Samenvatting urban challenge[1]

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Urban challenge

College 2

European medieval cities

c.1000 CE onwards; Renaissance trading towns; centres of commerce, cultureand community; walled cities; churches spiritual needs, social ritual and community unity; islands of freedom in seas of feudal obligation


The Renaissance (French for "rebirth"; Italian: Rinascimento, from ri- "again" and nascere "be born") was a cultural movement that spanned roughlythe 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle Agesand later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historic era, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not uniform across Europe, this is a general use of the term. As a cultural movement, it encompassed a resurgence of learning basedon classical sources, the development of linear perspective in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform. Traditionally, this intellectual transformation has resulted in the Renaissance being viewed asa bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. Although the Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual pursuits, as well as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term "Renaissance man".

There is a general, but not unchallenged, consensus that the Renaissance began in Florence, Tuscany in the 14th century. Various theories have been proposed to account for its origins and characteristics, focusing on a variety of factors including the social and civic peculiarities of Florenceat the time; its political structure; the patronage of its dominant family,the Medici; and the migration of Greek scholars and texts to Italy following the Fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.

Industrial cities

European imperial expansion; capitalist industrialization; division advanced nations and rest, also social order capital and labour; cities newindustrial centres and dismal concentrations of factories, poverty and slumdestitution

Suburbanization and technoburbs

White (middle class) flight; socio-spatial segregation; social disharmony and class conflict; “edge cities” and new hi-tech “technoburbs”


Suburbanization (or suburbanisation) is a term used to describe the growth of areas on the fringes of major cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl. Many residents of metropolitan areas no longer live and work within the central urban area, choosing instead to live in satellite communities called suburbs and commute to work via automobile or mass transit. Others have taken advantage of technological advances to work from their homes, and chose to do so in an environment they consider more pleasant than the city. These processes often occur in more economically developed countries, especially in the United States, which is believed to be the first country in which the majority of the population lives in the suburbs, rather than in the cities or in rural areas. Proponents of containing urban sprawl argue that sprawl leads to urban decay and a concentration of lower income residents in the inner city.

White flight

White flight is the sociologic and demographic term denoting the trend wherein white people flee desegregated urban communities, and move to otherplaces like commuter towns; although an American coinage, “white flight” denotes like behavior in other countries. In the U.S. the Brown v. Board ofEducation (1954) decision of the Supreme Court — ordering the de jure racial desegregation of public schools in the United States — was and remains a major factor propelling white flight from mixed-race cities.

The business practices of redlining, mortgage discrimination, and racially-restrictive covenants accelerated white flight to the suburbs. The denying of banking and insurance and other social services or the exorbitant pricesof said services increased their cost to residents in predominantly non-white suburbs and city neighborhoods. Furthermore, the historical processesof suburbanization and urban decentralization are instances of white privilege contributing to contemporary environmental racism.

Urban sprawl

Urban sprawl, also known as suburban sprawl, is the spreading outwards of acity and its suburbs over rural land and to its outskirts. The problem withurban sprawl is that it is costly to initiate the development of new infrastructure adequate enough to support its residents. As a result, suburbanization generally results in low livability due to: (1) Long transport distances to work (2) Low-density housing (3) Inadequate facilities eg: health, recreational, entertainment. etc.

The term urban sprawl generally has negative connotations due to the healthand environmental issues that sprawl creates. Residents of sprawling

neighborhoods tend to emit more pollution per person and suffer more traffic fatalities. Sprawl is controversial, with supporters claiming that consumers prefer lower density neighborhoods and that sprawl does not necessarily increase traffic. Sprawl is also linked with increased obesity since walking and bicycling are not viable commuting options. Sprawl negatively impacts land and water quantity and quality, and may be linked to a decline in social capital.

College 3

Ebenezer Howard

Sir Ebenezer Howard (29 January 1850 – May 1 1928) is known for his publication Garden Cities of To-morrow (1898), the description of a utopian city in which man lives harmoniously together with the rest of nature. The publication led to the founding of the Garden city movement, that realized several Garden Cities in Great Britain at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.

Garden Cities Movement

The Garden city movement is an approach to urban planning that was founded in 1898 by Sir Ebenezer Howard in the United Kingdom. Garden cities were intended to be planned, self-contained, communities surrounded by greenbelts, containing carefully balanced areas of residences, industry, and agriculture.

Inspired by the Utopian novel Looking Backward, Howard published his book To-morrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform in 1898 (which was reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of To-morrow). His idealised garden city would house 32,000 people on a site of 6,000 acres (24,000,000 m2), planned on a concentric pattern with open spaces, public parks and six radial boulevards, 120 ft (37 m) wide, extending from the centre. The garden city would be self-sufficient and when it reached full population, a further garden city would be developed nearby. Howard envisaged a cluster of several garden cities as satellites of a central city of 50,000 people, linked by road and rail.

Le Corbusier

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, urbanist, writer and also painter, who is famous for being one ofthe pioneers of what now is called Modern architecture or the InternationalStyle via the principles of the International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM). He was born in Switzerland, but became a French citizen in his 30s.

He was a pioneer in studies of modern high design and was dedicated to providing better living conditions for the residents of crowded cities. Hiscareer spanned five decades, with his buildings constructed throughout central Europe, India, Russia, and one each in North and South America. He was also an urban planner, painter, sculptor, writer, and modern furniture designer

Broadacre City plan

Broadacre City was an urban or suburban development concept proposed by Frank Lloyd Wright late in his life. He presented the idea in his article The Disappearing City in 1932. A few years later he unveiled a very detailed twelve by twelve foot (3.7 by 3.7 m) scale model representing an hypothetical four square mile (10 km²) community. The model was crafted by the student interns who worked for him at Taliesin. Wright would go on refining the concept in later books and in articles until his death in 1959. Many of the building models in the concept were completely new designs by Wright, while others were refinements of old ones, some of whichhad been rarely seen.

Broadacre City was the antithesis of a city and the apotheosis of the newlyborn suburbia, shaped through Wright's particular vision. It was both a planning statement and a socio-political scheme by which each U.S. family would be given a one acre (4,000 m²) plot of land from the federal lands reserves, and a Wright-conceived community would be built anew from this. In a sense it was the exact opposite of transit-oriented development. Thereis a train station and a few office and apartment buildings in Broadacre City, but the apartment dwellers are expected to be a small minority. All important transport is done by automobile and the pedestrian can exist safely only within the confines of the one acre (4,000 m²) plots where mostof the population dwells.

New urbanism

New Urbanism is an urban design movement, which promotes walkable neighborhoods that contain a range of housing and job types. It arose in the United States in the early 1980s and continues to reform many aspects of real estate development and urban planning. New Urbanism is strongly influenced by urban design standards prominent before the rise of the automobile and encompasses principles such as traditional neighborhood design (TND) and transit-oriented development (TOD). It is also closely related to Regionalism, Environmentalism and the broader concept of smart growth. A more ecology and pedestrian-oriented variant is New Pedestrianism.

The organizing body for New Urbanism is the Congress for the New Urbanism, founded in 1993. Its foundational text is the Charter of the New Urbanism.,

New urbanists support regional planning for open space, context-appropriatearchitecture and planning, and the balanced development of jobs and housing. They believe their strategies can reduce traffic congestion, increase the supply of affordable housing, and rein in urban sprawl. The Charter of the New Urbanism also covers issues such as historic preservation, safe streets, green building, and the redevelopment of brownfield land.

Market Street, downtown Celebration, Florida, US

Celebration, Florida is a census-designated place and an unincorporated master-planned community in Osceola County in the U.S. state of Florida, near Walt Disney World Resort. It was developed by The Walt Disney Company.Celebration is part of the Orlando–Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area.


College 4

Utopia is a name for an ideal community or society, that is taken from Of the Best State of a Republic, and of the New Island Utopia, a book written in 1516 by Sir Thomas More describing a fictional island in the Atlantic Ocean, possessing a seemingly perfect socio-politico-legal system. The termhas been used to describe both intentional communities that attempted to create an ideal society, and fictional societies portrayed in literature. "Utopia" is sometimes used pejoratively, in reference to an unrealistic ideal that is impossible to achieve. It has spawned other concepts, most prominently dystopia. The word comes from the Greek: οὐ, "not", and τόπος, "place", indicating that More was utilizing the concept as allegory and didnot consider such an ideal place to be realistically possible. The homophone Eutopia, derived from the Greek εu, "good" or "well", and τόπος, "place", signifies a double meaning that was almost certainly intended. Despite this, most modern usage of the term "Utopia" assumes the latter meaning, that of a place of perfection rather than nonexistence.

3. New Urbanism is an urban design movement, which promotes walkable neighborhoods that contain a range of housing and job types. It arose in the United States in the early 1980s and continues to reform many aspects of real estate development and urban planning. New Urbanism is strongly influenced by urban design standards prominent before the rise of the automobile and encompasses principles such as traditional neighborhood design (TND) and transit-oriented development (TOD). It is also closely related to Regionalism and Environmentalism.

Urban sociology and culture

The people are the city” (Shakespeare), not just form and design of built environment

People’s individual aspirations, collection struggles, everyday livesand moments of enlightenment/ heightened awareness

Subtle and changing relations society, community and culture in cities

Sociology “science of society”, also anthropology, cultural studies, social theory, parallel to rise of industrial cities

Whose culture? Whos city?

Sharon Zukin: The Cultures of Cities (1995)

High culture and street cultures of cities: ethnicity, aesthetic and marketing tool

Urban political economy and symbolic economy of tourism, media and entertainment

NYC, privatization of public spaces

Clashes between middle-class whites and homeless, poor minority ethnic groups

Bryant Park, Manhattan: private non-profit managed park to “remove” homeless panhandlers and drug dealers

Erosion of democratic public spaces of modernity


Cities as hubs of high class and street/ popular cultures

People make cities; centrality of the human spirit in shaping what cities are

Diverse social identities in cities: class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality etc.

Contested cultures: poverty, underclass and social interaction in theurban context

College 5

Urban sustainability


Sustainability, in a broad sense, is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For humans it is the potential for long-term maintenance of wellbeing, which in turn depends on the wellbeing of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources.

Sustainability has become a wide-ranging term that can be applied to almostevery facet of life on Earth, from a local to a global scale and over various time periods. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. Invisible chemical cycles redistribute water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon through the world's living and non-living systems, and have sustained life for millions of years. As the earth’s human population has increased, natural ecosystems have declined and changes in the balance of natural cycles has had a negative impact on both humans and other living systems.

There is now abundant scientific evidence that humanity is living unsustainably. Returning human use of natural resources to within sustainable limits will require a major collective effort. Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms from reorganising living conditions (e.g., ecovillages, eco-municipalities and sustainable cities), reappraising economic sectors (permaculture, green building, sustainable agriculture), or work practices (sustainable architecture), using science to develop new technologies (green technologies, renewable energy), to adjustments in individual lifestyles.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

The Brundtland Commission

Staat heel goede op de powerpoint over Klimaat congres van Kopenhagen voor meer info kijk op de pp.

Concept of a sustainable city, or eco-city, is one designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimisation of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution


Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the

ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances, or energy, such as noise, heat,or light. Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be foreign substances or energies, or naturally occurring; when naturally occurring, they are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint sourcepollution. The Blacksmith Institute issues annually a list of the world's worst polluted places. In the 2007 issues the ten top nominees are located in Azerbaijan, China, India, Peru, Russia, Ukraine and Zambia

A sustainable city can feed itself with minimal reliance on the surrounding countryside, and power itself with renewable sources of energy

Alternative energy

Creating the smallest possible ecological footprint, and to produce the lowest quantity of pollution possible, to efficiently use land; compost used materials, recycle it or convert waste-to-energy, limiting city’s contribution to climate change

Ecological footprint

The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how much of the Earth (or how many planet Earths) it would take to support humanity if everybody lived a given lifestyle. For 2005, humanity's total ecological footprint was estimated at 1.3 planet Earths - in other words, humanity uses ecological services 1.3times as fast as Earth can renew them. Every year, this number is recalculated - with a three year lag due to the time it takes for theUN to collect and publish all the underlying statistics.

While the term ecological footprint is widely used, methods of measurement vary. However, calculation standards are now emerging to make results more comparable and consistent.


Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key component of modern wastemanagement and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" wastehierarchy.

Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. Although similar in effect, the composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste – such as food or garden waste – is not typically considered recycling.[2] Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then sorted,cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials bound for manufacturing.

In a strict sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same material, for example used office paper to more office paper, or used foamed polystyrene to more polystyrene. However, this is often difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw materials or other sources), so "recycling" of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different materials (e.g., cardboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage of certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (e.g.,lead from car batteries, or gold from computer components), or due to theirhazardous nature (e.g., removal and reuse of mercury from various items).

Critics dispute the net economic and environmental benefits of recycling over its costs, and suggest that proponents of recycling often make mattersworse and suffer from confirmation bias. Specifically, critics argue that the costs and energy used in collection and transportation detract from (and outweigh) the costs and energy saved in the production process; also that the jobs produced by the recycling industry can be a poor trade for the jobs lost in logging, mining, and other industries associated with virgin production; and that materials such as paper pulp can only be recycled a few times before material degradation prevents further recycling. Proponents of recycling dispute each of these claims, and the validity of arguments from both sides has led to enduring controversy.

Around 50% of the world’s population now lives in cities and urban areas, which are essentially unsustainable thus providing challenges for environmentally conscious planning and development

Sustainable design

Sustainable design (also called environmental design, environmentally sustainable design, environmentally-conscious design, etc) is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built environment and services to comply with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. The intention of sustainable design is to "eliminate negative environmental impact completely through skillful, sensitive design". Manifestations of sustainable designs require no non-renewable resources, impact on the environment minimally, and relate people with the natural environment. Applications of this philosophy range from the microcosm — small objects for everyday use, through to the macrocosm — buildings, cities, and the earth's physical surface. It is a philosophy that can be applied in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, engineering, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, and fashion design.

Sustainable design is mostly a general reaction to global environmental crises, the rapid growth of economic activity and human population, depletion of natural resources, damage to ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. The limits of sustainable design are reducing. Whole earth impacts are beginning to be considered because growth in goods and servicesis consistently outpacing gains in efficiency. As a result, the net effect of sustainable design to date has been to simply improve the efficiency of rapidly increasing impacts. The present approach, which focuses on the efficiency of delivering individual goods and services does not solve this problem. The basic dilemmas include: the increasing complexity of efficiency improvements, the difficulty of implementing new technologies insocieties built around old ones, that physical impacts of delivering goods and services are not localized but distributed throughout the economies, and that the scale of resource uses is growing and not stabilizing.

New Urbanism

New Urbanism is an urban design movement, which promotes walkable neighborhoods that contain a range of housing and job types. It arose in the United States in the early 1980s and continues to reform many aspects of real estate development and urban planning. New Urbanism is strongly influenced by urban design standards prominent before the rise of the automobile and encompasses principles such as traditional neighborhood design (TND) and transit-oriented development (TOD). It is also closely related to Regionalism and Environmentalism.

The organizing body for New Urbanism is the Congress for the New Urbanism, founded in 1993. Its foundational text is the Charter of the New Urbanism, which says: “We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development

practices to support the following principles: neighborhoods should be diverse in use and population; communities should be designed for the pedestrian and transit as well as the car; cities and towns should be shaped by physically defined and universally accessible public spaces and community institutions; urban places should be framed by architecture and landscape design that celebrate local history, climate, ecology, and building practice.”

New urbanists support regional planning for open space, context-appropriatearchitecture and planning, and the balanced development of jobs and housing. They believe their strategies can reduce traffic congestion, increase the supply of affordable housing, and rein in urban sprawl. The Charter of the New Urbanism also covers issues such as historic preservation, safe streets, green building, and the redevelopment of brownfield land

Smart growth

Smart growth is an urban planning and transportation theory that concentrates growth in the center of a city to avoid urban sprawl; and advocates compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets, and mixed-use developmentwith a range of housing choices.

Smart growth values long-range, regional considerations of sustainability over a short-term focus. Its goals are to achieve a unique sense of community and place; expand the range of transportation, employment, and housing choices; equitably distribute the costs and benefits of development; preserve and enhance natural and cultural resources; and promote public health.


Introduction to concept of urban sustainability and ecocities, with examples

Links to urban planning practice: sustainable design, new urbanism, smart growth

Political sensitivites on global stage, tensions between North and South

Deel 2 gaat over de stad Calgary voor alles kijk maar op powerpoint

Canada’s fourth largest and most rapidly growing city

Highest per capita income in Canada: $47,178 in 2006

Oil and gas industry accounted for 53% of the Alberta economy (directand multiplier effects) in 2004

Oil and gas drives the Calgary economy

Costs of growth

Longer commutes

More traffic congestion

$10.4 billion infrastructure deficit

Rising infrastructure and operating costs, leading to higher taxes (23% increase in property taxes, over 3 years, proposed in 2008)

Rising cost of housing (new housing prices up 65% from 2005 to 2007; highest rental housing costs in Canada)

Rising homelessness (over 4000 people homeless in 2009; 19% of all households at risk in 2006)

Difficulty attracting sufficient labour

Ecological footprint estimated at 9.9 global hectares per person—highest in Canada (1.9 ha/person available globally)

Calgary produces 17.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide per capita, ranking itfifth-highest in a 2010 comparison of 50 global cities

Declining quality of lifeà Is This Sustainable?

Voor meer check pp.

College 6a Beaumont

1. Sustainable development

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (The Brundtland Commission); Refer also to the points made in Levente’s lecture

2. Characteristics of an ecocity

These ecological cities are achieved through various means, such as:

* Different agricultural systems such as agricultural plots within the city (suburbs or centre). This reduces the distance food has to travel fromfield to fork. Practical work out of this may be done by either small scale/private farming plots or through larger scale agriculture (eg farmscrapers).

* Renewable energy sources, such as wind turbines, solar panels, or bio-gas created from sewage. Cities provide economies of scale that make such energy sources viable.

* Various methods to reduce the need for air conditioning (a massive energy demand), such as planting trees and lightening surface colors, natural ventilation systems, an increase in water features, and green spaces equaling at least 20% of the city's surface. These measures counter the "heat island effect" caused by an abundance of tarmac and asphalt, which can make urban areas several degrees warmer than surrounding rural areas—as much as six degrees Celsius during the evening.

* Improved public transport and an increase in pedestrianization to reduce car emissions. This requires a radically different approach to city planning, with integrated business, industrial, and residential zones. Roads may be designed to make driving difficult.

* Optimal building density to make public transport viable but avoid the creation of urban heat islands.

* Solutions to decrease urban sprawl, by seeking new ways of allowing people to live closer to the workspace. Since the workplace tends to be in the city, downtown, or urban center, they are seeking a way to increase density by changing the antiquated attitudes many suburbanites have towardsinner-city areas. One of the new ways to achieve this is by solutions worked out by the Smart Growth Movement.

* Green roofs

* Zero-emission transport

* Zero-energy building

* Sustainable urban drainage systems or SUDS

* energy conservation systems/devices

* Xeriscaping - garden and landscape design for water conservation

3. Implications for urban planning

Sustainable design

New urbanism

Smart growth

Planning for sustainability in European cities

Timothy Beatley (2003)

The Sustainable Urban Development Reader

Prof. urban planning, University of Virginia, US

Green urbanism

Planning for sustainability

European cities


Hard evidence European cities

Compact, walkable, energy-efficient, green communities can be created

Cities that are sustainable, livable and also economically viable

Against largely US view that these qualities are “nice” but not possible economically


Policies to limit/ restrict sprawl

Accepting higher density developments (compared to US urban/ suburbanareas)

New developments adjacent to exisiting urban areas

Fostering urban development and industrial reuse

Higher density makes possible more efficient public transit and energy systems, and facilitates pedestrian spaces

Points to consider

Growing car use and large ecological footprints of European cities: threats to future viability?

Crucial role of municipatities in green urbanism

Key role of partnerships between diverse stakeholders in green urbanism

Political economy of sustainability and differences in governance arrangements

Political culture, openness to green politics and stronger planning and land-use control systems

Great attractiveness of urban living in Europe

College 6b Levente Ronczyk PhD,

• Urbanization processes today are different from the urban transitionsof the past:

– Magnitude:

• ~3.5 billion people live in urban areas (UN 2009)

– Speed:

• 2000, 2.86 billion 2030, 5 billion (UN 2009)

– Quality:

• One-third of all urban households in the world live in absolute poverty (UN 2002).

The characteristic of urban development

• The European city is a social-oriented city, where individual productivity defined a person’s social status within the community.

• Urbanization was triggered by industrialization, which resulted a newdistribution of population in the space and in the society.

• Industrial urbanisation resulted compact cities.

• The increasing personal mobility (automobile, public transport) led to spatial expansion of settlements.

• There was no longer necessary to live and work in the same place.

• Due to the mobility the spatial representation of society emerged.

• The evolved socio-spatial structures had massive influence on the housing market and caused unrest and new social and environmental problems in the cities.

• Socio-political concepts made an appearance on the urban planning, and tried to protect housing market from the market forces:

- Social or council housing

– Renovation and up valued by development new service subcenters,creation of new function.

– Social jobs were created for the former worker class, who lost their jobs due to the deindustrialisation.

– Globalization reduced the ability of the cities to integrate all its population.

– Significant disparities appears nowadays in the urban areas.

– Increasing spatial polarisation and social exclusion.

– Cities are face to with shrinking tax revenues.

– The economic considerations are the bases of the municipalities’ decision-making processes.

Sustainable urban development

• "Improving the quality of life in a city, including ecological, cultural, political, institutional, social and economic components without leaving a burden on the future generations. A burden which is the result of a reduced natural capital and an excessive local debt. Our aim is that the flow principle, that is based on an equilibrium of material and energy and also financial input/output, plays a crucial role in all future decisions upon the development of urban areas."

Key dimensions for sustainable development

• Sustainable urban economy

• Sustainable urban environment

• Sustainable urban society

Sustainable Urban Economy

• Economic activity should serve the common good, be self-renewing, andbuild local assets and self-reliance.

• A stable economic situation is a basic precondition for sustainable urban development.

• Welfare is a relative phenomena, many citizens can feel themselves poor because the social barriers.

• Lack of sufficient income (personal and municipality level) could be the biggest challenge.

Sustainable urban environment

• Conflicts between private and environmental goods,

• Unsustainable lifestyle (urban mobility),

• Exploitation of non-renewable resources

• Degradation of ecological resources,

• Contamination of local environment

Sustainable urban society

• Central element of the sustainability.

• Redistribution of wealth.

• Good Governance:

– Openness

– Participation

– Responsibility

– Efficiency

– Coherence

College 6c

Gaat over stad Graz, voor meer info check pp, hier wat ik handig vond:


• Win-win model,

• Main aim is to provide businesses with, economic advantage based on the application of preventive, innovative, integrated environmental technologies,

Improving the ecological situation within the city or region (through the cooperation with the local municipality)


• ECOPROFIT – ECOlogical PROject For Integrated environmental Technology

• Programme for sustainable economic development, which was developed by the Environment Department of City of Graz in 1991.

The Programme

• ECOPROFIT is a specific way of cooperation among local authorities, businesses, research institutions and consultants, which work together in commonly designed training programmes, and the establishment of a network connecting all participating companies.

• ECOPROFIT Academy was founded for the international dissemination of the project.

The benefits of ECOPROFIT

• Advantages for authorities

– Efficient and economic benefits to the environment through better use of resources

– Establishment of sustainable structures through an efficient economic support system

– Funds to support innovative companies rather than expenses for environmental recovery

– Safeguarding of jobs through successful companies

– Competitive and regional advantages

– Higher quality of life for the inhabitants of a region

– Improvements to environmental quality in a region, helping to stimulate tourism

– Helping to achieve Local Agenda 21 objectives to reach the Kyoto target

• Advantages for companies

– Increase in production efficiency and reduction of costs through lower consumption of raw materials and energy

– Reduction of costs through less waste and emissions

– Legal certainty through official support

– Training of employees in the areas of environmental protection,production efficiency and cost awareness

– Synergies through common training programs with other companies

– Support of the project by local authorities

– International market opportunities through networking

– Certification as an official "ECOPROFITâ -company" and integration in joint PR activities

– Preparation or addition to EMAS or ISO 14001

College 6 d gaat over stad pecs, weinings boeiends

College 7 Urban spaces and spaces of the urban

Foundations urban geography (Chicago School, Quantitative Revolution, spatial science, internal structure of cities, relations between cities, e.g. rank-size ruleand other social physics);

Marxist and humanist critiques;

Feminism and postmodernism;

Emotional geographies of affect

(Re) examining urban geography

Functional integration of cities and regions across space in global economy; homogenization and decline of local difference, against reassertion of the particular; political and social-cultural dimensions, not just economic; cities in film

Economic transformations underpinning cities; Political economy perspectiverooted in radical (urban) geography tradition; suburbanization, gentrification and postmodern cities

Verder staan er nog wat theorien moet je zelf maar even kijken

College 8a Beaumont : Urban politics and governance

What is modernism?


Modernism, in its broadest definition, is modern thought, character, or practice. More specifically, the term describes both a set of cultural tendencies and an array of associated cultural movements, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes to Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.The term encompasses the activities and output of those who felt the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated in the new economic, social and political conditions of an emerging fully industrialized world. Modernism rejected the lingering certainty of Enlightenment thinking, and also that of the existence of a compassionate, all-powerful Creator. This is not to say that allmodernists or modernist movements rejected either religion or all aspects of Enlightenment thought, rather that modernism can be viewedas a questioning of the axioms of the previous age. A salient characteristic of modernism is self-consciousness. This often led to experiments with form, and work that draws attention to the processesand materials used (and to the further tendency of abstraction). The poet Ezra Pound's paradigmatic injunction was to "Make it new!" However, the break from the past was not a clean break. Pound's phrase identified one modernist objective, even as T.S. Eliot emphasized the relation of the artist to tradition. These oppositions are inherent to modernism: it is in its broadest culturalsense the assessment of the past as different to the modern age, the recognition that the world was becoming more complex, and that the old "final authorities" (God, government, science, and reason) were subject to intense critical scrutiny. Current interpretations of modernism vary. Some divide 20th century reaction into modernism and postmodernism, whereas others see them as two aspects of the same movement

What do we mean by “pluralism”


Pluralism is the name of entirely unrelated positions in opposition to monism in metaphysics and epistemology. In metaphysics, pluralism claims a plurality of basic substances making up the world; in epistemology, pluralism claims that there are several conflicting butstill true descriptions of the world.

What is the difference between globalization and internationalization?

. Globalization and internationalization

Qualitatively different processes at stake here: (a) Internationalization involves the simple extension of economic activities across national boundaries; essentially a quantitative process which leads to a more extensive geographical pattern of economic activity; (b) Globalization processes are qualitatively different from internationalization, involving not merely the geographicaal extension of economic activity across nastional boundaries but also – and more importantly – the functional integration of such internationally dispersed activities

In addition....

Urban spaces and spaces of the urban (1) changing the way we think about cities and specifically the urban (2) from a bounded entity and container conception, towards assemblages of processes concentrated in certain places (3) urban constituted by interaction of processes running within, through and beyond the so called city itself

Aristotle’s Politics

In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotleaddressed the city in his work titled Politics. Aristotle's conception of the city is organic, and he is considered one of the first to conceive of the city in this manner. Aristotle considered the city to be a natural community. Moreover, he considered the city to be prior to the family whichin turn is prior to the individual, i.e., last in the order of becoming, but first in the order of being . He is also famous for his statement that "man is by nature a political animal." Aristotle conceived of politics as being likean organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others. It should be noted that the modern understanding of a political community is that of the state. However, the state was foreign to Aristotle. He referred to political communities as cities. Aristotle understood a city as a political "partnership" . Subsequently, a city is created not to avoid injustice or for economic stability , but rather to live a good life: "The political partnership mustbe regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for thesake of living together" . This can be distinguished from the social contract theory which individuals leave the state of nature because of "fear of violent death" or its "inconveniences."

On Liberty

Mill's On Liberty addresses the nature and limits of the power that can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. One argument that Mill develops further than any previous philosopher is the harm principle. The harm principle holds that each individual has the right to act as he wants, so long as these actions do not harm others. If the action is self-regarding, that is, if it only directly affects the person undertaking the action, then society has no right to intervene, even if it feels the actor is harming himself. He does argue, however, that individuals are prevented from doing lasting, serious harm to themselves or their property by the harm principle. Because no-one exists in isolation, harm done to oneself also harms others, and destroying property deprives the community as well as oneself. Mill excuses those who are "incapable of self-government" from this principle, such as young children or those living in "backward states of society".

Mill argues that despotism is an acceptable form of government for those societies that are "backward", as long as the despot has the best interestsof the people at heart, because of the barriers to spontaneous progress. Though this principle seems clear, there are a number of complications. Forexample, Mill explicitly states that "harms" may include acts of omission as well as acts of commission. Thus, failing to rescue a drowning child counts as a harmful act, as does failing to pay taxes, or failing to appearas a witness in court. All such harmful omissions may be regulated, according to Mill. By contrast, it does not count as harming someone if — without force or fraud — the affected individual consents to assume the risk: thus one may permissibly offer unsafe employment to others, provided there is no deception involved. (Mill does, however, recognize one limit toconsent: society should not permit people to sell themselves into slavery).In these and other cases, it is important to keep in mind that the arguments in On Liberty are grounded on the principle of Utility, and not on appeals to natural rights.

The question of what counts as a self-regarding action and what actions, whether of omission or commission, constitute harmful actions subject to regulation, continues to exercise interpreters of Mill. It is important to emphasize that Mill did not consider giving offense to constitute "harm"; an action could not be restricted because it violated the conventions or morals of a given society. The idea of 'offense' causing harm and thus being restricted was later developed by Joel Feinberg in his 'offense principle' essentially an extension of J.S.Mill's 'harm principle'.

On Liberty involves an impassioned defense of free speech. Mill argues thatfree discourse is a necessary condition for intellectual and social progress. We can never be sure, he contends, that a silenced opinion does not contain some element of the truth. He also argues that allowing people to air false opinions is productive for two reasons. First, individuals aremore likely to abandon erroneous beliefs if they are engaged in an open exchange of ideas. Second, by forcing other individuals to re-examine and re-affirm their beliefs in the process of debate, these beliefs are kept from declining into mere dogma. It is not enough for Mill that one simply

has an unexamined belief that happens to be true; one must understand why the belief in question is the true one.

19th century social philanthropy in cities

1850-1910 more interventionist urban politics to deal with basic infrastructure, disease and social disorder

Formal urban government initiated in this periods

Since 1960/ 70s rise of neoliberalism, new modes of governance and PPP

In the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking, overturning the older ideas of neoclassical economics that held that free markets would automatically provide full employment as long as workers wereflexible in their wage demands. Following the outbreak of World War II Keynes's ideas concerning economic policy were adopted by leading Western economies. During the 1950s and 1960s, the success of Keynesian economics was so resounding that almost all capitalist governments adopted its policyrecommendations.

Keynes's influence waned in the 1970s, partly as a result of problems that began to afflict the Anglo-American economies from the start of the decade,and partly due to critiques from Milton Friedman and other economists who were pessimistic about the ability of governments to regulate the business cycle with fiscal policy. However, the advent of the global financial crisis in 2007 has caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought. Keynesian economics has provided the theoretical underpinning for the plans of President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other global leaders to ease the recession. In 1999, Time Magazine named Keynes one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century and reported that, "His radical idea that governments should spend money they don't have may have saved capitalism". Keynes is widely considered the father of modern macroeconomics, and by commentators such as John Sloman, the most influential economist of the 20th century. In addition to being an economist, Keynes was also a civil servant, a patron of the arts, a director of the Bank of England, an advisor to several charitable trusts, awriter, a private investor, an art collector, and a farmer. Of towering stature, Keynes stood at six foot, six inches.


Vinex stands for "Vierde Nota Ruimtelijke Ordening Extra", a notation of the ministry for housing, spatial scheduling, and environment management inthe Netherlands (Ministry of VROM). Large outer city areas were pointed outin this notation for massive new housing development. To accommodate the further increasing of population in the Netherlands the Ministry of VROM determined a number of main points in the Vinex-document for the construction of new housing districts as from that moment (1993). The most

important point was that new districts had to be placed near existing town centers. It hereby had to contribute to the following aims: (1) Endorsementof existing malls (Increasing the potential number of customers) (2) Limit the removals of unsatisfied inhabitants in the (medium)big cities (3) Protection of open areas by concentrating the agglomerations round existing(medium) big cities (4) Limiting of traffic between house, work and stores (short distances offer more possibilities for public transport, bicycles and walking)

The Vinex-locations also had to diminish the unjust pricing of housing. This means that certain households live in 'too cheap' houses when comparedto their income, as a result of which these houses no longer become available to households with a lower income. So they tried to solve the shortage of cheap houses by luring richer households to the more expensive Vinex-locations. Nevertheless the Vinex-locations had a determined share ofcheaper rentable houses.


The term "biopolitics" or "biopolitical" can refer to several different yetcompatible concepts. (1) In the work of Michel Foucault, the style of government that regulates populations through biopower (the application andimpact of political power on all aspects of human life). (2) In the works of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, anti-capitalist insurrection using lifeand the body as weapons; examples include flight from power and, 'in its most tragic and revolting form', suicide terrorism. Conceptualised as the opposite of biopower, which is seen as the practice of sovereignty in biopolitical conditions. (3) The political application of bioethics. (4) A political spectrum that reflects positions towards the sociopolitical consequences of the biotech revolution. (5) Political advocacy in support of, or in opposition to, some applications of biotechnology. (6) Public policies regarding some applications of biotechnology. (7) Political advocacy concerned with the welfare of all forms of life.

College 8b Van Dijk

Loss of open space

Non-built up pieces of a city

Dilemma: compact city strategy saves landscape but infill ruins parks and enclaves

Causes of open space loss:- housing- wind turbines- office parks

The NIMBY myth

› Why would ‘Not In My BackYard’ be inferior?

› Emotions are not less important than knowledge

› Strategic actions are not deceptive or intended to manipulate

The People: Uninvited interference

› Planning procedures allow “participation”(hearings / inspraak)

› Only when the decision-makers say there is room for it

› Official moments are not about dialogue

› To really discuss plans, you need much more

College 9 Faith-based organizations and exclusion in European cities

Short quiz

What is “pork barrel politics”?

What are the politics and power issues related to megaprojects?

What is/was the Jane Addams Hull House (Chicago)?

Pork barrel politics

Pork barrel is a derogatory term referring to appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district. The usage originated in American English. Typically, "pork" involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers. Public works projects, certain national defense spending projects, and agricultural subsidies are the most commonly cited examples. Pork-barrel projects, or earmarks, are added to the federal budget by members of the appropriation committees of United States Congress. This allows delivery of federal funds to the local district or state of the appropriation committee member, often accommodating major campaign contributors. To a certain extent, a member of Congress is judged by their ability to deliver funds to their constituents. The Chairman and the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations are in a position to deliver significant benefits to their states.

Megaprojects, power and projects

A megaproject (sometimes also called "major program") is an extremelylarge-scale investment project. Megaprojects are typically defined ascosting more than US$1 billion and attracting a lot of public attention because of substantial impacts on communities, environment,and budgets. Megaprojects can also be defined as "initiatives that are physical, very expensive, and public.“ Care in the project development process may be needed to reduce any possible optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation. Megaprojects include bridges, tunnels, highways, railways, airports, seaports, power plants, dams, wastewater projects, Special Economic Zones (SEZ), oil and natural gas extraction projects, public buildings, information technology systems, aerospace projects, and weapons systems.

The megaproject paradox was first identified by Oxford professor Bent Flyvbjerg, in his book with Nils Bruzelius and Werner Rothengatter, Megaprojects and Risk. The paradox consists in the fact that more andbigger megaprojects are being planned and built despite their poor performance record in terms of cost overruns, schedule delays, and benefit shortfalls. For the majority of megaprojects, performance is significantly and consistently below what could be called "best" – or"good" – practice, when measured in these terms. This has been the case for decades and existing data show no immediate end to this state of affairs.

Jane Addams Hull House

Hull House, the most well known settlement house in the United States, was co-founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. Located in the Near West Side of Chicago, Illinois, Hull House immediately opened its doors to the recently arrived European immigrants. By 1911, Hull House had grown to 13 buildings. In 1912 the Hull House complex was completed with the addition of a summer camp, the Bowen Country Club. With its innovative social, educational, and artistic programs, Hull House became the standard bearer for the movement that had grown, by 1920, to almost 500 settlement houses nationally. The Hull mansion and several subsequentacquisitions were continuously renovated to accommodate the changing demands of the association. The original building and one additional building (which has been moved 200 yards (182.9 m)) survive today. OnJune 12, 1974, the Hull House building was designated a Chicago Landmark. On June 23, 1965, it was designated as a U.S. National Historic Landmark. On October 15, 1966, which is the day that the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 was enacted, it was listedon the National Register of Historic Places. Hull House was one of the four original members to be listed on both the Chicago RegisteredHistoric Places and the National Register of Historic Places list (along with Chicago Pile-1, Robie House & Lorado Taft Midway Studios).

Exploring the Postsecular (Brill)

(1) The re-emergence of the religious in secular domains has led prominent scholars such as Jrgen Habermas and Charles Taylor to speculate about a new postsecular age. The alleged shift from the secular to the postsecular is most visible in the spheres of urban public space, governance and civil society

(2) This volume addresses contemporary relations between religion, politics and urban societies primarily from a theoretical perspective, while also paying attention to empirical manifestations of the central conceptual ideas

(3) The primary focus is the relations between public religion, deprivatization of religion and theorizations of modernity and modernities, with the secondary and closely related focus on theorizing postsecular urbanism including the role of faith based organizations (FBOs) in cities.

Postsecular Cities (Continuum)

Our proposed edited volume is unique in that that we: (1) bring together a diversity of approaches and interpretations (based on both theory and practice), secular, postsecular and critical, in a single volume as the first coherent reference source of its kind in the academic literature; (2)make explicit both the social science and the theological ideological assumptions underlying recent attempts at grasping postsecular cities (i.e.explicitly recognizing the contrasting transcendent and immanent epistemologies often contained within theological and secular approaches tothe urban); and (3) offer case studies from a variety of empirical geographical contexts across the globe, avoiding the Eurocentricity of elements of the prevailing postsecular discourse.

FBOs are an important organizational realm within civil society at the heart of the UK government’s desire to roll back the state and roll out services to faith groups, among others. How to emphasize the progressive, ethical, value-added of FBOs against poverty and exclusion on the one hand and to avoid neoliberal governance of welfare on the cheap on the other?

Neoliberal welfare shifts have recently been clearly articulated by David Cameron in his first keynote speech as Prime Minister in the UK to the Conservative Conference, October 2010: “Fairness means giving people what they deserve – and what people deserve depends on how they behave.” The State welfare system will be fair, then, when deployed in relation to the particular individuals who make demands upon it.

Following the 2010 general election, the Conservative Party formed coalition government with the Liberal Democrats, with David Cameron as Prime Minister. Cameron appointed Duncan Smith as Secretary of State for

Work and Pensions, with responsibility for seeing through changes to the welfare state.

In November 2010 a major shake-up in the welfare system will benefit all those who "play by the rules", Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said. In a Commons statement on 11 November 2010, he said: "This is our contract: we make work pay and support you through the Work Programme to find a job. "But in return, if we do that, we also expect co-operation from those who are seeking work. "That is why we are developing a regime ofsanctions for those who refuse to play by the rules as well as targeted work activity for those who need to get used to the habits of work".

The Big Society is the flagship policy idea of the 2010 Conservative Party general election manifesto and forms part of the legislative programme of the Conservative – Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement. The aim is "to create a climate that empowers local people and communities, building a bigsociety that will 'take power away from politicians and give it to people'.IIt was launched in the 2010 Conservative manifesto and described by The Times as "an impressive attempt to reframe the role of government and unleash entrepreneurial spirit". Nat Wei, one of the founders of the Big Society Network, was appointed by David Cameron to advise the government onthe Big Society programme. The plans include setting up a Big Society Bank and introducing a national citizen service. The stated priorities are:(1) Give communities more powers (2) Encourage people to take an active role in their communities (3) Transfer power from central to local government (4) Support co-ops, mutuals, charities and social enterprises (5) Publish government data.

Postsecular engagement

The coming together of faith-motivated people with others, irrespective offaith or other social identities

Who collectively share the political and ethical ambition to “get something done”

Work for social justice for the vulnerable and marginalized in contemporary cities

What are FBOs

Faith based organizations (FBOs)

FBOs have direct entrance to the ‘poor side’ of cities because of their activities in deprived neighbourhoods and among excluded groups

Their members also often belong to these deprived and excluded groupsthemselves

Directly or indirectly refer to one of the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or religious values

Active in combating poverty and social exclusion

Tend to fill the gap left after the supposed withdrawal of the welfare state in several domains of public life

FBOs have direct entrance to the ‘poor side’ of cities because of (1) theiractivities in deprived urban neighbourhoods and among excluded groups and (2) as in the case of many FBOs with a non-western background, because their members often belong to these deprived and excluded groups themselves. Therefore the central questions concern those FBOs in an urban context.


What is the position of FBOs in combating poverty and other forms of socialdistress cities? How has this role changed over time and how do these activities contribute to combating social exclusion and promoting social cohesion? What are the implications for policies and the governance of European cities? From both scientific and policy perspectives, there is a great need for better empirical and comparative data on what is going on inEuropean cities in matters of poverty and exclusion policies and, in particular, the contribution of FBOs in the reduction (or deepening) of theproblems.


Working plan

To answer the research questions, we conduct research in 21 cities in 7 countries, following several steps:

Theoretical conceptualisation will construct an innovative register for thenaming and framing of social reality in focus. 

The mapping of FBOs and their role in matters of social exclusion should provide us with an overview of the present situation.  

A survey, quantitative and qualitative data collection and transnational comparison will be conducted to assess and evaluate the role of FBOs, theirrelation to other NGOs, the political and institutional conditions and the context of welfare state retrenchment.  

FACIT assumptions

FBOs tend to fill the gap left after the supposed withdrawal of the welfare state (neoliberalization; globalization)

Possibly a return to the charity of former times, when such associations occupied the fore of social help in many countries

Or, a new type of welfare regime with (1) stronger focus on local policies (2) with new interplays between local authorities and civil society organizations

Hypothesis 1

On the relation between FBOs and the welfare state:

“Globalisation, neoliberal reforms and the retreat of the welfare state open spaces for NGOs in general and FBOs in particular to engage in economic, social and political actions with vulnerable, excluded and marginalized citizens; types of activities of FBOs depend on the welfare regime in question”

Hypothesis 2

On the changing position of FBOs:

“FBOs (like NGOs in general) have to re-invent the roles that are connected to these positions, as well with respect to the state, with respect to each other and to their ‘clientele’ in combatingvarious forms of exclusion in cities”

Hypothesis 3

On FBOs with respect to policy and governance:

“In developing new forms of governance for the implementation of social policies involving FBOs, account has to be taken of the changing relations between FBOs and welfare states andtheir own changing positions; participation of FBOs in social policies depends on whether public authorities follow a rather top-down or bottom-up approach towards governance”

Hypothesis 4

About the urban context:

“The hypothesised processes above are said to congeal and intensify in urban environments, the specific form will depend on the urban welfare regime, and the city has the social scale that permits the gathering in sufficient numbers of like-minded, faith-motivated and action-oriented people


In semiotics and postmodern philosophy, the term hyperreality characterizesthe inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy, especially in technologically advanced postmodern cultures. Hyperreality isa means to characterize the way consciousness defines what is actually "real" in a world where a multitude of media can radically shape and filterthe original event or experience being depicted. Some famous theorists of

hyperreality include Jean Baudrillard, Albert Borgmann, Daniel Boorstin, and Umberto Eco.

Most aspects of hyperreality can be thought of as "reality by proxy." For example, a viewer watching pornography begins to live in the non-existent world of the pornography, and even though pornography is not an accurate depiction of sex, for the viewer, the reality of "sex" becomes something non-existent. Some examples are simpler: the McDonald's "M" arches create aworld with the promise of endless amounts of identical food, when in "reality" the "M" represents nothing, and the food produced is neither identical nor infinite.

Baudrillard in particular suggests that the world we live in has been replaced by a copy world, where we seek simulated stimuli and nothing more.Baudrillard borrows, from Jorge Luis Borges (who already borrowed from Lewis Carroll), the example of a society whose cartographers create a map so detailed that it covers the very things it was designed to represent. When the empire declines, the map fades into the landscape and there is neither the representation nor the real remaining – just the hyperreal. Baudrillard's idea of hyperreality was heavily influenced by phenomenology,semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan.


Religion and FBOs taboo among secular and progressive social science

Retreat of the state and valorizing FBOs theoretically unclear and politically contested

Limited political and empirical realities, “hyper-reality” and critical/ alternative urbanism

Thinking about cities in new ways, implications for politics, policy and planning interventions

Tips for the exam: see also Nestor

Einde van pp staan voorbeeld vragen voor tentamen, kijk er even na kan handig zijn!

College 10 Global economic restructuring and cities

Short quiz

Why do FBOs locate where they do?

Are there FBOs in Groningen? If so, which ones and what do they do?

What are the implications of FBOs for urban planning?

Possible answers

1. Location: property ownership/ visibility (Diaconie), low cost buildings (Salvation Army), intentional community in in a deprived neighbourhood (Oudezijds 100), accessibility (Kruispost), invisibility (CARF mission houses).

Function: Early warning/ help under protest (Diaconie), Community building (Oudezijds 100), Service delivery (Salvation Army, Kruispost 100), Political campaigning (CARF/ Jubilee).

2. INLIA and others? Het Openhof; Leger des Heils; others

3. Planners need to be close to the ground; in and among the people, organizations and processes where seeking to intervene effectively; bottom-up and grassroots planning models and approaches, e.g. Luuk Boelens/ Utrecht


Globalization (or globalisation) describes an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of communication and execution. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. However, globalization is usually recognized as being drivenby a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and biological factors. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.


A maquiladora or maquila is a factory that imports materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly or manufacturing and then re-exports the assembled product, usually back to the originating country. A maquila is also referred to as a "twin plant", or "in-bond" industry. Currently about 1.3 million Mexicans are employed in maquiladoras. The term"maquiladora", in the Spanish language, refers to the practice of millers charging a "maquila", or "miller's portion" for processing other people's grain. Maquila in Mexico (pictured)


It can be said that globalization is the door that opens up an otherwise resource-poor country to the international market. Where a country has little material or physical product harvested or mined from its own soil, large corporations see an opportunity to take advantage of the “export

poverty” of such a nation. Where the majority of the earliest occurrences of economic globalization are recorded as being the expansion of businessesand corporate growth, in many poorer nations globalization is actually the result of the foreign businesses investing in the country to take advantageof the lower wage rate: even though investing, by increasing the Capital Stock of the country, increases their wage rate.

One example used by anti-globalization protestors is the use of sweatshops by manufacturers. According to Global Exchange these “Sweat Shops” are widely used by sports shoe manufacturers and mentions one company in particular – Nike. There are factories set up in the poor countries where employees agree to work for low wages. Then if labour laws alter in those countries and stricter rules govern the manufacturing process the factoriesare closed down and relocated to other nations with more conservative, laissez-faire economic policies. There are several agencies that have been set up worldwide specifically designed to focus on anti-sweatshop campaignsand education of such. In the USA, the National Labor Committee has proposed a number of bills as part of the The Decent Working Conditions andFair Competition Act, which have thus far failed in Congress. The legislation would legally require companies to respect human and worker rights by prohibiting the import, sale, or export of sweatshop goods. Specifically, these core standards include no child labor, no forced labor,freedom of association, right to organize and bargain collectively, as wellas the right to decent working conditions. Tiziana Terranova has stated that globalization has brought a culture of "free labour". In a digital sense, it is where the individuals (contributing capital) exploits and eventually "exhausts the means through which labour can sustain itself". For example, in the area of digital media (animations, hosting chat rooms, designing games), where it is often less glamourous than it may sound. In the gaming industry, a Chinese Gold Market has been established

Do we have sweatshops in The Netherlands?

1. Think about transnational migration to cities of the Randstad like Rotterdam

The Information Age

The Information Age, also commonly known as the Computer Age or InformationEra, is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously. The idea is linked to the concept of a Digital Age or Digital Revolution, and carries the ramifications of a shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based around the manipulation of information. The period is generally said[weasel words] to have begun in the latter half of the 20th century, though the particular date varies. Since the invention of social media in the early 21st century, some[who?] have claimed that the Information Age has evolved into the Attention Age. The term has been widely used since the late 1980s and into the 21st century

Spatial mismatch is the sociological, economic and political phenomenon associated with economic restructuring in which employment opportunities for low-income people are located far away from the areas where they live. In the United States, this takes the form of high concentrations of povertyin central cities, with low-wage, low-skill employment opportunities concentrated in the suburbs. The term was first used by John F. Kain in 1968. In The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy (1987), William Julius Wilson was an early exponent, one of the first to enunciate at length the spatial mismatch theory for the development of a ghetto underclass in the United States

College 11a right to the city I

Short quiz

What is deindustralization?

What is postindustrial society?

What do we mean by a radical urbanism


Deindustrialization (also spelled deindustrialisation) is a process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity in a country or region, especially heavy industry or manufacturing industry. It is an opposite of industrialization.

Postindustrial society

A post-industrial society is a society in which an economic transition has occurred from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy, a diffusion of national and global capital, and mass privatization. The prerequisites to this economic shift are the processes of industrialization and liberalization. This economic transition spurs a restructuring in society as a whole.

Radical urbanism

The right analysis of what is going on in the world in the context ofneoliberal global capitalism; a coherent analysis of the urban dimensions; with analysis of an alternative for more social justice contained within that approach; ethical turn and hope for a better future for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized in cities today (expanding on this in the lecture today)

Multitude of Spaces depending on contents: social (spatial) practice

When we evoke Time, we must immeadiately say what it is that moves or changes therein

Physical space has no reality without the Energy that is deployed withit

Social life

The architect, the planner, the sociologist, the economist, the philosopheror the politician cannot out of nothingness create new forms and relations ... Only social life (praxis) in its global capacity possesses such powers - or does not possess them“ (Lefebvre 1996: 151


Use value, subordinated for centuries to exchange value, can now come firstagain ... An urban reality for ‚users‘ and not for capitalist speculators, builders and technicians

Participation + appropriation

The right to the oeuvre, to participation and appropriation (clearly distinct from the right to property), are implied in the right to the city“(Lefebvre 1996: 174


Who can ignore that the Olympians of the new bourgeois aristocracy no longer inhabit. They go from grand hotel to grand hotel, or from castle to castle ... They are everywhere and nowhere“ (Lefebvre 1996: 159)

„That is how they fascinate people immersed into everyday life. They transcend everyday life, possess nature and leave it up to the cops to contrive culture“ (ibid.)

Protest movements and social movements

Social movements are a type of group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals and/or organizations focused on specific politicalor social issues, in other words, on carrying out, resisting or undoing a social change.

Modern Western social movements became possible through education (the wider dissemination of literature), and increased mobility of labor due to the industrialization and urbanization of 19th century societies. It is sometimes argued that the freedom of expression, education and relative economic independence prevalent in the modern Western culture is responsible for the unprecedented number and scope of various contemporary social movements. However others point out that many of the major social

movements of the last hundred years grew up, like the Mau Mau in Kenya, to oppose Western colonialism. Political science and sociology have developed a variety of theories and empirical research on social movements. For example, some research in political science highlights the relation betweenpopular movements and the formation of new political parties as well as discussing the function of social movements in relation to agenda setting and influence on politics. Modern movements, such as The Borgen Project have utilized technology and the internet to mobilize people globally. Adapting to communication trends is a common theme among successful movements.


Squatting is the act of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied space or building, usually residential, that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have permission to use. According to author Robert Neuwirth, there are one billion squatters globally, that is, about one in every sevenpeople on the planet. Yet, according to Kesia Reeve, "squatting is largely absent from policy and academic debate and is rarely conceptualized, as a problem, as a symptom, or as a social or housing movement

Radical urbanism concerns the following 5 points according to Marcuse:

1. Linking various issues and developments together in a single radical explanation of what is happening in the world; explanation of who benefits and who loses out under capitalist urbanization processes;

2. Can name the system as “capitalist”, and not just a free-market, neoliberal system;

3. Explicit focus on alternatives that are immediately feasible, large or small regulations to make difference to the world;

4. Democracy and decision making should not aim for consensus (as implicit in much of urban and planning theory), as not based on a radical analysis of the world; as some gain and some lose, need to focus on power relations and differences between people and social groups;

5. Myth of the benevolent state; decision making by rational persuasion alone unable to change power relations, unable to shake policies of governments to help the vulnerable and marginalized of our cities

College 11b right to the city II

Gaat over het kraken in Nederland, kijk zelf maar.

College 12 postsecular urban space

Short quiz

What is the right to the city?

What is radical urbanism?

Names three ways planners can work towards social justice at the local neighbourhood level

The Right to the City

Social movements, broad coalitions of actors fighting politically forgreater social, economic and environmental justice in cities; cities for everyone not just the few

Radical urbanism

The right analysis of what is going on in the world in the context ofneoliberal global capitalism; a coherent analysis of the urban dimensions; with analysis of an alternative for more social justice contained within that approach; ethical turn and hope for a better future for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized in cities today. Following Marcuse the following points are important: (1) Linking various issues and developments together in a single radical explanation of what is happening in the world; explanation of who benefits and who loses out under capitalist urbanization processes; (2) Can name the system as “capitalist”, and not just a free-market, neoliberal system; (3) Explicit focus on alternatives that are immediately feasible, large or small regulations to make difference to the world; (4) Democracy and decision making should not aim for consensus (as implicit in much of urban and planning theory), as not based on a radical analysis of the world; as some gain and some lose,need to focus on power relations and differences between people and social groups; and (5) Myth of the benevolent state; decision making by rational persuasion alone unable to change power relations, unableto shake policies of governments to help the vulnerable and marginalized of our cities

Activities for social justice at the neighbourhood level

(1) Forming a coalition of residents and organizations to contest government policies and to fight for alternatives that benefit the most deprived inhabitants that includes middle classes, intellectualsand artists as well we low-income and working class residents; (2) Direct and active involvement of residents in decision making that affects their lives and the neighbourhood at large; not just lip-service but real power to the people and demonstrable effects of thatinvolvement; (3) Socially relevant, useful and economically viable initiatives to activate people and to generate wealth and jobs; activities to increase people’s employability like job-search, CV/ resume writing, language courses, workfare/ social activation type activities; if no jobs, the voluntary work but paying attention to tension to positive/ activation and negative punitive style compulsion (4) Community wide initiatives that bind people from

diverse social groups and backgrounds into a shared sense of identity, while respecting fundamental differences too; cooking courses, sports events, BBQs (5) Political activism, protest movements and campaigning; cultivating a local culture of political discussion and enagement, romantic and intellectual as well as practical and hard-nosed (6) Planners need to be aware of and sensitive too these

College 13a the future of the city I

Short quiz

What do we mean by postsecular urban spaces?

How secular is The Netherlands?

What are the implications of postsecular urbanism for planning practice?

Space colonization

Space colonization (space settlement, space humanization, space habitation)is autonomous (self-sufficient) human habitation outside of Earth. It is a long-term goal of national space programs. The first space colony may be onthe Moon, or on Mars. Ample quantities of all the necessary materials are on the Moon and near Earth asteroids, and solar energy is readily available. In 2005 NASA Administrator Michael Griffin identified space colonization as the ultimate goal of current spaceflight programs.

Artist's conception of a space habitat called the Stanford torus, by Don Davis (pictured).

Stanford Torus

The Stanford torus is a proposed design for a space habitat capable of housing 10,000 to 140,000 permanent residents. The Stanford Torus was proposed during the 1975 NASA Summer Study, conducted at Stanford University, with the purpose of speculating on designs for future space colonies. (Gerard O'Neill later proposed his Island One or Bernal sphere asan alternative to the torus.) "Stanford torus" refers only to this particular version of the design, as the concept of a ring-shaped rotating space station was previously proposed by Wernher von Braun. It consists of a torus, or donut-shaped ring, that is 1.8 km in diameter (for the proposed10,000 person habitat described in the 1975 Summer Study) and rotates once per minute to provide between 0.9g and 1.0g of artificial gravity on the inside of the outer ring via centripetal acceleration. Sunlight is providedto the interior of the torus by a system of mirrors. The ring is connected to a hub via a number of "spokes", which serve as conduits for people and

materials travelling to and from the hub. Since the hub is at the rotational axis of the station, it experiences the least artificial gravityand is the easiest location for spacecraft to dock. Zero-gravity industry is performed in a non-rotating module attached to the hub's axis. The interior space of the torus itself is used as living space, and is large enough that a "natural" environment can be simulated; the torus appears similar to a long, narrow, straight glacial valley whose ends curve upward and eventually meet overhead to form a complete circle. The population density is similar to a dense suburb, with part of the ring dedicated to agriculture and part to housing.

College 13b

Gaat over computer spel sim city,

College 14

Short quiz

How useful are visualizations like Google Maps/ Earth for studying cities?

What is your opinion about Second Life and Sim City?

What are the implications for urban planning?

1. How useful are visualizations like Google Maps/ Earth for studying cities?

Visualizing cities through these techniques and tools is basically useful, because seeing adds an extra level of understanding that textalone cannot show. These tools do not need to be central to the course, merely tools to help make better sense of the issues, themes and processes addressed in the course. It is sometimes difficult to know how these visualization tools add to the understanding beyond simple description, however sophisticated and impressive graphically.Do not need to overuse them

2. What is your opinion about Second Life and Sim City?

Interesting tools and particulalry Sim City opens up some fascinatingissues for cities and urban planning. Sim City should be presented atan earlier point in the course because the issues and implications are quite an eye opener. Virutual worlds rather than real ones so notwithstanding issues of “philosophy of the real” these tools remainfascinating and great fun, rather than about the real world of planning

3. What are the implications for urban planning?

Extra tools for visualization and handy tools for convincing stakeholders within planning practice where text alone might have less impact. Collaborative implications as well.

Consider also the following (1) descriptive overview as a handy starting point ( 2) then further analysis based on theoretical engagements, research projects and outcomes (3) tends towards description so rather limited in some ways (4) poststructuralist critiques of maps and mapping in history and philosophy of geography,applicable also for visualization tools in planning; so power relations, multiple social identities, subjectification etc (5) can use tools for visualizing urban ideals/ utopias, then can assess reasons for problems meeting these ideals in reality and therefore how better to overcome them in the future

Social capital

Social capital is a sociological concept, which refers to connections within and between social networks. Though there are a variety of related definitions, which have been described as "something of a cure-all" for theproblems of modern society, they tend to share the core idea "that social networks have value. Just as a screwdriver (physical capital) or a college education (human capital) can increase productivity (both individual and collective), so do social contacts affect the productivity of individuals and groups".

In geography

In order to understand social capital as a subject in geography, one must look at it in a sense of space, place, and territory. In its relationship, the tenants of geography relate to the ideas of social capital in the family, community, and in the use of social networks. The biggest advocate for seeing social capital as a geographical subject was American economist and political scientist, Robert Putnam. His main argument for classifying social capital as a geographical concept is that the relationships of people is shaped and molded by the areas in which they live.There are many areas in which social capital can be defined by the theories and practices.Anthony Giddens developed a theory in 1984 in which he relates social structures and the actions that they produce. In his studies he does not look at the individual participants of these structures, but how the structures and the social connections that stem from them are diffused overspace.[88] If this is the case, the continuous change in social structures could bring about a change in social capital, which can cause changes in community atmosphere. If an area is plagued by social organizations who’s goals are to revolt against social norms, such as gangs, it can cause a negative social capital for the area causing those who disagreed with said organizations to relocate thus taking their positive social capital to a different space than the negative.

Negative social capital

It has been noted that social capital may be not always invested towards positive ends. An example of the complexities of the effects of social capital is violent or criminal gang activity that is encouraged through the

strengthening of intra-group relationships. (Bonding social capital) This iterates the importance of distinguishing between bridging social capital as opposed to the more easily accomplished bonding of social capital. In the case of deleterious consequences of social capital, it is a disproportionate amount of bonding vis-à-vis bridging.

Without "bridging" social capital, "bonding" groups can become isolated anddisenfranchised from the rest of society and, most importantly, from groupswith which bridging must occur in order to denote an "increase" in social capital. Bonding social capital is a necessary antecedent for the development of the more powerful form of bridging social capital. Bonding and bridging social capital can work together productively if in balance, or they may work against each other. As social capital bonds and stronger homogeneous groups form, the likelihood of bridging social capital is attenuated. Bonding social capital can also perpetuate sentiments of a certain group, allowing for the bonding of certain individuals together upon a common radical ideal. The strengthening of insular ties can lead to a variety of effects such as ethnic marginalization or social isolation. Inextreme cases ethnic cleansing may result if the relationship between different groups is so strongly negative. In mild cases, it just isolates certain communities such as suburbs of cities because of the bonding socialcapital and the fact that people in these communities spend so much time away from places that build bridging social capital.

Transit-oriented development (TOD)

A transit-oriented development (TOD) is a mixed-use residential or commercial area designed to maximize access to public transport, and often incorporates features to encourage transit ridership. A TOD neighborhood typically has a center with a train station, metro station, tram stop, or bus stop, surrounded by relatively high-density development with progressively lower-density development spreading outwards from the center.TODs generally are located within a radius of one-quarter to one-half mile (400 to 800 m) from a transit stop, as this is considered to be an appropriate scale for pedestrians.

Many of the new towns created after World War II in Japan, Sweden, and France have many of the characteristics of TOD communities. In a sense, nearly all communities built on reclaimed land in the Netherlands or as exurban developments in Denmark have had the local equivalent of TOD principles integrated in their planning. Transit-oriented development is sometimes distinguished by some planning officials from "transit-proximate development" (see, e.g. comments made during a Congressional hearing because it contains specific features that are designed to encourage publictransport use and differentiate the development from urban sprawl. Examplesof these features include mixed-use development that will use transit at all times of day, excellent pedestrian facilities such as high quality pedestrian crossings, narrow streets, and tapering of buildings as they become more distant from the public transport node. Another key feature of transit-oriented development that differentiates it from "transit-proximatedevelopment" is reduced amounts of parking for personal vehicles.

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