Sensitivity to Debt Type Predicts Financial Hea - UCLA ...

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Not All Debts Are Created Equal: Sensitivity to Debt Type Predicts Financial Health

Adam Eric Greenberg

University of California, Los Angeles

Abigail B. Sussman

University of Chicago

Hal E. Hershfield

University of California, Los Angeles

Author Note

Adam Eric Greenberg, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los

Angeles, Abigail B. Sussman, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, and Hal E.

Hershfield, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles.

Address correspondence to: Adam Eric Greenberg, Anderson School of Management,

University of California, Los Angeles, 110 Westwood Plaza, B-526, Los Angeles, California,

USA 90095, Email:




Financial decisions have important consequences for overall well-being; consequently, recent

research in psychology has aimed to understand how people think about debt. Yet, existing work

has largely failed to examine how attitudes and behaviors systematically vary as a function of

debt type. We demonstrate not only that are there are individual differences in attitudes toward

high-interest (e.g., payday loans) and low-interest (e.g., car loans) forms of debt, but also that the

extent to which an individual finds high-interest debts more aversive than low-interest debts

predicts financial health. This relationship cannot be explained by financial literacy, numeracy,

or intertemporal discounting. This research is the first to identify sensitivity to debt type as an

individual difference important for financial decision making.

Keywords: debt, judgment, well-being, financial health, financial literacy



Not All Debts Are Created Equal: Sensitivity to Debt Type Predicts Financial Health

Eighty-percent of Americans are debt holders, collectively owing nearly $13 trillion

(Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2017; Pew Charitable Trusts, 2014). Yet, not all debtors

are in dire financial straits. Notably, there are many kinds of debt, ranging from mortgages that

are actively subsidized by the government to high-cost payday loans that are banned in 18 states.

Recent research by psychologists has begun to explore how people think about debt (e.g., Brown,

Taylor, & Price, 2005; Hershfield et al., 2015; Stewart, 2009; Sussman & Shafir, 2012).

However, this work has focused on general attitudes toward debt, neglecting potential

differences in attitudes toward various forms of debt. In the present paper, we ask whether these

differences exist, and if so, whether they matter. Given the financial burden that excessive, high-

cost debt places on so many Americans—but also the opportunities that debt can facilitate (e.g.,

education)—it is imperative to understand the relationship between attitudes toward specific debt

types and overall financial well-being. Accordingly, we investigate an unexplored individual

difference—sensitivity to debt type—and how it relates to financial health.

The relationship between debt attitudes and financial health could take several possible

forms. Having a general debt-averse attitude—while failing to discriminate across debt types—

could indicate financial prudence. This blanket caution could help people avoid financial pitfalls

and could signal broader financial health. Alternatively, the relationship could be the opposite: a

general debt-seeking attitude (irrespective of type) may indicate a willingness to take on

financial risks that allow for increased opportunities. However, attending to differences across

debt types allows for a third possibility: greater sensitivity to debt type could be associated with a

tendency to maximize value across opportunities, allowing people to take advantage of risks

while avoiding pitfalls in ways that promote broader financial health.



Debt Attitudes and Behaviors

Prior research has found evidence of debt aversion, but also finds high levels of debt

take-up in many circumstances. Researchers have documented debt-averse behavior in

laboratory and field settings (Burdman, 2005; Callender & Jackson, 2005; Meissner, 2016;

Prelec & Loewenstein, 1998). For example, people sometimes prepay their mortgages to avoid

holding debt, even when prepayment is suboptimal (Amromin, Huang, & Sialm, 2007). Holding

debt can significantly reduce perceptions of one’s own wealth (Sussman & Shafir, 2011) and

lead to emotional distress (Brown et al., 2005). Other work has aimed to understand why—

despite the prevalence of debt aversion—debt levels are so high, finding that debt may simply be

necessary to finance essential expenses (Lea, Webley, & Walker, 1995), is difficult to repay

(Hershfield & Roese, 2015; Stewart, 2009), and is at times less psychologically painful to take

on compared to using cash (e.g., Morewedge, Holtzman, & Epley, 2007; Prelec & Simester,

2001; Soman, 2001).

Despite this work directed toward understanding debt attitudes, there is scant literature on

how people differentiate between various forms of debt.1 In the current research, we examine

attitudes toward different types of debt and ask whether an individual’s propensity to distinguish

between debt types corresponds to overall financial health. Across three studies—including a

nationally representative sample—we find that differences in sensitivity to debt type play a

unique role in predicting financial health, even beyond other related factors.

Study 1

Study 1 takes an exploratory approach, examining whether and how attitudes toward debt

1 However, some theoretical work has distinguished between the uses of different types of debts

(e.g., Peñaloza & Barnhart, 2011; Prelec & Loewenstein 1998).



differ across types of debt.


Participants. Using Qualtrics Panels, we recruited a sample representative of the

national distribution of Americans with respect to sex, age, and income. All participants first

responded to demographic questions. To minimize careless responding, participants were given

an attention check in which they were asked how many children they claimed as dependents for

tax purposes and were told to respond with the number 19. If potential participants were under

18, not English speakers, failed the attention filter, or fell outside the quotas necessary to ensure

a representative sample, they were not permitted to continue the survey. The participants (N =

527; 51.6% female, 48.4% male; Mage = 46.1, SD = 16.5) we analyze are those who passed this

initial screening procedure. Target sample size (500) was selected to be sufficiently large (10

times the minimum recommended per cell; Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2013) to identify

relationships (if they were present), and was determined and pre-registered before data collection

began. An additional 27 respondents were recruited by Qualtrics to fill quotas necessary to

ensure a representative sample.

Materials and Procedure. Participants were asked to indicate their sex, age, and income

to ensure the quotas necessary for a representative sample. If they passed these filters, they

answered three questions about their general debt attitudes (general comfort with debt, 1: not at

all comfortable to 7: very comfortable; perception that debt is bad, 1: not at all bad to 7: very

bad; agreement with the statement that debt is sometimes necessary, agree/disagree).

We next assessed participants’ attitudes toward eight specific types of debt (personal

loans, mortgages, credit cards, car loans, checking lines of credit, layaway plans, student loans,

payday loans). We assessed debt-specific attitudes using five constructs. Participants first rated



how comfortable they were (1: not at all comfortable to 7: very comfortable; “comfort”) with

each type of debt on a 7-point scale. They then rated how much people would judge them for

having (1: little or not at all to 7: very much; “feeling judged”), how financially wise they think

it would be to have (1: not at all wise financially to 7: extremely wise financially; “financially

wise”), and how important it would be to quickly repay (1: not at all important to 7: extremely

important; “fast repayment”) each type of debt. Participants could also indicate that they did not

know what the particular debt type was. Finally, “stigma” associated with each debt was assessed

using a 5-item measure (e.g., “I would feel exposed if others found out I had…”; Fortenberry et

al., 2002).

Participants then answered questions about their general debt behaviors (e.g., “Without

exception, I always make loan payments on time”), which types of debts they had held before,

and which types of debt were familiar to them.

Finally, participants completed exploratory questions measuring a variety of individual

differences (intertemporal discounting, risk preferences, present/future orientation, tightwad-

spendthrift scale, 10-item personality scale, optimism scale) before reporting detailed financial

and demographic information. The complete list of questions included in Study 1 (as well as in

all subsequent studies) can be found in the Supplemental Material.


We pre-registered a classification of the eight debt types into three groups on the basis of

typical annual percentage rates in the market: high-interest (payday loans, layaway plans), low-

interest (mortgages, student loans, car loans), or mixed (personal loans, credit cards, checking

lines of credit). Although there are many ways to classify types of debt, and these debts differ on

several dimensions, we refer to high-interest and low-interest debts for simplicity. Mixed debts



were included for exploratory purposes. Since we do not find systematic patterns involving these

debts, we do not discuss them further.

Because we are interested in how attitudes toward high-interest and low-interest rate

debts differ, we first created composite measures of attitudes toward high-interest and low-

interest debts. These were created for each type of attitude measured. The “comfort” and

“financially wise” items were reversed-coded (these are henceforth referred to as “discomfort”

and “financially unwise”) so that all five constructs were capturing negative attitudes toward the

debts. For each of the five constructs, we computed two averages: one measuring the attitudes

toward the high-interest debts and another measuring attitudes toward low-interest debts. For

example, “discomfort” with low-interest debts took the average of a participant’s discomfort

with mortgages, student loans, and car loans. This procedure yielded measures capturing

attitudes assessed by each of the five constructs, both for high-interest and low-interest types of

debt. We thus had ten measures in total: across low-interest debt types, we calculated overall 1)

discomfort, 2) how financially unwise the debts were, 3) feelings of being judged, 4) how fast

the debts should be repaid, and 5) stigma; similarly, across high-interest debt types, we

calculated overall 6) discomfort, 7) how financial unwise the debts were, 8) feelings of being

judged, 9) how fast the debts should be repaid, and 10) stigma.

Although we had pre-registered that we would average the five constructs into a single

composite attitudes measure for high-interest debts and a single composite attitudes measure for

low-interest debts, scale reliability across the five attitude constructs was low for both high-

interest debts (α = .50) and low-interest debts (α = .28). As a result, to see which of the five

constructs were related to one another, the constructs were submitted to principal components

factor analyses (varimax rotation). Specifically, we conducted two factor analyses; one included



the five measures of the average attitudes toward high-interest debts, while the other included

those same measures of the average attitudes toward low-interest debts. The rotated solutions for

the high-interest debts and low-interest debts each yielded one factor with eigenvalues greater

than 1 that explained 84% and 73% of the variance, respectively. For both high-interest debts

and low-interest debts, two constructs (discomfort and financially unwise) loaded on to the single

factor in their respective analyses. Thus, instead of averaging across all five constructs that did

not reliably hang together, across all studies, we average across only these two constructs to

create composite measures of attitudes toward high-interest debts (α = .80) and attitudes toward

low-interest debts (α = .75). Since 45 participants indicated they did not know one of the 5 debt

types when answering questions related to these two constructs, 482 participants remained for

subsequent analyses.

Next, we ask whether participants distinguished between the different types of debt

(namely, high-interest and low-interest types of debt), or if they instead showed evidence of

general debt aversion (i.e., not discerning high-interest and low-interest forms of debt). A

Wilcoxon signed-ranks test indicated that participants were more averse to high-interest debts

(Mdn = 4.50) than they were to low-interest debts (Mdn = 3.58), Z = -11.96, p < .001. Given that

the debt attitudes were assessed using 7-point scales, this finding suggests that while the median

individual is relatively neutral about low-interest debts, she is averse to high-interest debts.

Similar results are obtained if we do not combine the discomfort and financially unwise

constructs (both ps < .001) or if we instead use the three constructs that did not load on to the

same factor as discomfort and financially unwise (all ps < .001). We do not identify clear

patterns for the other, exploratory, variables collected. For correlations between the exploratory

psychological constructs and attitudes toward high-interest and low-interest debt types, see Table



S1 in the Supplemental Material available online.

Study 2

Study 1 found that, in aggregate, people are differentially sensitive to high-interest and

low-interest debt types. Study 2 asks whether individual-level sensitivity matters. We examine

whether sensitivity to debt type is predictive of financial health, beyond other relevant factors.


Participants. A sample of adults was recruited via Mechanical Turk (N = 1002; 48.6%

female, 51.1% male, .3% non-binary; Mage = 36.1, SD = 11.4). Participants were paid $2 for

completing the survey. Target sample size (1000) was chosen to be double that of Study 1 and

determined before data collection began. Based on duplicate IP addresses, 16 responses were


Materials and Procedure. The materials and procedure in Study 2 were similar to those

used in Study 1. We first assessed debt-specific attitudes using the same five constructs included

and discussed in Study 1. However, in contrast to Study 1, participants in Study 2 did not answer

general debt questions or respond to a battery of questions about individual differences. Instead,

after assessing their debt-specific attitudes, participants in this study were asked to indicate their

emotional responses toward each type of debt, indicating the extent to which they would feel

distressed, enthusiastic, upset, and proud on 5-point scales (1: very slightly or not at all to 5:

extremely). These were selected to represent two positive and two negative emotions.

Participants also answered questions about intertemporal discounting (included in Study 1), a

shortened financial literacy scale (Fernandes, Lynch, & Netemeyer, 2014), and a numeracy scale

(Weller et al., 2013).

Next, to assess financial health, we included a question that measures the ability to come



up with funds quickly: “How confident are you that you could come up with $2,000 if an

unexpected need arose within the next month?” (Lusardi, Schneider, & Tufano, 2011). Possible

responses included “I am certain I could come up with the full $2,000,” “I could probably come

up with $2,000,” “I could probably not come up with $2,000,” or “I am certain I could not come

up with $2,000,” which were coded as 4, 3, 2, and 1, respectively. Participants could also refuse

to answer or indicate that they did not know; these were excluded from analyses involving

financial health. Finally, all participants reported detailed financial and demographic



Because 47 participants indicated they did not know one of the 5 debt types when

answering questions related to these two constructs, 939 participants remained for subsequent

analyses. As in Study 1, the two constructs “discomfort” and “financially unwise” were averaged

to create composite measures of aversion to high-interest debts (α = .69) and aversion to low-

interest debts (α = .65). As in Study 1, participants were more averse to high-interest debts (Mdn

= 5.25) than they were to low-interest debts (Mdn = 3.83), Z = -21.10, p < .001.

To examine whether sensitivity to debt type predicted financial health, we regressed the

financial health measure on the difference between aversion to high-interest and low-interest

debts. As shown in Table 1, greater differences between aversion to high-interest and low-

interest debts predicted higher levels of financial health (B = .195, SE = .025, t(920) = 7.69, p <

.001; model 1, Table 1). This relationship between the difference in aversion to high-interest and

low-interest debts and financial health persisted even when controlling for income, age, and

gender (B = .120, SE = .025, t(900) = 4.84, p < .001).

It is possible that sensitivity to debt type is picking up on differences in the positive



(enthusiastic, proud) or negative (distressed, upset) emotions that these types of debts

differentially cause. Yet, the relationship between debt type sensitivity and greater financial

health is robust when including the difference in the measured emotions from high-interest

versus low-interest debt types, and also controlling for income, age, and gender (B = .135, SE =

.030, t(899) = 4.49, p < .001; model 2, Table 1). Notably, this analysis is specific to the emotions

measured and thus we cannot draw conclusions regarding other emotions.

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Debt Type Sensitivity 0.20*** 0.12*** 0.09** 0.09**

(0.03) (0.02) (0.03) (0.03) Income (in thousands of $) 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.01***

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Age 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.01***

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Female -0.19** -0.17* -0.16*

(0.07) (0.07) (0.07) Negative Emotion Differences -0.02 -0.01

(0.05) (0.05) Intertemporal Discount Factor 1.33*** 1.30***

(0.21) (0.21) Numeracy 0.05 0.05

(0.03) (0.03) Financial Literacy 0.01 0.01

(0.06) (0.06) # Experienced Debts (out of 5) -0.00

(0.00) Constant 2.51*** 1.64*** 0.51* 0.54*

(0.05) (0.13) (0.22) (0.22) Observations 922 905 887 887 R-squared 0.06 0.18 0.24 0.24

Table 1. Study 2 regression results. DV = Ability to come up with funds quickly. Debt type

sensitivity represents the difference between aversion to high-interest and low-interest debt

types. Standard errors in parentheses. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

To examine other factors that may underlie the relationship between debt type sensitivity

and financial health, we ran an additional regression including intertemporal discounting,



financial literacy, numeracy, income, age, gender, and the emotional difference between high-

interest and low-interest debts (composite negative emotion—distressed, upset, proud,

enthusiastic; latter two reverse-coded—for high-interest debt minus composite negative emotion

for low-interest debt). We find the relationship robust to these measures (B = .092, SE = .030,

t(878) = 3.04, p = .002; model 3, Table 1). Finally, to account for the possibility that experience

with debt is responsible for differences in debt type sensitivity as well as financial health, we ran

a final analysis including the number of high-interest and low-interest debt types experienced.

This additional factor does not change the results (B = .090, SE = .030, t(877) = 3.00, p = .003;

model 4, Table 1).

Study 3

Study 2 found that sensitivity to debt type was an important predictor of financial health,

beyond other relevant factors. Study 3 aimed to replicate these findings, examine education as an

alternative explanation, and test this relationship using an additional measure of financial health.


Participants. A sample of adults was recruited via Mechanical Turk (N = 1008; 53.5%

female, 45.5% male, 1.0% non-binary; Mage = 36.3, SD = 11.7). Participants were paid $1 for

completing the survey. Target sample size (1000) was chosen to be double that of Study 1 and

determined before data collection began; it was also pre-registered. Based on duplicate IP

addresses, 24 responses were dropped.

Materials and Procedure. The methods, analyses, and hypotheses for Study 3 were pre-

registered, and the design was far shorter than that used in Study 2. In particular, instead of

assessing participants’ attitudes toward eight types of debt, we only assessed their attitudes

toward the five debt types that were pre-registered as high-interest and low-interest debt types. In



addition, we assessed debt-specific aversion to the two high-interest and three low-interest debt

types using only the comfort and financially wise measures examined in Studies 1 and 2. Unlike

those in Study 2, participants in Study 3 did not indicate their emotional responses toward each

type of debt.

In addition to measuring financial health via a measure of the ability to come up with

funds quickly (Lusardi et al., 2011) as we did in Study 2, participants responded to a 10-item

financial well-being scale which has been shown to be significantly correlated with financial

satisfaction, credit score, and how economic shocks and material hardships are experienced

(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2015).

To determine the robustness of any potential relationship between differences in attitudes

toward high-interest and low-interest debts and financial health, participants completed an

intertemporal discounting task, the full financial literacy questionnaire (Fernandes et al., 2014),

and a shortened numeracy scale (Weller et al., 2013). They also reported educational attainment,

which was not included in Study 2.


As pre-registered, the two constructs discomfort and financially unwise were averaged to

create composite measures of aversion to high-interest debts (α = .78) and aversion to low-

interest debts (α = .74). Because 37 participants indicated they did not know one of the 5 debt

types when answering questions related to these two constructs, 947 participants remained for

subsequent analyses. Like those in Studies 1 and 2, participants in Study 3 were more averse to

high-interest debts (Mdn = 5.25) than they were to low-interest debts (Mdn = 3.50), Z = -21.02, p

< .001.

As we found in Study 2, debt type sensitivity predicted higher levels of financial health as



measured by the ability to come up with funds quickly (B = .240, SE = .021, t(933) = 11.51, p <

.001; model 1, Table 2). This relationship held when adding in controls for income, age, and sex

(B = .152, SE = .021, t(910) = 7.31, p < .001; model 2, Table 2); college education, discounting,

financial literacy, and numeracy (B = .097, SE = .021, t(880) = 4.58, p < .001; model 3, Table 2);

and the number of high-interest and low-interest debt types experienced (B = .100, SE = .021,

t(879) = 4.72, p < .001; model 4, Table 2).

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Debt Type Sensitivity 0.24*** 0.15*** 0.10*** 0.10***

(0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) Income (in thousands of $) 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.01***

(0.00) (0.00) (0.0) Age 0.01* 0.00 0.01*

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Female -0.36*** -0.25*** -0.23**

(0.07) (0.07) (0.07) College Education 0.18* 0.19*

(0.08) (0.08) Intertemporal Discount Factor 1.36*** 1.29***

(0.20) (0.20) Numeracy 0.07* 0.06*

(0.03) (0.03) Financial Literacy 0.05* 0.05*

(0.02) (0.02) # Experienced Debts (out of 5) -0.01***

(0.00) Constant 2.42*** 1.88*** 0.24 0.36

(0.05) (0.12) (0.21) (0.21) Observations 935 915 889 889 R-squared 0.12 0.26 0.33 0.34

Table 2. Study 3 regression results. DV = Ability to come up with funds quickly. Debt type

sensitivity represents the difference between aversion to high-interest and low-interest debt

types. Standard errors in parentheses. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

Similarly, when running the analysis using the 10-item Consumer Financial Protection

Bureau measure as a dependent variable instead, we again found that greater differences between



aversion to high-interest and low-interest debt types predict greater financial health (B = 2.293,

SE = .242, t(945) = 9.48, p < .001; model 1, Table 3). Table 3 reports full regression results. This

relationship held when adding in controls for income, age, and sex (B = 1.193, SE = .238, t(921)

= 5.01, p < .001; model 2, Table 3); college education, discounting, financial literacy, and

numeracy (B = 1.021, SE = .253, t(891) = 4.03, p < .001; model 3, Table 3); and the number of

high-interest and low-interest debt types experienced (B = 1.037, SE = .253, t(890) = 4.10, p <

.001; model 4, Table 3).

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Debt Type Sensitivity 2.29*** 1.19*** 1.02*** 1.04***

(0.24) (0.24) (0.25) (0.25)

Income (in thousands of $) 0.15*** 0.14*** 0.15***

(0.01) (0.01) (0.01)

Age 0.03 0.03 0.05

(0.03) (0.04) (0.04)

Female -3.67*** -3.22*** -3.10***

(0.76) (0.80) (0.80)

College Education 1.90* 2.04*

(0.92) (0.92)

Intertemporal Discount Factor 6.94** 6.40**

(2.37) (2.39)

Numeracy 0.19 0.12

(0.36) (0.36)

Financial Literacy 0.04 0.05

(0.23) (0.23)

# Experienced Debts (out of 5) -0.09*


Constant 47.01*** 41.23*** 33.81*** 34.68***

(0.54) (1.36) (2.52) (2.55)

Observations 947 926 900 900

R-squared 0.09 0.26 0.27 0.28

Table 3. Study 3 regression results. DV = Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Financial

Health Scale. Debt type sensitivity represents the difference between aversion to high-interest

and low-interest debt types. Standard errors in parentheses. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001




Given the extent of financial fragility in the United States, understanding the antecedents

of financial health is an important theoretical and practical endeavor. Across three studies, we

demonstrate that people have different attitudes toward high-interest and low-interest debts, and

that greater differences between these attitudes are predictive of financial health. Other relevant

factors (e.g., income, education) do not explain this relationship. To date, attitudes towards debt

have been treated in a general manner. The current research shows that not all debts are

perceived the same way, and that the propensity to distinguish between debt types is an

important and previously unexplored individual difference.

We examined the possibility that sensitivity to debt type is another instantiation of

financial literacy, but we did not find support for this hypothesis. Rather than being a measure of

what people know or have experienced, our measure instead combines feelings of comfort with

holding different types of debt and perceptions of how wise taking on these debts would be.

Similarly, we did not find that a person’s patience (i.e., discount rate) or general numeric ability

explains this relationship.

Future research should thus further explore the mechanisms driving the relationship

between debt type sensitivity and financial health. For example, it is possible that a sense of

cognitive flexibility underlies this link, allowing people to take situational context into account

when making financial decisions. Alternatively, individual differences in mental accounting may

lead some people to create more nuanced categories for financial resources. This could allow

people, for example, to react differently to debt types that have different consequences for

financial health.

Recent work by psychologists has explored how people make financial decisions and



think about debt. The present research furthers this growing body of literature by demonstrating

a unique link between debt type sensitivity and financial well-being. It is our hope that

psychologists and policymakers will be able to use these insights to help improve financial




Author Contributions

All authors developed the concept and designed the studies for this article. A.E.

Greenberg conducted the data analyses. All authors wrote and approved the final version of the

manuscript for submission.




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