with the needs of students. If there are students

who can not fill the table, then the group's friends can help.

d. The last step is the presentation of each individual in the group. Students

present the vocabulary of English. The presentation in the form of delivery of

related descriptive vocabulary that is placed in the image. Example: A student

in the group-E to fill the box with the vocabulary of the English language about

the "My Hero" as Tall, Cooking, Playing, Handsome. Then they took turns

describing the means of transportation.

3. Assessment Techniques in Alphabet Method

Alphabet Method of assessment techniques in using authentic assessment

techniques (Authentic Assessment). Authentic Assessment term used to describe

forms of assessment that can describe the results of student learning, motivation,

learning progress, the acquisition of learning, and attitudes toward the English

language classroom activities that are relevant to learning O'Maley and Pierce

(1996: 4) as for the characteristics of authentic assessment are as follows:

a. Focusing on objectives and competencies to be achieved


b. Involve real-world experience

c. Utilize existing resources

d. Keep busy students with things that are relevant

e. There are activities, effort, and practice

f. To identify the advantages and strengths of students to do self assessment

(self - assessment), the assessment of friends (peer - assessment), and


g. Students are trained to think critically and thinking to a higher level

h. The tasks should be meaningful for example, create a report, telling

stories, and making observations.

i. The tasks integrates language skills with knowledge and other


j. Demand for example cooperation task group

Based on the characteristics above, there are two aspects to be considered in

the assessment Alphabet Method this is:

1.The presentation of each student . The better the presentation, the better the

value, and vice versa.

2.the truth and accuracy of information obtained.


E. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 The theorectical framework

The tree variables above: input, process, and output are briefly classified as follows :

1. INPUT: Teaching learning through Alphabet Method media which consist of

vocabulary materials. A teaching media which is hope to be a good device in

teaching learning English Vocabulary.

InputTeaching Vocabulary

Teaching process AlphabetMethod


The students’ vocubalary achievement


TreatmentPre-test Post-test

Descriptive text


2. PROCESS: The implementation of the input variable in the classroom

activities both teaching and learning vocabulary through Alphabet Method.

3. OUTPUT: Enrich the students’ in learning vocabulary through Alphabet


F. Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis (H1) = the use of Cooperative learning through Alphabet

Method improve students achievement in


The null hypothesis (H0) = the use of Cooperative learning through Alphabet

Method does not improve the students achievement

in vocabulary.




This chapter presents the method of the research, research design and variable

of the research, population and sample, instrument of the research, technique of data

collection and technique of data analysis.

A. Research design

This research employed pre-experimental method which used only one class as

sample of the research. The students given pre-test, treatment and post-test in the

process of conducting this research. This procedure was intended to find out whether

using Alphabet method can improve the students vocabulary or not. The comparisons

of the pre-test and post-test score determine the success of the treatment.

Table 3:1 Design of The Research :

Pre-test Treatment Post-tes







Where : - Pre-test : O1

- Treatment : X

- Post-test : O2

(Gay, 1981:22).


B. The variable of the Research

The variable have two difference variables they were independent variable and

dependent variable.

1. Independent variable is the used of Alphabet-method

2. Dependent variable is students’ achievement of English basic vocabulary.

C. Population and sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the seventh grade students of

SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto in academic year 2016/2017. They were six

classes of this school they were VII1, VII2, VII3, VII4, VII5, VII6 . Each class has

27 students. The total number of population is 180 students.

2. Sample

The sample of this research was taken from the seventh grade

students of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto. The researcher used purposive

sampling because the number of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2

Bontoramba, Jeneponto was too large in taking sample and then the

researcher chooses 27 students from VII3 class as the sample of this research.

D. The Instrument of the Research

In collecting data, the researcher gave of vocabulary test. Which were

multiple choice and fill in the blank test, they are noun 5 item, verb 5 item,

adjective 5 item and adverb 5 item and fill in the blank consist of 12 item to


find out the students’ vocabulary achievement. If the students to answer is

right, then students will get one (1) and if the students to answer is incorrect,

then the students will get zero (0). The pre-test was given to find out the initial

ability before presenting the material in the Alphabet Method and post-test

given to find out the improvement of the students after materials in was

Alphabet Method.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

In collecting data, the research employed the multiple choice test

consist of 20 item that consist of four choices, they are noun 5 item, verb 5

item, adjective 5 item and adverb 5 item and fill in the blank consist of 12

item, and the students choose one correct answer in pre-test and post-test. It

was intended to see the students’ vocabulary before give treatment. While the

post-test was intended to know the students’ vocabulary after giving

treatment through Alphabet Method.

The procedure of collecting data was chronologically performed as


1. Pre-test

The pre-test was given to the students before treatments. The pre-test

given to know the students’ prior knowledge of vocabulary mastery

before given treatment in this case, the students given test and the

students answer question in multiple choice form, such as matching test.

This text spent 80 (2x40) minutes.


2. Treatment

After the pre-test. The treatment conducted on students. The

researcher handles the class for 5 meetings.

The procedures of doing treatments for experimental classas follows:

a. The first meeting

The Researcher explained about teaching method before going

into the explain material. The next researcher explain about alphabet

method and then given examples to the students by the tittle My

Bombi to shock vocabulary such as noun, verb, adjective dan


b. The second meeting

The researcher flascbacked to the material somedays ago. The

next researcher explain Alphabet Method how to apply. Research

given the text My Diva to students for seek vocabulary such as

noun, verb, adjective dan adverb. So, students make a glossary to

play Alphabet method.

c. The third meeting and the four meeting

Played through the Alphabet Method vocabulary that will be

collect from the last reading “My Hero”


d. The last meeting

Researcher gave text the tittle “The Tortoise and the Hare” to

the student to shock noun, verb, adjective dan adverb then make

glossary and play the appropriate Alphabet Method vocabulary they

can from the text and then memorize new vocabulary.

3. Post-test

After the treatment, the post-test was distributed to find out the

students’ vocabulary mastery. It is used to check the result of treatments.

It was very useful to know whether or not the Alphabet Method media is

effective to enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery and to know

whether or not are any significant change to the students’ vocabulary

mastery improvement.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data that collect analyze through the following steps :

1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using the

following formula :

Score = X 100%

(Depdikbud, 1990:6).

2. Finding out the mean score of the students’ answer by using the formula := ∑


Where :

X = The Mean Score

∑X = The Total Score

N = The Number of Students

(Gay, 1981:298).

3. Computing the frequency and the rate of percentage of the students’ scores

% = x 100%

Where: % : the percentage of improvement

X2 : the total of post-test

X1 : the total of pre-test.

(Gay in Karyawati, 2010:36).

1. To find out the significant differences between the score of pre test and post

test, the researcher used the following formula :









T = t significant

D = the difference between the scores of pre-test and post-test

D = the mean score of the difference between the scores of pre-test and post-


N = the number pairs of subject in the study.

(Gay, 1981:331).

Table 3:2 Classification of The Score Vocabulary

NO Rate of Score Categories

1 9.6-10 Excellent

2 8.6-9.5 Very good

3 7.6-8.5 Good

4 6.6-7.5 Fairly good

5 5.6-6.5 Fair

6 3.5-5.5 Poor

7 0.0-3.5 Very poor

(Direktorat Pendidikan, 1999:4).





This chapter answerd of problem statement in the previous chapter and

consisted of findings and discussion. Findings showed description of result from

the data that had collected through multiple choice test and fill in the blank in pre-

test and post-test. It was described in graphic or chart or table form. Then,

discussion was explanation of findings but it still showed result of the data. In this

discussion, the researcher used their own word to explain it.

A. Findings

1. Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

The researcher used Alphabet method in treatment to see the

improvement of students’ in Vocabulary and there was improvement in

pre-test to post- test. It showed from mean score of the students in pre-test

and post-test and also improvement percentage. It could see in the table


Table 4.1. Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

No. Indicator Pre-test Post-test

1. Mean Score 37,29 55,96

2. Improvement 50.04 %


Based on the table 4.1 above, it showed that the mean score of the

students in pre-test were 37,29. Most of students are able to vocabulary

mastery after that researcher gave treatment by using Alphabte method

and the score of the students’ had improved. It showed in post-test which

to be 55,96. The students’ vocabulary was suitable.

The result of pre-test and post-test had improvement which was

50,04%. The data showed that using Alphabet method in vocabulary could

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Graphic 4.1. The Mean Score Students’ vocabulary mastery

The graphic above showed that there was improvement of the students in

vocabulary mastery viewed of content from pre-test with the mean score was

37,29 to post-test with the mean score was 55,96 so the improvement of pre-test to

post-test was 50,04%.








pre-test post-test

mean score of vocabulary



Based on the table 4.1 above, it showed that the mean score of the

students in pre-test were 37,29. Most of students are able to vocabulary

mastery after that researcher gave treatment by using Alphabte method

and the score of the students’ had improved. It showed in post-test which

to be 55,96. The students’ vocabulary was suitable.

The result of pre-test and post-test had improvement which was

50,04%. The data showed that using Alphabet method in vocabulary could

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Graphic 4.1. The Mean Score Students’ vocabulary mastery

The graphic above showed that there was improvement of the students in

vocabulary mastery viewed of content from pre-test with the mean score was

37,29 to post-test with the mean score was 55,96 so the improvement of pre-test to

post-test was 50,04%.

post-test Improvement

mean score of vocabulary

55,96 50,04 %


Based on the table 4.1 above, it showed that the mean score of the

students in pre-test were 37,29. Most of students are able to vocabulary

mastery after that researcher gave treatment by using Alphabte method

and the score of the students’ had improved. It showed in post-test which

to be 55,96. The students’ vocabulary was suitable.

The result of pre-test and post-test had improvement which was

50,04%. The data showed that using Alphabet method in vocabulary could

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Graphic 4.1. The Mean Score Students’ vocabulary mastery

The graphic above showed that there was improvement of the students in

vocabulary mastery viewed of content from pre-test with the mean score was

37,29 to post-test with the mean score was 55,96 so the improvement of pre-test to

post-test was 50,04%.





2. The Significant of Vocabulary

The researcher used t-test analysis on the level of the significance (p) 0,05

with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1, where N = number of students (27

students) and then the value of t-table was 1.706. The t-test statistical analysis for

independent sample was applied. The following table showed the result of t-test


Table 4.2. The t-Test Analysis of The Students’ Improvement

No. Components t-Test Value t-Table Value Description

1. vocabulary 316.88 1.706 Significance

Table 4.2. above showed that t-test value of vocabulary was greater than t-

table value (316.88 > 1.706) and also t-test value. It meant that there was

significance difference between the students’ vocabulary skill before and after

researcher used Alphabet method in vocabulary mastery to seventh grade of

students in SMP2 N Bontoramba, Jeneponto. It was show that the nul hypothesis

(H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

B. Discussion

The description of data collected from vocabulary mastery accuracy in terms

of vocabulary as explanation in the previous section showed that the students’

skill in vocabulary was improved. It was supported by mean score and percentage

of the students’ pre-test and post-test result. Based on the finding above, the using


Alphabet method made students had mean score that was higher in vocabulary

than before they knowed Alphabet method.

The population at seventh grade in SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto.

consists of 180 students and the sample was VII.2 with 27 students. Before giving

treatment, the basic vocabulary was very low. It showed in pretest that the

students vocabulary mastery pre test were 37.29 and post test were 55.96 the

improvement percentage showed 50.04 %. Using Alphabet method had improved

students vocabulary mastery.

In the first meeting, students looked enthusiastic so did they in the second,

third and the fourth meeting, only few students who did not try to get involved.

The participation and enthusiastic of students were increasing from the first

meeting until the sixth meeting in treatment.

Students tried to answer even they might not know the answer, but they

were motivated to raise their hands, and it was visible clearly that students who

got the points show happy anqqd satisfied expression. It made class fun like a

game. The researcher looked happy because got attention from the students.

1. The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary mastery

Vocabulary accuracy in terms of noun, verb, adjective and adverb was about

the skill to think memorizing but could develop it based on the topic that had

given from the researcher and also it was suitable for students’ needs and wants. It

was happened if we had more interested so the speakers understandabled and got

information from it. Vocabulary was very important aspect in four language skill


they are reading, writing, listening, and speaking so it should be good unity and


In the first meeting when researcher gave pre-test, researcher looked the

most of students had little vocabularies. They was gotten difficult to memorizing

of vocabulary. It could be seen Table 4.1 that the students’ vocabulary mastery

achievement in pre-test’s mean score was very poor, it was 37,29.

In terms of vocabulary in pre-test, the students were lack of vocabularies

that related to the text were given. Beside that students also spoke as they knew.

After the students had given treatment of researcher, mean score in post-test

from students had improved to become 55,96. It was higher score than pre-test

score. Pre –test to post-test score, there was achievement score of students from

low to high by using Alphabet method. The improvement percentage showed

50.04%. Using Alphabet method had improved students’ vocabulary mastery

special in accuracy viewed from noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

2. The Significant of Vocabulary Mastery

The researcher used t-test analysis on the level of the significance (p) 0,05

with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1, where N = number of students (27

students) and then the value of t-table was 1.706. The t-test statistical analysis for

independent sample was applied.

showed that t-test value of vocabulary was greater than t-table value

(316.88 > 1.706) and also t-test value. It meant that there was significance

difference between the students’ vocabulary skill before and after researcher used

Alphabet method in vocabulary mastery to seventh grade of students in SMP2 N


Bontoramba, Jeneponto. It was show that the nul hypothesis (H0) was rejected and

the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

Regarding the importance of vocabulary expansion in the students’ studies,

the English teacher should know some effective ways to teach vocabulary. The

students’ should be active and should participate in every exercise during the class

hour. According to Harmer (2001:158) describes some methods and strategies to

help students’ English vocabulary are realia, pictures, action and gesture and

contrast. There are many ways to enrich vocabulary. In other words, to encode

their ideals also it would tell them which word is right in which object go with

particular noun, verb, adjective and adverb and what are the phrases or collection

that words are normally used in students wanted to expand their vocabulary, and

to improve their ability to express their concept.

The classification of the words. According to Ba’dulu (2008:15) point out

that there are two classification of the words are traditional of the word

classification and new word classification.

Basri (2008:15) states that a verb is one of the open words-classes. This is

an important word class in English because it is used to make a statement.

Researcher other word indicates action which is done by subject and it also

indicates condition. Verb by past ending in-ed. That function as the main elements

of pridicates. That typically express action, state or as relation between two things.

Mertined (1986:223).


Verb is one the most complex part of speech. It conveying arrangements,

question, command, exclamation. Marcella (1974:47) state that verb is a think,

asser action, either physical or mental.

Moris (1974:2) state the noun is word or a group of word that name of a

person, place and idea or thing. Based on definition the researcher can make an

operational definition noun. Noun is word is used to denote or to name of person,

place, and quality.

Marcella (1972:7) states that countable noun is a noun that can be counted it

can usually be make plural by demon of “s”. An countable noun that cannot be

counted. It is never used in plural from. A noun that represents a whole group of

thing, a whole mass or abstract concept, and phenomena of nature is uncountable


From all of the data in this research, it is shown that all data found and

discussed in this chapter refer to the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. It

means that the use of cooperative learning through alphabet method was effective

to enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

when working to enrich vocabulary, it is important to know the goals in order to

choose the best way used in learning vocabulary.

The wealth of example give researcher really good chance of getting the

right choice. Finally Winataputra (2005:6) stated that Alphabet method can help

students enrich a variety of their ability dimension which very needed in learning



It can be concluded that using Alphabet method in enriching the students

vocabulary mastery was effective in intermediate and advanced students though it

was not higher significantly.




A. Conclusion

The effect of cooperative learning through Alphabet method is enrich

the students’ basic vocabulary mastery. It was proved by 50.04% of

improvement which indicates that post-test value is higher than the pre-test

while pre-test is 37.29 and post-test 55.96. The result of statistical analysis at

the level significance 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = n-1, where df = 27-1

and df = 26 indicated that there is a significant difference between the mean

score of post-test and pre-test in Alphabet method. The mean score of the pre-

test is 37.29 and post-test is 55.96. In addition the t-test value is bigger than t-

table value (316.88 > 1.706). It was show that the nul hypothesis (H0) was

rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions to the students (learners), the English teacher and the next researcher,

as follows:

1. For students

a. The students are expected to improve their intensity in learning

vocabulary through “Alphabet Method”.

b. Being aware that vocabulary is an important skill in four language

skill (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking). The students


should try to read individually or in group because it can stimulate to

read more and to get natural communication.

c. The students also should not forget to memorize many vocabularies in

order to make them easy in understanding a text.

2. For English teacher

a. The use of “Cooperative learning through Alphabet method” can

significantly improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of

the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto. So it

is strongly suggested to be applied in teaching in the classroom in

order to improve the students’ Vocabulary mastery.

b. The teacher should be creative in teaching using “Cooperative

learning through Alphabet method” because there are many

techniques that could be used in teaching especially vocabulary and

also the teacher should be creative in designing the lesson material

that will be given to the students, so that the students will be more

interested in teaching and learning process.

3. For the next researchers

a. To improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, there are many cases

which must be improved such as: multiple choice and fill in the blank

etc. but in this research, the research focused in improving the

students’ vocabulary mastery. So for the next researcher, they can

take the other case of vocabulary to be improved, neither they use this

method nor other methods. But it is better to use this method in order


to know the students’ vocabulary mastery improvement with different


b. The result of this research can also be used as an additional references

or further research with different discussion for the next researchers.


Arsyad, Azhar. 2012. Dasar-Dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Pustaka PelajarOffset

Arikunto, S. 1996. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: RinekaCipta.

Andika. Septa. 2009. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Cooperative LearningStrategy. STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.

Albert C. Baugh, and Thomas cable. 2002. A History of English Language. Pearsoneducation Inc. Publishing as. Prentice Hall Inc. Oxford learner’s pockeddictionary, 1980.

Basri, Muhammad. Fundamentals of Research Methodology. MuhammadiyahUniversity.

Baugh. 2002. A History of English Language. Pearson education Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall Inc. Oxford learner’s pocked dictionary, 1980.

Ba’dul in Isna, 2008. Increasing The Students’ Vocabulary Through MimickingMethod. Makassar: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Collin and Herman in Pratiwi, 1961. Improving the Student’ Vocabulary Throughwide Reading Startegy. Makassar: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Depdikbud. 1990. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Proses Belajar Mengajar dan PetunjukPelaksanaan Sisten Pendidikan, Jakarta: Depdikbud.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2005. Kurikulum 2004. Jakarta: DepartemenPendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar DanMenengah.

Gay, L. R. 1981. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application.Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company A Bell and Howell Company.

Gay, L.R. 1981. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application.Ohio: Charles E. Merrill

Good, 1973. The Dictionary of Education. New York: Garwhill Book Company.

Hornby, A.S. 1994. Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English. London:Oxford University Press.

Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English. London; OxfordUniversity Press.

Handayani. Riska. 2013. The Use of Nursery Rhymes Medi to Enrich the Students’Vocabulary. Muhammadiyah University. 2007. Definition of the vocabulary. Htmldiakses pada tanggal 16/12/2007.

Hikmawati. 2009. Teaching Vocabulary Using Analogy Through CooperativeLearning To The Students. Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo.

Harmer in Jumaria, 1991. Improving the Students’ Vocabulary By Using Reflection InContextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) at The Eight Grade Students ofSMP N 4 Baraka Kab.Enrekang. Makassar: Universitas MuhammadiyahMakassar.

Harmer in Jawariah 2005, Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary By Using SemanticFeature Analysis Strategy. Makassar: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York:McGrawHill Book Company.

Istiqomah. Nur. 2014. Increasing the Students Vocabulary Using Strip Pictures.Muhammadiyah University.

Indriani. Novi. 2009. Teaching English Vocabulary Using Cooperative LearningMethod at The Tenth Grade Students. STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.

Johnson D.W & Johnson, R 1989. Cooperative and Conpetition: theory andResearch. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.

Parlindungan, Firman. 2011. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penguasaan KosakataBahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini dengan Menggunakan Alphabet MethodSkripsi.UNISMA: (tidak diterbitkan).

Sudijono, Anas. 2010. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.

Slavin, E. Robert. 2008. Cooperative Learning Teori Riset dan Praktik. Bandung;Nusa Media.

Salam, 2008. Using Pyramid Game to Improve the Vocabulary Achievement at TheSecond year students.

Sudjana in Isna, 2011. Increasing The Students’ Vocabulary Through MimickingMethod. Makassar: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Walkins, D.A. 1927. Linguistic in Teaching. London: Chances Press.

Webster, Noah. 1983. Webster Twenty century of English Language. New York:Simon and sthucher.

Wallace, Michael J. 1989. Teaching Vocabulary. London: Oxford University Press.



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

Kelas/ Semester : VII/I

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

Pertemuan : I (Pertama)


Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi

secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kosakata tentang teks bacaan “My Bombi” secara

tertulis dalam bentuk glossary.


- Siswa mampu menuliskan arti glossary yang berupa

kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb yang

berhubungan dengan teks bacaan “My Bombi”.


- Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi English noun, verb,

adjective and adverb dalam teks bacaan “My Bombi”

- Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kembali glossary yang

berhubungan dengan “My Bombi”.


Membuat Glossary tentang “My Bombi” yang mencari kata noun, verb, adjective

dan adverb.


Strategy pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh Alphabet Method.


Langkah Kegiatan Peneliti dan Siswa Waktu

Keg. Awal :

Keg. Inti :

- Memberi salam- Absen sekaligus perkenalan antar

siswa dan peneliti/researcher.- Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait

kondisi siswa.- Menyampaikan metode pengajaran

- Guru menjelaskan tentang materipelajaran.

- Guru meminta siswa untuk menuliskosakata yang ingin diketahui dalamteks bacaan “My Bombi” tentangnoun, verb, adjective dan adverbyang di dapat selama proses belajarmengajar berlangsung.

- Peneliti/observer memberi penjelasantentang bagaimana cara menerapkanAlphabet Method.

15 menit

60 menit


Keg. Akhir :Refleksi

- Dengan cara :a. Menyusun daftar kata yang dia

dapat dari A-Z yang berupa katanoun, verb, adjective, dan adverb.

b. Minta siswa untuk membuatkelompok/group, 1 kelompokterdiri 5 orang lalu setiapkelompok membuat tabel berisi15 kotak. Beri contoh dipapantulis.

c. Minta perwakilan dari setiapkelompok menuliskan daftar katayang sudah dia dapat diteksbacaan My Bombi yang berupanoun, verb, adjective and adverbsecara ajak dikotak dalam tabel.

d. Setelah setiap kelompok telahmenulis 1 kosakata didalam tabelyang disediakan maka setiapanggota harus menyambungkandengan daftar kata yang diadapat.

- Mengerjakan soal yang diberikan.

- Peneliti memberikan nilai pada setiapsiswa berdasarkan hasil kerja siswa.

- Memberi kesempatan kepada siswauntuk melakukan refleksi terhadapapa yang telah dikerjakannya,sementara itu guru memberikanpenguatan.

- Siswa diberikan tugas lanjutan/PRuntuk menghafalkan kosakata yangada dalam teks bacaan “My Bombi”

15 menit


1. Teknik Tulisan :

a. Kosakata berupa noun, verb, adjective dan adverb dalam teks bacaan

“My Bombi”


2. Penilaian

a. Guru memberikan test vocabulary untuk mengetahui sejauh mana

pencapaian siswa.

b. Guru memberikan skor pada setiap siswa dalam kesuksesan menghapal



a. Score = X 100


Sumber : English in focus for seventh grade junior high school

Alat : Whiteboard and Board marke

Media : Alphabet Method

Jeneponto, May 2016


Guru pamong Mahasiswa,

Suarni SuardiNIM : 10535519612


Text Descriptive read and underline the noun, verb, adjectives and adverb in

the text below.

My Bombi

Bombi is my black cat.

This cat is always playful. It likes playing with anything. It sometimes plays with

me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very dever. It is sometimes very


My Bombi is small but fat. It has soft fur. The fur is black. Bombi his a long tail.

Its eyes are around. It looks cute. It is always near name.



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

Kelas/ Semester : VII/ I

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit

Pertemuan : II (Kedua)


Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi

secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kosakata tentang “My Diva” secara lisan dan

tertulis dalam bentuk glossary yang berupa kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb.


- Siswa mampu menuliskan arti glossary yang berupa

kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb yang

berhubungan dengan “My Diva”

- Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi English noun, verb,

adjective dan adverb dalam glossary.


- Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kembali glossary yang

berhubungan dengan noun, verb, adjective, dan adverb

dalam teks bacaan “My Diva”.


Glossary yang berupa kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb tentang ”My Diva”.


Alphabet Method


Langkah Kegiatan Peneliti dan Siswa Waktu

Keg. Awal :

Keg. Inti :

- Memberi salam dan berdo’a- Absensi dan apersepsi untuk mengejek

pengetahuan siswa- Memberi motivasi siswa.

- Guru mengecek hafalan siswa padapertemuan sebelumnya.

- Guru menjelaskan tentang topicpembelajaran tentang teks bacaan “MyDiva”

- Membahas dan menjelaskan mengenaitext bacaan “My Diva” yang sedangdibahas.

- Mencari kosakata berupa noun, verb,adjective dan adverb pada text bacaan“My Diva” dan menuliskannya.

- Memainkan Alphabet method- Dengan cara :

a. Menyusun daftar kata yang diadapat dari A-Z yang berupa katanoun, verb, adjective, dan adverb.

b. Minta siswa untuk membuatkelompok/group, 1 kelompok terdiri5 orang lalu setiap kelompokmembuat tabel berisi 15 kotak. Bericontoh dipapan tulis.

c. Minta perwakilan dari setiap

15 menit

60 menit


Keg. Akhir :Refleksi

kelompok menuliskan daftar katayang sudah dia dapat diteks bacaanMy Bombi yang berupa noun, verb,adjective and adverb secara ajakdikotak dalam tabel.

d. Setelah setiap kelompok telahmenulis 1 kosakata didalam tabelyang disediakan maka setiapanggota harus menyambungkandengan daftar kata yang dia dapat.

- Menghafalkan hasil permainanAlphabet Method.

- Peneliti mengumpulkan hasil kerjasiswa.

- Peneliti memberikan nilai pada setiapsiswa berdasarkan hasil kerja siswa.

15 menit


1. Teknik/ tulisan:

a. Menemukan kosakata berupa noun, verb, adjective dan adverb dalam

teks bacaan “My Diva”

2. Penilaian

c. Guru memberikan test vocabulary untuk mengetahui sejauh mana

pencapaian siswa.

d. Guru memberikan skor pada setiap siswa dalam kesuksesan menghapal



b. Score = X 100



Sumber : English in focus for seventh grade junior high school

Alat : Whiteboard and Board market

Media : Alphabet Method

Jeneponto, May 2016


Guru pamong Mahasiswa,

Suarni SuardiNIM : 10535519612


Text Descriptive read and underline the noun, verb, adjectives and adverb in

the text below.

My Diva

Agnes monica is a famous pop singer. Most people in Indonesia know her.

She certainly looks like an angel. She is tall, slim and beautiful. Her hair is black.

She always wear fashionable clothes.

Her porsonality is a good as her voice. She is confident. She is also generous. She

gives a lot of money to charity.

Her hobby is unique. She keeps a dog as a pet. She does not like cooking.



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

Kelas/ Semester : VII/I

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

Pertemuan : III & IV (Ketiga dan Empat)


Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi

secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


- Siswa mampu menambah perbendaharaan kosakata

- Siswa mampu melatih dan menguatkan daya ingat

dalam menghapal kosakata.

- Siswa mampu mengetahui arti kosakata yang

berhubungan materi pembelajaran.

- Siswa mampu menggunakannya dalam kalimat dengan




- Menghafal kosakata dengan menyingkat kata yang ada

hubungannya dengan materi yang dibahas dari teks

bacaan “My Hero”

- Mengetahui arti kosakata tersebut.

- Membuat kalimat sesuai dengan daftar kata yang

mereka dapat dari teks bacaan “My Hero”


“My Hero”


Strategy pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh Alphabet Method.


Langkah Kegiatan Peneliti dan Siswa Waktu

Keg. Awal :

Keg. Inti :

- Memberi salam- absensi- Mengarahkan siswa pada situasi


- Memberikan materi teks bacaan “MyHero” dan menjelaskan tentangAlphabet Method..

- Menginstrusikan siswa untukmencari kosakata didalam bacaan“My Hero” yang berupa kata noun,verb, adjective da adverb sesuaidengan metode Alphabet Method.

- Mengarahkan siswa untuk menghafal

15 menit

60 menit


Keg. Akhir :Refleksi

kosakata dengan Alphabet Methodyang didapat berupa kata noun, verb,adjective dan adverb pada textbacaan “My Hero”

- Siswa mengulang pembelajaran yangdilakukan pada pertemuan ini denganteks bacaan “My Hero”

- Member kesempatan kepada siswauntuk melakukan refleksi terhadapapa yang telah dikerjakannya,sementara itu guru memberikanpenguatan.

15 menit


1. Teknik/ tulisan:

a. Menemukan kosakata berupa noun, verb, adjective dan adverb dalam

teks bacaan “My Hero”

2. Penilaian

a. Guru memberikan test vocabulary untuk mengetahui sejauh mana

pencapaian siswa.

b. Guru memberikan skor pada setiap siswa dalam kesuksesan menghapal



a. Score = X 100


Sumber : English in focus for seventh grade junior high school


Alat : Whiteboard and Board market

Media : Alphabet Method

Jeneponto, May 2016


Guru pamong Mahasiswa,

Suarni SuardiNIM : 10535519612


Text Descriptive read and underline the noun, verb, adjectives and adverb in

the text below.

My Hero

Michael Jordan is a famous basketball player. Michael Jordan certainly looks like

a star. He is tall, welt built and handsome. He is always well dressed.

His personality is a good as his playing ability. He is confident. He is also

generous. He gives a lot of money to charity.

His hobby is playing golf, baseball, and cooking. He often cooks for his family.



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto

Kelas/ Semester : VII/ I

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit

Pertemuan : V (Kelima)


Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek resmi dan tak resmi

secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


- Siswa mampu menambah perbendaharaan kosakata

yang berupa kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb.

- Siswa mampu melatih dan menguatkan daya ingat

dalam menghapal kosakata melalu metode Alphabet


Dengan cara :

a. Menyusun daftar kata yang dia dapat dari A-Z yang

berupa kata noun, verb, adjective, dan adverb.

b. Minta siswa untuk membuat kelompok/group, 1

kelompok terdiri 5 orang lalu setiap kelompok


membuat tabel berisi 15 kotak. Beri contoh dipapan


c. Minta perwakilan dari setiap kelompok menuliskan

daftar kata yang sudah dia dapat diteks bacaan My

Bombi yang berupa noun, verb, adjective and

adverb secara ajak dikotak dalam tabel.

d. Setelah setiap kelompok telah menulis 1 kosakata

didalam tabel yang disediakan maka setiap anggota

harus menyambungkan dengan daftar kata yang dia


- Siswa dapat mengetahui arti kosakata yang

berhubungan dengan teks bacaan ” The Tortoise and

the Hare” dan mencari berupa kata noun, verb,

adjective dan adverb.

- Siswa dapat mengunakannya dalam kalimat dengan



- Menghafal kosakata dengan Alphabet Method yang ada

hubungan dengan teks bacaan “The Tortoise and the


- Siswa mampu membedakan kosakata dari bentuknya

yang berupa noun, verb, adjective dan adverb.

- Siswa mampu mengetahui arti kosakata tersebut.


- Siswa mampu membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan

kosakata yang dia dapat dari teks bacaan ”The Tortoise

and the Hare” yang berupa kata noun, verb, adjective

dan adverb.


Strategy pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah Alphabet Method


Langkah Kegiatan Peneliti dan Siswa Waktu

Keg.Awal :

Keg. Inti :

- Memberi salam- Mengabsen- Mengarahkan siswa pada situasi pelajaran.

- Menerapkan bagaimana cara menghapalkosakata dengan metode Alphabet Method.Dengan cara :

a. Menyusun daftar kata yang dia dapatdari A-Z yang berupa kata noun, verb,adjective, dan adverb.

b. Minta siswa untuk membuatkelompok/group, 1 kelompok terdiri 5orang lalu setiap kelompok membuattabel berisi 15 kotak. Beri contohdipapan tulis.

c. Minta perwakilan dari setiap kelompokmenuliskan daftar kata yang sudah diadapat diteks bacaan My Bombi yangberupa noun, verb, adjective and adverbsecara ajak dikotak dalam tabel.

d. Setelah setiap kelompok telah menulis 1kosakata didalam tabel yang disediakanmaka setiap anggota harusmenyambungkan dengan daftar katayang dia dapat.

- Menginstrusikan siswa untuk mencari kosakatayang sesuai dengan teks bacaan “The Tortoiseand the Hare” yang berupa kata noun, verb,





Keg.Akhir: Refleksi

adjective dan adverb.- Menyuruh siswa untuk menghapal kosakata

yang mereka dapat dalam bentuk glossary.- Menyuruh siswa untuk mengartikan kosakata

yang mereka dapat dalam bentuk glossary.

- Peneliti mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa.- Peneliti memberikan nilai pada setiap siswa

berdasarkan hasil kerja siswa.- Peneliti menevaluasi untuk mengukur

peningkatan kosakata siswa.


1. Teknik/ tulisan:

a. Menemukan kosakata berupa noun, verb, adjective dan adverb dalam

teks bacaan “The Tortoise and the Hare”

2. Penilaian

a. Guru memberikan test vocabulary untuk mengetahui sejauh mana

pencapaian siswa.

b. Guru memberikan skor pada setiap siswa dalam kesuksesan menghapal



b. Score = X 100


Sumber : English in focus for seventh grade junior high school


Alat : Whiteboard and Board market

Media : Alphabet Method

Jeneponto, May 2016


Guru pamong Mahasiswa,

Suarni SuardiNIM : 10535519612


Text Descriptive read and underline the noun, verb, adjectives and adverb in

the text below.

The Tortoise and the Hare

One day, there was the Hare which was once boasting of his speed before the

other animals. “I have never been beaten,” he said arrogantly, “if i run with my

full speed. I challenge everyone here to against me in a racing.”

The Tortoise replied quietly, “I will accept your challenge.”

“is that a joke?” said the Hare again; “I could dance round you all the way

from the start to the finish spot.”

“Keep your boasting till you win,” the Tortoise answered. “Shall we start?”

So a course was agreed and a starting point was made. at once The Hare darted

almost out of sight, but soon he stopped and to show his contempt for the

Tortoise, he lay down to have a nap soundly. The Tortoise plodded on and

plodded on as the time going, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he was

shocked to see the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in

time to save the race.

Then the Tortoise said: “Slow but steady process will win the race.”


The List Name of the Students of class VII.3 SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto.

No Sample Code1 At S-12 As S-23 Ad S-34 Agt S-45 Mr S-56 Rk S-67 Dm S-78 Pt S-89 St S-910 Rti S-1011 Rmt S-1112 Srd S-1213 Miw S-1314 Ktk S-1415 Jmn S-1516 Pg S-1617 Amr S-1718 Psh S-1819 Sdn S-1920 Sdl S-2021 Mt S-2122 Fjr S-2223 Mgf S-2324 Arn S-2425 Ry S-2526 Isn S-2627 Agrh S-27


The Score of Students vocabulary mastery.

No Name ScorePre-test Post-test

1 S-1 30 602 S-2 40 503 S-3 46 504 S-4 31 655 S-5 43 566 S-6 34 507 S-7 12 608 S-8 28 659 S-9 30 5010 S-10 40 4511 S-11 35 5512 S-12 46 6513 S-13 30 4514 S-14 40 5015 S-15 46 5316 S-16 30 4517 S-17 30 5018 S-18 46 6219 S-19 43 5920 S-20 40 6521 S-21 43 5522 S-22 46 6023 S-23 37 5324 S-24 46 5625 S-25 40 6726 S-26 35 6027 S-27 40 69

Mean score 37.29 55.96


Students’ Vocabulary mastery Result of Pre-Test And Post-Test

Sample Pre-test Post-test D D2

X1 X12 X2 X22 (X2-X1)S-1 30 900 60 3600 30 900S-2 40 1600 50 2500 10 100S-3 46 2116 50 2500 4 16S-4 31 961 65 4225 34 1156S-5 43 1849 56 3136 22 484S-6 34 1462 50 2500 16 256S-7 12 144 60 3600 48 2304S-8 28 784 65 4225 37 1369S-9 30 900 50 2500 20 400S-10 40 1600 45 2025 5 25S-11 35 1225 55 3025 20 400S-12 46 2116 65 4225 19 361S-13 30 900 45 2025 15 225S-14 40 1600 50 2500 10 100S-15 46 2116 53 2809 7 49S-16 30 900 45 2025 15 225S-17 30 900 50 2500 20 400S-18 46 2116 62 3844 16 256S-19 43 1849 59 3481 16 256S-20 40 1600 65 4225 25 625S-21 43 1849 55 3025 12 144S-22 46 2116 60 3600 14 196S-23 37 1369 53 2809 16 256S-24 46 2116 56 3136 10 100S-25 40 1600 67 4489 27 729S-26 35 1225 60 3600 25 625S-27 40 1600 69 4761 29 841∑ 1007 39513 1511 86,890 522 12798X 37,29 1,463.44 55,96 3,218.14 19,33 474



1. The Mean Score of Students’ Pre-Test and Post- Test In Terms ofVocabulary mastery

a. Mean score of students’ pre-test



X =

X =37.29

b. Mean score of students’ post test



X =

X =55.96


1. The improvement of the students’ score in terms of vocabulary

P = x 100%

P = x 100%

P = 50.04 %


1. Calculating the t-Test Analysisa. Calculating the t-test analysis of vocabulary mastery

t =⃑∑ (∑ )( )

t =,

, ( )( )t =

,, ,( )t =

,,t =

,√ ,t =

,,t = 316,88


a (for two group sample)


0,50 0,20 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,1

a (for one group sample)

0,25 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,1 0,005















































































































































































































































Suarni Suardi, was born in Tanetea, Kec. Tamalatea, Kab. Jeneponto

on December 27 1994. She in the second from three children. His

father Suardi arlam and Her mother Nuraeni. She graduated her

elementary school in 2006 at SDN 54 Tamalatea, Kab. Jeneponto. She

continued her study at SMPN 1 Tamalatea in graduated 2009. Senior

high school was at SMA N 1 Tamalatea, graduated in 2012. At 2012,

She was accepted at Makassar Muhammadiyah University as a

students of English Education Department.

At the end of her study, She could finish her thesis with the title The Effet Of Cooperative

Learning Through Alphabet Method To Enrich The Seventh Grade Students’ Basic

Vocabulary Of SMPN 2 Bontoramba, Jeneponto.