Sandwich lover buys the store - Plymouth District Library

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The Curly shuffle is coming to town.


War of words: Rhetoric over deregulation of electricity in Michigan heats up


Modernism has time­less appeal.


Win a $ 5 0 0

Farmer Jack shopping spreeSee page B6 for details

... ........ ...I

Nurses' choiceState Sen Bruce

Patterson, R-Canton Township, whose district includes Plymouth and Plymouth Township, was named the first Legislator of the Year by

Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 118 years

THURSDAYApril 8 2004

75 cents

V o lu m e 118 N u m ber 6 5 iv w w .h o m e to iv r i l i fe .c o m © 2 0 0 4 Ho m e to w n Co m m unicatio n s N etw o rk

R y a n r e c o m m e n d s f a l l b o n d i s s u eB Y T O N Y B R U S C A T O


Voters liv ing m th e P lym outh-C anton sch oo l d is­tr ic t could b e asked th is fa ll to approve $112 5 m illion m bonds to , m part, construct a n ew m id d le school m C anton

In a letter to th e Board o f E ducation , P lym outh- C anton Schools Superintendent J im Ryan su ggests trustees consider ho ld in g a la te Septem ber or early O ctober b o n d election to include an ele­m entary school th a t can hold

'I think we have to look at the viability of a new middle school.’Mark Slavens .school board vice president [

7 5 0 students, $91 m illion to attack a “n eed s” lis t o f w ork n eed ed a t sch oo l bu ild ings, w h ich w as recen tly revealed by a bon d steering com m ittee , and m ore th an $ 7 8 m illio n to in sta ll a ir con d ition in g m

build ings th at don’t have air Ryan is also recom m ending

th e renew al o f the 18-m ill n o n ­hom estead m illage for five years, w h ich generates $ 2 7 m il­lio n for th e district

A s for th e construction o f a n ew m iddle school, Ryan is sug­gestin g th e board h o ld o ff o n a bon d issue relating to Central M iddle School for tw o years, after w h ich h e recom m ends a bon d issu e th at w ou ld pay to construct a n ew m id d le school m Canton, as w ell as for reloca­tio n o f th e Starkw eather (adult education) and Tanger (special

edu cation ) program s R yan, in h is letter, is a lso rec­

o m m en d in g th e d istr ict seek approval from vo ters for a sin k ­in g fund m illage H e sa id a h a lf m ill w ou ld gen erate $ 2 m illion a year to pay for d is tn c t-w id e renovations

B oard V ice P resid en t M ark Slavens said h e ’d lik e to see th e fa ll ba llo t issu e in c lu d e C entral M iddle School, b u t as a sep a ­rate b a llo t q u estion

“I th in k w e h ave to lo o k a t th e v iab ility o f a n ew m id d le school,” sa id S lavens

“W hile 75 p ercen t o f our

school popu lation is in C anton, four o f th e five m id d le schools are m P lym outh It m akes a lo t o f sen se educationally, an d it w ou ld cu t d o w n o n transporta­tio n costs ”

Slavens sa id h e ’s concerned about sp en d in g an estim ated $ 1 9 m illion to renovate Central for other educational u ses

‘ I have n o t heard any reason, yet, to sp en d $19 m illion on C entral M idd le School,” Slavens said ‘B oards have con tin u ed to p u t m ore m o n ey in to th at


Sandwich lover buys the store


D e n n is D ascenzo loves J im m y Joh n ’s san d w ich es So m u ch so th a t h e decid ­ed to b u y on e

N o , n o t ju s t th e B ig Joh n lo a s t b eef, or th e Sorry C harlie tu n a salad

“H e’s n u ts about them ,” sa id h is son , B rian “H e likes th e su b s so m uch h e d ecid ed to bu y h is o w n store ”

D ascen zo op en ed th e n e w gou rm et sa n d w ich sh op o n P en m m an A venue, n ex t to th e P enn T heatre, in February A n d , it ’s b een good venture

"This is defin itely th e righ t sp o t D ascen zo , 52 , o f P lym ou th T ow nship “T h e b u sin ess p eop le during lu n ch t im e , th e residents a t n igh t, have b een

h ip 7 ^ h < 0

Dennis Dascenzo gave up suits and the corporate life and opened a Jimmy John's sub shop Pl EASE SEE S T O R E , A S

the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners.

The award was present­ed to Patterson for his hard work and dedication discussing and imple­menting policies con­cerning the medical field He received the award at the council's annual clini­cal conference

“ I am humbled and hon­ored to be the first legis­lator presented with this great award,” Patterson said "Affordable and accessible health care continues^© remain my top priority I'mJgiacfthe council recognizes my commitment to that goal"

York Street closed for safety concerns

T he City o f P lym outh’s paving contractor b eg a n w ork A pril 7 o n th e lo n g p lan n ed clo­su re o f th e York S treet railroad cross in g T he perm anent closure o f th e street create veh icle turnaround areas o n b o th th e n orth and sou th side o f th e tracks

York Street had b e e n ordered c lo sed by th e M ich igan D ep artm en t o f T ransportation, for sa fety reasons, sa id City M anager Paul Sm cock. Track crossm gs w ill s t ill b e available a t H olbrook, M ill an d Starkw eather streets

A s th e paving contractor b eg in s work, parking w ill b e lim ited o n b o th sid es o f York near th e railroad crossing R esid en ts and busin esses in th e area should b e advised o f th e lim ited o n -street parking m th e area dur­in g construction

T h e project is b e in g funded b y th e state, C SX R ailroad and th e city o f P lym ou th O nce th e construction is com pleted , th e crossing w ill b e perm anently closed to veh ic le traffic

R esidents w ith questions sh ou ld contact th e P lym outh D epartm ent o f M unicipal Services at (7 3 4 ) 4 53 -7737

State of the community a mixed bagP lym outh T ow nship and city offi

cia ls served up n ew s, good and bad, over eggs an d sausage W ednesday m orn in g at the P lym outh C ham ber o f C om m erce state o f th e com m unity breakfast

“T h e federal governm ent is giving th e sta te less, and th e state is giving th e counties and loca l com m unities less,” said W ayne C ounty C om m issioner Lyn Bankes, to officials a n d C ham ber o f C om m erce m em bers from Plym outh, P lym outh Township, P lym outh-C anton C om m unity S ch oo ls and W ayne County “W e struggle a ll th e tim e to get our share o f th e m o n ey ”

W ayne C ounty E xecutive Robert F icano, in an effort to deal w ith shrink ing revenue, h as proposed regionaliz ing program s, B ankes said

“I f h e w ants to start ta lk ing about program s th at increase efficiency w ith w h a t w e’re already doing, th at s one th ing ,” Bankes said, b u t added w hat sh e does n o t w ant to see is h er con ­stitu en t com m unities o f Plym outh


Wayne County Commissioner Lyn Bankes

and P lym outh T ow nship, L ivonia, N orthville and N orth v ille T ow nship , becom e even greater con tributors to county program s

“W e generate a lo t o f m o n ey in th ese com m u n ities - a d isp rop ortion ­ate am ou n t o f m o n ey T h e la s t th in g w e w an t to do is to b e a b igger d on or to th e rest o f W ayne County,” sh e sa id

T he n ew ly created W ayne C ounty H ealth A uthority, on w h ich th e C onference o f W estern W ayne C ounty

is n o t likely to b e represented , is o n e exam p le o f reg ionalization w h ich d oes n o t w e ll serve th e suburbs “Forget it N ev er ever com m in gle your m on ey w ith th e city o f D etro it ”

T h e good and bad n ew s, from th e cou n ty and th e sta te has to do w ith road im provem ent projects, B ankes sa id

“T here is a lo t o f road construction g o in g on th is year You’re go in g to b e m ore in conven ienced th a n ever before,” sh e said ‘T h e g ood n ew s is th ey ’re putting m ore m o n ey m to your d istr ict A nd th e bad n ew s is they’re p u ttin g m ore m o n ey in to your d is­tr ic t”

O f th e four en tities , P lym outh T ow nship , w ith its grow ing fund bal­a n ce and bu ild in g b oom , w as th e envy o f th e schools an d th e city, n oted B ankes

“W e’ve w eathered th e storm m diffi­cu lt fisca l tim es, and w ill contribute an oth er $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 to ou r fund


Plymouth to receive federal funds for road projectB Y T O N Y B R U S C A TO


T he city o f P lym outh is in lin e to receive $ 5 0 0 0 0 0 in federal highw ay m oney to reconstruct A uburn Street T he U S H ouse o f R epresentatives la st w eek passed a $ 2 7 5 billion trans­portation b ill, w hich in cludes a num ber o f special projects for law m akers h om e districts, includ ing th at o f Rep T haddeus M cCotter, R-Livom a

City M anager Paul Sm cock said h e ’s b een working w ith M cC otter’s office for th e

past several m onths‘T his is certain ly great new s,”

said Sm cock “T hey ca lled and asked for in form ation on any projects w e w eren’t able to com ­plete, an d A uburn Street has b een on th e draw ing board

“W e d o have prelim inary plans for A uburn Street, w h ich is part o f our long-term paving program,” h e said

Sm cock sa id th e b lueprin t calls for th e insta lla tion o f a n ew w ater m am an d th e rebuild ing o f A uburn b etw een P enm m an and Junction

“W e haven’t received all th e

data from th e federal govern­m en t, so I d o u b t w e’ll b e able to com p lete A uburn th is year,” he said

“C ertainly th e federal govern­m en t is rea liz in g there are a lo t o f th in gs h ap p en in g o n th e local level, and th e ir involvem ent is im portant,” Sm cock sa id ‘T he lo ca l level o f governm ent is w here th e rubber m eets the road, th e reach-out-and-touch m e level o f govern m en t T h is is an op p ortun ity for th e federal govern m en t to reach ou t and h elp its c itizen s

T h e H o u se b ill w ill provide

M ich igan w ith m ore th a n $ 6 b illion in federal fu n d s to build roads, bridges, and oth er trans­portation projects over th e next six years T h e differences b etw een th e H ou se an d Senate versions o f th e h ighw ay b ill w ill be w orked o u t in conference

‘ W hile w e m u st still con tin u e to figh t for m ore fu n d in g equity, th is b ill w ill provide federal d o l­lars for M ich igan s critical trans­portation need s, and w ill pro­m ote vital em p loym en t oppor­tu n itie s ,’ sa id M cCotter

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A 2 (P) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday April 8 2004 LOCAL NEWS

R h e t o r i c h e a t s u p o v e r d e r e g u l a t i n g e l e c t r i c i t yDTE E nergy is aggressively

cam paign ing aga in st a state law th at deregu lated th e e lec ­tricity m arket m 2 0 0 0 , sug­gestin g it w ill u ltim ately resu lt m m uch h igh er rates for resi­dential and sm all b u sin ess cu s­tom ers an d p lu n ge th e u tility in to bankruptcy

DTE is th e sta te’s largest electricity provider, serv ing 2 1 m illion custom ers in sou th east M ichigan D T E C hairm an A nthony Earley says th e co m ­pany has lo s t 17 percen t o f its cu stom er b ase an d suffered an 18-percent d eclin e in earn ings in t iie la st year b ecau se o f Public A ct 141, a lso k n ow n at th e M ichigan E lectric C hoice Program

Earley sa id th e la w has resu lted m an u n fa ir p laying field , w here o u t-o f-sta te co m ­petitors can com e m an d “cher­ry pick” D TE ’s b est custom ers D TE has to offer rates fixed b y th e state, w hereas alternative com panies can offer w h atever th e m arket d icta tes, h e sa id

On th e oth er sid e o f th e argum ent, a coa lition o f a lter­native energy providers and buyers, called th e C ustom er C hoice C oalition, says co m p e­tition has led m an y com pan ies and public en tities to reap th ou san ds o f d o llars in savings on th eir electric b ills T h ey say th e law sh ou ld b e le f t in tact, so peop le con tin u e to have a choice

“E dison h as lo s t m ore cu s­tom ers th an oth er com p an ies such as C onsum ers E nergy W hy? T hey have h igh er ra tes ,’ said Eric S chneidew m d, a law yer w h o represents th e

DIE'S POSITIONThe following list outlines DTE Energy s arguments against Public Act 141 also known as the Michigan Electric Choice Program as it currently stands Since the law was enacted in 2000 DTE has lost 17 percent of its customer base■ Total deregulation could lead to a

California like electricity crisis with skyrocketing rates and common blackouts■ The state Legislature should amend the law to create two side by side markets One would be regulated and serve small residential and business customers who use less than one megawatt of power The second market would be unregulated and open only to large commercial and industrial users■ Companies shouldn t be able to jump back and forth between regulated and unregulated markets as prices fluctuate In other words if a DTE customer leaves for a new provider they shouldn t be able to come back at the same regulated rate they paid before leaving■ Law allows out of state energy providers to cherry pick DTE s most profitable customers which will only drive up rates for residential and small business customers

coalition ‘ Som ed ay DTE w ill have to step u p to th e plate and com p ete I f P A l4 1 i s d o n e aw ay w ith , th ey w ill never be forced to com p ete ”

DTE Energy CEO Tony Earley says electricity deregulation will lead to a 'California-like' energy crisis in Michigan

Eric Schneidewlnd, a lawyer who rep­resents the Customer Choice Coalition, discusses the advantages of deregulation of the market

AAAMh HAAIVIJIKICCCS POSITIONThe following list outlines the Customer Choice Coalition s position on electricity deregulation in Michigan The group represents alternative energy sellers and buyers including Quest Energy PowerOne Nordic Electric Meijer Kent County and St Joseph Mercy Health System■ Against the state Legislature changing Public Act 141 otherwise known as the Michigan Electric Choice Program■ Believes any changes to the law should be made by the Michigan Public Services Commission which was created to address such issues■ Supports full deregulation of the electricity market in Michigan which means all electric customers could shop for energy alternatives not just the largest customers as DTE has proposed■ Competition will ultimately drive down the cost of electricity to consumers

p u b lic entities th a t have already sw itched

T h at list includes m an y sch oo l d istncts, in clu d in g L ivonia Public Schools, w h ich has u sed alternative providers for th e last tw o years a n d cur­ren tly buys electricity from Lakeshore Energy Services, a subsidiary o f th e O klahom a- b a sed Sem inole E nergy Services A ccording to D irector o f O perations D avid W atson ,

th e d istrict saved m ore than $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m th e first year alon e “Obviously, ft’s a good th in g financially for us, espe­cia lly a t a tim e w h en public education is faced w ith such try ing financial t im es Every dollar saved is a dollar w e can u se for som eth ing else,” h e said ‘A coup le hundred thousand dollars pays for fou r teachers ”

D T E seem s to h ave som e sym pathy in L ansing State S en JBruce Patterson, R - C anton, w h o chairs th e T echnology and E nergy C om m ittee, recen tly h e ld a series o f public h ea r in g s on the m atter In an earlier interview , h e expressed doubts th a t deregu la tion h as le d to com pe­titio n “I’m n ot sure w h a t w e have is com p etition I th in k w e have so m eth in g o th er th a n com petition ,” h e sa id

S ch n eid ew m d , w h o is a for­m er ch a irm an o f th e s ta te ’s P u b lic Services C om m ission , b e lie v e s th e m atter sh o u ld b e d ec id ed n o t by th e L egislature b u t ra ther b y th e PSC, w h ich is currently d eb a tin g th e issu e “T h e PSC is m th e b u s in ess to d o th is jo b and w e sh o u ld n ot tin k er w ith it u n til th e y prove th ey ca n t d o th e jo b ” h e said B ut E arley said th e m atter is an u rgent o n e H e sa id th e state n eed s to act, or risk runn ing in to a C ahfom ia-like energy crisis, w here rates ju m p dra­m atically an d b lackouts are co m m o n “I don’t th in k th is sta te is ready to g o to a com ­p lete ly deregulated system w h ere custom ers are vulnera­b le to th e volatility o f a n open electricity market,” h e sa id

DTE’s custom ers fa ll w ith in th ree general categories resi­dential, large industria l users, su ch as th e Ford R ouge P lant in D earborn, an d m id-size com m ercial operations M ichigan regulatory law ensures residentia l rates rem ain low

T he large industria l users have enough c lou t w here th ey can keep rates lo w T h at leaves th e m id -size com pan ies, w hich is w here D T E m akes m ost o f its profit T hese are th e com pa­n ies that have b een targeted b y th e n ew providers, w hich include K im ball E lectric, PowerO ne, P rem ier Energy and Strategic E nergy

A pproxim ately 8 0 percent o f our incom e com es from 2 0 percent o f our custom ers,” Earley said “W e’re a fixed-cost

com p an y w ith a d ec lin in g cus­to m er base W ith so m e o f our large custom ers leav in g the system , it’s th e resid en tia l and sm all com m ercia l u sers that are le f t T hey co u ld s e e electric rates go ing up b y as m u ch as 3 0 percent ”

E arley said D T E h as no p rob lem w ith co m p etitio n as lo n g as it is ab le to com p ete by th e sam e ru les H e is urging th e sta te L egislature to am end PA 141, so th ere w ill b e tw o m arkets a regu lated m arket for th e low -u se cu stom ers, and a free m arket for th e h ighest- u se custom ers, or th o se w ho u se m ore th a n o n e m egaw att o f p ow er T h is m ea n s th e alter­n ative providers w o u ld on ly b e ab le to go after th e largest in dustria l u sers, exclud ing m a n y o f th e com p an ies and

N e w t o C a n t o n . . .

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icivic hom etownlife com LOCAL NEWS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 (P) A 5

Flags piayed a prominent role in the performance by the Plymouth Canton Winter Guard at the national championships

Guard takes gold in championships

The Plymouth Canton Winter Guard took first place gold in the Independent A Class of the Michigan Color Guard Circuit (MCGC) State Championships April 3

T he P lym outh Canton W inter G uard - students from C anton, Salem , and Plym outh h igh sch o o ls - took first place go ld m th e Ind ep en d en t A Class o f th e M ich igan Color Guard C ircuit (M CGC) State C ham pionships A pril 3 at S aginaw V alley State U niversity

T h e guard s perform ance,' T he State W e re In, received a w in n in g score o f 8 8 25 , and w as con sid ered a spectacular com b in ation o f m usic and d ance u sin g flags, n fles, and sabers

T h is first-year team has had a great season , as 13 o f its 20 m em bers are first-year guard, and th e tea m com p etes in a class w h ich includes college- aged m em bers

T h e guard a lso took first in each o f th e three M CGC invitational outings in w h ich rt participated , an d third m th e W inter Guard International R egional C om petition m C hesterton, IN, m early M arch

T h e you n g team h as only tw o sen iors - captains Joy Shanaberger an d R achel N elson

T h ey each have four years o f guard exp en en ce and received A ge-O ut C ertificates' during th e cham ­p ionsh ips

Jun iors in clu d e Lauren Berrym an, A lyssa Cercon, Jen n ie Jansen , D anielle

Palarchio, and Brittany W eiss, w h o received th e 100 percent Club M em ber Certificate" for her ded ication , m otivation , and p ositive attitude

K elly Armbruster,L auren Blackley, D aw n Bomay, Jessica T im ers, Liz Jadzcak, N ata lie Sutherland, and Jen n a V olstrom er are sop hom ores Freshm en in clu d e Sarah Cooper, Lyla E llens, D ean n a K oenig, A m an d a M eggert-P ierce, Katie M ollenkam p, and R osalyn Schloem er

D an ielle Palarchio and Jessica E lm ers received M CGC $150 Scholarships th at w ill b e applied tow ard their fu ture participation fees

as PCM B C olor Guard m em ­bers

T he tea m w ill perform as th e PCM B C olor G uard th at accom pan ies th e aw ard-w in­n in g P-C E P M arching B and, under th e d irection o f M arc W hitlock .

H ead C oach Jen n ifer L eseth and h er sta ff in v ite an yone w ho w ill b e a C anton, Salem , or P lym outh H igh School stu d en t m th e fa ll to a tten d th e C olor Guard w ork sh op s and au d i­tion s from 3 3 0 -6 p m A pril 2 0 ,2 1 , 2 2 , 26 , 27, and 2 9 in th e P lym outh H igh School ban d room

For m ore in form ation , con tact L eseth at (7 3 4 ) 5 8 2 -5 6 6 6 or p cm b gu ard @ aol com

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Township to strike massage ordinanceT he P lym outh Township

Board o f T rustees w ill discuss a t an u p com in g m ee t­in g e lim inating its outdated an d restrictive m assage ord i­nance

Trustees said th e ordinance places a burden on m assage therap ists in the com m unity

A t the request o f Township Clerk M arylin M assengill an d p olice Lt Bob Sm ith,Tow nship A ttorney Tim C ronin presented a t a study session W ednesday an updat­ed, 1 7 -p age ordinance, m od ­eled after F erndales m assage ordinance

T his ordinance has been tested all th e w ay to the Suprem e Court, and it h eld up, so you w ou ld be on safe legal

ground i f you ad op t it , C ronin said

T h e p roposed ord inance d ea lt w ith p ractition er an d site licensing , th e proh ib ition o f out-call m assage (m assage at clien t h o m es) and a require­m en t for m assage th erap ists to produce d o cu m en ta tio n sta t­in g th ey are free o f com m u m cable d iseases

T h e sta te does n o t certify m assage therap ists, so com m u m ties w h ich require licen su re typically require p r o o f o f certi fication th rou gh a nationally accredited trade organization , as w ell as p r o o f o f graduation from an accred ited trade school, C ronin said

T h istees, how ever, sa id th ey fe lt th e ord inance is to o

restrictive, and unnecessary ‘T he reason th e ord inance

w a s w ritten w as (to deter) p rostitu tion , sa id trustee C huck Curmi

B ecause th e tow n sh ip has oth er ord inances proh ib iting p rostitu tion , and th e W ayne C ounty H ea lth D ep artm en t is th e governm ental b od y that w o u ld h an d le s ite sa fety and clean lin ess, th e tow n sh ip has n o reason to regulate m assage b u sin esses , accord ing to treas­urer R on E dw ards

“I f th e state is n o t regu lating m assage, w e shou ldn’t b e regu ­la tin g it e ither L et’s ju s t g e t n d o f (th e ord inance, E dw ards sa id

T h e current ord inance w a s la s t revised m 1992


bu ild in g d ecade after decade H ow m u ch longer d o you in tend to do th at’ ’

On th e other side o f th e coin , board Secretary Tom W ysocki believes w ith in terest rates so lo w n ow is th e tim e to b orrow m oney

‘ I w ouldn t m ind because o f th e low in terest rates w e have right now , before in terest rates tak e off,” h e said But, for a lo t o f peop le th e costs could im pact them , and w e n eed to take th at in to consideration

T rustee Joanne Lamar isn ’t so sure a n ew m idd le school is in the picture th is year, b u t, lik e m ost board m em bers, is convinced an elem entary school is needed

“We’re really crow ded a t all th e schools, she said ‘W e

don ’t have m usic, art an d sp e ­c ia l education room s b ecau se w e’re u sin g th at sp ace for o th er th in g s ’

A con sen su s o f th e board in d ica tes th e w illin gn ess to ask voters for th e $91 m illion to pay for in terior an d exterior rep lacem ents and im p rove­m en ts a t th e sch o o l b u ild in gs

“I t s a h orrendous am ount, b u t that’s w h a t w e’v e b een cu t­tin g all th e se years,” said Treasurer Carol Saunders W e can t le t ou r schools fa ll d o w n It’s n ot p rovid ing a good ed u ­cational a tm osphere for ou r ch ildren ’ To g ive so m e per­spective, Patricia Brand, th e district’s execu tive d irector o f b u sin ess services, sa id a $ 1 0 0 m illion b on d issu e w ou ld co st th e ow ner o f a $ 2 3 5 ,0 0 0 h o m e $ 5 2 88 in ad d ition al taxes annually

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H O L I D A Y !P S N ow you can also log on to our w ebsite a t hom etownlife com, and click on the 8Communrty News" icon at the left o f d ie page Then find the nam e of your newspaper and click on that icon On the next page, dick on "subscriptions" and then click on "vacation hold" Fill in the form and we'tl get the m essage and hold your papers while you’re gon e or donate them to a local school during your absence

A 4 ( p > Observer S Eccentric j Thursday April 8 2004 LOCAL NEWS

Senate moves on election moneySen Bruce Patterson, R-

Canton, has an n ounced p as­sage o f a key b ill bringing M ichigan in lin e w ith th e H elp A m erica V ote (HAVA), w h ich m akes th e sta te eligib le to receive $ 8 0 m illion m federal grant m oney

HAVA is a federal law th at seeks to stren gth en th e e lection process b y im proving votin g system s and m ak in g it easier for d isab led A m ericans and

m ilitary p erson n el to vote SB 4 3 2 g o es to th e state H ou se for concurrence

“As chair o f th e Senate T echnology an d Energy C om m ittee, I a m encouraged b y w h a t n ew innovations w ill b rin g to our e lec tio n system s, Patterson said

‘ I ’m p lease th a t M ichigan w ill con tin u e m ovin g forw ard to en sure secure, accurate e lec­tio n s ’


cGerald "Dean'' Corbin of Oxford, died March 30

LGeraldine Augusta Lechner of Pontiac, died March 28 Emma L "Jean" Lowery Hockm, of Davisburg, died March 29

sJanice E Stillm, ofClarkston, died April 3

YPaulD Yarberry Jr .ofClarkston, died March 31

For the Reeord appears in every

section m Passages on page CT

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The P lym outh C om m unity Council on A g in g h osts a H ealth Screen ing for Seniors from 1-3 p m Tuesday, April 27, at the P lym outh Friendship Station, 4 2 3 7 5 Schoolcraft in Plym outh T ow nship

The M edical Team , a certi­fied hom e h ea lth agency, w ill provide screen ing to peop le 6 0 years and o lder th e screen ing includes v ita l signs, b lood pres­sure, b lood sugar, cholesterol testing, com p lete b lood count and urinalysis Participants should have th e nam e o f their physician and an y relevant health h istory in form ation

Pre-register b y ca lling (7 34 ) 453-1234, Ext 2 3 6


T he next m eetin g o f th e Plym outh Library G arden Club w ill be 7 p n i A pril 15 T he topic w ill b e “I t s a lm ost tim e H ow annuals can enhance your garden G ardeners at all levels o f experience are w el­com e T he m eetin g w ill b e at the P lym outh Library, 223 South M am T here is n o regis­tration or fee


The P lym outh R ecreation D epartm ent is accepting regis­trations th rou gh A pril 18 for

th e 5 - and 6 -year-o ld T-Ball league R egistration takes place a t th e recreation office in th e P lym outh C ultural C enter, 5 2 5 Farmer, b e tw een 8 a m 4 3 0 p m B irth certificate is required T he sea so n runs for seven w eeks b e g in n in g Ju n e 19 Fee is $ 4 5 for city residents, $ 6 5 for non -resid en ts

For m ore in form ation , call (7 34 ) 4 5 5 -6 6 2 0


Dr N ico le W h iteh ead appears at 7 3 0 p m A pril 14 at th e P lym outh C ultural C enter for a free sem in ar focu sin g on w h a t contributes to arthritis, n u tr ition for h ealthy jo in ts a n d h o w to pre­ven t arthritis

T he class is d esig n ed for peop le o f any age w h o w a n t to rem ain active a n d pain -free in to th eir sen ior years To reg­ister for th e free w ork sh op , call (2 4 8 ) 4 2 6 -0 2 0 1 S eatin g is lim ited , so early reservations are recom m ended


T he P lym outh C om m unity Chorus presen ts its an nual spring concert a t 8 p m Saturday, A p n l 2 4 , an d a t 4 p m Sunday, A p n l 2 5 at th e n ew N orthville H ig h School, 4 5 7 0 0 Six M ile m N orth v ille

T he concert, t it led ‘ T hrough

th e Years,’ cu lm inates th e 3 0 th season for th e chorus It w ill feature a m ixture o f great m usic, o ld and new , from Irving Berlin’s A lexander’s Ragtim e B and to m usic from th e very recen t production , H a u sp ra y T ickets are $12 and are available at Sidew ays, 5 0 5 Forest, Evola M usic, 7170 Haggerty, C anton, Edw ard’s Caterer, 1 1 6 E D unlap, N orthville , or b y ca lling (7 3 4 ) 4 5 5 -4 0 8 0 O rder form s are also available at th e chorus W eb site , p lycom m um tycho- rus org


T he P lym outh Jaycees sp o n ­sor an E aster E gg H unt a t 10 a m Saturday, A p n l 10 o n th e softball fie ld at P lym outh T ow nship Park

H u n ts w ill b e con d u cted for k id s m age groups 2-under, 3 - 5 ,6 - 8 an d 9 -o ld er P ictures w ith th e E aster B unny w ill a lso b e available, and m em bers o f th e P lym outh C om m unity F ire D ep artm en t w ill g ive free fire truck tours In case o f in c lem en t w eather, or for m ore in form ation , ca ll th e Jaycee H otlin e, (7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 -8 4 0 7


T he Sarah A n n C ochrane P lym outh-N orthville Chapter, D aughters o f th e A m en can

R evo lu tion , h o ld a sandw ich lu n c h e o n a t n o o n M onday, A p ril 19, a t M ill R ace V illage o n G risw old D rive m N o rth v ille Speaker Sandy B asse w ill discufes th e h istory o fN o rth v iU e D A R m em bers a n d p o ten tia l m em bers are w e lc o m e F or m ore in form a­tio n , ca ll (7 3 4 ) 4 2 0 -2 7 7 5


D etro it Z oolog ica l Institu te D irector R on K ig a li an d sta ff w ill m e e t w ith residents o f th e m etro D etro it ajrea at th e first “M u ch A d o Abojut th e Z oo” j to w n h a ll com rrtunity forurrt at 7 p m Tuesday, A p n l 13, at S ch oo lcraft C om m unity C o lleg es V isTaTech C enter in L ivon ia

“M u ch A d o A b ou t the* Z oo” is th e b eg in n in g o f an an nual tra d itio n th a t provides m etro D e tr o it resid en ts th e op p ortu ­n ity to sh are id eas and o p in ­io n s w ith th e D etro it Z oo log ica l In stitu te Learn ab o u t p lan s for th e B elle Isle N atu re Z oo and oth er In stitu te in itia tiv es T h is op en , in form al d ia lo g u e seek s feedback from th e co m m u n ity o n th e Institu te an d it s fu ture, in order to h e lp co n tin u e serv ing th e pub lic an d nature

To R SV P or for m ore in for­m ation , ca ll th e D etro it Z oo R SV P L ine, (2 4 8 ) 3 9 8 0 9 0 3 , E xt 3217

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very k in d to u s ’D ascen zo orig inally w anted

to p u t h is J im m y Joh n ’s fran­c h ise o n A n n A rbor Road, w h ere stu d ies ind icated 3 4 ,0 0 0 cars, an d a t lea st the sam e n u m ber o f poten tia l cu s­tom ers, traveled each day H ow ever, n o t b e in g ab le to find a su itab le location led to dow n­to w n P lym outh

“I to ld th e com p an y about th is s ite , w ith K ellogg Park and a ll th e concerts an d activities,” h e sa id “T h ey cam e ou t m early A u gu st and approved it I f I h a d k n ow n ab ou t th is spot from th e b eg in n in g , I w ould h ave never look ed elsew here ”

D ascenzo s love for Jim m y John’s started in 2 0 0 0 , during a trip to East L ansing to help h is daughter, A ngela, m ove in a t M ichigan State U niversity

Everybody w as hungry, so I Said L ets stop o \e r there and eat, ” said D ascenzo 1 w en t in an d fell in love I u sed to love go in g to v isit m y daughter because I could g e t a Jim m y John’s

D ascenzo w orked a t D etroit E dison for 23 years m labor relations before receiving a retirem ent package in th e sum m er o f 2 0 0 1 H e worked for th e U nited W ay in D etroit for a w hile afterw ards, bu t yearned to g e t aw ay from the coat and tie scene

“I rem em bered lik in g those sandw iches, and eventually I sen t away for franch ise infor­

m ation , and b o u gh t o n e m June 2 0 0 2 ,” h e sa id A nd, here w e are

B esides the sandw iches, D ascenzo likes th e b u sin ess m od el o f gettin g cu stom ers in a^d ou t > ”th th c ,r oand \ chco

“W h en people com e in here for lunch, they d on t w a n t to w ait in line for 10 m inutes,” said D ascenzo T he id ea is i f 10 people com e in, th e last person should have a sandw ich in their hands w ith in five m inutes

A nd, to do that, D ascenzo has h ired 1 7 p eop le to keep the sandw ich line m oving

T h e phrase o n th e b ack o f our T -shirts is Subs so fast you 11 freak, n o t Subs so slow you 11 snooze, h e said

O ne o f th ose 17 is th e even in g m anager, D ascen zo s son Brian, 23 , w h o lik es w ork

m g for h is dad w h ile a ttending classes at Eastern M ichigan U niversity You ve go t to get th e right people o n th e line w h o k n o w w hat th ey re doing to get th e sandw iches ou t fast,

id Br an -c+ rpcs ?a+e a+


E ditor’s n o te E very w eek th e P lym outh D istr ic t Library sta ff provides th e Observer w ith th e ir lis t o f b e st sellers, b a sed u p on th e n u m b er o f req u ests for tit le s from library p atrons

T h e b ooks are available b y p lacin g a req u est w ith th e library a t (7 3 4 )4 5 3 -0 7 5 0 , or o n lin e at ply- m ou th lib raryorg



1 Who's got Game? The Ant or the Grasshopper, Tom Morrison

2 Camp Granada, Frane Lessac3 What a Great Ideal Stephen

Tomecek4 Buffalo Beverly Brodsky5 International Space Station,

Elaine Pascoe


(7 3 4 Our



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1 Against all Enemies, Richard A Clarke

2 Deliver us from Evil, Sean Hannlty

3 The Passion, a collection of still photographs taken on loca­tion during the filming of the Mel Gibson movie ‘The Passion of the Christ

4 The Price of Loyalty Ron Suskmd

n igh t w e get a line W ord o f m ou th has been h u ge th u s far

Standard hours for J im m y J o h n s are 10 3 0 a m to 9 p m M onday through Saturday and 1 1 a m to 8 p m on Sunday

B ut ju st because o f th e loca tion and the activ ities that g o on in th e park w e ve got p erm ission to stay op en later on th o se occasions, sa id D en n is D ascenzo

I d o n t th ink you can get a better sandw ich anyplace, he said “W e w ant to have fun keep p eop le sm ilin g and have a good tim e

5 The Fabric of the Cosmos Brian Greene


1 The DaVinci Code Dan Brown2 The Five People you Meet in

Heaven Mitch Albom3 3rd Degree James Patterson4 The Last Juror John

Grisham5 Angels & Demons Dan


Adrienne Adams builds a sub at Jimmy John's

mF O R C H I L D R E N

O p e n H o u s e : S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 2 4 f l i 1 1 a m - 2 p m

Located inside theBasilica o f St Mary Orthodox Church1 8 2 0 0 M e r r i m a n R d .

(Between Six and Seven MileRd) B u i l d i n g A F o u n d a t i o n F o r Y o u r C h i l d r e nr \Academic And Constructive Play

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° 7 o e o s g o n s '


f t? ■;

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N O W T H R U S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 1 0





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T O O R D E R A N Y T IM E C A L L 1 8 0 0 4 2 4 8 1 8 5 M O N D A Y T H R U SA TU R D A Y 1 0 0 0 A M T O 1 0 0 0 P M E S T A N D S U N D A Y 11 0 0 A M T O 7 0 0 P M E S T A m e r ic a n E x p r e s s n o t a c c e p t e d w t h p h o n e o r d e r s S T O R E H O U R S T h e V U a g e o f R o c h e s te r H lls (248) 2 7 6 6 7 0 5 a n d L a u re l P a r k P l a c e (7 3 4 ) 9 5 3 7 5 0 0 o p e n S u n 1 2 6

M o n S a t 1 0 9 C H A R G E I T P a n s a n C r e d t C a r d M a s te rC a rd V s a t h e A m e r c a n E x p r e s s ® C a r d o r D is c o v e r® L O C A T E D A T T H E V IL L A G E O F R O C H E S T E R H IL L S , C O R N E R O F N O R T H A D A M S R O A D A N D W A L T O N S T R E E T ; A N D L A U R E L P A R K P L A C E IN L IV O N IA , C O R N E R O F N E W B U R G H R O A D A N D S I X M IL E R O A D .

A6 (P) O bserver & Eccentric | Thu rsday April 8 200 4

H onored am ong

th e b e s t o p in io n

p ages in M ich ig a p

a n d th e U .S . >

* O U R V IE W S

Great effort in providing p o tty

P ly m o u th C om m u n ity C h am b er o f C o m m erce D irec to r Fran T o n e y s fa v o n te d o n a tio n in th e fu n d -r a is in g d n v e for a p u b lic rest room m d o w n to w n P ly m o u th ca m e fr o m an e ld er ly w o m a n w h o c h ip p e d m a $ 1 0 0 ch eck

O ur fa v o n te is th e $ 1 ,0 0 0 g iven b y P ly m o u th M ayor P ro- Tern D a n D w yer, w h o p u t h is m o n ey w h e r e h is m o u th w a s m h is p erso n a l m iss io n to p rov id e th e p u b lic p o tty D w yer, th e s e c o n d - te r m c ity c o m m is s io n e r w h o m a d e th is h is q u est from D a y O n e, sh o w e d th e k in d o f le a d e r sh ip th a t m akes h im o n e o f th e city’s m o s t resp ected e le c te d officia ls

T h e fa c t th a t p eo p le c a n p ick o u t th e ir “fa v o r ite” c o n tn - b u tio n s t o a p r o je c t th a t , o n th e su r fa c e , s e e m s a li t t le tn v ia l m th is t im e o f b u d g e t w o e a n d w a r str ife , sh o w s th e k in d o f co m m u n ity th is rea lly is

T h e c ity c o m m iss io n h a s b e e n b e h in d th e p ro ject fro m th e b e g in n in g , b u t s im p ly c o u ld n ’t a ffo rd th e $ 1 5 4 ,0 0 0 p rice ta g C o m m iss io n e r s c o m m itte d to it , p r o v id e d th e fu n d in g ca m e to ta lly fro m p n v a te d o n a tio n s

D w yer an d others h it th e streets, and th e project soon found itse lf flush w ith funds, from a variety o f sources T he D ow ntow n D ev elo p m en t A uthority g o t d ie ball ro llin g w ith a $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 ch eck N o t su rp risin g ly , th e c o m m u n ity ’s c iv ic g r o u p s — Kiwam s, R otary and th e L ions — w ere am on g th e first to g ive

E q u a lly p r e d ic ta b le w a s th e su p p o r t fr o m b u s in e s s e s th a t s e e m to g iv e fro m a n u n e n d in g w e ll o f c o m m u n ity p r id e N e w L ib e r ty B a n k , U B S F in a n c ia l , R a y m o n d J am es, J o h n so n C ontrols, V is te o n a n d F e r n s , B aker W atts

D ia n n e Q u in n , w h o r u n s A r t m th e P ark , o n e o f th e m o s t su ccess fu l o f P ly m o u th ’s m a n y fes tiv a ls , g o t i t s ta r t­e d w ith a $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 d o n a tio n W h e n W es S m ith a n d E & E M a n u fa c tu r in g to p p e d i t o f f w ith a $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 d o n a tio n a co u p le o f w eek s ago, th e p ro jec t w a s a g o

S u rely th ere are sk ep tic s a n d cyn ics w h o o ffer an ex a s­p era ted , “S o w h a t’ ” B u t th is p ro ject is n o tr iv ia l i t e m o n so m e o n e ’s “w ish ” l is t It’s a rea l n eed fo r a c o m m u n ity th a t b r in g s t e n s o f th o u s a n d s o f v is ito r s t o s u c h e v e n t s a s K ello g g P ark co n cer ts , A r t m th e P ark, t h e F a ll F e stiv a l a n d th e P ly m o u th In tern a tio n a l Ice S cu lp tu re S p ectacu lar

D o n ’t th in k so ’ A sk so m e o n e fro m th e c o m p a n ie s th a t p o n ie d u p th e m o n e y B e tte r y e t , a sk a y o u n g m o th e r w h o n o lo n g e r h a s to scra m b le to f in d a p la c e to c h a n g e h er b a b y or to g e t h er to d d le r s to a b a th ro o m

O n e o f th e p r im a ry fu n c t io n s o f a c o m m u n ity is to p r o ­v id e th e m o s t b a s ic se r v ic e s t o i t s p e o p le In th is c a se , lo c a l b u s in e s se s a n d o rd in a ry p e o p le c o m b in e d to p ro v id e extraord in ary su p p o rt fo r ju s t su ch a g o a l

P a r e n t s : D o n ' t b e a p a r t y t o t e e n a g e d r i n k i n g

P ro m a n d g ra d u a tio n se a so n w ill s o o n b e h e r e a n d it ’s im p o r ta n t to rem in d te e n a g e r s th a t u n d e r a g e d n n k in g is a g a in s t th e la w

U n fortu n ate ly , p a r e n ts a lso n eed r e m in d in g B ig e v e n ts su ch a s p r o m a n d g ra d u a tio n d e se r v e c e le ­

b ra tio n s P arents p la n n in g to h o s t p a r tie s fo r th e ir te e n s Shou ld k eep th e ce leb ra tio n a lco h o l-fre e b e c a u se p a r e n ts w h o d o n ’t h a v e a lo t to lo s e

T h e “P arents W h o H o st, L ose T h e M o s t D o n ’t b e a p arty to te e n a g e d n n k m g ” p u b lic aw aren ess ca m p a ig n is a p r o ­gram o f T h e A llian ce o f C oalitions o f H ea lth y C o m m u n itie s (A C H C ) a n d th e O a k la n d C ou n ty H e a lth D iv is io n T h is slo g a n is n o t ju s t a c lever phrase, b u t a lso a w a rn in g to par­e n ts n o t to serve a lco h o l a t th e ir te e n s’ p a rties

“P aren ts p lay a m a jo r ro le in k e e p in g c h ild ren a lc o h o l- fr ee , th u s p r e v e n tin g th e h e a r ta c h e s th a t s o o f te n c o m e w ith a lco h o l u se S c h o o ls a n d c o m m u n itie s n e e d to u n ite w ith p a r e n ts to s e n d a c lea r m e ssa g e W e w a n t a ll c h il­d ren t o su cceed a n d a lc o h o l u s e rob s th e m o f th e ir p o te n ­t i a l a n d fu tu r e ,” s a id T h e r e s a M u n g io h , p r e s id e n t o f C o a litio n o f H e a lth y C o m m u n itie s, *The Observer & E ccentric Newspapers ap p lau d s th e w ork o f A C H C , loca l governm ent, schools a n d la w en forcem en t as th e s e grou p s p artner to sen d a stro n g m e ssa g e to p a ren ts T een d n n k m g shou ld N O T b e regarded a s a ‘ n te o f passage,” b u t as a h ea lth an d sa fety prob lem w ith leg a l ram ifications

P a r e n ts w h o h o s t a p a r ty w h e r e a lc o h o l is a v a ila b le m a k e a b ig m ista k e W h y ’

■ I t is illeg a l fo r a n y o n e u n d er a g e 21 to d n n k■ I t is u n h ea lth y■ I t is u n sa fe a n d ille g a l fo r te e n s to d r in k a n d d n v e■ P a ren ts ca n b e p ro secu ted■ E v ery th in g a s so c ia te d w ith a v io la tio n , su c h a s p er ­

so n a l property, ca n b e co n fisca tedP a ren ts ca n p r o te c t th e m se lv e s a n d th e ir te e n s b y h o s t ­

in g sa fe , a lc o h o l- fr e e p a r t ie s a n d t e a m u p a n d ta lk to o th e r p a ren ts ab o u t n o t p ro v id in g a lc o h o l

A s a p a ren t, d o y o u r p a rt to m a k e p r o m a n d g ra d u a tio n s e a s o n sa fe for ev ery o n e

Part of HomeTown Communications Network™Brad Kadrich

Community EditorPeter Neill General Manager

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f : Jack Lessenberry; VP Editorial$«

Our fundamental purposes are to enhance the lives of our readers, nurture the hometowns we serve and contribute to the business success of our customers


Equal educationI a m a 1 6 -year-old stu d en t at Salem

H igh School, and I w an t to k n o w h o w so m eo n e like m e cou ld g e t a fair and bal an ced education w h en it com es to p o li­t ic s ’ I am m a governm ent class, and w h en it com es to p o litics, all I hear is th at B ush stinks, B u sh is bad, B ush is stu p id and so on W h en I g e t hom e and w atch th e new s on C N N or M SN BC all I h ear is Bush stinks, B u sh is bad, B ush is stu p id and so on

It is to n o w onder w h y m ost teenagers are liberal w hen all th ey hear are attacks on th e right from th e le ft W hen at school, I g e t in occasional debates over p olitics T he students I ’m arguing say B ush stinks, Bush is bad, B ush is stupid and so on I w onder w here th ey get th at argum ent’ So once again I p ose the question , h o w can som eon e like m e get a fair an d balanced education w hen it com es to politics’

W e have a far le ft teach in g crew and a far le ft m edia, so w h at can peop le d o’ A lth ou gh I don t b e liev e stations like Fox N ew s, w hich presents its coverage w ith a sligh t right bias, are th e solution , I th ink w e are finally getting closer

T here should b e m ore show s, like H a n n ity a n d Crimes, w ere you hear the v iew s from both sid es W e n eed to have a sta tion th at is really ’ fa ir and balanced, and finally le t the youth , n ot th e teachers or th e m edia, decide th eir political party

John Donaldson Canton

Too many ADsI b elieve having th ree a th letic directors

is a b it m u ch I th in k th a t th e m oney cou ld b e used m ore w ise ly an d in other areas o f education

I say th is even th ou gh I have a son th at is a PCEP athlete W h ile th e other sports participants enjoy a $125 pay to play sport fee, hockey players on th e other h an d pay $ 1 ,2 0 0 to play

I still have a hard tim e see in g h o w th e h ig h school can p u t th e com plete fee o f th is sport on the stu d en ts and their par­en ts T he school d istrict contributes n oth in g for th is sp ort T h is does n ot in clu d e any extra sportsw ear that th ey agree to purchase an d th ey pay for coaches salaries an d b u s transportation A coup le o f tim es th e b u ses didn’t even sh o w up' N o refund though

T h e salary o f $ 9 8 ,0 2 1 for Canton’s a th ­le t ic director is r id iculous

In fact, w hen th e a th letic director w as supposed to be at a h earing for a player, sh e d ecided that it w as m ore im portant to a ttend th e op en in g o f D etroit’s H ard R ock Cafe instead o f a ttend ing th e m eet in g M oney w ell sp en t’ I th in k not

W h ile it is true I d o n ot know exactly w h a t all an ath letic director is supposed to do, I d o believe th a t sh e w ill be rem em bered as is a quarterback — your la s t great touchdow n, a pitcher — your la s t great out, an d a goalie — your last great save

T h ese k ids stu d y hard, w ork hard and p lay hard, th ey deserve a fair break

H. RembaoCanton

Kerry foe of freedom

John Kerry’s record o f v o tin g o n m ili­tary issu es su ggests so ftn ess at b est, fear and socia lism a t th e w orst H is m an y votes to raise in c o m e taxes in d ica tes h e is liberal, m aybe a con su m m ate le ftis t

H is book The N ew Soldier, in w hich he in sists th e m en w h o refused to serve m the V ietn am W ar w ere better m en , better citizens an d m o re courageous th an the m en w h o w ere drafted an d served, and m ore m oral an d p a tn o tic th an th o se w ho enlisted , su g g ests th a t there w as n o com ­m u n ism to fig h t in th e E ast K erry w rote th at our w ar in V ietn am w a s a “n oth in g ”

H e does n o t see an d d o es n o t under­stand th a t ou r purpose in V ietn am w as to fight th e scourge o f com m u n ism , to figh t for th e freed om o f th e South V ietnam ese It is d ifficu lt to k n o w Kerry s m o st im p ortan t reason for w rit­in g a book th a t d am n ed th e A m erican military, th e presid en t, th e v ice president and the C ongress, b u t it is en tirely p o ss i­b le th at th is so c ia lis t p erson a lity even in 1971 h ad a lon g -ran ged v is ion o f W hite H ouse d om in ation , o f W h ite H ou se occupation

M ost every fa cet o f Kerry s life , m ost every action , su ggests h e w ish es social­ism for A m erica A m arriage w ith H illary w ould b o n d tw o p rom in en t le ftis ts for a run for p ow er E ach has d isp layed an ideo log ica l p referen ce for governm ent planning, an eco n o m ic system th at w ould m ore equally d istribute th e goods and services th a t th e slave system w ou ld effect

N eith er resp ects corporate enterprise and th e free m arket E ach favors consid ­erably m ore con tro l o f all o f ou r affairs, especially eco n o m ic considerations, to be m govern m en t’s h an d s N e ith er seem s to th ink or b elieve th a t th e ir crusade could m ean th e en d o f our in a lien ab le rights Kerry m u st b elieve th a t in co m e and asset red istribution w o u ld n o t a ffect h is pres­en t h o ld in g o f sev en hun d red m illion dollars

W hat’s h is is h is, I gu ess W h at’s yours m ay be d ivided , red istributed , taxed, appropriated, u sed to p rom ote K eynesian econ om ics, p oss ib ly going M arxian all th e way, accom p lish in g the m axim , ‘From each accord ing to ability, to each accord in g to h is n eed ”

W e liv e in o n e w orld , b u t w e don t n eed th e U n ited N ation s to d ea l all o f the cards O n e m ilitary, on e b a n k in g system , o n e p o lice force — m you r m in d ’s eye, n o t m in e B u sh k n ow s freed om , as does h is adm in istration

Neil GoodbredLivonia

Ten Commandments have roleJam es M adison , th e fourth president,

know n as th e Father o f ou r constitu tion , m ade th e fo llo w in g sta tem en t ‘ W e have staked th e w h o le o f all ou r po litica l in sti­tu tion s u p o n th e capacity o f m ank ind for self-governm ent, up on th e capacity o f each an d all o f u s to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to susta in ourselves according to th e Ten C om m andm ents o f G od

H ow is it th a t w e, as a p eop le , have rem oved th e Ten C om m andm ents from an A lab am a courthouse an d have rem oved a S tate Suprem e C ourt Judge from office for refusing to d o so ’ H ow is

it th a t w e have th e U n ited States S u prem e C ourt n o w d ec id in g w h eth er w e can k eep ‘ U n d er G od m ou r P led ge o f A lleg ian ce b eca u se a le sser cou rt h as ru led it u n co n stitu tio n a l’ W h at hap ­p en ed to th e 9 th a n d 10th a m en d m en ts th a t provided sta te sovereign ty ’ G od, prayer an d any re sp e c t for re lig ion have b een ob literated in o u r p u b lic sch o o ls an d from p u b lic prop erty

T h e stranglehold o f "separation o f church an d sta te’ a s o p p o sed to th e C on stitu tion s p rov is ion o f “C ongress sh a ll m ake n o law resp ectin g a n esta b ­lish m en t o f re lig ion o r p ro h ib itin g th e free exercise th e r e o f” b astard ized th e orig inal in ten t o f th e F ou n d in g Fathers beyond b e lie f

T h e courts p ro tec t o b scen ity in la n ­gu age depravity in pornography an d ab so lu te filth as en ter ta in m en t in m ovies v id eos a n d rap m u sic , y e t o u tlaw a m anger scen e or m en o ra h as so m eh o w estab lish in g a re lig ion v io la tin g “sep ara­t io n o f church a n d sta te” w h ich you w ill fin d n ow h ere in th e C on stitu tion W h a t has b een so m u ch a p art o f th e fo u n d in g o f th is n ation an d o u r co n tin u in g h is to ry is n o w forb idden

S o m e Federal C ourt ju s tic e s m igh t b e surprised to learn th a t th e Suprem e C ourt b u ild in g it s e lf h a s fou r d isp lays o f th e Ten C om m an d m en ts, th ree o f w h ic h — are carved in sto n e —

T h e Ten C o m m an d m en ts are engraved o n th e low er h a lf o f tw o large oak d oors as y o u en ter th e cham b er

A m arble frieze in th e cham b er it s e lf sh ow s M oses h o ld in g a cop y o f th e T en C om m an d m en ts in scr ib ed in H eb rew ~

Two a llegorical figu res represen tin g “T h e M ajesty o f G overn m en t’ stan d b esid e a carved fla tfaced ta b le t w ith tw o row s o f R om an n u m era ls, 1-V and V I-X an obvious ren d erin g o f th e Ten C om m andm ents

Ju st above th e p la ce w h ere th e c h ie f ju stice sits , a carved s to n e b an n er reads ‘Justice, th e G uardian o f L iberty”C entered above th e banner, a seated M oses is sh ow n h o ld in g a cop y o f th e Ten C om m andm ents

Isn t it tim e C ongress tak es m to w run­aw ay u n -e lected ju d g es w h o are a c tin g o u t th e ir in d iv id u a l po litica l agen d as’

Hulda Pierceechi Livonia

* S H A R E Y O U R O P IN IO N S ’

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MailLetters to the editor Plymouth Observer 794 South Main Plymouth Ml 48170

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"Lyn is a progressive Republican, but maybe she got an image that she was too liberal for the Republican mainstream She probably decided this was a fight that was not worth fighting."

-politica l analyst B ill Ballenger on Wayne County Commissioner Lyn Bankes’ decision not to seek re-election

www hometownlife com OTHER OPINIONS Observer & Eccentric i Thursday April 8 2004 ( P ) A 7

L e t ' s a v o i d C a l i f o r n i a s t y l e b l a c k o u t s h e r eYou’ve probably seen th e ads D TE Energy (for­

m erly D etroit Edison) has been running m d ie papers lately They talk about the w o lf being at

Edison’s door “Because o f flaws m the electric deregulation law, Public A ct 141,” one ad reads, “out-of-state com panies are com ing, snatching up the b iggest electricity custom ers and leaving the rest o f us to pay the price to keep the entire system running”

I had regarded this cam paign w ith m ild curiosity until last Friday, w hen I read a letter from an outfit

w ith a Southfield office that explained ‘fully 25 percent o f DTE’s large com m ercial electrici­ty custom ers have begun to reduce and control their electrici­ty costs b y participating in d ie Electric C hoice Program estab­lished b y th e M ichigan Public Services C om m ission” The letter helpfully included a form author­izing D etroit E dison to release m y com pany’s electric consum p­tion history, so th ey could exam ­in e d ie details and show m e h ow to save som e m oney

By chance, DTE Energy Chairman Anthony Earley and E n c Schneidewind, a lawyer represent­ing the Customer Choice Coalition, had arranged to m eet w ith a group o f our editors that sam e m orn­ing Their discussion w as illum inating

Basically, DTE contends that th e M ichigan dereg­ulation law allowing industrial, comm ercial and res­idential electric users to choose their electric utility has resulted in the loss o f 1 2 ,0 0 0 customers, a 2 0 - percent drop m business, and an 18-percent decline in earnings from the previous year “W e’re a fixed- cost com pany w ith a declining custom er base,’ Earley explained, “so that w ith som e o f our large custom ers leaving the system, it’s the residential and sm all comm ercial users that are left They could see electric rates going up by as m uch as 3 0 percent or utilities like Detroit Edison w ind ing up bankrupt ”

W hat’s causing large custom ers to leave the E dison system? Public A ct 141, passed four years ago, allows it Indeed, the act requires Edison to m ake available to com petitors details o f its cus­tom ers’ usage and bills A n d th e act also allows those custom ers that leave the E dison system to return at its m ost favorable rates

Earley argues that E dison has to operate m a reg­ulated manner, generating electric pow er (includ­ing a 15 percent margin o f reserve) and m aintain­ing its entire distribution infrastructure to deliver electricity to all custom ers m th e region Its com ­petitors operate w ith none o f th ese requirem ents They are essentially electricity brokers that buy electricity from the national electricity pool and

cherry-pick E dison’s best custom ers W hat’s th e solution? Earley argues that th e big

issue should b e doing everything w e can to avoid a repeat in M ichigan o f th e electric utility disaster in California th a t resulted from a botched attem pt to deregulate th e market H e says E dison is perfectly prepared to operate on a level playing field” — a m arket either com pletely deregulated or entirety regulated — b u t argues that as a regulated com pa­ny, E dison can’t com pete w ith electricity brokers that are largely unregulated

H e proposes am ending Public A ct 141 to create an electricity m arket sp lit into tw o parts O ne unregulated m arket for bigger custom ers w h o are presum ably m ore sophisticated and able to shop for electricity from am ong a range o f providers and a separate regulated m arket to serve residential and sm all com m ercial custom ers w h o are n ot eqm pped to survive m an unregulated m arket H e suggests an easy dem arcation line is on e m egaw att (about the am ount o f energy a b ig M eijer store uses in a year), w h ich w ould leave about tw o-thirds o f elec­tric custom ers m d ie regulated m arket and about one-th ird free to buy how ever th ey choose

Schneidew ind, m opposing th ese proposals, argues that Edison, instead o f facing th e w o lf at the door, is crying that th e sky is fa lling A tem porary dip in earnings is not conclusive, h e points out, and, in any event, d ie Public Service C om m ission could easily intervene i f E dison b egins to look as though it could g o b u st under present m arket conditions

M aybe so, b u t the PSC has never b een n oted for acting quickly or timely, even m dire situations A nd once a large, fixed-cost firm like E dison starts getting in trouble, the dow nw ard spiral can acceler­ate very quickly Plainly, nobody w ants to see here m M ichigan a repeat o f California’s experience, w here on e o f the state’s major electric utilities w ent b u st and custom ers w ere faced w ith blackouts and enorm ous rate increases that w ill saddle th em for years w ith very expensive pow er

l b m y m ind, Edison’s Earley m akes a lo t o f sense Public A ct 141 should b e am ended to solve this problem before it gets o u t o f control State Sen Bruce Patterson, R-Canton Township, w ho chairs the T echnology and Energy C om m ittee, is holding hearings around the state, ask ing both utilities and their custom ers for their m p u t G ood. Possibly d ie state Senate, instead o f obsessing over world-shak­in g m atters like the hunting o f m ourning doves, ought to turn its attention to som eth ing genuinely im portant for everyone in th is state Or w ould that seem too m u ch to ask?

Phil Power is the chairman of the board of the company that owns this newspaper He would be pleased to get your reac tions to this column either at (734) 953 2047 or at ppowerdhomecomm net

Passion is good, but fanaticism definitely not

el G ibson h as d on e for C hristian ity w h at Jan et Jack son s Super B ow l “slip ” d id for th e GOP It aw akened sn or in g

g ian ts o f prim al con cern s I f true to form , sn o n n g g ian ts rem ain aw ake on ly a sh ort w h ile W ill th e buzz ab ou t sp irituality and personal p assion evoked b y G ib so n s graph ic c in e-gosp el becom e an oth er fad flash m th e p a n ’ I pray n ot

Already, G ibson’s Passion o f The C h n st is th e h ig h est grossing re lig iou s-th em ed m ovie o f m od ern h istory A n ou tsid e sh o t rem ain s

it m ay ascend in to th e h a l­lo w ed rank o f to p 10 earn ­in g m ov ies o f all tim e W h en A m erican m o v ieg o ­ers b esto w o n an off- H ollyw ood Jesu s m o v ie a rank n ex t to th e lik es o f E T The Extraterrestrial, i t ’s tim e som eb od y s to o d u p to sh ou t, “W e’re n o t in K ansas anym ore, Toto ”

Finally , id eas lik e sp irit, p assion , sacrifice a n d n o b le su ffering are g e tt in g a sec ­on d te s t drive m th e m ed ia

T h e ap p etite to exp erience a m ore p a ss io n ­ate sp irituality is larger tod ay th a n a Chris Farley appetite at a V egas casino m id n igh t b u ffet T h is h igh -tech cu lture is th e m ost on lin e, p lu gged in , d ow n load ed an d w ired o f any cu lture to appear o n th e p lan et Y et th ey have an industria l stren g th sen se o f se lf­d oubt an d a fe lt p resen ce o f b e in g p erson a lly adrift — d iscon n ected from an exp erience o f a h igher reality

T h e loca l cxneplex h as d on e w h at C hristian churches have d on e p oorly for 2 5 years It offered seekers a profou n d sp iritual experi­en c e u sin g C h n st as th e seed S om ew here, buried d eep in s id e th e h u m an psyche, w e all su sp ect th a t th is life m u s t have m ore to offer u s th a n a tw o-for-on e sa le at A m azon com

P assion orig inates from th e L atin m ea n in g “to endure ” A ll action s face a d ou b le n eg a ­tive, "I d on ’t w a n t to ’ a n d ‘ I don ’t fe e l lik e i t ” P assion as an in n er force faces an d con q u ers th e doub le negative T h e scen e in G eth sem an e so beau tifu lly captures th is

D escn b in g p assion can be so m u ch easier th a n d efin ing it

P assion is th e flow er, b u t va lues are its root P assion expands your personal v is io n o f life ’s possib ilities P assion is an upw ard reach for tran scendence P assion is a surrendered m in d in to th e sou l’s m ad n ess P assion ca n b e q u iet or loud , b u t it is n ever logical

P assion is to sp iritua lity w h at sa lt is to

When American moviegoers bestow on an off-Hollywood Jesus movie a rank next to the likes of ‘ ET: The Extraterrestrial/ it's time somebody stood up to shout, 'We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto/

French fr ies W ith ou t it, re lig iou s rituals are robotic m ovem en ts d ivorced from h u m a n ­ized h ea rtfe lt m ean in gs W ith it , tim eless b e lie fs m e e t b lood an d sire S ch w arzenegger­sized d em on stra tion s o f se lfle ss surrender to n o b le a im s

A n y w o n d er G od com m an d ed it “L ove the, L ord you r G od w ith A LL your heart and m in d ” an d all great p ro p h ets o f God c o n ­d em n ed w h en , ‘ffie p eop le’s lip s are n ea r m e, b u t th e ir h earts are far aw ay”

A s a p a sto r w h o is L utheran — the G erm an t it le u sed lo n g a g o w a s Seelssorger, so u l su rgeon — I’ve b een m th e k itchen th in k in g o n p assion , sp ir itu a lity and M el’s v is io n M ay I su ggest a fe w n e w in gred ien ts for y o u r n ex t recipe0

First, em b od y th e m essage Take it h o m e A fter th e cred its roll and th e popcorn’s gon e, th e n ew jo u rn ey b eg in s The Passion o f The C h n st is th e p innacle exp ression o f sp in t , w ill an d p a ss io n d issolved in to o n e h o ly red em p ­tive p u rp ose D on’t forget a ll are called to n ob le a im s in th is life tim e M ig h t a future M el G ib son m ake a m ovie o f you r p assion 0

S econ d , cha llen ge th e sta tu s q u o T he sev en la s t w ords o f a d y in g church are, “W e n ever d id it th at w ay b e fo re ’’ B e h u m b le , b u t b e a burr un d ern eath so m eo n e s saddle Spiritua l p assion ch a llen ges com p lacen cy

T hird , fire is good, b u t fan atic ism is a b u m m er P assionate sp ir itu a lity is a fire O ne can o ffer w arm th to co ld h ea rts or o n e can b u m th e ir n eighbor’s h o u se d ow n P assion a te sp irituality is h ea lth y w h en it k n o w s h o w to ch ill

G ib son ’s b eau tifu l/u g ly to u r o f C hrist’s fin a l 12 h o u rs lead in g to H is crucifix ion h as b e c o m e a cultural p h en o m en o n W ill th e b u zz ab o u t sp iritua lity a n d person a l p a ss io n evok ed b y G ibson’s graphic cm e-g o sp e l b e c o m e an oth er fad fla sh in th e p an ° I pray n ot

Kirk Miller is pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Canton You may reach him by calling (734) 637 8160




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balance, said Township Supervisor Steve M ann

T he future should rem ain brigh t for th e to w n ­ship, as Joh n son C ontrols w ill rem ain in th e area, rather th a n fo llow ing through w ith th e com pany’s proposed p lan to m ove to Salem T ow nship,M ann added

A dditionally, b y the end o f O ctober, a ll the in m ates a t th e correctional facility a t F ive M ile an d R idge m il have b een m oved in to other facilities around th e state, in preparation for th e prison's closure

“W e’re look in g forw ard to -.redeveloping th a t area an d '’putting properties back on th e tax rolls,’ M ann said

T he school d istrict, o n th e other h an d , is facing in creasin g cu ts to its b u d get, accord ing to Patricia Brand, P lym outh C anton C om m unity Schools executive director o f b u sin ess services

“For m e, as th e bean counter, there are n o t m an y b ea n s to count,” sh e said

D esp ite shrink ing resources (PC C Ss $ 7 ,0 2 5 per-pup il fo u n ­dation allow ance is th e sixth low est am on g W ayne C ounty’s 3 4 school d istricts), th e


sch oo ls have celebrated m an y successes over the past year, according to Brand

PC C Sstu d en ts have w on or p laced h igh ­ly m m ath com petitions during the last year

E ast M iddle S chool stu ­d en ts w on first p lace at a m ath com petition w h ich included students from th e b est public

a n d private schools in the state, sh e said

Further, tw o stu d en ts scored perfectly o n th e ir SAT exams, a n d th e m arch ing band has for th e last n in e consecu tive years tak en first p lace a t state com ­petitions

Plym outh, th o u g h having b een n am ed o n th e governor’s lis t o f ‘coo l cities,” is also strug­g ling , accord ing to Mayor S tella G reene

“T he m unicipal finance m o d e l is broken L ocal com m u n ities are on a financial co llis ion course, she said , n o tin g unpredictable sta te revenue sharin g money, fla t tax revenues fo llow ing Proposal A , esca la tin g court costs and in creasin g costs

associated w ith p erson n el as the reasons

T he city has pared costs wherever and w h en ever possi­b le, sh e said

“N o w there is n o m ore fat to cu t away W e n o w m ust look at staff reductions, w hich w ill result in cu ts to services

G reene said th e cu ts m ay b e possib le through attrition and retirem ent, and th e city w ill likely be able to avoid lay­offs

Still, Greene rem ains hopefu l B ecause th e grow ing tow nship , and th e city ’s quintessential N orm an

Rockwell” atm osphere com ­b in ed m ake th e com m unity an attractive one, and is “th e envy and th e m od el for all other com m unities th rou gh ou t the state,’

G reene said sh e believes recent difficult t im es w ill becom e a period o f m eaningful transition

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W e s te rn s tu d ie s h a v e c o n f irm e d E a s te rn t h o u g h t w i th r e s p e c t t o t h e f a c t t h a t t h e s t r e tc h in g a s s o c a te d w i th y o g a b o o s ts f ie x ib lity a n d s tr e n g th w h i le a l s o in d u c in g r e la x a tio n a n d a s e n s e o r w e ll b e n g In a r e c e n t s tu d y r e s e a r c h e r s a t th e C le v e la n d Cl m e F o u n d a t o n a ls o fo u n d th a t p r a c t c i n g y o g a t h r e e t im e s a w e e k fo r o n e m o n th r e d u c e d p a in a n d t h e n e e d fo r m e d ic a t o n a m o n g p e o p le w th c h ro n c b a c k p a in c a r p a l tu n n e l s y n d ro m e a n d a r t h r t s A o n e y e a r c l in ic a l tr a l o f p a t e n ts w th c o r o n a r y a r te ry d i s e a s e a ls o f o u n d th a t y o g a e d u c e d th e n u m b e o f a n g n a a t t a c k s a n d e v e n t h e n e e d fo r a n g o p la s ty o r b y p a s s s u rg e ry S e v e ra l o th e r

t r a ls h a v e f o u n d t m a y h e lp c o n tr o l h p r e s s u r e n e a r ly a s e a s m e d ic a t io n

if y o u re w o n d e r r m ig h t b e a g o o d e x e r e la x a tio n o p t io n fo r t o y o u r p h y s ic a l th e H A N D S O N CENT P H Y S IC A L TH ER A P h a p p y to h e lp y a b r e a s t o f to d a y s o p t io n s f ro m a ll 1 w o Id W e o f ie s ta a r t s c e n t f i c m e th k n o w le d g e c o u p le d fa s h o n e o n d iv id u a l P l e a s e c a l ! 4 5 5 f a r r a n g e fo r a n a p p o ; d i s c u s s y o u h e a lth a t 6 5 0 S o u th M a n d o w n to w n P ly m o u th e a s y a c c e s s a n d e a sy


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H a r v e s t B ilik * ( h u r t h in v ite s y o u t o jo in us

E a s te r S u n d a y , A p r i l 11 al 1 0 :3 0 a m a t th e Elks L o d g e in Pl\ m o u th

4 1 7 0 0 A n n A r b o r ltd . E a » t , P ly m o u th

C ome pxplorc* a s l ' i \ ' » v where th«■ Bihle ^ pasNionaiolv, wM compa^iorwlolv priMihcd and pr.ut.udh applied lo\nui

o\i*r\da\ 11to. Lome ihai F j Ml i i*- lull oi m l Ii iik toi \oui 1110' DKco\er on rasu-r sundav how laith in CluM can g'u* vou new hope lor toda\ and tomonow We **a\inR a seal loi \ou’

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a re c o n te m p o r a r y a n d r e le v a n t , s e e k in g to lift h ig h

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W e h a v e S M A L L ! ! ”

V m a s k e d fo r s m a l l . w h e n E v o d ig i ta l C IO is

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IN V I S IB L E ’ I t u s e s t h e n a tu r a l e a r s h a p e a n d

c o m b in e s y o u r n a tu r a l e a r s h a p e a n d s t a t e - o f -

t h e - a r t t e c h n o l o g y . P lu s H A N D S F R E E

( IT E R A T IO N - t h e r e i s n o v o lu m e a d ju s tm e n t

fo r e a s y h a n d l in gOE0SS026S4

H a r v e s tB ib le C h u rc h

Elk s L o d g e • P ly m o u t h , M ic h ig a n • 7 5 4 - 4 1 9 - 7 7 9 5'W b m * t in W t i r d o l C o d i i j m .i liomiU'fy pH a t b e d w i l h n u t a i w l o f t )

a n d p i t ) f ) l v a h ? Ini'i'i*



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Salem girls, Canton boys best in city

It w asn ’t exactly w hat w as expected

A t Tuesday’s city track m eet, th e official season-opener for th e three h igh sch oo l team s, th e Salem girls team easily rai aw ay w ith th e win, o u tsco n n g second-place Canton 1 0 0 -4 3 Plym outh w as th ird w ith 3 2 p o in ts ,

T h e boys me^t w as equally lo p ­sided , excep t ltw a s C anton th at prevailed w ith i l 4 5 p o in ts Salem w as secon d wit^i 4 6 5 and P lym outh placed th ird w ith 14

“I w a s a little Nervous w ith w hat C anton and Plym outh w ould bring,” sa id Sale ji’s n ew girls coach, K evin Co ite “I couldn’t have asked for a [better result than th is W e leam edfw hat th e girls cou ld d o , w e redefined som e o f our g o a ls” i

W h at C onte discovered w as th at th e R ocks w ere good enough to w m 13 even ts an^ tie for first m another C anton Sad three w ins (on e a sp lit w ith jjalem) and P lym outh g o t ond

T hree Sa lem athletes go t tw o ind iv idual w in s apiece A nna W ilson to o k top honors in th e shot put (3 3 feet, 8 in d ie s) and discus (9 6 feet, 4 inches)? A llie Vraniak tied for first m th e pole vau lt (8 -6 ) and w o n th e 2 0 0 -m eter dash (2 7 6 7 ), an d Lauren K ane w as first in th e 1 ,6 0 0 (5 4 6 6 ) and 3 ,2 0 0 (12 3 3 0 )

Salem ’s girls also w on three relays

the 4 x 8 0 0 (10 3 1 4 ), d ie 4 x 2 0 0 (1 5 3 6 ) and th e 4 x 4 0 0 (4 2 0 4)

“W e’re n o t done yet,” C onte said “W e’ve got som e m ore sp eed to f in d ”

C anton’s boys tea m w as even m ore dom inant, co llectin g 15 o f 17 firsts

“W e had a lo t o f one-tw os, and w e w o n all four relays,’ Canton coach B ob R ichardson said “T hat picks up a lo t o f p o in ts W e had so m e kids w e k new w ou ld do w ell, b u t th en w e had so m e other kids run real fa s t”

Brad W aidm ann sparked a C hiefs sw eep o f firsts m th e field events, capturing th e sh o t pu t (42 - 10), th e d iscus (146-3 ) and th e h ig h jum p (6 -3 )

D evin T hom as w as th e key fig ­ure for C anton in th e sprints, w in ­n in g th e 1 0 0 (1 12 ) an d th e 2 0 0 (2 3 1) In th e hurdles, R odney P reston p aced th e C hiefs, posting b e st tim es in both th e 110 (15 8) an d th e 3 0 0 (4 1 3 )

Salem ’s brightest star w as A dam W arner, w h o w on th e 3 ,2 0 0 (1 0 5 1 0 ) and p laced secon d to C anton’s Scott G eorge in th e 1 ,600 (G eorge, 4 4 6 0 , W arner, 4 4 8 0 )

T h e C hiefs w ere a lso w inners in th e 4x100 (4 5 9 ), 4 x 2 0 0 (1 3 3 1), 4 x 4 0 0 (3 4 0 4 ) and 4 x 8 0 0 (8 3 7 5) relays

See statistical summary inside today s sports section

Canton's Brandon Reeves edges Plymouth's D J Coleman in the 100-meter dash Reeves finished second to team­mate Devin Thomas in the event

Mullet Hunters 1stThe Mullet Hunters won

the inline hockey AAU regional qualifier (17-and- under division) Sunday at the Skateplex with a 3- 2 sudden overtime win over the Devils

The Mullets Hunters advance to the AAU Nationals this August in St Louis, Mo after also defeating the Detroit Demolition (8-0), Dragonmead Radiation (4-3) and Western Warriors (4-3)

Scott Ozog (Novi), who had a 18 goals-against average, earned top goalie honors while teammate Mike Stewart (Canton), who had the game-win­ning goal, was the tourna­ment's high scorer

“ Our team showed a lot of grit and worked hard in every game against some very good teams," Mullet Hunters coach Jay Pesant

Other members of the Mullet Hunters Include Nick Harris, Westland; Tom and Ross Pashkott Livonia; Nick Siekirk, ■ Nick Pesant, Kevin l Tollison, all of Canton; l Kevin Etzel, Northvlile;| Mike Hargreaves, » Hartland

Chiefs stay unbeaten; Rocks win

L isa E aly scored on e goal and assisted o n another as Canton kept its record perfect w ith a 2-1 victory M onday over v isiting Troy

T h e C hiefs are 3 -0 Troy slipped to 1 - 2

E aly scored m th e first h a lf w ith an assist from Becky

H oudek1 SOCCER 1 Canton

increased its lead to 2 -0 o n a goal b y A ndrea Johnson , w ith E aly assisting T he Colts narrow ed th e gap to 2-1 m th e gam e’s final m in u te after a m ix-up b y th e C hiefs in front o f th eir o w n n et

B rittany Cervi w as m goal, m aking 14 saves

O n Saturday, h o st Canton got tw o g oa ls from Joh n son and another from E aly m beating B irm ingham Seaholm 3-1

K elsy Z em anski an d Bailey Fagan h a d assists m the gam e A gain, th e sh u tou t w as lo s t late in th e gam e — o n th is occasion w ith n o tim e le ft on a penalty kick

C e m w a s m goal on ce again, m aking 12 saves S h e has given up tw o goa ls in three gam es

Salem 3, Troy 2: T he h o st Rocks scored th ree tim es in th e first h a lf Saturday in dispatching Troy

T he R ocks im proved to 1-0-1 w ith th e w m

Jordan Falcusan go t Salem on th e board first, scoring o n an assist from A m y Gizicki Jane D ew itt g o t th e R ocks’ second goal, w ith an assist from M egan M cCarthy

Salem ’s final goal w as scored b y K im T o w n e M an ssa Sarkesian assisted

T he R ocks led 3-1 a t th e h a lf K risten O ’B e im e w as in goal, m aking e igh t saves

Sa lem is n ow id le un til April 21, w h en it op en s W estern Lakes A ctiv ities A ssociation play at L ivonia C hurchill

C a n to n re b u ilt, b u t still looks s tro n gSOFTBALL PREVIEW

W hat C anton’s softball team had la s t season w as sen ior leadersh ip T hose se n ­iors — n in e o f th em , in clu d in g six starters — h elped tak e th e C hiefs to th e W estern Lakes A ctiv ities A ssociation ’s W estern D ivision title

T h ey also had a great im pact in C anton’s victory over Salem in th e sta te district tournam ent T he C hiefs g o t as far as th e regional sem ifina ls, w here th ey w ere edged b y A n n A rbor P ioneer 1-0 T h ey fin ished w ith a 25-11 overall record

Pitchers R enee R oss, M ichelle R oelofs a n d K ristina Turczyn, outfielders C olleen O ’B rien and L isa Sprankle, catcher Jon elle Brow n, sh ortstop Caithn M cN icholas, th ird basem an S an n a G o m ey , an d utility fielder K im D ie tn ch have graduated

T h at leaves coach J im A rnold, n ow e n te n n g h is 14th season at Canton, w ith h o les to fill Som e o f h is returnees can m anage som e o f th e vacancies, b u t th e real h o p e for C anton th is season w ill com e from th e ta len ted new com ers A rnold h as In h is lineup

T hat includes four freshm en w h o w ill

see considerab le playing tim e A sked i f h e th ou gh t h e h a d four n m th-

graders w h o cou ld m ake a difference, A rnold rep lied , “I th in k w e d o I k n ow th is w a s a very tou gh tea m to pick.”

Still, rep lacing n in e seniors the caliber o f th ose th e C hiefs lo s t is n o easy task E ven w ith an in flux o f prom ising n ew ta l­en t, there’s a lo t to m ake up

It’s n o t a ll d ep en d en t o n th e n ew play­ers R eturn ing are ju n ior p itcher M olly C onlon, w h o d ivided tim e w ith R oss as C anton’s to p p itcher last season It w a s C onlon w h o go t th e p itch in g w m over Salem in th e district

A lso b ack are seniors H eather R ichardson and K elly Baker, both starters (a t lea st so m e o f th e tim e) a year ago, R ichardson at different sp o ts and Baker at first b ase R ichardson w ill likely b e at th ird b a se m ost o f th is season , although sh e m ay b e called o n to h e lp m ake u p for Brown’s lo ss at catcher Baker is back a t first base

A lso back is sophom ore seco n d b ase- m an R achel W ade, w h o started th ere as a freshm an Two sen iors w h o w ere p art- t im e players in th e ou tfie ld la s t sea so n w ill see p len ty o f action th is season Jack ie P en n o an d A n n ie R osales

T he rest o f th e lin eu p w ill b e filled by players w ith sparse varsity exp erience Catcher, w here B row n excelled for three years, m ay b e th e to u g h est h o le to fill

A rnold is u sin g ju n ior M elissa C iem uch, freshm an M olly Przybyiski a n d i f n e c e s ­sary R ichardsoh a t th at sp o t A n o th er k ey p osition — sh ortstop — w ill b e h a n d led b y Lauren D elapaz, a freshm an

“She’s filling it very nicely,” A rn o ld said O thers to w atch are ju n io r ou tfie lder

Erica Perkovich, sop h om ore u tility player Brittany Scero a n d ju n ior first basem an Laura D uncan

Two freshm en A rnold h a s already used on th e m ound w ill figure prom inently , to o Sarah A n th on y an d S tep h an ie Sadek B oth have d isp layed im p ressive ta len ts , b oth w ill p itch a n d p lay in th e ou tfie ld


Guelph eliminates Whalers with a sweepB eautifu l day, W ednesday

w a s A ny M ich igander could m ake an argum ent for it being th e official end o f w in ter

O f course, no o n e o n the P lym outh W halers w ou ld w ant w in ter to en d T hat u ltim ately heralds th e end o f hock ey sea­son

B u t end their season did, courtesy o f th e G uelph Storm , w h o kept theirs g o in g by sw eep in g p ast th e W halers 5-1 W ednesday a t P lym outh’s C om puw are Arena.

T h e Storm h ad ju s t one m om en t o f peril in th e sen es, w h ich th ey captured w ith a four-gam e sw eep T h at w as in G am e T hree m G uelph on M onday, w h en P lym outh took th em in to th e secon d overtim e p e n o d before finally succum b­ing , 3 -2 (see related story on B6)

W ednesday’s gam e w as n oth in g like th at T h e W halers d id play w ell a t tim es, b u t not o ften enough against a team th e caliber o f G uelph

“T hat’s a great hock ey team

w e played,” ad m itted W halers’ coach /gen era l m anager M ike V ellucci “T h ey’re b u ilt to w in it a ll th is year - th ey have 15 players w h o w on ’t b e back (n ex t season )

“T h ey m ove th e p u ck w ell an d have a lo t o f sk ill ”

B u t it w a s th e W halers w ho g o t th e early lead, Ryan R am say fin ish in g o f f a three- o n -tw o break w ith a goal w ith 13 2 3 to g o in th e op en in g p e n o d A ssists w en t to D an C ollin s an d Jordan G rant

T h e q u estion at th a t ju n c­tu re w as, co u ld P lym outh par- lay a n early advantage in to a victory? Paul Drew, th e ir all- star goa lie w h o had m issed th e W halers’ op en in g se n e s aga in st K itchener w ith an an k le injury, w a s b ack and in th e n e t C ould h e provide th e spark?

N o G uelph w ou ld en d th e first p e n o d b y sc o n n g tw o g oa ls on back -to -b ack sh ots m a sp a n o f 1 3 2 , the first com in g


The Whalers' John Vigilante (left) drives a shot on goal past the Storm's Ryan Kitchen Too few Whaler shots were on target against Guelph

T-Ball signupThe city of Plymouth

Recreation Department is accepting registrations for Its 5-6 year-old T-ball League through April 18 Children must be born from Juiy-December 1997, January-December 1998 and January-July 1999.

Registration is from 8 a m -4*30 p m. at the Recreation Department's offices, located m the Plymouth Cultural Center at 525 Farmer. A birth certificate is required

The season runs seven weeks, from June 19 to Aug. 7 (no games on July 3) Cost is $45 for city of Plymouth residents, $65 for non-residents

For more information, call the Recreation office at (734) 455-6620.

All-Star hoopThe All-Star Basketball

Camp, held at Madonna University and directed by Madonna men's bas­ketball coach Chuck Henry, will feature four sessions - three for boys and one for girls.

All sessions are open to those ages 8-to-15. The boys sessions are from 9 a m -3 p.m, from June 6- 10; June 11-15, and June 16-20 Cost is $165 for each

The girls session is from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. July 6-8, and from 9 a.m.-3 p.m July 9-10 Cost Is $145

Each camp will feature daily appearances by for­mer Madonna men's coach Bernle Holowicki Other features include contests and prizes, a quality shirt for each participant, drills; camp awards; guest speakers, shooting instruction, motivational and instructional videos, a camp championship tour/ nament, a personal writ­ten evaluation; ai^jdrills on passing andidceiving, rebounding, dribbling, offensive footwork, quick­ness and serening tech­nique

For more; information, call (^34) 398-5975.


B 2 ( p c ) Observers Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 LOCAL SPORTS

Late rally earns PCA a v ic to ry ; CC w insA ndrew Shum aker did h is

job p itch in g in re lief and th e P lym outh C hristian A cadem y bats cam e alive m th e fifth inn ing to lift th e Eagles to an 11-7 b aseball Win over h ost Taylor B aptist Park Tuesday

PCA im proved to 2 -0 w ith the victory, an d Shum aker w as the p itcher o f record m both A gainst B aptist Park, he cam e on w ith tw o o u t in th e fourth to relieve E rie Im m erfall, w h o w orked tw o in n in gs m re lie f o f starter S teve Sum ner Shum aker d id n ot allow a run on three h its in 3 1 / 3 innings o f w ork, h e struck o u t five an d did n o t w a lk a batter

Still, PCA trailed the W ildcats 7-3 after four A seven-run fifth in n ing altered that, w ith D rew Gallagher doub ling in tw o runs and M att Saagm an sin g lin g in another

G allagher fin ish ed w ith three h its in three trips w ith three sto len b ases an d four runs b atted in Im m erfall had tw o h its an d an RBI, and Saagm an an d D ave Bahbah each go t a h it, an R BI and scored tw o runs B ahbah also stole tw o b a ses

T he E agles are n ow id le u n til April 2 0 , w h en th ey h ost Southfield C hristian

C C 1 2 , L iv o n ia F r a n k lin 2 :A fter sp littin g a doubleheader w ith fifth-ranked A n n A rbor


P ion eer o n Saturday, R edford C atholic C entral cam e back w ith a w in over L ivonia Franklin o n M onday

“I th o u g h t w e go t o ff to a g o o d start w ith n in e runs in th e first tw o in n in g s, b u t w e d id it o ff W ells an d h e s o n e o f th e ir b e st p itchers,’ sa id CC co a ch Joh n S a lter “W e had severa l h it s w ith tw o strikes o n th e m so th a t w as good , p u ttin g th e b a ll in p lay and g e tt in g b a se h its d o w n in th e c o u n t

“A n d o n th e o th er end , (CC p itcher B rian) K irkendall th rew a lo t o f groundbali ou ts th a t w e m ad e plays in th e in f ie ld ”

E n c V ojtkofsky an d Joe D u d zin sk i b o th w en t 3 -for-3 fo r CC w ith tw o R BI each w h ile D rew A m b le w a s 2«for~2 w ith tw o ru n s scored a n d tw o w alks

‘“They cam e ou t early and se t th e to n e for th e gam e,” said Franklin coach Paul N ew itt “T h ey h ad h a lf o f th eir runs m th e secon d in n in g w ith tw o o u ts and th a t ju s t p u t it out o f reach ”

R ich S m ith w a s 2 -for-3 for Franklin and O tis Y oung w as 2 -fo r-4 w ith a double

K irkendall gave up ju s t six h its and tw o runs w h ile w alk­

ing six for the Sham rocks (3-1), w hile N ate R zeppa gave i^p a walk in th e la s t in n in g he' pitched D avid W ells settled dow n after g iv ing up th e n in e runs in h is first tw o in n in gs and w ound u p w ith three walks and tw o sta k eo u ts W es Sanborn gave up three runs, four h its,tw o w alks and tw o strikeouts m three in n in gs o f relief

O n Saturday, th e Sham rocks bounced back from a d ism al 8- 0 loss in th e first gam e against the P ioneers w ith a 16-7 w in in the nightcap

“After th ey d o m in ated th e first gam e, it w a s n ice to get the split,” said Salter ‘W e sw ung th e bats like I h op ed we w ould, so that’s a good sign Com ing back after gettin g shut out w as encou rag in g”

M att W alters and D udzinski had CC’s on ly h its m th e op en ­er o ff P ioneer’s D an M osher Zach Putnam had a solo hom er m the second for P ioneer and Randy M osher w as 2 -for-3 w ith an RBI

N ate R zeppa to o k th e loss for CC, g iv ing u p five runs (one earned) and th ree h its m 2 /3 innings M att R odegher gave up three runs, four h its and four strikeouts m four inn ings

In th e second gam e, CC banged out 15 h its and scored m six o f the seven inn ings Wojtkofsky w as 3 -for-4 w ith

h o m e t o w n l i f e , c o m

I n t e r n e t D i r e c t o r y

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an RBI an d th ree runs scored , D udzinski w as 3 -for-5 w ith four R BI, A n th on y Sabo w as 2- for-4 w ith tw o w alks an d th ree runs scored , D erek B rooks had a double an d fou r R BI, Ryan G allagher w as 2 -fo r-4 w ith a double and tw o R B I and R zeppa w as 2 -for-3

Greg M arrone started an d gave up five runs m 3 2 in n in gs w ith six h its , four strikeouts and tw o w alks B ob H enderson gave up th ree h its an d tw o runs in th e n ext 1 1 /3 in n in gs and M ike M onterey s e t dow n all six batters h e faced in tw o inn ings, strik ing o u t tw o

J o h n G le n n 1 0 r L a h s e r 8 :A fter dropping its first th ree gam es o f th e season , W estland John G lenn (1-3) rallied for three runs over th e fin a l tw o inn ings to b eat h o s t B loom field H ills Lahser

T im B ingham ’s sin g le in th e top o f th e seven th , scoring V innie D eLuca, p u t G lenn ahead 9 -8

D eLuca, th e w in n in g p itcher in relief o f B ingham , th e starter, w en t 4 -fo r-5 w ith a double an d th ree Tuns scored D eLuca, a ju n ior, p itch ed th e final 3 2 in n in gs, h o ld in g Lahser scoreless an d H e struck ou t six an d w alked o n e

Billy B urton a lso w e n t 3-for- 4 w ith tw o runs scored for th e R ockets


It seem s apparent th e C hiefs w ill have to g e t som e b ig -tim e contributions from th eir you n g players to m atch la s t season ’s perform ance A rnold th inks th ey can d o it

“I th ink th ey ’re better,’ h e said “I f w e don’t have any injuries, w e’ll be better th a n la s t year I f w e don’t have any injuries, w e’ll go a lo n g w a y ”

It seem s a rash sta tem en t, b u t A rnold w ou ldn’t back aw ay from it “I th in k w e ’re stron gest o n defense, b u t ou r h ittin g is really com in g along,” h e said “W e ve go t som e le ft-h an d ed hitters, w e’ve go t som e h itters w h o can h it from b o th sides, w e ve go t som e g ood slap h it ­ters

P lus w e ’ve g o t som e good speed o n th is team ’

W ith strong p itch ing, A rnold is convinced h e h as th e m ak­in gs o f an oth er top -n otch squad “I f w e stay injury-free, and w e stay togeth er an d p lay as one in stead o f as ind ividuals, w e’ll d o w e ll,’ h e pred icted

T he in gred ien ts are th ere N o w it ’s ju s t a m atter o f fin d in g th e proper m ix

Chiefs split opening twinbiil with Pioneers

N o w th at w as a season ­op en in g double-header

C anton started its softball season M onday w ith th e sam e tea m th at ended its season la s t year A nn A rbor P ioneer T h e op en ing gam e w a s m u ch lik e last season ’sI - 0 lo ss th e Chiefs suffered to P ioneer m the state regional sem ifinals, th ey lo s t 2-1 th is t im e on an e igh th -in n in g hom e run

T he seco n d gam e at P ioneer w as entirely differ­e n t C anton co llected 17 h its in p ou n d in g th e P ioneersII- 7

“O ur b a ts cam e alive m th e secon d gam e, said C anton softball coach J im A rnold “I th ou gh t our fresh m en d id very w ell ”

In th e op en ing-gam e loss, P ioneer p itcher Zoe H eim stop p ed th e Chiefs on o n e run an d sev en h its, th e n h it a o n e-o u t h o m e run m th e b o tto m o f th e eighth to earn th e victory

C anton go t its on ly run m th e sixth in n in g , w ith s in ­g les b y R achel W ade and H eath er R ichardson settin g it up for M olly Przybyiski, w h o sin g led in a run

P ioneer g o t its first run on a p assed b a ll m th e fourth inn ing

F reshm an Sarah A n th on y started an d w orked th e first three in n in gs, not a llow ing a run on tw o h its and n o w alks, w ith on e str ik eo u t M olly C onlon relieved and p itch ed th e n ext 4 1 /3 in n in gs, a llow ing tw o runs (o n e earned) o n tw o h its an d tw o w alk s C onlon took th e loss

In th e secon d gam e, freshm an Stephanie Sadek started o n th e m ound and again w orked the first three in n in gs for C anton She gave up o n e run on five h its and n o w alks Conlon relieved an d w as tagged for six runs on five h its, w ith no w alks an d fou r stak eou ts, sh e g o t th e p itch ing w m , even in g h er record a t 1-1

L auren D elapaz, a fresh ­m an shortstop , w as o n e o f th e offensive stars for C anton w ith four hits, in clu d in g tw o triples, and th ree R B I M elissa C ieniuch w as another, she also co n ­tributed four h its, w ith a


tw o-ru n tr ip le ifi th e sixth in n in g , an d fo u f R BI

R ichardson , w ho had tw o h its m th e first gam e, got tw o m o re m th e secon d w ith o n e run b a tted in

C anton w as supposed to have p layed in l^st Saturday’s Taylor T ournam ent, bu t it w as can ­celled So, too , w as the C hiefs’ double-header aga in st A n n Arbor H uron, sch ed u led for W ednesday, th a t h a s b een rescheduled for A p ril 2 6 1

H u r o n V a ll e y 3 , P C A 1 :W estlan d Hurcjn V alley L utheran (1-2) o t its first v ictory in th ree starts T uesday a g a in it v isiting P lym ou th Christian A cad em y as L auren Greer p itch ed a com blete-gam e four-hitter, outduelm g PCA’s A m a n d i Saagm an, w h o gave u p jiis t tw o h its

G reer struck o u t three an d efid n o t Walk a batter, w h ile Saagm dn struck o u t 11 an d w alk ed seven

B ecky Schultz had an R B I d ou b le for thfe victorious H aw ks, w hild L indsay P ew accou n ted fq t PCA’s lone run w ith an R BI single m th e fou rth J

O n Saturday, th e h ost H aw ks w ere sw ep t m a d o u ­b le -h ea d er b y R ochester H ills L utheran N orth w est, 1 9 -0 a n d 4 -0

iR e d fo r d U n io n 6 , J o h n

G le n n 4 : H elen e Lloyd w en t seven stron g in n in gs M on d ay as h o s t R edford U n io n (2-1) d ow n ed W estlan d Joh n G lenn

Lloyd sca ttered seven h its, w alked o n e an d fanned on e m squaring h er record a t 1- 1

L osin g p itcher D ana Baran gave up ju s t four h its, b u t w a lk ed four She struck o u t 10 Four o f th e six runs w ere earned

A m y B ailey w e n t 2 -for-4 for th e R ockets R ebecca O ros ad d ed an R B I trip le in th e seco n d in n in g

RU, w h ich p u t it away w ith th ree runs m th e fifth in n in g , g o t a run-scoring sin g le from K im Z uccan m

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F A N S G I T Y O U R O F F I C I A L 2 0 0 4 R E D W I N G S


www hometownhfe com SPORTS ROUNDUP Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 ( P C ) B 3 *



T he city o f Plymouth R ecreation D epartm ent w ill offer a n ew W alking Club begin­n ing M arch 29 Everyday, on a drop-m basis, people w ill m eet at th e P lym outh Cultural Center (located at 525 Farmer) and w alk a variety o f routes m apped out b y th e Recreation D epartm ent, or they can blaze their ow n trail There are no fees or registrations involved T he m orn ing start tim e is 9 3 0 a m , th e even ing start tim e is 6 3 0 p m For m ore inform a­tion , call th e city o f Plym outh R ecreation D epartm ent at (734) 4 5 5 -6 6 2 0 , Ext 3 0 2


N orth v ille Parks and R ecreation is offering an 18 w eek ad u lt co -ed g o lf league startin g M onday, M ay 3 at Brae B u m G o lf Course

Tee tim e start is 5 2 9 p mT h e c o s t is $ 4 5 0For m ore inform ation , call

(2 4 8 ) 4 4 9 -9 9 4 7


N o rth v ille Parks and R ecreation is offering an adult co-ed k ickball leagu e starting Friday, M ay 14 (m in im u m 15 gam es)

T he en try fee is $ 2 4 0 per team (u m p ire fees extra)T here w ill b e double-headers

For m ore inform ation , call (2 4 8 ) 4 4 9 -9 9 4 7


N orth v ille Parks and R ecreation is offering any level sch oo l b ad m in ton program free u sed feathered b ad m inton shuttlecocks

For m ore inform ation , call (2 4 8 ) 4 4 9 -9 9 4 7


H igh V elocity Sports (H VS) o f Canton is now accepting reg istrations from individuals and team s for th e spring roller hockey session T he season runs April 12-July 18, registration deadline is March 29 Individuals that sign up w ithout a team pay $135 per player p lus a $ 2 0 jersey fee The team fee is $ 1 ,0 0 0 for team s that pay in full by M arch 29,

$1 ,200 for team s that pay by their first gam e The fees include 10 gam es plus playoffs

A developm ental dek (floor) hockey league (without in line skates) is available for 4 -6 year olds T he playing surface is sp lit in h a lf so th at four team s can play at once All equipm ent is provided and players are taught the proper stick-handling tech ­niques and general rules o f the game T he fee is $65 per player

Dek (floor) hockey is also offered for adults The season and deadlines are the sam e as the above-listed roller hockey dates, how ever the team fee is $ 8 0 0 i f paid by March 29 or $ 1 ,0 0 0 by the team s first gam e The individual fee is $85 per player

For th e m ore seasoned roller hockey player, HVS offers a Cub league for 5-7 year olds This league is for children that can already skate and are ready to play in league gam es

HVS also offers youth roller hockey leagues for A tom (8- and-under), M ite (10-and- under) Squirt (12-and-under), PeeW ee (14-and-under), and M idget (17-and-under) players

The adult roller hockey leagues include Copper (recre­ational), Bronze (interm ediate), Silver (com petitive), Gold (ultra-com petitive), Coed and O ver-30 leagues For those try m g to im prove their skills, youth and adult drop-m roller hockey clin ics are available D rop-in roller hockey for youth and adults is also available Check w w w hvsports com for updated days, tim es and fees

For m ore inform ation on roller or dek (floor) hockey at HVS, or to register, please visit us at w w w hvsports com or call (734) HV-SPORT


■ T he M otor City Cobras 11- and-under travel baseball team w ill hold spring tryouts for the 2 0 0 4 season T he team w ill play about 5 0 to 6 0 gam es during the season, p lus a W orld S en es

For m ore inform ation, p lease call D on H aase at (734) 3 2 6 8904

■ T he Canton M ustangs U12 travel baseball team needs a few players for its 2 0 0 4 squad T he M ustangs play in the K ensington Valley Baseball and

Softball A ssociation , w ith 2 0 league gam es and 4 -to -5 w eek ­end tournam ents (approxim ate ly 35 gam es in all)

For tryout appointm ents, call Jeff Gatt at (2 4 8 ) 752-7376

* T he W aCo W olves U -9 travel baseball team w ill ho ld w inter tryouts for th e 2 0 0 4 sea­son T he team w ill play about 5 0 -6 0 gam es d u n n g the season plus a W orld Series

For m ore inform ation, p lease call Bill H ardin at (734) 516- 3723

■ T h e ll-a n d -u n d e r M ichigan W olves, a travel baseball tea m b ased in Livonia, is seek in g players to fill out th e ir roster for th e 2 0 0 4 sea so n To b e eligib le, your b irth d ay m u st b e after July 3 1 ,1 9 9 2

For m ore in form ation about tryout d ates, call Scott L m ser a t (7 34 ) 4 2 2 -4 5 7 6 or D ave Seger a t (7 3 4 ) 422-7741

■ T h e D earborn H eights K nights, an ll-a n d -u n d e r trav­e l baseball tea m affiliated w ith A m erican A m ateur B aseball C ongress, is sch ed u lin g op en tryouts for th e 2 0 0 4 season

For m ore in form ation , call Rich G rucz at 1 -8 0 0 -9 4 9 -9 8 3 4


■ T hunderbird Softball Inc (TSI) w ill b e registering and holding tryouts for all area girls in terested m playing fastpitch softball, ages e igh t and under through 19 and over O penings are available in both the recre­ation leagues (w hich guarantee playing tim e) and for the m ore com petitive travel and tourna­m ent team s

Please call coach Bruce at (734) 981-1796 or em ail at playfastpitch@ hotm ail com for tryout locations and tim es and to register at th e Canton Softball Center Tryout applica­tions are a lso available on our webpagethunderbirdsoftball tn p o d com

The Thunderbirds are n ot affiliated w ith the CCJBSA or its subsidiary Pride Fastpitch The 5 0 l(c )3 nonprofit group offers A SA -certified coaches and fun fund-raising opportuni­ties Girls seek ing com m unity service w ork should also call coach Bruce

■ N orthville Parks and R ecreation w ill b e offering an adult w o m en ’s softball league, starting Tuesday, M ay 6 , a long w ith an adu lt co -ed softball league, starting Sunday, M ay 4

Cost for each league (12 gam es) is $ 4 1 0 per team

For m ore inform ation , call (2 4 8 ) 4 4 9 -9 9 4 7


N orthville Parks and R ecreation is sponsoring its third an nual M idw est S tephen R ace B ad m inton Tournam ent, Friday through Sunday, M ay 7- 9 , at d ie R ecreation C enter at H illside

R ace w as a player w ho w as instrum ental in bu ild ing b ad ­m in ton popularity m th e m id ­w e s t

Last year, 110 players partici­pated from M ichigan, O hio, Illinois, N e w York, Pennsylvania, M assachusetts, Indiana an d Ontario

T ournam ent officials expect 120 participants for the 2 0 0 4 tourney in clu d in g 2 0 0 0 O lym pic g o ld m edal w inner Tony G unaw an

For m ore inform ation, call J oe B arbeno a t (2 4 8 ) 4 4 9 - 9 9 4 7


Total Baseball in W ixom is featuring its Spring Baseball/Softball Camps, w ith instruction from Aaron Knieper, form erly o f the M ontreal Expos, Lee Bjerke, M ichigan H S Coaches H all o f Fame m em ber, and Jess M ilosek, B ow ling Green University softball

H itting, pitching, fielding, base-running and m ore w ill be covered m th is cam p on funda­m entals Participants w ill be put on the radar gun for arm speed

The cam p runs from 9 a.m -1 p m April 12-14 at the Total Baseball F ields Cost is $135 per player, w ith a $10 discount for th e second child Ages are 7-17 years Space is lim ited

Please call (248) 668-0166 , or em ail th em at totalbball- w ixom @ aol com or check the W eb site at w w w total-base­ball com


The City o f Livonia D epartm ent o f Parks and Recreation w ill ho ld its River Challenge classes at 6 p m W ednesdays and 8 a m Saturdays, a long w ith its D eep W ater Exercise classes 10 a m Tuesdays and Fridays at the C om m unity C enter A quatics pool

The River C hallenge class is a 50-m inute class (W ebbed water gloves provided You m ust wear your ow n water shoes to each c la s s )

The D eep W ater Exercise class w ill provide effective resistance to strengthen and ton e the upper and low er body, as w ell as an abdom en w orkout to achieve greater flexibility It is also therapy for sports injuries

Sw im ability is n ot necessary W ater jogg in g belts are avail­able, or you can b n n g your ow n You m ust w ear your ow n w ater shoes to each class

For m ore inform ation, or to register, call (7 3 4 ) 4 6 6 -2 9 2 5 or visit w w w ci hvom a,m i us


The L ivonia Franklin H igh Football Varsity A lum ni A ssociation w ill stage its sec­on d annual d inner from 6 p m to m idnight, Thursday, M ay 27, at the Ita lian -A m encan Club, located on F ive M ile R oad (ju st w est o f th e 1-275 overpass)

T hose in terested sh ou ld sen d a $ 5 0 ch eck Franklin Football Varsity A lu m n i A ssociation , C /O G eorge Lovich, 4 4 1 4 2 Parkside R oad, Canton, M i 48187


W estland Joh n G lenn w ill stage a football reun ion for all form er p layers an d coach es, Fnday-Saturday, O ct 1-2

A sch ed u le o f even ts includes m eetin g a t h a lftim e for th e fo o tb a ll h o m eco m in g gam e (O ct 1), as w ell as an in form al d inner (O ct 2 ) a t th e W ayne-Ford Civic L eague H a ll

T he cost for th e w eek en d is $ 2 0 per player (includes awards, h a ll rental, refresh­m ents, and p icture CD o f th e reunion)

For m ore in form ation , e - m ail M ark Jen n in gs a t m jen - m n g s@ tw im i it com


from R yan Callahan, w ho tip p ed N ik o T uom i s sh o t from { th e left p o in t p ast D rew w ith x 6 31 left in th e period M artin r St Pierre a lso assisted u 1

O n th eir n ex t sh o t o n goal, th e S torm go t a score from St i Pierre, w h o w as perched a t th e ed g e o f th e n e t, w a itin g to p u n ch B rett Trudell’s pass from th e op p osite co m er p ast D rew - w h ich h e d id a t 4 5 9 K evin

Klein g o t G u elph 's f ir s t tw o

g o a ls o f t h e th ird p er iod .


K lein assisted as w ellT h e score stayed th a t w ay

u n til th e th ird period , w h en * G uelph scored three pow er- play goals, va lidating w hat V ellucci h a d said prior to the s e n e s ’ start T h at specia l team s w ou ld prove decisive

T h ey d id , a n d th e Storm ’s outp layed P lym outh s through­ou t In fact, th ey had tw o short- h an d ed goa ls in th e four gam es, w h ile th e W halers scored ju s t fou r goa ls m th e se n e s

K lein g o t G uelph s first tw o goa ls o f th e th ird p en o d , th e , first d eflectin g in a t 18 35 and th e secon d b ea tin g D rew from _ th e le ft p o in t a t 13 3 9 , m aking it 4-1

T h e Storm ’s final score cam e from Trudell w ith 8 4 8 to go T h eir dom in an ce, an d the W halers’ dem oralization , seem ed ev id en t w h en the W halers g o t a pow er-play ch ance w ith 6 15 rem ain in g In th e ir tw o m in u tes w ith th e m an advantage, th ey d id n o t p u t a sh o t on n et, a lth ou gh M ike K night d id p o u n d o n e o ff th e p ost, th e c lo sest th e W halers ca m e to scorin g in th e la s t tw o periods

“W e w ere ready for a battle,’ sa id St P ierre, w h o fin ish ed th e gam e w ith a goal an d three assists “It sure w ill b e n ice for us, to get a cou p le o f days o ff”

T h e b reak w ill b e m uch longer for th e W halers

= ^ = P u b lic N o tice C o u n ty T ax p a y ers .............2001 U n p a id P ro p e r ty T ax D ead lin e

E x te n d e d to A p ril 20 ,2004A request by Wayne County Treasurer Raymond J Wojtowicz to Wayne

Circuit Court to extend die deadline date for payment of delinquent 2001 Wayne County real property taxes from the statutory prescribed

dateofM arch31 2004 has been granted The new date is April 30 2004 for taxpayers to either pay their taxes or file an application for financial hardship Anyone who has delinquent taxes questions or concerns are

encouraged to contact our office as soon as possible for assistancessas5as==^^ R ay m o n d J . W ojtow icz 1

(313) 224-5030 W ayne C o u n ty T re a s u re r

400 M o n ro e St. S te . 530, D e tro it, M ich ig an 48226 w w w .treasu re r.w ay n eco u n ty .co m

P u b lish 4 4 04 4 0 8 04 4 11 0 4 4 15 04 4-18 0 4 4 22 04 4-25 0 4 4 29 04 OE0S202165


* < »*m S m/ 1

f p 3


T I C K E T I N f O R M A T I O N L L . 1 4 8 3 7 7 U I O O

PDFOE062C d ie t m i l f t f i r i / . m m







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wwiv.hometownHfe com SPORTS ROUNDUP Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 ( P C )


Road sweep gives Crusaders a boostSOFTBALL

It h a d b e e n a slow start for M ad on n a U niversity’s softball team — a t lea st m W olven n e- H oosier A th le tic C onference play — u n til Tuesday

A fter lo s in g th ree o f th eir first fo u r W H A C gam es, th e C rusaders rebounded b y sw eep in g Spring A rbor 1-0 and 7-5 T uesday m Spring A rbor

M ad on n a im proved to 3 -3 m the con feren ce, 18-10-2 overall T he C ougars slipped to 4 -6 in the W H A C , 16-13-1 overall

T he first gam e w as a p itch ­er’s d u el, an d M adonna’s K elly N ilso n excelled , to ssin g a o n e- h it sh u to u t She w alked o n e in n in e in n in g s an d struck ou t n in e H o lly D avidson to o k th e lo ss for S p n n g Arbor, sh e sur­rendered o n e unearned run on eigh t h it s an d o n e w alk, w ith tw o str ik eou ts

Crystal L ittle (from W ayne M em oria l) con tin u ed h er h o t h ittin g , g e tt in g a doub le an d tw o s in g le s in th e gam e K rystal S h in a (Farm ington M ercy) h a d a b ase h it an d th e gam e’s o n ly run batted m

In th e secon d gam e, M ad on n a p o u n d ed Cougar p itch in g for 11 h its, w ith S h in a

slugging a tw o-run h om e run and Jam ie Bobrowski ban g in g a tw o-run double Kathy D ay (L ivonia Ladywood), Little and E m ily C unningham each con ­tributed tw o h its, D ay driving in a run and Little sco n n g tw o

Shannon N odar w as the w in n in g pitcher, she w orked five in n in gs, allow ing five runs (three earned) on five h its and tw o w alks N ilson relieved an d pitched tw o scoreless in n in gs T he lo ss w en t to S p n n g A rbor’s Janna K lassen

In d ia n a T e c h 1 - 7 , M a d o n n a 0 - 4 : T h e Crusaders’ trip to Fort W ayne, I n d , for a W H A C double-header against Ind iana Tech Sunday proved costly, w ith th e W am ors w inn ing both gam es

T he op en in g gam e w as a pitcher’s duel, th e W am ors getting th e gam e’s on ly run on a tw o-ou t sing le in th e seventh b y Candy Couch th at scored D ana Shaddow, w h o w alked to start th e m m ng Kelly N ilson took th e lo ss for M adonna,

p itch ing 6 2 /3 in n in gs and allow ing o n e run o n six h its and tw o w alks, w ith three stak eou ts R achel H a m s go t th e w in , g iv in g up six h its and tw o w alks w ith five s tn k eo u ts

Kathy D ay and E m ily C unningham each had tw o h its for the C rusaders

In th e secon d gam e,M adonna go t three h its from Stacey Sexsm ith and tw o apiece from Crystal Little,C unningham (with on e run b at­ted in) an d A n n Fowler — b u t it w as to n o avail m its 7-4 loss

Tech scored five runs m th e fourth in n in g , four o f th em on a grand-slam h om e run b y Jennifer G onzalez She fin ­ished w ith th ree h its in th e gam e S onya B enavides con - tn b u ted tw o h its, in clu d in g a double, an d tw o RBI

T he lo ss w e n t to M adonna’s Shannon N oder, w h o a llow ed seven runs (s ix earned) on eight h its an d four w alks Jennifer Z ev go t th e w in , sur­rendering fou r runs (three earned) on 10 h its and three w alks w ith e ig h t s ta k eo u ts

On Saturday, M adonna played a n on -leagu e doub le-

h eader at S t Francis ( I n d ) and sp lit, lo s in g th e opener 8 -0 and w in n in g th e secon d gam e 7-3

In the w in , Little had three h its and tw o RBI, C unningham had tw o h its and an RBI, D ay got tw o h its and Jamie Bobrowski contributed a solo h om e run for M adonna. Lindsay Bzdok w as th e starting pitcher, giving up three runs (one earned) on tw o h its and tw o w alks m four innings, but the w in w en t to Noder, w ho worked three scoreless innings, allowing o n e w alk an d striking out three

In th e 8 -0 loss, the Crusaders m an aged ju s t three h its , tw o o f th em b y Little N ilso n to o k th e loss, surren­dering e ig h t runs (five earned) o n 13 h its , in clu d in g a tw o-run h om er b y K a n D eannger E m ily K avanaugh had three h its for S t Francis, and E n n K avanaugh, A m an d a M inch, C h n stie M yers and M en d eth L echtansk i each had tw o, M in ch driv ing in tw o runs

Sarah K ocher w as th e w in ­n in g pitcher, w orking five in n in gs an d g iv ing up three h its and th ree w alks w ith three stn k eo u ts

Madonna splits 4 -game set with Spring ArborA pair o f four-run in n in gs,

ign ited b y B en Galus and K evin Z erbo, propelled M ad on n a U niversity’s baseball team to a 9 -2 w in over S p n n g A rbor m th e secon d gam e o f a W o lv en n e-H o o sier A th letic C onference double-header Saturday a t M adonna’s U n iversity Ballpark

In th e seven -in n in g first gam e, th e C rusaders’ D an D uffey a llo w ed ju s t tw o h its and th ree w alk s in seven in n in gs, b u t w as ou td u eled b y R ick H apner, w h o threw a tw o- h it sh u to u t for th e Cougars m a 1-0 w in

T he sp lit cam e after th e tw o team s d iv id ed a doub le-header a t S p n n g A rbor Fnday, th e C rusaders w in n in g th e op ener 6-1 b u t lo s in g th e n ightcap 4 -3 T h e 2 -2 w eek en d left M ad on n a a t 15-14 overall, 2 -2 m th e W H A C , S p n n g A rbor is12-7 overall, 2 -2 m th e confer­ence

In Saturday’s 9 -2 w in , G alus sin g led m o n e run in th e th ird


and slugged a tw o-run h om e run in M adonna’s four-run seventh Zerbo ta p led in tw o runs m th e four-run third and sin g led in a run in th e seventh

Chris B eh m s w as the w in ­n in g pitcher, allow ing tw o runs o n e igh t h its and a w alk w ith four sta k eo u ts A aron C oif took th e lo ss

In th e opener, th e Cougars’ T im C orser scored the gam e’s on ly run after w alking, gettin g sacrificed to second and m ov­ing to th ird after a batter w as h it b y a p itch and another w alk Joey Sobocinski’s sacri­fice fly brought h im hom e

In Friday's 6-1 op en ing w in , M adonna go t a three-run h om e run from Zerbo —• h is fourth h om er o f th e season — m th e th ird m m ng, one o f h is tw o h its in th e gam e Joe G reene had three h its, K ellen Fry g o t tw o h its and Jake G hannam (Farm ington


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t th e C harter Township of C anton, 1150 C anton C enter S Canton Michigan will accept seeded proposals a t th e Office of th e Clerk up to 3 00 p m April 22ND 2004 for the following


Specifications may be picked up a t th e Finance and Budget D epartm en t counter or you m ay contact Mike Sheppard a t (734) 394 5225 All proposals m u st be subm itted in a sealed envelope clearly m arked with th e proposal nam e company nam e address and telephone num ber and date and tim e of proposal opening The Township reserves th e n g h t to accept or reject any or all proposals The Township does no t discrim inate on th e basis of race, color na tional origin sex, religion age or disability in employment or the provision of services Q uestions may be directed to Tom C asan a t (734) 394 5153

TERRY G. BENNETT, C LER KP u b lis h A p n l 8 2004 objkohw


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t th e C harter Township of C an ton 1150 C anton C enter S, Canton Michigan will accept sealed bids a t th e Office o f th e C lerk up to 3 00 p m , April 29th 2004 for th e following


Bid forms m ay be picked up a t th e Finance and Budget D epartm ent counter or ydu may contact Mike Sheppard a t (734) 394 5225 All bids m u s t be subm itted in a sealed envelope clearly marked w ith th e proposal nam e company name, address and telephone num ber and d a te and tim e of bid openmg The Township reserves the n g h t to accept or reject any or all proposals The Township does not d iscrim inate on the basis of race, color, national ongin, sex religion age o r disability m employment or th e provision of services


P u b lis h 04/8/2004 OS08202364


The following vehicles have been deemed abandoned and w ill be sold a t Public Auction on Tuesday A pnl 13 2003 a t 10 00 A M The auction is to be held a t W estland C ar Care Towing 6375 Hix Road, W estland Michigan 48185Please Note The bidding will s ta r t a t the towing and storage chargesY EA R MAKE C O LO R STYLE V.LN #1989 Ford Tempo Blue 4 Dr 1FAPP36X8KK2514431996 Ford E 350 W hite Van 1FDKE30H2THA859891989 Ford Escort White 4 Dr 1FAPP9598KT1672661981 Ford Van Blue Van 1FTDEO4E5BHA331701994 Ford Escort Black 2 Dr 1FARP11J8RW2962721990 Ford Escort W hite 2 Dr 1FAPP9195LT1623241989 Dodge Omni Red 4 Dr 1B3BL18D9KC4981511995 Dodge Neon Blue 4 Dr 1B3ES67C3SD5119931997 M itsubishi M irage Burg 4 Dr JA3AY26A5VU0143711986 Chrysler LaBaron Blue 2 Dr 1C3BC51K6GG2857601989 Olds Cutlass Black 2 Dr 1G3NT14D2KM2775831994 Chevy GMT 400 Red PU 1GCDC14Z7RZ190721P u b lish . A p n l 4 a n d 8 2004

H arrison) slugged a tw o-run pm ch -h it d ou b le m th e sixth

D erek D ufrane im proved h is pitch ing record to 4 - 0 w ith th e w in , a llow in g o n e run o n tw o h its and o n e w alk w ith four strikeouts in seven inn ings A ndy K line to o k th e lo ss for S p n n g A rbor

In th e secon d gam e, th e C rusaders g o t on e run m th e eighth an d another in th e ninth to t ie it at 3 -3 , but S p n n g A rbor got th e gam e- w inner in th e b ottom o f th e ninth o n a pair o f errors, th e second a th ro w h o m e to catch ­er N ick H ippier, w h o dropped

th e ball on an attem pted force play at th e p late

M ad on n a had tied it on a Joe G reene d ou b le in th e ninth , G reene eventually sco n n g on a w ild p itch G alus h ad three h its a n d an R B I in th e gam e

Jeff Savage p itched the first e ig h t in n in gs, a llow ing three runs on th ree h its an d tw o w alks w ith six stak eou ts D oug Brooks relieved and took th e lo ss , g iv ing up on e unearned run and tw o w alks Tom C om pian g o t th e w in for S p n n g Arbor, g iv ing up three runs on e ig h t h its and one w alk m n in e inn ings


The C harter Township of C anton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services such as signers for the hearing im paired and audio tapes of p rin ted m aterials being considered a t the m eeting to individuals w ith disabilities a t th e m eetm g/heanng upon two weeks notice to th e C harter Township of Canton Individuals w ith disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact th e C harter Township of C anton by w nting or calling th e following

David Medley, ADA Coordinator C h arte r Township of C anton 1150 S C anton C enter Road

C anton MI 48188 (734) 394 5260

P u b lish A p n l 8 2004

_____ __ ____________ _______________________ oea«o«s8




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pu rsuan t to Act 184 of the Public Acts of 1943 of the S tate of Michigan as amended, and pursuan t to the Zomng Ordinance of th e C h arte r Township of Canton th a t the Planning Commission of th e C harter Township of Canton will hold a Public H earing on Monday, May 3 2004 in th e Chestnut Room, at Sum m it On The Park, 46000 Sum m it Parkway a t 7 00 p m . on th e following proposed am endm ent to the Zomng Ordinance

FO U N D ER S WOODS P D D AM ENDM ENT N O. 2- CONSIDER REQUEST TO AMEND PDD AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 27 04 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL NO 065 99 0031 000 Property is located south o f Ford between Beck and Ridge Roads

S E C T I O N 1 7

ZoningWC WirUNMOCNSTO TON fW 4SSSCNTAL C- ©ffsraserwwaM MSMNTUL 4 «CM4h TrcOMbttM. V- iMXT*0*T*Mw RAnuaMNnu Minwuu ruaranu eo iahtmust**■a *M tti tb fte attach"caMNnu c-4 m « nnwa ahwilb aftttlKM SSWfc/TW. * MATAIUM RtftGWTM. fr » SSSEiW* MK(WSiWMM**. QMfeNrw. l*» _____________ UK3 __________________

WE4T60 6Vno services omskm 80S CWTONCSnTOMAO CAOTGN M H *£944 nA

W ritten comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received a t th e Canton Township A dm inistration Building 1150 Canton C enter S pn o r to T hursday April 29, 2004 in order to be included m th e m aterials subm itted for review


P u b lish A p n l 8 2004OE08202360


Thursday April 8Thurston at Franklin 4 p m

New Boston Huron at Canton (2) 4 p m Salem at St Clair Shores 6 p m

Saturday April 10 Salem at Sag Arthur Hill (2) noon

BOYS TRACK Thursday April 8

Redford CC at A A Pioneer Indoo* 11 a m Northville at Stevenson 3 30 p m

GIRLS TRACK Saturday April 10

A A Pioneer Relays 10 am

M E N S COLLEGE BASEBALL (all double headers)

Thursday April 8Aquinas at Madonna 2 p m

Saturday April 10Madonna at Aquinas 1 p m

W OMENS COLLEGE SOFTBALL (all double-headers)

Fnday Apnl 9Madonna at Siena Heights 4 p m

Saturday April 10Aquinas at Madonna 1p m

OHL PLAYOFFS Fnday April 9 (If necessary)

Plymouth at Guelph 7 30 p m Saturday AprH 10 (If necessary)Guelph at Plymouth 7 30 p m


April 1 a t P lym outh H$N o 1 s in g le s M a riu s W illiam s (B) def Luc

Lucaj 6 3 6 0N o 2: Steven Row (B) def All Saleem 6 3 6*2 , N o 3 K e v in W e lc h (P ) d e f J a s o h

W isniew ski 6 4 0 6 7 6 <10 8)No. 4. Ryan Payne (B) def Justin Magill 6 4 6-3 ^ N o 1 doub les Sco tt Cantuzn Ian N e ste rv ky

(B) def Doug Egg leston Je rry Bellercq 6 4 6 1 N o 2 Brad Y e rgen son Clint Ko rpa lsky (P

def Joe B ickham Ju st in M ocor 6 4 7 6 (7 4) ^ N o 3 N ick M a zzo cco D J W agner (P) def

Nathan M arderzsan Ryan S im m ons 6 1 6 2 N o 4 Erik K o rp a ls k y Don Z hang (P) de f

Dan Tasker Steven T insley 6 0 6 0 Dual-m eet record P lym outh 1 0 Nett m e e t

4 p m W ednesday April 21 at Livonia Churchill

T A XPROBLEMS?we settle any tax,

any yearTax Resolution

Specialist (248) 9 8 5 -H ELP

( d 3 5 7 )OE(tti?OOOS7 / •

A regular study m eeting of th e Board of T rustees of th e C harter Township of Canton was held Tuesday M arch 30 2004 a t 46000 Summ it Parkw ay Supervisor Yack called the m eeting to order a t 7 00 p m and led the Pledge of Allegiance to th e Flag R o ll C all Members P resentB ennett Burdziak, K irchgatter, McLaughlin Shefferly Yack, Zarbo S taff P resen t Director C onklin D irector Faas A d o p tio n o f A gendaMotion by B ennett, supported by Shefferly to approve th e agenda Motion carried unanim ously STUDY SE SSIO N T O PIC :Ite m 1. Y o u th A d v iso ry C o u n c il P r e s e n ta t io n Director Conklin s ta ted th a t she formed th is council two (2) years ago with 11 original members Six of those 11 are still active and students are represented from grades 8 12 Joh LaFever, Youth Development Specialist Lester Hooker J r C hair and Katie N aszardi, Vice Chair gave th e presentation and explained th e role of th e Youth Advisory Council serving as am bassadors for youth developm ent to th e community and evaluate le isure tim e needs and in te rp re t needs to th e Recreation Specialist and ass is t m coordination of program s and services designed to m eet th e needs of th e youth of th is communityItem 2 C o u n c il f o r C o m m u n ity E x c e lle n c e 2003 A n n u a l R e p o r t P re s e n ta t io n K n s Sanders Canton’s Neighborhood Coordinator, sta ted th a t on December 20 2001, a new ordinance was adopted and th e Council for Community Excellence (CCD) was formed This Council w as developed to prom ote projects th a t support th e vision of excellence for th e Township and to acknowledge projects th a t fu rth e r enhance th e com m unity The CCE acts as an advisory board, whereby they study and develop plans for comm unity enhancem ent projects, prom ote public awareness, and en list th e support of in terested individuals, businesses, industries, schools, and civic organizations Delphme M arshall 2003 Co Vice Chairperson/2004 C hairperson s ta ted th a t the mission is to promote a p leasan t, aesthetic environm ent of the Canton Commumty by crea ting participating m , and supporting activities and program s th a t foster a sense of com m unity pride by involving ourselves and others m th e comm unity The Council’s goals are to explore w hat o ther communities a re doing to enhance their community reviewing C an to n s program s and providing recommendations for im provem ent, determ ining th e value of an annual aw ards program to recognize excellence m th e community and to explore a way to enhance C an tons gatew ays in to the community The m eetings scheduled for 2004 a re se t for th e second Wednesday of each m onth from 6 30 8 00 p m a t th e Sum m it on the Park and is open to th e publicI te m 3. H o m e o w n e r’s A d v iso ry C o u n c il U p d a te Glen Reimer, P resident sta ted th e Council originated in th e 1980’s to share ideas, solveproblems and be a common voice for homeowners The CHAC is an advisory group, whereby th e ir goal is to assist homeowners and homeowner associations (HOA) by providing a forum for residents in the commumty to exchange ideas, inform ation and concerns while w orking collaboratively w ith C anton s Neighborhood Coordinator They provide HOA w ith information to ass is t them m establishing effective associations Supervisor Yack w ill ta lk w ith IT to crea te link for HOA to place inform ation on our Canton website CHAC m eets Septem ber June and is open to a ll homeowners Clerk B ennett suggested a link to th e Township’s web page and list th e responsibilities of B oard of Directors, Presidents, Vice P residents T reasu rer and Secretary w hen you take a position on any CouncilI tem 4. N e ig h b o rh o o d C o o rd in a to r U p d a te K n s Sanders, Neighborhood C oordinator has been m th is position since conception m 2000The coordinator is responsible for th e following key activities m aintain ing positive com m unication w ith C anton residents, neighborhood homeowner’s associations and Township offices, promoting and assisting in th e development of comm unity wide projects and neighborhood im provem ent program s identifying areas for im provem ent in communication w ith residents and assist m the resolution of th e ir concerns understand ing th e ongoing construction s ta tu s of various residential developm ents m the community, support th e Homeowner’s Advisory Council and" support th e Council for Com m unity Excellence as thd" lead township liaisonIte m 5. F o rd R o ad A ccess M a n a g e m e n t S tu d y On December 2 2002 th e Township Board passed a resolution to adopt a Memorandum ofU nderstanding for a n Access M anagem ent P lan for th e Ford Road Corridor Since th a t tim e MDOT applied for and received a State Planning and Research G ran t to conduct an Access M anagem ent Study of th e Ford Road Corridor from Lotz Road to N apier Road m Canton The 9 m onth study is being conducted by the Corrandmo group and commenced m Jan u ary 2004 M r Je ff Edwards provided the Board w ith an overview of access m anagem ent issues and concepts and discussed th e im portance of the access m anagem ent planning as i t relates to th e fu ture of Ford Road I te m 6. O p e ra tin g A g re e m e n t w i th th e P a r tn e r s h ip fo r th e A rts a n d H u m a n itie s , In c Ann Conklin, D irector of Leisure Servicesdiscussed th e draft operating agreem ent between the Partnership for the A rts and H um anities Inc and Canton Township This draft is a model shared by the DIAIte m 7 S a le o f T o w n sh ip P ro p e r ty Clerk B ennett presented the history of the th ree (3) parcels m M cIntyre G ardens th a t the Townshipcurrently own w hen purchased from the County due to non­paym ent of property taxes The previous owners never recorded the deed for th e A ree lots they purchased therefore they never received property tax bills which w ere m ailed to th e seller of the property a t th a t tim e Subsequently th e lots w en t to th e County for non paym ent and the Township purchased th e th ree (3) lots At th is tim e th e previous owners are requesting to purchase the property back The Board of T rustees feels th a t th is property, in the future, has the potential for residential developm ent and does not wish to sell th is property a t th is timeIte m 8 Ille g a l S ig n s D irector Faas sta ted th a t an agency has p u t up signs for builders and businesses m th e area a t major m tersectionsThese signs are illegal according to our ordinance The Building D epartm ent has had one inspector work 3 to 4 hours on Saturdays, removing th e signs, a total of 146 signs were removed on a recent SaturdaySupervisor Yack sta ted th a t there will be no study session on Apni 6, 2004 A D JO U R N . M otion by B ennett, Supported by K irchgatter to adjourn a t 9 58 p m Motion earned unanimously Thomas J Yack Supervisor / Terry G B ennett Clerk

Copies of th e complete tex t of th e Board M inutes are available a t th e office of the C harter Township of Canton, 1150 S Canton C enter Road C anton M ichigan 48188 during regu lar business hours and can also be accessed through our web site www canton mi org a fte r Board approval /




P u b lish A p n l 8 2004L OEOS1S96477


B 6 ( p c ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 LOCAL SPORTS www

Drew's return c a n 't save WhalersT here w as som e surprisingly good new s for

the P lym outh W halers w h en th ey traveled to Guelph for th e third gam e m th eir best o f seven sen es M onday A lready tra iling 2 -0 m gam es, th ey needed all th ey cou ld get

T he som ew hat unexpected return o f all-star goalie Paul D rew had to b o lster th eir hopes D rew injured h is ankle in practice th e w eek p n or to th e W halers’ op en in g se n e s in the O n tan o H ockey League playoffs against K itchener and, according to coach/general m anager M ike Vellucci, h is return p n or to th e third round o f the playoffs w as h igh ly unlikely

A nd yet, there h e w as o n M onday, in goal against th e Storm , on e o f th e O H L ’s b est team s d u n n g th e regular season A n d h e d id a superb job, ho ld in g th e second-best offensive team in the O H L to tw o goals for fou r p en o d s

B ut it w asn’t good en ou gh B ecause at 4 54 o f th e fifth p en o d , Brett Trudell turned passes from D an iel Girardi and M artin S t Pierre into the gam e-w in n in g goal, g iv ing G uelph a 3 -2 victory and a 3 -0 lead m g am es played

D rew stopped 3 7 o f 4 0 sh o ts on goal, p lay­ing 85 m in u tes m h is first gam e back H is adversary, Storm goalie A dam D en n is, had 31 saves

T he W halers had th e early lead , John M itchell scoring at 7 3 5 o f th e op en ing p en o d (assisted b y Jonas F iedler an d John V igilante)

G uelph k n otted it at 1-all w h en R yan Callahan scored on th e pow er p lay a t 16 3 8 o f th e first p e n o d (assists from Trudell an d S t Pierre)

T h e Storm w en t up 2-1 o n a score b y D aniel Paille at 3 2 0 o f th e second p e n o d (M att Ryan, Girardi assisted ) F iedler’s goa l 3 4 6 later k notted it a t 2 -a ll (M itchell a ssisted )

G u e lp h 4 , P ly m o u t h 1: T hree secon d -p en - o d goa ls se n t th e Storm to an ea sy w in over the W halers Saturday at P lym outh’s Com puware A rena

D an iel Paille g o t th e Storm started, scorm g ju s t 4 9 in to th e gam e (M att Ryan, Ryan K itchen assistin g) A second G uelph goal at 4 0 3 o f th e secon d p en o d b y Kyle Spurr (Jakub K oreis, C am Janssen assistin g) doubled th e lead , Ryan Callahan m ad e it 3 - 0 w ith a short-h an d ed goa l at 14 4 9 o f th e second (M artin S t P ierre assisting) '

T h e W halers go t on th e board o n th e sam e p ow er p lay th a t C allahan scored on , A ndrew Fournier s c o n n g at 15 17 (assisted b y Vaclav M eid l an d T im Sestito) B ut th e Storm scored again b efore th e second p en o d expired , Ryan gettin g th e goal w ith ju s t 2 7 le ft (K oreis assisting)

A dam D en n is stopped 3 0 o f 31 sh o ts in goal for G uelph Ryan N ie m ade 2 8 saves for P lym outh

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Salem's Lindsay Miles took top honors in the high jump, clearing 4-feet, 9-mches

SALEM 100 CANTON 43 PLYMOUTH 32 Tuesday a t PCEP Track

P o le v a u l t 1 ( t ie ) W ill ia m s ( 0 A llie Vramak ($) 8 tee tjj inches 3 Ash ley Aqumto (S) 8 0 - 4 Sara Schm idt (S) 7 0

S h o t p u t 1 A n n a W ils o n (S ) 3 3 8 2 M agg ie F ishe r (S) 3 1 2 3 Jam ne M o ise (P) 30 6 4 Guyton (P) 27 9

D iscus 1 Wilson (S) 9 6 4 2 Carly Schwan (S) 84 3 3 Moise (P) 77 0 4 Mac (C) 721

H igh jum p 1 L ind say Miles (S) 4 9 2 Katie Cezat ( 0 4 9 3 Paszkowska (0 4 8 4 Petty

(P) 4 6Long jum p l J o y n e r (C) 15-3 2 Myberg

(C) 1471/2 3 Mo ise (P) 14 3 3/4 4 Carolyn Heaney (S) 13 6

4 x 8 0 0 -m e t e r r e la y 1 S a le m ( L a u ra Friedm an A llison Ja n d a M a risa Carpineili Danielle Malone) 1 0 3 1 4 2 P lym outh 10413

100 hu rd le s 1 Dana £ ld red (S) 1 6 9 4 2 Williams ( O 1703 3 Andrea Lang (S) 1704 4 Paszkowska (C) 1976

100 d a sh 1 Wallace (P) 1382 2 L e e (C ) 1391 3 Williams (C) 1 4 0 4 Mueller (P) 1428

4 x2 0 0 re la y 1 Sa lem (Lynden Gault Miles V ra m a k B r it t a n y L o c k h a r t ) 1 5 3 6 2 Plym outh 1 5 4 8

1 6 0 0 1 Lauren Kane (S) 5 4 6 6 2 Liane G r if f it h s '® 5 5 8 0 3 McCorm ack (C) 6 0 1 0 4 Malone (S) 6 0 6 7

4x100 relay 1 Canton () 55 28 2 Salem 5 5 3 4

4 0 0 i Lockhart (S) 1 0 2 7 2 Hanchett (P! 1 0 3 6 3 Stobbe (C ) 1 0 3 8 7 4 Gault (S) 1 0 5 C

3 0 0 hu rd les 1 Lang (S) 5183 2 M o ise (P) 5 4 0 3 Olech (C) 5 4 5 9 4 Eldred (S) 5471

8 0 0 1 Friedm an (S) 2 3 0 0 2 Beeler (P) 2 39 0 3 Carp ine ili (S) 2 4 1 0 4 Ja n d a (S) 2 4 3 0

2 0 0 1 V ran iak (S) 2 7 6 7 2 Lockhart (S) 2 8 6 9 3 Pitts (C) 29 5 4 Mueller (P) 2973

3 2 0 0 -1 Kane (S) 1 2 3 3 0 2 Griffiths (S) 12 4 1 0 3 S h e rw o o d (P ) 13 13 0 4 C h e lse a Ba ldw in (S) 13 3 7 0

4 x 4 0 0 r e la y 1 S a le m (L o c k h a rt Lang Vram ak Friedman) 4 2 0 4 2 Canton 4 3 1 0

CANTON 114 5 SAL EM 4 6 ^ PLYMOUTH 14 Tue sday a t PCEP Track

Pole vau lt 1 Derek Reeves ( 0 110 2 (tie) F is h e r ( S ) R ic h H e n se l (C) 10 6 4 W urtzbacftertS) 10 0

S h o t pu t 1 Brad W a idm ann ( 0 4 2 1 0 2 W $ 5 « d e r ( C ) 39 9 3 Lester Booker (C) 39 S1 m e m 3811

, D is c u s : ! Waidmarm (C) 146 3 2 Mbanugo 128 1 3 Joe Zugaj (C) 11110 4 Sn ide r ( 0

1 0 3 4H ig h ju m p 1 W a idm ann (C) 6 3 2 Mike

Lan iu s (C) 5 1 0 3 Matt McClellan (C) 5 1 0 4 Scharchburg (P) 5 8

Lo ng lum p 1 Julian Sm ith ( 0 20 61/2 2 Rum ao {§) 1910 3 Rodney Preston (C) 19 6

4 Gholston (P) 18111/2 4 x 8 0 0 m e te r re la y 1 C a n ton (P ha lt ie l

W h it lo c k C y ru s A z iz i S co tt G e o rg e E n g Zech) 8 37 5 2 Salem 8 3 8 0

110 h u r d le s 1 P re s t o n ( 0 15 8 2 W a idm ann ( 0 1 5 8 3 G h o lsto n (P) 1 6 7 4 Phillips (P) 167

1 0 0 d a s h 1 D e v in T h o m a s (C ) 11 2 2 Brandon Reeves ( 0 115 3 0 J Colem an (P) 115 4 Kevin Burdette (C) 117

4 x 2 0 0 r e la y 1 C a n to n (A n d y R o s s o w P reston O aveCa lille Thom as) 1331 2 Salem

13 7 01 6 0 0 1 G eorge (C) 4 4 6 0 2 Adam Warner

(S) 4 4 8 0 3 Zech (C) 4 52 0 4 W a lsh (S) 4 5 6 0

4x1Q 0 re la y 1 C an ton (Bu rd e tte C o rey Stew art Calille Reeves) 4 5 9 2 Salem 4 6 5

4 0 0 1 R o ssow (C) 521 2 A z iz i (C) 5 2 9 3 Wade (P) 5 3 8 4 Sokolow ski (S) 5 4 9

3 0 0 hurdles. 1 P reston ( 0 413 2 Stew art (C) 4 3 4 3 Chew (S) 43 5 4 Phillips (P) 451

800 -1 Joe C rist (S) 2 0 9 0 2 W hitlock ( 0 2 1 2 0 3 Heidenreich (S) 2 1 2 7 4 M a ryan sk i (S) 2 1 3 0

2 0 0 1 T h o m a s (C) 231 2 C o lem an (P) 23 5 3 Sm ith (C) 2 3 8 4 Reeves ( 0 2 3 9

3 2 0 0 1 W a rn e r (S ) 10 51 2 W a lsh (S ) 10 52 3 Kapad ia (S) 1 0 5 4 0 4 S teve Cheek (C) 10 5 9 0

4 x 4 0 0 re la y 1 C an ton (R o sso w C alille Azizi Thom as) 3 4 0 4 2 Salem 3 4 6 0

W e ' r e t h i n k i n g f r e s h .

H i

F a r m e r J a c k a n d t h e O b s e r v e r a E c c e n t n c h a v e te a m e d u p t o b r i n g / o u g r e a t p r i z e * a n d g r e a t f u n w h e n y o u p l a y a u r H i d d e n W o r e ? in t h e H a y s t a c k C o n t e s t !


F a r m e r J n c k ' 0 £ E H r y s t a c k C o n t e s t ™ ? ‘i1 S r h o o lc r n t t R -iarl L i v o n i a . M l 4 8 1 5 0

O n e | 1 i F i r s t P r i z e o l a S r$0 F a r m e r J i c k G i f t C a r d ‘ - * ~ i

T h re w r3) R u i i i i o i U p P n / u s o f a 0 2 5 f a r m e r J a c k G i f C a r d

A l l e n tr ie s w ill o e in c o n t e n t i o n fo i t h e g i a n d p u z c o * d

S 5 0 0 S H O P P I N G S P R E E A T F A R M E R J A C K 1"



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V O 1 L F R U I L I F F C A

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R O U S E C 1 R P H A P V Y

H e r e ' s m y e n t r y f o r m f o r t h e F A R M E R J A C K /O & E H a y s t a c k C o n t e s t .

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a Home Delivery Q Vending Machine Q Store Q Share with a frlend/neighbor Q Mall subscription □ Sample

The Oakland County Quilt Guild will raffle this star quilt at the group's Quilt Celebration 2004 next week

QuiltCelebration 2004 has special shine

T h e "stars” w ill be o u t n ext w eek fo r Q u ilt C elebration 2 0 0 4

T h e ev en t is a qu ilt sh ow and co n test, exh ib iting m ore th a n 3 0 0 q u ilts from five sta tes A q u ilt w ith a star pat­tern w ill b e raffled, w h ile a star q u ilter w ill lecture an d con d u ct c la sses

Q u ilt C elebration 2 0 0 4 w ill b e p resen ted by th e R och ester-based O akland C ounty Q u ilt G uild , m em bers o f w h ich are sh in in g stars m com m u n ity in volvem en t as w ell as m th e ir love o f q u ilt­ing

T h is is th e gu ild ’s sixth Q uilt C elebration T he group presen ts th e even t every tw o years

“It’s o n e o f th e largest qu ilt show s m ou r area,” said P atti B alsm ger, p u b licity com m it­tee co -ch a ir

Q u ilt C elebration partici­pants m a y co m p ete for cash prizes — a to ta l o f $ 1 ,0 5 0 is aw arded — or en ter q u ilts for exh ib ition o n ly

T h is year’s sh ow w ill b e in a n ew lo ca tio n th e First B aptist C hurch o f Lake O rion (see rela ted article)

T h e star q u ilt to be raffled w as in sp ired b y a qu ilt b y N an cy M cD o n a ld fcom A lex Anderson's S ta r Book A ll o f the g u ild m em b ers w orked on b lock s o f th e quilt, w h ich w ere th e n assem b led b y tw o m em bers

N e t p roceed s from th e raf­fle w ill g o to th e guild’s g e n ­eral fu n d , w h ich supports th e group’s activ ities and pro­gram s

G uild m em b ers have m ad e and d o n a ted q u ilts to a vari­ety o f ch aritab le organiza­tion s, in c lu d in g W ellness H ou se in D etro it, H AVEN, C hildren’s H osp ital, C hildren’s V illage, C n tten ton H osp ita l a n d th e R ochester P olice D ep artm en t

T h e g u ild ’s S tory B ook Q uilt C o llection w ill b e d is­played a t th e sh ow T hese item s w ere m ad e by m em ­bers to accom p an y children’s literature ab o u t q u iltin g T he co llection is available a t n o charge to sch oo ls, Scout troops, libraries, m u seu m s and o th ers

S p ecia l g u est lecturer and teacher H arriet H argrave is w ell k n o w n in th e qu ilting


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The Michigan Modernism Exposition in Southfield will fea­ture a variety of fur­nishings m 20th centu­ry design Examples shown here are a miniature cabinet, circa 1960s, and a glass-top table and a geometric wool runner, both circa 1950s

M o d er n is m h a s t im e l e s s a p p e a lL ook up th e w ord ‘ m odern ’ m

W ebster’s D ictionary and you’ll find a defin ition th a t in clu d es ‘o f th e p resen t or recent tim es u p -to -d ate ”* L ook for ‘m o d em ” as in th e m od­

ern ism style and you’ll find a n a lm ost lim itless am ount o f exam ples

“Basically it’s th e typ e o f d esign th at is k in d o f ageless,” sa id D an Peters o f Studio 5 0 s m K eego H arbor “It has very clean l in e s”

Stud io 5 0 s w ill b e o n e o f 8 0 exhibitors from 12 sta tes an d C anada a t th e M ichigan M odernism E xposition in Southfield th is m on th T he sh o w and sa le w ill feature a w id e variety o f fur­n ish ings, art w ork, v in tage cloth ing

and o th er p ieces m 2 0 th century style o f d e s ig n (see related article)

A s a n ew e lem en t th is year, th e event w ill op en w ith a p review party to bene­fit A rtServe M ichigan, a nonprofit organization th a t supports and advo­cates for th e arts an d cultural educa­tio n m th e state

T h e party w ill take p lace Friday, A pril 2 3 T he even ing’s entertainm ent w ill include live m usic b y W endell H a m so n , M arianne H ayden and Pam W ise, a v in tage fash ion sh ow by V intage Chic, hors d ’oeuvres, a com ph-



SubmissionsDo you have a special item you d like to showcase in Marketplace on the front of At Home? Wed like to feature it* Send a photo or slide of the piece along with information to Ken Abramczyk At Home editor Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple Birmingham Ml 48009

Light touchNew Alouette® Light Louvers from Hunter Douglas offer the appeal of a shutter, the light control of a blind and the softness of a shadeIntroducedjn September, Alouette Light Louvers consist of soft-fabric, extra-wide 2%-inch louvers that have an elliptical, cellu­lar shape that softens and diffuses light A pivoting headraii, also elliptical in shape, tilts with the louvers so that they virtually disappearShown fully open at left, the wide louvers reveal an unobstructed view and allow a room to be filled with natural light Shown

closed at right, the louvers keep unwanted sun light from seeping through and provide complete privacyAlouette Light Louvers are offered in two opaci­ties - the translucent Clair and room-darkening Clair de tyne™, ideal for bedrooms and media rooms - and 50 fashionable color/pattern combi­nationsFabric options include Suave, a solid print, Linen, a traditional linen weave, and Plume, a print with the look of hand-sponging Plume is featured In the photos hereFor more information, call Hunter Douglas at (800) 592-7895 or visit www hunterdougias com

Section Co

Thursday April 8 2004

Ken A b r a m c z y k editor (734)953 2107

Fax (734) 5917279 foftramc2yk@oe homecomm net


More garden booksT h e re are two more

books available fo r th e M ichigan g a rd e n e r Roses fo r Michigan by rose specialist N an cy Lln d le y and garden w riter L a u ra P e te rs , and G a rden ing M onth by M on th in Michigan by Tim W ood and garden w rite r Aliso n Beck.

Roses fo r Michigan showcases 14 4 o f the best roses for Michigan gardens More than 3 0 0

fu ll-co lo r photographs, m a n y o f them close-ups, co m ple m e n t detailed in fo rm a tio n about hardi­ness, flo w e r size , height and sprea d, scent, degree o f resistance to disease best planting location and th e history o f th e v a rie ty Lindle y and her husband own G re a t Lakes Roses in Belleville

In Gardening M onth by M on th in M ichigan, each ch a p te r is devoted to a specific m o n th, followed by 12 pages of tips and in fo rm atio n annuals, pe rennials, vegetables, fru its , tre e s , shrubs and h ouseplan ts A ls o includ­ed is a weekly calendar w ith p le n ty of space fo r w ritin g th ou gh ts and ideas th a t will keep th e g a rd e n jo o km g its best

T im w o o d is a popular M ichigan gardening pe r­so n ality and has con­trib u te d rr^any articles a nd photographs to B e tte r Hom es and G arde n s* Am erican N u rs e ry m a n , Garden C e n te r M agazine,M idw est Livin g and C o u n tr y Livin g Gardener T h e books are available In local bookstores

Give cat massageA lm o s t one In five

N o r th Am erican pets has received a th e ra p e u tic m a ssag e , ||e o r d in g to th e A n te ftc ih Anim al H o s p it# $ s s 0ciation.N o w som eone has come d p w itlVa w a y to help our feline friends soothe th e ir aching joints and loosen up those muscle kinks

T h e new C a tS P A from th e R o lf C . Hagen (U S A ) C o rp Is th e first feline hom e m assager designed by veterinarians. Resem bling a futuristic space station in appear­ance, th e saucer-shaped C a t S P A features a series o f brushes, bristles, r i p ^ - pies and pressure pads designed to work ove r m o st o f th e 517 muscles and 2 9 0 bones in a feline's body

R o f f C H age n , which distributes its products m o ve r 7 0 nations, devel­oped th e C a tS P A from th e feline's point of view C a tn ip (included w ith the unit) can be strategically positioned in hard-to- reach areas of the spa.

Fo r m ore information visit www.hagen com .T h e Web site provides In fo rm a tion , but does not accept online orders

CZ (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 w ww

Create an infallible backup system April is the time to

■ i l

f h en w e la s t le ft our m trepid colum nist, h is com puter w ouldn’t boot,

h if v ita l data w as in p en l, and hpts o n ly backup h ad been erased (h is ow n doing, adm it­

tedly)A s you m ay

recall from last tim e, a seem ­ingly ordinary lockup had left m y com puter m dire straits M y heart in m y throat, I ’d transplanted m y hard d n ve to another m achine to see i f any data m ight b e sal-

S u c c e ss1 N o t on ly w as the dWve accessib le, b u t everything seem ed to b e in tact I hastily cop ied th e m ost irreplaceable files to a CD, th en tried putting th e h ard dn ve b ack m th e n6n- w orkm g m achine

It still w ouldn’t boot E ven so, I w as relieved that

th e PC itse lf had died (seem ­ingly) and n ot th e hard drive A PC can be replaced M y life s w ork cannot

Anyway, back to the dead rftachme A s a last-d itch effort, I'Started unplugging various U SB devices A nd w h en I

rem oved m y external D VD burner, the m ach in e sprang to life, every­th in g w orking norm ally Som ehow , the in itia l lockup an d subsequent reboot had con ­vinced m y PC th a t th e burner w a s th e boot d n v e G o figure

So th is w as a happy en d in g— b u t m any system fa ilures are n ot

Fortunately, it ’s q u ite easynow adays to create a b u lle t­p ro o f backup, b y w h ich I m ean a com p lete duplicate o f your hard d n ve I fy o u r p n m a r y d n v e fizzles, you ju s t sw ap m th e duplicate and you ’re b ack m b u sin ess

To accom plish th is you ’ll n eed tw o item s th e n g h t soft­w are an d an external hard d n ve

T he softw are is easy For about a year I’ve b een u sin g Casper X P (www fssd ev co m ), a blissfu lly easy -to -u se “d n v e im age” utility th at cop ies entire hard d nves, stem to stern

It costs $ 4 4 9 5 an d is avail­able for direct d ow nload from

th e com pany’s W eb site A s for th e hard d n ve , I rec­

o m m en d tak in g a do-it-your- se lf approach

B uy an ord inary 3 5-inch in ternal h ard d n v e an d m ount it in a com p atib le h ard -d n ve enclosure

I lik e th is o p tio n because it’s easy to extract th e d n v e should you n eed to sw ap it w ith the o n e in s id e your PC

Search eB ay for “3 5 U SB d n v e enclosure” an d you ’ll find d ozen s o f ch oices, m ost rang­in g from $ 2 0 -4 0

N o w you’ll n eed th e actual hard d n v e C heck th e local superstores for th e ir deals o f

th e w eek For as little as $ 8 0 , you shou ld b e able to find a d n v e th a t’s at lea st as large (capacity- w ise) a s the on e m your PC

Finally, don ’t forget th e m ost im portant step o f a ll rem in d in g you rse lf to u se Casper X P S et a

r e c u m n gap p oin tm ent m O utlook or your PDA , o n e th a t rem inds you to run th e program on ce a w eek

Backups are a crucial part o f com puting I f you don ’t m ake th em , you run th e n sk o f lo sin g tim e, m oney, and irreplaceable data

Rick Broida writes about computers and technology for the Observer Si Eccentric Newspapers Broida of Commerce Township has written for computer and technology magazines and is co author of several books on handheld computing Readers who have questions for Broida can e mail him at rickbroida1@excite com

T e c h n i q u e s h e l p m a k e m o v i n g f u r n i t u r e e a s i e r


N ex t tim e you need to m ove furniture around a room , try o n e o f th ese techniques

T h ey could save you an

ach ing back and scratched flooring

■ G lue b u n ion p ad s on th e feet o f tab les an d chairs so th ey can b e m oved w ith ou t scratching th e fin ish o n th e floor

■ For heavy furniture, slip a p iece o f p lu sh carpet, p ile sid e dow n , u n d er th e fiirm ture legs

You’ll p rotect th e floor, and th e fiirm ture w ill slide easier

■ I f you re w ithout b u n ion pads or extra carpet, try slipp ing heavy socks on to th e legs, or p lace each le g into a shoe m ade from th e bottom h a lf o f a m ilk carton

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To liv e m M ich igan is to enjoy th e fou r sea so n s o f th e year and i f you lo o k

ou tsid e, th e sn ow is g o n e an d th e grass is tu rn in g green D uring th e w in ter m o n th s it

d o esn t tak e


J o e

lo n g to m ake sta tem en ts like, I’v e h a d en ou gh

W ell, you asked for it , the g ood L ord gave it to you an d th e q u estio n is A re you ready for it? H eavy ram s, th u n d er a n d ligh tn in g , tornados, p ow er surges,

black ou ts and a ll o f th e th in g s th a t n ature can crea te

T h is co lu m n w ill to u ch o n a fe w o f th e preparations th a t sh ou ld b e in th e m in d o f every reader, so le t m e rem in d y o u o f A u g 14 o f last year

T h e lig h ts w en t o u t across a vast p ortion o f th e cou n try and it b rou gh t back a liv in g sty le rem in iscen t o f th e la te 1 8 0 0 s A fter several days and m ore th a n th a t for som e, th e e lec tr i­cal p ow er w as restored a n d life w en t on I don’t th in k th ere has ever b e e n a tim e w h en gen era­tors h ave b een in d em a n d a t loca l stores

T h e reta il m arket s im p ly ran ou t o f th e m M aybe you ’re th in k in g ab o u t g e ttin g o n e for your h o m e th is year an d i f so, I’d lik e to g ive you so m e advice

P u rchase on e th a t cranks out th e n ecessary am p s an d w atts for your n eed s D o som e research o n th is subject a n d ta lk to th e electrical p eo p le in b u sin ess to find o u t h o w to m easure accurately exactly w h at th o se n eed s are Learn h o w to u se th e generator p rop ­erly an d read th e m an u al on

h o w to m ain ta in it P lace it in th e correct location to m ak e it safe to u se and w here it bothers th e neighbors the lea st

L ast year som e peop le d ied b ecau se th ey p laced th e operatin g generator m th eir garages S om e generators fa iled b ecau se the gas had b een in th e ta n k for over a year You sh ou ld k n o w th at gas b eg in s to lo se its quality after a p eriod o f 4 5 days

R efrigerators and freezers suffered a lo t o f harm m m any h o m es because o f th is pow er fa ilure an d m uch o f it w as due to lo w vo ltage and pow er surges M any hom eow n ers h ad to purch ase n ew com puters and m an y didn’t have a surge protector o n the lin e E lectrical sh op s se ll and in stall a w h o le h o u se surge protector r igh t at th e fu se box

M any h om es have a sum p p u m p insta lled D o you have a back-up p um p or a battery- pack to k eep it running? G et m tou ch w ith a good p lu m b er or b a sem en t w aterproofing co m ­p a n y a n d find out w h a ts avail­ab le for you r hom e

A subject as sim p le as dry ice shou ld ja r your m em ory back to th e fo o d you lo s t la s t year T h ose com pan ies cou ldn’t pro­duce en ou gh o f th is product and w ere having it sh ip p ed to th is m arket from sta tes for aw ay D o y o u m a tu n e o f n eed k n ow w h ere to go to bu y dry- lce? T here are on ly a fe w lo ca ­tion s, so it ’s tim e to fin d ou t n ow I’m sorry, I d idn’t m ea n to put a dam per on th is beautifu l tim e o f year, I ju st w a n t to m ake you aware th a t nature has a w ay o f playing tricks on us

J o e G agnon can now be heard on WWJ 950 and WXYT1270 He is a mem ber and past president of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals His phone number is (248) 455 7281

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www CONTINUED FROM PAGE Cl Observer S Eccentric 1 Thursday April 8 2004 (*) C3


Joe’s G ourm et M arket m B irm ingham and a cash bar

“It’s a perfect fit,’ sa id Barbara K ratchm an, A rtServe M ichigan president

Partygoers w ill b en efit in three w ays T hey w ill h ave an opportun ity to buy p ieces early, have a great even ing an d su p ­port th e arts, she said


A m on g th e m odern ism sty les are A rt N ouveau , A rt D eco , Stream line, Praine,Surrealism , N eo-B aroque an d A rts an d Crafts R en ow n ed nam es in c lu d e W right, Tiffany, M iller, W akefield an d S tick ley

Terry E lh s o f R oom Service Interior D esig n at M ich igan D esign C enter in Troy says sh e is “particularly fond” o f A rt D eco

“It w as a very specific p o in t in t im e w here everyth ing m a broad range w as in flu en ced b y th e sty le a n d design — b u ild ­ings, b ook b ind ings, jew elry ,” sh e sa id “I fin d th at very, very in terestin g

A lso in trigu­ing are th e unusual color com binations o f th e style,E llis said , su ch as red and black, w h ite and silver, crystal and brigh t colors, lavender an d pure go ld , an d lim e green w ith red

In h is store, w ith its 6 ,0 0 0 square fee t and 14-foot c e il­ings, Peters show cases p iece s b y su ch fam ou s n am es as Saarinen, E am es and Fredericks M any o f th e designers a n d artists h ave a con n ection to Cranbrook.

‘It isversatile becau se it h as su ch clean lines,” Peters sa id o f m od ern ism “It goes w ith an y style ’

N o sta lg ia is often an o th er part o f th e appeal

‘I th in k it ’s m ain ly b eca u se p eop le id en tify (p ieces) w ith th eir parents,” said R on W inter, ow n er o f M erw ins A ntiques G allery in B irm ingham , another exhibitor

M erw in s w ill feature a pa ir o f chairs b y M ies van der R ohe, art b y C hagall and P icasso ,

MICHIGAN MODERNISM EXPOSITIONWhat: A show and sale featuring examples of pieces of 20th century design Luminaries representing the Art Deco Art Nouveau Prairie Arts and Crafts Surrealistic and Neo Classical schools of design will be presented Designers will include Frank Lloyd Wright Louis Comfort Tiffany Herman Miller Heywood Wakefield the Stickleys and Salvador Dali Show admission: $8When: Saturday Sunday April 24 25 Hours are 11 a m to 9 p m April 24 noo nto5 pm April25Where: Southfield Municipal Complex Evergreen at Civic CenterDrive between 1 6% and 10 MilePreview party: A grand opening preview party will kick off theevent 710 p m Friday April 23 The preview will benefit ArtServeMichigan Tickets are $75 in advance $100 at the door $150 patronAnyone interested in attending the preview party should callArtServe Michigan at (248) 557-8288 Ext 17, or e mailtech@artservemichiganorgInformation: Visit http //search antiqnet com/m&m/

This Gorham gilded bronze (above) 1911 transi tsonai design is by artist Owen Moore This Tiffany favrile art glass (top) circa 1895 to 1915 features a leaf and vine design


ligh tin g b y T iffany an d glass by Steuben , h e said

O ther exhib itors from M ichigan w ill include A im ee o f D earborn, A n n Barbour A ntiques, G alerie Cam ille,D eco D ou g , Patrick D eese ,D el G iud ice A ntiques, E lliott and E lliott, H a m s A ntiques, Lucky F ind, M odernage Gallery, O strove/H ak im A ntiques, A licia Petrainas, T he P lastic A rts, R age o f th e A ge, Sonja W ojno, Tem po A ntiques, and X avier’s 2 0 th C entury

A rtServe M ichigan, w h ich has offices in Southfield , w orks w ith artists, educators, cultural groups, bu sin esses, govern­m en t agen cies and others

It h elp s educators develop arts program s trains v o lu n ­teers, supports individual artists an d in itia tes cultural outreach program s

W hen ArtServe

firstapproached m e about par

ticipatm g m th is event, I could not say ‘yes fast enough , sa id A m y K antgias, event chair

‘B eing a fan o f the m odernism m ovem ent an d a supporter o f ArtServe M ichigan, offering collectors the opportun ity to preview and purchase early w hile raising funds for A rtServe M ichigan seem ed like th e perfect m atch — an even in g n ot to be m issed


An example of modernism style is this Mission copper lamp with mica and copper shade


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'Belli! Oak, Maple, Cherry

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Create your ou'n ||{ private garden with an

evergreen screen


.9 9

Lynwood. G o l d | PFORSYTHIA %$ 1 Q 9 9 R E G f i t

4 27 S24 99 w#0524 218

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15% O F F2 5’ Greenspire Linden 2 5” Emerald Lustre Norway Maple 2 5” Red Sunset Map 2 5” Trinity Pear

7 3 4 -4 5 3 - 5 5 0 0 I-w w w .p ljrm o u th n u rs e ry.n e t E a r l y S p r i n g H o u r s ;M o n - S a t 9 - 6 • S u n 1 1 - 5 • O p e n E a s t e r 9 -3 O f f e r s E x p i r e 4 / 1 4 / 0 4

O P E N H O U S E A P R I L 1 7 & 1 8

JANET MACUNOVICH Speaking on Sunday 2-3pm


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PLYM OUTH N U R S E R Y ■m i i d G A R D E N C E N T E R9 9 0 0 P l y m o u t h / A n n A r b o r R d .

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• Some2 0 2 9 2 MIDDLEBELT. LIVONIA • South of8 Mile • 2 4 8 -4 7 4 - 6 9 0 0

Tftomasvlffe pieces not ihckfderf • At! discounts are off manufacturers suggested re tan price • A# previous sates excludec

m m m

C4 (*) Observer S Eccentric j Thursday April 8 2004 AT HOME

D e a d l i n e i s S a t u r d a y f o r t r e e o r d e r s f r o m G l o b a l R e L e a f H0 M ECAL™ BH om eow n ers in terested m

purchasing tree s from Global R eL eaf o f M ich igan have until Saturday to p la ce th e ir orders

F ifteen varieties o f trees w ill b e so ld at G lobal R eL eaf o f M ichigan’s 14th A nnual Ttee Sale A p n l 24

Trees are bare-root, 3 to 6 fe e t m h e igh t d ep en d in g on sp ecies Trees are $ 2 6 each, or six or m ore are $21 each H ydrangea shrubs are $15 each , and th ree or m ore are $13 each T rees o ffered are

sugar m aple, red m aple, green- sp ire linden, pagoda dogw ood, w hitespire o ircn , redbud, Japanese tree lilac, aristocrat pear and serviceberry Also available are w h ite a n d red flow ering crabapple trees, hon - eycn sp apple, freed om apple and Stella cherry

A n order form can be obtained b y ca lling 1 8 0 0 -6 4 2 - 7 3 5 3 or em ail at G lobalR eL eafM i@ aol com or v is it on line at w w w glob a lre- le a f org O rders w ill b e accept­

ed through Saturday, A pril 10 P ickups on A p n l 2 4 w ill be at th e c ity o f L ivon ia D ep artm en t o f Public W orks yard, 12973 Farm ington R oad , M ik e Tree Surgeons, 2 4 9 Park in Troy, Springfield O aks Park, 12450 A ndersonville R oad in D avisburg, an d F riendship Park-Porntt B arn at O rion Tow nship Parks & R ecreation corner o f B aldw in an d Clarkston roads in L ake Orion

G lobal R eL eaf o f M ich igan is a non-profit, vo lu n teer

organization ded icated to plan tin g trees across M ichigan G R M w orks w ith com m u n i­ties , civic organizations and sch oo ls on a 5 0 /5 0 cost shar­in g basis to p lan t trees on pub­lic property T he m on ies raised from annual tree sa les help fu n d th ese projects S ince 1989, GRM has w orked w ith over 3 0 0 com m unities to plant over 2 5 ,0 0 0 trees T rees help im prove air, p rotect w ater save en ergy and im prove econom ic sustainability A sin g le m ature

tree can absorb carbon d ioxide at a rate o f 4 8 pounds a year A h ea lth y tree stores ab o u t 13 p ou n d s o f carbon annually - or 2 6 to n s per acre each year A n acre o f trees absorbs en o u g h an d releases enough oxygen b ack in to th e a tm osphere to su p p ort tw o h u m an b e in g s A tree th a t shades your h o m e in th e c ity w ill save fossil fuel, cu ttin g carbon d ioxide buildup

For inform ation , call 1 -8 0 0 - 6 4 2 -7 3 5 3

Starting decoratingAre you overwhelmed with where to start m the process of decorating your house’ A class at The Community House in Birmingham Design 101 Getting Started' could be just what you needThe class will meet 6 30 9 30 p m Thursday April 22 at 380 S Bates Fee is $23Bring a few photos of one room that will become your initial success Try to capture all views of the room and any special items that you want to retain such as furniture art or accessories Then collect a few pictures from maga zmes books or the Internet that help explain what you d like to achieve Instructor Vicki Gilbertson an interior designer with Yamasaki Associates Inc in Troy will discuss space planning use of color furniture accessories and design techniques to achieve your desired effect The class will learn design concepts collectively then dis cuss each persons specific project To register call The Community House at (248) 644 5832 or visit www commum tyhouse com

Art Van Furniture■ Drop off new or gently used books for ages 5 to 12 at any Art Van Furniture store during April The books will be donated to low income elemen tary school children in local commum tiesThe donations are part of Book Drive America a national campaign to bring much needed books to youngsters schools libraries and community ten ters across the country ABC s Good Morning America WXYZ TV and Art Van have teamed up to bring the campaign to Michigan■ Thursday April 22 is Art Van Family Night at Dragon Tales Live' at the Fox Theatre All seats will be offered at a discounted rate of $12 Tickets are on sale at the Fox Theatre box offrce and allTicketmaster locationsAlso guests can register to win four VIP tickets to the show plus a meet and greet with a Dragon Tales charac ter Pick up postcard entry forms at any Art Van store now through Wednesday April 14■ Children are invited to write a brief essay (100 words or less) on Why I Love My Mother Entry forms will be available Tuesday April 13 through Sunday May 2 at all Art Van locations When youngsters return their complet ed essays to the stores they will receive a special gift to give to their mother on Mother s Day (while sup plies last)The essay can be a special story or memory that highlights their mother Essays will be judged on creativity in two groups 7 to 10 years and 11 to 14 years of age One winner from each group will be chosen to receive a curio cabinet for their mother If you have an item for the calendar please submit it at least two weeks in advance of the date it should be published Send to Ken Abramczyk At Home Editor Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia Ml48150 ore mail kabramczyk@oe homecommnet

Brighten up and dry right with mildew


Q: Angellque says: It flooded underneath my wood floor this winter. The water Is gone now, but my hardwood floors smell like mildew.

A Y our sn iffer has d etectedth e p rob lemN o w is th e t im e to takea ctio n - b efore th e m ild ewru n s ram pant and you endu p w ith a $ 1 0 ,0 0 0h ard w ood floorrep lacem en tM ild ew thrives in m oist,dark areas, so to k ill ity o u m u st brigh ten th ingsu p an d d ry th em ou tth orou gh lyP rune b ad e th e springgrow th o u ts id e yourw in d o w s, pu ll up th e b linds,o p en th e curta ins anddrapes, an d flood your h ou sew ith lig h tP rune shrubs aw ay from fo u n d a tio n ven ts, an d start a fan (or tw o or three) g o in g u n d er th e floor and ju s t as m an y fan s above it, as w ell T h e fa st-m ovm g air above a n d b e lo w your floor w ill dry o u t th o se lm p ossib le-to - reach p laces w here on ly vapors travel K eep th e se procedures m p lace fo r several days after th e sm e ll h as disappeared

L o u i e sImproving Home Improvement*

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e e e . f . .....

e n y o u p u r c h a s e a n y 5 • o f V a n ta g e v inyl s h u t

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4 " x 101 S o l id C o r r u g a te d P ip e•For ou td oor d ra in age #24134,8,42

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C h e s te r fie ld2799023 Mile Rd

Monday-Saturday 5sm 10pm Sunday Sam-Spm

Warren31140 Van Dyke (586)826-7861

Monday-Saturday Sam-lOpm Sunday 8am-6pm

Clinton Twp15350 Hall Rd (586)416-2534

Monday-Saturday Sam- Opm Sunday Sanvtpm

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(246)336 2566Monday-Saturday Sam 10pm

Sunday Sam-Spm

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Menday-Saturtfay Sam 10pm Sunday Sam-Spm

MonroeFrenchtown Twp

2191 North Telegraph (734)364 8478

Monday-Saturday 6am-l0pm Sunday Sam-Spm

Westland6555 Newburgh

(734)728-6820 Monday-Saturday Sam-10pm

Sunday Sam-Spm

Southgate Harper Woods S. Clinton Twp.I Mile S of Eureka Rd 19340 Vernier Rd 35115 8. Gratiot3/4 MlleS

on Trenton Rd (734)284-6843

Monday-Saturday Sam 10pm Sunday Sen-Spin

Harper Woods (313)661 6002

Mcnday-Saturday Sam 10pm Sunday Sam-Spm

Clinton Twp (566) 733-3900

Monday-Saturday Sam-tOpm Sunday SmSpm

Pr cee may vary after April 11,2004 If there ere market vanat ore. See stcre for detai s egarefing product warraitlea Vte reserve therriit to sntqtiantrtes©20MbyLowe9.AH ijjits reserved Lcwee and the gab e design are rejpstersd trademarks of LFLLC 0402011 RELIGION CALENDAR Observers Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 (*) G5

If you want to submit an item for the religion calendar fax it to (734) 591 7279 or write Religion Calendar Observer Newspaper 36251 Schoolcraft Road Livonia Ml 48150 The deadline for an announcement to appear in the Thursday edition is noon Monday


Holy Week worshipMaundy Thursday Communion 7 30 p m April 8 Good Friday Service of Shadows 7 30 pm and Easter (April) Sunrise Service 7 30 am Festival Service with choirs and handbells 915 a m and Contemporary Service with Cross Chords band and children s choir 1115 am at St John Lutheran Church 23225 Gill Road south of Grand River between Farmington and Drake roads Farmington Hills Easter breakfast will be served with by youth 911am Call (248) 474 0584

Holy WeekMaundy Thursday Holy Communion with Washing of Feet 7 p m April 8 Good Friday Tenebrae7pm Easter Vigil 7 p m Saturday (no 5 p m serv ice) and Easter Sunday services 7 pm Sunrise Holy Communion 8 am and 10*30 a m Easter breakfast served and9am and 11 am Festival Eucharist at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 39020 Five Mile Livonia Call (734)464 0211

Holy Week services and eventsMaundy Thursday service drama of the Last Supper 7 p m April 8 at Forest Park Baptist Church 26805 Farmington Road Call (248) 476 0080 Youth led Sunrise Service Tam Easter Sunday April 11 followed by breakfast 11am service followed by an Easter Egg Hunt (children through sixth grade) at 1230 pm

Holy Week servicesEucharist and Stripping of the altar foot washing 7 30 p m Maundy Thursday April 8 meditations on The Stations of the Cross noon Good Friday April 9 and 7 30 p m liturgy Easter vigil and first Eucharist of Easter 8 p m Saturday and Eucharist and Flowering of the Cross 7 45 a m and 10 a m Easter Sunday April 11 child care available 10 am Easter egg hunt9am at St Andrews Episcopal Church on Hubbard between Five and Six Mile roads Livonia Cal! (734) 431 8451

The Passion of the ChristTrue or False? Find the answer to your questions 7 30 pm Maundy Thursday April 8 12 30 p m and 7 30 p m Good Friday April 9 and 8 30 a m and 11 am Easter Sunday April 11 at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church 14175 Farmington Road north of 1 96 Livonia For information call (734)522 6830

Holy Week services73 0 p m Maundy Thursday Aprils and 9 p m breakfast followed by 10 a m worship and communion Easter Sunday April 11 at First Presbyterian Church of Troy 4328 Livernols Call (248) 6892122

Lent and Easter servicesEpiscopal Church of the Holy Spirit 9083 Newburgh Livonia presents Lent and Easter services 7 p m Maundy Thursday April 8 noon Good Friday April 9 (Thursday Friday serv ices will be in conjunction with St John s Lutheran Redford and Trinity Church (Covenant) Livonia Easter worship 8 30 a m and 1130 a m

Love Feast and Tenebrae ServiceTrinity Church of the Brethren will re enact the upper room experience of the disciples and Jesus as He cele brated his last Passover meal The annual Love Feast and Tenebrae Service will take place 8 pm Thursday April 8 in the church at Inkster Road and W Chicago Redford All Christians are invited to join in a meal celebrating Christ s Last Supper a time of spiritual reflection commun ion and the washing of feet A free will offering will be received For reserve tions call (313) 9371199 or send e mail to tnnitycobmi@earthlink net

Holy Week services73 0 p m Maundy Thursday April 8 noon to 3 p m Good Friday and 7 a m 8am 9 0 5 a m (contemporary serv ice) 1015 a m and 1130 a m at Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church 40000 Six Mile Northville Childcare provided Call (248) 734 7400 or visit the Web site at wwwwardchurch org

Good FYtday Servicethe community wide ecumenical serv ices begins at noon April 9 at Merriman Road Baptist Church 2055 Merriman south of Ford Garden City Call (734) 421 0471

Faces around the CrossThe community Good Friday service (April 9) features in person players around the cross including Simon Peter (noon) Pontius Pilate (12 30 p m ) the thief on the cross (1p m ) Mary Magdalene (130 p m ) the beloved disciple John (2 p m ) and the Centurion (2 30 p m ) at First United Methodist Church across from the Wayne Post Office There will be

an intermission at each half hour to allow worshippers to come and go For more information or directions call (734) 721 4801 The public is wel come Participating churches include Church of the Risen Lord Kirk of Our Savior St Johns Episcopal and First United Methodist

Easter Passion Musical DramaThe adult choir and drama team from (Merriman Road Baptist Church 2055 Merriman second block south of Ford Road Garden City) presents Bow the Knee a musical drama 7 p m Friday Saturday April 910 Call (734) 421 0472

Red Cross Blood Drive8 a m to 5 45 p m Good Friday April9 at St Thomas a Becket Catholic Church 555 S Lilley south of Cherry Hill Canton

The Passion o f ChristCutting edge performances featuring flying angels hi tech stage lighting special effects music pyrotechnics and a cast of hundreds Saturday Sunday April 1011 times are 6 30 p m Saturday and 8 a m and 10 45 a m Sunday at Detroit World Outreach

23800 West Chicago east of Telegraph Redford No charge Good Friday drama The Whip The Hammer and the Cross 12 30 p m Friday April9 Call (313) 255 2222

Easter sendees830am and 11 am Sunday at Merriman Road Baptist Church 2055 Merriman second block south of Ford Road Garden City Call (734) 421 0472

Easter egg hunt10 30 a m Saturday April 10 at First Church of the Nazarene 24260 Haggerty north of Eight Mile More than 4 500 eggs to hunt for ages 112 pictures with the Easter Bunny

Breakfast with Easter Bunny910am Sunday April 11 at St Johns Episcopal Church Westland Children eat free Guests welcome Photographs taken For more informa tion call (734) 721 5023

Battle of Praise BandsLooking for groups to compete in Battle of the Praise Bands 7 p m Friday April 30 in the Kresge Chapel at William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills Deadline to enter is

April 14 No registration fee Youth group praise team bands will com plete for a grand prize of 20 Cedar Point passes Registration materials can be obtained by calling Heidi at (248) 553 7200

Worldwide Marriage EncounterA weekend experience for married couples to improve their commumca tion skills learn the value of intimacy and renew their love for each other takes place April 1618 and May 1416 at St Johns Family Life Center 44011 Five Mile Plymouth There is a $50 registration fee For more information or to register call (248) 528 2512 or (810) 286 5524 or visit the Web site at www rc net/detroit/wwme

Women's Club SaleSt Gemma Women s Club hosts its spring Rummage/Bake Sale 9 a m to 6 pm Friday April 16 and9am to noon Saturday April 17 in the school at 13550 Virgil four blocks east of telegraph one block south of 1 96 Redford For more information call (313)255 3666

Rummage and Bake Sale9 a m to 6 p m Thursday Friday April

1516 and 9 a m to 1 p m Saturday (bag sale) April 17 at St Pauls Lutheran Church 20805 Middlebelt and Eight Mile Fermington Light lunches available

DivorceCareEducation and support group for those facing divorce begins 7 9pm Sunday April 18 for 13 sessions no meetings May 23 and 30 and July 4 at St Paul s United Methodist Church 620 Romeo Street north of University east of Rochester Road $20 fee for workbook To register or for more information call (248) 651 9361

Rummage & Bake Sale10am t o 4 pm Friday April23 and 10 a m to noon Saturday April 24 at Antioch Lutheran Church 13 Mile and Farmington Road Farmington Hills Donations are needed and may be dropped off at the church during the week of April 19 22 For more informa tion call Judy at (248) 476 9074

Homemade pie saleThe fund raiser run 10 a m to noon Saturday April 24 at the West Bloomfield United Methodist Church 4100 Walnut Lake Road west of

Orchard Lake road Call (248) 851 2330 By donation All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society for their annual Relay for Life held June 1213 at West Bloomfield High School The following fund raiser will be a May 22 pie sale

Mom to Mom Sale9 am to 2 p m Saturday April 24 at Newburgh United Methodist Church 36500 Ann Arbor Trail between Wayne and Newburgh roads Livonia Need kids clothes or toys? The sale offers everything from infant to pre teen and maternity clothes furniture toys and more Admission $1 For more information call (734) 422 0149

Biblical Perspectives on HealthA seminar uncovering the many health practices hidden in the ancient Scriptures that are now only being confirmed by modern science 2 30 6 pm Sunday April 25 at the Metropolitan Seventh day Adventist School and Church Complex 15585 Haggerty north of Five Mile Plymouth This afternoon of discovery is capped by a vegetarian meal By donation To register call (248) 349 5683 or (313) 5312179

G e t a f r e e p h o n e

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C6 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 www hom etoivnlife com

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3 3 6 4 0 M i c h i g a n A v e • W a y n e M I(Between Wayne Rd & Mernman Rd )

(7 3 4 ) 7 2 8 -2 1 8 0 Virgtl Humes, Pastor

Satu day Even ng Worsh |Sunday Wash p7/}5 am and M 45am,'Simi3ySdioo 9 Warn

Wednesday Prase Service 6 00 pm. WednesdayCh dren, You h and Adult Bible Study 7 00 8.00 pro

m d T h e C C F F a m d fw m ld Canton Christian Fellowshipw e to mvite you to 1

“ W here the W ord is R e le va n t ,P e o p le a re Lo ve d a n d C h rist is the K e y ”

J o in u s fo r W o rsh ip S e rv ic e a t 10.30am S u n d a y S c h o o l and/or N e w M e m b e r s O rientat ion 9 0 0 a m

L o c a t e d a t 6 5 0 0 N W a y n e R d • W e s t la n d M lBetween Font Hoed end Warren Road

Inside Good Shepherd Church

7 3 4 7 2 1 9 3 2 2It s not about Religion it’s about Relationships

Come to a place ttkere bees are changed /amities are made whole and ministry is m l


C M M O i K . I I K I M I WS C I E N C E

ST ANNE’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH T rad itiona l Latin M a ss

St. Anne’s Academy ■ Grades K-823310 Joy Road • Redford Michigan

5 B locks E o f Telegraph • (313) 534 2121 M a s s S c h e d u l e

F i r s t F n 7 0 0 p mF i r s t S a t 9 3 0 a mS u n M a s s e s 7 3 0 & 9 3 0 a m C o n fe s s io n s H e a rd P r io r to E a c h M a s s

M o t h e r o f P e r p e t u a l H e lp D e v o t io n s T u e s d a y s a t 7 0 0 P M

First C hu rch o f C h n st Scientist P lym o u th 1100 W A nn Arbor Rail, Plym outh M l

7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 0 9 7 0Sunday Serv ce 10 30 a m Sunday School 10 30 a m

Wed Evening "list mony Meet ng 7 30 p m Read ng Room 550 South M a a

Monday Saturday 11 OO a m i OO p m7 3 4 - 4 5 3 1 6 7 6

( M l K ( l l ( M ) l M U N \ / \ K > M

RESURRECTION CATHOLIC CHURCH48755 Warren R d Canton M ch iga n 48187


W eekday Masses Tuesday & Friday 8 30 a m

Saturday - 4 30 p m Su n da y - 8 30 & 10 30 a m

S T G E N E V I E V E R O M A N C A T H O L I C C H U R C H & S C H O O L 29015 Jam ison Ave • Livonia

East of M ddlebe t between 5 M e & Schoo craft fids M A S S Mon Wed Thurs Fri 9 00 a m

Tues 7 00 p m • Sat 5 00 p m Sun 8 3 0 & 1 0 0 0 a m & l2 0 0 n o o n

Confessions Sat 3 00-4 00 p m 7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - S 2 2 0


45801 W Ann Arbor Road ♦(734) 463-1525Sunday School 9 45 A M

Sunday Worship 11 00 A M Sunday Evening 6 00PM

Family Nght Wed 7 00PM NEW H O R IZO N S F O R C H ILD R E N 455-3196

< 0 \ ( . R K . \ M ( ) \ M

( M l K< M O I ( M R M

CHURCH o f CHRIST WEST291 East Spring Street • Plymouth 48170

Sunday Worship * Ham & 6pmBible Class

Sunday litem & Wednesday 7pm

734-451 1877 M ich igan B ib le School M in is te r iuesday& Thursday 7pm

John N atav www churchofchrist west org

Mt. Hopecongregational Church

30330 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734 425 7280 (B e tw e e n M id d le b e lt & M e rrlm an )9 30 a m Sunday School

10 30 a m w orship ServiceNursery Care Avallaote

The Church Y ou ve A lw ays Longed For

f t *

< M l K ( M O I ( . O I ) ■ H N H IJ - C h u r c h

^ I o!

• - .

- , » / f / f 7 / ' vS i r t i c . Sen . n in e > c >

1 - t / / / '

The Purpose Driven Lfe • Wednesday 8 at 7 00pmC hildcare Provided

. / / V / t / f

C la re n c e v llle U n ite d M e th o d is t20300 M ddlebelt R d • L iv on a

474 3444Pastor Jam es E B ritt

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e s 8 4 5 f r 1 1 1 5 A M S u n d a y E v e B i b l e S t u d y 6 0 0 P M

Nursery Provided S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 A M

“M ore than Su n d av Services’

9 0 0 a n d 1 1 0 0 a m W o r s h i p S e r v i c e

• Dynamic Youth and Childrens Programs • Excellent Music Ministries

• Small Groups For Every Age • Outreach Opportunities

PastorsD r D ean K lu m p Rev D eborah Thom as

F i r s t U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h j o f P l y m o u t h

M- — 4o2i)l Nortli Tt' iJo.-id eT i\ „ l A h I I 11 I IW ( 7 1 4 ) . 1 5 : 1 - 5 2 8 0

' w w w .p fu m c .o rq

(U n ite d M e th o d ist C hurch

T 10 0 0 0 B e e c h D a ly R ed fo rd Between Plym outh and W Chicago

B o b & D ia n a G o u d ie , C o P a s t o r s 3 1 3 - 9 3 7 - 3 1 7 0


S m a l l a n d C o z y W o r s h ip 9 3 0 a m W o r s h i p G e a r e d T o w a rd

F a m i l ie s W it h C h i ld re n 1 1 0 0 a m T r a d it io n a l W o r s h ip

H a n d i c a p A c c e s s b le

r E A S T E R 1C H R I S T


l M i l D t I I I k f i fo i ( i n t h i

NATIVITY U NITED CHURCH O F CHRIST9435 Henry Ruff at West Chicago

Livonia 48150 * 421-5406R ev Larry Hoxey Pastor 1 0 3 0 a m W o r s h ip

S e r v i c e

a f l a n d Y o u t h C l a s s e s$ Nursery Care Ava aba



C a s u a l , C o n t e m p o r a r y ,

E x c e l l e n t C h i l d r e n ' s P r o g r a m

Meets a t Franklin H S in Livonia on Joy Road

(Between Men man and M ddlebelt Roods)af 10 OO a m

7 3 4 4 2 5 1174 Join us fo r coffee, bagels and

donuts after the service'

R i c e u n i t e d M e t h o d i s t2 0 6 0 1 B e e c h D a ly R e d fo rd , M l 4 8 2 4 0

Reverend G regory Row e

Sunday Worship at 11 15am Children s Church at 11 30am

313 5 3 4 - 4 9 0 7


30900 S x M l e R d (B?t Me man & Mddebet) Rev M&ry M a garet Eckhardt Pastor

1 0 0 0 A M W o r s h ip & C h u r c h Schoo l

www gbgm umc org stmatthews I von aNu sery P ovlded • 7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 6 0 3 8

N E W B U R G U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C HStephen M in stry Congregation

3 6 5 0 0 A n n A r b o r T ra ilbetween Wayne & Newburgh Rds

7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 0 1 4 9

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e a n d

S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 1 5 a m & 1 1 0 0 a m

Rev. Terry W . Allen R e v. Barbara E . Welbaum

v is t o u r w e b s ite w w w n e w b u rg u m c org

i ’ H I M M M R I V N

G EN EV A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH {U S A )5835 She don R d Canton

/ t t *+ ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 9 0 0 1 35 I n t s % Sunday Worsh p & Sunday School * e u l v * 900am fiffOOam

u s July & August 10 00 a mEducation For All Ages

CIt Wears Provided • Hand capped AccessibleResources to Hearing and sigh mpa red

www gensvachuroh o g

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHMa n & Church • (734) 453 6464


8 00,9 00 & 11 00 a mDr Ja m e s Sk im n s Rev Richard Jon e s

Sen o M niste Associate M raster try

Associate M raster

# . ST. TIMOTHY PRESBYTERIAN m CHURCH, USA16700 Newburgh Road Livonia • (734) 464-8844S u n d a y Schoo l for all a g e s 9 30 a m

Su n d a y W o rsh ip 11 0 0 a m http //wwwStTmothyPCUSA org

R ev Janet N ob le -R chardson Pastor

R o s e d a le G a rd e n s

P re sb y te r ia n C h u rc h (U S A )9601 Hubbard at W Chicago L v o n a Ml

between Me man & Fa m ngton Rds(734) 422-0404

C o n t e m p o r a r y S e r v ic e 9 0 0 a m

T ra d it io n a l S e r v ic e 1 0 3 0 a m

Nursery Care ProvidedWe Welcome You To A Full Program Church

Rev R chard Peters Pastor Rev Kell e Bohlman Assoc ate Pastor

1 1 M i l K W ( M l K ( H M l s s < U R | S Y N O D

C h r i s t O u r S a v i o r L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

Rev Luther A Werth Senior Pastor Rev Robert Bayer Assistant Pastor

With Jesus Christ love really can be all it was meant to belE a rly C h i l d h o o d C e n t e r

Register now for Fall child care and preschool (734 513 8413)

S u n d a y W o r s h ip8 30 am & 11 00 am

Sunday School at 9 45 amStaffed Nursery for young

children every Sunday7 3 4 - 5 2 2 - 6 8 3 0

L o c a t i o n1 4 1 7 5 F a r m i n g t o n R o a d

( l u s t n o r t h o f I 9 6 )

www chnstoursavior org


25630 G R A N D R IV ER at B E E C H D A LY 313-532 2266 R E D F O R D T W P

Worship Service 915&11-00A.M.Sunday School

9-15&11A0AM Nursery Provided

The Rev Timothy P Hatbotti, Senior Pastor The Rev. Dr Victor F Halboth Assistant Pastor

-------- j-----------------------------------------------------

R i s e n C h r i s t L u t h e r a n46250 Ann Arbor Road • Plymouth

(1 M le W est of S he don) • 4 5 3 5 2 5 2 S u n d a y W o rsh ip S e r v ic e

8 1 5 a m & 1 0 4 5 a m Sunday School (Adults & Children) 9 30 a m

EASTER BREAKFAST 930am to 1045am

A ll are Welcome! Come as you are '

Pastor David Martin

HOSANNA-TABOR LU TH ER A N C H URCH & S C H O O L9600 Leverne • S o Redford • 313-937 2424


8 0 0 a m & 1 0 0 0 a mS u n d a y S c h o o l 9.00 a m Adult Bible Class 9.00 a m

Christian School Pre-Kindergarten 8th Grade

For m ore nformat on call 3 1 3 9 3 7 2 2 3 3

S T . M A T T H E W L U T H E R A NChurch & School 5885 Venoyt Blk N of Ford Rd Westland 425-0260

„ D iv in e W o r s h i p 8 & 1 1 *0 0 A M B ib le C la s s & S U N D A Y S C H O O L 9 30 A .M M o n d a y E v e n in g S e r v i c e 7 0 0 P M

Kurt E L am bart P asto r R c h a rd S c h u m ac h e r P rtnc pal/Youth D rector


32430 Arm Arbor Trail • Westland M) 7 3 4 422-5550

7pm Noon

Tenebrae 7pmEaster Fest val Serv ce 10 am

Rev David W Zeoscfiner Pastor

Maundy Thursday Worsh p Se v ce Good Fr day Worship Serves

G r a c e L u t h e r a n C h u r c hR e v K i r k D M i l l e r

46001 Warren Road'just west of Canton Center S u n d a y W o r s h ip a t 9 3 0 a m S u n d a y S c h o o l a t 1 0 :4 5 a m 734-414-7422

Our m ss on at Grace Luthem s to make teach and sen d ou t disc pies

who share Chnst tv th all people

t\ w i . i i h u f i n i f i m

( I I I l<€ II I N W lM tlf \

Timothy Lutheran Church 8820 Wayne Rd

(Between Ann Arbor Trail & Joy Road) Livonia • 427-2290 S a n d r a D a ily , P a s t o r

9 0 0 a m S u n d a y S c h o o l (a ll a g e s )10 00 a m Family Worship (Nursery Avail) h t t p W w w w t i m o t h y l i v o n i a c o m

HOLY CROSSEvangelical Lufheran Church

a s a a »Sunday Worship

9:30 4 1 1 m r School 9*0 am.

4 Z / * 1 4 1 4 * 306S0 Mih1 Rc! - Livonfo VISI TORS \Vf:l cO M f <7/2 MiIc West i>f MM cbel»)

I I I M l K \ N < M l K ( M W I S C O N S I N S Y N O D

E \ \ N ( i l I ll M( C Y U W M

st p o o l ’s ev lu T D eiu w c\)u n c ]) & s c h o o l

17810 Farmington Road • Livon a • (734) 261 1360 May thru October • Monday Night Service • 7 00 p m

Sunday Worship Services

” 8.30 a.m &11SX) am : Pastor James Hoff

Pastor Eric Stembrenner

FAITH COVENANT CHURCH14 M e Road and Drake Farm n g ton H i l ls

( 2 4 8 ) 6 6 1 - 9 1 9 1

Sunday Worship and Children's Church

9 15a m Contemporary 11 00 a m Traditional

Cbtld Care provided for a ll services Y o u th G ro u p s • A d u lt Sm all G roups

I I M N I ( J | » \ |» \ W C i V I K \ l

P k i s i m i K i w

ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH1 6 3 6 0 H u b b a r d R o a d

L iv o n ia , M ic h ig a n 4 8 1 5 44 2 1 .8 4 5 1

Wednesday 9 30 AM Holy Eucharist Dinner & C asses Hoy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Sunday School

Sunday Morn ng Nursery Care Available www standrewschurch net

The Rev C Allen Kannapefl Rector

Saturday 5 00 PM Sunday 7 45 & 10 00 A M Sun (Sept '


S t E l i z a b e t h 's E p i s c o p a l C h u rc h

A Traditional Church Filled W ith liad ition ’’

Sunday Serv ce and Church School 1115 Nursery Cars Ava table

26431 W Chicago Belwsen Inkster & Beech Daly Roads Redford Mchgan 48239

(3 1 3 ) 9 3 7 2 8 8 0 ____

WARD£rn ttk a l M y a m C M

4 0 0 0 0 S ix M ile R o a d‘just west of 1275'

N o r t h v i l l e , M I 2 4 8 -3 7 4 -7 4 0 0

D r James N . M cG u ire , PastorTraditional Worship and

Sunday School8 0 0 , 1 0 1 5 , 1 1 3 0 A M

Contemporary Worship 9 0 5 A M

Nursery Provided During All Morning Worship ServicesEvening Service » 7 00 P M

Services Broadcast 11 0 0 A .M Sunday W M U Z 560 A M

P m o i i T T h Offering constructive critic ism to o thers can be benefic ia l but on ly if the other person is recep tive to our

M l S M J i lS y M O v n i l i l S B H e comments In teach ing situations or during on the jo b tra in ing constructive critic ism is usua lly necessary to

instruct and help a person deve lop a trade or vocation H ow ever correcting som eone even in a kind or skillful m anner can be ve ry cha lleng ing s ince w e are never

su re how the ind iv idua l may react M any friendsh ips and fam ilies h ave been destroyed because someone has been overly critical of ano ther person s words or

actions Know ing when we shou ld offer our com m ents can a lso b e difficult and we shou ld be fa irly certain that our com m ents a re truthful and necessary It often

seem s so easy to critic ize o thers because we m is taken ly be lieve tha t we are w ithout fault or are such expe rts on most everyth ing The B ib le te lls us that w e look at

the speck in our b ro ther s eye bu t we pay no attention to the log in ou r own (Luke 6 41) Faultfind ing and being ove rly critical of o thers espec ia lly beh ind their

backs are wrong and can become habit-forming H ow ever kind w o rds are good for the soul and help to build a person up

The w a y o f a f o o l Is r ig h t i n his ow n eyes , bu t a w ise m an listens to a d v ice • R S V P roverbs 12 15


O E 0 8 2 0 0 6 7S

www AT HOME Observer & Eccentr c { Thursday April 8 2004 (*) C7>


The Hill and Dale Garden Club will have a general meeting 7 p m Thursday April 8 at the Heritage Park Visitors Center on Farmington Road between 10 and 11 Mile A table design presentation will be featured The public may attend For more information call Linda Talacki at (248) 646 4374

African violetsThe Michigan State African Violet Society will have a Spring Display and Sale Saturday Sunday April 1011 at Matthaei Botanical Gardens 1800 Dixboro Road in Ann Arbor Hours are 10am t o 430 pm Saturday 11am to 2 p m Sunday while supplies last Admission is free A great variety of African violets will be for sale Many gesnenads and sup plies will also be available Best selec tions will be on Saturday

Roysl Oak Garden Club The Royal Oak Garden Club will meet 1 pm Monday April 12 m the Royal Oak Library Auditorium 222 E 11 Mile The featured speaker will be advanced master gardener Dick Gadoua who will use visual media with a lively question and answer session Gadoua has a vast knowledge of lawn care spring wake up tips and the ben efits of composting He was the Southeastern Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority s Volunteer of the Year for three con secutive years and received the Keep Michigan Beautiful Distinguished Service AwardFor more information e mail RKU DR0N@YAH00 COM or cam1martm@aol com

Troy Garden ClubThe Troy Garden Club will meet nodn to 3 p m Wednesday April 14 at Big Beaver United Methodist Church 3753 John R just south of Wattles in Troy Gloria Hite will present a program on daylilies These beautiful flowers have become very popular and are avail able in many styles and colors Hite will help sort out the many types and find innovative uses for them in gar densRefreshments will be served at noon Guest donation $3 For more informa tion call Rita at (248) 540 4249

Healthy lawn care A healthy lawn care workshop will take-place 7 8 30 p m Thursday April 15 in the Green Room of the Bloomfield Public Library 1099 Lone

Pine Road at Telegraph Kevin Frank of Michigan State University will speak Topics will be soil care mowing fertilizing and pest management for Rouge River water qualityThe workshop is free to all Oakland County residents Register in advance by calling Karen Bever at Southeastern Oakland County Water Authority (248) 288 5150

PondsBarsons Greenhouses 6414 N Merrnran in Westland will conduct a free pond opening seminar 10 a m and 1 pm Saturday April 17 Call(734) 421 5959 for information

Garden demonstrations Telly s Greenhouse & Garden Center 3301 John R in Troy has scheduled classes and other events The offerings include Automatic Watering System Demonstration 7 pm Thursday April 15 Early Bloomers 10 am Saturday April 17 Topiary Demonstration 1pm Saturday April 17 and Greenhouse Tour 10 a m Thursday April 22 Guest speaker Denny Snell will demonstrate a new do it yourself watering system April 15 Admission is free The system is easy to set up can water patio pots beds and hanging baskets and can be installed to water automatically In the Early Bloomers event learn about selections that can help keep your garden blooming up to 10 months of the year In the topiary event Judy Cornellier will demon strate techniques that are used to create and maintain topiaries of dif ferent varieties and styles Admission is free In the April 22 tour Telly s ownbr George Papadelis will stroll through the greenhouse and highlight some of the newer plants and flow to use them Admission is free Call (248) 689 8735 for information

Garden designA course on garden design will be offered for five Saturdays beginning April 17 at The Community House in Birmingham Attendees will learn how to select and arrange plants for indi vidual beds or small areas within a landscape Each student will have the opportunity to design their own gar den and apply the basic methods for putting the design on paper Fee is $162 To register call The Community House at (248) 644 5832 or visit www commumtyhouse com Instructor Karen Sierzega a master

gardener earned her Certificate of Gardening of Fine Arts from the Michigan School of Gardening She owns and operates Through the Arbor which designs installs and maintains residential gardens and landscapes

BromeliadsThe S E Michigan Bromeliad Society will present a free seminar The Orchids Ram Forest Companions Bromeliads 2pm Saturday April 17 at Ray Wiegands Nursery 47625 Romeo Plank Road in Macomb TownshipThe seminar will feature a survey of the other aristocrats of the forest canopy the bromeliads a comparison of the adaptation strategies of the two families and the implications for the successful care of these plants Visitors are welcome Call (248) 380 7359 for information

Underused annuals The Community House Garden Club of Birmingham will present a program Rediscovering Underused Annuals 7 p m Monday April 19 The program will take place at The Community House 380 S Bates in Birmingham south of Maple (15 Mile) and between Southfield Road and Woodward George Papadelis the owner of Telly s Greenhouse in Troy will give a presentation that will include descriptions and growing tips for new forgotten or underused anru als Guest fee $5 For more mforma tion call Pat Jerzy at The Community House (248) 644 5832

Herb study group The Friends of the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens Herb Study Group will meet Monday April 19 for a trip to Kern Road Farm in ChelseaKern Road Farm maintains a booth at the Ann Arbor farmers market and produces a vast array of delicious jams jellies vinegars and sauces Members and anyone else interested will meet in the front parking lot at the Gardens 1800 N Dixboro Road in Ann Arbor The car pool will leave at 1130 a m for a bag lunch (bring your own) at Kern Road Farm followed by a to u ra tlp m Those who miss the car pool can meet the group at 13877 E Old US 12 just east of Freer Road near Chelsea The event is free For more information contact Joan Wysocki at jdwysockidaol com or (248) 349 5310 or call Kern Road Farm at (734) 433 0738

F l o w e r

These area flonsts are standing by waititi assist you with your floral arrangement r,

F o r m o r e i n f e r o n h o w y o u c a y o u r F l o r a l B u s h e r e p l e a s e c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5

t fk i


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This is the dome at Michigan's state capitol in Lansing Here is Monte Nagler's artistic expression of it

Develop a state of mind when taking photosEven though photography

has b een around for 170 years, on ly w ith in th e past

25 years h as it b een w id ely accepted as a true art form w ith collections to b e fou n d in

m ajor m u se­u m s an d cor­porations th rou gh ou t th e w orld

Obviously, n o t a ll p h oto ­graphs are considered great w orks o f art an d are w orth little except perhaps to th e person w h o sh o t th em

B ut theim portant th in g I w a n t to con ­vey to you today is to d evelop a state o f m in d th at your p h oto ­graphs can b e im portant, th at tak ing pictures can b e an art, an d th a t as a person deep ly in terested m photography, you are an artist You p a in t w ith light, and your subject is life itse lf L ook at your photogra­ph y as a w onderful opportunity to create

H o w can you b eg in to th ink

o f y o u rse lf as an artist9 First, b y lik en in g you rse lf to a scu lp ­tor A scu lptor b eg in s w ith a b lo ck o f ston e, h is w h o le By th e n ch ip p in g aw ay w ith h is ch ise l, h e en d s up w ith h is fin ­ish ed w ork. T hus, by process o f elim in a tion , a sculptor revives h is co m p leted art

Sim ilarly, a photographer d erives h is fin ish ed p roduct by a k in d o f p rocess o f e lim in a­tio n , a zero ing in on h is sub­je c t A n in itia l lo o k a t th e su b ­je c t is th e photographers "whole ” T h en b y proper len s se lectio n , cam era angle, se lec­tiv e focu s, lig h t d irection and quality, and tim e o f day, the p h otographer “chips aw ay’ like th e scu lp tor an d en d s u p w ith h is fin ish ed art —R em em b er th a t it’s n o t the

ch ise l carving th e sto n e it’s th e scu lp tor Sim ilarly, k eep in m in d th a t it ’s n o t th e cam era m a k in g th e photograph it’s rea lly y o u 1

L earn ing to v isualize m advance is very im p ortan t in you r photography an d w ill h elp you to th in k in term s q f an a rtis t W hen you are com p os­in g a p icture in th e view finder, try to v isualize th e im age as a

fin ish ed p n n t T h is is esp ecia l­ly true for th o se w h o w ork m black an d w h ite w h ere an in terpretation o f to n e s an d contrasts is necessary

E ven w h en you d o n ’t have your cam era w ith y ou , practice loo k in g a t th in gs a s i f y o u w ere see in g th rou gh a v iew fin d er You’ll b e am azed a t w h a t you w ill see

Yet an oth er w ay to b rin g ou t th e artist m y o u is to say in your p ictures h o w you fee l about your subjects, rem em ­b erin g th a t you a n d you r sub­jec t are th e tw o m o s t im p or­ta n t in gred ien ts in m ak in g a picture I f you lo v e trees , for exam ple, com m u n ica te th is love th rou gh your p h o to ­graphs Try to m ak e a m ea n ­ingfu l sta tem en t ab o u t trees m your p ictu res o f th e m

T h e id ea o f a p h otograp h , as in an y art m ed iu m , is to create a v isual in terp reta tion o f What you sa w an d fe lt a n d to share your v is ion w ith o th ers

Monte Nagier is a fine art photogra pher based in Farmington Hills You can leave him a message by dialing (734) 953 2047 on a touch tone phone His fax number is (248) 6441314


O b i t u a r i e s , M e m o r i a l s , R e m e m b r a n c e s

1-800-579-7355 ♦ fax 734-953-2232 e-mail OEObits@oe homecomm net

BARBARA M E R R IM A NA g e 6 7 , A p r i l 4 , 2 0 0 4 , B e l o v e d w i f e o f H u b e r t ( S o n n y ) D e a r m o t h e r o f F r a n c i s M o o r e , J i m ( N a n c y ) S m i t h , L i n d a N a p i e r , a n d s t e p m o t h e r o f J o e y ( S h e r i ) M e r r y m a n , a n d L i s a ( B o b ) J o n e s S i s t e r o i H a r r i e t D o n n c r , J n o e ( T o m ) L a r r y , J e a n M o o r e , M a r l e ( D a l e ) H a m m e r , L o u i s ( B o n n i e ) M o o r e , R o b e r t ( M a r y A n n ) M o o r e , a n d D o n a l d M o o r e A l s o s u r v i v e d b y 1 0 g r a n d ­c h i l d r e n a n d 1 g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n , a n d s p e c i a l c a r e g i v e r s , C i n d y T r e h a r n e , a n d S a n d y D o n n e r F u n e r a l s e r v i c e w e r e h e l d a t t b e R . G & G R . H a r r i s F u n e r a l H o m e , 3 1 5 5 1 F o r d R d , G a r d e n C i t y , W e d n e s d a y a t 3 0 0 p m V i s i t a t i o n W e d n e s d a y w a s a t 1 0 0 0 a m u n t i l t i m e o f s e r v i c e a t 3 0 0 p m M e m o r i a l s m a y b e d i r e c t e d t o H e n r y F o r d H o s p i c e ( B r e s t C a n c e r )

BER N ICE F. H O O K9 4 f o r m e r a r e a r e s i d e n t & s e c r e t a r y a t G e n e r a l M o t o r s C o r p p a s s e d a w a y A p r i l 4 2 0 0 4 m Q u i n c y M IP r e c e d e d i n d e a t h b y h e r h u s b a n d , C l i f f o r d H o o k a n d b r o t h e r R e v R o b e r t R i c h a r d s o n S u r v i v e d b y c o u s i n s F u n e r a l s e r v i c e s 3 P M T b u r a t t h e G e o r g e W h i t e F u n e r a l H o m e Q u i n c y V i s i t a t i o n T h u r s f r o m 2 P M u n t i l t i m e o f s e r v i c e

C R A IG T. BELLA g e 5 8 o f C a n t o n , d i e d A p r i l 6 2 0 0 4 H e w a s b o r n J u n e 1 2 , 1 9 4 5 m N o r t h v i l i e H e w a s a l i f e l o n g r e s i d e n t o f t h e N o r t h v i l i e , P l y m o u t h a n d C a n t o n a r e a H e g r a d u a t e d f r o m N o r t h v i l i e H i g h S c h o o l w h e r e h e w a s a n a i l a r o u n d a t h l e t e a n d f i o m E a s t e r n M i c h i g a n U n i v e r s i t y w h e r e h e r e c e i v e d a M a s t e r s D e g r e e i n F d u c a t i o n H e w a s a P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n t e a c h e r a n d g u i d a n c e c o u n s c l o r w i t h t h e P l y m o u t h C a n t o n S c h o o l s f o r 3 2 y e a r s H e a l s o c o a c h e d f o o t b a l l , b a s k e t b a l l , a n d b a s e b a l l f o r 3 0 y e a r s H e w a s a n a v i d g o l f e r a n d h e l o v e d s p e n d i n g t i m e u p n o r t h H e is s u r v i v e d b y h i s w i l e o f 4 1 y e a r s V i c k i h i s c h i l d r e n B e c k i ( J i m ) K e l l y o f P l y m o u t h B a r r y B e l l o f P l y m o u t h , a n d A m a n d a ( J a s o n ) H o w e o f G a r d e n C i t y h i s g r a n d s o n s J a s o n J a c o b a n d T y l e r h i s s i s t e r , D e l o i e s ( R o n ) J e n n i n g s , a n d h i s b r o t h e r M a r k ( M a r i l y n ) B e l l J r V i s i t a t i o n a t S c h r a d e r H o w e l l F u n e i a l H o m e , 2 8 0 S M a m P l y m o u t h , T h u r s d a y 3 9 p m P r i v a t e g r a v e s i d e s e r v i c e s w i l l b e h e l d M e m o r i a l s m a y b e m a d e t o t h e C r a i g B e l l M e m o r i a l F u n d , c / o V i c k i B e l l

M r i N )

b e n ’ i

\ j o i i i

SZ PY R K A , B IL LA g e 5 4 , A p r i l 3 2 0 0 4 B e l o v e d h u s ­b a n d o f K i l l y L o v i n g f a t h e r o f K a t i e a n d S c o t t D e a r e s t s o n o f B i l l & F l o r e n c e S z p y r k a D e a r b r o t h e r o f S a n d y ( L a r r y ) W a d e D e b b i e S z p y r k a U n c l e o t L a r r y W a d e J r C h r i s M a r i e , B r i a n A n d e r s o n N o r m a A n d e r s o n B r o t h e r i n l a w o f C h r i s & S u e A n d e r s o n R o d d y & E s t e r A n d e r s o n L a r r y W a d e F u n e r a l S a t 1 l a m Q u e r f e l d l u n e r a i H o m e 1 2 0 0 O a k w o o d . D e a r b o r n . V i s i t a t i o n T h u r s 5 9 & F r i 1 2 9 p m . M e m o r i a l s t o O u r C h i l d r e n s F u n d o f W B l o o m f i e l d S c h o o l s P O B o x 6 6 5 K c e g o H a r b o r , M I 4 8 3 2 0 a p p r e c i a t e d

------------------- ---------------------------- -

I S A a y Y o u

F i n d

C o m f o r t i n

L i m e

, w r r o i v .

Find your favorite recipes each y.

Thursday in Taste


88 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 AT HOME

Make a list fo r your next vacationQ: Going on vacation ts a lot of workI don't remember if I packed my swimming suit. Did 1 lock th e back

door? I think I turned the iron o ff but I'm not sure. I am exhausted by the time we leave on our trip . It takes days to recover when we return home.Do you have a solution?

AO rganization is a necessary ingred ien t

w h en preparing for vacation I p lan ahead a n d I keep several

tte n lis ts I keep a lis t o f in g s to do, p eop le to call,

item s to pack, vacation agenda and u n p ack in g a t h o m e Every fam ily m em b er has jo b s to do For exam p le o lder ch ildren can do th e ir ow n packing, h elp load th e car, b e responsib le for th eir o w n b e lon g in gs an d assist m vacation p lan n in g




B egin preparing a w eek before you leave M ake a sp e­cific lis t o f th in g s to b u y Shop for to ile try item s, c loth ing, read ing m ateria ls an d snacks G et o u t th e lu ggage a n d m ake sure it is adequate G ather p h on e nu m b ers in case o f an em ergency a n £ addresses to sen d postcards P u t a h o ld on th e m a il at th e p ost office or pay a n eighbor ch ild to collect your m a il w h ile you are gone

w atch th e house, feed th e dogs and bring in th e paper Leave h otel p h on e num bers w ith rel­atives an d friends A s so o n as you arrive at your vacation d es­tination , call and m ake arrangem ents for tours and other sigh tseeing tn p s


Start a w ritten list o f item s to pack a w eek before you actu­ally pack It is so easy to forget th in g s i f you pack m a hurry You can keep a lis t on your refrigerator so you can jo t th in gs dow n as you th in k o f th em

S om e o f th e item s o n your list c o u ld in d u d e camera, v id eo cam era, film , batteries, vid eo tapes, notebook, tickets, reservation inform ation, brochures, vacation agenda, deck o f cards, books, m aga­zines, p illow s ( i f riding m the car), snacks, toys ( if traveling w ith young children), change o f c lo thes (a change each day plus tw o extras)^ pajam as, sw im suit, socks, underwear, sh oes an d toiletries

You should d o the m ajority o f w ash in g and ironing tw o days b efore you pack Put everything m th e su itcases the day b efore you leave B egin col­lec tin g th ings you w ill b e tak­ing several days before your departure Put these item s in a designated area m your house You cou ld use th e corner in your bedroom or a spare room that is n ot m th e w ay o f your daily activities



F irst d ec id e o n th e vacation loca tion an d th e n m ake the arrangem ents W e m ake arrangem ents m on th s or w eeks ah ead d ep en d in g on th e desti­n a tion It is im p ortan t to m ake reservations early to take advantage o f d iscou n ts

F irst, m ake reservations w ith th e airline, i f you are flying, a n d th en reserve th e room s Call a fr iend or n eighbor to

W h eth er you plan an itiner­ary before you leave or not, you shou ld b e flexible and w ait to fina lize th e p lans until you arrive at your destination T h is gives you an opportunity to consu lt locals and look at brochures as a fam ily to decide exactly w hat you w ou ld like to do. *

% daily schedule (tyhich Is g^bjfect to change) a llow ing each person to con ­tribute their ideas W h en you

plan an d w rite th in gs dow n , you have a better ch ance o f doing th em It is im p ortan t to have a backup p lan for your vacation schedule W h en P lan A does n o t w ork b e prepared to im p lem en t P lan B


W hen you arrive h o m e, you should be ready to resu m e your routine im m ediately T h is can b e difficu lt i f th in gs do n o t get unpacked quickly D elegate jobs S om eone can u n load th e car, bringing everyth ing in to a central location such as th e kitchen Im m ediately b eg in unpacking th e dirty laundry and start th e w asher

Younger children m ake ideal ‘runners/ tak ing th ings to sp e­cific room s O nce everyth ing is m th e proper room , ea ch fam i­ly m em ber is responsib le for his ow n personal unpacking

M y hu sb an d and I p la n n ed a five-day getaw ay w ith o u t ch il­dren a few years ago O ur d es­tination w as th e B arbados I did n o t fo llow th e system o f m aking lists

E verything w as going according to p lan W e lan d ed on th e island and checked into an expensive resort, p lan n in g to use som e coupons th a t w ould a llow u s to stay a t the hotel free W h en m y hu sb an d asked m e for th e cou pons, I discovered th ey w ere n o t in m y purse W e called m y m oth er to help u s locate th e cou p on s at h om e She sen t th em to us express m ail A fter $ 1 0 0 in p h one calls and $ 5 0 in postage, I d ec id ed th at m ak in g lists w ou ld alw ays b e a p art o f m y future vacation p lan n in g

H appy V acationing T o d a /s Refrigerator

B ulletin “V acationing is relax­in g w h en w ell p lan n ed ”

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B u y c r a f t s o n l i n e a t w w w o C r a f t s O n i i n e . c o m

Visit the Eccentric online at


What: A quilt show/contest presented by the Oakland County Quilt Guild More than 300 quilts from five states will be displayed Other features will include a lecture April 16 by Harriet Hargrave author and master of machine quilting classes, merchant's mall food court raffle quilt and door prizes When: Friday Saturday April 16-17 Hours are 10 a m to 8 p m April 1 6 10 am to 5 p m April 17Where: First Baptist Church of Lake Orion 255 E Scripps Road in Lake Orion Take 1-75 to exit 81 Go north on Lapeer Road to Scripps Road four miles north of The Palace of Auburn Hills Show admission: $6


w orld , B alsinger said H argrave is a m aster o f m ach in e qu iltin g — it w as rev­olu tionary w h en sh e in tro­duced free-m o tio n qu iltin g in 1984 a t th e H ou ston Q uilt M arket — and th e author o f several b ooks

H argrave also prin ted tw o successfu l lin es o f reproduc­tio n fabrics and h elp ed develop a lin e o f natural fiber batting

She o p en ed H arriet’s Treadle A rts m 1 9 8 0 It w as th e first quilt sto re m th e D enver arga to sp ecia lize o n ly i n m achine quilting , p iec in g and applique and is n o w th e standard m m an y stores around th e cou n ­try

H argrave h as traveled around th e w orld an d to every state in th e n ation In 1994 , sh e w as ch osen b y a panel o f h er peers as o n e o f th e 88 L eaders o f th e Q u ilt W orld for

a book o f th a t $Me th at w a s released o u t o fja p a n

A t Q u ilt C elebration 2 0 0 4 , Hargrave w ill sp ea k on C arm g for Today’s Q uiltm akm g Fabncs T h e le& ure w ill tak e place ? -8 3 0 p p i A pril 1 6 , adm ission is

Hargrave w ill tea ch tw o classes T h e B asics o f H eirloom M achine Q u iltin g (April 16) and W hpt D o I D o

W ith It N o w ? (A pril 17) T im es are 9 a m to 4 p m both days C lasses are $ 4 5 each

For c la ss registration a n d oth er in form ation ab ou t th e show , v is it the O akland C ounty Q u ilt G uild W eb s ite a t w w w m em ­b ers tn p o d co m /o cq g , pr ca ll P atti B alsinger a t (2 4 8 ) 1 3 3 4 -8 1 5 3 or E di R oser a t (2 4 8 ) 3 7 5 -9 5 2 5 l

’ Minimum p u rc h a se of JO HomeCrest kitchen or bath cabinets from selected styles A $79 up-charge for grill applicable on some cabinetry door styles Please ask your HomeCrest dealer for complete details Offer ends June 1% 2004


A L i f e t i m e o f C h o ic e s ? *


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1 3 2 4 5 N e w b u r g h L iv o n ia M l 4 8 1 5 0

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(8 0 0 ) 6 5 5 -9 5 5 5

M e r r y M a i d s a n d T h e O b s e r v e r &

E c c e n t r i c N e w p a p e r s h a v e t e a m e d u p t o

h e l p y o u w i t h y o u r s p r i n g c l e a n i n g .

W h e n y o u p l a c e a c l a s s i f i e d a d f o r

a n y t h i n g o r e v e r y t h i n g y o u ’v e b e e n

d u s t i n g a n d s t o r i n g — e v e n y o u r w h o l e

h o u s e ! , w e ’ll e n t e r y o u r n a m e in o u r

S p r i n g C l e a n - U p C o n t e s t !

E v e r y t w o w e e k s f o r a fu l l y e a r M e r r y

M a i d s w i l l s h o w u p a t o u r l u c k y w i n n e r ' s

h o m e r e a d y t o c l e a n .

A n d , e v e r y w e e k d u n n g A p r i l a n d M a y ,

a n o t h e r l u c k y w i n n e r w i l l b e c h o s e n t o

w i n o n e f r e e h o u s e c l e a n i n g !

S o , d r o p y o u r m o p a n d e n t e r

o u r S p r i n g C l e a n - U p C o n t e s t n o w !

W e m u s t h e a r f r o m y o u

b e f o r e M a y 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 . 4 ^ -

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( D t m m r e r l E c c e n t r i t fN E W S P A P E R S W

w m m h o m e t o w n s t o r i e s u n m m


No purchase necessary Non-commercial advertisers only For complete contest rules go to h o m e to w n life .c o m /o e G o n te s tru le s

Section D

nThursday April 8 2004

K en A b ra m c z y k editor (7 3 4 )9 5 3 2107

Fax (734) 5917279 kabramczyk@oe homecomm net

w w w .h o m e to w n life .c o m

New wines created from partnershipA un ique b i-hem isphere part­

nership b etw een N apa Valley’s R obert M ondavi

W inery and A ustralia’s R osem ount E state (n ow ow ned b y Southcorp W in es) w as forged m

year 2 0 0 0 Two o f th e

w orld’s m ost in fluentia l and successfu l prem i­u m w ineries agreed to explore th eir vast vineyard sources, to ta lin g 3 0 ,0 0 0 acres b etw een both countries, and partner th eir d if­feren t w in em ak ­in g experiences to produce w in es in

\sach other’s country 1 T he California w in es are nam ed Tklomas (tah-L O W -m uss), after the ind igenous C alifornia w ord m eaning w ildcats, o n e o f w h ich is [artistically dep icted o n th e label I'Wines produced m A ustralia bear |the nam e Kirralaa (kee-R A -lah), an A ustralian A boriginal w ord translating as star


Talomas w in es, m ade m California by A ustralian-born and E ducated w inem aker Ian Shepherd, illustrate th e Australian ph ilosophy o f cross- vanetal and cross-regional b len d ­ing Grapes are sourced from M ondavi’s vineyards in C alifornia and m particular for th e Syrah, from th e C am atta H iljs vineyard near Paso R obles, p lanted accord­ing to A ustralian viticultural m ethods m th e late 1 9 9 0 s

T he Kirralaa A ustralian w ines, also m ade b y Shepherd in h is hom eland, express a California style o f single-varietal w ines Blended from vineyards in A ustralias prem ium w ine regions like M cLaren Vale for the Cabernet Sauvignon, as an exam ­ple, th e w in e is in tended to repre­sent a u n ique sense o f place

To create th e final b lend repre­senting th e ph ilosophy b eh ind each w ine, Shepherd w orks w ith senior w inem akers a t R osem ount Estate in A ustralia an d their counterparts a t M ondavi

W e’ve kn ow n th e ta len ted Shepherd (n icknam ed Shep) for m any years H is w inem aking expenence in A ustralia, South Africa, France and California make h im w ell-su ited to th e co l­laborative efforts

“In A ustralia ,’ Shep said , ‘w e’ve befen successfu l b len d in g prem i­um varietals to produce rich and cojnplex styles o f w in e U sing cross-regional and cross-vanetal blending m C alifornia can be called unorthodox, b u t it enhances w in e arom as m a b ig w a i and creates a bigger-struc­tured m outh fee l w ith a lo n g fin­ish?

Tired o f drinking your favoritebrand9 G o for som e n ew arom a




T h e O b s e r v e r a n d E c c e n t r i c R e c i p e C a r d L ib r a r y

Great for dinner, great for leftoversFor C hristians throughout

th e w orld , E aster Sunday is celebrated w ith m orn ing M ass or ch u rch services rem em b erin g and celebrat­in g Jesu s C h rists resurrec­tion

F am ilies or friends o ften gather th a t d ay for a dm ner featuring a trad itional E aster h a m , sausage an d spring fare

O ften th e fam ily ’s cook does n o t w a n t to fuss w ith roasting an d g laring th e h a m , th ey ’d rather ju s t pur­chase a fu lly cooked, ready-

Like Thanksgiving, the Easter meal creates a lot of leftovers - here are som e ideas for your holiday ham Taste, Page 0 2.

to -ea t oneT he unprocessed m eat is

referred to as fresh ham , b u t m ost h am g o es through a cu n n g process after w hich it’s referred to as cured ham , according to Sharon ly ie r H erbst in The Food Lover’s Com panion T h e m eat is cured e ither b y dry curing,

sw eet-p ick le c u n n g o r injec­tio n cu n n g

D ry cu n n g involves salt­in g th e surface o f th e ham thoroughly, th en s to n n g it u n til th e sa lt saturates the m eat Sw eet-p ick le cu n n g involves im m ersing th e ham m a sw eet b rin e w ith added season ings (usually a secret recipe from th e preparer) If sugar is added to th e curing m ix, th e ham m ay be lab eled sugar-cured

M any ham producers u se


H o n e y - O r a n g e G l a z e d H a m [

8 -p o u n d fu lly-cooked h a m | 2 tab lesp oon s orange ju ice I 1 cu p h o n ey I)* tea sp o o n ground Cinna- I

m o n Iteasp oon ground cloves ' *

For g laze, m a sm all b o w l J com b in e orange ju ice , honey, J c in n am on and cloves, m ix w ell .

P lace ham o n rack in sh al- , lo w roasting pan R oast m a ■ 3252F oven for 2 hours, or | u n til m ea t th erm om eter reg- j is te r s l4 0 2 F (ab ou t 15-18 m m - | utes p er pound), b a stm g w ith | th e h o n ey g laze d u rin g th e | la s t 4 5 m in u tes Serves 2 4 I

Nutritional inform ation ca lories 150 I protein 17 gram s fat 4 g ram s sodi l urn 92 0 m illigram s cholesterol 4 0 1m illigram s saturated fat 1 g ram s 1 carbohydrates 12 gram s JRecipe from !www otherwhitemeat com !

Wine tasting raises funds for OCCGuests and ju d g es o f the

ninth annual Great Lakes Great W ines Tasting enjoyed w in e varietals from th e M id w est and Canada and food s from th e D etroit area’s country clubs and restaurants T hursday at Oakland C om m unity C ollege

H ie m ore th a n 175 gu ests h ad an opportunity to taste 5 0 0 d if­ferent bottles o f w in es D arlene Levinson, w ho coord inated th e w ines and ju d ges for th e event, said the event raised $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 last year

‘(Ticket sa les) are about the sam e as last year, b u t th e even t itse lf is b igger th an la s t year,” Levm sofi said “It’s really a good fund-raiser for u s I see a lo t o f th e sam e faces from last year, so th ey keep com m g back. T he judges like to com e back, to o ”

Tom Fries o f A kron, O hio, has judged w ine events fo r four years

“Great Lakes w in es have im proved over th e past 10

Michael Schaefer of Troy sips wine from his special wine glass at the Great Lakes Great Wines fund-raiser Thursday at Oakland Community College's Orchard Ridge campus m Farmington Hills

years,” Fries sa id “I th ink edu­cation has a lo t to d o w ith th at ”

/ “G row ing tech n iq u es,” added M ichael M ilkovich , also a ju d g e from A kron “T h ere’s better varietals tod ay T h e ice w in es do w e ll”

M ichael Schaefer o f H o y served as a ju d g e in previous years T h is year, h e ju s t w alked th e room and enjoyed the foods a n d w ines

“T he p in o t g n g io is really com in g along, an d th e dessert w in es are first class,” h e said T h e cabernet franc “is trem en­dous,” Schaefer said

Schaefer enjoyed th e sesam e se a scallops from S teve & Rocky’s o f N ovi, an d the roast b e e f ten d erlo in o n fougasse roll from Great O aks C ountry Club o f R ochester “T he tenderloin w a s cooked perfectly and the su n d n ed tom ato sauce w as d e li­c iou s w ith it,” h e sa id ‘That w en t n ice w ith a cabernet fran c”

Sue Baier, program coordina­to r w ith OCC’s Culm ary Studies Institu te, sa id th e event b n n g s aw areness to G reat Lakes w ineries, as ta stin g patrons v isit th e w ineries after attending th e ta stin g “It’s really a good pro-

Mario Dixon and Bonnie Cecil check out wine samples

m otion a l tool,” Barer said “W e th ink th is even t is w hat

th e industry is a ll about,” Baier sa id W e ’re p rom otin g the G reat Lakes w in es, a lo t o f alum ni from th e country participate, an d it prom otes th ese d u b s an d restaurants Every restaurant h a d a n alum ni h ere W e have th e m arketing

cla ss prom ote th e event, a caterin g d a ss is involved and a cu lin ary d a ss created A sian cu i­s in e ”

Barer said m o n ey raised from tick ets w ill h e lp fund special projects, trips for OCC team s m ice carving an d h o t food com p etition s, an d m on ey for scholarsh ips

Grillers surveyedT h e 15th A n n u a l Weber

GriliWatch S u rv e y reveals th a t grillrng's popularity

continues to gro w - even during th e cold w eath er m onths

When asked to define th e ir grilling se a so n , 5 4 percent of to d a y 's grill owners say th e y grill all ye ar long, an increase from nearly 5 0 percent a ye ar ago, according to th e GriliW atch su rve y. Th ose ow ning sm okers are th e m o st likely to grill ye ar-ro un d, a t 7 2 per­cen t.

During th e ir grilling season, th e m a jo rity of Am ericans fire u p th eir grill a t least once a week (71 percent).

Those who prim arily use a gas grill a re m ore likely to grill a fe w tim es a w eek (4 9 percent) than th ose w h o prim arily use charcoal ( 3 4 pe r­cent) T h irty -o n e percent now own m ore th a n one grill

N o t surprisingly, m ost Am ericans su rve ye d grill on Independence D a y (8 9 percent), L a b o r D a y (7 5 percent), b irth d a ys (7 3 ? percent) and M em orial J D a y ( 7 0 percent) %How ever, tre n d s reveal \ m ore are grilling on j Thanksgiving ( 2 4 percent com pared to last y e a r's * 1 0 percent) a nd 4

Christm as (14 p e rce n t, up fro m 1 0 percent).

M ost respondents prefer grilling o utdoors than cooking Inside (7 2 percent versus 2 8 per­cent)

Th e num bers o f barbe­cues also has increased fo r th e su rve y partici­pants, as 31 pe rce n t hoot­ed five or m ore barbe- 5

cues last sum m er, com-^ pared to 2 3 pe rce n t the? ye ar before. ‘

Fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n ,* visit w w w w

A little flavorWhen It com es to m ak­

ing dinner, p a re n ts are including th e ir kids

W hether parents recruit th e help to g e t dinner re a d y on tim e , o r th e y m e re ly * w ant to spend m o re tim e w ith th eir kids, it is clear th a t children in th e kitchen Is a grow ing * trend j

G o u rm e t G a rde n 's line o f squeezable herbs and spices in a tu b e e a s ily - • lets kids o f all ages help o u t in the kitchen - teaching th e m both the joys o f cooking and the im portance o f e atin g well - w ithout th e d a nge r of cutting or injuring th e m ­selves

Eve n y o u n g e r kids can help in the kitchen with G o u rm e t G a rde n 's kid- friendly herbs and spices, th e packaging o f which *resembles a tu b e o f ltoothpa ste. J

M ore produ ct ‘inform ation can jbe found a t *w w w go u rm e tgarde n com

D2 (*) Observer S Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 01 w ww


the in jection -cu rin g m ethod , in w hich th e h a m is in fused w ith b n n e T h is m eth od is som etim es com b in ed w ith on e o f the oth er cu rin g m eth od s

T he len g th o f t im e a h am is cured w ill a ffect th e final fla ­vor

M ost h a m s for A m erican consum ers have a lig h t or m ild cure,’ H erb st w rites A fter cur­ing, a h a m m ay go through a sm oking p rocess th at adds both flavor an d ag ing capabili­ty T he len g th o f tim e a h a m is sm oked v a n e s w id ely d ep en d ­ing on th e desired result T hose b e in g prepared for th e m ass m arket are usually sm oked ligh tly or n ot at a ll ’

H am s are so ld in several form s, in c lu d in g bon eless (w ith th e h ip , th ig h and shank bones rem oved), partially b oned (w ith th e h ip an d /or shank b o n es rem oved) and bone-in

S ince b o n e co n tn b u tes flavor to the m ea t d u n n g cooking, m ost gou rm et-h am producers leave so m e b o n e in H am s are m arketed in several sizes, th e

m ost popular b ein g w hole, halves (shank or butt ends only), shank, bu tt and center- cu t slices, or steaks ranging m th ickness from 1 /2 to 3 /4 inch

M ost h am s sold today are o f th e m ass-produced variety som etim es referred to as ‘city” or urban’ h am s H igher-quali­ty A m erican ham s are general­ly labeled country-cured ham or country-style T he m ajority o f th ese country ham s com e from G eorgia, Kentucky, T ennessee and Virginia, each region adds its ow n distinctive style to th e ham it produces

Probably th e m ost fam ous country-cured ham is the Sm ithfield h am from the V irgin ia to w n o f th e sam e nam e A w id e selection o f spe­cially cured h am s are also im ported from various E uropean countries T he m ost w ell-k n ow n are prosciutto from Italy, G erm any’s W estphalian , France’s bayonne an d th e York ham from E ngland Prosciutto and W estphalian are generally sold in paper-th in slices

W h en b u ying a fresh ham , look for o n e w ith a firm w h ite layer o f fat, w ith a w ell-m ar­b led lean portion In younger

Y o u ’ v e ta k e n it e v e r y w h e r e th is w in te r let us take it from here.


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You'll be set for more meals next weekW hat s better th an a holiday

m eal9 W hy, it’s th e leftovers th e fo llow ing few days T hat m eans a respite from Svhat’s for dinner? for th e early part o f th e w eek

A fter all, Irm a R om bauer w rote in The Joy o f Cooking,‘ Som eone defined etern ity as ham and tw o people,’ proba­b ly in reference to a w hole ham

Like T hanksgiving d inners, the E aster m eal creates p lenty o f leftovers H am g ives an oth ­er flavor an d in gred ien t w ith greens for a ch e f’s salad, topped w ith T housand Island dressing for a m am d ish salad M aybe you ’ll fix a h a m and potato casserole, lik e au gratin, th en add a little D ijon

m ustard for som e extra zipT h en there’s alw ays h am

an d ch eese om elettes , or use le ftover h a m b on e for sp lit pea sou p or b ean sou p T here s n o th in g sw eeter th a n a glazed h a m sliced on a sandw ich o f hearty rye w ith a slice o f Sw iss ch eese , or a grilled h a m and ch eese sandw ich_______ Chef's Salad_______

1 garlic cloveRomaine redleaf or greenleaf

lettuceA pound cooked chicken or

turkey8 ounces of Sw iss cheeseA pound ham2 medium tomatoes

Green pepper, three slices2 hard cooked eggs

French Russian or Thousand Island dressing (or the dressing of your choice)

H alve garlic, th en rub sm all salad bow l w ith garlic p ieces D iscard th e garlic

Tear lettuce in to b ite -sized pieces W ith kn ife, cu t ham and chicken or turkey in to strips Cut tom atoes in to w edges Peel and quarter eggs Arrange chicken, ch eese , h am , tom ato and eggs Toss w ith dressing, th en to p w ith green pepper slices

E g g p l a n t S t u f f e d w it h H a m

1 large eggplant Salted water 1 onion minced 1 green pepper chopped fine

2 tomatoes quartered 2 tablespoons butter A teaspoon salt A teaspoon pepper 1 cup diced ham Italian bread crumbs

W ash and dry eggplant and cut o ff a slice from the top Scoop out the inside to within/a inch o f skin Cover shell w ith salted water and set aside Chop eggplant pulp and com bine w ith onion, pepper and tom a­toes

Cook in a sm all am ount o f boiling salted water until ten ­der D ram , then m ash and add butter, salt, pepper and ham Dram shell w ell and fill w ith mixture Sprinkle top w ith bread crum bs and bake in oven heated to 350°F about 25 m in­utes Serves four to six

anim als, th e m eat sh ou ld b e a grayish-pink color, o ld er pork should be a delicate shade o f rose

W hen purchasing a cured ham , ch oose o n e th at’s firm and plum p, finely gra ined and a rosy p ink, H erbst recom ­m ends

Refrigerate m th e h am ’s original w rapping or container for up to o n e w eek.

W hole h am s usually w eigh from 8 to 18 pounds C anned h am s m ay e ither b e a w hole piece o f b on eless m eat or th ey m ay b e “form ed” from b its and pieces o f m eat h eld together w ith a gelatin m ixture

H am s are available fully cooked, partially cook ed or uncooked

T hose th a t are fu lly cooked are heated to an in ternal te m ­perature o f 148°F or above, partially cooked h am s to at least 137°F (w hich k ills the

tr ich in a parasite) U ncooked an d partia lly cooked h am s m u st b e cooked p n o r to serv­in g

Fully cooked h am s, so m e­tim es lab eled “h eat-and-serve” or “ready-to-eat,” d o n ot require add itional cook in g and m ay b e ea ten co ld or h eated u n til w arm C arefully check th e lab el for in structions

E ven th o se h am s can benefit from sim m erin g or roasting to en h an ce flavor an d ta ste

O thers, in c lu d in g prosciu tto and Sm ithfield , are o ften sim ­p ly sliced th in ly an d ea ten as is, or th ey m ay be u sed as a specia l flavoring in gred ien t m p asta d ish es, appetizers or oth er preparations

B ut w h at i f you w a n t to fix th a t g laze, ju s t to g ive your g u ests a little ta ste o f a h o m e­m ad e d ish 9 You can u se a roasted p m eapp le-rum glaze or a h on ey-oran ge glaze

D a n c e i n D r a g o n L a n d ■ MM

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B a k e d H a m w it h R o a s t e d P i n e a p p l e R u m G l a c e

Niman Ranch bone in ham scored 810 pounds

1 pound unsalted butter Ic u p M organs spiced rum Kosher salt to taste 1 cup Korean chili paste 1 pound pineapple chunks

roasted 1 lime zested Ic u p lime juice 1 quart ham (or pork) stock Freshly ground black pepper

corns to taste (or about 6 turns of the mill)

4 ounces roasted ginger 1 pound rock sugar or brown

sugarArrowroot mixed with a little

bit of water to produce


Mix four ounces unsalted butter, 4 tablespoons Korean

chili paste and brush scores m the ham H eat ham m a 275°F slow oven, until h o t M ean­w hile, roast the pineapple on a sh eet pan, in a hot oven at 4002F , for about 15 m inutes

R oast the ginger on a sheet pan m h ot oven at 4002F for about 15 m inutes

D eglaze roasting pans w ith rum, dram into a saucepan, add stock, lim e ju ice, sugar, unsalted butter and bring to a boil, then reduce one third A d d ginger, Korean paste and adjust th e seasonings to your tasting A dd lim e zest, thick­ened arrowroot and finish w ith roasted pm eapple Serve w ith roasted ham

Recipe from William Hall executive che f at Papa Jo e s Gourmet Market of Birm ingham

We meet 11 women in Jane Martin’s moving play and they all have bizarre experiences In stunmng monologues, they bring us into their worlds A baton twirier, a rodeo rider, a housewife, an actress auditioning for a part these are some of her eccentric characters Each funny, / frightening and touching, and each is charged with mesmerizing power I

Sponsored By

The Meadow Brook Theatre Build

Space provided by H ie Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

Plan your weekend activities each Thursday

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J (B axter (V/undctfj aneCSYCotfier’s <fBruncfi\

1 1 : 0 0 A M t o 2 : 0 0 P M C a r v i n g S t a t i o n F e a t u r i n g :“ S t e a m s h i p R o u n d o f B e e f a n d S m o k e d V i r g i n i a H a m

R o a s t P o r k L o i n S a l a d B a r R i c e P i l a f S a u t e e d M u s h r o o m s P a s t r i e sS c r a m b l e d E g g s J e l l o T - i n k S a u s a g e & O n i o n s R i c e P u d d i n gM o s t a c c i o l i C o f f e e , T e a & M i l k C o r n e d B e e f H a s h C a l i f o r n i a T r i o M o u s s eC h i c k e n A m a r e t t o F e t t u c c m e A l f r e d o B i s c u i t s & G r a v y P i e r o g i e s C h i l l e d J u i c e sH a s h B r o w n s * R E A L * M a s h e d B r e a d P u d d i n g S t u f f i n g F r e s h F r u i tL e m o n C r u s t e d F i s h P o t a t o e s B a n a n a P u d d i n g C r i s p B a c o n F r e n c h T o a s t S t i c k s

$ 2 2 . 9 5 - / i d t i l t d . • $ 1 7 . 9 5 ■ S e tu a b G i t ty e n d

$ 8 . 9 5 - G A il& ie * i f a &

W e A ccep t V s a & M astercard

60+ P U o tte R ed & u M zU a n d ,

( 7 3 4 ) 5 2 5 - 3 5 5 0Monday • Saturday 9-5

H e l l e n i c C u l t u r a l C e n t e r 3 6 3 7 5 J o y R o a d • W e s t l a n d , M I 4 8 1 8 5 • ( 7 3 4 ) 5 2 5 - 3 5 5 0w w w . h e l l e n i c c u l t u r a l c e n t e r . c o m

www hometownlife com TASTE Observer $ Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 (*) D3?


Greek spring lamb stew simmers with pearl onions

Celebrate Easter with Greek lamb stewBY DANA JACOBICORRESPONDENT

Lamb has b een associated w ith spring since before Biblical tim es Today, lam b and spring still com e togeth er every tim e w e m ark th e Easter an d Passover holidays

W hen on e th inks o f tradi­tional spring lam b, Greek cook ing com es to m in d In add ition to th e tim e honored practice o f roasting th e Paschal lam b on a spit, G reek cu isin e captures th e earth’s rebirth in dishes pairing lam b w ith sea ­sonal vegetab les like fava beans, tender, n ew lettuce, and baby artichokes

O f all M editerranean cooks, Greeks u se th e m ost vegeta­b les In spring, th ese include horta - w ild greens like d ande­lion , sorrel, chicory, and cress - w hich can also b e found m our superm arkets, b u t usually not until la ter in d ie year Som e dishes served m spring involve ingred ients n ot generally asso­ciated w ith th is t im e o f year, such as zucchin i and d ill T he Greeks u se th ese vegetab les and herbs to len d spring d ishes a dash o f bright, seasonal green

Greek cooking seem s right for spring in its u se o f eggs, too A s m uch a sym bol o f

spring as lam b, th ey are e ssen ­tia l to avgolem ono, a classic G reek com b in ation o f egg and lem on th a t can b e a sau ce or used to add sauce-like b od y to m any G reek d ish es W hisked in to th is stew , its pa le yellow color and bright flavor adds a spring-like taste

H oliday and specia l occasion dishes u sually involve extra work. For th is stew , I like u sin g pearl on ion s T hey take t im e to peel, b u t g ive th is otherw ise casual d ish a tou ch o f e legance R ed pearl on ion s are especia lly festive an d sprm g-like I f you w an t to replace th em , use chopped red on ion , ad d ing it at th e sam e tim e as th e sca llions and dill

G r eek S pring L am b Stew1 tablespoon canola oil 1 pound cubed lamb well

trimmed3 large whole scallions chopped 1 cup snipped dill divided 1 medium turnip peeled and

diced1 small zucchini diced2 large romame lettuce leaves

cut m * 1 * 3A inch strips 8 ounces frozen pearl onions

defrosted 1 large egg3 tablespoons fresh squeezed or

frozen lemon juice Sait and black pepper

Heat o il in a D utch oven Brown pieces o f lamb, turning to color them on all sides, 10 m in­utes in all

Mix m scallions and half the dill Pour m 1 cup cold water W hen liquid boils, reduce heat, cover, and sim m er 4 0 m inutes

Add turnip, squash, lettuce, and onions Cover and cook until lam b and vegetables are tender, 2 0 m inutes longer Uncover, and let stew cool 10 minutes

In sm all bowl, w hisk egg Beat in lem on ju ice

W hile w hisking, slowly drizzle^ cup liquid from pot into egg and blend m quickly and thoroughly W hile stirring stew vigorously, slowly stir in egg mix­ture

Continue stirring until liquid in pot thickens slightly and looks creamy (There may be a few w hite b it s )

Season to taste w ith salt and pepper

Garnish w ith rem aining dill and serve w ith steam ed new potatoes or brown nee

N ote I f reheating stew, take care not to let it boil, or egg w ill curdle M akes 4 servings

Nutritional information per serving: 253 calones, 11 g total fat (3 g saturated fat), 12 g car­bohydrate, 26 g protein 1 g dietary fiber 126 m g sodium

Beets make a goodA pretty bow l o f ch illed soup

is a n ice w ay to start any spring m eal A cool soup m ade from beets and oranges w ith a little butterm ilk is on e good choice, both aesthetically and nutri­tionally

B eets have b een eaten sin ce prehistory and arc native to a w ide region th at spans E urope and W estern A sia T hey are exceptionally h igh in natural sugar, nutrients, d ietary fiber and a range o f cancer-fighting substances called phytochem i- cals

A ccording to th e A m erican Institu te for Cancer R esearch, root vegetables su ch as b eets contain substances th at can n ot on ly help figh t cancer, bu t also help strengthen resistance

to other h ea lth prob lem s T h ey contain ca lc iu m and several antioxidants, substances th a t seek ou t th e dam aging form s o f oxygen (‘ free radicals ) th a t attack th e cell s m em branes and con ten ts

O r a n g e-B e e t S oup315 ounce cans sliced beets

drained 3/4 cup liquid reserved

11/2 cups fresh orange juice11/2 cups fat free or reduced fat

buttermilk1 tablespoon freshly squeezed

lemon juice3 tablespoons finely snipped

fresh dill (plus more for gar msh)

11/2 cups finely diced peeled seedless cucumber

Salt and white pepper to taste

beginningCombine h a lf the beets, half

the reserved beet liquid and half the orange juice m a blender or food processor

Blend until sm ooth Blend in half the butterm ilk and transfer to a large bow l Stir in 11 /2 tablespoons chopped dill

Repeat w ith rem aining beets, beet liquid, orange ju ice, butter m ilk and 1 1 /2 tablespoons dill Season w ith salt and pepper to taste Chill at least 3 hours (Can be made 2 days ahead, covered and refrigerated) Ladle into soup bowls and garnish with cucumber and additional dill Makes 8 servings

Nutritional information per serving: 9 9 calories, <1 g total fat (<1 g saturated fat), 21 g car­bohydrate, 4 g protein, 3 g dietary fiber, 4 0 3 m g sodium

WINE PICKSReally good MERLOT under $20 is hard to find Here are two 2000 Genesis Columbia Valley Wash ($17) and 2001 Kendall Jackson Vintners Reserve ($16)ZIN FA N D EL continues relatively undiscovered by most red wine drinkers Make a discoveryPick of the pack: 2002 Mayo Russian River Valley Old Vine Ricci Vineyard ($25) is lush and lovely with a chocolate like finish Others we like: 2000 Gallo of Sonoma Frei Ranch ($22) 2001 Carmenet Old-Vine Evangehlo Vineyard ($20) 2000 Mazzocco ($16), and 2000 Charles Krug ($15)C ELLAR SELECTIONS:2000 Antinon Tignanello (a blend of 80 percent Sangiovese 15 percent Cabernet Sauvignon and 5 percent Cabernet Franc) $70 Since 1385 26 generations of the Antinori family have produced world-class traditional and innovative wines in Tuscany and Umbria, * making Antinori one of the premier wine producing families in Italy 1999 Beringer Bancroft Ranch Private Reserve Howell Mountain Merlot Napa Valley $75All wines mentioned are available in the Detroit area If a retailer ^does not stock a specific wine ask that it be ordered from the vdistributor


an d ta ste experiences w ith b o th th e Talom as and Kirralaa w in es w h ich deliver ou tstan d ­in g value for th e m oney

■ 2 0 0 2 Talom as C hardonnay & V iogm er ($14) h as perked up citrus and m elon arom as from 17 percent v iogm er and delivers the prom ise o f th e n ose through th e lo n g finish

■ 2 0 0 1 Talom as Cabernet Sauvignon & M erlot ($15) has a p lum p palate, explosive, brigh t m erlot fruit and a soft, round fin ish

■ 2 0 0 1 Talom as Syrah &C abernet Sauvignon ($15) is all about taste s

Y um m y syrah blackberry fruit exp lodes on th e palate an d is com plem ented b y the structure, com plexity and fine tan n in s o f cabernet

■ 2 0 0 2 Kirralaa B ushvine Shiraz ($15) h igh ligh ts rasp­berry and w h ite pepper charac­ters w ith th e lo n g len gth o f a d elicious shiraz

■ 2 0 0 1 Talom as B asket Press R eserve Syrah ($ 5 0 ) is an ou tstand ing m outh fu l w ith rich, dark, d en se berry fruit Stretch your w allet You w on ’t b e d isappointed

■ 2 0 0 1 Kirralaa In d elib le R eserve Shiraz ($ 5 0 ) w ith b lackberry arom as an d flavors, co m p lem en ted b y rich brow n sp ice to n es an d an o u t­sta n d in g fin ish , o n ly g o es to prove th a t you o ften g e t w h a t you pay for'

The Heaids are contributing editors for the internationally respected Quarterly Review of Wines and Troy residents who write about wine sp irits and restaurants for the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Contact them by e m a il at focuson n wme@aol com

TASTE CALENDARPlease submit items at least two weeks in advance of the date it should be published Send to Ken Abramczyk Taste editor Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia 48150 or e mail kabram czyk@oe homecomm net

Wine tastingUnique Restaurants will conduct a casual wine tasting the first Wednesday of each month 6 8 pm alternating at a different Unique restaurant At each tasting guests can sample featured wines selected around a specific theme including regional best bets and the finest wines of 2004 URCs Master Sommelier Madeline Tnffon will be on hand to describe the wines answer questions and guide guests through the more subtle aspects of wine tast mg The Wednesday Wine Bar costs $35 per person and includes wine hors d oeuvres and a variety of cheeses URC rotates the event among

four of its fine dining restaurants Shiraz Morels No VI Chop House & Lobster Bar and Northern Lakes Seafood Company The next Wednesday wine tasting Sweet Treats Dessert and Dessert Wine Together is scheduled for Wednesday May 5 at Morels 30100 Telegraph Bingham Farms Call (248)6421094 ext 3 for information The next Monday special sit down wine tasting The Legends The Wines You ve Always Wanted to Taste is scheduled for Monday May 17 at Shiraz 30100 Telegraph Call (248) 645 5289 for information

AppetizersLearn salad making in Beyond Vinegar and Oil at 6 30 p m Wednesday April 14 at the com m issary kitchen of Pronto' at 4343 Normandy Court (one block east of Coolidge just north of 13 1/2 Mile Road in Royal Oak Other classes include Low Carbs April 21 Sushi and Stir Fry April 28 Cinco de Mayo May 5 Sweet Delights May 12

Dinner Party for 4 May 19 and Great American Classics May 26 Other classes are Picnic Foods June 2 and Hot off the Grill June 9 Class fee is $25 per person Register by calling Pronto! at (248) 5491519 ext 0

Provence Cookbook Patricia Wells author of seven French cookbooks and champion of simple French cooking will sign copies of her new cookbook The Provence Cookbook at 7 p m Wednesday April 28 at Borders 34300 Woodward in Birmingham Call (248) 203 0005

Meet Greg Zotos Gregory Zotos an instructor at Schoolcraft College in Livonia and a Livonia resident will sign copies of his* debut cookbook G regorys Pita Pocket! Full of Simple Greek Recipes at 2 p m Saturday May 15 at Borders 43075 Crescent Boulevard in the Novi Town Center The cookbook contains a col lection of traditional Greek recipes For information call (248) 347 0780

I n«* Susan O . Komen

Presented by

AHfi. S te snotwo*

%A k

" i f f



J u n e 5 , 2 0 0 4

C o m e r i c a P a r k - 8 : 3 0 a . m .

5 K R u n / W a l k & 1 M i l e w a l k

I n d i v id u a l , T e a m a n d V o l u n t e e r R e g i s t r a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e N O W !

w w w . k a r m a n o s . o r g / r a c e f o r t h e c u r e d e t r o i t 1 - 8 0 0 - K A R M A N O S

K o m e n D e t r o i t R a c e f o r t h e C u r e ® i s p r e s e n t e d l o c a l l y b y

B a r b a r a A n n K a r m a n o s C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e .

A d s p o n s o r e d b y :


<Db0«w r§ EccentricNEWSPAPERS

D 4 ( p c ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 TASTE tvuw.hom etoivnttfe com

Lentils, a new look at an ancient legumeBY PHY! LIS A7ER


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Lentils may not be high on your shopping list these days but if you read on vou might just reconsider

Quick delicious and nour ishing inexpensive and easy to-prepare lentils are an ancient food still perfect for the modern world And they are versatile too

Probably the most famous legume m the Bible the little lentil once made a stew so tempting that Esau sold his birthright for it Throughout history lentils have served as a metaphor for a host of mysti­cal, symbolic spiritual and practical meanings as well

Cultivated since antiquity in Egypt Europe Asia and the Near Fast lentils may not have

been g lam orous b u t th ey w ere always h e ld in h igh esteem

T he a n cien t E gyptians b elieved th ey en ligh ten ed the m ind, an d in Jew ish tradition, len tils w ere traditionally served to m ourners, since th ey represented th e life cycle, w ith n o b eg in n in g and n o end

In C atholic countries, lentils w ere standard L enten fare for th ose w h o cou ld n o t afford fish, an d in Ind ia , len tils still play an in tegral part in m ar­riage rituals

From a nutritional stand­point, len tils (w hose nam e com es from th e Latm Lens cu lin an s), have th e highest protein co n ten t in all th e veg­etable k in gd om after soybeans T hey are super-rich m m inerals like z in c an d m anganese, w ith a range o f B vitam ins, especial­ly pantothen ic acid (B5), niacin (B 3) an d fo lic acid (B 9)

Easier to d igest than ch ick­peas or k id n ey b ean s, len tils don t even require soak ing to m ake th em m ore d igestib le But if you re still w ary o f side effects, add a little cum in or coriander to your recipe, and you’ll fin d it m ak es a sign ifi­cant difference

There are dozen s o f k inds o f lentils, varying m size and color T h ey in clu d e brow n lentils, co m m o n m th e U n ited States, sm all green Verte du Puy len tils, a delicacy m France, green , b row n or red (husked) len tils popular in th e M iddle E ast, an d p ink len tils, m ainly eaten b y M uslim s in northern Ind ia an d Pakistan

The type o f len til you’ll w a n t to choose d ep en d s on th e type o f dish you w a n t to m ake, bu t it’s a good id ea to keep a vari­ety on han d

Green an d brow n len tils w ill

retain th e ir sh a p e after cook­in g , and can b e served as soups (stir frequently an d m ash som e w ith the back o f a sp oon to th icken), sa lads or side d ishes, m ade in to burgers or added to m eat, p ou ltry a n d vegetarian stew s

R ed len tils (actually qu ite orange m co lor) have a som e­w h at sw eeter ta s te and puree very easily , th ey are usefu l for sou p s an d m a sh in g in to purees like h um m us

A ll len tils co o k up quickly, w ith n o p resoak in g necessary Pair th em up w ith a gram like n e e , bu lgur or q u m oa, and you ’ve g o t a com p lem en tary protein th a t m akes a satisfying, tu m m y-w arm in g and delicious lu n ch or d inner

N ote W h o le (unhusked) len tils are easily sprouted and m ay be to ssed in to a salad, or added to a so u p tow ard th e

en d o f cook ing tim e T he fo llow ing d ish recalls

th e red len til stew so fragrant and tem p tin g th at, accord ing to th e B ible story, it w on Jacob h is b irth n gh t For a m ea l-m -a - b ow l w ith com p lem entary p ro­tein , serve atop steam ed b a s- m ati nee

C umin-S c en t ed Stew o f R ed L en tils , Chickpeas and P um pkin

I cup red lentils picked over and washed

3 cups watert carrot scraped and cut into

diagonal slices 1 medium onion coarsely

chopped1 to 2 cups peeled pumpkin or

butternut squash (see note) h teaspoon salt (or more to

taste)V* teaspoon ground cumin 3 garlic cloves pressed Ateaspoon ground turmeric

1 0 < > J / C O I P O f

A ' A m

\ n \ ^ P u r c h a s eM a r k e t p l a c e

!fcx'<i'r Mertkinl .-.l V no Iwoitirnil2789 PLYMOUTH RD • ANN ARBOR • (734} 21 3-0303

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f Glazed and Fully Prepared B o a r 's H e a d $ * 7 9 9S w e e t S l ic e H a u l . . . . . . . . . . 1 n>

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l e m o n s & L im es . M ix o r M a tch

PoleG o ld e n P in e a p p le

P o tte d H e r b s . . . A s s o r te d V a r ie t ie s




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R o a s t C o f f e e B e a n s (Mart in offer)R . „ Qlh P e p p e r id g e FarmReg $799 lb . . . . - P lb. S o ft Q a k ed € o o k f e s

A s so r te d $ / l 9 9 8e o z package $ 1 9 9. . "Tt e a A l lV a r ie te s R e g 2 79 . . . . . . A

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D a n is h B lu e C a s te l loReg $1299 Ib . . . . . . . .

$ ' 2 9 9. . . J lb

i $59\


G e la to P in ts

E a ste r E gg M u m s$ 3 9 9

S p r in g B u ib P la n ts3 / $ 1 0 0 0

k teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons freshly grated gin qer {ofh teaspoon dried)

15 ounce can chickpeas drained h cup chopped fresh Italian flat

parsley or cilantro (leaves of coriander plant) to garnish

Place the lentils m a pot and cover w ith w ater Sw ish them around, dram and cover with fresh water R epeat until the water runs clear Transfer to a pot with the 3 cups o f water and bring to a boil Partially cover (or th e pot w ill boil over), and cook over low heat for 15 m inutes, stirring occasionally

Add th e vegetables spices and the chickpeas partially cover and cook 3 0 m inutes or until the stew is thick Stir gently from tim e to tim e during the cooking process

(I f the stew is to o thick, or if serving over rice, add boiling

gwater and th in to desired consis tency Let cook 5 m inutes longer I f too thin, rem ove the cover and slightly raise the heat, i f neces sary to evaporate excess w ater)

To serve, divide am ong bowls and garnish w ith parsley or cilantro M akes 6 servings

NOTE To facilitate peeling the pum pkin or butternut squash m ake a few slits in a large piece o f pum pkin (or use the bottom bulb o f th e squash) and place in th e m icrowave for 2 to 3 m inutes or until just soft enough to peel C ool slightly, remove seeds, p eel and cut into chunks

R eap e from The Essential Book o f Jewish Festival Cooking by Phyllis Glazer w ith M inyam Glazer, 2 0 0 4 , HarperCollins, $ 2 9 95

R i s h t a ( C l a s s i c L e b a n e s e L e n t i l a n d N o o d l e S o u p )

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 medium onions chopped 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 teaspoons ground coriander2 cups brown or green lentils

picked over and washed 1 bay leaf 8 cups water3 garlic cloves crushed Salt and pepper to taste1 c ip broken vermicelli egg noo

dies or whole wheat spaghetti

H eat th e o il m a skillet and saute th e on ion till translucent Add cum m and coriander and saute for another m inute over m edium h eat Set aside Place the lentils, bay le a f and water in a large pot and bring to a boil Partially cover, reduce heat and sim m er for 4 5 m inutes stirring occasionally

Add garlic, salt and pepper, adjusting seasonings to taste Just before serving, bnng back to a simmer and add the noo­dles Cook until al dente, about 8 to 10 minutes depending on type of pasta Serve at once in bowls

Makes 6 servings

This green len til and barley recipe m akes a satisfying side dish It m ay also b e served as a vegetarian m am dish w ith or w ithout grated cheese sprinkled on top (T his recipe is adapted from the 1 9 7 1 edition o f The New York Times N atural Foods Cookbook by Jean H ew itt)

G r e e n L e n t i l s a n d B a r l e y W it h T o m a t o e s a n d R o s e m a r y

h cup French green (or regular green) lentils

A cup pearled barley A cup extra virgin olive oil ’A cup chopped onion V* cup chopped celery 2Acups canned whole tomatoes

cut mto pieces fA cups water2 tablespoons honey Salt and pepper to taste Pinch dried rosemary optional A cup shredded carrots

Place the lentils and barley in a pot and cover w ith water Swish them around, dram and cover w ith fresh w ater Repeat until the water runs clear In a m edium -sized p o t, heat the olive oil and saute the onion until ten­der Add celery and cook 5 m in­utes longer Add remaining ingredients except the carrots, and bn n g to a boil, cover and simmer 25 m inutes, stim n g occasionally Rem ove cover, add carrots and cook 5 minutes longer or until barley and lentils are tender Serve hot Makes 6 servings

Recipe from The Essential Book o f Jewish Festival Cooking by Phyllis Glazer w ith Miriyam Glazer 2 0 0 4 , HarperCollins,

w ww Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 (lpc) 05TASTE

Create spinach and walnut salad; cook up mixed greens with kidney beans

\ * J - e * t f e u t £ m s U t \

C . e l e v a t i o n !


CONCO RD, N H (A P )-A s you contem plate sp n n g clean­ing , consider lighten ing the dietary load a t th e sam e tim e

T his is th e perfect tim e to start th e transition from heavy an d hearty w in ter fare to th e ligh ter and fresher foods o f sum m er C ool w eather salads - a m ix o f fresh greens w ith sub­stantia l top p in gs - are a great w ay to w elcom e th is season

Served com m unally in a large p asta or sta in less steel bow l, th ese salads are w onder- fril w ith vegetab le or bean sou p s for a satisfying lunch Prepared o n individual d inner p lates an d accom panied by w arm bread an d a b it o f cheese th ey easily stan d as a m eal on th eir ow n

A few tip s for m aking cool- w eather salads

■ O pt for hearty greens B aby sp inach leaves, kale, dan­d elion greens, chard and arugula are available through­o u t th e year and during th e o ff season generally taste crisper an d fresher th a n m ore delicate greens

■ Skip th e citrus Though orange section s are great in salads, keep th o se for cooling sum m er m eals Instead try go lden ra isins p lum ped briefly m w arm w ater

■ Include protein to g ive the salad substance Sunflower, sesam e and flax seeds are nice w h en ligh tly toasted Or try chunks o f season ed tofu, fn ed tem p eh or a m ix o f canned beans, su ch as chickpeas and kidney

■ C heese is another great protein source Crumbled goat ch eese adds a sharp and cream y accent, w h ile cubes o f provolone offer a m ild com ple­m en t to tom atoes

■ Offer contrasting flavors, su ch as fruits and vinegars S lices o f dried figs are delicious in a salad dressed w ith balsam ­ic vinegar T h in apple slices an d a sharp ch eese , such as Parm esan shavings, are great, to o

■ Stick to grape or cherry tom atoes, w h ich tend to be sw eeter an d m ore tender dur­in g coo l w eather

S M arinate cook ed pasta elbow s in a v inaigrette for about 1 hour, th en drain and to ss w ith salad green s before adding rem ain ing ingred ients T his bulks th e salad in to an easy m eal and adds layers o f flavor

■ fr y an A sian-insp ired salad by to ssin g raw bok choy w ith cooked u d on noodles, baby corn, w ater chestnuts, sliced m ushroom s an d m ung b ean sprouts T h ink stir-fry m inus th e fry D ress w ith toast­ed sesam e o il an d n e e vinegar

Start th e season right w ith a sp inach and w a ln u t salad w ith w arm b lu e-ch eese dressing T his is a variation o f the fam ous W aldorf salad but includes crum bled b lu e ch eese for tang an d a lu sc iou s w arm dressing

I f m aking th e salad ahead, either prepare th e apples ju st before serv ing or p lace the slices in a p lastic b ag w ith a tab lespoon or tw o o f lem on ju ice and to ss to coa t before adding to th e salad T he ju ice prevents th e apples from brow ning

For an ever heartier salad, try m ixed greens w ith kidney b ean s and gm ger-raspberry dressing

M ost natural-food grocers n o w offer seasonal m ixed greens, th e con ten ts o f w hich vary according to w h at is fresh T op th ese greens w ith beans an d an assortm ent o f lightly cooked hearty vegetab les, such as cauliflow er an d broccoli

T he dressing for th is salad is a variation o f a typical vinai­grette b u t uses sour cream to create a silky b ase a n d freshly grated g inger for a b it o f w arm th Soy sour cream could b e substituted

S pinach and Walnut S alad With Warm Blue Cheese Dressing

/z cup golden raisins 3 cups baby spinach leaves /2 cup walnut pieces lightly

toasted/z Granny Smith apple thinly

slicedA cup crumbled blue cheese z/3 cup milk1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black

pepper to taste

3 teaspoons cornstarch

Place the raisins in a bowl and cover with w arm water Let sit until just plum p, about 5 m in­utes Dram and set aside

Arrange the spinach leaves on tw o salad plates Top each with walnuts, apple slices, about 3 tablespoons o f b lue cheese and raisins

To make the dressing combine the milk, o il and rem aining cheese m a sm all saucepan Heat over a low flam e until the cheese m elts Season w ith salt and pep­per W hisk in cornstarch, 1 tea­spoon at a tim e, until dressing thickens Dress each salad liber­ally with warm cheese dressing

Makes 2 servings

Mixed Greens With Kidney Beans and Ginger-R aspberry

___________ Dressing___________1 cup chopped cauliflower 3 cups mixed salad greens 10 to 12 cherry tomatoes1 medium carroth cup canned kidney beans

rinsedA small red onion cut into half

moons6 tablespoons extra virgin olive

oil2 tablespoons sour cream2 tablespoons cider vinegar 2 tablespoons all fruit raspberry

jamA teaspoon saltA teaspoon freshly ground black

pepper1 tablespoon freshly grated gin


Bring a sm all saucepan o f water to a boil A dd th e cauli­flower and cook for 3 for 4 min­utes, or until cauliflower is just barely tender Drain and rmse under water to cool Set aside

Arrange the m ixed greens on tw o salad plates A dd h a lf the tom atoes to each salad Use a vegetable peeler to shave the car­rot into large stnps in to each salad

Evenly distribute th e beans, onion slices and cauliflower flo­rets in each salad

To make the dressing, com­bine rem aining ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth D ress each salad liberally

Makes 2 servings

w. -70 c 1

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06 (*)(D4-ReW Gc) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 TASTE

Citrusy beet salad signals spring


Grilled beef top round steak tossed with whole-grain barley, fresh vegetables and a citrusy vinaigrette make a delicious mam dish salad

W h en w in ter w an es and spring approaches, w e te n d to th in k in term s o f a ch an ge m th e w ay w e eat O ur lighter approach w ill surely include the fresh produce n ow appear­in g in m arkets, and salads w ill becom e m en u m ainstays on ce again A m ain d ish salad like b e e f and barley spring salad m akes a nutritious m eal, pro­v id in g a tn p le nutrition punch w ith w hole-grain barley, n u tn - en t-n c h lean b e e f and v itam m - packed vegetables To m ake the salad , m arinated top round steak is grilled, th en th in ly carved and com bined w ith quick-cooking barley, green b ean s and bell peppers A tasty citrus vinaigrette adds th e final flavor finish

B e e f & B a r l e y S p r i n g S a l a d

1 pound beef top round steak cut*A inch thick

1 cup uncooked quick cooking barley

U pound baby green beans1 cup diced yellow bell pepperA cup thinly sliced baby spring

onions1 tablespoon chopped fresh

chivesLemon wedges (optional)

__________ M a r i n a d e __________1 cup prepared reduced fat bal

samic vinaigrette2 tablespoons fresh orange juice1 tablespoon freshly grated

orange peel1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice2 teaspoons freshly grated

lemon peel

N ote Preparation tim e is 30 m inutes M arinating tim e is 6 hours or overnight

Combine marinade ingredi­ents in sm all bowl Place b eef steak and /a cup marinade in food-safe plastic bag, turn steak to coat Close bag securely and marinate m refrigerator 6 hours or overnight, turning occasional­ly Cover and reserve rem aining marinade m refrigerator to use for salad dressing

Cook barley according to package directions Set aside Cook green beans in boiling water for 3 m inutes or until cnsp-tender, dram Run cold

water over beans to stop cook­ing, dram

Remove steak from marinade, discard marinade Place steak on grid over m edium , ash-covered coals

Gnll, uncovered, 8 to 9 m in­utes for m edium rare doneness, turning occasionally D o not overcook Carve steak into thin slices

Toss barley, steak slices, green beans, bell pepper and onions m large bowl

Arrange on plates Drizzle w ith reserved marinade, sprin­kle w ith chives Garnish w ith lem on wedges, i f desired Makes 4 servings

Cooks tips To broil, place steak on rack m broiler pan so

surface o f b eef is 2 to 3 inches from heat

Broil 1 2 to 13 m inutes for m edium rare doneness, turning once

O ne pound w ell-tnm m ed beef top sirlom steak, cut3/* inch thick, may be substituted for b ee f top round steak To gn ll, place steak on g n d over m edium , ash-cov­ered coals

G nll, uncovered, 13 to 16 min­utes for medium rare to medium doneness, turning occasionally

N u t r i t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n pe r s e r v i n g : 398 calones, 31 g pro­tein , 4 4 g carbohydrate, II g fat, 703 m g sodium, 61 m g choles­terol, 8 2 m g m acm , 0 7 m g vita­m in B 6 , 1 5 m eg vitam in B12,4 8 m g iron, 6 0 m g zinc

W e d n e s d a y , M a y 1 9 , 2 0 0 41 0 a . m . - 2 : 3 0 p . m .


! Livonia Campus - VisTaTech Center1 presented by



| S c h o o l c r a f t C o l l e g e| W W W . S C H O O L C R A F T . E D U

j I N C R E A S E Y O U R S E N I O R C L I E N T B A S E - P A R T I C I P A T E I N T H I S P R E M I E R E X H I B I T I O N !

Y o u r S e n io r E x p o E x h ib ito r P a c k a g e in c lu d e s :

PROMOTION: Signs at Schoolcraft College | and advertisements in the 15 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers and four HomeTown Newspapers prior to the eventBOOTH SPACE: A covered table with 2 chairs, a table card identifying your business and two box lunches prepared by Schoolcraft College’s culinary arts departmentQUARTER PAGE AD: Your ad will appear in more than 200,000 newspapers, all 15 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers and four HomeTown NewspapersAn additional 5,000 guides will be distributed during the eventYour business name will also be listed on the floor plan in the Senior Expo Guide

Reserve your booth today, call:1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5

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Real Estate Inquires

Robert M Meisner

Act could protect dog ownerI've heard re c e n tly about a co-op th a t was penalized by th e Civil Rights Com m ission regarding keeping o f a d o g . Do you have any facts?

In th e case I b elieve you are referring to , th e claim ant presen ted ev id en ce th at she suffered severe chronic d ep ression and anxiety, and also p resen ted evidence from her doctor, pastor, and an expert th a t sh e w ould b enefit from a com p an ion anim al, in th e co-operative w here she lived T he co-operative argued it w a s under n o duty to grant h er accom m odation request b ecau se th e p e t w as n o t a service anim al T he Civil R igh ts C om m ission found th a t th e co-operative had p rovided n o legal authority to support th e p rop osition th at accom m od atin g the claim ant, pursuant to the Persons W ith D isability Civil R ight A ct, dep en d ed on w h eth er th e d o g is a com p an ion an im al or a service an im a l T he Civil R ights C om m ission indicated th at th e P ersons W ith D isab ility C ivil R ight A ct m akes ab so lu tely no reference or d istin ction w ith respect to th e term service anim al, com p an ion an im a l or pet R ather, th e act generally requires th a t a person w ith a disab ility b e accom m odated u n less th is accom m odation w ou ld im p ose an undue hardship You are best advised to con su lt w ith your attorney m regard to th is m atter

i have heard a b o u t a recent case , where a to w n was found liable fo r 1 discrim ination In denying a

developer's building p e rm it. Do lyou have a n y inform ation on 'th a t?

tn a M assachusetts case, th e olamtifFs, u s in g a civil rights iction , w o n a substantial verdict aga in st th e tow n and two o f its form er officials for iscn m in a tio n based o n their iterference w ith p lans to evelop a property R elying n a 2 0 0 0 U S Suprem e "ourt ru ling, w hich stab lished a right to scovery against a lum cipality w h en it withholds governm ent censes or perm its w ith o u t a ational b asis, th e case rovides developers w h o are [eated unfairly w ith a pmedy w ith tee th against .um cipahties th a t appear to vor certa in groups or dividualsbert M. Meisner is a lawyer and 5 author of Condomimom eration Getting Started & Staying We Right Track second edition s available for$995 plus $2 ship g and handling For more mfor tion, call (248) 644 4433 or visit )ei$ner@mich com This column uldn't be construed as legal ice

Don't let roadblocks impede selling homeBY NORMAN PRAOY


H as th e sign m front o f th e h ou se se t you dream ing?

Is it th e h o u se you’re selling? Or th e h o u se you w ant to buy? A re you p icturing h ow your life w ill b e after you sign the papers?

A ll you have to d o b etw een th en and n o w is n o t m ess th ings up T he problem is, you see, th at th ere are m any w ays you can d o th at

Real estate agent Leslie Palm itier, an associate broker w ith M ax B roock Realtors, Rochester, sa id she’s seen it - deals k illed , on e w ay or an oth ­er B ut sh e h as id eas about h o w you can protect yourself from real esta te roadblocks an d p o t­holes

“I like to p u t th ings m the affirm ative,’ Palm itier said

She urges sellers to n o t h a m ­per th em selves w ith unrealistic pricing ‘ D on ’t se t a price based o n w ou ld -a cou ld-a shou ld -a’ or a w ish -for or le t ’s try this

I f you’re th e seller, sh e said , are you ready to sell? I f not, you cou ld b e m aking th ings difficult


Consider, sh e said , is your h om e “m ove-in ready?”

In th e eyes o f th e buyers, sh e said, th e h o u se need s to be im m aculate, uncrow ded

“It n eed s to b e fresh - n o t a plug-your-nose exp en en ce - clean carpets freshly vacu­um ed, beds m ade, toys p icked up, and n o p iles o f dirty lau n ­dry T he h o u se should have a sen se o f organization and clean liness ’

Pets, she said , can drive cu s­tom ers aw ay I love m y dog, but have th e d og live som e­w here e lse w h ile th e h o u se is for sale T here are problem s about odors, ju m p in g on p eo ­ple, tr iggering allergies ”

Stubbornness, sh e said , can stop th e tu rn in g o f the sales w heels ‘ I f your agent com es w ith a recom m endation for a price reduction based on feed ­back from lookers and o n oth er current m arket inform ation, hold in g fa st to your original price is a deal-killer,” sh e said

Buyers can b e stubborn too , and locked in to th eir ow n notions o f a hom e’s w orth

A variation o n stubbornness, she said , is for th e seller “to b e in su lted b y an offer you th in k is too lo w You’re avoiding real­ity W h at’s th e p o in t o f lov in g your shag carpet w hen th e cur­rent m arket w ants hardw ood floors?”

Be h o n est in th e d isclosure statem ent, sh e said, or you can

Leslie Palmitier helps one of her clients dear clutter before showing the house to a potential buyer

have prob lem s i f you’re fou n d to b e u ntru th fu l about th e c o n ­d ition o f th e h ou se

‘ D ate o f p o ssessio n can b e a problem I try to n ego tia te a specific date,” said P alm itier “W hat i f th e buyer can’t g e t a m ortgage? D on ’t g e t th a t far M ake sure th e purchase agree­m en t co m es in w ith a pre- approval certificate sh ow in g th at th e buyer is qualified to buy th a t price property A n d th e agent sh ou ld call the lender to verify”

H ow ab ou t th e check th a t com es w ith th e offer to pur­chase? You know , th e earn est- m oney d ep o sit on th e dea l

Real estate agent Leslie Palmitier picks up cat toys before showing the house to a potential buyer She urges homeowners to let their pets live somewhere else while the house is for sale

Supposing th e check bounces? "Well,” sh e said , “th e buyers usually g e t a ch ance to m ake it good, b u t it can k ill the deal because it su ggests th at th ey ’re n o t serious about b u y in g ”


A n effective w ay to m ake trouble for th e deal and your­self, she said , is to rem ove filings you’re n o t supposed to rem ove “T h e pre-prm ted co n ­tract says th a t all w in d ow treatm ents, for exam ple are to rem ain on th e property u n less specifically excluded

“T he buyer gets a final w alk­through prior to closing, b u t th at can b e 2 4 to 4 8 hours ahead G ives a se ller p len ty o f tim e to g o back an d take o u t all th e ligh t bu lbs I ’ve heard o f th at happen ing ”

A nd real esta te attorney A n n H ow ard o f Southfield , k now s o f a situation th at can m ake a deal darker th a n a h ou se th e lo w appraisal

‘T he purchase agreem ent is to buy a h o u se priced at $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 , b u t th e appraisal com es in a t $ 1 7 5 ,0 0 0 and th at w ill be th e b asis o f th e loan,” H ow ard sa id “E ither th e buyer has to co m e u p w ith m ore m oney to m ake up th e differ­ence, or th e seller h as to reduce th e price ”

O ther situ ation s H ow ard h a s seen th at th reaten ed deals included th e sellers w ho sw itched th e d isp layed refrig­erator w ith another, even th o u g h it d id n ’t fit m to th e space, an d th e fo lks w h o d ec id ­ed to ta k e o n e o f th eir lan d ­scaping sp ecim en s w ith th em w h en th ey m oved ou t


S om etim es, H ow ard said, th e buyer’s o n ly recourse is to su e in Sm all C laim s Court

N o t so for th e buyers sh e k n ew o f w h o m oved in prior to clo sin g th e sa le “T here w a s a problem about con tin u in g to p ay ren t w h ere th ey w ere liv ­ing,” sh e said , “and th e sellers, ou t o f th e good n ess o f th eir hearts, w ere try ing to b e accom m odating So th ey gave th e buyers th e k ey”

G iving th e m th e key also gave th em t im e for a th orou gh in sp ection o f t h e house, w h ich turned up so m e th in g s th ey did n ’t like S o m u ch so th at th ey refused to go ahead w ith th e clo sin g u n less th ey go t a price reduction T he situ ation w as resolved b y th e sellers m aking repairs

H ow ard’s advice about th is “N ever give th e k ey b efore c lo s­in g ”

S e c t i o n F

( * )

Thursday April 8 2004

Keely Kaleski editor (734)953 2105

Fax (734) 591-7279 kkaleski@oe.homecomm net



Opportunities abound nowApril is norm ally an excit­

in g m o n th for h om e buy­ers T h e w arm ing w eath ­

er an d th e inevitab le spring _ fever m ake h o u se h u n tin g wenjoyable *

T h is year sh ou ld b e very t gratify ing fo r m an y h om e buyers as th ey realize the im pact o f la s t year’s tax reform Taxpayers w ho receive a b ee fy federal in com e ta x refund check w ill pay o ff deb t, m ake invest­m en ts an d even se ize the op p ortun ity to buy real estate

For m o st first-tim e h om e 7. buyers, a d ecen t tax refund ch eck m ay serve as th e basis o f a d o w n p aym en t for a h o m e purchase

For others, it m ay cover th e co st o f a refinance Yet for others, it m a y h e lp to start a lo n g , profitab le career as real esta te investors W ith in ter­e s t rates o n th e rise, len d ers are g e tt in g very creative in th e ir efforts to h elp future buyers leverage w hatever purchase cash th ey m ight have


O f la te , I have received up d ates from w holesa le len d ­in g sources offering m ore le n ie n t te rm s o n previous cred it b lem ish es , includ ing bankruptcies, unpaid co llec­tio n s a n d la te paym ents

M ean w h ile I con tin u e to receive d ozen s o f ca lls on th ese w on d erfu l in terest-on ly p rod u cts th a t a llow buyers to m axim ize th eir buying pow er w h ile n o t break ing their b u d get


For th o se w ish in g to refi­nance, th ere are n o w oppor­tu n itie s to refinance w ith ou t appraisals, w ith ou t incom e verifica tion and w ithout regard to d ischarged bank­ruptcies In som e cases, su c k stream lin ed refinances take as little as five b u sin ess days an d m ake a llow ances for bor­row ers w ith cred it scores as lo w as 5 4 0

R egard less o f your situa­tio n , n o w is an exciting tim e to m ove forw ard w ith your real esta te p lan s T h e com ­p etitive m ortgage m arket seem s to p resen t viable and attractive so lu tion s

A g ood “first step ” m ay be to g e t a m ortgage prequalifi- cation, th rou gh a reputable m ortgage banker or broker B e sure to ask about th ings th a t are im p ortan t tcfyou like cash flow , bu ild in g equity or m a in ta in in g a flexib le pay­m en t A lso , ask about th e short- an d lon g -term pros an d con s o f each op tion

Timothy Phillips is a mortgage banker and newspaper columnist You may access his Wealth Academy™ archives at www PhillipsHQ com or phone him toll free at (866) 369 4516 Homebuyers should always consult a professional for guidance specific to their situation

l U M B O L 0 A N o W W E E K

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^ I

F2 (*) Observer s Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 REAL ESTATE www hom

HOMES SOLD IN WAYNE COUNTY45177 Horseshoe $196 000 31761 Leona $169 000 33359 Norfolk $283000 45314 Stonehedge $290000 34207 Algonqu n $169 000

These are the Observer & Eccentric 1693 Ironwood $242 000 31966 Pardo $144 000 28385 Pembroke $180000 9327 Tavistock $236000 34105 Arrowhead $170000

area residential real estate closings 7770 Kaiser $185000 29444 Rosslyn $126000 19380 Rensellor $142000 10132 Tennyson $330000 33017 Avondale $109000

recorded W7 Kmgbtsbndge $248000 31054 Rosslyn $132000 14175 Richfield $265 000 1052 W Ann Arbor $275000 7359 Cardwell $51000the weeks of Nov 24 28 at the Wayne 43171 Lancelot $225000 32215 Sheridan $187000 16412 Rverside $210,000 13390 Wendover $335000 7464 Carrousel $205000County Register of Deeds office 42475 Lilley Polnte $125 000 6020 Shotka $190000 18285 University Park $130000 Redford 8424 Cavell $159000Listed below are cities addresses and 1629 Orchard $110000 27629 Windsor $140 000 29633 W Ch cago $171000 12860 Beech Daly $103000 34436 Cowan $269 000sales prices 43432 Proctor $188 000 Livonia 30108 W Chicago $178 000 20464 Dalby $107000 673 Oarw n $116000

43076 Ryegate $188000 36762 Sx Mile $201000 30551 Wentworth $256000 19159 Denby $120000 7607 Gary $154000Canton 44459 Savery $108000 27656 Bentley $162,000 20020 Weyher $180000 10001D xie $133000 1718 Gloria $122 000

47543 Ashford $370000 44567 Savery $136000 301S4 Bent ey $199000 18996 Whtby $167000 17709 Five Points $121000 8105 Huntington $7400043979 Bannockburn S229000 727 Sore! $210000 18775 Blue Skies $223 000 Plymouth 18263 fox $140 000 35280 Lews $15400046853 Bartlett $257000

.6 it ,A Xt 1580 Stafford $184000 29540 Bobnch $87000 593 Ann $170 000 14160 Garfield $158000 7708 Manor $90 00Q1921 Bellingham $&3;000 43557$ to r t $180000 18297 Brentwood $141000 1660 Cassady Place $230000 17666 kmloch $133 000 212 Mar gold $136 0002008 Brookfield $189000 3639 Times Square $332000 20203 Brentwood $138000 1694 Cassady Place $219000 12860 Levarne $127000 306 Marigold $1360006887 Brookshire $245 000 513 Tornngton $415000 31838 Bretton $187000 10408 Elliott $315000 15595 Lexington $134000 36686 Melton $1660002737 Calloway $380 000 2071 Vine Way $138000 17400 Brookview $212000 48244 Hilltop $440000 15573 Macarthur $105000 38575 Monmouth $132 0001890 Cedar Valley $172000 1852 Wentworth $325 000 18635 Canterbury $320000 333 Irvin $212000 25187 Midland $111000 406 N Harvey $1290001960 Cedar Valley $161000 44862 Weymouth $345 000 28547 Cleveland $138000 42020 Lakeland $307000 12821 Hathaline $126000 7107 N Wayne $475 0002016 Cedar Valley $206000 1209 Wildwood $254000 8862 Oanzig $82000 42509 Lakeland $173 000 12891 Nathalme $136000 30792 Nelson $2250001655 Centennial $161000 7301 Willow Creek $205000 15373 Deermg $200000 8939 Manton $206000 17414 Norborne $128000 32044 Palmer $8800045211 Claymore $271000 1706 Woodbridge $176 000 9975 Flamingo $165000 42165 Mill Race $165000 19910 Po nciana $138000 35451 Pheasant $175 00p1417 Colonade $181000 2390 Woodgreen $315000 8912 Georgia $185000 45450 Moonlight $275000 9995 Riverdale $136000 38355 $ Jean $165000"44273 Darthmouth $265000 Garden City 8964 Hanlon $238000 40122 Newport $134000 26309 W Seven Mile $70000 1537 S Unville $139000^39458 Dorchester $295000 29004 Balmoral $110000 39112 Howell $198000 40804 Newport $128000 26669 Wadsworth $144 000 1460 S Mane $140000*-44507 Forest Trail $261000 28572 Barton $133000 35972 Leon $172000 40708 Orangelawn $191000 18450 Wakenden $137000 409 Shotka $13400042436 Hanford $197000

1825 Cardwell $40000 9132 Marie $210000 799 Pacific $208000 Westland 923 Van Suli $160 000 *47090 Hidden River $350ObO 5708 Gilman $141000 34451 Munger $255000 47125 Stonecrest $315000 33062 Alanson $70000 38183 Warner Farms $145000#8243 Holly $177000

M o r t g a g e r a t e s u p , b u t s till l o w e r t h a n la s t y e a rBY JE A N N IN E AVERSA


M ortgage rates clim bed th is w eek , but th ey are still low er th an a year ago an d should con ­tin u e to spur th e housing m arket

T he average rate on

b en ch m ark 30-year, fixed-rate m ortgages rose to 5 5 2 p ercen t th is w eek, u p from 5 4 0 p ercen t last w eek , m ortgage g ian t F redd ie M ac reported T hursday in it s w eek ly n ation w id e su rvey o f m ortgage rates

In m id -J u n e la s t year,

rates o n 30-year m ort­gages sank to 5 21 per­cen t, th e ir low est lev e l on record R ates o n 30-year m ortgages have bounced around since th en A year ago, 30 -year m ortgages averaged 5 79 percent, 15- year m ortgages 5 0 6 per­cen t an d one-year

adjustable m ortgages stood at 3 8 2 percent

For 15-year, fixed-rate m ortgages, a popular option for refinancing, rates th is w eek increased to 4 84 p ercen t from 4 70 percent la s t w eek

R ates for one-year adjustable m ortgages m oved up th is w eek to

3 4 6 percent, com ­pared w ith 3 3 6 per­cen t la s t w eek , w hich had b een th e low est

sin ce F redd ie M ac began track ing rates o n one-year A R M s m 1984


“E ven w ith rates slightly higher, th e h o u sin g indus­try w ill con tin u e to b e an active, so lid sector o f the eco n o m y g o in g in to the spring b u y in g season ,” said Frank N oth a ft, Freddie M ac’s c h ie f econ om ist

“W e d o n ’t foresee any

m ajor s low d ow n in th e h o u sin g m arket th is year,” h e sa id “Q u ite th e con­trary, w e are confident 2 0 0 4 w ill b e an oth er b a n ­ner year for h o m e sa les ”

L ow m ortgage rates p ropelled h o m e sa les to record h ig h s in 2 0 0 3

T he nation w id e aver­ages for m ortgage rates d o n o t in c lu d e ad d -on fees k n ow n as p o in ts Each loan ty p e ea rn ed a n aver­age fe e o f O 6 p o in t th is

w eekIn a n o th er report, th e ,

M ortgage B an k ers A sso c ia tio n sa id refin an e- * m g a cco u n ted for 6 2 8 p ercen t o f a ll m ortgage ,, ap p lica tion s filed la s t w eek T h a t w a s d o w n ^from 6 3 1 p ercen t th e p re - - v io u s w eek


Freddie M achttp / / www.freddiem

k \ u \ i i l A M 1

/ NORTHVILLE'his home has alt that you need to enjoy the goif ommunity lifestyle Stair,entry from jcitchen & oyer Granite counters & pullout drawers in abinets. Intercom system W/radio & cd Across "om 7* feirway34-455-6000 EP33ME 24036314 $665,000

NOVIReady to move in Sellers have taken extr home Step up to 3rd level to beautiful Bedroom & bath W/targe shower & 2 closets Open kitchen W/FP Two furnao trees in back of lot734-455-6000 EP99BA 24034729 $569 000

CANTONBeautiful 3100 sq ft home w/open floor plan Just move in and enjoy the 3 season room deck or retie overlooking landscaped yd backing to com mons' Walking distance to parks library & commu nity center734-455-6000 EPI2GL2402189! $429,900

P L Y M O U T HRanch home located in township close 1 town fower taxes Good sized fenced k ground pool windows replaced m’9S Ext tion in attic & walls Partially finished base appliances stay734-455-6000 EPIOBA24028357 $224,900

4 45*

FARMINGTON—tted and sparkling clean this downtown

eady for immediate occupancy Over including master suite w/fuii bath and

cony 2nd bedroom has its own bath 1st floor laundry attached garage

<000 EP83FA24023275 $188,000

Style & floor plan create a Warm Irving room adapts bedroom brick ranch in prest welcomes the homebody w/exereise area & lav 2 car ga 734-455-6000 EP24MA2403338

ionosphere decor 3

oth Redford basement

orage $148,000

Boston trailer park survives sprawlBY K EN MAGUIREASSOCIATED PRESS

W h en Jackie L undell first m ee ts peop le, th ey don’t b elieve h er w hen she te lls th em w here she lives ft w aterfront h om e th at ren ts for less than $ 1 ,0 0 0 a m on th in on e o f the m o st expensive cities in th e country

“T h ey’re shocked, sh e said

She’s am on g about 1 0 0 ten an ts w h o call the B oston Trailer Park their hom e

T enants th ere are still celebrating a recen t agreem en t th a t preserves th e fu tu re o f th e park, lo ca ted a lon g th e Charles R ivef in th e city ’s W est R oxbury neighborhood

A P orsche a n d H onda d ea lersh ip n ex t door tr ied for years to kick ten a n ts o u t after Jam es E C lair b o u g h t th e 13- acre lo t n ex t to h is car d ea lersh ip in 1 9 8 6 and w an ted to expand

T h e ten an ts’ ordeal is b e in g p layed o u t at other parks across th e country, accord in g to B ruce

Savage, a v ice p resid en t w ith th e M anufactured H o u sin g In stitu te , a n ational trade associa­tion b ased in A rlington , Va

O n ce reserved for sp o ts on th e outsk irts o f tow n , th e la n d underneath th e m ob ile h o m es has b ecom e m ore attractive

“U rban spraw l h as su r­rounded th ese com m u n i­ties, Savage sa id “You’ve g o t th e se h u ge p ieces o f lan d b e in g redeveloped W ith real esta te prices co n tin u in g to escalate, so m etim es th ey are

p r iced o u t o f th e m a rk e t” A lth o u g h tra iler parks

are in crea sin g ly rare in m ajor c it ie s , th ey still ex ist a cro ss a fa irly w id e g eograp h ica l spread A tlan ta , D enver, M in n ea p o lis and P ittsb u rgh are a f e w , c it ie s th a t h o s t trailer parks, acco rd in g to l i s t ­in gs o n m o b ile h o m e n e t

In B o sto n , th e b attle over th e p a rk w a s se ttled i1 w h en b o th s id e s reached an a g reem en t n eg o tia ted b y c ity o ffic ia ls after m ore th a n a d eca d e o f leg a l sq u ab b lin g

w w w . D e t P o i t M o r t g a g e s . c o mM O R T G A G E R A T E U P D A T E


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1 3 6 5 S . M a i n . P l y m o u t h or Visit u s on the w e t...

w w w . q u a l i t y p r o p e r t i e s G M A C . c o m

1734) 4 5 1 . 5 4 0 0

£ rT ru ste d A d v iso r

S k i l l e d N e g o t i a t o r E x p e r t F a c i l i t a t e !

P R E M I E R S E R V I C E ' s e r v i c e y o u d e s e r v e . P e o p l e y o u t i n

C A N T O NBEAUTIFUL CANTON COLONIAL Glengarry colonial stunnng 4 bedroom 2 5 bath class d Pride of ownership s reflected throughout* $367 900{P77MID)

C A N T O NCOLONIAL IN FOREST TRAILS SUB Great fam iy colonial featurng 3 large bedrooms 1 5 baths open floor plan hardwood floors fresh painf neW (oof a id windows and much more* $249900<P10i=OR)

FAIRWAYS AT PHEASANT RUN SUB.Fantastic 4 B R 3500 sq ft colonial Gourmet kitchen 2 way fireplace 2 s tay G R & foyer Hdwd & ceramic floors fin basement den huge mstr ste w/luxurious bath Prem cul-de-sac lot Bnck paver w/elec awning $459 900 (P51 SAN )

C A N T O NSPOTLESS CANTON CAPE CQD B u tin 2000 Frst floor master suite wth walk in closet & Jacuzzi tub Two car attached garage for direct access Neutral throughout $229 900 (P52SHE)

N O R T H V I L L E GORGEOUS CAPE COD One year new home featur ng premium wooded lot cherry cabinets & vaulted cei ings Must see pneed to sell at $419890 {PQ2CYP)

L I V O N I ANEWER 2 BED/1,5 BATH TOWNHOUSE W/DEN Well located in nterior bu ding at Bell Creek Square end unit features an oak kit w/ pantry & over-s nk windows LR w/gas F P hdwd firs fin lower level att & direct access gar Very neutral & mmaculate $183 900 (P62FAR)

P L Y M O U T H1 1/2 ACRES IN PLYMOUTH HILLS SUB2 500 sq ft hone Totally updated to look like a model home Large rooms 2 f replaces courtyard patio Mustsee* $374 900 (P76AMH)

P L Y M O U T HOLD PLYMOUTH ARTS & CRAFTS BEAUTY!Designed & built by original owners Tb s never before offered home is truly special Step back in time & enjoy things as they were in a more relaxed world Call f a details Only $274 900

P L Y M O U T HPRIDE OF OWNERSHIP' Superbly cared for 4 bdrm colonial w/fm walkout bsmt Formal LR D R den & F R w/vaulted ce ling gas fplc Sunroom w/skylight Walkout has cuived bar gas fplc entertainment center & pool table Lge deck, paver walkways 3 car side entry garage Call today' $469 9 X (P85STO)

P L Y M O U T HONE-OF-A-KIND ORIG INAL 1 h story multi roof Tudor revival w/bungalow charm Original hdwd firs Italan ceramc tie in bath & fplc staned glass bay window fin bsmnt w/plenty of storage & den or poss 4th bdrm Prof landscaped awarded 3 yrs n a row by Plymouth Beaut heat on Comm $309 900 (P25M1L)

I T W P .LIVE EVERYDAY L IK E YOU’RE VACATION 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath, 2-s colonsd on 1 acre, builtm 1997 Backs to P a Lake (access chan of takes) private beat dock areal lot down $349 000 (W LAN)

P L Y M O U T HPLYMOUTH RANCH CO N DO ' Seek wooded setting for this 2 B R 2 B A ranch a close to Hnes Park& DtwnPiymouffi Livr gas fplc 1st fir Indry Deck overiookmc woods All appls stay O n e car gar Won’t $157 900 (P31SYC)

ivicw.hometownUfe com REAL ESTATE Observer & Eccentr c | Thursday Apr 1 8 2004 (*) F3


BRIEFSReal Estate Briefs features news and notes on pro fessional associations office activities upcoming meetings and seminars new services/products and consum er publications Write Real Estate Briefs Attn KeelyKaleski O bse rvers Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple Birmingham Ml 48009 Our fax number is (248) 6441314 Our e mail address is kkaleskidoe homecomm net

Parade o f hom esThe exhibition of 115 new model homes throughout southeastern Michigan continues through April 18 Models can be viewed during open house tours or online at www builders org

Hom e buy ing sem inarStandard Federal Bank will hold a free seminar on how to select and finance a home 10 a m to noon Saturday April 10 at Pure Wood Baptist Church 16101 Puritan Detroit For more information or to register call (800) 643 9600 Ext 22532

H ouse you can afford

Find out what price home you can afford and how your credit history can influence your purchase deci sions 7 8 30 p m Wednesday April 21 at the Baldwin Public Library 300 W Merrill Birmingham Learn what your mortgage options are at this seminar sponsored by Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp No charge call (248) 649 1062 Ext 246 for details

Condo c lassNationally known condomm urn attorney and colum mst Robert M Meisner of Meisner & Associates an adjunct professor of community association law at Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University and Cooley Law School is teaching a course Advanced Condominium Operation The Essentials for Success 7 9 p m Tuesdays April 27 to May 18 at the Bingham III Office Park 30200 Telegraph Suite 467 Bingham Farms Sponsored by Oakland Community College the cost is $95 per attendee For more information call (248) 522 3618 or Meisner & Associates PC at (248) 644 4433

Building a new hom eBuilding a New Home Without Losing Your Mind

1 3 p m Saturday April 24 presented by Colorworks Studio Topics include what to look for in a builder how to negotiate an effective pur chase agreement reviewing your blueprint mak ing construction choices and selections develop ing a m aster plan for layout and furn ish ings trou bleshootmg with project management final inspections and walk throughs Guests will have the opportunity to bring blueprints and discuss their project one on one with the studio design staff The fee is $20 per person or $25 per couple with advance registration required Colorworks is a full service interior design studio and a winner of HGTV s Designer s Challenge They are at 7001 Orchard Lake Road in West Bloomfield Call (248) 8517540 for reservations or e mail barbi@color worksstudio com

A U T U M N P A R KFinal Grand Phase Of Novi’s National Award-Winning Family Community!

* Prime wooded walk out & pond view sites available

* 3 Car side-entry garages* Kohler platform whirlpool tub

in master suite

‘ Pella Low E windows ! Gorgeous granite kitchen countertops

’ Premier Northvdle schools

Located east off Beck Rd., just north o f Nine Mile Rd. tn Novt


S s1 cr a limited umc only See Sales Associate for de ails 2 4 8 .3 8 0 .8 8 8 2

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OPEN DAILY 12-00 PM 6.00PMRea: or Fart dpa on In ited

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C onveniently lo ca ted South o f 13 M ile R oad W est off M eadow brook R oad E asy Access to

M -5 a n d Tw elve O aks M all

A f f o r d a b l e P r i c i n g

S t a r t i n g a t $ 2 2 9 , 9 0 0Offenng 12 distinct two storv flooi plans, a few with fiist floor mastei suites, 2 & 3 bedroom plans, ceiamu baths, 9 It ceilings on mam floor, hi st and second flow iaundi \ rooms full pm ate basement with lough plumbing lor bath, some davhght and walkout site s, 2 car garages x olunie ceilings, w alkout paths, and low maintenance fee ^Vailed Lake Schools

I1NCLUDED IN PRICE• Flectrcc R ange• 21 cu ft. R efndgei a to r• M icrowave • D ishw asher • D isposal• C entral i l r• Deck (200 Series Units Onl>)• H ardw ood Floors in K itchen and N ook

(tOO Series Units Only)• Rough P lum bing m Basem ent-3 p iece

{b u ild in g s 1 6 , 1 8 , 1 9 & 2 1 O n ly )

For additional information call 248-549*6900 • Brokers Welcome

M odel Hours a re Saturday & S unday 12.00-3.00 pm W eekdays 1*00-5.00 p m (Closed T hursday),

w w w . m e a d o w b r o o k t o w n h o m e s . i n f oo r e - m a i l j s t o e k lo n l@ a o l . c o m




l i f !

35 »

L IV O N IA B U N G A L O W 3 B d 1 5 Y O U ! Many updates include location Backs to lake in beautiful B a on a low traffic street w/ newer roof sh ingles vinyl Northville 3 bd 1 5 bath neutral pathway to H ines Park & w indows v nyl siding gorgeous decor t/o G a s fp in FR breakfast Newburgh Lake LR w/coved kit cabinets & counters Hdw d bar in kitchen Doorwall leading to ceiling nat fp Open kit w/all appl floor covering in FR Ceram ic tile patio and gorgeous relaxing lakeme T" -1"'- .......— ...........- --■ - '• ' ' ~bsm t $219 90 0 (8 0 0 A U doors in master bedroom W rap schools Area oool & tennis add

U P D A T E S G A L O R E 3 bedroom 2 bath Cape C o d with formal dining room Lots of updates which include a remodeled bath newer carpet new w indow s new HW H new copper plum bing freshly painted and more $132 900(858ME)

G R E A T HO U SE1 Beautiful Cape Cod w/3 b d s & 2 full baths that sits on a large lot Hom e offers large eat in kitchen w/lots of oak cabinets 2 car att garage G R w/ FP large fenced yard w/pool This home is priced to sell Com e take a look $189 900 (580NE)

with excellent schoo ls nearby Light & airy floor plan elegant wainscoting hwd firs top notch neutral decor & custom blinds Relaxing mstr ste features lush private bath w/soaking tub Ultra gourmet kitchen w/plenty of room

C O L O N IA L Fabulous Canton hom e with 4 B R and 2 5 baths backs up to a beautiful com m ons area Family room has a 2 way fireplace to the office 3 car ga ra ge large m aster with fireplace and huge closets crown

R A N C H C O N D O .ranch iajiiuo vv/ioi iiuui launuiyFull private basem ent & private entry End unit with cozy atmosphere Priced right Great location in sub $139 9Q0 (831AR)

N O R T H D E A R B O R N H E IG H T Sii lid o ou ucuii tcuiun naabeen lovingly mamtaned by the longtime owner Newer kitchen furnace C/A plumbing w indows etc Finished basement w/full bath kitchen bar & pool table $154 900 (736EV)

Y O U R N E X T O F F IC Ea luucueu uu nymuuuid mainstreet Potential for 4 offices on mam level 2 offices up Built in 1930 as a residence Hardwood floors extensive w ood trim 1 566 sq ft Parking for 6 ca rs at present $257 500 (255MA)

H O M E ? nunyi inbw nuiue uum m 2000 sitting on 2 4 acres 4 bedroom s 3 5 baths finished walkout basement 3 fireplaces cherry kitchen custom cherry bar All of this and on a w ooded lot Call today for more info $889 900 (033PI)

w l w Nimi. iviusl dee misgorgeous hom e Finished basem ent hardwood floor in kitchen & foyer ceramic tile baths neutral dScor extended 2 car garage with insulated door $349 900 (755SH)

i uinpieieiy uputtwu wtm a newerkitchen flooring new patio central air fenced yard new roof (tear off) a freshly painted intenor with no wall paper and neutral decor 4 bedroom s 2 baths with 1 820 sq ft $254 900 (644HO)

me unique unarms ui inis o dRcolonial Gracious formal LR/DR com bo plus a large F R with nat fplc Family sized kitchen boasts a w indow seat Finished LL & enclosed sun room overlooking


2 5 A C R E S V A C A N T L A N D IN C A N T O N Residential building site with privacy deer and wildlife at your doorstep Current home garage and septic will -be removed by the seller prior to closing Priced for a quick sale $214 500 (OOODE)

T H E W E L C O M E M A T IS O U T G A R D E N C IT Y Sweet & solidHandsom e Colonial features ranch under appraised valueprestige details like large living Hardwood floors all appliancesroom formal dining room & nice included basement with winemaster suite Big space aplenty cellar A must see $139 900yard 2 story foyer w/hardwood (109MA)floors family room w/fireplaceProfessionally landscaped for yourimmediate enjoyment $309 999(230FA)

G R E A T O P P O R T U N IT Y - B R IC K R A N C H This larger than most hom e w/3 bd 1 5 bath has an open floor plan M any updates inc beautiful kit w/oak cabs F R w/lots of windows overlooking large back yard ceramic floor & all appl vinyl w indow s steel entry doors mam bath new furnace 03 g la ss block w ndw s in bsmt $169 900 (104NA)

C O N D O S H O P P IN G ? Unique interior architectural detail Art n iches & ledges open stairways kitchen skylight vaulted ceilings The basic s 2 bd s 2 5 baths 2 car side by side garage & a build date of 1994 even a gated court entry $182 500(826PL)

O N E O F A K IN D Sp ac io u s updated custom built ranch w/a bright open floor plan Situated on a large private and picturesque wooded lot w/a fully fenced yard! 3 BR/2 BA huge great room with FP finished basement hardwood floors soaring ceilings all in a great location with Farmington Schoo ls $249 900 (225PI)

C O N V E N IE N T L IV IN G Well maintained and veiy spac ious one bedroom condo Freshly painted som e newer carpet 1 200 sq ft with a doorwall to the screened porch in the bedroom Private entry carport clubhouse Great location $124 900 (350U N )

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(2 4 8 ) 3 0 5 -6 0 9 0CANTON FARMINGTON[) 3 9 2 -6 0 0 0 (2 4 8 ) 4 7 8 - 6 0 2 2


( 7 3 4 ) 3 9 2 -6 0 0 0 ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 9 -6 0 0 0 ( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 5 -6 0 6 0 Observer & Eccentric J Thursday April 8 2004 ( * F 4 )

B L O O M F IE L D $425,0003br ranch W/1st Fir Ldry Updated Kitchen W/island Master B r W/ updated Bath Hardwood Floors In Kit Fr & Dr Butle rs Pantry Fp In Fr 1st Fir Ldry Finished Bsmt W / office It Has a 3 Ca r Garage (OEN17ALD) 888 870 9123

4 Br 2 5 bath colonial M b r suite + 3 0 size Br s Country kit w/ island 1st fir ldry Large FR w/fp New furnace & A c 2000 New roof 2003 2nd 2 car garage for the toys also has office G orgeous oak floor (O EN44FLO) 888 870

Truly special home Gorgeous private wooded setting Gourmet kitchen & nook Two story family room which is open & airy Lux master w/fashion bath Formal dining room Great views Must see (OEP53MU I) 888 870 9127

Large Lot Backing to W oods ' 3 B R 2 5 B A newer home Neutral clean & easy floor plan Newer carpet & floor in kit & FR FR w/FP & doorwall that opens to deck & spacious yard (OEP06W IL) 888 870 9127

C A N T O N $ 2 1 9 ,90010+ Better Than New W ide Open Great Rm W/cathedral Ceiling Flow To The Dining Rm & Light Toned Kitchen W/appI ances Dream M str Ste w/private Bath 2nd Full Bath Tub Never U sed1 Bsm nt Is Carpeted & Deck (OEN87FAI) 888 870 9123

C A N T O N $215 ,000Enjoy one level living w/open floor plan & formal dining room No maintenance exterior Freshly painted interior New laminate floor in kitchen & foyer New carpet t/o & new oak kitchen Master bath Full basement (OEP34HAN) 888 870 9127

C A N T O N $ 1 9 9 ,9 0 0Wethersfield C o n d o ' Picturesque private setting Exceptional 2 B R 2 1 B A condo G R w/soarmg ceiling & g a s FP Lux master suite w/bath Full basement Great patio to enjoy the view Turn key condition' (OEP76W HI) 888 870 9127

4 - *s* :

sharp & clean 2 B R 2 5 BA condo situated on a prvate court Spacious master bedroom w/wic & bath Spacious kitchen & nook w/lots of cab nets & countertop space (OEP75HAW ) 888 870 9127 7755948

large Bsm t & G arage Deck Overlooking W ood s Hom e Warranty To Fortunate Buyer Plum bed For 3rd Full Bath (OEN15HUN) 888 870 9123

G orgeous Family Fun Yard W/sun Kitchen W/lake V e w Formal Dr Den 1st Fir Ldry Mbr Suite W/ Deck Overlooks Lake 1 0 0 % All New Carpet Many Extras In This O ne (OEN25ARL) 888 870 9123

D E A R B O R N H E IG H T S $174,900Call it new Updates Pella w indows roof sprinklers furnace finished basement w/full bath & it Great home for entertaining 3 bed 3 bath brick rand Hom e is absolutely beautiful(OESLY98FEN) 888 870 9131

D E T R O IT $119,900Nice 4 Bdrm Brick Bung Updates Inc New Kitchen Cabinets & Floor Newer W indow s Roof & Carpet Natural Frpl In LR S e c S y s (O EL75M UR) 888 870 9105

F A R M IN G T O N $275,000Oversized Kitchen Fam Rm W/ fireplace & Sky lights 5th Bedroom Or Office Private 71 Lot W/new Vinyl Fence newer All Three Baths Have Been Updated New Pergo Floors Freshly Painted Newer A c 1 yr Home

F A R M IN G T O N $264,900Great Value In Dow ntow n Farmington! New Vinyl S id ing (03) New Carpet (04) New Flooring In Kit & Foyer (04) C a Interior Painted (04) Fenced Backyard Patio First Floor Bdrm O r Study Vaulted Ceiling In Lr (O EN 86M AP)

& Hwf s Private Master Bedroom Suite Area Newer 3 Sea son Sunroom Overlooks Large Fenced Lot First Floor Laundry All Appliances Stay Incl W asher & Dryer (OEN15FLO) 888 870 9123

vaulted Ceilings & Skylights Ail Done In Neutral Decor Impressive 2 Story Entry Large Eat in Kitchen French D oors From Master & Living Room Lead To Private Porch Overlooking Pond (OEN00HIL) 888 870 9123

Lovely ranch w/many which include Roof entry door garage door w/opener electrical shed carpet & paint Redecorated kitchen 2 bedrooms and 1 bath (OESLY04ALB) 888 870 9131 7763779

updates home Open floor plan oak trim furnace and generous use of ceramic

New lawn with sprinklers Show and sell (O ESLY50BO C) 888 870 9131

in bath 1 car att garage Clubhouse w/pooi $8 000 of upgrades (O ESLY59H AM ) 888 870 9131

floor and electricity Over 3000 sq ft home plus large garage/ w orkshop Th is hom e is 3 bedroom 2 bath walkout Com e take a look at great price (OESLY75GRE) 888 870 9131

mem bership Custom 4 bedroom 3 5 baths Finished basem ent M any builders upgrades includes ceramic floors crown m oldidng & dramatic 2 story foyer w/pillar and bridge (OESLY79GA I) 888 870- 9131

Gourmet kitchen w/gramte countertops & built in appliances Two story family room Luxury master suite Extra deep basement 3 car garage Cul de sac (OEP49VAN) 888 870 9127

T T -

spac ious tiled foyer 1st floor library great room w/fireplace & Doorwali To Deck The Interior Is Neutral With Crown Molding T/o Master Bedrm H a s A W ic & Jacuzzi In Attached Bath (OEN94K1N) 888 870 9123

Bath Brick Colonial Kitchen W/ newer O ak C a b s Cntrs Flooring & All Appls LR W/f replace Fu I F n B s m t Updates Inc Roof Vinyl W ind & S id ing Elect Bath Furnace (OEL33YAL) 888 870 9105

M A D IS O N H E IG H T S $112,000Hom e With A Heart! Updates Galore ready & Waiting For The Fussy Buyer" Open Living Room W/new Carpet New Kitchen W/ eat in Area All Appliances Stay All Bedroom s W/storage Freshly Painted New Carpet Throughout (OEN14LIN) 888 870 9123

Ranch Features 3 Bdrm s 2 5 Baths (full Bath Bsm t 1/2 Garage) Updated Kit W/cer Tile Bcksplsh & Pergo Fir Newer Roof LR Features Newer Carpet ng Nat Ffeldstone Fp Large Lot Part Fin Bsm t W/wet Bar (OEL52SCH) 888 870 9105

Neat 3 Bedrm 1 5 Bath Brick Ranch In Beautiful Rosedale Gardens S u b Kitchen W/stove & Refrgerator Fin Bsm t W/bar Copper Plumbing G la ss B lock W indow s W asher & Dryer 2 Car Garage Vinyl W indow s Central Air (OEL28BLA) 888 870 9105

Gorgeous 3 Bedrm Brick Ranch In N ice Area O f Livonia Beautiful Kitchen W/oak C a b nets Sink Counters & Fooring Addtional Updates Bath Fixtures Vinyl W n d o w s Copper Plumbing G la ss B lock W indow s Steel Doors (OEL90HAT) 888 870 9105

4 Bdrm 2A Bath Col W/premium Lot Lg M st W/garden Tub & 10x12 W IC Formal L R lg Kit W/ O ak C a b s & Center Island Hdw d & Ceram ic T/O 0 E L 7 7 0 R C ) 888- 870 9105


M IL F O R D $509,900 N O R T H F IE L DPristine Describes This Stunning 2 Story Contemporary hom e S its on 1 62 Acres & Backs To W oods 4 B rs 3 5 Ba th s & 1st Floor Master Suite W/sky Lights Prof Fnshd Bsm t w/1 400 Sq ft of additional living sp a c e 'O EL67H ER) 888 870 9105

N O R T H V ILLEBeautiful home on a gorgeos lot Built in 1998 neat & clean and ready to move in! Kitchen app liances included '(O ESLY36CH E) 888 870 9131

Super Condo ' Beautifully decorated two bedroom unit First floor master ga s fireplace with remote Corian counters custom w indow treatments many upgrades' Ail appliances stay (OEP67SPR)

N O R T H V IL L EAlm ost Half Acre O f Country Living W ith Plym outh Schoo ls quick Acce ss To All Major X W ays shopping stores Great Opportunity For Bringing this Old H ouse To Today s World Oversized 2 Ca r G arage (OEL33MAX) 888 870 9105

NOVtBetter than new custom brick Cape Cod on 1/2 acre w/3 5 car garage! 4 bedroom s 3 5 baths Gourmet island kitchen w/gramte counters & butler s pantry to dining room 1st floor master (OESLY50IRO) 888 870 9131

j *t

PLY M O U T H $499,900Prestigious Woodlore South 4 B R 3 1 B A colonial Large Master bedroom w/walk in closet & vanity Ceiling fan s in bedroom s powder room on 1 st floor Island in kitchen Dual staircases Finished basement (OEP83TAN) 888 870 9127

PL Y M O U T H $497,500New construction on small lake w/ stonecast FP cherry cabinets granite countertops Custom m oldings & trim Brazilian hardwood floors Ceram ic B A & laundry 4 B R 2 5 B A daylight basement (OEP78IRO ) 888 870 9127

P LY id O UT H $3j 4,90CPrivate Paradise 3 B R 2 BA immaculate ranch updated beyond belief FP w/handcrafted custom cherry mantle Charming yr round rm w/tongue & groove cedar walls Perennials enhance the lot (OEP25RID) 888 870 9127

PLY M O U T H $199,900Great Starter Hom e Near Downtown Plymouth' Extra wide Driveway Remodeled B A s Newer Vinyl W indow s Roof Shingles Furnace C a Exterior Doors Kitchen Counters & Floor Deck W/retractable Awning Fenced Yard (OEN20HOL) 888 870 9123

P L Y M O U T H $76 ,900Great Price for Plym outh' Lg Master B R w/plenty of closet space Updated kitchen & bath Newer C/A Lg phv bsm t $1 000 carpet allowance 5 5+ age restrict on Refundable 1 % capital deposit at close (O EP99SH E )

P L Y M O U T H $629,900Prem ium Pennirhan location Rem odeled 3 B R 4 1 B A brick tudor Updated kitchen with Viking Jenn Air appliances Luxury master suite 3rd story offers add I B R w/full B A Finished basem ent w/full bath (O EP68PEN) 888 870 9127

R E D F O R D $130,000Cute Updted Hom e Located In Redford s Hom e Purchase/ rehabilitation Program Area New Kitchen W/eat in Area Doorwall To Deck All Neutral W/beaut Oak Doors Wet Plaster Fireplace In Bsm nt & M uch More (OEL14FOX)

S O U T H LY O N $299,9004 bed 2 bath beautful family hom e w/5 acres and all the privacy & wildlife you would want Town is just around the corner w/bike paths movie theater and restaurants (OESLY55GR!) 888 870 913

S O U T H LYO N $274,900Beautiful lake front living on 2 35 acres' Alm ost totally remodedled in 1997 2400 sq ft 3 bedrooms 1 bath Open floor plan great for entertaining Large island kitchen 1st floor master O ESLY25AQU) 888 870 9131

3 -

S O U T H LYO N $102,90055 + adult co op End unit w/gated courtyard entry Ceilings lots of window finished basement fiorida room Nice com munity w/pool clubhouse O ESLY89PO T) 888 870 9131

W A L L E D L A K E $133,888Super nice townhouse' Spacious living room large master bedroom Finished basement private entrance facing com m ons area W hy rent when you can own your own place? (OESLY34HAR) 888 870 9131

W A T E R F O R D $166,500Private Beach At C a s s Lake For Sub totally Updated & open Floor Plan Newer W indow s rec Lighting Maple C a b s In Kitchen Newer Furn & A/C Som e hdwd Firs O EL50BAM ) 888 870 9105

W E S T B L O O M F IE L D $199,000Private Entrance & Front Deck M str Bdrm Ste Has W ic & Full Bath Living Rm w/FrpI Dining Rm Spaciou s Bright Kitchen 1st Floor Laundry (O EN07ELM ) 888 870 9123

W E S T B L O O M F IE L D $1,250Unbelievable Waterfront Lease On C a s s Lake Gentie Sloping plush Yard offers panoramic view | of lake Water knee deep to dock sandy bottom excellent 'for sw im m ing w/50 dock Breathtaking view from G R with large fireplace (OEL49LAT) 888

W EST BLOOMFIELD TWP $307,000Great location Expensive updates roof Stripped (02) virtyi S id ing (02) w ndw s & Doorwalls (01) M str Bath W/garden Tub separate Shw r & Double S in k s Pergo FI In Lr dr foyer & Kit Newer Carpet T/o Huge Deck A/ c Newer (OELOOPOP) 888 870

i K n e id in g N o rth v ille N ov i

248 347 3050

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248 437 4500

T h in k in g o f c h a n g in g c a r e e r s o r o f f ic e s ? W h y n o t j o i n th e N u m b e r O n e C o ld w e l l B a n k e r S c h w e i t z e r

t e a m m M ic h ig a n a n d th e M id w e s t R e g io n C a l l f o r a n

o u t s ta n d i n g c a r e e r o p p o r tu n i ty

C O L D U U eL L B A N K E R □M O R T G A G E

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734 453 6800

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734-501 0333

Phone In, Move In .Q A same day mortgage decision or we il pay you $250*

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1 -8 8 8 -7 6 7 -8 5 3 5"A p p ro v ed co n v e n tio n a l p u rc h a s e lo a n s o n ly “’ S u b jec t to v e rif ic a tio n o f le n d e r ’s p r ic e a n d o th e r re s t r ic tio n s .

f g j L i v o n i a O f f i c e - 7 3 4 - 5 9 1 - 0 3 3 3 • N o r t h v i l l e O f f i c e - 2 4 8 - 3 4 7 - 3 0 5 0

• P l y m o u t h - 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 6 8 0 0 • S o u t h L y o n 2 4 8 - 4 3 7 - 4 5 0 0

A nn A rbor • B irm ingham * C lark ston • B loom field H ills • F arm ington Hills/W. B loom fie ld • G rosse P o in te H ill • G rosse P o in te W oods • L ak es • L ivon ia • The M acom b C enter • N orth v ille • P lym ou th • S ou th L yon • Troy





www hometowtUife com REAL ESTATE Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 (*) F5

R e a l E s t a t e O n e h o n o r s o u t s t a n d i n g lo c a l R e a l t o r sR eal E sta te O n e hon ored its top

perform ers a t its annual aw ards con ­vention h e ld recen tly a t th e Ford C onvention a n d E vents C enter a t G reenfield V illage in D earborn

R ecogn ized a t th e even t w ere those R ealtors a n d branch offices w ith th e m ost o u ts ta n d in g perform ance and cu stom er sa tisfaction Several o f the m ost p rest ig io u s aw ards w e n t to R ealtors in th e A n n A rbor offices, in clu d in g o n e to th e office itself, and th e fo llo w in g ind ividual R ealtors and team s o f R ealtors

■ A ll C om p an y Individual C ontribution L eader - M elan ie B ishop, R ea l E state O ne, W est B loom field o n Orchard Lake, fo r con ­sisten tly p rov id in g her cu stom ers w ith a h ass le -free , fu ll-service resource th rou gh ou t th e h o m e sale, assistin g th e m n o t on ly w ith th e sale, but a lso w ith th e ir m ortgage, tit le an d /or in su ran ce

■ A ll C om p an y T eam C ontribution

L eader - T he L inda R ea Team , Real E state One, Troy, for consisten tly pro­v id in g their custom ers w ith a hassle- free, fu ll-service resource throughout th e h o m e sale, assistin g th em not on ly w ith th e sale, b u t also w ith their m ortgage, title an d /or insurance

■ A ll Company T eam V olum e L eader - T he L inda R ea Team , Real E state O ne, Troy, for th e greatest to ta l am ou n t m real esta te so ld b y a team

■ Office Perform ance Leadership A w ard - Given to th e to p 12 offices m th e com pany in to ta l sa les volum e W in n ers included R eal E state O ne o f R oyal O ak (P resident’s O ffice w inner for to p office), TVoy, W est B loom field (both th e Orchard Lake R oad and M iddlebelt offices), C larkston, Novi, L ivonia, R ochester an d D earborn H eigh ts

■ Presidential G row th Award - G iven to the top three offices m term s o f surpassing their annual goals R eal E state O ne o f W est B loom field on

M iddlebelt, C lin ton T bw nship and Clarkston

■ A ch ievem en t A w ard L eader U n its Sold b y O ffice - R eal E sta te O ne o f R oyal O ak for se llin g m ore h o m es as an office th a n any o th er office m th e com p an y

■ A ch ievem en t A w ard L eader P articipation R ate - R eal E sta te O ne o f B loom field H ills an d C om m erce Tow nship for b e in g th e tw o to p offices con sisten tly p rov id in g their cu s­tom ers w ith a h assle-free , fu ll-serv ice resource th rou gh ou t th e h o m e sale, assistin g th em n o t o n ly w ith th e sale, b u t a lso w ith th e ir m ortgage, tit le a n d /o r insurance

■ A ffiliated A ch ievem en t A w ard - A fter the to p in d iv id u a l and to p team , th e next 11 to p p rod u cin g R ealtors, tea m s or p artnersh ips m tefrns o f con sisten tly p rov id in g fu ll-service, hassle-free ass istan ce to th e cu sto m er (h om e sale, m ortgage, title an d /or in surance) in c lu d ed R eal E sta te O n e

R ealtors D en n is D ickstem an d B ella B rookenthal, W est B loom field on M iddlebelt, R andy R oy an d Gary Books, R oyal O ak, M ary Ferrazza and Susan V on R osen , R ochester, Ida T ouchette, B loom field H ills , F il Superfisky, N ov i M ax B roock R ealtor M ichael D eForrest, B irm ingham on W oodw ard A venue

■ P res id en t s C ircle - H o n o r in g th e to p 2 8 p rod u cin g R ealtors, tea m s or p artn ersh ip s m th e co m p a ­ny in c lu d in g R eal E state O ne R ealtors Jack B urtis a n d A lex N u g en t, Troy, A n d rew C o llin s and D en n is D ick stem , W est B loom fie ld on M id d leb e lt R oad, B etty C on stan t, L ivon ia , Susan D oy le , B righ ton , Sah ir F akhoun , Troy, M ary Ferrazza, R ochester, Ju d y Jacob son , W est B loom fie ld on O rchard L ake R oad, M ary M ich alek , R ochester, R alph N ew kirk , P lym outh , R an d y R oy and B ob W eltm a n , R oyal O ak , B arb

S ch aefer , C lark ston , F il Superfisky, G ail T urner an d M a rg ie W ells , N o v i, Id a T o u ch ette , B lo o m fie ld H ills , an d R o b er t S h e ld o n , B e r n d g e & M o r n so n (co m m erc ia l sa le s ) M ax B ro o ck R ea ltors J e ffrey B arker an d B e th B o rso n , W est B lo o m fie ld , K ath y B roock -B a llard , B lo o m fie ld H ills , J u lie H erm a n , B irm in gh am o n W o o d w a rd A v en u e , Jean n e M acK ellar, R o ch ester , L a tif M u h a im e e n , B irm in g h a m o n M aple

R ea l E sta te O n e is th e la rg est rea l e s ta te c o m p a n y m M ic h ig a n , an d 1 2 th la r g e s t n a tio n a lly m h o m e sa le s T h e R ea l E s ta te O n e fa m ily in c lu d e s J o h n A d a m s M o rtg a g e C om p an y , C ap ita l T it le In su ran ce , In su r a n c e O ne, H o m e S erv ice s O n e a n d R e lo c a tio n A m e r ic a , a s w e ll as M a x B ro o ck R ea lto rs a n d J o h n s to n e & J o h n sto n e R ea ltors o f G ro sse P o in te R ea l E s ta te O ne can b e fo u n d o n th e W eb a t w w w r e a le s ta te o n e c o m

What's in a name? Plenty for developers of subdivisionsBY ERICA ERWIN


H o u sin g d evelop ers are b ein g stre tch ed to th eir cre­ative lim its w h e n it com es to nam in g a n d b ran d in g th eir su b d iv isions a s th ey try to m ake th e ir p ro jects stan d ou t from th e ever-grow in g pack

T he r e su lt3 D ep en d in g on w ho’s an sw erin g , th e n am es can evoke a fe e lin g o f tranquil­ity, p rom p t a chuckle, or s e t o ff th at em b arrassin g gag reflex

A g lan ce th ro u g h a recen t n ew h o m es se c t io n in th e E n e Tim es-News in Pennsylvania reveals th e n a m es o f several n ew d ev e lo p m en ts C hardonnay V illage W est, in Girard, R eserve a t Creek’s Edge, in S u m m it Tbwnship, Sheffield P lace a t The C om m ons, m Fairview T ow nship , a n d T h e E agles, in M illcreek T ow n sh ip There, th e “eagles” d o n ’t refer to th e soar­ing n ation a l b ird , bu t to th ose at th e n earb y g o lf course You know , th e tw o-u n d er-p ar k in d

T he lis t g o e s o n T here s W alnut H e ig h ts , G arden H eights an d S henango

H eights A fraid o f heights? Try E cho H ill, O ak H ill or W oodland H ills Relax am id the b liss a t Shady Knoll or in W hispering W oods, or be at peace m H arm ony If address m ean s anyth ing, Gary P edersen is liv in g like fictional m edieval royalty m M illcreek T ow nship’s Cam elot, a subdivi­sion near Sterrettania R oad w ith street n am es like K ing A rthur D rive, Sir Kay D rive and Sir L ancelot Drive

Pedersen’s castle, a tn -lev e l, th ree-b ed room hom e w ith a w ood -b u rn in g fireplace, has, since h e first bought it, risen from a m arket value o f $ 1 0 5 ,0 0 0 to about $ 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 , P edersen said

‘ I th in k th e nam e’s k in d o f neat, m yself,” Pedersen said w ith a lau gh “There’s defin ite­ly a th em e g o in g It caught m y eye w h en w e w ere look ing ’

W hat’s m a nam e, anyway"3 A lot, sa id J im Cardman,Fairview Township’s p lanning and zon in g adm inistrator


I t s g o t to sou n d appealing

to get p eop le to com e out,” Cardman said ‘ T he nam e m akes p eop le w a n t to look, and th e developers have go t to se ll their product

Pete D ion , en g in een n g a ss is­ta n t for M illcreek T ow nship, is part o f th e tow n sh ip ’s subdiv i­sion approval process

‘S om etim es w h en wre see th em com e in , w e have to chuckle,” D ion sa id “Som e o f th e nam es are pretty fancy, b u t w e really don ’t care w hat th ey call th em u n less there are duplicate road n am es ” In M illcreek an d oth er surround­in g m unicipalities, road n am es cannot b e d up licated so as n ot to confuse em ergency response workers

Large tracts o f lan d are g e t­tin g scarce m M illcreek, th e secon d -m ost popu lous m u n ici­pality in E rie C ounty at 52,129, b u t subd iv isions are still p o p ­p ing up, d o ttin g th e landscape T he n ew est are an expansion o f Shenandoah M eadow s, o ff Carnage H ill D rive south o f Young R oad, an d T he Eagles, on E state D n v e ju s t o ff R oute 9 9

“It’s g ettin g a little m ore d if-

'Sometimes when we see

them come in, we have to

chuckle. Some of the names

are pretty fancy, but we real­

ly don’t care what they call

them unless there are dupli­

cate road names.'Fete DionMillcreek Township

f ic u lt to develop ,” D io n said ‘M ost o f th e ea sy land has already b een d o n e ’

T hat h asn ’t stop p ed Joe Palerm o, p res id en t o f the d evelop m en t com p an y th at ow n s G o lf C lub R oad E states, th e G len E agles, B rookw ood V illage an d T h e E agles


Palerm o h as brainstorm ing

sessions w ith h is w ife and ch il­dren w henever it ’s tim e to nam e on e o f h is n ew d evelop ­m ents

W h en I n a m e a subdivision , I try to take so m eth in g from th e area, lik e w h e n w e did B rookw ood V illage a few years ago,” Palerm o sa id T here w as a sm all w ood ed area and M ill Creek that bordered th e p rop ­erty W e w an ted to call atten­tion to th at

W e re trying to p a in t a p ic ­ture w ith th e nam e, Palerm o said Every p iece o f property has its ow n u n iq u e attributes, and i f you lo o k a t it th at w ay nam es are easy to com e up w ith ”

G ail P a n e lla , a rea l e s ta te a g en t w ith H o w a rd H a n n a h , sa id n a m in g th e su b d iv i­s io n s is a b o u t s e l l in g a life s ty le H ow ev er , P a n e lla sa id , th a t p r o c e s s ca n b a c k ­fire

O ne p erson w a s loo k in g at a d evelop m en t n am ed ‘Sanctuary, an d said , It sounds lik e an o ld fo lks h om e I fee l lik e I m go in g th ere to d ie , P anella said ‘ O ther p eop le w ou ld love th a t

n a m e b eca u se i t ev o k es a q u ie t , tran q u il fe e lin g , and th a t’s w h a t i t is ”

It’s im p ortan t to b e truthful w h en n a m in g a d evelop m en t, P anella sa id

‘O n e th in g I ’v e noticed is th ere are a lo t o f ‘creeks’ th row n in to th e n a m es o f d ev elo p m en ts th a t are b on e dry,’ sh e sa id w ith a laugh “T h eres n o rh ym e or rea so n ”

I f develop ers ever d o run ou t o f creative ju ice , th ere ’s alw ays h e lp on th e In tern et

A ‘ R a n d o m S u b d iv is io n /H o u s m g D e v e lo p m e n t /R e s t H o m e N a m e G e n e r a to r ” a t

h ttp / / a d n a n g im p o r g /c g i -b m /s u b c g i a l lo w s a n y o n e t o p a ir u p c h o ic e w o rd s su c h a s o a k , c e d a r a n d m a p le w ith c o lo n ia l, s u n s e t , a cres a n d fa rm s T h e re su lt? E n d le s s ly p le a s a n t c o m b in a ­t io n s

H o w w o u ld you lik e to live in C edar S u n se t Farm s?

Inform ation from Erie T im es News http //www goerie com

^ -------------

tfc o tu rT w

w/2 fireplaces 4 bedrooms new oak kitchen w/Jennaire built ins & Corian counters New furnace & C/A 2 5 acres w/heated garage Horse bam & ha/ barn appliances stay & morel $819 777 Call Jim Marian! @ 734- 70

i* * til (Ad i

11ran. wiuiGarden City -tWu uav > isauna two car garage central air 1700+ sq ft Newer furnace roof vinyl siding Pella storm dpors Large deck overlooking fish pond remodeled kitchen fenced yard $189 900 (41JAM!

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Genoa - Sandy beach lakefrontt Absolutely beautiful three bedroom two bath ranch Two car garage new sod and spnnklers marble floors 20 foot bow window overlooking lake vaulted cathedral ceilings Also available for $329900 (60BLA)

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i on alot 15

1400+ square feet shed fenced yard basement new carpet to be Installed in living room stairway and 9x12 bedroom $105 000(03MID)

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“We’ve Discovered the Difference





f r i mGEE




T h ere is a reason th e top agen ts are re lo ca tin g to C o ld w ell B anker Preferred, R ealtors. W h e n y o u com pare th e to ta l pack age o f tra in in g , m ark etin g , co m p en sa tio n ,

and th e # 1 franchise sy stem w e can’t b e beat.W ith n u m erous years o f real estate p ro fession a lism

an d c o m m itm en t to your needs, ca ll any o f th ese professionals for all o f your real esta te needs.

For your confidential interview call:Ryan Brandemihl (7 3 4 ) 4 1 6 - 5 7 7 5

Alissa Nead (7 3 4 ) 4 1 6 - 1 2 2 8

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E A R N E X T R A $ $ $

C a ll R o b e r t or K im «it7 3 4 - 5 2 L - 4 2 0 0

COLDWELL BANKER P referred , R ealtors

w w w . c b p r e f e r r e d . c o m


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R F A I F>1 V I I ' ( M i l I ’R { V I I K \ I I ’W S v>\ i»'i

A s k A b o u t E x c lu s iv e B u y e r R e p re se n ta r/onC e n t u r y P l a z a

C o r n e r F i v e M i l e & N e w b u r g h 3 7 2 9 Q T i v e M i l e R o a d

L i v o n i a . M i 4 8 1 . 5 4

( 7 3 4 ) 4 3 2 - 7 6 0 0


F R E E P r e - A p p r o v a ls '

“ 0 D O W N ”C a l l T o d a y F o r M o r e

I n f o r m a t io n ! pall

P a ge r*: (8 10 ) 5 9 5 -6 7 0 0(734)462-2771

1 0 0 % F I N A N C I N G W I T H L A N D $0 D o w n on Custom Modulars S h e a H o m e s (8 0 0 ) 9 3 0 26 0 4


Join us at our F R E E HOM E B U Y E R S S EM IN A R on

W ED N ES D A Y Apri 21st f om

7 00 8 30 ,m at Birmingham Community

House380 S Bates In

Birmingham Reservations Required

R S V P to receptionist at 248 647 6400

The seminar is co sponsored by Prudential

Chamberlain Stiehl R EA LTO R S and Michigan

Home Mortgage Lg h t refreshments will be served The speakers will

include a real estate agent mortgage lender title

company representative home inspector and


PrudentialChamber!, it-Sl ah REALTORS®

B E V E R L Y HILLS 2038 SQ FTranch w/3 bed 1 5 bath fam ily room library & eat in ktchen w/Jennaire appli ances Birmingham schools $259 900 See before listed with a realtor 31220 Pierce St (248) 646 3485

B I R M I N G H A M By owner 1st chance to see 585 N Glenhurst 3 bed 1 5 bath 1800 + sq ft with room to grow In a faboulous neigh borhood Updated kitchen partially fin shed bsmt 2 car attached garage $518 000 Open Sat 12 5 or c alforap pt (248) 6 47 5118

C A N T O N O P E N S A T 1 5 W O W ’ 3 b e d 2 5 ba th $200K> (R i v e r P a r k S u b )44617 Cranbrook Ct W/off Sheldon S/of Palmer

(734) 394 5659

F A R M I N G T O N By owner Walk to downtown Traditional colonial 4 bed 2 5 bath Must see' Open Sun 1 4 23601 Gill (248) 478 9244

L I V O N I A Open S u n 12 3 34495 Northland Drive W of Farmington N of 7 M le 4 bed 2 5 bath grantite coun ters fireplace hardwood ; loors By owner for more nfo w w w hnocom # ld1759 5

248 470 8730

LvomaO P E N S A T 4 1 0 0 4

1 4 P M14454 AuburndaleSt

S Five Mile W Merriman First offering on this 3 bed 1 5 bath ranch w/over 1500 sq ft Fresh decor throughout Open floor plan beautiful updated kitchen large family room w/stone fireplace finished bsmt attached 2 car garage Come take a look

Century 21 Town & Country (734) 542 1000

O A K L A N D T W P Beautiful detached condo on pond 3 bed 2 5 bath fireplace deck close to shopping quiet neighborhood Open Sun 1 5 $279 900 3 170 Bridlewood Dr (248) 371 9267

S u n d a y 1 4 P M R o y a l O a k Beautifu ly updated 3 bed

brick bungalow North- o f 1 2 M ile E a s t of

M a in 4 0 3 A q u a Ct R e c o rd e d M e s s a g e

888 8 3 2 3 5 9 3 e x t 7 2 3 3 9


New on market Open floor plan Kitchen w/island and step down to family room w/bar counter & fireplace Large dining room master suite w/walk m closet slate bath w/double sink 3rd bedroom has private study professional landscaping Sophisticated $799 000 ECH 65BAT

C a ll (2 4 8 ) 6 4 6 14 0 0


New construction awaits your arrval1 Very open floor plan w/ 9ft ceil ngs Bay window n liv ng room neutral decor

hardwood floors ir great room and foyer Island kitchen w/loads of cupboard space and doorwall to yard Unfinished basement Hurry w o n t last' 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths Location' $414 900 ECH 29 C0L

C a ll (2 4 8 ) 6 4 6 14 0 0

B E V E R L Y H I L L S 3 bed ranch on 1 acre site C/A fireplace bsmt garage $364 900

ShareNet (248) 642 1620B E V E R L Y H I L L S

B R I C K R A N C H3 bed 1 5 bath full bsmt 2 car garage fireplace new roof $279 500 248 645 5259

B Y O W N E R ! n e w o n th e m a rke tl 3 bed 1 5 bath updated kitchen bsmt 2 car attached garage 1800 + sq ft with room to growl In a faboulous neighborhood $518 000 call for details 248 647 5118

C H A R M I N G P O P P L E T O N P KCompletely remodeled 3 bed 2 5 bath large kitchen w/sky light oak trim/bulit ins hard wood floors marble fireplace finished bsmt deck enclosed front porch fenced $539 000 723 Ridgedaie 248 642 9836S P A R K L E S I N S I D E A N D O U T 'Sharp 3 bed Birmingham brick ranch located on a cul de sac offers 3 full baths wood floors new windows fire place family room finished basement new landscaping many other updates 2 car garage $364 900

M IC H E L L E M ICHAEL Re/Max Classic 248 73 7 6800

L E A S E P U R C H A S E No bank qualifying 3 bed 1 5 bath ranch Access to beautiful Wing Lake (248) 855 3826

B R IG H T O N / H O W E LL 1800 sq ft homes on 1/2 acre lots Great location paved streets sidewalks sewers golf & boating Builders closeout hurry only 6 lots left $180 000 $220 000 Liberty Homes 810 225 8944

2 A C R E S 2000 S O F T3 Car garage & walk out bsmt All in award wmn ng Plymouth/ Canton Schoo s Jo y & Ridge Rd Hilly & beautiful updated & clean

All for $369 900

% A S K F O R K iM 7 3 4 4 5 3 8 7 8 0 C R O S S R O A D S

REAL-ESTATE ra t It's best!

— dterutr 5 Eerentrft

B R I C K R A N C H 3 b e d 1 5bath Updated roof stove and refrgerator Hardwood floors under carpet $189 900

C A L L J O H A N N A W O O D A R D 7 3 4 4 5 9 6 2 2 2


C A N T O N 4 bedroom 3 5 bath colonial built in 1995 many upgrades fm shed bsmt private yard $319 600 Brookside Village N of Palmer E of Lo tz 1544 Dunsfon Rd Realtors we! come 73 4 536 0343

ft's no g a m b le

w hen you advertise m

The Observer & Eccentric


1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5

C O L O N I A L 2000 SQ ft 4 bed 2 1/2 bath totally updat ed in lovely Me Intyre Sub $228 000 734 844 2133

C O L O N I A L 3 bed 2 5 bath Updates include new roof water heater extended garage motion detectors and windows in family room

$319 000 C A L L J O H A N N A W O O D A R D

7 3 4 459 6 2 2 2

R e m e r i c a


M O V E I N C O N D I T I O N2120 sq ft Brick/Alum Quad 4 bed 1 full 2 ha!f baths Family room w/fireplace din Ing & living room All appli ances Finished bsmt deck $249 900 (734) 454 1897

This charming 3 bed 2 bath brick home s open spacious light & neutral! 1584 Fairfax offers lots of privacy lovely landscaping fireplace large yard basement + 2 car garage! $228 900

Joan Dawkins R E/M AX on the trail

(734) 459 1234

E X C E P T I O N A L ! private 3 acre wooded site great sub paved roads near i 75 w/hardwood floors new granite counters & kitchen finished bsmt w/office/workout room 4 bed 3 5 baths new energy effi cient built in pool 45x25 w/full L $ 775 000 Frank Bernabei Real Estate 586 465 5529 Agent cell 313 801 9923

living areas w/fireplace laun dry $159 900 248 449 6316


With 3 bed s 1 1/2 baths family room w/ woodburner' Beautful upgraded kitchen' New roof' New garage door & opener Fenced backyard Only $159 900

Call Sally Witt at Heritage GMAC Real Estate

800 831 5027

B ric k R a n c h 3 bed 1 bath double lot $ 164 900 Owner/agent 248 390 8553

C A P E C O DWith 2 bed s up & 2 bed s down Family room w/ fireplace 2 car garage w/ workshop & extensive recent updating' $275 000 (80WES)

CENTURY 21 RO W (734) 464 7111

E X Q U I S I T E H O M E4824 sqtt idea! for enter taming Private wooded set ting By appt 248 84$ 0373

H O T !H O T ! H O T !


$269 900 COLONIALIm m e d ia te O c c u p a n c y

In sub w/wmdmg streets & beautifully landscaped lots 4 bed 2 5 bath home has been updated to perfection Hardwood foyer living room w/bay window formal dining room family room w/ fireplace & doorwall to deck Newer kitchen w/breakfast room Bsmt In ground pool 2 car garage (GR263)

$249,900 RANCHOn beautiful 82 acre lot 4 bed 2 oath brick ranch Slate foyer living room w/fireplace dming room & kitchen w/appliances Hardwood floors C/A Finished walkout lower level w/day lite windows has family room Patio 2 car garage (SH325)

$239 900Offering a private treed & fenced backyard w/ stream 3 bed 1 5 bath home wf2 3 car garage Great room opens to Florida room Remodeled maple kitchen w/appli ances Finished walk out lower level has family room w/fireplace Patio w/BBQ C/A (BA291)

Century 21 Today (248)855-2000

wwcentury21today com

N E W O N M A R K E T * iffg iou s H u n t C lu b S u b

ribbon Hillside mtary Immaculate 3 bed oath colonial w/optionai edroom Open floor plan

___ hedral ceilings Cornerlot O P EN S U N 1 4 $355 900 (248) 939 1399

P R IM E AREADrop dead gorgeous 2800 sq ft ranch 3 beds 2 5 baths formal dining family room bar den sprawling kitchen & finished bsmt with 4th bed kitchen & bath $399 500

DIANE BRAYKOVICH 248 7 8 7 4545 248 348 3000

RE/M AX 100

Farm ington H ills


On 2 7 acre estate Oversized marble foyer 1st floor master bedroom suite w/2 walk in closets marbled bath w/whirlpool Chefs kitchen w/solarium breakfast area Walk out lower level w/3 bedrooms tremendous family room w/wet bar exercise room & full kitchen leads to the park like setting on Coventry Lk $1 750 000 23018787 ROC

CranbrookA S K F O R D O N N A S T O N E

O R M I T C H W O L F248-626-8700

J U S T L I S T E D ! Nestled m this historic section of Fenton m thi§ wonderful 3 bedroom 2 bath home' This 2 story home with first floor master bedroom is move in ready with newer roof and carpetl Basement 2 car detached garage nicely landscaped yard with numerous perennials and large deck for relaxing Fenton Schools $164 000

E N G L A N D R E A L E S T A T E 8 8 8 2 1 1 9 5 6 0 8 1 0 6 3 2 7 4 2 7

BEAUTIFUL 1400 SQ FThome many updates 3 bed rooms 1 5 baths gorgeous remodeled kitchen large family room spacious living room w/vaulted ceiling large laundry room with loads of cabinets All appliances included 2 1/2 car garage 1 yr warranty $164 900

R O G E R & S U E O A V i S Coldweli Banker Preferred

{734)392 6022

EXCELLENT CONDITION5841 Cardw ell 3 Bed bsmt Big yard $ 114 900

B E N D E N N Y 7 3 4 4 5 3 8 7 0 Q C R O S S R O A D S

G O R G E O U S 3 B E D R O O M2 Bath brick ranch w/ remodeled kitchen finished bsmt covered patio C/A & 2 car garage $1749 0 0

O n M ^ i

C A S T E L L I ( 7 3 4 ) 5 2 5 7 9 0 0

Serving the area for 29 yr

L E A S E T O O W N3 bedroom 2 bath ranch brick central air Rent cred if 248 232 6339

SU PER N ICE RANCH - 3bed 2 bath Finished bsmt. w/full bath and wet bar lots of privacy m back yard Updates Include windows roof and kitchen $162 000

C A L L J I M V E T U L A 7 3 4 3 5 4 8 4 3 8

H O M E T O W N44523 Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth

B U I L D E R S O W N IV i y r old2 1 0 0 s q f t 3 b r ranch on 2 65 acres 3 c a r heated garage 3 0 x 4 0 h e ate d o u tb u ild in g ^ e xtra s H a r tla n d S c h o o ls $439 0 0 0 (2 4 8 )8 8 9 3 2 0 3

N o m atter w h a t I t is , k n o w I w ill f i n d i t in m y

O & E C l a s s i f i e d s !


® b s e n r $ r £ ^ B t « n t r i c

All Ads Run OnlineF R E E !

A V a l u e O f U p T o $ 8 7 . 0 0 _______ w w w J h o m e t0w n l f f e .c o m _________

Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 ( * ) p 7

C )JU S T LIS T E D ! Wish come true' Move right into this super sharp home located on Little Silver Lake great fishing lake! Home includes 3 bedrooms nice eat in kitchen & living room The finished walkout lower level features family room with wood stove 4th bedroom and bath Plus oversized 2 car garage extensive decking overlooking lake and pretty treed setting1 Hartland Schools $186 500 JU S T LIS T E D ' Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch on peaceful setting Over 2400 sq ft of living area this home features a great room family room with fireplace master bedroom with private bath 3 season room mud room off 2 car garage with shower Plus an extra room for dogs Fun finished basement Views of nature from every window Paved road natural gas and Hartland Schools Yours on 2 acres for $335 000 or 18 acres for $499 000 JU S T LIS T E D ! Very unique floor plan that gives you a lot of great living area' Home sets a stones throw from hard surface road Features include 4 bedrooms finished office area Great room with skylights & fireplace Finished basement 3 car garage heated pool deck and hot tub' Hartland Schools $234 900 JU S T LIS T E D ! Wonderful well built ranch on 1 89 acres' Home features 3 bedrooms 2 baths convenient kitchen withoak cabinets and snack bar that opens to L shaped living room great for entertaining' Spacious master bed with walk in closet 4th bedroom in walkout lower level 2 car garage and great location' Hartland Schools $230 000 JU ST B EA U TIFU L! Peaceful wooded 2 29 acre setting surrounds this well planned "new ranch' The split floor plan includes 3 bedrooms 2 baths gas log fireplace in great room formal dining well planned kitchen 1st floor laundry daylight windows in basement 3 car attached garage large front porch and covered back porch' Hartland Schools $288 500

ENGLAND R EA L ESTATE 388 211 9560 810 632 7427

DUNHAM LAKE SUB3 4 bedroom Family room w/brick fireplace living & dm mg room new kitchen fin ished bsmt 5 car heated garage beautiful wooded lot $305000 248 889 8912

CUSTOM BUILT Cape Cod built 2001 loss of employment forces sale beautiful 1 5 sto ries w/ 9 ft walkout $271 900 For more info (5 17)5 4 6 1989


Open floor plan ranch Grac ious room sizes stone fire place finished bsmt backyard patio $ 179 500 (97SUN)

CENTURY 21 ROW (734) 464-7111

B EA UTIFUL 3 bed brick ranch updates galore new kitchen 2 5 car garage $179 900 734 812 2 14 7

OUTSTANDING!Totally updated 4 bed 2 5 bath colonial on spacious 3/4 acre lot Move right ml

C A R O L COPPING 248 873 0001

248 348 6430 Ext 205

BY OW NER 2924 sq ft 2 story on 1 62 acres in Plymouth Twp 4 bed 3 bath full bsmt 2 car attached garage patio deck & 2 fireplaces High rolling lot off asphalt street $575 000 Cash or convention al Call for appt 231 242 0 142 N o Realtors pleaseBY OW NER 1000 sq ft ranch 113 9 1 Terry $195 000 For further info www hno com #rrn17567 248 766 2005C O LO N IAL 4 BEDROOM Nice house Great Hines Park side location Immediate occupan cy $225 000 (734) 674-4327

HOUSE BEAUTIFULGorgeous 3 bed 3 bath ranch Custom everything granite marble Pergo 2 fire places beautiful large lot $389 000 73 4 788 9769

P R E S T IG IO U S W oodlore South!

2900 Sq ft 1 1/2 story 1st floor master suite built in 1999 4 bed 2 5 bath 3 car garage Beautiful landscap mg patio & deck Asking only $445 900

(734) 453-8181

( g )

BEAU T IFU L THE HOME- AFFO R D AB LE THE PRICE*3 Bed 1 5 bath finished bsmt garage updates galore! Ail appliances included 1 year home warranty' $132 900

CEN TU RY 21 PR EM IER (7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 -4 3 0 0

CUTE 3 BEDROOM CAPEWith bay window Dining room updated kitchenlaundry room 2 5 car garage Stove fridge washer & dryer stay Updated furnace most windows & more $ 114 900

C HAR LOTTE JACUNSKI (734) 3 77 3262

CEN TU RY 21 ROW (734) 464-7111

9 5 3 1 A R N O L DMaintenance free 3 BR Ranch Large living room with fireplace Completely updated w/new kitchen Full fm ished basement 2 car garage South Redford Schools

$ 1 6 4 , 9 0 0

R a e L y n n D a r b y ( 5 1 7 ) 4 0 4 - 1 9 8 7


BRICK RANCH3 bed attached garage 1 5 bath 2 fireplaces sunroom or 1 6 acres Horses allowed $310000 (73 4 )2 6 1 3992

DIVORCE S A LE' 1999 3 bed brick ranch 2 bath 1 master dining room full base ment plumbed for 3rd cathe drat ceilings attached 2 5 car garage 1500 sq ft w/deck dead end street sprinklers 9012 Floral Owner/agent $234 900 313 425 2622

FO R S A L E B Y O W N ER 4 bed2 5 bath 2215 sq ft plus heated sunroom finished bsmt attached 2 car garage $315 000 (734) 464 7168


Wonderful kitchen with work island and granite counters great room with skylights & fireplace This 4 yr old home features premium upgrades stone tile floors 3 beds 2 1/2 baths 1s t floor laundry vaulted ceilings full base ment $399900

M IC H E LL E M IC H AEL Re/Max Classic 248 73 7 6800

M UST S E L L ! 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 1900 sq ft ranch fin ished basement 2 car garage 10x20 separate workshop or storage 810 79 4 9156

O P E N H O U S E 1 4 S A TU R D A Y 4 10 04

11390 A R C O L A S off Plymouth W o f Inkster 3 bed room brick ranch $ 179 900 salebyownerrealtycom #4697

RANCH 3Bed 3 bath finished bsmt many updates Wood brooke Sub $345 000 Shown byappt (248)477 5638

RARE FINDin NW Livonia w/umque development potential 2 4 acres on 8 Mile Rd $475 000 Property has 3 bedroom brick home Days 248 263 3870

GREAT LOCATIONFor this 4 bed 2 5 bath colonial Kitchen w/ pantry dining room family room w/ fireplace library 1s t floor laundry bsmt 2 car attached garage $374 900

B ILL JARD INE (248) 417-6878

CENTURY 21 ROW (734) 464-7111

3 4 ACRES!Custom built 2 79 7 sq ft home on gorgeous location sits 400 back from road Gourmet kitchen red oak flooring & 9ft ceilings on 1st floor $673 000

G A IL TU R N ER 248 873 0087

248 348 6430 Ext 265A » u m n » o » L -

R E D FO R D Inkster/Plymouth area 3 bed brick bungalow ona Ig lot Home In great cond Only $144 900 313 201 4512

Coldwell Banker Prestige

(g)C U S T O M 2150 S Q F T cape cod many upgrades large deck acreage 24x36 ft barn horse is allowed possible in law suite $450 000 By owner (248) 486 5314

( g i

CRANBROOK VILLAGERanch 3 Bed 3 baths many updates $209 900 248 5 5 7 5654 For more info w w w hno com id#17 774

(g)FO R S A L E by owner 48 acres on major paved road Northfield Twp S Lyon Schools Includes house 10 stall horse barn several fenced paddocks training track pond outbuildings House 4 br poss 5th 3 full baths 4 fireplaces cathedral ceilings 1st floor laundry 1st master br w/ Jacuzzi large country kitchen great room den mud room deck inground pool CA appliances By appt only (248) 380 3834 No RealtorsN E W E R 4 bed 2 5 bath brick on 1 21 acres in exclusive sub on cul de sac Finished bsmt pool Mernlat kitchen deck sprinklers many extras Lake privleges $362 500 248 446 9059

STATELY TROY COLONIAL4 5 bedrooms 2 5 Oaths

over 3800 sq ft $359 899 248 561 5989

( 2

B EA UTIFUL 3 BEDROOM1 bath bungalow Completely remodeled New electrical new furnace new windows Pergo flooring All appliances stay $ 1 1 9 0 0 0 Neg 73 4 728-4973


1 - S 0 0 - 5 7 9 -S E L Ltv iru .honu lotn tlifc.cotii

C O N ’ t M P L R ' H Y



www hno com Id #17683 or call 248 310 7830

BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME3 bed bsmt includes carpet new appliances Great buy!

Ross Realty 734 326 8300BY OWNER

Beautiful ranch in desirable Surrey Heights Sub 3 bed rooms 1 5 baths 2 5 car garage with 220 Large kitchen with island finished basement with wet bar Main bath redone with ceramic and jetted tub in 02 New siding windows

roof cement furnace electn cal and air Deck pavers and pool in private backyard $ 171 900 Appointment only no realtors 734 72 2 3570

K N O C K O U T !1500+ sq ft beauty high lighted by a kitchen you d find in a magazine with 3 pantries a granite counter and floor Family room w/ fireplace 2 car garage mground pool and everything updated One of a kind at $189900'Cai! The Anderson's Century 21 Dynamic

(734) 728 7300 Direct6900 N Wayne Westland

NICE OPEN FLOO R PLANIn this 3 bed brick ranch Family room fireplace huge country kitchen Oversized 2 car garage

$139 900

SUPER SHARP 4 BEDColonial Spectacular Open floor plan C/A fireplace 2 car attached Garage & finished bsmt $239 900

O n l u ^

CASTELLI (734) 525 7900

Serving the area for 29 yrs

SU PER SHARP RANCH!Pleasant open floor plan in this 3 bed Ranch Located on double lot and backs to golf course Lots of updates'

C A R O L COPPING 248 873 0001

248 348 6430 Ext 205


Well maintained ranch 3 bed 1 5 bath Finished bsmt 2 car garage immediate occup ancy' FHA/ V A Terms

CENTURY 21 PR EM IER (7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 -4 3 0 0


Spotless 3 bed brick ranch w/open floor plan Totally remodeled kit chen Ceramic bath Third bed is currently used as den w/doorwall to deck Updates include windows furnace C/A & flooring Ail appliances stay 2 car garage w/ workshop $ 14 2 900 (FL813)

Century 21 Today (313)636-2000

www century21 today com

Wixom -Comm erce

C O M M ER C E TW P Union Lk Rd & Wise Rd Extra sharp 3 br Colonial w/fuil finished bsmt formal dining room liv mg room w/naturai fireplace 2 5 baths natural woodwork in kitchen & throughout home Lg deck off doorwall in kitchen 2 car garage + storage shed located on cul de sac next to state land $219 900 (248)685^0334Commerce 3 bedroom 2 5 bath first floor master New sub Walk out basement with view of lake & woods $398 500 248 529 6169

GENOA TWP COLONIALWalk to Lake Chemung public access 3 bed 2 5 bath Premium lot $239 900 ML#24009550 Virtual Tour Barbara Gray (810) 534 2100

Keller Williams Realty

Sterling Heights MOVE RIGHT IN*

Immaculate 2400 sq ft 4 bed 2 5 bath Colonial w/open floor plan m great location Super island kitchen w/appliances $337 900

G A IL TU R N ER 248 873 0087

248 348 6430 Ext 265


1 877 GO FLAT RATE J Edwards Broker

A word to the wise when looking for a

great deal check the

r & Eccentric

WIXOM Colonial with 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths brick fireplace in family room Lovely kitchen with oak cabinets Hardwood floors Second floor laundry 2 car attached garage $249 900 (15CH)

NOVI Carriage unit condo w th vaulted ceiling updated kitchen large master bedroom with sitting area adn walk in closet Nice floor plan All appliances included $169 900 (21 EG )

Century 21 Hartford South 734 464 6400

www cent21 biz

INKSTER First Time Buyers

3 bed brick ranch w/updated kitchen $69 900

Tons of Updates 3 bed 1 5 baths finished bsmt dining room & 2 car garage $122 500

Century 21 Towne Pride (734) 326-2606

www century21 townepr de com

^ jj)

Sylvan Lake CHARM ING

on a tree lined street Sylvan Lake deeded lake access Many recent updates include newer roof C/A copper plumbing & electrical new kitchen w/ all appliances Gorgeous ceramic bath partially finished basement Walk to beach boating and club house fac lities 3 bedrooms 1 5 baths Sylvan Lake privilges $204 900 ECH 45LAK

Call (248) 645 1400

TRAVERSE CITY Custom home East Bay Twp Selling $15k below appraisal at $380k 231 932-6735


ENJO Y T H E SUMMERFrom this 2 600 sq ft canal front home leading to beautiful all sports White Lake This 2001 updated home offers 3 bed s with huge master 4 baths Ig living room 2 decks partially finished walkout bsmt and a waterfront garage for all your water toys Buy now and get ready to play all summer

248 310 1583 K ELLER WILLIAMS

5775 W Maple W Bloomfield

LO R D S B U R G N E W M EX IC O40 acres fenced 1600 sq ft 3 bed 2 bath sunroom green house 40x40 airplane hanger w/ 230 volt 60 amp electric carport irrigation system much more $150 000

505 542 9005

(g)LENAW EE COUNTY $199 8001650 Sq It Oak cabinets family room fireplace 2 1/2 car 8 Miles from Tecumseh 7 Miles from Clinton M 50


( 3 )

ACT NOW!Local company can buy or

lease your house FAST Any area any price range

Cal! (734) 769 8176 24/7 recorded message

Sellers Free Market AnalysisBuyers Free Pre Approval

Investors Agent EA G ER TO W O R K FOR YO U

Call LAURA HALE (734) 564 9382

CENTURY 21 DYNAMIC 6900 N Wayne Rd Westland

LAND CONTRACTDearborn 8 10 unit apartment bldg $299900 313 220 3555

( g )


Outstanding 2 bedroom ranch condo in Northfield Hills Alomost everything new Berber carpet m living room and dining room Plush carpet in bedrooms new doorwall to patio new Corian countertops & sink new refrigerator dishwasher disposal hot water heater & humidifier Freshly painted in neutral decor 2 bedrooms 1 bath $167900 EC H 8 6 B R E

Call (248) 646 1400

BLOOMFIELDLuxurious 1662 sq ft 2 bed 2 5 bath private entry condo w/2 car garage Living room w/2 way fireplace Formal dining room w/hardwood floor Kitchen w/cabmets galore & all appliances Finished walkout lower level w/family room Raised deck overlooks woods Poo! tennis & clubhouse in complex $269 900 (HI110)

Century 21 Today (248)647 8888

www century21todaycom

FARMINGTON CONDOGun 1 4 & by appt

N /Grand River W/Orchard Lk Offers style tranquility 975 sq ft 2 bed 1 5 bath Covered parking pool walk

to Downtown Farmington $ 112 400 (248) 78 7 0583

Farmington Hills Gorgeous River Pines (9 Mile & Drake) Upgrades finished bsmt 2 5 bath bedroom & den $259 900 248 887 9296


Spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath condo all appliances included Neutral decor $ 110 000 (248) 539 3752

FARMINGTON HILLS 13Mile/Haistecf Over 1500 sq ft 2 bedroom 2 bath condo 2 car attached garage $184 500 248 489 7 0 7 7

LIVONIA The Woods Sharp 2 bed 1 bath upper appliances 18203 University Park Dr mint $135 500 248 651 5762

LivoniaO P E N S A T 1-4

178 79 University Park N of 6 W of Newburgh

Sharp 2 bed 2 bath ranch condo Pool heated Florida room garage & newer kitchen Walking distance to shopping etc Close to X ways Reduced $141 900 CALL ESTH ER BAXTER

248 981 7885 M AYFA IR REALTY

734-522-8600 x243Livonia

Picture perfect' 2 bedroom 2 bath condo m Northwest Livonia This end unit has a great on the pond view Al! new counters cabinets flooring light flxutres Tonally updated throughout Large laundry room $125 000

WestlandPrivate entrance first floor ranch condo with oak kitchen formal dining room great room and large master bedroom First floor laundry and 1 car garage Low association fee $ 119 900

NorthviiieBeautiful end unit ranch m Country Club Village Great room with fireplace 1st floor den & laundry Dmmg room remodeled kitchen 2 bed rooms 3 full baths large basement 2 car attached garage & many updates $309 900

Century 21 Hartford North 734-525 9660

N O R T H V IL L E 2 bedroom 2 bath 12 75 sq ft with laundry room Pool etc $139 900 248 932 9350 ext 18

248 478 6338

NORTHVILLE 3 B ED 1 5 bath condo free heat remodeled $1350/mo possible lease option 810 231 1116

NORTHVILLE 2 Bed 2 5 bath Mam floor master suite library/ den bonus loft overlooks living room bsmt 2 car garage $334 900

B ILL JARD INE (248) 417 0878

CENTURY 21 ROW (734) 464 7111

NOVICompletely updated 2 bed 1 car garage Stonehenge Condo community 10Mile/Haggerty $131 900 (248)

area471 9585


Bright & clean' 2 bedrooms 1st floor laundry den 2 car attached garage finished basement central air deck freshly painted Immediate possession $ 19 7 500

M IC H E LL E M IC H AEL Re/Max Classic 248 73 7 6800

NOVI MOVE RIGHT IN'2 bed detached condo w/ 1200+ sq ft Open floor plan w/cathedral ceilings Bright & spacious $156 000

G E O R G IA M O N R O E 248 568 9440

248 348 6430 Ext 209 J I M M M M L -

OAK PARK B EA UTIFUL MUST S EE! 2000 built 3 Bed 2 5 bath $199 000/nego tiable (248)866 8659

PLYM OUTH Bradbury com plex 2 Bed custom oak cab inets Berber carpeting all new windows within last 5 yrs 2 full baths finished bsmt Motorized chair lift for easy access between bsmt & first floor Shelter carport $144 900 (734) 327 3654

ROYAL OAK CONDO 1 Bedpoo! air new paint carpet $68000 Cal! 734 658 9681

W ES T LA N D 2 bedroom 1 5 bath finished basement 2 story appliances stay $159 900 (734)266-4066

W ES T LA N D Upper unit 2 bedroom 1 bath end unit laundry carport updated $97 500 734 425 9338

$0 DOW N Save up to $30 000 on a newer bank repo Must pay sales tax Discount Homes 866 251 1670

B R A N D N E W• 15 8 0 s q ft

• 4 B e d r o o m s• 2 Baths

• Deluxe G E

A pp lfances

only $39 800


CEDARBROOK ESTATESOn M 59 W of Bogie Lake Rd ( 2 4 8 ) 8 8 7 - 1 9 8 0

Gorgeous*3 bedroom 2 bath shed

$37 7 7 7 A must see' L V H ,248-474-6560

Manufactured Hom es

B R A N D N E W S K Y L IN E 1400 sq ft 3 B R 2 B A

ail deluxe G E appli a n ce s fireplace sky

lights door wall wash er/dryer premium site

O n ly 2 left $ 5 4 800

V IC T O R IA N 2 B R 1BA all appliances

shed deck & fireplace! Pncedtose ll' $14 900

S K Y L IN EOver 1200 sq ft 3B R

2 B A large front kitchen all deluxe G E appli

ances washer/dryer premium site $41 500

O th e rs Priced Fro m $14,0 0 0 to $60,000

Novi Schoo ls


N of Grand Rver bet Meadowbrook & Haggerty Rds

Call Joanne or Sue(24 8 ) 4 7 4 -0 3 2 0 or

(248) 4 7 4 -0 3 3 3 ^

IN W IX O M Homes Under

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 !Handyman Specials

14x70 3B R 1BA $7900 14x66 3B R 2BA $9900 14x76 3B R 2BA $9900 16x66 3B R 2BA $9900

Q U A LITY HOM ESat Commerce Meadows

on Wixom Rd 4 miles N of 1 96(248)684-6796

H O M ES UNDER $ 1 0 ,0 0 0

IN W IXOMHandyman Specials

14x70 3B R 2BA $7900 14x52 2BR 1BA $8900

QUALITY HOMESat Stratford Villa

on Wixom Rd 3 5 miles N of 196(2 4 8 )6 8 5 -9 0 6 8

• • • •

IN WHITE LAKE14x76 3BR 2BA $2900 16x72 3BR 2BA $9900 16x76 3BR 2BA $6900

QUALITY HOMESat Cedarbrook EstatesonM59W of Bogie Lake Rd

(2 4 8 ) 8 8 7 -1 9 8 0

For the best auto classifications check out the Observer & Eccentric Newspaper

3 bedroom 2 bath shed C/A new washer & dryer

L V H .2 4 8 4 74 6500


New Homes

$ 1 9 ,9 0 0 !929 sq. ft .

- 3 Bedrooms- 2 Baths • G E Appliances

• Skylights & More

In Novi

NOVI MEADOWSon Nap er Rd 1m le west of Wixom Rd

and 1 m eS of Grand R ve

(248)344-1988In South Lyon/Milford

KENSINGTON PLACEon Grand River 96 exit 153 across

fomKensngton Met opa'k

(248)437-2039In Wixom

COMMERCE MEADOWSon Wixom Rd 4 m les N of 96

(248)684-6796In Wrxom

STRATFORD VILLAon Wixom Rd 3 5 m es N of 196




1 V S Vd a V Vi3 z a 'v1 3 a VI

s 3 1 01 1 fv s0 1 ad n s

1 i 3 ES3 i 0 Mn a 1H 3

0 0 0 s o nB E Effl mm

m m i m b b h s hH B Q E U lf f lC lm D □ J

[W E m 3


□ {H D D mm© 2004 Un ted Feature Syndicate Inc


1 TD passers 4 Succotash

bean8 Polite cough

12 Knee percher13 Economist

- Smith14 Trunk of a tree15 Deluge17 Bellow18 G o biking19 Winds down 21 Barbies beau 23 Commandeer 27 Throw a party for 30 Wind instrument33 Canocas

home34 A t the center

of35 Follow closely36 Season37 Spanish hero

E l -38 In the vicinity39 Bullring cheers40 Vertical

42 Fairy tale character

44 Wheeling s river

47 Tag51 Like the sky 54 Certify56 Helm position57 Good buddy58 Woof59 Today e paper60 Movie canine61 Took a load off


1 Swab brand (hyph)

2 Fillet a fish3 Cufflink4 Chill server5 Lupmo

of old movies6 Partner7 Solemn assent8 Ocean depths9 Soil turner

10 Pipe fitting11 Brooks or Tiltis

16 in o n e s birthday suit

20 Unpaid as a bill

22 Centering point

24 River in Asia25 Tick off26 Lobster traps27 Look toward28 Sultan s

cousin29 lim e and -31 Jungle snake32 Hideous

creature36 Up to now

(2 w d s)38 Utmost degree41 Pigeon c&ops43 Pack animal45 Quechua

speaker46 Appreciative

murmurs48 Favoritism49 Philanthropist

— Cornel!50 Took off51 Furniture

mover52 Stem filler53 F ix a seam55 Well known


egr e a l t o r C o m p l i m e n t s o f t h e M C A R

M e tro p o lita n Consolidated A sso ciatio n o f R e a lto rs

S T U M P E D * Call for Answers * Touch-tone or Rotary phones 950 per minute • 1-9 0 0 -45 4-35 3 5 ext code 7 0 8

Manufactured H one s © I I Real Estate Wanted e ss F



New Homes

$ 1 9 ,9 0 0 !929 sq. ft.

• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths

• GE Appliances• Skylights & More

In Canton

SHERWOOD VILLAGEWayne Westland Schools

on ths southeast comer of M chlgan Ave & Haggerty Rd

(734)397-7774In Romulus

HURON ESTATESOn Inkster S of Sibley


Commercial/Retai! For Sale

RO CHESTER DOWNTOWNMain Street address 1000 sq ft Excellent parking (248) 625 1075

i BU Y & LEASE H O U SES Any Price Any Condition

Will make payments to avoid foreclosure

248 348 4700

f B U Y & L E A S E H O U S ESAny area cond or price Call 24/7 248 232 6336

$$ We Buy Houses In 1 Day!Any Condition AnySituation

Executive Homes Welcome Jo h n 734 578 3235

CASTLE II CONSTRUCTIONBuying vacant lahd in

Southfield Quick Cash! (313) 622 714 4

Executive Home Wanted!Behind on Payments OK

734 769 8 176 24/7 Recorded Message


1 800 446-9698 24/hrs

N EED M ONEY NOW?Then sell your home! An y con dition any city I will stop your foreclosure No fees or costs

$ Fontana Properties $248 866 8788

| g )

CADILLAC M EM ORIAL GAR­D ENS W EST 4 Lots $120Q/ea (818) 342 1534

M T HOPE LIVONIA2 spaces 2 vaults 1 Veteran companion marker Asking $3500 for all (734) 941 4905

PARKVIEW M EM ORIAL ceme tery In Livonia Block hour sec tion 220 graves 5 & 6 List $825 each Will sacrifice $1100 for both 616 738 0765


'T h e Rail District11

Owners in town ready to deal*

Lease space avialable ,office retail etc With *additional warehouse J

space available >Convenient parking s

FREE Red W ing or Piston Playoffs tickets for signing of 2 year


( 3 1 3 ) 7 0 6 -4 2 8 5



To please eveiyone in your family! V#


CANTON PRICED T O 8ELL!3 Bed c a $9000

(734) 482 6367

NOVI 2 Bed exc cond Must sell transfer forces sale 14 X 60 $2500/Best 734 788 6817

CAR WASH 4 BAY7 Mile & Brail $185 000 734 2 16 9095

DELI FOR SALElocated in Farmington Hills in office Building Call for more Info 73 4 -8 12 1 0 74

BOYNE/CHARLEVOIXAREACharming New England salt box detached garage 10 acres 3 bed 3 5 bath 2800 sq ft $395000 Visual tour©

www boynecroft com (231)582 9193

EAST JO R D A N 10 acres heavily wooded recreational Sandy La Blanc Preview Properties com 810 494 2031 Cell 5 17 861 1742

TRUC K M OUNTED C ARPET C LEAN IN G VAN All newequipment 9 7 Dodge Ram Van great cond $ 15k

(810) 844-0653

^ J )

LIV O N IA 31705 Plymouth Rd 5 offices 2 baths kitchen newly decorated $ 114 900 or lease for $1200/mo 248 344 4989


S A LEM T W P 5 acres land contract (248)437 1174

South Lyon Lovely 3 + acre home site Wooded Close to schools & shopping Perked $143 000 248 790 4135

N EED BUSINESS LOAN 27Yrs in operation $100 300K Terms negotiable well collater alized Call Sun 2 7 Mon Sat 8 5pm Call 313 526 0616

B LOO M FIELD H ILL S I 75 &Square Lake Up to 1000 sq ft Utilities mci Asking $895/mo (248) 333 9846

Space for Lease 3 MONTHS FREE

* RETAIL •Auburn Hills • Livonia

Pontiac • Westland • LIGHT IN D U ST R IA L *

Belleville • Canton Novi • Wixom• OFFICE •

Canton • Farmington Hills • Wixom-

(2 4 8 ) 3 4 4 -8 9 70

"Its A ll A bout


1 800 to 15 000 sq ft in ; professional office I n , downtown Plymouth Available immediately C o n ta c t« Tim Reilly (734) 7 3 7 2900 or * Bob Kurtz (734) 7 3 7 2994 ’

ANNOUNCING JInstant offices from 150 sq ft l Conference rooms secretary & T 1 Mam Street Business Center 248 344-9510


Month to month Avail 168 to 2700 sq ft l 275 x way 5

J A Bloch & Co/Gach Realty ’ (248) 559 7430 ,

PLYMOUTH Main Street pro ,fessional office for lease 115 0 • sq ft 6 rooms Immediate ’ occupancy 734 453 6190 J

F8 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 www.hometownltfe com


' 5.


,5? ^

P y-*i f w


T o w n & C o u n t r y

s- y $ J

H ^r ' $ 4 t f t ;

*« P - F ^. ■ V f i - / 4 K

? jT* tl A' ' '

l e t i iq ^ U C CT “* °PEN »°ORs FOR VoK


Offices to Serve Your -I a ,* * I *"*

WESTLAND Livonia SchoolsRanch with 3 bedrooms 1 S baths finished basement, 2 car oarage newer furnace 99 C/A 01 windows 00 HWH ?98 roof 99 Fenced yard satellite dish

(E70SAN) 734-455*5600 $154£00

DEARBORN Historic Ford Built HomeModel 6 Pretty hardwood floors natural woodwork updated windows kitchen & 1 5 baths Spacious deck woodburning fireplace dog run for the dog lover Care of ownership in this 3 bedroom 2 5 bath home (E56NON) 734-455-5600__________ $224,900

DEARBORN HOTS Great Place To Start2 bedroom ranch move n condition w/newer roof windows some carpet newer landscaping Fenced yard w/huge garage All appl ances stay

(E14ANN) 734-455 6600 $89,900

i--------------------o r

r r j__ !> ■? »

PLYMOUTH Desirable LocationLarge 4 bedroom 3 bath bungalow w/remodeled kitchen w/cherry cabs wood floor & all appliances 6 panel doors Newer roof Walls de windows & vinyl trim partially finished basement & 2 car garage (E56AUB) 734 455 5600__________ $279,900

SOUTHFIELD Move In ConditionLarge 2 bedroom ranch condo w/open flowing floor pan k tchen opens to an a y d n n g & vngroom

(E25LAH) 734-455 5600 $77 500

REDFORD Move Right IniWOW ' 3 bedroom 2 bath brick ranch offers 2 fireplaces finished basement w/family room hardwood floors vinyl windows & garage

(E50MAC) 734-455-5600 $142,900


WHITE LAKE Adorable & AffordableRanch w/flnished walk out 3 bedrooms large kitchenS shed picket fence beautiful decor clean

appliances & Home Protection Plan

(E920VE) 734-455-5600 $154,900


LINCOLN PARK Character & Charm5 bedroom 2 full bath brick colonial w/2 car garag basement newer hot water heater 2001 formal dinfr room living room & 1 year home warranty

(E80PAR) 734-455-5600 $129 900

X E N T U R Y g 1 T Q w n - C o u n try .c o m

COMMERCE Enjoy Sweeping ViewsWonderful 4 bedrm, 2 5 bath colonial sitting on lovely Edgewood Park Golf Course Updated windows roof furnace C/A aopliances brick paver patio deck & extensive landscaping + 2 car attached garage bsmt (E42EDG) 734-455-5600__________ $299,950

WAYNE A Honey For The Money!Great home in great neighborhood 3 bedroom brck ranch with all appliances freshly painted throughout & immediate occupancy

(E02HAY) 734-455 5600 $127,777

NORTHVILLE End Unit Ranch CondoSpacious 3 bedroom 3 bath unit Large great room w/natural fireplace Doorwalls off master bedroom and great room lead to private deck Master suite includes 6 oval bath and walk in closet FFL & 2 car garage (E02VIL) 248-349-5600____________$312/000

NORTHVILLE Luxurious condo Living3 bedroom 3 5 bath side entry end unit w/walk out Great room w/fireplace Master has luxurious bath & closet Lower Level has terrific cherry cabs wet bar ceramic tile carpet & TV alcove(E04LOC) 248-349-5600 $439,600

LYONS Just Like NewBright open fir plan w/3 bdrms 2 baths ig oak kit w/lsland Hdwd firs secluded master ste w/Jacuzzt tub & drwl to deck track lights in 6R w/doubie drwi to wrap around deck + 2 car att gar bsmt w/marble fir

$319914(E46EME) 734-455-5600

! T* > • .

■ K a & iF

PLYMOUTH Updated Home in DowntownBeautifully maintained home in town offering 3 bedrooms 1 5 baths attached garage newer carpet & family room w/fireplace

(E17McK) 734-455-5600 $224,900


A / -

BROWNSTOWN Spectacular & Tranquil4 bedroom 3 5 bath colonial w/2 6 car attached garage finished basement bay windows In master suite vaulted ceiling m livngroom

(E67JEN) 734 455-5600 $254,900

WESTLAND Very Nice BungalowWith open floor plan huge updated oak kitchen hardwood floors newer roof windows & furnace large deck in fenced yard

(E01 FLO) 734-455-5600 $135,000

MILFORD What A View!Approx 5 79 acres of trees nature & prvacy nestled nto Kensington Metro Park 4 bedroom 2 5 bath

colonial w/many updated amenities white sland kit updated BAs hrdwd stone fimg finished walk out (EOOVAL) 248-349-5600___________$454,900


Clean As A Whistle2 BR 1 BA bungalow w/galley kitchen formal DR LR IstfloorBR large master BR on 2nd floor Up mechanicals Privacy fence nice landscaping- garage can hold full size truck Some newer(E89LEO) 246 349 5600

REDFORD Clean & Cozy Ranch2 bedrooms spacious living room freshly painted Updated kitchen & bath large dining room terrific finished basement newer roof furnace electric & HWH Also 1 car garage(E65DAL) 734-455 5600____________$99,900


LIVONIA This Is ItlRanch condo in the woods of Livonia' 2 bedrooms 15 baths Freshly painted & ready to move in Master w/WIC Court setting Close to shopping & x ways

(E06CLA) 734-455-5600__________ $118500

NOVI Welcome HomeTotally updated 3 BR 2 BA home w/bonus room w/private entry Great tor home business Family room all ceramic tiled recessed light ng custom paint 2 car heated gar Walk out L L tiered deck pool & Novi schls (E11TEN) 248 349-5600__________ $199,900

WARREN Charming Condo2 B R 1 BA well maintained 1 story up condo Large LR format DR newer kitchen windows Alcove off LR for entertainment center Private laundry room Locked storage area Easy access to freeway Great starter(E18H00) 248-349-5600____________$78,900

WARREN Located On Large LotCustom built 3 bedroom 1 5 bath br ck ranch w/heated Florida room updated windows & roof breezeway & oversized 2 car garage Partially finished basement

(E68BER) 734-455-5600 $139,500

FARMINGTON Condo Living At Its BestGorgeous brick townhouse in great location features Include recessed lights vaulted ceilings fireplace & attached garage BuiTt in 2001 A must seel

(F66FAR) 734-455-5600 $179,900

NOVI Just Listed4 BR 1 5 BA stone house on approximately 3 5 acres newly renovated white kitchen & some newer carpeting Huge pole barn w/large work area Close to Novi schools 12 Oaks Malt and area freeways (E55TEN) 248 349 5600___________$399,000

DEARBORN HGTS Spacious Bnck Homsimmaculate* 4 bedrooms 2 baths Large living room with natural fireplace 3 season porch Heated floors Plenty of storage Updates cement driveway roof windows Appliances Must see (E25HUB) 248-349 5600___________$189900


ROMULUS Bright & Cheerful3 bedroom ranch w/partially finished basement 2 5 car garage updated w ndows roof furnace & more Don t miss out on th s warm & cozy family home

(E32BAR) 734-455-5600 $129,900


CANTON A Pleasure To ShowPaver walkway welcomes you' Newe floor ng in foyer & k tchen LR opens to forma DR k t w/loacts of cabs & newer apps fam !y room w gas frpc newer doorwall to deck newer windows f n shed L L & 2 car gar (E20MET) 734-455 5600__________ $245,500

WALLED LAKE Carefree Lakeside LivingAnd Bring Your Boat 2 BR 2 BA condo in adult 50+ communty ncudesa apps a deedec boat slip on Walled Lake pr vate beach w/gazebo & picn c a ea plus loads of amemtes De ghtfu relax ng fiv ng (E27SOU) 248-349-5600__________ $137,900

DEARBORN HGTS Home3 bedroom 2 bath brick home Many newer nclude oof furnace HWH drive w ndows and

f ep ace fenced yard 2+ car ga age

(E12HIP) 248-349 5600__________ $159900

rPLYMOUTH N U t See Cape Cod

4 bedrooms w/luxurious master suite Jack & Jill bath 3 baths up lib formal DR toft dynamo fin bsmt butler entry 4 car att gar 2 way frpic gourmet k t walk In pantry built in surround sound sprinklers & security (E99LAN) 734-455-5600__________ $614,900

mWEST BLOOMFIELD Fabulous Colonial

This home has all the bells and whistles Granite in kitchen ceramic tiled & hardwood floors W/0 wooded lot Fireplace in FR 4 BR 2 5 BA 3 car garage grand MBR w/huge W!C & dressing area Bonus Room FFL(E80YAR) 248-349-5600__________ $549,900

PLYMOUTH Updated CharmerAbsolute move m condition Spacious 4 bedroom home w/oak cab nets and Pergo floors Newer windows entry & patio doors Top rated Plymouth schools Walk toelementary school (E530RE) 248-349-5600 $205,000

MILFORD B „.lt 2C31Custom built 3 BR 2 5 BA contemporary shows like a model Two story GR custom moldings library with French doors double oven & cooktop Newer custom-| deck. Located on approx 3 acres w/horsss allowed (E87H0L) 248-349-5600__________ $494,900

r i

NOVI Beautiful 3 Bedroom ColonialPremium elevation w/possible 4th bdrm/study in prof fn bsmt Loaded w/updatas custom touches! 2 5 baths kitchen w/island counter to FR w/gas fireplace vaulted ceilings in master suite & family room (E29BUT) 734-455-5600__________ $290,000

NORTHVILLE CharmerWalk to town from your dream home Relax on your new front porch Trexmade BBQ on your cedar deck 3 spacious bedrooms 2 full updated baths Beautiful hdwd floors Newer carpet Freshly painted Awesome (E17YER) 248-349-5600__________$299,900

REDFORD Picture PerfectBatter than renting 3 bedroom ranch with newer white k tchen furnace A/C, roof concrete landscaping and windows updated Soft neutral colors throughout Move In condition(E26NOR) 248-349-5600_________ $114,900

NORTHVILLE Beautiful Lot3 BR 1 5 BA home recently updated w/carpating fresh paint crown moldings & ceramic bath Kitchen has It oak cabs & ceramic floor On approx 1/2 acre brick paver patio Walk to elem schl Easy access to x ways (E47CHI) 248-349-5600 $259,900

nDEARBORN Desirable Area Ranch

Located on 1 5 lots w/4 bedrooms 2 baths attacheda finished basement 2 fireplaces & updated

vs roof furnace C/A electric HWH carpet & garage door(E23PAC) 734-455-5600__________$299,900

SOUTH LYON 55+ Ranch Condo2 bedrooms 2 baths with finished lower level & loads of closets Cathedral ceilings & appliances Enjoy the clubhouse and pool Close enough to walk to town

(E81YOR) 248 349-6600 $119,000

90UTHFIELD Views Of Your Own ForestBeautiful 1999 built 3 BR 2 5 BA raised ranch w/DR FR & large eat in kitchen MBR w/master bath Built in gas fireplace In FR 2 car garage Sliding doorwali off the DR Backs to natural forest & sits back off the road(E51NIN) 248-349-5600 $234 900

GREEN OAK Centennial Farms RanchFabulous 2 bedroom 2 bath end unit with a newer kitchen including all appliances Lamer MBR w/walk in closet Lower level FR w/fireplace Florida room 55+ community Its a must see(E98CAM) 248-349-5600__________ $129,000

GARDEN CITY Bright, Airy Cape CodDetached condo 3 bedrooms 2 baths great room w/gas fireplace first floor laundry basement w/daylight windows 2 car attached garage vaulted cering dining room oak kitchen w/snack bar hardwood floor(E23BIR) 734-455-5600 $204,935

WALLED LAKE Hot Buy, 8eller Says Seiil2-story duplex w/woodsy view 2 BR 1 5 BA Attached garage full bsmt & lots of storage Well maintained & many updates Refrigerator stove washer & dryer Spacious MBR w/3 closets Close to x ways & shops (E63WOO) 248-349-5600_________ $149,900


CANTON Shows Like A Model1999 built 4 BR 2 5 BA colonial Upgraded hardwood floors in kitchen Stone ceramic foyer & backsplash 3 ft bump out in family room Custom fireplace brickscapmg sprinkling system & profess landscaped (E47MIC) 248-349-5600___________$252,900

S LSOUTH LYON 55+ Walkout Ranch

3 bedrooms 2 full baths 1-story Newer kitchen windows filter system C/A Florida rm Large family room Bedroom #2 Is used as formal DR Enjoytheview of DNR property creek & lake Bring fishing pole & suit (E40CAM) 248 349 5600__________$149,000

GARDEN CITY Wow Cdpu Cod3 bath detached condo Great price super snarp master suite + 2 vaulted ceilings first floor laundry bnck &a 2 car attached garage basement fireplace C/A

er pays trans tax(E27BIR) 734-455-5600___________ $204,900


NORTHVILLE Updutcd And Elegant4 on o o b h iuuui w/upudieu an a oeimaiie appls Refimshed hdwd floors newer paint & carpet Updated powder rm newer roof & windows Finished w/o w/BR & BA Tiered deck Everything is done Just move in (E83WHI) 248-349 5600__________ $475,000

LINCOLN PARK Ouie> Tree .in i i Streetv,gn iiiaitiiamcu v vxx xm xxxiwu iumwm m. wwmvwiw x..6anewer remodeled kitchen w/2nd kitchen In partially finished basement Patio & shed in lovely backyard One year home warranty offered Move right in (E75MIC) 248-349 5600___________ $104,900

CANTON Friendly Canton SubThisislt Nice brick colonial w/hardwood floors FB natS LR 3 BR updated baths kitchen att 2 5 cat gar

overed patio yard partially fnlshed basement s included 1 yr home warr Walk to park

(E44BRO) 248-349-5600__________ $199,900

Miihihty.BtoiUB' ttitfwj*.

A l


P l y m o u t h734-455-5600

. ' Lv C l a r k s t o n

248:620-7200 24^36 3 -120 0

G r o s s e P p i f i t e 3 t C l a i r S h o r e s313-886-5040SX

ij <-*m o


^ x > n

N o r j th v ifle R o c h e s t e r \ R o y a l O a k P

C h e s t e r f i e l d i f t p .586-940-5590 ^ J8B.-J

^ ^ f4 2


*'*’£w w w .hom etow

P L Y M O U T H $ 6 5 8 ,9 0 0A TRAN SFEREE S DREAM! 3 BR 3 5 bath cape cod Kit w/cherry cbnts island pantry appls 3 car gar w/wider driveway Deck backing to serene pond Community pool/tennis court (23M50311)


N O R T H V I L L E $ 6 29 ,9 0 0ABSO LUTELY GORGEOUS! 4 BR 3 5 BAgrand foyer w/hrwd firs extending to gourmet kit & nook kit has granite island 42 inch cabs FR has a bay soaring celling & balcony Much morel (D44243)


P L Y M O U T H $ 5 8 4 ,9 9 7A LL THINGS BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL! Better than new this 4 bedroom 3 5 bath cape cod will fulfill your dreams Neutral decor Beautifully lanscaped with huge paver patio Call nowl (23F11075)


N O R T H V I L L E $ 5 1 5 ,0 0 0LARGE PHEASANT HILLS SOFT CONTEM­PORARY 4 BRs 2 5 BAs Open fir plan/2 story

Multi level cedar deck w/fountam Lrg bed............................... tub Cedar sun



GRrooms mstr ste w/bit ms & rm Yard prof landscaped (9

............... ................... $ 4 9 9 ,9 0 0RA RE OAKLAND COUNTY LAKEFRO N T ACREAG E! 13 2 buildabie acres 300 feet fronting Big Lake Perked & surveyed Wetlands spring Ted pond Minutes from M-59 & I 75 Will partner with builder until sold (23S12042)


/ f S p S i- f f


N O R T H V I L L E $ 4 4 9 ,9 0 0OUTSTANDING NORTHVILLE SUB LOCA­TION! Spacious 4 BR 3 5 BA colonial w/3252 s f FR w/neldstone FP formal DR w/hw fl Island kit w/waikln pantry Beautiful private yard w/lngr pool Fin bsmt & morel (44RAV2)


N O R T H V I L L E $ 4 2 9 ,0 0 0STUNNING NEUTRAL CONDO on the best dressed list! incl graniteCrown mldg Luxury Mstr Bath (80LY02)


2BRS 2 5 BAs Numerous upgrades 4 BR 3 BA col In Belleville Is lighting carpet & cabinets Extra lake on cui de sac 2 frplcs Luxury Mstr Bath (80LY02) cbnts Nice! Vacant (23M1

B E L L E V I L L E $ 3 7 9 ,9 0 0COZY COLONIAL' Spring your family into this

Island in kit view of new crptng oak



N O V I $ 3 6 4 ,9 0 0JU ST LISTED Fabulous private setting backing to protected woodlands & pond accent this 1995 built colonial Move in condition prof fin lower level Novi schools & more (A43352)


F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S $ 3 3 9 ,9 0 02000 BUILT HOME SITS ON 1 25 ACRES 2000 sq ft custom tile in fewer & kitchen neutral de cor Part of lot is wooded with stream (M29551)


L I V O N I A $ 3 3 9 ,0 0 0LOVELY HOME WITH LIVONIA SCHOOLS!Sprawling 4 BR quad on 1/2 acre cul de sac Florida room walk out floor to ceiling stone fire

autra! decorwalk out floor to ceil

place sprinklers New A/C neu (23B31861)


L I V O N I A $ 2 9 9 ,9 0 0JU ST LISTED Laurel Park colonial on one of the largest lots in sub Original owners have maintained and updated thru out (B37497)


L I V O N I A $ 2 9 9 ,9 0 0CUSTOM BUILT 2 YR OLD CAPE COD 3 BR2 5 BA 1st fir mstr ste w/jacuzzi tub & WIC Ig kit w/ceramlc firs 1st fir laundry & office GRw/ cath ceiling & gas FP 2 5 car attd garage (T15222)


L I V O N I A $ 2 7 5 ,0 0 0LOVELY BURTON HOLLOW CAPE COD Newsiding ft dr & gar dr Newer roof 97 replmt vinyl win updated kit w/all appl updated baths new carpet 98 Swim cib & elem school in sub Home warranty (12W002)

B R IG H T O N $ 2 7 4 ,9 0 0EXCEPTIONAL BRIGHTON LOCATION Beauti ful home on Ig cul de sac Great rm w/cath ceil mg & gas fireplace 2nd floor loft 2 bdrms & full bath 1st fir master ste Prof finished bsmt Many Upgrades (25AIR2)

z ;

C A N T O N $ 2 6 4 ,9 9 9RENOVATED FARM HOUSE Country living w/ all the Finest upgrades Beautiful cape c o d sty le with 4 BRs 2 BAs stone fireplace in great rm finished walkout basement and awesome lot (R814)


N O R T H V I L L E $ 2 6 4 ,9 0 0NORTHVILLE BEAUTY One owner 4 bedroom Northville beauty! Quality updates have been maintained Two baths cozy fireplace home office and a lovely private yard (32LAN2)


L I V O N I A $ 2 3 4 ,9 0 0COUNTRY INTHE CITY! 3 BR 2 BA 2004 sq ft ranch Updated kit & baths Extensive hardwood firs & wood work Newer windows roof paint New furnace A/C & HWH Move in ready! (23S9480)

734-455 7000

F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S $ 2 3 0 ,0 0 0CHARMING RANCH CONDO Lovely condo w/ 2 bd & 2 full ba Eat In kit Main fir laundry Well located w/prlv backyard & deck Incl appls Very sharp & neutral Close to downtown Farmington (56LAR2)

C A N T O N $ 2 0 9 ,9 0 0CHARMING SPACIOUS COLONIAL very open fir plan huge eat in custom kit large LR formal Dh mstr BR w/WIC & access to bath Newer rf wndws turn c/a Great lot w/patio & child s play gym (F43438)


L I V O N I A $ 2 0 9 ,9 0 0LOOKING FO R A BIG HOUSE FOR THE MONEY? 2169 sq ft 4 bedroom home m Livonia s States Streets subdivision Roof win dows A/C and much more are newer (M31845)

p c o - s m

U V O N I A $ 2 0 9 ,9 0 0LOCATION, QUALITY VALUE & CHARM! This 3 BR 1 5 BA brk ranch has it all Backs to na ture are Ail new rf wndws drs furn & ac New 2 5 car gar & 18x18 deck Appl stay Lndscpd & fenced (E 15075)


N O V I $ 1 9 7 ,9 0 0A W ELL CARED FOR HOME! A perfect blend of comfortable living In this nice 3 BR ranch Formal LR & DR cozy KIT w/ali appl nice patio and fenced yard (82LEB2)


C A N T O N $ 1 8 5 ,9 0 0THIS HOME IS A 10! Spotless 3 br 2 ba ranch w/ beautiful new oak kit 6 panel oak doors updated bath new windows roof and morelFamily rm has nat fp full bath in basement (20ALL2)

L I V O N I A $ 1 8 0 ,0 0 0HOW SW EET IT IS ! Updated eat In kit formal DR w/pantry 3 nice size bdrms large LR Part fin bsmt Mstr bdrm 1/2 bath updated bath 1/2 bath in bsmt 2 5 car gar Must see! (23W20032)

734-455 7000

N O V I $ 1 7 9 ,9 0 0OUTSTANDING NOVI OPPORTUNITY!! Great potential herel 3 bedroom home on nearly 3/4 acre lot! 2 Garages great for cars boats etc! Screened porch! Newer Roofl Novi Schools) Warranty! Fireplace! (50STA2)


W A Y N E $ 1 5 7 ,0 0 0GREAT FAMILY HOME Excellent 3 BR 2 BA brick ranch 2 car garage DR has bay windows overlooking lovely yard Finished bsmt w/ separate laundry area C/A new copper plumbing (G368)


L I V O N I A $ 1 5 3 ,0 0 0PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP SHOWS THROUGH-OUTTastefully decorated with an open floor plan lots of updates newer windows newer deck newer kitchen newer roof 1 5 car garage 1 year home warranty (A15101)


D E A R B O R N H E I G H T S $ 1 4 9 ,9 0 0UPDATES GALORE! New roof windows fur nace C/A nicely refinished hardwood floors professional paint job & new carpets part finished bsmt w/ glass block windows (R249)


W E S T L A N D $ 1 4 7 ,9 0 0POPULAR TONQUISH VILLAGE 3 Bedroom full brick ranch w/ full basement garage newer roof shingles newer cabinets & pantry in kitchen Your personal touch is all thats needed Hurry! (C661)


S O U T H L Y O N $ 1 3 8 ,0 0 0SUPER LOCATION! W/O END UNIT WITHFLA RM 2BRs 2 BAs Fam Rm with gas FP Att Gar 55+adult community lakepriv clubhouse all appliances fabulous scenery and privacy Hurry! (64CAM2)

C A N T O N $ 1 3 2 ,0 0 0SUPER SHARP CONDOI Popular end upper unit with vaulted ceilings Ig open kitchen with snack bar area master ste w/prvt bath This one Is in move in condition! (L42575)

C A N T O N $ 1 2 4 ,9 0 0EVERY ROOM UPDATED, feOME SEE!! 2 BRs2 Baths Updated mirrored doors kitchen

248-348-6430 PC&7 W 734-591-9200

fresh new paint Ready to move in today close to park feed the deer In your yard You will fail in love (L427)


R E D F O R D $ 1 1 4 ,9 0 0LOCATION, QUALITY, VALUE, & CHARM! 3 BRbungalow has It all Updates include rf furn ac bathroom elec vinyl siding All kitchen appliances stay along w/washer & dryer One yr home warranty (G17430)

W E S T L A N D $ 1 1 2 ,9 0 03 BEDROOM RANCH newer vinyl siding newer windows roof shingles ac Appliances included Newer brick patio A perfect starter home (B33632)

734-591-9200 P€078122- 734-591-9200

L I V O N I A $ 9 9 ,5 0 0BEAUTIFUL LIVONIA RANCH CONDOI Gorgeous 1 bedroom/1bath condo w/scenic view ofpond Close to shopping & highways Enjoy the luxury of the condo Swimming pool tennis court & clubhouse (55EIG2)


N O R T H V I L L ELEXINGTON COMMONS CONDO Comfort & convenience at a great price! 3 BRs 2 full & 2 half BAs spacious rms thru out LL Is a fin walk out 2 car attd garage Immed occupancy R826


W E S T L A N D $ 8 5,000JOB RELOCATION FORCES SALE Nicest unit in Greenview Newer windows gutters entry door furnace & C/A Finished basement offers family room study/exercise laundry storage ar eas (A236)


F A R M I N G T O N H I L L SWELCOMING RANCH WITH NUMEROUS UPDATES! Pleasant 3 BR 1 5 BA home w/new wndws ac roof updated kit & bathl Freshly painted! Par fin bsmt w/lav & glass block wndws Alt appliances stay!$187,500 28COR2

W E S T L A N D $ 7 1 ,9 0 0WOW! JU ST $71 900 Why rent when you can own this 2 bedroom full brick ranch condo with full basement private entry Some updates Appliances included No association fee (S246)


W E S T L A N DQUALITY, S TY LE , & SPACE 2 BR 2 5 BAtownhouse condo High ceilings m foyer & GR & open fir plan thru out Upgrades incl extensive hrdwd & ceramic firs oak kit cabs fin bsmt & morel Q6582$174,900 734-591-9200

I N K S T E R $ 6 9 ,9 0 0INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Tenant occu pied This spacious home rents for $650/Mo (Section 8) Good stable tenants Nice double lot Fenced W/2 car garage Newer roof (S363)


H O W E L LHOWELL CHARMER! Cute 3 BR Bungalow in downtown Howell Hdwdflrs new windows T/O new bathroom Lg Kit DR Bsmt private deck fenced yard 2 Car Gar w/wkshp & much morel 09JEW2$164,985 248-348-6430

S O U T H F I E L D $ 6 0 ,0 0 0WOW, WHAT A PRICE! 1 BR overlooking pool

with lots& above the clubhouse Private entryof storage Per........................................very quiet areaof storage Perfect Investment orplace to start

well maintained (H217)


W E S T L A N D3 BEDROOM W ESTLAND BRICK RANCH!Spacious DR & kit with appliances included* Par tially finished basement with tons of storage & glass block windows Newer roof wallslde win dows HWH 23V6349$144,900 734-455 7000

. CalJ Info Line at 888rREO-LIST, punch in the PC cod e #, get information! t=) [0

f H t e a

www.hometoivnlife.com0 2 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric j Thursday April 8 2004

AH Ads Run OnlineF R E E !

A Value Of Up To $87.00 w w w . h o m e t o w n l f f e . c o m

Apartmertts/Lfnfumished 4011 Apartments/Furnshed 4 6 ft - CondoaTownhouses

j $ 8 Duplexes 4^8 Rats 4858 Homes For Rent 406J Lakefront/Waterfront

Homes Rental4081 Mobile Homes Rentals 4098 Southern Rentals 4 1 0 8 Time Share Rentals 411! Vacation Resort/Rentals 4121 Living Quarters To Share 4141 Rooms For Rent

4208 HaJls/Bulld figs4210 Residence To Exchange4230 Commeraal/lndusirial4300 Garage/Mm Storage4400 Wanted To Rent4410 Wanted To Rent

Resort Proper4500 Fum tare Rental4569 Rental Agency4578 Property Management4580 Leasa/Option To Buy4599 House Sitting Service4620 Home Health Care4640 Mac To Rent


Exc Amenities & Service Super Move In

Specials Irom$471*

1 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhouse Apts

CANTON GARDEN APTS (734) 455 7440

www apartments com/ cantongardens

’ restrictions apply Unbeatable Value

Y o u 'r e

t e s t i m o n i a l

c o u l d b e a1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

W e s tla n d

E s t a t e s


No fine print in this ad

* Heat/Water included- $10 00 Application Fee!

]New R esid en t's Only

73 4 -7 2 2 -4 70 0

Rent Includes Heat fj&nd Vertical Blinds j£mctnttror1 year lease

Well maintained ^ Newly decorated features *Air conditioning

Refrigerator and range fcSmoke detectors ^Laundry facilities ★ Extra storage ^ Swimming pool 4 Cable available


LE X IN G TO NV IL L A G ESm all Pet Section

From $5601 75 and 14 Mile opposte

Oakland Mall2 4 8 - 5 8 5 - 4 0 1 0

_ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

^ R E S I D E N TM d is o n a p t s .

From $6054-block east of John R just ! south of Oakland Mail

2 4 8 -5 8 5 -0 5 8 0★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

H A R L O APTS.From $570

1 Warren Ml West s de of Mound Rd just

rrortb of 13 Mile Opposite GM Tech Center

5 8 6 -9 3 9 -2 3 4 0

C all to place y o u r ad at 1 -B 0 0 -5 7 9 - S E L L { 7 3 5 5 )


GREAT SPECIALS!Featuring our 2 bedroom townhome with retro floor plan open staircase cozy woodburning fireplace full basement private patio A must see1 Ask for Am y at

248 644 1300Bring This Ad in and Receive

$50 Off Move In Costs


To Qualified Applicants Studios and 1 & 2 bedrooms available m town Birmingham at the 555 Building

Call Mari 248 645 1191BIRMINGHAM


N O R E N T U N T IL M A Y 1 , 2004

403 E 14 Mile near Pierce Fully updated 2 bed/1 bath townhouse features all white kitchen w th hardwood look flooring full basement deck & one car garage with opener Only $975Maple Road Townes Maple at Columbia (east of Eton) Walk to downtown from these charming & updated 2 bedroom townhouses ($880) avail now 1 bedroom apt ($750) and 1 bedroom townhouse ($820) avail May 172 4 Grant Lincoln &Woodward area 2 bed/1 5 bath townhome features spacious rooms with nice closets private yard carport $ 1120 IN C LU D ES H EAT'

All have central AC 1 cat O K w/fee EHG

Cali The Beneicke Group weekdays at

(248) 642 8686 O R VIS IT O U R O P EN HOUSE

Thursday and Friday from 12 00 Noon to 5 pm at 425 E FO U R T EEN M ILE RD

CANTON3 bedroom all appliances air deck $1000/month

810 227 6733

C A N T O N A G re a t A p ts W

•Free Heat -Free Golf

FOR A LIMITED TIME1 Bed starting at $5692 Bed starting at $669

8 6 6 - 3 1 2 - 5 0 6 4

w i n n e r /


Spacious 1 & 2 Bed Apts Small Quiet Safe Com plex Ford Road near I 275

STARTING AT $585 (734) 981 1217

Dearborn EH OD e a r b o r n C l u b

’ Save$50/Month

(866) 534-3356www cmiproperties net

’ One bedroom apts

Dearborn Heights

S P R IN G J f IN TO 9



First visit $50 off six

months rent!( 3 1 3 ) 2 7 4 - 4 7 6 5

wwwyo kcommun ties com

Detroit$11 00 MOVES YOU IN IIITop of the Drive Apartments Spring Special Studios & 1 bedroom apartments Call 313 531 2260 Mon Frl 9 5 Saturdays 10-4 313 5312260

As members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, the METROPOLITAN CONSOLIDATED r ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is proud of our contributions in support of the FairHousing Act ami otherFair Housing Compliance programs

Our REALTORS® have led the housing industry m promoting fair housing

Farmington Grand River

Great Location Near Botsford Hospital

Livonia Mall and Downtown Farmington

with Clarencevilie School District


Limited Time Special 1 Bedroom Units

FROM $550Vertical blinds

carpetingHotpoint appliances

security system storage within apt

(Enter on Tulane 1 block W of Middlebelt

S side of Grand River) Model Open Daily 1 6

Except Wednesday

248 471-5020 586-775-8206

FARMINGTON HILLS1 bed 1 mo free'Spacious 1 & 2 bed Washer/dryer in unit $565 8700 (586) 254 9511

Farmington Hills SUPER LOCATION

Grand River/Orchard Lake STONERIDGE MANOR

APARTMENTS Enter off Freedom Road

W of Orchard Lake Road South of Grand RiverDeluxe 1 Bedroom

sub-level From $550/Mo

3rd month FR EEIncludes Carpeting

vertical blinds deluxe appliances

Mon Fri 9 4 Sat /Sun by appointment Rental Office 248/478 1437 Home Office 596/778 8206

Farmington Hills

f HAPPINESS ISMoving into a cozy 1 bed apt with R EDU CED RENT &

SECURITY DEP Carport & water

Included Starting at $545

C ED A R B R O O K E AP TS 248 4 78 0322

FARMINGTON HILLSThe Woodhues Large 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Walk in closets blinds carport includ ed 12 Mile & Orchard Lake area Starting at $640 per month 1 year iease oniy

248 763 4729

Farmington Hills EH OC h a t h a m H i l l s


$530R E D U C E D

R A T E S !(866) 266-9238

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Farmington Hills Spring into S avin g s

R E D U C E D R E N T S !

• Pets Live Free• Covered Parking• 24 hr Fitness Center• In home Washer/Dryer• Sparkling Pool• Short term & furnished


1 bedroom from $699*2 bedroom from $799*

D i a m o n d F o r e s t A p a r t m e n t s

Cailtoll free8 7 7 - 2 6 2 - 7 9 4 9dlamondforest com

’ For a very limited time on select units Call for details

mFarmington Hills

Best Apartment ValueT IM B E R ID G E

A P A R T M E N T S(N on Tuck Rd off 8 Mile

between Middlebelt & Orchard Lake Rd corner of Folsom)



includes appliances vertical blinds carpeting pool

optional carports

Model Open Daily 9 5

Rental Office 248 478 1487 Home Office 586 7 7 5 8206

C L A S S I F I E D SW O R K !

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5


23078 MiddlBbelt Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom Cental air car port available From $560

248 473 5180

Farmington HillsW A L N U T C R E E K700+ sq ft 1 Bedroom

Low Security Deposit STARTING AT S485/MO

Call (248) 961 2753

FARMINGTON MANOR APTSDeluxe studio & l< bedroom carport 1S T 3 M O N T H S R EN T 50% O F F' (With approved credit) 248 888 0868

FER N D A LE Ml2 Bed bath no pets Newiy remodeled includes den area 1min from I 75 Fans luciara antonelli@yahoo co m $650/mo 586 264 0360


To Qualified Applicants Studios 1 & 2 bedrooms

available In town Birmingham 555 S Old Woodward

Call Man (248) 645 1191

GARDEN CITY S FINEST1Quiet spacious 2 bedroom remodeled appliances air heat/water mcl 248 474 3005


S p r i n g F e v e r !

R E D U C E D R E N T S ! *

• Minutes from I 96• Dogs & Cats Welcome• Covered Parking• Fitness Center Pool• Extra Storage• SATISFACTION


1 Bedroom from $599*2 Bedtoom from $699*

W oodridgeA p a r t m e n t s

Call Toll Free Today( 8 8 8 ) 5 4 7 - 5 8 2 8

woodridgeapartments com ’ For a very limited time

on select units Call leasing office for details


14950 Fairfield 1 MONTH FR EE RENT'

1 Bedroom $615 Heat water wood floors

Private patio/balcony 734-516-0539

Livonia s Finest Location

M E R R IM A N W O O D S A P T SMernman Rd comer of


SPECIAL One Bedroom

Immediate OccupancyFrom $600 (

includes Patio or balcony carpeting vertical blinds deluxe appliances pool

248 4 7 7 9377 586 7 7 5 8206



O rch ard L a k e & M idd lebelt


1 & 2 Bedroom AptsAir Conditioning Pets Welcome

• Dishwasher• Microwave• Vertical Blinds• CarportsAvailable• 2 Pools• Fitness Center• Furnished Apts


248-682-2950OPEN 7 DAYS • MON FRI 8 30am-6pm • SAT 9am 5pm • SUN 12 5pm

W e s t l a n d ’s B e s t V a l u e . . .


1 M o n t h F t e e R e n t P l u s

$ 5 0 O f f 1 s t M o n t h R e n t a n d

R e d u c e d S e c u r i t y D e p o s i t *

O u r V a l u e P a c k a g e I n c l u d e s :• 1 and 2 Bedroom A p a rtm en ts

• H ea t/W a te r Included

• Cab le Ready

• P e t s W e lc o m eR E N T SF R O M ...We re proud to offer the m ost value for your m oney In W estland Cherry Hill near Merrlm an

*C a lt to r d e ta ils...

7 3 4 - 7 2 9 - 2 2 4 2

Madison Heights

QUIETAlmost soundproof 1 & 2 bedroom apts

Across from Oakland Mall at I 75 and 14 Mile


(next to the Micro Center Store)

1 bedroom from $5652 bedroom from $625 Carports • Dishwasher Disposal • Central air



MAY 1, 2004Charming small commum ty nestled in a wooded stream side setting We have a variety of unique 1 bedroom apartments and stunning lofts from only $675 All feature neutral decor blinds appliances covered parking EHO

Tree Top Apartments Call (248) 347 1690

Novi R d . north of 8 Mile

NORTHVILLE CONDORent to Own Will help

1st Time Buyers 1 bedroom just refurbished new app iiances Several Available $625-$695/mo 24hr message

(866) 237 2647 x21


MAY 1, 2004You re sure to love our beautifully remodeled huge 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with brand new designer kitchen and bAths individual washer/ dryers vertical blinds covered parking and more1 Affordable luxury from oniy $730 EHO


10 Mile West of Meadowbrook

„ _ j 2 4 8 } j 4 £ 9 5 9 l ^ _ i


Luxury You Can Afford


$90.00’ Restrictions apply

Free W asher and D ry e r in every hom e

N O V I2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 0 6 2 6

On Grand River between Meadowbrook & Novi Rd

W E S T L A N D7 3 4 - 4 5 9 - 1 7 1 1

On Newburgh Rd between Joy and Warren

Bring this ad and get $25 00 off application fee


A P A R T M E N T S• 2 bedroom 1 5 bath

to 116 0 sq ft• 3 bedroom 1 5 bath 1380

sq ft + full basementF R O M $ 7 8 8

Heat Included( 2 4 8 ) 9 6 8 - 4 7 9 2

Come See Our Renovated Kitchens

Ask about our move in Specials


From $580 Ask for Specials' (734) 455 1215

PLYMOUTH Newly remodeled units 3 bed lower $850 + utilities 2 bed upper $750+ utilities 517-404 6416

Plymouth EH OH i l i c r e s t C l u b

S t a n d a r d

$550R en ovated

$ 5 75F R E E H E A T

(866) 217-4106www cmiproperties net


Hop Over To Great Deals!

• Largest 1 & 2 Bedroom floorplans in Plymouth

• Pets Welcome• Piymouth/Canton schools• Fitness Center Pool• SATISFACTION


REDUCED RENTS!1 bedroom from $599*2 bedroom from $699*

T W i n A r b o r s A p a r t m e n t s

Toll Free( 8 8 8 ) 5 3 2 - 0 0 5 9

twmarborsapartments com ’ For a very limited time on

select units Call for details

PLYMOUTH PARK APTS 40325 Plymouth Rd

TWO MONTH FR EE R E N T !*1 bedroom from $600

Heat & water Walk in closets

734 416 5840 734 216 9164 ’ Some restrictions apply


Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom central air Carport Walk to shopping $555 $655

$200 Security Deposit with good credit

Call (734) 453 8811

/ Plymouth " ....1 "" ’ “ 'V.


S A V IN G SOne Month Free Rent.

p l u s1 s t v i s i t o n l y ,

$ 5 0 o f f 6 m o . R e n t !

FREE HEAT & WATERNewly Upgraded

1 & 2 Bedrooms

P l y m o u t h M a n o r P l y m o u t h H o u s e

Close to downtown Plymouth!

734 455 3880 .www yorkcommumtles com N

PLYMOUTH 1 & 2 bedroomStarting at $555 includes heat

laundry facilities (248) 446 2021

PLYMOUTH DUPLEXRedone 2 bedroom appli ances laundry $700/mo +utilities & deposit Ready now No pets (734) 459 0854


FIRST 3 MONTHS RENT1 & 2 bedroom central air pool From $580

734 455 6570PLYMOUTH Spacious Apts (13x18 living room) Heat & water mcl all appliances 1 bed $610/mo 2 bed $650/mo Avail Now' 1 yr lease Non smoking 734 453 0885R E D F O R D 2 4 75 7 5 Mile Quiet clean 1 bed $525 + dep Appliances/heat/water Mon Sat 11-6pm 313 945 0524

R E D F O R D A R EATelegraph 5 Mile

GALL FOR $99 SPECIALClean Quiet Building

Carpet walk in Closet Heat & Water Included

1 Bedroom $495 Credit Check & References

313 532 9234


• Washer/Dryer hook'• Self cleaning oven• Vertical Blinds• Swimming Pool• New Fitness Center• Pets Welcome• Furnished Apts


_ f s .GNJ

Cherry Hill

Cherry Hill at I 275

734-397-1080Open 7 Pays ts=5

Mon Frl 8 1 Sat 9aiti-5nm»Sun 12-5nm

A T R I U M P H O F S T Y L E From $600

( 7 3 4 ) 6 9 7 - 0 1 0 0Clubfachtes pools, tennis courts

a s t e r s ' li9 ht! E £microwave ovens exceptional r o i r u eG R A C IO U S arch teaure and iandscap iS U R R O U N D IN G S AN APARTMENT From $ 5 8 0 TRILOGY BY


( 7 3 4 ) 6 9 7 -4 3 4 3


From $ 5 7 5 ( 7 3 4 ) 6 9 9 -3 5 5 5

Equal H ousing *Execut ve unitsOpportunity v c o tp o r a tw n ^ available

w w w s l a t k i n c o r p c o m Ju st W est o f I 94 a n d I 275 In te rch an g e

AU lo c a te d in B ellev ille /V an B u re n j u s t o f f th e N I 94 Service Drive 1/4 m ile W est o f H aggerty R d Exit

. M inutes from Ann Arbor Canton, Livonia and M etro Airport ^

( j ) ( g )

ROYAL OAK Between 12 & 13 Mile off Coolidge 1 bed room apt newly redecorated carpet $540/mo Heat & water included

(248) 488 2251RO YAL OAK

downtown beautifully remod eled 2 bedroom hardwood floors C/A laundry parking $ 7 9 5 / m o 2 4 8 5 3 5 4 0 4 3 www apartmentsroyaloak com

Westland34630 G LEN W O O D


1 Bedroom $530 Heat & Water Included


$11 08(with good credit)

California Style Apts

SOUTH LYO N Condo style apts 2 & 3 bedroom newly renovated 1st month F R E E rent Starting at $695 per mo 248 231 5563


Huge Apartments & Town Homes

1 2 & 3 Bedroom From $800

Ask About oar Specials• Heat wafer carport

included• Free Health Club• Night Gatekeeper• Heated Pool• Private Balcony• Short Term Leases

Close to Birmingham Shopping and Freeways

248-647-6100Le t us fax you our brochure


TELEG R APH ORCHARD LAKE AREA $99 moves you in must have established job & good credit 1 bedroom start mg at $495 Heat & water mcl Clean quiet area Ask about our S P R IN G S PEC IAL!

248 334 1 878W ESTLAND

1 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available Great apts’

Please call (734) 449 0966

Westland EH OH u n t i n g t o n o n

t h e H i l l

$99M o v e s

Y o u In!(866) 395-0746

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Come See Why! We Are Almost Full!

1 Bedrooms for $535 Includes heat & water

H u rry * Spe cials E n d S oo n

7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 0 5 0 0




m$ 9 9 D E P O S I T

One Month Free Rentplus 1s t visit

$50 offS ix m o .'s rent.On One bed s only



1 & 2 bedroom apts some with fireplace


( 7 3 4 ) 2 6 1 - 7 3 9 4wwwyorkcommunit es com

• 1 bedroom from $565• Heat & water included• Cathedral ceilings• Balconies• Carport• Fully carpeted• Vertical blinds• Great location to malls « Livonia school system

(734) 261 5410W ES T LA N D

F O R E S T LA N EOn Wayne Rd near Ford Rd

TWO MONTH FR EE R ENT!*Studio $520

1 Bedroom $5752 Bedroom $610 Free Heat & Water

*S om e restrictions apply7 3 4 - 7 2 2 - 5 1 5 5

/ Westland Park Apts ^2 M O N T H S

F R E E R E N T !1st month $300

2nd and 4th month FR EE $2(tt Security Deposit

$20 00 off per month for1 year on select apts

(new residents only with approved credit)

2 Bedroom 1 5 bath 936 sq ft $650

2 Bedroom 2 bath 936 sq ft $670

1 bedroom 1 bath 700 sq ft $575

Heat/water included Very clean apartments

excellent maintenance Central air vertical blinds

intercom Appliances Include dishwasher Remodeled laundry

facilities in each building No pets

x (734) 729-6636 /




n mF R E E R E N T I Plus 1s t Visit

$50 off six months Rent!


N E W B U R G HLarger Apartments

1 & 2 Bedroom plans• Playground Area

• Pool & Clubhouse*• Carport included

( 7 3 4 ) 7 2 9 - 5 0 9 0www yorkcommunltlss com

For the best auto classifications check out the Observer & Eccentric Newspaper It sail about


S p r i n g i n t o S a v i n g s

W i t h 1 m o F r e e R e n t

+ $ 3 3 9 M o v e In

- Heat & Water Paid

W E S T E R N H I L L S A P T S C a li 7 3 4 -7 2 9 -6 5 2 0

Open Mon Frl Sam 5pmW E S T L A N D - 1 bedroom peaceful bldg heat & water cable ready $510/mo+ secu rity 248 553 4522

D EAR B O R N HEIGHTS A R E AB e a u t if u l 1 , 2 & 3 B e d r o o m

2 B E D R O O M , 2 B A T H V IL L A24-Hour Gatehouse Pets Welcome Vertical Blinds Air Conditioning Fitness Center Sw im m ing Pool Furnished Apts available

Open 7 Days Mon Fn 8 30am-6 00pm Sat 900am5 00pm Sun 12noon-5 00pm on selected floor plans

B E E C H D A L Y S O U T H O F C H E R R Y H I L L C £ l

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( D b s e n r e r i n i m i 'i i lAll Ads Run Online

F R E E !A Value Of Up To $87.00

w w w . k o m e t o w n l if e . c o m ^

Observer & Eccentric [ Thursday April 8 2004 ( * ) Q 3

-Apartments/*- ™ - Furnished ’ ■ r

Birmingham • IMovi Royal Oak • Troy


• Monthly Leases• Immediate Occupancy• Lowest Rates• Newly DecoratedSUITE LIFE248-549-5500

B L O O M F I E L D H I L L SNewly furnished 2 bed 2 bath with washer/dryer avail for short term lease

W H ETH ER S FIELD APTS 248 645 0026

BLOOMFIELD LAKESShort term large studio t & 2 bedroom apts fully fur mshed includes dishes linens and household items m small quiet complex next to park Rents from $800 includes heat & water

248 681 8309

BURLINGTON APTS1 1 1 1 N Old Woodward has short term and month to month lease arrangements during renovations to transform Birmingham s f nest into Woodward Place of Birmingham Condomm lums For leasing info call

(248) 646 111 1

SO UTHFIELD Furn shed lower 1 large bed apt patio spacous 12 Mile & Lahser $800 (248) 354 6858

CondDs/Townhouses ( j )


See our ad under Apartments for Rent Birmingham

The Bene eke Group (248) 642 8686

BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom 1 5 bath Pool appliances & water included New wmdows/car pet $995 248 318 7656

BLOOM FIELD HILLS 2 bedroom Lakefront Renovated Carport Heat incl $120Q/mo 248 891 1918 248 891 4203

BLOOM FIELD HILLS 1 bedroom 1 bath like new cond $950 furnished $800

unfurnished No smoking No pets Ask for Cindy

Hall & Hunter (248)644 3500

CANTON Large 3 bed 1 5 bath townhouse Ideal location Remodeled n 2000 Reduced to $990 734 320 1846

C L A W S O NNear 14 M le & Crooks Spacous 2 bed oom 1 1/2 baths features private entrance & yard carport basement central air & neu tral decor Only $895 1 cat OK With fee M OVE IN R EN T FR EE U N T IL M AY 1 2004 EHO

THE 8ENEICKE GROUP (248) 642 8686

Farmington End unit ranch condo 2 bedrooms 2 baths enclosed porch carport wash er dryer dishwasher ncluded Elderly community must be 62 $950/mo 248 736 6649


14 Mile at Orchard Lake Road 2500 sq ft 2 bedroom 2 1/2 baths all appliances ncludmg washer & dryer Garage park mg $1755 per month

Call (248) 585 0800

FARMINGTON HILLS CONDONice 1 bed 1 bath living

room dining room kitchen pool Clean No Pets $600/mo (248) 496 3797

LIVONIALuxury 3 bedroom town

house $ 1300/mo No pets Call (248) 4 7 7 0189

MILFORD Brand new luxury w/appliances 1700 sq ft 3 br for $1 250/mo Near GM 248 681 712 2 248 396 4030

NOVI Sharp 2 B ED R O O M TO W N H O U S E NEW KITCHEN1 CAR G A R A G E $825/mo 39766 Village Wood Circle N of 9 Mile & Haggerty Re/Max Classic 248 476 6498

NOVI AREA Close to free way/mall 2 bed 2 bath 1100 sq ft newly decorated Natural fireplace bsmt attached garage $1100/mo Avail May 1st 586 725 6079

NOVI Townhome/ Detached Condo

3 bed 3 5 bath finished walk out bsmt poo' golf comm $1800/mo + 1 1 / 2 sec dep

Call Randy the Realtor 313 320 5810

RE/M AX 100 248 348 3000

TROY Northfield Hills Updated2 bedroom 1 5 bath fireplace pool $1350/mo incl heat 248 310 5651 248 641 7506

W ALLED LAKE 3 bedroom ranch 2 full baths bsmt part ly finished w/bath carport $1000/mo (248) 669 9278

INKSTER 2 bed duplex Completely updated $650/mo + $650 security 4329 Yorkville 734 72 2 6573

LIVONIA Clean 2 bedroom garage $775/mo plus securi ty (248) 3 77 1596

PLYMOUTH Walk to townTri plex 1 bedroom appl ances air parking $625+ $1038 security 248 661 5141

PLYMOUTH FREE RENT2 bedroom appliances base ment decorated fiex lease (734) 658 3066

ROYAL OAKLower unit $850/mo Ava able May 1 2 bed 1 bath washer & dryer included 1 mile to downtown (248) 444 7035

R O Y A L O A K148 A m e la Approximate y 1550 sq ft + full basement 2 huge bedrooms 1 1 / 2 baths formal dining room fireplace central air hookups for wash er & dryer Pets A R E wel come $1200/mo

(248) 354 9119 Ext 206

DiTjlle xTs"*

R O Y A L O A K ( N o r t h )

L u x u r y T o w n h o u s e3531 Kent Court 2 bed room 11/2 bath luxury townhouse with fireplace air basement with hookups We Love Pets $820

(248) 354 9 119 Ext 206

R O Y A L O A K L u x u r y T o w n h o u s e

2706 Rochester Rd 1 bed room loft 11/2 bath luxury townhouse with fireplace air full basement with hookups and we Absolutely Adore Pets $820

(248) 354 9 119 Ext 206..............................................................t

W AYNE 1 bedroom $525 $800 security utilities mclud ed No pets 73 4 427 7545W ESTLAND Immaculate 2 bedroom appliances fenced no pets or Section 8 $575/mo + security 734 722 7113W ESTLAND 2 Bedroom full basement New furnace/air Ultra clean move right in From$645/mo Ask about our special 734 721 8111W ES T LA N D Norwayne area Mernman & Palmer Rd 32029 Cheboygan immediate occupancy 3 bed s carpet ing Is tflo o r laundry Close to Schools $675/mo & sec deposit C EN T U R Y 21JO H N C O L E (313) 937 0804

W ESTLAND2 bedroom Clean

Move m special Under $640 Call 73 4 416 9799

B ELLEV ILLE2 bed 1 bath Updated kit chen w/all appliances bsmt w/washer dryer hook ups fresh paint & hardwood floors 1 yr Sec /ref Avail 4/1/04 $6QQ/mo

Tina 73 4 416 8736 Coldwell Banker Preferred

F E R N D A L E Charming 2 bed lower w/many 1920 s features Wood floors leaded glass air laundry sunroom dishwasher garage $865 + utilities (248) 548 5946FER N D A LE Large pristine 2 bed tower in great area Wood floors C/A fireplace new kitchen breakfast room finished basement laundry garage N e e yard! Walk to downtown $985/ut lities

(248) 548 5946FER N D A LE Perfect 2 bed lower w/many amemtes & updates Red oak floors fire place C/A laundry screened porch garage great storage walk to downtown $915 pus u t lt e s (248) 548 5946FER N D A LE 2 bed lower w/laundry $ 775 includes water (248) 670 1208

PLYMOUTH OOWNTOWNSmall 1 bedroom appliances washer/dryer air all utilities No pets $550 248 345 2552ROCHESTER 2 Bed lower flat wood floors p ivate bsmt Garage Ig patio $650/mo

ShareNet (248) 642 1620

ROYAL OAK 1 bed lower new ktchen & bath wood floors thru out vinyl windows $625/mo incl ut litres No smoklng/pets 248 399 7580

Homes ForRenl

BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom 1 bath bungalow 784 Bird off Pierce $900/mo Avail May 1 248 933 5436 248 676 2003

BIRMINGHAM Updated 2 5 bedroom 1 5 bath clean Avail April $1300

248 835 9830

BIRMINGHAM 3 bed airappliances fireplace deck 2 5 car garage $1500/mo Non smoking (248) 356 9475

BIRMINGHAM Bungalow appliances dining bsmt pets ok $800/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 248 373 R EN T

BIRMINGHAM Colonial C/A appliances bsmt 2 oar ga rage $1000/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 248 373 REN T

BIRMINGHAM 3 bed 2 1/2bath fireplace 2 car 1999 renovation 1900 sq ft 851 Oakland 248 644 3147

BIRMINGHAM 3 bedroom2 car garage air conditionedfireplace 488 Harmon $2500/mo 313 570 9626

BIRMINGHAM 1244 Emmons3 bedroom ranch 2 car garage fenced yard centra air $ 1 150/mo M O V E IN R EN T F R E E U N T IL MAY 1 2004 EH O

The Beneicke Group 248 642 8686

BLOOM FIELD3Bed garage appliances 1/2 acre Birmingham Schools $1 175/m o 248 8 77 9823

Bloomfield Kills Gate House1400 sq ft 2 bedroom den on 5 acre estate appl ances utilities No pets nosm okng Professtonai adults $1275 per month 248 855 1831

B LO O M F IE LD TWP$1500/mo 2000 sq ft 3 bed ranch in desirable area of Bloomfeld This home has a walkout bsmt and is located on 2 private acres For info please contact jeamne Realty Executives Group 586 531 5038

CANTON North 2200 sq ft beautiful 4 bedrooms garage great schools $1500/mo plus un ite s Call (734) 354 1930

CANTON Fantastic 2 bedroom 3 level duplex near Ford & Sheldon 2 year lease No pets $797/mo 734 484 7223

CANTON (N) Histor c 3 bed room 2 bath 2 car garage on 3 acres Plymouth Schools $1500/mo 734 453 9350

Canton Livonia WestlandRent 2 own No bank qualifiy

Cal 734 422 0419 or vis t www cjgpropert esme com

C A N TO N Beautifully updated all appliances more Large fenced yard Won t last $1540/mo (734) 516 110 7

Commerce Twp 3 bed famify room new kitchen wood floors bsmt lake privileges Lease $995/mo 248 363 5681

COMMERCE TWP Small 3 bed ranch w/lake & beach privi leges Appliances Fenced No basement or garage 15mo lease $960 248 360-4744

DEARBORN Co on a bsmt appl ances fenced for pets $750/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 734 513 R EN T

DEARBORN HEIGHTS (North) Beech Daly & warren 3 bed bsmt garage $950/mo

(248) 478 3144

DEARBORN HEIGHTS2 4 bedroom all appliances pets O K $750 $1200 plus security 248 346 3450

DEARBORN HGTS Finished bsmt garage 2 baths $750/mo Small charge R EN T A L P R O S 734 513 R EN T

DEARBORN HTS 3 Bed finshed bsmt large yard

$800/mo + sec(517) 545 1600

DEARBORN Calhoun St 3 bed garage bsmt

$fOOO/mo 0 down Rent to Own (248) 615 4653

FARMINGTON Unique 2 bed 1 1 / 2 Story showplace wood ed appliances $535 + utili ties Pet fee 248 357 1132

FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bedbsmt 2 car garage pets neg $825/mo Small charge R EN T A L PR O S 248 356 R EN T

Farmington Hills 3 bedroom 1 bath brick ranch double lot private yard $1150/mo Owner/agent 248 390 8553

FARMINGTON HILLS3 bedrooms 2 baths C/A basement $1100/month plus security 734 421 5077

FARMINGTON HILLS Ranch appliances pets neg $635/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 248 356 R EN T

Farmington Hills Sharp 2 bed fenced yard

$650/mo plus security Credit check 248 9 77 9218

Farmington Hills/Livonia1200 sq ft 3 bedroom 2 bath appliances fenced yard $1100 (248) 342 0314

Farmington Hills Schools$990/mo 3 bed garagefenced yard Very clean

Call Todd A Smith at RE/M AX Class c 248 449 6263

FARMINGTON HILLS 3 bed932 sq ft 1 5 car garage fenced yard 9 Mile & Middle belt $950/mo 248 763 6151

FARMINGTON Wheeler St3 bed completely updated$650/mo 0 down Rent toOwn (248)615 4858

GARDEN CITYVery cozy 2 bed ranch

$850/mo 734 697 1321

Garden C tyB A D C R E D I T ?


A N Y A R E A 1Short term employment

OK Bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson

METRO FINANCE 248 709 2244

GARDEN CITY 3 bed appti ances fenced water paid $750/mo Small charge R E N T A L PROS 73 4 513 R EN TINKSTER 29643 Glenwood $725/mo 3 Bed bsmt S of Cherry HII & M ddlebelt

Dave 248 476 6498 agentINKSTER Remodeled 3 bed room ranch garage immedi ate occupancy option to buy aval able $750 248 788 1823


Programs Available All areas (248) 615 4858

LIV O N IA 3 bedroom ranch Rosedale Gardens woodfloors 1 car garage bsmt all appliances fenced yard deck all updated 1 5 mo security $1200 Eves 248 669 5424LIV O N IA 3 bedroom home Middlebelt & Plymouth Rd 1/2 acre fenced in basement appliances (7 3 4 )2 0 7 5123LIVONIA Brick bsmTgarage appliances fireplace $850/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 73 4 513 R EN TLIVONIA Floral Ave 3 bed 1 5 bath garage updated 0 down $975/mo Rent to own or FOR S A L E 313 362 0120MELVINDALE Sharp 2 bed room ranch 2 5 car garage immedate occupancy option to buy $650 248 788 1823NOVI Country like sub close to everything 3 4 bed 1 5 baths 2 car attached garage Light brght & updated 1750 sq ft 1 rro security & cred it report Call Sandy Keller Wi hams 248 567 3818

OUR CHARITYGifts your down payment

for your home (248) 615 4858

PLYMOUTH TWP 3bedroom 1 bath ranch Attached garage Fenced yard $ 1125/mo

24B 735 5464PLYMOUTH Downtown 3 bednew carpet enclosed porch Small pets considered $1100 + securty 73 4 453 8375RED FO R D Brick colonial bsmt appliances fenced yard $700/mo Small charge R E N T A L PR O S 248 356 R EN TREDFORD Newly remodeled ranch appliances pets wel come $775/mo Small charge R EN T A L PROS 248 356 R EN T

RedfordB A D C R E D I T ?


A N Y A R E A 'Short term employment

O K Bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson

METRO FINANCE 248 709 2244

R E D F O R D S 3 bed brick finished bsmt C/A garage $900/mo Sma I charge R EN T A L PROS 248 356 R EN T

R ED FO R D 3 bedroom 2 5 bath garage/basement

$0 down $850/mo (248) 615 4858RENT TO OWN

PROGRAMS AVAILABLECall for details (248) 615 4653

’RbW cs'FQfReht r‘'"*

ROYAL OAK 3 bed 1 bath fire place all appliances large front porch bsmt fenced yard $ 1250/mo 248 647-4719

ROYAL OAK Near downtown4 bedroom 2 bath A I appli ances c a f replace finished bsmt newly renovated $1500 Margaret 248 709 8224

mmcginnity@comcast net

R O Y A L O A K N o r t h2 70 7 Rochester Road 3 bed room 1 1/2 bath tri level with good storage Nice yard Central air hook ups for w ash ers dryer Pets are wel come $1000/mo

(248) 354 9 119 Ext 206

5 R ED FO R D Spotless 2 3 bed brick bungalow stove refrigerator super clean bsmt 2 car garage $1100/mo + security (734)427 5105 agent

SOUTHFIELD 3 bed brick appliances fenced Section 8 ok $850/mo Small charge R E N T A L P R O S 248 356 REN T

T R O Y LUXURY3000ft house on 2 acres 4 bed 3 5 bath 2 master suites greenhouse garage new kitchen ceramic & hard wood floor $1 950/mo+utili ties 248 703 5383

W ATERFORD Tull St 3 bed 2 bath bsmt garage 0 down $975/mo or FO R S A LE

(734) 405 2414

W AYNE 3 bedroom br ck ranch finished bsmt garage immediate occupancy option to buy $900 248 788 1823

W ESTLAND2 bedroom $?25/mo

Great Location! Please cali(734) 449 0966

W ESTLAND3 bedroom 1 bath $0 down $600/mo

(248) 615 4653

W ESTLAND 3 bed air fin ished bsmt remodeled $750/mo Small charge R E N T A L P R O S 734 513 REN T

W ESTLAND 3 bed bungalow fenced new carpet $785/mo Small chargeR E N T A L P R O S 734 513 REN T

W ESTLAND Option to buy 4 bed 2 bath 1700 sq ft home Livonia schools $1400/mo (734) 338 2009

W ESTLAND 2 bed totally renovated 2 1/2 car garage fenced no pets 1648 Elias $825/mo $ 1237 security

73 4 722 5075

W ES TLAND Act Now>(Merrm an/Palm er) nice clean 3 bedroom duplex 1 5 baths carpet $700/monthly 313 418 9905

WHY RENTWhen you can buy a home for Zero down All areas

(248) 615 4856

WHY RENTWhen you can rent to own

All areas (248) 615 4653


Everyone will qualify (248) 615 4858

'H o M s F o r W r i r


•NO CREDIT0 Down Loans

Everyone Quallfes (248) 615 4653

Lakefront/Waterfront Homes Rental

WATERFORO Lotus Ikfront 3 bed 2 bath sunroom 2 car garage bsmt appl ances fire place C/A 2 decks dock boat hoist $14Q0/mo + $2000 security (248) 623 2073


BIG G LEN LAKEFRONT2 bedroom cottage full housekeeping in Glen Arbor $1000 weekly 734 454 0608

CHARLEVOIX LAKEFRONTCondos sleeps 2 8 pool air cable beach jacuzzi 248 363 3885 248 855 3300CHARLEVOIX 3 bed sleeps 8 + crib 1 5 bath 2 blks to Lake Ml No smokers/pets $850 734 459 4294HARBOR SPRINGS 3 bedroom 2 bath home on the bluff Walk to town & beach Weekly or monthly June August (248) 922 0544HIGGINS LAKE Lakefront cabin 2 bedrooms sleeps 6 microwave dshwasher satel life TV 73 4 451 0735M U LLETT LAKEFRONT COT TAGE 3 bedroom 1 1 / 2 bath year round home 124 white sandy private beach sleeps 8 Available May & June $1250/wk July & August $1350/wk (734) 525 6668Petoskey/Crooked Lakefrontranch condo sleeps 6 Garage newly renovated spacious great views $2800/mo 2 mo minimum 248 363 6 8 17

W ALLOON LAKE HOME160 frontage 6 mi S of Petoskey Sleeps 10 3 bed 2 5 bath Call 248-373 5851

Living Quarters To i S K Share W

LIVONIA Mature non smoking woman must like cats $350/mo including utilities + sec dep (734) 591 2165Plymouth area very nee home new appliances $400/ including utilities 21 31 pre ferred Brian (734) 674 8015Wayne Will share 3 bed room home prefer older gen tleman $85 per week includes all utilities 73 4 516 4972W ES TLAN D Finished bsmt garage separate bath $450/mo (734) 72 1 4357W IXOM Single professional man looking for professional to share household expenses Dog & kids negotiable

73 4 674 8073

Rooms For Rent

REDFORD AREAResponsible workng person $85 per week

Call 313 534 0109REDFORD AREA employed kitchen & laundry privileges c a $85/wk Security deposit/$85 313 534 2084

T R IP LE A D E LU X E M O T E L *A/C Jacuzzi in rooms maid * service HBO Lo w dally/wkiy s rates aTel 96 Inn 313 535 4190 *Royal Inn 248 544 1575 * 3 *


AM ERICENTERS , \Furnished Windowed Offices * Conference Rooms K * H gh Speed Internet Access *

Troy Livonia Bloomfield Hiffe5 s Southfield 73 4 462 13 13 ?

FARMINGTON AREAOffice/Warehouse space k a

150 5500 sqft Call Bruce, J for appt (248) 739 1 15 0 g

FARMINGTON Downtown 600sq ft ground floor + o lh e iS t* Low gross rent incl a t # ® ® * parking etc 248 4 76 2 0 5 (f

FARMINGTON HILLSGrand River & 10 Mile ^

Retail Space 1300 4480 s q ft *


% -■

FARMINGTON HILLSOffice Space Available

860 sq ft & up Several Locations


(248)471 7100 \

LIVONIA O FFIC E C E N T E R S1200 s q ft Individual suite la starting at S250 4 months i f free & 0 deposit Ideal fort# dentist office /

Mobile 313 920 5966 =*

MIDDLEBELT/14 M ILE1 5 suites terms negotiable 4 Ely or Kris @ 248 626 3800

etamaStbrcpa com ; |PLYMOUTH DOW NTOW N |1

525 s q ft suite & 1430 sqf( ® suite Ample parking ,Call 734 455 73 73 for info «

R E D F O R D T W POffice Space 2 3 Rooms

Beautifully redecorated * Private entry & bathroom

Includes all utilities <*- CERTIFIED R EALTY ING •

(248)471 7100


Office available in suite t o c $ - * , ed in Somerset area office bldg Rent mci receptig^ service use of library coitfefs ence room copying facslmV>' le etc Excellent parking fa c |> ities Call Sandy G em w r*'# (248) 643 6654 *

Commercial/lndiistrial j f l H For Reni/Lease W

Redford Warehouse & office ^ space for lease Order fulfill >» ment receiving and dehVerytv available Call 800 521 0363" {

Lease/Oplion To Buy G w

F O R L E A S EI 275 exposure Offices frofn i 168 2 700 s q ft mo to fob leases available

J A Bloch & Co/Gach Realty- (248)559 7430 f <?,

O b s e r v e r entricAll Ads Run Online

A Value Of Up To $87.00 w w w . k o m e t o w n k f e . c o m

5000. Help Wanted-General5010. Help Wanted

Compute /Info Systems

t i n t

J o b s m i l l

C a n t e r s

Office Clerical 5030. Help Wanted

5W0 Help Wauled Denial5080 Help Wanted Meoica

5100 Help WantedHealth S Fitness

5110 Hep wanted Professional 5120 Hep Wanted Salts5200 He p Wanted Part Tme5240 Hep Wanted Domestic5260 Hep Wanted Couples

5300 Help Wanted Entertainment5328 Students

5360 Childcare Servces- licensed

-5370 Ch Idcare'MysIt&ng Services

5380 Childcare Heeded5400 E deity Care& Assistance5420 Nurs ng Care & Homes5500 Summer Camps 5600 EducatioiMructon 5620 Business & Professional

Services5700 Attomeys/Legal Counseling 5720 Help Wanted Tax Serv ces 6740 Bus ness Opportunities

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

Help Wanled-General H W

PAINTERS NEEDEOReliable Responsible Good Transportation

Cali after 7pm 248 933 8954

Ashley Distributionis Looking for Drivers to Run Regional based out of our Romulus

Ml location We offer the following

*Paid Vacation "Daily Salary "Load Pay

*Drop/Pick Up "Weekly Home Time

"Superior Benefits pkg "Late Model Equipment

Requirements Are Class A CDL w/1 yr OTR Exp Must meet

DOT & Co Requirements

Call 1 800 837 2241 To Find Out More

Help Wanted-General


Full time position at Green Hill Apartments in Farmington Hills Opportunity to work with professional apartment management & marketing team Experience preferred Cali (313) 565 9850 or fax resume to (313) 565 5807 or

E mail ]ob@iizms com

★ A S S I S T A N T M A N A G E R /

C L E A N E RAssist the Manager n managing and maintaining an apartment community in Dearborn Hgts Reward mg opportunity to join a top property management teamFax Resume 313 2 74 7534

Cali 313 274 4765


of Oakland County has the following positions now open Valet parkers door atten dants and concierge needed for prvate country clubs private residents offee bu Idings restaurants and private fu n d ons Must have a great & outgoing personalty and clean drvmg record All s h fts available mclud ng management positions 248 322 4494 or apply on line www greatlakesvalet com

Help Wanted-General

AUTOChevrolet Sales Leasing pos to n available for sales profes sional Looking for proven top performer Guarantee ava I abie for the right candidate• 401k• BC/BS• Top Commission Structure• Life Oentai Eye care• Demo Program• Top C S I• 5 Day work week• Great Community• Many bonus programs

Call today for interview appointment

Lou LaRiche Chevrolet 1 800 335 5335

Ask for Tony Wasil or Ron Chaudoin


Experienced interior cleaners & polishers Apply at 18401 W Warren Rd 313 271 1084


C R ES T W O O D D O D G E(734) 421-5700

C L A S S I F I E D SW O R K '

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5

AUTO PORTERLarge Westslde Ford dealer looking for the right individual We offer exc pay plan & ben efit package Blue Cross den tal prescription vision matching 4 0 1 K life and dis ability insurance paid vaca tion and a five day work week Great driving record a must Appfy in person only to Dan Troost at Pat Milliken Ford ELC L L C 9600 Telegraph Redford

AUTO PORTERneeded for westside used car department Must be reliable with good driving record Apply to Je ff Norris used car manager Livonia Chrysler Plymouth 3 0 7 7 7 Plymouth Rd Livonia

A U T O TEC H N IC IAN S C R ES T W O O D D O D GE(734) 421-5700


This is a golden opportunity for the right person We re a small shop m Livon a that has been m business for 25 years We are look ng for an experienced certified tech M F from 8 30 to 5 30 Pad holidays as well as paid vacation after one year

Please contact Joe @734 522 7333 248 4 1 7 8876

Help Wanted-General F w

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANSAdecco Technical currently has openings in Canton for Automotive Technicians Mechanic experence and computer literacy a must A S E Cert a plus Call for mmediate consideration 248 530 0600 ext 22 or fax 248 530 0047

AUTOM OTIVE W AREHOUSE COUNTERPERSON Must have computer & counter sales exp Call Dave (3 13 )2 73 5021

CAKE DECORATORWanted for busy Costco Warehouse full time must be experienced benef ts Apply in person Ask forBrad

734 464 6399

C A N V A S S A R SMichigan s leading home improvement co Is looking for full time self motivated can vassars Pay range is $350 $1600 wkly Overtime & paid training available Sales expe rience preferred but not nec essary Contact Director Brian Brooks at 734 748 9790 or Dave Jones 734 634 6575

C ARPENTER INSURANCE REPAIR Exp required Own tools Must be versatile Trans portation required Wages based upon exp Permanent full time posit on Fax resumes to 248 353 9701

CARPENTERExp d Carpenter wantedCall 248-546-4650

CARPENTERS Rough tram ing mm 2 yrs experience Good pay 40 hrs Full time applicants only 810 343 2932

Help Wanied-General


Immediate opening Must be 3a & core certified Apply inSarson Fri April 9 9 3pm

Ir Green Lawn Care 8551 Ronda Cantor N/Joy between Haggerty & Lilley in TIG Industrai building


Part time Wiling to tram Exams x rays front off ce Must be reliable flexible team player $10 an hour to start

Cali for more details (248) 644 9495

CHRISTIAN ED DIRECTOR& Mid High Leader 2 Part time postions Novi church Fax to (248)349 5716

CLERICAL EXPDetail or ented persons with people skills & multi tasking abilities General office & some computer skills neces sary We will tram $9/hr Full time w/benefits Flex time available Fax resume 734 522 5463 Attn Suzanne

CNC M ILL HAND5 yrs exp Mazak exp helpful DEVLIEG BORING MILLHAND5 yrs exp Established clean well tooled air conditioned shop Offering good wages 401 (K) and medical

Apply atHawk Tool & Machine

29183 Lorie Lane Wixom 248 349 0121

A word to the wise when looking for a great deal check the

Observer & Eccentric Classifieds!

p l I B I I B I m 1

a H p p i j M i, ' 7 ' j h l : C i e : :

1 "I1 * G m f t

f t o W s W a n t Y o u '

L e a s i n g S p e c i a l i s t

P r o p e r t y M a n a g e r s

M a i n t e n a n c e T e c h

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e

A s s i s t a n t s

A s s i s t a n t M a n a g e r s

S e r v i c e M a n a g e r s

O p e n fr o m 3 t o 7

A p p l y at

I n d e p e n d e f t c e ■.

Help Wanted-General

' C N C M I L L O P E R A T O R

Exp on 3D contour mold milling only need apply

13050 Inkster Rd Redford S of 96


Semi experience flat bed C D L qualified for OTR Competitive wage & bene fits Cal! 734 326 6900

Fax 734 326 7220

COORDINATORFor Southfield wholesaler Fashion jewelry hats & wigs Training provided Start mmediately (248) 262 6811

REAL-ESTATE =a t i t ’ s b e s t !

< D b s «w r£ f Hctteuftit

Customer Service Part Tim e Hours

Shurgard Storage Centers needs 4 energetic Part Time Store Associates $9 $10 per hr to start Must have• Basic computer skills• Saies/Customer Service

experience• Current drivers license• Reliable transportation Flexible hrs including some weekends and holidays No nights Must consent to background check mclud ng DMV/Credit/Criminal

Email resume to andrewk@shurgard com

Or fax resume to 734 455 0 772

Help Wanled-General

Custom er Service Representative

Tapco international s seeking a self motivated & experienced ndividua! for a fast paced call and processing center Pro ven customer service skills & typing 35 WPM are required All cand idates must possess strong written & oral communication skills 10 key punch exc org amzation skills & pro ficiency in Microsoft Excel & Word Exp with EDI is a plus Please fax resumes to

Stephanie Lee at 248 668 6454


Albin Business CentersFull time position Requires good phone skills to answer customer and technician calls Computer background helpful Entry level Benefit package Fax resume to Human Resources at 248 478 4472


Established hot tub retail co in Nov w/ two locations seeks delivery crew members to join our team Candidates must have excellent driving record good communication skills & willingness to learn Prior exp helpful Full time w/ benefits package Call 248 474 9600

DRIVERPart time for auto paint store Will train Apply in person to Painters Supply & Equip Co

1054 W Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth Ml or fax resume

to 734 455 4160


i s l o o k in g f o r f r ie n d ly ,

o u t g o in g i n d i v i d u a l s to

s e l l a n d se rv ic e o u r cu sto m e rs


W e o ffe r $8 h r t o s ta rt M e d ic a l D e n t a l 4 0 1 k a n d b e a u tifu l m e rc h a n d is e a t a n e m p lo y e e

d is c o u n t P r io r sales e x p e rie n c e h e lp fu l F r i e n d ly s m ile r e q u ir e d 1

Opportunity for advancement

N o v i T o w n C e n t e r 2 4 8 - 3 4 9 - 8 0 9 0 A s k f o r S a l l y

Help Wanted-General

DRIVER Part time Perfect tor retirees or housewifes liv mg n W Bloomfield area Good driving record pre ferred Call 248 73 7 2846Driver Experienced Tractor

Trailer Drivers WantedC D L required Competitive

wages and benefits Call 313 531 0000 ask for Gen

DRIVER POSITION available for plating plant Good pay & benefits Cal! between 12 & 3 313 341 4791 or fax resume

313 341 0315

DRIVERPnntwell has an opening for an experienced truck driver with a Class A License Must have an excellent dnv ng record and be willing to work overtime No overriighi trips Excellent wages and benefits Call John Sussell at 734 941 6300 or fax resume to 73 4 942 0920

DRIVER/VENDING ROUTEExp d Medical prescription 4 0 1K etc Must have good driving record 734 207 8368

DRIVER/WAREHOUSEWork 7am Mon Fn Full time Good pay We stock & ship cabinets and HVAC Apply in person 11 3pm Need C D L B

Williams Distribution 13108 Waco Livonia

Help Wanted-General

DRIVERSTrucking co looking for Semi & Tram Drivers Exper enced only Call Mon Fri*

9am 4 30pm 734 455 4036

D r i v e r sl & K D stributors is seeking*1 one full time (benefits included) and two part time drivers to service super markets in the Detroit Metropolitan area R o u tg & J deliver or grocery expe r-j lence is helpful Must a good driving record an be able to pass requl C D L testing Physical required Resumes may emailed to

landkdetroit@aol com No phone calls please.

Drywall & repairsskills necessary Must reliable transportation between 9 3 248 5 5 7 7'

ESTIMATOR$500 + per week must

fun & engergetic No exp Will tram M u s t

willing to travel ( local fa Pat 734 416 0 8 0 (7 *

FACILITY M A N A G E R -.Needed for me new hoSie^ Church of Today W Farmington Hills Ml -S resume & salary req’ Norma Simons 2922 Bar Way Ann Arbor M l 4 8 10 5 ■

norma1591@com castof

Hiller’s M arkets^art estab lished upsca le grocery stor

is looking for positive motivated stor

talent to en hance our curr^r

su c c e s s and help u s to expand o u ^ & family ow ned operation ^ £

We are looking for• S t o r e M a n a g e r s• N i g h t C r e w S u p e r v i s o r s ®• D e p a r t m e n t H e a d sSuperm arket experience n e cessary

H i l l e r ' s M a r k e t s 2 4 3 5 9 N o r t h w e s t e r n H w y S u i t e 1 5 0S o u t h f i e l d . M l 4 8 0 7 5 A t t V i c t o r lm

( * ) Observer S Eccentric | Thursday April 8| 2004 www.hom

“ - " ‘ S * - * M J o h s a n d C a r e e r s

All Ads Run OnlineF R E E !

A Value Of Up To $87.00 w w w J h o m e t o M c n K f e . c o m

W l in Vi/a n t e3 - G g n f IwFlIB 'HgrD^ Wa n te'rt-Gem; fa I ‘Help WanTed-GeffeTar 'H'elfj'Waiile^-G«¥eraii‘ Help WaWd-GeTefaT' .Help^WantediOllice,Clerical V ' ( g )


Northville Twp s accepting applications for the position of full t me Frefghter/ Inspector $37 027 $52 895 Q u alfc ato n sInclude• Must be 18 year of age• High School Diploma or

equivalent•Michigan Certified Firefighter II• Current State of Michigan

E M T Basic license•Must have Hazmat Operation and Awareness Certification• Successful completion of

Conference of Western Wayne (CWW) wr tten w/

aminimum score of 80% and phys cal agil ty test

•Possess on of current valid

drivers license• Copies of all cert fications

must be provided with^application

Candidates mustsuccessfully complete a testing processbackground investigation psychological and physical Applications are available and returned completed with all certificates to Charter Township of Northville Human Resource Department 41660 Six M le Rd North ip VII 48167 6y 4 00 pm Friday Apr 130 2004 An application is also available at our webs te at www northvillemlch com Resumes will not be accepted with out an application EqualEmployment Opportun ty

G EN ER AL HELPERPart time for med um size Westland apt community Must be a hard worker & will mg to perform a variety of tasks Knowledge of ceramic tife a must (734) 722 4700

G R E E N H O U S E & G A R D E N C E N T E R

Inquire A t 8000 Newburgh Westland

H A I R S T Y L I S T Sneeded full or part time In the Wayne Westland Farmington areas Guaranteed hourly rate phis tips Call Steve at Fantastic Sams 734 595 6003

I Kawasaki dealer in need of experienced F & l sales manager & parts manager Great pay & benefits Call Rick Olson

(586) 8 1 7 2741 24/7LANDSCAPE FOR EM AN (m/f) EXPERIENCED must have 5 yrs exp Share m profits Also need Laborers 248 489 5955

LANDSCAPERS WANTEDWill tram Must have valid driv ers license $10/hour to start Livonia 734 455-3193

LAWN FERTILIZING estab lished co seeks registered spray technician or 3A certl fied applicator Very good wages & cond Full time/Part time Call K iwi Landscaping

248 685 1014

LAWN M AINTENANCE - ALivonia based lawn co seek mg full time employees Exp & valid drivers license required Call (73 4 )5 2 2 412 1

L a w n M a i n t e n a n c e F o r e m a n

M U S T H A V E E X P E R IE N C E good driving record & trans porfation T O P PAY for the right person 313 4 7 7 4602

LAWN SERVICEk Dependable clean cut

hardworking and exp f r Great opportunity

Plymouth Canton Call Scott 734 667 2476

L e a s i n gAp t community Is sseking mot vated individual w/ outgo mg personality Duties include first contact with prospective

| clients follow up calls out reach taking service calls pro cessing leases and follow ups by computer Excellent pay

248 4 7 7 5755


Part time (Wednesday through Saturdays / some Sundays) Enthusiasm pro fessionat image and depend able auto required for quiet upscale Novi/Northville prop erties Apartment leasing experience preferred FAX resume or letter of interest to Karen at The Beneicke Group

(248) 642 7607

Heavy Equipment Operator Spring Is Here & Contractors

are Hiring Now!Intensive Short Term Training Bulldozer Backhoe Trackhoe Jbb Placement Assistance Call Today! 1 800 589 1451


Industrial Staffing a full time career

opportunity for an Entry level Service Coordinator This position Is fast paced friulti tasked and 100% client service oriented Responsibilities include recruiting interview ng hir hig and placing entry level personnel Excellent people skills and the ability to work all shift hours a must Experience with recruiting Did familiarity with office environment preferred but not required We will tra n the right individual We offer top pay good benefits and potent a! for advance ment For consideration fax resume w th cover letter to

(248) 474 5799 Attn General Manager

H V A C T E C H N I C I A NCommercial 3 yrs + exp w/ro.of top equip boilers chillers controls related Air Systems Fax 313 535 1 11 2

HVAC Techs &Master Plumber

ExperiencedCommercial & Industrial

•* Service/Mamtenance/ r Installation T u ll time BC/BS Dental 4 0 1K Vacation Holidays

Education & a truck + $1 000 new hire bonus

Fax resume to 313 535 4403 $18 $32 per hour

I N S T A L L E R SLargest awning co n U S looking for mot vated people experienced needed with tobls Will pay top dollar Great benefits 40 1K Apply within 12700 Mernman Livonia 734 422 7 11 0

j INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPBedford State Farm agency Sebkmg full time Insurance experienced only customer service rep Fax resume & salary requirements to

313 534 2529

INTERIOR DESIGN FIRMSeeks motivated designer/ space planner with mm 5 yrs exp A C A D proficent required Fax 248 855 774 4 Email howard@davisdesign tv

LEASING CONSULTANTful and part time for Canton apt community Experience required Great opportunity for right person

Please call (734) 397 1080

LEASING CONSULTANTPart time wknds a must for Farmington apt community Fax brief descriptlon/quallflca tions or resume to Drakeshire at 248 4 7 7 2524

LEASING CONSULTANTwith experience for F/T posi tion Excellent working envi ronment w/benefits & paid vacaton start immediately Fax resume 73 4 261 1318

LEASING CONSULTANTNeeded for Westland Apt

community Part time Weekends a must Exp

preferred but will train Fax resume to 734 459 1 71 9

L E G A L A S S IS T A N TTo work in Farmington Hills law office Good interviewing skills Knowledge of No Fault a plus Cali Sam Bernstein at


Looking to hire 4-6 people for installations of lighting pro ducts lighting controls Experience would be helpful

Please call 73 4-416 9246

LO AN OFFICER EX P ER IEN C ED for Ross Mortgage Corp Dearborn Hgts office High commissions high tech leads offered must be a team player Cali Char Comer 73 4 341 2596 or email ccomer@rossmortgage com

LOAN OFFICERS WANTEDLimited Exp O K Salary + commission Leads provided along with self generating using our system No outside sales req Email resume to iohnmarras@mpowercom net or Fax to Jo h n 73 4 402 2522

Luxury Apartment Community in West Bloomfield has the following ful! time positions available with competitive

compensation and benefits• Grounds Supervision• Maintenance• Painting• Leasing

Please fax your resume to (248) 661 3246 or email to styler@beztak com E O E

M A I N T E N A N C ESummer help for landscaping & exterior bldg maintenance in Novi $10/hr Mon Fri Sam 4pm Call 248-476 5 16 7 for application


M o r t g a g e L o a n O f f i c e r

L i v o n i a b a s e d , f u l l - s e r v i c e m o r t g a g e

c o m p a n y is e x p a n d i n g i t ' s L o a n

O r i g i n a t i o n s t a f f I f y o u r e a n

e x p e r i e n c e d L o a n O f f i c e r t n t h e

r e s i d e n t i a l m o r t g a g e b u s i n e s s w e

w a n t t o t a l k t o y o u W e o f f e r

a g g r e s s i v e c o m m i s s i o n s t r u c t u r e s

a n d a n e x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t p a c k a g e

C a l l t o d a y : 7 3 4 - 9 5 3 - 4 0 0 0

q G r o u p O n e M o r t g a g e

• f - 1 a C o r p o r a t i o n

1 1 9 5 0 0 V i c t o r P a r k w a y # 1 2 0J

L a aL L i v o n i a , M l 4 8 1 5 2

MAINTENANCE • Part time for Farmington Hills mobile home community Exp helpful Send resume to 629 W Lawrence Ave Charlotte Ml 48813


Suburban Sports Group is hir mg for the Novi Ice Arena Job responsibilities include buildmg/ice maintenance & general cleaning Contact Deb Grace at 248 3 4 7 10 1 0

MAINTENANCE PER80NFull time experienced only 1 7 2 unit apt complex in Westland Salary benefits health insurance housing option 734 729 9457

M A IN T E N A N C E P E R S O fTHeavy manufacturing facility accepting applications from multi craft maintenance persons Exp in electrical hydraulic welding fab work & P LC s Ability to read schematic & hydraulic diagrams Good trouble shooting & safety background required Reliable self motivated worker Available for all shift Must have own tools Drug screen required E O E $ 1 7 60/hr Benefits Send resume to H R Dept 36502 Van Born Rd Wayne Ml 48184 Fax 734 729 6663

or emailcmarshall@scotforge com

MAINTENANCE TECHSeeking a professional team player w/own tools & reliable transportation Previous apt Maintenance experience re quired position to start im mediately F/T w/benefits & paid vacation Fax resume to

734 261 1318



HIRING Team Leaders

Must have 4 years college or 5 years of retail

management experience Resume required

Contact Kathy 734 367 0009 ext 415


For group homes In Oakland County Excellent benefits need valid drivers license own transportation must be 18 w/ a high school diploma or G E D For more info call (248) 334 5330 Mon Fn 9 5


Sales Person / Mgr Trainee

Aerator Operators Masters Green has opened another location and we ve done a massive mailing and we need motivated sales people immediately to join our staff to help in our continued growth Training base salary plus commission health in surance 4 0 1K Advan cement opportunity Pro fessional fun atmo sphere Fax resume to 734-451 5418

Come Grow With Us Call 73 4 451-8500

MECHANICExperience needed in Diesel truck trailers tires and king pins Afternoons Call Tom

73 4 947-1405

For the best auto classifications check out the Observer & Eccentric Newspaper It s all about


NOR TH VILLE LUMBERNow accepting applications

for 2 position openings * Contractor Sales

* Yard Laborers Apply m person 615 Old

Base Line Northville or email hr®northvillelumbercom

OFFIC E H ELP Data entry & answersing phone plus variety of duties Full time Mon Fn Call Jeanette 248 4 7 7 6650 ext 204

•k Oil Change Technicians ★Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change experience or will tram Full &/or part time Apply in per son 34680 W 8 Mile Road Farmington Hills 1/2 mile W of Farmington Road or call for appt (248) 476 1313

P R I N T E S T I M A T O RExperience required

248 640 3561

PROPERTY MANAGEMENTManager needed for 165 Unit property in the sub­urbs Will supervise staff improve and monitor deiin quent rents and collections provide budget control and maintain good resident retention program Candl date must have 2 4 yrs, exp as a community super visor Basic computer skills required E O E Qualified can didates should fax resume and cover letter with salary expectations to Human Resources (248) 799 5497

PROPERTY MANAGERBe part of a very successful team at a pretesige 400 unit community in the Farmington Hills area Outstanding com pany looking for an outgoing experienced property manager who is good with people a motivated leader has exten sive sales exp and has can do attitude Permanent post tion salary + bonuses 40 1K health & dental benefits Send resume to Oakland Manage ment 3 173 1 Northwestern Hwy Suite 250 W Farming ton Hills Ml 48334

Fax 248 851 4744 or email peggett@beztak com


Needed for Trl County area firm Exp in multiple site resi dentiai community manage ment Fax resume # of sites being managed & salary expectations to 248 553-4570



Canton Township is accepting applications for Public Safety Service Office r/DlspatcherPosition includes dispatch and also assists police officers with restraining and physical management of individuals in custody and other related duties Rotating shifts $32312 $41 523/yr Preference will be given to applicants that have recent poiice/flre dispatch experience Testing process will include written physical agility oral board and psychological examinations Applications can be picked up at the Canton Township Human Resources Division 1150 S Canton Center Rd Canton Ml 48188 An application form is also available on the Canton Township website at

www canton ml org Job description will be posted at the Township Administration Building All applicants must complete a Canton Township application form m its entirety and be received by Canton Township Human Resources prior to 4pm April 12 2004 Resumes will not be accepted without completed written application form Written and physical agility testing will be conducted on April 30 2004 The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of race color national origin sex religion age or disability In employment or the provision of services An Equal Opportunity Employer


Quality conscious and moti vated Medical Dental Prescription 401 (k)


(Full time)RECEPTIONIST (Part time)

for small but very busy office License preferred but not nec essary Word & Excel a must Send resumes only & salary requirements to

Reo Resources Inc 21800 W 10 Mile S te 2 14

Southfield Ml 48075

Receptionist, full-tim eTo work In high volume fast paced law office in Farm Ington Hills Must have multi line (20+ exp) Call Sam Bernstein (248) 665 0860

REPAIR CONTRACTORFor Michigan s largest rest dentiai roofing co Will trade our repair leads for our guar antee work Must have own truck & tools liability & work ers comp coverage General rooting & rubber roofing knowledge 734 368 6813

RESIDENT MANAGERSFor large luxury suburban

apartments Must be per sonable bright energetic to rent manage maintain a! high level Excellent salary & benefits

Call 248-477 5755


The Perfect Combination ofOpportunity and Ambition

Right now there are 7 7 million baby boomers Quite a statistic Their largest imminent expense’ Long term care costs

At G E Financial we have one of the strongest product lines in the industry People need our Long Term Care Insurance to plan for their futures and we re looking for dynamic motivated people to join our team and work in a market exploding with potential More and more people understand the benefits of long term care Insurance protecting their assets and maintaining their lifestyle has become more than an option it s a necessity

Join us and build a profitable career backed by the training support and resources of one of the nations leading Insurance organizations

Call Karen Ercikson Regional Sales Manager and bring your career to a whole new level Phone 800 260 4184 ext 46 We are an equal opportunity employer

G E F i n a n c i a l

Imagination at work

Supermarket retailing is an exciting competitive and fast paced career field Busch s Is seeking career-oriented management candidates with the same motivation and competitive edge Store managers coordinate total store operations lead and mentor their team and erjsme Busch s high guest service standards We offer a strong innovative and growing company with an exciting wage and benefit package Qualified candidates must possess a bachelor degree or be wiling to achieve one

P l e a s e e -m a il re s u m e s t o jo b s @ b u s c h s c o m F a x t o 7 3 4 - 9 4 4 - 4 3 2 7 o r m a ll t o

B u s c h ’ s / H R5 6 5 E M ic h ig a n A v e S a li n e , M l 4 8 1 7 6

SHIPPING & RECEIVINGAlso pick up & deliveries for ndustnal supplier Exp pre

ferred Redford area Fax resume to 313 255 9199 or call 313 920 9028

SIGN SHOPSome exp m vmyl / wood / paint / install Fax info to

313 331 8861

S i l D N G I N S T A L L E R S

Exp only (313) 350 0366SPRINKLER SERVICE TECH &

ASSISTANTS OFFIC E H ELPMust have 3 yrs mm exp Great starting pay $14/up + commission Must have good driving record Fax resume 73 4 547 0595 or call

734 525 0645

S T Y L I S T S &N A I L T E C H S

New location in Novi Ml upscale salon Please apply in person 26123 Novi Rd N W corner of Novi & GrandRiver (734) 449 6119

SUMMER JOBSTent Installers $ 10 $15/hr Great iob for college student Apply in person Sat 4/10 1 5pm 8559RondaDr Canton

TEACHERPart time Math Instructors for Livonia & Canton centers Even mg and Saturday hours available Fax resume to

Sylvan Learning Center Livonia 734 462 2825 E mall sylvanhvo@ao! com

TOW TRUCK DRIVERSBusy growing towing co Good benefits Full/part time

248 478 2380TREE CLIMBER

Tree service in Farmington area seeks a climber Must have exp & drivers license Budget free 1 800 964 7785

TRUCK DRIVERC O L A For Plymouth co

Mon Fn Local deliveries Call (5 17) 223 7339

TRUCK DRIVERAsphalt co taking applications for drivers for tn axle dumps C D L Class A required w/mini mum of 2 yrs asphalt or grav el experience mandatory Top pay with benefits Applications being accepted at S & J Asphalt 39571 Michigan Ave Mon Fri 9am 4pm

TRUCK DRIVERC D L Class A Detro t/Chicago Home nightly 1 year verifiable flat bed experience required

(313) 580 8589WAREHOUSE

Exp in floor covering Must drive Hi Lo Start

immediately (248) 541 2255WAREHOUSE POSITION

Replacement order selector take cases from 10 70 lbs must posses a Michigan driv ers license able to work weekends warehouse exp helpful Must pass drug screen physical physical capacity test and background check Starting pay $13 75/hr

Call 1 886 72 2 6859

W a r e h o u s e /P r o d u c t i o n

Experience helpful Apply in person 1960 W West Maple Walled Lake Ml 48390

Over 10 000 listings online

hoitietownlife.comR E A L J j f k


I need 8 people to work with live sound equipment

$800 $1500 weekly Full training available Company vehicle provided Suit and tie need not apply Call Debbie toll free at

1 866 293 2263

[ " " wI n d o w c l e a n E r’ " " ji Ground level No exp i | necessary Quick advance j | ment mileage allowance ( i must have reliable trans « | portation 248 354 3350 \


IT professional with M C E certification and 3 5 years experience to manage 50+ user LA N in North Oakland

County Excellent wages and benefits Please send

resumes to Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd Box 0846 Livonia Ml 48150


Avfuel Corp the nation s largest independent supplier of aviation fuels and related supply services has position s open for an Accountant The successful candidate will pos sess excellent communication & organizational skills as well as familiarity with computer ized accounting systems A Bachelc/rs degree and 1 3 years accounting experience are reqliired Primary respon sibihtieS are' (but not limited to) fixed isset accounting inventory credit card receiv ables expense account anaiy sis and notes payable

Please submit resume and salary requirements Human Resources AvfuelCorporation P O Box 138 7 Ann Arbor Ml 48106 or fax to 7 7 5 213 3742 or email to fobs@avfuel com

ACCOUNTINGHighly motivated self starter possessing strong analytical skills attention to detail and commumca tion skills required to perform a variety o f tasks in the accounting depart ment of fast paced con tractor m South Oakland County Responsible es are varied and experience is needed in the following areas A/P payroll bene fits general ledger Excel & W ord Competitive salary with excellent ben efits Fax resume with salary history to

248 769 6395


Various duties experienced with Excel only (73 4) 727 1780 or fax 734 7 2 7 1781

Administrative AssistantFull time employment Must have Bookkeeping experience strong computer skills Excellent communication & multi tasking for fast paced Construction Office Sched ulmg Service Work & Customer Service a Plus' Fax resume Attn Carol

(73 4 )779 1282

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTPlumbing & heating contrac for desires full time/pait time Administrative Assistant for job cost accounting setting up projects field staff support collection calls Desire strong computer skills m Microsoft environment Competitive pay benefits Send resume

Attn M JM 34400 Glendale Livonia Mi 48150


Progressive company has immediate opening for an assertive assistant with the ability to multitask and stay organized while reporting to several individuals Optimal candidate will pos sess exceptional knowledge of Word and Excel along with the desire to iearn new skills We are located in Southfield and we offer a competitive wage & ben efits package Send resume

Hum an resources P 0 Box 760571

Lathrup Village Ml 48076 0571

-O r Em a il

H ire 1se c @ a o l com^ Equal Opportunity Employer

ARE YOU AVAILABLE?Part time receptionist

position In active Birmingham Real Estate Office

Call Margie at (248) 901 0289


Plum Hollow Country Club now accepting applications Starting $8 $9/hr

Call (248) 352 2436

A S S I S T A N T /R E C E P T I O N I S T

Self motivated individual for a progressive chiropractic clinic Computer knowledge a must Salary negotiable Apply in person at 0 Connor Chiropractic Clinic

1 6 771 Middlebelt Livonia

A U T O - B o o k k e e p e r20 hrs/wk Must have dealer Ship exp 248 355 1000x310


For a busy property man agement office tn the Carton area Candidate must be detail oriented and have previous A/R and A/P experience with a strong Collections back ground Exceptional customer service skills computer know ledge organizational skills a must Excellent starting salary benefits package and paid holidays Please fax resume to 313 562 3086


For South Oakland County contractor Mm 5 years collections expe rience including account reconciliations dispute resolution and adjust ments supervises col lection billing & cash applications Competitive pay with excellent benefit package Fax resume with salary requirements to 248 692 0 770

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTFarmington Hills corporate headquarters office has a wonderful opportunity for an Executive Assistant to the President with a minimum of 5 years experience Creative letter writing and shorthand or speedwriting are required Must be a dynamic take charge person extremely professional and capable of making executive decisions Proficiency with M S Word Excel & experience with travel arrangements a must We offer an excellent salary full benefit package pleasant work environment Please forward resume along

w/ salary requirements to Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers Box # 08513 6251 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia

Ml 48150 or Email oeresumes®

oe homecomm net Ref code #8513

FILE C LERK / RECEPTIONISTfor Southfield company Multi phone line experience

Fax to 248 366 8698

F I L E C L E R K / R E C E P T I O N I S T

Small to mid sized Bingham Farms law firm seeking ful! time file clerk/receptionist Exp required Fax resume to 248 644 2941

■/■■■ ■■ ...............


We are a leading manufacturer of precision

tool ng for the metal stamping industry We

offer an excellent benefit package air conditioned facility steady overtime profit sharing paid hoii

days competit ve v/ages and an opportunity for

advancement with day and afternoon shifts available

Fax Cali or Apply in Person Moeller Manufacturing

43938 Plymouth Oaks Blvd Plymouth Ml 48170

Tel 73 4 416 0000 Fax 734 416 2200

________ E O E

G e n e r a l L e d g e r / A c c o u n t s P a y a b l e

Multifunction accounting activities including Accounts Payable through check writing Assisting with general ledger month end close and financial statements Daily banking activities Spreadsheet and general accounting experience required AS400 accounts pay able experience preferred Solomon/Great Plains expert ence a plus Ful! time with benefits Send resume to


LABORATORIES22255 Greenfield Ste 501

Southfield Ml 48075 or email to HCLresume® providence hospital org

Subject General Ledger/Accounts Payable

G EN ER A L OFFICEComputer phone clerical duties Full time w/benefits Novi location Fax resume to 248 735 8873


Litigation experience required AV rated

Birmingham law firm Excellent wages & benefits

Send resume to Human Resources P O box 1750

Birmingham Ml 48012

LEG A L SECRETARY For Troy Defense Litigation firm Part time Secretary w/3 5 yrs experience Fax resume Attn Office Manager 248 641 8219

LEG A L SECRETARYGood pay excellent benefits established law firm 14 Mile & Southfield Rd 2 yrs legal exp req 70 wpm non smok mg good grammar math skills & spelling

Email resume mike@bucklesmg com

LEG A L SECRETARYSouthfield persona! injury firm seeks minimum 2 yrs exp WordPerfect Salary commensurate with exp Fax resume to Office Manager

248 592 0376

L E G A L S E C R E T A R YWith min 3 yrs exp in litiga tion for Farmington Hills business litigation firm Fax resume to 248 932 3161

L e g a l S e c r e t a r yFast paced Oakland County law firm seeking organized and detail oriented legal secretary Defense firm Litigation experience a must Competitive salary and benefits Please email resume to

rharris@chi pc com or fax (248) 544 1191

LEG A L SECRETARYFor busy Southfield law firm Experienced in real estate and transactional

Maddm Hauser Wartell Roth & Heller PC

28400 Northwestern Hwy Southfield Ml 48034

Fax 248 208 0732

OFFIC E ASSISTANTPlymouth firm seeks experi enced pffice assistant to man age telephone customer serv ice and various office duties HS+1 2 yrs college M S Office 40 hrs 11 00 7 30 $8 50 $1Q/hr Email resumes

resumes ©benefitcontro! methods com

OFFIC E ASSISTANT Work from home have good com mucation skills Perfect for mature person or retiree Flexible hours (734)422 4122 /313 999 6543 leave message

O F F I C E A S S IS T A N TFull time position available

Ideal person should be organized detail oriented capable of multi tasking

with excellent phone skills and familiar with comput

ers Excellent benefits Apply In person Wm C Franks Furniture 2945 S

Wayne Rd Wayr.e Ml 48184 (734) 721 1044

Office help needed part time In Novi real estate office 3 4 days Flextime possible Computer skills necessary 248 347 6141


Consulting firm is looking for Offlce/Buslness Mana ger Winning candidate will be a multi tasker and be able to handle our books provide client service arrange travel and manage c o r r e s p o n d e n c e Experience In Quickbooks Word and Excel and internet all required Excellent pay and benefits Send resume to P M B #309 6632Telegraph Rd Bloomfield Hills Ml 48301 3012


Full time office for Gorman s Novi Customer contact daily balancing order entry fil ng computer proficient Great atmosphere with full benefits Call Cheryl Sauer 248 344 0880 or fax 248 344 9894

P A R A L L E G A Lsubrogation work for Troy iaw firm Need organized & expe rienced full time fax to administrator 248 362 0422

PER S O N A L ASSISTANT/HOM E MGR office skillserrands security clearance Job references 313 532 0347

RECEPTIONISTFull time Plymouth area Fax resume to Attn Human Resources 73 4 354 6951

R E C E P T I O N I S TFor busy real estate office m Northville/ Nov area Profess ionai with good phone skills a must' Part time weekends only Ask for Shannon

(248) 380 8800

R E C E P T IO N IS TOakland County law firm seeks a receptionist w/ a mm of two years experience Sendresume & salary requirements

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Box # 08503

6251 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia M l 48150

RECEPTIONIST/FILE CLERKSmall professional busySouthfield law firm seeking a pleasant energetic reception ist/file clerk Please fax your resume to (248)569 1046 or mail to Slusky and Walt P C 1 75 15 W Nine Mile Suite 400 Southfield Ml 48075

SECRETARYCanton area construction & hot tub business looking for office person to handle phones computer w ork sales counter and various office/showroom responsi bilities Personable phone & computer skills a must Fax resume Attn Linda 73 4 455 5049 or call 734 455 3325

DENTAL ASSISTANTExperience only for our pleasant Canton office Part time immediate opening Friendly atmosphere Easy access off I275 Call Arlene at 73 4 20 7 0885Attn Exp Dental Assistants

Hygienist & ReceptionistsNow hiring for general offices

Please apply on line www performanceplusstaffing com

CHAIRSIDE POSITIONPlymouth family dentistry Strong crown & bridge & cos metic experience Flexible schedule (73 4 )4 5 9 7 1 1 0


Assistant, HygenistExpanding quality oriented office seeking enthusiastic career oriented people that

enjoy working & inter acting with the public

Full time positions Dental Exp a must Call 313

274 4422 or fax resume 313 274 7092

D ENTAL ASSISTANTFull time position

Dental experience required Excel ent compensation

Send resume 73 4 464 4 778OENTAL ASSISTANT Join our team Great office nice staff Full time exp necessary Livonia 73 4 425 4206

D ENTAL ASSISTANTNovi area experience neces sary hours 6 45 am 1pm Mon Thur Fax resume to

281 812 3557

DENTAL ASSISTANT $30 008 $45 000 Annually

Stimulating wonderful work environment Benefits for experienced assistant in high quality specially practice Give us a call' 248 357 3100

O ENTAL ASSISTANT EXPBusy friendly patient cen tered Canton practice Must be enthusiastic Exc salary & benefits 73 4 981 4246


Part time 25 29 hrs/ week Small practice in N W suburb seeking experienced dental assistant with front desk knowledge Fax resume to

248 354 8883Dental Asst / Front DeskEnthusiastic energetic person needed part time for newer office in Novi Exp required

248 344 1000D ENTAL CERAMIST

Experienced Build grind stain Knowledge of Empress helpful Immediate opening great pay benefits 734 6 71 6593 73 4 657 4062

D e n t a l H y g e m i s tTemporary position for 2 months full time m friendly Farmington office Call office

248 478 3285 or cell 243 568 1323DENTAL HYGIENIST

Needed for modern family & cosmetic office Livonia i 275 and 8 Mile area 35 hours plus Salary negotiable Latex free Call 73 4 542 4999

OENTAL HYGIENISTPart time Plymouth office

734 455 4070

DENTAL LAB OATA ENTRYwith Dental knowledge for our shipping & receiving office Full time A friendly outgoing professional person ality & basic computer skills necessary 734 595 7000O ENTAL LAB OATA ENTRYwith dental knowledge for our shipping & receiving office Full time A friendly outgoing professional personality & basic computet skills neces sary 734 595 7000

Dental Office Managerneeded for great family prac tlce in downtown Birmingham Mon Fri no eves Exp req Benefts 248 642 3320


Full time Dental & computer experience required Laurel Park Livonia Excellent envi ronment Send Resume

734 464 4 778

D e n t a l R e c e p t i o n i s t / A d m i n i s t r a t o r

Full time new office great staff benefits great hours exp only Novi 248 476 3800


SECRETARYFull time benefits Exper lenced with knowledge of dentistry computers msur ance Some evenings & Saturdays Southfield area

Call Marie (248) 352 772 2

D E N T A L - F R O N T D E S K

Positive energetic person to work in Royal Oak office Experience preferred

248 543 70 70

FRONT DESKPart time for busy Livonia dental office Dentech exp preferred Please call during business hours 734 464 7 7 7 0 or fax resume to 73 4 464 7838

FRO NT DESKOur modern dental office is looking for a full time Business Coordinator to join our team o f professionals Strong communication skills & a dental background are a must Dentrix & Dentech software experience preferred Mon Thurs If you are a dynamic team player who thrives on challenge call

(248) 356 8790OFFICE M ANAGER

needed strong leadership for front desk position In our pleasant Canton office Skills in dental computer & msur ance Dentrix a plus Ask for Arlene 734 20 7 0885SURGICAL ASSISTANT E X P

For periodontal office Call Mon Wed & Fn 9 4

(248) 350 2220

( g )

Alternative Health / Chiropractic Office

looking for motivated multi tasker patient friendly person Full time Front office Great pay No weekends Send resume to D H S 39595 W 10 Mile Rd Ste 112 Novi Mi 48375 or fax 248 4 7 7 8320


Needed for busy Canton Chiropractic office full time includes even ngs & Saturday/ Fax resume to 734 455 2359

CLINICAL M ANAGERExperienced certified home health care R N for new com pany located in Wyandotte Ideal candidate will have experience In managing office and performing field work services in the tri coun ty area Organizational & com munlcatlon skill»,a must

Please fax resume to U S Homecare 734 324 2375

Attn Administrator


for traditional C T testing & new modern spiral multi slice CT scan Part time $30/hour Call Jasrmna or

Randa @ 248 288 1600


Mitchell Home Medical has a great immediate full time opportunity fo r the right person' We are seeking an outgoing individual for a fast paced home medical equipment order intake department from our referral sources and patients by phone and retail sales In our showroom in Ann Arbor Experience with insurance verifications HCPC & (CD 9 codes and computers all a must! Great social and communications skills required' Benefits including 4 0 1k Fax resume Attn Maureen @ 73 4 572 0281


2 locations Hamtramck area and N W Detroit area Internal medicine F T w / 1 eve/per wk and 1 Sat/per mo Must be knowledgeable in front & back office duties Supervisory experience necessary Fax resume with salary req to

586 2 74 112 5

HOME CARE NURSESFor Oakland & Wayne County

(586) 979 8 770 9 5pm Monday Friday

Med TedtH C L is seeking energetic and motivated individuals to join our laboratory team H C L offers a competitive salary base tuition reimbursement and excellent benefit package


M T (ASCP) Certified or eligible at Providence Hospital Blood Bank Variable hour position rotates weekdays and week ends Blood Bank experience preferred Fax resume to 248 849 5354 Apply in person or send resume to


23775 Northwestern Hwy Southfield Ml 48075

or email to HCLresume® providence hospital org

Subject Blood Bank Med Tech

www hometownlife com

a m i C a r e e r

Observer & Eccentric | Thursday Apr 18 2004 ( * ) 0 5

All Ads Run Online 91

A Value Of Up To $87.00 www.h0metownUfe.eom

Help Wanted-Medical t w

M E D I C A L 1 A S S I S T A N T ,

L P N , R NShare your clinical skills with medical assisting students Permanent part time mom ngs 2 3 days weekly $16 18

hr Subjects include clinical procedures theory and A & P Standard curriculum and in servcmg Certif cate or degree required Call 734 434 7320 or fax 734 434 8579

M EDICAL ASSISTANTExperience only vena punc ture EKG s injections inter nal medicine 30 40 hrs per week West Bloomfield Fax resume 248 661 0900 or call 248 661 0800

M EDICAL ASSISTANTFull/part time for multi office podiatry group 313 874 3232

Fax 313 872-4522M EDICAL ASSISTANT

Full time for busy internal medicine office Great pay

benefits & hours No holidays or weekends Exp preferred

Call Lisa (313) 561 4540Medical Assistant Part/Fuli time pediatrician office in Novi Caring energetic team piayer General office skills 2 yrs exp

Fax resume 248 348 4772M EDICAL ASSISTANTS

NEEDEDMetro Detroit area Internal medicine & in home physician practrces needs medical assis tants with excellent clinical skills EKG P FT vitals mjec lions phlebotomy referrals vascular studies computerized scheduling Fax resume wth references to 586 274 1125

M e d i c a l B i l l e rFull tim e needed with expen ence Background in PT PTOS system PIP claims & dealing with attorneys helptul Excellent pay 8 benefits Southfield area Fax resume to 248 352 8398

M edical Billers Certified &

ExperiencedFull time benefits offered 401(k) internal medicine

practice Fax resume Attn Lisa Office Manager



M EDICAL RECEPTIONISTPT position in Plymouth 6am 10am Medical exp preferred Must be organized w/great phone skills Fax resume attn Laura 734 416 3903

OpticianNational optical chain has immediate full time and man agement positions available for experenced optician Great salary and benefits All inquiries will remain confiden tia! Please call 800 248 2255


Westland area competitive salary 734 728 6100 ext 171

Help Wanted- Footf/leverage

A LL POSITIONS!New Lvom a Italian restaurant now accepting applications Send resume or apply to 2 9 111 5 Mile Rd Livonia 48154 attn Ray (734) 402 2515 or fax 734 402 2522

A s s i s t a n t M a n a g e rDamons Grill/Cantcn Fax 734 207 1609 Ph 734 207 74 2 7


Experienced only need apply Fax resume to 734 942 9781

COOK Experienced WAIT STAFF Part time

Apply Starting Gate Saloon 135 N Center St Northville

COOKS & WAITSTAFFApply In person Nikola s 25225 Telegraph (at 10 Mile)

(248) 355 4695DELIVERY BUTLER

Mobile waters needed to deliver food for Chill s & other restaurants to locai business customers Lunch & Dinner shifts available Cash paid daily Must use own vehicle Please call 248 482 1100


D J S D IS TILLER Y 313 562 8621 ask for TonyaFOOD PREP Individual need ed for food prep in Farm ngton H lls Call 248 489 4150 or 734 812 1074

LINE COOK EXPERIENCEDFast paced pub nights Dunleavy s Pub & Grub

(248) 478 8866

P M L i n e C o o kMust have fn e dining experience Apply n per son or mail or fax resume

Opus Ore 565 E Larned St Detrot M U 8 2 2 6

fax (313) 961 9243 J J o ^ h o n e ^ a j l s j l e ^ e ^

WAITSTAFF / BARTENDER Hiring full & part lime nights


(formerlyJack Dunleavy s Grill)

340 N Main St Plymouth

W a i t s t a f f W a n t e dExperience n fine dining service is necessary Fuli/part time Apply in person or mail or fax resume

Opus One 565 E Larned St Detroit Ml 48226

fax (313) 961 9243 No phone calls please


IS LA N D INN Livonia Mall 7 Mile 8 Middlebelt

© b s e n r a r

Help Wanted-Sales




YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE9Real Estate just may be your answer Comprehen sive training and support provided so you car reach your goa s 734 455 6000

We r Manuel Snyder & Ranke

500 S Ma n St Plymouth

#1 and We Can Prove ItC E N T U R Y 21 Real Estate Corp was recently named the #1 Real Estate franchise by Entrepreneur magazines Franchise 500

C EN T U R Y 21 Town & Country is the #1 franchise m the United States Why wouldnt you work here? Affer you re licensed v/e have extensive training for full time agents with a full time professional trainer a commission program second to none and an agent first program with many benefits to our agents Tuition reimbursement possible

Cal: Tim Re ily 705 S Main St

Plymouth Ml (734) 455 5600


Excellent Comm ssions Great Tra n ng

TIM COURTNEY Oak and/ Livingston area

(248) 43 7 2600 DOUG COURTNEY

W Wayne (734) 459 6222




Varsity Ford Michigan s largest volume Ford truck dealership and 5th largest volume car and truck deal ership for Ford Motor Co and proud of every award Ford Motor can earn for customer satisfaction Is looking tor hard working success oriented mdividu als to fill existing sales Positions We offer the largest inventory anywhere more walk in floor traffic anywhere a huge advertis mg budget To those who qualify for this sales oppor tun ty401 k retrement program vacation top commissions and an exclusive 13 month paycheck for our top sales professionals

Varsity Ford Sales Ann Arbor Mich

Ema I your confident al aphl cat on to

johnm@varsityford com or fax to 734 996 5784



(734) 421-5700

n t r t c

Help Wanted-Sales

AUTO SALESNcrth Brothers Fo rd ' located in Westland Michigan s seeking New & Used Car Sales People for an aggress ve run in 2004 We are looking for ♦Highly aggressive people ♦Good self starter ♦Must possess excellent work habits ♦Customer oriented ♦Team player For a confidential interview please cail for appointment or apply in person to Dan Ccrby General Manager or Brian Leon Used Car Sales ManagerNORTH BROTHERS FORD

(734) 421 1300

A U T O M O T IV E S A L E SLa Fontaine Honda Toyota Kia Hyundai and Suzuki a division of the La Fontaine Automotive Group is growing We are the area s largest dealer group and we are looking for an additional salesperson Must be motivated and enjoy meeting new people Develop your own customer base and earn a FANTASTIC LIVING

We offer a fv e day work week an excellent support staff huge inventory and a frendty environment La Fontaine offers an excellent benefits package including a company car program We also offer a low pressure tram ng program to help you grow and exceed yoilr expectatons

If you are interested please contact me d redly and get ready for the hottest project market in h story

Fax Resume To(313) 278 2545

W h e n seeking out the best deal che ck o u t the O b s e rv e r & Ec c e n tric C lassifie ds „ 1 8 0 0 5 7 9 7 3 5 5

Real EstateCentury 21 Towne Pride is seeing full time agents Exp not necessary We will provide training and a complete sup port staff For interview cal!

Steve 734 326 2600

Real Estate Agent

A C A R E E R IN R E A L E S T A T E '


If you desire to work in western Wayne county be with number 1 see our other ad for details

Call Denise Setser 734 392 6000

c o L O U i e u .■ A N K e n □


Heip Wanted-Sales

Real Estate Agents

A C A R E E R IN R E A L E S T A T E '



If you are serious about entering the business and profession o f Real Estate Sales you owe it to yourself to investigate why we are #1 in the market place and best suited to insure your success•#1 Rated Franchise System

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Call J im Stevens or

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( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0

Real EstateC H A N G E

Y O U R L I F E ! ' " "Start a new career CALL SANDRA @ REAL ESTATE ONE

2 4 8 208 2 9 1 7 S l t m Sstale l a s . . .

Showers oS Great Deals

in your Classifieds!

Real EstateP r o f e s s i o n a l S a l e s

Metro Detroit s Premier Real Estate Office is lookng for a select number of team members Our 40% growth has created a need for more Realtors in our Plymouth and Canton iocatons W il tra n to be top producers Full t me support Technology at Its best Call Claire Williams


HOMETOWN ONE 734 420 3400

Help Wanted-Sales

Real Estate Sales Professionals

Find out what a career in Re al Estate

can do for youl

Attend an upcoming R E A L E S T A T E


Tues April 13 @ 7 00PM

Call T rc a to reserve your

734 464 6400 or e mail tspease@cent21 biz

Hartford South Inc wwwcent21 biz

Sales Fundraising Career$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 9 0 ,0 0 0

Be your own boss handle schools athletic churches music audio immediate income repeat orders

805 3B2 3336S A L E S M A N A G E R

Upscale hotel in search of a S E Michigan seasoned sales professional Great work environment competitive benefits and outstanding incentive plan Prevous hotel experience is requ red

Please send all resumes with code 0846

in the subject field to oerssume@oe homecomm net

Help Wanted-Saies

SALES PERSONFor carpet store Must be able to do estimating blue prints & scheduling Located m Novi Fax resume 248 735 8873

W E H A V E R E M O D E L E D ! ! !

4 desks avai able for a tremendous career m real estate Upscale offce flexble hours endless earnng possibilites If interested call Mitch Wolf at Cranbrook Assoc Inc Realtors


C ra n b ro o k

Help Wauled- APart-Time W

A V O N N E E D SRepresentatives Now Call

734 522 0993CUSTODIAN PART TIM E FORLarge church in Northville Shift is 6am 2 30 pm every Sat 8 Sun Pay $10/hr 16 hrs/wk Apply at 40000 S x Mile Rd or call 248 374 7400

D A T A E N T R YNghts 7pm 1am Fuil 8 part time Detroit Bio Medical Lab

10 Mile/ Grand River area Call (248) 471 4 111


• C h i ld r e n n o lo n ge r n e e d a s m u c h a tten tion ?

• T ire d o fV o lu n t e e rm g ?• L ik e to ea rn g o o d m o n e y

fo r a better lire?• W a n t a p ro fe ss io n a l

c a re e r?


LICENSED REALTOR?• F L E X IB L E H O U R S• In d e p th t ra in in g• P e rso n a l m e n to r su p p o rt• $ 5 0 OOO a n n u a l in c o m e

p o te n t ia l in first vea r• F R E E p le a sa n t o ffice

s p a c e e q u ip m e n t u se a n d su p p lie s

Help Wanted- / B NPart-Time W

ELECTRICIAN WANTED2+ years exp need only apply residential & light commercial w ring Call 73 4 254 1465 or fax resume 73 4 254 1467

GARDEN HELPERFlexible hours $15 per hour Farmington Hills location

248 626 6322

RECEPTIONISTVeter nary hospta n L v o n a 18 or over Computer :yp ng skills needed 3 days/wk 3pm 9pm 2 Saturdays/mo 8am 5pm (248) 476 0570

SALES ASSISTANT29 hours per week met week end hours Ret rees welcome It s easy w ork just be nice to people Salary 8 commission

Re Sell It Estate Sales 248 478 7355


V A LP A K has an opening for a sales assistant based n Livonia 20 hours/week Requirements include ex ceilent communication and organizational skills and abilty to mult task Computer literate w th Word & Internet Great working environment Fax resume 73 4 522 5551 o email lbaker@va pakdet com or send to V A L P A K 28180 Schoolcraft Ml 48150 2205 Attn L Baker

Help Wanted: Domestic

CLEANING & TAKING CARE O F E L O E R L Y PERSON 2 days pe week Call (248) 338 1 1 7 7

Job Opportunities

AAA ATTENTION READERSSince many ads are from out side the local area please know what you are buying before sending money

Childcare Services- Licensed

LICENSED DAYCARE12 Mile/696 Farmington

Call Brenda (248) 442 0404

S A FE & F U N ' in home care in Wayne/Westland Food & ed program Exp & Ret avail

Shelly 734 326 5181

R E O FO R D Vandenberg School area $120/week met breakfast Swimming & other daily activities provided Structured environment Sate & fun Ages 6 & up Staring m d J u n e 313 255 0625

Childcare Needed

DAY CARE PROVIOER/NANNYWanted in m y Northville home for 2 nfants & 1 kinder gartener Exp prefe rred Competitive pay Send resume to 248 344 113 0 or call Samantha at 248 344 9700

Childcare Needed.

NANNYPart time mornings In B rm ngham home for 2 tod dlers Summers off Must be loving rel able 8 non smoker 248 368 2331 leave messtagffP/T NANNY/HOUSEKEEPERFor nfant daughter own transportat on Beverly Hilts- Reference 248 225 6553Walled Lake area AftSr school care Mon Tues F;i *8 every other Sun Summer help needed also Reliable traite- portation (248)347 6141

Caregiver I am available full or part time Exc references Home (313) 493 4103 Ceil (586) 212 0869We provide 24 hr live irvearefor the elderly from our exp & kind caregivers Call us at 73 4 641 7808 $100/day


B A N K R U P T C YHouse In Foreclosure?

Garnishment? Repo Threat9 Cal! Danton & Smyk for “ a F R E E CONSULTATIO N and a FR ESH S TA R T1

Telegraph 8 1 2 Mile 248 351 9311

Business Opportunities ©

AAA ATTENTION R EADER SS nee many ads are from otft s de the local area please know what you are buying before sending money

BUSINESS IN BOOMINGLea n to earn $3000 to ' $30 000 every month For free nfo call 1 866 875 9 116

O i l E M A N ' S





garage safe

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

AH Ads Run Online

A Value Of Up To $87.00 1v 1vw.hom

ADOPTION Stay V at home mom

loving dad and a secure future

await your baby Expenses paid Cathy & Sam

1 800 918 8808

Cards Of Thanks ( J )

Novena to St Jude May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored glorified loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us St Jude worker of miracles pray for us St Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us Say this prayer 9 times a day by the 9th day your prayer will be answered Publication must be promised TWR

Lost 8 Found - Goods


See Classification 7930


Every Sunday and Thursday

we bring buyers and sellers

employers and employees

landlords and tenants together

You can rely on us to deliver results


“I t 's A l l A b o u t

R e s u l t s ! ”

1 . 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

7 0 0 0 s

Merchandise700$ Absolutely Ftee7020 Antiques/Collectibles7040 Arts 8 Cialts7060 Auction Sales7080 Rummage Sale/Flea Market7100 Estate Sales7110 Garage Sales7130 Moving Sales7140 Clothing7160 Household Goods7180 Appliances7190 Pools Spas Hot Tubs7200 Barga n Buys7210 Bicycles7215 Exerctse/Fitness Equipment7220 Building Materials7240 Business & Office Equ pment7260 Offce Supples7280 Cameras & Supplies7300 Commercial/ ndustoal

Restaurant Equipment7310 Commercial/ ndustna

M&jhmery ForSaie

7320 Computers7340 Electromcs/Audio/V deo7360 Video Games Tapes Moves7380 Fam Equ pment7400 Farm Produce Powers

Plants7410 U Picks7420 Chrstmas Trees7440 firewood Merchandise7450 Hobbies Coins Stamps7460 Hosp ta/Medicai Equipment7470 Jewelry7480 Lawn Garden & Snow

Equ pment7498 Lawn Garden Material7500 Miscellaneous For Sale7510 Mus cal Instruments7520 Sporting Goods7525 Tools7530 Trade Or Sell7548 Wanted To Buy

7800 Animal Servces 78707810. Breeder Directory 78807820 Birds & Fish 78907830 Cats 79007840 Dogs 79107830 Farm An mals/Uvestock 79207860 Horses 8 Equ pment 7930

Horse Boarding Commercial Household Pets Others PetGrooming & Boarding Pet Services Pet Supplies Pets Wanted Lost & Found Pets

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

AUDI 1985 400 Quattrostripped body haul it out of garage (248) 7 6 7 6692

Children s swing set w/slide 8 small platform Haul away from yard (248) 76 7 6692

Absolutely Free

Fire wood needs to be split NW corner of Marquette & Helen St G C (734) 7£2 7032 F R E E FIR EW O O D good for camping 734 261 1966

FR EE MALE HAMSTER CAGEwith all accessories M O V IN G ' 734 891 2723

h o m e t o m lif e .c o m

Kenmore gas dryer apt size electric dryer gas stove w/griddle (248) 442 8951OVEN ELECTRIC Almond works well

Call (734) 462 3247


“ BUYING STAM P S*’Co II ectlo ns/accu m u I at i o n s 248 642 1 464 noon 5pm

Antiques Furniture Smalls Primitives Salt & Pepper cot lection 248 669 5974


We make house calls estate and private sales and internet sales Insurance and Estate appraisals We are also looking to purchase Fine china crys tal silver oil paintings furm ture costume and fine jewelry

Member of ISA 515 S Lafayette Royal Oak

Mon Sat 11 6 248 399 2608 Visit our website

www delgiud ceantiques com

WANTEDOur welcome mat is out this Spring for antique lovers collectors browsers and dealers Stop in have a cup of coffee on us and shop til you drop from our 40 plus deaer inventory Open every day 10 5 Closed Easter

The Great Midwestern A N T IQ U E EM PO R IU M '

5233 Dixie Hw y Waterford

Auction Sales

EXP EBAY S E LLER will sell your items or tram you Call Ed at 248 7 7 0 9855 email eak104@hotmail com

7100 Estate Sales

7100 Estate Sales

A N N O U N C I N G 2 T E R R I F I C S A L E S ' By Everything Goes

Fn 8 Sat April 9 8 1 0 1 0 4 #1) 209 S Castell E off Livernois 3 streets S of Walton Blvd take Harding

Rochester 48307 100 s of Antique smalls collectibles furniture tools #2)1805 Golf Ridge S off Long Lake E of Middlebelt take Wabeek Lake Drive S Wabeek Bloom Hills 48302 All new contemporary furnishings great access clothing jewelry elect romes video games exercise equipment & more

248 988 1077 for details

D ETRO IT 1980 Lawrence Apr 8 10 9 5 Mahogany furniture costume jewelry depression glass vintage clothes records tools 8 more Big house witha lot of

stuff' Davidson Fwy to 14 St to Lawrence

Sale By Bags IncludedESTATE SALE April 9 10

Fri 9am 5pm Sat 9am 2pm 16953 Beechwood Beverly Hills (between Southfield and Greenfield) Full house of furniture refrig erator washer/dryer T V s V C R s linens kitchen uten sils tools etc Priced to sell

Everything must gal

FURNITU RE Pool table dm mg room set etc 3840 W Maple April 8 12 13 & 14 248 789 8382 313 531 9155

For the best auto classifications check out the Observers Eccentric Newspaper It sail about




L i l l y M .& C O M P A N Y

C all Toll Fre e1-800-558-8851

HUGE ESTATE SALE must sell everything Reproduction furniture oil paintings mat tresses home decor & house wares 780 East Gunn Rochester Fn Sat & Sun 10 5 248 514 7935

7100 Estate Sales Baby & Children Items Household Goods Household Goods

Rochester Estate SaieFri & Sat 10am 4pm

320 Red Oak Lane Tienken Rd to first street east of Rochester Rd then south to Red Oak Home sold quickly must move immediately Everything must go now' 1978 Champion motor home scuba equip mauve sofa & loveseat w/end rectiners dining 8 bedroom furniture 1935 floor mode radio old records etc

Garage Sales

P LYM O U TH Moving Sale Sat April 10 10am 5pm 13443 Danbury 1/4 mile E of Beck off Nonh Territorial

Rochester 2 fam ly Fri 8 Sat 9am 2pm 336 Glendale W of Rochester Road

S O U T H FIELD Fri & S a t 10 7 23221 Valley View N/9 E/Tefegraph off Berg Bedroom furniture lamps etc

TAYLOR everyth ng from A Z must go' 1172 0 Mortenview Monday April 12th Sunday April 18th 9 5

Moving Sales

LIV O N IA MOVING S A L E April 8 9 3 8 April 1 0 9 12

Two homes combined Huge amounts of office furniture and supplies Sofa chairs pic tures 8 deccr Kitchen items Hand & lawn tools edger 22 ladder space heaters numidi fier Baby stuff 14230 Hubbard Rd S of 5 Mile

PLYMOUTH Great stuff' D n ng set bedroom misc 193 Hamilton N of Ann Arbor Tr E of Mam Thurs Sat 10 3

ROCHESTER H ILLS 12 5hpriding iawnmower w/trailer 5hp rototiller 5hp 22 snow blower 200 ps air compres sor tools turn ture kids toys outdoor playsets household terns 8 mere Thurs Sun

8am 4pm 2940 Corinthia Dr W of Livernois off Auburn

WAYNE April 8 9 10 4pm 36935 Greenbush Furniture 8 household goods


Mens black leather jacket lined w/hood large size like new $55 (313) 937 2297

RAINBOW P LAYSET King Kong clubhouse package 2 Excellent cond' New $6 000 asking $3500 248 608 6836

Household Goods

★ $100 double p How top full sze mattress/box set New n p astic w/warranty Can de iver 248 941 4206

★ $110 double pillow top queen size matt ess/box set New n plast c w/wa ranty Can de iver

248 941 4206

★ $210 double p How top kng sze mattress/box set New n paste w/wa ranty Can de iver 248 941-4206

★ B.DRM SET Brand new 4 piece st I in boxes Must sell $299 Can del ver 248 941 4206

★ COUCH AND LOVESEAT stll in crate With warranty Can delive Retail $900 Saerfce $425 248941 4206

★ LEATHER SOFA AND LOVESEAT Brand new stll In pkg Value $2000 must se $795 Can deliver 248 941 4206

Antique Grandmother s DeskW/glass doors Mahogany 5 long D o e sn t fit w/our decor $450 (248) 926 9133BAR TABLE Solid oak with 2 bar cha rs 8 cushions Brand new $30Q/best 734 254 9537

Beautiful MahoganyCarved Chippendale to pc

D n ng Set $5500 00 Mahogany Queen Size four

poster Complete bedroom set $2500 00 Excellent Cond

586 634 1561BED

Queen Visco Memory Foam mattress/box New in plastic Must Sell' $500 Can deliver 248 470 3350____________BED $100 Full size double PillowTop Mattress & box set new in plastic Can deliver

248 470 3350BED

$120 Queen double PillowTop New w/warranty Can deliver

248 470 3350BED

$200 King double PillowTop Mattress/box New w/warranty Can deliver 248 470 3350BED 4 piece bedroom set new in box must sell $250

Can deliver 248 470 3350

BED5 piece bedroom set new in box must sell $400

Can deliver 248 470 3350

BED7 piece cherry sleigh new in box Sacrifice $650 Can deliver 248 470 3350Bed $100 Brand new war ranty black eather sofa & loveseat w/chrome legs New warranty $950 734 231 6622

BED SET6 pc light oak & match ng entertainment center $875 Call jjfter 5pm 248 789 1523BEDROOM SET Broyhltl 5 pieces full/queen medium oak excellent condition $600 734 416 1373

BEDROOM SET ,Oak Finish Twin Bed with trg ru die 5 Drawer Chest and NigTrt Stand Excellent condition Cost $1300 will sell for $600

248 380 0599

Cail to place yo u r ad at 1 -8 0 0 -5 7 9 -S E L L ( 7 3 5 5 )

BEDROOM SET girls twm w/canopy dresser vanity w/mirror 8 lingerie chest w hte $450 248 669 2872:Bunk Bed Combo twin,bookcase chest desk good cond $450 248 4 7 7 1445

CLOSED FOR VACATIONApr l 7 thru 23 Mahogany Interiors Royal Oak Open fo r 1/2 Off Cabin Fever Sale Sat'- Apr I 24 doors open 6am

(248) 545 4 110

A U C T I O N A T T H E G A L L E R I E SFriday April 16th

at 6 30 p m Saturday April 17th

at 1100 am Sunday April 18th

at NoonSaturday April 24th

a tllO O a jn

E x h i b i t i o n H o u r sFriday April Sth Saturday April 6th Tuesday April 9th Wednesday April 10th Thursday April 11th

930am 530 p.m. 9 30am 530pm 9 30am S 3 0 p m - 930am 830pm 930am 5 30p.nt







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s just a ound the co ner I am 5 2 wth dark eyes and h a r 63 Looking to meet a tall gentleman59 70 who I kes danc ng cards trave and wants a ong te m re a t onshlp Ad# 403303

RESCUE MEm an attractive DWF 61 5 wth

long blonde ha r I m looking to an honest stable hardworkng compassionate male m an employed home owner who enjoys cookng garden ng Church famly music and movies Ony marriage minded need ca! Ad#715220

GET IN TOUCHIAdventurous SBF 19 enjoys movies playing spades and hav ng fun Looking fo a fun outgo ng SBM 18 25 Ad# 715908

COMPANION WANTEDClassy romantc SWF 57 5 6 1 9 0 b s with long blonde ha rand green eyes Enjoys ant qung craft shows garage sales casinos playing cards and board games LookngforaSW M 50 65 w hos romantic classy and would like to enjoy ife together Ad# 715804

TOUCH OP CLASSAttract ve trm fun N/D N/S SWCF- 72 from Boom feld Look ng forward to a compan on sh p w th a SWM 72 75 who s a real gentlemen Ad# 653117


MVeiy kind and caring SWF 46 5 4 m edum build blue eyed b onde Enjoys traveling cas nos fshlng archery and antiques Seeks an mtel ectual SWM 4660 for fun times Ad# 532617

VERY KINO LADYSBF 28 sseek n g aS B M 30 40 for f endshlp f rst and maybe cou d tu n into more Ad# 712726

RESPONSIBILITY IS KEYSWF 41 5 5 120 bs tw o ch l dren at home Seek ng an attrac live SWM 37+ who Ikes ch idren and is esponsibe Ad# 712290

TAKE IT SLOWDWF 46 6 9 128 bs smoker with bonde ha and haze eyes Enjoys footbal hockey NASCAR Harleys concerts and shooting pool Looking for a tal secure SWM 39 SO w hos honest eating and doesn t play games Ad# 712188

t M YOUR LADYSWF 43 5 7 w th ong brown hair brown eyes and 2 children Enjoys bingo casinos picnics boatng long walks dr ve n s and camlva s Looking for an employed honest carng affec tionate SWM 43 or older with s mliar Interests Ad# 712171

MAKE MY DAY'Fun SBF 50 enjoys famly danc ng m oves and trp s Looking for

an establ shed spunky D/WWM 47 67 who Is done with games Ad# 675614

BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUTSWF 57 5 4 red curly hair brown eyes Enjoys movies the ater boating swimmng cookng and time wth family Seeking a SWM 55 79 who Is ambit ous spirtua successful and fun Ad# 473611

SOUD VALUESWWWf 49 5 7 bonde hair green eyes Enjoys the outdoors sports travel and more Seeking an honest N/S SM 39 70 with h gh morals Ad# 488338

INTERESTED? H ; DMotivated SWF 21 looking for a fun communicative SWM 21 27 Give me a call and let s see where thn g sg o Ad# 687893

LOOKING FOR MY COWBOYSWF 30 5 1 0 bonde hair blue eyes Seeking a SWM 29-45 who likes country mus c me dancing and country dancing if you can dance or want to learn with me call now Ad# 710843

GOOD NATUREDSWF 55 61 medium build col lege graduate non smoker Enjoys working out theater movies walking and more Seek ng a SWM 6 3 plus 53 62 who s well groomed and profes sloral for fr endshlp f st Ad#470261

LETS TALKOutgoing and friendly SWF 46 5 8 brown hair blue eyes smok er injoys animals crafts the out doors and loves roller coasters Looking for an honest and up front SWM 40 51 with s mliar Interests who has a get up and go attitude Ad# 536780

YOU WILL LIKE MESWF 66 5 5 blonde medium build fun loving artist Seek ng SWM 60 plus who wants to do things Is talkative humorous and loves to cuddle If nterestscall no smokers Ad# 567287

ADVENTUROUS & SPONTA NE0U8SWF 61 enjoys paying cards being soc al d n ng out and much much more Seeking a SWM 18 67 must have a sense of humor Ad# 684940

SMILE WITH MESBF 24 Seeking an nteli gent honest and trustworthy SM 24 35 who s financially ndependent Ad# 683165

BROWN EYED GALm a SWF 48 5 4 a med ca! pro

fess onal seeking a church going N/S good humored SWM 46 52 with no chi dren at home who loves laughter the theater people and try ng new things Ad# 683074

GOOD MORALS AND VALUESSWCF 42 slm humorous and actve Enjoys tavel the outdoors movies dining and mo e Seeking a SCM 40-48 who is honest ov ng oya! and has good n o als

Ad# 682247

NO GAMESSWF 42 5 6 125 bs enjoys going to the mov es and hunt ng Seeking a SWM 35 55 who isn’t Into head games Ad# 882223

PATIENTLY WAITING FOR YOUSWF 60 auburn hair green eyes professional En oys travel week end get a-ways camp ng cuddl ng and mo e Seek ng a SWM 57 70 who Is loving humorous N/S N D fun and affectionate Ad#405309

GOOD CONVERSATIONALISTSNAF 54 looks younger black ha r brown eyes full figured et red with g own children Enjoys

a variety of th ngs Seeking a SM 45 65 who s honest and ccmpas sonate Ad# 681971

LOVES TO HAVE FUNSHF 29 mother of 2 5 5 130 bs brown hair and eyes N/S

occasional drnker Enjoys sports dare ng and mo e Seek ng a SM 27 39 who s understanding trustworthy and down to earth Ad# 681926

ID LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOUSBF 63 N/S soc al drinker ener getic and retired Enjoys trave Ing good conversation and more Seek ng a SBM 60 69 to get to know Ad# 681889

M E YOU THE ONE?SWF 33 5 4 very actve a pro fess onal and hop ng to meet an ntel gent professional SWM 32

42 n M chigan for a possible re a tionsh p Ad# 680543

ANXIOUSLY WAITINGSWF 60 5 2 brown ha r med urn bui d Wants to meet a SWM 55 70 who s t a l med urn bu Id Ikes to go places s affectionate and seeking a commitment Ad# 680347

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE SPE CIAL7SWF 73 5 3 170 lbs w th blue eyes and dark ha Enjoys read ng knttng moves and much more Look ng for a SM 67 80 fc good conve sations and cof ee Ad# 6803 4


SWF 45 5 4 129 lbs Withbonde h a r & blue eyes Enoys boating camp ng moto cydes and just kicking back having fun Look ng for a SWM 35 50 who s carng faithfu and Ikes havng fun Ad# 653751

A LITTLE SPICERetired SWF 62 enjoys d n n g out daneng traveling or stay ng home for a quiet evenng Shes look ng for a SWM 58 64 to put some fun and exc tement back into her Ife Ad# 653750

MOONLIT WALKS MInterested? Romantic SWF 595 4 135 lbs browmsh/red hair Enjoys wa ks under the moon ght Lookng for a oaring romantic SWM under 65 Ad# 664097

FUN TO BE WITHSWF 19 51 110 lbs w th blue eyes Enjoys bowing the outdoors and much more Look ng for a tall dark and handsome SWM 20 29 who is responsible and mdepend ent Ad# 679632

NO TIME FOR GAMESSBCF 39 5 9 adventurous and spontaneous Ssekng a SBCM under 48 who Is very nonest adventurous fun ovlng kind hearted and knows how to treat a woman Ad# 679589

FOLLOW YOUR HEARTSWF 41 5 6 148 lbs with one ch d Look ng for a tal profes sional SWM 40 or older, who enjoys the outdoors sports family and oh Idren Ad# 664796

LET-8 BEGIN AS FRIENDSSBF 22 college student one daughter Look ng for an honest carng understand ng commu noative SM 19 29 Ad# 664474

BE PART OF MY TOMORROWVery average looking SWCF 71 with blonde hair and blue eyes Is looking for a SWM 66 74 to share companionship for dining out dat ng and so forth Ad# 663597

HOPES & DREAMSSWF 25 411 150 bs wth one chi d Enjoys traveling Looking for a nice SM race and age ummpor tant w h o s educated employed and accepts the fact have a chid Ad# 663397

THE MARRYING KINDSWF 55 5 4 125 lbs with red ha r and green eyes Enjoys danc ing walkng and sports Lookng for a marriage m nded educated SWM 55 65 with a good sense of humor who likes having fun Ad# 662734

SEEKING NICE GENTSBF 51 5 5 good cook Seek ng a courteous SBM 45 59 5 5 + fo friendship first and then see what happens Ad# 662197

ARE WE COMPATIBLE?WWF 56 5 6 123 lbs long ha stays In shape Enjoys gourmet cooking & trave Ing Seeks a SWM55 58 years old Ad# 660575

I LL BE WAITINGCalm a d backSWF 62 52 110 lbs blonde hair blue eyes Loves fam ly activities cook ng crochet Ing cultural events and more Seeks a kind quiet SWM 68+ who cares about other peop!e and loves an m as Ad# 567481

DINNER & A MOVIEResponsible SWF 51 years old seeks non smokng non drnkmg SWM 50 65 w hos lookng for compan onsh p Ad# 660427

SOUTHERN BELLEDown to earth SWF 29 5 5 120 bs a pretty b onde Loves danc ng d n ng out and t me at home

with a special someone Wants to be spoiled by a SWM 40 58 w th no baggage Ad# 660306

THE KEY TO HER HEARTSWF 58 enjoys boating read ng movies and din ng out She Is ook ng for a N S SWM 5 9 or ta er

soc a dr nker ok with salt and pep per hal It this sounds ke you g ve he a call Ad# 659790

CALL & CHAT WITH MESWF 53 5 3 weight proport on ate Enjoys ga den ng m oves fn e dm ng good conve sation plus more Hopes to meet a SWM 50 60 Ad# 659405

SEEKS FRIENDSHIPSWF 50 5 7 weight proport on ate ret red Loves dancing tm e a t home and peope Lookng fo a SWM 47 60 Ad# 656997

ONE IN A MILLIONProfessional educated DWF 43 with one ch Id Enjoys mov es d n ing out swimming bike r d n g and mo e Look ng for an honest sincere SWM 35 52 w hos not into games knows what they want and enjoys the outdoors Ad# 656858

HUSBAND WANTEDSWF 38 attractive blonde likes to cudd e fine arts/d ning mov es s honest carng romantic passion ate N/S not outdoor type Seeks SWM 35 55 6 + attractive sta ble se ro u s reafonstnip passion for spend ng qualty tm e no sports/bar type Ad# 656162

ALL OUR TOMORROWSDWF 43 enjoys spend ng tm e with her children leading cooking and the beach Lock ng tor a good hearted SWM 40 50 w hos fun I kes to have a good t me and Ikes ch id en Ad#'656043

END MY SEARCH!m an honest d9pendabe SW

Mom 25 5 5 105 bs smoker w th brown ha & haze eyes Looking fo a ong term relat on ship w th a tal SW gentleman 30 50 who en oys summer and winter activties and has tm e for me Ad# 655797

WHY NOT CALL?SW Mom 24 5 6 120 bs Enjoys shoppng m oves etc Seeks a SBM 25 30 who enoys gong to chu on and trying new tn ngs Ad# 655731

CONTACT MEBrown eyed SBF 30 years old mother of two She enjoys movies bowl ng and Is seeking a nee SBM 21 40 who loves kids Ad# 654399

CHATSBF 26 5 7 115 lbs w th ag rea t sense of humo and no ch Idren Look ng for a SM 22 32 who is good looking Ad# 654219

RESPECTING EACH OTHERFu I f gured educated SBF 37 511 no ch Idren N/S N/D Enjoys watching sports on TV read ng bowling and the s mple things In Ife Looking for an hon est mature SBM 37 50 who s empoyed and has h s own trans portatlon Ad# 644676

JUST THE GAL FOR YOU!Attract ve SWF 61 5 6 brown hair/eyes Enjoys theater travel din ng out and fam! y Look ng for an honest good humored SWM 55 68 N/S Ad# 653249

ARE YOU MY SOULMATE7SWF 44 N/S socia drinker 6 6 140 lbs blue eyed blonde Interests are moves bowling and dancing She s look ng for a sens five financially secure N/S SM 35-60 whose ch Idren are grown and who app eciates women Ad# 641647

FORMER MODELSWF 49 5 6 wth nteligence creativity and a passion fo music and dancing Seek ng a man 39 49 to share these nterests and more fo a possible LTR Ad# 538187

JUST MOVED BACKAdorab e SWF 33 5 5 150 lbs brown hair and Ight green eyes Seekng a SWM 35-47 who s affectionate and humourous Ad# 644179

ENJOYS LIFESWF 52 5 4 red hair brown eyes Likes dining out travel ng movies riding Hailey s in the sum mer and more Seek ng a SWM 45 59 who enjoys life Ad# 643675

SEEKS UNDERSTANDING MANCa Ing dependable SWF young locking 38 ooklng for a fex ibe SWM 30 50 Ad# 643379

FRIENDS TO STARTVery busy SWF 38 enjoys mov es traveling theate comput ers and quiet t mes Looking for a sincere educated emp oyed SWM 30 50 who can be flexible due to my busy schedule and is Interested In friendship to start maybe more ater Ad# 943444

HEART OF A POETSWF 40 5 5 with brown eyes he ght/we ght proportionate Enjoys f s h n g camping wrltng photography and more Look ng fo a SM under 50 who has slml la nterests Ad# 643372

For even more ads visith n p : / / w w w . o b s e r v e r s i n a l e s . c o m

H I View a photo of this person online dj) Respond to this ad for FREE by calling 1-800-487-2038

View an expanded profile for this person onlineTHE COFFEE IS ONSWF 57 natural blonde bueeyes w th grown ch d en Looking fo a promp N/S N D mature SWM 57 80 who wou d I ke to get togethe and talk ove a cup of oof fee Ad# 642834

LETS LIVE51 WF ncependent I ike moves t avel d n ng out danc ng Lookng tor SWM 50 60 w th same nterests No couch potatoes and if nte ested g ve me a call Thank You Ad# 616570

WHAT-S YOUR SIGN7 MWitty fathful outgo ng SWF 41 blue eyed blonde 5 2 Loves roller coasters computers ca ds raeng campng and fish ng Lookng for a good humored open m nded pass onate SM 35 55 w hoerjoyslfe Ad# 536207

READY TO SETTLE DOWNSWF 47 5 2 att active blonde hazel eyes with a beaut fu! sm le Seek ng a honest and oaring SWM 40 52 who enjoys spending t me w th that specla someone Ad# 641159

LOOKING FOR HONESTYSWF 58 5 4 with green eyes Enjoys the water and trying any th ng once In search of a tal SWM 55 66 who s honest w th a great sense of humor and sim la n taests Ad# 636111

LOOKING FOR FUNm ready fo fur & aughter SBF

46 6 a smoker social drnke I en.oy watch ng sports and t avel ng I m sea chSng for a SBM 55

70 who shares my nte ests Ad# 503750

GOOD NATUREDSBF 47 5 3 dark brown hair outgo ng sincere and fun loving Enoys shoppng travel dn n g concerts the outdoors pom es and mere Seeking a SBM 40 60 who s sincere outgoing fun loving

fam ly oriented and is a kid at heart Ad# 442747

LOVE TO GIVESWF 27 5 9 145 bs blonde har g een eyes She Is seekng a man who loves child en has a seise of humor s honest and enjoys qu et t mes at home Ad# 633192


SWM 52 w th brown hair and a mustache En oys d n ng out the outdoors etc Look ng for a SWF 40 53 who s ookmg for a long term relat onsh p FI nt area Ad# 420370

THE FIRST TO BE THE LAST?SWM 47 5 7 athlete tu Id dark ha r blue eyes Enjoys danc ng and Ife at the lake Lookng fo an open m nded fun att actve f t SF 35 47 Ad# 714636

FUN LIFESWM 68 61 210 bs brown ha and eyes actve easygong and fun to be around Seek ng an affectionate SF age unimportant who Is fun to be w th Ad# 683232

WE WILL SEESWM 34 511 180 bs brown hair blue eyes smoke social drinker Seeks a decent SWF 24 42 A d#713575

ARE YOU OUT THERE7SNAM 50 a Christ an who kes hunt ng cam png r d n g h s motorcycle and going to Church He wou d like to meet a SF 18 48 for a po sslb e re i t onshlp Ad# 712725

F a c e I tOur Personal* a w help

y o u f in d that ' f e c ia l „ \o w (Jonc in the cro/i d

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LETS SHARE LIFE TOGETHERSBF weight proport onate 47 enjoys travel weekend getaways camping movies p ay s dining n/out romanto days n sea oh of

a SCM 45 65 family oriented w thslm iar nterests Ad# 640890

SEEKING CHURCH GOING MANSBF 22 enjoys go ng to church Lookng for a fun respectable cean cut SB genteman 18 30 N/S N/D who is ss ious about a comm tted relat onsh pAd# 640709

LOOKING TO BE SPOILEDSBF 27 mother of 3 boys Seeking SWM over 30 for a poss b e re a tionsh p Ad# 640217

TRY IT OUTSWF 49 beaut ful blonde who s romantc and sophisticated En oys the bookstore entertain ng and cooking Seeks a speoal SWM to make her house a home He should be nteli gent f nano a y/emot orally secure handsome gene ous & marriage minded Ad#640050

SIMPLE UFESWF 47 54 110 lbs brownhalr and g een eyes Enjoys sports beach go < cook ng dancing Seekng SWM who is outgo ng friend y laya and good hearted Lets have fun and good tm es together Ad# 640037

LOVABLE SWEETIESWF 42 I Enjoy Ife family cook ing and movies Seeking an SWM who is honest sincere You must enjoys fa and good oonversa tionsi Ad# 639222


MPetite WF 61 sort of cute smart sp r tual & spi ited I aiji I v ng w th some heath chalenges and am seekng a happy honest senior male vhos tred of facing h s challenges alone & needs some tends loving care Great cook wrte ph losopher Ad# 572333

COMPLETE HONESTY A MUSTI m a sincere SBF 21 wth one son I m sea chlng fo an ener g e tc fun honest SBM who bel eves that honesty is the key to a strong relat onshlp Ad#-636745

LIKE GOOD SURPRISES?SBF 28 511 big boned N/S N/D Enjoys bowl ng mov es cas nos t avel and t me with fr ends Lookng for an honest pe sonable SM Ad# 636602

LOOKING FOR A FRIENDSBF 31 5 7 145 lbs light com plexon Lookng for a sweet spon taneous evel headed good look Ing SBM 25 35 Ad# 636499

Call 1-900-226-9950. p e r m in u te # 2 1 9 p e r call c o n n e c t f e e

CALL MESM 45 5 9 150 lbs long brown heir blue eyes Seeking an easygo Ing SF In the Pont ac area to get to krow Ad# 714660

ARE YOU READY? ( § )Ds you have a passport? Do ycu have a swimsuit7 Do have dance shoes? m 55+ tail s lm actve ready fo fr endsbip compan ons h p romance w th a SWF 48-69who s my equa Phone repl es only please! Ad# 612394EASY TO TALK TOISingle w hte m ae 4 5 6 2 209 lbs muscular a th le te b own ha blue eyes dean cut degrei never m arred no dependsfits out going personality Sn/oys ro er bating work ng out etc Seeks a friend y sing e fem a e Wayne County Ad# 404066

CAPTURE MY ATTENTIONS8M 35 6 1 medum buid wdi brown eyes short hair a smoker and a social drinker H as looking for a compatible refat onship w th a SBF A W 715931

SOAR WITH MEI am a SWM 61 pilot who Bnjoys sand and sun beaches warm weather flying travel etc I would Ike to meet a SF 48 58 in the White Lake area Al calls returned Ad# 481076

PERSONALITY COUNTSGood lookng SBM 23 511 135 lbs Enjoys movies dining out or ch II ng at home Looking for an honest attract ve SBF with a good personality someone who enjovs having fun Ad# 715776

GET TO KNOW MESWM 53 6 2 enjoys 0 d music camping fshlng and the outdoors Looking for a SWF 53 o r younger to share Simla nteresfs w th Ad# 715407

ONE IN A MILLIONIf you like wa ks n woods can U e Ight and mov es give h m a call na s an attractive SWM 36 who would Ike to meet a SWF 45 55 A # 715326

•»(•' f t ' l 'N N '1-1-1" “ ■ w '1 kb** Enjoys jazz walking cuddlng end more Look ng for a SF 25 35 who s (ov ng down to earth sweet and has respect fo r herself Ad# 595294

GIVE ME A CALLSBM 18 5 8 enoys skating and kick ng back watch ng TV Look ng for a SBF 18 2 8 who would k e to get to know me Ad# 713076

■ M WAITINGSWM 49 looks 39 knows how to f eat a lady someone who has a n ce bui d and a pleasant personal ty I am look ng fo a woman that

is look ng for a good man Hope to hea from you a s soon a s possible Bedford area Ad# 411537

ONE IN A MILLIONSBM 27 a father college graduate enjoys music baskets! moves and trave ling Seeking a SF who is sweet and motvated Ad# 712237

TAKE A CHANCE ON MESBM 33 haze eyes 5 11 210 lbs tattoo Look ng for an nde pendent conf dent SF around 6 slim w th tattoos Ad# 635604

THIS IS IT!SBM 43 6 220 lbs tJ/S social d rn k er £n/oys sports chess dominos and mo e Seeking a SF who s ca ing loving honest and enjoys tba sam e Ad# 711740O N IG U E & FA S C IN A T IN GSelf empoyed DWCM 5 5 6 3 who enjoys the out doors talks m front of the f rep ace and trave Ing Looking for a prudent SWCF 43 55 w hos attractive fit and lookng fo a possible long term relation ship Ad# 643411

W K A T S U P L A D IE SSBM 26 Is seeking a SF ove 18 for a poss ble ong term relation s h p A d#711290

GOLF ANYONE?SWIM 5 0 5 1 0 190 lbs blue eyes and grey hair Enjoys working out boatng swmmmg golf and more Seeking a SWF age umm portant who knows how to play golf or who wants to learn Ad# 710867

LET-S MEETS3M 2 9 5 9 160 lbs hard work Ing Likes go n g out and having fun go ng to the mov es hanging out with friends and bowling Seeking a SBF 20+ with s m ill Interests Ad# 709674

STABLE MINDED HD MSWM 52 5 6 medium build brown hair green eyes N/S Seeking a SWF 38 51 who is k nd ca ing and stable Ad# 791914

FUN TIMESSBM 27 5 9 short hai Ight brown complex on Seekng a SF 20 41 to have fun with Ad# 706374

DATING WORLD AGAINSWM 66 5 6 N/S N/D Enjoys crafts c eft shows casinos and movies Lookng for a very outgo ng slm to medum buit SWF

50 65 w th no ch Idren at home who kes crafts and would like companionship Ad# 705654

UFE IS BETTER SHARED j g )W hte m ae dentist 6 173 bs 54 very suocessfu and attractive Seek ng a white female 38 to 53 5 4 plus slm non smoker very attract ve and physicaly f t who loves fne d n n g travel cuddling and is seekng a best f end Ad# 403950

KEEPS AN OPEN MINDSWM 46 5 10 190 be blue eyes Has va led interests Seeks a SWF 40 53 fo rfren d sh p f rst and we II see where It goes Ad# 662239

CALI MEISBM 36 who would like to meet a n e e talkative red headed SWF 33-45 who enjoys spending tm e watching mov es and being togeth er Ad# 697835

LOOKING FOR YOUSWM 52 5 7 with brown ha /eyes kes scuba diving trav ellng andecaplng etc Seeking a SWF 62 62 retired and ready to have fun Ad# 693394

WAITING FOR YOUTal SWM 29 who Is looking fo a long te rn elatlcnshlp w th a SWF 23 33 who is pretty fun loving and enjoys Ife Ad#571725

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINESWM 59 6 2 200 lbs no chi dren at home Enjoys read ng bike r d n g dm ng out cooking and much more Looking to meet a SWF 48 61 who Is looking for a long term serious relat onsh p Ad# 689635

GOOD GUYSBM 32 511 150 bs who caters to that special woman s needs Seekng a SBF 18 40 Ad# 689208

A LONG KNIGHT H j!g JAttract ve SWM 51 6 180 lbs with b own hair b own eyes and a wide varety of nterests Search ng tor a pet te to average built SF 38 54 race un mportant who s down to earth s ncere and honest Ad# 419021

KISSES FROM MEAthlete outgo ng e n e g e tc and happy SWM 43 5 9 who enjoys sports working out an mals and more Seek ng an honest caring warm and sensll ve SF 35 50 who can carry on an ntelligent conver sation Ad# 468065

HANDSOME & WITTYH lm a SWM 55 who likes sports and s described as ntel gent and outgo ng I would like to meet a SWF 30-45 who is not mater atistic and who has a nice personality Ad# 688093

A DREAM COME TRUESBM 22 5 7 with blonde hair b ue eyes and a med um bu d Enjoys m oves having fun bowing and NASCAR Looking for a nice outgoing SBF w th similar nter ests Ad# 687211

ARE YOU THE ONE?SBM 56 6 2 with an average bu Id and s a vegetarian He loves culture doing the right th ng and ving right Looking for an honest

open minded heathy ntelligent SF age and ace not mportant to sha e special t m es w th Ad# 687188

FIRST MATE WANTEDTall d stlngu shed SWM 65 Seeks fun ovlng SWF 35 55 for boating d ning and summer fun aboard his yacht n St Claire f you are open minded and ready for adventure call now! Ad# 636977

CHURCH & RELIGIONSBM 24 dark brown skn 6 4 220 lbs brown eyes two ch Idren at home Seekng a SF 18 29 who goes to Church Ad# 686945

FAITHFUL & LOYALSWM 44 6 1 175 lbs with brown g aying hair Looking for a SWF under 48 for qu et romantic tm e s together Ad# 686504

EDUCATED PROFESSIONALSWM 45 5 8 fit l ght brown hair blue eyes Looking for a passion ate compass onate profess onal SWF 28-45 Oakland or Wayne County Ad# 449863

LOOK INTO MY EYESSBM 31 61 190 bs with black hair green eyes and children not llvng at home Enjoys dancing walking sports and bowling Lookng far a SBF 18 38 with a medium complex on green eyes and no oh Idren Ad# 685727

THE SEARCH I8 OVERSWM 48 6 235 bs with b onde ha r smoker NID Enjoys golf Las Vegas and b ke riding Lookng for a SWF 35 48 w hos honest easy go n g height to weight proportion ate and easy on the eyes Ad# 685692

ATTENTION LADIESSWM 19 6 5 190 lbs w th and athlete build black hair and blue eyes Looking for a SF to have fun w th someone w hos easy to talk to Let s ta k and see where it leads us Ad# 685663

Q u e s t i o n s ? C o n t a c t C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e • c a l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 8 1 - 2 9 7 6 . H o u r s : M o n . - F r i . , 9 a . m . - 1 0 p . m . E S T o r v i s i t u s o n l i n e a n d c l i c k C O N T A C T U S t o s e n d u s a n e - m a i l . C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e p r o v i d e d b y D R M O C .

M Male B Black El East Indian F Female C Christian W White A Asian S Single W W Widowed N/S Non Smoker NA Native American H Hispanic

BLUE EYES BROWN HAIRGood looking and f n a n c a l y secure SWM 32 Seeking a SWF 27 37 who kes d n ng out bowl Ing and a good home cooked mea Ad# 685402

REQUIRED LOVESWM 40 w th black/g ay h a r Enjoys tm e w th h s teenage ch Id Look ng for a SWF 35 45 who s friendly nice and ovlng Ad# 684089

ONE OF A KINDGood lookng SWM 55 retired enjoys danc ng camp ng and sai ng Look ng for that spec a lady

a SWF 45 51 slm attract ve fun loving and honest Ad# 681800

END MY SEARCHDWM 50 510 180 lbs smoke n search of a nice ook ng good

humored SWF 35 50 who enjoys sports m use daneng a n d tiy n g new things Ad# 682841

TIRED OF BEING ALONESWM *9 hardworking 5 8 175 bs Seeking a SWF 45 48 who s

easygoing nte ligent and fit for a ong te m re at onsh p n the Redfo fl a ea only No E mails please Ad#-406401

MUST BE SPIRITUALSWM 38 6 2 shaved head blue eyes affectionate funny spiritual smoke Enjoys bowing moves the outdoo s sports and mo e Seek ng a SF who s affect onate humo ous com m unlcatve and enjoys the same Ad# 682226

HERE-8 TO NEW BEGINNINGSCaring and kind SWM 53 straw berty/blcnde hair mustache blue eyes 5 7 175 lbs L kes going to the moves sightsee dine out and more Seeking a SWF 18 45 Ad# 682089

DESIRES OF THE HEARTSNAM 24 has a varety of hobbes and nte ests Seeking a SAF 18 25 preferable a blonde with blue/green eyes who s outgo ng and independent Ad# 682069

LET ME KNOWSWM 46 N/S easygoing and fun ovln Seeking a SWF 25 35 who Is honest ovlng dedicated and sincere Ad# 681984

NOT YOUR AVERAGE JOET red of guys who take up the r Sundays w th sports? Try me I m a conslde ate open minded SWM 47 locking fo a SWF 35 48 Ad# 68-517

HELLO HELLO HELLON ce down to earth SBM 35 I kes go ng out hav ng fun aughter and has a va ety of other nterests Look ng for the same qua ties n a SWF 22 35 Ad# 681382

LET'S MEETSWM 44 brown hair g een eyes medium build Enjoys walking d n ng out and more Seek ng a SWF

25-45 to meet for a casual drnk and get to know bette Ad# 681244

LOOKING FOR ELEGANCEDashing talented gentleman 38 athetic brownhalr If your fr ends say you are too sk nny am a ready mak ng t me for you si p Into a d ess po nt your toes and clck your heels m your James Bond and that drives me wld Ad# 680641

STILL LOVE THE BEACH BOYSlm a sandy and athletic SWM 511 38 but ook and feel much younger Where is my surfs g rl7 If you are s ender and slow mov ng w I sweep you off your feet

and s ng to you every day and nght Ad# 680637

A REAL GENTLEMANRetired educated SWM 60 5 9 160 bs with bue eyes & dark ha Enjoys bow ing long walks d n n g out daneng and romantic even ngs Look ng for a SWF 45 60 w hos actve for a long term p easant relatlonsh p Oakland county Ad# 663655

50>S WHITE MALE511 n h s 5 0 s N/S clean cut L kes long d ives and garden ng Seeks a down to earth neat lady weight proportionate age open Genesse County Phone responses only Ad# 557006

SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY'SWM 30 511 180 bs back hair green eyes Seeking a SF under *5 who s adventurous and down to earth Ad# 680479

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The Pub sher assum es no la b l t y for th e content o f or rep e s to any adve t sement or v o c e greet ng Such ab lty res ts ex cu sv e ly w th the advertiser o respondent The advert s e r and respondent agree to mdemnfy and hold this pub cation and UitIMate ts em p o y e e s and agents harm less from al costs expenses llab lltles and dam ag es result ng from o caused by th s pub icat on or recording p aced by the advertiser or any rep y to sam e The advert sers and respondents ag ee that they are a t least 18 years od Advert se vo oe greet ngs wl I be rejected f they conta n last nam es phone numbers any add e s se s e ma addresses or exp ic t sexua language You shou d sc e en your responses ca efuly F s t meetings shoud be held n a pub c pTace The use of cordless or ce ular phones s discou aged Copyright UitIMate 4/06/04

Place your FREE word ad, call toll free 1-800-487-2038•FR l.F . P r i n t .1 rf • F R F l . I n i c e G r e e t i n g • F R i . F M e s s a g e \ o t i f i c a t i o n


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© b s c r w c r ^ ^ t c c n t r t t M a r k e t P l a c eAll Ads Run Online

F R E E !A Value Of Up To $87.00

ivw w .hom etow

Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 ( * ) 07

COUCH colonial blue ptad $100 Barn red wing char $75 (734) 455 2416

C O U C H Leather couch $475 Loveseat $375 Chair $325 Sell together or separate Can del ver 248 470 3350

COUCH navy blue leather oak cocktail & end table lamps entertainment center p ctures bookcases (734) 560 3913

C OUCHES CHAIRS LO VE SEATS OAK DINING TABLE w/3 leaves & 6 chairs china cabinet Like new

734 454 1544

DINETTE Cherry Queen Anne 11 piece new in box Worth $3400 sell for $825 Can deliver 248 470 3350

D IN IN G R O O M S E T 1930 s Shenden Mahogany with but fet china cabinet table with 2 leaves 6 chairs asking $1 950 313 255 7213

Dining Room Set Maple w th buffet china cabinet table 4 chairs Excellent condition Dearborn $750

313 255 1938

Dining Set light beige 60 x40 marble table 4 fabric chairs $ 700 Thomasviile pecan armoire $500 248 593 4756

DINING TABLE Gorgeous dark cherry only 8 mo old 6 chairs originally $1800 $700 firm Call 248 626 6968

FU R NITU RE Complete living room contemporary sectional w/neutral colors formica end tables & wall unit glass coffee table & matching accessories $13CQ/best (248) 960 9030

Furniture - Leaving State

Must seil will sacrifice our house full of near new furm ture includes elegant Italian leather sofa & matching love seat cost over $3000 sell both pcs for $1650 also have gorgeous 11 pc formal cherry Chippendale dining room suite cost over $6000 will sacrifice for $3150 2Thomasviile quality king size cherry bed sets complete 1 poster nee carved & 1 sleigh 2 queen size complete bed sets 1 cherry sleigh & 1 oak w/gentleman s chest 2 coffee table sets 2 cherry grandfa (her clocks curio cabinet hall tree partners desk big screen T V accent chest & mirror 8 pc solid oak kitchen set many expensive quality lamps pictures Italian tea cart w/matchmg mirror all less than 2 mos old & m exc cond Must be sold A S A P ' No reasonable offer refused' Please calf 248 848 9970

GIRL S BEDROOM SET Twostorage beds and matching night stand all in whitewash wood Must bring own trans poriation Calf after 4 30 pm $300 734 4 2 7 5108G IR LS BEDROOM SET kitchen table/hutch sectional couch upholstered char & patio furniture Price neg Call for details 734 455 0051MOVING S A LE 2 "queen beds desk entertainment center & more 801 815 0491R EFR IGER ATO R G E white only 8 mos old warranty Originally $110 0 sell for $750/best 248 626 6968R EFR IGER ATO R G E whte only 8 mos old warranty Orignally $ 110 0 sell for $800/best 248 626 6968SOFA & LOVE SEAT Match ng contemporary Sofa 94 Must sell $500/both 313 550 0890SOFA LOVE SEAT OTTOMANMatch ng contemporary Must sell $500/all 313 550 0B90TABLE glass w/4 leather chairs $400 Cherry side & coffee table $200 ea Couristan rug $250 50 s h gh fi $200 586 291 8044

TV ARMOIRE Oyster OakMatching cocktail & end table $800 (new $2000) will sepa rate________ (734) 591 9218TV/Audio Cabinet black Sony $75 5 piece solid wood so table chairs $100 Utility tub $50 248 851 5827


Large L white sofa Drexel tables Italian 3 pece wal unit glass dining table 6 chairs King bedroom set beige sofa & loveseat 810 234 9783 or 810 287 4476

W ALL UNIT 5 PIECEHooker Washed Oak Finish Includes Entertainment Center

holds 32 TV 2 lighted units with- glass shelves and lower storage and 2 lighted comer units with glass/wood shelves Cost $3800 will sell for $1800

248 380 0599


$100 (734) 578 8734Gibson 40 electric stove new condition $50

(248) 236 8554REFRIGERATOR

Hot Point£75 (734) 578 8734

STOVE Frigidaire Electric self cleaning $100

(248) 459 3074

STOVE G E flat top electric 3 1/2 yrs old looks* * brand new $175 (734) 414 8427W HIRLPOOL X L capacity washer gas dryer almond $150 G E Eterna 22cf black fridge with ice & water in door $600 248 851 5827

( J j j )

SOFA 2 piece corner section al seats 8 Brown earth tones w/ shades of blue looks new $425/best 313 73 7 4244

9 Herman Miller Work Stations Conference Room Furniture & 10 filing cabinets

Call (248) 816 7244

DRAFTING BOARD 3 x5 90degree tilt Stool $25 (248) 647 3 747


Moving Sale Norstar phone system w/4 phones 2 and 4 drawer file cabinets Very good condtion Land Co of Mich Plymouth 734 455 0606RENOVATION SALE! Formal dining room set Formal Walt Unit and cherry wood desk with gradenza Great condi tion* $750 ea 248 593 8111

LAPTOP COMPUTERWindows 2000 $400

734 3 7 7 4949


1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 * 7 3 5 5

TOSHIBA S ATELLITE 1905 LAPTOP Pentium 4 512 mb CD/DVD $2100/new now $890 M n t 248 203 1066


$20 $40 734 459 7074

( J )

TRACTOR 1993 2Qhp Toro w/snowplow Full canvas cab low hrs good condtion Asking $2000 248 347 1 655

BLUE SPRUCE trees 414 to 5'A ft tail $70 each

(810) 720 5095

CEMETERY LOTS Acacia Park Cemetery B rmlngham two lots each $500

313 886 7347

FIBERGLASS SHOWER STALL36 corner w/glass doors $150 (313) 563 6689

HOMEOWNERS WANTEO'I Kayak Pools is ookmg for Demo Homesites to display our New Maintenance Free Kayak Pool SAVE thousands of $$$ with this

unique opportunity CALL N O W '"

1 800 31 KAYAK Discount Code 106 L15

STOVE/OVEN Kitchen cab nets car top carrier baby crib and more 734 462 1537

VENDING MACHINE8 select on 12 oz pop cans

$150 S O LD

BABY GRAND PIANO Walnut finish bench Very good cond $2500/best 248 349 5456

Baldwin electronic organ 2 full keyboards w/futl peddle board $100 (248) 344 4031

DRUM SET USED 5 piece with 2 stands $300/best Scott (734) 981 0078

Five piece drum set pearl export plus $200 or best

(734) 72 1 9079

Piano Ste nway upright mahogany excellent condi tion $5500 734 671 8034

PIANO UPRIGHTBlack Lacquer includes bench exec cond Grmnell Bros 1997 $2200 (248) 642 2916

H O M E G YM Wieder 8630 Used very little like new condi tion $ 175 734 458 8762


500 tables of modern & antque firearms B U Y S E L L A N D T R A D E Novi Expo Center (I 9 6 at Novi R o a d )A P R IL 1 7 and 18 Public admitted 9 am For nfo call 248 676 2750

Mizuno graphite irons 3 PW S W $125 Yonexl & 3 W $ 2 5 each 248 682 1333

M OUNTED ANIM ALS Deer Elk Moose Bear Ram Wolverine B rds & Fish $50 $499ea 989 268 5 217

POOL TABLES All Slate antique ultra modern bar size Buy direct from factory 248 399 7255E 248 547 3980

SCHWINN AIR D Y NE Good condition Low miles $200

734 458 8762

SLATE PO OL TABLE4 x 8 all equ pment $750 248 789 8382 313 531 9155

WANTED TO BUYUsed canoes rowboats docks & boat hoists W II pick up Cash waiting 248 343 3 277

WANTED Wildlife art print by former Birmingham artist Rob Gwynn Call (231) 745 719 0

Aquarium 150 gal custom all accessor es Was $5000 seil $1300/best 248 553 7967

CHINESE CRESTED AKCfluffy non shedding small Terry (313) 271 20 17

DACHSHUND PUPPIESACA ready to go on April 9 Parents on site depos ts wel come $350 734 394 1834

LAB PUPS AKC O FA Males $600 Females $700 Yellow & chocolate 734 944 6500

S H IH T Z U 7 year old female papers good fam !y home $350 must sell 248 735 4410

s h u m ?W h a t e v e r t h e c a s e m a y b e . . .

Your area rea ltors and your

O b server & E c ce n tr ic

H om eT ow n C la ss if ie d s are ready to help!

Look for the realtor who is a member of




mR E A L T O R

CHINCHIU AS 2 grey 1 female & 1 male 12 yrs old and 1 albino female 7 yrs old 2 cages Free (248) 596 9688

FOUND CAT Farmington Hills 8 Mile & Orchard Lake Long haired black w/brown Call btwn 10 6pm 248 474 6937

FOUND CAT Garden City by Ford Rd and Middlebelt m Oct Torti colored

248 474 6937

FOUND DOG Lab type dog on Henry Ruff & Elmwood Black w/white or back legs (734) 522 0626

LO ST CAT Black male w/white on chest Sheldon Rd /N Territorial area Family pet Call (734) 416 0825LO ST CAT Black w/Gold green eyes female Ann Arbor Trail & Inkste area Reward ___________ (313) 561 5365LO ST Welsh Terrier 4 yr old male Augg e black/tan friendly lost 13 Mlle/Green field Reward 248 549 2134

When seeking out the best deal check out the Observer & Eccentric Classifieds'

l 1 800 579 7355 )

F o r T h e

M o s t

C o m p l e t e

R e n t a l

L i s t i n g I n

t h e D e t r o i t

A r e a . . . L o o k

N O F u r t h e r !

S t a r t i n g M a r c h 1 5 t h t h r u

t h e e n d o f A p r i l w h e n

y o u p l a c e a m e r c h a n d i s e

f o r s a l e a d , y o u w i l l

a u t o m a t i c a l ' y b e e n t e r e d

t o w i n m o v i e p a s s e s f o r

t w o f o r N o v i ' s E m a g m e

T h e a t e r

E M A G / N ETHfc MAG C 0 ? MOV kS ft MORE

There will be 6 winners each week!

C a l l T o d a y T o P l a c e Y o u r A d .

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L■ - . / T H E •. -

(Oliocrucr ticcnlnr• : N E W S P A P E R S


M o p u r c h a s e n e c e s s a r y C o n t e s t e n d s A p r i l 3 G t u

• — < a n d S e r v i c e G u i d eAll Ads Run Online

A Value Of Up To $87.00 w w w .hom etow

( J )

P l e a s e N o t e :

Anyone providing $600 or more In material and/or labor for residentla remodeling construction or repair is requ red by state law to be t censed

( J )


Siding Trim Gutters Awnings Roofing Lie & Ins

(734) 281 0303

$ & P SIDINGSiding trim & gutters Specializing small jobs & repairs Ltc/lns 313 410 3822

< j )

★ A-1 BRICK R E P A I R *Small jobs welcome

Tuck Pointing Brick Repair Insured • (248) 478 7949

D O G O N S K I C ONS TRUC TION Brick Block & Cement Work

Porches Chimneys Dr Ways Free Est 313 537 1833

AAA CUSTOM BRICKSpecializing in

repairs Brick Block & Cement Res/Com

248 477 9673Advanced Porch & Concrete

All types of cement & mason ry w o rk Quick Service!1 Sr Discount 734 261 2655


A L L BRICK REPAIRSChimney porches tuck point ing etc 10 % off with ad

(734) 416 0800

A L L C ONCR ETE Drives porches patios walks Brick block foundation work Lie & Ins Free Est Call anytime Todd Humecky 248-478 2602

ATINA CEMENTAll types of cement work

Driveways garages patios Free Est Lie & Ins

734 513 2455 248 350 2973CANTON CEMENT COMPANY

Drives garage floors etc Free removal on replacements Llc/lns Free est 734 261 2818

PAISANO CONSTR CO Lie30 yrs exp Driveways porch es patios basement floors brick block Specialize in res idential work 248 596 2 1 7 7


Res/Comm Driveways Garage Floors Porches

Railings Awnings Basement Waterproofing Lie & Ins F R E E ES T (734) 425 7966

SVL MASONRYFor A L L your masonry needs Porches chimneys stone & tuck pointing 313 623 6912

"A D D IT IO N S P LU S "• Beautiful Additions

• Kitchens • Baths • Lower Levels

Guaranteed quality workman ship Complete plan & design service available Lie & Ins

7 3 4 -4 1 4 - 0 4 4 8A L S CONSTRUCTION

Garage building & removal Debris removal Call today

734 844 1658

B A R R Y ’ S C A R P E N T R Y•Basements •Bathrooms

•Additions ‘ Kitchens 23 yrs exp Start to Finish Lic/lns

(248) 478 8559CARPENTRY A L L PHASES

•Kitchens ‘ Baths ‘ Additions •Roofing ‘ Siding ‘ Countertops Lie & Ins 734 637 1211

FINISHED BASEMENTSCustom Bars Baths Kitchens Complete job start to finish 25 yrs exp Lie/Ins Northshire Corp 248 628 1400HIGHLAND ENVIRONMENTAL•Finished Bsmts ‘ Decks‘ Com plete design/build -Lie & Ins 734 658 4100 313 415 6171JM GALLAGHER ConstructionSiding gutters replacement windows & doors Also bsmt remodeling Est 1981 Free est

(313) 4 14 3355 Lie# 2 101152 476 Fully ins

Rec Room Kitchen & Bath Specialists Al! Remodeling

Formica & Laminate Visa/MC AM EX

246 476 0011 313 835 8610


Railings Straight or Bent Lie 30 yrs exp 734 455 3970

ACTION CARPENTRYBasements kitchens & baths New & repairs

NO JO B T O O S M A L L' 734 72 1 0533

Rec rooms Basments Kitchens Baths New & Repairs

248 471 2600 313 835 8640

( J )

Floor Covering InstallationsW H Y PAY M O R E Deal with the installers direct We offer carpet • tile • linoleum Fully Ins Cal! Mike 248 249 8100

Chimney Cleaning/Building l Repair N i i r

★ AAA Custom Brick


Very clean quality work 25 yrs exp New & Repairs (248) 4 7 7 9673

IChimney Cleaning/ / 9 R k | 1 Building l Repair w | | Electrical | Handym an M/F ^ ) | | Huusculcan iny iL a w n , Gardening

| Maintenance Service H i r |IPaintiny/Decorating J f f f j v l |Paperhaiigers M i r |

8 E S T C H I M N E Y & R o o fin g Co

New & repairs Sr citizen dlsct Lie & Ins

248 557 5595 313 292 772 2

D IS C LEANING SERVICEResident al homes Ref (734) 266 3235 or 734 673 1236ION House apartments & office cleaning low rates Free Estimates' Dependable'

(734) 306 0924

COLEMAN CEMENTAll types of cement work

Rick Coleman (313) 538 8279

CRUZ CEMENTPorches patios drivewayf ewalks garage firs footing

1 al! type of cement work at a good price Lie & Ins 313 6 17 9134/313 849 1909

L & J CONTRACTINGAll types of concrete

Small jobs welcome Free est (734) 762 0266

( J )

AFFORD ABLE CUSTOM DECKWolmamzed or Cedar Lic/lns

Free Est 20 Yrs Exp 734 261 16 14 248 442 2744


Custom Decks Gazebos & More Maintenance Free Available Lie builder Fully insured (248)866 0 7 7 7

MICHIGAN DECKS INCCustom decks wood & main tenance free licensed & insured 248 219 6927 michigandecks com


Free Est Reasonable Prices John 734 722 6855

DRYW ALL FINISHING30 years experience

No job toe small 73 4 728 9599

CJ ELECTRIC Licensed Insured Residential & Commercial New & repair work (734) 420 3000

ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS?32 yrs exp Storm damage www mattofnc com Small jobs welcome (734)654 1004

Electrician for All Your Residential Needs

Quality work free est Lie /Ins 734 266 6209 313 319 6553FAMILY ELECTRICAL City certr Violations corrected Service changes or any small job Free est 734 422 8080★ GENlRATORS Hot tubs ceil Ijig fans remodels all efectr cal Builders welcome Lie/ ms 25 yrs exp 248 343 2799

LIC MASTER ELECTRICIANNeeds your work Cal! John 7 Days

248 376 2954

SPARKY ELECTRIC Res/Comm Wmng/Repairs

Low Rates Free Est Lie Ins 313 533 3800 248 521 2550

WEGMANN ELECTRIC INCNew home wiring & re

modeling Big & Small Jobs Lic/lns Jeff 734 564 1931

( J )

Hardwood Floor SpecialistInstall Sard Finish & Repairs 22 years exp Reasonable rates 734 968 0609

( J )


Dormers Additions Alum Siding Roofing Windows Porches All Cement Work & Home Improvements 20 yrs exp F R E E EST 734 42$ 0060

( J )

GARAGE DOORSprings and door openers

Repaired/replaced Avail Sun 248 640 6298 C E L L


2 4 8 - 4 7 1 - 2 6 0 0

LIVONIA GUTTERcleaning repairs seamless gutter insured 248 568 1948

Absolutely Lic/lns DU IT A L L Specials Ceramic tile Formica & Corian tops & kitchens We also do complete basements & all other interior work inctud mg electrical & plumbing etc


All phases of home improve ment Free est Sr Citizen D sc Beat any bid! 734 467 7798

CNT CARPENTRYInterior exterior repairs & improvement Photos refer rals 313 531 7899

Dram Systems Waterproof ing Wail Straightening Cement FINANCING (586) 7 7 7 8922

FOR A L L YO UR HANDYMAN NEEDS Painting flooring windows doors finish base ments etc M TV Painting Co Exp over 7 yrs 248 231 9205

KRAEMERComplete home repair remod eling & custom built closet organizers 248 615 4863

R e tire d H a n d y m a nAll types of work

313 835 86102 4 8 - 4 7 1 - 3 7 2 9

RIDGEMONT ENTERPRISESGentle construct on remodel mg s ding windows garages lie & insured 73 4 728 710 6

TEO A L L HOM E REPAIRSRepair maintain upgrade everything Small jobs wel come (248)506 6011

A 1 Hauling Move scrap metal clean basements garages stores etc Lowest prices in town Qu ck service Free est Wavne/Oakland Cty Central ocation 547 2 76 4 / 5 5 9 8138


S E R V I C EWe clean out homes attics basements garages offices warehouses & anything else Complete demolition from start to finished Free est Demolition 248 489 5955

GOT JUNK?We haul/load anything' FR EE Q U O T E 7 Days Aspen Disposal 248 622 1516

CENTRAL CUSTOM HEATING & COOLING LLC Sales serv ice & installation New & exist ng home Free est Lie ins 73 4 699 5129

BLOW DUT PRICES!All types of work licensed Electrical Commericai & Residental (2 4 8 )2 19 0873KITCHEN/BATH REM ODELING& other home improvements

Free estimates Over 40 yrs exp (586) 755 7755

KITCHENS BATHS BSMTSLocal co Free estimates

Best value super references O f ce phone 734 73 7 9 778

( J )

A FFO R D AB LE Personalized Housecleaning Professional Thorough & Reliable

Call Lynn 734 3 7 7 4196GUARANTEED Old fashion detailed cleaning Employee background screening 24 yrs exp Ins & bond provided New client d scount available

O LD M AID S ER V IC E 248 478 3240

Home & Coml CleaningWe get all the corners Bonded

& nsured Reasonable rates Call Deb at 248 890 3800

HOUSE CLEANINGWeekly basics to Spring

Gleanings Ref Reasonable & reliable Deanna 313 292 3181


References avail (734) 729 9362

MODERN CONCEPTSSn c e 19 87 Professional Cleaning Res dential/Office Quality Service Reasonable Rates 734 524 9808


ReferencesCall Wendy at (734) 968 8615

THE TIDY TWINS15 yrs exp Very reliable & trustworthy Business & resi dential Darlene 248 514 0043

DISCOUNT IRRIGATION SER VICES Install repair & trou bleshoot Sprinkler shut off Free est lie /ms All landscape & hauling Jett 248 489 5955

Aerations & Dethatching10% Discount thru 5 15 04 Y A TES LA N D S C A P IN G INC

248 474 1268

BENDER DONE THAT LAWN SERVICE Free est spring clean up Call Tom today at 313 255 1995 313 781 5693

C OM P LETE LANDSCAPING BY LACOURE SERVICES Relandscaping & new landscap Ing grading sodding hydro seeding all types retaining walls installed brick walks & patios Drainage systems lawn irrigation systems low foundations built up Weekly lawn maintenance 30 yrs exp Lie & Ins Free Est

248 489 5955

CRIMBOU NURSERY• Re iandscapjng-Brick Pavers• Tree & Evergreens* Hardgood Deliveries* Free Estimates

Visit Our 20 acre Nursery 50145 Ford Rd Canton

734 495 1700

M R S H O V E L• Resodding

Lawns• Brick Pavers• Drainage &

Low area repaired•Demolition/Pool Removal •Dirt Concrete Removal

R a u l 7 3 4 -3 2 6 -6 1 1 4

SUMM ER LAWNCAREG & G Landscaping Great spring rates! 10+ yr exp Free Es? 248 321 8620

WILD BROTHERS LLC Outdoor Services

Lawn maintenance $18 $22 most lawns 248 4 7 7 5247

• LAWN SP RIN KLERS *Landscape & design Hydroseeding Sod Brick Pavers Grounds Maintenance etc Insured 734 564 1275 www naturegreenservices com

IMAGINE OUTDOOR•Quality Lawn Maintenance

•Spring Clean up/mulch •Bush trimming

( 2 4 6 ) 4 7 6 - 1 0 9 9AFFORDABLE MAINTENANCESpring Clean-ups

Douglas (248) 366 9S86

BOBCAT W ITH OPERATORFor hire Landscaping demo lition excavating concrete / asphalt removal & haul away many more jobs Prompt & professional service Tom (248) 866 3068

BRAD S LAWN & LANDSCAPELawn Yard Garden Main Spring Clean ups Odd Jobs Free Est (734) 564 0993

D A B ER S LAWN CAREMowing • Edging • Trimming • Aerations • Clean ups Senior discount Res/Com Lie /Ins Free est Call David


(2) F R E E Mowings w/contract Y ATES LAN D SC APIN G INC

248 4 7412 6 8LUCIA S LAWN CARE

Weekly lawn cuttng or full srv N Livonia Farmington & Farmington Hills 20 yrs + exp Free Est Fully insured Sen Dis (248) 471 7990

Mature reliable lawn serviceT O M & SON

Serving W/Wayne Cty 20 yrs+ 73 4 397 8639


Now taking lawn ma ntenance accounts for 2004 Also full landscaping services Includ mg ponds & paver Unilock Authorized Contractor

734 762 7067

Shrub Trimming Landscape Clean up Mulch Beds Shrub Planting Fertilizing Mowing Expert design 734 421 7 1 2 7

STEVE S LAWN SERVICEI will maintain your lawn the way you like it done Call for a Free Estimate 734 207 0792

BOXES & MOVING SUPPLIES4 price list call or Email @ rrpackservice@aol com Phone #734 641 4599/Ron


2 4 8 - 4 7 6 - 0 0 1 1313 835 8610

Painting Papering Plastering Repairs Wallwashing

ACCURATE INT PAINTINGplaster/drywall repair small jobs O K 46 yrs axp Ins Free Est Larry 734 425 1372

EXPERIENCED PAINTERAffordable prices insured

Free estimates Suburbs Cali Eric 313 4 7 7 2085


For over 25 yrs Local Ref Free est 248 623 3396


• Res • Coml • Staining •Textured Ceilings • Faux Finishes • Plaster/Orywall

Repair • Wallpaper Removal• Free Est • References

• Highest Quality• 248 349 7499• 734 464 8147

LIVONIA PAINTINGInt /Ext power washing deck preservation ms repairs A LU M IN U M R E F IN IS H IN G 248 474 7181 248 231 2315

Preferred Painting15 % off All Services Int/Ext

We do it all' Insured Ref Chris Daly 73 4 954 9143

QUALITY PAINTINGThorough Preparation

Work Myself since 1967 Neat Reasonable & Insured

FR A N K C FARRUGIA 248 225 7168

* Joe s Plaster & Orywall *• Dust Free Repairs • Cracks

& Holes • Water Damage- Texturing • Small Jobs O K

Lie Ins (248) 478 7949

Plumbing & Sewer CleaningRepairs & Alterations

248 471 2600

KITCHENS BATHS BSMTSLocal co Free estimates

Best value super references Office phone 73 4 7 3 7 9 778

A L L R O O F R E P A IR SQuality workmanship

Fast Service 33 yrs exp Lie 248-354-1480

APEX ROOFINGQuality wk completed with pride Faitiliy owned Lie ins

For honesty & integrity 248 476 6984 248 855 7223

C EVERETT RO OFING Quality affordable roofing Family owned Lie & Ins Free est 73 4 439 7088 73 4 395 2339


•Rooflng»Siding*Gutters Licensed Insured BBB

734 513 0099

LEA K SPECIALIST Flashings Valleys Chimneys etc Warr Member BBB 30 yrs exp Lic/lns 248 827 3233

POWER CONSTRUCTION COComplete Roof and Repairs

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Arplanes 8320 Antque/ClassicBoats/Molors Co lector CarsBoat Pads/ 8340 AcuraEquipmenVService 8360 BulckBoatDocMlarnas 8388 CadillacBoat/Vefude Storage 8400. ChevroetInsurance Motor 8420 Chrysler PlymouthMotorcycles mb kes/ 8440 DodgeSo Kans 8460 EagleMotorcycles Parts & Seme 8480 FordOff Road Vehicles 8500 GeoRecreational Vehicles 8520 HondaSnowmobiles 8524 HyundiaCampers/Motor Homes/ 8527 KfaTrailers 8530 JaguarConstruction Heavy 6535 JeepEquipment 8540 LexusAuto M sc 8560 LincolnAuto/Truck Parts 8 Service 8580 MazdaAutoRentals/Leastng 8500 MercuryAuto Financing 8610 MitsuiJishAutos Wanted 8628 NissanJunk Cars Wanted 8640 OldsmoblleTrucks For Sale 8630 PontiacMini Vans 8700 SaturnVans 8720. Toyota4 Wheel Drive 8740 VolkswagenSports Utility 8750 VolvoSports 8 Imported 8760 Autos Over $2000

6760 Autos Under $2000

-I - 8 0 0 ’ 5 7 9 - S E L L

1986 21 Volvo w/ Penta 0 D sleeps 6 E Z Load trailer $6000 810 629 0695

CATALINA 27 Sailboat 1983roller inboard gas perfect $10 000 (313) 881 8743CHRYSLER 1975 14 ft TnHaul 55 hp w/traller $1200/best Ask for Dan T ___________ (734) 422 7540FOUR W INNS 1992 195Sundowner exc cond Rack stored 175hp I/O V6 $7950 /best Eves 734 560 6686FOUR WINNS 325 EXP 1992T/350 V drives full electron ics $48900 734 397 5060

G AM EFISH ER 15HP $600 4 5 H P Ted Williams $150 1 hp Mighty mite $50

(734) 464 7324

Seaswirl 2001 21 150HP Evmrude 30hrs Must See' $21 000 734 397 0608 or 73 4 637 7842

STINGRAY 190LX 1999 19Inboard very low engine hrs 2 extra props exc cond $13 300 (734) 634 0948

SUNFISH SAILBOATGood cond (248) 418 2345THOMPSON 1995 2G cuddy many extras low hours w/traller (734) 416 3955

BMW 2000 X1200RS 16 Kmiles AB S Krauser bags $10,500 1996 R110 0R 8K miles AB S sport fairing Krauser bags gages

$7400 248 446 1382GOLDWING SE1999 28Km l w/3 yr warranty Ready to travel $13 000 248 478 7900

/instate1 -8 0 0 Allstate

H AR LEY 2001 ULTRA 5000K Maroon/black Like new $ 17 900 248 360 5766Harley 2002 Sporters 1200 custom blk S Eagle pipes/air cleaner Chrome 2300 m perfect $8900 248 939 7355H A R LE Y DAVIDSON 1999Sportster Sport 1200 1500K $8 000/best 248 895 7616H A R LE Y DAVIDSON 1999Black Heritage softta I clean $13k After 5pm734 422 5506H A R LE Y DAVIDSON 2002 Heritage Softail Classic Black6 beautiful' 12 000 mles $16 500/best (734) 261 6625Honda 1993 Shadow VLX7 600 mi black exc cond Extras $2450 248 473 1538

HONDA SHADOW AC E TOUR ER 2000 1 1 OOcc 7600 m bought In 01 lots of extras $5850/best (734) 591 1303

1980 1997 Class C MOTOR HOMES WANTED Call Dale (517)230 8865

A ER O LIT E 1987 22 motor home 72 k mi runs great very clean $5500 248 698 1347B EA U TIFU L Lake Chemung R V campground membership & 35x12 Park model w/22x10 attached screen room pool clubhouse & beach next to golf course $28 000 M UST S E L L "352 552 4839 352 259 9138

FIFTH W H EEL TER R Y2002 30 ft fiberglass exter or slide out awning loaded w/extras sleeps 8 w/bunk house exec cond $22 000 /best (313) 533 7263JAYC 01990 P o p u p sleeps 6 Mint cond fndge stove oven bathroom awn ng screen room storage galore' $4900 248 4 7 7 9599JAYCO 2000 KIWI 23BExpandable slideout air micro 2 stoves CD stereo bath w/shower like new Reese dual cam hitch mcl $10 500 (734) 464 0570Newmar Kounlrystar 2003Diesel 330 hp Cat Allison trans 3 slides every option avail 8300 mi Must sell' $150 000 (734) 261 1210

Pop-up Cam per 19 74$375 (734) 522 7431

R VISION S TRAIL LITEM otor Home Priced Right' Model 241 Class A $52 995 34ft Class A Double Slide lo a d e d '$67 985 Many motor homes from $43900 based hwmotorhomes com Canton Open 7 days (800) 334 1535SALEM 1993 CAMPER 24 ftSleeps 8 bunks air $S0LD S O LDSPORTMAN TRAILER 2000 3 bunks queen slide air awning $9900 734 416 5345

TRAIL LITE 2902 30 ft trai er very light tow w/m dsize SUV side $15 000 734 365 3635W IN N A B EG O 2000 Sunrse cass A 34 ft 10k mles loaded large s! de out war ranty exec cond $62 000 734 416 9065Winnie Minnie 1999 DX C assC exc cond screen room & extras 14K mi ext warranty $53 000/b3St 734 326 6845 or email bestrvdeal@att net

Used Cars WantedLicensed dealer a so buying wrecked running or reparable cars & t ucks 734 383 0447

ALL AUTOS TOP$$Junked Wrecked or Running We buy & also accept dona tions for Heritage of the Blind

E & M 248 474 4425 Evenings 734 7 1 7 0428

C H EV Y 1980 3/4 ton pickup 350 motor 400 trans 4 bolt man $1 100 (248) 478 1348CHEVY SILVERADO 2001 Wktruck 2wd ext cab 4 8L V8 5 1K $ 12 70 0 313 565 9000CHEVY Silverado 2002 3/4ton 4x4 $19 495

BOB JE A N N O T T E P O N T AC (754) 453 2500

Dodge Dakota 1995 Ext cabloaded rrtoonroof etc V6 108K $4400 (734) 464 9058DODGE RAM 2002 1500 S LT 2 doer 8 bed cd 23k $14 900 (734) 502 3357FORD 1986 F150 4x4 135k power locks atr good cond $2700/best 248 476 1781FORD 1991 F150 XLT 6 cyl148K auto cap brown exc cond $2400 313 299 1 8 17FORD F 350 1989 CREW CAB pick up 460 auto runs & looks great $3800 (313) 562 4814FORD F 150 1993 Ext cab4x4 new motor w/warranty many new parts $33Q0/best Eves after6pm 734 981 5307FORD F150 1993 XLT 302auto loaded 1 owner stored winters 52k mi $7200 734 464 8 147 734 812 5191FORD F250 2003 15 5Kexc cond 4x4 tow pkg $22 000/best 734 261 8333

GMC 1999 25004x4 extended cab 1 owner never used commercially Cheap T Y M E (734) 455 5566SIERRA 1999 GM C Z 7 1Extended Cab 4 1K chrome wheels $16 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

CHEVY ASTRO 1992 AWDair good cond $2500 firm

(734) 394 0722C H R Y S LE R 2001 Town & Country Limited dark blue eather $14 995

F o x m i l s C h r y s le r Je e p

(734) 455 8740DODGE 2003 Grand Caravan S E loaded 1 1 K $16 995

F o x F t £ Z I< s C h ry s le r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740DODGE Grand Caravan Sport 2001 50 K all pwr quad rear air $10 500 734 354 0524GRAND VOYAGER 1999 SEV6 'oaded 7 1k mint quad seats $6900 248 821 5035

SAFARI 2002 AW D SLT leather loaded 33K GM Certified $14 988 Telegraph S of 12 MileT3MEIROPP

248 353 1300

TOWN & COUNTRY 2001Complete history $39 down $131/mo No cosigner needed OAC T Y M E (734) 455 5566Town & Country LX 2000 60K m new tires brakes Great cond $9 800 248 540 2949VENTURE 2000 Warner BrosExc cond low mi $13 250/best 248 360 7702

WINDSTAR 1999great cond New tires 5

doors V6 3 8 blue No rust $5500 Call 248 626 770 7

1992 2000 HANDICAP VANS WANTED Call Dale anyteV

(517)230 8865A S T R 0 1999 front & rear

air power sliding doors immaculate $8999

T Y M E (734) 455 5566FORD 1989 E 150 conversion 600 CID ac cd 140K runs great $1100 734 207 3345FORD E250 Work van runs& looks good must sell $1700 (734) 513 6336GMC 1996 Savana 3500 cargo van One owner Runs/looks great High mileage $4800/ best offer 734 422 0881GM C 2001 Starcraft Conversion V 8 34 000miles exc cond $15 950


FORD 1996 F250 4x4immaculate besides that it looks good $5999

TYME (734) 455 5566FORD F 150 1996 X L T 4X4 supercab loaded v8 super clean $9300 313 248 3783

GRAND CHEROKEE 1995 4door 4x4 97k Exc condMust see $5700734 427 4743 734 968 6994

BLAZER 2002 LS loaded low miles I ke new $12 950

R O G IN BUICK LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

B RA V A D A 2000 AW D loaded Platinum Edition very low miles $ 12 988 Telegraphs of 12 MileTcIMElROFF

248 353 1300

DENALI 2002 X L black loaded leather $34 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

OODGE DURANGO 1998 SLTGood cond 135K miles $6500 Call (734) 420 3698Durango1998 SLT black 5 2 V 8 loaded Leather Tow pkg power seats exc cond 156K miles $6700 248 642 7193EXPLO RER 2000 auto air 4x4 1 owner $5999 T Y M E (734) 455 5566

Ford 1995 Explorer LTD96K white garage kept many new updates great shape' $5995 firm 313 645 1114FORD 2002 Explorer X LT 4 dr mint cond $16 995

F o x H i l t s C h r y s le r -Je e p

(734) 455 8740FORD EXPLO RER 1999 XLT4x4 4 door sunroof exc cond $8900 248 225 7331FORD E X P LO R ER SPORT 1999 85K miles loaded new tires/brakes very sharp must sell $7700/best Cliff 810 225 8392GMC 1997 Jim m y white 45K one owner $8 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

GMC 2000 Envoy pewter 23K $19 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

GMC BLAZER 1995Fully loaded with leather

$4500 (734) 427 4743 cell 734 968 6994GRAND CHEROKEE 1997 LTOComplete service history every option $5999

TYM E (734)455 5566HUMMER 2003

WANTED(248) 495 0 7 7 7

JE E P C HER OKEE 1996Country Runs great 99K miles $4400 (248) 646 0928JIM M Y 2001 auto air every option $2300 below black book Only $99 down $131/mo

TYM E (734) 455 5566

RODEOS 2002 03 4x4 loaded low miles starting at $14 950

R O G IN BUICK LIVONIA 73 4 525 0900

SUBURBAN 2000 4WOLoaded Blk/Gry 52K Exc cond $22 500 248 227 6289

TOYOTA RAV4 L 1997 AWD94 500 mi very good cond $7200/best 734 422 1626

BMW 1998 328I fully loaded leather power moonroof Just in off lease $99 down $118/mo T YM E AUTO (734) 455 5566

B M W 2001 325i Premium 4 dr 53K $21 988 Telegraph S of 12 Mile

T a M a n o F F248 353 1300

BMW 2001 740iSilver sport wheels G PS $ 27 900 248 709 0444

BMW 318 T1 1997 Green 86K C A roof loaded new brakes/tires exc cond $8995/best 248 851 5038

BMW 318 Ti 1997 Green 86K CA roof loaded new brakes/tires exc cond $9995/best 248 851 5038B M W 5281 1 9 9 7 blk auto power heat pkg 6CD 99K clean $13 750 248 542 6341

BMW 5281 1997 blk auto power heat pkg 6CD 99K Clean $13 750 248 642 6341

BMW 5301 2001Auto CD sunroof leather Exc cond 1 owner 38k mi $31 000 248 689 0924

Corvette 1995 Coupe loaded exc cond auto red 46K $19 696 (313) 724 1533

M ER C ED ES 1999 E 320 4 Matic one owner non smok er 78 k miles loaded $22 000 Call Joe 248 524 2950

M ER C ED ES 1987 190E 4 door 4 cyl auto runs good $1500 (586) 321 8645

M ER C ED ES 1991 560SEL90K miles lifter noise $6500/best 73 4 522 7431


Black coupe winter wheels 44K warranty $29 500

734 20 7 176 7

MGB 1974 Convertible stick overdrive runs needs work wire wheels $500 or best

(734) 641 2287

PORSCHE 911 Coupe 1987red black leather spoilers 16 fuchs sunroof loaded 89K $21 900 248 475 8831

PO RSCHE BOXSTER 1999metallic black/gray 43K exc cond $25K/firm Tom

248 943 2584

R A L P H T H A Y E R A U T O M O T IV EGRAND OPENINGR E D TAG S A L E2001 Passat $199/mo 2003 Elantra $139/mo2002 Jetta $235/mo2000 Envoy $12 9952001 Miata Red convert 2000 626 $59952003 Corolla SR $10 9952002 Ranger 4x4 $ 12 495

34501 Plymouth Rd Livonia

( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 5 -5 4 0 0R A L P H T H A Y E R

M azda • H y u n d a i» V W


SUZUKI 2803 Aerio S X low miles loaded 5 to choose starting at $8 950 Call today

R O G IN BUICK LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

VOLVO 2000 S40 loaded 62K warranty Dealer serviced $11 000/firm 248 225 7323

C AD ILLAC 1955 Fully restored Everything new $ 17 500/best 734 729 3 711C HEV RO LET CAPRICE 1976White convertible V8 exc cond $9500 248 545 1391

C a s h

I n

W i t h

C l a s s i f i e d s !

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

ELD O R A D O S 1983 2southern cars needs repair $2300/best (248)426 9812


Extra O E M parts doors hood trunk chrome Newtop Needs engine work 1 70 Six New chrome wheels Must sell

$2 500 245 302 7252

A C U R A 2001 M O X loaded black/tan must see this one 35K $26 995 Telegraph S of 12 MileTOM 3R0FF

248 353 1300

LEG EN D 1993 4 door black fully loaded nice car $5995 (734) 4 2 7 4743

G M Certified 04 Lesabre $14 988 04 Century $ 12 988 03 Rendezvous $16 988 02 Rendezvous (3)

$14 988

Green Tag Sale Extended 1 week only'

Telegraph S of 12 MileTRMRRQFF

248 353 1300

CENTURY 1996 Beige good cond new tires 73 K $4500

(248) 6 4 2 19 0 9

C ENTURY 1998 Exc cond 44K Must see to appreciate' $5750 Troy 248 828 3 774

Century 2000 Sandstone 50K mi perfect cond $7800 73 4 421 5199 73 4 7 1 6 298$

CENTURY 2003 2 to choose save 50% off new $9 995 BOB JE A N N O T T E PON TIAC

(734) 453 2500

LESABRE CUSTOM 1997 Dark red medium grey interior all pwr tilt AM/FM dual air bags 31 500 original G M retiree $7200 (73 4 )4 2 0 0069

PARK A V ENU E 1998 Ultra sunroof black 40 000 miles call today'

ROGIN BUICK LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

P AR K A V E N U E 1998 leather very lo w miles $9 888Telegraph S of 12 Mile

T a M a R Q F F248 353 1300

R E G A L 19 9 7 GS leather only $ 7 988 Telegraph S of 1 2 Miie

r a w a R O F F248 353 1300

R E G A L 1999 L S $9 888 Telegraph S of 12 Mile

T a M a R Q F F248 353 1300

REG AL GS 2000 55250 mi 3800 supercharged eng white leather interior brand new tires all records avail $11 000/best (734) 495 10 17

CATERA 1997 Great on gas for the man who cares enough to drive the very best Only $99 down $121/m o No cosigner needed OAC T Y M E (734) 455 5566

S E V ILLE 1998 S L S black 73K super sharp $ 119 9 5

BOB JE A N N O T T E PON TIAC (734) 453 2500

F a c t 7 6 % o f j o b s e e k e r s u s e n e w s p a p e r

c l a s s i f i e d s a s t h e i r e m p l o y m e n t s o u r c e

F a c t W e h a v e 1 5 h o m e t o w n n e w s p a p e r s

i n s u b u r b a n O a k l a n d a n d W a y n e C o u n t i e s

F a c t W e r e a c h 4 7 7 , 0 0 p r e a d e r s e a c h

w e e k , r i g h t w h e r e t h e y l i v e



wiviv.hom etoivnlife com Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 ( * ) 69

Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004

Classifieds insideTo place an ad call toll free 1-800-579-SELL (7355)Fax'(734) 953-2232


Call Toll Free1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L ( 7 3 5 5 )

F a * Tour A d : (73 4 ) 953-2232

Walk-In Office Hours:Monday Friday 830am to5pm After Hours Call (734)591 0900

Deadlines: To place, cancel or correct ads.

Sunday530 pm Friday__Sunday Real Estate 530 pm Thursday Thursday 6 p m Tuesday Thursday Real Estate Display 3 pm Monday

V i e w t h e O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c A u t o m o t i v e

C l a s s i f i e d s o n t h e w e b :


T h e N e w M e rc e d e s B e n z E - 3 2 0

A d vertis in g Feature

Thursday DriveTim e


E 3 2 0 rev ie w b y D a le B uss

F a c in g m o re in ten se co m p e tit io n fro m o th er lu x ­u ry m a rq u es from E u rop e as w e ll as Japan , M e rced es-B en z h as b e e n m a k in g h u g e ou tlays to o v erh a u l m u ch o f its f le e t over th e p a st fe w years A m o n g o th e r th in g s, th a t ex erc ise resu lted in th e in tro d u c tio n o f a h ig h ly sa tis fy in g c la ss o f sp o rt- u tility v eh ic le s

B u t m o re th a n anyw here e ls e , M erced es-B en z m a d e sig n ifica n t progress m u p d a tin g its b e s t -se ll­in g E -c la ss sed a n s , th e h u b o f it s lin eu p - th e cars th a t y o u th in k o f w h en y o u e n v is io n M erced es lu x u ­ry A n d m d o in g so , th e c o m p a n y h a s d o n e an e x ce l­le n t jo b o f fortify in g its m a in sta y m o d e ls and , fo r a t le a s t a w h ile lon ger , h o ld in g o f f th e ad van cin g h o r d e s o f B M W s, A u d is , L exus a n d A cu ra m o d e ls

I d ro v e an E 3 2 0 for a w eek , th e m o s t p op u lar o f M e rced es-B en z ’s E -se n e s lin e I t is eq u ip p ed w ith a s ix - lite r e n g in e an d ca n reta il fo r as m u ch as th e m id - $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 s , i f it’s rea lly p a ck ed w ith fea tu res E - c la ss v eh ic le s a lso co m e in tw o o th e r v a n a n ts th e E 5 0 0 , w h ic h is p ow ered w ith a 5 O -hter V 8 e n g in e th a t y ie ld s a m o n stro u s 3 0 2 h orsep ow er , a n d w h o se p n c e s b e g in m th e m id - $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 s , a n d d ie E 55, a h ig h -p er fo rm a n ce sed a n p o w ered b y a 5 4 -l ite r V 8 W a g o n v ers io n s o f th e E 3 2 0 a n d E 5 0 0 a lso are availab le

T h e 2 0 0 4 E 3 2 0 is a se co n d -m o d e l-y ea r itera tio n o f th e co m p le te ly n e w E -se n e s v eh ic le s , a n d M erc e d e s-B e n z already h a s d o n e a p re tty g o o d jo b o f k e e p in g th is n ich e n a iled d o w n

B e g in w ith th e sty lin g W h ile th e n e w E -se n e s v e h ic le s ed g e in to th e sa m e w e d g e -sh a p e d th e m e th a t d o m in a te s th e en tire lu x u ry -sed a n se g m e n t th e s e days, i t h a s a d is tin c tiv e ly M erced es lo o k T h e fo u r -h e a d lig h t th em e in tro d u ced o n th e p rev io u s E - c la ss , w h ic h n o w is th e sta n d a rd a t M erced es, h a s b e e n re fin ed in th e n e w v eh ic le s , a n d th e n ew fr o n t e n d is lo w er a n d is m o re ste e p ly rak ed A n d overall,

T h e M e r c e d e s E - 3 2 0 i s s m o o t h a n d o f f e r s t h e c o r n e r i n g c o m m a n d o f a t r u e s p o r t s s e d a n .

th e n e w v e r s io n a c tu a lly is a b o u t an in ch lo n g er in w h e e lb a se a n d overa ll le n g th a n d a h a lf-in ch ta ller in overa ll h e ig h t th a n th e 2 0 0 2 vrnodel - ev en th o u g h th e 2 0 0 4 E 3 2 0 is d is t in c t ly sleek er-lo o k in g

L ik e a n y g o o d G erm a n se d a n , w h a t k eep s th e E 3 2 0 a t t h e to p o f i t s s e g m e n t is its sh eer d riveab il­ity T h e ca r cru ise s w e ll a t h ig h sp eed s a n d is sm o o th th r o u g h o u t th e g e a r ra n g e N a tu ra lly it isn ’t q u ite as r e sp o n s iv e a s V 8 -p o w e r e d co m p etito rs , a n d th a t is a b i t o f a d raw b ack A lso , th e fiv e -sp eed a u to m a tic tr a n sm is s io n th a t c o m e s m th e E 3 2 0 se e m e d a li t t le b it s lo w t o re sp o n d co m p a red w ith co m p e tito r s

B u t t h e ear o ffered th e co rn er in g o f a tr u e sp orts se d a n a n d a lw ays le n t th e d river a fe e lin g o f b e in g in c o m m a n d o f th e v e h ic le a n d th e road Q u ick s te e r in g is a s tr o n g a ttr ib u te o f th e car, th a n k s to a v ariab le p o w e r -s te e n n g sy s te m w ith m o re b o o s t for e a sy tu r n in g a t lo w sp e e d s a n d le s s for m o re p ro­g ress iv e s te e r in g re sp o n se a n d feed b a ck a t h ig h er sp eed s A ll o f th is is h e lp e d a lo n g b y th e p resen ce o f th e 4 M a tic a ll-w h e e h d n v e sy s tem , w h ich is o p tio n ­a l o n th e E 3 2 0

F u el e c o n o m y is v e iy r e sp ec ta b le fo r a sed a n o f th is s iz e a n d p o w er 18 m ile s p er g a llo n m th e city a n d 2 4 o n th e h ig h w a y N atu ra lly , th e car a llo w s o n ly p r e m iu m fu e l

In s id e , tr u e to it s tra d itio n , E 3 2 0 a b so lu te ly d e fin es th e la p o f lu x u ry B e g in w ith it s attractive

in terior, w ith a d a sh b o a rd s w e e p in g fr o m ea ch s id e a n d b le n d in g in to th e c e n te r c o n so le , w o o d tr im c o m p le m e n te d b y sp la sh e s o f ch r o m e , rea l w o o d t n m a n d a th r e e -sp o k e s te e r in g w h e e l R o o m ab o u n d s, o f co u rse , e v e n in th e tru n k , w h ic h is im p ress iv e ly large

A n in te r e s t in g fea tu re is a m b ie n t c a b in lig h tin g , th e la te s t tr e n d m in te r io r d e s ig n T h e s e str ip s o f so ft, lo w -le v e l l ig h t in g , e m a n a t in g fr o m th e c e il in g o f th e car, r e m a in o n d u r in g d a rk n ess I fo u n d th is fea tu re to b e a b it a n n o y in g a t first, b e c a u se I w a s try in g to f ig u re o u t h o w to tu r n o f f th e d o m e lig h ts E ven a fter I u n d e r s to o d th a t th e s e l ig h ts w e r e su p ­p o se d to r e m a in o n a t n ig h t, h o w ev er , I rem a in ed u n im p r e sse d b y th e resu lts* I w a sn ’t su r e w h a t th e ir p u rp o se w a s

A fe w o th e r n it s t o p ic k a b o u t th e E 3 2 0 in c lu d ed th e fa c t th a t th e tu rn s ig n a l a n d th e cru ise -c o n tr o l lev er are w a y to o d o s e to g e th e r o n th e le f t s id e o f th e s te e r in g c o lu m n , r e su lt in g m fr e q u e n t c o n fu ­s io n b e tw e e n th e tw o A n d th e w in d sh ie ld w ip e r s se e m e d to p in g w ith e v e r y sw e e p , a lth o u g h th a t m ig h t h a v e b e e n a p r o b le m p a r ticu la r to th is in d i­v id u a l v e h ic le

O vera ll, h o w ev er , w ith t h e E 3 2 0 , M er c e d e s-B e n z ca n s t ill sa y to th e J o h n n y -c o m e -la te lie s m th e lu x u ­ry-car m a rk e t B r in g it o n

W rite Dale a t daledbu8s@

Cadillac ( J )

S E V ILL E 1998 S TS pearl white 64K $ 13 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500


CAMAR0 19 9 8 V 6 5Spblack/black leather CD exc cond stored winters 32K miles $5400 248 561 8301

CAMARO 1997 auto loaded T tops low miles red & ready $7950

ROGIN B U IC K LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

C AVALIER 2000 Can t saymuch about the styling on this one $ 1 1 1 4 below black book T Y M E (734) 455 5566C O R S IC A 4996 V6 great shape looks good $2950/best (73 4 )718-0 6 50IM P A LA 2001 4 dr full power $6 995

F o x H i l t s C h r y s le r -J e e p

(734) 455 8740M A LIB U 'S 1999-2004 15 tochoose starting at $6 995

ROGIN B U IC K LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

Cliryslcr-Plymouth ( 2 )

ESCORT 2000 auto air Park this car in your drive & make your home look bigger $3999 T Y M E (734) 455 5566

EXPLO RER X L T 1998Air CD 1 owner 80K mi 2WD $8200/Best 248 474 2231

F(ICUSZX3 2003 Black/Gray 62k miles all options asking $12 500 (248) 544 7816

MUSTANG 1999 yellow loaded V6 5 speed 29k super clean $8900/best

734 397 8662

MUSTANG 2000 GT dark red 4 6 L manual 26K miles leaded excellent cond $ 1 4 10 0 (73 4 )3 9 4 1655

MUSTANG 2001 GT convert ible mint cond loaded low mi $16 200 (810) 220 1481

MUSTANG 2003 Centennial Edt 800 mi auto air 8 cyl $ 215 00 248 355 3C49

M USTANG COBRA 2001Convertible exc cond $18 000 734 20 7 0823

TAURUS 1999 SE loaded moonroof leather new tires/ brakes $5900 734 425 2993

TAURUS 2000Auto air $6500

TYM E (734)466 6566CHRYSLER 2001 300M gar nett red leather $ 14 995

F o x H i l l s C h r y s le r -J e e p

(734) 455 8740PT CRUISER 2002 Limited leather & moon $13 995

F o x H i l l s C h r y s le r -J e e p

(734) 455 8740SEBRING LX i 1996 2 drauto loaded 7 1 K m i $4900 (248) 668 0139

N EO N 19 9 7 2 D O O R 72 kmiles auto $2800734 4 2 7 4743/734 968 6994N EON 2000- Excellent Condi tion 2 2 L air loaded 55 400 miles $6200 734-464 2397N EON 2001 Exc cond 70K highway miles power CD red $6000 (7 3 4 )7 2 1 3256N EON ES 2000 - 59K newer tlres/brakes/battery clean $4600 (734) 516-8524STRATUS E S 2001 Silver 4 dr 2 7 L V6 leather loaded $7500 (734)- 455-4f50

CONTOUR 1999 like new garage kept complete service history great on gas $3650 T Y M E (73 4 )4 5 5 5566CONTOUR 2000 S E Sport sil ver sunroof loaded 2 2 0 0 0 miles call today'

R O G IN B U IC K LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

Contour 2000 Sport V 6auto clean 55 000 miles $5400 73 4 953 0338ESCORT 1999 Z X 2 exc cond 59K $5300 Call 248 207 0072 pager 313 795 7674

AC C O R D 1997 E X 4 dr V 6 with leather immaculate condition $10 988 Telegraph S of 1 2 Mile

T B M a r t O F F248 353 1300

CIVIC 1995 EX Black, 129k mi clean int air CD good cond $3200 248 858 2245

Green Teg continues1This week only

Prices Slashed on our Great Selection of Certified

Pre owned Honda s Civics Accords V 6 s

Passports CR V s 9 7 2003 We ve got em

and we re dealm 02 Accord L X 4 dr 27K Honda Certified Monday Special $12 988 (#610) Telegraphs of 1 2 Mile

r a m o F F248-353-1300

CHEROKEE 2001 Sport 4 dr 4x4 low miles $ 12 995

F o x H i l l s C h r y s le r -Je e p

(734) 455 8740

GRAND CHEROKEE 1999 Exccondition loaded 85k mi $13 000/best 734 4 2 7 0190

GR AND C HER O K EE 2000Laredo silver loaded $ 118 8 8

F o x H i l l sC h r y s le r -Je e p

(734) 455 8740

GRAND C HEROKEE 2001Laredo 4x4 great price only $15 995

F o x H i l l sC h ry s le r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740

GS 300 2000 black/lvory 25K fully equipped garage kept all services must see & drive $24 999 248 681 3764

LEXUS 1993 ES 300Exc cond $3700

734 844 1794


CONTINENTAL 19674 Dr air 462 V8 suicide doors black exc cond

$6700 248-417 72 76

CONTINENTAL 1999 Mint loaded + leather average mi Sliver $8400 (734) 421 4928

C0NTINENTAL1994 Rebuilt engine all other parts new must see' $34G0/best

734-453 9 1 7 7

Town Car 1989 Mint cond 39X non smoker Collector Senes $10 000 248 344 4923

T0WNCAR 1994 Black high hwy ml leather loaded great cond $2250 810 494 919 7

MAZDA 8 2003 4 Dr airalarm Auto pi cruise CD anti lock brakes pw full service history 1 owner ps am fm stereo leather Black only 900 miles $275/month lease

248 736 1572

If you're looking fo r a great w ay to

spend the day....

(a n d n o t sp e n d a

lot o f m oney!)

Check the garage sale listings in

yourObserver & Eccentric

N ew spaper!

Mazda Pontiac

P R O T EG E 1997 L X 4 dr auto good runner $3 988 Telegraph S of 12 MileT3ME1R0FF

248 353 1300


CO U G AR 1995 X R 7 V 8 50K extra clean $4 988 Telegraph S of 12 MileTBMaRQFF

248 353 1300

COUGAR XR 2002 5 Spd 6cd sunroof leather 26k miles $12 900 734 591 2475MARQUIS LS 1991 Lowmiles 61K 1 owner garage kept Very good cond PB/PS $2900 (734) 634 0948MYSTIQUE 1998 LS Green V6 manual 4 door 64K miles loaded clean $5 000

(734) 394 1655SABLE 1996 Very clean 95K mi all power sunroof remote start $3600 (734) 522 1947SAB LE 2002 LS leather extra clean only $ 12 995

F o x H i l l s C h ry s le r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740TRACER 1997 8 7 000 miles good cond' runs great $2700 Call (734) 207 2070

A LT IM A 1998 41 800 miextremely clean loaded 4 door $5 000 248 366 8487


A Z T E C 2001 black loaded sunroof low miles $12980

ROGIN BUICK LIV O N IA 734 525 0900

B O N N E V IL L E 2001 S L Eleather 35K $15 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

B O N N EV ILLE 2002 S L Eloaded 3 1K $18 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PON TIAC (734) 453 2500

Bonnieviile 2001 Loaded with sunroof leather 42 000 miles $13 000 248 449 3039GRAND AM 2001 GT Sedanwhite/dark pewter 3 4 V6 Ram Air 6 chrome wheels CD tape power sunroof exc 4 1K $9500 248 363 1875

GRAND AM 2002 Coupe 32K $9 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PON TIAC (734) 453 2500

GRANO AM S 2000 04 10 tochoose loaded low miles starting at $ 7 950

R O G IN BUICK LIV O N IA 73 4 525 0900

GRANO PRIX 1994 Loaded 103 500 mi $3000/best Call Matt (734) 422 6660GRAND PRIX 2001 GTPloaded 3 1 K $16 495

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

SUNFIRE 2008 auto air cute little car $3699 Shop T Y M E & SaveT Y M E (734) 455 5566TRANS AM 1994 Clean drives like new stored winters 2 sets wheels & tires 93k leather t tops fully loaded Must Seel $770Q/best (734) 634 0971

TRANS AM 1994 White w/whiie wheels tan leather tto p s loaded 63K exc cond $8595/best (248) 489 9009TRANS AM 2000 Black 14K auto T tops $19995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

TRANS AM 2000 Pewter T to p S 3 1 K $19 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

TR AN S AM 2001 Ram airblack 6 speed $21 995

BOB JE A N N O T T E PONTIAC (734) 453 2500

TRANSPORT 1998 Alarm CD 1 owner leather Load ed 64K $5 300

248 391 9433

LS2 4 DOOR SEDAN 2000 V63 L Auto 15K loaded leather silver full pwr $8500

734 464 7199SATURN 1999 auto air $3399 Shop T Y M E & Save' T Y M E (734) 455 5566W AGON 1997 low miles exc cond power Socks/wm dows am/fm air bags $4700/best 248 855 1594

AVALON X L 2000 PW/PL/ P S A B S CD/cassette keyless entry alloy wheels 49K $ 14 000/best 248 514 0 217

S O L A R A 2001 Coupe S E auto loaded $12988

Telegraph S of 12 MileT a m a R O F F

248 353 1300


B EETLE 2003 G LS turbo auto air 9 000 miles $16 950

R O G IN BUICK LIVONIA 734 525 0900

C A B R I0 1998 69K green/tan leather loaded $9000/best Exc cond (248) 474 5646

650 GLT SEDAN 1996White/black leather 99 7K mis exc cond All records

.$6 200 248 651 2204

C L A S S I F I E D SW O R K !

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - 7 3 5 5

VOLVO 1998 V 70 XC AWDWagon 95 500 miles excel lent condition grand touring package records $11 200 or best offer 248 854 1 619

Autos Under $2000

$500 POLICE IMPOUNDSCars from $500

For listings (fee)800 319 3323 X7375

BUICK LESABRE 1990 $1300 1978 Chrysler New Yorker best offer (734) 522 7431BUICK PARK AVENUE 1985 132 K miles meticulously cared for by 82 yrold dad original owner perfect cond very reliable transportation $1950 (248) 344 1401CHEVY BERETTA 1991 Needs eng repair Whole or for parts Best offer (248) 442 7 7 7 6COUGAR 1989 Fair cond a c pwr seats & windows auto Runs good $7(J0/best (734) 4 2 7 5935________________Ford 1985 Ranger 4x4 lift kit 31 tires row bar with lights 4 speed $1000 734 516 4972FORD CROWN VICTORIA1990Estate car 38k no reasonable offer refused SoldFORD T E M P O 1993 Looks & runs great 90K $1400 (248) 426 8458

CABR10 1998 G L Green/tan cloth 52k auto good cond $ 7 900 248 474 4541

M ER C U R Y T R A C E R 1991 Red 4 door $700

(248) 4 7 7 4294CABRIOLET 1992 Convertible1 owner 85K exc cond $5500 (248)865 0775

OLDS 1991 Cutlass Good eond very reliable 125k mi $1500 248 535 5526

S m a r tS M A R T

T w i c e

w e e k , y o u r h o m e t o w n c l a s s i f i e d s

b r i n g

t h o u s a n d s o f s m a r t

b u y e r s a n d s e l l e r s

j u s t l i k e y o u . V o u c a n r e l y

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T $ 7 , 9 9 7


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V6 Faresde 18K miles

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2002 ALTfMAleather moon heated seats

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4x4, eather moonroof OnStar

$ 2 8 ) 9 9 5

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V6 supercharged full power low m les

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&E c c e n t r i c

c l a s s i f i e d s t o e a r n m o n e y

a n d s a v e m o n e y !

OL0C2O31 /S OF.062D3 1 73

610 < * ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004

D i s c o v e r t h e B e m m e r S i f f e r e n c e !

Airconditioner remote keyless entry speed control 3 O L 2V six cylinder flex fuel engine

rear spoiler rear defroster a id more Stock #42358 W as $21 500

■ r u r3 9 M o n t i L e a s e R e

M opvmt

M U f & l * *Due at Signing

A Plan •235s3 *519®X P Ia n *261** *5 4 7 *D D Plan *267® •553®

M o F l e x b u y w i t h r e n e w a lM o

pymtDue at

SigningA Plan *1 8 8 ’ *1000X P Ia n •202s8 *1000

D D Plan *25578 *1000

Flex Buy payments shown are for first 36 mos Months 37-66

increase by $50 per mo

Automatic air power windows power locks speed control Stock# 41458 Was $1696 5 Includes 5 year/IOOK power train warranty!

N O W $10,21!P*36 M o Lease

R e n e w a l**M o

D vm tDue at Signing

A Plan • 1 9 6 78 $37399

X P Ia n • 2 1 9 s7 $39774

D D Plan $2 2 5 56 $40409

— i-------- ■■ -------------— - —- ............................................................................ |- »r

> ..... .4 O L S O H C V 6 flex fuel engine 5 speed auto O/D transmission 3 7 3 trailertow crossbars sport

pkg air & more Stock #40628 Was $31 965

m w $i 9,92r *


4x4 eathe cmfrtgrp pw 6-waydnve seat floo'mats spdcrtrl rtrctb cargo cover permete aarm duratec30-3 OL V6 eng 4-spd auto 0/D trans P235/70R16A/S BSW tires, pwrmnrf MACH AM/

FM stereo w/B-CD n-dash Stock #50027 Was $28105

1 0 ^ * 2 1 ,0 5 1 18*24 M o Lease M o Due at

R e n e w al** ovm t SianmoA Plan * 2 2 1 07 * 3 6 9 * *X P Ia n $270® * 4 2 1 88

D D Plan *27919 $ 43 0 94



36 M o Lease R e n e w a l**A Plan X P Ia n

D D Plan

M op y m t

• 2 5 5 *$29307$313$$

Due at Signing

* 5 8 6 30• 6 2 5 “• 6 1 7 “

r p ^ ""sa-Wfc-— *

2 8 0 4

F - t S

8 - G H X T XPref Equp pkg 5Q3A, manual backm rors 46LEF VS erg elec 4-spdautoO/D 3 73 ratio !m sip axe 6950# GVWR pkg tubular runn ng brds slliding wndw spd cntrf trlrtow AM/FM/CASS/GD

fog Imps, 35 7 gal fuel lank, prtv glass Stock#42375 Was$30520

24 M o Lease R e n e w al**A Plan X P Ia n

D D Plan

v m m *M o Due at

ovmt Sianma* 1 7 1 60 * 3 3 2 2* 2 2 2 58 * 3 8 5 93$ 2 3 1 3 *3 9 5 ° °

2884 M

M lRearspollersnglewlng power d river's seat, speed contra ar

condition ng 6 CD changer radio w Eh MACH 1 7 prem um alloy wlieee 46L2VS0HCV8 fve speed manual trans P245/45ZR17

BSWtres Interior upgrade pkg Stock #41223 Was $25 525

M O W $16,S075224 Mo Lease

Renewa l * *A Plan X P Ia n

D D Plan

2803 E - 1 5 8

' C H A T E A U '

Preferred equipment pkg 70 8 A 7 pass captain chairs 5 4 L E F IV 8 auto vision ent sys too much

to list'Stock #34590 Was $33 260

M o w m m r *

2004 F iE E lIi 111

3 54 ratio reg axle man right hand/let hand door spd control aux A C M zone pwr driver's seat 2rd/3rd row privacy glass 3 9L OHV EFI eng 4-spd auto O/D trans,

P235/60R16 BSW all season electronic group overhead consoe crossbars rear cargo net 7 pass quad seats Stock

#40555 Was $29955

S B B W W '3 9 M o n t h L e a s e R e n e w a l * *

Due at Signing

*2 9 9 5 *31 r *320®

Buy payments shown ar first 36 mos Months 37-66

increase by $50 per mo

t l

C o m p lim e n ta r y C o f f e e a n d a N e w s p a p e r

T ~

4 v.

★ p a r t s ★F u ll A r r a y o f P a r t s a n d S p o r t s w e a r

★ BOOT SHOP ★a A re a 's T o p R a te d B o d y R e p a ir a n d P a in t F a c ilit y

v <* / r

m t s *

* 1

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P R E - O W N E D

WHY BUY NORTH BROTHERS?m s m im m iJa s m i


s o

T h u r s d a y A p r i l 8 , 2 0 0 4

M U MAHALO - J u s t b e c a u s e y o u l o v e t h e e a r t h d o e s n ’ t m e a n

y o u c a n ’ t b e f a s h i o n a b l e , S h o p p in g , Page 2

BEST OF WINNERS - F o r s o m e r e a l l y f a n s t u f f t o d o , s e e o u r

P e o p l e ’s C h o i c e A w a r d w i n n e r s , H o t t i c k e t , Page 3

Music, Page \4

F I L T E R J U D G E D - O N E - O F - T H E - B E S T - E N T E R T A I N M E N T - S E C T I O N S - I N - T H E - C O U N T R Y ' B Y - S U B U R B A N - N E W S P A P E R S - O F - A M E R I C AObservers Eccentric* (No-OF) E1wwic.hometownhfe com


S t y l i s h & E c o - F r i e n d l y l i v i n gM i a M a h a l o ’ s f a s h i o n i s n o n - t o x i c , f a i r - t r a d e d i t e m s

M ia M ahalo is a a store th at w ill reshape your im age o f cloth ing m ade from hem p and organic cottons

This isn’t your cliche h ippie stu ff It’s soft w ith clean lines, som e form -fitting and som e

appropriately flowingT his is clothing for people w ho don’t w ant chem icals or

synthetics against their skin It’s for those w ho w ant fine pieces th at w ere acquired through fair trade - m ean­ing the workers w orldw ide w h o m ade th em earned a decent w age

Lori Broesam le’s Royal O ak shop is one o f M ichigan’s few exclusively eco- friendly stores

In her spacious location th at opened m June, Broesamle carries clothing m ade from pure materials, organic cottons th at aren’t dyed — the green and tan coloring is actually natu­rally grown into the cotton T he hem p clothing gets softer w ith each w ash and wear

The clothes are sophisticated, fem i­nine, pretty Item s include clothing w ith natural stone buttons, hand- woven organic cotton dresses from South America, Egyptian skirts

Infant and children’s clothes are offered to o , attention is even paid to toys

The stuffed strawberry and bear toys are m ade from soft organic cotton.

“Children shouldn’t ch ew o n plastic toys that can leach,” Broesam le said T hese are safer”

Broesam le is concerned about hum an exposure to tox­ins, saying it begins early in life She offers a cnb , w hich later can b e turned into a child’s bed, th at is fin ished w ith natural shellac instead o f chem icals She also sells organic diapers, sheets and clothing

W hy w ear yoga gear m ade from dyed synthetics? M ia M ahalo carries it m organic cotton, w hich is less harm ful to the p lanet because it uses n o synthetics T he yoga m at cleaner is also non-toxic

This unisex jacket is made of hemp and cotton and is by Cottonfield


Broesam le’s idea for an eco-store evolved because she herself was having a hard tune finding fair-traded/natural clothing

"When I first sought out these products, I had to travel all the w ay to N e w York,” sh e said. “By opening a store here, I can give m y custom ers a choice other than catalogs H ow lon g can w e keep dum ping these toxins and not expect an adverse reaction? ’

Fair trade is another o f Broesamle’s m issions Tbday, workers m th e m ost rem ote areas o f Guatemala can earn a fair living i f U S retailers dem and it, and Broesamle does

Everything from h om e furnishings to rare organic H aw aiian h on ey and cocoa is at M ia Mahalo

Broesam le also carries fair-trade, shade-grown coffee, high-end cosm etics m ade w ithout chem icals and w ithout experim entation o n anim als, soaps scented w ith pure essential oils rather than synthetic.

For example, T he O shadi Collection provides aromather- apeutic fragrances and oils

“You cou ld actually eat these soaps,” Broesamle said “N ot th at it w ould taste good, bu t i t s all natural ingredients ”



K J-

This hemp and cotton dress by Tribe of Boston was made in Nepal

MIA MAHALOWhat: A fine living eco shop that offers quality stylish non-toxic non­synthetic items Where: 407 S Washington Royal Oak,(248) 546-1900 Open* 10 a m to 6 p m Monday-Fnday, 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday noon to 5 p m Sunday

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Index■ BIG SCREEN....................................... E4Home on the Range is so darn cute that it's hard not to be lassoed in■ BEYOND BAD...................................... E5Fishermen get their comeuppance for eons of dragging fish out of the water by a hook in the mouth in Stood Hook■ COVER STORY..................................... E8Join Three Stooges Fans April 1617 at the Redford Theatre for a festival that features seven episodes■ A R T ................................................... E9Exhibit at the University of Michigan Museum of Art looks at Changing Gardens Four Centuries of European and American Art■ TABLE HOPPING.................................EtOJoe Muer's Grill in Southfield has a new look and name The restaurant closed briefly for remodeling and reopened under the name Deep Blue■ DRINKOLOGY..................................... E12Rum and coke is no joke for calorie coun ters It's a smart cocktail■ GET OUT.............................................E16Check out our entertainment calendar to make plans to Get Out1 and do something fun■ STAR STRUCK............................ CISFind out what s in the stars for you this week. Read your horoscope

A P i l l I l l l l l l l I I I i

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S o m e r s e t ;P r o p o s e at a

Red Wings gameN ot in the mood for a concert or

cocktails? Som etim es, th e best enter­tainm ent is ju s t being there H ere are th e People’s Choice Award w inners for B est Fun Stuff


The Somerset Collection

A hh, th is is people-w atching w ith perks N o t on ly does the Troy have-it- all m all draw a cross-section o f m etro­politan D etroit residents, but they’re so

THE BEST OF THE BESTPeople-watching■ The Somerset Collection, 2800 West Big Beaver Troy (248) 643-6360 www thesomersetcolledion com Propose marriage■Red Wings game visit www detroitredwmgs com Get pampered■ Mira Linder Spa In the City 29935 Northwestern Highway Southfield (248) 356 5810Skateboard■ Vans Skatepark 44275 W 12 Mile Road Fountain Walk Mall Novi (248)449 3555, wwwvanscom/skateparks/vansjemptate _novi htmlSweat■LifeTime Fitness, visit www lifetimefitness com Bookstore■Borders visit www bordersstores com for locations Bike trail■ Paint Creek Trailway Rochester starts at the city of Rochester s Municipal Park 248 6519260 visit pamtcreektrail org

busy eyeing th e retail candy th ey don’t k n ow you re w atch ing Grab a foamy, h o t la tte - ju st th e w ay you like it - and k id s back in N orth G rand Court or nab a bird’s-eye v iew from th e second or th ird floor

Runners-up D ow ntow n Royal Oak, Great Lakes Crossing Shopping M all m A uburn H ills

BEST PLACE TO 0ET PAMPEREDMira Lmder Spa in the City

A re you experienced9 B et you haven’t heard o f a “double barrel” or a “fake bake ” There’s m ore than a few peculiar sounding body treatm ents on th e m en u o f services a t th is D etroit spa institution B ut M ira Lmder has staked her reputation on innovation m the fie ld o f beauty O f course all the usual fare, from m anicures to Swedish m as­sage, are there for th e taking

Runners-up Spa Julianna in Plym outh, M ystique D ay Spa m Dearborn


A N ov i hub for teenage boys w ho know h o w to n d e For th e best action, check ou t T he C hicken Bowl, w hich replicates th e tu r f o f those epic skate sessions m H untington Beach

Runners-up Transitions Ram p Park,Zero Gravity Skate Park.


A hard-to-find natural treasure, R ochester’s Paint Creek Trailway runs about 8 m iles all th e w ay to Lake O n on

T he surface is lim estone and suitable for w alking, biking, running and cross country sk iing T he trail follow s the old Penn Central Railroad up Paint Creek Valley through h ighlands and w et­lands

Runners-up K ensington M etropark m M ilford, H in es Park, W ayne County park system

le s t place f® | p r o p o s e m a r r i a g e

Red Wings game ^E v e n t h e y o u n g ? *

lo v e r s o f C h ic a g ow o u l d p i c k t h e la k e o v e r a C u b s g a m e B u t h e y , m a y b e sh e ’ l l f i r D e t r o i t c h i c , ,,

R u n n e rs -u p : T h e T o w n s e n d H o t e l in : B i r m i n g h a m , t h e G r a n d H p f f l o n M a c k i n a c I s l a n d ■ I

B e s t p l a c e t o s w e a t f

>x *Life Time FitnessI f y o u c a n ’t f i n d a l i f e T h a i i f t

F i t n e s s g y m n e a r b y , ^a r e y o u c a n * t t e d 4 * !

t h e r o a d , W & f o L * 3 w o n d e r t h e v

^ c h a i n is s o T h e r e a l d r a w * a s u r p lu s o f s w e a t * « i n d u c i n g a c t iv it ie s , f r o m t h e tr e a d **^ m i l l t o E a s t e r n a r t s , r o c k c l i m b i n g , * d a n c e a n d a d v e n t u r e t r i p s , 1

R u n n e r s -u p : C u r v e s , P o w e r h o u s e * G y m , b o t h h a v e lo c a t io n s th ro u g h ? ' o u t m e t r o D e t r o i t

B e s t b o o k s t o r er

* *Borders

I t a ll b e g a n in c r u n c h y , g ra n o la A r b o r , b u t M ic h ig a n ’s o w n b o d c h a in is t o u g h t o b e a t T h e s ta ff th e n * s t u f f : E v e r w o n d e r h o w m a n y o f t h e m h a v e m a s ­te r ’s d e g re e s ? B e s t o f a ll , t h e y d o n ’t g e t te s ty w h e n y o u c a n’t r e m e m b e r t h e w h o le t it le e x a c tly o r i f y o u ’v e c o m ­p le te ly fo r g o tte n t h e a u t h o r ’s n a m % J

R u n n e rs -u p : B a rn e s & N o b l e , s j W a l d e n b o o k s , b o t h w i t h lo c a tio n s \ t h r o u g h o u t D e t r o i t ^

* a & T .


Observe $ Eccentr c 1 Thu sday Apr p 20Q4* (**) E3

Big screen

' H o m e o n t h e R a n g e ' is h a r d n o t t o f i n d c u t eBY CHRISTY LEM IR E


Ordinarily, an anim ated m ovie about talking, sing ing cows, w hich conta ins th e tag lin e B ust a m oo, m ight b e udderly (sorry, couldn t help it) cringe-inducing

B ut Home on the Range is so darn cute and features such an im pressive array o f

vocal talent, it s hard not to be lassoed m A s D isney m ovies go it s not extraordi­

nary enough to b e deem ed an instant clas­sic , th e story from th e writing-directing d u o o f W ill F inn and John Sanford is w eak and th e pacing drags a b it m the m id d le But k ids w ill enjoy the colorful characters and grow n-ups w ill chuckle at m an y o f the jokes

"Genuinely Hilarious 9 9

U U M M f l Y C L E M . K R O N - T V

s i s a r o s T o m o r r o w !A M C L A U R E L P A R K

M J R S O U T H G A T E 2 0

S H O W C A S E S T E R L IN G H T S .



A M C L I V O N I A 2 0

N O V I T O W N C T R . S

S T A R F A I R L A N E 2 1



A M C F O R U M 3 0 B I R M I N G H A M S





A _ F o r tg-ifomnaTiori . A t o o i f f This l\/Io\si*2

| A m erica Online K eyw ord: T he W hoie Ten Y ard s w w w .th e w h o le te n y a r fe .c o m M o v ie fo n e .c o m |

£ 4 (**) • Observer & Eccentr c | Thursday Apr 18 2004

R oseanne Barr essentia lly returns to her “Yeah, they’re real - qu it staring,5”standup com edy roots as th e vo ice o f M aggie cracks as sh e show s o ff herM aggie a crass show cow w h o disrupts udders, later, sh e looks in to th e b e llthe peace and quiet at th e Patch o f Heaven dairy farm after her ow ner s farmis foreclosed PL£ASE SEE RANGE, E5


A colorful cast of animated animals adds to the fun and excitement in Walt Disney Pictures’ new comedy Home on the Range

" T H E M O S T E X C

S I N C EJ o e l S ie g e l,


"AN INSTANT CLASSIC."Jo e M o rg e n s te r n , TH E W A IL STREET JO U R N A L { ; | | g ! £

"THE BEST COMIC BOOK / MOVIE EVER MADE." KM ic h a e l C la rk , G W IN N E T T DAILY C O ST (A tla n ta ) .


' M A T R I X ' . "

L w B W

^ R E V O L U T IO N y ) s t u i i o s




536/25.1 9663 STAR HEA RES GRATIOT 586 79 3420 STARTHEA RES

STAR THEATRES248/58S 20 0 AMCLAUREL PARK!0734/462 6200 AMC




GREAT UKES CROSSING LIVONIA 20248/454 0366 734/542 9909


SOUTHGATE 20734/284 3456


So ij NoP« istaeotalf Tins EnsapiMii Choc* Ttesteo D tee odes For Showt sis

V i s i t S h o w t i m e s . S a n y P i c t u r e s . c a n iOR CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS _ _


Small screen

'B l o o d H o o k ' k i n d a r e e l s y o u inSt ’s tim e to break ou t th e rod and reel

and h ead to the ol Ashing h o le for m ayh em ’Yes, all you com pleat anglers, Blood

Hook has b een released on D V D as part o f a three-film on one disc se t for $19 95 T hat m akes Blood Hook a $ 6 6 5 bargain, w hich is absolutely as m uch as I w ould pay to see th is m inor m ess

Still, there is a perverse pleasure m seeing all those fisherm en get their com euppance for eons o f dragging fish ou t o f the w ater by a h ook in the m outh

Blood H ook turns fish­ing on its dorsal fin The action centers on M uskie, W is , w here 17 years ago a boy w atched h is seem ing­ly healthy father stagger o ff the end o f a dock. Fast- forward (you m ight w ant to do th at o ften m this film ) to th e present,

w here th e now -grow n b oy has returned w ith h is friends and a w h o le b u n ch o f other fo lk s w ho are gathering at the lake for th e annual M uskie Tournam ent


In short order, folks are disappearing T he sh eriff is reluctant to take any action,


around h er neck and asks, ‘Is th is th ing on?” w h en the other an im als a t Patch o f H eaven don’t quite get her sen se o f hum or


She turns into a natural leader, though, w hen it looks as i f Patch o f H eaven also is m danger o f being foreclosed

She com es up w ith a p lan to raise the m on ey to save the farm by go in g after A lam eda S lim (R andy Q uaid), a cattle rustler w ith a $750 bounty o n h is head for w o o in g cows into subm ission by yodelm g a t them

Yes, th is is as ridiculous as it sounds W h en S lim bursts in to song, rows upon row s o f cow s that look like som eth ing out o f P icasso’s cubist period go googly-eyed, d ance m circles and turn rainbow colors (T he ironically nam ed Slim , m eanw hile, w ith h is exaggerated goatee, resem bles

le s t h e disturb th e tournam ent, b u t the young m an b eg in s to m ake a con n ection b etw een his father s m ysterious death ail th ose years ago an d th e current d isap pearances A n d w e k n ow w hat’s really happening T he various sw im m ers and fisherpersons are b e in g snagged by a foot lo n g lure w ith so m e nasty hooks attached

Call it ju stice or ju s t a really stu p id way to k ill people, th e anglers are reeled to their death

B ut by who?Could it b e th e ch eatin g fisherm an w ho

desperately w an ts to w in the tou rn am en t’ Or th e crotchety o ld guy w ith a b ad dispo sition w ho seem s to h ate everyone’ O r the K orean War veteran w h o has a p iece o f m eta l junk stuck in h is head ’ H e goes crazy w henever h e hears th e w hirring sound o f cicadas s in g in g m the b u sh es an d sells m ysterious gooey bait to th e fish erpersons, in c lu d in g a bucket th a t con ­ta in s a ring from a m issin g person m it

You decideBlood Hook h as it s m om ents T h e snag­

g in g w ill m ake you cringe, and th ere is on e genuinely gh astly scen e m w h ich the m urderer pu lls o u t a lin e o f fisherm en strung together b y a rope to th e m ou th from under th e dock


B ut the p n ze-w in m n g scene is the “duel” betw een th e young m an an d th e

form er N ew York Yankees pitcher D avid W e lls )

M aggie and h er b ov in e com pan ions - th e veddy B ritish M rs Caloway (Judi D ench) and crunchy-granola Grace (Jennifer T illy) - m anage to resist th e m usical hypnosis B ut th ey have com peti­tio n in their search for S lim from bounty hunter R ico (C harles D ennis), w h o s rid­in g a hyperactive h orse nam ed Buck (C uba G ooding J r , d o in g a cartoon ver­sio n o f h is Jerry M aguire character)

A m on g the oth er friends and foes they run in to th e w acky Lucky Jack (C harles Hard), D isney’s version o f Bugs B unny, an d the w easelly cattle broker M r W esley (Steve B uscem i), w h o looks like Steve B uscem i, and unfortunately doesn t com e m until the very en d

Patrick W arburton (form erly P uddy from Seinfeld) a lso could have u sed m ore screen tim e - er, m icrophone tim e - as a horse th at com p etes w ith Buck

Home on the Range a Walt Disney Pictures release is rated PG for brief mild rude humor Running time 76 mm Two and a half stars out of four

killer m w hich they both cast their mur derous lures in to each other and reel away trying to pull each otner into tne lake

T he acting ranges from poor to fair and the overall production va lues are OK But, hey it s a lake You don t have to add a lo t to m ake th e scenes look decent

Blood Hook, as you m igh t im agine, is relatively obscure, b u t check ou t th e cheap bins at tn e record and m ovie stores

Greg Kowalski does not approve of fishing but only because it requires going outdoors He can be reached at (248) 901 2570 or by e mail at gkowals ki@oe homecomm net Obseryec h. tcceiji c l Tuesday Apr ,8„20P4»

Where available by deadlii features and times are list

C a ll y o u r l o c a l t h e a t r e f o r s h o w i n g s f o r t h i s w e e k . C h e c k

l i s t i n g s b e l o w f o r p h o n e n u m b e r s | a n d w e b s i t e s .

National Amusements Showcase Cinemas

Showcase Dearborn 1 8 Michigan & Telegraph

313 561 34498arga n Matinees Da ly Ail Shows until 6 pm

‘ Late Shows Fr Sat

Showcase Westland 1 86800 Wayne Rd

OneblkS of Warren Rd 734-729 1060

Bargain Matinees Daily til Shows Until 6 pm • Late Shows Fn Sat

Star TheatresThe Worlds Best Theatres

Bargain Matinees DaHy $5 75 AH Shows Starting before 6 00 p a • Now accepting Visa




Star Great lakes CrossingGreat Lakes Shopping Center


Starlohn-R at 14 Mile32289 John R Road

248-585-20700a fine a t m nr fa a4aa jo .com

Star Rochester Hills200 Barclay Circle 248-853 2260

jn/wNTW JCOi/Nrm mLf with mud


Star Southfield12 Mile between Telegraph &

Northwestern off I 696 248-353-STAR



Saturday Night Is family N ight a t Sta r Southfield! Star Theatres is commltteato providing the best

environment fbrfomify entertainment and to encourage families to get oat tit a movie STAR SOUTHFIELD willprovide a FREE SMALL POP and

POPCORN to all kids 1 6and under if accompanied byaparenttoa llshow safter8 30p m Darina our Family Saturdays nomlnors 16 Years and

under m il be permitted entry unless with a parent afterB 30pm so grab Mom ond D a d and HEAD


United Artists Commerce-143330 Springvale Drive

Ad acent to Home Depot North of the intersect on of 14 Mile & Haggerty

248 960 5801Bargain Matinees Daily for a I Shows

Start ng before 6 pm Same Day Advance Tickets Available


Birmingham 8 Uptown Birmingham 8

211 S Woodward Downtown Birmingham

248-644-FILMw w w up to w n b irm la g h a m S co m


Oassk Rim Series Ewnr WednesdayTfceLadykiHers(R)

Thur Satll 30 12.20 1 i * 240415 620 710 845 9 40 1105 12.00

Sun Tuesll 30 1220 1 55 240 415 620 710 845 940

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mud (R)Thur Sat 11 05 1 25 3 10 3 45 6 05 8 30 9 10

12 00Sun Tues1U5 1 25 310 3 45 6 05 8 30 9 10

Thu Sat 1145 2 05 4 30 7-00 925 1200 Sun-Tuel! 45 2 05 4 30 7 00 9 25

Mystic River (R)600 900

la America (FG-13)11 00 1 20 3 40 6 50 9 30

Thu-Sat 1215 6 W 1130 Sun lies 1215610

Agent Ced; Banks 2 (K )1200 250

Birmingham Palladium 12 Uptown Palladtum12

250 North Old Woodward Ave Downtown Birmingham

248644-FILM www uptownpalladium 12 com

two g antconcess on stands valet parking Caesar's P zza Ray's ce Cream and the al newPremere

Enterta nment Aid tonum MATINEE MOVIES $6.00


MIR TheatresMIR Brighton Towne Square-

Cinema 168200 Murphy Drive

Brighton Towne Square behind Home Depot

CALL (810) 77 FILMS #548Student Price $5 75 with ID • 16 Screen 5tate of

the Art Gnema • All Stadium Seating «Ali Btg Screens *A II Digital Sound

(NP) HEilBOY [PCI 3]12 451 SO (4 00 4 45 @$5 00) 6 40 7 20 9 3010 00

(NP) WALKING TALL [PC13]12 20 2 40(5 10@$5 00)730945


12 001 00215 315(4 305 30 @1500)645 7 45900 955

(NP) HOME (HI THE RANGE [PC]12 30 2 45 (4 50@$5 00) 7 30 9 30

(NP) THE PRINCE AND ME [PC]1 15(4 30 @55 00)700930

(NP) THE LADY KIUERS [R] 1?50{400 @1500)7 5950 (HP) JERSEY CIRL[PC13J 120(415@$5 00)710940

THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (R]1 00 (4 00 @55 00)700 950 DAWN OF THE DEAD [R]


110 (4100^5 00) 7 10 9 45 TAKING LIVES [R] (4.40 *J5 00)7 209*55

SECRET WINDOW [PCI 3](500@$5 00) 740 1000


STARSKYfc HUTCH [PG13]1 15 (4 20 @55 00) 6 50 9 20

HIDALGO [PCI 3112 50 (415 @$5 00) 715 9 55 50 FMST DATES [PG13] 130

•FREE k id Skew s Saturday aad Sunday

h r kids 12 b under adults S I 0 0 t t f i feature oefy

THE CAT M THE NAT [PC] 10 0012 00

Cinema 167501 Highland Rd

S £ comer M-59&Wiliams Lake Rd 24 hour Movie Line

248-666-7900 CALL 77 FILMS #551Free Refill on Popcorn and Pop

Visa & Mastercard Accepted

i m s u k10*00

) WALKING TALL [PCI 3] 112*2*0(510 *$5.00)7:309:45


12*01*00 £15 317*59*009*55

(NP) HOME ON THE RANGE [PC]12:30 2.45 (4L59 OSS 00) 7 309*30

T P) THE PRINCE AM) ME [PCI 15 (430 0$5 00) 7*00 9*30

(NP) THE LADY KILLERS [R]12.50 (4.00 *55*0) 7 159*50

(NP) JERSEY GIRL [PG13] 120(4.15*55.00)7109:40

THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST [R]1*00 (4*0 *55*0) 7*009*50

DAWN OF THE DEAD [R]1115 1 4 0 (5 1 0 *5500) 7.40 10*00


(4 30 *5500)7009*30 TAXING LIVES [R]

1.20 (4*5 9S5.0O) 7 309*55 SECRET WINDOW [PGI3]

12 10 2 30 ( 5 00 *55 00) 7*0 10 00 ACENT CODY BANKS DESTINATION LONDON

[PC] 1100 2:15 STARSKYfc HUTCH [PGI3J

1 1S (410 *55 00) 6,50 9*20 HIDALGO [PG131

1150 (4.15 *55.00) 715 9**5

FREE k id S to w s Today Fo rb id s 1 2 b a n d e r adaH s S I 0 0

This feature on ly U S CAT IN THE HAT [PG110 001200

Main Art Theatre III1 18 Mam at 11 Mile

Royal Oak 248-542 0180

call 77 FILMS ext 542(DISCOUNTED SHOWS'!')


Theatre III4 1 3 5 W Maple West of Telegraph

Bloomfield Hills

248-542 0180DSCOUNTED SHOWS I)


Downtown Oxford Lapeer Rd (M 24) (248)628 7101

Fax (248)62813

State Wayne Theatre35310 Michigan Ave Wayne

734-326-4600THURSDAY ALL SEATS 9 9 1






MtchlganTheater603 E Liberty Ann Arbor

(734) 668-TIMIS i 0 0 Adah , $ 6 2 5 Students, Seniors o n d

cklldrea under 12, S S SO M ich igan Theater Members

Ford Wyoming Drive InDearborn













Madstone-Ann Arbor462 Briarwood Circle


Farmington Chile Theatre33332 Grand River Farmington




Clnemark Movie 16 The Best Seat in Town

28600 Dequmdre Rd Warren Ml 810 5588207




State233 State St at Liberty Ann Arbor

734-761 866718.00 Regular Adult 56 25 Students, Seniors and

children under 12, $5 00 all shows beginning before 6 pm $5 50 Michigan Theater Member

Em agineLocated in Fountain Walk

on the south side of 12 Mile Road 1 14 Mile west of Novi Road

248 319 3456 Discover th e M a g ic o f M o v ie s

a n d M o r e a t E m a g in e

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BEER, WINE ft COCKTAILS B o x Office Opens a t TT 3 0 am

Log onto website a t www.strangeheirt.coBJ for mere information


P D F O E 0 8 1 9 1 3 6 9

E 6 ( * * ) * Observer & EcCfentnt | TfftirSdSy Aph 6 2004 wcwJtymetQJvttitfe.copi

More moviesThere's something sweet in the state of Denmark: 'The Prince & Me’

BY CHRISTY LEM IR Ea s s o c ia t e d p r e s s INSTANT CLASH

The Pnnce& M e, m w hich Ju lia Stiles plays an A m erican w ho falls in love w ith the p n n ce o f Denm ark, is ju st b egg in g for Hamlet puns - som ething ab ou t spread­ing com post on the w eeds to m ake them ranker, perhaps, or how fluffy rom antic com edies like th is com e n ot in s in g le spies but in battalions

D espite its cliches, w h ich sp iral w ildly out o f control as the film approaches its overdue conclusion, The Pnnce & M e d o esn t really deserve to suffer su ch critical slings and arrows

T hat s m ainly because o f S tiles in telli­gence and presence and th e ch em istry she shares w ith her charism atic co star, Luke Mably, a young Paul N ew m an lo o k alike

Stiles stars as Paige M organ, a University o f W isconsin pre m ed student w ho s focused on getting in to Johns H opkins and going on to treat underprivi­leged patients around the w orld

M ably plays Edvard, th e crow n prince o f Denm ark, an im pudent party b oy w ho shirks h is royal responsibilities in favor o f the U nited States after see in g an ad for a ‘ Girls G one W ild style v id eo about W isconsin w om en

O nce m W isconsin where Edvard goes by E ddie m an attem pt to be incognito, despite the constant presence o f Ins valet, Soren (B en M iller) - th e pnnce and Paige clash instantly (o f course) But they end up reluctantly bonding w hile working togeth er at the cam pus pub and helping each other w ith their stud ies

L ess than an hour into the m ovie the

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S E E I T N O W !







four screenwriters w edge in a Shakespeare reference to o heavy handed to be clever

Paige proclaim s that “Shakespeare is so useless, an d com plains to E ddie about having to read a play about th e w hiny

f ■■■> 1p n n c e u x j~ / c u m c U KT he other joke is that Stiles m ade her

nam e w ith film s that contem porized Shakespeare 10 Things 1 H ate A bout You a high school version o f The Taming o f the Shi ew* O, w hich was Othello am ong bas­

ketball players, and the h igh -tech H am let in w hich she played O phelia

A s Paige struggles w ith son n ets, Eddie advises her “You re b e in g to o literal - d on t ju st go for th e obvious ”

T nc ulnimcuceis shou ld have fo llow ed th ose sam e w ords o f w isdom

The Prince S Me a Paramount Pictures release is rated PG for some sex related material and Ian guage Running time ;ilmm Two stars out of four


PAREN OR ADU 8UAR0 ANFor Sequence: of Graphic Violence

ftwd the book by TYNDALE PUBl SR NG Sou dtrwkMi b o


w w w .thepassionofthechrist.comA M C F O R U M 3 0 A M C L A U R E L P A R K A M C L I V O N I A 2 0

B E A C O N E A S T B I R M I N G H A M p a l l a d i u m E M A G I N E N O V I

M J R S O U T H G A T E 2 0 P H O E N I X A T B E L A IR C T R . P H O E N I X W E S T R IV E R

S H O W C A S E D E A R B O R N S H O W C A S E S T E R L IN G N T S . S H O W C A S E W E S T L A N D

S T A R F A I R L A N E 2 1 S T A R G R A T I O T S T A R G R E A T L A K E S C R O S S IN G



wwwJtometownlife.eom Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8,2004* ( * * } E 7

Cover story V *■k

Three Stooges film festival is guaranteed funM ore th an 1 m illion W eb sites are dedicated to The

Three Stooges on YahooThat’s m ore th an th e M arx B rothers and C harlie

C haplm com binedB ut n ot m ore than I Love Lucy, w ith m o re th a n 2 m il­

lion , or Seinfeld, w ith 9 m illion Still a m illion s ite s is a pow erful num ber for a sh ow th a t w as in its heyday nearly 5 0 years ago

The Three Stooges aired from 1934 to 1956 an d w as show n as com edy shorts played betw een m ovies a t th e cinem as T he Stooges a lso had a handful o f fu ll-length movies that w eren’t w ell received

It’s n ot o ften anym ore th a t w e see th em o n th e b ig screen, that’s w hy The Three Stooges film festival at the B edford T heatre Fnday-Satucday, A pril 16-17 is su ch a treat

“W e can w atch them a t h o m e , b u t there’s som eth in g special about laughing, h oo tin g and hollering togeth er w ith 5 0 0 or 6 0 0 other peop le m the audience,” said Peggy G nm shaw , w ho serves o n th e film se lection com ­

m ittee at th e R edford Theatre, w hich is run b y vo lu n ­teers

T h e festival is m ore than tw o hours lo n g and w ill in c lu d e seven ep isodes w ith M oe, Larry and Curly (sorry S h em p fans, m aybe n ext tim e)

T h e R edford has h e ld th e film festival for th e past four years

“It’s on e o f th e m ore w ell-attended events,” G nm shaw sa id (but n o t m ore popular th an the show ing o f Somewhere in Time, th e theater’s m ost popular screen­ing)

T h e Stooges began a s a com edy team m th e early 1 9 3 0 s T he on g m a l tea m w as M oe, Larry, and Curly P n o r to th e Stooges, there w as th e Ted, Shem p, M oe and Larry act called Ted H ealy and h is Southern G entlem en

C urly retired in 1947 due to health reasons H e w as replaced b y h is brother Shem p, w ho d ied eigh t years later an d w as replaced b y Joe Besser

B esser retired after ju s t tw o years and w as replaced by Joe D eR ita

IF YOU WANT TO GOWhat: Three Stooges film festival When: organ overture730 pm f screening 8 pm Friday- Saturday, April 16-17, organ overture 130 p m , screening 2 p m Saturday, April 17Where: Redford Theatre 17360 Lahser Road a few doors north of Grand River Detroit Admission: $5, call (313) 537-2560 For group tickets call (313) 531-4407 or visit www redfordtheatre com Episodes: Each of the six episodes is 20 minutes long Titles Three Little Pig Skins, Slippery Silks Horses'Collars, Back to the Woods, Whoops, I'm an Indian and Flat Foot Stooges

£ 8 ( * * ) • Observer & Eccentric | Thursday Aer 18 2004 www hometownhfe com

o f A r t i n A n n A r b o r .

“The idea o f gardens as a place ofbeauty, as a place o f sanctuary and reflection, remains undim inished, and I think that w ill always be the case,” said Carole M cNamara, assistant director for collections and exhibitions at U M M A


The exhibit’s prints, paintings, photographs and other art works portray gardens, and m so doing, capture the land­scape’s changing Styles and uses

Comprised o f m ore than 150 pieces b y such artists as Pierre Bonnard, John Smger Sargent, Camille Pissarro and James M cNeill Whistler, Changing Gardens spans from the late 16th to d ie 2 0 th century

The formal, grand garden dom inates art in the 16th and 17th centuries because renderings were normally under comm ission by royal or wealthy patrons, said M cNamara. There are, for instance, several representations o f Louis XIV’s Versailles gardens

“The artist’s job w as to make th e garden look impressive, but it’s very m uch bound up w ith transm itting through the printed m edium, n ot only d ie m agnificence o f d ie garden but also d ie magnificence o f the owner,” she said “But dungs get m ore personal m the w ay artists look at gardens m the 18th century and then photography com es on. the scene”


That’s w hen paintings and drawings m ove away from depicting formal, grand landscapes and start to reflect the

artist’s ow n personal response to the scene m view A t the sam e tim e, artists began taking d ie focus o ff th e garden m favor o f rendering works in which d ie people and activities serve as artistic subject w ith the garden as backdrop

Public gardens - or parks - emerged in the 19th century Artists responded by using such scenes as vehicles for social commentary Works from the 20th century depict parks as dem ­ocratic spaces used by everyday people

Photographer Bruce Davidson’s works represent a range o f activities m N ew York’s Central Park, from kids hanging from tree brandies to a wom an feeding pigeons

Changing Gardens is organized thematically and divided into three parte T he first touch­es on garden design and its components like fountains and statuary T he second presents historically im portant gardens The last explores activities and pursuits set in the garden scene, from royal fetes to picnics

I t ’s a very different way o f organizing d ie materials, but it’s clear and it’s intriguing,” M cNamara, said, adding, “Anyone who digs m the dirt and loves plants w ill love it ’

GARDEN SCENESWhat: 'The Changing Garden Four Centuries of European and American Art an exhibit of art that explores evolving garden aesthetics and uses When: Continues to Sunday May 23 Hours are 10 a m to 5 p m Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday 10 a m to 9 p m Thursday and noon to 5 p m Sunday Where: University of Michigan Museum of Art 525 South State St University of Michigan campus Ann Arbor Tickets: Admission is free suggested donation is $5 (734) 763-UMMA or mvwumma umichedu

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As you step across the threshold here in Shanahan’s we bid you welcome. Cead Mile Faiite, which in the words of the Celt is a hundred thousand welcomesMy family takes great delight as your host, leading you through an experience that is as real as the river ShannonThe theme of this little piece of Ireland is hospitality join us as you enter through the Tore, our symbolic threshold, inspired by the most beautiful adornment a Celtic chieftain could bestow on the maiden of his heart to experience a Shanahan welcomejo in u s fo r lu n c h a n d a s k u s a b o u t o u r G o o d N e ig h b o r D is c o u n t C a r d

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E10 ( * * ) • Observer & Eccentr c | Thursday Ap 18 2004

Table hopping

D e e p B l u e s h i n e s

a s a f i n e r e t o o l


D esp ite a con tin u in g slu gg ish econom y, m ea ls purchased away from h o m e are on th e rise In particular, th is trend b od es w e ll for th e sea food industry since 7 0 percent o f all fish an d shellfish co n su m ed in th e U S is ea ten in restau­rants

It is w ith th is tren d m m in d th a t partners Geoffrey B row ning an d C hick Taylor c losed Joe M uer’s G nll in Southfield for a m on th , rem odeled and reopened recen tly under th e n am e D eep B lue

B row ning an d Taylor have w orked togeth er for m an y years, th e ir rhythm h as created a n ew b eat a t D eep B lue

Joe M uer s is a legen d ary n am e am ong D etro it seafood restaurants, b u t it has b e e n c losed for m any years T h e C A M uer n a m e w a s a lso w ell-k n ow n for seafood m the area, bu t th is corporation w a s p u rch ased by Landry’s R estaurants several years ago

“D m er con fu sion ex isted b etw een Joe M uer’s Grill an d the oth er form er C A M uer restaurants,” said B row ning “W e’ve reta ined w h a t w a s correct about Joe M uer’s an d have added m ore contem porary sp in s o n seafood preparations A bout 65 percen t o f th e m en u is seafood w ith th e rem ainder top steaks an d chops ”


R eturm ng regular p atrons o f th e form er Joe M uer s Grill are greeted w ith a n ew h o stess stand T he once-popular m irrored look o f th e bar h as b een replaced w ith a back-lit so ft g lo w for th e b ottle d isp lay Bar tops are now granite and n ew bar stoo ls w ith backs have a deep b lu e covering adding em phasis to th e n ew n a m e

T h e after-five an d la ter-n igh t crow d sh ou ld find th is a m ost p leasurable spot

T h e bar and b o o th s near th e bar, sporting new pendant lighting, are for p atrons w h o sm oke R eta ined on d isp lay m th is area is th e large m o d e l o f th e Boblo b o a t Columbia B row ning’s fam ily operated th e b oats from 1949 to 1979

O n th e op p osite n o -sm o k m g side, a n ew signature m ural com b in es tile an d m eta l in a sea m o tif illum inated b y soft sp otligh ts T he n c h w ood w ork surrounding booths m this

Open: 11 a m to 10 p m Mond Food style: Contemporary s* with traditional broiled, saut< lovers can order juicy steaks Cost: Lunch $675 $12 Dinnt Reservations: Recommende

area rem ains b u t it takes on i ligh ter carpeting and n ew wa

W h ite tab lecloths an d whil hours L ess form al tablecloth m ore casual look

F itting n icely in to a ll this m n o t in th e lea st stiff


A s an accom plished hom e j w orked w ith C h ef Chris Thorj Chris sa id Taylor, “h as a pass in g flavors ” I

T he appetizer Buffalo-stylej exam ple o f th is passion Sear? w asab i is another I

T here are several soups md E ngland clam chow der and a soup, b u t i f it s your first tim^

wwu. Itometou'nlife com


H Southfield (248)644-5330 jy Friday 5-11 p m Saturday fafood preparations along led blackened or grilled Turf and chopsr $15-$25 Kid s menu $5 $8

different hue, brightened by \\ colors& napkins are used for dinner !> in place for lunch offer a

a professional w aitstaff th at is

Clockwise from top left, macadamia-crusted tuna with mango red pep per sauce is one of many dishes on the menu, start your meal with smoked salmon fennel cucumber salad Deep Blue co-owner/partner Geoffrey browning shows off the new bar with a back-lit soft glow for bottle display, Executive Chef Chris Thompson has a passion for creat­ing and combining flavors

Salads are salads, b u t tw o on th e m en u h igh ligh t inspira­tion and creativity T he sid e salad o f baby sp inach w ith pecan-crusted goat ch eese croutons and ja lapeno-m ango vinaigrette spotlights th e la test fo o d trend com bo o f spicy peppers and tropical fru it I f you w an t to m ake a salad your m eal, try baby sp inach w ith duck confit, b lu e cheese, m ush­room s and dijon vinaigrette

Fresh fish selections reta ined from th e form er m enu include sk in less Lake E n e perch , w h ole D over so le and flounder stuffed w ith dev iled crab

For a sp icy treat, try Southw est-sty le sw ordfish w ith ch ipotle orange sauce


ook partner Chick Taylor ppson on the new m enu C hef 'ion for creating and com bin-

rlash-fried calam an is b u t one i2d ahi tuna w ith soy and

jludmg the now -fam ous N ew tour onion Stony Creek beer order the lobster b isque

B row ning has always d on e a stellar jo b w ith h is interna­tionally styled w ine, w h ich also features w m es by th e glass at $ 5 - $ l l A rising ou t o f h is m on th ly ven d or tasting is the featured w m e o f th e m onth

T he best-kept hou se secret is th e P roprietors List, w hich has 1982 and 1985 B ordeaux red w m es in inventory to m atch o n e o f the succu lent, ju icy steaks

For a grand finale, h ou sem ad e desserts include orange- scen ted crem e brulee w ith chocolate accents and Key Lim e p ie

Contact Eleanor Heald by e mail at focusonwinedaol com

<8 » S c a n O C ^ A L l A C j b A N S

C O T u i t io n * ! Irish P u b & R estauran t

.Sunday cBr\mcfilSean O ’ Callaghan’ s w ill be open for brunch

10 :3 0 am - 2:00 pm

Enjoy our large selection of breakfast and lunch items;

Eggs Benedict, Belgian waffles, freshly baked pastries, smoked v Atlantic salmon and many

other traditional favorites.

A d u lt ....$16.95 Children(11 and under)...$ 7 .9 5

Easter Brunch ....$ 1 8 .9 5O E 0620171

121 fcnmman Ave. •Oiwntown * 734-459-tttf ♦ www.seanicill3ffiifts.cim

rlS y *?

H £ a d z % fB w rn c k c ^ f n d i a j n o i*7 * o f D e a r b o r n

April 11th • 10 a*m.- 3 p.m.Dinner 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Adults...$2 4 .9 5 Children 4 -1 0 ..,$1 3 .9 5C h ild r e n u n d e r 3 E a t F r e e

eatu%i- 5.• O m e le t te S ta t io n• S c r a m b le d E ggs

• B a c o n • S a u s a g e H o m e -S ty le P o ta to e s

• F ren ch T o a st• C h e e s e B iin tz w ith

F ru it T o p p in g• C a rv in g S ta t io n

(H a m , R o a s t B ee f, T u rk ey)• C h ic k e n P ic a tta

• W h ite f is h S ic i l ia n a • R ig a to n i w ith M e a t S a u c e F r e sh V e g e ta b le s * V e g g ie D ip

• A s s o r te d C h e e s e s• C o ld S a la d S ta t io n

• S m o k e d S a lm o n• A s s o r te d B rea d s,

M u ff in s a n d B a g e ls• J u ic e s , C o ffe e T ea a n d M ilk

C a l l f o r

Reservations: 313-359-3300 2 1 4 0 0 M i c h i g a n A v e . • D e a r b o r n

° o ^ o a g o ie zi

Observer & Eccentr c | Thursday Apr 18 2004* ( **) EHwww honietownlife com



D r i n k o l o g y C i t y b i t e s

Here's the skinny on BacardiBY ELEANOR & RAY HEALD


W hat goes around com es around R um and coke is n o joke for calorie counters, i t s a sm art cocktail

It could b e th a t rum and your favorite d iet co la is th e popular drink if you re m aking low -ca lorie cocktail choices It’s a scan t 6 6 calories per cocktail, based o n 1 ounce o f Bacardi Superior (w hite) R um ($ 1 1 5 0 /7 5 0 m L ) m ixed w ith 6 ounces o f your favorite d iet cola.

Even fan s o f low -carb diets w ho choose to drink n eed n ot d ep n ve th em selves o f an occasional cocktail b eca lse a Bacardi Superior R um an d d iet cola cocktail offers a refreshm gisolution w ith n o carbs and n o sugar

Light, sip o o th and zero gram o f guilt

El m ate th ose 6 6 calo­ries m c e for 13 m inutes Jog for 10 or w alk for 38

D r Fred P escatore, author o f the best-se llin g book , Thm for Good, and

th e form er director o f th e N ew York City-based A tkins said, M any people m ake th e assum ption th a t a ligh t beer

or glass o f w in e is th e sm art choice

^ Little d o they k n ow that f i / f k during th e d istilla tion process

for th e Superior (w hite) rum , th e sugar d isappears and th e alcohol rem ains In som e w in e

and beer, th e alcohol con­ten t is low er b u t th e sugar and carb level is far greater ’

A glass o f ligh t b eer has about 9 9 calories p lus 5 gram s o f carbs and red w m e h as 74 calories and tw o carbs

I f you’re w atch ing b oth calories and carbs, a sm art cocktail is a good choice-

The Heaids are Troy residents who write about wine spirits and restaurants for the Observers Eccentric Newspapers Contact them by e

mail at focusonwme@aol com


City B ites lis ts special dinners, m enu changes and other restaurant n ew s To get in , sen d , fax or e-m ail in form ation to K eely K aleski, A ssistant M anaging Editor F eatures, O bserver & E ccentric N ew spapers, 8 0 5 E M aple, B irm ingham , M I 4 8 0 0 9 , fax (248 ) 644-1314 or e-m ail kkalesk i@ oe hom ecom m net


M ichigan restaurant corporation Schelde E nterprises, Inc announces the conversion o f their Freshwater Lodge restaurant m W aterford to Cass Lake R oadhouse

T he restaurant at 4 0 0 0 Cass E lizabeth Lake R oad w as closed M arch 2 2 -2 4 for renovations and reopened on M arch 25

T he n e w m enu , w hich features sand­w iches, steaks, pasta and seafood, focuses on trad itional A m erican “road” or diner food

T h e restaurant seats 3 0 0 p eop le H ours are 11 3 0 a m to 10 p m Sunday- Thursday, 11 3 0 a,m to i l p m Fnday- Saturday C all (2 4 8 ) 6 8 3 -3 4 9 4 for infor­m ation

R om an V illage R estaurant, 9 9 2 4 Dix A v e , b etw een M iller a n d L onyo, m D earborn is celebrating its 4 0 th anniver­sary through M ay 14 R eceive a 4 0 cen t pizza, cheese and o n e item , w h en you p urchase th e sam e size pizza a t equal or greater value, d in in g room or carryout, holidays excluded H ours are 11 a .m to 10 p m M onday-Thursday, 11 a,m to 11 p m Friday, 4-11 p m Saturday and 1-10 p m Sunday Call (313 ) 8 4 2 -2 1 0 0


T h e M orel M ushroom F east celebrates it s 18th year, 7 p m W ednesday-Saturday, M ay 2 6 -2 9 , a t M orels, A M ich igan B istro C ost is $ 4 9 95 , n o t in clu d in g tax or gratu­ity M enu inclu d es M in n eso ta m orel m u sh room b isq u e, pickerel W ellington , salad , roasted A n gu s ten d erlo in w ith m orel sauce and a tn o o f h ou sem ad e sor­b e ts M orels is a t 3 0 1 0 0 Telegraph R oad, B ingham Farms

C all (2 4 8 ) 6 4 2 -1 0 9 4 , ext 1 for reserva- tion s/m form ation

T h e V i c t o r i a n R o s e

R e s t a u r a n t a n d T e a H o u s e

E n j o y a w o n d e r f u l h o m e m a d e l u n c h e o n m

t h e a t m o s p h e r e o f a n E r a g o n e b y

L o c a t e d m B e a u t i f u l d o w n t o w n R o c h e s t e r a t

1 1 8 W T h i r d S t ( W e s t o f M a m ) 2 4 8 - 6 5 2 - 8 5 9 5

M onday thru Saturday 11 0 0 to 3 0 0 Saturday Reservations only

Available for private parties showers and off site catering

M o t h e r ’ s D a y T e a , S a t u r d a y M a y 8

F o u r C o u r s e M e n u

O r a n g e C r a n b e r r y S c o n e w i t h M a r m a l a d e S p r e a d

C o l d S t r a w b e r r y S o u p w i t h F r e s h M i n t G a r n i s h

C a s h e w C l u c h e n S a l a d , Q u i c h e , T e a S a n d w i c h ,

F r e s h F r u i t , I m p o r t e d B r i e

4 t h P a s t r y P l a t e

M o t h e r w ill h e p re se n te d w ith a g ift

f r o m C h e f L o r e t t a a n d S t a f f

R e s e r v e n o w

1 1 : 0 0 a n d 1 3 0 s e a t i n g

$ 2 5 0 0 p l u s t a x a n d g r a t u i t y

Find your favorite recipes each Thursday in Taste

E 1 2 ( * * ) • Observer & Eccentr c | Thursday Apr 18 2004 wiew.hometownltfe com

Best shopping

S h o p , d r o p - t h e n g e t u p a n d s h o p a g a i nHere are the stores

you love bestW hen it com es to b est overall p laces to

m axim ize cred it cards, it seem s th a t read­ers opt for th e b ig a n d fam iliar H ere are th e People’s C hoice A w ard w in n ers for B est P laces to Sh op


The Somerset CollectionH ow can you n o t love Somerset? I t ’s

w here you’ll fin d so m e o f th e sh op s th at celebrities flock to m N e w York an d LA People dress u p a little b efore go in g there - and w e cou ld alw ays u se a b it m ore e le ­gance

Runners-up: L aurel Park P lace m Livonia, TWelve O aks in N ov i


Home DepotT he em ployees a t H o m e D ep o t seem to

k n ow everything, an d w ow , are th ey friendly T here’s a h u ge se lection , th e prices are right, a n d w e fou n d m ore th an 7 0 locations m M ich igan alone

Runners-up L ow e’s, T he G reat Indoors


Dick'sD o you w a n t a s ta ff to exp la in h o w to

w ork a m ed ic in e ball? D o you n eed som e cam ping gear an d sexy w orkout p an ts’ T hen go to D ick ’s T he store is hu ge, the lin es are short, a n d th e prices are reason­able. W h at m o re d o you need?

Runners-up T h e Varsity Shop , D unham ’s


( M O S T K N O W L E D G E A B L E S T A F F )

Damman Hardware'Ihps to the hardware store w hen som e­

th in g breaks are rarely fun W hen w e’re having plum bing problem s on Sunday m orn in g and can t g e t anyone to fix it, w e h ead to th e hardware store h op ing som e­on e th ere can give u s advice

R eaders picked D am m an Hardware as th e store w ith the m ost-know ledgeable staff

Runners-up A co,A ce


Toys R UsTbys R U s has a hu ge selection They

have every n ew toy a k id could w ant and som e c lassic favontes too

Runners-up A dventures in Toys, D oll H osp ita l & Tby Soldier Shop


Nordstrom'sA aah, shoes, w hat w om an doesn’t have

en ou gh ’ For the highest-quality, and ahead-of-the-trend shoes, readers picked N ordstrom ’s

R unners-up DSW, Fayless Shoe Source


Pot Supplies PlusO ne in three A m ericans have a com ­

p an ion anim al in th eir h om es For food, b ed s, toys and m ore, readers love Pet S upplies Plus

T h e prices are low, th e selection is enor­m ou s an d Fido can have fu n there

Runners-Up Petsm art, PetCo

4 - S t a r I t a l i a n R e s t a u r a n t

? W ith Over 100 Years of Combined Experience by the Del Signore Family1

\ t iih ft modi lid I iilc iLim n ic n l

i t a n l r Y f i u j i

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32030 Plymouth Road Livonia


Best mall■ The Somerset Collection, 2800 W Big Beaver Troy (248) 643-6360,www thesomersetcollection com■ Laurel Park Place - 37700 Six Mile Road, Livonia (734)462-1100 wwwlaurelparkplace net■ Twelve Oaks - 27500 Novi Road Novi (248)348 9400 wwwshoptwelveoakscomBest home improvement store■ Home Depot www homedepot com■ Lowes www (owes com■ The Great Indoors -14453 Hall Road Shelby Township (586)7991000 and 44075 W12 Mile Road Novi, (248) 679-1000, wwwthegreatindoors comBest sports shop■ Dick's www dickssportmggoods com■ The Varsity Shop, 277 Pierce S t, Birmingham, (248) 646 4466■ Dunham swwwdunhamssportscom

Best hardware store ■Damman Hardware Store, www dammanhardware com■ Aco, www■ Ace, www acehardware com Best toy store■ Toys R Us wwwtoysrus com■ Adventures in Toys, 163 W Maple Road Birmingham (248) 646 5550■ Doll Hospital & Toy Soldier Shop - 3947 12 Mile Road Berkley (248)543 3115 Best shoe store■ Nordstrom s in The Somerset Collection wwwnordstromscom■ DSW wwwdswshoecom■ Payless www payless com Best pet £ pet supply store■ Pet Supplies Plus wwwpetsuppliesplus com■ Petsmart -13150 Middlebelt, Livonia, (734)525-6463 Visit www petsmart corns■ PetCo - 310777 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington, (248) 865-2950 Visit www petco com

C T C f J A R


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F e a t u r in g

Salads & Shrimp Cocktail Carved Steamship Round of Beef

Made-to-Order Omelettes * Eggs Benedict French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Sacon & Sausage

Pasta & Lyonnaise Potatoes Fresh Fruit and imported Cheeses

Homemade Panishes, Pastries & Bread

C h ild r e n u n d e r 5 $ 495

C h ild r e n 5 t o 12 * a 95

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R e s e rv a tio n s S u g g e s te d

240.642.24092 0 1 Hamilton Avenue • Birmingham

icww.hometoicnUfe com Observer S Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004* ( **) E13

MusicB e a c h B o y s p o p w i t h r e l e v a n c y : T h a t w o u l d

H aven t heard T he T h n lls yet9 So w hat are you w a itin g for9 T his is th e story o f a young D ublin pop

ban d th at v isited th e U S , fell in love w ith California, and started w riting about it Life h as been sunny for th em ever since

E xcept it w asn’t easy T he T h n lls pa id th e ir dues playing tiny

clubs throughout D u b lin T hey ve been studying m usic since th e ir early teen s T he pop b an d caught th e C alifornia bug a few

years ago - th e w arm th, the b londes, the jo y rides, the ocean, the laid-back style and the Beach Boys

Inspired by it all, th ey rented a little apartm ent and began to write h om ages to the coast w ith son g titles like Big Sur, Santa Crus and Hollywood, K ids

T he T hnlls’ m usic has Beach B oys pep, but it’s not ju st bubbly pop, it actually has relevancy

Today the band has b een praised by

every m ajor m usic m agazine m th e U S The New York Times ca lled th e album , So M uch fo r the City, th e second-best album o f 2 0 0 3 - ju s t b eh in d O utkast

T hat’s a b ig deal


T h e band is playing w ith Phantom P lan et on Sunday, A pril 1 1 , at S t A ndrew ’s H all m D etroit T he m u sic has b een called a b len d o f th e Beach Boys, Coldplay and N e il Y oung B and m em bers’ influences are in teresting M arvin Gaye, D exy’s M idnight R unners, Frank Sinatra and D aft Punk.

“W e like to take a w h o le b len d o f our in fluences an d b e really irreverent w ith them ,” vocalist Conor D easy said ‘ not be to o precious about it a n d try to tw ist th em up u n til w e’ve left our ow n m ark W e love all th e classic bands, b u t w e also love stu ff like T he F lam ing Lips W e don ’t w ant to m ake o ld m usic W e w a n t m usic th at s fresh and contem porary, that appreciates th e classics b u t looks forw ard as w ell ”

T he T h n lls form ed w h en th e band m em bers w ere 15 years o ld m D ublin , th ey’re are ju s t en ten n g their 23rd and 2 4 th years T h ey played D ublin clubs, v ere signed to an ind ie lab el there, b u t m 1999, h ead ed for th e U S ju s t for fun

T h e four m onths m California changed th eir m usical style

"We ju st w an ted to spend th e sum m er som ew here n ice W e k n ew w e w anted to g o to A m erica, and w h en w e looked at th e m ap, C alifornia m ade th e m ost sense because there w as load s o f stu ff for us to do,” said guitarist an d vocalist D aniel Ryan

W h ile m o st bands choose th e party city o f L A . as a tourist destination , T he T h n lls op ted for S an D iego

“It’s quite conservative there and that turned o u t to b e a g o o d thing,” D easy said “S ince w e w ere on ly 2 0 , w e couldn’t g e t in to th e bars, so in stead w e sp en t tim e playing m usic, go in g to parties o n the b each ”

T h ey w en t back to D ublin and contrn-

b e T h e T h r i l l s

Four time Piatmum Irish band The Thnlls is being praised by every major music magazine in the U 5

THE THRILLS W/PHANTOM PLANETWhen:6 3 0 pm Sunday,April 11 Where: St Andrews Hall 431E Congress between Brush and Beaubien streets in the Greektown area of Detroit (313) 961 MELTTickets: $10 39 available through Ticketmaster (248) 645-6666 To learn about the band: Visit wwwthethrills com

ued to play tm y clubs “W e never fit m to any brackets, Ryan

said ‘ It s easy for any ban d w h o can play th eir instrum ents k n ock o ff a few N ew York Irish songs B ut w e ju st kep t on try­in g to do w h a t w e cou ld do ”

T h e T h n lls signed w ith V irgin Records m Septem ber 2 0 0 1 , th e sam e m on th that M orrissey invited th e band to open for h im m L ondon L ast year, So M uch fo r The City w en t gold m H on g K ong m id Singapore, an d p iatm um in d ie U K and Ireland N ex t m on th d ie b and w ill h ead lin e the Coachella sh ow m California, th e m ega­sh ow festival th at’s know n to m ake or break bands (T he V on B ondies played there last year)

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E 1 4 ( * * ) “ Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 www hometownlife com



Ja zz musicians already gearing up for festival

C’m on cool cats, g e t ready for the M ichigan Jazz Festival

Sure it’s still early, bu t the events th a t surround it are about to begin

O n Sunday, A pril 18, a fund-raising event for the festival called Jazz at th e Phil Revisited is being h e ld at Schoolcraft College m Livonia

You m ust bu y tickets in advance, th ey w on’t be available a t the door

Jazz at the Philharm onic w as produced m the 1940s b y N orm an Granz, a ja zz pro­m oter w ho believed th e m usic shou ld b e offered on the concert stage in its purest form H e took it to th e Philharm onic m 1944, w hen th e id ea o f presenting a ja m session w as unheard o£ said M idge Elks, prom oter for th e M ichigan Jazz Festival.

B y 1955 Jazz at th e Philharm onic w as traveling the w orld and the m usicians w ere Mewed b y m any as am bassadors o f goodwill

The form at a t Schoolcraft wiH fo llow th e tradition o f b ig ja m sessions M usicians include M att M ichaels an d Bill Meyer, piano, D an Jordan and Paul Keller, bass, J im Ryan and Jerry M cKenzie, drum s, Jeff Thidell, percus­sion, Vaughn K lugh and Steve Carryer, guitar, Larry N ozero, George B enson and C hnst Collins, saxophone, John TVudell, trum pet, Tom Saunders, com et, R on Kischuck and A l Zerba, trom bone

Two bands w ill ja m separately fo llow ed b y all m usicians com ing together at th e end

It w ill b e im provisational, th e w ay jazz should be, Ellis said

JAZZ AT IKE PHIL REVISITEDWhat: Benefit for the Michigan Jazz FestivalWhen:3p/n Sunday April18 Where: VisTaTech Center of Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Road Livonia Located off the north parking lot Tickets: $15 each must be purchased in advance Send a check or mopey order payable to Michigan Jazz Festival with a self addressed envelope to Midge Ellis 20457 Maplewood St Livonia Ml 48152 2022 (248) 474 2720 or (734) 459 2454

U l l S 7 3 4 . 7 6 4 . 2 ! 3 8

8 jm r

Hill Auditorium

In a sp e c ia l co Jta d e ra tio n b e tw e e n u m o t m a tn e u m S c h o o l o f M ustc a p p ro x im a te ly 450 m a s a a m in clud in g t h e UM S Cho ral lim a n U M S c h o o l o f M as c en s e m b le s, a n d s o lo is ts fro m th e c las sic al p o p fo lk c o u n tr y ,-a n d operatic re alm s w»j| perform Pulitzer Prize w rmmg

c o m p o s e r Will a m Baleo m s m ass ve s o n g cycle tinder t h e d ire c tio n o f le o n e r d Siatlan

mtm liSmaseHwdw m i F^risd rm -kxim w 3 iw fcrndm fes

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Jfte $ o f j d J p 2i S a n d h i ! sp u n th e m g h t w ith th e m h y b rid o f m u s i c f r o m S ta r ih a n -{jyp,sy A fn c c o t and. l a f if t* & * $ & & & *

-fo lk d a n c e s w a d e r l a b i l e , fin d hem h t t a r lave saftg$? t h e S h o g h ftk e o Snsemfafe h a s s d p tiv o te d d i e i kes o f G a b rie l film m a k e r A ta m G g o y a ft a n d y o y o M a T h e ir e v o c a tiv e S ilk R o a d so u n d c o njures * a p la c e so m e w h e re b e tw e e n t h e S c o t t sti h g h ^ e f s a n d Arafe icp n igh ts *Med n Spo<'Jer**»«m*a«

Obse ve & Eccen r c | Thursday Ap 8 2004* (**) E15* ■%

Send fax or e mail items for considera tion m Get Out! To Keely Kaleski assis tant managing editor for features Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple Birmingham Ml 48009 fax (248) 6441314 or e mail Kkaleskidoe homecomm net


Gem TheatreMenopause The Musical 8pm Tuesday Saturday 4pm Saturday and 2 p m Sunday Gem Theatre 333 Madison Detroit $3950 groups of 1014 $3650 (313) 963*9800 Ticketmaster at (248) 645 6666 or visit www.gemtheatFecom

Masonic Temple Theatre TheLionKmg through May 30 500 Temple Axe Detroit $17 50 $7750 (248) 645 6666 wwwticketmastercom for show information wwwnederlanderde troit com

Purple Rose TheatreThe Underpants an adaptation of Carl Sternheim s classic 1910 farce by Steve Martin through June 5 performances 8 p m Wednesday Saturday 3pm Saturday 2pm Sunday 137 Park St Chelsea $2250 $32 50 tf34) 433 ROSE wwwpur plerosetheatreorg

Plowshares Theatre Company Blues for An Alabama Sky by Pearl Cleage 7 30 p m Thursday 3 p m 8 p m Saturday and3pm Sunday & through" April 29 Charles H Wright Museum of African American History 315 E Warren Detroit $20 in advance $25 at door matinee $15 in advance $20 door discount semors/students (313) 872 0279 www plowshares org


Gemtti's Hole in the WallWedding Bell Blues interactive dinner the ater comedy $45 per person The Trouble with 12 children s lunch theater mterac tive comedy Saturday Sunday $1495 kids $16 95 adults, 108 E Mam St Northviile (248) 349 0522 for reservations/mfo

Stagecrafters 2nd Stage A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller 8 p m Friday Saturday April 1617 2 p m Sunday April 18 and 25 8 p m Thursday Saturday April 22 24 8 p m Friday April

30 and May T 415 S Lafayette Royal Oak $14 & $16 (248)5416430

HilberryThe Kentucky Cycle Parts I and II through May 15 in rotating repertory 4743 Cass Ave Wayne State University campus (313) 577 2972

University of MichiganAn Arthur Miller celebration collection of scenes from works by Arthur Miller 8pm Thursday Saturday April 810 2 p m Sunday April 11 Trueblood Theatre in the Frieze Building corner of State and Huron Ann Arbor $15 general $8 students (734) 764 2538 wwwuprodumtchedu


Country WesternEaster dance hosted by the Wolverine Silverspur Dancers 7pm (doors open)

Robert Bartiey of West Bloomfield won Best of Show for 'lady of Lartigue 2, digital montage at Photography '04, an annual competition and exhibit at Lawrence Street Gallery, 22620 Woodward Ave, Suite A, Ferndale The exhibit continues through April 30 Gallery hours are noon to 5 p m Tuesday-Saturday For more informa­tion, call (248) 544-0394 or visit www lawrencestreetgallery com

7 30 p m (lesson) open dancing 811 p m Saturday Italian Cultural Center 28111 Imperial Dr South of 12 Mile Road east of Hoover Warren $10 includes lesson snacks and coffee (586) 573 4993

MoondustersMoondusters will host ballroom dancing to live bands featuring popular swing foxtrot waltz cha cha and others 830 1130 p m every Saturday $6 dressy attire Singlesand married Meet at the Livonia Civic Center 15218 Farmington Road and Five Mile Livonia Ballroom dance lessons7 8 pm Saturday call Joe (248)968 5197


Marguls TheatreThe Shoemaker and the Elves 230pm Saturday Sunday through May 2135 E Mam St Northviile No children under 3 $750 (248)349 8110


The Civic - Live'First ever talent showcase at the his tone Civic Theatre in downtown Farmington Saturday Sunday May 22 23 Will feature singers dancers musicians comedians magicians impressionists novelty acts Open to all Detroit area performers all ages amateurs and pro fessionals individuals and groups Auditions open through Thursday April 15 call (248) 474 5500 Ext 215 for details

BarbershopWayne Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society meets 7 30 p m Tuesday at Kirk of Our Savior Presbyterian Church 36660 Cherry Hill Road 1/2 mite east of Newburgh Westland Gentlemen interested in singing in the chapter s Renaissance Chorus or who enjoy quartets can call Bob Wolf (734) 4211652 or come to any rehearsal


Spring Astrology/Psychic FairAstrologists palmists card readers psy chics 10 a m io 5 p m Saturday Clawson Troy Elks 1451E Big Beaver

Urge Overkill performs 8pm Thursday, April 15 at the Magic Bag, 22920 Woodward Ave, Ferndale Tickets $15, call Ticketmaster (248) 645-6666 or visit wwwthemagicbagcom Box office open 10 a m to 5pm Monday-Friday Call (248) 544-3030 forevent information

Road Troy $5 readings $20 (248)528 2610

Plymouth Symphony OrchestraBest of Broadway pops benefit dinner and auction 6 pm Saturday April24 Laurel Manor 39000 Schoolcraft Livonia $75 adults, $35 children tickets must be purchased in advanced (734) 4512112 plymouthsymphony@aol com

Birmlngham-Bloomfield Symphony Orchestra

Fund raising dinner and auction at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham Friday April 23 Cali (248) 645 BBSO or wwwBBSO org

O A L L E R I E S / A R T

Orchard Lake Framing & GalleryFeaturing work of 11 Michigan glass artists through May 1 Reception to meet the 3Ftists4 9pm Saturday April 17 3477 Orchard Lake Road Orchard Lake (248)6817447

A.C.T. GalleryRedux Tables and Chairs Transformed closing reception 6 9pm Friday April 23 bidding continues during normal gallery hours noon to 5 p m Friday Saturday or by appointment 35 E Grand River Detroit upstairs from Galleria Biegas (313)9614336

Creative Art Center Looking for women artists in all media and from all countries other than the US or whose immediate family came from other countries for an internation al women s art exhibit to be presented May 21 through June 18 Call (248) 333

7849 for more information to cpasterdtool com

D&M StudiosTaking reservations for Summer Art Camp Program Animals in Art 8881N Liiley Road Canton calf (734) 453 3710 for information

J A Z Z / B L U E S

Matt MichaelsWith Larry Nozero reeds 7 3011 p m Wednesday April 14 Rons Fireside Inn 28937 Warren Garden City $5 cover with dinner $10 without dinner two drink minimum reservations recommended (734) 762 7756 April 21 Rob Pipho vibes April 28 Barbara Ware vocals

TS. MonkBrings his 10 piece band to the Max M Fisher Music Center 8pm Thursday April 8 for part two of tribute to his father piamst/composer Thelonius Monk $18 $52 (313)576 5111 www detroitsymphony com

Edison'sThe Blue Kings 9 p m to 1 a m Thursday Thornetta Davis 9 30 p m to 130 a m Friday Saturday 220 Merrill St Birmingham (248) 645 2150

Blue MartiniBugs Beddow Band (blues) 8 p m to midnight Friday Jerry Ross Band (Top 40) 8 p m to midnight Saturday Brothers Groove (blues/jazz) 9 p m to 1 a m Sunday Soul Sweet (jazz/blues) 8 p m to midnight Tuesday April 13 Blue Martini 201 Hamilton Birmingham (248) 258 3005

E 1 6 ( * * ) • Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 8 2004 wwicJxometownlife com

Wynton MarsalisAt the Royal Oak Music Theatre 318 W 4th St corner of Lafayette 7pm Saturday April 17 $45 & $60 with a $2 50 facility fee at Ticketmaster outlets {248)645 6666 and the box office (248) 546 7610

Jazz at the Philharmonic Big jam session 3 5pm Sunday April 18 VisTaTechCenter Schoolcraft College Livonia Features Matt Michaels & Bill Meyer piano Dan Jordan & Paul Keller

k bass Jim Ryan & Jerry McKenzie, drums i Jeff Trudel! percussion and others Two I bands will jam separately and then come

together at the conclusion of the con cert Tickets $15 in advance send check or money order payable to the Michigan Jazz Festival with a self addressed stamped envelope to Midge Ellis 20457 Maplewood St Livonia Ml 48152 2022 No tickets sold at the door For more information call (248) 474 2720 or (734) 459 2454


UMSWilliam Bolcom s Songs of Innocence and of Experienced pm today Hill Auditorium 825 N University Ave Ann Arbor $10 $65 pianist Alfred Brendel 8 pm Thursday April 15 Hill Auditorium $10 $60 (734)764 2538 mwumsorq

VivaceConcert series at Birmingham Temple features Victor Goldberg an award win nmg young Israeli pianist 8pm Saturday 28611 W12 Mile Road Farmington Hills $18 students/semors $15 (248)788 9338 (248)6611348 www birminghamtemple org

DSOIn the Company of Friends free event hosted by radio personality Paul Russell 7 30 p m Wednesday April !4 in the Music Box at The Max 3711 Woodward Ave Detroit Russell will engage guest conductor Itzhak Perlman and pianist Joseph Kalichstem in an informal con versation about their 40 year relation ship as friends and colleagues and look at their latest collaboration as conduc tor and soloist Reservations are required call (313) 576 5111 or visit wwwdetroitsymphonycom Perlman conducts the DSO with Kalichstem 8 pm Thursday April 15 830pm Saturday April 17 and 3 p m Sunday April 18

Birmingham MusicaleFeaturing scholarship winners 1 p m Thursday Aprils The Community House 380 S Bates Afterglow tea (248)288 3723

P O P U L A R / R O C K

Trinity House TheatreEasily Amused with Mark Reitenga 8 pm Friday $10 ChrisBuhalts 8pm Saturday $10 38840 W Six Mile Road Livonia $20 (734) 464 6302 or visit wwwtrmityhouseorg Features Mustards Retreat MattWatroba Ric Hordmski Whit and Al Hill Kim Taylor

Bring your dancing shoes to Meadow Brook Hall Ballroom dance classes will be offered m the grand ballroom 7pm Thursday, April 8r 15,22,29 and May 6 The series kicks off with a lesson m Salsa followed by the Fox Trot, East Coast Swing, Waltz, and Cha Cha Couples can signup for one class or attend all five Admission $25 per couple per class Reservations required, call (248) 370-3140 or visit www meadowbrookhall org


John AustirUnd Erin Echo Jill Ja<$*8 p m Saturday $10

Silky'sPat Brennan (classic rock) today Bomb Squad {70s & 80s) Friday Kat & Sound Byte (Top 40) Saturday 9 p m to 1 a m Silkys Martinis and Music Cafe 21931 Michigan Ave Dearborn $5 cover (313) 565 6278

Royal Oak Music TheatreTodd Rundgren doors open 6 30 p m show 8pm Tuesday April 13 ali ages $20 (248) 399 2980 or (248) 645 6666

Magic BagSouth Normal with Colic & Super Mode! T 8pm Saturday $7 Gryphon Shepherd 8 p m Saturday $7 Sarah Harmer with Hayden8pm Tuesday April 13 22920 Woodward Ferndale $15 in advance (248)645 6666 wwwthemagicbagcom

W O R L D / F O L K

Terry CallierRoyal Oak campus of Oakland Community College 739 Washington 730pm Friday $15 (248)9423241 Ext 3242 or wwwoakiandcc edu

The ArkPeter Mulvey 8pm Friday $13 50 Clumbsy Lovers (Celtic Bluegrass Rock) 8 p m Saturday $11 Vienna Teng (piano/New Age influences) 8pm Monday April 12 $12 50 Eric Andersen 8 pm Wednesday April 14 $15 316S Main St Ann Arbor (734) 7611451 wwwa2arkorg

Bahama BreezeLive Island style entertainment Dennis V 4 30 7 30 p m Friday Jon 5 p m to mid night Saturday Kim 610 pm Sunday Phil 610 p m Monday April 12 Dread 510 pm Tuesday Wednesday April 1314 19600 Haggerty Road Livonia (734) 542 0891 At the Troy location 539 £ Big Beaver Road (248)528 1674 Phil 510 p m Friday Keith 510 p m Saturday

Stop by Biddle Gallery, 2840 Biddle Ave 6-9 p m Friday, April 16 during Wyandotte s 3rd Friday celebration Musician Frank Pahi will perform See Red Beetle, and other works by glass artist Toby Upton Handmade pottery, tile, jewelry, furniture and fine art will also be featured Gallery hours are 11 a m to 7 p m Monday-Fnday, 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday Call (734) 281-4779 or visit www biddlegallery com for details

Joey's Comedy ClubJefBrannan 815& 1045pm Friday Saturday $12 7pm Sunday $8 dinner show option available at Paisano s 5070 Schaefer Dearborn (313) 584 8885 wwwjoeyscomedycom or www paisanoUom

Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle Phil Palisoul 8pm Thursday 8 p m &10 30 pm Friday Saturday 269 E Fourth St Royal Oak (248)542 9900 www com edycastle com

Ann Arbor Comedy ShowcaseMichael Winslow 8 pm Thursday ($17) 8 pm & 1030 pm Friday Saturday ($19) Improv Comedy Jamm 8pm Wednesday 314 E Liberty Ann Arbor dis count for tickets purchased in advance (734) 996 9080

Tilt Improv GroupAnn Arbor Civic Theatre 8pm Saturday April 10 and 24 Civic Theatre Rehearsal Studio 322 W Ann (2 blocks west of Mam St) Ann Arbor $5 reservations suggested (734)669 6241 wwwtiltwn provcom

Second City DetroitTen 8pm Wednesday Thursday ($15) 730pm and 10pm Friday Saturday ($20) Best of the Second City Touring Company at7 pm Sunday ($12) 2301 Woodward Ave Detroit (313) 965 2222 Dinner show packages available Call for information


The Magic BagThursday Night Brew & View doors open 8 pm film 930 pm City of God Wednesday Night Brew & View 9 30 p m April 14 Butterfly Effect April 28 50 First Dates $2 21 and over 22920 Woodward Ave Ferndale (248) 544 3030 wwwthemagicbagcom

Uptown Birmingham 8 Classic Film Series 1110 am 110pm 315pm 515pm 720pm and930 p m every Wednesday 211S Old Woodward Ave Birmingham $5 50 (248) 644 FILM

Redford TheatreBen Hur 8pm Saturday April 10 17360 Lahser Road Detroit (313)5372560 wwwredfordtheatrecom

Detroit Film Theatre Through May 24 Filpis are at 7 p m and 9 30pm Friday Saturday 4 pm and 7 pjn Sunday and 7 30 p rq Monday except for special events Detroit Institute Of Arts (theater in back of building) 5200 Woodward Ave Detroit adults $6 50 sen lor citizens full time students with valid ID and DIA members $5 50 (313) 833 3237 or www dia org/dft Discount tickets avail able in book of five for $25

Film WrapWith Ray MacDonald the last Friday of each month 911 p m at the Scarab Club 217 Farnsworth Detroit Discussion of the month s film showing at the Detroit Film Theatre Donation $5 (313)8311250

M U S E U M S , P A R K S A N D T O U R S

The Henry FordQuilting Genius an exhibition of more than 30 quilts Through Sunday May 9 Museum hours are 9 a m to 5 p m Monday Saturday noontoSpm Sunday Village Road at Oakwood west of the Southfield Freeway and south of Michigan Avenue Dearborn Adults $14 seniors $13 kids age 512 $10, children under age 5 free call (313) 982 6001 or visit wwwthehenryfordorg

Cranbrook Institute of Science Chimpanzee Challenge through May 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday Thursday until 10 p m on Friday (877) 462 7262 or www cranbrook edu 39221 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills no charge with museum admission $7 adults $5 children ages 212 and senior citizens Donate an old wireless phone toreceive free admis sion Phones will be given to protect vie tuns of domestic violence

Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Celebrating 20 years of discovery muse urn offers more than 250 science and technology exhibits to explore the world of science 220 E Ann 10 a m to 5 p m Monday Saturday noon to 5 p m Sunday

$7 $5 children students and seniors (734)995 KJDSorwwwiaahom org

C L U B S / B A R S

Sevin The NightclubSevm 40 W Pike St Pontiac (248)745 7461 wwwsevmthemghtclubcom Hours are 9 p rrt to 2 a m Wednesday Friday and Saturday Ranges from $5 to $20 no charge for ladies excluding special events and holidays

George & Harry's Blues Cafe George & Harry s 22048 Michigan Ave Dearborn Call (313) 359 2799 Friday and Saturday shows begin at 10 30 p m Weekday shows begin at 9 p m

Cfub Bart22726 Woodward Ferndale All shows at 10 pm Ongoing Thursdays and Sundays comedy night and Fridays and Saturdays EvenExchange (Motown R S B and Jazz) Call (248) 548 8746

Mephisto's2764 Flonan Avenue Want a taste of the music at Mephistos? Visit its entertaining Web site wwwmephistosdetroit com While surfing you II dance in your seat to the heavy techno beat repeating here we go Mephisto's is close to both 175 (off Camff) and 194 in Hamtramck (offMt Elliott) This 21 & over club where proper attire is mandatory is hew to our ever changing club scene and features three levels including a VIP lounge and terrace Hours Thursday Friday and Saturday 7 pm to2am (313)875 3627

ReggaeTropical Hut Lounge 14925 Livernois Detroit near Fenkell This is not one of those suburban nightclubs that pretend to be an island style bar with fake grass and palm It s one of Detroit s truly authentic Reggae/roots clubs that attracts the city s island born residents Wednesdays Ladies Night Thursdays Reggae Night Fridays Friday Surprise Saturdays African Night Sundays Fun Sundays Open49pm Tuesday Wednesday 4 p m to 2*30 a m Thursday Saturday 5 p m to midnight Sunday (313) 861 5340

Majestic Theatre4140 Woodward Ave Detroit Parking available on street and behind building it seems that every blues underground industrial punk reggae world and Americana band has played here Buju Banton and Burning Spear played here as did Social Distortions Mike Ness Attire is freestyle casual and up Call for hours (313)833 9700

Parabox Cafe1927 Michigan Ave Detroit at the corner of Rosa Parks Blvd Metro Detroit s friend ly Latin residents gather here for salsa dancing to DJs and live music. Women wear dresses and high heels and men wear suits or flamboyant club wear Strict dress code no jeans or tennis shoes This is the place where couples dance Fridays are occasionally world music night and the Latin music is on Saturdays Valet parking is available Call for hours (313) 313 268 2325

www.twmefofvtflift qprfi Observer & Eccentr c l Thursday Apr 18 2004* ( **) ET7

Selected from the reams of publicity propaganda we present our top entertainment picks for the week Filtered just for youHoroscope

Star Struck(April 8 April 10)By Dennis Fairchild

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

t the sun in your sign now there will never be a better time to step up to the plate and hit the out of the park Think of the times in late winter last year that you were too scared to take

sks Now go make a name for yourself Ram'

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)a bu can learn much from listening to those who think they know the answers - if only to discover * jey don t1 Your instincts are currently more reliable than your powers of deduction pay attention

i what you re being told Avoid taking too much on trust as how things have been

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)ou have withheld a difference of opinion for long enough twin Now with your ruling planet jircury retrograding it s best to speak Keeping the peace is not as vital as maintaining your Rise of self Not everyone sees life from your viewpoint

CANCER (June 22-July 23)[his may be a frustrating time for yoirright now (sorry) as events over which you have no control seem to stop you from doing what you know is right April s planets warn that thejhmgs you re Worrying about are merely sawdust and hot air - so chill until the month is donated then get teadyforfun*

LEO (July 24-Aug. 23)'here s nothing you can t do this week anything and everything is possible* With your ruling ilanet perking the most dynamic sector of your chart now you II feel like a comic book hero who .welds great power Like Spider Man you II have to demonstrate great responsibility too

VIRG0(Aug. 24-Sept. 23)there s something about your daily routine that you d like to change right now or a habit you d

ike to overcome now s the time to line up your ducks and get organized but it s not the best .so**®***. „ week to take action Ponder and promote but wait until May to provoke

LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)Your natural empathy for the needs of others sometimes dictates that you neglect your own Good Friday weekend focuses on your path to enlightenment or self esteem at least1 You must stop

▼ J j V compromising what you know is right for you Stop now*

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)family or close friendship dilemma appears to have turned into a face savmgt$ercise since

* jL ffjjpnl began and requires forbearance and diplomacy to resolve Now you must stop allowing past | r~ events to thwart your ability to cope with the present and plan for the future

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)>~.%Your will to honor a debt or promise owes more to optimism than ability you need to know the

le extent of your resources. A difficult astro aspect to your mighty ruler Jupiter warns you to id taking too much on trust at this time Listen first and interrogate immediately afterward

(Dec. 22-Jan. 21)This may be a frustrating weekend for you as events over which you have no control stop you from doing the things you really enjoy or had planned On the other hand the planets warn that the things you like or expected may m some cases cause you harm so perhaps it s not such a bad thing after all

i. 22-Feb. 19)Attitude is everything this weekend when there is so much to gam - and as much to lose If you don’t get overconfident and cocky and push your luck you should end up the winner on your own terms Examine what the definition of family" means to you

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)ry not to take the bait if employers family or friends seem determined to pick fights Fish

Whatever is said remain committed to the course of action that feels right to you Your instincts hould be working well this weekend Trust them*

Dennis Fairchild is a Birmingham based astrologer and author of several books on divination For information about personal consultations phone (248) 646 3555 or e mail DenFairchiid@aol com

Pure Picks

It s 1989 and East German Alexs (Daniel Bruhl) proudly socialist mother (Kathrm Sass) falls into a coma while watch mg her son being arrested in a protest in Berlin Afraid that the fall of the Berlin Wall will be too much for her when she wakes up Alex goes out of his way to re create Communist era East Germany in her apartment and the area surrounding it duping his mother into thinking the Iron Curtain with all its melancholy is still kicking

The winner of nine German Film Awards including Best Film Goodbye, Lenin! plgys its last show at 5 05 p m and 735pm tonight at the * Landmark Maple Art Cinema HI 4135 West Maple Road in Bloomfield Hills Run time is 2 hours 1 min Rated R for brief Ian guage and sexuality

For more on the film click on http //www sony classics com/goodbye

Alternative rockers Colic will play Friday at the Magic Bag in Ferndale

i Influenced by the likes of the Foo Fighters n Filter and Oasis modern hard rockers Coflc W want to rock you outside of the Detroit

garage scene Frontman Sean Moloney Nick Ouinn (guitar vocals) Mike Dundon (bass) and Matt Rost (drums he also plays with the Muggs) have been playing together for about a year around Detroit The band will hit the studio this month to record some new songs but until then they will be playing a couple of local shows

Colic plays this Friday with South Normal and Super Model T at the Magic Bag 22920 Woodward Ave in Ferndale Cover is $7 Doors open at 8 p m For more info call (248) 544 3030 The band will also play with Oblivion April 15- at the The Blind Pig 208 S First St in Ann Arbor and April 24 at West Bloomfield High School 4925 Orchard Lake Road For more info on these shows check out their Web site at http//www cohctheband com where you can also hear some of the band s songs

Geek Love The Natural History hit up the Lager House

Although spring weather may still be fighting for its arrival the summer concert season is starting to make an appearance There are a multitude of good shows swing mg through Detroit this coming week - you could almost see a great rock show every single night this week Here are our favorites

Black Rebel M otorcycle Club and disco spaz rockers The Rapture will play Thursday at the Majestic Theatre 4140 Woodward Ave Detroit Doors open at $7 Tickets are $20 All ages

Buzz worthy N E .R .D . and reggae hip hoppers the Black Eye Peas will play Friday at Clutch Cargo s in Pontiac (Isn t it cool Clutch Cargo s is booking bands again?) Doors open at 6 p m Tickets are $25

Brendan Benson label mates and all around catchy pop band The Natural History will play with Easy Action Friday at the Lager House 1254 Michigan Ave in Detroit Doors open at 9 p m For more info on this

show call (313)961 4668

Art rockers Stereolab will play Friday at the Majestic Theatre 4140 Woodward Ave Detroit Doors open at 9pm Cover is $25

Phantom P la ne t now minus the dude from Rushmore will play Sunday at St

Andrews Hall 431E Congress in Detroit

Doors open at 6 30 p m All ages New York New Wave punk band S te lla s ta rr * will

play Monday at the Shelter 431E Congress in Detroit Doors open at 7 p m Cover is $10 All ages

Local big whig singer songwriter Todd Rundgren will play Tuesday at the Royal Oak Theatre 318 W 4th St in Royal Oak Doors open at 6.30 pm Standing room only tickets are $20 All ages

Chicago based ait rockers Urge O verkill (reunit ed and it feels so good) will play April 15 at the Magic Bag Woodward Ave and 9 Mile Ferndale Doors open at 8 p m 18 and up Cover is $15

For more info on any of these shows or to pur chase tickets check out wwwticketmastercom or call (248) 645 6666

Pure Picks is written by Stephanie Tardy Know of something else you would like considered for this space7 To submit information on local entertainment, films, clubs restaurants or other ideas to be fea­tured in this column, e-mail stardy@oe homecomm net or write to her at 805 E Maple Birmingham, Ml 48009

□ 8 ( * * ) • Observer SEccentrc |Thursday April 8 2004 www hometownlife com

TelevisionHappy Birthday 'Sesame Street'


Now beginning its 35th season,Sesam e S treet remains a daily destination for millions of preschoolers, an evergreen cityscape as much a part of their world as any other play space

It's been that way for generations of kids, as any of the show's estimated 74 million “grads* will recall Even if you haven t caught Sesam e S treet since around the time it premiered Nov 10, 1969, you will be struck by how things seem much like you left them

Even parts of the hood are the same, notably the set for the brownstone apart­ment building at 123 Sesame S t (as it exists on Stage G at Kaufman Astoria Studios m Queens) Now nearly 35 years old, it should qualify for landmark status

Today, after 4,057 episodes, more than 8 million viewers tune m at least once a week The show remains a top 10 week day program among children aged 2 to 5, with its preschool audience up 9 percent m 2002-03 from the season before ”

6Weeklong camps begin June 21 for children entering grades 1-6. Campers will enjoy:


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• Five exhibit laboratories


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Keenote S u m m e r^ Musikamps for children ages 3 ^ months to 5 years begin August 2.Choose from 3 unique that encourage parent-child interaction in a fun, m usica l environm ent

C a m p R e g is tr a tio n :3 1 3 .5 7 7 .8 4 0 0 , O p t io n


5020 John R. S treet • D etroit 313.577.S400

w w w .a le tre itsc ie n ce cen te r.e r9

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# OSH msmw pasTWnma ard a* sue cents* M « s w » t n s * j» w s» mmaamJ

T h e U n i v e r s it y o f M i c h i g a n

m u s e u m o f a r t

T h e C Z h a n g i n g C j a r i e n

F o u r C e n t u r i e s o f E u r o p e a n a n d A m e r i c a n A r t

Through May 23 2004

C e l e b r a t e s p r i n g w i t h a s t r o l l t h r o u g h s o m e o f

t h e m o s t l u s h a n d l o v e l y g a r d e n s e v e r i m a g m e d -

i n c l u d m g t h e T u i l e r i e s , V e r s a i l l e s , a n d N e w Y o r k ’ s

C e n t r a l P a r k

525 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 734 763UMMA www umma umich edu Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm Thursday, 10 am to 9 pm Sunday, noon to 5 pm

T h is exhibition w a s o rg a n ize d b y t h e In s & B G e ra ld C a n to r C e n te r fo r Visual A r t s a t S tan fo rd University w ith fu n d in g p ro vid e d b y D r A J e s s S h e n s o n an a n o n ym o u s d o n o r a n d th e D u g o m m u n a n d G ro s s F o u n d a tio n

National CityT h e A n n A r b o r presentation o f this exhibition is m a d e po ssible b y Natio nal Crty B a n k

Ad ditio n a l s u p p o rt h a s b e e n p ro v id e d b y th e O ffic e o f th e Pre s id e n t o f th e University o f M ic h ig a n /a n d o th e f g e n e r o u s su p p o rte rs


Cam ePissa o (France 830 1903) Ga dsn o' thein Wlnte 900 o oncanvas 68x 914cm Ths New Orleans Museum o M (0r oan om ttiepSlS /redef ck M Stafford Cd ection EL 97712]

E20 ( * * ) • Obse ver S Eccentric [ Thursday Apr 18 2004 ivivw hoinetoumlife com