REFLECTION - Delhi Public School Nashik

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Transcript of REFLECTION - Delhi Public School Nashik


Delhi Public School, Nashik October 2019

DPSN……… the Place to Be!

India is a land of cultural diversity. We thrive and celebrate every event as a festival holding

a very significant story behind each one of them. Festivals are a time to meet and greet our

near and dear ones and share our joys with them. It’s a time for sharing and giving.

Through these festivals we inculcate the values of harmony, respect and develop our cultural

ethos which is taking a back seat in our evolving western culture. This Diwali as we celebrate

let us impart the meaning of every mantra chanted during the puja, every ritual has a

significance impart that information to the child. The essence of a folded hand Namaste or

Pranam, applying of the Tilak and bowing in salutation to our elders for Ashirvad must be

explained to our children.

Every religion has certain rituals to follow which makes us better human beings and the same

must be imparted to the children. Students must be exposed to extended families which will

imbibe collaboration and acceptance in our ever shrinking nuclear families. Mingling with the

elders, friends and cousins broaden the child’s perspective of a larger family and the

accommodations required to adjust which is dwindling away in the so called “short and sweet

family”. We are a nation whose ideology “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam -The World is my

Famliy”. The phrase is taken from Maha Upnishad of chapter 6 अयं बनु्धरयं नेति गणना लघुचेिसाम् ।


From the Principal’s Desk


उदारचररिानां िु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥ भावाभावतवतनमुुकं्त जरामरणवतजुिम् । प्रशान्तकलनारभं्य नीरागं पदमाश्रय ॥ एषा ब्राह्मी

स्थितििः स्वच्छा तनष्कामा तवगिामया । आदाय तवहरने्नवं सङ्कटेषु न मुह्यति ॥

Let us exalt in the celebrations and include the needy, poor and destitute that need our love,

affection, acceptance and care.

“My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, courage to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and

to conquer the problems and succeed!"


The students of class 8D celebrated the birth anniversary of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam which

was based on space & technology

Subject Syllabus Covered in October, 2019

Sanskrit १] नागपूर

२] वाक्याच ेप्रकार - ववधानार्थी, प्रश्नार्थी,आज्ञार्थी,उद्गारार्थी


३] कर्थालेखन

English Literature 1. Billy rabbit to Mary 2. The Postmaster


1. Preposition 2. Conjunction

Hindi पाठ – रहीम के दोहे , महाभारि

व्याकरण – संतध ,तवराम-तचन्ह , अव्यय

Mathematics Chapter: 9 Rational Numbers

Theme based Special Assemblies

A Sneak Peek into the Academic Area


Science Ch: 10 Respiration in Organisms Ch: 5 Acids, Bases and Salts

Social Science History- Chapter no- 06 Town ,traders and crafts-persons

Civics- Chapter no- 06 Understanding


Computer Grade 7-Lesson 6 More Tools in Adobe

Animate CC

Academic Activities

Learner’s Corner

A learning corner has been created in

class 7D to allow the students use their

free time in a constructive way by

involving themselves in reading

activities, puzzles solving, finding out

places on the maps, solving

mathematic brain teasers and so on.

Heritage Club

Visit to Sarkarwada - A Heritage site and Museum

Sarkarwada, a Heritage site and Government Museum that was inherited by the

Peshwas and by the British Colonial was visited by the students of the Heritage club. It is a well preserved building which has the age of more than 300 years. Students

explored the majestic creativity that was possessed from 1st Century B.C. to late 19th

century. Various artifacts of the ancient civilization were explored by the students beginning from coins of the Satwahna Dynasty to the latest guns, Jain Tirthankara,

stone carvings, excavations and swords.

Creative Corner


Rock art and timber art

Rocks have always been a source of art since the Stone Age. Today at Heritage Club,

students tried to imitate the variety of art. All students busted out their creativity on

tiny pieces of rocks and in scripted the warli art and ancient lifestyle. It was real fun for


Cooking without fire

“Cooking is bliss; Let your children be blissful!”



Diwali is around the corner and I suppose that everyone is caught up in the festive spirit.

Who doesn’t love the sight of all houses dotted with lamps and colourful lights!

The festive days of Diwali have their origin in our rich mythology. The first day of Diwali

is Dhanteras and is considered auspicious for buying new things from jewellery to vehicles.

Naraka Chaturdasi, the second day is celebrated for the slaying of the demon Narkasur by Lord Krishna .The third day of Diwali is known as Lakshmi Puja, the most important

day among the five days of festival. Lakshmi Puja is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the

Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, prosperity and the embodiment of beauty. Padva is the fourth day of Diwali. The Diwali festival ends with Bhai Dooj, the day when sisters pray

for long and happy lives for their brothers.

Diwali is also celebrated by bursting crackers which is the one element of Diwali. I am not a fan of it. Fire crackers result in air and sound pollution with tons of toxic substances

being released in the air and decibel levels reaching ear-damaging levels. Our planet will

breathe a sigh of relief if we can at least prevent this pollution. Plus the fact that some firecracker factories employ child labour is shameful. So this Diwali let’s give our planet

the gift of not bursting fire-crackers. HAPPY DIWALI!

Riddhi Pande 7A


World anesthesia day commemorates the first successful demonstration of ether

anesthesia on October 16, 1846. This ranks as one of the most significant events in the

history of medicine and took place at the Massachusetts General Hospital, home of the Harvard School of Medicine. When William T.G. Morton, an enterprising dentist,

administered ether to a young man who needed a tumor removed from his neck. The

surgery was a success, and the modern age of anesthesia was born. All over the world, medical practitioners quickly realized the great benefits that anesthesia would bring to


Anesthesia simply means ‘loss of sensation’, which is what anesthetic medications are designed to achieve. A mixture of medications are combined to either put a patient to sleep

or numb the pain in a specific area so that surgery can be carried out without the patient

experiencing any pain. Two type of anesthesia used in medical science these are general and regional/local anesthesia.

General anesthetic: - this is the term used to refer to the type of anesthetic. That makes a

patient completely unconscious so that they are not aware of the procedure and so will feel no pain.

Regional/local anesthetic: - this type of anesthetic is used for minor surgery or procedures

where the patient does not need to be unconscious but do need to feel no pain. This

anesthetic is given for a specific area of the body and is only intended to numb that area. Anesthesiologists also possess the medical knowledge and technical expertise to deal with

many emergency and trauma situations. Ritul Sali Class: VII-A

Students Share Snippets


Hitting Wickets for DPS

The Under 17 Girls Cricket Team of Delhi Public School Nashik hit victory by securing the first position in the DSO Girls Cricket tournament which was held Sambhaji

Stadium at Nashik. DPS Nashik won the Finals by 9 wickets and qualified for the Zonal.

Coach Atul Gosavi and Principal Dr. Pushpy Dutt congratulated the team for their feat and motivated them for their upcoming zonal match.

Parent and Teachers’ meeting

The second Parent and Teachers’ meeting was held on 5th of October in the school premises. Teachers discussed the progress of the students.

Initiating The InfoQuest !

One of the basis of 21st century skills is ‘Information’. Information is supposedly one of the key aspects to the acquisition of power. The understanding of what lies behind a

child’s interest and passion extends much beyond the classroom. The initiation

of InfoQuest aided in presenting this aspect of learning, to the parent body.

InfoQuest was a display of the nonacademic areas in the student routine at DPS Nashik.

It was entirely a student led initiative in which student volunteers across grades 6-8

presented information and details of skills acquired by them in various sporting activities, fine/performing arts, STEM learning and Entrepreneurship. Parents danced to

the tune of the student choreographers, participated in the STEM Learning and

Math/Science enrichment sessions, hosted by the student body. The Drum Circle,

PE & Sports Updates

Parent Connect


Instrumental Fusion and the Contemporary Shloka Recitation, led by the Dipsites, infused energy and zest in the participating audience.

Students turned investors and led the Entrepreneurship Initiative by opening up their own sales counter, not just for sales, but also production. It was a platform, where the

facilitators took pride in their students’ enterprising skills.

The InfoQuest is one of the many opportunities presented to students at DPS Nashik to

recognize their potential, take up challenges, build skill sets and emerge as winners!

“Moonlite Hunt – Aao Dhunde”

It is a unique ‘one night’ camping experience in the School campus. Aim of this outdoor

activity are to inculcate values like care and share, develop self-esteem, independence

and sense of responsibility in the children through a variety of games, singing, dancing,

nature walks, movies, trekking, potluck dinner etc. The students will learn the art of

living together.



Gandhi –Ek Vichar "Live as if you were to die

tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi

‘Gandhi Ek Vichar’ on this note Delhi Public School Nashik

celebrated Gandhi Jayanti –

celebrating 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi.

The students through a mime and

actions depicted the life of

Mahatma Gandhi showcasing his birth, schooling, stay at South

Africa, early satyagrahas and

Dandi march.


Wish you a Happy Green Diwali!