One State, Three Legal Systems: Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Religious Malaysia

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Transcript of One State, Three Legal Systems: Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Religious Malaysia

Adam Possamai ' James T. RicherdsonBryan S. TurnerF,ditors

The Sociology of Shari'a:Case Studies from aroundthe World


A Springer

Chapter 2One State,'Ihree Legal Systems: Social(lohesion in a Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Malaysia

A-lt. Shamsul

2.1 Introduction

Sincc thc Secontl World wlrr. Malaysia has cnjoycd lorrg pc|iods ol-pcrrcc end

strbilily, or social cohcsion, punctuatcd hy vi()lcnl cthnic conllicls irl 1945 19(r4,

1969 ancl 2001. Each ol lhcsc was ol a dilli'r-cnt iDlcnsily. lhc worsl hcin! thal in

1969,withasm{ll numbcrol-dcaths acc(n-din81() writtcn rcclrrd, thc tolitl numlrcl

was below 500. This genertl condition ol social cohcsion docs no(, howcvcr- nlciln

that cvcrything is plain sailing in Malaysia.'Malaysiilns would bc thc llrst t() ldmil thllt it hrs not bccn casy 1o maitlLitin pcacc:

and slahility Ior such long pcriods, hrtt it has long lcrm hcnclits. cspccilllly in tcrrns

of economic developrrcnt and quality ol lilo. Malitysians woultl likc to clailn lhal

thcy 'talk conflict but walk cohcsion.'l'his sirnply mcuDs thcy wollld continuc 1()

verbally conlest, protest and opposo (out in thc operr ot in blogs) whiltcver thcy ill.c

not happy about. This is truc now morc than cvcr, hcncc thc'talk conllicl'llthcl.They irlso know that violence is ncvcr-an option ilnd has k, be lvoidcd t ll costs'

hcncc their choicc to 'walk cohcsion.'ln other words, Malaysi;rns arc rrot willing to sacrilicc thc pft)sPcrity itnd thc

quality of lili they havc cnjoycd lbr rnorc than -50 ycitrs sincc lndcpcndcncc in 1957

However, this doesn't mcad thcy are unwilling to light lbr their rights a,rd to protcst'

potentially risking thc poace and stability thal thcy cnjoy and havc hcld so dcer.

Indeed they do protest, even to the point of conducting strcct demonslral ions (rlbeit

responsibly) il the situation demands it. This sccmingly paradoxical situlltion has to

rscc Shamsul and Yusoli (201 l). This is a repo( lhal has bcer) prcsentcd. at lhc rcqucst ol lhc

Inslitule ofEconomics and Peace Sydnsv. Australia, on thc occasion ol (hlj launchinS ol lhc Clobal

Peacc Indcr 201 I at thc Unitcd Nriions, Nely York. 25 May 201 l.

A.B. Shamsul(lN)Universiti Kcbangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysine'nrail: shamsul ab@yahoo.lon

O Springer International Publishing Swilzerland 2015 l1A. Possarnai et al. (eds.).Th( Sotiologt oJ Shdri a: Cas( Sttuli?s

fron abunrt the worLd.Boundariss of Religious F'reedom: Rcgulaling Rcligionin Diverse Societies l. DOI 10.I0071978-3-l19 09605-6 2


do with the charactcr irnd nature of Malaysian society, which exhibits, prcdominantl)

fbaturcs ol lo borrow from Derrida-'social difference,' such as religiou

divcrsity, legal pluralism, aod class differences Each of these features has thr

potenlial to be a sourcc of conflict and become the motivation for protest an(

contcstation. At thc same limc, these centripetal forces arc the motivation fo

scoking ccntrifugal cxistencc in the socicty.

II this bricl essay, I intcnd to examine, specifically, the iDtcrconnectedness o

rcligious divcrsity anti legal pluralism in Malaysia and thc social conscquences

cohesion and coillicl that it has brought to the society.']I shall begin by presenrinl

my inrcrprcliltion ol thc cmhcdding process ol thc dif'tercnt religious trilditions ant

lcgll syslcnrs in thc Malay world and in Malaysia, which is clptuled in the tirle o

thc cssay rs onc slatc, thrcc lcgal systcms.' Fdlowing that I shall prcscnt, in lh(

ovc.rll conlext ol rcligious diversity and legal pluralisrn iu Malaysia, an analy:'is o

thc socinl cohcsion and conllict, both macro and mipro, which havc resultcd lron

thc c(n)trndicti(Ds arising lrorn thc diversity and pluralisrn. Through persisten

ncgotiir(i()n and hrrgaining. conscnsus and compromisc among the various intereste(

plrtics in Mrlaysix have bccn achieved, which, in turn, guarantce that peace an(

strhilily in Mtlaysia will continuc.

2.2 Embedding of Religious Diversity and Legal Pluralismin Malaysia: A Brief Historical Analysis

l-listor itrrs havc tlividcd the IiDnation ol thc statc ol Malxysia irlo thrcc convenicnl

chrlnlok)sicrl pcri<xls, nrlncly, lhc prc-col(Dial (bcfbrc l79l), colonial (1791 1957)

aDtl postcolonial (alicr 1957) pcriods.r Each period is chuactcrizcd by a 'pluralistic'

lcgill systcnl iD which a nulnhcr ol scts ol rulcs.rDd siu'lctions, relirting to politics'

cc(r)()nrics. moral stilndalds alld social intcrcoursc, co cxistcd and wcrc proctised as

lllnrcrvorks ()l socirll organizalioD nr)d control. ln othcr words, Malaysia's legal

syslcnr llils bccn dclcrrrrincd by cvcits alnd cilcurDstitoccs thal wcrc ernbcdded

antl r'c c0rhcdderl. spanning t pcriod ol- ntorc than six ccnlurics, cven hefbre the

larrror.r: Malacca SLrll!natc cla.1 Ol thcsc circurnslltlccs. thrcc lrraior historical

clcnls !LrI Pctiocls wct-c largcly |csporlsiblc lirr shaping thc current systenr: the

lirsl wls thc lirun<lilrg ol lhc Mllacca Sullanatc a1 tlrc bcgirtning ol thc lillcenlh

'1rr rir .\r.ll.rr rnul!'rs ori l.grl !lrrrirlisrrr. \rit llnrarIhr (]008). rrr(1 lir I Lrsclirl discttsstott on

rcliriirL\ (lL\(r!lr\. \cc Cft)ss ( l()()()).

'lherrurrrlaril LL:rr orr Malar-sixn hisrory is hy l.conard rrnd [h.hrf:r Andr,'r (l9il2)' A unrhd olw(ll InN r] h\)., \ rD(ljudr(\ I l(, cxarrrpl.. \hnr.d Ihr !hinr rDd Ahiltrnrh Jorl(1l l9lt5 rt(l wuNljir ,\u,r ()()o)hr\. $fill(n. hollr irr El!rgli\h rrr(l MNlly.rhotrl lheeoirrfltr hisl()r) ol M'l'r)'iJirl.i\rl .\n(rr' .o\rDrrg th( p.ri( Lrcli,r.llrrri\h colonialisr .

rS.c\\uNjirfurr(lr.)1.)())li)r irlni(l hulc\((ll(rr1!r'rrcr lit1,(nlucliorrlolhecvr)lulionol ri'lcs rn'l

lii$s ri Nlnir\\rir S.c. irlso. Sullinrr (1988). Ii)r ir rnorc r..hnic.rl irrrr(trlu'liorr. sec Ilicklirg( l1.rli 7 r

A.B. Shamsr

I () i.5Lirl. llIr'r l,lrrl \\',lrr . \(r rr ( ,, rt \r,r ir, NlLLll] .llr I'

ccritrr!: Illr \e(1)n{l wirs lhc rr(l1S( nr)us r Ullrrr(: rixl rl)c lllr(l ir,rtll)r()l)rbl\ Ilre nr()\i\i!rrilr(i|rt in Ir(xlctlr l\'lirlr\\i:r. \\:r\ lJlllr\lr (()l()nrirl illle

li)r Il()rc rl[rn ir rrillrlrriunr. hcl()rr the Mllil((jir:iullilllirl. wirs c\Lrhlislr.(l(.ir(r I l(X)). tRlttt-\\ ,rt ll(lrsrrx)rr\ lrr,rrl svslcrrr llrirl i\ hir\.(l Lrlx)r ir .,,rrl)lt\ \(l()l r u\ltillliul Irilcli(r'\ !ur(lrd rrrr)\lLy Iv ()ritl lrir(lrli()rl\. u'r: tlrr rriri()r lrilnl($1)rknitlrirr uhich thc Malx1 l(udll srrittir's urril nLurkroLr\ i\r'l;r(rl irrrlir,r'rr,'rr. sotirrlg|r,ill)sr'ri\lc(1.'II()rvc!cr. \i r'c llle lilrlill rcilllir)1-, ()l llx MilliLy\\olrl r,iil/ i\'llx':rrcrfle(l $ ):, its strrpc ol \([iul lclrir-! !()(\ l)(]y()r]rl lhc l(rirl \l)lr(rL. ilr(l {)ll.tusctl to rtrcarr 'lhc in(liScrr()r\ wir! ol lilt. urrtl, tlrus. Melav cullrrrc. A(tr'r tlrr'irrrivalol llin(l!risllr (circr lir\l ccrlur)'ll( ll) rrrrd llur hisrl} ((irer \c\.nlh.('nlur) ll( lr)Hirrdu rrrld lltr(ldhisl lcnr'ls $crc lrrsc(l \\rillr rr,/r// rr(l alrrorhcd illto tlre krcrrlculturc\. S() \l11nrg wx\ lhc irrprr(l ol l)olh ol llr( \c rcligi(nr\- e\pcciallt :rrrn)rg\l tll('r'trlirg,.'litcs, lhul s()rrlt] ()l llrc Mirlay kirgdorrrs. i lu('t. l)ccurrc _Mally llir(hr'or'Mrlry llud(lhist'Littgdrnts.'lhis irrcvitrhly lcd l() lhc linnr:rli(nr ol u syntretithclicl systc,r. hcncc rrlso lcgel systcrr. xnxnrgsl lltr'indigcrlrus prltulrrcc."

l'rrbahly tlrc nxrst prrli rurrd rrrrd last irrg ol' thr rx)n in(ligcrx)l rs ir llrrcrlc( s w ir\ lheinlroduetion ol lslilrn inlo thLr Mirliry w()rl(l lr(nr ar()Lrrd tllc li)urlcclltll cc turyCli. It had a signilicarl inrpirct on i||dilcrx)u\ i/ril/.'l-hc csl:rhli\hnrc|rl ()l lh. Mxllc.ISLrltanalc and. lrlcr'. its (l(:rnisc. is criti(:ll in orrr unclcrs{a ding (}l llle llist()ricitlorigins ol thc plurality (,1 lcgal systcrrrs in prcscnt duy Mirlxyriir- ll(^re!cr, lhcdoptiorr ol'thc ncw rcligion di(l nol rcsull ilr tllc c()rlplclc clillrinuli()I ol llrc

prc Isliur)ic.l1ful- ()ll thc c(nrlrilry. lhc Ir(nc prcvrlclll Iliodu cusknn\ :rn(l :lrlllisli('trldilions conlinuc(l unahirlcd. lslllm wls nrcrcly j"lr- licd ()nt() llrc cxislirU. cullurt-Trrday, thc Hinclu clcnrcnts arc slill ()bscrvccl in thc piilclicc ol indigcnous errllut's.such as iu thc cclcb,atio ol rrrrriugcs rr ()rrgsl lhc rurll Mirlry lirlk. rrs wcll as

in thc pompous traditi()nal slylc c(n'()nirlior ()l'rulcls in a highly wcstcrrrizt'rlLlfl)nn conlcxt,7

As lsl0m t(x)k il lirnl h()ld in Malacca arrd cr.crrtually bccilt)c thc sl:ltc rcligi(nl-Muslim laws wcrc incrclsingly tppli0d rlonSsidc rl.irl. In othcr wor(ls. tl)rouglr ir

pr'()ccss oI syncrctirilti(nl, lhc Hir u l]url<lhist lslarrr clcnrcnls wclc nditplc(|. in pxrallcl or ration lizcd t() suit thc prc cxistinA indigcnous rr./a/. Il()wcvcr. sincc tllcItudal rulcr hccamc l Muslim, s(,, kx). his court antl lhc orgarrizitti(nr ol his lincd(nnwcrc dominalcd by Islam.'fhc maintc0itncc ol law nnd oKlcr in Mal cc wil\ cr ciillto its prospcrity as a tr-adirrg po[t. Thc linrrxl lcgxl lcxl ol lhc Mll:rcc:r Sullirnirlcconsistcd ol Urdrrrs-Undtng Meluktt ll,.rws ol Mll ccrl. sonrctinrcs lsoknowllasllndutli-Uttdung kut M?lol.t |lAtrrt:tli'rtc Llws ol Millcc l. Thc laws, irs writtcr inthc lc8al digosts, wcnl lhr()Llgh iln cv()lLrti()nilry pl-()ccss iltxl wctc intpnrvcd anrl

sHrxrkcr"s ,4rlar /rnLr nr M.,tun Makt\n (l<)12) 1rld Ndtit( ltt in S bnlr dr!/ rrr.fdl ( lt)tto)rcllrain thc nrcst inrportIlllt cootribrlions in th( srudy ol Mnlaysin s i"discrurs ruls aml lau,s.6l'br an inlerestirB accou'rl ol lhe Hindu ar)d Buddhist i,rllllcrcc in ! MaLrl kingd()ln nrl,rnd llrcMiddle Alics. scc Wallcrs ( l97O).rA numbcr of inleresting boo*s on Isl.rnric hws i,r M.tlay\iI havc heen publishr(I. horh in li'rslishand Mal y- aul tlrc most inrporhnl tex r is still llnl ol lhrnhirr ( 1 965 ). Othcr u*-lul rc('nl coo(rilrur i(xrsaro thosc ol J[soh(l99l)llndOlhm n(1994).

A B Shams

expanded by the different Malacca sultans. The legal rules that eventually evolve

were shaped by three main influences, oamely, the indigenous .ldat, Hindu-Buddhir

tradition, and Islam. The extent to which these laws were actually applied is unclea

Howevet some accounts ol the administration of criminal justice can be found i

Portuguese and British accounts.When Malacca was conquered and ruled first by the Poftuguese (1511 lavll

then by the Dutch (i641 1824) and finally by the British (1824 1957), another nor

indigenous system, namely, the wcstern legal system, was introduced and applied i

Malaysia, on top of the three traditions mentioned above. However, historians an

legal schdars have argued thal during the Portuguese and Dutch cras the westcr

laws applied by thcm made rclativcly littlc impact on thc pre existing pluralistic leg.

system as n wholc, other than upon the narow realm of administrative structure!

The local pcoplc continued to practisc l\lami( law iLnd Malay.//.rr btcau\e botl

the Portuguese rnd the Dutch did not intellere unnEcessarily with local ridat anr

rcligion. This, pelhaps, was bccausc thc Malays rcmained Muslims and were no

convcrlcd lo Christianily, eithcr by the Porluguese or the Dutch during their mon

than thrcc ccnturics' rulcs oi Malacca xnd othcr parts ol Malaysia ( I 5 I I I 82'1).

Howcvcr', British colonial rulc (1824 1957) translbrmed the pattem oldomaiDofsoci.rl control in Malaysia lircvcq bcclusc, unlikc that o[thc Po uguese and th(

Durch llrirish control was no1 localized to Malacca. Blitish colonialism atlected th(

wholc ol thc Malay peninsula and North Borneo, a gcographical area nearly 5{

timcs biggcr, which includcs al lcast l0 Mtlty sultanates, rich mining arcas (for tin

gold, htuxitc), millions ol-rcres ol primary trrpical lbrest, cash crop plantations an(

lrrdili(Dal r icc liclds, hundrcds ol lowDs. Porls and market centrcs (big and small)

lnd. lnosl impoflantly, thc largc pool ol multi-cthnic and multi religious humar

rcsourccs. 'lhis incvilably dcnranded a systcmatic and morc efl-ectivc socic()rgilrrirlti(nr and coDt|ol systcm that could hrtld the political, cconomic and social

divcrsity togcthcr.'l'hc B|itish, as thcy did irr Aliica, applicd thc 'indircct rulc' system of govcnrarc€

in Malaya. whcrchy, lirr ins(ancc, thc indigcnous lcgal system was maintaincd bul

suhsumcd undor thc rr(nc dolni0ilnl Bnglish corrmon law.3 Therclbrl., mattcN per_

taining 1() rcligion ilnd ./.14t wcrc pu1 under thc jLrrisdiction ol the Malay sultans.

who hcarlcd caclt krrujtun ncg<,t i. <:r protincial govcrnnrcnl, alld their chicli. Even

in /r/g.r'i wilhoLrl sultans. lhc Brilish institutcd Nativc Courts, run moslly by local

ch icls u ntlcr {hc gu idrncc ol Brilish ol llccrs-') Thc lcgal ru los thal evcnlua lly cvolved

in Br'itish cokrnial Malayu wcrc shapcd by lirul rnain inllucnccs. rlamcly. the i ligcnous

orlal. Hinclu Iluddhist lrtdilion. lslanr, ilnd hnflish contmon law.

tlwo sch)laN havc i,llircd hilli.rr\cs ol lh( inrPlcr ol Brilish colorrirjisnr aal .olorri:rl

l]bivlerlgc in rlclirring sL)! irl lilc rlxl \t)citr] ()r'(1o1. rncludirrg irr rc,1ns ol rttigi(n. in lhc Brrlrsh (rrl(,

0ics. if Nhi(h rhe rnlluerce ol Iltnrr-.1. I\4rinr(l8ll l88it) {isPi\ol llndclcloPing. if rhcPosl

185/ tlrirrsh cnrpirc. rh.(.onccpr ol ir(liiJcl rulr'(sc( (ohrr 1996r Mahr x)d Mrnrd[ri ]0l2)'' I h( rxpcricn.r\ oi sxrxwxk .rrd Srhrh undcr Ilrirish rulc pr.vidc arrrplc r:rrrrJPlts on llri\ \( .rirnltJlc.lticl) r(151 964)and Srrrdin (1980) S.c. rlso. tlookcr (1980)

I (),n Srrr. lhr..l .1:,1 s\:l.rr \' So.rrr (iill ri() r] J N'ftrlrr 'lh ri(

lrr prrclica. Ixtuerct tltr ltgill \yslctil dtrrin! llltr Btitislt r'Ltlc wlrs tliriclctl tllrcc

$,xy\. l-irst. thcrc $xs lhc filgli\h c()lnnlon lllw \ystclrr Lhilt \\as il( cc,rtcd rl\ lhc

!crlcrrl lcgill sysLctll illl(l rllls rcsponsiblc lirr Llcrling witlrlrll nlilllcrs ill tllc sl)])clc

ol clirrrinxl iu\licc rlli(lrrl! all cili.'cns. lrl lhc \Pllcrc Lrl lxrsorllrl llrn': tl u'lts otllv

applicd to rlrigrilnl ttott Mttslittls (c.!1 lltllop.iln. (lhincse. Irl(liilll)' I'llc Mrrstirrr''

Irrgcly Maluy:. wcrc \ () tllc Islenric lIws. or S,lrarliI. l)lrlicultrl) in nlrllcrs

rclrlilrg lo nlarrillgc. Lliv().cc llnLl irhcritllnc! lhc Ior-rll ol '!/r1l'iil a(ccl)lcrl rrrl(l

pr Ctiscd (luriltit thc li ilish cra tvas 'liitntcd, hlulrlcLi ilnd lclrlllllcLl_ ilc(1)f(lillP lr) irll

orie0lalisl undcrslaltclirlg."' So, thc 5/1./ri.r Iaws lir|fitcl thc sc()ll(l lcglrl svst' rrr in

Brilish Mxlxya. l-lle fhir{l le!.rl syslcnl ()pcllltirls. lhcll wir\ thc r/'lrl systcnl (Jr lllc

Custotnlry oL Nativtl lcgill syslenl, applicd maillly in lhc rlrcas ()l pct sottal litws attcl_

in r vcry limitecl conlcxt. ltlso in thc sphcr'c ol crinlinal justicc 'Iin'sonlc

grollfs ()l

alivc pcoflcs irr l)cninsular Malaysilt, Sahtlt and Silritwak. 1'hc arlra lc-glll systt nt

was x hctcrogcnc()us ()nc hccauso thcrc wclc nlrlly dislillcl il0(l lxl!.e nxli!(: ('l

'trihtl'groups,,nostly r)on Muslims, cspccillly itl Sabah alld Silrawltk. cllcl) llllvill!their own tribal-spccilic arlrlr coclcs, nn)stly in thc lin-ln ol orxl lrllditi()rrs. applicrl itl

x localized contcxt.'l'hc only Mnslim incligcnous colrmultity lhal hild ils own arlat laws. hastrl on

perbiklttBLtn (mcrnotizcd orxl codcs), lnd clrinlcd thrt thc commulrill /1L1l liinLl wts

it, ",rr".

*^a lhc comnlunity ol thc so-cilllcd Minartgkrbau Mallys' (n conto\lc(l

aDthropological tcrnr). whose malrilircal socicly prrtclisccl Afut l'tt'ltutih Tht'

Brilish rccognizcd and acccptcd this clairrl. Mcmbcrs ol this coltllllunity wcrc

locrtcd in parts ol-Malacca and Negcri Scmhitan. T<r this day. this is lhc only

co!)rmunity in Brilish Malayn or I'cninsular Malaysilt that wils allcclcd hy all lhrcc

legal systcrns that cxistcd thcn, na,nely, thc English comlllon lxw' tlrc Islarr1ic/S'lrrrr i rr

law al]d thc araLrl law.

As a member oi the A ddt PcrPotih cofimunity' I slill rclncnlbcr how this silullion

was best sumnlarizcd anccdotally hy nly cldcrs- Thcy slid. should yolr cor!rnril ir

crime you go to the ( )rLng Putih s (lil. whitc mrn's) coufl, shotlld yotr winl t() marry

you go to the K.l./l (locll lslamic olllcial), und should you want your nrothct-'s 'dltrrl

p6dkd (lil. anccslral communal land) alicr hcr dcmisc. sorry. y{)tl ciln l it'\ yrrul

sistcr's, so says our (.lddI PerPatih."During the postcolonialiperiod. this thrcc tier lcg l syslcnl clnllinucs to nrlc thc

social livcs ol Malaysians, cspccially thc indigcnous popul tion ln sumnrrLry it

could be sai<l that, sociologically, lbr theln no single cultural strrin is pcrvrr\iv':

each has contributed its individual piquancy to crcatc a singul r. il syncrctic. lusion'

Therelbrc, this process is critical to understanding lhc indiScnous cullurcs- lirr

preserlt day indigenous valucs arc cornpoundcd ol a somctil'cs contrudictoly

aclnrixturc ol pre Islamic custom, thc purcr preccpts of Isla m. and wcstcrn in l'luences'

osee the hrilliaDl article by Kugle (2001) on how this happened in thc wholc ol soulh I'tdia during

the British period.

Thc most recent and comprehensive account on the social history d the A'l'I1 P('|'lrilr in Negcri

Scmbilan is the contrib!(ion by Ibr$im (1995). For anthropologicxl accounts on thc practice ol'

A./i/ see Swili ( 1965) and Peletz ( 1988' 1996)

A.B. Shamsul

The shaping of the indigenous people's values, and, to a great extent, those of the

rest of the Malaysian populace too, has been profbundly affgcted by these conliicting

impulses.Viewed in this context, particularly against the theme of this book, Malaysia

provides an intercsting singular example as to how 'religious diversity and legal

pluralism' have co-existed for at least a millennium, have found expression and

shaped a particular society. Observing the impact is equally important. In the

Malaysian casc, it is a society, a new entrant in the world group of newly-

industrialized countrics that has been a focus point for intemational mass media, not

only because of its consistently high tnnual economic growth but also owing to tho

vocal, assertivc, s(rll imposed world statesman style of its formcr Prime Ministcr,

Dr Mrhnthir Moharnetl.Fbr some countrics of the south, Malaysia is an example they wish to emulate.

l--or these rcasons, Malaysian domestic allairs havc beqn closely scrutinized by both

local and inlcrnational intercsts, bc they investors, NGOS, or rcgional and interna

tional organizations. The main criticism leveled at Malaysia relates to its'humanrights'and 'ccological'rccords: lbr thc tbrmer it has been described as having an

'autho tarian government' and fbr the latter it has been labeled a 'destroyer ofnature.' Whilc jt is nol my intention here to dct'cnd n, 'r attlck MrlJy\ia, it is uscful

to examine thcsc criticisms in the context of thc book's themc, to allow us to analyze

the situation l-rom an alternative perspectivc, perhaps for a wider application, beyond


2.3 Social lmpact of Religious Diversity and LegalPluralism in Malaysia

It socrDs nalurirl' t() rrxrst social scicntists who are keen obscrvers ol-Malaysian past

ancl currerrt lllli|s to oflcr analysis on MaJaysia liom a'conflict approach,'on the

basis rhrr it is a'plural socicty'which is charactcriTcd hy divcrsity, diflerenccs,

dividcclncss. alld l(lgrnentation. Hcncc the assumptior, indecd a sirnplisLic orrc' irthal thc socicty. lilcrxlly,'musl'be ovcrwhclmed by conllict. contestalion and

conlradiction.'' DuIing lhc Cold wxr slrch an lpproach and vicwPoinl in relaliorr lo

Malaysia glincd popularily hcc.rusc Malaysil has been perccivcd as a filgile and

vulncrahla'colrnlry. on thc vcrlle ol brcaking down. fhc sociological naivct6

dcrr)onslftrrcd hy lhcsc obscrvcrs. a nrajority ol whom iuc political scicntisls, shapcd

lhc nrainslrcilllr rtPpr'oach irt crcaling lcldelnic and tton-acadcmic Ilarritlivcs on'socill conllicl ir Malaysia.

'lhis litc|al pcrccPliorr ol Malaysiir. as a sociely itt collstitlll conllict. ignorcs

lnd alnn)st di\rrri\scs lhc p()ssibilily ol MNlaysi:r's expcrir.rncing solrlc fi)lrll ol s()ciill

'W. rrc ]el ro r1'.(l ir llx)rolrgh lln(i rcslc.lilNhln]. orr Nlal.rysirr ccononrt, and socicty. hrrl

'wchcrianrsli( rllt|iILs *lich art nrislrkerr h-\'

M xi\l oi Wcb.riaI b.r,ed srudr. in Flnglish or

rhcrc cxrsls a sllrall collccl;on ol 'Mirrxisanl and

n .! ti)r thc rurl rhiog.

r OneSl,irc. llrrecl..:,,1l'i\\r.rrr( 5(j!ir (t,li,\r(,nl..i Mulli(rl,rr(

.ohesi(nr. Thcrclbrc. thc lr('l thrrl Millr)silt llrs ctti()]c(l l()ng pcli(xls ()l pcllcc illlLl

\lilhilily. lhrough shecr hrrd worL- pLrrlclLrr)lcd hy a li!r'liolcrlt c()llllicts il) thc lll\l60 ycars. llxd escllpcd lha rttcnliln ol nlosl ilnlly\ts hLll nol ()l Sliglil,/. wi,)r1, r ()l

!h. l{)01 N()hcl l)rizc loI cconorrrics- who seid:

I hild thc ot)tn)nrnil) lo lrlk 1r) Mrltrrrir'\ f,inn rrrirri'1.r rriic, lhr irt'l\ rrr lrtrl(rr.\i rrircoLrrrrryhasalsLrcrpLrtnct(lclhrri(riolsinlh.ptrsl Mirla)\rxhirs ,r(rrlol lol)rtvcnllli!ilrecumrn.c. illclu(liIlg putlin! in ir p()grtrn b lll)nrolc (nrfloyrnenr l(n clhnic Mxlxi'\'Mahrthir krc\r th.rl rll sains in lNildirs n rrrultirxcial soci.r) c(rld b( lo\r. hrd hc ler rlxIMF dictrrc i1s policlcs t) hrn rd his country rnd llrcr riors hrokcn our I-(, lrrrrr.

survlvnlol 111. nrlion. (Sliglirz 2001: I20)

I would likc lo argue thal it is morc bcnclicial, ltl] lyticllly. 11) discus: lhc

existcncc ol-rcligious divcrsity llnd lcgal pluralism in Malaysir Il()l inlnlcdirtcly ill

terms ol 'social conflicl'bu1 in tcrms ol 'social inrpilct.'bccilLlsc s()cixl illll)ircL'

could occur in thc li)rms of hoth 'social conllicf iin.l 'social coll.sion, (hlll i\. ilcould somctimcs cxhibil slrong clcnlcnls ()l-co llicl llnd contcslxtiolt. llnd at othcl

timcs cohcsi()n ar)d compromisc. Wc nccd lo cstahlish and rcgistcl thc llLlidily

between the varietics ol socirl ilr]pacl. so thxt we ciln captLllc thc uncc(aintic\,ruptures and tensions which emcrgc lrom ()ur discoursc on rcligious divcrsity xncl

legal pluralism in Malaysia.I would likc ti) plescnl a way lbrward in our applolch lo rnllyzing Mrlry\ix.

moving lleyond thc 'socialconllict'obsession, by pmposing thal it is impcrativc. as

thc lirst step, to comprchcnd thc naturc and workinSs ol Mallysia's lcderalism anrl

to view its constitution as an inslrument in which the couitry's rcliSious divcrsilyand legal pluralism find convergcnce in spitc ol thc obvi()trs, somctimcs unrcsolvcd.

social diflbrcnces.Ll

2.4 The Soeial Impact of the Unresolved

'Federalism' Puzzle in Malaysia

One critical institutional lactor that escapes the attention ol most researchcrs

analyzing 'social conflict' in Malaysia is the existence of'fedcralisnt' as thc govcrnancc

structure of choice ol thc pcople. The complex nature ol- Malaysia's lederalism

has not been captured lxlly by any study thus [ar. Four major studies have been

publishcd in the last 40 years, on various aspects oi federalism io Malaysia.rr We arc

FII is cl;ch6 lbr obscrvers and op cd writers on Malaysia (o characterize and arro8anll] dismiss

any analysis thai does not highlight social conflict or does not give prorninence to non Mrrslinr

non Malay viewpoinl.s as a dominaDl. conservativc Malay-Muslin1 pcrspective.' In the hroader

sensc, such a viewpoint has b€en labeled myopic and racist.' It is not common for rcligious issues

to be examincd in the context ol the Malaysian ledcralist sysiem.aSee Balasubramaniam ( 1999), Shafruddin ( 1987), Simandiuntak ( 1969), Yusoll (2006)

A.B. Shamsu

still waiting for an overall comprehensivc survey that could Suide us to make sense

of the socially defining impact of federalism's structurally dominant presence'

Unknown to many, there is indeed a three-tier federalism in Malaysia What are

these three fcderalisms, within which religious diversity and legal pluralism arc

accommodated and cootained?The earliesl and oldest form of fcderalism in Malaysia is found in Negerl

Sembilan (lit. a fcderation of Nine States) which, in 1773, had its llrst paramounl

ruler, calleri Yang DiPertruLn Besor (lit. 'He Who is Made the Highest Lord'), who

was an outsider invitcd to be the ruler by the Undang. ot Chiel, of each of the Nine

States. now known as nine lzat.r'I would argue that Negeri Sembilan is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, federalisl

entity in the world, established during the European Enlightenment era of the eigh-

teenth ccntury and coming into bcing long befbre European federalism officially

cxistcd, also bcforc the notion of the nation state wal introduced and consolidated

in Europe in the nineteenth century-

Thc sccoid lier is the Federation of Malaya, established in 1948, and which, for

thc hrst lime, hrought together every state in thc peninsula in one l-ederal entity

Previously, lhere had been many smxller versions, such as the Federated Malay

Slalcs ol Pcrak Sclangor, Negcri Sembilln ond Plhang. The rc't ol lhc \tales did nol

belong 1() a lidcralion but were collcctively called the Unfederated Malay States'

The Fedcration of Malaya bccame indepcndent in 1957 and has its own constitu

tion, which clcarly states that each ol the states lregeril has alltonomous coltrol

ovcr two maltcrs, namcly, land, and reliSil)n and cultureThe thirrl and last tier is lh(r Federalion of Malaysia, which was established in

1963. wilh its own constilution. This conslitution was bascd on th() Federation ofMalaya 1957 conslitution, but corrsiclerably expandcd,r6 including new provisions

that allowcd Sahah 1o have autonomous control over 20 matlers, and Sarawak over

llJ m lters, in lcrnrs ol-govcrnancc obviously much mole control thtn was allowed

k) thc sl tcs J/re.(.rll wilhin thc lirDcr I'cdcr{tion ol Malaya, now collectivcly

known as Peninsular Malaysia.ti)f all iDtcnts.rnd purposcs, Sahah and Sarawak could hc considcrcd as autono

motrs statcs within Malaysia, becausc pctsons born in thc lbrmer Fcderalion ofMulrrysia had lr) havc a ptsspofl lo cDlcr Sarawak and Sablh (now only an identity

cilld is ncedcd), and thcy canltol wo-k in oilhcr of thesc states withoul a work perrn it'

Sxhrh and Sarlwak cach havc a scparatc supcrior courl (thc lliSh Court in Sabah

lrrd thc High Cirurt i11 Strawak), wltich cnjoys a scparate localjurisdiction. similar

1() lhc onc crtoycd by thc High Court irr Mal.rya. Appcals tiom bolh thcsc courts go

lo lhc Mitlilysiarr C()url ol Appcal,lnd il Lrnsuccesslul, iillthcr appcils rrc hca'd

hy tlrc Iicdcrrl (irurt ol Malaysia. Ol cotrll\c. lhc kmq l)il'ct-tudn /1,q.,73' ()r rhe

,rilrrl]lolrnl rtrltr.ltts thc powcr ol clcntcncy.

'Sec (;ullick (lOOl). hul h. warDrll lh. Wr\iPc(lir \ersion corrlains rrIn] lrrrtual (]lrn( r'rn

"sr( Cullick (19(,71

J ()r.Srir1.!rl \\\l(!ri\ \t\,.r (oltr\r(rr rrr .t\fulrr (rlri,r(

2.5 F-rdcralism and the Application and Non-applicutionol Shai'a l,aw

lJrnlr lhc Ili!:l) (\rLlrl\ hlr\( Lrrrlirrritcrl jr.r|isrlictioD io ull t rirrrLnrrl Irilllcrs ()th( l

lhatt ntatlels irtvolr itlg l\innrie liN!. ot ,\lturi rt- Itt rclltliorr to l\llrlrir luq. ( \lirt{'(or //ilqrl / ) hr\ ils r )$ D indclx rxllJnl .tr.//i i/ (()urt. irs pr)vidc(l ii )r l)! lh. aon\litLrrri,rlln prirc{icrl lcr-rrrs. a .\,/rrrriir law,}er lrirs l() rc!istcr \cprralcl\,. lin :r slipulxtcd ler. rrr

crlch r)l tln:\c ar'qr'ri courts irr oftlcr Io l)c irhlc lo ()perllle iI rirrl) \txlc. lr) \ll(n1- llS/rrrliir lawycr'rvho wnnls t()tllkc rrpcascs irrall tlrc \lalc\/r1,(,r,/i hit\ lo Ie!i\l('r r

Il lhc Sr{1rli, courls ol lhc l;c(lc.irti(nr.It is also l wcll kn()wrl licl thirt \(n)rc p rls ()l thc 5/rziir laws ilrc ir)tcrprcl((l

diflcrcntly in cach slrtc. Fi)r i stanco. thc law orr polyganry irr thc statt.ol Sclarrgorslrlcs lhirl u htlshand nrllst hring his wilt l() c()trrt t() (lcclirrc ll)xt \hc irsrccs l() h('r

huslrlld s nrarrlin-l l sccond wilc. ln lhc slatc ol Pcrlis. thi: is rrrrl ncccssrry ;rl

all- a hushancl cun rnarry ll sec()n(l wiL with()ul thc Iirsl wilc':, ()nscrrt.'l-his l:rclor 1)l intcr stalc dillilenccs in intcrplctrrtion is sclclorn taLcn irrlo

considcration in lhc rlalysi\ ol rcligioLls divcrsily and lcgxl l)lurirlism in Malaysia-Thc alterDpls hy lhc slates ol Kclantan anct ltrcng-tauu lo inlrodu(c strid lslil tie

Hndud lirws. havc, in Lhc pasl, bccn unsucccsslul hcclusc ol thc c()nlplicrtc(lcolstilutional p(rccss rnd thc involrcrncnt ol thc Fc'rlcr'al Parlirmcnt. Thc cxpcr1sin constituliorral Iaw lrc ol-the opiniorr thal Hx.rr./ carr hc cnlin ccrl in Malaysia orrlyaftcr l ncw Malaysian constitutirnr is drrwn up to rnakc Malaysia art lslatuic stulc.r'

Thcrc sccnrs to hc an assumption thilt thc ^5,/r(/r-l ir lirws rc unilinrn in thc wholccountry and that cvery Muslirn is sublcct t() thc sanrc inlcrprctltion ()1 ,!rrrr-,ir rulcs-

Thc lirllrrr,r irrg rluolc illuslrulr\ lhir a.\llrnnli(,n:'IhL (Malaysian) Stale adnrinislers Sharirh L,rw thft)ugh Shariah courls lhll h vc iruthorily li)rall Muslius in Millaysi0.lhc Shlrirh cr)ur is rcsponsiblc li)r a(l$inisrr rirg I nrily hus xn,lrulingsonreliSiousissueslbrMuslinrs.lslanriceducalioniscompulsoryinsch{xrslinMnslir)rchildrcr Ird only privalc schools can ollir nor Islanric rcligious c(lucrtllnr. All Musli'll civilservants nru required to attcnd stalc rpprcvcd rcligiotrs clirssls (tlounr cr nl IUr): 7l)

Il is truc thal the Shuri'u court is lcg0lly rcsponsiblc li)[ porson{l ,Dattcrsconccrning rhc Muslirns ln Malaysia. Howcver, it is not adnrinistclcd by orrc singlcfcdcml S/r4ri'4 courl, as thc abovc quotation sccnls l() assurnc ind imply.'l'hcrc are

individual ^Srari'd coufls in cach ol thc states/r??.grri ol thc l''cdcralion ol Malaysia.Every Muslim is undcr the .iurisdiction ol thc parlicular Sldt'i'4 corrt whcrc he orshe lives. A ltdcral Sfirtri <r appcals coLr( docs not cxisl in Malaysi . EvcD thcFederal Fatwa Council, which issues.r/ari(r Ir'eligious ruling or lslarnic dccrcc] lromtime to timc on all uspccts ol Muslim Iilc und Iifc stylcs, has no fx)wcr k) cnli)rce the

.faly,a. Ma|],y nofl Muslims and non-Malaysians view thc./i.rtx? rs a binding rulingupon all Malaysian Muslims, and yct in rcality it is not.

rrSee the anicle, lludud has no placc in thc prcscnl constit(tioral slructtnr. sly lcgal .xperts(2014). Sincc I Mry 2014..Sir,rir law has h+en cnlorced hy n royal dccrce to rcplace the civil lawin the Sullanate ol Bnrnei Darussalam.

)6 A.B Shanr\ul

'l'he pcrceivcd hqrogenaity ol Sh.tti laws in Malaysia has bcen thc biggesr

sourcc ()l disinlbrmalion ur 'rcligious c(,rrflict in Malaysia. Indeed the 'connict,'ifwc could labcl it as such, is really among the dif'ferent interpretations of lslamicpcrsonal laws hy ditlcrenr rcligious authorities ofdiflcrent states/aegeri, besides thepcrcoivcrl'Muslim vs non-Muslim' religious conllicl.

'Ihis rnisperception is a rnajor empirical crror, that has led to an equally hi8hlyinaccuratc conceptualization, which is to be found in every rnajor country's report()l1 Malaysia that is uscd as a standard rcfcrencc by forcigr researchcrs,.journalistsincludcd. writing on Mnlaysia (for cxample, lhc CIA World Factbook, United StatesSlalc l)cpartmert annual counlry reports, UNICEF Report, non,Muslim hasedClobll lnlbrmation Nctwork report and the like). This situation has led to thecontinuous aclivc rc-cyclinS oi this major crrot which is, as can bc expccted,bclicvcd ns thc 'lrulh,' rnd which is used, lbr convenicnce, by Malaysians who have.appnrcnlly, an axe 1() grind aguinst Islam. Muslirns, und apything to do with Malay-Muslinrs in Malaysia.

'l'hr: hcst cxamplc thal could hc put fi)rward hcrc relatcs 1() the issuc ol thcconvcrsi(nr ol n(nr Muslims to Islarn. in ordcr lirr thcm to bc ablc to marry a Muslim.and thcil subscqucnt rcqucsl to rcturn to thcir original rcligion. In the last -5 ye{rs, a

nunrhcr ol_ high prolilc cascs havc bccn covcrcd in thc mcdia, rnostly scnsation lircd. illr(l with lhe covcragc dcmonstraling a distinct lack of undcrstanding of thelcdcralisl conlcxl witlrin which thcsc cascs havc to hc contextualized-

'fhe inrprcssion givcn hy mcdia, and popular discnssion, is that a rc-convcrsiotris lolxlly inrlx)ssiblc. becausc the pcrson inv(,lvcd hils to gcr permission fiom theSrrr/ i ir cornl lo bc rclcasc(l lronr lslam. 'l hc rcality is rtthcr diflcrcnt. 'fhe

"Sfurri .rc{)url in Pcnrn{ allowcd a Chincse lady, t Muslim converl. t() return to hcr originalreligiou alier hcr divorcc lr()m hcr Muslim hushand. Anothcr Chinese lirdy, also a

MLrslinr convcfl. dicd alicr bciig a no|tinal MuslirD lirr r any ycars- Thc Slari'acollll in Ncacri Scnrhilirn allowcd her hody 1() bc huricd as a non Muslim in il('l1incsc ccmclcry-rB lndccd. thc sarnc Ncgcri Scrnbilitn Srdli'.r coull hils allowed,in thc lirst I5 ycarr. (r2 out ol ll40 Muslitlt c(rrvct-ts t() tct)ouncc lsliulr and return tothcir or iginal rcligiorr- ')

Ycl in iuothcr cisc. involvi gil ntalc lndian Muslinr convcfl. who convcncd wilhoulllrc knowlcdgc ol his llindu wilt xnd lirrrrily. thc S/rarlir court in tho lrcdcral TclTil, 'ryrrtrlcrcd that hr'hc hulicd as l Muslirn. against lhc wishcs ()l his wilc and Ilnrily.

Artr)lhcr 'w()rld llrr()Lls clsc irrvolvcd onc l.ina.hy. a Malay convcr-t lrom Islaml() (hri\tiilnily. Shc applictl to thc Nlti(nul llc.sistr lion l)cpartrncnl (NRD) olMillly\iir lo huvc hcl Danre chlngcd ll()nl A,,linil hl .luilani to l.inu Joy, which wasirl[)\r'crl. Rul v,rhcn \l]r rpplic(l to hirr'r.' hcr' rcli!lirnr chur)g!(i llon) Islln) to( lri\tiirrity ()l hcr i(l(rlity r:arrl. hcr appliculiorr wrrs rcicctcd hy thc NRI) rrrr thclrrrsir tlrirt she rlirl o()l \rhnrit with hcr applicrrtirrrr a lcllcr r)l c()nlilllaliorr lrrnr irnv5r,//i r/ (()urt lhin slrc hl(i ren(rLurcr:(l lslirr.

\Lrtln lr,rn!Lh(inrtx)\\ihlL:(JIrrtLtr!l\'1]O{)7)l)rlir lr{iIr iltr' \iIi(rrs r(.(n{l'. r rl)( lir\r lj \car'. til hhi,r.r, \!.'rLr l\liDr \.s.r Srnrhrlirn

I ()icSlul. llrr,fl..!rl S\\1(n.: S(,(rr ( ()he\i(nr i.,r Mul(r '1hrrr')t

l.inr .lrrv Irrul dcr:irlctl l() hypilss lhll .!r(l/'i ir rtrlc ltcr. nLrrc. hy thc lilnc shc 'rl)plictlshe lltl lllcaciy c{)rlvcltcd l() C'hri\tiallity. illld i1 i\ not dillit:Lrll trr Lllldcrslilrr(l ll( l

assul]rption. thcn. lhal shc u'lls no lotlgtr under thc Srr,,'i'rI c()Ll11 \ itllisdiclion' S()'

in 1999. shc rpplicd t() lhc Higll (\)ufl ol Milllya. to ltaYc hct reli!i{)n on Ircr rrL n

tity clrLl changctl 1o ('ltrisliilnilv. (m lhc SroulrLls lhlll sllc wlr\ illrLildy rl ('hri\lirrr

and thrl her rlarl)c hitLl hccn chilllgcd. Hc. applicetiorl wrl\ lciccLdl hy rllc Iligh

Courl on llrc sllrltc bllsis lts lha Nlll) s rclls()nillg Shc lhclr srlhnlillcd llll llPpc:ll 11)

thc Fcdcr l Appcrl Court. x,ld. in 2006. lhc Cour I rc ic(lc(l hcr irl)pcirl rrnd reirllirtrrcr I

the dccision ol lhc High (,(rurt. honcc. als(). lhal ol tho NIil).Thc unarsrvcrccl qucsti()rl l() lhis duy is. could whill lllls hccn Llcscrihtll ;ts:t

'social conllict'htvc bccn avoidcd il. lirstly, lhc wornan hall chingcLl hcr hi)nrt

addrcss to { loclli(n ir) Ncgcri Scrnhilan, rt)d. s.c(nrdly. lPplic(l 1o lhc J/]/LiiICourt in Ncgcri Sclnbillln li)r pcrtnissiorl t() Icllouncc Islarn'l Wor.rlcl sllt'. likc tlrt (rl

other\ hcli)rc hcr, hlvc ohtaincd lhc Icn()uncclnclll ccltiliclrlion lcllu lr{)lll lllcNcgeri Scmhilan Slrrri'./ court J

Shc ncvcr did tr'y this pr occss. ar)d hcr lawycrs Llid n(){ a(lvisc hcr ()ll tllis pi)ssibilily

lnstcad, sh(j, hcr lawyers. and hcr Chur ch ilpparcnlly Prclcll cd n 'lr ial by thc rnctliir"

Is this thcn a'socitl conllict'that hlls bccll inducc(l hcll)rc illl llvclltlcs lo lcs()lvc il

have hcerr explorcd'iHowcvcr, thc abovc mcntioncd casos httvc, no douht, hatl lln iInflcl ()n thc rL:lil

tionship bclwccn bclicvcrs ol dillcrcnt feliSi(nls withirt this Icligitttrsly divtlst:

country thllt practiccs lcgal plurllism all ilrpact m()s(ly vicwcd its lrcgiltivc wilhin

a socially c(rlcsivc Mtlaysia. Thc lirsl lytlc ol casc ab()vc c()nccrlls tllc 0l'r(1: ()l

Islamic law within Malaysiai law and how it is pcrccivcd as'imPosillg'(nl non

Muslims, bul is porccived by colscrvittivc Muslims as I 'lhrcat'k) lslanl. whii:ll is

the olticial rcligion ol thc counlry. Opcn, hcatcd, vcrhrl conli(ntati(ri hils {l(.vol

opcd lrom this siluation. l'hc sccond lypc ol casc rclitlcs k) Muslims wh() llllvc

convcrlcd 1() othcr rcligi()ns, hul willtout llrst Sctling pcrnlission lrom lhc v rrir)tl\

statc-lcvcl Slnriit courts. Thosc MLlslims wclc cithc'r totally igntnillrt ol lhc nccd 1()

get Sftarri'.r court perntission to convcfl or ignorant ol lhc Ncgcri Scnlhilan cilsos'

Even il thcy were awarc of the rulcs, thc social collcctivc prcssurc inlposc(l hy llrnily antl liiends would olicn bc kx) much Ibr individual corlvc.ts lo hcxr' Bcsi(lcs. no

Muslinr would Iikc to be dd:larcd 'aposlate.'

Howcvcq nobocly has cvcr launchcd a chilllengc, in thc conlcxl of hunlxl) righls.

through civil society, that a Malay has bcerr dcnied thc righl to li)llow lrc'cly his o| hc|

religion ol choicc. This would sccm to show that lhc Malay-Muslirn casc is a li)regonc

conclusion and that non-Malays can practicc whaltcvcr is thcir lcligiorr ol choicc.

2.6 Social Cohesion ImPacts

A number oiother policies are implemcnted by thc Fedelal and St{te/N.??rl govcrn-

ments to peacefully'managc'religious cliversity in Malaysia, through a stru(:lural

conditiorl ol ils lcgal pluralism cndorsed and accepLed by its FedclalConstituti'rrr-

A.B. Shan

First, the government has Dradc a serious effort to look after the state of religjand reliBious divcrsity by offcring these diversc religions both status and rcvenuThc government has qncouraged the registration, with the Registrar of Societ(ROS). ofbodies or sub-bodics ofthc Malaysian Consultalivc Council of BuddhisChristianity, Hinduism and Sikhism. Registration entitlcs the organizationgovernmcnl grants, includinS tbr the building of religious premiscs. If any su

sub-body lails to qualify for ROS, it can, under the Companies Act, register with tllcgislra. ol Companies (ROC) as a legitimate busirress and cntity, but it does n

rcccive any govcrnmcnt grants. In other words, if any religious brxly or sub-borwunts to operalc in Mllaysia, therc is rcally nothing to stop it.

Sccond, eflb s havc been made to rnake possiblc, and create, a fbrm of intcrcligious clialogue. The latest result ol such efforts is the sctting up ol the Committ(tbr thc Promoti(,n ol Intcr Rcligious Undcrstanding and Harmony Among Adhercn(( PlRl 'HAA,.underthelcrdcr.hipo[thcl)irectr)rCencrxl.Dcprnment ol NrrionUnity an<.i lntegration, of thc Primc Ministcr's Dcpairnrt'nl. Prcvious lttempts to s,

up r Nnlional Inler l. ilh Cornmissitu liriled becauss thc Muslim conservativ(bclicvc that non-Muslints cnnnot discuss scnsitive thcological matters relating t

Muslinrs. und thcy do not wish to discr.rss thcological issues relating to othercligiorrs.'l'hey arguccl that what w s needcd, bclbre r dialogue could evcr begirwlri 1r good and conrprchcnsivc understanding, hy thc difltrent parties, ol etclolhcr's hclicl.s-hcncc Ihe tbl.lnati(D of CIPIRUHAA. ln spitc of such oppositioninlc[-rcligious dinlogucs do occurthrough bodies like lhc fluman Rights Commissi(,rund olhcr civil socicty hodics.

2,7 Conclusion

Mxlirysia cclehril(cs i1s rcligious ar)d clhnic divc.sity. Mosl ol the Mllaysian publicholidays tIc relillcd l() irnportant religious and clhnic-cultural evcnts, However,lhis (livcrsity hils l)ccn lianrcd. mitigittcd, itnd egolixlc(l wilhin I set of rulcs callcdlhc (\)nslituti(D. 'l-hc intcryrctation ol this constitution. whclher in thc civil orShrrrii/ c{nrrls or irr lhc popLrlar rlcdil, is, cclually, opcn to divcrsc opinions.BccrrLrsc lcligion is an cthnic idcntiiier in Mdlaysin- a Mrlay is dclincd as

Muslirrt hy lhc cortslilrrlion lcligious divclsity nd lcgitl pluralisnl always havc iL

rl{rhlc inrpacl. orr both rcligion rnd elhnicity. whcn (xrc or the other enlcrs thc

l)tlr \ icu, ()l lhe puhlic.lnlercslin.gly. this (livcr'si(y has bccn a lttrucly intportlt)t com,n()dily to Millaysia.

lnrleetl. stllirrg tlivcrsity.' Iirr uant ol a frcIcI tctrtt- is onc ol thc higgcst inconrccilrrrcrs l(), Malaysin. uporr whiclr thc travcl relalcd scruicc inrlustry ir Mallrysia hlrs

l,tcrr urrrr'L |)tLtalizetl :rrrl plrrrrrtcd hcst caPturcd in thc irrlleni()us \ltrgiln 'MllxysinIrrrlr' Asrrr ' l'hc I()n (r)nllicluul sr)(ii!l (rcirll cc() ()nlic) irnl).l(l ol lhi\ divcr'it1 is

rcull\ l \r!lrrilicirrl c()nlrihlrlirg ii)et()r'towld\ thc qunlily ol lill irr pcacclirl andrtulrlc lVlrlrrysia. lrl 201 1. trrvel rclillcLl irclivilics in Mirlaysia carncd thc coLrnlry

IiS$() It hillion rr(l pror irlctl tlroLrsarxls ol iobs.

I ()rr 51rl.r. lhr..I.lirl s\rl(nr( Sdrrr ( oht\ion rrr rr Mrrltr .ll' rr(

Nonclh(:lcss. this sltlnc divcrsil\ lhlll Malliysia has crrioyL:d lls() llils I nc!xlrv('

aspccl. ll curpllilsi/cs dillctcnccs. \uch a\ tlx)sc in tllc lcligious conl(lrl. thllt (lrrrltl

Ierd lo potcl]lially cxplosivc c()nllicls. Slr divc|sity in Mrrlaysirl hl\ Iwo l1r''\a posilivLr Iacc arld n ncgaliv('onc. which havc lorlg c(J cxislc(l in Mallrf i'r'shistory hcrrcc Malltysia's slrlc ()l strble lcnsion. as lhis cssay llll(l llllcnrl)l(:(l l()

In conclLrsion, ir coulcl hc s.rid tlret rr:ligiotrs divarsily illxl lcgill pltlrilli\nl illMalaysilt is lhc rcsull ol hisk,riclll :\lrllctLrral cvcrlls thrt t(x)k Placc dtrring xl Iu;rst

thc last 2,(X)0 ycars. in thc tcgiolr ottcc known as Nusanlatlt. lhc Malay wll{1. lh(:

Malay rrchipclago. the Far East. Solrlhcast Asiir and. rcctntly. as ASFIAN. lt slrtrll

remain iln intcrcsting and inu)rlalll ohiccl ()l illvcstiSalion to lh()sc intcrcsl{lI in

social contlicl Ind/or social cohcsion sludias.


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