Prophet Mohammad Edited Final

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Transcript of Prophet Mohammad Edited Final

Prophet Mohammad


His Household

(Ahlal Bayt)

Ustad Abdus Samad


Our Readers Comments:

“Before reading this book, I thought that we were Sunnis, but nowI know that we were only Wahhabis! Our Aalims were fooling us!”

Atty. M. Hassan


“I studied Islam for two years is Saudi Arabia, but this little book taught me more about the true Islam than those two years; Thanks be to Allah (S.W.T.)”

Sister Aliyyah Marhum


“… It’s so beautifully written, excellent!”

Ali Al-Hosaini

Bahrain ‘in the Persian Gulf

“Your book is very powerful tool in refuting the false Wahhabi accusations against the followers of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.).”

Palter (Abdur-Rashid) L. Camanse

Dipolog City, Philippines

“Your book is a death-knell to the coffin of the Wahhabism in America!”

Brother Hamid

California, USA

“Brother, I studied Islam for three years in “Darul Hijra” schoolin Baguio (Philippines) but when I read your book I found the truth; I could not sleep for one whole week!”

Brother Mohammad Jamil



“Truth is Truth, whether it’s accepted now, or in a million years! Truth is in No Hurry!”

Max Muller – German Scholar

Prophet Mohammad


His Houshold

(Ahlal Bayt)

Ustad Abdus Samad

This book can be reproduced anywhere in the world.

No permission is needed.


Copyright 2001


Islamic Research center Quiapo, Manila, The Philippines

This book can be reproduced anywhere in the world.

No permission is needed.

ISBN 971-9070-25-0

Printed by:

Philippine Graphics Arts, Inc.

163 Tandang Sora Street, Caloocan City



Preface Page 1

Introduction 2

Chapter I

Prophet Mohammad and His Household (Ahlal Bayt) 15

Chapter 2

Explanations 37

Imam Must Be Infallible 39

Prayer Without Bismillah is Not Valid 44

Who are the Ahlal Bayt? 48

Merits of the People of Persia 51

Imam Mahadi, the Last Reformer 54

Imam for Every Time 60

Prophet Mohammad and His Successors 61

What is Wahhabism? 62

Lawrence of Arabia 84

Prophet’s Successor 89

Fatimah Zahra 94

Ashura: The Great Tragedy in Islam 97

Prophet Mohammad: A Blessing to the Worlds 104

What is Bid-ah? 109

Separating Prophet from His Children? 115

Siratal Mustaqim (the Right Path) 116

What is Shi-ah? 117

Chapter 3

Question and Answers

1. Shi-ah, Sunnah Differences 122

2. Imam Ali’s position 123

3. Did Jebrail make a mistake? 123

4. A different Qur’an? 123

5. Visiting Shrines 125

6. The Intercession or Shafa-ah 126

7. Imam Ali’s Welayah 128

8. Ayah wilayah” not “Surah Wilayah”!

10. Imams Higher than Angels? 130

11. Holy Prophet and Imams knew their death? 133

12. Praying inside Shrines 137

13. Miracles of the Prophets 138

14. Asking Help from others… A shirk? 139

15. Criticizing the Sahabah? 144

16. Fasting till Night 144

17. Mot-ah 145


O’ Ahlo – Bayt!

O’ ahlo-Bayt of Prophet!

Loving you is a duty,

Which is commanded by Allah

In His Glorious Qur’an;1

So much so that, if anyone,

Will not pray for you, - even

Though he may pray to Allah! –

Has had no prayer, at all!

Imam Shafe’iy

(150 – 203 A.H.)

“Yaa Ahla – Bayte Rasulief Lahi Hob-bokomu,

Fardhom Minal Lahi, Fil Qur’ani Anzalahu;

Kafa-Komu Min Azimish Sha’ne An-nakomu,

Man la yusal-le Alaikom la Salata Lahu!”2


1Holy Qur’an (42:23)

2Ibne Hajar,” Sawaiq Al-Muhriqa” p.88

Love of the Ahlo – Bayt!

I’ surely love, the Ahlo – Bayt,

The Household of Prophet;

But folks call me Rafedhi!*

I do refute accusations,

And seek refuge with Almighty,

From the people who claim,

It’s Heretic,

To love the House of Fatimah!

Imam Shafe’iy

(150-203 A.H.)

“Bari – to ilal Mohaimin –e min Inasin,

Yaraw – nar Rafdha Hob –bal Fatimiyyah!”

* Rafedhi or Heretic, is a title given by the enemies of the Ahlo– Bayt, to the followers of the Ahlo – Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).



In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Dear readers, brothers and sisters in Islam:

In researching and writing this book, I had to spend some of my best time, and my rest time – usually from one o’clock to three o’clock in the morning.

But that was my pleasure, because it was a labor of love for Allah (S.W.T.) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) and the Holy Ahlal Bayt, as well as for the truth-seeking servants of God.

The most memorable part of this “spiritual journey” was the emotional attachment and closeness I got to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his persecuted children – especially Sayyida

Fatimah Zahra, the beloved daughter of the Prophet, and Imams Hassan and Hosain, his grandsons, who were all brutally murdered!And the saddest thing about it was that those who massacred the entire family of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) claimed to be his “followers” also!

There were times at the middle of the night, that I had to stop writing and start crying for the oppressed Holy Ahlal Bayt! And if you also, had to shed some tears in their memory, keep in mindthat we were not alone; the Holy Prophet himself and the Angels of Heaven, cried for them, too!

The Author


The book that you are holding ‘is intended to explain some of themost interesting parts of the Islamic teachings, as well as its history, which for many centuries, and for many reasons, especially the dictatorship of the Khalifahs and the kings, were kept secret from the people of the world in general, and the Muslims in particular.

(Just as the Jewish Rabbis and the Christian Priests, in connivance with the ruling class, were hiding the truth from the people; during the Dark Ages of Europe for their own vested interests, some “Muslim” rulers and their hired servants called “ulama” also connived in order to hold to their power, by keepingthe Muslim Ummah in the dark about many facts in Hadith and even the true meaning of some verses in the Holy Qur’an ,as well as the events that took place, in the history of Islam).

Now, by the Grace of God, there is a relative freedom of speech and expression ,as well as much easier system of communication inthe world, although not yet so much in some oppressive police states much like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and most of the Araband so-called Muslim states.

For this reason, we are publishing this book, outside those authoritarian states, in order to be able to tell freely what could not have been written or published there, because it shows clearly that those governments have nothing to do with the real Islam and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.). In fact, they are diametrically opposed to the Islamic principles and the True Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) just as Yazid and Mo-awia, and the rest of the hordes from the Umayyad and the AbbasidDyanasties were, in the earlier days.

Those Khalifahs, with a few exceptions, gave a black eye to Islamby living the most immoral, sensual, debaucherous and dictatorial life styles, of which the infamous “Arabian Nights” is just an example (even today this game is going on). All of this were done in the name of the Khalifah of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)! No wonder the non-Muslims have such a wrong concept about Islam and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

Ahlal Bayt of Prophet Mohammad

The greatest tragedy in the history of Islam, and even of the world, is that the people never got a real chance of experiencingthe leadership of the Holy Descendants of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

The Blessed Family of the Holy Prophet is Certified Pure by Allahhimself in the Holy Qur’an (33:33) and on many occasions by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) (see the last chapter of this book). Also, the great Sahaba and the companions of the Holy Prophet, who should know Islam better than anyone else, have repeatedly attested to the fact that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) regarded his Ahlal Bayt as the teachers of the Qur’an and the defenders ofIslam!

Most note worthy is the fact the the Muslims around the world always include “Aali Mohammad” or the Ahlal Bayt, in their daily prayers to Allah (S.W.T.) by mentioning their names, five times or more a day, saying:

“Allahum –ma sal-li Alaa Moham-madin wa Alaa Aali Mohammadin kamasal-laita Alaa Ibrahiima wa Alaa Aali Ibrahiim, Fil Aalamina In-naka Hamidum Majiid!” (O’ Allah bless Thee Mohammad and his descendants as Thou blessed Ibrahim and his descendants, amongst the People of the world; verily Thou art Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious)!

However, instead of following the leadership (Imamah) of this Blessed Descendants of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.), some “Muslims” massacred them (as the Jews did with the family of Abraham), and accepted the rule and the leadership of their enemies – unbelievable, but true!

How Important are the Ahlal Bayt?

To know better how important are the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in the Eyes of Allah (S.W.T.) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) and to the Sahaba, here are a few Hadith, which we quote very briefly:

1)The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

“The example of my Family (Ahlal Bayt) is like the Ark of Noah, those who join it are saved, and those who don’t, will perish!” (Mostadrak Sahihain, vol.2, p. 343).

2)Again in the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

“O’ people! I leave behind, for you, two very important (weighty)things that if you followed them, you won’t go wrong; A) The Bookof Allah, B) My Ahlal Bayt” (as teachers of the Book). (Sahih Tirmidi, vol. 2, p. 308; Sahih Muslim, vol. 5, p. 272, /vol. 7,

p. 122; Sunan of Abu Dawud p. 307 and more than 30 other books ofHadith).

3)Also, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said this about his beloved daughter, Fatimah Zahra:

“ Fatimah is the lady of the Women of Heaven” (Sahih Bukhari vol.5 p. 74).

“Fatimah is part of me, whosoever will hurt her, has (actually) hurt me!” (Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, p. 75).

(How about those who killed Fatimah and her baby?)

4)Concerning Imam Ali, the Holy Prophet said: “Ali! No one loves you unless he/she is a Mo-min and nobody hates you, unless he/sheis a Monafiq (Sahih Muslim, vol. 1, p. 46 etc.).

(How about Mo-awia and other enemies of Imam Ali?)

5)Concerning Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:

“Hasan and Hosain are the Masters of the youth of Heaven!”

“Hasan and Hosain are Imams (leaders of the Ummah) be they in power or not!” (See all books of Hadith, chapter on Ahlal Bayt).

6)The Sahabah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also had a great respect for the Ahlal Bayt , which shows very clearly that, theDescendants of the Holy Prophet were very important to them. Hereis a very interesting Hadith quoted from Sahih Tirmidi:

It is narrated that one day, during the rule of Khalifah Omar, the children were playing in the street. Among the players were Imam Hosain and Abdullah Bin Omar (Son of the Khalifah).

Hosain “ordered” Abdullah to do something, but Abdullah refused to obey. (As his father, Omar, had refused the order of Prophet

Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) when the Prophet asked for a pen and paper towrite a guideline for the Muslims after him, and he accused the Holy Prophet of “Talking nonsense, at his death-bed!” ( See SahihBukhari vols. 5 & 9, p. 346).

Seeing Abdullah’s “ disobedience” , Hosain admonished him by saying:

“Abdullah! You should obey my orders, because you are our (the family of the Prophet’s servant!”“What?” said Abdullha . “ How could I be your servant, while my Papa is Khalifah Omar?”

“ I said you are our servant “ repeated Hosain “ And even your Papa is our (Family of the Prophet’s) servant!”

Upon hearing this, Abdullha cried, and ran to his father, the Khalifah Omar, and told him the whole story. The Khalifah got a pen and a piece of paper (which he himself had declined to giveto the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and gave it to his son Abdullah , saying:

“Son! Go, give these to Hosain, and ask him to please state in writing that you and I, are their family’s servants!”

“Why Papa? Why should I ask Hosain to also put in writing his his verbal attack on our honor?” Abdullah objected. “It’s just like adding an insult to an injury!”

“Son!” , Khalifah Omar replied. “I want to put Hosain’s certification inside my shourd, when I die, and to present it to Allah (S.W.T.) on the day of judgment, and ask Him to forgive me,because I am a cirtified servant of the Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as has been attested by Hosain, the grandson of your Prophet!”

By reading such a narration, I‘m always reminded of the famous Ayah of the Holy Qur’an, which says:

“They actually Know those “Blessings of Allah” and yet those denythem! And most of them are ungrateful.” (To Allah and to his Prophet and to those whom they were supposed to obey after the Prophet – the real Olil-Amr) Holy Qur’an (16:83).

Now , there are several possibilities regarding this narration:

1) The narration is not true !

This cannot be, because Sahih Tirmidi is one of the six books of narration which are considered to be free from any false narrations, and therefore it’s titled as “Sahih”, meaning correct; Otherewise , it wouldn’t be Sahih anymore!

2) Probably, Khalifah Omar was not serious in saying what hesaid!

This is also not possible , because Khalifah Omar is one of the great Sahaba of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and a ruler of Islam.

3) Khalifah Omar knew very well who Imam Hosain was, and how important the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are in the eyes of Allah and His Messenger. Soimportant, indeed, that their certification can help evenpeople like in the Day of Judgment! (So, intercetion or Shafa-ah is right, according to Khalifah Omar and other Sahabah).

If this is the case (which in reality it is), then, at the presence of such blessed personalities, nobody else – especially the one who needs certification and recommendations – is qualified to rule over the Ummah, and, more so, over the most qualified people -- the Ahlal Bayt!

That’s Islamic why, Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an asks us this very meaningful question:“Is he who guides to the Truth more worthy to be followed or he who finds no guidance (himself) unless he is guided? What kind ofa judgment is that?” Holy Qur’an (10:35).

****************************************************How This Book Came To Be?

For many years, living in different Muslim countries and communities, I noticed, among many other things, that majority ofthe Muslims don’t love and follow the Ahlal Bayt, the way the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet have instructed them to do.

In fact, in some areas, the murderers and the persecutors of the Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are more respected and followed than the beloved descendants of the Holy Prophet, whose love and respect is a requirement, ordered by Allah (S.W.T.) and requested by Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

Allah (S.W.T.) says in the Holy Qur’an (42:23):

“Say (O’ Apostle Mohammad!) I ask nothing for it (guiding you to Islam) except (i.e., I ask you) to love the loved ones” (my beloved—the relatives, the family, especially those whom the HolyProphet showered with his love during his entire life; and that starts with his unequalled love for his cousin and brother, Imam Ali, Fatimah Zahra, his beloved daughter whom the Holy Prophet called “part of my body”, and Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain, whom the Holy Prophet used to carry on his own shoulders in the streets of Madinah to let the Muslims realize how beloved they were, and how much the Holy Prophet cared for them)!

Just imagine a Prophet – who was highest of all creatures of Allah (S.W.T.) and who was carried to High Heavens by the Archangel Jebrail (A.S.) and who went to a place that even Archangel Jebrail (A.S.) could not go – was carrying his grandchildren, Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain, on his shoulders to show (to those who have the eyes to see!) how high is the position of those two Imams, in the Eyes of Allah and His BelovedMessenger!

(Now, those who want to follow the Sunnah – the way of life of the Holy Prophet – should do as the Prophet did and not the

opposite, as many did after the Prophet died, and some are doing up to now)!Not only that the children of Prophet Mohhamad were massacred by the oppressive rulers in the olden days, even today, they are being constanly persecuted by not being recognized as they shouldbe. Also, the Muslims who believe in them (Their Shi-ah) are being maligned and persecuted, even this 21st Century!

For instance, Yazid, son of Mo-awia, killed Imam Hosain and the rest of the family of the Holy Prophet, in Karbala, on the Day ofAshura, and then, he also justified his crime by telling the Muslims that Imam Hosain was an unbeliever! And today, the followers and lovers of Yazid and Mo’ awia, call the followers and lovers of the Ahlal Bayt, “Kafirs” (whatever that means)!

After the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979, it became more evident that the revolutionary moves of Imam Hosain and the rest of the Ahlal Bayt – which are patterned after their grandfather, Prophet Mohhamad’s revolutionary teachings – were, the guiding their followers from Iran, up to South Lebanon (Hizbollah), SaudiArabia, Bahrain UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, India, Pakistan and other Islamic Nations.

The reactionary governments in the region, lead by the corrupt Saudi rulers (like Yazid) started calling the followers of the Ahlal Bayt as “heretics” and any remembrance of Imam Hosain’s martyrdom as Bid-ah, and therefore ,should be suppressed (becauseit would expose not only the crimes of Yazid bin Mo’awia bin Abu Sufian, but also the crimes commited by the present day Yazids, whose modern names were Fahad, Mubarak, Jaber, Saddam, Aale Khalifah, etc).

When I observed all those attacks on the family of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and their Shi-ah (followers) and I did not seemuch defenders around, I felt an obligation to tell what I had learned from the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, as well as from the historical events that took place after the death of Prophet Mohammad when Islam was hijacked by an exteremist-fundamentalist group, who not only killed the non-Muslims; but even the Children

and relatives of the Holy Prophet himself!—A beginning of Taliban, Salafi, Takfiri, Wahhabi murderous movement),

This feeling was always in my heart, until one day; when I was ona vacation, suddenly it came to my mind that it was about time towrite an essay about the Ahlal Bayt to and explain the position which Allah (S.W.T.) has assigned them. ( Man Konto Maulah…).Basically, it is what we find in our Daily Prayers (Salat) duringwhich every Muslim has been required by Allah (S.W.T.) to state his own faith, very clearly, by saying:

“O’ Allah, Bless thee Mohammad and the children of Mohammad as Thou has Blessed Ibrahim and the children of Ibrahim…” ( see: Daily Muslim Prayers / in Tashah-hud).

From that prayer, I got the inspiration to write an article in defense of the Ahlal Bayt and to expose their oppressors and persecutors, past and present!

That article was reprinted several times , and it served as a blessing to many people, who had no other literature or source,which could open their eyes, to the injustices that took place, against the Ahlal Bayt, in the past centuries and, which is continued until today.

Some Added Explanations

After reaching to so many people, through that article, I got some feedbacks, as follows:

1.) Some readers appreciated it a lot, because it gave themthe Truth, which had been covered up by the rules, and powers that be, in collaboration with some so called “Ulama” who pleased the kings and Khalifahs rather than Ahllah(S.W.T.) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.), (as the Priests and Rabbis in the earlier generations did (see Holy Qur’an 9:9, 2:79 & 2:174, etc).

2.) Also, I came to know that due to the shortness of that article, some important points had not been explained sufienciently and in details and this had caused some confusions, and misunderstandings, in the minds of some readers, esepecially those who didn’t have much background knowledge of the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith and the History of Islam, as a whole.

Aside from that, in the original text he emphasis was to get light from the Holy Qur’an, in order to reduce the possibility ofany doubts about the nature of the source, but now that we are able to explain further, some relevant evidences, from the major books of Hadith (which are acceptable to the majority of Muslims,like Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Tirmidi, etc.) have also been added, in order to further clarify and to support the original text which was exclusively based on the Holy Qur’an and the historical facts and figures.

In order not to affect the original format of the article on the Prophet and his Ahlal Bayt, we have decided to bring the additional explanations as footnotes; and whenever the topic needed longer discussions, we placed it entirely or partially atthe last chapter, so that the readers won’t be distracted by the secondary issues.

It is our sincere prayer and hope that every one of our readers will be blessed by the topics discussed -- be it in the main bodyor in the explanations that are added to it, because every controversial issue can make us either bitter or better. We hope it’s the latter for you.

We also know very well that no matter how much we try, if it is not the Will of Allah (S.W.T.) nobody gets enlightened. Even manycollectors of Hadith and the writers of history who have recordedso much of the truth, could not see the light themselves, and they walked opposite of what they had recorded in their own books! No wonder Allah (S.W.T.) tells the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), “You (O’ Mohammad!) cannot guide any one that you like, but Allahguides those whom He Will . . . . . “Holy Qur’an (28:56).

Now if there are some people (whose hearts are not humble enough to accept the truth ) that even Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) couldnot guide then, who are we to expect that everybody who reads the Truth in this book, which is based on the Holy Qur’an and theHadith, will accept it? We can only pray to Allah (S.W.T.) to do What it is His Will. THY WILL BE DONE, O’ ALLAH!

Dreams About This Book

Before end this part, let me also tell you about the two beautiful and inspiring dreams regarding this work. Long before Icould come up with the book in its present form, and when it was still a plan in my mind, something took place that made me hopeful and encouraged me to pursue this humble effort.

Two Muslims, one from Pakistan and the other from Afganistan, whodid not know each other, nor they knew anything about my project,narrated two similar dreams, both related to this book.

First, a Pakistani Muslim came to me during the holy month of Ramadhan (1995) and said:

“Brother! Last night, after I finished my “sahar” and said my prayers, I went back to sleep. In my dream, I saw you coming to our house, holding a very beautiful copy of the Holy Qur’an and you told me – this is a gift for you!”

The second dream, this time by an Afgani Muslim, which was very similar to the first one, took place several months later. The Afghani Muslim also told me about his dream this way:

“You know, last night, after I did my Tahaj-jud (special midnightprayers), I slept, and I saw you in my dream carrying a copy of the Holy Qur’an. You came close to me and told me – Brother, thisis gift for you!”

With these testemonies of two Muslims from different countries, who did not even know each other, but their stories were very

similar, it became so meaningful and inspirationalfor me to come out with his work; Their dreams also confirmed the fact that the main text of the book is based entirely on the verses of the HolyQur’an. However, the added explanations, in the new edition, contain some Hadith also to support the statements in the text.

I, take this as asign that Allah (S.W.T.) might use this simple and humble work to “Guide those whom He wills” to the “Siratai Mustaqim (the Right Path)--the path of those people whom He hath Blessed; Not (the way of) those whom He hath cursed! And not the misguided ones!” Holy Qur’an (2:26) and (1:6-7).

Maybe, after centuries of dictatorship by the absolute rulers, and caliphs in the name of Islam, it’s about time to tell the truth, without being jailed for it, or even being executed! (As the Wahhabis do in Saudi Arabia!) May Allah (S.W.T.) bless each and every Muslim brother and sister, as well as any seeker of Truth, by guiding us all. Islam Allah!

Ramadhan, 2012WassalamAbdus Samad

****************************************************************“Even a medicine which is to heal, in excess, it will kill.”

(Just like the Wahhabi extremist Islam)

Chapter I

Prophet Mohammad and His Household(AHLAL BAYT)

Before his death, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) said: “I am leaving behind for you (Muslims) two very important things: The Book of Allah, and my Descendants, my Ahlal Bayt; And these two shall not separate from each other, till they come to me, on the Day of Judgment.”

“Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, p. 1286”

*****************************************************************PROPHET MOHAMMAD AND HIS HOUSEHOLD(AHLAL BAYT)

Mulims around the world have to pray at least five times a day; And in every prayer, they have to recite the Salawat Ibrahimiyya (Tashahhud), this way:

“Allahum-ma Sal-li Alaa Moham-madin wa Aaali Mohammadin, Kama Sal-laita Alaa Ibrahi-ma wa Aali Ibrahim; In-na-ka Hamidum Majeed!”

“O, Allah! Bless Thee Mohammad and Aali Mohhamad (his Household) as Thou Hath Blessed Ibrahim and his Household; Verily Thou Art most Praiseworthy, most Gracious.”


Surprisingly enough, very few Muslims know or even try to know the Aali Mohammad, or the, people, for whom they ask Allah’s blessing so many times a day!

Who are the Aali Mohammad (P. B.U.H.)? What is their role in Islam, and in the Islamic Society? Why do we have to include themin our Daily Prayers? And why without including them in, Salat, our prayers are not accepted by Allah (S.W.T.)?”

Historical Background

To know more about Prophet Mohammad’s Household, who are also known as the Ahlal Bayt, or Aali Mohammad, we have to go back

into the history; and to reduce the chances of any doubt, we shall try to get light, from the Holy Qur’an:

“And when Allah tested Ibrahim by some “Words” and he completed (the Test), Allah said: Now, I, appoint thee as the Imam of the people. (Ibrahim) Said: A and how about my children? (Allah) Said: My promise won’t be for the sinners (among them).” Holy Qur’an: (2:124).

As we have seen, here Allah granted the request of the patriarch Abraham to bestow Imamah (Imamhood or Leadership) on his righteous descendants (Not the sinners, because sinful people cannot become Imams of the Ummah. So Imams must be impeccable andinfallible) see page 39

Who are They?

But who are the righteous descendants of Abraham (A.S.)? Well, they are those who, according to the Holy Qur’an, granted Imamah or the Leadership of the “People of the Book,” namely: Isma’il, Is-haq, Yaqub, Yusof, Dawoud, Solaiman, Moses, Jesus, and finaly the last Prophet of Allah—our very own beloved Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

They are the righteous children of Abraham or Aali Ibrahim, who received Imamah or God given leadership over the believers. Now, there are two very important questions to be answered here:

1. Who are the Aali Mohammad for whom we pray together with Aali Ibrahim, saying:

“O ‘Allah! Bless Thee Aali Mohammad (the same way) as Thou Hath Blessed Aali Ibrahim?” (At-ta-hiyyat, Daily Salats).

2. How did Allah bless Aali Ibrahim, that we ask Him to Bless Aali Mohammad, in the same manner?

The second question has been answered by Allah (S.W.T.) very clearly, in this verse from the Holy Qur’an:

“ Are they (?) jealous of the people (?) for what Allah Hath given them from His Grace? While We gave Aali Ibrahim, the Book, and the Wisdom and We gave them a Great Possession!”Holy Qur’an (4:54)

So, what was given by Allah (S.W.T.) to Aali Ibrahim, was The Book, The Wisdom and a Great Possession! (Both material as well as the spiritual, i.e. the leadership of the Ummah).

Who Are the Aali Mohammad?

With regard to the first question, i.e. “ Who are the Aali Mohammad?” Some people have tried, in vain, to interpret the AaliMohammad as the followers of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)!’ see page 48

The answer is that every Aali Mohammad is a follower of Prophet Mohammad, but not every follower of Prophet Mohammad, is necessarily an Aali Mohammad, too!

Specifically the following points should be considered very carefully:

a) If we go to the Arab tribesmen, and we ask them what do theymean by “Aali so and so”, when they are refering to a clan or a tribe, we will know that “Aal” refers only to the “children of a certain chieftain.”

b) In the Qur’anic terminology, except for one or two negative cases, like Aali Firaun (Pharoas children/followers), the term Aal is used to mean the children or descendants of a person. Examples are: (1) Aali Is-haq, (2) Aali Yaqub, (3) Aali Dawoud, (4) Aali Imran, (5) Aali Ibrahim, (6) Aali Yasin, (7) Aali Nooh, (8) Aali Musa, (9) Aali Haroon, etc., etc.

In the Hadith and the prayes, also, the terms Aali Taha, Aali Yasin, Aali Mohammad have always had this particular meaning. (Even in the history of Islam such terms as Aali Mohammad, Aali Ali, Aali Fatima, Aali Abbas, etc. refer to the descendants of those respectable personalities). Even today in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab world, the word “Aal” means, “clan”. Like Aale Saud, Aale Sabah, Aale Khalifah, Aale Sheileh, etc.

Prophet Mohammad Left No Son

Some people says: But Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) left no male child after him, because his two sons Ibrahim and Qasim, both died in their early childhood; Then where are the children of theProphet, to become the Aali Mohammad?

Well, that was exactly what some unbelievers said during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). According to their calculations, the Holy Prophet had no son left to carry on his name after him, and that he was an “Abtar” or without a descendant.

But Allah answered them back in and a very short, yet strongly worded Sura of the Holy Qur’an, this way:

“In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. *Verily We have given thee (O’ Mohammad!) the Ever Increasing One. Then prayto thy Lord and sacrifice. Surely thy enemy’s tail is cut off! (childless) Holy Qur’an (108: 1-3). See page 44

Though Allah (S.W.T.) took the sons of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), He left for him a blessed daughter – Fatimah Zahra (Kauthar or Ever Increasing One) who is known as the “Sayyidato Nisa-il Aalamin” (The Lady of all the Women of all Ages). As wellas the “Sayyidato Nisa-e Ahlil Jannah” (The Lady of the Women of Heavens).

Thus, Prophet Mohammad’s descendants, or the Aali Mohammad ,continued ,not through a male child, but through Sayyida Fatimah and her beloved husband Imam Ali. ( Just like Prophet Elisa A.S. or Jesus, who is the son ( The grandson) of Prophet David A.S. through Sayyida Maryam A.S.).

To know how the children of Imam Ali and Fatimah Zahra, are called “Children of Prophet Mohammad”, we have to refer to the Holy Qur’an, once more.

Muhabala Or the Spiritual Confrontation

When the Christian leaders of Yemen came to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), and after long debates they still did not want to accept the truth of Islam, Allah (S.W.T.) ordered the Prophet, todo Mubahala, or the spiritual confrontation with them!

“Say (O’Mohammad!) let’s call our sons and your sons our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, and then ask Allah to destroy the liars!” Holy Qur’an (3:61).

All Muslim historians, without exception, say that in the “spiritual confrontation of Islam vs. Christianity” there were only five people present: They were Prophet Mohammad himself, Imam Ali, Fatimah Zahra, Imam Hassan and Imam Hosain.

(From this Ayah, we understand that whenever there is a confrontation between the family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and others, the opposite camp belongs to the unbelievers and the liars, upon whom is the curse and the Anger of Allah (S.W.T.)!

Here, some interesting questions arise. For instance, that Allah’s order was “let us bring our sons, and you bring your sons, we will bring our women and you bring your women, and you come yourselves, and we shall come ourselves!”

Question No. 1. Who were the sons that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) brought with him?

Answer: Imam Hassan and Imam Hosain. (Surely, the Holy Prophet cannot be lying or joking, so he Considered the Children of his daughter Fatimah Zahra, as his own sons).

Question No. 2. Who represented the women on the side of Islam?

Answer: Fatimah Zahra.

(Now, why the Holy Prophet did not include any of his own wives in that crucial confrontation of Islam vs. Kurf? The best answer would be that he was carrying out the Order of Allah S.W.T.) *

Question No. 3. Who represented the “selves” in Allah’s command, aside from the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) himself?

Answer: The man who slept in place of the Prophet Mohammad, when he migrated form Mecca to Madinah; He who represented the Holy Prophet, as the governor of Yemen, and he who took the Prophet’s place when he left Madinah to fight the Romans. He was none but Imam Ali.

Now, we have the complete picture of the first generation of the Aali Mohammad or the Household of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

And what is the position of this Household or the Ahlal Bayt in the Eyes of Allah (S.W.T.)? Well, let’s ask Him.

In the Holy Qur’an Allah (S.W.T.) says:

“Very Allah wills to remove (all kinds of) impurities from You, OHouselhold (of the Prophet) and to purify you perfectly” Holy Qur’an (33.33).Some people argue that this verse includes the wives of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also, but as we saw before, they were not present at the Mubahala, or the confrontation of Prophet Mohammad’s family vs. the Christians of Nadjran. The Prophet should know Allah’s orders better than anyone else.

(Of course, all Muslims must respect the wives of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as their spiritual mothers, but here we are searching for Aali Mohammad/Children of the Prophet and not his wives – may Allah bless them all). **

The Role of Aali Mohammad

After knowing the Aali Mohammad, or the Ahlal Bayt, now the question will be: So, what if they are the Aali Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)?

The answer is that: If they are the Aali Mohammad, then they willhave some responsibilities over their shoulders as did the Aali Ibrahim, Aali Dawoud, etc. And we also as the followers of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) will have some obligations to them inthe same manner that the followers of Ibrahim, Dawoud, (A.S.) etchad in the previous ages. This belief is confirmed in the following verses of the Holy Qur’an:

“Such has been the way Allah dealth with the people before, and you won’t ever see Allah change His way!” Holy Qur’an (33:62).

“This is the way of those Prophets We sent before you, and you won’t find any changes in Our Way “Holy Qur’an (17:77).

“Allah’s way will never change, Allah’s way won’t alter.” Holy Qur’an (35:43), etc.

Their Role Is Imamah

Every Muslim believes that the Holy Qur’an is the last of the Heavenly Books, and that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is the lastProphet or the Khatamon Nabiy-yin.

In the same manner, the Imamah or the spiritual leadership of theMuslims after the death of the Prophet Mohammad, cannot be deniedby anyone who knows Islam even a little.

For centuries, all Muslims have agreed (Eijmaa) that a Muslim hasto have a Madh-hab, through which, he will follow the Fiqah or the Islamic Jurisprudence, and the head of that Madh-hab is called Imam.

That’s why in Islam, we have the following Madh-habs and their respective Imams:

1) Madh-hab Hanafi, which is headed by Imam Abu Hanifa Bin Thabit Bin Marzban whose origin is from Iran, and who is thegreatest of all the Sunni Imams (Imam Azam); * (Born 80 A.H.Died 148 A.H.). see page 51

2) Madh-hab Maaliki, lead by Imam Maalik, (95 A.H. to 179 A.H.).

3) Madh-hab Shafe-iy, lead by Imam Shafe-iy, (150A.H. to 203 A.H.).

4) Madh-hab Hanbali, lead by Imam ahmad Hanbal (163 A.H. to 239A.H.).

The Imams of Aali Mohammad

As we have Imams in the Sunni School of Fiqah (Four Imams that were mentioned above), we also have Imams of the Ahlal Bayt or the Aali Mohammad. See page 60

The Imams of the Ahlal Bayt are as follows:

(1) Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib, (2) Imam Hasan Bin Ali, (3) Imam Hosain Bin Ali, (4) Imam Zainol Abidin, (5) Imam Mohammad Baqir, (6) Imam Jafar Saadiq (the teacher of the first Imam of the Sunni Madh-hab, who is Imam Abu Hanifa, also known as the Great Imam, as well as another Sunni Imam named Imam Maalik), (7) Imam Musa Al-Kazim, (8) Imam Ali Reza, (9) Imam Mohammad Taqiy, (10) Imam Ali Hadiy, (11) Imam Hasan El-Askary, (12) Imam Mahdi (TheWorld Reformer,

who is to appear in the future, with Allah’s permission). **see page 54

However, there are some differences between the two concepts of Imamah, upheld by the Aali Mohammad and the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams.

Take note of the following for instance:

1. The Imams, who were not from the Aali Mohammad, started their Fiqah or Jurisprudence some 100 to 200 years after thedeath of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), while the Ahlal Bayt9 started Imamah (Spiritual leadership), immediately after the Prophet’s passing away. See page 61

2. The second difference between the two groups of Imams is that the Imams of Aali Mohammad all claimed to have the Authority (Olil Amr) from Allah, through their appointment by the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), *** one after the other;the non_Ahlal Bayt Imams never claimed to have such an Authority from anyone at anytime, and they had no authority,indeed.

The Right Number of Imams

After knowing the Ahlal Bayt, and the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams (12 versus 4) it will be very interesting to ask Allah (S.W.T.) and His Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about the right number of Imams. After all, that’s what Allah (S.W.T.) has ordered, when He commanded usby saying:

“O, ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those who are Authorized (by whom? Of course by Allah, through His Messenger) amongst you (the Imams); and if you disputed in anything (including those who are Authorized/Imams) then take it to Allah and to His Messenger (ask them) if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement. This is a better and much agreeable judgement.” Holy Qur’an (4:59).This Ayah expresses two things very clearly, namely:

a) Obedience to those who are Authorized (?) is obedience to Allah and His Messenger and vice versa, meaning the disobedience to those who are Authorized is also disobedience to Allah and to His Messenger (P.B.U.H.).

This means that those who are AUTHORIZED are spotless and pure (See the Holy Qur’an 33:33), otherwise, how could Allah order us to obey someone who himself is a sinner, or a wrong doer and impure? (The blind leading the the blind!)

b) In all the disputes (especially regarding those who are Authorized) a believer should refer the matter to Allah, andto His Messenger (and not anyone else, as some people tried to do by putting the matter to people’s decision not to Allah and His Messenger’s) see The Holy Qur’an 3:154, etc.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Says 12

According to a very the popular Hadith from the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), the number of the Rightful Leaders or Emirs, after him shall be 12 (no more and no less!) and all of them shall comefrom Qoraish. (Ref. (1) Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 9, p. 250; (2) Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, p. 482; (3) Mosnand Ahmad, Vol. 1, p. 398, etc.).

This Hadith could not be about the Khalifahs, because they were not twelve. It also could not be about the Non-Ahlal Bayt Imams, because they are not twelve, either.

The only Twelve Leaders/Emirs in the history of Islam are the Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt – i.e. Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Hosain up to the last Imam, namely Imam Mahdi. These are the onlytwelve personalities who perfectly fit the descriptions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Previous Religions (Ahlal Kitab) and their 12 Leaders

Considering that the people of the Book (followers of Prophets Musa and Elisa (A.S.) also proclaim the same Source of Truth thatIslam comes from – i.e. God Almighty, many things are similar or ever common among these three Godly religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In fact, the Holy Qur’an very often talks about those religions and their Prophets, their people as well as their history and law. It also declares many times that the Holy Prophet of Islam “Has come with the BOOK, confirming what (other Books) went before it, and He (Allah) revealed the Taurah and the Gospel before,” Holy Qur’an (3:3).

Considering such closeness between these three Heavenly religions, it will be very interesting to see the leadership style as well as their numbers among them, too.

The Holy Qur’an says the number of “ The Chieftains appointed by Allah among the People of Israel, was 12.”

“And We appointed Twelve Chieftains among them.” Holy Qur’an (5:13). (Note the word appointed by Allah not chosen by the people)!

And when Muslims asked the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about the number of his successors he said: “Twelve people, just like the chieftains of Bani Isra-il, “ Mosnad Ahamd Vol. 1, p. 398.Even in the Old Testament it is mentioned that from Ismael, thereshall come a “Great Nation with Twelve Princes.” See, for example, this verse from that Book:

“As for Ismael, all right, I will bless him also, just as you (Prophet Abraham) have asked me to. I will cause him to multiply and become a great nation; Twelve Princes shall be among his posterity.” Genesis (17:20).

Now, who are these 12 Princes in the family of Ismael, who is also the forefather of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? No one but

the 12 Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) just like the 12 Chieftains of Bani Isra-il.

Next is the number of the Apostles of Jesus (A.S.) which is also 12. (Also the 12 Gates of Jerusalem, 12 Angels, with the name of 12 Apostles, etc.).

What is the reason that the number of the Princes/Leaders/Imams/ Khalifahs after Prophet Musa, Elisa and Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are 12? We don’t know, but there are some other 12 Phenomena in this universe, that may explain the mystery of this number:

a) Allah in the Holy Qur’an says:

“Verily, the number of the months (of the year) with Allah is 12,so ordained by Him, the day He created the heavens and the earth.”Holy Qur’an (9:36)

b) According to the scientists a big number of natural elementsare composed of 12 parts.

c) The Zodiac signs which are based on the ancient science of astrology are also 12 (something to think about).

Despite these quotations, still the instructions of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are the only reliable foundation of the belief in and following his 12 progeny, as he told us upon the order of Allah (S.W.T.).

Are the Imams Necessary?

There are some new groups and sects (like the Wah’habis of Saudi Arabia) who preach that there is no need for any Imam. They believe that everybody should read the Holy Qur’an and the Hadithof the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and follow them as he understood them to mean! (We shall discuss this later, but first let us see

if we need any Imam to guide us in Islam). In order to grasp the question of “Do we need Imams?” better, we may put it this way: “Do we need the Prophets at all?”

The answer to the second question is: Definitely yes, because we need a Messenger to bring us the Message of Allah (S.W.T.) and toguide us according to His laws and commandments.

Then you may ask, after the Messenger delivered the Message, and himself passed away, do we need any teacher of the Book who will explain the meanings, and will interpret the difficult parts of it, and who will answer the questions that may arise, long after the Messenger had left? *

The Holy Qur’an says yes. Please take note of the following verses:

(1) “And what We have sent to thee (O’ Mohammad) from the Book, is the Truth, supporting the revelations before it; Verily Allah knoweth all about people. Then We gave the Bookas an inheritance to those servants of Us whom We chose…. That is a Great Giving!” Holy Qur’an (35:31-32).

(2) “The unbelievers say: Why no sign is revealed from his God (to support his claim)? Well, the truth is you (O’ Mohammad) are a Warner; And for every nation, there is a Guide (Imam)” Holy Qur’an (13:7). ___

(3) “He (Allah) is Who revealed unto you (O’Mohammad) the Book, some verses of which are clear; Those are the fundamentals of the Book, and some are not so clear (thus need clarification).” Holy Qur’an (3:7).

Now, how shall we clarify those verses which are not so clear? Again the Holy Qur’an tells us what to do:

(4) “Then you ask those who are familiar with the Note (Reminder or the Qur’an) if you don’t know.” Holy Qur’an (16:43).

(5) “(And on Ibrahim) We bestowed Is-haq, also Jacob, as a grandson and We made all of them righteous. And we appointedthem Imams who guided (the people) in accordance with Our Orders… “Holy Qur’an (21:72-73).

(6) “And verily We sent Noah and Abraham (as our Messengers) and We assigned the Prophethood and the Book amongst i[their children. “Holy Qur’an (57:26).

(7) “Verily Allah chose Adam and Noah and the families of Ibrahim as well as Imran, above all peole. Offspring, one ofthe other; And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. “ Holy Qur’ran (3:33-34).

(8) “One day (Day of Judgment) We shall call every people with their Imam.” Holy Qur’an (17:71).

(9) “O, Ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those who are Authorized (certified by Allah and His Messenger) amongst you; And if you disputed in anything (regarding the Authority, etc.) then take it to Allah and toHis Messenger (ask them) if you believe in Allah and the Dayof Judgment; This is a better and much agreeable judgment.” Holy Qur’an (4:59).

And what kind of an Authority is that? Again the Holy Qur’an guides us:

“They ask you (O’Mohammad!) do we have any share in that Authority? Tell them (No!) the Authority, all of it, belongs to Allah (and those whom He has Authorized).” Holy Qur’an (3:154).

Through all these verses, we got the following messages: (1) Every people have an Imam (Qur’an 13:7) with whom they shall comein the Day of Judgment (Qur’an 17:71); (2)The Book has been givenas inheritance (after the Prophets) to those servant of Allah whowere chosen by Him/Children of Prophet’s Noah, Ibrahim, etc. (Qur’an57:26); (3) The Holy Qur’an has some points which are not

clear to everyone; (4) We have to ask those who are knowledgeableabout this Book; (5) There are some Imams who guide people in accordance with the Orders of Allah, versus those who don’t; (6) We have to obey Allah and His Messenger and those who are Authorized; and finally (7) The whole Authority comes from Allah and not from men!

But Why The Household?

One may ask: Why such an Authority or Imamah is limited to the Household of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? Why not free for all? After all, Islam is the religion of the people (though not by thepeople) and Allah is the God of the people?The answers are as follows:

(1) That is the Sunnat-Allah (or Allah’s way) through history (among all nations and after every Prophet) and Allah’s Way does not change (see Holy Qur’an 33:62 and 17:77, etc.).

As he decided for Aali Ibrahim, Aali Nooh, Aali Imran and other Prophet’s families, the same He did for Aali Mohammad, (P.B.U.H.)See Holy Qur’an 57:27 also 3:33-34, 11:73, etc.

(2) The Holy Qur’an points out some specific Houses that are chosen by Allah (S.W.T.) to do His work (like the house of the Prophets):

“The Light of Allah shineth… in those Houses that Allah has allowed (chosen) to rise high/grow, and to mention His Name, in which, He is praised in the morning as well as in the evening by (those) men whom no business or buying (and selling) will preventfrom remembering Allah, and establishing the prayer, and giving in charity (sharing) and who are fearing The Day in which the hearts and eyes shall tremble (Day of Judgment).” Holy Qur’an (24:36).

(3) Allah says: “None shall touch (handle or explain) this Book, except The Purified Ones!” Holy Qur’an (56:79).

And who are the “Purified People” in the eyes of Allah? Again theHoly Qur’an identifies them:

“Verily Allah wants to remove all impurities from you O’ Ahlal Bayt (Aali Mohammad) and to clean you a through cleaning. “Holy Qur’an (33:33).

In another verse, as we noted earlier, the Holy Qur’an further emphasizes that some people are chosen by Allah to “Inherit” the Book:

“Then We Gave the Book, as an inheritance to some of Our Servants, whom we Chose (…) This is a Great Blessing!” Holy Qur’an (35:31-32).(Also look at the Hadith of the Holy Prophet regarding the “Two Important Valuables” he left for Muslims after him, namely 1) TheBook of Allah, and 2) The Ahlal Bayt, as teachers of the Book. See Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, p.272 and Sahih Tirmidi, vol.2, p.308, etc.)

The Wah’habi – Saudi Concept of Imamah

In recent years, the Saudi royal family and its twin brother, the Wah’habi sect, who are both the by-products of the infamous Lawrence of Arabia, the British Secret Agent (please read the book of the same title or see the movie called Lawrence of Arabia to know the truth better)* are spreading a new concept of Islam in general, and Imamah in particular. See page 62 and 84.

The money that they are using to propagate this idea, is the American Petro-Dollar and the company that pays for its propagation is the so-called Arab-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). The agency that orchestrates all this “American Islam” is the Satanic Organization of the CIA, which is the evil instrument of the U.S. Imperialism to destroy Islam and all other Godly and

human values that may stand against their Satanic plots. (No wonder, Imam Khomeini called American, the Great Satan)! Among the many tools that they use for their unholy purposes are the so-called “Ulama” who receive their monthly salaries in U.S. dollars coming from doubtful sources.

What Is the Concept?

The Saudi-American Islam preaches that there is no need for any Imam, and every Muslim should read the Holy Qur’an for himself, and follow what he understands from the Holy Book. (This is exactly the same concept that the CIA-backed American missionaries are preaching in the name of Protestantism—Baptists,Methodists, Lutherans, etc. in the Christian world). They are telling the people to read the Holy Qur’an, and the Hadith (without a teacher) and to understand Islam (without a guide or Imam) while they know very well that 60% of the Saudi Arabians are “no read no writes!” Also a big percentage of the Muslim population in the Middle East or elsewhere, either don’t know howto read and to understand the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith or they are simply illiterate. (In Pakistan and Afghanistan, the majorityof their Papulation are illiterate).

What Is The Purpose?

Apparently, this plan, or plot, is pretending to believe that theBook of Allah is complete (which is true) and that every believercan understand all that is revealed in the Book (which is not true). See Holy Qur’an (3:7).

But, the real intention of its advocates is to prevent the formation of any Islamic Organization under the leadership of a spiritual Muslim leader or Imam, that can unite the Muslim Ummah and to stand against the Satanic forces of Imperialism and to declare Jihad, against America and its puppets in the world, namely Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.Just to know how successful this Anti-Islam, Anti Imamah scheme has been in the Muslim world, it’s enough to note that for schemehas been in the Muslim world, I’ts enough to note that for more

than half a century, all the Islamic movements in the Muslim worldhave failed to establish any real Islamic rule. (Look at theIkhwan Al-Muslimin in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, ect. or those Islamic movements, in countries like Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. and you will see failures after failures of such Islamic Organizations or Fronts).

The only successful Islamic movement that was able to establish an Islamic government in a Muslim country so far, has been the Islamic Revolution of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini;and the major factor for this successful Islamic Revolution was Imamah or the spiritual leadership rising up against the corrupt regime of the Shah of Iran, in 1979.

This phenomenon – Imamah vs. the corrupt governments, is what theSaudi royal family and the rest of the corrupt regimes in the Muslim world and their “mother” the U.S. Imperialism, are so afraid of. That’s why they spend so much money and use so many “Ulama” as a tool, just to preach that there is no need for any Imams, and that everyone is an Imam for himself! (Thus, there is no united front against Imperialism and there is no Ummah, no Jihad and nothing at all)! But as Muslims, we should think that if there would be no Imam, who else then shall declare Jihad (which is emphasized in more than 200 places in the Holy Qur’an)?We can’t even have a Friday Prayer, Id-Al-Ad’ha, Id Al-Fitir prayers, etc. without an Imam; how then do we expect that the Muslim Ummah could march forward (both spiritually and materially) without an Imam?

Do you think that all Muslims, for many centuries, have been wrong by following the Imams? Are we to accept that only the newly established “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its new “Wah’habi sect”are right, and the rest of the Muslim world is wrong? Can you believe that?

But The Holy Qur’an Says It Differently

The Holy Qur’an tells us a different story. It teachers us that we need an Imam or a spiritual leader, who will follow the

footsteps of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and will implement the Commandments of Allah (S.W.T.) (not the dictates of the U.S.) in the Muslim society. It does not allow the community to be withouta spiritual guide or Imam, even just for a day!

When Prophet Musa (A.S.) was called by Allah (S.W.T.) to Mount Sinai (for 30 days), the Holy Qur’an says: “He appointed his brother Aaron as his Khalifah and leader (Imam) of the people.” Inspite of this, some people did not want to follow him, and theyeven started worshipping a calf (!). This is a case which proves that you can’t follow what you think is right – certainly you need a guide or an Imam.

The Holy Qur’an tells it better:

“And We (Allah S.W.T.) invited Moses for thirty days; then We (testing the people) increased it by ten more days; thus making it forty nights; And Moses told his brother (Aaron) take my placeamong my people (lead them), improve the situation and follow notthe ways of the corrupt People!” Holy Qur’an 7:142. (See, corruptPeople, even among the followers and companions of Moses and Aaron)!

In the history of Islam, the same event was repeated. When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) left Madinah to fight the oppressive government of Rome, he assigned Imam Ali to run the Islamic City State of Madinah during his absence for a few days. But, some people did not want to follow Imam Ali. (the same story of Musa and Aaron. No wonder Prophet Mohammad said: “O, Ali you are to melike Aaron to Musa (A.S.) except the fact that there is no Messenger after me.” Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, p. 492). *

So, the lmam is needed in a Muslim_society, not only for a long period, but for every single day in the life of the Ummah. (To our opinion, the basic reason why the Muslims of the Philippines could not reach their goals despite 400 years of Jihad, is the lack of a united front, under the leadership of a qualified Imam (Olil Amr) who is acceptable to the majority of the Muslims, in the country).

The Love of Aali Mohammad

Allah in the Holy Qur'an says:

‘Tell them (O'Mohammad) I don’t ask any compensation for it (preaching Islam to you) except (that you) love the loved ones!“ (of the Holy Prophet). Holy Qur’an (42:23). See Page 117

According to the Islamic historians, a group of Sahaba (compansions of the Holy Prophet) came to him and wanted to offerhim some material things as a token of their appreciation of whatProphet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had done in guiding them towards lslam, and out of the Jahiliyyah or Ignorance. But, Allah (S.W.T.) told the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to tell them that he needed nothing of their material possessions! However, if they wanted torepay the Holy Prophet, they would better be kind to his relatives and descendants. Unfortunately, many so-called Muslims did the exact opposite!

The Biggest Tragedy in Islam

lnspite of Holy Prophet’s repeated recommendations and his clear instructions, all the lmams of the Aali Mohammad, and a big number of Prophet‘s children and grandchildren were either killedby the sword or they were poisoned by the rulers, immediately after the death of, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

1.)Fatimah Zahra, the only child that the Prophet Mohammad had left behind him, and wife to Imam Ali, mother of lmams Hasan and Hosain, and the lady whom all Muslims remember, during the Khotbah of Friday prayer, and other Salats, was critically wounded by a mob, who attacked and burned her house. They injuredher physically and killed the fetus in her womb! This tragic event took place even as the body of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was left unburied! Because, some people thought that the election of a Khalifah or successor to the Holy Prophet, was more urgent than the burial of the body of Prophet Mohammad! (Leadership of the Ummah seemed so important to the Sahaba; then

why did the Prophet himself say nothing about such an important issue? Or did he say, but some people did not want to follow)!

Fatimah Zahra was injured severely, and she died of the complications, six months after her father passed away. She was only 18 years old at the time of other tragic death. She requested Imam Ali to bury her secretly, as a sign of her protestagainst those ungrateful “followers” of her father (see page 94).

Until now, no Muslim knows exactly, where is the tomb of Fatimah Zahra, the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

2.)Imam Ali, the husband of Fatimah Zohra and the cousin of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was disobeyed, hurt, and finally martyred, inside the Kufa Mosque, during a morning prayer, in theHoly mouth of Ramadan.

3.)Imam Hasan, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad, (son of Fatimah and Ali) was disobeyed and dastardly poisoned by Mo’awia, the governor of Damascus, who was also a former companion of, ProphetMohammad (P.B .U .H .).

4.)Imam Hosain, the second grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was beheaded by Khalifah Yazid, son of Mo‘awia! Along with Imam Hosain, 72 other Muslims (some Aali Mohammad and some Sahaba of the Prophet Mohammad) were killed by Yazids soldiers.

His sisters, Zainab and Ummi Kulthum, the grand daughters of the Holy Prophet, and Imam Hosain's own daughters (Sakina and Roqayya) were taken as captives, and they were introduced to the people of Iraq and Syria, as the “non-Muslims! “(And today, the followers of Yazid and Mo’awia call the followers of the Ahlal Bayt as the non-Muslims. Is it amazing? Like father, like son!). see page 97 All other Imams of the Aali Mohammad, except for Imam Mahdi, havebeen jailed (Imam Musa Al-Kazim for 14 years) and killed through poisoning by the Khalifahs of their times, both the Umayyads as well as the Abbasids.

This is how the so-called “Muslims” returned the services of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U .H.) after his death.

And now, the Saudi government, and its Wah-habi rulers, have destroyed the tombs of four of those Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet, namely Imam Hasan, Imam Zainol Abidin, Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir and Imam Ja‘far As-Saadiq, in Madinah (The Baqie Cemetery). They argue that, according to the Wah-habi / Salafi Islam, construction of any tomb for anybody is a “Bid-ah” (!) or un-Islamic. (See page 109)(What about the tombs of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) or Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and other Prophets)? see page 104

How come building palaces with golden faucets for the Saudi royalfamily is not a Bid-ah, and contrary to the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Mohammad? Why the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, itself, is not a Bid-ah and against the teachings and the pure practices of the Prophet Mohammad; but having a tombbuilt upon the burial ground of a good Muslim or an Imam, whom weare all supposed to remember, love and follow, is a Bid-ah? **

The truth of the matter is that, as the Munafiq people in the early days of Islam hated the Holy Family of the Prophet Mohammad(P.B .U .H .) and they even, massacred them, their children today(lead by the Saudi royal family) are doing the same; as did the Jews with the descendants of Abraham or Aali Ibrahim. A.S. (See the Holy Qur‘an 31:112, etc.). see page 115-116

This Saudi-American unholy alliance, knows very well, that even the tombs of the Aali Mohhamad, can inspire the Muslims, in uprising against the corrupt regimes in the Islamic world -- justlike what Imam Hosain did when he and his followers fought, so bravely against Yazid, and his anti-Islamic rule.

If these regimes were allowed to continue their crimes against Islam and the Ahlal Bayt, maybe one day, they would remove even the names, of the Aali Mohammad, from the Muslim Prayers:

'Allahum-ma Salli Ala Mohammad wa Ala Aaali Mohammad, Kama Sal-laita Ala Ibrahim wa Ala Aali Ibrahim, fil Aalameen!**

May Allah forbid that! Insha Allah!

Chapter II


“What is the use of running,when the road is wrong?“What is the use of a lamp, if there is no oil!”

Imam Must Be lnfallible

lt seems that some people have a hard time to understand how can an Imam (i.e. the Holy Imam of the Ahlal Bayt) possibly be infallible, because they, think that infallibility is limited to the Prophets (A.S.) and even then, some of them cannot figure it out quite clearly, how can it be?

Well , we cannot blame them, because they never had a chance to follow Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Hosain, and the rest of the 12 Holy Imams of the Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

The only leaders that they saw, were Mo'awia, Yazid and the rest of the Caliphs (both Omayyad and Abbasid) who would openly drink wine, and yet they claimed to “represent” the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and amazingly a majority of the Muslims believed them; and some fools, still do!

But the Imams that we are talking about, are the 12 Holy Imams ofthe Ahlal Bayt or the Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) who were certified pure, by Allah (S.T.W.) in the Holy Qur'an (33:33)and not the Imam of any Mosque or Mufti of a certain country, etc.

Why Must Imam Be lnfallible?

a) Because, Allah has already told Ibrahim (A.S.) that: His promise of Imamah (or the spiritual leadership) won't be for the sinners. (See Holy Qur’an: 2:124).

b) Allah has also commanded all the Muslims, to obey Him, obey the Messenger (Prophet Mohammad) and Those Who Authorized (by Allah and His Messenger) among us. (See Holy Qur‘an 4:59)

How can Allah order us to obey a sinner? In fact , He denies thisby saying: “Say (O'Mohammad) that Allah will never command corrupt practices” (Holy Qur’an: 7:28).

“And obey you not anybody whose heart We have allowed to “forget”Us. One who follows his own desires . . .” (Holy Qur‘an 18:28).

“So obey you not those who deny the Truth! Obey you not despicable person, always ready with oaths; A slanderer, going around calumnies; Hinderer of good, transgressing beyond bounds, deep in sin, violent (and cruel) with all that, base-born… (“HolyQur'an: 68:8 13).

Now, in the history of Islam, you should compare the life styles of the Omayyad and the Abbasid Khalifahs, and that of the Family of ProphetMohammad (P.B.U.H.) or the Ahlal Bayt, whom “Allah decided to cleanse from all dirt and thoroughly purity!” Holy Qur’an (33:33).

Or take note when the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

“The example of my family is like the Ark of Nooh, those who joinit (follow them) are saved (for sure because they commit no mistakes in leading the people, because they are pure, Qur’an 33:33) as Prophet Mohammad himself was pure and committed no wrong (but there is no prophet after Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H ) only there are 12 Emirs or the Holy Imams, from Qoraish (Sahih Muslim Vol. 5 p.482). And those who don’t (join my family i.e. donot follow them as their Imams, or follow any other person who isnot from the Family) will perish!” (like those people who did notboard the Ark of Nooh) See Prophet Mostadrak Sahihain,” Vol. 2, p.343.

Now, do you think that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) will ask usto join/follow the sinful people? Or only those who are certifiedby Allah (S.W.T.) to be far from any sins? (Holy Qur’an: 33:33).

c) If the Imam is not infallible, then how sure are we that he istelling the (truth and nothing but the truth) and he must be obeyed, or he is telling a lie (like Yazid) or making a mistake (like many Khalifahs) and we have to disobey? But Allah says obeythem! (Holy Qur’an, 4:59, etc.).

d) In the Holy Qur’an, Allah gives a good example of the righteous Imams this way:

“And We gave him (Ibrahim A.S.) Isaac and Jacob… and We made all of them righteous! And We made them Imams, guiding (people) by Our Orders, and We sent them inspirations, in order for them to do good deeds . . . .” Holy Qur‘an (21:72-73).

But, the you may say: This ayahs are talking about the Prophets of Bani Israil, who were children of Ibrahim (A.S.) and they are not about the Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) because, there is no other Prophet after our beloved Prophet Mohhamad(P.B.U.H.).

The answer is: It is true that there is no other prophet after the Prophet Mohammad (P. B. U. H. ) but the Imam hood or the spiritual leadership, has never stopped since Allah appointed Adam (A. S.) as His KHALIFAH on Earth, and He ordered the Angels to bow down to him (Qur'an 2 34) This heavenly “Authorization” or“Olil Amr” Continued untill Allah (S.W.T.) Appointed Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) as Imam of the people (Holy Qur‘an 2:124) and after Ibrahim, He again appointed Aali Ibrahim or Children of Ibrahim as Imams (Holy Qur’an 21:72-73).

And now, we Muslims are also required by Allah (S.W.T.) to pray several times a day, asking Him to: Bless Mohammad and Aali Mohammad (his children) as He Blessed Ibrahim and Aali Ibrahim” (Allahum-ma Sal-li Ala Mohammadin Wa Ala Aali Mohammadin Kama Sal-laita Ala Ibrahim Wa Ala Aali Ibrahim . . .) The Daily Prayers, in Islam.

What was the Blessing of Allah to Aali Ibrahim? Do you remember any? If not, then let us ask Allah Himself . . . “Are they(?) jealous of the people (?) for what Allah Has Given them of His Blessings? While We have already given Aali Ibrahim the Book and the Wisdom and a Great Possession! (Holy Qur’an 4:54).

Now, do you realize what are you praying for, several times a day? Are you following what you are praying for? Who are your Imams, then?

e) The prophethood ended by Prophet Mohammad, who is the Seal of the Prophets, and the Prophethood (Quran: 33: 40) and there is noother prophet or revelation to come after him, because, the religion has been completed by Allah, through Prophet Mohammad, and his Message, i.e. Al-Islam (see Holy Qur’an 5:4).

Yet, the “Khalifah of Allah” or His Representative on Earth, in other words, the Spiritual Leadership or the Imamhood, will neverbe over; Because, for thousands of years Allah has appointed Imams, to guide the people. How could He let them down, today? While we know very well that Allah’s Style will never change (Holy Qur'an: 33:62 and 17:77 and 35: 43, etc., etc.).

That's why the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) said:

"(After me) I leave among you two very important things, that if you followed them, you will never go astray:1) The Book of Allah2) and My Ahlal Bayt (the teachers of the Book) “Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, p. 272; “Sahih Tirmidi,” Vol. 2, p. 308, etc.

In fact, the reason why after the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) there was an immediate need for a leader (Khalifah or Imam) that some Sahaba even left the body of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) unburied, to look for a successor or a Khalifah for him, proves that, they also believed that the Muslim Ummah can never be without an Imam, and that Imam must be “Pure” because, the sinners are not qualified to take the place of the Pure Prophet of Allah (S.W.T) and lead the believers.

The Holy Qur’an says:” . . . Is he who guides to the truth betterto follow, or he who himself needs to be guided” (doesn’t know

well what to do, or is a sinner and thus not qualified to take a lead the peopIe)? Holy Qur’an (10:35).

Just look at the Islamic history, to see how many rulers after Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) committed mistakes or even crimes, and they knowingly violated the laws of Allah, and some Muslim leaders are still violating it openly or otherwise. Now, how can obeying them be ordered by Allah? No wonder Allah (S.W.T.) ends, His statement in that Ayah by asking: “What’s the matter with you? What kind of a judgment you have’? “Holy Qur‘an (10:35).

f) Finally, someone who succeeds the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as a Khalifah or Imam, assumes all the responsibilities of the Holy Prophet (in war as well as in peace)except the revelation, which has ended.

Such a leader should possess the same qualities that the Holy Prophet himself did; like the Knowledge, the Wisdom, the Purity, etc. That‘s why the Prophet Mohammad said: “I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is the Gate to it!” Sahih Tirmidi Vol.2, p.299.(Has anyone heard the Holy Prophet saying the same thing about, any other person)?

Otherwise, how could someone sit in the place of the Prophet, rule over the believers absolutely, as the Prophet did, and he also should be obeyed as the Prophet was being obeyed, and yet not possess his qualifications In Knowledge, Wisdom, Purity and so on? (In other words, the one who succeeds, should also, Possesthe qualifications of the one he is succeeding, otherwise, it will end up in a systems failure!)

Again, to make it sure that we have understood very well, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) told Imam Ali: “(O’Ali!) You are to me like what Aaron (A.S.) was to Moses (A.S.) (Namely: assistant, veriz, and his successor . . .) except that there is no other Prophet after me.” Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, p. 492.

So, the true successor of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is an Imam,who is the purest and the most knowledgeable person among the Ummah, after the Prophet. And every Muslim knows that nobody among the Muslim Ummah, has ever been purer and more

knowledgeable about Islam than the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet, and nobody knew Islam better than those whose house was where Islam was born, and the Holy Qur’an entered first, and those who were living with Prophet Mohammad, twenty four hours a day! i.e. his Household or the Ahlal Bayt.

Now, are those who know the real truth and are purified by Allah equal (in leadership, etc.) with those who are not? Let’s see what the Holy Qur'an says:

“Are those who know, equal to those who don’t know? Only those who are wise, know the difference!" Holy Qur’an (39:9).

After all these qualifications possessed by the Imams of the Family of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and the certification by Allah and His Messenger to support their purity and integrity,are you still in doubt about their being Infallible?


As we all know, the “BISMILLAH-IR RAHMAN-IR RAHIIM” is the most important and often repeated ayah in the Holy Qur’an. Yet some “Imams” start their prayers without saying “Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahiim,” which is definitely unacceptable to Allah (S.W.T.) and to His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) and to the believers.

Every surah in the Holy Qur’an starts with “Bismillah,” except for Surah Bara-ah/ Tauba (Surah 9) that starts without Bismillah,because it was to declare the Anger of Allah, and His Messenger, towards the Idol worshippers, while Bismillah is for Compassion and Mercy of Allah (S.W.T).

Here are some reasons why Bismillah is necessary/wajib, and why without it, there is NO VALID PRAYERS:

1. Al-Fatihah is the first surah of the Holy Qur’an, and the first ayah of it (i.e. the first ayah in the Holy Qur’an ) is “Bismillah -ir Rahman-ir Rahiim”. Not saying Bismillah while reciting Al-Fatihah/prayer is an intentional disrespect to Allah (S.W.T.) by purposely omitting or avoiding His Holy Name, which

is above all the names; and no true believer can do it knowingly.Only those who hate Allah (S.W.T.) may do such things.

2. As far as the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the early Muslims who compiled/memorized and recited the Holy Qur’an were Concerened, the Bismillah was clearly a part and the beginning ayah of every surah. That’s why when one surah (Surah 9) came without Bismillah (an exeptioanl case) nobody put Bismiilah into it; meaning to say that other surahs which start with Bismillah, were revealed as such. (i.e. with Bismillah).

3. According to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.): “Whenever Archangel Jebrail would recite Bismillah to me, I would understand that a new surah is being revealed by Allah (S.W.T.). If Archangel Jebrail repeated Bismillah in every surah, then who are we to omit it? Unless Satan wants to destroy our prayers, and to make them useless; because he hates Allah's Holy Names (S.W.T)!

4. When Prophet Nooh (A.S.) built his Ark , then, according to Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an, he told his believing followers, who were the only ones that were saved: “Bismillah Majraaha wa morsaaha” (Enter ye in the Name of Allah), Holy Qur’an (11:41). It’s amazing, the believers in the time of Prophet Nooh (A.S.) did not even ride the ark without Bismillah and here some of the “Muslim Imams” lead the Friday Prayer, etc. without BISMILLAH!

5. When Prophet Solaiman (A.S.) wrote a letter to the Queen of Saba (not yet a believer) he started his letter with Bismillah. Again, Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an says:

“This is ( a letter) from Solaiman , and it is (as follows): Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahiim . . .” Holy Qur’an (27:30).

So, when a great Prophet like Solaiman (A.S.) starts his letter, even to an unbeliever, with Bismillah, What makes some people think that the saying of Bismillah is not necessary in Islamic Daily Prayers? And if they claim that they “say it in their hearts” then the question will be why are they trying to “Hide” the Name of Allah (S.W.T.) while the Holy Prophets (A.S.) openly declared it to the whole world to hear?

6. Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an describes the Surah Al-Fatihah to be “of seven verses” (Holy Qur’an 15:87). This includes the Bismillah . . . as its first ayah. Now if you omit the “Bismillah,” then Al- Fatihah becomes only six ayahs. It contradicts Allah’s intention in that surah. And every change in the Holy Qur’an is definitely a Bid-ah!

7. Allah (S.W.T) warns those who avoid mentioning His Holy Name,by deciaring:

“Anyone, who avoids remembering/mentioning of (Allah) Most Gracious, We appoint for him a Shaytan to be his companion!... But they think that they are being guided! “Holy Qur’an (43:36-37).

8. Finally, we should like to quote a very timely reminder on this topic which has been issued by the Concerned Muslims of the Philippines, as follows:


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam:

It has been observed that some of our respectable prayer leaders (some of them), start Jum’ah prayer without (the most repeated part in the Holy Qur’an, namely) Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahiim.

This, despite the Qur’anic injuctions, and the Hadith and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) that says: “When reading Qur’an” or “ performing something important,” a Muslim “should always start with Bismillah.”

Allah (S.W.T.) has clearly commanded the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and every Muslim to observe this rule: “And when you recite the Qur’an (prayer is also called Qur’an; see Chapter 17, verse 78) seek Allah’s protection against Satan the rejected one”, See the Holy Qur’an: Chapter 16, verse 48.

(Thus say, A’uzo Billahi Minash Shaytan-ir Rajiim, Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahiim.) Also the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) said:

“Anything important, if it is not started with Bismillah..... is going to be incomplete!”

(No wonder our prayers are not being answered.)

How about the prayer? Is it important? Let’s see what the prayer means in the Holy Qur’an: “ Strictly, observe your prayers, especially the middle prayer, and stand before Allah with all humility.” See Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2, verse 238.

And the Holy Prophet said: “Prayer is the Foundation of the Religion,” He also said, “Prayer is the Mi-raj (Ascession) of a Momin.” (Believer!)

Now, can you lead the most important prayer (Jum’ah) with thousands of Muslims, in the house of Allah (S.W.T.), but withoutthe Name of Allah? That is very important question that every Muslim should ask himself, as well as his Imam. However, one thing is sure: When you start a prayer with the Name of Allah (S.W.T.), that prayer is directed to Allah, alone. But a, prayer started not with the Bismillah, can go to any god, be it a Hindu god, an Arab god, a Greek god, or Roman god, etc.

Can You Say it in Your Heart?

Some prayer leaders claim that they say it in their hearts. Why in their hearts? Are they ashamed to declare the Glory of Allah (S.W.T.) for everybody to hear? How come the Al-Fatihah and the Surah are recited loudly, but the Name of Allah which is the beginning of every Surah (except Surah Taubah) and the centerpiece of our faith, is “covered up?”

The truth of the matter is that it is neither Islamic, nor logical to pray to Allah (S.W.T.) without bringing His Holy Name,or hiding His Holy Attributes. Only Satan will love that!

We pray to Allah (S.W.T.) to guide all of us In the Siratal Mustaquim, Inshallah.


(Note: This same people who are very shy to say “Bismillah”, are very proud to shout “Aaaamen!”, just like what the Christians and

the Jews do; while in the Holy Qur’an, there is no such woed as “Amen”, but in the Bible there are many!

Actually the origin of “Amen” is from the Egyptian-Persian sun god “Amen” “Amon”! (See “Webster’s New World Dictionary” p. 23-24, under “Amen”) . Meanwhile, Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an,orders the Muslims not to “shout their prayers, like that of the pagans, and also not to “hide” it either; but to be “moderate between the two extremes!” Holy Qur’an (17:110)

Who Are The Ahlal Bayt?

There is a debate whether the “Ahlal Bayt” of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) about whom the certification of purity has been issued by Allah (S.W.T) in the Holy Qur’an (33:33) includes his wives also, or not?

Some people say that the Holy Prophet’s wives are included. But, many evidences from the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and some historical developments, clearly show that Ahlal Bayt is the title of “Those who were part of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and flesh of his flesh and blood of his blood.” Here are some evidences to prove that belief, as follows:

A) The certification of purity in the verse 33 of the Sura 33 of the Holy Qur’an is with the Arabic pronoun “Kom” (you menfolk) while all the previous and later statements and instructions to the wives of the Holy Prophet are with the pronoun “Kon-na” ( you women folk).

Now, consider the following facts:

1) Ahlal Bayt or the household is referring to those who are members of the family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

2) The Prophet had no living male child, at that time (Holy Qurr’an, 33:40).

3) The only male members of his Household were Imam Ali, the cousin of the Prophet, who was raised by the Prophet since his early childhood, and he virtually lived with the Prophet. Aside from Imam Ali, there were Imams Hasan and

Hosain, the grandchildren of the Prophet through his son-in-law Ali, and his beloved daughter Fatimah Zahra.

4) lf the certification of purity is not meant for the Holy Prophet himself (because he did not need it, because the whole Qur'an is a proof of his purity) but rather it is about his Household/ Family, and he has no living son, then why suddenly the statement of Allah changes from feminine pronoun “Koñna” (you women, meaning the wives of the Holy Prophet (P.B.H.U.) to a masculine pronoun “Kom” (you men folk)?

And if it were about the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), then he is one male and the male pronoun should have been “Ka” (you man, singular).

So much for the Arabic grammar and logical interpretations. Now, let us see what the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) himself says about his own Household, or the Ahlal Bayt:

B) When Allah (S.W.T.) ordered the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to bring “His children, his women folk and himself” to the Mubahala or theconfrontation of lslam vs. Christianity (see Holy Qur’an, 3:61), the Prophet only brought with him Imam Hasain, Imam Hosain, Fatimah Zahra and her husband, Imam Ali. (SahihMuslim,Vol.5, p.268). No other person was included.

C) Zaid Bin Arqam has said that the wives of the Prophet (may Allah Bless him and Bless them all) are not included in the privilege of being “purified by Allah from all forms of lmpurities” (Qur’an 33:33) and they don’t carry the title of Ahlal Bayt. (Sahih Muslim Vol. 5, p. 274 and Sahih Tirmidi Vol. 2, p.209 and Mosnad Ahmad Hanbal, Vol. 6, p.323 etc.).

Also consider the fact that:

1) Some wives of the Holy Prophet were idol worshippers before they converted to Islam, while Allah’s certification of the

Household of the Prophet Mohammad is a total purification (See Holy Qur’an 33:33).

2) Some of them broke the Qur’anic rule for them to stay at home (See Holy Qur’an 33:33) by leading a military rebellion against the duly constituted Khalifah of Islam (i.e. lmam Ali) and that is a mortal sin in Islam (see the history of the Jamal war lead by Aisha R.A. etc.).

3) Allah (S.W.T.) scolds some wives of the Holy Prophet, by saying that, if the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.U.) divorced them, HeAllah can replace them with “Better than you!” (See Holy Qur'an, 66:5 as well as 66:1, etc.).

Now, considering that Allah (S.W.T.) is not joking, nor He is exaggerating or bluffing, then it means to say that there were some other Muslim ladies, who were even better, in the Eyes of Allah, than some wives of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) May Allah bless them all. Otherwise, the Qur'anic verse will be contradictory, and no true Muslim can accept that!

So, how could they be qualified to be the Ahlal Bayt, (who hold the highest position in the Eyes of Allah and His Messenger, as well as among the Sahaba and the Tabe-in), while Allah tells the wives of the Holy Prophet, that there are some other Muslim women, who are “Better than you!” Who can judge better than Allah? The answer is: NONE!

Besides, just being a wife to the Prophet, is not enough to “purify” a woman; that’s why Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an criticizes the wives of Prophet Nooh (A.S.) and Lot Prophet (A.S.) and He praises the wife of Pharaoh (Lady Asyah) for her faith (See Holy Qur’an: 66:10, etc.).

Actually, man and woman become husband and wife by a marriage contract, but they may not be related genetically, while the children are genetically parts of their parents and they never could be separated as such. In Islam, one can divorce his wife, but you can never “divorce” your children!


It clearly shows the cosmopolitan view and the universality of Islam, that most of its great religious and scientific as well associo-political leaders were the non-Arabs; notable among them are the Persians, about whom the Holy Prophet said:

“If religion/knowledge were in the stars, even then a person fromPersia would have taken hold of it, or one amongst the Persian descent would have surely found it.”

(For more Hadith on this subject, see Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, p. 1352 under “The Merits of the People of Persia”).

It’s amazing that the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is all praises for the Persian/Iranian people, but some ignorant groups (who also claim to be the followers of Prophet Mohammad) call theIranians “Kafir”! Now, whom should we believe, the Holy Prophet or these dectractors?

In order to appreciate the truth of this Hadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) better, here are some historical facts, as follows:

1) The greatest Imam in Islam (aside from the Ahlal Bayt) is an Iranian. He is Imam Abu Hanifa bin Thabit bin Marzban (this is a Persian name which means “guard of the frontiers/Governor) Imam Abu Hanifa is also known as Imam A’zam or the highest Imam.

2) All the great men of Hadith, who gathered and preserved the sayings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) were Iranians. These are: 1) Bukhari from Bukhara (Ancient Persia), 2) Muslim from Nishapur(Persia) 3) Tirmizi from Tirmiz (Persia), 4) Nasai from Nasa of Khorasan (Persia), 5) Abu Dawud from Sajistan (Sistan-Baluchistan, Persia) and finally, 6) lbne Maja from Qazwin (Caspian, Persia) (See “The Islamic Essentials” by Haji MoinuddinAhmad of India, pp. 80-82).

3) The greatest Mofassir (interpreter) of the Holy Qur'an is also an Iranian. He is Imam Tabari, from Tabaristan of Persia.

4) The greatest Sufi or Mystic in Islam is another man from Persia. He is Imam Mohammad Al-Ghazzali. (From Tous, Khorasan).

Some believe it is Jalalud Din Rumi, but he is also from Balkh ofPersia.

5) The greatest grammarian of the Arabic language is Sib-waih of Shiraz, the capital of Pars province in Iran.

6) And finally, the greatest non-Arab Muslim and Sahaba of the Holy Prophet is Salman Al-Farsi (R.A.) from Isfahan, Iran.

It was about this great personality that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) said: “Salman is from us, the Ahlal Bayt!” No other person, outside the Family of the Holy Prophet, got the honor of such a title, in Islam, ever.

And there are several Ayahs in the Holy Qur’an, directly referring to Salman and his people - the Persians . See for example:

1) The last Ayah of Surah Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). The Holy Qur’an (47:40).

2) The third Ayah of Surah Jum’ah (64:3), according to Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, p. 1352, Chapter: “The Merits of the People of Persia.”

3) Also, Ayah 103 of Surah 16 (Suraton Nahl).

These and many other Ayahs and Hadithes, show us very clearly, how true is the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and how wrong are the detractors, who are just enviuos of the Allah -given merits of a people. (See Holy Qur'an, 4:54, etc.).


There are many other great Muslim philosophers, thinkers, poets, mystics, scientists, mujahids, etc. in the history of Islam who were Persians. Here are the names of some of them:

1) Mohammad Al-Kolaini (Hadith)*

2) Ibne Sina or Avicenna (Medicine, Philosophy)

3) Al-Farabi (Philosophy, Arts and Linguistics)

4) Al Biruni (History)

5) Mohammad Zakarayya Al-Razi (the Chemist or Alchemist who discovered the alcohol for the industrial uses)

6) Omar Khayyam (Poetry and Math)

7) Jalal Ad- Din Rumi (Great Mystic, Poet)

8) Fakhr Al-Razi (Tafseer)

9) Naseer Ud-Din Tousi (Astronomy)

10) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani, (Great Spiritual Leader)

11) Salahud Din Ayyubi (The Kurdish leader who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders)

And many more. For details, please refer to the history of Islam and the great Muslim personalities.

Foot note

-Mohammad Al-Kolaini is probably the greatest man of Hadith, in the entire history of Islam. His famous book “Al-kafi” has more Hadith than all the six books of hadith of the Sunnah (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidi, Nasai, Abu Dawoud and Ibne Maja) combined! (if you removed their repeated Hadith).

Incidentally, all those six compilers of Hadith are Persians, so is Sheikh Mohammad Al-Kolaini. He was born in Kolain, a small village near Tehran (Iran), Kolaini is a Shi’ah of the Ahlal Baytof the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

Imam Mahdi The Last Reformer of the World

ALLAH hath decreed that I, and My Messengers, shall overcome the evil ones.” (Holy Qur'an (21:58).

Any researcher who has a clear view of Islam, will come across aninteresting, humane and logical point and that is what we call

“INTEZAR-OL FARAJ” or the “concept of a reformer who will be the last solution to all inhuman practices, and problems that exist in this world.”

It is an undoubted belief among all Muslims that Prophet Mohmmad (P.B.U.H.) said:

“The best thing to do (As a Muslim) is to prepare yourself for such a great universal event (revolution) in which Allah, (S.W.T.) through that reformer, will fill the earth with justice,after it would have become full of tyranny and cruelty.”

Among the Muslims, based on the Hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Mohammad, this refomer is known as 'MAHDI' which means “The guided one”. Some Muslim scholars say that MAHDI is a descendant of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P;B.U.H.) although they do not identify him, specifically. Others, however, say that (based on the Prophet’s own sayings) MAHDI is the twelfth descendant of the Holy Prophet, through the Blessed Fatimah Zahra, and Iman Ali.

The Concept of 'Mahdi' ln Other Schools

The concept of MAHDI is not just an Islamic belief, but rather itis a universal one. The names may differ in different schools of thought, but the idea is almost the same.

The Christians believe that Jesus will come again, to cleans thisworld from the hostilities and he shall bring “love and peace” onthis Earth, in order to save the Humanity. Their famous motto is:“Jesus is coming soon.”

The Jews on the other hand, are expecting that their “Holy Kingdom” will be established, when the Messiah shall have arrived. The Buddhists have almost the same idea about Buddha, and the Hindus about Vishnu, and the Zoroastrians, about one of the children of Zoroaster called Soshiant.

This idea is so popular and so common among different religious and people that in Sociology, the scholars have opened a separatechapter discussing the above matter which is called Messianism.

The Materialialists, though they do not believe in God. also say the same thing.

Under Dialectical Materialism, man has to move toward a “class-less society” that is free from any kind of exploitation and injustice. This is the society which was forecasted in the Holy Qur'an, too: “And We (God Almighty) have decided to exalt those who were oppressed in the land, by establishing them in the earth, and showing the exploiters that which they feared the most.” Holy Qur'an (28:5-6).

Further, it says: “And verily We have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder, that My righteous men will inherit the earth”Holy Qur'an 21:105.

It is believed, therefore, that there shall come a “Great Change"by which everyone will get his right place on this earth. This iswhat every school of Philosophy or Religion, including Islam, means by the “Last Reformer”

The Mahdi of Islam

Based on the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.), Mahdi will begin his “Godly Revolution” from Mecca (the Islamic Holy Land) fighting against all the injustices and abolishing all the illegal rules and rulers, and stopping all the wrong deeds, etc. He will conquer the whole world with the cooperation of the persecuted masses of the world and by the WiII of God. There willbe only one government in this globe and that will be under the rule of the masses, who have submitted themselves to the Will of Allah (S.W.T.).

According to the Prophet Mohammad, at that time all the people ofthe world will live together, just like members of one family. The elders will be regarded as parents, and the people will trusteach other as brothers and sisters.

The Holy Prophet said, during the Mahdi's time a person in the East can see his “brother” in the West and he/she can hear him and vice versa. (Is it the age of satellites, radio and T.V.)?

He also Prophecied that:

In those days having faith is more difficult than holding fire inones own bare hands; Men shall look like the women and the women shall look like men!

Women will be wearing clothes yet, and they will be naked! (See-thru or mini skirts?) they will be driving vehicles; they will bein forefront of immoralities (night clubs, bars, etc )? sudden and unexpected deaths will increase tremendously (air plane crashes, car accidents heart attacks, etc.?) and many more predictions and prophecies by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that could be seen in the most famous books of Hadith, like the Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Ibne Maja, etc.

Why should there be a “Mahdi”?

For those who believe; ln religions like lslam, Christianity, Judaism, etc, the problem is already solved because it is their religious belief. However,for those who do not believe in any religion (or if they believed, they would want to know a logical explanation also), we ask them to consider the following basic principles: It’s a natural law that after any disorder, there shall come and order; after any dictatorship, tyranny and lawlessness, people will revolt and gain democracy; and after a period of discriminations, injustices, and rich and poor conflicts, there shall a revolt by the masses to change that unfair situation. (Take note of the great revolts of the world: The Rennaisance, the French Revolution, Russia’s 1917 Revolution,Chinese Revolution, The Iranian Islamic Revolution of the 1979, etc.)

If we take all of these into consideration, we will see clearly that the situation of the world today is ripe for a general and worldwide upheaval to stop the injustices committed by some people against their own kind.The majority of the people today are persecuted and exploited. They are also tired of the wars, and tired of all the extreme groups. Under such miserable circumtances in which billions of people in all continents and countries are called concerned, naturally, there should be a “universal revolt for changes and reforms” under a great

universalleadership, and this is what most of the religions believe in. To the Muslims, this is called “FARAJ” (deliverance).

The Role of Man

Here may arise a misunderstanding that: “lf this universal revolution will take place, whether we like it or not, then thereis no need for us to move, or to try to reform the society anymore.”

This is not correct. It is like saying that every country shall have a government to maintain peace and order; and because it will be done anyway, therefore, the citizens have no responsibilty to participate in it. Even the Dialecticians, who belleve in the Doctrine of Determinism (Historical Determanism), do not deny the role of man in carrying out the natural laws. (see Hezel, Carl Marx, and other).

To emphasize further, we should say that it is a natural law (Made by God) that the people after experiencing lawlessness andexploitations, will try to fight against it, and thus, the “universal reform” takes place. That’s why the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) stressed that the Muslims should prepare themselves toact as Mahdi would do, to remove the evils from their societies, and to always be hopeful that by “FARAJ” their efforts will bear the maximum fruit, and they will achieve their final goal which is the establishment of a Godly Society.

The False Mahdies of the World

As we have thousands of “false Prophets” in History, we have had many “false Mahdies” also, who claimed that they were the “Last Reformer.” But in reality and truth they were not what they claimed to be, so they failed miserably along the way. Their being false could never harm the truth, as the existence of the false Prophets did no harm to the ideology of the true Messengersof God.

You will never have a false brand of a machine or anything else, if you didn’t have the real one! Hence, the existence of those false claimants helps us to have a stronger belief in the

universal fact that there is a genuine reformer, for the existinghuman problems.

There were hundreds who claimed that they were the “Reformer” that was proclimed by their religious leaders. The most prominentones in the East, were:

1 Al-Sanoosi of Morocco, died 1295 A.D.

2 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (lndian), founder of Qadianism,or Ahmadiyyah; he died 1882 A.D.

3 Muhammad Ahmad of Sudan, died 1885 A.D.

4 Ali Muhammad Baab (Iran), killed in 1885 A.D.

5 Hosain Ali Baha (lran), founder of Bahaism, also called, Baha’ Allah who died 1892 A.D.

6 Felix Manalo Ysagun of the Philippines, founder of the so called lglesia ni Kristo (Inc.) died 1963, etc.

As we know, all of them have failed to make any global reforms. On the contrary, we can say that from the time that they made their false claims, until their deaths, neither the problems weresolve nor the persecuted masses were liberated by them. This is aclear proof that Qadianism, Bahaism and other similar so called “Reform Movements” ware nothing but false claims. They could not even accomplish anything in their own communities; how could theyclaim to bring a Reform on the Universal Level?

Qadianism, is now outlawed in its birth the place, which is Pakistan (formerly part of India), because of the fact that Qadianism was created and backed up by the British colonialism. (One of the Fundamental teachings of Qadianism was to prohibit the people from fighting against the British Colonialists, in theIndian Subcontinent!).

Bahaism, has been, and still is, outlawed in Iran based, on the constitution of the country. The historical documents proved thatBahaism was founded, funded and supported by the Russian Czars tomake a national conflict among the people of lran, and to take advantage of it.

As we said earlier, these incidents of abusing a “true Iabel” on a “fake item" not only didn't harm the truth, but rather it made the “real one” even more acceptable! It is a reality that unless there existed a true brand, there would be no false brands in themarket!

As in the case of the Prophets, and even God Himself, we observe this principle because, before and even now, there always have been so many flase prophets (like Felix Manalo of the Inc.) and some who even claimed that they were God (like the Pharaoh of Egypt, etc.)

We hope that, as soon as possible, the “True Reforemer (Mahdi) will come to save the people of the world from these false claimers and to lead the persecuted majority of human beings to victory, liberation and justice, as God has promised them:

“And We have decided to exalt those who were oppressed in the land, by establishing them in the earth, and showing the exploiters that which they feared most!” Holy Qur‘an (28:5-6).

We also believe that the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979, was an ideal example of an uprising, determined to throw away the chains of oppression, internally through dethroning the Shah Mohammad RezaPhalari of Imam and externally, by defying the superpowers of the East and the West.

May the other oppressed nations also rise against their oppressors.

May we have all the nations of the world freed from the external tyranny.

May there be a truly free and brotherly Global Nation in this world. Inshallah!

Imam for Every Time

There is a very famous Hadith from Prophet the Holy Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) that says:

“Anyone who dies and doesn't know the Imam of his time, has died the death of Jahiliyyah (the Age of Ignorance, i.e. before Islam).” See Mosnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, p. 446 and Sahih Muslim Vol.4, p. 517, etc.

Also in another Hadith it is said that when a person dies, the angels called as Nakir and Monkar, will come to him and ask him the following questions:

1) Who is your God? (“Man RAb buka?”)

2) What is your Religion? (“Ma Dinoka?”)

3) Which is your Book? (“Ma Kitabuka?”)

4) Who is your Prophet? (“Man Rasuluka?”)

5) Who is your Imam, etc.? (“Man mamuka?”)

Some people mistakenly say that: My Imam is Qur'an, not knowing that Qur'an is The Kitab (The Book) while Imam is a spiritual leader after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who teaches and explainsIslam as a whole, including The Book, that is The Holy Qur'an.

That’s why a Muslim should declare his Faith, as follows:

“Aaman-tu Bil-Lah, wa Mala-ika-tihi wa Kotabihi, wa Rosolihi….:

I believe in Allah, and His Angels and His Books, and His Messengers...

So, Book is different from Imam. For more information, see the Holy Qur'an (2:285) etc.

Prophet Mohammad And His Successors

Did Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) appoint anybody as his successor,after him, or did he just leave it to the people to decide?

This is the most interesting and yet most controversial question that has existed among the Muslim Ummah since, the passing away of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) more than 14 centuries ago.

In fact, this has divided the Muslims into the Shiites (followersof the Ahlal Bayt who believe that the Prophet appointed Imam Alias his own successor) and the Sunnis (the majority who believe that the Prophet left the decision to the people).

The View of the Ahlal Bayt

The family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) lead by Imam Ali, as well as Fatimah Zahra the beloved daughter of the Prophet, Imam Hassan, and Imam Hosain expressed the belief that the Prophet hadalready declared Imam All as his rightful successor on several occasions including in his very first declaration of his Prophethood (Da-Wah Zil Ashirah) as well as in the Ghadir Khum gathering. (For details, see the explanation about the Prophet’s successor on p…. of this book).

What ls Wah habism?

During the 19th century and especially in the early 20th century,the Western colonial powers decided to divide the people in the Third World countries and to conquer their lands as well as theirculture, easily. The best tool they found for their Satanic purpose who was to start new “religions” or cults, by which to get the hoi poloi and the illiterate masses in those countries under their own control. That’s how we came to see new “religions” many mushroomig in every coner -- like the so-called Iglesia ni Cristo (Inc.) in the Philippines lead by Fehx Manalo Ysagun (a frustrated Catholic, then a Seventh Day Adventist, thena Baptist, etc.). ln the same manner, we saw the creation of Qadianism, to divide the Muslims of lndia (and later Pakistan) headed by Gholam Ahmad Qadiani who claimed to be both Messiah andMahdi. This sect is also called Ahmadiyyah.

Also we had the birth of Babism and Bahaism in Iran, as well as Mahdi-ism in the Sudan and Sanusi in North Africa, etc. They allclaimed tobe the reformers of the Islamic Faith. But, by far, the

most dangerous cult has been the infamous Wah-habism, which the enemies ot lslam in vented in the heart of the Muslim world - - The Hijaz and Najid or the present Saudi Arabia day. This cult, which is a twin brother of the corrupt Saudi Royal Family, was established by Sheikh Mohammad Abdul Wah-hab (1699-1791 A.D.) He claimed that his teachings were the only true teachings of lslam and his sect called Salafi (Ancestral) or Wah-habis. was the onlytrue Muslim sect and the rest of the Muslims were apostates or Mushriks!

To know the truth about this new cult in the Muslim world and itsorigins, its dangers, as well as its misguidings and damages to Islam and the Muslim communities, here are some quotations from an expert about Wah-habism, who lived during those “Dark Days of Islam days and closely he himself witnessed the birth of this cult. He is Mr. Sabri Pasha of Turkey and here is his article on Wah-habism:

In the Name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful

The Wahhabis are one of the groups who name themselves as Moslems, while in fact, they strive to demolish lslam.

Ayyub Sabri Pasha (d.1308 (1890), Rear Admiral in the time of thethirty-fourth Ottoman Sultan ‘Abd al-Hamid Khan ll (1258-1336 ) (1842-1918), buried in the shrine of Sultan Mahmud, in Istanbul),wrote a history book in which he told about Wahhabism in full detail. (Mir’at al-Haramain , pp. 99 vol. lll: five volumes in Turkish Matba’a-i l Bahriye, Istanbul, 1301-1306).

The following is translated, for the most part, from the Pasha’s book:

Wahhabism was established by Muhammad ibn “Abd al-Wahhab. He was born in Huraimila in the Najd in 1111 (1699) and died in 1206 (1791). Formerly, he had been to Basra, Baghdad, lran, India and Damascus, with the view of travelling and trading, where he foundthe vicious books written by Ahmad lbn Taimiyya of Harran (661-728 (1263-1328), d. in Damscus) , the cotents of which where incompatible with the Ahlal-Sunna. Being very cunning and

talkative, he became known as ash-Shaikh an-Najdi. ln order to increase his fame, he attended the lectures of Hanbali ‘ulama’ inMedina and later in Damascus and wrote many books when he returned to the Najd. His book Kitab at-tawhid (Meccan scholars wrote very beautiful answers to Kitab at-tawhid and refuted it with sound documents in 1221. The collection of their refutations, titled Saif al-Jabbar, which was later printed in Pakistan, was reproduced by the lsik Kitabevi “in Istanbul. in 1395 (1975) was annotated by his grandson, ‘Abd ar-Rahman, and was interpolated and published in Egypt with the title Fath al-majid by a Wahhabi called Muhammad Hamid. In (1970), preparing refutations to the corrupt writings in it, I published them in mybook, “Advice for the Wahhabi.” Muhammad lbn “Abd al-Wahhab’s ideas deceived the villagers, the inhabitants of Da’iyya and their chief Muhammad ibn Sa’ud. The number of those who accepted his ideas which he called Wahhabism, increased and he imposed himself as the “Cady” and Muhammad ibn Sa’ud as the amir (ruler).He declared it as a law that only their descendants should succeed them. ( Dxnasty for their own families, whish is on goinguntil now , yet they denouna the Shi-ah for believing in the Spiritual lineage of the family of the Holy Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.).

Muhammad’s father, ‘Abd al-Wahhab, who was a good (Sunni) Moslem,and the ‘ulama’ in Medina understood from Muhammad’s words that he would start a heretical movement and advised the everybody notto talk with him. But he proclaimed Wahhabism in 1150 (1737). To deceive the ignorant lead them astry, he spoke ill of the ijtihads of the ‘ulama’ of Islam. He went so far as to call the Ahl-as-Sunna “kafir”. He said that he who visited the shrine of aprophet or of a wali and addressed him as “Ya Nabi Allah!” (O Allah’s Prophet) or as, e.g. “Ya ‘Abd al-Oadir!” would become a polytheists (mushrik).

In the view of the Wahhabi, he who says that anybody besides Allah did something becomes a polytheist, a kafir. For example, he who said, “Such and such a medicine relieved the pain.” Or “ Allah accepted my prayers near the tomb of such and such prophet or wali” would become a disbeliever. To prove this idea, he puts forth as documents the ayat “Iyyaka nasta’in” (Only Thy help we

ask) of the surat Al-Fatiha and the ayats telling about Ta wakkul. (The correct meanings of these ayats by the Ahl as-Sunna ‘ulama’ and the concepts of tawhid and tawakkul are written in detail in the chapter “Tawakkul” of Sa’adate Abadiyeh by the author. Those who know the correct meaning of ‘Tawhid’ will understand that the Wahhabis, who consider themselves muwahhids, are not muwahhids but another group of those who, under the mask of “tawhid”, want to break the Ahl at-tawhid to pieces and to make changes in Islam).

“ ‘Istighatha’ is what the Wahhabis oppose most: ‘to ask help or protection of someone other than Allah, ‘which they call polytheism. It is true that, as all Moslems know, istighatha is only for Allahu ta ala. Yet it is permissible to say metaphorically that one can do istighatha of some one, for, it isdeclared in the 15th ayat of the surat al-Qasas: ‘People of his tribe did istighatha of him against the enemy.’ A hadith says, “They will do istighatha of Adam at the place of Mahshar.” Hadithwritten in Alhisn all-hasin, says, ‘He who needs should say, “Oh Allah’s servants! Help me!” ‘This hadith commands that one should(in case) call for help of someone not near him,” (Hakim al-UmmatKhwaja Muhammad Hasanian Sahib as-Sirhindi al-Mujaddidi. Al-usul al-Arba’a (in Persian), India, 1345 (1928); photographic reproduction by Isik Kitabevi, Istanbul, 1395 (1975).

To ask shafa-ah and help from Rasulu-lah and awliya’ does not mean to abandon Allah or to forget that He is the Creator. It is like expecting rain from Allah through the cause or means (wasita) of clouds, expecting cure from Allah by taking medicine,expecting victory from Allah, who creats everything through causes. It is not polytheism (shirk) to stick to these causes. The Prophet always clung to causes. As we go to a fountain to drink water, which Allah has created, and to bakery to eat bread,which again Allah has created, and as we make amendaments, and drill and train our toops so that Allah would give us victory, sowe set our hearts on the soul of a Prophet or a wali in order that Allah would accept our prayers. To use radio in order to hear the sound which Allah creates through the means of electro-magnitic waves, does not mean to abandon Allah and have recourse to a box, for, Allah is the one who gives this perculiarity, this

power, to the Installation in the radio box. Allah has concealed His Omnipotence in everything. A polytheist worships idols but does not think of Allah. A Moslem, when he uses causes and means the actually thinks of Allah, who give effectiveness and peculiarities to the causes and the creatures. Whatever he wishes, he expects from Allah. He knows that whatever he gets comes from Allah. The Wahhabis do stick to and make use of means in worldly affairs. They satisfy their sensual desires by any means, but they call it “polytheism“ to procure means for winningthe next world. What conception of tawhid is this?

Because those words of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab were all rightwith sensual desires, those who did not have religious knowledge were easily taken in. They claimed that the Ahl-as-Sunna ‘ulama’ and Moslems of the right path were disbeliever. Amirs (the S audiRoyal Family) found Wahhabism just right with their desires to increase their power, and to extend their lands and territories. They forced the Arab clans to become Wahhabi. They killed those who did not believe in them. Villagers, from fear of death, obeyed the amir of Dar’iyya, Muhammad ibn Sa’ud. To become soldiers of the amir well suited their desires to attack the property, life and chas-tity of the non-Wahhabis.

Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s brother Shaikh Sulaiman, was an Ahl-as Sunna ‘Alim. This blessed person refuted Wahhabism in his book, “Asawa’iq al-ilahiyya fi ‘r-raddi ’ala’l-Wahhabiyya“ (Printed by Nuhbat al-Ahbar, Baghdad, in 1306 (1889); reproduction by lsik Kitabevi,

Istanbul, 1396 (1975.) and worked against the dissemination of its hereticals tenets. Muhammad’s teachers, who realized that Muhammad had opened a way leading to evil, refuted his deviant books. They announced that he had gone astray. They refuted Wahhabism, through ayats and Hadiths. Yet, all these increased the Wahhabi’s resentment and hostility against Moslems.

The heretical tenets of wahhnabism spread not through knowledge, but through cruelty and bloodshed. Of the cruel persons who stained their hands with the blood in this way, the amir of Dar’'iyya, Muhammad ibn Sa’udi, was the most stonehearted. Thisman, who was the ancestor of the amirs of today‘s Sa‘udi Arabia,

was of the Banu Hanifa clan and he was one of the descendants of those who had believed Musailamat al-Kadh dhab as a Prophet.!

The Wahhabis, talk as if they were sincere in believing in the Oneness of Allah, and thus escaping disbelief; And as if all Moslems had been polytheists for six hundred years, and the Wahhabis have been trying to save them from kufr. To prove themselves right, they put forth the fifth ayat of the surat al-Ahqaf and the 106th ayat of the surat Yunus. Whereas, all the Qur’an’s commentaries unanimously write that these two ayats and many other ayat like these have all been sent down aiming at the polytheists. The first of these ayats is: “No one is more deviated than he who abandons Allah and prays to things which will never hear till the end of the world. “ And the other is: “Tell the Meccan polytheists, ‘I was commanded not to pray to pray to things, useful orharmful, other than Allah. If you pray to anyone but Allah, you will be torturing and doing harm to yourselves!’

The Wahhabis, in their book, “Kashf ash-shubhat,” misinterpreted the third ayat of the surat az-Zumar, in which Allah declares. “Those who accept things other than Allah as guardian say, ‘If weworship them, we worship them so that they might help us approachAllah and to interced, for us. This ayat quotes the words of polytheists who worship idols. The Wahhabis liken Moslems who askfor shafa’a (intercession) to such polytheists, and intentionallysay that the polytheists also believed that their idols were not creative and that Allah alone was the Creator. In the interpretation of this ayat, the book Ruh al-bayan says, “Human creatures are created with the ability to acknowledge the Creatorwho created them and everything else. Every human creature feels the desire to worship his Creator and to be drawn towards him. Yet, this ability and desires are worthless, for, the Satan or bad companions might deceive man, and as a result, this innate desire being destroyed, man becomes either a polytheist or an unbeliever in the Creator, and in the Last Day, like atheists thefree masons. The valuable thing is the ma’rifa that ensures from tawhid. Its sign is to believe the prophets and their books by following them, that is, it is such an instance of being drawn towards Allah. It was in its creation for the Satan to prostrate,

but it refused to prostrate in a manner unsuitable to its creation, and philosophers became kafirs because they wanted to approach Allah not by following the prophets but, throughtheir own reason. Moslems, to approach Allah, adapt themselves to the shari’a, thus their hearts get filled with the spiritual light, and the attribute ‘Jamal’ (beauty) (of Allah) manifests itself totheir spirits. Polytheists, to approach Allah, follow not the Prophet or the Sahriah, but their selfishness and bida’h, and thus their hearts get darkened and their spirits get obscured. Allah, at the end of this ayat, tells that they lie in their statement, ‘We worship idols so that they shall intercede for us.“ As it is easily understood, it is very unjust of the Wahhabis to take the 25th ayat of the surat Luqman which says: ‘lf you asked the disbelievers, ‘Who created the earth and the skies?‘ They will say, ‘Certainly Allah created.’ “ And the 87th ayat of the surat az-Zukhruf which says, “lf you asked those who worship things other than Allah, “Who created these? “They will say, ‘Certainly Allah created ‘ “as documents and to say, “Polytheiststoo, knew that the Creator was Allah alone. They worshipped idolsso that they would intercede for them on the Day of Judgment. Forthis reason, they became polytheists and disbelievers.” (This ayat was interpreted (tafsir), and it was proved that the Wahhabis misinterpreted this ayat, also by Jamil Sidqi as-Zahawi,an ‘alim from lraq, in his work “Al-fajr as -Sadiq fi ar-raddialamunkiri’t-tawassuli wa ‘l-karamati wa ‘l-hawariq” (Egpyt, 1323/1905); photographic reproduction by Isik Kitabevi, Istanbul,1396/1979). Jamil Sidqi taught ‘ilm al-akalam (Islamic Philosophy) at the University of Istanbul. He died in 1355/1936. The 1956 edition of gives a picture of him).

These words of the Wahhabis are very wrong and very unsound, forwe Moslems neither worship the Prophets or the awliya’ nor say that they are companions or partners of Allah. We believe that the Prophets and the awliya’ were creatures and human beings and that they are not worth worship-ping. We believe that they are the beloved creatures of Allah and Allah will pity His human creatures for the sake of His love. lt is Allah alone who createsharm and profit. He alone is worlh worshipping. We say that He pities His human creatures for the sake of His beloved. As for the polytheists, though they say that their idols are not

creative, they believe that they are worth worshipping and that is why they worship them. Because they say that idols are worth worshipping, they become polytheists. Otherwise, they would not become polytheist for saying that they wanted to be interceded. (To ask the Shafa’a of idols is superstitious, a false belief. Itis unlawful in Islam to believe so, yet it is not polytheisties).

It is seen that the Wahhabis’ likening of the Ahlus-Sunna to idolatrous disbelievers are quite wrong. All the ayats they put forth were sent for idolatrous disbelievers and polytheists. The book, “Kashf ash-shubuhat” gives wrong meanings to ayats and usessophisms and they says that the Ahlus-Sunna Moslems are polytheists. lt recommends that non Wahhabite Moslems should be killed and that their property should be confisscated.

Hadrat ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar transmitted the two hadiths which say,“They have left the right course. They have imputed to Moslems the (meaning of the) ayats descending for disbelievers, “ and “ofwhat I fear on behalf of my ummah, the most horrible thing is their interpretation of the Qur’an according to their own opinions and their out-of-place translations. “ These two hadithsnotified that the Wahhabis would appear and, by misinterpreting the ayats that had descended to disbelievers, they would refer them to Moslems.

Another person who, realizing that Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab had heretical ideas and later would be harmful, advised him was Muhammad ibn Sulaiman al-Madani (d. in Medina, in 1194 (1779), one of the great ’ulama’ of Medina. He was a Shafi’i faqih and hewrote many books. His annotation on Ibn Haja al-Makki‘s Attuhfat al-muhtaj, a commentary on the book Minhaj, has won a great fame.ln Al-fatawa, his two-volumed book refuting Wahhabism, he said, “O Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab! Don’t slander Moslems! For Allah’s sake I advise you. Yes, if someone says that somebody other than Allah creates actions, tell him the truth! But, those who cling to the cause (wasila) and who believe that both causes and the effective power in them are created by Allah alone, cannot be disbelievers. You are Moslems too. lt is better to callone Moslem ‘disbeliever’ than calling all Moslems. He who leaves the crown will go astray more easily. The 114th ayat of the surat

an-Nisa ‘proves my word right: “We will drag the person who, after leading the way to guidance, opposes the Prophet and deviates from the believers’ path along the direction to which hehas deviated, and then we will throw him into Hell, the terrible.”

Though the Wahhabis have innumerable wrong tenets, their religionis based on three principles:

1.They say that rites, ibadat, are included in iman, and that he who does not perform a “fard” (for example, ritual salat because of laziness, orzakat, because of stinginess, though he would believe it to be a fard) will become a disbeliever, and he must be killed, and his possessions must be distributed among the Wahhabis.

Ash-Shihristani wrote: “The Ahlus-Sunna ’ulama’ have unanimously said that “ibadat” are not included in iman. He who does not perform a “fard” because of laziness, though he believes it to bea fard, does not become a disbeliever. There has not been a unanimity only for those who do not perform ritual salat; according to the Hanbali madhhab, he who does not perform salat because of laziness becomes a disbeliever.” (Al-milal wa’nnibal, Turkish version, p. 63, Cairo, 1070 A.H).

In the Hanbali madhhab, it was said that only he who did not perform salat becomes a disbeliever. It was not said for other kinds of ’ibadat. Therefore, it would be wrong to consider the Wahhabis as Hanbali in this respct. Those who do not belong to any of the four madhhabs are not of the Ahlus-Sunna. We explainedbefore that those who do not belong to the Ahlus-Sunna cannot be Hanbali either. (See my Advice to the Wahhabis for detail on the same subject).

2. They say that he who asks for shafa’a from the souls of the Prophets or awliya or visits their tombs and prays by consideringthem as intermediaries becomes a disbeliever, and that the dead does not have any sense.

If the one who talked to a dead person in a grave would be a disbeliver, our Prophet, great ‘ulama‘ and the awliya’ would not

have prayed in this manner. It was our Prophet's custom to visit the Baqi Cemetery in Medina and the martyrs of Uhud. In fact, it is written on the 485th page of the Wahhabite book Fath al-majid that he greeted and talked to them.

Our Prophet always said in his prayers, “Allahumma inni as'aluka bi-haqqi 's- sa'ilina ‘alakika, ' (O my Allah! I ask Thee for the sake of those persons whom Thou hast given whenever they asked) and recommended to pray so. When he buried the body of Fatima, the mother of Hadrat ‘Ali, with his own blessed hands, hesaid, “lghfir li-ummi Fatimata binta Asad, wa wassi’ alaiha mad-halaha bi-haqqi nabiyyika wa Ianbiya ’illadhina min qabli; innakaarhamuraahimin." (O Allah! Forgive Mother Fatima bint Asad, her sins! Widen the place she is in. Accept this prayer of mine for the right (love) of Thy Prophet and the Prophets who came beforeme!

Thou art the Most Merciful ot the mercifull!) ln a hadith given by an-Nasaiy, and at-Tirmidi, it is told that the Prophet ordereda blind man, who asked him to pray for his cure, to perform ablution and salat of two rak'as and then to say, “Allahumma innias'aluka wa atawajjahu ilaika bi-nabiyyika Muhammadin nabi'r-Rahma, ya Muhammadu inni atawajjahu bika ila Rabbi fi Hajati hadhehi li taqdiya li, Allahuma fa-shaffi'hu fiyya." In this prayer it would be commanded to put Hadrat Muhammad, as an intermiediary, so that his prayer would be accepted. As-Sahaba often recited this prayer. This prayer is also quoted in the bookAl-hisn al-hasin with its references and its explanations, is interpreted as, 'I turn towards Thee through Thine Prophet.”

These prayers show that it is permissible to put those whom Allahloves, as intermediaries and to pray to Allah, by saying “For their sake.”

Shaik 'Ali Mahfuz (d. 1361/1942), one of the great 'ulama' of Jamat al-Azhar, praised Ibn Taimiyya and Sheikli Mohammad “Abduh much in his book” Al-bida”. Nevertheless, he wrote: “lt is not right to say that the wliya' dispose wordly affairs after ther death, such as curing the ill, rescuing those who are about to bedrowned, helping those who are against the enemy and having the lost things be found. lt is wrong to say that, because the

awliya’ are very great, Allah has left these tasks to them, and they do what they wish and that he who clings to them will not gowrong. But, among His awliya’ Allah blesses the ones whom He wants, whether they are alive or dead, and through their karamat He cures the ill, rescues him who is about to be drowned, helps him who is against the enemy and makes the lost things be found. This is logical. Also the Qur'an teaches these facts." (Shaikh Ali Mahfuz, Al-ibda‘, p. 213, Cairo, 1956; 'Abdullah ad-Dasuqi and Yusuf ad-Dajwi professors at Jami 'al-Azhar, wrote eulogies at the end of Al-ibda’).

Hadrat 'Abd al-Ghani an-Nabulusi wrote: "A hadith qudsi, which al-Bukhari reported from Abu Huraira, says: 'Allahu ta'ala declared, "My human servants cannot approach Me through anything as close as they approach through the fard. If my human creaturesdo the superpurgatory 'ibadat, I like them so much so that they hear with Me, see with Me, hold everything with Me and walk with Me, and l give them whatever they ask of Me.. If they trust in Me, I protect them." 'The superpurgatory 'ibadat mentioned here are as written in Maraq al-falah and at-Tantawi's annotation) the sunna and superpurgatory 'ibadat done by those who do the fard ’ibadat. This hadith shows that he who, after doing the fard'ibadat, does the superpurgatory ones, will earn Allah’s love andhis prayers will be accepted.” 'Abd al-Ghani an-Nabulusi, Al-hadiqat, p. 182, Istanbul, 1290).

Whether alive or dead, when such people pray for others, they getwhat they wish. Such people hear even when they are dead. As theydid not when they were alive, they do not turn down those who ask, empty handed, but they pray for them. For this reason, a hadith declares, "When you are in trouble in your affairs, ask for help of those who are in graves!"

In actual fact, “Moslems are still Moslems when they are dead, just as when they are asleep. Prophets are still Prophets after death, just as when they were asleep. (Because, it is the soul who is a Moslem or a Prophet. When man dies, his soul does not change. This fact is written in the book ’Umdat al-'aqa'id by Imam 'Abdullah an-Nasafi (edited in London in 1259 A.H. (1843). Likewise, the awliya‘are still awliya’ when they are dead just as

when they are asleep. He who does not believe it is ignorant, stubborn. We have proved in another book of mine that the awliya'possess karamat after they die, too." (Al-hadiqa, p. 290).

The Hanafi scholar Ahmad ibn Sayyid Muhammad al-Makki al-Hamawi and the Shafi-iy scholars Ahmad ibn Ahmad as-Suja-iy and Muhammadash-Shawbari al-Misri wrote booklets in which they proved with evidences that the awliya’ possessed karamat, that their karamat continued after their death, and that tawassul and istighatha at their graves was permitted (ja'iz).

(These three booklets were published together with Hadrat Ahmad Zaini Dahlan’s Ad-durar-as-saniyya fi 'r-raddi 'alal Wahhabiyya, in Cairo, in 1319 (1901) and 1347 (1928); photographic reproduction, by Isik Kitabevi, in Istanbul, in 1396 (1976).

And a true hadith which the hadith scholars Hudhaima, ad-Dara Qutni and at-Tabarani conveyed from 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, declares: 'It became wajib for me to intercede for those who would visit my` shrine! Imam al-Manawi too, quoted this hadith inhis book Kunuz ad-daqa'iq. In addition, he wrote the hadith. 'After my death, visiting my shrine is like visiting me when I amalive,’ from Ibn Hibban, and the hadith, 'I will intercede for him who visits my shrine,‘ from at-Tabarani. The following two marfu' hadithes, the first one quoted by Imam al-Bazzar from 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, are known by almost every Moslem: 'It becamehalal for me to intercede for those who visit my shrine'; ‘On theDay of Judgment I shall intercede for those who would come to Medina to visit my shrine.” (Mir‘at al-Madina (Mir’at al-Haramain), p.106).

It is a great news that it is said in the hadith, 'He who carriesout the hajj, and then visits my grave will have visited me when I am alive.” Which was quoted by at-Tabarani, ad-Dara Qutni and (’Abd ar-Rahman) Ibn al-Jawzi. The hadith, ‘The one who does not visit me after carrying out the hajj, will have hurt me,” which ad-Dara Qutini quotes, alludes to those who neglect to visit the Prophet’s shrine, after the hajj, though they do not have any excuse.

‘Abd al-‘Aziz, the rector of the Islamic University of Medina, wrote in his Tahqiq wa Idah, 'None of the (above) hadith’s (recommending the visit) has any 'sanad' support) or document. The Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyya told that all of them were mawdu'.' He denies it like all the other Wahhabis, despite the fact that the ’sanads' of these hadithes are written in detail inthe eigth volume of az-Zarkani’s commentary to Al-mawahib, and atthe end of the fourth of as-Samhudi's Wafa' al-wafa'. In these books, it is also written that these hadithes were Hasan and thatIbn Taimiyya’s comment was groundless. The rector and the instructors of the Medina University thus try to calumniate the writings of the Ahlus-Sunna 'ulama' and to spread the Wahhabi tenets all over the world, with their books.

The Wahhabis, in order to make the Moslem and the non-Moslem nations believe that they are real Moslems, follow a new policy: They have founded an Islamic center called the Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami, in Mecca, andthey have gathered the ignorant, hired men of religious profession they have chosen from every country, to whom they pay salaries of hundreds of golds. (Now American Dollars!). Because these ignorant men of religious posts have no knowledge about the books of the Ahlus-Sunna scholars, they use them as the tools. From this center to the whole world, they disseminate the heretical tenets of Wahhabism, which they call the “fatwas of world- Moslem unity.”

There are many hadithes telling that Rasulullah is alive in his tomb in an unknown life. Their being numerous signifies that theyare sound. Of these hadithes, the following two are written in six famous books of the Hadith: 'I will hear the salawat recited at my shrine. I will be informed with t he salawat recited at a distance '; ‘If a person recites salawat at my shrine, Allah sends an angel and informs me of this salawat. I will intercede for him on the Day of Judgment." (The Internet and the instant message around the world are a Proof of this fact).

If a cMoslem goes to the grave of a dead Moslem, whom he knew when he was alive, and greets him, the dead Moslem will recognizeand reply him. And the hadith communicated by Ibn Abi 'd-dunya

declares that a dead Moslem recognizes and answers the one who greets him and becomes happy.

If a person greets the dead people, whom martyrs recognize, and answers those who greet them, is it possible that Rasulullah would not? As the sun in the sky illuminates the whole world, so the Resulullah answers all the simultaneous greetings, simultaneously.

A hadith says, 'After my death, I will hear as I do when I am alive.”Another hadith given by Abu Ya'la says, 'Prophets are alive in their graves. They perform ritual salat. 'Ibrahim ibn Bishar and Sayyid Ahmad ar-Rifai and many awliya' said that they had heard the reply when they had greeted the Rasulullah.

The great Moslem scholar Jalal ad-din as-Suyuti wrote the book Sharaf al-muhkam as an answer to the question if it was true thatSayyid Ahmad ar-Rifa'i had kissed RasuIullah's blessed hand. In this book he proved by resonable and traditional evidences that Rasulullah was alive in his shrine in an incomprehensible life and that he heard and answered greetings. He also told in this book that on the Mi’raj Night Rasulullah saw Hadrat Musa (Moses) worshipping in his grave.

A hadith, which "Ayisha” related, says, ‘I suffer the pain of thepoisonous meat I ate at Khaibar. Because of that poison, my aortaalmost fails to function now." This hadith shows that, in addition to the prophethood, Allah has given the status of martyrdom to Hadrat Muhammad, the Highest of Mankind. Allah declares in the Qur’an, in the 169th ayat of the surat al-'Imran,'Never regard those who have been killed on the way to Allah as dead! They are alive in Allah's view. They are nourished. " No doubt this great Prophet , who has been poisoned on the way to Allah, is on top of the honourable status defined in this ayat.

The hadith given by Ibn Hibban says. the 'Prophets' blessed bodies never rot. If a Moslem recites salawat for me, an angel conveys that salawat to me and says, 'So and so, son of so and so, recited salawat and greeted you.”

The hadith given by Ibn Maja says. 'On Fridays, recite salawat for me repeatedly. The salawat will be communicated to me, as soon as it is recited.” Hadrat Abu 'd-darda', one of those who were in company of the Prophet, at that Moment, asked, 'will it be communicated to you after you die, too?" The Prophet said, 'Yes, I will be informed of it after my death, for, it is haram for the earth to cause the Prophets to rot. They are alive, afterdeath, and they are nourished.”

Hadrat 'Umar, after the conquest of Quds (Jemsalem), went into the Prophet‘s shrine and visited his grave and greeted him. Hadrat 'Umar ibn Abd al-'Aziz, who was a great wali, usually sentofficials from Damascus to Medina and had them recite salawat at the Prophet‘s shrine and greet him. Hadrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, after returning from each

travel, would go direct to the Prophet‘s shrine. (Hujrat as-Sa'ada, the room where the graves of the Prophet and two of his immediate caliphs are). First, he would visit the Rasulullah, then Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and then his father and greet them. Imam Nafi’ said "More than a hundred times I saw Hadrat 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar go into the Prophet‘s shrine and say, ‘As-salamu 'alaika yaRasulullah" One day, Hadrat ‘Ali went into the Masjid ash-Sharif and when he saw the grave of Hadrat Fatima he wept, and when he saw the Prophet‘s grave he wept the more. Then saying, 'As-salamu'alaika ya Rasulullah' and 'As-salamu 'alaikuma.

According to al-Imam al-a'zam Abu Hanifa one should carry on of the hajj first and then go to Medina and visit Rasulullah. So is written in the fetwa: of AbuI-Laith as -Samarqandi.

Qadi 'lyad, author of the book Shifa', Imam –an-Nawawi, a Shafi’-iy 'alim, and Ibn Human, a Hanafi 'alim, said that they had formed ijma’ al Umma and that it was necessary to visit the Prophet‘s shrine. Some ‘Aalims said that that was wajib. As a matter of fact, it is a Sunna to visit graves, a fact which is also written in the Wahhabite book Fath al-majid.

The 63rd ayat of the surat an-Nisa’ declares: “If they, after tyrannizing over their nafses, come to you (the Prophet) and beg Allah's (My) pardon, and if My Messenger (you) apologizes on

behalf of them, they will certainly find Allah as the Receiver oftheir Repentance, and Merciful.” This ayat indicates that the Rasulullah will intercede and his Shafa'a (intercession) will be accepted. Also, it commands us to visit the Prophet’s shrine, andto ask for shafa'a.

A hadith says: “It is suitable to set off on a long jouney only with the view of visiting three mosques.” This hadith points out that it is a reward deserving to go on a long journey with the purpose of visiting the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the Masjid an-Nabi in Medina and the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. For this reason, those who go on hajj, but they do not visit the Prophet'sshrine, in the Masjid an-Nabi, will be deprived of this reward.

A hadith says, “Do not make a (place of) festival of my shrine.” Hadrat'Abdal-'Azim al-Munziti, a hadith alim, explained this Hadith as: “Do not consider it enough to visit my shrine only once a year, like on the feast day. Try to visit me every time!” As a matter of fact, it is not permitted to perform ritual salat,at the cemetery. It was said that this hadith might come to mean “For visiting my shrine, do not fix a certain day in life or a feast. “Jews and Christians, during their visit to their prophets, habitually assembled together, played instruments, sangsongs and acted ceremoniously. These hadithes imply that we should not make merry with forbidden things on feast days, we should not play reeds of drums or gather to act ceremoniously during our visit. We should visit and greet, pray and leave silently wiyhout staying too long.

Al-Imam al-a'zam Abu Hanifa said that visiting the Prophet‘s shrine was the most valuable Sunna, and there are some scholars who said that it was wajib. For this reason, visiting the Prophet‘s shrine is allowed as a vow in the Sahfi-iy madhhab.

In fact, “Allah, in His word, 'If I had not created you, I would not have created anything!” (This hadith qudsi is qouted also inHadrat al-Imam ar-

Rabbani’s Makubat, vo 111, 122nd letter), points out that HadratMuhammad is the Habibullah (Allah‘s Darling) and that He loves him very much. Even an average person will not refuse something

asked for the. sake of his darling. lt is easy to have a lover dosomething for the sake of his beloved. lf a person says, 'O my Allah! For the sake of Thy Beloved Muhammad, I ask of Thee, something this will be accepted by Allah, if He so desired” (Mir'at al-Medina, p. 1282).

As-Sayyid Ahmad bin Zani Dahlan, Mufti of Mecca, was a great ‘alim, and the Shaikah al-khutaba 'in the Shafi‘ i madhhab. He wrote many books. He explained the real purposes of the Wahhabis,and proved through ayats and hadithes that they were deviated, inhis books Khulasat al-kalam fi bayani umara'i balad al-Haram. Fi'r-raddi'ala’l-Wahhabiyyati atba’u madhhabi lbn Taimiyya and Ad-durar as-saniyya fi‘r-raddi’ala’l Wahabiyya. ln Khulasat-kalam, he told how they deceived the ignorant ones of Moslems, and he refuted them one by one. He proved that their words were lies and slanders. He wrote, “It is acceptable and permissible topray through the mediation of the Rasulullah physically, when he is dead, as it was done when he was alive. Likewise, it is shown in the Hadith that it is also permissible to pray through the mediation of the awliya' and the pious Moslems. (The writing on the 167, 170, 191, 208, 248, 353, 414, 416, 482, 486, and 505th pages of the Wahhabite book Fath al-majid are lampons against Moslems.) The Ahlus -Sunna 'ulama' say that it is Allah alone whogives' the effectiveness, who creates, invents, gives the blessings or harm, and annihilates, He does not have a partner. Neither Prophets nor any other living or dead person can create effectiveness, benefit or harm. However, since they are the beloved servants of Allah, we bless ourselves though them. The`Wahhabis believe that the living can affect but the dead cannot. (It is written on the 70, 77, 98, 104, 239, 248, 323, and504th pages of the book Fath al-majid, He who asks a dead person or a living. One, who is absent. for something becomes a polytheist. Man can be asked for what is within his powers, It isnot permissibe to ask for what are within Allah‘s Power alone. Itis written in its 700th page, ’ A living person can pray for thethings that has been asked of him, and Allah accepts it, and creates that thing. To ask a dead or an absent person means to ask for what is not within his power, which is polytheism. lt is written on its 136th page, To bless oneself with the graves of the pious Moslems is polytheism, like worshipping the idols named

al-Lat and Manat.’ lt is written on its 208th page ‘lt is polytheism to ask the dead person without being permitted by Allah and they are not designated as intermediaries for interceding or for being permitted to intercede. The prerequisitefor intercession is iman. But the person who asks the dead to intercede, is a polytheist. This prevents the permission. “ln fact, the book contradicts itself: it is written on its 200th page that The skies fear Allah.Allah creates sense in skies. Theyperceive. It has been declared in the Holy Quran that the earth and the skies praise and Iaud Allah. As-Sahaba heard the pieces of stone praise and Iaud Allah when the Rasulullah took them in his hands, the pillar called Hannana in the Masjid moaned and thefood praised and Iaud Allah. ‘ lt shows their stupidity to say that the Prophets and awliya’ do not have sense, while on the other hand to say mountains, stones and pillars have sense and conscience. The Wahhabis become polytheists by saying that the living can be made intermediaries, but the dead cannot be made intermediaries?!. For, this statement means that the living hear and affect, but the dead do not hear or affect and that those other than Allah can affect, and they, too call those who believeas the polytheists. The reality is that the dead and the living are intemtediaries. It is Allah alone who affects and creates. The rumour telling that al-Imam al-a’zam prohibited to pray through the mediation of the Rasulullah, which is written in ‘Alusi’s Qur an commentary is mendacious for no’ Aalim has ever reported such news from al-Imam al-a’zam. The ‘ulama’ told that it had the same meaning. They are all permissible. lt is declaredin the Sahih of al-Bukhari, ‘On the Day of Judgment people will ask for Hadrat Adam’s intercession, first. Hadrat Bilal ibn Harith, one of the notables of as-Sahaba, visited the Rasulullahs grave and said “O’ Rasulullah! Pray on behalf of yourumma, that it shall rain! And it rained. Disbelievers who said that idol would interceded for them worshipped idols. But, the believers who ask for intercession do not worship the prophets orawliya'. 'lt is declared in the Qur’an “Intercession can be done only with His permission, “and” Only the accepted people will be intercede for!”

The Wahhabi writes: “Imam Zain –‘Abidin saw a man praying near the Prophet’s grave and interrupted him by telling him the hadith

'Recite salawat for me’. Wherever you are, your greeting will be communicated to me.” lt narrates the event incorrectly and goes on. “Hence ‘ it is forbidden to go near the grave and pray and recite salawat, which is sort of making graves places of festival. lt is forbidden for those who go to perform ritual salat in the Masjid an-Nabi to approach the tomb with the view ofgreeting. None of the Sahaba did so. They prevented those who wanted to do so. No other deed but the salawat recited and the greetings said by his umma will be communicated to the Prophet.” (Fath al-Majid, p.259).

He also writes that the Sa'udi govemment placed soldiers near theProphet's shrine in the Masjid an-Nabi to prevent Moslems from doing so (lbid., p. 234).

Hadrat Yusuf an-Nabhani, at many places of his book on Wahhabism,` refutes these lies: “Imam Zain al-'Abidin did not forbid the visitation to the blessed shrine of the Prophet. But he forbade unsuitable and unlawful behaviours during visiting. His grandson, lmam Ja'far as-Sadiq, used to visit the Prophet's shrine, and, standing near the pillar which stood in the direction of the Rawda, greeted and said.,“His blessed head is onthis side.” ‘Do not make (a place of) festival of my shrine, ‘means “Do not visit my shrine on certain days like feast days. Visit me everytime. ‘ “ (shawahid al-haqq, p. 80, 3rd Edn. Cairo,1385 (1965).

In the Prophet's Shrine, asked Imam Malik, “Shall l face the tombor the qibla? ’lmam Malik said, 'How could you turn away your face from the Rasulullah? He is the cause of you and your father Adam's forgive-ness! "(pp.89, 116) 'The hadith, 'Visit shrines! 'is a command. lf a haram is committed during the visit, not the visit itself but the haram should be forbidden, '(p.92) “Imam an-Nawawi says in his Adhkar, 'lt is a Sunna to visit the shrines ofthe Prophet and of the pious Moslems and to stay long near such places of visitation.’ “(p.98) “Ibn Human, in his Fath_al-qadir, quotes the hadith transmitted by ad-Dara Qutni and al-Bazaar which says: If someone visits me (my shrines) only with a view tovisit me and not to do anything else, he has the right to be interceded by me, on the Day of Judgment.’ "(p.100). “Allah

favoured the awliya’ with karamat. Their karamat are witnessed frequently even after their death. They are able to be helpful after death too. It is permitted to have them interceded with Allah. But one should ask help of them in. a lawful manner. lt isnot permitted tc say, 'l will give that much. . . for you if you give me what I request, ' or' if you cure my sick relative, ' which is often uttered by the ignorant. However, this cannot be regarded as an act causing kufr or polytheism, because, even the utterly ignorant, does not think that the wali would create. He wants the wali to be the cause in Allah's creating. He thinks that the wali is a human creature whom Allah loves, and says, 'Please ask Allah to favour me with what l wish; He will not reject your prayer. ' As a matter of fact, Rasulullah said, 'There are many people who are considered low and worthless but who are Allah's beloved creatures. When they want to do something, Allah certainly creates it.” This hadith is also quoted on the 381st page of the Wahhabite book Fath al-majid. Obeying such hadithes Moslems want the ’awliya ' to intercede. Imam Ahmad, ash-Shafi'i Malik and al-lmam al-a’zam Abu Hanifa have said that it was Ja’iz (possible, perrmissible) to attain baraka (blessing) through the shrines of the pious. Those who saythat they are of the Ahlus-Sunna or that they belong to one of the Ahlus-Sunna madhhabs, have to say as those lmams said. If not, one may decide that they are not of the Ahlus-Sunna but liars. ' (p. 118).

It is written in the subject of going on hajj on behalf of someone else, in the book Al-fatawa al-Hindiyya, (Prepared by Shaikh Nizam Mu'in ad-din an-Naqshabandi and others in the time of Muhammad Awrankzib 'Alamgir ibn Shah Jihan of the Gurganiyya State (reigned 1068-1118/1658-l707; printed in Cairo in 1310; 3rdedn. 1393 (1973).

'It is permissible to devote the thawab of an 'ibada to anybody. There-fore, the thawab of salat, fast, alms, pilgrimage, of recitation of the Qur’an, dhikr, of visitation of the tombs of the Prophets, martyrs, awliya’ and the pious Moslems, of giving ashroud for a corps and of the all charities and good deeds, can be devoted.” lt is understood from this passage too, that visit-ing the graves of the 'awliya' does bring thawab.

The Wahhabis say, 'lt causes kufr (infidelity) and shirk (polytheism) to build a done over a grave, or to light oil-lamps for those who worship, and serve in the shrines, and to vow alms for the souls of the dead! The inhabitants of al-Haraimain (Meccaand Medina) have worshipped the domes and walls up to now.”

Building a dome over a grave is haram, if it is for ostentation or ilamentation. If it is for protecting the grave from destruction, it is makruh. If it is intended lest a thief or an animal should break -in, it is permissible. But, it should not bemade a place of visiting, that is, one should not say that it should be visited at certain times; yet, one should have tawassulof and recite the Holy Qur’an for the dead, when one passes by a grave.

It is not makruh to bury corpses in a building that has been built before. As-Sahaba buried the Rasulullah, and his two caliphs in a building none of them stood against it. The Hadith informs that their unanimity

could not be a heresy. Great Islamic scholar Ibn ‘Abidin wrote: “Some scholars said that it was makruh to put a covering cloth, skullcap or a turban over the graves of the pious Moslems or awliya’. The book Al-fatawa al-hujja says that it is makruh if itis intended to show everybody the greatness of the one in the grave, and lest he should be insulted and so that those who visithim will be respectful and in good manners. Deeds, acts that arenot prohibited in al-adillat ash-Shar'iyya should be judged in view of the intention involved. lt is true that in the time of AsSahaba, neither ‘domes’ were built over graves, nor sarcophagus (stone or wooden) and clothes were put on the graves. But, none of them was against the interment of the Rasullullah and his two caliphs, in a room For this reason, and for carrying out the commands in, 'Do not step on graves! 'and 'do not be disrespectful to your dead, and because they were not prohibited,they cannot be “Bid,ah,” as though they were done afterwards. Allthe fiqh books communicate that right after the farewell tawaf (the act of going round the Ka'ba during the hajj) it is necessary to go out of the Masjid al-Haram, as an act of respect towards the ka’ba as did the As-Sahaba. because they respected

the Ka'ba in every point, did not use to do so. The prosperity, being unable to show that much reverence, ours 'ulama‘ declared that it was necessary to show respect by exiting the Masjid walking backwards. Thus, they made it possible for us to be respectful like 'awliya 'with cloth or to build domes over them, in order to be respectful, like As-Sahaba. Great savant’ Abd al-Ghani an-Nabulusi explains this in detail, in his book Kashf an-nur.” (Ibn ’Abidin, Hashiyatu Durr al-mukhtar (Radd al-mukhtar) p. 232 vol. V. Bulaq, 1272; Kashf an-nur and Jalal ad-din as-Suyuti’s Tanwir al-halak fi imkani ru'yati 'n-Nabi jiharan wa 'l-malak were edited together the third time with the title Al-minhat al-Wahhabiya, Isik Kitabevi, Istanbul, 1974.) ln the blessed city of Medina, there were many shrines called “mashhad in the Baqi Cemetery. The Wahhabis destroyed all of them. Except the Wahhabis, no ‘Islamic ‘alim has said that it would be polytheism or Kufr to build domed tombs or to visit tombs. Except these deviated people, no one has ever been seen demolishing tombs.

So the ‘awliya’ too are among the indications. While the two hills near the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, namely As-Safa and al-Marwa, between which the Prophet Isma’il’s mother Hadrat Hajar had walked, are among the indications of Allahu ta’ala, and can cause one to remember that blessed mother, why should not the placed where the Prophet Hadrat Muhammad, who is the most superior of the creatures and the Darling of Allahu ta’ala, was born and brought up and the places where he worshipped, migrated,performed salat and passed away and his blessed shrine and the places of his “Aal” (Ahlal-Bait: Household of the Prophet and thecompanions be counted among the indiscations? Why do the Wahhabisdestroy these places?

“When the Holy Qur‘an is read attentively and equitably, it will be easily seen that many Aayats express ‘ta’zim for Rasullulah inthe surat al-Hujurat it is declared: O’ those who believe! Do notpass your selves beyond Allah and His Prophet! O, those who believe! Do not speak louder than the Prophet’s voice! Do not call him as you call one another ! The reward for the deeds of those who would do so will vanish! Allah fills with taqwa the hearts of those who lower their voices in the presence of Allah’s

Prophet; He forgives their sins and gives much reward. Those who shout at him from the outside are thoughtless; it is better for them to wait till he comes out. It is apparent to the one who reads and thinks over these five ayats

equitably how much Allahu ta’ala praises the ta’zim that will be shown to His Beloved Prophet and how importantly He Commands the Umma to be respectful and modest towards him. The degree of this importance can be judged by the reward for all the deeds of thosewho would speak loud before him is of no avail. These ayats camesas a penalty for the seventy of the Banu Tamim tribe who had called the Prophet shouting disrespectfully showing some unsuitable and unlawful behaviors during visiting.

“Abu, ‘Abdulah al-Qurtubi writes in his At-tadhkira that the deeds of the Prophet’s umma are communicated to him every morningand every evening.” (pp.88, 106) “Khalifa Mansur, during his visit to the fully from the outside in Medina. Today, the Wahhabis say that they belong to the Banu Tamim tribe. It should have been for this that the Rasullulah said, ‘The violent and torturous people are in the East’ and the Satan will arouse disunion from there,’ pointing to a direction towards the Najd. Another name used for the Wahhabis is ‘Najdis for they have spread out the Najd country on the Arabian Peninsula). The disunion predicted in the above hadith came out twelve hundred years later. The Wahhabis came from the Najd to the Hijaz, plundered the Moslem’s possessions, killed the men and enslaved the women and children. They committed the basest evils that disbelievers yet committed.

“In the above ayats, the repetitive phrase ‘O those who believe,’shows that all Moslems of all centuries till the Last Day are commanded to be respectful towards the Rasullulah. If the commandhad been only for his companions. ‘O the Companions of the Propnet; would have been said. As a matter of fact, the phrases; ‘O the wives of the Prophet ‘O the people of Medina, are Qoranic.The same phrase, ‘O those who believe, ‘is used in the ayats stating that ritual prayers, fast, pilgrimage, zakat and other ibadas are fard for all Moslems of all times ,till the Last Day! So, the Wahhabis’ idea that the Prophet was to be respected when

he was alive, neither respect is to be shown to nor help is to beasked from him after his death, is groundless in view of these ayats.

“Everytime he went from Medina to Mecca for hajj, Abdullah ibn ‘Umar stopped and performed salat and prayed at the sacred placeswhere the Rasulullah had sat. He would get blessed (tabarruk) with these places. He used to put his hands on the Rasulullah’s minbar (pulpit) and then rub them on his face. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal used to kiss the Hujrat as Sa’ada and the pulpit, to get blessed by them. The Wahhabis, on the other hand, say that they belong to the Hanbali madh-hab and on the other, regard as ‘Polytheism’ what the imam of thus madh-hab did. Then, their claim to be Hanbali is a lie. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal put Imam Ash-Shafi’i’s shirt into water and drank the water to obtain blessings. Hadrat Kkhalid ibn Zaid Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, rubbed his face against the Rasulullah's blessed grave, and when someonewanted to lift him up, he said: 'Leave me! I came not for the stones or soil, but for the audience of the Rasulullah!

“As -Sahaba used to get blessed with the things that belonged to the Rasullulah. They received the blessings from the water he used in ablution and from his blessed sweat, shirt, scepter, sword, shoes, galss, ring, etc. In short, from anything he used. Hadrat Umm Salama, the mother of the faithful, kept a hair from his blessed beard. When ill people came’ she would dip the hair into water and have the drink the water . With his blessed glass,they used to drink water for health. Imam al-Bukahri’s grave smelt musk, and the people took soil from the grave, to get blessed with it. The ‘Ulama’ of hadith and fiqh permitted such actions, while the Wahhabis regard them as polytheism, and disbelief.” (al-usul al-arba’a, part one).

In the times of As-Sahaba and the Tabi’un, and even till the end of the first millennium, there were many awliya’ and sulaha’ (pl.of salih, the pious), people who used to visit and receive blaessings from them as well as of the dead or to get blessed (tabarruk) with the lifeless things. That these actions were rarein those days does not mean that they were forbidden. If they had

been forbidden, there would have been those who would prevent them. No ‘Aalim prevented them.

And the Last Age has set in, however the Bid’ us and disbelief have increased, the youth have been deceived by the enemies of Islam in the disguise of religious authorities and scientists andbecause the irreligiousness and apostasy has suited their purposes, dictators and the cruel, the salves of their nafses, have given great support to this current. The number of “Aalims” and “Wallies had decreased, even there has been seen none in the last decades and it has become a most important thing to get blessed with .

To the unanimity of the ‘ulama’ (The writings of the ‘Ulama on this subject are qouted in Ahmad bin Zaini Dahlan’s A-durar as-Saniyya fi’r raddi’ ala ‘I-Wahhabiyya, Egypt. 1319 and 1347; photographic reproduction by Isik Kitabeie, Istanbul, 1295 (1975)of lslam, this lawful practice itself should not be prevented even though prohibited behaviours (harams) have been introduced into it is has been the same with every hadith and raligious affairs, but the bid'as introduced should be removed.


A short Biography and History

“Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence, alias Lawrence of Arabia, was anillegitimate son of a British landholder. His equally illegitimate father, Sir Thomas Robert Chapman left his legal wife, and lived-in with his family's maid! And Lawrence of Arabiawas one of the five children born of this “Sir-Maid” relationship. “(Quoted from the book: Lawrence of Arabia by Richard Aldination). Born on August 15, 1888 in Wales, Lawrence specialized in archaeology, architecture and history. Later on hebegan learing Arabic language when he visited Syria and Palestine. He stayed in the Middle East and worked as an archaeologist from 1910 up to 1914.

During World War I, the British Colonial Empire employed Lawrenceas an intelligence officer (in other words a spy) to lead the

Arabs into a rebellion and to destroy the Great Othoman Empire, the last Khalifate of Islam!

He started his “Arab revolt against the Turkish Khalifate” from Saudi Arabia, which was then called the Arabian Peninsula or Hijaz, in 1916.

He also served as the “adviser“ to Faisal, son of Hosain, the ruler of Mecca and Medina, the two Holiest and respected shrines of Islam! (lt seems that Arab leaders have a long tradition of getting “advice” and “advisers” from the American, British and other enemies of Islam. For example, the King Fahad of Saudi Arabia and his American advisers of the CIA, the King Qabus of Oman, the Emirs of the United Arab Emirates, the Sheikh Khalifah of Bahrain all with the British and U.S. military and intelligence advisers. And now Sheikh Sabah of Kuwait who is totally under the American “Portection” and rule, are the proof of this point.

So were Syria, lraq, Libya and Egypt with their Russian “advisers”. And now that Egypt is under the American influence, it has its own share of the CIA advisers, just like Saudi Arabia,Jordan, Morroco. etc.).

Going back to the story of Lawrence of Arabia, he was able to lead the Arabs in attacking the Turkish Khalifate from behind, while the Othomans were fighting against the British, the French and other European Allies, in the First World War!

In ohther words, the Arabs joined the enemies of Islam to destroythe Khalifate of lslam, which was then in Turkey, and it was called the Othoman Khalifate! And all of this was done under the leadership of a British spy, with blue eyes and a white European looks, but in the Arabian clothes!

Lawrence and his Arab “followers” raided the Othoman railraod linking Madina to Damascus (Syria) and exploded the rails and overrun the Khalifates positions one by one until they entered Damascus in 1918, at the end of the World War 1.

This treachery of the Arabs and their spy master, i.e. the Lawrence of Arabia led to the following tragic results for Islam,

the Arabs themselves , the Muslims in general, and the humanity as a whole:

1) The Muslim Khalifate of Othoman, which was the largest and longest ruling lslamic state of that time, was destroyed. This Khalifate which stretched from Morroco in North Africa down to the Persian Gulf as well as Eastern Europe was divided into more than 15 small countries (a good example of the British colonizers‘ formula of divide an rule)!

2) Turkey, the seat of the lslamic Khalifate, was declared a secular state (the first Muslim country to denounce Islam and banany form of riligiousity, even wearing of Islamic dresses, publicprayers, etc.). This satanic law and spirit is still in existencein Turkey. This was another result of the unholy alliance betweenthe Lawrence of Arabia and his Arab followers and friends--especially the Saudis.

3) Arab nationalism versus the non-Arab Muslims like the Turks, Persians, Indians, etc. was fanned by the enemies of Islam and upheld by the Arab leaders, like Jamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt and other misguided elements in the Arab world. (lt’s interesting to know that Jamal Abdul Nasser who was leading the Arab Nationalismwas not even an Arab himself, but an African- Egyptian! Even the as other neighboring countries were not Arabs before Islam; and today they are only Arabic speaking with some percentage of theirpopulation being Arabs while the majority are the natives--like the Coptics, Berbers, Africans as well as Assyrians, Romans, Phoenicians, Babyionians, etc,). In fact, the father of the Arab nationalism was Michael Aflaq, a Babylonian (Syrian-lraqi) Christian. He led the Arabs towards nationalism and away from theIslamic Brotherhood.

Until now the Arab countries use titles like Arab Republic or Arab Kingdom or Arab Emirate, etc, but never the Islamic Republic! Maybe they are more proud of their race than their religion!

No wonder Allah (S.W.T.) has stated in the Holy Qur'an that ‘lf this Book was revealed to a non-Arab, the Arabs would not have

believed in it!' (See Holy Quran, 26: 198-199 and 9:97 49:14, etc).

Meaning to say that if the Arabs believed in the Revelation, it was not because it is the Truth from Allah (S.W.T.), but rather because it was sent to an Arab Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

And Allah (S.W.T.) warned the Arabs that: “If you turned your back (to Islam), He will replace you with another people, who will not be like you!” (the non-Arab Muslims). “See Holy Qur’an (47:38, etc.).

4) The destruction of the Othoman Khalifate deprived the Islamic Ummah of a Superpower Status, and allowed the Western powers to colonize the divided empire – Spain, Italy and Germany in North Africa, France in Lebanon, Syria as well as in Algeria and Tunisia; and Britain in Egypt, Palestine, Iraq and the Persian Gulf state (And today the Americans in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc.).

But, more dangerous than all these was the establishment of a Jewish state in the heart of the Muslim world by the Western and Eastern enemies of Islam - - a problem that we are still suffering from, and there seems to be no end to it. (But, there will be Insha Allah!).

5) The disintegration of the Othoman Empire, not only stopped theprogress of Islam in the Balkan region and prevented it from reaching the Western Europe, it also gave a chance to the colonialists to create some new cults and sects in the Muslim world, like the Wah-habi sect of Saudi Arabia, Qadianism or Ahmadiyya in India, Bahaism in Iran, as well as other false Mahdis in the Sudan and in North Africa, etc.

But, the danger of Wah-habism is more than any other cult, because it was established in the Arabian peninsula, which is theheart of the Islamic world, and anything that comes from there, is considered “pure” Islam, by the rest of the world, even if it is a silly and un- Islamic Fatwa by the Saudi Mofti, who declaredthat: “The American Soldiers in the Saudi Arabia (during 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War against Iraq) are doing Jihad for Islam!

“(see the “Fatawa” of Sheikh Bin Baz of Saudi Arabia.) Can you believe in Jihad by the American soldiers? Only the CIA agents and the Saudi “scholars” can utter such an anti-Islam and foolishFatwas--just like many other things that they teach and preach.

They acuse all other Muslims of commiting Bid-ah; or innovations in religion, while they are silent about the biggest Bid-ah whichis the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his Sahaba had established and practiced Khalifate and we know that in Islam there is no kingdom.

Wah-habism that accuses every Muslim of commiting Bid-ah is justifying the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Holy land of Islam.That’s why the Saudi family and Wah-habism are the twin sisters, which are another by product of the illegitimate Lawrence of Arabia!

Where is the Khilafat Now?

Some very serious questions--both religious and political, that arose from the secret mission of the infamous Lawrence of Arabia,and his Arab followers and allies, are:

1) Where is the Khilafat of Islam, now? And who is that Khalifah,today?

2) Where do the Muslims who believed in a Khalifah or successor to Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) for more than a 1000 years, followed and practiced this rule, stand today?

3) Isn‘t it a great Bid-ah or heresy to change what was being practiced by the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) andthe Ta-bein for many centuries?

Either Imamat or Khilafat

To give the reader a backgrounder, we should say that immediatelyafter the death of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) the Muslims became two groups:

1) Those who believed that based on the announcement and appointment by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) as well as the practices of the previous prophets of God, only a spiritual leader or lmam can succeed the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and only Allah (S.W.T.) Who sent the Prophet, in the first place,can select his successor, too.

This was the belief of the Ahlal Bayt (the Household of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) which includes lmam Ali, lmam Hasan, lmam Hosain, etc. and those Sahaba of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who followed the Ahlal Bayt, like Salman (R.A.), Abu Dar (R.A.), Ammar Yasir (R.A), Meqdad (R.A.) and some others.

2) The majority of Muslims, however, who did not follow the AhlalBayt, believed, and still believe, that the successor to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or the Khalifah should be elected by the people.

Each group has its own arguments and proofs regarding its particular belief, which we cannot bring here (see other books for details, please).

Now, for those who believe in the “Imamate” of the Ahlal Bayt, the 12 Holy lmams are the true successors of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and after them, or at their absence, the most pious Aalim, who has the leadership qualities, and knows the world issues, is qualified to lead the Ummah--just like lmam Khomeini, etc., and the faithful, are rellgiously bound to follow them.

As for those Muslims who do not believe in “Imamate” but rather in Khilafat, the biggest question is that after the downfall of the Khilafat, who is now their Khalifah? and how are they going to organize themselves as an Islamic Ummah, under an Islamic leader - i.e. Khalifah' and if it seems not feasible in the foreseeable future to have a Khalifah, then how can they claim that they are following the practices of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his companions and their followers, who could not

even imagine to have in Islamic society without a Khalifah of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) to lead it? A big question, indeed!

Prhopet’s Successor

So, Prophet Mohammad’s choice of his successor is very clear - it’s lmam Ali. Therefore, those who want to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) know very well that they will only choose he whom the Holy Prophet himself chose, as his own successor.

In fact, when the people of Yemen accepted Islam, the Prophet sent Imam Ali, as his own representative to stay for a while in Yemen, and to teach Islam to the People there, thus, we came to know that after the Prophet, Ali was the most qualified teacher of lslam or the Imam, who was authorized and called Imam by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) himself.

“I am the City of Knowledge” said the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) “And,” Ali is the Gate!” Sahih Tirmidi, Vol.2, p. 299.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Appointed Ali

Aside from the example given above, there were several other occations in which the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) explicitly told the Muslim Ummah that lmam Ali was his choice - in other words, Allah’s choice, for the leadership and succession, after the Holy Prophet.

Here are, in brief, some of them, as follows:

1) The first day that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) declared his Prophethood - first to his own relatives (see the Holy Qur'an: 26:214) he ordered Ali to :

a) Invite the relatives, (of the Holy Prophet - -and his Cousin Ali).

b) Prepare food for the group.Then, he declared: I am the Prophetof Allah (S.W.T.) and,

c) Whoever amongst you (my kin) will accept me first, shall be myassistant, my vezir and my successor. . .

As expected, Ali was the first relative of the Holy Prophet who accepted the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and stood fast till the end. (When the Prophet died, his head was on the lap of lmam Ali)!

d) Prophet Mohammad called Ali as his brother (Sahih Tirmidi Vol.2 p.299) as Aaron was brother to Moses (A.S.) except the fact that there was not Prophet after Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, p.492.

Now, how was “the brotherhood of Aaron and Moses?” The Holy Qur'an puts it this way:

“(Moses said) O’ My Lord! Expand me my breast . . . And give me aminister from my family: Aaron my brother. Add to my strength through him and make him share my task . . . ‘Holy Qur’an (20:25 also 29-32).

Let us see how did the Prophet Mohammad get his request from Allah (S.W.T.) ?:

“Didn’t We (O’Mohammad) expand your breast? And remove from the thy burden, which was breaking Your back?” Holy Qur’an (94:1-3).

And now to know better how Allah (S.W.T) removed the burden of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), look at the above mentioned Hadith once more with some additional care.

2) Declaration On Ghadir Khum day

During the last year of the Prophet Mohammad’s life (10th A.H.), he announced to the people that it was his last year on this earth, and that he would perform his last Haj (Hajjatul Widaa). (So, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)knew the future , i,e., his own death, even though the Wah-habis say that nobody knows the future! In fact, a Prophet is someone who can “prophecy” as Prophet Mohammad told us about the things that will happen in theend times)!

After the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) performed his last Haj, and he turned back towards Madinah, the Angel Jebrail came down from Heaven and he brought this Ayah, which is one of the last verses revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.):

“O’ Messenger! Announce that which has been sent to you from thy Lord. And if you don't, then you have not fulfilled His Mission! And Allah will Protect you from the people (who mean mischief). “Holy Qur’an” (5:70) Now, the question is: What was such an important message in the last days of the life of the Holy rophet(P.B.U.H.)?

Certainly, it was not about prayer, fasting, zakat, etc. because those things were already in place.

Besides, this message was so important, that 1) The entire mission of the Prophet Mohammad depended on it, and 2) There weresome people who wanted to do mischief in order to prevent this particular revelation from being proclaimed, and Allah wants to protect the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) from the mischievous people (Munafiqs?).

(See how they tied to prevent the Holy Prophet from writing his own will, that he said “lf you followed it, you won’t go wrong! "Sahih Bukhari, “Vols. 5 and 9, p.346).

The Prophet Declared Ali as Maula of the Believers

More than 80 collectors of Hadith from the Ahlus Sunnah, and manyothers from the Ahlal Bayt have narrated the Hadith, this way:

“The Prophet started the Khutbah by praising Allah (S.W.T) then he asked the people: “Am I not more authorized (to decide) over you believers, then you are over yourselves?” (see this rule in the Holy Qur'an, 33:6 Everybody said: ‘Yes, O’Messenger of Allah!” Then the Prophet raised the hand of Ali and declared: “Towhom l was Maula (Master) Ali is (from now on) Maula! O' Allah! Love Thee those who love him, and Hate Thee those who hate him. Help Thee those who help him and destroy Thee those who destroy him!” (Mau Konto Maulah, Aliyyon Maulah…)

See the following sources:

1) Sahih Tirmidi, Vol.2, p.298., 2) Sonan Ibn Maja, Vol. 1,p.43, 3) Mosnad Ahmad Hambal, Vol. 4, p. 281, 4) Asbab An -nozul by Wahidi p. 135, 5) Tafsir Kabir by ,Razi, Vol. 12, p.48-49 etc. 6)And finally the the most popular book on this topic, i.e. Al-Ghadir by Amini, with 11 volumes on the same Hadith.

What is the Meaning of Maula?

No Muslim ever could deny the event, but some people tried (in vain) to interpret the word “Maula” to mean friend, neighbor, servant as well as masters, among others. (This word has is defferent meanings in Arabic language!).

We don't want to argue, as some have done, about the meaning of this word; but one thing is very clear and that is: ln the same manner that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was Maula, lmam Ali was declared to be the Maula of the believers. So, if Prophet Mohammad was your servant/friend/neighbor; etc.. then Imam Ali isalso the same. But if the Prophet Mohammad was the Maula (Master/Leader,) of the Muslims, then Imam Ali also is the Master/Leader of the Ummah after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Reasons that Convince Us “Maula” Meant Leader

1) The declaration took place after an important revelation (HolyQur’an 5:70).

2) The Holy Prophet declared this for a big crowd and in a desert, which means it was an extraordinary announcement.

3) The Holy Prophet ordered all those were in the Caravans, aheadof him, to return for an important announcement, and also asked for those who were Present, to wait for those who were i the Caravans, behind him to arrive (to hear that important announcement). Now, how important it can get, that there was never such an effort to collect the Muslims, as much as possible,to make them listen to an announcement, upon a revelation!

4) After the declaration, many Sahaba, including Khalifah Omar came to shake hands with Imam Ali, and congratulated him for becoming “The Maula of all believers!”

5) Ahlal Bayt (the Family of the Prophet) and many other Muslims accepted Maula to mean the Leadership ot Imam Ali, after the HolyProphet (P.B.U.H.).

6) The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) recited the Qur‘anic verse that clearlyproved his over all authority to decide on behalf of the believers (Holy Qur'an: 33:6). This means that he was deciding for them who should be their leader and not just telling them that Ali was their friend, only!

7) Previous Prophets (A.S.) announced their successors, why should the Prophet Mohammad do otherwise?

8) Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) told us about everything necesssary in the life of the Muslims, including how to brush ourteeth, would he then keep quiet on such an important issue like the leadership of Muslims after him?

9) After the declaration, immediately another verse was revealed saying that: "Today, I (Allah) completed your religion for you, and fully Blessed you. “Holy Qur'an” (5:4) (See Tafsir Dorr Al-Manthur by Sayuty Vol. 2, p.259 also the History of Baghdad Vol. 8. p. 290, etc.)

10) The Holy Qur'an says: "Verily, your Master is Allah and his Messenger, and those believers, who establish the prayer, and they give Zakat, while they are bowing to Allah (Roku).” Holy Qur'an (5:55).

Many narrators have said that this Ayah was revealed when Imam Ali gave his ring to a poor man during the prayer, while other people in the Mosque, did not pay attention to the poor beggar. See 1) Tafseer Tahari, Vol. 6, p. 185, 2) Asbab Nozul by Wahidi p. 133, 3) Shawahid At-Tanzil, Vol. 1, p. 164, 4) Ansab Al- Ashraf, Vol.2, p.150, etc.).

11) Sahih Bukhari narrates a famous Hadith this way: “When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) left Madinah to go to the battle of Tabook, he appointed Ali as his own success or, to run the City State of Madinah.” Imam Ali said: Are you leaving me behind with children and women?

The Holy Prophet answered: Don't you want to be for me, like whatAaron was to Moses, except the fact that there is no Prophet after me? See 1) Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, p. 492. and, 2) Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p. 1284, etc.

Now , what was Aaron to Moses? Well, he was: 1) His brother, 2) His assistant, 3) His successor, 4) His partner in Mission (Holy Qur'an:20:25 & 29-32).

lf the Hadith is correct (and we have no reason to doubt this Hadith from the most trusted Hadith book , i. e. Sahih Bukhari), then no honest and believing person can still argue about Imam Ali being the true successor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) after him,as Aaron was to his brother Moses (A.S.).

There are many other reasons to prove the truth about Imam AIi’s leadership and his successorship to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) immediately after his death.

Yet, we strongly believe that no one can guide anybody except Allah (S.W.T.) (See Holy Quran, 28:56, etc.). Let's just hope andpray that He will guide those who are sincere in heart and pure in mind. Inshallah!

As for those who try to play with the meaning of the word “Maula”, to avoid the command of Allah (S.W.T.) and His Messenger(P.B.U.H.) they are doing what the Bani lsrail did at the time ofProphet Musa (A.S.). .

They also said: “We don’t understand what you mean by that “Statement” and they continued with many alibis in order to avoiddoing what they were ordered by Prophet Musa (A.S.) upon the Order of Allah (S.W.T.).

(For full story, see Holy Qur'an: 2/67-71, etc.).


“The Blessed Daughter of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)”

Born on the 20th of Jumadi Ath-tani, year eight before Hijira (B.H.) Fatima Zahra, the blessed daughter of the Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H.) is the most respected woman in Islam. At a time when the Arabs were ashamed of having female children, and they would bury them alive in dust (See Holy Qur’an Chap.16, Verses 58-59), the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) would stand up to welcome Fatimah! Not only that, he would kiss Fatimah's hands” another taboo at that time and even today, among the people who are ignorant about Islam.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) used to call Fatimah “Ummu Abiha”, meaning“The mother to her father” because Fatimah took good care of her father, after Khadija (R.A.), the Prophet’s first wife, passed away. She loved her father so much that even after she got married to Imam Ali (A.S.) and established her own family, she would visit her father frequently and the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) used to visit Fatimah’s home almost everyday!

Fatimah was the only personality who continued the family line ofthe Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) in a male dominated world in which, even today, only the males carry the family's name! Although the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had two sons also, by the names of Qasim and but both of them passed away during their childhood.He also had two stepdaughters from his wife Khadija, but only Fatimah was flesh of his flesh and blood of his blood. No wonder the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: “Fatimah is part of me, whoeverhurts her has hurt me!” (However , some so-called Muslims hurt Fatimah very much as we shall learn later).

When the unbelievers of Makkah saw the Prophet Mohammad’s two sons passed away, they said: “Now Mohammad has no child to carry on with his name!!!” Also they called the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Abtar, meaning cut off.

But Allah (S.W.T.) defended his Messenger (P.B.U.H.) by a very strongly worded revelation, this way:

“Bismil-lah ir-Rahman ir-Rahiim”"In-na A'taina-kal Kauthar.. . .“We have given thee Kauthar (Ever Increasing One)Then pray to Thy Lord and Sacrifice (animals for charity)

Verily thy enemy is the one cut -off!” Holy Quran, Chap. 108:1-3

Today, where are those who called the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)cut-off? Either they have no children to carry their names or if they have any, their sons are ashamed to carry their names, anyway!

However, throughout the world, millions of Muslims consider themselves truly honored, precisely because their ancestry goes back to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). These are known in the Muslim world as “Sayyid (Sir) or “Sharif” (Noble) or “Maulai” (Master), etc. All these descendants of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) came, through the Blessed Fatimah Zahra, who is also called “Sayyidato Nisa-il Aalamin”, (The Lady of All Women of AllAges)!

There have been many Muslim rulers and personalities, in the past, as well as the present, who considered being a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), through Fatimah Zahra, the greatest honor.

Some of them were as follows:

(1) Imam Hassan and his descendants;

(2) Imam Hosain and his desendants;

(3) Fatemy Dynasty of Egypt, who ruled over that ancient civilization and established the famous Al-Azhar University, which is 1000 years old. (Some believe the name al-Azhar was derived from Zahra the second name of Fatimah Zahra);

(4) Sharif Makhdum, one of the earliest Muslim missionaries who brought Islam to the Philippines (Also Sharifs Alawi, Kabunsuan, Zainul Abidin, etc.)

(5) Sharif Hosain of Makkah, the ruler of Makkah and Madinah before the oppressive Saudi Family grabbed power in the Arabian Peninsula, in 1902 through bloody campaigns.

(6) Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini of Iranm, and countless ulama in Iraq. Iran, Pakistan, India and as far as Indonesia, just to

mention a few, are descendants of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)through Sayyida Fatimah (A.S.).

Now we can see clearly that: As Allah blessed Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) with a child (son) and He made his descendants abundant, He also gave the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) a child (a daughter)and made his decendants plentiful “Kauthar”. No wonder, the Muslims all over the world always pray: O’ Allah, bless Thee Mohammad and his descendants as Thou has blessed Ibrahim and his descendants; Verily, Thou art Most Praise Worthy, Most Gracious! (Daily Salats in Tashah-hud).

But . . .

Despite all the respect that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and the rest of the Muslims have had for Fatimah Zahra, it is ironic that just one day after the Prophet’s death some undergrateful people stormed Fatimah’s house with violence! She was wounded in that attack, and she lost her baby in her womb and eventually died of her injuries (both physical and emotional) only six months after the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) passed away! At the time of her tragic death Fatimah Zahra was only 18 years old! It was how some ungrateful so-called Muslims rewarded the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) for his efforts to guide them to Islam!

Upon Fatimah’s own request, before her death, the Family of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) headed by Imam Ali and his children, Imam Hassan and Imam Hosain, decided to bury the beloved daughterof the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) in a private ceremony. It was Fatimah’s own wish to be buried in secret, as a way of protestingagainst the oppressive forces of her time.

Today, no one knows for sure where the most precious daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is buried, because her tomb is unknown up to now. Certainly, her mission to carry the name and the family line of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) in this world, and in the Here after, was accomplished!

Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an, puts the whole story in a nutshell, this way:

“They (?) want to extinguish the Light of Allah, with their (poor) mouths (idle talks, lies, etc.) But Allah won’t allow that(to happen), but that His Light should be perfected, even though the unbelievers may not like!” Holy Qur’an: Chap.9, Verse 32.


To explain further about Ashura and Imam Hosain, here are three brief articles on the issue:

Article No. I


Muslims throughout the world commemorate Ashura (the10th day of the Islamic New Year). This day, according to the Hadith, prayersare highly rewarded by Allah (S.W.T.).

In the history of Islam, Ashura is the day in which Imam Hosain the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) together with 72 of hids followers, including some members of the family of the Prophet (Ahlal Bayt) were brutally massacred, by the soldiers of Yazid (son of Mo’awia son of Abu Sofyan).

According to some Muslim scholars (like Dr. Mohammad Iqbal of Pakistan, Abdullah Yusof Ali and others) Imam Hosain’s martyrdom was the “Great Sacrifice” that Allah (S.W.T.) had promised the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.), to replace the sacrifice of his beloved son, Ismael (A.S.).

After all, Imam Hosain was the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and the great grandson of the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.)

Allah, in the Holy Qur’an (Surah 37 – Ayah, 107 – 108) says that after Ibrahim tried to sacrifice his son, Ismael, “We replaced him (Ismael) with a Great Sacrifice (A Lamb?) and left it in the coming generations”, (of Ibrahim, that is the family of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and more specifically, Imam Hosain).

Thus, Imam Hosain sacrificed not one son, but two, as well as himself, and many other relatives and close friends, just to saveIslam from the Anti-Islamic rule of Yazid. (Son of Mo-awia Son ofAbu Sofyan and Hinda, who “ate” the liver of Hazrat Hamza, the uncle of the bProphet Mohammad, after his martyrdom in the battleof Ohud, against the unbelievers of Makkah, lead by Abu Sofyan!)

That’s why, we can safely say that Islam and the Muslims owe their existence today, to Imam hosain and his great Sacrifice, inKarbala, in Year 61 A.H.

No wonder the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) said: Hosain is from me, and I from Hosain! (His martyrdom saved Islam from the oblivion). Sahih Tirmidi, Vol. 2, p.307, etc., etc.

May Allah (S.W.T.) help us to understand the significance of thisgreat day (Ashura) and that Great Sacrifice (Imam Hosain), and tostruggle for Islam, as did Imam Hosain, and his loyal companions,in Karbala, on that fateful day called Ashura!

Article No. 2


“And there are somepeople, whom sacrifice themselves to please ALLAH…” Holy Qur’an (2:207).

Ashura is one of the most memorable days in the history of Islam,and the world. According to the Hadith, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) commemorated the Day of Ashura with prayers and remembrance of Allah (S.W.T.).

He also said that, Allah has revealed to him, through the Angel Jebrail, that his beloved grandson, Hosain, will be martyred in aland called Karbala (See Monsad Imam Hanbal, vol 3, p.242, etc., etc.). This tragic event took place on the Day of Ashura, year 61A.H.

Ashura Commemorations

Mohammad The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his loved ones – the Ahlal Bayt, remembered and mourned the brutal massacre of Prophet’s descendants by the forces of Yazid. Also there are those who are indifferent, as if they don’t care at all.

For those who are indifferent on this issue, it must be said thatthey are not indifferent to Imam Hosain alone, but to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) as well. And those who are indifferent to the Holy Prophet’s concerns are actually indifferent to Allah (S.W.T.).

Is Ashura Commemoration a Bid-ah?

The Wah-habis of Saudi Arabia preach that any commemoration for the dead, including the martyrs of Karbala, is a Bid-ah, because (according to them): 1) The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) did not practice it, and 2) It’s a Bid-ah to remember the dead by visiting their tombs/shrines or holding any gathering in their memory; because they can’t see or hear us, at all, and there is nothing that we could do now to help them in any way, anymore!

The answer is as follows:

First of all, Allah (S.W.T.) says that the martyrs are not dead: “Do not call those who died for Allah “dead”! No, they are living, but you cannot understand!” Holy Qur’an (2:154 & 3:169).

Second, if those who passed away were “dead” and there is nothingwe could do to help them in anyway (as the Wah-habis claim), thenSalat Al-Mayyit or the prayer for the dead persons, which is Wajib in Islam, must be useless. On the contrary, Allah and His Messenger have decreed that it’s obligatory for a Muslim to perform Salat Al-Mayyit, for his dead brothers and sisters.

Those who consider the dead people’s case as a hopeless situation, should be reminded of that famous Ayah of the Holy Qur’an in which Allah (S.W.T.) says:

“They have no hope about the Hereafter, as the unbelievers have no hope about the peole of the graves! “ Holy Qur’an (60:13).

Also, let’s not forget that every Muslim has to say “As-salamo Alaika” to Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) several times a day in theDaily Salats. Now, if the Prophet could not hear or answer our salam, because he is “dead”, then our salam to him would become ameaningless act! On the contrary, Allah (S.W.T.) orders us to continue sending our “Prayers and Salams to the Holy Prophet “as Allah and His Angels do, non-stop! (See Holy Qur’an: 33:56).

Thirdy, remembering Imam Hosain or even crying for his martyrdom is not a Bid-ah, rather it is a Sunnah! Because, it was the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) himself who first cried for Imam Hosain’s martyrdom. It is recorded in the book of Hadith that when FatimahZahra (A.S.) brought Hosain to her father to bless, the Prophet started to cry and said: Allah has informed me, through Angel Jebrail, that my beloved Hosain will be killed in Karbala!

The Sahaba of the Prophet, who heard this sad news, including Imam Ali and Fatimah Zahra, also cried for Imam Hosain. (See Mosnad Imam Hanbal, Vol. 1, p. 85, etc., etc.).

So, crying for his martyrdom or remembering the tragic events of Karbala is not a Bid-ah; rather it is a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and the practice of his Sahaba.

Maybe those who try to prevent the Muslims from commemorating Imam Hosain’s martyrdom, are the supporters or even decendants ofYazid, who do not want anybody to know about the crimes committedby “Khalifah Yazid, son of Mo-awia!”

In any case, they will have to answer to Allah and to the Holy Prophet, His Messenger, on the Day of Judgment, regarding their stand on the tragedy of Ashura, in which Imam Hosain exposed the hypocrisy of the Omayyad Dynasty and destroyed them before they could destroy Islam, and restore Jahiliyyah once again!!

By sacrificing himself and the rest of the Children of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), Imam Hosain saved Islam from the drunkard, corrupt and immoral rulers, who claimed to be the Khalifahs of the of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)!!

As for us, we also join the Muslim Ummah in commemorating the great Day of Ashura. May the spirit of Imam Hosain and other martyrs of Islam live in every Muslim, everywhere. Inshallah.

Article No. 3

In the Name to Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Ashura of Imam Hosain, The Symbol of

Self Sacrifice

*Imam Hosain, by his Martyrdom, exposed the Omayyad Khalifate, and the Khalifate never recovered from that defeat, again. Up to now, the establishment cannot raise its head up from that shame. As the great Pakistani poet, Josh, once said: After the tragedy of Karbala, the name “Yazid” became a curse.

*Never in history, could such a small group, be able to defeat such a big crowd, in such a dramatic way. Indeed, Hosain proved that blood was “mightier” than any two edged sword, and it could cut deeper!

When in the year 61 A.H., Imam Hosain rose up against the anti-Islamic rule of Yazid bin Mo‘awia, he had only 72 people with him,who stood by him, till martyrdom.

This was at the time when the Muslims had the largest country on Earth, stretching from the Arabian Peninsula, to the North Africa, and encompassing three great Empires of Persia, Rome andEgypt, plus some smaller kingdoms.

As for the Muslim population of those days, there is no statistics available, but it is safe to assume to have been 60-100 million people or more, But why only such a few number, out of such an enormous population, dared to support the truth, and

the rest, either supported the falsehood, or they just kept silent and watched?

The answers maybe many, but one thing is sure: It has always beenthat way and it will always be that way. From the time of Prophets Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus and finally the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon them all), always a few people truly believed, some others pretended to believe, and many never believed.

The Holy Qur‘an attests to this, by saying:

“(O’ Mohammad!) The desert Arabs say: We believe! Tell them: You have no faith, Just say that you have submitted (to Islam), because the faith has not yet entered into your hearts!"

Holy Qur‘an (49:14)


Why Did Imam Hosain Oppose Yazid?

As Imam Hosain was alone then, he is still alone today, in a sense that many Muslims have not yet understood the truth behind his tragic martyrdom.

The Holy Imam himself, explained his own stand, better when he was asked why he would oppose “Khalifah” Yazid, he replied:

"Don't you see that the Truth is not being implemented, and the falsehood is not being stopped?” (Probably, he was referring to “Khalifah” Yazid‘s openly drinking wine, while occupying the seatof the Holy Prophet, or the neglect of the Muslims to implement the orders of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) regarding the Holy Qur’an, and his own Ahlal Bayt). Ref. to Sahih Muslim Vol. 3, p. 1284 and also Sahih Tirmidi Hadith No. 874. etc.

And when they reminded him that opposing an authoritarian ruler like Yazid, would mean a sure death, he said: “As for me, I don‘tsee death (for a just cause) but a blessing, and living under thesinful oppressors, but a disgrace!”

Many people believed his righteousness, but only a few dared to follow him, because that way, they also would have to “carry their own death sentence” with them, for which they were not ready!

And finally, Hosain gave his Coup d’Grace against Yazid‘s rule bydeclaring:

“If the (Muslim) Ummah is pastored (by a ruler, like) Yazid bin Mo'awia, then we should say goodbye to Islam!"

He stood fast for his own conviction regarding the freedom of manfrom the slavery to any other man, by submitting to the Will of Allah (S.W.T.), Who Alone is the True Master of the Mankind, and worthy of obedience.

While he was left alone, and every other member of the Family of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), was killed by Yazid‘s soldiers, he addressed them and said:

"If you have no Faith, and you have no fear of the Day of Judgment, at least be free men (of Yazid‘s bondage) in this world!”

And when they did not want to listen, (because of the material rewards that were promised to them by Yazid, in order to kill Imam Hosain,) then the Holy Imam, said:

"Now, if protecting the Religion of Prophet Mohammad (from Yazid’s destructive rule) is not possible, except by my death, then O'swords come and get me!”

Upon hearing this, the 30,000 soldiers of Yazid, attacked the beloved grandson of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). He fought bravely, like his father Ali, and killed many of them, but was himself seriously wounded, and fell down from the horse.

While his body was on the burning sands of Karbala, Imam Hosain, with a painful voice, said:

“O Allah! I have turned my back to this world, just for you! And I have left my family and children (orphaned), in order to see

you! Even if they (Yazid's soldiers)cut me into pieces, My heart will not turn towards anyone, but you!"

It was Asr time. So, Imam Hosain, though seriously wounded and inpain, started saying his Asr prayer; And while his face was on the burning sands for Sajda to his Lord, the soldiers of Yazid cut his head off.

And thus ended part of the tragedy of Karbala, but the lessons for us just began.

United Muslims of the Philippines 1996


In The Name Allah


"We sent Thee (O, Mohammad!) as a blessing to the worlds!” (Holy Qur'an: 21/107).

Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was born in the Holy City of Makkah in the year 53 Before Hijra (B.H.) or 570 A.D.

Some historians say that he was born on the 12th day of the monthof Rabi-ul Awwal, while others believe that it was on the 17th day of that month.

But to Allah (S.W.T.) and the true believers, it is not the “day”rather the “man” who is the center of attention. This is why, in some Muslim countries, the celebrations of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) goes on for weeks and even months, indifferent localities, and days or nights.

Is Such A Celebration A Bid-ah?

Some people, especially those who don‘t know much about Islam, think that it is a “Bid‘ah” (a new thing) and therefore, prohibited or Haram to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H.) or anybody else for that matter. Their argument is that it was not celebrated by the Prophet himself, nor by his companions or the Sahaba (R.A.) after him.

What Is A Bid'ah?

First, let us see what is a Bid'ah? Well, Bid‘ah is an Arabic term which literally means “new” and when used in religion (Fiqahor Jurisprudence) it means: “Adding to the tenets or laws of Islam or reducing from, or changing them." Otherwise, if anything“new”, just because it is new, were Bid‘ah, then we could not move on, and everything would be “frozen” forever. Take note of some changes that have taken place, in relation to the Islamic practices, since the death of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) andno knowledgeable Muslim scholar ever considered them to be Haram.For example:

1) Compilation of the Holy Qur'an in its present book form by thethird Khalifah Othman (R.A.) and destroying burning other copies,to unify the Muslims with a standardized copy, which even today is called “Rasm Othmani” (Othman's version).

This style, in its bookbound form, did not exist during the time of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the two Khalifahs before Othman (R.A.) namely Khalifah Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Khalifah Omar (R.A.). Otherwise, there would be no need for the third Khalifah to compile his own version and destroy (by burning) the other versions, compiled by the other Sahaba, e.g. Imam Ali (R.A.), Abdullah Mas-ud (R.A.) etc.

Yet, no knowledgeable Muslim has ever called this “new” development, some 20 years after the death of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as Bid‘ah or bad; rather all Muslims considerit as a noble service to Islam, by the Khalifah Othman (R.A.).

2) Many Holy Places, including the Ka'ba itself, have been enlarged many times, and many other floors or corridors with air-cons and roofs have been added to help reduce the heat and other difficulties of the pilgrims, in performing their Hajj.

(Also the architectural designs of the Mosques and their minarets, are all different from what existed during, the time ofthe Holy Prophet, and his Sahaba. Are these Bid-ah and Haram)?

During the time of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) those places were smaller and narrower without shade or air-con, etc. Yet, no

knowledgeable Muslim has ever criticized those “new” developments, because those things do not add anything to the rituals of Hajj, nor do they reduce anything from them, but rather they just facilitate their performance.

3.) Using loud speakers in Azan and prayers or utilizing the radio and TV, to broadcast them and even tall 'mimbars' in a way that the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had not used, nor had he even seen, during his life time.

All these and many more examples will show us that for something to be “right” or “wrong” (Bid’ah or Halal) it is not necessary that it should have been practiced by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) himself (not the Sahaba, because the true sahaba (R.A.) could never do anything intentionally against the teachings of the Prophet or the Holy Qur’an, so their actions are actually based on the Prophet’s deeds or words).

What le The Rule?

Then what is the rule? How can we know whether something is Bid'ah or not? Well, there is no enough time and space for a detailed explanation, but we can briefly say that: Anything addedto the religion or omitted from it, is definitely a Bid’ah; but anything which is not explicitly ordered or prohibited, is left to the Muslims and their Ulama (religious authorities) to decide whether they want to practice it or not, as long as they will notdeclare it as part of the religion.

As we very well know, in Islam there are five possibilities for any act: (1) Wajib (obligatory); (2) Haram (Prohibited); (3) Mustahabb (Good to do but not obligatory); (4) Makrouh (not advisable, but not prohibited or sinful either); (5) Mubah (no rule has been mentioned and it‘s up to the individual to do or not to do).

Now, let’s see that the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is included in which category. Is it Wajib (Obligatory)? No, because there is no order to celebrate it. Is it Haram (Prohibited)? Again no, because there is no Hadith or Ayah on that, either. Is it Makrouh (not advisable)? Why should

remembering "the blessing of Allah” (S.W.T.) (Qur’an: 21: 107;) and being thankful and happy about it, be not advisable? Then it Could be either can either be Mustahabb (good to do, but not obligatory) or “just Mubah (no rule has been mentioned, about it,and it’s up to those who love the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and are happy about his birth, to celebrate it with joy and happiness andthanks giving to Allah (S.W.T.).

It Can Be Mustahabb.

We believe that it is Mustahabb, for the following reasons:

1)AIlah (S.W.T) has said in the Holy Qur'an: “Truly Allah and Hisangels continue to send their blessings on the Prophet; O, you who believe! You too send your blessings on him and greet him with a "special greeting!” (Holy Qur'an: s. 33, v. 56).

In fact, remembering and blessing the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)and his family becomes fundamental, if someone is to perform a correct and acceptable daily wajib prayers or salat. A Muslim must pray this way in his/her daily prayers:

“Allahum-ma sa-li alaa Mohammad in wa Aali Mohammadin, kama sallaita alaa Ibrahim wa Aali Ibrahim” (O’ Allah! Bless Thee Mohammad and Aali Mohammad (his Household) as Thou Hath blessed Ibrahim and his Family (Every believer in Islam has to recite this prayer several times in his daily salat, otherwise, he has not prayed to Allah S.W.T) at all).

Now, if remembering the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is commanded by Allah (S.W.T) in the Holy Qur’an and it is made a part of Azanand Salat, several times everyday why should it be a “Bid'ah” to celebrate his birth, and thank to Allah (S.W.T) for sending the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) as a blessing to the worlds, and to remember and bless the Holy Prophet and congratulate each other for it?

Celebration Of Birth Is A Sunnah.

Although the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) did not celebrate his own birthday, yet we see him celebrating the birthday of his grandsons Imam Al-Hassan and Imam Al Hosain (A.S.). When these

two Holy Imams were born to Imam Ali and Fatimah Zahra, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) held an “Aqiqah” celebration. He invited some people to the feast, he fed them, and gave thanks toAllah (S.W.T) for the blessing and, then he cut the childrens hair and gave equivalent to the weight of their hair in gold (or silver) to the poor!

As you see, the celebration of the birthday and sharing your joy with others is not a Bid’ah, but rather its a Sunnah! (“Aqiqa”).

But, someone may say: Yes, it is the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) at the birth of a child, but not every year! The answer is that once it is established that the celebration ofone’s birthday is not a Bid’ah, but rather a Sunnah, then repeating a Sunnah and thanking Allah (S.W.T) on every occasion is always good. Only the Satan (or his friends) hate our repeatedthanksgivings to Allah (S.W.T). Furthermore, there is no prohibition of celebrating birthdays every year on that day (so it is Mubah or it's up to you). But, as far as thanksgiving to Allah (S.W.T.) or feeding your Muslim brothers is concerned, the more you can afford to do, the better! And that is an Ijma or theconsent of all Muslims.

How About Moderm Birthday Celebrations?

As far as the modern birthday celebrations are concerned, there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an or the Hadith to prevent us from doing so, neither is there any order to push us to celebrate them; and it is absolutely our own choice -- in other words, it is just Mubah.

As for the extravagant expenses in some birthday parties or drinking/eating haram foods or other anti- Islamic activities, these are bad and prohibited things per se, and they have nothingto do with the birthday celebration. Even without the celebrationof one‘s birthday, a haram food or haram act is prohibited, but not the birthday itself!

To conclude, we can say that: When Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) was born, Allah (S.W.T.) and His Angels were happy, and He

blessed him, and they still continue blessing him (see The Holy Qur'an: s. 33 v. 56). The believers are also happy because according to Allah (S.W.T) the Prophet is the blessing to the worlds. But, Satan and his followers are unhappy!

Now, those who are happy, will show their happiness, by thanking Allah (S.W. T.) and celebrating this great event; as for Satan and his followers, they are unhappy and even angry, and thus theyhave nothing to thank for or to celebrate.

It is now up to us to join Allah (S.W.T.) and His Angels in joy and blessing the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or do the otherwise.

May ALLAH (S.W.T.) help us make the right choice. Inshallah!“Ya Nabi, Salam Alaika!/Ya Habib, Salam Alaika!/Salawatullash Alaika!”“As-Salamo Alaika Ay-Yuham Nabiyyo wa Rahanatullahi wa Barakatuh!”

What ls Bid-ah?

“Bid-ah” is one of the most abused and misinterpreted words in the Islamic jargon. Any group that wants to attack it's rival, will accuse their practices as “Bid-ah” and thus, apostatic and out of the main line Islam.

Take for instance the puritan Wah-habi sect of Saudi Arabia, which itself is a Bid-ah (new) yet, it accuses almost every otherMuslim of committing Bid-ah one way or another. For example, theyconsider the following practices as Bid-ah, and therefore, Haram:

1) Visiting or holding to the shrines of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or any Imam or spiritual person.

2) Touching or kissing their tombs.

3) Giving charity/feeding people in the honoring memory of a deadperson (becuase they are dead and our works won’t benefit them. Then why do the Muslim have to perform Salat-Mayyit or the prayerfor the dead, which is a Wajib Kifai or obligatory in Islam)?

4) Taking a human or an animal’s picture! (How about the passportpictures of this so-called missionaries who come to preach “pure”and “true” Islam? How about the picture on the money that they carry with them, or the currency of Saudi Arabia, etc. etc.)?

5) Celebrating the birth anniversary of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) oranybody else for that matter (like our own birthday).

6)Commemorating the death anniversary of Imam Hosain on Ashura oranybody‘s death in general.

7) Any form of anniversary, like the national day of a country orthe Liberation Day of any nation (How about the Saudi Arabian National Day)?

Practically anything “New” or “Modern” in this world is considered anti-Islamic by this old fashioned people who considerthemselves “pure Muslim” and the rest of us as “adulterated or polluted” by this world. (This is exactly what the fundamentalist/Palistan Christian like the “Amish” in America, and the “Hasidic Jesus” in Israel, believe!).

They call themselves "Salafi" (followers of the past generations i.e. the early generations of Islam) and they try to wear the same “clothes" with a long un-trimmed beard which reminds us of the Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem or New York; The Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his true followers were neat and clean, and they would trim their beards and they would not let it grow like the American Hippies! (or an un-attended farm!)

The False Notions

Although it is very good to look like the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his true followers (not like the Munafiqs as the Holy Qur'an calls some of them) yet, to be a good Muslim, we don't need to exactly wear the same shoes, clothes, etc. that wasfashionable 1,400 years ago, or to ride “camel” (or eat the same food as did the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his companions (May Allah be pleased with them).

If anyone thought that by just wearing a white hat (which is good, but not necessary) he will be a better Muslim let him “think” that the Christian Priests, Bishops, Popes and the JewishRabbis as well as the Zoroastrian Priests of Persia, have always been wearing white caps, too!

Or if someone had the wrong notion that by wearing the Arabian robes (which are neither good nor bad but neutral) they look justlike Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his companions, let them “think” that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) did not bring any new fashionin Arabia, and he was himself wearing the same robes that the Arabs before Islam (during the Jahiliyyah) including Abu Jahl andAbu Lahab, who are cursed in the Holy Qur‘an, were using as theirnational robe!

In other words, there is no “holiness” in the Arabian robes, but it is the holiness of Islam, Iman and the Good Works (Amal Salih)that is important.

And for those who thought that by wearing Afghani/Pakistani costumes alone, they will become a better and much original looking Muslims, we suggest that they study the history and see that long before Islam reached the Central Asia, the Pushtun people of Afghanistan and their Baluchi and Kurdish brothers in lran, lraq and Turkey were already using this type of clothes, while they were Zoroastrian, Bhudist, Hindu or simply Pagans!

Again, it goes to show that those type of costumes have got nothing to do with the “pure Islam” or the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) andhis blessed companions.

(In fact, it could be a “Bid‘ah” according to the Wah-habi definition of Islam, that considers anything not used or practiced or approved explicity by the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his faithful companions, as an un-Islamic act or aBid-ah! How about eating tomatoes and potatoes or drinking tea orcoffee, etc.)?

Therefore, let us emphasize more on the purity of the heart and the mind (Iman) and not on such superficial things that the Orthodox Jews or the Bhuddist monks, also do.

What is a Bid-ah?

Now after criticizing so many “superficial ideas” and creating somany “opponents through controversial statements” let us see whatis the real meaning of “Bid-ah”?

Bid-ah is an Arabic word that literally means “new”. So anything new in this world, including you and me, our shoes and clothes, practically everthing is a Bid-ah, because everthing in this world is new, and it will always be changing, except Allah (S.W.T). See Qur’an (55:27).

In religious terminology, Bid-ah refers to: “Anything added to Islamic tenets, principles or practices or removed from them. In other words, changing any Islamic rule, by addition or substraction” (for example, the morning prayer is two Rak-at, butyou make it three or just one, etc.)

Therefore, not everthing that did not exist during the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and it was invented later on,is automatically a Bid-ah, just because it is new. For example, using loud speaker, Radio or T.V. for Azan and prayer, while the Prophet (.P.B.U.H.) did not, or going to Haj by airplane, while he used camel, or eating rice while he used to eat dates or wheas’t, or wearing modern clothes (as long as it doesn’t violateour Islamic principles) while he was wearing differently, etc., etc., etc.

What is the Rule?

In order to have a rule of thumb, so to speak, it is necessary for us to learn a little about the Islamic Jurisprudence or Fiqah.

Everything that we do or do not do, can be categorized under fivepossible rules, as follows:

1) Wajib or obligatory that must be done, otherwise, we will be sinners if we don't do it, intentionally.

2) Haram or prohibited in a clear term by Allah (S.T.W.) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) or those who were Authorized by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). (See Holy Qur‘an 4:59).

3) Mustahabb or Sunnah meaning it is rewarded by Allah (S.W.T.) if we performed it, but it is not obligatory, and we will not be punished, for not doing it.

4) Makrouh or not advisable to practice, yet, there is no punishment for it if we did (like sleeping face down, reading where there is no enough light, reading immediately after eating,etc.)

5) Mubah or none of the above. It means that nothing has been said for, or against it, by Allah and His Prophet, and those who are Authorized by them. It is absolutely your choice to do or notto do, as you please, like living in a wooden house, or metal or cemented, etc. while the Prophet was using rooms (not even a house) made of clay.

So, when you face an issue (say celebration of the Birth of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) or the Commemoration of the Martyrdomof lmam Hosain on Ashura, etc.) you must look it up in the Book of Allah- The Holy Qur‘an, or the valid Hadith of the Prophet (P.B.H.U.). If there were any clear verses or a valid Hadith prohibiting such a celebration or commemorations, then it is Haram and practicing it can be classified as Bid-ah.

But, if there is no clear prohibition in the Book of Allah and the valid Hadith and the Sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), then it is Mubah, and everybody is free to practice it, and nobody - -not even the busy bodies like the ignorant Motawwa, have got any right to stop the people, just because “they think or believe” that it is a Bid-ah!

Who has guaranteed that what the Wah-habis have understood or these think they know of Islam, is the correct one, and the rest of Muslim world is mistaken?

According to the Wah-habi understanding of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, it may seem like a Bid-ah, but according to the understanding of the Great Ulama and Imams of Islam, from Morroco

down to the Persian Gulf, and from Lebanon to Iraq, and Iran, andfrom Pakistan to Indonesia and Malaysia, it is not!

Now, who says that the Wah-habis are right and all other Muslim are wrong? (Unless the Saudis have the approval of the superpowerof America in their “Islamic” pronoucements)!

The Feast of Birth is a Sunnah

Many Muslims do not know – possibly, because they don’t want to, that the celebration of the irth is a Sunnah, rather than a Bid-ah!

In Islam, as per the teachings and the practices of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) celebrating the birth of a child is a Sunnah,and it is called “Aqiqa” in Islamic Fiqah.

According to the narrations, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) did celebrate Aqiqa for his beloved grandsons Imams Hasan and Imam Hosain. He even invited some Sahaba to join in the celebration. (see major books of Hadith on the birth of Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain).

Now, how can somebody call such a celebration (as long as we don’t commit anything prohibited during the celebratin) Haram or Bid-ah, without implying that the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and hisSahaba (R.A.) did commit wrong?

But Not Every Year!

Someone may say: Yes, it is true that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) celebrated Aqiqa for his grandchildren, and so did many Sahaba and other Muslims, throughout the history of Islam, but, they didit only for the first year of birth and only once. How come Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and other Islamic countries and communities are celebrating the birth of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) every year?

The answer is that: Aqiqa is a thanksgiving to Allah (S.W.T.) fora blessing (birth of a child) and inviting and feeding our Muslimbrothers and sisters. Both of these acts (i.e Thanksgiving as

well inviting and feeding your Muslim brother/sisters) are Mustahab and highly recommended. Now, if something is good and Mustahab, why shouldn‘t we repeat it in our community, especiallywhen we know that it will increase love and brotherhood among us?

The Prophet Did Not Celebrate His Birthday!

Some people say that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or his Sahaba did notcelebrate his birthday. The answers briefly are as follows:

1) The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) celebrated for his grandchildren. It means such a celebration is not bad, but rather good. (Actually a Sunnah!).

2) There is no Ayah or Hadith, to tell us clearly that we cannot celebrate the birth of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). Thus, the most youcan say is that it is Mubah - i.e. it’s up to you.

3) Nobody says that such a celebration is a part of religion, therefore, there is no addition to the Islamic tenets or's just a good thing that is left to us-- to be happy and to show it through celebrations or to be indifferent as if nothing had happened at all! And that is the difference between those whotruly love and follow the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and those who think they do.

4) Allah (S.W.T) says that the coming of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.U.) is a blessing to the mankind (Holy Qur’an 21:107) and that when we receive a blessing from Allah we, should thank Him for it (Holy Our'an 16:114 and 29:17, etc.). Thus, we thank Allahby celebrating the birth of His Beloved Messenger (P.B.U.H.).

5) Allah and His Angels and the Believers are happy that the HolyProphet - A great Blessing to mankind, was born, and when we are happy, we express it by thanksgiving and sharing food or sweets with our friends. But, Satan and his followers are sad, or indifferent towards the coming of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.H.U.). Let then everybody do whatever he/she feels appropriate for him/her without forcing other people also to do or stopping them from doing so.

ln short, no one said that these celebrations are part of the religion -- no addition, no subtraction, but it's Mubah, and it'sup to every individual how to express his legitimate feelings on the occasion.

Separating Prophet from his Children!

Immediately after the death of the Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.) some criminals started murdering his children, and his loved ones– first his daughter Fatimah Zahra, then his cousin and brother, Ali, then his grandsons Hasan end Hosain, then Zainol Abidin, andso on.

Together with this, they also started to assassinate their personalities by trying to separate them from their beloved patriarch – i.e. The Prophet. This way, they could easily cover up for the crimes committed against the Ahlal Bayt.

Thus, started the plot to pray for the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but omit his family. For example, instead of saying: Allah bless Mohammad and Aali Mohammad, they just blessed the Prophet, alone.Or instead of saying: Sal-lah Laho Alaihi Wa Aalih (may Allah bless him and his descendants) they just prayed for the Prophet’sblessing, only.

This hatred of the descendents of the Holy Prophet is still goingon in some parts of the Muslims world, especially among the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, and their Protege -- the “Soldiers of Sahaba “ in Pakistan, the Taliban (Qatilan) the---Salafis, the Takfiris, etc.

All this, despite the strict instructions of the Holy Prophet himself that “Do not pray for me an incomplete prayer!" And when they asked him what was an incomplete prayer, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) replied: A prayer in which you pray for me, but you omit my household!”

Recently, I received a prayer book in which the Tashah-hud in daily Salat was translated into English, this way: O’AIlah Bless

Thee Mohammad and his followers as Thou Hath Blessed Ibrahim and his household.

How come in one sentence the “the Aali Mohammad” means the followers of Muhammad but “Aali Ibrahim” means household of Ibrahim?

Do you still expect Allah (S.W.T) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) tolook at your faces favorably, on the Day of Judgement?

Siratal Mustaqim (The Right Path)

The first surah of the Holy Qur‘an, Al-Fatihah, which is repeatedmany times during the daily prayers, also describes the same thing – i.e. Aali Mohammad and Aali Ibrahim (up to Adam (A.S.) are the Holy Families of the Prophets, and their true followers, are the true believers in Allah (S.W.T.) and His Messengers (P.B.U.T.).

The Ayah reads as follows:

"(O’Allah!) Keep guiding us in the Right Path. The path of those (people) whom You have blessed (The Blessed People) not (the pathof) the cursed ones (The Cursed People) and not (the path of) theMisguided! (Misguided People).“ Holy Qur‘an (1:6-7).

1) The Blessed People are the Prophets, and their descendants, from Adam (A.S.) down to the Prophet Mohammad, and his Ahlal Bayt(see the Holy Qur’an: 19:58).

2) The Cursed People are the arch enemies of the Prophets, and their descendants -- the leaders of corruption (see Holy Qur'an 25:31).

3) And the Misguided People are the followers of those arch enemies, who are just ignorant (see Holy Qur‘an, 37:60-71 etc.).

In other words, all Muslims are continously asking Allah (S.W.T)to guide them, every moment of their lives, in the Siratal Mustaqim – The Right Path which is the path of the Prophets and

their descendants (especially the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) andhis Holy Ahlal Bayt, because we are Muslims) and not to the path of the arch enemies of the Prophet, and his descendants (Those who fought them, disobeyed them or even killed them) nor the pathof those who followed those arch enemies before (and those who still do)!

As you see, this Great Surah of the Holy Qur'an, has already classified the people into three groups, namely:

a) Those who are Blessed (Prophets and their descendants)

b) Those who are Cursed (Their enemies)

c) Those who are Misguided (The followers of those enemies)

And every Muslim has been ordered to identify and follow those people who are blessed, and to know and avoid those who are cursed, as well as those who are misguided.

What Is Shi-ah?

The followers of Yazid and Mo’awia, and the rest of the enemies of the Ahlal Bayt, call the followers and the supporters of the Ahlal Bayt -the Shi-ah, non-Muslims!

Actually, Shi’ah is an Arabic word that means follower, supporter or Partisan. In general terms, anybody who follows after anyone or walks in his footsteps, is called a Shi’ah. Therefore, there is nobody in this world who is not a Shi’ah –including you! The only question is whether you and I are the Shi’ah of the right Imam or not?

In Islam, the first person who was called a Shaiah, was the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). We see that Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur'an states this fact by saying: “Wa In-na Min Shi-ah Tihi la-Ibrahim” (and one of his i.e. the Prophet Noah’s Shi-ash/followers was the Prophet Ibrahim). Holy Qur’an (37:83).

The second time that the Holy Qur’an uses the term Shi-ah, is about the followers of the Prophet Musa (A.S.) when they were still in captivity, in Egypt. This is how the Holy Qur’an says it: “Fas-Ta-gha-tha hul Lazee Howa Min Shi-ah Tihi. . . . “ (the

one who was the Shi-ah/follower of Musa(A.S.) asked him for help.. .). Holy Qur'an (28:15).

(There are also several other verses, in which the word Shi-ah/follower, is used in a negative way, because they followedthe wrong person, like Firaun, etc.).

Prophet Mohammad Used the Word Shi’ah

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) used the word Shi-ah for Imam Ali’s followers, by saying: “Ali Yon Wa Shi-ah Tihi Homol Fa-izun” (Aliand his Shi-ah/followers are saved). See “Yanabi Ul Mawad-dah”, p. 180 and 238, etc.

In fact, this Hadith has been supported by another Hadith about the Household of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) which includes Imam Ali, Fatimah Zhara, lmam Hasan, Imam Hosain, and their children (see Holy Qur’an, 33:33 and 3:61 as well as Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, p. 268 and p. 274 and Sahih Tirmidi, Vol. 2, 209, etc.). ln that famous Hadith, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

“The example of my Household is like the ARK of NOAH, those who join it (follow my Household/Shi-ah of Ahlal Bayt) are saved, andthose who don‘t, will perish!” (Ref. Mostadrak Sahihain, vol. 2, p. 343, etc.).

Thus, Shi-ah simply means the follower, and everybody that follows somebody else is a Shi-ah of him. Therefore, those who follow the right Imam (authorized by Allah and His Messenger - see Holy Qur'an 4:59) are the true Shi-ah, who are saved, and those who don‘t, won’t!



The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Said:

1. “Ali is my brother, like Haroon (A.S.) was to Moses (A.S.)"

2. “Fatimah is a part of me, anyone who hurts Fatimah, has actually hurt me!”

3. “Hosain is from me and I am from Hosain.”

4. “Allah loves those who love Hosain.”

5. “Hassan and Hosain are the masters of the Youth of Heaven”

6. “Fatimah, is the lady of all women of Heaven” (Sayyidato Nisaa-E Ahlil Jannah).

Ref. all Major Books of Hadith

These two pictures, show two Babylonian pagans, “Praying Cross-handed” (As many Sunni Muslims also, do). While, we know through the teachings of the Ahlal Bayt, that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and his Ahlal Bayt (A.S.) used to pray straight (As the Maliki Muslims and the Shi-ahs do). The tradition of “Crossing-hands" started with the Persians adoring their Kings (or King of Kings =Shahan-shah) who were considered as “The shadows of God/Demi gods). This tradition went on to Babylonia and even up to Egypt, where the Iranian-originated Pharaos, established themselves as the Egyptian gods, some 4,000 years ago! (Ref. Prof. Mereji Baba Kolka of India “The Persian-Pharaonic Civilization” in Gardeshgari, the Iranian Magazine, March 2000, p. 82).

Note: The pictures belong to two ancient statues which are still in the Iraqi Museum, Source “lntenational Herald Tribune” July 27, 2006, p. 4)


There are some controversial questions about some differences between the various lslamic Madh-habs, their beliefs and practices.

As much as possible, we would like to avoid those issues, but because other groups are bringing them up and misleading the innocent and sincere people, we find it better to explain our real beliefs, and practices, instead of letting the enemies of Islam “tell” it, and to cause, not only disunity among the Muslims, but also to spread lies, misinformations and rumours.

Aside from that, many of our good brothers/sisters are also asking these questions with all sincerity and honesty, and they want to know the truth behind some differences which are a reality, anyway.

Now, here are some of those popular questions and some short answers to them, to avoid details:

Question: What is the basic difference between the followers of the Ahlal Bayt (the Shi-ah) and the Ahlus Sunnah?

Answer: No major difference ,when it comes to Allah (S.W.T.) or about the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) the Holy Qur'an, the beliefin the Day of Judgment, etc. The only considerable difference is whether to follow the Holy lmams of the Family of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) also known as the Ahlal Bayt -- The Imamah, or to follow the Khalifahs, as the successors of the HolyProphet (P.B.U.H.).

Those who believe in the Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt (i.e., lmamAli, Imam Hasan, Imam Hosain, Imam Zainol Abidin, up to Imam Mahdi--12 Imams all in all, after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) arecalled the Shi-ah.

And those who believe in the Khalifahs after the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are called Sunnah, or the Ahlus Sunnah.

There are some other minor differences also, but the leadership after the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), is the main and the most important one.

Question : Is it true that the Shi-ah believe that Imam Ali or any other Imam is higher than the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)?

Answer: A BIG NO! That is a lie. Imam Ali is the cousin of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) , his son-in-law, and his immediate successor. Nothing less, and nothing more!

And the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is the last Prophet and the seal of the Prophets (Khatamon Nabiyyin) and the highest of all the Allah’s creatures. There can be no other creature higher thanthe Prophet Mohammad (P.B U.H) even if it is the Angel Jebrail the Arch Angel (A.S.) or any other being except Allah (S.W.T.).

So, it is a nonsense for anyone, to say or to believe that Imam Ali is higher than the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). At least the Shi-ah Muslims don't believe so. Now, if there is any other groupwho thinks so, then let them also defend their beliefs. We are not responsible for the ignorance of other people!

Question : ls it true that the Angel Jebrail (A.S.) made a mistake, in delivering the message, to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) instead of Imam Ali.?

Answer:: No, this is another big lie and accusation without a foundation. In fact, it is a kufr to even express such a nonsense.

Who can imagine that the Arch Angel Jebrail (A.S.) could not everrecognize the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) from another person. This is a total garbage invented by the enemies of Islam to disunite the Muslim Ummah.

Question : ls it true that the Shi-ah have a different Qur'an?

Answer: No! In fact nobody has any different Qur'an on this Earth. The only Qur’an that all the Muslims, throughout the worldhave, is the same Qur’an that is everywhere and in the hands of every Muslim.

lf anybody told you that the Shi-ah (or any other Muslim sect) have a different Qur’an, you should call him a liar, and a shaitan, and then you should ask him to show you such a copy, which is printed/published in any Shi-ah center anywhere in the

world (not a mixed up one page zerox that any three year-old child can make at any zerox shop or ever a computer)!.

And if he could not produce such an alleged copy of the Holy Qur’an, tell him: Get lost O’Shaitan!

Some Facts and Figures

Did you know that the first printing of the copies of the Holy Qur’an, in the entire Muslim world, took place in Tehran (Iran), in 1286 A.H. or 1866 A.D.? (Not in Saudi Arabia, or any other Wahhabi exclusive center).

While the Europeans were the tirst to print it in the West, afterthe invention of the printing machine, lran was the first Muslim nation to produce the printed copies of the Holy Qur’an for everyhome! (See Ettelaat Daily, Ramadhan, 1416 A.H/1996 A.D. Tehran, Islamic Rep. of Iran).

Also, among the non-Arab Muslims, no other nation has translated the Holy Qur'an more than the Persians – Almost 1,000 translations, the first one being that of Salman Al-Farsi the first Muslim who ever translated the Holy Qur'an, into another language i.e. Persian.

Did you know that Yusof Ali, the No. 1 translator of the Holy Qur'an in the world was a Shi-ah? (a Bohra from lndia). Did you also know that for so many years now, the No. 1 Qaries of the Holy Qur'an in the world, in the yearly Qu'ran recitation in Malaysia, have been the Shi-ahs of Iran (not the Saudis, Afghanis, Pakistan Talibans etc.)?

Or did you ever consider that in 600 years of Islam In the Philippines, the lranian Muslim students were the first group whopublished the complete text of the Holy Qur'an with English translation and transliteration? (Not those who are accusing them, who did nothing but gossip)! The latest (the third Edition)of the Holy Quar’an published by the Iranian Muslim students,

together with the Philinine National Bookstore in 2011, is available in all bookstores, now).

By the way, there have been some Ulama (Both Shi-ah and Sunnah) and even Khalifahs, like Omar, who have given some controversial opinions with regards to some verses or surahs of the Holy Qur'an(see Sahih Bukhari vol. 6, pp. 162, 291 and 508. Also vol. 8, p. 539 and vol. 9, p.212; also Sonan Ibn Maja vol. 2, pp.854 and 2553, Also Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, p. 63, etc.).

Now, what the Sunnah will answer for the opinion of their great leaders about the alleged changes in the Holy Qur'an is up to them, but as far as the Shi-ah is concerned they believe in the same Qur’an which is found in every Mosque or every MusIim‘s house, around the world.

(Well, the interpretation or Tafseer of the Holy Qur'an is another matter; because the Shi-ah base it on the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and the teachings of the Ahlal Bayt of the Prophet, and those Sahaba who loved and followed the family of the Prophet. While the Sunnah base it on the Hadith of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the Sahaba, even those who were against the family of the Prophet. That’s the difference, not in the Holy Qur’an, but rather in the interpretation of it, or the Tafseer).

Question : Why do you visit the Shrines of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his Ahlal Bayt; and why do you ask Allah (S.W.T.) to bless you for their sake, in other words their intercession? Can any body intercede for anyone else before God? Can the dead people help the living in any way?..0

Answer : Well, first of all, we never consider the Holy Prophet and his Ahlal Bayt (P.B.W.T.) as “dead”! That’s why all Muslims, including the Wahhabis, greet the Holy Prophet, and all the righteous people five times a day , in their prayers, by saying:

As-salamo Alaika Ay-Yohan Nabi ...... "Peace be upon you O' Prophet! "

How can you greet a person who is “dead”?

The Holy Qur'an says':

“Truly, Allah and His Angels are (continuously) blessing the HolyProphet. O’ ye who believe! (You, too) bless him and salute (him)the best” Holy Qur'an (33:58).

Now, if the Prophet wer “dead” (as the Wahhabis think) then Allahand his angels and all the Muslims would be sending their blessings to someone who cannot even hear or accept them? (Is that a logical thing to do?)

Just to make it sure that everybody understood he point, Allah (S.W.T.) twice in the Holy Qur'an warns the people, Not to call those who died for His cause, as dead”

“And don’t say of those who are killed in the Way of Allah : Theyare dead “No! they are living, but you cannot understand! “ (O’ ignorant people!) Holy Qur’an (2;154).

In the next surah, Allah (S.W.T) repeats the same point, once more, by saying:

“And never think that those who died for Allah are dead (finished). No! They are living and they get the sustenance from their Lord! They are happy with what Allah has given them, by HisGrace….”

Holy Our’an (3:169-170)’

Now, who can still say that Imam Hosain and the rest of the martyrs of the Ahlal Bayt, and many other Sahaba of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are “dead” (only Shaitan and his followers can say something against Allah's declarations).

And if the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet and his Sahaba who diedfor Allah are living, then how can the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) who is the Imam of all the Prophets (A.S.) and the best of all mankind, who lived for Allah and died for Allah (see Holy Qur’an, 6:162) be “dead” (finished) , as those who are ignorant about Islam and the Holy Qur’an, say?

The intercession or Shafa-ah

As for the intercession or Shafa-ah, it is very clear in many verses of the Holy Qur’an, as well as in the Hadith (and ever thecommon sense) that we can request any Muslim to pray for us or for a sick child or a dead relative. etc. lf we can ask a Muslim brother or sister to pray for us – intercede for us with Allah (S.W.T.), then why should it be so difficult or even Haram to request the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his beloved Ahlal Bayt todo so, i. e. to pray for us?

The Holy Qur'an is full of the verses which indicate that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed for many people ‘and so did his Sahabah, and many other men/women of God. Note, for instance, thefollowing verses:

1.) “(O’Mohammad!) Take Sadaqa from their wealth (Islamic Tax) topurify and bless it, And pray for them! “(intercede for them withAllah (S.W.T.), Holy Qur’an (9:103) .

2) “lf they (the Sahaba), after committing a sin, would come to you (O'Mohammad!) and they would ask Allah’s forgiveness and the Messenger would ask forgiveness for them (intercede) they would see that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful!” Holy Qur'an (4:65). Also (24:62-63) etc.

And those who don’t believe in the prayer of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) for themselves (intercession), Allah (S.W.T.) considers them as Munafiq or hypocrites:

3)“And when it is said to them (Munafiqs) come! The Messenger of Allah will pray for your forgiveness, they turn their heads and you will see them turning away their faces in arrogance (and disbelief)! Whether you pray for them or not, Allah will never forgive them (Hypocrites) Truly Allah does not guide, the corruptpeople!” Holy Our’an (63:5-6)

So, according to Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur'an, praying for someone’s forgiveness (interceding for him with Allah) is the

Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the Sirah of his Sahaba; In other words, it is sanctioned by Allah (S.W.T.) but, refusing the intercession (or denying its validity as the Wahhabis do) is the work and belief of the Hypocrities and the unbelievers ! What do you say?

“Question: Why do the followers of the Ahlal Bayt declare lmam Ali's “Welayah or Leadership” in Azan, after declaring the Oneness of Alah (S.W.T.) and the Prophethood of Nabi Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)?

Answer: Because, that was exactly what the Prophet Mohammad

(P.B.U.H.) said, during the last days of his life. All Muslim Ulama agree that the Holy Prophet declared in his Khutba, in Ghadir Khum, the following statement:

“To whom I was Maula, this Ali is his Maula (“Wall”, guide) SahihTirmizi Vol. 2 p. 298, Sonan lbne Maja, vol. 1, p.43, etc.

Now, until the moment that the Holy Prophet Mohanmad (P.B.U.H.) declared lmam Ali as Maula, in the same manner that he himself was the Maula, of the Muslim Ummah, to be a Muslim it was enough to declare the Oneness of Allah, (S.W.T.) and the Prophethood of the Nabi Mohammad (P.B.U.H.); but after the Holy Prophet declaredAli as Maula, then, to declare Ali as our Maula, is a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and not doing so, is an open rebellion against the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and subsequently a disobedience to Allah (S.W.T.).

That‘s why, we declare what the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) himself had declared, i.e. “To whom l was Maula, this Ali is his Maulal!” Sahih Tirmizi Vol. 2, p. 298, etc.

Question: Why do the followers of the Ahlal Bayt pray straight and do not Cross their hands, as many Sunnis (except the Malikis)do?

Answer: Well, the question should be reversed. Why do others holdtheir hands on their belly or chest, as the case maybe? As far asthe children and the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

are concemed, the Holy Prophet never held his hands on his belly/chest while praying. The children of the Holy Prophet who were with the Prophet 24 hours a day should have seen him better and more than anyone else!

In fact, not even all the Ahlus Sunnah believe in holding hands on their belly/chest while praying. The Maliki Muslims who followImam Malik pray open-handedly, like the followers of the Ahlal Bayt.

It proves that holding hands on one's belly/chest is not a Sunnahof the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) otherwise, one fourth of the AhlusSunnah (the Maliki Muslims) could not be following the Sunnah!

Question: Who started the practice of holding hands on the belly/chest during the prayers?

Answer: It was Khalifah Omar! (not the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H.).

Now, is Khalifah Omar, or anybody else for that matter, authorized to change what the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) has already instructed the Muslim to practice? That is a big questionthat we who follow him have to answer, first to ourselves and to Allah (S.W.T.) and then to others, as well.

Question: How did the practice of holding hands on belly/chest start?

Answer: It started at the time of Khalifah Omar, when Persia was conquered by the forces of lslam.

The Persian Princes and Princesses were brought to Medina, as captives. In accordance with the rules of the palace in Persia (Protocol) the captives were holding their hands on their chest /belly. (lt's still a custom among the people of Central Asia like Uzbekstan, Khazakstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Turkministan, Turkey, lndia, etc. that the people stand with folded hands in front of their leaders, superiors, landlords, especially the governors, ministers and the kings or the queens).

This was part of the Persian etiquette, or the protocol, which are observed in many regions of the world, including in among theEuropean royalty, even today. The other norms of etiquette,

from Persia, aside from folding ones hands in front of a dignitary, especially a king or a queen, are as follows:

1) Holding a parasol over the head of a king or a queen. (see theRoyal Traditions in Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, etc.)

2) Calling the people to stand up while the king, queen, a minister or a judge is entering the court, etc.

When Khalifah Omar saw such a sophisticated manner from the “civilized Persians" which did not exist among the Arabs of the desert, he said:

“lf they (the Persians) could have so much respect for their kings, why shouldn't we respect The King of all kings (Allah S.W.T.) by folding our hands as the true slaves of Allah?"

Since that day, those who followed Khalifah Omar started folding their hands during the prayers. This was only one of the 70 new rules that Khalifah Omar added to the Islamic practices (like theaddition of “As-salato Khairom Minan Naum .... prayer is better than sleeping!!” in the morning Azan, or the prevention of Mot‘ah, etc., etc.).

See Sahih Muslim, vol. 3, pp. 555-556 and Sahih Bukhari, vol. 2, p. 375 and vol. 6, p.34, etc.

Question: ls it true that the followers of the Ahlal Bayt believethat the Holy lmams of the Family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) are higher than the Angels and the Prophets?

Answer: The answer is yes and no! lt all depends on who the Angeland the Prophet is. Definitely, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is the highest of all creatures (Khair-ol Khalq Aj-ma-in) which includes all the Angels and the Prophets (A.S.).

But, remember that we have 124,000 (one hundred twenty four thousand) Prophets, out of whom only five Prophets are Olil Azm or universal, And only 25 of them are mentioned by name, in the

Holy Qur'an. These are the major Prophets (A.S.). But there are many minor Prophets (A.S.) who were under the authority of the major Prophets- -- like those who were Prophets of a town or a village. a family or just for themselves.

As for the Angels (A.S.), there are also some angels who are the highest of the Angels of Allah (S.W.T.) like the Holy Spirit (Ruhol Qodos, see Holy Qur‘an 2:87) or Jebrail (A.S.) who used toserve the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and he would ask permissionfrom the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) before entering his house (the House of the Ahlal Bayt) !

At the Night of Ascension (Lailat El-Miraj) he lifted the ProphetMohammad (P.B.U.H.) up to Heavens, until a place where the Arch Angel Jebrail (A.S.) stopped and said: “l cannot go beyond this point or else I will get burned!”

But the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) went up higher and higher, until, according to the Holy Qur’an, there was only a little distance left! (See Holy Qur’an 53:7-9).

Then, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) who is higher than theAngel Jebrail (A.S.) , carries Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain on his shoulders and he declares: “This Hasan and this Hosain are the Masters of the Youth of Heaven!” (Sahih Tirmidi, vol. 2, p. 306-307).

Also the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) declares that: “This Hasan and Hosain are Imams (of the Muslims) whether they are in power or not!"

(Even if Mo‘awia and Yazid, etc. were grabbing the power, still according to the Prophet, the legitimate Imams of Islam, are lmams Hasan and Hosain!).

Now, don’t you think that lmams Hasan and Hosain whom the Greatest of all Prophets (Imam-ul Morsalin) carries on his shoulders and he declares them as Masters of the Youth of Heaven,and he also declares them, as lmams of the all Muslims in the entire world, can be higher in ranks, than some minor Prophets,

who were under the authority of another prophet in a village only, or in a family, alone!

lf you are not convinced yet, then let’s go over some more Hadithfrom the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.).

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: “When my son Mahdi (the 12th Holy Imam of the Ahlal Bayt) will come, Prophet Jesus (Prophet Eisa A.S.) shall descend from the heavens also and he shall perform prayers behind Mahdi, and under the authority of Mahdi, the government of Islam will be established “(see Sahih Muslim, vol. 1, p. 373; Sahih Tirmidi, vol. 9, p. 74; Sahih lbne Maja, vol. 2, p. 928 etc., etc. Also the Fatwa of World Muslim League, dated 5/31/1976; see Mo-amirat Al-Mot-ajirin Bid- din, p. 29, etc.).

Now, if a Prophet like Jesus (A.S.) who is an “Olo-Azm” or a Universal Prophet, is going to pray behind lmam Mahdi, and he is to do Jihad under the authority and the leadership of the Holy lmam of the family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), then, who is higher, the leader or the follower?

Unless you deny the entire Hadith of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) as some people do, then there is no other way but to accept the factthat the leader must be higher than those whom he is leading, otherwise it will be like putting the cart before the horse! (As some people try to do, unsuccessfully)!

This needs some common sense, but unfortunately common sense is not so common in this world, after all!

In fact, there is a well known Hadith from the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) that says: "The scholars of my Ummah, are higher than the Prophets of Bani lsra-iI!"

If this could be said about the Islamic scholars, then more so itcould be said about the Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who were the Scholars' Scholar and Imams' Imam!

Imams Higher Than Angels

As for the Angels, there are zillions and zillions of them. Only Allah (S.W.T) knows their actual number. Some of them are higher than the ordinary believers/Muslims (e.g. Jebrail, Michail, etc.)many of them are servants of the believers (the angels who move the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars; Angels who bring down, or count, every drop of rain that falls, those who move theatoms and the molecules and other particles in the universe --- the agents of Allah in Nature that help the grass to grow, and the water to flow, etc.).

But, no angel is higher than the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)because, as we saw before, even Jebrail had to serve him, to bring him the message, to carry him to heaven (Miraj), and yet the same Jebrail would not enter the House of the Prophet withoutpermission!

Now, considering all those Hadithes mentioned, and many others, is it still very difficult for some people to understand that theMasters of the Youth of Heaven (from beginning to the end) can behigher than some Angels? (See Kanzul Ommal, vol. 6, p.22 and vol.7, p. 106 and Sahih Trimidi, vol. 2, p.306-307, Sahih lbne Maia, etc., etc.).

While countless Angels will be serving the people in Heaven ---which means that the people in heaven are higher than those Angels, otherwise why serve them, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) tells his followers that Imam Hasan and lmam Hosain are the Masters of the Youth, there!

Who is higher, the servant or the masters of those who are being served by the Angels?

It is not very difficult to understand, if one is honest to himself and to Allah (S.W.T.) and humble enough to accept the truth.

Question: Is it true that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the 12 Holy lmams of the Ahlal Bayt, actually knew when and where they will die? Isn't it against the Qur‘anic verse that indicates onlyAllah S.W.T.) knows about those things?

Answer: The answer is yes in some cases and no in others. Only Allah (S.W.T.) has the Knowledge of everything. But He can also give some of His Knowledge to whom so ever He decides.

Take note of the following verses of the Holy Qur'an, for example:

“(Allah) Knows the Unseen, and He doesn't let anyone to know it; Except a Messenger, whom He has chosen!"

Holy Qur’an (72:26-27)

(So, those who are chosen by Allah S.W.T know some of His knowledge, that other people don’t know).

In another Ayah, Allah (S.W.T.) says:

“This is some of the Unseen (Unknown) that We informed you (O’Mohammad). You were not with them when they cast lots with arrows, as who should care for Mary (A.S.)!”

Holy Qur’an (3:44)

And about Prophet Eisa (Jesus) A.S., the Holy Qur'an says:

“I have come to you, with a sign from your Lord; I make for you, out of clay, the figure (image) of a bird, and breath into it, and it becomes a (living) bird, by God‘s leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and bring the deed back to life (again) byGods permission; And I will inform you of what you eat, and what you have at your homes; in all this, there is a sign (from Allah)if you did believe!”

Holy Qur‘an (3:48) etc., etc.

(So, a Prophet knows the Unseen; that nobody else knows except Allah, (S.W.T.).

How About the Holy lmams?

But, you may say: Well, those are the Great Prophets (A.S.) of Allah (S.W.T.), how about the Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)? Could they also know the unseen or the “Ilmul Ghaib?)

The answer is that, when the Prophets (A.S.) come to know something from Allah (S.W.T.). then they may say it to their Sahaba (like Jesus told them) or their Holy Family or the Authorized Imams, who are to succeed them.

In fact, Allah (S.W.T.) says that He made the revelations even tothe non-Prophets like Mary. Mother of Jesus (A.S.), Also to the mother of Prophet Musa (A.S.) and even to a humble creature like the honey bee! Look at these Qur’anic verses_________ for example:

1)"When the Angels said: O'Mary! God gives you a good news of a Word from Him: His name Christ Jesus, son of Mary . . ."

Holy Qur'an (3:45)

(So, according to the Holy Qur'an, the Angels talk to a non Prophet, but a Holy person, like Mary).

Take note of another Ayah:

2)"So, We revealed to the Mother of Moses: Feed him (Moses) but when you fear for his security, cast him into the river, and fearnot, nor grieve; For, we shall return him to you and We shall make him one of the Prophets!"

Holy Qur'an (28:7)

1) Mother of Moses got a message from Allah: 2) She was told whatto do, by Allah: 3) She knew about the “future” of her son, his returning to her and his becoming a Prophet! (A bad news for those who say: Nobody knows the future, and still claim to be good Muslims, and the readers of Qur'an and Hadith)!

Not only to the great personalities like the mothers of Jesus andMoses (A.S.) but even to a humble honey bee, Allah (S.W.T.) sendsHis Messages and Communications. The Holy Qur'an says.

3)“And your Lord revealed (taught) the Bee to build its house in the mountains, trees and other dwellings. Then to eat of all the produce. . ."

Holy Qur'an (16:68-69)

Now, if Allah (S.W.T.) can send His Angels to give the good news to Mary and Mother of Moses, about their children, and even to a Bee, why is it so difficult for some Muslims to accept the fact that the same Allah (S.W.T.) could send His Angels to tell the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about his children and their future --- like the martyrdom of Fatimah Zahra, and her baby (Mohsin) or themartyrdom of Imam Ali, in the Mosque of Kufa, the poisoning of Imam Hasan (by Mo'awia) or the Shahdat of Imam Hosain, in Karbala. etc., etc.?

4)“Then you believe in part of the Book and you reject the rest of it . . .,? Holy Qur’an (2:85)

Imam Hosain’s Martyrdom Told by the Prophet

There are many Hadithes, in which the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) told his Sahaba about the death, the place and even the time of their death or that of the Holy Ahlal Bayt, for example:

“Umm Salma (R.A., wife of the Holy Prophet) narrated that Jebrailcame to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and said: O’Mohammad, your Ummah will martyr your son (Hosain) after you, in Karbala, then the Prophet cried . . ., And then he gave me (Umm Salma R.A.) some soil and he said: When this shall turn into blood, you should know that Hosain has been martyrd.” (See Tahdib by Ibne Hajar, vol. 2, pp.347 & 356. Also Sahih Tirmidi, vol. 2 p. 306. Also Mostadrak Sahihain, vol. 4. p. 397, and Imam Hanbal's Mosnad. vol. 1, p. 242, and many others).

There are many other Hadithes on this subject, but we don’t have time and space for it here. But, let's analyze the Hadith that was mentioned above:

1) Jebrail knew about the death and the place of the death of Imam Hosain.

2) Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), Umm Salma (R.A.) and many other Sahaba, knew about it.

3) Imam Hosain himself knew about it,

4) Every Muslim who believed in Allah and His Prophet and heard this Hadith, knew about it!

(So, what is so strange about it if we say that Imam Hosain and other Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt knew about their martyrdom ---they were informed by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)?

5) The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.), and Umm Salma and many Sahaba cried for Imam Hosain’s martyrdom!

(So, crying for Imam Hosain is not a Bid-ah, but it is a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and the Sirah of his true Sahaba)!

6) The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) knew about the future events, evenif some people (so-called Muslims) claim that nobody knows about the future!

7) All these Hadithes are from the books of the Ahlus Sunnah. Then why some people do not want to believe in their own books ofHadith? We don't know. But Allah (S.W.T.) knows why!

Question: Can the prayers to Allah (S.W.T) inside the Shrines of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or the Holy Imams, etc. heal the sick, and bless the needy? Isn't it a Shirk or a Polytheistic practice to include someone else’s name when you are requesting something from Allah?

Answer: No! Praying to Allah and asking His blessings is always good; especially in the Holy Places like, the Ka’bah, the Shrinesof the Holy Prophets (A.S.) and the Holy Imams, or any place dedicated to AIlah's Name, e.g. a Mosque.

Nobody should ever be worshipped except Allah (S.W.T), but any Holy Person could be asked to intercede with Allah/Pray for us.

As for healing of the sick, if some chemical medicine concocted by the German, British or the American Pharmacists, can cure a disease, and we Muslims use them without becoming a Mushrik, why should the Holy Shrines of Prophet Mohammad

(P.B.U.H.) or his Holy Ahlal Bayt, be less effective, and why should touching them for the purpose of healing, make us a Mushrik?

Do you mean to say that some herbs, tablets and syrups handled bythe unbelievers, have got more Authority from Allah (S.W.T) to beagent of healing than the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and his Ahlal Bayt? Is trusting in the herbs and tablets for cure, sign of Iman, but trusting in the Chosen People of Allah, Shirk? Many Hadithes and narrations attest to the fact that the Sahaba of theHoly Prophet got cured by the touching and prayers of the Holy Prophet. Is Prophet Mohammad not anymore the Prophet he was before?

You may say but the Prophet is dead now! Well, Allah says:

“Never think that those who died in the path of Allah are dead; No, they are living but you can't understand!"

Holy Qur'an (3:169) and (2:154), etc.

And the Prophet Mohammad definitely lived and died in the path ofAllah (See Holy Qur'an 6:162), And so did Martyr Fatimah Zahra, also Imam Ali, Imam Hassan, Imam Hosain, Imam Zainul Aabidin, andso on.

Miracles of the Prophets

The Holy Qur'an and the Hadithes are full of the example of the miracles and the healings by the Holy Prophets (A.S.). Here are some verses for us to ponder!

About Prophet Jesus (A.S.) it says:

“And I heal those born blind and the lepers and bring the dead back to life again, by Gods leave!”

Holy Qur'an (3:49) etc.

About Prophets Yusof and Ya'qub (Joseph and Jacob A.S.) it says:

". . .(Yusof said to his brothers) Go with this my shirt and place it on the face of my father (Ya'qub, who was blind) and he will come to see! (His blindness would be cured by the shirt of Prophet Yusof). Holy Qur'an (12:93).

Can the Prophet Yusofs cotton-made shirt cure the blindness? Allah (S.W.T) in the Holy Qur'an says yes it can! But, the Saudi

Arabian Wah-habis, who claim to be more religious than God Himself, say “No! It's a Shirk to believe that the cloth or the Shrine of anybody, including the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) can cure any sickness!”

Now, it's up to you to believe Allah (S.W.T.) or His detractors; but remember so many other cases, in which the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and other Prophets (Moses, Jesus A.S.) cured the people's diseases, just by touching them, or by praying over them.

Allah (S.W.T) says that the Honey of the Bee “will heal people’s diseases” (Holy Qur'an 16:69). But, this so-called Muslims, say that believing in anything to cure, except Allah, is Shirk! (Of course, the honey also cures by Allah‘s permission, as do the Prophets).

Let's see once more: 1) Drugs made by the Americans can cure (that's why the Saudis buy so much American Medicine) 2) Prophet Jesus A.S. could cure by touch (and many other Prophets, including the Holy Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.) 3) The cotton shirtof Prophet Yusof A.S. can heal his blind father, 4) Prophet Mohammad's touch or saliva would cure the sore eyes of his Sahaba, etc., etc.

So, believing that those things could cure, by the permission of Allah (S.W.T.) is correct, but the touching the shrine of ProphetMohammad (P.B.U.H.) who is the Greatest Prophet of Allah (S.W.T.)and asking Allah to heal our sickness, for the sake of that Blessing to Mankind (See Holy Qur'an 21 :107) is Haram and Shirk?Is American drug or Prophet Yusof’s (A.S.) shirt more powerful with Allah, than the body of the Prophet Mohammad or his burial site?

Asking Help from Others

The Wah-habis argue that we should not seek help from anyone except Allah (S.W.T). They go to the extent that they consider even calling” Ya Rasulal-Lah! (O'Prophet of Allah) Ya Mohammad (O'Mohammad) Ya Hosain (O'Hosain) etc. as Shirk; meaning to say

that we are making them like God. We should only say Ya Allah (O'Allah) and no more!

The answer is: While it appears to be very religious, but actually it is the philosophy of Shaitan. When Allah (S.W.T.) ordered His Angels to bow down to Prophet Adam (A.S.), all did, except Shaitan, who said I won‘t bow to anyone else but You O‘Allah!

What happened? Well, Allah cursed him and his followers up to theDay of Judgment (See Holy Qur'an 38:78, etc.), And he kicked the Shaitan, out of His Grace!

In fact, the Holy Qur'an is full of instances of calling other people, like: Ya Ayuhar Rasul (O'Messenger), Ya Adam (O‘Adam), YaEisa (O‘Jesus), Ya Musa (O’Moses), Ya Ayuhan Nas (O'People). etc.

With regards to asking help from persons other than Allah (S.W.T.) the Holy Qur'an says that brothers of Yusof (A.S.) pleaded with him by saying: “O’exalted one! Help us!' (Holy Qur'an 12:88). Is that a shirk to ask help or to call for help!

Here is some more to think about. According to Allah (S.W.T.) thebrothers of Prophet Yusof (A.S.) asked their father, Prophet Ya'qub (A.S.) this way:

“O'our father! (Prohet Ya’qub A.S.) Ask for us forgiveness (intercede for us with Allah – Shafa-ah) for our sins!” (Holy Qur’an (12:97).

“He (Prophet Ya’qub A.S.) said: Very soon I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord!” Holy Qur’an (12:98).

“And they (Prophet Yusof A.S. and his brothers) fell down in prostration (Sajdah) him (Prophet Yaqub A.S.) And he (Yusof A.S.)said: O’ Father! This is the fulfillment of my dream before. My God hath made it come true. He has been so kind to me!”… Holy Qur’an (12:99-100), etc., etc.

If we followed the Wah-habi teachings, the Prophets Ya'qub and Yusof (A.S.) and his brothers have committed serveral “Shirks”, as follows:

a) They called Yusof A.S. “O' exalted one!” (Yaa Ayyuhal Aziz! And we know that the “Al-Aziz” is a title of Allah, also!).

b) They asked help and food for their families from the Ruler of Egypt (Yusof A.S.) and not directly from Allah (S.W.T.)!

c) They called Prophet Ya'qub “ O' Father!” (Yaa Abana!)

d) They asked his help to ask Allah (S.W.T.) to forgive their sins, instead of directly going to Allah (intercetion & seeking help).

e) Prophet Ya'qub (A.S.) agreed to intercede for them with Allah (S.W.T.) very soon! (So, the Holy Prophet Ya’qub also believed inthe intercession, even if the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabi, don’t!)

t) As if those were not enough Anti-Wah-habism, this time ProphetYusof (A.S.) and his brothers and their families all fell down inProstration and made Sajdah to Prophet Ya'qub (and the Prophet asdid Yusof A.S. all the Angels to Prophet Adam A.S. in the beginning of Creation; but Shaitan refused to bow, and his followers today refuse, too)!

g) Prophet Ya'qub (A.S.) saw all of this, accepted all of this and himself participated in all of this, without fearing that Shaitan will object, and the Wah-habis may call him a Mushrik!

h) Allah (S.W.T.) knew everything before it happened and told us the whole story in the Holy Qur'an without adding a single word of disapproval to what this great family of the Prophets (A.S.) practiced.

i) The Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) read all this verses to the Muslims and told us to read (and follow) as often as we could, but he never objected to what they did.

j) All the Sahaba and Imams of Islam read it, but they did not consider those acts to be objectionable.

k) All Muslim scholars today are aware of those verses, but none of them ever found those to be against the principles of Tawhid or belief in One and Only God!

How come only the Shaikh Abdul Wah-hab of Saudi Arabia (1703-1742A.D.) and his followers, realized that these are Shirk! Where didthey get that “pure Islam” that no other Imam or Prophet could get? From the Lawrence of Arabia, or from their American Protectors? Or maybe, as the Holy Qur'an says:

“The Devils made revelations to their friends and followers!” (Holy Qur'an 6:121 and 7:27 and 7:30, etc., etc.).

Saudis Asked Help from Shaitan

While preventing other Muslims from seeking help from the Holy Men of God and His Chosen Servants, the Saudis always have asked help from the enemies of Allah --- the Americans, the British. etc.

To get rid of the OthomanTurkish Khalifah (of Prophet Mohammad?) they asked the help of Lawrence of Arabia, the British spy, a military officer who was an illegitimate child or a bastard! (No Wah-Habi said it was Shirk to forget Allah S.W.T. and to seek help from Col. Lawrence, in 1914-1918 A.D.).

Again in 1990-1991, during the Persian Gulf War, the Saudis forgot all about Allah, and they asked the Americans (the Great Shaitan!) to help them fight against another Muslim country -- Iraq.

No outstanding Wah-habi Aalim objected to this. In fact , the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz issued a so-called Islamic Ruling (Fatwa) that the American soldiers (those half nude Christian and Jewish boys and girls) were doing Jihad for lslam, in our Holy Land!!

Trusting Anything Else Except Allah

Everybody, including the Wah-habis, depend on a thousand and one objects everyday, and they put their trust on them to survive, without considering themselves to be Mushriks!

When they are hungry, instead of asking Allah (S.W.T.) for food, the Wah-habis go to a bakery or a restaurant or their own kitchen, in order to eat and to survive! (Trusting food, not Allah)?

When they are thirsty, they drink water! (Is water your God)?

When they are sick, they go to a doctor (preferably an American) or a clinic or a hospital or a drugstore and they depend on some man made tablets and syrup and amazingly they get cured, without becoming a Mushrik!

When they want to “beget children” they don‘t go to Allah to get them, but instead, they marry a woman/man and make babies; and still they are not Mushriks!

It sounds very silly, but that's actually what they say. And the funniest part is that this people consider everybody Kafir and Mushrik and only themselves pure Muslims.

The fact is that every creature of Allah (S.W.T.) is Has Agent, be it the Angels, the Prophets, the people in general, even the animals, herbs, Nature as a whole with all the molecules and the atoms.

As long as one uses any of these agents or gets “help” from them,knowing fully well that these are only the “instruments” of God (not independent from Him) and God blesses His people through these agents, then it is completely alright, to use them and be blessed by Allah, the Musabi-bul Asbaab (The Maker of the Instrumemts/Agents in Nature).

As for worship, only Allah (S.W.T.) is worthy of it, any other thing in the Heaven above or the Earth below, or in the Sea – absolutely nothing else, is worthy of worship (= worthship).

When someone becomes a Muslim, he declares that:

“I believe in Allah, and His Angels, and His Books and His Prophets ....” (How many things you have to believe, beside Allah?). Yet believing in so many things is not Shirk, but true Iman, because they are all in the Line of Allah (S.W.T).

In every Azan, after the Name of Allah (S.W.T) we should immediately bring the name of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), as well, otherwise we are not Muslims. Remember, thateven Shaitan believers in Allah (Tauhid of the Wahhabis!)

And in every Salat to Allah, we also have to include the names ofthe Prophet Mohammad and the Aali Mohammad (his Household) and other good servants of Allah (in Tashah-hud).

Now, does this joining of the names of other people with the HolyName of Allah make us Mushriks? Shirk in Worship/Prayers? (Shirk Fil Ebaadah!).

As for those Ayahs that say: "Don‘t call, aside from Allah; thosewhich can’t benefit you or harm you (Holy Qur‘an 10:106) or “Don‘t call with Allah any other God' (28:88) etc., it means thatwe should not have any God except Allah, not that we cannot even bring the name of the Prophet Mohammad, together with the name ofAllah!

If that were the case, then Kalimah, i.e. “There is no God exceptAllah and Mohammad is His Messenger” should have been prohibited or the flag of Saudi Arabia that bears this declaration should have been considered un-Islamic, while it is not so.

There is a big difference when Allah (S.W.T.) and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) and the Authorized People (Olil Amr) teach Islam and the Qur’an, vis-a-vis the man-made interpretations by those people who have no authority from Allah, through His Prophet, to do so.

Questions: Is it true that the followers of the Ahlal Bayt criticize, condemn and sometimes curse some companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)?

Answer: Not the true companions. But only the hypocrites, and those who murdered the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) Fatimah Zahra, his grandsons Imam Hassan, Imam Hosain and other children of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Such people are cursed by Allah (S .W.T.) in the Holy Qur‘an (3:86-87) and by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), the angels and the believers.

Also, we criticize those who disobeyed the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and called him “out of his mind!” (see Sahih Bukhari Vol. 5 and 9 p. 346) as well as those who made the Holy Prophet

(p.B.U.H.) angry, and hurt his feelings. Such people are not considered followers , but the enemies of the Prophet and his beloved family.

The Holy Qur’an is full of condemnation of those who came to the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and claimed to believe, but their acts showed that they were liars. (See chapter 63 of the Holy Qur'an, titled the “Hypocrites” for their specific description). And remember one thing more: The Holy Prophet Mohammad said: “La-anal Laho Man taklal-lafa An Jaishe Osamah!” Meaning: “Moy Allah,Curse anyone (His Sahabah) who does not join the army of Osamah” (the adopted grandson of the Holy Prophet, from Zaid).

Now, many of the Companions did not listen to the order of the Holy Prophet, and they were included in this Curse! So, cursing those guys is not haram, but rather the “Sunnah” (Actor of the Holy Prophet)!

Now, let us see those who claim to be the “Sunnah” will follow the Holy Prophet, or not!

Beside, many “Sahabal” cursed and even killed each other! Now, lets see the “Salafi” (the followers of the ancestors!) will follow them also, or they become “Um-salafi!”

Question: Why do the followers of the Ahlat Bayt keep their fast until night, and they don‘t break it at sun-down, like the Ahlus Sunnah?

Answer: Well, that is a long Fiqh debate, but we can say that aside from the teachings of the Holy Imams of the family of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) who had lived with the Prophet in hishouse (unlike the non-Ahlal Bayt Imams who never even saw the Prophet, because they were born many years after the death of theProphet) the other reason for keeping the fast of Ramadhan (and other Sunnah fastings till night) is the clear instruction of Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur’an that says:

“... Then complete your fast till night!” Holy Qur‘an (2:187). And the common sense will tell us that by breaking our fast 15-20minutes later, we are sure that we have observed both timings. But, if you break your fast earlier than the night (As the Summi

Muslims do) you have clearly violated the Qur’anic injunction (aside from the teachings and practices of the Holy Imams of the Ahlal Bayt who are also guaranteed by Allah (S.W.T.) to be right and clear from any impurity and error. See Holy Qur‘an 33:33).

Question: Why do the followers of Ahlal Bayt allow and practice the temporary marriage or Mot-ah?

Answer: This question should be asked from all Muslims, includingthe Ahlus Sunnah, because this was practiced during the life timeof the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). It even existed during the rule of Khalifah Abu Bakr and several years of the rule of Khalifah Omar. (Sahih Muslims, Vol. 3 p. 555 chapter of Mot'ah also pp. 556, 331 etc. Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, p. 34, 110 Vol. 2, p. 375, Vol. 7 p. 36 etc. etc.).

During the latter part of the rule of Khalifah Omar he decided, by himself to stop the Muslims from the practice of Mot'ah (SahihMuslim, Vol. 3, p.331 etc. etc.).

Now, for those who want to follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) and the Sahaba of his time, including Khalifah Abu Bakr, Imam Ali, etc. etc. to them Mot'ah is still “Jayiz” permitted.

But, those who follow Khalifah Omar, should refrain from it, because their leader has stopped what the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)and his companions had allowed!

In fact, Abdullah Bin Omar, the son of Khalifah Omar, considered Mot'ah to be alright. When somebody reminded, him that his father, Omar, had prohibited it, he said:

“How could my father (and anybody else for that matter) prohibit what the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has permitted?' (Sahih Tirmizi, Vol. 3, p. 185 Hadith No. 824, etc.).

As for the Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) or their followers, they see no reason to abandon the teaching and the guidance of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) which are based on the Commands of Allah (S.W.T) and to follow the order of anyone else,

including Omar! (who also change more than 70 Islamic ordinance and commited “Bid-ah” in Islam!).

In short, the Mot’ah has nothing to do with any particular sect in Islam, but rather it concerns all those who believe in Allah (see Holy Qur‘an, 4:24; Sahih Muslim with Nouwi Paraphrases, Vol.3, p. 552 and Vol. 9, p. 179. Also Tafsir of lbne Kathir, Vol.1 p. 486) as well as those who want to follow the True Sunnah of His Messenger (P.B.U.H.) and his Purified Descendants.

Question: How about the Hadith that says the Holy Prophet has cursed those who “enjoy from this and that?”

Answer: First, we have to see if that Hadith was from the Holy Prophet, and it was not fabricated by those who changed his orders, to justify their own plans.

Second, after making sure that it is an authentic Hadith, then weshould see whether it means what the opponents claim, or it has adifferent meaning, all together. Because, if having different women were condemned by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then a big number of Sahaba and Ta-be-in are guilty of this practices. Remember that in the early days of Islam and up to several centuries later, the Muslims would 'Buy and Sell slaves” (Just like the Americans and the Europeans did before) and everybody would buy as many slave girls (boys) and women that he could afford!

The mere buying of those slave girls would make them Halal for those Sahaba and Ta-be-in to “enjoy their services” and then, after a day, a week, a month or a year, etc. to sell them to someone else, or even give them as a gift to their friends!

Such slave girls (boys) and slave women are called “those whom your right hands possess” in many parts of the Holy Qur‘an (see 23:6 and 70:30, etc. etc.).

Now, if having those issues were cursed by the Holy Prophet, thenall the Sahaba and Ta-be-in with slave girls are cursed. How comethe close companions of the Holy Prophet (P.U.B.H_) did not understand the Hadith, but these "Late Comers/The Wahhabis of the18th Century" do?

Are you over ruling even the Holy Qur'an and the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the Sirah of the Sahaba and the Ta-be-in, by prohibiting what is allowed (like what Omar did)?

Que vadis, O' people?

“What’s the use of running,

if the road is wrong?"

“What’s the use of a lamp,

if you have no oil?"

A food for thought!

Quotes to ponder . . .

*“Education either liberates or enslaves our minds.”

*“The only way to make the right decision is to know what the wrong decision is.”

*“History is rendered meaningless, unless it is remembered.”

*“If truth and falsehood debate freely, the truth will always win.”

*“Even if you are holding “the right book” upside down, the message that you are going to get will be twisted.”

*“None is so blind as those who won’t see!"

*“The best lies don’t actually contradict the truth, on the contrary, they improve it!”

*“No lie can live forever!”

*“A clean glove, often hides a dirty hand” (like the Wahhabi pretenders!)

*“There are always two sides to every story- -the truth, and whatyou think to be the “truth”!

*“People often hate what they can’t understand.”

*“Remembering the past, enlightens the present.”

*“The future needs to know its roots.”

*“It is easier to perceive error than to find the Truth, because the former lies on the surface, and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where a few are willing to search for it.”

*“If loving the Ahlul Bayt is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.”

*The only thing worse than an ignorant fanatic is an educated fanatic!

*“In darkness, every stone is the same, when light comes the precious stones stand out!"

*Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan.

What do our readers say about this book:

“. . . (the book) is an eye-opener. It is the best literature that I have read on the “Ahlal Bayt”; On receiving it in the morning, I read it from cover to cover, before I performed the

Maghrib Prayer; it grips my concentration so much that the only way I could satisfy my curiousity was to finish reading it that same day!”

“I wish to thank the author and your organization . . .”

Brother G. Egbeyami-Cole

Sieraa Leone

West Africa

“. . . It’s very well written . . . the best book I have read about the Ahlal Bayt . . .”

Brother J. Ali Akbar

A Muslim Scholar, Librarian


“. . . Better than any other book, that I have read on Ahlal Bayt.”

S.N. Raza

Bangalore, India

“. . . When I read the book, I cried!” (for the Ahlal Bayt)

Sister Salma Sharif


“. . . I read the book, three times, in two days,!”

F. Amilhasan, M.A.


“Last night I did not sleep, I read the book!”

Brother A. Abdul Aziz

A Muslim Revert


“. . . It’s a Great Book. It should be translated into other languages, too!”

Yusuf Ali


“Truly, Allah wants to remove

All impurities from You O’ Ahlal Bayt,

And purify You perfectly!”

Holy Qur’an (33:33)

“The example of my Family(Ahlal Bayt)

Is like the ARK of NOAH, those who join it are Saved, and those who don’t will perish!”

Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)

Mostadrak Sahihain, Vol. 2 p.343

“I am leaving behind for you (Muslims)

Two important things: The Book of Allah,

And my Descendants, my Ahlal Bayt…”

Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.

Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, P.1286

A Publication of:


No. 27-A, Simoun St. Corner Iriga (Dapitan) Sta Mesa Hights Q.C.,The Philippines

C.P. No. 0922-919-08-40


ISBN 971-9070-25-0