Motivational Social Visualizations For Personalized E Learning

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Transcript of Motivational Social Visualizations For Personalized E Learning

Motivational Social Visualizations for Personalized E-learning

I-Han Hsiao, Peter Brusilovsky

School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, USA

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Abstract. Large number of educational resources is now made available on the Web to support both regular classroom learning and online learning. However, the abundance of available content produced at least two problems: how to help students to find the most appropriate resources and how to engage them into using these resources and benefit from them. Personalized and social learning has been suggested as potential ways to address these problems. Our work presented in this paper attempts to combine the ideas of personalized and social learning. We introduce Progressor+, an innovative Web-based interface that helps students to find most relevant resources in a large collection of parameterized self-assessment questions and examples for programming. We also present the preliminary results of a classroom study of the Progressor+ in an undergraduate Object-Oriented Programming class. The data revealed that the motivational impact of personalized social guidance provided by the system in the target context. The interface encouraged students to explore more topics and motivated them to do some work ahead of the course schedule. A deeper analysis of the social guidance mechanism revealed that the strong students (that provided an implicit social guidance for the rest of the class) successfully led the way to discover most relevant resources creating good trails for weaker students. The study results also demonstrated that students were more engaged in the system by spending more time in working with self-assessment questions and annotated examples, attempting more questions and achieving higher success rate in answering them.

Keywords: social visualization, open student modeling, visualization, personalized e-learning

1 Introduction

A large number of educational resources is now made available on the Web to support both regular classroom learning and online learning. However, the abundance of available content produced at least two problems: how to help students to find the most appropriate resources and how to engage them into using these resources and benefit from them. Personalized and social technologies have been explored in a number of projects to address these problems. Personalized learning was suggested as an approach to help every learner to find most relevant and useful content given learner current state of knowledge and interest [1]. Social learning was explored as a

potential solution to a range of problems including the increase of student motivation to learn [2-5]. In our research group, these approaches have been researched in two systems, QuizGuide [6] and Knowledge Sea II [7]. QuizGuide provides topic-based adaptive navigation support for personalized guidance to programming problems. Knowledge Sea II uses social navigation support to help students navigate weekly lectures in a map-based visualization. Both work have explored personalized learning and social learning accordingly and demonstrated the value and effectiveness in E-Learning. However, less literature addresses the crossroads of these two approaches. Therefore, the work presented in this paper attempts to research the intersections of personalized learning and social learning to help students to find the most relevant resources in a large scale of educational content.

2 Related Work

2.1 Open student modeling

There are two main streams of work on open student models. One stream focuses on visualizing the model to support students’ self-reflection and planning; the other one encourages students to participate in the modeling process, such as engaging students through the negotiation or collaboration on construction of the model [8]. Representations of the student model vary from displaying high-level summaries (such as skill meters) to complex concept maps or Bayesian networks. A range of benefits have been reported on opening the student models to the learners, such as increasing the learner’s awareness of the developing knowledge, difficulties and the learning process, and students’ engagement, motivation, and knowledge reflection [8-10]. Dimitrova et al. [11] explore interactive open learner modeling by engaging learners to negotiate with the system during the modeling process. Chen et al. [12] investigated active open learner models in order to motivate learners to improve their academic performance. Both individual and group open learner models were studied and demonstrated the increase of reflection and helpful interactions among teammates. Bull & Kay [13] described a framework to apply open user models in adaptive learning environments and provided many in-depth examples. Studies also show that students have a range of preferences for presentations on viewing their own knowledge in the open student modeling systems. Students highly value the options of having multiple views and being able to select one, which they are the most comfortable with. Such results are promising for potentially increasing the quality of reflection on their own knowledge [14]. In our own work on QuizGuide system [6] we embedded open learning models into adaptive link annotation and demonstrated that this arrangement can remarkably increase student motivation to work with non-mandatory educational content.

2.2 Social navigation and visualization for E-learning

According to Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory [15], social interaction will affect the process of cognitive development. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability solving the problem independently, which is where the learning occurs. Research on social learning has confirmed that it enhances the learning outcomes across a wide spectrum: including better performance, better motivation, higher test scores and level of achievement, development of high level thinking skills, higher student satisfaction, self-esteem, attitude, retention in academic programs [16-18].

To support social learning, visual approach is a common technique to represent or organize multiple students’ data in an informative way. For instance, social navigation, which is a set of methods for organizing users’ explicit and implicit feedback for supporting information navigation [19]. Such technique attempts to support a known social phenomenon where people tend to follow the “footprints” of other people [7, 20, 21]. The educational values have been confirmed in several studies [22-24]. Another popular technique in supporting social learning is open student modeling. It usually uses the average values of a group to represent a particular aspect in the model. Such group modeling enables students to compare and understand their own states. The group models have been used to support the collaboration between learners among the same group, and to foster competition in a group of learners [25]. Vassileva and Sun[25] investigated the community visualization in online communities. They summarized that social visualization allows peer-recognition and provides students the opportunity to build trust in others and in the group. Bull & Britland [26] used OLMlets to research the problem of facilitating group collaboration and competition. The results showed that optionally releasing the models to their peers increases the discussion among students and encourages them to start working sooner. CourseVis [27] is one of the few systems providing graphical visualization for multiple groups of users to teachers and learners. It helps instructors to identify problems early on, and to prevent some of the common problems in distance learning.

2.3 Social comparison

According to social comparison theory [28], people tend to compare their achievements and performance with people who they think are similar to them in some way. There are three aspects of motives that drive one to compare him/herself to others namely, self-evaluation, self-enhancement, and self-improvement. These three motives occurred depending on the comparison targets namely, lateral comparison, downward comparison and upward comparison. In earlier social comparison studies, [29] demonstrated that students were inclined to select challenging tasks among easy, challenging and hard tasks by being exposed to social comparison conditions. Feldman and Ruble (1977) argued that age differences resulted in different competence and skills in terms of social comparison. As young children grow older, they become more assured of their general competence of social comparing skills

[30]. Later studies showed that social comparison decreases social loafing and increases productivity by inducing it with graphical feedback tool [31]. A synthesis review of years social comparison studies’ summarized that the upward comparisons in the classroom often lead to better performances [32]. Among fifty years of social comparison theory literature, most of the work was done with qualitative studies by interviews, questionnaires and observation. In this research, we develop a set of quantitative measures for applying social comparison theory in our target context.

3 Progressor+ - An Innovative Tabular Open Social Student Modeling Interface

In our past studies, we have tried the QuizMap [33] and Progressor [34] (both are open social student modeling interfaces) to examine the feasibility on the integration of knowledge-based and social navigation support. The capability to accommodate cross content display was barely implemented. Therefore, in achieving our goal for a scalable cross content navigation based on the combined approaches, we adopt all the key features from our past studies and implement a tabular interface to accommodate a sizable collection of content. It is called, Progressor+, named after our previous success experience Progressor. Meanwhile, we hypothesize the tabular interface potentially provides better scalability for cross content navigation. The system interfaces are presented in Figure 1. Each student’s model is represented as a table with two rows, quiz progress row and example progress row. Each cell is colored coded as student’s progress of the topic. There are ten color shades to represent percentile of the progress. The key features of Progressor+ are summarized below:

Fig 1. Progressor+: the tabular open social student modeling visualization interfaces

Sequence: Progressor shows the order of the topics covered by the course in a clockwise sequence, and this is an important characteristic of the overlay user model approach (Brusilovsky & Millan, 2007). The sequence provides the direction for the students to progress through the course. They are also allowed to explore further or redo already covered topics. In the pre-study, we have found that strong students tend to explore ahead of the class and weak students tend to follow them, even in topics that are beyond the current topic of the week. Therefore, we decide to maintain the “sequence” as one of most important features in Progressor+.

Identity: the identity captures all the information belongs to the student. It is the representation of his/her unique model as well as one of the main entrances to interact with the domain content. It makes the students identify themselves with the model and allows them to easily compare with each other [12, 13]. We complement these ideas with the concept of unity which proposing that the perception of identity is higher if the model represents unity. We believe that Progressor+ has met these characteristics with its simple table rows. In contrast, other visualization approaches can present the user model in a fragmented manner, which is not a cohesive representation and result in lacking the identity. For example, QuizMap, the TreeMap visualization in which all the user models coexist in one detailed view [33]. However, at this moment we do not have enough evidence in order to compare the impact on identity of different visualizations but we recognize this as an area for further work.

Interactivity: Interactivity in the visualization of the user model can be implemented in several forms. In Progressor+, interactivity is implemented by allowing the student to access the content resources after clicking the different areas in each table cell model and adaptively displaying the students’ performance by colors. The idea is simple and effective: the visualization of the user model is not a secondary widget but the main entrance to access the content. Moreover, students are not only capable of interacting with the content, but they are also enabled to interact with their peers by comparing and sorting their performances. Other interactivity features are, for example, zooming allowing the user model visualization to deal with complexity and large topic domains [35] or the manipulation allowing the user to feel in control over his/her model [36]. Such interactions provide students the access to the learning content directly, at the same time to visualize different level of details of the

aggregated knowledge-based and social-based information. Comparison: Letting students to compare with each other is the key for encouraging more work and better performance [32]. Progressor+ allows students to compare each other in two levels, macro- and micro- comparisons. While viewing her/his own model, s/he can see the thumbnails of her/his peers’ models. This is the macro-level comparison. It provides high level of comparisons, allowing fast mental overlapping the colored areas between models. When the student clicks in the peer models, Progressor+ enters in comparison mode enlarging the user and the peer model in full size with greater detail. It denotes to the micro-level comparison. Both levels of comparisons provide students to perform social comparisons at their own free will.

4 Evaluation & Results

To assess the impact of our technology, we have conducted the evaluation in a semester-long classroom study. The study was performed in an undergraduate Object- Oriented Programming course offered by the School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh in the Spring semester of 2012. All students received access to the annotated examples through the Progressor+ interface. The system was introduced to the class at the third week (2012/01/24) of the course and served as the non-mandatory course tool over the complete semester period. Out of 56 students enrolled in the course, 3 of them withdrew at the moment of writing this paper; 38 out of 53 are actively using the system. All student activity with the system was recorded. For every student attempt to view an example, the system stored a timestamp, the user’s name, the example, the annotated line, and the session ids. We also recorded the frequency and the timing of student model access and the comparisons. Pre-test was administered at the beginning of the semester to measure students’ the initial knowledge. However, due to the course is still on going, post-test is not yet performed. Survey is also not yet administered for soliciting students’ subjective feedback on the system.

Table 1. Summary of ten weeks annotated example usage for three different technologies.

JavaGuide IntrospectiveViews Progressor+ N=19 N=6 N=38

Example 289 85 866 Total Line 1726 643 6060 Example 15.21 14.17 22.79 Line 90.84 107.17 159.47 Average Session 4.14 4.11 5.39

Course Coverage Topic 8.00 7.00 10.11

N=22 N=18 N=40 Attempt 125.50 113.05 166.71 Average

quiz Success 58.31% 71.35% 71.76%

4.1 Effects on System Usage

Due to the new technology, Progressor+, is now under evaluation in an on-going classroom study, therefore, we are only able to summarize the first ten weeks of data as the preliminary results. However, following our prior experience with open student modeling in JavaGuide [37] and IntrospectiveViews [38], we expected that the ability to view student knowledge progress would encourage the students to work more with the Progressor+. To assess it, we compared the student usage of annotated examples through a traditional course portal with an adaptive hypermedia system JavaGuide for self-assessing the students’ knowledge (Column 1 in Table 1); another class that also accessed examples using a traditional course portal with a separate tool (IntrospectiveViews) for self-assessment (Column 2 in Table 1); and yet another class with the central access to annotated examples and self-assessment quizzes through one single integrated interface, Progressor+ (Column 3 in Table 1). Table 1 summarizes ten weeks usage for the same set of examples and quizzes under three different conditions.

Among 53 registered students, 38 students in the class used Progressor+ on a regular basis during the course period. On average, students made 22.79 attempts to the examples and read 159.47 annotated lines. There were 49.83% and 60.83% increase respectively compared to the usage of not-centralized access to the mix collections of educational content through the open student modeling interfaces. We calculated the number of distinct topics attempted by the student to indicate the Course Coverage, which students explored through the interfaces. We found that students tried 10.11 distinct topics on Progressor+ averagely. Students averagely explored more topics, attempted more questions and achieved a higher success rate to answer the self-assessment quizzes. A detail analysis of open social student modeling interface on self-assessment quizzes is reported in [38]. In this study, we intend to bridge our past studies and investigate a more realistic scenario of learning environment by incorporating a larger and complex learning objects in open social student modeling. Based on the preliminary statistics, we discover the phenomenon of encouraging students’ engagement by the use of open social student modeling interfaces.

4.2 Evidence of Social Guidance

To obtain a deeper understanding of the effects from the open social student modeling interface, we plot all the students’ interactions with Progressor+ (Figure 2). We categorized the students into two groups based on their pre-test scores (ranging from a minimum 0 to a maximum 20). Due to the pre-test scores were positive skewed, we split the two groups by setting the threshold at score 7. Strong students scored 7 points or higher (7~13) and weak students scored less than 7 (0~6). We color coded the activities into two colors, orange and blue. Orange ones represent the activities generated by Strong students and blue ones are the weak ones. The time of the action is marked as the X axis and the question complexity goes by Y axis from easy to complex. We found 4 interesting zones within this figure. Zone “A” contains the

current activity that students performed along the lecture stream of the course. Students had been working with the system very consistently throughout the first ten weeks. Zone “B” represents the region of after week tenth. Zone “C” contains all of the attempts which students were self-motivated to work for mastery of the subject. Zone “D” contains the attempts, which students performed ahead of the course schedule. It is not surprising that the student made a lot of the interactions with Progressor+ in Zone A. What interests us is Zone C & D. There are a substantial proportion of the interactions in Zone C. It indicated the students were really self-motivated to learn. Moreover, based on the Zone D in the figure, we found that the strong students were especially adventurous. They explored the topics ahead of the course schedule. In addition, they generally explored the content ahead of the weak ones. Such phenomenon provided us the evidence to indicate that the strong students worked on Progressor+ first and left the implicit good traces for weak students to follow up. It also demonstrated the system was actually inviting students to challenge themselves to move a little bit ahead of the course pace instead of passively progressing.

Figure 2. Time distribution of all examples and quizzes attempts performed by the students through Progressor+. X axis is the Time; Y axis is the complexity of the course. Blue dots represent the Strong students’ actions; orange ones are the weaker ones’ actions. Zone “A” – lecture stream, zone “B” – final exam cut (after week 10), zone “C” – self-motivated work with the material from earlier lectures, and zone “D” – social navigation adventure.

5 Summary

This paper described an innovative tabular interface, Progressor+, which was designed to help students to find most relevant resources in a large collection of educational learning objects. The interface was built based on the open social student models. Students were able to navigate through all their peers’ models and to perform comparisons from one to another. A exploratory study was conducted. We found that students used the non-mandatory systems heavily. We also confirmed the motivational values of personalized social guidance provided by the Progressor+. The results showed that the interface encouraged students to explore more topics and motivated them to do some work ahead of the course schedule. A deeper analysis of the social guidance mechanism revealed that the strong students, which provided an implicit social guidance for the rest of the class, successfully led the way to discover most relevant resources creating good trails for weaker students. The study results also demonstrated that students were more engaged in the system by spending more time in working with annotated examples and self-assessment questions, attempting more questions and achieving higher success rate in answering them.

While the results in this study were encouraging, we believe that the current approach has not yet reached its full potential. For example, given students were able to discover more topics and questions by following the implicit trails from the stronger students, could we take the proactive role and recommend weak students the trails instead of letting them to explore by themselves? According to our past work, providing adaptive navigation support significantly increases the quality of student learning and student motivation to work with non-mandatory learning content. We plan to have a richer integration of open social student modeling with adaptive navigation support. Furthermore, we are motivated to investigate deeper of the data sharing and model comparisons in open social student modeling interfaces. A similar study is scheduled to investigate further aspects in this direction of open social student modeling interface.


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