The Billboard 1920-03-13: Vol 32 Iss 11 - Wikimedia Commons

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Transcript of The Billboard 1920-03-13: Vol 32 Iss 11 - Wikimedia Commons


A Weekly

Theatrical Digest and

Review of tU Show World



35 cents j'ulf

PVHl t%Ht M MSWr^l t , NEW Yoniv


'552 BWay? /N Y. i/ACM' ROBBINS

' •«. ... QtriERAL MGR.,^

MARCH 13, 1920


be no traifafions ve and .unicm^l^i





t MARCH 19r 1920

Everybody admits it’s a sensational hit. Everybody’s right!

That’s why everybody is singing “Peggy”



r A sure fire hit!


, Jazz Bazaar Full of pep and easy to sing

^ 'fhe. Ziegfeld Follies Song Hit

My Baby’s Arms


A marvelous natural double song



MINNEAPOLIS , 216 Pantages Theatrs Blda. k SEATTLE A ^ 301 ChlcktHng Hall ^

TORONTO ^ ^^^193 Younga Streat^^^

If it’s laughs you’re after, try thia!

Jt’sThe Smart Little Feler

That Stocked Up His Cellar That’s Getting the

Beautiful Girls



Eddie Cantor’s new hit in the ^ “Ziegfeld Follies”



^Calmnat Buildinc

NEW ORLEANS 116 University PI.

. CLEVELAND ClUateng Bulldina

MILWAUKEE. Grand Avaag#


Dick O’Brien would like to hear from Colored Musicians to strengthen

Minstrel Band. Manager T. O. Moss will be at Billboard Ofllce, Cincinnati, Ohio, from

March 8th to March 12th, and will pleased to meet Showmen and Conces*

sionaires. Committees and Fair Associations desiring to book a real up*to«the-minuto

Show, address B. A. Warren, Qen. Rep.

Address all communications to T* Ot M088, North Littio Rook, Aria

All people engaged and holding contracts acknowledge this CALL by letter.

Concession people booked with the above SHOW state footage of Con-

All Concessions open except WHEELS, COOK HOUSE and SOFT DRINKS.

Will book Shows with or without their own wagons needing flat cars for their

paraphernalia, desiring to book, if they are real Show’s. Nothing too large or

too small if they are money-getters. Doc. Best wants Young Lady for Platform Reptile Show.

MARCH 13, 1920

The Wolverine 10 Big Shows, Inc ,, toIeBo, WANT—FEATURE ATTRACTIONS FOR GEO. W. MARTIN’S BIO Tops of 26 by 40 to *0 by 60. round and gable ends, in good condition; Pit Show


Midgets, Walter Cole, Human Skeleton; Lentlni, and people of this class can WE OWN—Three Rides, with two more coming; seven Shows,,witb three

lirive good salary. more under contract, and have outfits and room for five more.

FOR THE CIRCUS SIDE-SHOW WE WANT—Six or Eight-Piece Plant Train, Band, Free Acts that are big and a real organisation that you will Show and 13and, three Dancing Girls, Freaks and Entertainers. Manager who be glad to call home, with an honest to goodness Cookhouse, with eats,

can handle this. Clowns and January Mule Act. Four sections of Canopy and ALLEN CRANE, Pres. J* 8* HENDERSHOT, Treas. and Qen. Mgr. 1,000 ft of 8 or 10-ft. side wall for the Wild W’est. All mail and wires to above, at 620 Greenwood Ave, Toledo, O.


CONCESSIONERS—Grind Stores. $26.00 each, with all furnished. All WANT TO BUY—Silodrome, Concession Tops of all kinds, seven Show Wheels, except Dolls, Candy, Fruit and Groceries, and V^eela are X-

OPERA CHAIRS 11 Phil York’s Thealricil md Railroad Guide Ntcmarlb toed, feteuiM

Made in Grand Rapids, the Furniture Ci^.


Low prices OR ipulity {oods. Seat blu« pH*t or (katen far Tiea

SaatiBi Piu.

STEEL FURNITURE CO. DspL 8, Grand Rapids, Michigan NEW YORK CITY—Albart E. Baba. 2* E. 22d St. CHARLOTTE. N. C.—Lawtaa 0. Jardu. 205 Tmit

Bldt. PINE BLUFF. ARK.—Sauthera Flla 4 Siipfly Ca.

Oiunoiid Dya. 011 or Watar Colon. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUHBUS. OHIO.

tAfANTED ^ FOLDINB VENEERED OP- verere l CHAIRS. Musi ba In food condlUon and rsasonabla for cash. Adreas W. E. OIMICK. Roalelaft, lllldala.

POPCORN Prompt Rhipmenta An* rarlaty. Wrlta for prioaa.

AM ERICAN POPCORN CO., Bax 432. Slaex CBy. laws.

TRIO AT LIBERTY Violin. Cello, Plaivo (double Dnima, PI000I4 Baxo- phona). Ulfh-clasa Moalclana, for Picture TSeatro aad Hotel. library of Solo. Mo. Orcbeatra and JuM Muain. Oood appearanoa We do not mlirep- rc«<nt J. QILBtlB. Boa Fit, Charlakoa, 8. C.

AT LIBERH ***d5Sms A-1 Mustdana. Play anythiof. A P. M. maoban. D. KTUOND8. <m N. Drake Are., Chicaeo.

Eastern Section, of the United States and Canada (Vest Pocket Edlticn) of 200 pages, is now ready. Contains a complete list of TABLOID, MU¬ SICAL and DRAMATIC THEATRES playing traveling organixatlons.


all TOWNS of 1,000 and over, and more than 4,000 TOWNS, giving the DIST.\NCES in MILES from one TOWN to ANOTHER, and other in¬

valuable information. NO MANAGER, AGENT or PERFORMER should be without this

GUIDE. It saves TIME. MONEY and LABOR, Always handy to con¬

sult at a glance. It is the ONLY “THEATRICAL and RAILROAD GUIDE” of its kind

now in existence. DON’T WAITI . GET IT NOW!

Price, $1.00. Postpaid, $1.03. Canada, $120 Postpaid. LINDNER PUBLISHING CO.,

Columbia Theatre Building, Broadway and 47th Street, New York City.

IMCIlDAMPr Against Public Liability inOUlinniiL for Accidents Parks, Expositions, Amusement Grounds, Operators of Coasters, Derby

Racers, Carousels, Whip and Hilarity Halls. Prompt settlement of meri¬ torious cases. Full protection against groundless and unjust demands.

References to over one hundred leading amusement owners.


GEO. L CUTLER, GtReral AfeNt, III luHraiet Exekaite Bldf., CUeaft, II.

At Liberty, George Oran Sida-Sbow Mfr., Punch and Tent, coorlnclof open- iDfa, or will Mn Mad. Ca lecturer. CSunxe for week. StnUbta In Arts- 1100 Weat Vine St.. ML Vernon, Obla

At Uberty FRANK VARO A-1 SpeclalUee, Eooentrie, Dutch. Bube. Papei Dwlmlnf. Chance for Work In acta. Fake Trap Druina. Hare outfit FRANK VARO, Oeuaral Dellrery, Columbus, Ohio.

AT UBCRTV Blnflnf, TalUnr, Danclnc. Stralfht. Blackfaoe, Do- centric Comedian. Do real Sperialtlea. Can prince. Open for Mlnalrels. Musical Comedy. Tab. or Vaude- ▼ille. Addrew JACK EVAJf^ care Mooae Club, Atari^ Ohio.

Wanted Trumpet Report March 28th. Hlfb-elane picture theatre. Oood tone and intonation eflRentUL $35 S week. Htwen days. Dally playing time about three hours. Work flfty-flfty with orfso. lO-pleoa orcbeetra. Addreak

F. G. Woodruff, Xatplre nieatre, Jdantgomery. Alabama.

BAND DIRECTOR WANTED who wishes to locate. Mu.^t play strong Solo Comet. Prefer man who double, riolln. OUipr JluslclailB write. A. JL POTTKR. Morrison. Tlllnola

- WANV..3, QUICK - edk-lne Performer. Must he IrtHh Comedian. Able

to rami* piano or oi-ran. Change for viY-ek. Salary. 227.00 and transportation after joining. DR, JAMES, Oclr.4,T, IlllnoU.

CHEWING GUM Get anr Pricat. W« sakf all kladt.

HELMET BUM SHOP. . ClaelaBatl. Okie.

CIRCUS ACTS WANTED FOR BIG INDOOR CIRCUS WEEK APRIL 19th Arabian Acrobats, Japanese Troupes, Aerial Acta, Comedy Bar Acts, Comedy Acrobats, Wire Acts, Iron Jaw Acts, Riding, Driving, Liberty and Racing Acta,

Animal Acta, etc. Novel and Sensational Acts of every name and nature, wire

or write quick.

LITTLE BARBOUR, 501 Columbia Theatre Building, 8T. LOUIS, MO.

WANTED CONCESSIONS ^ptyn^owN^M.’ Finest ia Btata Drawing populaUoa. 100,00<L Steam and electrlo linea thipugb park. St years. Operated by Trolley Ca Can take Ferrla Wheel, Derby Racer, Fun House, Water Bide, HwtgamlM Pool, Monkey Speedway, Roller Coasts. Now bare Carousel. Whip, Slide, Penny Arcade, Daaea WaW- Laaz-uxm conUacL Apply C. T. LELAHD, Ha 414 HarrleM BMf,, PhlladalphU. er HARBY F. BWINI- HART. FYttttewa, Pa.

Vp M VYES, wi tre SfedalUts ia Um Muifactirt tl tb* Its!

ILRI Os Concession and Garnifai Tents Mads Material. Construction and Prompt Shipment Guaranteed.* Let VS quote yen price on your sew outfit Send for Price List Hare supplied outflta for Keystone EipaeUloa. Ruppet Ortater Sbows, 8ta*e Marooey, Benson Slums and many others.



Pl^ye Cut.* :\y '‘o’ iMrti.' Tel IblJ'^ Astuyvesan: (jAlil. \ Wi S//. Hr. ■. r. Sq Xe-j-Vc i

THE BILLBOARD Published weekly at 26-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, O.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $320 PER YBAR. Entered as aecond-claas nmil matter June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cin¬

cinnati. under act of March 3, 1879. 100 pages. Vol. XXXU. No. 11, March 13. 1920. PRICE, 15 CENTS.

This issue edntains 54 per cent reading matter and 46 per cent advertising.


Far thn County of Philadelphia. Commonwralth of f^uaylranla J^ Turn, IM*. Na «3. In Dlrorre STLM.NA C. blNDtiUl TOUNQ »e WALTbU B.

YOtrNO, also known aa WAJJTBR R JUNO.

To WALTKR R TfK’NO, or WAITER R JUNO, late of New York City. New York. Respondent:

You erill please take naUea thu I hare been to- pointed Matter by the CViurt In the above cmr.^ which your wife hsa brou^ tult against you for ab- lolute dlTorot on tha giouad of deaertion and that I will hold a mreUng for the purpoar o( taking UMl- mony In said case at my ofAce, 1918 Real Ruate Trust BethUag, IVilladetehia. on FHday. March MUi, 1220, at 2:22 o’clock Pit., when and where you may attend wlBt wUnessee U you so deMre.


FX>R SALE Penny Arcade and tthooUng Oalisry, Photograph Oal- Itry. One id the beet in the country. No lunk. Can be won at *221 W. Jtfrmon BtrecL leiuliwUla. Ky. Now running. Mutoofopes with BeaU, Calllea, Mills' Cathedrals. MlUa’ Quartateropea. Palm Readen. I’unchlng Bags, two Safea, two Ptanoa Total. ISO Maefcinat. Now don't write. Just wire you are oom- Ing. Will aanwer If not sold. A great bargain. Rr- tiring fraia hwiBMa RTAT. Ajifl'SKMCCT <N>U- PANT, 321 W. Jefferson HtmsL LoularlUn Ky.

POP CAN C Sat of Lyon A Healy Trap rwri A-1 enndlUon, prUe.! for quli'k sale, $T5.(M. Will acovt Ubrtiy Bond as part payusnt. AdireSi W. M. EPLUND, Sa- Iceu, IlUnotl,

POP C AI P 400 OpMU House Foitting ■ Chair*, orated for ehligitng. i}l A-1 fondlUon. 21.00 each for quick sale. Also Mor- Ing Picture Machine. HL BSR.VUARDT. Kteintril UotrL CletMand. Ohia

OPERA HOUSE FOR SALS-Oniy one In Onflhtf populaUen of 12.004. liM equipment ooosliis of MS) folding chalra oeer 3124 wprtk of ■eenery, auTbig pto-. ture outat eampIsteL Orer 3444 has been epenl nn bouse f« Ituniiiwli. first 3444 takes IL BOX 411. OrlfilnTOearita.

ExtnMon()i forll-1lli2kalCoB.Tali. or other isimganlei gotag Bast qr West for eumiaer eeason. from May 3Sd ta Bm>L Itth. Fine sumnur slop orer rngagemetiL JaqulM of arte or omaiwnlm here last season. Ttian «Oe or more weeks of amen days. Larta house, goad acdoaMnodaUons. Saltry or perorntage. Write or wtrs at one* full particulars and first engagment eloae to Akron. Addrew CA- RTN'O TKKAl^ COl. BUmmlt Beach Park. Akno. OhIa


with L. J. Hetb CaimlvaL Performers.

Boss Hostler, Boss Cook, Walters snd

Drivers. Address Birmingham, Ala.,


WMTED, A KM. SECOND BENT eapebla of ha^Hag kr%ads aad oontractlag. A good aalary and forty weeks' sewson to a man oapa- blB or Alltac Buch a pobIUocl To opm bbiIf In April In Iowa. One laore first-oUM BlUpoetw arrf Uthographrf, Bsnnerman (union scale). Aildrem J. O. ADMIRE. Osneral AgenL Rra*»r A Ksily's ‘'J n- de Tbm’s Cabin" Hhosr, 4143 West 50(h Ht. Den- flt, Colorada ___

Wanted Minstrel People kinds Those that deuble Band pntsrred. Strong Single nr Double Noreity Aoi; Must da three or more acta: to faature three-day standa. Mistical AcL three Can- rasmen, who double Band. Hotel Strow. State loweaL Wire or wrlta Pay your own telcgrame. 1 pay mine. Chaa Zaneta, Billy Merrlam. wira^w going North for summer. Addrees TOM CIQUHTY K ALLrWiaTU MINsnUIA Huadord. TViai

MIDIAftITIPt fOfl bale—Anlsml and Human VUKIVBIIIBB uew 1420 Price Ust free to known showmen; all others. 2o stamp. Nstssa Se#- 4(y Stars. 114 E. 4tk t. Ba Bastaa. 27, Mass.

tA|AM*rpn Comet. IVombene. Tuba Th* wwr4IB 1 bV ealanr. Fbity weeks. Berth ami transportatloa MIIXdSL 1333 Jefferson. Kansu Cl'y. Mlawtrl

cali-Moss Bros. Greater Shows-CAU Open Saturday, March 20th, Two Saturdays, North Littio Rock, Ark. Hot Springs, Ark., Week of March 29th.

IlStWecniSMtfllMiaort CoaliM 1,732 ClKffied Ms, Ttlilq 7,714 Ums. ad 633 DisilvAd^ Lias. 2,3(9 Ads. Octqiyint 33,393 lines In M FOUR AND THREEhQUARTERS COLUMNS OF ADVERTISING ARE CROWDED OUT OF THIS ISSUE

The Edition of This‘Issue of The BiDboerd k 54^50


■i EMI £ndeavora ever to serve tlie Profession

honestly, intelligently and usefully' CocvilsIUk IMi, br Thi BUihottd ^^ibUditiu Comptnf

FIRST EFFORT Of John Barrymore in Shakespearean Role

Audience to High Pitch of Admira tion and Enthusiasm

SPUENDID PORTRAYAL Given Name Part of Hkhard the Third”—Helen

KeOer To Continue on Big Time—Compro¬ mise on Salary Question

Buys Passaic Theaters JOE JACKSON

New York, Ifarch t.—Arthur Hop¬ kins’ Initlnl effort na producer of tra«- edy and John Barnrmore’e splendid portrayal in the name part of ’’Wchard in.’* which was also bis first sffort In a Shakespearean role, made the pre¬ sentation of this classic at the Plynwath Theater Saturday nUtht a memorable event to theatergoera Mr. Barrymore’s originality and hla convincing Inter¬ pretation of the cunning, misshapen king was an achievement that riveted the audience in its seats and evoked a storm of applanss at the end. which was not until nearly one o’clock In the morning.

The Clinging, snarling Richard m was wonderful^ visualised by young Barrymore. His excellent delivery and very evident genius helped make the performance almost nnparaHeled and stirred the audience to a high pitch of admiration and enthusiasm. - In the version of the tragedy selected for Mr. Barrymore, live instead of the usual one or two Scenes from the preening play of **Klng Henry VT" have been added as a sort of sketchy prolog to clarify the sttuatlon as It stood at the time of Richard’s decision to- olsave his way to tha throne.

The work of R B. Joneo who do- slgned tha beautiful backgrounds for the variovs eptoodes, la an achieve¬ ment of artlstlo ability that aids ma¬ terially In the masterly production. The supporting company Is not very impressive. At the end of the second aeC Saturday night Ekhel and Lionel Banymore entered a balcony box, and the audience Included them In its en¬ thusiastic reception of the evening’s play.

New York, March 8.—Helen KMer, who proved to be a great success In vaudeville when she played the New York Palace the week of February 28 and was held over the following week, will contlnue^on the Big Time, it was learned by The Billboard today. There was some 'dispute over the salary question, Harry Weber, who Is Miss Keller’s agent, asking $2,500, and the managers, after several conferenoee, announcing that the best they could do was $1,750.

George Alfred Lewis, Miss Keller’s manager, told The Billboard today that

the matter had been satisfactorily ar¬

ranged, and it is probable that a com¬ promise was effected that would place her salary at about $2,000, as Lewis said Saturday that they were only $250 apart.

Miss Keller will probably play around the big Ekudem Tima, until summer, when she will rest preliminary to a run on the Orpheum Circuit in the fall. Miss Keller opened at the Palace after pre¬ liminary tryouts in out-of-town houses, and from the first she gave every in¬ dication of being a wonderful attrac¬ tion. The act was a good drawing cai^ at the Palace and attracted a lot of new business.

New York, March 8.—George Fabian, head of the First National Exhibitors*

Stirs League Circuit of New Jersey, and owner of the Regent and Garden thea¬ ters in Paterson, and who Is erecting a'million-dollar theater In Newark, has purchased the two largest theaters in Passaic, the Playhouse and the Mon¬ tank.

Connolly Leaves Dailey

11 1_Lansing, Mich., March 6.—After six T6iCn months at the Empress Theater here

as director and character actor for the H Ted Dailey Stock Company, Jack Con¬

nolly closes his engagement with Mr. Dailey today and goes to Chicago to make arrangements for his summer engagement.

a com- Fire at Churchill’s

New York, March 8.—Five hundred diners at Churchill’s restaurant left hurriedly last evening wbm informed there was a fire in the restaurant kitchen. Capt. James Churchill esti¬ mated the damage at around $2,500.

Leaves Small Estate

New York. March 8.—Anette Selos. once leading woman for Charlie Chap¬ lin, left an estate valued at $4,032.3$, according to announcement of the sur¬ rogate’s ofllce.


The Strand, Just Opened, Cost Half Million Dollars and Is Equipped With Every Modem

Convenience—Lighting System of Espedal Interest

Binghamton. N. Y., March 8.—The new Strand *rheater. one of the most

beautiful in the Eastern States, was

opened to the public tonight with six

high-class vaudeville acts as the at¬ traction. The new playhouse, seating

1,600, was crowded to capacity.

The color scheme in the auditorium

is in delicate tones of blues, ivories and gold, the walks and boxes being eicqulsltely ornamented. The drap¬ eries are of delicate blues, silver trimmed. As one enters the auditori¬ um from the lobby a balustrade of marble surmounted by a brass railing and sheets of French plate glass Is en¬ countered. This, besides being orna¬ mental, will serve to protect patrons from chance drafts while it will atoo enable persons to stand In the rear and see perfectly without Interfering with people In the last row.

Marble staircases lead to the mesn- nlne In the rear of the large balcony where there la a marble well looking down on the main foyer, and a prom¬ enade with retiring rooms both for men and women. The balcony is com¬ modious, and every seat is arranged to give a perfect view of the stage. There is no gallery.

Of especial Interest is the lighting 8>’stem, the first of its kind ever In¬ stalled In a theater East of Chicago, the Strand being the second house in the United States to adopt it. It is known as the X-ray system and It makes the entire theater as light as day. ’There is an excellent mural painting over the stage, extending

the entire width of the auditorium, and this Is lighted by a batter>' of these X-ray lights In front of the bal¬ cony railing. In front of the balcony

(Oontlnned on pare 90)

Has Big Offer as Film Star

Comic Cycling; Star May Accept Two-Year Contract From

Leading Comedy Film Company

New York. March 8.—Joe Jackson, who baa been playing a five-week con¬ tract with the B. S. Moss Circuit, clos¬ ing with this circuit following his en¬ gagement at the Regent this week, la considering an attractive offer from a motion picture concern. Mr. Jackson informs The Billboard that the com¬ panymaking him this offer makes com¬ edies exclusively, and wants him for a two-year contract. .Utho he did not say the amount offered him, he inti¬ mated that the concern intends to placo him in the Chaplin-Rogers-Arbuckle class. He may accept. Jackson has also been offered a twenty-seven-week vaudeville contract on South American Time, he says.

He ^ras "loaned” the B. 8. Moss peo¬ ple for a few weeks for their New York housea by the Capitol ’Theater, where he is under contract. The Moes peo¬ ple have been playing him a week at each of their houses, and. altho they do not figure on getting the money back

(ObnUsved oo pM* 86)


Enterprise To Cover Site of For* mer Cannstatter Resort and

ToCost Half Million Dollars -

Baltimore, Md., March 8.—A new amusement park, which will be known as the Frederick Road Park, will short¬ ly be erected at a cost of $500,000, on the site formerly occupied by the old Canstatter Park, on Frederick Road and Longrwood street. Amusements will be placed over the entire ISH acres, which extend quite a distance past Wilkena avenue, and it is the plan of the company to tunnel under the avenue, so that there will be no danger to their patrons from passing machines.

’The Philadelphia Toboggan Com¬ pany, which erected Liberty Heights Park, will build this new enterprise, and upon Its completion will turn it over to an operating company, com¬ posed entirely of Baltimoreana who have taken a 20-year lease oo the prop¬ erty. B. J. Megginson will be the con¬ trolling manager.

Besides a big merry-go-round, un¬ der-friction coaster, with a 62-foot drop; mill chute and water ride. Man¬ gels’ latest dips, large ferrls wheel, bouse of fun and dance halls, there will

(Oonttnaed on page 80)

MARCH 13, 1920


pto In congideraton of the hlue lam of Vlr* glna, vhich prohibit Sunday porformances. Moat of oar shown are (iTeo Sunday evenings. It ia oar aim to pleae>e the show people that come to tUa theater by giving them the beat and moat comfortable treatment.**


Thomas J. Noctor and Associates Buy People’s Theater for $105,000 and Obtain Lease on

Heuck’s Opera House—Plan Popular- Priced Shows for Latter House

One of the largest real estate deals in Cln- cinmiti in years, in the district north of the canai, was ciosed Saturday, March 6, when the People's Theater building and several pieces of adjacent property passed into the bands of Thomas J. Noctor and associates, at a purchase price of $106,000. The deal also embraces the lease on Hcnck’s Opera House on A'ine street. A new building to replace the People’s Theater block is contemplated.

The associates of Mr. Noctor in the transac¬ tions are Thomas F. Reilly, the first moving Head of American Theatrical Hospital

tion bouse, and will be the only one of that character in Cincinnati. It is planned to make the house a part of a circuit, and to offer melo¬ dramas, minstrels and musical comediea nt prices ranging from 15 to 75 cents.

Heuck’s has a seating capacity of 1,700 end the People’s 1,400. George Talbot will b« the manager of both bonses.


picture manager in Cincinnati, who owns the Colonial Theater, and ia interested in the Avenue, Ohio, Center and other movie honsaa; Joseph Ante who is Interested in the Hippo¬ drome and Victoria theaters, and George Talbot, Rcenlc artist, who has been manager of the People’s since ita control by the Noctor in¬ terests.

Mr. Noctor has held the lease on the People’s (or over s year prior to the purchase last Sat¬ urday, and that theater will continue Its preaent policy of vandeviUe and pictures the re¬ mainder of the season.

Henck’s Opera Honae, now running plctnrea, will be operated as a popular-priced combina-


Detroit, March 8.—J. Herbert Mack, president of the Columbia Amnsement - Co., New Ywk City, has appointed Edwin DeCoursey of that city as manager of the Oayety Theater here to sncceed the late John M. Ward. Mr. De- Coursey is. an oldtlme theatrical man, well- fitted for the dntiee of the position, and pre- Tkiualy managed theaters In the East; his last connection was a legitimate theater in Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Mr. DeConrspy plans no change in staff or policy for the Gayety for the present season. The honse has been doing record buslneAs all season.

Association at Dinner in His Honor

Chicago, (March 6.—At a dinner given in his honor in the Randolph Hotel Tuesday night hiy the American Theatrical Hospital Association, Jndge Sabath was re-electod its head (or another year. Tom Johnson was elected vice- president and Aaron Jones treasurer.

There were 250 plates at the tables. Ad¬ dresses were made by Judge Gooduow, Jndge Pabath, Dr. Max Thorck, 0. G. (Sport) Her¬ man, Aaron Jones, Edward C. 'Talbott, CoL F. J. Owens and others.

At the dinner it was decided to bold a bene¬ fit early in June in the Colonial Theater. The personnel of the Board of Governors was prae- tlcally unchanged by the new election. The first box for the benefit performance was sold Tuesday nigbt for $500 to the Showmen's CLesgnae of America.




Spokane, Wash., March 7,—The formation of thetNorthwest Theaters Company is announced. It contemplates the merger of all the Missanla playhouses and five theaters in Northern Idaho. A. Simons, of Wallace, Id., will be president of the new company, and Henry Turner, of Missoula, will be general manager. Tbe Mis¬ soula theaters included the Empress, Bijou, laia and Liberty. The other theaters are tbs Star and Liberty theaters in Miillan, the Liber¬ ty In Wallace, the Liberty and rrlnPeas in Kel¬ logg and the Liberty at Coeiir d’Alene City. The new company will lease a theater building sow under con-structlon at Missoula by the Smead-Slmons Company.


New Tort, March 8.—Gerson, who runs the dgar store under the Pekin clock on Times Square, is going out of business. He is one of the best-known business men in tbe theatrical district. During tbe Equity strike last sum¬ mer he gave members of the Equity all the cigars and cigarets they wanted on credit.

Federal Judge Decides Association Is Not Monopoly

New York, March 6.—Judge Knox is the United States District Court has dismissed a suit filed by the William H. Rankin Company against the Associated Bill Posters of the United States and Canada to recover treble dam¬ ages of $750,000 damages under the Sherman Act. The plaintiff company alleged that the defendant company bad bnilt up a monopoly in restraint of trade and stifled competition. The decis'on means the termination of a number of aimilar suits filed against tbe Associated BUI Posters to recover damages aggregating approx- Imately $1,500,000 provided it is affirmed by the higher courta.


Camp Eustice, Va., March 6.—Liberty Tlieater here has been having some very good musical comedies recently, all playing t* (*‘'-<1 patronage. Tbe theater does a very good basi- ness among tbe soldiers and civilian perTConcl at the camp, as well as being patronised by many residents of near-by towns.

"We average $816 a night on road shows playing Richmond, Norfolk acd Newport News.” rays Marcus Cutting, manager of tbe theater.

New Tort. March 4.—Detective Mlcbael Kel¬ ly of tbe headquarters division, appeared at Leo Newman’s theatrical ticket offices, 1482 (Broadway, Mooday evening and asked for four senta for the “Gold Diggers.” Kelly laid down a twenty dollar bill, which Newman, It la aald, told him was not enough, and fol- knrfaig a disagreement over the price Kelly took Newman to tbe West Forty-Seventh Street Police Station. John Oohen, 32, an advertising agent, was arrested >for interfering with Kelly oo the trip to the station. Kelly, it le aald, claims Newman tried to make more than a legitimate profit on tbe tiefceta.


Ctiailotta. N. C., March 6.—The Paris Thea- tar, Durham, N. 0., is being remodeled and en¬ larged by tbe Craver Amusement Enterprises and win be completed within another month. When opened it will seat 1,800 and will be equipped with all modern conveniences. The Carver interests operate three theatera in Dur¬ ham—Use Paris, The Broadway and The Strantb —^whicb have been closed daring the ’’Ou” period.

ne "Bex” Theater, Winston-Salem. N. 0., also a Craver bouse, has been remodeled, and opened Monday, Mairt L


Sharon. Fa.. March 8.—Two new modern theaters, to cost approximately $400,000, are to be built at Sharon, Pa., it is announced. The Oolumbia Amusement Company will start tbe erection next month of an up-to-date playhouse to cost apprezlmately $360,000. The seating capacity wlU be 2,500. The Strand Theater Co. also will erect a theater here this yesr to cost approximately $150,000. It will seat 1,600. Sharon, for years past, has been wltb- ont a modern playbonse.


Oorry, Pa., March 6.—The Bex Theater, play¬ ing pictures, vaudeville and road shows, has been destroyed by fire. A stiff southwest gale drove the flames towards tbe Grand Theater, across an alley on Main street, and threatened to destroy tbe business portion of town. The lose was $50,000. The boose will not be te- bnilt. and leaves this place with bat one place of amusement, tbe Grand, a motion picture bouse.


Baltimore, March 0.—The Palace Theater last week broke all burlesque records in the United States and Canada with Jean Bedlni'a "reek-aJBoo” as the attraction. At every per¬ formance every seat and every available inch of floor space were sold. The receipts of the house for the week exceeded $14,000.



E. E. Smathert Secures Lyric for $650,400, It le Reported—Operated

by Shuberte

New York, March 6.—B. E. Smathers. the tnrfman, has porchased the L^c Theater Id

West 42d street for $650,000, it U reported. The purchase la made from the estate of Reginald De Koven, American composer, who died In Chicago last January. The Lyrle is operated by Sam 8. and Lee Shnbert, Inc., and under tbe terms of tbe lease it still bat five

years to run under the Bhubert control. Mr. Smlthers is quoted is saying that In view of the lease he had no immediate Intention of making any change in‘present arrangements.


OElenTer, Col., March 6.—The nuaor that the Paramount people are going to leave the ex blbiting end of the field entirely and devote all their attention to productiona, and that th'* Ooldwyn syndicate ts to give up priductlen.' end go in exclusively for exhibiting, has given rise to the rumor In Denver that tbe Uoidwyn people are to buy up eeveral picture bouevK in this city.

The Paramount people ere repreeented here thru an arrangement with H. B. EUlaon, owner of the Princess and Rialto theaters, two of the largest picture houses in Denver. The WII- Uam Pox theatera are controlled directly fn>ni New York.

Goldwyn hat already taken steps to build a tiseater in Denver, which. It is said, will around $1,<X)0,000.

It is rnmored here that Ooldwyn is dealing for the control of the four Fox tiicaters In tbii city.


Memphis, Tenn., March 6.—Capacity has been the word here since tbe reopening of thesters and movie houses, following tbe Imiuenss dui- Ing order. Manager Bertram, at the Orpbenm has been standing ’em up every matinee an<l night. The same applies to Loew*e Lycenm. which set a house recoid on Wasbington'i Birthday. C. A. MoElravy, Memphis Enter prise, Inc., manager, reports anusual crowds. So far the X^ric (legit) has been dark, cancela¬ tions keeping professional companies away. Tbe American Legion Minstrel, under Gov, Bowen’s hand, drew $1,900 for two nigbta.


Iowa City, la., March 6.—^Two membera of tha "Left Go” Company arrested here oa the eve of the performance of the night show, Feb¬ ruary 26, and accused of taking part la the tame play when it was presented here Jannary 15, at which time It is alleged there were some off-color lines in the piece, were dismissed after a bearing, the proseention falling to sus¬ tain ita case. The arrests apparently proved a good ad for the theater, as there were capacity crowds at each performance.


Charleston, W. Va.. March 7.—The old lew Theater, on Capitol street, is to be torn down and replaced by a modern department store building. Tbe Burtew wan one of the old theaters of the State. All the great playen

TTila is quite an advantage for the show pco- of the period from 1890 to 1920 trod Its boards.

Actor«Aviator Lont Way In Fog on Trip to England

New York, March 6.—It le reported this morning that Robert Lorraine, tbe noted Eng¬ lish actor-aviator who started ^m St. Merits, fiwltxerland, for Hounslow, England, and lost his way in a fog, has arrived safely at Ham¬ burg, Germany, with hie pilot. Considerable nneaelness was felt for Lorraine’e eafety.


Memphis, Tenn., March 8.—Reports reaching this city say that J. W. Omhbe, owner of the Newport (Art.) Opera House, has sold

_ _ _ Frank Bacon has been added to the list of not working under Equity conditkme. The theater to a stock company for $'24,<W0. with tbe proviso that they pay when the strike speakers for the open meeting of the ChonM members of these companies have filed their Purchasers are: Alf James, A. C. WUkerson. was over. Now he is leaving tbe dgar business Eqnity Association March 14. Other speakers complaints, bat have neglected to keep the Bert Snetser and Joe L. Bevens. Tbe new and has started a candy and ice cream place in will be Burton Chnrcbill, Maude Swartz, eecre- borne office Informed of their route, and so far owners will improve the theater for legit, shows

taiy of the Women’s Trade Union League, and it hna been tmpoesible to find them. 'Unlese yon and motien pictures. Leo La Blanc, vice-president of the Chorus co-operate with your organization It can do Eqnity. This meeting will be held at the new ootbing for you. All Chorus Equity membera Actors’ Equity headquarters, 115 West Forty- fpom thd ctaorns seventh street, at tour o’clock. This is the ^^k in conjunction with the beginning of a spring drive for new members. Important

Chorus Equity Association of America BLANCHE RING, President DOROTHY BRYANT. Executive Sscretaty.

the same block as bis other store.


Chicago, March 6.—The Saratoga Hotel, for 28 years the master ground for showtoik coming to Chicago, closes today, litigants having tied it up pending an accounting. Yesterday signs WNe posted, reading: "All guests must be out of the building in 24 hours.” For some yean signs of tbe present dissolution have been multiplying, but the old place died hard.


Denver, March 6.—^The Morrison Jazz Or¬ chestra, a band of negro musicains that has scored a success here, has accepted a contract for a tonr of England, France and other Euro¬ pean coontriea. They leave for New York ^KHtly, and vriiila In that city wiU auke a aeries of pbonogragh records for tbe Cohm- Ua people.

and It is the duty of every loyal member to bring as many friends to this meeting ns pos- aible.

Tbe entire <AoruB of a company playing New York joined the Chorns Eqnity on Thursday of last week. 'Ihece girls were all brought in by oue girl in tbe cast, who Joined 'daring the etrike.

The new Cborae Equity pins will be ready next week. These pins are the same as those need by the members of tbe Acton’« Eqnity with a change in the lettering, C. E, A. A., being used instead of A. E. A. A. All mem¬ bers of the Ghorus Equity ebonld wear these pins.

There are several companies out on the road, fitmoot a hundred per cent Equity, which are

New York, March Eether Quinn, fonnerly bueiucss repreeentatlve tor Margaret Mayo and on the publicity staff of William A. Brady, ha* opened a general publicity bureau at 1418 Broadway with a staff of three people.

duty of that deputy is to see that the home office knows where the company la. Send your route In as far ahead as yon have it.

isn’t necessary tor yon to wait until yon are in trouble to do this. We want to know where

you ere anyway. Plane are being dlocnased by tbe Chorns

Bcmity coiatcil tor a dancing class for our members. Whether or not this clasa will be organized depends principally on the interest displayed by the membera themselves, but the Chorns Sqnlty council feels that it would be New Yort, March 6.—Nancy Lewie Wane', a great etep in advance if we conld guarantee daughter of the late well-known Engitab actor, that aU members eent from our engagemeat Lewis Waller, bae errived In this eountrr bnrean, which le placing so maby Chorus Equity and says rte ia going into the millinery Imal- people, were well trained daucere. ness In association with Qiadye Arcbbntt


New Yort, March 6.—Flo ZiegfSld, Jr., has ■scared Mile. Spindly, the rave of Paris, for bis new "Nine O’clock Hevne,’’ it is announced. She ia now on her way here aboard the Baltic.


oar €l


For Proposed Blackstone Thoatar in Lansing—Work Started on But*

terfield House

Lamlaf, Mich.. March 8.—The IBchlfSO SecuritlM Oommiaelon March 4 approTMl the iasuance* of atock t>y the Lanaing Theater Com- pan7. which propoaea to operate the projected Blackatone Theater and x>e)ce boildlng to he erected at the comer of Oaoltol and AUegaa atreetn. The Incorporatora of the Blackatone, who tare aecnred a lease on property In the hasinesa section, hare elected the, following offleera; Prestdent, J. C. McCnUongh: vice* president and general manager. Hay Brown; secretary, Frank A. Wall; treannrer, John •. Wilson.

The work of rasing the hoUdinga on wldcb the new (ButteiOeld arcade-theater building wdll he erected was started last week.


Chicago, March 8.—Among the 4>atleBtB op¬ erated on recently at the American Theat¬ rical Hoepltal are Harry iFoater, of the "Broadway Mnsical Comedy," for appendl- citis; Mabel Clark, of the "Winter Garden rnlliee," appendicitis and other compUcatlona; Violet C. King, soprano, kidney trouble; Jack "Scotch” Mack; Mrs. Bodolph Flacher, kidney trouble. All are getting along nicely.

O. F. Ilockafleld, property manager of the Bosh Templo Theater, la at the hospital anffer- ing from an dnfectlon of tho foot. Bn Is msk* big a good recorery.


Cuoberiasd. Md., March 8,—Judge Bobert B. Henderson baa rendered hU decieioB In the cane of the minority etoofcboMers against the Mary¬ land Theater Company and tbe MriUnger Brothera, managers, the former bavlBg nued for

an accounting and a recelTerahlp aUeglng mis¬ management and mlaappropilatlott of moaays. lodge Uenderoon deddM I entirely In favor of

the MeUnger Biotbers and the Msiylsad Ikes- ter.


>naaonIa, Mont., March 6.—The fbondatlOB for tbe theater and office bonding which the 6mead-.Slmons Building Corporation wUl erect Is practically complete and work on the medn structure will be poshed ae rapidly as poeaihlo. it Is announced. Mr. Hmead states that the tutldlng vrtien equipped will coot close to 8400,- 000 and win be eight etorlea high. The theater will have a sealing capacity of l.SBO.


Ihmpa, Fla.. March 6.—Salt for 810,080 dam- Hges by Elisabeth Conrad, actreM, vrim wsa with ‘iTotash C.; rerlmutter" in Florida In 1917, ugadnst the Atlantic Coast •Line Ballroad, Is being beard in Federal Court here. 6he aOefea that while alighting from the train at Lake¬ land March 1, 1917, her drees canght In the brass of tbe badly worn step of the coach and caused her to pitch forward on her lace. Incspadtst- ing her.


yrw Tork, March 7.—It Is reported that llr4. Frank J. Gould who was tho wife ot Frank J. Gould of New York, will eoon appear as s screen star. She may alao act In a revue In T.oo(lon or Parle. The idea occurred to her when someone in n reetanrant is aald to have remarked in her hearing that she had S won¬ derful “movie” face.


New Tork, March 6.—Frank Oersten, of tbtn city, baa purchaied from Frank Hall the Halted States Theater, Sixth and Washington stnete, Hoboken. It was held for 8260.000.


Balias, Tex. March 8.—Ground is being broken for the new 81,000,000 Majestic Theater on Elm near Harwood street. The structure will be four etoriee high, flreprooif and etpiippod With every modem convenience. T1»e theater will seat 8,000 pe<H>le.


New Tork, March 3.—A theater to coet 830,- 000 will probably aoon be erected in Bayside, L. I., the IJcKenna Plan Theater Oorporatlon announcing capital stock and the foDowing In- cori>OTatiors: J. 0. McKnlght. J. F. nnd Z. C. UcKi-nna, (Bayside.


New Tork, March 3.—The Dover 'neeter Oo.. with a capital of 810,000 has been Incorporated by n. R. McKenna, Dover; J. Ftad Bnrtman and Fred G. Nixon, NordUnfer. TZ.




Variety Artistes* Federation Calls Special Meeting for March 21 To Consider Wasrs and Means To Prevent Invasion ol

British Vaudeville by Late Enemy Aliens

German vandeartiats are attempting an Invaalon of British vaudeville. Greet Indtgnatloa le felt here against those managers and agents deeiring the Importation W>f German acrobatic and like acte, while ecoree of similar* British acts of equal, if not better, caUber remain unemployed. Tbe managers are nuttlDg out feelerq at to Variety Artistes* Federatlon’a attitude and what action. If any, the Federation will take if German acta are Imported. The Variety Artistes’ Federation he calling a special general meeting In London March 21 to consider vmye and means to prevent the euggested attempt of bringing late enemy aliens into tbe Brltttib enter¬ tainment industry. In 1918 tbe Variety Artistes’ Federation resolved to oppose tbe Iseonnce ot all theater and vaudeville liceneee to these acts within two years after declaration of peace In 1910. The English vandeartinta, actors, musiciaDS, stage crewe and front bouse staff conjointly agT'^ to strike If enemy aliens were employed anywhere *ln the bnildlag. It is stated Mr, Konoram, president of the International Artistes* Lodge, favors the policy of reciprocity by al¬ lowing the plaring of seven Britldi acta la Germany for each German net in England, but at tbs present exchanga rate Germans could work here prodtably at prewar salaries, but German managera could not poaaihly pay British acts even prewar salariM at the current esdtange. As an example, ten pounds English Is equivalent to 172 pounds in German marka, therefore Mr. Konoram's suggestion is valnelcM. *00 investigation it ia fAund that the Variety Artistes’ Federation is nncomprowilatngly against the possibility and Is ondertsking a press campaign against renegade managers who prefer pence and pocket at the expense of Nationals. Mr. Voyre and Monte Bayly. representing the Variety Artistes’ Federation, and Mr. l4igg and Athol Stewart, the Actors' Assodatioa, will attend the 'Tradee Union Congreaa at London Mareh U with « mandats against any direct action that miaea nationalisatlOB.


"Medorah" eloeea at tbe Alhambra Theater March 13. *1716 houaa will remain dark aDtn George Bob^ reopens In April.


"Tbe OrinmoB ABbl" ilidshea iti engagement at the Strand Theater Uaxtb 18 and wlB ba followed by Oertmde (Elliott in "Oome Oot of the Kitriien" March IS.


Marie Lohr bad to leave the cast of “The Voice From the Minaret" at the Glebe Theater on orders from her physician. Tbs play vrill close April 5. Mlm Lohr vrill resiipear at the Globa April 9 in the Ssrdon inodoction ot “Fedors."

"THREE WISE FOOLS" CLOSES "Three Wlee Fools” has closed at the Ambasaador’s Theater and will be replaced Mar^ 10

by "Otleraon’s Way." MOSS’ EMPIRES DONATE 85,850 TO BEHEVOLZiHT Finn)

Moss* Empires have made a donation of 85,290 against GtoITs 88.800 to tbe Variety Artlstea’ Benevolent Fund. Speculation is rife aa to tbe amount wbMi vrill be given by Defkece-iOuUtver Tourt.

CHARLES F. HEDGES COMMITS SUICIDE' Charles Frederick Hedges, of Hedges Brothers and Jacobsen, committed suicide at Forta-

moath by inhaling gas. Tbe teem played there three weeks ago and Charles quit Ae act at that place, iremainlng bdbind. His landlady fbund him dead in bed vrith bin head enveloped in a (beet and a gas tube In hit month.


yVank and Gladys Cooper have replaced “Home and Beauty,** by Knoblook. vritb Uy Lady Dre'a play, “Our Eater."

SIR FRANK BENSON’S "HAMLET** In describing Sir Frank Benson’s vevlval of “Hamlet,** one of the eventng critics soys that

neither Intellectually nor technically can it he called satisfactory. It ia full of eccentric read¬ ings, which would have greatly astonished Shakespeare, and It ia Intensely thestricnl without becoming thrilling. Rather reminiscent of Oscaj Wilde’s description of a like performance of Sir H. Beerbohm Tree. “Funny without being vulgar.** Another writer says that Sir Frank edits the text in a fashion which leaves him gasping.

COMEDY RAISES ADMISSIOV Andre CTiarlot will make tbe production of “Wild Geese.” at tbe Oomedy. the startoff at Mt

higher priced sesta campaign. Both the Comedy and tbe Prince of Wales will raise tbe atalln ta 18.15 and the circle seata to 82.80, pIna the war tax.

PERCY VERNON IN BANKRUPTCY **Perry Vernon," new Lord Lyveden, as long ago as 1882, was acting at the Haymarkat

with the Bancrofts in “The Overland Route," and more recently has been In vaudeville with a sketch. He has just undergone hla examination in bankruptcy, and a stat-ment showed that his unsecured Itahilities were 833,800, with no assets. Lyvedea stated that he was entitled to an income of 88,000 a year under a settlement executed by his late grandfather, the first Baron, bub this was chnrged to an insurance company, and no value was placed on tbe equity. Tho ease was left in the hands of the official receiver for administration in bankruptoy. Lord lyveden stating that at present ho could make no offer to his creditora.

MUSIC PUBLISHER LEAVES 8873,000 Astbor Boooey, tbe well-known music publisher of Regent street, left 8578.000.

SIR THOMAS BEECHAM’S OPERA SEASON OPENS ■k nomas Beecham’s new season of grand opera in English opened at Oovmit Garden

Pllbraary 84. The repertoire consists mainly of works by Moaart and Wagner. Among tbe operas being revived are "The Meistersingers," wMch has not J>een heard in English in London for over ten yean. The delayed production ot the English opera, "A Village Romeo and JoUat,** by Pndarlck Delias, will take place early In March.

"TEA FOR THREE" ROASTED BY ARCHER William Archer writes thus of "Tea for Three,” which waa prodoced at the Haynurket:

"Tbe atory la founded on the assnmptloB of rank idiocy on tbe part of tho husband and preter¬ natural cleverness on tbe psrt of the friend. But even this assumption loaves it utte^ ln-> credible. It ta only because an outrageous series of chances play into tho friend’s handa that tho plot la carried out at all. The whole fabric of the comedy crumbles to pieces the moment common sense Is applied to any point in it. Only by resolute mske-believe esn we give tbe thing even momentary credence, and the mere dialog Is not so delightful as to dispose ns to put an enormous strain on our powers of make-believe.*'

Another writer ealla It "an anti-domestic trifle—an nnfatthful parody of real life—deaUng with tho vulgar adventures of a bachelor bounder, a deceitful wife and a persecuted and mueb-to-be-pltled hnsNind. Tho character of the wife Is a shoddy rsg of fresklsh frailty. In America the friend, not the husband, got tho *langho.* Here tbe friend la an intolerable bounder. There will be a slump In matrUnony If any more plays like Tea tor Throe* are imported from the States." _

PARKER P. 0. SCORES Parker P. C. (Polica Oonatable) and Lena and Toots Pounds, scored an emphatic bH at tka

Princess in Lew Lake’s version of tho moslc comedy, "Pretty Peggy." which was first prodaced St the Kilbnrn Empire, subeeqaently going on tour at some of Gulliver’s bouses, and thenca to the Kennlngton Theater, and it now a West End attraction. It is lavishly put on and dressed, and tbe prellminery run made for smooth working so the opening night. TTie three mentlooed csrry tbe show OB their shoaMert, and Horaca flheMoa. to charge of tbe Palladium orcheetra, la coBtrolllag tbe orchestra ptt for tba flrat few weeks "by arrangement with Obarlee OoUlvor.

ADA REEVE aUITfl ALHAMBRA Ada Reeva baa qnlt tbe Alhambra show oa account of UI health, and Is now feenpentlag at

"Hr.” Brigh^’a. Clara Bntterworth, who waa aaeoclated with Jamtnoa Dodds la the **TAlae Bomtao" at tba MBpiiai is playing tho part ot "Princeso Medorah.”

(CbaUnued on pago 88)


Aetora Named as Dafandants in Kar* gerrais’ Action Against Club

Tall Why Ha Was Dropped

New Tork, llareb 8.—Robert B. Ecgerrels, aa actor who filed salt for 8100,000 damages agalast Jobs Draw and other members of the Playen’ Oinb, has been enswered by tbe defendente. Kcgerrcls had complained that tbe defendente canaed hie naxtension from tbe Playera* Club in June, 1818, after bia patriotism had bemi qncatkmed and that bo waa reinstated pending proceedings Inetitntcd by him la the Supreme Court to comiiel his relnatatement and that later be ^as expelled on the grounds ba had not paid bis dues. The answer filed by Kegerreis admits be wee auspended from tbe clnb on charges filed against him by Saliabary Field, George K. Denny end Frank h, Warrta. Jr. It etatea that while tbe charges were na- der cOBSlderatkm by officers of tbe clnb the plalntlS applied to the Supreme Court (or a writ of mandamng to compel tho clnb to ra- Instato bim and that tbe oppUcatloii wee de¬ nied after the club submitted a statement to tba Oonrt that tbe plalatlff had been reinatated. Tbe defendanta aik that the action be dls- miased.


Khaym, the White Mobamet, Is doing big burineia under the managemeat of O. H. Bry¬ ant. according to reports received from tbe ahow. Tbe (bow la playtng ovor the Klaw A Brianger Time in the Nortbweet under tbe book¬ ing enperviaioa of George Hood, tba K. A O. rcpresoatatlva at tba Nortbweet. located to •cattlA

fllO. Wyatt la to advance of tba show, end Victor Lovltt. aecretary. Beotdea Kbayta and three aaeietantr there le a apeemlty offering by Tvoana La Relno, and Bttle •Babotto Valerio is XMCoC. Gypsy Lovo la principal aaslatant with tba show. Jnna Day is waidroba mistreaa.


Chlcafts March 9.—W. T. Gatkell’a dozen or aoro road compantea ahoaing the “Shepherd of tho Hills" film have fojnd oot just bow really woU off they art compared with other road companies during tbe fin period thruont tbe country. Joe Cohen Tbe BiUboarl that when a Gaakell manager is notified that bis aext stand is cloeed up on account of too fla ba Amply beepo on showing wbera ha la na- tU ba can got Into a house that Is opea.


gpringfleld, HL, March 8.—A proposal to ex¬ empt and exelnderirom all and any statutes pe^ tatnlng to child labor and rompulsoiy educatloo children engaged la theatrical and mualcal per¬ formances was placed before tbe Illinois con¬ stitutional convention Monday. Its introducer wae Michael Rosenberg of Chicago, delegate from toe 19th diatrict. Tbe propocal waa not racetved until tba coavantioa bad given unanl- moaa coosant.


Raw York, March 8.—A now theater will soon be under way at Woodbaven, L. I., to coat 870,000. Tba owner vrill be JoeeiA Hartman,

I 8674 into street, Richmond HIU, L. I. Tbe ' boose win be bnllt at too soutoeaet corner at ' Boyd aveana.


New Toek. March 8.—Tho Martin Sampler nestrleal Baterprlses. Manhattan, baa been In- corporatod with a capltol atook of 16.000 hy M. and O. and A. M. flamptar, 210 West 102d streat.


Oklahoma City, Ok.. March 8.—Two biradre<l dtdlars In currency and a check for 841 were ttolen fMm toe Dreamland Theater here.


New York, March 4.—Aa estate consHling of about 8600 la personal property waa left by Frilx Scbwancblld, president ot tbe Coited Slngess of New York and meatber ot the North- westera Singing Sodaty-


Raw York. Marrit 3.—The Amorican Amoae- aiant CocporatloD of tote city has Increased Its capital from 81,600.000 to 810.000.000.


FhrUand. Me.. March 6.—A new corporation. The Capltsl Tbeatora. dne.. capltelUcd for 11.150.000. hat been organtecd under the State

^Without n^ecting its homely and prosaic business end, we are devoting more and more attention to its finer artistic phases and accomplishments;

ALFRED E. HENDERSON “The base of my work Is the correct placing bnt the night before In St. Peterxburg a roat- ' -- of the speaking Tolce which is done thru na- Inee and evening netted 11,700, wliich U pretty

Discusaed Objects of Drama\ic Arts* ture’s own method, breathing from the dia- closs- to 8. B, O. at ti>e riaza there. The re- qIuIj pbragm. The voice la the organ of eipresshm. ap inae was very good also thru Mississippi and

It ia one of the most delicate organa as well Alabama. The comtiany jumps to the Carulinas

as the most effective and therefore the great- now and will reach Washington early In April,

est care and the highest skill must be brought from where It Jumps to the Sew York “subway"

to bear upon Us development for' professional circuit,

uses. To this point all aspirants for public

work take the same class courses—the A>un- PLANNING SUMMER SEASON dation of correct breathing which gives sweet- ■ ■ ■ ness volume and quality to the voice. The more Providence, K. I., March 6.—Proprietor Corn-

advanced course, extemporaneous speaking and mette, of the Newport Opera House has ar-

dramatic work, are given Indivldnally." ranged for a presentation of a long list of the

The Dramatic Arts’ Club will bold Us next best plays by the best actors and actresses here meeting at Hotel Astor March 18, 8:30 p.m. Eu- during the summer months. The series will be-

gene O’Neil, author of “Beyond the Horizon" gin early in June and continue untll^ late In will deliver an address. August.


New Tork, March 7.—Jolm D. Williams bat

found a hone for Engene <1. O’NeiH's tragedy,

’•Beyond the Horizon." The play vrlli start

a regular engagement at the tattle Theater

next Tuesday night. Richard Bennett, who

has been playing In "For the Defense," sill

play tn “Beyond the BorUon’* only, aud "f\>r

the Defense,’* vriUch has been playing at the

lUvlera, will close.

**l%e fnndamental idea in forming the Dra¬ matic Arts’ Club," said Alfred E. Henderson,

president, “is the fact tluit all other WM-ieties

considered the development of what one might

term the world drama, that la, plays from auth¬

ors of all countries.

“Bnt no society or group In New York had concentrated on the American drama which per¬

haps is quite a natural procedure when one

realizes the number sf foreign teachers In our schools and colleges where the encouragement

of foreign literature has Us Inception.

“The new organization contends that the

drama has its place in our national life and

we must develop it thru a study of the native


“The schodB are n«t Interested In American


“That Isn’t the way to develop the Ameri¬ can drama, U Itl” questioned tlie new presi¬


“The ©bjecta of the society are the pursuit

and promotion of the best type of American

drama, a closer relation between dramatists and

theate.g >era, and the ventiiatiou of free opin¬

ions on all things concerning the theater at the

society’s fortnightly dinners.

“It is alm<sit Impossible to wish to serioosly

aid our American drama without producing plays, and with the new club the production end will be frankly and purely experimental

for the time being.

“The monthly dlnneh will result in a closer contact between dramatists and actors, concur¬

rent with this, the social meetings at the Hotel

Astor will Interest the intelligent Uieater goer

and being held in the, members may

conveniently be accompanied by their hnsbands.

Accordingly the business and professional men

will be indirectly Introduced to our patriotic

project—the promotion of American plays.

“Further Interest on his part, htrwever, would

make him eligible to the more active circle, in

which case be passes from the social depart¬ ment of the organization, say Class ‘B’ into

the professional department, which we will des¬

ignate for the moment, as Class ‘A.’

fie may at hla own discretion, then, become a

partner in the producing end of the Dramatic

Arta’Society. A one-act play by an almost un¬

known author will be presented ut every meet-


Dudley Diggers and Uelsn Westler have again

proved their craftsmanabip In “Jane Clegg" And with them thla time come Margaret W'yob-

erly, Erskine Sanford and Henry Travers. MIm

Wycherly baa received veiy warm praise In-

deed and Mr. Travera, tho entrusted with but

a amall part, U mentioned In practically all of

the notices. The production' (by Emanuel

Ueirhrr) la exceptionally flue.

Alexandria Cariiile la the John Masefleld play, "The Tragedy of Man." richly deserved

all tbs ccisalums bestowed upon her by the

reviewers, but Annie Hughes, Beatrice .Noyes

and John Uarw'Md were rewarded niggardly for exceptionally fine work.

John Drlnkwmter, the English poet and play¬

wright, anthiir of "Abraham Lincoln,” sailed

for Liverpool Match i oa the Cnnarder Kalierin

Alpbona* Victoria. Be expects to return la

November with three new plays, "Bubert E. Lee," “Oliver Cromwell’’ and “Mary Stuart,"

U. Granville Barker, the English theatricai pro¬

ducer, Mllad on the same Uner.

Jane Cowl was taken soddenly ill March 3

and the audience at the Broadhurst, New York,

that night had to be dtsmlssed.

Harry Beresford as "Jed" in "Shartnga,"

gives a carefnlly studied, consistent and even

Impersonation of the role, bat nafortunateiy the

role la nut anything near so appealing as that

cf Peep O’Day. Bat the present engagement

bids fair to bring him fhr greater subetantial


Dodge sad IN>gaay’a first New Tork offerlBg

will be "Mask,’’ which vrtll be presented at (he

Punch and Judy Theater March 11. In the can

are Blaache Ysrka. Tvonae Garrick. Margaret

Band. Leah Temple, Benry Mortimer, Cecil Owen, Douglas Garden, Scott Moore and others.

This productloo will be directed by Vadim


‘‘The ‘TldM Geaerttlea,** a comedy by Harold

Heaton, anaoaaeed for early production, has

teen held over aatU nett Aatumn.

Frederick Howard bee jolaed the cast of

"Eaat le West," playing the leading male role. "Dodo,'* Avery UopWoed’n newest fsree, will

to Into rehearsal sboB, according to George

Marahall, who baa ehgaiM Boland Young, Em- eit OleadeaBlng. Julietta Day. Hazel Turney,

Read BamOton, Oraea XavIm Anderson. Tot

i)aaltera, Barry fialtat aad Barry O’Neal foe

the prodoettea.

Llviagstoa Platt atattad Cor Saa Francisco

-March L While d« tbs BscUla Coast ha will

.take a navr prodoctlea gsr Margaret Anglin

and will also atttnd to soasa work la coanectl c :rith the forthretaltg RroducthMiB of Ciiteii«;i

I’xtures, s new fllm-msklBr or-sr!'Ts»i''-

"Tha Cat Bird** la talk/. This cannot bs

denied, bat It 1# tOty bright aad clever talk.

Parthermora, thare la a fresbaass of theme and

a sort af anderljlfig action that la most deftly

•nggested and which gosa far la the matter of cnhanclag Its dramatic valaCs. John Drew's

impersoeatioB of Martin Oloadc mote than re-

daema any sbortcemlags the play has, it there

art any. Ha reveals raaoarcea that even bis

foadest friends aad staonchest admirers never

snspacted. And yet all tha old excellencies are

still there. He Is a new John Drew, a surpris¬

ing; different find greater John Drew, but be

bte last no vrfatt of the old familiar and endear-

(ConUnhed oa pag* lit)



Nnmher of oonaecatire performances up to and tnclading Satnrday, March 6.


,Cort. Centary., .lamgaere. Afurosco.. Eltinge


Abraham Lincoln. Aphrodite.... Adam ami Eva. Beyond the Horizon (mata-only). Breakfast in Bed. Clarence.. Declassee..... Is West. George Washington. He and She..'.. His Honor, Abe Potash. Jane Clegg.. Lightu.u. Mama's Affairs.. My Lady Friends., KlrhaM III. Sacred and Profane Liove.. anilai.

Shavings. Snil'.ln’ Through. Sophie. The Ae<|uittal. The (Mt Bird.. The Famous Mrs. Fair. T'te O Id Dicrers. The Hottentot. The I-etter of the 1.01 w. The PsKslon FK'wer.. The Pnrple Mask. The Sign on the Door. The Son-Danghtcr.. The Storm. .. The Tragedv r,f Nan (Tues.JbFri. matB.)..\Iex. Carllide. The Wonderful Thing.— . Wedding Bella... .

Florence Qloore.

Ethel Barrymore. Empire Astor. Dec. 25. Lyric . Mar. 1. Little. Feb. 12. DUou . Oct. 14. .Garrick. Feb. 38. Maicty. Aug. 36. -Fulton. Jan. 19. Comedy. Dec. 8. I'tymouth. Mar. 6. Moroseo. Feb. 23.

c. cherry-1'’. Larrimore JUtb Street. Sep. 12. Knlckeitx>eker. Feb. 16. Broadhurst., Dee. 90.

.Greenwich Village. Mar. 2. _.i„han A Harris.. Jan. 5.

John Drew.Maxine Elliott_ Feb. 16. ri. Milier-HlaucheBatesnenry Miller. Dec. 22,

I Claire.v »reqni. Sep. 80, Wllllsm Oolller.George M. Coban.. Mar. 1. Lionel Barrymore.Criterion. Feb. 23, Nance O’Neil.Belmont.Jen. 13. I.«o Ditriebstein.Booth. Jon. 5.

.Republic. Dee. 19.

.Belasco. Kov. 19.

.48th Street. Oct. 2,

. iFeb. 17. Feb. 17. iNov. 12.

Walter Hampden.

Itaruvy Bernard.

Frank Bacon.

4 'Itun Crawford. John Barrymore.

Jane Cowl..... Emily Stevens.

“Even devoid of scenery the play mnst stand

on Its own merit. If it is stiong and dramatic

or clever and satirical the opportunity will be open to the members to produce the play and

share the result of Its'auccess on the commun¬

ity plan.

“If we actually produce a play by an unknown

amthor, we will have already attained the first

object of onr formation—the puranlt and pro¬

motion of the American drama. “We are not highbrow, we are rather lovers

Of the elmple and natural. We do not propose

sweeping changes. We do not assume the

garb of reformers In any sense of the term.

We are merely a set of thinking people who

enjoy the better things of the theater and who

wish to stimnlate Interest In the drama and

support American playa worth while."

Mr. Henderson during the war conductetl a

public speaking foma for the government at

Camp Lee, Ya., end Newark, Del. Ills lib¬

erty Loan speeches In the various New York

theaters netted over one and one-fonrth mil¬

lion dollars. Apparently be is adequately qual¬

ified for his present undertaking since be has been for some time a lectnrer on literature and construrtive Americaniam on tbe Board of Ed¬

ucation Circnlt. Be la at present scheduled to

lecture In Europi* between April and October

under the anspices of tbe Pond Lecture Bnrean.

Hla many years of teaching has placed hita In

close touch with tbe actor and the writer.

Asked abont tbe Henderson School of Oratory

whicb be formed, the new club president said:

Lenaore Ulric.

.Playbonse. barrls....

IN CHICAGO Glarenev.. Dear Me. Vis’ Nelly of N’Orleans

The Ruined lAdy. Welcome, Stranger.

Blaekstone.... Oort. Powers. I*rinoess. ( ohaD’s Grand.

LaRne-Hamllton Mrs. Flske. Oracs George...


Chicago, March 6.—Howard McOoy, manager

ot the Shobert Stock Company, St. Fanl, and a

member of the firm of McCoy A Tyson, has been

In Chicago seeking plays and people for bU

newly organised "Tea for Three" company

whlots will tour the Northwest,

Oilcago, March 6.—Juliette Day, star In “Oh,

My Dear,” In the Le Salle Theater, will leave

that show in tbe near futnre to take the prin¬

cipal part In “The Charm Schfxi,’’ by Rbbert

Milton. Tbe latter production will probably be

seen In the La Salle this spring.


Atlanta, Ga., March 6.—Hugh Walpole, emi¬

nent novelist and dramatist of England, de¬

livered a lecture in Atlanta under the auspices

of the Atlanta Center of the Drama Lteagne of

America, speaking on the subject, “Creatthgia

Novel.” The lecture was one of a series te be

given this year under the ansplees of the ieagne

by prominent dramatic writers.

New Tork, March 5.—Several bnndred people

who went to New Haven last night to witness

the first performance of “Not So Very Long

Ago" at the Shubert Theater were disappointed,

as the baggage car containing the scenery had

been delayed somewhere between New York and

New Haven and the performance waa called

off. iiiiiitiiiiittiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiJ:



PERING Chicago, March 6.—Marian Kerb/ and Mart

Helscy have left the “Dear Me" organisatioo

end taken their former roles in “Howdy,

Folki,” which will come to the Olympic March

8. Grace Reala and Frederick Beane took their places in “Dear M*."


Send any photo. State color hate. tveS, clothea Price. S3.0a. SiZizfacUoa or refund money.

s mn L MnuNTH mmiw e S OBtta- coaptete aftd tkoro trnininc In ^ « necutloa. Dramatic Art. Publlr Speak ^ g Ing, Play Prodoring. Kdaestional Dra- — S OMtlca, PuMte fitadeata* Ferfnrmaaees. — S (Bimkieti 108 Fnllor Blfig., "Dept. B.” • S FbUadelpliia, Pa. Pbeae, fipraee 8087. jg

Tampa, FU., March 0.—Edna Goodrich, In "Sleeping Partners." has been playing to phe¬

nomenal stands ail tbe way from Oklahoma,

Arkansas and Bast. Ft. Smith and Little Rock

tamed out 85,200 for the two stands, accord¬

ing to O. W. Hall, who Is still watching the “Aphrodite" will end Its mn at the Century

boxoflkm for the company. Cold interfered here. Theater, New York, April 3.

ffowB of irUto allk and white oetrlch phnnee. Another attrmctlTe conttine worn bj the etar waa ef pink allk, both of which were made loll and paffj at the hipa.

Adolf Unk wac reallatlc aa the tootbleso old rone. Sidney Toter waa excellent aa the flrat lackey, hla bamorona familiarity with the lore affaira of hla mlatreea, tho alwaya maintaining the voice and bearing of a high-claaa aerrant, making hlb work extremely delightful. O. P. Heggle waa good aa the pcoaalc writer, but be waa too phlegmatic for a Frenchman. Unbert Wilke aa Qlnck and Oawald Yorke aa the Abbe were effectlre. The aodlence failed to abow any algna of entbnaiaam over “Sophie.” The aettinga were attractive.—MARIE LENNABD6.

EXCERPTS FROM NEW YORK DAILIES Mkll: ” ’Sophie* la at leaat andaclona. The

linea occasionally sparkle with wit.” World: “Philip Moeller made a labored at¬

tempt to write a light and witty play.” THbnne: “ ’Sophie* falla to bold Ita place,

thmont. Emily Stevena, a distinct disappoint¬ ment. Play ia a one-act bnilesqne and not n three-act comedy.”

Times: “Mr. Moeller*a mildly historical com¬ edy seemed dnll and improfltable. Emily Stevena la nnaoited to the role of Sophie.**

American: “Miss Stevens has never appeared to better advantage. M«eller*s most aoccessful effort in the hnmoroas line.**

Son: ” ’Sophie,* new sex play, la exceedingly broad.’*



251 Lexington Avtfiut, New York.

Ttie Hat of donations from Coupon readers coDCloaively proves that the habit of giving U not Indigenous to any section of the country, ft North, East, West and South are represented In the addresses of those generous hearted folks whose contributions are mentioned belnw: Wal¬ ter 0. Dodge, Dayton, Ohio; Victoria Wames- son, Chicago, |1; Will Bingham, Binghamton, N. Y., 29 cents; Charles Corby, New York, |1; Oce llamllton; Mrs. L. J. Donnelly, Brooklyn. J. F. Johnson. Athena, Qa., writes: “Here’s ten laughs for the boys and more power to the good ladles.” Soldier Crowley, the Mystic, Buffalo. N. Y., $5; 0. F. Glaxier. Greenwood. Miss.; a Kentuckian sent bis bit of sllve^ and Chet Wheeler, advance agent, also old Midler, sent $1, saying: “Enclosed find a mite for the boys. Will call again.” A terse but signlflcant line—“To My Slstera: Please use the encloaed 19 for the boys, bless them.” Signed May Rob¬ son. That's the REAL professional feeling! Here’s another letter from Jessie Phelps, Port¬ land. Ore.. In which she remarks: “1 was go¬ ing to a show today but thought I should like to have someone else enjoy it with me. Am I too deep? Hoping I can make one, at least, smile, I enclose 39 cents.” No, dear Jessie Phelps, your meaning Is quite clear. There are many boys who would like to have been at Portland enjoying the show with yon, but their gratitude at your kind remembrance is genuine. Perhaps a letter may And yon at 309 Twelfth street, Portland, Ore., for boys do get lonesome, and a letter dteers one might¬ ily. Am I too *’deepP*

And now, dear readera and Coupon builders. 1, IdalMt.


Lawrence Washington .kVank Arundel “THE HOTTENTOT”—A new farce In three L>nl Fairfax .Allen Thomas acts by Victor Mapes and William Collier. Mammy 3al ..Nellie Pe<‘k Sau^eM Staged under the personal direction of r.iptaln Van Rramm .Le Rol Opertl • „ to™ mu . ___ Mnry W.ashlngton .Elsie Herndon Kearns ’ ^ ’ 0“*****^- Fresented (Jeorge Washington .Walter Hampden “7 “hm H. Harris at George M. Cohan’a Sallj Fairfax .Beth Martin Theatrr, New York, March L Ann Spearing ...Netta Sumlerland THB CAOT* ElUabetb Dent .Beatricee Mande ‘

Hirmphrey Knight .H ’ * W ’' H^n** Mrs. oilleOUflid'V.V.V.V.V.V.V. Helen Wok-ott

^^.7 ^k^5^;^v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vix;“

La favette .Paul Lyssa c “ '.

“George Wai<Wngtoo” la a chronlele play Reggie Townsend .Howard Hnll Glbsi>n

of earUest American history. The ten epl- .-rb* Hottentot” is nndotAtedly tlie fnnnleet sodes, written In poetic prose, so fstsi to of all the Collier plays. WlUl* Collier has naturalism, follow the development o# our only to make a Might turn of the hand, the country tbrnout the life of Its first great com- foot or the head and to speak a few CoRteres- msnding figure. que words to convulse hla capacity audience

Unfortunately the stirring Incidents of that with Unghter which. In “The Hottentot,** be time, as presented by Mr. Mscksye’s work, are toceeedg la doing contlnnonriy tbmcut the so devoid of the dramatic quality that the perfomianee. audience waa never once moved to what couW Collier, spontaneous, delightful artist be Interpreted as an outburst of patriotic np- that be la. has evsry trick of the farceur’s art planse. at hts finger’s tips and tbe fun newer lagw.

Tlito seemed particularly lamentable for two The hilarity wa« all over Sam Harrington*# reasons, imeaase efforts of the kind, however (played by Mr. Collier) adventui^ aa a horse Flannagan belated, serve the highest interests of the conn- man, wbo is mistaken for a great rider and Wat try. and because Walter Hampden, with Ms <q>iiged to keep np tbe deeeptVm or run the '•*' austere figure, noble dignity and a certain risk of losing bit sweetheart. He ridee ”Tbe Frank"’.*.".' spiritual quality, c'omblne*! to make a living Hottentot'* to rictoey after some sorry and Haiti and majestic portrait of the simple, yet ariato- ludk-rons experiments. (ToUier Is the whole cratlc Wasbtagtnn. show, but Donald M'eek aa a butler, gives a ^

Standing alone against tbe blue draperies, dlatlnctive performance, reading alood tbe I»eolaratloo of Imlopendence Helen Wolcott. Frances Carson and .Vnn Aa- to bis beautiful voice Walter Hampden pre- drewa appear In both house and sports attire nankl aenfed the most uniquely inspiring picture ©f nnosual attractirenesst The scenery is l****?^' of tbe evealng. On the DeUwsre. however. effecUve, particnlarly the wooded spot from be wss a lone figure, weary and besrtslek. which the exciting off-sUge race to viewed.—

Tbe cherry tree episo<ie was not given, hut MARIE LENNARDS, audience c under the s|ieU of Its moral Influence one might EXCERPTS FROM NEW YORK DAILII8 '**■'*♦ gulltny confess a regret that the hatchet waa ’Thnes; “Wlllle Collier again Atees as an P**®**’ not left about the grounds with which to cut tbe ^^Iroit farceur. Play well susUined for two of Miss Na nol^ dto of tbe ballad-singing by George (fq three sets, but concluding somewhat lame- k wealthy Marlon and the two cMIdren wbo rollicked ]y.» who, tbo i thrn tbo Interlndes, which, altho well done In “Literally a laugh with ever line. “Ihe “that Itself, seemed entirely out of key with the per- Hottentot* win be a hot favorite.** Mi formanre. Globe: “It waa a walkover for ‘The Hotten- ber crook

The stately Virginia Reel, to which Washing- tot* Ust night. The most emphatic success of of Mary ton himself parth-lpated, struck the high spot hla already long career.** I*aaed he of decorons relaxaton. The dancers, moving World: •‘Collier’s work to ’The Hottentot* of Mary \ in and out of tbe focal rays of the natural j, aothing leas than an artistic delight.” the old s< lighting, now and then caught a high-light on .Unericaa: “It is quite impossible to resist mistress o some glittering accessory of aa elaborate Oo- Collier's antics in ’The Hottentot’ ” for her to lonUl nwtnmc, lending a fasclnatlag quality of Trfbnns: “Oolller’s bnmor to now, as to the to order tl fleefness to encbance the beauty and dignity ©f the Intimate sort.” and get a of the scene. there ia a

'There is novelty and afimplleity to the Oo- ‘'SOPHIE*' lover, call V>nlal settings designed by Robert Edmond —— psrsdo Ms Jones, who has snltaMy blended tbe colors tSOPHIB**—A comedy to three acta bT Fhlllp TVhtch be of tbe flag In his tinll red brick bnlldtofR white Moeller. Preeented hy Geo. O. Tyltf at tbe ua^xpecter poling fences and bine sky. Greenwich Village Theater, New York,

“George Washington” laeka simple and ato- March 2. ^ ^ cere appeal.-MARIE LENNARDS. ' ■■ strange cl

EXCERPTS FORM NEW YORK DAHJBS THE CAST Mbll: ** ’George Washington* to Aetchily Marie Guimard.Marjorie Hollis Ml** Ni

wrlttea sod unimpressive save to Its occasional Melnel.Drtsy Vivian portrayal '

flashes of great bisteriesl momento." Sophie’s 1-sekey.Paul V. Athert-m ..f -


ios^h V. Tuller resuers ana uoopon t lUabeth "sblrley read this message from far oC Ropert, ...Lncllle Wall sent by Al Palmer, comettot, ef the UolIowcU "**m”**sPd*7^ Musical Company who coUectad IIAIO from Ihe

® * * membera of that organlaatlon, adding a dollar ed,” tbe vehicle of his own, bringing the total np to $2.00: “I idnctog Florence was overseas for seventeen months with tbe vattog dual role Thirty-second Division, but wss fortunate to rooks, is clesrty get back to good heslth; 1 realise what those e old type, with boys bad to go thru over there, and I know their rillaln to hiss, feelings now that they are incapaclated with “crooks.** "nie crnel wounds. Any time that 1 can make a to deprive tbe coUectlon I wUl do it with plefisore.** ThaUs having guessed the sptrttt

to destroy sns- Another wide awake reader, Charles Corby, tends one dollar and an exceedingly bright

f Mary Waring, letter containing a few belpfnl saggestlons which dadge Brennan, this column hopes to take advantage of. The BP by crooks, is g{gt of his communication follows: “Have been remarkable like- giving a great part of my time toward helping fact la used by to entertain the boy# to the varions hospitals,

ler Into the borne having been to every one to the East and as bsence of tbe or- far South as Newport News. The spirit of tbe on the dresses nation seems (o have died, many folka, yea,

to making even about tbree-qnarters of the population today •he to the real have forgotten about the horrors of the war ll been arranged just p^st; they don’t know of tbe hundreds of ids to the bouse poor fellows who atm lay wounded, sick and Ixe tbe premises helpless In different hospitals—THEY are a ig Jgwels. Bat thing of tbe PAST. This should not be. The t story. Mary's public shonld be awakened and tbe facta made ind kissing tbe known. I am here to help you. If It Is possible. Ity In that kiss Here Is a suggestion: Why not get out a clrea- lerieuced. Mary lar on tbe style of your eolnmn to Tbe Bin- »t, but not seri- board, reading about tbe same, and mall several It developa that hundred to each of the Elk lodgea to and aronnd I, separated by New York? Another Idea productive of good chUdbood. resnlts would be to send this same clrcnlar to

r and whimsical theater back sUge with a sealed box and erience has been • collection could be made every three days

whose Instincts •ox*“f show folks. In conclusion, let me She makes the t'*** 7'*®' article to The BRlboard en- to the rich one ■<> Giat I bad to lot you know thxt

with great deU- ^ the part. Wal- work.**

was quite satla- » letter from Ft. Worth, Tex. Mis* f condeettog hla Angelina Ferbanle, requesting the name of the lied esnabiv tha wiltcr of this column. If only to satisfy curl- renflemso *** '>7 SSylng the writer 1^ be searchinx In- Marion Rnssell. But what matters a name? It

Morgan Coman >• wR the Indlvldnal that connts. it is the ** Nick. Mabel spirit which strive* collectively for the araeter work as *>*®«*t of humanity. In looktng over this Hat of ■ of the Pekin '•o“ors and the territory they cover, don’t it

.en. Ganlner to- <>f TOO.

' Mrs. Wells, the ^e will run the Right to laugh Coupon es “enjoyed poor 7®® f® respond. An amy

good as George siotor truck filled with crippled sol.llers on ring, who found ^7 to a theater matinee in Forty-foarth true life mate, efreet Is Jnst passing the oiBoe window as 1

sms *‘ComeTed** '*Tlt«. Tears are to my throat—the scene Dd highly fascl. *’®**® misty—there are SO M.tNT CRCTTIIEii— R, (Contlnned on page 13)


BY BI8 wm,


A book that cvwy metnlwr of tho wild bunch wUI Meatly and i# wM«h thoy «UI And many nsu

facta. UneOwT with mueh refutallpo of what haa hiTHotats bora wl(^j ^srrept^ ^ facta.

.theatrical irooK^MpKv ttRvtcc.

F. F. MACKAY A Thwoufh Training Dehool for too Btago and

nathant Vocal Easrriiss. OpM aC Um roar r^wl. Machar'a ”ABT OT A«1N^ for sMo •i roDawtatary. "saw 711. 145 W. 4Stb RC Nw Vsik. RJ Y.

Tells of Method of Study for Roles

Spcaklns of the dlffereat motbod* of atady

for comedy character rolea, Min Ida Mailt aald:

“I always lay aside my own perooaallty as I would my coat or bat and set under the skin

of the character. 1 lire in the part for the

time helDf. In preparation of the role I get

the antbor's Idea and then search for a llrlng

counterpart and between the two make my own creation.

“Once 1 played a parrot in Henry W. Sar-

age’s ‘Woodland.’ It was a comedy rule and

I haunted the bird stores until I found a inn'

genial parrot. After Tlsltlng the store scTera'.

consecatire days, the storekeeper looked at m<'

snspIcloDsIy and wanted to know my ‘Inten

tions.* Haring shopped abroad I knew I wai

scheduled to buy a bird as fancy In price as he was in feather.

“I was distressed, for I did want to take

one more lesson at the cage. That night, bow-

erer, I felt greatly rellered, for, after rehears¬

ing the parrot role In my room, the hotel man¬

ager sent a bellboy with a note adrislng me

that animal pets were not allowed and that the

parrot must be kept quiet at night or left In

charge of the porter.”

Miss MuIIe created ’’Yarn Yum” with Mans¬

field as "Koko" and played all the principal

roles in Gilbert and Sulllyan’s operas—also in

Hendernon’s extrarngansas, “ftl'-.b^d” ••Cinder¬

ella” and “All Habs.” but, siH MuIle, *’I

enjoyed most my comedy character n>|es for the

opportunities they afforded to portray the ludl-

cTous in human nature. I hope some day bt

play a character role that wrlll run the gamut

from low broad comedy to high comedy,”

Miss Mnlle last appeared in Comstock a

Gest’s “Oin-Oh in-Chow”'production and will

shortly appear In a new comedy by a well-

known plajrwrlght.



tie here and a Uttl« there. I happen to know mi-re comprehenslre picture of a repreaentatlTe

a woman who baa ererythlng ahe wanta bnt set. I did not find any war.playa being writ-

the ncTcr risen from a chair without aaylng ten In Germany or Hungary, while daring the

(painfully) ’Oh dear.’ Many people talk about Ant three years of the war eren the noted

their last operation and what medicine la good wrltera lent tbemaelres to propaganda playa,

for this and that ailment; they are so dependent all of which ranlshcd from the map after the on their ailments and medicines for conrersa- rerolntlon. The Hungarian play output la most

tlon that without these they would hare little Intereatlng Just now and there are some One

to talk about. It's survrls'ug how absurdly ael- things (not big) on modem Danish city life.”

fish a good woman can be and not mean it at “Strong legitimate drama Is popular In the

all. Stranger stlU it Is that she is frequently theaters of Central* Europe, and I am glad to

encouraged in being sncb a nuisance by mem* note,” continned Miss Oolbron, ’'that New York

bers of her own family. ‘Are yon feeUng weU !• *l»o presenting the more powerful play. ’The

today r la a familiar and conventional qnestion theater business in Europe Is not being sffect-

—It leads to nnwbolesome and nnlctcreatlng da* od by any privations. People wbo attend the tails.” theater are saving light and beat at home and

“We are well becanae that’s our right,” Miss they eat the food they carry with them to the

Shannon continued. “Many have asked me tf *>«•* orchestra ecats. They seem to forget their (Continned on page IB) tronblea In the clasaica rather than in the light*

Talks of Her Part in “Mamma’s Affair, One of the Newest Broadway


Announced by n militant Yorkshire terrier < eerving on sentinel dnty, the writer was admit- I

ted Into the gentle presence of that most fin- i

Isbed portrayer of distinctly feminine rules, 1

Miss EDe Shannon. Asked to talk abont her

present part In “Mamma'a Affair,’’ in which she < gives a rare and balanced performance that 1

might easily be overatreased. Miss Shannon said:

“1 read the play and was much Impressed by

It but couldn't quite make up my mind if it

wronld be received in the manner in which it <

appealed to me because it was so satirical, and

too, because of the tinge of tragedy In the sit. nation of an overiKJwerlng love.

’•Barrie saya in 'Margaret Ogllvy’ “Tlie fierce

Joy of loving too much Is a terrible thing.” In

'Mamma's Affair’ the mother is absorbed in her

daughter and In turn absorbs her daughter.

Of course Miss Bntlcr has treated It all from the humorous point of view,

“I tbidk the success of the play Is Its nnl*

TCTsal appeal; most people have two of the

characters In their Lome. I know many moth¬

ers Just like the mother of the son. People like to see types on the stage which they recognlie,

and if some of the audience have a counterpart

of the stage type in the family they can laugh

at them in the theater where they can't at


“Duilng the first set the andicnce doesn’t realize that the mother 1 play is a hyitoehondrlac.

When It dawns upon them later that she Is

Just such s fraud the laugh goes all thru the

house. There Is nothing so exhilarating as to

hear an andience langh and have a good time.

“It la an old saying that a woman hasn't any

sense of humor, but anyone attending the mat¬

inees would appreciate the fact that there Is

nothing lacking In the woman's sense of humor

even when the Juke Is on her sex. This is al¬

ways true with a comedy.

“In a serious play like ’Under Orders’ we

missed the applause at matinees which we got

at night because the w-omen wept. la a fs,m-

edy, it's glorious to play to an audience entirely Ilf women. After a performance of ‘Mamma’s

Affair’ 1 feel fresh and could play it all over

again. My performance in ’Under Orders’ on

the contrary was very fatiguing, it took so

lauLh tut of mo. la ' of D'li retl'in.’

despite the cine obaiiges of gowns with their accessories, it was stimuiating to listen to the

laughter of the auJlen. e; it kept me up: I

recall once at u holiil.-.y perl d playing this role

four times in foity-elght hours.

“It never surprises me when I hear stories

of temiiera mental on'.hursts from actors play¬

ing heavy parts; they are n<it normal during

such iierformances and cannot shuffle down I;n-

medlately; they arC different from other people; they can't help it. The seven harmonious mem-

bers of our company, fortunately, are all chect-

fnl, normal and sane.

“Subconsciously my part Is always ■with me

even away from ti.e theater. 1 am ever watch¬

ing to see or hear something that will improve

or change it. These conditions naturally affect

the stage artist and should the role happen to

be tragic it finally gets on one’s nerves, and

makes deligbtfni therefore the change to a sea-

^ son of comedy in which to relax and be happy.

■ “ ‘Mama's Affair’ was an instantaneons sne-

c cess; it caught on at once In Providence and

Washington and conld have gone ont on the road without a New York verdict. Sometimes

the playgoer doesn’t want to be a ‘dog’ and

he’ll wait until a play Is tried ont In New York, but ‘Mamma’s Affair’ was an exception.”

“Is your characterization of the mother sug¬

gested by some one whom you know?” sras “There i* no money to be made on Sndennan,

asked Ml s Siinnnon. Hauptmann or Schnitzler plays—^yoo can fet a

“I have known quite a few women like the literary audience for a tew x>erfoimancea, bnt

one I am playing,” said the brilliant artist, it will not prove a financial ancceaa. There was

“and 1 made a composite picture, taking^ lit- a time when Angnstin Daly made famous an

era of German comedy and good, snappy

dramas, in which Ada Behan, John Drew

and Mrs. Gilbert, all of the famona company,

played for a long contlnnons period.

“Ditrlclistein’s ’Are Ton a Mason’ was from

a German farce. However, the last two or

three plays of Suderman’s are i^tten in the

society satire vein along the lines of the mod¬

ern IlntigarianK, like ‘Tea for Three’ by Bloboda

and ‘The Tailor Made Man.* which was aisok

translated from the Ilnngarlan. Both of these

plays, by the way, were secured from Mr.

Bartsi-h who purchased them in Hungary. “In Kuderman’s late plays, however, ha does

not confine himself to the triangle bnt gives a


To Be Produced at Little Theater by the Agine

New York, March B.—Boyd Agin will be as¬

sisted by Mrs, Agin (Bachel Barton Bntlet)

In bis production of ‘‘Alice In Wonderlaad.”

The premiere of a series of performancea wi.t

be given Friday afternoon of Easter week at

tlic little Theater for the benefit of a child¬

ren’s charily, yet unnamed.

Thia Is an introduction to the next season

plays of the Aglns to establish a real child¬ ren’s theater which ■will be edncatlonal as well

as entertaining and will Inclode their own cut

vofslon of “King John,” Henry V.” and some

well-known stories.

Among the players already engaged for “Alic*

In Wonderland” are Winona Bhannon, EUxa-

both Pattersiin. Morgan Farley, Wlllanl Barton,

Edmund Keese, Edwin Beryl, Corlatto Irwin,

Viola Preble and Henry Miller.


New York, March 8.—“TTie Girt In the (3of-

lln,” John M. Synge’s “Hlders of the Sea” and

“Sabotage” are to be presented by the Dra¬

matic Clnb of the Y. M. H. A. and the Y. W.

II. A. at the MetropoliUn Theater. Montgomety and Charlton streets, Newark, N. J., on Mon¬

day and Tnesday evenings, March 29 and 39.


Now York, March 0.—Lanrctte Taylor, who

recently conrlnded her engagement in "One

Night in Korae” on Broadway, has been booked

by Cbarlea B. Coehrane to appear in London in

the same iday, beginning April ^

-Photo by Charlotts FslrchUd. New York.

LEGITIMATE NOTES Discussed by Grace Isabel Colbron» RS'

cently Returned From a Trip Abroad

“Jane Clegg” is drawing such tremendoot

andiences at the Garrick Theater that the New York Theater Guild has absndoned its plan to

prodnee “John Ferguson” ■with the original cast,

whldi has been In rehearsal one week. Dame

Bnmor aays the Irving Theater Guild has s

tallsmanlc Jingle. Who knows, there may be

a re-chriatening? The Drama League baa purchased the entire

hoose for one matinee performance of "The Pi¬

per.” The prodnctlon is under the direction of

Angnstin DnnenSL

You are invited to viat

- obam/lomtoiiv. *«••«*> ^4^ i EOY. ETABIE ARO CLAWIC OA^

C"*« *•*“ FMOTO FLAY. ACTIWA ' **»-*» w. irth near »faaaws». crunni S Fsw Vsrk City.

THsphons »JM CIrds. rVIsbrlttas who stodlrd under Mr. Alvlene Hsrn <■«. Annstta Krllennsnn. Nora Bayes. Mary ruliw Mary Plrkford. <5«rtni<ls Hoffnisa. Fays Msrti^ Al'w Joyea. Elatnor Painter. Taylor Bolnes. Joseph Dolly Sisters. Florance and Msa Nash. llllr._Pssl« and many other miowncd srtists. Day sndBreo'™ Ooursts. Public Studoats’ Prrformaness. writs » IKWIN. Sec'y, for trw eaUlofM. BSoUssang stMi dMtred.


•••-ert at 35 not Ouf prl«. 9#e postpaid. V, —wosit-o In Books on tho Drama Have yon looked tbm the I-ietter List In this

Issue? Tliere may be a letter advertised for yon.



l ssooccco^


o M f - :: f s ’






RICHARD A. PURDY treasurer


FRANK GILLMORE €»tCUTivE secretary

EQUITY LETTER (March 3. 1920)

Every member of the A. TL A. will learn, with enthusiasm, that Frank Bacon has been elected to the Council. No one emerged from

the strike period with grreater honor than he. How he was welcomed- at our meetings! His quaint but Intensely human speeches always brought

laughter and tears. As everyone knows, Frank Is both author and star, and was reaping a rich harvest, which he had sown and cultivated thru

long years of splendid, but scarcely recognized, service. Patience and perseverance, combined with a great native talent, were at last rr-

warded. It was at^hls momenta that the clouds lowered and the storm burst. It was up to him to declare himself, and without hesitation ho

Joined the strikers. What mattered financial and other sacrifices when great principles were at stake! The thought of self may have entered

his mind, but never weighed. His people needed him and that wae enough, which reminds us of L/illlan Russell, who, when asked w'hy she

was leaving home In the middle of August “to Join the striking actors who were In the wrong,” replied: "If they are, the grreater reason for my

Joining them.” Incidentally It was Frank Bacon who made the remark that as far as he could see the “Fldos” were about as useful as a glass

eye at a keyhole!

In spite of Collector Edwards’ ruling on deductions from the actor's Income It Is said that the tax officials are not allowing IL De Witt C.

Jenningrs, being In Washlngrton, was appointed our representative and called atfthe office of the Commissioner to explain our grlevahces and to

ask relief. The Interview was most satisfactory, and an official ruling from the highest authority may be expected in a few days.

'The question whether “The

Whirlwind”w.,orAPPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I tlinitv tit aav that nn mnttof

Whirlwind” was or was not a “spec¬

tacular” production, whether the

management was or was not en¬

titled to five weeks of free rehears-

ala created a deadlock In the arbi¬

tration committee, and so Augustus

Thomas was asked and kindly con¬

sented to hear the case and to

make a decision. Our contention

was that the word “spectacular,”

as used In the contract, meant a

production of such proportions

that It necessitated more time for

preparation than was allowed or¬

dinarily, and that a stage coach, a

few horses, a group of dancers and

an ensemble of 45 did not neces¬

sarily place a piece In that cate¬

gory, but Mr. Thomas ruled against

us. We wish we could gilve his

argfument verbatim, for it was most

Interesting. In brief, he said that

the intent of the author was evi¬

dently not to depend solely on the

plot, characterization and lan¬

guage, but on an embellishment or

appeal to the eye; In fine, on some¬

thing physical, and that whether

he had succeeded or not should

not count so much as the “IntenL”

“The Meeting Place” Is to be

revived again. It was only tem¬

porarily abandoned during Mr.

G'.llmore’s absence. Managers in

the West need good actora Be¬

sides stock and regular produc¬

tions there will be at least 300 tent

shews this spring. W’’hy hang

around Broadway when there’s a

chance to work, to not only pay

one's way, but to save as well ? Thru

'The Meeting Place” the fact that

you are disengaged can be made

known, and It won’t cost you a

cent. If you want to take advan¬

tage of this, and are a tiember dt the A. E. A., write to. or call on.

Miss Oarrlsh at our new quarters,

115 West Forty-seventh St., New

Vork City. She will send yoOT

name over to The Billboard, but If


“Actors' Equity Association’’ Branch of The Associated Actors and Artistes of Amsriea«

Affiliated With The American Federation of Labor.


. 19.... The Secretary. Dear Sir:

I herewith tender my application for membership in the Actors* Equity Association and enclose ten dollars, being the initiation fee of five dollars and the semi-annual membership dues of five dollars. One dollar of this sum is for my subscribtion to “Equity.”

I hereby solemnly affirm that I am an that I have been en-

*gaged in obtaining my livelihood in that profession for at least two years, and that I am at present obtaining, or endeavoring to obtain, a living from the theatrical profession; that I am a fit and proper person to be admitted to and become a member of the Actors’ Equity Association and If elected I promise to obey and abide by the rules, regulations and mandates of the Actors’ Equity Association and its properly elected of¬ ficers, as under the Constitution, Article 2, Sectiotr 4; ^

“Members shsTI be eV-teil br tbe Connell. tbaTI sbMe by and be fOTemed by the ConitUntion and Br-Iinwa of the Asaoriation. and any mle, order or law, lawfully made or rlren by any lawfnl anthorlty. The Connell ahall hare power to eensnre, snspeiHl. drop, expel, terminate the memberablp of, request the resignation of. flne or pnnish any member, and the offenses for which and the condltlona nnder which the Connctl may ao act tball he aet forth la the By-Laws, or in mies adopted by tbe Conncil. Any person whose membership shall cease, or be in any manner terminated, ahall bars no further rlfbU In tbe AeeoclaUon or Ita prop-


Permanent address.

Please state below, sufficient Information to establish two years’ active experience on the stage if coming in as a senior member.

This application must be accompanied by the Initiation fee and semi-annual membership dues. (If yoa an coming In as a Junior Mernbor. strlka ont the weeds

“for at least twe yean’’ la pangrapb 9.)

pltal, and I am taking this oppor¬ tunity to say that, no matter what the obstacles may be (they have been mountainous In the past), I will continue toiling until the end.

“I should like to call to your attention a few pertinent facts.

“The American Hospital has been built at a cost of over one- fourth of a million dollars. By the¬ atrical ppople? Oh, no! They have not, as a body or individually, given It the support that it should have received. The doors of the hos¬ pital have always been open to them, and members of your pro¬ fession who were stricken with Illness have never been turned aw’ay for want of money.

“OUR HOSPITAL. IS NOT ENDOWED. It is my associates and I who carry the burdens. It has no deficit funiL There is no source of revenue other than that received from pay patients. -Now the question arises: What has the Anrierlcan Hospital done for the¬ atrical people? A committee ap¬ pointed to go over our ledger has found that In the last few years far above one hundred thousand dol¬ lars has be%n distributed in char¬ ity work to members of your pro¬ fession. We have an actual loss In every twelve months anywhere between twelve and eighteen thou¬ sand dollars. This does not in¬ clude physicians’ fees. Oh. no! These are actual running expenses for theatrical patients.

“This is a state of affairs that at the present time exists, and un¬ less someone or some set of peo¬ ple In the theatrical profession who are Interested in their own welfare, and who are truly Inter¬ ested in their fellowmen, takes hold, Ood only knows where con¬ ditions will lead to.

"I do not care to continue and discuss the present situation, but I want to say In conclusion that all a human being can do is to have an Ideal and work for it. which I am doing and will continue to do until the Grim Reaper calls a halt to my activities. “(Signed) MAX THOREK. M D..

“American Hospital. Chicago.”

Miss Oarrlsh at our new quarters, charity could be more

115 I\est Forty-seventh St.. New Our own people are treated Vork City. She will send yoor I ■ there and nursed back to health name over to The Billboard, but If * ^ ** absolutely free of charge. Actor.«

you don’t want your name adver- If you have neglected to send in your dues for the present six months* ",?*** ® place of this nature more t-sed then a number will be used P«riod send them at once to Actors’ Equity AsMeiatlon, 115 West 47tK because under .sea inen a number will do usea ’be State laws they cannot be ad-

standing till May 1, 1920. We wish to rsmind prospsetivs members that mbted free to the public hospitals.

The following letter Is most In- order to Join ths A-tors* Equity Association they must be in our juris- teresting: diction. By that we mean that they must be in the eo-called legitimate eighteen month., a "My Dear Mr. Oillmore: or mueical comedy line. If you deeire further information on this point ’bat eliminates most of ua

"It was indeed a pleasant chat we will gladly furnish it to you on request. FRANK GILLMORE,

tised then a number will be used


The following letter Is most in¬ teresting: "My Dear Mr. Gillmore:

"It was indeed a pleasant chat that we had at the American Hos-

the State laws they cannot be ad¬ mitted free to the public hospitals, at least not until they have been residents for eighteen months, and that eliminates most of ua

FRANK GILLMORE. Executive Secretary.

mmmmmrnmmm 2^

EuMrtrit ui CmHi OM Mm Chartdtn now ta VMukKlU* with Jack LtUt'a IwadUjM oomi* -Hate.** TtjikHiit MUa In lM<fln« BMarn

Oominunications to Our Cincinnati Offices^ Man for Heavies. Man for General Business. Man and Wife; anything cost

VsB Kormaa, TMaa Moor* aad E. J. Spoffort. SCfstle Star laaater hare Fabruaiy 0. ssd has for. Vaudeville Team; change for week, ntanaser. fassd favor with tbaaterfoera. One MU a Address iSM CalKomia 8t, Denver.

IMm Daa, new leading ladjr, baa disUngalibad weak la tba policy. The roater laclndea Laoaa Colorado, beraelf in atellar lolea and la the abort tima aifretta, Oswald B. (Hack, WlUlaan Myara. of her association with the company has estab- Lawrence LsBey, Walter 8. dark, ■thel Uabed quite a following. The Inflqensa inter* Brown, Ira Kerling and Louise Clerk. A ehorna fcred with bosineas aomewhet, hat •Moditions is naad in aome hllla, alao apaclalties. are sow back to aonnaL


- Great Favorite With Prospsot PlaysrSf (BOeinl, jEV., Hailcb Samuel Oonopcih. Yonksrs

president of the American Federation of Labor, " ■— and bis entire party, who are Tlalttng Mianit, Teskers, N. T.. March A—That Um aincOoaa were glTen a box party at the Mank Theater of stock work haia thalr reward la apprada* Wednesday night to witness the Xewla-Wortb tion la attested hy the great popnlarity of Players* performance of “Jerry." After the Mildred Florence, leading woman of Blaney’s performance Mr. Oompers congratnlated Olga Prospect Pleyan at the Prospect Iheater here. Worth, Gene Lewis and their entire company It !• not alone true her peraonal charm and for the excellent eTening’s entertainment. her skill in Interpreting a rarlaty of roles xhat

Thos. Kane, of the Centnry Play Oompany Mist Florencs has become solidly astahUahad In of New York, arrived Wednesday tor a visit the esteem and affectlona of the Prospect pat- of a few weeks. While here he will arrange «»>«. hut thru her gracloTianeaa of responding


Retain New York Theaters NATIONAL 8TOCK

In Chioaoo Unqualifigd Succm*

Chicago. March 8.—The Natkmal Theater Oompany, playing stock, reports an nnqnsuntd soecaaa. The company, now playing “Jha’t

fMrl," la la Its ninth week. The last two plays girea, "Braoded" sad "Please Get Mar. tied." each played to capacity honsea.

Ivy Shepherd, leadlag woman In “Branded," and OUSord Hastinga, la the heavy role of .VelveC Kraft, each did work that stood out boldly as artistic trlmaMts. Karl Way and Mias Shepherd scored most sncceasfnlly la “Please Oet Married.** as did also Alice Delans and Adels Lawtan.

Others in the oast ait Mflioa Klbby, Lais Wllsoa, James Carroll, Arthtr Oordos. Bari Bom aad othars. With Fraak 0*l>onaaU oa the Job tad Orlif Barnett la the aCarlag It la believed that stni larger public favora ait la atott fov tUa txssUant stock otganlaatlaa.

Renew Leases on Ywlcville and Prospect for Long Term ol

Years—Frances McGrath Back From Vacation

New Torii, March 8.—Charles K. and Hnrty Clay Blaoey renewed their present leases on both the Yorkvllle Theater at Blghty-sixtb street and Lexington Ave., and the Prospect Theater In the Bronx. They will control these booses permanently for a long tefm of years, thta assnrlng the patrons in these two differ¬ ent neigbborbooda of a Blaney Stock Company fog some time to come.

Aronnd the YorkvlUe Theater, there la aoks mote popular than narry Clay Blaney blmaalf. who dsvotev mneh of his time and attention to¬ ward thia ps -tlcnlar apoka la tbs Blaney whsM of stock thtatart. Mr. Blaney can be seen every night both In float and bnck of the honan, wMcb la no doubt one of the principal raanona tor the great anccaaa of the theater.

Fnncea McOrath, popnlar leading woiasn of the Blaney Flayera at the Torkville, haa fast returned from a tour weeks’ vacatloa. spent In Canada, after having played fifty-eight consec- ntlve weeks at the bead of this sncceesfnl or¬ ganization. Sh« retnmad in the heat of haaltt and opened In "The Ciaderelln Man" last we^ The Blaney Brothers expect to pat Wins Ony Bristow, who filled MlM McOmth*a place daring her absence, at the bead of another New York stock la the near fotore.

Jack Marvin has also retamed to the Blanay Playcra at the YorkvlUe. Mr. Marvin was oa» of the most popular members of the company Mat season nntll he deaerted stock to appear in plctnres. Mr. Marvin opened In a holly part in ‘‘Lombardi Ltd.** this week.

Forrest Orr, the “Mayor of YoAvllle,’* na ha Is popularly known, played, for the first time In stock in New York, the leading part In “Lombardi Ltd." He aaya **It*a a great atoift play and a'wonderfnl part for n leading man."

UNIQUE STOCK CO. CUcago. IMartft Bngene Levy, of Levy*! ■ Orphanm Thaatar. Seattla, haa opannd • parma-

Finds Favor at York, Pa. Bigelow baa sent Lnom ■ Baar, as prhna donna aad Jimmy Oallaghav

York, Fa., Much 8,—The UMqnn Stodc Om. and wlfh, an Jaw comedUa and aoohnt. n- pany opened an IndeOnlta engagement at tba npeetlvMy.


Thn Bawkinn-Webb Stock Camps ay recently ptedaead **Jlm*s OlrL" Frank Hawktaia la a latter ta the Centnry Flay Company, writes: “1 )ast can’t help writing yea what a pleasnre It la to prodaca pUye llko ’Jha'a OlrL* it has ovary thing ta mako It a vroadartol stock bUl, aad glvea avary member af the company a chaaca.

Um Maahattaa Playcte apenad at the Vta Oatlar Opera Hoosa, Bchaaeeudy, N. Y., with *Volly With a Past,” W. O. MeWattera and Mas Melvla playiag the loads. The opening was a Mf aaecsM aotwlthotaadlag that the op¬ position stock at the Hndsaa, pUylng “Pen- rod," playad to oxceUoat bnMnaaa.

Charles Loveaberg, for autny years manager of Kaltk’s Theater, PrevMance, has contracted for a number of pUys thru the Centnry Tlay Oompany for the spring aad annuaar season at ProTldeaca.

Warren O’Hara, actor-manager, to hosy as- totting plays for bis two ntaek companies at New Bedford and FaU River. Both companies art playiag to excaUent baalacoa.

Tha Now York stock companies aU report Mg hoalaasa. At the Prospect a rerival of “A Fool Ihera Was" playad to capacity, the York-

vlllt "The Big Oiaaca" mads muney, and at tha Foartaenth Street Tbeatar "Please pat Ma^ rted" played to full honaao.

"no nOor Made Uaa" played to lacord hualntaa at ParUand, Ma.. last weak.

Lithograph Paper For All ClaoMO of Attracttonsi DramoNev MmoIcoI CowoOy, Mlootroi^

and Undo Tom Carriod in Stock Roady for immodlato SMpmont. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ENGRAVED BLOCK, HPE WORK. CARDS, DATES. KTO.

Cata og simI Data Boaha MaNad Fran of Chsrga


Piano Player (Male), General Business Character Man, to do two or three specialties, on week, under tent; General Busineat Heavy Man; Song and Dance Team (Male and Female), to change specialties for week, special¬ izing on the dancing, to play bits If necessary; Boss Canvasman, EX¬ PERIENCED; Assistant Canvasman. Opens April 11th, In Stock, in Marshalltown, Iowa; then under tent May 24th. FAink Robinson, please write. Address 8. G. DAVIDSON, Mgr,, Cass-Parkar-Rachford Shows, Inc., Home Office, Terminal Bldg., Waterlco, Iowa. ,


Starts Indefinite Enijagament at Piquai

Plqae, O., March 6.—The Pitaeen Stock Oompeay etarted an Indednlte ttock engage- tnent here thto week. The company came in wtQ reputed after havlag been on the road for the pact aeverel months. The opening re¬ ception was very favorable, both by press sad pdbUe.

Thomas Beweese, who haa beea saaodated with the ranceaa Stock aince last September and who until recently wae In the advaaee. la BOW bnalneM manager. Tom la a hard worker, and to, him is due no amall oammt of credit for the anceeee of the organlaatloa. Sher¬ man L. Jones is the owner.

The oast, tbo small, to very able aad la- clndee Sherman L. Jones, Frank Hathaway, Walt Williams, Walter Beatty, Letty Hatha-

I way and Marie DeoMond.


Jehp.t# C. Oariyte, focaerly of the Charlea and Harry Olay Blaney stock eoaManlea, writea that he to confined to the bs^UI at the Soldiers* Honei. Nattannl Military Home, Kaa- aaa. Ba would Uka to hear ftm his friends aad anybody elan la the profearion who would care to send him a ehMrful weed. Ha states that it to very loaecomc for him at the hospital, whera he haa been an lamata tor the last tlx Bontha. Ha hopea to be cot by cpring or early ■ammer. Oarlyto wlU otoo bt gnteful tor say rngdlng mattor saat htaa, whiah ha aaya be will pass on to atbar Inaataa wha would also ap- prectota M. '

Oariyie served la the •pfiaUh Anerieaa acd lata WoiU War. Addraaa aU corrcapoodaace to Bax 3X2, Nattoaal MlUtaqr Boom. KauMA

STOCK MGRS. NOTICE! 1 have ONB HUNDRED RETS OF IlBGni>AR WARDROCK BILK. SATIN. OOU> CUm. TK,TBT eto Also I HAVE SIX SETS OF THE CLAS8IE.ST RPBCIAL PAINTED gCENliSIY THAT HAS EVER ^ECN HUNG. I HAVE PLENTY LOBBY, etc. The above equlpmeiu U A-No. 1 In even partloular. I am a Produring Comedian, with an unlimited supply of nalH-laL Have Prlnia Donna and ftralcht Mhn. OUR PERSONAL WARDRCMtH IR UNEXCiOAJ'lD. ABlliTY, CLASS AND AIX THAT MfWCAL COMEDY CALLS FOR. BEUABLE MANAUBRR, LET ME HEAR FROM YOU. WE AJIE TilREE VALDABUB PBOPIA I can fumMi eretythinc tnit the theatre. Addrett TANNY fiALLOWAY, nmaiaeat. Tana. Wire I44S Harel St.; Mail, General Delivery.


FOR THE 7-CAIRNS BROS.’ DRAMATIC CO. One Combination Sleeper and Baggage Car, one Baggage Car; also otM Poll- man Sleeper. Send full description of cars quick. Also where can rmn Oq seen. Address W. L. CAIRNS, New Hampton, Iowa. Box 3^. ,

The Billboard is la receipt of a letter tram Barry J. Leland, late director of dramatle aa- tiviti-s at the U. S. Marine Oorpe at Qnantico, Vfi., where he haa been prodoolng plays for the Marines daring the peat year, stating that ba Is now In Salt lake City, Utah, aa director of the Ralph Cloninger Players. Leland aaya that Mr. Cloninger has an excellent company, the toetcr Incladlng, besides hiipself. Jamee Ony Csher, Sedley Roach, Jamee Neal, Stanley Jonnasaan, Harry Taylor, L. Victor GiUard, Ande Due, May Roberta, Vloln Hanea, Peait


Akna, O., htorcb 8.—Sdward Otorke lilley. maaagdr aad Icnd^ man of the PauUaa Mac- iLasa Playera, letnmed this week from New Yevk City, where he eecured eoveral Broadway auecettee tor atoek refiaaaa, among whick are ’•’Way Down Boat.** “PutoMi oafi'Partmattar,** "Parlor, Bedroom aad Bath." 4^ throe re- toaoed art bread new. Work «a the sew plays win be started Immediately.


Heavy Maa and Direotnr. W’ardrobe and ability.

ZEMA LAWRENCE LmiHng Lady flDgMOM TYre). Youth. abUltg, pwaonallty. vrirdrabn

Our expwlaDoa eoablaa ua to work In Mw beet. We eqiost top salary. AdUrtaa 1420 Sauth Watw Street, WMHa. Kaaaaa.


S»Krri<leice. B. I.. March 8.—Charles Lorea- berg, manager of the E. F. Albee Theater hero, annonncea that ha has engaged Berton OburchUI and Raymond Bond as members of the stock company which opena here In the •pring. Manager Lovenberg win announce t» « few days tha name of a prouUaeBt New York actreaa who It at preaent playing la ooa of the Broadway aaocaoeea.





4 ¥ ¥ T ¥:r' ¥^ ¥ /%. /¥ ¥^ G 99




IF YOl.”Rr


BRANCHES: JOS. W. STERN & CO., 226 West 46th St., New York City BUFFALO. ST. LOUIB FTC


UMd by MaeLMK Players in Down East*


Opens in New Orleans

I Vnw Oitetu, March 4.—The <3ordoe>Be}«e CHICAQa stock Oompaar, with foorteea people, haa

opened the BIraUa Theater and propoaeo te glTe three chances of bill a -week, anpplaat- Ing aame with flre-reel feature and a comedy 'With an adiB lesion fee of twmity-two cents on enadsys and seTCBteeB cents week days With aeiraa naoTle bosses, some of them playisf Tssde- ▼Ule sad all abowtac feature Urns wlOila s radios of oso mils, it looks as If there will bs soma cboico boslaees locattess for rent tn a abort tlms onleas tho manaceis get together and talk bores sesse. lepeeleUy la ths middle of Lent when bnalneea la that section la ac^ BoimaL

Akron. 0.. Mareb d^ aa sagmeated cut, the Pauliae MacLesa Players this week, their 728 No. Wostsrn Avenue, tT.*Mty.elcbth at tho Mule Hall, ara offrrlag tba popular mral ^y, “*Way Down Baat.** There art twaaty-dTo people la the cast. Thin play U oae of the three Mr. UUey honght for Ktock releaao while la New York roeuUy. Mien MacLesa, atsr, la portiaylag |hs role of .Vasa Moots. George Clark hu tho role of IHirid Bartlett, tho Bgnlro’a sen. Tho part of Leoasrd Ssaderaoa Is bciag pliysd by Hcary Hlrks, k former member of tbs compsay wbo rcletaed last week. Dasld Bead Is esat la the tele of Sqnlre Bartlett aad Jeeaie Olldt tn that of ths Sqalrs's wifs. Tbs qnartst used la the prodoctloB Is from tUs dty sad tbs psr. ImaMdlateiy "boosted" for atock purposes. Ths souel laeludes H. A. Sorerus, Powera, Jack potat srgned waa that becaaac it wu played oa Pataier and Marris, last wsek'a sffkrlag **1hs "Brusdway" it woald aurely draw money la ths Woman la Boom U" peoesd highly onertmfL aialler towns In atock. Snek wao not ths The cast !• well scrupled theas days iskaanlng esas. Ths out of town atock managers fbnnd •erersl otbsr asw plsys. that a good pmy, miau ths “Brosdway" stamp,

wonld please hlo patroas and hu acted sc- >EVEREUX PLAYERS cocdlagly. The Century PU.r Company,'real-

- tstng this fact, has encouraged tho best -writ* Admirabis in *'Shs Stoops To Conqusr* «• to write pUyt for utock purpneeo with tbs

rconlt that the Arm baa many aicellent plays la Ita catalog irbicb have "srver aeea" Broad- 'sray, hot at the aame tlaie are glring perfect Mtiafectioa. The writers are well aatlRfled rrltb the costinuou royalty that comes to them. This does sot meaa that tbs plays srs of u Inferior type, nor that Broadway plays are not snccemfnl when played by out of toum atock companies, bot It docs mesa that many Broad¬ way playa which are not bucccmcs oa Broad¬ way srs speedily releaeed tor stock and It also meaae that the 'writers la question l-sb turn out Tory exccllest plays, 'When they are not laboriag under the tIsIob of a great Broadway prodnctlOB; they get quicker actios on their work, without the strain and worry ef a prob¬ able metropolitan productloB which may mean failure.' while the play which la prodneed out of town, and it really good, can always tad Its way to tba "big town."

Maay ef the good old stock ptays hare been prodneed in pictursg to good sdrantage, and art %ell patrosiaed, but that does not hart the drsButlc stock eoaspaiy: It la only a "boost.** On aereral ocesaioM stock esmpuleo bavs played tbe eemo play sbowa la plcturu at aa oppoeltlon booM at the aame time, and In each tawtanre both tbutsrt Rportsd bl( boat* nesa.—^ALTBA.

JACK RUSSELL I BEE STEAD Producing Comsdian. I Pony Choriia.

BUGS RANDOLPH Qsnorai Buainesa.

For Musical Comedy or Burloaqus Stock Preferred. Wire DOME THEATRE, Lawton, Okla., this week. LAte'wires forwarded.


fOaettaeed from page W)

1 take plessare tn exposing tho Idleeyucnisleo of ee:h aa Idiotic peraee. lt*a dfScult (or people to tM that one la not tka part they are act¬ ing. If an actrcM hu a 'very latsreatlng part

work out she la given eiedU for being at tractive and it’s eaey far her. No matter bow old, or bow young yee are In the profesAtn, every time you moat make good again, and go¬ ing oa In the work It’s harder to boM what yen have woa than It wao to got It.

"Andlencee get tired ef oeelng you do tbe same thing all the time; aetreu means that yon play many parts. A new part affords peo¬ ple a little enrpriae and they get aeqaatntod with you all over again. It may ba, too, that they didn’t like yon la your lut role aad tho change is pleasant.’*

"The happiest home of my life have beca opent la tbe theater,** she said. "It’s a plem^ nre to work out the play and see It grow; tbe most Joyoos thing is to face an andleace. I can always feel a gond bouse.**

Miss Shannon made her stage debut la tbo Boston Theater at four yaart of age and has been actively ugaged ia the yrofeoslon ever since. She was a member of Augustin Daly’s New York Stock Company, the. I^ceum Oom- pany, and alao haa appeared In many anecesasa. Among the m'ut notabl« perhaps are "Dipto. macy,” "The Moth and the Flame." “Hla lord and Master,’’ and "The Thief." Under DavM Belasco "he played In "Years of Discretion" and tn Wintbrop Ames’ "Children of Earth.’* later appearing in “Under Orders,” a war play which enjoyed a long run.

Daring the war MUs Shannon gave unspar¬ ingly of her time and efforts to the cause of the Stage Women’s War Relief, of which organ- IsatioB she Is a faithfnl member.—MABIE LKN. NABDS.

Booten, March 6.—“A Night Off" aa adapted by the late Augutln Daly. wlU be the Beaty Jewett’s Players scat play at the Copeley The*- ter. Thin comedy waa Brst acted in New York in Marck, 1880, and la Boston tbe following May. Henry Jewett hu cast the play with carefal Jndgment. It was givea at the Copeley two seaaou ago.

Dcavur, Oolo,.'MaaCh 4.—Tbe Devecuux Play- era cloaed their aagagooent at the Wolcott Aadlterlui last Saturday night by preoeutlng one of tbe cliviroot Mta of Bagllah consody over written. Oliver Goldsmith’e "She Stoopo to Cba- qoer” In a manner that loft aothlng to be do- alfed la the way of netlag. i

la tbe bands of tbe artistically cwpablo playera the comedy held an of the attractlona It must have had for Ita audiences back in 177S, 'vrhea It waa flrat psodued at Coveut Gardens,

Clifford Deveten aad his leading woman, Zin- Ita Graf, aach gave far better performancea than they did la tbe "School for Scandal." while Gage Bennett a* Ratdcastle, Dotothy Mitchell as Dolly, Patiiela Band as Coutance NavtUe and Murray Stephen u Bastlnga gave excellent performnneea Agaee BUtott Scott as Miu. Hardcastle and Balph Bradley aa ’Tony Lnmp- Uu made their parts stand out wltk plualnff dlsUactaaaa.


The iBgram Show 'will open Ita tut seaaou April 5 at Jewell, la. It vriU play opera honau for four weeks, after which it wiU go ent under canvas for tbe balance of the summer seasofL. The show 'wiU tour Us old Iowa tarrttory.

Aa order ban been placed with tbe Beverly Company for a new 8-oa. khaki tent. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Begera, of the team of Rogers and Marvin, and Walter C. Esmond -will again be seen with the show. BUearuls start March 25.


The Bbtaey Ftayere, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. fNcabltt Theater), are doing a wonderful bwl- nese. and Cecil Spooner, tbe popular little star, la one of the biggest stock favorites this city has ever had. Victor Browne Is tbe lea<l- inff mu.

Count Tolatol’a master piece. "HesurrectloB,’* waa given a revival at the l‘roai«ect Theater, New York, recently by the Blaney Players and proved to be one of tbe biggest successes of their season. Jack toreu and Mildred Plor- ence, the popnlar leading people of tbe com* pany, did perhaps the host vrork of their career la this play.

Bvetya WataoB baa been engaged ae leading woman arith tba Sbabert Stock Company, Mil¬ waukee, which opened Sunday.

Ral Crane, wbo bu been "topping tbe bill’* foe the past two years, la our best vaudeville honaee, baa returned to hla first love, becoming LADGHTEB to make them fsrgot 4fvan—m<j a regnlar member of the Blaney Playera at mentarlty. tbe Torkvflle Theater, New York, as their Timair yug, ud yat again, thank yon. JuveuOe man. Mr. Crane baa already estab- IMied himself as a favorite by bla artlatle

and "The Big f "


Many Companiaa Now Playing

Dramstle stock ia atowly but surely gaining a new bold la many locattou that ware aband¬ oned since tka begtaatag of tho war. Play brokara aad dramatic aguto state that muy (’ompaalea ara to bo taataDed la vartoao cltieo for the eprlag and suasmor aeanon, while at tho I'^MUt time eovoaty-lva or more oouipaalea are Kpvratlnr la the United Statee aad Canada, not I'oantlng the travellag atock organtaatlou that vlay la a town for om week, preeeatlag a dif- fvrwt play oack perferamaca. In atoot In- stanceo all of tbe traveling companies are using np-to-date tacceases and not the ordlury repertoire of plays need by “tap" dtowa a few yeart back.

There are a number ef "teat" sbowa ptaylaff ’’stock" under canvas, aad they too are nsfaiff F"ofi material. Not aecaosarlly lata ‘'Broad¬ way" talaaoM, becanso tho atoek manager lo * "wlte bird" bow, and tbe aame "Broadway" dost mean a tklag ta him aalets tblafparticu- Isr '‘Broadway" releaae actually "made good" on Broadway, and ao^ Just "only ran" for so many weeks.

Ever tlace tho stock eompony bu boon aa importaat branch of the theatrical bnslaeas. It ban been tba custom of managera to scitet tbair pUya from a Uat playad on "Bwadway.** In vacation of this actresa. to doing Ukay hava toaraad to tbetr aattofaettoa Tka Tnaaday matlnaa anbacribers, to ahotr that maay a play producad oa Broadway dM (heir fun appractattoa for PiaBeM‘ retara. tot even "tnate go^" yat auck playa arwa clubbed together aad puebaaed a bandaoma


Boanoka, Va.. March 9.—Jack Z. Lewis aad Aaaoclated Playera ara now oa tbeir ninth montt and bntlnaM baa bam very good. Mr. Lawla baa given tba theater patrons of Boan<>ka blgh-eUsa advertised playa. Week of March 8 the company win oder "Tka Eheptaerd of tba nine;" weak of March M, "PoDyanu." Tbe company nnntoera eigbtera people. Ckaries E. Gntbridga la haadllug the pdbllelty. The com¬ pany tamalM la Boanoke util June 12, opening Ita ragular eeaooa at tho Academy of Music. Oharlotta. N. C. Juno Id.


Prffuntad WHh Elaetrio Lamp

'urotk In "Tka Cinderella Man’ Ckanca."

In the role of Ruth Hunter In "The Five MllUm," Camnie Irving stood out conaplcu- onaly lut week In a large cast at Blanay’a Pmepeet Theater, Yonkera. N. Y.

Ban McQurrta, ta tba cut of “Tha Unknown Pniple.” recently received a big welcome at tba Parson’s Theater, Hartford, Conn. Ha vras a popnlar member of tba Poll Playera Stock at Hartford for two aeuona.


IdM Broadway, Vaw Talk Olty HalpiBff tka Stage Womta’a Wu Belief. Barry ap. tba ebuea to make a vrouajad hoy Uagk. Here’s ay Mo cuttl

Look thru tha Latter Uat in this bMUo.

MARCH 13, 1920

IN KEPERTOII® Oomxnunication^ to Our Cincinnati Offices

NEW Plays for Stock and Rap. NEW S-2. 4-2. 4-3. S>2. 5-3 CAST.

Not n4ia.4iM or old or domt i<la]rt mads onr. Wa handle tiie plan of aome of the beat known piv wi'lahte. A bt( Ua( to aeleot man at paten In reaih of ttup. I'Toduodon rtfhta stnn. Keep In toui-h wtUt iH. Doaeiia of near plaira added to our Uit ererr month. Send for Uit of toteat pitjra

NATIONAL SCRin CO.. IIS E. Sth St. Kaataa City. Na


Wife, MSbel Hasen, win eccompaoT Mm. Bob a ron of nnamer stock. SUde Taylor wlU **^**n.a2ti '!***'"*' '**?'* r«i>eiw-

Sturdeaan and wife, K^e Sabom. will leare open bla mnslcal oomedy tab. stock in Sioux ™i> "°aiJ^TaTff 'with two**^0-fu**^ditl«r to open tbeir own show under canras in OUa- Falls Baster. Nothing sold teparau.

boma. Gaae, Parker A Baehford win begin re- Will T LISTER NdWton Iowa Ethel Snow, a charming little tady of Olere- bearsala ft>r their tent Show AprU 5, and wUl ■■■■* mwwiwii, igwfl

land, O., win be seen in lesdlng roles; BUUe open on the lldt.

Sadler, the “irreelatlble," In ingenue perta, and lira. Bennett baa booked Eugene WSber, of ^

n quartet wlU be added along with other rande- Boebeeter, N. T., to play the part of Arthur WW w I TiUe features.—EhUAT. Byron In “Tes for Three,” the road abow, _ . Dl * * A J*

wUeh win begin rebeerssls April 20. Alice lOf 00336 Dltir 3 vOIII0dlin3

Jw irf^V Y YT wife, Mabel Hasen, win eccompany Mm. Bob • nm o I IL M .1.1 Murderan and wife, N^e Sabom. will lea re open bla

* to open tbeir own show under canras In OUa- Falla Ba

- "■ boma. Gaaa,

_ ^ ^ ^ , Ethel Snow, a charming Utile lady of Clere- bearsala

Xo A ut Out Three Compuoies ^ *** ***” l«a«l*E rolea; BUUe open on _____ • Sadler, the “Irrealatlble,” In ingenue perta and iMra. I

11 « 11 w c * quartet wIU be added along with other rande- Boebeete All Will Tour Small Towns in rlUe features.—EHJat. Byron li

Michigan—Preliminary Work O'KEEFE & DAVIS' SHOW h! Will Be Started April 1 at r» j as-

. • Opened at Gulfport, Miss. bnsinesa.

Laingsburg - ary 28,

WANTED For Je33e Blair’s Comedians

Lansing, Mlcb., March 7

pril 1 at _ j „ ter Stock Company, Milwaukee, fbr vecood • Opened at Gulfport, Miss. bnalneee. Frank Dare closed Saturday, Fabm-

S ary 28, with Tom Wise’s “Gappy Blcks” Oom- Mondty, February 28, marked the opening of pany, and has been booked to direct the etock

T v.ii-v /.ame, O’Keefe & Darls Big Show at Gulfport, piasa 'Theater, Superior, Wle., wblcb

^ff'rtng being “The Call of ,^11 more tato the Broadway Theater, Superior.

Mason baa been booked with the SMi^t Tbes- Business Man. Those doing ter Stock Oompeny, Milwaukee, for ^^cood specialties preferred. Join at once, basinesse Prank Dare cloaed Saturdaj^ PabriH . . xii« niri AU/^aaA •rv 7A Yrith Tnm WIaa’m •*rtannv nk*kR** nom. AUTUOp OIvLAliOMAn

WANTED TO BUY m e« Vkas 1 T tTgaiiv TWmatlea rvam uuixai oncnD^ 0^10^ iw caii 01 lito tho Bioadwaj Theater, Bopertor, ^^bbaAIa end manager o.. the J. J. Kelly Dramatic Com- Woods.” A Urge crowd wltnesaed the open, .nd eo to two bliu a week Complete UtamatlCTent Outfit puny, baa gone to Chicago to secure equipment performance, but Inclement weather proved Mm Bennett ba. sent Stante* Andrews and " **’ 1*’“ * "*‘*‘'»

if Tr,.''«rr

will be the twelfth wa«>n for Mr Keliy who !! LI L ^ *® *** T’.wtmionth. „,„ni4 p„twenee. Address STOCK tfANA- ^11 be the twelfth sea«>n for Mn Kelly, wdo p,eee ordbe-itra. It U equipped with new o.. for leading bualneea. Virgil I’ritchard la GBR. 118 North St.. Aebum. N T. Is the pioneer that first brought stock and ncenery and eveytblng about It baa been (head of the show vandevUle Into Michigan under canvas. He will pamted, making a striking color scheme <fl lAIANTPH FOR provide similar amnBement this year in the white nnd blue. WWF^IW I rwn

three companlea which will employ, about 100 teclurtea <Mr. end Mre. Tom MORGAN BUYS FARM T|,j. Qn* nfillinrAOt Rtnftlf Pft three companlea which will employ, about 100 .f,,, teclurtea <Mr. end Mre. Tom

peraona, covering old territory where the Kelly o’Keele, Mr. anrt Mre. B. O. DstIa Mr. and

shows are weU known. The preliminary work Mrs.-J. D. EweE. Mr. and Mrs. Joaenh Booth.


The One Demerest Stock Go.

win follow Its usual cnatom of rehearsing, Edward Euz. Charles B. Besae, B. Evans, T.

outfitting and opening In Laingsburg. J. J. n. PolUrd, 1’. J. PaoH, W. M. Mathews and

V ^r. nun JUXN. v. ubtib, «r. NDQ jr Tfeganm (Mar^n €%t th# J Dnnff Morgan ■ ■■w w9ebvbw« wmwwpy wwy

are weU known. The preliminary ^rk Mrs.-J. D. EweE, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Booth, Company whose company recently played Ingenue Lead. Charaettv Woman. Director. Plsnliu. win be started April 1 In LalngAnrg, where Mr. and M.s V. J. Bernard. Mr. and Mrs. J*dt Boyer w.d wife, wlra 0th- the winter quarters are located. The No. 1 Emory Johnson Mr and Mi^ Ernest Vevea F5.200 In a sr^peopl. with spsclaltlea wire quick, smung an.

V _ V. V u. —111 oil.. I^mory jouiison, jir. ana aara. Eoneei vevea, purdiased Show opena March S9. Rshearsala Mart March 21. show, which Mr. Kelly will personally manage, Qaeen Boselle, Dee Ilaynes. John McGlonthlln, Ermi PVanels anu itc Momn states Address ONA DEMOREST. Bessemer City, N. C.

Edward Euz. Charles 'B. Besae, B. Evans, V. «, Ci. iw.—. M T T.—„ w _’ that he Intends making It hla home. ___ . . _

Kelly baa assumed the management of the or-

ganixatlon since the death of bla brother, Fran-

Me F. Kelly, well known as actor and manager.


To Open Under Canvas March 15

the mascots, “Ijidy” and “Fluffy.”

Tom O’Keefe la being featured In the prin¬

cipal comedy rolea. And la a big fafodte tkm

this territory.



Hamilton end Lee. members of the Ed F.

Wanted For The Willits-Ganard Comedians

Chicago, March 6.-

^ ^ “ , : Opmlng early In AprU. Good peopls aU Unra. with welas Show for nie past alx montba, closed x-1 specialUsa. Also Agent wno oan gn tewiu. March 6 to Join Sherman L. Jones’ Princesa Scsnle Artist and Boss I'anvaaaian. Maitei Bad«r, Stock Company at Plqna, O The couple write W1UJT8. Til North Main au. - Stock Company at Plqna, O Ttie couple write

Cordon Morrlaon, son that they received many replies from- their The Mae Stock will open Its summer season of James Morrison, the producer, has been recent ad In The (Billboard, but selected the WANTED—Fbr week-stand Repertoire, under oan-

nnder canvas March 15 at Crystal Sprlriga, booked by Ethel Beanett with Ed Williams* Princesa Company because It was nearer to Juvenile Man. Second

Mlaa., after spending the winter In boneea, ptock Company in Kokomo, Ind. OHs Oliver their little daughter, who Is going to school Wom!^ Hupv Man.'omcral Biialnms*Man. Others flaying Southern Georgia and Florida. 'The en- wiU take tala company to Llnooln, sNeb., for at the convent in Oldenburg, Ind. tire last year’a cast has been retained, and __*_

•osse new faces will be added. #

Eddie Tansey, late of the Village Five, bar- X ■ 'm

inogY elngera, playing over the Loew ’Time. I H

Joined the conopany at Live Cak. Fla. B. S. vBr WW ^ ^ JA s^^mwwW

Monroe, late of Gie Bbnda Royal Shows, will ■■ Mil ■ have charge of the canvas. Schell, of Colnm- pa Jml \ bna, O., la building and printing entire scenic ® ■■■■ prodtKtkms for each play to be offered. Under canvas all summer. Nothing but the best will do. You must h

write, Praia thorn doing specialties a dsubllnt U> orchestra Plano Playa and Trap Drummer. Rtau u you can double staga If necessary. Any gsntle- meo haring nonprafe«alonal ulvss can place thfsn on front door and raservt*. Salary aura Long am- ton. Congenial people Good parte Beery ehanca to go your beat. State Mae. age and salary. Join on wire. Address BOB STITBDITAN, JusUn. TVi

DEDMON’S ROY' .L PLAYERS W NTS Leading >lan. lleary Man. General Bii liiesi Mar. with veriaUlra; Seonid Bustneaa Woenan. for a

prodoctlons for each play to be offered. Under canvas all summer. Nothing but the best will do. You must have ward- strong *5nerf paru; character Woman, ’spedaity The orchegtio will be enlarged from five to robe, ability, study and appearance. If you do specialties say so. Comedian Team. Dancer*, or m'usI ai Act. Piano Player that

eight pieces, ond will be under the able dl- that can fill the bill will be paid the limit of tent salary. Nothing too good if Aow'd/S- rection of Frank Everett. Claude BadcUff will you can deliver. Full season. Under tent every season; Stock in Hot Springs be«towml in ’Pexaa. (>p«u'abwn April'il at retain hte position as stage manager. Twenty- in the Winter. Tell It all. Pay your own telegrams. Full line of Musicians for Timpaon. Texan Ed Robtojon. »d«ar' McArthur,

eve oeonle wiu be carried. The company. Band and Orchestra. JACK PARSONS, Lyric Theatre, Hot Springs, Ark. under the luanagement of Guy Catrfman. will

EErH'i:- Wanted tor Original WILLIAMS STOCK CO., Inc. wanted " BRUNK'S COMEDIANS NO. 3

Starting Ba«k Over "Western Trail” tha wtntrr. saiaiy sure

Bnmk’e Comedians, No. S, are playing to III ■ good bufline^g thru Western Texas. Ibe Ite- iJU H I LI ginning of March finds the company starting ■■ UIV I back over the “Western Trail” with prospects W r|l Y I kll very gool. J /-V , T,

8ev2rel changes will occur In the oompeny General Bui during the next few weeks, owing to the open- Cornet for Ore, teg of the No. 1 show under the management ED. C. NUTT CO of Glen Brnnk. Mabel Blhodes goes with It, as

rkies Chief Meredith, “whirlwind chtrinetKt.” ■BS ^ lUUy Angelo leaves for the North and will WKtM ^^3 I manage Angell’s Comedlan» routed over BB IW I ts old territory In Iowa and MlsaonrL Hla M ■ W ■

—JOIN IMMEDIATELY— Repertoire People in all llnei for balance of hoove

A-1 Gen. Buslneai T^m. msn and womatL Ottu Bua Woman capable of piaglng few Incmuca Toung HJjSi ^‘'wlthouT’acr^^rDui^coM MoSim^Lm^ Juvenile Man (HpeclalUie and Wanirobe venr esacciUall. Traraa. |50.0« to IT.S.OO; Rlnglci. 130.00 to $33.00, juiShUe^lSL' ChanttwManuId

the atnter. Salary taira_LAgQNE-OEBAFf ERELLY. Qul:aiaa. fla gt wtm A.UIriws F. P. McCANN. Oweral De¬ livery, Sioux City. Iowa



Wlfa Ctarus. straight Man. t'horue GIria TlckcU tf I know yoa Ilden McIntyre. Katherlia' Ooa, Thelma Norman. Cecil Foley, vrytte or wlra W. J. FOSTER, klanam. Victoria Tisaa March 7th; Corpus Christ), hlarcb 14th. Dramatic Peoole in aR Unea leartlns Man and Lading Woaawi, tlirae General Riadneae Mm «*»* do Rn^

cUiiUea Plano Player, Feature Vatidevllle TVam that oan change for week. Kehearsalv at Hahula fit-. BEN WILKES’ BIG TFNT SHOW wishes to hear March 24. Show open.* In bouses April 1; under otovaa Hay lA TVavei In flnt-ctajw touring rara No Dom Pcoide for 19% seaaon. L'.sefnl Rcpertotie Peopfc night lunpa. AD week standa. I uae real bllla and you must act. lemg. pleaMint aeaaor, and your ial» In aU UnoR. especially those doubling Band or Spa- Sunday at 10 am. Befwmosk HiMnger A Hob Bank. AdWets H. B. MARSHALL, SabsU. lawa. matUes. Want good sketch Team (Blackface) that

Sm 5^" Wanted-Curtis-McDonald Comedian# All Show. UnderCanvas capable si handling x>. 60. with two thMlea. Also Band Actnra, sQ lines: Comedian. JovanUe IJgbt Comedy, two General BuHlncHs Men, Baritone. Ttombont. ezperleDoed tVorklngmm. WANT Pianist, doubUng Clarinet. Comet, Violin, Plano, Single Mnstcal Act, Magtrtan. Novelty Art. All men double braa*. AIvo Bra«. Show opens Atxll II at AIMon, III. All cor- want Caitvaa Bom and Working Man. Bare good propnotUon open for Plano Tuner. Whltey Holtman. reapoDOaice answered. BEfl WILKES, AJbIsn, IN. Malei. Strsaget. 3flUer. Martin. Broadlw, Eaton, Mlljane. Kellar. Beriur. write, Opm In Ajatl; all Iowa.

I——— ——AddniM C. A. CURTIS, 5M Bartaitr Ain., SI. I^lt, Miaaeurl.


Good General Business Actor to double Alto. Instrument furnished. Good Cornet for Orchestra work only. Long season. Address for two weeks,

ED. C. NUTT COMEDY PLAYERS. .... Crowley, La.


Mao f(W Leads; Htngtng Sperlahy Cninedian and Wnmaa for Reexmd Boa. with single and double Apngal- tiea. Character tVomao. with Specialty; 3 Oen. Bui. Hen. with Sperialties; Plano Player, opeulally ilan. pUy BUt; 3 good Worklhg Men, Fhr eals-60-fL A T., Se-ft, Uliidiu, with extra dramatio mmL Addreas J. L. PERCY, Farmar City. III.

IN ALL LINES for three mnpanles, opening Baster (taiday. BUh> all first letter, Theatm 3lanagen wanting a patinanent Stock Ca writiL CLYDE H. OOBOimKiL Omarai Delivery, Starling, lUlneU.


Advance Man and all around Agent Good salary for flrat-claaa man. Show opena March Ist. Brush, Colorado. Ad¬ dreas H. W. ANDERSON, Brush, Colo.

MARSHALl'S PLAYERS WANT 6„E.LiintCiiintiiairs oole In an Unes. lendlna Man and Lmdlna Wonan. tlirae Oenemi ftiadncM 3f>n thu .n. w O

Can baiMlle toy Mod at s show. Now Buslnam Agent PrlDoess Stock Oa Brfecanok Sherman L Jonew. ar«n«M- Princesa (Rock Co. Write or wIr TOOMAS DBWKBBK BUoo Xbeutat. Plqua. O.. iiuMf.

Dimmatte People In aU Hnea; vwMtlle people and taasM that ran do apeeialtles preferred. If double piano SdMah Steta all dm MUt. Uks a vacatiah, with son pay. for the.right peopin. HIz ah/^vw weekly.

NICOL 4 REYNOLDS, Mat FlaawaL Waat VirglnhL

WANTS TVonhoMt R. 4 O.: Boas Canvamnaa. Slata satarT-

Wire fun partieulara, Addnas OUT 11 LONO. Luf¬

kin. TVs., tJiia week; Nacogdochas. Tha., Mat week.


FOR SENIOR’S STOCK CO. Week standi '•nd— ranvaa. Paopta In all Unas for a fint-elsM Hen. Hhow. Also a Dlreotor with pimty of acr'nt, A-I Plano Player that can double IMagaji rna-Fkm W. C. HBNIOH. care Senlor't Photo PUr Ifmier. Txirlnmon. Illlnota

If ywi sea It In Tha BIIHwvd. tsH tba« as.

a 15

The WM^iril^Ys Stock CO. -unc^tom’s cabin- undtT rir.Tu. UtKori^tvi RebcvsAU Aiitii u. 'To Be Produced on Elaborate 8cal»-> undtr rir.Tt& UaUirl^tyl RebearsAU Aiitll U. r«irl9 iii all hiM* of tho Dramtue tnutncsAi Ut»« ilnlns ai<wJaltiew dTin prrfmDce^ Wom¬ an for OrniTAl BukIiwmi amt noma Chararun, Com-

Opena April 24

Nick Mangiapane Wants for the MORASCA STOCK COMPANY

(UNDER CANVA&) lUaii with aooil aiwrlahlea. Hravjr Man. Charartar Terry a tTlirle T«n a OaMn win a|>ea tba run Aednc <3oB«|)ai>y and Mnilrlana for Band and On beatra or Randaand Rtaao; Artora doobUna Band Man. two Uniwal Buain -na Mro, OrclinUa of four ii««aou at Cooaell BlofTa, IB.. April 41 tlt0 SpeelalUea glwa ptafarcnao. I'lano F.ajrar. Mato if you double Band. In anaatrloa atato aalary. Addraaa _ -......I ... —.. NORASCA STOCK COL. Rataa, Taaai. or flvo pl(T«a. j:ood Vaudevlll* Tram, to chanco for ...... ..J k.i— ...i aeak; must play unall party. TTuck Drima, to •’■“■rra a®<l parade trapa are belnf made and trorit on cantaa: (Ood Machinist that knows Bro three new casra bara been boocht. The Kll- Crucka itomy sura, to f^y ««k.s' wort, mlfy brothera hare been cngafed aa ontaide I want real trootwra. Addnas WM. F. 1XW1», _ ' . DfWdcre. Nebraaka NORXH BROS. Bunks Stoct Co. Wats


Oo(^ IU()erto(rs People In all ^ra. PtanoPlayer to to anytblnr erep attempted In the Uncle Tom double.somo parta; prrfernice glran to people dolni „ . « .. .... . .. tpauialUea. aH (Msittab avtnmrj- WIU aend ““*• rtety-dTe people will be car- nonry or UekeU to propie we know. Join at onca. rtrd with the ahow. Aniont tboae already en-

|eatnre act. X A JL JLw^P ^ ^ ^

W*red Bennett*a Sf^pieee band will be tbe aww w ^r w w^s w a'ww ww aa wa*arw w w sw w -- — principal ranstcal feature thla aeaaon. while on T^PIJ^ITT the Inside, Prof. E. J. Speers 12-plece orchestra * ^ XJAV3 X a X b^X iV^ w w bj IN MAY

will entertain before the performance. The WANT—Dramatic People, all lines. Musicians and Specialties. Can use good drama will be presented with a cast f.r superior Quartette and Mualcal Act. NORTH BROS., Holton, Kansaa

Kllrtffy BroP., Charlie B.irues.

RALPH E. NICOL’S COMEDIANl Th« Bolmers. Fred Bennett. P. J. Speers, E. rndw eanras, WANTS QC^CK. a REAU OtOfUntB C. Jonea, James O’Brien, Wm. laiktns, Oeo.


B. H.NYE’SMISSisSimlNSTRELS “Jana TloUnlit," with a food library of real "JaiS” Wsek Robert DasaL Onr Renas Omrwa WII. B’ANT Cornet, TVomboo* and Barttooa to enlarge band. Must Join on wlra Don't atop to mrlta: telesrath Sfaule. Also ’'Plsaturo JAZZ Dnuamer." with com- y, ^ ’ •> n* . t me at once If you can Join Immediately. Htate salary. We pay alL Also tmnt to hear from real Mlnetrel plete tine of Traps, Beits and Xytopbonea Moat ba •<>“. Bert Imncnn, Oeorya Nelraai. B. Hnxal, J. perfornwes and Mualclans in all Uiua. Show opens March 17. Flays thaatres. Now get busy If you want itrong enough to faature axtd make the public talk. Caldwell John Bheiidan, Guy Dunsmore, &. Wire. Don’t write. And pay thrm. I pay mine. State fr,.^ Pavtna rwiee namM Adsn,. salary and full iiaitlcalatw This show goes .Vorth In CTWS. Barnoa. Ada aoBancr. Ftf^-week mgagnnent. Aniwer quick, and Adams, J. W, Beecher, Walter Johnaon, and be ready to Join on wtra Address IIAU’II E. James Crsljr, J. James R, Hugo, Jim Lanee. MCOU Lone Oak. Tbsas, March 8-lS; Bograe City, ~ ^ sa- ..a ur n

to be with a real one. Addraaa. auJek. 8. H. NYE. CafaaAaaL OMa.

Tes., to follow. R M. BRANT, wire quick or coma cn first train. Tour salary la amepUMaL



BILLY BRAVES’ WONDERFIL BABY CO. tv. Long and, at ronm, Mr. and Mra. W. G. DILLT MAWCd liUllUClirUL DRDI UU. Dickey.

A1 Primrose will be the general agent with Sinking and Dancing Blackface Comedian. Harmony Singers for Quartette, fire aiwinunta. CbarUs Tbompeon win bare Character Man for No. 2 Show. ^ Chorus Glrla Wire lowest

TENT OUTFIT COMPLETE 2 yhV;.rs wBdy to iK up. Nothin* nailer than 50-fL Bound Thr dally fftrMt w a lea-

with taro 5^*ft, P. t 8ta*o, HoBOcry, itarQneOs In** aa nxoal# wlB ha thraa haadSa mm m m mm a a ■ b M B B B bi^bi^^ a b^b b b

srsa.;? c u ijApniiiCD ulAlilTx AT flUrr ew price and wbare outfit can be seen. Wire or write <*sgss. I®**, ponlee. banners and aeyerml fea- F IWI IbABBB BBBM^I W WW BBBW B ■■ HI ■ B BW 111 MBBRIAM A efPOCK. care Gay's Big City Fun tnres at yet nnannonneed. MflillMil Ifcil ■■■■■IIW I VllWfts Show, Bany, nUnoU. N. B.—Abo want to boy S or 10 Band Dnlfornm. ArsAase rsDeaie wuie tarewif MuMcal Comedy People In all llnm for Oatdtnor’s BagUme Retue and AU Girls Berae; ptopla doUw vp- r-as AUAIWO LIKCPIo I 7119 clalUai preferred. Uarmony Slngn*. good Musical Act also algbt Pony Chorus GIrla Wire or wtIIsl lXfA_4—J ^ «... *UU®« •“ ^ !«***• RARDINER. Breadway Tktagra Wwitarw Oklahoiaa. BfailLBG fOF tViC DBRIO* James Adams' noaMng Theater will

rest Stock Co. No. I r WANTED (UNDICR CANTAS) royalty bills are being Whipped Into ahape by ■ m H W ■ I I ON rLw/Al INGi Tr1E#\l Rt

Jnewtlle Loading Man. Ingenue with Hperialtisti. Sti- nal Stark. ter Tban or Single, uenerwi Basineee Team, ikire or Muslcal Comedy People In all lines, Chorus Girls, Sister Act. Mualcail Act,

CHESTER WOODWARD INJURED VaudevlUo Act to feature. Muslclane for Orchestra only. State ages and de- ROBERT p DEMOiREHT. rnfleiA North carofina. -- ocrlpOons In first. Those doing specialties preferred. Long, pleasant engage- w ■ MMM|ia^"^*^^mjmw^w » MSb Chester Woodward, popular acenie artist with ment. We pay all after joining. Address J. W. MENKE, Brownsville, Pa. ■BfllHTFll tl»e <BUBche Plckert Stock Company, had a

■•■••■WSMIMSP narrow escape from death Satnrday, February ■■■ Sa M—^MM f JX*ffff J If fX

joHR »“^SSSer"Wniaas WANTED lof Difford Young Company •vnn 9. UHlfVCK VUmCUIANa He gnauined a dUlocated left leg and painful Leading Man Must have wardrobe, ablUty and study. Property Man to Trap Drnmmer, Clarinet and Barltona All others brnlaea on hla left side. Only hit preaence of t»—♦- t-i- rti.,.., -di...... wTito or wirai Show opens In Mindso. La. Answer mind aared Wm from being cruahed by the Pajrts. L*dy Piano Player, capable of playing some Parts. Work year



WANTED for Difford Young Company heary trsek.

BRUNK’S COMEDIANS, dramatic notes J.yA ..■nm.n.ln. M.r.h 10th.___

No. Xwo, Want (OmUaiiad from page 8) W/LNXED lor LORIME ELWYM CO. JjJrv’t™’*”*' '.*■ ti,.. « “ssL'’'S<iSrrjs'^.rs!is-5i's Miary. Also Trombone and Band. B. many years was the one great asaet ezlgenclea otamid m mass and airssL can us. Actor or Specialty Man who can paint eCENlBT. smte ML

around In houses. Money sure. Writs or wire. Manitowoc, Wisconsin, sight days, eommsneing March 10th. ^

WANTED for LORNE ELWYN CO. to OPSB Match Mia. JiyVimLK WCVMAN for Gao. Hua. catabid of idaylng eome leada, wlUi apodalltas aaawitlll PBGnMTT MIAN with Spedahlea for few amMl puts; must be young. capatSe and wMl

& O. rehearsals March 27. FRED BRUNK,

3y Lulu Avs., Wichi


n 27a of elrctmutaocBN tad nanairement permitted «Uh late phoCo and proBri

UNK, him to ntltlzc. Thla oaq asset la atlll eery ^_

Vj^chita^JlCanaas. great but at last It b eeen to be but one of ■■■Mm

rnfiK 00 On Tbnnday. Fibmary lA lionla Mann ad- " WWB» srwa greased tbe deeelaBd (0.) Botaty Clob, hla

ITS “AmeHemdam." It Is reported that Oharlea SCbodald, eama-

«“» hi “Welcome. Straager.” la aooe ta for- _

Taar's work to anuclantlaan people. Adihoas BREWSTER AMUSEMENT CO., 230 TraaMSt 8A. Bsstsa. Maas.


VauderlPe Man to change for week; one eapable of .m.. •ewr.i.-An,, mi. fw.^ doing ..iTanco work for WeA-stand show. Aloo Man hi WslcMe. Stra^, IB boob XB Tor-^ Cook Rtat. lowest. Pay own. Under esnraa North sake the footUghta to taka Sp Oto pmfsaMaa o(

lW,*o2?*woei^Marrb ?*Fony Mi^^lA *ortlclail. H* *o h) OM of 'top Diaiamer with fun Mn. of trapa. Other Masieuns wtlta. Want Charfctor and ixnarai busuicm American eooatrtea to engage te tka oadartsk- Womaii. Other nasful Prapla write or wire. WALTER J. STEWART. Crabam, Tnaa, ansk MarMi Mb:

Wanted ImmedlatclV lor tog boatawaa. It to nnderetood.

WhitftV’B ComBCli&nB ’r**iI**?SdJ*7^*^ "“"""""TNORAMSHOVb^^WABlxSATONCE laswCf ■ Wwlal VMImII9 by the Parish Playeri of tba Holy FamOy Hu amatner ssason. Man for Oopcral Bututeas. Woenan for 8*r«iil BaVnom; both with aparlaltlea; duuiga

Rer<rrtoira People dolag Rpaclalllea. for long saaeot. Church at Ualos nin, N. J., win ha contlnned for weak; prefer feature specialty team. Also want Mai. Plano Player. Plano and Druras or small Oirlies- umler ranrta Open March 22. Rehewnala MarrV. —.Me. ...m. All of th. *»». Bah(am«ls Jfarch 25 hi Iowa. Play Iowa eKrhutrfly. Week stands. Bepertotra under oanraa Peo- U. General Rusinom Actor, namll Inieeine with Si*- t“™0"t tne enure tanien aaana. mu uw ^ .paclaltlea writs. If I don't knos* you enclose photo and tail eeerrihlng In the first

Jam GrcbaKra, Plaaak Banjo. Saxophona, Druma: prefer ladlaa Specialty Team. Week-stand npertotrs. SsaaOM. 10 mootha; pUylng only beat rueridty playa Opmi ArrU 5. Peorls In or near Sem (kriMuui wiUa

C. P.. aara SL Lsala OMes Tka BUIbsard.

WANTED, Piano Player That Can Fake, Arrange and Sight Reader Ikap Diaiamer with fun tin. of trapa. Other MaMetans writs. Want Cbarrcter and Gcnaral Bnalnm." Woman. Other nasful Prapla write or wire. WALTER J. STEWART. Crabam, T«ua. awsk Marah Mk: Jaakibafw. Texas, week Marsh 13th. _


tIGUea. Karnphnn. for Orcbewtra. awful people In playara art noMprofeaatonala. ‘'WHITBY •• jTiH/niA.N. JlgT.. TimtK Clarence W. Lewis, manager of Baymoad W.

Jtoluh 15-22: Haudarmn. Tim.. Marvh ^ Oompaay’a hubj Iftoe’’ Oompany. r.-

‘ — ■■ I .w fwrta that the Show to meettog with aooceaa ttra WANTE^fto ^ Wtiiwtmi tt .-k Co.. Toung Mw ffortbwest dcaplta tbe “«u" scare. Ha also tor Leads A-I Ptono Player. Wire at onca Slate

FRANCIS INGRAM. S3S EaM Ura SL. Miaasakalls. Mlaasssta.

The Newport Stock Co. Wants lyiaty. Tknt show. Weak stands. AddrsM J, viGLvnatW. Kkmdike, tbaas

tne Tiorreweat ocpita wn scare, raw aiao Player to doubts Band. Clartnat, Trombone, Barttona and Trap Drummer Mata your toweal Other states that ba bopas tba company win soos Huaidam wrlta A-I Adraoc. Man. not afraid to POOL Addrem NEWPORT STOCK COu KaactoMw, he 100 per (tst Biistty. MisasMFL J*. X—WUl buy aereral Baod Uuiforma if to good oondlUtii.

S VV E E r* I I\J G X H E W E


luho compost “HINnUSTAN”

Tins "03^111*1" waltr liit la sweeping tliem

off their feet in the Far West. We g.ive you

Michey, Peggy. Oriental, SInw And E«sy, etc.

Here's another hit'

DARIELS & WILSOR, Inc. W. 45th Sf^.



233 Post St,,







The charming sister of Peggy and

Mickey, botn composed by Morel.

BOW-WOW . A gre.rt comedy ^hit. by Wadsworth.

As howling success.

VAUDEVILLE —criticism. All the real news carefully verified and nothing suppressed save unsavo^

gossip that might reflect upon the profession at laige.


use the site at the entrance to a new |600,> But the Celebrated Englieh Comedian 000 theater, which wlU be erected on Oarlton ' Ooee Not Let That Interfere With street. Henry Morton, of the Monarch Thea- tailing Arrangementa ter, baa a lease on the theater which has — *• still nine years to run. Negotiations with New Tore, March N.—Wllhle Esnl, the Eng-

him for a rellnqulrtunent of bis rights are comedian, who, on hl« loiti4| Amrrlvsn

proceeding and. It is understood, wW he com- "^hefleeiUe eng^remeat baa “clemed up” in

pleted shortly. •*•“* ■ had start at the New York Palace aereral weeka ago, MUed for England Hatnr.

DEROSA RESCUES CHIMP. day, March «. He wta rsiwrtc^i to be 111 at

■ —— hit apartment In a local hotel Friday, bat was

New York, March d.—Harry Deroaa, manager able to aai| as per his prearrange.) schedule,

and owner of Richard, the Orest, a weU-ksown Altbo hla epsnsr at the Pilac* wac not ei.

Ttodevine act, had a narrow escape from he* acUy antpiilcaa, M.*. Bard, with a few slight teg homed to death recently when trying to change* In hla act, managed to poll tbm to

rescue the chimpanaee from a burning theater a Tery aoccessful stay, belag held over tor a

In Elmira. He is now playing hla eighth week eccond week, and repeating the performance at

ou the Keith Time, and is hooked nntil June 4. Keith’s In Boston Inter. ThU Is one of the

first ttmew In seversl aessons that a star list VAUDE. WANTS “UNIVERSITY heW hm- at the Boston Keith*, for a

BOYS" vtvek. FTKlenily the celebrate 1 English co-

. ^ , me<1*«n wasn’t much wsitied orer his opening Akron, a, March 6.—Ralph Palmer s Cnl- ,^,ptioD In New York, for he to reportrd to

verslty Boys,” a Jata orchestra orgaatoatloo ^ piaBulng a retura engagemeat nest year here, haa been besiege.) with Tsudevllle offers 1, ^

These eight talented muricians are proving Bt hto ‘‘cleen-op.’*

Total of 660. Demands^ Covering Entire Amuse¬ ment Field — Players in Two-a-Day

Vaudeville and in Picture Houses Want $60

New York, March 8.—A move to bring about week) shall pay leas than fOD; no free re- nn increase in the wages of muslcUns playlag hearsal, except for leaders; burlesque shows.

In every theater In New York is about to be where the price of admission exceeds 25 cents

testltuted. It to learned. Altho Samuel Flnkls- for the choicest seats, exclusive of box seats,

ataln, presidoit of the Musical Mutual Protec- 12 performancee weekly, exclusive of Sunday,

tlve Union, tells The Billl>oard that altho he 152 per mau; contractor, $70.

to nnable to say just when there will be new

developments, be expects this week will see

tha starting of action that will effect the entire wage acale.

*’Mnalcians have in their possession the text

Of the new resolutions, and so have theater

operators,” said Mr. Flnklestein. ”It has been

known in musical and theatrical circles for

aome time that aomethlng of the sort was con¬

templated." The resolutions be mentions are

said to deal with the most radical changes ever

attempted in the history of theatricals. Six

hundred and sixty resolutions come under the

proritlons of their Article XIII., entitled By.

laws, among them being the stipulation that

there shall be no engagement canceled except

on two weeks’ notice, and then only under pen-

«lty of half the union price of engagement. A

proposed salary revision Includes: Hippodrome

shows, two performances daily, excluding Sun¬

day, $60 per week; vandevllle sbowa, 60 i>er

cent increase. Other changes are: Every thea¬

ter employing an orchestra to have not less

than eight men tbmont the season; no two-a-

day vaudeville or picture bouse (six days per


New Toik, March 6.—^Frankie Fay to now ap¬

pearing In vaudeville with Uent. Oltx-Rlce,

under the direction of M. S. Rentbam. Fay’s

last a|>pearance In vauderllle was in a single

act, but latterly he has been in musical com¬



Chicago, March 6.—MatUe Uppard opened in

the EmpresB Theater In a new novelty act last

week. A feature of the act was Miss Uppard’s

hlnsMrd gown, conUInlng Bfty-four yards of

three-inch ostrich banding In turqaoiae blue, set

over tran^arent net In an OrtenUl bloomer ef. feet, and Inlaid with dtomood brilliaats. The

costume was built and designed by Lester. The

act waa set off with a Uus velvet -drop, by the

aame costumer.

lAstcr to also designing several new lace

gowns for Grace La Roe. Earl end Wright have

Chlcego. Maprh 5.—‘‘Marigold aFViBce,” wtth Ned a new bine velvet drop made by Lester,

lusic by A. Baldwin Sloane end lyrlce by E. A huge dtomond peacock la the center. Banked

repreeentatlvea W. Floyd, will be tbe next Attraction in Mart- by Oriental tompe, are the decorative effects.

B closed e deal gold Garden. Mies Leelle BercOnrt le preparing a new act

Ne called Leeter Preaeuta MIsa Leslie Her-

court.’* It will he A glrle, motlc and gown

apectecle and th« act proper will be named

’’Ineplratiooa.” The music was written by

Margaret Whitney end tbe Jeweled drop and

coetomae are Lester’s product.

Bettle Compaoo, (Yeorge Loan Tucker’s latest

film star, baa elgned far eight pictures this

year. She formerly played leads In the "Mira-

cle Man.” Miss Compton’s kowns will be made

by Leetrr.


New York,, March 8.—It to naid that several

producers are after Mile. Marguerite and Frank

Gill, vrho are doing so well In Pat RooDcy’s

elaborate dance offering. Offers to go with a

summer musical production are said to have

been made tbe team following their tour of the

Keith booses.


New York, (March 6.—Battle Lorraine vrin appear shortly in vandevllle In a new act writ¬

ten for her by Joe Howard. 3fiss Loiraine’s

tour will be under tbe dlrectloo of M. S. Bent-




Alma Francis, Musical Comedy Star, To Appear in Latest Vaude. Act

New York, March 6.—Alma Prancls, musical

comedy star, will eoon appear In a pretentious

vaudeville act written by FMgiir Allan Woolf

and Barry Oarroll. It went into rehearsal this

week. There will be three prlnclpala support¬

ing Mise Francis. The act will be booked. It

Is said, thru the Keith circuit. This Is In ad¬

dition to a Japanese playlet from the Woolf- Carroll combination which is announced for

early vaudeTllle booklnga.


New York, IMareh 6.—Oeorgea Carpentler will

marry Georgette Laurenthtol ETsasser. whom

tbe French beevywelgkt chaiffp. deacribes ts

"poor la the world'a gooda. but rlrii In love."

According to dlapstchea from Psrie the rouple

plan to spend their boocymoon in the United

Statee. Carpentler aaya he will play an Ameri¬

can vaudeville oontrset.



Elixabeth Brice, musical comedy star, who

Is DOW playing in vaudeville, has been notlfled

by Findlay (O.) attorneys of her inherit.'ince

of upwards of a thin) of a million dollars, and

that she Is to be recognised by her Influential

family relations after an estrangement of

years, caused ivy her taking up a tbcstrical

career in childhood.


New York, March 6.—George Perry, who for

a number of years ffM an act la vandevUIe with

Billy Montgomery, haa eatabltohed a motion

picture agency at 101 Weat 4Mh street and

reports a woodertnl bosteen

HUDSPETHS IN TOWN HARRY CARROLL A PAPA If you ^need material write me. If you need a book con¬

taining a line of various material for the profession order my ENCYCLOPAEDIA, $1.50.


New York, March 8.—’Tke Hudspeths. wb«

eajuy quite a reputation for their mental tele¬

pathy act In vaodevlUe. art In for a brief

period. Charles Hudspeth to enjoying the

sunshine of 'nmee Square, and flguring up

the proflts of tbe lateet whirl thru the West¬

ern 'Hme.

New York, March 5.—It’s I^pa Carroll now.

Harry Oarmll, Jr., arrived yesterday at the

home of tbe eeng writer and vandeviltisn. He

weighs seven pounds. The mother was known

as Estelle Christy six years ago, when she

married the famous writer and actor. The

Oarrolls also have a baby girl.


Chicago. March S->BatTy Ballanttee, of Bnl-

lantlne and IHvto, to now with the Great West-

am Fbur. Leslie Barry to alao with tbe same

act, which bat bsM reorganised. Ittli>h Ver¬

non and Mr. Barry own tha act. Jap Wheaton,

tenor, has joined the act.

Creator of Bxcluilve Oowns, Hats and Costuases, offers beau- #1A AA tlful ARITBT TAMS at . #1U.W


Made In any eolor vsivet or satin, inlaid with Ixllllsat polks dou. Thne stunning Tams an something new and spsrkls as If sst with hun¬ dreds of tiny diamonds.

I Sand postsre and permanent address for our new eatalog. Sfis. sit. gtsts awt Laks BsIMtss. CHIRAOO, ILL.

New York. March 6.—Jt is rumored that

Barney Fagan and Charley McPonald are gc

ting together- with a new act may not

be sprung until late in tbi snn.mer.


New York, March 6.—Carl R.indaII. the dsp

rer. is expecte,) to arrive tori—v-'w f -oi Vvt-

land on the Baltic. He has been playing In

Paris and goes to tbe Ziegfeld Roof for on en-

gagement in tbe new revue that is to be staged


ROSE COSTUME COMPANY New York, March 6.—ClarsnCs Hibbard, tbe

minstrel baritone singer, will open soon 111 a

new singing act on the smAll time. Manufacturers of Spoclal Designs In Novelty Wardrobe for Vaudevllto and Produodons.

Stas, fiswss Mads ts Order. $30 and Up, S0MCTHIM6 NCW ALL THE TIME.

Minstrel Parade Costs and Hats. Get our prices. 115 N. ttsts St.. Optesito Marshall FMd’A ChtoatA IB. Looh thru tbe Letter List In this toane.


T»y the women. (B*titwn4 TTfl-n Khnli •) The LeOrohn, In their eontortlon net. nr* ml- ' ^

w*y« eleTer, and the thin party la anre4lraw ' It la anod for people who are tronbled with tn> A aery pleaatny bill la ea tap at Keith’s difeation and need a yood lanyh to flx theta thla week, arlth Chailes Xlny aad bla fonr np. fenalaliin ‘'dream atara” aa the heedUnar. The

The Four Fnaatera, who drew llfth apot In the real hlta ate Hendrlcka aad Stone and Sen bill, are three men and a ytrl. The ylrl la Beraleb rote and alnra well. One of the men doea a Nol 1-^eats of aOdetle skill and halaartea “wop” aad ^ two othera seem to be Jewlab tty Alice DdGanno on the trapeze detixhtei eomedlane (1>. The heary set man. who pnta Uie audience. A rery clerar perfonner. Elrht on an anaemic makenp, betleTea la oldfaabloned mlnntea. In three; two bows. Johea and eery broad hnmor that wonld probably jijs, Jobnaoaa, two men. plarlnr

contortlonlat la far from belay n thiny of the whole, aatlafactory, Joe Jackson easily caTry.

past. Dresaiay bla offerlay In the form of a !■« o® the honors. The feature picture. "Be¬ little aketeb, aaalated by a rlerer ylrl. the bind the Door,” with Hobart Bosworth, bas a twlstlnra belny apparently enttiny np capers yhahtty cllmai that takea the edye off an to smnae the ylrl, Ramaden canaed roan of andlencs that haa beroma hllaiiona orer the lanahtrr and rerelved many pla'.idite. Jarkaon comedy,

Nik 4—Olya Samanoff Trio, tsro woaaen and a The bill atarta off with McBae and laporte,

bud, with cello, Tiolln and plaao. acored the a comedy trapeae namber, openlay with two bly artlatic bit of tha abow. Kora acts like men attired In ktita performlay on ttie bar, this and vaodeTlUe wonld ranch a htyher bet chanylny to Jap. coatnmea and dolny a level. bnrieeqne on e Japaneae castlnf act. If tbe

No. S—Bob Albrlyht. the donb'e-solced alny- wlree they use sreren’t no obvlonn the aet

This Week’s Vaudeville Reviews This Week Cbicago Palace

(Serlewed Maadsy Watlneab ICanh I)

Chlrayo, March 8.—Tbe Palace waa aold ont and all acts received hearty applanae.

No. 1—Texas end Walker, in “Paatlmea on Three Ooaa Ranch.” A boy and a ylrl dolny the rope thmwiny tricha that mad) Will Royere Tsmoua, aXit some better onet alao. The ylr* haa a fine speaklay voice and ta a real aaatat- ant. A topnoteb opener. Nine mlantea, three cortaiDS, special aet. In fonr.

No. 2—Pblna aad Ce.. a claaay aiaylny and dsnclny act. Phtaa la an oldtlme pmdncer of Pickaninny aeva. She haa three colored yonny- •tera. who have pleaeiny peracBalltlee, alny well and are danciay fiends. The comle mny a booae aony that raofmei] np. Well dreaaed. baa the punch and atyle thmoot. A real novelty act. Ihnrtcea mlnutaa. la aae; three bone.

Na .8—Billy Prnwley aad Bfiaa Lealae la "Pevna A. M.” A alfht daak aad ctw afind vamp aketch., wrlttan by Jack Lalt. Verboae but dtseraat,* tbe leafila t«t an tbe lanyba thn'r |(r»s permit. Pr.vwley atafs weB aad tbe ylrl alaya aaaw. They danee a Uttla. Stayed cm niaateea mlantea and teak two been, 111 tso.

No. 4—Bert iBakar aad Oak. ta hda aae-aet farce, ‘‘Prevarlcatlaa.*’ Tbe wlfO and aeere- tary are new. the friend, Paddy Baker, the seme, and tbe Aetch moetly rewritten. It la funnier than aver. Bert taUa many anaeccaaary lies aad aouM naedtnl ewea. Is eanybt with the yoiida and leayea eaery oae happy. Twenty- six mlantea. In fonr; fiye cnrtalna

Nok :$—Prank Bnrat. alene at laet, aaaiatad by Altsrt Iloi-key at the piano. Prank makes tnneh of bla prerloan aseociatlOB with Beenla Clayton and LocUlo Cavananyb, mad alaya hot. Irr than he talkn. He aany a Dixie cony aad -Walt Till tha Cicada Roll By,” “Say It With nowers” and opeaed and closed with erlylnal fflaterlaL Twenty mlantea, in oae; five bowt.

Nok 8—Pbrd Sisters, “Frollca of 1830,” staxod by tbeasaeives and fanltlasaly doae. Sevan pro- rrsmmed nambere. They open with a boatiny dance, which is too lony. Then do a minstrel dnnre, “Mabel Dare" waits and n whirlwind fintsb. “Tha Tamp.” WoaderfnUy dreesed ac^ Tha ercbeatn directed by Art Belaer to a marvel of ptoatotoam ja*- Tweaty-foor mln¬ ntea; five bows and enrtam apeech.

No. T—Ofirtlto Webb, In “Ooualn Oineeppe.** A wop act, aaststed by aa andtooce ptaat. The ■inftay to yood aad the boyn worked hard. They yot tbe lanyba. Thay eany “Blver Shannon” and “Sbrne Day I'U Make Ton Otod.** Sevantaen minatat, to ene; three bowe.

Ne. 8—Emersoa aad Baldwin to a bnrlceqoe fsree ef jnyyliay aad elnb throwtay. The flapatlck etnff fiaaUy yot tbe tonyha aad the boys Mtowed dexterity with tbe chiba aab beM the crowd well. Tea mlantee, la two; three bowe,

Ne. 8—James J. Morton, aanonactoy each act. “An antoaatad proyram.** Mortoo waa very droll and fanny, bat at ttmas moaotoooos, bat aa a cfaanya be to worth whUe.—liOClS.

Pantagps, San Francisco (Berlewed Snaday Xatfaea, Kaink T)

Saa rraactoco. Match T.—Oae of tbe beet shows seen here ta weeka; la fact It to a rare ocrorrcace that a bUl of such aalfonn excel- l•‘n<■t to yotten toyether. Oledys La Mar aaay “Al: That I Want Is Tom’* aad a aony aboat Dixie.

No. 1—Rnllowe Otrto, three bonaclny, dandny oire-walkers. started thinya la a stop bany faaliioa.

No. 2—Viola Denny and Bddte Hnnlyan. For a slnyiny aad talklay act abonndiny erlth sheer artistry, peraonaUty and orlylnaUty we wooM like to place a bet on these folks ayalnat alxmt 00 per cent* of all other man and woman acts m vandcvllia. They cleaned up.

MUKETHEHTS (Reviewed Mtmday Matinee, 31arGli 8)

New York, March 8.—The show at the Palace this week Is a erilendid ex¬ ample of the way not to make up a vaudeville bill. If the term vaudeville meane anythiny it means variety. Of a program of eight acta seven sang and danced. There waa no sketch or novelty and the bill resembled a singing bee much more than it did a vaudeville show.

Johmoa. Baker and Johaaon opened. They Juggle olntw and throw hau a la Moran and Wiser, Indeed very much Moran and Wiser. In fact, every¬ thing Moran and Wiser do these gentlemen do. It is a very good Moran and Wiser act. Bight mlnutea

liUba Meroff was second. Miss Meroft is assisted hy Sonia and Ben Myroft They sing and dance, and got along only fairly until Ben Meroff did an excellent Russian dance. This was the hit of the act and put it over for a good finish. Fourteen minutes

Florne Millershlp and Alfred Oerrard followed. -They recited their past performances in vaudeville and musical comedy at length, and then sang and danced. Miss Millershlp does both well and Oerrard sang a song with a pun¬ ning lyric like a Thomas Hood poem excellently. They carry a set of drapes for their act and a piano player. Nineteen minutes.

Trixie Friganza waa next in “The Surprise Party.** She told a lot of stories that were really funny, and sang and danced in addition. Miss Friganza is a splendid entertainer and scored a large sized hit, both as an act and phyiica3ly. She is a real vaudeville attraction. Twenty-four minutea

Blossom Seeley appeared n^xt She is assisted as before by Bennie Fields and Grossman, Cass and Lopez. Her act in the same as when presented last at the Palace, except that she has changed a couple of numbers. Same gowns, same dances, same style of material. The hit of the turn was Bennie Fields, who p»it over a coon song to splendid results. Thirty-four minutes.

Topics of the Day occupied its usual spot on the bill and got a few laugha Either the quality of this film has fallen off or the audience ia getting tired of it, for it doesn’t entertain as it used to.

Irving and Jack Kaufmann and Arthur Fields opened after intermission. These are the boys who have made such a reputation as phonograph singers. They sang a lot of songs and put all of them over. Every word they sing can be readily understood, and they have grood voicea. Jack Kaufmann d^ a little comedy very well, and the turn went over for a lilg hit. Sixteen mlnutea.

Rae Samuels followed. This lady does nothing but sing. She had a lot of competition in that line today, but when she started one was apt to forget the others. Rae Samuels has had a long experience in the singing of comedy and character songs, and there are few who are her equal at that game. She displays splendid showmanship in her act, and left after doing fourteen min¬ utes, with the audience clamoring for more. So far Miss Samuels hasn’t bought a set of drapes or a velvet drop with her initials on it. We hope she never does. Anybody who can hop out in one and sing songs like she can can well afford to leave the drapes and drops to those who need the doubtful assistance of this form of vaudeville clap trap.

Loretta McDermott and Eddie Cox, with a jazz band, closed the show. Miss McDermott w’as formerly with Frisco as a dancing partner. Now she has her own special set and Jazz band and everything. She ha.s also found a way to beat the high cost of stockings, for In her first costumes She doesn’t wear any. She and Mr. Cox also sing, but this Isn’t as succeesful as leaving the stockings off. Then the Jazz band plays and they succeed very well. One has to listen very carefully to distinguish the melody in their playing, and aa this seems to be what all Jazz aggregations strive for it is easy to see Just how successful they are. For a finish the principals dance and the Jazz band brays and squawks. ‘That finished the act and show. If this be vaudeville, make the most of it. fieventeen minutes.

Olenn and Jenkins were billed to appear on the program, but did not. It te too bad they didn't, for an act of their type waa sadly needed to bolster up this bill. Comedy and novelty are the backbone of vaudeville, and there waa far too little of it thla afternoon.—GORDON WHYTE.

•pie and spaa and th« trnpplnmi, spninx. rtp., an ahowrd trna abowntanahlp. Tha Jaii mala. Sunny Jim, waa raaponalhla for mneb lantbtar. —HTLLIAR.

B. S. Moss* Jefferson (Xsftowed Thnraday, Maieh 4)

Mew Tort. March 5.—Altbo thrra are soma

weak apota In the Mil. the aaodaTllla thin half • * n ■ T-fTsrann 'Th-afa- la nn the

T/allah Shaw and CnTrnnny. In tiilrd apot. Often with a apaclal dn.>fi. and It Inoka promla- Inr. I.allak and two men start a little talk and dance, hat the drop toee np, diacloainx the coDTentlnnal parlor aet. 'Hie crowd la banded a lot of dialotr, which atarta off In mediocre atyle. It to the eternal trlanzte done for com¬ edy pnrpoaea. alfBo there are a lot of oppor- tnnlMee allowed to paaa for real comedy work. Mtoa Shaw weara a beautiful dreaa of Mae tafetta. Mmmed tn ffoM lace, that to

Majestic, Chicago (Berlewed Monday Matlnea, Morok I)

Chicago, March A—Thla week’a hUl to real TaoderlUe. There to a little Mt of ererythlag for the conatant goer and it acemed to get off right Monday afternoon. There waa evidently Bome hitch with tbT ptetnreo. and, after an ex¬ tended orchestral effort, ebe bill proper wna started.

No. 1—^Herbert’a Loep-the-tioep and Leaptag Canines prored to be a wooderfnl cMlactton of well-trained doga. each one of which acted ao tho it really enjoyed to do the atnat aselgnod to It. They were marreloao toopen. 8U Blnntes.

No. B—Mabel Bnrka and Sidney Forheo were tarorlteo from tho rery auut. Their soog ro- rtew waa well arranged and the aooga were well aelccted. Tho aet conld bo farther lUoP’ trated with nMrlea, which wonld oetter It. Oatoy BoU araa a groat Urnrlta, and tha “SMo- zralka of Now Tark” were aa popular aa erer.

A strong encore and another effort roondod oat fifteen mlnates.

No. 8—Jeon Adair, la "Ella Cornea to Town,** prored her sterUac worth by bar forcetnl pre¬ sentation of tha character that carrtod the atotp and the heart interest of tbe httle sketch which abe presented. Her offerlag ataito rather tamely, bnt bos ■nffleient plot to sathar In¬ terest as It proceeds, and wins oU hearts and many bands before It conma to a rather tame climax. Twenty-fire mlnntce. Two curtains.

No. 4—Sheet OoUagber aad Iraae Martin made a lot of fan with a sweater aad the pre¬ tense ef a plot that held the attoatlea of all whllo they nnwonnd a lot ef fna. foacy song and dancing. Their act to clean cot. bright and sparkling with wlttlctotna that challenge the keenest totellectnel approctottoa. Their nee- senae to good to Itotea to. Tweaty mlnnteo of real fan.

No. 5—“The Miracle.’* tira tonalcal aad mind mystery feota, that choUeasa tha genlns ol ereryoae. Mystortoas, moire toon and fasci¬ nating to tbto offerlnc. and Its grown with age, A little 'more hnmor wooM add to ita worth. Fifteen mlnantes. A bettor flntob should b) atndied out.

No. 8—Oeorse Watta aad BeOe Hawley are nalqne. As a character singer be sets by him- aelf. Breesy, original and ootertalalng. “When My Baby Smllea” to a great ptoea ef seaUmental melody, which treat orer tog. at It mm errry. heart. Those looking for a good mother Inllaby shonld copy this. They rrera good for eighteea mlnntea and tha andleaea garo theai aMdonces of approraL

No. 7—Jimmy Bmoay. with hto rmnierllto bnrleaqna rerlew, “Mora On,” waa tboro trea the rery moment that hto aet started nntll M closed. Thla act to well organised, well staged and effectively presented. It to of the rtp roar¬ ing brand, and to good for aa many tengba ns one to capable of taking. The song, “Peggy,’* waa well presented, aad got a strong hand, aa it went over big. Hussey’s Ttddish offertaga ore hard to beat and were bard to sU^. Tbe act held the interest and fnrnlsbcd n let of real entertainment In the fortj mlnates that It held the boards.

Ne. 8—George BockwoU and Al Fox were two noble nuts and kept np a steady ootponr of their nut mill, nntll they finally woo by sheer force end artistic ability. Pep to their bnalnoaa aad bnrlesqne to their weopoo. Fifteen mlantee, with strong evidences ef appreciation.

No. 9—Winston’s Water Uoos and Dtotog Nymphs are as wonderfol aa seer. This net to marrelonsly entertaining. It to Ideal to its ahowmaaship. Tho oeato work with oU tho Eva Tangnay pep that an animal con possibly master op. Their feata are wooderfnl to be¬ held and ought to bo seen hy all tho chlldreo to America. The parents tbenld witneaa these animals and learn what a little monel will do. They ore very wonderfol entortatoon and tbs act to 000 that to mtot old. Tko alaataa.—- HIGH.

Keith's. CindmiAtl

for tbe ’steenth lime, met with his nsnal re¬ ception. He closed with* “Was Tl<eiv> Brer a Pal Uka Ton.” vrith a plant ia tbe box looking f'^r al] tbe world like a dear old mother might, Orent finish.

No, S—Will Hill’s Comedy Cl’cns served aa a finale fo tbe show. The ponies looked

Newport and RMrk. fn No. 2. open very week¬ ly. Tbe try to do aome crossdire comedy. The ■ndlence can’t tee It (and we don’t blame the andlence). hot the boys warm op and do some very good acrobatic dancing, sad finally wind np with a “aooae” nnmber. whldi, while pot very tlmety, gets the toughs.

be appreciated by a not very Intelligent andl-, enee. But be onght to know by this time that andlenese at tbe Jefferson hare hralat. anyway.

“Pads and iIVollcs” follovre. PIx girls and a man. opentag with a •pectol drop and going to a typlca] Al Wooda bedroom set Tbe aodleDce

(Oootlnncd on pegs 90)

xylophones, went big In this porttlon. Tbev have a good selection of nnmben. which were relished. Thirteen mlnntea, tn one; two bows.

No. 8—Bermlne Shone ami Clarence Senna and a supporting cast of three (Herman Gerald, Jeso Slikiey aM Wllda Bennett), In

(Oontlnned on page 90)

DontSend a Penny

Jort write etatinK ^

■dtntea to r^eono. The oonc irriter. Is tUa <Na i 0&). Dr. Jobo B. Uaidm” Uuvx« lastaaco, wanted tte aaw Bli«er (wfeo baa Owner; to ooen Apru Stb; TetMUU {artcn Tfeera. oaltc a rcpvtatioa) to alnc bte aong Inataad mo and wife: man mint be A-l Biadcface. Hone and of tbc man wbo bad been »i»giir It all orer Dance Hpeclaltlea: Ladr to do Mnclee ana uw^lea. tbc clreolt. in Acta Cbanaa for a week. Other uiefui

“At tlmea there to a etmUkrt wbera two 2**^ •" » w ail people on the MU eing the aame aong. Hie neiml method, 1 nndentand. to to allow the i"? rnirt^rnm whrv —_. _I* «/anF«*man ’*0® ran aoa wmi got uau up uui Py? .7"® ^2*^ * ^ off U># Io<« and not afraid of aortt. wdeOR It haa beeb the general cnetom for oome tu* to a week-atoad randerilto Aow. Httend other singer who baa been cootinnoaelg using coortear and best of tieatmeot to right party. Cernl- eame to do ao, and the other arttot la ainglng ral rats sad other dtoorganizera sere stanifH. Write. It for the first time. no wires rsrelved. as toueni will bs forwarded show

"The poUc7 of armnglng the rebeataala In (o route. Permanent aildrtaa, oare Hurd litho. A onr booaea. ^rlng to the diet one who artlree tthow Print, RharpabnnL Iowa. ^ Cheek No. 1, and following down the Hat of nnmben in the order in wWeh thej arrlre, pro- WANTED—flOOO SKETCH TEAM, teets thee materinl. In come caaee, in order One who doee real •ketches arid can ring. Roth ranst that an act might be on band lliwt, an ootslder be ahle to do fUngles and oae wbo ptoye Plano pre- is sent with the inatoe. Thia eihoDid be avoid- ferred. Also want Rtngle or Double Musical Act. Me¬ ed. No ticket or check gbonld ho Isened nnlesa *«>op Norelty Acta Ptano Playw the arttot bUnnelf or herself to there to re- Show peo-

pto write. This ts s Mg show, end we ere making !• ** - .• • ... mggpg. tom torea tora r\1tow4na M* t/kwam arw4 r4eadttm Mm Maml

Is Nam* of Now House Pleimed for Columbus, 0>

Jnst write etating Bdth—ttaet’a an. WeV aboes by mail, we

Ki to tee these ahosa risk. Examine tbsm, bemon—andtfaende- e aa to w bether or not ou with token them. Onr apccial Dnrgain price • only^^—jpair bile they last. See¬ rs greatest bargain, tend them to yon.

a cent in advance, ao rou Clin compare them


amiuatioa ' you don't bnd them the great- eit shoe bargain of the year.

Made of genoino leather In gno

i metal, popuTai k Broadway toe g teat. Blueber ilk style. Comfort- |K able, aubetan-

tial, long wear- ^to tog,gennine ■1 oak leather gfsolee—rain- / forced shank J and cap. IBH- m tary heel. Beat 7 expert worknmn-

___•*''!*• Black only- when they arrive. Sixes 6 to 11< •Clin MAUI lost yoor reqoest. No money now. wCMU llwll Wait until m-y eome. I^y wbrni Mioasarrive. Keepthemonlyirsaiiifaetoryinertly way. Give aixe and order by No. A15105.

Is^rd-Martofl & Co- Dew* 4235 'Diieaco

and Musicians hsvtng eentrset with me let me knew If you will come or not, as time to Mtort. Bbow pesl- Uvely opwis March 2T. Most report SSd at Norrolk Address JOHEPU LEPOBto 41M Cohmlal Plaeti Nor¬ folk. TIrsInla. PRAISE, INDEED!


ICaroh Z, 192a The Binboard,

New York City: Gentlemen—Who says that BILLBOARD advertising doesn’t payT Since our advertising campi^gn, inaugurated in your publication ai^nt

two months ago, we have received nearly one thousand written responses —not to mention numerous personal ealls—from all types of acts.

Personally I have only one adverse criticism to make: It's bard on our office force and the mail man.

Yours very sincerely, MILT HAGEN, Advertising Manager Daniels & Wilson, Ine.

(Exclusive Publishers of Nell Moret).

ntoa Clarinet. Bat plctars houaa Only flm hours dally. Six pleau. Iwartm moat hava library and make good. Wire loweat and aarbeat you can raport Ad- dreaa REX THEATBE. Spartanburg, a C. HRST-


ROCKINGHAM, N. C,, for balance of this season and all of

next season. Address W. G. ATKINSON, Manager cjoaing poof gapdena. The concern haa a bicycle race at Madlaon Square Garden abortly

capitalization of which to divided Into after midnight today. New Jeriwy’a “wet” ex- 380 riiares of $100 per abare each. ecntlve. Governor !Sdwarda, atarted the teama.

A good ttoed crowd was on hand and indications

pointed to a food attendance.

Mnat ba young and dellvar the goalak Aotois and Mnalrlana to dntable band. All young aiMi state lari wbat you do and Nalary In Brat lattor. All aumator work. GEO. r. HAlNBto Gaoaral Detlvaty, Kaoaaa City, MlaaourL

WANTED. JAZZ MUSICIANS-Jazz CornH Flayer. Hombonlat and DnimiuT for raudevllle act In ebaracter maJicups. Mavt be real Jazz playan and nonagltatcn that appreciate good treatment. Write et ance, aUtlng all details and glre lowmt aalary. Tickets U known. BIl-LT BEXCHEB, Globe Hieatre. PhUsdetphla. Pennsylyanto.


rOR IRVINa LEWIS’ CHICKEE CHOO MAIDS Single Musical Aet. ona Ringing tenor In trio given prafetance. All omTuI TWb. Peopto gat bum qulrit Addreaa IRVING U:WI8. weak Manti 8th. AMn Theatra MaiiRSeM, Ohio; week Marrii 15th, Star 'nieatm, Ne,r I’bllarielpbla, Ohio; atarttog March Sd. Prerella Thnttie. ClevriaaA Ohio, two weeka.

New Toik. March 6—Word baa been i*- LEASE SUITE IN LOOP celved of the death of Louis Baron, ceMmted ■ comedian, et the age of elghty-two, who passed OUesgo, Maieh to—WlUtoma A Plroa, music sway in Parla. Louia Baron started his the- poblialien, bare leased a anite in the Loop End

atrical career at the age of eighteen, playing bolldlng wkere they will open profemlonal of-

mlnor roles. While In Rouen In 1866 be met 8cea May 1. Dave Peyton, who does all of

or. Oognard, the director of the "Varledes,’* die lirm’e arranging, will occupy part cf the

wbo gave Boron the principal comic part in gnlte.

the production in which be eventually became

famous. Baron became manager ®f the “Va- BANDITS ROB MILES THEATER rletles” with M. Bertrand, the director oC _____ the Opera Comlqne, In 1891. ___

SPORTING GOODS DICE, CARDS, BOOKS, LOADSTONE, Mk MAGIC GOODS. Wm Catalogua Free. ■tolONAL SUPPLY CO.. Box 20. Hnrrilaad, Mo. Wnted lor “PECK’S BAD BUT' WANTED—^Trumret; must be experienced. Join on wire. A. F. of M. Pteturea. Six days per week. Thiity-nve dollars. Concert Orchestra, from Jazz to Bympixiny. Ktate age. Address TITHXER W. OBBGO, Opera Uc-use, Ptrto. Ky.

Fun Acting C^wnnsny, Versatile Peopla wMh 8tw- elaltles: also two Mattr Ttouaa. Barmcny Nnaen. Dancere. Invtniiaental SpertalUea. State salary and what, ytm ran and trill do. and eticlose lat« photo¬ graph and pmgTBina, which wUI be returned. Jack La Pearl, Oltver Klght Billy ("Haim’") King. wm. If at Nbarty. PRCK'S BAD BOT., care Acker- lA/AMTrn *^0" KIBBLE UNCLE TOM’S

WPAri I C.k^ CABIN CO., Comet Player. Band and Orchestra; aisc Woman for Ophelia, with Child for Bva Wire lowent salary. Fay your own botete Itoute: Lancaster. Pa.. March 11; Camden, N. J.. 12 and 13; West Chater. Pa,. 15; Coatesviltoh Pn., Npvr York, March 6.—E. P, Albee lawed

lukiuiuMmBSiiaHuiiimuuau^^MmwwRuw^HWBUMi^uw orders this week that hereafter Tandeartiata

appearing at Keith thentera mnat attend at

reheanmls and not aend mbstltuten. MY. Albee

Bent the following letter to all managers on

the Keith Circuit; "To Manegera of B. F. Keith Hieatem; “This letter is prompted by a complaint

coming from an nrtlrt who had been singing a aong on our circuit. A new artist (atngerL had rehearsed the same song flrat; that to, in order to be at refaeamsl first, be, or the mnalc imbllaber, gent a substitute with the music to rehearse it early Monday morning. The otter aet alao arrived early, but the snbatltnte re¬ ceived Check No. 2 for rehearsal. It should not be the custom in our theaters to uUow sub-


TENT WANTED—50-fL R. T.. with two middle PiecM. WILL BUY complete Dramatic Outfit, No Junk. State lowest price. .tddraM WALTKB TOT, 121 West Market St.. Uma, Ohio. WANTED AT ONCE—Lady Nn-cr to feature. lAdy

MtiRldan. Plano riayer. I.ady Dancer. .-Heady wi- gaswnent. t)«nd salary. Flaring Oiwra Houaaa and htoh-class VeiMlevllle. Addrass. with photo. "MDR. IDtLAL RNTERTAINfilUi,” care Eaglea' ItoapiA Alc'on. Ol’lo.

VAUDEVILLE NOTES Plays,Sketches Written TERMS for a stanp.

E. L. GAMBLE, Playwright East Uvaraool, - Ohio.

In tte flK wMcdi swept the Obestnnt Rmtan-

gnnt IB PbtlAdelphiB recently all of tto In-

stnunenta bdongtog to maibert of the ort-be’:. tra were mined, enulllng a lost «f handre'i- <>1 doliara.

The Bonner Booking Bureau baa slgnad Jack McKenna with the Jack Btewart act

Wanted-Medkine Performers An lines. Baihrrtfes. rnrondlam, Plano Players. Novalty ActA Uan iJaoe A-1 Lact.irrv. Ooed aal«.aa to rlimt iienpin Steady work. DOC PANGBOiBl, W’atbuictuci. PctmaylvanlA

t/ANTEO—A real Blackface Singing. Dancing and Playing flntpedlaii. If yoo are A-No. 1 salary no ob- tact Can nlace cal Tean. All Medldne People irrita. Addrcae DlL HEBEB BECKER. 1011 E. Sth 3t.. Kacaas City, Ma




ite 536, 1 M)0 Broadway, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, New York City.



MARCH 13, 1920

Theatrical Wardrobe Trunks SPECIttL $40.00. "“.“.JSr.S'.'*''



By the Busybody Far Roekaway Theater Has a Big Bill Sunday Nights—Harry Thems

Temporary Manager n>0 former husband of Galli-Carcl doesn’t

like America—News Item. How itopld of

America not to hare made a better ai»s>ear- aoce.

When you were a kid (before the “flu” waa Inrented) remember bow you would waab your

face la tbe snow and wade barefooted In the

puddles, etc. 77. Sure you did, but read the words in the brackets again.

SrientUta bellere we can communicate with Mara tU wircleaa—News Item. We heird one

actor aay; "If they erer route acta there I hope Gua Run usee some dlacretlon.”

Will and Mary Uogera will open for Pan. In

Minneapolis July 11, making their second tear

to ■God’s country. Remember ns to Hllllar.

An actor friend of ours writes: ”I’m playing

the NUMBERS foi Uoldle.”—23rd St.—SSth SC

—81st St.—125th St. 777 '

Barry Masters and Jack Kraft wish It to be

known that they i^ll be tbe “Flelschmsns of

VodTil” nest season, as they will be strictly

(y) East. Are you boys kidding777

“We wonder if tbe girls still wear

That thing known as tbe Teddy BeerT*’

—Luke McLuke. To which we reply:

“Why wonder what the girls wear. LnkeT

Get MARRIED; there, that's some rebnke!”

We orerbeard an actor reading hit rente to

another actor, and it sounded like this: “Weil,

first I go to the BUSHWICK and COLONIAL,

then I play the 5th Are and SSth 8t., than the

PALAOB and ALHAMBRA, then l2Sth St. and

Oreenpoiat, then RITBR8IDB, etc., ate. Work*

lag e^te Is no disgrace, brother.

tMipaior i:u,..uuetioa. Interior complete wltb ii*« dratkent, shoe pockets and laun¬ dry hag. Wl.l carry 10 to 13 suits or fawns. AdsptaWs for man or woman. Gusx- anlc«.l for five years, klall orders filled promptly.


New York, March 5.—Harry .Shlfman is now

booking tbe acta fur tbe Strand Theater at FXr

Bockaway. Tbe theater, which wsc c(>ent.d

October 23, is running a scren-«ct vauderille

pCTfbrmence erery Sunday night, and they are

•0 big time. Besides this the hiMise shows a

picture program of merit. Duilng the week it

CoeAnes Itself to picturea.

Harry Tboms la managing the theater tem-

twrarlly. The bouse hat a seating capacity

eg 2,000, sad is strictly a cr>muiiinlty theater.

As there are no posts to ohstrnct tbe rialoe

the audience caa enjoy tbe randerille wlthcnt

craning its necks, aad the theater lias been

doing a smatblng bnstneaa erer since tta open¬

ing. Tbe Madiaon Theater, of Detroit, la said

to be tbe only other theater that equals the

Strand in architectural merit. There la a ten-

piece orchestra. As tbe Sunday night top

prices are $1.50 It is readily seen that the

bouse Is doing pretty well financially. Sol

Brill ia president of the company operating the theater and Max Spiegel Is Tire-president.

It iraa learned today that a dance ball, to

accommodate 150 couples, it being iDi.talled in

tbe second floor of tbe theater, rumiahinga

and flxturea frotn the Rector Restaurant that

recently went out of bnaineas are being In-

atalled in this ball, which will open fur bual-

nem about May 1. Harry Tboms and narry

Shlfman wlU operate the hall. It la aald.

deliveries of costumes. TIGHTS, WIGS AND MAKE-UP

Manufacturers and renters of costumes—all descrip¬ tions. Amateur shows and minstrels our specialty.

OPERA LENGTH SILK HOSE—Just received big shipment, fine quality, black, white, flesh and pink. All sizes. Write for prices.


Phone Central 4292. 1 '-ASTINC CAklPBELLS

SONG WRITERS and VAUOEARTISTS OlTt riAK.NTH InTarlahly write and thank tm. tYB DID SIX ORIOINAL PIANO COPIES AND OBCHESTRATIONg IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS toe .\tR. J. H. GARTMAN. Hualeal Dtiurtor of Pin# Bluff. Arhanaea oho writm Ua; "Your arrangaoiMite canaeri the Cottloo Belt Hinatiula t« make the •mi OF THnR UVEB.' “

OHilaal 3-Nat Plaae Ceey. FIT TO PR'NT, treat Yatr MaMy AieM, $10. OirhMtra rrten on appUrmtton. Big reducUon In price for UlnatiH Sboere. eta

DALBY a WCRNie. Arraetere ef Real Maiie. Salta 703. I4S Weet 4Stli St.. New Verk CKy.


New York Police Avistion Jszz Band Now Under Vic Hyde's Manage¬

ment Now York, March 0.—A glance at tha blUlacs

for a week at the Parle Alhambra Theatar ro- veala real variety. Tbe bill Is beaded by the

Ulutloniat act, Oewald Wllllama. Some of the ethers are Knapp end U —rf. j--.

Five Pelteye, gymnaeta; Dippy Dtera, acrobsts;

Merlea with hie cockatooa;, t,u.iu..i;

Bert Hughea, cycling quintet, a fantaatle dan¬

cing act and an aerial bar act. Prlcea rang#

from ten franc* for the beat reservationa to

on# and a half franca fey the amphitheater.

_ The Alhambra la tbe best variety theater In

Chicago, March 8.—The Rialto haa one of tbe New York, March 8.—Jnetlce Morsrbanaer, Parla, It la generally atated.

moat eiqientlve vandevUle bllle eeen la popn- In Supreme Court at White’ Plaiua. refneed to

lar-prlced vaudeville In Chicago U years thla permit demonatratlona of the "khlmmy” for

week. “The Mimic Worid,” with twenty good- tbe benefit of the Jury when th^" matter came looking gl-la and five well-known comics, la op in a libel suit. Brian iToy. eon of tbo New York. March 8.—"The Olmlnologlet'* la

the headliner. The elaborate acenery and coe- famous Eddie, was • witness at the trial, and the title of • one-act melodrama written by tnmea make of this act a real reme. teatifled that the tango, Texas Tommy, bnnay Alphonse Lincoln, and which will he preeented

F-->1 roger*. the “Dancing Bricklayer,” flea hng and grtisly bear daneea originated In In vawleviUe. It le Lincoln’s maiden effort,

with Harris and Hilliard, who present "A Day lonlelana dive*,

in nollasd,’’ for dancing honors. Hall and

Bhsp'.ro. r>HnedUna; Dailey Brothers, eqnlU- - — - -- -— „ .. . . ..... hriats; Deroy and Dayton, song and chatter: „ ^ J ' 1. reported th« Hooseh and loV.iie. 1. Desert Romance”; Teij^. March «.-iMlldred ^fe. Mme. Emma '^tlnl ta w>on to entar vande-

Nat Lcfflngwell and Company, In “A Night at “'Yahlo. Fpollc. vllle. It ‘• farther reported that ber first

the lortre”- B Kelley Fbrreat tramn c^medl- Wllaon, Memphis correRpond- arpearanca will be at the Orpheam. Brooklyn,

an. and a new Henry T-ehman fonr-reel com- •»<» associate dramatle with tha New York PaUca to follow,

edy pic-n e Twilight Baby.” compriee the reporter for T-.:> New* Scimitar, were married rest of the bill Wednes-isy. Mre. Wilson left the act

“Oh. Teddy" headlines the bin tn McVleker’a Memphis. ^ ^ ^

Theater this week. It la a TanderiUelx^ “BABE" MORE FOR PAN. Toll oOcM, h€p«s to Ao a httto sp««4iaa tUa comic opera, with a roninl doacn cIcTcr one* In _summer on tlie Found wito hif fast new crafte

the cast. Pisano and (Bingham, In “The Bar- March 7.—“Babe’* Moore, who the Victor II. The boat la caUed the fattest her Pole’’: Haael HaTringion and Company. In caught at Proctor’a 125th Street Theater in the Sound.

“The Squab”: Harry Ant-fm. story teller, all appearance by a booking agent. U are In the hill, which la further supplemented „p ^le Pantagea Time, it la leamad,

by Cart and Pmma Frabel. wire walker*; Cleveland March 16. She doca Johnny Woods, blackface ventriloqnlat; the ^ dance act and received some very York, March 6.—ITotcncc Roberts, who Kilkenny Dao; la Rose and Lane, singers; the reelewe. She's only 17 too. returns to vaudeTllle thie Spring after an ah- Nlffli Doo of Inetruinentallats and the Three eence of four years, will preaent a one-act play

Bartoa, gymnasts. NEW WATERBURY HOUSE entitled “Blindfolded,” by Rnpert Rugkee. She -- will have fur her leading man Fredrtk Voged-

New York, March 8.—Not taking any chances ing, from tha Royal Theater. Amsterdam, with tranaportatton problama, the Poll Inter- ^

New York, March 4.—Matctia Loew haa fllad have purchased and transported to Water- ^iJxB^OQyisyg^JTrTirrloN'^^^orirtn^To!*- plana with the Manhattan BUrcan of Bnlldinga bory moet of tha material for tbe new million- FUura VeotriioquUl NWELTY FOR SALK. 1 have

ft. ...Oft, ft-,,.. ™. one la to be hullt at tbe corner of Broadway “ about to bmld la Mala street. Work will yi^u) houses, if# on act Uj« la in big dmand and FJchty-tklnl street and will have a front- start In ihoat • laoath. right now. GREAT for clubs, ate. . Having had 13

New York, March fl.—Victor Hyde is now ~

Iwndllnf the destinies of the New York Pblice llama ta vollnlat; Wtillsm Rams Is tmmtinnlst, Mr. Miles will take over the actual control

Aviation Jass Band, which opened rather nn- aad Henry Belssner la cometlat. Dolly Powers, the bouse April 1. This gives Mr. Miles

anooeasfnlly recently at the Harlem Opera called tbe champion lady drummer og the world, fonr honaes here piaytng vandevlU* and plc-

Bouae. Its failure to score waa attributed to la the drnmmer for thla act. tnrea, and he annonncea that he la planning to

the fact that Its preparatloa was too hurried. build a fifth with large seating capacity out In

It hastbeen la rehearsal this week, and, from EXPENSIVE BILL tha Northwest section of th> cltv, work npon

appearancea. It looks as If the boys would —. wtakh la to start In a few weeks,

make some big time. Victor Hyde is booking Presented at the Rialto, Chicago—Me- and handling tbe act, which la scheduled to Vickar’a Haa Excellent Offerings open la a Loew bonne next Mcoday. Hyde

aay^ the act can get a lot of t'me rtght tn

New York, aad he la optimistic ef Its tncceee.

The act mas about eighteen minutes aud tar¬

ries eight j>eai>Ie. Raymond Walker, of tbe

music publiablag firm of Thoinaa A Walker,

lac., presides at tbe piano; Ora Keelsr con-

docta the opening nnmber and elnga; George

Stonee docs n dance epcclalty and banjo; Jack

Wbeton, at the eaxopboae: Sergeant Joe WII-








4l7Vk Male sweat. 34 Flaar. s«w WrigM’s Rsataa- rest. ClMiaaatt. Okie.




PInoa. MaJaaUe T31S.



CORNETISrS ^ who haea trouMa with wA

iWKAK lips OR 1 > UlOH TONH aheold ■end for our BOOK OT POINTehRl Sant Das.

New York, Marck 5.—Ed Kennedy, formerly ‘ddmaa

of the act, Kennedy and Wllklna, la recover¬

ing from an attack of tbe flu and 1* rehearelag

-—SB set wlttt Ida Haveibeck. It will be billed

lUIMTPn Attention Show ManAgon Theater at Detroit After •• Kennedy end Haverbeck, the Lovable Pair.

Illlll ILU and Booking Ageneloa Spirited Bidding for Lease it is e flirtation offering.

uS^aSdxi!^. sw'■*rt.!ff?Twv^^‘^S^‘*w^hS; O«trolt, Matrli «.-<aiartee H. Mllea, oweer HENDERSON'S OPENS toot opensd our Throtrs after complrt# aitersUont and of the Regent, Orphenm aad Majeatlc thcatera. ntwi^ngplam. L^mrtag* Ooodto^ regained control of Mllea Theater, which ha New York, March 6.—Henderaon’a Mnalc

main 110#™. T C. Addrem OFSA*HOCaa. Nae- built ten years ago, after spirited bidding for Ball. Coaey Islaad. has owned for the sea- art New York.' tbe lease at a meeting of the atockholdws Of aon with a six-act vauderille and aQ-atar

PEP AND FESSONALITY. U-NO-UK fr#.»<< aa/rkr>ra r-smtii* aggrerata rental fixed by the lease WITH ESNIE NASKt. CARE BILLBOARD, N. V. wWch Mr. Mllee signed la ffi.130.000. This will NEW ORPHEUM PUBLICITY

— —— ■— gaarantee tha stockTmlders In the Miles-Detroit --

NOTICE Theater Co. twenty-one per rent on the money (New York, Marck 7.—Tbe publicity depart-

they have InrMted. Mr. Mllea’ bid for tbe nent of tbe Orpbenm Circuit la mailing out to

theater lease waa nearly ISOO.IWO higher than 5ta forty-fire bonnes program “flllera.” contois-

the amount offered by the next highest bidder. Ing a Hat of all theaters operated and controlled

Tbe policy of Mllee Theater will contlnne as hJ tbe Orpbenm. Some very artistic “frames” at preaant. with vandevUle end pictnren. and for newapaper advertlaenents are also being

Gne S. Orttalag will be retained aa manager. sKSlIed to the Orpheam theater managora.


ALL-ROUND DANCER—A quick hlttar. vltton with raudevllla or -*->#'1 ntiow. A T. COIXCY. Laary, Georgia.


pVAUDEVUiE NOTES DID YOU KNOW JEAN CASKIE? Will anyone who knew' Jean Caskie, show girl, about the years 1897 to 1901, please communicate with A, care I’iUboard, 1493 Broadw'ay, New’ York?

Hvralds, Tonightars, Dodgara, Tack and Window Carda, Half>8haala, Ona> Shaata, Thraa>8haata, Cloth Bannara, Card Haralda, Lattarhaada, Envalopaa, Etc. Typa work only. No atoek papar. Evar^hing mada to ordar. Union labal printing. Writa for pricaa. >




riparlnf aAT.r of 1919 SampteB of Pundard Makca ^ardrobo IVtniks and Suit Caan at retnarkabla pricea SPtX.'IAi. for thta S-LLC: Full alze TUOiK, open top. bard

fltra oofwed. renrer baamrood. S-ymt cuamUoa. Boaulir prler. AA NOW ..

NEW YORK BRANCH; I43S Broadway, brt 40tb and 41st StiaWt. New Ytrfe Uty. Tataakoiia, Bryaat 4043.


OMAHA*S WELCOME! Aa Oiaplaln of tha Acton* Chnrcb aiii«.Li»

Omaha. .Sebraaka. I aataeid a royal and oonUal wet. eoma to all raxabcn of tha Titaatrtral rriYmlni onaa- iDg to our dur. Call upon mo for any and orory MTTlrt within '.ha power of my ability to raoder. I am your friend under arery rircumauitea nm doon af 8t. Martlirt Ik>Ueo|>tl Cburrfa. Mth aod J Sts.. Otaa- ha. ara wide open to ytiu at all tlmea. Drop in at my raaldenoe. 2313 J SL. at any tlmo Pluiia South 3*04. REV. C. EimiN BROWN, Bplsoopal Prleet.

ORCHESTRA COHPICTOR (VIOLINIST) ji a Cn4-claai botrL Experlenuad In all Unea. BacfcerJ by beat of retenoem, both as

ta abllliy and u.iaracter. Now nmeiudUny winter waeoo eazamneut Rplcndid manic Ilbnry carried. WIFB AN EXC13X<3NT OftCHESTRAli i^ANTliTK. Will ooneldrr theatrical cttyacnet'.L Hbtjxrt arranctnc of oKiaioal Mttlnm for phoPcHiji cuaranleed. No preferetke to Iccauoft; howler, only flret-rlaas oBert will raoetra auentmo. Can teart at oncau Hooms iteediny BEAL 3CUK1C1AN8 kindly wilto all dataila to

N. MIRSKEY. Orchestra Coadactar. Urmey Hotel, Mlaail, Flarlda. AUSTRALIAN VARIETY AND THE BHOW WORLD.

Hm ptototyva of Tha Billboard In tha aatlpodaa la oow tha rccocnlicd organ of tha eihibltora of Australia and Nsw Zealand, and the liaat adfettielDg laadlum far

Mariag Ptstrra Bradaaara aad DIetrlhatare. It alee deals bncBy with Drama. Ctreuaea Falra

I'arke aod Racing. AdrcnUlng ratas an api^eattaa to Tbs Ulllboard. All romtauiilcsUoot ta BRENNAN A KERR. 2M Pitt BL. Bydaay. AatMla

All lattsra sddiaased to Australia should boor tc In stamps for aa.'h bslf ntincs or fractloo thsisof.

De Rue Brothers’ Ideal Minstrels - TO OPEN APRIL 15th -

for taairtS. rammer and srinler seaeoii. wRhout doaing. Can place llrab.claaa tglmt Tmor. Bate aod Bat'lt tie ^ttioEors, jUui Utm. lijng and Dance I'wple. .liTobaiio AcC Cunbirtliotilst. Jugglen^ Uuaica' Ada, Muslciaitt {tr H. and O.. In tart all eorte uf People for blgh grmle Mlnitrel Co. Please aUte all In full widi luv.'wt Mlary nstned. W> fumlab lodging only. AK frlentls, who h&re worked for as befors, wilto. Home address. DE DUE BROS.. P. 0. Bex 4*. Nswam Valley, N. Y.

pf the krts and amn^ea the prcFnins ao that HE:RA.LeDS

Toungitown ttauxlly gets ehowa that compara rack and Wimio* Card*. Qsallty t^n..eoioA., favorably with the best. etc. Hend ropy tor pricet Hamptas, I3e. HUBD OF

On the bin this week are the Noreltr rUntnna. HHABPHBLTIG, I.N IOWA. Show Printer.

manage the boure. Ut Is expei-tt.l that the

opening will poenr some time this month.

Sergeant Wm. C. Gtbeon, known to the mem-

bera «f the profes^on as Karyle Zerado, and

for years a danerr end Impersonator on Pan-

taaea. Keith and other rlrcnlte, has been In

the U. S. army for the pant three yeara and

still has a year to serve. Two other well-known

ehowfolk who are In the army and stationed

at Poet Headquarters, Jefferson rtarracks. Mo., Holmes:

are "Bud” Arkllse, former!/ wltJt the ITylng narry <

TTowelie, and Irving Papinean, of the team.

Papina and Pet. They all would like to hear

from the4r friends, espeelally Flo Kockwood.

Joe Holman, Key it’ivea, Vardaman, Leon ls New Theatrical Agency in Cantoni CTncSl and Hal Johnson. Ohio

WANTED White Bon Canvnaai

for M. with three 30s. One-night Top aal* ary and best at aocommodatlcaa Muat ha a Na. I maa. Wire. Dou’t arlto. Address DOO60N BBOa* ORI:UTER UINarTBCI^. AUmml Oa


Rprlng and Rununer Tour In Maine and Canada: Fliat* claaa people In all Unas. Houbraue with specialty. Ju¬ venile Woman. Maa for Traasp. Heavy. ACaa. Juvaolle Man. Plano Player; all to doaUa band. AMora doubling band, Muslrlane doubling stagsi Plrw-Class Conet Playnr. fltate salary. Pay own board. Ala ooaa- pany has been out vlnee RepMalMr and has brokea many bouse recoeda HesaoD-apeos April S In New Toik flut& A-lditM COLB A OIBNBT, King of Traaam Co.. Chleora. PronsylvaBla.



Canton, O. March 6.—Tbe Owen Art Studio,

Canton's new theatrical agency, is pronpering

under the msnagement of O. W. Godard, well,

known playwright. Mr. Godard announces he

hn* Just completed writing a sketch titled

“The Dangbter of Bagdad,” In which he vlU

feature Ruth Owen, o< thla city, exponent of

the classical dance. The piece calls for an

elatiorste stage setting, and gorgeous eostnm-

Ing. Godord has written vrithln the past few

months seren new sketches, four of whlth

are now being produced. He expects to give Salary.

“The Danghter of Bagdad” It* premiere at ^topclta an early date. Oedard la in complete charge

of the literary work of the studio, and Mlaa ||

Owen la inatmetor In classical dancing. |||

Best it Oo. employees voted •'The Magic

Melody” the best show now running on Broad¬

way. Mnaic doth charm Aren a floorwalker.

An absence of wardrobe and an unnsoal dis¬

play of lingerie and hosiery seems to be the

order of the day on Broadway.

The good book says, "Love thy neighbor.”

Pnpposing the landlord resides next door, what

then? It remained for Cliaa. and Bose Moey (a

Chinese dsnelng act) ta revise the old cake¬

walk at the Alhambra week of March L They

cakewalked their way to a hit.

Overheard at Brosdvray and Forty-alztb

street: First Actor; “How’s tricks, JlmT"

Second Actor: “Fine! I booked Toesdsy of

next week. How Is things with yonP’

First Actor: “Great! My agentabas me slated

in for Monday aod Friday of next week.”

The scenery In a theater wonld be very me-

Botoaons if all the baldheads were the same

shape and slae.

The anrest way to make a success in vande-

vllle la to get a good act and then act it.

How timea|bave changed! Before the Dnited

Etatea waa transplanted to the Sahara Desert

a man was considered a bum If be was seen

on the street drank. Now they say: "Isn’t he

wealthy !” The Board of Health claims that klssteff la

nnheaitby. Maybe that’s why tenants don’t

kiss their landlords.

Important as umbrellas in March Because Piao’s wards off ill effects

of cold, rainy weather. For 55 years it has ended distressing coughs and eased inflamed, irritated throats, hoarseness aod throat tickling. ‘

I Keep it in the medicine cabinet ] i ready for immediate use at the i I , very first symptoms. ' J A 50c si yoMr druggiti’s. Contains no m ^^opiats. Good ior young and otd m

WANTED-violin Lcadtr for Taodsvino and Pic¬ tures. Vaadevlllo cteata 15th of AprU; than Pto- tures summer ■sasoi. Rel*fT. 146.90 per work of seven dags. Not a grind, but food, eaay lob. Must bo bora ready to start, not ■atrr than Marrh 14. M«Mt be a good ssaa. B. D. WILUA31S. Qwen Theater. Galvsston. Tksaa. SPECIAL VALIE VIOLIN, FLUTE. CLARINET

AND PIANO at Itherly for llrst-elaaa msagommL Baadlo any thing from iaaa to syapimny. Joint or separata HKRR KKAATZ. WMght’s Hotel. Baletsh. N C.

Volume Five, of The EagU Magician, WIRTH GETS FOUR ROEDER8 will be the best value in real, magical FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WEE|v literature, and every number will con- 7" tain 28 pages, and articles by the most Celebrated by Kaith’a HippodrofnBv notrd magical writers. The price re- Youngatown, 0« mains the same. Only 10c a copy; - three months’ trial, 25c; one year, 81.00. Tonng«town. O.. March #.—Five years of ex- Three magic cataloguea cant free. erptinnai success with bat two losing weeks la __ B. PENTZ, «!1 that time is the record the Hippodrome ia Time In tkie conntry.

” -- --- celebrating this week, with a Keith program of

ten star act*. Not only has the theater vroa a

high standing in the rating of managers and

patrons, hnt it has also earned a repntttlon New York, March 8,—Bert Hoghts has vrrlt-

araor.g joerformers that extendi throont the land, ten friends in this rity that he ia booked solid

nipiXMlrome employea, stage bands and ransi- nntll Febmary 1, 1921, and at the time he

rinns. have combined in an effort to make the wrote, which vme a week ago. waa playing the

Yonngstovm week pleaaant and tMs attitnde week at the Theater Royal. Dublin. He tod

ia reflected In all dcrartmenta of the theater, last rompleted a week at the Paris Altombtn

Manager John ElUott personally aelects most Theater.

WANTED MntdaM wi PtrfonKtre and Agent that can post bills Wagon show pwvlo prefsrved. Wrilo FRANK AUCN SHOWS. Sturt>e- port. l/iuUlana

BERT HUGHES WRITES Ringing. Ta'klnt and Dancing rnowdlan. Sewo aea- sont with ('has. W. Banner's Pack’s Bad Bny Cix Plc«<« mrnt'nn •alary. Addieis otro The Billboard. Cincinnati. Oh'o

TRICK MATCHES. Hnenar Dogs. Herpent Eggs, real Cachoo Pneeaa Powd'v. Itch, ImiXNInd lUnNl Bomba. Plato liften, Rhoo'ing Clgwectaa. Cigars. Rooks, Vliuntain Pods, 199 otbvra. Got scqnalnted with our goods and prltxk. J nRA-VOKFELD. Mfg.. 1238 Tbarlot Ave., Broox. Nwv T-wk.

AT LIBERTY Norelly Performer Change for weak. Good wardmbo Work sT tola. State ealary. Al¬ low time to forward —J C. BBUCB. Oanaral Delivery, Des Molnea, Iowa.

AT LIBCbTV Plaalat Can brliw Flutist who dou- Mas «U Ra-eraywja If dwOred. Beeor' or 'h-at«». H, A WERDT. 1230 N. 6Ui 8L. HarrBtmrg, Pn.


It Is Btrsnce bow tbe man la front la tbe •odleacs wbo is asooclated wltb <b« profession caa aes tblnpa which apparentir neltber auna- fer nor actor sees. I am led to this remark by what I saw in one of tbe bip Orjfbtmt theatres. One of tbe artists there in tbe Orpbemn (are an imitation of Eddie Foy, wbo is an act on tbe Paataces Tonr.

During my somewhat extended trip through three-quarters of the States of the Union I have met many actors.

Many have requested an introduction to me, and all have expressed their appreciation of my small efforts and humble work in their behalf.

All have wished 'me God speed—all have said **We need a man like you to fight for us, to direct us, to lead us.**

All have cheered me on—all have applauded what they are pleased to call my stubborn, persistent and constant fight.

This is all very well in its way, and undonbte<fly at the time these things were said to me the actor was sincere.

But cheers, applause and handshaking, however cordial, however well meant, cannot win any battle.

Can yon imagine what the result of the '\Vc«'ld War would have been if the jieople of America had contented themselve*s with cheering and applauding Gen¬ eral Pershing, Generals Parker, Liggett, etc.?

If they had all stayed at home and said: “God bless you, Pershing, you are putting up a wonderful fight. You are the kind of a man we need.” You know, as well as I do, how far Pershing would have gotten.

If, when the call for the various Liberty Loans had gone out, the people of the United States had paid no attention to them, but had just gone about their business and contented themselves with cheering and shouting and shaking the hand of Pershing, you know, as well as I, that no American Army would have crossed the seas, no Victory would have been won, BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO AMMUNITION, NO GUNS, NO SHIPS, NO PLANES, NO ARMY, NO ANYTHING.

It is the same way and the same thing with many'actors. They are will¬ ing to cheer, they are willing to applaud, they are willing to pat me on the back, but when it comes to doing their own share they are conspicuous by their ab¬

sence. ,

They avoid THEXB Liberty Loan. They keep away from THEIR taxation.

And it is not much we avsk. If the' actor and actress in Vaudeville and Bur¬ lesque really believe what they have told me during the past eight weeks it is not much to ask them to become a member of this Organization and to pay

their dues.

Here is the test—send $6.00 in as your initiation fee and dues titl AptU 1st, i920, and then afterwards keep your dues paid up.

Help to support the army and the men that are fighting for you.




If you mean what you say, if you believe what you have told me, then trans¬ late your words into actions, your thoughts into deeds and become a member

of these organizations.


TV> say tbe least, it Is ba4 sb-iirmaiialilp for • snrtMsedty llrst-<las*9 circa! t to be content witb imitations of an actor wbo U on a snp- poaedly second-class circuit, but peiksps this is bat a t!|n> vf tbe times when tte irst dball be last and tbe lost aball be flrst.

In talkins to one actor 1 met on the Torn 1 found be was hoqr readlna T'rofessor Freud's twok on Psjebo-Analjsls and Xenroses. 1 was Terr much snrprlsed. bnt Terr mnch pleased, for it is a anbject in wkicb all actors sbonid take an interest, and tbe soore they know of it tbe more Qiey will appreciate not only tbe present condition in abow boslnces, bnt tbe more will they be able to nnderstand and ralne at its tme rate theatrical press pmxMKanda.

Lst ns tske a little example—one of Freud's contentloiis is that if yon can get a man or a amman to talk or write consecnUrcIy on a sub¬ ject under discuaslon be or she will uncon¬ sciously confess what la really troubling them. In other words, they will, without knowing It. dimlce their sin or weakness.

And. if a Urlng proof of this is wasted, la it not supplied hy the weekly ooUectlw of works of tbe imagination known as the Green Sheet) In eTety report of ktessrs. GlQinore and my meetings on this tour the word "Judas'* has appeared. It seems impossible tn tha editor of that paper to keep "Judas" out df Uk articles about our Orgsnlation and me.

In noM of our meetings was this word tiaed, hut tn each of the reports It appean. and, actlag on the TYeudlan theory of unodnaciooa confeeeloa. does this not indicate ^t the thought represented by "Judas'* la at the back of the editor of that paper's mind) la It that be cannot forget that it wa^ he who handed "bla paper orer from tbe first page to the last to the managers" In spite Of the fact that be bad a contract with the then Actara* Or- ganlsationt ,

Is It not this, that when he writes be unconscionsly confesses? Else why, without thyme or reason, suggestion or hint, drag In "Jndas"?

There may be other instanct^t of this la his eolnmna, but as I nerer boy the paper, only looking at it. either on a news agent's stand or when I can borrow it, 1 am not at present in a poeltiOD, nor is it wor.b tbe time and paper, to giro further instances. Cot to those wbo still read it and beliere it let me give this word of adrice—that if they will study a little psychology they will find that the Green Sheet convicts itself in every issne.

And in this connection do not forget that General Fiaano swore that when he was an agent in Chicago he was told to try to force actors to advertise in Veracity (?) because tbe said Veracity had done more than anything else to defeat the actors.

And when you are doing 4 shows a day, and when yon are doing 6 shows a day, and when you are playing tbree towns in a week, and when you are being Jumped all over the face of tbe United States, and when yon don't get yonr contracts back, remember that it is because of the actors' defeat that yon are doing this, and that the chief cause of that dofeat. at least accordins to the managers, was Veracity (?).

So be thankful to tbe Green Sbeeu Bemem- her the Green Sheet in your prayers at night, and every time S3meth:ng occurs which we fniight to prevent Just thank tbe editor and staff of tbe paper that “did most to defeat the

But tbe time is coming when the actors' defeat will be turned into trlompb, when we shall get all we want. Tbe time Is com¬ ing and It is in tbe actors' bands how s>>oo It wAl be here. If yon want to make it Immediate, then let every actor sit dosm. dU out an a.;pUcatlc’n blank, or. If y(>n haven't g t one. J^n-t say: "Make me a member of the A. .V. F.. according to the By-ljiwa and Constitution." send in <10 with it. see that the letter has the correct a<idresa on it. 500 fifth Ave.. New York, and the lultialH of the Brst nan.e on t. e envelope sre II. M.


Climax Comes at Symphony Hall, Boston, March 5— Both Fradkin and Conductor Monteux Hissed

and Applauded by Audience—Orches¬ tra Now 90 Per Cent Union

Boaton, iTarcli 6.—The Boeton Symphony Or¬

chestra eltaatlon sras rery tense last nlybt.

Frederlflc Fraikin, the concert maeter, has been

dlsmisse<l by the trusteesi from the orchestra.

Mr. Fradkin Joined the new nnKm Tnesday,

and at a concert Thursday at Saunders Thea¬

ter, Cambridge, Pierre Monteux, the conduc¬

tor, refused to allow him In the dressing room

ns^ by the aololsta, claiming bla place was

the general dreasing room with other union

membera. Pnlon membert refuaed to play the

Thursday night concert nnless an apoK>gy be

given Mr, Fradkin by Mr. Monteux. Mr. Frad¬

kin told the men to go on with the concert and

sctt!e the matter later.

Thla followed close after an incident where Arthur Berenson, attorney for the musicians,

waa refuaed admittance to the mualclans room

at Symphony Hall. It la atated tliat tbeae

actlona reflect the attitude of the truatees

towurda the new union.

The climax came Friday afternoon at Sym-

T>hony Hall, Boaton, The audience wae ap¬

plauding the work oC the orchestra just be¬ fore intermission. At a srgnal from Mr.

Monteux the entire orcbeatre arose to acknowl¬

edge applause of tbs audience with the ex¬

ception of Mr. Fradkin. Thle alight to the

conductor by Mr. Pndkln was soon noticed by

the andlenco which had been well Informed of the controversy by local papers. A part of

the audience began to Mae when another part


Preaented for First Time by San Fran¬ cisco Symphony

San Francisco, March 6.—At the regular Fri¬

day afternoon concert of the San Prancixco Symphony there was presented for the first

time Albert Elkns’ “Impressions From a Greek Tragedy,” which was given an excellent per¬

formance by Conductor .Alfred Hertz and hia musicians. In the opinion of the San Francisco

yress this new overture is the most distinguished

piece of mule as yet produced by a San Fran¬

ciscan. The audience was delighted with the composition and Mr. Elkna was, after much in-

elstant applause, compelled to make bis ac-



Will Confine Concert Tours to the East After This Season

Philadelphia, March fi.—Announcement has

Just been made by Arthur Judson, manager of

• he Philadelphia Sympboiiy Orchestra, that in

the future the orchestra will discontinue tour¬

ing the country west of Pittsburg. Next

seaiion concerts will be given In the East ex¬

clusively, and present plans Include five con¬

certs In Washington, five In Baltimore, the

nnie number In Harrisburg, eight In New

York City and five In I’lttsburg, with the

curtonnury number of subecrlptlon concerts in Philadclpbia.


*Sipns Contract With Dillingham *

New York, March 6.—Gladys Caldwell, so¬

prano singer with the Society of American Sing¬

ers at the Park Theater, has left this organi¬

zation and accepted a contract with Charles B.

Dillingham. Miss Caldwell’s opening engage¬

ment with the Dillingham forces will be in

"The New Dictator” at its premiere next Mon¬

day night at Washington, D. C. Miss Caldwell

will be succeeded at the Park by Majorie


bers, an agreement was reached, nie agree¬

ment ia said to have the approval of aeventy-

five of the ninety-four musicians who constitute

the orchestra.

Two weeks ago a demand w-as made for S

flat wage increase of glO per week for the thirty-nine orchestra members, who at present

receive the minimum jiay, H-l, weekly. Under

the demand the men receiving salaries in ex- ce a of that amoont were to be given Increases

la proportion. At the conference an agreement was reached whereby the minimum salaried men

will receive an increase of $5 per week and a

sliding scale established for others, according

to merit and years of service.


At Numarous Spring Music Festivals

At the close of the engagement of the Metro-

tiegan to applaud loudly .the actions of Mr. , -

Fradkin. Mr. Monteux bowed and left the At the close of the engagement of the Metro-

stage amid tremendosa applause. As the or- polltan Opera Company in Atlanta, Glovanal

chestra retunied after Intennisston Mr. Trad- Martioelli, well known tenor, will commence a

kin, on appearing, was greeted with many lengthy tour of Spring Festivals, at which be

(Continued on page 86) la to appear as soloist. His engagements In-


Ifr. Gunster la another AmerieSa stager srbo has proven that this ooontry otn produos eswBmt tenevs. He possesam a lyric tenor votes of besotirul qustlty and food range, and (speriaHy cons- nsxKMile la hia eaunctaUon, which Is dear, whether be sings In nigUah or any of tbs forrign nmnfimgmi


Engaged as Soloist by Bodanaky

New York, March 8.—Annonneement Is made

by Arthnr Bodanaky, conductor of the New Sym¬

phony Orchestra, of the engagement as solo¬

ist of Ignaz Friedman, the new Polish com¬

poser-pianist. Mr. Friedman will make his flrst

appearance in America with the orchestra, and

will flu other engagements made for him dur¬

ing January, February and March, 1921. At

present Mr. Friedman is busy with concert work in Carope, appearing in Holland daring the

month of March, Spain during the month of

April, and for the summer months be wlU tour South America.


Philadeipbla, March 6.—Grave difflcnltlea be¬ tween the management and members of tho

Philadelphia Orchestra over a wholesale wage increase demand, which t'^o weeks ago threat¬

ened to end disastrously for the famons organ¬

ization, was averted, when at a conference on

Thuraday Arthur Judson, manager of the or¬

chestra, and a committee representing the mcm-

clude Savannah and Maoon, In the State of

Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina, and Blch-

mond, Vlaglnia, and appearance In a number of

Northern cities. Including Montreal and Pitts¬ burg.


Returns to Grand Opera Policy—“Pag- liacci” To Be Given in English

New York. March 8.—Managing Director Ed¬

ward Bowee has selected the popular opera

"Pagllaccl” for production at the Capitol Thea¬

ter. New York, this week. The opera will bo

(dvea in English and wilt bo prenented with Cesar Neal as “Canlo,” Irene Williams ns

“Nedda,” and a chorus of one hundred volees

wrlll be employed. Vr. Nesl was formerly a

member of the LaScaln Opera at Milan and a pupil of Mascagni.


The Culp String Quartet of Cincinnati recent¬ ly gave a concert in Indianapolis under the

ansplcss of the IndUnapoUs Matinee Mnslcale, and was weU received.


American Soprano, First To Receive Contract From Chicago Organi¬

zation for Next Season

On Pebmary 27 Florence Macbeth, well-known

coloratura soprano, signed a contract with tho Chicago Opera Company for next season and

thin gives her the distinction of being the first

one to be signed for the ie20-inci nesiton. Mins

Macbeth has been given high praise for her

singing this year, both in Chicago an<| New

York City, and while in the latter city was

bniily engaged making records for the Colum¬

bia Grapbophoue Company. With her opera en.

gagements, the contract with the Cotumbia

Company and her concert work *MIpb Macbeth

is exceedingly busy. A ooocert tour under

the management of Wlnton nnd IJvingston will

take her to almost every Impcgtant city In

the United States.


For Summer Normal Music School

Dallas, March 6.—The Progressive Series

Teachers of Texas, which U an organization

representing mosic teachers In seventeen dif¬

ferent cities of Texas, last week sent a.resola-

tion to the Art Publication Society, asking tbit Dallas be chosen for the locatioo <rf the sum¬

mer normal ecbool for music teschers. R. R.

Stuart, Bi>erlal representative of the eoclety, ex¬

plained that In the past the normals have been

limited to Iradlug musical and edacatlon.iI tn-

stituth'ns, but that the demand has broadened

and necessitates holding sessions In tbe larger musical centers, and the opening of normal

schools to ail music teachers and advanced

students. After but a brief conference Mr.

Stuart was advised that Dallas had been chosen for the Summer Normal School and a movement is In work whereby the norraat

school in Texas will become an annual and a

permanent affair.


To Hear Scotti Grand Opera Singer*

•Birmingham, Ala.. March 8.—Arrangements

have Just been completed with the Music Study

Club whereby the ttcottl Grand Opera Oompany

will give two performances at the Jefferson

Theater May 3, under the auspice* of the

club. An orchestra of forty picked member*

of the Metropolitan Opera Company’s players

will bo under the direction of Carlo Peronl,

and Antonio Scotti will again be at tbe head of his own organUntioa. The op-ras to be

given srlli be “I.’OncIe” and "Pagllaccl” for

the luatinee. nnd "ImBoheme” for the even¬

ing performance.


Win* Triumph in “Obaron”

New York, City, Msrch 5.—At the Metro¬

politan Opera House last evening rioreoce

Easton msde her flrst appeorance as "Bella” In "OberoB” and won entlvnsla^c applause.

Miss Earion bad only studied the roie a short

time and at almost tbe last moment wa* called

sipoc to take the place of Ilosa Ponaelle. who ' had taken HI suddenly. Tbe singer sang ths

■ aria "Ocena, Thou Mighty Mttuster” with

■ much skin and authority. Especially com-

• mendcble was her diction which was clear

ttruout the entire peefonnance.


Of Columbus Will Give Annual Con¬ cert March 16

Columbus, O., March fl.—The annual concert

of the Columbus Musical Art Society will be given in Elks' Hsil C’c evening of March If.

Tho society Is made up of forty wromen’t voices,

and the musical director. Ssmnel Blchsrdi Gaines pmmlees some Interesting chorus work.

The soloist for the concert will he Mr. Grshsm

llarrls, violinist of the Detrrdt Symphony Gr-



Boston, March fl.—Three celebrated artists will mnlce their last appearance this Pcason In thla dty during March. OalH Curd will

be beard Sunday afternoon, March 14: Frits

KreUler on the afternoon of Mhrcb 21. »■<*

Jascha Heifetz on the 2Stb.

THE AMERIQN CONCERT HELD and American Endeavor in Grand Opera, Symphony and Chamber Music

and Classic Dancing* BY IZETTA MAV^ MCHENRV

> »v?v

MARCH 13, 1320


TEACHER OF DRAMATIC ART, COACHING, Grand Opera Voice Placing, Drama, Oratory, Musical

Comedy, Photoplay. ‘

Metropolhu Open luild'mt, 141S Breadwey, at 46tk Street, New York City. Phcae, Bryaat 1274.


For Best American Folksong. Will Be Held This Month

Will Present Schota Cantorum in Pro gr.t.t or U,:zr.ish Songs

Greeii«hurir, Ind., March 8.—Annoimcenieiit has been made by Mrs. Grace Porterfleld Polk that

the contest for Indiana song composers will be

held at the Porterfleld-Polk Commanity House. In this city, daring the month of March. The

prises will be paid from* the fund provided by

Mrs. Polk and will be given for tbe beat

American folk song and the best American

art song.

New Tork. March C.—Knrt Bchlndler, f -

mous conductor, annonnccs that on the evening

of March itt. In Carnegie Hall, he will pre¬

sent the chorus of the Scbola Cantorum In a

program of Spanish music. This wl’l Incluile

folksongs of the Basque people and composi- tkwB of modern comiiosera of Catalonia and

alao CatalonlJn folksongs. This music was

broug*"! bnci by Mr, Scbinlder when ho returned

inm Spain.

CONCERT AND OPERA NOTES The New Tork Madrigal Blngers gave a coo- for the week

cert In Rochester, N. T., March 2. who will be I

Ml.os Oiristine Howells, a gifted yonng Giaconda,’* aa ^utist, recently gave a recital in San Francisco, solo, played b

Idn Geer Weller, well-known mezzo-contralto, bo "America

will give a recital Monday evening, April 6, In Under the «ll

Aeolian Hall, New York. Arts Associat

lico Omsteln, noted pianist, la to give hla will be given

second recital In Atlanta tbe evening of Theater Bond March 18. Several Eng

Raymond Havens, pianist. Will give a recital been playing

at Aeolian Hall. New York, the afternoon of : any, in New

March 15. of making the

U-^.a Th.mnson, pianist. Will giro a recital Carl B. Cra

in Jordon Hall, Boston, cn TVicsday evening, a recital In t

March Ml. afternoon. Mi Vernon Archibald, baritone, will give a recital aUted at tbe

la Aeolian Hall, New York City, the afternoon Mlcbel Foki

of March 25. and Vera P>>li

The Mill Valley Musical Club has made tlan Ballet,

application for membendUp in Uio Callfomln Opera House,

Federation of Music Clobo. March 22.

On Sunday afternoon, April 4, at Carnegie

Hall, New York City, Jascha Helfets win give bia last recital for two years.

Joeef Hofmann will give bia last recital tbit

season in New Yorlc City, at Osmegie Hall,

Saturday afternoon, Ma^h 13. Oliver Denton will give his second piano re- q

dial in New York City this season in Aeolian

Hall tha afternoon of Friday, March 19.

Giilouar Novaea, the Brazilian pianist, was

heard In the New Masonic Hall, Cleveland,

March b. under the auspices of tbe Fortnightly


Tbe Capitol Theater, New York City, will

return to its operatic policy this week, and will

precent a complete production of "Psgllacci’*

In English.

lieuDO Mdsewitsch, pianist, will give bis

fourth and last concert of the season at Camegie Hall, New Turk City, Sunday after¬

noon, March 21.

Uasqaale Amato, baritone, will leave for tbe

Sonth tbia week to fnlill concert engagements CELEBRATED ARTISTS ENGAGED Atlanta and Ravannah. Ga. Miss Kitty Beals

will be the assisting artist.

Mme. Callaway-John. whose recital had to

be postponed, win appear In a most interesting

program at Aeolian Hall, New York City,

Satnnlay afternoon, March 18.

Ossip Gabrllowltach, the celebrated pianist,

and director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestm,

win be beard la concert In Kimball Ball, Ohl-

cago, tile afternoon of March 14.

The BlvoU-Rlalto Chorus, which baa been

meeting with soch sacceas at Mr. Riesenfeld’s


mnsleal program at the Blvoll,

pUdst-ctimpoeer. wlB appear la Joint orchestra nader the direction of Frederick 8tahl-

berg will bo from “WUllam Tell.** The soMst


Just as we are going to prese, cards were

received from Ernest Gamble, director of the Ernest Gamble C.acert Company, announcing

that twenty-two concerts have been given by bis organization on the tonr of tbe 'Qsland

of Panama, one concert being given at the

Palo Seco Leper Colony, •Mr. Gamble an¬

nounces tliat on the retnm of the concert party

to tbe United .<?tate« tbe 15tb n const to coast

tour will be made.

Announcement baa been made of tbe date*

for the concerts to be given next season at Car¬

negie Hall, New York, by tbe Philadelphia Or¬

chestra. There will be one concert in October

on the evening of the 26th; two in November,

on tbe 0th and 30th. There will be bat one appearance of.this celebrated orchestra in New

York City in December, and this will take place

the evening of December 21. The other con¬

certs are scheduled for Janoary 4. February 8,

March 8 and April 5. MUSICAL ART SOCIETY

Will Present Song of North America at Forthcomirg Concert

New York City. March 8.—Frank Damrosch,

director of the Mnsleal Art Society, has ar¬ ranged a most Interesting program for tbe con¬

cert to be given at Camegie Hall tbe evening

of April 3. There will be nombers by Haydn,

Palestrina, Bach, old French songs by Gevsert. and tliree songs of North America by Natalie

Cortls, entitled "Cowboy Song,** "Morning

Song of the Cheyennea'* and the "Victory Song

of the Pawnees.**

Nina Morgana was granted an injunction by

Supreme Court Justice Krianger restraining the Chicago C2H;ra Association from further use of

her name in ail advertising literature nseU by tbe company.

Kate M, Lacey, concert manager of Colnmbns,

has. In resx>oase to the demand for real Jaia moslc, arranged for a concert In Colnmboa

March 19 and 20 by the Harry Yerkes Novelty _ _ a • ai o Jmxa Orchestra of New York City. The orchea- ^® Toup America Next Season tm Includes tbe original Columbia Saxophone

Sextette and American Marimbaphone Band.

Umberto Sorrentlno, well-known tenor, who

has appeared with the Boston Opera Company

and on concert tours, has bees engaged as as- slating artist with tbe Baltimore Opera Com¬

pany for their presentation of two acts of "11

Trovacote'* and one act of "La Traviata** the evenings of March 8, 9 and 10, at tbe Albangh’s

Theater, Baltimore.

The New. Tork Symphony Orcheatm gave the

thtid and last concert in the Furlong series in

Rochester the eveniag of* Fetimary 28, wltti

tbe Swiss pianist, Rudolph Qans, as soloist.

Aa exceedingly Interesting program was

rendered. Mr. Fnrlong has annonneed that

Mr. Damrosch and the New York Bympbony

Orchestra has already been engaged for several

appearances next season.

Tbe program at the Rialto Theater, New York, tills week, starts off with sclectioas from

the comic opera “The Prince of Pilaen’* played S ANNA CASE toy ttoe orchestra and condseted by Mr. Riesen-, ■ ■ ■ feld and Lion Vanderbeim. Eraaanel List sings' To MskO London Dnbut May 20

will be tbe feature of aa Interesting n bass nolo, "Down Deep Within the Celler,’’ New York, for and Caroline Andrews, soprano, sings a solo

from Victor Herber's "It Happened la Nord-

land.** The organ solo Is Concert Overtors in 0

Minor, played by John Priest.


To Bo Giv:n in Boston New York, Mardi 8.—Of great Interest .to

lovers sf good moslc In tbe United States will

be the news that tbe three celebrated maslciaiia,

Harold Baoer, pianist; Pablo Casals, cellist, and

Jacques Thiband, violinist, will tonr America

next season for the 8rst time as a trio. These

celebrated artists will be available for concerts daring February and March of 1921 and will be under tbe management of the Metropolitan

Mnical Borean of New York City.

B'wton, March 6.—At Huntington Han th#

rveniLg of March S, Professor Edward BurllBg-

ame Hill, of Harvard, gave the Brst concert in

a series of eight to be given by him on the

"Growth of Modern French Moslc." The Brst lecture was attended largely by regular sym¬

phony orchestra patrons, and tbe professor gave

his aadienre a most Interesting talk. The forth¬ coming lectures will bo illustrated both vocally

and instrumcntally.


New Tork. March 8.—^For tbe Spring MnsiesI

Festival at Macon tbs committee has arranged

with the Metropolitan Musical Burean to have the following well known artists appear as so¬

loists: Marie Barrientos, Evelyn Scotney, Gio¬

vanni MartlnelU, Je.hnne Gordon and Jose Mar-



After tbe moet snccesafnl concert season of

her career, Anna Case will sail for England May

1, and wUl make her radtal debat in London

at Queen's Han on May 20.

Thin ntetum wnn tnknn at a recent concert given by the San Frnneineo 8ym ohony Orcheatm In the Auditorium. San Francisco. All during the season huge •udiencee have attended the cpncerte end have enjoyed the exceptionally interesting progmmt pretented by Conductor Herts end his excellent musiciens.


_ K*ir York, March C.—G*Beral Manager Geo. .The^^eoM CaDagher of tb« A. B. A. if boailr ea-

•V.Tbe Sergcaat preparing tbe aetean’-e for an extenaloa fhe New Yorker of time for tbe American Circoit Sbowa afftr

be S^ietr ^Ue the elooe of tbe remlar seaaoa. We wUl

**^£?*^amrt**^ P**'^** **•* ^ Spring Bpedal rfated

be Stenographer 30. ....Tbe Boonaer Mr. Gallagber'a ans^onremeot that A. B. A. ,Tba Bank Clerk AttraetloDa coold plaj Sainrdar matinee and

night of tbe lajoff week betn-een St. Joceph and

ni., haa resulted in moat

Goa Ftj. Jobber Walker. rred .Noiaa . Bichard Clar.. Kathryn Dtckay. no DotIs. Della rurk. Eailly Dyer . Jlmmr Holly.. Mdaey B. Erlln.

CHOBrs—I^eda Walker. Margaret Miller.

at Alton, LaMoat. Lillian laabelle, Mae Thomaa, Jalia El- , ^ .» - wood. Rklrley <Pjtdoo, Dot Hale, Lillian Fryer. abowe booking that da-e, according to a Betty Bomaa, Anna Gordon. May Alberta. Kitty letter from Henry Sanrage. local manager at , Martin, Grace Ibumton and Marrietta Sbark^. Alton. _ ‘

That Mr. Gallagher is a i>ennanent fixture in

the A. B. A. exe<-utjre office# was atteetad by *" Opening ecene a boay comer In New York m, peruse on Feijmary 26 of a beantlflol

Olty, wlU Itt reallatic arenle dlapuy of bnlld- tome In the m->rt deelm’.Je aectloa of Pelham

Inga. tonrUU, copa and enaemble of pretty Manor N. Y.. the borne site* of macy metro- "® gtrla. Then onto tbe WllUamatwrg Bridge poiiun financiers.

with Dnteb Comic Fay, seeking ChSc-o.Uoin)ny There were Tariona remora afloat aroaind the

Street, kieses til bankpdU. nntll Fred NoUn. Colombia Theater Briilding renttre to what **'

ene of tbe classleat police officiala that we bare tramr-ired during the meeting of tbe execu-

aeen portrayed upon tbe stage, appeared and aa- tlrea of the American Barievpie AaaoclaUon COLUMBIA V8. CONFUSION aUted Fay to pnt otst additional comedy. Jim- today. President I. H. Herk and General

mie Holly’s accident insurance bU. sritb Fay Manager George W, GaUagher in an Interriew

as tbe fail gny, was well worked for immerous after the meeting aeaured ns that while they Building at 47th street and 7th aT«,ne wao

langba. Chorus Bow, with Dr. Messenger’s discuesed rarlous msttera pertaining to the the ecene of mneh confirton today, due to the

office and patient, tltlan-balred prims, Kathryn American Circuit bouses and attractions and remoral of numemoa producing managen to Iglnal slide route. Dlck'y. !n a cat-flghtlng. lore-making session method# to be employed next seaadn for tbe

with Oomic Fay, was pot orer with aron«lpe Improrement in rooting booaea, companiee,

effect. The ColonUi cboms girls and their etc., there raa no actual decision rendered on eecorta, Wg Johnnies in colonUl erenlng dress, ^le of the m.atters discussed and debated,

likesrlae Misses Darla, Dyer. Clark and Messrs, gnoce it to say that the meeting was har-

Walker. Fjlln and NoUn, In modem erenlng ar«l erery on« present agreed that the

dress, in their "Oood Night” number, presented «mtllnea foe next aea.»oB are logical and prac-

an attractlra atage picture. As wise •ports nn,i| ^edeion srli he bonded dosm at the

Walker. Erlln and Nolan craated much lau^ter, next meeting retatlre to aercral contemplated Kathryn’a metlK-d of copping Fay’s bankioll. changes, with tbe aid of a cop, was well worked op.

Johnny Walker and his eccentric drank <Bar- THE BURLESQUE CLUB

....fledit Banks

...Gladys BUoq -Myrtle Andrewa .Al Tnrpta ..Alfred Doptnt

lAwraoca Brooke

Ons, tha porter.Billy Watson

CHORCS—Madge Moore. May Gilmore, Bob¬ bie Carr, Jban Wallace, BUUe Wayne. Grace Cochan, Vera Leroy, Gertia 0<Adc. Pio Fred- erteks. Boas Conrtney, Ida Blddeil. VMa Sin-

,The officii!* Of tbe

pany hare aupsamcod _ _ ifter tbe cVwe of the BEViBW •y to. bnt n irrWow »»t*rior of tho ’’D^r Drop lan»

tbe week baa ennsod “ «»»«nbU of prancing ponlea and show

)re In order to !•#»• awompaniad by Al Tniple. straight, ring.

I hare decided to hoid *“• * "amber. A fast dialog then took one toseisi fkiriniz between Myrtle Andrewn, eontret. and

Sadie Banka, prims doana, on one side, arlth a

flow of Bowery patter, and Gladya Bljon. aa

lagenulc newspaper reporter, on tbe ether side,

with a Bostonian repartee. It was apparently

all Greek to the Olympiea, who sat on their New Yoik, March 9.- -ITis Cohnntila Tbeeter hands wllb meant staraa, apparently araldag

lor tbe arrtra] of the comics. A coomotloa co.

•ned on the entry of Billy Watson by his or-

Aa the hotel porter Eflly other parta of the bniidlng. slid aroond arlth a mansited bathtub atop hla

Tbe Actors’ Fund win occupy the office* shoulders, while tnyatlfylng Alfred Dupont, a

formerly ocenpied by tbe James E. Cooper at- phony Oonnt. made loan to fharlaatteg Myr-

tracDoun and the Cooper exernore officea will tie, nntU exposed aa a aeicen actor by melo-

be in tha officea formerly oc-cnpled by Ike dramatic bnrlesqnlng aadlt. Slidtag Billy than

Weber. Ike la using the Cooper offices tempo- reeallzed on “Number 10“ and arts foUoared by

mrlly and tho satne U applicable to Btrnsjse Sk tho ponies arlth "Chop Sticky” and the riioar

Fnnklyn. arho bare a staff of arttenna at work glrU, arlth their oam scraioa of “Boom 208.**

cn their new offices, Bnite Tn8-4. whleh aroke up the aodicace.

It ie raid the Ben WricSx office arfll bo Wdiag Billy, reading a Jearlsb aewapaper,

eliminated and Tarlssa* other ebaugen made copped the firet laughs and kept them going

during the coming week. With Badle’e toorhlng narratlm. Learrenee

Ionia Redelriieimer expecte to rcmtln in fata Brooke, as a taro-gua gambler, la a game of

preeent qnartem aud Nelse of Tbe BlUboerd poker with Connt Dopoat and Watson, loat hi*

is negotiating desk space therein for tbe pnr- bonk roO to Wateoe, Billy’e method of slldisg

poee of meeting Lcaiia’ bnrde-qne kiUori bgnk bills Into hla Jeana getting many langha.

lag ttieir onmmes artalta. Tba wedding of Minnie Shlmmte and Mr. Jan

by tbe entire company made a fitting finale for part one.

Pert taro opened la the apartments of Psdie

Banka, aad her riollnlst bnshaad, Dupont. Sadie

~o* being informed that an escaped inaatle i*

in tbe hoeae mistakes BUdlag Billy, the clock

rapalree, tor tbe Inaatle, aad e&daaaora to

Baker and Rogers, tramp comics, arill be tbe eoncillate him by sieging to him. dining arlth

bim and iaddentally tryiag to aoeapa from him

netn the entry of tbe asylnm olBeets. In front

et a drop, in oae, Wm. O. Rogers pnt orer

~ to eacoraa, and Oiarles Broam. “Oh.

to reeatls. while


Slldlag Billy aad Gladya

Tf Yen’ll Only Sty

My Honey Yen’ll Be Mine.'* whlto Myrtle Ae-

Be dreara carried off tbe feminine honon for per-

eooallty aad aocaUatle ability arlth “Women

“The Bine Birds” arill be Sarlmmiag.’* A langhabta eeeslon took place

changed to “Night Oarla.’* la Dr. Bkli*s Banatorinm, arbere Sliding Billy. B. Hamp, the eccentric comic arbo arse in the gtilae of a traffle eep, is accepted aa a

forced to exit from Stronse A Franktyn’a^bow famons doctor, arbo is called in consultation by

on acconnt’of a fractured leg, has fnlly re- Dr. Skin Dupont to dlagnoee the lUaass of

corered and arill rejoin tbe show at Worcester, Ingenue Gladys.

Massachnsetts. OOMMBNT*

Miss Lilly, chief executive of the Jtc^ A g^^ery of first pert arae ‘one fuD eet with

Jermon official staff, anuouncee that OoL Henry changes for .second part. Ooatumra of

0. Jacobs haa had a wonderfol time recreating ^wtotera attractive and ehanged fiequently.

at Palm Beach. Fla., and arill return on Thuw- prsssotattan Itoelf something different from the

day next to resume hto theatrical and police efferlng. bnt wlthoot Wataon the fbow duties In Manhattan. fiat.—NBLBB.

The blonde prime donna puailcd the ronrt

when she. In characterising prlnclpala in bur- REDEL8HEIMER REPORT8 lesqae stated the "straight feed* the comics.**

Tbe only Jnryman hep waa Arthur Alatlng of

“At the Old Croas Road” fame.

Jake Liberman, ye oldtima pnbllctty promo¬ ter, recently In advance of ‘"rhe Boomerang,**

ran Into Tom Grady, of the Oos Hill forces. In

the offices of Charlie Barton, and what was said of theatricals in general would fill volnmna.



a la Pierrott proved himself an oreratic vocal- Harry Stronse. of Stronse and Franklyn, In

tat^ exceptional ability. Clay took eare of nuking n misstep, epralncd the ligaments of stare of "Banle Dasslc” for the balance ttf this ■eveful mtoor wlea in a clever manner and |,U leg, thereby causing pain and neceasiUtlng year and next season.

■ppenrs to hafe great poeribillOe*. Eml^ the use of a walking stick and Uxl cab# to get Ethel (Ontle) Ue'Veanx haa not algned up for Ingenne. has an unaffected almp^iy around tovni. life a# yet. hut Executrix Mamma De Veaux ’’By-Lo’

^ maimer that makes her adorable. Della Pop Kennedy ta apparently a burlenque fan, has algned away several years of Ethel’s eon- Wbnt a Pal Waa Mary,'

Oterk. second prims, haa n good voice, came to for the «>ortivc Pop can be found in a box at « nating Ethel is assured a tacraUva Inoome for Gladya Bljon mads bar Tocnltstie hit with tite front freqnently, and waa always welcome, the Mount Morris every Wednesday. some time to come. Baby’s Bmllaa.'

B. Eriln did straight weU. Joh^ Danny Davenport, of the Hurtig A Beamon John Grtavea, aa oldUme manager, to cerlotu- cungbt tbe andienee with T* . characterisatltm. ringt^ staff, ta now sporting around In a sU-passenger ly lu with la grippe at hta reridenee, 200 W.

She a the lass f«r Me. proved bis versatll- red auto, a recent purchase by Danny. 4,7rd street. Grieves 1* 71 years of age.

Ity as an all-around artist, while Gna Fay did George Chenet, fohnerty manager of Miner’s was one of the originators of hurlesqne. likewise la hla Indian number, “lAughing Wa- jg the Bronx, at ISlat street, and more recent- The title of ter,*’ which, combined, made a fine finale for jj the publicity promoter ahead of Sbuherts’

I*ft one. “Maytlme,” touring the Bouth. waa-a Saturday

■The eecond part opened with the village by visitor at the Burlesque Club,

the eea and its mbe Inhabitants until the ar- I<eo Stevens, after sixteen weeks prodnelng

rival of Fay and Walker as tha Tamers of Wild hnrieeqne stock at various points in Florida, to

IVomen. ’Their whkp-snapplug burlesque on back In Manhattan.

“Tbe Taming of the Shrew” wa* cleverly done. Joe Burton, who made a success of his bnr-

Flo Davis, leading tbe girls costumed in red, leeque stock presentation at the Oardeu, Bnf-

trimmed with pale Mae, made a stunning ap- falo, has retnrned to New York City to put

pearance while singing “Crary Over Dixie.” on comedy pictures for the Ko-Ko-Komedy Corn-

Straight ‘Holly and Comic Fay. In a bonse ses- pany, which now has studios at Coney Island, ston, with Walker aa a down-and-out. offered Lon Lederer is seriously contemplating retlr-

something oat of tbe ordinary and made a hit. tag from the show game and devoting bis future

In front of an Italian garden drop Lillian Isa- time and attention to promoting tbe growth of bene, vocalist and dancing instromentalist. Belgian bares and taxlctbing at Freeport, L. 1.

driuonstrated exceptional ability a« a violinist Art Moeller ta living up to hla surname as ap-

and mandoUnist, and waa recalled several times, plied to pool at the Burlesque Club.

In front of a cafe drop the feminine principals George Wslsh, formerly of Kahn’s, likewise

as sulTragete listened to political spellbinder, Minsky’s stock companies, ta now engaged in

Comic Day, and then did the cry baby give me producing musical tabs.

your vest-cett-hat-shlrt and exit amidst much Harry Hastings acnounees the release from

appUnae. A specialty in the banquet hall waa contract of Harry Steppe, who haa been fea- • risss concert harp number by Marie La- tnred ta Heatings* “Raule Daxsle” show.

New York, Mkrch 8.—At the Bedelsbetaier

Agency Louis report* engagements, vis.: M

Flavellc. Irish corale; Bemmie Evans, Hebrew

eomle; Harry Mandell, straight; Mari* Abbott,

prim* donna; Trlxl* Claredon. eoubret, and

Nina Dario, Ingenne, for the Folly stock, Baltl-

(CoetlBued os page 38)

MARCH 13, 1920

end Uie porcluue of poor screen materlnl, and

ftro tbe prodactlon end a aboee upward at tbe

foondatko of all produettona—the story end. In ten yearn the producers haren’t etlm!>

nated’aU thia waste. Ftlm rentals are cover-

Inf it. The exhibitor paya the rentaL ’Nut


A STALE GAG'S TALE Philip 3. Lewis, who la not only writinf.

bnt in also prodndnf acts now, becomes press

afent for a g»g and feta it some pabUcity— thns:

am a gtg. Created for the porpoee of

aaklBf people lanph, I drive airay the braes and

he^ men to forget their economic trotdtlee—^

•ad their wtrea.

**Ae a floom dtopeller I am la a class hy

■yteif. The aad eyed peesimlst loeea me

aot. for I am an enemy of all who frowa on

life. My pnrpoee and my miaeton is to open

np the gates of gladness that an may enter

tbe golden kingdom of mirth.

**At first S was but an Idea in the mind

of my creator; /ben 1 became a reality. Be

had confidence in me, for. tbe way he amfled

and rubbed his bands with glee is proof thst

nun rentals cover cost of prodnetloA ^a if the dlreetor has any eeaee ef dramatic be was satisfied with me; he thought me fnnny.

proAt to tbe prodoeer. valuea be win know that a weak foondatloa he caUed me a ‘joke’—(if It wasn’t for my

If production cost Inelndes waste the answer vrfll never bold up aay sort of snperstrnctnre. family he’d always be broke), la that the prodnerr Isn't givln.' tbe exhibitor A boose bollt on sand! “When I was grown op he placed me la

hie fnn money’s worth. So be wiU do bla damdeat to get oot from the company with other gags and caned na

The oaying of high prices for books or playa under, the prodoctloB. Maybe he wUl aoc- an act. He took away my indlTidnanty and

that do not possess full screen vslne baa been ceed. * Maybe it wOl be shelved for a long nude me a cog in tbe mscblne. no to speak,

indicated as one of tbe many wastes in the time. But eventoally .somebody will hare to I araa forced to compete with thoosanda of

picture prodnctlon game. . produce it. and along will come a weak, sptne- other gags to hold my place in the limeUghL

When f k kind of book or play la bought It lew picture, with the purchase waste and I succeeded, for my master, the artist, put me

starts a chain of waste, and the first one after the scenario waste built Into the rental price, to the add test twice a day and the hnnch

purchase will be found in the scenario depart* Scenarios that have been done over two or out front rocked with laughter when I made

meut. three timas cost, at the lowest eatinute of their my appearance.

Waste In the scenario department Is not due pro rata share in the department’a expense, must bare been a great toccen. for

to overpaying writers. It isn’t to be laid at gSOO. or probably mote. Yet no amount of tho I was exclusive, other artists kidnapped

the door of the editor or of the scenario man. doing over can make the eonl of tbe story any me and held me In bondage.

Tt Is tbe fault of either tbe directors or of tbe mure robust. And It’s eonl that "makes’* the “Critics sounded niy praLseoi artlets said I boas. Moet iikely It is the fault of both. Mil cle Man and anch succeMes. *kiiocked*em off tbe seats,* and audiences com-

A book to banded to a etaff writer. It is It haa happened thJit a picture made from P*«d me with ‘why did the chicken cross the

to he made ready for production. The writer a weak story. paiWed np with characterlxatloe •t««tl* ’reads-the book. It is thia lu plot, it la full that wasn’t neceveary, built tor length with "But X could not tday the band of time and

of "thoughta” and “dreamy nullea’* and empty Incidents that <’on>d have been left out. haa ether gags before me t have annk Into

of action. The plot, as it atando, won’t maka kicked aronnd a studk) till some poor director atraU of mlUlona of mlada. Th?r

a five-reel picture. The writer has to change was finally forced to produce it. The result, re-hatched me a thousand times and knocked

it around and build addition onto tbe plot or changed in still more places by the dlvector. » •“^1® scarred wa.rlor.

"P*'* ” was a picture that had to be shelved. But af- “I outlived my usefulnwa. Like Woi-

If he adds plot he changes tbe story and ter about a year that same story was hauled out •*^1 1 have trod the ways of glory and like a

thus hwes the value that the thing may have again, still again a scenario was made of It, t^MPg »tar I haste now to my setting,

hsd becanse people read It. So. In changing tha and another producer, ignorant of his prede- *• a fest, and 1 have

plot sround, he adds to tho waste of the pnr- ceseor’s failure, did bis poor best—and It waa my way Into a Joke book)—the OH

chase of a weak foundation. poor. But with altered#title, tbe picture went Home.** If he pads It up, he Is only wasting film. out to the exhibitors whose franchise# com- artlsta keeping gaga awig from tkel-

Bnt he to live. So he bolds his Jot* pelted them to take It. counting on the quality rightful restT

by doing his best with the stuff he has to do because of tbe prestige of the producing firm,

Bid tbe film -rental cover both productions of The editor idMota the finished scenario to the the same picture? Maybe not. But the instance

filrector. Tlien begins tbe waate. In earnest, shows bow determined -the boss Is to get bis

The director, ^If he has any dramatic sense maney out of •» -purchased story. And it proves,

at ail, will l)e shy. That thing Is weak at too, that all the work on the first production

the fouDdstloa and be knows It. But lie waste, and especially the acenarlo depart- can’t—or dfHwn’t want to—go to the boea an-1 ment’s work. *

eay so right oot, because probably tbe boss exhibitors would get together and pot

bought the thing himself. down their eoUectlve feet on the subject of

Tbe director to-ka P>r a “goat.** The -waite, and refuse to take pictures at all that

s^arln man is a hindv gout. The dlreetor w'Te below a certain, easily determined, aland-

won t trfl the boea that the book was w»ik ^ story, there w.iuldn’t be much of tbe

at the start. He win aay the ^trio la awfnl, in s.-enario making, for the boss would

a bunch of Junk, and oo on. simple rule was put Into

1* ' fcr It win T’rob:b’y efreett that each director should decide exact-

luclnde the dlrector*B balf-bearted angfestions ly bow he wauted a story done, since he Is al-

foc improvement. Then the first work of the ways prating that be most have his way If he

scenario man ww# an wasted. Work takes is to be resisjosible for prodactlon; once the

tfioe. Time la money. So, money la wasted, director had determined his changes, the gieen-

Majrbe the .lirecfor win rewrite t^ie scenario ario man would carry out the director’s wishes

btmself. Then he> taking time st. say five as he made the first s<enarlo, aiwl then—THK

hundred a week, to do the thing thst another DIRBCTOR .‘fHOT’LD BE HELD TO HIS DE-

man. at a quarter a.-« much, or mt«re likely less, riSION, not allowed to waste time and money

ought to be doing. When a flve-hundred-dol- elUy-shaHying around by further changes. If

iar man is doing hnndrrd-dollar men’s work, a story be weak, he would then have to come

th.'it U waste and wjtbing less. out and say so and ten why. That vvould soon


SEND ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO NEW YORK OFFICE rigintla callaetloa of IM pams of Mw, brigM and ortfinal Comedr Material for vaudavtils lofs use. eadiraclnc avervthing that eaa ba

uf uaa to tha performer no mattor what tort of an act. asooolocue. parodr or ail-ln bits ha mar rroatiw Natwphatanding that MsNalbr’a Bu'MIa Ns. S It blfgtr In qnanlltr and bat- tar In qualKx than tv<v btfors tbs ptlsa as- nialns as slwara 11-00 par sspy. It contains tha folkiatliia fHt-odfaw up-u>-dsta Camsdy ...atcrisl:

II SCREAMINa MOROlOROn narh ons s posttlvs hit. Ail kinds, tndudlna nobrtw. Irish. Nut, Wop. Kid. TsmparaDos. Klack and Whltafscw, Ettaala, Trs^ sad Stump SpoKh.

14 ROARIRQ ASTI FOR TWO MALES Ea.b set ah appisuta winner.

11 0ri{hial Acts tar Mata n4 FtMta Th^il make good on any b!n. 41 SURE-FIRE PUODIES

on an of Broadway's lalaot song hlta. Basb ona Is full o* pep-

A ROOF-URINQ TRIO ACT for two naira and ono fatnaie. This sal is a li-kacat. sure-fljs hit

A RATTLMQ QUARTETTE ACT for four mslM. This act ia allTf with of the rlb-Ucklliia kind

ANEW QOMEOYSKETOH mtlUsd "Tha Man Tamsr.** lt‘a a sersan from atvl to finloh.

GmI TabtaM CmmEj mI RMtaipi ontllled ‘*Tankea Duodle." It'o bflght, bromr and bubbles orar with wit.

AN ACT FOI TWO FEMALES This set will pooltlTelT make good. 11 MINSTREL nRST-PARTS

with slda-tpllttlng Jokea and hot-shot warn* Crt gaga

GRAND MINSna FINALE tnrltlod "At ths arcuA" It wUl hasp tbs audlcnes reUlng.

HUNDIEOS of craeker-lack Croas-Flra Jokos sad Oom. which can ba usad for ridewslk ecoesnaOso for two malm and mala and fsmaia

BESIDES otbar coiBody material which Is ttsaful Os tts TtudeelUs p^ormer.

Rrcnember tha price sf MaHAU.T'S BUL¬ LETIN NO. S la only Ops DoUar pw copy; or will aietd you Bullotliia Noat I. 4 and B for tlOO, with monm back guarsataa.

WM. McNALLY 81 East 12Sth Strast, Nbw York

PICTURE WASTE Scenario Departments Will Give die Exhibitor a

Line on Some of It


Cd. asksd for hlgfa-claau stuff some while back.

Now it comes In to aay that many manusertpta

have been rscelved, generally of a mighty

low quality of song contents, and offara soms

reoiarks that come straight fiom tbe phoaMcr

for the good of tbe outsider: "Speaking frank¬

ly, the Tgat majority of manascrlptq were

absolute Junk from tbe standpoint of songs bar¬

ing commercial valnc. Some few were of In-

trlnsle value but lacked In many srays that

happy combination that puts a song la the

poeslMe blt-callber class. “We hear a good deal of complaint about

the amateur eoog writer not getting a sqnare

deal In compeUtioa with tbe profeasioiial. and

while this is true to a certain extent, tbs fact

remains that as a rule tbe average professional

debvera the goods and the av«age amateur

does not! • “Tbe amateur song writer afaonld remember

that it isn’t a ijnestion of bow many sassa

he ran write, but of bow GOOD a song ns ooa

compose. One real song of tbe bit cteos Is worth more than a thousand pa-<shig fair. Tlier

should stop writing the types of songs that

were popular ten years ago and work

creatively on up-to-date stuff. "Some writers are led astray Dy tbs pub-

tiehers putting out sometimes a song that Is of

only fair merit. Usually tbe reasoo for this

to that tbe nomber betoogs to (uune prodoc-

tkm or vaudeville star. In a position to make

it have a fair commercial value vlth a smalt

margin of expense. They inun ret embsr that

their aonga, to gain reeogn>ti<ui. mast stand

shoulder to shoulder with, or above, ths beat

(Continued on page Si)

By ihs Micketl sad csvicM tyttrm in iht World. Teaches you sll tricks and pointers lor playing cor¬ rect BASS, which is iusi what you need. Anyone can learn in a sreek.

WriU r. W.umx. IM.4«lh Sl,

rroleTalon.ll'IJl W M and --■ •mrm ■ ^

|Vaadeville Acts, Stage Moaologa. ' New Minstrel Material. Jokes, Ifand-Booka. Opwrettaa, Fplh

- Tabloaaa. Orilla, Dialesa. Wigi^ Bsarfia, OrsMn Faiato aofi Otbar Moha-sp G«Mb. CATALOGUE FREE WRITE NOW, T. g. DENISON fikCD.. OCPT.IR , CHICAGO

MUSICIANS, NOTICEI Are you enJo>iniT the pleasure, satisfaction and benefits that <»me from

being able to read at sight? IF n'«t you OWK-u to vourself to have my

method on “HOW TO RR.\D MUSTO AT SIOHT.” This Is a handy little volume and will m.ake your musical efforts a pUasure instead of a struggle. Learn to play mentally and the technical part will take care of Itself.

The price of thia publication will be advanced when the present edition

is exhausted. HUT if you will promptly return the order below, together

with $2.00. It will be mailed to you at once.

X— WfM mm6 Cm^tgR IwtMiflwInM w>Br—fully N. ^MrM bf 1^. Yoor ity to Mitor ftoetoG.

prrtffiRRlfiM ~ to e to# rnmi-y-dm vMatftoiU* Rctor «r aiivplA.

A .*■ ***Tr PtoffiMimital Guotm GBb «»• of 94# ka Uad-coveka ALLaaaNCNItVDaT.lrta 'A 7^ farssnaati, CowMaaca, Oka «m1 wlb ysa |wa( ,_ •* an Suav. S«nd So pnstaaa fsr nNw WstodbaoMafABaaitViaisssai." atata^sad oseaaaUia. Ffaderie LaDoll*, Sta.tyy* Jaekaon.MIclu ORDER BLANK Ma it coatalps only what is brightest

nVa II uawest and funuleat in the klne dooi of stage fas. including a generon* number of James Midlson's famous mono logoea, parodies, acts for two males and male and female; minstrel flrst-^rts. min¬ strel finale, 200 alngle gags, one-act com¬ edy for 9 eharacters, etc. MADISON’S BUPGET No. 17 coata ONE DOLLAR Send orders to JAMES MADISON. 1061 Th'rd Ava-ua. New York.

- RLAYS- iMBaa CATALOG cf Praftaalonal and Amau'w M M gi I’layi. Mcrchao. Moot lnsf. Mlnrlrw

Jokes. Rrcitallona. Maka-l'p Goods, ale.


T. D. HARRIS. Publisher. Dept. BB.. Bay City, Mich.:

Kindly mail copy of your method. "HOW TO READ MUSIC AT F'lOHT,” to the address below. Enclosed please find $2.00.



WRITTEN 'TO ORDER. lUc TIsni MatarlaL Price# Right

CARL NIE8SE. Aathor, 2116 E. KRk. ladlsaapaliA Indlaaa,

P1oa.« wtlta idalnly.



Batcha B«aamont now with ‘‘D«re Mable.” Lieutenant Glta-^Rlce and B. 0. HUUam, wUl go Charles Whyte has been added to the cast of iuto rehearsal next month.

“Honey Dew.’* William Collier’s soccesa of a few years sgo, It is expected that the revival of “Floradors” “Canght In the Rain.’* la being put into mo*

Will be staged at the Centipry Theater. aical comedy form and will go Into rehearsal Alicia and Mary McCarthy have made a very abont March 1.

aizeable bit indeed in "Look Who’s Here.’’ The name of the new Ziegfeld Roof Revue Silvio Hein's score for “Look Who’s Here,’’ has been dianged again. It ia known as “Tbe

received all sorts of comidlmentary men* Girls of 1920.’’ Mile. Spinelly, a noted Frendi tlon. entertainer, Is tbe latest addition to the cast.

Herbert Fields, son of Lew Fields, is direct- As an exemplification of Herman Tlmberg’s James Saunders Ing the dancing in tbs Oolombla University versatility and many-sidedness “Tick-Tack-Toe’’ . show. is singularly remarkable. Compared with the .II!”!

“So Long, Letty,’’ is to be ptodoced In gensrsl run of mnsical comedies in New York “ London. Walter Catlett wiU play his original this season it Is Jnst abont so-so. part in the piece. Oh, for a few librettists that can handle

“Jnst a Minute’’ is being made ready for a satire. The American theater cries alond for Chicago engagement. Mable Withes and Tom them. The American pnbUc will reward them frothy Cl Dingle are in tbe cast. lavishly. Daniel V.

“Hltchy-Koo” is playing in the Sotrth to Tbe dme Is ripe, big business. Stan Stanley, Dan Sherman and Everything Indicates it. Lemlng and Gray are In the company. It might be a good idea If musical comedy

“Princess Vlrtne,*’ a new mnsical comedy producers kept in mind the fact that the big by Louis Allen Brown, wltii music and lyrics by (Oontinned on page 27)

“LOOK WHO’S HERB”—A farcb with mnslc. in two acts; book by Frank Mandel; lyrice by Edward Paulton; music by Silvio Hein; prodDctlon staged by Edwin T. Emery; dances by Edward Hutebinson; presented by Spiegel’s Productions, Inc., at tbe 44th Street Theater, New York, March 2.

George Gershwin, Writer of Mu¬ sical Comedy Hi^ Sasrs

Better Music Is in Demand

THB CAST .Oeo. R. L^cb .Madge llnih .Alice McCarthy

. Siary McCarthy Caroline Holmes .Lonixe Kelley Carloe Del Monte .Dave Quixaoo mhert W. llolm.^e .Cecil Lean Roxamond Parcelle .Cleo Mnyfleld Horace Bream .Georgte Mark

Sylvia De Ermkie .John P. Morrixney

In "Look Who’s Here” the "bedtocra” fares has reached the stage with musical accompani¬ ment. It la about on the same level as the rest of tbe speclea that have been seen hercabonts for the laat few seasons. Tbe story deals with marital spats, wrong occupants of twin beda, lingerie display and happy endiag.

The credit for pntting tbe show over belongs .to Cecil Lean and Cleo Mayfield, who work at *Jielr tasks and get lots of langhs and applause.

Tbe piece is mounted welL the managemeot having provided excellent aeta und costumes. Tbe director gave tbe ebarus little to do save walk on and off with a few motions of the bands and feet. One wishes that he had toned down the voices of tbe prlnclpala. too. for they shout their lines all thru tbe piece, tbe male members of the company being tbe principal offenders. George R. Lynch as James Ssnndert, made a good appearance and played the part splendidly. Madge Rush, an M.'.y, did a toe dance In the second act that was one of the hits of the iterformaDce. Louise Kelley, as Caroline Holmes, was good to look at. but appeared to be very self-conscloua Dave Qolxano, as Carloa Del Monte, played a dialect part effectively. Georgle Mack, as Horace Bream, was tbe dim¬ inutive husband of one of the twin bed occu¬ pants, and extracted a lot of comedy out of bla part, effectively and legitimately. Sylvia De Frankie played tbe minor role of Dorothy Chase well. The McCarthy Sistera were a gen¬ uine hit with their tinging. "The Bell Hop Bines’’ got them a big round of applause, and they sang an encore to resulta juat as good.

Silvio Hein has written a pleasant score to "Ixiok Who’s Here." It Is aot very distinctive mnslc, bnt it Is melodiona. "Bubbles’* will probably <>e the hit song.

Frank Mandel has provided a book which la some scenes Is perHously near the limit that one can go with language on tbe stage. Tbese lines get langhs all right, but if the limit is not reached soon with this mort of thing there Is opt to be a flarebaek which will be remem¬ bered when the laughs obtained are forgotten.—


New York, March 6.—Rehearsals for the new The "Cheer aUp. Olabel’’ Company, now In ’Times: "All in all, an agreeable and refresh- musical comedy with mnslc by Efrem Zlm- Pennsylvania, reports business excellent. Oeo, ing entertainment, despite some shortcomings.’’ balist, the famous vloliniit, started this week. TS. Wintz has left the company to look over hia San: “There actually seemed to be in It, The piece was first called "Oh, kfamms," but theater Interests at Kittanning, iPa., and has aomewbere, h semblance of revolotlon lii musical has been changed to “Honey Dew." It is an appointed Joe Coyle to take over the abtlve comedy. Whether for better or worse, heaven adaptation of a Ftecch farce played at one management of the company. Nyra Brown, star only knowa,” time by Coqaelin. with “Cheer Up, Olabel," canght a severe cold Telegram: "It Is full of eocf and anap and

“Honey Dew’’ is under tbe management of immediately after coming ont of tbe Sonth, and quickly moving scenea of fun, with some of tbe Joe Weber and is being prodneed -under the it was aecestary for her nnderstndy, Hetty lines genuinely humoroua and aome of them a direction of Joseph Herbert, Is>nis Oassavant Earle, to assnme the leading role. Ofisi Earle and William Bellery are In the cast. Only six handled tbe part in such a pleating manner girls will be In the cboms, bnt there It talk that Mr. tvintz has engaged her for the leading of carrying 25 mnslclans with the company, role in a new production next season. Wbll# The opening date ia March 19, and the place the company was playing Coming recently, they Stamford, Conn.

To (list take up music at the age of fourteen end have a musical comedy prodneed on Broad¬ way at twenty is unusual even In ffUs age of eiiplaucs and projected trips to Mars in a rock¬ et. Still it has been done, and George Gersta- twin is the man (he ia now twenty-one) who did it.

A little preliminary talk abont music in gen¬ eral was necessary to get George Gershwin to talk about himself. Tbe symphony, the tone poem and grand opera were “fanned" over be¬ fore the talk got to musical comedy level and Berv''fi to show that the interests of the yonng composer lies not only In the theatrical field bnt in tbe realm of formal music as v^U.

“There isn’t anybody in my family,’’ said Mr. Gershwin, “wbo is mnsical. And there never has been anybody as tar as we can de¬ termine. When 1 was fourteen, tbe family in¬ vested in a piano. My brother was picked out to be taught tbe instrument bnt I showed more aptitude for it and clamored to be taught instead of him. Finally, I was elected and learned the rodlmenta of the Instrument from a yonng lady teacher. I learned quickly enough and at seventeen was pianist in tbe professional department of Jerome H. Bemick & Co. I left there after a couple of years and got a Job as rehearsal pianist with ‘Miss 1917,’ ttie Centnry Theater show that Ned Wayburn ^as producing at that time.

“After 1 got to know the music of the show, I started to put little frills and fnrbelowB into it. This made a hit with tbe chorus girls and Ned Wayburn found they worked better when I played for them. Jerome Kern bad written tbe music for the show and both he and Harry Asklns, the manager, took an interest in me. I bad written a song called ‘The Making of a Girl,’ which was in ‘The Passing Show of 1917’ and made quite a hit. On the strength of this Mr. Askins offered to introdnee me to Max Dreyfusx. the head of T. B. Harms and Francis, Day A Hunter, tbe pnblishers.

“1 accepted gladly and the following day we went to see Mr. Droyfuss. He asked me to play for him and I played four of my songs. When I finished, be said, 'Ctome and see me next Mon¬ day.’ At this I langlied Inwardly, for It had a familiar sound by that time. It eo happened that I had been engaged to play the piano for

(Continued on page 33)



Humbeg tt oonwcntlve pecfotmances up to and inolndliic Saturday, Xarbb fi>

PRODUCTIONS OF THE NEW SEASON Bernard-BordoiN. Central. Jan. 27.

, . ■ -.Globe. Oct. ‘7. ——~.Welwyn. Oct. 27. ..New AmsCm Roof. Mar. 8. ..Hippodrome. Aug. 2g.

, — ——.\ anderUlt. Nov. 18. Clecll (Lean. 44th Street. Mar. 2.

" —-.Century Grove.... Dec. 26. , ■ I ■ -.New Amsterdam.. Dec. 11.

. .. — .Nora B^es. Feb. 2, . - • ■ -.Winter Garden.... Oet. 23. ,I ■ ■ . Caaino...... Oct. 13. ,..Lhvbert. “Nov. 11. -. Liberty . <Peb. 2,

.■ .I^nceaf.. I'eb. 2t-

As You Were. Apple Blossoms. Buddies. Girls of 1920. Happy Daya. Irene. Look Who’s Here.... Midnight Whirl. Monk'.ear Beaucaire... Mv Oollen Girl. Pasting Show of 1919. The Little Whopper.. The Magic Melody.... The Night Boat. Tick-Tock Toe..

IN CHICAGO McIntyre A Heath... Carrick.... Raymond Hitchcock.. IHiooia....

Woods. Colonial... Studebakor. La Salle...

Hello. Alexaader.. Hitchy Koo. Monte Cristo, Jr... See-Saw. Sometime. The IBose of China.

Frank Tlnaey,

OUR NEW were gnests of the Ofaamber of Commerce at a banquet at the, Dickinson Hotel, where a pleas¬ ant program was rendered. LIBRETTO BY-OITRICH8TEIN

New York. March 6.—It became known tMi DILLINGHAM'S LATEST week that Leo Ditrlcbstein Is busy on a Ubret- - to for a musical piece. ’This is his first New York, March 5.—“Tbe New Dictator,** attempt in this line, tbo be baa written and Charles B. Dillingham’s newest musical corned, adapted many plays for tbe dramatic stage In held a dress rehearsal last night at the Globe the past. The story is uid to deal with tbe Theater, prior to tbe departnre of tbe pro¬ fate of two Belgian families. Tbe composer has doction for Wasblngton, D. 0., where at the not been made known, but It la said in cer- National Theater it will have its premiere _ tain quarters that tbe choice Is between Monday n!gbt. Tbe "andlcnce" attending last THE Leopold Godowaky and Miseba Elman. night's untqne performance Inclnded. besides

-Mr. Dillingham and bis staff, tbe 1.174 mem- Flore Zibelie will be In tbe enet vltk bers of the Hippodrome, "Apple BlosMms^’ nnd

Frank Craven, of "Tbe New Dtetatof-** “Nlfbt Boat" cMta,



MARCH 13, 1920

TABLOIDS bvaanatcMtcat w uur CiMiaiatl OStat

Oanif, Aaracter*; Art HayfleU. apeclalt'es, and Jaabo Mabon, UaeUace, la addlUon to a (oul cbonu.

ALBERT aiuntBRABD, fbimer comedlao with the Btbol Diamond UoatcaiaOotnedy Com¬ pany, wrlton that bo la abont to undergo an operatloo at the Bate Hospital, Ward 12, Camp Plhe, Afk. He woold appredata a little change from hia frlcnda to keep him in tobacco and shaving eappUes. This la the tat time, be

BERTfitOUTnERN'S Hawaiian Bntterfly Com* HARBT (SWITCH) ETVANSON and 8yd Wire aaya, be has ever naked for help. The opera- pany ia now on ita fourteenth week, playing to must be good frlcnda, or at least Sydney most tioa will probably keep Mm in the boapital for good bualneta thm Oklabotna and Texas, like "SwitA,” for he complimented him highly two montha. He can be addreseed*at the above Notbicg but arrlpt bllla are offered, with et>ecial in a recent wrlte-op In The Florida Hetrox>oUa, addreae, scenery and effects for each. The show carries Jackaonvtlle. Harry la going to reorganise hia HAZEl* QBSTON’S Ginger Girls, on Its twenty-two people, including nine vaudeville "Evanaon’a Krasy Kata'* at Atlanta very soon flfth week over the One Son Time, le being tpeclaltles. The roster le; Bert Bontbem, mane* aod eaya be will feature a Aorua of "pretty over for a aecond week at Alliance. O. gcr; A1 Sterene, comedian; Jim F. Green, kittens.” Since Ms entry into the C. 8. P. ^jcrlpt blUa prevail. It ia planned to enlarge second comedy; Ed G, Smith, straights; Tom *oclety Hsrry baa .become very popular among *h©w. The present roster Inclndes Hsxei ®. Bracken, general business; James F. Bren* the members. Be is a hard plngger and U do- Heston Bass Thompson AlMn Thompson nan, light t^medy; Octa Stevens, lead, snd ing hU otmoat to l^se the membersMp cstbrln’e Powers. Phyllis’Malnmby, Joe Bar characters; Florence I,ewlB, Ingenne; LonHe ORTH AND OOLESiAN bad a abort rest at r,_u.,—.Mok n...

_ , . namr .v-r. , Cstbrlne Powsrs, Phyllis Malnmby, Joe Bar- characters; Florence I>ewl. ing«ne: Lonlee OKTH AND “d » •* ,ott. Dan Mhltnnby, Ed Lewi, and BSdith Gray, Bracken ^nd bnalneas; He^ Walter., bclr homa to Boeton. t^l, ^ ^cation In ANDERSON, who recently tret; May Walter*, wanirohe mi*tre« «ek1 three year*. If one conlU really call It a Ta- __. ^ rr \m k

cb-’rus of ten. Ournle Burrow* la mostcal dl- cation. t.ew Orth went borne upon beerlnir * . ^ ui -.J i n J rector. Forest Ziegler snd M.urine Perkins of the death of bis father, snd W.^r Coleman T were married recently. Mrs. Bobble HuaseU to recuperate from an attack of the 'fin” left for her boms upon receipt of news of the Now everything U "Jake” with both of tne Celebrated bbws destb of her baby daughter, TIrgil. biiya and they are In Narnesk ooce more. They

(Carnival). He is to be general manager.

HOWARD ALTON'S "Midnight Frolic” Com. wlU corHlne tbemrelve. to the New England “L**** pany played Itr. flrat engagement followlag or- state* until the opc.aln? of the new aeawan when “ winner." ganlsatloo at the Strand. Mobile', popular thea- they anticipate playing the Sooth and Went. , TERRELL A KLARK S Pennant Wlnnera ter recently. The company ha. a repertrlro of GERARD A GOODMAN'S "Honeymoon Girl.” “ pleasant week a engagement at well-known mnrioal tab., with excellent •v epcneil on the Splege'.berg Time week of Feb- Orpheum Theetw Nashville. Tenn. daltlra. Pert de Voile, female imperaonator. mary 21. Twelve people comp^ the company. “ *** ""L’'r", appear, as 'Jie prims donna and lead, capturing ja^k Gerard and Johnnie Ooo.Imnn s-e well ^ .V the folk, oni front with this clever ebarartertsa- known, the latter especlaUy thm the South. tloa. Billy Kelly U the ebony comic doing „,k ju.t closed s to.r over the Loew t ir-u!t. Harmony Four and an or- a ysdel and guitar solo. Frwik Roger. 1. the other, on the roster are Billy Sykes Rn*^n. r, vrv sTgT, tingle. Mlw Alton U the fetcMag comic; gammy Sebum Hors, romie; Alta ^ ^ n L »>u;.ret. While Bobbie Kent 1. . new girl jnat Georpe. wobret Cboma: GUdra B.lley,

OTTO HAMMER AND GRACE DeNIL. who recently clow-d with the Consolidated Booking

aigned. making the chom. 13 la .a Wow. Katherine White. Ethel Rarnood. Lonise Wll- 8t. Blllmsn and hia girl asslatant are . myatery u,„.. wiln. Krone and Bln. Rosa. ' team with an excellent mystery ettmt. This THE JAZZIAND Beanty Follies Is ‘peedlng 3 couple left the company at the end of the week thrt nilnois to great bnrinese on it. sixth Hammer 1* to go on the Ona Snn Time In vandevlUn. —_■ -- originated two years ago. Mias De.NU la play. week. The shew carries Ita own baggage car

FRANK QUEER baa changed Ms nama to with ai>eclal wenery and effects for each Nil. v i -..d. Onmnaso Prank Qneen. Frank is now on bis Kth week k dve-ple-e jais orchestra is a Mg feature. THE Vorical Comedy with the Orpheum Player., Toledo. O.. and The roster includes Bob Carter, owner; Mrs. >• write, that tha M>ow U going better than u.* Carter, wjubret; J.A DeVoy prinelr...i and elec- ever. He .end. In the followlag note*: Jaca eoiredlun; Bessie Hart (Mrs. DeVo;) rharie- Btrabe closed recently and joined George tera; Billy Miller, stralghta; Jack DeVoy. Jr.. <lTfia i^vantange to putting over novelty nnm- fitevena Novelty Player, at KaoxvIUe. Tens. bo.inera; the MetropollUn Harmony remained Intact for three The show la toorlng the SL>cth. VI MhrshaU poor .and a Hoe chorua of eight. Cloaed February 2S and went to Terre Haute, LEW .IN'D KITTY GREEN shot a poatal card MRS. JAKE WASHER will produce next aea- lad., her home town, where rtie Joined a mo- .11 the way from .\toka. Ok., to te'.l the tab. *’•' • ahow called "Little Mose and Hia Snn- alcal comedy show playing in that city. Helen folk that they are getting along fine with Oirls,” playing one. two and three-night Kelly replacee her in the rhoma. Betty Le- Bllllnga B/sith •Mnsical Ctomedy Company, play- ataada thru the Middle West and Eaat. Her varr cloaed last week to Join Pred Oarmello'a Ing over the Barlionr T'.me. They say that hneband will play "Little M^se.” Mra. Washer Oomedlaas In Omaha. Neb. She ia n very the engagement at the Gayety Theater. Oallaa, will carry twelve girls and eight prtncipnls. clever soubret. Isabelle Gray win replace Tex., last week proved both pleasant and THE SirsiyrONS, Chnhy. Worthy and Baby her. Miss Gray has been with Harold Brjw'y profitable. The company encountered a Are at Winifred, have cloe<M with the "Heart Break- 'Glnfer Girls” the past sensen. Atoka, which destroyed the k).bby. As a re- ing Baby Dolls” and returned to the Boatwlck

H. D. Z.IRROW'S "American Olris,” fea- tnring Jack Foqnay, Elsie Ziegler and Prank

Atoka, which destroyed the lobby. As a re- ing Baby Dolls” and n-tiiraed to the Boatwlck salt Mr. Booth bad to arranga for new photo, rjrori'e Players. Worthy will be seen In and dlrplay. comedy role. «• in the past. CTinby In

smlto. pi;;ed to c.’p«clt7hou^^^^ Wonderful and Baby Winifred in baby parts. 1.^ __ v—i. nicely at the Broadway Then- TiO'a''ARD AJ.TON’S World of Iricascre C Tbaater. Ft. Wayne, Jnd.. laat week. Jack la _. . _ . -- -

becoming more and more popnUr thru hi# f II,. in thpt 1, ^ow in ita seventh week ton the original comedy. He le an ad Ub artW of i*^**^' *^17*** f' Time, and U said to be one of the eircDtlmiBl sMIltv Rla wit ssems snantsnona beoutlfkil wardrobe. Tlie rooter in- i>«gt aggregations Joe h.n routed. How-ard He r ««'*•' comedian; carries tourteen renple anl has five "A-l” artists that has ever wnrkMl fha On* Tima Davis, soubret; Marion Gavanagb, prima vaudeville acts, which he offers along with a rres .. Georg. Grav,.. rtag. manager; .Norman good line of acript bllla.

nevVARD AJ.TON’S World of INeascre Com¬ pany la now in its seventh week ton the

frtIsS tMt*^ir’ever w<^ ®®*’*’‘* (Mv.nagb. prim, ,,^evllle acts, which he offer, along with a ;.Tu iSSb.^ *«“' «... -...m: N«... .u.. .r biU, la very refiaed and aatural in hia work. Be •Uo i. pose—ed with a most pleasing voice. WANTED. FOR BILLY WEHLE'S INTERNATIONAL REVUE Charming, onaffccted and gracious in every Straight Man wIm can sing Tenor or Baritone, rval baraiuio: GMiwal Business Urn Ir■c^t aing Iknor or way. Miae Ziealer has won for herself an en- Baritone. Aleo a real Prima Donna. »1tb looks, wardrobe and ABILITY; ten Chorus Giria. This Is a W- •i.Ki # M I . -V .. ,1. Peorla show, featuring J. Y. LEWIS .VXD 1118 DANCING TRIO, playing all stock enxtcemrots from ten viaoie rollowlDg. Tne engagement marked the m tsanly-avo weeks. Only real P«rf»rniees need aner er this sd. as this U a resular sIum. pajlns real m1- alxth in one year at the Lyric. artes. Rehearsals start Uarrh tz. Miow opens Match 29. No week stands. Also want union P.ano Player.

... .. Harvey, wire me qtdrk. Brerislty Teems Uist can chsiige writ*. I can kcefi you wrvklng steady on one of The AI Bhaffer Company conclnded an eight nw ebows all the t'me. wire or wrltn The cr'.rnal "save whiAt" “BILLY” WCHLE, Maasfw ghia

weeks' engagement February 'JO at the Kyle Brass Bsllaa Ce.. Kyle Tbeelre, Beaueiaot. Tex., Mwrk I, ledef. P. R—'nus ts not s No 2. S or 4 Show. Theater. Beaumont, Tex., and was followed by *>ut wUl be pcnonally handlvrl by mrwtf. Mr. lawis «111 msntge same. "BILLY * WEHLC.

THE lOHD AND VERNON MUSICAL COMEDY CO. raRM”* K *”.'**0™*"*“ All ORflANIZArjN OF MERIT. O'Briens .Mlnetrele will he in Beaumont for Thanks for atoefc offm from Model Thcntra Sioux City, la: Tenvie Thratra Ft Wayne. Ind.; Oardan ona night March 11, and Oscar Scagle, noted nieatre, Anniston. AM., and othan. ImpotsiMe to tuxtvi attlxr as have contractad a protltabls route on beritoae, on March 19. win coac'nde the third «»>« Ou« GlreulL_JACK LORD. Oawa Haesa. Pladweat. W. Va. this weak.

by Aaron Uiakln, manager sf t''e Kvie Theater. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES WANTED It is Mr. Latkln't purpose io continue thrn Ws ran always use good Musical Showe of from (hlrlern to twenty people, with •cvtrl Mila Wa con- tka enHew afu« .nmm.. —' ttcA Oio book1r< of ihs bvttOT theatm in Kansas, Mistoort. Iowa. South Dakota. Oklahoma Texas and ua spring aM summer w h musical comedy xikanvia ran atoavs open show, on short nottra. Guarantees and straight salary. companies. BnaineM is b'g vh this city.—gOL, ATTENTION. Tal>lold Perpie. We can always use good UMful Tab. Pecpia on our own shows as well

RA’rM Rnrui • i. nia* •• shows pUytiig our «lmr. Advise all in Crst Wtev ov wire BKOB. Musical Foil es la now puy- CORMLIOATCO ROOKING OFFICES. 4I5-IS-I7 Reserve Bank Bldf., Kansas City. Mbsaari.

lag Vermoot to eplendid ba<'ne*e. The com- „ _ - i n ■ —r

WANTED, GOOD OIISH COMEDIAN Also Eccentric Comedian. Musical Acts and Novelty Acts for Musical

viL '**!?** Keeler, c^niedy Show. AH UBeful people, write. Harmony Singers, age, height, weight V w • ’ lowest salary In first letter. Address BERT JACKSON, Gan. Del,, Lagrange, Jnrid. Molly SintUi. Lenore Kelwy. May Kt^c. ^areh 15th, week, Gen. Del, Atlanta, Ga. Gladys Seamoa. Elsie Conant and Doris Gib- — - - ■ - -

son. W. S. Bate if manager. at liberty fow «.b««irA' r«-v-v *TncK.?URL»Tue THE CHBS DAVIS Musleal Revue is meeting RAY-THE EWINGS-AOEIEE

with big tuoeeaa over the Raenaer Ctrenit ae- Pvoducliig with ivTlPto. Oeoenil P''«lne,s. l»;>TrRE BIjArKFACE, Irwl numben. Ward eordlB* Vh- Jl. ’'***>'• A-1 Chonia GJrt w.ll double lesc eoroinf to a letter from t h»w. The eompeuy numbsra. Can dlrvot rtmvue S ft . 3. wWrht. 113; ags 10. WantobO* A-l. Rtl! bs sla<l to rsosivs pUyed Tlckibnrf, C1ark*(lal<k aod Jackaoo, froc* rrMab> abov^ Prepay yo^ir vhas uid w* pay ou^*. At after Miss., to big business. Twenty-live neopie, Vs-rii ’i » v R»V *"0 aOELE EWING, aare Royal Tkaalre. Nawtsa. Kaasaa. featnring e Jagg orchestra, are caviled. Tl.e Imperial Qnartet Mae Kennls, Roy Rutter, Jack |m ms MHm *Aa a Miller, ,’aal Landrum, Jim Pritchard, and « H Ik Ik Urga, Bttractlva cboma, offer an excelint I 11 11 ■ w# 11 W W Cl 11

cntertoli^ent. It t# the only popnla^ MTSirAL COMEDY ro»n*ANlEf«, TEN TO FOITlTEFSf PEOPLE Must hsve some 8pw*l'Festurn Of- prleed mosio-i Mk>w Oat bag ever played the fw KIOITP to TWH.VF. weeks mssH Jumi*. through Indiana. Ilttnots and ISaaouri. Can alwsya piact Batngw Obvslt CHBOBUa OIBIA MUSICAL COiODY and DBAMAllC PK^LB. Ml HaHaafi SMB- it LauK Mas



Pvoducliig with scrlnte Oeoenil P'’«lne,e I>l.»TrRE BIJirKFACE Irwl numben. Ward r>'w A-l. 5 a. le; walrh*. ICA; sge. 29. ADELE—^'iwv-te A-I Chorus Olri W.ll double l#sc numben. Can dtreot rtmrue 3 ft . 3, e-ffeht. 113: age 30. Warctoibe A-l. be glel to rsoalve oTws from rv'lab’e showe Sto<e e«wi«i/*ee*d. Prepay your *Pe« snd we pay ouve At liberty after Va-eh *1 « V_RSY AMD APELE EWIHG. aaro Royal Tkaatro. Nawtsa. Kaasaa.

A. A. Thompson Wants

WANTED Top Tenor and Baritone, eltlMc to take charga of QuarteUe; ai<u ruaracicr Woman and good Midget Specialty Team. Cse.ul Musical Comedy Peopta write Stock. AdUirss HARRY ai.MON. Wondarland Theatre. Tulto 0.:la.

YOUNG. MAN, 19 years oM. dralrea an to jotn a Mualcai Comedy or Tab. Co. at>out May 1 No eaperlence. but wlill^ to learn. Salary no ob- iciA Hard worker. Neat and clean drew-er Will tend photo upon request Addrem ALBERT GOU- M’lN. P. O. Boa 638, Rocky Mount N. C.

ATTENTION. TAB. MANAGERS-Pyral ComMnetiou at Uberty. We thocpugh Musical Dtrvetor (Pi¬ ano!; union. Man. Ilgbt btta. sings harmony, any voice Beltable managers only need an.ewer. M'itts or wtrs BERT KLEIN. 503 S. Lebanon 8t. LatMUMO. Indiana

AT LIBERTY FOR TAB. Blackface and Irish Pinging and Dandng Comedian. Addrms JACK GERAND. cars Rainbow Raelew. Strand Theatre. Newport Newt, Vlrglnle

WANTED TO BUY Wardrobe and Scenery (or Tab. Show. U. BESN- HARDT. Cleveland. Obia

WANTED CHORUS GIRLS Soubrette, Prlina Dorna. Plano Player who can stog. Tab Show. H. BBBNUARDT. Keonard Untet. Cioro, lanA Ohio.

N. 0. Zffrow's Permanent Address, BOX 433. SPRINGFIELD. OHIO.

MUSICAL COMEDY NOTES ((^tlnued from page 28)

New Tork auccesaes tbia aeaaou are the claoB musical comediea. "Apple Bloeaoms.” ''Irene,** "Monsieur Besucalre” and ''The Night Boat** are clean aa the proverbial bonnd'a tooth. "The Little Blue Devil” only lasted a few weeks.

"BroBfiway Brevltleo. the ooeslp of 1930.” la the name of a revoe that will be produced by George and Rofnn LeMklre, nome Ume ia the spring. If all the aummer revoea get to Broadway, there will be Iota or hot weather en¬ tertainment this yenr.

There are two haritonea playing la New Tork mnslcal eometlieaVt present who have mjtgcifl- cent voices. They are John tSiarlee Tbomae la “Apple Bloeooma'* and Marion Oraen ia "Man- sieur Beanrairc.** It U g toaa-ap as to wbo la tbe greater. Both are splendid.

In there nobody wbe enn follow tbe fiath made by W. S. GlIbertT Wbat a chance for a librettist with a flare for eatlre there le today. There are any number of tbemee that shoold be a scream If properly lampooaed. A libret¬ tist wbo was t<rid tbls wanted to know who woold produce cuch a piece. A very fair qneto tioa and a hard ooe to anawer. Wbo wooldt


"Bringing Up Father'* Does a $2,781 Gross for One Performance

New Tork, March (L—"Bringing Up Father.** one of tbe Gni Hill cartoon mnslcsl comediea. amasbed recorda recently at Hutebinaaa, Kan. The tiicnr played to $2,T61 groea for a single performacce Thnreday, Febrnary 28. *rbe house where this show played seats 8,000 and tbe seats that day sold for $1 top. John Cole¬ man of the Hill cfllcef w-a vlrited tbls week by Henry W. Scherer, of the firm of Scherer tc Kelly, wbo operate the Cambria Theater la Johnstown, Pa. Mr. Scherer says that Ona HiO’a "Mntt & Jeff,” which Das played Jobne- totrn every season for tbe past nine years, did a gmaftiigg buslnesa this season. Be bad sold oot at 10.30 on Satnidsy morning for the evening perfioTinanee. And Johnstown is • town where they get everything in tbe way of nttractions.


New York. March 8.—E. Bay Goeta an¬ nounced today that last week’s bnainesa at tbe Central Theater, where “Aa Yon Were” is playing, broke tbe bonse record for takings. There were eight performance*, and the money that came thrn the box-o(Bce totaled S'Yl.. 132.00. As this boose baa only 950 tests this record ia considered very remarkable.


New. York, March 7.—Four new compunles for the road are in process of formation to present "Irene.” This musical comedy Is one of the big hits of the season, and It l« ssM t*'at the road companies will be sent out with no stare or featured players.


fTilcago. March 8.—Norman V. Gr-dv will manage the Curtis Comedy Compsn.v thl* sesoon and ia seeking plays and people ia (Pileaeo The rompeay will include thirty pe«m’“ with band

I and errheetn. and will open In April near Reck- ted. HL




Diecusses Harry Von Tilzer’s Song, i "When My Baby Smiles At Me” <

Say, Bo, yon know Harry V«a Tilaer, don’t i yon7 Rurf you do; he’s the fuy wbat baa wrote i more aona hits In the paet twenty year* than *

any three (uya yon can meatioo; yon know. * snre enouzb bite, tbS kind wbat ererybody ia , «lncln* at the eame time and at ell the cabarets, i

and show shops all «t the same week. It’s no ’ use to try to tell yon tbe names jof all of them ^ bite he wrote, because they ain’t room enough < on this page, and paper is ncarc*. Well, any- < way he started to pat tbe bits over as far bach ’ as “My Old New Tlampebire Home,” and he’s ‘ iieen hittln’ 'em out ever since, so fast that his , battin’ average would keep "Babe ’ Ruth guess- , in’. What hits be ain't wrote himself is pub¬ lished by some other firms, and be ia Incky in "pickin' ont hits wrote by other guys, ana , then be publlabes them bits, at bis own pub¬ lishing bouse on Fbrty-slxth street.

Well, not long sgo, when be was estin’ at Hector's, tbe orchestra played a "bot" number, end Harry knowln’ what a bit sounds like, dls- eorered that tbe tnne was wrote by tbe piano player in the ordheatra, and it was aoeh a good tone that Harry named It “When My Baby Rmilea at Me,’’ right then and there, and then agreed to publlBh it, ns soon as he could get Andy Sterling and Ted Lewis to "think tip” a set of words to fit tbe title and tbe notes, which'is a hard tbing to do. but they done it right, and Harry pobllsbed tbe song and no sooner than be did, be says, than Irving Ber¬ lin. Inc., mnaic pnblisbers. pitt ont a song with tbe rame title, czceptln* aA bnt two words, which ia "At Me,’* so thm* aong is called "When My Baby Bmilea.’* so It ain’t exactly tbe aame title, bat. It la so close to It that the tntb pnblisbers la "sQnabblln’ ” over tbe nearly tbe tlUe.\

“When My Baby Smile* at Ms’’ it Barry’s title, and ''When My Baby SmllGs’’ la Incor¬ porated Berlin’a.

Oat guy that “knocks ’em dead,’* alngin’ songs on tbe “big time.” that there was “nothin’ to it,** ae to tbe best title, be anid, tbit Harry hne got all tbe beet of It, because Harry’s title has got two more srords than the other title, and, besides, when you’re sing'.a' to an audience tire "boobs’’ want to know who thle “baby’* la smilin’ at; of course, they might be scmethin' to this argument, but as I “dope It out,’* it’s the tune that makes the aong and not the title, in this case, if the title was anmtbln’ like ’‘My Wife’s Gone to the Coun¬ try,” it would be different, ’cause any guy would fall for that title, without bearin’ the music.

When “Neil Moret,” was first tryln’ to “land” a hit be lived ont in Kansas City, and bla “home name” in the city directory was Charlie Daniels; be was writin’ bard in thia big town, and in searchin’ a little "quiet,” he goes out to a country town cal’ed ‘'^l■'wat^a” (Kansas) to write in "piece,’’ end turned ont a "hot” instrumental number. Then be didn’t know wbat to call it (as titles ia generally scarce). He "took a chance” and named it after the town. “Hiawatha.” which Hown wat named after some Indian. When Charlie's num-

METROPOLITAN MIRTH—MELODY—MUSIC Cleveland, O., March With tbe ending of

a very ancceaefnl year comes the beginnliig of 1920 with a bigger and brighter outlook than the Sam Fox Publishing Company baa ever en¬ joyed before.

Sam Fox la now In New York City looking the ground over for a suitable location and within a short time hopes to announce the open¬ ing of a Fox office In the big city. He also an¬ ticipates oi*enlng branch offices In Chicago and San Franciaco in tbe near future, which will care for the middle and far West.

The "Operastyle” songs, which are pobllsbed exclnslvely by this firm, are meeting a demaud for a type of song that has been long sought mr by all artiats. They are all decidedly catchy and clever and adaptable to all forma of eo. tertaioment. TlWo of the latest nnmb-rs are "My Cairo Ix)ve” and “Love Me,” a bean.’iful waits melody.

"Taxi,” a sparkling novelty aong by Mel Kaufman, la an Instaotaneons hit. It Is an able Buccessor to "Me-Ow,” by the same* com¬ poser, which la still going very big. “Karwn,’’ by Will E. Dnimage, la a new oriental acag writb a fascinating melody and is supplying the inslatent demand for good melodious urienta'i Bongo. The new watts ballad, “One. Sweet Bay,” by S. Zamecnlck. la a higb-clasa song of the masses.

Tbe catalog of tbe Sam Tox Publishing Com¬ pany contains both songs and instrumental nnm. hern of great valne to all entertalne'a. It wonid be well to get acquainted wrlth all tba pabltcatlong of thla honte.


ETIIFL COSTELLO—“When My Baby Smiles at Me.” “Rose of Virginia,” “I’m Tough,” "Where Sweet Mammas Grow.”

GRACE HOWARD—"Swnnee River Home,” “Mammy’s Chocolate Drop,” "Dancing Around.”

NORMA BELT,—“Bo-La-Bo,” “Desert Dreams,** “8he*8 Just Like Sal.” JIISS LORRAINE—“Pegey,** “Back to My Used To Be.** BABE QUINN—“MoonliKht on the Swance Shore.** BRAD SUTTON—"China Bines,**

OLYMPIC BURLESQUE THEATER—New York City siiDnra billy 'watson and his show

OLADYS niJOO AND MYRTLE ANDREWS—“Yon Don’t Need the Wine To Have a Wonderful Time.”

BILLY WATSON—“Number 10.” MYRTLE ANDREWS—"Over the River,” “Everybody’s Craxy Over Dixie,” “Yoa Ought

To See the Women Swirjrairg.’* BI.T0U, BANK,S AND ANDREWS—“Csmllna Sunshine.” SADIE BANKS—“Oo-La-La. Wee, Wee.” WM. O. ROGERS—"Bye Lo." GLADYS BIJOU—"Sahara,'* "When My Baby Smile* at Me.” CHARLES BROWN—"Mary.” BILI.Y WATSON AND GLADYS BIJOD—“If You’D Only Say My Honey Too’n Be


Fox-Trot—"Desert Dreams'* ......Leonard Levis One-Step—“Home Again” .Geiger Overture—“Moaalc” ...BolUnsoa


FLO DAVIB—"Mad Manhattan Olrl,” “Dixie Jubilee,” “Busy Bee,” "Village by tbe Sea,” "Craiy Over Dixie.”

EMILY DYER—"A Wonderful Town,” “Oh, I,ady;** “When My Baby Smiles at Me.” KATHERTNE DICK AY—"Manhattan Isle,” "Venetian Moon.” GUS FAY—Musical Re<-ords. FAY AND WALKER—“Wild Women.” DELLA CLARK AND RIDNFT B. FRLTN—“Far Away From Old Broadway.” MISSES DAVIS. DYER, CLARK, MESSRS. WALKER, CLAY, NOLAN—“Good Night,” I>RLLA CLARK—"Peggy.” LILLIAN ISABELLE—Vocal and Instriimentaltst. Violin and Mandolin. MAKIE PARKS—"Melody Girl.” CHORISTERS—Individual Vocallata, with Popular Songs.


Seldom in the history of songdom has there been « song that hat taken on so fast at “Lone Star.” It is out but a short while and bnmlredi of performers and orchestra leaders have sent in for copies. It goes to show that wh^o an original number ia written everybody wants *a get the first shot at It Al. Bernard and Rudy Wledoeft are the writers. It ia pnblishe’ hy Triangle Mosic Publishing Co. of 145 Went Forty-fifth St, New York, and anyone deslrlnT copies win receive them by writing to lYl- angle.


WEN MILLER—“A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody.” MISS BELL—“Kentucky,” “KeU.v,’* "Cuba.” BABB WELLINGi'ON—"Since My Dudd.v’a Gone,” "That Ain’t All.” MISS KOIILEB—"Rainbow,” "The YVorld Is Mine.” MISS FINNELL—"Mary,” “Mother, I’la Wild;” "Jazz Pasiaar.” MLS8 CLARK—“Jelly Roll,” "Tell It to tbe World,” ‘ TIU I Get Too Alone. FRANK NALDY—"Marliitch.” LO’JIS FORMAN—Musical Director.


New York, March 8.—Mme. Olga Petrova, headlining on the Keith and Orpheum circuits, ban written both the words and mnaic for a number antitUd "Tbe Road to Romany,” which ■he recently Introdnced while playing Memphis It is published by M. Wltmarfc A Son. Before leaving New Y'ork Petrova made a record of the song for the Fmerwon Phonograph Co Copies of the song are to be aold in the lob¬ bies of the twenty-three citlee Inclnded In the Petrova tour. It l« said.

BIG HITS IN BURLESQUE THIS WEEK *‘Mad Manhattan Girl.” “Craxy Over Dixie,” "When My Baby Smiles at Me,”

“Venetian Moon,” “Wild Women,” “Peggy,” “Moonlight on tbe Swanee Shore,” “Caro¬ lina Sunshin'- ” “Castles In the Air.”

An Oriental Number of Unusual Merit


Written by ANITA OWEN All New York Is playing and whistling these wonderful numbers. Send for your Orchestration and Professional Copies

DICK NUGENT, General Manager

THE JONES MUSIC CO 1545 Broadway, at 46th St., New York

MARCH la, iteo Ttie Billboard




MAN’S 1 Words by EDDIE GREEN,#Writor of







Professional copies free to right parties. _


GILBERT’S UNIQUE NUMBER ’’DancS'O* Mania” a Marvel of Unusual

Construrtiofv—Title Trade-Marked

New Tort, March S.—It wa« oer prirllefe to hrsr yeateriidT a sew a(>uf land daace somber as well) cOBCetred and wrlttes by L Wolfe Oilbert. and shortly to be isased as a follow, op of bis seaaaUoaany enrcesaful pobltcatlOB. ‘•.tffhanletan.*’ The newcomer bears the sntqae title of ‘‘DaBce.o-Mtnla,” on which title, by the way. Oilbert baa applied for trade-mark regis¬ try. It la hla desire, and that of his aaaoriatea, that the oleed word be protected for Gllbertlaa aac oaly.

Lyrically and mnalcally, “Daacc-o-Manla** Is a amstarplece of anoaoal. yet wbolly pleasiac conatnetloa. The melody awlafa aloof la aa odd aad forcible fashloa that will Insure It the acclaim of ercheatra leaders everywhere as repldly ss It reachea their ears. Wolfe Ollhert and bis collabomtor os the number, Joseph Cooper, hare displayed notable oiiflaality.

At a aoDf “naace-o-lftala” is bonod to scblcra tqnal faror. The theme of the lyrie la ■trUlnfly new. “Norel.’* aa applied to aong^ poems is a much abused adJertlTc. In thla in-’ staace, the-word Is JuatUled. Gilbert tells a story In hla lyric that will fire "Dance-o-' llaalt** a place among popular si-ngs aoch as la occapled by the “Grauctark” b<«kt la popular betiae.

The song will probably be introduced to the public through the medium of a pro lor Hob, loit ehoBid it be released direct to Tti«-e»il!e, It will be s sotublt acQulsMlou to ma;,y idferlnga.

BURR GETS FAMOUS ARTISTS i The neary Burr Matic Corporatlra haa tbo'

fcllowlag list of eclebritlee to its credit os] the taro numbers, "I IJke To Do It” aad "Ob,^ Ify Lad)'*': Blossom deeley. May Melrllle, otj the tram of MelTllle asd Reht: the McFarlca, Cietert, Gcaec Ntisos aad the U. S. Naral Oles* rinb. •

1546 Broadway, ♦ ♦ e-e







“Daar Haart, Tell Mo Why.”, i “Swoet Norah Daly.** “In Candy Land With You.” I "Littla Darling Marguerite.” ”U. S. Democracy March.” I "Stop Looking at Me.”

Aak Your Dealer or Write ELIZA DOYLE SMITH, Mua. Pub., 1431 Kimball Hall, CHICAGO.

SEU YOUl SONQS AMONG YOUR FRIENDl START A PROFITAILE BUSINESS Wa arrange, revi e and print Lyrics and Music. For $55 you will get 1.000 regular copied with original hand-drawn title page and plates and 250 professional copies and copyright in your name. Write for booklet. SNYDER SONG SERVICE SYNDI* CATE. Ine., Suite 703 Music Publlshpra’ Bldg., 145 W. 45th St., Naw York.

The nomben are iN-tng played by a large ma. Jerity of the Mg on-beatras as fox-trot and ooe-atep reapcctlTcly, Including Healy'a Snnien Gardena. Moulin R >uge, Waldorf, Knickerbock¬ er, Jazzland, Jtal Taberla and s nsmber of oUiera.

The Henry Burr Moale Corporation fcela that “I Like Do It.” by Byron Gay, the writer of *Tbe Tamp.” la one of the anappiest.

rarUhing. exbilarat^g fox-trota erer written. It haa \ tender, appealing lUt, with a pleading, riotous lyric.

Of entirely differedt trend Is “Oh. My Lady.” It baa a tender, api>eallug lilt writb a pleading, plalntir* atrain. The aong baa a* onnaual rhythm reciinlat-ent of the oM aoft-ahoe ahuf- fling, luy I'erklns. writer of "Bye-Lo,” baa la “Oh, My Lady,” a h^>y combination of ballad aad dance nnmber.


Launched by Mutual Song Writers’ Society

The Mutual Boeg Writers Society, of Itipon, WIs., which was organized to help amateur.and semi-pro wrlteru la need, la meeting with the aucceae It deeerree. A new membership cam¬ paign recently lauacbed Is expected to bring the enrollment up to well sorer the thousand mart. The dues hare been ralaed to three dol- lera a year. Tbo It la expected to Increase again shortly, membership will remain within the reach of aU miters who need the eerrice.

Nathan Cooney, Its band, reports ghat the monthly bulletin of “Bluta aad Tlpt” ts le- ceiring aa euthualaatlc recaption from all its members. The February bulletin, -retry In- atmetire ene on "CompiUng a Lyric,” created a farorable impreaeion among all the Society members. The March bulletla, entitled ”What Moat Compoaera Do Not Know,” ia about to be Issued.

Members am cnthnalattic arer the serriee they bare been rcceirlag, saying that theaonly fault they hare to find la that the dues are not antBcleat for the eerrices rendered. .


Chlcwfo. March fl.—Egbert Van Alstyae aad Monty Howard, tenor ainger. wiU spend a week in the Alhambra Theater, Mllwaukew beginning March 14, demoaatnting song faror- Itea of the music pdblirting boom of Van Alatyae & Cartls.


Chicago, Starch 0.—Hiss De LIsIo Alda.eprlma donna with Zlegfeld’i FbiUes, playing in the Colonial Theater, sang -‘Deaertland” atuan la- formal loncbeon given la her honor by the Ad¬ vertising Club of Chicago February IM. The song Is a new nnmbar by the Rlraert Music Company, and Ertwell Hanson la Its compoaer.




BELWIIM, Inc., 701 Seventh Avenue, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.


Al. Plantadosrs Sensational Waltz Ballad

mimmi WALTZ. ORCH.25C One of thott smooth, dnsmy wsltzss which slwsjrs nuko food with tho crowd. It la "soBM" danoo waits. Ones 7on Stan It. ths crowd won't let you Stop. Nothing like "Ulssourl,’* hut looks as If U wlU be lust as pop¬






Well Spent Is One Dollar Saved

There are lots of clubs, sooke good, soma bad. and some IndlffersDt. but OUT club Is one whldi ersty up-to-the-

. minute leader will Join not only for ths saving of money entailed, but becaoM leaders know that our numbers are not published lust so many a year, to make good with our members, but be- cansa. they are real song hits whldi yauderille arU-vts are glad to sing and feature In their acU. When we Issue a number for orchestra It Is issued because we here already had a large demand for IL If you want to join the club of "Quality" instead of "Quantity" then send In a dollir bill today.

FREE FREE Use tbit coupon and get the three nnnibere





For enclosed dollar make me • club member.


CITY ...




tUoder this beading will appear rerlesra of the moalcal elements of productions appearing in New York. Only the musical portion of the abow will be treated of In tbie column. Critical reriewa of musical p'.aye as such will be found in the Musical Comedy section of The Billboard.]


(The Vanderbilt Theater)

A musical comedy, by James Montgomery. Music by Hniry Tiemcy. lyrics by Joe Mc¬ Carthy. Staged by Edward Royce.

Seldom is any musical comedy supplied with as much real music as you’ll hear at the Van¬ derbilt Theater, where James Montgomery's comedy is playing to capacity bouses nightly. It is claimed by the management that there has not been a single vacant seat since the opening performance, and right bere is n good time to state, that, regardless of the excellent book, and the nnntnally clcTcr company, and star, that the music, yes the very good music, baa bad a great deal to do with the 8. R. O. bousea. There is not a dull number, from the rise of the first curtain untibthe fall of the Inst, starting with "Hobbles,'* a dainty number sung by Miss McCabe and enaemble, and then immediately after. Miss* Day sings the real hit of the show, “Alice Bine Gosm," sweet, simple nnd appeal¬ ing in melody and cannot help hot become p<^ niar to the extent of a big aclllng hit, it ia real¬ ly a wonderful Httle song. "Castle of Dreams,’’ "The Talk of the Town" and "To Be Worthy of Yon," all different in style, are exceptional¬ ly clerer. and scored inditidnally.

In the second act came two more Bombers away above the average, “Sky Rocket." which carriea an enthusiastic punch, and vriU be a favorite dance number most likely as a one-atep. "Irene," as snug by Miss Day, scored another hit for song and singer,, while "llie Last of Any Party,’* "We’re Getting Away EYom It” and "There’a Something in the Air.” all were well received by the audience. Much of the music is written in wsltz time, end naturally very effective, and seemed to Bt the situations of the play more than usually ocenra in musical plays, whether by chance, accident, or clever judgment. The play fits the worda end muaic. end the music end words fit the pUy.

Anyway. Leo Feist, wise man that he Is, pub¬ lisher of tho music for “Irene,” will find that

AL. PIAHTADOSI MUSIC PUB. CO. 234 W. 46th StfMI, Nm York

moat of the nnmbera will enjoy a big tale, in¬ creasing as th« play continues, that the orcbee- tee leedere wlU need the irresistible dance nnm- bera, and that the phonographs wlU profit with “Alice Bine Gown” end "Irene.” Out Salzer, moelcal director, and hie orchestra, entered into the spirit of each number, and that’a another reason the nnmbera will become popular. And by the way, bere is a little tip for leaders of dance orchestras: Send for “Sky Rocket" it

yon want a warm dance number.


Chicago, March (L—The sales force, pinggera and everybody else possessing movement in the mnalc pcblisblng house of Leo Feist, Inc., are pushing four numbers, with "Peggy" leading the list. Thmother three are "Myatery," “Chlng- a-Ling'a Jazs Bazaar" and “At the Moving Pic¬ ture BaU."

Rocco Voeoo, manager, is on hia fourth week trying to eradicate n bad siege of sciatica rhen- matism in tala home. His condition is said to he improved tbit week.

Harry Holbrook, of the lycenm and chantan- qna department of this bonse, has returned from a trip to Des Moines, la., where be reported that be bad cloaed a number of splendid con¬ tracts for the coming cbautauqna season.

In connection with the four now nnmbera mentioned above, the Feist people are more than pleaaed with the enormous vitality and popularity of "My Baby's Arms.” They pro- tioaace the number A wonder from all vocal Standpoints,


As predicted. “KameMABd.** the lateat Oiaa. K. Harris Oriental Turkish rag song pnb- licatioB, is creating a veritable senaatlon with orchestras and singers thmout the city of New York, other novelties from the Barria bonse which are being played and sung nightly are "Bapplaesa," "Beautlfnl Nights" and “Chlng- a-Ung." Another song catching «n In great shape is Mr. Harrla’ quaint fetching baby song, "Sing Me to Sleep With a Chinese Lullaby," also, "It Might TXave Been Yon," snug by Syl¬ via Clark with great success, and Emma Cams* nnmbera “Oh, How She Can Dance," "Every¬ body Loves the Irish" and "3Iy Wedding Day." Now in press are Creamer and Layton’s three big song hita, "Simon and Healy and Cohen." "Cling a Little Closer Sweetie Dear** and **l*m Wild About Moonshine."




Ihe American Legion” (6,000 Amorican Legion Potts using this number.)

Write or wire for free professional copies. Dance orchestrations, 15 cents.

Join our orchestra Pin ono dollar to this and club. NOW. receive 12 hits a year.

lAMES L SHEARER MUSIC PUB. C8., lac. 145 West 45th Street, New York.

Every kind of act is using

the triumphant song — one-slep.

Absolutely nothing bigger.


B. D. Nice & Co. Muiie Publishers

1544 Broadway, New York

(4.')th and 46th Sts l


Chirac, March 5.—Maud Lambert and Emeat E. Ball, State-Lake headUnera thla week, are dlTldlar between tbelr own tnnefnl ptopertr and Will Boaeiter'a "Don’t Yon Be- member tbe Time." Miae Lambert baa put over eeveral Rosalter million copy bite in paat montha and jeara.

Catalino and Williama, In Keltb'a Theater, ClaclDnatl. this week are alnrlof tbe tame aonf winner. Nr<ra Nerine la el^lDK "I’U Keep 'Em on tbe Farm" and "Don't Ton Remember the Time." a bic boost in her new act.

Looe Brothers, one of tbs verp popnlar acts that comes to ChicafO. have made a hit with "Don't Yon Remember th* Time.” Herscbel Heniere’s new nnmber, “Kismet," has devel¬ oped into a sensation. Mr. Rosslter saM that advance orders for tbe aonf already are better than they were for "Tbe Vamp," which means aomethins to say the least. The Emerson Pbo* nofraph Company was tbe first to record tbe tOBg,

Billy Montsomery reports another hit In "Simple Simon Party," and a worthy snccestor to bia famoas "Story Book Bali." Ma Roaal- ter said that "Rockin' Horse Raf," looks Uke the next logical novelty ragtime hit. Paialey Moon, on Orpbenm Time, aald It la already a hit for him and dance orcheatra leaders pmiae It for a fox trot.


"Moondrlft," a cliasical waits by Oiarten Levrls and Sidney B. Holcomb, la considered one of the best nembers of tbe Dennis B. Owen. Jr.. Ooi., Inc. Tbe company also hss taken over "1 tOsar the Ourk Mountains Calling Me," by tbe same authors. Tlie song was formerly a part of tbe catalog of tbe Wbite-Newton Co. Mr. Hol¬ comb has signed a long time contract with the Owen Company to furnish a certain amount of material each year.

W. Earthman Farrell and Arthur X>. SUe- more have released "I'm Tired of Looking for Sunshine" and have alto signed a long time con¬ tract. Bert Bernard has placed bis beautlfnl Irish wsits, "Sweet Mollie." Tbe Central Mualc Co. has placed "Soda Pop Blues" along vrlth two other numbers. Mr. Fleming, vice- president of the Owen Company, will open n New York offlee for the company dnrlng the latter part of August or early In September.

THOUSANDS OF COPIES of your songs will be sold with our .>

NEW IDEA ILLUSTRATED SLIDES Send us your copy and S4.50 for a Sample Set


GREAT DEMAND'«SONGS! TW make a faceem «f markettna your own eomposltlon. a book eovertnt aU emcntlsl point* la publlthad. Ooa- t^iif ofw 100 pease of valuable InfcnnsUoa. including Usta of tta-cmt store*, miiile lobben, waecd and ptano rail manurseturevt. mutle drsiers. mutlcel maaasmes, ate. PoalUrely th* beat and up-t»-th*-UiMa beak etm offered, tl OS. peetptid. end U not aa cUimed will refund atcocy. Send for datail

JACK CORDON PUB. GO., 201 No. Hoyne Ave., Chicago

MySIC^NCR^^EHSANDTO^TERS -‘■«f9est Music Printers W:rTl-M-filadly Furnished West of New York



onAnythinqinNiisic WORK DONE BY


2054-2060 vy.Lake Si Chicaqo.Ill

MONEY WRITING SONGS A anceeaefu] music romruecr and pu^ itsber writes a buuk uplslning bow to msk* mooer pubUahlng aon^ Contmits: rorrsrtmi Your Faults. Writing a Uelodv, Directing th* ambitious Tcung Pompoaer. Placing Tour Btmt» Before the Puhlle. Lieu ever 500 Music Dealers—loe Band and Orchestra Deelen. Ton need this book. Only one of Its kind oo tbe market. Only tl.OO. poetpeld. Money back if yen say so. Bend for circular.

UNION MUSIC COMPANY. 437 Syeaaier* St., Ctealaaatl. Okie.

ORCHESTRA LEADERS ^thSut?c eimSuoMy^ Evtrytkiai InOrcii:tlri Mnb SERVICE MUSIC COe 2SLVm Ivm SI., Chicaik



Chlceffo, March 5.—Egbert Van Alstyne, of tbe mnaie pnbiishlng bouse of Van Alatyna A Curtis, Is la New York this week on bnslnean for bia houee.

Billy Broad, in tb^ Empress Theater this week la making a hit with his singing of "Olve Mo the Good, Old Days.” Mr. Broad has been sing¬ ing this tong in bis act for sixteen conseenUve vleeks.

Roy Gilbert has been made general western sales manager for the above house, with head¬ quarters In Minneapolis. Mr. Gilbert was for eeveral years with the houee of Jerome B. iBemick & Co.

Smith end Keefe, in the State-Lake Theater, nre singing "Yon'll Never Know." Harry Re¬ dell, In McTicker's Theater last week, tang the same song, and Jack and Tommy Weir, in the same tbeaty this week, are also effectively tinging this, ballad.

Gallon and Kenyon, in the Central Park Thea¬ ter, ar^ singing “Good. Old Days" end "Toa’U Never Know," The latter ballad is also being sung by Marian and Joe Paulson in the Windsor Theater, by Watt and Hawley this week In the Orphenm Theater in Duluth, and by Will Ward In the Majestic Theater, MUwaokee.

Look thrn the l.etter LUt In this Issue.

Thf Mutual SoR| Writers’ Sooety announce* the reotwnmg of its Memberslila Caaiasign. The society U biymr and better than ever and sUU adding new feuturea. Its expert lewlae at Lyrlo Revlalan. Informatioa. Advice and CrtUeimn end Ita Monthly BuHetln of Hints and Tips to Song Writers, la helping Amateurs and Beml-Profraviniiali to rise to the higher ranks. Soug Writers: Get in touch with the beet serrtce of its kind in the coun¬ try, and let experts help you to adraoce. Tbe dues have advanced to $3.00 a year and another in¬ crease is expected slvirtly. Send for full Inrarma- tIoQ and appUcatlOQ blank to THB kCUTUAL BONO WRITERS' SOCIETT, 104 Main 8L. Blpan. Win

She’ll Come Running Back OOatEDT JAZZ BENSATTOet Bend for profoaslonal oopy.

GEO. E. BUNTS, »l> Wert i4»sd at.._NEW YORK

SIfr* ROY L BURTCH’S SSSft'iVoV** "Name the Happy Day" (Walts), "" (Tbp-

I teal). "Come to My Arma" IBallad), "Organ and Choir" (Sacred), "Tankeeiand" (March). All

I aonga Special trice in 1.000 lota. Sample Coplan lOo each, postpaid. HALCYON PUBT^.. 307 I. Nartb St., ladlasapalia, ladlaaa.



CHAS. K. HARRIS L.Lu...BIA THEATRE BLDG., Broadway and 47th Street, • - - , NEW Y NEW YORK

32 Xtie Billboard MARCH IS, 1920

JOODSQNjiouavs pm winners HB ir /^tNGING





Jof. W. Utern ^ Co. will with.lraw all tliel.*

popular niuaic fnni a HjTdlratf l>ocauB»

of a wide difforence of o;'liil'n r( ;cardi^ t!ie

handling of their copyrighted stag hit*. “We

believe." they any, “with the majority Oiat

tbo day ia jmst when good niuric can he enc-

(■esafally exploited and Hold at ten cents retail

tuileka a p'witivo guarantee of display and co>

operation from a majority of the stores coul(\

be secured (something nsaally itromlsed but

not often forthcoming). W* have no quarrel

with the ten cent policy nor do we wish to

criticize here those employed to carry out this

policy. It would be absurd for I'a to try and

tell sneb a large concern what to do. At the

aime line, we do not propose to have anyone

tell us either what mnslc we sbsll or shall not

publish, or at what price or what advertising backings we shall use, etc., gtc.

“Especially is this the case when certain songs are ojienly favored in competition with

the bits which leading puhllehirg houses work

day and night tmder heavy expense to estab*


"We do not ever autlcVi-r.te handling the six

aad one-half cent class of paUllcatlons again.

At least, not natU such itcr.;s ns coated paper

(formerly fivo and one-fourth cents a ponn'*,

now sixteen cents) and plates, printing and

overhead, all several per cent higher, return

MMuewbere to a normal figure.

“If we have the slightest regret It Is that

we did not take this step twelve months ago

Instead of selling, in the face of greatly In¬

creased cost* at six and <me-haif cents (with a doubtful ten per cent profit) milllciis of copiea

In the aggregate of ‘Indianola ,* vo''al and In-

stmmental; ‘Oh Helen,* ‘I’m Glad I Can Make

Ton Cxs,' ‘Walt and See,’ ‘Sipping Cider Thru

«.Straw,’ ‘Marguerite Clark’ waltz, ‘I Cannot

Believe I Lost Ton,’ ‘Just to Think We Once

Were Sweethearts.’ ‘My Sweetest Rose of Dix¬

ieland,* ‘Sobody’a Business But My Own,’ ‘Hlm- alya,’ vocal and instrumental; ‘Army Blues,’

•Tishomingo Bines,* ’Graveyard Bines,’ ‘Tennes¬

see Blues,’ “Step With Pep,’ ‘Vah De Dah,’ ‘Cm-

brellas to Mend,’ ‘Shim Me Sha Wabble,’ ‘Bub¬

bling Over.’ ‘If You’re Only Foolin’ 'Round Me,’

‘Yon .Didn’t Want Me When You Had Me,’

‘Iloneyinoon,* waltz and ‘Blues My Naughty

Sweetie Gave to Me.’ The last five at the pres¬

ent time are going as big as any popular songa

of their type. The present status of popular

music with ns, therefore is this: Instead of


New classical IRISH love ballad. Used by high*6lass Artists In Concert, Lyceum and Chautauqua. Also a great 17th of March number.

Published by



IMUJIC PRIHTERfwtMCRAVERJ'l of anything in Music by any process.

Estimates gladly furnished. 43 years experience inmusic printing. Largest plant west of New York.

onoZIMMERMANs soNGt motil

DO VOD WRITE miES OR LYRICS? If so, send to us for particulars regarding our service. We are recognized song writers, conducting a legitimate business and can furnish the best of references. We also write special Vaudeville Acts, Songs and Parodies to order at reasonable rates. BRIERS & WALKER, Suite 608, 145 W. 45th Street, - NEW YORK.

pursuing indefinitely the nnhusinet-slAe six and

one-half cent policy, we Issned to the trade an announcement with which they can, for thirty

days and for the last time, stock up at the old

figure and make a handsome, intervening profit,

os on April 1 our lowest price will be twelve and one-half cents, les* the usual concession to

the Jobbers.

“This means that every copy of Stem’s popu¬

lar music in anybody’s stock increases In actnal

value five to six cents per copy. Aa far as

we are emcerned, it opens np a new era in the

mercbandizlng of popular music which ws

firmly .believe will greatly benedt not only every

writer and publisher, but eve^ dealer who is

willing to give and take a fair price and who

will enjoy a more substantial basiaess and added


To sum up, everybody connected with every

branch of the mnslc business knows that six

and one-balf cent publications have been a dl-t-

tlnct barrier to the progress of the mnslc bust- nes. We are very happy to say that we have

Jumped this barrier and we have every faith in

the endorsement and co-operation of every well,

meaning firm." *

Chicago, March 8.—Harmon and Washburn,

In the Majestic Theater, Milwaukee, are ting-

Ing “V enetian Moon,” as a feature of tbelr

act this wet>k. The team will shortly go Fast

over U. B. 0. Time. The song ia one of the

favorites of the music publishing boiue of Jer¬

ome H. Remick A Co.

Lew Hearn and Mias Watson, in “Monte Cris-

to, Jr.,’’ in the Woods Theater, are singing

“Peachie,” a new Remick nnmber. Cariita

and licwia, on Pan. Time, are singing “Vene¬

tian Moon’’ and Holt 4c Rosedale, In “Hello,

Alexander,” in the Garrick Theater, are sing¬

ing “My Isle of Golden Dreams,” with snccess.

Harry Jolson ha« written Remick that be is still singing “Venetian Moon’’ and “Ton Ain't

Heard Nothin’ Yet.” on Orpheum Time and that

the two ballads are better than ever ao far aa

popolarity la concerned.

Ryan and Orlob, two Chicago girls on Or-

pbeum Time, have written that “Isle’’ and

“Moon,” the two Remick anmbers that they

choBe for their act, are seemingly becoming

stronger with the public than ever. Grace and Ben Wallace, on W’, V. Time, are

singing {’When Be Gave Yon Me, Mother ot

Mine," and say it la one of tbo strongest num.

bera they ever sang. Murphy and While, on

the same time, alaglng the same acr.g, make a

similar report. Car'Jle and Bomcr, in McVIck-

er’s Theater, are singing with much success,

“Till We Meet Again.” Josephine Taylor, in the Winter Garden, Is

featuring "Ycty Eyes Have Told Me So.”


Chicago, 5.—George A. Finder, a

member of the firm of the Service Music Com¬ pany, was intemaily injnred in an automobile

accident last week and is ttill confined to hit

bed. Joseph Crbanek la looking after both bis own

and Mr. Finder's work in the letter’s enforced



New York, March 6.—Cal DeVoU, the Chi¬

cago songwriter, la in New York and has ane- ccssfnlly placed several new nnmbers. Mr.

DeVoU baa been aaaoclated with Ernie Erdman

in the writing game. Erdman la now in vaude¬

ville, under direction of Bmle Yoong.


many great songs, BUT

LONE STAR is the greatest. A "CLUE" LOVE SONG. Professional copies and orchestrations ready in all keys.

Join our orchestra club. For Si.00 a vear we will send you one new number every month. To start you off we will send you FREE: SLIDE, KELLY. SLIDE; WILD .\ND WOOT>LY, SUGAR, WHY DON'T YOU DRIVE MY BLUES AWAY? and TENNESSEE.




PLACE OF HIE BLUEBl A MMEMMJNEtt^ytsaSiaa, Double or Quartets mUESMSTiBEJE




Chtrlle Taylor, who recently arrlTed tirofli I/>ndon and apent aome time in th« Poat-Ond- date Hospital, la now reenperatlnf at his home la Fair Haren. N. J.

Frank FVirrest la bnaily entaged preparlac for his getaway to reprer^-nt the Redelabaiaer la- taresta In the Indoor Circus under the anapicaa of the Ameriran Legion at the Fifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore, Md., week of Mard> 8.

tieneTiere Johnaton, who, as a soubrat, made a decided bit with “Vampire CRiia," on the National Circuit and who was forced to exit at Bocheater on account of the “On,** risited the Redelsheimer offlce Friday and aanonnced her Intention of doing a single In ▼andeTille. bat after Louis showed her the figures on n contract for the Folly, Baltimore, the wise son- biet Just slfued op, and Is now on her way.



•'T’re Been a. longin' for Yon” la goln* bigger every day. lS«m reports of acta and orchestra leaders throout the country it la destined for n big run.

“Just a Rose” la meeting with a Iwarty re¬ ception and Issbeing featured by many quartet and harmony acts, among them the Inter¬ national Quartet, In '‘The Sunshine Taidy,” and the Indian Qnartet, which recently wrote that It received font eneorea with the nnraber on the first night of Itr use.

The Fiaher Thompson Company baa three nnm- bera on the press which are expected off any day. They are “RIe Nights,” “After It’s Over, Dear,” and “The Alpine Bines,” a great lass anmicr. Professional copiea sent npon requaat.


”It is a« human as 'Silver Threads Among the Gold,"* says Mr. Fred High. Editor Lyceum and CbauutuQua DepU Billboard.

Txive's Sunset** is a really great song. Not only has It a wonderful melody, but the sentiment appeals to everyone, and no one has ever before expressed it in such beautiful words. As long as the English language Is spoken this great song will be sung.

Clateoce A. Stont; of tbn Stout Music Com¬ pany, of Vincennes, Ind., wea in Chicago last we<k on a fiostneaa atealock WhUs there he met Bert WUliaam, the^Camona comedian with the ZlegTeld FoUlea and placed one of his aonsa with him, entitled “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death.” Mr. WllUama la going to a)pg this Buiiibcr OB the pbooograph. The Stoat Mosle Company la atarting oot with two new num- here, entltlad “Believe Me.” a rtrin* roon ahont, and "Tbcre'U Come a Tima” a novetty bhiea. Bo*h of these songs were composed by Clarence A. Stont, the well known writer ot "O Death, Where la Iby SUns.”

Warren Ariail is the writer of this unusually beautiful lyric, and the music is very melodious and expressive.

Bend for Profeasional Copies and Orchostrstions Today.

Hew York, March 5.—Tbere baa beeu much dltcnsaion over a letter alleged to have been aent to prodDcIng maongera of burleeqae, advlo- •m them that existing o-mdltiona warrant the discootlnnanro of maaagera jvcrblddlag eech other for talent under contren.

While there Is no apparent deetre on the pert of those reapoostble for the letter to interfere with the constitutional rights of artleta to bet¬ ter their pooitioos, the evil pmctlee of aeveral comlca Id negotiating with aeveral managera while under contract with another manager baa brought Bumeroaa complaints to the executlvea of the circuits, and it la safe to aasnme that ■ome of the ingrates will ere long find tham- selves confronted with court Injuortleaa.

When a progresalTe manager seeking aew ma¬ terial takes a chance on an unheralded comic and cootracta for hia aervlce for a specified time, furthermore featuree that comic with special paper and haa stage equipment eapeclaUy designed to set forth his particular cbaracterlaa- thm, the aforesaid manager ahculd have aonia legal iwotectlon anlast the so-cailed artletie temperament that ednses a comic to sidestep hla moral and legal obligations to 'the manager to whom he la under contract. The fact that the prodnetioa and the publicity given the comic by the manager apparently does not figure Into the comic’s calcnlatlons. for hia slow working to- tellact Imi’t aulBcient to grasp the real situation and Ida little but presumptuous ego leads him to beUeve that hia anccesa la due to bis to- dlvldnal talent, and that other managera are eager to band him aa increase in mlary for hla valnable (T) services as a feature entertainer. ■very nun Is supposed to be worthy of hla

hire, but this does not apply to the comic who couldn't poasibly make himself, but after being made by an honest manager, repaya that mana¬ ger’s confidence by jumping his contract.

The evil practice should be condemned and a stop put to it Immediately by expnlalon from the ranks of burlesque, and this wiu be done tt producing managers will ovoperate for matual benefit by recognlilng the prior rights Inreated In eontracta.—NEL8E.

T.McTEERHIRSE, Box 2tt, North Side StatHia, Pittshinli, Pa.


kD 17 17 > Latost rii£C Usueof


WHtm ar Calf M. Stdin Cosmetic Cc. 120 Wont 31st Street, New Verk



npni iin»ii^^i%pi!WiS

_ "That th# Profession May Knoar’*

OPEN LETTERS "For oft-timesVlEVfSare Uvest NEWS’’

KEEFE ANSWERS MOUNTFORD (Repertoire Managers and Actora—Onr Rep* ertoire Department ia oi>en to yon for yonr news and views, you. no doubt, well under*

Uam McNally, both of New Tork City, we owe much, for It bae been by their splendid co¬ operation that we have been able to accompllah so mncb, ao far aa our entertainments are con¬ cerned. Mr. Clyan wruie tbe entire minstrel flint part for onr perfum^me last November, and was voted on* of tbe minit up-to-date and successful ever ptesenied by us. One of tbe vaudeville acta was also wrlt>en by Mr. Glynn, who dsaet^s great orodit for bis generosity.

Artbnr Neale, author and playwright, baa al¬ ways assisted os wuen called upon. Bis work Vdkw Vnpfr \faPf«h 1 aUQ (W) UUUUVs WeiA uuuvr* ways RMASKtra US wueu usa eevs*

To Tbe Editor* *or*, aiarcn i, to . stand. When you send stuff we accept It ia is always well received and goes big with the I know Mr Mountford onlte well I am aat- publish it. But unless yon boys and public in these P»ru. as it con-

Isflei beVnd any rlght-np-to-the-mlnute

not know and understand exactly the meaning *1**’ **»?■ « ji _>• «r w v n a Csti na intended by the original article in The Billboard: PO»t»«e stamps.—THE EDITORS.) Mr. Mad'.son and Mr. McNally never fa»l US

“the death trail tour** ‘ intended by the original article in The Billboard. Hia denial that he met Mr. Pantages in Los Angeles and never so stated to your corre¬ spondent Is not less emphatic than the denial of Mr. Pantages. 1 think now it is safe to state

when we are in need of material and lend ev¬ ery possible assistance they can.

The next performance staged by the men be¬ hind the gray walla of Auburn Prison will be a minstrel and Taudevllle show, April 28 and 29.

siKiuucnt 18 noi less emiiuBuc tnan xne aeniai oi c.i-.— TSaK on VOOA ---- -- Mr. Pantages. I think now it is safe to state •**'’*^> the gray walla of Auburn fj** * that Mr. Pantages did not meet Mr. Mountford , “"r*®*^* . . , ,, i u* va >,# minstrel and Taudevllle show, April 28 and 29. In Loa Angeles or el where * thought perhaps this letter might be ^ As usual Mr. Neale and Mr. Glynn are to the

Mr. Mountford’g letter of February 19 does your publication, If ao, yon erer y<,re. We cannot pay them in coin of the realm, not state that he told your representative in ‘V _—» ^ grateful, for their aplendld CO- Loe Angeles that he had not met or dlsc'usaed ___'.Ka’ v.ii. na.a.'a. ••no ^— . any matter of interest to the vaudeville actor. -rvsii •• reform have not been 4n va With Mr. PaatAges. romaii^nly known «■ The Death Tml, rendered their aot .-loe free and i

Since there was a meeting with Mr. Locw at **’* followuig »cv«PS of information may ^ of behind the bats appreciate, the Alexandria Hotel, it la not unreasonable to Very gratefully yon expect Mr. Loew will soon give the profession *)a-va (Signed) flARRY^ WiUJ^N, an inkling of what transpired on this momen- “ ^ tons occasion.

For the benefit of those who contemplate nc- operatl<ui and th Ir efforts in the cause of ptlng contracte for the Kelly-Bnrna o^‘B prison reform have not been 4n vain; they have >ur, commonly known aa “The Death T^l, rendered their ect .Mce free and it is thla the

idling oTwhat tra^plrli W thirmom^^^^^ 'T* tons^casion “• p ^ UTiesday, which n etna leaving Chicago

Mr. Monntford’a letter to The BlUboard waa very conrteona, and I hope to reply In kind, and ^^l**i*^ “m i?* trust he win excuse our Inconveniencing him Y®®* thru our having obtained from the original ar- ®“ » train. So it tide the same impression as did ninety-seven **

Rehearsal is 12:30. On arnyal wt Brandon go par oc*nt of those who read It* • , . . .. . *«. _ _« vAfuiAUKiiAius ^a*.. *’ck/. I alse have the impression from the setinenoe, w^iUis***wi?f and*a?ve°wBn To the Editor: •

of srtii'tes recently published that Mr. Mount- lo tl>* Open Letter* column of The Billboard

mll? whf/h'S^^ vo’Tthe'linVe «en^ =8 I «ad an artlcle^algued by. thru attendance at Orpheum Circuit theatera. ^bich >1^ ^®’*/i!‘® 5*5^ We hope Mr. Mountford is correct. Burns as foliowa: (>pen B«ndon l-l- thrM

For his pence of mind, may I not tell Mr. ““y*- Yorkton. bask., 18, one day; Melvlll^ 18, Mountford that Mr. Pantages Is a great fellow ®®o ’ Moose Jaw, 19, three days; Calgary, to mind his own business and attend to it; that -3; .three days; Edmonton, -6, jihreo u..yg,^_Le^- he is going right along building new und better bridge, March 1, two dny^ Brov^lng, Mont., theaters and adding a few honses to his clr- ®« ,®®® „®V*ViIi •nit bore and there. The interest and welfare KaUspeU, Mont., 8; Sandiwint, Ida., 9 (third of the artists is not overlooked in these changes, cut); Wenatdteo, Wash., 10; Everett, Wash.,

Yonia very truly, 11 (third cut), three days; Bel;lngbam, Waslf., (Signed) WALTER P. KEEFE, 14, three days (third cut); Anacortes, Wash.,

Representative, Pantages Circuit of VandeviUt l^! Aberdeen, Wash., three day*. 18; HoQuiam, Theaters. Wash., two days, 21; Valiconrer, Wash., two

ChaDman Entertainment Com.; D. RAY,

gecretary M. W. L.


Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 28, 1920. To the Editor: *

In the Open Letters column of The Billboard

“Herm” Rogera, of Boston, wondering why some mnsiclans of that city vote down “jaxx” contortion, etc.

I wish to inform “nerm” Bogers that the

^ecountAr is^^^ 14, three days (third cut); Anacortes, Wash., 17; Aberdeen, Wash., three days. 18; Hoquiam,

dreJa of so<alIed “Jaxz” compositions, wbicb


North Bay, Ont., March 1, 1S20. To tbe Editor:

“(^um grano sails’* ia an old Latin axiom, p^ cent to the Chicago office and aettiement is which one most have In mind to read the “In made with yonr agent. Therefore, you need Repertoire'* page, in answer to Jack OrVtVa sfcj yonr agent no comm'aalon while plaving letter to you in the February 28th issue. Lit-, Tour B. This information is given yon so that erally translated it means that much or the there will be no misunderstandIng. Yonr agent

wi.h v w..h I™! ahoofly Junk, slung together by a d^ts*^‘24- Sal^*Oro ’ 28 *!me dav (Third’’ciit)° ** arrangers and oast upon the public, days. 24, Salem, Ore., 28, one and th >se with th* least Idea of mnsic, like It. Salem, Ore., one day. 27 (foil salary); Astoria, ^

rWt In favor Of the pob- aiwtber route sheet ^ c^, .^e yuur bur. TOe being entertained by a conglomeration of

^ horrible noises; in other words, I will caU It one wbicli reftOA as follows: A.l managers wtu . crualtT tA mnsic

*‘*2, ^on say for the sake of a few grey-halted

•;rew.-“^„»ln;;i Vherem mu.t ^""uken wlti; %:am She ^ t^ay aeem » pinch of salt,” or “told to the Marines,** they {jon •• ™ ^ ®* That’s all one ■ night _^lleve It; the "wised up” trouper does Two good hotels (reasonable) to Brandon are *“ ^ v-„ *- lot. The naae contains so manv lies—inch i# .**<*inv i am emnarraasea at times to nave to

exaggerate tee size or tneir ontnt ana cast, ana i.r alnele eood me^ala at fortv and flftv cents. " .jT , / * ? v when the actor Joins ha is aurprised at the in- The lamp from Brandon to Yorkton la $10 56; *• ^ <*®> any muaWan who haa feriorlty of said outfit. I know of .bow. f,"ato^?eTve.'Tran®^ni:16 ;Yen7a«%m"t^ t «Te‘i^He boasting of a six-piece orcheatra, when ail they a*e about 8-30 where von chance and have a v DO east aside end we can again have is a piano, violin and cornet, and not an- l^m Aa^^n .s*yo? arriU at other musician in the company. I knovv of Portoge hurry along to the Albion Hotel where -nri-i.n. i— companies padding the roater of the cast with • drst*4»'aM dimieru aerved for flftT cents and -. iMslcltns. or th« so-ctlled bora- “townera’ ” names for a Joke. Mr. Editor. whe7eton can suv a^d ^fil mfn ^ blower may differ with me, but I am speaking some managers have it on the performer ”50 oni_ |,n „ because they clone the dining room .**** ffi®^vlan a ataMpoint. ProfMsi^nal »a.vs” when it comes to four-flushing and mis- ytrkton 10 a.m. Monday,

kind ought to have something better with which yorkton 4:20 p m. Tuesday, arrive MellviRe to occupy Hieir minds. Marriages, births and 6:40 p.m. (;.ine-y-flTe cents), lay off one night,

*n*l nrhora ^ni* **n«k1«** mrA_♦KA**a . . a,. _• ! vaT . _ ‘**^*?"i •”<* where onr pals nre--that a Waverty Hotel '$1.26 alngle) 60-cent meals, no _^ heat; beware k.'b *ose patdea and vllbge hooll- «r.„ v iqio

ager Biown did l50,fW on the week we know .^1, w-’t: to fight everyone at depot. iMitiYe* T*va<>net K*n., March 1, 1920. he la trying to four-flush for Manager Smith’s Meliv'”.* K**tt» a m for hfoMe Jaw To’tne Edlnur: beneflt, and to show doubting actor* that he la clianae at Rea'na fare $3 45 Rebook and trana- «To any vaudeville or tabloid -people playing ancoessful, when in reality he is playing to $25 across towii Uxl fWy cents baggage fifty Taraona, Kan., take a tip from one who knows, houses. There are Iota of these “bi-**” 'a • e Voe hreakf.«t hivi^ J®® wonderful treatment and hoapl- "rep” came. Real rep. actora are looking for BrufiS^A. SL50 sin- *** “ .•* the A^rdeea Hotel, work and not for pleasure trips. And w at ^of cl?ia. fo^ «da-«t> care we for eight montha on the river, plenty x.-l,*- j.w for r*lV«v* a-lR a m fare tl515 (Wgnedl S. E. BI.ANGHARD, of fishing, or winter in Florida? Salary and ArXe C«lgl?y 8:2oT.m: ^'l^tol


Paraons, Kan., March 1, 1920. 'the Editor: To any vaudeville or tabloid -people playing

harmony and woik, that’s what we want.

1 f f baggage as follows: Brandon, seventy centi posed.y wonderful outfit. I got bit lart sum- ^runk. In and ont; Yorkton, thirty-five cento;

single, I have given you the exact expenses; MfmbS?’L7‘T SEAEA aaaa hacaace ns follows: Brandon aeventr cents L A. 1. a. B., A. t. A., A. A. A. A.

mer. We bad a blowdown. Actors worked three days potting it up. At the e::d of the week we were ‘‘docked’* for said three days

workf^ Mellville,’ tfy cents; Regina, fifty cents and PINKARD LEAVES FIRM . At the e::d of the seventy-flve centB Altogether aot PINKARU LEAVES FIRM

bad trip ao far. „ v t. ^ With kind regards, falthfuRy yonra. Tork. March 6.—.Maceo Plnkard, com (Name withheld by request.—The Editors.) poaer af “Mammy o* Mine,” “Wonderful Pal,*

wre* we w,-re uucseu lor inree oays _

"'ith ktod regard., falthfnny enlarges bia working crew. H—. he never did have one. By his writeup you would think that it was a regular show.

If it wasn’t so serious it would ?>e amusing to read the amount of "bnir* that ia expounded by these embryo press agents.

Jack Griffith it right—clean up the “rep** page. EeRpectfnlly,

(Signed) FRED WOOD, with Ernie Mark*.

PUY PIANO IN FEW DAYS NO KNOWLEDGE OF NOTES REQUIHEO t^e unfortunate# Who have fallen foul of the writers are unable to complete their own

CD FAT lll'SCOVFDY Iicagtie. atoce Its Inception five years *" d*(*U, 45**7 ahould have only tbe best iwl wsrW ■ i ago, has more than proved Its worth; both to of bigh-ctana arrangere to help them. Re-

E.NAKLE.S ANYONE WHO CAN Inmates and the State alike, and to a Urge ex- member that song writing U a Krions proposi

HUM. SING OR WHISTLE TUNES Jri«d»‘ wS^'haTe" ^hir*aMwertd7 e“«n **""• ^ J»0rmcnt to harmonize and play aeotlmentally or in rag ttrae. for asilstance. Among these friends are many * tnofo knowledge of the game (which If you play other instruments, but have a piano. PROFESSIONAL people who. In a great many must ba teamed from ohnerration and ex-


Anbnro, N. T., Match 1, 1920. To the Editor;

We, the members of tbe Mutual Welfare League of Auburn Prison, wonid greatly appre- rlite yonr publishing this letter of appreciation in .rour next Issue of The Billboard.

Y'oo no doubt have t ■•ard of the Mutual Wei-

“Don’t Cry, Little 'Girl, Don’t Cry,” la sMd to have severed his connection with Sbapiro, Bemsteto, A Co.

THE CREATIVE FIELD (Contlnned from page 26)

bits of tbe day. Their songia iDnat be np-to

fare league, an organization founded by Hon. date, original, creetive, with punch and ap Thomas Mott Oabome, for the reclamation of peal and RHYTHM]

“If writers are unable to complete their own

If you play oiher instruments, but have a piano. PROFESSIONAL people who. In a great many must ba teamed fp>m oheervation and ex-

SS, “ ’SSS WaSST’a -iS “tt-bli'.'a. •• I»rl«.«> •« u M ne-.l, . lor o reach eri-ry homo HARMONY MUSIC CO., DepL tCelfare League la 00 small task; In fact to easily gain fame and fortune, an tbe fake

C. 1907 W'tuevn Are CincinnaU Ohio proenre tbe neceaeary funds for our existence poMlsher* and arrangers would have tliem ■ l< one of the moat difflenit the Leagne oflIciaU believe.**

5''"'® to contend with, as we have absolutely no rerennea from the Bute. . ®®“* aarlre—and honeatly worth taking.

I M I T I 1 ' ■ A 1 ftince the League’s Inanguratlon the prison nt^si e> s *• >*.%■•.-**» ■ X I .A I I I I W authorities have allowed us to give entertain- NEALE AN EDITOR

if klvHflflflA ^ monte to the public for the puiT>oae of securing _ 1 k Jk A d I necessary funds to cover expenditures. Arthur Neale, vandewriter, without qulttlnc

k. J ThPKP entertainmenti ara Alv«n twice each jear .. i. ^ # BEST ON EARTH and are generallj ininatrel and TaodevUIe per- crefitlTe T^ofk, la aaaoclated m editor for


Two Baas, till and iexl4. Also JOKE CONUN¬ DRUM BOWKS.

(toad lOe for Samples. NO FREE SAKPLBS M.MI4 RinsHw Ca.. sas W Madiaat. ChlsMSi.

mve to conieno wiui, as we nave auwtiuxeiy no a-__ rerennea from the Bute. * . ®®“* aarlre—and honeatly worth taking.

Since the League’s Inauguration the prison authorities have allowed ua to give entertain- NEALE AN EDITOR mpDts to the public for the pontoae of aecnring _ U e necesaary funds to cover expenditures. Arthur Neale, vaudewriter. without quitting These entertainments are given twice each year .. * and are generally minstrel and vaudeville per- ***• *t*fltlTe uork, is associated aa editor for formanecs, and this is where the PR0FE8- vanderille topics with “*010 Theatrictl Rul- SIONAL element has served ns. and always free letin.’* of all charge.

To Arthur Neale. New York C1*v; Harry A. Glynn, Yonkers, N. T.; James MadDon and WII^ Look thru tbe I/etter Ust to this Issue.

MARCH 18, 1920











Orchestrations in all keys.



HS W«t tSth SltMl, HEW YORK AL HAARlt, Profmlonal Haoaace.


El COdNTON KBI'nnjCY, ProCei»lon*I Mgr

at TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. MELVIN HT TU R. Pparcsalooal Manager.


ED. W1I>*«>N, I*rc*e«»lnntl Manager.


RonT I-PAG’?. Profeoalonal klanoger.

Look thru tbe I/etter Ust to this Issue.



jom 10 fao • cy I yoo mtft » io^ood



lENETUN Lyrkty






This remsG'kable song was

written by Kahn, Goldberg

& Magine, and is conceded

by orchestra leaders and

singers adike to be the mu¬

sical gem of the season.

Write or call at 2my of the “Remick” Branches.

Complete orchestrations and

artist’s copies in every form

are ready for you. \k-ao4iaa m.

NEW YORK—219 Wsst 4«th StrMt BROOKLYN—6«6 Fulton BtrMt PROVIDENCE—Borkshiro Hotel, Eddie Mack B08T0N—228 Tremont Street PHILADELPHIA—31 South 9th Street WASHINGTON—9th and D Streets, N. W. PITTSBURGH—244 Fifth Avenue CLEVELAND—Hippodrome Building

rmiiiat yfi etaMiM i

DETROIT—137 Fort Street, West SEATTLE—321 Pike Street ATLANTA—801 Flatiron Building BALTIMORE—323 North Hov^ard Street SALT LAKE CITY—Linden Hotel TORONTO—127 Yonge Street CINCINNATI—815 West 6th Street MINNEAPOLIS—218 Pantages Building

I If JDim ■.aEB«* co^

m a *•««• a.t«»«ie e^. mnm.eiiiuiiii mum* • m i r a<f*«* an«ri

CHICAGO—834 State-Lake Building PORTLAND, ORE.—322 Washington Street SAN FRANCISCO—908 Market Street ST. LOUIS—The Grand Leader LOS ANGELES—427 South Broadway BUFFALO—485 Main Street AKRON. OHIO—M. O’Neill Co. ALBANY, N. Y.—Kenmore Hotel


MARCH 13, 1920


Atv TT^Xm^THTl A W before she h*d gona Into the deep slniBbcr •Bd ENDOWED LECTURERS FAIL TO

DEFECTIVE SPEECH HOSPITAL “Her boy,” ghe ealJ, “and wmld be come The following la from The Maafanile Tennra-

-- even tbo ahe alept.” The iroald-be flahennan eeean: “DmV* the beading OomnmnlcatloDa we A\7ic;f frt W ITtnfT’c rkf — etarted. and ali the way was roKty, and all the pnbllab e letter today from Jndae Bobert Ew-. Y ISll lO Dyron VV • lYing O OCimUl Ol v/ra,iury in Uie mlet be could see the face of hie Ing. eecretary and treasnrer of the Watkins

* y . • lir*gU |.u«. _ teacher—and all the way In the silence he Institute, the reading of which abonld conrey /\n interview W lin Uie Vjieui EAmCdlOr*" could hear in the sUenci. the Tolce that bade pleasing inftormation to many of twr readers.

lie^tlL Mope SHlU Msippiness Are made so beauUful: there where the sonllght feU commlBsloners of the Wathlna Institute are mak- ' ^ ^ ww ^ golden, where the flowers were blossoming, ing to fnlllll the terms of the win of theNjate

Ivew^ros of Monest £uOrt Wrds.sang so gayly, his Uttle teacher Samuel Watkins, who left the major part of lay neleep. The hand that had rested ao gent- bin fortune to the endowment of a free night

- ——-■ ' ■ ly .ni>on the bead of the atammering boy lay school and a free lecture conriM in thla city.

It U.pleaemw to chronicle the following ec on the Uackboard. write what the other, say wMte a.^ c^ld npon her brea.U ^ thf* cHy?‘elTuct^U^

co'iiit our tIhU tv Btfou W. King’* **ohool of end recite, and bring it all tP me. Oom© to m© tlie UPb were closed, but a imlle lingered / Ka.i <» i *gwi «. e -rs« Ouatory and to pw. aioag the facta ««thered at race-, iDoraing or evening, oa Saturday or there to bid him welcome. He Mid to tho«e

there. We hope that this article will be read S>cnday.-let me help yon.* ” who wept: “1 shall be the watcher here to- J

before she bud gene into the deep etnmbcr and ENDOWED LECTURERS FAIL TO passed into the tdg silence she bad asked for DRAW her boy. ——

“Her boy,” ghe aald, “and would be come The following la from The Maabrllle Tennes-

eren tbo she alept.” The would-be fisherman aeean: ”Dnrt<» the beading OommnnlcaUona we

atarted, and all the way was roh-ty, and all the pnbllsb e letter today from Judge Bobert Ew-^

way In the mist ba could see the face of his Ing. secretary and treasurer of the Watkins*

teacher—and all the way In the silence he Institute, the reading of which should conrey

could hear In the silence the Tolce that bade pleasing loftormatlon to many ef -our readers,

him hope. He went to the little home she had “Judge Ewing tells of the efforts which the

made so beauUful; there where the sunlight feU commlsstoners of the Watkins Institute are mak-

M> golden, where the flowers were blossoming, ing to fnlllll the terms of the win of theNjate

«Bd the birds,sang so gayly, his little teacher Samncl Watkins, who left the major part of

lay neleep. The hand that had rested ao gent- bin fortune to the endowment of a free night

wUb as mu'h Insplrathm as the facta set forUi

•rer*- to iis as we gathered them.

■iWay, February 27, we risUed the King’s

BoIsmI of Oratory at KjmzsUie, which ia one

of the b«)t»>ngh districts of Pittsburg, We Weit-

M-beduled for a idoenlng talk to tbo students oa

lyceiim ami ebautaugua pruhleiaa. We started

ta at 11 a.m, and Ulkcd aud answered <iue—

tlons uaUl 12::t0, then to.,k luwh In the dormi¬

tory. At 2 ji.ra. Tve wore again answering qnes-

tiviis and Wert- kejrt busy until JtlO. when we hft the building to catch a min with a hatf-

.criyn inquiring students still eager i-JC iefor-

laatl >u. It ’UB.v If of mote than pasring interest to

t'te rerdef* to know that when 1 was a young irsu, >—ring Just cast my first vote and having

Josi .-^wsiteteii a four years' appreoUccehip and

graduated iuio a full-fledged inacbinlst, with an

emaciatso body nod four dot tors’ predictions

that I v.’etild die with cooaumptiuu before SiWln?, 1 bad found my way to the Smoky City b> Byron W. King’s School of Oratory,

where I toolt a term in deep breathing, which

hat been one of the mainstays of Kfo, work and professional actlTltles ever since.

When I entered night schisd 1 was seeking to

matter the bidden art uf spelliug. At the Ume

I met Byron W. King I weighed 127 ponnda. Last week aa I left bis suhuol. out of curiosity,

I deposited n itenny in a scale to see how much

I Lad galneti. Tlie recording band swept around

to IWS, where It wavered like the pen of the rccirdlng angel telling much of life's story.

But the real reason that first uuggebted a

vialt to till, scliool and an investigation into the

work that is tfieg done, was an Item .which we rewd in a I’lttsburg paper, stating that “500..

000 people In Amerl>'a die annually from tuber* cttlosis, and most of them may be said to ^are

<-ommitted suicide cw were murdered,' either

thru ignorance or lndifreren<e.”

In an Interview with Byron W. King the

wame pa]K-r stated chat nut a slugTc graduate

uf his scn<.>ol Lad ever died from tuberrulosb).

King’s rh?houl of Oratory is really a wjcfl hos¬ pital. It bad ita birth in •le:e<'tlve st>eeob. It

It now ooe of the largest fcl.oolB of ©mt’iry

la the world, owning its own buildings, ect-

tagas, b'-nies. dormiKTy and realdv^ncea, nil of

which muht be valued at close to a cpjarter of n luUIlon dollars. It is u<>t uiu endowed instliU-

thm. One of Itg prtacl: al abje.-ta Is to coiect

defective speech. 8tauiR<:r'.ug and statteriug

atudeutK ure la evidence there. It ie

uaturut that it should be so. for when a boW

Byrifi \V. King h.msetf waa indicted, and he ie

where ue la today be<-anse of wliat he did for

hlmw-lf and for others in overcoming this af-

dsetion. ilfty years ago Byron W. King, then a Is y cf 12, o.mld not i>tuoooncg hia own came, il. says:

“I’euple who have always had the power of


“In *U the world,” continued the great edn- night. I Lave come a>I>>ng way to keep watch

catoe. “no one before that hnd ever said ‘help’ I'T my little teacher’s side. For, if my band,

to me. I always worshipped that little teacher, building until the blood would flow, would rear

1 remember well the last day of school. I k monument, I could not build it lofty eivfugh

ward the effort of the oommlssionem to provide

Nashville with a series of free lecture*.

“Sertral of the most noted men of the lycciim

pintfnrtu have spoken at the Byman Auditorium

this season under the aasplceg of the Watkins

Institute, but barely a corporal’s guard attend¬

ed any one bf them. It U now anDonneed that

cu Monday evening Balph Parlstte will speak

rt the auditorium on *171. University of Hsrd

Kisx-ks,* and that, as usual, there will be no

eliargc for admission.

’’TIk'Sc in charge guarantee the ■adltorinm

-..ill be ewnn. Failure of the public to patma- jee the lectures wilt result In their discootin-

n noe, it in reported. A Urge attendance la



“New spirit la Industry,” Is a pithy Uttle

volume of iiinety-five page* made op of earnest v'Rorts to Io<-ate tbo causes of much of our in*

•instrisl unrot. To thinking, observing people

it la slatost a tragedy to see some of onr larg¬ est public utilities corj’orations pinnae into a

lino of activity that has been repeatedly tried

end always found wanting, when seventy-tive

cei.ti invested in this littl* eye-opener might

sate millions of hsartsohes and a horde of dol¬

lars tiist only add Insult to injury when ignor¬

antly spent even for ft good purpose. This book is tilled with farts, rational conclusions and tab¬

ulated results founded upon Investigations. It is not a preasbmeat and therefore leaves It*

readers free to drsw their own conclusions. It

la published by the .tssociatioa I*rea*. 347 Mad- Is-'u Ave., New Y'lrk City. Its author, E. Ernest

JehUBun, brings to this task a sane optimism

and a well grounded understanding of the moral

fer e of human effort that must be counted upon

m a factor in all developmeuts and human activity. This little book is a moral dynamo

f r thinking and doing people.


Oshlra, European Wouder Worker and >fental Marvel, direct from Enm;>eaa Knnianla, will

appear ou the Acme Ly<-eum and Chautauqua

system this sjirlug. Mr. Oshira Is the only

Rumanian iu .\mvrica tkdng stolght-ofliaiid

and ha* a novelty from start to finish. He is also a master mind uf occult science, and in his

Act be sill do the must mystifying feats uf

this kind in existence. While talking to a

newKiiapcr Mr. Oslilra said: “I am for

the ri’KEEI* of the Chautauqua*. May this

good work go on forever.”

upeech—to utter freely the thoughts and erao- ^ 1 always worshipped that little teacher, bunding until the blood would flow, w«

tlons of rnlnd and heart—cannot well realize I remember well the laat day of school. 1 « monument, I could not build it loftj the awful dread and haunting fear of the boy or ‘‘flent to It As reverently fS ever 1 went to Tor the Uttle woman who sleeps h< re.”


At the Chicago Kiwanit Club

Ooe of the most enjoyable times ever had dt

a meeting <»f the Chicago Klwanls Club was

girt atawied with the awful curse of speech Im* vhurch. I was sorry when It recess, more And that night he kept watch and ward by by Ho^rd Thurst.m, ^ pediment. To be laughed at, mocked, scolded. •’ ’•Ty at noon, moi^ sorry when at 3 o’clock she hla Uttle teacher’s side, and thought of wlist magician, who is playing a succee* u

Ismten, taunted and pitied; to he bopeless, help* •*<’“d before US, wlt^ folded bands, and said: the kindly Up* said and the klu.lly hau<ls bad *’"*'‘K'“‘‘nt at the Oljimplc Theater. T^nri^

Jess and longing fer solitude, even for death— ‘Children, we part now; 1 go elsv-where to teach, done, and he said: “If my life I* wortli aught 1* a member of the I’lttsbwrg (I’*.) K -

cannot be c-omprehended, unless one has gone tm not forget me, for I shall never forget you.

thru It.”

Dr. Kiug said: "I went to school, but could

t'hlldren, good-bye.’ ” most

Then they all went out but one boy. lie her*.

to brighten the lives of others, under C<*1 I owe told hi* experteoceg ** as

most of all to the little women who slce|ib ““‘ertakier and statwinan. Ha has a w*»uder

t"4 recite the lesson.--. 1 did not go out to pity bowed hla head upon the desk and wept bitterly. There are some debts you can never re(iay;

•H ith the other pupil*. Well, I did at first, then ** seemed to»hlm as if the sun were blotted out not wlUx all the gold and silver of earth n t

one day, a boy mocked me «n the playground_ heaveot But she came and sat down be- with all the year* of time.

,re.” ful story of lutesuie interest, but whea he got

There ar* some debts you can never rcjiay; doing tricks he made the 200 buslnew* aixl

)t with all the gold and silver of earth n -r Pf'fvHslonai me* f-wfet their engagements and ith all the year* of time. "i* there chained to the spot for more than an

and that raised a fitht. By the time they pried '’*‘i* bim, and said: “Ygu must master your dlf- After the Uttle teacher went elsewhere to after the usual time of hiking. He cer-

iis apart his face was black and mr left eye livuity. fhjme day you must talk. I shall not teach Byron refused ta go to school. Urging* *n'n*y pleased that audience ss It was never ' - - * ^... ... ,.>-.....,1 xad ail band* could only was in monrelng. After that it was thought ^‘'ntet you.” *ud whippings and scolding* were all of no *» bairi* could only

best for me .to»remain Inu^jors at recess and Some twenty year* ago one bright morning in played •’hookey” vrith persistent *'***• that he might have had the entire aftcr-

gt noon. Jnly I>r. King waa preparing to sUrt for a fish- regularity. They sUrted him to school, but bo ■‘’®" *ml sennlblo phlloso*

“One day a* rocesg the Uttle teacher came i“C t^P in Canada when a boy camo in and ‘o^it i*'* wooda, and when the winter waa and sat down beside me. Bbe said: ’1 nm handed him a apecial note. That morning in a spent many a long day In “Unci* '

sorry for you in your world of lUence, sorry you ‘‘"“e •«“« “**«» Pittsburg. BIll7’«'’ wal tank. He shunned th* wide world lecture enftgo*

cannot recite the leeeona. Tiet me help you. "“t among the hlUg of old Weet Moreland, g “d «U th* inhabltantg thereof. Whea he WM asata and take a tag itik la flha ffwth <)• ae*

Write ent your lessons, write whnt you see Uttle school teacher was lying asleep, and (Continued on page 37) count of lU health.

hurt aaci woanded for that. Tba worst horta

are not tboae that bleed that yoa bind with a bandage or sooth with a balm. The worst

buns are those that tear the mind and soul

aud leave the nuirk thru all the /ears of time.

All n'.ght 1 roamed among the woods, hopeless

and desperate. It was tveahlng dawn la the

east, when 1 aat down b/ a great oak tree and

leaned a hot and throbbiilk bead against it. And

then, to that old tree 1 talked. It ma/ sound

fooUsb. bat It waa no smiling matter to me

then. I eald: *01d chap, /on know me. Toa

hare known me all these /ears. listen! Some

da/ I shall talk. Some da/ the people who

laughed last night shall listen. Hear me. I

mean It. 1 shall talk. And then 1 noticed

that in m/ desperatkio and anger 1 was holding

ni/ Jaws like a steel trap and the waist mm¬

oles moved outward as I made the sounds in¬

stead of inward. And I said: *Wh/ cannot I

atwa/s do that I I will make mj Jaws obey me

like m/ band. 1*11 make the tongue and Upa

obe/ m/ will. I will make the waist mntcles

move outward with each s/Ilabie. And I rose

op fr->m there like Lazams came from the tomb

for a new lease of life. In that dark night,

la that Oethesame hour, I found a truth of Ood, a new law of speech. 1 walked home and

went into the big kitchen, where the folks were

seated at breakfast. M/ father, white-haired,

wblte>b«arded^ looked np from the table and

■aid: 'Yon have been out earl/.* 1 replied:

‘I’ve been oat all Bight. lie dropped hie knife

and fork and esclaUncd: *M/ goodness, what

has happened 7* He had never heard me speak

a sentence before. I said: ‘I’m talking, that’s

what’s the matter. I’ve found a new wa/ to

speak. I need not stammer again."

Toong B/ron broke op that breakfsat. HU

mother rose, sllentl/, and came aronnd to him,

kissed him and passed into her room to thank

God that her pra/er had been answered. Then

be went back to acbooL They bod told Prof. Jonee that he had been at the eodet/ and had

tried to Ulk sad they had laughed at him.

He did not Ungh. Be sne tao great a teacher

for that. Be put a head m eaeb ehoulder. aad he aaM: **I*m eociy fUr la«t alght. They did

(OmtlaTud oa page 83)


(Continued from page 39)

about 13 yean of age one day his father asked him If be would drive the team into the town

of Mu Pleasant and take potab>es, eggs and

colons to market and bring ba< k some sugar,

toa and r^jffee for the famll/ needs, ilia father

knew he did not wish to make that trip, but hy

said: "ru give you a letter to old Deacon Strlcklcr, the merchant, and you’ll not need try

to talk.’’ Well, he went. He arrived at the store

all right, and gave the letter to the Deacon, who looked over his glarsea at the boy, after

he res-l the letter to this cire«'t: ’’Tlila is my

bo/, B/ruo. llo^iiuuot talk, lie wlU give you

the produce ]n the wagon, and yon will give him

sugar. c<>iree and tea fur the same.”

*‘I was a curloeity to the old man,’* said Dr.

*Klng. “fo yon cannot talk,’* said the grocer.

The boy sluM>k bis head. ’’Wall, that’s funny.

I’ll have thingB ready for you in two hours.*’ So

Byrm went out and sauntered alsmt the qnlet

streets until he came t<> the old Baptist Church.

There he saw a Teoebera’ Institute aanomieed.

He said: ’’I always liked teachers. I Uke

them yet. They always seem to know so much,

and It seems aj easy for them to tell all they

know. .*<0 1 tiptoed In sad slipped back into

the Comer behind the stove, by the one-ejed old

Janitor, lie looked so nearly deaf and dumb

that 1 thought there was no danger of hit> asking me what waa my name or how many

bndbera I had.’’

Continuing Dr. King said: ’’It’s an awful

thing if a boy stammers to call him Byn>a.

Parents shonld be ttanightful that way, and If

a boy stammers give him an easy-going name

that begins with a vowel like Abrahau,, Isaac

or Ebeneser. But ‘Byri'n.* Wheadver 1 tried »o say that name I made a string of Bs as long

as a freight train of empties. And, as to my

brothers. I had seven of tl»em. Wherever the

preacher. In his kindly way, would ask me bow

many brothen 1 had 1 would make a atrtng of

8a until it sounded like a ooda fountain gone

wToog. Well, I sat there la my comer, trying

to make myeclf look a« amall and Sa nearly InrisiMe as possible, hoping no one would no¬

tice me. ,

"A man stood at a blackboard and wrote the letter* of the alphabet, and told how to make

Ui« raiioaa sounds with Ups aad tongue and





Studio 909-10 Lyon A Healy Bldg., Chicago

Wlntpr 1920-*21 bocked solid with Fed¬ erated Lyceum Lureaus and Univer¬ sity Extension Divisions.

Chautauqua Time for 1<120 and 1921 open. Write cars THE BILLBOARD. 35 8. Dearborn Street, Chicago. '

MetropolitM fllee Clab and Felk 1 Address Biysaa ApU.. 3701 Callfomls.

Galen Starr Ross CHICAGO.


TsrsatUe Musicians wnu for Talsnt AppUeatloo BlanS. LOUIS 0. RUNNER.

5S37 Lake Sbutt ChleoM.

LYCEUM AND CHAUTAUQUA NOTES M. C. CORDON. OIrtstsr. Bouklng Ulgb-t'losa Iccturns. IkiUTtalnnicnU and

Musbcilo. IS20 Kimball Halt. Car. JasUee and Wabwb Ave..

CHICA60. ILL. Di.n’t f'''get tlieps Is Just as macit seuse and luiadre.ia vf clergymen, lawyer* and In-turem

rent* In being In style mnsIcaUv .as to have have come for treatment, ih-nie had S'>re throat,

the latest cut (if clothes. Here l» a tli>: L-c ».>me wmihl becciue h»Hir*e after *];eaklng hut a

Kel.f Is s|>ecfilng a fortuuc In p.'timlarizlng few minutes, «oiae cuuld speak !n a wlils-

'■I’eggv.'* T»«u*t -wait until ’’Peggy" Is as i>er, and jet we have uvver found a single cs«!

universally n-t'd as •’The A'amp" Is otfore you we did not remedy within *!x weeks.’’

lntiv)da.-<5 it. Crystal S.riugs. Mia*., Feb. 16.—At an in-

Dr. rrederlek M.'osen, leetnring at the Mil- formal meeting of U«a1 stoi-kholdera of the

waukee Public Mascuni, said: "I *i.ent uhto rhantanqna holding* here B’. B. loekwoed was ttian twenty year* In Mexico. I know that instructed to look Into the authority of the

CarrBn.:a Is merety a to-d thru wli'.'h foreign si.s'kholders to sell. The proposltlno to sell

pi.w^rs are endeavorlar te establish bases to the oM llenlugtim Cbaatamiua gosinds to pri-

harasa this country. V'llla was tbe m.-<n of the vate Interests, who wish to Install a $.V).60rt hour and had he been sncoessful there w-ouM"^ summer resort. Is meeting with favoe among

be no MeXlca* question.’* UiemberK of the ITcnlngtcn C.smrground .\s*o,*la-

laist seas.^di Iher. la reiiateil to have been ar tion. The prevent ownerw are heirs of the or-

Rggregatlon traveling over the country under iginal owners and are scattered .ill over the

the name »f Garlner P.ros.’ niantauqca. la- «'<uintry. The Interest of each stockhoMer in the formation as to the present whereabonta of this sale would be ,0 sTuall that It Iv believed all

troupe is needed by tba 1lo.-k Island R. K. and will agree to a sale.

ahoold be furnished ns as soon as iweslble. Tlie dates for the llr<t half of tlie Flliai'n-

TTrlte Fred High, G3 South Dearborn St., Chi- White Coast .Six Clrenlt have be-n deJlnifely

cago. set and the opening date »cbednled as April

Mis* Anait Morgan, daughter of the great 11 at FI Centro, Cal. FI Centro is in the heart

financier, haa found the lecture platform very of the Imperial Valley, the great Irrigated enw

much to her liking and Is busy lecturing for pire to the east of San Dleg". It was there

"Devastated France,” fnie la trying to raise that Harold Bell Wright lived and wrote for

32.000,0<X> to complete the work that was atart- several years and "The Winning of Barbara

ed In France of ivlu*Uftng the refugees who Worth” Is a story of that Immediate .uujatry,

were driven from their homes by the German Incidentally the Barbara Worth is the big hotel

invasion. She will tour the United States. of El Centiv), owner In psirt by the novelist.

Bynvn W. King said: "A speaker should nse The first six weeks of the circuit are spent In

bis voice two. fi'ur or six hours daily without Csllforula. fourteen new towm.* of the Golden

sore throat, hoaraeness-oc fatigue of the vocal State baring been added to the Coast Sixes this

organs, llie one canae of speakers* sore throat season, the total number of towns on the circuit

ig Ignorance. During th« past twenty years standing at 133 now with one open date.

AT UBEirrV P.kVmsnME .4M> TAUCINO riX>W7f FOR CHAU- T.Al’qi'AS. Wsnimbv the brat. Kindly ktate aU lir<t kanr. ROY AHOENBHIGUT. Bus 13M. BC Louis, MLwasui.

WANTED Versatile Musicians In an Hnoa for D Apply at ooee to r>« Moinca, Iowa.

un aad Chautaueus eoanaalo. L. BIAlND. Draka Unlvarslty.

‘nienTs no nye talking, that n«sr methral whicli ail the fjogrssslva Iksmhers are (ulng In Orianlzlng ana lustroctiDg Banda la a woodi*. It surety explains things as thay should bg axptained. and It coews tiie work from tha rtiy start. There's mure or lesi infonnaUon of value scattered through various bonhd. but. gee whUs. who’s got the time to hunt It all out ami arrange It In working order, let alone secuiv the knowlnlce not found In boohs. I'll tell yeu. Mfe Isn't laig enoucti to sa<rlBoe so mtadi time, tb' iropvr thing to do la to get this lartrui.Hoo la pre¬ pared form Just roroQ for tha “Chicago CrauaeC ani you get a real mrtbod. For partlrtilsrs ad'ireua


Libertyvilk, inhsis

TALENT BROKERS R. r. 8L0SUF. Manassr. Rees tl4 •Mnweg Nall.

M M Vm Bwet ttieet, Cblease, llllaeie.


MXGIC and magicians Edited at The Saa Francisco Offices of The Billboard

603 Humbolidt Bank Building William J.Hilliar

BiflitA ago at Atlantic citr a cnntroTeraj atarted ■■■ B A P\#PD aa to wljo bad witneascd the beat collectlTa III mk WM ■ L ■■ vttVtri

Hiey look eo aonr. mark; ahow eTer preaented In thia country. I ■■■■■■ ■ miA^I^IAlU could react them—weU, It argued that In my own estimation a certain IVI^vaiVielMri

one fleen by the lilagtclanB’ Society In Carnegie . _ -n_«__ xr Herbert 1. Trarelutte’e Hall about ten years ago was the beet demon- of reputation aa a Periortner. Must bo

It la funny. Why ehonld etration of all-round magic ever preaented In of GOOD CHARACTER and ENTER- or la- America. 1 bare seen Alexander, Hernnann. tAINING GENTLEMAN. I offer YOU

Why ah<wld he aasmne that private Kellar. The ^nc^rea. an INTEREST for YOUR SERVICE.S Hdl^r aim) tliA BaI^IwIdSi itt fAC* €vcry —4# xc a

if he I1A8 eTer notAble who liai Appeared In America dorinfc ** lOU can AlAKrj GOOD. . and 1 have picked oat the njost No Investment required from you. I

Itlon of the magic art ever pre- have completely equipped, up-to-date,

','irs«.'.sr„“rSSrs»K r'*?::”- ‘'‘rT" “J3<'s;s|;ow,r»dy ' • for the road tour. N. W. Canada to

t t r follow. Also want a Crystal Gazer for ■Frank (“Achebaiooka”) Lane, card, coin and strong Mind Reading Act; lady pre- . la “doing time” for Quigley ferred. Write me your record. Please

send photo with answer. •whicb he expects to land the big time. While “KELLNER,” The Mystifier. in *'rance he met Nicola and In Each, Lux- (jreek, Wyoming.

F*n»ry 21, 1920. ■ il A Friend HilUar:

l_IQ|Bm “I don’t like grapes.' VlfinW Of course. "

would be different! UARTERS I was reading Dr. >Ap open letter to you. _.. . , ON a hypnotist criticise other performers of In- « telUgenre? T"!, _L i:: ' “ L readings should not be allowed? .L., 4 want to ask the “Doctor” _ — — - - . (QV given private readings? my lifetlm^e.

Wo appreciate the fact that many whose JCUFFS. calling is that of Hiychic, 'Myatic, Medium, I. Occultist. Telepathist or apy other “lat” give ll FSCAPES. private readings. If they do not meet the K - ’ people personally they do so thru the malls.

inKrA (Personally, while working In a theater we ’ absolutely refuse to give private readings, but piano trickster, _

UUmJaa utt does it follow that because I do nut like to around New England. iLewls and Oreen, _ ■ni iww sweet potatoes for my meals that all sweet jjew York, are writing a new act for him, with

■EDIIN potatoes mu-st be eliminated from the menu? -which he expects to land the big time. Granted the fact that yon help a person along jn j-'rance he met Nicola and In Each,

11 WISCONSIN If yon prophecy in the trend of a person's own embourg played on the same bill with him. desires you are helping a good thing. The fact t t t still remains that you must make a convert of your audience before you are anccessfnl. and „*aeementB i!(

IIA If that convert pays ^)r your success, why not .Hotel Mary 11^ accept the remuneration that la your due? rh» Hotel Green Ub ■ Dr, l^ldwin, who has hud more Imitators

_ than any other man In the world, admits in his letter to The Billbmrd some time ago that

1BH H yon must believe in your w\>rk yourself to make others believe. lie also says that every person should try and nvuM trickery and should make It understood that while you are not assisted by sny sur>ematural agency^ yet your statements should be made In such i. manner that the appearance of truth should at least be apparent, and If the client ■widhes to misconstrue those statements, who Is to blame? There is a great difference between the theory as propoumled by the mystic and he gets, or as accepted by. and the client who accepts It. makes good. I do not believe that there Is a greater master many Ih----. mind, a greater traveler ar.d a man wh'se L-. knowledge of the sciences, and who' is a verlta- ense ble encyclopedia, than Dr. Baldwin. lie Is the flrst and oldest entertainer In this particular -Roy ffampson, the hitstllng general agent, ?Mis branch of magic in the world—and he believes been around San (Francisco heralding the that a private reading is good for those that coming of Blackstone to the Savoy Theater for care to get them. He believes that close con- a two weeks’ stay, tact with a person who believes that yont t t t kmiwledge can lend him or her assistance should ,j,^ thlrty-fffth reguUr meeting of the Wayne not be deprived of such serylc^nd If they rre Association was held February 11.

.i? Officers for 1920 were Installed aa foHows: Don . ... .. u .1, . T» l.cwla, president; Doc Kogomore. vice-president;

If you are a b.vnnotUt. stick M that. If you Euge„e a. Gordon, secretary; Robert l>a Var. don’t care to give private readings, don t give treasurer; Marshall Etienne, advertising mana-

rt w_i I 1 V *Wt «nd Brother Lytell, warden. HARRY J. FREEMAN {l.«B Frimlnls), • ’ t t t

P. S.—I do not mean to be <wm!frtc’ but'lt Is my belief that there are hnndrede who think J*".. '’t * * w. the aame way that 1 do. ^ Fall^Rlver, ^Masa. ^

(Members of the Chicago Assembly of the 8. A. M. attended Thurston’s opening performance at the RiaUo Theater, Chicago, and presented

him with a beautiful niedaL JODNSTON’S CHALLENGBI

Chicago, Feb. 19. 19201 Challenge of A1 Fosso In Billboard noted,

also that of Otto Waldmann, acting aa manager of Julius Dresbacb of New York City.

In regard to this challenge, aa some misnn- deratand seems to exist, will repeat it fur the benefit of any party or parties Interested.

The challenge is open to anyone, the exhibi¬ tion to take place in Chicago, under the auspices of the Chicago Conjurera’ Club and to Include

(Continued on page 39)

if I

. SOMrrHINfi NEW. NO SKILL REQUIRED. Mallni is busy in Los Angeles playing private Sounds imusuaL but as s mstisr of fact wa baie a

** '"utasthiue at neir effect that any magician can preaeut and rreats ilsn one at a decided smsatlon. Titcee ii nothing to keep you rrangements from presenting this effe^-t other thin our retemd Auditorium, rights on this novelty, which you can secure for IIOO lly fine ep- Vtt year. Ihery magician has tbs neceaaary ataurial

to preseat thla effect, and only a small other appU- ance la required, which you can make, or we can

. . .. , _ supply, to preeenL Y'our deposit of }2.00 will bring Alexander has been recuperating after a long, forwaitl a special legal paper, to be signed and fllej

hard season, by following the outdoor life in by my Hoiiry Publlo in jrour town at an expense of . Imperial Valley duck and goose shooting. He tse. after which we will forward the effecL A liberal 'J has put on about twenty ;>ounds and la looking reward to any iMnoo Informing us of any vertanBer

the picture of health once more. using this effect that baa not paid tor its rights. t t t AMl’SEMENT BUREAU, 4263 N. Franklin 8L,

Herbert Brooks i. doing .^lendldly playing ItUUdslphla, Penasylvsnla.

the Keith houses. It matters not what tpot who he has to Mlow. he

_ „_ Brooks says: “I have played In meuy theaters of all classes around 'tie world, but without a doubt the Keith Theater in Syra-

is fbe most beaut'.fal of all.”

Inks, Shiners, Strippers, Slick Aces, Books, Etc.

HOFFMAN’S Latest Ma^ic

Saeead Editlen. Revised aad Carrseitd. nus la Prof. UcSi man's latmt book for the Pro- fnsloiiaL New tuinu. New Ideas. 210 CO 4 C pagte, 32 lUuatratlona. Cloth. Postpaid,

8P0N A CHAMBERLAIN. 123 B. L’karty SPcct. Ntw Yark.

•TEN NEW IMPROMPTU CARD TRICKS,” By CHARLES T. JORDAN. rT1<?a, T.V. poetpald (^tamps not accepted). Address CILLRIAS T. JOR¬ DAN, Box 61-11, PmngTViTe, California.

Uadetaetabis, fMt aad ttrasf.' Easily apalM.

$7.00 PER BOHLE WITH FULL DIRECTIONS Dka treated with ibis marvelous wsrk. $5.00 par pair, Ws make only latest tnd best nork in cards and dice.

Writ* today far pew catalegua.

HERRMANN MAGICAL COe ISI7 Bleecker StrseL Utica. N. Y.

Sara Shot la tha atrongest transparent dice work avar made.

The tenth annual Ididies* Night of the Na- tionMl Conjurers’ A8Sorieti'’n was held in the auditorium of it* new home at 100 West iFIfty- fonrth street. New Y’ork, February 18.* and the entertainment will live long In the memories of those present. To s.iy that the affair was a huge success would be putting It very mildly. It was more, it was a triumph for angle. Alf T. Wiltuu, the eminent 'New York booking agent, writes us that it was a great treat, and the large c.otvd. Judging by the almowt con- riP'dous applause and other signs of enthusiasm, evidently agreci with him. Among those who contributed to the magieal dedication of the beautiful Hi tie tLc.->ter «e"e the following: ClintoD Burgess, secretary of flie N. C. A., who preseuti-d his Inlmitalile K-irdeck-terlt.v; Charles J. Hagen, organizer of the N. C. A., who offered Mnitiim In Parvo; Lewgllyn Good¬ man, ventriloquist; Jean Irving, past president iN. C. A., Magical Snrjrrlses; (Sfollle Brio, elo¬ cutionist; Albert Guiss-art. ‘The Phantom Vio¬ lin, with Ruth Blcbsel at the piano; 'Prof, d/ouis Krieger, with his famous Cups and Balls; Otto Waldmann, past vice-president N. C. A., get roars of laughter with bis comedy magic; Helene Bichsel. soprano, in a repertoire of songs; Harry B. Llnaherry, gplrituallstc pbe- mjmenia; Tokitaro, versatile novelty; Jnlina Dresbach. president N. C. A., l/)cal No. 0. Ten Minutee With Ten Fngem, and T'OSina, the American Orientalist, who dosed the ^w. During the intermission Lawrence Gray ent sllhouets of the lady visitord.

The Eedo Entertainers are always busy In Nebraska, and from the press ellppings they send us it is very evident that magic In that part of the country hasn’t even got the

The (Baltimore Snn devoted a double column “spread’’ to the report of t' » golden wedding celebration of the dlstingulsiied auge of the Baltimore (Local of the N. C. A.—Isaac Twati- ley. The event was attended by about 400

OUlJA BOARDS! ^ - We sre the TTerdfinsrters for

X Handcuh.s, Leg-Irons, Mall Bags, Strait-Jackets, Milk

TINSr" L2 m Cans. and. In fact, every- e,» JHH B thing In the Escape Line.

■ Large (beautifully tllus- wrW trated) professional cata¬

logue. which also contains tha latest Novelties, Tri(As, Puzzles snd Illusions, 10c.

OAKS MAGICAL CO.. Dept. 546. Osbktsh, WIs.

f’ The sensation of today! Are you acquainted with this latest 't phenomenon of spiritualistic manifestation? Be sure you get i one. PRICE, $1.75 POSTPAID ^ Also everything in Magic, Ventriloquism, Books, etc., comes S’ from

riNKA AND COMPANY, Inc., 493 Sixth Ave., New York City. CATAIDGS FREE!

MAGICIANS’ SUPPUES Crooked Games ezpoeed. Learn how easily you maj be cheated. Catalog FREE.

riaytcn la opening for Jeff Davis for a ten- week tour, which will take blm to Boston, Portland. Lynn, Brriekton. Manchester, Ftcb- burg, Woonsocket, Pawtucket -and a return to Boston for two weeks. Tlie Mystic (Brcle of Boston Is planning some “doings’* for Clayton when he visits tbe Beon CapltaL

D. VINE & CO. Swanton, Ohio.

THE MAGNETIC PENCIL Magic Tricks for tha pocket parlor and stage largstt assortment In tbe world. Immense stock snd Immedlste shlcomta. Largs (wandarfully Illustrated) Frofesslootl Catalogue, 25 cents. Money will be refunded with flrst order of $1 or more. Bend a 3-cent stamp for &0-paga Illuatrated Catalogue. Bm* at Card Mekn 2So

poMpald. niurston’a Book of Pocket Trlcki. 2Se postpaid, ^ck Park Cards. Sbo pompald. Ckihtcrtbe for Felsman’s Hsgl(ml Bariew, a monthly magio magazlnn SOo per year.

ARTHIIB P FELSMAN »•«*• '<• "> •« Henaa Ubiv. MNigiwM r. rKboniHn, Chicago, ilunois.

WORLD’S GREATEST POCKET TRICK. Highly recommended In The BlVboard's Magic Columa.

Coaiplate, 2Se.

BA.II^EY Sc TRIRP CO. 530 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge. Massachasetts.

Horace Goldin Is being banqueted and feted by magical societies In every dty In wfalcb he la playing.

Benjamin Feldberg, Jr., ■writes that he la the Latest Poclwt Trick. 25c. boy magt(dan, 17 yeara oM. known aa l<e Mya-

MELROSE MAGIC CO., teriata, and Is framing np a new act. Malrota, Maas. f t t

The Sphinx for February has an excellent likeness of Its editor. Dr. A. M. Wilson, on the cover, and contains page after page <rf indis¬ pensable reading to the magician. We know of no other monthly magazine that more complete¬ ly covers Its particular field than does The Sphinx.

Mapetized Cigarette (68 E. Emerson StreeL

^ Have You Seen “SKINEM lAst for stamp.

OUR NO. 13 LIST OF NEW AND USED MAGICAL APPARATUS, BOOK^ PAPERS, ETC., Is now o-Jt It’s free. 8ILVLT & BUGDUN, 239 E. 9th SL. Bos¬ ton. 27. Massachusetts.

If you do card tricks yon ctmiot afford to be without It Many are now using It and they all say It’a a WONDPqi

For fifty cents we will -end you "PKINEYf,” sample copy of our last Issub of Magical Bullnin. and copy af our ness Catalog—the finest bDgiO Catalog orer

tjsusd by any magical manurarttirise firm In the world. OUR RRFATEST BARGAIN OFFER. S0,CENT8.

Charles 'E. Archer, New York, writes; **1 bare been a persistent reader of Tbe Billboard Since your magic page has been running. A few

Finest on earth. Complete line. Catalogs, lOc. B. L. GlLBHaT, 11135 S. Irving, Cblcggo. •34 Seutb Son Pedro street

Theatrical Briefs SAN FRANCISCO >7 WnXLUC J. EXUIAS, CM Bunteldt Bank BnilCinc.

Herbert W. Hotdilnflon, general manager and •eorcUrj of the Hatehlnaon Amaaement Com* pan/, 'lV>rtlaDd, Me., has 84^ hia interest in the corporation to Obarlea H. Voee. and will sever his connectkms with the New (Portland ^Theater, where be has acted aa manager the past fonr rears. Mr. Voee win aasome the management.

The new Park Theater at Barberton, O.. one of the most modem motion ptctnre hoases la that section of the State, opened Tneedar, Bbb- roarr 424. Park Theater Oompang officers are A. J. Hetman, president; V. 3. Bnckohr, idce- preaident; Jos. Mes Baros, secretair, and Harry L. (Hamilton, treasnrer and manager.

Thoe. K. Lancaster manager of the ApoUo Theater, Gloucester City, N. J., writes The Billboard that bnslness baa far exceeded his expectations. Mr. Lancaster says: “We have sniprlsed the people of Gloocester and rlclnltf with the excellence of oor bllia It was the general imprestson of the public. I find, that even tho we had a beantifnl 9200,000 theater, on account of the slse of the town we would play a cheap grade of small-time acts, whereas we hare presented some of the most pretentfcMM acts playing the popular-priced tbeatera.**

The Town Opem House, Ladd, Hi., waa d0> stmyed by Are February IS.

Kam, the mystery man of India, and his company of wonder workers are about to reanma their road tour.

The Colonial Theater, Ehiston. ra., is to bo ^larged from a seating capacity of 700 to 2,700 and fitted up with a stage sufficiently Urge foe any kind of an attmction. Wilmer Ck Vincent are the owners.

Tlie Opera House at Pluffton, Ind., baa baeo purchased by Nettle Willisms.

The Main Theater, Anna, III., has been por- rhased by the Barth Theater Company, Of Oar* bondale, Hi.

Aunouncrmect has been made by the Onltod Theaters cf America, Inc., of Minneap^a, Minn., of the pnrrhase of the auditorium Thaa- ter In Stillwater, Minn.

The Forrest, a Cincinnati moving idcture theater, was sold recently by Gecwge Noyes to IMcMshan A Jackson, managers of the Gifts Theater, and Frank Hass, Abont 900,000 was Involved.

Frank Heiderlch, manager of the Mecca Tbea* ter. New Orleans, has completed arrangements for the enUrgement and Improvement of Qie honse.

The lomo Theater, Hammond. La., has been completely remodeled and enlarged.

The purchase of the Pastime Theater, Pen¬ sacola, Fla., by Ernst Beobringer, said to rep¬ resent the Saenger interests of New Orleans and >New York ayndicalista, has developed Into a larger deal than at first appeared. In addi¬ tion to the two buildings with a frontage of forty-eeven feet on Palafox street and a bulld- tng of eighty-one feet frontage on Intendencia street, another lot fronting Intendencia for 162 feet, with a depth of 170 feet. Is also claimed to have gone in the tranaactlon. Mr. Beobrin- ger eaya that blneprtnU will shortly be ready for the constmctiofi of a modem opera honse seating 2,900 people.

The dedication of the Arlington Amphitheater, Washington, D. C., erected In memory of the heroic dead of American armies, will take pUc« In May. H will be under the an^icee of the Grand Army, with the asaistance of other pa¬ triotic bodies. Col. McElroy U cbalnnaa of the committee on arrangements

With former Governor J. Frank Hanly, of Indianapolis, lecturing against “firewate^ in an adjoining building fire broke out In the op¬ erating room of the Wallace PbotopUy Thea¬ ter, Rradentown, Fla., and before extinguished had done between 9750 and 91,000 damage, prin¬ cipally to the projector and films.

George A. Baldwin. “Doc" Hn-mlUoa and Harry Bentnm, who recently formed a eyndl- cate to deal in motion picture bouses, nave aoM their inte'est in the famous SoUx Thea¬ ter, 1204 West Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md.

The Garden Theater. BnCTalo. N. T., haa ceased to be a bnrleeque pUybouee snd la now showing niovluir pictures.

Adolph Ramish. president of the Hippodrome circuit of tbeatera on the West Coast, U-at the V. 8. Grant Hotel. Ran Diego, Cal.. aC- compunled by Mrs. Ramiah. They have *ast returned fpim Sm Frau'daco, where tney visited Ram HaTie, manager of the cIpotH. r. y. Powers, a theater owner of Grind RapMb .Mlcb., and wife, are also registered at Hij D. R. Grant.

“Freeman’s Firedtes,” freeh from a tour -Tt the North and Hast played the Layrlc TheUeF New Orlenns, the only colored house Ic QUi section of the South week of March 1. Tbs week prerloiis Prof. Rogers,' claiming to be the only colored mind reader In tlie w«)rld, and the Mllls-Plchtr Musical Renjc. gave satia- factorv perfo-nrsnees at the Lvrlc.

Members of the players’ group of the Arte Clnb of Washington. D. 0.. who recently gaye a production pf four plays at the Postofflee Theater in that city entertained at dinner at the clubhouse by the committee In rtiarge of the dramutlc actirities of that organisation.

IT IS VBRT GRATtnmNO to be able to re¬ cord the success of Nat Famum at the Crea- cent Theater: I/>cated, as this playhouse la. In the very heart of what is left of the oM Rarbsry Coast neighborhood, the very air atill reeking with the atnle fnmes that emanated from the gilded eordldneas of other doyt. It seemed Inconceivable that A show, devoid* of all (•-nggeetlvenees or obscenity, with no appeal to the roiste-er cr the harpie. could succeed. ’Today the Crescent, under the present capable management. Is packed two or three times dally with men, their wives and their children, who revel In the clean eutertalnment offered. Fhrnnm is an oldtime burlesque producer, a clever comedian, hia girls are comely. Dr. De Grose (late leader at Pantages) haa a splendid orcliestra, Jackie Famum ig the aonbret and liorralne Crawford, principal.

CLVRI,E AND BBIJdONT. well-known dancers, are being featured at tbe AremdU Dancing I’avlllon, Eddy street at Jones.

FRED BEOKMAN. Just bark from the Show¬ men's League Banquet In Chicago, stayed over eu route to the Wortham No. 2 show, ut Lm Angeles.

NED DOTLE, formerly known as Orval S nr-ler, will henceforth be known as Ned Doyle, owing to the many mistakes In pro¬ nouncing and spelling his former name. He is tbe featured comedian with the Kelly Rowe Co., Apollo Theater, Tacoma, Wash.

AL BUTLER, last year contracting agent for tbe Yankee Robinson Rbowa. baa not yet de¬ rided on bis activities for the coming seaaon. On November 7 he l-wt hts mofier-ln-law. en T‘>'-'m»-er ?i h» I'*** b'a br't’>er-ln-Iaw and on February 16 he lost hit fatber-ln-law.

W.VSHINOTON SQUARE TUEATES la dark rfter a long run of comic open. Toe li u^'e i> not large, but seems to ofler good puss.bllities for some real showman.

GUNTHER SGHABCHE baa gone Into vande- Tllle.

F.4NTl\GB8, despite the fact that other vandevllle theaters in diffe'ent parts of tbe country are raising their prlcee, haa decided to do something to help cut down the high cost of pleasurs, so has reduced hie admission prices at bis boose here.

THR CRESCENT THEATER GO.. INC., Is erecting several new booses at M^esto, Vls- salin. Fresno, Long Beach. Others are con¬ templated.

GEORGE W. PCGHE. of Hawaiian show fame, is lanncbing a new enterprise—a reper¬ tory sbnw. He ami Mrs. Pngbe spent several days visiting friends.

(J. BAKER has Just returned fron the East, where he has been ahead of Mack Rennet Bathing Girls No. 1 Oimpany.

SAM BROWN, of the Brown Amaaement Co., was seen around tbe Amen comer at the Con¬ tinental last week.

CHARLES 3CINO, well-known Pacific Coast rct-T. and MUs Virginia Tho-nton have leased the Repnblie Theater at Steiner and Sntter streets. In which will be presented a season of Mgh-class stock. It Is ramored that Irving Dllloo, who has been with tbe Akaiar Theater Co., will Join tbe new company. Tbe open¬ ing performance of this new stock compun/ takes place March 7.

A MOVIE OITT It being built on the edge of Donner Lake at Tmckee by tbe Metro Ple- ture Corporation for filming Jack Londoa’a “Bnming Daylight."

THE MAITLAND PLAYEIW scored heavily with Herbert Bashford's comedy. •’Tbkeo In," cn tbe oecnvton of Its first preeentntim in San Frsnelsco. Tbe local newspaper crwlrs were nnanimous In tbelr praise of the new Play.

dick (•’MSCKET") lee la happily recover- Ing from a siege of puenmon'a, and la again get’ing Inngba at the Creecent.

HONET HARRIS, t'le minstrel nan, is prodnclng at tbe Lyceum.

RUB AND LAURA BNOfl. now playing for Bert Levy, are booked to Join tbe A1 O. iBaraeu Cl'cns at tbe oonclnaloa of their vaudeville tonr.

E C. miKINS baa left for AtUntle City. N. J.

TME GBORGTA ^aNfFTRCUl (Roacoe sad Horkwnld) are playing tbs Ooant towns to rapacity business.

Send the Coupon and We’D Send You a Lachnite

ANOTHER NEW OHE Invented by the well-known Magician. W. O. Ed'wards; '"Edwards' Magic Wand.” This is the most marvelous piece of apparatus yet put on sale. This Wand will pick chosen cards from the pack or pick up glass tumblers off the table or pick handkerchiefs out of the pocket. No need to lay It down to pick up anything from the table, pick it up with the Wand.

We have secured the exclusive making'and selling rights from Mr. Edwards for th's marvelous piece of apparatus. No Magician coin afford to be without one.

Price for one and pack of cards, ^,00. No stamps. Ssnd Postal Note, Express Order or Registered Letter.

Get one now before the supply runs out. Only a limited number will be sold.




Act muM be refined and meaenre up to a suadord whiA win be appreciated by tbe •-•|‘-nn daa ef paoua* aaa If your act aaeCe with Um reqniraDaAte abOTe cmnuMinlcate and v*vte tall periiculma to

FRED HURLEY. State Dheeler.

A TOUTHFIL BANDIT stuck up tbe tieae- «tber meoffiere, vlalted tbe Pblladelpbla Am rer at tbe Maitland Playbouee tbe otber ermbty tar tbe purpnee of conferring tbe mye-

«• 0«at branch aoclety of the S. A. M. RHODA BERNARD, (Mser ^ Barney Ber-

trd, la presenting ber Aevert ebaracte eoaa __ .utilee at aoclety fnnctloeB^ efie. NEW THEATERS

MAGIC AND MAGICIANS A new ntoden tbeeter bae recently been com- (Continued from pete 38) pleted at Ironton, Wla.. and la owned by tbe

Woodmen Lodge. an brandtes #f sleltht-of-hand, each as card. It ie nndeniood that W. Sprow, of Handnsky, coin handkerchief, billiard ball and mantpula- O.. Is planning to erect a new vandevtlte honae ttoa with almlUr articles, the manner of pre- on tbe alte of tbe Hloane Building, that city, aentatton, effect prodwed ^d cleverueM tn be Tlie Conneotlcnt Theaters Corporation has been the deciding points on wbirb Judgment would organixed at Hartford, Conn., with a capttaliaa- be awarded. Whoever accepts tbe challenge tioa of 990,000. Xudna Roblnaou, F, W. Cole, would be Inquired to post tbe turn of 98,000, FYancIa Jonea are the iacorporators. It la re- which la gnaranteed by a devotee of the magic fiorted that a new theater will be built in for the C. C. C. 'Expenses of coatest, etc., ilartford by this company, would have to be arranged between i>artirtpanu, U. A. Perry and A. A. Brower, of Dell Rap- tbe 99,000 being In the rwitare of a aide bit. Ids, 8. D.. have concluded {riana for a new

So far several challenges have been received. 916.000 theater In that city, but no IncHnatlon shown to proceed farther with Rntnorw have it that tbe Opetouaas Amnae- tbe matter. _ meat Company will erect a theater in Opelonaaa.

GEORGE DE LA'WICENfJE. La., for tbe thowlng of movuig pictures and V t t leglUmata prodnetiooa.

Hammond, tbe bypnotlat, wrltee fioas Ho- ■A* * movie theater la mer. 1j». : ’’Regarda to all the mysterloas ^ ***®tj?.,.** *1® *v<'tt street, Wlehlta Falls, bunch. Have been doing well with my hyp- Tex., for Gilbert A Joster, of Minneapolis. BOtic act In Texas and Lnntalana. Fine d<«wa Onnsfroe**«n w*!! corntnence at once on tbe here for a tmall magic show. No one here.” 000-seat theater to be erected on Ced.vr avenue.

♦ ♦ • South Plttafcnrg. Tenn. The hoiiae will be de- ANRWBR8 TO CORBEFPO'VDKNTS signed to accommodate moving pictures and

HE 4’ BEST. Seattle. Wash.-^Many thanka Amnaement Company, tar the Information. Yon are pcrfei’tly right Cbattanooga, ’^nn., has aiMM a leaae. It la about that party. ns bear from you often, "tuted. for a period of twenty-live yeota.

PROT. S. T. MANNING. 1908 West Mulberry Orville D. Reeee, an oldtime trooper, con¬ st., Baltimore, Md.—Much obliged for your tempiatee erecting a new office bnilding and letter. theater in Quincy. III., at a cost aaid to be

EUGENE GORDON. 4 Queen St.. Tyons. N. Y. more than 9200.000.

HT,?".,.'***!” conve^nt ^ ^ew theater, to he used exclnaively for Picturea. is being erected In Hay Center. Kan..

Clnb, and have frequently mentioned it on these ^ ^hnlts. pegee. eltbn no bteratnre regarding same baa been sent to ns. Regarding your second ques- Ma^n J. (Jetae, well-kno^ fneatncal ar-

_ tlon the officers of each branch would still re- ^lt*vt. Ovlncy. Ill., it dtawlng plana tor he tain their but they would be subject J** *’’S*!r**®..***

to tbe hy-lawa and constltntloa of the perent Moline. III., carltalleta of that city. The assembly. <■'*’•* estimated to exceed FJBO.OOO.

'LIU CHEW. Pblladelphta, iTa.—<MQ oa Mr. Annonneement baa been made of the prepoeed B. O. Paul. 9S35 Girard Are., I'hiladeipbla—He ,'onBtruction of a handsome modern motion pic- wlU be glad to advise yon. ture theater at Cuyahoga Frills. O.. to cost be-

JAYBSSTFT New York—It afaall b* did! tween 9190.000 end 9200.000. and have a aeat- ALIi 'MAGICtANN booked with earnlvala or log capacity of 1,000.

Hrcnaea be eure to reed this page next week. our big Spring Nnmbcr.

On February 24 the Initiation team of tbe Have yon looked thin tbe Letter List in this Society of Amerlcaa Magiclana, actsimpesled by laaneT There may be a letter advertised for you.


lOCKNEI TkiSDkal PisJitiig SMs Faataeaa Theotar BnlMlae. SAN FRANCISCO. t'aatem Acta Managed WteL Watem Acts

Managed RoaL Rurkner’a Circuit of Moving Picture Theaters.

First one opened lucrasefuHy si Napa. Calif. Otb- <va aeon to open.

sow owe Tffnt

JHooi'cuc'ti// //(Otd/u

Sad amd dou/B/ica^yo

CU adlieadAS' uhtceeSandSOt- Pyoevhea Suffers—Sand os 2S cents to pay

peotage and packing. Mention dealers namo aod wo will send yon a SO cent botUo Fftpi Saloonien Wanted.

OliNSO CHEMICAL CO. St. Joooph, Mo.


40 Xtie Billboard MARCH 13, 1920

who comes along. Remember that the will lead his congregation to heaven give the other fellow a chance to con- town which is bad for you may be Instead of to drcamlaml—knows how vlnce you as you would eonvlnce him. good for the other fellow, while the sleepy and dead and ix*ples8 . the If something la wrong with your show town which the other fellow finds un- music In the average church Is. The and your opinions as to the fault are favorable may be a winner for you. idea of the average church la to set a miles and miles apart, don’t be afraid

Vt'hat’s the answer? high and mighty standard and then to reason with the other fellow—be nin>w.. D-KK 1.4 CO-OPERATION—end It try to educate the people up to It. open to conviction.

Tlie Blllboara Puoilsning Company, , must come soon or later. That’s what they do in music. It’s a Maybe after getting together you will 4 would ir..'ar. a great deal In the Idea^ but it doesn’t work. Choirs learn you are both wrong, and, as a

smoothing of life’s rough passages. Italian and French result, you wMII find the solution at a So let’s make 1320 a Good Turn year. j^„d other foreign languages. Perhaps point which both of you failed to see.

^ it Is just as well that they do, for no- 1A2Z music enters the church. Sounds body knows what they are singing and do those who are always J strange, doesn’t It? Nevertheless nobody would know If most of them wY knocking the profession think that’s the plan of Rev. Dr. G. S. Lack- sang In English. the stage door or the show lot Is a de¬ land, pastor of the Grace Methodist “ ‘Jazz works perfectly as a lubricant slrable place when sollcting funds for Episcopal Church of Denver for getting for sin-stiffened Joints on the glaring- charity? his congregation to attend, according U' lighted pleasure paths that lead to WONDER If the fellow who gets

angry at every little problem church, and it has proved so success- 8^*6 hesitating at the straight and nar- v^-hlch at first seems difficult to solve

...1 ^ ^ would not be row path that leads to heaven? The roaUzes that as long as he keeps his onoy gtrMtt exchange says, adding: use of the Jazz band In church proba- temper he Is not bis own worst enemy?

* “Tt went over big,’ Dr. Lackland Wy will be condemned all the way declared. ‘They simply ate It up. There from the convent to the penitentiary, have been borne rtlticlsms, I under- but It will make the church services stand, but none of them has come to more attractive and more enjoyable,

direct. The persons who com- and I say the time has comif for the plained were net at the open forum chgrch to Jazz up.*"

Billfi^oard TH£ SHOW WOaUi UfCTCMFEDlA

llboard Publishing Co W. H. DONALDSON. PCBUCATION OrnCB:

Billboard BolkUag, SS-27 0(>arm PUca, Otoflnnatl. Ohio, • • • • « 17. & A.

Ixtnc-Dlatssra leiepbOM, Casai S06S. Prirate BzchaDsa, conaectlac all departjiu

Cable Addreaa (ttoglatere^, '‘BUlybor


HEW YORK amSwsj Md Fy>r^foxir«> Straat. aaoood floor to an exchange. Dr. Lackland has en- perdition. Why not use It to limber

rataam 'Broadway. a negro Jazz, band to play at his up the Joints of the multitudes who

CHICAGO UoBroa aad 1

aa. Cantral

8T. LOUIS OOibla Bldg., sao Obeatant Street.

Ijeas-Dlataaca Phone. OUre 173$.

SAN FRANCISCO 6C8 Hmnboldt Bank Bnndlag.

■PBCIAL BEPBESEKTATZVHSi Kaaaaa City, 1117 Commerre Bnililinc, Ptione

M. SflST. BaitlmoTC, 924 Bqaltable Bnlldlng. ybeaa Bt. Panl 1478. Waaliloattin, I>. C..., m Poat BolMlns, Pbone Main 3.307, Pblladel- yhla. less Olenwood Are. Phone Tioga 86C5. Oaaaha, Nab.. 210 llraiMlvia Theater BoilUlc^.

IBBCVD WBHKLT aad entered a« acoono- claaa mall matter at poat-offlee, Oiartanatl, Ohio.

ADVERTIMNO RATBB—Forty rente per Uaa, agate meaauremest. Whole iieve. $2^; half page. $140; qaarter page, $70. No adrcrtlaemaift mearonng le^t than font llnea aecapted.

t«at adrertlitng form goea to preta 12 If. llowlAy.

STBSCBirriON: OM Taar .$3.00 Biz Montba .1.7S Thraa Ifoatha . 1.00

Parable la Adraace.

THS BITiLIBOARZ) la for aalt «a all trtuta end nrwtttanda tbmont ratted Etitea and Oaaada wtaleh are nppUed hr the American Nawa Oo. and Ita brancaea. It la alno on aale at Breotano'a. 37 Areoae de I'Oitera, Paiia, Franca, aad at Oorrlage’a Amarlraa Neira Agancr. 17 Oreen Btreet, Lelceater Square, lioedoB. W. O. When aot on eale pleaee notifr this oflica.

Bemittancca ahonld be made by post-office or erpresc money order, or registered letter, addreaaed or made payable to The Billboard PebUablag Oampany.

Tka aditor caa not aadertabe to return ua- e''l-ited manuforlptc. OorreapondeDta aboald keep copy.

The Billboard reaerres the right to edit an adrerttalBg copy.




Vol- XXXI1. MARCH 13. No. 11

Editorial Comment \

THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Just when the countrj’ is being entertained by t^e i^t>ctacle of a

fugitive from arrest Indul^ng thru his lawyers in long distance biirter with the authorities as to the amount of ball under which he will con¬ descend to surrender himself in a live-milllon-dollar bond theft case, the presentation of Eugene Hrieiix’s savage connnentar>’ on PTench Judi¬ ciary methods of twenty years ago, “The Letter of the Law,’’ comes with appositeness. In tlie '.''•iticisHris of the play stress has been laid on the fact that it Is “FYench” In all its aspects. Nothing could be wider of the mark. With a \ ery slight change in location and the official posi¬ tions of the characters the storj- could fit perfectly into our own Ameri¬ can life. It is easy to locate the mote In a neighbor’s eye and not see the beam In our own optica.

Here at borne the Judicial ermine has been sufficiently besmirched by politician magistrates and Judges thru money' corruption, pressure from rich interests and greetl for political advancement that the at¬ tack made by M. Brieux on the French system might with good effect be directed to our own household. That the proces."ma of the law’ and the exercise of Its functions have fallen into contemptible disrepute In the public mind in this country is clearly displayed by the bicter enthusiasm with which references in the dialog of “The Letter of the Law’’ to thd difference of application of the law In the case of rich and poor are greeted by’ the audience.

“But I thought the law was free,” says the old mother of the In¬ nocent man on trial for his life.

’ “It is,” replies the retired Judge, who finds It eaey to be perfectlj Just since he has left the bench, “it is free—after you get it.”

And a roar of approval comes from the auditorium. AmericanR at large are convinced that If you have money enough

and power enough j’ou can do anything y'Ou please and the law will nol touch you. Case after case in which powerful malefactor.s e.scape while the poor end friendless are punished lend foundation to the contiction.

For those who think and who are willing to admit the truth of w'hat they see and courageous enough to apply it to domestic conditions there Is a big field for serious reflection in the Brieux play’.

It is high time we woke up to the fact that we have enough soiled linen of our own to cleanse without going abroad for material for the Monday morning wash. Every lawyer, every judge, every politician and e\ery voter should see “The I^etter of the” At least the voter might learn something to his ow'n and the nation’s profit from It.

3, H. r.—W« are wider the ImpreealM tbat Mand Odell U In England at preaent.

A A. R.—<!) Tom, Owen, Matt and Joe at* the four Moore brotbera. (2) Yea. Florenze Walz la the wife of E*rle Williams.

Geo. H. W.—^Tbe Connectlrnt State Fair w»a held at Berlin, Conn., September 22-27, 1019. L. W. Ggatkln waa aerretnry.

.Mnple—Harry Hondinl la a preaent In Loo, don. Rnkiaixi. and la prepwlng a ttmr <rrer tba Moss Time.

G. O. B.—Hrla Iloer la at jiresent playing In Hnrtott’a production, “Orer Bnndajr’* la London.

Beader—^Tbe old Lyrema llieater atood at Hrrtadway and Broome atrecta. New York la 1S62.

Z. I. Z.—<X) Cddle Cantor la ttlU with tbo Ziegfeld FoIIiea. O) It la bellered the Fol’tea la booked at Cleavland for tbo week of Mar<-i> 16.

L. g.—Hi) WUliam Vknraa waa bora la IRTS. r?) (Hire Whit* la bia wife. Bbc waa bia leading woman when li« played la atock pro- dnctlooa In Clereland aoma ycara ago.

M. E. Bell—(1) MrOartby A Fliher. 201 W. •Wth atreet. New York, are the poWMiera of “I’ll Dam-e My Way Right Ba^ to Dixie¬ land.’' (2) The w*»r<la are by Grant Clarke and tte nruale by Billy 'Baekette.

3. A Z.—Ton are right. Mary Miles Minter played in ••the Llttleat Rebe4’' with William an<1 Pnstln Farnnm. Ber real name la Shelby, iiruier which she Played When ahe first went on the t>tage.

Nntt—Marqnla de Canz, Signor NlcoUnl, and Baron rederetrom, reepectlTely, were the ho^ b:iiid8 of ‘Madame Adelina Path, famom prlma donna. She w.ta divorced from her first kns- band and the second died.

Mlae B.—-til B. H. Botbem created the rd# of RndoiiMi RaMtend.m la “The Maoner of Zendn.’’ (2) ''PVishlon’’ waa one of the very flret (If aot tha drat) Aaterleaa pUyn prodneod in London.

Otittlmer—(1) Accoisllng 'Jt records T. tk

WITH the outdoor season of 1920 ^ right before us, a subject of con- ♦

eiderable import to tented organiza----.

tlons Is “desirable lots." meeting A lot of those who were We suppose 1? Dr. Lackland con- How many of you showmen to which there did not know’ what jazz music tinues with his plan his church hero- V* ?2i mio

this editorial Is applicable ever stopped until thev heard It at my church, after will be known as “The House of Ricgling. the cit^ proprleteir. died March

to consider why “desirable” lots are j ^ lot ©f requests to con- Jazz." 31. ’»li- He w*« 62 yeara of ag* aad sot $3 difficult to secure, and. In some In- tinue It-’ ** atate. _

ci^stoncM^?under any cir Lackland’s Idea that some- ¥P THE fellow who keeps telling you QUESWOKS & AKffWERS XABCE 1$ --rC®

Surely there must be a reason, or Iblng must be to liven up the what he has done and what he is .ujer’Btarte<r*Mj ^^eer^n* H^rtfoidT Owm.. more than one for that matter. church service. The music in most going to do really meant what he says b'e hoaie town. Be <Ud a aong aad dance.

Where is there an agent who has churches, he insists, tends to put the there would be more accomplished. That thi*’tea‘m^ niime’”of’*l^wtoa"aBd*S*^^ not time and again had this all Im- congregation to sleep, while a jazz or- ©Id machine of his called "life” goes on (hia family name). They w*t* with th* portant statement hurled at him by chestra, he thinks, would waken every aliout three cyllmiers most of the time, Rvreka SJlnatrcl*. Mr. Lot Owner; one up and put the worshipers In a Rometimes hitting and sometimes miss- ——

“The last show did not leave the lot more receptive mood for the sermon, jng. and for tiie most i)art he Is con- ..I’ ^ Napoleon PbjJ- m the condition promised; It failed to “‘Jazz music woke up France,’ de- tent as long as she keeps going. Sue- !»<■,•.>. m Cntvadoa. France, tt la aald be wrote clean It up and It ooct me more to do ©lared the pastor, 'tt'hy not use It to cess Is a long, steep hill s netimes, ■* ••renteen. Among this than the rental price I charged the Vake up the church? Let’s wake them and seldom made on life’s three cylii^ “RoS^mJr^^'^riftJr^i^ show. No more shows on my lot.” yp some real music—music that ders. * Mnrry Carww; “_Vag<u,’‘ a trontiatioo;_

There’s one of the main reasons, Mr. has pep, a punch and a kick, and Showman. which will put them In a frame of rpnE fellow that finds hie surest com-

If you haven’t the time to get s’our mind to appreciate the blessings of ^ J. jj, surrender of what the to clean up, hire some one religion. Ninety per cent of the world calls “set Ideas” is on the right to do It; It win be a few dollars well churches in the United States are us- ^rack. 'Hie one that becomes obsessed spent Ing Jazz music today, but they don't the notion that his own view-

We congratulate the showman who know It ‘They are using a poor brand, point alone is correct seldom hnds has paid particular attention to this While we are at It we might as well peac© of mind or contentment under iing.nroa.’ aod Oia Btroum A Bailey OomWne' subject. I have good Jazz. gny circumstances. ‘The man with the

Another thing which has done the “ ‘Anybody who has slept thru a “set” vlewiioint seldom works In har- outdor show world no good is this: church service—and the sleeping per- mony with those about him.

If you play a town and It happens centage Is enough to make any min- It is well and good to form your own to be anything but favorable, don’t of the gospel lie awake nights opinion, because Individual opinion make it iniserable for the next fellow tr/lng to Improve hit service eo U shows horse sense, but don’t overdo It;

Duel.'* In wbirb Otia Oklnnar ^rred daring d>* eeaaoa of 1006-’07 and otben.

Marriages lirRNBTT-ANTBLL — Mtyw Bnrnett first

vlullulat at Mnnr^’a Tbeater, Saattl*, waaM, and rv-alla Antcll. wcri- married rev«itly. .

nrp'I'ON-ni.IJKrrT—Nat Barton, of Rlnfc D*.l

(Ontinued on page 61)


MARCH 13, 1020


SOME old Grecian nrna In the on a vitlt to America. This, I believe. To get down to brass tacks, the rca* What could more eloquently describe nritish Museum are numerous flg« about 1858. son the manager does not give the the status of the dumb act? Mr. Aero*

ures depicting the religious dances of equestrian porformarce of dumb act a better spot, or more money, bat or Mrs. Juggler, you are simply re- * , ® . whl<‘h I have ony record was giv^'n in is because he doesn’t have to, for ho giirdod as a cheap flll-ln act. to bo used

the ancients, i. lany queer postures and jj,iingtou. Borland, In 1767, by rhilip ican get all he wants cheap. Add to only to open or close thq show. Under unusual positions are assumed by the who learned feats of horseman- tliat the fact that on an eight-act bill present conditions there is but little dancers. In fact, many of them are nhip while serving in the British army, he uses only one, or, perhaps, two nov- inc»*ntive to practice long and arduous sufficiently supple to qualify as modern But it was nearly a century later bo- city acts, and, if necessary, he can dis- hours to acquire perfection in a novelty circus contortionists. One In partlcu- really great bareback riders pense with these, for he has trained act. for no' matter what wonderful 1- r mv nttention for hf* modern times arrived. Mollie Brown his audience to expect more or less feats j^ou may accomplish, you can

^ ' w 1 1 equestrienne to turn a monotony, and a continual repetition only get the opening or closing spot at to be performing an acrobatic trick ^ynersault on the back of a running of singing and dancing is apparently a small salary. which I can only’ describe by calling horse. James Robinson, one of the not considered detrimental, e\’en if the That is why we no longer see the It a cross between a *!mber and an greatest of all riders, was the first to great vaudeville public eventually’ does big family troupes performing hasard- Arab tlnslki. This, and other evidence, remove the bridle and girth and turn bdeome blase and lose Interest. ous and thrilling tricks, as in years

impels me to believe that the first aero- somersault on R bareback horse. From all corners of the world the *>>'• * seen many acrobats bat. or ground trumbler. was evolved J^^n RIsley was the first to lie on his hordes pour In to sweU the ranks of

, » ♦». ... b»<‘k ana Juggle another numan being novelty acts In America. Africa sends •• double somersault, only to find out out of the religious dances of the an- America and ap- her Arab troupes, Asia sends her Chi- had they served the same length

dents. peared in I^ondon for tiie first time in nese and Japanese troupes, and Europe time to a plumber, mechanic or The ancient dancers attained the 1824 in this style of performance, ns- sends them galore from every country, pickpocket they would have derived

acme of grace and agility, if we are to lug two small boys. That was the But they do not send us an approximate more benefit from a financial point believe the engravings and carvings origin of what we today call Rlsley number of singing and talking acts to view. handed down to us on urns, vases, work. counterbalance the effects of the in- Regarding the foreign acts, it works cameos, tablets etc. Frequently ono Jaires 11. Madlgan was the first ta rush, for It is only the language of the practically the same way. For

of the dancers 'would probably sacri- *"un a double somersault over a num- dum^b act that Is universal, and they wlfh flpe hPAiitv and rhvtbm nf mntinn and of elephants. .Mexandcr Patti wos rH flock to America. Add to these our America with an act featuring a >niTi tt'hir! and .rv-rafa flaraoiv ahnnt fn Jump down Stain? on hls owu native American novelty perform- triple somersault to the shoulders, dou- spln, whirl and gyrate fiercely about in Takyo Namba was the ers, and you have a vast surplus cf ^’t®® “P to three high, etc. Now. the a mad endeavor to excel hls contem- Jump up. .Alfred Arm son was novelty acts. And It Is always the fiu®ber of acts that can play the big

_ . . .. time is comparatively small, so in order to live Mr. Dingbat is compelled to accept the small and medium time for hls act. which often involves the necessity of doing foig: shows a day. But the Dingbat Troupe wasn’t created for four performances a day, fbr, re¬ member that they have but arrived from Europe, where they played the Winter Garden, Berlin; the Kaiserliche Gardens, Riga; Circus Medrano, Paris, and other places, staying for months at a time and presenting one perform¬ ance each night. In that one perform¬ ance they gave their audience the best that was in them, for in Europe novelty acts are featured But now they arc confronted by the specter, “four a day,” with two of them to empty bouses. What do they do about it? The answer is perfectly obvious. They cut! And


ing the eighteenth century, and with DUT from the department of dumb j. j t. * 1. tw . .... orlty by’ using one as a club against if one would aor Shaken i*eare and In-

^ ^ other. Students of economy recog- terpret the fines properly, while most of tccth. Kof Under the head- nlze this as a capitalistic prerogative novelty artists can’t even read Shakes-

boMnAM •’dumb acts.” or ’Tiovelty acts.” whenever a surplus of labor exists, peare. And In every field of Industry the First E i «^ the present-day esars cf vaudeville How eminently successful tho method the brain worker is respected more

mp re. have relegated all those of us who per- proved In this case is reflected In the than the muscle worker. TTicre was a French baby, however, aerial, acrobatic, wire, contortion, greeting I recently heard a stage mana- it therefore devolves upon exponents

who surpassed this lady, for the little pquiubrlstlc. Juggling, or any other K*'*’ extend to a team of gymnasts on of the dmnb H*t to aspire to higher* one is reputed to tove walked on a . ••silent" act ’That the nov- «'<*mlng to the theater, vlx.: "Youse mental planes if they would overcome tight rope before ehe could walk on oerformcr has a grievance none ®P®" de «how. Take de dressing the existing prejudice and oppression, the ground. I admit that this sounds ^ ^ snot next to Ber boiler room; it’s got And assert yourself! Remember you rather like press agent stuff, but the ‘I*® water in it.” are Just as ^>d, iK-rhaps better, than fact remains that this little one be- on the bill, the lowest salary, the worst . , . , , mfnrimm in the came fnmnna AnnnvVi ♦/» napfnrm in mom the i(>aiit hilline the ^ laying oot a vRudevllle bill the the single man who tells stories in th

! enough to perform, in dres.^lng room, the Kgst billing the ^ , jj to closing spot, for you’ve got to

1ml:, ® f" assembly of Klngs-the poorest route. In return for which he Perchance ft will be one of do something to get by. allied sovereigns of Europe. performs the most ddlicult and dan- hlgh-salarl?d “singles” that tesU- The status of the dumb act today re-

But probably tho best known of them gerous set on the bill. before the Federal Investigation, fleets but little credit upon us. If we all was Blondin, who. In the middle of And what Is the cause of this de- The salary of this “star” alone may are to rise we must emancli»te our- the last century, talked across Niagara plorable condition? Reasoning in log- consume half of the allowance of the selves. You or I can not do It alone. Falls three times on a tight rope, once leal'sequence from cause to effect we entire bill, so lh» booker says: “We’ll but organized effort and Intelligent co¬ pushing a wheelharrow, once blind- are confronted by’ tho Inevitable eco- simply have to economize on the r*‘St operation will bring results. So wake folded, and once carrying a man on hls nomic problem, the lnexorabk> law of of the bill by puting in a cheap open- up. Mr. Acrobat. Aerlallst. Juggler, shoulders. One of these exhibitions supply and demand, which determJneil Ing and closing act. Just pencil In Equilibrist, Sharpshooter, Pantomimiat, was given before the late King Ed- the salary and working conditio,:s In Woofus Ben All’s Arabs to close and and find your lo^cal and rightful place ward, then Prince of Wales, who wojs every branch of IndustiY. Bhump and Phall to open.” In the sun.

I ' • CaftoB. nert>ert (Keith) Dejrton, 0. Dnk^ * Dncht^a (Grand) Brenirllle. Ind.; ^ OoffiMD A CerroU (Ubertj) lincoln, Ncl>.S (Grand* 8t. I»nle 15-20.

1 Y k. (OKH>«) Kansas CUT 16-17. Dnnhar, 0. At M. (Keith) Boatnn. A I ll / A Kll 1a Coghlan. Bose (Maryland) BaltUnore; (KeUt) Ddncan * Catlar (MnJeaHc) Daltae, Ter.; (Ma. /\ I ll/ l \ |\1| r nsIP PWUdelphle 1.V20. Jeetlo) Hunaton MW20. #1 I y V r\l iV ll J Coleman. Cltodla (Paleee) Pt Warne, Ind. Dunedin, M. it J. (Koyal) New T»k. K. f A MA 1 CoUne. Belene. Oa. IIa>ew) Hoboken, N. J. Dunham Klwards (Amertcnn) New Tort.

Colllna A Dunbar (I'alaoei I't. Wayne. Ind.; Dutbma, The (Orphenm) Kansas City; (Orphe- lo wwtrnmta th.1. .tala, to tMa • --- - - (Grand) London. Can.. 15-17. mn) Dee Molnea. la.. 16-20.

Columbia A Victor (Keith) Indianapolis; (Keith) Eckhoflf A Gnnhm (loofe) Toronto • proTM are kwUad. ^ ClnrlnnaP 16.=0. ' Edwa^ Gue. A Co (Orpheum) Mlnnenpolla;

of The BUlboard. and It wui be fOrwardMl ytnapUy. Comfort A Kinc (Majestic) Dallas Ter.; (Ma. Duluth W-2a , _ Jeetlc) Houston 16-20. Electro A Go. (Globe) Kansas Otty; (CryaUl)

Jradley A Ardlne (Orpbeum) Los Anfelet; (Or- Ooncentratloa (DeKalb) Brooklyn. 8t. Jo^ph. Mo.. 16-17. pheum) Halt Lake City 16-20. Cooley, Harry A Etta (Koyal) Ran Anto&lo, Ellnore A WlllUmi (Iteyal) New York; (Bnsh-

Brmdners. The (American) New Tort. Tex.: (Wichita) WlchlU Kalla 16-20. wick) Brooklyn 16 20. Brads, The (Princess) Wlrtlta Kan.; (l^rlc) Connolly, B. A J. (Orpheom) I.Idoo1d. ??«>. Elliott. Fted ((’-an.'l Dn’uth, Minn,

Oklahoma City. Ok,. 1&-17. Conrad, Bd A Birdie (iMaJesUc) IJrtle Bock, ElHs. Mkno. (ilale«tlr) Honeton. Tex.; (Mt- Breen Kamlly (Keith) Phlladelptl*; (Maryland) Art. Jestlc) San Antonio IB-eo.

Baltimore 1.6 2u Cook. Mortimer A Barrey (Gttrlck) Pt. Lntil#. Elrey Slaters (Bijou) Laualntf, .Jlcb.; (Strand) Brendel A Burt (Empress) Tulsa. Ok.; (T.yrlc) Cook. Joe (Royal) New York; (Colonial) New Stflnaw 1.6 17.

Oklahoma City lB-17. Vork 15-20. Emerson A Baldwin (Psiace) Clilcafo Brennan A Rule (Itlncess) 'Montreal. CfK>prr A Valll (Hlpp.) T^rtlind, Ore. Emmy’s, Karl, Pets (Majestic) San Antonin, BrUnts The (Keith) Indlanaiwlla; (Keith) Cln- Ooo,ier A Ricardo (Orpheum) SL Paul; (Orphe- Tex.; (Majestic) Anatln l»-2().

cmna’tl 15 20. um) Dnluth 15-20. Brfottl’a liDptitlans (Maleatic) Honaton, Tex.; Brice, l.ew. Co. (Orpheum) Lincoln. Neb. Cooper. Harry (Oriibenm) Fresno, OaL; (Oi* ((Majestic) San Antonio 16-20. Brlerre A King (Empress) Tulsa, Ok. pheum) Los Angeles 15-20. Ermlule Slaters (Ulpp.l Tcr'e Ilante, Ind. Brighton. K.-aak (CoKjnlal) Erie, Ps. Cornell, Leona A Klppy (Palace) New HartB. Errol, Bert (Shea) Toronto; (Prioceaa) Mon- Briscoe A Ranh (Princess) 'Montreal. Conn. treal 15-20. Briscoe, Ie.ttle (Keith) Cincinnati, O.; (Kefth) Corner Store (Strand) Saginaw, Mich.: (nb- Errol, Leon (Keith) Philadelphia; (Keith)

Dayton 1.6-20. gcnt) Kalamazoo 15-17. Wathlngton, 15-20. Brlssons, The (Fulton) Brooklyn, Corson, Cora Youngblood Octette fMary Ander- Eape A Dutton (Keith) Indianapolis; (BIpp.) Britt. Jimmy (Prince) Houston Tex. son) LoalsriUe; (Keltn) Icdianapolls, ln(L, Youngstown, O., 15-20. Britton, F. A M. (Keith) Providence, B. L 16-20. Evans A Wilson (Poll) Wateibury. Conn. Bread. Billy (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind.; (Re- Ooacla A YenM (Bljon) Blnnlngham, A)n. Brerest’a. Robert. Monkey IHiipodrame (Em-

p»nt) Kaluiuazoo, Mich., 15-17. Courthope, Jane (Keith) Toledo. O. _ press) Chicago; (Majestic) Waterloo, la., 18- Brooks, Sbelton. Oo. (Orpbehm) Winnipeg. Can.; Oonrtrey. Fay (Orpheum) Denver; (Orpbetnn) 2o.

(Orpheum) Victoria 16-20. Lincoln, Neb.. 18-20. Everest’s, Robert, Novelty Clrcna: Bethlehem. Brooks. Peggy (Oip’.eOEi) Jackaon, Mich. Crawford A Broderick (IIIpp) Cleveland; (Davis) Pa., 8; Pottsvllle 11; Derby, Conn., 16; Brown A Jackson (C^tocl il) Ix-gansport, Ind. Plttabnrg 15-20. Toningtoo 18; Norwalk 22. Browne, 'Bothwell. A Girls (Orpheum) St. Txmta; Creedon A Walsh (Orpheum) Green Bay, Win. Extra Diy (Orpheum) Denver; (Gtplieam) Ua-

(Mxjestic) Chicago 15-20. Creighton, B A J. (Orpheum) Memphla (Orphe- coin. Neb., 18-20. ~ ~ ~ --—Mchl- nm) New Orleana lB-20. Ibiber Bros. (Prlnceaa) San Antonio. Tex.

15- Cre< Is Fashion Plate (Keith) Indianapolis. Fhllon A Brown (Keith) Coinmbus, U.; (Colon- Creole Reme (PIsaa) Worcester. Mass. lal) Erie, Pa.. 15-20. Creasy A Dayne (Or^eum) Omaha, Neh.; (Or- Pay, Eva, Om (Palace) Clarkabtirg. W. Va.;

pheum) Des Moines, la., 15-20. (Strand) Sharon. Pa.. 14-20. Cross A Sartoro (Palucel St. Paul; (Grand) Fenner, Walter, Co. (I’antagcs) Spokane; (Paa-

(Or- Duluth 15-17. tagea) Seattle 15-20. (Nillen, James (Orpheum) ^t. Jjovin. Fenton A Fields (Kaith) Boston. Curio Shop (Palace) MinneapoUs; (Palace) St. Fergoaon. Dave, Co. (Empress) ’Tulsa, Ok.;

Paul 16-17. (Crystal) Rt. Joseph. Mo., 15-17. Ilae A Nerllle (iLoew) Hamilton. (Jan. lyrn, BUkely A Smith (Roller Skating Clrcns) Daly. Vinie (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) R»- Oklahoma ClQr. Ok., 11-13; Wichiu. Kaa..

Chester, S. Y., 15-20. 16-20. Damarel, George A Myrtle ValU (Palace) Bock- Perns A Lttt ((Mrdcn) Kansaa (Jity.

ford, lU. Fields A Wells (Orpheom) Chauipalgn, HI. . Flnk’a Mn>s (Hlpp.) Terre Ilante, Ind.; (Or-

pbenm) Champaign, III.. 16-17. milTF nilTI IN fiaSF you HAVP ntaglUbon. Bert (Orvhenm) I^ Angeles; (Or

When no date la given the week of March 3-13 ie to be aupplied.

Abbott, Pearl, Oo. (Loew) London. Can. -Cdnir, Jean, Co. (Majestic) Chicago; (Or-

pbeuui) St. Louis 16-20. Adams A Haggard (Bljon) Batlle Cteek, Mlcb.;

(St-and) Raglnaw 15-17 Adolphus A Oo. (Hlpp.) 'Baltimore. Ahearn. Cbaa., Oo. (Keith) Lowell, Blass.;

(Keith) PortUnd. Me.. 15-20. Alex, Three (Garden) Kansas dty. Alexander Kids (Orpheum) Vancoover, Can.;

(Orpheum) Seattle, Wash., 15-20. Alfred, Jack, Trio (Orpheum) Jackson, Mich.;

(BUou) I-anilng 15-17. Alice Tedd.v Oi. (Iltpp.) ITuntlngtrm, W. Va.;

(Herald 8q ) Stcnbenvllle. O., 16-17. All-Amerlcac Four (Cozy) Houston. Tex.. Indef. Allen, Clifford A Barry (Garrick) St. Tools. Allen. Nora, Oo. (ITlncesa) Wichita, Kan. Altboff KlKters (Palace) Rockford, Ill.; (Pal¬

ace) Moline 15-17. Ambler Bros. (Orpbenm) Sicnx City, Ta. Ames A Wlnthrop (Oiphenm) Fan Franclaco;

(Orpbenm) Oakland 16-20. Anioros Sisters (KIvereMe) New York. And Son (Orpbenm) Winnipeg, Can,; (Orpheum)

Victoria 1(5-20. Anderson A Burt (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma¬

jestic) Hontton 16-M. Brown's Hlghlandera (Liberty) Lincoln, Neb, A’-gel A Fuller (Empress) Decatur, Ill.{ (Ma- (Empress) Omaha 15-17.

Je-tlc) SprlngdpM 1S-17. Buch Bros. (Family) LafsTCtte. Ind. Antrim. Harry (McVlcker) Chicago. Bodd, Ruth (Orpheum) Lincoln, 'Neb. Aroo Bros. (Broadway) Hpiingfield, Mass. pheum) Omaha 15-20. Armstrong, Paula (Terrace Gardena) Chicago, P.nrke, Mabel, Co. (Majeatlc) Chicago.

indef. ISnrke Broa A Kendall (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.; Arnant Broa. (Broadway) Muskogee, Ok.; (Ma- (Princess) Wichita 16-17.

Jestlc) Ft. Worth, Tex.. 15-20. Burkhardt, Maurice (Orpheum) Victoria, Can.' Arnold, Jack A Eva (Miller) Mllwankee. Burns A Garry (Liberty) Cleveland. Aaorla Trio (Grand) 8t. Lonlt. B)irns A FValdto (Orphenirl Fresno, OaL; (Or- At tbe Turn Pika (Orpheum) Champaign, HL; pheum) Loa Angeles 15-20.

(Empress) Decs'nr 15-17. Avallons. Five (National) New Yort. Avey A O’Neil (Orpbeum) Seattle; (Orpheum) '

Portland 15-20. Ayres, Grace, A Bro. (Orpheom) Des Molnea,

la. Raker, Bert, Oo. (Palace) (Jhlcagw. Baker. Phdl (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum) .

ItortUnd 15-20. PskeT, Pe'-le (Orpheum) Brooklyii; (Royal) New

Yrrk 16-20. Ball, Raa E.. A Brb. (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) ,

Toronto 15-M. B.ill t T;lo (Shea) Toronto; (Princess) ifontreal

15-20. Bankoff. Ivan, Oo. (Orpheom) Denver; (Orphe-

nm) XJncoIn, Neb., 18-20. Raraban A Grobs (Orpbenm) Portlaoil, Ore.;

(Orpheum) Fan Francisco 16-20. r,.i.lictte (Temple) Rochester, N. Y.; (Shea)

P-ffalo 15-20. Barlett, Smith A Sherry (Bljcn) New Haven,

Conn. Barnes A Freeman (Loew) Montreal. Can. Barnes, Stuart (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or¬

pbeum) St. Paul 16-20. Barry, Mr. A Mrs. J. (Bnshwlck) Brooklyn;

(Itoysl) New York 16-20. Barry, Lydia (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum)

New Orleans 16-20. B'sll, Lynn A R<iwland (Orphenm) Vancouver,

Can.; (Orpheum) Seattle, Wash.. 15-20. Bayes A R"eck ((jlohe) Kansas CUty; (Crystal)

St. Joseph. Mo., 16-lT. rce—--. Wa'-e l'_ ". ly) Lafayette, Ind. Beginning of the World (Majestic) Dallas,

Tex.; (Majestic) Houston 16.20, Bell A Eva (Empress) Des Moines, la. Bell. Adelaide, Co. (Bijou) Battle Creek,

Mich.; (Recent) Kalamazoo 15-17, Bennett Twins (loew) London, Can. Bennett. I.urn. t’j. (Orpheum) Jackson, Mich.;

(Bijou) Lansing, 15-17. Benulnglon & Scott (Crystal) St, Joseph, Mo.;

(Novelty) Topeka. Kan., 16-17, Benny, Ben K. (Orpheum) Vancouver, Oaa.;

(Ori)heum) Seattle. Wash., 16-20. Bensee A Baird (Orphenm) Des Molnea, la.; (Or¬

pbenm) Minneapolis 16-20. Tenwav, Ila-'ny (BiJ^n' Fncwllle, Tenn. Bernard A Merritt (Victoria) New York.

. Bernard A Meyers (I.oew) Dsyton, 0. Bernard A Duffy (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb. Bernle, Ben (Keith) Cincinnati; (Keith) Day-

ton 15-20. Ecrnlvlrl Bros. (Wichita) Wichita Falls, Tex.;

(.lefferson) Dallas 15-20. Berry, Harry, A Miss (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.;

(I’antagea) I os Angeles 15-20. Pctriin A Sixt n (Davis) Pittsburg; (Hlpp.)

rvveland 16-''0. JBmhos, The (Hlpp.) Baltimore.

eha-n Four (.11)1 .) I’nrt's-.d. Ore. Black. Ftnart, Co. (Yonge) Toronto. Can. r.hnk A O'Donnell (Oiphcum) Memphis; (Or-

l>!i“i"n) New Orleans 15-20. llldr A Crystal (Boulevard) New York, A Bohn (Hlpp.) Dallas, Tex. I’ '(la Trio (On)henm) Boston. B M.ileta (Broadway) Mnsko?(?e, Ok. Bouner A Powers (Hlpp.) Baltimore. Borden. E<I<lie (Majestic) Milwaukee. P-orrlui T:ou'e (Majestic), Ill.; (Pal-

n'C) M I'ne 1.6-17. Bostock’s Riding School (Oiphemn) Seattla;

(Orpheum) Portland 15-20. Bouncer. Billy (Gur-'.cV) Wilmington, Del. Boyarr Troupe (Bnshwlck) Brooklyn. ) or ’''I. .’einne lO.rhcuiii) South B-nd, Ind. B'vntz. Selma (Globe) Kansas City; (Crystal)

St. Joseph 16-17. M thoney (Orphenm) Madison. WIs.

Bracks. Seven (Eejth) Boston; (Keith) Provi¬ dence 15-30.

'sasga Foley A lATour (Shea) Toronto, lull FoUia Girls (Keith) Dayton. O.

Fior PUy’a Sake, with Thomas Dmay (Orphenm) Fresno, Cal.; (Orpheom) Log Angelea 1.6-27.

Fotbes, Claire (Orpheum) Kansas <Mty; (Or¬ pbenm) Des Molnea, la., 16-20.

Py»pd, Johnny. A Maids (Orpheum) New Orleans. "_ Ftord A Crma (Orpheum) Salt Lake tity; (Or-

^eum) Denver 15-'J0. , Ford Sister" A ^ (IMltce) Chicago, tMaJertlc) ; Mllvrankee 16-ao

Fbrest, B. Kelly (RUIto) Chicago. t'onft A Church (On>beam) Waco, Trx.; (Roy¬

al) San Antonio 16-20. Fox, WIU H. CHlpp.) DaTIaa. Tex.

* Ft>x, Harry. Co. (Colonial) New York. Foyer, Eddie (Keltb) Philadelphia; (Maryland)

Baltimore, 16-'20. Frnbri, Carl A Emma (McYlcker) Chlcacr^. Francea. Ema a Araba (IMU) Br1dgei*ort. Ohiii. IVances A Fox (Grand) Rt. l>nais.

' Fredericks A Palmer (Prince) Houston, Tex. lYecman A Lewis (PalSi-e) Superior, WIs. Ftewley A Louise (Palace) Chkago; (>fa-

Jeetlc) Milwaukee 15-30 FYlganza, Ttlxle (Ibyal) ~

. wick) Brooklyn 15-20. Gabberts Duo (Majestic) SprIngSeld, Ul.; (Em¬

press) Decatur 15-17. I- Gabriel, Master. Oo. (Orpheum) Kansna City. Keith) Galettl’a Monka (Crystal) 8t. Joaeph. Mo.;

(Novelty) 'Topeka. Kan., 15-17. Gallagher A Martin (Majestic) Chicago Gallons, Tbe (Koyal) Ran Antonio, Tex.;

(iVicbltai Wichita Ihlla 1,6-20. J®®" Gardner, Happy Jack tOrpheum) Waco, Tex.;

, (Royal) San Antouio 15-20. (Bui- OaxtoD, Wm. Co. (Keith) Bhiladelphla.

Gaylord A lU.ron (Bijoa) Laoalog, Mich.; (Bal- _ ace) Flint, 1.6 17.

; (Be- Geiger, John (Globe) Kaneas City; (Crystal) St, Joseph 15-17.

Genaro A Gold (Tajew) 'MontreaL maxoo, Geralds, The (American) New Yort.

Gere A Delaney (Garden) Kansas City, menm) Glllrn A MaUahy (I’alace) New Bayen. Conn.

Gillette. I.ucy (Kcit'il Washington. Gilroy Dolan A Carroll (Creacant) New Orleans. Girard, Harry (Wlcbita) Wichita Falla, Tex.;

(JefferaoD) Dallas 16-20. • Glason, Billy (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) r,o- t; (Gp- ciiester, N. Y., 15-20.

Glenn A Jenklne (Balace) New York; (Colonial) , New York 16-20.

, Tex.; Golem, Al, Tronpa (Yonge) Toronto. Golden Troupe (American) New York. Goldie, Jack (Loew) Dayton, O.

1) New Gonne A Albert (Orpbenm) Green Bay, WIs. Gordon A Day (Garrick) Wilmington, Del.:

. (Keith) Lowell. Maas.. 16-20. (Wien- Gord-m A Deliuar (Bijou) Lansing, Mlcb.; (Bal-

ace) Flint 15-17. at. I.; Gordon, John B., Co. (Foil) Bridgeport, Conn.

Gordone, R<4tble (Orpbenm) New OrlMna. Gould, Fhank (Orpleum) Sh'ux Falls. S. D.

a; (Al- Grant, Alf (Gartlck) Wilmington, Dels. _ Grapewln. (hias.. Co. (Orpheum) Ix>b Angeles; Raplda, (Ontbeum) Fait lalv City 16-20.

Gray, Nan (Orpheum)*^ Bortland, Ore.; (Orj+e- um) Ran Franclaco 15-20.

ort. Grazer A lyiwlor (ColoDlal) Detroit, ml. Green, Cliff (Warwick) Brooklyn.

Greene. Gene (Orpbenm) Dnluth, Minn.; fOr- (Orana) pheum) Winnipeg. Can., 15-20.

Grcmidler G-.lg (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y.; >L (Brir.ccss) M< ntreal 16 'O

_ . Grey A Kliimker (lioew) I/)ndon. Can. Gregorya, Three (Loew) iMontveal.

(Keith) tlrliun, Gerald. Co. (Boll) Rernnton. Pa. Grlndell A Bather (f.yric) Oklalioin:i City. Ok.

I. Cal.; Grove, Billy, A Matthew Slatera (Hose) bverrtt. Wash.; (Grand) Bellingham 14-16.

ea; (Or- Gruber’a Aniniala (Maryland) Baltimore; (Or¬ pbeum) Brooklyn, 16-20.

ulsvllle; Qruet, Kramer A (irnet (Columbia) Vanconter, Can.; (Hlpp.) Beattie. March 16-17.

'n, Tcz. Gnlran A Marguerite (Rialto) Ft Loula



’'-'M Hair; Irith Cewadiaa, Jew, Outsb- IB'B, $1.00, SI.75; Netrs. 7Se; Lady Wit. fl 75. $2.50; Hair Mustaekat ar Ckia Beard. 2Se taek. Tlfklt, Nsvsltiet, Catalseus k-es. Klippert, Mfr.. 44 Cseptr 8a., Nsw Yarfc.


MARCH IS, 1920 Tlie Billboard 43

Oycl A Vtrt!* (nipp.) ClercIaiMl. lUrkett A Frurla fRtanb) KnoxTllle, Telia, lull A Onilda (Orplieam) New York. * I'a I A f».ie. a -d (i.ialt.l rii>BC". Hall, Hob (Orpheam) lincola. Neb.; (Orpbeam)

Kanaaa Cltr 15-20. llallen A «oa« (Illni.) HalUa. Tea. iUm-BoDe-Jonea Co., with H. U. Cray and XJ,

UaUn (Strain) Jarksonrllle, Kla. Itantlt.n, AIK-e (Keith) ProTldenre, B. L; (Or-

fi'eani) Mro.klyn 1520. Ilamllton, Oene, Co. (PaUre) Brooklya.

< 0 A r -.rroB «Hece:.t» t u rp'O. Mich. Hammond A Moody (Kilato) St. loola. Hampton A Blake (Prlnceaa) San Antonto, Tcx. Ilar.i..', liana (Orpheuni) Madlaun, Wta. ilaniry A Frlta (Illpp.l Seattle. Uanlun, Bert (Ma]eet;c* Mllwankee; (Orpbe*

am) St. Loala 10-20. Ilaricaatie, J an (I.yrlr) Oklakoma City, Ok.;

(Kmfrra. 1 Talaa 15-17. Harrah A Mnlroy fWanrlck) Bmoklyii. Ilarriofton, Hazel, Co. (McVlcker) CblcagtK liar- a I’ rd iRl.Itol C'-.I a-«. Bairlaon, Minnie (Fnlton) Brooklyn, llarre/, lUaiy A C.ayce (Urand) Ht. Loula. Harrey A DeVora Trio (Fay) Borheater, N. Y.;

(Toow) I ndin, Ont.. Can., IJ- O Harrey, Oiick A Tlney (Ixewj New Kochetle,

N. Y. llaaa Uroa. (PanUgea) Spokane 14-20.

Ilawley. B. F.. Co. (Orpheom) New Y’ork, Hayden A Errelle (Orpheum) New Orleana. Hayei. Brent (Orpheum) MinneapoUa; (Orphe-

nm) Winnipeg. Can., 15-20. Haynee. Mary, C. (Broadway) Bprincfleld, (Maao. llaywa.d, l.arry, Co. (t:i;p.) Terre UkJite,

1-1. Healy. Ted (Cbionlal) Hetrolt. ileame, Edw. W. ll.lalt- ) 1 artne, Wla.; (Ked-

tie) Chicago 15-17: (Palace) Poekford 18-20. Hearn, Sam (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬

pheum) Denrer 15-20. Heart of Annie Wotal (Keith) Waahlngton. Uedley Trio (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto

1.V20. Helena. Edith (Rirlera) Chicago; (Alham¬

bra) Milwaukee 10-20. | Henry, Florence (Keith) Portland, Me. Herbert A Dare (Keith) Cincinnati: (Mary And-

ereon) LoalarlUe 15-^ Herbert, Hugh A Co. (Shea) Buffalo; (Slwa)

Tori nto l.VJO. Herleln, lilllan (MaleeMc) Ronatoo, Tez.; (Ma-

)eatlc) San Antonio 15-CO. lleriuan, Mme. (Temple) Buebeater, N. T. Herman A Shirley (Shea) Toronto; (Princeea)

Montreal 15-20. Hiatt. Lrneat (Bijoa) Laaaing, Mich.; (Palace)

Flint 16 17. Hodge A I.owelI (PaUcc) MlnneapoIU; (Palace)

St. Paul 15-17. Howard, Bert (Keith) Syracnae, N. Y.; (Hlpp.)

n»-e--^ O.. 1.5-20, Henrya. Flying (lioew) Dayton, 0. Ilerberta (Orphenm) Boaton. Herman A Clifton (MetmpollUn) Bmoktyn. Hickey Broa. (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬

pheum) Denrar 15-20. Hof'man. Oertmde (Majeetic) Ft, Worth, Tcx.;

CMaJeiitlc) Dalian 16<». Hoffman, Fred (Strand) Ithaca, N. Y., ll-lff;

Elmira 16-17: (Family) Bocheater ^S-20. rvi d y i Wlilet e (Cracd) St. Lonia. Holman Broa. (Poll) Worcester. Ma«a. Holmea A WelU (Majeatic) Auatln, Tex.; (Ma-

Jectlc) Little Bock. Ark.. 18-17. Holmes A LaTcre (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

Bocheater. N. Y.. 15-20. Howard. Kane A Marr (Oiphetrai) New York. Howard A LaVelle (RIaltol Chicago. ( Howa-d'a Ponies ((}clnmblai Datenpo^ It. Howard. Cbaa., A Co. (Orpheom) Wiimkxff*

Can.; (Oipheiiin) Victoria 15-20. llowaid, Clara (Temple) Kochestcr, K. Y.

(Ihrinceas) Montreal 15-20. Howard A Lewis (Empreaa) Decatnr, HL; (Ma-

• leatic) Springfield 15-17. Tlowe. WaPer, Cj. (Em-rea*) Dea Moines, la. Hodler, Stein A Ptillllpa (Orpheom) Kannaa

City; (Oriibeum) I>ea Molnen. la., IS-SOl niiffurd, Nick (Illpfi.) Baltimore. Hughes Dno (Ontheum) Oakland, CaL; (Or¬

pheum) Fesno 15-20. Ilnahca, Mrs. Oene, Co. (Majestic) Ft, Worth,

Tcz.; (Majestic) Dallas 15-20. Ilughea, Frank A Marie (Crescent) New* Orleans. Hunter, Randall A t'eonrita (Fulton) Brooklyn. Hunters, Musical (Orpheum) Duluth. Minn. Hunting A Francla (Keith) Boston; (Keith)

ProTldence 15-20. Hurleya, The (Plata) Bridgeport, Oona. Horst. Prank (Palate) Chicago l’a«»ara. Six (Hlpp.) T c-'raa. Wash. Hnasey. Jimmy, A Co. iMnleatlr) (bieaga. Hnyler A Bann (Hlpp.) Dallas, Tex. Hymer, Jtdin B., Co. (Orohenm) Victoria. Out.;

(Orphenm) Vanconrer 15-20.

Imhoff. Conn A Corinn* (.M.ijeatic) MUwnnkee; (Palace) Ohlcagt. 16-20.

Imperial Fbnr (Orphenm) Boston. Indoor Sporta (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheom)

New Orleans 15-20. Inslla, Jack (Keith) Washington; (Alhambra)

.New York 15-20. Irwin. MIm Jean (Mije-tlc) Little Bock, Ark. Ithikawn Bros. (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬

pheum) Denver 15-20. Ja Da Trio (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex.; (Ma¬

jestic) Austin 18-20. Jackson Thos. P.. Ok (Hlpp.) Baltimore. Jahns, Three (Orpheum) Madison, Wla.; (Hlpp.)

Terre Haute, Ind., 15-17, James. Walter (Palace) Superior, WIs.

At Liberty—A-1 J’a2Z Drum- mer; would like to connect with a Jaza hand

for stage work or with a Jaaz dance orchestra: baa dnims and traps. Address 60L ■LAVUf, 5!B New Jersey Are., Brooklyn.

Jazzland Nary Octette (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Palace) Chicago lft-20.

Jerome, Frank (Temple) Brantford. Can. Jesi A Dell (Pklace) Moline. Ill. Jeatera. Two (KMUl) Columbus. O.; (Keith)

Dayton 15-20. Jo, NHt* (Ornheom) Victoria. Can.; (Orphenm)

Vanconrer 16-20. Jewell A Baymond (Palace) Brooklyn. J liiison, J. It., A Co, (Empress) lirand Itapida,

Mich.; (Keith) Toledo. O.. 16 20. Johnson, Great (Keith) Portland. Me. Johnston, Lawrence (Hlpp.) Hni ramento. Cal. AAnoua Bioa. A Johnson (I/oew) Hamtlt^Ona. JolMa, Barry (Orpheom) Oakland, OaL; (0^

EhcQoi) mmo 18-20.

Jones A Jobonon (American) New York. Joni'S, Jolly Johnny lUunlck) Wilmington,

Dels. Jordan Olris (Orphenm) MlnnaapoUs; (Orphe-

um) St. Pnnl 15-20. Joseffscu's Itr' • (Keith) Providence. JoM>lyn A Chapman (Palaoe) New Haren.

Conn, Joacfihlne A Hennlnff (Orphenm) Salt Lnka City;

(Orpheom) Denver 1.5-20L Juliette (Keith) Syracu.e. N. Y. Kiinazawa Japs (Majestic) Houhton, Tex.; (Ma¬

jeatic) San Antonio 15-20.

Kapt. Kidd’s Kid (Palace) 5toliae, DL; (Go* lumbla) Dareoport, lo., 15-17.

Kartelll (Keith) Itnyt- n. 0. Kaufman A Lillian (Hi)g>.) Waco, Tyz. Kawanas. Two (.Majestic) Waterloo, In.; (XllH

erty) Lincoln. Neb., 15-17. Keating A R-iss (Crystal) St. Joseph, Mo.;

(Novelty) Topeka, Kan.. 15-17. Kelly, George. Co. (Shea) Toronto; (Darte)

Pittsburg 15-20. Kennwly A Kramer (Staflb) Knoxville, Tenn. Kennedy A Nelson (Orpheom) Oakland, CaL;

(Orphenm) Fresno 18-20. Kennedy it Frani is (Or;.beoni) Slnnx City, la. Kennedy, Jack, Co. (Oipheum) San FYandaco;

(Orphenm) Oakland 11-20. Kenmy, Bert (Broadway) Muskogee, Ok, Kenny, Ma«>n A S-hn’l (Miller) MilwaukeSi.

Kenny A Hollis (OriAetim) I.<>s Angeles; (Or¬ phenm) Salt Lake City 15-‘_'0.

Kerr A Ensign (Ke th) i'oitland. Me.; (Keith) Lowell, Ylasa., 15-20.

Khsmm (Orphenm) St. I^iuia; (Orphenm) Meropbla 15-20.

Kimbe.;r A P-gs (Maryland) Balt'tnore. King Bosa. Co. (Majestic) Austin, Tez.; (Ma- Little Bock. Ark.. 15-17. Kiss Me (Prlaccas) Montreal; (Coloolal) Kite,

Pa.. 15-20. Kltaro Japs rMetro;iolltnn) BissAlyn. Kingsbury A 'MoDaon (Prince) Houatnn, Tex. Kinney A Corlnne (Onvhvom) Oakland, CaL;

(Ortibeum) Fresno 18-’-*0. Klrk-m.tb Slattra. 1-rte (iiritb) Toledo, O.;

(Empress) Grand Uaiilda, Mtrh.. 15-20. Knight A Sawtelle (Hlpi>.) Seattle. Knorr-Rella A Co. (Palace) Siir>crlor, WU. Kramer A D vie (Or’iheum) Brn.iklyn. Kraiy Klda. Nine (lelnc*) Houston. Tex.

LaDcra A Beckman (Palace) Brouk'.ya. (.aOraciosa <L:be-'r) I. -- 'a. Neb. LaPearl. Roy (Pulste) Milwaukee. LaPetlte Cabaret (P'lacei Riv-kford, IB.; fOr-

pbeum) Madison, Wla., 14-17; (Majestic) Oeb- kosh 18-20.

LsTonr. Frank A Clara (Orpheum) Sioux Falls, 8 D.: (Princess) R. D slge. la.. 15-17.

Lady Alice’s Pets (I*aln<e) (Mllwankee. Lady Sen Mei (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Keith) Daiy-

ton 1.V20. Xsunhert A Ball (State-lAke) Chicago; (Or¬

pheum) St L/'uis 15-20. Laincy A Pearaon (Poll) Waterbary, Cioa. Lnne A Plant (Lycenm) Pittsburg. Langilun. Hairy. A C-o. tBusbwIck) Brooklyn;

(Royal) New Y'ork 15-20. Laimford A Fredericks (Albambra) New York;

(Orphenm) Bmikl.rn 15-20. I.anaigan A Wood (Avenue 6) New York. Latell A Yokes iGa.r(ck) Wilmington, Dels. Laorle, Jea (Palace) Milwankee. lavar, Paul A Wa'tcr )Gran<l) Doloth, Mian. LoMalre. Hayes A Cn. (Orpheum) Portlacd,

Ore.; (Orpheum) Ban Francisco J5-20. LaMont Trio (Orpheum) Vteterta. Can.; (Or>

pbeum) Vancouver 16-20. Le£U>y A Dreosner (Grand) Atlanta, On. Harry (National) New York. Lee A ).awrenre (Strand) Owosao, Mich. Lee A Bennett (Palace) Moline, IlL; (Palace)

Rockford 15-17. Lees, ’Three (Regent) Mnskegon. Mich. lefflngwelL Nat, Co. (Rialto) CblcagOk L^r, Edmonds A Marr (Hlpp.) Terre Haute,

Ind. • Lena. Uly (lyric) Hamilton, Can.

Classic and Oriental Dances for clnba and aanokers; for terms address

FRJXCESS FLOZAU, Hotel Hamuth. Cleve¬ land, Ohlo^

lee, Loula (Tlchorla) New York. Leoirard A Wright (Y’onge) Toronto. LeonanI A Willard (Princesa) Montreal; (lyric)

Hamilton. Can . 15-20 lyalle, Murray (Princess) Ban .kntonlo. Tex. Ijester A Vincent (Palace) Bpringflcld. Mass. I.ester, AI. Oo. (IMctivipolitan) Brooklyn. Let's Get Married (lltpp.) Sacrament-, Cal. Let’s Go (Grand) Evansville, Ind.; (Grand) St.

Lonls 15-20. Levy, Jack. A Hla FV-ur S.vmphony Sisters

(Loew) Hamilton, Out., (Lo^) Mon¬ treal 1520.

Lewis A NorP-ui (Family) l-afayette, Ind.; (Pal¬ ace) Danville. III.. 1517.

I..ewia. Tom (Riverside) New York. LIbhy A Nelson (Orphenm) Seattle; (Orphenm)

Portland 1520. Libonatl (Kelthi Washington. D. C. 1 Ighifnot. >nd ew <0. H.) Newport. B. T. Ltghtnera. The. A .Alexander (Orpheom) San

FVanrlsco; (Orpheom) Oakland 15-CO. 1 llllaii A TwI.i l'--s. (t'olonlnlt Er’e. Pa. Lind, Horner. (V>. (Liberty) Oklahoma City, Ok. lUndeay, (Strand) baglnuw, Mli-h.; (Pnl-

nce) r nt 15-’T IJng A lamg (Uherty) Oklahoma <71ty, Ok. Linn. U«n (Em|irees( lb--aiur. 111. Ll'panl. Mattlye (NVvelty) Topeka, Kan. Little Cottage (Orphemn) Ix>a .\nge1es 520. Little Jim (Colonial) Iaigana;N rt, Ind.; (Pal-

r e» Danville. III., 1.5-17 Livingston. Murray CMetpopoBtan) Bmoktyn. U'V 1, A'i‘-e (Biiahwlck) Brouklj'u; (Alhambra)

New York 1520. Lloyd A Wells (Family) Tyfayette, IniL; (Pal¬

ace) Danrllle. 111., 16-17. IJoyda, Aerial (Mlrers'det New York. Lo, Marla, A CV>. (Drpbeum) Oakland. CaL; (Or¬

pheum) San lYniiclaco 1520. Lwkhart A loid.lie (Columbia) 5'ancoaver, Can.;

(Hlpp.I .Seattle, Wash,. 1517. T>nhae A Ste-llng (Eiiinress) Tulsa, Ok. lioa^’ln A West (Delancey St.) New York, liow, Walter, Oo. (Victoria) New Y'ork. , loii-as A I ties (Orpheum) Vancouver. Can.; (t)r-

pheum) Seattle Kl-’JO. Loctlle A I'ockle (On-hemn) I-oa Angelea; (Or-

pheiun) Halt Lake City 1520. Lydall A Macy (Majestic) UouatoB, Tkx.; (Ma-

jeaUc) San Antonio ii-Mt

Tjvnia A Yoaco (Orphemn) linools. Neb.; (Or¬ pheum) Chnnha 1520.

McCormack A Wallace (Temple) Bocheater, N’, y.

McCormack, Jr., John ((Jary) Gary, Ind., Indef. (McDermott. Billy (Palace) Milvraukee. McFarlaae A Co. (Garrick) Wilmington, Dels. McFarlane, M. A M. (Keith) Columbus, O. McFarlands. TTie (Hlpp.) Walla Walla, Wash. Mcllyar A flamlltOB (Lyric) Oklahoma City, Ok. 8I:Rae A Clegg (Orphenm) Lincoln. Neh.; (Or¬

phenm) Omalut 15-20. MacBryde A Day (Keith) (Heveland. Macks, Skating (CssIdo) Salt Lake City. Ctah,

151.5; (Tah-r Grand) Denver. CoL, 20-25, Mack A Fulton (Bijou) Fall River. Mags. Mdcdi. Chas.. Co. (Rialto) St. Loolt. Mack A Edrl (Temple) Detroit: (Temple) Bo-

cheater. N. Y.. 15-20. Mack. Wilbur, A Co. (Orphenm) 'VYlnaipef,

Can.; (Orphenm) Y’lctoria 1520. MagLeys. The (Alhambra) New York; (Boyal)

New York 1520. Mahoney A Rogers (Columbia) Vancottrer, Ctn.;

(Hlpp.) Seattle, Wash., 1517. Mahoney, Tom (Palace) Rockford. HL Mahoney A Auburn (Orphenm) Vanconver, Can.;

(Orpheum) Seattle, Wash., 15201 Yfaker A Bedford (Jefferson) Dallas, Tez. Making the Movies (Royal) San Antonio, Tex.;

(Wichita) WlftiDa Falla 15-20. iMan Hunt, The (Orpheum) New Orleana. Maaley, Dave ((jolumbbi) Davenport. la. Mann A Mallory (Broadway) Bpringlleld, Maas. Manny A Hall 1 Miller) Milwaukee. Uaihle, Mary, Co. (Oipbeom) Minneapolis; (Or¬

phenm) Duluth 1520. Marco Twlna (Proctor’i 5th Ave.) Sew York;

(Orpheum) Btorklyu 15-20. Marconi A FYtxglbbon (Orpehum) Fresno, OaL;

(Orpheum) Los Angeles 1520. Margaret A Francla (Buahwick) Brooklyn. Marguerite t .Y’vn-ez (.Ylhambra) New York. Yfarims. Tliree (IJberty) Cneveland. Marino A Maley (Ortiheum) Sun Francisco; (Or-

l&eair) Oakland 15-20. Mirano Bros., (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Gan,; (Or¬

pheum) Victoria 1520. ^ Mario, Rita. A Orchestra (Orphenm) WBblpcg,

Can.; ((^heam) Y'lctoria 15-20. Marmeta Siatera A 5-lK)Oler (Oipbemn) Omaha,

Neb.; (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo.. 1520. Marabatl A Welton (Princess) San Antonio. Tex.

Joyland Band—^Twenty Pieces and drum major; state what you pay first

letter, as we vrlll accept first good offer. BOX m, Kansas City, Kansas.

Martin A Elliott (Poll) Wllkea-Barre, Pa. Marx Bros.. Four (Orphenm) Vancouver, Can.;

(Orpheom) Beattie, Wash., 1520. Marylard S'nxer* (Ke'r’-t Portland,. Me. Mason A Gwvnne (Warwick) Brooklyn. Mason A Rooney (Ilegent) Muskegon, Mlcb. Mason A Cole (Jefferson) Dallas, Tex. Ylastin A Keeler (Orpheum) Sioux City. la. Masters A Kraft (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Empress)

Grand Rapids, Mich.. 1520. Matbee. P—t A Els'e (Hlpp.) Sacramento. CaL Matblen. Juggling (Victoria) OreenfleU. Maas.;

(Empire) N. Adams l.^-20. Matblen. Jnggllng (Y’lctoria) Greenfield, Mass. May. Bertram. Co. (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Mayhew, Stella (Majestic) Milwaukee. Meanest Ylan in the World (Hlpp.) Clevnlnnd. Yfelnotte A Leedum (Riverside) New-York. YIelody Shop (Hlpp.) Spokane. Melody Monarchs, Four (Palace) Ft. Wayne,

lad.; (Regent) Yfnakegon. Mich.. 1517. Melvn. Jnne A Irene (Prince) Booston, Tez. Melvins, Three tPnlace) Ft. Wayne. Ind.;

(Regent) Muskegon. Mich.. 1517. Mercedes iColopl:lt New York. Mercedes Oo. (Garden) Kansas City. Meredith A Snonaer (Orpheum) Jackson, Mich. Meroff, Luba (Palace) New York. Meniin’s Dr>gs (Palace) Flint, VHeh.; (SJoai)

Bay City 1517. Merserean. Y'eme, Co. (Boyal) San Antonio,

Tex.; (Wichita) Wichita Falls 1520. Miller, Rose (Strand) Owosao. Mich. Yflller. Helene (Garrick) Wilmington, IMa. Mimic YVorld (Rlslt") Chicago. Monte A Iy«>na (Garrick) St. Lonls. Montgomery A Allen Yictorla, Can.; (Oiphetm)

Y"ancon ver 7520, Moore, Jack, Trio (Emery) Provldenen, B. L Moore A Shy (Regent) Kalamaaoo, Mich.; (Bl-

Jon) lotnslng 1517. Moore, Y’lctor, Cc. (Keith) Columhos, 0. -Moran, Hazel (Keith) Boston. Moran A YY'iser (Sh-a) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto

1520. Morgan A Grey (Garrick) St. LooIb. Morgan A Gates (Hlpp.t Youngatown, O. Morgan. Beatrice, Co. (Keith) Syracose, N. T. Morgan EhuK-ers (Orpheom) Oakland, OaL; (Or¬

pheum) Fresno 1520. Morgan A Cloter (Majestic) Dallgh, Tez.; (Ma¬

jestic) Honaton 1.520. Morin Sisters (Royal) New York. Morrell, Beatrice, Co. (Jefferson) DallM. Tex. Morria. Elida (Mary Anderson) Louisville;

(Keith) Indianapolis 1520. Mcrria A Campbell (Maryland) Baltimore;

(Kelthi Phllade’-hla 15-20. Morris, Will (Crystal) SC. Joseph, Mo.; (Moe-

eltyl Topeka. Kan.. 1517. Mortimer, XJlIian. Co. (Grand) 6t. Loots;

(Hlpp.) Te:re Hante. tnd., 1517. Morton, James J. (Palace) Chicago; (Palace)

Milwaukee 1520. Morton. Ed (Orpheum) San Frandaoo; (Orphe¬

um) Oakland 1.520. Mortons, Fbur (Orphenm) Uncoln, Ndk) (Or¬

phenm) Omsha 1520. M >ac««l Family (Maryland) Baltimore; (Ketth)

rhiladelphia 15-20. Mover A Avery (Orphenm) Portland, Ore.; (05

phenm) San Frenclsoo 1520. Mrs. Wellington's Surprise (Keith) Syracnae,

N. Y.; (Keith) Dayton, 0.. 15-20. Mullen A Owelll (Grand) Bt. Ionia. Murray, Elizabeth (Alhambra) New York. Murray A Page (Liberty) Lincoln, Neh.; (Em¬

press) Dea Moines, la., 1547; (Rialto) Ra¬ cine. Wis.. 18-20.

Myers A Noon (Orpheum) Victoria, Can.; (Or¬ pheum) Vai.couver 1.520.

Nash A O’Donnell (Mary .Anderson) Lonlsvllle. Nathan Bros (Hlpp.) Youngstown, O.; (Keith)

Toledo 1520. Naaarro. Nat, Jr., A <>>. (Orphenm) Omaha,

Neb.; (Orphenm) Kansas City 1.520. Needham A Wood (Majestic) Houston, Tex.;

(Iftjeettc) Son Antnolo 1520.

Neal A Btewart (Bijon) Birmingham. Ala. Nelson. Grace (Shea) Toronto; (Lyric) Hamil¬

ton. Can., 1520. Nelson A Barry Doye (Victoria) New York. Nesbitt, Evelyn (Keith) Toledo, O. Nevlus A Mack (Poll) Worcester, Mass. Newell A Moat (Sbeu) Buffalo; (Shea) Toronto

1520. Newport A Stlrk (Boulevard) New York. Nichols, Howard (Giand) St. Louiit.

Nippon Duo (On^ieiim) Boston. Nlbw, ITiree (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y. Norwood A Hall (Grand) Evansville. Ind. Nossea, Musical (44th Bt.) New York. Indef. Not Yet Marie (Majestic) Ban Antonio. Tex.;

(ifajestic) Houston 1520.

“While You’re at Liberty’* touch np your act with material, drawing

applanse. .Applansel Yoa’U agreel It’s your bMt paying teller. Makes you feel like a banker. It In’t what you do. But the way you do It. YVhat can be done? The way you’re going to do it. The problem belongs to you. Applanse in return. State the kind oC act yon have. Fit the follovirlng song numbers properly. Too’U get the ap^nsc. (Titles) Leader any act, "rm Clad I Found You;’* Wabory—melodnima, “They’ll Bring Back My Boy to iMe;’’ pal song. “Parting YVays;’’ “To¬ day, the Time of My life;’* Irish 6-8 ballad, “Where the Shaanrork Grows;’’ a Palm Bench song, 24, “It’s Sunny Honey.** Co-operation wn Invite. AddrVn TTTT.TJITDE ICXXSIC PHB- UBHER, 62 W. 23th St-, Biiyonne, New Jersey.

Nngent. J. C. (Keith) Portland. Me.; (Keith) Providence 15-20.

O’Clare, Will, A Girls (Poll) Waterbary, Oonn. O’Donnell A Blair (Orphenm) Vancouver, Can.;

(Orpheum) Seattle, YY’aah., 1520. O’Fiarrell, Talbot (Keith) Washington. O’Rourke A Adelpbi (Alhambra) New York. Oakland, Will (Keith) Lowell. Mass.; (Keith) Me., 1520. Odiva A Seals (Fulton) Brooklyn. Oklahoma Fjur (Jefferson) Dallas, Tex. Old Soldier Fiddlers (Orphenm) Sionz Falla, S.

D.; (Majestic) Waterloo, la.. 1517. Olsen A Johnson (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Temple)

Detroit 1520. Pittsburg, 1520.

Only Girl. The (K*ith) Dayton, 0.; (Dlpp.) Y’oangatown 1520.

On the Mlasiasippi (Regent) Kalainasoo, Mich.; (BlJ«m) Bay City 1517.

Oihen A Dixie (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Ortons. Fbur (Princess) Montreal, Can.; (Do¬

minion) Ottawa 1520L Oaterman, Jack (Orpheom) St. Pnnl; (Orphenm)

Minneapolis 1520. Otto A Sberidan (Tdraple) Bmntford, Can. Overseas Revue (HIt^.) Cleveland; (Davis) Ovondos, The (Princess) Ft. Dodge, la.; (Or¬

phenm) Sioux Falls, 8. D., 1517. Padden. Sarah, A Oo. (OrjAeiUB) Beattie; (Or-

phemn) Portland 1520. PMlen’s ^ars (Majestic) Little Bock, Ark. Parker ‘nio (Poll) WUkea- &rra. Fn. Patricole (Davit) Pittsburg; (Hlpp.) Clevaland

1520. PeerL Beulah (Blpp.) Waoa. Tax. Pederson Bros. (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

Rochester. N. Y.. 10-36. Perfect Day (Palace) St. Paul; (Grand) Du¬

luth 1517. Peacl Dno (Palace) Bt. PanL Petrova, Otga (Orphenm) Dnlutb, SUnn.; (Or¬

pheum) Winnipeg, Can.. 1520. Phlna A Oo. (Palace) ChlngOi Plckfords. The (Majeetic) Dallas, Tax.; (Ms-

Jeatlc) Houston 1520. Plelert A Scofield (Keith) LowML Maaa.;

(Keith) Portland, Me.. 1520. Pietro (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Orpheom)

Kansas (hty 1.520. Pinto A Boyle (Bijoe) FaD Biver. Mass. Pltan A Bingham (Rialto) Chicago. Plaano A Co. (Otpbeom) Los Angelea; (Or¬

pheum) Salt Lake City 1520. Polly, Ox A Chick ((^benm) Dea Molnee, la.;

(Orphenm) Kansas City 1520. Powell A Wroth (Hlpp.) Spokane. Powers A Wallace (Majestic) San Antonio, Tax.;

(Majestic) Austin 1520. Price, (ieorge, Coi, (Riverside) New York; (Or¬

phenm) Brooklyn 1520. Primrose Mlnatrela (Broadway) Bpzlngfleld.

Maao.. Puppetu, The (Palace) Flint, Mleb.; (Strand)

Saginaw 1517. Queer, Frank (Onibenm) Toledo, 0^ Indef. (jneen, Frank (Orphenm) Toledo. 0.. Indet. Quinn. Y’le, A Co. (Orpheum) Kansas CHy;

(Orpheum) Des Moines, la., 1520. Balnbow Cocktail (Orphenm) Salt Lake City;

(Orphenm) Denver 1520, Bajah. rriucess (Broadway) Moakogee, Ok.;

(Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.. 1520. BandaMo, The (Oroheum) Allentown. Pn. Randolph A Malcomhe (Palace) Hartford, Oonn. Bandow Trio (Lyceum) Memphis, Tenn. Ray, John T.. C\ (Orpheum) Sioux City, la. Raymond. Lizzia B., Co.; South BetUebem,

Pa.: (Globe) ThUadelpbla 1520. Baymoud A Sobram (Temple) Rochester, N. Y.;

(Sbet) Buffalo 15-20. Beadings, Four (0.r’-.eum) Omaha. Nfb.; (Or¬

pheum) Kansas City 1520. Reddy. Jack (Poll) Worcester, Mane Beed, Jessie (Loew) MontieaL Keed A Tucker (Hlpp.) Youngstown. O. Begala, Three (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.;

Kan.; (Princees) Y^chlta 1517. Bcgntar Buv'neM Man (Columbia) Davenport,

U.; (Palace) Bockfbrd. HI.. 1517. Rempel. Bessie, Co, (On*>co<B) Fresno, OaL:

(Orpheum) I/w Angeles 1520. Rempel. Harriet, Cki. (Majestic) Booeton, Tex.;

(MsJmUo) San Antonio 1520. Beoanlt. Francis (Orphenm) Denver; (Orpheom)

Lincoln. Neb.. 1520. Benellas, The (Palace) MlaoMpoUa; (Palace)

St. Paul 1517. Beaista (Rialto) St. Loota. Better Bros. (Greeley Sq.) New York. Rezo (Orrhenmt G-ecn Pay. Wis. Beynolds. Jim (Delancey St.) New York. Reynolds A White (Poll) Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Rhes, Mile., A Co. tOrplienm) San Franclai'o;

(Orpheum) Oa’ 'and 15-20. Rials. The (Tem^’e) B-antf'-rd, Cvn. Rice A Francis (Greeley Bq.) New T<»k. Rice A Werner (Palace) 'Milwaukee. Richards, Great (Orpheum) Brooklyn. Blcbarda, Chris. <Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tax.;

(Majestic) DolUa 1520.

Fcirnnoo, Blul*. Chaf. Frotunno, Ine., •<M<>roM>o) Nrw York Pet. 28. liulef.

’PW»ke, Mn.! (I^'wer**) ObleaKu 1-20.

Ualetle- <<( 1910, The Bbuberta, wen.s (Lrrtt) <'iiH'lniu<ti, O., 8-W.

Galvin's World of PoIUas. A. B. IfcAdam, mgr.: Camp like, Ark., Indef.

George, Grace, in 'Ite Bnlned Lady: (Prlncaes) Cblcsfu, Indef,

George WashlnatoB, with Walter Hampden; fUjrlo) New York, tadef.

Gillette, wnuam, Obas. Probmaa, Ine., mir.: TietreU, MIcb., ft-i8.

OvM DlKgers, with laa Claire. David OeUsre, mcr.i iL7<-euini New York, lodef

Oorduo. Kitty. Raj O. Owens, mgr.; Colutnhaa, O.. ^10; Dajton 11-18; Newark U; Xanea- vUle 1«; Wheelln#, W. Va., 17-18; I'arkera- bOif 19.

Onmpe, Tte. Norton. Bunnell J1 Klimt. lao., owner*: Batavia. N. Y., 10: Newark 11; Lit¬ tle klilla 12; Geaeva 18; deueru PalU 18; Dwklrk 16; Warren. I'a., 17; TUnvviUe 18; New Castle 19; .McKeesport 20.

Happj Dajs, tliae. Dlllingtiam, nifr.i (Hl> pode>uie| New York, indef.

He and Hhe: (lylttlei New York, tndet. Uello, Alexander, with Melntjre St Beatbt

(Garrlrk) t'hleago, Indef. Hla Honor. Abe IVtaeh. with Bamcj Bemaidl:

(BIjon) New York, indef. Bltcbj-Koo. with Rajmond Bltcbcoek: (DD-

ooiai Chleago. indef. Bonolnla Hone j moon, Melmj-Glarke, mgra.:

Oentralla, III.. 10; Benton 11; Dwinoin 12; Cairo 13.

Hopper, l>e Wolf, In The Better ’(Me. James P. Kerr, mgr.: Memphis, Tenn., 10; Atlanta, Oa.. 15-17.

Hottentot. The. with William OoUler: (Ooiiaa> New York, indef.

Irene: (Vandr'-tdlt) New York, ladtf.

Jane Clegg; («',arr1oki New York. Imlef.

Kara, In A Night la the Orient Geone Bo- chanan, mgr.: Topeka, Ran., 8-14; Wichita l®-2t».

Ebajm, White Mohamet, O, H. Bryant, mgr.: VancoDver, B. C., Can., ft-13; Tacoma, Woah.. 16-2a

I.ctter of the Vf. with Lionel Bartrmore: (Criterioo) New York. Indef.

UghUiln*, with Prank Bacon, John I* OoMen, mgr.: (Galetj) N«w York, indef.

listen, Lcst-r, John Sheehy, mgr.: (FmestI . FMIadcti>hla l Ai>rn 3. little Who;n>«r: (Casinol New York, indef. Look Who's lleie: (44tb St.) New York, indef.

Magic Mtlodj: (Shnhert) New York, l»id»f. Mamma's .\7alrs: iPniton) New Yoib. In<lef. Midnight Whirl: (Ccniarj Grove) New York,

indr f. Monsieur Beancaire: (New Amsterdam) New

York, Indef. Mj Golden Girl: (Nora Bajea) New York, la>

def. I Mr Lady Prienda, with Clifton Crawford: (Com*

cdj) New York, Indef.

’ New Zlegfcld Midnight Prollc: (New Amster* dam Roof) New York, Iwlef.

> Night Boat: (liberty) New York, ladrf.

’ Oh, Mj Dear; (LaSalle) dilcago, Indef. Ob, Daddj, Waller P. Davis, mgr.i Balnbii.ljre.

Ga.. 10; TsilahaeiiM, Fla.. 11; Tbomasvllla, Oa., 12; Quitman 13; Uawklnsvllle IS; MUl- edgrvllle 16; Augusta 17; Aiken. 8. (1.. 18;

' Sumter 19; Orangatmrg iiO. * Passing Hbow of 1919: (Winter Garden) New [ York. Indef [ Passion Flower, with Nance CNelU: (Belmootl

New York. Indef. ’ Patton, W. B., In Bis Friend, the Widow: ’ Newcomerstown, O.. 12; Dennlnon 18; New ' Philadelphia 18; Ashland 16; Wadsworth 17; ' Deflance 18; season enda.

Pest, Onj Bate#, in The Mawiaciader: Biming- ’ bam, Ala., S-lOi ’ Purple Mask, with Leo Dltrlcbatein: (Booth) ‘ New York, Indef. ’ Richard III., with John Barrymore: (Plymonth) ’ New York, indef. ’ Robeon, Mkj, In Ttab. W, O. Snelllng. mgr.:

” .Mitcbell, 8. I) . 10- Yankton 11; SK'ux City. . la., 12; Cherokee 13; Ft. Dodge 18; Dennlaon

M; MarabaUtown 17; Waterloo 18; Iowa Palla

PJehaidsoo, Brooe, Oo. (Palace) BprlngfleM, Mpaa

Bickards, The (Orphcnin) Mlnnoepoiis; (Mv Jea.Ic) Chiengo 18-20. S

itigvictto Broa. (Orpbeom) St. Patti; (Orpheom) Driluth 1.5-20.

Klslng Grn .ration (Orpheum) Waco, Tei., (Rora’ i 8aB Antonio 15-20.

Rlva Ixrsen Co. (American) New York. i U<djb'ra Sl Fulton fPmprcBs) Oiuaita, Ncb.;

I’.-npresal Deo Mctiu-s. la.. 1.V17. ,Vbe*t ft Dcimont (Palace) Milwankce. ’oherts ft Roberts (V'Uer) Mllwaake<'. Aoberts, Donald (Majestic) 8an Antonio, Ter.;

(Majestic) Austin 18-20, p.obintoo, BUI (Majestic) Bprtugfleld, IlL;

(Hlpp.) Terre Haote. Ind.. 15-17. Reblson ft I’ennj (Grand) Duluth, Minn. ‘ Itock. Wm.. ft Girls (Orpheuin) Portland, Ore.;

(OrPheuni) 8an Pranclac.1 15-20. Itorkwcll ft Pox fMajestIc) Chl<-8gf<w Eoilero (Aveone B.) New York. Itogers. Alan' (Alhambra) New York; (Iftca)

Buffalo 15-20. UogerH, Pred (Rialto) Chlca^. Roue ft L.nllen (Keith) Provilb'nce, R. 1.5 (0>

phrnm) Brook I jn 15-20. Runalr & Ward (Novelty) Topekn, Knn.; (Prln-

ersi.) Wicblu 1V17. Rooney & Bent (Oavls) Plttrbnrr; (Kelft) Ctn-

clnnati 15-20. Reer, 'Harry (Orpheum) lV>t11anJ, (hr*.; (Or-

pbeom) Bon Fraoci*rr> 1-5-20. Bnae ft DeU (DcKalb) BruokJyn. Rose Garden (Ocliinibia) Vsucotiver, Can.;

(Hlpp.) Beattie. Wcah.. 1.V17. Rose, Julian (Yonge) ■foronto. Besen. Jimmy, Oo. (Lincola 8«i.) Mew Y^.•^k. Roth, Mitchell ft Koth iLlbert.v) Lincoln, Nob.;

(Empress) Omaha (8-17. Beyal TTyena Japn (Leew) YSentreaL Royal Huaesr Girts (Hipti.) Beattie. Royc, Ruth (Kel'h) Dayton. .O. Roye, Derotl^ fOrand) Atlanbi, Cs. RosslUs, Two (Temtrto) Deirolt; ^Temple) Ro¬

chester. N. y.. 16-20. Ruegger, Elsa. Oo. (Orpbenm) Presno, C.iL;

(Orr-iisnm) Los Angeles 15-20 Mossell. Marie, Oo. (Yonge) Toronto. Russetl ft DoVltt (Lyceem) nttabnrg. Ryan ft Hyan (Keith) Pniludelpbla; (Keith)

Washington 15-30. Ryan ft Moore (Lyceoiu) Memphis, Tenn.;

(Oreocent) New Orietns, L)|.> 16-17; (Prince) Houston. Tex., 18-20.

Ryan ft Or)ob (Orpheum) Fresno, Cal.; (Or- pheum) Los Angeles 16-20.

Ryan ft Moore fl^eeum) Menvpbla. Tenn.

Sabina ft Goralwin (Keith) Ck>liunbtts, O.l (Keith) Toledo }8-2a

Nakata Trio (Hlpp.) Baentnento, Cal. 8ampsel ft Leonhart (Keith) I'bUadelphU;

(Maryland) Balumore 16-20. Samsted ft Marloq (Orpbeom) Duluth, Mlnu.;

(Orpheum) Winnipeg Can., 16-'J0. Samneu, Bee (Paiaet;) New York; (Keith) Phil¬

adelphia 16-26. Bantoa ft Bayeg (Btate-Lekc) (^ica^. Bantry, Hanry, ft oo. (Gepbeuu) San rranclaco;

(Orpheum) Da^nd 16-26. Barsnoff ft Co. (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum)

New Orieana 15-20. Baxton Slatera (t>n(heom> Bestoo. 8axten <ft Farrell iNevelty) Topeka, Kan.;

(Prlaccw) Wichita 15-17. Scanlon, Denno ft Scanlon (Poll) Hernuton, Pa. Bchaffer, Sylvester (Orpheum) lies Muluea, la.;

(Orpheum) MinneaTa>tla 15-20. Scott, Henri (Kt(lb) Prosldence, R, I. Scott & Christy (Plata) Brldg«i>ort. Ooon. 8cutt, billy (Princess) Wtc)itta, Kan.; (Lyric)

Olc’ahoma City. Ok., 16-17. Ssabury. Wm. (Keith) Waahlngton; (Colonial)

New Ybrk 16-'J0. Seeley, Ulnaaem (Palace) New York. Herenadent, Seven (Orp)ienm) Jaclison. Yllch. Beynmnr ft Jeanette ^Ijen) FaU Ktver, Mass. Sharrocks, Hie (Majestic) L"':. Wotth, Tex.;

(Majestic) Dsllas 15-26. Shaw ft Beimard (Palace) (Brooktyn. Shaw, Lillian (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum)

New Orleam, 16-20 Shaw. Sandy (Orpheum) Wliuilpcg, Can.; (Or-

pheum) Victoria 16-M. Sbuw'e, 'Billy. Revne (Orpheum) Seattle; (Or-

pbeum) Portland 16-%. Shea, Thomas E. (Keith) B'aiton; (Bushwlct)

Btrooklyn 16-‘20. Kheppard A 'Dunn fliberty) Oklahoma City, Ok. Shlriry, Eva, ft Baad (Orpheum) New Orleans. Shone, Hermlne. Co. (Keith) Cluolnnati; (Mary

Anderaon) Louisville 16-20. .Sllber ft North (Palace) illnt, Mich.I (BU<m)

lAnsing 16-17. Simmons ft Bradley (Palace) MlnncapclU; (Pal¬

ace) St. Paul 15-17.

SlnuDonA Danny (En>ery) Piwldenee, R. I. hlmpwn ft Dean (Wlchlte) Wichita Fallb, Tex.;

(Jefferttonl Dallas 16-20. singer’s Midgets (ntste-liskc) Chicago. Btoha, 'Wtai. (Iftcaom) Mempkla, Tera. Skipper, Kennedy ft Bee\-«s (Temple) Brantford,

(inn. Sluyrean's .(rahs (Kmpre-is) Dta Moines, la. Small. Johnny, ft Small takers (Plaga) Brit-lge.

p-Vt a*nn, Suiitii ft Austin (Shea) Toroato; (Shea) Buffalo

15-2a Snsp«b.jts (Bijou) Xfthsing, Mioh.; (Palace)

Hint 15-17. S<'lar. Willie (OrpbMB) Pes Moioea. la.; (Or-

iiheum) Miiinea(w>lis 16-28. Some Baby Oo. (Hlpp.) Dallas, Tex.

. SuKHian ft Sloan (Qrpkenm) Champaign. HL; I (Empress) Do^tur t6-)7. f l-'patiish Revua (TomplC) Rochester, N. Y.

Spartans. The (Ulpp.) ReatUe. S;)encer ft wiiiiapa (Temple) Rochester, N. Y.;

(Hhea) Bnffale 16-%.

epcncer ft Bose (^^eeuiB) Wempliit, Tenn. Spiasell Broa. ft Mack (Majestic) little Bock,

Ark. Stanley (Loew) London. Onn. Stanley ft Bimes (Keith) Lowell, Ylass.; (Keith)

Boston 16-20. sia.iley ft Wilsna Plsters fBin>.) Seattle. Stanton, WUl, Co. (Urand) Duluth, Minn. Stanton, Vnl A Brnie (Ketth) Fhliadelphia;

(Keith) Washington, D. C.. 15-20. Stedmao, Ai ft Fannie (Orpheumi Mlnueap<>Ila;

(Orpheum) 8t. Paul 16-‘4). Steele A Wlnalow (Oi<i>hcninl Lh-aver; (Or-

rheum) Lincoln. Neb., 18-20. Steiner Ttto (Btjoa) Birmingham. Ala. titepbeno, Emma (Keltn) PhlUdetphla. gt^ena ft Brntelle (Orpteum) Waoo, Tex.;

(Royal) San Aotonie 16-%

Rullivan ft Scott (Keith) lioweil. Mass. Wilcox, Prank, fV>. (Poll) Worceeter, Mass. Sully ft flongliton (Empresa) Grand B&pid*. Wllis-Gllbert Co. (Hlpp.) I*<.rtlaud. Ore.

Mh'h, WlllB ft Marlpy (PoU) Scranton. Pa. Snrmtt. Talcaka (Ht7>p) YonuBStOwa, O,; Wilson. Frank (Oipheum) 8U Paul; (Orpheum)

‘t'elth) Syriicuae. N. V.. 16%. I>aluth 15-20. Kwsrta ft OBfford (Loew) Bciboken, N. J. 'WllHon Bros. (Keith) Dayton, 0. Sweet Sweeties Co. (Loew) Dayton, 0. Wilson, Chas. (Maryland) Baltimore; (Hlpp.) Sweeties (Majestic) Aoatin, Tex. Youngstown. 0.. 15-20. Swift ft Kelly (Keith) Portland. Me.- Wilson ft Mo.Wny fCrescent) New Orieana. Bwor 4 Westbrook (Keith) Lowell, Mass.; Wlachell ft Greene: (Kegent) Detroit, Mich.)

(Keith) Portland, Me., 1.5-20. (Orpheunil Detrdt 16-20. Bwor Brua. (Hlpp.) Cleveland; (Empress) Grand Wlnflow, Muriel (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Ma-

.Hsplds, Mich., 15-20. jestlc) Chicago 16-20. j-vlva, .Mme. (Drphenm) Brooklyn. Wln*tv.ii’H, IL W., Water lions ft Diving Tango Shoes (Majestic) UuDstoo, Tcx.; (Mojee- Nymphs (Htate-lJike) CUiCkgu; (Orpheom) St,

tic) Ban AnUmlo 16-20. lionU 15-20. Tangoay, Eva (.t’'lainbra) N(?w York; (mTe(<> Wood ft Wyde (Btate-Twke) (Til--ago.

ridel New Yo;li 16'.’0. -Wright ft Wilson (Flnza) Woroestcr. Mam. Tnnnea. Jslins (Mijestl.-) ,\uB*ln, Tex. Wrigtii ft Dietrich (Keith) Proridenos, R. L; Tatonanlana. Bix fOrand) Atlanta, Go. (Keith; Boston 16-‘20, iaylw, Eva, Co. (Orp).eum) i>e« Moines, la.; Wyse, Ko«s, Co. (MlHeri Milwaukee. ,

(Orpteum) St. Paul H- ^O. TatjuU, Tw® (Lyceum) Plttshurg. Tuyior, Farrell. Co. (Palace) Flint, Mlck.t Va Moug Shop (Orpheum) SU Paul; (Orpbenia)

istrand) .Saglnew) 15-17. Minneapolis 15 20. Taylor ft Francis (Lincoln) Chicago; (OolmD- Yeeinan. George (Rciyal) New York.

hla) Davenpf-rt. Ta... 16-17. You'd Be Surprised (Miller) Milwaukee. Tempest, Plorem-e, Oo. (Orpheum) Sioux City, Zardo (Temple) Rochester, N. Y.; (Keith) Phll-

lowa. adelpAla 15-20. Terry. Ehelah, Co. (Majestic) CMeago. Zorrell, Leo, Co. (Orpheum) Portland, Ore.; Tlsirrton, James (KeithI Ciucicnati; (Mary An* (Otpheiim) Sen Francisco 16-20

dei-^oii) Lonisville 16-20. Zeoater ft Smith (Cecil) Mason City, It. Triton. Cortnuo (Palace) SprlngfleM, Mass. _ . , . _ . Tilyou ft Bogers (Loew) HamiltoB, (Jan. DRAMATIC A MUSIOAXt Toto (Keith) ITotldence. R. 1.; (Keith) Boetoo 1.5-Abraham Ltncoln: (Corf) New York, indef.

Ton-ii^ Clrcua (G,-and) Duluth. Minn. Acquittal, The: (Cohan ft Barrla) New York, 'l\jwlepj<-o (Kmpresb) 'I'nba, Ok. indi-f. (Orpbenm) Allen. Billy, Musical Comedy, W, B. Onccy, Tr^y ft Mohr (Pulton) Brooklyn. mgr.: Onconta, .N. Y., S-13.

STARTED RIGHT Never were there so many and such promising indications of an early

and successful summer show season as those which are new in evidence on every hand. Even the weather man has graciously made promises of an early spring.

Be ready for the opportunity that Is (joming, that Is already here. Let us start your subscription for THE BfLLBOAKD with the SPRING SPECIAL issue-«



Cincinnati, Ohio:

Please send The Billboard for . months, for which 1

enclose 9. Please include in my subscription a copy of

The Spring Special Number at no extra cost.




RICHARDS, “THE WIZARD” Aaoriea’a T,arr<at and Grvatot Popular Mood lory PreducUcD.

UnrU OaMn (Wte. Kibble*!): Haaonr. Pa., P; York 10; LanoaKter 11; Oamden, N. J., 12-14; W. Cberter, Pa., 15; OoaUMrrllle 10; l>i<ttstown 17; Trenton, N. t., 18; Allen¬ town, I’a., l»-ao.

Voire in thi- Dark, with OUre WyiMlhaia: lW,iO<iai t lilcafo. indrf.

Warflald, llarid, TtarM Belaaeo. mar.: TiOa Anaelaa, Cal., 8-13; San Dtefo 15-18; Santa Barbara 17; Paaaleua 18; San UernardtM lA

Weddina Bella: tlUrrin) New York, ladaf. Wekome, dtraafer: (Coban’a Grand) Obicafn,

iDdrf. Wonderful Thlnf: (Plarbouae) New York, Ib-

def. Kieffeld Prillea; iCio|oo|a)) Ohlckaiu latfef. Zierfeld Fbllles; SC Lenta S-IA


Denstf Tmat: (IWIare) Balttaom 6-18; fOay- etri Waahlngtoc 16-30,

Belimen Show: (Uayetj) Bochentar, N. T.. g. 13; iRaatable) Srracnae 1507: Pfi™ IS-BX

Beat Hhow la IVwn: (Otyntj) ffiiwo City 8- M: Dlaretr) St. UmH 15-80.

Ih>n ‘IVioa; lUmpir*) Bmok^ 8^18: (Fkooie^ Phlladelpbla 10-30.

Boetontana; (Bercbet) Daa Metnea, lawn. S-IO; lOayety) ^J^Baba 18-11).

Bowery Bnrleoqnen: (Bortls A OeanMo) New York 8-13; (OrpbMun) Patemon, N. J.. 20

Bitrleaqne Reriew: (Oayety) Oetrilt 8-18: (Gar**J') Toronto 18-30.

Borleaqoa Wonder Show: fOrpbraB) Pntema, N. J., S-IS; (Majaatle) Joraey City 15^

PnlUos of the Day: ruayety) Terento 648; (Oiyety) Rnffalo. 15-20.

Olrla a la Dane: (iBaitable) Syracuee, N. Y., 8-10; iLmnberir) Cttcn 11-18; (Oayety) Mon¬ treal 15-20.

Olrla de Looks: fUaJentle) Jeraey City, N. J., 6-18; Perth Amboy 18; PtalaOeM M; Stam¬ ford. Coon., 17; fPetk) BrMteport 16-30.

Olrla of U. 8. A.: (Caaino) Boaton 8-18; fOrand) Hartford. Oona., S-20.

Golden Crcofca: fOlymple) Otarlnnatl 8-18; I Star A Garter) Obleagn 18-30.

Tlaer.nea, Harry, Show; (Gaye^) AMtoa. 8- IB; (Cvinnabia) New York 16-30.

Hello. Amerira: (Park) Yooacatown. O., MO: (Grandl Akitm 11-13; (Star) CVrelaad 15-30.

Hip. Hip. Hooray Olrla of IBOO: (Gay^e) Oaiaba. Neb., 8-13; (Oayety) Kaasaa (nty 16-30

Bowe’a. Sam. Ble Skew: (Gaynty) BoSaln 8- W: (G)yety) Rocbeeter 15-00.

Kally*e, Lew. Show: (CbhunMa) aOUcasn 8-18; (Gayety) Detroit K-30.

Ubertr Olrla; (Oayety) Moatreal. flan-, 8-13; (Empire) Albaay. N. Y.. 18-30.

Malta of .vmertoa: (Caaino) Brooklys 8-13; (Empire) Newark, N. J., 16^

Marian. Dare. Show: (Baiplre) Albaay, N. T., S-tB; (Gjyety) Boatoo 15-3(X

MliDon Dollar Doiiai (Mlaer'a Bronx) New Yorli a-L); (Empire) Brooklya 1800.

Ob. Olrla: (Oayety) St, Loala 8-18; (YleteHa) Ctdcayo 15-30.

Peek-a-Boo; (Oay^) PlttabnrF 8-«; (Park) Yoongatowa, O., »-lT; (Grand) Akrea 18-30.

Beeree. Al. Show: (OayMy) Waahlngton, 8- 10; (Oayety) Plttaborf J5-30.

Rej-no|d». Abe. Rerae: Newbury. N. T. 8-W>; Poutbkeepale lJ-18; (Obatpo) Boaton 16-30.

Rowland Olrla: (Grand) Hartford, Cana., S- 18; (Jactpiea) Waterbnry 15 30.

Slcbt Seera: (Empire) Newark. N. 3., 8-13: (Caairo) Pblladalphia 18-30.

Social Ifalda: Stamford. Cana.. 10; (Park) Srldxeport ll-W; Nawbnrr. N. T., 18-17: Ponxhkeepale 18-20.

Sportlax Wldoani: (Otaino) rPUUdelphU 8-13; (HnrtlR A Seaman) New York MUR).

Star A Carter Show: (Paeple'a) I%il^e!rbla 8-lS: (Palaee) Balttaaore 15-30

Step lirely Olrla; '(Vlcterta) Chlcaxo 8-13; (Colambta) Cbleaya MI-30.

Sydall, Roaa, Landon BellMt (Lyric) Daytcn. O. . 8-18: (Otymptc) Clactanatl 15-30.

Twantletb Centary MbMa: (Easplre) Tbiedo. O.. 8-18; (Lyric) Daytoo 15-30.

Victory Bollea: (Jacnaee) Waterbory, Ooaa., k’-M' (Mlner’a Bronx) New York 18-20.

Wataoa'a. Billy. Parlalan Whirl: (Star A Gar¬ ter) (Tblcagn 8-13; (Bercbel) Dea Ifolaea. 4owa. 18-17.

Welch. Ben. Show; (Star) Cleraiaiid 8-13: (Empire) Tbiedo 18-30.

Wllllama. Motile, Shew; (Odumbla) New York 8-18: (CaalttP) Brooklyn t8<30i


AH Jaaa Reriew: (Traeadero) Phlladelptila 8- . 18; (ML Mprrle) New York 18-20. Arlater Olrlo: Open week 8-13; (Standard) SI.

Lonla 15-20. Batbln* Beantlea: (Cbdillac) Detroit 8-13;

(Eaftewood) Otlcafo 18-90 Beanty Renew: (Majeatlc) Wllkee-Barrr. Pa..

M8; (Majeattc) acraatoa 16-30. Bine Mrda; (BroaiDray) Camdea. N. J., 8-11;

(Grand) TYenten, 13-13; (Trooadero) Flilla- detphla 15-20.

Broadway Bellea: (Oayety) SL Paal 8-18; (Oayety) Mlnaeapella 15-30.

Oiba'al OIrle; (Oaye^) Ullwaakae 8-18; (Otyety) 8t. Ptnl 15-36.

Oacbaiiaifoi; (Lwcenm) (htambtA 8-16: (Victprla) Plttabnrr 18-30.

Dixon, Henry P.^ Renew: (Onplre) Hoboken. N. 3.. S-IB; (lltar) Braoklya MWOO.

EeUlca of Pleoaareu (Clayeiy) LoolanCe 8-19; (BmpTMie) (^Dctnaotl 15-30.

Eraacb PraMra; (Oayety) lOnaeapoUa 8-18; (Oayety) Rlovx City, Iowa, Ml-26.

Olrlr from Joyland: (Ba>pr*M) flaciBaotl 8* Kt; (Lyceum) OolomluNi 18-20.

Olrla. Olrla. Olrta: (Bljon) Ptdladalpbto 8-S; (Empire) Hoboken, N. 3^ 18-30.

Olrla from the Eblllea: (Howard) Boatoa 8-18; (Empire) Prondeace 18^.

G-owa-Dp Bablea; (Empire) OlerelaDd 6-18: iCadlllac) Detroit 19-20.

Hayeo. Rdmnad, Show: (Oayety) Baltttiore, k-ll; (Eollyl WaOhlaftoa Ml^.

Jai« Pablee: (Star) Brooklyn S-B; (Ftan) SP IntfoM. Maoa.. S-30.

Kewp'e Holla- (Staadaiil) AA iMMli AMt (Paik) IndlaaapoUe'lS^ '

Ud lAftera: (ML Vorria) New York 8-13; (MaleiUlr) WUkra-Barre, B’a., 18-30.

lOdiilxbt' Maldeoe: (Olympic) New York 8-13; (Oayety) Brt<»klyB‘ 1.1-JI).

Mliwblef Makera; (^yiuarkat) Cblcego 8-lfi; (Oayety) Mllw-aukae 18-20.

Monte CMrlo Olrla: (Englewood) Cblcago 8-)C; (Uaymerket) tldcago 15-3a

Oh. Preneby: (Star) Toranto 8-13; (Academy) •Borrafo »-»).

Panemakerr: (Cenbary) Kanaae City 8-13: OP'-n week 15-SO.

Partelan l^lrte; (Vlctcna) Plttabarv 8-18; Wheeling, W. Va., M; Ualontown. Pa., 18; yohnvtowa 17; Altooaa 18; WlllHmapaf* 18; York 30.

Razrle Daazle of Udk: (Plaan) SpttogfleM. Uaaa.. 8-13: (Grand) Worceater 15-30.

Beeaed Breekew: (Oa^y) Slenx City, Iowa, 8- VB; (Century» Kaneaa City 18-30.

Boand tbe Town: lOrand) Worcft^Uf, Mdaa., 8-18; (IIowaM) Boaton 16-30.

Social EoIIlee (Folly) Wa.dilngton 8-13; (BUon) Ptlledelpbla 15 20.

Some Show: (Empire) Prerldeace 8-18: (Olyna. pic) New York 1.V30.

Sport Olrla: Johnstnwa, Pa., K>; ANooaa U; WiBlameport 12; Ymk K; (Oayety) Balti- more 16-30.

Stone A (lllerd's Oten Show: Btngbamtaa. N. Y., 8-b>: Aulmm 11; Nl.igara I'hlla 12-13; (Star) Toronto V.-SO.

Sweet Sweetie Olrla; (Park) IndfauMpoUa 8-13; (Oayety) TaeiieTlIle 15-20.

Tamptere; (Majeatic) Bcmnlon, Pa.. 8-18; Blngbaciton, N. Y., 15-17; Atdmni 18; Nl- auaru Fall* 18-00.

Walaon’a. fOldliig Billy. Www: (Onyety) Breoklyu S-lt; (Oayety) Newark, N. J., 15-30.

WbitVa. Pat. Oalety Olrla; (Academy) Buf¬ falo 8-13; (Empire) Oe-relaud 1.5.30.

World Be.iters: (Oayety) Newark. N. 3., 8- 13; (Brr>af)way) Camden 15-18; IQtaad) Tren. tea l»-2a

STOCK & REPERTOIRE Academy Plarera: Harerhlll, ifasa., Indef. Akazur Playera: (Alcaaar) San Pranclaco,

Indrf. Appcll, Nathan. Players: (Orpbeaa) Beadlag.

Pa., 0<-t. JO, Indef. Arlington Thenter !*l.ryefa, John Oralg, mgr.:

Bixiton, Ma*e , Imlcf Andlbirlum Pla.'em: Malden. V»'a.. tndef. Felgarde Stock Co,; (On*«oni) Brocktuo, Mtaa.,

indef. Blaaey Stock Co.; (Proapvt) Bronx, New YorL,

Sept. 1, ladef. Blaney Players: Necbltt) Wlliea-Barre, Pa., In¬

def. Blarney Playem; (Yorkrllle) New Yo.-fe. indef. Brlaaac, Virginia, Stoei: Cc.; (fiiraiid) Sai

Diego, Cal., indef. Bmwn-Howell Stock Cot; (I^rlu) Mtcbbnrg.

Maas., indef. Bneklcy A Hchooke Stock Co.: (fodcta Huosa)

Lower!. Maw., Sept. 1, indef. Bybee Stock Co.: L«ru 1. Ken.. lj;def. Ck.nep-Idater Theater fV, (Norttiera), Olenn F.

Chase, myr : Wamnt. 'c.. i-l.'?- •)nana 1.5-20. Cblca|o Stock Co.. Clia*. H. Kivakaoi, mgr.:

Klng*teu. N. V., Fre-b^’.d, N. J.. If-*0. OlonloKer. Rulpb, Vityem iQlpp.) Suit Luke

City, indef. Colonial Sio<k Ci.: (Colanlai) Lawrence. 'Imsa.,

Sept. 1. ilidef Conltbard A DiVoto Phiyu-s: CbirBOC'', Mo.. 8-

13. Cutter Stock Co.: Walion, N. Y.. S-1?. Deamoud. Mae. Pbiyers: (Omb.daa) Ocrniap-

town. Pa.. Wept. 1, Irdjf Drayne. Dorotlu, Co.: I *1: >cj;lel Ft. Wryaa,

Ind.. iDdef. BmprrtM Playera; Vanceore?. B. C.. OxD., IB-

dcf. Bmpresa Playcra (rnvtceea) Tjuialng, ITirh., la¬

ded. Empire Playera, H.trry Katzea. itgr.: (Bamlia)

Saleti). Maw., ludef. Fourteenth «t. Stock C).: Sew York SepL 1.

ludet. Cilmore'i. Eddie, Storl^ Co.: (Emnretw) |Iil-

wankee, Wla.. tndef. Gray, Dun. Stuck Co.: (Strand) BalUngbam.

Wafb., Indef. Hall, Ruth. Plarera: WoodcHlfo, N. J... Indef. Itan.>.t|aniM<n Pli)-erB: Chappell. Nelk. 11-13. HarrltHYn Theater Cu.: Amarillo. Tex., S-13. MawKIn- Welib <o.; (Empreaa) Batte. Mont.,

Sejit. t». Indef. Ilawklne )V»bb Co.: Flint, MIcb.. Sept. 8, indef. Heffarman Pli.ecra: (Anditorlam) I^na, Maaa..

Sept. 1. Uidef. Hillman Ideal Stock Co., F. P. Hinaiaa. mgr.:

Omiitia. Neb.. Indef. H<td«'M riayerv: iHudeoa) Sebemeetady, N. Y.,


Jeffecaou Theater Stork Co.: Purtlaail. Me., ta- def. ‘

Jewett. Henry. Plnyeri: (Copley) Boaton, ladef.

Jiiftna-!*'Mualn Oo.: (Homo HatcklnMa. Kan.. Oft. 6. Imlef.

r.atzea Plarera: (Central Sq.) Lyrn, Maes., Sept. 1. ladef.

Keith .'ttock 0>.: (nndwai Pnloo QD. N. J., Sapt. 1. Indef.

Keirt, leeiic E.. Comedlaje: SprlneOeid. Mo.. Indef.

Kelly. HlK-rmaa. Stock On.: (Broavlwcyi So- |>«TOtr. Win.. Indt'f.

King. BMll. Maa. i<>m. Co.: (Cn -iao) Saa rVan- riaco, iudef.

Klnaey Rometly Ko.: (PiUre) Toltda, 0.. ia- <i«r

laftyrtte Plarer*: Newpor*. H. I.. Indef. Lafarette Playem: i Lafa.eette) New York, la¬

de#. Lewlii. Ja.k.X,. llayera: Boaaoke. Va.. OrL

30. Imlef. Learin, Geae, Stock <>».: Mlaaal. Fla.. ladeL Lattrlnger, Al. Playcra: (O. H.) Angnata, Me..


lyeenm Stock Co.: (t^fcanm) Troy. N. Y.. SepL 1. Indef.

MaeLean, Panllne, Player*: (Mmlc flail) Akron. O.. Aag. 35. Indef.

Maddorka-Park Player*: (Majeatle) BtrarfagliaiB. At*.. SepL 15. Indef-

Majeattc Theater Stock On,: Loo Aageloa. OaL. ladef.

MtOwan. Baael. Stock Ov, Balph B, Moody, dM.: (PtraMiK) >. Ubarty* nttabarg. Pa..

Melellle*!, Bert, OomedlABt: Little Rock, Ark., tndef. I >■

MuroHco Stock Oo.: (Mofoaco) Loa Angeles, (ML, Indef.

Morria Stock Co., Mox Wagle, mgr.: Seetts Bluff, Neb., 8-12.

Murpby’a Comediana: M' ryeellle, CaL, Indef. National Stock Co.: (Nucloaal) Chicago, IlL,

ladef. New Bedford Flayerai New Bedfotd. Maaa,

Indef. a Nl'ol'a, Ralph E.. ComedianM, under canraa:

I>»ne. Ark., Tex., 8-13; Horse City 15-20. Northampton Players: (Academy of Muaic)

Nartbamptoa, Maas., Indef. Olirar, Otia, players: (Crawford) Cl Faso. Tax.,

indef. Orphenm Player*: Montreal, Oat.. Indef. Orpbenm Players. Stroad A PitL mgrs.: New¬

ark. N. J., Ang. 30, indef. Park Theater Stork Go.: Otlea, N. Y., ladef. Paytoo. Corse. Stock Oo.: (Mayflower) Ptoel-

dence, U. I., indef. Permanent Players: (Wlnalpef) Wtenlpeg, Oaa..

Indef. Peyton, Joe. Playert: (Proapaet) Clevoland, 0..

tndef. Pifkert, Blanche, Stock Co.: Bvigtol, Tens., S>

13. Pleycrs Company: ProTideaee. B. I., iadoL Foil Stock (jow: BrldgeporL Ooni^ ladef. Poll Players: (Hyperion) New BaTcn. Ooan.,

Sept. 1. Indef. Poll SP'ck fio.: Worcester, Mars.. Indef. Price A Butler 8tock Co. (Star) Now PhOadal

pbla. O., Indef. PHm-ess Stock Co.: Ottaw». OnL, Oaa.. Indef. PrlncesB Stock Co. (B1)ob) nqua, Oi, Indef. Robbins, r int & Bcsale. Co., Cliat A. Hdtibbit.

mgr.: F.aodreun, 8. O., a-10; Bock Baplda, It.. 11-13; Spencer 1-5-20.

Seamoa Players: (Baker) Portland. Ore., Sept 7, Indef.

She*. P. F.. Stock Cot: Holyoke, Maaa., SepL 1. Indef.

Sherman Stock O.: Rerlna, Sa*k., Cun., indef. Sbooert Stock Co.: (Sbubert) St. ^ol. Mina..

Aug. 31. indef. 8bob«-rt Stock Co.: Mllwankee. Wta.. ladeL Sbnhert Stock Co.: MlnueaiHdla, Minn., Ana.

24, Indef. PomerrlTle Kayers: SemervUte. Maaa.. indef. Unique Stock Co.: (MysUc avar) Yi'rk, Pj., ia-

def. Wzrbifton Pl.iyo»r: Yonkers, v. Y., Indef. WTilte’a. EdftTtn C., Majerc (Lafayette) Now

UrlOTUs. La., ln;’«t Waitney. Lou. Stock Oo,; (BI)oa) Jecksoa.

Jljcc, imief. Wlikes Stock (K; (Wilkes) Seattle, Wath.,

Aug. 21, tndef. tVTike* Players: (Denbum) Uenrer, CoL, SepL

8, Indef.». Bd, Stock Co.: (Boyal Qranfl) Ma-

rioi>, Ind., indef. W'-mlward PUyera. O. D. Wnodward, mgr.:

(Wcodward) Spukan-,. Wash., Seirt. 1, ladef.

CONCERT AND OPERA Bedtfoe. Mubsl: nerelind. O., IS. Boston Sympiiuny Orcheetti.: Baltinore, Md.,

10. (7hi..ago Gpera Co.: Postna. Ma.-w., 1-13: Pitts-

bure. Pa., 10-13; CincinDati. O.. 18-20. Clemens. Claru: Detroit. Micb., 11-15. t'ottlow, Angnat*: (\n>l!*n Hall) New York 13. Deatlnn, Emmy: Br-.klyn. N. Y.. 19. FerrelL Terry; Detroit, Mich.. 15. Osbiii0«TtiH-b, (i-atlp: (Klmbaill UaQ) CUoago

!4; TlcmiJi;!-’. Tenn., 20. Gales, J-Ofy: DaPss. Tex.. 15. Gul.berL .Vfme. Yrettc: V7asfc*ngtoo, D. C., 12. Hempel, Frle<*;; Mllwaokee, VV'la. 30. Heifetz, Ja-tena: Bjlfalo, N. Y., 15; Worceater,

Mbm** 18. Hess. Hans': (KlmbaU l.all) C1>lc«fO, IIL, 18. Hofmann. Josef: Binghamton, N. Y., 15. Laorenti, Mario: New Bouheile, N. T., 9; Kl-

agara Fall* 21. McCtormack, John: Clefeland, 0., 21. New York PhUhunr.onlc .lucioty: Detroit. Sfich.,

16: Rnffdlo, X. V., 18. Phiiadelpbia Orchestra: Baltimore, MA, 15. Rachmaninoff: Denver, Col.. 11; Kauaas City,

Mo., 19. Bimini. Giacomo: Wsshlngtoa, D. (X, 18. Buffo. Tltto: Waablngbn, D. C.. 21. Schumaan-Heink, Mme.: Dullaa, Tex., 10. Salzedo Harp m««inhln: St. X-set^ 3^, 16. San Carlo Opera Oo., Fortono OaDo. am.:

Denrer, OoL, 17. SeldeL Toochn: .HL PauL Minn., U; SHaa*-

apete 13. Tcyte, Maggie: Blitnisgluki, .Ma., 17.

TABLOIDS Atamo Beaatltij :*i;o. C«u. Co. (Broadway)

CU.’o, ‘Tex.. 8-l'V Bence’* Hello G!r1f (Ofibeam) DiTTbaia. N.

a. S-UL Rlue itras> h-lk.<, ni'ly Wehic, ;Dgr.: (kjr'.t-i

Beaniuont. Tec. M» •. 1. liid»f. Cailck^ Cl;oo Msi;**, TniBg N. Lewlii, Btjrr.;

(Alvin) .Msn^eVl. o.. S-U; (-Star) New PblbKielpbia lo-2V.

Oazis, Chab.. .Mubveni L'ev-oe: Natebex, Mlaa, 8- 13; Raton Uouxe. Ut.. 15-20.

Dill*- ivam-iiig i“vU!«. Win. B. .Seal, mgr.: Cla- clunati, O luJeL

Dm-nard’s. Virg.. Koeeirml MaMa: (Modjeska) Angtwta. Ga., 8-lA

Gilbert'*(. A. R.. Hon-y MboB Olrla (Ciyatal) Plttsbui-r. Pa.. Indef.

OrsTcs, Iilii.T. Wonderful Baby Co.: (Tale) 8a- r»!pi. I*k.. « 13.

Haul;** tterlcw, Daa CdtnA eifr.: <IV.i>clUa) aerelami. O.. 8-18*..

Hlehl* n**!.’ fJolumbia Kerne. Billy Zaltler. mgr.: (.star) Rl.-hwo- l, )V. Va.. S-U; (BIpp.) Eairwont 15-20.

ITeston’s, Hazel, Ginger Olr!s: BcihertoB, O., 8-1.1.

Royt’e Sweet Buddy Cn.. Ed. M. Moore, mgr.: lOryaul) Anderson, Ind.. 8-13; (Broadway) Coinmbu*. O., 15-20.

Barley's Oh, Say. Gtrla: (Myjtle) (Mahoetoo, O., 8-lA

Bnr'ey's Oh. Ltatra. Girl*: (Grand) Mivgaa- town. W. Va.. 8-ia

King’s, Frank. Dainty GMs: (Liberty) Black- waU. Ok., 8-lA

Rlag’a, Bob, Soothera Mald»: (Beat) Btnriay-

Lord A Vernon Mna. Com. Co. (I’U-linent) liet- mont, W. Va,, 8-13; (Strand) Grafton 15-2t.*.

LaSalle Mna. Com. Cn.. BuyW Woolfolk, mgr.: (Lyceuni) Dnlatb. Mlun., 22-Murrh 21.

LaRalla Mnsioal Comedy. Jack Uaut, mgr.: (Trenton) lynchbarg, V.-i.. H-IH,

Lewis. Herman, Virginia BeaitUea: (Yale) Mus¬ kogee. Ok.. 8-13.

Lather'ib Morris H., llevlew (Prinoess) Youngs- town, a, ikdef. ,

Igtrl* lloaleal Stork Co., Qnint IL Thompsua mgr.: (Lyric) FL Worth, Xex., Indef.

Martln’6 W. F., FoutHgtt Girls (Maje-itlc) OteearCIe. 8. C.. H-10.

MtrUa.’s, Farcy, MatioyuUl.iu Kauae (Prlacoai Ardmore, Ok., 8-18.

Moore’o, Hap, Merry Maids (Beocks) Cin¬ cinnati, G.. Indef.

My Hawaiian BotterSy, Bun; Soothera. mgr.: (Hamly) Pauls VaU9, Ok., S-l8; (Prlnceas) Ardmore 14-27.

ISbner’s. Iqw, Show Giria, Bales A Palmer. mgrs.: (Casino) Washington, Pa., 8-13.

Platt’s, Harry A., Kiqrstone tkiUlea: Oonnella- allla. Pa., 8-18; Cmoatown ]5-30i

dea Beach Girl*, Bd Baxter, mgr.: (BiJoa) (}nlacy, TIL, 8-38; (Ondwam) NOBhrlUe, Tenn., 15-30.

Sliaw*a, Bob. Blno Bldga lASale* (Mijestic) DnnvUle. Va.. S-LI.

Star Muflcal Tab. Stock* Ctaa. LdBbtd; mgr.: (Star) Leoiitrllle. Ky» IndeL

Willard, YtMB, A His iBcaaty Bantams dd^) Alliance, O.. 8-18.

Worrell’s CharleatenUa*. DMt HalM. mgy.i (Palm) Omaha. Nab., Indaf.

Eartow’a Big B««a*: (Palaae) OlarkabictK, W. Va.. S-IK

Zarrow’o Anmrleaa CMilai (Grotto) Bay Clty> MMi., 7-18.

Zarrow’s IkMilaMttea: > (Dlxla) Valoateam. n.. 8-13.

Barrow’s Yanks: (Lyric) Newkik, O.. 8-13. Barrow’s National: (Straad) Grafton. W. Tt..

8-13. Burrow’s FbUie* (Grand) BoebesteriW^kh., 11-13.

MINSTRELS Olarksoa A HIB’b AO White Mastodon Mtn-

strels: Findlay, O., 10; lima U: Keaton 12; SL Mary* 13; Wn Wart 18; FL Wayac, Ind.. 16: Hnntington IT; Wabash 18; OoMien 19; Elkhart 20.

FlaM's, Al G.t Tampa, Fla., IfoU; Ottoad* 12; SL AugnstlDa IS; TaH|hi8*<*t jVJBt Bxto- brldge. On.. S; DotbaiLTAK. 17: TnMioOsa 18; xtipelo, Mias., 19; ffrlagg. Afk., >0.

BtU’s, Oqs, Omb. a. WOBama, mgr.: Kan¬ kakee, OL. K): Sprlni^la 11; ftocla IS; Day- enrurt, la., 18; Banlagton ll: Kooknk 15; Towa City 18; Watadlao l7fDaa Malaaa 18; Marsballtowa 18; 6looa CIW 80l

Mooee Mlnetrels. Bert WOai^ mgr,i Fhlladel- jto. Pa-, Miet.

Obrien’s, Neil. Gsev F. Bodve. JMS-: Oalrea- ton. Tex., Iw; Beaamewi U: umn Charles. La.. 13; Shieswport 18-14t Texarkana, Tax., 15; VIekdbmfg. Mlaa.. ^ JhebBax 17; M*- rMiaa 18; S^s. Ala., IDi flrwMam 30.

BANDS A OBOHESTRAS. Bettlate**. Joa Band; Nam Totk City. todeC OoUaaatPa. Samt WDm, N. C. tadel Conway's, Pat, Band: Mia^. Fla.. Jaa. 4-April

Clmara’o, J., Band: Orlaada. Tta., Jaa. 15-lAy. 25.

Cnreio’a, Aathoay. Band: New York, ladef. Oarcio’s. U. A., Band: Padaaab, Ky-. iadeL D’Andrea’s Band: Memphis. Tena., SS^areh IS. DeCola’a Band: Chicago, HI., ladef. Esposito, Philip, Band: Broaklya. N. T.. indaL Girard’s Amerlcaa Band. Him Gbatd, tt*.:

Sumter, 8. C., iadef. Oretla’s Band: Fort Myerik Fla.. tmtU April L Muatfomery's, George B., Band A Orcbeptia;

SL Louis, Mol, ladef. Muaimolo’a, Angel*. Band: MaatEoaMiy. Ala.,

Indef. Nasca’a Band: Dima. M. 0.. S-18. Neel’s, Carl. Band: EUxabetb City, N. G. 8-

IS; Hertf^ 15-20. Old Guard Band, Fraah Morse, Oaad.t PhOa-

dclphla. Pa., indef. OUreto’a. Antdbie. Bandt Aafasta, Ga., hkilaf. Boyal Scotch HlghUnden Band: SL Petera-

borg, Fla., ontU April A Bnta’s, O., Band: New York City, ladef. £laeoe’s, R. Henry, Baad: (Orpbettm) Lima.

O., IndeL Syncopating Fire, with Daaty Baades. Herb.

Hayworth. Otto Baana and Frits Morris: (Golden Etragon Cabaret) SL ntersbnrg, Fla.. Indef.

Twaatleth Century Jan Baad. Paol B. Gosa. mgr.: (WintergardaB) Wichita. Kaa.. indaf.

Tarboruagu’s Black Baama Baad: OolambL. a. C., oatu April 1.

MISCELLANEOUS Adams’, James, Fleatfog thaatar; Bbuhetb

City. N. C.. 8-U; B^ard VL36. Blackstooe, Magiciaa, Boy Sampaop, mgr.: (Sa¬

voy) San Fniaclscw 7-W. Daalel. B. A.. Magiciaa: Ptadletea. Ore., tt-

M; Baker 1547; BettA M.. 15-lS; Nampa 39.

Galvanl Hypnotic Shown. BaTtaa, (Nfba, 8-18. Oflberfs, i. A-. Hynirtli Shew; Mempbla.

Tkaa.. 8-B; OentraHA HL. 1540. Great Hererlj A Co.: Sam, Pa.. Indef. Georgia TrembadeorA WIm McOahe. uv.:

B*0e (PtolBA Kaa., 15; Omiwater U; (5sa- sray Sprhiga 13; WaUtagtn 18-15.

Hammoad Hypnotist, Georg* Bamiaoad. mgy.t H*mer. L*.. ladef.

LaDell, MagicUa: San Fraaeipeo. Cal., IndtL MUea. John Bcbert. Miaatrcto A Moeeom: Trap-

ton, 'N. J., until Awrn A Parker. Dr. Peter: WUsoa. N. OL, 818: Becky

Monat 15-20.

(CoQtiniied on page 97)



(FInt IIm nam* la black tyfc.)


Acrobats (Flrct Hat and name la black type.)


'WAX&EH FAKUT ACBOBATS—WOBLD’B yonngeat acrobata and wire walkem; C people;

30 acta, triple acrobatic, brother acrobatic, con¬ tortion, wire, trapeze, ^rl acrobatic, minstrel parts, maalc, escapes and Are acts. WTio will place ns with neat frame-up? 'Percentage basis, or will consider salary for 4 people; 6 acts for free act. 0. B. WAKBEV, Dclmont, 8. D.


riPST-CLASS LECTUBEB FOB JEEDICIKE Co.; straights In acts, tpeclaltlea f >r

one week; Join at Once (write). Address KEI>- ICUTE UCTXJBEB, Gen. Bel., Mansfield, Ohio.

AT LIBEBTT — CONCESSION AGENT; • years trouplng; work wheel or grind store. In¬

side or ont; percentage basis only. Mr. Con¬ cessioner, what hare you? Ticket? No. Can go any place. Address C. E. KABBIS, 2161 North 19th St.. Terre Haute, Indiana.

AT LIBERTY — EXPEBIENCED Eb ALTO saxop'H'nl-t; read, fake or tmnspose. JOHN

D. ABTUUB, TJi W. High St.. Lexington, Ken- tucUy. marts

Miscellaneous (First line and name In black type.)


AT LIBEBTT—COMPETENT UNION TBOM- bonlst. prefer dance or theatre. Addreas J.

W. WILLIAMS, 21 E. DuTal St., JackaonTlIIe. Florida. marl3

AT LIBEBTT TOTINO MAN, *1, TO GO WITH a carnival or circus en pouts now, as auto

mechanic, electrician or ticket seller; sober; honest; good sticker; salary reasonable; first one sends me ticket I go at once. NICHOLAS HABOOBCHOCH, 17 Vulcan St., Mahanoy City. Pennsyivania.

AT LIBEBTT—THE EAMOUS QTTILLIN Family; 6 la number; S acting people. Father,

mother, two danghtera, ages 13-19; one son, age 17; small daughter, 3 years. We are ex¬ perienced, seasoned performers and know oor bnslness. The following specialties is our line of clean cut Acts; Novelty comedy aerobatic act, 3 people, two ladies, one man; novelty con¬ tortion act, 2 ladies, moAer and daughter. Beat feature, novelty brother act. 2 ]>eorle. father and son; comedy sketch team, father and mother; sister act, two danghtera. Both daugh¬ ters change single specialties for a week. Father, black in all afterpieces; double In band, valve trombone or ten'W. Mother plays piano. All work acts. Don’t asks ns what we do. bnt state your best saliry. with all. The above we guarantee. Will Join small show with clean outfit; 5(W<). Get baa.v. Can open any time In April. Address Syracuse, Ohio.

AT LIBEBTT—AN EXPEBIENCED COBNET. Ist; a good band director and instructor; de¬

sires p'^ltlon In a molliim or small live town. Address COBNZTIBT, 628 North Dakota St., Sioux Falls, Booth Dakota. marlS OBEAT HELMAN—HANDCITTF KINO AND

lecturer; eleoftic <fhalr; beautiful apparatus; lady, fine wardrobe; can furnish Ine «lde-»bow for bazaars. People working for me oefore, also others, write. Want midget, fat lady, quick. Address HELMAN, Gen. Del., Meriden, Conn.

AT LIBEBTT — TBOVBONE AND VIOLIN (ladles); with summer engagement; prefer¬

ably park, concert or dance; will work separate¬ ly or together. B. NOE, Gen. DeL, I-a Porte, Indiana. mar20

TO JOIN AT ONCE—MIDGET; TO JOIN GOOD carnival; height, 61 Inches; weight, 68

pounds; age. 44 years; a cowboy fiddler; write me. ALLEN BCBCH, 701A. Lawton, Oo’a- homa. Tnar20

AT LIBEBTT—TENOB BANJOIST; PLAT from violin or cello parts; A. F. of M.; ex¬

perienced player: ran fawnish good dance or¬ chestra, or jivonid locate with good live wires. Address FEED C. OODFBET, 119 East 5th 8t., Jackaouviile, Florida. marli WOULD LIKE TO CLOWN WITH CIBCU8—

Have had some experience in vaudeville; would Join a producing clown as partner; write for partlcnlars. Address B. B., 1225 Walnut St., Kansas City, Missonri.

AT LIBER TT —HIGH PITCH WINDOW demonstrator, pc-idncer; experienced with

ennneiator; can demonstrate an.vthing; prefer small article. Addresa JULIUS EVEBTT, Gen¬ eral Delivery, Qnincy, Illinois.

AT LIBERTY — TBAP DBUMMEB; WILL troupe; good outfit. FEED E. HUDOENB, 363

W. Grand, Beloit, Wisconsin. marl3

YOUNG MAN, 20, WISHES JOB WITH CIB- ccs. catnlval or any kind of traveling show;

no experience; good dresser and worker. What have you? FRANK BBOOHE, 112 Cherry 8t., Tarentum, Pennsylvania.

AT LIBEBTT-WELL-KNOWN VIOLIN Di¬ rector for moving picture orchestra; large

and up-to-date library; elsht years’ experience; all offers considered: distance no ohje<-tlon and W"rk guaranteed. Addreta VIOLIN DIBECTOB, c,;re The Bll board, 1117 Commerce Bldg., Kan¬ sas City, Missonri. marl3

AT LIBEBTT—AIBPLAlfE STUNTS; WING walker; trapez* act under rl>ne and parachute

Jumps; Can furnish tiie best of refe'enco and photos. JEBBT HUDSON, 39 Sargeant Ft.. Springfield, Masaaebusetts. marli Dancers

(First line and name In blaefc tyne.) le WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2S«. WANTED, BY A BEFINED. HONEST AND

ambitions yonng man. 21 years old, a travel¬ ing position with reliable people; would prefer arting where I could earn and learn, hut will Consider any reasonable offer: references. Ad¬ dress CHABLFS E, FREIIAXEB, I)etnware and Lackawanna Avc., Danville, PenuKylvanla.

AT LIBERTY—GOOD, STBONO BANJO; BEAD violin parts; doable B-flat aax.; read bass

clef; A. F. of M.; prefer CtllfomU. N. M.. care 3he Blllhoaid, Ch.cago.

OOAINT oaiENTAL DANCES THAT EN- tbrall yon; a glimpse of the famed harem

dances; for your next "tag affair. Engage That Different Dancer, FL02ABI, Hotel Han¬ nah, Cleveland,* Ohio.

AT LIBEBTT—VIOLINIST: A. T. OF M.t many years’ experleneo In theatre and dsnee

bnslness; wishes to loeste; slso plsy baritone In brass. Address VIOLINIST, 2^ S. Monte- suma St., Prescott, Arlaona. inar20

toUJTO MAN, 18, WANTS TO TAKE CABE OF fcWlti'hboard, oonble canvas and play small

parts with some good show. Who cju place? A. EVANS, 1418 N. Center St.. Joliet, Illlanis.

Dramatic Artists (First lias and same In black tyss.)

lo WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25e. AT LIBEBTT — VIOLINIST, OB(7HE8TBA leader; A-No. 1; capable and reliable; 15

years’ experience; A. F. of M.; pictnree or vaudeville; very good library for cuin* pic¬ tures, etc.; can alao fnmish good drummer; atate higheat salary. Addreas VIOLINIST, 851 Fair St., Appleton, Wlsconoln. mnr’.'O

YOUNG MAN—TWENTY (20) YEAB8 OF AGE; 5 ft., 7 in. tall; would like to go on atni^e;

have never been on stage ?>efore; would like to get with eome musical comedy or dramatic act; nome Broadwav plav preferred. Write qnlrkly. MB. EMIL OUEBBIEB8, 112 W. 117th St., New York City. raar20

AT LIBEBTT-THE WARDS—^AN A WIFE; gener.vl business; ex;K;r'enc« and ability;

first-cls's wardrobe On and off; ran Join on wire. New Tlieatre, Salina, Kansas. mail3

AT LIBERTY—YOUNG BLACKFACE COMEDI- an; good coon singer; oi.en for minstrel, mu¬

sical, etc. JOE GOLD, 196 BrlsU.l St., 'Brook¬ lyn, New York.

A-1 MANAGER AND WIFE—OPEN FOB TEN^ In-one, with five high-class attractions; com"

plcte with banners; strong openings, ballyhoo, etc. Addreas KING COLE, 1803 S. State Street, Chicago, Illinois. •

AT IIBEPTT, ACCOUNT "FLU’' CLORINO theater, a three-piece orchestra, piano, sax¬

ophone and drums, wfth msrimliaphore; drum¬ mer la also a real sputllsht alnger; prefer pic¬ ture house; sal.->ry, ninety dollars a week for the three. MUSICAL TBIO, Cedartown. Ga.

YOUNG MAN WISHES ENGAGEMENT WITH responsible dancing act or musical comedy

show; experienced in buck dancing, soft shoe, straight Jig. waits 2’log. etc.; reasonable lal- ary expected. Addresa OSWALD OESEK, 212 Ixtcuet Htreet, Chicago, Illlnoli, apr3

AT LIBEBTT—YOUNG MAN (28) FOB DBA- matlc show; play most anything cast for; no

specialties, but « good, live dramatic performer, with real talent; at present managing local dramatic club. Addref.s NOB. KEMPTON DRAMATIC CLUB, Kempton, W, Va. mar27

■ AT LIBERTY FOB CUBCU8 OB CARNIVAL— A-1 banner man; good, smoo'h talker: reliable

managers only. B. H. BINEAB. Permanent address. The Billboard, New York City. apr3

AT LIBEBTT FOB SUM^B ENOAOEMENT— Violinist, A. P. M.; erperlenced. Address W.

J. FIEHL, 1206 Twelfth «t., N. W., Canton. O. M. P. Operators

(First IlM and nssit la blaek typs.)


man; can handle any grind show; for circus or carnival In Stonthwest: can Join on wire. HABBT E. EBAY, care Carloneda, E. Laa Ve¬ gas, New Mexico.


gin, Illinois. mtr27

AT LIBERTY AFTER APB. 1—FOB COMING season; young man: age. 24; characters and

general hurlncKs; can also do singing sod dan¬ cing aiHsclalties: good study; good wardrobe and AT LIBEBTT—MOVINO PICTURE OPEBATOR n-llable; msnsgers state salary yon will pay. «od electrician; technicsilr trained; will go K. B. YORK, care New Ellis Opera House, anywhere. OLTVEB K. BItAIME, K. Garro Ft., Ktnsselaer, Indiana. I'tymonth, Indiana. . mar20

It Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

BAITDMASTEB—FORMER ARMY AND MU- nlcinsl luindmaster; press notices and relish's

references; comet soloist with large oonce t band; pupil of A. P. Weldon; towns In Central West wantliw flrst-elasa band this summer address BANdXABZXX. Box 84, Batina, Kan- •u. mgt3u

AT LIBEBTT—A BEAL BAND AND OB- chestra leader and teacher; locate; twenty

years’ experience. Adtlrees MUSICIAN, 331 East Tlonrth SL, ^nclnnati, Ohio.

BAND AND ORCHESTRA LEADER WISHES to locate In good, live town: teach wind or

string instruments. Address W. E. FITCH, Arkansaw. Wisconsin.

AT LIBERTY FOR CARNIVAL OB CIRCUS— Beal Scotch pagpiper; retnrned Otnadlan sol-

dlerv have my own costumes and pipes; terms. E-LLIE KTND6, 190 Ft. Elliott Ave., Detroit, Michigan.

JO'TLAND BAND—TWENTY PIECES AND dmm major; state what you pay first

letter, ns we will accept first good offer. BOX 181, Kansas City, Kansas.


Circus and Carnival (First line and nama in blaek type.)


AT LLBERTY—ORCHESTRA; FOB HOTEL. Bommer resort or dance pavilion; A. F. of M.;

concert or dance; violin, drums and piano, or more; xylophone and full line of traps; loca¬ tion for summer desIre<L Address CLARENCE L. SPStAOUE, Box 134, Alexander, New Y’ork.


NOTE TO HOTEL, PIER, PARK, SUMMER resort, dancing academy and Chautauqua

managers looking for a refined musical attrac¬ tion: University Four. <y)mposed of university students of the better class, catering to a re¬ fined and educated public; full library from opera to Jazz: any number of references. Ad¬ dress SPBINOATE ORCHESTRAS, V.-rsallles, Kentucky.

AA BILLPOSTER—WHO CAN. AND 'WILL, keep plant np to AA standard; can drive Fbrd;

also direct construction; Job mast be permanent and salary right. Address The Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati, Ohio, mar20

(First lias and nams la black typs.)


Agents and Managers (Flrat' line and earns In black type.)


AGENT AT LIBERTY-WOULD CONSIDER offer where wife could be placed; wonld buy or

frame np act; no objection to wagon show. BILLY LYONS, Hotel Langbam, Boston, Mas- sachnsetts. aprlO



Agents and Scllelters Wanted.8e Intrpetlene and Plaac .p Anlnitls. Bird! and Pete.8e Manuteripte. Sketekee tad PIgyt.<• Attraetlona Wanted.Se Mlecellaaeeut tar Sale .je Bandi and Oreheatras (Seven Pietu er Mere)....3e Mutleal laatruaieatt (Seeead-Hand).Se Beoka .2e Partnert Wanted ler Acts (Ne laveetaient).le Bearding Heutes (Theatrieal).9e Perrenal .^ Buslneu OpportualUea .4e Privileges far Sale .«• Cartooni.Se Readcra' Netioec er Inferaia'.laa Wanted.Se Ceaetaalont Wanted .Se Want Advertisements.Ss Cestumei .Se Sehocit (Dramalle, Mesleal asd Oaneiag).le Exchange er Swag .St Shew Prepsrty Iw Sale (Seeesd-Httd).3s For Rent er Lease Prapnrty .S» Songa and Mnali .2s Far Sale Adi (New Oendt).4e Theateri for Selo.Se For Sals Ads (Secead-Hind Gt^t).Sa Theatrieal n'isting ..Sa Formulae .Se Typewriters .So Furnlihed Reame .In Wanted Partner (CapiUI lewetmont).4s Hetele (Theatrieal) .9s Wanted Te Bey .Se Help Wanted .Sa


Per Word. Per Ward. Cnicinm Lights .Be Moving Pleture Acegeeerles far Sale (Sscead-Hsad). .9s Films for Sals (Ssessd-Hssd).8s Thssters for Sals.Ss Fllmi for Sals (New).Se Wasted Te Bay.Se Far Bant Leass sr Salt Property.Se


At Liberty (Oitplay First Uns aad Nams In Seml-Dlerlty (A Nsst Attmetive Styls of Type. Blaek) .lei Mere CIsisy Than Usual).Ss

At Ubsrty (Futurt Oats).2s | Your Ad In the Uite Set In Attraetlvs Oitplay.So

Ws do not piece ehsrget for ads In the Clssslfled Columns npon our books, no bills renderad.

CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. AH copy for odt In this departmeug mu«t rrach nv by 'Hiur.Klsy. 6 p.m.. for Inaerxon In tbs fonowtng

wsak's Istus. the BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 2S-27 Optra Place. ClnelnnUL Obis.

EXPEXIENOED OABBOUSEL OX ELI 'WHEEL Han—Three years’ experience with Parker

CsiTonsel and Ell W’heel. FRED XcDONALD, Box 84, Hoqniam, Washington. mariJO

Musicians (First Has and asms U blaek typs.)


A-1 DBUMMEB 'WANTED QUKDC—STEADY; picture and vaudevll’e J h; union; wire.


A-1 STRING BASS k OUITAX PLAYEB— Don’t read music; real jaxs, but can fake any.

thing for dance or orchestra or picture house. BJB MORAN, Covington. Louisiana.

A-1 TENOB BANJOIST WOULD LIKT. TO JOIN traveling dance orcbeitra, cafe or hotel; am

nnlon; have reputation; read or fake; will gu cny place; give partlcnlars. Write or wlr**, W.LLIAM MORRIS, General Delivery, Butte, Montana.

AT UBEBTY—THREE BEOULAB PEOPLE, two men, ijie lady; man and wife chanse

double comedy and motical doublet for week; wife, A-1 piano; also saxophone; man, A-I trap drummer; also plays good saxophone, and fair violin; ages, 30 years; young man; age, 21; does real singing apeclaUles; also Is good trap drum mer "fuker’* (don’t read much); all double B.. 0. and stage. Managers wanting regular people and paying real salaries, let’s have your limit. MUSICAL TRIO, Cedartown, Georgia. ’’Flu’’ accounts for this ad.

Bands and Orchestras (First line and name In blnek typs.)


AT LIBEBTT—JOYLAND BAND; THE LAST word In show muelc; “Nnf-Ced." Box 121,

Ksnnas City, Kansas. marl3

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A Market Place for Bi^er and Sdler, and^nt Ad Department l^gi^l

at libextt—tsap rainatn; locate oDlr; XTlophonra. I>ena and fall line af traps.

Address J>KV...iACE&, 812 E. Lime 8t.. Lake Und. Florida.

COHEET-^ F. OF ILt AT LIBEETT AFTEJt April first; experienced In all lines; last fire

seasons with A. U. Eslick on Kennedy 8h8ws. Address FLOYD P. KEENEY, Wellsboro, Pa.


4335 Ilunt Are., St. Louis, Missouri. n>ar27

BBh BASS—AT LIBERTY ABOUT APRIL 1; married; auto inecU..n;c; r-m Izairument;

Ohio preferred. Address NTTSICiAN, care C. A. 6., 1816 E. 24tli St., Clerelond, O..I0. marllO

DRUNKER—BEAL ONE; UNION; FINE OUT- fit; flute and tI .iln parts on marimba; will con¬

sider light employment on side; top salary; pre¬ fer West. J. C. B\LNE8, care The Billboard. Chicago. Illinois.

FIRST-CLASS V:OLIN»T LEADER—CAN AR- range; double banjorln; b'g library; tenor or

alto la band; musical spec'jalty If desWl; wife can work In rb..ros; experlenoed musical com- edy; fake drams and lead numbers. 3, B.aR- RETT, 442 Bloomfield Ave., ^Moatclalr, N. J.

FLUTE AND PICCOLO AT LIBERTY—THOR- oughly experienced In all lines; A. P. of M.

Address FLUTE, 1101 East Ilth St., Apartment 3, Kansas City, Missouri. marl3

LEADER—VIOLIN; FIFTEEN TEARS’ Ex¬ perience; pictures, hotel, daB<-e; ample II.

brary and finest CleTe’and references; would do light work In connection if necessary. VIO¬ LINIST, 8719 Caruegle Are., Clerelaod, Ohio.


LEADER (VIOLnn—A, F. OF K.; VAUDE- Tllle, photoplay and all araund experlenc<>;

fine library; ex; erlen^ed band and private teach¬ er; ran arrange. LEAlkER, 1401 Ofbson St., Scranton, Pennaylvanla.

SCOTCH HIGHLAND PIPER—I PLAT SCOTCH pipes In a very novel and original way—to

draw attention—blowing them with (bellows) cold air—very loud music. An A-1 attraction on a llrst-clsss show; on’y rel«s»-!e managers answer. Address, F. X HENNESTY, car* The Billboard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

TROOPER—XELOPHONE AND SECOND VT. olln: locate or troop; a so giod ba.ber. FRED

LIERD, Crown Hotel. Peoria. IlilMis.

VERY NEAT-APPEARINO YOUNG KAN— Age, 23; play C Saxophone; also sing tenor;

hare gold instinment; wishes to locate with oinslcsl comedy or Tsudevlite set; wire or write. CLAUDE J. CLARK, 3731 Park HelgbU Ave.. phone Madison 7523. Baltimore, Md. marl3

VIOLIN, PIANO AND DRUKS-EXPERT. enred la concert and dance wark; would like

to hear from summer hotel mgrs.; plmnlstn and dram; man and wife; d*ummer has t-e's an I xylophone. Address L. R, care The Billboard. Clnclanatl. mar20

VIOLINIST AND PIANIST AT LIBERTY— Both professionals; large library; cue pic¬

tures; years of theatre, cafe and dance experi¬ ence; prefer job In or near Chicago; can fornlsh drams and clarinet; can start at once. R. R. KURRIE, care Billboard, cor. Monroe A Dear- lorn, Cbtcafo, Illlnolt. marl3

WANTED — POSITION WITH TRAVELING troope by cornet player with 8 year*' experl-

tace In hand and orchestra work. Posltton with tent ahow making week stsnda preferred. 0 am a yonng man of good hatlts aad me'n I lelnesa; *an give the heat references, CRAS. I SPRINGER, Bhelbyvllle. UlssonrI. marl3

WANTED-ZELLO PLATER; PICTITRE THE A- tre; six days per week; salary, thirty-five;

must be first-class; open at once. Address LEADER, Royal Theatre, El Dorado, Kansas.


YOUNG KAN. SO. PAIR VOICE; LIKE TO JOIN Some gisid reliable net or partner, male or fe-

^ male; play or fake altde or melophone; little ronti*rtlon erjwrlence; qnick; willing to learn; moat anything tbst's good; state all In first let¬ ter. JESSE ESKIN, Frankfqrt, Indiana, 1261 N. Main street. mar20

Piano Players (First Has as4 saais la black tygs.)


Al. ACCOKPLISHZD LADY PIANISTS 1 sings (soprano): age. 23; wishes position es¬

tablished .net; production or hotel: 6 years' public expeiicai-e. FIANISTE, 144 Senator Bt,. BrTsAlyn, N. Y. Phone, 3128 W. Bayridge.

AT LIBERTY—A.I FIANTST; DESIRES WORN with dance orchestra playing nt a summer

resort: 2 yea-s' ex~cr'ei>ce; member A. F. of •- pood aigbt rwider; ?1 ve^ra of sr*: state

''‘’Icnlara. Add-»«s ARTHUR WILI-KERR M5 \V. 14th 8t., Duh(W|oe. Iowa.

AT LTBERTT AFTER KAR<;R 13—A-1 FI- kr.Ut: competent and reltfhle; A. F. Of M.;

rn dance. Addreaa E. E. nWALL, care Imna Theater, Kankakee, llllnola. ninr20

AT UBERTT XAKCK 8TH—PIANIST; POR vaudeville, pictures or tabloid; 12 years* ex-

peilence In thona lines; read, fake, transpose aud arrange; cne pictures to aatlafactton; with orcliestra or alone; in good tabloid honse; prefer alone or with drums; onion; married aad reliable; location most be permanent; only re¬ liable mansgen. State highest salary and all to PIANIST, Box, 123, Morgantown. West Virginia. Biarl2

COKPETENT, DEPENDABLE. EXPERIENOED all lines; derlres change of location; A. F. of

M.; will accept engagement now. or hook for summer resoit. K^. ADRIENNE WALKER, 4-38 Park Ave., Clatrton, Pennsylvania. mar20

EXPERIENCED JAZZ PIANIST—A, P. OF M.', deslrca engagement wUh n good, live, peppy

dance orchestra for luihmer report; exp^esced also la pictnrea and operato photoplayer; write or wire. A. T, P., care 117 ThompaOn St., Moberly, MlaaoiirL

GEORGE JOHNSON, COLORED PIANO PLAT- er, wants a job with some show; wife also

sings and works on stage. Wllmot, Arkansas

LADY ORGANIST AND PIANIST—PICTURE dramattser: dratrea position In theatre; nine

years* experience; has l^e library of twpular aad classical mutlc. JESSIE SANCKX 614 Walnut St., Muscatine, Iowa.

PIANIST—8*>L0 OR ORCHESTRA: DESIRES contract with hlga-class repe.tolre,

stock or ttiDs'cal comedy company, or act requir¬ ing excep.ianal'.y fine accompanist for hlgh- grtide songs; arranger and composer; working knowledge of French and woold consider ranting to F'rance. Address PIANIST, Box 4J3, Tele¬ phone Road, Houston, Texas. mario

AT LIBERTY — NOVELTY PERPORKERI change for two weeks; straight or second

comedy in acts; wardrobe on and off; state sal- a-y, add fil.ow time to forward mall. J, 0. BRUCE, Gen. Del., Des Moiaee, Iowa.

CLASSY PEKALE IKPER80NATOR—SING- liig, dancing: tremenduoa drawing power ev¬

erywhere; picture, fifteen cents; Taodevillo, bigb-cltss musical comedy, moving picture screen. EXIL WALTER, Ges. Del.. Binning, ham, Alabama.

CRYSTAL AND HYPNOTIC ACT—TWO PER. aons; In yonr own home, cloha. parlors or

lodges: Hprlagfleld, O., and vicinity. Write PROF. PAHL, 1818 W. Fleasant SL, Springfield, Ohio, Biar27

YOUNG KAN TO BE DISCHARGED FROK service March 31 wants pofiluon with atock

company or i>ark la vaadevlUe sketch, general hoalness. BlngT No. Donee? Yea. Age. 23; 6 ft., 8; 133 lbs.; neat appearance; amateur ex* perlence two years; ambitioas and reliable. Addresa BEN I/OUGHLXN, Liberty Theater, Camp Taylor, LoalavUle, Kentocky. my20

At Liberty at Future Date 2e WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2Se.

AT LIBERTY—Park managen. summer resorts, gam- met hotels, dtndng scadrmy, shows of repute; re-

sponslbls mgrs., stc.. Dorp River Jazx Banil, an or¬ chestra of six, wants summer )nb. We bare 3 good ones, but the orchentra la so good that we deserve the beet. Can furnish bank reftrctice, referenco as to our ability, etc. Can open Juns 1st or near that tlmo. Prefer the West. Write for (ietsila. Ile- member. I elsin to have tho best and can prove It to snyooei WIIAARD BOBIHON. 710 Travis BC.

I Wlclhta Falls. Texas. apr3

A NEW FIELD FOR OUUA Uk© Lorhlnvar out of th« West comes this bit of news. From Ann

Arbor fares forth a newspaper dispatch that Michigan’s seat of learning is In the clutches of the ouija board. "The little table with three legs is ' becoming more plentiful in the fraternity and society homes and In the ^ rooms of Independent students than Bibles or prayer books and more e frequently consulted,” declared a member of the faculty of tho University ♦ of Michigan commenting on a report he had Just received that two t young women In his class had been obliged to leave school and place *

themselves in the hands of nene specialists because of their devotion to the ouija board.

Another member of the university faculty recently Issued this warning In the cI.3ssroom: "If the students will devote the time to study that they now give to the ouija board there will be fewer students placed on the ’home* or on the ‘warned* lists at tho end of tho semester, after the examinations are over. To my mind the lure of the ouija is becom¬ ing a serious menace in this country.’’

This Is a far more serious matter than appears on the surface. We cannot have our institutions for the manufacture of stage door “Johns" undermined without a vigorous protest Something must be done, and quickly, too. One solution of the problem is at hand. The Michigan authorities should collect all the ouijas and planchettes within the con¬ fines of the university, box them up and ship them F. O. B. to the pro¬ ducing managers In New York. Then the gambling men who are con¬ templating placing a bet on a new piece can sit around the board and lire questions at the prophetic table. What a relief it will be to the aching brow of the producer If he can get a little advance Information from the eplrlt land. Whatever happens a trip to French Lick can be belter explained by overindulgence in ouija playing than nervous pros¬ tration from trying to make the public swallow something It will not have. By all means let us have the ouija added to the stock of pro¬ ducers’ knowledge equipment. The table on three legs cannot guess wrong more often than some of them are doing.—PATTERSON JAMES.

FIANI8T—DOUBLE BARITONE. gAXGPUOlTE. j^llo It v'x. part*; A. F of .M. F. N. JEI«X-

INS, 258 Walnut St., Sprloffleld, Mara. lBarl3

PIAN-ST, FIRST-CLASS; LONG EXPERIENCE; want* poaitlon In ralLible picture bonac;

food library, classic, sLiBdard and popular; music tbtt fits the plctorr* all the time; state hours; COD join at once. Addresit FRANX D, COLBURN, Gea. Del., Lowell, Mass.

Singers (First Hat aad aasM In bla:k VP*-)


AT LIBERTY-TOP TENOR WITH WINTER Gsrticn Fliur two years; wire quick. BEN

CHURCKILL. Clarendon Hotel, 835 N. CUrk St., Chlcagu.

Vaudeville Artists (PIrtI llae aad naam In blnek tysa)


AT LIBEBTY—YOUNG KAN—DE8IRX8 TO join a vauilevllle company, to get started on

road; will start on small oalary, to make my ex|>enae*: am real sincer. and wllllnx to learn; or to a« partner. A. E. W., 1315 W. Maple. Enid, Oklatkoma.

AT LIBERTY—STRAIGHT KAN; VAXTDE- Tllle and musical comeviy experience; open

for mnsical comedy In Bnnth or East; at*. 20; height, 0 feet. 1 Inch; weight, 1.30 Ihs Tickets? 3'ea. JACK PAIGE, care Billboard, Bt. Loale. ‘Mlosoorl.

Attractions Wanted la WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Sa.

WANTEI>—For Haskell County Log Roll and Pic¬ nic, inree Mg daj*. July 1. 3, 3; Ferrt* WheeU

Bteam Rwlng. Cahaiet. Plant.. VaudOTitIa E’lectrlc. M. I'.: In fact, all kinds; also CooomsIoos of all kinds. Grounds located; water available and rmmds wtred through klUlway. Tme. money or |«ier not spared to make this the bicteet In yean. Advertised foe miles and promoted by an eld trouper. Nulf sold. For full information write to FRANK LrAOY, feqr., care Kidland Cafe. SUglcr, Baskcai Co;, Okla


Agents and Solicitors Wanted So WORD. C.ASH, NO AOV. LESS THAN 29#.

$40 WEeKLT BAIoART-©ample; mallrd. 35c. DOPOB (CORN IKVIXUCR). Box 243. Da>ton. O.

S50#t PRtHTr-MTilflwlnd sellrr. Kcan-RJte. Waahen cluthea quirk without rubbing. Sampica

fraa BEM'O. 3353-BC. Brllrplalne. Cblcaga mar26

AOENTR. MAIL ORDIW 3CBV—Wl sou Gaawta MaU Order IMrectorv. Marrh Issue ready. Niwspeper

alna GnvNof the Wilson Syndicate 500 mall ordUr edfera Chkago man aaya It fairty bristles with amey-maklng ideas. CVeqr sent sealol for 75 ceata. EI>WARU W. WlUiOS, PubUolMt. 1400 Broadway, New Tork C3ty.

AGENTS—Sign Lottrn for windows at benmt prtrea; genuine goM leaf. CHICAGO SIGN SYBTEM. B 33<

Rlref St., ChlcagD. aprl7

AGENTS—Here It la. Everybody nrrda three. "Orta the Bile” Herb Tabirta; a renl Uver regulator; ra-

ttira'i woiulcrful gift; telle fry 35c the bottle; ron- tatna no calomel; two dollars an hour easy; send TV coin for eanti^ and particulars. Addrona FGit- 1BT REkHUlT CtX, P. O. Box 8S4, San Antonio. Tax as.

AOENn—Make 500% profit handling Auto Mono- grama. New Pauiocic Plcfurtw. Window Lettera

Transfer Flags and Noralty SIgna. Catalog tret HINTON CO., Star City, Indiana.

AGENTS, STBEETMEN—Fastest 2V seller on mar¬ ket. Foster. Atlanta, sold 800 one day. Profit,

$M.00. Bample. 25c allrer. J. It 8UEA11MA.N. GreenvUle, Tennessee. man!

AGENTS—(100 Weekly. Automobile owners every- where wUd with enthuslaom Marvelous Inven¬

tion doubles power, mileage. eOciency. Saves Uo times Its cost. Bensotlonal soles twerywbere. JVrrl- tory going like wUdflre. 320 Bompla Outfit and Ford Cor free. Write quick. L BALLWKY. Uept. 64. LoulsvlUe. Ktruucky. niorTT

AGENTS. LABT CHANCE—-Tkrlrtory going feat; trl'.J to uaera of canned milk; sample and partlcalors.

ISo, 8TEWABT-PETTER 6808 Baylias, Cleveland. Ohio. morki

BIO EARNINGS EAST—Five otaitllng Inventions. Quick selling Auto Arcwesorles. Hell t. owners,

dealers, agents. tUcIuslre territory. Write quick. JUBILEE MFG. CO.. 542 Sta. C, Omaba. Nebraska.


CAlilPORNIA ROSEBBADB SELLING TJKW HOT OAKES—Agents cotnlng muuey; new stuff; tremen¬

dous demand; big prodta. MIBSION BEAD OO.. Faetory L. Lo# Angsleo. Courornla.

CON.VBIT WITH REAL MONEY MAKERS—Three hundred ap'clalty manufacturers auvertlM In Spe¬

cialty Salesman Magazine; 300 oafs proposlUooa to select friyu; ch'.’ca lull Inaiilratlanal aellliig talks by beet salesmanship writers; expeem frauds, foroes square dool; 132 pages; (2.00 yearl;’: three montht' trial, 25c. KFECLALTY HALE8MAN. 704 Como Building. Chicago.

"HVEKTBODY’S FRIEND'’ rrmtwes grease from olnhe*. uiuler guarantee of money back if It falls.

AttractlTe fur ladlew or genUemen to add materially to their Income. 2t.'0' e prnQt. Package niallesl on r»- crlpt at price; 25o lootn). Address -VNSON R I’AIAILR, 1615 Race 8t.. Philadelphia. Pa. mar2a

DEMO.NwTRutTOBB. HTRECT WORKER14—•'Outof Neck ne Fbrm and Holder. Attach any four-in-

hand or bow and snap to collar button. Duee away with truubltaome tie band. Tie always correct; works equally well wlih starched or soft collar. Qiuck anJ easy to demonau-ate. Absolutely nrw. Go Uke bot cake* at 23e. 3 for SOe. 300 per cent profit; workers make (15 to (25 a day. One man cleaned up (IS In one noon hour in Hocheoter with this tle> bolder. 17.50 a gram, erlth aelltng Ulk. Orler today OUE2*T TIB HOLBUR CO., Bocheutet: New York. marJT

"JAZ-FLUTH0MT50NB"—Slide FlutivPiccolo; played In^aoUy; postpaid. 23 cents. STEWART NOV¬

ELTIES l/TD., 331-B Wem 48th Gt, .New York.

MAKE BIO MON?rr seeing our Songs. HALCrO.N PUB. CO., Indianapolis; Indiana.

MEN AND WOMEN MAKE FROM (20 TO (30 A DAT selling our wonderful Wlo'low rieamr Send

for p;trtlrulan. Bamplr. 15e. DF.LL A iUCKMAN. 1312 North Clark 8t.. Chicago; Iltlnols. mar;.6

MBXIFA.V DLAMONDG. fladi Uke gtnulnn. Fboi eet- prrta stand tests, yet adl for l-50th the prim

iW Hew agrr.ta wanted to seU from bandurmr sam- pa raa« Big prnfita: pleasant work. Write today. MEXICAN DI.VMOVD nin’GHTLNG OO., Box Anx.. Laa Onces. New Mexico.

PHOTDGRAPHS—For Man Only—Lire Ones: state age; SampI* and Price Uel. 15 cents. .Vgriu,

wanted. tMIXJAMS SUPPLY COMPA.NT, 117 Olneg Road. Norfolk. VirgliilA martX

STREET MEN ONLY—Our chain atopa the crosrd. draws them la dose to tee how It opens: It's

seUd nickel sliver; 300% for you. Becd lOe eOamp for sample aud srlUng talk. O. C. GORTON. 30 BegUtou 8L, Boston. Maaoarhusettn.

WANTED—Agents and Slngeiw, to sell "Hsort of OokL" 110 daily. C. X HlTAa Music Pub.. Dssk i.a Lo;'..i.ari fA. l.'uourgu. Pa.. U. 8. aartO

WE HAVE AN AH7TCLE for mdl dealers and igeots. Gets the la llea. Partlcuiora. 3 atamra. Sample. 30

delta (satlsfactlno guaranteed). miK CITT NOV¬ ELTY (XL, Patcfwpu. Near Jersey.

WORLD'S BFST KNOWN FOFT DRINTC—The real. original Cola Formula, tl 00; raadr In your oern

homa Big iiroflts selllug soft drink dealers. A. H COURT, Analytic. ConsuHIng and Manufactarlnc Clietalat. 868 Grant St., Charleston. W. Vo. marl#

Animals, Birds and Pets Sa WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2Sa.

LARGE TRAINED PHT.NIX BABOON, two Trained Dogs. WILLMAN, Auatln. Menuna mar'JO

AUTB—Two monstrous Porcupines. $10: great bal’y- boa FLINT, North Waterford. Maine; morST

FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—One genuine Rhesus Male Monkey. C. B. DARDEN, St. Joseph. La.

FDR SALE—One ftootted Pony, block and white; runs for riding dog or monk; one dark maltoee

Pony, oonkng three yeora old: one Black Bear, broke to do rolling globo act. 335.00. Addnaa OBO; W. HALL, EransvIUa; Wlsoonstn.

SHETLAND MULB COlit, Dragon and Grave Rob¬ ber Bannersi Book. Host T\> Train Circus TVIrk

Dock $.50. WILLMAN, AiuUn. Montana. marl?


688 PLA.MH TO MAKE MONET—«,7€1 money-mak¬ ing trade ew rfta. "Buatclnpedla Business fkpor-

tunltlea;" 3 roltaaee; prim (8: your* fnr 81. firdev at dtoe. IDEAL BOOK ©OOP, 5501-BV Norh Rdbey, Oilraga; apc3

"BFTBRVEBCENT BCNTABIES"—Senaadoo In hook tine; seanon'a spteteu VAea and sayings; lllustroud;

•do. postpaid. THOMPSON PID. CO.. 508 E 5lh. Clndnnstl.

r.B AN ENTERTAINER!—Our ”Myst*ry Book” will make you I'opulsr. ’Caches Mind Reading. Jail

Rrraking. Ptre Fating Spiritualism. Hypnotism. Handisiff TV-spee. VenfrHnqulam. Vitideville Mwer- Ice. Slde-»h<wr Ads. Blsck Art. Etcrotlan Magic. Clalrvovsn'-e. FVrtune TeJIlng. Trlevathy and aca«..> of other Mvsferlnus Mystevlea A brand new (10 00 roUo-tlon msHeil fre only 25c. BLAKELEY CO, Roi 13, Station "R.” Rmoklyn. New York. marl 3

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. I (CoDtinaed on page 48)

15 llO«KVnKIJ> pimp Pim'RK MACmMSl, »lt pl'.turm (mlimr in front), $17.50 $ Ml.)

PuiKhlnc Ric 5UrhliMi, $35.00 oich: 1 Rtnir'i Nun llftcitllio. $35.00; 3 UumuMil WoU PunrtK r

(wixkiNt). $30.00 ru4t; 3 Hopto Hoim Macltlna* a 350.00 M<ih; 1 Mllb 4-Hlo< IluroaeoiJe, $50 00; Tai-ret Prutlro f>uj» (idm out wnall Uixot), $15 00 « «tNKT IKLulND A.MI’H1»U:XT CO.. Tlk,lii sou'* WalX. l- on»or I aland, N>r» Yortc.

500 snx aSHTTIi Man<T Maklnjt run!»ulaa and Trade tta'rau, po.Krald, 2.*o. 1. UAKU^t PVNUS. Wln-

obi'stur, Indiana.

INVBVnONR Btarkxlod oa ouvunUd<jn Oolck acrr- W. M. t>CU> lUJUlIt ca. 1538 N. Weds 1st.,

Cldcaco. marSj

BIRLE:—Smallnst In the wortd; alae of postace atamp: 300 paces Nine TMtameni; aample. 11c; dot., T5c.

tMptpald. CUA8. 11. DYitta, Publlaher. WloelMMtt. Indiana.

FIX'* rORMl LAit. $1 00- TlL'se-Mlntile Com K«- mcwtc. Snal.* .Oil (Idiiliuent), Instant leraeiit.

All Suldf. Canet CUauer. OEOKllK KOl'P. nil llierlsua Are.. PiUaburiU, I’c'insjl'anla mari?

IdTT I'S REts'D you th« latml useful aitlrle on ten <U,TS* rrtaL r,R.\M SdUCIAI.TY CO.. « E. 390;

8L, Not York Citj.

nu: KUTTLER COMPA-VrH n<-»- loratlon. S3 Wi-st Waat'ina-Wa So. Chloiigu; CAKIj ANP niatBKKI

KlTPridUl, formorty with Wm Uviuer lA’ic Co. Wlct and Toupdt our ei»<da',t*.

BOOKH—The EXtip'da]’ Educator trachea moduli bualneat nathodd. 75cl Money mat Inc Ideas you

neeer thoucht of, 100 pace*. $1.00. VUrrlace Oulde fur Xiicaiind Polka. 50c. How lb Tala and Debate. SSd: CENTBAX, COMPAN'T, *01 Ninth Aeo., New YorA mar37

30 ETHROV PHONOORAimS. I». r.. and A. CL Mo tors, at $30 00 ; 3 Mllla Owtnclnc Racs. at $15 Oo

3 Mllla Idftera $15.00; one KimuUnc Uallery Trail Inc. $350.00. M. A. UCm'MAN. 187 Bowery. Nn Y'ork. marl:

WA.VT BUI OA.ME. Bke KaitucJcy Pfrtiy, one! Will boy or lake partner. Have

roeiloft, KurAa-Aay Beach. ROBKNTUJkL naui Are., Uruuid,a. 'Now Y’oilL 500 OBriIK;-rrK.ATU>N8 FOR SAUO-15 co;>tfB to

$1 00. 5tari-tMa. Waltiea. Ooa-Mtepa and Poa TMti .Addrras J. M. 51.VHKI.'taON, rare 51arkuaon‘a Paoii Uffheetra, P. O. Boa 41$, Ilanninc, MinnesotA

OE2AT AUENTM AND MAIT, OIU>KR MAGAZINE ^Dozma of mon^-maklnc propostUoDa. Rancaln

affwm. Bend lOo today for lateat copy. TUOMP- tlON'S AUVUimSER. 503 ZL 5th. ClnclnnaU.

ItE.U»Qr.UtTKIl.S FOR POR.MI LA.R- .lU-celpU? Yra. 1 litre lU CUPFGRP. 1554 No. Clark, ChlcaCA

WE START TOn IN BrSIVBRR. f.imishlnc erery- tldnc; men and women. $30 00 to $100 uo irrekly np-

eratlnc our "New Rysteni Roeidalty Candy FarUirles’ a.iywber& Opportucliy Ufetime; booklet freo. BAUH- P.UoB CO.. Itrawer 9H. Kiel Oraiigw. N. J. maniO

ATTENTION. BAIA OANffl WOHICBR.'t -Zulu Kl 'v Uie hm eeer mado of Not 10 sail duck, $10 Uv

doB.: H-ool all around wlnca $13 the doa Arlmntia* KI..S, cf XoL 10 tall duck, $11.5$ the doc.; 13-ox. duck triple etltrh. nonrlp wrelt. $10 the doc. Stamp fm clrrulani; H divodt required. O. O. TAYliOR. Gaua Hhop. CMumbta City, Indiana

OElOTNAIi tlNAKE MLr-World'a crewtaat painkiller; wonderful for rheumatlim. pout. cuts, aprains and

aetiaa of all Unda: made for 3c; sella for 35c: cnar- anteed fonmila Sue. S A H. MANITUrmaNO LABOHATORIElk Boyleton Butldlnc. Cblraco.

BOOKS FOR MSN—Write today for free eataloc. L'NITED HALEB CO., Sprincfteld, IlUnola aprl7

GET l*0»m> WHERE TO BUT ererythlnc the Mall Dealer. iXaiocaaloiialre or Ayent needs; our diiuotory

teas wTiere to buy from the manufacturers about 3,000 dllTeretA artldea. It ‘wlU ears you many dm- lars; 35c. prepaid. CLIFTVBXI BROfi., 438 Wcat Bbth Hh, New York City.

Cartoons So WORD. CA8H. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se.

8NEEZ1NO POWDER FORSniA. 30c. DAT'S LONbBGAN, 3018 Blalade41. SUnnrapolU. Minn.

marls Li7ITERHE.tD Dl^tlONtS. CMnC C.LRTOOVS—D- iustrationa made to enter. Cuts fumlsbcA Samplec

for ktamp. BALdlA ART ^UiVlC'E. Oatikoah, WU. marlO

BLAOC Give U4KA5U (XTtTAIN'S with two bne (ten; firs prooltel: all In sued condition; for larci

etam; oi«it omter bai-k with draw cortU: will tel cheap. Addreac K 8, Bex 188, Oklatiomx City. Okla

WATtmPKOOF YOl R CASVAH—Make It last loncer. Material ounU 50 oetiU, anv town; corer U'<t square

f8et. Awilj’ It yourself. Guaranteed formula $100. 11 W. CASE, U Box 53. llawihora Florida

BOOIC8—Card Kharpers—Their Tricks Exposed, 50c: Mind Beadlnc Expow.ri, 35c: TauderlQe Rtace Jokea

25o; Lowe. Cour.shlp and Marrlace, 35c; Dream Book and Fortune Tc"ur, STic; Ikiwnrs* Oulde, lOc; Mayic and Mystery Book, It'Ki; 250 Made Tlicka. 10c; Horn Tb Box, 35c: (tta,re Money, lante roll, 50c; llw To Write Lore l><tura 25c; Mado Cards (read the backs), $1 dti'k; 125 Ca^ Trttka S5c, Hypnotism. DOc; Bow To Play Poker, 25c. Many other rare hooka Cxtaloc ftvo. INTTIZ) BALES CO.. Sprincfleld. IR


BOIJ, BER'OLVING CHALK TALK BOARDR—Fbr stays arthda carusmtsla and bxhtninc aketchce;

made any eixe up to 3x4 ft.; reiolwm and rolls for trick pictures; packs small; lieht lit weight; wrill last for jesre: for print tiaper and ersyons.’ 30i44-4nfl^ (standard sire), oomplcta pteupeld. $9.00; guaran¬ teed te be first-class or money ref unded: Illustrated clri-ular for ot.-un,i. STAN’DARU CHALK TALK Sl Pl'LY, Lincoln. NebraAa mar20

BLACK ART ACT-Complete. llghlA care dropa rm talna and prtk«: also Buit and one CaMnet O. M.

51(X>RJB. 910 Capital (%.. UanlatMirg. Pvnnaytrania tYORUFH BEST KNOWN SOFT DRINK—The real. original Cola Formula $100; made In your own

homo. Big profits seillrg soft drink dealers. A 11. CUl'RT. Analytli-, Consulting and Manufacturing Chemiat. 903 Grsnt fit.. Charleston. W. Va mar20

BUT. HELL. EXCHANGE OH BE.NT—Coln-Orerated ktachlnea of all kinds . _ - -- _ Mllla CalUe or Waning.

Tat ua know what you hare or want Addrata P. O BOX No. 178. N. H Station. Pittsburgh. Pa marl!

RAZORIN'B applted glna keenest edge; Acgi sraod with razor, t'wn tlse It thr e Uclci with Rizortne;

eou hair Inatantly; wonderful demaoatrator: huge pryite: ruartnieed formula 50a. RAH. KANU- FACTrUSlNO LABOBATORIEB. Boylsttn Bldg.. Chl- tkgo.

CHE.4P—300 Kitchen Chalris (hlrdw'svil). 85o; SN Ckiera ITialie. mthorany ntierr. Iron frame. $2.75;

3 Misrla Caawraa. 3 MpoUIgtita. Motl'siraph. Ddlaun. Stmplex, 6A, 2 IVrtaole Aabtwtoe Bouths, 3 Pathe- tropea. DeVry. $135; Pmecr'a 5. 3S0-waU lamp an I connection, $50. B. O. WTmiOBB. 37 Wlnclvwiw St.. Boaton, Mxmachuaetta igxq

dear reader—!' Occult New Thought and Scien¬ tific Hoist'S aiipeel te you, eetid for mj’ catalog: It’e

free. I- l;sre tw-ks on Personal MsgnetUm. ('on- ecptratlon. Bplrttiialliini. Clairvoyan.-c. Becrohip, WllL Mli«L Hyrnotii m. Mmnnwlaia Charact-r hvadlng. Healing. Mvalumiin. Hucvena Salesmanship. Mveiuta- as. Fmertainrarnt, etc. A. W. MARTENS. B7ft. Lurtluyton, Iowa marrhlS

Cigars and Tobacco 3c WORD, CA3H. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2S«.

HTTN-DRED high-grade M-AMLA CIO.ARH. $4. To adfi-rtlM our aupirtor smokea wrlll tend, on re-

quust with every hundred Manllae. oarum containlna ten rtvilar i>ackagce of CameU, Lucky Strike or Chaaterfleld Cigarattea for an additional ooct of 81.40. All poptoge pregiald Bend money order. Mc- GinKB A 5GTZ. Cigarlste. 149 North Pearl St, nufialo. New York.

For Sale, Rent or Lease I^operty


CXJMI’L£TB MOd'IE TKVT PBOW OkTmV-Electrb Oar Acetplena Ught. JACOB KOPFb 864 W.

Hpruoe Gt, Bhamokln. Ihennkylranla "HOW TIS THINE," or The ILyTet Out An ex-

powire of the trl'kii and deceixlond of gambler* and blaekletcr, wiUi lumte and dioe. AUo complete ayium nf Fornme Tellln,*. 35c. puetpald. 'raOMP- BON I’VB. CO., 503 B. 5th. ClmlnnaU.

FtHl BALD—PortalHe Skating Rink. 40x90. with 300 pairs ChlL-ago Skates, good shape, rcaly to set op

In g'lod Iowa town: $1,400 lak^ it aU. AddreM CATL J. FL'CIbL Springfield MlnneeoU.

CORONA TTI'EWRJTrJL In gorvl condlUon, nee oa,te: prlcn. $50. FRED MdHkNALD. Bex 84.

Hoqulam. WaeMngtoit nurJO m^N'DRlRl HIGH OR.tDE MANILA CIGARS for $4. Will dend. on rvquiwt only, with every hurulred Ma-

nltJA A carton of ten regular tAckaree of Camel or lAiuky Strike Cigarettes for an additional coat of only $1 40, prepaid. MoGlTRE A METZ. ClgarisU. 148 Ni'rth Pearl Street. Buffalo, New York.

HOW TO THOfGHT RCAT>—Prof. Jamea Coate*. Ph. D.: a si-ltnUflo study of the subjai that every

one is liitemded in lust now; green oovers. mamped Ih gold; pos'patd. S5a JAMES ALLAN TBOIOI. Xincolu, Nebraakg marlO

REBUILT WARDROBE TRUNTUi- Euual to new; bail orlgtnal niei. Gt< llfeUnM gonde at wtM>lesa.'t

prices. RXVHNOTON A CO., Brrtnton Pa marll For Sale—New Goods EUX7nUC.LL STAGE RTFHPm -Ctonde. Klpplea

Fire. WatnfallA MuC.Igbts. ttetopUcoDA Oleri Movemenia. Ixwa and General BuppUes; eave fln> per cent NTTKTO.N. 305 W. 15Ut BL. N«k York.


Concessions Wanted 3e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 3Sa

INSTBrcTTONH how to advertiiie at little or no expeSLx;, lOn. Catalogue free. M. PLANCAN.

Box 115, Eaji Fiauel.'em. CalifomlA mirlS

6 OILIiSrnS BLADES AND OITTIT. $1 88; limited Bupply: mall only. VnLUAMS 8J*BCIALTT CO..

39 Sevmth Ata, Now York City.>N IN PAltK WANTED—In or around New York State; give all particularg SCHUB-

TACK. *89 Waiee Avo., Bronx, New York City.

B(TLL*SHEAD PERmrB MACBINrs. Dperalo for ponixy; perfunte sprayed from noee by pulling borna;

wvdgbt. 12 pounde: height. 14 liicbee. Very neat and good money earners for aivwdo. tbocUng gaiierr or luerqhanK anywhere. Price. $8.00 Full partlcu- lan free. HAL C. MOULT. 9)1^ E. Main Si., Daa- vlUe, lUlnota marll

'JUST OUT"—Book of $4 Crmic Trick Drawlnes. Set Na 2. Wim Patter. $1.0a BALDA ART

(ERVICE. 0-.IAu*li, Wlecobiln.

EMPTBE CANDY nxWIS MACHINE In good eem dlUon; first $35 00 takes IL fWANK M. ON

BAD, 181 Vailw lilL, BrookvUlA IbanvlvulA WANTk®—Kxpertencwl Man for Conderman Ferris

Wheel; a’M HolpeTS fw Wheel and Carry-Us-AIL JONES. 1925 N. Talhott Are.. IndtanagioUA Ind.

mar 30

MACIO TUNli BOOKS-dl.O* per W; SWmmlo Dmtoers. l.'po p<r 100; D4ia Card*. 25o per 100;

fbaogiug Cards, Dig Spate. X-Bayg Paddles, other Klum at kevwst quantity prioeA SYIA'LIN’S M.401C HHUl’, ffi Bm, I’rarideoao, Rhode Liland. SampW fine. LMs fruA laiarto

FOR BALE—Dentael Catrousetle; good cnvUtlnu (en- jpna and organ): can be leased. Addrow KEY

S'^’E. 517 Tasker iPbUadelpblA Pa BurlJ FIY'K BANNERS, SxlO, figiihy plctoriaL $7.50 earta

CLARA KELLY, 310 Franklin. Marietta. OhUx marl3

WANTBI>—Palsalatry Oonceeaten for entire eeaaon at T>ark or beach m rental bealA Write. glvUig full

partlcifara. MIGEL COSTEld/J. care BUIbosu-d. Ntw York CSty. oartO

FOR SALE—8 Bceeviflald'e Song ard ptcuire, with A C. Motors; 4 large Blowing .Machltiia, $ Shooliiif

OatlerieA 3 High Striker*. Pnwer'i C-A Plirurn All hlgh-olaas and in perfect order JOHN I. MANN1X. 9$ W'. Main Bettis Creek. ati-Ki^.n ataili

YUGIC—*50 ilaglo Tririu. lltuglrateit. lOo. Bend 'tamp for catAlogus Magto TrlekA ruulns. Novel-

tb«. PKNHI, PfBUeUINO Ott. 917 Baker, Cov- lAgton. Kentucky. Costumes and Wardrobes


FOR AAUC—Jbw used kaigalne on aiy Mat; I Hpltnr. Trumpet. etlvOT. guM bell. "R" "A"; aanmlMe Id

cave: mute; used two evstm; $58. U P. Couaroai Soprano Saxophone, nkkel, Bh. earveil. pew. 8C5 H. P. Buffrt Barn WaxigihimA almoai new. gllvsr, tn ntw $38 case: outfit $150. Now U P. MarUn O Melody Max., ellrpr. gold bell, pearl by*, tn iwee. n^er uard: allghUy fingered; poMtlvMy never ueed; $140. Hrtid 85 with order, balaice <1 Oi O. or 5% caMi with ard«r. Wire JOR H-ATOH. lOM 4th .Ave.. AltooDA PennaytvanlA

"THE SHOWMAN'S GUIDE"—Book of Trtdk*. Jllu- Mons. M.vsterm; Andvnt and Stodem Magic. 25c,

joatpald. THOMPSON PUB. CO., 502 E. 5th. Cln- cinnaiL BASKET BEADS—All color*, bright and clean. $l.M

pound. Send depoelt. Used CborUH Costume* at bargain price*. LlsL CUFFORD UNDSLEY, 1425 Broadway, New Turk. mar20

MEMCINE SHOWS—("4") Medldne Lecture*. $$00. Learn Uu-m now for this summer. BIlOTiUR NA¬

THAN, 4611 Lowell Ave., Chicago. marJO

EVENING GDWNH. Soubretts Dreasea CoatA $7 each; beautiful, flashy: small size SoubreUSA $3-

RK'TON. Hartford, Kentucky.

midget BIBLE. lOc; Clever SpeedM*. 18c; Kej Checks 10c. ALFRED PITT. 48 Wilson St., Prov¬

idence, Bhod* Island. uarll BHVRATrov.AL BOOK—Jtium* of New York, or Llfa

hi Die Undcnwirld; price marked 50n: tell Uke wildfire at 25o. Job lot. price $40 tiioiiBand. or entire lot of 3.>uw. $100. Semplea. 3Sa GORDON. 2 >7 West 34th SL, New York aty.

FOB R.AU5-One naall Merry-Oo-Bound. 30 feat. with good top. It anlamlA 3 lover ehalri on oharloe.

Will carry 23 perMioa. Good gas eoglne. $150.M taken lb—coa hundred and fifty dollara. Bare Hone Candy Whevd. 18 horsea. $T5 00 Also 3 Paddle WfiteeM. $10 0$ Cheapi Addrem J. H. FIUSTK. 100 AAeta Bonond. Altim, Illlno^

BETTIFUL FIASHT EA'ENING GOWNS. $8, and Souhrocto Drvsere, $8. 3 wnall Soobreitee. $3.

BICTON, HorUxi. KentUfky. now TO oo ON THE HTAGBl—Tn Its eewnth edi¬

tion: rtrirlnally sold xa a Oorrevpnndence <V>ursa at fxac5 gfilct-t. ■ ■ “ " ‘ ~ __ Oontento; A Full List of ’nieatrkal Tantai and DefinlUrei*; How a Tbeatricai Company Is

. —- . .. - >•; Tbe Dlffor- —- - - - - flasHlfled and Ehgilaliuid; 'Ibc Art of AoUng: Hrw Tb Study a Part: How Tb Characteriie and ImgievaCTiate: Coerrx* Breathing: Rrea'hlng Exercises; Voitvi Culture: Train¬ ing That Will Give Rebundity and Reesrsiamvi to the Vc4ce: Ucatiisilatloin; ExpresMoci; Hrw To Make Up for the Stage; Oomplote Manual of Stagr? \fiUiv-Ups. Hrw Tb Got Your Flret Bngagemteii; Obnducl on Jrfirdiig a C\/mpany: OontraoU; A Pull list of Tbe- atrtcal Xlfnagcrs and Agesits, with Addrawee; Oai- eral Adrice. NeetW hound; 50o pcepsld. CUF- POKD BROS.. 433 West 39th 9L, New York City.

SIX NEW CO.NCKS.'nON TirATS- Tliree 8x8, f28 00 each: three lux8, $37.00 each; no Dasdrs Im-luded

rtnn’t just send money order and gat ocie of ftcre bargain*. H. GILAHAAL 97 So. 8th St.. New Bedford. MSMSohuMtta msrtO

fXMiTT'MES CHKAP-Chriru*. ITlnclp*!*. Oriental Costume*. Seenery, TrunL';. etc. Wltat do you

ncedf Velvet Cspee. 110 each: Lmc Coat*. $4 each, for bally-tm: eend for list CUFFORD UNDSUDT. 231 West 45th Su, New York City. mBr20

Orgiuilacd; tAYio'i Who In the Oompany exit Kinds «f Theatrical Performances. (

FOB SALE—Black Wire Uprighu. slip Joints tn center; made by Bd Tan Wy>k: $15 00. timlth

Prvmlrr Typewriter. $15 00. R H AriDbroster Fiid- ing Organ. $30.08 Two Butu * W<yer Ughta l.«v«- cajtdle-power, $10.80 fuch Artdrrss BEET WOLS. Waal Walnut 8L. Kenton. Ohla

SPBCI.tL <n£AV-UP SA E of Uniform*, fbatumee. Ornaments. Trimmings and Materials In oriW

to. dean up otr stock and dlspcec of an a-vnimulalien of odd* and end* we are offering these grvxls at greatly rrdneed priiies regardless of present raluea. Writs for IhC D*101 LIN RB08. A OO.. C.rem- rllla, HltnoU. marlO

USED COSTTMEIA FOR SAI.&-Want nifty Chorus W'ardraba at attractive prices! Write u*. AMT

UlE General Delivery, T^pa, Florida

FOR RALE AT ONCE—A No. 1 Cane Rack Ffame: It'a a hJocs Jotnt; ths aids wulh and top In fair

nnnilltlan: and about ISO cancu of aQ kinds: 1 HattroM; the frame la 10 by 14. and can be uant for any kind of a jotne Can or errita EARL WH^ TON, Na 4 Cmrmt St. N. W'., Grand Itaptda Mldt

Exchange or Swap 3* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25«.

TWIR,Vn MABH lAIZH TV«> M W'UITB SPAR nBArttv A, J. HILTON, Gen. Del.. Cln-kunaU.


CHALK TALK OUTFI'Pt. COMPLETE—Boarda Eaa- ela Bag Plotuns, Crayons. Drawing Books; In ex¬

change for Mxgln Apoarxtus and Magic Revks. What hare you 7 Send Bids. RTANDARD CHALK TALK Hl'PPLY', lincoln. Nebraska, mar20

MTfSTREL SHOW OUTDE. lOc; Vauderllle Stage Jokes. 18c: Actors* Joke Book. 18c; Drew*' Brntget.

l«c: 358 Magic Tricks, lOc; Jfaglc Tr1<* Cards, Irtc; Catalog. 4c; any 3 for 85c. or a'l S(>c. postpaid. CHARLHH DYNES. Publisher, WTnchmter. Indiana

FOR SALE-Gns l»-na. Khald 13x34; UHSit 3 days: alt pole*.

**0 88 takre It or will ship C. $28 f^. AU W. ini,U Gotlvrtn

TWO KAXOPHONiaA-Write LA.NG BAKS. Imurri. MlaslaelrpL

EXCHWOB—1 350 MoUon PP-tur* Camera; perfect condition; fitted with a $1$5 lejui. Went P(wit's

M. P. Machine. 25x5<» PIxek TViit or fi-reel Fcatuns. BOX 82, Blrerdale. JUemgan.

"TRICKS and TRAPS OF AMERICA"-Astound¬ ing book, exposing swindlers, cheats and hum¬

bugs. .Also contains aeveesJ lerlUms’e sdamca Gist can he used to gowd profit by iny person. $5o, po-t- paid TH0.\rP9OV PITS CO.. 502 E 3th. Clnclnnaa.

YOKOHAMA JACK'S TATTOO REMOVER-Com- I>let« formula, 5«o stleir; S iwiorel sheets new

Deeigiis, $1.(10, E3IIL A .AIIP, Tsuoorr. (luittemo; Kansas

FOR RAIX Real Jutce and Oeah Joint. 18x19 top and rnune. I awutngs. swell griddle, also hot.

tank. Hr., UMSI «4x. weeks. $135 88 PUr purUrulara addles* J r. WODirrsKT. GMU'iel Dellrwy. Nor¬ folk. VlrglnlA

SAU) OR EXCHANGE Dayuark I'xmeni. ’ lot of Alxgle, 4 red* FIm: good a* n»w. Want Film.

Side Wxn. Picture MxcJJtie. or what have you? Glre ■ FKAN'K .fTECUENS.

OR AH 'THI.S MOVKT-MAKTVG OUTYTT- Act quVk; get reattv foe siirl’ig travel nr star at h<m»- One

Alisme.'s Issiglinut and Junfiile IkpiiHltlnr 3fa<4tlnc. makiM thisinairiit if dnugh;iut* and jienblm wlthmtt handling. roUlp* or isiUlng rirht lafor* the evw f the penp'e. Great rfraetlon. Al*i mie lante Reel Drsighnut Tank. InMiuUng a set of heaatlOd Dnuph- nut Pans, atvo on* lar-e slxe a'l-crreiei Self-Hiwtlng Wlenw or Rausase KeSrie. worth 115 Wih. .Airiclie brand new; nwef iii~1. rtlnct from tactory, Flint $34 gvte all, inejudlng FormsfiM and Inalnio- Gnoa. H. T. Fr»»mL 818 ITth HL. HMcry, N. a

money-making KhTRETS BTPOPEIV .An axcel- lent Bonk if MiH;er-Hsklug Ideas. Including For¬

mulas, Busincri* Plans, Salsa Schemes, etc.: post¬ paid. 50c; satlsfac'Jim guaranteer. P. lt.vLUV.Hl>, Aheridan. Indiana.

FtR HAI.J1 RulUran KoMieU: natural nxwMnent machine; no rubtsw bands; $35.08, C. D D. De¬

tail des-rlpt'im amt on requoM. CLAUD OOt'LD. lUzhlands, New Jersey.

full de Btoutland,

Ipl'nn In Aral loUer. , Missouri.

MTIJj SWAP about Mr'y doHars* worth of goud Magic TVlcka and give twimly dollars' worth of

Postage fltampe tor Movirg Picture Machine. Must be oompleite. Prefw light outfit for road work. Wltal hare you to offer? Addrew J. H. HANUBT, 181 East Uarrit dL, Atlanta, Ueoixta.

9EI,L BOOKH BY MAIIi—Make ec»l money. Book list, particulars frea MAIL PREte. thrift Bldg.,

flnclniiad. FOR HAIFi 28 Mutoaenpe Machines, In

nlng order; also sxtr* uaita U. NY M'sat 21at Ht. Now Yurk City.

STAGE CHUJC AND (TLAYON-Book of 18 58c: .sanudes, lOc; new stuff; tatialseticn g

te*d. CARTOONIST CHRIS. 2808 Wabash Kanrss City. MltsourL

FOR rale One 33x58 ft. Bound thd TVnL uasd ssaaop, gnod nnnditlan. ready to sM ur srtth aide

wan coran'ets. T ft. high; omter poles, aide wait •mlea, atskesi iseapMo; 4 Imtthe asaiA 4 high: w- -an. xtav* boards, alwlsm. slake lealtsr; $158 08 takes eeitl'a oipfit If entt at once; a Mg bargain. DAN POAfEHGY, Freder'ihateug. Lebanon Co.. Fa.



For Sale—Second-Hand Goods 3« WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 35*.

STAM MONEY MAKER—New copyright Book orsi- talntng rersmnd axpnriencee of many pcopl*. Valu-

aMe formula* and trade snereta: 84 pages: 18c, post¬ paid. PBNKIi PUBUSHINO CO.. 917 Baker. Cov¬ ington. Kentucky.

AUfTTRAUAN CEMENT Known as "The Mimkey Grip," abaolutHy firs, water, add proof; mends

china, r'tsa. wood, porcelain, marh'e. Ivory, Iroit. tin. rubber. IseDier: qolHtlT made; giiseacteM wm*.. Ink formula, finq A A B MANTTFAfinTRINO LAB- (►RATORIIM. Boylstoc Building. Chlcagn

3 MUJM RAG Tn-NUinSYl MAORWEN In good order; erwt. new, $178.88 each: hdttiV »$ Inchm:

waldst. 340 lha ; $75.80 for both, or $48 08 »a<4»: on--'h'‘d wfh erdw b*i C <k D. At^eaa

JA MER OKIER. Biloxi, Mlsshsilppl

("OR RSI,". A Vsery-Go-Round, rtwlnra and Blrr- '•so lirhdng Pirn', all ream drtvao. complete.

VtCTOR POVPIB. Rridgarllle Pennsylvania. apr3

Business Opportunities «a WORD. CASK. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2S«

FGR HAlJfi Ail5-fl portahka Automatic Rhontlnr OaHsry. with H- H P . A C Motor and S Wlnchex

Ur Rtflna; not (Ad. wnrii-nut junk, but a brand nra entfit only used lira nsonths; oiwt $808' wfll ibrtfice fur $380; also $868 arandxrd imaks Oridtle Ptaon. petfent condition, aodd a* qua; fin* Instrii—>t fM moving ptetun thealra nr pool rcoia: prtoa. $358; sHIl ■cU aeparxta CAFT. W D. AMK4T. Pkaa. lUtnoU.

HAnTNVDwR BA7J- GAME week; $25 00. JAMEH Rl.NNTNO, O. 8.

Vernoo. Ohio. GI'ARANTEED over-night corn remover—

Furmula. 50o. KICUAKDt), Box 223. Deyoo, Pa.

CO.NTROL new, excliudyn Phonograph Becord Ei- nhang* btialnsas for your town: $35 capita] re¬

quired. BILLBOARD SATCO, Oii«onU. New York. 8pr3 In Answering Classified Ads, Pleaae Mention The Billboard.

fX>B 8A11V-Chlium Mado Act; • barealn; art ncm •orktns; full parUruJus, Me., Ita ORPITE, ear*

BUtioard. M3 Uumbolai Dank BuUdlns. Saa Fran- rlaoo, CaUfurnla mar'.’k

U (ood reader aad faker. lA'CtinX UBCUEbnA. Ullfanl. loira.

FOR RA1*E—Rlre Prefermtea, noUar: NlckMplaled Blerela anil Tlcht R1rn Outflt for sane; flrat IM.M

(Ma It JOB MU.NTAZKLU Ills Orchard St. .Sea¬ port. KcAtuck}.

ROBBINS, Feteraburt, lUlDOia.

TEN INDESTRTrrO WARDROBE TRl’NKS-Pur- ebaaed at WirtltT'a Bair. $35 to >40; leea than

wholraale prices todar. WSIMNGTON A CO., Srran- toa. PraDa/lraola. bmIS

MAN—Able to take comf.lute rharre of Mrrry-Oo- round (Parker). UlOM KfaXT, 4CS Wa.Htdna*oo

Arei, Ho.. XlnneatioUji, iUnnieota martb

FOR SALE—Six IruQ Cabinet Belbs $39.00 earh. all In coud ahape and runnluc Order. E, A BARR.

KiUpmoot, ^nnaylranla. Iiiarl3

Mt’fDriASH WA.STEI>—Fw Vaudertlle and Picture Thnatre, Violinist (for leader). Plano, olasar Dnua-

B«r, «lUi eoaplite ttapa. bolha tyrapL, x>lophonra. e«c.; Curriet. Cello. Trombone. ClarlnK. Fluta. Union

WANTHD—Number of A-X LeRtorars; aalary or p«r- ceutaga Salary no obbut If you ean dellTer the

eood! Dn. Alien, Duddy. Uaiddrui. MarahalJ and Nurtli. pbrnaa wrlta Addreu DIXIE CUl:;5nC.4L COMPA.NY. MagnoUa. Mlasliialppl. aprlt.

- ' ■■ -

WANTED—Beginning April L E*1 Plano aad Tlo- ' Un .Men; VioUn double on Corart or Banjo: must

be A-1 dance men; stata age: peg $35 weak, all sxpeiuea; $5 eatra for Bundag. A. & KINNEY. Red¬ wood FalU, Mlnneaoca. marU

WANTED—Band Leader who playa A-1 ComaC Per¬ manent position. One with trade preferred. (b>od

opening for Fano Tuner. Printer or RaUrua.1 SbKi .((an. Geo.1 dda money with orchaatra Addrew CfXilL CIIILIW. Wjmora. Nrbraeka. niar20

.1 ■■■■

WA.NTED—Man to handle Mater Show. If reu Bare sRuUt Animal Acta can maka good propoalUon. I

hare 7 trunks and taut outSt oompM* York, write. D. BRATTDN. 3803 Sa 23rd Streat, Onaha. Nebnrta,


W.VNT)®—K« PhUllpa A Marthace Tom Bliow. l>o- WANTED FOR TBATEUNO JA2Z BAND—A-1 Tenor

SaxopboDa mao wlio doubles on Clarloot and sln^ i vwuB*. iivpiDvoim. ..janiirx, r luie. i ,.,1. ^

noose. Opens Raa>er Hundap. S.-ale: Leader. $45;l®“ "*•' Now York, stle. I3.V Heem-day town. Prrmanctit poettlors to

tlUlD**’ PHILLIPS. W(^ ^ Utdao. Halary, fIS.O* b St., osweea New tor*. | tranaportallonL No dotHit. iota at ooos.

rlrht pe<>:ilr. Wlrw or wrlto tuick to JOE KOEHLLR. I "’ANTED—Tl*ht Wire Walkw; 3***^ "““ nmrr 1 Band. tnswer at Farso. N. D., Marob latb. B. A B£1}IFBL

for rale—Comedy Kadc Act Anleaaied Drawing Illualon, New Spirit Seanoa, Bandouff Art. Trick

Randeulta, Mall Bm. Mlndrvaillr.g Art. black Art ApparatUB. Mualcal Funnela, Dreas Suit. Leoture Sets ami many oUmt Irargalna LUls for stamp. GEO. A BiCE. Auburn. New Tork. marlS

Palm Tlieatrr, Pueblo. Colorada appearanre and f*et; top salary. Address TIGHT WDtE W.VLKER, Billboard. CbIcagOL marST

itt'SICIANS for Carnisal Band; must pea*! imidr; , , m. ..wu« .mm uh... good salary. Ad tr<wi WM. Nf>LE.N. 13«1 Waab- " ANTED—CanrAWW. Md As^unt*. »hoj» seem days a week; aaJair. $30. Address BLTtJBD

tngtuu Doulettud. Chicago, IJllnolA tketw at AMo, IlL. Mv lOlh .Slate sal- GAMBLE, care Ckyptloeotal Etotei. 8aa AiUnnlew

WANTED AT ONCE-Jas Conet for dance: nad and ImproTiaa from piano score: foor bourt daily.

metM at Alrto. IlL. ^ lOlh .Slate loweM sal- OAMBLB. care Ckjr’unental’ Etoti Ban AiUonl» TV*, arr and parclculara. HUj ahtjwr pay<i a bunu«. ■

ORIENTAL ANT) HAWAIIAN DAVrKBd WANTED ] u^ghCA UllnliA^''^' ***** Are.. CUUaga | WANTED—Lady Mnalc^ Artlaa for tyeeirai

9,000 OPERA CHAIRS—Btael and east frames: no |unk; tome good at new and guaranteed. No

matter irhat you want la this line get quotations and sara half. J. P. REDINOTON, Berantoo. Pa marU

fur king seaMn; also want two Girls for Posing Act; send photos aiut stale salary. Address M. V. DAVIS, 6M Casa Are., Dstrott, Michigan.

RINOEllS—Th adrerthiB our songs and make them I n neat drawer.

WANTED—A-1 hand-to-hAcd undenitander for a trio; mUHl not w^ti Ins than ItO pounds and be

a neat drawer. (Rate age. height, wrdrlit aud ea-

VloUmate; to double Plano; Oniat and High ro- prano Soloist. Addreea LTCEUM. eaia BlUhoagd. CtnctnnaU. Obloi

UNTNO TENT (New)—18x13; 10-<*. MiakL 4-ft. wall; coat $09 00. aetl for 135.00; CmcKewlon Tmts,

all (dial, wllhout wan. cSieap. RAY MIlUiV PRf>P- EUTY EYClLOfOB, 030 Chestnut KL. HL Louis. Mu.

papular. MOR.AY PL'BUSMI.N'U CO., 105 W. lOtb isrienre If any. SONIA CD. 2440 South Michigan St. .New York City. nm20 Are.. Chicago. lUlnoU

age. height, weight and'ex- WA.VTBD APRIL 1—A-1 Trap Dtumiiar. for U«s«l- t CD, 3440 South Michigan ing dance orcfMntnt; must hare Zylophanaa. and

prefer Grgan Chimae abo: also good C Melody Sax- .iptaonlst: thoae doubling and able to sing glreo pref-

LOGKt LOOK! LGOK* FOR BALD Two coogiirte Shooting Gallerlea, mounted on wagons. Just the

thing for the read, or to trarel with carnlrala If you are tntrrrsted write for full Informattoo to OBO. UOFMAN. 3447 Pinkney St, Omaha, Neb.


NATTO.NAL SCAUX $35 00; Adranre BaO Gum Vm- dtr. $4.00: Acme Electric. $0.00: NaUonal Ball

Gum Vender, $3.00; Silent Salesman. $3.00; 13 Ryilo Gum klachinea and lot of repairs, 305.04): Peanut Ms- chines. 34.00. Ssnd foe Ust FB£D VANCE. 415 So. Bobey St. Chicago, Illinois. lBar2T

TROMBONE PLATER WAKT»a>—F-r theatrn; pic- WANTED—Plano Player, one more Sket.-h TVain. Will eroncs; going to the Weetem coaet and back: aCats tares; 7 dar*: $30. Dance work oxtrA Alust be ^7 a Deagsn Una-Fnn. show open* .\lar<-n 30. all Orst I'eON’; must be yuDug and single. MJLN

A-1. Write H. J. BATTS, leader. Lyceum Tlieatre, MAC'S SHOW CO.. T. A. MacGlnnls, Mgr.. Bcosoa. AUER. Box 338, Fairmont, Minnesota. Manrue, Loulatar.ik North CaroUuA " ' . ' ' — - ■ ■■

-■ - - - - ' - - ' ■ ■ ' ■ - . WANTED—Two more Oriental and Hawaiian Daa-

WA.NTED-Tm-ln-One PwgHe of rrrey dcaerlpOon. WANTED Ff»R HltL BROO.' SHOW—Tromlxma *?!*' Magician Tattoo Artist, Fre Eater. Oiru for Clarinet SMophcie for ba.Td and on.-hoMra: ouwx IT^.*

B^Wha, BMotrlo Prntng. Rental Dancing, and Musicians that double riage write. Pearl Yoa.Tg, If ntu’ others. Good amautirs considered and welttod. WM. at liberty, write. AL. W. UlL^ God'xln Uuta. ind- A«llp8« ExpoBltloa ShowA Alexandria, Ta B. UULWICK, 136 W. York St, Norfolk. VlrgtnlA dMown. OtOA

WA.NTED-TM»-ln-<>ne People of erery dcaerlpOon. WANTED F»R HIU, BROTV SHOW—Tromlxrr.A Magician. Tattoo Artist, Ftre Eater. OirU for Clarinet SMophwie for bAid and orc-hoMra: ou>«»

IlaildhA Ehmtrla Poainx. (Mental tmnriiig. and WiiatMan* that d.aii.ia ,tua laHt. t>aapi v.a...a i» wort, ahow opens Mareh 17. .tddrem J. A1

About This Season’s NeW York Productions

WANTED—Young Man for Doga*. Pontee* earatakar. with refetwooe: long mgagement FRED DABUNO,

514 B St, Grand Rapida, Mlchlgao.

ONE MILLION FTBCES OF OITE-AWAT ARTI- CIjBS for Concession GanwA Write fur prices anJ

samplea BADGER TOT CO. <0« Blue Island Are . Chicago. IlllnoU. marl3

ONE (XFQNjrrB MIN'D READING AIT FOR (IAU9 —Oieap; in A-1 condKiaD: staragi for partioulam.

CEOitGB C. IBEYNOLDS, 3$ OariLwm St. Dor- cbeMer. MaasarhuseblA

PERSIDN'O. WILSON. WABHINOTnN, LINCOLN— Dg canvi-al attraction: bum figures: line largt

hAtaer. WVlu fhr particulark J. LOWELU <08 Broadway, MunclA IndlanA

COWTIIDB TRAVELING BAfMt—Quarantred leativr, elghtara locbea: Engllak rut; perfect oondlUoa,

deilrered by pareel poet for $1.50. REDINOTON A CO., ScTintoD. PenuaylyanlA marl3

SCEN*LBT—Diamond Dye fancy Interior; gpod pon- dltlao: fit any stage; bargain, tsnnty-flre Arilara

Bend (Wcislt Four-place StA MRS. DEIVET CAMPBELL^ 3303 Harriet Arm, lOnaeapulU. Mien

S(TVO HIJDBB—560 ssIa Ido net; also T^ouiri*. WigA Wardrobe. BOLLTN, 1554 No. Clara. Chl-


SBOOTINO OAILERT. with M Penny Arcade Mh- chines. in good werklog order. Worth $3.W)0: will

eMl for $750. Eleetrlo Flano, $300. Seren rad Broadcloth OmXa trimmed with blach eord dreUiiA with eapA Make offer. L FABUN, 1»3 \V. Main St. Battle Cretk. Michigan. marlS

SLOT iCACHINBB FOR RAIN-Bargaln: 1« Iheir-- field 4-Mlnute Phonograptie, $30 earn: snua 3-Mln-

■ts. $33; all dirarl rorreot; 8 RaattUIeid lllua- trmed Phooogrmha. direct CDnent $30 rudh; 1 HInttlex Nama nata MaehlnA $40; 3 Washington SnAsa, enoncy bart. $06 aaeh: $ Wanhlngion i*rwl<m Main. $45 each: 1 Callle Wet^ Tyiier. $30; I Falrbanka Aimy A Nary. $00; 3 IBIla SUndartl Bcalea. $70 rack; 4 BtfdUt Card Mathlnre. $14 aach: 9 Mllb Uftma. $15 each; 3 Iran W'all Pnneh- ert $15 each. All maehlnm guarao'^oel In spoiI working erder. Onr-ehlrd tlegoaOt iieq''dmi with eribr. MICHAB. MUNVEBL M Buiwiar Ata. Brooklyn. Now T«tR

TALRjNO BUDDHA—Noser Used; Thayer's make; earn $150 40. Bns for park or anything ebs; $144.40.

C W. HUDNAUU Cbemawa. Oregon.

TENT OmSN AWAT—14 Lengths Bhtre. 7 high; 14 FiMlag Ceig aad BlankstA $ Steeping TVots. 1 Iron

Trapses Oane. 1 Mantle Ugbu. 34ii Camlle Power earh: 44-ft Bale Ring Top. 14-rt wait i-umplrte with poleA ataksA bhMim and falls; Tnp Guys, etc. A carUtlsd oheefe lor $45$ gaU alL J. C. LOMBARD. 3$ UolUs Htrsat BoMea. Mimartiiierni



^THE CAT BIRD” By Rupert Hughes. Staged by Arthur Hopkins. Settings by Lee ^imon.«on.

I W.1VNTED—Vandertl> and Stock Cm, to play with I or without pictures, one night or tDcrA on pewoent- • age; good coUege lowm; wrlta or wire W. Jt d^AR- I DY. Manager Blue Bird Theater. SUxkrtllA MIsa

1 W.VNTED—Musicians for More Bpoa* Shows, all tn- I I strumrnta, opening North little Rock, Ark., March T I 15. H V. HARRlHl Band Master. 203H South ^ jAiain. Tulm, OklA, unUl March A

t I WEIX. FORSIED. A^TRAfTIVB TOONO LADT T j W.kNTED for Posing (amateur ranaldered): beat $ Indurcenenta offered; also Conoaoinn Agmtg for $ Stock .lolntA TUOa KEUiT, 403 WaabliMtaa A«a. 4 I So.. NUnneapolls. Minnesota. marVi

Rupert Hughes was an officer In the war. in whatever arm ,of the service he was, if “The Cat Bird” 'is any means of Judging, he is a natural born artillertTnan. His use of the barrage is supero. His theor>' of playwriting is, apparently, to get hl.a characters on the stage, as many of them as possible at the same time, enclose them In a box 'barrage of gab, and let the audience suffer the casualties.

It Is true that the ammunition he uses Is sometimes bright talk, and. occasionally, amusing epigrams, but the result la always the same, tedious disappointment for the auditors who want to fee John Drew In a pla>' worthy of hla talents.

Wilton LackayV onc'e Siild that the r©a.-»on the Tnanagers were so horror stricken at the thought of actors becoming affiliated with organ- •i*ed labor w.aa the unholy possibility of seeing John Drew walk down "Fifth avenue In a Labor Day parade arm in arm with a plumber. If the presentation of Mr. Drew in “The Cat Bird” is the weapon the managers have w'lzed to get sciuare with Mr. I>rew for his stand during the Actors’ Equity siiuabblo with them then they are more than even.

Cast In the role of an elderly ecologist, whatever that is, who Is giving his life to wedding s-orplons. tarantulas aud hollyhocks (each to Its own specle-i, of course! ahd seeing them live happily ever after- warda the star brings to Mr. vHughe.-' tenuous character all his delightful skill as a comedy player, all his personal charm of manner, and a pleas- aiv mellowness that will be valuable If he gets a vehicle In which these qualities can be displaye<L Until that time his admirers must be con¬ tent merely to see him In a piece which Is not a play at all.

Janet Bee.'htT, showing some slight signs of avoirdupois, makes a good counter effect to Mr. Drew, and Ruth Findlay as a tempestuous young person Is very good.

It is a pleasure to have Mr. Drew once more In our midst. Players of his experlent'e, ability and charm are mighty scarce, and It Is worth while to see him In almost anything. Ju.-t the same “The Cat Bird” Is a dirty trick to play on anyone.—PATTERSON JAME:s.

Information Wanted it WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 3S«.

WANT TO HE.AR fram Jack D. Paladchux. foniMlty gf Acaerlcan Orchretra, Sloox Flalla H D. Addreas B.

L B.. care Box 744. Batoo, Nam SfextcA

instmetions and Plans 2a WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2Sa.

A BIO SENHATTON—Make Tour TlaUn talk, laush. ahis, 0U‘, laitrurtlona for this aad tha SmaahM

Vtnita Act. SOr. ParUeillan fnsA WM. .SHAW. VLtcrla, MiasouiL aarlO

are TOU roMlNO WEST) Pax rear wij br a(,- potntlnx acanta. diatrlbutlax u i-rltorlre 'DiBatn-

dotto ponlMItUas; larxe (iroliU: injtracUooa. 23a A. FCH'CHE. 443 Humboldt Bank Bids.. Ban Ftaneiauo. Calif Free malUux Uata of actruaaa, modeUL faiaaua beautleA marl3

BANJO taught by M.A1L IN FIVE LFSHONS far 54a prof. LEONARD. Olaoa FaUa. New Tart.


BB THa "UON OF JhXTOnr.- Maour of Mra- tcrleA (Sir “ib-Mtry Bnnk*' Uac4M» all the tzldai

of the trada. Sleirtit^-Haod. tLudreartIna and Xandisiff Stiatta, 25a A oonv rt "Uooaat lojm** and bow u> gat 1.000 frreh mail cmlar niiaaa fire

11 laoDthlx. MtilLING LOtn* lSXUHA.\OBl S0«a 4 I l:5ibcn Zinn, tUlnolA

"BE A UGHTVINO TRIUK C.UlTnoVLWP'—IVitaP- tala la VauderUIr (Mw. LoUcha etc.; 33 (toaalo

Trick Dra«ii>cs, Set Na 1. $1.00; >4 Cbmlo Trtek I>rswln«A Brt Na 3. 91.00; TCn PtcitaOa SMata. .5oc; IiiOtrucUaiia and Patter. Cheater Oigtiiihall. Vettoort. R. L. wrlua; '•Recaired roar Oi^ Talk stunts: tbr>' are tli« best I bare yat aem (or tha i»4i«T.“ BALDA ART SEBVIC*. OMikOah. Wth

BiUOIfE A CANDY MAKEIL-SUrt a bualnma lO your homo. SCllAhTat. 14 B. 118th. New York.


THE FIRST $35 44 MONTTf ORDER wtll r»« romstata Mnalfig PIrtlira Maehtne and Fha abowtag GmMn

U-hnat alaklnc Mren laria ahlpa Laraub.Miat aqiilomid r-hnat alaklnc Mren lana ahlpa lAtatrft.Miat aqiilomid Mth caa burntf. (XMMOFOUTAN SHOW CO., IIKW Orrhard Street. ChloafA

THREE FlXL-iaZB AABEfTPOH crKTAINS. oil rollera. at half orixteal eocl. Four Careida (.amta

for outalde wort; each. $5. J. F. RtUHNUTON. Scramau. Pannaytranla. taarlS

W.LVnav- FL'r.Oo. Eh ClarlnK, Bb ClarlnK, Horn Playen and otb-r Muali-ian» for Natl'aal Guard

BatvL All ibnubi bare aorta InuunM or trade. Good Induremnita. GoAl hvipUiig end Sahliix and acwJc- ally brautlCH ■aaivtaln oounUT. Good nllmau. t'itr cf lO.iawt. All IKtKa For furlhar Inftor- maUni alrte HOBEKT SAUER. BandiaaMer, PnwA I'tah.

WAXTUD Mortiig Ulrlure llparator; Slmdlrx lua- kiiirt; xood. Moady laaCtL'A We plar raiaWUte

ai-tl pb turm. No Suiwlay a'K>aA State basalt :Alary. W.M. Mash.vii tt);Y. Star Tiawtre, .MiXiitaan, I’k.

BOroMB A JUCtGTiER GR MAGICLLV-PlrA-ettM In-trurtlooa. LA FOLLEITEI 14 B. 118th, New Tort.


WANTEir - N, at fcp;eartrjr Tnuiic Lady, to tt^rt cvi- cbtalona. Salary au obMt to rUTii latrty.

Yr*. Srtid will return. BOB .VJ.EKF, ISiO Kaiididr.ti S(.. t'h'OKU

three UTN-DHORST Sincle Mantle Pireaaire (xauae) Uraia; Orit-claas roodlUoa; $7 aa,4i. GLOROE

ORAM, 1100 Wert Vine HL, Mt. Vkuoa Otda

W.tNTED-Grirntal Pan<a«a aiat Poalti* GIrlA Show upttu .Vl>rU let JOHN RJLt. Box 347, Lo-ilartUa.


TWO nniroHB * noKE Burnnutisr roivtvRN $4ArinNBB (3)|-Both In fooal n.nnlriC etibdl-

tlon and new helng uaed; equippetl with >*-h. r. mo- tora for ninnlhc and ran fr* pin>l8nt. PSus $.300 04 e^ F O. B PhlladrtphlA $0,404 Filding Carrf- ooard Boxen Nee Na $ laamele yta,n rvuurat) • holaa •hout two quarta porrorn. Prtco. $«.00 rer 1.040, F. O B Fhlladall>hla. CHAS O. HIH'KINS. $31 Mar¬ ket IR.. IhlladKptda. PeonaylranlA marlS

WANTfJx Jnaler: Club JilXflrr pr-ferroJ; for Mt- tlnw lawterllla aiL AAidaoar JUt.GLAlK. care

HtUboaril, Oi'rtnnaU.

WXNTWv Hetp f<* nrw Hrrwhett-Sil'lrean 3-al'TT4»t CanaiaK'e and nevr >ai Frrrla Wlir,4: alio Man that

nnderatands ••Irrtrtc light l’'aiit riwoti'a week In Chhaaix A.Idrrm W. O. BROWN. .N. lA .Ralle I'L. I'hii-agD.

BRlGOfT TVIiBNT PROMOnoN AND BOnKIVG ES)i'H.\-VG&—W* trafci people for LFwum. Vaude-

•llle and Musical CVanedr. Famdote cntmo In S»rtg. Danidng and Dratnalic Arc Ftalttcna guam-

trel. UlUiSlH BGGKLNG EXUH.tNnEL Room K14. 31 Xdun A Hnaly Bblg.. 84 11 Jartaou Bird.. dU- cigw lU. Ihooe. Wabaah 813. martf

CHALK-T.VLKING FATS—Fartlrwlari frea TRU- MVN’S CHALK-TAL£ HITDIO, Box 74$. Prrrra-

Plle. Ohla marl3

WANTED la«t’ir»r. IllA'kfa'w Ccmeillanj NiwolNr Vm'ornM-r; etia-xe for weak: Tardy Idaniat. »<,rt

k'dai .«<nall brex>,: vrek •larnb; talarr aura. Write MGH.. Indian lU-diclaa Co., Leu. DeL. ManaSeld. Olua

WANTED FlR M»*TDH I’lHUl'ra TVA'c-d Don. F'r'ee, ('laati, Kangari'O, Bear and Ktnl .Gda.

Punch anil aialy. Snare Drure'^aT, r,axa<. Di-eda-.a, CalMo,a> iriaTiT .tmvit Ui ilelirrr PHVt.- and u.-e tauah Sfoa all. FK.kNKJJN' BROS. 814 .-la IDth StreK. Dniaha Nrbraaka tnardO

DO TOtt WANT to b«m how to play cnrTeetlT la a abort time tho Cello-BanJor Do net baeltata Aak

ftw the oomplett*. aitliUc maahed of L Clrlna: ptlco. nat. $1 50. MITUC CDNSERVATOBT. 31S Oeffraw .SC. Brooklyn. Now Tort. TM.. Main $733. Also for mie at moalc atoraoi marlS

W.VNTFS' Kido lat, 2nd. 3ttl Bh ClarlnetA Tih I WANTED Mn«|clani rrlvi ar*- ta'Tformera mi Indm-

TWO BEIX FRTTP MamiNEN In gooff nnrntng ordea; Iron eahlnat; $14 04 aach Frat mnneg rrU

,arm Don't wr1t& R R BARR. Kulpmont. Pa. marls

; Wc>l»» list. Slut. JrtI 1W» HBl* •nd I nifnt^ fiir MIMtary Hanl llaTr* fo-i offprtng for Cb re4t»f«. Alto or rnnrh '^TMnbonan: fwa | mau who can iJay S4>;o rifTm-t r^uinic PlayrrH

fnr Ptaru*. AtHnfx and oUwr inatru*

L.vmna* oavtiB for iuND«-Na»T 1410.1 R.11 ,,f_blue lUndli^: wool: HOO earh; aetnpla niallad. JANIwjRy. t40 Wtat Qiff Art. Now T./rk. mar$4

dtaoeiBerita write A A. DAPP. Bcj.d laeulT. Fiwt j aldlo Monterey. California 'W. Kao Au arr3 '

Im> ckiira learnlnc a band tiistrnntent .-hould alio rite. Addre»* BANI*M.4STETl. lUh Caralry. Pre- ,dl'j Monterey. California acrIO

FIVE GRFAT MONTY-MAKTHG (CHE3CE8. with odpy 017 ocaatna "Thw UamlaT Monthly,** for M.

O. men. agente. Kc.. and Mg. Inhrealllig mall, all for lOe CUA&LfS DYN-EH, PUhUahm. WlnchrMw. Indlanv

Help Wanted 3e WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 3Sa.

WANTni- F ir wef4-«ia»;d t.-it Sen* and WANTED -A.lrtltie Man for C-ratal Gaaln/ Aid. B. Dmee Comedian. SbKrti TV-m. N.weity Perfo-mK.

U WnodwurUl, why d'Ut't 71x1 iiaiwT I WToce >eQ at On»-Mtn Rand. Hanln or Ou'tar C.^ned'an that la Loulaetlia. DB LANTXt. 314 ILah SC. Uamiltun. O. aleo a lou-l ilnc.T. Show onma March 29. DANDT

DIT7R SllDM^. Brednar Vl.-xlida

iTlEH INATttt'CTIDVR—Start a moathly all your <wn. FrtnUng i>taiit unoetwaae-y. Wa mppty •rerythlng.

Ifinntredii of mall ortar adurtlaifuanta alrrady Ui by iSher co-nuhliahert ThU la thti famoua Coaat-to-Coaat (Drerland) Uit Goea all aeer tho worbl. Sample oipy. 14c. N.xie frea M^ARTHY, Box 81 C, law .VngKeg. Callfurula.

WAVTBI*—MivdKaui for IhLi’a 4'ooikN Band Write . -.. . i-.- — ■ and aUta latar. T fundali uniform an>i hertlie. WANTt-.'D-Atsn vlth good Pbiure Machine and

A I CElLIlfP and V10UN18T WANTED for rre Onad aummar noort eggagrmenL beginning ApfU;

"ye than union wagM. board and lodging; a real alio need other MuMana for toaehnre aogage-

■Mia. Addreag PAUL L aPBCHt. Reading Pa- mtst

t atari mit Mirih 27lh at KlIldMWD, IIL .Addtom | Fima aral a good, til arenx.l Perf.nTMr; amall 1 PRDF. LBDN.tRD Dim). Iren .Mountain. $ILdilgen. J towns. DAVE M.UILOW. Prairie du UhJen. WV

G.\T.ATEA Marble atatue turna to IlTlng wmnan. thn cruaniliui feat of nmrtarrt maglo Secret aad Drawing!,

run. PROF J RGBEIRT MILIH. Magl^aB. DepC iL 48-54 rtrauuer SC. Ttentuo, New Jtnty.

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. I (Continaed 00 page SO)


WITUJTZKR ELETTIUC OBCHEPTUA. PIANO, «Mb ptpM, TtoUn, dninu, 30 S-pleca rolls. In (otxl ahApe;

wlU take $400. or trade for auto. JOU Uun''MAN. 9400 »uton Are., Cleveland. Ohloi matSO

BECITATION IIBADQt:AllTF3RH-EnUrB oollertlon. $1.00, torpewrltun; Drama'ir. Comoljr. Wartime;

some oriflital; Miokc^', Ueiiut lirlgade. PaetotaJer Jack, lilack SUeto. Tlie Uoba 8i>eU of Yukon. TUlnluna. Ihjpe Fland. lauca. (kloney back chcarfulljr.) You'll want mur«. lieatlquaner* for iia:itatlona. Arts, Sketehes. Ortclnallur owints. Bxperintce tracltm. ItOLLY'N (The ArtiaU' AuOior), 1554 No. Clark, Chi- racA

GLT RSADT POB THAT SPBINO CONTBACT— Three sreat Acta, Walklna on Red Hot Plates,

Laddv of Sworda and Daodnx on (Broken Olaaa. r<xnt>lete InstruoUona, all thr*e, $1.00 ixatflaid. <1. KN(rWX.EH, Abtnstot;, Maasachtiaetra

Manuscripts, Sketches & Plays 2o WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e.

A-1 VAUDEVlUJ! klATEKIAli OP inO-TIlO: C.MJBEH—Uouklna assured with our Aota.

Hketchea, KicIusIto Sooks, Monoiocutrs, etc. A lewis and Green Act will pare the wai' to a bl«er and brighter future. We wxlto for headliners—Ick us wirte for you. (luWrrltwt l>y approntmeiit.) LiEWlH A GREirC. 121 West 116th. New York.

YORK PUX>R PEI>AJ„ $5; Deacan Chimes (Cathe¬ dral), "UllUMAIUE" Ho Qtuvu, Arkaiisaa CO ON THE STAGE—Uy Mind Beadln* Course, easy

to learn; $1.00 for abort time. IsA POLLETTE, Is E. 118th. New York. apr3

Musical Instruments FOR SALE—WANTED TO BUY.


S.CMPti: MONCKOGLE, Sketch. Parre or Minstrel Book, 15c; all four. 50c. STANTON AMUSE¬

MENT CO.. Norwich. New Y'ofk. marl3

llTI’NOnSM EASILY LEARNEI>—X La Bue's In¬ structions. ten IcMons, teaches bow; one dollar,

rurther |>art]culsrs, with Intereetlnc mail, 6 stamps. A. C. RUCU, Publisher, Wincheater, Tecn. marl3

ACTS OP lE'ERY HBU RimON—Blg-Ume materia) wTlUen to lit you. wltli i>ei> and punch. Reasonable

terms. CAB-SON * D'ABMLLli 560 Woel i:9th St.. New Y'oi'k._

SPICY PARODIES on late Songa Original and ex- cluslre. $1.00 apiece, 8 for $0.00. L. P. SINGER.

115 South Burdick SC (uiiatalra), Kaiamaxoo, Mich.

DEAGAN XYTrOPHONB No S68. 3 OrUrea. with reaunators; Uka new; ooat $90.00; sell for $45.00.

Also lAOdy BelU, 3 oriarea. $6.00. BILLY HIVM- LEU, Sup^or 6ho«A Tupelo, MlaslaslppC

LriVItN Ml.NT) BEADING—My complete copyrighted act for two people corera Ore different "^ecta":

only $5. Serid atamp for paitlcu.__ to PROP. ZA- L-VNO, TjToney New York.

AMATETR PRODUCERS AND ACTORS eould pre¬ sent profeealonal material; stamp for catalogue.

^^N4■ YORK PLAY BUREAU. 3665 Docabir Are., New York. aprl

TILE TAB SHOP means ererythlng In Musical Com¬ edy and Burlesque Manuscripts. Piindpala. Ward¬

robe and Scenery. Send In your wants, BOOM 300. 164 W. Waabiiigton sl, Chloagoi

Ln.\ltx CONTORTION—Promt and Back Bending. Splits. Back Ikinber. Crab, Twisting Crab and

many others for 50c. D. C. FTSUER. Box 181, New CaAle, IndUna. mar'20

ANY KIND OP AN ACT YOl' DF2$IRE POR $5.00 —Send money onler. DAVE KLYNE. 1431 Brtad-

way. Room 214, New York. MOST EMOnONAI* humoristic, heart-appealing.

foremost basis of an act for lady partners; details, 25c. P.SRAftON PUB. CO.. San Pranclsco. Can.. Free mailing thts of actresses, models, famous beau¬ ties. marl 3

L ~ARN TO BE A CONTORTIONIST-Personal In- slructlou for you from a profeeelonal of wide nv

ntat.un; no printed course, but complete Instruc¬ tions especially adapted to yourself; I teach you the why'e thing from the flrst simple bends to the fln- iJierl act; also how to book and stage your act; oon- tortioQ can be used to great advantage In comedy l«ru; wonderful as a developer of line physique and gw.rl health In man or woman. I hare ma-te suc- cm.ful contortionists of adults In suri>iislngly ahirt tliue. I offer thorougli. practical profttsslonal in¬ struction. Write FTIED ELZUIL Garland, Pa.

PHU SALE—WuiIlUer No. 125 Band Organ In flrst- cendtUon; ik h. p. D. C. kfotor for operating

same; also 100 pairs Barney A; Berry baU-l«artng Roller Skatea. J. L. WID^DIR. 811 W’. ' ' '

ABE YOU USING A 1902 MODEL ACTf—Vaude¬ ville material, Ulw clothes, becomes worn In

time. Dress up your ability in 1980 style. I guaran¬ tee to fit you. Let me loiutv your wants. Reason¬ able terms. Interview by appointment. GILLICK. 336 East S7th Street. New York._n^l3

Is high mkr2(> VSNTRII/KlUTSTW -Two ^croamlng Dialogues, "Orig¬

inal Song'* (Mimicry, Ventriloquism revealed), typewritten, compleic, $1.00, BOLLYN', 1554 No. FOR SALE—Used HIgbam Bb Comet, silver, rotary

3, C to A. Dandy fur trouping. {.ota of volume. First $48 taken It Sent preiald. CILVK LUSK John Deere, Y. M. C. A., YluUne, Illtnbia

ARTI'rrsl—Our real rough-stuff Rh.v'mee srill make ’em laugh. Ballads of Us Fillers oortadna two

male Irhili a uveh, YVop Yfonoiog, etc.; wlsole bunk nr big. iiai:py howls, all few a .-tong, 2.''jc (kin of Batht&biha, a play full oi ffeihy, poetic glunqur, mipplenievited Ballads of Ua Fellers, No. 2. ThU Is It! Tl.e daxalnr' 'Price. $1.00. "nio Gunman's Vamp," prize (ncni. will piit the "kick’* In any act (wholeeoine). N. Y. TREN'D I*UB. CO.. 053 Thirty- ninth St. Brooklyn. New Yoek.

Miscellaneous for Sale 4e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se. IX>R SAI<E -York Trumpet, satin flmsh: used one

month; good aa near; $7(X C. GOFF, Hheldon, le liTARN TO TR.iN.4KER I>ESIONS FROM NEWS¬

PAPER TO CUmi In.strucU!.ns. 25a lUCU- ARDS, Box 222, Devon. I’er.iiaylvanla.

BAND 1NSTRUM$2<T.S, aU silver plated, all high and low pitch, all with cases, all playable condi¬

tion; 811de-York TVi'mhone. trill valve, $15; Rllde- Klashen Trciiab.Hte. $45; Higham Barttona $50: Mrr- wtlth Tnurqiet, $60; )2 with order, balaitce C. O. D., privilege exaiuinaUon. BOX 131, Chlllicothe, Ohla

FOR SAliE -Lorre English Horn. Abo Oboe and Clari¬ net Address MUtUCIAN. 536 St. I’eter St. St

Paul, Miunt sotA LOOK! ilAKi: ANY 5TOUIN TAIK ANT> fHNG—

$1.00 for Instructions. R. CH.VWlXHtD, 1113 Gui'durd Ara, Rallinmre, bfaryland. apr3

ATTKVTION, SMNGIiH»-Try ono of my timely Moiiolngi and see what real matesdtl meanA "La¬

bor. Liquor and Lingerie." "Hot •Alt" (mitty poUi- Ical aprcrli). "ITpiUblt Prohibition," $1.00 e^K. Run 10 miimW^ Sii t any ecm d an. Ro'- nt Ikro- dlee. $1 00 each, (vpedal Bongs and Acta, $25.00 (gx ARTHUR NE.UK, Vaudeauthor, 158 West CS'Jt New York.

Pf*R S.tliB—VeCA Tenor Banjo, CUmeA BOX 11, .Mllfurd CentiT. OI to.

CONN Bb TT BA. no caaa 11 In. bell. IS IhA. $50.00; Conn .5-valve, double belled Euphonium. In caaev

$85.00: Y'urk AlUi, In case, $25.0(); Dlstln Tenor, no case. $20.00. All are both pitches; silver; top ac¬ tion; bargalnA Want RRb Tuba. Conn preferml: top action; low pitch. BERT Pt/l Harper, KanssA

SLVRA'ELOU.S mNTKT'FT’ lytaVlTS—How done; profeeslonsl wvTrt; send 12 ernta to ccwtr poetrge.

etc.; motley back If not aatiHflcd. O. KAAL 834 Na 8Ji St., Ylanilnsvoa Wlsconaln.

M.2<. Slop (.llOWINi; OLlv -Recovir your youtliful vim, rigor and vitality without drugs. Informa¬

lly free. W. P. MOVER 8c CO., Box 115, Free hurt, PennsylvanlA aprlO

"JAZ-PLmU>NntONE"--311de flute-tkccoto; playen tiMUmly; pos'ps.d, 25 caitA HrTEtV.VRT NOV-

ELTIISI. LTD., 321-B West 18lh St, New York.

ONE YORK UPlUt.ffr B-IULT BA8l4-13-ln. bell; aUve* I laud; In luatlMT case; in fine emdltloa nrst

$75.00 takes It P. E. llOKiX Ft- Keuwary, Obla About This Season’s New York Productions SOPRANO S.\X.. Xylophotia Folding Organ. TVunkA

all bargalnA Write fig partlrulara. BI3T &C5'> SHAW, 766 Wavviand Avei, Chicago. lUlnolA

MDNTTY MAKER—It’s great Egyptian Srmfxil Hand Deetl.-iy. Instant fortune feller. 25c gets one.

rad pub. CX)., 3823 Third St. San IHego, Calif. marl3 THE HERMAN TIMBERG PRODUCING CO., Inc

PRESENTS TRAP DRUM tXTPIT, vrith trunk; Chinas. Xylo¬

phone; rheAit lUl'iIARD BURNK 525 kfadlyt. G^. Indiana. N35V PAI'UK T lARLNtl FAKE—Won lerful dealgiLV

and name of any thestre In 30 soconda Can be timed by anyone In audience. Abaohiieily no prac- t.oe nee'ed. FecreU and platu. $1. 5L L. CROSS. Kalkaska YHcfaigan.

The Latest and Brightest Musical wild. SWAP INDIAN MOTOBTYCLB and Hldertr for good set Deagan Electrlo Bella with k^boATiL

BOX 50, Roblnaun, llUnota TICK-TACK-TOE ONE DIME rets a eucceseful Streetmen’, Scheme. Soap Felling Scheme. How Tb Manufacture Rubber

Fli’dah Art Gwds and Cleansing Compound. J. P. CUERRV, 226 Marsaebusetta Ara. Detroit, Mich.


Partners Wanted for Acts (NO INVESTMENT)


Dialog, Lyrics and Music by Herman Timberg. Produced Under the Personal Direction of the Author. In Two Acts and Twelve Courses.

■W'hatever merit there Is In "Tick-Tack-Toe” belongs to Herman Tlmbvsince he did It all, according to the program. By the same token V hatever demerit is in it Mr. Timberg must also stand good f r. From two helpings of the piece the verdict must be that the author, librettist and musician is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubL

Speed it has and that is all. The actors, especially Jay Gould and Flo Lewis, work hard and often. Billy and Laura Dreyer do an excel¬ lent double back-to-back dance number and Mr. Timberg finds enough unexpended energy after writing the book and lyrics and music and pro¬ ducing the show to do his familiar Russian dance burlesque. George ‘Mayo, as a Jew comedian without whiskers, is funny in a telephone blL Otherwise mediocrity reigns in stupid serenity.

It is reported that Garry Herrmann, of the Cincinnati Ball Club, and a diamond merchant from the same city, are the backers of the enterprise. It took Mr. Herrmann a long time to get a world's champion baseball team. It will take longer than that to make “Tick-Tack-Toe" anything but a second-rate musical review.—PATTERSON JAMES.

PBOPRS.SIONAL SIZE .FTTAOE TRICK CARTOON PA'm:BN8—Instnirtlon*; Mg outflte; $1.00. PROF.

AL HAFl-NER. Box 2902 8U. S. PhUxdcIphlA niArlS OENTIJ'IMAN WANTS young, attraeUve lady P»rt-

n«r for ttandanl vaudevlll* novelty act; pivfvT ooa who alnga and damwa welL State all partlcuUn and gtve full de«Tli>Uon or (Mid photo, which will he retumrd. AildreM D. 8. MANFORD, cue The ItlUboanl, New York. . mu20

STAGE CAREI31 OFFERED YOU—Viuderllle, Le- giUaixt*. Oataret, Burleeque; experience unneces-

ftry; Iravne aUidy; managers eodotse my mrUiod. Bi| i:iu.vtrated booklet and fun particulars free. Write today. LaDELiLE, Station 8, Jacluan. Mich. mayS GENTLEMAN WANTS Lady Partner, eBcr4leat ai>-

pearanoc, perfect form, medium akie. dainty, modeat and graceful; talented in all the lataat dancew and aongA Tima la a bright future for tba party who can quaUfy. Answer. STIMZONN, care WeUem Union. Lanetng, Michigan. Iku-lou photo.

OTAirr •NUN'DT KircnrEN”—Make big nwHMff: practically no capital required; cuaranlv^ courae;

original price $15.00, epcsclol niw $1.00; enoney back If dleeaUefied. IDEAL BOOK SHOP. 5501-BC North Robey, fUcaga ap<3

LADY PARTNER WANTED—Over 1* yeara of age; wanted lady partner to run Uoop-la; don’t need

any money; hava two coneeaalona booked with Beacon ShowA Anewer. WM. POX, 47$ River SC, lkt>y. New York

TEN CENTS starts you on the road to succesA Don’t delay, write today. WTLBEBT LANGLEY. 25

Pycamore 8t. Indianapolis, Indiana. niar27

THE SENSATIONAL MAIL BAG ESTAI’E always goes big. Secret hoar to acDOvnpUdi thl.v wonderful

trick sent for 12 cents to evwer postage, etc. O. KAM, 834 Na 8th 'SL. Manitowoc, Wisnxiiln.

« ORLD S REST KNOWN SOFT DRINK—Thi. real. original Cola Formula. $100; made in your own

I -ima Big proffts selling soft drink dealera A. H. «OURT. Analytic, Consulting and Manufacturing khemist, 903 Grant SL, Chuleston, W. Va. marJO

PARTNER WAN'TEIV — To join comedy acrobatle comedian: please state fully aga axpolence and

what you can da AddreM P.YRTNEB. care BUI- board, NjW Y'ork City.

BC-tUTIFUL ART STUDY PHOTO.S—Daring pose*. Sample, lOo; II for 75c. REXFORO, 8 Albany St..

Albany, New York. inarlS

A WORD TO YOU, MR. VAUDBYTLLE ARTIST—1 01. cr sample Stumn ttoeeches. Monologs (I have

all characters). Doubles for Male and Female or two Males. Comedy and Dramatio Itecitatioiis. etc.; aam- I'lui on anything, $1; I Pimish you sure-fire parody wltli each order (your rhoico). Theec samples uo die means of furnishing you decisive proof that I am Uie man to engage as your porsonal writer. Yly ma¬ terial Is eqieevly, away from die b-aten paths and orig¬ inal. Let me convince you. Order your aample now or write me In regard to my iptikal and exclusive ma¬ terial .ARTin'B T. CBO.'tS. 31 Evelyn St., Boston. 24, MAivvachuseltA_

RltSSIAN MAOICTAN WANTS LADY P.4RTNER (Pereenlage or Salary)—Previous experience In magto

preferred; must be aMe to ting or play. WlU be paid while iwaMiring In Hamilton. Send photo, pnsltively returned. SNYDER, $5 East Ava, North. Hamilton. Canada. marlS

W.YNTEH Laily Partner to work with Black'sce Comedian; amateur considered: one that can sing

fairly good Rehearsal at my homa Answer at once. WALTER LEE DAVIS. 719 Penn SL. Kansas City. Miasourt. marll

DRUM IIEADR-IT in.. $1 35; 18 In.. $1.50; 19 In.. $1.60. LOUIS KOHLMANN, 4603 8. Troy Bt.,

Cblcaga niarl9



FOB SALE. BAND IN8TRUMl!NTtF-150 good, aee- ond-hand and new, as follows: 31 Corneta, 20 Alto

and Homa 29 Slide ami Valve TVorabonea 15 Bari¬ tones and Baasea, 20 Drums (any stae). 5 sets of Bells, 34 Clarinets (Albert and Boehm System), 5 Flutes; send for Hid. Address JAMES SISTEK. 4248 Broadway, Cleveland. Ohio. aprS

Lobby Display Painted Photos So WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se.

WANTED—I.ady partner, to learn trick riding for Wild W’nt Show. I have stock; one that can do

raping given preferenca GORDON SHAW, Adams Center, JefTeraen Ca. New York. Route 2.

HAVE YOUR AUDIENCES SPJILLBOUND—Big or small lime; sensational, unl<pie; Instructions. 25a

PARAGON PI B. CO., San Fraroiliico. CaUf. Ftee midllng llste of acueescs, models, famous beauUew. _ marlJ

LOBBY PHOTOS OU Painted and Enlarged. 14x17 inches, only $3.00. Send photo and 75 cents for

sample coloring. TANGLEY, Muscatine, la marl3 FOR SAliE—One net White EnamMed Uprlghta, 15 ft.

high. Roman Rings and Daps; one 15-ft. Pedestal. In 5 aintiona, aleel tubing. In ahlpplng crate. GEO HIGGINS, JoncBviUe, MioK, care Zunl Concert Ca, week of March 1; week Mardt 7, Ylanclieater. Mich. $25.04 takes all.

Magical Apparatus FOR SALE.

(Nearly New and Cut Priced.)


Personal do WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25e.

YIR. MANAGER—Are you looking for a big play bar¬ gain? If eo, here la your chance; Tltroe sure-fire

5-peopIe. 4-act scripts, with cavy seta and up-to-date drestlng, with Iota of comedy (no junkl. for $10 00. Heuson for selUng, I am leaving the buslnesa Ad¬ dress AL W.tJlDELL Btage Director, 243 Weal 48tb RL, Now York City.

ANTON-B KNOWING WHEKEABOITS of Wm. iHperitv will confer a favor ter writing H. O.

PRIEBE. 2011 Second 9t.. Bo.. Mlnneapolta Minn. '_ mtrfO

OIRI, PIIOTOBI—Real and splendid Photngrxpha from Ufa Beautiful models In clever, axUatlu poeea

Sl>eclal; 14 Photographs of girls who iwlm (not ■lolled up for Uie movies). $1.00. Sample postcard and drculari. 10c. ECUPBE PORTER COMl’ANT. Dept. 25. Peru, Indiana mar27

AMATEUR MAGICIANS—Can supply you with any eerret in magla mind reading, spiritualist effect.

lIluslonB, eta: corresponce solicited. THE PIERCE SHOP. 115 N. BunUefe, Kalamasoo. Mich. maiT3

ITN A IKILLAR BID, TO THIS AD and twelve In return four real Comedy Mnnologucs. good for any

character; lists of other good vaudevtlle nu'tertal lor stamp THE VAUDEVIILE SHOP, Box 92. SuUon B. Kan.vas City, Idissourl._

LADY WITH ME.4NR-If you wish t« live South, write me. BEN QI/YVER. Yteplesrilla Alabafns.

BARGAINS IN 'MAGIC—Candles to Bouquets: finest make; bosiquet c^iaads 13 Indies In diameter;

eS'li $4 00. AuatriUltn WondeepdaDt: plant grons 6 feet high: wonderful comedy effed; only $4.00; same plant prows 9 fed high; $5.00. Large list fot foiir-oent atamp RUDOLPH SOILOSSEa, 420 East IC'Ji St.. New York.

NEW onKEA RUTITCR BEAN—grew 60 pounds of beans from one seed. Grows any otlmata 6

seeds for 25c. PENEL CO., 917 Baker, Covtngtan, Ky. Privileges for Sale


BCRIITS revlsal. typearltlen, sold. Expert work done neatly and reasonably. T. E CROSBY. 1695 nrt.adwav. New Y'ork._ marll

SHOW PEOPLE—Photo Foetcards made from any negative; none obfocted. REXFORD, 8 Albany at,

Albany, New York. OPirf FOR BCRF.FDJR OR LHCnTRER—The HoUnoa

4k Charlton Systema; aororthing near; can give tlM scenes of tin country In 48 hours; tho prevention of crime and capturing of criminals; telling anyone who they arc te flva mlnutea P. J. HOLAOS. 1500 B. Sd Ava, Maywood. IlUnolg.

PL.tTH IN M.\.VT’SC31IPT. $15.00 a year. Tried miwessea. Rpedal printing. Stamp for cafaiogue.

STAGELOBE PLAT CO.. 1400 Broadway. Now York. mans

COYn'LITE RIKINO ANT) FLYING CARD TRICK. 25c; Trick Peanuts (or Stink Bombs), 3 for 25a or

8 for 50c: also UteBt Coin Trick. 10a J. F. ROTH, Archbold, Ohla .


enameL trimmed In gold. FacLiry prloa $1,000; my prtoa $450. OTPO F. EHRINO. Cent Natl. Bank. Golumbtia, Ohio.

PR0DUCL:31S vrin find thM our $2.00 Tabloid nut sical Cisnedy Scripts have tba so-calted ex.'lu.tlve

hills brat a mtla Our writers are not overnight wnndera. hut real, np-to-the-mlniite producers tf ths goods HARRY J ASHTON (The Tab Shop), 517 N Clark Chicago. _

FT.4GE MriVKY—lj^e roll for a quarter TOOH YOUNGBI»OI>. 16 Grove St.. Charlotte. N. C




GliASa CYLINDER VANISH. $3.00 each while they last Something now. BCUAFEIL 14 E 1181U St..

Now Tort apr3 TATTOO DESIGNS ON SH$rEr»-12rl8. nicely col¬

ored. $2 00 per sheet, or 0 sheeU for $10 00 : 200 ft’-e Stencil Impressions, $3 00; (Vnrlngi per doresi. $2 00; 12 fTiast DeM-ns. colored and It CTimt De¬ sign Imrcesslons. $5 (kl; Berk of 24 Des4»ns, nlrely coVieed. $5 00; 406 real fine Stencil Impressions. $5 0(>: Imoeeialona <if 6 large Extra Fine $5 00 Designs. *1 00; the beat and rheapest designs on tha market; st-mn for reply HARRY V. LAWBON, 253 Court St Norfolk Virginia. marlS

JilGHEFT PRICES PAID for Hand'Siffs and second- hard Magla BVLVIAN'S MAGIC SHOP Proeldence.

Rhode Island. YVe acU Blum for Circus Mm. martO BY'Kky BODY—Old or young? Certainly I Learns Vio¬ lin, ivisno. Mandolin. Banjo Guitar, Ukuleta

Wnging. Sunoesa guaranteed. Courae. $5 00. ExpwL HORTON'S. 143 Weat SOth 8L. Now York City. liOT OF MAGIC APPARA'n'S. Books and Maga-

glnes; stamp for Hat LAURIE IRELAND, Rtiah- msra Minnesota.

THE ROAD TV» srrrFJ4»4-Matirlal from The Tab. Sbon Vew I's» for 1020 nose rmdv Bend stamp.


Slrurlng and Dan-lng Acte taiulit. coached and re¬ arranged All ttvlea Staga Dancing taught Ru k and Wing. Soft Slioa, Eanentrlo. Walu Clog. Chotsiv. Jaxt Dtndng, otc. 20 leaautiii. $10 00 ILYRY'HY' THOMAS. 59 Eoat Van Bureu SL. Suite 310. Chi¬ cago, UUnolg. Apr)

WIZARD’S CALDRON. Enchanted Cage*. Glass Through Hat Disappearing Glass (two effecte In

pne). Pigeon VanPh. one Illusion, oibers; all hteh- tian gnoda; fin- cood’Ugn; bargalna so hurry. KL3IEB pfajciN, 1027 N. ISUi at, Bl Luuls. Mlaaouil In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.

MARCH 13, 1920

«TAnB ANT) nAIXaoOM DANCINO, Back, Oflfc I (Wt tUxw, Walts Qoc. ate. OiUdrcn's claw.

tl OO monthUr; ladles' rlais. t^.OO monthly. All C a trmaUenal dandns tatisht BUIKB TIIRATTIICAL - \li(K>U 436. 39 K Van Durm hL. Chksso, Ill. t

aprt --tl VIOLIN, Plano. Alandolln, UkulelOb Hawaiian Cultar, «

IVnur Banjo. Mandulln-Itwijo, Guitar, lianjo. r Viilcs: Inatnimrntt rurnisbed; lady taachen, of hlflieat t e.-uUntiaU; ajucial atientiun tltm rhildrsn and be* rlnners. ILAlUM.NG iU’SlC STt’DlOB, lOT Wi-al - ^3d. New Tort I'liono Ikhuyler—HoU. j

\VANTl.I>-Kor irand otwra atudanta' toddy; first srrat opportunity In this country for ttie roral atu-

dmt and beslnner; publlo performanos for powlids k'l.s luiaaou: rchoanal Wednesday CTenlns at T:30. .\j>l>ly at HTl'lllO, 600 Lexlnftuo Ato., New York, exi^ .Miuidaya and Tueadayn. inuZO

2d-Haiid Show Prop, for Sale So WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25e.

Mx40 TUP BOOK. SQUAHH END TEND. lO-oo. duck. S-fL aide wall, no patches, used one acsMin. all

nolm paluted. ready for ahlpmmt; 1100.'to takes It; kalf cah. balance C. O. D. TEDDY BAYEK. Do¬ ver Hotel. Hieubenrlllet Ohio

10 H. P., F008 MAKE. ELmTniC TYTB Q.V-WOUNT E.Ntil.N'H on Ell truck. A-l runnlnt order, dandy

for car>ui*ielln or Itflrt plant; fartary price »«50. my rrln* I3.>0. orTt) F. EIUUNG, Cent. NatL Hank. ( jlumbux. Ohio.

SJ-FiKlT PARACIlfTE and Feature Reel Film show- ins I'apt. Urrry, Orat man In the world to janw fmm

a flyins aeroplane with a parachute. Tlila feat Jefferum Uarracka, 8U loula. l.oou nsnev-edtrr; »tll tell cheap. Stamp for partlrula.-a CHAJi. IMU- UAAia. 2730 Park, KL Duula Mlssourt

100-FT. BDt’ND TOP, three 40-fl. mlddlea, water¬ proofed. 10 fu side'wall. ueed 8 werka. flrit-claas

etndlUon; prUw low. PEAIU. VAN. NorUi^le, N. Y. marll

At'RI.tlj Sl'SPnNHION—Two broofns an»l platform. ISO; LedUtlon. rery compart, S!0. THE GREAT

ZELMO, C'onwuerclal HoteL NaabrHle, Temirstee.

AERIAL TRAMIDIJNE NET and Ground Bar Rls- slns. Rolling Glohw, Foot Juggling Apiwraitk. J.

FTLAN'CIS, care IllUbasrd. Chicaga marts ‘

AtDIMATIC FISH POND, with electric motor: alao Doll Back; sUI cheap. Addrew JACK AlAYNARD.

Uraial llctel, Kiukuk. loua.

BmrciB ACm NXmO»)-Taj-l<jr Blorde Trtmk; bnidi two btrydes; aell ftw tU'VOO; lUs nrw; big

bargain. CHAS. 1V1LHA3US. 2730 I*srk Are.. 6t. | L.A1A Mivnurl

tD\n>«If»N TUNTS—8xl(*, 8rl2 and 10x12: made of best douols fitted Uiakl; wiwra and luota like

tiror; no slile wall: wondrrful bargains; muat glre u- threw days to thlp: factory working capacity. Sfall sddmyv, RAY SIKAV nifsrVBm' EXClLt.VOE, 621 Chr:>lnut 8L. tn. Louia. AtlaaourL

ri.B.\N-t’P S.VI.&-IMce right; tawd Tops. no wall. 80x110 fL. pOxlM. 00x1.10. 00x170. AH re¬

paired. Good for a fall lesaaa esally. PBABl, VAN. NorUiTUltt New York. marlO

FOR 8AIJ5—Parker Carry-rs-AII. two-ahresst. tn ] good condition; rarer played Organ, new Lnglne. I

Acktrasa ANDERSON A SHADER SHOWS. Brush. | Cuiorado. mario ;

FOR SALB-Oonpleta; Rape of Belfluni Show, Harris make; ussd otiS aeaion, with camlxal; will tell

cheap an account of other hualnesa. Addreae M. H. ANDERSON, 4 Hanigulitre SL, Auburn. 3i& marlS

FOR SAIJB—1 Klngery No. 800 Pranut and Popcorn Marhine; atram power; rout $.140; take $300. like

new; run 3 muntha. BERT ifT. CU.11R. Tandalia, IIL

KOR RALE—Japanese Waltzing MU«. $3.50 per pair, srhlle they last. F1L1NK ORETENCORD, 614 So.

I8th streot, Omaha, Nebraska. mar20

FOR RALD-Tbp. SOxSO; 8-n. walU; 0 leogtha of 7- tlcr Blues, Rtaka Puller. Slrdgea. Plano. PlcUira Ma.-

rhlno; (wrryttdng ready to aet up and thaw, Addreae J. W. KAIN, Parkin. Artanaaa.

FOR &1LB—Okie 80-fl. Round Top; t>o side wall; not In beat oondltlcn, but with tome rai>alni wtU

last a long time; ropes good. Add. JACSC WILUTS, 712 North Ms^ 8L. Kokoeno. Indlanm

FOR HAI.E—White Tent, square. 40x40; taoe; extension eares; 8-as drill; roped every othar eloth; no patches;

0-ft. slile wall. 12-oa. duck; good as new; Iron tefeacotw eanlir pela quarter side polm, all guys and falla; ready to aet up: 8280.00; In good shape; no stakes. Also 30x10 MKVlIg Piece. 8-ox. drill; fine shape; JT5 00. One 30x50 P., 8 os. drill; 3 tmall patchee; 80.1.00. I«t Dramatic Lithua and Stands, lo ahoet. P.iltce foat and Cap, 85.00. One 10x13 A Tent, new, 810.OR fee of 13 Descan Chimes, 84000. WTBVENR TIID- ATRICaL Sl'PI’LY CO.. 814 High SUeet. BL Louts. Ulttouri.

for rale-Threw Rridge Ball Allegs. coat 81.»>0.00. firs condition. 84(m.OO; Rterl Asbestos lined YL

r Booth. 825; 8 Pocket Bllllarda, 8100 00 each; S4<H MacMnca, all klmls; Rarale Dazzle, 8100 00; Leunpa. W’lring, etc.; 7 Coaster Cara. Chain and Machinery. Ca.mly IU>« lYack, Flaiddug Star, screral Wheelt, 5 Twite lease expired. H. P. FRENCH. Muskegon, Michigan.

ri>R R.AIJI]—300 good Ihiholalered Leather Imitation Theater fTialra; 83 00 F. O. B. WUllameport. Pa.

Aildreaa BOX 3M, Wllllamaparl. Permsgrlranla.

FOR rale—Rargaln on Stage lights: 3 KRrgl S|>otllghte and 3 Dunchvw. Fine oondltloo; almost

now. If. a TITiT A AWNTND Ctt, 330 N. Dea- Plaloea Sc. Chicago. lIUnoiA

for RALD—13x13 blue and white striped Top. aide- wall, iKrtable frame; Hnop-la Hoops, Boaea. Tahla.

Trunk Forty doHara takes alL J. H. MILLARD, 118 Coopar 8t., Jackson, Michigan.

FOR RALD—MerWnlcal Mule. Ball Game. Real Neck Htretcher. Hang the Kaiser, High ettriker. Trpupa

m Trained Dorrs. Air Rifle. Doil Rat*. Aiootlng Oalery, Jan taring Wanted. Merry-Chy-Rewinds, all k'nds: lerrU Wheel. Tango Bwtaga. HARRY ■smith. Grata, PmnmrlTanlg •

8 OR RAID—I'acd Solid Gold Lord's Prayer Pin. In acaltxl glaas tube, with apeclLl Rpennrr Demon-

rtreilng Microaeoiw; smallest Bible on earth and mag¬ nifying glass for Bibik Complete outfit. In A-l ^dlUon, tM.M. Also haro 1 separata SoUd Gold

Prayer Pin. In sealed glam tube In A-l con¬ dition. 88 00. Partlcnlars freoL A. ABMOUB. C2r.d •nd BalUman At*. PhUadaipiiU. Ft. narSO

HEAVT DV-GUNO OITFIT FOB BALE—Reason¬ able. UlLLk.R. 33S West 36th Suuet, New York

City. u.ar20

LARGE RATI.NE Fl’LL STAGE HUm.NG-ConidsUnf of dark blue and gold saline drape, two leg dropw,

backing amt ground cloth. In good trunk. Used twelTe weeks with big-time act; o»it 87UO; aacrlllce 8200. Rond 825 depoHlt, balance oulUct. subject to exae^a- Uon. LlNDlxLEY. 231 Weat 45th BL. New York.


LOT l.AJUiF. A-VD 8.MAIL TRIPID mjDYS. with rope, p'lahle wire guys, aervcral ricelloit IDutAs.

nickel platril Bleycle Tubing, also act Horlzoiual RtrrI Cote Bars; cbvvtp for quick lale. U. BOIBE. CUlbocid, New York. marlO

Nirfir’ STYLE DOLLB-Real winnreu. Blynkle, Kry- Biynk. Wee-Wee. f*a. All our own exclusive, pat-

enud and coiqrrlgfate<l products. KecortUzvd Cooctw- aloi'.rx, send fur aamplea, Otliers send 81.00. Sec cur half-|iage ad In al>riiig issue. Larje stock of used Rbow Coods. Let us hare your wanu in detail early. We do not Issue a catii igue ae rtock changes daily. Ikrjrst excluave deeJirs In used Sliuw Prop- I rtlra In America. Man’ifacturers of Scx-ii'Ty, Rlde- Hlurr Daiiiicrst Indestructible Arkansas Ki^. Cats. rcTcmtage and Numi'er Wheels, t*c. Sell ua your Rh-r» Gob.Ia. Beet islrea. WESTERN SHOW ITlrtP- EIVTIEB CO., MS LXelaware 8t., Kansas City, YIo.


ONE MORE 'O-LD. BOCND (Top Only). laced center, lia'.e fully ro;ie«l. gout re;'aJred: will last

several nuHiths; sefUng out: send 820. bal., pririlege examlnatlok. fco. F. THOCMJ'SO.N’S TUHITRIL Leglmlne, Wisconsin.

OILRA AND FOLDING CH-VIR-R-RIIghlly used; al4i upholstered. Lsvrge stock. Immediate dellvory.

ATL.k-S 8E.1TTN»1 CO.. 10 East 43rd St., New York aprl7

SHOOTING GAIiDRY POR R.ALD-.kubanaUc; made to order: used four months; 20x12 feel; all Iron:

$450.00 trkea It; weight. S tone. KOWT-AND, 140 Beale Ant. Memphis, ‘^ir.easea.

BPIDOItA C.VBIVCT, new. 110.00. ILLINOIS AMUSE- YIENT, IXmhurg, Illlnobk

THRF.H G.ASOI.INB I..kNTERNS. $3.00 each. JHLT ROBBINS, Pitersburg, IlIlno4a.

SWELL SniFT—T«i> gK IS each) Center Pbtea. 33 to 38 ft.; atralghl; perfect condlUon; "Norway"

Steal Unbreakable Bala Btnga. also hare tiarrei of Pnee'a klra and Wat»T-Pr<x»llng Ciim;>aunii. Cirrus Seats. Opera Chatra, Purtab’e Building. 41x100 ft.; Portable Floor. 34x80 ft.; Tent Frame (erwwa). new, 3 "Bolte-Weyer" Ltenpa F. R. YOUND, Brook¬ field. MisaourL

FRAN'E MORSE—^Tbe eminent bandmasirr. will oom- poae or arrange mualo for pUno. band or orcheatrg

Ratbfaeiory work guaranteed. Tmna comnunsurata with work 856 No. 2vtb 8l. Philadelphia, Pk juntO

OLDROB a. JOHNSON—Compoaer, arranger and puh- llabrr of music. lirtca rerised and edited. Eatab-

Uahed 1905. Excluaivt muste written to your tong luema. I ha*# an Installment plan. d‘J8 Tanih SC. Northeast, Washington. District of Columbia. apr3

"I'SI FOREVER DRINKING NEAR BEER"-Parody on "BubUes"; one verse and chorus; full of pep;

price, 25c. BOSE PAI'KE, Moore Block. Barberton. UlUo. mai20

"JAZ-FLUTROJIBONE ’—Slide flute-p4ooolo; played InaUtnUy; poeU>ild. 2.1 cente. STEWART NOV¬

ELTIES, UD.. 331-B West 48th SC. New York

LO.NGFELLOW'S IMMORTAL POEM, with music, "A Psalm of Life," A professor aald: "It really

sings the sentiment of tbe Unca." 30e a copy, poet- paid. Addreae EDWARD J. HOLTHU8E.V, 488 Cotumbla At&, Elgin, lllliuiis. marJT

LYRIC WRITERS—Will compose one original, aatls- factory meiody for 816.00; Plano AccompanImenC

85.(>0: get the beat; It paya HERMAN HUMMEL 250 Lolonlal Arcade, Cleveland. Ohio. mayS

LITUC WRITETCSI—Want a "Square Deal"? Get ray pmpotdtion. Revising, comptwing and expiott-

Ing service. JOHN J. KENNY, Hoboken, N, J.

ifUSIC PUBLISircR.«l—Over tlx hundred names of Mu.vla Iiealers. neatly typewritten, one dollar. YLAE

LOUISE PUB. CO., Saranac Lake. Nevr York. marlS

MI:RIC PRINTING. ARRANGING A.VD COMPOSING —United Siatea and International Copyrights se-

rurad at nominal chargea Write for samples and low prices WARNER C. WILIJA.MS A CO., DepC n-K. Indianapolis. Indiana. (lantmt publishers of ^’Dcopated Waluee In the World.) maPlS

JtUSIC BOILS—We vrill cut five Music BoHa of your Song for 84.00; dozen. 87.50. Guaranteed ar¬

rangement to Song Poeok 85.00. TUB HAR5IONT SHOP, Gale YllsaourL maylS

■MT'SIC SET TO POEMS. 85. Cma.TEN STUDIOS, 22 Brtnghurst BC. Philadelphia, Petmaylvanla iuar27

MT Htt.tT WAS FIILED WITH TEARS—Greatest wall! Imltad la yeara; 15e. postpaid. M. D. HIRST,

PubllslMK. 1533 Third Ava, San Frandacct Calif. apr3

SOrVD SONG IvORIXS FtBl PUBLICATION—Music oomgioaevl if lyric la aooeiAahla BOX 146, Jai*-

aanvUa Illinois. aprt



This announcement will reach some CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS in time to get their ad in the Spring Special Billboard, but you must send copy of ad by wire; also remit by wire. Ve can not undertake to publish ads sent by telegraph unless money accompanies the copy.

The last forms for all classified advertising In the Special IsLue will close promptly on THURSDAY AT 6 P. M.. MARCH 11.

THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO.. 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio.

•niB X-R4T «HOW PROPERTY EXCHA-VOR—Ona Dmiiar Popixira Waguu. Hxl6 K.iakl IVnt, ooa

pair Horivd Owla, ona doi>''la Biiyde Trunk, one 86-rt. ■Paractauta and RerL XiOl Olive «*., Ht. Louis. hUvarwul

Songs and Music 2o WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2S«.

150 PAHOniER ON UkTEST POPULAR SONG.<4, 10c. CHARLES R DYNES. I’UbUatier, WlncfaeMer, Ind.

A31EH1CAN LBAOUB OP MUSIC publlBhas oompo- alUons free, iiaya royalty and yearly dividend. Mu&lo

at wbokwale prlrea to ituwnbera. muMclaiu. rompoaere, tyrld writmii. nuMfo dealerx ptnfmken. alngena. etc., etc. f4end for by-lawa. YBther Song. lOc Pemonwra- tora wanted; TtlE AMERICAN LEAGUE OF ros loth St,, N. E, Washington. D. C. inar20

A RATIRFACTOBT VELiODT for your Song Poem la guaranteed, for you da not owe me a penny niitU

maa. la rreelr^ and prenounoed O. K. .And you don't pay ma for placing your ftong tmtU 1.000 (vipiea are told. If Ckvmrll writes It U'a right. CQRNEILk Gaiety Theatre Bldg. I, New York. mat20

ATTENTION. YE PROLTAUIONAL SINGERS I—Pra fxqiy of dan>hr IValtz Song U yours upon requeet.

Get next to ihbi one aud get sumo appladael JOHN J. KHNNY, Hubviken. New inter.

ATTENTION. LYRIC inuTLarvI-Wo will reriae and correct your LotIo ao that It wlU lend Itaell

rew.llly to a musical netting for 82 00; MeloiUeu. f2.1 <*■’. Have your work done by profiidonal writers. C.UlSON A D'ARVIILE. 560 Weat 179th. Now Yovk.

RFAUnm, MELODIES vrritten to Poems. AU klnila of flrat-clam arranging done. Poems re-

vtwxl. 81 0(1. .CMBROrift Mualo IMbllaher, 214 E 48lh Rl, Nmv Yoek. marSO

IK» YOU tVRITB SONG WORDSf—Do you want to MUcered? We iwn help you. We writa Mualc, offer

tlhv hent propoattlan. We don’t guarantee OYee puhll- catlon and then charee you a huge price for wining the music None of that atulT. Thafa too old. Write tmmedlatety for v>ur rrapnvlttan. It wtll convince you. S«ihn*lt S<mg Words on any aubject. rHlC.AOO MU SIC STT'DlOfi, 7'25 No. WuvKm Avei. Utdeaga

FREEI FRBH)—"Ray Hlhbrier'g Valuable Informa¬ tion to Song Wrltera'' Igrrlc writen cannot be

without this "real" Information of the tong ganm Send a pontal In now. BAT UJBBELER, 4040 Dlok- ent Avei, Chicaga

POEMS REVISED—A C’ualcal sotting for tlie covn- puaer; 81.00 (kt rot>y for my experience, and vrortb

It. FR>U) C. GILUTT, 420 Shubert Bldg.. St Paid. Minnesota. marXi

'•BOaL24 S’niL WinSI’EB or you." a beauurul walu ballstl, with an IrRsiatlble. haunting melody;

piano copy, 1.1c, postpaid; eatlafactiou guaranteed; dealers write (or jMicea. OIX). BAY BEZANSON. PubUthar, 905 Cooper St. Mijaou'a. Montana. nuri7

SAY. MR. LYTUC WRITER I—Why not hare ycur Tersea art to mualo tn conformity vrith arntlmenta

oxpnmed, or yuur own Melodies arranged with Plano Acoomianlineats by a gcuioa? Only the hlghent gratia of work donev backed by a lifetime experlcnoe, to which many eatisfled customers will testify. Send your work for eetlmate and terms; AUGUST HALTER, Dept C, 4160 EUls Am, Chicago,

SONGS WANTED—Spot cash. Poems also wanted. MUSICIAN 8ELFMAKEK CO.. 1536 N. Wella;

Chicaga apr3

SONG WRITERS. ATTENTIONI—We guarantee to help ycM. Oir plan gets the qulokret rewilta from

pubUahera No "istbllah your earn song" faka NEW YORK MUSICAL BITIEAU. 1547 Broadway. mar30

SONOWRIiYlHS—Don’t pay others for haring your song poems or mWodltw rwrised. copyrighted or

prufculonsl copies printed before you grt our offer. Ws puhibvh Mings, place tikm on sale and pay roy¬ alty. MOR.kT PUBUSm.NO Ctt, 165 W. 46th St. New Yofll City. mar20

SONGWIdTERS—Here la the way around your trou- blea If you hare smsdl capital and a good song

write ua. We also act as your New York repTMenta- tlve for a reaMmahle rental fea Send stamps for rcp'.y. MANHATTA.N SONG ADt'ERTISEBS. 509 West 41ft St, New Yixk City.


a song. IVhy not get the beetT It costs more, but Is worth It One day service a specialty. Writa today for samples and pries list HUMMEL AR¬ RANGING BUREAU, 250 Colonial Arcade. Cleveland. Ohla marJf

"THE DBCILLKJNSONG"—Beaudful melody; won¬ derful words Write Immediately for your copy.

Send ISa SAM BUD COOK. Gen. Dellrety. Rock- port. Indiana. marSfi

YODLB SONGS—If you yodle or wish to leam to yodle send Immediately 81.00 for 5 greatest yodleA

AU beautiful 60-cent editions. Including "Sleep, Baby. Sleep." with orchestration; make big money. Send a dollar bill, stamps or money order, quirk. FRANK¬ LIN EARL HATHAWAY. 359 8a Wabash Are., Chi¬ cago. mar20

YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOB A SONG—We'll compose tbe JIusIc free and publlib aama Send

Poems today. M. LENOX CO.. 101 Weat 42d St. New York. marSfi

"VICTORY BELLS"—Latest waltz long, % Uma., Just out Words by John La Rose, muslo by Gea

W. Elleneburger. Will let on royalty basis or will dispose of plat» with copyrights if can get proper Indm-ements. Those wishing professional copies may ba securetl by writing GEO. W. ELLENBITROEB, 1409 Ellta Ave., Ft Worth. Texas, or JOHN L.A ROSE. P. O. Box 2573. Btsbee. Arizona msrlS

WORDS SET TO JIUSIC and Music to Words, 85; Arranging Melody, 83.00; Extra Copy, 81.90; Pub¬

lishing. 830.00. FREDK. T. WOODARD MUSIC CO., Mansion House, Swan's Combe. Kent England.


YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG—We'll compose the Music free and tMiblfsh sama Send

Poems today. 31. LENOX CO., 101 Wmt 42d 8t.. New York. mar39

YOUNG COMI*OSEK wlshen to coUaborate with young lyrio writer tn writing Popular Songs oo fifty-fifty

basis. Can supply winning melodlcB. Apply, letter only, PAUL DEHNICKE. Main Areoua DouglasUnt liong Island.

Theatrical Printing Sa WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 23a.

100 ENVELOPES, vrith name and addreae la oomer, for SOa postpaid anywhera VAN ALSTTNX, ClU-

lom. IlUnoU.

100 LE7TERIU5ADS AND 100 ENTELOPES printed for 81.10. 250 Buslneas or Profeaslonal Carda iitood

quality) for 81.75. 31AUBJCE BATTISTA. 292 East lS5th St, New York City. isarl3

100 LB1TERHE.VD6 and 100 XhTelopea $1.35, pre¬ paid. Oaraplea for stamp. Otter prindjug. JOSL

81 KORA. 24U3 8. 62d Ava, Cicero. lUlnoia. ntar20

5.000 OB 3IORE RULED LETTERHEADS. 8x9^. 82.40 per 1.000 ; 5.000 or more White Wove Envel-

opea, 6\. 82.95 per 1.000. HBCOBD. Van Horne. la mar 26

.Aid, KINTIS SMALL WORK at reaaonahle prlcea Swell Stationery, Heraldt Tonlgbtera. Half Sheets

and amallrr Poster* Tack and Window Cards, small I'atra. Tlckela. eta Halftone Cuts from your photos, alngle color. 81.00; double oolac, gX CUR¬ TISS, Show Printer. CoaUneatal, Ohla

"CUT?’ make your printed matter doifMy attraotlra "Cut Proofa" frea MA1LPBE8S. 7 Swift Bldg..


LETTERHEADS—Get our aamplea of letterheads. Dodgers, etc. Lowest prlcea wraJAfan PRINT¬

ING CO.. Huntington. West VlrglnlA

PATENTED BOOK-FORM CARD CASE sad 100 Buslnesa Carda 81.00. CHAS. UTTER. Peklo, HI.




MAN WITH 8500.00. for half Interest In Repsitalre Tent Show; prefer actor or agent; I will Invest dol¬

lar fur doUar. Address STANLEY KINO, care BIU- board. Cincinnati. Ohla

P.VRTNER FOR ROAD MOVIE SHOW—Only honest. luduatrtoua ahcsvman considered. 1 am managar.

iTuaxuLr and o .ator. Hare A-l n-ojsolor and films. Mill also invest dollar for dollar. Pleaas state all flrat letter. ROT, Box 1255, SL Luula, MhaourL

PARTNER W.4NTED for E 31 Helmund's great four-act drama, "The Nameleea 81a" Only par-

Uus with eufflclrnt means to put a llrst-claaa gilt- edge propotitlon on the road need apply. Tlrritory I'nlted States and Canada. Motion ptoure rights and book rights rosRTcd at iiresenL CHARLES LOR¬ RAINE. care Billboard. ClnclnnaU. Ohla

PARTNER WANTED—Lady, not over 25. to work IB a vaudevllla act, 50-50 basis; send photo, which wUl

be returned. J. W. ARSISTBONO. 103 E Third. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

WANTED—Lady Partner, to act as cashier and as¬ sist as msnager; must Invest 8500; good, paying

theatrical buslneas; chance to travel Addreu D. BENEDHTT. 2444 Kls St.. Chicago.

Wanted To Buy, Lease or Rent So WDRO. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Sa.

20x30 TENT. MILT ROBBINS. Petersburg. Illinois.

30-HORSB RACE TR-tCK and Ulzh .•Uriker; MTIllams make prefored; and Psddlo WTieela Mu»t be In

good condIMon and cheap for cash. JACK MONAG-

SON’GIVRiTriitS—Wo writa music to your words are mtaa words, wa publUh your songs; U. S. and for¬

eign oopyrlglMa secured. Send lOo for sample of latent puMlcatlan amt our bookleC WTU. R. HAS¬ KINS CO.. INC., 1531 Broadway, NeW Tort Ctty.

SONG WRITE1U4 AND PmURHERS—I am a ape- Callxt In voice and piano arranging, n# name

I "Flevnlng" on a manuarrtpt is a mark at m^t and a guarantee of perfection. Workmanehlp of a strictly nrofnwlonal standsid always maintained. Hlgheat reffrrncst furnished: circular free. Rhyming Dlc- rionaiy. postpaid. 30a Nearly 1.000 aold. I.E.N FLKNfINO. Composer and Arranger, M'ellsboro. Psuniylvanla. marlS

good condIMon and cheap for cash. JACK MONAG¬ HAN. CliA Mills (Ondds Co.). New Tofk.


cated wo will iwy your gooda for cash and pay fair prlcea. Longest eetahllshed and most reliable anl larmt dealers In avd Show lYopertr In Amertca M’rtte details of wlut you ham WISVTTaiN SH(>W I’ROPERTIIM CO. 51.1 Delaware. Kansaa City. Mo.


BANT) IN.WTRUMEVTS W.VNTED—State full particu¬ lars. BUCK IJ.VSE. 123 N 9Ui. Philadelphia. Pa.

GOOD. nE..Vl-TnY MONKS WANT)H>—State age. sox. breed aal price, THOK K13J5T, 403 Washlng-

too Am. Sa. l^nneapolls. Mlnnooota. iBar2g

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. I ( Continued oo page S2)


MARCH'itt, 1920

eOKPUETE TOiT aVmT~10. »1lh two 3#». nr 80. with two M»; Moiquoar, Blue end Reaerre Heota.

PolM. Bukeo, SUM Boenerr, Prcaceolum. Ticket B«B«. MmOs. 8uke Pollen, etc.; muat be ready to aM op and do butfaeea. Junk dealcie. don't aiMirar tills adT. Caaint naa Tent that Is patetMd or oill- dawad. Btste lust what you bate, where same la lo¬ cated aad loeraM cash price. No Uim to dicker, b.

WANTRD—Punch and Macic; anytblnc suitable for Pit Show for twraiy-ear abow. State your lowest.

"RAWTfKR." t(M S. Robey. Ctdcaco.

ARIZONA. 5-rrel Weatem Pnatura without rapM, »J0. WtOi FILM EXCHANO*, loulsrlllo. Ky. For Sale—^M. P. Theaters

WA.NTBI) TO BUT—20x30-n. TWO. Must bo In good ‘cotuhtlon and cheap for oaJi. Addreas F. RENO.

601 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.

BILLY SUNDAY IN’ ACTIO.N—With poslcra; moooT getter. FALBS, Chltienango, Now York.


H. DUDLEY THEATRICAL EN-ZIIKPRISEB. 1323 Tib SL. N. W., Waahingtuii. Dul^ of Columbia

IXWG RANfJE snOOTINO GALTERY and MaMo Baooer. KRIEMBR. BlUboard. Ni-w York.

WANTED-Paper, Pbotoa and Ueralds on Qeorte Loiuj" T>ick<r'a production. "Hj-pocrltes." HUB

FUAI EXCHANGE, Charleeton. West ATiglnlA

'SATAN'," In Ore rccl.t, good condition, with paper, JTS.OO. AlArSTAK KEATIDE CU, 201 Joe.

klack Bldg., Dtarolt. Michigan. inarlS

for BALE—Moving Picture Theatre, with etage tv road abowt: exoeUent lucaUoo. EDW. warn,

Plttarllle. Wlaooosln.

LOOKING FOR UP-TO.DATB. FLAFIIY WHEEL tot fairs. Moat be reaaonable. Aj.pD ERLE K. BHKl’-

PABD, ml Ternon, New York. inar20

WANTED—Sis lengths of Blum. 7 v 8 tiers high; 160 ft. of 9 or 10-ft. ^de wall; state enndlUon and

price for atnt cash. GLD. P. HAINES, 119 Maple Su, Now ala, Oklahoma.

CHIUEh. 9 reels. 8*5. At SIO per reel; Ragged Earl, 5 reels; Called UatA. Conadenco, Hichellfu. 4

reels: Human Henna (King Baggid' 3 n*ls; 7')0 1 and i-reders. 85 p«r reel. IDEAL FILM EXCHANGE. luS Golden Gale Are., San I'tuicIm.'O. marl3

2d-Hand M. P. Access, for Sale Se WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 29e.

POWER AND EDISON, or any marhinn In good ecnditloo; also Films. Equipment and Kupplies:

cash or exchange. NATIONAL BQUli'MENT CO.. Duluth, MlDneaua. BMirdO

WANTED—Una-Fon. Buijo. Mandolin. Marimba, Xyloiihone; state [gtch. price and conditiuo, C. O.

.AITlJN, Ponca City, OLialiotna. marZO

FHAIS FOR SALE—One million feet, all m.\kei, Iciigths and rarteUea; $1 (Hi per reel and up. Bend

for Hat. FEATI'RE FILM ro.5U’ANY. Loeb Ar¬ cade, Mlhneapotis. may 8

POWER'S NO. 6, complete, or Just the mechanism; Ilka new. W. D. TARTER. Osark, Alabama. mariO

WANTED—A Used Stmeplre IlaL at once; state your price. FAY’ ilEADOWB, Bearer City, Neb.


•SIDE WALL, Seats, tkxnrry, D-nts, Picture Ma¬ chine. Films. TOM N. MILLER. Donuelloa, Fla.


t M


WANTED TO BUY—Extra large Trunks, with or without fiber trays. Htate sire of trunk. Stust be

In good oondlUon: shli^ped kuhjrci to examination. BOHH DYAR, Box 391, IndlanapolU

FOB HALE—A 3-r*l Fealu-o. ''The DrlfL" In good andlUoo, with plenty of paper: first man with

839 00 rela It; need tluj money. MACK. Box 537, Marshfield, Wlscjnslu a

Aid. StODELH or all maktw of Morlng Picture Ma- ohlnra at prioea leas than you can buy elaewhve

good rebuilt complete Machines for road or amali town use as low as 835.00; Coopeoatres. Gas Makii^ Outfits. Opva snd Folding Chain; Film fv read men as lowr as 81-00 per reel; we buy and sell er- erythlng used by theatre and road mvi. WEBirKV .4UOW ritoPiniTIEM CO.. sis OeUware SL, Kan¬ sas City, MWiurL marZO

8MALL DRAMA'nC TENT OUTFIT, or any part of asmA W. W.. BlUboard. Chicago.

THEATRE WANTEJD—Will buy or lease Picture Thea¬ tre or Opera House In town from 5 000 to 20,000. or

win take the management of theatre; salary or per cent. WHITE Box 10, SlorriiAown, TYouraace.

5nUr RENT-Moat Wonderful Animal Freak erer bom; sultrOle for iPlt or l>n-tn-Ono: not altre.

but better than moet lire otuie: pnwed taatw getter: Civmvr electilrlan and has good 'ousineos experience; will work with cvmpacr touring Canada. THOtJ. PATTiaesON', 34 OntarU #«., Brautfo.'d. Canadu

FOR flAXJD—Two-reel Weatem Dratnsa, 3\»ters. Photos and Hlidtw; ComedlM with viy quantity

Fosters dealred. CENTR.SL FILM. CfBIPANY. 729 7A Are., New York.

"CKSMCENT CITY FILM EXCHANGE" New Or¬ leans, La. Eetabllsbed 1908. Machines bought

and sold: Oxone, Ether. Pastils and otbv SuppllM at lowTBit pticea; Bull Doc Film Cement, beat madet made by ua for ten yean. ZSo ounce. 81.ZS per pini, guaranteed satisfactory. marZI

FOR QUICK S.U,E—25 2-roel Wtsteruf. 100 1-reei Comedies. 100 l-rewl Westsma, 10 l-reel Scenlcs;

rood 8iil'‘<s-ta; for cash. M. MITCHEIJ* P. O. Box 6, Atlanta, Georgia. marlS


motor drlre; 878.00. DAVID STERN COMPANY. 1037 Madison SL, Chicago. IlUhoU. aacH

WANT TO BITT FOR CASH—Small Ell KbitIs Whe,d In good GondUlon. UE.VRY HOF>'ENI3L Geo. Del..

Peoria. IlllDoig.

About This Season’s New York Productions

TENT WANTED—30x50 or 40xi6i>; also a Portable Dance Flour. JACK EDX, 11 Manhattan Arc., Jer-

tat City, New Jvsey.

WANT TO BUY—Z-Polo Tent. 14 by 28 feet « tongrr. Must be In good condition. Subieot to

aaaminatloo. ROSS DYAR. Box 291, Indianapolis. Indiana.

WANT TO BUT—50 reds of Film, ene and two- TvelvA Muat be cheap. J. MULKY, 1213 E. 44th

Plaaa. Chicago. mar27

WANTED TO BUT—Good Saxophone: alia lenor or melody prderred. NBMXX>MB W. DIEaiL.

OreentUlc. .IlUnols. n>arl3

WANTED—Bagall Electric Nlekel-ln-Slot Pianos: good coodliaon and ebaap for cash. ZALX^ Box 60*2,

DsBrer, Ctriorado. marl3

WANnSI>—Pair WaUMog Japanese Hloe. State prlee. KEkW BPECIALIIEB. 60 A RadcHee St .

CharlaatMi, South CaeoUha. marl 3

wanted—Pair INdnpani; good rondlilon; state aaka, tiaa, lowaat oa^ pries; also good pair Zlldlan

Cyiafcals, Dewaa Bells aad Xylephoue. Addrecs MAW, taro cnleagp Symphony Oicfaeatra. Orcbeetra Hall. Chteago. UUnols. maxlS

WANTED—Ptaah Drop and Dye Scenery. HERMAN. T3Z3 State Road. Taeony, Penniylraala. apr3

WANTED TO BUT—Porahle Skating Rink; mUHt be In good oondlUoa. FRANK GRAHAM. Abllcot’.

Kansas. marl3

WANTED TO BUT—Used Rlchardton Roller Skates. Slats quantity, eondltlcn. sizes vid price. TEDS

SUTCUm: CO., Louis.dlle. Kentucky. marl 3

FOR SALE- Power'.i. Simplex. Motlograpb Machines. Tlieutre Chairs, Screens, AsbeaUw Curtains. Bogina

And Dynamo. Oiling Fans. THEIATRE WBJSna.NQ AND KQUirZUTHT EX.. HZ N. La Salle 8L. Chi¬ cago. lIUuolA



FOR SALE—I.,ate«t 5fode8 Pathssoope. moter drlreo; can be used anywhere; no restrictlooa; Idaal fv

homru, clubs, etc.; first-dasa condition; a bargain; alio hand-drlre modal. NHJBON B. OROVER, 141 Bummer BL. Boston. marZI


THE LETTER OF THE LAW GOLD FIBRE SCREXN, practically new. 14x18 fmL

8135.00,' bargain. U. B. JOHNSTON, 538 & Dear- bwD 8L, Chicago. mar29


(By Arrangement With Henry Neagle)


SEDVTCB, Birmingham, Alabama. apTS


WAN'TED—Guitar-Banjo. (Mate make, condlti'jn, etc. H. J. BATTS, Lyceum Theatre, Monroe. Let

WANTED TO BUY—Candy Race Track, bonea or autos. State make, alxu and price. J. B. BUT¬

TON, '.'13 Decatur St, Sandusky. Ohio.

WAN'TED TO BIT—Read Silk E5>I«lng Haw. Muat * bs in good rondUloo. RUSS DYAR. Box ZOl, lu-

dlanapctie. Indiana.

WANTED—Twenty Zoiiire I’nhiornM inr>nu>I<<fe. WDNiwryCU. SWi West 8th Coney lalar.d.

WANTED TO BUY—Anwde Mwhlneo of all Urds. JK3BLAK, 63 Broadway, Brooklyn. N. T. inarj

WANTED—t'ello. second-hand, flrat-da'W condition. VERNON C. CHAMPE 5*ontgomerj. W. Ya.

WANTED. TO BIT FOR CAKIL-Tent, not smaller than 50x91'; dralsatlu end preferred; must be m goed

condltiotL Aleo goer! Canras Benches, seating fire people each, and small Piuio. .tddress JACK WIL-

It was a. source of disappointment to loters of genuine acting when the anDmioce- ment was made that the 'Barrymores, John and Lionel, were to leave “The Jest" and appear respectively In “RlcNard III” and "The Letter of the Law." Much of that din- apTKdntment Is aUevlated by Lionel Barrymore’s work as the examining magieirate in Eugene "Brleui'a play of French court prosecntlon methods a score of years ago. Mr. Barrymore has brought with him from the Sen Benelll play enough of the tigerish Nerl to give the necessary bb>od qnullty to his cimracterlaatlon of the brutal Mouxon, who Is a combination of prosecuting attorney and detective.

The play has to do with a young lawyer wls) Is bitten with the amldtl-in to get along to a pronK'lhm op the liem’h. IJke his aswyiates In the high ranks of the Jurtbiary be reallsea that the »mly way to do it Is to 8e*'ure convictions in the cases wbk-h fall to Ws band. The innocenev of the parties involved has nothing to do with the affair. “Get them to the guillotine and memt a step higher on the ladder of judicial prominence."

So when an old miser la murdered It is necessary to fasten the crime on »ome<'ue. A peasant, Etchepare, Is hauled In. Under the merciless examination of Mouseii, who has made up hia mind that he has the right man, the poor wretch Is threatened, cajoled, brow beaten and wheedled into entangling himself In k web of conflicting statements. Ills young wife, Yanetta, the mother of his two children. Is also dragged In, and an unhappy episode in her girUs^id life exposed to force her to incriminate her husband. Both refuse to admit their guilt. The trial Is held and after the prosecuting attorney, Y’ugret, tells the jury that he la convinced of the xtrlsoner's Innocence they are freed.

But the biuband has learned thru AIouS''<d the secret ofvhls wife's past. Tbo she has been a faithful wife and a devoted mother be refuses to condone her only weak, action. Aa the price for not telling the children of her early mistake Yanetta agrees to let them go away with him and never see them again. Mouion for his work on the case Is apjiolnted to a judgeship In Bordeaux, where be has been Involved In a soandahms affair with a woman. He is packing Ills effects to leave for his new berth, full of hapiiy anticipation, when the injured mother, whose life has been wrecked by his remorselessness, stabs him to death in revenge. And Vagret gets his appointment.

Mr. Barrymore’s characterlrition of Mouaon Is without a flaw. He runs the scale of exprestloirDom brutal disregard for every decent feeling In his examination of Eti-he- pare and his wife thru ridicule, sarcasm, fictitious kindness and raging anger. Hands, feet, face, eyes and pauses are employnl with s mastery that Is fasdnatlng to watch. His outburst of sardonic humor are i>erfectiy placol, and altogether his complete per¬ formance is a jewel of a thousand facets and beautiful cutting.

Doris Itankln, wlio has been damned by the reviewers with faint praise for her acting of Y’anetta, deserves far better treatment. She has sincerity, passion, (fidelity b> Ides, a fine measure of the stolidity of a peasant woman, and real humanity in her characterization. The trouble Is that audiences have been so long given lady clothcn horses labeled "actress¬ es” to watch that a bit of real woman Is unappreciated. Russ Wbytal to excellent as Vagret, that strAnge anhiisl, a prosecuting attorney with conscleuce, and the peasant Etchepare of <’harle8 White Is most satisfactory.

But IJonel Barrymore tbrniinates the play. wrhlA la only wrhat Is to be expected and realized In a Barrymore.—P-lTTEHttiON JAMES.

HOnOGRAra—Good shape, 8136.09; pair ShsiHax Maculnes. fine condition. 88 00; fireproaf valoasd

Rewind Box. Ilka new. 830.09: oae-debth-a. p. D. C. Motor, perfect condlUon. 815 00; Compensarc. Uke now. 845.00. H. B. JUHN8TDN. 538 So. Deaibon SC.. CtUoiga marls

OFTIGRAFH MACHIN5—Both Lensts. take-up; r>od condition; twenty-fire dollars. Mactitoa Sta^. firs

dollars S. O. BOBINSOIN. 33T Wataoo 9L, Bartlea- mie, Oklahoma. marlS

PICTURB MACraNTJ—810 00, up; SUreopUoooa Stamp. FRED L. SMITH. Amsterdam. New Yvk. *

rOWER’S IN'DTCTOB—no volta. 35 mrelea, 60 ani;ves; one left at 835; buy It now. aa you will

pay wen for It when needed: llO-volt, 35-ampen Coll Rheostata fv twrellng abowmi-n. 84 each; Pow- v'a 5 Maeh’ne. 835: BooCha BBaNKMAN. 607 West 137th SC. Now Toik.

THEATRE AND ROAD SHOW MACHINTS. FUzos and Huppllna beught, aold and ezebanced: bartalo

Msla free. NATIONAL BQLTPMISNT CO.. Duluth. Minnesota. marSO

Wanted To Buy—Films 3e WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 39e.

OLD MTTUAUI. with Alfred HJekman and Nanca O'Nell. State your loweM irloe In UsC H.

AXELBANK. Irrlng Place DieatiA New York City.

Wanted To Buy M. P. Accessories


WANTED—Secund-band Fllma In flrM-elass roodl- tlon; standard ctanedlea, alao reitgloua and tsnprr-

ance films; stau kmeat price fv oash. Write us what you hare. JAM-CS EMPRINGHAM. 88 St. .N’lrholas Are., New Y'ork City. marts

FREEST LIBERTY people each, and small Piano, .tddress JACK liin. 713 North Main St., Kokomo. Indiana.

WANTED YO BIT—Smalt Plano: names. Baby and Bonhoir; miut be Ifi good cndlUon; shipped aub-

jeet to luspectlon, BOSS DYAR, Box 291. Indlanap- oUA Indiana. marZO


EDR PALS -VN'D ESCrH.tNOB l(*0 irood reels Fllma. Sriiu your UsL ILVIUIY S50'rH, Grata. Pa. WANT SITDATION ADVERTISEMENTS

WANTED TO BUT—A tunall, portable Plano. In travcItiK eaae; Columbia Boudotr Plano prefetreL

Mum bn In good condition and cheap fv caah. A. J. WOODS. 1030 Emerald Ate., Chicago HeighU; Til.

1^5^ TJ.\rTTTD NUMHBR "WEjaCLfF^' FTVR PAJJI—<'o|6rH like new; barga’n. U. b. JOHN¬

STON. 538 S. Dvarborn SC, Chicago. marlS

Calcium Lights ONE AND TWO R'lTLraiS-Good c ndltlon; Chap-

llng, Mary PlckfvJa, D. W. Griffith’* Pr»t .Singlnr

WANTED TO BUT—Second-hand Tenta. all dzea, fv oamlrxl use. and irhislous. LEW MORRIS, 2251

W. MadLon HU, Chicago, Illinois.


imo, a»*ry i icarvoa. ir. r.nmrn * prnv rwngim made with Klo-na'Jl. IL IXELBA-N'K, liring llaoe Tbiwtre. Nejr 3'wk City.

WANTED—One-*aU 'neoU. Band oatzlker, S-Marble Roll Down and 50 ft. 7-fL Side WalL Mu*t be In

A-l eondlUoo and cheap fv oaali. BOB ALiEFF, 1310 Randolph SC, Chicago.


that rlvala electricity. No oxutie nv ether. Beet liard llnwi snd paNlla. S. A. BUSS LIGHT ro.. 400 Third Are., I'eutla. Hlinola. tnarST

SEN'D 8.3; I’ll* Henil 5 rvla clvr, eomplrte, prlrllrge eiamlnatliin; balances fS, 0. O. 1> ; i lesity fliri for

all. FRANK H. TUOMl’SO.N, Ownv TlewUf, lewd- nJne, MTaonslu. marl3

If tlw first ad rloai not hrlnt taaaart jtm tia in- Tiled to try again, but you most futnlih ths aopy each weak. We cannot nadvtake to nm free adm- tlaqmenle fv a number at rutuao Inavtlsns. but eapf fumlthed each week wUI be Inatrted, at ocUl ywi art placed.


FVmna dose Yhnraday. 6 pluz. fv the tWUwrljg week's laroa.

Acrobats STATE RIGHTS on big fire-reel Featiinj. Write uv

tor tarrlUiry. BOX 861, Roanoke, Virginia. iDar27

At Liberty AdvartlMSMata, 2S wards, fraa af sbaigs.

WANTED—A small Illualoa Cabinet fv praducing and dlaappearliie. Addnes N. Mo., care BUtKwrd, CIU-

twgo, lUlnola. §

Films for Sale—New S« WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e.

WANTED—Ww Flhn. ahcTWidk battle* of Uludenberg, Argnnne v Chatrau Thierry; ChapUn Caraeiy. W.

TABKINCTOV, Perum, Oklabuma. uar20

WANTED TO BUY—Sraa'I Atlractirjtw fv .Nide-.41iow. What have you7 FRANK GRETHNCORD, 611 So.

18th Stnet. Omaha. Nebraska. mar'ZO

N15W PBESTH—"Ufe of Jease Jamea," 4 reelv; Oall- fomla Rodeo, tbrre, four or fire reels: Sontag &

Kran*. the Callfonila OuUattra, State rights. 5 reeJs: Great Woiterii Round-Up, 2 reels. All tisea Poeters aiMl fAtior adrerllsliig matter on shore attrarilone. I.VlyUI>E.SDICNT FlLkl laUHANXlE. 130 Golden Gate Are.. San Fra.Klsco. f'allfomla. maxZO

STORMS OF IJFK, 4 reels; macalfl'-eut prclnctlon; truly beautiful; Uat prlv, 860, worth ta;<„ thlo;

exoolkmt condition; will give two rre'e free with tide If taken at once; send 110 depoelt. BRYAN E .LUSTIN. Franklin. Ncbraaka.

YOUNG MAN—16; 5 fL, 6 In.; weight. Ill lb-: wante pualthin aa aaelstant to arrobat v nagi

dan: very Umher and atmng; opartanerd. BILIJK G5RRGIJ* General Dellrery, Norfolk. Ylrglnla

Agents and Managers SUPPLUTS AT flT HA-TE-Ozone. 81.50; Ehrr.

70c; Pearl White Coorteneera. 75c; quality Film* fv sale or rent KAUFMAN SPECIALS. Memphla Teniiewee. mar2S

At Lfbarly AdvarltaaaiMta. 3S wardA fna af tkarfe

A t FLOOR MA-NAGFA-Fv akallug rink; alao ez- perlenred In aturw husineas aa advance agent and

ai.iUtant manaev. JOHN VAIGHT. 601 .N. 15'Ji SL. Il'-T'n. I’MnoU.

WILL BUT High Diving Dog. Plekfeit. I’wiy, -(mall yiTl-nQ frtr Rfllp_S#»f*fYnfT.TTfltl/1 Treupe of Dnga and GoaU. D. BRATTON, 3802 So. AimS iOI tJetiC OCLUUU IldllU

33rd Street. Omaha. Nebraaka, mar20 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 35c.

''^GrifflS^P^Mtl^!^'’LBK‘T?m^‘"D^ TiaxII' I -Gh" to fir.wreeleiN; gel our I5»t. QUEEN Grifflth Pr(Xli,ctlona. LEE ■nrEICT. Lufkin, Texas, j feati rb SEKVKE. Blmlnghazn. AlabzmA aprS

WANTED—Aitwde Slot MaeWnM. Mutaecopeo, Pv- tuno TeilerA Cud Venders. Mills Bella and O. K.

Vendva What havg you 7 F. D. ROSE, 301 Main St., Glouceeter, MasaachuaetlA dprS

RT.m FOR ont T.IST OF FILMS. ALL-fTTAR t,..., --rz-;--- FEATl'RK CO.. 2UI Joa. Ma. k Bldg.. Detroit. **.'«*' *,* exgwleoce

Mli'Mtan *’• cara<4tlea; no bruah: don't nUarepmant. TUE- ziicnizan. mar27 atRICAL. Glena Falla. New York.

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. TUEATTIB MANAGE£=AgA it: eisan cut. pi^

gresalre; reliable and oap^la; pnfv West; also A-l miialclaL; ran delivar the geoda t. C ETRNES care Billboard, Cbloago, UUn^

TlJBaffT—SSctIme plaiiiat; loail nadcr. JOH.VWOV, «a B>«t l?U> Wt. i<i. Pmul. Mian.


BAJJjUOXIsir AXD mOH DITER—Now UmUik tmtoa 1910; pwliata daaonit fraa b^Uoan; tu<li

dtra frum lofty OS-foot l■dderm: two food attraottono; parks, falra. coistwaUoas. elo. C. A. CULINDLEB. 1230 N’. 8tat<; Ht.. Indlanapollit Indiana._

FAST OBOT'ND TT’MBLCft waats to b«ar from re^ OBnlte'l sot or tronpo. ADAM RAXfIHEY. N. A.

C.. 11 and IS Cwlar »L. Brooklyn. Now Tn^

UAVe THRBe BIG llUli; Am that will draw ted bold («o«-ds: ooo of the host outdoor attraruour.

riaraiitoe aaUafaoUon; rsmiral manafrra wrttai BO> MblTB BROS.. Box W, Hutton, Vw-tDont-

UA DHUU famoiu macloUn: ofwo for saasll road sbowB, TsodovlUa. sIol: cany curtstast sta.; MMt of

wardrotia Qxirral Doflmry. Ban Frsodwo. Calif.

WORKING SJNGIJ&- HAMI'Qj UNOniMAN. Tsatrtloqalst, fM NoiU*

Fifth Wt.. PhUadalpMA Pennsylranla_

MAN AM> WHH—Plano and Jaa darlnst and sM^ ptiouA V. T. GOOimiN, 1108 Grant SL. BasM8lt

Nabradta.__ _

Operatqrs At UWfy AtisitbsaMsU, a worts, trm t$ tbarvti

iBOnthii' sjcpiwlcaca oparatlnf Powar's or (ttawua marbtDrs. W. M. 11AKI>GUa BhlnaisiMlv. Win

ELAX'TKICIAN—Bandlo any emilpiBent. rlectrtcal efforli. Ilsht plot and staca; wire off fur shows: M.

P : loo( vetperimea with Urn nhows; double ittni state aU. salary. C. HHliXBT. 14T« Elmwood. Infee- wood. Ohio.

tULATOR—tUi yaar:,' eijMrIenee: handle any equip¬ ment: brat of roferenoea; retUble; so anywhere. G. A. OOIHJiV. 123 Gextnstoo Are.. Wlncbeetar. Ky.

MOVING Picn RE OPERATOR wishes steady bo- dtlun; two yean* exp«lanue; handle any equlp-

nient; run any machine; go anywtoa FRANK !trHn,TZ. 1.903 Dickson St.,Chka«o. llttnofa.

M. P. OPERAD'rU deelrea puktion where flrst-claaa projection U apprerlated; wlUlns to do other work

la oonaectloo: euta a i In first. R. /. HAYDEN. Monarch and Liberty Theatres. Midland. Michigan.

.M. P. OPERATOR WANTB JOB~Four and one-half years' experleooe; handle any booth eqalpaeot

aiU cet the best results; not s Job seeker, but want steady emplaTiiMnA H. GARRETT. Box 74. Tniasn. Arkansaa._ _

UPlUtADiK AND EajfXlWCIAN —IS years’ experi¬ ence: any trojector; any Usht; married: soud

rdeisocw; aaUry your limit: writs or wtna BiOGd ILAMMCIND. Clereland. TenneBsea.

tmui^ A L^DELU 1» No^ Chlca^Oc llllnolA

Parks and Fain M Liberty Adrsrtlsf wti. SI inrtK trok at tkar^

BALGOONltST—(Unclo, doubls and triple paraobuta drops; now outats; latest methods: often for early

tprtng dates lilAIUi TINC15NT, Oea DsL. Leolnc- ton. North fsTollns_

CAPT. GEO WEBB—Ammlaa's pnttaler net hl<h direr for Northweetem park and fairs: abash bond

for appearance: prloea ilsht 438 West 3«4eiub St. Ht. Paul. Mluneeots.

PUNCH ANTt Jt'DT—nw parks or smmmt a new production: 10-ft front with drcua tap effaot

rood flash. O. B. BTEEUD. 584 Inshaas Am. TtW

TOCNG MAN wisba to asnneet with oooeaaelon Oh salary or cammlMlan; espmiencsd camty wbeeL

ewifisinir ban. a A. tiHOWMAN, B«k S0«. Brakan Arrow. Oklahoraa.

Piano Players At LIbarty Advirlhsasbta. 21 tHrlk <Nt at abVBk

A-I PICTURE PIANTHT-Cm any pirtura; ap wttb 'em all: Jam numbara a m»«d*lty: prefer loiaflnc:

Kslary your Bmlt JTUAN PSA(Hj% oars iknad Tbeatre. Tlfltm OswrU. _ _

A-1 TAR PIANO PLATER—Read, faks and tran»- poee; Iota of expertsnee; salaiy. WO par weW. IKMT-

ARD A. DUNleAP. MaJtsUo Thesirk WlohlU Falla.

AOOOMPUiiHED LADT rTAMETB-fllBSl (•»* prano); are. 23; aoMst; alsht rsadm; wishes fv

slUcm: flm ysars* pahUo aatsrlapcsi PIANUTB. 144 ttMoa^or St. Brookhm. N. T Phene DM W. BeyndSa-

AT UBERTT—Cantope piaytr er pi>nts* ter eabaret show; double rloUn; trooper and letlaMe; send beat

ealsry; rrftretw. JAMEft WRIGHT, Otoarkl De- tleere. Fill Rlerr. Msseii hnwtta

BXPrRIRNTED PIA.V1ST—Can laad: soed Ubrary; also trap drumnwr; onlcm; eompatmt to all lla<a:t

wLeb pennanMit or sumaier ensaoeOMOt SCUaCTANS. Box M. Newrport News. TlrylolA

(CoDtinaed on page S7)

ERATORf—Lsinc experleie; refaenre; prefa West; stala aU In flnt GUENN SMITH. Glnrd. Kansas.

AT UBEKTY—Four youns men; A-1 'oncemton scents, srlnders. stock wbeaifl; tlfly-flfty ptopoiJUcn;

write best propcMlUoa. onij RAINWATER 718 Elchth Wt. Dm Molote. Iowa

.—4 transpceea. cUncac ramp or medhitae sboa. EDW. UUUHBR

Oxark Hotel. PeorlA IlUnola. wanted POttmON—IsMly piano player with or¬

chestra fa New Tak a rldatty. A. E H.. cmiw Bllthearct New Tcrk City._

MARCH 13, 1920

WA.VTED- With wagon show In Indiana. lIUnolA Ulilai as Nas ranrsHnan; can itet them on and off

the loc WM. A. SNYDER 212 While Rlra Afo.. Bicknrth Indiana__ WEUTI -thcperlmced ooncvaslun agent, fa the wa,-

with rrilable taiceweicsiaire; pi. c. lay down, wlieels. apota. etc. TYcketaT Noe J. N. WBLCU. Ohio Hotel. IndlanapotU. Indiana_

Bands and Orchestras At Lfherly 25 wtrdt, fra* af ckart#.

MH H-Pli'X'l!^ OiU Jii:>4TAA Mimmrc re«>rt rnfagiyant; violin, piano, drunu,. saxcpliooe; more

If dnured; A. F. M ; rxiiertem-ed. ORCtlESTRV. 24 Es-U Arndt St.. Fond du Lac, NMiu-omln. __ TUREE-PIWE JAZZ OKCIlZSTRA—i toUn. piano

and druma: ragtlrar and jaxi; xylophunlat; Utnst music: state bmt alter. HTADSVOLD S JAZZ OR- CIIBSTTtA. Box 248, Crodaton, Minnesota._

Burlesqne A Musical Comedy At Liberty Advsrtlseaiaats, 25 wrrtit. free ef charflk

at UBEKTV—Fa buriewicie a auuaml oomrdy; ecnsitrto a tramp caurdlan; wife; menu; jiik

rlo-ied with burlesque thenr. BIIXY DOT. can Eki' Didge. New Yak. AT UBE-IKTY—Fa musical comedy. Ub.. stock a

oue-nighla; plsy siiytlUng cast fur; ham Mtne •rrlpts. FRANK (UUIK. 1330 DartluuuLb SL. Sccrantoo. PetimqrlTanla.

TtVO FEMALE IMl’BRSONATOR't For uucslcal comedy, carnlral; slcder acta: sing and dance; talk¬

ing iketrh. comedy: ciai Tng a speclallor; afta blarch 15lh. B1U.1E TIUJB. (hn. Del. Norfolk. Va

YOr ABB LOOKING FOR MB -.-ting, talk: also fast ground tumbla and reltalda GEORGE

OROSTII, 6 Stuyrmant Arei, Brooklyn. .New Yak.

VorNG MAN—17. destrew position with muslca, cyiinedy show; hare good vedee; and offers. F. Is

RirilKV. «3S Baw tR. Chstranooga. Tenneeaeec

VOl'Nti M.4N—Age, 18; would like to get wuh mu¬ sical romedy; 5 ft., 11 In.; white; can do blackface

romtdy and sing. WALTER McSlLEVLAN, 28 Schaef¬ fer St , Brooklyn, Nrw Yak.__

Circus and Carnival At Liberty Aflvertliemeata. 2S warflK fits at abana.

A-1 SWING MANAIiOh-Serrn years ex|>trle«ia; also Icoaa canraaman; can furnish refaena; will

come at once. U. fs O.. care BUlbtarcL Cuudnnatl. Ohio ,VT LIBERTY FOB CAB SHOW—Comedian: capcTl-

rrccwl: sperlaltiee; wife flrw-class cook. What Is your bm salaryf A. R P., General Dellrery. l<el>- snon, Pennsylrmnla. ^

.\T IJBHKTY—A-1 bauna man: good, snu-oth Uiker; reliable managaa only. B. U. KINEAR 113 East

ITtb -St. New York City. AT IJKEBTY—Scotch Highland plptr; ntireJ. oglglnal

drawing card atlractloo; blow Scol<-h plp« by cold air with bellows. F. X. HKVNBSSY. oare BUl- lioard. Cincinnati. Ohio.

.VT UBERTT—TValna: break all domeaUcated slock: work acta; reliable: go aui-wbersi GZO-

I.TTTIJ!. Trainer, 308 East Serenth St., Loa An- celct. I ’allfornia

AT LitlEHTT—A-1 oontortlnnUt; dreua. m'nitrel. raudcwtlle: blackface and elosmlug. AL PIXCHER '

170 Front St.. Owwego. New York.

AT Ijr.EUTT 1920—John, the three-footed man; ona hand and three feet: hare banurr. JOHN F. i

fiiUlllN. care Coliwnhlk Hotel. 388 Fttlton BL, Brook- Ini. New York. t

AT LIBERTY—CHRIS ilAtOi and Wife; trick and fancy motor silo or antodroiae riders, for coming

fcw-ou. 109 Weet 14th Bt.. Cincinnati. OhU»._

BOSS rANTASM.kN—Long experience; re..paiuible: will complete charge of outfit: prefer week

Mu.d. D. D. HAIlfY, Georral Dellrery, Buffahx New York.

RXPiaUKNCED TRAJNYLtftrai. ETC—Wife Hck- rt .veller; wish poelUon qj early date: can a’so

work ae conreedon agents; glre full particulars, M.VniEY, 78 Greeo St. Newark. New Jersay.

Lxi’i-auviNria) MiauiY-GO-BorND a.nd feb- Kls WUBEL blAN—Nine yvers’ carnlral business;

hslly cw grind ou show; dectiiclan; goieral all¬ round man G O. DODDS. 184 N. Blackford. In- ■ :isnst»o'le. Imllaria._

IRM.VLE I.MPERSONATOR. Hawaiian and OrirtOal ^sm-rr. beautiful make-up, new wardrobe; open

for seasnn’a work; plcturra u> thwie who mean bu.d- ersa J.vrK P1U5NTI1VL 548 N. Dearboni St., Chi¬ cago. IlMnoia

PIRT-rR\S8 BOSS CANVASMAN Know A to Z sixwit a top up and diw«n. on ami off lot FR1-

CERIO. 1719 Bayou Boal. Nwr Orleans. l.«wil.-'UrA

GRElT IIELMAN, Handcuff King: ileo. death chair, two iwnpla; waa ahown at Klk'a Basaar last wlutrc.

New York. PROP. HBL51A,N, Ceoerai Detlnry. Mer- bleu, ronnectlcut_

GOOD GRINDER AND TICKET RElJJUl—Not afraid of work ROIJ* REEDER M North Seoond 8t.

Tnre Haute. Indiana.

JACK SlLtlXrtV—World's only bltod bag ipuncher. punching from one to ten bags: slso musical aMgh-

be'l nerolty 9*3 |^|i, Ht,, Woodstock. llllnnU.

KNOCKOIT COMHDIAN—Good for rlrcus or oar- I ntral: good i-l.-wn for outdoor attracdonv AN¬

THONY TELESCO, 533 W«»t SSth St. New York City_

man. wife and TYVO UTTIJ! GIRLR -For wagm. shows: one-night or week stands; all -work straights

ami remedy; mlndreadlng and Impalemeat aria. H. C MOORE SIM McKIntier Are. Pa’taa. Tnas.

MA.N FOB TICKET BOX—All-day grinder or con- cesaton; wtf^ evnreesion or camn wrorkrr: eiprrl-

rnceil snd good drrsaeni. HARBT MYERS, Mt O'idwin Are,, Detroit, bfichlgan.

ORIENTAL HANDTHF blANlPl'LATOlUV bUn and wife; ,rwn for dde-sbow or tm-ln onr; name your

h~q L^BV KAR70V. RlKboard. CtncInnaU. Oh'oi

original JUGGU.NO RAY5IOND-World’a great¬ est htinn Jugrler; a ntwrID Junling art for any

rood show FRANK RATMON'D. 25 Sound View :?!_» rnnn^rtirut.

A-ND MAGIO-A 1 refenmoa F. R COR¬ BETT care Blllboerd, New York Cltr._

srZIMTTA i CLARK'S CIRCUS-Three acU: clewT clown, alack wire. Juggling cannon ball art:

^klrs. clrcuB. ramlral. celetwaUaua .N| F>snVMn St. S-rfn-Weld. Ohio_

Yot’NO MAN would like 10 coonect wllh clrtnui down conkng season; no rtreus experleiire; Are rearw'

BlUjr NIXON. 400 North Sad St ■ PhllsdelddiL^^PmnsTllTanlm^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Colored Performers M Liberty AflmitlMaskta. 29 writ, free ef ehwfo.

LdumnTf—Rye-ptare colored Jaxs band; read- era and Jaxsers; eeaaoa'a work to hotel nrsferred.

A. A. PABTEK, 1235 Elat BU M.. Nuhvllle, IVtm.

i^rPiDatic Artists At Liberty Aflyertleeiweats. 28 wards, freo of tbwfo.

AT UBJUtTY—thaa. Ruminel; characters; direct If Dooessan: no apeclalUm. 530 Grand Are,. Kansaa

City, Mlsaaurl.

AT UBERTY-For rep.. BOB STEVENS; general business; merlaltlee; wsrdrcbe; all requlmotsHs:

age, 28. Phlladetphla, PennsylranlA

FuH CllARG*TE.tS. lulA\IrAV-Strung sorood sight spKdaJly; age, 38 years; height 5 ft, 8 In.;

weight 150 llw, H. A. M*cKN'1GHT. Uaxtum. Cotta

UENERVL BUSINEI ^ Trl-VM—Anything cast; ward¬ robe and ablltiy; man. 35; lady, 21; quick etudy.

R. L. klcCALU ^ckMla Hotel, Uklabuma City, Oklaltoma. HAiUrLD WlUJAMS—Leads ur besnre; wife, "bits

and tickets; s.Gary. 240 and IraiutisjrtaUoo; join any place. General IieUwrr. ‘Dwotito. Ont, Canada.

HAROLD WILXJAiuv -Leads or hoarier:; director, with short-cast acrinta; wife, |>lano player, bUa;

Join immediately. Oeuerai DcHrery, Toronto. Can.

JUVllMLE—Age, 20; tppowranue, ability; expertmcs. with girl arts and tabs.; play small parts and laa<l

nurahen; danoe. ALI'EN HOUUUAN. oare Junepb Hauls. Coldwater. Now York.

Miscellaneous At Liberty AdmrtlioatDti. 2S wen!*, ft** flt ehario.

A-1 CIaARI NETlrfr—Experienced band and crihewtra. wish podtioti; travel or looate, G. HCAKBLRRA.

40SV1 N. Eighth St., Rlrhmnnil, VlrgliUA _

CLBXrat FEM.UJ3 IMPERSON AD Mir—Feature Ori¬ ental and toe dancing; cheaUng them all in Hali¬

fax. N. B.; photos sent YtHtNON W. OILBB. 2385 Serrntb St, New York City.

FIRST CLASS FLYWEIGHT BOXEB-Srtrntiflo and classy boxing; no amatisir .stuff; of the trpe of Pat

VIoore and Jlmm>' Wlldc. IM>E DONOROf. I*. G. Box 407. Cerru Gordo, lllllK>la.

A D) BBb PLAYER—12 yeanf expertenne band and orefaeutra: If you pay leas than $40 or Ua equlralmt

say* stamps. LESLIE R WILDT, care The Bill¬ board, Ctnrtnnatl. Otilo.

AT LIBERTY—Drummer; play bctla and xylophunea tsMoe; A. F. M.; theatre or summer resort DRUM¬

MER. 178 South Park Awt. Fond du Lac. Wla.

AT UBERTY—Strong cornet N. J. DB CICCO, 518 Munrow St, Hoboken. New Jersey.

AT UHEKTY—A real band and orefaeatrs leader b-at-her, lorate; twenty years' expnienoe. HU-

SICLLN. 331 E'ASt Fourth St, Cltinlnaatl. Ohio;

AT LIKEUTY APRIL 1—A-1 vlolm. piano and druns. for nueriiig ptrture shtw; nferencew; onion; eight

years' expertenocL MAE ELLIS. 1215 W. Fifth St. LiUle ihxk, Arkansas.

AT UBERTY—Eh or BBb tuba: double orcJieetra or Tmervee; last season North Bros,; expcrleooed all

Idiss; prefer draroatlo; write, don’t wlm BERT rcypreR Harper, Kanata,

AT LIBERTY—Cometlst; band orrheetto; nothing ciWMldcrcd Itww than $'15 a week, or 125 and all.

OTTt» n Sl NIrBEUG. care Billboanl. Clnntonal. O.

AT UBERTY—VlolRilst for cabaret, dance or regx Sliow; union; young. VTOUNTST. care South

ern HocH. U Ueiio, Oklahoma.

CLARINETIST wants roaltlm In good, live town. Taudertlla. danca wort; a1Il romhier trnuplng If

right kind of ptopoalUno. CLABINEnsT, 3830 lYooat Am>.. Kansas City. Mlwouri.

EX-SOUMJQt—Cnrnrtlat, flrat-claas bartier, wisbea situation; munidpal or factory bathl; state all. A.

T>«.M.vrRY, 1308 N. Capitol St. Washington. D. C.

FIYR JAZZ KINOB—Plano, violin, saxopheme, celh>, banjo and double drums; every man an artlsU and

sight roaiier. E. P. PARKER Wwhawlwi. N. J.

JAZZ CORNimsfr dewlres eogagenimt with danew orchestra; young and good appearance; noaunlan;

win Join. FRANK HAYNFIR Hotel Eastland. Ben- toD Harbor, Michigan,

About This Season’s New York Productions


SHAVINGS A Cape Ood Coinody. From Joseph O. linctrth'a Celebrated Norel^ "Sbarlnga'’ Drama-

tlxed by I’anline Fbelpa and Marion Short. £ taxed by John McKee.

“SharlnBa” la to be regretted for two reasons. With all Its faults It conld have been made Into a pleasant auccess by the exercise of some slight knowledge of the ele¬ mentary principles of playwmiting. 'No one who knows anything about the theater can expect sound effect by centering all the sympathy of an aurtlewe on a chief character’s lore for « woman and then at the last minote, without rh.rme or reason, handing the lady over to another man who baa nut flgtited In the love interest at all during the action of the piece.

A man who hag lead a beanty starved exdatence discovers a lovely flower growing in a desert waste. Bis whole life flews with the discovery. Something has come to brighton the weary graynesa of the present and the fntnre. lie watches his flower grow, he sratera dt. shields It from the baring sun and sbeltera It from the Mtlng cold. Be Uvea for It and In It. Then, when It has grown to Its fullest toveLiiewa. n paastng stranger plucks the flower, sticks 4t in his bnttonhole and walks away. That is what the two women who made the dramatization of Joseph Llscoln's book have done. J. Ellwand Winslow’s "Sharflags” has been chested by life out of everything. There comes into his home town n lovely young widow, vrith whom he falls In love. Be protects and helps her. Every force 4n the play np to a certain point leads the aodleuce to hope for the realisation of his heart’s desire. The i«1>ole fabric of the story Is built around tliat Idea. Then as a climax to the plot a former sweetheart of the widow, who has appeared intermittently In the action, calmly appropriates her, and ”8haTtBgs” Is left with the bitter sweet thought that '’ffiUe dogs can bark «t the moon it Is n'methlng to have had the moon to bark at.

That sort of flnlah would be correct If all the accent had not been laid In the body of the plot on "Shavings’ ’’ love for the widow and Its fulflllnjeut. No gelf-respectlng andl- euce la going to stand being cheated out of a tittle Mt of happiness, In seeing tba prin¬ cipal character coma Into hit own, to satisfy two playmahera’ desire for a "switch.'*

The second reason the play la to be regretted la that Harry iBeresford, who made such a splendM Impression In "Boy* Will 'Be Boys,” Is grossly miscast as "Rhavlnf*.’* Be has neither the Cape Cod dialect, the New England manner nor the pliability Of method necessary to give the character Its full value.

James Brodhury, as Captain Bam Hunnlwell, the hardheaded, softhearted Yankee flanker. Is the hit of the play. He has everything needed for the part and naeii it. Charles D»'w Clark, who is IlunnlweH’s pet eaemy, "I’hln’* Babbitt, while veiy good, falls In the qoaUty of vlndlctlveces# In hi* efforts for comedy. Clara Moores, the lovely widow, is Indeed lovely, and little Vivian Tibln is beautifully sincere, cqiopletely glrUsh, and altogether delightful. George Neville extracts a lot of laughs out of the character of "Gabe" Bearse. the village newsmonger, and the rest of the east la excellent, "Shar¬ ings" wonid hare a flne chano to be « HUi'cesa if it were not for the execrable workman¬ ship of the ptaymaker* and Mr. Bvresford's nnhappy miscasting.—FATTEBSON JAMES.

MAN AND xtir* For uoe-nlgbtrtv; Tboi prrtrtTwl; ports. siwrtslUHt; bt.<s dninx; wife, ports only.

rUVl DH kT. CLAIR 2217 Mu Verntoi Phila- del* hit. Prtmsylvonto.

nnUTRB CREW AT UBERTY—Monogor. operator. plono ployrt. Uckrt ■ellsr: co anount of sols of

thco'rr; rnrk Jointly or tepomts. W., Box 10, .Mor- r’-ttwro. Twinsssce

Wiyil D> JOIN oorolvol os moghloa: can do Sre- Fttlnc; Join at ones; with Hmlth's Grsotsr rtbows

Ion *•*««» r. V. 8 . Box 241. Bo-kley. W'. Vo.

Y'Ol'NG 5L\N—20 yeani old. food oia<«araoce, srou Itks to aoslst raaglcttn or any kind of act. WTL-

IJAM R ROr*R2» Hole Avn.. Brooklyn. New York.

Motion Picture Artists At Liberty AdvertiMniettf, 25 wards, frsa at ebarfo.

AT LIBERTY—Girl for movlss; ago. 20; mperl rtitir: refrtence, Westorn MoUoo Ptrturo Co.

BVn.YN Bra/vr,^112T N. Walnm Danville. TR

Musicians At Liberty AdaatLboMwtk 25 words, ftot at tbafgo

A-1 DRCYLMER—Big marimba, xylopbosui: loaa ef- ferto; xylnpfaoas ooIoUt; sight reOilrt. Btate beto

salary; prefer Nrtthem Btatea; Can furnish or¬ chestra. 1J> HTADBVOLD. Box 848, Craokatoo. xeineerola.

A-1 •VTGTJNT'rr Big tone; larte library of aeleol standards; Incate In town of V> 090 or more; mar-

riel; gniMi rdiicatlm; only reliable managers and a real salary rar.<idt«aiL TIOUNT8T. cara Billboard. CInrtnnall, Ohla

JAZZ AND UOniTTMATB DRUMUIS-Ptaytiw drums, belR xyloptame and traps: reeanuamda-

t'.on from last housex B. K HC.HREFFLER 4«8 West Pliia Bt, BhaniokJn. PrtmaylmnlA

RE.VL DRUYOCER—West preferred; line outflt; ex- iierlinr-si to aU Hnes; flute and vtolln parts oa

xylupbona; writs, atala alL J. C, BTRNQt. can niilhonrd, Chicsgo, Illlnnla.

RED HOT JAZZ VIOUN AND BANJO PTJtYERr— Read, fake, trangnae: meclalUra oa other string

'ndniments; real ja.-x orchei^as; stale all WRIGHT, c«nersl Doltvery. Htrerhlil. YtaasechuerlU.

SNARE AND DOTBl* DRCMMER-For 1820; R A O. or snare for bond; play boUa a Uttlo, FOOCRE

TtAVTS. Chroter. I’llnelA

TOMMY H.LYBS—Masical trl<* bon* soloist: for mliustreU or any A-1 ebowt: are an oblUmrr and

hara plare.1 the best General tMlvery. Prortdeoua, Rhes« Ts'and.

TR.4P DRUMMER—Tfoobiea coraeti fuH Hnn of trapa: locata or troupe; prefer location In theatre.

raiMirtllle nr plrtnn boom; rellabln CRAB. A. CRtM’IR acs North 7Vaft>orn St., rhicawo. Hltnots.

YlOt.INTSrp—A. F. M : danoo or theatre; Ubrary for boih nr ddeenan; pr*^ renort: otherwie# prmtarent

VTOt.IMi»P, 24 Eoet Amdt St. Fond du loc. Wtv

TTOtJNTST—A. F. of M.. desires ongagemmt to plcttira house; flrst-claen orchestra and rodabla

tnanooeri only. CUFTHN PARKER. 308 RswdoD St , Brantford. Ontario. Canada

XYLOPHONIST wisben to Join good marimba band or tend orchadra. pitying xylonhone. or gned

vaudOTUI* act: stats all: a good Joxser and ttvsly. C. W. SMITH. 815 Eaetr Be, Allentown, Pa

In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.


That instantly fvirnishes Line of Business, Names, and Addresses of Supply for Amusement Enterprises.

SInrer Bro«., 82 Bowmt, New York City. N. Sbure Co.. 237-241 W. .Maditoo at.. Cblraco.


Baker & I-orkwnnd, Serentb and Wyandotte ata.. Kansaa (Uty. Mu.

Tbe Bererly Co., 220-222 W. Main ft., Loula- Tllle, Ky,

K. J. Hayden tt, Co., Inr., 107 Broadway, Brook¬ lyn, N. Y.

Sampliner Adr. Co., Inc., 72^SeTenth aTe.,N.T. Bcbell'a Scenic Studio, 5Sl tC lii^h St., Colum-

bns, Ohio. Tucker Duck & Bubber Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. United Statea Tent It Awninf Co., 229 North

Deeplainea at., Chicago, 111.


Adrance Whip Co.. Weatfleld. Maaa. Averill Mfjr. Co.. 37 Union Square. New York. Berk Bros.. M3 Broadway, New York City. Bnitle Keitnila Co., IIS Naaaau at.. N. V. City. Fair St Carnlral Supply Co.., 12t) Fifth are.. New

Y’prk CltT. Gate City Statuary It Doll Co., 015 Eaat 15 St.,

Kanana City, Uo. Gustare W. Coben It Bro., 744 Broadway, New

York City. neebt, Coben It Co., 837 W. (Madioon at., Chi¬

cago, III. Kindel It Graham, 785-87 Mlaaion, Sun Fnnciaco. 1 erin Bro*., Terre ITante, Ind. Munter Brue., 401 Broadway. New York City. Alfred Munaer, 21S Eaat 00th at., N. Y. C.


Chicago. Ill. _ Eagle Poet Card Co.. 335 Broadway, N. Y. City,

^at*'’Nr!r”TJrk*cl^”‘‘“* ^ BAZAARS AND CELEBRATIONS


Amelia Grain, 619 Spring Garden at., PMln- (Tor Cocceaalona) delphla. Pa. Misalon Bead Co.. 2818 W. Pico at, Loa An-

AUTOMATIC BOWLING GAMES ▼ ,v _ Montpr Pros., 491 Broadwty, Sew Tork City.

Briant Specialty Co., 36 Eaat Georgia at,. Oriental Mfg. Co., Providence. R. I.

ThVxen-pTnnet 252 Draper at.. IndlanapoUa, Bl RDS AND PETS Indiana. Detroit Bird Store, 231 Michigan are., Detroit,

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER Mich. N. Power, 90 Gold at.. New York CUy. BOOKS FOR STREETMEN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- tTnlon Associated Press. 200 C-iDal at., N. Y. C.

MENT8 BOOKING AGENTS A. Beml. 216 N. 20th #t.. New York City. American Burlesque Circuit. Gaiety Theater The Rudolph Wnrlluer Co., Clucinnatl, Ohio. Bldg New York City.

BADGES, BANNERS AND BUTTONS c. C. Bartram. European Agent for Ererythlng Abbot Flag Oo., 115 at.. New York City. Show Boalneaa, 333 Mare at.. Hackney, De Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 11, GreenTllle. Ill. _ , , « . Eagle Regalia Co., 115 Nassau st.. N. Y. City. W. CleTeland. I^tor’s Palace Theater Bldg.. Munter Bros.. 491 Broadway, New Tork City. _ Market at., Newark. N. J. Pudltn It Perry, 300 Bowery, New York City. Columbia Amusement Co., Columbia Theater Munter Broa., 491 Broadway, New York City. BWg., New York City. Newman Mfg. Oo., 641 Woodland are.. Clere- Co-Operative Booking Agency, 54 Mead Bldg.,

land O. Butland. Vt. Kyan Mfg. Co., 182 E. 124tb st , New York City. Western Vande. Manegers’ Assn., Chicago. 111.

BALL THROWING GAMES BURNT CORK Briant ffpeclal.y Co., 36 East Georgia it.. In- Chas. Meyer. 1-8 E. 13th at.. New York City.

llnnapollK, Did. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo., 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. C.

AdTertlsemenfa not exceeding one line la length will be published, properly claosifled. In this directory, at tbe rate of $15 in advance per .vear (.52 issnes), provided they are of an ac¬ ceptable nature. Price Includea one year’s au^ scription to The Billboard.

Each additional line or additional claosUlea- tlon, wltbont aabsciiption, $12 In advance per annum.

One line will be allowed to advertlsen, free of charge, for each $100 worth of space used during the year. *

Tills directory Is revised and corrected weekly, changes in firm names and addresses being re¬ corded as soon as received.

ADVERTISING AGENCIES Scott & Scott, Inc. (all periodicals!, 220 W.

Forty-eerond st.. New York; 29 E. Madison at., Chicago.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES Jos. Koehler, Inc., 150 Park Row, New York

City. lias Leather Goods Oo.. 109 Spring st.. New

York. 'Phone. Spring 4796. Paramount Leather G<^s Co., 467 Broome ft..

New York City. N. Shore. 237-241 W. Madison at.. Chicago. D. F. Sllberer. 335 Broadway, New York City. Sweeney Lithograph Co., Inc., 253 W. 19th at,.

New York City.

AEROPLANES (Captive) SlcSilard Garvey. 2087 Boston Road, N. Y. City.

AEROPLANES (Swings) J. W. Ely Co.. Inc., 116 Main st.. White Plains.

New York.

AERIAL ADVERTISING Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co.. 1710 Ella st.. Clncln'tl. Silas J. Conyne, ^16 Palmer st.. Chicago, lU.


Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co., Beed City, Mich. Omer, Locklear, Dir. Wm. H. Pickens, Stratford

Hotel, Chicago. Ill. Wilkie's Aviators, 7068 N. Paulina are., Chicago.

AIR CALLIOPES (Hand and Antomatio Players)

Pneumatic Calliope Co., 345 Market st.. Newark, New Jersey.

Tangley Mfg. Co., Muscatine, Iowa. ALLIGATORS

Florida Alligator Farm, Jacksonville, Fla.


Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden st., Phila.

ALUMINUM SOUVENIR GOODS George Wertbeim, 304 B. 23d at.. N. Y. City.


Joa. N. Weber, X*rcf.. 110-112 W. 40th st.. New York City.

Wm. J. Kemgood, Secy., 3535 Pine at., St. Louis, Mo.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE O. A. Weaver. Musiclane’ Clnb, Des Moines, la. A. C. Hayden, 1011 B at., S. E..Wa!diington,D.C. Frank Boigel, 68 Haight at., San Francisco, Cal. H. B. Brenton. 110 W. 40th at.. New York.N.Y. C. A. Corey, 170 Montrose ave., Toronto ''ut.,


AMUSEMENT DEVICES Allan Herscbell Co., Inc.. North Xonawanda,

New York. Amusement Park Engineering Co., 949 Broad- .

way. New York City. Thompson Bros.' Ball Briant Specialty Co., 36 East Georgia st.. In- United States Tent <

dlanapoUa. Ind. Desplaines st.. Chic Byfleld, Berry, Scheel Construction Co., 6300 S. bai ■ onNQ

Park ave.. Chicago. Illinois. ci tifr The Dayton Fun House and Riding Device CUIlKO

Mannfactnrcr. Lake Side Park, Dayton, O. Brazel Novelty Co.. 1 Wm. H. Dentzel, 3041 Germantown ave., Pblla- M. K. Brody, 1119 8

delphla. Pa. Eagle Bobber fV>.. Ai EU Bridge Co., Jacksonville, HI. . - Fair Carnival Supr J. W. Ely Co., lac., 116 Main st.. White Plains, Fanltless Ruhtoer Co.

New York. B. C. Evans It Co., 1528 W. Adams st., Chlesfo,

lUlnoia. G. F. Harris. 456 W. 40th st.. New York City. lierschell-Spillman Go., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Kentucky Derby Co., 140 Nassan at.. N. Y. City. W. F. Mangels Co.. Coney Lsland. N. Y. Miller & B ker. 1’. O. B^x 4H, Baltimore, Md. F. Mueller 4 Co., 2052 Elston ave., Chicago. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland, Cleveland, O. Over tbe Falls Co.. 422 W. 67th st., Chicago, Bl. Park Engineering Corp., 949 B’way, N. Y. City. C. W. Parker. Leavenworth, Kan. Philadelphia Toboggan Cio., 130 Duval st., Phila. Public A’rausement Co., P. 0. Box 427, Balti¬

more. Md. Stein A Goldstein. 1445 Gates ave.,Brooklyn,N.Y,

^ Sycamore Novelty Co., 1326 Sycamore at., Cln- ft rinnati, 0. f The Ten-Plnnet Co., 252 Draper st., Indianapolis, ’ Indiana.

R. S. Uzzell Corp, 2 Rector st.. New York City. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North

Desplainee st., Chicago, Ill. Xarro-Unger Constnictlon Co.. Plttsbni*. Pa.

ANIMALS AND SNAKES Henry Bartels. 72 Cortland st.. New York City. Buffalo Bird Store, 65 Genesee st..Buffalo.N.Y. Wm. Martels Oo., 42 Cortland st., N. Y. City. De'roit Bird Store. 231 Michigan are., Detroit.

Mich. Flints Porcupine Farm. North Waterford. Me. Captain George McGnlre. Santa Barbara, Cat Wm. Mackensea, Yardley, Pa. W. Odell Learn A Co., 600 Dolorosa vL, Ska

Antonio, Tex. Leals Bnbe, 248 Grand st.. New York City, Taxon eaake Farm, BrownaTlUe. Tex,

Saaipla. with Wig, $2.00; witasat $I.B0. MUTUAL Dull, CD., INC.. 37 Greene SL. New York City.

Directory Business Addresses Midees It Easy For

Newmifti Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬ land. O.

L. A. Novelty A Toy Co., 413 South Los Angeles st., Los Angeles.

Orlen'al Mfg. Co.. Providence, R. I. Ihidiin 4c Perry. 360 Bowery, New York City. Prudential Art A Novelty Co., Inc., 155 Woos¬

ter at.. New Y'ork. Trank J. Schneck A Co., 110-112 Bfh ave., N. Y. T. H. Sbanlvy, 181 Prairie are.. Providence,

n. 1. Singer Broe., 82 Bowery, New Tork City. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fnlton at., Chicago. Veir Bros. Co., 754 South Loa Angeles sL, Los

Angeles, Cal. Chat. Zlnn Co.. 803 Broadway, New York.

CARS (R.^.> Arma Palace Horse Car Co., Room 604, 882

South Michigan ave., Chicago, HI. Houston Ballwsy Car Co., Box 656, Houston,

Texas. Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon. III. Southey Iron A Equipment Co., Atlanta; Ga. Zelnlcker, Walter A., Supply Co., Fourth and

Liocust, St. Lonla. Mo.

CAROUSELS Allan Heracbell Oo., Inc., North Tonawanda,

New York. Heracbell-Splllman Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. M. C. IlUons A Sons, 2789 Ocean Parkway,

Coney Island, New York. 0. W, Parker, I.eavenwortb, Enn.

CELLULOID BUTTONS Pndlln A Perry, 360 Bowery. New York City.


Atlas Setting Co.. 10 E. 48d st., and 7 E. 42d at.. New York City.

Baker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sta., Kansas City, Mo.

0. E. Flood, 7820 Decker ave., N. E., Cleveland. General Seating A Supply Co., 28 E. 22d at..

New York City. United States Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Desplalnoa tt.. Chicago, Ill.

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS American Mint Prodnets Co., 58 Knickerbocker

Bldg., Baltimore, Hd. Buddy Buds. Inc., 357 W. 36th at.. N. Y. C. Chic Mint Gum Co., N. W. corner Fifth and

Walnut sta., Wilmington, Pel. The Helmet Co.. 1021 Broadway, Cincinnati, O. Mausfleld Co., 227 High st., Newark. N. J.

fSAYING The secret oisuccessful advertising is to keep ^ ^ ^ your name and^business continually where it

will be seen. The simplest and most effective method of publicity Is your name and address

under a proper heading In The Billboard Directory. The reader simply glances at the various headings for the class of goods wanted, and your name and address will do the rest.

For service, quick action and a real saving choose one of our following offers:

Ycur name and address (one line) under a proper heading In 52 Issues for $12.00, or with a year’s subscription to The Billboard, both for

THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO., 25 Opera Plage, Cincinnati, Ohio,

Eagle Poat Card Co., 335 Broadway, N. T. City N. Goldamith A Bros., 160 N. Wells at. Chi¬

cago, III.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The Ten-Plnnet Co., 252 Draper at., IndlanapoUa

Indiana. ’


Kathe Bros., Cbillicothe. 0.

CALCIUM LIGHT Philadelphia Calcium Light Co..Phlla(Illphla, Pa Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., 108 Fourth at

Cincinnati, O. ” Erker Broa.. 604 Olive et., St. Ionia, Mo, St. Louis Calcium Light Co., 616 Elm at., St.

-— _ Louis, Mo. 337 W. Madison st., Chi- CALLIOPES

, ^ Tangley Mfg. Co., Muscatine. Iowa,

kron. O. CAMERAS (dgwlck st.. Chicago, HL Georgia Ferrotype Co., 312 Pinkney at.. Dublin. 141 Woodland ave., Cleva- Georgia.

17th st.. N. Y. 0. CANDY pecanoe City, 0. Buddy Buds, Inc., 367 W. SOth mt. N. Y. City, oome st.. New York City. Wm. Corcoran Candy Mannfacturing Co., 49 1623 Westlake ave., Soat- Fremont. San Prancleco.

Gramercy Chocolate Co.. 76-84 Watte at, N.Y.C 4 N. Eighth at.. St. Ixmls, Liuls Denebelm A Sons, 1222-24 Oak at., Kan- 1 W. Madison st.. Chicago. ««■ City, Mo. rery. New York City. Morrleon Candy Co., 145 Jeffereon ave., Detroit,

ISTBUMENTS n.T^fv'an. A Co.. 1628 W. Adams at. Chiesgo, W W. Msdiann st.. Chicago. Illinois. “ 114 N. lAncoln sL, Oilcago. Fair A Carnival Supply Oo.. 126 5th aTe..N.Y.O. ;er Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio. j. j, Howard. 617 8. Dearborn st., Cblcago ill'.' ) ORGANS Candy Co., 255 North Second st..

inric.^ Inatrument Worka. ^ Court at and Central

'o^e-r^"*^**"***' »o*«^tt»fm‘BroI.‘*A^Ecksteln. Peoria and Green (SKETS Sts., Chicago. Illinois. I., 764-706 West Main st., Frank J. Schneck A Co., 110-112 6th ave.. N. Y.

Touralne Oo.. 261 Oauaeway at., IVwton. Mass. 7are Sbops. Burlington, It. F. B. Washburn A Co.. Court A Freight ets., ipply Co., 126 nftb ave., Brockton, Mass.

on. 105 Lewie st.. N. Y. O. „ , ^ CANM AND WHIPS Co.. 816 Progress and 807 <>•

8 Pittsburg Ps *• * Oo-. Broadway, New York. ^ Brosdwiy, New York. „

BASKETS-FANCY "'rd* 0.""*' Kindel A Graham, 785-87 Mission, San Fnoidsco. Bhryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., St Louis. J. C. (ioas Oo., Detroit, Mlirtix


M. MifM Son, Inc., 147 Pniton it., N. T. O. L. Nickerson Tent, Awning & Corer Co., 173

State St.. Boston. Ifass.

CIRCUS WAGONS Itrfgs Wafon Co., Kantat Citr, Mo. Vim. Frecb Co., Ma^ile Shade, N. J.

CLOWN WHITE Chas. Meyer, 1.8 E. 13th at.. New York City.

The Home Decorating Co.. 533 8. Wabash are.. ELECTRIC INSOLES & INHALERS Chicago, 111.

Geo. P. Jnhusoo Flag A Ilecoratlof Co., 103&- 1041 Gratiot stc., Detroit, Mich

DIAMOND JEWELRY (Tor Baleabeards and Praminms)

The Electric Appliance to.. Uiirlington, Kan.


Ell Bridge Oo.. Jacksonville. Dl. Maurice I ery, 4.'iO Atwood st., Pittsbnrg, Pa.

Althach A Bosenson. 203 W. Madison st.. Ch’go. BnlTeraal Motor Co.. Oshkosh. Wla. Alter A Co., Ut5 W. Madtion st., Chicago.

U. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slat at.. N. Y. O. joe. Ilagn Co.. 300 W. .Madlwm st.. Chicago, 111.


Actors’ Fund of America, 14T6 Rrr ndway, N. Y. A-tors’ Elqaity Assn., 115 West 47th at., N. T. Aatliora’ Club, Carnegie Hall. N. Y. Authors’ l.cagne, 41 Union S^nare, N. Y. Amateur Comedy Club, ISO East 30th at., N. Y. Burlesque Clnb. 125 West 47th St.. N. Y. nim Players’ Club. 138 West 46th 8t.. N. Y. Friars’ Club, 110 West 48tb St.. N. Y. r.reen Room Club, 130 West 47tb st., N. Y. The lambs, 128 West 44th at.. N. Y. The Little Clnb. 216 West 44th st.. N. Y. The Players. 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y. Catholic Actors’ Guild, 220 West 40th st., N. Y. Drama League of America, 7 E. 42nd st^ N. Y. Drama Society, 131 East 15th st.. N. iL Forest Dramatic Assn., 260 W. 4.’ith st., N. Y.

Hunter Brothers. 491 Broadway. New York City. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., St. Looiv


AVERILL M'F'G CO. Papoose. Felt and Noeelty DoUa.

37 Uatan Sssare, Wsat Hew Ysek._

Chicago Doll Mfrs., 166 N. State St.. Chicago. Danville Doli Danville, ill.

ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS J. C. Deagan, Berteau and E. Bavenswood Park

ave.. Chicago, Ill.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Cbaa. Newton. 3<Ki West 15th at., N. Y. City.

ENGINES (Gas and Gasolina) *rhe Fooe Gas Etglne Co., Springfleld, O.

EYE BROW PENCILS The Hess Co.. Bothester, N. Y. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 130 W. 31st at., N. T. O.

FACEgPOWDER W CIA...1. «'iM% Tt* %T IT /I Dominion Toy Mfg. Co.. Ltd.. 60 Front st., M. Stein Coemctlc Co.* 130 W. 31st st., N. Y. 0.

_West. Toronto. Canada. Dept. 1. Acvtriu/vieo The Pisyera. 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y. H. C. Evans A Co.. 1622 W. Adams at.. Chicago. • ko Csthollc Actors’ Guild, 220 West 40th at., N. Y. Fair A Carnival Supply Oo., 128 Fifth ave., Booking Aa^'iation, 30L^-4-5-8 Drama League of America, 7 E. 42nd et^ N. Y. New York City. Chicago, Drama Society, 131 East 15th at.. N. it Floience Art Co.. 2*00 2lBt at.. San Francisco. Forest Dramntlc Assn., 260 W. 4.’ith et.. N. Y. M. Gerber, 727-720 South at.. Philadelphia, Pa. FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Music Uague of America. 1 W. 34th at.. N. Y. II. J. Herskoviu. 86 Bowery. New York City. |r,j. ^ Carnival Supply Co . 126 3th ave.,N.Y.C. Musical Art Society, 33 W. 44th at., N. Y. Klnde! A Graham, 785-87 Mlsskm, S.m Francisco, gj^^w jife Co 128 W. Lake at. Chicago, 111.


Photo Play League of America, 185 Madison K'^.iel A Graham, 786-87 Mission at., San Fran •r/e., N. Y. claco, CaU

rp'fess.unal Woman’s I/cagne, 64 West 48th -

Klnde! A Grahnm, MUskm. San mn^sco. g,,,.^ j|fg _ jog ls'iIc ,t.. Chlcngo, 111. K*-.iel A Graham. 786 87 Mission at.. San Fran Zario-Unger Construction t o . Pittsburg, Pa.


st:;; ^;om";n a war Belief. 336 5th , N. Y. E DOLL WIGS

I ^ li '?• V Levin Bro... Terre Haute. Ind. .M?*?ng notnrT^UraWrV^l^^ Trading Co.. 167 Canal at

Broadway. N. Y. _ Musical Mutual Protective Union, 201 B, 88th n* ym.vw-*.ww-« w

st.. N. Y. _ _ BUNDIE; D01-iL.<S Musical Union, N, Y. Federation. 1283 Lenox g,«pi, wita wi(. %7 M; withaut. $l 50. MUTUAL

ave.. N. Y. .. DOLL CO.. INC.. 37 OrsaM St. New Vark City. Theatrical Protective Union No. 1. 1482 Broad-

way. .S. Y. Alfred .Munzer. 212 E.tst 90th at.. N. Y. C. COASTER CARS -

Philadelphia Toboggan Co.. 130 Dnval nt, PhDn. Pacifli Sl BcPIli StatUSry Co.

COLD CREAM dolls i M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. O. 3070.707} Oedea Ave..

CONCERT MANAGERS progressive Toy Cy> A. Bigareiy. 1495 Broadway. New York CTty. vVw Yc^k Hugo Bencek. Ill West »th at^^ N. T. Kepubllc Doll A Toy Kstlierine A. Bamman. 63 W. 39th at.. N. 1. C. York City May Becgle. Union Arcade Bldg.. Pittsburg. F-ank J Uo'meck A (" Central Concert Co., 811 DimeBank Bldg., De- ,j.|p .jyp jg

.. .r, ^ Bi V M V United Stntea 'Tent P. Jnaeph Congdoo. Blnghamt«. N. Y. Desplnlnes at. Ch <»er?rod^ F. Cowen, 1451 Brotdway, N, T, City. linTi \ff» Harry Culbertson. 1415 Hyde Park Blvd., Chi- '};'•

KriAIPir noi l WUt Sliten. Grand Boulevard and E. Pralrla

_ , Tjii ***•• » Ruapla doarv) ts .Vt rr<ratd; t3« oa pw groan. b-htsv,,*. » A. K9SB. 2927 Batamat A«a.. Ckleage. FERRIS WHEELS

Ell Bridge Co., Jacksonville, 111. Levin Broa.. Terre Hanfe. Ind. Walter P. Shaw Park Constmctkin Co., 116 N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal st. Dltmas ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

_ FILMS w Ti^Tw^wwm w^^^w ar ■ (Mwmfaotnrart, Dealers in and Bant.1 Buraans)

1 Cj i J* 66 -6 Exchange, 205 Book Bldg., San Bawalt. with Wig. 32 00; without $1 50. MUTUAL Antonio. Tex. DOLL CO.. INC.. 37 Qrsana St. New Vark City. Unlveraal Filnl Bfannfactnring Co., Forty-eighth

and Broadway. New York City. Alfred Munzer. 212 90th at., N. Y. C. Willie A Inglia, Wright A Callender Bldg.,

. Loa Angela!.

Pacini & Berni Statuary Co. fireproofing compound for DOLLS OF ALL KIN06 ALL FABRICS

3070.2072 Ofdaa Ave.._ CHICAGO, ILL. sodlnm Products Co.. 6:t6 W. 47th at.. New York. FIR EWQRKS

^ - Wooster at.. American-Itallan Firework. Co. Inc., Dnnbnr, .>ew icrg _ P.nn..Iv«„l. •


Firework. Mfg. Co.. New Tork City. Rochelle N Y

F-ank J. Sc'.neck A Co., 110-112 .Vh ave.. N. Y. irr v D..e Tip Trp Toy Co.. 621 W. Fulton st.. Chicago. ^ United Stntea Tent A .twniiig Co., 229 North

Desplnlnes st.. Chicago. III. Western iKiIl Mfg. Co., 564-572 W. Randolph

et., Chicago. III.

I ondon, Charlton. Carnegie Hall, N, T- City. w—ww vj^vw-^wics w s Filzsbeth Cueny. 4254 Olive at.. St. Lonis. Mo. DLJr>JL9Illi UUI ,1 Jules Daiber, Aeolian HaU, New York City. Saaialt. with Wig. 33 00. wIthsaL 31.50. MUTI r.rrtchen F. Dick, 1400 Broadway. N. Y. City. DOLL'CO.. INC . 37 Graena SL. Ntw York City. C. A. Ellla. 60 State st., Boaton. Masa.

bora at., Chicago, IIL Conti Flrevorka Co.. New Caatle, Pa.

A. L. Due Fireworks Branch Unexcelled Manufacturing Co., Reading, Ohio.

buivdie: DOL.1.S -—n::: - Saiaalt. with Wig. 33 00. wIthoaL 31.50. MU'TUAL Gordon Firework* Co.. 100 N. State et.. Chicago. DOLL'CO.. INC . 37 Graena 8L. Msw York City. llltt Fireworks Co., Inc.. 6234-62S.b 37th ave.,

South. Seattle. Waah. J. Emmett Cade. 127 Waat 58th at., N. Y. City. Westriraft Studios, 1012 S. Broadway, Ia>a An- ilitaola Fireworks Dls;day Co., Danville. HI. Kiugibury Foater, 25 West 42d aL. N. Y. City. gelea, CnL M. W. Fowler, 1214 Chapel oL. New Haven, DOLLS

Annie Frledberg, 1425 Broadway, N. Y. City. J. Allsto Mfg. Co., 1446 Walnut M. n. nauson. 437 5th are.. New York City. Bayles, Broe. A Co., 701-7(6 1 WeDdell Helghton, AodUorium Bldg., Minna- loulsvllle, Ky.

apolli, Minn. Cawood Novelty Mfg. CVi., DanY naeuael A Jones, Aeolian Hall, New York City. Danville Doll Co., Danville, Ill. Evelyn Hopper, Aeolian Hall, New York City. H. Horowitz Co.. 1D51 Itroadwa

gelea, CnL Imperial Flreworka Co. of An’erica, Inc., Box DOLLS Schenectady, N. Y.

Ba^le^ ^a 'THE INTERNATIONAL FI8CW0RK8 CO.-Estab^ ,1.^ West Main aL. jgjj scimfOo MonulaLtiircvs of Pyrotechnic

I<Wsvl.Ie, Ky. - Noveltlee. S*0-* ConsTr-s M . Ikhenec'.ai1y, N. Y. Cawood Novelty Mfg. CVi.. Danvine. Ill. Branch Off.c*. 20 W Eayle 8t.. Buflaloi N. T.

Evelyn Hopper, Aeolian Hall, New Tork City. H. Horowitz Co.. 1D51 Broadway, N. Y. City. Horgan A Stein, 21 West 6th at., 8L Paul. Minn. Kansas City Doll Mfg. Co., 825 East 12th at., R. E. Johnston, 1451 Broadway, N. T. City. Kansas City. Mo. R. E. Johnston, 1451 Broadway, N. T. City. Kansas City. Mo. Kate M. Lacey, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., — ■ ■ ■-


U^A. Lambert, 287 W.Milngton at.. PortUml. CHICIIV M’s a D.n.

tee Keedlck Musical Bnrean, 437 6th tva.. New NAOIC NOVELTY CO., 72* Joha. W. Hobakaa. N. J. York City.

Francis P. Lonbet. 1482 Broadway, N. Y. City. Haa'el .Mayer, Aeolian Hall, New York City.

Novelty Statuary Co., 1563 Vi, Lake at., Chi¬ cago, HI.

All Chicago Musical Bureau, 1521 Kimball Hall, Uegal Do'I Mfg. Co.. I’-l Greene st.. N. Y. C.

Intemat'onnI Flreworlcs Co.. 19 Park Place. New Ycrk. and Jersey City. N. J.

Mail's Fireworks. Fort Dodge, la. Metiv’Pidltan Fireworks Display Co., 1504 Com¬

merce st.. Pallis, Tex. Newton Flrevrorks Co., jl N. Dearborn at.. Clil-

cago, IIL North American Fireworks Co., State-Lake

Ul<lg.. Chicago. P.nln’a Manhattan Beach Fireworks. 1* Park

PLice. N. Y. C.; 127 N. Dearborn st., Chicago,

Metropolitan hfnslcal Bnrean, 88 West 42d at.. Western Doll M(g. Co., 5G4-572 W. Randolph New York City. •*., Chicago, 111.

Music League of America. 1 Waat 84th at.. New D3LL York City. Wvawi. vn i.vavsiasj

Tip Top Toy (Vt. 225 ^Fourth ave.. New York. The Potte Fireworks Display Co.. Office and Fac tory, Pmnklln Park. Ill.

Bcbenectadv Fireworks Cc., Schenectady, N. Y. Thei rle-Duffield Flreworka Display Oo., 86 Sooth

State st.. fhlcBCo. Ill. S. C. Oppeniieimer, Sutter A Kearney sts.. Ban BA^cer Toy Co.. (XKMllO Blue Island are. New Unexcelled Mfg. Company, Inc., 22 Park Ulace,

Er.i Bldg., Chicago, III. New Tork City. Julian Poliak. 47 West 42d at.. New Tork City. ileltzer A Ca. 210 S. Dearborn at., Chicago. M. Wagner Dlsplava, 34 Psik Place. N. Y. Paul Prentzei, 48 Park PI. Waterbnfy, Conn. ®4. C. Novelty Mfg. Co., 204 W. 11th at., Kan- Western Fireworks Co.. 1844-.''i0 Lawrence at. Inkift *Wko la. _u uiA dltv \Ia. TWnr*r John Ilusaon, 292 West 92d at.. New York City. City, Mo. ^ Cora M. Stevenson. 819 Buckeye at.. Hamilton, DOLL RACKS Antonia Sawyer, Aeolian Hall, New York City. _ . „ „ _ Charlea L. Wagner, 511 5tk ave. N. T. City. Herachell-SplUman, North Tonawanda. N. Y.

**'““• DOUGHNUT MACHINES Alfred .B Hey, 1046 4th ave., Huntington, W. Ya. WIntop A Livingston. Aeolian Hall N. T. City. Chatten Sales Co.. 6^ Ba.nut st..Cincinnati. O.

Wolfaohn Musical Bureau. 1 West 34th at.. New DRAMATIC PRODUCING MAN- . lork City. AGER8

Wlnthrop Ames. IJttle Theater, N. Y. City, Candy Co.. 146 Jefferson ave.. Detroit. Anderson A Weber. Longnere Tbeater. N. Y. ’.

Denver. Colo. Maniice 8. Wetiel. Spring loike, Mich.

FISHPONDS Automatic Flshpoml Co., 2614 Adams at., To¬

ledo. O. FLAGS

Abbot Flag Co., 115 Nassau at.. New York City. Am. Art lT«d. Co.. 141 Wooster st.. New York. American Flag ilfg. Co.. Fontou. Pa. Baker A Lockwood. Seventh and Wyandotte

ata. Kansas City. Mo. Michigan. Belasco. Itelasco llieater. New Tork City. Chicago Flag A Decorating Co.. 1318-1323 S.

COSMETICS William A. Brady. Playhonae, New York City. Wabash ava.. Chicago. Ill. Eyebrow BaaelU. Ease Bowte, Etc.) Geo. BrosdhurSi. Bpoadhurst Theater. N. T. C, D>mgherty Bros.’ Tent A Awning Oo.. 116 8.

The Heaa Oo. (Cherryola A Bubylip), Rochester, Cbaa. Oobnm, 14R2 Broadway New Tork City. Fourth at.. St. Ix'uls. Mo. New York. CAhsit s, Harris. TAhan A Harris Theater S.Y C J. C. Goes Co.. Detroit. Mich.

William A. Brady. Playhouse, New York City. Wabash ava.. Chicago. Ill.

Cohan A Harris. Cohan A Harris Theater. N.Y.C C. Goss Co.. Detroit, Mich. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 190 W. 31st nL, N. T. C. F. Ray Cemstork, Princess Tbeater. N. T. City! United States Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

COSTUMES John Oort, 1476 Breadway, New Tork City. William Elliott. Princess Theater. N. Y. City.

Dcsplaloes st., Chicago III. FLAGS AND FESTOONING I'lmlval (Vatnme rv, owT wii «iiiiam t-rincess ineaier. i. nry. r ucscao rsivi.# r to i wiv i is>e

wankee^Wia * ^ ^ ^ Water fL, Mil- ^ l. Erlanger, New Amsterdam Theater. N.Y.C. Annin A Co.. 90 Fnlton st.. New York City,

Chicago Coatuma Works, 148 N. Dearborn at., H. H. Frazee. 140 W. 42d at.. N. Y. City. FORTUNE WRITERS (Inviaibla Oilcago.

Coast CMtnma On., 1008 Market at.. Ban Fran claco.

Morris Gest. Century Theater. N. T. City. Arthur Hnmmerrtetn. 166 W. 4<Mh aL, N. T. Cl. IVilllam Harrla, J-., Hudson Theater, N. Y. C.

FORTUNE WRITERS (Inviaibla) B. Bower, 47 T..ex1ngton ave.. New York, N, T.


H(^er-Howe Ooattuna On, 8<W6 Mala at,, IRA RAPM^TT Haverhill Maas Arthur Hopkins, Plymouth Theater, N. Y. City, I D'Ar II

Pichler Costume Co., 511 8d ava. N. T. City. Adolph Klauber. 110 W. 42d el.. N, T. City. THE OHIGINAL FOUMTAIN PEM KtHG Wealem Omnma Co.. 908 So. BreadwaV Loa K’sw. New .Lmstcrdsm Theater, N. T. O. •• Baekwan StrsaL N«w Yart City.

Augcles, Cal. A Bhnbert. Rhnhert Theater. N. T. C. {*pA/*|gpR JAUKA Henry Miller. Henr.v Miller Theater. N. T. City. Berk Bros.. 543 rr->sdwsv. New York City.

Rueckhelra Rma A Panria mnA nr.«« Oliver Morooco. Morosco Thester. New York City. Cutawav Importing Co.. 606 Broadway, N. Y. C. cSc^ini.5f. • Henry W. Savage. Cohan A Harrla’Theater.N.T.O T^evln Bros.. Terre Haute Ind.

a., unicago, llllnoia Stelwyn A (V.. Selwyn Tbeater, New Tork City. Mac Fonntain Pen A Novelty Co.. 21 Ann aL.B.T, CUPID DOLLS Smith a GoMen Hndsrn Theater Bldg.. N. T. C. N- E. MercantUe Trading Co.. 167 Canal at.,

J. Altsto Mfg. Oo.. 1446 Walnut aL, Ctoclnnatl, O. Richard Walton Tully. 1402 Broadwav. N. T. C. N«w Tork. -— A. H. Woods. Eltlnge Thester. N. T. Citv. Singer Brothera. 82 Bowery. New York City.

CUPID DOLLS I. 8LI8T0 Mra. CO., 1448 Walnut St, aaalaaatl. O. _ (9.^,5," » r*"" Corp . 2 New York City.

DECORATORS. FLOATS ANP ®p*'* •'J- BOOTHS DRUMS (Snart and Bata) _ IxoiisTlIIe, Ky.

Baker A Tstekwaod Seventh aad Wyaadotta ata.. Acme Drummers’ Supply Co.. 2S1S-18 'West Fair A Csmlval Supply Co.. 126 6th ave.. N.T.O. Kansas City. Mo! ’Twenty aecrnd at.. Chicago. Cliaa. Zlnn .« On.. 993 Broadwav N. Y. tity.

Botanical Decanting Oo,, 20B Want Adams at.. Mnaic Honte, 165 W. Msrtlson nt., Chicago. FUN HOUSE PLANS niloago III. Lndwlg A •*- Ublcago. Amnaement Co., 698 EUlcott 8q.. Buffalo,

Ub^ano Flag A Decorating Oo.. 1818-132& B. ELECTRIC BELTS New Tork. Wahaah ava.. Ohlcago, IIL Tha Qectrle AppUanco Co.. Borllnstoo. Kaa. Zano-Uagar Ooutructlon Co.. Flttshurg, Fa.

New Tork. Singer Brothera, 82 Bowery. New York City.

Frod Zimmerman, Jr.. 310 W. TWh at., N. 'T, C. Standard Pen Co., Eransvilte, Ind.

- R ». r..,n Cn... 2 K°I'®.,.. T.« n.,.


FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS Bayles* Bros. A Co., 704-706 West Slain sL,

IxmisTlIIe, Ky.


Wm. Birns, 103 W. 37tb at.. New York. Louis Kuhn Studio. 2M 8th are.. New York.

GAMES Briant Specialty Co., 36 East G« at., In¬

dianapolis, Ind. Wm. O. Eck A Co.. 128 E. 1201 sL. Clnclimatl,0. l*ill Poker Cu., 146 Manhattan nve., Jeraey

City, N. J.

GAMING DEVICES B. C. Evana A Co.. 1522 W. Adams at.. Chicago.


MANTELS, ETC. Waxbam Light Co.. 818 W. 46Ui aL, N. Y. City.

GAZING CRYSTAL BALLS Prof. Zanclg, Aibury Park, N. J.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES Bayless Bros. A Co., 704-706 W. Main sL,

Loulavilla, Ky. Doerr Glass Co., Tlneland, N. J. Lancaster Glass Co.. Lancaster, O.


GUSSWARE FOR ORANGEADE H. LAUBEW. 9 t. Court 8L. Clselasall. OhM.

GREASE-PAINTS, ETC. (Xaka-XIp Bones, Cold Cream, Eta.)

Economy Palnt-Stlok Oo., 235 East 50tb at.. New Tork City, N. T.

The Hess Co. (Cherryola A Bubylip), Bocheater, New York.

M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st.. N. T. C. Zander Bros.. Inc., 115 W. 48tb st.. N. Y. City.

GYMNASTIC APPARATUS T. Simmons, 304 W. 38tb st.. New York City.

HAIR GOODS Corenson Bair Co., OlOVb 8. Broadway, Loa An¬

geles. Cal.


Talbot MTg. Co., 1325 ChMtnnt, 6t. Louis, Mo.

HANDKERCHIEF CASES singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. Wllllamaburg Post Card Co., 25 Delancey at..

New Yoili City.

HAWAIIAN LEIS & PERISCOPES Victor luTeutions Co.. Portland. Ore.

HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Nat Bloom, 103 Sixth ava.. New York City.

I. A. T. 8. E. & M. P. M. OPERATORS Charles C. Shay,* Int. Pres., 107 W. 40th it..

New York, N. Y. F. O. Lemaater, Gen, Secy.-lYans., 107 W. 46tb

at.. New York. N. Y. James Lemke, Manager of Organising A Claim

DepU.. 107 Vi. 46tb at.. New York.* N. Y, Film Players’ Club, 138 W. 40tb at.. New Tork.

N. Y. Tboa. F. Gamble. 110 W. 40th at.. New Tork.

N. Y.

ICE CREAM CONES (Wholanalo) Alco Cone Co., 480-482 N. Front at.. Memphis,

Tenn. Louis Denebeim A Sons, 1224 Oak at., Kansas

City. Mo. A. T. Diets. 127 Micblfsn st., ’Toledo, Ohio. McLaren Products Co.. Dayton, O.

ILLUSIONS Homnann Magic 0>., 304 W. S4th nt.. New

York. Zarro-Cnger Construction Co., Plttaburg, Pa.

INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES W. H. Barten, Gordon. Neb. Boston Novelty Co., 18 S. Boaton. Tulsa, Okln.

INDIAN MEDICINES Idaho Native Herb Co., Boise, Id. St'p for


INSURANCE, PUBLIC ACCIDENT Interstate Casnalty Co., 175 Jackson Blvd.,

Chicago. Ill.


T. D. Gomi. 3 East 17th st.. New Tork City.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS Mogl. Momnnoi * Co.. 1(16 E. IBth st., N. Y. O. Talyo Trading Co,, 327-31 West Madison aL.

Chicago, III. JEWELRY i

Arthur B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Altbach & Bosenson. 203 W. Madison. Chicago. Alter A Co., 165 W. Madison st., Chictgo. III. Berk Bros.. 643 Broadway, New York City. Cntswa.v Importing Co., 605 Broadway. N. Y. C. Gonlon-Stranss Co. (not Inc.), KXS W. Madlscn

at., Chicago. Jos. Hagn Co., 300-306 W. Madison sL. Chi¬

cago, HI. Becht. Ohen A Co., 337 W. Madison st., Chl- . cago. III. H. J. Herskovltz, 85 Bowery, New York City. Levin Bros., Terre Ilante. Ind. Mac Fonntain Pen A Nov. Oo., 21 Ann. N. Y. C. Munter Bros, 491 Broadway, New York City. Oriental Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth at., St. Louis. Singer Brothers, 82 Bowery. New York City. N. Shore Co.. 237-241 W. Madison at., Cbtrago. J. J. Wyle A Bros., Inc., 18 E. 27th at.. New

Yoijt aty.

J. J. WYLE &. BROS.. INC. SQorcMori to StiecmBa A WetU

IS Md 20 East 27tJi St. Ntw Ytrk CHy.

KEWPIE DOLLS Bryant Distributing Co.. 1416 B'way, N. Y. r. Kindcl A Graham, 785-87 Mission. San Fran< lsc>>. Alfred Mnnzer, 212 E-st 99'h st., New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 225 Fourth ave.. New Tork. Tip Top Toy Co.. 621 W. Fnlton at., Chlcaco.

KNIVES Karl Guggenheim. 17 R. 17tb at.. N. Y. City. Joa. Hagn Oo., 3(X>-306 W. MadUon aL. Chi¬

cago. IIL

Zurto-Ungar Oonstructlou Co.. Plttsburf, P*. (COIltlDUCd Oil 5d)

DIRECTORY (Contiane4 from ptge Q5)

necht, Cobea A Co., 33T W. Itodlsoa at., CU- ctgo, {U.

N’. tiiinre C*.. UT-341 W. Madlaoa at.. Chicago. Singer Brothers, 82 Bowery, New York

LANTERN SLIDES Standard (ITlde Corporatjop, 209-219 W. iStb at..

* New Yock City.

LAWYERS F. L. Boyd. 17 N. La StUa aL. Chicago. HI. P. J. Hodglna, 4M Kailway Bscbaoge IB1<%.,

Kanaaa City. Mo.


Ttie Blllboerd MAROH IS, 1t20

MUSICAL GLASSES PATENTS SECURED PORTABLE COOKHOUSE SPECIAL- A, BrsnoelM, lOU! Nipler ave., KloUmwid HlU, Victor J. Etem Sc Cv., Washinpton, D. Oa , TIES

N. Y. PEANUTS ALL VARIETIES Tallwt Mfg. Co.. 1325 Oheatnnt. Ht. I.00I.. M.,.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS g. Catanrero * sio’n*. Inc.. I'ena ave. and 22d PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS (Aotomatie A Hand PUyad) ,t.. Pituburg. Pa. gH Bridge Co.. JackaonTlUe. 111.

A. Chriatman, 4«27 Independeace ate., Eaaaaa PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY LuItctmI M tor Co.. Oehkoi*. wu.

Dixie Mosie Elouse, 105 W. Madiaon tat*. Chicago. PENNANTS AND PILLOWS TramlU Portable Skating Kink Co., 1223 Aeo>i Dixie Mosie House. 106 W. Madison lat., Chicago, PENNANTS AND P1LLOW8 Bonophone Co., 37-17 80. 8tb st., Brooklyn, American Pennant Co.. 06 Oanoeer at., Boeton.

New York. Maeaachosetts. United Ktatea Tent A Awning Co., 229 Noith ~ 11- — grt Pillow Noe. Co.. 48 Delancey sL, N. Y. 0. Desplainea at., Chicago.

CARL FISCHER PORTABLE TVPEWRITERa Hesdouartera for oeerytMnt la Musln. Cau!o« fraa. Chesiler Co.. 308 W. Baltimore st.. Baltimore, Corona Typewriter Co., Ine., New York, Saa

46-M Cooasr 8e.. N. Y. 334 S. Wabash, Chleaaa. Mj. FYancist'o, Groton, _N. Y, _ 8. Cohen A Son. 824 S. 2d st.. Philadelphia. Pa. "

Jenkliw Music Co.. 1015 Walnut st.. Karaat Gustare W. Cohen A Bro.. 744 B’way, N. Y. O.

Ell Bridge Co., JacksonTiUe. 111. CuiTvrsal M tor Co., Oshkosh, WIs.


TramlU Portable Bkating Blok Co., 1223 Ago'S it., Kaasaa City, Me.

United Ktatea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Desplainee at.. Chicago.


M. D. Dreyfacb, 493 Brooma at.. New York Tangley Mfg. Co., Mnechllne, Iowa.

Mj FYanclscti, Omtoa, N. Y, 8. Oo’hen A Soa. 824 S. 2d at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Heaney Magic Co.. Berlin. Wla. OuataTe W. Cohan A Bro., 744 B'way, N. Y. a POSTAGE STAMPS

DItIsIob bL, K’nlckertsKker Poatage Stamp Exchange, 125 W.

T>e Poqt Pahiikold Oe., llS Breadwty, N. Y. O. MUSLIN SIGNS /(NO BANNERS Buffalo. N. Y.

M. D. Drcytach, 482 Broome et.. N. Y. City,

Parameont I.eatber Oeoda Co., 467 Broome at., Sampliner Adrertiaing Company, 729 Serantb New York. ave.. New Y'ork City.


Bloom Broa.’ Oe., Minneapolis, Minn. Midr Art Ce., 306 W. Madison tU. Chicago, til. NEEDLES BoMgthal A SUrk. 12 E. 12th at., .New York, aj , wioom 193 o.xth York CltT. Weatam Art LeaUier Ce., Thiior Opera Bldg., iJioom. iiw niitn axe., .-rew lorx tiiy.

D«»>er. Colo. NOSE PUTTY LIGHTING PLANTS ^teln Coametic Oo., 120 W. Slat aL, N<

Bolte Mfg. <>»., 225 N. Dewi’lalnes st., Chicago. Tork City. J. Prankri, 224 NortB Wells st.. Chicago. III. % NOVtUIltO

M. D. DREYFACH Write for Catalog. I

492 Braewe St., Naw Yark.


NOSE PUTTY M. Stein CoameUc Oo., 120 W. Slat aL, New

York City. . NOVELTIES

_ 42nd st.. New York.

—:—-11 POST CARD MACHINES Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., SL

Loula. Slo. PILLOWS. Bjhlblt Supply Co., 509 8. Dtarhom at., Chi-

cago. Ororgia Ferrotype Co., 812 Pinkney aL, Lubila.

• G». Eagle Post Cord Co.. S-i.i liroadwjy, N. Y’, City. H. C. Evsnt A Co.. 1.522 B’. Adams st., CTil^go. jamestowa Ferrotype 0o„ 1119 S. Balsted at. Fair A Carnlxal Ce.. 126 5th a»e.. N. T. «ty. Chicago. lU. Kaickerbocker Handkerchief Co.. 106 E. -.4th nean-re*aoran

st., near 4th axe.. New York. POSTCARDS Muir Art Oo., 306 West Madison st., Chicago, photo A Art Postal Card Co., 444 Broadway, Budolpb Toy A Noeelty Co., 508 Market st, New Y'ork City.

Wmo Light-Mfg. Co. S8« OHxe. «L I^uls Mo Altbsch A Bosenson. 203 W. Madlaon aL. CM- v,4, « Madison st Chicago POST CARD AND TINTYPE MA- United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 Nortk caeo 111 ^ ^*™**1? sL. entcago. CHINFS AND BllPPLIFlk

Desnlsinea et Chicaeo III a d .a_ «. v c. oa .a Singer Broe., 82 Bowery. New York City. VniNtO AINU OUrKUIbS umJa?ia MotOT ^ Oshkib Win * Noxelty Co.. -1 Ann aL, gU,j, 200 W. 48th »t.. N. T. C. Daydark Specialty Co.. Daydark Bldg., BL rnlvftrmai Motor Go Oshkosh WU —r«iT. eianasra suae uorp.. ’JW w. sx.. x. k. x/ajusrA isprvian/ uv,, A/a/ua

Waxliem light Oo., S18 West 48th st.* N. Y. C* Amw NoTelty Co’ Inc 108 E 16th at. N.T.C ^ w’*

Baylosg Brosf & Co., iOi-TOO' West Main st., t^^TV>^ToI cl^ 6^1 W P^Uoi st POSTERS (Hand P« LoulRTllle, Ky. 7',*-X •-oS Noffi 0«nesee Sign Ce.. Utica. N. Y.

__ ... _printers LoulRTllle, Ky.

Berk Bros., 543 Broadway. New York City.

POSTERS (Hand Paintod)

PRINTERS Tha Bam Co. (Youthful Tint). Rochester, N. T. fBnidway*^*N\ ”Y?*(5lty’, Leather Co.’ Tabor Opera Bldg., National Ticket C«.. ghamolrin. Pa.

MAGIC GOODS Fxjuitable Novelty Co., 1182 Broadway. N. Y. C. Ckleage Magte Co., Dept. D, 72 W. Adama at., M Gerber. 727-729 Sonth st.. Philadelphia. Pa

Chicago, III. Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte aL, Kan Arthur P. Felaman. 119 6- Bute aL, Chicago. eaa City, Mo.

ni. M. Oropper A Sons, 13-21 Park Bow. N. Y. C

Denver, Colo.


B. L. Oilbert Magic Co., 11135 S. Irving ave., Heaney Magic Co., Berlin, WIs.

Goldberg Jewelry Co.. 816 V^yandotte aL, Kan- y, Eihlblt Supply Co.. 500 Scuth Deurborn at., aaa City, Mo. Chicaeo lU

M. Oropper A Sons, 13-21 Park Bow. N. Y. C. <-“‘Mgo. tu. PERFUME AND NOVELTIES

Heaney Magte Co., StrUo. Wla. Catalog frea. Joe, Hagn Co., 300-306 W. Madison at.. Chl- nommanB Magte Cp., 904 W. 34Ui at.. New eagn. lU.

York. Ed Hahn. 222 West Madleon at.. Chicago, Ill.

Karl Gaggenhelm, 17 E. 17tb at.. N. Y. City. B. M. Davit Prodocta Oo., 1305-21 Carroll are.. Chicago, TIL

PUZZLES AND TRICKS Heaney Magic Lo., Berlin, Wla. Uaks Magical (To., Pept. tfl, Oahkoeh, WIs.

REGALIAS AND DECORATIONS Eagle Begulla Co., IIS Naiuu at.. N. Y. City.


York. Ed Hahn. 222 West Madison at.. The Oaks Magical Co., Dept. 5.33, Oshkeah, Wla. Lavln Bro*.. Terre Uaixte. Ind. Tkayer Magic Mtf. Co-. 894 8. Ban Pedro au, C. E. Lelsen. 121 E. Main eL, Homen. N. T.

Lw Angeles, Cal, Mae Fountain Pen A Nov. Co.. 21 Ann at.. New


in ^‘“^ridge Bldg., 900-806 W. Madlaan at. Chlcaets

® SllllrB^r Col!'A''k«n''V- MiUkeaoM _Morriaon A Co.. 21-23 6. Wabash ave., Chicago,

MANICURE GETS ui. Joa. Bago Os.. 906 W. MadtaoK sL, Chicago, HI. Master Brother*. 491 Broadway. New York City.

Chicago. Ill. Superior Perfume Co.. 160 N. WeBs at.. Chicago. ortenUl Mfg. Oo.. ProvMemw K. L

PHOTO BUTTONS ROLL TICKETS Pndlln A Perry. 360 Bowery. New Tork City. AnscII Ticket Co., ^30-740 N. Franklin at, Ch'go

PHOTO engraving and ELEC- TROTYPintj Hoy,, Ticket Co.. Bhamokln. Pa-

ROLLER COASTERS The Benedict Engraving Co., 1102 Broodway, New Y'ork City. •loa. S>nin> A-W-. TOO TT. »L., , lliravu, eianivr orr-iuvr*. lirA L.ruouw«j. ;vew lor* y 11} . Wa.b rv, OAB

U. J. Ucrskovlu, 85 Bowepy, New York City. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cievs- Central Engrartng Co.. Opera Plaee. ClnclnaatL ragineenng i».. 940 Broad- John A. Ulrich, 108 W. Monroe at,, Chicago, land, O, . PH/T'TfY IPWFLRV —-_■_■-_ w—w T Partmoont Leather Goods Co., 467 Broome at., N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co.. 107 Conal aL, /-ib- Engineering Co., 940 Broadway, Jf. Y.

Ntw York City. Blngec Bksa-. 83 Bowary. Naw York City.

MASKS (IgiMfaarsdt, Tbaatylosl and CsrniyaJ)

New York. Pudlln A Perry. 360 Bowery. New York City.

Pndlln A Perry, 360 Bowery, New York City.

PHOTOGRAPHERS N. Shur# C>o.. 237-241 W. Madison st.. Chicago, r Barbesn. 35-87 E. Bridge st.. Oswego. N. T. Silver King Ndvelty Co.. 611 N. Capitol ava., gtudlo, .561 8lh ave.. New York City.

.inippert. -46 Pobper Square. New Tork City. g,‘^JX^'Vwery. New Tork City.

MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS Spiegel Novelty Co.. 11 Ann st.. New Y Fltigerald Pub. Co.. 19 Tesey st.. N. Y. CTty. Welntranb. 52 Chryatle st.. New York

MEDALLIONS (Photo) ^rf'^hi^eo '‘m’ ^ ^

(Commercial Photographic (Co.i Davenport, la.

ROUGE M. Statu Coamatle Ce., 130 W. Slat aL, N. Y. C.


- Du rhnrrhC'Q A DM ft DurhTr^ atim Hecht, Cobea A Co., 937 W. Medlaon M., Chl- Spiegel Novelty Co.. 11 Ann st.. .New York. PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTO-GELATIN ^ago. 111. F. Welntranb, 52 Chryatle at.. New York City. ERINTS, HANO-COLORING Altbacb A Itoaenaeft. 363 W. Madlaon at., Ch’ge. Western Doll Mfg. Co., 564-572 W. Bandolph Assoclsted Photo Co.. StsMnn .k. ClnclDoiti. O. Alter A Co.. 165 W. Madison aL. Chicago, 111.

mc.ueaki.iuno vi-noxoi ,, Chicago Ill. Pudlta A Perry, 960 Bowery, New York City. Zorn Novelty Co.. 524 Market st.. Phlla.. Pa

MEDICINE FOR STREETMEN Beach'a Wonder Remedy Co., Columbia, 8. C. Drug Mfg. Co. 274 N. High at., Columbual O. Dr. J. M. Tbomber, Ferria, III.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS Allan Heracbell Co., Inc., No. Tonnwandt, N. Y. HeiaeheU-Spillman, North Tonawandt, N. Y. C W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. F. L. Flack, 16 E. Woodbridge at., DetrolL


Standard Slide Corporation, 209-218 W.. 48th at,. New York City.

MODEL CITIES, WORKING WORLDS (Mlnlatur* Figures la Action)

The MiUara, 407 E. Court 8t.. Url-aua, Ohie.

MONOGRAMS AND EMBLEMS Globe Decaleomanie Oo., 76 Muctgnmery at..

Jersey City, N, J. Wagner Co., C'^rona, N. Y. American Monogram Company, 196 Market aL,

Newark. N. J.

MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS , (Stage Space to I<eas«)

NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRU- PIANOS (Electric) t",*- aaftM'T& c t ^ - /-VI- The J. W. Iloodwlu Oo., 2940 Weat Van Bnree mcNTO ^ Star Mnsic Co.. 9 East Harrison st., Chicago. Cblcege IlL

Sonophene Co., 37-47 So. 9tb st., Brooklyn. New ><irth Tonawanda Murical Instnuuent Works. jcci,,* oo.. 616-517-518 Mnllln Bldg.. York. Tonawanda. N. Y. Cedar lUptda. la.

Oin MOMr WEEK SPECIALIST PILLOW FRINGE Keyatcne Mercbaadlae Oo., 68 Bewery, N. Y. 0.

Photographic Card Co., 105 W. 47th st. N. Y. 0. Brackman-WaUer Co., 937 W. Madlaou aL, Chi Robt. K. Staubury, Inc., 164 5th ave.. N. Y. C. cago, IlL

Jo*. Hagn (V>.. 900-960 W. Madhrao at., Chicago, The J. W. Hoodwiu Oo., 2949 Weat Van Burea

at., Cblcttge, IlL


OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST PILLOW FRINGE F. U Flack, 16 E. W.iodbridge st.. Detroit, Max Schonfeld, 77 Orempolnt are.. Biuoklyn.


(Boats, Machinery, Scene Sheds A Plans)

Zarro-Cnger Constmetion Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.

OPERA CHAIRS Camle-O-mdle Mfg. Co., 22nd and Grand ava.,

Kansas City, Mo. Steel Furniture Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich.

ORANGEADE American Fruit Prodocta Co., New Haven.

Cone. Calif. Orangeade Co., 543 N. Dearborn, Chicago. Charles Oraugeade Co., Madison at Kostner,

Chicago, III. Cbas. T. Morri^sey Co., 4417 Madison at., Chi¬


PILLOW TOPS Cbi'ssicr Co., 308 W. Baltimore St.. Baltimore,

Md. M. 1>. Dreyfacb, 4®2 Broome st.. N. T. City. N. Shnre Co., 237-211 West Madlsoo st., Chi¬

cago. Ill. Singer Brother*, S2 Bowery. New Tork Cltr.



M. li. Dreyfacb. 4«2 Broome st.. N. T. City. || U UrDPIUTIl T IDinilif) Fft N. Shnre Co . 237-211 Weet Madlsoo st.. Chi- I. MtKlAN I ILL llUlUlnb lU. Singer Brother*, S2 Bowery. New Tork Cltr.

rnlt^"‘Be?t Co • 4«?r '^roidwl^" N'U ^Yi"r‘k“^ ^ “""“T * LmlavUl., Ky. United Belt Co.. 4.87 Broadway. Naw York. puritan Chciolate cJo.. Court aL and Central

PLAYS .Ave., Cinrluatl, O. American Amnsement Aesn., 50*4 When Bldg., N. Sbure^Co., 387-243 W. Madlaon aL. Chlcag-.

IitdUnai>oUs. Ind. Silver Klag Novelty On., BIX N. Capitol ave., ■ ' .. .. ladlSATpoUs, Ind.

SAMUEL FRENCH - ** Bowery. Naw Tork City.

CaVaDGGUS FIiL 21 WmI Mttt NEW YOKK CITY, Colt^ Ktato Trat A AwbIbe Oo,. 339 North

DcopUlUM §1., Ill,


IitdUnaiioUs. Ind. .


it Wnt Xath StrML NEW YOl

Motive ..Motion Plctnra Co.. 1019 S. Main Lon ^^"rher'g Orchestras. C. L. Fischer, mgr. 912 PLAY BROKERS Angms. B- at., Kalamatoo, Mich. Century Play Co., 1400 B'way. N. T.

MOVING PICTURE FILMS ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS POCKET FLASHLIGHTS AND BAT- Unlvereal Film Manufactnring Co., Forty-eighth A. Bemi, 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. TERIES

and Broadway. New York City. prpNl St.mley Sales Co.. 1.537 Fifth ava., N. Y. City.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES BERNl ORGAN CO. POODLE DOGS STUFFEf) ANIMALS N Power & Co.. 90 Gold at.. N Y. City. ratoarsHe Cardt^NTd MaUo. rauiog. nni I ft AWn TCnnv nwADft MUSIC COMPOBPn A ARRANftPn **■’ DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS MUSIC COMPOSED & ARRANGED .. ' ' m i ■■ Chessler Co., 908 W, Baltimore at., Baltimore,

Chester Music Co., 820 So. Mi^'lilgau ave., Chi- Max Heller. K. F. D.. Macedonia, Ohio. Mj. cagn III. G. Molllnari A Ron*. 112 .52d st., Brooklyn. N. T. H. 0. Fvan* A Co.. 1!522 W. Adams st.. Chicago,

(lias. L. Iwwls, 429 Uichmond at., CincinnaU.' S«m>phone Co., 87-47 So 9tb kL. Brooklyn, N.T. pai,. * Carnival Snpply Co., 126 Fifth ave..

SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO MI-583-faa gauth Huh St, Calaaihns. OhD.

SCENFiRY AND DRAPERIES The Chicago Stndloa, 19 W. 20th aL. ChIcago.Ill.

Chessler Co.. 908 W. Baltimore at.. Baltimore, sr’uT.^M*

MUSIC PRINTING Metropolitan Stndios, 91 i So. 'Michigan eve.,

Chicago, Ill. Ka.vner. Dalheim A Co., 2054-60 W. Lake nt,

Chicago. III. H. S. Talbott A Co., 2991 Flournoy aL, Chi¬

cago. Ill.

North Tonawandt Mueical In>trdmeDt Worka, North Tonawanda. N. Y.

Kudolpb Wurlltier Do., Cincinnati, Ohio.


H. Frank, 1299 Oakdale ave , Chicago, lU.


SCENERY md BANNERS rail ua what you aetd and gmi our Prieos and DL CtL New York City. Tell ua what you OMd and g»i our PricM i

Klndel A Graham. 7R.VP7 5fU,lon. Ran Francluco. ENKEBOLL ART CO.. Oataka, NehrmilUL N. Rhure Co.. 257 241 W. Madison st.. Chicago. — ■ .si i n Singer Broa., 82 Bowerv, New York City. IMwln H. Flagg Scenic Ob., Loe Aagclea end Tip Top Tot Co., 225 Fourth ave.. New Toth. Han FranelPeo. Tip Top Toy Co.. 621 W. Fulton at., Chicago. Hanna ft OlII i-Vt W. 45th at., N.T. Bryant 515-'. United Rtates Tent A Awning Co., 229 North IVerhe Rcenic' Stndio, 1718 Central ave.. Kan-

Warner C. WillUma A Co.', 833-635-687 Preepect 1. Clecnateln A Co., 603 Broadway, New Tort- at. Indlanspolla. Ind. H. c. Evans A Co.. 1522 W. Adama at., Chi-

MUSIC PUBLISHERS fU,.., sappi, c«.. IM nta. ..... Carl Flaeljer. 60 Cooper Square. N. Y. City. New York. f. Arthur Fifer Mus^c Co.. In^. Quincy, Ill. A. .7. Remofen A Co. Pt. Paul. Minn.

Deaplaines aL, Chicago, III. aaa City. Kan.

POPPING CORN (The Grain) ^*ohir*’™**" * ^ American Popcorn Co.. Rlont City. la. Fnkeboli Art Co.. 5366 N, 27th at., Omaha. N»h, Prad-haw Co.. 2R6 Greenwich st.. N. Y. City. Tb* Myers-Car*y Studjoa, 500 Market at., Albert Dickinson Co..'JT.V) W, 5.5th st.. Chlcsgo. Rteubenvllle. O. W. H. hfcClellan. K. D No 2. AraptlfHi, Neb. National Scenic Ntndlb, Box 417, Cincinnati, D. Rhotwell Mfg. Co , 1019 W Adams st., Chi- Tb* New Tork Stndio. 530 W. 59th at.. N.T C.

cage. Bush T—mins). Bmokivn N Y. Theodore Relalg Co. 62fiJ'iC'( East 16th aL. New E. B. Yfeekea Reed Co.. 'B^jx 60R, Ord. Neb. Tork City, .N. T.’

POPCORN MACHINES Reheirs Rrmlc Rtudlo, 581 8. High at., evdam- bus. Os

Holenrr.b A Hoke Co.. 1603 Tan Buren nt.. United Rtatea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Indlanapells, Ind. Deaplalnee at., Chicago III.

KIngerv Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. cc-wiLieDX/ tc* Dcni-w T/ing Co.. 1476 High at.. Snringaeld Ohio SCENERY TO RENT

*^Tii * American Popcorn C-.. Rlont City. la. Fnkeboli Art Co., w-i, i. gn-niw rv, ion wirn. ... Prad-baw Co.. 2R6 Greenwich st.. N. Y. City. Tb* Myer*-Car*y ^ i ^ Caralval Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave., Albert Dickinson Co..'.'T.V) W, 5.5lh st.. Chlcsgo. Rtenbenvllle. a

Charlea K. HarrU. Columbia Theater Building. .<irhnlmsn Printing c;!. 39 W. 89th *t..‘ N. T. C. ‘ cato. B.ish T-mtn.l Brookivn v y

ariipi^fhA nhv ■». v . v- w v In’.'" '' E. B. 'Weekea Reed Co'.. 'B^,x 608, Ord. Neb Hildreth A BecL fWpori. Tv T.. New York. Tip D-p Toy Po.. 021 W. Fulton at.. Chicago. DClPCADM MACUlMCft Monarch Music Co., Rrading. Pa. United Rtatea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North POPCORN MACHINES Jerome H. Hemick, Kl W. 46th st.. N. T. 0. Denplalnea at.. Chicago. HI. Holcomb A Hnke Co.. 1603 Tan Buren Klvlera Music Co., Chateau Theatre Bldg., Chi- Geo. Zora. Jr.. Mfr., 524 Market at.. Fhlla.. Pa. Indlanapeila, Tnd.

w2Si,;:'>r!i. * rye.,.,. . mache decorations o-,. New York City.


B H. Maylands Son, 64 Willoughby st.. Brook- Papier Mache Art Shop, 012 Bo. Graad xt*,,- Wright Popcorn Co.. 1917 Geary at.. San Fran- P. D. Ackerman, 140 Weat 89th at S. T. *• Angelefc cisco. . j. h. Beaumont, 241 Waat 40tb at.. H. T.

Amelia Grain. 819 Rpring Garden st.. Phlla. Pa. Pratt Machine Co.. 2 Biasell at.. Joliet. HL Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garda* st.. Pblladal

IXMlge and Castle. 241 West tCtrd at.. N. Y. SOUVENIR JEWELRY AND NOV> Oeo. T. Hoyt Co.. 02 8. Market et., M. H. France. 6n*J We^t r.8tli at.. N. Y, ELTIE8 Hodrt>s-Ulie Co.. 114 W. Mala at.. Norfolk. Va. N T fl. .1. r-^..rioka. «11 West t.nd at.. N. Y. Baanerman * Bo»^ 601 Broadwaj, New {> " NSa™ ^.im KrUMimuQa 41«» Last 5UU st.. N. ^ York CltJ MAf«« A SoB Idc.* 147 nltoo at.. N. x. CX VASES liatea i Jlomnite. l.Vl Weat >*0tU at. N. Y. jf,j Bloom. 11>3 Sixth are.. New York City. Nartvliie Teat 4 Asrolof Oe.. 813 Flret are.. BayleM Broa. A 0>.. T04 W. Mata at.. Loola- Wui. Kellam. .'>.0 \1 est iX)lh at.. N. Y. . Irvine Drut ker lo6 W 40th at.. New York City N*et>»llle, Tenn. ... TlUe, Ky. U. p. KaiRbt, 123 \\c»t ISMU at.. N. Y, i Bmdel Novelty klig. tJo., ttJl Broadway. N.Y 0. ^*4 ^ Uocoln ^aataaqna Syatein. 10<J N. Ia VAUDfVILLP AftPNf'IFA It. II. Luw, .102 West 38th at.. Y. rj rij: Salle at.. Chicago. Ul. . . ^L^ AGENCIES U-'h. 1476 Ifway. N. Y. rtto 111 '' •*-. Nlckeraon Tent. AwbIbj A Cover Co.. 173 * Harrle. 281 O’rarrell at.. 8as Tno-

'«■ »• ..'L'• ilunter Bros.. 481 Broadway. New York City. ... Mnrruy Mill Slii4lli>s, 488 6th are.. N. \, i oreanlsatloa SaoDlv Co 0U3 Broadwav N Y r. Northweatern Balloon. Teat A J

O ltouVke 4 l^annon. 001 West 47tu at.. N. Y. 1 p'Sf,“ PerrJ^^^’wery N^ York City Fullerton ave.. Chleago. t^ank l-Ut-T. 63.3 We.t A3ra at.. N. V. j CHy 1*“ Pbyaloe. 440 First are.. N. \. j Mnnfer Rrna. 491 Briiedwav New York Pttv ®*" 6fo. Theo. Itelsl*. 025 ^.t 15th at. N. Y. | N^^»^ht*h at.. 8t I^u’ A. Smith 4 .So^ 37 N. 6th aC. Phlli y. 1». Thomas. 1547 B way N. Y. | pmge, Broa.. 82 Bowery. New York City. Arthur F. Smith A Ctx. J»1 Canal at

V*>UB«*^Br^.^K6 WeA 2»th*^Bt*.’V. Y.‘ j’ SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS r. H<^aa. 364 Canal at^ New Tat SEA WONDERS FROM THE SEA Arthur B. Albertla Co.. 7 Fulton rt.. Brooklyn. Wer ^ek 4 RuM)^ T ' ??• r^'

nrnr, Kyle. 617 Tremont it. Ghlveaton. TexaaJ J J C . ORnC INC llt^

SECOND-HAND BAND INSTRU- ’ *'• '*• rJLlTto^J^^;’,. TENTS TO RENT ME^TS _ It aat n East 27tli St.. New Yarfc CHy. /tnd Bala

Dixie Mualc Hon... 106 W. Madison et.. Chleaje. .— GliWt" ^ * 8<«. »«

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS Ooetneto- Co.. 120 W. 31at it.. N. Y. O. Ta'ww Wi/sarw-e American Amusednent AisQ.. 5014 When Bldf.. CDriQTIIMr^ THEATER TICKET

Indlanapolle. Ind. 5>POKTINti UOODS Eeaarred Sant Co W. J. Cook. 122 W. Main at.. Elckmond. Ind. H. O. Kvana A Co., 1123 W. Adama at.. Chicafe. rv. tda-Tsa v avsek Cnited State. Tent * Awnln* Co.. 2-20 North U, C. Hunt A Co.. 160 N. Well. at. Chicago. nSgoLT •neheToo.

Oeo. T. Hoyt Co.. 02 8. Market at., Boaton.Maia.

rago. 111. Munter Bros.. 481 Broadway, New York City. Organixation Supply Co., 0U3 Broadway, N. Y.C. Piidlla 4 Ferry, .3^ Bowery, New York City. Singer Brun., 82 Bowery, New York City. Munter Broa., 491 Briiadway, New York City.

State at, Boaton. Maaa. Northweatern Balloon, Tent A Awnlnf Co.,

1636 Fullerton nvo., Chlengo. St. Iwnle Tent A Awnlnc Oow. 1812 Market et.,

St. Louie. Mo.

Shryook To<ld’Co.. 824 N. Eighth at.. 8t. Leuu' ^ *o’ ^j**^‘'*P**^^*’*; Theo. Mack 4 Son’ 6C1 & CllBtoa at. Alraffo.


i singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

r SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS I Arthur B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton rt., Brooklyn.

1 J. J. WYLE &. BROS., INC. t^icrMRiXn (A SiTTmAn h W^l,

ft Mi 20 Ettt 27tli St-e N«w Y«rk City.

SPIRIT GUM . M. Stein Coatnetic Co.. 120 W. 31st at.. N. Y. O.


Arthur F. Smith A Co.. 361 Canal at.. New York City.

F. SVkdaa, 364 Canal at^ New Tetk City. Tucker Duck A Rnhber Oe.. Ft. Smith, Ark. Cnited 8tatea Tent A Awalng Co.. 228 North

Cesplalnce at,, (kilcago. 111.

TENTS TO RENT And far Sale

M. Magee A Son. Inc.. Mfm. 147 Fulton at.. New York City.

THEATER TICKETS (KoU and Keserred Seat Coupon)

cisco. Cal. Bert I.eTey Circuit of Vaudeville Theatere. At

caaar Theater Bldg., Francieco.

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Heaney Magic Oo.. Berlin, Wl#. Theo. Mack 4 Son. 621 8. Cttntoa at., Alcaro.


Talbot Mfg. Co., 1325 Cbeetaai at.. St. LaulaMa.

WATCHES AIttiach 4 Ronenesa. 20A W. Madtaoa at., ChVe. Alter A Oo., 165 West Madiara et., Chleagt^ fU. Cutaway importing Oa.. 006 BrondNray, N. T. C. M. Gerber. 727-729 South it., Philadelphia. Pa. Joa. Bagn Co., 300-306 W. Madlaon at., Chlcage,

Ul. Irving Schrwarta 4 Ce., 1472 Bmadway, New

York City.

u r ’il.l-r t V- An»ell Ticket Co.. 730-740 N. Franklin at..Ch‘gu. ?.*

Pesplalnes at., Chicago, Ill. STAGE CURTAINS Western Sliow Properties Co., 518 Delaware »t., _ . „ ^ Kan-iaa City, MoT Loula Kuhn Studio. 293 8th ava.. New York.

SERIAL PADDLES STAGE HARDWARE rslrACamlTal Supply Co.. 126 5th av...N.Y.O. ®**‘’*“ Smith Printing C>.. 1381 Vine st.. Cincinnati, O. . m w n National Ticket Co.. Shamokln. Pa. ^ Geretner Co.. 634 Eighth nvn., N. Y. C.

SHEET PICTURES STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES J. King 4 Co., 160 N. Wells at.. Chicago, HI. Display Stage Lighting Company, Inc., 814

— — West 44th at.. New York City.

Hancock Broa., 25 Jeaale at., San Pranclsco. Reas Ticket Co.. 10 Harney eC. Omaha, Neb. Royal Ticket Oo.. Shamokln, Pa. Trimnent Press, 83 Albany at., Boeton, Maaa,

J. R. Clancy. 100 W. Belden ave., Syracuae, Wllllama A Lick. Ft. emlth. Ark.

New York. THEATRICAL BAGGAGE AND A. W. Geretner Co.. 634 Eighth ars., N. Y. C. EXPRESS

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES John W, Grlfflthea. 342 W. 38th St.. New Y

Singer Brothera. 82 Bowery, New York City. L Tannenbaum. 121 Canal at.. New York.

WATERPROOF WAGON COVERS J. 0. Goan Co.. Detroit, Mich.

WATERPROOFING Bobeeon Preaervo Products Co., Port Hufees.


John W, Grlfflthea. 342 W. 38th st.. New York Brlant Specialty Oo.. 36 East Georgia at., be CPy. Thentricnl Transfer 4 Storage for aU dlanapoUa. Ind.


Chna. Newton. West Irtth st!, N. Y. City. ^ 36th at.. New York, N. T. Captell. 948 Broadway, New York City.

J. T. Dlrkman Co.. Inc.^ 246 S. Main at., Loa Lighting, am West 62nd THEATRICAL FOLDING BICYCLES, Angelea CaL

E. U. Ileffm.inn 4 Son, 8317 South Irvtng nva., J?’to**V.„.®**** A''****i"* KUegl Chicafo. IlL Bros., 240 W. Tilth it.. New York City.

— - 3317 keeth Irvisf Avenue. Chleage, 111. .

W. P. Mangels. Coney Islan<t, New York City, _S f. Moeller 4 Co. 2«72 Rlstoo ave... Chicago. Ooy Storage (Theatrical), 22-30 W. Henry at.. C. W. Parker. Leavenworth. ICan. ladlanapolla. Ind.


3147 W. Vaa Berta St.. Chleate. III. Braekman-Weller C«., 337 Weat Madlioa at.. •msMi^w^HmnBiMwww^mwnmwemne Chlraire. HI.

SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS Fair jk ^irelv.l S.irrly Co.. 126 Fifth ave.. New

AND LITHOGRAPHERS JJ. Oerher, 727 729 South it., Philadelphia. F Aekennanijulgley Co., 115 W. Fifth at. Kan- Oold Mednl Rug Cleaner Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.


Xallajtan Expert, 1830 Washington #1., Boatoa. i^ptarnip r%e>M l UasMcbosetts. KEWPI t IKjLI. WlkAS


PAULINS Zander Bros., Ine.. 115 W. 4Mh gt.. N. T. City.


FRAMES Charles P. Bhl^ey. Xaaaas City. Mai. Monger, King 4 Weinstein, luc., 8<i6 West Visalia Stock Saddle On.. 3111? Markat, San

42nd, New York. Francisco. Cal.

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES AND WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES effects Judrgena Jewelry Ca., 83 Chaaebars at., N. T. C.

\r*o?riLr r-w .. rhii.d.inh.. w. ''♦'"iio., 226 w 4lst st N. Y. C. XYLOPHONES, MARIMBAS, BELLS M. Oerner, 7^ 729 South it., Phimdelphla, Pa. Lonlg Kahn Studio. 293 8th ave.. New York AMfl NrtVFI TIPS

taa City. Mo. Allee Prlatlag Ce., 224 E. Fonrth at.. Loa An¬

geles. Amerlets Show Print Ce., Milwaukee, Wle. Dontldsno Lithograph Co., Newport. Ky.

i ^ ' r.. L„a,, ,[0^0 Stodlo. 293 8t!i sve., .New xort AND NOVELTIES G«M Hednl Rug Cleaner Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. tTnIverul Theatres CnnceaelOB Co. 180 N. Wa- riLyVd.lltO Golding Jeyiry Co., 816 Wyandotte it.. Kaa- t^sh ave., CJilcago. TiT ' *■ Deaga^ Berteau and B. Kaveoiweod Park,

Joe. Oa^' O^, 300-306 W. Madison et., Chi- THEATRICAL UPHOLSTERER AND Dixie MoMe Honae. lOi W. Mndlnon at.. Ckleago. DECORATOR

Dontldsno Lithograph Co.. Newport. Ky. Bd Hahn. 222 Wert Madlaon it., Chicago. IIU -._w- m nth see. New York Cnie Show PrtnUng Ce.. 830 Mlealoa et.. San Levin Brea.. Terre Haute, Ind. ^^elS^SlO ;ve at ^-d

nenoegaa 4 Co., 311 Geoeaee Blvd., Claclnnatl, Ohio.

Jordaa Show Piiat, 211-218 Instltata Place, Chleage lU.

New York City. ’ TICKET CHOPPERS '**^*"“ A Co . 21-23 S. Waboib ave., Chicago, ^ x. Bright. Pruapect BMg.. aevelaad. O.

Master Bretheni. 491 Broadwae New York r*w. TICKET PRINTERS Chleage, lU. Master Bpethere, 491 Broadway. New York r*sr. TlClYtT r'KINTtrio Ni*’l Printing 4 Engraving Co., 7tk 4 Elm atn., Newman Mfg. Co, 641 Woodland ave.. Clave- AnaeO Ticket O#, 739-740 N. Franklin sL,

8t. Loula. Mo. Und. O. Chlcega. Pl^r Printing Co.. Fourth 4 Marios. Seattle. N. T. Mercantile Trading Co., US7 Canal rt.. National Ticket Co.. Shamokln. Pa.

Wash. New York. Plaaet Show Print 4 Bag. Houae, Chatham, n. Sbanley, 181 Prairie ava.. Providence,

Ont., Canada. r. j.

Weldon, Wllllama 4 Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark.


B. B. Street. 28 Brook et., Hartford. Qenm

CLASSIFIED ADS (Oontiaoed trov rM* 0)

l I «■!!

Singers At Uberty Vdvaitlmwaata. » etarde. fna rt akarft.

BARITO.V'B tUN'OER—EixperleDiwd In quartet and trio: alao minor parts; wtahlng tn lols aoiaa (oud

"T— oiirj.-s-.isi,! ..... r.s ciKnin n.. ATtnur D. Aioeraa to., i r-niioa si., nronnyw. r•_—tt— Western Show Print, Third and James, Seattla. N. Sbnre Co. 237 241 W. Madison at., Chicago. Chleage Ooatnma Works, N. Dearborn at., Parhe**"*- West VliglnlA

Singer 'Brothera. 83 Bowery. New York City, Chicago, lU. BKiTlt.N'd t«INGtai -Know SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Chemical Co.. 8t. Loula. Mo. Hooker-llowe Costume Co., 39-36 Main et.. •"‘•dJ

*■ STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. Haverhill, Mass._^ w“ire.

Kakeh^irArt Co.“m06 N. 27th st., Omaha. Neb. M. W. Anaterhurg. Homer. Mich. J, J. WYLE &. BROS.. INCs '4S^^1..4Vnt%rto E. J. nayde. 4 Co.. Inc., 106-110 Bromlway. Wth Tonawanda N T SucrXl u“erIS."A wi*

Bmoklyn. N. T. Herfchell-lJpinmen Co., North Tooawftnda, N. T. H ^ New Jersey.

Cnited Stntefl Test A Awning 2^ NortA cvSAMcrYDiOAi tt -ii. J _-^f_ 11 "IZjh Deaplalnee at.. Chicago. Ill. „ v TOILET GOODS AND SOAP ^or. ,ia^ ^ati;’

SIGNS - Broadvray, New Product# Co.. 1308 21 CarreU ave..

Herecbell-Spillman Co., North Tonawanda, K. Y,


Chicago, lU. Hoeker-IIowe Costume Co., 39-36 Main et..

Haverhill, Mass.

J. J. WYLE &, BROS., INC. Purrewior. ta 8terman A Wrij.

II and 20 East 27lh St.. Naw Vark City.

*’Nrw*’Trtk*’CTty*** **■’ ^Icer. 86 WoodWae at.. Brooklyn. N. T.


» .-a . « TOILET GOODS AND SOAP Walter O. Bretxfleld Co., 1.367 Broadway, New _ ..

York B. M. Davis Products Co.. 13<J6-21 Carroll ave.

BKJTltNa SINGtai -Rnowa hanartiy wvU: axpctl- atuwd; ptnooaUty; good appetranoe; oan pot a

number over and apeiui lines; uatlUng (no |ood: wrtia or wire. T04IMY ATCB180N, Oftaeral Oeltvary. Lao* tavllle. Krotucky.

OOUO ALTO PLAYER wlahas easd )oO wHh a 0»i carnival show. S G. UINICIOBLLB. 184 Myrtla

Ava, Passaic. New Jsr-iey. MAN^23; wife. IS; wms aEptrlenua; man aiana

tenor, {iaya etdUr; wife olevw amatMir, .IngB lana; play anything oaat for; One appsaxanas; state veur be.t. CLIFFtHlD Wl'JOHT. MonUoello. IndlanA

New York City.

SIGN CARD WRITERS’ BRUSHES Dick BUck Oo., Qaleetmrg. Ill.


John Spicer. 86 Woodbine ,t.. Brooklyn. N. T. CWcngo. lU. --_

TATTOOING SUPPLIES , ^ .12X1, . . . .. VaudeviUs Artists Brhige at., N. W., Grand American-Made Stuffed Toy Company, ^ At Liberty Advarttasmsett, 28 warda, l»ee rt ahargn.

. ___ _ *- Bleaker at.. New_York_aty._ _ Rapids. Mich.

SKATES J. H. Temke. Y|®e Ohio, the Globe T«ldy Beer 0«l. 591-8 Chrlatopher

*^..^^To"rk cTty. ^ sL, Chleage, III. Joha H. Wtliiama, Manofacturer of Henley

Roller Skatea, Richmond, lad.

.SKEE-BALL Skee-Ball Co.. 1015 Bodine at.. PhUadalphla. Pa.

SLOT MACHINES Sanlcbn Gum Co., 3624 Cottage Grove ave..

Chfrago. III.

Miller Rnbber Co., Akron, O. BASlNOtlR. Hawssrina. Kentaeky.

CHARLES WAGNER .Moater Broa., 401 Broadway. New York City. ,<7'lI^J^”^%^^'7okNNY RLNGER. fsh Baai open far vaudertlla

10 A II Chathaoi 8e.. aad 268 Bewary. N. Y. City. Ringer Bros.. *2 Bowery, New York City. *7th ftC. New York.

22s AT UBfeTr-V-w^Ule Charles Wagner. 11 Chatham fibj.. 206 Bowery, Tip Top Toy Co.. 621 FnPon at.. Chicago.

N. Y. C.


aUty kid, bUi-kfare; comedy tn aeu; only reUahle managera. JOHNNY BAIJ)W7N. 81T Lounat atrasL

Sll.-T King Novelty Ce., 671 N, Capttol eve.. Indtanapolla, Ind.

The Exhibit Supply Co.. 6118 S. Dearborn at., fhlrago. IlL

Hlllird'a Oum 3'ending Corp,, 4S6 Broadway, New York City. '

Supply Houae. 415 So. Robey at., Chicago,

SLUM GIVEAWAY | Bayles* Broa. 4 Co.. 794-796 Weat Main eL,

lonlavllle. Ky. Kindel 4 Orabain, 786-87 Miaalon eL. San fVan-

rlaco. Cal. i

SMOKEPOTS M. Wagner. 34 Park Place. New Tort

SNAKE DEALERS ! W. A. King, Brownsville. Tex i

Baylesu Bros. 4 Co., 794-706 West Main at., Phllwlslphla. PannaylvanlA lx>utfvllle. Ky. AT LinnRTY—MagiHan: aae. 38; dne apeearanro:

TRUNKS extsaienced: hnra ayperatus; like 4* _T—__,7m _a> V e, magidanac amataun. »a»e stamjm K. BACiClXY.

(P4ene Sanda Free)

Sicking Mfg. Oe.. 19.31 1935 Freeman are.. Cln- p_e <, » i vm N nth .t mirnhls Ky. AT LinnRTT-Magirian; aae. 38; dne ape^anro; rinnatl, O. rror. 8. H. IJagre-man, 705 N. 6th sL. Phil pbla. TRUNKS extsairoced; hnra ayperatus; like te oanner* with

'"*1. ’ telephone holder American Luggage Fhnp. 1436 B dway. N T C. 8ACKL4T.

The FxhlWt ’supply Co. 608 S. Dearborn at.. (Piona Handa Free) ^"iM^ew York^ * *’**"**’ AT LIBERTY -Blackface romediau: ^

M^MTo’JJi vending Corp.. 486 Broadwa,. ^’eV^^’SetS’-lnr"’*^ ^ New York City. TENTS Newton 4 Bon. 59 EHm at.. Cortland. N. Y. AT

1 a^e Supply Houae. 415 So. Robey at.. Chicago. • TENTS ^ Taylor Trunk Workn 38 East Randolph «“rSuid!5hiA*Pn.“^***^ •11 J. B. Asebenhach II.;rnees 4 Awning Oo., 349 et.. Chicago. llL WTWUY. 1»M WU^ bl. FhUadayiA -

ALUM AIVPAWAV * Plane it., Newarh, N. J. COa\lCT>Y ggtr-fiJfl *n6AK"gjrc, OLUM GIVEAWAY j^^Hcan Tent * Awning Co.. 307 Waihliwton TURNSTILES up in acU FACNCB AND FACTNCB. (tewal De-

Bayles* Broa. 4 Co.. 794.796 Weat Main at, ave.. North. Mlnneapolla. Minn. (Autnmatlo and Xegiatartng) Uvary. JopHn- Mtarort. . . ^ r __‘ Anchor Supply Co.. 109606 Water at. Evans- Damon-Chapman Co. (8accesrH)rv to H. B. Langa- EDIHB HnSNHHAW-^tary tallrt ^ A***^*^*

KIndPi A OrehaiDa 7W-fl7 Mtaalon et., Hai IVtli* ▼llle, Intf. ]ow Ce.>, 234 Mill Bt.. R^h**^ter, N. Y. for all arcasieeo: afoh omI toeel diiei aanf* rlaco. Cal. i Baker 4 Lockwood. Seventh and Wyandotte eta.. Tlalble Coin Stile Co., 1224 B. 111th et.. Oeve- 137 w> Ann's Are New T«rk Cira.

SMOKEPOTS Kansas City. Me. Und. Ohio. cOOD oBOUND TCMBlJSt-Can alna and^^ M. Wagner. 34 Park Place. New Tort . The Beverly Co.. 239-222 W. Main at.. Loula- Perey Mfg. Co, lac.. SO Churcb N. T. City. robatlc dancing. Who waMa ami .AL

SNAKE nPAI ERA I Bright. IpTOapect Bldg., Cleveland, O. Hanghm. 748 Bw«bwlrk Aan. BiuaMyn. bew Tarfc W A Kinr * Awning Co.. Colmnbua. O. iiiciii we • ilKrAtA.N—Randroff King; htetore: olertBe de^ J.', . B^g. Brownrtllle. Tex n • t ' Oarnle-Oondle Oo.. ^ and Grand ave., Kannat P’ ^ chair; ron furnluh Bne «ldertiaw for baaaarn: rtUn

V30 Waablngton at., Buffalo, (7ty. M«. Kindel 4 Grabnm. 7e6-e7 MUvlon. San Francisco. fQ, gp^u tjmn PWlF. HELMAN. Gen. Dai, Morldpi. T, , ; Dougherty Bros.' Tent Co.. 116 South Fonrth at.. Kindel 4 Graham. 785-P7 Mimlou at.. San Fran- rongnctlcut._

AT LIBERTY -Blackface comedian: paod ooeo alngw; open for minstrel, mualeal, ato. JOB OOIA), 184

Bri-ctol St., Brookb-n, New York.

AT UBERTY—VaraattU alngtag and danrt^ *► median; change oflro; blackface, arte, rtn HlBnT

WTWUn'. I»2J WUlaoB EL. FhUadalpkla. Pn._

ro.Mia>Y sSurrH T^AM—Nrg. ulk. dam*; eha^ up In acU FACNCB AND FACTNCB. OenEOl De-

Uvaay. Jopilu- Mlsaeurt.

X- n ... ... I ^''’’ffherty Broa.' Tent Co.. 116 South Fonrth at.. Trias Snake Farm. Brownwllle. Tex. I St. Ix>nla. Mo.

SOLDERING COMPOUND j ®rr«.. 644 8; San Pe«fro St.. Loa An

Bazzaneiin A Co.. 1330 Carroll at.. Roltlmore.Md. ,

rlaco. Cal.

UNBREAKABLE COMBS .imherold Comb Co.. Leomlnater. Mara.

T. G, 4 A. Repair Co.. 221 E. Mwket it.. Hnnh *'"7* <'»‘»'«»rr. 22 Beckman at.. New York ,^„,rlca. 26 DeUacey at.. Bii'hrord. New Ynck

MAN AND UTTC ladder; Iw trapa: man doubles • trombou# or baaa draMa

band: only rrltahl# shtwa. PArii P. KOLB, cars

trrton. Ind.

SONG BOOKS ! *^’.iktv®‘'‘irY.^'“ ’ •*” 136 Enat 26th rt.. N.

WSS ' BILLY GORDON- Bketch comedy pgwlucrt vatvatUe coomdlcnnn; late of the Gordon Slrtmr

act: refermcee; communicate at oeioBi Alamao Ho- tel. SL Lnula. Mlaeourl ^ttlcaJi”’lU*' *******®® Fnlt^ Bag 4 Cortoa Mills. New York. St. * UNIFORMS teT,’St Loulb MlaaDurt-

“*■ oranir. inwa l»ula. New Orleans. Atlanta and Dallas. Tax. DeMoutin Bros. 4 Co.. Dapt. 19. OreenvlUa. HL wtro i.a rnroiY (Lady and GeotJ—Has dlgam E>..e . .... SLIDES J. 0. Goan 4 Co., Detroit. Mich. P. Klaln 4 Bru., TIB Arch et,. PkOadelphia, aeu; frn aorartkaa for falra. earalvala. extraJ Etaadard Slide Osrporatlon, 308-213 W. 48th aE, HenriX-Lnabbert Mfg. 6a., 836 BewaN, Saa Fa. thgts. ouidaer ortehratlrok vaadrtinn: iaaaoca.le

new York City. ' Francieca Cal. « wr * cv, TIB n xxr.inn. e. traiie ndca IMS weitcn Alw.. FDit Warask Indiana.

Chicago, Ul.

Fa. thgts. ouWort ortehratlank vajforiBa; lenaoc j m. W. Btoekley 4 Oo.. HS B. Walnut rt., Phlla. prices.. 1364 Waltoo Aae.. flirt Wajne. Indiana.

Show Banners, Carnival c^and Midway Fronl$<^ E. J. HAYDEN &, CO., Inc.,

RCUS^Sr^MENAGER And his majesty, the trouper.




Engagement In New York City Will Not Be Ex¬ tended-May Wirth To Equestrian

Department—Three Dollars New Top Price





261-2(7 Canal Street, New York

New T(a%, March 8.—Altbo there are rtrl- Taaderlllec plaTlnf tte Celth TIts© moona otw nnnors around town to the effect that the New Tork. ninglins-Baninm A Bailey Shows wUl extend The rtrcn* opeoa at the Oarflea. Thnmday, Its engagement this spring at the Garden, The Match 35. wltt a new top price of $3, pins the ilhUboard representative was informed at the tax. lAist year’* top wa» fC.76. Last year a Rlngling offices that there is no truth in the* opener was Mai'ch 20. A record hreaklsg bail* report. It la pointed ont that even tho the neaa la looked for this season, ei^a ahonid enjoy a scnsatlqpal ran daring the five and a half weeks of ite stay here. It would be a physical impoes’UIlty to stay longer than the schednled period, as trans* portatlon and contracts have all been arranged, and changes could not be made.

■Both John and Charles Rlngling are sUn enjoying the weather at Saracota, Fla., bat are expected back next week. Big Bill Horton Is in Chicago, but le retnming to Sew Tork Sunday, it la announced. Jay Rial, tbe preee agent for the Wg show, will blow Into town about March 1C rendy to spread tho news of the Tark>n» sttmotlone.

The May Wirth act will be the headliner In the elTirstrian line this year. The Banna* ford Family is not to be with tbe show, as It has eontrafted with tho Sells-FToto Shjws.

Mlae Wirth has been offered fl.600 a week by the Capitol Theater for an engagenWnt. but la unable to accept, as She baa signd up with tbe drcm for the annuner. Sie la now in

36 Years’ Reputation Back at Every Tent


Carnival Tents 8«od fa-CaUlog and Secoad-Haad List



Enjoying Good ButineM

4K. W. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET Portalile type. For Clrcuiiei. Falls. Carolvals, s*a. SmisSh. sP adr Ilfht. Rend for Bulletin No. . *. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. 0<aii-H WIm-os.Is.

Brownie Rogers, prlrlleges. W, X. Plsher Is pre8% agent. B. D. nnbbard It In charge of the ticket wagon, with Wm. Sproula, asalatant. Harry Rhodes, side ^w door; Mrs. E. Baag. big show door; Frank McGnyre, adjuster; Frank Bmso, general agent; Dad Catting, contracting agent: Barry Bender, boss canvasman; Mltcbet Sissons, boss bottler; Napoleon Reed, cook boose; Carl Sparks, master mechanic of motor equipment; E. Haag, owner and paymaster; Prof. Hodges, eqnestrlan director. The per¬ formance Includes Larkin’s Troupe, Bodce*B Tronpe, Pay, James and Johnson; Carrie Ttn» ley, Matilda Etaig, Ethel McGnyre, Spider Mar- dello. Doc Grant, Boy Portnne, Tom Mathews, Noble Padgett, Arthur Hightower, Mother Frank, LeBoy’s performing elephanta horaea ponies and dogs. Roster of band, with D<m Esslg, leader; Ed Bcrwln, James McDonough, Panl Polan, Busty Euig, Francis Esslg, A. N. Johnson, O. B. IHnchy, James Andeiwon. Mrs. Della Larkins Is calliope player. Tbe Bagg show expects to stay out forty weeks this aea- •OUe



Against Proposed Bill in Massachu' salts To Prevent Exhibition of

Animal Acta

Boston, Mass., March <5.—Representatives of tbe Bingllng Bros.’ and Bamnm Sc Bailey Cir- cua before tbe Legielatlve Committee on Lc^l Affair on Wednesday, strongly opposed the bill to prohibit or regulate the nse or exhlMtkm of dumb animals In the.rters, parks and other

I pleasure resorts, for which the Maseachnsetts Society for the Prevention of CrRplty of Anl- mals is sponsor.

I, Judge J. Albert Brackett, who conducted the cnse for the opponents to the measure, Intro-

“ diK-ed Judge John Kelley, of Chicago, le^l rep¬ resentative of the clrcna, who appear^ with two trainers from the clrcns. Judge Kelley said that while he did not challenge the motives of the proponents he challeLge<l their wisdom in presenting such a bill when it should be realised that "an animal act cannot be anccesafnlly produced nnlesa cruelty is eliminated.’’ The propocenta had previously stated that they were

The Bally-Hoo Musical In.strument Supreme. Play willing to have the traveling clrcna eliminated same as piano, but with one-flfth the weight. ocio-Uath from the provlslone of the act. Judge Kelley the sise. yet fifty times the votume said tbet his opinion as an attorney would be

Wrtte for jCafalog F, Uliistratlng and deaalblng that such an act is nnconsUtntioDal. "There ~ have been no complaints here,” he continued.

"of cruelty to animals tbst I cannot multiply a hundredfold with complaints of cruelty to human beings.”

■Dr. Francla H. Rowley, president of the Dfassachasetta Society for fhe Prevention of Cmelty to Animals, conducted tbe case for tbe petitioners. In his opening remarks be said he Is willing that the traveling clrcna ahonid he exempted fpi>m the bill, as the cruel treat-

FLAT CARS 10-60 Ft., 60,000 Lbs. C»aeit] Stetl Tracki. iHiaM^Me DtUvtnr. Finl-Citu


Buys Four Advertising Plants


WANTED FIRSr-GUSS DOUBLE A BUPOSTER and ConstruoUon Man. Also have charge tbeatrs etagsi. Most give refcrctica. Steady potlUon to right man. Address J. FRANK BEAD. Manager. Audl- torinm Theatre, Hot Bptlrgs, Arkansan_

J. C. DEAGAN, Inc. Closet Season at Amsterdam, N. Y,



STRIKE STILL ON, LOUISVILLE. KY. AD MkiticUna wigagsd for (Mla-Floto Ctrcni rsport March 2S, Saratoga HoUt. Chicago. Othe-s srrito. a* I ml^acM some IHtm whils en routs CAN fliSTB French llorns, Clartneta, Saiophonea for Band. heorsaU atart 5farch 15. We open In CoUasum Ajsll A Kindly acknowledge this call by letter, to I oM dtsMnd on all meo engaged. C. L BROWN. Band¬ master Sella-Fioto Shosra, Boraioga Botci, Chictgia liUnota _

CLOWNS ever seen on a Midway are made by us. Write for prices

on CONCESSION TENTS! Large list in stock. Brand New and BARGAINS. Wont to hear from Clowna who are wllltng to take

me aa a partner. No esperlenoet but will go in ^ good outfit anywhere, and aalary no ohjert. Age 1*: 6 ft; ITO Iba. Will grt any propa or wardrobe nwjoa- aary. Anmver before Marrh 25. F. A SUNDBl Gen¬ eral Delivery. Seattle. Wiahlngton.




Place your orders now for the season and get the

jEST DOLLS made at remarkably low prices. 15 CHORUS AND BALLAD GIRLS

Two Soulirettes. with or without expertencei Travel with a cinnia I pay all expenaeo, HehewnaU itarv April 4 at TVeeiton. N. J. Hut* all, aalary. atn. first letter. Will buy Chums Wardrobe. »eu of tm or more. Addrrm GEO. BABTUN, 1ST Main SL. CoatesvUle, PannaylvaniiL


B. i. PUTNAM. 4M Watbbitae SL, Bsflala N. Y.

[lA CA

VLOR TRUNKS ^Sfcvit/ f/>’- (\tla'no

i.Tavloi TmnkWoiks Pit ^[ -5-^ * Mc• 1 '.’IN V



MARCH 13,-1920 Tlie Billboard 59





nOIlD STATES TBNT A AWNn.VO Ca, Chi<i«o, HI. .. . v .... ****■ Dgar 81r>—The aaoot. aide walla and leola for the Enle Tay Show arrived and an aet op and leadr for buslnaaa, and want to aay It la a beautiful piece of wotic. I have

nanr had anythlna made tvr me la the way of tanu that haa b^ compUmented on to much. Ws hare bad many Tlaitcra throuabout our euficamMut at the Mardl Graa, and all theae cotnpllinenled on the woik on the tenta . ^ .

No doubt tim tontJ n:.l be the obiect of many ordera plared wUh your flniL 1 am malUnz you dlmmalona of four more tenta, and here I will rerelre aa prompt and eOcUBt - - - - -• - •--—(Slgitvl) COX T. KEXXEDT. werti aa I received ftum tl^o abore unlef.

UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO., 217-231 North Desplaines St., Chicago, III

(laaeea. ITe haa charge of the City Perk Gun Club at Nerr Orleana, and can kill four birds oat of Are. Hla laat New York engagement wee at Niblo’e Garden more than fifty jtmra ego. Ue waa in England with the Nan Painlly of acrobata aetenty yeere ago* More power to you, John.


C. RUECKERT A CO., Succoooora. Portable Circus Lights, Beacons. Blow Torches, Gasoline Stoves,

■ Lanterns. Mantles and Hollow Wire Systems, Etc.

225 North Daaplainoo Street, • • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

J WUcoXi of the Boblneon Clrcna. hrt t..e l.aad table la the cookhoaae of Sparka b.iow.

Hank Toon* and Bed Floyd write that they

are going Wl ^ Ir.door Clrcna.

B H Hartman and W. B. Carmichael wlH opertte'the privilege car lor Andrew Downlo thla aeeeon. _

Joe Wilde with the John Boblnaon Shown, ■raaon 1914-i5-ie and 1919, will again bo with the ahow thla aenm>n.

Ool nicklln haa left the Footer Adrertlalng To. at Lafayette, La., anawerlng the call of He circue once more.

gelt Lanaten will again be an^rlntendent of tifke'a on the John Boblnaon Clrcna. Ua

“What is the matter with the dreaa stake- drlver’a union?'* Inqnlrea W. A. Atklne, of El- gin, lU. “Nothing more teems to be said about it. With all trades nnlonlxlng, 1 cannot SM why the stake.driyera cannot hare their onion the same aa billpoatera, lithographera and other employees attached to tented ezhibltlone.’*

Minnie Flaber writes the wae one of the attractions at the American legion Clrcnn, To¬ peka, Kana., week of February 23, managed by John A. rollltt, and that they played to big buaineaa all week. On the program were Pat- teraon’a elej bants, the McCune-Grant Trio, com¬ edy borlaontul bars; Kenneth B. Waite tronpe of clowns; MaBelle, flying ladder; Olaon’t po¬ nies, worked by Billie Mills; Grace Wilber Brown and her high-school horse and Joggling act; Hasliington’s canine school. Mias Flaher statea that her Iron Jaw act and alide-for-llfe were featured with the ahow and that she la contracted for 1820-21 .vlth the John Boblneon Clrcna.

From a notice In a Peorin (HL) dally we Doted that Archie Boyer, who haa been with the circnsca and played TaudevUle for many yeara, has given np the show bnalneas, and will go to Bangor, Mich., to devote his entire time to his farm. Boyer is 58 yeara of age. He began trooping in 1S75 aa a clown with Washham’a Laat Seat.atk>n. Wathbam wag the father ot the now famona Leon Weshbani. He waa prin¬ cipal clown with Bachelor * IViria. John O’Brien's and ramnm drenaea, when those white tope were etill Uanaported over the TOuntry by wagon. In later years he worked for Blogling B.oa, B. E. WalUce. Walter U Maine, Sells Bros, and Hagenbeck-Wallace shows. Mrs. Boyer, known to tl.e atage ns M^eh Selbiol, la a deajbter of the great Enropeas SelblDl family, famona bicycle artists.

O. P. Fkirington. general agent of Jhe Mar- nnro lowande, Jr., Clrcna, writes Solly aa imIows: “Never ia the history of the clrcna bnalneas bave 1 ever seen such a mob that


IT WILL PAV VOUTO COMMONICATg WITH US scrope BuyiNO anvtmins haoc op canvas ^

Whitle Lehrter will be hosa eanvaaman on the Gentry Bros.* Show this aeaaon. Whiter la mniirnlDg the loss of bU brother. lYank, who died in Beading, Ohio, Febmary 24.

Jack Hart, with the Ceramie Poster Advep* tiaing Co.. R. Liverpool, O.. will soon Join tb«; Jolin itublnaon Show, with which he has been' roimectrd for the past four eeaaons. {

Charles H. Tompkins, located la El Beno,' Ok.., writes P^lly that he was with the Me- Caddoa Shows at the “hey mhe'' In Mont- lecon, France, and that It was a stormy aifalr.

J. 8. Kobertaoo, aldesbow man, has “Wahoo,**; the strange boy from the Hlmalya Inlands, wbO riaada thirty Inches high. In addition to bSv. lag a freak, “Waboo* la a food entertainer.

Kitty May Trwta. of the Three Irwlaa, bat' pnirhased a valaable piece of land la Mlaaonrl, near tie home of ber father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Irwin. They are all waltlnf (or the call of the bluebird.

’to Penn Tan, N. T., probably the moat taiter- gntlng character la P. Mhaten, a former clrcne ninn, 71 years old. Mr. Masten haa bad S vnrled experience. He t.aired the conntiy (or several years with the P. T. Bamam Circus, then tooted to be the greatest ahow on earth. Be wag a noted atl.lete In the early reventles. One of bis “ttunts*' was to Jump from a spring board over severtl elephanta and camels turning •rer la the air in the course of bis progrees from the spr'mg board to the landing net. He waa with the show when Tom Tbnmb, the •mallcat man who ever lived. Joined it. and Intimately knew the midget and bis slightly taner wife. The orly time TVm Thumb was trer la Penn Yan. It waa Hasten’s duty to ettnd beside him and introdoce him to the alghtaeera. Mr. Maiaten then was. and stilt la, a skilled roosiclan. and for several aeasoas be played in the orcbenra which nccompanied Jenny Lind, 4hen tho world's modt famona ■Infer, end pr«l>abiy the most anivereally

_ ^ known singer who ever lived. Shows. From Harry'a line of ts'k be has some big aorprlaes In the way of opening nnmbem end walk-aronnda. to which ■object he devoted m/VMr A t t /\/\%Tri the past winter. He la making bit beadanarten I I IV k A I I I If 11\| V at 4S8 West Tblrty-fonrth atreet, where he I ^ would be glad to meet any of his friends ot

Ed and Blanche Myhre. of Myhre’e Motor Or- *>»• ^“Dtg their vlalt In .New York. -» COLORS. coa. have Koowe the paet eighteen - PvToiSm..siM t^ka to tiM W b-irlnes-i in year*. They will Keystone Show, In- jia SS-Largo. Long Alr.fclpi PW Gross.3.*!> Close their hall season varch 23 ard go to their forma Solly that Elmer Kmmbiae. eciobat. of No. T5-Hasw Osa Pir Orosa.A40

Marie Mtlette, delntr aerla1'*t, who Is spend- Qaartere at Grand Meadow. Mum., to Brothers Damm team, died at Womeledorf, Bmt Reed sticks. P« Otm.... ing the winter at borne with her mother In »•* eemraer eea- p,., December 1«, last, and fa survived by hie , Send for cw lllustr««d Circular and Sample Bal- Tltuivilie. Pa., will this coming aessej he with •?*:„ «>*■ been ia charge wife, tbtee danghters and a eon. Kmmhine ^ ‘’.TSSL-.w- .... u the Sells-Ploto Clrcna,. preaen'ing her single Irish McDonvagh. was with the 8. H. Ba-rett Show in the early K. BRODY. *******?n??’Afi«^ serial aet In the hlg show, and playing the ' elghttea, and with Sells Broa. in IMS. He end calliope. Oept. George Bray, formerly known ae Oept. bin partner then Joined the Miller. Okey Jfc

Whittier, and once the right-hand man to Freeman Show. Following this engagement he Capt. Paol Boyton. who took a hlg water show went to Europe and performed In England, to England, la on the West Craat. 'P'e show France, Aottrin and Germany. On hla rctotn wae a mamraunth aquatic production In which he worked in vaodevllle. ■n’ enonnone Lsk# waa u«ed to give the show, which was staged at K-vrla Court. London. over the very spot where Buffalo Bill stageO hla John Denier, closm. ia 00 yeere old and still first London triotnph ip 1887. doing a atilt act and Punch and Judy. He

wae a brother of the late Tony Denier, and plays fairs, celebrations and parks la and

Milton A. (Toots) Robblna wrlll be with that Harry Tbompena, silty kid clown, has ar- around New Orleans In the eummer. John Gentry Bros.' Show tbte season, having placed' rived on Broadway, ready for the opening of does n sailor's hornpipe on atllta, and reoda _ ^ _ hit pit ahow. The ibow will open a| Houston, the Rlngllng Bros.-Bamom A Bailey (Tomblned The Billboard every week witbont the aid of LACE POSTER ADV.

Frank Onuan and bis wife have left New Om leant, where they have been ependlng the win¬ ter, for Honston, Tex. Mr. Orman will take np Ilia dutiev as auperlnteadent of reeerved veat tickets with the Gentry Bros.' Show.

The Escelante Bros.' Show opened at Ban Dlcfo, Cal.. February d, for five dayi, tbefi' went to TIa Jnana, Mexico^ Febmary IS, for' five days, playing to good buaineaa at both plscea. . I

good looking and ham hlgh-claai ■art RaMsaea Ciraua, Pars. led.

WANTS Orlmul Mnalriana. Danows and TIckst Selleta. Mum be voung. wardrobw When writing send phegou Addrete W. H. MtFARLANO, P. &—Can naa ana more good Novelty ACL

The Waiter I* Main Society Clrcna, which was with the Ren Krene Carnival and flniahad the rrgnlnr teanon of 1919, le now In Geneva, O.. and la hooked with one of the big circuses for 1020 Tb* hlain Show will play In tbeaters TbxaA April 5. Bobbin# pnrc'iesed a new tent •a March beforu the tented season opens. snd four new bannera for the f-ont from tho

— Beverly Company, and wl’l feature anekCi. as Myrtle Wnaon, menage rider end cowgirl, usual. Mrs. Milton A. r.cb*)ins and daughter,

late of the Rl.oda Royal Shows, and who wilt Maxine., win be with the show, this aeaeon be wltb the John Boblneon Clrcna, is seriooviy 111 with pneamonla at the Oom- merlcal Hotel, Plttthtng, Pa. Friends am •sked to write.

TWO 8x14 TENTS g-ft vr»n. with looAB pin framo. compleve. 33S.<H>; tr wanted In crate. he eertra. One 7»T. TH-(L wait tned three weeks, S3S ftO. TVelve Cats. Id.OO. AH U» Rrvt-oln'e condition. H. W. T.tTLOB, 105 Lake St.. Sayre, Pennwlranla _

Bay Brlson, of Reading. Pa.. Informa Solly. t?at Jake Gleas, well known animal man. died shoot a month ago of Bright's dlaeaee, Olaaa' was with the late Harry Lukena Animal Show for ten years. Following the closing of thl* show be went Into the transfer bualnees In, Reading. He wee bom hi Germany.

MARCH 13, 1920


Will Use Thirty Cars This Season— Opens at Boone, la^ April 17


raider, Iowa, Maroh 6.—Tbr Taiik«« Rob* I Inwin Throe RIn* Wild Aolmal Clrcua will fo . oat aa a thirty-car Btaow this goatua. A §i. ' tlmial eqalpment has been re<:el»ed and all e'ci'-hes are now uniform frotn Uie Pnllnua gliupg. More than eixty men are at present at the Barhsuan fa;m gettlof the things la readl* negH for the neid. The show will present a wonderful api>esiallce when eOLirtleted. T-e panide equipment la the beet the show !isn erer bad and Is painted expenstrely. Additional an¬ imals have been recelred during the past few weeks from Louis Kul«, Home's and the ih-llg Zoo. 'Tbrve animals from the SelU-eToto rhow were rscolved last week and hare already been turned into the big lion art. Twenty li-ma arr used In the last big display, sixteen of them full grown male lloos. The riding beari and tbs riding leopard on the aebras, the big camel acts, the aerial Hon and ponies ara among the new animal acta. The show still re tains the polar bear groups, the puma and leopard act, together with the animal aeta used last Bcaaoo. Capt. Tlebor'n sea Uont, Ed¬ die Sauer's pigs, and the Smith dog and monkey act will be featute<l with the wild animal acts In the arena. Tom Smith has a number of leaping grcybounds in bis act this year. Max Sabel bae hts dancing horses aP In trim and the liberty acta are completed. Kenneth Waite has a nnuiber of clowns lined np and ready to go. He will no d^mbt produce the greatest

" -■ '’Yank’’ circuit


(Msnagers of Oontasts are asked to tend Thj BlJboard tbwlr dates for this list r.epresentntlen In It costs yon nothing.)


JOagstaff—Heal Arisona Days. July 1-C. C. W. Paid*, secy.

Prssoott—Prescott Prontlcr Days. July 2- 6. 8. II. Sparkes. secy,


Los Angeles—Ptampede. March 21-28. GeO. K. Bentm, mgr,


Rockford—Konndup. July 3-l(X Chas. Leo Daly, general manager.


Ft Dodge—Rodeo. Sometlmo In June. B. O. Range, mgr.

Mason City—Bouetlmft in June. B. G. Bangs, mgr. „


Rochester—Bodeo. Sometlmn In August. R. C. Bangs, mgr.


"Wynona—Botradnp. July 4. Charles L. 1 Df, Jr., secy.

Wynona (Watson l*ark)—Second Annual 1 oundtrp. July 1-4. Second Annual Fall Roundup. Sept, 4-7. F. M. Watson, mgr.


DeDefonrehe—Tri-State Anneal Roundup. Jniy 6-7.

Madison—Sometime tn July. B. C. Bangs, mgr.


Port Worrii—Pat Stock Show and Bodeo. March S-13. M. Sansom, Jr., secy.

Howe’s Great London Shows, Rhoda Royal Circus have signed our cir¬ cus agreement. All members are at liberty to sign with above Shows.

P. F. MURPHY, Int. Pres, WM. McCARTHY, Int. Secy., Garrick Theatre Bldg, Long Acre Bldg.,

Chicago, III. 42d 8t, Broadway, N.Y. City.

.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ WINTER QUARTERS, EXECUTIVE OFFICES, S Custer Co, Montana. * 347 E. 42d St., New York City S

Mack and Gerard’s Wild West CIRCUS-MENAGERIE

al SS ulownlng show crer over the__ ^ S The folding seat wagona were eu sncce^ul

* SI seanon that two more were built thia year. S; giving twenty-three bnndred capacity on tlio S long side. They are eighteen tiers high. A S new arena wagon haa been built which does

iiiiir; away with a lot of work around the abow. The m^mm Louden Ooni|iaay has completed a new ea^vas

loader for the sImiw. It Is a marveL The double stake driver and puller will be need again as will other labor saving devicee around the show, Jim McNulty has his side otaow lined up and is having an attractive front painted by the United States people in Chicago. The

WANT abow opens April 17, at Boone, lows, on and


Want Quick—Circus Acts, Biii posters, Agents, Tents

GlUman A EaUck’s Coney Island SMeBhow No. 1 opened at the BCardl Ons, New Orleans, to Mg business. Mardl Gras day was Inat ua account of bad weatber, but the show opened on Wednesday and made up for lost time. The show was located on the comer at Canal and Cliirbure atreebi, four blocks from the heart of the city. Llneu.) oa attractlora: T.o.. 41aj. mood EarL lecturer and enteriaining; Prof. Louis Robinson, magician; Roy laaltair, clown; Knrry Ulrich, assistant to magician; Betty Eari. Florence Aronson, Jnlla Krcaona .-ind Leola LaBalr, Illusions: Ooidle Glynn, Peggy from Pares and Betty Earl, as the girl with a thou¬ sand snd one eyes. Staff: A. W. Esllc'i:, gen¬ eral manager; Jesse E. Coleman, asslatant manager snd publicity; R. H. Glynn, secre¬ tary and fressnrer; Pete Riley and J- n. Harris, tirketn; Bom Ryan, ennvas and propv'rty man.



I coufuuQu wiu uv uiw xoijo^v'iQg Das ju»c Doen ognaea in 07 me mau 1* a j wv %. .. .. w 4inf winaen at xnanj COnUBta this •easone man: A. i*. Flower of DodsUa, W7., nays it a^* ®

— — the lady making the Inquiry will write him be Tx»k out for Hugh (ftrickland’s roping horse win make the necessary arnmgements. O. “* sea^c. This lis seasoe—hotno ploked, home trained and Mackle, who geta his mall In cars of the New ® consecutive year with Ivan almost ns much care as the baby. Some York oIBce of The Billboard, saya hs may be __ rss that wlU carry Hugh where he can sUp able to help the young lady out, altho he la v*-*“i,**^'

le noose over the winning og. neither a champion nor a movie actor. .T* uwse «Tcr MW _ ".Mnldooc'’ Hartman and •‘BaMy” Carmiebeal.

_ -__ . _ ,,v . « »v,. <’“ ro“d L« Tena's Clp- rfiTi ’Vrr? Hsrty Hill, the well-known purveyor of Wild cu^ have leased the dining car and the* folks

^reeeotlw TYest umuiements, vrtw for the past two sea- ^Rh the Walter L. Main Show wlU have the **• ***<1 with the Hagenbeck- •writers guarantee that they will get llrst-

K ^ “ father in New Yorlt, ghows. pssetsl thru OfnelnnaU re- class •'eats” at all Gm* from U;ein: rao naa Deen lu- ^ cently. Harry never looked better In all hla Almost every act that was with the show

SMS. hnokinw horme. have been thfl *‘^6 and seemed Jam-full of and optimism, last se^m bus been re-engaged for the comlug

£r si *-« ><>»■» »■« ^ ..m L _ _ . vrork In winter quarters with Herman Griggs

and Doc Williams, putting the finishing touches Mr. and Mrs. (Jess and May) Copplngcr write Bob Tadlock, manager r.f the Bodeo, Ft. on the paraphernalia. Ths large corp« of woi-

rom Bound Pond, Ark., that they have slimed Worth, returned from Booth, Tex., -wheTe he ingmen under their direction have rebuilt and rith Howe’s Great London Shows with their loaded three cars with wild and forked Brahma remodeled the entire show. trlng of stock, consisting of four saddle steers, for use la the Rodeo confeet. Here Is Capt. BlUy Emerson, the calliope king will jors-s. four brooks and one bucking mule, for a condensed statement of the accident on the have a new calliope. Capt. Emerson has been he concert. return trip: Late train; Pullman cr.'wded; had in the South for the past few weeks nnttinr ■

- to Uke “twer”; u>o tired to sWp t^Il: calliope with a carnival in r^lng ordfr dreamed of loading wild steers—one charged. However, be had to come “back home’'

TTamnK*Ti<l 5b fit Pt. partk'ipRtinjc tna<l^ l4»ap f'Orral fniiop, “bnnclu** Tntb ui6

in the contest- J" preiwired b> step f«.«tef In l*iilituau aisle on chin’’; came reabza- Andrew D’wnle the ovnier sn.t -e this seasm. ** has one w>re ^rpe'- Bob laughed. Remark from tho Walter L .'Uln Cln,^ has there being an addl^m ^ tnc Hammond family p,,,eagpr across aisle; “Must he crizy to fall iig Western trip and to the Ph in the pvrm of a big, bouncing bo^ who will ..m ,,, berth on his chin and then laugh Bamiuet in ChU-agJ:—jamks i7^0N ^ watch the performances fivm the grand stand it ” '-oK-ago.—OA-Mts iitKON.

_ _ * FOREIGN CIRCUSES OPEN “Overland Tommy” la the new name w-me E. V. Bmce recently wrote from NorUi little sj— York aisrch a

ef the boys have hung on Tommy Kiman. Rook. Ark., that the South American Kid Sh.'yr * • *■ Dates for onenine ac TVimmy rode his horses from Anlm->re b) Ft- Is in winter gnarters and will be new from Worth last fall, then rode them from Waco front to back. The sho'.- is Issvked with the to Ft. Worth this string. Any time the die- Moss Bros,* Hhows, whe-e It will be featured, tance Is not too great Tommy Just saddles It is intended by the management to carry them and takes it overland style, sixteen head of sf'xrk ami ten p«~ip’,e. featuring

. Mildred I^euglas end the high srho<‘l )s»r»e, “Uenersl Peeling.” Mr. Prnce further states

Joe B. Webb writes that with bis wife and that Mr. Hinkle has al«o h<»ikfd his .\thletlc son he has been spending the winter np amm-g s^ladfmn with the Mohx Hros.' .‘^'hiws. with the snowballs of Massaebasetts. They exjwt W. R. Dennis acting as manager and "Cyeiooe” to leave Hprlngfield about April 1 r«r New K.ibinnuu and tvro other *oo-l nien vorlUng tlie York, from where Mrs. Webb and h'u will (nside, take a host for Jacksonville, Fla.. P'r a brief Tlsl* with her parents, before Joining the Wal¬ ter L. Main Circus, with which Joe has engaged Ihvtgf to put on tbs concert the coming aeason. In -Ft.

___ jA»Wis.

A contest, nndsr ths title of “Real Arliona jjm. C rays.” is being aAangcd at FTagataff. Aria., otoaeh, fo- .)r!y 1-5, and extensive preparations have* Brown, already started for the bolding of the event “ttgiBh, In the way of building a large arena fem'e and ex'enalon of the grand stand bo a seating ca- ••R^.q” f -c'ty of about 25,000 people. I-utbsr Swenner <jiaucy and Eari Wrigbt are announced as general rime r' nansgers; J. D. Jackson, arena director, and owboy C. W. Pardee, secretary. pre«s L

Everything Is humming around the winter quarters of tho Christy Bibs.’ Railroad Shows et Calvcaton, Tex. Sam Bennett is working out the animal acts dally and has them in tip¬ top shape. One of the featnrss of the program this season wl’l be n mixed ^roup of animals— elephant, horse, fWo bybre^ and two dane dogs. Everett James vrlll have ^large of the band again. There will be fifteen tnusIrlaDH under his direction. Mrs. James will be one of tho fpstiir?.'« of the big *how performance, In- tntducLag her Iron-Jaw specialty. Doebeck, the tramp Jnagler. will aysln make them langb with his eccentric manlrulattons. “Blnk," wixard of the s’sev wire, baa arrived at the quarters. Nelson, thst Pinny clown. Is a permanent flxtnsg with O. W. ChristT, On Oowm alley ^'.ig . Nelron, )<•<• Hoiltli, I>>el>e«-k, KridMii'^MOk A g. ,T. Freedman will again have thssaB tul dopartment or annex.


’ and Hiindfo-d Dor and Dcuy 'Pen the season April 1 with ull

Mr. riaaidlord bus Iwec luw-y sttK'k, wUllt. Mr. Hardy has been

ment, etc. The show will travel one D«i<- Troy will have the con- c (Jmvcs tlie side-show, Charles » ring stiH-lf. H>it>ert Boms, the

be Aortal Ckheffs win bo with nice Lake. WIs.. March «L—.In oW landmark of tills city will lie iom down to make room for K now bnlhllng for the (TrixMis* Ststr Hank. Many years ago this Imlldlng wta owniV by Augnrt RIngling, father of the BIux-

New York, March '5.—Nat Bnrt«>n. of Ring- J'bir Brothers, He bad a harness shop ami he Hag Brothers A Bamuiu A Bailey fimbtoisl made the flrst set of harness ftw the hoys Shr-wa, announce* hU marriage to Florence Kill- when they started out tn the abow bualnesa. ott. Who until recently atnn-a-ed In vaudeville. It Is said that they gave their flrat “show” TRirton says they were married hi New York upstair- In the building, before the family fUty Alarch 2 by the Beverend Morgan at Hie lived In the rooms. It was repiwted a few West Side M. E. parsunuge. Good luck Ui 'oin. y»ars ago that Al Blngllhg ws* to buy this sits

and build a fliio building as a memorial to H.-W. SHOW AT YOUNGSTOWN, O. 5v'>ue^"“‘" mother, tout nothing was ever

Tonngsfown, O., March C.—T’oritracts were slgusd Monday for the rnrevr-nre here. Ikl- day, vfay 14, of the Ha-e-hc-V W'Hace Cln us. AecoWlng to a loeal hi''posting concern, it Is the only cln-ua billed he-e ao far this season, last year the Hagenlieck-Wvl'aee. RIngling Bros.-Barnom A Hailey romM-icd Shows, and the John Robinson Rhow ezbihlted here. Youngs¬ town la rei-ognUed al one of the best circus towns In tbe Buckeye State.




With Ringling-Bamum Show





Of Al G. Field Greater Minstrels After Twenty Years in Casaci(y of

Secretary and Treasurer

After twesty /esrs of (aithfsl senice lo.ttae <**pac-lt7 of Borrotary tsd tlOWror, B<twar<l Onnard bas aaasmed tbe tDasASsmest of Al O. Field Minatrela. fils pmiaotloB to that of manager v-as a very grateful aeAnowte<lrn>'‘nt oa tSie part of Mr. Field. The neld Mlmtrel Company Is noted for tbo loSa aerTtCS of its employees. There are bat terw of the principal people who bare not been with Mr. Field tor


Joe Munch, manager of Rlrerrlew Rink. MU* sankee, ruggesta a racing circnlt, followinf the w< r d’s cbampionsbtp reces. He writes aa fol* lows:

••.Now that the world’s championship taces are hot a short time distant, why not form a racing circuit whereby the real fast skaters who no d.'uht will tujie part In the meet at Columbnt. Ohio, can go from one city to another to take part In the rarca which will no doubt prose a great attraction in all the rinka booke<l. Say, for Instance, from Columbna to Chicago, then >11 waukee St. Ujuia. Detroit, Cincinnati, etc. This will prove a money getter to the racers whp a e Ik. prime condition to pot the best kind uf competlthm. and will draw heavily Into the l>'>x office wbeiehy the rink can well aflbfd to «ffer the racera large enonf'i pnrsea to make It worth while their time and eCo.ts. This wag done In 11*08 and lOOU, for I reme-nber taking part In tha wo:Id's champiunahlps at rittsburg. We would go to Cincinnati. St. Ix>nls and other cities and nsnally the fastest skatera who were sure of getting in on the money would travel In a iK-dy to where the e racea were adver¬ tised and we alwaya d.ew b!g crowds and pat np some wonderful racea which brought the •pei’titora back again the next night. 1 for one am willing to make It worth while for a ■eiiea of races In Milwaukee. Get busy, yon live rink managers. Don't let this opportunity allp by to help sopp-. rt the racing game, help the raceia and last bnt not least swell the figures on the light side *f the ledger.”


Rnfl'e R'rkbelmer, •manager of the ■world'a prikfesRinnat championship roller skating meet, nay that entries for the meet are coming In mneb better now, and be anticipates that there will be a goodly 'number of aspiranta for the title.

Bl-khelmfr states tbit donl la still holding out for a guarantee, but that tbe original plan as announi cii esrl'er wilt be adbere<l to,

Tbe skating editor has recetvf-d a nnmber of letters coacernlng the meet which, for lack of space, esnnot be published. Art Lapnay of rblladclT>hla. Carl G. Armstrong of Detroit, and Mhers have written that they agree with the wand taken by B. F. Thamenn, while E. M. Ifiponr, fo'msr well known rink manager and skate-, says Birklwlmer Is correct In bis stand. All agree that those entering the meet will rei^ve fair and it]uare treatment and that tbe mee sivo’d e 5 tie s-i ess. It la merely oo metboda that they dlaagree.

Birkheimer is preparlne a eouvenlr program in Which be Intenda to publiah tbe pbotoa of all skatera entering the meet, providing the entries and photos are received in time.


In the Biooklyn-Phlladelpbia inter-city match race held at the Broad'way Boiler Rink in Brooklyn, FAroary 12, A^nr Launay and Charlea Kelly, re-resenting Philadelphia, de¬ feated wrile Blackburn and J. J. Tlmney. Tbe first event was a half-mile scratch race be¬ tween Tlmney and Kelly and was won by Tlm¬ ney. Id the one-mlle race Launay. after m bard struggle, beat Blackbnrti by fully fifteen ygyds. In the third eveat. a two-mile pursuit race Launay, stsr of tbe visiting tsam. skated at bis best. FVrr a time it looked aa If tbe race wonld end In a dead beat, but Launay managed to sqneeie ahead en'-'agb to win. TiM tor the two mlleg was 0:84 2-0.


Mildred Olaon, 15. and Wallace Olander, IT, clever y'ung roller skaters of Jameatown. N. T., have rece'ved an offer to appear In vaudewille for a period of forty weeks, according to the Jamestown papers. They recently pat on a clever exhibition of fancy roller skating at the Moaart Theater la Jameatown and were an instanUneons bit. Tbe okaters received thetr skating experience at tbe local rink and Barry Teets. proprietor and manager of the rink, •ays he regards Ml«s Olson as one of the fast¬ est lady skatera In the country. He la analoas to match her against any lady skater for either a mile or half-mile race.


Jos Tanrey, Chicago skater, who 'won the Euro-enn championship in 1912. Is In training for the coming world's meet. He has a special match on betwreen blmself, Martin and Eckman. dl-bince one, two and three miles, to determine who will represent Chicago at the world's meet. Ttie race will be held at White City Rink on March 10. I aurey will also race Doyle at Cleveland before the big meet, and is anxloiia to a-range a match with Vercial Beaman of Bay City. I.anrey re-rcse-ita tbs Blvervlew Booet- ers' CInb in all bis races.


*‘We are bolding a big race meet here March W, 17 and 18.” writes the manager of Sparka* Roller Skating Rink, Nlcholasvllle. Ky. *'We have horked Boland Clotil, Jack Woodward. Ho^ Mk' Colston. C. Reffertno, Eddie Kmhn, Melvfai Peel and tbers. god w 'nld like to book other fast skaters. It la coating ns $800 to put thin meet on, bat wa do things bare In NicboiaavlUe. Have already M>ld about 1000 ticketn af 50 cants esch, so von aee the folka down here like the racing game.


Peter J. Shea, manager of Palace Gnrdew Rink. Dxtnilt. has arranged two match races to be held at his rink this month between font

who was awarded tbe amateur cbampionaliip Yoecary, one of at the meet last year. The contest Is for the married recently, mile championship, best two ont of three. The this year’s tri>ea other race U between Mrs. Roland Clonl, of Voscary s oesreii Akron, Ohio, and Minnie Fournier, of Detroit, SltlSiaxS-WA who woo tbe Michigan cbamplonshtp last year, ^o the show wm This race arill be stsced at tbe Palace Gardena Harrisburg, Pa., Rink daring Roland Cioni's race for a pone of caster. Pa., were $300 and a aide bet with Eddie Krabn. of Cin- Xn. Mblselle ar clnaatl, March 18. 19 and 20. Tbe first ladles’ "bow world, race •will have been held tbe time this Is .MlLI.£R-i<BSSI la print. and F. M. 8e<


IB the BrOok'jB-Newark flkttdi nc« POKJEM)’IXAK] hekl at tliB Broadway Roller Rink, Fabnury 23, ani toe bal^m.’le rcratch race was won by Jackie were manied Ms CUrke, Brooklyn, wtib Lucky Mason, of Newark, Qent oil of oecoud. The 'other results were: One-mlle SBBHK-WEIA^ scratch race, Olive Walters, Newark, flnt; J. J. manager for thi T'mney, Brooklyn. se<-OBd. Two-nills team pur- .nd "*—-

V * ' married sot Just returned to

of Brook.yn, seo nd. , Bari Ven r.rn is manxrer of the Oaks Rink KiJm” Th

la Portland, O.e.. and always glad to bm visit- Ack^ac Ing skatera. He always has two special at- m.viBr fhelr hon tractions es'-b week for patrons, besidea baving ritavkm pm t a •Ui>le-o la-d to furnlah music and, needicaa ---------- to aay, hiv rink la very popular with Portland skating fans.

H. B. Howard writes from Honma, La., that "“S'Howp’xTimT’a be baa h_d i hard time keeping bis rink goiag tbe I ast f w weeks on account of the “fln,’^ but • finis bj-Iaeas goiM considering the unfavorable conditions. H. B. wondeda why some eater- priaing link man doca not open a rink in New ‘.•J* Orleans. Why not yonreaU. H. B.T SIM.\r-HAR^

Steele and Winslow are doing a comedy roller Teaoloual d^rni skating, act In vaudeville and Juat now are , _*** playing In fie far West. Tsesmnal, _wvTe

Beport.s from Sui Francieeo an t» the «f- feet tb t tl.e Dreamland Rink in that city Is TOMmOINtMiA <Klng an cx<’ellent bnalneaa. member of Har

0. M Lowe tat moved bit portable tfi No- fompoixy, aM wata. Ok, wero married a

The Skating Macks, who have been appearinf in vaodevtlle on the Pacific Coast, are heaM ^ East. They are appearing at the Casino, Salt *5^ Show Lake City, this wee^ with Denver and l^eblo. Oojo.. to toUow. fheir act Is booked with ^TCRNBB^SS

Playing Select Stands in Floridm—Re¬ port 1920 Proapecta Good

Since laun- =og tbe 1920 seonm at Miller, Oa. five wee ago, J. O. O'Brien’s iMlaotreU have pUyed some of the moot select mots along the line. Tbe show is now in Ita fourth week in Ooutbern part of Florida, with bnotaeae all that can be expected. At the present time the company carries sixty-five people and a 70-faot round top, nrith two Sb-toot mMdlee. It to transported on fifteen motor tnicka, and is generally regarded aa one of the moot complete outAta on tbe road today. Tlie advance crew ban been doing very creditable wurk. Tba execntlve staff constate of J. O. O'Brien, propri¬ etor; John T. SalllTon. manager; *>laa O. Elli¬ ott, gweral agent; John Cory, bookkeeper; Ohaa. P. Uollaway. band loader, and 0. E. Mc- I’beraon, stage maaager.'


Al tint writes The BHSwerd tbet he has sigued with John W. Vogel’a Minatrela for next aaasoo.

Gna HUl’a Minatrela pafid tbetr drat •vlait to Sandnsky, O., Febrnary 23. and delighted a packed bouse,

W. O. GalhUier. of F^ll River,, is back aguln with the Joo. O. Hertteit Greater Minstrels, after a lengthy Itlneso.

Cleoo Coffin, baritone, will be under the ban¬ ner of J. A. Ooburn’s Minstrels toe balance of tbe season. It to said that CbfllD la engaged fog next settwm with that orgarisntton.

L’mler the personal direction of Roy Elwood. ventiilonulBt, the Elks’ Mlnetret, given at the Opera House in Marysville. O., March 2, proved a roaring sneoese. Mr. Elwood’e ventiwiutot atnnt was a fentnre.

P. McWHIlante has written the Chicago Of¬ fice of The BlllbMrd from Raleigh. N. C., rela¬ tive to the -\1 G. Field >nnstrels. The Wg show has re -ently beaded eontoward, after A tour of the litatca of New York ana Penasyt- var'a.

Mr. McWilliams •wrote that tbe show played two nights and a day in Raleigh to (I, ^ Oi hnslnew. vrttich, ho mva. baa followed the tone

(OootlDfied from page 40) memi

Shows, and Florence Elliott, ectreea, vrere married at toe Weet Side M. B. Chnrcb. New York City, -March 2. The brUe nntU recently « appeared in vandeviiie. Tni,rr<

•OOLO.SIIMO-WINrBR. — Jamca Oolorimo. cabaret owner, and Dale Winter, for many t-s-„ years tbe etar of his cabaret, were married to- CYown Point. Ind., recently. Jfrv. Ooloelmo was formerly a vaudeTlIlian. Tikto to Mr. Oo- looimo’s second marriage.

CRAIG-DBI.DOT—Howard W. CTalg, cartoon¬ ist. and Alice Delcoy, well-knovm singer and dancer, were married recently in Chicago. Tbe To bride was Identified with a number of mnelcal pomK comedies p'ior to going to Europe where ebe 22. finished her vocal training. The couple are Simp •pending their honeymoon in the South. To

DORBETr-KRtTISG—Harry Doraett, and recen Clara Keating, formerly of Golden A Keating, tion were married In Wheeling. W. Va., some time Play( •go. Mr. and Mrs. Dor^tt are in Cliicago 'll) breaking in n new vaudevUto act under tbe boy. name of Keating and Doraett. Mr. Doraett of tt spent four years with tbe Canadian army to To France. potmi

HTHBNLAC-DOSAJ.nSON — Jack Elsenlan, Pehn well-known actor, and Grace Doualdsoa. non- man profeaaional, were married two week* ago. The To couple are spending n brief booeymoon at the ono-t home of tbe bride to Paasdena. OaL been

QATCHELacn^CRNB — Charles Gatcbel, and editor of morion pictore plays, of Street A elee.



In Us* In All Parts of th* Wsrld

^No skates so durable, none so easy ^ to handle. Scientific oonsiruction.

More pairs can be used on same floor qiace. Establidied thirty-six years-



Sprina i •teelfoel- plale. ntU natthor beeklenor brank; anaraatoiA Mem^to Poet No. 1 of the Amertran Legloa.

TROMBONE. BARITONE, CORNCT Two Clarinets and Trap Drummer. Address J. F. UNRUH, Band Leader, Reaver A Kelly's ''Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Show, Box 602, Colfax, Iowa.

conducted on Business Principles pays a larjje return on a small in¬ vestment.

Writs for Cstslog.

Repairs lor ALL Mikes of Skifcs. BUY, SELL ROLLER RINK OUTHTS Hava au Hand Organs. 2.000 polni Skatoo. I maho It an OKJEtT to tupply NEW Hkateo, any make, diract from ractovlea 1 WANT S Portabla Kinks. Krn- ron'a prernrod; alto fomula for ptna floor preowto iiou. .iehmb L WALTON, Oflwal Dettvoiy, Log Anfeto, California

SoetUa and Ughtlng BfracU. toarvUdne In MinaliW Supplies. Write for 1910 ">Qni4ral KtffnUiMte." HOdKER-RoWB rOflTTMB CXtMPANY, bos TOO. OaTwhlll. Modeaefauiatta.


KjHBI The ore li;i Uncle Eun’i Eii- teitaloer p I e 7 • Victor or C04Uia> bln BcoonU.

tsi Mtta Pim Mieceo


new equipment added to the ride. The dance Swimming Course for nse In parks and summer SKELLY MFQ. CO. parJllon, roller rink and carousel are being Im- resorts haviug lakes, rUers or swlmmly proved. Boxing shows and vaudeville will fea- A patent vras Insued to him February 17. With lure the bill at the Uieater. W’ltn the best Mr, Lipplncott’s device a continuous current baif-mile race track In the district on the Is produced thrtK>ut the s^immina course, thus frounds, speed events of all kinds will be held, matetislly aiding the swimmer. It Is Mr. Lip*

head ef horae. are ii^>w on the groniula, plncott’a intention to Install hi. courw at aome The dance parlllon, operated thraout the year, aommer resort thla aenaon—poaalMy at Oalvea- haa been featuring the best traveling orchestras ton or some other point on the gulf,'and event- obtainable, and was crowded nightly thmout aally to place It at hundreds of parka and re- the winter. A free gate la maintained at the sorts thmout the country. park and a number of large gathering, have “I am sore fr>ui my knowledge of aquatic been booked for the summer. . . sports and especially of swimming, that my



Did yoa gat your ahars of buslneta laat waaonf Wri you get your share thla seasont Ws furnish pluia at a moderate eosl to revise your place, or plant for all nesv. devlcta. or building coumleta.

ELMS AMUSEMENT COMPANY. 5M Ellieott Seuart, Bsflala. N. V.

To Be Establish^ at Margate by J. Henry lies, C# Ce Bertram and Other


J. W. IJppIncott. of- little Rock, Ark., has Invented what he calls the Endletut Down Htream

Kewn comes from England of a big financial merger at Margate, whereby The Hall by the Sea and adjoining grounds, tbe Kendezvona, CliftonvT.Ie Baths and Cinema, and the Tennis Courts and Bowling Alleys at Dalby Hquare have all been acquired by a powerful and in- fluentlal lyndlcate of flnamlers, headed by J. Henry Hea, the man who trou^t Luna I’arka and ecenic railways to Europe.

(Mr. lies built the Luna I'.irks In Paris, Bms- sels, Petpograd, Cairo and B«rlln. and most of the aoenlc railways and figure eights in Eng¬ land. as well as taking a<'tive part in other activities of bis circuit, which Include, every branch of recreation and amusement. C. 0. Bartram, one of his asscHdates. ha. had mnch experience in various amusement lines.

It Is announced that Lord Gtorge Sanger’s famous Hail by the Ses and Italian Gardens, to which has been added fifteen acres of ad¬ joining gnmnd, will be developed as rapidly as labor conditions permit, as a huge amnse- ment i>ark, to he known as “Dreamland.” Mr. Bartram In speaking of the p-oject said: "We are going to try to make It a place where showmen’s dreams of wen’, h. comfort atS Bapptneaa come trae.” Already the largest scenic railway la England is in coarse of con* atmetkm.

•Ibe Bendezvoos Ground will be an old Eng¬ lish fair, with elabiirate scenic display, en* tlrely relighted and furnished with ornate entrance gates. The Cliftonvl'.le properties will be considerably extended. A Pierrot pavilion la to be erected at each of the company's four properties.

Money - Makers Two Ansteiborg Slrlksts In one Meson took In one

tS.OOO.OO without a cent for upkeep, exc^ for tep

ruhberw Do you want a sturdy, dependable suikevr If so. get the “Ansterburg.”

M. W. Anstsrburg, Mlg., Homer, Mich. FOR CAROUSELLE OWNERS

Are yon ready to cash in on the Record- Breaking Oomiug Amnaement Seasont A Wur- Utter ^ad Organ wiU attract crowds to yon with its “peppy,” dashing Popular Airs that are aU the rage.

Be-d no your Band Organ and we will lm« mejiately furtith estimate for puttLsg it in perfect oonditicn for this Prosperous Season.

Writs lor tpseial Ias4 Orpi lilsntes.


olumbiafark STYLE NO. 129.

(Fonnviy Schotzaa Park. Ualog HiU)



At Deg Moines To Open May 22—Aero plane Coaeter le Big New Feature

Des Moines. la., March 6.—Omer J. Kenycu who will manage RIvervlew Park this year, an¬ nounces that the park will open about ijny 2- with niany new concesslona and new amusement Mean la evidence.

Tbe big new feature of the park will be tbe Aeroplane O'uatcr, owned by Eli Bookey. This ride la being constructed by Miller A Biker, builders of high-grade rides, with E. F. Bayne as auperlntendent. Tbe bulldors state that this new tide will be <ne of the safest ever built an I that no faster r'.de has ever been devised.

“RIvervlew Ps-k is ore of the most bean- tlfnl parks in America,” says Mr. Kenyon, “anI an ideal place for plcnlca and outings, and It la my intention to book every outing of any Importance f.r the aeaonn there.”

Big aensat tonal outdoor acts wilt be booM ■a free attractions thmout the season, Mr. Kenyon states, with now and then a traveling band which may be playing In this territory. A large sum of money la bring spent in le* bnUding, redecorating and repainting thmout the park, and Mr. Kenyon la of tbe opinion that, barring imforseen clrcomstanoes, this popnler resort eboold bang op a new record forB<>*l-


Philadelphia, Manch 6.—Point Breese will open its aeaean tbe early part of May. Jobs Komle, lessee . and geoerali mojiager, enters aii>on his third year of successful management of this popular resort. He is popular and well known among park men, knows every angle of the park business and gives his patrons meri- toriona attractions.

Everything about the grounds is being put in shape for the big opening. Improvements of many kinds are In evidence—new buildngs, walks, etc., all over the park. All the concea- fdon booths and amusement devices have been redecorated aod present a most pleasing appear, ance.

The new big features will include an OM mu ride, 1,500 feet tong, and one of the largest dance balls in the State. The latter Is DOW under constructl^m and will occupy an area of 14.000 square feet. Music for the dance ^II will be supplied by a large orchestra. 'Bond Concerts also wiU be given In Che park, es In former seasons.

The patronage of the park will be drawn from a population of 2.000,000 people, and, with excellent r«r service and a Government boule¬ vard to Hog Island Shipyard. Mr. Komie is rooddent that attendance will break all records this year.

The popular motor races In the Velodrome will again hold full sway, acd the line-up of eoBcesaions and rklea will be the best the park has ever had. The picnic groves also have been greatly Improved. A small army of workmen is engaged in getting everything In shape for the opening, and it will be a practically new Tblnt Breeze Park that will greet the opening of the 1920 season.


To Have Amusament Park—Local Buaineaa Men Form Corporation

Bainhrldge. Ga., March 6.—A corporatlci eompoacl of local bnsliiess and professional men baa been formed for tbe purpose of eatabliablnt aa amusement park here. They have purrbasej DToperty known aa Lake Douglas, two miles nom this city, and will e^ect on the site a akatliig rink, swimming pool and other amuse-

OERE’S the very latest quick and sure r Rmi wimw In— ^ ^money-maker—Whirl-O-Ball, the au- Rtisrii tomatic “loop-the-loop” game. Every Sail DrMi Plstst body plays—men*, women and children Arcate

of all ages. Your receipts are all profit, MfSll tui^

Evep^ feature of Whirl-O-Ball is S!Iita|*2llirisi automatic—no operating or upkeep ex* Vmi Dm IsSostt pense. Has Automatic Coin Collector L.— Automatic Scoring Device, Automatio . Ball Release—instantly adjustable to deliver 6, 8 or 10 balls for each nickel. I

Each Whlrl-O-Btll Game masaans *0 fL long, SH fV wlds V ^ and TH fL high at loop; so compaol that S is 13 dunes eaa bs Installed In any ordlnoiy rooa cr tenL Each set up in M min. Wotffat. 900 lbs.; In thres ssetlona Chipped uywBer* Rf fMIM fit iMMA

$5 to $10 an Hour On Each Came Is the totnlnf eapscity ef Whirl-O-BalL nie bivsrtmeni reoulrsd Is nnasQally medsraia to view of the big preflts. Bis seaatm to "cash In" is hers. Writs at once for eatalec and prlaaa

BRIANT SPECIALTY CO., 32 East Georiia St, Irifiapapoiis, Ind.


THE "FANETTA” FOR EXCURSIONS New York. March fi.—“Zip,” the P- T. Bamum ’’What la It?” is going to Coney Island for the snmmer. It la learned, to join the Dreamland Circus. It la understood that B. W. Gumpertz has signed him for appear- ance there. "Zip,” who la now appearing In the Broadway Living Carlo Palace, la sa'd to tave passed hla eli^tleth birthday, altho no- twily knows his exact age.

Akron, O., March 6.—The, excursion steamer “Fanetta,” which for many years plied the lake at Silver Lake Park, Is being overhanietl pre¬ paratory to being placed in operation at Spring, field Lake. The owner of the stear'cr announces that the steamer this year will m;ke r nn.1 tripe about the lake, from Sawyer-oed t'> t>.e pavilion rides. The Fanetta was former’v the Silver Queen at Silver Lake, but was ivild bv C. H. J.odge. owner of Silver Lake P-«rk. when the park Interests were liquidated. Dincing will be the main attraction on the boat this snmmer. Trlug will be started probably the middle of May.


Wichita, Kans., March O.-rMre on the morn¬ ing of Febmary 24 caused the death of aeveril dozen wild animals at the Riverside Park Zoi and partially destroyed the loo bnllding. The lOBs la estimated ut* flS.OOO, with practically no iaanrance. JUNCTION PARK

Under Direction of Paul Engle for Third Year


Walter Stenning, WelNKnown Amuse ment Man, Has N^tirew Escape

From Ujath New Brighton, Pc., March fi.-^nnctlnn Park.

;hp only amusement park In this section of Western Peunaylyania, will open late in May for the third year n-der the direction of Paul R. Engle aa lessee and manager, and bids fair to have a auccessfni season. Mr. Engle last year purchased the roller coster, previously op¬ erated by tbe Junction Park Amusement Com¬ pany. carried over 50,000 riders last season, and extensive repairs are now being made and

From TTallfax. Novla ftcoHa, comes a letter from Walter Stenning. thi> well-kno«Ti amus»v meat man who ns'ontly sailed for England on tbe steamdilp “Bohimilan,” in which he tells

(Oontlancd on page 83)

For Sale at Summit Beach Park, Akron, Ohio. r to operate. Onser gotug Into pork bualr.eaa. K. P, KAHLKE, 411 Mawnle TobifIs. dyrla. Ohla.



ID Cllurch stftft. Ntw Vw

march 13, 1920



dre:a.ivil.aimd .park


Elect OfficerB—Plan Circua To Tour West Virginia

Indodlni Lord Omitm {tencn's Punoiu Uall by tbo t*eaL. Rrmlo Ballway. Roller Conater. lUfer Carr*. Palala d« Etenre. Uoum al Noiurnae. Caolno. Joy Wbeol, Bkatinil Blnk, Cinema, Huae Dlnlnc Hall and IS Arrea ot Hport and RrcreaUoo Orounda

SEASON MAY TO OCTOBER A glortoua o()|iortunlty for Amrrtcan Htiowmeo to rlalt Europe and make the Joiunry pay the

axiimie. WE want Natir* Yinaara, Animal Shorra, CndryBound Chinatown. Whip. FtoUe: Ortr tba

ITalH, Old '49. Freak Show. Camea and Cenerwdona of erery deeirtpUon. WE HAVE THE SPOT IF YOU HAVE THE GOODS. Appll>-atlone. with full deHRrlptJoa.

dlmMiKlona and ptroloa. to C. C. BARTRAM. 210 Straad, Landoa. Cabiaa. Itetlao. Leadaa

Parkcndmrf, W. Va., March 6.—Tbo Cordon Fliera, Inc., organlxed by electing Bob Cor- dia. preaWent; John Maruhall, aecretary and ticasorrr. and E. K. Staata, Itgal adriaer. Di¬ rt ctora elected are Bob Cordon, John Maraball, E. K. Staata. L. II. Tlarria. R. D. Weat and C. d" KOrrer. W, L. O. .Sinith, a repreaentatlTO cl the Aero Club of Amerifa, baa arrived hero t>> take atepa to form a local Aero Clnb.

Extensive plana have been made for the com¬ pany's activitlee. One of the bigeeat flylnx clrcu-es ever held In this country will be held here about April 1.

Mr. CrTdon leaves soon for Uncoln, Neb., to fecore his planes. These will be of the free patseoErr varlets with pilot plane aud advance plane, which will go ahead of the circus to make arrsnyements in other towns. Mr. Smith will be aaeociated with Sir. Cordon In the work of bandliny the adran « plane. After two weeks here the cirrus wilt yo to other towns, ir.cludiny Clarksbury, Charleston and Wtieel- iii(. TNrenty of twenty-flve towns in the State will be visited.

An Aero Clnb win be orranlaed here. It wHl hsve a club bonne and laudlny field, with prac- tiic planes and an Instructor for tbe memoers. An sir passenger sttvlce line will be established between tbU city. Wheeling, Charleston, Hunt¬ ington and other cities in the State. A Mg twenty-fonr parsenger Caproni triplane wiU car¬ ry the passengers.

Ceorgo Singleton, advertlalng agent of ‘"rbo Love Doctor,” la still biding away from' the cold weather—or waa a couple of weeks ago. lie reports tbe show doing good bnsiness in tbe South, principally FVirida.

E. Bonnenburg is tbe new pnbUcIty men at the Garrick Theater, New York.

C. A. Thompson, that hustling agent, la pilot¬ ing the liana Hanson Players tbm Western Ne¬ braska, and reports nice business.

Tom DeWeese. who Is blazing the trail for tbe Princess Stock Company, says basineaa lias been good thm Ohio. Tom it an A. B. A. member and groud to let the world know it.

Another sign of spring. L. H. Semon has closed with ‘‘The Shepbe^ of the Hills” (East¬ ern) and will open soon as special agent with the John Robinson Circus. L. U. is a grandson of “Pop” Semon.

Harry O. Seber. who haa been away from Sontbern California for the past two years, most of the time ahead of "Munlork. the Man Who Knows,” Is back In Los Angeles renewing old acquaintances. During his absence Mr. Sebers has been In almost every State and every city of Importance, in tbe capacity of general agent. He Is now publicity manager of tbe Hip Theater, at Long' Beach. Incidentally. Harry found time to marry Blossom Wilson, a Clever little vaudeville performer, while on tbe road. Miss Wilson has just finished a tour of tbe A. A H. Time.

Now listen to the oldtlmers anlff. Press



inici Fm Hobsbs for Aiusraeiit P»lis—THRU THE FALLS ZARRO-UNGER CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC., P. 0. Bex 285. PMtiburtli. Pa.


Have Exh'ibits at Aeronautical Expoei' tion in New York



Major H. W. Sobroeder recently shattered the world’s altitude teeord at Daytoa, Ohio, when he reached .18.000 feet, which is said to be 6.000 feet higher than the world’s record. After rcsrhlng that altitude he became nnconaclons, falling over five miles. The sudden change Of air pressure fmm lem than three pounds at 36.000 feet to 14.7 pounds at sea level, caused the g.vsollne tanks on his plane to collapse. Jolting Major Schinedor hack to bis senses. He then r ghted tbe plane and glided down to Mc¬ Cook rieM.

When picked up he waa apparently lifeless. His body was nnmb and his eyeballs froaen. tie was rushed to the hospital where It was found his condition, tbo painful, was not serious.

discussion were George Hickman, manager Keith’s Palace, Jacksonville; O. W. Hall, man¬ ager Edna Goodrich; Ed R. Salter, press agent Johnny Jones Ezp<^tion; Dave Cohn, agent Johnny Jones Exposition; Alan Arts, manager “My Sweetie;” Kid Bedwards. agent Al O. Fleld’a Minst-els; Charlie Higgins, Al G. Field’s Company; Waller Early. Helen Keller Com¬ pany; Charlie Baron, agent Eidna Goodrich, and Sydney Wire, dramatic editor, Florida Metrop¬ olis.

Tbe erndite Townsend Walsh bat closed with DHUngham’s "She’s a Good Fellow” and Is do¬ ing the advance work for Eugene O’NeU’e new drama of tbe sea, “Chris.” Needless to say he is happy, for he takes to highbrow drama like a Ml«-*'>nri':n to Bevo.

Stanley F. Dawson, who held down a “grind box” with the Kingllng Show for many season*, is new tbe “Victory Belles,” a Cclumbl.a Wheel burlesque attractWn. Being of a thrifty turn of minti be has bit upon a^new derl'e to Ci'mhnt the high cost of living. He no longer sends his collars to the laundry. Be has them sharpened.

William M. Koddy. preae representative of tbo Ed Wynn Carnival, says the onraival has caught on big and is slated for a New York otming the middle of April. W.vnn wrote the book and songs end be basks in tbe spotlight, too. He announces that he will do a new piece next fan that win be founded on the life of some big historical character. Lincoln has been ap¬ propriated. as haa George Washington. Robert K. Lee and Genera! Grant do m-t lend themselves to musical surroundings, so Wynn has decided King Solomon. Solomon’s hundred wives be

WITH expect, !<> use In the chorus. William Henry Wright, popularly known as

C* “The Deacon,’’ Is managing “Ben Hnr” and It .11.,. r .m.tM 1* reported he Is unusually contented, for the tiler t-ciaiiii* atmosphere appeals to him strongly. Being a

student of racing he Is Invariably an Intereste*! eX'ectator during the chariot race. n Walter Duggun 1* the only agent In capHrity that sports a trench coat. It Is bis constant companion while he Is promoting publicity Ahead of George Cohan’s “The Iireslstlbic

AotMi the river frem tha largest manufacturing town In Eaatem PeonvIvanlA.

NOW BOOKING SHOWS FX>R 1020 Open In March with .\ndy Ruiwl’t Show, under auspices West Manayunk Firs C«

C. A RUDOLPH, Mar.. SO RIvw Read, West Masayuak, Meataeaitey Ce., Pa. Pkeee. 9SB J Mk.


FVs* gate. Open aewen dan a week- Good ear^feiTtoe. Good auto roadx

akei. The foUowlng Conramlana are wanted: Photo Gallery. Japanese Ball

lorse CarauMl. RTwei Coocesalana need not apply. Address



The production of the rnlversal 81m. “The Great Air Robbery,” in New York City, Teb- ruary 10, marked the beginning of a regular and extenstre use of airplanes by movie com- ^ ranles, la the opinloii of Carl laiemmie. President ■ i of tbe Cnlvenal Film Manofactorlng Company. H j

Tbe Air Robbery picture, featuring Ormer ■ locklear. !« g film with a genuinely dramatic plot, anfflcleat In Itaelf to compel attention. Exceptional aerial arenery and rlcira ot malt Stations, prlrate bangara, etc., of the future lend scenic and prophetic attractions to the pro- dnet'on.

“1 took the airplane out of the weekly news rlctnren and pot Into legitimate film drama heratise I believe It has a place there." said oi.*. Mr. Liemmle. With the aid of Ojlrtlss planes , we have been able to show tbe possibilities of Ing.

HIGH STRIKERS-GET YOHRS EARLY Sending your order NOW foe the NTW 1920 ’’MooroMsde" Striker will make yoa RIAL Sl'RE of setting a lUsh Striker in time for tbe RIO MONET DAYS In the Spring. Send for catalog of new Oamee for 1920. It glvee pricee of all eiaeo High Strikera. Smd eUmp. Addrew MOORE BROB.. Mfrs.. Lapeer. Mleklgaa.

Big Time Orchestra lece«. All Btars. Open for summer engragement. Dancing or entertaln- A card will bring particulars. Address BIG TIME, care Billboard.

praetka] aviation as 1 believe It bae never be¬ fore been abown. It le Inevitable tlwt other film compnnle* should adopt tbe earme policy. Each company In time win have itn own planen and pllota fer filming.”

Locklear, who taken tbe role of an air mall pilot la the Air Robbery, naes Cnrtl*s JN’a for the performance of hig aerial feats. The changes from plane to plane to which he effects are 'Ital to the story and not merely aerial aero-

offered for their Own interest. The film has already begun abowlng la Cbl-

rsgo. Milwaukee. Minneapolis, St. rani. Cleve¬ land. lo* Angeles. I’Ittrtrarf and Atlanta. Ga., and ban proved remarkably successful. In Mil¬ waukee the crowds have broken all past records.


Hlnefleld. w. V*., March 0.—The BlnetleM Aero Club. re<-ently Incorporated, has pnrcbasel * Curtiss airplane from the government. It will be piK)ted by Wllsun Dun. a local boy, who acquired a pllot’a license while la tbe govern- tiient service. After the war be made Rights for tbe rnlvertal Film Oorporstlon. It Is ex- I>e- ted the first flights will be made about April. It Is the plan of the corporatl''n to engage in _ _ psHsengsr carrying and to five exblbltloD Olfbtn gttliBSte. •t fa.ra Bhd celebrattons.

THE LATEST AMUSEMENT RIDE. ConiMnce Tluin, Action. Pleasure and Safety. Larg-> returns on moderate inwetmaot.

FINELY EQUIPPED SKATING RINK. BOWLING [H I ALLEYS, PHOTO GALLERY AND THEATRE rnneesMon* wanted. No Mheela. Hava space for Penny Arcade. Anythlns lo- ulars. Addieaa

J. C. CAROCN. Mangf* Lakawead Park, Dnrbaai, Narth CareRsA

A Department Devoted to the Musical and Amusement End of

‘Vhich, in Conjunction 'With the Privileges and Concessions. Constitute The Billboard’s Chief Concerru

BIG ATTENDANCE FINANCIAL AID free f*iir end KepnbH-? Oonaty w*s Oie fli>t be pwwfble to bare eiblhlta and an>iifenicat« eoonty to take edTantage^d the bill. at piRht, aa the a*wK'a»e'D will make ar»

On f'atnrdaj. iV-irtwry 21. a yaal crowd of tha raafementa t«» buve ele<-»rl<- Uahtn put Into clUaens of ItefiobUc County caine to the Court the sr>ejnde. The artMiolstlor. aele«-te<l file Ze1<I- iicuao to diie tjwa i.ic c;.ui.<T *'f comluctiu; the man A IVillle ExiMihltlon Shown, inaklny ar*

foonty fair and to inork for the perfectlmt of ranyements writh Felix Biel, aeneral agent of nn oryahixathio. , ’’ * ‘ '

S. J. Ward. T. J. Charlea E. A. Campbell and tha old aei'retary of the Tair, Dr. Barnard, -were appointed *aa a conunittee to draft enit* aide by-lawa and cooatltuUcn.

l>r. Jardiae. of t.’ie Kaoaae Oollefce at Mannattan. waa Sere and gave an addreaa to >he crowd, adrlaing ttie bext way to get \Tie fair under way ao that it will b« a bejieflt In a Urge way to the farmers and tax payer# of the county.

••When tha „ ‘ wrlll see one of the largest county fairs In tho

Slacon, Oa., March 6.—Rtepa toward bringing etateoof Ka&sae.” tayo Br. £. *^^ Kalla, fair# In Oeargln to higher atandardH were taken at the Ccnytntlon of the AsaociatKin of Georgia Fair# here February 25 ami 'M, The priuctjial reenlta of the meeting we.e the apiiointment of a committee to w'>rk for legiHlathm glrfag ftnanclal aid from the State to {xlri>, and the orgatizatWn of a racing circuit guaranteeing owner# of horse# abont sixty day# of racing in thin State ea<-h fall. year, aicordln

^e^ fair association In G.-oi^a. oereral liepartment ol frotn Tenneaaee. Alabama and Floihia, and *he •mosement companies playing lain, in the Southwest were repreaanted at the meeting.

At tha closing aeaalou Atlanta was chnaen M tho meeting pUco fer ID-t). Jaroea Bl.tbup, of Eastman, president of the Gt^'rgla CxpotdUon, sraa re-elected president; It. M. StllPllD, of Atlanta, Ttce-preald*-ot. sand Harry C. Bobert, of Macoii, geaertl manager of the Ocorgla State nlr Aewtclatloa. secretary.

Datee of thirtoon Georgia fair# were an- notir.ced. “niey wlU ba found in the Fhlr LUt Ui the Spring Special laene of The Billboard.

Those in atteadanee included the following: Joaeph B. Oortia, Chattanooga Inter-atate Fair; 6. if. DaTison. iGinola State •Fair: W. 8. Cheiry. Bubin A Cherry Shows, Macon: Bill Fus and Charias A, Tate, Metropolitao Show#; J. A. Snlliran, Great American Shows; J. T. Pinfold, Central States Ahowg; M. L. Marsh. Bln«> Grass .^usanaent Company, Winder; H. B. Cragar, Blna Grass Amui^fment Comi»aay, Washington Ind.; PVllz Blai, Zeldman 6 Poille Shows, LoubTlUa, Ky.; A1 T. Holateln, Mighty DorU Espoai.Uon Shows; Lcul^nrllle, Ky.; Harry RamUh, J. F. Morphy Show#, Augnata; □. B. Bain. Smith Greater Shows, Suffolk, Va.; H. B. Potter, Kaplan Greater Shows, Brunswick; J. W, Coaklln. H. W. Camphell Shows, Augnata; G. W’. McCabe, North AmericBn Fireworks, Otlcago; T. H. Conley, Conley Conceaslons, Blr- mlngfaam, Ala.; W. H, Smotlinger, Amertcan Trotting AasocUtlon, Chicago; and otherw well k&dws IB the amusement and kindred held.

At Annual Sesaion of tha Colorado County Fairs Association

Pueblo, Colo., March 6.—The "hekt aadablg- gckt meeting ever held by the Coloradu Conaty Fair Ani>oci3t|oa was held in thla city Febrrury •J3, with r.-prcaentatlves present from erery section of the State. J. L. Beaman. ;>ecretai7 of the aatocIscloD and aleo manager of the SUte Fair, was much gratlflad oxer the splendid asc- ••ess of thla year's meeting, as were President Walter, Secretary Tobin and Treasnrer B^r, of the State Pair. Tbs meeting wound op arlth a banunet at the Mlnnequa Club.

After tile atilctly businefa meeting of the fair men there were addreaaea on topics of la- tereat, and general discussion of the rarlosa problems with which the fain men have to deal. Among the apea’iera at the banquet were Pres Ideot Martin Walter. Jr., of ths Rtate l^lr Coomisaion; N. H. McCreery, president of the Colorado County Fain Association; Soretary J. tk Beaman, and Attorney C. A. Ballrcleh. C. J. Flink was chosen treasurer of the assocta tioii. It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the assoclatton at Sterling on fVhruary :. 1921.

Among tboae present were the following fairs and their representatives:

Boulder County F'alr—N. B. JlcCreery, 11. E. Klven, Charles Pace. Lloyd C. Harris.

Logan Connty Fair—C. J. Funk, C. M. Mor¬ ris. B. D. Alford. W. E. Uennlng.

Yuma County Fair—W. W. Wllllama Adtma County Fair—H. W. James. O. B.

ffmitb. lAriraer Ccunty Fair—J. W. Thompson. B.

Scbllley. Dairy Show, Holly—C. F. Hampton. Conejos County Fair—0.,H. Rogers. Routt Connty Fsir—B. T. Bhelton.

Committee Appointed by As¬ sociation To Seek State Leg¬

islation—Annual Meet¬ ing Great Success

Itate Agrlcnltural .YCsden-a. Minn., Mareh 6—Wadena conniy's IP'.’O fair will offer at least one m-w attractioa that is ce.’daiu to prove popular, and that is a aeries of home rsce^. Plans for the new f«*a. lure Were arranged at a recent meeting when Wadena be^'ame a member of the “Big Fonr"

irganlsatlon feta nnder way yon facing circuit. • * • ■* Horse racing, however, will be bnt one fea¬

ture of entertainment offered at the llf-’O fair. While no deflnlte arrangements have yet been made, it U understood tlmt a number of drat- claaa amakement featuiea are to be engaged

Milan, Italy, Springs a New One - THOROBRED BRINGS FORTUNE ,

An agiicaltural and Indcstris! sample fair will ■ ■■■ be held at Milan, Italy, during April of tbl# Like an echo from the old golden days of

to informatlou received by the the turf cornea the nee# of the anl« is La-mdon _ , _ Agriculture. The date has not of August Belmeuit'e American tborobred Tra- been #et deUnitely, but the fair wlU protmbly eery for* 4158,000. Under normal rates of ex- begin on Anrll 5. It 1# to be an annnat event,* change thla price would be about $2fB,000, mak- ^nth a parpose broader than tbatSuf a mere ex- ing a far-and-nway new r-.-ord tn the aale of a loaltion. It ia Intemled rather to provide a single horse. At prevailing rateg the Sgurm



The BILLBOARD Dated from Feb. 1,1920, to April 1,1921

Seal Grain Leather. Gold Letters %Cni notwithstanding THE H.C. OCss


The Billboard Pablishing Co. >-27 Opera Place, CINCINNATI, OHIO


Miaeonlt, Mcnt., March 8.—The Western Mon¬ tana F'alr CommiiRlun recently met with the county coDimlsaioners and dlscuased the bolder polK'les of mamigcuicnt of the fair A>r the sea- ann of IWO. The rc<.-orda of the 1919 fair were atudled, and It was agreed that the best in- tereats of the county would be served by making this year’s fair the best In the Western Mon¬ tana fair series. With tills end in view the fair efflclsla will endeavor to secure the heat entertalnuient features obtainable and also to Increase the exhlbita, both lu eixe and quality. The fair commlasion as at present organized conaUts of Henry W. Martin, president; FYink H. ro(.«ney. H. P, Oreenongh, John 8tah1, D. A. Fiellwo and J. W. Buford.


BBttevilla First Kansas Town To Taka Advantage of Provision of Re¬

cently Enacted ''Free Fair” Law

mean# for actually making sales thru bringing Sink below $180,000, which still vronld leave together a large number of praducers and bay- Tracery among the princes of the market. The ers, permitting the latter to examine samples transaction la notable, in any event. In these of every kind and to make purchases with the days of a motor-mad Vorld. least possible loss of time. American canned goods, condenadd milk and gnxery indUHtries NIGHT SHOWS FOR CLINTON FAIR slioDld bu eapecialiy inti^esieJ. ___

rRi-sTATE INCREASES ADMISSION r. -Ml « -a %a w a> aa sma rt. ■ .a BnnUai ASi6eTMi COUntjT Ftlf hW CoUlltT Fftlf OPlt fftll t CvrustIIIc, Indsg MefcIi • T#yK»r, ot spnt£i]if>#T R tA T1 wr ^ l. ^ 4vjn.« » * a

K.HiBvtIle, v«if rb^>seii presldt^Dt of tbp Tri-8ut« elected •ecrettrr aad mantffer Thp rmnnAm ^*#*^**1 raj^r AHi^iatlcm at the annua,^. tlon held ‘Si. yir?‘a"i t .-bniarj -1. T C Bay^, of RockiwTt, was time that the fair will also be held at rlce-nreaidenf A P * ii.imcd vice-prekldent, and I* A. Folsom, of ^ c'ts. Fr x 1 rv vice^reawenf, a. i ,

Exiosltliu!’ Wr.;rtr“wT.’ present and ,

fienmne, Kan., March 8.—At the last meet- la of the Kaneaa Legislature a bill was paeeed itnSby any county can buy and maintain a



Tampa, Fla.. Manh 8.—With a paM attend- snes of more than 70,000, aci-ordlnf to oIBclal figures, the Honth Florida Fair was the bigfctt auceps* In history. President Brorsln believe# the pndita of the fair will run cVme t»> FJfi.OOO, which will be pot Into new bulldlnga thla summer for a mneh enlarged fair next year The fair asaociatl'in here Is Incorporated for nnnparticipatloa In profit#, and everythlna cleared over expenses -goea back Into ths grounds or bigger feature* tor next year.


8t. Peter, Minn., March 8.—A Urge nnmher • t ‘attract'ona have been booked for the fair, whMi Wl'l hp held .lugnst 30. .31 and fieptember 1. Amor.e th—e seenred are the "Great ^ul- enno." motorcycle act; Luvaa and Inea. trapets artists; Van and Fm*rson 0>iu{iany of Acrohsta; White Brothers, comeillana, an I Johnwin’s ram edy CUvqs. A big display of fireworks also has been imngeil for.


Tei'U. t,,fl,a March 6.—The directors of the Decatur County Agricultural Society met re¬ cently and stnrlcil work on their plans for the first connty fsIr to be held In I..eon this coming falU The directors were enthuslsstlc snd the plans they have under way will mnks the De¬ catur county fair grounds the largest snd best la Sontbsrn Iowa, it ia aatd. rnrthsr plaas are aooB to be anhounoad.

get more than fl.fiO a mloute. with IS polM at lOe aaeh. It'a a . WriU for parilculan. AUTOMATIC FISHPOND eo„ 2014 A4tM H. TiMo. Okla.

Mr. Beaman is again to nianaute (hj CtUiatUe State Fair at Pueblo, and alao L* aecreUry of Uia Uoiorade County Fair* Ae*ociaUoa



t'r^PfcUTuS ]•

MARCH 13, 1920


Ok., .Mart'll 8.—Tharta'a S-pt<«« Iciad, Uvoi>« o( opera alngen ai>4 twelra ballet danrera will be on* <if the attractlMM at tbe Ok;alK>ina F*ree State Fair Uila rear, date* of whifh are October 4-9.

Otlier eatenalninent featom obtained for the fair are “Ttie Battle of the Dardanelleo,” a new flreworka dlaplay, aad Wooatac'a mnninv twnes and women

Wortham’n World’a Oreateet Shown wlU for-

(63 Enthusiasm—Officers Elected and Plans Made for 1920 Fair

Ili'lalr, Md.. March 6.—Expreenloni of thi ntn-ncriit ommendation on the tuoc«a» of tlx Harford County Fair, held near clt.v la* fall, and prediction* of even greater 'iocce** thli Tear were beard from the atuckholdem of tb< new aiutoclatlon at their annual meeting. Tbt fair the first held la the county In flfteei yeara, waa an nnqnallfled sot'ccaa fpim everj standpoint. ,

The board of directors organlied by electlni the following rfllcers: Prea'dent, I. Wallact Heaps, of Pyleavllle; Tlce-pre»ldent, James T, Norrli, of Vanblbber; secretary, Edgar A. Caines of Jarrettarllle; treasurer, Hamilton Amoaa.'of Cppcr Cros* Roads.

The fair directors went on record as wanting do make the fair a home inatitntioa, for homo enterulnment and the promotion of agticultnr&l latereats. It was decided to seek $1,000 Btate





Parkersburg, W. Va^ Maseh C—Morta to re. rive the West Tlrgtada Fair, mM aaaually hers up to the tune the werld mar begsn. la bclut made by leading realdentg of the dty. The fair grounds on the Sooth Side are stlU le es< celleat condltliio. ,

Are Mopping Up With Them. SPRING LIVE STOCK SHOW

Muskogee, Ok., >tarrh 6,—Twe big Aewn and public sales of para bred lire stock will ba held In tbe tire stock parlUoe of tke OU*~ boma Free State thla spring. The first la to be a Shorthorn Show March 22-24, with 8. ^ Jackson an manager. The aeoond new wfU be held early la May.


AND PRICES 306 WMt Madifion Street,

CHICAGO. • • • ILLINOIS Added to Berger's String of Fairs

Chicago, March 8.—Jehn 8. Berger. Impres* aarlo of falra and expo'^tloiu, haa added another major date to bis string—that of Mexico City. Mr. Berger aignt-<t a contract with tlxs Mexican guremment and will put On an eTpoxItloO that will last thirty days. Thl« will be held next winter, after the riooe of the fair and espoel- tion la San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Berger’a first big function of the fall season wiTl be tho fair and exposition to be held In Houston, Texas, In .November, for two weeks. The San Antonio (1^ for two weeks wHI follow, then the Mex*


n uuuu. TSie maaegement of the Savannah, On., fhtr y gave a barbecue at the fair grounds en 3Caj<h 4, I • which was enjoyed by n largn numtMr ot fair

^ men and tbelr friends. IfPIlnQ W. j. Anderson, representing tbe Tbearle-

111 111 Buffleld rireworks Dlaplay On., attended tbe 1 ^ Wilw meeting of the fair aecretarlea of Michigan at ^ Lansing, Kebmary 25 and -U. ■ B “Our asaodation U planning big things for vwdnng the coming fair," says O. E. Oo«^‘ secretary I I U| of the Bartbotomew Oounly Fair, Ootnmbna,

Ind. Two thousand dollars were ig>«it in lai* provementa last year.

4t.B Augusta Randolph Beld. feature writer fee NOtninR m tne ^ Mootgomery (AU.) paper and manager «f made that ■will t],* woman’s Departsnent of the Alabamn gtale iL BOOK prop- Fair fOr the past twenty-one years, eras, a BIk money for visitor to Mobile recently.

At n meeting of the Trl-Ononty Fair A«- aodattoo. La ywietta, Tean., W. A. W. Car¬ den was re-elected president and Pall W. Kerr secretary. Tbe 1920 dates of the fair were eat for the week commencing Bfionday, August fiO. Tte amueement fnatnren and eencnaelona will be fomlBbed by the Beldman A MUe Cxpoei- thm fibowa.

Five days of eoetlneona rain during last year's Central Maine Fair at WstervBla oanned tbe nsaeciatioa m face n fisfieft af flfi.000. Money has been raised te satani the money ad¬ vanced by race beme ewnem, aaeuntlng to about $1,000, premiams amsnnilni te |8,T76 have beca paid and prinriM netna have been met. The aasoclatlon to ptowp«vg thle year’s


Brest Filla, Mont.. March 8 —W. G. fPlIl) Rrrltenvteln. well known publicity man. and now Northwestern booking agent for Ralph ilankitiwm's suto polo ami auto racing attmc* tioux, ei-tabUsbed headqnartcrs In Great FMIls a few weeks ago and baa been bnsy looking after hla employer’s Interest* In tbe rorthwest- ern p-rtion of the L'nlted BUtea aud a Urge part of Canada.

NOVEL FEATURES PLANNED Columbus, O. Kktomfleld, la., March 8.—Many new and

novel features are planned for tbe 1920 Davit County Fair, which will be hcM here Bepteraber 1417. Tbta waa decided Upon at a recent meet* log of the directors. It was also decided to raixe the admlaalon price to 60 coots, with family tickets $2.50 and tl^ night show 25 rent*. A new art hall to to be erected and elertiic lighta Installed.


Are You Going To Frame This Season ■ ^ Tilt BIf Qneatlen

Krarl; every abow on the road cairird one of our AIJCB MAY PUUTMB hTOKllM laal aeaeou. They all iwula good. A PenMms iHtre will gel big mooto'. If not tap money, when framed tUbt ,

Our Hr.* cf Perfume and PwfmnmN<wMtl«« It a winner, and he.-t both Quality and Flash. If you are Intermtcd In a hlgh- I r.v). Iigltlma;* and nwuey-maldng pmpoHlUon, writ* for our ' ’ ui> Calal.M. lUueUatlng our nimpletH Uus of Perfumes ami I'-viuuM Cpmdlec,

Owstonna, Minn., March 6.—OQlclaU ef the ftrcle County i-'^alr are dlxcnaalng the feasibil¬ ity of bolding a Fourth of July Celebration at the fair grounds. They believe It would peve the say for the fair to be l^ld In September and would be excellent advertising for that event.

A nxivement 1* On font to bnlVl n $10,000 grandstand at tlie fair groondR.




Pndnrnli, Ky., March 6.—Dates for the Mc- Ciacken County Fair have not yet been nn- iHion'-ed, but IndloatlonH are that the fair will be he'd eiirller than uviial, probably some time In .I'lguvt. Alf Ix»Ty has been elected manager of the fair nod wlil have charge of every de* p.-irt UK-lit. >

(Originators ef tbe Fsffnsii Stare),

ISO North Wens Street, NO. m AIR BALLOOKSi Per Qrme.$M» NOl m GAS B.VlAiOONS. Per Gross.4J4 .NO. so PATRIOTIC BALLOONS. Par Oroas.... AM Na 60 PATRIOTIC B.ALLOONH, with ▼aba*.

Par Groas .4.M Na 70 BALLOONS. OAR. Par Otoas.SJO 50. SO BALSAOE .ItRBHIPB. Per Grot*.4M Na 50 FLAG n.VIDXl.VK Per Gmaa.4,00 WKISliT INSPECTOR IIADGB. Pat Groas.... UO NO. 75 VTCTORY sgi’AU-RCRil. Par Groan..., RW REED BALLO«>N 8TICKX Par Oroas.SO ASSORTED PAKim H.4T8. PW Ore*.6.00 PATRIOTIC R., W 4 B. 7-I.N. HOK.N8l Par Or. 7.S0 ISO A.«WRTEr>. CAN&S . 6.60 VICTORY WOOD CRICKETS. Per Groaa.S.OO loe ArerORTED K\TV»t.$10.00, tIiM. *SM 51. MPIja rUTE WHUCrtm. per < p»*..,. 2M WRIST CELLULOID WATCH BB.VCKLBIH Fbr


- CKILCLOID ROSE PISS. Per Orosi.2J0 belut; ificloded OWL CHEWTNG Olid. 160 Psekago.. |M

A8H TRAYS. Pw Oreaa.lOO BCted to eerve CIGAR TANK Pur Orm.iM 1 Le* Georrla AStblRTED WTRE PI 2ELES. Par Groa^..... 2,00 n^’lent^W MCKEL PUSH PENCILS. Per Orosn..tM

LxKOaltlua.’ oC Tema: Bair Oapoalt. Csutog Ttm.


annoonoe* that plan* are b*>Iug laid to hold the largest fair ever held In the ei-unt.v, aud that they expe<-t to -pend |10.0>O tu fVi.Otp in im. prorlug the building*. Aii espeolally large stuck exhibit is expected.


(Monee. DL. March 8.—September 22. 23 and C4 are the date* aelcfted for the 1920 Monce District J'hlr. This i* ttu- sixteenth year of thlx association and Secretary Ilsriy J. Oonrad aays that the fair 1* Increasing lu *Ue aud Im¬ portance each year.

Offleers elected fi>r 1!*20 .ire; President. Ph. Bischmanr; rlce-presldent, K.rn*t Knuop; ne» retary, Harry J. Conrad; treasurer. Hy Knern- *en; general superintendent, Hy Woeltje: as- sUtant general xuperlntendent, J. H. Vreez-e; ladli'a’ superlntemlent. Mrs. Hy Woeitje.

“^St year’s fslr broke all record*.’’ any* Secretary C-oorad. “This year we aim to do still better. More and larger i*remlmn* will be offered In nil depnrtments nnd nl>«> In race program. Improveroent* will ali*> be Tcade In buildings, etc. We have a half-mile race track. Our live stock department fa Increnslng from year to year.” ^

Tbe Monee Fair always baa a urat-ctoss iimnsement program, and tWa year h will prob¬ ably be even larger than In tbe pnat. In keep- teg with all other department Increaaes.




Lo Doff, tlL, March 8.—At tbe recent annual meeting of tke Le Roy Fair Aavnciatton Mile* C. Orinselle was elected president, eoceeedlng 3tr. Baker, wbo had held tbe office for ten year*

New Terk. March 6.—W. 'R. Illrsch. aecre- established a fine record of ackleve- tery of tbe State Fair of Lnufaiana. wrltee to nent. DavW D. Mc.Kay is aecretary for 19S0. Whe Billboard: “Top -New Yorker*, who have states that the coming fair Is exiwcted been fpwen, should come down this way. Our ^ ^y the asBoctotkm. weather is deligbtfni. I am working In my ahlrt aleexes, with the fioor* and srlmViwa opeg. We are alao havtag at Mie grounds today aorao ku'o meet—a local affair. The groonds are crowded, which you f;lke must think to un- unoal for tliis time of year."



American nfoney.

for Faia '•'wloi ojkI CaiabraUnna kfantlao «lary Md deacrlptJou. Addrtae HARVEY ARIJNOTON. apiMua Iboatra ItulhUng. Grand Rapida. Mich. Also

Ckrtua Olrln plaoed Napoleon. 0.. March Mm H. Lowry, aeu- ^ exiNi^ that tlM eutertninn w au uoaL Pttery of the "Kg FWr ef the Maumee Valley,** will be more exteulvt then unqaL



C'uticic SOAP



MARCH 13, 1920


A superb seller for high-class Salesboard and Premium Workers.

A New Number 21 PIECES, IKCL0DIN6


Put up on Velvet Lined Mole Skin Roll-Up, in assorted colors.


8. B. S7Sa.

$3.90 EACH No Goods Shipped

Without Deposit.

Assorted patterns and colors. Good springs. Each pair on a handsome display card.


Jimmie Lerkin opines It comes natural to got back in tbe paper game.

“CT»lng row”—Tonr sure-enough handle and address to Gasoline Bill, if ;oa please.

$12.00 GROSS Send for catalog of complete line

for demonstrators. Consumers save stamps. Headquarters for Fountain Pens.

"Brother” Kler, of leaf famo. wa* seen on the "gay white ,w.:y.” New York, handling theater tickets. Pretty soft, ain't It, Klert

Seen at the Pctrolt ,\ulo Show: Stopeck, Klepper, Cnthhert, ClasKin, Wright; E<'ker, l-ar- kin and Kohler. All did well, 'tis said.

543 Broadway, New York City, Watcha mean, the tonic froze to the glass and

you could give out no free drinks—sure must he within the limit. Whatsay. Ileber Ueekner?

Seen In Jacksonville, Fla., Chief Mexes. Silver ^ WWIIIUG Clood (H. E. McLean). Song It<»k Murphy. Buy Direct frs« Fnetso aad Save kUddlsaan’s Prsfits.

Vandertiilt, Morris Masonboff;

Seen working papers successfully In Hope, Ark., Jimmie Wilson, J. T. (Slim) Spence, Abe Brewer, John (Biff Bang) Strode and a few others.

Lsdles' Preistng. C, & F. Per Gross.UI.M Lad^' Drrsslnc. A. C. Per Gross.21.50 laulles’ Traveling Combs. Per Gross. (7.50

____ ___ _ Plantation Combs. I'er Gross. 17,50 ronte South. The boys are placing lien's Pressing. A. F. Per Gross. 14.50 large manufacturing p'.anta, and Bar'sr Combs. C. & F. Per Gross. 15.50

Pocket Combs. Per Grass. 7.50 ______ Fine Tooth Combs. Per Gross .I?!*)

»: ‘‘I believe I broke all records Sssisis Set, $1.00. pestsald. -paid $iy> license for a week at Peposlt required on C. O. D. otdera

—^—■ .... Aabeiold Coab Co., Leoalorter, Miss. y. who ahiy demonstrated cleaner Pria. Ceah u.,... i. .Ilvsn TVlImlnet.m I>el hss ”•“** '*


$3.90 EACH Etl 1889—39 Years sf Squars Deallsf.

gents! Agents! ^leciaf Offer to BiUioanl Readers

MACK SENNEH COMEDIES They say that Jes Pendevgast, only a few

weeks as a lecturer, is little in size, but large on sales, and is now Dr. J. T. Prendergast with the Kerr Indian Kemedy Company.

Understand that Bob Reesl and Jack IloIIoweU have paired up, and with Bob's oil and Jack's tie retainers, they will hit the Lincoln Highway as soon as the weather provqa favorable.

Recently at the Metrcpolltan, Camden, N. J., The Prince, with art neeJiles; Br'.tt. with solder; Bobt. S’.oan, with “S.ifety First," and a newcomer, with a rug cleaner: all doing well.

We note a nifty compliment to Dr. Hal A. Curtis and his company and methods In the Red Bank (N. J.) Reg'ster, following live weeks of successful operation by Hall A. in that little city.

Howard Robinson is back on the Job at Me- Crory’s, Philadelphin, after an attack of the grippe. Howard has been demonstrating h'.a com remedy at that location for more tb.'in a year.

W. K. Kerr is putting out two medicine shows down South Carolina way. W. R. has the No. 1 company, while Jess Prendergast has the No. 2 show, which was to open last week In Sumter.

BATHINQ GIRLS. REAL PHOTOS. 8il0, assorted, $3.50 per dooeu; post card aiss. 2S assorted. $1.00; miniature acta. 15 to s set, 25c per set. No C. 0. D. No itsmpe. No ratalotum. PoeUge prepaid. ROSSLYN PHOTO STl'DIO. 44T Main 8U. I .os Antrirs r.iifomis.

SHAMROCKS ‘ip'ij Ceoiplele Assortsiest at

St. Patrick Novoltlss .Va 10—main eilk

9 A 'filS iMiamrork. Gross...$.42 § IP' 20—Shamrock with

Harp. Groos..90 j 25—Shamrock with I Rose. Croas.* .90

Na 40—Sliamrock with Clay Pipe Orosa... JO

No 50—Shamrock with Hat Gross.90

No. 90—Shamrock w'th Hod. Gross. JO Na too—Shamrock «Uh Cuptd. Gross. JO Na 120—Shsnirork wHh Iriabman. Gross.90 Na 35—Shamrock with IHag G4ileid. Orosa.... 1.50 No. 70- Shsiuni.-k »l h h'lsg Bow. Gro». 1.50 No. 75 -SItsmrork with Celluloid DoIL Gross.. 3.00 Na 60—Silk Iikih Flag. Oroos.60 Na 65—Alusltn Irish Flag. Gross.50 No. 2158—Gneii l'ap<T Carnation. Gross. 1.2* Na 80—Irish Flag Cigar Fan. Oroa.3.50

Sample card with complete aaao. awnt. 50o each, postage prepaid. Ws require a 35% deposit on all C. O. D. orden and an eatlmatsd amount ot postage with parcel post orders.

ED HAHN (He Treats Yon Rlikt). 222 W. Madbss 8t., . CkleafS, IIL

Mrs. MacClellan, who has been removing corns and calouees with the aid of corn solvent at the 51etropoUtaa, lDdtanapo;ls, has returned home to Philadelphia, where she is convalescing from a siege of the "flu.”

The lady who handled tbe hair frame dem- oastration la Kresge's, Philadelphia, for a long time, is la charge Of the “Bacha” demon¬ stration at the Metropolitan store, and doing fine with It. Who Is she?

Lhst tall James Ferdon expressed his Intention to retire from the road and take things easy on the Pacific Coast. A dish oj mulligan to one of Mike Whalen's doughnuts James la back in tbe game the coming season.

Mrs. Geo. P. Webber, widow of the late Geo. P. Webber, whose address is No. 2 Trimble street, Pittsburg (North Side), Pa., wishes to thank Walter C. Dodge for a small, but greatly appreciated cash contribution in her behalf re- cently.

You Sell for $1552 YourPnffit^^^


YESI For the small sum of only $550, we will send you ten Complete Ludey 11 Toilet Sets and the beautiful purple satin lined case absolutely FREE. You can sell these sets for $1.50 a throw and make 1909(> profit

Consists of eleven high class toilet articles, each full drug store size. This Set would retail in any store for $3.35 but you can sell for $1.50 or any price you want Women can’t wait to buy when they aee this riot of color. Thousands of Billbo^ Readers are cleaning up with Lucky IL You can also make big money if you act NOW. Send coupon.

Mall Coupon Today! Hurry up! Hurry up! Every f;,mute you wait is time lost in taking orders. Ask for our special proposition to Crew Managera. Establish a business of your own a™, make big money in your spare time. Bullard Readers can order any quantity ♦or the first order at the 100 box price of 65c. iJon t wait another minute. Act NOW.

B. BL Davis Products Co. Bspt. 6298, 1818-17 CarroU Ave.


MONOGRAMS ANOHCAOUOHTDmMERS ON AUTOfi. orp motoriat want* lito ear MMcrasad. A» arIM ^

Km—or Mnd n.(0 for ootm br nton swil. 4 NOW. ASgtsoS DsM. "L” __ _ 1


Hllm Oreenwald, formerly of carnival, leaf fame: Aie you not bolding buck news! Shoot a pipe and let ns In on it. B has It yon have mads good la ths South, hnvB bMn driving aroond the "Sprlngt” big car.

E. M. Davto Prodnets Co. Dept. 5898, Chioago,

Oentlemsn—Enclosed find $6.50. Please •end me 10 boxes Lucky 11 with Display Cate FREE, or

$.for.Boxes Lucky U.

“Bs a gentleman," says Doc W. J. Sutton, for forty years a pitchman, and stiU enjoying excellent returns at Winnipeg, Can. He contin¬ ues: "A pitchmnn wss going up In an ele¬ vator to obtain a license. When the elevator BtoT)ped the pitchman stepped aside and said 'Excuse me, but ladles alwsys first.* It eo happened that the Mayor was in tbe same ele-

Sales Agents VBBUd im mwdrj eoooly to ». a- Wo trolB

rawtMk, OUo v rntler* To* YGi

^ The only and

•MB CO. orl^naJ Am-

NEW YORK CITY.5*hTt"cannorbS


Ajk mf] ft $18 00 SET?^ r-v CO ^ ‘•'nks, d buttons, ▼■W-WV sets w l^lStaU—1 >>'0la ths Soring. Tbs Best Cheap Unk Mads. If I r1i / KELLEY, THE SPECIALTY ma, crfJlkk g?aljai ' • \ ' 21 Abb SVssL New YsHl aty. s'lW Ulne i



MARCH 13, 1920

Tator aikd later tald: ‘l^oa bet, an can work la tnu city.’ *’ U cerul

conrteouii and kind at all tlmea.

In genuine Itoso O’Neill Kewplca.


Beautifully Dressed In finest silks. The biggest flash—A

Sure Money Getter.

“iny of tr7<,;S’“o"5he.df hlrt* tJ'^atcl,."'h: Hcrc It tHc outfit fOF Deitioii-

;.Jii\T“clwi^ir^h7rvarillhe7to7 stratoro, Window^orkert, Sales-

Some ona wrota Bill and mailed tlia letter at OpCratOFt, ftlld ^ faCt CVery Sapnlpa, Ok. The poatmaster there saya *Tn- nnm usintf WatckfiA OT AtlV kind sufficient postafe.” Stamps hare been lorwsrd. U»lllg WakWIlC* U1 any tUOay ed to Sspnlpa and the communlcaUon will be #1*wr«wfrkt’Srkrk rsw nmt’iiwas made note of on arrlTal In Clncy. Whoerer •F*'*”** naiUFC. wrote the letter, kick In sgaln-^nyway. Here'S tkC tiggCSt VOlUC Ot tkC

Notice that Bd Hahn, of “he treats yon rifht” UttleSt bfiCC VOU CVCT bOliOkt, fame la making elaborate arrangements to ■* a ^ ii iiiii fnmlth the street boya with St. PatHck Day 14 Size, electrO gold plated, OpCH Ronrcnlrs of all rsrlety. Attaboy, Ed., tell « , ^ ^

A sample will surely booK your order the lads to see that every descendant son of faCe, ICVCF CSCaPCIIient WatCll. liiVerV with us ***• Emerald Isle wears a soamrock that day.

H. HOROWITZ CO., N.V.I., O.IW B„» L..™, ..awatchguaxanteed agamst mechanical 1161 Broadway and 25 W. 27th St., sereml seesona past with Dr. W. P. Vnrplllat’e dCICCtS.

Sonth, where he bad teen working with a Gold filled knife and Waldemar

finiirmnniniiRiniin uck*to 7hS*^vui^iut^rtow“ma^Mawn!^ chaiii, put III satliilined box, as shown rolkft, uez li€e • / * '

- m cut. We now hare Indlrldoal drinking ettpa and ■ sw as e v ^

nnmeroiis other aanltary reqnircments to min- wU rl wU I Oa imise the spread of contagious dlReases. But, PRICE ^ m the local doctors don’t seem to be saying a * ' VJt, ^tr great deal abont the “microbes’’ in paper enr- EACH rency—or adopt the wearing of gloves when it Is banded them. , SEND DEPOSIT WITH C. O. D. ORDERS

Doc Pope kicka In from Richmond. Vs., that P. S.—Write for OUT new Illustrated Catalogue, the he it able to be up and around after hiaj^r^ BOOK OF BMQJUIIS, mailed free. Write for it today. weeka’ elege of the “tlu,” also. Mrt. Pope la » J

$18.00 Dozen without Hair. Write today.

Carnival Workers, Paddle Wheel Men, Streetmen, Salesboard Man, Sheet

Writers and Peddlers: • WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF




Big Line Dolls and Paddle Wheels. Oar Cstalegae ter 1920 will aet be ready ts aisll aa.

til about Just I. Writs far srieet as any feodi la wklek ysu ars iattrsttsd. Send us yew ecraiasent sddrau sad (tale ysur batlasu (as ars ds aet tall mmunsrt) sad wt will aiall ysu sew sstalsfus wksa l( etaiet ad tks prats.

NO GOODS C. 0. 0. WITHOUT DEPOSIT. Hear that onr old friend.. Dr. Thoe. P. Kel- d|l V J J H a* Jh 1*T. meeting with excellent sncceM an show Shryoek-Todd Rotaou Co.

Interested to no email amount. W'onder could it be that this spells the forsaking of the medi¬ cine bn«lnese on the part of tbe popular Thos. P.?

“Tlsh,” tbe Hindu doctor, and Doc Pratt have opened a medicine ahow *t 1528 Sontlj atreet, Phlly. Tlsh Is lecturing on good health and medicines, whilt Doc gives aome good ad-

165 WEST MADISON ST. Ovn CUMi* Mm RntMH.1,



pronoumced’’Awl ter'



Ws want Agents to bandls our line of hlgh-clsss Trade and Farm Hagaglnet. Good any place in Cnltsd States.

Writs os for full part' ulars. COMPTON BROS., Fisdiay. Obis.

PADDLE WHEELS A flns Perfumn put up In such a way which makas tt

must tsisbie Pilled In H-os. and li.os. rial botUss.

'/k-sz. Vials. Par '/4-sz. Visit. Ptr Greu. LZS ih-M- Vials, la lets si t Grass. Ptr Bests.S.IS

At stwve prices vials tmisbeled. Labtis fiiralitisil and put on at S5e per grom extra.

LADY DAINTY PERFUMED SACHET, II.SS Str Bf. Ilhie-tlitrJ deposit, balance C. O. D.)

Send for our new 1990 Cstahic.


19 inrha m diametsr, as shown In cut gy 7. • sr 10 Nasibsrt.$19.90

I'umpleia with Pana

Dr. Arlsonn King writes: “I Just closed my medicine allow at 22 Bowery. New York City. The "Mg bnrg* is some medicine town. 1 celebrated the eloslag day by purchasing two *bltke-wblte’ rocks, four sod three kamt. I bare Jnat bongbt a nine-room home at 845 Adtmi avenae. Rcranton, Pa., where I am taking a much needed rest until May, when 1 take out a allow sailed “Tkla Is Different.’’


Dodge wonders If tbs fellows who lay their hats on the reading pnbllc libraries, instead of o* the hooka provided for tbe por- poee, do so that the information the brain l^s tbm eyesight, may be abeori>ed by tbe hat, and Uter gradually Injected Into the cerebellum while on tbe wearer'e cranium? Possibly no, and aotue might add to tbe collectlott by plac¬ ing a sponge la the “lid.’’

Hear that Drs. Barrett and Becker atopped off and rlsited I>r. Goodman and family at Iteni- aon. Texas, st^t the middle of last month, and Indulged In plp*'«hootlng until abont 2:30 “O, M. (Gofd Morning*.’* inc'denUIly nnder- atand that Ileber loet a three-caser wager, be¬ ing of the n^dnlon that the Hawaiian music was ni't ppodncedgby the handiaw, wbirh Dr. Good¬ man operates as a magical isatrument proflet- ently.


YOU CANNOT FAIL “ ** *'““1**' everything compleCa and start you off right. Our outfit * wfiisiwi rnis. ^ DOLUHNl’T M.LtlUNE. extra Cutters. Stove. Kteila Mixing B<ml. l>ifTnionvtec. Grata for UfUng duughnuts out of Kutla Spatula and a Recipe (that la wurtA the price of the machlnei whleii we use in our rlmnnsirating room, where we are paytns ITOO.OO a moetb retil. sprclaUilng on COrrEB and DOCGlLNLTS. Our Doughnut Shop ia the talk of tbs kfuld's iVei4.


OUR OUTFIT PAYS FOR ITSELF IN A WEEK Don’t [Ut off buying until aomeone beau you to It. Send money ortler today, and get started in a tmslnms that Is paying BIG PROFITS.

CHATTEN SALFS PO «2«-«30 Walnut street. ilLlTI VcV^.y CINCINNATI, OHIO.

_ RarwsRco: Asy Bask Is ClaciaaatL Last Dittasce Phese. Caaal 5864.

Be«tlfully nickel pitted. Ortalniy docs ths wbemrr ihmm. Aircotf, Dc«l«

tT%, Wik’pliDpn. Cnnt’wwiiknilre# you ctB money banOIlng this attrarilve boldec. Betslls 15c. .Saninle. preiwld. 20c Arfus MIf. C^ OsM. is-V, 402-1 N. Paallsa 81.. Chlemoi.

Fair Workers and Streetmen, don’t waeta tlaas. send ■or a trial grans uf Gils toler, dlrtctluus. Post prepaid. $5.50. 'Hample. 2.V. I X I 80DCB CO., 12T4 S. 20th RL, Birmingham, AINbtma.

“Lncky” Morrell Is soma rersatlle demon¬ strator. Ho Is at tho Metropolitan, Pbllly, lectntlng on health and hygiene. He wao seen instrncting a bow man on rug cleaniug and en¬ tertaining a Urge andlenee with his fond of burner, later relieving suffering humanity with c-'m remedy, and stlU later lecturing on health and selling inhalers—all in one day. Many articles are put out by the M. 4k W. Specialty Co., and Lucky handles them all aucces^nlly— a "pinch” hitter, when needed.

DeWltt Kirk, of the Kirk and Gibson Com¬ edy Cktmpany, rambled Into Cincinnati last week. The show closed because of the influenza epi¬ demic in Southern Illinois recently. Floyd Gib¬ son Joins tbe admnee forces of the Lackey and Henry Shown (rarnlrall, while Kirk, who rompa all orer the k»ys of a piano, or calliope, re¬ turns tbe coming seasun to boat show trouping, and will pUy with tbs whlst'es on t.>p of Cspt. RaliRi Rtuemn’s floating theater, Tbe Golden liod, also play piano during the perfurmance.

Jack Wnidman baa closed one com remedy deinonstration at Nelsner's, Philadelphia, and

(Contlsood OB page fl8)

aa4be:r co^^bs MjlllllHNlllllllllHIM Sample Assortment




BuUable for dens, ebib fDoma or prtmta __ oolIacUnn those ARB XOT BATHINO OIBLST

PHOTOS Bend 10s for inuatrated mlnlttura sbsst

and price Hat


SALES BOARDS and CARDS I I of all descriptions carried In stock'



hu fmir new Shimmle Dancers. All good ssllctm. twil OtMi IHilIsr for aamplra tnd prices In grass lota. l»yXlE OTdlTH. Boil44. Kinston. Jf. C. and mannlactured-lo your order


We ship yonr order same day as received

fast selling food specialty. Uvert srtleiaL c>rk^ your Itbel. Wrtu or wlm FEDGB^ PVBB riJOD CO.. 2303A Arehsr Am, CUcMO.

W/fIPPED Cream

Ncr wfK^r

MARCH 13, i920


No. 643—Ladies’ Combination Watch Set, Watch 20-year, gold mied. with Extension Bracelet and Silk Ribbon Cnaln M K Tjiph Combination, in attractive, silk-lined box, compl<-te, for tflwll

No. 616—Combination Suit Case and Bag, size 18 inches, made of genuine Spanish leather, with Dupont Waterproof Cl cn Coph Fabrikoid Lining, Brass Finish Trimmings.#1 .JU tflwll

Also full line of Suit Cases and t1 m In un m Finh Bags, from .

Manicure Sets,

Ivory, in Roll Case

Deposit required from non-rated concerns, We handle the "Inventie” Watch.

17-Plece, all stamped French

PIPES (Oontinaed from page 67)

pot on a new one at the same addresa, and ex¬ pects t>lg bnrineiia when he opens hl» ontdoor demonstrations in front of the store. He has also opened a braneti at tlie Neisner store. Ro¬ chester, N. Y., and Zeb Zamiwa, of TandeTille fame, has gone there to tahe chasge, taking along little “rink" as a mascot. S'oan was seen at his nsnal location on .sonth sl eet, In- trudncing the new remedy to the colored folks.

Dr. White Ragle (A. P. McCarty) and wife, of Pioua, Ohio, were callers at the home othce of The Billboard last week while enruute to Lexington, N. C., from where White Ragle In¬ tends to launch a small medicine show In the near future. They have been out of the game thia winter, the doctor occupying himself with the building of bungalows, of which be now owns seven, In Piqua and a like number in Clay Center, lyans. MTilIe in Clncy Bill ventured the subject of retirement to Dr. White Cagle. "Yes, we have thought of It, but you know the spirit of the roadman,’* was the reply.

Dr. ’H. L.—The Billboard was a weekly pub¬ lication a number of years before the date you mention. As to “the colnmn,’’ there were several suggested It. but the Orst ap:>earance of “Pipes For Pitchmen’’ (by UasoLne Bill Baker) appeared in the issue of August 0, 1913, and edited by that hnstUng knight of the road. Max Gottlieb. % In the second issue of “Pipes" appeared the following: ’Tipes is going to make a hit—if we can get enough pipes. Don’t expect Max Beilttog to do it a'.l, boya. Re¬ member, be only engaged to* start it. Kick in. If it la Only your name and address on a p>atai card to let others know where you are, it will help.”

The following from Dr. Ed Frink; "Opened my season at Anson, Texas, and have lost but a few days since that time. Tills has been my banner season, and while there lias been lots of “flu" anl cold weather, I have succeeded in banking nearly a grand. I carry one man, Henry Goodwin, and I can truthfnUy say he is the best stieet performer I have ever worked with, I am up in the ‘plains' country, near Amarillo, and um the only medicine man in this part of the State. The re-ders are high, sUeets mostly cU-sed and tx ard is very high, lajts of leaf men, a few cloth men up here, and all doing business.”

One lad kicks In: “Bill, if you should tee a fat ipocketbook lying on the iiavement ahead of Teu, and before you con’d get to it, a black <at would run across the alreet in front of you. what would you do?” WeJ, if suoersti- tious, one might get a long Ashing pc .e and line and oveicome a bad situation, but. person- __— ,_ ally, X would lirst make a n-h and grabe that MORE COMPANY, poke, end then the cat, and pension that feline


Don*! Be IWftslead Wt still carry a csni;l«te line ef


Chocolates that srg a good eating quality and will stand tlu) wisither oondltlnns best. IN H.\N!;ro:.;H P-VCKAGE-S, Hhlpmeote made same day order r,veiv«d.


12 U-M. Boxes to Cass. F;r Box.SOe 24 7-az. Bsxst ta Caso. Par Bex.25a

ORANGE MONOGRAM CHOCOLATES. .38s I 24 Vx-lh. Boxes to Cxse. Per Bex.27e

WIFG. CO., 'c'hi^aoo^hx^'

WHIPPED CREAM CHOCOLATES Packed in Fancy Ovcrslza Box.

12 l-lb. Boxes to Cass. Per Bsx. 24 'A-lb. Boxes to Caw. Per Bex.

4 a RED BOX BPECIAL. 24 l-lb. Baxes te Case. Par Bax.


(^IGlNATORs'cfF 7-IN-IBIllBOOK We SIS now glvtue heavier and belter etoeb ef

leather than ever before. Pries, $33.00 par Orws Blatk. Saaipla. 334.

BRACKMAN-WEILER CO. Wbita SIsM Bpsalaltett.

137 W. Madiwa Street. CHICAGO, ILL

hessler f*ompanu’s Plrcus

Stuffed Animals Made of flashy colored felt. Elephant, Camel, Giraffe, Buffalo, Horse, Hippopotamus, Rhi¬ noceros, Bear. 8 samples for $12.00, Quantity Price on application.

MPANY, • • 308 W. Balthnore St., Baltiinore, Ml

DOA T WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG The Current Edition Is Exhausted

New catalog will be ready about June 15. Watch '1 he Billboard for date of issue. Write for quotations on items you are using or send us your orders and we will fill them at lowest market prices. carry one of the largest and most complete stocks of Merchandise under one roof in the country for Streetmen, Carnival Con¬ cessionaires, Pitchmen, Premium Users, Sheet Writers, Auctioneers, Salesboard Operators, Demonstrators and Medicine Men.

1 maon. Rvixot ordxn on vrvry ixla. Big iproflt on (Vary bottle. R«<ell4 Sbe. Writ, fot

.tnronne’lrn. SUPERIOR LABORATORIES [(OtpL 30-Q). Graag Raptba, Mtablpaa.



ik ^-v. * Only balloon you cannot bum. V ^ no matter bow roughly abuMd. Vlik, Ji Rent In snorted colore doacn. i groaa. $11.00. Stanlc. \ »<• Bticka. 3«a per from." » bauaoa C. 0. 0.

^ OMIIEUON NOVELTY CO. ^ “ 8l0> Oliva Slraal. 8T. LOUIG. MO.

MAnUfSi ^News from Strannah, Ga., la to the effect that tb^ past two iQoaths Uavs seeii a nniober

Gold Plated Tif- medicine folks *nd roadmen there. Andrew fany. Sna ‘MITA- Pain® had two companies of »ix people each, T I 0 N DIAMOND hut closed bis engagement there recently. Ed RING. $8.50 Grata. Mackie’s sliuw, with ten peoi le, including a SJaza orchestra, also was veiy much in evidence

and expwts to remain tiiere for several weeks longer. Savannah being Ita beadqnarte.a. It is aUo rumored that -Mackle intends ooeniig under a new SOxhb khaki top a?x)ut tl.e middle of April, cairying thirty members. .\mong other well known knig’^ts in thos» dlggiugs are "Deafy” Dan and Jerry Slmp-em, the latter be¬ ing overheard complimenting and saving be would like to hear from Pizam (Jim Ferdon),

D. Spangler, Bidell, Brown, Ken and Mel- ton.

SHIMMIE DANCER. All the SNAP CUFF LINKS. ’ETS **■ Minrde shim- Eery big teller. Priea

jSW/ V/Jl. mle." 2Se each, and they go $12.00 Grass Sati. all 11 laaL Prke. $0.00 Grata. carded.

W ssne ihy a Jp\ Carry larie stocks. 309J M Wj cask with order, bdaiice^aMrSMi C.O.D.

AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 12 McbHor St., Providence, R. I. THE HANDY

Cigarette Case A move of tha thumb knd •

fra* ctgaprtu appeara PRICES ON REQUBST.



No. 1413—21-Piece MANICURE ROLLS, Ci 00 riPU French Ivory, Leather Grain Roll__ ^.UU LRuII

No. 1567—18-Pl<-ce Manicure Roll, French Ivory, Sat-

inette Lining. $3.50 Each. No, 142—18-Piece Manicure Roll, same as above. Plush

Lining. $3.50 Each. No. 1200—15-Piece Manicure Roll, Plush Lining. $3.50

Each. V

The remark Is often heard that some fellow that never was, until a year ago or a few yeara ago, anything hut a medlcina performer. Is now (there are many such cases) • lecturer, running hta own show, and, tu nse the vemacu- Ur, la a “pirate," using meUkods of which he la not the originator. In justice tr. all, let’s ronrlder: A versatile performer. Bitting year after year In the llnen->, il-tmlng lnten*’T and studying the virtues tf diffeient me’h-ds cf various lecturers and their prodnctlve ra.-’’tle8. as -well sa gaining the actn-l ex;>erie"-e of passing out the stcK-k in f-e pro-er manner to gain resnits. is It not prc>baMe that many en¬ tertainers, If so Inclln.^ ei'l eventoslly take up tho m-tnagerlul telns them-elves. .\gnln. take the old time l»ly ns»rev.makers, were they all complete orlslra’Orn o' tbelr nie^h'-d-? .\s an Illustration, do local meri-hants “hii.'t" right Into hiisiness without tutorage, or follow¬ ing someone’s methods—or a few of them? We recall when one of the fraWmity now cred¬ ited with being reasonablv succe-aful as a lecturer and manager, worked under the late Phenomenal Krause, the late Dr. G. O. Daw- •on, and one who all will admit la u suceeaa,

800 AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE FOR MITCH¬ ELL’S MAGIC MARVEL WABHING COMPOOH^ 300% PJloriT E.NOBMOl'B RBPKlTEB- WasM ekklhrs apotlsaaly clssn In tan to flttaen mlnutea Uioussnd other uses in every home. Astounds siw delights every wrviian. Nothing else like IL lulzhtlest rieanver Contalne no lye. Ilmft acW w wax. Free sample, (urtilshed to boost salet. positively guarsntee the sale of rrery package. M- doslve UTTlUiry. OWN YOCB OWN BF81NE8A Tou rsnntkt fall to make big money. Barber. Ohio, ms^ Jsoo Ia.vt rmsitlk. Hend for free sample Hurry liuvtlc. Grab this elianeei L. MITClIia-l> A CO.. IkeOt 302, 1312-1314 East Slat, Chlcagu.

FEMALE PHOTOS lUthliig tllrl,. .trt Mn.lAta, Girls with heaaUful hamv taken til daring fvieev fnim Itfe. Very rare. Yokill want m<>re Kampinv, MSkled. 25e: i^ht for $10" AKT HTI DIO. 1’. O Dux 41 FT, Wayne, ludlans

sa.l.e:s hoard cards TO-holts. f$k wMber yo« vsirt CtfV$ for MaaitBn|3ot$, QilMte _Oso<$. CimsTir. otf. S19.ll pof HcBifti_

Ore-Third Cash With All Orders. Balance C. O. D. Xo less than one-half dozen of any item shipped.

tf. ejr. herskovitz THF 01 0 POWERV house. OUOS ARE NOT BROADWAY PRICES.

£5 BOWERY, (Est. 1896) NEW YORK CITY.


MARCH 13, 1920

FOR CARNIVALS, FAIRS, PARKS, SALESBOARDS, PITCHMEN Before you frame up for the aeaeon, figure on the big Davie Line. THIRTY DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS. Only room to illuetrate five

here. Brand new idea for Paddles, Pickouts, Salesboards. Tried out for the first time last season. Instantaneous hit. If you don’t already know all about all of these sure>fire combinations, better write right in for full particulars and prices. Better still, save time by sending $10jOO for large ae* sorted trial order to get a real idea of the flash and value of this line.

BON TON TEN SWIFT SIX BONANZA DAINTY VIOLET Costs you 60c. Store value, $3.60. _ Costs You 33c. Store value, $2^)0. Costs you 2Sc. Costs you 37e. Store value, $2.25>.

Otors vsiue, $iJSe .

Don’t overlook our big leader. Lucky ’Leven. Costs you 56c; store value, $3.35. See ad on page 67.

LITTLE GEM Costs you 23e. Stor^ value, $1.2Si,


If you want to get the money you’ve got to pull something new. This is IL You’ll knock ’em oft this season if you frame up with the Davis Line.

Above prices are for 100-box orders, but you can Order any amount in your first order at these prices.


Jame* Fardon. The “Johnny-Newoonier” lec¬ turer it seema, abuuld be more extenaiTely crit¬ icized on bis manner of vrtM'kinf for the present and future welfare of the bue'r.eea, than the mere fact that after long aervice an an en¬ tertainer, be derided to po iuw> busiueas for falu)(elf—or theui.elve,. DUMPIE DOLLS Ns. 4»—Air. Orow...S2.29

to—Air. nroa... S.0S

^ Or. S.S0

tilotieDe- alcn,. 4.00

Na. 40 — Suuawkera.

Sauute Squtnken. QroM. 4J0 Reed Sticks. Uroar.. JO

W ConfetU. Pound .00 ■ Rubber Rat Balls. Gross. 3.50 ■ Riil>t>er Thread. Gr. pieres. .50 ■ 30-ln. Beaut, Whips. Or.. a50 ■ Winner Whips. 3< tn. Ur.. 7.50 ■ Cardboard Homs. Gross. 4.80 ■ Wood Crlckela, Groas.... 0.50 ■ Blow-Outs Irfugc. Groas. 5.00 ■ 0-In. Whistle Horns. Gr.. 4.50 B Also Serpentines. Masks. Tick-

,, H lers. etc.. Fiscs. Flrewocka Deeeratioaa Catsioc free. We ship tama day.

BRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. C0„ 1700 *4 Ella Strsst. Claslaaalt. 0.

Leo Powers and hig school cf scholarship workers pas ed through Washington, P. 0., a few weeks ago.

“Senator’' J. P. Ch'hec, is In Washlngten, P, C., oper.atlng on “Stara aal Stripes.” L. M. Bogers, the dempostratiug poet, is under his wing, as are a lot of other pui>eritea working the South Coast.-

13 INCHES IH HEI6HT with natural hair and silk crepe

\ paper dress, as illustrated, GOc Eacli.

Same as illustrated, without §(5 hiir or dress,

25c Eskclt.

Silk crepe paper dresses, 100 lots, Sc each; 500 lots, 4c each.



Doc Rirton was to leire his show, atill play- lag in Kentucky,*last Sunday for about a three weeks’ tusinew liip to New York City. During his absence. Lew Conn^ producer and comedian, will manage the company.

Hear Bay PI.rce is in St. Lonls looking after Dr. Andrew Watson’s store. wRIIe Andy is working and looking oxer conditions down Ijon- itiana way. Whit'a the good word, Andrew. You haven’t kicked la for eome time.

An ad in aa Eastern dally recently called for 300 men to pack ice and handle snow at $S.30 per day. There surely Kboold be no Just cause for able-bodied ’’psahandleta'' la that aectloa of the country.

Dr. 3. D. Dedeon wants to know who the fellow ie that has been working Central Texas with electric belts. Says he will give the lad credit, aa be works straight and—“clean,” as the entivM are about cleaned for the neat feUow. .



sie Mnnufnaturam PLASTER DOLLS AND STATUARY OF ALL KINDS and Distrtbutara o« tha _

IRAI I Ucanaed Manufaeturera ad

pI pShti rose O’NEILL “KEWPIES” nw, >9.UU Wf uoni, By speelal arrangemant wKh

HmM QEO. BORGFELDT t CO^ Nfw YorLSote UceuMi

®* A card received from Philadelphia. In tte n. Samples, center appean the Hkonees, in bold relief, of

**Dad’* Fmser, known to mo.t road men and of ,,, •‘Dad’s’’ Hotel. PhOly. Above the ent ap- ttion. peart some reading matter relative to “Thoae ;Q were the happy days,” and at the bottom: -7 “Sailing for Europe, March 20, on tUa •Jlanre- Akron, Onto, tanla*.’* Here’s te a pleasant voyage. Dad—

trat, whenyu coashi* tiark?

Jack Pels* personality and hla wonderful dlo- play were certainly an attraction at Ktesge’e. Cincinnati, last week, and anre brought tn the gravy. And his lecture—oh, boy. no superfloae ravings, but to the p'lnt and prudnctlve. as evi. denced by the nnmber of peelers the Kreege patrons were carrying away. Jack la rare do¬ ing his bit toward elevating the pltrhman-

IGfOSS demonstrator game, and It would do a lot of the feBows go<*d to see hit advertising display and style of srorking.

365 Carroll StrecL

Tike IVf Ictilgan Oaby Doll Manulacturliig Co.

Jhrhoose of the H-ln. Delia MoesMc anas. W SHIMMY DANCERS Large idae. Butd eotavd. Tbv sratk strong. Can’t tend through mafla; eapran only. Ceatnry imU eao

tn pool room eafea^ cigar stone, abosre, $34.00 gnm one-third wtlh order. Tosw ptadt, $108.00. Money

hack laarantee 8. CRUDEN CO.. 407 W. TkW 8t. Daytaa. OMe. C 1 a a n a Ruga. Carpets. Salta. Family Waehl'i—no rutiblna Psmple, 25« lergt cske. MERCO NFS. CO.. CHEWING GUM, amer.III^uction

50 Bofta. plain, or 1.000 Parkagea. $15.00; .to Boxes. Iweutiful and attractive, in coiom. conUlnlng 1.000 Pirkigea $17.50. Remit M. O. MUpecent, mode promptly. _ , .

REEDY BRORk’ SUM CO.. 050 M. Fieaklln at.. Chleee^ iBleela, New Art Productions Pronounced the flnmt Una of Art Pbotographe la Anurtoa. Sizes, llzit. 8il4. THz»H and SHzSH. Not Bathing Otrla. Beeutlfulbr Uhotrated tloU for auW WEWnJlN STAR AOBICY. Bog lit. 8har« on. PeonaylTanlt.

I’botograpba of kfodels posed from Ufe and grade Mz for $100; per dozen, com-

Pl^ sft. $3.00. prepaid. HANZEL ART STUOlOa N«vtif4<ie Station. Plttabuigh. Pa.





HEART OF AMERICA CLUB Kat B»th and A1 Bnrt. Eaatmi aalptmra, a« •well aa C. R. Fhber, the local rcpreaeotatiTe. The New Torkera left for the East the follow- iDf Bnodaj, aod Mr. Fleher haa none to Kan- aaa City for two weeka to look after the -flrm'a tntereata.


Hold* Another Enthusiaatic Meeting and Banquet in Kaneaa City—

Ladiea’ Auxiliary Organized

BI8TANY SELLS INTEREST ___....__ Raoeaa City, Mo., March 3.—With enthnalaim IN WORLD OF MIRTH SHOWS at fe^er heat auU C'mhlned effort rated at 100

per cent ^rfect, the Heart of America Show- maa’a Clan (are another of their “now becom- iDf’’ famoaa banquets at the CX>atea Ilonae, this (Ity. Friday erenlnc of last week at which the lodfea' AnxIUary, oif^nUed at the aame time, was (Iren a most rracloos welcome.

At aa oSlclal meeting preceding the social, matters of great Importance were dltcnaaed! which was the canse of Using mnch pent-np pep, and resulted In the ap.toin.ment of U. 8. Tyler by President Parker as custodian of the safety gauge. Orer one hundred applications for membership were recelred and acted upon, bringing the total membership la good standing to 493, and the e'nb but two months old. 'Hia Information that the treasury had exceeded the 92.000 mark with no outstanding debts, only added fuel to the flame, but It was during an address by T. J. Cannon, one time circus and esmlral magnate, and new rated as an “oil king," who, u.ton iea.ning fl at the club had set the goal at 93 OOO by October 1, upset the meet¬ ing by pledrtog 9500 to that amount, prorldlng the club .alsed the balance. This so exened Brother Tyler that be forgot his duties with the result that the ‘ safetr gauge’’ on entbu- slssm was tinated “to smithereens.'*

It was during the same time la “Parlor A" that the worthy wires and daughters of these skosrmen were orgaaUlag their auxiliary under the moat t'leasaut and suspicions conditions, guided by representatlre women of their profes¬ sion. In characteristic free-b .aded Western style the ladies were piesented with a personal tkns- tion of 1300 by the men’s club, adding fbe sum of 9280 by their own efforts, which starts the auxiliary oa a firm foundation, flnsnrlally.

Utial Stand of Season, Under American Legion, Satisfeictory to All Concemed^-AIrplane De¬

partment Popular—Lineup of Attrac¬ tions and Managers

Ceo Blstany, In o recent letter to The Bill¬ board. states that be has sold bis Interest In the World of Mirth Bhows and has no further connection with that organiiatlon. Mr. Blstany has signed with the Dominion I*ark at Montreal, Can., for hU riding derices and novelty shon-s, and srill spend the summer In Montreal. After the park aeaaon closes be Intends to play fair dates, srhile his permanent office rrlll remain ftt 814 Bhnbert Building. 1416 Broadway, New York City.

Jaekaoa, Miss., March 4.—The Con T. Ken- In France” and the latest creation by Mannel, »»ly Bbowa closed a two-weeks engsgement nn- the artist, “The Sorceress of the Nile.” der anapicea of the American Legion at New The execntlve staff and department heads will Orleans last Sunday night to the satisfaction appear In the Carnival Hosiers in the Spring of all concerned, and It will go down in car- SpeclaL—THE OPTMIST. nival hiatory that one show at least made a big snrqesa of a date in New Orleans. And. with favorable weather, the engagement here at Jackson this week gives promise of more good results. The Airplane Department did a ban¬ ner bnalness In the Cres<-ent C’ty, and the trips booked here already run into big figures. These flights are the meant of bringing country visit¬ ors in large numbers, end hence are proving extremely popular with the merchants.

Tbe results of the New Orleans engagement are beat expres.-ed In the following telegram, sent to tonia Wise, commander of tbe Amer- i lean Legion at Vatoo City. Miss., where the Kennedy Shows exh'Mt week of March 8: "The American 1 e:;loD here have played the Con T. Kennedy Showg for tbe past two weeks to a most successful business. Tbe attractions are clean, good and merltoiioua, and we can heartily recommend the Kennedy Shows to yonr post and ail posts as high-class in every re¬ spect, and trust that yonr engagement wUI be as snccetaful financially aa ours haa been.— JAMES CASSERLEY, Chairman Executive Com¬ mittee."

Altbo Ytr. Kennedy haa not all the attractions he Intends nsing this rear, there are no lesa than eighteen, some being nnusnally large for a carnival organiza Ion. 'I'je list includes Essie Fay’s Society Horse Show and Wild West Com¬ bined, 100-foot f:ont and arena nrarly 2(K) feet square, Andy Nolan, manager; Taylor’s Palace of Wonders. 135-foot banner line, FYank M. Taylor, manager; Taylfr’a Circus Side Show, Alvin Fay, man.oger; Gene Bowers, assistant manager; 'fhe Premier Show, Col. Jim (Doc) Berry, manager; South 8ea Island Village. Chief Pantagel, manager; Kennedy’s Over the Palls; Gulman and Eall-k’a Coney Island at- tractioB, A. H. Esilek, manager; AI FToyd’s Si¬ rens of the Sea fwater circus), Al B. Floyd, manager; Kennedv’a Fdgh'ing Lions, animal show, Capt. Dan Pfley. manager; Doblsh’s Auto Speedway. Joe Dcbirh, manager; Callls* Dark- town Follies, aod Midn'g't In n-nolulu, Joe Cal- Ha. manager. Mrs. Con T. Kennedy haa all tbe riding devices with the show and when the new Venetian Swing arrives ti.ere will be five, and possibly six, if negotiations for a real novelty ahe has entered into mater’n"re8. The four at present consist of carrT-ns-rll, J. Wllf, mana¬ ger; Fhollc, F. Stanley, manager; Whip. P. Stubblefield, manager; E’l Wheel, E. Cantrell, manager. Mr. Cmt’eTl is a’sj suoerlntendent of rides for Vrs. Kennedy, V.'. J. Warren aecre- tary, and Mrs. Warren tre..surer. Harry Brown Is concession manager, w'-'.le A. U. Esllek’s Military Band of twentv-two pieces, w'th Ella Rogers as sololrt, surniiles the oidncl—l music¬ al program. The aviation donartment la In charge of Herman Q. Smith. The eleven sleep¬ ing and stateroom cars and private car, “May. con.” are under the sfipervlalon of Head Porter Richard Scott.

Among the shows to be ad<’ed are “The Snb- marlnea,” the “Barrel of Fhin,” "Somewhere


Chicago. March (S.—“Aunt Lon” Blltx will leave today to Join tbe Johnny J. Jones Expo¬ sition In Jacksonville, Fla.


wen nepretentto at K^nicego meeting p.oi*. Kan., March 4.-Qnlte an occaaton waa made of the “spudding In” of the new well lo-

Ofaicago, March 8.—Tbe Republic Doll and cated on tbe Patterwm farm, home of the Great Toy Oo., of New York, waa well represented Patterson Shows, here on Monday last, wnen at the variona meetings of the showmen and an ontflt was set to work drilling for oil. The fair aecretadea in this city recently. Among Patterson farm la located near the oil belt of tbe officials of tbe company here were: Joseph Northeastern Kansas, which has khown several

(M. Cohn, president; Charles Belch, vlce-presl- wella of small capacity, three of which are on dent; Sam Reich, secretary and treasurer, and lang belonging to James Patterson.



Well Attended—Drive On for 1,000 New Members This Year THE 100 PER CENT PERFECT MOTOR TRUCK

Tlie orerwbelmiiig choke of ths dlacrimlnsting awanwo.

Honest Value All Ways Made right In the factory. Stay rlfht on the road. It it the quality of the l^aosport aa a nu'l (hat puts It in a class by Itself. When In need of reUable trucks let us hear ftom you, aod your orders will reettve Immedlato attcntloci. Write for desenptive Ulfrature and partUmUn and see why you need Tranqport TVucka In your buaintM.

Chicago, March 8.—The regular weekly meet¬ ing of the Showmen's League held last Fridiy evening was well attended and much interest Is being manifested in tbe work of tbe league for the coming year. Prealdent Talbott hat a num¬ ber of plana which will be put In operation, in- eluding a membe shin c^mpslin and other fea- turet. Every member la urged to get busy on this and tend In all tbe appMcationa he can aa a mark of 1,000 new members bat been set for tbia year.

Appllcationa passed during the past week were Walter "W. Sterling. FYed O. IloJlBan. Herman Aarrms. Frank J. Bchaufler, Randall, I.«on A. Sertnlak, Billie J. Collins. Leo G. Bandberg, Albert R. Walker, Joe Ahrama. Bar¬ ry Greenberg.

Owing to the press of other hnalnets Secretary Hildreth could not handle the work of the league and M. B. Bodkins waa appointed by the Board of Governors to act aa the aaristint and look after all the detail work of the league. He will be aoB's*ed In this by A. J. Zlv. who



Ready To Open Seaton April 15

Chicago. March 5.—Harvey Walker, assistant nxinagRr of the Gold Medal Shows. Is begin¬ ning to take a few long breaths now that every¬ thing is in readiness for the organisation to hook up and go to its first engagement In Bterltng, Ill., April 15.

Harry E. Billick, owner of the shows, aqd Robert Carl, general agent, have both also been hnsv looking after tbe final details. Mr. Ctrl has been ahead five weeks, and has signed up contracts for eight weeks followtug the Bterilng engagement, all under the annpices of the Eagles and Moose frate^al orders.

Tlie shows have Just received twelve flat cars from the Ringling beadonarters in Bara- boo, Wis. Five Pullman eleeping cars are also to be Included In the train.

MARCH 13, 1920 71


STRONG-BOY STOVE A Woiidtrful Gatollii* PrntHr* Stavt tar th* Caok-



Gnt'a II alaak tbln aaiKiel, fold-platad Watch, at rcoiarkabla kar priea of tl.lS. Loofea Ilka a tU 00 Gold Watch. Ofdar aampla now. Baot bf luail uijvn rrcHpl of pfira and lOc «lra fxr paatacai

Fur a larte rarlatr of othar low pricad. popular aallatA toe our Silent Salaaiaan SM-paca Catalofua N'oi 41. mailed (lea to daalara. Ilhiatratlnc Watchea. Clucfca. Jcwelrr, (.aathar Gooda. SUeat- aarat HrenMuaa. etc. Wrlta NOW.

JOSEPH NAGN CO. (Cat Hrlaa Whalaaala JaaraMra).

I00.3ia.304-9M W. Madlaaa St.. Oast •. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS.

For Sale BROOM IIXt'SIOK. Uaad ana waak In nnidetllla.

Boat UaUrboo on aanl^

FLEA ClRCrA. Complata. Pweilrat outflt aarr pot locether. Brand no* Bannar. Pro(. Kants, nrllf

CANVAS rOT& M brand noar. BataU (or $4.50 •acii. Boll uoe or more tLtS each.

CXIFORM CAP& Bloa oloth. BiAsH |150 each. Ml (or T5e each. SUshtly used.

DOUBLE O TWIN CABUBl 8dl In 5S-fL kngtbs at 13a par fooL

WA-NTED—PIANO PLATBB (or Dearan Uas-Fon. Uuit alao lectura on mj Uum. TWENTT THOI'SAND I." I'NOEB TUB SEA.

FRED A. DANNER, 117 Wnl l2Mh Street NEW YORK. N. V.

CMINIVll PEOriE Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iimmiiiii!

R^nd for Spring Catalogue. Out March 1. Complete line of Watches, Jewelry, and Novelties for Hoop-Las, Devil’s Bowling Alley and Roll-Down Conces¬ sions.


H. SILVERMAN. Manager 712 Penn Ave^ Pittsburgh, Pa.

W^RmNG TEI-IR-OIIE OWNERS wltb Uwdr earn outSU. tf jvn M* thhddnt of maklns a chance tt ariU be to rmir Interaat m mrue nr (or prrmortUon. aloo another ahear. fluth aa <>Mntnr flrcuA l>oc and ‘Puegr tHnar. iVaAf Bouae and Platfoma •thowa. Want to book aat of Bond 0«rln*L Oan piaoe tha fatlowinc OoaKemiluoa. iM Oat rate; Ham and BacoD, Bean and noca. Hamond Kra Ih>ca, FVult and Vaaa Whaela, exclualrv The foUoMinc Grind Storaa. um aiv kind of atock and wale IVw ten oenta. CUareUe OaUctr. Aerial dtkUl Ball. Boll-I>owna. Peponm. peanuu and home-eiade Candjr. Poo '&■ b. Bel Board. WalchlA Cut TVwa^ Bwlnaina BaH. rVmr-BaS ‘naeU. Spal-(hr.«l»l. O aoa Stand. N(wettle\ Photo Oanerr. Add a BMl. Pmnjr Arnade. Funnel Ball Oame and Part Oalirry. Show opena at ColunbUA O.. April 24. Addnoa W. J. TORRENS, w—-r~ r—m CrpeaMag Shew*. Maheeale HeM. Celmabtia. O. P. (A—BiHy Gear, write True Blue Gum Co.

Lansing, Micha Chewing Gum for all Concessions

Prices on application.

THE NAT REISS SHOWS WANTS TWO Ute wire nomotam quick. On* ncra Shew to lYature wm rtmdab comedete outOL saaManA addieea MOftUT a’.HAm S31 K. 44Ut SL. CKloaca WANT AT ONCE—kfarry-Go-Round Men, Cnm (or lYaln and Men to work Sbout winter duarterA with rood opcoRunlty when ahow openaL H. 8. MEL¬ VILLE. eae. Mer. Wlatar Qaartara, MHa Track. P. 0. 8n ISS. Paarte. III. FLUFFY RUFFELS

WANTS *'.7'^ Waltera. Juice Man. (or aeeaoo with NtL Rel»‘ »!I new. 25-Car Shows Addrem FLUFFY BITF- >UJ4 HOTEL. Nu Belaa Showa. Paorla. IIL Be- rardj to all (riendA FLUFFY.

pOHCESSlOW TEHTS FOR SALE. a CIRCLE SWIN8, wtih Mz ohartota. aaallnc 34 people, an raralnc raparitj of $48 00 an hour, in pofert emdlUon, ensina brand new. uaed only S«e weeks: $500.00 cash buys It. Alao Tum-Orer CRAZY HOUSE, with elobaata panM ftoiiL with aockeU and wired. Zarro-rnerr make, and also a 20-borte RACE YRACK. WUlUma makh, ISO.oe oa^ Property ran be sam In MrlunraKi Va.

W BOWERS. 4M WeM lltb St . RIokaMad. Vheiala.

MERRY-eO-ROUND FOR SALE 8<-fL Mrrry-Oo-Bouod. with higb-srade Otgan. (Dr Park or portahlei Will also place machine In Park on paroNilaeot ^ddram . , F. 0, BOX 177. Maaslllea. Okie.

The lar^eat conceesion tent iwanw- factwrera west wf Kaneas Cih).




No. 9300 B.B.—ZS-PIsae Maaleart Set. Tbia-to our rely lateat errsUoQ In Manirure Rolls Set conslsta o( 33 pieces of beat quality ateel Ottlncs and ehlte Rialned Frtnch Irory manicure ptscee. stamped Franrh irery In |llt Irttera Fitted In a illk plush lined, tool crab laalhar roll, as llluatrated abore. CA OC Our Special Cut Prke.

He. 9109—31-Plece M. etiallar to CA M aiwre. Set .

Ne. 931 -18-P1ece Set. (ancy handle, ^ CB fancy Unln*. Sat . ♦O.DD


Hileabaard (•—<• ’rw e»rh.

3. 3. 4, 5 and 9-bumer alzes. Write (or drculars of L-omplete line ot fineet make of Cook Bcuse and llamburcer Conceaalon Equlp- ment. tncludliic Grld<llea. Prewure lia^oltaa Bum- era, Tanks, Hollow Wire, roonectlons. Pumps. Coo- reosion Tents and Umhrellaa. Food Warmera and Steam Talrlea, Coffee Uma. Cnok'a Unena. Vienna Hausafe Kettles Candy and Doushnut Fumacet and Kettlea, Era Kuhetltute, and many other useful Itama

All Orders and klall reeeire Immeitlate attention. TALBOT MFG. CO.. 1333 Chestnut St.. St. Lsuia Mu.





OUR PATTERNS DO THE WORK. No expedenee required. Anyone ran paint all kinds of Sixns, Banner:., Cards, etc., on any surfsoe with our new and ea..:y systern of leltertnt. Complete outfit, contalnlnc elitht alphabets of letters, tssorted styles and sliea. from 3 to 12 Inches hUb, siro four sets of Ocures, etc. Not printed, but life slae patterns rut out of durable tag board, wblrh ran be used orrr and orer again (a yeara Also Brushes, Colors and Book uf Instnirtlona Prepaid. $7.59 ftallsfaL-tlon guarantaed ACME SALES CO., Emulra Bld|.. Dearer, Celerado.

the HITE GREATER SHOWB-WANTED—Mer- O-O^Hound. Ferrla Wfbeel. Showa and Cohcetatons ” all klndiL Answer all eorreeinodenoa by aaaU.

ate right-ptoes Band. Italian prKerred. Ad- ^ dr j. c Hira.rT4S Jd 8L PortaiMMttL <k Opening « Mag A

BALL GUM Write for Prices.

Usuited Pepsin Gum Co. 263 Washington Ave., Newark, N. J.


CHOCOLATES The quality keeps it fresh and in de¬

mand all the time. Third cash. Balance C. O. D. Ship at once.

OTTO H. BRUNS 18 N. Second Street, St. Louie, Mo.

Diving Giris WANTED


Opening early In April, a. R fam paid from Bouton and New York. Can also place ueeful Monkey* Speed¬ way people; those that hare bs<t experleore. FOB S.VIiB-T«ro complete kfonkey Spetdwaya one staea In Kingston. OnL Cheap. Address L B WALK£R 220 Broad way,. South Boston. Mass. P. 8.—Will buy 49x>>a TVnL




Second Beglment Armory. Trenton. N. J. (largw than Madison Square Cardan. New Totk), April IT te 34. Two thousand dollar* In Free Acta Two thou¬ sand dollars b Adrertlslng. TWo thousand dollai* In Contest Prizea 100.000 adrance sale of lOa admlselon Ucketa Opening (or a few more Oanwa. Showa and Conceeulona Wbat hare you? Motnr- taed C’amlTal b open Immediately after expoeltlon. Address GBUdlUE U. BISHOP, 135 E. Uanorer SL. TVenton. New Jersey.

Big Swiss Watch Bargain A “Share-To-Win" Special BIG n $1.40 I LITTLE I BIG



No. B. B. 22fr—Men’s Swiss Watch, 16 size, open face, gold plated case,

plain polished, bassine shape, thin

model, Jointed back, snap bezel, with

antique pendant, steip wind andi

pendant set, nickeled movement, ex>l posed w’lndlng wheels, lever escape-1

ment, fancy gold dlaL A leader In'

Swiss watch values that strongly

combine reliability and low price.


No. B. B. 7657

TheUGHTNING Made of heavy steel wire, with GAS LIGHTER spring, spark produced by friction orn on flint. Just the lighter for use QZ W f] with gas ranges. GROSS


“ Pigmy Salesboard The Littleet F'ellow of Them All

After muy montbu’ experimenting we hare been Koccegafnl in prodoclng A wooden aaleaboaid amaller in slae and lighter In walght than any other valeebokrd, and pcaeuaes Innumer¬ able ndrantage* orer all ealesbourda. The ’'I'lgmy" la made of klb dried Inmber, K-inch thick, and 1* gnaranteed not to warp. Thu holen of the “Pigmy” are amaller, aet ck*«r together, clean and perfectly drilled. GUed with large two- color namberu, accordtun pleated. The hack* cunnot tear out, UMrtforu (be of numbera Is Impoosible. Erery operator knosra the big adrantage of this improTemeat.

Thu “Flgmy” laltehoard may hu obtained euly from na. Fall duaeriptioa. alaaa and prioua wlU ba aunt yon inuun- dUtuly apon appUoatinn,

NC OT TD17 Madison and Franklin Sts^ • ljnUt\L!i CHICAGO, ILL.


Twenty More Colored Musicians to complete largest Colored Band traveling. Salary, (20.00 per week and berth. Summer and winter. Best Pullman Car accommodations. Finest uniforms in America. Your salary in real money every Wednesday. Show has been 76 weeks without closing and has never missed a pay day. Wire for transportation. RUSSELL BROTHERS’ SHOWS, Alexandria, La., till March 6th; Oakdale, La^ March 8th to 13th.

It yua MU It b Thu BlIKMwd. Ml tfc*ui m.



illie Puritan Chocolate Co.. Cinrinnati. 0

bonkint order! tor DIO EU WUKRLi) thM wa doQ't Bnd UoM to rhans* ihl« oapr u often u we wrold Uka. but It irrm are cfuialilrtii.( a new Kkllnc DoTlre Vit Uil* year don't orerkH* the liratrnt nrt nioner eamrr (InrrwiDwnt up- kaefi and titirraU.ia expend oonaldetT^I) In th« Anuxv-mnit B ua t n e 1 a--t b e Ikl>i EIJ WUEEU

LouIk tnncere> Bimotv—Ton are earneitly opportunitr affords him a nlfrht'a rest In a requeetod to ■wtUe to your Xather. hotel. But Uarry’a trips hare been productlTe

— of rood retmlta. And not confinins bis ratubllngs ranch ^Vbeeler dedree to thank J. '^Wlldiison to the Cast, last week be was la Chicago.

Crowther tor all tl.» o-any One effasloas that - ■ . cooio front J. W. T.’b f'icilo peu. A postcard from Jack Bell, ballyhoo end

■ front man, etatee that he hat been conflned at Thomas Webb closed with the liberty Shown Firland 'iloapltal, vSeattle, Wash., aln •« Feb-

No. 1 at Hope. Ark., and Is now ahead of the ruary 10, with smallpox. Also, that he la re- Johnny Ward ^ows, working northward. coterlng, but hU fa e Is still rery sore.

Sam 2liideII, is in Jacksonville, building rn^f. Vlrtor N. It'Amnto aud his European frames for the rtriug of csmcessions which he Baud, last season with the Sibley Superb Shotvs, win have wiUi the 1/onoan-ltoblnson Showa this has s'gned with the World of Mirth Shows, season. Prof. n’Amato and his Jazz Band have been

- playing during the winter season in Brooklyn. No one conoeaslonist can tell another exactly ■ - —

Irtw to conduct a stf'cessful business. Expert- The Nat B«]sb Shows have Issued an at- en«.e will teach him, and exi>erlencfi is 4 wonder- tractive pamphlet, containing a few of the ful teacher. many tesHmonials recelveil roucernlr.g the merit

- of the al tractions carrle*! by the caravan made What’s the Idea? Nowadays, after some fel- famous by tl.u late Nat K«iss, respected by all.

lows register at a hotel, they immediately aak • ■ ' — for the "bellboy,” even before being shown to Two new'.y arrived c torus girls registered at their room. the Imperial iu Montgomery to Join Geo. Me-

— .— rarthy’s ••Springt’me” with Rubin A Cherry One of the Bed«. In -philly says a bunch of Shows. "Whv.t .r lovely hotel clerk,** they

the boya on Eighth street have been putting In said—as o;tp< alto ibeir names he wrote "sulto a very got^ winter, niaiuly catting up lest sea. 16.** son’s doughaky. ■ —

■ i -- Mnl Darling Is with the Lorman-Robloson "Onoo aecumnlate a big fortane, and if H Famous Shows aad will have several concea.

lasts a century It will last forever,” said e slons. Darling recently returned from Prance, wise got siper—and all Bedouins -will thank where he served on a special detail connected him for the tip. with the Teace Commission at Paris.

Harry C. Potter, trainmaster Greater Altmo Shows, was switch¬ ing in the yards at Pocatello, He dropped Into the de¬ pot Cafe and met Harry Waugh, en route Chicago to Portland. After a Pve • minute talk with tl.e "boss’* Potter handed in hig time as awitchman.

CANDY CONCESSIONAIRES When you are ready for your

firat Candy order, try



Cm Aveaue, JACKSONVILLE, ILL., U. S. A. Aak fgr a ssmpto oopy of tbo (bPTlMlsri'. You

srlll enjoy resdtng It.

MAGIC DICE of Every Description.


Cstalag Free. MAMC NOVELTY CO,

729 Jshs Street, West Hsbskss, N. J

Mssical Goods - Stage Money Send for Free Catalog Today.


AU Kinds Every D scription

I Ca;t. W. D. Ament and wife have signetl with the Xst Belss Shuws, with a big Ulusiv>a side-ehow, consisting of tan il- hisiona; a i>enny ar¬ cade and two e'*u- ceasions.



be ahead of the Lorman - Robtusun Shows this oeaKon uj general agent. Co e

At a live wire eir- tra'-'or and he* s’- rea y landed sever:* i promising spots.

A report from New Orleans says: "Sergeant Herman Q. Smith’s Aviators made a dittinrt hit in the Southern metropolla when the Kennedy Shows played there. Her¬ man Q., however, did not pilot the governor; most de¬ cidedly, he did NOT.”

‘jrp ingh” mr Klein states be will manage the big wa¬ ter show which John Lk Liorman is to frame for the Lor- man-Boblnaon Shows this aeason along irlth bit free art.

Meet tm Dice Mda m any sbBornlorfniii sheet CeBoloid

Catalog on Bequest Tne laieat InreaitoD and most aiiractlfs amu**- ment rilling devles for Parka. Fairs and Carilvala PorUbl* or stationary, operated by rtthw gaaollM w rierirlr mninr. Write today and let ut tell you til

It SMITH A SMITH. S»rlBt«ll>«. Erie Ce.. N. V.

B Beverly White, rreas agent for the Wortham “Peren. nlal” Show*, broke Into print strong'y in Los Angeles. I’o promoted a layout of pictures on tbe Drst page of one of tbe afternoon pa- pera. also two col- nmns and a half storiee, with pic* tnrea of features

Mr. Juix^ryn U again lOgagoJ this tea ten on the With the caravan, staff of Uie Greater Sbeesiey Showa Altho ttlU young in yean be has bad a broad expertence m tbe outdoor amusenxsut field and has a large ac¬ quaintance among fair aasoetationa, colebraUon eammittecs and railroad oOcialo, ae well as m tbe smutcmait field.

John L. Lorman, manager of the Lor- man-Robinson Shows. Was seen in New York last week. He appeared to be full of basiness and was tearing along Broadway at a 40-mile clip.

„ f ' ■ - — A postcard from Harry A. Rose, the well Some one told an improvident Bedouin that known general ngent, states that be had ar-

the per capita amount of money in America waa rived in Ft. Rralth, Ark.. fOr treatment for 155.80. then he remarked: "I’d like to be one stomach trouble, and that at tbe time of of those per capita felluws for just once In my writing <t looked as tbo be might hare to life.” undergo an operation.

6am Oraubart has placed his Hue of six coBceaaions with the Famous Broad¬ way Shows, accord¬ ing to a note from the Southland, aud Ig looking forward to a big season.


Greta. S0~~A 1 $2.50

CrsM. No. kO—Heavy Oaa,

$3.50 Greet. Na 90—Heavy Ou.

$4.M Qrett. Noi as—I.ane Air*

thipe. Grew: In two cotort, $4.50 Grett.

No. 45—tilth hong Squawker, $4.50

No. te—With banc Squairker. 15.50

Balloon Klirtu. ve- lerted quality. 50e GrMB.

S Hair rash with er.ltr


Te attraction managers who don’t have to gilly: See that those wagons are loaded properly and ready for the ’’run!*.” The driv¬ ers and train crew have troubles of their own.

The A’l Pavha Brfithers. v.l’.h I’j- lack's .^how-s, are adding the "Streeta of Cairo” to their Arab an Knig'-ts. It is their inteullun to

present one of the largest Or'enul r''odactiont ever with a carnival orkauizatiun, fuatuilng Princess Zormanda,

SI Luterns. Little Wnndet patented ISKS^I ■ ffssotine lithtsareBEIGHTEBTHAll FILBCTRICirTyCUBArBE THAU TlMosaads in use everywhete.

I fiii-4gFsndsbi«ivBsf>^«-n4y»^«rs whlt^ Uiffcto ffJT every purpose. We want sell- Ing distributors where we are not repre*^™^^

tented. IFHte for Little Wonder Catalogtte and pricey UTTLI WOSBEBHrUCO* 152 SsttBSL, Taira Uuta.la4

Salesboard Operators Send for our Illustrated

Periume Salesboard n |JA||0|||I||T Seen at « hotel in New BrItUn, Conn.: Bd-

_ ^ ^ ward Hanover, agent Geo. Westerman’a Cheat an wnail* TaIMII Toyland show*. .Seems Edward wasn’t dropping

wmVIIqJ in SUlIf I W wvll much Information, either. They say he was an My Doughnut Machine cuto and drops 60 delirtaus mum as a clam. Doughnut* every minute. My prepared Doughnut Flour costs 18c per pound (add water only). One hundred pounds makes 200 doten Doughnuts. Costs you $18.00, sells for $60.00. YOUR profit. $*2.00 ou each 100-pound bag. Five-pound sample mailed Jl.OO. Doughnut Msrtilne. Incluiilng ooutplete equlp- meoi. $182 50. Terms, cash. Write or wire. CAMP. FORBSR. 200 Madison Are., Nes York City.

the paper on an advertising car of the Al G. Circular. The niORt attractive money- Bamea Animal Circus. He was succeeded by eettcr and repeater on*the market to- George Holmes. day

Wonderful ofiportonlty this season for speclsl CIIDEDinD DCOniUr rflUDAMV agenta to work up lively <-oate:ts. Make them dUl tKIUN ILniUlnL vUniriini clean, the prlaet worth while and by all means fOriirln»tfvr* nf thn Perfiimfi Stores) ■timulate enthnslaem by publicity and encour- tOriginaiors of me t eriume Ciioresf

■gement of rlvaiiam. And it brings ’em to tbe 160 N. Wells Street, CHICAGO lot, as well. If conducted properly. -—

Joe Callie has tbe management of two shows this seuoo with the Con T. Kennedy Seravan, CalMa* Jazzland Mlnitrels and Midnight In Honolnln. Joe was in the top-money elata last

W. K. Johnson, special agent for Bubin A season with his mlnatrel, and reports have It Cherry Bhows, bad only one open week In Ken- he will make ’em alt go some again during 1920. tnekv, with three to-wns so equally bidding for ‘ It, there was absolutely no choice, so he Is hav- Two troupers vfere ailmiring a pretty little ing them shake dice by wireless tor It. woman on a street car In Chicago, busily read-

ing Old Billyboy. Imagine their surprise on Harry B. Crandell, this season piloting the learning it was none other than Betty Bentley,

Brown & Dyer Shows, baa been doing some fast who, it is said, I* wintering to Chicago, but stepping this spring. He has been seen board- will soon respond to t^e call of tbo carnival, ing sleepers between Canada and tig to-wna of ■' ' ' - tbe East and tbe Carolines to frequently It U Said • hungry Bedouin to the cookbooie , opined he looks for ’’that Uttle hammock” when waiter: “The nnderemat to that chicken pit BUlbovd, Chicago.

They do gay that New Orlea-is is no good for carnival attractions. Ask Con T. Kennedy what he thinks about it, and you will hear a different story. New Orleans is 0. K. it you havo tbo goods, which undoubtedly Con T. has.

Polish np that ol’ “Root Beer Barrel” of yours and get ready for business. Prohibition makes the greatest opiiortnnlty In history for the selling of root beer and other soft drinks. Remember, "one-half of one per cent.”

WANTED—An A-No. 1 Fterrls Wheel and M*cry-Oo- Kound RK-Up 5Ian. or either ooe veporstety. Bitlre sesaon in and around Chicago, with Ideal woridns oonditiona. THE MUTUAL AMUSEMENT E-NTER- PRI8E. in care of E. D. Miller, 466 Parkslde Ave., Mana-er of the Plaisanre Uteater, Chicago

Funeral Frouesslon and Cnsaatlon. Auspices 8a* cT<*d Order nf Rulia Oration by Dr. A Fuller Bull (Clarenna H Jamleaori).

•‘FAMOUS FAKES OF FRAOOLANO’’ The orlgltiU "KHy’ 8»u>w Teti-ln-Ona WA.NTF.D —Amusement Cm to finance Mtme on a FEBCENTAOB KYHIR.

f$AC1tRD 041D131 OF nmXR. Herral Hortal Horlety.

Motto: ITie HeltHng Hand. Addresa C. R JAMIK/irtN. Gen Del.. Canton, Ohio.

HOROSCOPES Printed Fnrtimes, Future Photos. 4o for Catalog and Kxmplea. J. LEDOVX. 169 Wilson Ave.. Brooklyn, New York.




MARCH IS, 1920

Um tottgbMt 1 ever tackled.” "Tbere waan't aor andercrut to that pie. Rocks, rua have eatea the papor plate, too,” replied the waiter. ,

flpeaklng of care, oae prominent general agent klrka in: “I’d api>reclate it Teiy much if lome of the birds who are purcbaaing all the care wonld tell ns where they get them. We hare been bavlng a hellnea time getting what we need, and wltb pientj of caab to do it arlth.”


Alf. BolUnd, brutuer of MUt BoIIaiid, con- ceaalooalre, and John ti. UoiUnd, treaanrer, of the Pulack Bbowa. baa aniaed from Loodoa. Kng., and will Join the ranks of the tronpera. Alf. aara the “bualneee la bloodj nice, and be bupee to becoioe ■ eamlral magnate within a ye«r.'* _

The Oreat Keene. aStronomlcal and aatral expert, wltb Babin A Cberrg Bbowa. anggeata an ex'ler wa, to signal 3Iam than nalng an tnormona amoke ecreen the alae of Pennaylrania Btate. lie oare: “Whj not open a can of limb', rter rbecie of the also of Bbode Island on a etormjr night I”

Why the old reliable “Bock" Tamer does not answer the “call of the wild.” Two auto- incMIes, beantlfnl rei'lden<-e, an excellent real estate bnalneso in St. Peterabnrg, Fla. When ;oo mention carnival bnaiatesa to “Bock” be t'Uly amilea and saga: “1 have aerred my ap- •.>reutlce'<l;lpw"

7. O. Ellis eaya he it jost np from a fonr- weeka’ apell of Indneuxa-pneamonia and will soon be on the job again, piloting the Oreat I’atre.a. a B!i ws. J. U., who'lias been at hie !iome In Dnqnuin, 111., contracted bia lllnesa while In Edmonton, Can., attending the Fair Aaaociation meeting.

Wo ventnro the prediction t’ st more money U going to bn made In t'-ie Carnival field thta year and yeara to coxe than any past seasons. More rich men will likely become milUonairea and more poor men rich, than ever before. Some optimisan, wbatl Well, a “word to the wise is n kick to the tool"—be wise—get bo»y.

A. Van Kleef, of the Arrow Novelty Co., Inc., of New York, spent a few days In Cincinnati uat week. Van Kieef. a m‘>st likable chap, ia on a bnslneaa trip aorosa the continent in Inter¬ est of his firm, aad while en route to the Coast Intends ylsitlng many nark and carnival con- ccoatonera along the Sonthem mate.




237-241 W. Madiaon St CHICAGO, - - - lU N. SHURE CO


ratla Casat.

• 2S*Yiv, e#M FNtad CkaHa.

3 AmwMm Steel, Sevutaad Rarart.

• Asserted Stoee^ SM Ceia HaMem

I l,SOO-Nala Salea Beard and a wonderful Kik VelvM Pad. When aold at lee aaia brtnga in $15«.0t.


To keep the record atrslght let it be recorded that Constance Marion Johnson, special contest agent for Bubin A Cherry Bbowa. ia one of the first wviman agents ia the carnival basiaes* fully experienced and capable of doing any and all kinds of advance work. Kmart women are mooopoUitng many g"od butineas positions now.

Ed K. Ralter and Sydney Wire, both with grixaled lookt and Itotb sporting canes, were a familiar sight amund JacksonriUe when the Jones Csravaa played the Florida Metropoll*. Both these well-kmtwn press agents are obi timers, and both have had experience in the theatrical, aa well at the ontdoor end of the bnsineaa.


(Aa IlluaWatad.)

T'vt Snlsh on tbs market. S'< ear Dai.. P'tin: M with Tnrbaa. $12 wMk w:ea.

0''N’T-WET-MC DOLL. tSW par Dai.. Ptaia: $$ wlih Turbaa. $7 with Wig.

One-third depoall wltb order, balance C. (X D. xt-. fer our new Spring C.;a.tJ.

TKE BEAUTY GIRL. 13 ia. high. Halda Tint PIreo ABiaag Dreatal Do Is. With Wits. $$ g.r Oai.; $70 ptr 100.

W'tb Grasses aaly. $3$ a 10-la. Plaia. $2 par Dpi.;

The Annaal Kacampraent of the Department of Colorado and Wyoming, Tnited Kpaaitb War Veterans Is to be he'd in Pneblo Jnly 3-8. It la nnUeratood that popnaala are now being re- leived from carnival companies and other con- ceaaioaaatrea for t':e event. W. G. Parker is commander of the local post and E. B. Carey, adjutant.


Large 30-Inch Carnival Dolls

Pete Cella and Larry Judge purchased a ”bng‘* for use in the Wangh-Bofer Motordrome and spent the day driving it ar'nnd Portland. Ore., atreets. Tb'>ae who know the slie ot each will ag'ce that they were lucky to eacaoe arreet f >r cme'.ty to a machine. Also, it must have been some sight to spe.'tat.'vs, aa the “oyer- weights” rode slice samee miniature railway.

"The way of the Iranrgreaaor” has nothing on the lot of a camlval manager in the winter, with old “flu” as an additional worry, accord¬ ing to Governor Macy. However, with his ont- fit growing e.nd the oatlook of a good aeaimn. “Gov. Yearn” says be will keep the caravan going, even if t!-e weather la rather “nippy” (Charlotte, N. C.) tho the “atui do shine.''

PACINI &. BERNI 2t7e-2072 Ofgsa Avaaaa. Cl


Ma(]e Yama Yama and long dress Styles in our own

Doll Fairtory, where we never have had labor trou¬ bles. Our central location will enable you to get your

orders quicker and at less express charges.

30-Inch Dolls a Dozen, $13.50 Our catalc^e tells you all about it.

Note that tbere is an “Ala Baba” attmetioa In the Palace of Wonders with the Bernard! Greater Bbowa. Don't know the nature of the exhibit, but here's ho(Hn* "he,” or “it.” la snfliclently strong to bear a few “cnaaln’k” ahmg with the Oowera, becanae of some one elsc's negllgeaco—or cnaaedneas, es baa been tbe lot of the writer. Oh, boy, ain't that the truthT


'•'wa Machine.I 'TALCO" Porubie Otwttne Btm (as Uhis-

Pttadl, oompWtt with largs Doufluiut Ket¬ tle. Iirt-out Grata and Mixing Bowl.

~A1a:o’' Qia Ktova, same tlBs and aqutieneui., Writa for oom'><eu Circulars.

TALBOT MFA. CO.. IS2S Chertaut St.. St Lael

General Agent Barry llofer, of the Greater Alamo, wanted a aketrh In colom of the front of the new show, “A Barrel of Fun.” Artist Bean fixed It np, end Bofer left It In a seat in a hotel lobby. After a two days* search the drawing wan recovered. A bellboy had taken It to his room, becau-e it “was such an nansnal- ly pretty pictnre.” Some tribute to both show front and artist. OF ALL 0. t. H eiTRt MD RESORTS


Vl»wi nf New Tock, Phi's lo’nhta. DotToit. Boston, ^paraivQ, Niarara. No-v Oricana, Colorsda. White Mwinuino. Rirhfioldi. Baratoga Kan Francisetx Chi¬ cago

Genuine French Post CnrdsjMIcroscopea, NoveUlea, Paris. Specialty.

W'li-t da you wist tram FrasecY Writs aa.

A1 Dunlap, of T'oe Bt. rcieraburg (na.) Inde- }iendent, says that J. WIlkinaoB Crowtbff cost the "BUDohiae parer” -its entire clrcnlatton one day recently. The sun faUed to shine tbe day J. Wilkes arrived in town, and, of coarse, free copies were distrtbnted. The blame was placed OB Jay, becauoe the same thing baopeaed three yeara ago when* be was la advance of tbe Leon Waahbum Shows.

During tbe late war. when a fellow tried to let people know how much better man he was than aonit one else—not present, the nsnal re- m.trk of the bystander was: “Tell It to tbe Marines, and get action.” All propoees the a.ame system to some Bedontns. If yoa bavo it In for somebody, tell your little story to him. or bar—face to face—Inatead of trying to pan thru Caravans. This la lateaded as a aoclal coinraa, along with n little good-antnred kM- ding. Instead of aarving aa a rape aereae • sidewalk oh a dark night—with the avenger la hiding.

KEWPIE DOLLS IN 3 SIZES Mm wl’h f.lOO to $1,000 capital, fc- thi* Btate. 0 hand's an e.'oeh-maktng neueaalty tor tele-

"'vwe nves Ilnvy te'ephntui eubv-'fllM' baa vims ra-’n-v for you. I arge Inconao aaaured. EL •' v ••otj.umiR a CO., in w. ttd ex. New Yort Clt».

Beg. O. a Pal Office. Deilgn Patent !ta dtus*. 1913

Made from Wood Fibr«. practically unbreakabla. By apecial arrangeinent with Geo. Borgteldt & Co, New York.

ALFRED MUNZER, Mfgr., 111114 E. Nth BL. SEW YOBK

1 H.I 1 1528 W.



■ Lai^est and mow complete une oi i^oncession uooos in me coun- 1 try, including Dolls, Candy and Nove’tics of all kinds. Many new 1 items for 1920. Alw complete line of Games cf all kinds.


If you wil * l;eo in lively locatio s ten



H yra win aead it yaer aMrm, «• will be pleMe4 to Mil yeieifr.

A. «I. 23V, President



AMERICAN BEAUTY No. SO—With Hair Wl|. 12 la.

Hlalu S Dm. Cat*.

BEACH BABE Na. 4C—With Hair Wlf. 10 la.

Ki|h. t Doi. Caaa.


Rounding Into 8hapa for Eeaaon

I’aoU IKaa., March 3.—With the flret few days of wt'nn weather, nermittlng work out¬ side the winter quartera of the U>eat Patterson Sbowa, a ai>urt haa been given to the rebolM- Ing anu repairing of the curs an<i coechei which will comprise the big t aln. With tliirtr rnra to overhaul, repaint end renovate, and only six weeks in which to complete the work, it hue been neceMary to st.-.rt a new crew on the Job. New sills and floors are being placed In the cars, and when newly painted the tnln '.rill present an aMwarance unsurpassed by any on the road, ne il*ulhnane, dining car, and Mr. Patte-son’e own private car will all carry a new appearance, both Inside and out. this year. If the present plans of Mr. Pattenon mature.

Rill Harris’ crew of mechanics and helpere is busy building the fronts, and in spare mo¬ menta constructing some new shows that will make them all sit up and take notice. Eddie Hearts, mr.uager of the pit show, bat comlled all of hie personnel, and Eddie says he srlll have the best on the road.

The famous Patterson Elephants were te- tnmed last Monluy from Topeka, where they played the American legion Show.

In spite of the Inclemency of the weetber, and the prevalence of an epidemic of influenza during the past month, work around the quar¬ ters has progressed ste-'dlly, and optimism Is general that when the hour atrikee for the Wg opening April 19, everything will be In finer and better shape than ever before. It i, the Intention of Manager Patterson to put out a bettor* sliow this year than be bat yet taken on the road.—R. B.



YNi you wait for some one to set tMsilongsiiie Of your BELL or will you boat them to it?

three machines


opens on ll side. You don tiavs i* Up tl,' maoblna m* side uonn t fici your mci. o)'. Bltcunsi 1uf every ebanee o< lirvskliK t b I globe or show ease

A handsome Maddoe, which brings In a continual stream of nlcfceU and la creating a sensation ererywlMra Money oompartmanl bolds l.SOO nick¬ els — amount teallaed from every JUling $60.00.

Plays tilckels, dimess and quarters, stewards paid from 10c to 110.00 in trade checks or otherwise. 'Wo do not use the check with the hole in it on this ma¬ chine.

For your protection all coins

nils B-Z Machine bolds 1.200 balls of gun., sicb having a hole drllloi through the cea- ter and a pcintad number Inside. BotwI numbers are indicated oo ceUulofd ubarta which we Bupply. Our gum Is prepared In our own daylight fac¬ tory near the ehote of Lake Mlohlgao. awsy Iron all dust and dirt, under l(1.>al wortLng rondlUoiw. whlcb gutranleut a highly tanltajy. wholesome, deUclMia gum.

nPPDATAM DELAYS RAY NO DIVI- WrCHHIUnS OENOS! Gt« in w.u us sew fur full partlculan.

lAlFSIiFM earn 218.00 ts lao.oo a da- wHfcfcwmtn cnenmitdoos selling E-2 Machines.

or checks played show plainly in our late model non-cheating de¬ vice in back of the ma¬ chine.

Percentage same as the O. K. Bell. Without Gum Vendor. .$75 With Gum Vendor.... .$85 Including a full set of nickel, dime and quarter jilay back checks and op¬ erating instructions. High-Grade Gum, 100 pkgs.

to the box, 90c. One-third deposit, balance

C. O. D. B% off, full amount with

order. Invented by Chas. Fey, who originated and was the first to manu¬

facture the LIBERTY BELL, known the world over, and was the first machine made that separated the checks from the nickels by the aid of a steel pin passing thru the hole in the check. $1,000.00 reward to any¬ one proving that this statement is not true.

We are taking old machines in trade. Have several O, K.* Vendora and Operators Bella for sale at bargain prices. Mfg. for Canadian coina. Canadian orders must be accompanied by full amount.





Will Open May 1—Lineup of Attrac tions

PhlUlpabortr. N. J., March 3.—ITie R. H. Miner’s Model Shows will open their season In thla elty May 1, for an engagement that will include two Satnnlays.

'Hie roster of attractions and conceasions In. dudes careusel, John .\pg',r, manager; wheel, Jos Grass, manager: tango awinga, Harry Mc¬ Kinley, manager; Dog and Pony Circus, Ed Devereanx, owner and manager; Old Plantation. Miner and Godfree, owi-.ers. John Godfree, manager; Flve-ln-One, ‘'Smr.lng” Mike Nico¬ sia, owner and man.!ger. Pan CSeen, pillow wheel; Tom H.irold. d;U wheel; Bert Sutton, grocery wheel: John Dunlea, fruit wheel; Ohaa. lisubnch, candy wheel; William Pavia, palmis¬ try; H. J. Moran, bottle<ball game; J. H. Ood- f ee. cats atd c'garet s'ooting g.l e.y; Jack Simms, hoopla and Buddha; John L. Apgnr, long range gallery and candy dart; Charles (Poo) Bsmes, cookhouse; Bin Carey, ham and baron and grape Juice wheels, and three ten- rent grind itaDds: Jos. Gross, candy and soft drinks.—EDDIE,


Club Room Furniture, Playing Card?, Dice and Games of all kinds. Large stock of Poker Chips always on hand.

H. C. EVANS &, CO., 1528 W. Adam* St.. CHICAGO. ILL.


McClellan 8how8' lineup

Abilene, Kan., 21arch 8.—’The J. T. OlrClel* Ian Kbows will this season have three riding devices. Big EU vfbeel. lierscbell-Hphb’'i*o <’*>'- onael, owned by J. T. 'MrClellan, and Jazz swing, owned and operated by Murray .Frederick, of liSTVicd, Ksn., In addition to seven sbowa. In¬ cluding McClellan’s 19-ln-l, J. N. Perry, lec¬ turer; B. C. Bllson, tickets. MiH^ellan's Ath¬ letic Rbow, Community Dance Hall, with Wil¬ lard Robison Deep River Jazz Band to furnish the music (not a “ ’49”—women with the stK'W will not be permitted to dance on the floo-l; Tir'indage A Sbreve's Illos’on Show. MeCIellar's "That Btrange Gill" s'miw. R. K. Hlmt>son and wife, operators. Of the eonresslonii Mr. and M'S. C. Q. Ray will have elfht; Orville Do<lge, two; Billy Borho, four; T. K. Pbllllpt. two; H. C. Berry, one; Russell Vaughn, one; Obss. Davis, one; Geo. Bwanaon, two, and Barnett A Bcbultz, alx. A numlAr of people with the shows last season have again signed, also some who have been members for several years, Tb« oatfit will continu* to bs transported in threo bag gaga cara.

Mall iia 22 M for thrse aamplm of Uie greatest IHasb Doll fur stock i«resiiia.-s laydoMns. U'e also rerum- mvtd our DCATU MAID UAIR DOLL, for Grind iwvs r.ssh.

For Chicago’s Most Popular Bathing Beach. 8EA80N 1920.

OPEN JUNE 18T TO 8EPTEMBER 18T. RestauranL Ice Cream, Soda Fountain and Cigars, Candy, Pop Com, Etc.

If You Have in Old Band Instrument Turn It In for Druimrcn^ Supplies

Wrlta for Lataat Dram Cauleg

THE DIXIE IISIC HOUSE 105 W. Madison Straot, Chicago

Address DEPT. 10, Billboard, Chicago.











MARCH 13, 1920

World’s War Veterans’ Indoor circusiiis»Ji;nlmiK WUNTED—Shows of ill kinds. WMnltlbaraldntiiNfwFNlmntin. WANTED—Cook House. WjUiTEIHCoocossioas of all kinds; X on nrerytliing. WANTED—Palmistry. WMITEIMleal scnsationai Froo Chens Acts. WANTED—Oriental Show.

POSITIVELY NO GRIFT. This will be one of the biggest ce ebrations held in Indiana this year. Only Show that will play Terre Haute this year. Evansville, Logansport and others to follow. Write or wire RICHARD S. WILSON, Commander VIGO COUN'P^ WORLD’S WAR VETERANS, No. 1309 S. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind.

^PATEIT^MMLE!^ Or ha'f Intrrnt to flrumo* for ntoufartur* uul mIk

NEW GIANT SWING Latest and Mgat StuMtUonal ThrtU«,

FOR AMUSEMENT PARKS Addnw r. B. HAPPBU 10» & Cbarlaa 8t. BaJU- taoiv, Marytiuid.


W* will manufactura article In demand rwcrywlMre. rotallUK at SI.Ml, under jenr own label for 30e aaefa.

(uaranm to taacti rou how to tell retalL wholw- Kale, ihrouih aemut penontfly and by malL FREU Trrmmdoua rrpeat baainas; ono of our matoeneri matla SI 000 In one month. Write for proof. SCI. i-TI’'' • UvnoiUTtWlES. SS Court SL. Bn)aktni. New Tortt.


to take fun charie of turn WhliK Tbp aalair. but TOO muat be worth It Write or wtrw JOA KRACSB H. W. raapbell'a I'nlted Riowa. Coiumbta. 8. (X.


CAI*XAIIM BRAY ■Mkre them ell Isufh on the watm. when be iniean M I'aniiw J'mee leamlof to walk on the watar. nw wanted a

FUNNY WATER ACT. Captain Bray haa cot It. Bn h.m Ifanacm Sd* dT-rm C.trTAIX GlXrBOE BBA.T. P. (X Boi US.

Arcade Machines SSutDwwten 55. a'l Iron: SW* Matnacotie reeia; boat ao- trcioB-,; 23 Al'MK Sertili Shock Marhlnm 5

I ’>.-tuna TVlllnc Machlnas

B.Hurwitz & Son _TOl FVIeral ».. Philadalp^ PtL

The Great Paterson Shows WANTS

• Man to work Qephanta. a Band leadrr fbr the No. J Band. Indy to work Bu.ldha. Bill Poater, Fat renn’a. cno>l freak*. n.kVH PINO"®, write AU. MVi«CIA.\S rONTRACTF.n WtTtl NO 1 BAND ante Wn’re ('uartara. Paola, Kaniaa.


AnnusI Frolie at Spokans and Numbsr of Fair Datos Addad to Bookings

Portland, Ore., March A.—Another worthwhile celebration kaa fal'.ea Into the horpper of tbo Greater AlaoM Btiowa. Tke annual aprlnc Frolic at Sijofcine. Waih., has been gathered to the fold of the Spokane Adrertleing Club, and eIBclala of that IItctIi* organlxatlon hare alfne<l contracla with the Greater Alin) to far- Blah amuaementa. Attractions will be located on the downtown atreeta. and already a rain- palgn of pabilclt7 haa beea started. Editors of Inland Eniplra newspapers hnre opened their colnmni for newt of the celebration, and two Spokane papers bare girea adltorlal (not news) apace to the coming feellrlllee. The Spokane Kiullc bids fair to bo t^e big ciric celebration of the entire Northweet this year.

la addltli'B to other fain of the Padfle Northwest Circait alreadr signed with Greater Alamo, otUcUla of the Unn Pair at Albany, Ore., hare also signed contraots. General Agent Harry P. Hofer, who haa partly recor- ered from a two weeks* lllnest, la on the road again. <

"lotenstre eonatmctlon*’ and “more prodoc- tloa" are akgaas at wriater qnarters. Old ahowa are being tom apart with a seeming reckleea abandon, and In n few days new ones —like Phoenix—“arise from the ashee." Thru the ability of Artist Elmer Bean, the Tony Bernard! Athletic Show front is another et the par excellence brand.

Among the boys now working at the two abope are Horace Demi<eey, Bod Boca, George Lewrls, William Broim, R. A. Moiray. Harry Grorer, Jack Adams. H. C. (Happy) Mnr- ray, Sie Cnlllas, “Bill*' Tank. Jim Alexander, Oacar Fagerberg. Gahe Harrison, Allen Win- dette and Tralnaaatter Hany C. Potter, who la working on the train. Harry Johaton and wife, George Klaos and wift. and Arthur Clam- pltt and wlfa art alae among those present.— CARET.


Opart in Louiavilla, Ky., April 1

I/wdaTine, Ky., March 4.—^Tbe Zeldman A Polite Expoeltton Sbows, la winter qnartera at the Kentncfcy State Pair grounds, will start their tenth aeaeon here April 1. under the aneplcea of the Modern Brotherhood of America on the xhow grounds at Tsrenty-eighth ana Broadway. Brerythlng la about ready, as the mechanical department bat been working orer- time under the superrlelon of Mr. Zeldman. Mr. PoIIle returned from hts home at Grand Rapidt, and was rery Well pleased wirh the progreae on the new front* and wagons, and reported that the new cars srtll arrlre h.r the end of this week. Tbit year Zeldman A Pollle win travel In their own train of twenty can. Twenty attraettona. Inclwling fire ridinc de¬ vices, win be with the caravan, also Ja^er- son's All-American Band.

General Agent Felix Blei retnnei from bla booking tonr. having attended tbe different fair meettnga. and reiktrlt that be baa c<w>trarted twelve falra ao far. and baa prospects for eer- eral others. Mr. Biel h*s tilled hla advance staff with the S'llowlrg; Chae. I’ark and srlfe. promotera; 1.. M. Harden, general adverttatng agent; C. B. Green, bt'.lposter, and Ed Holland, press agent. —HOtXAND.

Ix>ok t'-iru the I etter List in this Issne.



cle:ar proftt

Can be operated anywhere. The lndl<»tor tells In advance how many checks you will receive for your nickel. Eliminates all element of chance. No Blanks. A package of Gum given with each nickel. We sup¬ ply Gum at Jl.25 per box; 100 packages. Price. 1125. Have a few rebuilts in ex¬ cellent running order and appearance at $60.00 ei uh. Also some that were used only a few weeks that have been re¬ nickel plated, reflnished and varnished to look like’new. Big Bargains at $75 00 each, or three machines for $200.00. This is the strongest and best O. K. machine built. Is filled with checks, ready to set up and get the money. You can set it to pay out nickels, if you wish, in amounts of 2-4-8-12-16 or 20. Mechanism same as the Famous Operator Bell. All steel, cast Iron. Send $20 deposit, balance paid on receiving it. Get yourself an in¬ come started of $5 or $10 per day and take it easy all winter. Order for next Saturday’s Play. Salesboard operators should get in on this, as it works ^ fine along with your Board. Will take your old Operator Bell; allow you $15 aa part payment, F. O. B. Indianapolis.

^ SILVER KING NOVELTY CO, 609 Capitol Ava., Tha Silver King Bldg.



Good Praaki and AUrxrtlona. Clnret Fiend. WANTS FOR SNAKE SHOW—Girl to work Snake* In pit. Man to grind and lell UcfceU. WANTS FOR WAU.A WklXA GlHJjS—Girls who can ting and daoca. AU DMiBt b* mod. experienced rvople In show butinmt. State lowest aalary and tend pbotoa. Seaton opens la New Haven. Conn., April IT, for Icoc icueoo with CarnlvaL Dan Reed, wire me.

COHEN’S AMU8ENENT ENTERPRISES. 233 TrMicat SL. Baalow. Mmsackatetti.


AI.T. rONCBSSION'S OPEN *xco;4 Crooery an.1 Fruit Wiot-lt. All others open no FLAT BASIR COOK HOL'SB open. W.kXT c mpeleeit MAT-.LGEK for swell Platfoera Show, alto Grinder. Want to h.wr from good Tab. Show rcrviln. tVIU. Itl'T good SOxW or 90 Top. also A-1 DruuaUo Top. Want to hear from Tom Ctrrigan. Frank lUrhmnnd and others who hare uorfcwl for me before. Have ipata contracted. All address E. CHRIS EVENSEN. Nasafcr. 411 Peas Ava.. Roam 8. Plttaburtb. Pa.


t UM both of theae on the Xiunlrlpal Flev. Chlcam. and they hare bmi the beet roncauKlne'.* there eoar sino* It opeeted. The best money ixakers in their Unn Sl^IAL OFFER: BOTH RIXEIPT3 AND FLTJL INSTRUtmONS FOR »5.00i

HARRY McKAY, 1518 W. Madbsa St.. Chleata.


Orders are pouring in so fast for “Trouble** that we are working night and day to catch up. We are sLx days behind, but have doubled our force and all orders will be filled promptly by March 20.


AT-LAST-A NOVELTY CO A. F. SHEAHAW, SenM Mgr. 3S South Dearborn Street, ..... CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

Two PhonM: C«ntral 7718, Canal 1929. Down tha hail from tha Billboard


Almost Ready for Opening

IKzMXTlIIe, Tenn., March 4.—tr* hmn- lalD^ In winter quarter* of the K. O. Barkoot Show*. The show* are now all complete and wagon* Ju*t about flnl»he«l. 'Many conceaslon- eM are arrlrlng and U la eetlmat^ that there are now about ninety people here who will be connected with abowa tbl* sea*on. The city 1* talking about the viaduct celebration, which will be held down town on the etreeta. and, wlte the quality and beauty of the Barkoot Sbowe, the cooperation of the police depart- aaent and city ofliciala, thi* should be the largest opening date in the history of the abowa. The handsome antomohile to be given away can be seen on the streets daUy, and the tickets for aame are going like wlimire. The committee, under the able leadership of Mike Cross and Mr. tiibson, city detectives. 1* leav¬ ing DO stone unturned to make tbla the great¬ est event in the hlatory of Knoxville. Prank Turley hat arrived and to now completing a fine

and has a nice contest started in program, and bns a nice contest started in which be to giving a ecbolarabip in a business college and a diamond ring. The automobile contest is being bandied by Babe Barkoot and tte writer. Treasurer Ed Jeeaop has arrived^ a* well as Charlie Nader, who has the privilege car; also Marie Wayne, from Toledo, where she had been vrintering.

Among the attractlonn to be carried this sea¬ son will be Dave Stock’s Whip, carousel, ferrl* wbeel. • Thru the Falls. Nalhandian’s Musical Oomedy. Webb’s Circus Side-Show, Belandry’s Palace of lUnsiona, Circus Stadium, Athletic Arena, Bet^, the Alligator Girl; Minstrel, Midget Theater, Knasian Show and “AraMa.” Prince Nelson has signed contracts to fnmitfh bte Mgh wire set for the entire season. Prof. A. OhiarelU, with a concert band of fourteen, will fnmtoh the music. The show will be routed and booked by E. O. Barkoot personally. Slayesrille, Ky., also on the streets, follows Knoxville.—CBA6. H. McCABTY.


In Complete Readiness To Open March 15

Mortb Fort Worth. Tex.. March 3.—Under the cfllclent generalship of Manager Donnan all of the attractions of the Rice-Donnan Shows have been overhauled and are now in complete readi¬ ness for the. spring opening, which takes place March 16, Nothing baa been left ondone, end, with its supreme array of amusements and ex- perie«K-ed eiecntitre staff, the caravan will doubtless outdo Ita last season’s success.

Dan White, who has charge of the train, to as prond as a "kid” with a pair of red-top boots, and be has a right, as be certainly baa the Idling stock in A-1 shape. A1 Butler and O. W. Keeran, special agents, will arrive from Xios Angeles in a few days. These boys have the repntotion of being "steppers” in their line. Jule Althans has closed contract* for bis Wild West and "Hattie’’ shows. Chief QioBtour will have charge of the Athletic Ftadi- urn. "Jtdinny Castle-Over the Waves” will be new from front to back, and when Milt iMorris ersets hia concession* for the opening all will appear in new khaki tops. Harry Walker has "turned over" the New Water Circus, with the result that the word, "new,’’ hardly does him

tag. and in a few minutes bad slipped oat again.—CLAT.EE B. FEIjOAR.


Meridian, Miss, March 3.—Pbllowing s week Of imcommon success at Hattieaburg, Uisa., which was the second stop of th^r 1920 itinerary, the Greater Sheesley Sk)wb held a gala opening Monday evetdng at the fair grounds of Meridian, under tba ansplcca of the Hnmasa Band and Patrol. Vise well-known Sbrinera' Band staged a parade preceding the opening and also pervaded the atmespbere at the show with their masterful barmony.

tPecnliarly featuring! the Greater Sheesley Shows this year, aside from the merited shows


Ws ha.s 30 dilTcrsnt Unda. mho* graphed in beanttnu oolort. too, Atsartsd.t kOO 2M, Asssrtsd. 14.00 900, At-<*rta4.27.00

20 Samslst MaiM far MAO. Leatheretta Sample Casa FREE witb

tl40« order. GBt "HEP" AMD

MARCH 13, 1320

SECOND CALL T T rT rtf-M r) ~ I tT^ i» nTi:^ f aj I ari 51 ■XTaTl.r

HERE IT IS, BOYS, THE BEST BET OF THE SEASON, SHREVEPORT, LA., Benefit Central Trades and Ubor Couneil The whole town boosting. Two Saturdays. Nine big days and nights. Two Sundajrs. Show opens here Saturday, ^^arch 13. The biggest event ever held here. Can place at once dog and pony show, silo^me, plantation show, platform shows, crazy house, mechanical shows or any other diow that is in keeping with our other attractions. Concessions of all kinds, come on; we will take care of you. This is the spot to get a season’s work in one week. Opportunity knocks. Gi^p it. Don’t hesitate. Want twelve-piece band, two r^ promoters and bill- poster at once. Wire, don’t write, as time is short. We positivdy have our own traia.and everything goes on wagons. Will buy fer cash band wagon, baggage wagons, calliope, sleeping and flat car8.^Want_to.bear from Sol Goodman at once. Address all mail to

HERMAN AARONS, Box 573, Shreveport, La.

d.f)n«lt rcqiiirvd


Overeomes Leeation Opposition at Jacksonville, Fla.

A*, r \Ascuf u.Mwtr’/ ouvfuiu 4a|7v*^ kvi a )nint union card covering the foUowkig: Mri'cnter, painter, plumber, car builder, treos- Ker. secretary and wbat-not—you have got to ean'i it to Red. ai be to a bustler.

W. H. (Bill) Bice, in hto usual manner of "here I am, here I go,’’ allpped into .winter

Agents and Sheet Writers TWO GREIAT MONEY MAKERS

- “‘WNW"*- “

JackaivnvlUc, Fla., MarA 3.—One of th* greateet overcoming of snddenly arlalDg ob¬ stacle* ever attempted and carried to a succeat- fol laane by an outdoor amuaement enteiptiae waa acrumpliabed here in Jacksonville by the astute maneuvering sagacity of the Johnny J. Jonea executive staff. A contract bad been mad* with the American I.egion to play here, but on arrival of Agent Dave Cohen It de¬ veloped that every available lot within the city tiaaita bad been contracted for by other partiee. Mr. Jonea was called to the ceaeue, 'and wrblle driving about the city, eialeavoririr to find * location large enough to accommodate

■hto 1920 aggregation, bis root* led blin thm gprlngfleM Park, right In the heart of the city, and one of the moat picturesque ptoygrenndi tn all the Honthland. The reault of this was that the Jones diplomatic corps was soon on the Job. concillatiDg with tbo«e In mnnieipal anthority, relative to secnrlng this beautiful park on wMcfa to bold the American Legion Spring FeeMvaL Many dbataelea auddenly ap¬ peared on the horiaon, some tn favor, others against th* proportion. Tboae opposed flnally gave tbeir consent and. In consequence, lb* Bxpoxition and Legion Carnival opened Monday night oa oM of m most attractive lots ever granted for Ole erection of a tented city.

Tba big park was Utarally tbronged, and tbs genteel class of the attendnacn was ospacUiiy commented npom Tbn myriad Ugkta at auay

< r e.. oy the J • t» - i* i n wi'h ti»e added llfkta of the park’s stattonary ones, la addition to thousand* of Ughts dexteroatly strung thm the braneba* of tb* trees, gave aa effect that waa a phaaomanon of varying bril¬ liancy. All of tho attraction* opened on time,

’ iDctnding tb* Tiding davlee*. Aboat 100 aewr boyt connected arltb The Daily Metropolto. thCk decorated witb a badga, wet* gneata of Mr. Jones.—ED R. SAMA


The wlatw quertera of riba World of Mlrtb Shows at Denbnry, Conn.. Fair gronnda Is a busy place at praeant. and <avaryone to axertlog every effort to get things spick and span for the coming aeaaon’a tour, wMeb will laclnde aa lavasion of Canada. -Leo M. Bistany bat Init returned witb two mor* good fair contracts from tb* Dnmlnloa.

Tan shows hav* already bean hooked, alta four rides, conatattag of a Big Bit wbeel. threa- Sbresat Hersrball-SpillinaB caroosaL Whip aad tango Bwingn. Prof. Victor N. O’Amato's Euro, pean Bead baa been engaged to fnmlrii tba music. Tba management expects to present something new and novel In the way of a fra* act. whwh has been procured at a large *f- penae. Mesara. Cohen and IJoderman are agtla writh tbe organtoatioa with tbair string of coa- resslons. In addition to tbe hooking and con¬ tracting of tbe string of Canadian fairs, tht Shows hold contract* for tbe most of the fair* they ptoyed last season.

A deal was receatty eooanmnMted wbarehy Arthur Wright purdbaaed tba Intareat of George M. Bistany, former ganaral manager of the ganlsation.—O. B. O.


and rides, fu>d, of course, the cleanliness, is tbe ae«*betlc plctnreaqucness of the toyont. J. M. Fheesley haa V^ng realized this as a proper feature. It is an element that pleas¬ ingly preposesnea the attendant crowds di¬ rectly niK>n approaching the lustrous spectacle. —W. A. nOPT.

Have yoa looked thru tbe Latter list ta this issue T There may ha's latter advertised for /on.

¥^V*A 180 No. Wells Street MJKJKKmatKMKMiai OC. CHICAOO, ILLINOIS

pep (O-n CO""tCT V'<—' « COMBINATION

JOHNNY I. KLINE SHOWS Owing to dlsappointncnt can place 10 or 7-in-l Wiow. also Water .Show, and any Attrsedon of merit Tsn plact few mote CONCEBBIONB aad GRIND HTORiSS. (No Oria) F. T. tUUNC. r-TtTl Me t A V KLINE. Ssa. MgTw 1431 Broadway. Raein 219, New Yark. Pkaok 7787 Bryaat . ** ’

New York. March 4.—Among tbe new faces *bat will he seen this *.->".0 th. l-V'-.y J. Kline caravan wBII bs Mr. and Mra AI Botear Tom Holtond, Annie Abbott, Fred Jenninga, Thos. Damato, Fred Kimball. AI Ricbheit W. S. Daria. Fred Boloack, AI Pltl.kMoDty Jacoby and Mr. and Mrs. James H. (I.«Dt.

Manager P. T. Rlaioe has received several more contracts at the offlee thto week from Johnny J. KItnA who is now on the road, tond- inr -rveral lucre celehrstt. ns an) »'<iovcntt"n» in the new territory which tbe outfit will ptoJ Oda aeaaoo.


. Chicago, March 4.—The Ladles’ Anrilltiy Of the fibowrmen’a Lragnd of America will give a banco party tb* evening of Merch 13. in tb* League cliihroomA All members and their friends ar* invltad to attend.

L.Y1X> WANTS a good. r«apana(blo Man to taka full charge af Boft IHgnk and ConlhcUcni Stand on -Mi-i* bsMs; t>rnr<v- nian and wlfa Also a Good Cook whs cn do Ps.*rv Cunkifig Good pay tn the right party Alan want Griddla Mm and walteva. Dish Wtshivs. ussliil Cook, irisise ifan. llavn room for good p*o* pis at all tliHM. Mate all in your Orst lattw. ae v.* to itinrt Open srlth Bartinot Bhowi. on UMaamc to* Rnninile, Starch 39. Will also put up standi - w Unda for any reaponaihla parte that I know. ». *• LTLO, car* Barkoot (Rwwa Knoxvllto. Tmnaaww




We are booking orders now. It will be to your advantage to get in line to ban^e this winner. Send for cata¬ logue and price list. Our prices are right. We also have large stock of the best dolls. Shipments at once.


217-231 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL. EDW. P. NEUMANN. Prts. EOWARO R. UTSIN6CR. VIsa-Prta GEORfiE J. PILKINTON. Trias.

Dufour & Tilford Shows CALL—OPEN IN RICHMOND, VA., MARCH IHH-^ALL lAIII I RIIV lion*. Leopard. Brown or Black Bear. Cub Bear* Apei ChimptniMiL Bloabaya. ** * ■ ^-gif_ Pox xQd Wild Cat. Olf* age at animals aad prioa. State aU in MUr.

CONCESSIONS AUj open—Exeapt Cook Hooae and Julca

sari I I R/’V^kC Venetian Bwings, a Ten-in-On* Show, also Minstrel Fhow. with your outAi*. Can aupr’y a alzty-fooc front and complete autflt (or Atbletio

Show. Also a complete new outfit for a Pit 1 latorm lUualoo rihow and a complete amr outfit for any maney-getting Freak.

IIJAH'T’ at ooce EU Ferris Wheel Operator. C. W. RichardiiOll. wtm Colored Performan sdio I jxa douhl* In tlraso. Entertalnlnf Freoka. write.



MOTIf^P fw tboiffly Mullen's iVrotecbaical ProducUoa real Hawaiian M’jMcMna. with Inetru- Iww I Iwto menta; Male Piano Player. Berpentln* Dancer, with eostuma Will buy Serpentina Coatume if in good ooDdltlon. WANT good lookinc Posing GtrU. I want ladles and gentlenMD, and offer a tong season with the beat equipped show of lt« kind. Write or win TOMMY MCUJEN. can Jack OrBrton's Health htudlo, WUaon Bldg.. Philadalphla. Pa.

An People engaged and hiddinc oontraots acknowledge this call by letter and report •vW a b IQ BlrfaiDond, Va, not later tlian March 80th. Addrea*

LEW DUFOUR, Stumpf Hotel, Richmond, Va.

Hulu Hulu Dancers Hawaiian Singers and

HawaiUm Musicians

Get in touch with any of the following

First National Exchanges:

First National Exhibitors* Circuit, 146 Marietta St, Atlanta, Ga. First National Exhibitors* Exchange, 35 Piedmont St, Boston, Mass. . First National Exchange, 215 Franklin St, Buffalo, N. Y. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 110 So. State St, Chicago, Ill. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 402 Sloan Building, Cleveland, O. First National Exhibitors* Exchange, Old Mill Theatre Bldg., Dallas, Texas. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 1732 Welton St, Denver, Colo. A. H. Blank Enterprises, 326 Iowa Building, Des Moines, la.

' First National Film Exchange, 63 E. Elizabeth St, Detroit Mich. The H. Lieber Co., 24 W. Washington St, Indianapolis, Ind. A. H. Blank Enterprises, 3x7 Gloyd Building, Kanseis City, Ma Richards & Flynn, 12th Street Theatre, Kansas City, Ma • First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 833 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, CaL First National Exhibitors' Exchange, National Theatre Bldg., Louisville, Ky. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 402 Toy Building, Milwaukee, Wis. First National Exhibitors’ Elxchange, 409 Loeb Arcade Building, Miimeapolis, Minn. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 126 Meadow St, New Haven, Conn. First National Exchange of N. J., 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. First National Exhibitors* Exchange, 2401 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. First National Exchange of N. Y., 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. First National-Exhibitors' Exchange, 227 So. Hudson St, Oklahoma City, Okla. A. H. Blank Enterprises, 3x4 So. X3tfa St, Omaha, Neb. Dominion Amuse. Co., Imperial Theatre, Ottawa, Can. First National Film Ebcchange, 2339 Vine St, Philadelphia, Pa. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 424 Ferry St, Pittsburgh, Pa. First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 904 E. Broad St, Richmond, Va. Grand Central Film Co., New Grand Central Theatre, St Louis, Mo. First Nationiil Exhibitors' Circuit 136 & 2nd So. St, Salt Lake City, Utah. Turner St Dahnken, 234 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CaL First National Exhibitors' Exchange, 2023 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash. Regal Films, Ltd., Temple Building, Toronto, Canada. Allen Brothers, Allen Theatre Bldg., Toronto, Canada. First National Exhibitors' Circuit Ltd., 23x8 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B. C. First National Exhibitors* Exchange, 926 G St, N. Washington, D. C.

We have a big South Sea Island Picture to be road showed and presented in big toums with appropriate atmosphere and

^ music and require a number of performers.

The First National Exhibitors* Circuit, Inc.


MAVtlON RXjSSCLL'Associate Editor



THE EDITOB’S SAT tfltions in New Jeree;, where the law* of two oppression of t)>e poor man. Ttte rick t"*", or mental law of OOT State. The bills to lesaUxe

csBtnries afo still snrriTe and flonrisb are none even the man comfortably fixed, can eaiUr Eanday baseball and morlne pictnrs perform-

too bright. 'Die National Association and in- evade the law. He can take his family, by ances demand the aopport of all Jnst and tme

dividnal producers and exchungeroen bave in- antomobile. or by train, to another city or Amerlcsma.’*

tsrasted thcmselTes In promoting the refer- even another State where amnaement can be

andnm bill, but their auccess np pa date haa procured on the Sunday. Or be can amnse him- UNITED ARTISTS not been brilliant. The only bill which bolds self in his own home thru the means of me- -

oat any hope at all is now resting in the hands chanical Instruments of music or instruments Will Not PoreO Parcontjigo Booking of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. Ths operated by himself or by members of bla fam- --

relief afforded by this bill it not altogether eat- iiy. He can indulge in alciHioUc drinks either The picas twreaa of the United Artists has

isfactory. The ministers cf the StateAsTe cr- at his home or his club. sent out a statement to the effect that It is ganlzed a Tigorcyu and clever campaigAn oppo- SABBATARIANS DISCRIMINATE AGAINST “accepting contracts on its producticna without

altlon, and so far they have somewhat^be best WORKING MAN insisting on a percentage arrangement. Thie

of it la spite of the fact that there aiefplight- “Bnt the poor man cannot enjoy blmaelf in ie a complete abandonment of the Intention to

ened and progressive clergymen in the State this wise. He cannot take bis whole family to force percentage booking un the exhibitor nilly

who are abeolutely opposed to the antiquated another city, even by train, aa the coet is pro- wlUy. The statement makes na allusion to the

Bias Lawa. hibitlve. Ha cannot afford to belong to a club ra-actionary character of such exhibitors as dif-

Among the latter are representatlvea of all or to keep alcoholic drinks in hla home, and ao fer fiom the United Ardsta in their views on dcnomlnationa. The Rev Marins Basinaky, a if ha wlahea to Indulge in these be most enter percentage booking. Hiram Abrams says that

Jswiah Rabbi, baa ctartled the mossbacks oif a saloon kept open in defiance and evaalon of despite this “conceealou*' to exhibitors who do

Pateraon and She rest o* Jersey by delivering a the law. He cannot amnee bimself at his not like percentage booking he personally is age booking as the worst kind of im-

most eloquent plea for religious liberty 'on home, for uanally he haa not had the opportn- more than ever convinced that the country la position on the exhibitor. THE BILL- Ssndays. The address was made last weA at nity to perfect himaelf or the membera of bia headed for straight xtarcaataga. BOARD takes off its hat to this pro-

tbe Nathan Bamert Memorial Temple, Broad- far-.ii/ m a musical way. ducer for his common sense and his

way and Straight Btreete, Pateiaon. In the -The poor man who haa worked hard for six TO OIOTRIBUTE LESSER FILMS courage. Mr. Abrams Was premature, course af bis address he said: gays of the week is persecuted and oppressed IN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY fnwa MA'V nnmn schon fon-Ml nor. ASHAMED TO BE CLASSED WITH FANATICS fcy the Sunday laws that prevent him from play- --

•T am aabamed to be cUssed with those nar- ing baseball or witnessing a moving picture Costracta have been cloaed between Sol Leaser C®Htage booking can be forced down the

rowminded clergymen of cur city and State who performance or entering a saloon. It it a aor- and the Alexander (Film Corporation whereby throat of the exhibitor, but It has not

believe In compelUng men to be religions in tIvsI of medieval <^presslon to refuse him tbs the Utter will do the diatribnting in the New arrived yet and It may never arrive, prohibiting them from enjoying themselves on privilege of amusing-himself as be sees fit on York and Northern New Jersey districts for The protest of the New York Ex- the Sunday and eompelllng them to attend the his day of rest. the new comedy art program, which consists of hlbltors’ League has awakened an ex-

eburebsa because notbiug else is Jeft for them -it u blgh time for the cltUeus of the SUta a two-reel novelty and a .alngle-reel comedy hibitors' protest all over the country and

to do. can deter people from»daing the of New Jersey to rise up In their power and to each week. Release date on the initial release jqj. present we won’t hear much

wrong, but It cannot compel them to be ideal- demand that these Sunday laws, unconsUtu- Is set for March 22. more on the advantages of percentage

‘^‘Bow rfiort-alfbted. then, are the clergymen F ^ ■ L booking for the man who owns the Who believe that they can compel men to be I ww f . f n/\liri?DfC DD/\ I picture theater. tallgloQS thru leglsUtloB. Such methods lead | JflW1irACtlir6rS Ol I 11W UK U I KUJLLIUKD I THE SUNDAY FIGHT IN NEW

JERSEY BADLY &IANAOBD It is difficult to say exactly who has

charge of the fight for Sunday pictures in New Jersey, but the producers and exchangemen seem to be getting a lot of notoriety out of it. Unfortunately there has been far more notoriety than success. The fight In New York was won without a penny contributed by any producer or exchangemen. The exhibitors organised public sentiment, which was overwhelmingly In favor of Sunday pictures, but not more over¬ whelmingly than In New Jersey. The New Jersey exhibitors In the aggre¬ gate have not been heard from. There is no evidence that they have any par¬ ticular enthusiasm for the present method of campaigning. The more the manufacturers and the exchangemen keep out of such fights the better. The question Is not whether the pro¬ ducer, distributor or exhibitor is going to make more money. That Is entirely incidental. The controlling question Is whether the public want It. If the

^ public want their ancient right to rec- #1*50 reation after church hours restored 3.00 them the best spokesmen for them 4.00 are the men who run the motion pic- 6 00 theaters. 0*00 ONE KIND OP TAXATION THAT

1^*00 KNOCKED OUT ’ In many of the cities where the


Manufacturers of POWER’S PROJECTORS


Feels Need for Greater Activity in Export Market

Ninety Gold St. New York, N.Y.

At tbe time wbicb bas been termed “tbe moat

critical period in the history of the motion plc-

tnre export bmlness,’’ when external conditions

are particalarly onaettled. necessitating the

strictest vigilance in tbe disposition of motion

plctnre fllma and motion picture accessory prod¬

ucts in foreign territories at tbe present de¬

preciated rate of foreign exchange, the Inter-

Ocean Film Corporation feels the urgent need

for the transaction of a greater volume of ex¬

port business now than ever before.

“This conclusion." the company states, “which

appear draatic to many exporters of motion pic-

tors films who have expressed tbe belief that

tbe same policy lu pursue Is to wait until the

present foreign upheaval—a temporary reaction

of tbe world war, baa aomewhat subsided, is

the result of mature deliberation and an al¬ most endless amount of research work on the

part of Inter^Ocean oflBclals.

"Aa .an unswerving confidence In tkla plan of action, which It is hoped will bring condltiona

bsck to its pre-war bssis, Inter-Ocean Film

Corporation’s plans for the coming year are big-

ger and wider in scope than at any other time

in the kitlory of the company, and. at present,

this arganiration, whose motive is unquestioned

and aincere, is going at its work with a relish,

vigor and entbosiaam that is deserving tbe high¬

est praise.

“Contradictory rumors notwithstanding. In¬

ter-Ocean Film Corporatlon’i plans for the com¬

ing year embrace tbe wholesale acqnlsitioB of

many stellar prodnctkms from tbe ranks of large

independent prodocera in America, for exclo-

sive distrflration thm the Inaportant film renting

agendee of tho world.’’


TbiM trig, fan reeia Pleatr of advertlaUig matter, l-iitaeeta, S-Sheeto and S-Rherts. Pbolm. mid.. In A-1 abapa Oood Film Box. PRICE 18 ONLY ttS.OO IF TAKEN ONCE, XIO 00 and wiu smd U C. a D. for rtaL Writs now to * _TROUT, 229 Wsrt flaady St., Oaaisea, Taxes.

Ws are beadquarten for evetyUring pertaining to the M. P. buiincM. Ultsntio stock. Quick ssrrice. Pair prices. Write for price list. *' . - - Almost thirteen yean in hgytncaa.


FAINTED IN kr ^ 4 COLORS rRfp«iu



MARCH 13,1920


By wxsLET Txoxrr


Entertained'at Capitol

Fifty membera tf the Loag leUnd Pres« Amo> datloa, compoeed of soborben editor* and psb* Usben, attended Uat Mondaj’a matinee per¬ formance at the Capitol Theater. New York, in a bodf. aa gnesta of Managing Director EJ- aaard Boweai A Inncheon and boalneaa meetlne preceded their Tisit to “die world’s largeet theater.’* D. W. Mnrray. of Bockawag BeiMh, president of the Long laland Preea AasoeUdo^ was in eharye of the party.

tQnestlou on Piejection TroobleM and Elac- trirltr answered free of charge. Sind sll qnes- tiuns to The BiUboard’a New York Office.)

Mail this, properly dUed oet. If yon are Interested in .'mproTlng goer projection. Answera will appear in a later lesue of pro¬ jection department. Cat ont and nail to¬ day to W. Tront. Editor of Projection Dept.. T^e nillboard PnblUhIng Co.. Petnam Bldg., 14r>3 Baoadway, INew York Cliy.

1. We nie No. .machina. 2

One Turner-Prlcke two-cylinder GAS ENOINIl, 40-H. P. Vertlcle. direct connected to a 25 K. W., 250-Volt, Allia-Chalmers Generator.

One F008 Gm BnElne, 20-H. P.. two-cylinder Vertlcle, direct con¬ nected to a 12H K. W.. 250-Volt, Jantz & Lelst Generator.

Complete, with switchboard for parallel operation and balancer for three-wire system.

Cheap for cash. Address

THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO, P. a Box 872, CInoinnati, Ohio.

The FOOS Engine easily converted to the dm of g*nniiiM> for foeL

Mads tty. a. a. c or A C. current, rolts and cycles.. 4. We hare initalled following apparatna to reduce Una eoltage, compenaarc or gen¬ erator act. Make' and aise and amperage

6. Size of lease opening,

lease port. d. John Merene Boas was elected rlce-preit- dent by an nnanlinooa rote. Mr. Boggs serred raising of municipal taxes has with distinction dnrip« tbo Ute war *a major »>««“ carefully prescribed by the con- in the Ordnance Department. He was an- sUtuUon of the State, and that there ■igned by the department .aa Sopeirialng Port is nothing in that instrument warrant- Ordnance Officer at Philadelphia, Pa.; Wii- Ing the collection of a Sunday show ralngton. IM., and had charge of the Shipping tax. of high eiplosirea to Italy and Fmiice, After yiCTORT FOR THE EXHIBITORS etem of sendee at th^^ Thanks to the concerted acUon of ordered oNrereee and an;titDed the dntleo ae. m ^ wiwia .• a*. a port Ordnence Officer at Bocdemix and 8L the org^lzed e*Wbltors of the Naiaaie, and wat alao Inapector of German <>* New York and California, one of the arUnery and ammunltton that waa shipped bs^ °108t obnoxio'is rules recently passed to tho United SUtee. by the National Association of the Mo¬

tion Picture Industry has been disre- TIPPETT BACK IN THIS COUNTRY the following companies: TIPPETT BACK IN THIS COUNTRY National. Robertson-Cole and the

* , Selznlck enterprises. The rule In quea- Jota D. Tippett, who ie •» • 1,3^^ prevented exchanges from

pap®*- to the mounted poster York from London on tho Carmania last week. . .u!. The uirect canae of the aim exccntlTe’e preeent compelling the ex- Tialt to America ia to begin at once 0>e build- hibitor to either mount hls posters tng of atndioa for the production of big feature himself Or go to the expense of buying pbotoplaya. to be co-rMated with tbe production a lot Of unnecessary paper or And blm- of ptetnrea in London and on tbe Continent, self Without the aid of (lOSters. The While one or two American Sim prodnclng com- rule had caused a lot of expense and panlea hare inaugumted ti>e production of pic- annoyance, especially to the small ex- tura* in Europe Mr. Tippett’a contemplated hlbltor. and seems to have done no oar-


throw of projection to arreen.

a What kind of at'reen.Alto

of pictnr*. 9. Are yo« getting

clear picture. lA (Boe*

your picture Jump.U. Doc*

your intermittent aprocket undercut.

Xemarke .


For a picture 9x11 feet, uae s STi and a 7H coodeoMr.

For a picture 16x12 feet, nae two 6)A, both fbint tod rear.

With a m.'tioa picture lenao of from 3 to focu* nae a andfa 7H. focua of 6 to 7 B.F. oie two 71a, over 7-inch E. F.. nae 8)4 and S- tneb front. Tbe editor i* now working on a large lenae chart for all alaaa of acrean* and throw*.


A good grade of lenae* ia very hard to get since tbe war. It aeema almoat Impoasible to cooeelee that^w# have reached the limit af perfectina. Erery once In awhile we *e* a new lens put on the market for machine* and cam¬ eras. bnt none yet that la perfect, by any mean*. I know of hundred* of exhibitors who are spending bnndrcda o( doUats for high-claaa*

EARN BIG RAY m a morlna picture earner* roan. WE TEACH TOU HOW. Tbeoretlcai and pcactlcaj Inotnio- tlon In dar or erenlng dasse*. Each Student Gets Personal AtteoUan. We are marine pieturr produoars and can therefore cuarantee that a student will be a proddeot camera man upon eraduation. TViltlon Reaaooabla

STU STVOIO, 111 W. 4M Sf.. N. Y. City.


*mall capital bur* roaplet* Profeaalfnal Ma- ••hine snd o<irftt on »a«r pajrnient plan. Writ* for Free Calalof. erplalnlne erwythtn*.

MONASCH THEATSC SUPPLY SCSVieK. Deal. C. 420-12 Marlitt St. St. Laala Mo.



Braty ACTOS and erasy BEOtNNEB ehoold bar* this great bock. Ita authro, aa Dlredor. Artcr. Flar- wrtebL Producer and Inatmetor. Is qualified ac none ether to write on the subject It is a re-dattoo and eoBtalns rrbat erary actor should know. Increos* your aitlstle edidenry. Sent peatpald for tl.OO.

COIGNE STUDIO OF MOTION PICTURED 24S Leoex Ara lOar New Stadle). New Yerfc City.

FRD 911 C Acetal Boom run OALl InSectloM Pnr one or two raadiln-e WTCWreRN MOTION PIC- “UK CO.. DarorwA HMnolA.

irOD IT Pnwrr's 5 Marblna * a.i oondltlgn. ITS W. W will rxrhanee for one and two-reel roroed'iw and '••Vrrel \VcK.wn iuhjeru that are In A-1 rendition, •t'h neper. R W. SA-NOR. Box 421. Kankakee. IlL

Attractlre Prirer f'>r old Morlna Picture Film* In Reels or Screp. PETtlR LBONARniH A SONS. 1S3 Naaeau SL. New York City; 58 Blrar St, Newark. N J

Yllf FILuI ^t^ONLO shown here, and boalneaa la Immenaa usaty pliable, dean and dear, night,

tl a holt'e. poarpaM. 214 Mutual Life Bldg. ATLAS EDUCATIONAL CO.


At dm last mectlsg of tho Board of U- rectori of tho Atlas Bdoratkmal Film Oompnoy

Picture UadiltML ■L VemoD. Ohio.




Paraimount Artoraft Pictures TkSM Picturei Are Lilted in the Order of Thelx T>!eai«

(Subject to chuns'e without coviue) Footuc*

His Ofilelal Flincee (ViTisn Martin).4518 John rettic<>ati (Woi. liirt). 6(XU L’Apache (Dorotby Dalton).S2^ Tnrnlngr the Tsihlte (Dorothy tJiah).. 4803 VThat Kvery Woman Learns (Enid Dennett).. ... 5138 LucH In Hawn (Marguerite Clark).44*12 Crooked Straight (Charles Kay).4T85 Male and Female (Special).88^ Twenty-three-and-a-IlaK Hours’ Leave (DJuglaa Moi-ean

aud Doris May). 4838 The Invisible Bond (Irene Castle).. 4986 It Pays 1>> Advertise (Bryant W'ash’otM;).4S>42 The Miracle of Love ((loamopolitun I rod.). 6800 Coonterteit (EUie Ferfui»>n). 4<>i:3 Scarlet Days—A Tale of the Olden W'est (tJrifP'.'i).«918 An Adventure in H^a.-ta (Hob»rt Warwick).40v0 Victory tManrloe T>t:rneDr Prod.). 4735 More Iieadly Than the Male (Ethel Clayton).4213 The Cinema MnrUer (Oosmopolltin I’rxl.). 5354 Vehind the Door (Uohart Bosworth—Ince I’rod.).59*19 Hls Wife’s PVlend (.T>)Pothy Da'.ton).5*112 A Olrl Named Marj (ildarguerlte Clark).47‘29 Hawthorns of the U. 8. A. (Wallace Keid). 4850 Wanted—A Hnifttand (Billie Burke) . 4506 Red-Hot Dollars (Charles Bay).4847 Sverywoman (Special). (1864 The Woman in the Suit Case (Enid Bennett).5410 Too Much Johnson (Bryant Washbur;).4*31 The Thirteenth Commandment (Ethel Clayton). 4721 The Tree of Koowlsdge (P.oVrt Warwick). 4(*40 What’a Your Bnstiand Doing) (Douglas MacLean and

Doris May) .:. 4692 The CopperhssA tUooel Darrymore-SpecUl).6S5y Dcnble Speed (Wallace Reid)... 41(4 All of a Sudden Peggy (Marguerite Clark). 4448 The Six Best Cellars (Bryant Washburn)... . 4822 On With the Dance (Super Special). 64*<3 Mary’s Ankle (Douglas MaeLean and D.rls May).46‘iO lllnck Is White (Dorothy Dalton)...5.'i62 The Amateur Wife (Irene Castle) ... 63.58 Huckleberry Flan (Sap^r Spec) .I). 7186 Young Mrs. Winthrop (Ethel Clayton). 4707 Ttsngerous Honrs (Inc«>Speclal). 5771 Alarm Clock Andy (C*barlea Bay).40SS ills Boose in Ordur (S'.als Ferguson). 4942 Jack Straw (Robert Warwick).47'.i7 Vsry Ellen Comes to Town (Dorothy Gl-ai).4701 Excuse My Dust (Wnl ace Reid). 4330 •Vpril Folly (CesBopoUtan Production) . 4983 My l.a<iy’s Garter (Touineur Productl<Mi). 482.3 Easy To Get (Marguerite Clark).4110 Why Change Your Wife (Super S|>eelal) (Coming).717S

Jubilo (Will Rogers). 6087 t'op of Fury (Rupert Hughes). 6657 Street CalM Straight (BeUwood).489*1 Pinto (Mabel Nonuand) . 4855 The Pa User Case (Pauline Frederick).. 4652 Hlocniing Angel (Madge Kennedy). 4392 Mater. Water Everywhere (Will Rogers).42(>7 The Sliver Horde (Kex Beach’s) . 7??7 l>iid8 (Tom Moore) . ??)? Tae Little Shepbeni of Kingdom Come (Jack I'ickford)... 7F()

HALLMARK PICTURES CORP. Famous Dirsetors 8srist

Wit Wins (Florence Billings). Love, Honor AndT (Smart Holmes. Ellen Cassidy). The Phantom Honeymoon (Margaret Marsh)—J. Searla

Dawley Prodnctlon—6 reels). The Heart of a Gypsy (Florence BUlinga—Charlsi Miller

Pre-doction—5 reels) . High Speed (Edward Earle) . C'cilus of Evideoco (Anna Lehr and Edmund Breeae). Veiled Marriage (Anna Lehr)....

British'American Pictures wit wins (Florence Billings). The Phantom Honeymoon (Margaret Marsh). Carmen Of the North (Anna Bos).

Specials VV.acted for Murder (Elaine Hamraemtsls). The LIttleat Scout (Violet Blarkton). A Home Divided (Sylvia Breamer). The Challenge of Chance (Jess Willard).... Rothapfcl Cnit Program (Complete Program).

Serials The Trail of the Octopne (Ben Wilton and Neva OeAtr

—15 episodes—2 reels each). Tke Screaming Shadow (Ben Wilson and Neva Gerber)

(15 episodes, 2 reels each).

W. W. HODKINSON CORPORATION (Diatrlhuted Thru Paths Ex., Inc.)

Great Authors Pictures, Inc. (Beni. Bt Hsn-.pton) The Westemera (by Stewart Edward White). The Sagebrusber (by Emerson Hough).

Zane Grey Pictures, Inc. Desert Gold (BenJ. B. Hampton & Eltlnge F. Wsrnerl. T^e Desert of Wheat.(eOBiirg)

J. Parker Read, Jr., Pictures Sahara (Louise Glaum). The Lone Wolf's Daughter (Louise Glaum).

Deitrich'Beck, Inc. The Bandbox (Doris Kenyon).. . The Harvest Moon ((DorU Kenyon)............(coming)

Artec Productions As a Man Thinks (Leah Baird)... The Volcano (Leah Baird)... The Capitol (Leah Baird). Cynthia-of-the-Mlnute (Leah Baird)...

Robert Brunton Productions • A White Man’s Chance (J. Warren Kerrigan). The Joyous IJsr (J. Warren Kerrigan)... The lord Loves the Irish (J. Warr.-n Kerrigsn). JJve Sparks (J. Warren Kerrigan) .

National-Billie Rhodes Productions The Blue ..

R0BERTS0N.C0LE Specials The Open Door .. The Broken Butterfly . The Beloved Cheater . The 'House of Intrigue . December Belcasee Where There’s a Will (Brentwood Prodoctlos).... Beckoning Roads (Bessie Barrisrale). The Tong Man (Fessue Hayakawa) . The Golden Hope (Edith tttorey). The House <>f intrigue.

January Releaiea Haunting Shadows (H. B. Warner).. The Third Generation (Brentwood Prod.). The Beggar’I’rince (Hess^ Hayakawa)..

February Releases The WuDiau in White (Bessie Barrtscsie).....,.. Seeing it Through (Za Su I’ltta). The Luck of Gemldine Isird (Besitle BarriscalsL-

First National Exhibitors* Circuit, Inc. METRO PICTURES CORPORATION rootage

Human Desire (Anita Stewart).65!a) Burglar by Proxy (Jack Plckford). 6600 In Wrong (Jack Plckford).&116 Bill Appersoo’s Boy (Jack I’lrkfoi'd). 6265 A Temiieramentat Wife (Constance Talmadge).. 6221 The Hoodlum (Mary i’ickford).6462 Her Kingdom of Dreams (Anita Stewart). 7287 Back to God’s Country (Nell Shipman)...6237 A Virtuous Vamp (Constance Talmadge).6411 A Twllighit Baby (Henry I.«hrmin Comedy).3188 In Old Kentucky (Anita Stewart). 7649 The Thunderbolt (Katherine MacDonald).4M0 Mind the Paint Girl (Anita .Stovrart).5661 Heart o’ the Hllla (Mary Plckford). 6329 The Beauty Market (Katherine MacDonald).6018 A Day’s l’le<i'!mre (Charles C'lspiln). 1714

The Greatest Question (It. W. Griffith). 6244 •Two Vil«eks (Constance Talmadge). 5096 Even as Eve (Grace Darling). 8237 Tbe Daxg’iter of Two Wo-lds (Norma Talmadge). 6078 The TuDiing Point (Katherine MacDonald). 1??? The River’s End (Ma-shall Nellan I’rod.). 171? Polly of the Storm Country (Mildred Harris Chaplin).. 7777

FOX FILM CORPORATION William Farnum Sariea The Last of the Duanes... Wings of the Morning. Heart Strings ... The Adventurer . The Orphan .

Fox Entertainments The Lincoln Highwayman (Wm. RnassII)... The Devil’s Ride (Gladys BrockweU).. ...... The Sbsrk (George Walah). Shod With Fire (Wllllsm Bussell). Flames of the ihesh (Gladys BrockweU).a The Square Shooter (Buck Jonet). ..m.. Tin Pan Alley (Ray and Fair).. Her Elepbfnt Man (Shirley Maaon).. The Hell Ship (Madeline Traverse)...... A Msnbettan Knlebt (George Walsh) .4800

.MoUy and 1 (Shirley Mason) . 7771 Black ShndowB (Peggy Hyland) .4100 Leave It To Me (William RusefU) . 7777 Would You Forgive (Vivian Rich) . 77? The Tattlera (Madlalna Traverse) . 4200 Tom Mix Series The Speed Maniac. T^e Dare-Devil. Desert Love ...


The World and Its Woman (GeraWine Farrar).6308 Almost a Husband (Will Rogers). 4712 StHctly Confidential (Madge Kennedy).4926 Bonds of T/"'e (Pauline Frederick). 4600 The Jinx (Mabel Normand).;. 4846 Tbe Gay Lord Quex (Tom Moore). 4620 The Lovea of Letty (thnline Frederick). 4523 Flame of the Desert (Geraldine’ Farrar). 5792 Toby’s Bow (Tom Moore)..‘.4688

Nazimova Productions *Foetsce

Fye for Eye . JOW *mt of the Fog . 7099 The Rod Lantern . 7000 The Brat . *960 Stronger Than Death .7(¥)0

Screen Classics, Ine. (Specials) Fair nnd Warmer (May A!ll/»m)... Should a Woman Tell (Alice I.<ike) ...66t8* Tbe Walk-OUs (May Allle->n).06*)0 The Willow Tree (Viola Duns).(ViOO The Right of Way (Bert I.ytell*.tsW ’The Best of L'n k (Drury lame Melwlrama).6500 Old Lady .31 lEmma Dunn). **500 Shore A'Tes (Alice lake) .... (>5()0 Ellta Cornel To Stay (Vbda Dana).6,5(K» Judah (May> Mias Jimmie Valentine (Bert Lytell) ... 7777

XKe Hope (All-Stsr Cost) ... T?TI

Taylor Holmes Productions Nothing But tbe Truth.... 0500

* Approximately. Tii« Very Idea . 7777

PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. Jan. 4—iMy Husband’s Other Wife (Rylvis Breamer). ...... Jtn. 11—Fighting Cres«y (Blanche Sweet). Jan. 18--J7ie Web of Deceit (Delores Caatinslli). Feb. 1—Other Men's .Shoe* (Crauford Kent).. Feb. 75—Rospe-’table by Proxy (Sylvia Br-jamcr and

Robert Gordon) . Feb. 29—Smoldering Embers (Fr-mk Keenan) . .. Mar. 7—In Walked Mary (June Caprice). .Mur. 14—^Tarnished Kepatatlot.s (Dolores Cussinelli).

AMERICAN FILM CO., INC. 'Distrlhntsd Throegh Fathe)

A Sporting Chance (William Rnetell).. Yvonne From Paris (Mary Miles Mister). Tbs Tiger TJIy (Margarita Fischer). This Hero Stuff (William Russel!). Bve in Exits (Chsrlotts Wslker and Thos. Sastsckl). Six Feet. Four (William Russell). The Hellion (Ma-garlta Flaber) . The Valley of Tonrirrow (Wllllans Rnssell) . The THingerous Talent (Margarita Fisher) . The Honey Bee JMme. Bylva) .

REALART PICTURES special Features

Foouga ftoldiera of Fortune (Dawn). 6892 The Mystery of tiie Yellow 'Room (Cbsntard).6.346 The Lock of the Irish (Dwan) . 7777 Star Prodi'ctions Anne of Green Gables (Mary Miles Mister)....6486 Erstwhile Busan (Constance liinn'y).6470 Tbe Fear Market (Alice Brady).AOCsl Dinnera (Alice Brady). 4844 Judy of Rogue’s Harbor (Mary Miles Mlnter). 7777 Tbs Btolsn Kiss (Constancs Binney) . . 777)

SELZNICK ENTERPRISES (LEWIS) Selzniclc Pictures (Diitribnted Tbm Selsct Exchanges)

Tbe Woman God Sent (Zena Keefe).. ...... Ilia Wife’s Money (Eugene O'BiieD)... LYnxIights and Shadows (Olive Thomaa)....... Tbe imp (ENie Janls)... Sooner or Later (Owen Moore).. ...... Greater Than Fame (Elaine llammersteln)... Tbe Broken Melody (Eugene O'Brien)... Out Yonder (Olive 'TbomaHl.. ...... A Regular Girl (Elsie Janis).. ...... I’iecadilly Jim (Owen Moore).... ...... The Glorious lAdy (Olive Tbomai)... Sealed Hearts (Eug<*ne (\^RrleD)... Tbe Country CoukIu (Elaine H.ammersteln)...

Select Pictures (Diatributsd Thru Select Exchangee) Kbe Lovevs and IJes (Norma Talmadge)...... The Last of Hit People (Mitchell Lewis). The Cnderrurrent (Guy Empey). A Fcrtam in the Night (Special Cast).... Faith of tbe Strong (Mitchell Lewis).. .. The Isle of Couquest (Norma Talmadge).

National Pictures (Distributed Thru Select Exchanges) Blind Youth (Special Cast). Just s Wife (Special Cast).

Republic Pictures (DUtrihuted Thm Republic Exchaagee) Trilby (Relst^uc* (Tourneur ITod.) (Clara Klmhall

Young) ... Ctrl of tbe Sea (Williamson Submarine Ilpod.). The Amaiing Woman (Ruth Clifford). The Blue Pearl (Edith Bailor).

UNITED ARTISTS* CORPORATION rnn Majesty, the AmeHcan (’DouirUe Falrba&ke). T'r*»k«-n (D. W. Griffith).... GlOO When the rv*u<ls Roll By (DoufUt I^ilrbanki).MOO Pollyanmi (Mary IMi-’kford).WOO

UNITED PICTURE THEATERS The Women Fnder Oath (Kitty Gordon)............... ...... A Man’a Fight (Uuttin Farnum)... Her Game (Florence Reed).. ...... The Eternal Mother (Florence Reed). The Corsican Brothers (D"-’'*! Fsmum).. ....*• The Inm Strain (Dustin Fsmtim)...

TRIANGLE DISTRIBUTING CORP. Dec. 14—Betty of Greystone (Dorothy Oiab and Owen

Moore) .... IMt Jan. 4—The (Bodhopper (Charles Ray).. Jan. as—A Gamble In Sosls (Dorothy ab(r*WflUe»

Desmond) (Inca) . ...••• Feb. 15—Tiger Girl (Ulllan GUh-GrlBth).

UNIVERSAL FILM BfiTG. 00. Jewel Features .Teot...

Destiny (Dorothy Iffitlllpe) . 60W Home (Mildred liarrls) .... OOOO Forbidden (Mildred Harrie) .60W Paid In Advance (IKirohhy Phlllipe) eOJ** The Right to Happiness (Dorothy PhilUpe).8900 Blind Husbaiide (Eric Htrobeim).. 7900 The Breulh of the G<h1s (Tsurn Aokl)... Ambition ('D)rothy Phlllipt). 7777

Universal Special Attractions Ixiot (Ora Carew) .-. 5000 Bonnie, Bonnie Lassie (Mary MacLaren).-TOOO The Brute Breaker (Frank Mayo). 5099 The Brute Brmker (Frank Mayo) .5(Si0 The Rider of the Iaw (Harry Carey) . 5009 Tbe Trembling Hour (Helen Eddy) .50*si Hia DlvorciKi Wife (Monroe Ballabury).. 5((09 I'nder Busi Iclon (Ora Carew). 5<X)0 I.aaca (lYank Mayo and Edith Ro’iWts).... 6009 A Gun Fighting Gentleman (Harry Cary).5»)09 The Pointing Finger (Mary Macloirsn).. .5090 The Day She T'ald (*Francella Blllington)....5000 'Ilie Trlllers (Edith Roberts) . 5090 TTie I’hantom Mehaly (Monr'ie SallstiiiryL . .. oOOO Rouge and Riches (Mary Ms'dairen). 8000 The Prince of Avenue A (James J. Cortiett). 4600 Tbe Forged Bride (Mary McXairen)...a............. 5000


VITAGRAPH The Golden Eliower (Gladys Leslie) .... The Tower of Jewels (Oorlnne GrlOth) . The Darkest Hour (Harry T. Morey). Pegeea (Resale T/ove) . When a Man Loves (Bxrle Williams)... The Bins of tbe Mothers (Anita Stewart).. Tbe MIdnIgtt Bride (Gladys I.eslle). Human Collateral (Oorlnne Griffith).. The Birth of a Soul (Harry Morey) .. The Juggernaut (Aults Btewsrt).. Dead Line at Eleven (Corttine OrifOth). TThe Flaming Cine (Harry T. Morey). Specials Two Women (Anita Stewart).. Tbe Third Degree (Alice Joyee).. Tlie Painted W >rld (Anita Stewart). Daring Pes-ts (v.-p-i, w...< n.*., a Beverly Baytei. The Gamblers (Haerv T. Morey).. Tlie Wolf (Earl Wtlllsms).. The riinihers (Oorlnne Orlfildi).... The Vengeence of Durand lAllee Joyce).. Slaves of Pride (Alice Joyce). The Fortune Hunter (Eerie Wlllltoit). The Sporting Duchess (.Mice Joyce).

march 13, 1920

INDEPENDENT FEATURES CINEMA CLASSICS, INU Kineto Revisws CDf<i>iv|u*rahlr . Kentucky TborMigbf^reil* . Beauty Hpola In ll. 8. and ('auada.i Hunting the Sea-Wolf. Charles Urban’s Movie Charts t'roaaiag the Atlaatlc, etc. Effect of Mnaic on Animals.. Hindu Fakers, etc. Monkey Tempie, Camel Fight, etc.

Tempest A Puashine. Texas Unlnan (2-reel come<]|es).... The Ne’er Do Weil . The I’rlce Woman I’ays. The KacA . 'lha Thirteenth Chair. The Tidal Ware. The Trap . The Whirlwind. Today .... Tom Mix (Two-R^l Westerners)... Topics of the Day. "Torchy" Oomedies (Johnny UtnM) Unique Comedies (One-Keelers).

jecIiIcDtal Honeymoon .. ill .. ilma. Where Do You UreT. iu. .ce couuren Fay. Arrow I'omtHlles ..

..a,.. AloUra fDl .. sees

iiefoTt the Whits Man Came. 1.. ...-, ttiir. Iiie. Ihlly West Comedies. Hilly Whiskers (one-reel comedies). Uir.h . 1.1. lu of iH'uiucracy. Tue. Hirth of a Uace. The. H.ind liove. i;:iuiluess of Youth. The. l.aamTjug. The .. i.nak tiie N<us to Mother. Broken Barriers . liioacu r,uttertly . trukco Hearts . Uiiliing the BullsheTlkl . lurinen of the Klondike. Ctiaileuge of Chance. The. Chosen i'atb. Tbs . Ckiielie Orimedies . Confession, The .. tra-S Keniieily (Serial). Crimson Sboals .... Dancer's I'erll, The..... Darkest Kussla. Iieeiusler, Tiie. DeuidD's itbadow. The (Cerlal). Desert Scorpion, The .

Dooley Comedies (Johnny Dooley). Du the Dead Talk . [Icbo of Youth, The. Empty Arma . Empty Triumph, The. Eyes of the World. .... Eyea of Youth. Face in the Moonlight, The. False Friend .. Family Honor . Fatal Fortune. The (Serial). Fioger of Justice. Fite -Nights . Fools' (auld . Foitildden Woman, The . Ford Mystery (Serial). Friday, the Thirteenth. Gale Henry Oomedies. Glided Cage, A . Girl From Nowhere, The. Girl of the Sea. Girl's Folly, A. God's Maa . Greed . Him A Bud Comedies. Hank Mann CVimedlet . Hawk's Trail, The (Kiug Baggot—Serial) Hearts of Ylea. The... Hearts of t>e World. House Without Children, The. Hamao Driftwood . HniLan I'assiona .. Hungry Heart, The . Haahed Hoar, Hit. I Beltera . It Happened in Paris. Jsater Ormedlea . Jelly Cormediea . Jaagle A Comedy Dramaa- Key of Power, The. Kharah ... Kidnaped in New York .... 1a Boheme . Law of Nature, The. Liar. The . LAerilor, TLe . Ugbtning Bryce (Serial) Little Mother .. little Orpbant Annie. laog Arm of Mannister, 'The. Laat Battalion, The. last City, The. Lstc Without Qneetioif. Lurking Peril, The (Serial). Mack Swain (2-rcel comedies). Mid laiTer. The.. Man and Woman .. Man of the Hour . Man Who Forgot, The . Masked Rider. The. Maternity . Mickey . Midnight Olri. The. Mlllkm Dollar Mystery. Mill Arisona ... Mils Petticoata . Modem Salome. A (in preparation).. Moon Comedies . Mother . My Girl Suxanne. My IIusbaDd's iFriend.. My Lady's Oartar. Mysterlea of Life .. Mysterious Mr. Browning, The..... Mystery of 13 (Serial). Oh! Louise!. Once to Every Man. Open Your Eyas.. Fenny Philanthropist, The. Petiuaslye Peggy . Pictorial Life. Pronteer, The . Real Rooserelt, The. Reclaimed . Red Viper. The. Return of Tarsan, Tha. Romany Rye . Sacred Flame, The. Saun on Earth. Scarlet Trail. The. Self Made Widow . She-Wolf, The . Silk Huahands and Calico WItcs... Buyer Tbreada Among the (iold.... Slna of the CbUdren.•.. Shj Eye.. Solitary 81n, The.. Some Wild OaU. Soul of a Child. Spannth'a Original Vod-a-VH Moylea. Spolleri, The . Sporting Ufe . Spurn of Sybil . Still Alarm, The. Stolen Orders .. Stolen Rlcbea ..... Stolen Voice Sudden R1 Aes .. Snnaet Princeaa, The. Bnperman, Th# ... Suapiclou ...

EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP, Unknoym Lore, The.. Unpardonable Sin, 'The. Vigilantes, The .. Vlrtnons Hen . Vlrtoona Sinnera ... Walleene Comedies ... Warrior. The .. WesTera of Life . What Bfcomea of the ChildreU . When Men Betray . When the DewTt Smiled . Where Bonds Are Loosed . Whip, The .L. White Heather. The .7.. Whom the Oods Would Destroy . Wbo'e Yoor Brother (Edith Taliaferro) Wires ot Men . Wolres of the Street . Woman . Woman Alone, A . Woman in Grey, A (Serial).. Yankee Doodle in Berlin . Yonr Wife and Mine..

The Cagle end the Fawn. The Washington Sky Patiol. The Passing of the Crow. A Day and Night at Coney Island. War Spruce . The Second Chance . The "Why” of a Volcano .

George D. Wright’s "Mexico Today' What Is a Mexican). A Day WiUt Cnrraaaa.

Black and Whit# Comedits Oct. (1—A Prince There Wasn't . Oct. 13—Business U Business .

Bruca Beanies Beparate Trails . The Wolf of the Tetons. An Essay of the Hills. .. The Restless Three. The Little High Horse. 'The River Gray and the River Oreen. The Wanderer and the Wbozitt. A Wee Bit Odd. Tales of the Tall Timber. 'TlB Tough To Be Tender.

Red Croat Travel Serieg Belgium, the Broken Kingdom . America'B Watch on the Rhine . Constantinople, the Gateway of the Orient . Relict of iVilawd . Black and White Comedies Extract of Vanilla. Uncle Tom'e Calamity . A Prince There Waen't . Cuxlaeae la Bnalnesa .


KEY 1 Acme Pictnree Corn., 1457 Broadway. N. Y. O. In Allgood Plcturee Corp., 815 Loogecre Bldg., N. T. O. R Alpha Pteturee, Inc., 126 West 4<ttb, N. Y. C. 3 Arrow Him'Corp., 220 West dl'nd St., N. I. O. 3a Aywon Film Co., TJO 7th Are.. N. Y. C. 4 Bear State Film Co., 1104 Consumere Bnildlng. Clllcego,

lU. 6 Wm. A. Brady, 120 Weet 46th 8t.. If. T. O. 6 Bull's-Eye Klim 0>n>., 7.'» 7th Are.. N. Y. C. «a iBluxbe Film Corp.. 126 W. 46tb et.. N. ¥. 0. 7 Bunion Fllme, Inc., 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. 8 Christie Film Co., Sunset A Grower 8ts.. Lee Angeles, CaL 9 Commonnealth Ilcturea Corp., 220 South State St,, Chi*

cage. Ill. 10 Contlaental Film Corp., 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. 11 Coamoroto Film Co., 220 West 43d 8t., N. Y. C. 11a Curtiss Pictures O>rroratloo, Aeolian Hall, N. Y. O. 11b Ebony Film Corp., 008 8. Dearborn 8t., Chicago, 111. 13 E. I. S. Motion I'icture Corp.. 303 West 40th 8t.. N. Y. (X 12n Educational FlDns Corn., 729 7tb Are.. N. Y. C. 13 Elliott, Comstock A Cest, Century Theatre. N. Y. C. 14 Exclusive I'ictntes, 126 West 40th SL. N. Y. C. 14n Equity Pictorsn. Aeolian Ball. N. Y. C. ■•V Fvnort A Import ITm Co.. 729 7th Are., N. Y. C. 15a Film Bpecialt, 136 West 46th BL. N. Y. C. 16 Film Market, Inc., 807 Times Bnildlng, N. Y. C. 16n Foundatloa Film Conv, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. 17 Frohman Amusement Corp., Timet Bnildlng. N. Y. 0. 17* Eir i Elf Prododng Co., 729 7th Are.. N. Y. C. 18 Harry Carson, Aeolian Ball, N. Y. C. 19 Caumont Oo., Flnshlng, L. I., N. Y. 20 General Enterprleei. Inc., 1000 Broadway. N. Y. C. 21 Graphic Fl’m Corp.. 729 7th Are.. N. Y. C. 23 P. W. Griffith, Enterprises, 8OT Loagacre Bnildlng, N.

y. c. 23 J. Frank Hatch Enterprisea, 912 loagacre Baildlag, N.

Y. C. 23a Arthur S. Hyman Attractions, (Vnsnmere' Bldg., Ohlcaffo. '24 Hermax Jans, 730 7lb Ave., N. Y. C. 29 Jacob Wilk, Longacre Bldg.. N. Y. 0. 26 Jester Comedy Oo.. 220 West 42Bd 8t.. N. Y. C. 26n K. and B. Film Co.. 145 W. 46th 8t., N. Y. O. 27 Sol. l.eeaer, 1470 Broadway, N. Y. C. 27a Link Film Company. 729 7th Are.. N. Y. C. 'J8 Macauler I'bot<q)Iays. 510 Otb Ave., N. Y. C. 28* Ofaater inism, Inc., 135 W. 44th 8t.. N. Y. O. .0 acMann* Film Ci-nwrath o. 3 West 47th St.. N. Y. 0. 20b Monopol Ffctnrea Oo., 1478 Broadway. N. Y. C. SO B. 8. Most. M. P. Corp.. 729 7th At*.. N. Y. C. 30a National Film Coip., 1000 Broadway, N.' Y. O. SOb Numa nctnre* 0>rp.. L<>Dgarre Bldg., N. Y. C. •’ll Oliver nirr*. Inc., roq r**- 48th 8t.. N. Y, C. S3 leonce Perrett, 1457 Broadway, N. Y. O. B2n Photoplay Llbrariet, Inc.. 600 5th Age., If. T. O. rs Pl-’peer n’ra Cerp., 120 Weet 46th N. Y. C. 33* Adolph Philipp Film Corp., 11 East 14th 8t.. N. T. O. M Harry Raver, 110 Weet 80th 9t.. N. Y. a .34* Serico Ppatneing Corp.. 220 W. 424 SL. N. Y. 0. as 8. L. K. Serial Corporation, 112 Weet 42d 8t., N. Y. C. 1*6 S-L Pr< dni tlnns. 1476 Troadway, X. Y. C. 96n Fobomer B<'** Productlona, Inc.. 126 W. 46th, M. Y. C. 37 Social Hygienic Filma of America, lac., 1476 Broadway,

N. Y. d 38 Solitary Sint Corp., 1482 Broadway, If. Y. C. 39 State Rights Claasical M. P. Co.. 126 West 46th St, N.

V. C.^ 40 State Rights Distrlbntors, Inc.. Longacre BWg., N. Y. C. 40n Tower ^im Corp., 71 Weet 23d 8t., N. Y. C. 41 Northweatern (Film Corp.. Sheridan. Wy. 43 William Htoermer Enterprises. 729 7tb Are., N. Y. O. 42n Submarine Film Corp.. 906 Loogc<*re BMg., N. Y. 0. 43 Sansbine Film, lac., 1'2C West 46tb St, N. Y. C. 44 Timely FlUns, lac., 1662 Broadway. N. Y. O, 44a Transatlantic Film Co., 729 7th ave., N. Y. C, 43 Tyrad Idcturea. Inc., 729 7th Are., N. F. C. 46 Waldorf Pholoplaya Co.. 229 West 4211 St, N. T. C 47 Walleene Film Comedies. 2Sth A Lehigh Are*., Phil**

FAMOUS PLAYERS-LASKY OORP. (Sabjaot Th ChaagM 'Witkent Matiah,)

Paramount'Arbuekta Comedioa Nor. 16—The Bayaeed .3 rMla

1926 Jaa. 11—tTih Garagh.2 mli

Paramount*Brigga Comodioa Jan. 11—Uonaerienwlng ... t reel Jan. 25—Uia 6ietet'n Wedding ...1 reel

Paramount* Burton Holiti«6 TraVdl Pl6ture6 Dec. 7—Pnah Cart Trailn in Formoan ... 1 reel Dec. 14—A Scenic Clnaale. 1 reel Dee. 21—In Brittany . 1 reel Dee. 38—King Baaia at th* &<iy*l Wat. 1 reel

1900 Jaa. 4—Gaping Gollntt ot Gifu.. 1 reel Jan. 11—Mlrrora of Nature.1 reel Jan. 18—The Boyal Ballet of Bangkok...1 reel Jan. 25—^From Blarney to Bmadstaire. 1 reel Feb. 1—Belglnm Smile* Again.. 1 reel Feb. 8—Filming Feroclona Fi>ri'.i<'.am<.. 1 reel Feb. K^Parlsiaa 'Facet and Figures.1 reel Feb. 23—Oriental OdWge Boys and Co-Ed*.. 1 reel Feb. 29—The Yankee Watch on the Rhine. 1 reel Mar. 7—Bustling Brussels .1 reel Star. 14—Kingdom of the Yellow Robe .1 teal Mar. 21—Straaeburg Redeeme>l .1 teal (Mar. 28—The Boya* Big Clnb .1 nht Paramount* Dd Haven Comedies Feb. 22—Hoodooed.2 tecle Mar. 14—Teasing th* SoU .3 reele

Paramount* Mack Sannatt Comediea Dec. 7—A Lady’s Tailor .2 loele I>ec. 21—The Speak Easy. 2 reel*

1920 Jan. 11—The Star Boarder* .2 reele Apr. 4—Gee. Wivla! .3 reele Apr. 18—The Gingbaai Girt .2 reela

Paramount Magazina Dec. 7—A Sooth American Niagara—Smart Set Wl^

Cartoi'a by J. Terry. Egbert and Ner*... 1 teal Bee. 14—Clouds and Seneeta—Tapping the Radio—8nl*

livan Ortoon. Tbe .Adventures of Fells. 1 reel Dec. 21—In tbe Canadian Wild*—Nymphs of the Bath-

Cartoon, Hud and Susie in Cheese and Itn Victims . 1 reel

Dec. 28—Camera Surf .qtudiea No. 1—Smart Set Wit— Cartoon, Bobby Bumps . 1 reel

1920 Jna. 4—Tbe Dream Weaver*—Swimming Above the

Clouds — Flapjack Royalty — Cartoon: Farmer At Falfa Goes A*Hnntiag..1 reel

Jaa. 11—A Matter of l^rm—Reflections of a Bachelor Girl—Plantation S'ndles—Cartoon: Bnd and Susie in Tbe Candy Kids.1 reel

Jafl. 18—Reeling in the Big Dnes—Fboling the Chick* en*—Cartoon: The Magnetic Police Force. 1 reel

Jan. 28—Nature’* Beauty. Parlor—Through tbe Shop Window—Cartoon: Kill or Cur*.1 reel

(Feb. 1—Funoua Women In World’* Wiwk—ReflectloaB of a Bachelor Girl—Eye* of the Ifortb— Cartoon: Bud and Susie in Under die Big Top . 1 reel

Feb. 8—(Mnsenm Mysteries—When Winter Is King— Cartoon; B-'bby Biimp'a Donghnat lifter. 1 reel

Feb. 15—Tbe Lure of Fashion—Bvointlon of tbe Picture Play—Cartoon: Duke ot Poorla la lFV>r Better or for Worne.1 reel

Feb. C3-~On tbe Job With Granma—(iync..,.jted hnn* Ing—Cartoon by l*at Snillvaa.1 reel

Feb. 29—Growth of tbe North Amertcna Continent- Cartoon: Bnd and Susie in Oh. Fudge!.. 1 reel

Mzr. 7—Popping tbe Question—Beflectlon* of a ^che* lor Girl—flartoon by Bari Hard. 1 reel

61ar. 14—^Reclaiming tbe Kvergladeo—Three Mlnntes of Wit and Wisdom—Cartoon by Paul

Terry . 1 reel Mar. 21—Game Trails of the Koothland—Refieotlone of

a Bachelor Girl—Csrtoon: Bud and Susie in Handy .Andy’s Debut. 1 reel

Mar. 28—The Song Factory—In tbe land of the Rising 8an—Cartoon; Felix, by Pat Sulllran.... 1 reel

Paramount'AI 8t. John Comediea 14—Sneed . * reels

Mar. 28—Cleaning Up .C «’»«>* Apr. 11—Ship Ahoy .*

(Ootttinoed on page 82)

(Kathlyn Williams)


Two* Reel V/*:tern* The Deeert (Rat (Franklyn Farnnm). Th* Tvw> Doyle# (Franklyn Farnnm). Hell’a Fury Gordon (h'lwnklyn Farnum). Vengeance and tbe Girl aVanklyn Farnum)... The Uphill Climb (l'>anklyn Farnnm). Tbe Puncher end tbe Pnn (Frankly* Farnttm) Hhacklea of F-’te oFranklyn Pa-Tinm). When Pali Fall Out (F-ankLvn Farnnm). Brothe^BIlI (Franklyn PUrnnm). "Breery”’ 'Bob (Franklyn Farnum). Cupid's Boond-Up (Franklyn Farnnm). Th* Orwboy aid Ue Rejek (Fraaklye Fhmam)

2 reela 2 reels 2 reels 2 reels 2 reels 2 reela 2 reel* 2 reels 2 reels 2 reela 3 reels 2 reela

\ li



SHORT SUBJECTS (Continaed from p»ge 81)

FLORIDA FILM CORPORATION Sunbeam Comedies Fred's (''ictitioos Foandllng .2 reels Trial by Jury .2 reels Hot Sands snd Cold Feet .2 reels Work and Win 'Em .2 reels His Conscience His Guide .2 reels With the Moonshine on the WalMsh .2 reels Fabulous Fortune Fumblers .2 reels A 4‘ool of Teaches .2 reels A Dumbwaiter Scandal . 2 reels Stripes and FUrs .2 reels

FOX FILM CORPORATION Sunshine Comedies. The Schoolbouse Scandal . 2 reels The Uoaining Uathtub . 2 reels Chicken a la Cabaret .2 reels Hungry Uons and Tender Hearts.2 reels Sheriff Nell's Comeback .2 reels Her Naughty Wink .2 reels Her Trlrate Ilimltand.2 reels The Heart Snatcher .2 reels The Great Nickel Robbery .2 reels A lightweight Lover . 2 reels Training for Husbands .2 reels Mutt and Jeff Cartoons, Is the Movies .H reel The rswnbrokcia .H reel A Glutton for PunUbment .H reel Land of the Midnight Sun .H reel Berth of a Nation .reel I’m Binging Your Party ...14 reel Fishing .'4 reel Dead-Eye Jeff .<4 reel The Sour V-oUn .% reel The Mint Spy .'4 reel The Rum-Runners .>4 reel The Chemists .reel rnt'.irg on the Deg .H reel The Pi lee of a Good Sneeze . % reel Chewing Gum Industry .H reel Hula-Hula Town .^ reel The Beautiful Model .^-reet

GAYETY COMEDIES, INC. Calling Hia Blnff .1 reel Are Lloorwalkera Pickle? .1 reel Cursed by Ills Cleverness .1 reel Ills F.itnl Bite .1 reel Twin Bedlsm .1 reel Rained by Love . 1 reel A SapheaJ's Sacrifice .1 reel Bounced .1 reel Ladlea Must Dance .1 reel Flremaa, Bare My Gal .1 reel 'Why Cooka Go Cuckoo . 1 reel Dry and Thirsty .1 reel Good Morning, Nurse .1 reel PsTked in the Park . 1 reel Hip, Hip, Hypnotism . 1 reel Rough on Rubes .1 reel 611k Stockings . 1 reel

GOLDWYN PICTURES Capitol Comedies (Billy Parsona) Excees Baggage .2 reels One Dollar Down .2 reels Forget-Me-Not .. 2 reels tMnrtlmonlacs . 2 reels Rarebits . 2 reels A fileeoless Night .2 reels What Could Be Sweeter? .2 reels Treat ’Em Kind .2 reels

Edgar Comedies Tsarher's Pet .2 reels Shakespeare's Hamlet .2 reels Nothin' To Ho .2 reels Baby Brother Charlie .2 reels

Ford Educational Weekly

Jan. 4—Eventide . 1 reel Jan. 11—Rubble* . 1 reel Jan. 16—Jnst Kids .1 reel Jan. 21>—Taken VVilb a ui bull. 1 reel Feb. 1—Tlie Flowing Road . 1 reel Feb. 8—De-Llght .1 reel Feb. 15—In Higher Spheres . 1 re<: Feb. 22—Silverware . 1 reel Feb. 29—Tick-Tock .1 reel

Qoldwyn-Bray Pictographs Jan. 4—^Tldes and the Moon. 1 reel Jsn. 11—Woman's Cnvwning Glory. 1 reel Jsn. 18—Behind the Signs on Broadway. 1 reel Jan. 25—Hello, Mam—Strange Appetites—Jerry on the

the Job in Where Has My Little Coal Bln? (Cartoon) . 1 reel

Feb. 1—Marvels of the Universe—Waster Minds of America, Gutson Borginm—The Debnt of lliomas Katt (Colored Cartoon).1 reel

Feb. 6—All .M)oard for the M^n—Krsiy Kat In Love’s loibor Lost (Cartoon) . 1 reel

Fbb. 15—Winged Hnntsman—^Movies Exposed—Bray Cartoon . 1 reel

Feb. 22—A D-1nk on the Fly—A Bird of the Psclllc— Bray Cartoon .1 reel

OUTING CHESTER PICTURES Hidden Gardens and Stately Cloisters . 1 reel Getting a New Angle . 1 reel Polygamy and Psiomitas . 1 reel They Went To See s Rlrksbaw . 1 reel The Foolish Fish of Sawbnek .1 reel The Ftour-Mlle Smoke Stack .1 reel Training Eve' . 1 rsel Ferial for Breakfast . 1 rsel The Fifteen Million . 1 reel Considerable Posey . 1 reel Temnie Bells and Wayside Shrines .1 rsel No Coma In Acorns . 1 reel The People in White .1 reel EditorlsI Horseplay .1 reel The Simple Life .1 reel Mr. Oofing Gets a Sonp Dream . 1 reel Mr. Outing Gets a Pipe Dream. 1 reel Pilgrim-ge Thru the CInndg. 1 reel B-oadway Will Be B-oadway . 1 reel Mnosing "niru KInawa . 1 reel Korea ring Around Korea .1 reel Raising Over the Bounding Blue. 1 reel

Hattie’s Hondo—Is Prohibition a Dry Eifbject?. 1 reel Hlppetr-Hoprety-Woppety—Cash Your Cheeks. 1 reel Id a Ns»nT*llst’s Gaislen—Horekboe and Bridal Veil.. 1 reel Baiks and Skippers—Men Monkeys luul Human Beings. 1 reel

PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. Week of Jnaaary 11

Tbg Inn of Dread (Black Secret No. 10).2 reels Ihe Bewitching Spy (Adventure* of Rntli No. 8).2 reelo Why Go Home (Snub PulUrd).1 reel

Week Jaansjy It The Death Studio (Black Secret No. 11).2 reels The Fortune Teller (Adventures of Ruth No. 4).2 reels Slippery Silken (Roltn Comedy).1 reel

Week of January 85 The Chance Trail (Black Secret No. 12).2 reels The Bank Robbery (Adventnres of Roth No. 5).2 reels The IMppy Dentist (Ro'.in Comedy).1 reel

Week of February 1 Wings of Mystery (Black Secret No. 13).2 reels The Border Fury (Adventures of Ruth No. 6).2 reels All Lit Up (Rolln Comedy) .1 reel

Week of February S The Hidden Way (Black Secret No. 14).2 reels The Substitute Messenger (Adventnres of Rath No. 7).. 2 reels Getting His Goat (Bolin Comedy). 1 reel liis Royal 8'4'ness (Harold Lloyd).2 reels

Week of Febrnary 15 The Secret Hoot (Black Secret No. 15).2 reels The Harem Model (Adventures ofTluth^'o. 8).2 reels The Mysterious Bracelets (Daredevil Jadlt No. 1, featur¬

ing Jack Dempsey).3 reels Walts Me Around (Rolln Come<Iy).1 reel

Week of February 89 The Cellar Gangsters (Adventures of Rnth No. 9).2 reels The Bali of Death (Daredevil Jack No. 2).2 reels The Charming Mm. Chase (Drew Com^y).2 reels Raise the Rent (Rolln Comedy).1 reel

Week of February M The Fbrged Check (.Adventures of Ruth No. 10).2 reels Wheels of Fate (Daredevil Jack fio. 3) .2 reels 5'lnd tbe Girl (RoUn Comedy) ...1 reel

Week of March 7 Tbe Trap (Adventures of Ruth No. 11) .2 reels Shanghaied (Daredevil Jack No. 4).2 reels Fresh Paint (RoUn CMmedy) .. 1 reel

Week of March 14 Tbe Vanlt of Terror (Adventures of Ruth No. 12).... 2 reels A Race far Glory (Daredevil Jack No. 6).2 reels Flat Broke (^lin Comedy) .1 reel

Pathe News Every Wednesday and Saturday.

Topics of tha Day lasusd Weekly

PIONEER FILM CORP. Facta and Follies Sariea

Baseball and Bloomers .1 reel Back to Nature .1 reel Camping by Proxy .. 1 reel In the Sweet Dry and Dry.. 1 reel My Kingdom for a Meal .1 reel

ROBERTSON.COLE Supreme Comedlee

Her Winning Way .1 reel Be Careful, Kate .1 reel Too Many Bills .1 reel Is Tour Ss'eetbesrt False? . 1 reel Good Night, Judge .1 reel Struck Out . 1 reel Are Honeymooners? .. 1 reel Pass tbe Apples, Eve.1 reel Their Little Wife.1 reel Hearts ana Diamonds . 1 reel Her Nearly Husband .1 reel Molly's Millions .....1 reel A Pour-Cyltuder Frameup.1 reel

Martin Johnson Series

Tnlugi-A White Spot In a Black Laud. 1 reel Through the Isles of the New Ueoridea. 1 reel The Home of the Hnla Hnla . 1 reel Saving Savages in South Seas.1 reefl Cruising In the Solomons.1 reel Domesticating Wild Men. 1 reel lonely South pacifle Miaslons. 1 reel Recruiting in tbe Solomons .1 red Tbe City of Broken Old Men . 1 reel Marooned In the Sontli Seas...1 reel

Adventure Scenica

The Forbidden River . 1 reel Just Over Yonder . 1 feel 1 and the Mountain .1 reel

Flaming lee .^. 1 reel Sheep o’ Lekvenvrorth.1 reel Eons of Salooskin...1 reel

ROMAYNE SUPERFILM CO. Nov. 15—Keyhole Reporter .2 reels Dec. 1—TT;e Vllls'n ?*M1 Pursued Her.2 reels Jan. 15—Shot in the Kitchen .2 reels Feb. 1—Underground Romeo .2 reels


starting Out In Life.2 reels Tbe Sultan of D« Jaza., 2 reels Perils of Percy. 2 reels

Cieay Fitzgerald Comedies The Shimmy Gym .2 reels CIsay's Econemy .2 reels Cissy's FinanrisI Flivver.2 reels Cissy's Sassy Stockings.. 2 reels See America Thirst.2 reels


Mack Sennett-Keystone Comediaa

Jan. 4—A Lunch. Room Romance.1 reel Jan. 11—Only a Farmer's Daughter.2 reels Jan. 18—Mai el's Speed Cop.1 reel Jsn. 26—She Loved a Nut.2 reels Feb. 1—lUs Baby Doll.1 reel Feb. a—Tbe Dancing Master. 2 reels Feb. 15—His Day of Doom.1 reel Feb. 2S—The Love Riot.. 2 reels

UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. Century Comedies

lionesomc Heartu and Loose Uoas.2 reels A Village Tenna. 2 reels A Lion in tbe Houae.2 reels Chasing Her Future .2 reels Daring TJons and Dlzsy T.oTers.2 reels ftrownle’s Doggone Tb-lcke .2 reele A Locky Dog's Day .2 reels Weak Hearts and Wild IJons .2 reels Naughty Lions and Wild Men.2 reele Brown'i Taking Ways...2 reels Good little 'Brtnmle .2 reels

Okeh Comediaa

Billy's Hat .. reel As Yon Were .1 reel Bill's Finish . 1 reel Oue Lowly Night. 1 reel Regular Cut iJpa . 1 reel Bill's Anniversary . 1 reel Babies Is Babies .. reel Tailor Maid .1 reel Hie Lucky Blunder . 1 reel Seeing Things .1 reel Bill'e Wife .1 reel

Rainbow Comadiaa A Boot Garden Bough House.2 reels An Otiental Romeo.2 reels Dainty Damsels snd Bogna Counts.2 reels A Popular Villain .2 reeU Barnyard Bomanoe . 2 r(>c> Charlie Gets a Job .. reels .Adam and Eve a lu Mode... 2 reels All for the Dough Bag .2 reeU Over the 0<-ean Wave . 2 reds Tbe Bull Thrower .2 ree.a Serials Illnio, the Mighty (Elmo Lincoln).18 episodes The Midnight Man (James Corbett).18 epitodes Great Radium Mystery (C'.eo Madison) .18 c|>is»<)rs The Lion Msn (Kathleen O'Conner and Jack Perrin). 18 episodes

Special The Heart Punch (Jess Willard) . 1 reel Slnhad tue hu>..r. .. ie«.s The Eternal Tnaugle . 2 reele

Star Comedies (Lyona-Moran) Penny Ante . 1 rsel A Dog Gone Shame. 1 reel Ob. Oh, Nursle. 1 reel Missing Unsbands ..... 1 reel Regular Cut-Ups. 1 reel Who's Her Husband. 1 reel Good Night, Ladles . 1 reel Tbe Tick-Tick Man ... 1 reel Ten Nights in a Tea Boom... 1 reel Woes of a Woman .1 reel In tbe Good Old Days. 1 reel Sweet Patootie .1 reel Soane Sblmmlers . 1 real In tbe Sweet Dry sod Dry. 1 reel Bungled Biingalon-a . 1 reel Ain't Nature Wonderful . 1 reel Non-Skid Love . 1 reel Old Clothes for New. 1 reel

Stage Women’s War Relief Series A star Over Night (David Belasco).2 reels Winning IDs Wife (Cyril .Maude, Violet Hemming).. 2 reels Fighting Mad (Mnclyn A buckle).2 reels The Honorable Cad (Ehe'.Iy Hull and Julia Dean).2 ree)a ‘The Might of Love (Mabel Taliaferro A Robert Edeeon) 2 reels She's Everywhere (Enid Markey and Moatagne Ixive).. 2 reels Tbe Inner King (William Courtenay and Jane .ey)... 2 reels Romeo's Dad (Thomas Wise and Gale Kane). 2 reels Tom's Little Star (Constance Binney and Otis Skinner). 2 reels Tbe Madonna of tbe Slums (Holbrook Blinn and Jeanne

Eagles) .2 reels

Western Dramas At the Point of a Gnn.'..2 reels Winning a Bride. 2 reels Dynamite ...8.reels The Tell Tsle Wire .2 reels Tbe Wild Westerner .2 reels The Face In the Watch .2 reeK The Fighting Line .3 reele The TVstl of the Holdnp Man... 2 reels Tbe Kid and the Cowboy.3 reels The Ixwe Hand .2 reels The Double Holdup ..2 reels The Counterfeit Trail .2 reels Tbe Line Runners.3 reels Tbe Jay Bird .3 ree'.s West Is Best . 3 reels Blind Chance . 3 reel* Tbe Prospector’s Vengeance .2 reels Kalmuck's Ward .2 reals A Sagebrush Gentleman .. 2 reels

International Newt leaned Every Wednesday

Universal Current Events laansd Every Saturday

Universal New Screen Magazln* XssBsd Evtry Kondsv

VITAGRAPH Big V Special Comedies

Eip and Eeat.2 reels Yaps and Yokels.. 2 reels Vamps and Variety...8 reels Mates and Models...3 reels Squabs and Squabbles. 3 reels Wbis and Whiskers .3 reels Csves and Coquettes .8 reels Bungs and Bunglers .3 reels Rubes and Bobbers .3 .eels Switches and Sweeties .3 reels Throbs and TbrU'.s .2 reels Dames and Dentists.2 reels Pipe Dreams and Prises .. .2 reele Knighte and Knightlcs .2 reels Maids and Muslin ...3 reels

Larry Semon Comediaa Tbs Star Boarder...3 reels Ills Home, Sweet Home.2 reels The Simple Ufe.2 rseU DnU Care .. ..2 reels Dew Drop Inn .2 reels The Head Walter .2 reele

O. Hanrv Storiaa The Onardiata «f the Ae(^oIade (Agnes Ayres).each 2 reels The Frleadly Call (MBNtcr Miller and Julia Swayne

Oonton) .each 2 reels The Day Besn-gent (Oyiiey O^Brlen and Webster Csiii >-

bell) .each 2 reeA The Roeds W# Tike (^ay Morcly) . 3 reels Tbe Church With an Ovarehet Wheel (Ethel Fleming).. 3 reels WhIU tbe Anto Waits (Ediel Fleming A Regan Stewart) 2 reels Telemachns. Friend (Kate Price).3 reels Tbe Dream (Alice Cslboon).3 reels 'rte Call Loan (Jay Morely) .2 reels A Phllllstine In Themis (Edna ’Murphy).2 reels


The InvlsIMe Hand (Fifteen Episodes, starring Antonio- Moreno) .each 2 reel*

Smashing Barriers (nfteen Bpla^es. starring WHUe'u Duncan) .each 2 reels

'I’erlls of TTiunder Mountain (Fifteen Fnlande*. starring Antonio Moreno and Carol Holiowsy) .each 2 reel*

WolfvilU T»leg •Hie Waehenvoman's War (Nell Shli»msn).. 2 reels Tbe Trials of Tex’<aTbompoon (Nell Shipman).g2 reels Swltdies and Sweeties (James Aubrey)."2 t**’* Rubes and Bobbers (Montgomery and Bock).*



E MARCH 13,1820

The Billboard Reviewing Service “PARTNERS OF THE NIGHT’'

Prodactiou. No partlcoUr star


TIm Snt decont Ooldwya plotur* In a

long ttmo> Crowds at Strand sridantly

Uksd it in spits of soms ebrions drawbacks. Xho story Is good, tksro ars plenty of

‘.'jrills and the oast U •::oellent.

THE CKITICAIi X-BAT “THE WOMAN GAME” Tone of gun puwder must hare been burnt -

up in the picturing of this wild and woolly Scenario by O. Marion Burton, directed by


This story rerolves around a most remarkable

detectlre wbu combines all the traditional qual¬

ities of the headquarters sleuth with a burning

desire to redeem weak men and women and save . them from ciime. A vapid youth in love

with a deHlgnlug adventuress and with read/

access to the cash of the bank where be Is em¬

ployed steals half a million dollars, and is about to run away with the money when be is

apprehended by the sanctified detec tive. The

detective knowi that the vapid youth had been

urged by the adventuresa to steal this numey;

in fart he comes into the vampire’s apartments,

In which the foolish swain has bidden the stolen

hills. The dete<-tlTe makes no arrest, takes

the silly boy bsck to the bunk, telling Mm to

replace the money and no one will ever know,

and then, to the surprise of the andleuce, tells

the bad woman “be bas nothing on her,’* and

lets her go. The pbllantropblc poses of the

detective displease a crooked deputy police com¬

missioner, who “frames’* him and dismisses him

■ftvm the force. Hie crooked commissioner sells

protection to gamblers and other criminals, and

Is In the heyduy of his power and prosperity

when the good detective gets evidence against

him and exposes him. The play winds up with

the reformed adventnress marrying the good



The crowds In the Strand liked this produc¬ tion. ’There were few i>artlculnr comments,

but everybody was Interesteil In the picture.

The latter Is In large part melodramatic, with

n mixed background fnrnUbed in part by the

underworld, and in part by the police depart¬

ment. The exaggerated humanity of the de¬

tective who is BO unlike the real thing known

to old police court reporters was made some¬

what plausible by the developments of tbe plot

and by tbe excellent acting of the man who

played the part. Tbe cast was excellent thru-

out, but tbe performance of Emmet Corrigan

la tbe role of the crooked deputy police com- mltsloDer stood out by reason of Its striking 11-

dellty to life. The direction of the film play

was excellent. There were plenty of thrills, of

surprises and tbe element of suspense was not

lacking. Tbe settings and the atmosphere as

well as tbe tyt>es selected for tbe impersona¬

tion of minor characters In tbe play were ex¬

ceptionally fine and true to the realities.


May safely be advertised as n thriller with

a good strong story and an exceptionally fine



Short lengths are snggested.


Above the average.


Story by Earle Snell, directed by George E.

Middleton, starring Dealiis MIcbelena, five

reels, released thru Robertsoa-Cole


Title dees net apply te tba rabjsct mat-

tsr of thia shopworn story, whlob pletniss

the primltivo West as a betbod af murder,

brawla and akoetiag partioa. Star not yeutb-

fol oioarb for the toapostnoas koroino.

Nothing to dlstlngulsb tbis from otbor

medloero piotnroo of tbla elaas.


t'attle King Bloont resents Intrnslun of bome- vteaii Mf>kera on his free range land and urges

lawless cn>wd of range men to scare off—

kill If necessary—all i.ewcomera. Old Man

l'"WeU. homesteader, Is killed by unknown as- aaselB ami his daughter, Star, vows revenge.

A shirtleMa, honght-up sheriff refuses to eap-

tnre the Outlaws, and Sls” urges Page, a re¬

formed drunkard, to run for tbs office. Once In

J«'W,T he plans to captnre the leader of a band who raid Blonat’a cattle, not knowing that

the masked rider la Star, the girl be loves.

Page la wounded by Blount’s hirelings, and

saved from death by fttar. IVben IHount Is

"•■nvlcted of the kllUag of Dowell, Star removes

her mask and rerealg bencif to tbe OUUI sbe K'*es.

tale, which la only a procession of shootlng-np William P. 8. Earle, starring Elaine

nffairs with a murder or two sandwlcbed in be- Hammersteln. SeUnick Pictures

tween. It la hard to convince the average pUy- ■ goer of today tliat such con-litloni ever existed Reviewed by MARION RUSSELL

In tlM West, even a century ago. It fairly

reek. In outUwry, and the character, behave ^ pleasing picture, placed agafaut a

a. tho they had nothing else to do but rove ,,*ekgra«nd of riorida’a enchanting gardens, around looking for trouble. A number of ^ totrigue. and falseness

repetitious scenes became exceedingly tiresome. ,, axtrsTagance. MU. U cap-

sDd a fight between the prisoner and hi. ck>- delightful role of a aUunob- tlves was funny enough to make the audience hearted American girL laugh in derlalon. The action occurs princi¬

pally In tbe woods where riding supplies the

only excitement. Had we never seen better STORY IN SKELETON FORM

vlsnalixationg of that glorious section we might A weakling mother urges her beautiful

accept this us s tiue photograph of that pic- daughter to marry for wealth, at which the girl

tcreaqne country. Tbe gunplay and Impitibable rebels. At a bouse party on a magnificent

■tnnta Indulged la by the heroine larked the estate in Florida the pair are subjected to many ring of truth, and the constantly stormy action humiliations on account of their poverty. Amy of the 8'e reels failed to hit the bull’s-eye. Terrell is forever beset by her mother’s tears

If yon want to run thU remember that It Is imploring her to marry and give her a proper crude melodrama without a relieving gleam of home. Mrs. > an Trant, the society hostess, has

truth to counterbalance Its dramatic sbortcom- aitalr with an English Captain visiting them

ings. No one stood out among the acting forces unbeknown to her hnsbund. She negle<'t8

for conspicuously good work except a bit sup- little son to pamper her vanity. Amy lovea

piled by Clarence Arper as tha blustering. <>“«• "ben an astute member of

boasting sheriff. THE WOMAN’S POINT OF VIEW

the financial world, Mr. Masters, arrives, a bet

is made by the parasitical hanger-ons that de-

The star does not screen well, and her weird- ^my will capture the wealthy cynic by

ly Improbable actions do not arouse our sym- her Innocent manners. Masters is Immediately

pothy. Nothing attractive In l.Kratlons or In- »“<« Amy lead, him on In revenge for

terlors. Ordinary example of Western story. »i>‘n‘«>tlonnlly usurping her right, to a SUITABILITY table in a popular restaurant. Suspicion among

Out-of-the-way communities. Che.p houses ““ P<»“» *<> Amy a. the woman biding In TO BALANCE PROGRAM **** Captains room, when a nosey old guest

Avoid outdoor stuff; good comedy would blend. I"**"-^ ^ ENTERTAINMENT VALUE Trant, but she slyly places the blame on her In-

Only fair Docent guest by urging her to wear the yellow ENTERTAINMENT VAIjCB Trant, but she slyly places the blame on her In-

Only fair nocent guest by urging her to wear the yellow gown, which tbe gosslper discovered in back

WHITE *bs wreen. In making Amy tbe goat sbe _ loses her lover, for the Captain bravely de-

Story by George Barr McCntcbeon. directed by tX'unces the woman and praises the parity of Char'.ea Glblyn. starring Dorothy Italton. ‘be overwhelming Joy of Masters, who

rive reels. Parsniouiit-Arti’raft lecture.

Shown at Capitol Theater, New

Twk, March 7.


Story of Insane Jealousy told in titles.

Slow moving, osasporatlng tale, whioh doeo

not oonvlnoo.


immediately pr<>i)<)e,*s to the girl, who has

learned to love him fur bis manliness.


A finely constructed scenario, a plauKible story and a perfect cast of screen performers make

thia a very charming picturixatlon of tbe In¬

trigues and foibles of the social world. All their little schemes and meanness of soul—all

their hypt'crasles and venomous lies are de¬

pleted In a realistic way that ledd Interest by

reason of tbe adroit manner In which colorful

Incidents are projected. The heroine suffers

Wife of Jealous man Is forced to leave him many tribulatioDS and lusults. hut tbe action

and young son. He goes to tbe Jungles to for- never resorts to the persecuted mahlen class as

get. believing her dead. Fifteen years later the star Is permitted to retain the freshness

returns to Paris, marries a beautiful woman, of her youth and undeniable charm thru trying

not knowing that It Is Margaret, his young situations. She Is always engaging, tastefnlly

wife, now grown to a haughty, storldly woman, gowned, appealing to the eye as well as to the

In America her son. m-w a young man. awaits senses. Her high-spirited manner Is most wel-

them. He has been coldl.v treate>l by his «>“>• in these days of wn>nged-glrl pictures,

father and welcomes the caresses of Margaret. fact the value of this film Is Its simplicity

not realising she Is his nsdlier. Here again •“<* Adellly to Ufe, forming a barmnnioas offer-

the husband becomro Infariated and necoses *“*• ^"0 ean book this as a high-class prodoc-

them of Infidelity, shoots the son and Is about ‘Ion. staged amid a pn.fusion of palm-Ilned

to leave when he Is made aoiuglnted with the gardens of everglades and ocean-swept shores,

real facta of bis wife’s Identity. "^‘b Interiors that cause a gasp by reason of _____ their lavlshnesa and discriminating taste. THE TRITIUAL X-RA\ .An excellent picture, with rare photography.

If an audlenjw 1. «> obtuse ‘b«t ‘bey cannot amailngly well pUyed.

■he meets a woman crook In a rooming house,

who gives the girl a |5-blll to buy some gro¬

ceries; the bill is a counterfeit, and is refusetl

by the tradesman. Lellia Mead is now starving

and desperately she makes a last effort to pre¬

serve her life by writing a false letter tu a

millionaire bachelor, Gilbert Ellis, whose es¬

tate, ElUsdale, has been vacant for some time. He returns to this place unexpectedly, bringing

with him a man servant and man secretary,

who is a foppish parasite. Tbe servaut is an

accomplice of tbe woman crook, Mildred Sbreed.

Tbe Ibtter secures Lellla a position at Ellisdale,

and a baby found on his doorstep is taken In by

tbe kindbearted man, a nurse engaged being tbe

woman crook. These worthies pUn to rob tbe

safe, and are seen by Lellia. The secretary

also attempts the robfagry, and Is stabbed to

death by the suz'poscd butler, Roberts. Dying

he places the blame on Ellis. To free him

Lellia imitates the bandwriting of Roberts in a confession, which makes tbe woman crook believe that ber pal bas squealed. By this

ruse tbe guilty ones are trapped by the police,

and Lellia is reinstated in the good graces of

ber employer, who has learned to love her.


There is constant interest in the unfolding

of this story snd as it has not been exag¬

gerated it makes very engaging entertainment.

The scenario has been well constructed and

sympathy attracted for the lead without tbe role becoming too maudlin or darkened with

woe. While it poesessea no extraordinary plot

It has a certain tension which rivets attention and the many human qualities of tbe hero who

may be gullable but not weak strikes an answering chord In the hearts of the spectators.

The cast la small In number, bat each member

was evidently chosen for hla or ber Individual

ability. Tbe sequences followed naturally, the action guided by tbe capable band of an ex¬

perienced director.

THE WOMAN’S POINT OF VIEW Very little variety was noticeable In tbe set¬

tings, but were nevertheless In harmony with

the story. Harry Hilliard lent ade<|uate snp-

port to the star. Be has a likable personality.

Miss Fischer proved quite an adept at emo. tlonal work and registered strongly. This role

Is quite a departure from ber previous releases

and proves ber versatility.

suiTABiLrrr Residential .aections.

TO BALANCE PBOGBAM strong comedy.



Edward Jose Production, distributed by Beptfb-

11c, starring Claire Whitney, abow:. at Ntw

York Theater


Had this piotnrs been shown during tho

late boetOlties tta affect would have been

tremeadona. Claire Whitney dos« ezoeUeat

wrorfc aa tbe emotional berolne.

recognise the facts as they exist. If they must

have a cloud pulled over their Intelligence, as

Is tbe case of the foolishly Jeahms husband.


The big asac- In this picture is Its freedom

then only can they hope to find a measure of stmoephere, the entire presentation

enjoyment in watching tbis dull. unconvlDclng •"•<>*■* «>* eHte of society in a

story travel painfully stxl gloomily upon Its of snd flowers. Mis. Hsmmer- wsy. One Httle word of expl.nstlon would etel. looked a summery dresm In a gauzy white

have cleared tbe atm.wphere of doubt, yet the f^ck chlffo. hat. There la much that will

beauteom. heroine refused to speak until a near

mnrder scenrred. That a husband who madly tti w i n *P*^ABILITY loved his wife would not recognise her fifteen Hlgh-cl.s. clientele will apprecUte thh^

years after, when the had reached the height TO BALANCE PROGRAM

of her beauty, seems too Incredible tor belief. Animated cartoon would blend nicely.

It la these Improbabtlitlea which militate against ENTERTAINMENT VALUE

the success of this picture. Mins Dalton la High.

sUtnesque and regally gowned, but there la unAWreprHitt tai CMTw not a note of sympathy In her entire perform- PAWfatKOUS TALENT

ssce. Her work la set. stilled and «^d. Holmea directed by George L.


E. Herbert did the best possible srlth a dis¬

gruntled character, whose constant Jeslonsy be¬

came a sonrea of laughter to the spectators.


lACklng the varieties of Hfe, tbe ovap-veorked

theme d‘'>es not attract Interest, and It la A

pity to see eo much footage wasted on a atoty

of such a gloomy, depressing nature. Tbe av¬

enge audience of today bas IntelllgeDce, wbiril

AouM be respected. Why ask them to beUeva

suib a mass of Incongruities. SUITABILITY

On a program fille<l srlth enlivening material

of a brighter <-baracter.


Something with pep and Jollity.


Averafc andltace will find thU tiresome.

Cox, American Film Company, sUrring

Margarita Fischer; six paxta; dlstrib-

sted thrn Psthe


Put tUs down as the meat oonslstent plo-

tara aver produced with Margarita Ilscber

as the nan-smiling heroine. Holds an

abnidaaea af snspensa and antortalns to

tba last aoaae.


Young girl poosesses of unusual ability In

Imitating tbe handwriting of others Is dis¬

charged from her position as stenographer by

the Dodge Real Estate Co. on this ac^-ount.

FUllng In bet efforts to secure other employment


An Austrian girl tries to earn a livelihood by singing la a cabaret. Brutal advances of tha

burly proprietor sends her panic stricken to tba street, where a German Lieutenant, long

enamored of her beauty, drives ber la his car

to bis apartment, under the gnlse of protecting

ber. Making her a prisoner be assanits her.

and next day sbe is driven from the shelter of

the respectable couple who had boosed her.

Pespalrlug she travels to relatives of her

mother In France. They welcome her warmly,

except the haughty daughter, who objects to

her presence because sbe is of .iostria. The

son loves her devotedly and offers marrl.vgo

She writes a letter telling of her mishap; be¬

lieving that be nndentanda sbe marries him.

only to have tbe fatal letter returned on li'r

wedding night. Sbe keeps her secret and hap-

plnesa la tbetra for many months. .V clilM

is expected when tronble conies with the eT»-ut

of the war. A new butler proves to be tiie

German lieutenant in disguise, seeking informal- tlon as a spy. He tortures the wife with

threats of exposure unless she Join 'iltu In witrk-

ing for the fatherland. Pretemllnk,’ to give the

desired Information she sends his regiment Into the hands of the French. Infuriated, he comes

hack at night to kill ber; In the struggle he Is

killed, and the husband, retnrnlng unexpectedly,

finds her half crazed with fright. He tells her

he knosvs the troth, and forgives her In the

et-ength cf his love. Happiness comes to them


THE CRITICAL X-RAY Careful direction is the keynote of tbe siic«-e**

of this picture, which bolds lnt<-tfst because of

Its realistic presentation and the fine acting n*

the star and her aseoclates. While the stor»

dttiona ia a matter of conjwtnre. Albert Koaooe poaing to Joale liockwood, a amall-town belreaa,

auffered fr<*m a contradU-toiy character role but hla heart haa been captured bj Betty

whicti repelle*! aymiuitby. Orabam, daughter of the b>wu*a drug atore

TOE WOMAN’S rOINT Or VIEW keeper. Arhamed of hla conduct, Nat trlea to

There muat be acme aectlona of the country bulM up the broken-down bualneaa of the drug

willing to accejit this medlcore picture, but atore, and aoon all the glrla anddboya of the

It would have been Jnat aa eaay to produce a town flock to the aoda fountain, bringing pp>«-

gc^od one. Lack of suapenae and a valnelcaa plot perlty to old <Mr. Graham. Nat can not ex¬

make thia quite inadequate aa an up-to-date tricate hlmaelf from hla nnpleaaant predlca-

oBerlng. ment, for Joale does moat of the propoalng, and

SUITABILITY Betty ia heartbroken aa abe watebea their love-

Bemote aectionB.


A good farce comedy. entertainment value

Very poor.

waa evidently parted aome time ago and

amacka constantly oif the wronged girl idea

there fa colorful action in the many incidenta

which lead up to the one and only big acene at

the end of the picture. Uowever, the produc¬

tion is far above the average and planaibllity

haa not-beemtrainedtto the breaking point. Mlaa

Whitney posaesaea magnetiam and a peraonality

admirably auited for emotional roles. In more

np-to-date material yon can depend upon her to

give a splendid account of herself. Detaila have been well bandied and atmosphere haa not been

neglected by Director Joac. The cast renders

excellent support.


W’hlle there are no actual scenes of warfare

the undercurrent of this tale is a painful re¬

minder of those horrible days of carnage* and

bloodshed. But from the angle of dramatic en¬

tertainment thia picture has conalderablo to

offer the movie fans. Everybody will like Mias

Whitney—she Is ao earnest and appealing.


The production la warth attention from alt


Something light and cbeerfni.


Hotter than the average.

of the wife be really loves. Miss Dallas leaves

bod the family union is complete.


Wliat makes thia picture so different, appeal¬

ing and interesting, is its simplicity and strict

adherence to the homely atmosphere of a small

home. With unerring instinct Director Rosen

has kept within bounds of the homely horizon

which features the simple, ordinary routine

duties of a young wife and mother whose love

is wTaiped up in her husband end children much to the neglect of herself. It iMssesMea no ex¬

traordinary plot, no frenzied thrills or dra¬

matic cUmaxea but it Is wonderfully simple,

clean and tear compelling. l'\)r this reason it

will score heavily aa it la Bna|>ensive, well con¬

trived and anggeats a profusion of homely de¬

tail which strikes the imaginatlou with real¬

istic force. Tbo of the triangle type it ia clean

and implies the fickleness of man's nature, bis impatience with domeatic trials, his roving am¬

atory impulses which change with years, yet returns to sanity and decency when his loved

one is in peril. Yea, this la a human document

whb-h digs deep into our vitals because we rec¬

ognize the fundamental frailties afflicting mr.i and women. The moat thrilling se<iaence enters

the last reel when a storm on the Pacific shores

nearly takes the life of the heroine; the sns-

pense of this incident bolds the spectator in a tense grip. The raging elements and angry

waves striking the rocks offer a enperb bit of photography.

Appropriate titling Is another feature which has been carefully considered by the producer.

Mary MacLaren expressed emotional and tragi¬

cal qualities in a snrprising manner. Her ex¬

pressive countenance told of the poignant anguish of the sorely stressed wife; she visual¬

ized all the tender motherly instincts which

made her aacrlflce self and this faithful por¬

trayal should place here In the nnmber one emotional claas of screen cbaractcrizattona. Ed¬ ward Pell as the philandering bnaband, was like¬

wise convincing, giving a vivid presentation of

the difficult role.

Character types of a small community tPre- domlnated and were well chosen. Attention to

detail perfected the production. And don’t for¬

get the camera man. Be had Ideals—ond he

showed them to ns via exceptionally bcantlfnl

photograplilc long shots.


We might aptly term this picture poetry

symbollied for the screen. There ia not a Jar¬ ring note—it la all charm and truth. The consen-

aUs of opinion will be that this offering out¬

rivals Grlfllth’t Imagination—exceeds the perfect

directorial ability of Thomas II. Ince, outdoes

DcMllIe’s conception of the vacillating nature

of male and female, puirticalarly—male.


All theaters everywhere.

TO BALANCE PROGRAM Will blend with anything.


100 per cent.

making. But Kellogg arrives, releases Nat

from his promise, and Joale, believing the

city man a crook, is glad to release him fpim

hla engagement, and he flies happily to hla be¬

loved (Betty. ^


What makes the picture attractive, even In

« mild way, is the comedy character typtea and

the humor which la found In the titles. These

funny paragraphs have been cnlled fmm the

manuscript of the stage version and afford con¬

siderable laughter. The fat sheriff, who ia

beaten up by his belligerent wife, and old

I^kwood, with his afflicted wink, are remlnls-

rent of the characters aiio brought laughter to

the Gaiety Theater for over a year.

But aside from this there la no suspense,

and at times the sequences are very faulty.

There la plenty of small-town atmosphere, the drug store being particularly effective. iBut

the couple standing In the rain for no obvlons

purpose was a bit farfetched and quite nn-

Tlmothy Atkinson, lazy son of a wealthy necessary, father. Is sent West to grow np, but he gets Mr.* Williams has not been fitted by nature

Into «o many fights that be is Ir^gtled and sent for the yontbfni chap who vronld permit him-

back to his irate parent. Aaothe* chanco iv to he placed in such « condition; he was

given him, and be is sent to the coyote division ont of the picture, entirely incklng the youth-

of hla father’s railroad on the edge of nowhere, fnl spontaneity which the role of Nat de-

and here meets the superintendent and his mantled. Literally all the dramatic Ingredi-

daughtei, Alice. A train despatcher, Blake, ents have been extraetetl from the ttttbor’a

secretly loves the girl and resents Tim's ar- work, bnt at that the eppeal Is not veiy potent,

rival. A number of bad holdups have occurred Maybe It la the cast. Jean Page was only fair

and the gang of bandits have never been ap- aa Betty.

prehended. A reward is offered for the ontlaw. The real Idea in back of the story did not

Iligrins, and when Tim Is ninfronted by the ,eem to materlallae, the workinc out of the

mnrderons crowd In an isolated care he saves conclnaloo being crudely developed,

himself by claiming to be the outlaw, and THE WOM.OI'S WINT OF VIEW

proves it by shooting out six candles in rapid Mr. Williams did not visualise the youthful-

sueeesslon at a distance of seventy feet. He ness of Nat, and was mneh too conventional

learna that the train carrying a load of bnilion in hit lovemaking, lacking the ardor the aitu-

ia to be robbed, also that Alice is to be kid- atlon demamled. He is far too polished aa actor

naped and taken East. Tim eindea his com- to step ootslde his line,

panions and rbiea his faithful. horse to the car SUITABILITY

on the sidetrack, where Alice has been made city theater. All places which recall the

prisoner. He releases her and rides alone to fame of the stage play will want to see the

guard the treasure. Me helps »he sheriff’s posse screen version, and for that reason will ptove

round np the bandits an adobe bouse, wdilcb « good box-office proposition,

they batter down, captnrlug the entire crowd. TO BALANCE PROGRAM

Alice and Tim are married, and the delighted Short animated cartoon would blend well father welcomes the couple In his New York with this.


The story Is not startlingly original, and the CENftORSHIP PRAPOftED IN worst part of the showing Is the first three LtlMBOKSMIP PROPOBpD IN

reels, which feature a number of tltlea re- LOUISIANA


Scenario by J. Anthony Roach, etoty and di¬ rection by Tom Mix, Vox picture, five

reela, atarring Tom (Mix.


Revel azd thriUlr.g stunts supply mary

Toela ef nervn-splittlng excitement. Mix Is

aa athlete of daring and courage. But he

should leave icreea writing and titling to

the other fellow.


Prodnred by Phoenix Film Company, distribnted by W. W. Hodklnson

Reviewed by W. STEPHEN BUSH

Lather ordinary stuff. Some good acting,

'lot ia coaveatloaai sort. Padded in apeta.


The story tells of a rather weak young man

who has yielded more or less to the fascinations

of a -regulation vampire, bnt In the end it rescued by a sweet young tbing.


This la fair, ordinary atnlT, but the plot is

rather of the conventlottal aort and causes little

excitement. There la a comiietent cast and that is the strong point In favor of the picture.


flee press sheet. BALANCE or PROGRAM




story by J. Oruhb Alazaedar, directed by Philip Roaon, starring Mary MacLaren, five-reel


Reviewed by MARION RUSSELL New Orleans, March 6.—When the Legislature

meets In May a movie censorship bill will be

presented, at the request of the Methodist

Women’s Missionary Society, augmented by

members of the Social Service Workers. This

move was decided on at a meeting of the first named society held at Lake Cbarlcs the latter

part of the week past and the various cbtlr-

men of the society in all Louiaiana towns were

Instructed to work toward that end wllb the

members of the Legislature before the sessina.

The work Is under the direction of Mrs. W. W.

Holmes, of Lake Charles, who will be as<lsted

by Mrt. J. O. Snelling and Mrs. Inman Towns-

ley of this city, Methodiat minister) thmuut

the State have been asked to preach sermons oa

this matter, and it la said that the request will

be complied with. A seperate movement Is

being made by a committee from the Federated

Woman’s Clubs of l6's city to have special

toatineea for the children In all the local movie

hnnsea and managers are being waited na br

specially appointed committees. The censorship

lK>gle baa bobbed np several times in this Htitc.

but nntil this year has never had the backin';

of any organisation.


“TARNISHED REPUTATIONS” This Is a real aL-non-psTa up to th« min¬

ute picture whidi will floor all oompetltora,

.Book thia quick if you want to have all the

town’s antomohiles i>arked about your thea¬ ter. This role gives Mary MacLaren the

chance of her oareer and the met it with the

ooofldenoe horn ef true genius. Thia story wDl get under the akin and hook in the

bach. This ii IT!

Produced by I.«once I’erret; directed by Mme.

.\llce Blache, starring Dolores Casslneill;

released thm Psthe, flve reels.


Antiquated theme of persnadsd maiden who bsoomes popular actress and is then

s:uyht after by man who had mined her.

It is lamentable t^at charming Miss CassL

nelli should be lost in such a cheaply sen¬

timental and maudlin tale of the yellow

hack variety.


A marriage of love ia consumated between

young country doctor and farmer’s daughter.

Happiness is theirs. In a few years the stork

visits their home twice and Mary U too busy

looking after the children that she begins to

neglect berself and husband; his love drifts away to a Boston girl who visits them. The

hnsband makes a mental comparison between

the smartly gowned up-to-date Mis# Dallas and

the wife suffers by the contrast. Most of bU

time ia now consumed In catering to the pleasnre

of the Intruder; Mary suffers great anguish,

realizing that her lover-husband scorns ber

dowdy appearance. Driven desperate Mary goes

ont in a terrible storm on the water hut la

rescued by the husband who has suddenly awak-

eoed to hla own aelflsbneas and the great worth

Small Capital Starts Yoa

Be a || Photographer I

Earn $Sfl la |2N weekly F—ciiMitinc iFork Uliiny yoW

tai* world


/NO eONfMCtiOfl Wlta\ ^^3

IZi) Broadway, N.T* w I ir tlrSt rlo-qwofl, S Months eoOTM

SoNoril onTlMliMlKii irl ooowro Broort lootnict<wo. loot S'linol rioinlor 10 •^ndloo to J J'p no. DoMta nttvbflirvb. CaS #r SNf

Reviewed by MARION RUSSnU^

Star woefully miaoaat. Does not fit in

with the story. Action follows pretty faith¬

fully the original stage play, tbo its screen

transition does not ponee«s the charm of the

spoken drama.

SOUTHERN EXHIBITORS We velt everythin* used In a theatre. Get yotir ftu-^- rltes and Film ^ryico from "Dixie’s Gnrsttyt Inda- iicDdeat Exchange.'’


M-31 Potter Bids- BIrailstliasi. Alabasie

MOVIE FOR SALE ContMlng of Monarch Machine, Rewind. Booth. 100 rhttrs. Screen. Coniponaaro. All-day currtnL Gna vWs rent, |325 cash. 8. B. FLORA, Silver Lake, Indiana.

MARCH 13,1120

m Tlie Dlllboard


Foolich Talk About Mon«y To KOI tho Canoorthip Bill

Hortoa, March 6.—llie hie Ogbt U on at Boa*

ton over Honaa BUI No. 233: "SbaU Maaaacbn-

■rtta bare Stata cenaorahip of moTlng pie*

torea?” The proponenta of the bill naed op the

aatlre day Toeaday. Febmary 24. the oppoal*

tlon bad tbeir aay March 2, when the heariax araa continned. The hearlnc attraeted one of

the largeat crowda that baa yet attended • f>abllc bearing In the State Honae In yaan.

Brery arallable aett in tba anditorinm and ita

gallarlea wag OUed. PnbUe iatereat baa t>aea

ao ronaed during tba paat few weeka on tUa

anbjact that tenalon waa at a high pitch. Mra.

Maode Murray Millar of the Ohio B^rd of Mo*

tlon Plctnre Cenaora waa brought to Boaton by

frienda of tba bill. She explained to tba com¬

mittee that a State cenaorablp bill waa paaaed

In Ohio at the reqneat of the “moTla** men

themaelrea. “Money waa tent from New York

the foUowlng year to bring about a repeal of the law. But I am glad to aay they could not

buy up the Ohio liCgialatuie, and I do not be*

Here they can buy up the Maaaaoiimietta Legla* latute." Senator Kuoz immediately Inter¬

rupted: “I wiah yon would not make aneb

atatementa aa that," be aatd. “The atory baa

been widely circulated that a lot of money la

being aent Into Maaaaebnaetta agalnat tbla biU. I want to aay here and now, for the benc-dt of the people here and of the public in general,

that I bare heard nothing of tbla money. I

want It dlatlbctly nnderatood that tbla com¬

mittee la too big and too broad to be bought np

by anyone.”

Nathaniel Fbraytb, Cltalnnan of the Commit¬

tee on Motion Plcturea, a eolnntary organization

auptiortlng cenaorablp, made the chargee that Slme are aometimee ''idecent, daatmctlTe to

morala and brutal t character Mr. IViraytli

deaorlbed the nature of certain plcturea wbieb

be aald hare been dhown in Maaaaebnaetta. lie enumerated acenea of the kiUlng of prleeta,

brutal treating of children, outraging of women

and the like, which irere part of a dim play

called “The Auction of Sonls.” Heathen cited

“Flamea of the Fleab" and otbera. He waa In¬

terrupted by Senator Tarbell, who aaked: “Will

you name the theatera la Boaton that are allow¬

ing indecent. Immoral or Inhumane plcturea T“

“It la not a matter of tbaatera,” replied Mr.

Forgyth. “it la a qneatlon of certain fllma.”

'‘Do you bellara that pteturoa am now abown

in Boaton tbnt are detrimental to the morala of

the people.” “1 certainly do.” ”Aro they

more detrimental than arttclea appearing, from

time to time. In the pubUc preaaT” “1 bellera

aow” “Do yon mean to aay,” aaked the Sen¬

ator, “that theae plctnres art worae than auck

artlclea ae thoae relative to the Splker Cate

or the Freeman Divorce Caaef’ “Such artl-

clee,” replied Mr. Fbrayth, “are not harmful to chUdrcD tinder 18 yeara of age aa the pteturoa I

mention, becanaa tbe children arc not ao apt to

get n vivid Impreasloa from the printed page.”

Scaator Tarbell contlnaed: “Would pareato take their children to indecent abown.” “They

do not know that the pictnrea are Indecent until

they fee them,” waa the reply. “Do they get

np and leave tbe abowF* “No, they bad paid

udmlatlon end they do not feci like going elae-

wbere,” replied Mr. Fbraytb. Mr. Foraytb

charged that aforta are now being made by

aome of the theater proprletora In metropolitan

Boaton to enllat tb* aid of tbclr patrona in de¬

feating the bill under cotulderatlon. Be read

a letter rroi& an unnamed peraon wbo told of

hetag Informed from tbe atage of n Somer¬

ville theater by ita manager that mleaa tbo

patrona united with the moving picture In-

tereats Hiey would aeon “be unable to tee any

more of tbe lively, anappy pictnrea that they are now getting, and would hare to be conteat

with onea auitable ‘for a child of eleven.* ”

Ihe opponents of the bill here at Boaton are

bitter and Indignant at “outaiders” from renn-

aylvania and Ohio, aponaon of tbe measure,

"who want to tell what Maaaaebnaetta aball do”

and resent the alleged “Insult” of a censor

from another State who tried to make It appear

that entertainment in Boaton "la rotten.”

Bcpreaentlng the opposition to tbe proposed

State cenaorablp bill wbo had a chance to pre¬

sent their side of the argument Tuesday, March

2, is the Allied Committee of Motion Picture

Industry of Maasachnaetta. This committee

represents the Theater Managers’ Association of

Boston, Greater Boston Exhibitor* Assoelatioa,

Film ifanagers’ Aasoclation and the Motloa Pic¬

ture Exhibitors*' Leagne. The leader of this

committee’s light against tbe proponed censor-

•blp la Judge J. Albert Brackett. Tbla com-

aitttee representa the intereata of 575 theaters

in the Stata, an tovastment of more than 2:100.000,000, employing 15,000 persoea, wboae

weekly payroll la about 9‘.^.000. Tbe nverafe

ally attendance In tbeac theaters la about

Xl.OOO. Maaaaelmsetts does not want State

'"uorahip aa tbe pteeent system In conaectloB

vlth the National Board baa proved aatlafactory.

llostoa la tbe connactlng link between tbe Na¬

tional Board and tbe motion nicture indestry of

Massaebneetta, aa It la tbe dlatrlbntlng center

for fllma. Fbr eome time it baa been tbe prae-

tice there that pictnrea to be cxbibitad locally

most have the approval of the National Board.

The Chief Clerk of tbe Licensing Dlviaioa of

tbe City of Boaton, John Casey, cbeeka np

regularly all Aims intended for ezbibitloa.

Where changes are demanded by Mr. Casey,

such changes are made, and tbe eliminated por¬

tions of iueb Aims are sent to bis offlee. In

epecittl Inatnncea pictnrea are personally re¬

viewed by Mr. Casey. The propo^ legialatloa

is opposed as “nnjnst and unfeasible.’*


Sees No Harm in "Sunday Movie^

daoiocmratloo fiollowed. It seemed that tbe

audieace waa evenly divided. Fbnr of the

players In the orcbeetrn broke all mlef) by

openly standing up and applauding Mr. Mon-

tenz. ,

Hnturday afternoon a special meeting of tbe

imlon men was held at 61 Court street to de¬

cide about going on at tbe evening concert.

‘The meeting was private, 'but Judging from

tbe expressions of opinion from tbe playera. It

looks sa tho they will refime to play tonight.

The only iBflormatioo given to the preea sras

“Be at Symphony Hall at eight undock to-


The orcbestia la now alnety percent or- ganlacd.

and of acquiring West-End tkeeteie, the di- rectoraa of which Include Tom WaHaa and two other tc^notch artlstea. whoee comMned salaries fall Just under $1,000 weekly. Norris and Clayton, the agents, are representing them.


The Ore-bog visited the Cryatal Palace Thea¬ ter, destroying the stage and root ef tbe building and also a portion of tho big glass honae itself. The theater bad been eloera to the public for the period of the war, aa the whole of the Crystal Palace and tbe grounds were used for tbe R. N. V. R.


(Marie Lloyd celebrated her llftleth blrfcday a few days ago. She waa bon la BTO. Her sister, Alice Lloyd, is aow playing oppoMdeu to tbe Lander Road Show.

Cleveland, O.. March 6.—Fbr years past tbe

church orgaalsatlona of Cleveland and ririnity

have been warrlag upon the Sunday motion pic¬ ture entertainment. Tbat public aentlment was

agalnat any change In the rule of tblngn that

offered Sunday entertainment nmy have bad in-

flaence In tbe continnance of aald antertaln-

ment. However, comes now the announcement

of an enterprLIng pastor tbat nwtion pletnres

are not only necessary aa entertainment, bnt

tbat they have their educational value aa well,

and to prove bis asaertiona be is planning

rt'gnlar entertainments for bit flock right in the Sunday-School building.

Credit for tbla liberal atep goen to Rev.

Clarence 8. Gee, pastor of Miles Park Avenue

Preabytertan Church. Reverend Gee considers

tbe move part of the general cornmnnlty

service tbat the churches should give. Flrat

ente.taioniect of this kind waa presented this

week, one Fatty Arbockle In *’The Sberiir*

being the principal nttmetioo. Bcv. Mr. Gee

baa bad installed n complete motloa plctnre

equipment la the ebnreb bnlldlng. nere will

be weekly night entertainments, and aa after¬

noon each week for small ebUdrea.


Cleveland, O.. March 6.—Growing importance

of motion pictures in educational work waa

demonstrated at tbe meeting of the National

IMucational Association in Hotel Statler Ball

Room, to demonstrate the work of tbe Red Cross Jnnlora In their work among children In

•war stricken countries abroad. The picture la

one of tbe offlcUl fllma Issued by tbe National

Ileadq'anrtcrs of the American Bed Croea, show,

inf peace time work of the organlxatloa. Lo¬ cal motion plctnre exhibitors are considering

showing theae fllma In connection with their

regular aotertalnment, co-operating with the

Lake Dlviaioa headquarters of tbe Red Croee

in this city. Headnuarters in Cleveland are In

tbe Ply month Building.


Oorinae Grtfflth, In “Deadline at Eleven,** a

dnemelodrama of Metropolitan newspaper life,

•waa the chief photoplay at D. S. Moss' Broad¬

way, New York, last week. Maurice Coatollo,

one of the best-known and most- liked of Aim

etara a few yeara ago, plays opposite Mias

Griffith. Hugo Jansen’s ’’Powder Puff Follies,’* tbe glri-and-mnslc revue, rontlnoes for a fifth

week as tbe atage attractions. Several changes

have been mado la the "Follies.’’ and the act

moves speedily and smoothly than ever. Mias

Griflith’a new vehicle la a Vttagraph special,

and waa directed by George Fawcett from a

scenario by Ijiclen Hubbard. The story for

“Deadline at Eleven” was by Rntb Byers, for

several yeara one of the leading newspaper

women In New York. Inclnded in the snpport-

Ing company are Webster Campbell, Alice Cal¬

houn, Dodson MItebell. Jamas Bradbtuy, Emily

ritsroy and Ernest Lambert.


MoMIe, Ala., March 6.—Recent showing of

tbe For film, “Bvangellne,’* at tb* Crown

T’-ester here, created very advene lobby com¬


It la doubtful If any quorum of members <tt

tbe Longfellow Society saw the plctnre, for

they could not have helped being Impressed

with the fact that alt tbe charm of tbe rtnuanee

Is mining In the picture. There are graver

faults, however, aoeh aa fbe aboolutely In¬

terpolated aeene where Gabriel la “vamped’*

by a Spanish beauty on the banka of tbe Mlt-

sliialppl. Details are Ignored. Every Southerner

will recognise bow earefnlly the Spanish moss

has been “planted’* In tbe eavta and treca

of sets. A detail which every Oatbolie will

refute la tbe haMt worn by tbe sisters In tbe

Inst scene. Evangeline la shown at a white

booneted slater ef charity, wberoaa Tongfal-

low anya abe became a aiater of megey,

order which wears the black vefl.

Tbe Prolog and epilog are nnnecesaaiy had



(Continued from page 22)

hltaee followed by applause which outdone tbe

biasing. 'Mr. Fradkln arose from bit desk and

bowed. Aa Mr. Monteox appeared another

Boston, Mass., March 7.—Because the tma-

tees of the Boston Symphony Orchestra would

not allow Trederic Fradkiu to play Satnrday

night, thirty-four of tbe playera refuaed to go

on at Symphony Hall; fifty-seven of tbe ftlayers .presented a hastily arranged program.

Judge (hibot atated from tbe stage that Mr.

Fradkln waa the cause of the strike and was

oat of the orchestra for good, and tbnt the

orchestra wonld be turned to its former high standing.

At n meeting of the strikers late Satnrday

night plana were made to enlist tbe support of the remaining union members of the orchestra

wbo did not walk out. Union leaders now claim

they have applications of 85 players wbo will

become afllllated with the Boston Local of the American Fedemtloa of Musiclaaa this (Snn- day) afternoon.

A statement given out at union headquarters

says tbe tmsteee have been the aggresHors that

tbeir action waa a blow to prevent the playera

unionizing. It la expected that the remaining

nnlott members '"’Ui <n>lt the orchestra aftar tba final Boston concert Monday night,

FROM LONDON TOWN (Continned from page T)


M. P. Sir Walter de Frece’a Alliance Ftlni Corporation, baTing been thru the aena of flotation, held Its statutory general meeting TT other day. Tbe total amount received by tue compiny In respect of shares isan'^ amounted to over $1,170,000, but further rails will, of eonne, be made la due coarse. Owing to labor difflcnltles work could n't! be (v>m- menced on the contemplated cinema city at Harr'w Weald, »o It baa adopted an al¬ ternative acfacmc, and bad beea anecessfal In acquiring tbs studios hitbarto bell by tbo 1 ondoQ Film Company at St. Margarets-on- 'Tbames, and will eommence Its first produc¬ tion during the next few weeks.


Herman Darewakl la diBroveriug Fr.giand f r the purpoie of carrying the “movies” to every village In the United Kingdom, however small, by means of n fleet of moto- cinemas. It is tbe l-‘''n’’on to sllot aaiari (wns or villages esch lorry, which will be fnllr equipped wltp fireproof box electric generator, rabies and p-o1ector, and will carry an ofterator and pianist. The outfit will visit tbe same town or vlll.ige on the earns day every week tbro- qpt tbe year.


Kiraify ■will not open the White Olty at Rhep'ie.d's Bnrti this y.-ar for the pn-pose of bolding the Inter-AIlled Vlet''ry ErhINtlon on account of the fact that certain bnlldingn rre atin in the cccnpntlon of Oovemment partmenta.

SIR HARRIE AND OABT DESLT8 • Tbe death of Gaby Dealys was expected

by thoee in tbe know, but apart from her aen- ■atlooal Mtowmanahlp, both on and off, it meat be remembered tbat It wna Rir J. M. Barrie wbo discovered In her a certain wistful tender- neoa tbat hitherto none Imd suspected. “Rosy Rapture.*’ which helped alto to feature Jack Norworth, brought a tender dsUgbt to many cynical Wk who prsvlonaly denied tbat abe posse seed even mediocre talent


The dinner to Boodlnl was n great affair, and Manrire F. Raymood waa supportail by Tbe Great Oarmo, DavM Devaat. Lewis Daven¬ port, Arthur Prince, (btrlea Withers and B. J. Moore, O W. Hunter. Ernest Wigbton, Hayman and Franklyn, Chria Van Bern.

ANNA FAVLOWA IN FOUB NEW BALLETS Anna Pavlowa will make her reappeerance

in England at Eavter under coutmet with Sir Alfred 'Butt in eonjunctlon with Mr. Arthur Colltne. She •will appear In four new balleta, inelndlng Tchalkowaki’a “Flocons de Neige.”

Mr Alfred Bntt also announces tbe return of Elsie Janis In tbe autumn probably at the Palace Tbeatrr la a atralgkt plav.


Arthme Bourebler la eelehrallng tbe 3fltb aaolvereary of bla entry into London manage, meat, Nntwltluitandlng tie nine shown a week with “Tilly of Blc^isbury” be puts In bis time with matinees of “Itgo” to Matbeaoa Lang'a “Othello” at the New Theater, and In his spare time takee an active part In tbe mnaagemaat of the Strand Theatar. on which he haa a lease. Here hie srtfe. Kyrie Peiiew. has bean making real goon tn tbe part of Mary Garrison in “The Ortmaon .tlH'l." Her eharacterixatloa Ir much appreeinte-» he-e and given splendid opportunity for emotional work. Tba scene in 'he garret of the crooks’ Uotrl Is the outatandiag Incident of the abow and In thla abe is well met with tbe clean cut acting <fl Louis Hector.

ANOTHER THEATRICAL SYNDICATR Another theatrical svndlcate baa been formed

with the aliject of organizing provincial toora


George Power, an actor, found be could not memorize Ida part In a forthcoming pantomime at Weetcllffe-oD.8ea. He left borne December 22 and could not be traced. Bla body vraa washed up by the Thames off Botherlilth^ bnt was saved from Potter’s Field by the v. A. B. P., which also nudertook tba cars of tba widow at the Brinscwoith “Pro^a iPmdlsa”


Amand Miscard, for eight years manager ot, the Metropole, Glasgow, la dead. He had beea connected with tbe theatrical profeaalon all his life and was well respected. Prior to his connection with Glasgow be was at tbe*Klnga Theater, Edinburgh.


T. O. Vane, brother of Bernard Hlihin. died In abe Oolonie* February «.


Great Inrereat has been aiooaed by tba publicity given to tbe Insurgent movement amongst the Scottish perfermere renideut acre no the border and the ontcome or the mnM meet¬ ing called by tbo Variety Artlateaf Federation la Glasgow. V. A. F. Chairman Vayee pte- a4ded and waa aupported by Monte Bai^. the organizer. Over two hundred were present with the beeak-away folk in fan mnater nador tbe leadership of Oeorga Westland. Voyee soon got down to the crux of tho matter for which tbe meeting traa caned and then tbrew the sDb)eet open to debate from tbe dour. Want lend took up the challenge and repeated tke plena for a local committee with pomsia to organize nattonal matters ta coalunctloh srltli a permanent oiSciil rcaldant in Olaagow. Dur¬ ing tbe (ilKossion It was aacertnlheA that some of tbe members and committee ef the in- snrgcnts al<o held V. A. F. naloa cards. Voyre attended armed •with full antborlty to deal adtb tbe sltnattoo—arlthlu tho four walla of the Constitution—and emphasized tbat*altho be bad only been In office since October tbat be had urged upoa bla exeontlvt committee the neceseity for decentrallaatiou as regaido Scot¬ land quite early In hia odiclal career, but tbat the executive at that time did not fully grasp bis views. No matter what the outceme of the meeting, be was there to appolat a permanent official before ble retuik to London and tbat be would prefer the meeting aaalstod him In tbe rholct of selecHiif a Weal eub- committee. Weatland aided leave for tbe temporary retirement of self and hia aesoela- tijn to confer r.y to the suggestion made, and on tbeir return to the hall aanouaead they had disbanded tbeir association and were then and there prep* red to Join the ▼. A. F. so bioA Tbla they did and the ateeOiK then proceeded to elect the local sotvceminittoe. who were deputed to confer srith Vsyce and Bayly at the Central Ration Hotel tlM fal¬ lowing day. Tbe ontcome of this was the appotntment of George Westland as the pemM* Dent Scottish official of tbe V. A. F.. to which Voyce acceded and tbe Lcudon BzecwtlTc ahb- sequently tatided. The geasral'verdict le that tbe V. A. F. officials scored a greet peint by placing the ex-PresIdent of tbe Scotamm ee tbeir payroll as an Inanraace against farther disc.intent—others allege that the Seotomsn showed traditional foresight by galntag their amMtloa and fullest recognition by ^’dirnct action.” Whoever be right, tbe fket lemainn tbat all concerned are oatlaSed and that the cause of progress advances ateadUy.


The Empire Theater. Oatooband on IFnn. hfto ■uccumbed to the movias. and ban bean hnngM by Black Brothere. wbo recently eold thatr toor which ran movies and acta. Black Prothsre have qnit tbs bualsess as far as turns are con¬ cerned, and their action has incidcata^ eUnri- nated six tbeaters from tbe vandcvlBe date kbcet.


Houdinl sod tbe Great Bayosend are hav- lag a great pcmonal trlnmph, nat only with their sudisneea. hot aim srith tfen mnassnl of old acqnalataacen.

Arnold De Bletn is llkyiflsn —king thn uanal snccaaa in tbe ptevlacea, and Mg magifl of this caUbei are in demand.


Joe Hayman has qnit thn gresan paint and will devote htatfelf to tbe ymdnctag and agency part of the bualnesn, nklch kis wife, XTbired Franklin. irUl pUy M A Match Oder Joe’s management.

In Its Insne of June U, 1815, The Binboar<l printed an artlele wblch was Intended •• • reply to an article by Xr. Jamea 8. XetcaKe. the dramatic critic of "lAfe." dealing with the general subject ef tbs stage under modem conditions. Tbe Billboard bad no Intention of ndectlng upon Mr. Metcalfe, and no reason tor doing so, bnt Mr. Metcalfe felt that tbe terms In which we wrote Implied mch a reflection, and he promptly took exceptloo to tbe same. The ensuing controversy has dragged oot to tbe present time, and being now happily terrnlniitetl The PIllNurd Is very grid to make pnbllc dis¬ avowal of nnv Inference wbieb conld posalbfy lie drawn from Its article to the prejodlce of Mr. Metcalfs, and to say tbat It never bad tbe slightest Intention to disparage hia honesty or competence as a dramatic critic, for both of which in fact. It baa tbe highest respect.



Make First Bid for Patronage This Season With O D F O I A I Two Weeks* Engagement at Montgomery, Ala.— W ■ t M I #1 L

Th« most unique ball throwing game ever devised! As ea ch schooner Ls knocked ofiF the tnjy he checks it up on huj fingers!! Write tor catalogue fs- inii yes wait a sew and novel, ledtimflte con¬ cession that will QET

Monttomerr, Ala., atarcli 8.—Tbe grand open- rerr popularly placed, and a fall roater wW to 9ng at M<Hitgomei7 Qlareii 1 of Rubin A Cber- meprioned later. t7^ new caravan was in apringHke cUmatle Tue ebow train baa twenty-five cars, conaist* condltionn ao perfect that tbe event waa most ing of ten aleepera, all veatibuled; ten flats and enjoyable from both an artistic and financial Are ^Ixty-foot baggage care. Tbe rooter of tbe viewpoint, executive staff will appear next week under

When this letter reaches The Billboard read- “Camlval Rosters’* In the Spring Special edl- e.-^ this new and elaborate outdoor enterprise tlon of ’The Billboard.—RUNCH WHBELSR. wlliabe far into its second week of this opening engagement, and, incidentally, with satisfaction.

A concise list of tbe exhibitions comprise Jack King's I-X-L Rsneh Wild W'est. Jack King, manager, featuring Prairie Rose; “Ixma Star Mary" and Leon Lamar, alto ‘"No-Halr,” cowboy clown: George T. McCartJyr’a new "League of Notions." featuring Bobbie Borns Murray and complete extravaganza caat and chorus; Captain William Kanell’s Wild Animal * Show, with women and men trainers, featuring Mile. Hattie DeBallistier in a six-lion act, also ^ Andrew Gilford and his Rnssisn bears, Audrey Hartmann and her Shetland ponies, Allle Max- well and her trained monkeys and parrots, also oaua Zono, tbe craiy clown, to enliven things; the " Hawaiian Village, George ‘McCarthy, manager; Naif Oory’a “Lucky Boy" Minstrels, Naif Cory, “ director and producer; the Motordrome, Wild Billy Rose, manager; Steve Mllla’ big dreua Side-Show. Steve Mills, manager; Jolly Dtzle'a Pat Woman's Congress, H. L. Wilson, manager; Athletic Arena, Prof. Maurice W. Savage, di¬ rector; Wonder Midget Theater Ambrose Mel- Tllle, manager; Heman Baglea’ ’‘Joyland"; Tnr- George Rogers, weU-known outdoor diowmas ner’a “Have Tou Seen George,** and the **Ap« and agent, mode a flying bnslness trip to dn- Man.’* (Plenty of Joy rldea: The new frolic, cinnati Monday from Toledo. O,, where be Is

will hs the most rttnarkabie annual number we hare enf laaucd





Lmusement Co^. of ^ich R. B. MoKMver to VALUABLE TO THE SHOW WORLD.

CoatrlbuUoDs hate bwn offered t<y*tha followlnc:


the dean of Clrnu Cenrral Acmts. a writer of great note and one of the bm authorltire on the "white tope" thru bU many years of travel with all the "big onee.“ Tor nearly half a century he wm oanfidrntlal aceot and atanager for luch famou. dreus men as W. W. (Mat Adam Forepaugfa. P. T. Barnum. James A. Ballegr and Buffalo Bil,, and moa. or lem oloaely aatoctated atth the Sella Broe, and BtngHng Bros,

allJST OUX!!

Hustleville Trolleyll WiSliam TeH, Jr.I!

Write for full Information NOW!

PENN NOVELTY CO. m iBltSMWs4 St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. CIRCUS AND FROLIC "Back is the Seventies-StttiHf is the Qrtsd

Stand \Nith Qrandpa" By ROB ROY.

who waa elertwl lerretary of tbe DeKalb County A A M. Asfodatlon whm h. waa ninetMU yean of age. and baa held that poatUoo twenty-four aonaertiuve yean, the fair being forty-eight year, old; a member of tbs Board of Truatea. of tb. IVnneaaee State Fair for nine yean, handling the amusements during that period: in 191S elected President of the Se^henuAs- aodatlons of Fairs and ExpoelUoo., sad editor enti publisher of The nmra, Alesandrla. for twenty-two years and until the death of his father s year ago. which made It nsoewary for him to take ebarge of hi. (..thcr’s) bank and other buaineis la- terseu. _

Sales Boards Sales Cards OF EVBUY DESt'BlPTION.

Manufactured by

GLOBE PRINTING CO. ixx.h and Wnartaa Sta.,


Write for Clrculan and PrlceA

Under Amarican Legion at Toledo

The County Fws Are Growmg Useful FOR SALE BY F. B. GEOROE, lll'/s POPLAR ST.. MEMPHIS TENN.—One 10il2-fL 12-os. White Top, with asmlnga all around; new last fall; portable frame, oounters and lattice work all around, including Awning. Plpea, complete Juice BowL Wiring, etc.; price, WO. Itzl4 White Top. 7-fL wall, frame, complete with shelf racks and shelfs; one extra fancy wheel, 20-30 HOmbera, with about 80 new dolls complete; dolla packed in trunk, $85, nr without dolls and wheel, WO. 00; tent alone worth more than than Also want Griddle Mm and Walters for the flighty Doris Showi. No boaees. pill dope, or chicken chaeera. Bnatness men are what we need. Scottio Webber, Miles Barrls. Cbas. McKay, Red McDoylo and others who amefced for me report the 20th of March.

County fairs have useful future. More attention will he given to their conduct. Gambling and immoral shows will vanish. Junior con¬ tests will prosper. Premiums will be increased. More money will be spent to improve grounds and buildings. More paint will brighten and heighten the cheer and color on the fair ground.

More money will be paid to manage and advertise. Montgomery County Fair pays its secretary nearly $2,000 per year in salary, office rent and stenographer. He gives the fair attention. Tbe fair, under his supervision, clears several thousand dollars a year.

More revenue is necessary. Admission fee is being Increased to fifty cents. When this is done the fair must he improved. Good roads and automobiles have added to attendance and gate receipts.

Every county fair manager should be in favor of good roads for all the folks.—^MACADAM SERVICE.

‘‘Aviatioo aid the Sbmbmt Resorts'* By HARRY E. TUDOR.

of 'Hia Amerieui Flytog Club, The Showmm'a Lomu* of America, and Uaooranr Dtractew of The Air Pllou* Bureau. Mr. Tudor, who needs no Introduction to our readers, acquired the dUUnetlon, whm In Eurore In 1P13 and 1914. of being the most mteiprising and aucoetsful organlier and director of pasMuger-carry¬ ing amt arlaUoa exhlbltlona. Hto Intimate ounnef" tloc with American and Europeun aoronauUcal progreea during and since tbe war haa served to aa- tabUsh hit reputation of being one of the foremaag and nuMt practical auUiorltlea on tbe extdottaUoo of aircraft In all poaUMe commercia] tUreoUona

I SeOTCH HORSE COLURS I High Peak. Size, 22V& and 21^.

A. G. MORSE, 210 N. Halsted St,, Chicago.

By GEORGE L. OOBYNBk Chairman Carnival Owners of America. 32d Degree Mason. Shrlner, HUi and member of a'half doaen other arganluUona. showman*of king and ripe osperlence and man of affalra, and owner, with Jouph O. Feran. hie brother-in-law. of the Etnton State Shown

the whip, big Ell wheel, new fine Phlfadelphla actlnf; an general director of the American toboggan carousel mad the Merry Widow iwlnga. Lefri-m’s Circus and High Jinx Frolic to be ’IMolly,” aerial free act. Paul Prell, chief held in Armory Park, one block from the Court eooceasioaalre, to here with twenty-elx agents; House, week of April V2. under the auFpkes George W. Howard and partner, Ed Cole, have of the combined American Legion poets of a dozen men on their staff; the Great Keene to Lucas County, twenty in number* Mr. Rogers m. ... » . .. ___ ttot there wui ^ Th# Pifh Smsoi—How Cm W# Mwt It

End as Stroni and Profitabla as It Bsfias? By R. 8. UZZELL,

Prealdmt of tha R. A UsaaU Corporatlao. builders of the faiDOUs FroHo and Circle Swing. Hr. Uneil Is too well known to Billboard readen thru hU merlto- ilout artlclea appearing In pravloua BpaclaJ EdiUons to need any furtbar Introdu^oo.

Wanted, i^ents to work on Conoessions, perceoUge cr salary. 3Un and WUe or Singles. Have opening on Piddle Wheels or Grind ConoesMons. Want to hear from capable man to handle my Conceasions Property; keep same In repair, sK up and tear down. Don’t have to run any of them. To such a man I wUl pay good salary. 8. J. CANTARA. care Woshburn-Weaver Staow% Bald- wyn. MisslteippL


Encounter Bad Weather at Tampa


Athen^ . ®*i* March 5.—With everything i^ceum and Chautauqua Bdltor of ‘Hia Billboard, flntobed but a few more touches here and there, and at on« Hiae Bdltor of The Platfonm *'*^ amlM Central States Exposition are ready for of lyoeum and obautauqua boohn tbe opening here March 13. Many new people will be on tbe show this season on account of enlarging, and moat of those v/ltb the cara¬ van last aeamm will be In their r-nstomary places. M..u..„er Pinfold secured tie Ame 'ean Legion for anspleea, and the city and ment offlelals as a stimulant to re<-rultiiig for the aivny and navy, have decided to hold “Army Week” on the same d ite and will ex¬ hibit on the carnival grounds n collection of war lellcs and trop'ilea owned by the Government; wl also each soldior from surrounding counties haa been asked to brla.r anything of interest brought back by him and place It on exhibition, tb —EARL A. MORGAN. "1

Can place at once Barltoos, Cornet. Clarinet and Drums, for "World at Home" Bhowo. Berth «md tranaportatloQ furnished. Stats salary.

ED. F. FALTE, "World at Home' “Freahs and What I Kaaw Abait Thafs”

By BARRY BRAY, ana of the bett known and moat Uiflily reputed side show men la the country. Thru his long years of oonnecUon with tbe "white tops" be haa becom<' faaiiUar with freaks all over tto global

Wanted ciptrlencod Help. A-l Grinder. Good pay.

Open April 19tK Apply C. A. WORTHAM SHOWS.

Station A, Son Antonio, Texas.

— CONCESSION AGENTS WANTED — Man for Cook Hntue at onoa State experience and sular.' wanted. Woman for Ball Game. Salary cr prroemage. AiMress S. WT54LET, Baldwyn, lUss.. care Wiu<tiihurn-Weaver Shows.

_ It win be for sale on every news-stand and at

PWtodelphla. Mairh 4.-The Rnppcl Oniater En«lUh-^«klng world M

Ghowa have landed 'Morristown for thHr open- ^ — log date, one of the best spots In Eastern | C PIlIITx A PI1DY Pennsylvania, nnder the auspices of Trolley ItJ ULllllJ H Uliri Men’s Relief Aasoriatlon. TTiU Will be an swsrmiiserrswwse eight-day engagement, including two Fildays tdvanee over tha prl:» charged for a regular Issue and two Saturdays. (Manager Riqipel already haa a popularity contest In o-erntlon. ami there _1. f eL will also be a baby show and parades during IWIIPfl IH 91^1* II 1^1 II the event. Mr. Ru|>pel has just received wonl IwwIlwU IvlQIVll Iwlll from the factory that bis new rides will he ready for the opening and that all of the 99__ 1, IAAaL motor truck and trailers will be delivered by ll9¥Dfl H9I^All April 1. Tbe main wr)rk la fintohed at-winter VQlwU IvIlllVII AVtII quarters. There will be several new attractkins ^ on tbe midway this seaaou. Order your ootw fretn your news dealer NOW

ArA Impreae unon him that the demand fbr this lame wtu ba evectally tog, aad lOft bta to make pnwtow ■9r U.


One with baggape tvid preferred. Will leoae for long •ea.aon. Deatvllie fully. W. P. NBEDUA3L 2412 Leitiid Ave.. Chicain>.

rhlcago. Marfb 6.—John A- PoRltt haa r»- turned from Topeka, Kan., where be rlooed a most successful Indoor clrcna under tbe ans- plece of tbe American legion. The show lasted for one week, beginning February 21.

So successful was the affair and ao well satiaSed waa tbi committee representing the Legion that Mr. Pollltt closed contracta for five other cities during hla TVipeka engagement. He had an excellent Ull and tbe performers will all go with him tor the eucceedlng engage- meot8i

MUSICIANS-YarWuxMigh's Band, Smith Or-ater Shows Trombone

that can Jaa. A-l Clarinet and Baritone. Write or wire T. R YARBCHUKTOH. 1306 Calhoun Ave.. Columbia, South Carolina.

TENT WANTEO-40 or 60 a T., with middle; must be complete outfiL otokea. poles, seats, etc., ready to cet up. M. CALLAHAN, Cpbnar, Kentucky.

I/pok thro tbe Letter List io this joeue,



To Launch Gigantic ExposHion aft Riehmond, Va^ ApHI 26

Cctonel An«rt Ritchie 1« enclneeriiic « pro¬ ject which ptomiees to atartle the eboev wrceld, aDd*it look* like a whiner from the atari. The title of the enterprUe I* World War Bxpoal- tlon Shows, Inc. The flKantlc andertaklnf la in the form of a trarclinf exposition, with ex¬ hibits of all kinds of American-made •prodoeta, a war exhibit of the world, a limited number of roucctslona, and for the big amusement fea¬ tures a musical spe<'tarle, called “America,** with aixtr Xlrla in the chorus, gorgeously cos¬ tumed, and Prof. Issy C«r\-one's American Le¬ gion Rand of forty pieces, all union men. This In/onnation was giren out by Colonel Rltehls himself., who was a rlsltor at The Billboard oAces, Cincinnatt, dnrtng the past we^.

The World War Elxposltlon Sbowrs wrlll taka the road a# Richmond, Va., April 29 lor a six- day engagement. In net will play for six days in all cities visited, and wrill continue under canraa nntll Jannary 10. 1921, at JackaonriUe, lla. .Shonld the undertaking prove anccesefal Colonel Ritchie will then organise two more out- flu like It.

Three tents will be carried, each 200x90 feet, and waterprooL In one will be what will be known aa the AlHet* Palm Garden, with three hundred tgblea and % dancing platform 80x80 feet. In another wip tm a 40x80-foot platform for perfbrmancsa^ and in the third vrlll its a big war exhibit.

A parade will be given In each dty en Mon¬ day, nslng one hnndred automobile tmeka and floats, and a U. 8. reemiting atatioa will alto be carried. Concerts will l>e given each after¬ noon and evening. Tbe organisation will travd by special trala of twenty-four cars, with one car containing a craw of slxtean mw, six wesks


Keystone Exposition Shows ORENINe MARCH 20, GASTONIA, N. C.,

with Greensboro, N. C.; Lynchburg, Va., and some of the best towns in the East to follow. WANTED— Any Show of merit. Wanted—Concessions.


WANT MERRY-fiO-ROUND ™ win pay amwity per omt of xioss reedpta to Merry-Go-Round and any Rides fhr ussoa with Southern Oreatar Oho—. Want few morn Conmasiccs and Shows. Write _WALLACE EXPO, SHOWS. Pledaieat Hstst, Chariettw N. 0.

WANTED QUICK Man ta handia and perform aman Elephant and take care of four cages of Anlmalai Prefer one that will do Cntaroable lino Aec Win. don’t write. Blacfceer Duncan, orene on.

E. H. JONEO, Cole Bret.* Show, Shreveaert, La.


Start at* Little Rock March 15

Little Bock, Ark., March 4.—One wltb tbs impreeslon that tbe Mosa Broa.* Greater Sbowa is & ctimpuraUvcly small enterprise woul^ change his mind on a visit to the orgaalxatlon’v

winter q—rters at Nortli Little Bock and me tbe amount of equipment being flnlahetl prepara¬ tory for the big .opening, March 16, here in Little Bock. Every Urittg la bright, new and clean. The many fronts are handsomely iln- iahed, lighting effects are of tbe beat, tents all new, and. In fact, the entire equipment is practically new. The show train la uniform¬ ly painted In bright circus yellow with pretty ^rk trimmings.

Tbe Moss Brotiheni* Sbowa will have upwards of two hundred «>eople, and will carry ten a^wa and tiro rides. A partial list includes Milt Illnkle'e South American Kid Wild West, Prof. C. A. Henry’s lO-in-1. 'Dock Best's Mon¬ ster Reptile Show, “Cyclone** Roberteon’e Ath¬ letic Stadium, Dick O'Brien *8 new show, “Ouess’’: .Harrla* "Keg of Joy,’* O’Brlen'i Jbyland Minstrels, and othera. Tlie ridea are: A beautiful Allen Hemchell meirv-go-round, new No. 5 Ell wheel, tango svalnga and two more expected daily. Everyone with the enter- prim 1« on edge for the opening, and Manager Mom antioii«tes the biggest aeason tnat the Moss Brothera ’ ava ever known.—S. A. WAB- BEN.


Open in Memphig March 15

Memphis, Tenn., March 6.—The World’a FaK Show* will Inaugurate thetr aeason March 15 on tbe Madison street lot in this dty. Tbe show haa been practically re oUt daring the



WANT LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS. Good opportunity for real wheel man. All wheels open. Good opening for an up4o-date Cook House. P. S.—We will not operate any concessions of our own. Everything open. Address all mail

SLOTH’S GREATER SHOWS, Box 17S, Uptown Sit., Pittsburth, Pa. ROBERT GLOTH, Treasurer. AL BLUMENTHAL Manafor



WANT RIDING DEVICES. Nothing too big, with or without wagons. Live man with Rides, don’t overlook this terricGty. P. S.—If you don’t intend to book don’t write, for time is short. Address all mail

GLOTH’S GREATER SHOWS, Box 173, Uptown SU., PHtsbarsh, Pa. ROBERT GLOTH, Treasurer. AL BLUMENTHAL, Manaser

in advance. Tberp will be five Pullmona, three baggan and aUteen Bata.

I’m!. Isay Owone’s American Legion Band, •f which Frank Cemwe will be manager, will leave Plttaberg, Pa., for Blcbmond Satnrday nigbt, April 18, and will rdiearse for one week preceding the opening. It U contracted for 40 week, at $l,40o per week and all expenoet, regardleoa of weather coeditiona.

Admlmlon to the d>ow will be 60 eeata. Tbe company te booked to piny ClnrinnaU tbe week beginning Aognst 9L


Chicato Mardi 0.—Barry MoKay bat doeed a contract to proOnce an "Atlantic City Board¬ walk** at flt. Louie la the Oollaeum April 8-M. Tbe feittval will be ^ioeaored by a nnmber of tbe moat prominent eodety women of 8t. Leoln. Six hnndred glrta and women of 8t. LoeOa will have their leepectlve parta aaalgaed to them. Tbe affair will be held under tbe en^ I>lce8 of tbe variona alnmnae asaoclatloH of different collegea.

Mr. McKay appears to have ealtated tbe aaoet Influential people In tbe Mlaaoarl metropottn ta tbe big undertaking, whteh amnree Ita aoe- cem. Being a sklBed and veteran obowman himeeif, the rent will be a aaattar of builtaMi detalL


ntlcagn, Maidi 0.—When the Sella-Floto Ota- cna cornea to the Collaenm to begin tta engngo- meat with a matinee Satnrday. AptU 3, tbe ■how will have made the longeat run to na o^lag itand. It la claimed, in clrcM hiatory. The organUatlon win come direct to Ohimgo from its Denver winter quarter*. The Ghknge ''ogagement will be for two weeka.

NEW YORK EXmiTIM SHOWS Can piace MBRBT-GD-ROt'ND, alio money-getting Sho— Good opHilng for Cock Hoavsi PabnMiy. Shooting OaOery. Knlfr Rack. Hoopla and Jtlxr Coomrio— Libcn) tanno. WANT Clamle, Oricntai. Spanish. Hawaiian Danew* and Olils for Genim of Allah. Man to handle mnm. State all and lowest •alary. Address J. H. HEINS. Oee. Del.. Wmhiiaaeit. N. A W1U buy M^-Oo-Bound or half tnUnat In one; alee 10x30 cr 30x40 IVoL


Louff. sure season. Tuba, Trombone, Alto and Baritone to enlarge Band. All city time. All accommodations. Address PARK PRENTISS, Band Master, March 8th to 21«t, Charleston, South Carolina.


for Fairs, Carnivals. Parks and Circuses. Organised in 1888 and known from Coast to Coast. Has attended three World’s Fairs and many national eonven* tlons. Band of 26 to 50 furnished for concert or street work. Address F. W. HALLIBURTON, 1S14 Lawrencs Street, « - Dsnver, Colorado.

WID ANIMAL TRAINERS WANTED Lady and Oentleman to work Animal Acts already broken. Must be thoroughly

experienced. Answer Immediately, stating salary desired. COL. FRANCIS FERARI’S TRAINED WILD ANIMAL.ARENA, Pottstown, Pa.

winter months. And everything looks qjlck and •pan. Twenty new wagooa have bem bwllt from tbe ground op. Manager C. O. Dodaon parrha*ed three pairs of homes from the Mem¬ phis Fire Department, from one of the oaea- penlen that bad been motorised, and tbe rPttw vrill carry four teama, which will facilitate the bnnllng to a great extent.

Tbe attractloiu for the opentng ataad will eounist of whip, carry na-all. BU wheel, ali^ plane swing, '^b Malone’s Wild Went Show, Hetman Von* Cabaret, Val Ooogan'e KMb-L Bcnnett’a Honeymoon Trail. Billy Ritchie’s Athletic Arena. Bennett’s Joyland, Rltctae’t Lunette Show and about flfty conceertona. P*ef. Joe D’Andrea and his band of twenty placea will fnmlth the moslc.

General Agent At Fisher in abend of tbe ebov, booking towards ttie Northwest.—W. J. KSHOB.


Merapbls. Trun.. March 4.—Olamee Fsptta. well-known high wire walker, profenlonally known as “lllnmlno,'’ died here at the Pree- byterian Hoepital last night, following an operatloa for appendicitis performed last Satnr- iutf, Mr. Poplin had appeared at many parka and pleaxore renrts as a featnre free attrac- tloa. also with numerous cemlval organisa¬ tions, the pust tw<o seasons with tbe V’orld’s Fair Shown. He leaves a widow and two young cliiMren. No ftmenl amugementw have yet been made.


The Colombia Doll A Toy Oo., owing to heavy demand for its goods, haa found it aece«*aiT to move to larger tpmrters, and Is now located in Its new four-etory building at 44 lispenarl street. New York City.



WANT SHOWS OF ALL KlNDS. Nothing too big. Will furnish out6t for real Showman. Don’t overlook our spots. P. S.—If you ^n’t mean business save stamps. Address all mail

OlOTH’t OREATER SHOWS, Box ITS, Oxtowa SI*., Pmtbwxk, P*. ROBERT OLOTH, Treanrcr. AL BLUMENTHAL. Mwner

88 Tlie Billboard MARCH 18, 1120

BARLOW’S BIG CITY SHOWS Want concessioDS of all kmcte; no exclusives. Twelve pretty girls for cabaret. Entire new outfit. Good opening for first-claaB cook home. CJol- oted musicians. Address HAROLD BARLOW, this week, Vosburg, Miss.; next week. Enterprise, Miss.


Open March 27 at Farmviile, N. Cr-> Present Roster of Attractions


McMahon shows

Opsn Season in El Paso, Tex. These games got top

money at all the Fairs and Carnivals last season and will go big again this year.

Our 1920 catalogue is now ready. Write for one.

Balttmore, March S.'—Baldwla TBited Sboirt wUi opea thair taaaoa at KarntYlUe, K. O., March 27. Baitorta from winter qoartera are that eTerrtbinf ia mortnf aloniT slcclT. and the show tbU Tear will be a grand ontSt of new Ironta and tenta, tba la|tcr now being made by Uie Norfolk Tent A Awning Co.

The Unenp at preaent incladea merry-go- round. Prank I^ondla, manager; tango awinga and KObmarine ebaaer, II. K. Bell, manager; Stadium (feature abow), George A. Baldwin,

^manacer; Clrcua Sidc-Sbow, C<>1. UugU Harri* *«B, manager; “norida Maye.” Bd Bux-^ manager; "Show Beautiful,” Tamea O’Brien, manager; ten-ia-obe. l)oc George Ilnmilton, rajuager; Athletic Arena, Pbll Ilerultt, man¬ ager; Tokio GIrla. Bert MUton, manager; Mid¬ get City, ‘Texaa Cooper, manager; Myatlc Pal¬ ace, John Morrow, manager; Temple of Mlrtb, I*oc Hayee, maniiger; May Coi'.ier, high direr, will he the feature free attraction, and an A-l with full Instruetloos h<>w to build table, etc. concert band, under the direction of Prof. John at three and Table, $40.00. Dnnch, wiQ fumiah the muaical program. At Depoait ot ooe-half required cm all orders.

eck a co. ih e. iwi«, cihcimnati,ohio.

KING OF WAMPUS CATS. Made Ot bM^ oanrae. double ■eaed all arotnul and lein* lonM at bouom. painted in 8 cniora and are 30 lnd»ee high. Can be M* to be knocked off or to belance, making it look Ilka A ClilMtB OXB THAT TIME. Priea, $10.00 each. . Set

12-INCH KOKOMO KIDS. Made ot h"**; canrae.

and reUifunwa at boctni. _ - oted nirUied canraa and heacU painted both lides


nicy>e gaffed and not la etjw to knock aa they look. FLASH a rack of these and yen win taka in PLENTT. PrlM $2.$$ eaeli. with instrcctiofaa foe building rack. eta. Order* reoelred by noon lUpped lanai dw.

BI Pmo. Tei.. March 4.—The McMahon Sbowa opened the eeaaon here rehruary 'JR, and are puylng a two weeks* engagement under the anspicea of the Bescue Home. The ahow te -routed' tbm some of the beat oil fleldt In the State of Teiaa. and General Ageat 8. D. Boae has reported from Ciaco that he cloaed eoatrarts for one week there under the anapices of (be Elks, and two weeks at Ranger, nodar tba aos- pii' a of the It... Cut vft Bund.

Thia will be a ten-car abow, making miecial rallcnad moeea. Manager J. W. McMabua owns and operatea all abowa. eight In earn- ber, and two rldea. Ell wheel and carry-us-alL

double acued all around About twenty-flee eoncesslonn are alao carrletL sUru art ot Tsrtoaa most of wMch bsre beea with the caraTta ser-

eral seasons. Ralph Parrish baa the cookbouw and Mceral conreatlona. the latter managed by Janies Burke. Mr. McMabon and Bill Blabop. manager of the Bishop Rhown, hare conanUdated for a tima, but will separata tba anmiucr acaaon opaas.


beware of imitations. DON'T LET

ton; palmistry, Mr*. Moore; boopla, c<iunW store, rase wheel and cigar wheel, F. W. WrlgJit; candy race track, doll wheel, pillow wheel and cigar wheel, Haller A Miller; tagar and coffee, aluminum and perfume wheels, Phil Herwitx; candy, duga, bean and ;>op-’em-ln, Cy Helbold and Sam F^edman; skee-ball, H. Pern- _ i „ - . - . , -- . berton; pillow race track, ham and bacon. XFe BCU VOU the best Chocolates in the country for the same price you pay for w \eo D. ^^n Society and b grocery and _fr«lt wheel., high «wlnger_.nd ^ Inferior trades. Be wise and write US for prlceS. Jr

THE CHEAPNESS OF OTHERS BE YOUR TEMPTATION Chocolates in the country for the si grrades. Be wise and write us for

CrDzei-JAIIegretti Co.

Peoria. DL, March 8.—Mta. Nat Bate aad Mr. MatTlUa rttnmed to wintar qnartara af the Nat Ucita Sbowa, Inc., fall of pralaa aa to the Bbowman'a I.eagne Banquet and BalL and at tba same time the hitter erpreaaed himself la a Bka manner as to the work accoMllahed ^ Hnrrey Miller and his assistaats. 1%# merry- go-roond home wagon, and the wagoa froats ^ ~ " - - . —

Manufacturers of


‘Show BeautlfuL' During last week nine aata ot whaela with

patent hnba and alx-lncb tlraa were dcUrered. alair eight I-beam boonda. Tba Valare Beothers and Mr. MalrUle have atartad to one up the oak and hickory Inmlter, bought In the Sooth, on

1205 West Harrison Street, Chicago, ilL the Oat care and wngona AU the wagona with —^1——— wooden bonoda are hging rebaUt with thi*

S. L SPENCER’S CELEBRATED SHOWS-Seasts 1921 WANTED 1121 S«8ms On areount ot diespiwluiUitot-AIAllAmC SHOW that can get the money. 1 will tumlth ooaapirie ouUlt to res! shoumsn. L. T. Bsnwy, plesi^ vrtre me soon sa Tou bob thla ad, as 1 haie good news for you. CM book a few more goou Fbows tbst won’t conflict with what I hare. W.timp. a fw more Altrxehins for Patterwm’s Clg 10-lu-l I-how. WILL l>opk • day Aurll 24Ui. at BrookTllle, Pa., two Saturdays. Address all mail to 8. E. SPENCER. Na. 20 Soutli HaiR SSe, Braokvine, Pa. (SUMMERVILLE PMaa.) P. S.~Can me a Ng 1 Oentnl Aawit at oncsi_


the early season. Special Agent Ooaa la ex- ba« four concewilona, Hanr DieWnaon’s big pected in winter qnartera daily. *H, V. Rogers, 20-ln-l looms up anHplclously ^ the i^dway. Boh Bnckland and Boy Spurr are recent arrl- and hla excellent troig.e of edneat^ ^a la vata and ate setting their aUnda In abape. proving an intereeting attraefl 'n. iTank Shep- _ , Mra. U B VanDlver*and daughter, Jeasla-Lee, P«rd and Fred Wilsou’a Garden of Allah la tea be« atrlooaly tU ior the past thret weeks, who are visiting relatives in Ohio cuid Kea- gottlng good play. Sheppard and WUaon also but la now on the road to raeovery.

- - — have a nicely framed platform ahow. /acU Bainey haa a beautiful ‘'odel City In operatiOD. Capt. Jack (Im'.tb la the owner of cookhouM, and It'a a real one. There are approximately vorth WsIm i». if.iwa k_am nannhM.

fa«« «eTwnn7he*^Lwa'’thlV^^^^ .C««y-i.reeter 8how.._NK, built

^ky. will return Sunday.—A. L. W.


matUn pana. Bob Gilbrigbt; Jewelry stand, Wal¬ ter Reid; boekledebuck and rolldown, Jaek Ringer; devil’a itowUng alley and atatnea, H. Fritz; combination wheel, Sam Stricklin. Geo. A. Baldwin ia manager of the organization and Harry Bcntna is general agent.—E. E. F.


Cpon learning that Mrs. J. B. Cardona, wid¬ ow of Captain J E, Cardo.41, who was well- known in the clrcua and carnival world aa "The Animal King,” la In deatltnta clreumatances at IIOHBton, Tex. (Box 188-B, Route No. 1), J. U. (Lacky) Moore, eratarhile carnival promoter, now campaigning for tba Moose, banded The DiUboard $5 to send to her which was done.

If any other readan of The Billboard have a dollar or two to spare don't overlook this eaiie.

When Captain Cardona died he left Ms widow wlthoat any means. She has four amaU children, and her health la very iMor.


Every day aeea improvements and new fUi^ tores added to the Smith Greater Shows, and na ^ _ the <'>pening day grows nearer the varlona at- iSlacon, Oa., March o.—Dixie Montrofe, ^ a tyactlona are Ukiag form and the old reliable ^former cowtroy with the Sparks Show, was a caravan that has set many Innovatkma and recent visitor. He has hla own Wild Weat ^ .-L-r-c atotted many a well-knovm showman on the w>^ “iHl haa been doing well all wtat^ fie next week.—ALBLIIT* HAl ES. road to sncceaa la coming out bigger and better 'wea bound for Atlanta, where he will Jmn m than aver before. carnival for the summer.

Chas Frevatt, now on the Keith Time, has The Earles, double traps, with the Sparkt contracted to famish his troupe of illoaloniBts Show, are still meeting with anccesa In vaude- for tba season. Earl D. Jackson has hocked vllle, playing thru the middle 8tat^ bis newly improved Ell wheel, and It is on the A kmg letter from St. Petersbnrg, ria.. way to the winter quarters In Suffolk. Va. rroved to he from a former well-known mana- Frank Angel is assembling his company for the K” oi>ere house owner at Oneida and or Kentucky Mlnatrels. Boy E. Blair has Just Canaatota. N. T.—E. J. Preston, better known about flnlahed repairing and rebuilding the side- »» “Win.” He Is now the proprietor of flotel _ ^how. E. K. Smith started rather late In re- PreKton, one of the leading hotels of the famous ing nice business. The attractions consist of pairing the "hunllera,” but has the machine ^Florida resort. He spent a great day recently Ileane’a Hippodrome Circus, featuring the Abron ready for paint. The Moore Family Society the members of Vogel’s Minstrels. Troupe of acrobats and wire walkers, with Mas- Clrcua is ready for the lot. A new set of propa. The handsome brick residence of the superln- ter Joe Abrou, ten-year-old artist; Heane's plat- Is being fiDished for the Trained Wild Animal tendent of Central City Park has been leased tonn show, ^‘Fat’’ Marshall, manager; Heane's Arana, tiusica! Director T. ~ ‘ who la progressing Black Hussars Band.

General Agent Bain haa been stepping the •la<’tFl<' lighted. It is but s stone’s throw from past alx weeks and has more fair contracts workshop and the home at present of

George Slnaleton. rhsrles (Vnnors, Henry Welsh hnd Fat Cross. Tbe-e Is plenty of room for the Vest of them as they erdve.

Can yon Imagine “PHcks" with • whits collar. Mled irtilrt. Prince Albert coat, patent leather (Rhies and a de-hy hatT Ton can’t. Neither can I. bnt wo-d from SaHsbuty baa ft Is so and tbst “SMeks” has a reason. Rome of yon foike may be paring him room rent In Rnother winter.—SIATGR.

ready for the artiata, aa art the froata tor Dr. Brownwell'a “Lady of Myatary” and RmMaay’a

wagons, RxIG. one for the workshop and the other for Nathan Millar, auditor, who will have not less than ten concessions. Altogedisr, the Beisa tIhowB will have four wagon fronta. three box and twelve flat wagone, all newly boUt thla spring. By the time the ehowe ere readr for the road they will have eight new 62-for.t flats. Harvey MtUer promlats a sutprlte In a new portable panel front, ISI ,feet long, for Mrs. Beisa’ lllnslM nt Show. Mrs. Bennett W. Stevens, who only recently lenmed te Peoria from her home la Merthem Michigan,


Bne-np will appear In an early imue of The BUlboiard. The show remains In Huntsville for


Crystal City, Tex.. March 8.—The Beane Shows are this week playing Cryetnl CIO, which, with favorable weather conditions, wfll prove a good stand. Thq company opened the season last week in Jordaaton with the mid¬ way crowded and all shows and concessions do-

the Trained Wild Animal tendent of Central City Fsrk bas been leaaea Tonn ahow, ’Tat’’ Marshall, manager; Heane’t Goodman baa contracted for the 4

rector T, B. Yarborough fipnrks Show and Is now the borne of Ten-ln-One, Ed Sanches, manager; Ixuls Heane’s prlvUegea, insread of ptilowa aa nicely In organizing his <be bosses at the quarters. It is lltted with Penny Arcade; two-abreait Uerachall swing, R. nonneed. Madam DeCtelala ’haa

Open llrepisres, toilet and bathrooms and is A. (Blaokle) Williams, manager; Chas. Ballna’s twenty-foot knife rack one of t

than expected, besides considerable route for

WANTED— For Zedda Rolfs and J. F, Baker Amus^ roSBt Caa., Coocsssluus of all klnda Efery one haa the ea. No two sllka Alao Ferris Wheel and Help (or Parker Carousel. We have outflt for Plant Show, also other clean Shows. We have our own Parker Cansiael. Opening March 23 near Oakman. Ala. What have you gott Cnnununlcate with 3IBS. ZEDDA BiMFE or J. F. BAKER. Oakman, Ala.. unUI klarch 22.

MUSICIANS WANTED to complete Big Show Band for the Campbell-Bailey-Hutchlnann Circus and Wild West Clarinat. Cotn^ Alto, TYombone, Baritaoe. Baih and Trap Drummer. DORB BOBEBT8, Band Leader. Motrison. OklahonuL_


for Soft Drinks, etc., aiul save sugar. Write PURITAN CHEH. WKS.,

40IS W. Mtaraa St.. • . . Chleaga.

ATTENTION shimmie tonj^Rs ^ “n •!>*»“. St. PU-

^ Rpedal now otrt, and they’re all green and sea fast. Bend $1.00 for tampis doeen. nr for Unro slM one, hand tinted. One dozen brings you $$.00. and ycu gri them. Orders filled pramrtly. Agents wanted. Write today. GHEBCDA -kntler Hotel tiarteo. Ohio,

THE HAAKON COUNTY FAIR HeptemlMT 2, $ and 4. Ifi20. Attractlnoa of all Itiiuts wanted. E. A MORBISON. Chairman; EDW. A. UNH. BetTvtatr. I'hllU). Houth Dakota.

— IS * ■ -- m

Waited, TomUer for Recognized Act Babe, farmerly with Oeo. Hamid, answer to ACRO- BAT. caira BOlboard. Putnam BWg.. New York Ctty.

ITALIAN MUSICIANS WANTED 2 CortMte and Cterlnat. Bb or Kb. for Krause Ormter


The Acme Amusement Co. will open the 11*20 aeason In New Jersey April 17 with four shows, consisting of ARiletlc. Schaffer's Illusion. 10- ln-1. Irving Tost, manager; A1 Hsrsog’a Mu¬ sical Comedy, and two rides, merry-go-round and swings, owned by the company and man¬ aged by George Mohal. The management ex¬ pects to have the new FIl wheel by the middle of May, also to add another big show. Every¬ thing la progressing nicely at winter qnsrteTs at CTfton. N. J.. and. while this will not be anch a large organtaatVm. everything wfll be

platform show. The concessions are Earl Lay, with eight; F. A. Jackson, fonr; George Nlaten, two; Morris Simon, one; Mrs. L. Ileane, five; Claude Platt, cook bouse; Mrs. Lea Platt, one; Ira Wllaon. three; George Pbilllpa, three; FVank Wolfe, two; T. Dayer, one; Leo and Alphonao, three; Mrs. B, A. Williams, one; Mra. George PJiilUpa, one; candy rare track, Ed Rlnclarr, manager; Mra. Earl Lavy, one; “Baldy" Sproi^. one; Mrs. A. D. Sherman, one; Annie May Jonea, one; Mrs. E. M. Carltoo, one; B. Bell, one. A ten-piece band, nnder the leadar- ehlp of Jose Oeaaalez, fumiahes the mnsic. The staff roster vrill appear in the Spring teccial Niifflber.—MOBBIS SIMON.


New York, Vtrch 5.—From an Indtcattona H aeema Uke the oldtime mnaeurn Is coming hack to atay. If good boaineae and good attnctlona bare anything to do with It. the Harlem Muv cum at 1B6 East I28th street. wlU be here for ■ome time. John Branch Is manager. Attrac- tlona inclnde Vey Lee, the hendleas Chlnamun Ulaekm; I’rlce Raadlon, armleas wonder; Con¬ go, Sonth African warrior; Baby BeO, fat

n^y painted end clean in I’vf’? woman; Queen Peart, midget; Prtnceea Majoh. ^ **** maa- mlndreader; A. H. ADon, punch and lectnra;

arement.— ‘SILENT BOB. Boblnaon. living akeleton; Annie Abbott Georgia magnet; MUle Long, giantess, aad The glass Mowers.


agement.—“RILBNT BOB."


aa well aa rebnllt and palated. to fast nearing completion and will be In resdlneea for the open- ing of the organization’s tenth eeamn May 1.

Among the late booklage'are Ben Cohen, vrlth bis fruit wheel and grocery wheel; Ben Lacte- pelle, pillow wheal aad dnvll’e bowling alley, and J. W. lloppei, a big ahow. Col. C. Acker man has a feroe wurklag oa his fear Mg thowa and three conceestone. FSr bis third ecaaou Alax Simms will teva his palmistry aad three other coocesaiona. TSxaa Joaaa, who la wlater- lag on hie ranch scar Milton, Pa., will te along with bin loDg range shooting ^Uery. Prof. BiUotte, in Wasbingtoa, D. C., sends word that he haa ordered ten new anlfonns, of military type, for hl( band. Mr. Corey has placed aa Older with (he Beverly Company.for three new big tops and several concession teats. Charlie Goodman baa contracted for the exetustve candy

previously an- placed a new

the flaShleet on the rosA J. B. Jones bas slgiied ap as tot superinteodent.

Manager 0»ray tea agate contraeted Chester, Pa., for a big celebration to be bald te Aagust. Palmerton, Pa., will also agate be -played, ae signed eontracta-hava btms seat te by tba egto- fluatlon committao.—E. 8. 0.


Will Bfl • Carnival Faatura Thia Saason

Chicago, March C.—For tba flrat ttona to her long and tuccesaful career, Mme. Bedlnl will not go buck with a clrcua this summer. The famon. equestricaae, who has her hone act In the Hlppi^rom* this week, told The Billboard that She had planned to go with Jerry Mt^van this aeason, hut had changod her mind and will book her act with a caralval as a fas tare.

Mme. Bedlnf haa tea botasa, ber last chase being “CharcoaL" a flve-gaited tocky tfbbun winner, now being trained by Victor Bedlnl. Mra. Flora Oalca, playing with her bUNhand In a trapeae act In McVlcker’s Theater this week, to a daughter of Mnse. Be- dial, aa la alao Mrs. Victoria Davanport, play¬ ing OB Keith lime. All are well knows circus Pttfonnera.

SIGNS WITH RINQLINQ-BARNUM Huntsville. Ala., Marrk 4.—The engagement

of Veal Bron.* Hbows here opened In a promle- Ing manner. Crowd* have ftf«ded the midway. Phlladelifhla. March 4.—The Central fllxpoal. and an even break with the weather will te- tloa RV;w« (Bnppel Rhowa No. 2) will teen sure financial ancceas for the organlaatton. tbelr aeaaon In April at Manayiink. Pa. Mr

The Derktown Follies Is getNag top money, Bnppel to looking for banner hnalnea* at tka closely followed by A1 Fsnlk’s Wild West and opening stand, as the engngement wlM te> nn- IVontler Exhibit. TVie besotlfnl front of the der (be auspice* of the Fire Deimrlteeiit. aad latter show, combined with the excellent per- the meml>era and poftnlaee aisi tending ' their formanee prodneed by Fanik and hit coterie efforto toward the ancceas of the engagement of cowhoyt and cowgirls, are la^rivea that Deck Bi^ey ba^ placed eight eoncessloni. all

Cantea, O., March lima. Clifford, aword yellower, featured for eieven aeasona with the Barnnm A Bailey Circus alde-sbow, bas signed contracta for tbit season with the side-show of the Singling Rroe.’-Ranium A Bailey Toti' hined Circus. Rhe will leave Cantoti. Msrcn 18, for New York. Rhe will he accompanied

east by ber husband, who was formerly a mem¬ ber of the ZantoD Tronpe of scrota, and who la now a tlcktit aaller on tba BlngUng-Bernom Show. Mma. OHflierfl flld Mt SNtar vaadavUto as te prsvloos saasoofl. bat flpaRt tbfl winter

fmim Th* Iknawll* wvre one of the feature a«ti et the Tlakea •Imkior Clrcot at Oanto*, O., lerrnt'''. Mre. Ruaaeli for maBr aeaeone partarmed «>ltti Um WUd Wcat cotoay of t|M


Active in Preparation for Opening— Winter Show Project Abandoned

fUn Antonio, March Aenoinreinent waa ina<*e hr Mr. Wortham on hie retnra from the Sbowmen'e l4>arne Banquet and Ban In Chi- caco and other Northern point* that on ac¬ count of new and estenalTo plana for an cren l.traer ahow for the comlnp aeeaon, the “win¬ ter abow** of twentr car* would be abaadontd, a* ererrone would be needed to complete tbi* jrifantic ezpoaitioM on wbeela, that open* ita toar of thlrtr-foor week*. Ariil M. with one of the inott popular and Uggeat arenta of the entire South, the “Battle of Flower*.” Ban Antoelo'a “fleata,’* for which orer $40,000 ha* been sutiocribed to a.aka it the gcMtcat erar held.

The “PactoTT rtf Wortham” la ao buallr en- iraxed in turnina out new band-caired. goM- Icafed wafpm front*, that many banner* and paintinc bara been turned ower lo the Hill Stndioa; alao the oerrioea and time of the en¬ tire lumber mill, near the winter quarter*, hare been eostracted for. and additional black, nnitbs and ear builder* employed. Johnny Bclano, of pit abow and other enterpriaeca Jame, and bin atwlatanta are back. al*o hia new top* hare arrired. A. B. (Bed) Murray and hia atay* director, bi* wifo (pmfewlooal- ly, Lillian Oaraon), are wblpphiy tbelr g»ec- tacnlar prtnlnctloo, “The Lady of the Nue.“ into •h.-ipe and kaee ealled rebeamnis for tba «r*t week in April. Mr*. Mnmy baa gather^ naw Ideaa and creatloaa for the coetumlng « the abow. It can be aald without feur Of rootradictlon that the fnmenp of the Veru and Edith Tantllnfer Wild We«t and Indian rnnarea*. the foremoet attraction of the O. A. Wortham World Oreatest Bzpoaitkm Bbowa, will be pnr excelleBce. Th# new, Impitrred whip baa arrlTed. and what 1# declared the flneat merry-yo-Ptmnd erer* built by C. W. Par. ker ia expected about the laat week in March.

Mr. Wortham purchased fifteen cur* during the p**t three weeks, seteu of them aleepete and ataterooua can, the remainder long-length flats, to make up hi* »bow tnis of two aee- tloo*. Two Beico ngbtlng pUnts hare boeu inatalicd in the Worthnm “apodnlt,"—JOB 8. i^QOUBO.


Memphl*. Tcbb.. March 5.—Mm. W. J. Ke- tio*. wife of the asaintnnt manager of the World'* Fair Sbom, la in the Onrtney A Bnra- rcy Hospital here, recorerlng from n eery scrlon* operation performed Wednesday. Bhe stood the operatioa czceedlngty well, and th# last report from the bow’ltal stated that she Tsas reating comfortably and doing ns well na covdd bo expected.


niicago. March S.—Mrs. Oon T. Renaady WM initiated into the Order of the Eaatera Star Uiit Friday Bight, in the lodge rooma of Oar. field Chapter, No. 711. Mbodameo Walter D. IIIMreth. Barry T. Beldea. Ster* A. Wooda^ Harry Mclrflle and Tbomns Rankine, all mas- tier* with Mr*. Kennedy In the Lndlea* Aaxillnry of the Showmen** ^agne of America, accom. panted her and wItBeaaed the eoofcniag of the O. B. 8. degraoai


Oeorge Kennedy writes The Billboard that be la down with tuberculosia at the Oak 'Torrest Fanltartam, Oak Forrest, III., and would like to bear from all hh old frlenda Mr. Kennedy atate* that be baa spent many ycura ia the show busiaess, having been asaortated as talker and attraction manayrr with the .ireat White Way Shows. Waahhum-Weaver Show*. Famons I’roadaray Hbowe, Xeavitt-Taxier and many others. Also that he 1* getting long aa well as coold be axpaeted, altbo h* now weighs bat

poimds. Mr. Kaanady'n home is in New York.


New York, March 8.—The New York Aero* Banticat Expoaltioa, which opened to r*#*! <>ne|. nea* at the Bevenly-first Street Armory Satn> day, March 6, Is tbowing plane* daaIgnM along peace llnea. The exhihita cover every phase of acmnnutlra and indications are that the expo* •Itlon win b« very aiiccesafnl.


OintoB, n.. March S.—Ww Fnaaona Ronaallo. B^lty entertalncra, wbo have been playing ••wr dreusee eial vaaidevllle thin winter, ■naeuuce they will rnatarc tbetr glO.OOO waltx-

dog “Queen,” and tbelr buttle sxe throw- wg apecUlty at the larger parka tide anas- “‘•f khd later will make aoine »f Um lazfw


rlwIlipBff Flneet and moat aanltaiy Dongbnat out- fit on tho market.



Ylr*. BIG PROFITS Is 1 Rtverview Pkrk. Cbieagoi, took ta IS '' .T^l gmo.oo lo one day with my Dougbaut Kt m La Machine.

am B \ I FMd day /A 12 .-V pays for tha an- I I If Mr# ontflt. I Get yonr order*

are working oa a I very •mell margin.


I ^ maehlae, I \ eonudete,

'' a *'*0.00 Caab<—UM* ^ **** I I *** *9 *d^ down. Pnefca la two erataa

f ^ poQDda anfh. * I FOr outdoor uae Hood oaa be eltaluetnd. bat when you bavu to oover up

■ It'a mighty bandy. I Send today for ttila big uMioey maker ead be one of the top money-totteta 9 this seaaoa.

HARRY McKAY, - 15U W. Midiwa M, CHICAGO.


Few more Performers, Musicians, Billposters, Clowns and Candy Butchers. Clarinet, Tuba, Trombone and Saxophone. Bar Performers and Feature Act. People who wrote before write agaio, mail lost. Season open. Wire or write. GainesviJe, Florida.

aK>e JACKSON (Oeattoned tnm pege S)

oa ea set of this claas It la the eoaton of thto circuit to book aodt «eto aa Jaekaon, Ryan and Lee the Four Marx Bratbeni, etc., to booot tho bonaeo and th^ freqaently ar> tuge for acta on tbta baals.

At the Capitol Theater it waa said that It was not deflaltely known bow loag Jackson will rtmnin under the Capitol menagenent.


(Ooatliiued fiotn page B) ara the logo* la wbMt are camfoctable dudn of willow. The lobby .la of maibto and the carpet* aro of golden brown.

Tho theater waa built by tbeaKodeco Oboi* pany, owner* of n chain of tbeotem to the Raatem States, tbo local members of which nr* Nad KornbUta. David Oohoa and Fred Oil- lau. Mr. Oillea was for a number of year* connected wiHt the Hathaway Interoato bore and la at preofut manager of toe Armory Tboa- ter. H* will aieo manage toe Strand.

Tbo new playbonse, orected et n eoet of tnoo.OOO, i* fireprooC thruout and tqeipgtd with an automatic apiiakler ayateea.


(OWMnned from page S> be meiiy other attractiona so dear to toe beerto of tooae wbo bav* visited Cauey lalend end KteepleclMae Plera at Atlantic City.

AlMdy 210 carpratera are busily engaged, and it le the latcntion of toe caatrolltag eem- peny to bavo tho pork aa nearly cenaplatod as poasUile by late spring.

NEW MAINE CORPORATION (Orattanad fNoa pege T)

ef Bfelne lew far the paupoae of ouquiifag Ikeator pcoparty end opacatliB • chela eC

thee ter* to New England. The oaecre are Abraham Goodelde. praaldcnt; Frank B. Droaaar, troasnrar; Irvlag B. Temon, deih; dlractoea, Meaara. Goodaide and Dresser. The Binplre and Jaffaieoe, toe two local toeatera ia wbieh Mr. Oocdelde la toteretted, win not be tacleded In toe corpotatke et preaeat.


8t. Lolls, Marto d.—verdlet was retnnicd In Obenit Oonrt her Toeaday la favor of the Tandevine Theater 0*., whicb was sued far $8,000 daamgea by Starling Barktna, a IT-yeer- old boy, who aUeged that David BoaseL mana¬ ger of King’s Theater, forolbty ejected him ftem toe theater without Just cauae. Tha de- fenaa waa that Harktne, with two other boys, had ponred water from paper cups from a waahroom on too second Boor ou head* of per^ soon cntoifag thn theater.


Mew Toth. Match $.—A long-time lease has been obSetoed by toe Sherldea Realty Company for a triangnlar piece of gronnd in Sheridnn Sqnere, on wlileb n theater will be built. Max Spiegel. Sol Brin and WllUam F. Bafferty are member* of tba Sheridan Company. The bouse win have e eeetliig capacity of 2,800 and wlB be devoted to motion pletnres.


Lenatnt. Midi., March $.—Work on the new Afcnde Ihenter Building to be erected by the BUaa Iheetrleai Baterprlae Co. win be atortod aeon. Plena vrin go fiorwmrd fior a two-etory front, vattb fOnadatlona tnffldent to eniiport font or fiee ataried. In addttlen to toe theater, the bnOdlag win contain atoreo and apartments, end win cost 1480,000. The eeatlng otpacMy aC toe theater wfll be hM.


Spokane, Wkab., March $.—Berry Ontoart, ctage manager at toe Hlppodwe Ihenttr, bee

been dected preddent of the nippodroxne Bm- ployeee* Aaooelatlon. The aseoeintloa le ei^ gaalaed tor eocUl purposes, with the pnrehese of a tract of land at a nearby lake, to be converted into n aimimcr colony far the em¬ ployees a* ita basic mottve. The pleas ef the association include the erection of a rlnhbnien and too purehaao of tents and boats for the use of toe employees. A midnight plcnle, which is to be made an ananal nShlr, win be the foe- lure aoelal event of the year and win be hold la Jnly.


New York, Mkieh 7.—The *Mxy** asnson has proved dlaantraas tor the Hotel HFUBck. earnar of Broadway and 48d atieet Thla famone bootolry baa boused many a wdl-kaowa thaa- pietf. bet with toe pesdag ef the bar, -nileaia dropped off, and It 1* mid that n dance hen may be made of pert of toe hotel.


St. Pad, Mian.. March The BtoWe Then- tor. e motion ptoture honw sad one ef the first enUMIabed la thie cHy, homed yester¬ day. The hm wm be eleae to $100,000. The bonae waa formerly toe BtUi m Amerlean Wheel barlesque booee.


TUs week at toe latast henae added to toe Ooiumbie Wheel, the YIetoHn, at ShadtoM and Belmont avennes, Chicago. H la a modem stmeture situated In toe residential eaetlea el the northwest aide. In artoltecture It la ItalUa renaiaanne* and presents an Impoaing appear¬ ance. The bouse is under the peraonal direc- tkm or Frank Gazado, with John Benero aa resident manager. Both am refular Mlows, wbo know tho bnstneaa and ire dotng everyttlng possible to get it.

Frank Dutton, last aeasea at toe Crown, and a capable crew of blUere hem noqnalitod the West SMcrs with the fact that tba bonae baa to- engnrated a new poUey and hnm doM their work weU.

A1 (“Flddle“) LaMn, eane and everything, was a caller in the Intereet of the “ffip.«Hlp, Hooray Glrto” and to look the bonae over. A1 we» very enthnslaatie over hie reception. Ato Man whet it waa an abont.

Bddle Shaffer, general manager ef the Batnay Oererd Enterprises, la In town *handMng the ’TbUlee of toe Day,** while Max Aiarntrang, manager of toe company. Is zecamring tromae nasal operation.

Snriesqne bnaiiMea ia good In Ohieego and there ere uariona ramors of toanges to the dty for next teeoon. Oaa to toe eftoet that toe

(OMthmed on page fO}

WAHT— EUPHANT MAN and TRAINER to work Horses, Ponies and Elephants. State age, experience and salary. Join Immediately. MGR. Cl RCU8, Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sparks’ Circus WANTS

two good Clowns, Man to work Un* tamable Lion AoL Address

CHA8. SPARKS, - ■■ Msoon, Qa.

Tho Lincoln County AgricuHural Soeioty and Fair Association

HCLO AT TYLER, MINN.. 8EFT. I. t. * AND 4. Tflet win hat* • real Fair this T*ar and i* naw opan far Atti*<Wann Ooanaaatcn* and a Marry-Oo- Round. Writa tba Uv* aaoeuurj. PtUU J. EHBSir.

WMTED, GHU for boo Jaw kt Noar plwlns vandarUlu Ou<o dren* neat monra Whin answering glv* addraman Addraa* LOBDON BIBCKBA n W. BnUlmors Am.. DKrott. ULtolgxn.


WANTED—Colored Minstrel People. Will pay $35 a week for teams. Also want good Phxhioer and Jazz Band. Have complete outfit for Garden of Allah, Athletic and Snake Show. Norfolk Red, wire. Can place two menre Rides. Want for Cabaret Show: Piano amA Slayinphrawi^ Player, also Cabaret Dancers that are ladies. All WTieels open. Would like to hear from Alae Cohen. Musicians wanted for Plof. Enrioo Matcrese’s Royal Italian Band. Conoeaeions, address Billie Winters. Showmen, address FRED UTTER, General Manager,

Henderson,Tenn., week March 8. After that all mail General Delivery, Jackson, Tenn.


MARCH 18, 1920


1 Brownsville,'Pa.; Monessen, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Detroit, ^hen laraes^ ei^ias of Canada unfit fho Fair season Starts. may * then the largest cities of Canada until the Fair season starts.

WART SHOWS, RIDES AND CONCESSIONS Each and eveiT^ department of this show is engineered by real showmen—men capable and worthy of using the title—SHOWMAN. Mon that can place a show in CITIES (not six or dght miles from City Hall) and make it stick.

If you have a good Show or neat Concession (no stores) you are welcome. Can place a good Cabaret or lO-in-l Show. Some Wheels open. Want five Oriental Dancers for a real Streets of Cairo. If you don’t Join, watch our route. Everybody address HARRY C. HUNTER SHOWS, Cleveland, Ohio. Bex 109.


tbi. OTIS L SMITH'S UNITED SHOWS Opeat March 2IMh at fcicnmond, Wa. <»■«„. m.« a. T«na. ■ammer nnd made an op-to-date theater and Two Saturdays, under strong; auspices, in the heart of city, on Broad Street, ot which aimer I'oiMreM la manafer, began a

booee the Columhia shows on the West Side, Want a few more Concessions. Wheels and Glass sold exclusive. 10c Stores week’* engagement Monday la •Harvey, Ul., on.

The other 1* that the etar and Garter win ha WUl positively go. Write, wire or come on. Other good ones to follow. Address <ler the anaptrea of. the Harvey Commercial

oat next aeeaon and atiU another that ttie Olym- JOE LIEBERWITZ, 1607 E. Broad Street. ** waa the signal for one thtag right after pic, is the Loop District, wlU be nnder the another to happen.

•TT ..«... ^ SENSATIONAL FREE ACTS WANTED “» •Wrench FioMcs" and joint another weU knows Wfcllwll ■ IVIlffllM I Hkk flW I If ll fill ■ Mr. Pomarene and later found that the mana-

•ttractlon on the American WheeL FOB PABKS, PAIBJA INDOOB CIBCU8E8. CONVENTIONS. BTC. ***^ contract with the commercial clun Oeorga McDonald, nntil recently manager of UTTLE BARBOUR. Cvtuaibia Tb ah-a BitHdiae. St LeuK MItaenil. that the clnb .members would recognlge. The

the Colombia, ha« gone to Ter^e Hante to man. feature of the performance wee to be Bea Nye's

n.r,;'‘nTr."r4»«»». Wanted, Experienced Leeel Contraetor, Quiek ■gent of the Corinthian Bocbestev, N. Y. He Ml B *U In flrit letter or wire. Can pUot Car Porter, Programmer. S Union BUI Posur*. tract with the commercial clnb la llr. Foma-

te DOW ahead of the coast “>Flo ITo” Company. DAM FRANCE, Rbeda Rsyal Circe*. VaMetta. Dssrtla. rea^s nam^ “per N,#.** ^ (Bad a few minutes with Dave Gnran in St. “Twenty-Ponr Honrs of Tmth*’ waa Hie play

Loma. He la ahead of the “Crackerjacks." ^3||t0|l-Il0|p|3l ll0|eQ||3f 10 3N«I l|3j|||3| ||0^0 flven Monday night, aftw of wWeh Frank Meteger, recently ahead of the “Sport . "■•■■■biWhh nva laig nwi vwaiilhe ainw niBiiaacai naemw several players approached Mr. Pomarene for

« t vnwi “T ONB-aiNO CUtCUEH opening March 15th at Al^xleeo. Ml». with the Heth Show*. Addiwa Ineludln* Mr and Mr*. Nimnevwr Mr Oiris,** is now managing the American Wheel ^ WILL FU8SNER R r1 A Bex 169 Evaasviile, lad. money, inciuoing mr. ana mra. Niemeyer. Mr. bonse at Tnlsa. Ok. Pomarene. It la said, told them he waa waiting

..««<«»<« SENSATIONAL FREE ACTS WA •Wrench FroMcs" and joins another weU knowa W^MWWmM ■ ■WRwnBM ■ nV ■ VP WM n

attraction on the American WheeL FOB PAKKB. FAIBJA INDOOB CIBCU8E8. CONVENTIONS. BTC. Oeorge McDonald, until recently manager of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LITTL^BARB0UR^ebi»bl^T^^^BttMdlse^8t^

the Colnmhta, ha« gone to Tere Hante to man.

age the lUppodrome there. lllAnlArf I 303! nAntmtAP Met Frank Smith, formerly the advertising ■■■llhVA| BsAlfvB Iwnwii fcWWAI arWHlI AWavl |

agent of the Corinthian Bocbestev, N. Y. Be TeO it all in flrit letter or wire. Can plsos Car Porter, Programmer. S Union BUI Posur*.

to DOW ahead of the coast “iFlo llo” Company. (Bad a few mlnntes with Dave Gnran in SL

Loais. He la ahead of the "Crackerjacks.”

DAN FRANCE, Rbeda Rsyal Circe*. V*Me*ta. Dserila.

Oirto,” i» DOW managing the American Wheel - —— wkC FUMNER R^ A Bex IM EvaaWlir*. led!-money, including Mr. and Mrs. Niemeyer. Mr. bonse at Tnlsa, Ok. Pomarene. it la said, told them he waa waiting

Another week In Chicago and then on to De- ^ ^ **» •<>“• money end wie expecting it any time. tiitSilD Slow DAIiY. , .“i >“** •" property in the business district. Those a visit to Mr. Nyv.

southeastern Ohio In Zanesville. The propo- behind the latest pUn for a new theater are ^ jjiemeyer notified the Commercial ClOb that

DARNABY MAY STAGE SHOW the mterosUng of York ^y E. C. Jarvis a^ ot»«««. The house , gu.r.nte. «, be wonld quit - bookmg and exchange offlcee. Headquarters will have a seating capacity of 1.700. .. contlnne. be said. If they weald

BarUesvflle, Ok.. Feb. 28.-«o sncceesful ^a *’dlsto'the^'Sirr^ MAY TAX ROYALTIES recognise Mr. Pomarene ee the manager for the show, “Lefa Go. Peggy," presented last ^‘th district offlces in the more imporunt enterprise. This, be aaid, the clnb refosed

November nnder the personal direction of J. A. “ties. . ^ ,,^todo.Allofthe pertoimars etoopeg and Mr. Damaby. that the Bartlesville Chamber of Com. According to the statement of the local man. New York, Maitai «.-«oyaltlee recelTed by coatiBOtd tba aotartala- merce la considering putting on a $25,000 show *««” the arrangement would make It possible authors and artlato are not dividends, as de- ^j, ^ under hi* direction this spring. tonte the best shows and attractions thru gned in the income tax law, but are sdbject

this territory with Zanesville as the bub. It to the nonnaL as well as the, Jnat Ike CLEAR UP THURSTON MURDER

tioU.—HD $IOW DAIiY.


FRANK SA^ITHSON SAILS wae the opinion of those Interested tllat this ar* same as an ordinary income, acoordiag to rnngement wonld in time lead to a conttnnons word received from Washington.


New York. March 5.-Prank Smithson and bis ^ •* ‘‘i* P«>«‘WllOes vvUe are leaving for a trip abroad. Smltheon, «* « regular spring and TOmmer stock company

who staged a number of London production^ to aim make going over to direct Albert DeOoarviUe’s big Zaneovllle the pivot for the booking of the

Hippodrome Shows. beet road shows, a number of which have al-

ord received from Washington. Oolambna. O.. March 6.—Wltb the arnet of

three men here police believe they have etp-

Keitn’Se Gincinnsitl tomd meUbera of a gang of box car robbers

iv\ ®P®® “urder, Febroary 1, ef Obarits (Coottoned from page IT) ^ Thureton. brother of Howard Tboratoa. the

Peggy O’Brien." by Eknmet Devoy, offered niagtclan. may be blamed. Thorston was found


ready been obtained while en route east in the * bodge.pc<dge of drama, comedy, melody and dead in the Baat yards. He bad been Mx>t eight

aong, all of which went over nicely. Thirty tlmcA

The theater in San Diego, CaL. formerly Knott, and the Mayor joined fa the general

known as the Gslety, snd recently opened by laogbter.

I/onls Fontanel, will hereafter be known aa —,

to Mayor Hylan of New York," said Sheriff mlnntes; full stage; two bows.

Knott, and the Mayor joined fa the general n,, 4—Arch Hendricks and Oeorge Stone,

the Lyrenm, the home of mnslcnl comedy in San Diego. Mr. Fontanel reports a very brtok

boslnese since the opening of the boosa.


FOR DANCE AGE LIMIT talented comedians and singers, scored Im- menwly with their “dome on Home" skiL York, March 7.—Beaator FYederlek M.

They have a dialog and singing act that to Davenport, of OneMa. has Introdnced a bUl

a winner. Nineteen mlnntes, In one; nnmerons prohibiting any child under 18, laatead of W,

Loe Angeles, March 6.—Frank G. Andrewa, bows, formerly manager of the famous Boycroft Inn No. 6—Ohartos Kbig in "Dream Stars" by motion picture show. Hie samo provtMon la

WIE8T AND RANSBOTTOM ®* Aurora, N. Y., and his wife. Gertrude Hassard Short, to aasisted by Marie Holly- “■<>« regarding the amployiiMOt of diildrea for - NelBoo Andrews, are now living in Los Aagelea, ,^*11, Jane Caatle, Joeeprilne Adams and •kblhltion pnrpoaeo.

To Establish Circuit Headquarters in engaged in the moving pietniu Evelyn Grieg. It Is a fanciful offertog, In ' Zanesvilla. O. g*me. wUch fbe quartet of good-looking girls ap- BUNQc JOINS UALVIN

- Hr. Andrews to playing character porta and pears in striking coeUuue* and clever dances. ' , Zanesville. O.. March 6.—Plans are being Mrs. Andrews to writing stories and scenarios. Ring has a good voice and a nimble pair of <5blcago, March W. J. Bunge and wife

fOrmolated by Messrs. Wlest and Kansbottom, "Brothers Divided,” FTank Keenan’s latest pic- feet The mnsic is of a high qnallty and **•’• k**®**! James A. Oatvta’s mnstcal

managers of the Weller Theater, for the es- tnre. is Mrs. Andrews’ story, and to considered |,eipe to make the presentation an enjoyable organised to play In the liberty Thee-

Mr. Keenan's best work on the screco. ooe. MY. Tangfonl Is the muslrsl director for Mke.-nearCJttto Bock, Ark.

ermP—I OOK_I IQ'TFN the act. Twenty-three mlnntes; full stage; GENOVAR opens house thr~, bow..

good Shows; no '49 or CsbareL Good openlns foi — - ■ No. fl—Ben Bemle. with his violin, had the ^ktt ^ 'y*** fuTnlsfa_24x40 Tent _tw Bt. Angnstlne, FIs., March 6.—The Palms audience wltli him from the start and was

years from attending a dance haU. thaator or



Chicago, March 6.—W. J. Bunge and wife

STOP—LOOK-LISTEN WANTED, for The 8anu Fa TYall Show*, couple ..www.. inr««* dows. good Shows; no '49 or CsbareL Good opening foi — - ■ No. fl—Ben Bemle. with his violin, had the

'SS tuxnlsfa^^*40 tw *a^ Angnstlne, FIs., March 6.—The Palms audience with him from the start and was 8l3U uv ^^OwsO^BBsOaiS Ca^Xk^w *■*•_ • jsa.***. *_ a*. ^ ww % ^ m m s^s m. w% * * oonflicL Want couple Asenu on pereentage bsata. Theater (photoplays) has been opened here by roundly applanded for his efforts. Bemle la also Adisnoe Agwit. Bute low^ salary In first Manager PYank Genovor, who boilt the honae a droll monolog artist, and so smnelng wrre

Globe Aju"m*^^MPili^^Su., Ma^ George street. A flve-plece orcbeatm hi* varions Imitations on the violin that the Bafford, A^. March 22-2«; Lordsburg, X. Mex.' will be employed regularly in the bonae. Mr. audience called for more, and Bemle obliged. March 29-AprU 4. Genovar plans to introdnee vandevUto acts to Thirteen minutes, in one; two bows, encore,

augment the pLotoplays. and two more bows.

Ulonf Qfl Aofc ffni' Pirpiio athletic acm m fldlllbll, Hblo lUI ullbll> PLAYED WITH NOTABLES vandeville Iv that of Herbert and Dare, two

’ men. who offer some feata which rrqnire ber- also Musiclana and BUlposters. Show now on OMA . culean strength to perform. Altho on but In Florid*. Will play w. Y*. and Pctrasylvanto. Chtoago, March 8.—Edward Barton, playing . _-.11 Show newT rJo«w Wire or write CAPT. JIM wirh u.i- li.reii*— .-e n__ mlnntee, they dtoplayed a goodly number

_ ^ augment me puotopuys. and two more powa.

Ulonf Qfl Aofc ffni' Pirpiio athletic acm m fldlllbll, Hblo lUI ullbll> PLAYED WITH NOTABLES vandeville Iv that of Herbert and Dare, two

’ men. wbo offer some feata which require ber- also Musiclana and BUlposters. Show now on OMA . culean strength to perform. Altho on but In Florid*. WlU play w. Y*. and Pctrasylvanto. Chieagu. March 8.—Edward Barton, playing Show nerer closu Wire or write CAPT. JIM with Haig Ilamllton and Gmee LaBni to Jota “l® ™ hlOORR. 404% Care Tamp*. Fla. P. 8.—Can Golden’* “Dear Me" CoranMv at the Riwt ** ha»d4)atonrtng tnm*. Full sUge; two

ED SEAMAN B. S. Moss’Jefferson Shp«V0BOPt. Lto and James. fOoottoned from nave IT)

ED SEAMAN Shreveport, La *^lSe*^eT*m^ertama and tradltioae of the (Ooottaned from page 17) p Vandiver. Colored Performers and

Wants a Billposter. Steady wotfc. *?”.***’? Hked it. and, tor a.glri act, it it as good as Musicians, write Frank Angel. Musical 7": r*.. . r*r*Bwmr* rL^h. *’*«*•• scotch Bagpipers, One-Mari Band. WANTFD A-1 RIlIPn^TFR PW* and Palet work Itardwlft the .cconliona Attractions for Pit Show. Worklng-

nMH I LU ft- I DILLrUCl cn if ^ . »« «« ...t t. eloaag Otot. the "Dardaneu.” men.Animal Trainers.male and female. Good salary for right man. Wiiu or wire THOMAS ** *^p^>niw umce ueotgc, iuoan ntinge nggiher going over tor a good band. Some Grind Stores open. CUSACK CO.MPAXY. Box 428. Davenport l am. ond cthera. Jackson clooea Every minute he ocen- THE SMITH GREATER SHOWS,

FOR SAU—PONIES, SHETUNDt lansinq gets another •atckerlng and clapping. Of ewnrae, almost

Black, hay, lorrel. spotted; jlngta or trems. aoM - everyone In the audience bad caught' hi* act

lAoMng, Mich., March A—’Phe Blackatooe, somewhere, and la familiar with the Jackaon that put'll tmgu* in BIwnJCX TIN

yfaaiwpfi aarnnif AA Anillin • proposed new rnotVa picture theater for Lan- routine, but that doesn’t aeem to detract much "HISTI.KH and flxad it so you oon make bird cMj*

WftNIUl. MtXKf TllHlUUnU hlnff. has been Isimched here, and Incorporattou from the keen enjoyment in hi# comedy cycle, r^*‘ySir“*“*hai2*-T^*orm^'50c’^'y^ » for coming taaaoa at Bummer Park. PercCBtogs. tor 1000,000 ha* been Hied In the State of Del*, and the enff on hi* coat*Ieeve that won’t stay f«ct<wy-m*da on* for Me. Full Inatru^on* vlth What have loul Particular* BOX 212; Devon, OlM ware. The piumoters have tscursd a Afty-yoar "put.”—CLUTOBD KNIGHT. ' JSC** Adrtrea* whibtu.n’o JIM WKlSlliB

CO.. 81T E, ITtb SL, littto Bock. AllL

B. S. Moss’ Jefferson


WANTED—Lady for Illusions, small In stature. Grinder to sell Tickets for Illusion Show; write Chae. Prevett Man to run Snake Show; write Mrs. L. R. Vandiver. Colored Performers and

WANTED A-1 BILLPOSTER stage have tot affected Mr. ScxlMllty- ,v, '

Of tote years be baa bsea soen la "The lioa

and the Moose, "Potash and Pcrlmutter." and linnibW n l WlkUl UVIbll ™ to the asst ts clostog spot, the "Dardanell.’

Good salary for right man. Wiita or wire THOMAS ** Grace Geotge, JoUan BtiBgs going over tor a good band. mTAArir rriXn^AW it/Mr rkm«ms*wwtws ftM CUMESa YJOA -- Ptwimw wMlaa-Aw, CUSACK COMPANY. Box 42S. Darenporl.

FOR SALE-PONIES, SHETUNDt Black, bay, Mrrel, (petted; ilngla or team*, acdpt Colta. FRANK WlTTK Box 1»S. Clndnnatt 0»





ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK' '*A joyous festival—fresh as the tang of the sea breeze.”

Next Stand, Coliseum, Saint Louis, April 5-14 Promoted by the leading society women of Saint Louis for Br>'n Mawr, Smith and Washington University

Endowment Funds. See Publicity Society Columns St. Louis Papers. CONCESSIONAIRES: If you have a clean, decent, on-the-level outfit get in touch with us at once. We are now contracting for all wheels and grind stores (soft drinks, ice cream and eating privileges sold). Concession space is purposely limited, so write or wire without d^lay. But don’t waste our time or yours unless you operate the best. This attraction is of the highest order. A privilege will cost you “real money”—but it will be well

worth it! Only twenty spaces to sell.

I A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for society folks, clubs, lodges, civic organizations, promoters in cities of 200,000 or more population. If you have a large coliseum, auditorium or armory and want to raise a big fund QUICKLY and SURELY, communicate with us promptly. We,are now preparing our route and bookings for the remainder of 1920. Don’t delay—:annex the rights for this newest thing in entertainment for your city.

■ Chicago Society Women Cleared Over $90,000 With This Show, Chicago Coliseum, December 6th-13th, for the Passavant Hospital Fund.

The Atlantic City Boardwalk, Inc., is a $20,000 scenic production of America’s greatest and most fashionable res(M^. Real sand beach, regulation wheel chairs, many smart shops, a movie theatre. Don’t forget—the Famous Lobster Lagoon. Bands, vaudeville, circus acts, cabaret and dancing provide entertainment. You stroll along the Boardwalk and mingle with the best people of the community. It caters especially to that sort.

It’s a whirlwind box-office attraction—a dignified presentation of that gay, care-free, bewildering summer colony of Atlantic City brought to your very door. Address all communications:

UTLIUmC CnY BURDWALK, he, 1520 W. MaOhoi St, Chicago, I. S. A. Haymarket 5369 Address After March 20, Coliseum, St. Louis, Mo.



GREENPOINT, NEW YORK Can use one Show ONLY. Several choice Concession* open. Work seven days a week. Particulars. DOMINION ATTRACTION, LTD.. MORRIS TAXIER, President, Columbia Theatre Bldg., Broadway, at 47th St., New York. Phone Bryant 1^5.

METROPOUTAN SHOWS Wetk d NM 8, GM, Ml WeA el Mareh 15, Cohmriras, Gl, City Commus

Bwiron. know* wlutt Cohiabiu U, ud «• hew eUicc good oom to fodow. SENERAL AQCNTa—Tb oo* of gfoeon ablttljr, who cen and win M th. hooaw aloiiw and who haa aocaa

tniU> IKt In hlB. I oBtg woife the gear around at a good aalar,. BlUr Fob la no longer coonented with UUa ahow

SHOWS—Can plaoe Potlng OM. Mnaical Coaiely or Hawaiian Show. To join on wlra Will fnmlab roapleto oatflta for tame or will bo^ any other thiwra of menu

CONCESSIONS—All Conraaalons apm, «cn>t Cook Home rad Reft Ditnka; no aactnalTea. ALL WHEELS OPEN. 6CT BUSY. ACT SUICK.

Aidriai all mall and wtraa. A. M. NASSER. MaaaetT. Calambaa. fiaarfla.

WANTED QUICK Useful Performers doing two or more acts, a few more Musicians; also want Light Man and Workingmen. Have for Sale—One large Cage, one Bag¬ gage Car, one swell Elephant HarnesE and ElephanL High School CarL rubber tire; two Second-Hand Minstrel Tents. One Pneumatic Calliope, price $600.

Address E. H. JONES, ear* Col* Bros.’ Shows, Shrovoport, La.

LINCOLN BROS.’ SHOWS WANT Wtem Shnw Property af aU Unda. W-n. A T.. with two ThlrUea; Seata lighla Ticket Wagno. Band Wigm. Cagea. aleo want • or 8-Pany Drill BucU-ng Hula, Plckout Pony. TValned Ooata Otr. full par- ^lan and loweat price. Want Boat Canwaman. Man to woik Ponlea and Doga, two or threa more Wagon Show rerformeia Thoae doing two cr moro acta. Man to do Ponrh and Magic and Lecture In Stde-Sbow. Want Prea Actr-Hlgh Dlta or High WIra. Will buy Elephant If price le rlghL

LINCOLN BROS., Beg 114. Hadeaa Falli. New Yerk.


Shooting Gallery, Cigarette Gallery, Striker, Huckle- buck, Glass, Ball Games, Fishpond, Needle Game, Pillow, Dog, Perfume Wheels and others.

Florence, S. C., March 8th; Goldsboro, N. C., March 15th. Address JAMES M. BENSON.



W. J. BLOCH AMUSEMENT EXPOSITION, 15 West 38th St.. New York City.

YANKEE ROBINSON CIRCUS WANT Comet, Clarinet. ITombaoa. Olhm Miial<4ana wiUa Address

N. W. WINOERE. Baadiaaater. t4S W. Deiawarw ToMo, Ohle.

WITTS WORLD’S FAMOUS SHOWS Opening at Bayonne, New Jersey. First show in two years, April 26th. Record receipts were broken here and conditions still better now. Fol¬ lowed by two of Jersey’s real show towns and then the New York Celetoition in the heart of New York. Conn, and Canada will follow. Opp(»- tion demands we keep rest of route under cover. Wanted, two more shows. Concessions; no exclusives; must be ten-cent grind stores.- Riding Devices: We own our own rides and can use employees on Whip, Merry and Eli Wheel; all new. Direct all communications to

HARRY WlTTy Gen. Mgr., Suite 514, 1493 Broadway, New York City.

MARCH IS, 1920

3(M)0R***AilvaKe Sale of TkketS‘**3IM)00 GUARANTEED.

20—L«gion Post* of Lucas Courier—20 Soiling Tickets and Bocsting.

BIG AMERICAN lEGUN CIRCUS 30,000—Ailvaace Sale of TIelnIs-SfMIQQ

GUARANTEED. 20—Lag ion Posts of Lucas County—20

Selling Tickets and Boosting.


Want Big Tima Circus Acts Have Booked the Cottrell-Poweii Troupe

Big Kldlng Act: Maeaai BaSlal, High Rcbool aad Mcttaca Acu. Mr. Bedlnl'* Dog u>d Pooj Acta. LarSas SUtan, Iron Jaw Act. lAlanO Ta Mask TiiAm Ads. FMMrs and Warda write, want I O near r rom Aaraeatla RMay Ad. Neteon rmlly. write Good Catei<y Clawn Act Riaa-BaaMwIa-Ball. write. Alao cUasr Tlglit Wira Act. Hlgb Perch. AcrotNUla and other Onm^ Acta. Wing Sings. Anlnal Acts. Ctewna, etc. In fact want to bear from all blg-Uma Circus Acts. Write fully, deacribtng act, time of act and diary.

Want Equestrian Director whu nuiy. ataung taiwr. Want a Good Rube Act > wca ROQC I Autaaiatea Mae. Hare good S weeka* propodUon tat you n\/99|l 4^ WrhA DlnPQ r*ace Awing. Wheel. Whip and PnBcL Bwlng nanat ba niVbS attractlTa and aasitlvely bara A-l Orfsa.


Under Two Big Circus Tents Armory Park location, in the heart of


TOLEDO. OHIO April 12th to 18th, 1920.

Acts, Shows, Rides, Concessions. Address

GEO. ROGERS, Director General. American Legion Headquarters,

Smith* Baker Building, Toledo, Ohio.


eu/MAfC Mechanical Sbrnrs for Jorland; Oscr the rails and SHwWO Crystal Mass prefteraU.

riare to Cnncesslons (aa ttetae lalBti tel- aratod) for Joyland. located In tent laOiIOO ft.

In the heart of Toledo. Open from 10 am. to 11 p.m. AdmladOD frea We will drew and bohi the rrmeda for ym. Secure your laaatlaaa early and Id yaur aariat baak rail hwa. QAairs IS er 20-pieoa rnlformad Ualaa Band for CSheait Program, twiea DrhlwS/ iQ Jogrland Band Stand. apIlUlng fbr CSrcna PetfotUMicei and Joyland. State all In firit letter. ODfSsilf^TCDC t hlgh-daee Centeat Mmt IhmmM Oauld. Blllla

Marrua Meta and oUMta, Witte Sttiek. Start flh pco- moUona at nooa

ADVERTISING MAN W* prorw PwpodOoe. sun CCr^DITTADV mtrrence who baa had diow aepmteom

I part i operate typewriter. WHte flUlir* Start work tmmrdlateiy.

TICKET SELLERS i-fSST" n.*« »»" '» »i. »»■

OBITUARY AVIMEBSOV—Mrs. Jack, profesatonally known

aa Bdna Coleman, died recently at Oanton, O. lb's. Anderson was well known in tabloid cir- elea. Her husband is popularly termed Jolly Jack Anderson.

BARNELX—Edward, of the Bamells Jug- flers, died February 27 at Long's Hospital, ndlanapolia, Ind. Death was doe to injurlea

rscelTed when bla auto went over an embank* raent same montba ago. Mr. Bomell was well known In this country and Europe, having played In vandevllle for the punt 26 years. He to mrvlved by hU wife and daughter, Virginia, who will make their home in Richmond, Vn.

BARON — Louis, K2, celebrated comedian, died recently In Paris. He started his career at the age af 18. In Rnnen in be met M. Cognunl, director of “Varieties,” who gave Baron the principal comedy role In the pro¬ duction which aventnally made bim famoui. He later became the manager of “Varieties” along with M. Bertrand, the director of the Opera “Comlque’’ 18dl.

LELL—May L., baalo player, died Msy 28, ni». in PhlUdelphia, Pa.. It has Just been learned. Hi Tom Ward bad her body taken to Ici b'U where it was burled In the family plot.

BENEDICT—William Marsh, attorney for Hyde A ItehiMD, tfawtrical fra, died February ' ‘I in Brooklye, N. x. A widow, two dangbters sad two aona surHTe btm.

BOWMAN—Aana May, wife of Fred Bowman, d!^ at Baelae, Wla., Febreaty 22. Bbe waa a toe dancer and singer and worked with her hu'ibsud in musical comedy and vaudeville.

, ^ULLEN—Arthur Henry Bnllen, who lived at Ktiatford-oB-Avei^ U reported to have died recently there. He wmt bom In London in 1897 ung eduented nt Wereester College, Oxford. He edited woriin ef John Day, also a collection of old English pUya.

■pEWlTT—Mrs. Hasel Corbett, niece of James Corbelt, actor and former heavyweight cham- plMt died recently at San Francisco.

ftABVTCE—Charles, English* novelist, drama¬ tist and Jonmalist, died in London, Eng., March 1. Among the plays which he wrote were “The Fisherman’s Daughter” and "A Ltfe’a Mistake.” He waa at one time president of the Institute of Lecturers and was also a correspondent for several English and American newspipera.

GROSECLOSE—Earnest Emerson, 33, died at bis borne in Indianaitolis, Ind., of tutw'culosis, which developed from intluenza. He was a con- cenaiODaire with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus for the past seven years, and was popularly known as “Cotton.” He is survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother.

HARMS—Billy, well-known theulrieal man of Hoboken, N. J., died February 29 in that city. Billy was loved by all wbo knew him. He waa a member of the Theatrical Burlesque Club and heavily interested In theatrical enter- prlsea. Funeral arrangements were in the bands of the Elks and Maaens.

RAWZXT—Rone Evelyn, mother of Mabel Haaen rMVs. Billie 0. Angelo), died at Mary¬ ville. E'en., February 1®. Funeral scrrlees were held at Golden Wty, Mo., February 22.

HEDGES—Charles Frederick, brother of Fred¬ die Hedges and a member of the English vande¬ vllle team of Hedges Brothers end Jacobsen, waa found dead in bed at Portsmonth, Eng¬ land, tost week, with b'.s head enveloped in a sheet and a gas tube in mciit^

HOEY—^Jrhnny, 11, of the team of Hoey and Mosart, died at Cniontown, Pa., February 28, after a year’s illness. He was appearing wrltb bis company “Cheer Tp Girls,” a musical com¬ edy tabloid, nntll the day at Ms death Hto brother George Hoey arrived from New York to assist with the funeral arrangements. In¬ terment was at Oak Grove, where the body will rest nntll It can be taken to the family plot at Kensington, N. Y. Johnny Hoey was the eon of the late Geoige Hoey, well-known actor.

HOLTZ—Frank Martit, 27, musician, died February 29 at bis home. Ware, Tex., from in- floenr.a. He is survived by his mother, father, two brothers and a slater.

KBEYEB—J. F. W., bass violin player at the Tivoli Theater, Ban lYaneiaco, fell dead March 3 at tbs theater just before the certain waa Hcbednled to rise. Death waa doe to an apopletic stroke.

EaPLACE—Father of Mona LaPltce, man¬ ager of the Amazon Bros.’ Moterlsed Shows, died re.-entiy at Grand Bapida, Mich.

LAWRENCE—Walter N., died at his home to Bronxvllle, N. Y.. February 28, of acuta indigestion. He was 82* years of age and was


OPENING MARCH 15th WANTED—TisD-Abr««at Bwlng. two Comeu. Bsrltonn Slide Trombone^ Boss and Snare Drunmrr. Musi bars own tnatrumMits. Good live Freaks for Pit Show that can and will entertain. Bronk Rlchrs that can rlda real boddiic hunea and are willing to work. Long season and good salary to real handa. All Cooeeaslana open but Glass, Cook House and Cold Drinlu. Go^ spring territory huokwl and rarly Texas Cetehratlona already oontracteiL Show opens HunUngtoo, Texas, Marrh 1.1. Vntll then ad.lraaa all mall ^_HARWY J. LEWIS, Aaelahy. Texas.


Bbows of an kinds Nothing too largo or tmall. Conoeaaions all open. People that will lait oat Stock. No buy badk. Want Freaks or any Art suftable for the be'-t framorl 20-m-l (Slow on the road. Will botk. buy or tosM Big £U Wbeol Aildrms J. FREDERICK HASTINGS. Baslaow Maaaesr. Luabtrtoa. Miss.. Martk t-IA__


Canrasiaan, addresa Oemge flInglMon. Maooo. Oa. Drtren, addrem Uenry Wrlc^ Maoon. Ga. Ring fUork klen. addreaa Jack Dray. Macon. Qa.

Animal Men. addrsna Louis Reed. Macao. On. Property Men. addreoe Hook Crou. Macon. Ga. Rida Show Meo, addreaa Walter Bt McOlnnte, ktooai^Oa.

Tram Mca and Polcrs. address W. r. Cros\ Micuo. GA I It'srlunilth Hefper, a<l<teoss Mack Flanagan. Maooo. Ok, Train Man and Polsra. address W. C. Cruu, Macon, Gs. ' Took House Men, address Gary Vando-MIt, Macon. Ga.

at one time manager of the old Madison Bqnare Garden. His offices were In the New York Theater Bpildlng. He hud prodnet'd a number of playa, among them being “The Three of Ca,” “Mra. Temple’a Telegram” and “The Prince Chap.”

LINIGER, JOHN K. *7. HM Feb. 27. 1920. at tbs hotis of hia

Hanikter, Mrs. Wm. Prysaek. la Martlas Farriy. Ohio.

Hs wt.n the father of Harry and Paul Llnlger, well-known acrobats, and was well and favorably known in the show world.

LEE—The mother of Mrs. Leona Starr, of Btarr and Starr and Loraine Lee, died Feb¬ ruary 26 at her home 1121 Belmont avenne, to Chicago, nu

LEMON—Frost, R., of Lemon Brothers’ Clr- cna fame, died February 28 at Wilcrest Hos¬ pital, Kansas City, at uremic poisoning. He had been in lU health for the past six months. For more than 2ff yeara he was associated with his brothers in Lemon Brofliera* Circus and later the Pan-American Olrcns. The Lemoa Circus was traded to a Slonx City company for 26,000 acres of grazing land to Wyoming and a ranch in Holdt County, Neb.

LOWNDS—Harry E., well known Ohio Valley theater manager, died February 24 of Bright’s disease in a hospital In Detroit. Mich. Burial was made three days later at Wellsvllle, O., bis home. At one time Mr. Lownds was manager of the old Grand Opera House at East Liverpool, O. He is survived by two sons. Harry and William, and a brother, Tliomas, of Detroit.

MACK—Mrs. Eddie Granville. 47, died re¬ cently in Toronto, Can., of heart failure. She was well known to The profession.

MABCARD—^Amand, manager of the Metro- pole, Glasgow, London. England, for eight years, died Fiebmary 8. He had been In the theatrical business all his life. Prior to his con¬ nection with GUagow he was at the King’s Theater, Edinburgh.

MASS^Rnben (Robe) Garfield, well known to theatrical, circus and baseball circles, died at hia home to Norwood, O., February 28, of pneu¬

monia. For many years he had been associated with the Hurst Cigar Oo., Cincinnati. His re¬ mains were taken to his fiirreer home at Mt Vernon. Ind. The Elke had Charge of the services.

ICAYER—Max, 06, tot many years leader an'* ownR- of Mayer’s Band and Orchestra and well known In the Bushwick section of Brook¬ lyn, N, T., died of indnenza February 28 at his home, 48 Rtnekhoid street, > Brooklyn. He Is survived by n widow, a son and a daughter.

MILLETT—Maud, well known on the E)ng- Ilsh stage and sister to Kenneth Dongtoa, Bng- lieh actor of renown, died in Etogland recent¬ ly. Death Is said to have resulted from a wound rei-elved when slie was struck by A piece of shnippel during a raid in the late war.

PECKKAM—Joseph, musician, died at Ban FTanclsro, February 18. A widow, a *>«> hnd a brother survive him.

POPLIN—Clarence, hlgh-wlre walker, profes¬ sionally known as Illnmlno, died at the ^esby- terlan Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., March 4, af¬ ter an oi>eratlon for api»endlcltia. He waa with the World's Fair Shows for the past two sea¬ son*.A widow and two children survive him.

POWER—George, English actor, committed salcide by drowning In I.ondon, England, Feb¬ ruary 22. A widow survives him.

RILEY—lister Howard, 49, died March 1 to New York City, after a brief Illness. He was general manager of the Proctor Theatrical Enterprises, being a son-ln-Iaw of F. F. Proc¬ tor. Funeral services and Masonic rites at CamnbeU’a Funeral Church, March 3, nt 3 p.m.

ROBBlNS—Elmer M., 28, former motion pic¬ ture magazine editor, dM at his home at Long Beach, Cal., March 2. Ha wns a well known newspaper man.

SMITH—George D., owner of the Brighton and one of the world’s authorities on rare books, died suddenly at his place of bnsinesa, 8 East FOrty-flfth street. New York, March 4, of heart disease. Mr. Smith is reported to have paid $75,000 recently for an original copy of Shakespeare’s ’Venus and Adonis.” He was well known on the tnrf as the owner of Brighton, and his horses, trained by George Odom, won a big share of stakes and pursea dur¬ ing the past few years.

8MITK—Victor W., director of the Philhar¬ monic Society of Fulton County, New York, died March 3 in Gio^-eravine, N. T. He former¬ ly directed tlie Troy Symphonic Orchestra.

8TIM80N—Hairy P., owner of the Hotel Cnmberland, Broadway at 54th street. New


MARK PARROTT Wks patasd to the *rm Btiread February tS, 1920, at LAakartkla. CallfsmlA A tsyal buzbaed and a Itvubis fatbtr. Our deepeet ayapatby to bh wife. Bleach Merritea. and family.


York, died Man-h 3 of pneamoala At the boteL He waa 60 years of age and was for meny years manager of the Hotel Imperial. Prior to going to New York he was a banker of Kansas City. He was a native of Vermont.

TURNER—Mother of Wilton Tniuer and Mrs. Jnck North, died recently at Fair Haven, N. J.

VANE—T. O., brother of Bernard Hlshpin. both well known la English theatrical circles, died in the Colonies February 6.

WARDELL—Wilson, well known to tho profession and a member of the Johnny J. Jones Exposition during the 1819 season, died at the borne of his mother, Mrs. A. (tesris, llartselU, Ala., March 4. Uto aaother survives him.

WAYNE—Charles, of New York, died bo«1 denly on the stage uf the Colonial Theater, B«s. ton, February 28, as be finished hie lines st the end of the second act of “The Royal Vag- abond.”

WEIQAND—ChriPtlan, 51, a aong writer, died in Bellevue Hoapital, New York City. Sunday afternoon, March 7, of heart disease.

WMlTTAjaER—lK,t WbItUker, 43 yssrs old. a nieie of Col. Ed Cummings, former proprlebT of the Raratoga Hotel, Chicago, died in Mayo Bros.’ Sanltailum, Ro<heaier, Minn., March 1. Ttie fnneral was held from 4141 Oottaee Grove aveane, Chicago, March 3, Miss Whittaker bad made her home in tiie Haratoga Hotel for sev. eral yeara. and to survived by a number of rela¬ tives. Hbe waa taken to Rochester about two weeka previoua to her death by Colonel Cnm- mlnga for medical treatment.


New York. March B.—Since, incorporated the

elnb haa jumped its membership over 300 per cent and steadily growtog eUaegur.

The popular Mike Kelly, local N*. L YrlHi hto

assocUten, John Hlghaaaa, Loeel Ne. L and BUI Price, Local No. 2, of the Display Btage

Ughting Co., are membeiu of tUa club end

ttenneh union men.

Homer Boone, Local No. 112; James R. Nash,

Local No. 2'.*8; John BnlUvaa, Local Ka 64, an

with ‘"nie Golden Girl” Co. at the Hotu Bayes

Theater and speak pretty weU of tbs show.

Gtta Rainsherger, Local No. 112, wbo was

taken to the Bellevue Hospital with a fractured

skull, and after a few weeka there toft In gtmd

condltlua and went home to Okiabotoa City to le-

enperate, has returned (two weeks ago) folly

recovered. He left last wuek with Henry W.

Savage’s “Cornered” Ouapaaf. Otto bag with

him Gerald Sullivan (Oegalt SOMiiMi), Local

No. 406.

Charles Reri, Local 68, to at the Ktecker*

bocker TReater with the ‘VhhYtoen’* Cbmpauy.

- Dan Cary. Local No. It Bay Bateett, Lical

No. 112; Clev* Graham, lacut No. 66; Frank

Weary, liOcal No. 841, aie WltR “Betty Be

Good,” la Chicago. Th^ say they taT* a win-


Joe Ferrla, Local No. 66,' to at the Oohaa

Grand, Chicago, with "Welconie, Straager."

aad expects to stay there tbra the eewaase.

Leery Phillips, Local No. 2, was ont on the

Coast with “The Master Thief” Oompeay whn

he got a telegram that hto mother died. He left

the show and went home to aettle thtoge.

had to close up a beantlfal home. At preeent

Larry ta working to Chicago.

R. M. (Tex.) Hamilton, Local No. IBS; Wm.

Phillips, LacsI 480; Arthur Dignano, Local No. 1, are atlll with “My Lady Friends” Ootepsav

at the Comedy Theater. The show to doing geoil

bustoesB, aad the boys ekpect to atahs k long etop.

Charlea Sceaft, Ixieal No, 286; Harty Bchce-

tog. Local No. 41; Harry Whitaker, Local No.

82; Joe Dooting, Lorkl No. 28; opened fhbru-

ary 23, at the Priaceas Theater with “Tick

Tack, Toe” Company.

Letter (Potty) Akroaaon, Local No. 2, will always give T. R. M. A. memlbers a hsarty

wricome when vlsittog Plttaburf. He to st the

Vlctoris Theater.

John Jacobs, Loral No. 139, to at the Ploy-

honse •with “The Wonderful Thto*.”—COWAN.

CAN PLACE Platform Shows, Motordrorra, or

Show that will not conflict.

THE LACKEY-HENRY SHOWS OPENS MARCH 27. HILLSBORO. ILLS. Good tomtu to fonow. Now htvs setw weeks booked.



CONCESSIONS Ball Qamaa, Whaals, Grind Stores,

com* on, will place you. N. B.—No Girl Show*.

The Hunter Shows and Mitchell’s Peerless Shows 14 YEARS—COMBINED FOR SEASON 1920—10 YEARS

OPENS MAY 1ST. One of Western Pennsylvania’s livest manufacturing towns. Can place one more ride, shows that do not conflict. Concessionaires, let us hear from you. FOR SALE—22 heavy Carnival Wagons. Write or wire

T. J. HUNTER, Schaffer Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.

A DEFECTIVE SPEECH HOSPITAL (Continnml frum ptfc 37) ,

not know. Tbry (l)d not andentand. I am MC*

:zz T.JVZZT.ZX r UQUIIUI Ulll UQI lliiQl UUi rite today. You must call on me flrat. 1 know wamj ww all tbe leawns. I've never had a chance before.

^ OPENS APRIL I6TH He turned and looked, lilt tencber wsi

aundinc bj the window and the team wtr i Pennsylvania, New York and Canada with a 15-car movement. Have roiiinjt dovkTt his cheekf. ’ Then he put an arm booked 11 SHOWS, 36 CONCESSIONS. Battlato’s Band, Free Act. Have our aronnd the stniggilnx itudent, and they went own 4 Ridefl, Lighting Plant and Wagons. together down to the chapel. • WANTED—Over the Falls, Crazy House, Wild West, Dog and Pony, Plan-

Almost Immediately the ipeech repair ibop tation. Ghost Show, or any up-to>date Platform Shows. •tarted. Some of the neighbora and boyi and girl* who could not talk, and they tent them t» CONCESSIONS WANTED—Long Range and Cigarette Shooting Gallery, young King for remedy. At that time be knew Knife Rack, Pan, Spot, Pop Corn, Cracker Jack, Penny Arcade, etc. bnt little of the general science of speech. Ho Openers, Grinders, Freaks. All people who have worked for me before, write knew nothing of pneumo-gastrlc nerves and Phenix. Miss Delois, Marian Drew). For Ten-in-One Show, W. L. Grundy, their function, but be did know that a firm Jaw Enough said. Capt. Jack Howard Agents Canvasmen Chalkers and General and the outward movement of the In mak- HelP- Strong Games and G rl Shows PO»‘VActSlT*’ * • m atAinmmrin* RushmcF, Aberdeen, Md. Others address JOE DALY SHEERAN, 728 West IpU. D..phin’8t.Phil.d.lphi...r DAN E. NAGLE. 72 C.rtl..d< St, N.v.'Y.rk City.

same eiercUe w uld remrty many other vo«a :1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||U


BALL GUM Assorted Flavors and Colors. =

1,200 Balls, charges prepaid-$ 5.25 E Case, 10,000 Balls... 32.00 =

SANICHU 60M CO., 3624 Cottage Grove Awe., Chicago, III. | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiimiiF

develop, train and cnlture Ufe. The greater IJfe, tbe Culture Ufe, tbe Nobler Life, that Ilfta man above tbe anlaul and the indlvidnal into tbe realms ef freer Tbeught and radiant Spirit.

The lip, that spoke kindly te the lonely boy have long been silent and sealed by the whltb dust of the Sepulcher; the bauds that beckoued him and pointed ont the Way have long been folded above pulseleaa breaata, bnt thru the Halls of our Boiidlng those ashen Ups yet speak and thos* dead bands have helped erect the Structure which tbe dty of Pittsburg new claims as one of Its great lastltaUoaa aai points to with civic pride.

The work of this iastltutlou vrae made pee* Experienced on Show Fronts and SJ'.ow Banners. No limit to salary to artist elble by many who are now numbered among who can proJuca results. Lon.; season work on contracts for Wortham’s the dead, who while here labored and helped Carnivals, Sells-Floto Circus Side-Shows. Thousand other big Shows. All smile and word and vrish; wuh kindly work designed and laid out by C. Cad Hill himself. Address •*«» **=>‘*« counsel. The present genem- HILL A SHAFER, Big Banner Studio, 406 Dolorosa St., San Antonio, Texas. Hon esnnot repay them. We who are left esn

-echo their words; repeat their Klndneseee; help the Living and thus honor their Memories.

In a letter to ns some months ago, describ¬ ing big objects and alitas, this great teachCf wrote: "1 pen these words In no spirit 'of egotism, but ia acknowledgment of my indebt¬ edness to the grand and bcantlfnl Dead who gave me the radiant Torch of Truth that my feeble bands may bear it aloft for some little time among the living asd as 1 past to Si¬ lence place it la the grasp of others who win uphold it and Uft It higher still.**

The object of this visit, the talk, botirs speht tn answering tbe stream of qaestlooe wklck tbe intensely interested atndents asked, the writing, publishing and circulating tbl. story Is all for the further purpese of paying a debt of grati¬ tude which the writer feela will never be fully paid, with the further hope that wt may help to hold that Torch of Troth a little longer ao that others may bdtold it and be helped by It.

Can place one more Show, Freaks and a few Monkeys for Pit Show, Talkers and Grinders. Concession Agents. Ball Game Workers, Dancers for Cabaret, Colored Musician for real Jazz Band. Salary all you’re worth. Canvasmen and Workingmen for Rides. Wire and don’t write. Sardis. Miss


New; monsy-ietUng Novelty wanted, suluble for defwrtment Mote deenoustraUng. Bock-bottom wholsssle &n( letter, "i iiiiiiidisihiup *‘ nc.T NO. Athitess

MR. AND MRa AL QUICKSALE. 234 East Huren SL. Chissgs. ll'issii^

A special school lyccum and ebantauqua

course Is conducted June 10 to July IS.

Two things have led to the establishment of a lyceum bureau. First, the continual and rapid growth of the school and the attendancu of a large number of students who have ehoses the lyceum and platform as a profession. Among the pupil# arc a aumber cf tbe leading Chautauqua speakers and concert artists of America. Second, tbe constantly growing and urgent demand for lecture courses and enter¬ tainments in chnrches and schools and social clubs. Cbnrch, home and school most Join to provide recreatloB. entertainment and Inspira¬ tion that will lead to higher Ideals and alms.

Dr. King flrmly believes that each school, esch

cbnrch should have a course of lectures and entertainments. Tbe common otdnion that the

one Icctnre course in town or community will

suffice la a mistake. What will five or six

evening entertainments do to counteract tha

mighty call ef pernicious influences on every

hand? Communities must provide employment

for heart and brain and keep the faces turned

to tbe light.

Therefore, following this Ideal to its local conclusion, tbe King School of Oratory has ea- tablished a lycenm and Chautauqua or enter¬ tainment bureau In connection with its other activities. Its object I. to supplemenC the regular lyceum and Chautauqua—not to sup¬ plant it.

It seems to us that the description of tha Ideals, purposes, works and practical activities of the King School »f Oratcry la summed up la these words;

seat of operation, pharyngeal quinsy, and last, bnt not least, tonsiutls.”

Tbe Boston Medical and Surgical JoumsI, In reviewing a discussion on the removal of tbe tonsils, ezpreaa*a th# opinion that the operstioB Is a mneb more serious one than It is popularly considered, and should certainly not be entered npoa lightly, bnt discretely, advisedly and sober¬ ly. This admonition, coming as It does at a season when the tonsils, especially In children, are most subject to irritation, should be borne in mind. "Tonsils,” saya the Journal, “should not bo removed for trivial symptoms. Tonsil¬ lotomy Is not Jnstlflable simply becanse tbe ton¬ sils protrude in front of the pUltrs, or because they look nigged, or for occaslowal sore throat, or because they contain plugs, or because tbe patient la under ether for adenoids, or for any remott symptoma not of a serious natare, or to protect the child from indefinite infection, or for an occasional attack of simple acute ton- sllltla.”

I came away from that school more con¬ vinced than ever that the wholesale operations for the removal of tonsils are nanccessary and often a crime against the talented, ambitious youth of our country.

The school conducts a summer ten-day ehan- tanqua each year—for the past few summers they have gone to Sallz, a little health resort eleven mile, from Johastowm, Pa.

Each is a full day at these cbsntaaqna*. Dur¬ ing the day the time liesidea lectures and ea- tertslnmrnta Is spent Is phylcsl recreational health exercises and body bulliling. The even¬ ings are devoted to literary and mental de¬ velopment—soul building.







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•Onrry, Rntb ••Cnsotden,

ifru. S. D. •••CnttlnK. Flo Cuttinif. Florence CnreBder Glen Dailey, Vivian Ij. ••Dnlly, Helen •**Dalby. K.

Princess **DalrelIe, Babette •Dana. Rachel •••Darkes, Mrs.R.B. DeBoldt, Marion (S)DeConia, Sadie DeFoe. Frankie •DeHaven, Mrs. M. Del’aven. I>on1se ••DeHaven. Billie DeJamett, MrsJ'.W. Delacey. Foy ••Del ony Edna DeMott. Mrs. Wm. •DeMott. Mrs. E. DeSv lilies. Edna DeVaro, 'Rielnia •••De-Vay, June DeVeanx. Trixie ••DeVere, MiasDixie DeVoe, Lola Dalton. Edna Dalton, Ongerine Dalson. Babe Dare. Virginia Davenport. Mabel Davis, Audrey G.

he-Aaan. Jam L^Malre, Helen LeRoy. Ola •LeRoy, Babe Lehr. Ina •Lemar,

Fagan. Babe Fairfield. Sadie Farley, May Farley A Balent ••Fawnette ••Felice. Alma Felter, Doris Felton. Mrs. H. C, Perris, Leah ••Ferry, Clair •Fields. Anna C. FlMnger, Della Finley. Jess M. ••Fischer, Mrs. Loa Ftsher, i/>uise Fisher, Mrs. A1 Fisher. Minnie Fitzgerald, Mildred ‘ •Floretta, Mile. ••Floretta. M. Flynn, Grace Foley. Cecil Ford.'j. 8. Footer, Rnby Foster. ' Mildred ••Foste*. Mr«. L. •Fort Mrs. Frank Frazze. MIlHe Freeman. Minnie French. Francis •Funk. Madoiioe ••Gafford, Ella Gagnon. Ed'th P. Galllal-d. M-s. T.P. Callaway, Fannie Gardner, Dixie

Heller, Oeo. Helms, Leona ••Henderson, Alene ••Hendrix, Amanda Hetllch. Hetty Hiatt. Louise Hiatt, Louise Hicks. Minnie Hickman, Mrs. N.B. Hilton, Violet Hinton. Charlotte Holmes. Haroldine Holmes, Edna A

Willys Houser, Amanda ••Howard. I ncile ••Howard, Myrtle ••Howard Neva Howard. Harry Hndson. Lola B. Bnghes, Alma ••Hummel. I uclUe •••Hummel, Lucile •••Humphrey, Mrs.

•HuPch, Mrs. M. Hutchins, Grace ••Hutter, Rosalie ••Hyde. Hilda Hes Tom ••Ingersol, Belle •Isaacs, Barney Jackson. I*ca-1 H. ••Jackson. Mollle tSlJacoba. Harry James, Edna

Ethel ••Mitchell. Heldt Ssllna, Vndam Ltn’Lnrd Mrs. M. •Mitche.l. N^rma Shnds, Billy ••I.ierottt, George Moherly. Treie ••Sans, Miss Lewis, Bosetta IMobor, Bessie Sounders. Deatta Lewis Juanita Mohawk. Princess (SlSawyer, Dolly ••Le.vton, Billy ••Mongold, Edith ••Ssye. n<-t LIghtner, Leatha Montroae. Jackie Schafer, VI •••IJnk. Mrs. Bare Moore, Bessie Scheppla, Foreatint (SlLltchfield. Eva ’Moore. Mrs. T. J. Schultz, Jenn Litts. Mrs. Q. H. Moran. May Scott. Cowl •••Livingston, Morel, Babe ••Scott. I illian

Gusale A. ‘Morey, Luella Scott, Helen Lloyd, Nellie Morgan. AIl--e Scott. Babe Lockey Grace •Morgan. Alma Segeis. Geo. Ixickwood. Jack Morrow, Xe’.a ••Sennett. Mary Lois, Margie •-Morton, Mrs Zella Serrar. Virginia •••Lord. Myrtle ••Morton, Blsla ••Seymore. Ruth ••Lorenze. Pauline Morton. Charley (S)Seymour. Ruth Love, Virginia •••Murdock. RIsnche Shiler. Teddy Love, Dorothy ‘Murphy. Mable (S)Shaw. Ubby J. Love, Jean ••Murphy, Henry Shewsbury, Qlarj. Lowe, Hazel Murray. Zona Shearer A. C. •••I^le, Francli .>'nfh. C. H. Shipley, James Lytton. Court’and Myers, Frances Shirley, Jacks •••McAdams, Mrs.B. Myers, Gene •••S'mmons, Helen ••-McAllen. Kathryn ‘Myera, Irene ••Slrr. May McAlister. May ‘Nada ••Slskiind. Edith •••McAllister. Mrs. Nesve, Marg. ••Smallwood. Ray

Newland. Glenns •••Smith. Mrs. W. •Newton. Margie Smith, Alice ••Nolan. Dorothy Smith. Bessie Noll, Bobbie Smith. G. O. ••Norman, Lncille Smith. Ix>la B. No.mon. Puth Smith. M. R. ••Nohle. Jn-inlta Hmltlev. Emma ••Noland, StelU •••Smythe. Jesse II ••Nowell Molly •••Sommers. MInni 0*Day. Lillian ‘ Stacev. Peggy O’Mar faasle (SlStahl. Don O’Neal, '-arie Stan'ey. Eticy O’Neal. Babe Starr. Peggy O’Neill. Eva Steele La.Monta O’Rourke Nina ••Stenberg. LncUe •••Ocker. Gladya Stewart r’.eo •Offer. ila*g. Stewart, B. J. •Oldfield Ella. Stewart. B. J. •Orton, Iva Mae •Stlncen. Helen 0-vll’e. Wfo la Stlnton. Mrs. Oabom. Fritile Stoeffler. Maybelle ••Page. GeorgU “Stcwe Ethel Palmer. Besaie Street. Alice R, •••Parlsii, Mrs. Stuckhart. FannleB •••larker' Rnv' Suiter. Frank .M. Parr Lulu •••Summers, Mrs. I •••Pate Danzel Sunshine, Toungdee

Paul. f>ed J. 'L Peake. Settle *• •••Pearce. Mabel . J”*'-. Pearl. Montana m Gobble •Pelham. Tna t •••Pelkin. E’mer •••Pearce, C. B. Perry Lora Thomas. George Pei-.*' Anns ’Thomas, Kathe.ine

PeteAlon Jimmie «*• I . Peterson. Rue ••Pettloord. Mrs. O. '•Thomas lAura ••Pettl'O'd. Bob . fSiPhlnello. Peggy Phyne. Bobbie «Thomc,on^ Marg

Pollork. Panilne

Ported Toth, Flo D. ••Potty. Dot Trainer. Bobby

(SiPoSt, May A. Tehnei""' tSiPnsty. Dot Tr^^a^^e*^ ^

*P*rMr-H^?e Pr-'il' m.-ikS ••Urnbui*. Araandi Marina Prettyman Annetln 'anBinIgen.

«Pr%t^"Knth "Tamer; Mixlne lr-'ct«r, Knth. ••Vernell. Babe

Ramlers, Mrs. P. V. Verner. James C ••Ramos, Mabel Vemrc. I iir.m E. •••Ramsey, Marie Vernon. Fred T. Rsndnieh. Fir Tlrgo, Agnes •••Rardln, Mrs. F. Termellto, Mrs. a Pavinond, E's!e ••Vernon Pi lie Raymond, Margaret Von. Reiff, Slgford Read. Mrs. M. Wade, Teddy •••Reasley. Ruby Walcch. Louise Redman. Margaret Wa'^er, Cithe '.ne ••Regey. P«arl Walker, Marg. ••Reiff, Sigford Ws’’. te t’-1

Relmsnn. P. A. Wall. Virginia Rem'ngton. Leona (S)lVilIace. .N’emii ReynnlHa. K'tt'.e and Grsoi Reynold! Babe • Clara B. Bhoilos Dn«ty Wallace, Hellen Rliodea, Myrtle Wallace. Bt.iniU Blohnr-'s Ethel Wallace. Irene Richmond. Vlvl Walters. Orane

_ ••Riggs. .VlrglnU Waltz. W. E. ws. Harrltt •••BInga. Mra. A. Waltz. Earle da. Fay Ri-i- ge -. F d •••Ward. Mra. B. B IS. Ne'a Ritchey. Marie Ward. Hsd'e •er Cynthia Roao*. M—. O. Ward, Viola Maxine Roberts. Blanche Ward. J. P.

Me.ry Roberts, Mae •••Ware.‘Mrs. Rutl Robbli's. Mae V. ••Warner, Bobble

c,Fonda Trio Bober’s. Flodell ••Warren, Dorothy Alberta •••Pob-rfs BP’le Warren. Bobbv

Belle Robettas Katie Warren, Kittle rs. Dan Robins. Mrs. O. Warson, Dores rr. Elaine Pobi-ir n > "mi o Wn* ■ o. O^e l‘e Ruth Rotilnson. Rhea E. Wataon. Mrs. J. M

y'e MnrJ. •••Robdnson.Sdan P. Wattles. Hil Bobbie Rogers. Ilona.d ••W-rren. Bob

Gertie Pose. Babe ••Washburn, Lllllai Noma ••Bose. Fnnohon •••Wayne, Louise Gus Roselle (.'iieen Webb, Vera

. Loretta •••Rossi, Mrs. Jane Welsa, EBz. Mice K. ••Powliind. Stella Wella. ‘Dae

Blanch Bii(Pn« Helen Wells. Georgian! Igusta ••Bossell. Era Wella, Lola

••McCarthy. Besaie ••McCarthy, MarJ.

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Garrett, Gabe James, Sherman ••Gerties. Annette Jamisi n. I uci'Ie Oeyer. Clias. ••Jones, Montle (S)Gibson. Elvs Johnson. Nets •Gibbs, Ruth (S)JohnFon, Levi Gibbons, Dene ••Johnson, Evelyn Gilpin, Mrs. Jobn Jol.nston, Lola •••Gliard, Ruby ••Jones. Peg Glen, Estelle Josephs. Ann Glenn, Myrtle ’Joyce, Evelyn doth. Mrs. H. ••Jodron. Helen Glover. Ethel ‘Ksne, Helen V. (S)Glyer, Dollle Kano. lea l ••Goeby, Mildred •Karewell, Lucille •••Goodwin. Adsh Kaswe’.l, Liitille •Gordon. Jeanne Ketrsey, Mrs. L. Goulden, Miles M. Ke’Iy, Muiion •GonWer. Edna •Kenned.v, Helen Gonlder. Fdna Kennedy. Ethel Graham, Cloe ‘Kennedy, Both Graham, O. E. Kenyon. Ruth •••Green. Babe Kershaw, Alice •Green. Anne Kersten. Lillian Green. James Ketclium, Minnie •••Green. Myrtle •'King. Mszle Gieenl urg. Jack King, Pauline •Gregory, Mrs. C.O. Kirkland. Helen •Grell Muriel ••Kline, Mabel ••Grimes. Fosta ••Koboano, Kola ••t-rolisnian, Mary Korte. Margaret Grow, Clara F, ’Korth, Mrs. W.H.

(SlHalg. Mrs. Roy Krasinskl, Marr Hall, Pauline 'Rrieball, Mrs. E. V. ••Hall, Betty La Bertha, Kittle Hall, Pauline (Hlloi Buque, Wand •Hallsm. Emma (S)La Crosae. Halpin, May Jeanne •Hamel. Jene ‘LaEmma ••Hameriek Violet lAi Prance, Baby Hamilton, Q. W. Emma Hamlin, Ella *1 a France, Josie Harie.lton. John Ray •••LaFrancls, Mrs. Harmon. Fritzy Clara •Harmon, Frltze ’L'M-r. Irene Harren, Billie •••LaMonte, Laura Harris. Mand B. •IjiNoIr, Olive •Harris, Frances ••laiPIaee. Fn'h ••”a-rl~on. Isiliel ••TaPose, G-see •••Harrison. Margie ••! aTour. Marg. tSlHarrison. R. L. ‘LaValle. Mrs. M. •Hart, Phlek I>eebman, Irene Hart, Mrs. O. B. Lake. Marjorie Harter, Dal«y ••T.-m-r 7e’di Harvev. Ma-y ••Lamont. Bva Hausman, Helen T-i-ieis. Pearl •••Hawkins Harvey I/Ondv, Mrs. S. H. Hayes. Rita I.sszlo, Jessie Hayfers. Elis. (SlLaiina. Princess Heatb, Joliet Laye, Dot

Davis, Mrs. Del •Davis, Dotty •••Dtvls. I,eato Davis. Helen Davis, Mazle Davia, Vers Dawn. Hazel Dawn, Edith Day, Iona Dean. Dorty ••Dee. Ronnie ••Dehnsr. Ethel Delmas. Carrie Densmore, Genev. L. Deroesitt, Amy •Desniore. Vivian Detrick, Lottie Devere. Claudle Dial. Flo Dieteison, Mrs. Jno. Dill, Mable ••Dixon, < Lucile Donaroma, Alice Donbrosky, A. J. Dombush. Pauline •••Douglas. Audrey Douglas. Billie •♦•Draffeb, Goldie ••Draper, Mrs. E.C. •Drayne, Dorothy Dresmann. Billy DuBois, Bertha

Dnnnigan. Elsie I'Hpre. Alice •Earl. Dolly ••Earl. Billie ••Earl, Venna ••Earles, Mrs.B.W. ••Esrles. Amalie (SlEamhart, Mrs.

Eastman. Florence •Ea«tman. Grace Eekhard, Bobble Edwin-. Mary Egner, Grace Elilenz. Mrs. L. Elans. Fh) Elinore. Marie ••Ellis Madam ••Ellis, Mrs. Jim Elsie, Little Engler, Carlean Esllck, Mrs. A. W, Espenola Madam Esoey. Dot ••Bfvana, Clara ••Evans. Miss Babe Fabor, AoetU


**Biwk*. rtank Rarftbam, J, M. Banm, Happ/ 1. •Bnrta. H. T, Burn^, Frank 8, Burt;«. Whltey Burttio, A. H. Jaa. P. ••Burton. Oao. Bnr^rll, Hal Buaauback. Hanr ••lii4<.i. O. J. ••BuThrr, Anthony Itntl^r, Frank O. Bntton, Dell Butt^rdeld. Charlea BuTlf, Cbaa. ••B)fra. Ale. ••Bynie & Bjrrnn •Byrne, Jack O. Cnln,* J. Camp, Doe CamilbeH Del Looa ••Catepbell, Harold ••OaMpbeU, Shanty Cannon, Thoa. J. Card>-ell. Walter Carlton, I«e (8)Ci.rletoa, El. T. •CarKtnyh, Jno. • HtCarua lun. J. P. Carntiy. Harry Carr, j Joe Carr.; Ui’y ••Caijr. W J. f'aiToll, Bert Carroil, Barry Carrotl. Jaa. P. Carrrn)!, IxKiia Carney, B F ••Caity, Joliji earner, B. T. rurtnirixht. O. J. ••Ca^^-la. Bmerlck Canh,:< Geo. Caatlx’, Walter •Ciitie, W. Scott ••Cattle, H. A. ••Caaaeli Cbaa. •C.-ituirouka. Mr, ♦•Catlea, Lew •Cate Roy Canrer, C. Caradore, Jooepb •••ChallUr*, H. •••Chumbeni. J. P. CbamDeta. Wm. C. ••Chaiuberlatn, J. Chambera, Jack Chancy. Robt. Chandler, Cbaa. Chandler, Slim Chandler, Lee Chapley, Joe Chapman, Wm. O. •••Charley, Okla. •Charlton, Martin ••Charbono, Geo. •Cbatterton. Arthnr •••Chatrrenet, Wm. Chedam, Happy Obenet, Geo. A. Cherry, Frank 8. Cblarelli, Prof. A. ••Chlckoo Cboo

Maid* Childers. Doc Chllle. Fred Chlqnet, Vem Choy Ung Lee

Troupe •Church. Wm. B. ••Clarion. Harry Clarke, E. M. Clark. Paul Clark, Ben Clark, E'rancia W. Clark, Dewer Clarka, Mnnical Clark (Dutch) Geo. Clarke, Harold ('layton, Roy ••Clearer. Harry Clemlon, Geo. Clayton, Ed Clemeiita. Joe L. Clemeraon, H. W, Clifford. Wra. Cllftor.. PIIIt •••Coak Jessie (b>bb, H. C. ••Coburn, 8. W. ••Cochran, Billy Oottwa Under. ^ (SICodr. W. n •••Cochran. Chorty ••Cohen, Dare •Cohan Milton Cohen. H. Colbert. Jose Cofer. Tom •••Coff. Bay M. Cole. A. 8. Cole. Kddie (Sicole. C. O. Cole, thillor •Coleman. Harry •••Ooll. Harry •Collins. Billie •ColUna. Toby •••Colville. P. B. Compton. (> Comstox-k. O. Condlt, Cl •O-ne. H, L. Coney, Reno J. Conflaa. Barry Conklin*. Ed O. • t•r•ooley. Jaa. J. ••CVmleyi Frankie Conlln, John Conlon, W, J. Conners, Pete Conner, g. B. •Conner. Lyle (Vinnett. Dan B. Conrad. Doe 0. H. •••Conway, John Cook. lyiarrence Cook, Walter R. Cooley. Elwyn Cooper, Texas Cooper, A1 T. Copnln, Wm. Coiby, llioma* Cordons Capt. J. cy>me11, Jo. Cornell, Obea.

WOeon, May ••Wllaon. Eddie Wlnfonl. Babe ••Winter*. Blanche Wolfe. Daiay ••Wolfe. VUtorin Wolfe. Fred L. Wotsli, Valene •Woods, Gladys Works. Jackie ••Wortley, Nelln ••W’orthlngton, P. Wright, Betty Wright. Rae Wrigiii, J.miny (8)Wright, Mae ••Vode.*, ilelen Tonng, Ruth Youngman, Lucy (8)Zulller, Nellie

•••Cornell, C. B. ComelsoQ, Larry •••Coscarltch, T. •Coster, Jack Cothern, Walter •••Cotta Dan Oottinga, Jack Coulona. E'rnnk Courtney A Barrett ( owan. Slim R. Coward. L. J. Coy, Rowley Crtotree, Ralph tSlCralg. II. U Cramer, Sam ('randall, Fred Crawford, 'Robt. •••Crawford, L. C. Crompton, Grove C, Cropley, K. M. •••Crafts, Orville (8)Cropp, R. Crosman. Link Crossman A Mallory Croos. Nat Cioasdeld. Arthne Croesett. Whltey Crowley. J. Oowley, Rosa Crouse. C. R. Cnlkln, Burt S. •CnIloB, A1 T. Cullen. Tommie Culp, Arthur Culp, John W. Cnipepper. J. D. ••Cunningham. Ed. •••Cunningham, W.

S. Cunningham, J. W. Curcio, Harry (SiCurren*. Jaek Curry, Jack Curtis. Clifford Curtis, Emmett ••Cnrtla. A. 0. •Cutler, Louis lyAbreas John t>aCom:i, Art Daggett. W. P. •Dalntree. 0. V. Dele. Harry Daley. John lialton. Bob •Dalton, John Dal.y. J s. K. Daly, Herbert ••Dandy, Dixie Mtn-

atrels •••Dannie, Miles O. Dare, Jetin Darling, Fred Darling Sax. Four Davenport, Red Dnvtd Frank Davis. A. K. Davis. Bert ••Davis A- P. Davis. Harry Slim Darla, John B. Davit, Johny Dnvia. Mark Dsvia. Sam J, Davis Tom •••Darla, Happy (SIDavIa. It. 11. ••Davit. Bin ••SDavIs. D. L. Darla, Rnbe •••DavU F. P. •••Ihiy. Dan DeAKm. Bddle •DeFord. Edwin DeGano, Harold ••DeGrace, Harry DeK' riiu:i Jno. •DeMott. Bin D’Cnlques. Ben IleEstang, Marcy DeVoc, Jo. DeVoe, Jack DeVoy. Ernie Dean. Ray ••Deb. Ben Deltiick. Thomas ••Delaoy. Nix Delmar, C. L. (S)Delmar. Fred ••Delno. Bert Delevan Tom H. Dempsey, Sid Denby, Bop Denny 4 Morrison Deakin. A. P. •Deter* Pros. Dewitt Fred ••Devine. Paris •Devett, Victor Dial. Joseph S. Diamond, Harry ••Dick, Ray ••D ckers. Chas. Dickinson, H. L. •Dillon. Tom P. Dixon. J B. •DobMns. Geo. D. Dobyns, Geo. L. Doctavev. Prof. A1 D^erty, Frank J. Doke*. joe Donohpe, R. P. (S)Donahno. Buster Donavan. Bill Dore. Harry •Dougherty. W, A. Douglas, Rimer O. Douglass Steve Douglaas, Tommy ••Downey. Oarence ••Doyle, Jimmie •••Doyle. D. S Dronghn A rtls Drown R. C. DuVal. Herhert •DuVoyla, Roe* ••♦Duhna. Sparty ••Duff, Jss. •Duflin. Billy Duffy. Harry •Duffy. J. N. Dumont, -krihnr M. Diinber. J. M. ••Dunbar. Ralph ••Dnnhar. Buster •Dubar. Jean Dunn, P. Dunn, Puddle ••Dunn. Geo.

Dnran, Reedy •••Eager, Wallace •Bakin, Jas. Harold Earl, Martin Earl. Frank Earle George •Barnshaw. Cheater •Easton, Loultt Edgar. F. F. Edgar, Geo. H. Edwards, R. E, Egbert, Mr. Eldridge. Art Elliott. Louis A. Ellis Louis Elll*. L. J. Ellison, Frank Ellwood Elton, W. W. ' Elwyn. Lome Emhs A Alton Emmett. Hugh J. Engle, Jim English, Mr. English. Harry ••Epps, J. C. l8*Ki Ii4:sim, Chat. ••Enterlaln. Rodney •Erlcson. Oswald Est>oaito, Anthony Essey, Dan Ethridge, J. W. Etton Bros. •Eu-tl». Charlie Everett, Charle* ••Everett, E. E. Eversteln. Lonle Rxton. Billy •Expert Mechanic (8)Exum, Tom Falls. D. Parnell. Hap. Fancfaer, E«l ••Faraday, Harry Faulkner, Chas. B. •••Fiance A .Fannee iSlFaweett. "Walter •Fay, Frank •Felt. Z>\ H. Fenwick. G. Ferdoo. M. Ferguson, R. O. (SIFemer. B. B. •Ferrari. O. Ferrlck. J. D. Ferris. Bob Ferris. Dick Flneile. Victor Pink, Ray J. Finley. Malvin ••Flnrlgan, Billy •Flreslile*. 1. First. Parney Fisher. W. P. FIsljer, Dutch Fisher. Will R. F'ltch. H. H. •Fleming. James Flint. (Montana Jo« Focantl, Agnstiao Flowery, Capt. Joe Flyan, Francis Foley. Clinde Foley, Wm. Fontslne. F. J. Forman. Julius FVirtkenhever. Max F\>rtBot. .Mickey Foster, E. M. Foster, Frank Foster. F. W. F’oster, H. L. F”<»ter. D. Kiwter. Leland (SIFowler. J. E. Fowlec, Otto Foyster, Dad Francis. John Franks. .Crthnr F>ana. E. J. ••F>aye B. E. ••Freehand, Max ••Freebnrg. Loo Freeman.' B. F. •••Freeman. L. F'reeman. L. H. Freeman. O. H. •F>eera?n. Leo. Frev. Wm. S. (SlPrldell. I«nis Fried. Isador •File'Ine-. J. Ftuman. F. T. Fuentes. Jose Frit*. Alfred •Fugl. No. 11 ••Fuller, Jno. Fnller, Bill ••Fulton, Harvey •O Box Galls. E. O. iSIGallway. J. E. •Ganette, L, D. Garcer. John S. Ga Held, B. M. Garlland. L. P, •••Garrarr, E. Garf. Ilohy F. Garrett. J. H. ••Carver. Jack Garvin, S. A. Gates, Harry Gate* ArtbOT <!earwood. Bay Gentry. H. H, Glenny, Dan 0. ••George. H. M. Gcyer. Charley Gibbons, Jack •••Gibson, 81d Gibsoa, Sidney Gibson, Oeo. Gilbert W. W, Gilbert. Leioy Gllles, Harold Ollllck. Win •••Gllplu, Ed B. •Glardon, Alfred

•Gleason A Gleason Gleave. Frank (SlOlInn. M. T. ••Gllck. Jack Glotb. Joseph •••Glovce. C. Glynn. W, C. •Goats. J. P. 8. ••Ooshy. Trving Golden. Chan,

Goldin. Horace ••Hotman, 8. L. UoUsteln, Abe ••Hidraej, Ed Goodner. A. R Holmes, Bod H. •••Ooo<Hng. Clyde •••Holms. U. F. Goodman, Johnny Hombrook. Gus * iS)Go<diicb, Capt. ••iloinliurg. Bob Goodwin. A1 Hoaamel, Carl <io<klwin. Harry Hood, Abner B. (SIGordlen. Prof. (S)Hopper, Arthur •Gordon. Bob Hopper. A. R. •Gordon. Joe Horton, Will F. Gordon, J. Arthur llonlan, O. A. •Gordon, Tlttley ••Hoven, A. •Gorman, John •Howard. Phil Goas, Paul B. Howards Aerial Gottlieb, Lew HowanI, Harry ••Grace, Billy Howard. Earl Graham, J. D Hoyt Ben •••Graham, Boy Hubert. Joe Grandi, Robert Hudson, Wm. Grant, J. W. llndson Charley Grant. Ouby (Slllughes Sales Co. Grape, Norman Hughes, W. H. Grasnik, A1 Hughe*. James Graves, James R. Hugo, Chas. Oravltyo, Great •Hunt, J. Graybill. Albert •Hunter Roy ••Gray, M. L. •••Hunt W’m. •Gray. Prank ••Hunt, A. G. Green. Bud (Siliurst, A. R. •••Green, H. Cnrley (AiHnssey. Geo. W. Green. Joe B. Hutchinson. Ij. W. Greeno, Eddie Hyde, Alex. C. Greene, Philip D. ••Ingram, G. J. Greenwajd, Bennie Ingram. Howard Greenwood. Geo. W. Iron. F. H. Greer, Lee •j. W. •••Greer. Otle ‘Jack, Arisona Greer, Bob •••Jackson. M. •Gregg, A. W. Jackson A MaclAren •Grey, Frank H. Jackson, BOb Grigga Freil J. •••Jacobs, Raymond Griffith, Fred M. Jacobs Leo Griintb. O. B. •Jacob. FYlti Grimshaw, Wni. •••Jacobs. Leo Groff. W. E. Jacobs. R. Gross, Lonl* Jacobsen, I. O. J. Grouch’s Plays Jacobson, H. M. Grout. Hirtv K. jackson. I^nl Grove#. Harvey Jake, Red ••Gtiidlum. Paul •••Jarman. Vern ••Gubblett. J. D. James. Wm. H. Gnlph, ClMs. P. James A James Gusky. Fraak James. Chas. Haas, F. A. james. Edw. P. ••Haaie, Arnold •Janklnt, Frank N. Uackensebmidt, Leo Jansen. Great ••Hale. Marshall Jap-a.Lax Hale.v. Durand (SlJatsI, Wm. Half Moon, Chief Jarrett, Gay ••II;i!I. Harris L. *Jarvis, Bobby Halt. Major John Jarvis, Bobby ••Hall 4 Gibson Jarvi*, Mr. ••Hall. Harris L. Jefferies, Bart Bed Hall, l«on Q. •••Jenkln*. Earl •Hall, J. A. •••Jenkins, C. Hamilton. Gordon Jenkins, Willie Hamilton, B. M. •Jensen. Manfred Hamlin. Dick Jensen, Hy •••Hammer. W. B. Jerome. Sidney Hampton. E. P. ••Jewell. Bobble Hampton. Lew Jobannahson. F. ••H innon Johnson. Jay W. Hansehl|d. Prof. •Johnson. Dave

E (SlJnbnBOU. Geo. H. ••Haneon. Kid ••Johneoa, L. (SiHardlens. V.V.V. jubneon. Carl Harland. Henry 8. Johneon Ernest Harrell. O H. •••Johnaton, C. W. •••Harrell. J. ••Johnston,. Chat. Harria, AI Johnaton, Wm. B. Harrison. Dick (SlJones. Lounie •Harris A White iSiJones. Harold •Harria Dave •••Jones. Montagu* Harrison. Tboe. E. Jones, E. P. •Harrison H. O. Joseph, Herman Hart. Phil A PeggI* Jegsenberger, V. B. ••ITrrver. Gus B Joyce. Harry T. ••Hasselman. Bob Ju<ige. Paul D. Hastings. F. J. •••Juenglli^, Herb. Hntcher. Warl Jnefennl. J. M. ••HatfleM. Jimmy Jump, Edw. llifhiway Frank Jupiter. Geo. Hattan. Prank •••Kaal. Francis •Hatton. Frank Kalama. Jno. 8. Hiiusell*. ^hhle _ Kalma, Geo.

••Kane. R. E. Karcnff, FranI: Kartbols. Karl ••Kasllsli. Manrlce (8)Kaafmann, L. R. Kays. Casting Keebles, Frank Keegan, Walter Keeler, Robt.

•Keeler. B. A. ••Keeler. L’ky R.B. Keenan. John Keller, A. W. Kellogg. W. R. Kelley. Ross C. Kelly A Kelly •••Kelly. A. C. Kelly. Walter O. Kelly, Boy Kellner, Lew •••Kenebrew AKIara •••Kennedy. Otrl •Kennedy, Wallace Kennedy. Oeo. ••Kenney. Herb •••Kent, Cotton ••Kent. Billy Kent, Jack

Kerr, W. R. •••Ke-a, Chas. A. Kerwln. Pat Kestner, B. Ketebum. L. Ketter, Carl Keyes, Jack

••Knapp, Roland (S)Ktdd. Jim ••King, Harry X. King, E. C. Curley King, Burt U King. Mbutana Ed •King. Billie King, L. F. (SyKlng. Aostln •KIngalsnd, Ed Kirk, Dewitt •Klrklllos. Three Klraton. Ray Klpwln. M. J. Klrwln. *Kllne, Bobt. B.

West. Ethel •••Westbrook, Billie Wlieller, Peggy •White. Anualee White, llnla Wuite. Whiteman. J- UllUe ••Wblihe.d. Ann Wlilttinglon. E. E. Whitworth. Violet Wler, Ruby L. Wiggins, Elsie •••Wild, Sadie • ••Wilkes, Mrs.

Bertha Williams. Williams, Georgl* •William*. KuUe Willis, D, W. Wiliioa. Ruth Jo Wilson. J. M.


(Sj Bayer, B. B. Bayrooty Bros. Beach, Hany Beard, W. J. •Beaater. Oeo. W. Beck. Robt. H. •••Beck L. T. ••Becker, Dutch Peden, Art Redenbender, O. ••Beeaon. Herbert Beham, j. A. ••PelBeld, samly Bell, Harry Bell, Ala. Oeo. Bell, J. O. Belvllle, E. C. ••Bendell, Rodger • •Bennett. Geo. ••Bennett. Floyd Bennett. Booth Hennett, Clarence Bennett, Red D.W. Bentley, Chaa. (SlBentle.v Floyd Benton, Bob Bensle, Nell Bernard A Banaley Bernard. Bennie Bernella, Joe •inning, H. J. ••Berry, O. D. Berry, Lester Beri D. Artlinr ••Beveridge. Glen ••Beuchler, Oeo. Bibber. O. R. BInker, 8. W. Birkeno 4 Adams niwer. C. O. Blackmore. Prof. F. Blair. Volcano Rlalr Jesse L. •Blair, Lon Blair, Walter B akely. Bernard Blake. E. K. Blanchard, L. E. Bloom, Bob Bockna. Cnrtla Boggs. Jack

' Bond. John Bonner, A. 0. Borelll, Jas. Bori”. I eater Bortell. Royce ••Boshay A Rkrh-

mond Boswell. Billy Boswell. F. C. IVittom. S-am •Bowen. Frank A. Bowen, Oov. Bowers, Ford ••Bowers. A, 8. Bowers, O. 8. Bowman Bros. • Boyd. Clifton •Boyd. Ray •Boyd. Billy •IBoyd. Cliff B. Boyer, L. M. Boyle. Duke •Bracbard. P. Bradlev. Clifford •••Brady, D. J. Brandon A Taylor ••Brandon, Happy Bratton L. H. Bray, Harry B. Bray, Chas. •Brehler. O. H. Bridewell. L. Rlp!>y ••Bridges. Frank Bringe. EVl ••Blister. Robt. I*-'«toi. nifton Britts, Fred

Broadley, J. C. •••Brodle. Nell Broadwell, Doc •Brog, M. J. •••BrooVs. Jean Brook, John Brooks. "B. O. Brooks A Harris Brooke Chas. B Brown, Scat •Brown. Charles Brown W. M. Bro-n J. V. •••Brown. Irving A. (S>B-'''o-n Ssm ••Brown. A*t E. Brownell. W. H. Broce. Robt. Bruno. Frank

Bryan. Carl ‘Bnch, W. L.

(Si*’nchanaa. A. Buckley, C. H, Bneter, W. F, Bnhler, Wra. O. •Bnird, Sammy Bnimer DeLarah Bunk. Jack f*iinureon Jack Burgess. Harry Burges*. Boy Burke. Jack Bum*. N. J, Burn*. Robt. A. Bnms, Sam

•A. C. •AW>otL Harry • •Abbott. Ce»tl (SlAlibot. Roy • •.Ibdeljader, N. .\cua. V. B. Adair. I'rank •.kdams. Jack Adams. Will Adam*. Curley .Vlam*. Clarem-o Adams. R. N. •••.Iduius, C. U Adams, W. B. Addison A

LlvlngHton •••Aldrich, lieonard ••Agee. John • •Ahlent. Henry •.\hyon. Alfred Alti*. Thoa. Aker*. Chaa. N. Alabaugh, C. H. Alaufi ny. Ed Albert. Ijto ••Alliert A Roae.'a AlloTtoon. Otto Aldrich, H. B •■llexamler (Man

Who Knows) Alexander, Noble .Mfler, Emanuel .Mien, Jean •••Alien, M. B. Allen, Happy ••Allen. R. C. •Allen, Wm. J. .Mien, J. C. Allen. He-b. Allman. Grant ••.Mnbrose. Ji>e • •.tiiiui' ns. Cy Anders. A. P. Anderron. P. A. Angel, Fred ••Anthony, W. W, •••Appleby, V. W. A|iollo. Duo Arblc, Leo ••A'chlng. Jaa. ••Aredo, Joo ••Aren*. Thoa. Arfuelles. A. ••Armstrong, 0. H. Arnold. Marvin Arrington. Walter Art.'ine. Mux Aivickaon, Fred A. •Ashburn. Verooo Ashby, Wra. Askew, Geo. Atkins, Dr R. J. Atkinson, O. B. ••Atlas. Max Attanaslo, Mr. •••Anbuchon, ’ Carl ••Ankui. Chas. K. Anlk. John B. •Austin. W. O. ••Austin. W. O. ••Austin. Billy D. Auton, Billie •Averlll. Geo. R. Avery. George ••Awal, Frank •••Banb. Jetsi* Baader, Fred Baricenstoe Oeo. B. Bader. L M. ••Bigger*. J. 8. Bailey, Oliver •Bailey, Bill •Batleya. The •B'lley, Joe Bailey. J. J. Bnlnl, Joe H. B.iker, F. T. Bake*. (Thas. Baker. L. O. •Baker, Jaa. O. •Baker, Wm. H..Jr. •Baker, C. B. ••Baker. Earnest Baldarln. Cnrtis I'HBaidwln. Ned •••Balea, John •••B Blen J. •••Balt*. W. L. •Bambrick. R. D. Bings. R. C. (S.Barlleld. 0. B. Barnad. Chaa. Barker. F. M. ••Harnett. Tom Barnhart Nathan Barnea, Roger Barnes. Boh Barnett. Jo •Baron. Albert J,

R-rrett. E. U Barry, Col. Jim Barry, Martin Birrv, Fra-k O Barry, I rslle Barstow Family

Bassett. Chaa. Barto. Eddie Basinger. D L. Bites. Chat. R. B«rile. Thos. J. Bsnden, Joe A Baiter. W. B. Bayard. Carl

(8)Hay, Boh Ilayghs, V. Hayes, James Hayes, Raymord •••Tlnyne*. M. HaynM, T. J. ••Haiard. Prof. ‘••Haielton, W. F. ••Heart*. Edw. n*ath. Phil ••Hedmin, B. Helmerl. A. C. •Helllott John Helm. L. K. Hendrick*. Leo Henery, H. C. Henry. J. T. Henshaw, R. R. Herrington. Count Iletxler, Arthnr (SIHeeney. Tho*. ••Helmar, Chaa. •Henry, Ixtuls Herbert. Jo C. Herbert. Tho*. J. ••Herman, Henry •Heyman. Ike •••Hickey, Joe HIcka, Dr. W. J. Hicks. Kansas City ••Hicks. Jaa. Hicks A Seymour Higgins. J. H. HI Ki Human Fish

Hlllerdt. 0*w.i1d •Hilly, Walter Hiiiee. Leon Hird. Rnaell Hobnek. Chnek •Hoehn, Clarence Hoffman. Arthnr ••Hoffman. Mich Hoffman, jack •Hoffman. Jno. T. •••Hofner. A. C. Holaday, Chas. ••HoPlngev. I.. Honiagaworth, Mer. Holloway. Robt.


OPENING date:, may iST


NOTICE. Matfaa SaSlM't Hwm CIm* Bt«t SMt«: Narth Bay, HMky- IM. 24 Brat Spata, aN CaaaSa.


Milwaukee Chocolates LEHER LIST •Stewart. Bad Stlem. K. W. StinaoD. Rdw. •Stopkley. F, 8. (.S)Rtokea. Stone, Harry Stone. Robbie •Stone, na»ry Stoat, Jar. M. •••Storer, Uennia Rtaart, Alan O. Stumpf. Chrla L. ••Sulainaa. M. SnlllTan. Pefjoint 'Sullivan, Richard Sulllvana. Vana .SulllraD. John T. •Holllvan. Justin A. •••Summers. Holly Siiton. Bert ••Sutten. Fred •Hwansoa, Oarl O. Kwnrtawort. Wm. Swarti. C. J. •Swan. Mike (H)Rweeney, Oeo. •Tackob. T. E. F. Tail. Whltey iHIT^lbert, Ed 'Tample. Robt. Tate, R. W. Titnel. J. E. (RITaylor. Jvck •Taylor, Howard •Taylor Jno. R. (8) Teller, Lee ••Temple, Ceo. C. Tennyson, D. I„ (S)Tcrrell, Cbas. M. Tesaler, \Vm. •••Huirpe, Bristow Thead. Morlce Thibant. P, •••Thiel. Paul Tbomaa, Mller Tboman, U. it. (R) Tbomer, B. F. Tbompaon. Albert Thompson, Obas. O. Tbompaon, 8. E. Tbompeon, John •Tbon. M Thomibrooke. Z. M. Thombury. J. it. I'brtms, Ben H. Thramer, Sherley Thrash, Jlsrry Tiller, C. L. tSlTlmm, Fred nnker, Wm. L, •Tobbles, Toby •••Todd. J. J. Todd, Arthor Tolb, Mstt B. Tolliver A. (SiTooley, Bamay Townsend, Chirk Tracy, J. P. (Ja<%) (S) Treat, J. L. (2) Trisrari, Ooiseppe •••Troeper. Elton Trout, Tnyloe Troxler. Leslie Tryon, Jack •Tuchmtn. Harold (SlTuoker, FYank L TncRer, Curley Tuckersey, J. K. Turner, Gleason •Twtnpll, D. W. (fl)Tyree, Wayne rnrpleby. Chet Cnderwood. Mathis Valdes. B. R. •Valentine, Albe*t Vsnityke. H. Walt. ••Vanlldth, O, C. ••Van Wert. R. •Varlpatis, ClaTa Varnell, Chirk Varner. W. A. •••Vamey. Oeo.

, Velan-h. Francis ' Vermelto, (Tarenre

•Vernon Ralph Veres. Ernest Vincent. Cbas. tSlVlneent. F, P. vine. Dave

<8)Vtnann, Jaa. 8. VIseth flna Vono, Jamea <S)W Wadden. Carl Waddell, Clarence Wadley, Rube Waaner, Robt. Wanner. Pusaell W. (S)WagT>er. Oeo. Waites, Australlane Wakefield. Oeo, Wakefield. J. F. Walder. Howard Walker. Marshall W’elker, B. J. Walker. Lew Walker m Texts Wall. lUlph Wallace. Henry ••Wallace. Sidney Wallsi-e, Billy

* •••Wallpre. Sam Wallace, Sidney Walter*. Rnt>e Walters. James ••Waltner, Otto •••Walton, noyd 8.

Wantiand, O. M. Ward. 11. O.. Billy •Ward. Albert Ward A Rtrhards Ward, Billy Oflffln Ward. Bronco Red Wame, Earnest Warner. Jack •••Warren, Billy Warran. Burt Warwick. Lee Trio •Washburn fhaa. A. Watban. F. 8. •Watson, Walter <J. Wataworth. Ja4-k •Waxbam. C V. Wayland. Ben Weaver. Buck •Weber. Frederi<-k Webb. Geo. A. W’obster. Oeo. H. Weetiman. Israel •••W’elsy, Adolph Weinstein, Ueo. A. (8)Welch. Barry Welch, Frank Weis. Gee. C. ••Wells. Max (8) Wells, Victor

Hnppy (8)Wella, Elmar N. WeUt. Vem ••Welsh, Henry •••Welahon. Leslie Wendell. Otto Werner, Roy t8)Westcott, J. L. West. Fred B. (8)We#t. A1 •West, Edw. ••Weatcott, Mort Weston, Jack Wettbee. Frank (8)Wharton, Harry Wbecihoase, Richard WhlUcre. t. C. •White, O. E. White. Edw. Boy.j ••White, 0. E. Whitlock. Bunny •••Whlttenbuij. H C8)Whltney. □(». Whitney, M. A. Whltiell. TM (SlWUhar. Dick Wilcox. C. K. Wllkcrson, Thkd •Wllklna, Cbas. WlUard, Clyde Willard. Jno, Williams. A. D. Williams. Forest 1, Wmums, Albert Williams. Cbas. W. •wr.liuns, fiyd. r, WilUsma, 0. A. •Williams. Bert Williams. Barry 0. •Williams, Edd WllUams, Hucb Williams Arnnse Co. WtUUms Jack.

Buman Ply ••William#. Earl WUlUm*. J. C. ••Williams, Harold Wllllamaon. Bob W<llle. The Wonder Wilson, A. J. Wilson ••Wilson, Chns. Wilson, Jdck ••Wilson, B H. •••Wilton, Shorty

(CoBtlnoed from pact 03)

Moro, Ben dt BalsO Preston, Howard (8).Hurptiy. Frank Prcttyman, O. B. Murphy, W. 0. 3Tlc«, 0. E. •Uuipby. Dsn Price, O. 8. Murphy, W. H. Price, Jim •‘.Murphy. A1 Prion, Van Murriiy. Gh.-is. Pruitt. Bill ••Murray, J. A. Puch, G. Walter Murray. Rc>l (Stl ucli, Walter •Murrell, Jack •••Pullen, Ralph Mustard. Jno. H. Pnrdy, Jat. Myers, Happy Eddln Purl, Billy .Nanano, Clndlo •Pnmey, A1 Nance, W. B. •Quer.y A Qrandy .SsDtz, J. P. ••Rse, Ralph •Nsro*. Vincent Rae, H. B. Nash. Wm. N. Ksfen, E. J. Navarre. Neal B. Itaglsud A Korte Nawahtne, 8. D. Rnmlres. B. T. ••SelsoB. Bob ••Randalls. The Nelsos. F ed Randolph, Jimmie L. Nelstrn, Ike Randolpli. Jas. B. ••Nelson, Alfred •••Randolph, Art. Nelson, Martin ••Rapp, Augusta Nemcbin, Sam Rapliii Antonio •••Nestor. Wm. Rardin, Fred •New>s>Bbe. Uobt. Ranch, Morris Newman, Art ••Randle, H. W., Howsr-l Ray, Jno. L, Newsum, Jaa. K. Kaymoibl, Jack ••Nlck>s, J, C. •'ItaymoiM], Jno. Niediaicfci, B. •P.aymon I, J. K. Nidhta, Ti:e Raymond. Cyril •**N«ab Frank •Baymood, Cbas. Nolan, Paddy Rea. Jno. C. Norman A Jeannettn Bea, Jaa. W. Norris, Harry Read, Bay H. ••Noyes Bert Beadsrs, Fred ••Mye. Rhea Resume, Frenchy

. V lS)BebemsU, Jno. O’Brien. ••Rcdd'ck. W, O'Connor, D. J. need, Ohas. 8. O'Dare. JfttM Heed. B. B. • ••O' Da re Alvin Reese, Jantes O’Leary, OisA Beflater. P«e O’Shea. Pnt Reiser Ikd (BlOdni. J. B* Kcmsbnrt't. Wnltnt Ohriaut, Knife XMk Bendhnw. Bert trtiver A Lee Rendal. G. A. i8)OIlver. A W. Bevolrins Arvo Olivato, Afitonio Bosen •Olmatead Jn«k Bexford, Clyde 01#i>n. J. W. Beynard. A. D. Oram. Frank (Reyneiin. Jmms W. OiT, Bill Bbloehart. Audrey Orr. Jns. Albert Pbodea. S. J. •Orton. Myron TtiCh, Berry Osborn. Earl B. Richard, Ott. V. *Blcbnrda, Balpb •Ott A Daley •••BKh -ds. A. H. txwrton, UanT Rlchapdean, J. O. L. osmn, Obaa. v. Richmond. BUlle Owens. Rlllr •RI((B. Ftmnk iSlDwenf, ned King, Hal

(Dare Devil) •Riley, tools (fl)hi. Jno. K. ••Riley, Buckle Parr, Sherman Ringer. Arthur Ps8ln. Joe RInglIng, Eert •Palmer, Thoe. Rlrpel. Bob (^•Palmer R. J. •Rltch, Sam Pplmer, Jamed Rivers, Kddle, ••Palmer, RWbt. dL Comedy PUt'e. Clav.d (SlPchsans. H. Q. Parelle, Paul Roberts. Clint Parham, J. B. Robinson, Fonts •••Park. Carl M. Rohinoon. Olln Park#, Clyde A. Roohon, Fred Parlce. (narenoe Rocco, Chat. ••Partello. E. F. Roche. Wm. L. Paaana. Albert Rode ker Ted Pateber. Ckaa Roder. Billy Iktrlck. Tony Rogera. Frank ••Patrick Cbas. Rogers. Hkrry Patterson; Jos. R<"lgers, Lerile ••Patton W. n. Rndrlruee, John •Peck. H. L. IS)Rogers. Jas. Perrlottl, Wg. Polcy E. K. Perry, O. H. ••Roife. Geo. •••Pervlne. Harry ••RoRo. Geo. •Peterson. Ferdinand r<m‘#iu, O. L. •Pbsyer, Hsr« •Rooney, Jas. ••Phifer. E. W. X. ••Rooney, Jack ••PhllltOB. Jack Rorlt, Harry ••Pblllon. Jack iSlRosano, Gene Phillips. W. J. •••Rosenbaum, Cbaa. Philipps, M. L, Rosen, Joe IMerce, fieri Ro«e. 11. L. Heard. I>ave ••Rose, Sam ••Pler--e, Jno. H. •••Rose. Private L. •••I’lauie-, Doe Roa. burr. Dick Planck, F. J. Ross, C'lff mank, Robt. Bo»». Walter . Polin. J. C. Bess, Freeman ••Polish Midgets (8) Rosa. Shlrlet

Troupe I{< Ksmsn. Alfred C. Pollard, Wra. •Roth. .Ham •Polley, Geo. Q. •••Fothe.y, Eddie (S)Pomatto, Jno. Roundtree. Smith T’ool Edw Rodrke Jno. <S)Poole Harry , ‘Row, Harry l’rt)e. Prank C. ro*- Ed C. •Porter, hoy Royal Arcadians

Mcr. Roy Flln (S)Royal L'nltcd I’owv"!! Troupe Twins V-Pll. Albert Roystus. Merl well Family ‘Rubins Joe

. . were. Edw. A. Rue, WalUcs *!\>wers, T. P, J. Ruel, Pennie Ponvrs, D. J. Rufus. H. H.

'Powere. Tlras. ••Rule. Craddock •Pratt. T. 8. Rnpp D Lewis ••Prescott. 0. J. Russell Vincent

A, SnappY Outfit Consists of 12 Silver Cigarette Cases, with a handsome, snappy Art Photo on front. Displayed on a velvet pad, complete with a 400-Hole Salesboard.


Want a Trained Seal Act and any other Novelty or Feature Acts for Coliseum, Chicago, engagement, opening Saturday. April 3d, or for season. Address E. ARLINGTON, Agent, care Maryland Hotel, 104 West 49th St,, New York.

••Wilts. H. o. ••Wilts*. Ohs*. Windsll. Oco. Duke Wlngcrt. Elmer B. Winnies, The Winslow, O. 8. Winters, Jean Wlrebsck, 8. Wise, O. W. Wise. Dave A. Wiseman, Earl S, •••Wolf, Burney Wolf. C. D. Wolf. J. L. ••Won. Jno. Wood. A. J. Wood*. Hurry L. WtNxls. Jo*. Woodwurd. Norman Woodworth, B. L. Woolsey. F. 8. Workman. Fred F Wornner, 8tady Wright. A bert B. Wii^t, C. B.

Wrinelef. OtU Wyatt. Dick .Yhnrra, Richard Yeager, D. T. Y'ork. rwek Yost. Harry ••Yoocy. Taylor 7entour. Salsb Eciglcr, C. Lufoy Eeltlcr. Billy Ecldo, M. G. Eenos, LmH# 7,1mm. The Artl#t ••Zobcdle, Fred •Znilrnsn. Henry Eumwalt, Wade

Circus Acts of all kinds, Ridera with or without s<o<-k. two Hurdle Mule Rider*. Cnmwly Acts and Clowns. Colored Uaud aud >UniUrcli<, Musical Acts and rutm^y Jusvlcr for Side Show. Muiticisnv fnr Bis Show Band, extwrimred Banner Soliclt/jr, Blllponten for Adran>w Car, Man to take charte of Cimk House, First and Seco^ Cenks. Campfire Man. Four and Six-Horse Urtvtvs anil Worktni; Men In all departments. Sea* sou opens Aivll 17. Addm.* ANDREW DOWNIE, Havre Us Graoe. Msrylssd- FOR S.^UC -CiUnder Or¬ gan, in flnt-class nrmdltlon; Tent. 30x80 (no walls).

(8)8paln, Wm. D. ••8p:irk», I..eNter Speedv. Wm. Spellman, Percy 8t>ellman, Sam Spence. Oliver •Spencer, Herbert ••^'Sperry, Jas. Springer, Clarence Springer. J. L. •Springer, Wm. P. •••Stahl’s outdoor

But. .stsl'tor’h r. W. Stanley. Ilyerson Slsples. F. E. ••Steed. Howard Steinhardt, BenJ. Steinbruvk, Carl

Stcnhnrg, Bob •••Wtepbens, B. T. Sterchl. K. B. Sterlings. The Sterling Walt. W.' Btevens. Standlsb Stevens, D. •••Stevens, Harry Stevenoon, Oeo. R. ••Stewart A Mercer

Scott. Geo. V. Fhields, Purl Smith.. Roy •Scott, Pore Devil Shei Ue.vl, CliaiHe Smith, Kid •Sesbury i Pearl Sheppard. R. Cycl’e Smith. Percy W. ••Sesrle*. Arthur Shermau. Rottt. Jay Smith, I.,ew1s A. Heart. Poyt Slvepm.m. Shorty J. Sffdth. G. W. ••Segal, Benj. ••Sherman. Chester Smith. Andy (SiSeviTs, Geo. Sbe-wood. J. W. (S)Snilth, Wynder ••Selbel, Edw. ••Sherwwat Edw. Smith, G. O. Senker. Joel F. Sickles, Bsb Smythe. Hoyt •ScTrett. F, Hilverlake. Ankle S'nell. Bud Session*. Charlie Blmpson, Wm. ••Sbuetz, Ray .«owidl. Clarence Singer, Davs SIgmsn, Harry Seymour. J. D. ••Shiple.v. E. Simms. Jim Shafer. Cha*. A. Shively, Jesse •Slroonds, Homer Shaffer, Bernard Sbomaker, l^b ••Simpson, Ja*. Shaffer. Jo^ Strangle Smith, Hugh M. Shankle, Claud Lee Shreve. Jack ••Smith. .VI J.

•Shannon. Walter Shao, I-eon •Siesta. Emilio Smith. Tony Sliappard, B. C. sSImpson A Moore Smith, Spedy Sharp, 81ms, Goo.. Musical ••tSmith, V. A. Sharp, Nelson ••Blnle, V.' B. Smith, B. C, •••Sharp, Jack Sisebo, A. C. ‘‘Snyder Harry Sbatterlee, A1 “Slater, A1 •••Snyder, Robt. Shaw, Cbas. E. Slausson, B. & Kellie Kcyder, Cbas. H. •Shaw, Bob (S)61oan. L. R. ISlSnydor, F. H. ••Shaw. Joha Slocum, Oeo. H. SoVoman, Walter Shea, Barney Smith. Bert ‘Somervl’le. B. E. Shearer. A. C. Smithi Curley Bonenbloom, Jack

Russell. I>an ••Russell. E. A. Rutter, Richtrd Ryan, Wm. E. ••Ryan A Orlob Ryan. C. J. St. Clair, Russell St. Clair, P. K. Sjillshory, Monroe ••Samoyoa. Manuel Samler, Slim Sandow*. Young Sanza. Tony Sargeant. Tlio*. Sassaman. W. A. Satterlec. Geo. •Saundres. Jake

Saxon, Vertner Saxton. Tony ••Sayies. Henry Schaeffer. Eddiu S-benkel. K. •Schlel. Carlyle ••Schleld, lUy Schiller. Walter A. •Schiukel. Mharlce Schnmnn. Jack S'kweyer. Emil Scott. R. R.

LOOK: LOOK; LOOK; THREE GOOD ONES W© open GLOUSTKR, OHIO, Saturday, April 24th. Pay day. NELSONVII.LR, OHIO, week May 3d. None better. F^INT PLEASANT, W. VA., week May 10th. Best in West Virginia.

Other live ones to follow. WHAT WE HAVE—Four Rides, Three-Abreast, Big Ell, Whip, Tango and

four Shows. WHAT WE WANT—Shows that ovm their own outfits. Very liberal terms

to Mechanical Show, Plantation, Athletic, Walk-Thru Show, Cabaret, Pit Shows. Oriental or any money-getting Shown.

PRIVILEGES foe sale, flat rate X: Shooting Gallery, Novelties, String Game, Dogs. Bears, Blanket and Perfume Wheels, Cat Rack, Roll Down, Hoop- La, Hucklebuck, Cigaret and Dart Gallery. Push Button. Spot-the-Spot and Grind Stores. From now on till we open address FASHION PLATE SHOWS, Winter Quarters, Wsider d Fields, Mgrs., Coalton, Ohio,


MARCH 13, 1920


WAITED far NO. I SHOW. avaWat A«rU » Hi Daabvry, Caa*. Ptatforai 8>awi MM aay Sbaw tl imiII tiMt daaMt aasSlaS.

AIVIERICAN EXPOSITIOM SHOWS Ve Lara anme of lb., brat tomu In Nw Torlt New Upland and Pwnaylrania bookad. and tn otdar to fill an otcaccmeota wlU

oiwrate two aluiwa **’**u^y^ETCHUIN m iS^. LAPP, Solte^. 1431 Braadway. Naw Yart. 0«aa ttaa 10 to S dally.

WANTED » mow. aMOtofl May IS at

jjj^**"* ^ CaarytoUn aoaa waaBt

Fairly. NoMa C., Sbowa: Qlanmoia, La.. 15.20. Flaher’a. Harry P., Sbowa: Charlotte, N. 0., 8»

13; Hlith Point 15-20._

THE MIGHH DORIS EXPOSITION SHOW Now boiiktnc tta 3th Annual Tncr. IDtO Haaaat Jaha Pniaaa. Mir.. 7tl Batitli Caapar Bt. Maaiplito Taoo.

Wirlda Hast Coaat Amuaement Co., 5forrio Weatcott, mgr.: Miami. Fla., 8-20.

t ray, Koy, Shows: Oeorgatows, Ml*.. 8-lS.

fiREAT WHITE WAY SHOWS tffAlsg Showi, Coiireeatona. Whip and Aeroptanaw f'lrouarrlle. with or without wagona. Winter Quartan, Fadwah, Ky., Boa 8T0. C. M. NIQRO, Manager.

Ureat Ameriraii Shows: SaTannah, ila.. 8-13. Hall k, Rthy Shows: 1ft. Plesaant, Tex., 8-13. Hartnett Aiuosement O^t Charlotte, N. C., 8-


_0C0. W. SRCENWALD'S UNITED SHOWSl Cprn Clrrrland. a. April 31. 1930. Hooking. RMsa. Suhovs, ronreaslona flaaaon 1830. ISOS Hlggidraan ■Ida., ClaYslaad. Okto._

lIoltkaiDti Expo. Shotas: IleriMOdo, Mlaa., A-lt. *l'<|iper Shows. lUendanon. Tens., S-U.


^|«^uartara: Alawas Hstat. Rt Usb, Mlamsft

Jone% Johnny J.. Expo.: Chartestnw 8. a, 8-2St Kaplals’a Ureatrr .suowa: ntigerwld, Oa.. 0-13.

Your Catalogue Is Ready 0« 14-faMli, Moftblt Am Oir l-Mi Faicy

DOLLS 4^ BEACH DOLL fancy air-brush finidi, at 2So

each. Sao^lee fiOo. 24*hour

nhiroing. l^enns: 25%, balance

air brush finish, at 50c each. 3-

shipping. Terms: 25%, balance piece crepe paper dresses, at 5c the new three-abiwt Ho^heil-spiiiBks

C. 0. D. iP.l each. Capacity, 11,000 daily. be awi^ from ^ »tj*^ w. t J Tosawanda *o the cpswlng ataad to On—ifll-


World st Home Shows: Saramah, Oa.. ail. Worttuun Dhowa: BskenCeld, OkL. S-lM.


BltoBTllle., N. T.. Siatch 4.—Work to pre- Sreaatog rapidly at the winter qnartara of the Ameiivaa Expototioa Shows, with M. J. Lepptn to ohergs of tbs srorktog cisw, who srs paint- tog the new fronta and bolldtog other parapher¬ nalia to be uaed the eemtog aeaaon. The aew atrptone raronnel, which wlU grace the midway thla inmnier, la rapidly nearing completion, and the new three-abrenat Hefeehell-Splllmas will he ahi|>pe4 from the Saetery at North Tonawanda to the opening atnnd to Onsniftl-

Makers pf America’s Handsomest Dolls 1144 CAMBRIDGE AVENUE. CHICAGO. ILL.

BLACK DIAMOND SHOWS Will open May 1 in the Darb Spot of Jersey Will book Ell Wheel. Good terms to same

HATH OFIMINO for AthMlo SbOML Dog and Fony. Snake. TaudrwUle. Oilantol nad any ether Miew «f matt A-t twms to isal HhnwmML WANT CONCESSIONS or AU. KINOa Ssrttsl gsod ttoek wbaeU MU Good terms Good UtntoMDt and Icog asaaon. ThU ahow wlU play tn isal mooey sxtla undar wrtrtdt aiuDiflaA Call or writs

AL. 8MC0E8. m-igr. Rasai 303. 1431 Braadway. Naw Yark. Phsst. Bryaat 3138.

factory- In fact. eTerything will be to AS* ahape when the hand plaja ar tha openlig eC the reason April 17.

Manner Ketcham Jnat retnmed to hto New York f^ty office from a adz we^n’ trip thm New York, the New England States and Canada, and reperta that he has booked some real apota, Inriodlng a nomber of tosraa where the lnd<v>r ahow played thle srtotar.

Among the Redoiiina arlth the shows thla ses- soB will be Eddie Kojan and Jim I^wto, with wheels; J. Troetnen. cookbonae; Fulton A John¬ son’s soft drink stand: Wek George, srtth pahn- latry; "Eradlng BiU." B. U Neighhonr aad “Iicn-Neek'* Mott. Yotmg and Aftell wUl be oate of the feature free Attractiooa wlW their aerial act.—’’READING BILl.'*

pti AIKEIN SEIASON 1020 (latli Season)


THE FAMOUS AIKEN SHOWS Managers Tha Show that for ream iuot«1 and sill mors many Umai again opens In May to Northern Indiana. Auspi- that ais (Idea. Th allows ww offer the bent of Induoemeaita. WW fomlah -i-rnm if cm 1.50S mcrnbMw, 'Huir own BaimL l*ro(ramiBMl confoMi4 And thoroughly adrcrUjNi. A ThU is a rwgular Ctrntral Os., tbfwfore «s want rnrnwilnui of all ah

Owsm. T II B. 4.^:

c«i 150S rnembww. Iruir own 4S-plaow BamL l*ro(ramiBM oooUsU and thoroughly adrcrUsNi. A Hookw Hiark City of 3l».00Sa thro thre^owd apott Smofcs HUrk ClUo* In BHobUMn. tS.OSO to 3S,00S MsUm- W« bare jhowo these ipoU 3. 4 and % tlmea Tbcn this ahiMr OOEA to Comr Cououy. W« want Bide* tlmea Tbcn this «ho« OOEA to Comr Cououy. W« want Rides

ndea Tb ebows w offer ths best of tftdaoNMntJi WUl fiimlAb outfits If nascMry. bars thMBuI arngular CaraM On. tbareft^ w want CowmtoM of all Idodn Addrms AIKEN BROS.. Tka Faamus Alkaa Skews. ENtoart, lad. P. &—g aia penoonUy oaotiaoHi« tame tooto. Dane -BILLT AiifWM

MISCELLANEOUS (Oontlnned from page 4S)

Kell’s, 7.«Us Oomedtona: Springfield, JIo.,

lAK^y.* Thos. Blmore: CpoahytoB. Texas, J«; Kalla *16; Leanaa 17.

Morten’s Musical BxtraTaganaa: (MaJeaUe) GreenrlUe, S. O., 8-18.

Raymond, Elypnotalt, U. 8. Raymend, mgr.: CUarlotte, N. C.. 8-13; Wlnston-8alem 15-20.

Rlcton’s Show: Hartford, Ky., 8-13; Bearer, dam 15-20.

Ripley, Georg* W., VandcTUlB PletBi*: Chao- mont. N, Y,, 8-18,

Sutton, Larry (People’a) CbMiBBBtl, O.. 840; (Hlpp-) OoTlagtoga. Ky., 11-XB,

Tbomiwon, Frank IL, Show, Leo A- Thompooa, mgr.: Merrimack. Wla., 8-lS.

Turtle. Wm. C., Maglriaa: Decorah, la., 8-lS. Wayland A Boaatter: (Stiaad) Qatoesellto, On..


CIRCUS & WILD WEST Bamea, A1 O.: Santa Ana. Cal.. 10; Long

Beach 11; San Pedro 13; Pomona 18; San Fer¬ nando 14; Santa Panto 15; Pasadena 10; Loa Angeles 17-20.

Ohrifty Broa.’ Showa: Oollad, Tex., 10; Bee* rule 11; StotoB 12: KlngsrlHa U.

Bice Bros.’ Khows: Siireveport, La., 13. Royal, Khoda, Clrcna: Oamllla, Oa.. 10; Cairo

ll- llii.rhrd, Fla., 12; Apalachicola IS; Mari¬ anna 15; <Mptey M; DrfMntok Sprlnga 17; fililtoD 18; I’enaacola 19; Atmoge, Ala., 20.

CARNIVAL COMPANIES Atlantic Coast Shows: Camilla. Oa.. AIS. . Barlow’s Harold, Big City Sbowa: Yoaabarg.

Miss., 8-18.

ARENA SHOWS Now booking Shows and Concosalon* for teawm 1920. Harry Duakel. Geasral Farksa Hetol. Plttibarak. Pm

Bemardl Greater Expo. Shows: Tucson, Arts., 8-13.

Bishop Shows: Albuquerque, N. M.. 8-13. BU' kbnm’c I.yrlc Shows: Cothln. Ky.. 8-13.


Addrns 43 West S4th Strast. CHICABO. ILL.

Bloe Grass - Amuaement Oo., B. B. Orager, mgr.: Kingston, Oa., 8-lS.

Brown 3l Dyer Shows: Cbartestoi^ S. C., 1-13. Brown's Amusement Co., Bam Brown, mgr.:

King City, Oat, 8-18; Salinas 15-20._

CAPITAL CITY SHOWS nation, lor keaaon 1930. Addma LEW HOFF- MAN. P. O. Boa 34, St PauL Minnesota.

Central Statea Expo., J. T. Pinfold, mgr.: Athens, Oa., 13-20.

Carnrhell, H. W.. Sbewt: Athens, Oa.. 8-13. CUff.wd’i Carolina Bhowa: Fla.. 8-13; Baln-

bridge, Ga., 15-20.

UWIHk KBIBScniBlll bO. crwlona Opralng May 1 In Mii-hiftn. AikJrMs at onee. Orpheum Theatre Bulloinz. Grand Rapids. Mirhiyan.

Coley's Greater Shows: Golddboro, N. C.. 8-18. Delmar Shews: Clebumc, Tex., 8-13; Alxarado

15-20. RcHpM Expok Sbosra: Aleztndrla, Vo., 17-27. * Btmout Broadway Showa: TWk^org. Mlaa., 8*

13; Rnatoa, La., 15-20.

NOBLE C. FAIRLY SHOWS Boaklng Showa and CoocomIoos. Open March IS. r.lenronra, Loultiana


Including “HOW TO VAMP.*'



VoL 1 and 2, Gold and Blue, tncreasinif sales dally. Country not quarter covered. 2,000,000 sold In New York, gales guaranteed to ex¬ ceed any book written. There are no better money makers.



Some live orders: Roderick, Boston. 1,600 daily; Bamnsardt, Chi¬ cago. 6,000 dally; Getz. Washln^on, 1,600 dally; Dudley. PbHadelphia, 2,600 daily. Many others. That’S how they roll up. Got a territory.


7c to agents. Sells 25c. Receipts, 20c. Retumabit,

OmON ASSOCUTED PRESS (EsL 1885), 209 Canal St., New York.

Watches at Last! Thla la another Jobnaon CombliMtlon Asaortmeat,

with alx Real Watrhea and aiz Transparent Cur¬ rency Tubes, In which you place $1.00 bills. * Tb« Watchea bare an eatabliabed retail ralne of $4.50 each. Remember tbis la a real Watrb. with a Lever Eacapement. not a small clock movement. Cases are the popular 12..'»l*e, Open Face, French Urey Silver finish, in handaume designa. A booa fide Guarantee Ccrtllloate with every Watch.

1,000-HOLE5c BOARD. RETAILS FOR $60.00. PRICE. $18.00.

Send 33.00 deposit, balance C. O. Di Other <yto- openers In Candy, Knife and Jewelry deals As ear Free CaUlog.

GEO. A. JOHNSON & CO. 1M7 No. WelU Street. CHICAGO.

EJiic Anraeement Co.; BtodeOboro, N. t., 8-13. LaM)a Great Kmplr* fihowa: Shreveport. La.,

UQffS GREAT EMPIRE SHOWS _SHOWS—NOW BOOKINfi—OONCOBIONA Wtotor Qaartars. 330 Faala SL. Skraweart, La.

Xeggett* Shows: DelU, La., 8-llL Lom. j. George. Shows: Ft. Worth. Tex., (L13. lyrle Shows: Coal Creek, Tmin., 8-18.


BOX 371, Albaay. Oto

Mary's Olympte Fhewa. J. A. Mtey, mgr.t Oomellns. N. C.. 8-13.

afetropoUtaa Shows: Columboa, Oa., 8-12. MImie World Shows: lUagltog, Ok.. 6-1$.

Thi Ms’s GreHer Shows 'SS? sions and Shows of merit. J. F. MoCABTHT. Manager, 2105 Bridge Bt.. Fhlladeiphla. Pa.

Mohr A Reyaolds’ Expo. Showa: Ohattanoaga. Tenn.. 8-18; HaatsnUe, Ala.. ]fi-$0.

Murphy, J. F.. Shows: Angaata, Oa., 6-1$.

MtCLELLAN SHOWS WANT Man to taka charge H A A String; must andenuad New Way FUglna Bolaiy or per cant Can um Mon and WUk tor Wnekg Show; also Pklmtot AbOanak Kaneaa

'Noxo^ ITave, Shows: WamBtoa, Oa.. $■& Pep United Shows: XUcnboro, H. <X, X-lt;

eat City 1547.

MIGHD WHEELER SHOWS ceealaM. Fifteen-car aholr. Opens A|:r1| M. Ad- dreas MiikU Wkselar Shsws, Bax 3431 Naire^ OMtk

Polack Bros.* 20 Big Sbowa: West Tampa. Via.. 8-13.

Rice A Dorman Show*: Ft. Worth, Tex., lS-3q Rubin A Cherry Sbowa; Montgomery. Ala.. ^

13; Tnacahwsa 15-20.

NORTHWESTERN SHOWS SS beesoc. Htroog company. BzeepdonoJ routa General Offleea: 18 E. Woodbrldsa 9t, Detroit vri-—

Ruaaell Bros.' Showat Oakdale, La.. 6-13; P*. RMdar 15-2Qi

6i^^, Ed J.. Wonderland Bbouk: (Boyee, ff-..

Now Braktais Shows, GUss ad Cmtsskm for season ISSOi THE PAtmCB BBDW8. 313 Wkst

Third Btriet Owwitarw Xy._

Sol’s United PtMwa: Tallaboma, Tana., 8-1$.

Simrior Show*. T. A. Welle, mgr.: Tnpeto, Mlaa., S-UL_

RUSBEU. BNO^ThOwP""'"*^ Oakdale La., March 3 to 13; O* Blddw. Lt, Mkieb 15 to 3*; Shrereport Lh. IfMeh 33 to 37. Cn ptooa Shows and Conraadnna,

Veal Bros.* Bhows: BnatsvUl*. Ala., 8-1$. Vittnm's, C. A., 8hows: llenryetta. Ok., A13. WalUck Showa: Cotnmbto, Tatin., 8-1$l

The Smith Greater Shows now maklnt eonlraoto >. a DOX 464, BefleBt Yk.

Washbum-WokTer Showe: BaUwyk, Mlaa,, 8-1$. Wonderland Sbowa: Benevotonce, Oa., 8-1$: Par¬

rott 15-‘20.

WHITE CITY SHOWS-lSiiiii Hhowa Ferris Wheat Conreetoona Opana AsrU 34. BOX 45T, IndiaifkpoUa. Indiana.

3DD3SdQE3 MARCH 6, 1920














For Carnivals, Fairs, Parks, Resorts. Beaches and All Concession Trade. Society Kines, the well-kiowi IMPORTAIT TO CORCESSIORAIRES

HOWARD Has the exclusive sale in the United States for the gif 3 INlj piCEIgCy pacikCU entire Brach line of package and bar goods to the concession to tho CiSfi. S19.00 DOf thOD- trade, and all orders or correspondence should be sent direct to

. . ’ ^ ^ him so as to have immediate attention, as this trade will be IIDQ DOXOSa handled entirely from his office.





PILLOWS Hfllir Art ScrlNN. CmiIm. IlLyl Scr.te, MMtMt. Patrl IIIjII Ntln. O.Nu, HarN.t. null Biaiitltul Girl*. *10.. ate.



Western Art Leather Co.

pTbu&s. De«w, Colo. Cura BMf.. P. 0. Bm 4M.

WANT EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR Man to work Cardonia Elephant, etc. Aerial Team. Single Lady Performers. Join immediately. State age, experience and salary first letter, or wire Bee- vllle, Texas, 11th; Slnton, 12th: Kingsville, 13th; Brownsville, 16th; then Me-


WANTED—CALLISON BROS, t MBPirS WONDERUND SHOWS Aceet* (or 10 flrst-claas Concaeslon* of all kind*. Trap llrammer for PtanL Show; must hvr outfit. Also retfomirrs to loin on wire. CoocaMoners, write what what you bare Good propoalUon for 10-ta*l. Also furnish outfit for Athletic Sbow or any (ood moDcy-cettinc Flatform Show. Barry Osborn, join on wire. Alan to take charge of our new EH Wheel Nol 5 that Joins ua first of AprlL Add. all correapondmoe to CALLISON BROS. A MAPLE’S WONDERLANO SHOWS. W. E. (“Duda") CalllsaN, Geaeral Manater. BenaveieneA Gaerfla.



NO. CAROLINA WANT Merry-Go-Round (will book 40-6D) or uy Other Bide except Whip or EU WbeeL WIU keep yon la

territory where Rides fet the money. * WANT Plantatien Show. Jay Warner, Balph PetnoD, Nkte Cory, Frank TounK, wrUei. Am not cotoc

abora tit* MasoD-Dlxon Un& WANT Cabaret Sbow. Only a real outfit oexuddered. Pink, TTMls McOaidel, D. C. Boott, Doo CnMfcy.

rnt*. Win play the ri*ht «io(A. WANT a real Ten-lu-One War Show. Snake Show, Wild West, Doc and Pony. Xothinc too blfi, u we play

real town*. WANT FT«e Acta. Net Hlch Dtrer, with own outflL Nerada, Gordon A Hoyle, write. WANT Band, American or Italian. Fifteen pieced. Must ban uniform. HELP wanted—Secretary, Bill Poster, Electrician, two Promoters. Men for Whip aad ZU Wheel, ten

CoDOMtlaD Agenu. Caipentera and Painters for winter quarteo.

WEST VIRGINIA KENTUCKY WHEEtA-WlIl sell wrclueite Candy. Fruit, Groceries. Doll, Chicken ami U. B. All or part to hlfheat

bidder. Say alitt you want and send In your bid, CONCMMONERB—C(vk Il'^re. Mhootlny Galirr'ee, Juices Knife PaHt. etc., are opm. If you ban a !•-

gtuiMta CuoctWBlon anil want to book where tbero la no graft or Cat jolnta, conie oit. You will got the BAone^.

GAMEB--Oiily two of a kind. 125.00 a week paya all. Will stay out forty wetka llaTo booked up ta July 4m. »lih a hu Fliuiih uf Ju'y t'eM>raUi/ii. .l.e-' n,' n 1 ars in Vlrflnla and Niwth Carolina • ” three dtua open. Fair Smrtarteet come, look ua orer. Will ilre entire route in later Stfua of Bl)n>oard. ^ddrena all nudl t/>

ERNEST A. PORTER, Hotel Stumps, Richmond, Va.



Here you hare the crealett saleshoard seller In Amer¬ ica. Kdunecn Pltoto« «i a TiJ-IIol,. Salniboard. All brass lined knlrea. Guaranteed to ro,vt with your ap- ITuval. Retails $36.00. K na'e lots. $I0.5D each; 2.'> Ui'.t $10.00 each; lOO Lots, $I.M tach. ID',1 cash with order, balance C. O. D

Don’t fnrstt we hare the Famous Brown BiilU I'nxat. with Quiillty Cbocolataa. |lilrir ane praailums on a 1 OND- Hole ^alesboud. Retails for TStkO*. Our price, $21.60 aacli. for a limited nuiubct. We guwantte to pleaae you or money back.

Wire or write

IOWA NOVELTY CO. Lartetf Olstributers af Kalfa Beard* la tk* Warld.


511-317-518 Mullla Bullfin,. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA.


Selling Courage expresses itself in publicity. p The withdrawal or suspen- sioo of advertising is the

form of economy with a ^*Back Kick” in it. A **Back Kick" in it. “Wait” broke the wagon.




Any position is good position in The Billboard, BUT, if you have any preference, it is necessary that your copy reach the Publication Office in time to take care of it properly*



The Advertiser who insists' upon waiting until he can get in on the ground floor is apt to have a long eihnb to get out. ^*Wait” broke the wagon.





new YORK




r i

i \ ^

i i

WHEN all is said and done, there are but two points to consider- two outstanding facts:

No. 1. You are after the money. No. 2. We are after the money. Arguments regarding these two facts are superficial. Neither will we go into lengthy detail regarding the prowess of the

“FROZEN SWEETS,” the candy package that has completely revo¬ lutionized the theatrical and circus concession business.

Suffice to say that the “FROZEN SWEETS” have created in the City of New York a concession war, in which a half dozen of the largest con¬ cession concerns of ftiat city and of the entire country are battling for the control of the different Burlesque and Vaudeville Theatre concessions.

While this is an unpleasant situation and will react to the benefit of the theatrical managers only, it shows as nothing else possibly could the money-getting powers of the “FROZEN SWEETS.’’

For the “FROZEN SWEETS” are the backbone and sinewsof this war. They made successes out of bloomers and gold mines out of successes. They are doing that today and will do the same ten years from to¬

day and twenty years from today. For the “FROZEN SWEETS” are here to stay. Another achieve¬

ment credited to American originality and industry. The “Frozen Sweets” are shipped by express, prepaid to any part

of the United States. Price, $55.00 per thousand packages, shipped 250 packages to

carton. A deposit of $10.00 required for each thousand packages ordered. The “Frozen Sweets” are sold in multiples of 250 packages, but

the most convenient method for purchaser is to order in units ol 2,500, which contain 9 cases of regular stock and 1 case of “Ballys” or “Flash.”

A sample carton of 100 packages shipped prepaid upon receipt of $5.50.

We send full instructions for the sale of these goods.

To be successful you must follow these instructions. RKFIRENCf—NORTHERN TRUST CO.. CMICASO



Th*Rtr* Dapartm*nt. Manufacturing and Distribution.