Planning & Policy Analysis - BPA Honours

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MANCOSA Management College of Southern Africa Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours) – January2014 Intake______________________________________________________________________

Assignment 2: Planning & Policy Analysis in the Public Sector

Due Date: 23rd April 2014



Monakali FIRST NAME : Siyabulela




Declaration on Plagiarism:

Include the following declaration on all course work:“I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend it is one’s own. Each significant contribution to, and quotation in this essay that I have taken from the work of other people

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Name: Siyabulela Monakali Date: 23rd April 2014 Signature: S.Monakali

Table of Contents


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3




South Africa is frequently commended by the outside world for

its tremendous transition to democracy. This transition is

often considered to be an almost miraculous event, seeing that

South Africa overcame the harshness of the Apartheid past with

its cycles of revolts and repression. Fundamental to the

political transition which occurred in South Africa was the

change from the exclusivist and separatist ideology based

racial segregation which characterized Apartheid government

ideals under the National Party. The general elections in 1994

saw the transition towards a democratic ideology under the

leadership of the ANC which adheres to a human rights culture,

with the implementation a democratic constitution which

upholds principles like equality and freedom. With the

implementation of a democratic constitution in 1996 South

Africa was constitutionally mandated to implement a social and

public policy which transcend the traditional administrative

models of the yesteryear to implement a public policy which

was orientated around serving to the best needs and interest

of society as a whole. This paper will highlight the new

policy regulatory framework regarding the administration

management of the public service in South Africa , as well as

to highlight different policy typologies which have to be

taken into account by policy managers, and furthermore this

paper will critically analyse various analysis models and

lastly this paper will design a new intern and training

programme for new policy interns in the department.


1.1 Outline the emphasis of the new policy regulatory framework regarding the administration and management of the public service in South Africa

Two of the most significant changes at the end of the 20th

century took place outside the Western world; one was the

collapse of communism in the USSR and Eastern Europe, which

had a significant impact towards establishing a new world

order which saw the American liberal democracy model as the

dominant political and economic model. The other was the end

of the repressive system of apartheid in South Africa; this

stimulated and somewhat guided the country towards a

transitional period of democratization and the establishment

of a new democratic South Africa. This section will outline

the emphasis of the new policy regulatory framework regarding

the administration and management of the public service in

South Africa.

Before starting it is vitally important to describe what

public policy is, this is done to avoid unnecessary confusion

and will serve as the functional basis to which a coherent

investigation will be conducted. Public policy can be

described as “pre-determined action with a goal or purpose”

(Fredericksom, H. George, 1971: 6). This definition highlights

the fact that public policy is not a random action, policies

are thought out, planned, deliberated, examined and goes

through various motions in its implementation stages. There

due to its large scope of the there is no single definition

used to define public policy, in addition to this, each

definition comes with its own interpretation.

Democracy in South Africa is complicated and messy considering

its repressive past where formal rights were not granted to

all adult citizens as Apartheid legislation was coordinated

toward racial laws of segregation, which eliminated every

vestige of black participation in the central political

system. However; post Apartheid South Africa has made great

strides in comparison to its repressive past, since 1994 South

Africa has been democratically administered with four

successive free-fair elections and the implementation of a

democratic constitution in 1996 which upholds principles like

equality and freedom. On this note it is worth noting that in

the Republic of South Africa, the Constitution serves as the

supreme law of the country and any law or conduct inconsistent

with it is invalid and obligations that it imposes must be

fulfilled. As South Africa is a constitutional democracy which

upholds qualities such as equally and freedom, the policy of

apartheid would be in total violation with its stipulations

and the values it serves to uphold. According to Cort, S and

Segal, L. the “Constitution of the Republic of South Africa,

1996 South Africa is one sovereign, democratic state with the

division of power between legislative, executive and judicial

authorities”(2011: 227). Furthermore this doctrine of the

separation of powers is a constitutional principle designed to

ensure that the functions, personnel and powers of the major

institutions of the state are not concentrated in any one

body. Under a written constitution, the powers allocated to

various institutions will be clearly defined. The fundamental

purpose of the separation of powers is to avoid the abuse of

power and thereby to protect the rights and liberties of


New Public Management

Post-apartheid reform of the South African public service was

heavily in line with the reforms which had occurred in New

Zealand, Britain and the United States as public service

reforms in South Africa were shaped by the New Public

Management thinking. It is said that proponents of the New

Public Management sought to change what they saw as

bureaucratic, law-driven administrations into an innovation

and adaptive public service that could response to the

challenges of an increasingly challenging globalised society.

Fitzgerald explains by suggestion that the apartheid state

could be characterized as “a bureaucratic, law-driven,

hierarchal, multi-layered, departmentally fragmented, inward

orientated, racial oligarchy” (2005: 512). Leading into the

21st century a new global consensus in the public sector

occurred which denotes broadly an aim to modernise and render

more efficiency in the public sector.

Some modern scholars define the New Public Management as a

“combination of splitting large bureaucracies into smaller,

more fragmented ones, competition between different public

agencies, and between public agencies and private firms and

incentivized on more economic lines” Fitzgerald, L., &

Pettigrew, A. (1996, 23). The New Public Management signifies

a paradigm shift in the nature of public administration, in an

era of globalization public has acquired new meaning. As it no

longer has a singular location, the state is not the only

location at which public administration draws sustenance as

multiple actors are involved in the task of governance and in

the task of administration. The state is not the only provider

of services to the people. There are multiple actors and

multiple service providers to the people, this signifies a

fundamental paradigm shift and it is more reflected in terms

of partnership and collaboration. With the New Public

Management consensus the hegemonic role of the state is

challenged due to the economic reforms based in new liberal


The post-1994 era has seen many rigorous structural changes

being introduced as part of government’s transformational

drive to adapt and cope with the many dynamic contemporary

challenges. Taking this into account the new policy regulatory

framework regarding the administration management of the

public service in South Africa, thoroughly outlines the roles

and duties of the various stakeholders involved in the

management and administration of the public service in South

Africa. As highlighted in the case study, the values which are

significant to the new managerial system of state

administration places greater emphasis on efficiency,

effective governance, accountability for performance,

innovation in the delivery of public services, economic and

responsive public service system.

The relationship between the Minister and the Director


The so called executive officer (CEO) of every government

department is called the Director General, whom of which is an

appointed official who is directly responsible to the

political head of the department, the Minister. The Director

General is also the chief accounting officer of a government

department. Often if the working relationship between the

Minister and the Director General is unsatisfactory, as noted

in the case study, the latter might be forced to relinquish

his or her position. According to Henry (1995: 23) although

this is a professional appointment and the incumbent should be

politically neutral in the running of his or her department,

this does not always occur in practice”. This signifies the

great difficulty of working in an environment where

traditionally politics and administration did not mix; however

now with legislative framework routed in cooperative

governance an integration of the two play significance towards

the execution of policies. Further adding to the arguments

made by Modisane with regards to management autonomy comes the

concept of ‘managerialism’ as according to Cloete (1998:116)

“managerialism in this sense represents an ongoing search to

take decision-making out of the world where there are

conflicts over values and beliefs into the realm where

decisions can be made in a more rational (non-politcal) way”.

Managerialism in this sense strongly adheres to the notion

that politics is not an effective mode of decision-making.

Code of Conduct for Public Service

The mentioning of the Code of Conduct for Public Service published as

Government Notes 825 dated 10 June 1997, plays significance with

regards to the double barrelled set of value which direct the

activities of public servants. This code of conduct with

regards to the topic states that “the need exists to provide

guidelines to employees with regard to their relationship with

legislature, political and executive office-bearers, other

employees and the public to indicate the spirit in which

employees should perform their duties, what should be done to

avoid conflicts of interests and what is expected of them in

terms of their personal conduct in public and private life1”.

1 Republic of South Africa: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Public ServiceCommission: Code of conduct for public service published as Government Notice 825 dated 10 June 1997.

The Code further provides that in the performance of their

duties, “(a) employees must inter alia strive to achieve

objectives cost-effectively, enhance effectiveness and

efficiency; (b) promote sound, efficient, effective,

transparent and accountable administration, and (c) report to

the appropriate authorities’ fraud, corruption, nepotism,

maladministration and any other acts that constitute offences

or which are prejudicial to public interest2”.

1.2 Discuss the extent to which changes in the policy

and regulatory framework relate to the policy dynamics

element of policy management within the public


Society is a dynamic and complex organism with needs and

demands and of course which is continuously changing, as

public policy is a “reaction to environmental demands for a

change in the status quo, as a result of perceived problems in

society that need intervention from government to improve or

eradicate those problems”. It is therefore imperative that

policy systems stay in touch with the specific demands and

needs of societal changes otherwise policy will lose its

purpose. Change is an inevitable and perpetual phenomenon in

2 Republic of South Africa: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Public ServiceCommission: Code of conduct for public service published as Government Notice 825 dated 10 June 1997.

society and public policy needs to keep up with these changes

in order to properly identify problems and thus draw up means

of trying to address these problems. In an ever-changing

environment it is rather careless and dangerous to ignore

change because this may be detrimental towards the policy

system and the society at which those policies operate leading

to a complete collapse. A good example of this was the

apartheid policy system in South Africa which subsequently

collapsed as a result of a high demand of policy reform in

South Africa. This section of the paper will outline reasons

for policy change.

Reasons for Policy:

Changing Environment:

The policy environment is one which is dynamic and one which

is immersed with changes taking course on a regular basis.

With pressures coming from all elements in the political,

social, cultural and technological spheres pressuring policy

makers for changes. Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 290)

state that “policy makers who ignore the influences of the

specific environments or the general environments run the risk

of being outpaced by new emerging policy realities if they do

not change public policies to keep up with the changing

reality around them”.

Policy makers need to be aware of the various fundamental

dynamics involved in the changing environment as this will

prepare them within the proper time to act to these changes,

furthermore it would be advantageous to policy makers to

predict environmental changes before hand as this will help

them to prepare for coming events.

Change in the resource base

The change in resource base is significant as Hogwood and Gunn

(1984: 252) indicate that “the availability of resources for

solving problems also change”. Policy managers in South Africa

have to be resourceful and aware of the various changes that

will affect their ability to perform their duties with the

highest form of efficiency and competency, also with utmost

significance in this regard with the managerial style

framework, managers have to be mindful of not overspending.

This point is articulated by Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006:

291) as they state that “South African public managers have

come to terms with the new financial philosophy of the

Minister of finance: maintain strict fiscal discipline and do

not overspend”. This is extremely important as it would

heavily influence the ability of public servants to fulfil and

meet service delivery objectives.

Changes in political leadership

Changes in political leadership is the most significant of

policy changes, as a democratic state thrives off political

competitiveness with regards to multiple political parties

competing for high office through elections, this

fundamentally brings about a compelling dynamic as changes in

political leadership means changes in policy or the

introduction of different policies. Political leaders bring

with them different policies which are legitimated by the

political ideologies, Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 292)

states that “when Thabo Mbekki took over the reins from Mr

Mandela in June 1999, he announced a ‘policy of delivery’,

meaning government the government has to start giving effect

to implementing policies”.

1.3 Develop a policy change model to highlight the

different policy typolicies a policy manager needs to

be aware of within policy dynamics.

The policy change model also known as the MITS model as

suggested by (Meyer, 1990: 29), suggests that policy change

falls into some, or a combination of, the following policy

typologies; policy maintenance/adaptation, policy innovation,

policy termination and policy succession.

Policy Innovation

Policy innovation in which the term ‘innovation’ can be

described as something ‘new’, according to Hogwood and Peters

a process that happens “when an institution involves itself in

an activity or service that is completely new to organisation

or institution (1983: 26). In public policy this innovation

would have to be characterised by the establishment of new

organisational structure and procedures, and a legislative

mandate. Adding to this policy innovation would be impossible

without a mandate from politicians and it requires approved

budgetary allocations from legislation.. Hogwood and Peters

suggest that “policy innovation is rare phenomenon in

government. Furthermore Rose (1976: 21 ) concurs with the

abovementioned authors that “high risk factors prevent

governments from moving into completely new policy direction”.

Despite its rarity in government due to its high risk factor,

innovation policy has occurred in two occasions in South

Africa. According to Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 294)

“when Thabo Mbeki became president of South Africa, he gave

birth to the African Renaissance. At policy level this

constituted innovation since it is a complete new area of

government innovation”. African Renaissance in accordance to

Mbeki is used as a far-reaching developmental vision for

Africa and a challenge to all African states to engage in

reforms. The other occurrence of policy innovation was in the

form of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission under

Mandela’s presidency. According to Cloete, Wissink and Coning

(2006: 292) “this also constituted policy innovation, because

it was an activity which the government had never been

involved with”. It is important to note that in order for

policy innovation to take place one would need legal

mandatory, political mandatory, budgetary commitment and

institutional framework.

Policy Succession

Policy succession according to Hogwood and Gunn (1984: 250) is

in contrast with the policy maintenance, innovation and

termination as it is a more frequent development in practice.

This noting is concurred by Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006:

295) as they state that “policy succession is by its very

nature, more frequent in bureaucracies. Policy succession is a

more feasible approach to the policy dynamic in public sector

management as it is defined as “the purposeful replacement of

an existing policy by another policy in the same sphere of

activity (Hogwood and Peters, 1983: 27). Policy succession

differs from policy innovation in the sense that the

institution at hand does not get involved in completely

different or new activity but instead it involves an

exploration of already existing organizational projects.

Policy splitting and consolidation:

Policy splitting and consolidation would be of particular

importance to policy managers within the public sector as

policy splitting occurs when “a single policy programme is

structurally and functionally split into two or more

programmes and managed separately” Cloete, Wissink and Coning

(2006: 295). Consolidation on the other hand happens as the

reverse effect of policy splitting, as according to Hogwood

and Peters “it entails a policy change where two or more

policies or programmes are completely or partially terminated

and replaced by a single policy or programme in order to

attain the same objectives” (1983: 66). These policy change

models are significant towards the policy makers or policy

managers’ objectives as to what purpose particular policies

are meant to serve as well as highlight the significance of

policies towards the achievement of greater efficiency.

Question 2 In the light of the above extract,

critically analyse the various policy analysis models

Modisane can utilise and discuss how each one

contributes to policy analysis in the above mentioned

case study.

All public sector policies are aimed at improving some aspect

of the quality of life of the community. It is however only

when the policies are implementated by public institutions

that the ideals and intentions of the policy makers are put to

the test. Policy analysis is an integral management

application to measure the cost and benefit of policies and to

evaluate the efficacy of existing policies.

Policy analysis models

Many models exist to analyze the creation and application of

public policies, as analysts use these models to identify

important aspects of policy. This section will highlight the

various policy analysis models Modisane with regard to the

case study. There are models for analysing the contents for

policy options (what to do), models for analysing policy-

making processes (who is involved, why and how), models for

analysing functional policy stages or phases (what steps are

followed to achieve policy outcomes) and other models

(mathematical and optimal). The most widely used models

include the rational comprehensive, incremental, mixed

scanning, instinctive and so-called garbage can models.

Rational comprehensive model

The rational comprehensive model as according to Hanekom

(1987: 82) “has its roots in the rational-comprehensive

decision-making model and implies that the policy maker has

full range of policy options to choose from”. This approach

regards rationalism as an effort to achieve maximum social

gain. This model implies a range of specific study areas

within this model for example according to Cloete, Wissink and

Coning (2006: 34) “a good example is the various quantitative

techniques and models available to explore policy

consequences, such as cost-benefit analysis. For instance

those involved in policy making should know all the value

preferences of a particular society or community this would

serve to highlight the key objectives of what the policy

makers are trying to achieve

The incremental model

The incremental model assumes that a limited number of policy

alternatives are available, Anderson (1979: 11-12) states that

“the incremental model is a reaction to the rational model”.

The incremental model regards public policy as a continuation

of existing government activities with the potential of small

or no significant change. Advocates for this model argue that

the incremental model is more expeditious in comparison to

that of the comprehensive change, Dye (1987: 36) states that

“the conflict potential is considerably lower than with

radical change and that incremental adaption contributes to a

redefinition of policy on a continuous basis”.

The mixed-scanning model

The mixed-scanning model is an integration of the good

characteristics of the rational-comprehensive model and the

incremental model, this is further explained by Hogwood and

Gunn as they state “first by reviewing the overall policy and

secondly by concentrating on a specific need, policy result or

policy impact” (1984: 60). A variety of technical analytical

techniques are used in this model this including a problem

structuring analyses which highlights cause and effect,

stakeholder analysis and argumentation techniques. Furthermore

forecasting which incorporates theoretical techniques

including theory mapping, theory modelling, casual modelling

and regression analysis. Other techniques used in this model

which are of great significance is the policy recommendation,

according to Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 35) include

“cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness, policy mapping,

value clarification, monitoring, evaluation and plausibility

analysis”. The managerial approach of public institutions

require a complexity of managerial aspects to be applied in

the management of public institutions as these institutions

have to be cost-effective and deliver with efficiency, these

are part of the dynamics involved in contemporary

institutional outcomes.

The institutional model

The institutional model opens up to the second set of

analytical models (who is involved, how and why), the premise

of this particular model is articulated by Cloete, Wissink and

Coning (2006: 39) by stating “public policy is the product of

public institutions. This overally emphasizing the importance

of public institutions, furthermore Dye (1978: 20 -21) states

that “proponents of this model argue that as public policy is

legitimised by government, only government policies apply to

all members of society, the structure of governmental

institutions can have important bearing on policy results”.

This model could be of use to Modisane as it too is used to

analyse the behavioural patterns of public institutions.

According to Anderson (1979: 22) “the institutional model

could be usefully employed in policy analysis by analysing the

behavioural patterns of different public institutions, for

example the legislature vs. the executive and their effect on

policy making”. This speaks directly to the issue at which

Modisane had raised about her discontent with regards to the

minister with whom she felt had involved himself too much in

the details of administration.

The systems model

The systems model is one model of significant value to policy

analysis as Wissink remarks that this idea of policy as a

process is closely related to the idea of a political system

(1990: 150). This model is especially useful in the depicting

policy processes on a general and simplistic level and often

identifies subsystems and processes. Wissink describes the

policy making process as a political sub process within the

wider political process. According to Cloete, Wissink and

Coning (2006: 43) the former is regarded as that which

typically takes places within the bounds of the political

arena, the latter as a broader sphere which includes

implementation, results and evaluation”. This model is closely

related to that of the input-output model which focuses on the

response by the political system as inputs and the needs of

interest groups. According to Cloete, Wissink and Coning

(2006: 43) “such demands enter the political system as inputs

and through the political process via such channels as

political debates, cabinet memoranda, proposals,

counterproposals and consensus and decision and agreement on

policy i finally reached on the policy or output to be made”.

This further expresses the roles of other actors in the

process of policy making and the extent to which political

influences go through to influence public policy, this would

thoroughly challenge the rhetoric that politics and

administration don’t go hand in hand or vice versa.

However despite this, the disadvantage of the systems model

are highlighted as it “fails to describe how the actual

transformation of inputs into outputs takes place, viewing

this part of the process as a black box. It does not address

the power relationships in decision making or identify the

various other players in the policy process, thereby ignoring

certain types of coalition” (Wissink: 1990-150).

Functional policy stages/ phases models

The functional policy stages and phases models is a useful

tool of analysis of policy as it involves a number of stages

to which a policy issue may pass, including forecasting,

setting objectives and priorities, options analysis, policy

implementation, monitoring and control, evaluation and review,

and policy maintenance, succession or termination. This

emphasizes a broad framework which minister to ones

understanding the various kinds of policy stages of the policy

process; this emphasizes the interactive nature of the policy

process. Dror (1990c: 89-90) articulates that the functional

policy stages/phase stages is “one upgrading policy making

processes, which in turn involves improved policy process

management and redesigning organisations. And two,

establishing improved grand policies, which guide the

substance of discrete policies, which in turn involves

application of policy analysis to grand policies as well as

process and organisation upgrading which serves policy

development as a whole”. With this Dror makes a clear

distinction between the content of policy and process

dynamics, in this Dror remarks how policy development can be


It is vastly important to employ a vast diversity of models to

when analyzing public policies as limiting one’s analyses one

will lose focus of the dynamisms and the complexities involved

in policy making and thus it would be beneficial to employ

analytical techniques in their numbers to facilitate the

policy analysis process

Question 3Design a new intern education and training

programme for new policy interns in the department.

The programme will focus among others on the

importance of building policy analysis skills and

improvement of capacity building within the above

case study.


20 years of democracy is the overarching theme of 2014, this

marks 20 years of democracy and freedom and 20 years of

democratic rule. Post Apartheid South Africa has made great

strides in comparison to its repressive past, since 1994 South

Africa has been democratically administered with four

successive free-fair elections and the implementation of a

democratic constitution in 1996 which upholds principles like

equality and freedom. 20 years of a young functioning

democracy is a time of great significance to this great

country and thus it requires a reflection of where we have

come and where we want to be. Over the years many policies

have been implemented to aid the stimulating of service

delivery and economic growth for the betterment of our

society. Nevertheless policies are met with vast complications

as the policy making spectrum is complicated and challenging

and there has been a growing demand for analytical skills

which will aid in analysing policy. The intern education and

training programme, sets to develop policy interns with an

array of analytical skills with the main focus of the

programme being that of policy analysis and capacity building.

Target Group

The target group of this intern education and training

programme are policy analysts and policy specialists who work

for government and other public institutions who of which wish

to acquire additional knowledge and skills. The other target

group is graduate students who are interested in gaining the

necessary knowledge and skills to obtain positions in

government as policy analysts.


Partners involved with the programme are university and

tertiary institutions as well as the department of higher

education in which all will be actively involved in the

teaching process of the various skills and knowledge systems

with regards to the policy analysis processes. The GCIS will

conduct a more skills based policy analysis programme within

the to which trainees and those looking to boost their policy

analysis skills will be given practical experience to which

they will intern at the GCIS to provide them with the

practical training that are needed.

Knowledge, skills and methods

There are a number of skills, knowledge and methods which are

required of a policy analyst to obtain as analyzing policy is

an all encompassing task filled with high levels of

complexity. According to Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006:

320) “the need for a basic set of common policy skills and

knowledge, or even an internationally acceptable approach, is

unavoidable. However, these policy skills should still be seen

within certain defining parameters or contingencies of

societies”. Furthermore, in order for policy analysis to be

effective holistic and multidisciplinary approaches have to be

employed, below a number of skills, knowledge and methods

Communication skills

It is essential to have good communication skills in the

workplace, as communication is the method to which

information and ideas are shared. Communication skills

play a significant role in the public policy arena as

policy analysts have to communicate their findings and

recommendations to the various stakeholders and clients.

Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 320) state that “this

will require knowledge of how to write clearly and

precisely in the memoranda style rather than in term

paper style; and oral skills for briefings and hearings

in which he has to present or advocate policy proposals”.

In the context of the GCIS case study communication is an

imperative skill as poor communication or the lack there

of between the minister and Modisane impacted negatively

on the realization of the objectives of the GCIS.

Management skills

Management skills are another set of important skills,

due to the nature of practical application policy analyst

find themselves in an environment in which they are not

only confined to their analytical duties, but instead

have to actively perform duties which are very similar to

that of a manager, for this these skills are very

important. In conjunction to the GCIS case study

management skills are a necessary tool for all public

servants as highlighted the managerial system of

administration places great emphasis on achieving a more

dynamic, efficient, effective, economic and responsive

public service system and thus management skills are

fundamental requirements.

Problem solving skills

Problem solving skills are essential to policy analysts

as they are confronted with a number of problems in their

field of analysis. Cloete, Wissink and Coning (2006: 321)

asserts that “analysts should rigorously pursue

information, insights and opinions that have a bearing on

the policy problems, building a network of contacts that

can be tapped for relevant information”. With regards to

the case study, many problems can occur regarding the

implementation of the key objectives of the GCIS and it

is up to policy analysts to develop appropriate

strategies and methods to address specific problems.

Political understanding

Political understanding is about being knowledgeable of

the limitations and realities on policy analysis relating

from political rationality, for instance Edwards and

Shakansky articulate that “preparing reports that are

naive or incompatible with political feasibilities is

sometime just as bad as preparing no reports at all”

(1978: 233). The example of political understanding in

the case study will be in the form of policy analysts

preparing reports which will reflect the management of

the department to which it will be used as means of

account for the minister.

Team building and operational skills

Often when working in the complex realm of public affairs

a cooperative effort is required to address certain

issues and individual analysts have to come together in a

group to come up with various strategies in order to

solve policy issues. For this one will be equipped with

the necessary skills to work effectively within a group

complex. With regards to the case study, the

collaborative effort of individual analysts

Assessment and evaluation skills

Assessment and evaluation skills are used for the

assessment and evaluating of already existing government

programmes. Assessment and evaluation skills would occur

in the case study in the assessing and evaluation of the

objectives of the department in the sense of the

effective ways in which government seeks to meet the core

objectives of the department. This would be that of the

effective way in which government could communicate with

citizens and the effective way in which South Africa

could be marked to the international community, if not

assessment and evaluation tools would have identified the

problems and draw out the necessary steps needed in order

to meet these key objectives.


The activities involved in the course involve the use of

theories and models for analysing public policy. The

activities in the also serve to highlight the distinction

between the roles of the different actors involved in the

policy making process. Furthermore highlight the different

typologies to which policy managers and policy analysts have

to be aware of.

Immediate Outcomes

The recipients show an elementary understanding of the policy

processes, as they have began to grasp the theories involved

in policy analysis and an eagerness to learn further as this

course from this stage onwards will further equip them with

practical skills.

Intermediate Outcomes

The intermediate outcomes through the process of practical

training in the department of GCIS show that the trainees have

grasped the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge

and skills involved in policy making as a result highly

trained effective and efficient policy analysts ensure that

policy related issued are identified and rectifying measures

are put into place to fix the problems.

Ultimate Outcome

The objectives of the GCIS are met, as regulatory policies are

being assessed and evaluated as key problems resulting from

policy failures are identified and rectified, resulting in the

GCIS being managed from a effective, economic, responsive

public service system based on the delegation of authority and

the innovation in the delivery of public services and

accountability for performance. Through effective policy

analysts the GCIS can fulfil its objectives to be a government

that could communicate to its citizens and one which is

effective in marketing South Africa to the rest of the world.


This paper will thoroughly outline the new regulatory

framework regarding the administration and management of

public service in South Africa, as well as to highlight

different policy typologies which have to be taken into

account by policy managers, and furthermore this paper will

critically analyse various analysis models and lastly this

paper also designed a new intern and training programme for

new policy interns in the department.


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