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10/26/21 1:00 pm Meeting

Captioned by Q&A Reporting, Inc., www.qacaptions.com

>> CHAIR SZETELA: As Chair of the Commission, we will bring the Michigan

Independent Citizens

Redistricting Commission to order at 1:29 p.m.

This Zoom webinar is being live streamed on YouTube at Michigan Independent

Citizens Redistricting Commission YouTube channel.

For anyone in the public watching who would prefer to watch via a different platform

than they are currently using, please visit our social media at Redistricting MI

Our live stream today includes closed captioning. Closed captioning, ASL

interpretation, and Spanish and Arabic and Bengali translation services will be provided

for effective participation in this meeting. Please E-mail us at

Redistricting@Michigan.Gov for additional viewing options or details on accessing

language translation services for this meeting.

People with disabilities or needing other specific accommodations should also

contact Redistricting at Michigan.gov.

This meeting is also being recorded and will be available at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC

for viewing at a later date and this meeting also is being

transcribed and those closed captioned transcriptions will be made available and posted

on Michigan.gov/MICRC along with the written public comment submissions.

There is also a public comment portal that may be accessed by visiting


[ No audio ]

This portal can be utilized to post maps and comments which can be viewed by both the

Commission and the public.

Members of the media who may have questions before, during or after the meeting

should direct those questions to Edward Woods III, our Communications and

Outreach Director for the Commission at WoodsE3@Michigan.gov or 517-331-6309.

For the purposes of the public watching and for the public record I will now turn to

the Department of State staff to take note of the Commissioners present.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Good afternoon, Commissioners. Please say present

when I call your name. If you are attending Today's meeting remotely, please disclose

during roll call you are attending remotely and where you are attending from, I will

call on Commissioners in alphabetical order starting with Doug Clark.


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Juanita Curry.

>> COMMISSIONER CURRY: Present; attending from Detroit,

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.




>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: One moment Commissioner Curry.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Test one two.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We are waiting for the Department of State to check in

Commissioners present and there appears to be a problem with Commissioner Curry

being heard.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: We are experiencing further audio issues.

Thank you for your patience.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Can you state where you are attending from?

>> COMMISSIONER CURRY: Yes, from Detroit Michigan.

Anthony Eid?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Brittini Kellom?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rhonda Lange?

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: Present; attending remotely from

Reed City, Michigan.



>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Cynthia Orton?




>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rebecca Szetela?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Present.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Janice Vallette?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Erin Wagner?

>> COMMISSIONER WAGNER: Present; attending remotely from

Charlotte, Michigan.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Richard Weiss?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Dustin Witjes?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: All Commissioners are present.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

You can view the agenda at Michigan.gov/MICRC. I would now entertain a motion

to approve the meeting agenda. So moved.

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


Motion made by Commissioner Witjes. Seconded by Lett. Is there any discussion or

debate on the motion?

Hearing none it is moved and seconded that today's agenda be adopted raise your

hand and say aye.

Opposed and say nay.

The ayes prevail and the motion is adopted.

I'm unaware of Commission business so we will move into public comments our host

Commissioner Richard Weiss will have a presentation.

Commissioner Weiss please proceed.

>> COMMISSIONER WEISS: On behalf of the Michigan Independent Citizens

Redistricting Commission thank you so much for joining us today we need you to #show

up speak up to help us #draw fair maps.

2018 power citizens not legislatures to draw fair maps.

Consequently the MICRC has an initiative of Michigan residents not liberals moderates

or conservatives and voters made a deliberate information for the Michigan Independent

Citizens Redistricting Commission by filling in the yes oval on the proposal 2018-2.

Next slide, please.

What is redistricting every ten years the U.S. census District lines for U.S.

Congressional, State House and State Senate must be redrawn in states across the

country to accurately reflect the population.

The process of redrawing lines is known as redistricting.

In Michigan there are 161 Congressional State Senate and State House districts that

need to be drawn for the 2022 election cycle.

For the first time in Michigan's history residents have an opportunity to provide input on

drawing maps for Michigan's Congressional house and Senate districts.

Next slide, please.

Why should you care? Openness, transparency and public engagement represent the

principles of this new redistricting process.

Now you have an opportunity to ensure your voice and your community's voice is heard.

Instead of politicians choosing their districts to best represent them Michigan residents

can share their interest to assist in developing their District to the Michigan Independent

Citizens Redistricting Commission.

We need your assistance to help us.

#draw fair maps.

Please turn it over to Suann Hammersmith.

>> MS. SUANN HAMMERSMITH: Good afternoon.

And thank you for being here today and thank you for your patience while the AV

situations got worked out.

The second round of public hearings are described in the Michigan Constitution.

Next slide, please.

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: A little louder Sue, please.

>> MS. SUANN HAMMERSMITH: Okay can you hear me now? Okay sorry, I think

my mic was too high.

Okay if we can go to the next slide, please.

Go back one, please.

There all right we are together.

So the requirements in the Constitution for the second round of public hearings first we

are here to solicit the comments with the 161 districts there are 110 house, 38 State

Senate and 13 Congressional districts.

Each proposed plan has to included, a census data, a map and a legal

description and our Constitution

requires five public hearings.

Next slide please.

There are 20 maps on the Michigan.gov/MICRC portal.

Ten were drawn collaboratively by the Commission in open meetings over the past few

weeks and then there are also ten individual maps so there is a total of 8 Congressional

and 6 each State Senate and State House maps for review on the portal.

Commissioners Clark, Eid, Lange, Szetela and, Orton were the ones who drew

individual maps.

Next slide.

As you probably know if you followed the process at all there are 7 criteria in the

Constitution in rank order.

So the first is the Federal law equal population and adherence to the Voting Rights Act.

Secondly the districts have to be geographically contiguous.

Third reflect the state's diversity and communities of interest.

Fourth and fifth not provided as disproportionate advantage to any political party or

favor or disfavor an incumbent or a candidate for office.

Six reflect consideration of County, City and Township boundaries and 7th be

reasonably compact.

And again those are all in rank order.

The process for adopting the maps is to ensure that the maps are tested and published

after the maps are drafted then there will at least 45 days for public comment the

Commission expects to adopt the maps by a week from Friday on November 5th not

adopt but to determine those that they will publish for the 45 day round of public


So those maps will be published shortly thereafter and available again for 45 days for

anybody to comment on after the 45 days the Commission anticipates voting on

December 30th on the final map and then they will become law 60 days after that.

The Michigan Supreme Court is the only Court that has jurisdiction over this process

and they can review at their discretion any challenges to the maps.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a certified or verbatim transcript, but rather represents only the context of the class or meeting, subject

to the inherent limitations of realtime captioning. The primary focus of realtime captioning is general communication access and as

such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


If there is any map that they feel does not comply with the Michigan Constitution they

can send it back to this Commission to be adjusted or fixed.

So the MICRC is the only body that can create and adopt maps for the Michigan State

Senate, State House and the Congressional districts.

Next, I would like to introduce our General Counsel Julianne Pastula for a few


>> MS. JULIANNE PASTULA: Good afternoon Flint can everybody hear me? Great

my name is Julianne Pastula I'm the General Counsel for the Commission I would like to

go over procedure and dequorum for the public hearing first as to participation the time

limit for each public comment speaker is one minute 30 seconds.

Please conclude your remarks when you hear the timer.

The countdown will begin when you start speaking.

You may not yield your time to another speaker.

As to procedure, the in person public comments will take place first followed by remote

public comments.

Both in person and remote participants will be called in the order of sign up.

As to dequorum, please note the Constitution prohibits Commissions, staff, attorneys or

consultants from discussing redistricting matters with members of the public outside of

an open meeting or in writing.

So please provide your comments to the full Commission either at this meeting or at the

public comment portal which is available online at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC and lastly

if any person disrupts the orderly progress of this meeting or refuses to comply with

applicable MICRC guidelines and rules, the Chairperson may rule that person out of

order and/or order their removal from this meeting.

Thank you for welcoming us to your community and we look forward to hearing from


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you

General Counsel. Without objection we will begin the public comment portion of

our meeting.

Hearing no objection we will proceed with public comment.

Without objection we will now begin the public comment pertaining to agenda topics

portion of our meeting. Hearing no objection, we will now proceed with the

public comment pertaining to agenda topics.

Individuals who have signed up and indicated that they would like to provide in person

public commentary to the Commission will now be allowed to do so.

Please step to the nearest microphone when I call your number. You will have 90

seconds to address the Commission. Please conclude your remarks when you hear the

timer And 90 seconds is ended.

Go to the public comment tool and share in writing including specific areas of the map

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a certified or verbatim transcript, but rather represents only the context of the class or meeting, subject

to the inherent limitations of realtime captioning. The primary focus of realtime captioning is general communication access and as

such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


you are speaking. The public comment tool is available at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC

and there is first in line to provide public comment is number one.

>> Thank you. My name is Tom and I signed up early because I'm a school bus

driver in Fenton and I have to do my afternoon run.

I will keep it short.

Michigan has become a leader with the citizen drawn political maps.

We have finally taken the power back from politicians and lobbyists, I'm trying to say I

helped get this thing past and got a thousand signatures to put it on the ballot.

Three key principles should be your guide.

When you draw the maps up.

First the political party that gets the most votes statewide should win the most seats.

It's only fair.

Second, competitive districts are best.

That way politicians will listen to your when you speak up.

Third, do not pack minority voters into a few districts.

This reduces their power.

Trust the voters and let's get this done.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number two and

numbers three and four you can also approach the microphone and be ready to speak.

Number two you can begin speaking when you reach the mic.

>> Good afternoon, we are here to be recognized.

We are here to represent and get the contents of our communities.

We are here because we have been divided along lines for political entities.

These people can't tell you by the time I grew up or the rivalries of the towns to make

them a community so I'm asking you please consider the people here the citizens, the

members of this community that are telling you about their homes, the homes they will

go back to after this very meeting.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Can you repeat that Commissioner Lange.

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: We have having trouble hearing the speakers online.

I don't know if they need to speak more into the mic or what but if we could address


>> VICE CHAIR ROTHHORN: Horrible feedback.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: If everybody could speak clearly into the microphone and

maybe give it a little extra volume that would be helpful.

>> Susan Grand Blanc and I want to thank you for your work.

Passage of proposal two as well as others Michiganders voted to approve it and I spoke

to people about this for gerrymandering with the state and other voters they want to

commit the districts but elections more.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a certified or verbatim transcript, but rather represents only the context of the class or meeting, subject

to the inherent limitations of realtime captioning. The primary focus of realtime captioning is general communication access and as

such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


Legislatures had to work for us to earn votes not special interests and views.

The maps are no better than a seat and the maps must be improved in areas and see

advantage to the parties with the most voters otherwise we are disenfranchising all of


And represented not the other way around the Constitution says.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Ma'am would you mind leaning closer to the microphone our

translator can't hear you and the people online can't hear you.

>> Thank you all for your work.

How is that? I was active in the passage of prop two so were thousands of others,

strong majority approved it when I spoke to people of the proposal they were horrified

by the state of gerrymandering and wanted to go to one person one vote and the

numbers make it state and they wanted competitive districts so the primaries matter.

Computers had to work for us for the votes and extreme views and project racist in the

seat and must be improved and should see advantage to it.

Voters otherwise are disenfranchising themselves.

When the Executive Director of civil rights they must not pass Federal law and must be

adjusted and should have the previous Flint Burton and Detroit must reference

minorities look at AFLCIO and promote the vote and the Voting Rights Act it's hard but

we worked too hard to stop gerrymandering for the vote of the people to not make the

maps the best they can be, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. I'm really sorry

everybody but with the goal of improving the audio we are going to take a ten minute

recess so we can try to resolve what issue we are having.

I'm very sorry I know you all have been patient so far so without objection we are going

to recess until 2:00 p.m.

Hearing no objection we are in recess.

[ Recess ]

>> MR. EDWARD WOODS: Test 1234.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Test 12, test 12.

Test 12.

There we go.

Test 1, 2, test test test.

Test test test.

There we go, that is better.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Sorry for that very extended delay guys as Chair of the

commission I call the meeting of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting

Commission back to order at 2:18.


Can the secretary please call the roll.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Absolutely Madam Chair.

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to the inherent limitations of realtime captioning. The primary focus of realtime captioning is general communication access and as

such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


Commissioners say present when I call your name if you are attending the meeting

remotely disclose during roll call you are attending remotely as well as where you are

physically attending from, I will call on you in alphabetical order starting with Doug


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Juanita Curry.

>> COMMISSIONER CURRY: Present; attending from Detroit,


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Anthony Eid?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Brittini Kellom?

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rhonda Lange?

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: Present; attending remotely from

Reed City, Michigan.



>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Cynthia Orton?




>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rebecca Szetela?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Present.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Janice Vallette?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Erin Wagner?

>> COMMISSIONER WAGNER: Present; attending remotely from

Charlotte, Michigan.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Richard Weiss?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Dustin Witjes?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: 12 Commissioners are present.

And there is a quorum.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

Let's get back into public comment and 3, 4, 5 and 6 approach the microphone and you

can begin when you are ready.

So three left.

Three was the last one I did I'm sorry.


>> Good evening or good afternoon.

My name is Robert.

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


And I'm an Army vet.

And I worked 39 years at General Motors as a tool and die maker.

I live in Mayville, Michigan outside of Mayville, Michigan.

I farm and I'd like to discuss your State House map, your Pine map and your Peach


And your oak map.

Have my farm in appendage that comes out, Carol is my County seat and you have

Carol in a different District in District 57.

And you got me over in 49.

And all three of those maps.

I'd like to have you guys correct that.

I own 240 acres and that is appendage is almost everything I own.

Why would you do this? Make it a straight line going down through there, okay? I don't

have any problem with the rest of that.

I just have a problem of me being isolated and I tell you something else.

My group that we put together are the third largest collector of signatures to put this on

the ballot up here for you guys. My group the third largest so I'm very and what do you

want to say in invested in this, okay? So I appreciate it you guys would move that,

okay? Does that mean my time is up?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number five.

>> Good afternoon, Commissioners my name is Mona.

I want to thank you for the Commission for your service and long hours of sacrifice.

Having volunteered for the effort to pass proposition two it is especially meaningful to be

here today to encourage you to honor the will of nearly 70% of the vote to end partisan

gerrymandering, as a volunteer for Voters Not Politicians I met people who supported

partisan fairness when drawing the District lines.

This was very inspiring.

Your maps continue to represent a republican advantage where the state votes


There is a troubling trend towards minority rule.

A nationally.

In our state we see republican victories despite winning fewer statewide votes than


I quote Detroit news Article dated November 20, 2018.

Despite a 52-47 edge percentage edge for democrats the GOP won more seats and will

enjoy a 58-51 advantage in the house.

Same for the Senate.

Democrats also won more votes in the Senate races 50-48% for democrats but the

GOP held of 22 to 16 majority.

This cannot be healthy for our democracy.

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


Lastly, I want to encourage you to keep City of Flint together in order to maintain a

majority minority District.

As you move forward in deliberations fulfill the passage of prop two.

Please draw fair lines while protecting Community of Interest.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number six.

>> Holly independence Township Oakland County.

I submitted a State House redistricting map consisting of the village of Clarkston and

independent Springfield and White Lake Townships.

My understanding was that communities of interest is a key metric after Federal

regulations intended to form the basis for the redistricting plan.

The basic building block for my community of interest was a shared school system as

well as shared recreation and senior services and business cooperation.

I'm not sure what communities of interest under lie the draft maps.

But one thing for sure the Townships are all chopped up.

This is contrary to the way we live.

Our Township Government set things from zoning regulations to trick-or-treating hours

and provide all sorts of services for the entire Township.

It makes no sense to combine parts of these communities of interest with a random

collection of parts of other Townships with dissimilar interest.

What is the rationale for -- I propose that the draft maps be reevaluated with a focus on

communities of interest as the key metric.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 7, 8, 9

and 10.

>> Good afternoon my name is Dennis.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak here today.

I'm a lifelong resident of mid land.

I was reminded of this meeting of the lady of justice symbol.

The blind fold is subjective and impartiality and should be meted out without money

wealth or power.

You must make your decisions based on the mandates in the same manner.

When there is not inappropriate intent among yourself you will need to have the courage

to call it out and make each other accountable.

Please look at oak state map and Commissioner Lange State Senate and

Congressional plans fixing maps in the area.

They are representative of our area.

I would also like to thank Commissioner Orton and Clark for acknowledging the

Tibawassee counties watershed in their map proposals and keeping Midland with


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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


I want to push back that the funny shaped districts are gerrymandering when in actuality

that was the basis for this Commission to exist in the first place.

The maps that separate Midland from Midland County and east to Bay City is a perfect

example of gerrymandering.

I would like to comment each of you for volunteering for public service.

This is not an easy task and will require each of you to view the public comments and

do continuous pressures for organizations and views and ideas from your fellow

Commissioners and make hard decisions.

The only way this can be done is go back to the original intent of the Constitution as

written and specific mandate you have been given, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number eight.

>> Hello, my name is Debbie.

And I'm a retired GM worker and a member of UAW local 598.

In the UAW we know there is strength in numbers and that is why I'm asking you to

keep the City of Flint together in one District.

Flint voters had their voting power diminished which managers and water crisis and

other things.

To diminish the power of Flint citizens dividing them in two districts is another way of

taking away the strength of their combined votes to fight for Flint's unique issues.

If Flint is to grow and prosper, we must allow its citizens to grow together as one strong

unit and to be able to elect one representative who is part of the community and knows

the issues and the concerns that will help make that happen.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> My name is Becky.

I'm current worker at the Flint assembly GM truck plant member of local 598.

I want partisan fairness in the redistricting of the map in our area.

I believe the current proposed map disadvantages the City of Flint residents by splitting

the City in two districts.

Putting some Flynn residents with flushing and some in with Grand Blanc is not a

positive for Flint.

Grand Blanc and flushing are polar opposites of Flint.

Flint needs to stay whole to have fair representation of its citizens, their voice will be

drown out if the current proposed changes are made.

Current proposed maps are mainly favoring only one party so they are not really fair to

the citizens of Flint so in this with those reasons I support the AFLCIO partisan map


Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number ten.

>> I'm number nine.

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My name is Kristina I'm a proud UAW member for the past 32 years.

I want to thank the Commission for all of their hard work.

I sat through many of your meetings both in person and online.

I have heard people applaud you thank you scold you and yell at you and worst of all

threaten you.

I would not want to do your job for a million dollars and appreciate the hard work you

are doing.

Your maps are getting closer but work is still needed to be done.

In my opinion partisan fairness like school churches and community services.

Emergency services hospitals and watersheds will still work together to keep our

community safe regardless of where lines are drawn.

How our citizens are represented in our legislature house is what changes.

One party has an overwhelming advantage over the other.

No matter how you draw the maps there are safe red and blue districts and should be

purple with close to 0 bias as possible.

All legislatures should work to be elected and once elected listen to constituents

regardless of the party elected from.

I'm asking you please keep the City of Flint whole for a State House District so they can

be properly represented.

Splitting the City like you have it we will lose one of the few Black State Senates we


Minority communities deserve proper representation fix Flint and Detroit on the maps


I support the AFLCIO fair maps project and it should be the consideration in drawing

lines that is why Michigan voted for this Commission.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 11, 12,

13 and 14, 11 you can go ahead.

>> Good afternoon my name is Howard a volunteer with VNP proposal two

overwhelmingly passed because a guaranty of political gerrymandering would be


Unfortunately your current collaborative maps still show significant partisan bias.

You have more work to do.

Jeff Timer who engineered the past two redistricting efforts has publicly admitted the

gerrymandering strategies were first to use a loophole in the Voting Rights Act for

blacking Black voters in majority and minority districts and to keep cities Townships

together for surrogates for political communities.

Make sure you don't fall in the partisan traps.

Do not violate criteria four by approving maps with partisan advantage.

The Adelson-Handley team told you the maps are compliant with the Voting Rights Act.

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such this document is not suitable, acceptable, nor is it intended for use in any type of legal proceeding.


Rely on experts and move on.

Criteria three does not require you to keep every community of interest intact if the

statewide partisan fairness measures take a hit.

Partisan fairness measures must be brought into close to 0 as possible.

As redistricting experts confirm that maps do exist which satisfies all 7 criteria at the

same time.

Your job now is to find the proverbial needles in this very large Haystack.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 12.

>> I'm Kellogg and lived in Michigan life and organizer for 947 for IBEW electrical

workers 948 has nearly 500 and Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee Counties and we

have every type of voter.

What I'm here to tell you today is this, this is your time to do what is right for Michigan

voters by finally having partisan fairness in Michigan.

Michigan deserves to have part sane bias scores to be less than 1%.

If the scores are still above 1%, I feel you still have work to do.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 13.

>> Hello, I'm Travis with the building trades Council thank you for the tedious job you

guys are undertaking.

We appreciate it.

I'm here on behalf of nearly 100,000 hardworking men and women of the building


And who deserve partisan fair maps.

And we also support AFLCIO project.

Thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 14.

>> My name is Jeanie and live in Bloomfield Hills.

Actually let me correct that.

I live in Bloomfield Township but we use Bloomfield Hills to list our address because we

are a Community of Interest.

Community of Interest should take priority over partisan fairness.

There is a Birmingham, Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce for a reason we are a

Community of Interest.

The school District crosses into Bloomfield Township.

We share in our kids' education because we are a community of interest.

My request for the Commission is to keep Bloomfield Township, Birmingham and

Bloomfield Hills together. We are combined Community of Interest. Our families are

friends, our kids go to school together.

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All of this with regards to the Senate Spruce map the Congressional map the Maple

map and the house map, the Pine map.

Please don't divide us.

Also my grandkids play might hockey in Farmington Hills.

After the games we go over to Riley park to the City of Farmington with the team.

Please keep these very important communities of interest together Farmington and

Farmington hills thank you so much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 15, 16,

17 and 18 and 15 you can begin speaking when you reach the microphone.

>> Hello, it's been a week of long days for all of you and I appreciate your time and

efforts but it will all have been wasted if you settle on any of the proposed maps as they


Let's talk efficiency gap.

Measure of fairness which is criteria number four.

All current maps favor republicans.

The Congressional map present is by 6.7%.

Your maps are .6 to 1.3.

They are better.

Senate map current one is by 6.9% your maps are 3.1-6.2%.

Not good enough.

The house map is currently 8.1% advantage to republicans and your maps are 5.7-7.4

that is pathetic.

I watched all day and spoke at the Detroit meeting.

I heard three requests repeatedly communities of interest.

Number one.

Like the Bangladesh who asked to keep their neighborhoods intact.

Two people of color asking for proper representation.

And three, fair maps with efficiency gaps close to 0 as possible.

I urge you to look at the promote the vote maps.

And apply these three requests to those maps.

You have one chance to get this right.

These maps will affect representation for the next decade.

Michigan repeatedly votes 51 or more percent democrat and 49 or less percent


We must have the share of seats that match the votes share.

Do not vote to accept any map that has an efficiency gap of more than 1%.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 16.

>> Commissioners thank you for your time today my name is Steve and I live in

Commerce Township.

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I was inspired by the knitting analogy a woman presented on Rochester Hills on

September 30th so here is my analogy.

A very popular proposal passed in 2018 to amend the Michigan State Constitution.

Tasked a group of 13 people with designing the wheel there are 7 including size cost

efficiency et cetera.

We will have to use it for the land transportation for the next decade.

The group worked tirelessly with a four sided wheel and six then eight.

As time was running out, they came up with a 12 sided wheel this was the product of

their efforts, this is the proposed to the people of Michigan.

But another group came up with a different design that did a much better job of meeting

the constitutionally mandated criteria particularly with respect to efficiency.

They designed a round wheel.

The 13 person group knows about the design and opportunity to adopt it and would they

let ego pride or anything else to adopt the superior round wheel.

Efficiency is the efficiency gap.

Your maps are the 12 sided wheel and the promote the vote maps are the AFLCIO

maps are the round wheel.

Please do the right thing.

Provide us with the best maps that are available.

There is too much riding on it.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 17.

>> My name is Linda and I live in Bay County thank you Commissioners for all that

you have done.

Not an easy job.

I M a going to represent the three cities that should stay together.

Midland Bay City Saginaw.

I've heard various arguments on the how this is formed.

They are communities of interest.

We talked about this.

The education, the I75 corridor and keeping the agricultural, urban and getting their

setting their best interests at heart.

It is in these communities that we feel that in the past this has not occurred.

They have been separated and so the representative Senator of that area does not

meet the needs of the entire community.

It is urgent, this is my opportunity to speak how I feel after 60 years of voting and

witnessing this.

I beg you to be careful how you put these maps together.

It's going to last a decade.

And how you choose it.

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And it could affect all of us in a negative fashion bipartisan, nonpartisan is my greatest

concern and that these representatives and Senators fit all of our needs.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 18.

>> Good afternoon, Commissioners.

I am a Township resident at Genesee County partisan fairness is a community of

interest and need to keep it in mind and the people of Michigan voted for the proposal

that created the Commission. The proposed house maps splits the City of Flint.

And this is unacceptable to people of color.

For as long as I can remember the City has always had its own set of unique


Therefore the City of Flint needs its own representative.

If the City of Flint Genesee county will not have minority representation.

People of color especially us African/American will not be heard even though it is our

right to have our voices heard.

Blacks should be able to elect someone that looks like us because it is he or she that

truly knows and understands our wants, our needs and our struggles.

I urge the Commission to not split the City of Flint.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 19.

>> Hello there Commission.

You have seen me quite a bit, I'm from Detroit and I'm addressing you guys on the

stand again to reiterate and make sure you guys are hearing the people.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Can you lean a little closer to the mic I know you are very tall.

>> I hope you guys are taking to heart what the people are saying in each community

you went to.

Listen what they are saying.

Communities of interest efficiency gap.

Communities of interest and efficiency gap.

It's simple and you guys have a job to do and we trust you and thank you for the job.

It's a tough job to do.

We understand that it's not to be brushed.

Consider everyone in this room about communities of interest and fair maps and

efficiency gap to 0.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 20.

>> Good afternoon my name is Nancy Wang from Voters Not Politicians.

It's hard not to reflect right now about where we came from.

Ten years ago our politicians were behind closed doors drawing our maps with one

singular focus in mind.

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To bake in as much partisan advantage as they could in the maps.

And here we are after a massive grass roots effort and 61% of the vote on the verge of

having you, 13 citizens draw our next set of District maps.

To finish the job we implore you to please do what you have to do.

Make big changes.

Look on the portal.

Listen to the commenters and do whatever needs to be done to get the partisan

efficiency gap down to 0.

That partisan efficiency gap is the single most important measure.

That number by which this Commission, your maps our entire movement will be judged

to see if we have been a success or not.

That is a bright line between whether we are going to have fair elections for the next ten

years or whether our elections will still be unfair.

And we need fair elections.

We need our politicians to fight for every single vote.

We need them to make promises to us to engage in honest debate of ideas.

And when they don't deliver, we need them to know that we can hold them accountable

and that is what partisan fairness does.

Please there is a lot of work to do.

But there are maps on the portal that show that you can do everything.

You can respect COIs and achieve partisan fairness.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 21, 22,

23 and 24 and 21 you can begin when you reach the microphone.

>> Good afternoon, my name is Mirial, born and raised in Flint, lifelong resident of


I'm a proud local 659 retiree General Motors.

And I would first like to thank the Commission for all their hard work.

But you are not there yet.

Please do not split the City of Flint.

After all that the City has been through, to divide us would be another slap in the face to

the residents.

And of the City of Flint.

We support the AFLCIO fair maps project.

Partisan fairness should be the number one consideration when drawing the lines.

This is why the people of Michigan voted for this Commission.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 22.

>> Good afternoon, Commissioners my name is Ted, I'm a long-term resident of

Saginaw Township and Saginaw County.

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I want to speak a little bit about both Congressional districts and principles that apply

also to the state legislature.

I urge the Commission to draw the new District maps to recognize the communities of

common interest.

And by common interest I mean neighborhoods, Townships, Counties and local regions

that share common living conditions, economies and lifestyles.

I urge the Commission to provide full representation to each community of interest by

drawing boundaries that do not divide communities in such a way that their power and

their voices are diluted.

Please do not draw boundaries that are torturous of the past with conflicting needs in a

single District in that way no one is represented.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 23.

>> Hello, can you hear me? I'm Jenny I'm from Oxford and wanted to thank you for

hearing my comment today.

I'd like you to open your maps to State House District 46.

I would ask that Oxford precinct 3 and precinct 5 and Addison Township remain as a

community, a nonpartisan in the school districts and remain together again that is

District 46.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 24.

>> Hi good afternoon, Evelyn from Oxford and the previous speaker eloquently put it

and District 46 we would love to see Oxford and Addison remain one community of


A nonpartisan Community of Interest which does not negate our vote.

We are united in terms of our school District.

We are united in terms of our sports teams even in our school districts.

And we would hope that you do not apply subjective efficiency gaps standards that

would nullify the desires of the voters.

Thank you so much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 25, 26,

27 and 28 and 25 you can go ahead.

>> Thank you.

My name is Jonathan Forest from Orion Township. And, you know, my neighbors to the

north, which is Oxford, you know, I believe that they should stay in the District with

District 46 with Addison Township.

They are a shared community of interest.

Much like Orion and Oxford is as well.

And much like how Flint and Flint is a community of interest as well because it's Flint.

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So I would recommend that you take into account that these communities of interest are

better when united.

As one body of voters and citizens of this great State of Michigan.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 26.

>> Hi, my name is Kathy Otto I'm a GM-UAW retiree and Chair of one of the retiree

groups many of which resides in the City of Flint.

Flint needs to be in its own State House District.

This plan is nullifying the Black vote.

Splitting them up.

The way the proposal is drawn Grand Blanc which is mostly white republican area was

left whole.

But the City of Flint was split up.

After all that, the City of Flint has been through with the water problems that poisoned

many of the Flint kids and families they need to be able to be represented by those they

know have a voice and a heart for Flint.

Again I must reiterate you left the white republican City of Grand Blanc intact but split up

flirt nullifying the Black vote.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 27.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We heard that 27 was going to come back this afternoon so 28.

>> Hello Commissioners thank you.

My name is ward I was born and raised and still live in Genesee County.

I worked really hard with Voters Not Politicians in 2017 and 2018 to get this Commission

to make it a reality and we did move a mountain. I'm really proud of the work we did for


And by and large the maps, the proposed maps the various versions are an

improvement over our past horrible, gerrymandered maps.

However mere improvement is not enough.

Mere improvement is not enough.

These maps I think about the doors I knocked on for this Commission and signatures

we gathered the trust the people placed that this Commission would produce maps that

would not have a partisan advantage that is a sacred trust.

When I look at all the proposed maps so many of them seem to give a partisan

advantage to republicans and that is not acceptable.

That's not why people signed the petition.

That is not why people voted for this Commission.

So I want you to keep that in mind and that is the higher priority than Community of

Interest by the definition by law.

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The other thing I'm the only person saying this I was really dismayed when I read on

October 9 that on October 8 the Commission voted to put forward some more maps and

four of the Commissioners were not present.

I'm a partisan.

I am a democrat.

But the only way I was willing to see power to the Commission was all of you would

show up and vote my side the other side you all need to be there when you take the

votes, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 29 and


>> Hello, my name is Mr. Harris.

The church in Flint and president of concerned pastors for social action which is where

the water crisis warriors.

I'm here today because I don't want to go backwards.

I don't want to see the City of Flint go backwards.

So I'm asking you all to please vote according to the voters rights act.

I'm asking you please to be keep it in your mind gerrymandering and voter suppression

is a real thing.

I feel in my heart of hearts that to divide Flint is just taking away Black representation.

We can't do that.

As a matter of fact if it happens, it will be bloody Sunday without the dogs, without the

horsemen, without the sticks going on folks heads but the results will be the same.

I'm tired of people saying I like you, I understand you.

But you keep doing the same thing.

Keep Flint together.

It will be a disgrace if we don't have Black representation in Lansing.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 30.

>> Do we have number 30? Okay 31, 32, 33 and 34.

And 31 you can begin speaking when you reach the mic and to let everybody know I

know we started really late if for some reason you have to leave and coming back at

5:00 and you are 27 and you are here at 5, we will call you first and don't have to wait

until everyone signs up at 5.

>> My name is Alexander. It's the third time I have spoken with you but the first I'm

speaking to you on behalf of people other than just myself.

I'm from Clarkston, Michigan, independence Township.

It's about 37,000 people.

Half an hour south of here in north Oakland County.

Right now all of your proposed Congressional maps place it in District 10 which is the

thumb District.

Assignment is a mistake.

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The thumb is agricultural.

It's lakeshore.

It's the ports to Canada.

Clarkston is something else.

Clarkston is the intersection of I-75 and U.S. 24.

It's home to thousands of people who commute to work in Metro Detroit.

It should be with its sister cities in Oakland County rather than with the thumb.

Right now only one plan I believe it's the birch proposal actually creates a

Congressional District for Central and western Oakland County and is what Clarkston

should be in District 3 on the map.

I'm not just here on behalf of myself.

I'm here on behalf of 53 residents of independence Township who signed a statement

saying the same thing I'm telling you now.

That Clarkston belongs in Oakland County District, not with the thumb.

If they had all been able to make it today, we would be speaking for you for two hours

so I hope you take their written statement as much weight as you take my spoken one,

thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 32.

>> My name is Ann. I live in Lapeer County. Lapeer County has a State

Representative representing the whole County.

He has been term limited and because we have nobody standing up for us that is why

the County has been split into three different State Representative districts which is just

is a total agricultural community and I realize nobody is going to be happy from the

sounds of everything.

It's a difficult job you are doing.

But I would also like to echo what number 29 said.

You're all getting paid 55,575.

You all knew what the job was when your names were drawn at random out of a hat.

I'm appalled when I read published reports of high absentee rates of some of the

members of this Commission.

It's supposed to be representing the citizens and if you don't show up you are not really

representing us.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 33.

>> Hello, my name is Rene from Orion Township.

Commenting on State House District 29 involving Lake Orion Oxford and surrounding

communities and the lines currently drawn involving them.

The Commissioners cannot be experts on all parts of Michigan so those of us living in

the communities are here to help and direct you in order to keep Community of Interest

intact as we were promised by voters when prop two was passed.

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As residents of Orion and business owners in Oxford for 23 years my husband and I

serve these communities and we know this area and its people both personally and

professionally very well.

It is not in the residents best interest to split sister cities that have so much in common

and referred to one community in LO-LX and share infrastructure and churches

shopping et cetera as an integrated community.

This is a rural area with small farming dirt roads wells for water and acreage who hunt

their own land and have similar with Addison and Oakland Township where one of

Orion's middle schools is physically located.

The current map pairs down M24 south of 75 and wraps around Pontiac into Bloomfield

areas, 50 miles apart end to end and around the corner and they are not rural and we

do not share infrastructure churches municipalities or anything else with the areas.

Lake Orion and Oxford need to be kept together and better paired northeast and west to

keep COIs together we want fair representation and want our voices to be heard thank

you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 34.

>> Hello, my name is Mercedes and look in Oakland Township and I'm here to speak

on behalf of my neighboring communities, Lake Orion and Oxford and what I want to

share with you is that historically economically and culturally these communities have so

much in common.

And I think what's very sad well first of all historically because it is a rural farming

community and we have small businesses that are starting to take off and during this

economic time it's very important to let them collaborate together.

And culturally it is a beautiful diversity of people with different churches and our school


In closing I would like to share with you that the way this District has been drawn it

almost likes like a telephone from the 1970s.

It just goes so far long in the distance like the lady before said, 50 miles.

It doesn't make sense to cutoff two precincts in Oxford when they belong together.

And I also want to share with you that I think it's very important for all of us here to

remember we are one race.

We are not republicans and democrats.

We are Michigan citizens that want the best for our state and our country.

Remember how we lost our manufacturing business in 2007.

We need to focus on keeping our communities together just like to keep Flint together.

We want to be kept together.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 35, 36, 37 and 39.

>> My name is Ron.

I live in Grand Blanc I'm the chairman for local 659 retirees chapter with over 9,000


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I'd like to thank the Commission for the work they are doing for the residents of


I also ask the Commission not to split the City of Flint for the State House seats.

The City deserves its own representation for all the events after all the events that has

happened to the City in the last ten years.

Partisan fairness should be the number one consideration when drawing the lines.

That is why I support the AFLCIO fair maps project.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 36.

>> Hello, my name is Katherine. I have been here for 60 years and I partner with the

neighborhood action Council.

We work alongside churches schools organizations in the community Black clubs

building and restoring and enriching our neighborhoods.

The redistricting maps that I have seen does not work for Flint.

We look like a pie cut into several pieces.

Who represents us? Who are our representatives? And how would the legislature help

us in this way? We need a different map one that represents Flint as a whole.

We live in Genesee County and want to be represented as voters and taxpayers in our

County and we need a different map.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 37.

>> Too tall right here.

All right.

Hello Commission.

My name is Raymond from by City Michigan and here to represent the young people as

a community of interest.

I'm thankful for the current work you're doing.

Thankful for the Congressional map so far.

And I'm thankful for you guys taking on the voice of the people.

I think it's important to remember that you all live here in the state as well as us and you

care very much about the future.

So as a young person that grew up in the Tri-City area that came from the public

education system, we are a community of interest.

We don't see Tri-City area with boundaries.

We are connected by our family.

Our friends and our community.

We have helped out with the Midland County flood and helped out with the Flint water

crisis and elections.

Young people here want jobs.

We want education and homes and a true community.

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And too in this District it is in this in the Mid-Michigan where we see the greatest

concentration of population.

You know not in Tawas City not in Cadillac or Mount Pleasant and not in Gladwin.

So thank you for the more accurate maps and the fair maps and thank you for creating

a better outcome for the next ten years and also for the future of our state.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 38.

>> Good afternoon.

My name is John, a member of concerned pastors for social action.

Thank you for your service and please keep in mind you have to give account for your


Regarding these maps.

Any redistricting proposal dissecting Flint into two districts is a 21st century version of

Jim crow wearing deceptive cloaks of gerrymandering.

So the majority minority vote of Flint should not be divided.

And thus nullified.

We do not want Flint neutered and spade into disenfranchised, disempowered districts

where the people of Flint are not allowed to speak their collective voice, reproducing

after their own electoral will.

A divided map cripples the self determination of the people of Flint.

Keep Flint together.

Keep Flint together.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 40.

>> 39.


>> Rod Charles otherwise known as 39.

I'm from Oxford Township and like a few other folks here I want to encourage to keep

Oxford Township together.

The map shows two of 7 precincts being carved out which makes no sense.

We have one high school one middle school four elementary schools and I'd like to

keep everyone together.

Among other things I was on the boosters club.

I'm on the Oxford downtown development authority and Township trustee as well and

say our community works together.

We live together and play together.

Tonight for example I've got a 5:00 meeting with the Oxford Addison youth group for

disadvantaged kids.

And the way it shows now half our group would be in one District and another group

would be in a separate District.

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I announce swim meets and can't see well the girl in lane four is in District 46 and the

girl in five is in District 47.

We are one community of interest.

In fact, even Thursday night we have a community pep assembly for the football team.

It's one community and as I said right now it's splitting off a tiny portion of Oxford

Township into a separate District.

So if I can encourage you to reexamine that I would greatly appreciate it and I

appreciate the time having myself and a lot of communities and spent a lot of time at

meetings I know what it's like so thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Just verifying we

have 37, 38, 39 and 40 all went already? All right 41, 42, 43 and 44.

And 41 you can begin.

>> Hi, number 40 if that matters.

My name is Joanna, a lifelong Flint resident. And I would like to ask you all to please

keep Flint together.

We have a lot of things that we've been fighting for.

And we have had this fight together.

And there is no reason to separate us.

We have nine wards all nine wards have stood together and fought for all of us.

So please keep us together.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Hello I'm Claudia Perkins.

I'm a retired union rep so I hate gerrymandering.

We need to keep Flint intact.

We have a lot of reasons.

First of all, there is not a lot of trust with the Government.

We've been hit with bad water.

Emergency managers.

The schools have been just decimated.

We don't have those.

So we need somebody that we trust.

And if you take away the representation by in keeping Flint whole, that's a slap in our


We need somebody that we trust to stand up and understand what we need and why

we need it.

I know how important representation is.

We need to keep Flint whole.

We thank you for your service.

But you got a long way to go.

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Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 42.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: No, we can't, yeah, I would.

>> Okay hi my name is Kira I'm a resident of Flint and currently the third Vice Chair of

the Genesee County democrat party.

The proposed Commission House Districts split the City in a way that could be 0

representatives for Flint due to the suburbs having higher primary turn out.

Right now the Redistricting Commission has the right of the City weakening our voice.

Flint has been negatively impacted by decisions of Government in the past like

emergency managers and the Flint water crisis.

We need more representation not less to ensure that Flint can fully recover and

continue to thrive.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 43.

>> Hello.

My name is Shrisa and I'm a lifelong Flint resident.

As a lifelong Flint resident how this community is represented is important to me.

Today Genesee County has only one Black elected in the state Legislature the 34


We stand a real risk of having a County with more than one in five of the residents being


Not only having any Black elected representation in our state legislature, Flint is and

has historically been faced with unique challenges specific to the City.

We need our own representation.

We need to ensure that our Black community who has been disenfranchised throughout

this community history does not become disenfranchised here in this process.

We must keep Flint whole and I would like to reference the map P7273.

As our preferred map.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 44.

>> Hello, my name is Mrs. Wilson and I'm a Flint resident.

I first want to thank each of the Commissioners for your hard work.

And for your commitment to serving our state in this capacity.

In my professional life I have the pleasure of working at communities first inc a nonprofit

with civic engagement as a core part of our work.

As we have engaged community members in the redistricting process there have been

serious concerns about the maps you have proposed.

The most concerning map for us is the State House map.

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Three versions were presented and have the same net effect and highly unlikely a Flint

person will be elected to the State House and even less likely that representation will be

a minority although Flint is a majority African/American City.

Flint is currently represented and would like it preserved and adopting maps with some

reference with all of Flint in one District do ensure one representative but denies Flint

the opportunity to have two voices in our State House as we do presently.

To see a house map that better represents Flint please see map number P7273 which

several Flint residents and community partners created.

Not perfect it affords us the opportunity to have at least one repetitive from Flint and

possibly two as we currently have.

Flint has lost so much over the years.

When you consider our economic challenges, the Government initiated water crisis and

the pandemic.

Please don't be responsible for us losing our voice in Lansing.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 45, 46,

47 and 48.

>> My name is Clare.

I'm a lifelong resident of Flint.

And today I was proud to see I'm also a member of the UAW.

I was glad to see our UAW members and labor members here demanding fairness.

I want to recall and remind this Commission that and many of the people that spoke

talked about their participation in getting this Commission formed.

The hard work that was done.

You had a lot of testimonials from the people that went out there to create this


And it reminded me of those of us that was on the ground, fighting so hard, getting

signatures to overturn public act four.

We were a part of that public, on the ground, citizen initiative.

But the difference is this: The initiative that we did got on the ballot and voters all over

this state said they did not want the emergency manager law.

But yet they kept it.

They tweaked it and kept it.

Now, we are watching to see if this Commission that was also created out of grass roots

public participation, we were trying to save our democracy.

When we overturned public act four and winding up, we are going to be watching to see

whether you will overturn the hard work that was done to get fair maps in this state.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 46.

>> Hi, my name is Kristina I live on Lapeer County on the west side of the County.

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The draft house maps I've been looking at show our County has been split in three

different districts and I'm asking the Commission to divide the maps as close to County

and municipality boundaries as possible, keeping them compact and contiguous.

County lines exist for a reason and people move into specific Counties and areas to

share the same communities of interest.

Whether they move into an urban area or a rural area.

They live in their specific area of choice to share the same environment and services

offered in the neighborhood with the people who share the same community of interest

as they do.

Looking at the maps I see that many areas are breaking up the Counties and many

areas are breaking up the municipalities.

When you mix an agricultural area with an area that is more urban, neither area will be

genuinely represented.

The needs of the communities are not the same.

And one may be prioritized over another by the people who represent them.

This could result in one area not represented fairly or worse yet neither area getting the

representation they deserve.

If you want to divide the map in fair communities of interest, I ask you to stay as close

and compact to the County and municipality lines as possible.


Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> My name is Tim.

And I live in the City of Howell.

I strongly support the proposed Congressional districts which include the City of Howell

with Ingham County.

However, overall, the proposed maps create a large number of safe districts where one

party is likely to control without opposition.

Plans also appear to exhibit significant disparity between the mean and median partisan

fairs a proportional bias and a significant efficiency gap apparently all in favor of the

republican party.

I spent 45 years in Government.

25 years at the local and County level and the last 20 years at the Michigan department

of treasury.

One over all lesson I learned is that for Government to be responsive there must be

competitive elections.

If an election is technically over when the primary results are tabulated the result is

minority controls the entire legislative process.

Further if the result is tainted bipartisan advantage legitimacy of the entire process is


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Competitive elections foster good Government, lack of effective competition leads to the

difference of a voter not needed to win.

Voters who can swing a primary election may advantage agenda that is uncaring of the

rights and needs of others leading to incompetence, lack of common cause, extremism

and even sometimes corruption.

I urge the Commissioners to rethink boundaries to create as many competitive districts

as possible and reduce partisan bias.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 48.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, you can submit your written comment at

www.Michigan.gov/MICRC or if you have to leave and you come back later you would

be called first.

Yeah, so for the purpose of the people who are not in the room the question was: If we

have to leave and we can't speak and we can't come back if we submit our public

comment online will it still be received by the Commission and the answer is yes it

absolutely will.

We all read those comments every day.

>> My name is Carol Brown and my family lives in Lapeer County.

Our community of interest is agricultural and rural environment that we chose to move

to for that very reason.

The District lines are the County lines right now.

I would like to see Lapeer County boundaries continue to be the State House lines.

The way it is set up now, the maps I've seen it's divided in three sections.

I believe that keeping Lapeer County compact and together will meet the 7 criteria areas

that the Michigan legislature allows.

Districts should reflect and respect considerations of County, City and Township


The COIs must have higher priority than partisan fairness.

Combining urban areas with rural areas makes unfair representation to each one.

Please keep Lapeer County united and compact as the District and not cutting it into


I also just want to say Michigan is not a blue state or a red state.

It is a purple state.

And because we started over an hour late or whatever it was are you going to stay here

later than 3:30? That is for them.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: I'm not sure.

We can probably go a little later but that is our lunch and I think.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: This is Sarah Reinhardt with the Department of State.

Unfortunately we won't be able to go past 3:30, there is lots of administrative functions

of remote public comment that need to occur during that time, thank you.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Say that again Sarah it was hard to hear you.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Sorry about that during the 3:30-5:00 period that time

is used for administrative functions.

To help facilitate remote public comment that occurs later.

So that time is needed.

Thank you.

>> That is wrong with a stipulation.

[ People are yelling in the background ]

People came up here to give their vote and you do nothing.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: General Counsel did you have a comment? You are off come

over here.

Come over here.

Julianne come over here.

>> MS. JULIANNE PASTULA: I don't need to press it, okay.

Thank you so much Madam Chair.

Again I just wanted to state for the record and the benefit of the public and acknowledge

the frustration.

However, much like previous public hearings the end time does not end at 8:00.

If you signed up to provide public comment, you will have your opportunity to provide

public comment today.

And again we apologize for the AV difficulties.

That necessitated the delay at the beginning of the meeting.

But however, if the people online by the Constitution have to be able to see and hear

the Commission's -- the Commission meeting.

So that was another reason for the delay.

But again if you signed up for public comment the Commission will hear your public

comment today.

And thank you for your understanding.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Commissioner Witjes?

>> COMMISSIONER WITJES: I make a motion that we extend the meeting in the

beginning to go until 4:15 to make up for the time that was lost for you folks.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We have a motion made by Commissioner Witjes seconded by

Commissioner Clark to extend the time of the meeting until 4:15 Sarah Reinhardt, I

know you want to weigh in on this.

Commissioner Clark?

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Thank you Madam Chair.

Similar to General Counsel I acknowledge the frustration regarding the late start time.

However, I just reiterate that both of my laptops are used during active meetings to run

the meeting.

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And those administrative functions include sending out the invites to participants who

have signed up remotely and also closing the survey at 3:00.

I cannot do both simultaneously.

So there would need to be additional time beyond did you suggest 4:30, 4:15.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: He asked for 4:15.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: I would need time beyond that to perform those

administrative functions, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Let's take a quick vote because we have a motion that was


Is there any discussion or debate on the motion from any of our online folks? I cannot

see Rhonda or Erin so if you have a comment perk up and let me know.

All right let's go ahead and vote on this motion.

If you are in favor of extending the meeting time to 4:15 please raise your hand and say


All opposed please raise your hand and say nay.

And Erin Wagner if you are on could you verbally indicate because we can't see you.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Commissioner Lange and Curry were nay and I'm not sure

what the count was Sarah Reinhardt.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: I believe the vote was six in favor and General

Counsel can confirm it.

Apologies 7 including Commissioner Wagner, 7 in favor.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 7 in favor? Okay so okay everybody if you are in favor raise

your hand and hold them up so General Counsel can count.

If you are in favor raise your hand and hold them up.

1234 and Erin in favor, if you are in favor Commissioner Curry and Erin said she was an


So this is more people raised their hand in favor of extending to 4:15.

Okay Ms. Reinhardt does that mean we can't start at 5:00?

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: I will certainly do my best we are able to start at 5:00.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Okay all right so the ayes have it.

Okay so the ayes have it let's keep going.

I feel we have wasted enough time on this.

All right 49, 50, 51 and 52.

Who is 49? 49.

Do we have 49.

>> I'm 50.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Go ahead, sir.

>> I'd like to see the map of the Congressional District that includes Holly first.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Could you repeat that.

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>> I would like to see the Congressional District that represents Holly before I start.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We have several versions did you have a particular name you

wanted us to pull up? Or.

>> The one for Holly Township.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: But there are several versions of the Congressional map.

>> How can I talk about the maps if you don't put whatever you want up, put

something up.

You got three maps for the same District.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: I don't know any other name and I don't want to just pick that

because that is on the top.

Can we pull up birch? John, can we pull up the birch map?

>> You don't have the map there is no map.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: He is coming up, now, he was not at his station.

Looks like we have one coming up, birch.

Can we Zoom into the Holly area once that is up? I believe it's where the line for 11 is.

Oh, there it is right by 75, Holly.

There you go sir.

Can we pull it up a bit.

We are past Holly and we are south of Flint, south, you see Holly Township right there

you go.

Go ahead, sir.

>> All right information on this thing and the Flint journal just puts a little map up.

They don't waste time or don't put up the map on the front Page and waste it on stupid


Here is the issue the map situation dilutes the growth efforts cities and suburbs are lost

and north is good job and Holly is all mixed up.

Because of this you created a new nightmare called the Michigan gerrymander and

instead of having like communities together so there is going to be that is going to be a

democrat, there is another one but they are altogether and will be republican, that is

how it should have been done.

You just created a new Michigan mander mess.

There is no hope for office holders because they give away money on balanced budget

and the highest truck weight limits in the United States and will put a new train in part of

the infrastructure to go to Traverse City.

And the liquor tax by Congress was raised so they gave away $3 billion so there is no


There is no hope of being able to stop stupid Government.

You're going to just kind of move it around and come up with a different Michigan

mander that is a big mess.

Can't even find the map.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 51.

>> Good afternoon, everyone.

My name is Ertha and I lived in north Flint for 68 years.

I graduated from northwestern high class of 71.

I retired from Delphi automotives better known as AC spark plugs with 32.5 years of


I have never asked for a handout in my life.

I have always worked for everything that I wanted to have in life.

And taught my children to do the same thing.

I currently serve as president as secretary of our Flint neighborhood association and

stands for Flint organized for the good.

We do a lot in our community trying to keep us together.

And with the current maps that are drawn, Flint is being split in half.

And we do not need that, so those maps are unacceptable.

I have chosen to stay in Flint to help my neighbors and the young children coming up, to

change their narrative and change their mindset and by doing so we will have new light

emerge in Flint.

Flint is a resilient City and came through a lot.

Black voices are not taken seriously.

I need a couple more minutes because y'all took all the time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Ma'am we have many people here to speak so we do have to

hold you to that 90 seconds I apologize.

Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> I want to say some of you are very attentive and listening to what we have to say

but I'm very observant and sitting up there as the Commissions and they are not paying

us any attention.

And this is what we have a problem with, our voice is not being heard thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you I would ask if you go to our website to submit the

rest of your statement www.Michigan.gov/MICRC you can submit it there thank you.

Ma'am I saw you were holding up your number what number were you.

>> 27.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Go ahead 27.

>> Okay, greetings and welcome to Flint as a proud lifelong Flintstone. I welcome

you to each to our great City.

A few of you I was able to meet when you joined us at a town hall meeting in late

August so welcome back.

Flint is in a great activist history as you can tell by today.

We are also a community plagued by a set of its own unique challenges.

Most notably the Flint water crisis.

I have on my Flint lives matter shirt today for you all.

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I have listened in to your meetings and other public hearings.

And have been inspired by the residents that have come out to dialog and tell you on

both sides of the aisle.

Both Black and white.

Varying ethnicities and said by the large the same thing that you have gotten this wrong.

But you still have time to get it right.

As a mother of three children whom I just went to pick up and lugged back to home, with

the youngest of whom was under four during the water crisis, when our state

Government poisoned our City, I am pleading with you to keep the City of Flint whole.

In the State House District.

The way all of your current proposed maps are you have dissected the City of Flint in its

belly and lumped its residents in with the out County which we have nothing in common


As you've heard.

While we have some similarities the differences are far too vast.

I supported proposal two and thought at that time what amazing way to involve citizens

to a representative body.

But the map you propose do not represent me or my fellow Flintstones.

We have no representation directly on your Commission.

>> VICE CHAIR ROTHHORN: Forgive me map.

>> This is your opportunity.

>> VICE CHAIR ROTHHORN: Your allotted 90 seconds has expired.

Thank you for speaking.

Number 52 and 53.

Go ahead.

>> COMMISSIONER KELLOM: This is Commissioner Kellom. I was sitting at the

end but my mic wasn't working.

There is something on my heart. And I know we are here to conduct business, but I

wanted to extend this to you all the City of Flint and those sitting here and whether you

receive it or not that is truly up to you.

But each of us is truly here to listen.

And to give respect and there have been a number of hang ups today but I would like to

invite in the room a sense of compassion because there are 13 Commissioners here

that are very much citizens, caregivers and all of that and have lived experiences.

Unfortunately in experience we are only seeing one side of it so as we listen to you and

as each of you come up to speak, know that we truly are listening.

And this 90 seconds is so we can listen to more of you and not listen to less of what you

have to say.

So I love you.

And I'm excited to listen to you all some more.

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Thank you.

>> VICE CHAIR ROTHHORN: 52 please go ahead.

>> Good afternoon my name is Vivian a resident of north Flint where I was raised and

where I'm at now.

Growing up in Flint I attend the public schools and I'm a graduate from northwestern

high school.

As an adult I have given a lot of my time and service to our community.

When we are redistricting the map and drawing it up, I would like the same economy

standards and vision that comes reality as others community.

With that I want to represent the same and willing to fight to make it happen. We need

minority and majority districts with 50% or more African/American represented to the

City of Flint.

We must keep north Flint whole.

On the map.


Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 53.

>> Good afternoon.

I'm Lauren of Sanford Michigan.

I'm a retired fish and wildlife biologist and work with conservation agencies and

organizations that deal with natural resource management in Midland Gladwin Clare

and Isabella Counties.

So I'd like to recommend the three maps Congressional map number 243, State Senate

map 247, State House map would be the oak plan.

These maps I like these maps because they keep Midland County whole.

And group us with the Counties to the north and west.

In the Tibawassee and Chippewa rivers and watersheds.

When managing natural resource issues, it's important for the Counties in the same

watershed to work together.

Midland, Gladwin, Clare and Isabella Counties all share the Tibawassee and Chippewa

river watersheds and we work closely together on projects and share funding.

As you know Midland County's most notable natural resource issue is the recent and

seems to be reoccurring flooding almost every year.

Right now we are rebuilding from the 2020 flood.

Currently our organizations work with officials in these Counties using these watershed

plans to apply for grants.

To rebuild.

So splitting Midland County as some of the maps have done would make work with

these other governing bodies to the north and west difficult.

Thank you very much.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 54.

>> Good evening.

My name is Reverend Kell pastor of the faith Baptist temple church.

Longtime resident of Flint, Michigan.

When you think about Flint you go back to the native arrow tip.

That is a stone that is strong and resilient.

But after observing these maps, and hearing the previous speakers, this map is really

not fair to Flint, Michigan residents.

We have been strong for a long time.

Flint, General Motors founded in Flint.

Flint public school system was the greatest public school system 80 years ago in Flint.

We dominated the Saginaw valley athletic programs.

Many people were raised in this City.

But the only power that we have was our vote.

Now it looks like you want to take it away.

But I pray, I compel you to reconsider how you expect Flint to come up when you take

away our vote.

God bless you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 55, 56, 57

and 58 and 55 you can start speaking when you reach the microphone.

>> Do we have 55? 56? Go ahead 56.

>> My name is Maria.

I come out of Lansing but I used to live in Flint.

I love Flint.

This is where my heart is.

I belong to local union 6,000.

Thank you all for being here today.

And for the hard work the Commission does and has been doing.

You're making progress but it's not enough maps still favor one party over another.

Please do not split the City of Flint for State House seats.

Splitting the City like you currently have it will result in the City losing one of the few

Black State Representatives we have.

Our minority communities deserve proper representation, fix Flint and fix Detroit on the


We support the AFLCIO maps that you all have in your hands.

Partisan fairness should be the number one consideration when drawing lines.

That is why the people of Michigan voted for this Commission.

And I applaud all of you for being here thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 57.

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>> Hi, my name is Paul an organizer with the Michigan labors union representing

thousands of members in the state.

I'm here to speak on behalf.

Out of the maps you have cherry is your best of the Senate map and Pine is your best

at the house maps.

But neither of these maps are good enough yet. These are just the best of bad options.

How is any map fair in which one party can win majority of seats while losing majority of

the votes.

We voted in 2018 to get rid of the rigged system.

And right now none of your maps create a level playing field.

Your job is to get as close to 0 on the partisan fairness scores as possible.

If you're over 1% then you still have work to do.

All your maps rig elections to benefit the republican party.

I encourage you to look at the AFLCIO fair maps project for ideas how to get to partisan


We need to keep the City of Flint as a whole to make these maps fair so that our votes


Please listen to everyone here today that are trying to make their voices heard and

consider a more partisan fairness map for the State of Michigan.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 58.

>> Good afternoon my name is Paul.

I live in Hemlock Michigan Saginaw County.

I'm a business agent for labors 1098 and also an owner operator for a small farm in

Saginaw County.

I represent hundreds of members in the Saginaw Bay and Midland Counties.

And think that we are a very diverse but very similar group of people in those Counties.

And believe that we need to be kept together the Tri-Cities in the single Senate District

and put together with Genesee for Congress.

Thank you for your time today and your diligent effort.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 59.

>> Hello, my name is Dan.

I'm a retiree of local 1075 former business manager for 1 years represented a lot of

members and now I run the retiree Council. During that time I represented Counties

from across the thumb in addition to Genesee County that experience and shown me

there is substantial difference between the industrial areas in Genesee County and the

rural areas of the thumb.

The people who live in Genesee County largely work in factories or construction.

In the thumb agricultural dominates these are the areas radically different.

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Flint and Genesee County have been much more in common with the Tri-Cities to the

north similar culture and values and economic backgrounds bring these communities

together and should be kept together on these maps.

Finally my experience has taught me Flint needs a strong voice in the state legislature

and for that to happen the City needs to be kept together.

Please keep Flint together in one House District.

And like the sign says fair maps.

And we need them now.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 60.

>> Thank you for addressing the Commission. Madam Chairman my name is Robert

George and I'm a parks and recreation Commissioner from the City of Ann Arbor.

I would like to talk about State Senate maps concerning Washtenaw County.

The three maps submitted by the individual Commissioners are superior for the draws

of Washtenaw County and the collaborative maps.

Specifically point out several Community of Interest that would benefit both Washtenaw

and surrounding areas.

Commissioner Lange's draw of Ypsilanti and a part of Ann Arbor went together with

Monroe would allow for a better unpacking of democratic voters there.

As well as so a strong Community of Interest for the industrial side of Monroe and

eastern Washtenaw County.

Additionally the map that includes portions of northern Ann Arbor and Novi and

Plymouth shows a strong community of interest for the tech industry that expanded in

Ann Arbor Township which is part of the map. Finally the portion of the map that takes

Washtenaw County into Jackson -- that takes Washtenaw County and waterloo

recreation area and makes sure the natural interests are respected. So I encourage

you to look at the three individual maps for the draws of Washtenaw County at the State

Senate level.

Thank you so much for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 61.

>> I'm a business agent for local 1098 out of Saginaw Michigan in a small business

owner Tony's take out in Saginaw Michigan.

I represent members of Midland Saginaw Bay City and I request if you would please

keep them together.

The question is your job is to get close to 0 on this partisan bias scores as possible.

If you are over one percentage you still have work to do and rig elections to benefit the

republican party.

Look at the AFLCIO fair maps project for ideas on how to get partisan fairness.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 62.

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>> Hello, my name is Dave the secretary treasure for the local 1075 and represent

819 members around this area.

Pine map and the cherry map are good.

But they are not great.

You guys can do better than that.

Flint is a different City with many different people and problems all of its own.

Infrastructure and safe drinking water public schools light and jobs.

On behalf of all the members I'm here to represent while they are out working to provide

for their families, I urge you to draw fair maps keep Flint together, keep us our family,

thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 63.

>> Hello, my name is Scott, I'm the president of local 1075 out of Flint and represent

about 800 members.

It's our belief that the cherry Senate map and Pine house map are close but not close


We think that the Flint should stay as a whole.

Not be split away.

And in the past people of Flint faced pretty drastic issues from the water crisis to

underfunded schools.

We feel that they have dealt with unfair Districting maps.

Making it harder for the people of Flint to have their issues taken serious and to have

them rectified.

Our members have come to the point they feel their voices are not being heard.

They don't want to go out to vote.

This is wrong.

Our country has been based on the fact that every vote counts but the way the maps

are set up now that is not the case.

People that are in charge of this redistricting they need to remember that the

constituents are on both sides of the aisle.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 64.

>> Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members of the Michigan Independent Citizens

Redistricting Commission.

My name is Martha and I'm a long time resident of Saginaw Township in Saginaw


This is my second time to submit a statement regarding redistricting and here is what I

would like you to hear.

I'm an independent citizen, not a representative of a group or organization with an


A promise was made you would respect our, the independent citizens communities of


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I am respectfully and strongly asking you all to honor that promise.

I live on A Street in a neighborhood with folks from a large variety of ethnic and cultural


All of us have the same community of interest.

Which is our neighborhood.

And community.

We all chose to live there.

I ask you to please respect the existing municipal boundaries County, Township and


And keep our neighborhoods and municipalities intact.

Partisan fairness is political gerrymandering by another name, don't do it.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 65, 66, 67

can also get ready to speak.

Do we have number 65? How about 66?

>> Good afternoon, I'm Ms. Jefferson from the deliverance center here in the City of

Flint, citizens advocating united to inform and organize for formation among many other

organizations here in the City.

And in the State of Michigan.

But I stand here today because of the unfair redistricting.

The concern to eliminate a whole seat of representation, a voice to take our voice, to

take our vote, to take our seat away from the City.

On Saturday I spent all day, a whole 12 hours letting the community know that this was

going to happen today.

If we had to have been part of other communities it would have took me a week to do it.

I do know my community.

I do work in my community.

I do have a voice in this community.

And I expect to inform the community so they can make a knowledgeable decision on to

or not to.

We want somebody to speak for us so therefore we want to use the map number


We want our voices to be heard.

We want a seat at the table and we will be recognized.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 67.

>> Good afternoon.

I'm a native of Flint Michigan.

And I want to say I want to use what just happened it's indicative of why gerrymandering

is suppressing our voice and our vote is dangerous.

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Because the wonderful African/American lady who just celebrated us and we thank you

for your wonderful words and your love for the City of Flint and the passion that you


And so with that said it must have been your voice outnumbered when it came to

splitting Flint down the middle and you were out voted with the passion you have. I say

that in a humble and respectful manner but that is just an example of why this proposed

map of dividing Flint is dangerous.

I want to go on record saying that the proposed house maps are wrong.

Gerrymandering is wrong.

Splitting Flint down the middle is wrong.

We lifted our voice when you came to the broom center and you conjured a map that

was not indicative of our voices so we ask that you hear our voices and internalize our

words and not splitting vote that we are a minority majority and again I celebrate you

and the passion that you have.

And that is my hope that you have that same passion and reconsider and accept the

one P7273 that represents the City of Flint and its voices.

We want to be heard and made whole and left whole.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 68, 69 and 70.

Good afternoon my name is Sharon and I want to thank the Commissioners for their

work and efforts but you guys are not done.

There is much more work needed.

I'm concerned about how Flint has been split up and put in areas that are not conducive

to our wants and needs here in Flint.

It's important to us that Flint is able to elect its own representatives and I don't feel that

current map drawn by Commissioners guaranty that.

Keep the City of Flint whole.

Flint is historically marginalized City that needs its own representation.

In Lansing and in Washington.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 69.

Do we have number 69? 70? 70? 71? 72? 71, yep, I see her.

>> Good afternoon.

My name is Ruby Johnson from Flint.

I stay on circle drive.

I've been a pastor in this City for about 30 years.

I go to new creation church of God in Flint now.

And I stand and see so much things that are happening to Flint and there is no

accountability for it all.

And this mapping we are just out of line.

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Because we have no representative.

We don't want to -- they have not given us no representative in Lansing.

And we stand for representatives in Lansing.

We want our 34 District protected and blessed.

And so we stand against the mapping.

You need to go back and remap so we can have a representative in Lansing.

We need somebody to stand up for us and we thank God that it will be a change in this


They took us out with this water and we stand against that and God is blessing us and

so I thank you for what you are doing.

Go back and work again.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 72.

>> 73, 73.

>> You can.

I do not believe we have a German translator.

Sarah, do we have a German translator? We do not.

>> Okay that is fine because we are going to speak in English because here in Flint is

the reason why we don't have to speak German.

You go four miles down the road and Buick City built the tanks and guns overseas to

fight off the Germans with.

All that they built hand grenades on steward and smoke bombs and the reason we don't

speak German we speak English in this country and you want to take the City and tear it

apart and your family fought the wars and bombs for the area.

My mother-in-law from Arkansas worked in Remington and she went down on stewards

creek and gave her a job like that because she knew how to make bullets and you want

to split up the City and destroy us because we allowed you that sit there to be able to

speak English nor Japanese.

They built, they took Buick City and they made the 50 caliber shells.

Buick City's engineers made a machine that spit them out like that, that was in World

War I.

They put the machines up.

World War II they needed it again and had to go find the people to retrain the new

people to make those shells and people down there had to wear radiation badges

because on the gauges they put in the airplanes the paint that they used was had

radiation in it and some people had to wear radiation badges and some died with cancer

from radiation poisoning and you want to split up and hurt this City there is something

wrong here.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 74.

>> Hello I'm Connie Cook.

I'm with Voters Not Politicians.

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I'm one of the 6,000 people who made this possible collecting signatures now I work

with local leaders on redistricting.

I want to say two things.

One of them is that in spite of the multiple media stories about this Commission, I think

the media have missed the boat completely.

This is an incredible example of participatory democracy.

Probably the best in the country.

We've had thousands and thousands of Michiganders coming to tell you what kind of

districts they want.

No partisan victory.

It's amazing.

This is the only place where that's not happening.

I'm very proud of that.

And I applaud you for it.

I'd also like to say that Michigan is differing completely from most of the states across

the country.

Texas, Illinois, Ohio, regardless of party the states are being carved up so that the

majority party will get as many seats as possible.

That's not happening here in Michigan.

Please keep the efficiency gap to 0 and avoid partisanship.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 75 and 76.

75, 76, 77, 78, what number are you ma'am?

>> 79.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 79, okay.

>> Hi, my name is Nakia thank you all for being here.

I have two things to say.

We must keep Flint together.

We have been fighting for so long.

And we are still fighting. And I would also like to say would you please, please keep in

mind the map P7273.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 79.

>> Good afternoon my name is autumn Butler a resident of Auburn hills in Oakland

County so first I want to thank you for your service.

And time and sacrifice you are giving to our state. And I would like to thank you for the

proposed changes that you made to the State Senate map to ensure that Pontiac and

Auburn Hills remain together.

And I'm asking you today to consider doing that same thing for our State House map.

Pontiac and Auburn Hills is a community of interest.

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Our children go to school together.

Everyday my neighbors wake up and Auburn Hills and go across the way to Pontiac to

Amazon and they go to Chrysler, OCC and also many Pontiac children attend Avon

Dale schools right in Auburn Hills.

It's important our communities stay together.

They are definitely communities of interest.

And I would be very excited that you can also do what you have done for the State

Senate maps, for the State House as well.

Thank you so much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have

number 80?

>> My name is Paul white I'm from tie Ron Township Livingston County.

I was born in Flint.

I'm a vet.

And the one thing I'm very proud to say is I sought out this petition for this Commission

and signed up and all of you volunteered to be on this Commission and you were


You are special.

You got a hard job.

The one thing that you got to remember is that what you do is going to be sticking with

you for a long time.

And I would like to see you guys when you choose these maps that you keep it to


I mean cities, keep them as whole as possible.

I in know that is hard because of the numbers you have to do.

The State Senate areas and the house representatives.

And I'm looking at the my District was District 8 the Congressional in the District.

And it was a gerrymandered like all heck.

And now it's a little better.

And I would like to see these districts resemble that where they are whole.

I know that is difficult.

But I think you're up to the job and I appreciate your work.

Thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 81, 82, 83 and 84.

What number are you ma'am.

>> 82.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 82 thank you.

>> Good afternoon my name is Jeannette Edwards I'm a lifelong member of Flint and

married here and raised my children here.

And this map I am very appalled at this map splitting Flint up like that.

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We won't have nobody that looks like us, how do I tell my children and my grandchildren

and my great grandchildren to get out and vote man make their vote count with this map

that's going on today? Our voice should be considered because we have always been


We have been threw out like trash.

We went through so many trials.

And we have been voting.

We walk, I walked with Reverend Jesse Jackson.

I walked with Reverend Sharpton.

To make our City and our state and our County better.

So think about what you're going to be doing when you split Flint's vote.

I want my children to look and say granny's voice counted.

Thank you and my saying is God bless.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have 81, 83

or 84? What number are you ma'am? 84 go ahead.

>> Good afternoon, Commissioners my name is Tammy I live in Orion Township.

Please take a moment to open your maps to State House District 46.

We in the Orion charter Township would like to remain in a District along with Brandon

Township, Leonard, Oxford and Oakland charter Township.

We are melded together not just geographically but also by our St. Joseph church

community and Parish life.

We have our sports rivalries and games are well attended by all of the communities.

We also work together on tax issues and election issues.

As we have many parks and trails that span these communities.

We in Orion are different in these respects from the proposed included of Bloomfield

West Bloomfield and Auburn Hills.

The redistricting is a bipartisan issue.

We reject the idea of partisanship balancing out, quota based the number of democrats

and republicans per District and under mines the Community of Interest and thank you

for your time and extending the time of the meeting so that to allow all of us to speak.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 85, 86, 87 or 88?

85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 89 or 90? What number were you ma'am? 89, okay.

>> I'm number 89.

I'm a returning citizen and during my 29 years I identified with the City that I came from.

We need true representation for each neighborhood.

Portal maps 6782, portal map 6783, and portal map 6784, these maps reflect our

neighborhoods and how to truly gerrymandering of the present system.

Allow us to go back to whole communities after we served our time.

If you break up our communities and limit the resources because we are in another

community being held captive, we come home to broken communities.

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Allow our communities to thrive while we wait so we can come back and be whole.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 91, 92, 93 or 94?

If you could let me know what number you are sir that would be helpful.

>> Martin.

Kyle Genesee County I've been a lifelong County resident and small business owner,

farmer and former elected County official.

And I'm very acutely aware of how this County works as a County with the communities

of interest.

And the proposed maps that you have really disenfranchises the entire County not just

the City of Flint but the entire County.

First of all, the as you've heard many people from the City of Flint they are upset and

rightfully so.

They should be. They need a strong, loud voice like what you're hearing in here today

in Lansing.

The rest of the County what you have done is you have taken little snip bits of

Townships here and there and gerrymandered it out far and wide across Mid-Michigan.

Which will in the end over the ten years result in Genesee County having very little

voice in Lansing.

I encourage you to take another look at what you're doing.

And I encourage you to look at some of the maps other than your own that has been

presented to you.

I support the AFLCIO map but there is others too that can do a much better job.

You should do a better job.

You have done great but you need to do a little bit better and must do a little bit better.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 92, 93, or 94.

What number 92 thank you, ma'am.

>> Good afternoon.

My name is Lori.

I'm a recent implant to the Flint Michigan area.

My husband was born and raised here.

We moved back here for family purposes and I've gotten involved in everything.

I'm the product of parents who fought for the Voting Rights Act in Alabama.

And I know how important representation is.

So I wanted to thank you guys for actually taking part in the civic process so we

appreciate that.

We do know that representation is important.

There is a lot of frustration and I know you guys get the brunt of it.

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But there is a lot that have gone wrong in over the years and there is a lot that is still

going wrong.

So you know just consider the words that you're hearing here today when you decide on

when you vote on these maps and make sure that you take in consideration that you

know everybody is subject to equal and fair representation no matter who you are.

We are all humankind so regardless of what party you identify with it's important that we

be represented.

And you know a lot of people fought for us to be here.

And I think a lot of people just get really, really frustrated and sometimes that frustration

is generated into yelling, screaming, threatening different things like that but try to block

it all out and make sure you think about the people you are representing because the

few represent the many.

And that is the way it is and thank you again.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have 93 or

94? 93 or 94? All right if we do not have 93 or 94, we are going to at this point it's 4:15.

We are going to recess until the call of the Chair.

Hearing no objections, we are going to recess until the call of the Chair.

Thank you everybody.

We are on break.

[ Recess ]

>> CHAIR SZETELA: As Chair of the Commissioner I bring the Michigan

Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission back to order at 5:15 p.m. will the

secretary please call the roll.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Absolutely, Madam Chair. Commissioners, say

present when I call your name. If you are attending today's meeting remotely, please

disclose you are attending remotely as well as your physical location where you are

attending from. I'll call on Commissioners in alphabetical order starting with Doug


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Juanita Curry.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Anthony Eid?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Brittini Kellom?

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rhonda Lange?

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: Present; attending remotely from Reed City,




>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Cynthia Orton?



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>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rebecca Szetela?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Present.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Janice Vallette?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Erin Wagner?

>> COMMISSIONER WAGNER: Present; attending remotely from

Charlotte, Michigan.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Richard Weiss?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Dustin Witjes?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: 11 Commissioners are present.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Commissioner Clark is here and I don't know if.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Thank you.

And in just a moment I will return to Commission Kellom, Brittini Kellom.


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Thank you 12 Commissioners are present and there is

a quorum.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

Without objection our host Commissioner Richard Weiss will now provide a


Hearing no objection please proceed Commissioner Weiss.

>> COMMISSIONER WEISS: Good evening, Flint.

On behalf of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission thank you so

much for joining us today.

We need you to #show up and speak to help us #draw fair maps.

In 2018 Michigan voters by a vote of 61% empowered citizens not legislatures voted for

#draw fair maps and MICRC represents the initiative by Michigan residents and not

liberals, moderates or conservatives.

Voters made an internal and deliberate effort to form the Michigan Independent

Commission citizens Redistricting Commission by filling in yes oval on the proposal


Next slide, please.

What is redistricting? Every ten years following the U.S. census District lines for the

U.S. Congressional, State House and State Senate must be redrawn in states across

the country to accurately reflect their population.

The process of drawing District lines is known as redistricting.

In Michigan there are 161 Congressional, State Senate and State House districts that

need to be drawn for the 2022 election cycle.

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For the first time in Michigan's history residents have an opportunity to provide input at

drawing maps for Michigan's Congressional, house and Senate districts.

Why should you care? Openness transparency and public engagement represents the

principles of this new redistricting process.

Now you have an opportunity to make sure your voice and your community's voice is


Instead of politicians using or choosing their districts to best represent their interest

Michigan residents can share their interest in assist in developing their districts through

the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.

We need your assistance to help us #draw fair maps.

I will now turn it over to our Executive Director Suann Hammersmith.

>> MS. SUANN HAMMERSMITH: Good evening and thank you for being here this


Next slide, please.

For the second round of public hearings there are three requirements.

One is to solicit public comments regarding the proposed 161 districts so we are very

pleased you're here to hear your comments.

Secondly each proposed plan shall include the census data map and a legal


And third the Constitution requires five public hearings.

Next slide.

Currently there are 20 proposed draft maps.

Ten were drawn collaboratively by the Commission in open meetings.

Four Congressional, three State Senate and three State House.

And then there were also ten individual maps drafted by Commissioners for

Congressional three State Senate and three State House.

And the Commissioners that drafted maps included Commissioners Clark, Eid, Lange,

Szetela and, Orton.

The redistricting criteria are listed in the Constitution and they are in rank order.

That means the first is done first and is the most important.

And that first one is Federal law needs to be complied with including equal population

and Voting Rights Act.

Secondly the districts have to be geographically contiguous.

Third they must reflect the state's diversity and communities of interest.

The fourth and fifth involve no proportionate advantage to any political party.

Or the maps cannot favor or disfavor an incumbent elected official or a candidate.

Six, the maps should reflect consideration for County City and Township boundaries

and lastly, they should be reasonably compact.

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There is a process for adopting the maps, so starting tomorrow and through the rest

of this week and next week the Commissioners will be deliberating on which maps that

they want to change.

And the ones that they would like to put forward for the 45 days of public comment.

That 45 days of public comment will begin approximately on November 14.

And after the 45 days it will end on December 29, so on December 30th the

Commission does plan to vote on the final maps.

After those maps are voted on, they will be published.

And they will become law 60 days after publication.

Lastly, the Michigan Supreme Court is the only group that has jurisdiction over this


So if anybody challenges a map, they have to go to the Michigan Supreme Court.

The Michigan Supreme Court can decide whether to take a case or not and if they find

that a plan doesn't agree with the Constitution, they will send that map back to this

Commission to fix the map.

The MICRC is the only body that can create and adopt the maps for Michigan's 13

Congressional, 110 house and 38 Senate districts.

Next, I'd like to turn the microphone over to our General Counsel, Julianne Pastula.

>> MS. JULIANNE PASTULA: Good afternoon, Flint.

My name is Julianne Pastula.

I have the honor as serving as the Commission's General Counsel.

And I wanted to briefly address the public hearing participation procedure and

dequorum guidelines for this afternoon's public hearing.

As to participation, the time limit for each public comment speaker is one minute 30


Please conclude your remarks when you hear the timer.

The countdown clock will begin when you begin speaking.

You may not yield your time to another speaker.

As to procedure, the in person public comments will take place first followed by remote

public comment participants.

Both in person and remote participants will be called in the order that they signed up.

As to dequorum, the Michigan Constitution prohibits MICRC Commissioners, staff,

attorneys and consultants from discussing redistricting matters with members of the

public unless that communication occurs in writing or is offered during public comment

at an open meeting such as the meeting that we are all currently attending.

Remember that the public comment portal is available at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC.

If you have additional public comment or proposed maps you would like to share with

the Commission.

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If any person disrupts the orderly progress of this meeting or refuses to comply with

applicable MICRC guidelines and rules, the Chairperson may rule that person out of

order and/or order their removal from this meeting.

Thank you again for being here and we look forward to hearing from you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you without objection we will now begin the public

comment portion of our meeting.

Hearing no objection we will proceed with public comment.

Individuals who have signed up and indicated they would like to provide live in person

public commentary to the Commission will now be allowed to do so.

Please step to the microphone when I call your name or number.

You will have 90 seconds to address the Commission.

Please conclude your remarks when your 90 seconds have ended and you hear the


Please also go to the public comment tool and share your comments in writing including

any specific area of the map about which you are speaking.

The public comment tool is available at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC and if you would like

help accessing the website, please visit the public comment station upstairs where a

volunteer will assist you.

If you have a time constraint or don't wish to wait you can also use the public comment


First in line to provide public comment so we had a session earlier today where people

provided public comment and we left off with number 92.

So I'm going to go back through the numbers that were less than 92 and if any of those

people are there they can speak now.

So number 30, 49, 55, or 65.

Do we have 30, 49, 55 or 65? All right 72, 75 or 76? 78, 81 or 83? 85, 86, go ahead,


>> Good afternoon.

Thank you for taking the time to partake and represent us with Redistricting


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Sir could you speak a little closer to the mic step a little closer.

>> Is that better.


>> All right thank you.

My name is Tim.

My family has been in the City of Flint for a hundred years.

In 1937 my grandfather was the sit down striker at Fisher one and helped form the


I'm currently first vice president for as bee local 1600 representing 200 employees at the

City of Flint Michigan.

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From what I see cherry is your best Senate map and Pine is your best house map.

But neither are good enough yet.

Your job is to get as close to 0 on all partisan bias scores as possible.

If you're over 1% you still have work to do.

All your maps rig elections to benefit the republican party.

Look at the AFLCIO fair maps project for ideas how to get partisan fairness.

I'm simply asking that you do not crack Flint.

It's important that we have one representative for the entire City.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Numbers 86, 87 or

88? What number are you main?

>> 87.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

>> Good afternoon my name is Beverly Brown and I am a Flint resident for 36 years

and born and raised in Detroit.

What maybe unfolding here is attempt intentional or not to force systemic racism.

You heard fragmenting whole City population like Flint and Detroit does not work for

political representation.

Why? Let me offer a recent concrete example.

A nearby community college has 7 person elected board of trustees.

All of whom are white.

All of whom appear to be female.

Last year two African/American residents ran for board seats and they were prominent

and respected candidates they were not well recognized in white communities and

therefore did not garner significant votes.

Nor did they have the financial support necessary to promote their candidacy and

traditionally dominant white spaces.

It's likely because there is still a significant racial wealth gap.

The result is that the current and somewhat persistent makeup of an all-white board of

trusties of the college is not representative of a student body which is 26% people of


I noticed that I did not use the word minority.

Minor infers of lesser importance.

I prefer the phrase majority people of color because Black and Brown people are not


Our votes matter too.

Hence my advocacy supports lines drawn around communities of interest when I say

interest, I mean a common focus on political educational environmental and cultural

concerns curiosities and engagements of those populations most impacted.

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This framework allows political representatives to fight for what underrepresented

people need and want.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have 88 or


>> Peace I'm from Flint Township and I work in Detroit. First, I want to thank you for

your hard work and navigating the varying and often times conflicting public comment

and difficult task you have been charged with.

And comment and contextualize frustrations from Flint and Detroit majority bloc cities

have been sharing with accumulation of anger due to decades of marginalization racism

gerrymandering poisoning management and the like.

This is not your fault as the Commission the community is justified in their frustrations

but thank you for your understanding and commitment to drawing fair maps.

I see you and take notes when you are given specific maps and critiques and generally

want to be fair but it's important to keep racial equity in mind.

As you heard others passionate about not splitting Flynn up the proposed house for

Flint be worked on and ask Flint Township be included in whole. In the house maps.

For Congressional maps I want to thank you for keeping Flint and Bay City and agree

thank you in your Congressional drafts and listened weeks ago and modified them


Lastly, I have a general comment and remind you Middle Eastern option was not on the

census so we are considered white and a race data and after many efforts to add that

category to the census we are still considered white and disenfranchise us and

marginalized people in our specific needs.

Remember to keep this in mind drawing District lines especially not only in Flint Detroit

and Dearborn Heights with the Tri-Cities Oakland that have Chaldean and Middle

Eastern communities of interest.

Thank you again and keep drawing fair maps.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Sarah, do we have

to pause for you to restart Zoom or can we keep going? Keep going okay thank you.

Do we have number 90, 93 or 94?

>> 93 my name is Shane I'm from Schwartz creek Genesee County, 52 year resident.

Local union 659.

Thank you for all the hard work that you have done.

You're making progress but we don't feel you're there yet.

Maps favor one party or another.

please consider the AFLCIO fair map project.

Partisan fairness should be the number one consideration when drawing lines that is

why the people of Michigan voted for this Commission.

Thank you.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have

number 48?

>> My name is Sheldon I'm here to address you about the proposed map pledge

allegiance unadvisable under God and liberty and justice for all what Black and Brown

people have been fighting for the 14, 15 amendment the way the proposed maps are

going now it's eroding population in Flint and should not divide the City of Flint with

proposed map whole taxes literacy test Jim crow laws keeping Black and Brown people

from the opportunity of voting, having equal and fair representation.

Liberty and justice for all.

If these proposed maps go in even, we have to insert the word allegedly before we say

liberty and justice for all.

We must fight for this great country and for all the rules.

1965 Voting Rights Act states what the rules are.

Not taking majority community and dividing it up to minority situations.

Black and Brown people liberty and justice for all.

Thank you.

God bless.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Is there anyone

else with a number 94 or below who has not yet had a chance to speak?

>> Good evening my name is Scott.

I'm a resident of the fourth Congressional District from Owosso Michigan but I've also

spent the entire of my adult career working here in the City of Flint.

I'd like to thank you for the hard work you have been doing.

2.5 million Michiganders support this Commission to draw fair nonpartisan lines.

Some of the maps are getting close but there are still a lot of disparagement around

Flint and City of Detroit.

Me being from Owosso the fourth Congressional District few people of color are

represented in the maps that you have shown so far.

And I would really encourage you to really look hard at Flint and the City of Detroit as a


As I believe that our State House, our U.S. house and our state Senators should reflect

society as a whole and the State of Michigan.

And therefore the way these maps are drawn right now I don't feel that people of color

are going to have fair representation.

And again I thank you guys for the hard work you're doing.

It's an insurmountable task but that is important thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. All right we are

going to start with 95, 96, 97 and 98 and 95 when you reach the microphone you can

begin speaking.

95, 96, 97 or 98.

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>> If you could let me know your number sir that would be helpful.

>> 98.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

>> My name is Jerry.

And I'm from Oregon Township which is in west County. I acknowledge the difficult

task that you guys have before you and I pray you find the wisdom and guidance in

selecting fair maps for our state.

I addressed the Commission two times before, once in Flint and Port Huron and over

this time after listening to other people speak, I modified my position just as I hope you

do too.

I'm here to ask that the Commission use as a template to promote the vote maps that is

6155 for the Congressional districts.

6159 for the State Senate.

And 6250 for the State House.

There are three reasons I want this.

The first one these maps address prison gerrymandering. That is something that this

seems to be the only maps that address that.

The second reason is that they have statewide fairness metrics which exceed or match

the constitutional mandates that are required of this Commission.

And finally as a resident of Lapeer County, these maps keep Lapeer County as a State

House whole.

Lapeer is unique in the fact with a population of 88,000 there are almost matches the

91,000 sweet spot.

So that would make it a continuous District that would just perfectly fit.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. What number are

you 96 go ahead.

>> Good afternoon.

Thank you so much for the work that you have done drawing the lines for our state.

We are in agreement.

We being the people and the citizens of Flint and Genesee County.

The Congress maps and the Senate maps align with our thoughts.

However, the house maps Peach Pine and oak divide our City, the City of Flint in half.

If you could pull up P737 excuse me 7273 as my reference.

We -- I understand the privilege of living in rural Genesee County.

Even though I am a Flint resident now.

I grew up in Clio and Montrose and understand the difference of living in a convoluted

area as opposed to being -- having the privilege of farmland and fresh air.

We need a minority majority District with 50 percent or more African/American


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We must keep Flint whole as this map outlines.

And again we would reference like to reference this map P7372 which not only keeps

Flint whole but also outlines our supporting community.

As you've heard conversation from testimony before, Flint is different.

We need to be addressed as such.

We have endured the Flint water crisis and together we are stronger than separated.

Thank you, counsel.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you, ma'am.

You said 7273? Okay thank you.

Do we have 95 or 97? Go ahead.

>> Hello, I live in Flint Michigan.

I would like to reference the map P7273 as our preferred map.

I'm not a big fan of politicians but I know when I see something that isn't right.

We must keep Flint whole, gerrymandering is not the answer.

Based on population we need a minority majority District 50% or more of Black and

Brown representation.

I witnessed the importance of unity as a community collective bias and generations to

come depend on fair maps and fair representation.

Please consider map P7273 thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> 81 and they sent me down.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Go ahead.

>> Sorry about that.

I did not estimate how long it would take to get back.

I have very short point to make.

Partisan fairness is the reason I'm here.

I worked on with collecting signatures and stuff and the one thing I remembered them

talking about that I didn't think of myself was that the more competitive districts are the

less extreme we end up less extreme.

And for me that would be an important goal to have there be less like everyone one side

loses big or wins big as opposed to the more competitive a map is the harder they have

to work to get to consensus.

The other example I have of that is I'm actually in currently in water kin's District that

was very competitive and tough District to win.

And we got someone very reasonable.

And so those two items are examples from my life and think you addressing the partisan

fairness would be really important.

Thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 99, 100, 99 or


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>> Hello, Commissioners, how are you? Blessings to everyone.

I am Sherry resident of Flint 64 and plus years.

My husband Harold senior and myself pastor the royal priest of ministries 2518

Delaware on the east side where ministry is truly alive.

Just like to say that we also have done many projects with the Government, health fairs,

community health, water crisis, and no water and I've been really involved in a lot of

different projects with the Government.

And so we are asking today that you will represent us as family.

And the reason why I said represent us as family because when you make decisions

concerning family that you love and not ones you don't love but the ones you do love

just say your husband or your wife, they say okay the husband and the wife and the two

kids, oh, you live on this side of town.

And the children and the husband is going to have to live on this side of the town.

We are going to split up your family.

You are like that is no.

So I encourage you to just represent us properly as caring, sharing family that you love.

That you passionately love and that you care about.

Giving us a voice and dignity.

And so I'm just saying treat us as family, love us as family.

God bless you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 100.

>> 101, 102, 103 or 104.

101 when you reach the mic you can begin speaking.

>> Hello, my name is Doris.

I grew up in Flint and graduated from high school in Flint.

I've lived in Genesee County all my life outside of going to Michigan State University of

Michigan home was always in Flint.

The other places I lived is Genesee Township and Flint Township but the heart of where

I go and what I remember is Flint Michigan.

And my concern is when I look at one of the maps because I don't know about all of it

and I think it should be representative.

And I know that when you have a whole state vote the majority wins if you are talking

about a Senator, if you are talking about a Governor.

But the way when you gerrymander it does not turn out that way because those votes

don't add up because of gerrymandering.

And I see that happening more and more across the County and I'm very concerned

about it and don't know how great this country is if it keep going this way that I


This is the worst time in my life I have seen the country in and I've been around a long


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One map I saw took Flint and cuts it off to Grand Blanc or somewhere else why does it

not include Flint and it goes dragging out to other Counties that are not Flint.

That is on the legislative map of the state.

The whole picture I don't want to see what is going across the country in terms of

suppressing the vote, diluting communities happening here in Flint Michigan does not

deserve that to happen.

I've been a teacher a social worker a doctor and a secretary in Flint in some capacity at

all the major places hospitals, gym and the schools.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 102.

>> Arnold. I work at communities first nonprofit community document organization

here in Flint.

I wanted to use this opportunity to echo what has been said this afternoon and that the

current State House maps do not serve well the interests of Flint voters.

Current draft of State House maps prevent a risk that Flint may not have Flint

representing us in Lansing.

We cannot reply on others as we have seen in the last decade and what happens when

our voice is ignored in state Government.

When you work to refine your maps, do not simply pack all of Flint in one District making

a clear partisan gerrymander and for now and the last decade we had two in Lansing

instead of one encompassing we should have a clear opportunity for representation with

the opportunity for a second as we do today.

We've seen in the past how packing voters of similar political backgrounds fall in one

District could be a form of disenfranchisement and Flint should have meaningful

representation with potential for two representatives.

In particular the map submitted to the Commission number P7273 is a good example of

a map that allows for Flint political representation without exclusively packing Flint

voters into a single District.

I appreciate how challenging of a job you all have and appreciate your time here this

evening and use this process and power to be sure Flint keeps its voice in Lansing

thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 103.

103 or 103.

>> My name is Linda.

I grew up in Flint.

And I left for a number of years, I was in California then I moved back in 2010.

I've been living in Burton since then.

Although and I was on the board of the Genesee County historical society.

And I'm still a member of that.

But Flint has always been kind of in my heart.

It's -- I always feel in Burton I feel like Burton is a part of Flint.

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And I was just looking at the maps.

And it looked like Burton was cut off from Flint only one part of it.

But it seems like Burton is kind of cut up and put it down with good rich and up in the

thumb and that doesn't seem quite right to me.

But I would prefer to keep Burton as a whole.

And I also would like to see it part of Flint.

Although I wouldn't want it to hurt Flint.

Or their representation so whatever you can do because I really think Flint needs proper

representation and also everyone Burton.

But thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 104.

>> Hi, my name is Kathy.

And I'm from the City of Midland in Midland County.

And I've heard many people today tell you that your highest priority should be partisan


I was shocked to hear the leader of the Voters Not Politicians organization also tell you


I probably don't need to remind you but they are incorrect.

Communities of interest has a higher priority and therefore should be weighted higher

per the Constitution.

And per your Executive Director reads these criteria at the start of each meeting.

You even had special set of hearings last spring to address communities of interest.

I also ask that you use common sense and not break apart County seats from the rest

of their Counties as you did the City of Midland for Midland County.

Where there is no need for it you shouldn't do it because Counties are generally

communities of interest.

Yesterday I heard some people actually say that odd-shaped districts such as the robot

arm you drew to connect the City of Midland to Bay City are not necessarily


Really? Those odd-shaped districts are the very illustration that was used to convince

people to vote for prop two in 2018.

What you've drawn for Midland is gerrymandering.

I want to thank Commissioners Lange, Clark and, Orton for acknowledging the

communities of the Tibawassee watershed together and I support Commissioner

Lange's Congressional and Senate maps.

And the oak State House map.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 105, 106

or 107.

>> Good evening I'm Barb Miller a retired college professor.

I've lived in Bay County over 36 years.

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I'm a part of an I-75 Saginaw River watershed community of interest pushing for urban


We support your birch maps aligning Bay County with Genesee, Saginaw and the City

of Midland in a Congressional District.

I thank the Commission for combining Saginaw, Bay and Midland Counties in the State

Senate cherry map.

And in the State House District with the Pine map aligning Bay City with the City of


These urban communities of Flint Saginaw Bay City and Midland share the Saginaw

Bay watershed, a key industrial corridor, Saginaw in Genesee Counties have significant

populations of people of color.

And these communities should have a strong united voice in a Congressional District.

College students go to Delta and Mont community colleges Northwood University in

Midland, Saginaw valley state University and U of M Flint.

We need united representation for fair access for all students.

Keep these cities united in the Congressional birch map.

At the State Senate level Saginaw and Midland share a media market and airport

authority a community college District and work in recreational activities in all three.

The Tri-Counties should stay together at the Pine map and keep Bay City and mid land

together combining us in the Pine map as you have.

Thank you for listening well to us and I wish you the best in this process, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 106.

>> What number are you ma'am?

>> 107.

>> They are 106.


>> Good evening, Commissioners and I thank you for this opportunity to speak with

you again.

I am Carol and I live in Essexville in Bay County.

I wish to express my appreciation for you keeping the Tri-Cities together in a State

Senate and in a State House map.

I also approve of the Congressional District map with Tri-Cities together with Flint


The best State Senate map would be cherry.

Congressional District map of choice is birch.

Citizens of Midland have been disappointed in their District of Midland City have been

disappointed in their District representation for decades.

Many worked tirelessly to ensure that this Commission would be adopted.

Please do not allow a vocal group of people to force those citizens into districts that will

continue that disappointment.

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Please adopt the State House District Pine map.

Please continue to improve partisan fairness across the state as much as you can.

I also like the efficiency gap measured at test for wasted votes.

I have heard the concerns that have been expressed in Detroit about the way the VRA

measure is applied at being viable below 40%.

Please either publish or make a statement that explains your method so that the public

can better understand your thinking and process for how you arrived at the configuration

of maps comprising Detroit.

Thank you very much for the time to speak.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 108.

>> Members of the Commission my name is Terry Miller I'm a retired teacher former

Township trustee and Chair of local environmental group.

I live in Bay County.

I also live in Saginaw River watershed and because of that applaud your birch map

aligning Bay County with Saginaw Genesee Counties and the City of Midland in a

Congressional District.

We share the watershed and common urban needs.

I also thank the Commission for your cherry map.

Combining Saginaw Bay and Midland Counties in the State Senate District and the Pine


Joining Bay City and the City of Midland in a State House District.

As much as I believe the single most important crisis, we face is climate change.

Our core cities will play a vital role with renewal energy strategies from rooftop turbines

and restoration and efficiency.

Brownfield development vertical gardens and more.

I believe birch cherry and Pine maps will create robust electoral competition based on

policy, not party.

You have a very difficult task extremely important one in bringing fairness to our

electoral process.

Thank you for listening.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 109, or 110, 109 or


>> Good evening my name is Janice and I'm a Flint resident 52 years here.

I'm here to ask that you ensure that Flint retains a clear voice at the state level.

The current State House map proposed by the Redistricting Commission do not serve

the needs of the City of Flint.

To begin, Voting Rights Act compliance District must allow Black voters a chance to

elect a representative of choice.

Right now this Commission has cracked all of these communities especially Flint.

Weakening our voice in Lansing.

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Current draft State House maps that split Flint would raise the likelihood that not a

single Flint resident would serve in elective office in Lansing.

After the last decade with decisions were made for Flint by state appointees, decisions

that harmed the health and safety of everyone in our City.

We know better than any community in Michigan how critical this is to have a voice.

This is why it is essential that Flint has a chance to ensure representation for our City to

make sure that the voice of the Flint residents can be heard loud and clear.

In Lansing and in our State House.

I would ask that this Commission amend your maps to ensure that Flint has a

meaningful opportunity for representation in our capitol.

Not simply a chance to be split apart and ignored.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 111 or 112.

>> My name is Jackie from Cheverfield Township. It's imperative we remain in house

District 46 as they share one single nonpartisan community of interest through their

shared school system.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have 112?

>> I'm from Chesterfield Michigan.

In regards to the house map I ask that you keep Chester field Township together by

separating Chesterfield and Harrison Township they are divided by gerrymandering in

two different communities thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 113 and 114.

>> I'm 114.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Go ahead, sir.

>> Good evening, Commission.

I'm a proud resident.

I care deeply about our City.

And its voice in Lansing and I felt compelled to speak.

The current State House of representative maps that the Commission is considering

simply to do and serve the needs of the people of Flint right now State House draft

maps show the City of Flint cut in half with potential that our City could have no

representative who live in this community.

Over the last decade we have seen what happened when the state Government makes

decisions with Flint without Flint resident having a voice in the process.

And it's not good.

It is essential that the Commission draw a map to ensure that Flint voices are heard in

Lansing and that we have a reasonable opportunity to elect representatives that live in

our community.

Additionally, the current maps eliminate the current 34 State House District.

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A very important majority Black District that has ensured that Black voters have a

chance for representation in Lansing.

Today our representative in the current 4th District is only Black state elected official in

Genesee County.

Despite the County being 20% Black and the loss of an authority of Black districts have

changed for the meaning of politics already and should not have to give up our voice in

the State House as well.

I ask you to ensure that.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Sir your allotted 90 seconds has expired.

Thank you for addressing the Commission.

Thank you, sir.

Do we have 113? 115, 116.

>> Hello, Commissioners, I'm from Troy.

It's nice seeing you all again.

My map is P7375 please Zoom in to the purple area in Troy.

Let me read a Section from proposal two.

Proposal two required Commissioners to prioritize specific criteria including

communities of similar historical culture.

Similar historical culture economic interest the Chaldean people share historical cultural

and economic interest.

Do not disenfranchise us and use P7375 to put Chaldeans in one Congressional


Reminder community of interest is a higher priority than efficiency gaps. Efficiency

gaps not even mentioned in proposal two.

Political fairness is the last category mentioned but political fairness is not the same as

efficiency gaps.

Please do not dilute Chaldean. And they give 10.8% in the District with which we share

similar economic interests.

As a side note Middle Eastern and north African should be in its own category, we are

not white.

Thank you and I do not envy your task and I will continue to pray for you


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 116.

>> My name is Roy I'm a resident in Genesee County and speaking to proposed State

House map concerning Genesee County.

Diluting minority populations does not offer voters more choice with candidates but

ensures fewer minorities represent Genesee in the legislature.

Looking at 8 seats the seats are fair from independent and disproportionately lean


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Shiawassee and Livingston are not communities of interest with Genesee County as

they differ significantly with racial makeup economic demographics employment and


This proposed map would likely ensure that the majority of state reps do not reside in

Genesee County which would violate the communities of interest standard.

Why would a state rep from Lapeer and Shiawassee represent my interest and values

they would not.

Communities of interest should guide and anchor this redistricting process.

This Commission can draw the State House seats in Genesee County more

contiguously to ensure the community of interest remains intact while at the same time

ensuring an independent map.

Genesee County deserves better.

Than this proposed State House map thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 117 and 118.

>> Good evening my name is Ilene I'm a District vice president of the Michigan

professional firefighters union and a Saginaw firefighter local 102 member.

I've lived in the City of Saginaw and served my community as a firefighter for 24 years.

Per the 2020 census Saginaw now has a poverty rate of 34.85%.

These house maps split Saginaw County four ways which is excessive and


I'm concerned if we join a different community Midland, we will lose essential funding for

citizens in my community.

As firefighters we don't want to lose Congressman Kildee to another District.

In if fire service we have each other's backs in a fire.

Congressman Kildee had our backs in Washington D.C. helping us obtain Federal

dollars to hire firefighters and attain much needed equipment.

Keeping is thank you County whole and connected with Genesee County for the

Congressional maps.

These two Counties have many shared interests and it ensures the minority voters in

our communities are heard.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 118.

>> Hi, my name is Lori.

I'm a Lapeer County resident but I've worked in the City of Flint now for 27 years.

My parents both grew up in the City of Flint.

And right now with the maps that is currently out there that Flint is cut in half.

I actually myself witnessed the damage that was caused to Flint without their

representation in the water crisis.

I hadn't been down there in a long time.

But I literally went door to door to make sure that people had money with the UAW.

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To make sure that these people had clean water to drink.

And we are cutting the way we are cutting Flint in half you are taking the most

vulnerable part of Flint and then you are diluting their voice.

They already had their voice taken once.

They need to be as one and keep Flint as one so that they can recover.

They still have not recovered from the last time they lost their voice.

So I hope you consider keeping them together.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 119 and then 120.

>> Good afternoon, good evening, my name is Sedric here to represent the City of

Saginaw looking at the redistricting and Saginaw and Saginaw County in four separate

quadrants which under mines the purpose of having these districts represent our

interest of color.

So pulling the County apart as such disenfranchises us in the City.

In regards to state funding we are already below state revenue sharing portions and

next to the more takes that funding away from us.

Even more so as the previous speaker said having a representative Congressman Dan

Kildee as our Congressional member has allowed us to have more fund coming to a

City and taking us away and putting us with the outside of the County hurts us


I'm at a loss of words.

I don't know why but I just want to say keep Saginaw City as a whole and Saginaw

County as a whole, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 120.

>> Hello, I'm Jeff from Troy.

I spoke at the earlier Pontiac meeting and my theme was one Detroit and one voice.

Because the special challenges that Detroit faced and Flint too.

I am sad to see the most current map once again splits Detroit which does the citizens

of Detroit no a grave disservice especially since the total population of Detroit is less

than one Congressional District.

There is a bulge that goes to Royal Oak Ferndale and Warren.

I do not see the interest that rich professionals have in Royal Oak have with citizens of

Detroit maybe you can explain it.

The current 11 District was distorted to protect an incumbent to the tip of the thumb to

west border of Oakland County is not a compact community of interest.

Meanwhile the third District has a slice of Northville in Wayne County in it.

While South Lyon Oakland is part of Washtenaw District 7.

As our current president would say, come on man.

My conclusion is that you're not following your constitutional mandate of compact

communities of interest but instead you are engaged in incumbent protection exercise.

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If that is the case then we could have left it to the legislatures.

We want the voters to pick their representatives and not the other way around.

I urge you to review your mandate and return to the communities of interest criteria and

keep Detroit whole.

One Detroit, one voice, and one Flint and one voice.

Thank you for your consideration.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 121 and 122.

>> Hello, my name is Dave I live in Jenison County. Watching this process move

forward remind myself of the inspiration for the redistricting amendment that was


Creating this board.

That purpose was to eliminate opportunities for persons involved in the process to


In reviewing some of the proposed maps so far, we can't help but still see

gerrymandering creeping back into the process.

The language in the law states the importance of focusing the determination of District

lines to highlight communities of interest.

These community voices are high importance as determined by this law.

Some comments are asking for fairness and equity.

But not adhering to the focus on communities in this process.

If you ignore City municipal and other boundaries spidering the districts you are actually

diluting the voices of the very community that you may be trying to help.

Their needs will forever more be quieted by this process, is that what you actually want?

This also works in opposition to the Federal voting rights act.

The amendment language requires communities be strongly represented by elected

officials selected by them, not candidates have had to dilute the interests of one

community along with that of another with different needs and wishes.

That would be in violation of this new law when these community boundaries are simply

cast aside and in an attempt to manipulate the electoral landscape.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 122.

>> Can you hear me okay? Good evening I'm a resident here in the City of Flint. We

need a majority a minority majority District with 50% or more African/American


We must keep Flint whole.

I would like to reference map number P7273 as our preferred map.

From my understanding, to take up and split us in any other direction would take away

from us our voice.

Our voice have been silenced already with suffering from the water crisis amongst many

other things.

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We can no longer keep that going.

I'm just looking and I would like to see even more diversity even here on this

Commission that is sitting in front of us.

It's not fair to us here in Flint when you have as many Blacks that lives here in this City,

we have a lot that need to be heard from us.

We need full representation.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 123 and 124.

>> Good evening, Commission.

My name is Duane I'm the mayor in the City of Burton.

First off, I want to start off saying thank you to every one of you.

I could only imagine the daunting task this has been set before you and implore you

guys for even taking on this task.

Looked at a couple of the different maps and I guess I'm coming here with a simple


Please keep Burton as a whole.

We are a full City that we maintain our own infrastructure our water our sewer and

maintain our own roads and our storm sewers.

If we get split, that means that our Districting would have different representatives to try

to help gain our revenue sharing, our school districts that we have, we have three major

school Districts in the City of Burton and Bentley and Bendle and the money that comes

in and the lobbying we need from our representatives that represent us as a whole

whether it's on the Senate or house representative is significant in nature.

And I could go on with numerous stories that involve even with the Flint water crisis

where we had franchised customer on the Flint water system where we actually had our

State House and Senator actually going in battle to get us reimbursed for 1.4 million

which almost crippled the water system.

My maps and neighbors to the west of me across the street would have a different

representative and myself to the east would have a representative that represents all

the way in Lapeer County. So what I'm asking is please consider keeping Burton as a


And like I say Commissioner Lange really quick Commissioner Lange the District kept

us as a whole so appreciate if you guys would really consider that.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 124.

>> Good evening, Commissioners.

Thank you for the opportunity.

My name is Marco.

I would like if you would please open the maps to State House District 46.

Oxford and Addison precincts must remain in State House District 46.

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Because they are single shared school system is one that is of extremely important to

known parts of the community of interest.

You know, we read in your flier at the door that historic have drawn the boundaries to

gain fair political advantage.

The only way to avoid this is not to redistrict that District 46.

And to keep Oxford and Addison in the same District to avoid the electoral board over


I would like to know if there is a reason why that District would be split.

Thank you for listening.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 125 and 126.

>> Good evening, Commissioners.

I am number 126.

I am a lifetime 70 year serious voter for the State of Michigan.

I take my vote seriously so in 2018 the voters of Michigan were convinced to change the

idea of redistricting from the legislature to the Commission which we now have today

because it was an unfair system due to gerrymandering one side favoring another, and

usually the party in power.

Fast speed to today we got the proceedings tonight which is ready to take a vote on

three maps presented.

As I look at those maps and the idea of community of interest, I see a problem with

Flint, Genesee County, Detroit and Wayne County and my County Oakland.

I do not see a community of interest being adhere to.

So I would ask the Commission today as you conclude this phase of your job that the

voters have commissioned to you, please pay attention to your own idea.

A community of interest.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. We have 125? If

not 127 and 128.

>> It's a race to the podium.

Good evening.

I'm Christopher and reside in Rochester Hills and formally resided in Birmingham.

I'm here tonight first to thank the Commission for doing their best to keep Rochester and

Rochester Hills together and intact in almost all their maps.

As the Rochester area is a community of interest.

And again thanking you for respecting that community of interest and encouraging you

to stay the course as you get to your next phase of map making.

However I need to encourage you to change course in the Birmingham Bloomfield area.

An area that I went to high school in and I go to church services in.

Birmingham Bloomfield Hills and Bloomfield Township together form a community of


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That I have shared services and school districts, all the things.

And many of the maps specifically are State House maps almost carve them into


That's just not right.

You could take those three communities, put them in with Auburn Hills that would

possibly give you enough of a population for what State House District or -- one House

District or take the three core communities go to Southfield tone which Beverly hills,

Birmingham and combine them with Keego Harbor and Silver Lake and that was a State

House District once before so thumbs up on one and please reconsider on the other.

Thank you very much for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Good evening my

name is Mr. Rogers. Thank you. You are making progress but not there yet.

Maps favor one party over another.

Please do not split Flint for State House seats.

It will result losing a Black State Representative we have and deserve proper


Fix Flint and Detroit on the maps.

I support the AFLCIO fair maps project.

Partisan fairness should be the number one consideration when drawing lines.

That is why people of Michigan voted for this Commission.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 129 and 130.

129 and 130.

>> I'm 130 so I'll let him go.

>> Thank you.

Thank you, my name is Chris I live in Flint Michigan.

And I understand how lines are drawn in that where I live, I have on my side of the

street we have one state rep on the other side of the street we have another state rep

and they are both from the City of Flint.

So I think this requires a little bit of a paradigm shift where in splitting Flint, Michigan, if

you were to let me say pack or nearly pack Flint into one District, that would give us one

rep most likely only.

Now we have two and by splitting it I think it keeps it quite possible that we will continue

to have two reps from Flint or at least two let me say African/American Black reps

representing Flint in one way or the other.

Even though we would not have a majority of Flint residents in either new District.

I would hope one would hope should hope that any representative would represent all

the people equally and fairly.

And not say, well, you know Flint is you know only 40% of my District so I won't vote

that way.

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The more reps we have in Lansing that can represent Flint the better we are off.

Our County Commissioner districts that are being submitted to the state the new District

lines we Flint will be going from four reps on our County Commissioner to three.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Can you please open up the map to District 46 on the State House map? It

doesn't matter what map you choose.

It's the same for that District.

I'll wait until it's up.

Maybe I should go.

The reason why I'm wearing this.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: You can wait until it's up.

Your time will reset don't worry.

>> Okay thanks.

I appreciate your time.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: What District number was it.

>> District 46 in the State House.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Any of the house maps he said because they are all the same.

>> Yep, for this particular Township it is.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Do you know what area of the state that is in?

>> Oxford Township.

Okay so as you guys can see, District 46 when you go to Oxford, the very south of

Oxford is being brought into a District that goes south of Pontiac. Those are two

precincts about 800 homes.

I see no reason why we should not include that to remain in District 46.

I was saying earlier that the reason why I'm wearing this is because I work at an autism


And we had our Halloween dress up today.

And I was not planning on being able to make it but here I am and I think it's


So I was thinking while I was sitting down how many of us truly believe that we can

construct fair maps? So show of hands who thinks it's possible to construct a fair map?

I believe, I really do believe it's possible to construct a fair map.

And so I'm here to say that one way to effect fair maps in a very localized way is to

make sure that all those Oxford Township and Addison Township remain in the same so

those two precincts get elevated into District 46.

And that would make a nonpartisan community of interest.

Addison and Oxford schools.

Oxford schools encompass all of Oxford and Addison Townships.

So it makes sense for them to stay together for that reason alone.

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There are more but I only have three seconds left.

Happy Halloween and thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 131 and 132.

>> We have 131 or 132? Are you 133? 132 go ahead.

>> Thank you.

Good evening, Commissioners I'm Kathy.

I want to thank you for the work I'm from Midland County.

I want to pull it down a little.

Hi is that better?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, come closer.

>> Okay.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Almost have to stand on top of it.

>> Okay I have a teacher voice so I didn't want to blast away too loudly either.

I'm Kathy Mitchell from Midland County.

I want to thank you for the important challenging work that you're doing.

Question, how is any map fair and which one party can win majority of the seats while

losing the majority of the votes? As we all know the electorate voted in 2018 to get rid

of the rigged system.

Right now none of the maps created have a level playing field though the few are really


Getting rid of gerrymandering supports a fair vote which protects the face of democracy.

I can see you're following the Michigan State Constitution requiring the use of accepted

measure of fairness.

That's bringing precision to the process of knowing if the map is politically fair.

People may feel uncomfortable with these new lines we need to realize once they are

drawn politically fair and with consideration for communities of interest our District also

be competitive and competitive districts will produce talented candidates with better


All citizens gain from excellent representation.

As you complete these maps, please start with Commissioner Eid's Congressional map


This map has the lowest efficiency gap.

The least amount of wasted votes.

Every vote has a voice and I like the way it keeps Bay Saginaw and Genesee and

includes most of Midland and we will improve our maps and get us as close to 0

partisan thank you to all partisan fairness must be reflected in all of the final maps.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Do we have 131?

Just one more call? Okay 133, 134.

133, 134.

>> Hi I'm 134.

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>> Go ahead.

>> I'm Tonya Burns, a Flint resident. I'm a resident of the 6th ward in the 34th


Thank you for having us to be here to voice our opinions.

One thing we need to understand Flint doesn't need not one more thing taken from it.

It's extremely important that the little bit that we have we keep it together.

It is crucial.

It is vital. Flint is uniquely different from any other City and any other County because

we have suffered through a water crisis and a pandemic.

We are not able to recover in the pittance of 600 million settlement is not something that

our residents will be able to benefit from.

When you're lead poisoned that lead stays in the body forever, it does not leave the


We had an uptick in crime and no one can tell me the 18-year-olds back off 7 years who

were 11 were not affected but I the lead.

We need to have lead Court for our children and make sure they have proper nutrition.

We still have people lining up for water.

We have trust issues.

I still brush my teeth with bottled water.

I purchase water by the gallons to Cook.

I won't feed anything to my family and friends that comes out of the Flint faucet.

I don't wash my vegetables, nothing comes from the Flint tap.

They can tell us that the water is three parts per billion but they lied to us before.

And without proper representation in Lansing to speak up with us for us it can happen


Like it's happened in Benton Harbor.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 135 or 136.

>> Hi, hi, name is Bill Schuette. A big part of the eastern Michigan corridor.

Urban opportunities galore and urban challenges as well.

60 miles to the north are the communities of Midland and Gladwin.

Rural part of the Saginaw Bay watershed.

The biggest challenge facing this rural area of Midland Gladwin Isabella Gratiot and

Clare is recovery from massive flooding that swamped the City of Midland, Sanford and


We are hard at work with Dam repair and flood reduction.

We are working with Senators Peters and Stabenow and have done a great job and

congressman Molenaar as well and yesterday we met with Army Corps of engineers on

Midland and Gladwin on flood recovery efforts.

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So in the Gladwin and north and west and all these maps appear to be a raw naked

effort to cut up Midland from the County of mid land and Gladwin County for political


Will diminish the efforts of flood recovery and Dam repair and disrupt Mid-Michigan

healthcare system located in Midland and it serves you got it Gratiot Clare Isabella.

And Gladwin.

I would encourage the committee to approve Congress map 243.

State Senate map 247 and the state map oak.

Let's keep Midland and Gladwin together.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Good evening my

name is Tony I work with the Midland business alliance and represent chamber and

work with 3,000 businesses.

We had the opportunity to hear from you early in the process met with business

advocacy Council and appreciate the work you are doing how critical it is for the state

and each community.

Many would have thought you know not too long ago Midland was a community of


But the Dam failure in May of 2020 really heightened that and created a much larger

community of interest.

In the midst of the pandemic we are two Dams were breached causing great destruction

through Midland County and surrounding communities.

Now our community has come together to assist and it is inspiring on a daily basis.

We see cooperation, a shared spirit of resiliency and emphasizes the community of

interest be it Sanford Coleman Eatonville and but let creek where I grew up, up and

Midland and we are collaboration with Gladwin and adjacent Counties and connected

with ongoing challenge in the future.

And we've built a great partnership.

We need that reflected in terms of the maps you're putting together so again appreciate

the hard work that you have, appreciate your diligence as you have worked through this


We would ask you would consider supporting the Lange Senate map, the Lange

Congressional map and oak State House map thank you so much for your time this


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 137 and 138.

Good everything my name is John I'm a resident and business owner of the City of


I'm asking you to adopt the Lange Senate map.

The Lange Congressional map and the oak State House map.

Here is why.

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The economies of the City and County of Midland have always been tied to the regions

to the north and west.

In the late 19th and early 20th century timber went down the Pine Chippewa and

Tibawassee Rivers and converge in downtown Midland to be milled and used for

construction to fuel the emerging industrial economy.

Then Henry extracted Chlorine in Midland Isabella and Gratiot today the M20 and M46

corridor in Isabella Gratiot and Midland has a tremendous wind resource for renewable

energy projects that cross County lines and require intergovernmental cooperation.

The Counties of Midland Isabella Gratiot and Gladwin share infrastructure as well and

are harnessing private capital to provide infrastructure capacity so that we will never

Genesee the suffering of the catastrophic Dam failures in 2020.

This historic linkage between Midland Isabella Gratiot and Gladwin in economic

development and shared infrastructure demand that those communities of interest have

a shared voice in Lansing and Washington.

Thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. We have 137 and


What number are you? What number? He is just cleaning the microphone.

I can't hear you.

138 go ahead, yep.

>> Good evening.

My name is Gregory Martin.

And I live on the north side of Flint.

And I really just recognize I'm talking to some Commissioners you know just now

County Commissioners tonight so good evening.

Any way as it relates to redistricting and restructuring maps and all of that, in regards to

Flint, Flint is already delegated, Flint is torn up.

I mean tax wise road wise water wise everything else.

And excuse me, if it meant redistricting, remapping and all of that, I'm thinking that it

means taking away resources away from Flint people.

Basically African/Americans or whatever.

We have some Caucasian people there but I mean if you are talking about restructuring

a map, in regards to removing resources and representation, and in Lansing or

whatever we have to be represented.

I think that that would be more damage to the City of Flint.

I really would like to get a better understanding of what a redistricting map situation is.

I'm not real sure.

And I'm sort of like a quick study on it.

You know tonight.

The lady back here in the orange jacket actually invited me here tonight.

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But I'm glad I came and I really would like to get a better understanding of what an

actual remapping or restructuring of a map in regards to voters or whatever is.

But right now as it relates to Flint it would be totally catastrophe.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 139 and 140.

>> 139 and 140.

>> Do we have 139? 140?

>> Good evening, Commissioners thank you for your hard work on these maps and

your general support of democracy.

I'm Chris from Midland County.

Promoting the idea that Midland and Gladwin Counties need to stay together because

of flood damage is a red hearing argument designed to maintain the status quo.

And protect those currently in power.

The solution is not more of the same Black leadership.

That led to the crisis.

The status quo didn't help flooded areas of Sanford and Gladwin avoid the flood then

why would more of the statement be -- be more of the same now.

Map 237 does a good job representing our area getting high marks for efficiency gap as

well as partisan bias.

Map 237 presents the best opportunity to relieve we of stale ideas and get some

responsible leadership with fair intentions.

Keeping the natural entity of the Tri-Cities makes total sense.

Down River and Saginaw would not be stuck in an ongoing situation being victimized

what comes down the river from Midland.

And having no say in that.

Congressional map 237 goes a long way towards addressing the lopsided scenario that

has persisted for many years too long.

Also 237 appears to do well by Flint and Genesee Counties.

Thank you much for your attention and your consideration.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 141 and 142.

>> Good evening my name is Avery a resident of the great City of Flint.

I am the vice president of the civic park neighborhood association meeting.

My public comment today would be we need more minority majority districts.

With the 50% more African/American representation we must keep Flint whole.

I would like to reference map P7273 as our preferred map.

Flint has suffered probably the most out of any City in the State of Michigan and I think

it's important that we keep the little bit that we have.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Good evening. My name is Angie Miller and live in Bridgeport in Saginaw County

and work in the City of Saginaw.

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I wish I could stand before you today and point to a collaborative house, Senate or

Congressional map that I was in favor of.

But unfortunately, I cannot.

I know you've put a lot of time into these maps. But I still think there is a little more

work to be done.

I would ask the Commission to revisit your collaborative house map.

My County of Saginaw has been dissected into four pieces.

This is excessive.

Bridgeport where I live has been cut into two pieces and Buena-Vista in two pieces as


The Senate maps have cities of Saginaw which is a significant minority community, Bay

and Midland joined.

Even though your expert stated the City of Midland overwhelmingly does not vote for

candidates of choice.

The Voting Rights Act is meant to help voters of color elect representatives of their


By connecting minority communities with the communities who overwhelmingly do not

vote for candidates of choice you disenfranchise those minority voters.

When it comes to Congressional map, I ask that you keep Saginaw and Genesee

Counties whole and together.

Later when we look back on the passage of proposal two and the work that this

Commission did, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 143 and 144.

>> 144.

>> I'm 143.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 143 go ahead.

>> My name is Cathleen.

I was born and raised in the State of Michigan and I have been a resident of Fenton

since 1988.

I do not live in Flint but taught there for almost 30 years and recognize how critical it is

for my former students and their parents to have a fair and equal voice.

Our redistricting guidelines specifically state they should not favor or disfavor an

incumbent elected official.

Redistricting is must recognize communities of interest in the fairest way possible.

Districts shall not provide a disproportionate advantage to any political party.

The maps must be nonpartisan to the greatest extent possible.

Flint is faced with unique challenges that require fair representation.

It is vital that Flint and Genesee County have minority majority representation.

The current proposed house maps split the City and Flint and therefore it may not get

any representation.

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Current maps fail to address the unique aspects of Flint as a community of interest.

Although not adequate at this time the Pine map works best for the house.

For the Senate the cherry map works best but the same as the house maps, they are

not compliant and do not follow the rules.

The City of Burton has never been split for State Senate districts.

Burton, Clio, Lapeer should not be combined as a community of interest.

Thank you for your time and attention to the difficult task of protecting voter rights.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 144 or 145.

>> Good evening I'm Jim.

From the great City of Flint, Michigan.

I would like to first of all I thank God for this here hearing that we are participating in.

And for the interests of Flint. We definitely would like to keep the representation that

we have and anything that we can do that would add to the representation that we have

would certainly be a Heavenly thing we really need to continue our journey because we

have been into a lot of catastrophes in Flint.

And we need to have the representation and more to make things work for us.

The people in Flint have lost all type of community projects that we need to help the

people in Flint.

We -- I'm my church is in Flint.

And I'm the Chairman of the board there.

And we have to make sure that we want to keep people and keep churches and keep

the centers and everything that we have so that we can encourage growth to have other

centers and churches and that come in so we can be represented.

But thank you for your time.

I appreciate being here.

Keep up the good work.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Represent 72 and 73.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 145.

>> Good evening and thank you for your work on this Commission my name is Lisa I

live in Auburn.

I'm here to ask your support for the cherry Senate map which is the north partisanly fair


As someone who has lived worked and played in by City and Saginaw area my entire

life thank you for placing them in the same District.

So many residents and voters in the Tri-Cities part of the Great Lakes Bay region work

for Dow, Corteve. General Motors and sugar and commute from one to the other and a

large community.

We share an airport MDS Midland by City Saginaw.

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To form a District map for Senate that does not contain all three of the cities would meet

the community of interest test nor the test for partisan fairness.

I've heard previous comments those proposed maps are gerrymandered and unfair but I

think those are disingenuous comments intended to keep status quo and level the

playing field and are what we have been missing for so long and what we badly need.

Please continue to keep the Tri-Cities together and support the cherry Senate map,

thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 146 and then 147.

>> Hi, my name is Cathleen, I'm a long time Midland resident.

The order of the criteria given to the MICRC holds partisan fairness higher in priority

than town, City or County boundaries.

Folks are urging to keep Midland County whole.

I'm asking the Commission to follow the priority guidelines closely.

And approve districts that recognize communities of interest and strive for political

fairness above boundaries.

There are many comments regarding the Dam failures and the terrible flooding as

reasons to keep Midland County whole or glad Lynn and Midland County together other

than maintaining the status quo does this really make sense? Did the status quo force

compliance when needed updates on the with needed updates on the Dams? Don't the

rivers and the floods continue to Saginaw and Bay City? You have drawn maps in my

area that come close to achieving the goals of prop two.

The Eid map 237 for Congressional which includes some of the surrounding areas of

Midland County keeps our close connections the Tri-Cities and Flint and close to 0

partisan bias and is the highest on the map of efficiency gap.

I'm also in favor of cherry map for Senate and the Pine map for house.

I'm asking you support these maps.

Amend them if you can keep Counties more intact but not at the expense of political


I also hope that the comments accusing the Commission of gerrymandering are ignored

by the Commission drawing maps that have 0 partisan bias is not viewed as valuable to

everyone but it is to me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 147 and then 148.

>> Hello, I'm from Midland County.

Thank you for consistently placing the cities of Flint and Tri-Cities in the Congressional


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Ma'am could you speak more directly in the

microphone, please, thank you.

>> I could attest this area is truly a community of interest.

We share vibrant arts community.

With this area.

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We makeup four large cities as a regional group and share economic and industrial and

cultural organizations.

The maps that connect the larger urban City like Midland to much smaller rural

communities to the north are simply not creating a community of interest.

I strongly encourage you to adopt map 237, the Pine map for the house and the cherry

map for the Senate.

Thank you for your time.

And all of the efforts you put in.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 148.

>> Hello, my name is Tina Jacobs and I lived in Midland for 22 years.

And in that time, I have never even had the chance to be represented by someone that

is aligned with my political ideology.

Not in U.S. Congress.

State Senate, State House or even County Commission.

And yet Midland is 47% democratic.

It's obvious to see that this level of historic unfairness is artificially generated to create

safe, uncompetitive seats, seats that are safe for one party to own for years and years.

Leaving voters not in the dominant party to feel disenfranchised as if their votes don't


We have a chance to change that this year and that is the important work ahead of the


I want to thank you in advance for prioritizing fairness and for approving maps that give

the voters in my area at the highest levels of fairness.

We heard from the folks who benefit from the decades of unfair districts that things

should stay the same.

They are saying your maps are unfair.

That they are gerrymandered.

Of course they are saying that.

Because they want the unfair status quo to remain.

Because that has worked so well for them. But we know the truth.

It's not gerrymandering when you draw districts to level the playing field giving no

political advantage.

Thank you for not listening to the manipulation and continuing to put fairness on top.

Please continue to support map 237 for Congressional.

The cherry map for Senate and Pine map for house.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 149.

>> Good evening I'm Sarah from Midland political fairness for the Tri-City areas mid

land Saginaw and Bay City.

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Thank you for all the maps that group these communities together providing increased

fairness and codifying an already existing community of interest.

To connect Midland to rural points north does not make sense for fairness or community

of interest.

Our community is the Tri-Cities.


I'm a survivor of the flood of 2020.

But to say that watershed flooding is the only issue that we should base our districts on

is ridiculous.

Not only does the watershed extend both north and into the Saginaw Bay making that

request completely irrelevant as a flood survivor I would personally rather have multiple

representatives in Government with interests in the folks around the watershed than just


People claim that flooding is the reason to maintain the status quo of unfair districts are

using that as a scapegoat for political gain.

It is fair pastime for change towards fairness and flooding a single issue is absolutely

not the reason to keep an unfair system in place.

Let's prioritize fairness and keep all the maps that group Midland, Saginaw and Bay City

together with Flint.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 150 is it Jennifer?

>> You know who I am.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Quite a few people I know who they are so.

>> I'm sure there are.

Hello, my name is Jennifer Austin from the City of Midland.

Districts 11 and 12 and Commissioner Eid map 237 cherry Senate map and Pine house

map and here are the few of the many reasons why.

When I returned home after evacuating there was three feet of water in the basement

and lost a lot financially and emotionally but the next day the people of the Tri-Cities

showed up.

People from Auburn, free land Bay City Saginaw and Midland cleaned out my

basement, brought us food and a place to stay as we had no water and power for a


My family was not alone.

Big corporations like Dow organized Tri-City workers and sent them all over the County,

churches from everywhere powered in Midland and Gladwin and political campaigns

dropped to help the neighbors.

Saginaw and free land got the water Bay City and Muskegon had their own flooding

issues and all remember the massive floods in Metro Detroit.

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These are not coincidences they are the result of climate change and crumbling

infrastructure, not a single representative bothered to address before or after the flood.

These are statewide problems and can't be addressed if we resort to tribalism,

isolationism or maintaining safe political districts.

We don't need just one voice for Midland County and as part of why I agree with

splitting the Counties.

Like the aftermath of the flood cleanup this problem needs many diverse voices and

many diverse hands.

We don't solve problems doing everything on our own we solve them working together.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 151 and then 152.

>> Hello, thank you so much for your hard work.

It's been fun watching you.

My name is Jill.

I'm a retired veterinarian and a 32 year resident of Midland Michigan.

As a volunteer for proposal two you embody our dream come true.

You are demonstrating true democracy at work, transparent, fair and with public


Midland is much more than a single issue City.

Flooding is a statewide problem as a result of lack of invest M, lack of regulation and

maintenance of our infrastructure and lack of maintenance of our infrastructure and of

course climate change.

Midland is an industrial City like her sister cities.

We share many commonalities as well as the watershed.

Our gerrymandered maps over the last two cycles resulted in the lack of investment in

both hard and south infrastructure contributing to the Dam failure much more.

As our representatives do not have to earn our votes.

So thank you for keeping Midland with the Tri-Cities and the cherry map with the

Tri-Cities in Flint in the birch and Eid map 237.


And the Pine map for house.

Please keep working for a 0% efficiency gap.

So our votes and seats reflect our electorate and protecting candidates that look like

them and many other COIs.

Funny shape do not equal gerrymandering.

Maps drawn to level the playing field are not gerrymandered.

Thank you for giving us hope of representation.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 152.

>> Hi, my name is Carla.

I've lived and worked between Saginaw and Midland Counties my entire 70 plus years.

I currently live in house District 94 which is a giant U around the City of Saginaw.

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Keeping the District over 90% Caucasian and partisan.

Thank you so much for being here to make a difference and your hard work will make

districts more equitable.

I'm here to support the Commissioner Eid's map number 237 and the cherry Senate and


Midland and Bay City share an industrial base.

We refer to our area as the Great Lakes Bay region.

We jointly support Delta College and MBS or Midland Bay City Saginaw airport.

I want equitable districts where my representative has to work for my vote and be

responsive to my concerns.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 153 and then 154.

>> Hello and thank you especially thank you because it's finally time to have fairness

as the number one word.

My name is Judy.

I've been a resident of Midland for over 30 years.

I've also had a clinical practice in both Midland and Saginaw for many years.

As a survivor myself I'm very much aware of how the watershed is being used as a

primary issue in relationship to drawing District lines.

I believe the watershed should not be a primary issue to decide District lines nor any

single issue.

I firmly believe that the people who live along the watershed would benefit more from

having multiple people representing their interests and let's be realistic.

There is no one District that can be drawn to contain the whole watershed.

Fairness and community interests is what should be used.

I encourage you to support the Eid 237 map, the cherry Senate and the Pine house


They not only represent increased fairness but also finally the true community of interest

in our area.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 154.

>> Good evening I'm Steve and lived in Genesee County my whole life and spent

most of my younger years in Flint.

We are here you have a great task, appreciate all the work you have done.

And 2.5 million Michigan voters stood in line and here today to give you the task of

doing what is fair.

I want to speak specifically to the issue of splitting Flint in half sending it to two other out

bound cities that quite frankly don't give a damn about the City of Flint.

You are asking or you are promoting a position where just take a look at the water crisis

in Flint.

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I'm going to tell you if this map was here today there would not be a voice in Lansing for

these people in Flint that they had to go through, through this whole water crisis and the

long-term effects.

I think it's wrong to even consider that.

If this map ever does happen which I hope it, doesn't you're looking at sending two reps

from two separate communities outside of Flint that are afraid to death to come into this


Let alone support and stick up for the people in the City of Flint.

So again thank you for the hard work you're doing.

And don't forget to over 2.5 million people stood in line to give you the power and

wisdom and put the faith of you to do what you're doing and doing it right.

So thank you and stay safe.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 155.

>> Hi, my name is Dave.

I live in Genesee County.

I'm actually in rich field Township, I was born in Genesee County in Flint actually.

I don't have a good knowledge of all the maps that you guys are talking about today but

I've been going to Genesee County redistricting and seemed they did everything

according to partisan lines. I'm not too happy about what happened there.

I also live on a watershed.

I live on Holloway reservoir and a Dam and trying to procure money to work on our Dam

before something bad happens to it but nobody care until you have a catastrophe.

I hope you decide on lines to bring people together and not divide them on partisan

lines because that is always a problem.

And I've been motivated this season to get involved with politics just because of all the

wrong things that are going on between the two parties.

So I hope you decide to do the right thing and take care of the people and not the


Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 156.

>> Good evening, Commission.

My name is Glen Wilson I'm a Flint resident and I'm also the president CEO of

communities first inc. We work with the community to understand and advocate for their


And as we have engaged the public these are two biggest concerns we have heard.

They believe that the maps that violate the voters right act which requires Black voters

have an opportunity to elect a representative of their choice.

Flint is more than 54% African/American but the proposed Commission House District

splits the City in a way that can result in 0 representatives from Flint due to the suburbs

having higher primary turn out.

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This would also likely mean 0 African/American representatives from Flint.

Flint has been negatively impacted by past decisions of the state Government.

Resulting in emergency managers and the Flint water crisis.

We need more representation.

Not less.

Please consider these community concerns as you go through the final versions of this


A map was submitted in your portal on behalf of Flint community with reference of P723.



This map is not perfect.

But it is a better option for our community, from our City and for places that people call

home throughout our City.

We ask you ensure fair and equitable representation in our community.

Because we need it and we deserve it and we want it.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 157.

>> Good evening, Commissioners.

Thank you very much for your hard work.

My name is Mary.

And I live in the City of Midland but I work in Saginaw and my daughter attends high

school in Saginaw.

There are suggestions that the reason that Midland should be put in the same

legislative District as Gladwin and Isabella County is because Midland shares the same

watershed as these two Counties.

This is, in fact, not logical reasoning.

I will share was you why this reasoning is wrong.

By this reasoning Midland should actually be in the same legislative District with

Saginaw and Bay City instead because these three Counties all share parts of the

Saginaw Bay watershed.

Although Midland County does indeed share a watershed with Gladwin and Isabella

Counties the impact of the communities that share the Saginaw Bay watershed is

undistributed because part of Midland into the Tibawassee Township which is why parts

of Midland County are regulated by the Saginaw area storm water authority.

Furthermore free land and other parts of Saginaw County were devastated by the

aftermath of Midland's flood in 2020.

Plus pollution from Midland industries drains downstream and has been a longstanding

problem with these parts of Saginaw County for many years.

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We call Saginaw Midland and Bay City the Tri-Cities because these three cities together

have a longstanding common economic shares and please keep Tri-Cities together in

the same legislative districts because we need to work together for our common issues.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 158.

>> Greetings, my name is Ashley young and I would like to say that Flint needs its

own representative.

The City should not be split.

Genesee County will not have minority representation with the current maps because of

the split of the City of Flint and African/American population.

Flint has is and has historically been faced with unique challenges facing the City and

we need our own representative.

Based on the current maps, that may not happen.

And so we thank you for the work that you have done.

You have not done it in vain.

And I can only imagine what it is to be in your position and we ask that you continue


Because you accepted this position to serve the people and to serve the people is to

take those things into consideration.

So go back to the drawing board and like the gentleman with the hard hat said we

believe you can draw fair map.

Keep working at it and don't split us up.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. All right that was a

great Finale I believe that concludes our public live in person public commentary for the


Is there anybody I missed? All right without objection we are going to take a ten-minute


It is currently 7:08.

Hearing no objection we are going to recess until 7:20.

Thank you very much everybody.

At that point we will move on to the remote commentary.

[ Recess ]

>> CHAIR SZETELA: I call this meeting of the Michigan Independent Citizens

Redistricting Commission back to order at 7:23 p.m.

Will the secretary please call the roll.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Absolutely Madam Chair.

Commissioners please say present when I call your name.

If you're attending today's meeting remotely, please disclose during roll call you are

attending remotely as well as where you are attending from.

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I will start with Doug Clark.


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Juanita Curry.

>> COMMISSIONER CURRY: Present; attending from Detroit,


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Anthony Eid?

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Brittini Kellom?

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: Present; attending remotely from

Reed City, Michigan.



>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Cynthia Orton?




>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Rebecca Szetela?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Present.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Janice Vallette?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Erin Wagner?

>> COMMISSIONER WAGNER: Present; attending remotely from

Charlotte, Michigan.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Richard Weiss?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Dustin Witjes?


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: 12 Commissioners are present.

And there is a quorum.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

Individuals who signed up and indicated they would like to provide live remote

commentary will now be allowed to do.

I will call on your name and staff will unmute you.

If you are on a computer, you will be pro-Med to unmute and speak.

If you are on the phone the voice will say the voice would like you to speak and press

star six to unmute.

I will call on you by your name if you experience technical or audio issues or we do not

hear from you for 3-5 seconds we will move to the next person in line and return to you

after they are finished speaking.

If your audio still does not work e-mail redistricting another Michigan.gov and we will

help you trouble shoot to participate at a later hearing or meeting.

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You will have 90 seconds and please conclude when your 90 seconds has ended and

you hear the timer and you can go to public comment tool including any specific area of

the map about which you are speaking and it's available at www.Michigan.gov/MICRC.

First in line to provide public comment is James Gallant.

Please allow a moment for our staff to unmute you.

>> Hello, this is James Gallant, Marquette, these are my opinions.

I believe you have in front of you a copy of my formal response from the Michigan

department of management, budget denying my request for a copy of any

documentation that they can show that they have the approved certified, transmitted,

constitutional amendment language that was transmitted to the director of management

and budget as required under MCL 168.486.

Because that document does not exist within the department of management and


So please do your due diligence and request a report and recommendations from your

legal team to ensure that the oversight for this Commission within the legislative Branch

of this state is determined by the public officials who have legitimate authority to make

those decisions.

And also please repost these public meetings as public meetings that include a public


Because I believe that you have denied the public their opportunity for an additional one

minute of public comment time concerning the issues that are other than the proposed

maps, the hearing. You are having a hearing, but you are supposed to get that other

one minute for other issues other than that.

And so please provide me with extra five minutes at a future meeting to help me

mitigate my own personal losses for my freedom of speech, due process and equal

protection, all that stuff that you folks are here to provide that service to the community

and get everybody's input.

So please do your due diligence.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number two or

number three Anthony Skinnell.

>> Hello, Commissioners. Anthony, Wayne County.

We come quite so far and listened to a lot of testimony and give you applaud kudos.

Can you please Zoom in on Wayne County, map operator? So I'm interested in your

Congressional map mostly because I care, you know, about a lot of the issues that

happen at a national level. And I could get into that maybe in another time.

But I think this would be a much better configuration for Detroit and Congress.

If you look at the west District I've drawn, it looks more consistent with the Rouge River

watershed to an extent than anything the Commission has drawn. I do not really

support Apple, Birch, Cedar, Maple, V1RS, V1RL, Juniper. If that was to look like any

of them, I would say it almost resembles RL, but so any way you know how that would

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affect the population metrics for the District. And I think that is what the communities

asked for so I hope you can go something like it. And I don't know how many tree

names you have left, if you maybe have dogwood or crap apple. But maybe you could

name the final maps you choose the bridge map. And some people might say it's a

bridge too far. Some might say you have burned your bridges and some might say it's a

bridge to nowhere. But I think it could be the bridge over troubled water, the bridge

map. And hope you will go something like this. And I like how it affects Wayne County

too in Congress, check that out.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Hello, good evening. I'm speaking on behalf of the Michigan unitarian social

justice network.

We are a faith based organization and we reside in every corner of this great state.

We would like to humbly thank this Commission for your dedication to this sacred work.

We are still concerned that none of the tree maps display partisan fairness or address

prison gerrymandering.

We ask you to place prison populations who do not have the right to vote in their home


These are the communities where prisoners are connected and committed to and where

they will return to.

Alternatively please place them in overpopulated house and Senate districts.

And this would help prevent the surrounding non-prison population from having an

outside influence.

Please look at the written testimony that you received last night from researchers at villa

Nova University and offers a detailed analysis how prison gerrymandering impacts the

districts proposed in all of the tree maps.

Promote the vote has submitted maps that do a great job dealing with these issues and

ask you consider promote the vote maps portal ID numbers P6782, P6783, P6784.

Thank you very much for your time as we all work together to end gerrymandering and

ensure that all voters speak with the same volume.

Thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number five


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Debbie you are unmuted and free to address the


>> Thank you so much.

My name is Debbie, a proud resident of the City of Flint my concern of splitting Flint for

Michigan house seats.

It takes away strength and unity from a City that already has so many problems.

We need our voice represented in Lansing.

Their concern is the maps.

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They clearly give the republican party an advantage.

To show the discrepancy think about this.

How many seats would each party have under these maps if the Michigan popular vote

resulted in a tie? On a fair map the answer would be the representatives would also be


But the answer under any of the maps so far drawn is a clear republican advantage.

What is the point of redistricting if one party has an inherent advantage over the other?

I ask that the maps be fairly redrawn.

Thank you for your time and your hard work.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number six

Daniella Davis.

>> Start my video, start my video.

Okay can you hear me?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> Okay, my name is Daniella Davis a mother of two that lives in Beverly hills.

I lived in Oakland County most of my life.

Voters Not Politicians promised that our communities would be kept together.

With the proposed redistricting many established communities have not been.

The greater Detroit area communities specifically the Birmingham Bloomfield areas are

broken up in an obvious way to gerrymander.

Commission members the maps are not compliant with the Voting Rights Act

specifically you have not drawn majority minority districts.

Every draft map for the State House puts Bloomfield Township in more than one


Intentionally diluting its interests.

At least one map puts Bloomfield Township in five different State House districts.

And this State House draft maps put Birmingham in a District that snakes south of the

County line into Wayne County.

Community has been the keyword in many pleas you have heard.

Community of interest.

Per the state Constitution should take priority.

Birmingham Bloomfield Hills and Bloomfield Township have historically combined to

form a community of interest.

This community includes a close knit and growing diverse population and offers two

District wide public schools.

Please consider fair and just divisions.

Keeping our communities together for the true interest and representation of our voters.

Thank you for listening.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number eight


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>> Good evening members of the Commission thank you for the opportunity to

address you tonight.

And thank you for your work on this project.

My name is Alex and I'm a resident of Hartland Township in the northeast corner of

Livingston County.

The most important objective to be accomplished by redistricting is for the Commission

to preserve communities of interest.

This is the number one most important criteria in the Constitution behind physical

elements of population and geography.

Communities of interest supersede as a criteria for redistricting.

Based on some preliminary maps I've reviewed it appears communities within

Livingston County will not be separated into other Counties.

I appreciate these efforts.

And I would kindly encourage you to please avoid associating any Livingston

Community of Interests with Washtenaw since they represent two disparate

communities of interest. Thank you for your interest and your time tonight.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number nine


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Numbers 9-11 are not currently present.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: 12 Tammy.

>> Hi good evening.

Thank you all for the work that you are doing on this Commission.

I'm from Midland I'm speaking as an adjunct Michigan historian we were a state in 1837.

For a territory to apply for statehood the territory had to have a number of things in

place before making the application.

60,000 residents and they voted upon state Constitution among other things.

Then they could apply.

The land was further divided into Counties.

A concept which came over from England with our early settlers.

A good concept.

But I would like to suggest that life has changed dramatically since the 19th century.

Our County lines were drawn well over 150 years ago.

And all were formed around agricultural needs, mining, fishing, lumber et cetera all prior

to the growth of large cities.

Life has changed.

And our challenges and opportunities have also changed with this growth.

New complexities require dare I say out of the County box thinking.

For the health and security of both rural communities and cities and to be fair to both

and to the politicians representing them I urge you to consider any of the maps that

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would keep cities together such as Flint but also group cities together particularly my

region, the Tri-Cities as a model for future decision making.

The Great Lakes Bay region is flourishing and stands as a role model for new ways of


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 13, Doug


>> Hi, I'm Doug Floto.

I live in Commerce Township and the most of our historical, economic and cultural ties

lie to the south and east along M5 and I-96 corridors.

The Congressional Maple and Juniper maps reflect this pretty well.

So from the Congressional representation point of view those are pretty good.

But none of the state or house maps that would be none of the Peach oak Pine Elm

cherry or Spruce represent that geographical and historical fact.

They lump us in with these rural areas to the north and west.

And we don't have anything in common with those areas.

And it's also strongly skews it to favor the republican party.

We need a state and house and Senate maps that are similar to Maple and Juniper

Congressional maps that reflect our community interests.

And one thing about partisan fairness in looking at the maps, it's odd that not a single

one has a democratic majority.

They all are skewed towards.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 14,


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: If you can unmute yourself, you are free to address the


>> If you are hear us if you can unmute yourself, you are free to address the


Looks like Marianne is experiencing audio issues I suggest we move on.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Okay all right we will move on to number 15, Jerad.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: That participant is not present.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Number 16, Talia.

>> Good evening my name is Talia and I'm speaking to you on behalf of my

community Muskegon County.

Thank you for the work and your very long day today, Commissioners.

Muskegon County is a lakeshore community.

This is important that the Congressional level.

We utilized the Great Lakes restoration initiative to recover Muskegon and White Lake

in our County.

The same program has restored Lake Macatawa in Holland and share environmental

concerns as Grand Haven and Holland in Ottawa County in addition to a clear

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lakeshore Muskegon County shares agricultural with Ottawa County these two Counties

share the heart of the community and bulk of population. Muskegon and Grand Rapids

have very different needs at the Federal level.

Grand Rapids is not a lakeshore community.

Efforts to combine these two communities divide the lakeshore and make it a secondary


A more logical approach to be including Allegan County along the lakeshore. It too is a

lakeshore community that has significant agricultural ties and a manufacturing sector

that compliments existing manufacturing in Ottawa and Muskegon Counties.

Muskegon fits more naturally with Ottawa and Allegan than communities of Saginaw

Bay more than 200 miles away.

Please keep the Lake Michigan shoreline together.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Edward.

>> Yes, can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> Can you see me? Good evening, Commissioners my name is Edward and I'm the

City manager of Hazel Park.

I'm a lifelong resident of Hazel Park and requesting the Commission place the cities of

Hazel Park and Madison heights in a U.S. Congressional District with other Oakland

County cities.

Several proposed maps have placed the cities of Hazel Park in Madison Heights in a

Congressional District completely separate from other Oakland County cities.

These two cities and a small portion of Macomb County have little or no community of

interest with a large Wayne County District comprised of the City of Detroit.

This District is remember of the 80s where Hazel Park and Madison Heights had little or

no Federal representation because we had little or no community of interest with other

cities in the Congressional District. Please choose one of the maps that places Hazel

Park and Madison Heights in a Congressional District with other Oakland County


Thank you so much for listening to me and thank you so much for your hard work on

these many issues.

Commission, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 23.

>> Hello, can you guys hear me?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We can hear you.

>> Perfect I'll get started. My name is Shardae from Kalamazoo County and calling to

voice my concern about the Congressional map specifically the birch map that is one of

the most terrible maps you guys have created.

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When you put us next to further on the Westlake shore, we have no common interest

with the Westlake shore Kalamazoo would be better by itself as a County as a whole or

Calhoun County.

If you push us further west you lose our interest and our minority core and lose our

background, we are very growing place.

And we are not to be connected with rural areas.

We don't share the same backgrounds.

And even from our last discussion when you guys were in Grand Rapids we would also

not like to be connected with Grand Rapids.

Because we don't share the same interests as them.

If you keep Kalamazoo County together and if you do push us somewhere I would say

push us to Calhoun County.

It was a pleasure seeing you once again and thank you for your work.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number Maggie

Leonard, 24.

>> Good evening, Commissioners.

I join you tonight to speak about Allegan County.

Allegan County is home to an incredible array of agricultural products, processing and

even the trucks that carry these homegrown products.

In addition to being an agricultural powerhouse our County is also a tourist destination

along the lakeshore.

When drawing these maps at the Federal level this must be taken into consideration.

Allegan County should be paired with similar communities Ottawa and Allegan are a

natural fit.

Both are along the lakeshore.

Both have strong agricultural hubs and the City of Holland is split between the both of


Grand Rapids has garnered much attention at the state's second biggest City the

lakeshore of Ottawa and Allegan Counties are much different with a different set of

issues and needs at the Federal level.

Allegan and Ottawa County should be kept together and whole placing with

neighborhood communities on the lakeshore like Muskegon and Van Buren.

Which also have a significant agricultural presence.

Please consider adopting the lakeshore District and the apple map.

This would help farming communities by giving them a stronger voice and would also

unify lakeshore communities.

Keep Allegan with lakeshore communities to give my community the best chance to

continue succeeding in the future.

Thank you.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 25, Scott


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Scott you're unmuted and free to address the


>> Yes, thank you very much.

I appreciate it.

Good evening I'm Scott Henry a lifelong resident of Schwartz creek and spent a good

portion in the City of Flint.

I thank you for the opportunity to speak and appreciate each of you being a part of this


I recognize that a lot of work went in the proposed maps but unfortunately, I don't

believe the way they were drawn captures the intent of the law for a fair process for all.

Flint be maintained as one area and not torn apart.

Citizens of Flint and poor African/American were strips rights of representation of the

emergency act that was defeated in 2012 and placed in a law by a legislature five

weeks later.

We have been given a gift and those who need the voice the most are not forgotten.

Ensure that fairness and equal representation is achieved and appreciate the hard work

you put into this and it's a long day and wish you nothing best of luck.

Thank you for this opportunity again.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 26, Royce


>> Hello.

I'd like to thank you guys for allowing me to speak.

My name is Royce and I was born and raised in Flint Michigan and want to talk to you

about the proposed map for the state rep seat in Flint Michigan.

Flint is a community of interest and Flint is currently being impacted by the Flint water

crisis and will be impacted by the water crisis for a long time.

The proposed maps will negatively impact minority vote in Flint and this will reverse the

benefits of voters rights act.

The socioeconomic conditions in Flint are different than communities you align Flint with

proposed maps.

Reconsider the map and make sure you align Flint with Flint and residents that align

with us socioeconomically.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 29, Rob


>> Good evening I'm Rob Wilson and live on the west side of Troy.

I live near Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills I like the Juniper map because I think Troy

should be kept whole with balance of Oakland County and say that because I think Troy

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shares many more similarities and needs with Birmingham and Bloomfield than cities in

the Juniper and it's an extension for businesses in Birmingham. I think the birch Maple

and apple maps are wrong for Troy since we don't share the same needs or businesses

with many of the communities further east.

Specifically like Eastpointe, Sterling Heights and Fraser.

I appreciate the hard work that your Commission is doing and I appreciate the

opportunity to contribute.

Thank you for all you are doing.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 30, Nada.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Numbers 30-35 are not currently present.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

Through 35 you said.

36, Steve Steve.

>> Can you hear me?


>> Okay this is Steve Walker.

I've said before I'm a retired political science professor, tonight I want to analyze the

report you received from Dr. Handley.

Realize I'm not very good with modern technology so I may have missed something but

I think I understand what she is trying to say and I would characterize her report as

superficial and wrong.

You will note that she didn't give you one Court case to justify 40% figure she is using

for minority District.

She did not quote one law that says 40% is sufficient.

She also didn't tell you any other states that use 40% as a standard.

And she certainly didn't cite an Article from a peer reviewed periodical to make this


Frankly, I find her analysis to be shoddy and really should be embarrassed.

She starts out by analyzing six statewide elections.

What in the world does that have to do with the issue? The issue here is whether a

Black candidate and a primary District can win.

There is no connection to a statewide election.

And two of her examples of course are John James.

He did not receive majority of the Black vote.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Cindy.

>> Hi, my name is Cindy and I'm a resident of the City of Midland.

I have supported the legislative districts that include my community of interest.

The Tri-Cities.

And Mid-Michigan.

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Saginaw Bay City Midland and Flint should be together not only because they have so

much in common but also because it creates districts with close to 0 political bias.

And it improves over all fairness of the maps.

I noticed that Midland republicans have consistently asked for Midland and Gladwin to

remain together for flood recovery until Commissioner Lange released map number


This gerrymandered map puts Gladwin in another District.

And it splits the watershed.

But it gives congressman Molenaar a safe seat.

Suddenly there are more calls to make Midland a westward facing District and support

for Commissioner Lange's map.

I hope the Commission keeps this in mind reviewing concerns about flooding because

when they had a chance to get a safe seat the republicans suddenly didn't care about

helping Gladwin with flood recovery.

And at the same time they exposed the watershed issue as a red hearing.

That is all.

Thank you for your attention, consideration and hard work.

We will see you again, I'm sure.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 39.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, Commissioner Lange?

>> COMMISSIONER LANGE: I would just like to have a point of personal privilege.

I would just like to say my maps were not gerrymandered.

There was though intent of gerrymandering.

And I do not like the accusation and I just wanted to say that as a point of personal


Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: You're welcome.

I feel like all of our maps have been accused of being gerrymandered.

So all right moving on number 39, Anthony I'm sorry 39 Anthony Seller.

>> Hi, my most important point today is that the maps are a great improvement over

the cheating we've suffered the last two decades but 5% in favor of republicans.

We really worked so hard to get this Commission in place to bring that number to 0.

We really want 0 partisan bias.

Like that is the most important thing.

Thousands of us worked hard to get the law passed.

In 2018.

Because of the partisan bias we've suffered under for so long.

In my County Washtenaw County we have enough population to justify six House

Districts, not just five.

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And we only have five now.

So please make it like as fair as possible to get us six House Districts.

Also the Senate districts in Washtenaw County could be unpacked by having the

Townships of Scio, Saline and Pittsfield on the western side of our County go to

Jackson and they have much more in common politically and socially with Jackson than

they do with the rest of Washtenaw County.

Finally the current interpretation of the voting rights act I don't think is appropriate at all

for the City of Detroit.

And I just really encourage you to listen to the residents of the City to draw their


So thank you so much for all your hard work.

I know this is really hard and tedious and I appreciate all you have done so far but I

think it could be better still.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 40 Judy


>> Can you hear me.


>> Hi, my name is Judy Hart. I also live in the County. We voted as a state to stop

gerrymandering of many regions.

When you manipulate election maps it under mines our democracy.

Oh, I guess I have to play that, sorry.

I would like to support geographically balanced districts that reflect the political

orientation of the population of that region.

Make partisan fairness as a priority.

This can be accomplished by unpacking the heavily packed democratic districts due to

the past practices of gerrymandering.

For the Commissioner to reach 0 partisan bias they must strive to reach six House

Districts in Washtenaw County.

In the Senate Pittsfield Scio and Saline as well as western Washtenaw County should

be in a District with Jackson County.

The Commission should continue to unpack these votes.

Thank you for taking on this task.

Remember the ultimate goal is for partisan fairness and redistricting.

Thank you again for everything.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. I believe we have

number 20, Louis-Weller has joined.

>> Hi, can you hear me?


>> Thank you, hi name is Louis and live in Livonia Michigan.

I want to speak about all three State House maps.

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In 2018 I was a captain with Voters Not Politicians because I wanted to end political


My team collected thousands of signatures in order to form this Commission.

Now what I see in Southeast Michigan and Metro Detroit is a new gerrymandering that

is slicing up our communities seemingly without regard for the havoc this will cause.

I see what is defined as negative racial gerrymandering.

Lines that have been drawn to prevent racial minorities from electing their preferred


Districts 8, 16 and 21 on these maps are especially a gerrymandered nightmare.

It seems in trying to avoid majority minority districts you're creating negative racial


My own City of Livonia has been cut into three pieces to support this negative racial


As I have testified in the past the City of Livonia has achieved partisan fairness in


I implore this Commission not to cut our City apart in order to support this travesty of

racial gerrymandering.

Please keep Livonia as one State House District and for everyone's sake please redraw

the lines in the Metro Detroit area to better serve the needs and interests of the


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 51, Scott


I'm sorry I jumped ahead 41, 41, Arthur Woodson.

>> Can you hear me?


>> Hi, can you put up P7273 before my time starts?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Could you say it again.

>> P7273.


>> Yes, before my time starts.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: I believe it's up right now.

>> That is the biggest you can make it?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Can you see it?

>> Yeah, thank you very much.

Let me start off by saying that it is gerrymandering because you take small amount of

African/Americans and put them in a heavily democratic name only because you know

that African/Americans are going to vote for a democrat no matter what.

And in Genesee County we have a white democratic party and a Black democratic

party. If you notice you saw it today.

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Where you saw majority of the Blacks that was there African/American that was there

today was for P7273 and other ones were AFLCIO.

No time did they come and talk to the African/Americans and reflect community.

If you notice, that is just like 34th District as it is right now.

Why couldn't we keep it the way it was? Where you see District 49, they have over

13,000 votes right there alone which will wipe out the majority of the Blacks up north in


You all are gerrymandering.

We talked to two Commissioners and we told them when they came to Flint to broom

center, we did not want them to divide us and we wanted our seat.

And that was bottom line.

And you all are not listening to the people here in the City of Flint.

That is ridiculous.

And if you feel slighted oh, well and quit trying to pacify us like the African/American

lady tried to turn around and speak don't pacify us and do what is right and give us our


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 42,


>> Hello Commissioners thank you for your work.

My name is Mandeep we live in Troy and currently I serve as the president of the

Rochester Hills.

I'm here to speak on behalf of my religious community of Sikh and we have not

advocated for ourselves and six need to be considered a community of interest and the

Sikhs are growing underrepresented community tied by common value and cultural

experiences locally and worldwide. As a local volunteer working with people who

experience food insecurity and member of the Sikh community, I can say how religious

cultural representation and advocacy are for the social fabric of our state.

We are small in numbers we need to be together to amplify our voice and be an active

part of our Congress person's constituency.

The birch map Rochester Hills and Sterling Heights community together and unifies

Troy Rochester and Sterling Heights for the underrepresented this map is a powerful

vehicle for us to engage in the broader community in a meaningful way.

You will see many comments from my community on the birch map and ask you to

consider the Sikh a community of interest on your final Congressional map.

Before I end, I acknowledge no map will be perfect but encourage the Commission to

please listen to the voice of Detroiters and residents of Flynn and address their

concerns, thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 43 Jerry


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>> Good evening my name is Jerry Hall I've been a resident of Flint for over 40 years

and a GM retiree.

I speak on behalf of the Black caucus.

I would like the MICRC to consider the City of Flint as a COI.

And not split the City of Flint.

We are a community of interest.

I stand opposed to the proposed State House map because in my opinion this map

does not reflect consideration of the City of Flint boundaries.

Flint has and continues to be impacted by the Flint water crisis.

The socioeconomic conditions in Flint are far differ than those in the cities that will be in

the same District via the proposed map.

In my opinion this map falls short in protecting the voices of communities of color.

We must ensure the new maps reflect Michigan's diverse population.

With the current proposed map Genesee County will not have any minority


We want fair representation and fair maps.

Keep Flint together.

I want to thank the Commissioners for their consideration of keeping Flint together.

As a community of interest.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 45,

Carolyn Ballard.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: If you can unmute yourself, you are free to address the


>> Can you hear me.


>> Sorry my name is Carolyn and I've been a resident of Battle Creek for 30 plus


First of all I would like to thank the Commission for all of their hard work in trying to draw

fair maps that keep communities of interest in mind.

Basically in reference to the State House map I definitely have support where Battle

Creek is paired with Albion even though I'm not sure why it goes around Michigan but

Marshall but I really appreciate that pairing.

These two communities of interest typically come together on a variety of occasions.

I actually have worked with some programs in Albion through church affiliation, youth

programming, et cetera, so the pairing of these two communities really makes a lot of

sense to me.

However, the state the Senate map that pairs Battle Creek somehow with Kent County

really is not as clear to me.

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These two communities are far away from each other and it's kind of impossible to

interact successfully.

I feel over all that it's very difficult when changes are being made to map to satisfy

political agendas over community needs.

Again just want to say thank you for the work that you do.

And please continue your efforts in trying to draw fair maps for our communities.

Peace and blessings.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Next in line is

number 46, Percy Johnson.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Percy if you can unmute yourself, you are free to

address the Commission.

>> Percy if you can hear us if you can unmute yourself, you are free to address the


>> Yes, can you hear me now.


>> Okay, yes, so my concern is definitely not splitting Flint up in the big cities.

Make sure that you follow the AFLCIO map or the people not politicians map.

It sounds like from what I'm hearing we got a majority of people who are voicing their

opinions saying that those maps need to be fair where they are protecting the big cities

and giving them an opportunity.

And Lord knows Flint doesn't need any more disfairness put on them.

So make sure you keep Flint whole.

Make sure you take care of the big cities with their population of citizens that live there,

they have a chance to be fairly represented by having the support they need from their

elected officials to give them strength.

Don't weaken their strength and their voting power thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 47,

Booker Walker.

>> Can you hear me.


>> Yes, my name is Booker T Walker I'm a community activist.

I work for Michigan liberation as a clean slate organizer and a youth minister and an I

run a prison ministry which connects children to their incarcerated parents.

I'm a returning citizen.

After four failed payrolls and 25.5 years incarcerated, I came home in 2011.

I've been home over ten years.

After my release I gained a college degree and I live in Detroit Wayne County.

Which by way incarcerated more inmates than any County in Michigan.

During the course of my incarceration I was counted in at least two census.

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One particularly when I was housed in Baraga Michigan opening up that prison in

Baraga Michigan.

The community at that time was very rural and it thrived as a result of the redistricting

and prison gerrymandering.

This appropriated Baraga and other communities that was not my home residence and

allowed this system to reduce representation and resources that would have benefitted

in my reentrance transition. This is an unfair practice that needs to end now.

We say we live in the land of the free.

And the home of the brave.

Well let's be brave and do something about this and change this racist system.

Let's live up to the credence in this racist policy.

I would like to see representation in Lansing that represents me and my family and

community where my home resides.

Thanks for hearing me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 48,


>> Hello, can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, I can hear you.

>> Okay, great.

I am my name is Deborah, L, Solay and I've lived in Battle Creek, Michigan Calhoun

County for 73 years.

And I really want to thank the Commission for putting Battle Creek and Albion together

in a State House District as those Calhoun County cities together makes a lot of sense

because they have a lot in common.

But I am a little bit concerned that our State Senate District goes all the way up to

southern Kent County.

I don't go to Kent County on a regular basis as I do Albion.

Because it is further away.

I might go up to Kent County if I'm traveling somewhere up north or something like that

to go visit or whatever but that is still very seldom. So I really don't understand the

concept of putting Battle Creek that far up on the map.

So I really do believe they really need to retry that one and do it again.

In unity and God's grace.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 49,


>> Can you hear me?


>> Perfect I want to thank Commissioner Lange and support her Congressional map.

And State Senate maps.

I also want to add my voice to support the oak State House map.

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These maps best reflect our communities here in mid and Northern Michigan.

They correct the injustice that has been done by the Commission when they blatantly

cut the City of Midland out of the proposed collaborative continual maps as well as the

fact that no State Senate collaborative maps keep Midland with Gladwin County


Our area deserves to have its voice heard in Lansing and Washington D.C. and quite

frankly we demand you do better.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 50 Kathy


>> Hi, I'm Kathy Frederick I reside in the City of Flint.

The City of Flint should not be split into two voting blocks and minority representation is


Our needs in urban areas are great and different from small suburban communities with

few minorities. We as a society need equitable reputation in our house and our


If the needs of all citizens are going to be addressed.

Voting strength in Flint minority community African/American needs to be maintained as

one in the Michigan house and Michigan Senate.

You no doubt know that the minority voter turnout in many urban areas leads much to

be desired and Flint is no exception.

We as an African/American need to know and feel that our votes matter and make a

difference in our well-being.

It is commonly heard in our community and I quote my vote doesn't matter why vote.

End quote.

The young and old have expressed that sentiment.

In the coveted positions you presently serve you have the opportunity to help end such

anti voting sentiment by doing the right thing.

Giving us voting districts that will make our votes count more meaningfully and

addressing the needs of communities of color, African/American.

It would be more impactful to vote and communicate with one elected official in the

Michigan house and one elected official in the Michigan Senate for our people of color

and our City of Flint.

There are not many cities in the State of Michigan with the substantial minority

population. Please do diligence for us. And thank you kindly for giving us your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 51, Scott


>> Hello there.

My name is Scott Stewart.

And I'm a resident and community leader in the City of Pontiac.

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And I lived in Oakland County my entire life.

I've been following the redistricting process since the beginning, really assessing with

our community as new maps proposed and want to thank you all for your incredibly hard

work during this process.

Definitely not easy and as always no one is ever going to be happy regardless of

whatever way you go.

Regarding all of the maps and as you are thinking about the City of Pontiac, I would

really like to up lift the connection between Pontiac and Auburn Hills as communities of


Pontiac shares industry and infrastructure with Auburn Hills.

Industry we have Amazon Chrysler OCC, and the incredible connection with Oakland

University in Pontiac through various different issues we have there.

Auburn Hills, used to be Pontiac Township and the largest contributor to Pontiac school

District. So there is lots of connection there.

Most of the State Senate maps now have the communities together so we thank you for

listening to our concerns and making those adjustments prior.

We are asking today you make a single change to our State House map.

All of the current maps us with Waterford and we have less connection with.

And so we would prefer and ask you hear our concern and include Pontiac and Auburn

Hilling to on the State House maps.

I want to note on one of the Federal Congressional maps most connected with

communities in Oakland County please don't go with the one that connects us to Flint

there is less connection there so thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 52, Rosa.

>> Hello, can you hear me?


>> Okay, I am Rosa holiday and reside in Bay City.

And I want to thank you and commend you for including the birch, for the Congressional

District which would include Flint Genesee County, Flint, Bay, Saginaw, the City of

Midland together as well as the cherry which is the Senate map.

And your Pine for the State House map.

Those are really good decisions on that.

However, I would also like to say to you about your maps.

They must be fair.

The other maps statewide.

Now, during the statewide if one party wins the most votes statewide, they should be

able to get the most seats.

But that has not happened.

And last 20 years.

That means that your map right now do not reflect that.

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Your maps statewide leaning strongly republican.

And they should not be like that.

They should be fair.



>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 53, charity


>> Good evening, Commissioners my name is charity urban and I live in Ottawa


Ottawa County is a unique community and like for West Michigan residents is heavily

tied to the lakeshore.

Because of the importance of the lakeshore as a community of interest I support 201

apple map or Commissioner Lange's map and they respect the lakeshore and unite

communities of interest so family powers have a stronger voice in the redistricting


I respectfully urge the Commission to keep Ottawa County whole in the final version of

the map.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 54, is that

a duplicate yes, she is on here twice.

>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: The next participant available is number 56.


Is Bentley Johnson.

>> Hi, thank you.

Thank you for the opportunity to make comments.

Through my experience working in response to the flirt water crisis to I have seen the

critical importance of communities in Lansing and D.C.

And this representation is especially important for communities of color who carry the

disproportionate burden of environmental injustice from decisions made by Government

and the private sector.

So for this reason I feel that is essential that the City of Flint stay together.

And the Commission uncrack Flint.

Michigan voters made it clear they want fair maps that make elected officials more

responsible to voters.

That is why the Commission should look to promote the votes fair and equitable maps

for guidance on fair and inclusive districts.

The Commission should also strongly favor maps submitted on the portal with

consideration of communities of interest and ensuring partisan fairness.

Rather than one of the expense of the other.

And they are very much not mutually exclusive.

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The Pine cherry and birch maps provide better representation for Michiganders than the

other options.

However, additional improvements are needed. And Flint again Flint should be kept

whole across State House, State Senate and Congressional maps.

Finally in general the Commission should conduct a more robust Voting Rights Act


And these Voting Rights Act districts should, must establish the opportunity to elect a

candidate of choice.

So this will require.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Next in line is 56,

no, we got 56.

Is 57, Amy.


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you.

>> Good evening my name is Amy and I've been a resident of Midland for six years.

Thank you for the opportunity to address you today.

When you have fair competitive districts, you end up with candidates who have to work

for all of the people of their District not just those who say scribe to extreme lane of their


We have had unfair districts for years in Midland.

And we have therefore had extreme candidates who only have to win their party's

primary to win their election.

I'm asking you to change that.

Not to give one party an advantage but to make sure both major parties have a

competitive chance.

For these reasons I'm asking you to support the birch map for Congressional.

The cherry map for Senate.

And the Pine map for house.

Thank you again for your time tonight and for your diligence to end gerrymandering.

This concludes my remarks.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 58.

>> Good evening, my name is B Eric ---and live in Lyndon and we believe in fairness.

The State House and Senate maps are nowhere near done.

You still have work to do to get to partisan fairness.

Keep going.

You can have fair maps that also complete comply with all of your other rules.

If it means you have to make big changes, then make big changes.

Fairness is when both parties have to win a majority of votes to win majority of seats not

when one party has a leg up.

The Constitution requires partisan fairness.

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You can do this while also respecting communities of interest.

If you have to pick different communities of interest to get to partisan fairness then do it.

Look at the AFLCIO fair maps project for ideas how to do both.

Do not split the City of Flint.

The City has suffered so much and needs to have a representative from the City to be

their voice in Lansing.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 59,


>> Unmute and start video.

Okay hello my name is Lawanda and I am actually from Flint Michigan.

I was incarcerated and spent 34 years in prison here in Ypsilanti Michigan.

At which time I was counted in the census for all 34 years as part of Ypsilanti which took

resources away from Flint.

So therefore I ask you to support and promote the vote map 6782, 6783, and 6784.

They do the best job representing the effort to end prison gerrymandering.

Thank you and that is all I have to say.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 63 Alice.

>> Can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We can hear you.

>> I address this Commission on 29th of September as a follow-up to a letter I sent.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: You are very quiet. Can you speak up just a bit.

>> I addressed this Commission on the 29th of September as a follow-up to a letter I

sent on the 28th.

Which supposedly was given to the Commissioners but never posted to the meeting

materials Page.

Thus I'm not certain you had an opportunity to read it.

Briefly I was concerned about the evident and process or lack thereof the Commission

uses when analyzing community of interest proposals.

One point I made was COIs can have partisan bias to them even though the

Constitution prohibits a community of interest based only on association with a political


The Commission drew several communities based on republican input.

CW7407 on comment portal.

I speak to you again on the record because of the commenter 91 in the October 21

public hearing and a few similar others as well that republican trustee for Onita

Township appealed to discount a great many comments in Ann Arbor and Lansing.

Presumably on your cherry and Pine maps.

He asked you to do this because they were partisan democrats.

Or instructed to make a comment by a democratic organization.

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If you are going to ignore comments because they are coming from democrats then I

ask this Commission to research and reject comments and COIs from republicans as


Otherwise this is a double standard worthy of George Orwell farm about an authoritarian

Government not a democracy.

Please be fair and reject.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 64, Ashley.

>> Hello and thank you.

My name is Ashley and I live in Fenton.

I'm a resident of Genesee County.

But not a resident of Flint.

I recognize the importance of Flynn having minority representation at the state level.

As a resident of the out County I can state the City of Flint is a community of interest

that should be kept together for both the State House and State Senate.

The areas in the County that are not Flint are very different from the City.

Flint has its own unique history and has faced its own unique challenges specific to the


And it needs its own reputation in the state legislature and Senate.

Flint needs its own representative for the State House maps.

The City should not be split.

That is because it will not have minority representation with the current maps because

of how and where Flint is split and how it divides the African/American population.

Flint is and has historically been faced with unique challenges and needs its own

representative for the State House maps.

Similarly for the State Senate the City of Burton should not be split for Lapeer County

should not be included in a District with northern Genesee County.

Burton is a community of interest that has never been split for State Senate districts


Burton Davidson and Clio and are not part of a community of interest with Lapeer

County for the State Senate.

Again I urge you to keep Flint together and to honor its history and honor the people of

the City and give them their voice as a whole City, not split.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 66, Gary.

>> Hello, can you hear me.


>> Yes, my name is Gary Flynn, a lifelong resident of Flint.

Thank you for allowing me to speak.

I also wrote a written message earlier which reflects what I'm about to say.

This concerns the State House and Congressional districts.

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For the State House I also agree that the City of Flint should stay together.

And not be split up because of what Flint went through in the past few years with the

lack of accountability and from state me reflect and the water crisis and all that.

And also for the Congressional District I'd like to be Flint to be combined with Saginaw

and Bay City because of all of our common interests and also because we share the

same TV market which allows both news coverage and promotion of the Congressman

who represents this District.

So I'd like to make sure that Flint remains a strong voice in Lansing and Flint has a

strong presence in D.C. and I thank you very much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 67,

Carolyn Tyler.

>> Hello.


>> Can you hear me? Okay, good evening my name is Carolyn Tyler I live on the

north end of Flint in the neighborhood.

I attend Baptist church under leadership of pastor Flynn.

I'm here to District the redistricting of my area.

I sit on habitat for humanity and an NACP volunteer as a woman of color I thought my

voice wasn't being heard or taken seriously.

That is why I wanted a place at the table as a community we have a common goal for

our children to see and know that we stick together as a community.

I'm proud to say I'm from north Flint we pull together when the lead in the water started

with the Flint water crisis and when the grocery stores pulled out of north Flint and made

it a food desert, we build our own grocery store we made and invested in.

This would ensure future generations of children can say we owned the grocery store so

I hope you consider all this when you draw maps for our area for redistricting.

I also would like you to consider map plan P7273 for our area.

Thank you for your time.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 68 Ronnie


>> MS. SARAH REINHARDT: Ronnie, if you can unmute yourself, you are free to

address the Commission.

>> Hello.


>> Can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> Okay, my name is Ronnie waters and I'm a resident of West Bloomfield Michigan.

Splitting West Bloomfield up again would disempower our community after a decade of

living under the gerrymandering that harmed our community.

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With the educated voters cannot keep track of which District they live in, who their

representation is an and cross the boundaries of our District make no sense.

We draw to favor they would draw to favor of political party not to effectively channel.

West Bloomfield is the only large town in the state to be divided in two House Districts

two Senate districts and to Congressional districts.

The Commission is right to pay special attention to addressing the unique harm done to

our community representation as a result of the 2011 gerrymandering.

Also please support promote the vote map 6782, 6783 and 6784.

They do the best job representing the efforts to end prison gerrymandering.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 69, Bob.

>> Good evening.

Can you hear me?

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> My name is Bob.

And I'm from Franklin, Michigan.

And I'm thankful to the Commissioners for all your hard work.

But I see two serious problems remaining.

Right now the public is seeing on three out of the four partisan fairness scores a

republican advantage on every one of the draft proposed maps.

All be it by a small margins in many cases.

To reduce the potential for public outcry and Court challenges, I would think that the

unpacking of some Metro areas such as Ann Arbor for example into multiple districts

like you rightly did for Lansing and Grand Rapids would lead to more balanced results

with these first three fairness scores.

The second problem is with Detroit.

With the current draft proposed maps, it's difficult to see how the Black people in these

districts could ever have a Black representative in the state legislature.

With these fixes things should be much better going forward.

For the Commission and for the people of Michigan.

I thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 70,


>> Good evening, my name is Gwen and I thank you for letting me address you


My community of interest is the City of Novi.

My comment applies to all three of the State House maps, the oak Pine and Peach.

I ask you to keep Novi intact as a community at about 66,000 residents we are small

enough to be contained within one House District.

The City of Novi is more than 40% ethnically diverse.

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Including substantial populations of Asian Pacific Black and Hispanic residents.

All three current house maps would divide Novi in ways that would harm our cohesion

as a community.

We already have four different school districts.

The final District on each of these house maps District 110 includes very rural sections

of Washtenaw County and western Oakland County.

It stretches and hooks into north Novi separating four precincts from the rest of the City.

These happen to be some of the most racially diverse parts of the City.

Novi should not be penalized for our diversity.

Our City is also already politically balanced as can be seen by recent close State House

and County Commission races.

Please redraw the maps and include all of Novi in one House District.

Thank you and thank you very much for your service to this Commission.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 72, Kat.

>> Hi, thank you for letting me address the Commission.

My name is Kat my community of interest is COI maps C780, titled the Detroit

Hamtramck coalition for advancing health environments. The very diverse community

represented in this map is composed of members of Black, Middle Eastern, South Asian

and polish communities and others who historically faced environmental injustices

through heavy industrial sites and freeways in their community.

Residents of that area therefore suffered disproportionate from chronic respiratory

diseases and low birth rates and higher mortality and in general and throughout the


C O I is representative of Detroit where Detroit has numerous injustice.

And now gentrification and community displacement.

Access to environments is a human right and you kept our COI hole in the Congress

and State Senate map 50% is in the three house of Michigan representative maps.

We ask you to keep it whole drawing your maps as other COIs throughout Detroit.

These communities will be stronger together than separate so I ask you keep them

whole of 50% more Black vote.

Without that the risk the maps would disenfranchise minority voters much like residents

of Flint Detroiters need representation and suffered enough injustices.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 73, Barb.

>> Good evening.

I'd ask that you call up the proposed House District 37 map please from any of the

House District maps.

It does not matter which one.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Proposed house map 37 can we bring up one of the house

maps and go to District 37 what area is that?

>> Rochester, Rochester Hills.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Rochester area.

>> Yes, just above the 29.


Thank you all for the time and efforts you put in thus far redrawing Michigan's District


I know the goal of this Commission is to ensure districts reflect consideration of County

City and Township boundaries.

I still believe though Commissioners you have some work to do.

My community of greater Rochester, Rochester Hills in Oakland County is one area that

needs reconsideration.

The proposed maps from the Commission are all identical and House District 45.

All of the proposed maps have flipped the carve out from the west to the east side of

southern Oakland Township, north of Rochester Hills.

Essentially making it an unchanged District.

And still maintaining a partisan advantage.

In keeping with the goal to reflect community boundaries the entire Township of

Oakland should be in the same House District.

Lastly the House District requirement for District population is between 77,000 and

91,000 residents.

Both Rochester and Rochester Hills combined meet this requirement with a population

of over 89,000.

For an alternative map I would suggest looking at P7371.

Election results show that Michigan is a lean democratic state.

Statewide the maps proposed by the Commission unfairly benefit republicans and

partisan fairness is not a nice thing to have if you can get it.

It's the constitutional duty of this Commission and your job is not done until you fix that.

I thank you so much for your time and consideration this evening and for the work you

have been doing.

I know it's been a long day thank you so much.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 75,

Jerome Reed.

>> Hello Commissioners.

I'm Jerome Reed legislative liaison with the Michigan department of civil rights.

I'm here to provide comments on both the department and the Commission.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak.

Please be advised that the department is also submitted a comprehensive analysis of

our position in writing which we sent to our stakeholders, posted on our website and

shared on social media.

The Commission has a historic opportunity and a profound responsibility to redraw

Michigan's electoral boundaries so that we preserve, as the Voting Rights Act says you

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must, the ability of the minority to have a voice in their Government and in deciding who

will represent their interests from the local school board to the halls of Congress.

The maps this body approved on October 11th failed that test.

They dilute minority majority districts and strip the ability for minority voter to elect

legislative representatives who reflect their community and affect any meaningful

opportunity to impact public policy and law making.

Make no mistake the decisions you make and the lines you draw will either protect the

rights of minorities or ensure that for a decade to come some Michigan voters will no

longer have a voice in decisions that directly impact their lives.

We urge you to meet this test of fairness and accountability and rectify the voting acts

violations inherent in the maps under consideration.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 77.

>> Can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> Great hi everyone.

I'm a resident of Genesee County.

As a first generation Arab American I'm here to speak in support of the request for fair


That do not split the City of Flint as well as recognize the importance of the Arab and

MENA Middle Eastern and north African community as a community of interest.

At least 20,000 Arab Americans reside in Genesee County with a large population living

here in Flynn.

The Arab and Menas is a unique and diverse community however we face common

challenges as a result of being under reported and underrepresented in Federal state

and local data.

These challenges include lack of political representation, economic barriers, language

barriers and significantly underfunded support services.

The census has continued to ignore the need for a category and it has eliminated our

voices and experiences from critical spaces such as the redistricting process.

As the Commission continues to put together redistricting plans, I urge you to

understand the Arab and Mena community needs and make sure we are seen, heard

and represented as new District boundaries are drawn.

Thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission.

>> Hello, can you hear me.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Yes, we can.

>> Can you guys pull up the map I added to the public comment.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Could you repeat that.

>> Could you pull up the map that I added on to public comment it's P6764.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Did you get that Sarah 6764.

>> You heard me speak last week on Wednesday about the importance of

representing the Arab American community.

I just want to reiterate this community within itself faces extreme marginalization.

And this map here captures the north end of Dearborn Heights a community that is

highly concentrated Arab Americans and I'm talking a school District, the request with

high school, school District has 85% concentration of Arab American students.

That is the next generation that will populate this area when they are able to vote.

We will want to have that representation.

That is something they won't be able to the south end of Dearborn Heights has been

neglected for far too long and keeping them cohesive is necessary for ensuring proper

representation. I talk about the second half of the map which is the rest of Dearborn.

There is no reason we should be splitting up the largest concentration of Arab

Americans in the country.

Dearborn should remain its own District.

With addition of Melvindale and Dearborn Heights that Arab American representation.

I just want to reiterate the value of having a District that holds these populations true

under the Federal Voting Rights Act were not protected but under Supreme Court

precedent there are cases that argue for our population to have that representation so

again I just want to reiterate how important it is to keep communities together and

cohesive because without it we will not have a chance at leadership and we are not

going to get a chance at representation and we will be neglected for the next decade.

None of the maps you currently have reflect.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. .

Number 79 Cindy.

>> This is Cindy thank you.

I want to just make a couple comments prisoners need the right to vote and you

wouldn't have to prisoners need the right to vote so then you wouldn't have to switch it

back to where they came from but that's I don't know if you have that power any way.

But the mapping programs I want to know who wrote those different types of mapping


And do you think there might be a built in bias in some of those mapping programs?

But I would just say this I do not believe that what you're doing is necessarily possible.

It might be if you are lucky. But I don't think that -- I think if you have…take these maps

and you that you all have been provided and pretend it's 2030 which maps fit with

proportional representation in the State House? Now this could be done by some

students or by you.

But in ten years maybe that is what we want.

So suggested having one house in the Michigan legislature.

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And suggested if someone go 6% of the vote they would represent and cast 6% of the

direction's vote.

A District with five representatives might accomplish more than one dominant leader.

So consider maybe this is not the right approach.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 81 Clare


>> Hi, this is Clare Ott, sorry.

I'm a long time resident of Calhoun County and a new Kalamazoo County resident.

I love seeing Battle Creek and Albion together in a State House District.

We have so much rich, shared history.

I'm concerned that the State Senate District goes from Battle Creek all the way up to

southern Kent County.

Please rework that.

And although I'm personally disappointed that Kalamazoo and Battle Creek aren't

connected in any map, a higher priority is that our entire state has nonpartisan districts.

Sadly none of the maps that I have seen have reflected true nonpartisanship.

And I hope adjustments will be made because the higher priority is that our entire state

has nonpartisan districts.

Our State of Michigan has leaned democrat in the last two major elections.

Please rework the districts that are too partisan for either party and thank you for your

very, very difficult work.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 82, Roberta.

>> Commissioners I hope that you have not grown weary and jaded during these

months of long days and endless evenings with hour upon hour of conflicting but

repetitive opinions with most people grateful but none satisfied.

I hope that you still have within you the ideals and the passion that inspired you to

submit your name as a candidate for the Michigan Independent Redistricting


Back in the 1800s gerrymandering as attack on the voting rights of certain members of

the only people who could vote.

White men.

Gerrymandering has been used by every party in power.

Until this year in Michigan gerrymandering was an attack on the voting rights of people

who were not of a certain party or a certain race of people who tended to vote for that

certain party.

Gerrymandering is a tool used for two centuries but new tools are being invented and

implemented every day.

We approved proposal two in 2018 and we believed in proposal two and we believe in

the MICRC.

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We believe in you and in your sacred duty to repair the electoral process so we are fair

and competitive.

Every voter has equal access to the ballot and every vote counts equally.

Thank you for the hard work you have been doing since the start of this ever and the

arduous labor for you to protect the right to vote for all Michiganders thank you.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Next in line is

number 84 Alyssa.

>> Hello, you can hear me.


>> My name is Alyssa.

And I'm here as part of the nonprofit project in Saginaw Michigan.

We engage folks to participate in redistricting process as well as submitting COI map

together with our membership as a COI we are concerned our collective draft maps for

Senate and house maps are concerning to us Spruce cherry and Elm cutoff Bridgeport

from the Senate proposed District one.

Which cuts off Buena-Vista and we have kids in Bridgeport and kind of separates them.

We appreciate the Tri-City inclusion.

And the airport in the District one Senate map.

The house map cuts us up in two different voting districts.

And again this excludes parts of Bridgeport and Buena-Vista with significant Black and

Brown communities and cutoff from Saginaw House District.

The Zilwaukee Township excludes part of Saginaw public school District and our

college campuses are also cut off from us.

And this we feel is negatively impacting on our voting power when it comes to access to

our higher education needs.

Hopefully these maps can be amended to fit our COI needs and still be in Voting Rights

Act compliance.

Our Congressional map looks good.

We like the Tri-City split.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 85 Martin


>> Hello Commissioners.

Thank you for your work.

It's clear this is a challenging process.

And people have many different opinions.

However I'm here to talk about West Michigan.

Specifically with Ottawa and Kent Counties being the fastest growing counties in the

state, I ask that you keep them whole.

And in separate Congressional districts.

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Ottawa is a lakeshore County and an agricultural County with population centers spread

throughout it.

Kent County has the Metro six as well as Plainfield and Cascade Townships that are

significantly different from communities in Ottawa County.

Ottawa County should be in a lakeshore District with Muskegon and Allegan Counties.

These Counties share lakeshore concerns of erosion, dredging, the overall health of the

Great Lakes helps because a portion that is such a big portion of their economies.

So it would make sense at the Congressional level at least to have these Counties

together so they can have representation in Congress.

Placing Van Buren with these counties makes sense from a lakeshore and agricultural

standpoint as well.

A best as I can see a true lakeshore District will include the Counties as it does with the

apple map specifically District nine and consider the lakeshore communities as a

community of interest in your final map thank you for your work.

CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 87, Jason.

>> Good evening, Commissioners. Thank you for your time. My name is Jason.

Thank you for your time.

My name is Jason.

I'm commenting on behalf of the City of Novi in southwest Oakland County.

My main point is to keep Novi whole.

It's a diverse and fair map can be done keeping Novi whole across all maps and

important to note Novi historically has been a politically intact City.

It's currently very partisanly balanced and Novi does expand further than you may think

going from 8 mile north all the way to 14 mile and Haggerty to Nick pure road.

All three collaborative State House proposals divide Novi in to districts 36 and 110.

The map strangely pairs the southwest Oakland County with rural Washtenaw County.

We don't share many resources services or any economies of scale with the

Washtenaw County.

Novi has one of the largest AAPI communities in Michigan. And the collaborative maps

unfortunately destroy that.

It unjustly diminishes the voting of AAPI community.

The Novi school District ranked on the top five in Metro Detroit and top ten in the state

would be split by the collaborative maps.

The solution would be to follow the AFLCIO map specifically P3623 and also please

keep Novi whole.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 88


>> Hello. I don't know if my image will appear, but if it doesn’t, I will proceed.

I'm a lifelong resident, here we go, thanks, I'm Katherine a lifelong resident of Southeast

Michigan now in Ypsilanti City.

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Thank you for your work over these long days and months.

The draft proposed maps spreadsheet on your home Page is helpful and it deserves a

more prominent placement.

Your maps are improving but you're not there yet.

Partisan fairness means respecting the slight democratic lean of the Michigan electorate

the party that wins the most votes statewide should win the most seats in legislature

and in Congress.

Just as important the MICRC should not retreat from supporting solid majorities of Black

voters in Congressional and state legislative districts.

People have worked too hard for us to back slide now.

Achieving these goals is most likely relying on statistical evaluations as well as

consideration of communities of interest.

His I support the Congressional map proposed by the promote the vote coalition map


Although Commissioner Eid's Congressional map from October 12 number 23 -- I

endorse the promote the vote coalition overall as an Ipsi I have quorums about a map

that splits us in six districts.

Lastly, please count incarcerated people in home communities where they temporary

reside and look for submissions next week.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 89 Jacob.

>> Hellos am I coming through.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: We can hear you.

>> All right, good evening my name is Jacob I'm a college student living in Holly

Michigan and I have a few points I'd like to cover.

First off Holly Michigan should not be placed on the thumb on a Congressional house


North Oakland County needs representation that stands for our needs as a community

not those of Port Huron and Macomb.

On that note keep Flint together on your maps as well.

We've seen what happens when the people of Flint cannot act on their own free will and

effects of water crisis are felt to this day.

Focus on partisan fairness any deviation must be at or near 0 Michigan was horribly

gerrymandered in 2011.

This Commission results as a direct result.

Do not make the same mistakes.

I want to thank you, you all members of the Commission.

Your work is not easy but it's a necessary one.

You all stand together as a work to democracy in the State of Michigan.

The eyes of our nation are upon you and in division and strife you are the last line of

defense for our votes to matter.

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Do not falter in the face of the task, do not vent, do not break.

Michigan must be seen as a leader in this new process nationwide for democracy to


I believe in you all and your work now I need you to believe in yourselves and get this

done right thank you have a great night.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. 90 Carol.

>> All right am I here?


>> Okay so my name is Carol.

I lived in mid land for 30 years.

First, I want to echo what we are saying about a great job you are doing.

Thank you so much.

I also want to thank the signers you are doing incredible job so good job.

And recent hearings elected Midland County officials who spoke and applied and out

right stated they represented the view of the entire City or certain County District in


This is clearly not true as evidenced by magnitude of speakers and comments

submitted to the Commission.

They spoke only for themselves and individual voter and certainly cannot and should

not speak for all of Midland.

So as a Midland citizen I'm asking you to prioritize fairness over County lines.

The citizens of Michigan voted for prop two in 2018 because they wanted fair districts.

When we have fair districts, politicians have to speak for other constituents not just their

own party.

It should be noted City and County are ranked second to last in your pyramid of MICRC

redistricting party order.

So I'm asking you to support the following maps Eid for Congressional cherry for Senate

and Pine for house.

Simple follow your own thoughtful pyramid, follow the statistics and percentages and

science fairness over City and County boundaries.

Thank you again for your time and effort.

>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. Number 91.

>> Hello there, can you see me and hear me? Okay great.

Hi, I'm Tara renting the City of Novi that is where I live and speaking about.

I ask you reconsider switching us up.

Keep us whole.

Novi is a great community politically balanced which is awesome but think about the


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We want to keep our school District together that is so important to keep the kids

together the way the map is drawn is partnering us with Washtenaw and that doesn't

make sense.

We want to keep our District whole.

We want to keep our representative one house only. It's a really great community and I

don't think there is any need to switch anything up so I want you to consider that


Remember inclusivity is important and diversity is important and also just fairness.

Because that is what we are looking at teaching our kids right.

So if you break things up it actually stops the opportunities for all kids in Novi to be able

to get the same top rated education as well.

We don't want to make some kids go to Washtenaw based school or anything like that

because that is not their community.

Their community has been Novi and want to keep it that way if at all possible.

So thank you for the work you do you work hard and long nights thank you I appreciate


>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you for addressing the Commission. That concludes

our public comment for the evening.

Without objection we will now have our Vice Chair Commissioner Rothhorn provide


Hearing no objection please proceed Commissioner Rothhorn.

>> VICE CHAIR ROTHHORN: Thank you Chair Szetela.

There it goes.

So there is a lot of people that make these things work.

And just want to give some acknowledgements to League of Women Voters for being in

the portal station MSU students who are at the public portal station and thank Tonic

events for audio and visual support the Dort financial center who facilitated in the U of M

students for volunteering the public stations and Voters Not Politicians assisting with

registration tonight.

Let's have the next slide please.

It's still not late to show up and speak up to assist the MICRC stay engaged through

e-mail or text alerts and reach us the old fashion way through mail or picking up the

phone and calling us toll free 1-833 you draw.

Or that is 1-833-968-97 you can find us on social media and at the public comment


Www.Michigan.gov/MICRC the last slide is thank you.

We really appreciate you coming out.

And being here.

Staying through with us.

Back to you Chair Szetela.

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>> CHAIR SZETELA: Thank you as the items on the agenda are completed and the

Commission has no further business a motion to adjourn is in order may I have a motion

to adjourn.

Made by Commissioner Witjes.

Seconded by Commissioner Lett.

I believe.

All in favor please raise your hand and say aye.

All opposed please raise your hand and say nay.

The ayes prevail and the meeting is adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Thank you, everybody.