Mirali - You're automatically being redirected to Waterford ...

Post on 27-Jan-2023

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Transcript of Mirali - You're automatically being redirected to Waterford ...

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: ©BE ATdsfeSD H^Wa ^HJ ' ' ¦;:¦•"•'¦¦*':¦ V:'»i*ttt>;-:,l I" -, iiw, . . ^

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MYertiSJ^-- i~n ,-tn. .. , . . .,. ; . ".Medium^", . T

Of THE BOTTH OF rBEtAJfrn.¦ ¦¦•' *' ¦ '+

. r . ¦ . | . : . . . . .

F O U N D E D 1024.


CAPITAL •• ' »• ' £1,500,000 '


gidelity .gpatantee' and. BturfilaTSModerate Reites, Ab3oliite ; Secnrity, • ¦

Prompt Pajinent, Largo Bonusea. '

I or Terms apply to— '¦ . ' ¦ . '. "


Oi to eny of the Company's Brcscfca o?Agencies.

Agents in Waterford— . :

J. J. MURPHY, W. & L. Bsilmsj Tor-miDua. '



E S T A B L I S H E D 1 6 1 0 .


PUDOB COtb Hov, 1C84, £127,484 Co. Id.


Hate of Interest *Dowed—JBS Ea. per Cent.Any pareon may deporit Monoy to the extent c(

£35 is o yea*, Bod is addition may ro-depcdj eny039 pun withdrawn daring too year, until thecoeonst reaches £5X0.

A da, til wife, end :children may eeh have oeaj-orste deposit acconot.

•Jhe Strictest Sscieay is otesrved «hh rc ai tItepodtort Aousmta,

Ho cb&rgo is Bade tor res« BOOKS. :Burns op to JEIO may be withdrawn ot any tlm

oltboct notica. '¦TJjo catlio funds ero Invested in; Government

8ceuity acd tbo new 8aTinB» Bank lxt<M tnd MVio» Cap. £1) pltoen the-Bank unto thewpcnisloncad control erf th o Tratee Savings Bint) JnjpjnttqaOo3JB>ittcOi ' ! ' (alCty

JOBK HASOX .Actmry raid Sccntaiy.

Ilaffblo iz Stoiie'wp&s,TTTCTTAT^T. CiBEET, X7ATBB37OBD.

P.O'KEEFFE&SQNSCall epsdal attention to thdi l«so Stock a

Headstones, Tombs & IlomunentaOl thaBcatUfltcrtJproCOTobliJ.cad cliIcdkdcibi..

cStct tts most model and graceful dedgea

Sa Pttnrletorn tro also jespared to oto IntoC tactj fax eray dsscdptlon ol Stoss esd HctblsT7n!a. Al»«ls^«rs!ecSonof lafcdaeod

@oltlo OsooQOiJ ?« Ocaotelco, po.cmiiwi p tnava REPAIRED AUD ODT

£> iizHs crtc=d*e gtmtna thety esa eseoata eayUciaotnatsd to ttea W ti» Shbrtss»Noaes, la tiifc~3 BtyU, tad on tha Mort Modoota Tessa, {

C~T oca* OBEEWE & 6QH8 hat* taio eraCa fcpoitiht T'' ^ "''

1 Qoatlcj at Strcaa'i imb,czi C£3 earoly tptadli Btoaca ead Bilbb et




tf® HO. 0, S nS OA2=2LWhere all Ordero V7ill be taken in




A LL Parti23 of 100 and apwcnb visitingI2L the Greater Cork Exhibition will bocamitted at HALP PBICB, viz. :—6d. each.Sscrctaries of Clab3 and all othcra Trill kindlycommunicate with COUNT PLUNKETT,Secretory. '¦ ¦ ¦ > ¦ '


Ctoia bta Iloat Eevi Dr. (YBaiBn, Blahop <rtWaterford.)

- I tin ussS tit BoKnaxrt1 Bpyittaknrtta treat id •

« Zs> Onsor or EauualM vlcuan toriatiaf UtU UrOoJonSuf BteotacJw to» I*ff ™»fc'S CJjTSHstastloDe^ d«SfhSS eo3tfort£. W a Viai bti had TCTT erett Mtiifn-anp from ntlag Ur

g S?sJtuS^51* tlffct S>&> :»«a ina prs-

crT*<rwVeTT Be».SylTeJto Mfttone.) i, i fciTd nied Mr. fcionmT Bpe eOj o* »


»1 7«aM.Ai-rI«&1«SSSE**jfe-p-.. JOB« WOOD kW0» MWOW . « »t:8o!omonj

.J S* mSSnAm fiom »»««1 T«»

M 'W of t!f"" (ftom Ve^BeTTanoniBTiji.) .•~i V«. ocetlauad U* (aa»t oomfott boa tb*o. I

X,, tad BOI» oalenlit l fc> p*»Mrnn» «**• • ¦ _

Vsr B«r. to Kttusi*, Oaa of lrd«hud Otoamaf .SSMS? iSctuslii tec >«ni Hi tiUl otbea batS3SS?WSSgg2gD th.'. ?«.8atoaoa.-i—ua iVu nTttlit ntabM oomloru i

V<rr i«. M> Bonn, T. r, tot vmi Kf f i e u ^ :MoSbtSSStim trem Va» HIM h* «**VBtaUnkto th*gg lCjwwKW kkV^uid to«aorfhtath« stsoft< g5SSjSu«a>at#Mi.fJ?., W rjMCiM'».mSfiganihctMd innuM boa oU» |W , h«j

ii iiih<Wirr *riTl?ri—¦*^«fc- *-"g» rit jo tj,.

'SlsfMe CMMtlUa IM Bm. &/MW'KkOf ol


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MMEKtsrfoxd G^sairtamp ! Company



l w "K wori;oB.- Tho wctsjtofa•C-'-' ^ dX i EtoicuUpOoaawiy(Iiaitod'

5 " Dia. tooolT« Qcodj uS L1T« 8t >ok for Bblo-«JC___ ~3j» io4nt:oa ' tt» oosiltlon* caatloabd la~! i -^B»0tn« UA , ta» to be *a<J et febcr

OiS&flA* ' 'di On euly Homing Ballteg,' CaUnt of ttia .tcaabro wtbe ojwa to noelTS tuaentaf cndrljii trj tho Nljit 1U.Boitp. . ' 1 I ¦

I W A T E a V O E D A. I D B S 1 8 T O LfSOa WATXBTOBO TOBJOBIOi. IIOM 1ZM1OL TO <71ZSU0X».Tneaa»7, Anj. « _ i pjm SalonUy.lnjnrt l J EO p nPridar, „ 7 ... 18 soon ThimdAj, „ «_. < D LDTaeadtj, „ U . ._ 1 p.m Satatdar, .. 8.- 4 sf p^atrlday, „ U ... 4 pan WedoSsy, „ 12~ I SO punTotoJaj, . 18 „ 7 pjn itaidtr, „ 15 . 9 SO £mI'ddn, „ 21 ... 13 noon ThnnAi}, „ £0- 1 O LDTucaay, „ 85 _ J pjn Sktoidij. .. 22._S o pjnFridaj, „ 28 ... i p.m . Widpo^U,, ., W._8 0 p.m

SaiunlM, ., '£)—> Sd pjnAnims* Ca f asaso 1* to Is Bmus. IIjocdJbix Bcrui"-Cn2abcxlAQd pi ij EiictoV.

. B«t irnTlcieU Iwned «t Briitol to Coifc p«t Bristol S. K.Co.,tr» »Tifl»bto for return froa DabUn without «xtr»ohuss, or from Wttcrfonl or 'Wtxford to Bristol t>/Wttonord 8baun Snip Oa't, Steimon on piymont of <U 8t* * ^* I ., |Eotim Tlciila laiaod it Brlttol to Dublin f i t Brtato

8. B. Oa/in mU»bla for rstarn /rain (7<l«rford orWcxf ffd to Briitol br Wiwrfoni StdD Chlp >;o.'iBtae an on pajment of 6a. artr* or boa Cos* on pi -Bcnt |of <aMexat. ' :

Ctttmi Ectoa ltsood at WUor.'ord or V7oiford toBristol bj WatcrUrd Stocun Ship Co. are arailable for retorato BrlstolS. P. Co. from Briitol to Corn or to Dublinuitbita pajracat.

G£ ipa Tint eta are anlliblA for tvo mantni.(T l T X B^O a D A B U h l V E B P O O ^! ' noa v zxiroKri. t&oa LITUVOC .Candaj, Aognit i~ 7 axi Hondaj, „ i... 6 30 p.m

Woiaesd*/! n| «... 1 pxi CTedntscdij, „ SM 8 30 a> mPrWaj, „ T_ » (ja. ffrldij. „ 1_ 8 80 LHflanofj, • ,» > 8-. 7 ooi' Hoadajr, t( 10.Mll j poaWodooiay, n U_ 3 pja Wodnwaiv, n u— u Bao°rrtdMj, . 11... 4 p.m ffrili/, „ H... 1 o p.mSUKJJJ, ^ O8_ 7 HJS UOndsj, „ 17_. 4 3j p.oTretl^odaj-. . „ 13... 1. pj3 WednesJa; . 18- 8 0 p.nItUajr, . Q.. 8 j>jn ffriaaj, „ si- 9 u uiCnsSaV, „ >3_. 7 ajn Honda/, „ 24 _11 C p-mTToiiiaUy, »|S1_. S p.n Wodntoiaj, „ >«_, 18 nooniTidiy, „ 23_ 4 pun ffridij. ., 23_ 1 O pjnCnniij. ., *J_ 7 u, £Ionda/, „ 3l»i 4 Kjpaa' Thi .easdaj. T(esu> Ix>ad ct North Wharf, VTct^ord.

y^y^ f j Pflj^T yflpflfl 'j OfHjlta JUTCZVOOL ' i ¦ ¦

' AVO!S»t»rtsaat, Uto U ttqan. , ¦ ¦; yiixa^—Watotorf and Uiapbol ad UttsiaTi andWtzfiird and brixtoW-Ctbin, EUnsle, 16a. i do do, Childrenssdez Ii years of agvorDornaL, tnToUinj with 7iT»»«10a i do. Betarn, «taliabl* for I-tr6 limth*. optional to rttorato or from Bnnol ox IjT«rpool,StJi | Vabu Bttnm, Childrenender 13y««r»], 18> i Dock, dnjle, 7« Gd i do. do, Onlldnnunder IS yean ,4a.

t-aaccferf booked throasn btfrwton Waterford and. CheskirtI erf BaUwar Stations and Lanctuhln and lorkaolre Callwartitynit " I ' • 'Woodland Fueel* Booked Umrafrb: bctwaan all CTtsdpal

StadonaosOnaiiHorUkcrn, Oreati Westocn, lonmuihira, uid'ICozksnirti liOndon mn^ fiortb. Wixtczn j ijondon *w ^ SoothWcotsra, OztaX I Omtal, aad Uldland Ballwajt to andTtiVataford. I ¦

I W K X F O B D A H D B B I B T O LTTerted to Bristol 'Xaaadayi. i Brittol to TTszford. Prldart

I W A T « B » O B U ilfi lBW U O U eIfefia Hnr Boa»-Dali» (8oadA}« «xoa;ted) at 8-14 «,>>,Faoa WiBnmao—D1II7, Sonday* ootpteo, at iW tun.VTA TgBro&S ASp TD vac A. a s onturn Ou*auaoa—Dallj, SoSdayt tawpted, at a«0 aj>TBOa WAXSaicin—Skilj, SaadaneSMptad, at 8.» p.OslMdur, /oly 17th, the Hem Sou a&d Dnnmnnaa Boau

will sot Ifean i Watoford until 7.0 Ip-m.Xtoni-Gh * Waterford Btnaiilp Uoopon/, l.lmltnd, Iczort

iJlQoou»milJPrtb7tb«rtoSrt b«»ajneria*2a. «d, peroaaUio OooaalonaJ Shlroen, nlas to bo d»oiu«d at E« o7j.ii.» l«»it Tocaa and all Information to b* had at thaOfSoST ' ; ¦ • I :

Battia tae&nd andortay Infbmttlonslrea by AcatsuT7iHMO»i>-T7ateT£onllEteaaJaip CO. (Jjlaltd), n»^^

Oflora, Th» MaE, HatioJWl TtUpion* i«0. IS.Lrr»»»OOi—Watertord auaaabtp Ooapanjr (I/taluri|, 19

Eron>wlofc«tic»t,and£Miio»a Doot. Itaopnons Ho. CC71p»|CTm—WtMnri Staanuhlp' Oorapiny (Unutnaj, ea

QascaSqsan-asd CsmberUndUaaln.(mioxik—Waterford atmnmhlp Coapan; (Unlt*u

Hatl>nal Tdephooa Ha 23. 'DCT BOSS—Waterfoid Ctcu±±lp CacpM- (timitod)

QTH> KattonUTtlephonalloTlot :DupouOKH- Watarford&teamabiis Ooafany (Limitodj OQOTjt ji»mff«—I iw y Q2ianaon 6?£Knfihip V&or, "" t- Ki*nn^

Ija . national Talaphon« No. LSI.Utisoan—Lower Channoa BtetmaMp OQco Capn QCAJ.EfjrbtendAddraafor Tal«jrait» •—•• 3TCAM" u Run.(oiSiLircrpoal. Crl ol, Mmcrldto» t7tx£ort

Clyde Dnippins company t Ltd4^GUST and SEPTEMBER, 190a.,

\ Beg-dar /Steam Covwwiication betweennA sS B P O BD and L O H D O D

. ftYUQOTH An SOPTEAttPTOH. HEWHAVER.i MTHliiii) BOUTS OF EUQLAITD.OCTaK, DTOUH HELJiBT tro QI a£a6T7.¦rv.^Ttw nnHB New . and jwrrcrful

<T~* 5>,"**\. -ii- Battw Btaanun ABlHHOEE,«-\> tF VMxsV. C O P E L Jj N D , D 0 H O K H E S 8 ,SLj>JZJJa>EDDTa !TOin . FABTMET

OABMOV/Vi iir.tPB, PLADD1, POBTUJID, BATB-LrtfjBALTtEa, 8ABDA, SHZKBRE38, DKEBBTVOIIE,TOWABD. TUS&AB. VAlEHTla. an imtendel to call ajcsdsr. wothaTicxnitti&g (anteb snrrotod bj anforoooadrcnastsnoea), Sttt Uberty to tow Veoels, andto c&U atta» Part otPoitJ Jn awr order, in or oot of tha onrtoraarjC3USS, to BoodTs and DUolur~3 tarjo. 01 101 any owerDT2TDCO9 w£AiSO0TCr« p

Throngbwuirt TWxta toaci to tha Channel Ialanv000 Companjs H*npbook.

Tfcroash Toarilt Tickets Usued to cht Highlands of 6001-laai SM Compaaj • Handbook.

vaxsBiosii 10 aiAtacnOrerT-U0in)AT(Dinxrt) ¦ _ « - » P^Q.

f (Tli Pl/month) ¦tfedcafaj. tth Anj. ...4pjn W«dne*diy, 2nd 8«pt _4 p.m\7iS5ay. Uf> •> -.*p.a Wodnosday, Mh „ ~4 pjaV7ede=£x loth M -J pjn Wodaeodaj, »6th .1 ...* pja7e£?i3 y, £3tli „ »^p4a T7odncday, »« ,. ~» p.m

CUC30TT TO TUTSarOSHr jnonDAT(D=r«t)

caL BaL to Qi o<A jjjj-C^THtmflDAT d)

Qrraaoc!( -J P-Lonxm (Ct. Hatharlaa O?oi> ro Wusuwoi.

ETCTJ XHUBBOAT, •» — 4 p mDo binihiDOtai by t»'« rooto. Orders tor oolleoUon or

doltoxr et Oood* ess* to Chutea Poalter, JLlraitsd), u.

1X3. ir-t ,-<..!! ttroot, OT Clyd* Ehippln* Compin/, Klnltod,E. T7anhotta*> 'Bt, Eatharlni pock; triS ty xlta C»unpttttc-ttflti. ¦

OAICSIOSS ffl! DTSLCIiErery BATUBDAY (til BelfutI I - 1 p.n

Dvtum to W*na»b«r>, DtMor-WedoMday, tthAog- ... « pjn - .W«dne»d»7, and 8cpt..B ^ aWedaeslajr, Uth . ._ 9 p.o yf e iaet i t j , 8th „ _J p.m•V7«da«oday, Itth „ _ 8 pjn ffedneada/, WUi ..« p.mWednesday, SJth „ ™ » p . m Wodneadaj, t3rd ..3pjn^ ^ (Tsdneaday, SDth „ _6 pja

truraroiu) to caa*(l>lrsotjCTCST THCTfflDAT, — ' I *• -. ' — — ' P-o-

1 ; Oo=* so WADauuno, Ofeoot—

f&M? - SIS W : 6-? =ISVrJSu, Xl«t „ ~ 8 pjn Frldar. lBth „ _. 8 pja

Tn y, Ktb .,,: . . .» ,8 p.a ;?«*da/, ; Mih „ «, ppjj

i , [ V7aTzsroso ro Lo»oo».Eytiy BATtnU>AT<Ti»8oothaj»iton) and Bill , r/ 3Ererr IIOtn>AT (flo atatjoiB) Cairo oalr M I pja

J I VaZSUOBB B> lnjfl.TT.Cre}« BATOBDAT idnocM H. -. « t p.n

i ! BHI18I TO T7ARlt>psI>—TU DtTELID.'ETery'-TirSSDAT — : -. - 7 p n.i WAXSWOBO TO Viiuoum. direct.

WejSnesday, 5th Ang. .„ 4 pja W«dne»4«y, tod3ept „ « juawidnoday, Iftfl,,, .«)'<• Wddiwrfay, «h ., ^:4p.mWtdnesday, ISta „ „ 4 c.a : Wodra*Ur, i«th , , . tpmWednesday, Bh n .~ *; n Woineady,jSrd, » i p . m

I Wedneadaji 80th M M t j.nI Ffctaours TO WAT»»fO«» I (direct).

Eabordaj, lat Anj. „ 11 a.m, : Satarday,ptk Bept „ ,4 pjaa*tada>,Uh » - 4PJ3. Batnrday, IStt „ l pjaBatmdiy. UU> m ~ 1(» flUardsy.lffth M

I, pjaSttardar.Stod „ _ 4^m EitarfiT. th .. .* 1 jvmaatnrday,: ffith ., — I JB I 1

. . ii I nVnsrass to BoctBASRoa.^^gr^S&'UA - 4 Pn

U*»aai«J«, asia(etS, ».» W j ttbj fisA ?pn ''UUk,B«a. • ¦ ¦_ • -I ¦ } ¦ ¦ I • 'I ¦ 111* lllllllft JMfc 'Vmi .TM.

: I * ~ KMinum to iTAXSiwxa. !, JBt yBBATMaraiar (OarcoorJy).

f«n SATOV)lir (ttoSootbjuntoa a«d Sewbnea) |4p .nI . - ' ¦ .1 ¦ 2)omi .99 jWAttaMtti>« ' :

Bwr nmUiTiitataooa |rto toaUtusptoa), Ou > oaly.- 1 SMCB . SMUBAZS IMT# MpAynV fft w^ , ill trn toffi^u.«. ],AB8ik a.a.M0^r'j|T , I J I:,. I: . > • oi*ia,BfSam,etecaii. Esturn

I :nyBoath_ H4 0d. Ipt. lCi lia. Ci

¦1 •*; ' < *3&L 2SSti»ti ss * ui to» .!- '¦iwSSi, KJ.W. . ;L. . ia». -

¦I ;. _ ..;jpw*jfc.. "» « *« *> ¦) — 1 M«. — ¦

, l| . J ByRtan horn toaaoapeiTinCday^ U«ta«n' T. . [. •! ciaSaaSt* t la* Mdgfll y-S te, BaU J an. 1JLis«Jai*|aTaaahUtoi»wokoa«h«-H<)4Tiara<erabla,_TIM5» Oood« e%ped by tbaM Uaaw <rf, rinmiSCMM BMta. Tahi*«tob«o>eM«d«*tia*e|SUiswa¦JSXLM" ot rma** and an tatasaOloa to k* hat•WSJ'iBta««t* IW<U> At- ivflr 'wBant J.WAsrn

I ¦ H ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ B I J imfc e H^BB^BBfc a^ M^ B HBv v^ p'Bj, Wp ^ 5 - B^ B^BJBj Baw B* I BBa BB pj

¦ nar aZ&dJto be kid tna itke 4««8tarijjHitilwt ~r«t«f|-rrpT-~t-r*i ' :;pSS>H!: H- - ; J -- : ' .Mi • ">

¦¦i i > ,i"!r...« -? :. i i "!, - . ; •:!¦ , - ¦ :




!f?,dr tWal' "Jtn tno finest confl«Jonc3 and cccreqy. ofeppUcationa from £vUP V7ARD8, to oil peroons on thoir owh APPROVED PER301TAL 8E0URITY' in i,ay pait of Ireland. ; :osinea carried on In & most ctrdghtfoivTurd and erect manner,o connection nith aoy other Loan Offices or co-called Banks In thlo County




OmbrUi ..._8at Ann. \£ I Etrnrla . Bat. Ang. £0Chrpathia Tcoa. Ang 18 Auranla _. .. T0C1 Sapi. 1Incanu.. . . . BA Au<; 22 | Canpanlo_ Gal, Sapt. fiTO BO3TOII. .

Irsnm. ...Too. Any 8» I TJltonla Tnci. Sepl. 1Saxonla... Iocs. Sejfc. 8FABD :—SalooD,lfrorjD £16 j 2nd Chbln, from£ 3 ; Third Clses, £i lfti, and £8, cocordlon to•taamei, Ourrrr FBEK,'1 10 per cent, rcdaotlon Return Tlofccts Baloon j Ij . S per cent< Cod Oabla 1Gzoond and Third OU113 forwarded fito WQ tjowYork to Philadelphia and Boston, »nd via Boston to

Nsw Tort and PbJladBlphta. Third Cliii okpforwarded free to Baltimore. I

The Oarya ihia nnd jlurcnui carry only eisonflera Third Clao PacticorD. AH Third CWJ ariberthed to two and foor-Wtfaed roOaa. ' Jfastest ohrja to New York. Ix tmm to Bcitoai-ppolotmeats ondcnlalnounannniiw.' .

Xho remartinbtp 6twdine;a of Ca /ccrr.ia, C=o-iaatd Carpathio makes «» /doinaj prectlcsUy lm-pcarou

Beralar lino ot atcamon to MedIJtorrcscan port*ond havr

Paeaengoni booked through to all,part3OfAmcricaccd CanwuTHE CUUAED BTEAUSHIP COUPAHY. LTD

QueensUiwc. and 8 Watcr itrciit, LiverpoolOB rtnan AOCSTQ—i .

WAitD Buonrxna, 2, Banronotrtrid-ot, Wotorforol,Earvey 4 Son. 18 OU4«tono-9trcct 5 Ui=t LI. CottarBallydoff , Mtchtol Poley, Dangarron ; P. Evonfl,Dangcm

tin. Kott Baglej Ccppoqci ; Ut JtniajAhr.ime. Ll nci



Calling at Qncamrlotm oror* Thnrcdas.Pc en ra and Goods ere licdca ct Phlladclphlj

aa lha Wharf of tho PeanoylTonla; BMIrtcd, nhlokhas tbe Shortest and most Direst Eocta to all pboc;In the Wcjtoro State


SATURDAYS at Nco.Hijrbtjt Cisco of aoeoramedaiioa JtoJ Firct.Ciaoail ,

and Third Oba PKaasoea.third Ciaca Pero at lowccJ rati . Qhtat tr^

Apply to Acaxican Lino, Cocihiapt s c? LI TOC-pool, or *¦VTATHOPOBO—HarvoT t Boa, IS, Obictcao-c iai

Wella i Holeian, 87i Qcaj.Ward Bros. 8, Barro itTc=2-ctrc;l

CAnnion-oa-Buin— ttiohard Land*1

CiotmnL—P Nojont, ?5, Mtln-otsaDtniOABTAD—J Cuillnan, Tho Sqoa.CAppogniii—W Jones Troy. DL ApcxiCKaQCAIOUD—John Uarphy, Grocer. 1HBW EOOS—W Manro ; and Pctrlcli Hnat, IB Qt jy .Tw)aA0TowD—M WcctcsmiD, Cb.tLX3-ct:c=vV7axi;ocj>— W Ttapsoa, UMr>etrc!j.

John Hlntc3, Acotlorto & Ucrcl itKILHAOTDOHAO—W 0"Dononnt

LT pJ S <T^-1 / "\cLb r1 ^n /«> s7o purc ass., ct tha lpvrcat polat

of tho market, tho flc t (jroT7thairca tho teat Indiaa bad CoylcnQardcno; ti*3 encblea- no dT7cyDto oCcr OEceptional value, both taliquor and oppcarono

©Mlvio Cz H©@^QLKHTKi. '

Warron 'o !piaco.; ©OUCi.

what Is You? (Complaint ?1 Tea ciaoot csy- Bat yea tro mccsiaa bsa. Vniy floitjon think from -what meet "•"rH iiaasSai aria fThoy an fnra tapan Blood. fStatlaUf allow tilt la ttt<teixtocnth orator* ertrr tirestieih sezton wu tafected withions or other of the '—irn ariston" froa icrnn bload.1 TOB aik wbst U' the best naedy Ho eleuue U. TOyeertalrJyaliertalor Tagvtableeae. Ohuntfi IleiUaslaa1 parely TegstabUoompoaad nade fror4 herb* dltoOTered by

Hr. 6amtV 'onna trowiaj ia tie t»c as* Wll»:olIreland. Ite efiesU hate bewt ratrrejloua. Tboo»a%da ofs&flerere fiom the mo<t import diieaaa of the blood, booea»d aUs bare been cured.- TTdu ewnot do better than bie• few bottleeof tbte wonderfulmaadr to keep tbecrttea1n tone ere rammer dui arrin. BAj «J th» best toe toelaan» the blood, and *e are now In rprin». A psmohlatwill be east, pott tree. . to tar addrws, whlci fmtAtni"Brideaeet o» Cor $ •' j oerfnmaj fcr tetfc* CKreSfin«rUaoCj."»» .. . . ¦ }9|

8«ad jronr aaotca M> itunte * Uamt f i o to,t7*per Ban««4tiMtt I>Bt>lia. '

Sold by all Chealrt* ,ta bottles a ix d., t3.Cl. ioaa. M. each. Where neoecsiry to poet Ed id, and Cl extra

ia caarved. I ; !Person* »ofl«rlajr frora Ee«esa, Scrofula, BerofnJeHSorci,

Obwadalir anfl other SweUtara, ^ lBlB^tul CaaeetotaPloera, Bad Uea, fOea. BhemwtflemOoat. Vtaser, CUei-B*aa« or nmtMntMliea Bon Xyet,Braptkma>thaQda, Achg,Af arnim; f e o m S e S, wd Box Uaafik aalagho^nmainooj OteaSTwgl AMttVTtpeelycad¦ i . ;\yM8CplaOgSOtO ( . 1 ,«EQ. WHITE £r 8011s, 0liCi5!aBJ<.I ' KBHJ..c$TBEI3i ;


¦ ¦ . r,'«ii ii i i i r n M»-

. . . . . i I

i ' TTATEdTOEDjiin^m"'•> ¦ [ ¦IS.Uosth »M 4s.:41 , ecO: J7rcj .. CiCdS « ?-?3- * ' •• -8jl t3 n ~_i5 « •- ^Cdil Pord ro Poctirj, 1 d.! -TPrsSimM 'wo.ff t Ucatis — 10* }OL ' Pc:t Fro «. £1 U C3

V7ATEHF0M) £1 SQTJTa-B&STSBJ! I OVIfiEJ3 Hoatha ... 3i Cd. PealSte '« ; UCd

, WBQLE8AL& AND BET4IJ,?iflH, Game, Poultry, Md Ice Btorea,

BEAU^THEET, WATEBFOM). 1 iinPHB •tUntjten''.0^ tJiJOwitiT iwaWdtt Is|X aaiM«tiBbleUZZi&uacat, !i . -. OlxiDt <?f; ta t <J6»ife|« iQDAtWrr.<C(rantrratlenc>ntilJyftU«ad (a : ;I ! J J . ] . ; ¦ : T r. 8TKBET, PHOPWOH.! Mil oi f I Io l l-A luhurylnnottrwtlier.Menrelyp«ekcdfoTen>Tey»ac«by nlI,tx. T»«i»j»»pr>Ue»Uon,

:v ¦

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lUi 'i iV 'J i i - i .il' ; - .: i i - -r

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|| gj i^^ai^c j ^ jm^isy^Rj ^Tu'; -wj ffc : THIS JOUJRHAL

'. ^ ' : v ¦ ¦ ;.¦ , ( ¦ ¦." ; J.»- ' ' " ' * ¦ " ' •

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¦'¦ ' l! .

MAHAGER;8, John Street, V7atorford. i


0 '}_ +onioH r.TAKwpAOTURc oianv.

Advcrtbczs In Trm:KCw« who iro cclllaiInch llanufMtnrod Qooda chonld cend ua caChoir nr,mc3 and tho Irich-modo ortfclca thoyar© PWB cd. to oupply. Ii) order to brinjoomo dixcotly to wdry chopke«per oad ercryQoufiaholdor tho Irich-mado nrtiolea that ccnbo producod at thoir dooro, x>& ehall pablhli¦J7C3!djr this column' hoidedC/HCna IRIOM GOODO OAfJ CC C3AE.

Eirrinjjton & Son, Dublin: —Soapa of all olaagcp.

Berlcy & Drapore:^ulncral Wafers and Into.

Brbooo E., High-otnjet:—Fancy Brood and Bkcaito.

Boll H., Quiyi—Bell's Celebrated Baklc3 Powder for qualltjrcad quantity. 'tKron&oia," an efilcacicnaEmbiocatlon for Eheuaiattm and Paicj intho jolab. Ealla Ooc jh EltJr. a t7olMaiG«a

Exino," a perioet OoJn oure.

Oorroll John & Oo., Quay:—Twccda. Seittes, Ooct'CJB, Blankcla, Quilts,PlaDneis, Shlxtinffs. Xoi/rla. WfpkJiw. TcVJiLinan, Pillow Coveio, Tc{(lo Clotha. opllaScarvea, Knitted Vcjja, Aprons, Twoc-JfCuita. Sergo Soiti, Dxeza 0erce3, Linono. ;

(Jfcstrcll ena Oocbrcno, Dublin :—iiinoral Waters.

Cordner W. J., Quay and Henrietta-street:—)Iriah Qrclea, Ixwh Tyrca. Irish Pomp Clips jIrteh Bopair Outfits, Irich FooUyilB, Irt^HocScoy Sticks, Irish Indoor Gcznea, Irl'JiWcterprooi Ooata and Cc ca, Irbh Footbdlond Hockey Booti, Irish Csoptrea, Bnr Bollat

Dooloy't Hote Restaaront,i3pirit Bar,Quay.- —Jameson's Whiskey, dirco^ from Boi7-ouc;tDistillery ; OninneBs's 6t0nt. bottled on tiiapremioea; Tbwalta'o, HoTondon & Orri3, cz£\7(ilarlord ilin&tchj StnmfUncEJ. ."Wdtrr«lord Btooaar.Bcsrha^ i^Op.ilcc'rtsf,and Uorr&y tf HoU ami Fancy, lobaccoa,Cigars and Cigarettes ; WataforA Pipes.

Doyle P. H Quay:—Goodbodyb ona Qallaher'o Poll, Plc .Bnufl, Cigarettes, Hatches, Hanlej'o Fi c;kIrish Blackthorns.

Doovy &. Co., Broad-»treot:—Manufacturers. Hosiery, Shirts, Plnafor;iIruh-siedo Handlurohiota, Suits, DrccsllaVsriah, eU. Hats kept in Stock.

Purlons, A. 8 77. Quay, Wctcrford—Bcsir?-ttm\j end Cbctro Soaps; Chorr/o llattariitChoTO'o Bator, 12ilk, ond Orccn; Jci^b'oBisonlts and CaEci; VinVo "cms C5a toaulidcs for priwrvco). AH tho B&t Erc ijeJ Iriri Kami and Bacon.

Orainijor H., Quay andvJJarroncttand-ct : —Ladies' Gents end Children's HbLcyy.

Goodman's Ecmbrcndt Studio:—.Best Photo rtphs, Liio Eito Itoltrngncat,Irish Note-paper and Dnfelopcj, Xcoqcx;8ohool Boow, Otttholio Prayct Boobs, TkjOak Goods. Alao Xancs XJarda. AU mcrc-factured is Ireland.

Gallahor, Limited, York Street, Bolfc0:—Irish Hade Tobaccos, Cigarettes. OiacJJ.

C-l.Hearr.e James A Co., 63 and 04, Quay ; —

Irian Waterprool Coata, Irich Buttermijsfioan and others, Irish Eocka and StockingIrich Hats and 8uiD, Iiiah Peplin Gcarii,Itich Coraeta, Irish HGndkorcnlotj, IncJBheeta and Tablo Clotha, lnon Drcci Hotcrialo, etc., oto.

Hlrains John, Patrlck-ctrcit : —Soap, Oandlei. Starch. Whkboy. E-3=li,ConlcctioncrT

Hesrno & CobiL, Broad-otreot : —L«Jica' end Gents' Boots u. Variety

Iritb Civil Bervico Buildinc Bocicty : —O.

OTLfoCe and Sons, LKchacl-ctr?=t:—Cdtao Oro:3C3 and Tombs la Irich Llaic-oand select Limeitono.

P.P. F. Lynch and Co., W/Quay :—

Irish T\7C3d Suits, Beltst Linen, Chi J,und Ooll&rs, Bandkorchicis, Beirut KniiHosiery and Irioh Poplin Tic3.

Patrio'io AKuranc6 Company :—n.

Ecdmond C. P. & Co.^—WAtfuwoM Nnvrs, Evmmro Nuuo. AUklndo o! Printing and Boofcbindlnj Jwcra,llot^paper ond Stationery Bcnerdly. yaU>ford and South-Eostcrn Balltrjiy and S ani*boat Guide. Aptonto Pctriotio AcsuidncaCompany.

'Bobertfon and Lcdllo:— _ ,Stenitmo, Linefa*. DK:M3, W rproc .Hoclory, tlaha


^TiM, Fknpcb cri3

Blankota, Qufifa, HwdSctcWcis. ,

Vioiorio Hotel. Oolbcok-circst:—All Iriah Whi£Mc3. Ouiaaectf Gtoai

VV.¦V7dto Wftlflh and 8on3:—

Oelebroted Badd'.ciy, Ghoo Brojhej. eta..Scythea ond Hook*, Mattrcqica d dl l t i z Z a,Brushes (all deacrptiorw), Bhovela, SgggO,cio., AgrioulU. J Implements, Firo Evao,cia All Irish inonnisctttxo sofirentecfl. .

rjMtoi ^W

Daa, Jl&sctrest caJ

Clovo OooiteteS u Cettgntng oalvcajHerroy'o BanraJlo 'SOJt.u SSigSrlTSa Bopfis; : ^o-S mdjawg;IIC SM: fieOl 2Istat EifatSs ean SmniCro2*3; Wwgl5t jateMag ln!a; Pi*>

caTOtlicta la *hfr Ntwa. may hayo good Iri»hUneal to oflor c&4 bav-a 0»lr. «nnotaoonMmt*Inserted la. ihJs column e\ a conpaiatlTaiytriflinft chanio- !

™ • • A &VEBTI8ER8KIUENMY Uo^rw. ~PEOPLE r Qj^Mggrninunkinr

; i S - ipBTnN, 'BUILDER and O0M3AOT0B

,,; | er, tHB HAIoi, .^miii»-iBUILWliRJ tyOBK i AH0 CWTWAOTB

! Promptlyjajid OwtfaUy BaettteA • ' | '

BsrntAtw f a S T * ' i ' - . ; ! . 1WorkBhops ami Premlwa «t

; . ¦ : i WftiwWdfc I ; ;

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OAY'S CotsfcratcJ HoaSIn^ Scddlss MORSE Glbssrs nnd Bridles. UU

*jRIVIKQ aEd Wdiac Dits oBiJ Whips RADDLE PAD3.


RPURSi nr/J f.3r:o> - ¦• .. • . . • .:";



qi ALTERS acd


HJarrco ^l&ftfaffacaa Baity \f p om 5S U&tf JG tf tilaBC:J nciv pnnir c?.! onGtiiKD,


aropiven c:s receipt of Application cxd wiU V3fo;y,:d to/ ev;;:$compare favou rably . with cl?xr$.\





SHORTEST ROUTDCct77c;3 England end Douth of In>l*n<J

ikefj end Coinfoict2blo Uov?-Dtcamora

And AccoloratGfl Corvlco-

'i fcjpV i COTUAL OocnrDoa^ W\ TBAEIO. :PADDIHGTOH de> 4S3 P.a Ctscspt Baafiayt)

tiririna at V7A*DtronD (weatSar tad droaa-cSaoie

4 pereUWaff) ««x>a8 a» w followlaaday. i ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i

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. 8-SO poB) folbrtia day. : __ .lAf inl tuirassaaua tr» Bjyuw *» "«» w~ ¦ •—•

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0. IXJDO, B JhwJTAlMataMj Ulaj tUkilJIri A. WPsian.' VMfU Vte<. tSfctfart|<* oi 1b. K. JO*B- OkOxaklTrtflU UMiLfU> ' - : 'v xHSa o. WQLI8, o«Be«i Btewg**,'P» f<«itaB.VwiaSmh v . ¦ . : - : . ¦ ,;

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H0WM W0«rW*it«»A ])0D»aL ;

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O-oSSill Urn* I tat oJrrid.Oft* , 1. W.o-NBILL, Own*., ;

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Public attention to their

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nrffc^h^ . v ^7ATERPr.00P I

1 EZecli Cc'ltfi . gTABLE- Drc±a


Cbcbis. /^ART Harness a




Ez+Jci iked 1>7 tfeo Coanty Ossadlif i Wotarford for Koldlng f s t

; : finarterly i Hoettogg. II i DISTEICT OOUHCILS. i _


Sta. I Fra»T &4ft4y, 10C3T;fite»tedlTo. i B atday . <ta|. it ,CfirriekMo9 licaday Cth ! lodomed a63 • Twrf«7 7t!> do !f Tf lip f ai} \m*rn VTO&BSB&&J tth U3 !Ds&itmn Thnn^Bj 8Ui CoTOBSMIBO S Friday, 1C& do ;

i ' i ¦ fiatardaj, ISti Jtzt, 1(02.

I i i COUHTY COJIHCLU , iSVppeseJ*' Commltte. Itatb f: : ;

ikil byforlodxiatfeM&CifeoBi: , ,

Cberterlr SeiiSi if 'f ¦• '¦ . !1 ;r SSuy, lTUi A»yMa, IM3, , , ¦ . Jj; -| | ' ' ! - ¦ : SMi to .VJ k X n i- l t i : :

! " i" BMinHn'to. llM'IOnatT.Coaaoa. i

' ; ; j V*urfoa4xothlfo«.l»'» ¦ ¦ ¦ . :

: jtBJBtH 4 T kt* ggt V g

" JJUILDIHG gd nftT. !1 i Si1iUUh(dlB0aV lM«aonta4U7*. - i

^iMnNi nMr.iii -.M PiKf a >-f "MW- XA^

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¦ -¦ '" ^^aakriorgenm^ .¦- J l l r .'K-.]

^^tf^rop^ Tirresi• f See trade iwutk (Doalop'i had) on ,»ab«.«nd; co«w :'

I , ; WHU f o r bootltt-Dnmlit Tyn Co, W, *f * ***** ' .. linwntotw, ud largest mik*r« ia .tbt erirW. «C ., - * . ' ¦ . - BMam«Uo tyr««v! ¦ , ' -•* ¦

; ¦ - - :„ ¦ ¦ : - ¦ •. - TOo= ;. • ! :,. .,

BB- MAJESTYi . . • ¦ •

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Clark's. cc3'otter f.ln!

Rollers, nndLcia Covaij,

Drfv ! 3- Rests.

!j. GI..J t<^;-^ ^~»

c Scap ocaMarcess Cc~;.c3-

and f.ksElings.

C:STIIS3 TO PU2P:3J3.o ¦ ¦ ¦

tn CSft; and Cc tm. « A L L . ¦ e

BXEECISE BOOKSUc . ia Cciools, t3 well cs




c.:cc;7or o. p. cnsi:oKD a BO« '»rr;i70" 07Fica. wATiBi!oez&


Catch a Tr&ln,cr

O:o uhen tho Bteamers eaQ,or :

Kcst? ell about tho Tides,*** '. **'


m ThQ Hews'PenniT1

Guide,To U had of all «« Ltadinf

Ittutaamti and Sta&mtri.

RESULT OF ASY RAOM^ELBQRAPHBD FOB OSK BHILUlta '¥«w»t «d^^/«r&;Ntmei <>.; j, WlBaaftiadOfflcbiflfartlng Pri j



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ii ML H M) n«Ml M. jfiuSBBEBS;•aJ«av-J««a^r j iajp|||jiiB^S


lETiTEB PBPlJ; Pl&K^ATBlOTIO ,.¦ ... . ¦Asau^A^pBt^QacpAKr. [ :

: »"> .'¦.TSCE. 0A3E OF MB:EroiaAiU).BSifiS.ON.

j ; . (From outj Eeporter^ . ' ;,

J ¦ ¦¦'•¦ i :A apcdtt^i>eeaii?g of this Coiinciliwaij held

: - oil- a» rOourthouse, Dung$5X?fl;i-pa4 M'on<lay.• Mr E.-JiTaBent. • J-P-V Chahman, Vxesidecl, and

- . • tths other membeis present 'were:—<Japt. Wm,C. Coghkin. J.P. : MessW-'Jomss Maddock,

. JJP.;. James.0L|OlBrienV: JLP., Lismore; The*.IVwer; "A.'W. B. Power,'3p?.;i\fames-H£yes,John Olfcrnnell (frlenafooia), William. Stack,JoP.; JoJ^n i Gieeia; ":;d T.:-- ; ¦-¦ '! rrr't

Mii R/ G. Pafol , Set^eta^.v^^^U:McCoy, solicitor, were in attendance as -usual.

; . THE 'MEETING.The Secretary said he hpd ¦reoeiveir a letter

from the [Local Government Board stating tihatthey thought it &eoJ3;:iry to have the presentmeeting called. :

A RA,TE COLLECTOR; M TROUBLE.Chairman—Well, .gentlemen, do you wish to

have (jhe1 coTrespondenoe [ in connection withthe ca3e"bf Bate Collector" ' Noonan read?

Mr. Thomas Power—'I don't think it is neces-sary, Mr: , Chairmail, as all .tha members hereattended jithe Knance Committee meeting, at¦which the' matter was fully' discussed.

Ohairman—I think it would be well H thefindings ol the Finance Committee were read..II the members don't wish to hear any corres-pondence tead in reference to the state ot Mr.iNoonan's' cdllectioirit is all riglrt. •! 1- •

Captaiii Ooghlaa—'IIhere may te some bem-b&C wlio 'yraa; no,t pteaemt at the^Pinanee ;Com-,tai-iftee ^meeting, -and he migh\' ueciref' to heari: read. !

Mr. J. C. OtBrien—There is no necessity,, in.my opinion, to have it .read. : .

Mr J. Hayes—<Mr. O'iDoaiaell wasn't at theFinance meeting, and he Baya .be doesn't wishto have the correapondsnc^'read: ; ; . '

(The Secretary-men road (the folkrvrinsj tetterfrom Mr. iBernard H. CKeUyl MJanager ol tiePatriotic Assurance Company:— . ,

" Head Office 9, College Green, Dublin,I " 29th My, 1903.

"ittoar-Sirjr-J •,am in receipt" Of j c m x letterof the 07fH inst., caatteats o^which 1 note, andin viev^ot theii/..boinc3deflc1t,dt £3£5. 2s. 6d.'not accounted for, I herewith fiend indemnityibond to the Council, sa xeqnlred-bythe bvai.and I shall thank you to have aw&ixsnt issuedfor the arre3t of Noonan, should he not lodgethe amount collected by Saturday next."

The following recommendation byii 'tihe Fin-ance Committee was also read:— j' "

" That we direct our Secretary to!: 6eal theagreement " between the Patriotic AssuranceCompany and this Council, whereby thisCouncil rundeTtake to prosecute CollectorMichael .Noonan for wrongful and fraudulentacta committed in connection1 with his dutiesaj. rate .collector, .the said company, b"y saidagreement, undertaking to indemnify and saveharmless ;the Council against expenses of suchprosecution, and .against all claims for damagesand costa in the event o£ a conviction nottreing obtained against Collector Michael.Noonan." •

Mr. A. W. B. Power said that this was avery delicate matter for the committee to dealwith, but at tbe same tame it, was the duty ofthe Council to take action with regard to it.It was a course they should go through Thenature of the bond was such that the com-tnititee weTe compelled to take the 6tep theydid He had very great regret in proposingthe adoption of the committee's recommenda-tion.

Mr. Thomas Power said he agreed witih theremarks of Mi. A. W B Power in referenceto the case of Mr Noonan The committeehad no other option but to take tihe action theydid in connection with the matter. They did80, he might odd, frith very great regret.

Mr. Stack—^Suppose we could strain a pointand give Mr. Noonan a fortaigh' , or until thisday week to close bis collection

Me. Thomas Pow«r—The matter has alreadybeem very: fully discussed. The pros and consof the case have been fully gone into. Ifpossible we would be only glad to give Mx.Noonan a chance, but we had no alternative inthe matter . Ii we did anything else n-e mi^htleave ourselves open to surcharge

Mr. Stack—If Mr. Noonan got a chance hemight pay up by this day week.

Ohairman—Mr. Nooan was before the com-miuteo and he made an explanation He couldnot see any possibility of doing what MrStack a ays.

Mr. Stack—I am sot taking his part at all,but I Bay it would be :well ill ,we could past-pone the matter until this day week, whethere will .be a meeting of the Counci.

Air. McCoy—11 Mr. Noonan could do it in aweek he could do it to-morrow The Counci"are called on by the Patriotic Assurance Com-pany to institute proceedings against himforthwith. '

Mr. J. C. O'Brien—And this meeting to-daywas called specially to consider the- matter. .

Mr. McCoy—What the company require yout> do is to fortihwv.th prosecute MiichaeQ.Koonan. That ie at once, without any delay,and in addition to this there is actually arequest sent to the Secretary by the PatrioticAssurance Company to have him arrested

Capt. Coghlan—Mr. Noonan can reciify thematter by paying the money. '

Mr. Stack—I hate the sight .of anjr of thesecollectors myself (laughter). 1 I mean wtoat Isay. Let the matter drop and discuss it thisday week. , i

Chairman—Every opportunity has beengiven by the gentlemen present to Mr Noonanto close his accounts. They"have ascertained•that it would be impossible for them to adoptany other course.

Mr. Siack-~TheTe-iS' sudU aVthing as a re-prieve , and it would be vreU if you could ad-journ until, this day week, ... ,

Mr. 'Jfoorian—If ^ you do fn'at'l may be ableto do something in ffie ,me~antime.

Mr. McCoy—It is "possible -for the Council todo ft , but of^couTse you do it ,at your, ownri3k.; •- • ; ' ' C- ;. • ,/ ¦ : '

t.j ' , ; , ;

•Ki1. 'Nixwian—Mr. Good, the -reiiresentativoof the company is here, and that could be re-presented to. him. ; , : a g . ¦ , r ' |

Mr. A. W. B. Power—If "the Assuiance Com-pany comes,forward and gives him a week,, ofcourse, I'.am sure/ the Co^mci} 'vrill have noobjection: With lejrret."!'.propose the adoptionof the Counoil'fl resolution, but subsequentateps can; he taken; betVein) Mr. ^porian tndthe Assurance Company. ' - ' . ' . .

Chairman—I . am very, sorry that Mr Stackdid not take ah interest in the matter beforenow.

Mr. Stack—I hope you \won'i pTCS3> this "fora week. ' '.. » ' ' ! 1. : '" .

Mr. Thomas Power—Hcrw many days, Mr.McCoy, can you tell ^he, Conncil> will e'.aptebefore that resolutipo can .be darried intpeffect ? '

Mr. McCoy—II .that resohi^ion ia passed to-day I will take'hnniedfate action -Your deairabere is to protect ,thfi_O£>uricfl and tb--i', U myobject also. They have undertaken to institutelegal .proceedings ..forthTrijihnand ,I| would .befailing in iny*' doty If '"I allowed any "delaj '.Xue .Council, would,hold..me respaoiible andT dont intend to"takd any reipij tretbiluy. Atthe -3ame- thne there U tke nrftole ' of to-da^'»id to-Tttorrow available/ J>ut I jv^nnj : guarnniCBtha vrarreiit won't bo l^qued Iqt bis jj rwgt. ,

Mr." T. Power—jPerhaps the chairinin n>ightpat the reouest just''toade now to the repre}-se.atative of the company.'Mrl OioJ :

Mr. Good—Mr. ChcJiman—I would not t ikeit on myself to give , any pndsrtaking. Th$man' hid six weeks to closetia collection. ¦

Mr. T. Power—You have no authority to doit? .¦¦ : ¦¦ I

'" -. ; : • ¦ ¦¦¦; : i "'. ¦ ¦ Y

Mr. Good—No.Chainnan-^We fully discuftSed the matter in

committee, and it was with the greatest relucUance we took the action we did. / ' [ ' . 1 '

Captain ,,Cojihlaa^-We shauld' not tie th$hands of pur eolioitor> ¦ '¦•¦»•''¦'-¦¦ ?¦ ¦

Mr." Good- -Ii -would like! t<>-oay, Mr. Chairman, it was.with,great rearakwe brought onthis case.!- %:} " ' :. •; t r „' « !

; The following order waa [then made: —° Thaiwe instifact our eolicibor to institute proceed'in^s in accordance.with th^ftbove resolution.'

'."• Mr. Noonan then- farjniaMy ! Jianded in hiire3ignatiao'..ofi tU^e] ofljcfh '*'ond.;an order was

. made Uuut." aovartiaemefltt ! ITS'issued for hli

. successor, applications to be considered on th<j; 17th inst: . i . . .. . v , .' I ' ¦• '¦••. ,. .! ¦:'•: ¦ i

i ¦; MR•'BABBON'S BBaEGNATJON. \'The 8ecr€ltary intimated 'Uy CJiS;;Goun-cil that,

Mr. Eichard JBarron had 'sent in his Tesigrva-i. tioa -ol-th© ofiBce-of rate'collecfoir for the Wai: terford-Nxj . 1:1)56fcsct. <,-.atw 1Jw4lj:Ji^^<ided; a nkftiAa of motion- standing "in ttfe" nsme.,a: .(Mr-Thomas Jfol«>tbitUh^iitrid't^fl "divided\ltta-'Ott.'TMaiL was noii.Dnaj git .liel Anppoeoi: tae.flpiice'idf ixnoStoVolild ITaJa tniflpglkaolesiI eomq. ofh^T metn!bcB-4iad'B'*rSten; authorit': to nl<)ve }t iii Mr. U<ilan!*'j i} *mrit-Ar.i !

;• .;¦ ¦ ¦ T^fCjiiSa ^WfeiS"r'w5ea4a mumbesj ¦ ¦ j : -. j gave a npti«ei of motion:and dii-oot «it*nd Ui . \\ ' i niove itwtp6 syiotiop.tft^ ibipff iMtt^ te pjopcrtjj ' : . i of Ae >OO4H

^J JilfTt^Jwieie potjtiifl fsae i

; i: ; fnfe^ifcti'.iould •hand '-r& any nnmper of flotipai |: j_oljifldi«--and -fafl-tir8B5ffir''I ¦• ¦¦! ¦

T 3fcr. :: TborbtaB Power—|tJ,ttilf.th«MigT^f ia( .it BO • OnilM IpeMlI. . ' • ¦ , j. ; v|.;.-;a

ipfte^^pte*!W i^Mfe v ' ;; :i ¦¦ - :•:¦ - / • ¦i -irv i! :¦¦ ¦ -

: vz

! <HT. Haddock Seconded the!proposition. I; Mr. J. Hayes iaid that he thought the dd*tn«* should be divided, as it .was TOT- large.vIt waa BO large Mr. Bairoir waa' unable ;to'collect all th^Sates. - ,, ;¦ •; ~. ¦ \$W''. . Oaptain Cogblan—The ( dpner yon get • 'flbl-ft r thoietfc.-Jji pjyja Idfoa.y, . ; «£lti

i (QhaiximiirwJt. dfit p# s : B»ooojMfliBiiu tlUi w||'Cjs^un Oogtlaniiald- it oameteMnthalduritriofT and hei waB'stroariyif opinion thatlSfllarger their collecting durtricts, were the betterfor both the Council and dfc» oo)|efftor.

I Mr Hayes—I propose as d ajnmfdm&nt iwtiWe-adgouro the matter fof ft jreek/ 'You1 nav«,[a small Council meeting!W-day W>d it wont•mak©- much-of ¦ v dtftaenca ;.to.ipBBtJ»cin<cIt :" -

^After We lftittWdisidSllorf;1 3cr ' '; Mr. Thomas Power's resolution waa put and;cftmed-nnaiunwu&ly:—~!'".*~T— ". (" ~ - "¦ " -'•I The Council fchefl adiourned. '

iAGR}CULT UBAfc i'^gTu|ES.1 ThcJo are TOCT gosdi! bat tba aura wV> ep?.Sk» fromDrutloiJ oiperMoos U «Jio |t'ta nltoi $u. JohnEes^o.lOoMtuBao «t;Ut Vcnhaf t, Bdlewcii *tj * >—

."Tha TotetiM Oolio Dronohl tor Hotse* eabook bobcaUn.'II faa*« wed It on 4 :h6re»- »hlob ¦pt&rodicji«l««ilj badJ : Ia st aBtthnsLboora ba wssaUnRheittet the wont ouo of Colio I »»T» nn men. "Sold in:2»-bottloa only by the-i r irioefa , H BULL, WaterfoM.

!; : tETTCnp TO^tHn GOITOa' ' ' ' . ' j Q ! .

¦' 'i/ • ' -k GEA'VE-STATE OF APFA$l4

:- ¦'to'.toe iSdiWoi'thp1."Nowa!"' / !

Sir—<As a resadent[o4 Passage East I ask yourpermission to.pub;Ualy. state in th» "News "the gJjat ? and'Jmfliiiient danger of inundation|by. £xe>!ee& thAt' -tiireatena this village. , Foryears the ali-devouring sea Jias been steadilyencroaching, on tha. village,, undermining, and!hiirling<lowa tha » walla add tHe atodkadea'setup to temporarily arrest ite advance. OnlyflveVw&ix years ogo: ineoldDroo^e jcad.iwh^cn:lpd to" *ch<SaJa and ^Kopel, ,With ita costly Duti; tress d nvaeanrv toDDled oVer-end was swepiaway, and now a a£w road further inland hasjepliced'it, which, in course of tim^, will justas surely meet with the eame inexorable fate.Thirty jyeaiB; ago .pbtatoea were cultivated inthe margin of cliff between this old road andthe aea, I could givfe other n-umerotis:instances•where Wd houses and landmarks nave di/s-uppear^d, but I think this is oufSciem to showthe terrible Iconsaqueno&i that'n^rj if threatenthe entire village itself 4ty tjha wholesale re-moval of the foreshore whloh is daily going on.¦ The 'beach oi. sand and shihgK> wnichatfetohes along'tlhe pouth-eaitside of the villageforms a natural iireakw&te:. and oonstituteaou.' "last line oi defence ' lrom lilt- everadvancing «e&.

Remove this, and Passage is left lo tne mercTof Providence, and the coming equinoctial (ralesand high spring tides . that accompany themWell, this ia exactly what the Bosalare railwayemployees are dotny for the past eighteenmonlii

3>urin<f tne perJoQ mentioned a. lea i 4;> , 000tons of &lufl kave been renuvec Tm.- enor-

, mous quantitj, 100 tons daily , seems incrediblebut here is my basis ot calculation Any weekday at Jow tide you-will see ;taree or four txargeeloading on the ibeach, eaoh of wihicD carneBon an average of from 30 to 40 tons, so thatyon cqn see my estimate »f 100 tons dai. ,> iaoertaialy not an exaggerated one, auc ineextent of beach thai supplies all this is ecarcalymore than one Hundred : yards in lengthAlready the high water mark ia »u3hin|! Vil- M: J TISHC* an< Mat Gibj on—Pans, andlaSewards with every recurring spring tide, diamond- brooo.and the sewerage pipes tha^ were originally &Ji& : Charloti, Gl£)3on- Laco coOiir andembedded two feetfunder the surface are Jaid st*j .¦bore, end oonsequbntly exposed to breaKage Mis» Mulie.-. H«arl and tu rquoise necklaceand wear and tear from the action ot «i# surf an <j ca*('|u 1, ^^ , _ , ~.No doubt you -Rill ask -what ihas tn* local ' Dr obi Mlt Edward Taylpr-Cheqiuhealth committee done' They have repealed:)- Thf B9'- ArUlu ' *>"! Mis. Ohiche.su»r-reported on the seriousness of Jtht matter, * ai [ v°' S0?**, ., ., a .. ,urging immediate action, as has also tne land- . £' ag^, Mf M-uLer-^lver cloc:lord, Lord Wauj rford . and our local Ooua- "" rPf'tinSLHSfrCh??U0- n.cillci, but so far , whether through apatnv or *}f

Penacto^w lHi»--Chequ»

cussedneas. nothing has been done, vhiie the , ^. W- H^Lvnn-Oold pendant waton, with

work ci( devastation still goes on undhocKed 1 "Sf^M^ i^f^n^iThe Bojard of Works weretlso written , toy end « lT w,T"f^^L «they plied that i^«a outeide-their province , J£ i 'r^t**to interfere, but that it was ui« dut< o' Wa. ' °° k ' '%',7 rT^~, o .,terford Oountv Council to se* to tm m»«er. i ^}; ^T o^f^f T ",.&3.th6>iet) and eoa-wall. taow thrCataned wlti - ¦$*¦ ^A S^i r^T 0-IU,m n *destmSion werp (heir prx ,,. f d i11f irVincent loia «"»•"«! **-•

I nemaui . yours gu- TCiomas and I^MIJ- Myles-^Purniturt ;; A FISHEBAU>Passami Easl Waterford. Aut ' dti. 19f


To the Editor o! th« " .Ne\, Sir—I have recentiy eeen t. lette: u. youtpaper r? the eotablis.hmen-t o: a •Waterpark'¦Oollegd Unior. I thoroughly agree wiU. thesuggestion ol your correspondeii-. * Ex^Fupil "•2 give you names ol past anc piedeni pupila:i(w-hich 'I have got' Jrpm a friend of mitte> who¦would , 1 am sure, como togetne: and na v> theunioD establiahc 'I (Appended are names—M'icnae. K.irwai. WmFanning, A T Boia, Maurice heanib , Onn»Murphy William" Murphj Patnci BuggySichard Gough, Michael U-ar^ e; Tnouia*parvey, Robert Boat, Char.e* Wuson, - Ohriafiopher Curtis . James Dowling NathanielBind^ Alfred Fanning, Georg<- Donaldion, ]William McCurdy, Tnoma5 CoUei JosephPower <in London), Joseph Fitzgerala i*au)Caulflelft , Michael Power , £dward Slclyaniara,.Williacli MeNanJara, Michdel Fleming, Con iO^Iahony, James Walsh <Lri Irmdon), Joseph !iWalsh '(in Tipperary), Thoinaa Hawe, 8. BJe.nnin.j3, Patrick |Hand. Jamei Hallj, Percy .Brett, Morgan Brett, Thoma? Power PeterBowe, John Bowe, Edward Dobbyn , Patrick JMurphy, Michael ^Power, Eugene iPower ,Jcsepih Wal»h, John •• Walsh, Jainea Dobbyn,)John Tobin, Patrici Tobln, Richard Tobin . etc.I aslt all thoso whose namej are auuv e U>ancwer. , ¦

' ' w, Six ,' ' Your* iaithfu: 1-


To the Editor .of the. " Evening News .Dear Sir.-i-In decordance with a lorter inyour issue of the JOth inat., in reference vo aproposed union of the ex-pupiU with the oldalma mater. Heel morally obliged, and , indeed,take- .{jhifl the fir^t opportunity to formallyreply ](as your ,cprrespondpii; ha» desired),w^ilQ .promaing cay link that may be estab-lished between Waterpark pAst and presentmy strenuous support and concurreno

v As to the aataret>f tie (proposal union ooth-ing has been said or even an^gested It ifl tobe hoped that above all it ¦wfil ho a practicalinstitute There U nd need for a sentimentalOnion , as I can assure your corre3Dondent thatfhe old. p383*T7orde .of "achool day^—•"¦honour"and " .good-fellowship"—are still very vraiblyfosterod (by the ex-pupfla In their ' wortdlyitttercourae. Bui as the colunuM ot yoaxjournal are hardly tbe province to discutseuch matters as these, J. chall not. trespass toofreely pa your valuable editorial space, whilepnnwpely. postponing .any poor remarks ofmSfaTita' tfio ' fiislj -'-xes.l otep3 towards theeoiiiity'a ialtiatiool—^Knce"rely youra,..: ,.., P H. iBITOGY

' | i :i i i M ' .- ' i 1 ¦ ( ¦ - ¦ -' ^ i mm irnQt-rr |?aa i^f/«*"". " .TSf Ki - ... !- ur~\

tW Opt' DtvBB^Sj iUl VvUf wUiiiaUu OO

Ttii mmiMUf imtiliiitimirm f \- v ¦%£fissS51SSHsitt wgf j l Jjn^ ^ ^J L j itr mJ *m **^

! ¦ '. ^ J an ¦5yfiJ^ fflfft^ P ™ l' Tr ' ^ ^ ^" . • " OO



I - ' I

i,' tkpjWtwtBiBCffiffi B'r^t fitrtb! *'


HartwrWeJaoe. Dublin, '««xmd%n oi the fifght(Baa. Joan Atkinson,! Attorney-General (orIreland,[«ad ! Miiaa, KoTenoe- Taylor, eldestUauaktS*; (of ,,iMi1; Godfrey i tDovelaoe- -Tavlor,:3 !?o?GwSn^evlUerE*hali:


prettily ideooxsted for tihe occasion. The bride-who-Tsak-givai-awiiy : y: botiaihex. isna^-eegown ol {Louiaine satin,' the skirt being trimmedwith Vabdyko 'fxills o£ aocordesQ^pMBlAd £l "ton. Tihe bodice had', tranep§i^I_ a&&!|andsleevfe3 ttf rucked ohifton. and a tucked aStincoatee, finished with Oarriqkmacross lace, i'ne¦couW^iy /B^of.rioli-ivofy'Wooao^'^twJiidraped !from tooth^hmildeBB, and was carriedbv two Uttlo children, itiss Ethel Mary Taylor,sister &. the bride, «ibd Mdee Eda AnketeliJones. The bride wore a veil of embroideredtulle, over jonanga

^bloss/^Ls and earned i&bouquel of tstephdkoub Ana Mijte lilies. Herornaments were aft olv minatufe ,pendant aijda diamond crescent broooh, the gifba of t^i©bridetrtbom. The bridesmaids were Miss Vdo^tTfyl^Ieistej c of 'the^bridej iSia ^ViolA Chili-ningiuun, and 1 Mica violet 'Batarett iHamilton.who were daintily dressed in white accords njpleated I eoie da chene. inserted with creaii-.coloured lace, the oositeea having deep lai *collars. j They wore large picture imte iin htuljo Btnajj Si vtripEne<i:-Trith (jreejj lepv^s aidpin.f raKJoIer roaaal aiid famed bouquet^ pfb'u£( carnations./ Eusjr oniaonerjta, wei^i peairlod'tfcrqudiso pondintt, UJo gut3 of the bi4d.o-(rroom. Jxhe two littlei train bearer* wore prettywhite allk frocks with lace insertion and pink'fosetteai The best man was Mr. Hubert Atkip-con, ot the Connaught Biangers, brother of thebridegroom. After tha ceremony a receptithiWaa fieldV at Qrangertlle, in the groundi pfwhich ft large marqu&ebad been erected, whichwas prettily decorated, where tbe weddingtreafctaftt was served. Later in the afternoonti& hflDDv i>air left for Eneland on their honey-nzoon. iThe bride's travelling costume was pfj oae coloured voile, tihe okir^ibxnnz sun nly3>leatedji with coatqa to anstdh', with , lace ih-jjeflian iond largo oollar. ' i - ;

Among the guests present y?ere—Mts. JowilA^lnooa, Hon. Hn>. lOhicheater and Mr TOhicheiter, DunDrody1 Parkj !MIB. Boyae aridMrs. <Wogan Browne, iBannow; Mr., Mrs. andMiss Deane Drake, Strokestown; Captain, Mij aand t£ei Misses-Gtaaoott, Alderton; Mrs. /a^dMiss Baxnrtt Hamilton, {tilavattnook; Mi)3and Miss Tyndall, Mr. and MTS. Davrsop,Oaklands; ilia, and Iii3s Colclou^h, TlhternAl>bey;; Mr. and JCrJ. Hatshton, O'ielsiaLodge;: ©r. and Mrd. Shee, Kev: and Mii3.Kellett; and MiB3 Pim, Mr,.and Mra. Muller ,¦lii^ And Mra. Seymoar Anltetsll Jones, Gow-ran f lira. J. 8. O <3r«ly/:Brinagh; Mr RichflBrew, Mrs Murray, Mr Hynes, Mr Lon£-worth. . M: . Berkeley Hare , Mi Harryffore Canon Cooper , Rev J. FaLrey, etc . etc


Bride^rooai to Bride—ip/^ancnd dragon flybriK^n

^diainond aapphirc", crcscant brooch and

rang, >lo minature paste pendant, etcBride t/o Bridegroom—Gold wateL chain,

ana go'.d linK>Bride's Miotlier —Household lines.Bride's Fanner—iPair of eilver oandiestickB

ano cheatBnideyroom f Mather—Si l ver tea servicf and

CraOarollnp Marchionaa^ ol Ely—Pear and

turquoise neokaaot tuid pendamLord and iLaa- Ashbourne—Silve' entree

disneMr J usuet an< Mais Gibjon—JPaar. and

diamond brooaMis. : Ciiarloti. Gibson—<Laco collar and


Capt.'iand Mrs. Anketeli Joniij—SUver sugatmufnnoo:

Mre ilownicle—Gold-mounted ouga: bowi. :iMm Dudley O'GrMty—Limerick lace hand-

keychicJ.' lit Godire? Tay lor . EJ^.- Silve? muflln,soup tonreen, and vegetable diah., Mo£3 Charlotte Taylor—Silver cloci.1 iMiii" Miargaret B-ruun—(Worked clothes tad)table oo-ver

Miss Valdia Bruun—Worked teacloti.Hon. yictor Gibson—Silver-mounted liqueur

ECtMra J aclcson—One q utMr and Mnb ^ Pbelps—Oiesterfielo solaDi. and (MTSX .Gifcraing—Norwegiai gold

fruit spoonsSir Patrick Coil—Silver Gait cellar.Mi P Coli—Silver fruit spoonsHr. - and Mia Tyndall—Silver photo frame .Mr E V Lonyworth—Silver Corinth ian

pillar lamiMr. W. J Gibfion—Silver ealt cellanMLSS Viole^ Cunainjjham—Oarrickmacross

lace colla:'Oolonbl and f> A. H.' Vincer.t-.Old Wor-

c'eslir dessert csi^rico. . " ¦' Unas jAile^n Vincent—^lvcr-stofDed ptin tbottle.' '¦' ' . . . . . . . ~ - .Ota. iCurlins—Silver' tea- c&ddy. Captintr Curling—Stilvor muffineer ,Mr. J. Hynes—-Silver fruit knives and torka.MrS.rHorton—(Brufic?Ii> Oce handkerchiet 'Ju.d^e Moirphy—Sijvcr, TO SD bowl.MTBS Violet Tay".o'r::-Silve"r cigar tray and

l-^rrp.i-aftemoon tea ect. cnd dlvCr i,orn Sots.AJJea 'Etihca M arj ' Ttylor-GUvcr fern pota . ¦IZi - Fred Mooney—tilver.crcun: gur;;Lx:ngar

bowl and tonpIMI.. J). P Monarty—Silver Corinthian pillarlamp. I i ¦¦ iMr. ,aixi Mi\ J Berkeley H'axe—^Nonvegian

tea spoon.¦Dj . ahd Mrs Stoney—Silver etanding mirror.Capt .--And' Mis. SS. 'Leger—Cilver standing

mirror.,lliss 'Iilan H-are-f-Silver puKieMiss [Emily Haro—GoM hat Din.Mr. and Mrs. Hau(jhton-i-6ilvcr coup andsauce ladlesMr. justice and tlT3. W^ht—Brasj «tan.

dard lamp and shade.Mr Henry Hare—SCver inkstandMT. 'Loftus. Hare—SUver card caaa ,Mrs.;WaSon^8UV*6r ialt dellirs 'Geutral. Uacsey—Indian silver .boiMr. Thomas Boyd^- Silver mufflncom ;Mr. Nathaniel Taylor—Silver entree dishes

and cruot etandj . ' i : " ' '. - !Mra. i Bunker—Silver eilt cedlara. 'Mw/Laniborvr-Silver bon<bon didhea.An Old (Friend of the Bride'a Father--OheqUe.JMr. Arthur Vincent-^Fioh knives and forks,"Miss: Hamilton—SUver card ccse. iOapti ,iHewetson, . B.A^Lunchocm ixaaket. |itr^end1 iMis. H. Eewetebn—JipanbsoE^>OOU»Mis3: Heweteon—Opera glaeseo. < 'Mr. Oharles Taylor—Silver flower vases.Mrs.j J. Lecky Phelps—Silver antique candl^

sticks/ ¦ - , ¦

, . , i ¦

Mr and'Mr& Edgar Phelps—Oatved Indian¦table ;

¦" ¦ ' .Mi. and MTO Emcst Ph'olpa^QTiandtathef'gchair. ; ' "'' : ,JK63: Ethel Phelpo—Silver ci<Tarette box. |Six Predcxlck and Lady CuxLmsa-i-Qilvei

butter : dishes. ¦Dr. ivnd' Mrs. She*—(Afternoon tea eervlce.MT oj id Mrs. Hcdbnond iBsrry—£ilVcr cakoteaket; ' fMra.1. iBarrott lEamilton—8ilvoi-mountedBccntbottl©. i .. - ¦.; . !¦ ; ]Captain Barrett 'Hamilton—Silver-mountedoak salad bowl. ! . , ,}, ) , j' Mfe»! Violet Barrett Hamilton—Sllvei bon<

bon dijh and tonga. ¦; . ¦ ' . . . . , „ - . 'MiBBjFanoy Carter—<Mternoon t^ooloth . / |Mre, f Biddulph Colalorieb>—EnsravlngJ ' :•Eev. 'Mx, KeUett-iKrayer Book... •¦, 'Rev. IMr. and Mia. Keflctt—Indian goat haiijCapti and Mrs, . Glaocott—(Laco^an. 'The jMiBses. Glascott-^Frujt knlfo. ;

. Maea F Pim—Silver.photo frame. ' . |i;> JMt:- 'iiiA,Mn. Define IDnke—SilvWitopped.¦fecent ibotUe. ! - ' : '%, i',!,'. ! - ' • ¦ •<Dr. and Mra. Tyrrell—Silver teaepoona. ;i Mr.v ^d-Misa todk-reUver cacau'lnjt.. M

% $U.,Qa& me. O. HI. Docfley-«lver U^ueurItiand and glasses, biscuit box And cigkrettecase, t ' ; ii - . - i '• ; ' ¦ [ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦,) .Mi. J. E: O'Oonnell—Silver rose bowl. :¦;.fltr. *nd Mra. Croker'Barrington—BhemtonChatt. -i • ¦• • ¦ ¦- • ¦. - .!¦

¦: ¦ ¦ j . ;

¦ I' Mins f Enft and ¦¦ BJ Ankteell ffonos—Silver

*«ntter foT»; -. £ ••• .r . •. : . •• , : . :« ¦ !• • ' • ¦ :! Suj gwn H. G. Oroay—eilvprioaflpoona end: Sir. .'William Buclfey-iDiaaxmd pjn. .L. ..I ' itU. land Mrs. Okmrtenay lOiakeav-ailver;

apd ebW ioart foTki.i; .- ' J ,!¦ .: :. '.\\.: Mr. T. uS. Morton-yOrnmb. hroeii find tr«y., ilx. Bdward OoU-6ilvw ci$sr g(se. '

fcMnk-»;.\:f -.% ' - ' 'ui. ¦. •i .U.:,.i. X' ts:uU " 'i Mx." and 'Mra.t'(D»ww>tiii6ilveT-mo-inted:60«at J otae;:::¦• ¦/. '); Vi.' .¦

¦• !- '¦'• • - -V1 -° I: it^-nBai^byra'W^Ho' flUvpy paoto fn j ne .i I S i iJ if . P. Ketay»-#Uy«rr « e». ¦ m..i.lfe w 'y.lHearjj^^y^J8iufta«t«nid.i>toiilr

JjfT"7!: ¦ -"-.I - • ; . '.. i \:\ I ; .: ;,;:¦. . , :i' .-.t;'.! C .-:.:!• i 'S\A - : - \ ' : i . . .¦:¦: ' ¦ y -:- ; '- <-, -. > .'.d '

,'¦( .¦ • :iu ; .,41

', '. - . . : c • . : -. . ! i : ;¦ • ; :¦• : ¦-

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Mr. Wd -ife«Okt M>T^. Annettey->iSlvsarf jufft Ifnfi^i ' ¦ ¦ ' { ' i * I1 The yi«*»e, BilJsieU-i4«tter oaoe, "j - •, Mr. H.jP. Oaltoane—Silver fboB. , i r: Mr. , D. Butl*4-8Hv<tr kettle mi *Und. • ,I -MT,; Bogeu I^Boyd—Stiver »alt cellam. j' .

«B3 to^ netifmisriSe.. > '¦¦l K • ¦ ''¦

Mr.^Eicfia; |4«itt-8ilirBr cake basket s ¦--Mr. and to.! ; Whiting—American, edlvar

tableapoona. . ' . ; : .. : - ;. Mlw flu*an Murpby-iSilver eeTviette fine?.JMAtiwmr'Upop^r end -M*.'<Wm: (Banville—Convplete diaier aervice. i

The Indoor Servants;of Qrangeville-China«raakfa»t service.; ; , ; :

. ! ¦ ' .* ^"" .-ron. j • ( , | , '>' J . .. . \\i * tlTTLtf LTTtfCrk'

F08 tlTTtB' EOLk.—••"¦ ' JCSTTOB BIOBT THINQr '- "-¦ ' ::

It is dliacult fr' ia ordinary way to providedUhei ID enffleleaV variety to prevent little folkfrom gflttfof tired of ¦' th« iame thing OTOT again ;"bak» varied eelectton of nporlihlnR tnmmer dlihsi«*?"»' *W^i •nd-.tfearomgb.ly wbcj eiotfSTtafleojoyewe, c»n b» totttj , ifi& aaleklj judl iwltliBrown. & Polson'e ]«P*tenf! :0orn SWa\ tfrtsbthods etpUlned In jtttelr ne* bSbklet, 4s^V:7Djihe^," whloh:t?lU bo tsnt, post fr3>, by Crawn. iiP«U»o. PftU^y, on reidpt ol» Id. thmpTMB tUUbookkfiwlll-bofound fe-nqmber of recelpa {or tnewboleale serving of fruit along with Corn Floor,makm» dUhee prblci wUl to " Jut the right thlnj"for the children st lonob or dinner time

r [ "¦ ¦ : t :: j


UONDAY., .Atythe u3ua\ weekly' meeting 'of i tKeVaiiovehpdy, ,thQ 'members present^ 'worei-^-tMcssra.Thoinaa OV3onnoh J J*; (chairman),-prorfding-yDonifl.Byan,-iP. rVeald, (Frank ^Euart, Michae^Barry.Thiinaj Rale, John Curry, and1- JohnGriffin . " , ¦ , , • ¦ .-¦ -fjTHE A0C0.tTNT3. •

The Clerk said that, ell ths .accounts weroamalgamated into , one, The Harbour andParks acoounta iworoto be kept soparateily., .

Mr. iByan—>By whoso order was that bhanjjomade? . ¦ ¦¦| ' • • ' ' ' ' ¦

Olerk—.The Auditor's, I will Ihave the camobother in keeping the accounts, as I will haveto keep them separately, but tiero -will ;be'onlythe one actount for tbo treasurer.

Mr. Stuart rThe3e cudltoro want to do thoiTbusiness as easy aa pooaible.

Clerk—It is not that, but the- cccountD area toit complicated. ^Chairman—Courtney Crofter was comingacound here for. a longtime, end <he made nosuggestion lii«thc,t. i

Clerk—He "didMr . Ryan—It -j s a new 6ystem of accounts.Chairman—I; U more complicating. Unless

I was com pelled by lav,- 'I • /ould mate nochangeChairman—Aren't you getUnj o no^ net of

boots?Clerk—Yea.Ohairman—It ia confusing us more.Mr. Barry—Tha outotandm;: accountj aro£SDd.Cleri—They are end £C030.Mr CurTan—There waa nothto^paid of? here:

for the past two yeara.CQerk— What's the use in toura;? cheques

when they won't boianoured.Chairman—(Don't bo losing time now, gontlo-

men We havenU iflio money, but we- will bjge it rng it in every day from thio out. Wo arelosing a great deal of time over nothing.

Mr _ Barn-—I topeiTvo tvon't bo kop't howto-nipht aa long as wo were Ia3t night.

Chairman—I hope not.INSUEANCEi

The Clork £aid he : had insured tho worl:-men and horaea. Tha Tthole thinj to bo paidwa3 22a.

Mr iBarry—Tpu,aro . caitin(j£47O incured for22a

Clerk YesMr Barry—That's v«ry reasona'bleMr Byan—If would bo worth tho £300.UT Veale'soggcated: that all the Council petinsured too.(Mr Stuart—Is the llay boujht yet?Clerk—No, but it is not When tho hay Uburned you would be Jaaurinj 1 it, ,Mr Barry—I ' thought tierp was an ordermade to invite tenders fox hay.Clerk—No; tnero wa3 no pnee opon.Chairman—There' was no order made.¦ Mr. Barry—It would bo' TV &II to mako anorder to-night to havd t<jndera invitodAn. order was -made inviting tendera for sis•tons of hay, ta bo considered at neirt meoting.Mr. Stuart said that- he saw good hay offered/or £3 23. 6d.Mr. Cullinan-Ji'roni Oa. to 603. b thopeneral price

^ .Mr, Curran—X<?u mjj rat t;k_e -that . tendertHja'nignt week, not 1x> be uniting for a Coxt-night. . .. ! "An order was .iiailo -that the tendera t>e con-sidered this night week.CONDOLENCE. A letter was reoarved from Father Heavy,Prior, O.S.A,,thanJsing -tho (Board for ths> irro-lution expressing regret on the death ol FatherAnderoon, and also for tho removal of 'FatherWilliams.

4 The letter was ordered, to be placed on theminutes. >, 03BEE NEW ASTISAJTS/. DWELLIKGSi An application was roceWcditxpri a Clonmelman for oue,o<f flio :acliz!tn9'.dwellings.- ¦., lift 1, ,8/tuert—IJ ly^u IKVVA Applicatloia fromJ>un2&rvan they, chould. bo first deslt v.lti

THiE EDMONU POWER-MEMOBJDii;/A letter was received from MT Molloy,sculptor, to tfh&offcc^ £hcx itho^memorial wooydbe finished un fj oree Veeksj, and he would feelobliged if the tocriptirfn'. •was. oent an., Ho¦would also wiah to'know yrfiotber there wouldbe ivnycereniofaJaliat tiho erection of the monu-ment. ' ¦'* ¦¦¦ ; ¦ ' J

1 " '¦¦

. '• The-mattir was referred to the Secretary,:llr.1 OH-tgginai io JiaVo a meeting called.VOTE oF^ataiPAmt.

Mr, Thomas Toale moved : & rcoolution ofsympathy to Mr Jamea Dunne, on the deathof his sister, Mrs. Giblra. He would 'ba pre-pared to eay a 'few T7ord3, tut 'ha was ' inter-rupted. ''•J"Mt. Frahi Stuart ecconded the resolution.jwhi«h was parsed :,inl silence.1- " Owing to the conduct of a man who came<before the Council -in 'reference to the 'Har-¦bour Maater'a duties, some, ' members' of thelOouBoil 8urae3,t,ed that tho poKco be ecnt forto remove him:

The Chairman said he would not be -a' partyto sending for tho police. IA discussion thontook place, when the inan referred to eahtcheda book containing theiharbour bye laws fromthe clerk, when :tho j chairman caid it W£3 intho nands of tho Ooancfl to prevent this con-duct if thoy., acted, onfia leoolution not to od<coi\ people unleij'.ihey . onade their busipes-iIrnown

¦ ¦ , . . . . ?T

The majority of the monibera then left In abody, protesting aenlnet guch conduct.

Suhaequeatly Mr. • Jamea1 tHayea, 1I.O.C ,entered tho robci dnd introduced OaptainOoghlan, J.P.,: iMiOXJ.i who, he eald, mianxious to hcar|thp 4JscuMion3,^,t tho Council.

The Clerk. ooid'Jio, ,T7a3 TVBlcome, but, en-fortunately the meeting was over.

Oaptain Coghlan then made on interostinastatement on hfl flahoTy question,, and c'lld bot7ould 3iaV6,, ft, imomtoial drawn np ouriKjtinaa.clb6e «!tipli f')^ ,o^"t'A3heriea. ' . ' _ : ;,: At tbis«age.Mi;. Power, MX)X3., 'entere«thqloo'rn wi th 'Mt'/'J'Alin Greene, M.CX5,' Mr.Power was mioved to the whair, and Mr.' Have)moved a vote of thanks to Captain Oogbnnfor his eib]e address on the fishery AuTfituto.1I'TKef Ohairmui iSalA ihb,:(wto:giad" to$&• in Qposition io offer a w^lcoljid to; Oaptain Oogklan.(Daring the'pai't'four year* ihe waa a progro-eive member of the County Council, and tooiAn especial intoraet in, tae working icl4e*i3jespecially j o t t - thor qCaut iof l of tho . flshori^s.Be bad done « TOSI' deal for tho fisheries,and pisrticulaiiljr for.Sfc o.TW district otiP«»

,.o5S*-.i i28j3W*i|uo8:ii4aa.. supported ^ itBfljj torfe»:>awnjore, .«ad.,<qiw, the work :wpul<f ba.(COUrwd .out in^ a 8hort time, j Tho oioniherf nt,'^Ue..Council shou'ld ,be jglad ta.m&ei, «, genll»-nw£n,.otjCairtain l00£ljIanV'Prp3rfi0s|ve tqj ;4<!b-!.<li«. ; . l r :: i- -A 'i . '4 : ,,iLV;

f:. '¦ . . . .;::-j ; 0 ^l i/ 'li ¦Passed nnanimooily. .- ¦ -4 ^-j -u,.., \ '. Mr. HajM eaid fc»was.!very glad,.to eeg mdoot C»ptain«iQoiWMi'«:*ype-7^l9 wartioi>.p|ithej>Brttiaa AOnj^olning.tae lanHfl K>f,^lift[p«nplontonitof.-wgi^aTitJOtt andiihattenwnti.otouioii .Ctmltca OofthSan jsaid^lihii.te nevert «inici-•psHbi, tha icordW.tdctotJon that'^».ettBnaadto him. (He thaotodlthem^U. ;9«tta»i!«dy•to -do anythmanwistdvantel ttia:ftijel^"/Ito-|jduBtry.1 He .t^malned ,inv;town ilor ^

tjiwtd t Af i.jhorUpjtltttral, ,1 '% '¦ lWP%Jwfy &£. TML 'I pie u0' KtuW Xrtixt! ux isle & g6 ctistnctA AflOond'Dungarvan.1 He again hanxod 4h* Oojmoil)."! | Tie ;0hairman; fiaid te bad pewormfknow-''ledge of the exxseilenoe of fruit growing fn!the Blickw«tet dii trict. ittto t^fin^Lwpki |fTf^ro grown TO vns pvt> ilio cxwrttiMioTtc Hi'$e;.lwip»«roTO JraUiejseeJed In flftwjw V d

"i( -|vt *'i ^7i^ l(U4T j a'A f t i'j A '.iA |; ! |

HIKK^^^^CHc«ptoi«». Of*ickari*ki«! WH M^^^RW

tai* torn f as t teim—

i ¦

'mart, ura fa moahm Wvf 'enn.one who ha«tne<Ht.. Tote ti pnljf rbm . Boisfeknok,. LEDLIS, Fttcowir

i«D rJ^ ttfd<U ., . ] : '.i , .. , ,-, I . J^1 ¦ ' - r:. " ' i i ' v ;!; - ; '•

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aO AU8|Ap| : q0.,n AND 77, (WRkfflJX, iX»roON, B.C; " : "( Yi "¦¦' ¦ ^t : ;

¦ ; j ' i ' L -I .s' v

Tm,E,SAY£H ! mW Y SAVED !' ' W veiNQ, \

_Ao_ BEA6po^apis'ianij Haircllve^^Qr


oCnjlea'and Qen emen'i tialr I cU"T7ltSli"dBooi£l DTo on the J?rpnVolia


- -o— 'C7" L:dla' Ova Obmbing» UiAt into

Pbiu or Frinrtavacs pzrj azi h ILL AUTISTIC ii«n



Brocoh E^blUhmrat : —n, DAvraoir si;aECT j DUCLIH .


Sfco Wioaow Hot^ oafi dczzzxaCuil0.7. -BZH 0, \7I0iL0W,'a'i!BIJET.

. (Grfftca-ctrcol), DUJJIJII, , '

Tv/TOCT. oirrj lW gltcatcd, i Coafortabb »s3XdlL Uodetataw bknen read* eU dsy.

EICHABD' OrDBIEir, Partite;.

W®W, ;CtoprtoLJ J fel,io, n - is 12, -mui] QV'AV;

Adjolalnj ~Eoui Cqurta•¦. •, , . ». ' . y ^iiii»i c '!r | r i J ;¦FIE8T-CIiA33 BED ROOMS fUOU £l PEE

NIGHT. | ISqiTE3 OF, APABT11KN« inj B PAlIJLrn^., ' :! KADtES' • COFJEJJ : Iftaou ,

¦ ¦. T ¦ •P E I V A T B 8 I T T IN 0 B O O M S ,

Ccwpcjchl Eoom,.«nd ,l«g Btpqudticj Hall Idx.¦ - ' iv ¦. - . : Dinner*, M«eting«j«c.'

; ;;, ;;mo;"W8o; BOOM,; . ,,;' . ' ••EES^AV 'ANt' ATJPA^D.. , 'S<xuPj r JFiflb^ Entn?©!!, JoJnta, |-PottJt^, Syrectj i," ' .' i 'Praal o'clockd*Uyl«o<i w SoEflsTB.'

¦ . ,;, . .. 3 ^Wff i

yfi^;- '¦ ' ¦ • ; ';. ! i'. V&b] iadlLti d&iixfi ia X ^iieott, aai os Gunity|•b-tb 'd txai t Vhrt tMunet,-!fc-.( 'I t . •• ; ¦ ( . ¦ = • ¦ -

M -.ty & d- il it * ,frtili«5*J " "Wt-t'iiW ' ' ' • " I¦:l:fflj [e!ttI iy;''vrJ I M&Slu&gt.". \

i tlaaagtiia UlnrJ»ti-i . - i v ' : - ¦• 7 1{Uie}Vo^ iJttxj &t-ToUMot BM» .Ooii'p t Aj ,!. . Tdtphro* J.333..,. TtlqrnoatJ.' Picei' Oublia.'.' ' I'¦• ; <• ¦-¦ • ¦ ¦ . ' . . 1 ¦ ' ¦ r -. l .Tinimt! " .- | , < I .. I

.: U l - . l - i ! .. .¦

•. . . .j . 1 Mrti .¦. •> « • ;i - | ."l . i | . -|

..... Nfew^eisi&J !,«i:cuff »/ilO ,:;aO : -JA T1TE71

.".iiv.'r 't iv/.j y :

8Mm"nleaVv*«iIk from B*nW«y a Steamer.Bf^r J DinntrjJ.) fM^Tfaw *t Bboneat;Notice. ' Pbrfcct "CtotaliBcsa and well aired,Bedo Cht a.iUodmt&iTk 'i- ]

jr« -o ... -J FBAlNdI8; 8fliB,;P

Aocamolated Funds ... .1. ; £8,500,000Annual Inoomo ... i. £580,000

;k ChUtf s : ! ! | |¦" ¦>! - : Evr rigjd

if? t (n\ ffTfor o Child -whoai it comca ofc^oyy Aga u |A Guaranteed 4 4'a Invcrtment,


Payablo ot^.Mai'v Cilld ifather aScd .25}. ;|

Premium ',,.. i £19 17 6Total Paymenta ... ' 897 10 0(Suarnurs^d,, Caah Erjdov7neat fci•f .;

: ...liO'j '.jara ... ^;. «.':( . . '...; • '


1. If Father die, all prcmiuma ccaio, thofall £500 bcinr: ptid.tt>J3&ild V7tsrs it LJ c- .d 21 ;

2. If Child dlo, all promiuma ore rctnrnablaCTfth. 4. percent, interest thereon. ; , \\;< /*8.; .Dpfljifi. This PoUcy' b entitled t.»partidpato in tho Profits of tbq Ac^ociotioa.P^ticalancsnt pn

^p^lic&tjon. T ' .! ,' 4. Without Medical I?xamination,:on utis-

Eaclb'ry evld'cnce'of good health being famiflhad,: NOTE—The. Pronto , of tho . ^ccochtioa prodictdbatcd every three years, Us recant Bonusbolj (j tho larjtbat in ita hi3tnry

Apply toP. R. 8WAYNli!,

Beaidcat K;cri3, WcatmoroLsnd-Etrcsr,

HOME " DYMNGByea Any; Matoxial /for .Colour

AND . :Won't T7c3fc Out or Pado.

COLOURS, • ¦ 44. per toko.BLACK, •» £d.

Send for FrcD Booklet " Tbc ' Perfcctioa ofTlome Dycinjj" to Tho lloypole Company,Ltd., 17, Cumming*3tr&3t, Losdoa, H.

"Tnn ouou3UOIICE - CT2EET.

irynHIO Old EotcJ 1» toweus fcrffofd , pars Wtcia•' "UBS^KtiL1?. ^>ca«airni=:a.

Jl«3 to tLi Baflvrajr Gtiicn.





. CpNVglTlfBI-Tg.r j - so. QUAY,- ivATERrona

I- 1VTAIM BW C3UNCIAPf ftjit .. .- ««T?fi»t>^ it" " t ' .it , iT UN0HB0N8, TteM. ;ti 4 tiiJ 6up«A» 8tyter~Be*T0iy

! i WILLIAM JONCBiI .;.T: ' r .;.. J; ir f i.T:-' !:i::rv;rH:- - ¦?

5i'*uft«i s-^i;:L''.- ::'''•¦•¦'¦ ; ¦

- . '1 .- '? ¦ ':- - t • " ¦ .,lWd I - • ¦'; " - : r : ': . '; - ; ; /

SCjilBME ^

600 0 0


' .';' 0




>pttetor. 1 1__. _ t

nun inof dm.

¥MA MO,m


HI ii

IifiblK's Inofrtct of If eat, and Extract of awtr |¦ _J™^«—— .—» ;¦ ¦¦ '¦¦ i'

i :


SAVE I BBEN RBCBnrBD iROii MEDICAL^ MBH. |¦ • ' •¦ ' - - , : t

j Ea3;rtwt .tcsttaoalsl irep t!».HoiRlUi«lp "tolaa.' .I ; , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; • Jos* li ,Cu-?

pr7fc9?^»saA&i V , - ¦• . , '

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oV j StSt^aoSataTbo»riCi£tw»» ww»,wttt taoooby tt*Baiyeai. • : | -

*4i/' J** * W III liil KiT ^

.^ " J , ' ' I ' ¦ '

r,azi totnlissad Oliisnbts,Qroeen,nA^nat Htt^ta-in Brtttafa.M.Md U.Cd.

KCiJ Aei

' C^<^^ayvn5oABHIfl , «nd Milhtf tS»ycrdt WnrOABJIB toeaCaitsaWtrel th« Botiia

¦ '¦ , ' ¦"" ' T ' * ¦ i '' "'?r"{ ' ¦' •' ¦ I "" ' i ' '; ' ''• -" '' ' ' . '' ' ! • 1 ¦ . ! ; '

' .. '. . • ¦¦.-' ; ' 'Eaij Sssp^etoa tid HsaaUetarea d tht ebswi i . ¦ . .


^O(T^^MraAff^M;P: ¦¦¦ '^mmmmi

C!7C3rc^==^=U t^^ l7


O«Ui^^ cf ;UM W«v«b,Dee87ed T«ea. era* » ttopp! trriijDecay, era Extraction, Sletptea HIgfau prerentcd, Ifeoral

^k Hadacba, tsd ittlleivs Mil resort.

Di=d t5a foflowtj TCiaooitl, »ele<t«d &aa 6 nuspbet recsjred from THE MEDICAL PRbfFESSIGU.GOODOU STABLES,1 U.D., K.U. I , '"nuMTlin'O NCRVINd I* •" ««<neat tpedCc' tea TootBachs tzd Ceaiiya tilrn-nra. It her!-St3

Spda taa ores tb tcctk ITothlngcsa ta fourr." |

fTTi fl f! nTTPnTR^ 'fC^i Ii ths'ooa Staple tadm U U UUl TO) PERMANENT STOPPING FOR DECAYED |TEETk

L J {J 8U U LalJ U <J Anyone oo eadlv prepare tad plice It in tbe crvfty of tha TootSj t3nrpn(l<u>H nnfP s toft cute, tiul b ¦ short dme It beeoma a perfectlr hud end vtIDfill!*I lin I M Eiuuad,(oiBli^Mfct7^»part ol

theorig|&Ml«ahaixieeof theTKp»

Hi) L3UU U t! llU liaD AUCheai!stilB.6d. Port Frts by Ptopdete, :


C7?/?@lfQ'S OMsdaUS)

THEV CUHE !aciarjns:]. uvnn COHPLAIIIT.. nEADAcnE. nHkuiiATinn, \DYEPHPSLi, EDLI0D3IIBJ3, . .. : . C0nSTIPATI03, inniVODSIIE^!, ~£z.

CZ en Cicafcta ana ncdlclna Vd2o?u. Pirlco l/ii» 2/9, aii<2 4 5 pc? !Dos, |O . . . | ' ' ' ' ' ; . I

¦¦ ¦ • joatr CAV3, ¦ OT. jot^s' UABSOTMABCTT, noavicri.' ' |

IBA.S! tlASii; TEASi!"71 /.<5) (O) /

Eti io CD cndlspu&cd- ihet that above cannot bp boaton :cr. . . u . ; ; . . ; ; ¦ ; , , ; oscoUsnso of flavour. ' " j

{ZZ/ > ©nr £/ BlGad ;£ teclally bsc5mni©iidGd for family- c ] o.¦ ¦' -

: :'

- ' J ;•


;;' i ,-


' '* ,;

I ;

i' - ¦' ;} ¦

[ lr:i ¦ ¦. . - \ ' . , :

!&j'o festfeIL'Siin - . 'tibczi • maclo - :: in ' your ' oxni ' City., ; '

¦. -—;—;

¦.., /:, : ;

¦:¦: . .

'.;• ; j ; I

Priceo Moderate, 8tyle and f inish perf e t. - , ¦

t . ; i ? ¦ •, . . i :

t . . . ^ ¦¦ ^ ¦^ ¦¦ ^ . ¦ ¦¦ ' v ' ¦

' - i i'

HEAlNfe: : I ::§|P&i3

CszrjU Ultlt f r t t ea nttlft tf tint f e t sy tteapt Cf ts r. p u t ty

JEBliE ¦

. .

Vegetablep i l l s .


"W ^. .17 ¦"EJ;:"KS S1 O ' S IDI.

• - ¦ - : : . _

¦ - m , ., ¦ u» !

¦• •

• ' - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ j ; P w


c^Jo- ri dSjJcljbtSu O, 9 begs to announce .tho ^©-Op©Ilil!i ^Of tfi o above .Oia-Efitoblbhed and favourably known ptbmj se3: on WfiD^ESDA-Y, ,16tiiE1ARCH, 1903, with k most carefully selected, stock, and relj ej solely for succes^

on supplying




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: ... - , » ... .. . .: • M , .,! ,,i -5 . 't -'¦ •'¦• - ' • •. '• - . .;••¦ • ¦- .• i ' i ;

TOBIAS VERBEER, "5, Barronetrand

A -TBIAL--S^^V^^ ': • ¦i n 1 V

" Lull ni i

'i Vii ,

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I '^iv'^Vi ' i' - ; M ; |:' I t


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«.. u.'.:.-U) • i-wfciir ist;*xUfub i. .to * «i>» U|>IU:'«JJmtVU tt£» !i uflMfs|H/T*. f tipinKB!^ sn^TBi

«kifai' ftb »J» x it***?'

'^7^ k ' ' ^^^^^L ' ^B *w»^^K J^^E^^L. ^1 '. H.

& G O., LimitedAND LONDON.




f dlua in

:rif Vi:M - f |:; H ! - | i |i




M AJNtrj^ei^E. :

S e «nd f inish perf ect

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BOOTS : ;:A3p - ^s!HoiiS

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mTERFOED &TfiAMbJBE: ;RAGESJ . - i ¦ - -



F I J R 8 T\D A Y.

Stewards—/The Marquis- of .Waterford, LordCaatletown, Percy ha. Touche, 'E4q.;: P. M.Power.TJsq., D.L., MJiH.; W. H. Westj .Esj i;W. B. PalKser, Esa.. DJL.; T. W. Anderson,'Bwj., D.iL.; E. N. Power, Esq.; G. F: M<al-comson, Esq., M.F.H.' ¦'. i . .. - - i * >•>• ¦ .v v

Hon. Secretary—Mir.;iM. J, Murphy, GrandHotel, Tramore. :, • ;•. ¦ . : ',' '¦

Stakeholder and He«6iver- of'-Entries—Mr.T. Brindley. . '¦ ' . . i., '. ¦" •

Olerk of the Course, 01«ik "of Scales andAuctioneer—Mi. O. Brindley. 14 Upper Mer-rion-fitoeet, Dublin.' !• i ¦

Handicap-ver—Mr. E.; MK. Water3. ,Judge—Mr. W. L. Waters. ' ' -Starter—'Mr. A. Blennerhassett.

Tramore, Thursday Evening. -,Tlhe opening day oi the three-day carnival

<st Tramore, -which was inaugurated I -this after -saxxa, was pronounced' by one .and all to bea complete success, and everything pointe toJibe conclusion that the meeting will be de-clared a record one when the last event is de-clded on. Saturday evening. One of - the mostagreeable features of the reunion lies in. the£aet that the host oi friend* and admirers ol*he genial lessee oi the course, Mr. M'artin J.Mwrphy, J.P% in order to demonstrate in apractical manner their appreciation oi hiseporting efforts for years past, decided to pre-sent that gentleman witii an entirely freemeeting, and their resolve was most cordiallymrpported, not alone locally, but by manygood and true sportsmen all over the country.''rhe original intention, initialed by thatpopular owner, Mr. John Widger, was to giveMr. Murphy Presentation Plate3 for one dayonly, but once the movement was started, thecuvport became so generous and general thatthe conclusion was arrived at to expand theabject and ;o carry through the meeting en-tirely free. To achieve this happy idea, aEtrong tand representative committee wasformed, and the result haa justified the anti-cipation of the promoters. Who were in thefciappy position to-day to find that they nadample funds to carry out tiheir appreciativeobject, no less thafi £600 on more having beencontributed by Mr. Murphy's admirers in thesporiin? arena, indeed the spontaneity with¦which the subscribe™ rallied round tihe pro-ject was remarkable, and we are sura that allwho ihad tha pleasure of participating in it•will ieel gratified at the result when all ds saidend done. It would be superfluous to recountall that Mr. Murphy has done for racing inthis part oi Ireland, for is not his record writlarge in the annals oJ sport in Ireland?Prom unambitious beginnings Tramore Racesnow occupy flie first rank amongst our j acemeetings, and this result has not 'beenachieved without many a hard battle, a suc-cession of disappointments, some almost heartbreaking, and which few but M. J. M. wouldhave survived. But he is a man in whosedictionary the word failure is not to be j found,end BO it is that he .has brought his-; originaldesign into full fruition as to-day's proceedings(imply testified. HowB'er things-went ibe always" came up smiling," and Bet himself to work¦with redoubled energy, qoKhing daunted, bythe temporary reverses and difficulties, whichcase inherent to tlhe one-man ..management ofan important racecourse, such as Tramore.That ihis indomitatile energy and sportsmanlikepluck nave been rally appreciated is strikinglyevidenced by the meeting wihich it is our.pleasure to report this week end. The weattier ,this afternoon was fine, although the sky waeovercast, and the attendance in the enclosure¦was laroe and fashionable, including severalof the leading Irish awaere. Tramore wascrowded to excess. la fact, as one oi thesporting correspondents of <a Dublin paperwrote last evening fTom wiaterford—I havenever known the accommodation .Jjothl hereend at tihe seaside Tillage to be at euch apremium in race week -before, and -in factvisitors have to put up with anything theycan get in the shape of (sleeping room. Largecontungenta came from the Metropolis, and¦57© need scarcely say that the surroundingcounties gent in large conlaagente, by" rail,river and road. The arrangemente made byMr. Murphy were excellent, as usual, fromevery point of view, everything, i iag .carriedout, down to the minutest detail under hispersonal and experienced supervision. OurSporting Special supplies the fullest details,•wrieh will be found fully desirtptive of the<£ay'e doings -and oi exceptional interest.

It la only ridat to add that the train arrange-men'ts were admirably carried out under theexperienced' supervision of Mir. Procter, themanager of the Tramore Railway,' and thatthe thousands mho journeyed to and fromTromore were carried -without the elirfttesthitch.

A delightful gammer's (Jay. The sun hodalmost complete control from early morning', aswith the exception of a conpfejof light breezydost laying showers, no ruin felt Tramorenever presented a more brilliant holiday ap-pearance, and it is hot on record, that a biggerthrong ever remained overnight in tho town.The atteudance to-day at the 'Coursa wasimmense, and I am , pleased to ¦ ray that theladies as usual mastered in strong farce andhelped, much to brighten tho scsno, theirbrilliant costumes giving a .fins setting to aholiday picture that it would be difficult toeqaaL The musical department was underthe supreme control of Mr H. Malcolm, who,as nsual, gave us a splendid bill of fare.

We made a good commencement,: eoven ofthe twelve coloured turning out for the Wel-come Plate. Mr. Abel Buckley started Agonyinstead of Pitrick's Saint, and ft soon becamecommon property that the carefully kept GolteaCastle representative could Dot 1 >ce. Thosewho watched Kilconnell'a recent performancesQt Piltown and Limerick went for a fair itake,nlthongh Mr Jack Croome did not think hecould give a etone away to the favourite. Therace was a pretty one to look at, -Coming tothe final bend Agony trfed for the lead andfailed, KilRonnell racing away and securing ariffht popular victory by *wa lengths.

The next was OIK: of tho finest races everwitnessed at Tramore. Of the twelve enteredten faced the starter, a nice compliment indeedto the handicopper,' The Widger ¦ party de-clared . in no uncertain voice for Proofsheet,the second string. Fairy Spark not ha ing aquotation. Grand old .Grange carrying topweight was fancied, and those who rememberedhow Old Tim figured orer the .course bclcreprofitted by the lesson. It was a splendidstruggle. At half ! distance Grange took thelead, and carried on the; running: nntil'o otridefrom the winning post when 014 Tim got up. by Beveille: Btfon end Carragh= Bells. H£Uand snatched the laurels, by. ,<he shortest of. SJ ^*':*1™ bomo C s ?$*£$^7beads.. I he favorite was pje r " to ft.; .*fa» ^S LW SMutfJ coS&SCroome and Moran gave a grand exhibition j ^^ von;in a canter.; ;of horeeraanehip, and wer« loudly, cheered. i j

The next event j brought out another fine BEC ULATIOIT FIATUci 60 6ovo.; a c pl>field, and a real good betung r*ce ended in a ensse; weight for 030; •irinncrjextra.—ThroeBgul victory tor the.gwdpnep . who, ] Jay the $&% B kIe/ g^ 4 lkedoiisj Sir Henry winomg trom end to end, ^

' ¦*For .the Great Southern Plata only flVe were !

.weighed out, and of; a bad lot T. J. was voted —o—

^hfijTSj^arssffUs;- ««• 2^* ^,finish the last named jnst won. ¦ ; • : . jjj ^ j Buckley, Galiisa Caitle, motored to

The.Tally :o Plate bWUght ootflye.runner^ <I£gi<>td & his Merceddi CSJ. •! ,Captaia BJoomfield'a ,Ouna*b Belie» t ow jri PhxkmKm informs: us thai Claret Glo?acapable lxand* of Mr. 7. Manleyj being in- w u d by Oapt&ist Hardinj to (Mr. J, Nugentctellea a pjroaonn'oed fAWurite-. - The mare ^^

hereogagemeata. | . :

nerorjleft th» issue in dooWi' trtnilng in a -jtl wa. haH declded to !etart Poiry .Spark tncanter. : - , : . i . : ¦ ¦ ! ¦ !¦ : ., thd Welcome Hate, but eventually other conn-

In $e oonclwHn event tit. BocklerV Gold- ££ pj gnnZd i end Mr. 'Jack had the leg upfield only turned ,out» «hd 13M result was a on!Jack Gubbina. * i !¦walk ovtc ; ' ', "j- .; j. ':. ' . ' ¦¦ ' .' ; j ! • r ; The Galtee-iGastle people thought they h ui

Amongst tho*« %•« poticed present were:—' a rare rod in 'pickle for ithe flret race to-dayMrs. W. G. D. CWff, eiebviUe; Herbert (Jofl Thii gbod thing, like many; eno ber, rnade butand Mrs. Goff, Mr*. Sadlter Jackion, Joseph * pp oi \ttoow:. . , . . j . i . ! A . . i.,Sephnaoa. Mmimm; - Ma. Stapbtaaon, Mrs. 1 The Wond race was *ne of ' the most bnl-Botd Sochford, 'Dente Dknrni&r, Dublin, Miss Jiant ever «een> I * Tramore, and it must be.Downaae. do.: T. EL Brett, iQttaetetr . txd i-adn ttjed' ttat .gennina .regretcwas: exjxresaed.LeiMto Bank, «rkl' Mr». ' Brett, Gterge Mai- WHOT, the Judge announ I thai gallant htylecomeoa MJIH *ndiMr» MAlcomeon, -E. N. [Qrapgo',. and;: (ber popular rider. Mr. Jack

I Xo woi'Mim PoW, Uatm*. Ater* iJofaj, aad O*taj 'jSt ladled fc wia by tho «a»ortat|oj

Ittii Jfar ffiSey lfci, 5KrfJe.. ith> i Mtet * ,tiioii«lhtttJ*n!«rt .1»ad.Jort' wop. Bntthe'inmSSi'Si V^feJ Ifo WaSerTMw. JUft-' in th box 5 to be reefconed with, land Uat*o -l Jrf ; AM nW x^


h«J wi'ri ;Ui^l* tottto troi doubt. 'AT^ ri

Mri, W^ tiia H*y- Tt^^bSTMicMkra' M tho atWn4ur « to-

I f S ^S ^S S S S ASi J 1£B*BTL.,W. aM«Jwere«o$d<mt"before»ft«in . mp t OA o i

i n -^ llK'i V* <£r*%i<tB*£&tt>d WitA bf 260


It was


a gwEd

, I ; ¦ " ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ; •

' I ¦ I¦M-Jw j.fjaritinian, 'Oaiiy ! Scu:-J jl , Silverford:

Mral IBawley.jT. E. Power' fc. i Morgan, ! WMorpan J. Moriau, . Bewo-.: 'Moraai, i'rariMtargan E. W. Olampett, My:«s BaUey/anS,^Ball6y, .,Tlj jeSj aBd Mr«. n«£%J. Jf Harty,. J;P.; Ei-PoWer^W:; Murray, DrMo^ ^N. tihber n, Cheltenhm ! R.JJCoitelloeJ Walter BUhopi Walter iHailej';Vv&SHd J Hanley, <Carrick-on-Su5i;aMertato Whittle, W. Eeaand Mas. Be i pi..W»i%. J. MoKeon,! J. / aiattery; JjI H.

%%A%r MW-BaSfi9osm*' In?P«*<>r JenningsA iMw. HJennirigi;,. Distriotf Inspector Gary

;Sf'SE5u9"F> *¦ P>S*»1 V.$. ; ;M7. Bennett.•JUir. MaWQeVa.C. NugentiHumble, Abel Bucl -^ "S tee Castle: Hyiand Phelan. V.S. : I.iTW™;, Vlffiers Morton. B. 'Morn«, J.' E.Boyle,| Olonmel; J. Mulcahj. do;J. Arnold,WoEiam opberteon, TotojEereey, J.Pt; Fredj and .ilM. Bu'dd; Nicholas Moloney?y^aj. 'Croomei Dr Jackman. Oapti:Blopmfleld andMna. BloamfWW, P. J. O'Uoiv-

. jiPprtarlington; MreJ O'Donnell, L. Con-f^Y.^Mount Oongreve.- ' B. i Kelly, V&. : X

£*?,' * £i:J - Bn>P?>y. Hei<bertBtawii; Walter1341*7, Tramore; *&. A. Waki; H. Bk *tSwi&- .urice Quifllan, : O.-iBytrne. OubUn1; Mr'ft^^?» -3o- 3- plai do-'J - : Beece, Cork:.JoW_€uraan, High Sheriff, etc.-Details:— ¦ IWP COME.', BLATE of 40 ova. ; a hurdler»<i« for horae3 that have not, on 1901, looa,or 11803, wonj )a ,i u;d under any recognisedrules, m any.conntry, value 60 sovs, &eHwi«; races exempted. Weight, for age ; winnersextra.—One xllile and a Half. I

• A; V- Guir/s Kilconnbll, aged, 11st 71b- <M*. J,.F. . Croome) J....-..TT..J lMr. Jcinh WMger's Jock Gubbins, 4 yrs,lOst ilb ^Mr. J. W, Widger) : 2Mr. J. Manning's Elva, 4'- yrs, lCst 21b <J.'Buttle) ..u. L j _ , „ 3Also ran—Australian Homer (E. Moriran )Agony m. Walsh), King's Weather (Anthony),White Rose (E. K. Morgan).(Winner trained by Mr. ' J. F Cro..m<;, a^Annesfort, Clonm©.iBettmg—6 to 4 •on Agony, 6 to 1 egainstiKaJconnell, 6 to 1 King's Weatlnet 10 to 1others. ]After a couple of breaks awajj , AustralianSiwner got away in ironti lolloped by Elva,icing's Weather an-d Wht<te Ro^*, wiij h thefavourite eecond last Approaching the standthe order -was King's Weather, Whit© Rose,i-flconneB;- Jack Gubbina, and I Agony . Sixfurlonxa from home Australian Homer againtook the lead, but approaching tbe final bendiKikonnell came to -the fronts with J«<&j rubbins and Agony in close attendance. Thefavourite then fell away and TCi-lconnell cameon, followed by Jack Gubbins, and won easilyby two lengths ; three lenjjth s between second 1

and third. Agony was fourth, anld Australian¦Homer fifth

WATERFOBiD PLATE of 70 SOTJ,. , ol whichChe second receives 10 aova., ahd tie third6 eova. ; a iandicap hurdle racet the winnerof a race (including races under Rule3 c'Racing) after publication of weights (August.7th, 10 s.mj to carry 7lb extra , of a raceincluding ricai under ¦ Rulee , ol Racingvalue 60 eovs., 141b eartra.—Two- Miiei

Mr. Harty's Old Tim, 6 yr», lQsi, 61b fl.Moran) '. i

Lord: ¦Waterford's Grange,- agedj l£rt Tit(Mr. J F. Croome) 2

Mrs. B. C Russell's Coiinef !B<Jy. 4 yrs.lOst 21b ^. LyaK) 3

Also ran—<Fairy Spark (R. Morgan), Sweet-Cherry <T. Lynch), Proofshee; J<Mi J WWidger), Patrick's Saint (ii Walsh), BudOall (J. McOormack), Favoniua (Mason), Onft-woxid'(Anthony). !(Winner trained by M. J.iiHftrtyl av Croomi

Benin's—Evens Proofsheet, 4 ti againstFavoniu8, 7 to 1 Old Tim. |inri (irangt. 10 u 1Corner Boy or any othei

'After settling down Bird Call Xooi. 6 com-manding lead from Grange, Sweeti Cherry, Old:Tim, (Driftwood, and Favonius, "with CornerBoy last. The jeader continued bang in frontuptil the st-and was reached, wb«o Grangewent-ito the front, followed bj Bird CaU,

'Swfeet Cherry, Favoni-ua and Olc Tim, withrprootsheet and iPairy Spari cios« togethernext Comina to the front t>euc i\ lookedany odda on I»rd Watertord'a ntare, but half¦way |op l the etraight Old Tim challenged, adesperate race ending m hioiavout by a shorihead : a bad third. Pj oofsheet was iourtl..and Fairy Spark nexi

TY'RONB PILATE of 30 Sovs a which. tn«second reoeivea 2; a handicap flav race; io;houses thst hsve ndt, in 1S03 oir 1903, won arace value 100 eovB. (selling races execpted)—One Mile- One Furlong.

Mr. J. Dwyerls Sir Henry, 3 years. 8s.101b. (J. Doyle) ...; - 1

Mrs. Downes Martin's Speed Oi. 3 yeaiv7et. 91b. (JW. Hilda)- ; 2

Mr. J. Nugent'* Claret Glasi, 3 yeara. &381b. (J. Thompson) i....* 3

Aiso ran—(Lavenos Pride (C. OottreU), FA1T>6eat (J. McOoranack) j Game Bird.(P Miargan) ,Terrapin {P. Hughes) ; Lady Steenj e (J Han.nigan) ; Saturday II. (J. MoTrissey; Matagon(T. Kavanagh).

Bettinc—6 to 2 ogainBt Terraptn and ClaretGlass; 8 to 1 Sir BLeniy and Lavenoa Pride ;10 to 1 others.(Wanner trained by L. Ryan toe Commlns,

Cashei;,fiir Henry jumped off is front of darei.

Gliss with Lavenos Pride, Game Bird, an<iSaturday II., witih Terrapia-lying handy Atthe turn for ihome Terropin was beaten endSir Henry going away at every stride, won ina common cantei The other finWbed pullingup.

GBEAT SOUTHERN PliAttoi 20 Sovo., oi¦which iha Becond hoiBei/r coiv-es 2 cova., aoteeplecliase for mSideM at time of entry.Weight for agC; winners extra.—Two MUe3.

Mr. J. B. O'Connofa Deooy Bird, 6 jreao.llet (L. Ryan) .- -. -..-. 1

Mr. Join Widger's T.J. 6 ; years, lOsi.. 1011CW. MoigSi) ~ - ..._ 1

Mr. L. PilMngW& &Jery', a ed, list. (M:P. Butler) -.... '. 3

AJso ran—Captain Scuttle (P Nolan), MaryJiane (Mr. T. Murphy). |

Bemng—2 to 1 against TJ. and Decoy Bird,;3 to 1 Safety: 6 to 1 Captain Scuttle , 10 to 1Miry Jons. !(Winner trained by L. Byon, iihe Commins,

Cash«D>.At the second fence after the etart, Captain

Scuttle fell and TJ. took the lead, followedh- Deoo» Bird and Safety. Mary Jiane tailedoff and vms Dulled up, ana; Safety made eever&lmistakes. At the turn for home Decoy Bird,fcard ridden dreV to the Itront and won afteran interesting xace by a length and o hali, A•rery bad third. 'TAfliLY-HO PLATE «f SO Sovo, of which the

cecDnd receives Q BOVS. ; |a high welter ihandi"cap flat iace tor horsea tlwrt have hot, cJterthe ajga ol three years, won a race underRule*.of Bacine on any country valuo 35oova.—ffwo ililes. :

Capt. Bloomfleld'o Ourrash Belle, B yeans.,Ust. 61b. (Mr. J. Manley; 1

llr John WidgerTo Biicrn, 4 yearo, list61b. (Mr. J. W. Wadger) 2

Mr. J. S. Croome'e Beve'ille, 6 yeara, 123V31b. (Owner) -....- .- -• ¦ P

Alao ran-^Wbite Ivy (Mr. P. tieGuixe). 'iDeVulH"—Q f AT Tt or/ rt i " n v vunogu ±*IMXV t ******

White Ivy; 3 lo X Bijon; B to 1 BeveiUe(Winner trained by Mi, T. J. Kerning, ctf

Tramore).Reveille made play from White Ivy and

Bijou, with Curragh Belle last. '¦Opjxxsito thostand White Ivy went to the front, followedby Beveillel BJloa end Oorragb; Beils. Hilla. mile 'from homo Currajh. Bcjlo and Bijoudrew1 right away, and • when thel Gtnaight wasreacted the first named | look a commandinglead and won;in a camUitJ ',

i j

SEC TTLA/riOtf FLATS d 60 Sovo.; a c*vCtpl>chaw; weight lor 030; trinncrjextra.—TirceMilea. < * " > » '

l. il ' " " - - . I : , : JJ ¦ I -en1, ureepftaket irifl U decidedWr»h*r e l W t e r « d7 *n d the Mrlot:tm>*rnA mb. M». Fred BA^Mcar* thii «pott ng «reot.

lp 'm^ Tli^ /u- :- - - . !!- > ! ¦ ' ! : . ; ; ' " ' i -

1 HEB% THliEB, • ' AN1) 'JSVERY-;

• - |- j | : WHE ftE. ¦! I ¦ :

I ' I ; 1 -o- 1 , : .¦

^ . ,! In Major Andei«on'« le teradenttne^rraih-njore fire, the; following aentenca'occurred :-—>}M*anyiile, jwithin ten minutes'ol receivingthe;alarm, I had the eigine, with a party oftwenty-six .urt.ail vsank>ol , ihe iMilftda Per.Jnanent StaS ! and {!? BJE.C." detailfl. ready to*march, jetc". ffhe quoted: inifials should flavaread, " JB J;A." ¦ ¦¦¦; :|;' .-¦

¦, *¦ ' :'-. ,

¦ Mr. William Peare, motor WOISB, Catherine-'etreet, having at an eia rly hour on Thursdaymorning'received intelligence' that a flre hadbroken out at Ourraatunore, telephoned at onceto Mr. W G- D-. Gog, GUnville, intimating thefact, and kindly *ent a measags.to. tlhia-offio&etatinjj 'that be would be happy to convey ourspecial I reporter to .the lecene. . For this niceoffer .,we are very thankful to Mir. Peare, HeBtejted- off /with all epe d himflea;ifend{'«Wks~thefifei Waterfopfl-man to! enter Hhfe courtyardgxat morning, ,He at .obce informed Captain,/3«fh1n Mint >yib'mL 4^n*'«rMM-*J ^UUJMML-1 ^Xj

thai he (Mr. PeaTe) would go anywhere if it wasposaibk) toubiinii 5>ack' help. Fortunately thefire wasigot under teven before the Beseboroujhflre;engine arrived; but,i «ll th« eame. we arecure that Mi Peare'e proicptituda tvill b» highlyappreciated by theMarcpiiB and MQrcnioness'ofTv aterford, and Captain Gethin. The alacritywith which Miajor Anderson, B.E., Commana-ing the Troops in Watertod, lesponded to thecall; for assistance, which lopplly "was hot re-quired, Is worthy of tie highest praise.

The members oi tie Grocery' Assistants'Assicir,tph. intend, WB understand, to maketheit /ciinial excuiaion to Toughal on Sundaynext, the Wthl Inst. We trust they may befavefured with the best of weather for their tripte the historic spot which they have eelectedfor thoir re-union. Early application shouldbe ricde to the members of tlhe I committee fortickets as the number b limited for the tripalong the rivet

Visitoro to Tramo!*, Dunmore, Dungarvan,and ; other seaside resorts should pay onepenny for £ao WaterfoW and South-EasternGuide It file in the vaiotcoat pocket andgives every bit o! information as to trainssteamers, etc., that the 'ttZvaller eootfl'a£areIt can te purchasod atf ollleading ftfents/ orat the "NeTO"joiHce. tii3 cheapo=t reiid mostcontuse guide published. \'i, ''¦ ¦ i. :,:, ' . ¦:. ¦

The prizes for th.3 Gri nd iDriwliig In con-nection with, %4 Boat Club, Fete are now onview, at Ucioroi Eobertaiii;and iLodlle'c, Quay-Tlie past membere of the Boat Club are com-ing to eh* tront m fine style with the blocksof ucket* ano cash tarVA Grand Drawing inconnection wi »n ui<- FcliJ We hopD the pre-Bent memBen wil l irvofc to their laurels in thisrespec. T.me ,e fleeMn^. ' and we should makethis <lra»-Lnc a nij ? suco£;s. if wo only put ourshoukler* to tnf » n»ei bie one mjQ. 'Ttio prizes give: tox' -i^is drawing r.ro tllbbest offeree 10: yean. tl.i» total value rea&h-

\ng £20C- tverv citizen who glances over thispar&grap. shoulc seno one shiltmf To- aticket tc tn. ' New/- ' ofhoi- r>T rotut.

^ Ttif nex t four ¦paragraph1? are troir the

" Oon*ta&u l a7-v C>ai«t i»A consnaeraDu namtift1 0! Sergeams ami a

couple ol Head-ConsiabloB in Waterford Countvhavo ove: 30 years servict Senior ConstableiJook forcard to Uioir earl^ rotiremeat in hopeof getting a well-earned promotion

Sergeant Bufrrue <* Lady Lana, has lakesto rowan^ this yes. He occupied a seat in thewinning tx>a; i; m, everit3 for junior foursand eignu at tn- Lunerict and Watertordregattas this weei. ivtact races were WOE bythe Watortord boat Club, crt which the 8erg<iantis a member v

A^tLn^-Sergeant Sulliyor.. of OolUgan, hasbeen promoted to the rahi ol 8ergc^nt, aftera period, of two years an;<3 five months ir tb*lower, grade. The Sergoam is in char?(- ofColligan. Station, It Dunj arvan district

Actinq^Sergeant Ccddca, of Oappoquin, haa¦been promoted Sergeant > His mtDj limerickfrjeodb [will ba pleased to bear thh. TheSergeant came tc Watertord from Limt'ric-kover twelve montru a-

On Friday nigh.t trie following advertisementWC3 ineerted ir " Tn* News ":—RED BETTKk- lx>«» or rtolcu ID tbe Cltj 00

T occdo.' * KfO Better ooatrcrion to the Domeof t ' Bhoor. " If lonnd it tho po^Jiuloo ot anyooeoftct publicities of tbloootlc ^o procccutloD CT UI beIDSUIUSince a litter camt to hand from a distantdistrict o f' to * couatj intimating tha.-. tbeadvertifiemcnVwai read on Sundaj , and thattho missing uoa wa* bang sent bac. Somuch'4o.' tht) vqlut o! fidvertisrc

We have another v'leyfcr- from. " AJ. OldPupii " erf Watorparlj O^lCjcVcsrecUig withtho su estiOD which fines ,cppCared in-4,heseoolumto,- from anoth'&r etudetit that ,Watar-pari Colleg* l>moL should v'ibe cotiblished"Our correspondent turnidhe3 us with/ a fairlylong ho. ol name* of «i-pupils, but wiliiouttheir addresses, ew thalrwe cannot eend themcopies ot oar-papci. However the write.- oithe lette.- will probably do co The movementIs certaioly wartn' al every suppon ai thehands ol'old WaterparkianDj and .if puocessfu;,will enable • 'tior iferiwlicfll renofiral a} friend-fihij i fostered u. scboolboy days, th<- truesvand! best to recal We shall b« glad to nearfurther pn .ttte subj ect.j '¦ 'r •'

We .-desire to acifiowlaugo tho receipt of theveri handy anc well produced guide u tneAgricultural UeparUneni oi the Sreate' CorkInternational BihibiUot., whioh IB -tc befound ID th& Westera:Fiold3. :Hare vj il) bea numbe.- oi sections the working oi manyagricultural and other outdoor industries prac-tically demonstrated. Tbe3fe Bctetion* havebeen carefully organised under1 tie personaldirection'of some of the most eminent agricul-turists in Ireiana, o; by specialists who havemade » close etudy of the various industrieaThe obgect of th« wnols is to demonstrat* toal;. who are pillina to team, tao value of theseindustries and tho , bost mothodo Jor pursuingthem with prc3t to Ireland. ¦ •

The aim of thii great Agricultural deparvmeat, organised at theiQorfc Exhibition'by th>penxxnal enterprise of the Committee, withoutaid from any public quarter, ip ito set asidevj imt is experimental and theoictitcl and comoetraight to the point by directing the attentionof tbe people' 01 this coruntry, tnd, that by thebeip of g'en,tlomen whoi'tiioronchiy understandits position, to the channels by which its vastlatent resources inay be most effectively de-veloped. Iri ¦doing; this, the Lord Mayor andExhibition Committee' desire to support thework oJ County Councils and other local bodiesin Ireland, and thus" help to ti<J» the immenseand continuing flow of feOiTration-Irom a coun-try well able, -under prope/.oondiilofa?, to sup-port an mediiing, not 3 decroaaini? population

The monthly meeting of tho Fanning's In-otitute was he^d 01 Tuesday, when Mr AlexNelson. D L. , J.P., occupied the chau, and theother memben present were—(Rev CanonFlynn, P.P ; Kev. father Kteccrald, Adm. ;Eev. William OX3onnelL Bev. Oanon Hackptt,Bev. Mi. Pike, Mi. J. J. Phelan, hon. treasurer,and Mi. F. Jacob, hon. secretary. Wdth theexception of tha' reading'of tEeTmindte3, tieonly other bosinco to be transacted was ihereception of ft notice of motion from CanonPlyna for that day month, when fc-v TTII'E? -poso the admifisten of James Dee, a'nativo "oiMayor'a Walk, aged1 63 yecxj, and a man ofexcellent character An admittance fee of £30vrould be vaU

Tuesday the male and female children of theworkhouse echoolj, accompanied by theirteachers <m$ other ofBdiala, held their annualexcursion, their de5tiBation, beinffBecsboTOU3fH,where. ' ira efe sure they wero we'll'entertained,and where they spent a ivery liappy day. Theydrove off in severe! well appointed brakes,each of the vehicles being decorated 'with 'many hued, bannerette*. The little ones, who•were -very tastefully dresied seemed delighted,and aheerod again nnd ega}n clonff tho Dnec of iroute, Mr. Edward Drea, principal maletoaoher, pnd Mr. H. li Wird, tfo., look charge!of the arrangement* wiJch were carried out (or$he : childrea In 0 manner 'Oust left nothing tobo dedred.. ,- . {

¦ "; . ° ",

At a meeting of the j?inanco end Ltoi Oom--mittee of the Corporation on Tteday, Alder-mMj Ward, J.P.. jweriding, theoesoof Ser oafttJohr Harrison was under consideration. . 'lie;was laccuaad of opening a letter from the PitaBrigade Committee, directed -to Sarefleld, <xw>«t ihe re}tscted candidates. . H ! xras »tated atUie, porpdration that Sergeaat Harriaon «fta?delivering itiio letter to Mra. Sarefield took il•jWpf iMrt to that felloV»-doi3 in. the flCow3Hall, meanuia another Afflckl ' VMn JM UMX

wffleldrin» tlhJnUn^^here'inwiooirojrta li? "Tt •fflntt"»«n ¦f rr-m *ring<ti *,adoption tb»|{Wd Uni>i^ft

k | (ft fi8Irefn8ed to doi report «ld th» I board had derided i of O m i,8hej then |gpeped ttoriMtar !I$*eif , «nd »h* the princlple & ^pefitfwaramjnation fc>r:Bw «MMC4ffl6At»T, , , . ; , , i , !, ate* oi sppointaefitt tor aou'W omt reUrave*, ;U ¦

£:..¦• ;¦¦ H' ' • • < i ! ' ' -;!'t; M%<>Q# ta Uta oata^af tmf vf 'JteJL ^ -w^ i* ¦3*TT*.!T -

¦' .

¦:: -¦ * :¦¦ • -. '

¦ 1fih4 SergeantHarriaon before them, Sdaftaajprolonir^ toyesUKatJon U» deoi»ionW« torecommend the Council to Jedufaa the pwy ollet! eftf )aM'ftottcrt; !fi5^W TSwtf^ fS•Ofl ioe*; br-p -toei Wri U?™ ?' *- " ' ™ *

\< I " - t 'A ¦¦'' '*' f "' -1*r ' ' t i .V'lll if .- L i '¦•¦': . - l . ' i '.

i M' renwrlpabte «tflt4 faw b*dJ'dto6foied 'HOoTOo*ry, ootMeroiioJ tba ctarjago of a deadwmr from Irelaod, flBh» body wai in a cofflnSfej ? , oMSll *& Ik *" forwSl Si J^ rt i W»tted "TWt Kte

fb«e %rt •(«» del*y i« dcH Dg it, w' 5N- ' : - i : M !|7- • - ; l :-li ' ! H . I i. ! .: ¦: .i ! ! ; ¦

1i; .? U-n ^i - V/I.Stha'con igoeebecame anxiousarid revealed the

: real nature of: the content*. On payment of¦ the full charges—about £13-f-thb package! wasJ al.owed to, baJfemjaved from Coventry GoodsStation,' ;; ; ]

; '. -$ - I . . : ¦ |

' | ;

, At the Oariick-< n-Suir buttir market on; Tuesday, 162 -kega-and boxes Were disposed: of, at-pTicea Ringi 1? from!75«. to j s. pe* JdWt,; tThb buyers preset t werfrf-jMears 1 B, Cpufte-1 hajr- and «on, !'an< ;• MeaaVa^ 'H.'j Bidgwa-y AndiSonj WAterford.- [>;j ¦,' ; ' i'- ;• V _ I , J :: ,:

' Blocka of tickete and oadh lpi tie 'Grani'Drawing connected jv.ith ,th&'-Boat. OluM F«te:aro TollingTn rapidly, and we' -hatfe no doubtj a» to the aucoasa of next week a great festival.Headers of the "News* should"go to Kopert-1 Son"and Dedlie'e.' Qua?, 4ook. at. the valuablepxiies .and purchase Vi'ekete, which oam be; hadIrom tihe gentleman in charge otthe priaa, de-

Ipirtmetit at the inammojih;j^ay

.e bUgbanent]_ ¦> * .' ".' . I . - 'y ' -• "-i-'l ;- . '' - ' ¦-¦¦?. -

The maniaKe Tedently took •place in- Dublin

:£m Vrf >CQBtsaa Btarett«<a»!Wton( J-P», p: *>v

jBivSill. Keter^Surg.- i|lraa»TOal.

. Another sad drowning occurred on The Bar-w«r The other evening three Bossmen namedMatthe* P^lan (trilot), M»«e« Ha rd t, . and•JoSa fViriyihabbieTB).- went down njer an aS S boat, with a view to Prfotiiig upt gchooner Kate, oi Bannow. which waa ex-nectod at Cheekpo™1- The lihree men amved

iourt and heavy seas rrrsbing on against ,JV: ta>n" northern, breezo. :-The;! schooner!waaS«BdT*emsjdid not «J«U the pUpt boatAnd passed 'through tie . railway bridge. Tnotinea men then put out after tho vessel, andtheir boat went through; tho i bridge like aflash But tihey had no sooner got dear- thanthe iittle craft was turned, right over by aeudden squall . Two mechanics on- <the bridgeseeing the boat capsize, put out a email row-W imd picked up Phelan and Handrack,•who managed to keep sftoivt. The third man.yardy waa unable to swim , and was beingbrought down by tbe heavy waves, when theythrew him on ,oar.. Before they could reachhim' the -poor fellow, held the oar for a moment,lyut-lct go from exhaustion , and disappeared.JPhe boat was ilsoj lost¦; F-aidy wai a manned man, of about 33 yeansai age',iai:>i r waa tto.fe> chief support his fatherend motlior had. 1 look to in their old age.Cuiiouslv, -the crow' of the Kate arrived inBoss without knowing anything of the tragedyThe men Phelan ana H'andrick were broughtUT> by the river steamer Ida, when the sadHaws bicame fcnown. Fardy's poor mother¦i/as on tlj e Ioo2t-ou^ fo? him on the Quay, indfleeing ilis two companions arrive without him ,ioniecturcd that cimething must be wrongJ3heVo3.1old tho truth only too soon , and theSceno that ensued is eaid to ha-ve been heart-fj nding. Up, to. thO time of writing the bodyiaa not tc cm''discovered

Tho Couriihouic grounds are tx«Tig rapidlygat into ship-Aiiapi [¦or the Wateriord BoatClub Fete, and ever 11. necessarily crudefetate of the arrangements , one is even thusearly enabled to torrr an idea of the hand-some treat whic_b 11 '.« ;>e aflorded to thepublic on Tuesdai , Wednrsday, and Thursdaynext. Already clost upon twenty snow-whitepavillions have beet, erected in the most pic-turosquo portion ol the grounds. Th« electric¦ligM installation which has been entruatedto Mi. W. F. Peart, motor works, Cathenine-ttreet, is being rapidly poshed forward byhjs electrical engine*:, Mr J MiacDonaiJ , anda staff or workmer. The scene of ft-te will begirdled by a briKiamt disp lay from the man ylamps suspended at a convenient altitude , andcaDable of nroducmR a ch-arminjr effect.

Tho e<ruipmeni and decoration of the CcieCKantant ore also progreaaing apace, under•he unwearying supervision , the ladiee incharge, who lhave undertaken tho "rrork ofocrrymjj out tho arduous duties oi " runningtho fihow ," wiich will undoubtedly be thotmost prominent attraction oi the fancy Fair.Even in it3 unfinished state. It ia easy to noteLhe defj gn of the interior, including the atag-dn? arrangement Th« Oai«, we may add,will bo in-the spacious hall of the Courthouse,immediately inside lib.* front entrarw.-e jf thebuilding, a mos; suitable paaition

Thursday afternooL Messrs T Walsh andSon, Auetionoera, concluded thefir three-dayexecutors' sale oi ¦ the extensive and highly!v;.Ii'"ble stock of pj ehaxd Dillon, the Quay,IT^ittu-ford. Some veri beautiful pieces ofornamental silver work, gold and diamondomament3, and the thousand and one daintyarticles which ge to oomprise a well stockedestablishment \7cra di3po:sd of. The attend-ance of buyers wes: Jaige, and the sale was inevery respect 'a great si;ciCC3..

Nearly all tj )t Irish members left, Londonon Wednesday night for home Mi John Bed-•mond , Mr. V> Redmond, and M T P CXBrienwont together u Augiiayonaia for a well-earned[holiday . •, We Jiavo mucb p:easuro: in announcing thatMesr.;3 Hcamo and Oo , limited , 'have securedtile, cor.trcct forv~t]je supply ol onifoEirts cadail ' kindy of drapery for Che cros3-channelBteameR/ of. the,Great Western Railway Com-pany. Thia iont/tict w&a obtained i nyiij istheavy corapelititfn , .' .. ¦«.


(Successors to Coroou's tmplcm&nt and1 EnCinitrlog Business), 21 nnd '22,

Bacheior'e Walk DabDn, supply LandRollero, Harrowb, Plonghs and Fittinga,Dairy Oteutfls, Cbnrns, ' Battenvorkcro,Egg Boxe3, Lawn filowcre, Garden Rol-lerp, Tooli Repairs of nil kinda.

1 Eerimntea and Price Lists Free. ' In-qulriss invited. Telegrams, " Experiecca,DnMLn." Te!3ps:pDe, 012. , V/rito for"Al liance! for 'Hpme; ' Ddrlea," givingfree instructions fctf Chcming end Batlii-makinB. Post free. . , .


Tihe following letter baa becn teceivca by[Rev: Father-T. F 'FurUmgr President of thoabove committee, from tho Eev David Work,M.A., Vice-President, who will shortly leaveWttlcrford for I>r&iheda'— . '¦: .-„

I ' ¦ The Manse, "V/oterfard, • ; ,,"' - lZf t i August, liZX

To the Rev. 'T. F Pur long, Adm.V '¦.1 : Presudent, United Temperance Odmmitteo.Kaar Mx. President—I thank . you -very

heartily and'through'you the United Tempo.ance Committee, for tbeii- v«ry kind resolution.'It has always beet, a pleasure to me and Ihave counted it an honour fo be permitted totake nart in any Tpovementj tliat Vbs lor thebenefit of my fellow citizene or the good of thecommunity, and of all the efforts with whichI lhavo been associated since I came to Water-ford, the work of this committee h&3 been oneol tjlo iiiost pleasant. Though I am to bo'de-prived of the pleasure of rendering any furtheractual assistance, I shall not cease to toko adeep interest in its progress, and trust that tho$2turday evening' moetdngs, especially, 00ouoCeasfully inaugurated last season, .Biayprove 6till more attractive and popular in. thoeeacon just beginning. I Bhau. eanry njrfky•with me very kindly memorfca"of ' ¦our1t«>rKtogether on tho cpmmittee, csui ehall alTrayobe proud of having hid -tho honour -ol bMngita flrst vice-president.

Baiibiully youro,'DAVID WiAEK.


Wo aro presently offcrinrt a beautiful Usht Utterala ti tno peacs jj zt brttlu, nna woulfl be glad tohave onr cufltomen try It. Horjackoopsri purottariDrjdozoa ' lots of this beer c<* cxcijptlosal -tarna,T. ft II. D00L43. 1 . , ¦ . : . ..

21j !DIi!&D CetShU mESf EEX EAILWAY:

'DOyCiOTrrw6 dF OAEDOLIOS AIJD (THE. , ,• j IBISa LANQUAQE. / ¦ :; ;

a^EmiVisriSTEk T6^b; ADOBTBD.J

- • '¦ : • ; ¦ . ' ©ubUn Thuifiaajr EvenWg. -IAt the half-yearly meeting ol the Midland

<Jreat Western Railway Company to-day* the;Quest! 00 of th* boycott of CathoUcd and thoofapoSiiioii to the use of the Irieh langrowo bytbeHiSllway ofltaM»>a* dtocuyed.! _ H „ \

Tbei question I of the. treatment of ! Otmaux

' MraErrmpi. uouw.. ¦


i I j^wv ' ;<M h 'j

. i ¦ i . M : ; i i ¦ i ¦

- ¦

! i ; ;i

&i. mmmimPRESBNTATION BAGBS: : . T A\V6 TGv.'V . \.,\', l\\ ': \ <

M. J, MUf^QY^ES^, .J.P.

i Subscriptions Eecoiyed :—— •• ¦• • :

E N Powejp, E8q,iTramoro-Houso 30 !0 0John WiH^ervEfq, Waterford ... 25 .0 0]A.D Old Kcce-g(i«r ... .. •» 7- 2 0,U. J. Parkinson, Eoq.,yiS.y M£2denr>- .I town Lodge, The OorraGb. 25 ;0 - t tThomas Breene, Esq^ Tivoli Ter-i race, Tramore . -'• ••• 10 0 0A. Holme:i, Esq1., Gqcd Hotel , , ; ;; Tramoro ... ; " ¦ ... ••• 10 0 0ViBconoteci Doncrailo... . ; . ; ; ; ;¦ •••• ,; 5 0 0Lorrt Cnsttetown ... ... 5 0 0Michael Sullivan, Esq.... ... 5 0 0ilessrs. John Kelly V?. SOD, ES- ,.•i change-Street ... ... 5 0 0Sir William Paul, Bart. ... 8 8 0Martin Haydon, Enq., Tromore ... 1 _. O _0R. Morgan, Esq. ... — 5 0 0Jack Widget, Eoq 10 0 0K.,af alconii43nv 'EDq. . ... ; •• < 5 0 0Hngh MalcomeorWEsq- ' — 6 0 0

JA. E. Gravea. Epq. ... ... C^ .A .P(Haurte de Liu v, Ksq. ... ••• 1 0 0James Hearne, Ksq. ... ». 5 0 0Hearne & Co., Ltd. ... - •"> ° .. 0Maji.r Chava-se, Whitfield Court... 3 3 0Dr. Staunton - ... . ... 2 2 0Wm.GallsTUJ, K'pq.. J.P. ... a 8 0Wm. F. Peure . Esq. ... ... 1 1 04 Well-wisher . ... ... 20 6 0W. SlDney, Esq., Tromoro . . . 1 1 0P. Heneberry. "Epq. Traroore ... 1 t 0H. E. .Bef.n'er, Es'q i J P , Tramore ... 2 2 0T. E. Power. Esqi, Tramoro ... 2 2 0J. J. Feely, Esq., Tramore ... 3 8 0J; Meighnu , K/>q , Tiamor© ... 1 1 0H. F. Pefl y, Esq., Trnmore .. '. 2 2 0J. J. Sheridan, Esq., Trnmoro ... 1 1 _0B. N. Tulbot, Esq^ Tramoro . . . 1 0 0J. MoiriBsey, Esq., Tramoro ... 1 I 0E. ParkiuBon, Esq^ Tnmora .. 1 1 0H. Synnott , EBq., Traaorc ... 1 1 0Miss Knte Cloncy.'Tramoro . . . 1 1 0Dr. Morris, Waterford ... 2 2 0T J. Fresnan, Esq., Tramoro . . . 1 1 0M, F. Fitzgerald , lisq, W&terfoid . . . 1 1 0My les Baillie, Esq., Waterford ... 1 I 0I. J. Fleming, Esq., Tramorc . . ^ 2 0li. Power, Esq., 63 & 54, Quay •• 1 1 ).lobn Kellj, Esq., Bcrtsford-st ... * 2 0C. E: DeDuy, licq. ... - 5 0 0R. O. Paul, Eoq,, Ballydavid ... i 0 0John J. O'Neill PoV76r, Esq., Power

Hall, Gnov7hill - - 3 3 0William Power, Esq., The Terrecc,

Tramore ... ' ••• •• • 1 1 0Thomas Po'.vor. Esq-.'Dun'g.'u-' r.'i 0 10 0J. Shearman, Esq., Kilkenny .. i 0 0Aid. M. E. Young ¦• . 2 0 0afoare. V/. J. Smith & Qo. ... 3 0 0VV. M urray, Esq., Imperial Hotel... 3 8 0D, Qallwey, Eoq., Trnmoro .. . 3 8 0C. Rea, Esq., V S., Clonmel . i 0 0William Fitzpatrick, Eiq. ... 0 10 0John Kirwan, Epq. - ¦ 0 10 0William Muipby, Eoq. .- ... 2 2 0Messrs. Hartigan Bros .. . . . 2 2 0H, Villiers 8tunrt, Esq., Dromana \ 0 0Samuel Strour»m!:D,-Esq.-, Nffwtov ;3 3 3 0J. J. Harty.'Esq. •• - t V 0James Hurley, Ecq., C rrict-oa-

Suir ... • • ... i 1 0Robert J. Oostollo, Esq., Catherine-

street ' - •• . . . ' 2 0P. CicCabo, Esq.. Tranoro ... x 1 0David Powtr, Eeq., Centrol Hotel... i 1 0Jack Collie, Eoq do - 0 10 6N. Outhbcrtcon, Cheltenham ... !.'> ' 1 0Captain Palliser, Annoatowo •• 10 0 0Walter Bishop, Esq., Michael Si.... 6 0 0Walter Halloy, Ecq., Kilbarry ... 2 2 0John Hurley, Esq., CsirrJcls jn-Cah 1 1 0Joseph Widger', Ecq. ..; - 10 0 0T. U. UreU, Esq., M. &L. Bank . . . 1 1 0K..A- KeUy (O:Lcarj &C9.) ... 2 2 0Ji^cKeon, Patrick Etrastj Trctaoro 1 0 0Co&iEslIan 1 q 0Jofin Morgan - . 1 0 0Mr. Evans, England ... •• 10 0Copt: Hoyden, Tnunoro... . . 1 1 0Elr. Ruueu, Clonmol ... ••• 10 6H. M. Hatigan, LarUflcld . . 0 0Ccpt. J. F. Tuttel - .. » 1 0*B. H. Lambert, M.F.H..- - -> 1 0Mr. J. CRourkp, CnrloT? .. : 0 0Patrick Barren, Xnockoin • 10 6Eugene Power , Rillurc •• i0 6John Woluh, Bollinanctihcsh ... 10 6J. H. Poncr, Mountricbnl'd •• '.0 0J. Sluttery, WaUrfmd ... . 1 0Cnpt . Fethorstonhaugh ... ¦• ' 1 0P Bowe, Wotcriwd ... •• '0 0K.Pouer, Ballybfcock . .. 10 0J . Quinlan, Waterford .. ... 10 0J. Kcrvlch, Ho ... » 10 011 J. Murphy, Arocdol Squ^c ... 10 6J. riuliahy, V5., Clon:D3l . . . 1 0 0Capt Goff • 10 0Michael Wnbh, W&tcrford . . . 1 0 0Arnold Bros, lo . . 1 0 0Capt. 8teel, 10 . iO 0John Phelan, Ballygunncr 1 0 0Gerald Gilligan, Waterford . . . 0 0J. Rohon,'Oork ... •• 0 0J. Logon, V.S., Waterford . . . . 0 0J. Allingham, Tramore ... . 1 1 0Boymond.do la POCT ... . . . 5 0 0J. V. (yfirlen, Esq.. J.!?.,"

¦ Ac'-iJ» '

^Houco, Cappoapini ............. J J J

P. Keliy, Eq.. Blahoroeourl-p ;. 0 10


COn ,.M.a>«..««..M>«tu«7i«=7> 20 1U QJames Arnold. BdUybrlcken , .... 1 0 0Geoioo P. UalcomcbD. Woodlock,

, Portlaw .. 10 0 0lUisa Dorao, Tramoro ... — 1 .5 °John Kctoy, J J> W 0Wm. Shcnthan, J,P W 0Dr. O-Byrne ••• 10 0N. Molonoj . . . . - !0 0B. 8honahan - 10 °*V. Fitzgerald, Tybrourjbnoy Ci:tlo 10 0E;Wo!flb, Hotel 1 .. •» " » QPrBocWey, Kllmoylon ... ~ 6 0P. Nogent,;R(iq.j|Clonmel — 1 1 °-Dri Jackm&o. Wtterfoix] — 2 . 2 0John Jamb. Dublin ... -2 5 0 , 0Ohbs. ByrncvDubUa 1° ° °Staploton Bro _ Pnblia .~ — 10 ° °E.iW.Bndd, 8v7ictbri£r, Tn oro, 1 1 0"Covort HccJi " : ... . . . 1 1 0Joseph Stcphcncon, Hrahcrrt — 1 1 0B. OTlahQrty, Tramoro — 1 0 - 0A. Hunt, Esq., Bodrmouut, Kil-

A,< bacthomaa ... — 2 0 0AjTricob „ ... »• 6 "0 0W. F. Fayle, Eaq., Clomcd . . . 1 0 0D. 8. Power, EBO NoTrtown, Tra-

moro '. | ... ... 1 0 0B. Donnelly, Esa-, Tramoro ••• 1 1 ¦ 0Philip Mprphy, Esq, Waterford ... 1 0 0Oapt. Bloomfiold: . " ... - . - ••• 8 8 °Abel Buckley, Ee^jomr Galtca ¦ ¦

¦ ¦¦ ¦Castle ':.. ... ... 10 0 .0

Mlcbael Denneby.Esq, The Ourresh I 0 0Jamrt Daly, Eeq, IWey Baob ... H O•• A BpnrtsmufT - O 'i a - 0Mrf. BowUti, The Oross, Tiamonj 1 , 1 0P. J- CDonnelVBeq, Tramoro .. 1 1 0John Bell, Esq. V 8, Trunore. , ... I : 0 : ,0fcrr PStenh©n»oa,C«nick-on-Snir... s-ij P 0R. P. Wobb, t Esq., Moneyvtoo,; Cappoqoin L ' •«• «".. * * .;¦E. W. Kelly, Eiq» Jttmnc ¦¦ •« ¦:\ } '¦*John Cartel, Baq-'Monaer ffotel \ I ,9John fOopgEprrp, E«q, Mount Con- .~ grtv* -i '¦


'¦'¦' . . 88 0

Michel Iolir«i>J»Mi,E«i,C»hlr,Tm. , ^

A.Di Brnco, Eto,, Rocld»ads,Ti8. . ; . \ , ;

I more ¦' .' .« ! ••• ' ¦ ••• l ' ° w

ThbmMSItsffmldlEGd^VICtiuner, i . . .Oewg^M t ' ... •' Si 0 0

P.pJMog^^'EMMabaaM 0:10


Dr. wSStai [nfirmMj ... I VflDr. MorrWr,T«ntIl tn«t . . . ,1 1 0E Phelw, TOJNeyraa .. ; l 0 , 0D Dioford, Solicitor ... ; .... j 1, ¦ .1 0Mr Whdao, Vktop»Dotel,TT«pore 1 0 0Mr Mturi» Morpby, Maio-rtmi, :,

Tramore.. i ! •«• ! *** j • 0 •' ' i : i ; l -s .i. ! . " ¦ = ! -;fl v*. - .i - ; ¦ . - " T i : i \-Mm, i

iriTj nvmm

& ft ¦ 0 1 1 n 0 f ril *U+ r- ft?> I - t?ATT^fr;'r r »V •

"-"—I-* " j ,j

¦" "'" • - > ¦• ¦ ¦— *- ¦• 7

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*¦ ¦ '; ¦ . •

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¦ A - :! \--.-- -:\ :- \.; t !.i ; : . -.:.\ \- - ' y #£*t - u v •. ¦¦ u •¦.:•¦• ¦;,: ' . ,^,\ \ ' '-] ¦

¦¦,,:fil'7loli):-iIowiioR'l: 9

M QBI - I , Ha aoa ; Gigar-a, iBest Mix-tures, High class Cigarettes, ndVqvbp for Lpe^es/4B D,;and B.I.B.

'Ti : ! i Pipbs. : !

AiAZ. tcaiOEG hao in stock the largest and T greatejrt variety of... ..Snmmer Beverages and Mineral Waters—t>ottle> and syphono—I in : Waterford, EiiTel Tower 'Lemonade, Id. to 6d. vach, '

8&e! Gi ajQ C1 Display oi Home and -Foreign Fruits at" The Covent Garden S(dres of Waterford,"

A o : :^T. WORLD 1W

i ; . . ¦ •

lira.' liorebsy, XIolu-3t, Tramore .. 10 0 i c iJ R RUBSOII, Esq, J P ... 2 2 0¦JvR. -Anthony, Eeq 2 2John H. Coller, E5q., Kero Eocs ... 2 3 0H'lrtig i Broa ~ - 2 2 0 In 12An. Admirer ci iL J. 1 0 0 Aldon3* MorriTEsajElra Ville, .Kiltcray '2 0 0 aboutP. (iouah, Fenor 0 10 0 cbaracDr Fitwcraldi Imnatio Asylum ... 1 0 0 lenienF. M. iBaileyj Bjq 1 1 0 suitedP Power, Tourgar _.. 0 10 0 Vazna.Patrick 1 Powdr, Esq., '-. UaJi-way Is. to

House, Ooolgour 1 0 0n^nntv; Tn^nApf AT jAnninTi- T?7."_f.r-r-

fqrd 1 1 0Wm. Rea B^q;, Tramore 1 0 0Richard Duggan, Esn., Kilkenny... 1 0 0T. W. Anderson, E:q., J.P , D.'L.,

Gra<!cdieu .:... 3 0 0"Jones " 0 10 6J. Curran, Ebq, Bridgo-streot ... 1 1 0J. S. Calvert, Local Government

Ikrjrd Auditor, Armagh. . . . 1 0 0T. Fit-fgerclclj Esq. . . ; . . . 1 0 0Ur. BeDtir:tt,'.Erjgland ... ¦ '¦ . . . 1 0 0Mr. Matthew?; EogloDd ... 1 0 0

We b;;{ I" nclmoTCledgo ¦v'\i)\ thanks thefollowing lisL. of cub^cnptlona received byMessrs, W. Hally, Tramore, John Morgan tadP McGuire, at Cloiimel Show, on Thursdcy,AnguEt 6t.h ; :—Jbhn Murphy!, Clonmel ... I 0 0Jadi rialoomcin,' Ballycthaoo , C > .

Tlppcrarj ... ... 2 0 0D D Moloney, Fethard . ... A G OP Bidders, Rhtoatb . . ... 3 0 0— Hanley, Ctonmel ... ... 10 0T D Wovan!, Cork ... ... 1 0 0Edm'oad 'Morricon .. ... 10 00 Nugeut Humble ... ... 1 0 CMr Haelem, Llamoro ... . . 10 . 6Oapt Perry,1 VVoodrobfe ... . . . 1 1 . 0Q F Maiw>m«w rt, U F H ... 2 2 0James PheL«n, Lbfunchoon ... 1 1 u 0II Hartit>an , "WKterford . 1 1 0— Moore, B;mo ... ... 10 , $Edward Kennedy, Derrymt'j ;.. 10 0W;m Hardy, Esq, Englaad . . 1 1 0—1 Ruasell, Midlcton ... 10 0P ) &<&u\iC ... . - - ' . . ... . 1 1 ' 0Jojin Daly, Liffoy Bank, Dublin . . . 1 0 0— Richardson, Leedo ... . . 1 0 0Jo)in F Doylo, Clonmsl... . . . 1 1 0—l H<july, VS, Uidlctoa . . 1 0 0— Byrne V S ... . . 1 0 0P Wtlshty Kilshcclan . . . . 1 0 0— Claneyr VS 1 0 0— Power, V 8, Tipporary . . . 1 0 0John Mnlcahy, Clonrncl ... 10 0—'Htnlej, Cjonmd ... . . 10 0Thomas vtinon, Lirasric!: . . 10 0— Carroll, Mjdleton . . .. . 10 0— Walaho, &llyuiEc t , . 10 0— Orcody'; Cloyne' ' . . ' . . 5 0Herbert <Joff, Esq . ... 2 2 0— RlchMd3bn, Vatcrford * . . 2 2 0-- Hiitchtoh; Kelb 1 0 0Richard Stafford, Esd, Gt Gcorco'f- : ;


gtrent, Waterford ... ... 1 1 0E H Power4 Bsck Strtad, Traaoro' 1 0 0Arthur Ritchie, E;q, Oah:o> ... 1 0 0PjCam;U, U3IUownvCloDii:2l ' ... 10 0Nicholas Kennedy, Pass, Co Tip ... 10 , 0Wm pmitb. Barona - ... > ... l6 0Wm Riall, Aanervillo ..." ... 1 , 0 0

Mr, J. W. "Widscr hia rescived tha iollovringoubccripUotm: P. JJ Brophy, Hericr tocTi 6 Q ; 0John Doylei yvexford .._ 5 0 0Geo. Phojan,'V .. Cork . ...... 2 ,0 0J. Doaovari. Coit ..„...„ -..-._.. 1 0 0John Barrett. Esq., Cork . 3 8 0Mr. ZKnUaeT &ahin, TKanori 1 0' 0Hi. It. I)oro, PsroTicciiJ E ai, Tr>

mc/ra -... uu._._ 1 1 0

f. :i« MILE'S for me Qiery time.: MID-SUMMER : 1803

llr. W. J. Slaney has cout U3 in the folloTTicij! ¦. ¦, 8nb;cription3 :—

Mrs. Doylej Tramorc Hotel ... £3 0 0W. Piper, E29, Tranioro ... 2 0 0Joa p'Bdea, tfcq., „ ... ' « 0 0Jumdi HpUv,"E(iq., „ , , '.'.. 2 0 0Thoinaj Phelan,' Esq., Udn-circcJ, ,

Tramoroi ... ... ¦ ' - ... 1 0 0Waller HaUery, Ecq^ Potrict-strect, •:T<amoiroi i ... ... . . . 1 1 0Mrs Murray llt!3-ctrc:t, Tramoie I 1 0Ucs^re- Foran Broa StraDd-rtrest,

Ttamnfe i ... ... . . . 1 0 01J. F. Flynn, E:q., Slrcsd-ctrect, , '. ¦ ', . ¦

Tmmoro1 .„. „. 1 0 0B. MurrdyJ Esq, Uoiii-ct, Tremoro 1 0 0Ulsi Phetai „ „' .... 0 10: 0,MS Brodarl. . , - J .,., ,0 5 0Wm] miai tiiqj Patricias, -i. ' 0 '2- 6•ThqmM Whittle, Ii2q. i- ~ 0 3 6R. Power, '?sq, .Dopsrfb.- j -. 0, , % s§

•'BJlybnekV1 ¦¦¦¦¦.- ...... -. 1 0 , 0E.. L Welsh, Ecq, Tracorc ... 1 0 ', : Q

' 1J. \7. SIcsoy £nd llr. J&Oi Horpa sentBa the ifaUcwing cabocrlpllona on Itonday,

.fr iA Jji ' . ¦»:¦¦«; 0

Per feet •]..-...- —... ..., .-.-^ 1 0 0A. iidh .-. —,^ .,..... 1 0 0PaWBrien^Wadacs lacajtoincra 0 10 0a. AS$wito,B»q. ,, :,Z7.,,.~~~ 1 1 0IWku Ifellly;i3q: ..-j 1 0 03.. 1co9rfng|jBi<i. «MMA..M.MMM^,*.M^ 'X 0 0B. ElyniujBwL* Quay r - ' '¦-, ¦ ¦ -i 1 0 0Ufa irfcTQuiW'o* *•?• <»..¦¦.¦-' * ,° £ML t MarpfaKOteUy,»,.- ^>.*.. 9, W 2M. lEtuiSiVEa i QttayU'.f • W ,tf

H J. f* Plli^r» t <IM"*T^"T'i" mm 5 X 0

McTen ..^ ..-.^ -.—i. .-. 0. M)

gejgeant JCWlint, Trwaora ijijii— 0 6 06« geant Hagon, Union J. 0 5 0w. mat: aotiaisivofcp i;.:;;. *. o rio &?

- ¦'-..uiJ;.. K. '' .'L. :* ¦' 1- „ ...- .!¦ . : . , . ¦. y -i - .

Ahonti 0.w W«dne>dsy-tri|!MHfa«ViWM w

lh«.«o«ML»d renteal

4*i oT' iiW.'i*a,i«i Mt


±\:u*.i.~ ' r " ~"»f t Wf

Q,, 77, QUAY._ . " ' j

C I T Y P O L I C E C O U R T ,


In the OHy Police Court this mornin|f, beforoAlderman William- R. Ward, J.P., thtae weroaljout hali a ¦ dozen cases ol a vory trivialcharacter disposed oi. Hie worship dealt veryleniently ivitn the delinquents, vrttih con-sisted ¦principally of the female inhabjtanla olUoohera Arch; and imposed fines ranging fromIs. to 2a. Gd.

l i O N D A Yla tho City Police Court thia mornmg, be-

fore Alexander Nelson, Esq., J.P., . DX., .tennawie3 wero charged in custody for tte u?ualottenco of intoxication. Hia Worahip-imrjoscd.:firje3 ranging from 5a. to 103. 6d.


Before lir. Alexander Nelson, J.P., D.L. ¦¦ABUSIVE LANGUAGE.

Jokinna Whelan, summoned Bridget Danielfor abuaing her on tho public street.

On this day week the defendant w;ia fiatdlsl for jndeccait 'behavionr. She Wiia cowflrlfld 6s., or a week's imprisonment.

.tulia Walsh had Bridget Grant euiamon«dtoi a.lilteioffence and calling hex an oli maid.

His Worship sa;d there was no greitt hornin!callinf» a person an old maid.

Xhe case was'dismlsaed. - ;T RIOTOUS BEHAVIOim. {Constable Jamas OXJrady Efummcm«d Pet>r

O'Meill and William Cufle for being guilty jotriotous behaviour. - The constable stated thata young boy came to the barracks &.od caadtwo men ¦were killing e^ach other. M» pio-c&eded to tho spat and ¦found these two aurafighting. Ihero wa& a largo crowd aroundthem. They were each fined ' 2s. 6<L or '18hfllura' imprisonment. ' '

Catherine Ritihards, foi* drunkenneso on' tiio29th July, w;ap -fined fia. and costs. ' , ¦

Joseph Cronin was fined 23. 6d. for «. eimiliroffence at Ferrybank. ' ¦ '

Thomas OXJrady andi John OX5«/3y, t^robrothers w'cre oharged in custody lor. beingdrunk in Peter-street last ndght. Jdim weratquietly to the. lock-up when cxresi**d, butThomas resisted, and tho police biid . eoriotrouble jn conveying him to the lock-cp.There were B2 oonvictiaas against Tboiiaa, aiidino iewer thia 164 against John, •and tlueowithin, a period of twelve tnonfihs. ¦

Mr. Nelson said he found it very bard ;tokriow how to deal with tho case. .

John OXJrady—111 tako the pledge, youxWorship. , ¦ ¦' ;

Mr. -lelson—Do you really mean (,-t? . . -John OXJrtdy—Yes, yooir Worship, I do.Mr. Nelson—If I deal Jendeotly f if t h yua

will you go to Father Furlong And tako tooadgef If I though it would be any good, 'I

uid givo both 01 you & chance. X irtll potiol yon on your word of honour and ask

you U> toio tha pledge. ; - ., The two defendants then promised tttat Maty.

-would, never be obargo with drntike«c><*s¦again, csd.bia Worohip dismissod tho cant.,

William Morrissey.for being drunk fit ~8ev-gate-street, was fined 23. Od end coats, :

. ¦ 1 . FHANOY OAHmL . , - .Thi> jnan was charged Via "custody ipr

dtunkchriejfl yesterday. , _/ v-, —stt?---. 11*. Nelson said tber -ttas not the liligHUetfltop«thT'to;-5jis:'Jieart' for Francy, AS he t»4given Wm too many chances,: and Vhat i&eocensod hod brbken ali hia promises. Wrwiieenitencod to a month'o imprisonnsiKt :,

Defendant -Youi'months won t do Francyanjr good. ; .

tfiiliam Woters was fined 23. ¦ Gd. tor[(Hiiinlseiraesa at 12.30 tMa moraing. ' '

I H T J B 8 D A T

, In the C&ty Police Court this raoroing, be>lofo 'Mr. Alex. Nelson, J.P., p.i i, MargaretMurphy, ot little Micbael-etreet, -iras fit«d10i.; 6d. and ooota for assaulting Jans Dooianol the camo place. James AspeQ tras fined10a; Gd.: for being drunk in Peter«lreei I ta inight. . Anno Walah, a tramp,-. ¦vr&a fined (Os.lor a similar offence. : There were alw al»nthall a dozen oases oi on uninteresting chaiac-ler di&pooed of. •


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i>(0 doz: Real and <Itniiatiott\ Lace Collarettes, 2\u each ; tsual price, 8j uCbEARlM* LOTSqfiJSILK^.LJf CE TIES LESS than HALF PRICE

20 Dosen ChildrGBesLUiliFul R uf f i eklh' Bldctt

cmaain aDtfCOTcacaOTD,

Ja replying *o cdvertifiOJ-cata it tnnx ba cn»dercSood that roplieo r-ay' tort 4» pasflrcr.iWreocdvod by tho Editor, but most, in _£OC3C3 bo cent to tho lottor or som do cla=:ic&d by cdTQrtissia.

A~ HA IK; WASH in perfection. Sir Kraomo-

WilBon's Hm'r Vub li excellent for ctimnlat-Ing the growth and strengthening the hair. To tabad at the 'Watcrford Pharmacy, 89. .Qna?._ \

A PAETMENTS, comfortable, to Lot; suit on_{__ or two ; bath room ; near e Olctor Bank*Apply B, this office. ABOUT'Perambulators and Hall Cera. Wo

offer the Most Extraordinary Vfcluo in thowhole country. Prlcas on application. Hcarnsand Co.. Ltd,, Qnfty, Waterford. •

KLL'S Componnd Sulphur Electuary IB cooli-to the blood, tbos removing irrit&ti:

blotches on the face and hands j a simple renvfor children and grown people. J lOd. a iai .BelTa. 62, Qn*y. .

B* ATH BPONGhS a Spoclallcy at George Wtu

& Sons. Prices from 1s to 8s. ToiUSponges from Id to lid. AIBO Bain Gloves. Spon_iBaafceta, Loofahs, &o.

BELL'S Food Preservative is escelltnt i n wartweather to preserve cream, milk, butter and

meat. Sold In 8d. 5d, and 9d packages at thoW-terford Drag Hall, 62, Qnaj BICYCLE 'or Sale ; nearly new ; free whc__

Apply 22t . this offlct.

yfiAEBOLIC Dentifrice—An excollent AntlcoprvU Powder for tb.8 teeth i Id per tin H. Boli'o,ChemJit , . DB- JOHNbOWB UOKN SILK Is tho popoloi

Com Cure, being painless, BUT* and _wD;applied.' To be hod from the Local Agent, H, Be"Wftterford, In 7|d. packngea, FBEEZINE.—The Ore* PreKrvatlTO foi link'

Cream, Bntter, Meat. Flah and Gomo.Padceta from 8d. to 2a. etch. Sold by GoorsoWhite & Sona. "]I7\LORJ_NCKPLAC2, Tramara—Fomiahed Hornit? to be Let for September. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Sltting-roonn, &c Apply 8 J Denroche. TTitJ&folS-tKD Apartments at Mfca Forcer*.JO - Strand Street, Tramore (opposite B_llwj>»Hotel) T)j the week or month. Termn moderato.TTTWUND. at Horse Ehow, Pointer Bitch, «potfcIP about 6 months old. Owpsx can baTe eano •¦applrae to this Offioe , and payirg ejpenses /O AJNSKBS and Men wanted for Bttalaro Ko»MJT way Works. Apply Minitser, W-terforu8ecUon. B. iloAlpine & Sons, Watcrford.

AND OAtoKb-8 to soit all parses I Sromfis. to 2 Guineas. Oar 7s. 6d. Snap-nhoS

Camertt holds six i Piatea G. Whito & 8OE>JOBg-Btrest.

HAVE jon tried G. YihMo & 8003' refrcsnj*Health. Salt ! Makes a delightful efferves.

iaff Bovefags. TjEa al for bilioa-DC£i and ilcS head-aches. 80U In Fonrpenny tlns> IMPOKTAMTi to Bee-Keepen I G«—~ Whi»^

Sou are telling Bee Siva, FotmdaJion Comb ecd.BeeApplianea of wuionskinda at very moderatapri—'

AHAFCGK ia the cure for Tooth.cho, 8oldonly at the Watcrford Pharmaoy, 89 ,'Quay.

In bottles. Meacb,(TfODAK8-— Kodak films, Pap—a, Dovolopcro,livv etc. Fresn supplies to band every tow dayo,

GeorKB White & Sons, Klng-ntrcct and Thoi~m«Streat, Waterford. , -n_r"EBP'Motaa »way from garments put by JcJV the summer by aslng George White & SenaUotb Preventatlve. P.oketa M, 6d, and la each.¥ 031— A Gold heart-Bhapo fJlcsve Llntt botweanJU, Belleyua Terrace and the GrandHoteLTro-mors. Anyone bringing eame to the Grand Hoawill be Begarded. _,

M" A80KS Wanted on Ealltraj WorfcOi ITerry-

bank ; good wages. Apply 8. Pearson aBon; Xtd..Ccntr_ctor»' Office. Feirybanli. ¦RTBW Pocket Bleo-4o Lamps can be obtained fromiAl fi. W hit* * fiom for 2s.eaca. complete, Brilliant

. light by «imply prtcring the bnttoa. Extra Batterta, 1 cT\TAWIES Wanted on New Boafl auo WatsnordXsl,; Bxtennion RaUway j good cages and hutaccommodation. Apply B.Pearoon end Son, Ltd.,Centra-tor's Office, ForybanlL. TTJOOLTBY EN TBAMOEE. — Chicicno _on j and £_. 8d. a pair at Mrs. Cu_cdi'>, tiro doors

tron^Qtcnd HpteL'Trt)AWMBKOlJlHG.—Apprentlcartcnteo ; r~pcc-JlT'l tablo country lad prefcrrcfl. Jpply 281. tblo

CfHce, Tr> AM LAMBS FOB SALE—Pure Bred Hamp-Irn i ! a_ir« Down» for Early T/ir»V«. Eligible for

entry'in flock book. Bred frcm Brocilsj Park Pri=>Whine-. App P W K EMHT, Kingtmeadc— House, I

W»t*rfo«LII* OOM» to Let for Offices, etc.—Lirge and _jry;

JQ, ! central j OTer O'Sultivan's Bbatmacy, 69

K1CBABD GI 'SK80N b Beliable itoh-clao\Vurn Office Is at 81. Uallybricbea. EJchcct

sums advanced ot. all descriptions of goods, Janmay,Fnmiture, Bedding- Bicyclej, HcmeU, Ctn, aad¦Wheels, etc, eta Spedal Storage; tor ynmit-ro cadBoddlng,Car» and wheel* at8 Greai'i Lone. KocscondprlceTf Forfeited Pledges, Indudmg.Watchej, KingsTioenlec-, Uelodeoos.'lm Tronkil.Bedrtesds,<3!__-llattreaies, Boob, Clothing, etc, etc, always' for tabP.8.—Bnrinep tranweted thtongb post or other—aTliESIDEIfT Secretary reattlrcd iTor WatorfordJxtti and dutriat (one with InauranDe ezpsrisncpand good connection amongst former*, and willoffice preferred). Unot invest £100 in 6 pa- cent*Preference Shares. Pernaneni (alary, etc AboSuperintendents, etc Small Investment required,•JlRMger." Abb*y.HilL White-Way. O9. ABtrI-

SPBING Cleaning—Ihe Gloder Plato Fowdczprodnces _ brilliant polish aa all PftiHa gooda.

ed per boi. H.BeHQnay, i| ripBAMUBE.—To Let unfurnlilyyi Hossa <a Bella,JL TO« Terrace ; bath, Ceo. p_rnl_bcd Hocc>Bo—bank Villa ; lmmedlata pcb"_!on. Apply toH. E. Bennei. Beflevuo, |1 (HO make the Skin soft and emootb use Cream ofJL Lillles, a well known ei}n lotion., To bs

obtained only si the WaUrford Pharmacy, 89Quay, in 8d. end 2a. bottles, !fi^O BE LtT bom lit Beptcmbor, comf ortcblyJL f_rnUbed Sitttoff-room and Bedroom j bath,hot and cold; In the vldnltj of Johai HilU : Goodcooking »nd»U*nfl«nw. Applj X ICO. th_t oQoa-f T8E FBU1X ClXSATtf far a C00IU13 effcr.%J i-taotng 8aaia»r MofllcSa 1, It, pet bottlt at

H- Bell's, The Qn*y. . . ; . T;|/ .[l . : -TTMBBBLLA I1O8T oa Regatta Oay ; 5IS%J covered, with rough erool Mndlo end sQvct

tend, ! Find- will Oblige by re using it to Kgv7o

, 4ji r'AMXJSl>—B«aice and aktrt huorti. , ApplyTT! to226, offioe of tUsP»per. ! . '

TTTAHTED—A respectable douatry GW UID; TT.i Appr*ntlos to the Grocery *nd Provisions,ko. jMaww <-& _T«w.Offlee. i | - ; |: . | i ¦

1{*kf \t\- ntBB 8AUPLB Box** of BtffiVF vf BcUol Pfll» fordlitribuUo- at tho

; Yltmoti Dfng H»U, 82,QuyJ A_k for a box..

¦;. v i-ipii-:-.


-¦>... : f . i ; ; : : : i ! : i ; i i 41 ? . !} ¦/ ' •.

i.. r _l* ji L ¥ J - -_ » TT . »*- .» - ¦ u. ' ¦! .


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si Ilukiii ' piMfbres at Half MG3Pearls and Whits f rom If Bh ts&

IBMjppiBg andAGENC

PASSENGER[Slew Tork> Bostono PMMdalMiiL®,Canada


" NOV- OPE ''

I Gorman''sMedaosil Hall©13&. TWE OTA:


Skie rroDiri©W)r--E, 1, (BOMM, LP.&.IFor OIQEV



\ Entries CJ OM An«"GANL"!



jtlQEfiOlS...; ; | ; ! i -il. ¦: J r !jwax''jB '':r'7


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CJ__# 'tl J:' V_ .y g—i r*» ¦' I JTr* '.irTi-l?_r T - ¦ L; : •• •¦ ! : ' FOB 'A^KTJAlj HOLIDAY ; j ..On SATUBDA , AUGUST tBtii, 1903-ill; •¦•! !¦ . . ..i-"". '.. i)..-i.- ,-- .-.v:- h i H .


iJBKBAirES- 4!<xta

44n: Si.

Our FIRST AUCTION " of brood Euej rethe preijent vear v/ill be hslc ir tne Dubh"Cattle MariT-


Notilioatlon o( entrica ohoulfl reach QO OL ¦

before Aigufit 1 Itt . ID order to pive dae oonc«et buyer.

Entry ;fonns on applies-GANL*. SOBS & _

Dcher'o Qno» , Dnou.


lur Third Auctioc tor tbio

(HOB8B 8H0W WJS1AI 12^0 o'ClocS croi.

CoDGignments ehoald rencb ue me Saturoa*.prcviouH to dote of BoJ*

Wool Sheets lent and further p_rticniar» otapplication u-

©-HJLY, SO33& <^ Co..18. 19 ti 20 Uchcr'o Qaaj, Oabl:


I^eiy Oriental Cafe90k QUAY WATEBFOBB

BEST Management, ^oality of

Teaend Coffee lunsurpti-ed. Qalch

disp_tcb. ClsftnUjie=3. ¦ • ^CE8 mada bjNew 'Kceciift durfog Sommcr^ ! ;

: 1 i " ' ¦ ' ¦ ;: . ; ¦! , . • : . ;IfBpp;UET()B. I; : . [ -

¦ HEmMiii^Gt)*, 'i

••••« i ¦ . i

rg-iiiAB'' Ain) 'SPii

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'i!Jt if 'vrf2 *./ 'iU r> '- £i

ase ;-#^o0,QQo^

Africa. Auswali&9 Inciia,Mow ^Qalandc eta


Pore Drum and Cnemi(».IrToccriptioDf Accurately Compound


"ieoro uitr HAMILTONState Apotne£ane&

SONS 6 v-



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oMtaniUttftoi- ;¦W.MtaiM ataaj» \


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Y H I 131 'tr'^'iP'ih'f T^ciP(r\Vv <#_. \\J \GJL AOiL \iA .


lor (Qo-niort &nd jScofflomvia OooIsMg'

Has Sooldng HOTTne EASIEr.


Uodc o/ Cooking. _^GAS Cookati arc HIRED ot

Ti c., and S*1- Por coL

['or SaticfactorT LightingUSE IKCANDASCENT 6A£


Iccandcx2nt burDor complete, 1/2 c_cttlcDUeo 4$&. eaci.. or 3/6 p2r doa.

fho wb.ob of your locandcccoot Burners willbo regularly examined, cleaned, Monties andChimnoyu rcnewct wheo ncccroary by thoQAD COHPAWT at or inelufiivo charge of from8/- to £_/- per Burner per yettr according toDumber , i.e., is 2cl P3' caonth.

Full particolan>. at., trom


S2ovcB°']i3'ay LdceaoGd HonuoTO Bfl LET, Yc—ly, In the Uoyort V7_Ut Iron

th3 £Sth 8cp _it=v. ApplyIIYl__i n.VP-f.tp, T>-H y1>nnh;i s

WATGnPOKD : r.l/il,A»aV3

BTJTT3E._:=—.___ b? _Ir Jonn Hnnisir, Ilti i C; _:l_U_i;3

i:c=b- E«-E_t=fi_y . .. &1J .« 7P/C3Dtlcndcj .. o 0lTc=d£y .. .. 0 —v*—1~ . .17 ._ UMSl=r=_3y . ... H5 .- 7«/0iPrid_y 0

IJo ol CtMta co7r<=p_=_lij cra t Url ycir, 400priso 7S/67 P» cnl

Ecy, per ton. Ol* .. 703 to 0C3 0JUoo do ~ <"a to E03 0iOctca Eirs\ ... 553 03 to 70s 04T7hcit— &r_v . „. 0J3 to 003 MWhcates Ckca. _ OOJ Od to CCj 03Tnrtips . ... 00a ta CDsUarcrtdJ ». _, 00a to 0(MPctttoca GTOCT) _ •_ 5dto 0d pij r saa

. " ' FIC3,1f——¦ VTr--y p—>- r-^ ff—<i , T.M r;-j7t . i

I • { • . ' : GJ *CciEJcsi. — «. : — CO 0Tci £3c».-b!o». .. : -. D OCOT Prlco Ctoct - ». • ' ~ to 0,_ta Ort—Jt!3b«. M. ; m ' . 47 .0Cci DnC_ls5isd _. ; 47 01 • QIIAItl.Uocr* i< 6 0. Ptc!on'« rccrcrt i

Orlaolisj Boric* -.' ! ._ 10 0 U 0

VTtita V7ts_t_, -. : - . CO 0 CO 0H.M i n . », i , _. CO 0 CO 0Caooadsrr Wheat — ' ; -. ' • ¦ C9 0 00 0

! ' -~iE3n iunAT. ;llr. T. ntrscrald'o rejert i— ' , J

1 • , , (•. ! _ ¦! ' i " « fl i dE«rt Beef /bind tte ib : -. »d 0 0VoajSt tieoci r

~, i i ¦¦' «. .» « 0 7

Uottoo,'Iiesi,_cIViO^0~4Tcrrlb)O *S O i OO»b»tOat»|p- tb] -. ' i : -. r0 , 8' 0 7

Fresh Pork, „. .."' ;,¦ - 0 0 0 8

_e*,per QB_»b«j». ,—J , >_ , 9 0 10 ; 0.

Mr Chjalef Hni't teporl'i— ' • . "• •' ¦'.' ' '¦ ¦ • • : • ' •Hea FiSi^UO) ' - - 0 0. 8 ; «

C*rfJfftf*U?»i*») ~ r | » e pwtoo

^P^i M.f8 :Ohlokai-k KB B_1» "-. : ,.

¦ -. . 8 O 8 . 0

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•: ; 'J' :•! ¦ OXJRi -GREAT: '

I.- ^wv. . ' < ; . - 1 4 ,- f

Pmrcte^^re ¦ of ' High-class |' .. Gopfiswilt &t okjbei^.ecoguise hQ- sTJibisiiaii"ft!M ! reliulotipM^Meh:^: IE all I3)0Bia!,rfc2to0B4s!; ; i : ' ;¦ ¦

7 fxu

Gtees on bafcurday, ISfcb. Aiigiisft

Special Seductions in all Daments for that day.

47 QUAY , j

¦u5) -Y7 cr—-lli& VL \

<pffl|J10y©ra Jyl8;DIlluy lliSula»IlC8( Tho '©ajjsqs'a of Dolay ; Ith regard to pnttlago-tT Inotirlng ijiuot otrllio homo to tho mind ot 9veryEmployer in vio~? of tho tooavy Sumo awarded laClio Cour.3 to lujarcd Workmen daring tkflpa*i voar.

Wo Siiiyloyor can afford Hot to Ingnr©1. Tftb, ehlDG baa bectjmp foarfall? oerlouo. ';> ,

, Nk> matter what the riali, I caa goaraaWoOBatea of Premiam In all c«9e8.) , ,

aAHiiSs^Hro'twf o wamto^rtii-j -. i . - l ;i - - -. -|ti6-«i*:. r '>.;i


lfl»graz dTr

" w. J. SMITHGnCxc

feoirg@9§ Street WATERFORH)

oAlni \7 [_=_ .¥O^rCOOp rjGCcrfCKl

3P3.il M®s 71 MH1 A©3MSQ,HI raem jeiE Ainns

ft© BD IL-DS

Co. U, C 7co vcrrc;o,=-a r—J O C

vpcr=c?s, cnc:

GWM ontl CSc?, ho. U, Gls.c*c=3 uJresur



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Watero&rli..a 0


rf ;rs classesOn Monday

Higher Divioion-UNIVERSITY—First Arta and tlatriculation.

CIVIL SERVICE—Second Division & Excise


... Entranca Ex-minatfoa for Ecclcsi-tticalColleges.

Tho Grades of the Intermediate.Technical Initrnction in Design, Draying,

Modolling and Experimented Scicnco.

Elomontiry Diviaion-Bcridca tho Ordinary Elementary Subjccta,

Instruction in Elementary Design, Paper-folding and Kconrrs.

Specklbta ccadnct tho Ckc:G3 in Clcn3ics,l lcizm Languasca, MI_thcm_tic3, Eiperi-tc;_t_I Phyaicj tnd Chemistry. J

At vzry cctad Phycicaland otocicd Imeet cdvancec

Prccpcctnj, giving nil the n:xc:;ary lnformstion, may ba h_d from

victoria Hotel, ColbeokStreet, Watorford.

TO BE BOLDfor LJis3 Si

from BosinKS,Tbp above old-est-bliahod Hotel, and second

bar or tcp att_cbod, all held trader Leaso forBlYarc, from 1870, at tho yearly rent of £20 Oi'Od

Offers for tho prembss, Including Etock-lntnulj, Qtc__ibcnd fcrnituro to be Ecnt to thoandcrcijccd. •

JOHN MURPHY, Auctioneer,13, GI_d3toae-ctrect, T7«texford.

Re-OpenAugust 24th

drcd Subjects form part of tho

o_cidor_blo 'txponra tho ChemicalI Laboratories have bden refittedto meat tha requirement! of thod Courses in the:a Departments.

BY PRIVATE TREATY,rtCEB, T?ho b retiring

Pmimmary IJoticailozt Dc.iraDlo Investment.

SALE of tho most valuable Grac3 Farm ofGnrtcen-hillo, situated in the Borooy of

Clarmsllagh end Queen's County, rrithln FourMilei of Durrou and Rathdownoy end six ofBillyrejgct, the Property of the Rep3. of tholate Thomas Kidd, Esq., containing 267a. Or.28p. I. P. Measure or tnereaboats, hold underLease for 60 Years lrom let May, 1883, at theYearly Rent of ,£300 per ftnnum.

Tho Lands cro all in Gmcj, a good portionof V7hlcb is fatteniug, well watered and fenced.-cd thero is aT7i± Ont-officcathe Lend..

Above nill beV7hlch dae notiiso

Abctrtct of Titlo end Con91tion3 of Sals tobe b-d on application;to

; IIESSES. JAME8 POE & 80N,Bolidtore ; or

S. D. WILSON, Auctioneer, £c,: Kilkenny.

12th Auguy, 1903. .

LiM:ea:zrj AgrboaUiiral! BcHbteku.

Cta' QESatT AJKHTAL SHOWj 10U> tnd 11th SSPTEMBER, 1903,

For1' Hortesy Cattle

Sheep, Swine, Poultry,

agricultural Produce, Butter, Honey,j Wood-Carving, etc. \


Largest Money Prizes in Farmers' Classes ID, : any ProripcW Sho* b Ireland.

Botrics iho-ld be cuds at once.' Prizo List: and Entry Forms Free, | ¦

Td. M

EXTENSIVE Grocery and Ltceowd (84x-!. Day) Px«mise« ia , Q'C>«u>«r}-tt*«e»;

Wttcrford. For further particular* apply, to¦JOHN KOB'piBj^BiqJBtejtUlfc Eifim_wr

^ f ^PWwm

wmmm.v; ' ,'" ft t ¦'. i ' j ' '



- The above Stock has teen Purchased by

Hsarae & Co.,1??V WATE2FOBD i[At a Large Bisconiiit,

Groat 1G Daya' SA.LE o£ cam aNOW ON- "



good Tiro-Storlsd JJwellingand a Largo Hay Born nn

cold in September next, ofofll bo eiveD. :

MUHPHY, Hoo. S«J '; . . ! Kilkinnj

FV-t '- ','' ; '^

' .j r l .1:>- i ¦ ." ' *< l*wl*lfii!SKirr4-

^W^w- r ! i ! ; I- vb> ai i .> «y>, ¦_ 4IH,H.., < I I

iL.'Jij-rL. Lru lnJT-

Goods at Ie33HalfrPric a |

CTAELIC LEAGUESpeciall y written for the

Feifl n_ nE-cisi, Leld fn DuDgarvaa on h:tSunday, wca, ca expected a tremendous suc-cc 3; There was a great gathering of thoclans from every part of Waterford, and frcjmetart to finish tie various competitions werefollowed with tho j closest interest Goodhunonr end eathusiism prevailed everywhere,and the speech of tbs Gael was heard whereverone turned, and it was easy to coo, too, ttlatwith tho majority of those present Irish «a3opoken without on effort and aa a matterlofCburc3, and "WCJ cot merely put on for 'isoccasion. ; I

It T7M unfortunate that eome of the combo-ti tions were uot as well contested as the entries-wonld lead one to i_mfir>t. Knr irntajim nriiftwo qnartettes tnroed np for tho four-handrcol, thougn iieyen were entered. The judgesgave thla eve at tot'ae Duogarvan combination,whose perfoimanco mnst have be«n of exa p-tional merit Indeed, as the Waterford four w reCOrtably' snp:rior to fonr hand reeb who b: TCwop at tie Oireachtaj and Feia oa Mumhw).It is fair to _dd, however, that the writer lidnot ceo the competition on Saoday. It h apity that some oL' the other fonrs, who1 , itappears were preaint, did not compote, Foraccording to the cnndlions no prize was to!bo(riven unlcaa three eots of competitors cimeforward. Bnt of <x>ur&e tho committca candfal wittthe situatioo as it now ttaids. Tien imber of competitors In eome of the otherdancing Item3 wa_ also disappointing:, espe-cially as. there were numerous entries in eccicase. Tho committee were hardly well odvicbdIQ having 1 two local men adjudicators in od^i-tion to Mr. E lpin, ot limerick. Tbo kti«rthoald be quite capablo of dealing with th3dandng conUnts, and it Is not likely that any-one would object to his decisions; certainly hocould not.bei accused of bias io any directica,AE&Jhongh it is possible, but scarcely probaHs,that bis opinions might not always be right,still people would oq; say that he was inflaenc sdIn any way, and consequently there wonld i*j-no sympathy for anyono who might be du-satisfled xrith hb judgments. Bnt it is alwr.73very Qnsjfa to have local men aa jnclges wbot>there are local competitors. In sach a cn:ecomplaint is ioevitable.

The einging was very good, much the bvJtyet hoard Bt a Fels f a Dungarvan. The eeoibrrecitation, hmreTer.waa a bit disappointing, i_jOnly two Competed t>nt of seven entered. Tierprke wes given to. Kir. P. Brett, of ; tho Water-ford Branch, ¦ for bia poweiful rendering : ofAi ne r an pe c c teifAn mWr- Tliojunior testa in story-tolling and convorcatlqawere perh«p» tho mc«t Intercstiog aud bopcfaJcompctitioos of the festival. . The!youcgste[3ehowed a real grip oi the language! and spotewith tho greatest easo and fluency, j One couldnot help thinking thit the marvellous commandof tie LHjgu*g_ diipliyed by Borne of tho chi -dren conld be acquired only in the home3. i. Dr. Honebrr was presOTt at the Feia, __s3acted as judge In tie literary competitions, c£dalso in aioglng and fl ite-playing. He abo dij-llvered a cnai!octeriitic Irish epepch to tipUrge audience. It ym easy to ace how wellhis words wens understood, and there can fcano doubt bnt toey will have an effect to m&b^an Irish speaker present, to whom most of hiprcmarka peculiarly applied. It la to be h< p.5that tho pareate wtl follow, his advice, B_ 5exerciao their right I o have Irish thorougalt.taught to their children in the schools: It isstrange that at this time of day wo havo to Uforcing those .who are responsible for on-echooLs to teach Irish. Still it is tho fact, am.wo hHve to facis it. Let tho parents: thereforefollow Dr. He uebry'j advice aod so thetpower. Unless preamre Is brought npoa thcr 1some of 001 Irish schools will eootiuue thjwork of angliidaatioi shloh they ihave co_Lducted with such conspicuous enccesa for th»past seventy jreari. We hop» to eeo Dr.Hrneb- 's speeeh of !3ouday in print $ It waa twlss, etrong and con-rinclDg aJdress, contaialing aound advice, i_td calculated!to:InspW>courage—*nd the Guilic Leaguer often requlrScourage, for ths strrjirgla at times appear, dc; -perate, almost hopeletia. > \ !

Tipperary U going to have Ua first Feis. Hwill be held in Clomael on September 27th aa228th next : The pitwrammo has [just bcofcbened, and for en tciHal effort It U a rathe?ambitlooj one. TherB are 20 items confined tSthe Cotpoe Cu_.nncAip and to Co. fTipperar/and 9 opeq orenta oa the fyllaW; ThbOlonm«l «LeagMr8 6aro appropiiaiely caUafthotr Fell feif An Cftcirmt*. Tho andoittaking indicatw that conalderable developmenthas already taken pla» In the district, and th \•accessfiil (arrying through of thd propoaelfFeia will inevitably _m an invigonuWeifJtin and aronad Ctodin ttleAU. | ' - :

The Tariotw IntennedMa 8cho<la of th' ecouatry wlU 'be mwilog work In three week Kor a month from now after the hoBdajs, as wtJas the Trainmj CoQe|{M for National Teachen 1and it to rjoafMahbTi* auppoae that the aathc ¦'¦ritie* of tnch johooU are at praeqt drawing 0 >tb* prograniwia for the coming; WncaUotu lyear, Wbeth«: tbe i claims of lriih wfll b^neognieed Worint ti» beweni bat bthe caarrf the Btermw^Solwok vim is 'tJietTaw ft rW*« ¥!W fclt,j for U gb< rjnwoo* ««Jt|Jg tbtt pucnti lure a good d5 Ito *T»», tW awtter of ihe •dotation of thS rehUdren ia tho Intennedkte Bchooli. It allI* ?°J .

tt «i lh»t tW|«rettta win M tthat IrUh gi t « projw pkoo pto tt» Wn3 H<Uately«i»ctt*M ft»^






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SEASipi HTSpecial offer to Tourists

! - I '


TO-" meet V long-felt j iWanf -we «fier for HwNOVEIS by-foRtaojst : Writers. 9I.-th9-.daiFrioos, ©a. and fla. g(L j ! LattCt F«adn«tlpg:N(

Photographic Views and charming SouvenirsI |> ! Itamore, selling tX

Unique Collection 0/ Pf ctoricUJPo rt Cards. 1TINEST STATIONEBY 1 IN THE

! IBISH ; PUBLICATIONS A; .... :}:. SPLENDID ABRA< A Visit ^respectfully s(

&ETZ t,C0,, 7& OUAI; WATERSFomrwoowarca AUCTIOMO! OV

YKOMAO VJO&=£:i Cs. C3C3.'

Continuation Sale of Jewellery, Plate, Silver,

$c. fy c , by ' directions of tht Treaties.

/TTCO BE 80LD BY UNRESERVED AUCTIOHii it our Salerooms, tho Hal), Watortord,

On 2I0NDA7, 17th ATTGTTBT.jAnd Following Days, at Ttrelro o'Clcck,

i ' 1The remainder of tia Itncao&sa Stack of Jqaellery,Plate, Silver Tea and OoBea Sorriest), Prisa Caps.£30 Gold and Silire- WtioneslGoIa Efiga AndBrooches, Hlgb-CI: s CboTob Pitta, Dln}off endDrawing Et om C cato,£e., &a, ell of which lurotf en removed from ' Hears. Dillon slid Co'oPromtces for eonv I IMC* of Sola

C-T A punctual | tcadanoa b requested, to all tht8tock most b« Sold. On Tiaxr morning of Sal»

Terms— Strietly iCash.THOtlAS WALSH O BOi:, Auciloncaro,

: Tho ridl. \7tt2riord,

MEAN TACTICSWo are ¦very unwilling ii it could possiblyiba avoided, to intrude our business affairsupon the attention of our readers, but wherethere is a question of public principle involved•we think any referencaj we make are justifi-able. It will be noticed from a special reportin another column that we obtained a contracttaum the Dungarvan Guardians at their mecv-ing on Tuesday last along with another papei,as to whose contract we have not tne slightestabjection It is all tile same to as ii thoGuardians gave the advertisements to fortypapers, brut we most decidedly obj©ci to ourpaper, which hao faitMuUy looked after theinterests of the Union lor flftr years, beingostracised by reason ol unfair procedure, whichwe are aware has .bean adopted by a lew lead-inj spirite, backed by some outsiders ior sainttime past At fine meeting retereed to, MiMaurict Power stated publiclT thai the" News * wae the only local paper sold t>y ouiagent in Ballymacarbery, and thai tne pro-prietor of another paper, publiahec IE Water-iord. refused1 to send it to that locality in oraeito run in a twin sheet, to enable one or mor.of its backers to 'boest <rf twin No 2 .being 11.circulation ia the district and thus securf aduplicate comtoact ior $ie County; 'OounciJadvertisemento. Mind, that is not our state-ment, i>ut that of a representative man at apublic 'board; and wo lei il rest at that. Be-solutions, according to M: James OtKeeOe ,R.D.C., at the same .meeting hav« booncovertly manufactured, j lor tne purpose o1giving a handle to o ,'certain newepsper 1 towork up individual attacks upon respectablepeople who do not crawl tor notoriety to mcolumns. For instance,| we are informed mata " resolution " was sent, to Tuesday's meetingpurporting to come from a certain branch 0;the United Irish League, to congratulate tneNationalist members upon thei: supposedvictory in changing a] cottage site on 11:Nugent Bumble's property, and thereupon 11:OT&effo eaid that tho IJK-O persons (tee pro-poser and seconder) wbxufc names were attachedto the resolution Golely constituted the branchand no man should be (dictated u by them.The object of tho reoolutjOE wtws obvious, andevidently intended to afidrd & plausible groundwork for the villificatioisj of a gentleman, whohad 6upported a changi of site trom a badacre to a good one. These are bare facts, andthe inferences BO obvious thai tne man IDthe street can eee throiign thec \W leavethe public to arbitrate ai to whauip- incs* aremean tactics or no»



\\ W I ILL be Sold by Unreserved Auction,VV at Walsh's Poddock, Balljbticlien,

T7oterford, on Saturday, 22nd August, 1903,nt Twelve o'clocbL

On view morning of Sale. Terms—Cash.THOMAS WAILSS & 8ON,

Acotloiisara. Tho ISsH, Watcriord.



TO be 8old by Auction, on Saturday, !22ndAugust, 1903, et Twelve o'clock, at

Walsh'o Paddock,; Balrybricken (for account ofwhom it may 'coiicern), by directions of theW.S.S. Co^A Light-running Americau Bnggy, with

moveable Hood and Cushions.Per ono»her account—

A New American Gig, fitted with 8olidTyreo.

25 StroDg Iceland Ponies.5 Well-bred Horses and Meres.Bullocks and , Heifers.Sheep and Lamb3.Combined Mowing and Reaping Machine,

by Woods.1G? All on view at the. Paddocks, Bally-

bricken, morning of Sale.Terms—Cash. '

. THOUAS V7AISH & EO2I.1 Auctincesrs,Tho MalL Watarford.

COUNTY WATERF0BDAbsolutely cecure Investment of £60, per

oDnom, derivable out of POULDBEWHOUSE, MILLS, and about 21 StatuteAcres of Land. '

To be Sold by Public Auction,At onr Fropsrtt 8a!erocraiij, 1

T H E M A L L , W A T E R F O ^ D ,On Tuesday, 25th August, 1903, 1

At 12 o'Clock,A well-secnred Ground Bent or Bent Charge of£60 per annum, derivable out of part df theLands of Gurtlead, Pouldrew Mill8*ond Be3i-denw, now in the occupation of K. Ardagh,Esq., standing on about 21 Statute Acres ofLand, held nndet Lease for tv term of] 80*)years from lBt November, 1875, at the annualrest of £8 6s Id per annum.

The Auctioneers request attention to thifSale as it ia seldom such a Bafe Investment ispieced ou tbo market. '

For further particulars and conditions ofSds apply to J E D HORE, Solicitor,Or to 53, Lord street Liverpool.

THOMAS WALSH & SON, Aucdoneere,Tho MalL Wttorford. 1


The evena of next weety ca far as WaterfordOitv and District are concerned , will be tiieFancy Pair and Gala TJete to "be held in thopicturesque! grounds a} tne OoTrrt house onTuesday . Wednesday, ami Tburod'ay Tfoofixture promises bo be, lirm undoubtedly can-not fail to be, ehould ' tin* elements provefavourable, one of the ; bes al fresco enter-tainments held in the iSouth of Ireland (ormany years, for whenever the Watcrford BoatClub sets about doing -anything they do itwell. And so it will bejon this occasion, iorthe promoters are being assisted by a band of•willing lady workere, on whom the greater¦burden of the preparations has fallen . Thelaudable object fur which thia fete wasoriginated ia to raise funds to enable the BoatClub Committee to clear oB a debt, necessarilyincurred in connection with their handsomenew premises, which lihey w«r© obliged toerect in consequence of the old clubhouse ;uidgrounds tyring required! for the railwa; ex-tension worka. The change unqestionably 13aU for the better , both ; from a practical andarchitectural point of view, fanning aa thenow house doe3 a pretty feature on the mar-gin of the Eiver Suir. When WHS mention thatthe club spent a thousand pound3 on its newpremieea, it will be seen that they have provid-ed a place not alone suitable for the require-ments oi the members ia every itiay, but that itbaa been made a club ia reality 03 well ca! inacme, where social intercourse; can cgreoi'blyta&ie place sido by ci&e with lio more ctnidirx>ccupatv?n» oj muscle raising and tho ocqulre-eneni of proifloeney on ilia tit a! towing. Pro-viaion has also been made for tihe comfort ofviaitore' on regatta dayi, a much nteded Im-provement indeed. Tho flrt^ day will beauspiciously signalised by the presence of HiflExcellency, Barl Dudley, Lord Lieutenant ofIreland, who has (jraciojusly consented to per-¦form the opening ceremony The Boat Cbub'haa been singularly fortunate in securing sucha mark: of Viceregal favour, but! we think everyone acquainted witih tie record of the dlub*ijl admit that ft is wor2»y <xf tho tigiestpatronage and tho most distinguished tmp-port. Q| both they may bo assured ai tj xtweek's Pete,, for to uso A commjmplace ejepjres-sioti, they ore giving more than value for I tiheminey/ The various paviHonb, and there! areEhany of them, will be niohly laden with :pnz€aof |a really handsome AHd valuajb'e description,asjanyona who takes tile txoukla of Inspecting'9>o|na of them on jyi«n#' atlMtsBW lEoljamonia&. I^dKeiej ,'tho•'' Qu y, ,; <sal -;aacertainj.forthisra9dTO*;;ji : ;Bre; daal; elseWiere:inldetail¦with the .particul&r attlr'actknri, we 'shall nowSxtoclud«: by hoartay jwiabing the' goid] oldBja* <Gfob ..th» fullm ' measure ai- success,¦toUch ;tro tiast . •will: '\ miterikily: wiiev© th*fli ancially. inert bus. -sf if b wW^h

it I is at pre-

•ent wai htod and <Khitk noe*aai51y liampewi ts oseXulneas for U»

young ijneo of tie cityAr d it«' ability to prcrvide get uino rocffeSfion(oir ite imember*. !; ¦ : • . ¦ ¦ ¦ ;• , : ; -h ' '

'i \- . ' \- ¦

i i - - : i "BBAiiNE'fl PRICES 'FOB 'PEARS' SOAP.

f ' .l ': I Qj I il ; Il.&earea.aad Co. feftvA tiecciv d id largo deli-Mry- 0* Pean* Soap, to»T are K&iag it at 3id.pur eai». , ;: . .'-:¦., ¦¦> ; ¦:; .1 .

i : ' i:' ¦ i: ¦ ' . ; ; ¦

' i i *" ! . ^ : i' ,." ¦. • ¦ • . ¦ ' ¦ ' • ; :

¦ > '. . ' I- ;

Ho. 7S, Quay, Wa^erfprd



TMPORTANT Auction of Extensive Jqwel-JL lery PremUea and good xsill lo bnsirjess ;alco the entire hoOBehold furniture, co3t1y ahopfittuigs, madei by Sage, London, Tools, &<i &c.

To be 8old by Public Auction on theo're-mfces, on WEDNESDAY, $6th;AUG178T,1903, at 12 o'Clock, by directions of] theExecnton of the late B. C. Fielding, r :HEINTEREST in tie well-known I end l oogestablished premises, No. 76, Quay, Water-ford, in which the Jewellery Buolness hasbeen successfully carried on for years. Thepremises oreiiritnote in the be3t part ol| theCity, and form ono of the (cost commandingend substantially built houses in the City ofTVoterfordi modem plate glass frontage, ad-mirably suited for , the prominent display offt»d3. The entire ! premises are held underLcasa for a term cf 75 years, from" 29th d y.ofSeptember, 1850, at the Low Annual Rent of£35, now adjnsted to £38. The valunble, andcostly shop finings and fixture were madfj anderected' by'F. Sagf, London, are modern, ingood order and in every respect suitable to thetrtdo. ' ¦ ' • ; ! " . :

The Plate Glass Wall Cases measure 57 feetx 11-8 high ; three Counter ;Cacw, 12. k 2 ;three Connters fitted with drawers. |TheFittings will be sold in lots to euit purchaser)).Gesa&Ti end . Brecfrete, Window Scrjeenfl,Blinds, linoleum, &c I

Immediately after will be '. cold tbe BotiroHousehold Furniture; Silver, Plate, Cnt GIac3,Cottage Piano, &c • . . ' ' • 1

Osout OF 8AXE—At 12 o'clock preciselyInterest ia Lease and Shop Fittings. .

Immediately after the Hottsehold Fonuture,dft - . : \: i . '. : . l - i i i : i :;. i . ! ; . ' ! ' ' '¦: '.; ¦!'

For tardier partioolars fcpply to . .P A MCBPHT, 8oiicltort ' • ;

: OX!oca«Urtreet.Wftt«fqrd.Or THOMAS WALSH ft SOW,' Auctioneer*

I : The Kill, T?at«rtonJ.

ItAlBCULLIHEENi FERBTBA1TK,t :L --. 4. WATBhFORO.'.. - - ; ¦ ¦;- '

¦ <

Auction of Excellent

¦ Km JmMJiBmm • few

iilill i

I ,. ? - : - -;, f t -. : - J : I ; ! ¦ . ¦! .r > V - . f!!

'¦• '. "¦ ¦¦ ' I

' : ; 1 |: ; :.' ¦¦ L I -

ii ' :' ' ' ' : : : ' i ' : i I

jand Holiday- Beakers-r- ;.- .. ¦ „ . ' - ';¦ i;,..*.!.: - .j ,Li.pummer Season a Mi)gni5be.nt ?:elect' ft < tt i .- / : Published Priiis, 16s. aiid"3s.i64. r Ou

v,elsJ 8!L.each.. I ';- ~

! : !"1

of Watarford, TTaaiir!); Donfrcrv'ani ; ccd •Sjheapert tcs. T , > j " •;¦¦ -v | ,'at Boiita- fo r If agatinrs (Ad Periodicabj-PITY. "|: ' ' i i l - II 8PE0IALITY. : ' |

•Y OF I; IRISH-MADE ^OODS.>Ucjited. ! ;! ¦

trotting Pony ; Governess Trap and Harness«C- ; also j ¦ , .10 WEL8H PONIES: from 3 to 6 yearn old ;

I very prioraieiog,

1|O BE SOLD BY AUCTION,On Thursday, 3rd SEPTEMBER, 1903,At 12 o'clock, at Ratbculliheen House, Ferry-

baDk, Woteriord, by directiouo ot J ohnGriffiths, Esq., who i haa clisposcid of hisIntereot in tbe residence. " ' ., :

THOMAS IVAL8H & SON,Auctiocssra, Waterford.

®f o §®aterfori *§,tp^RIDAY, AUGUST 14., 1803 .



|LoaA:t A Jii'irBit^l-^i^li


i f . Mond*j'« moetiB« ot th*--Committee d Haifa-Mat «| th« WrterfordTDlttrlct jlitafttio' Axf iaau atWhich Us Wi%tte'Bl^

at tterfordpMi«],ACBDCclssd UM tmtaetSctt ot IH TT'TWIT ol men thAttS3T Import*!** Os« item oowiiedln tbeprowSdpoJBtmaiof » CH<!tkol'WorbiJoritli» saw tAiaUfm

Wt A»jlaia^Mdlog?tff«^^1)<lWe7ofri£S0,000»There xnn'tii candidates for the portion, of which foor•Wtn local loeo; TO*} wen exodleotly recommeodad.pel; tuo of them, toweror, n»m<f Into tbo ronnlife,'upely, Ments. Patrick Heanie, Baqotttown, JodWoi.Keating, Oartle rtreet, Waterford. [ , ' ]

I ¦ ¦

^ ^ ^ » r ~^r r r — — ^ 1


iHHD EBSULT. '•: : • - . ' ' Y> \i \\-- ' ; ' [, : We thmild nY tbit the ffleetisruv.arimslltiw,only ten tnembfti of the Committee btiagja- attftidaiKw.Anjhow when • poll ni taken Jt'.WM 'i&ai tK»tfire had toted for Hetrne, and fonr for KeaUtijf, bettbe BUhop after eooiUenUoa deMdM to giro fan vetoto Keating, thtarosklnff UwnuBiberi Waal, e rerolt,tberxioroS,'thattJ^appelrjtaiffltba» Ullm throngh forthe present,'and another election mm* take plaoe. Wemay add that whUe tbe. appOfanti trera in Use 6eM weretrained trom adrooatiSD tha daitsi ot ons mors thaaaaother, bettering, as we do, that ID oonnection with roohan important appointioeDt' la wgatd; to which technicalknowledge ot a high order I* teani Ite, the«sad!datt9thoold be allowed tn itand or tall op their own merit*ted experieaee trithoot outside iatertarence. That naherestnally will be the caie, we have no doabt, snd, thttbeing >o, «e leave the matter u it ctandi , •' 1

A PEOTBST AH3> ITS SEQUEL. iIn oonnectlon with the proposal; to erect a coltalila

reddenoe (or the Besideet Medleal Saperintcndent, "Di.Oitohott, then wti another temporary collapcs- Bricfi jp z i, there U a rcolotloa ctasdlng ta the books ts to*effect that a ram not eioeodinj £1,500 ehoald bs ex-Beaded on (hia work, the rooloUon arising in thli way—When the project wai 6rrt agreed to Mr. W. ItPriel, O.E, the engineer, drew op plans, thscsrrringoat ot, which be estimated at aooat Of £2,000. Whenthese plans came to be oonsideredri majority ot tbeCommittee regarded tbe priotf as too high; and redcringthe Bgnro by the resolution to XI,6Ptt .Mr. ffrid rcrpared other plena to snlt that im Thcsplani, how*erer, would not be approred of bj tbo Board of Control,and cow the matter came tip on a £2,000 scheme for tisreception of tenders, two of which were reedTed, Oneof then waa for £2,827. and tho oth.3 for £9,561, bu^from each mart ba dedacted, rapectiTelj, rami con)ddemhly over £300 far tlter&Uoni in tins land rtcuErd'ahocs»

¦ ¦ !aAofloooooo

iTTOT .T . THEODOB.. .': :It >u against the ccceptaooe of ihae tezdem tba^

Mr- Ch&rlea J. CmTim, lir Mlctscl Wyce, and IXttMitbow W»t«h protested, both on the grounds of pahliaeconomy and the illegality ot nocepdng any tendetjhigher than £1,680 while , the resolution alluded to re-mainMl IE force. The Utter argument essinrd to baIrresistible, and the tenders wtre pnt alide and KaledJafter prolonged dlscnsdon- How the deadlock will bsirelieved we will not venture to toggert,' bat it cirikes usthat the Board of Control, wbicb is a verjr autocraticbody once it gets ft thing into its head, having already,rejected the £1.(00 plan, will hardly go tuck on their:dectork However, Monday's proctsllnjo TTSII qlv^give tnea 1 cbann of reconridertng the mattu If thsyeel disposed to do ¦& ¦ <

oo e* 9 *« « o o 'A IHSG-RAOEFUL SOESH. i

OD Sunday, at what should have been a happUy-tenninated toornament, a dicgraoeful ecme \rt3 esactsd,and, we truu, thai if tbe Instigators are known theCentral Council will deal as vigorously \ts padtfe withthe offender or offenders Io this caee, T7e believe, tt wesone football player w» the canu of Uis ;riotota proceed*Ings, tor he was ceeo to vidoosly kick another man whilerising from the ground. . The nature! rerolt followed.Men TOO had been quietly enjoving |tha gamenuk^dInto the field, iticka were raised and a coma of dterdertad riot ensued which threatened at ooi time to be very•rrioui However, it wci quelled before very muchbodily barm bad been effected. It is a pitj that thesoatbnalu of temper should occur to often in the Gaelicplaying fields, with the rcolt that the G.A.A. b lojiqgmany tm« and tried friends wbo do cot believe in thatcurt of thin

(THE BOAT OliUh FBTt.A to more cjreeable topic to touch 'upas b tha

forthcoming Fancy Fair, to be held under tbe au:plee3of the Waterford Beet Club cm the evenmrai of tb.3 18th,19ti and 20th instant HI* ExcellmoyEarl Dudley,Lord Liraten&nt o! Ireland, hu kindly pnbibcdto open tbe Fete which, undoubtedly, will bs abrilliant function and ons whicb not only enhzscs theopening proceedings, but lend eclat to the Fancy Fairfrom beginning to eno To recount the many attractionsto be presented to the pobQo on this mosientoiu occasionwould take more ipace than ii at car dispoeal, butthe mention ot & few of tbe leading fettara of the Fairwill, we are ture, prove of interest to very many of ourrals


Tbe Committer of ladles ond gcntTctnen art lea»inanothuu undoni t/ transform the prettily «ituat«agrounds into » Tcritablt fairy feme, and already a emailarmy c workmen art engaged ID the preparations.When tn> 'anoua gaily decorated stalb are complete,and • profusior, of bunting is gaily floc'ioj over tbe¦cens thexr will be » wealth of coloOT- to lesd enchant-ment b the visv while at eight tbd gtounda wil bebriUlantlT illumlnato: by electricity- ¦ Hb Excellencywill declare tie baxaar open from a commodious platformerected In front ot and Immediately adjoining the portiooof the CourthouM which will be proteely decoratedOppoeiU this » commodious itand hu been erectd forthe usommodntion of tbe Band of the Waterford RoyalQ&rrison Artillery, who will perform choice eelections ofmusic under the able conductorship of lit. H. Malcolm.Thil will be a treat in iteell. and will greatly enuvra thsprosenadeo in tbe evenuu

s a a o o o o o oTHE SPECIAL A.TT!RAOTTOJfi>

Axo of exceptional quality and qcantity and let usenumerate just a ten First we find that then will becinematograph displays , with all the kict picture, in-cluding a full series of yiews of the great Gordon-Bennettrace tn Ireland, and also ot a Ccindlta Toboggan, tbefilm for which is 100 vards lonj " Hell of LaoghUr"will provide mirth galore ; then there will be ElectrioFuji Ponds, SbooUcf Gollertra, a Grand Ctfe Cbaatant,of whlci more uua. Pilmbtry. a fully-equippedrertauranv the MiUtery Band already referred to, and•o OD o4 Itt Thet It ahoald b» remembered thitquite t number ol cheap excursions wil) be ru3 from allpare

o o a o o o o o o *Oi!PB GffANTAlir

Thi> wil], we thiniu rent cmosgtt tbe preciirr at-tractions of the Fanoy Fait , foT which we are awexe thatthaw responsible tor the design ol ita projnuaiM hairedone everything in their power to tscure the beet of tales]asd to profile one of Uw most novel nerio of entertain-aaia ever held in the Sontb-East of Ireland. Lesdinjsingers, the best danoen and variety entertainers havebeen engaged for the cafe, at no little expends for this oc-casion, ana we can promise that tboes who ones pay avisit to li will go taci sgain and sgsin tor the pro-graume is eo Arranged that tbs element ot camenea bentirely eliminated. Ladles con be supplied with tea atall timra.ind co3ee a I j an< when they visit to the cafeof which, no doubi, they wDl be the tnoct cnthusiuticpatrons Tbe gmtleiuin can also be supplied with atolly good gb=> of wine or a tip-top H&vcsna <A r,for the cafe is therplace In whicb to fina dtber. We con-groioiate tbe Commitla on having secured tucb a do-Dghlfully trrcnged euxilliary to thdr Vda. _

s A A A a a a n a a

A WATBBflOBI) EStEORANTS' LAMENTThe following touching lines were t7ritiea many

vesrsa n -Weary ne lsy on liisskoippl's toon.

Whil* tbe wild wave unseen nuhod. cwiftly t»And blood like rain is spilled in ucr'e Otd rcno.

And brave men writhing fall to bleed c=d dhHis white cheek rests upon bis bony haa

And little ncSu the red sun's burning r&-For be bss fled in thought to one dear &.

His own Qreen Isle of ocean far awa;Tbe cyprea swamm behind him taint tie m.

Asa poisonous flia He gloaUEj on bis blxiHe sighs in pain, and broods O'er days that wen

When he was young in vudwood solitude—Or by the sweet Slackwato', where frci flowcn (jrerr,

And wQd birds tuned their songs the live-Ion;; day ;And then he thought oa friends his yoocj dojs Tmaw,

When fortune smiled in Erin tti ctroy.A Irtto- Irjthi* trrmbilcg band ho chip :,S Aad as he read*, the glittering teax-iropa ct iPrcloldy o'crhb fhrets) isd thea ts &sp>

OoaTWsiv* <i?U2) t!» tsia titct lisa reveal :His father's cot, to which his food bestt tared

Thro' all the OlJ be net oa Ufa'* roar i way,Wo rued to earth, and pity's prayer trci cpox i

By lion hearts wUleb* W3 fcr cmf.Fatirta! boptJ are fled—he's homeless bow—

The golden dreams he Darted in life's youSQ tnoinAll gone CB CDOW upon tho mountain's brow

tldto is the brcso when tunnncr's cwa rctcm.Oh I bAy be toned the hctrtleg tyranny

Thi35ruincd boms when bis affectlonj by ; >And ttea to think that spot he ne'er might ts:, !

In bis own loved cherished Erin far away 1 '•••*io«is> . :

GZS MANAGEB8 IN OQKOLAVE. :i The proceedings connected with tbs annual mrxtinj

of th» Irish Qu Maoigert, ebo cssoobled in th* TownE»J1, Walcrford, this week, wot both instructive andagreeable and went to show what vast strides tbs (dene*of gu matin* has taade slnoa Ow late Mr BenjajnliGraham first Ugbted portion of our own dty with tbaKnJninant in 1819, Mr J G Tootas, the effldent andpopular manager of tbe Watcrford Gas OompanV,opened tbf "« *ff in tb* anavoidatilo Abacootf of tStfJlajor, and, in tbeootasooj andwjait aodpnetbadaddirss, g»Tei somei lntettitlBg1 detaus Bitouamand-facto* of gu In' this clly fa ittt and proent t£moTh* annnal dinner given at tSsImperiaJ Hotel w»»»meat enjoyaUj faadon, and the sriesti wenloodfatbdr Draia^at «baj maoocr b> wLisE tfasrwereatewdlot. Tba ttmnSca to Dnomoro wii grWly enjoyei¦ndki the ;kUt» pirn betbtoMsm& ta&s tbej hatu oDPortanltT oi experiendnfl tbe tbonitallt* of tiuOtkad Hota wh*r» they partook of ariaeaieatfyserT*djnneT . !

¦ ¦ ' ¦- ' ¦ '' ; '! ' '" '¦' - ¦'

, . : i . ••¦•ooo««o ¦; ;

¦. - ¦: i ,

OTJE MA»Aanja. ¦ ' : : ;• ; „ ¦ ¦•; ; , We Uotk tt wflj be admitted that til* wteV» f i t

Mam Is aw of iba best MtponStiwd.iti MadW matt«ru4 pictorial tip* befef ' rcplet*; trlfh aOTropfUUbOerpntf aad fllartraUok ¦ V< tdst UiaTtib«o<m. - kndcn lwbd btead tb bfca thd'rnBjfttfa irill pf*¦err* tbemilsk tb4 Iocs3r«k tutteireootabt mbtwalcb, iik fefam yoan, will b« ofiBtdM to tie yooagignama.

'\ <

¦¦ ; ¦ i ¦ - i ^ ¦¦ ¦

:¦ ¦¦ ' ¦\ - 'i ' . '

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OtJS "JAEiVEY CiBSit ; ¦ ¦• ¦ i ' i ¦ -v • ;: - ' 'Itbiu>tlfl b to«.ytbrttop*oprfeior»'olfl

Waterford f rrre)i<m cm ccopw* wttb mj otfw 'ejj. j./ ; ] , "y ^' f -Z -^

; ' i - ¦ * i : i -• (-;n.;; ^. •¦ ;:.-;¦' ;

¦- •- ! |v i I

' ¦ . •¦; ; ! • ¦

,r- li : ' - -. i ' i l

ov- lOk ia Irtfcqd. vfabavi sBidlio onr S I OTWtV*bia* dwttFtt. ftnt two days! o» the HMS-SS*SJP«JW«y and Unlay- 41 wen especially admlnd

ms-tasBt- aaai7'iMs<J<><o(tt na^napMtMl costmuy to»U *&J <f otlm ot\*Brtm~M}».- *t **<m. thegrowls .; *ea , ww p n tverr. proM oi oar. yTMenorahMkn«i. wrtteevMe,' and^w*; tMsAtt will htowrtliimtoloorlsbatid ,fi toc.'««»•y e^imrij SA 'witU tWsportfaw, the Mcete and the geotral passjenfeet transit of;Wstd»j4,«i';h V - ::: • ' \- -r • ¦ ¦ ¦ • "• ' ''' '" ;ACrr/«-\/^-«K».-«M*/'.-. - : -- . ' -i- »-:>¦ ¦ ¦• ;Wuia(EEfloa^ x)iiJiNTy-ooi7NonK'-- : ;' ' AlthoogKof brief duration, compared with J)revloasgatberiDgs o our, local parliament, still thera. wm *couple of m* ten of soj)r«me taportiaooe, ot» «f, m pain-tul character dealt with. Tbs meeting, it may bs men*tioned/wu (called at tl o request of th« LoeiU Govern-Dwiri Board; tl» rMastu (OF its nnrmar heins! ofatimi.Th* ojily stbjecta dealt with, and these W«r« «odou»enoagb^ul afl conscjen00 were tbe respective^ petitions ofEatfldollectors Noonan and Barnto, though their oasesart wiieWf dlHerest. lia Mr ;Noonan's case It appearsthere is • deficit on tbe amount lof Ws oollecUon ot £365,and that tbe Patriotlo Assuranoa Campaby' being biscecurUy pressed for a warrant for his arrest 'should theamount be not lodged on f t certain dat*.. No lodgementwas made,'and tbematte came bcfqrtttfieFinaoooOom•tnltteo who.bad noialternadve, acting under legal advios,but, to rreommend a prtnecutloa, a course which tbeCouncil Cl tegVetfully b6und to adopt; so that probablybefore these lines appear In print tbe machinery" of toelaw will have been set in motion. We hope not, TheeisabJ a painful one, aid we refrain from commentingen it. , :


This collector's, caw, w». should like to emphaslsastaads oa quite a dlffcrr it footing from tht ons just re-ferred to. Mr, Barronjs i retirement 5s due to; the factthat the Watsrtord No. ] District wu too wide aa are*to esabls him to get in the full amount ol Ml warrant,and he according!v desired to rid himself of a responsi-bility which he felt;he could not fulfil.' That tho sl» ofthe district Is felt to be Inconvenient tor tbe purposes ofcollection was evidenced by tbe tact that Mr. ThotatsNolan h.-.d given notice of jmo'tioa to make two divisionsof the collectable area, butj. that gentleman being not Inftttendiilicevthe proposal tell thirougti. The appointmentof scceoscrs for both oollectors will probably taba plaojat' tho quarterly., meetlnir of the Council oa Mondaynext. '¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ :

' . c • ' peooeo«eoo<5UIiTlJ PEOPBB. ' I

¦ iAt' a previous meeting o! the CoanoU a rtcalntloTs

was pas: bb the followiog farms :—" Thit tarvtce* olthe clcrko it pwaent employment in the Boattarr'no81e»be dispensed, with, excepting Mt Long." NoUcoof motion to rescind that bos been owned by CouncillorsM J Murphyj Tbom&s Nolin, John Eisresy, John1

Lawlord, Thomas Murphy, and J V O'Briea. We:

consider this is proper. There could only be threereasons why tbca young men should bs thrown out ofwork, namely :—Mlconduct, inefpdency and publioeconomy. Nono of tbe first two reasons ore alleged,end, 04 to the third, that clerks are not required ia,;toour mind, quite untenable Why, the Local Govern- ;ment Board would not tolerate, for a moment, therunning of the Secretary s office with an undermannedstaff, which would have the effect of throwing the clericalwork helpleuly into the arrear, We trusty moreover,thot it will be clearly understood that if these clerks areto be evicted, eo to speak, from their places, there will bsno Intention on the part of any member or members ofhe Council to. pitchfork would-be grabbers Into tbevacant situations. We may cay at once that there ba strong rumour abroad to that effect, and, while we doBo creait that it has any foundation in fact, rtill, to cleartbe tir, we trust that there jwill be a strong contradictionof tho inrinustion. Anyhow, the publia will ncich withmuch interest the progress of events, as far is countyoQce appointments ere concerned


At tbetzme meeting tbo following will be proposedrj.tioy npprar on the agenda :—

I give notice toot I will move " That thatsliry of Mr James Lawlor be increased by twopounds."—Nicbolos Morricey

I bej to give notice I will move " That anenalytl under the Fertilfccrs' and FeedingGtutjV Act be appointed at a salary to be 6xedtt slid meeting and nominal fca for casa ofanalysis."—Thomas JJolan.

Mr Thomej Power boa luted a motion Co the cameelect.

I beg to give notice that I will move or cau^oto t>3 moved '' A proposal ID favour of tbe re-pair of tho Villierstown ferry boat and tin em-ployment of a man te work same."—J VO'Encn.'

1 beg ;to ffive notice of motion I will move'• ThitT? !r James Harty, Eingville, ond EevdRobert Vltzgerald, O.8,A., Dungarvon , be pnton tt3 Q^nnty Agricultaro ncd Technical In-ttructioo Committeo "—.lames Hayes.

IMPORTANT TO STUDENTSIt fiil»lii sun from our edvertissment columns

that the Department of Agriculture and Technical In-ctruction for Inland are prepared to offer a number ofccbolarsblps to arato students desirous of undertakinga full training In domestic science at the Irkh TrduingSchool cl Domctio Economy, Kidare street, Dublin.These scholarships, which will be awarded as the remitof a competitive examination, partly written, partly vivavoct , will entitle the holders to free adminaion to the fullcourt) of training. Tbe examination will be held inDublin, Belfast, Cork and Oalcay, on Tuesday, the 15tbSeptember, 190& Further particular* may bo hadon duplication to the Secretary of the Department, iUpper Merrion streev, Dublin.

o o c o o o o o o

A COEBECTIOIiIn (riving com« extracts conocruing the drapery

trade cj " rterfcrd.in last ,weci'r tax ol Tun NJTOHce Inadvertently gave " The Drapers* Record" cj oarauthor. VVe should have quoted the interested itexs aglesned from tho columns of tho up-to-date trade journal," The Iriab Draper

O « • 6 0 O 0 O

DUNGARVA> ADVBBTI81iNOAt Tuesday's mveOng a majority of tbo Dungarvon

Guardians decld«d to have their advertislcj contractwith THK NEWR, which has been publishing the offldalannonncenaents of tbe Union eince tbe- bouae was built.We are much gratified, but not surprised, at the result,because we felt sure that tbe temporary and one-tidedostracism to whicb our paper had been subjected wouldnot continue permanently, When the od vertiBementswere taken from us before there was much political heatin the atmcapbere, but no cuch rxcuee for r opposing THENEWS exists now. W e feel complimented at tha wayour friends 'rallied roand us , and we do not feel theslightest grudge against tboee who voted against us. Theyhod a perfect right to vote es they pleased, and theydid co.

o c • o o o o oMR. THOMAS PCNWEB, OX).

With reference to Mr Thomia Power's ofcu-vttionju to the legality of the motion proposed at tho Dan-gtrvon Board of CJuardlons en Tuesday, wo wish topoint out to Mr Power that in this matter be is not quitscornet . Some years »go THS NEWB tent in a tender tothe Kilmacthomu Board of Guardians, and it was ac-cepted by that Board, after considerable discussion, byone vote. That tendered wu sent In on tbs ordinarycontract day, and, had we desired, we could have^en-foroed its completion by tbe Guardians. Some gentle-men who were politically opposed to THS N EWB at thattime banded in a notice of motioo to the effect thatonother should be substituted for TUB NEWB Whentbs motion came on, by tbo narrow margin of one voteTHE Niwo, for political reasons, was put out of the con-tract. Tbe Local Government Board held thai theQuardlans were porfcctly entitled to make the changeWe point out to Mr Power that this is a precedent forthe action of the Dunuorvan Board of Guardian, and wefurther claim that if the Board of Guardians gave theirndvertisemenCJ to 1C papers, the Local GovernmentBoard w<old not have any objectinn.

OUR C1ROUIATION.As to tbe circulation of THE N'EV 8 we pslnt to tbe

remarks of Mr Maurice P,ower. Owing to the exerdsuof t«rrorum after the split tha circulation of THE N EWBfell In orrtaiu districts of the county Now all obstacle)are reaoved and our paper ojain occupies, evea in theremotest country districts, the premier position wb chX7e cbia it ia entitled to ho3d in the South-But ofIreland.

o e o o o o o o o

1SR. WXUJA.II STACK, J.P.Fie, fie Mr Stack. " What mode you cay Mr

Bedmond didn't treat us as be should." Eversinca M r!Bedoond joined the ranks of journalists be has catered!with anxiety and care for the good folks of the OldBorough, and ths people tf DubgarVan have always re-cogriicd tbo fact. With Mr 8uok clearly It b tho old ,old c'xry—" The new brdom sweeps clean, ' but need woproccsd further with tbe analojjy f We think not:ts lcart cald tbe eooneet mendedT

• e e o o o o oUO. JLVM.TS HATB3 J.P.

' To t/ot good friend, the Mayor of Dungarvan, ourbtct thanks arcdue for proposing the motion He pot:the case fnr TUB NSWB in the proverbial nutshell.Those gentlemen who talk about " expense" and"tiddllcj tbs rates," i evidently, in anaware of tbaecenomlc va oe ol advtrtlslng. Almost every, publioboard to Ireland advertises in at least two papers for thosimple reason that it pays to do so, competition Is In-creased, prices reduced, and tba result is a cocddcrablodvina io tot rsta. Ttie tboileaduu tocden to "Water,ford : Why do they all advajthe In Tn» NEWS J Be-am they know theyi iret good value Ior tbdrinonej,Bums »art4 on adTtrtulDS pcbCa contracts mult almcetInvtrUbly to tba loci of hundreds per atmnm to thsrsiepajini puWio.

ABiLY SECONDED. . • ¦' Mr Hayes) effnrt*' wet o ably seooDded by' Mtatta

James Kirwari ViStick Polej 01 Oorran ana tiinricsFonrex ia U» oratorical line, and, we UantttiraiTcrjrmuch. Mr Koley traveEadj all tba;w»7 fJroaIUagtotay a kind word for Tki Niwi ' ¦ '¦ < . -,' . •' • • ! a ¦ «f ¦• ¦ o o- '

, ! ;

TOJB N,8JP.O47n ; ,, \ , .'

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i ¦ . • ¦!

: I . flfe have, recdved tbs annnal report of toll Societyte theprote ^

df EelplesjchlWrtTifrotn cruelty andneoUot, of itHchlaciiTe and., weII-Bianaged braacbeisuit b» Watertotd, Dungarran, lismore, Carrick-oo-ScbaodPortlaw. ,The record hcatalnl; a spleiidldooo,and prof« infontertably thai the BocWy hasaooom-pUsba * bVjswd work-in tbe rescue of the suflfering UttI*MM« ftoffl tb« crod tnabaeot of unnatntal paMBta,Hen K4 » f«w ttOta and flgnnsj of telling lmpottaooB—We l^TeamcntbaaosuaBf rooxissfnl year to reportTb« taUJ manberi of euaj b which, tber8qdsty DM la-li I issWrt Irtiirii rhfldi sn ward rrpsrWrnirf tiffrriwi hasb»«*l sffi »Ucbl i. ininc>4*o<llB9ootbVk«Ti>sJij S , U dJeT ttf jood woAwi^oolpTos pSjooto

cSiJwitarolvrifcs.tb*«rt« qamtand MjMO, bS,an. bkTCM* of 4,781 rmon lbs trambsr jrf HM jpnrlodii*Lr. I Tii tin PK»J.\UJWM» g-KQO -wmi ttsaifctaeL wjSlsoharged. Tl r^p pltopnaaattsB* wasf a * ttSla.m .^^wWrinr».'ol¦«»;.,|rt» oo -^ ' : ixi lf '"X. :\¦¦¦. ; ¦ : ¦ ¦

¦. : ¦ i- i

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(rratoJatf Mr Wao , tb« Director and B*er*tary, bit¦upon Out admirable report which ba was enabled, to pro- ™aaBtfor Uw yw/lBOa-lW!!. ¦ . : P-y.>M«i,--v5»V-'Ht «";-tEi' »

¦"¦¦<¦;•¦• .^¦-•-.. - v , , '*

•^ KmmiBiBml>mM .. >.¦&£•:.*.• S: . VWtort fc^Tf«»s wrt w»ek sbouM w^Mrr* «¦tbaMfthey rsgnlrian toerinaadrtnl^Hay aMaiffirttin 5cocktaiL a Eoclrj Moontahi oaW^u fa ¦Os> or# SwhjSeJ «b5ir-3tbs plao*tol wffl b??Btb.Cafa 7dban'tant Th« ladles nuxnina tab; fcajottaii :d«elarl-' wmant of tbe Fetajwfflbe tound At Home to ti« iUfa

¦ °KM* . • - . • • : .tTBQE aMlAliLPOX CtiSBa : " ' m

At thsmeetlngof tbe Waterford Board cI Goardiani goa Wedne^ay tie; principal tojio of discussion wa» tbe

^transmission of two small-pox cases to tbe Passage East Mintercepting hospital It ;appears that some of tbe ^uraaraians ara oi opuuoa mat in casa a any more caaeaof th« kind wjcorrine the patieni* should be sent to tbaFever Hospital aid tbe Medical Officers wen asked toreport at to the [advisability of such a' coarse being;panned, Gapfciln B O Oarew, an* Mr H L Ward,TO , were napeatlvely the mover an/i seconder of thisproposal, which, with all due respect to both gentlemen,we onosWer to' bb unfeasible, if not absurd. We aresurprimd that a)g%itleman impregnated with everymodern Ideas astohosplteJmsosfranentihouldeven suggestsneb a thing as aq hospital tar mixed patients sufferingfrom fever and small-pox. The arxt thing we shall bearproposed, maybe, is that in case of an outbreak ot cholera•—whicb Heaven forbid—tfce Fever Hospital should alsobe used for the reception of that class of patient*,'

AB3U'BD.. ;Ur Thomas. Power, ol CallngboDO, bus also

tome oreds Ideas ej to the Isolation of small-poxpatients, and considered that If snob conld not bareceived In tba Fever Hospital, that tmlldins ibcroldbe polled down 1 Of coarse Mr Fairer was noOserious, but ho mean* to convey that small-parestes abonld be confined to Waterford City, insteadot being gent to on hospital epeolally conttractad inon Isolatod place by tbe old Guard fans, and contri-buted to by overy district) In tbe TJnloo, tbe City otWaterford In particular. , Tbe idea Is tbe height ofabsurdity, and . we (ball watch anxiously for whattba Colon Medical OfOoera will have to say on tbasubject. As a matter of fact tbo praotice of partingsmall-pox patient* in hospital braidings, occupiedby other patients,-obtained many yean ago, bat,theobjections ' to such a praoJloo were fonnd to manyend eo strong by tbe Faculty that TTO doubt if therela a fever hospital In the United Kiocdom wfclchnow adopts tbe dual system.

o o o o o o o oTOHIA/T oanuD BE BONE?

It may not be generally known that should •email-pod cscs or caeca occur again, either im-ported or local, and tt)3 PMMgo hospital xra»closed againet city cases, the Medical Superintend-ing OQcer of Health conld, on his own respoasl-sibllfty, rent a booto In tbo country as a temporaryhospital ; so as to protect the health of tbe city.We do not aotUlpsta any outbreak of a cartonsopcdlmlo, bnt in matters of this kind li Is good tolook noil aho«d, and be prepared for everyomergency. l£3iZ ^

0 0 O O C D O O

THE GHHiD'Q UBSSENlGrEB AOT.Ths decicion of tho Dublin Magistrates this

weak under tbe above Act Is ot considerable ira-portanca to publicans, or tnoro properly spooking, totheir assistants who, by inattention to tha prorlsloosof the Aot, caoy sobjeot their masters to a greatdeal of annoyance. Io tba casa referred to • spiritGrocer V7O3 prosccnted for having supplied In an tin*soiled vescal Intoxicating drink to a little elrl whohad been sent for It by her parents. Tbe solioltorfcr the defendant , Mr Grrald Byrne, drtrtv attentionto a recent decision of the English Court of Appealwhioh exactly appllid to tho present coca. Io bothloatanoeo tbs liquor rrca curved by an assistant, andaccording to tbo Appeal Court judges, that footdocs not render tbo proprietor personally respon-sible.

o o b o o o o o

A DEFECT EN THE AOT.Tha vrord " knowingly" ocean In tbo Act, and

It wu bold tb&t this cclng a criminal Ian, tbemost rigid iDtornrotatton mu?t bo pnt on Its terms.TLa Rrooer blmtolf knew nothing of the sale, whichV7Q3 a transaction entirely botwoeo tba assistanttod mesionger. Mr Mohony bad no option but tofollotr tbe rollna of tbe BnRlIsb Court of Appeal,aod dlsmics tho sammooo. In this matter thoro laondoubtedlyla defect In tho Act, nblch ParllamenCwill moci likely bo asbed to rectify. Be that as itma? thoro ought 'to be no dttHculty in prosecutingtha tpsronta, Vrbo! «nd a child of tondar years to apoblio house for drink wblob they know would comobaob In an open vcezcL

• o o o o o o oTHE (DEA1TH EiUSl

According to tbe BcQlotrar Ooneral's rotarntbo death , rate In tbe City of WaUsrfsrd for tbe'ucoti ending Aug. 8tb was equal to 175 per 1,000per annam of tbe population. In otbor Irishcities and towns tho dcith rato an—Clonmol808; Cork, ail; Kllkonoy, 24 0; Llmorlcti, 20-OWoxford. 23-8; Dablln ,l&. S.

o o o o o o o o oOABRTJOK iNixcrsiniiEa.

We extract tho following from our esteemedcontemporary, tbo Clonmel "Nationalist '—We aropleased to learn that the Technical Department areto dovots apodal attention to tho basket-makingIndustry in Oarrick. Tho ploa? affords t>veryfacilities as regards material and transit that docot exist to such a large otent In other district*,end It would make a splendid centra for tbla Impor-tant industry. We are informed that a confarenca<7oa hold recently In Dublin regarding tne matter,and tho Government contractor said thtt If the pro-ject was worked well be would talr,o nearly all thearticles thoy could make In Csrriok. This wouldcertainly ba an excellent opening for Carrick, andtvonld torn to profitable account ths thousands ofloads ot ¦' sallies" or willows which are now shippedfrom tbo larfta color beta alonrc tho river near thetoun: Tbo DoportDOnt bavo already takca tbaOarrick Technical Instruction daces for bosket-malzinp: Into tbelr own tmudo, and haa bean laylrjgtbs foundation for the n«u project.

o o o o o o o o orN IXAY9 GONE BY.

Oorriok lit certainly badly in need of tnduttri&lrovlvol, for it has suffered cavercly by tbe collapseof local industrial enterprises. At one tlm>, (contloces the "Notionalist"). Uolcomcon'i mills em-ployed nearly a thousand hands. The mills, afterlying derelict for years, were taken up by tlcisrsCloove brothers, but only abont Sty hands ere em-ployed. Tho substantial failure of tbe Portia*mills, where eomo 3,000 crero employed, also bad abad effect on Cairfck, bat in more recent years oneof tba worst blows tbo old town received was thaclosing down of tho Cutkk caw-mllln, where 200naods wero earning betwean £209 and £300 a week.It can easily bo understood ho& ecrluns to tho pros-pority of an ialready langnlsbins little town, thowithdrawal of sneb a largo local expooditnro wouldD3, bat owlOB to tbo pocallsr way in which tbofactory was worked the proprietor, feeling be wasloainix ncavlly, waa glad to dlaposo of it fora fractionof iU value to an Englishman. Then 1% Kttle doubtthat If tbo factory wore , properly worked It wouldprovo a Rreat financial sneccea, ai we understand Itwas nnable to cope wltb tho order) received wallsIt was ranolnu.

o o o o o o o o oA HOPEFUL OUTOJOOX.

It is a pity to sa« this flro establishment Idloeo IODQ , bat we aro told that this Is duo to eomo ar-rangement between tho DOIT otrrjor and bis for .aerpartner Io business, and tbnt he will be in a positionto restart It In tbe near futcro. Thoogb me»nwhlloCarrlelr Is a vory heavy lo«er, \?n navo only tolook ; forward hopefully to a etrons Indoctrla)revival , and wo tnjrt tt will provo a permanentrococza


1H1E ilOTOE OAR BIUL.UoferilnR to fbls measure s^ ' idon corres-

pondent writes :-i" A ssLsielocj *ood experiencedi.ibaral ccmbor of my acquaintance condemnsstrongly tbs inoloslon ia the Motor Car Bill of anamendment fotblddlnfj any person to drive nli > iaunder 17 years of ago. Be eays thai tbls provisionbos trco Innlts, first tbat It Is another playing into'ho bands, of a certain claca of trades cnlon leaderwho b sytrmtttlrally doisrj hb beet to K-f ct employmentoat of tbo bands of everybody who is cot an adnltmale, ceeondly tbat it la foolish and etopid In tbsinterests of every class becansa boys and girls are.often tnoro skilful and capable at work of tbls kindthan Brown up pcoplo. Uy hoa friend adds that ItIs moreover o pifcro of gross and nnjoat preferesesunlcn persons under 17 era to bs prohibited frcadriving animals,1' It would bo very Interestloff toboar tbo opinion of soma of oar leading Irltbaotorinta on tba point, and especially that olAldennaa W O D Gott, J.P. Pruldentof tbe IrishAutomobile Assoclattyn.

F H* v v } B* v } )

ilB. SCABBY B. SABaEMT.., We are rora. tbat there is none In tho UoltodKinQdom who would bavo been better plesssd witbtbs apoxt being tfforded at Tramore just now tbantbo floe, genial, old Irish toortsoan whose honourednams btads this tarsgrspn—tha talented and pains-taking author of " TbougbU upon Sport." TUUna, and smalt blame to Lira tbat Mr Sargent, with• mind Impregnated vjlth to isanj pleasantmoooriw, b«lieves tn and lotci steeplecnailng orofo natural country, for bo bu pirtlolpated ID manya bard rids acrces conntry. Io sUallnf? with old-timo races be makes tba following contrast—To oarold Camgbmora meeting, held annually over tbsalmost , natural I count at WllHamstowa. everyfarmer, witb his wife, daughters, soaa, and labonrsrswcrowdrd, Uniog the fences anaersry vantaas groundta- their thousands, «ame as was don* thirty yeanbefpre at Cashal and Baxnrnxtowav ay. Md theywould oome m»nj • mil* by rail and road for to* pur*poM, Not so to a nslgbionrlnR msetmg, quit* uwell canted out In iU war, but witb an artinoialeonm \ to that tew farmsr* would go, dlamlssisgtht bare ranestton, as scores of them htvs *ona tomyselt with tbs obttTTsttoo, "I would not bebothered looUog! at tba like I"

» • [• ; • ! • ¦ . • • •WHAT mjMAJDEm -

Me Sargent gow Qo i to say-Sine* tbta MrMartin Murpnyi Baa done evsrytatag «o nm isfirst class, taetW to provtda » natural ootmtry,which U impotjible, ani It U BOW amoag tba ndagcomminltyan4vOWf«p«opU<>oto»th»s»owifa«to«t).akte¦wsjtioft Inlntosi j bakth* (ansef* do»l a»-timA, *VSB tbomjjh ton bavs) BOW »• Wflltams*oWn.nS waUawSTlti Wtte Uit, ittl tBat GWaurs -Who laid p ti: *j m:>mw bmtmtU r»-nowSlM l» oU. In ««tBfj »» * ws* aet«at«ltcr

%£^&&&&^&&fiwiswooy. M« Watw* w*» a (Mo of pwsHariyI#3»T heart, attd oj)«W*«mUtx Wt^wiyflkf^

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<-*aU!btj KtweMlltb wbtn Uts»fa»*iiZrc-Ks»tAh ». a«o% I tbink, tl«. < AhmiSm S m^'•U a*- »e«t ng tloo . a i n^M i i m S myA i ^ta It tlKD«llab Prastv' '¦ .. ¦ ,.'.:v . . •: . rvTTT^

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r BsnSjiiBtm *nn atfol of lH«oMfrUndt,Pnaj a a<ot Crlbnt* to tbs stesb•'Totn"' Waters.a?4a rw*Ub.&bt, » ta ;Sww,> S3ht adoptad last drasUotni iwrt; rtd had hafore-MtBJ «h« eff«c4s of bit wboli salt cuttin«.dowa was.destbiM to hive upon our sfeepltebaslng, ha wouldhivt beta mow sparing witb tht tpadt and vlckaze.wbiltMtullylmsrcifol to thfe horw and jockey, fornever was there. a> .better sp atsman In Ireland (baa¦Vttsr A lit fs*f*«i^l TAVH intm fA-sJ T* l_ *¦ - - *_ r_ A _cay oif trtenc, Tom waters It U, however, fair tobii meraorytetUto tbatthj sportlnc press of Ire-land, were tUtn| daring t i t remodelliag of thecenrns; • or did ws b«ar a word of ootnplalot fromof Dtxis, trainers, or Jockey1. Da the contrary, thelait-nataed three, as a rait!, approved of tht refer.mattOD. I should also [ mention that heavybetting begao Just at ths tlrrt Ur Waters oorn-menoM worst, and wbo knows but there might havebeen, tome wbo were very glad to look on and seecourse* made the easier! To bring off ,a goodthing1] over be old natural courses was very un-certain ; pethapt therefore, they thoughtit! : tk« beU policy Dot to ezpreea thaopinions toey really bald on tbt sub-ject at regards sport Although Waters out tbefsnets down.it was bs wbo iilt up tht ifaod-bontetand Introduced aU the Improvements we now tnjoy;for which ladles, Jookors, owners, preumen, aod alothers, eonneetod with r&clag ows bin % debt ofgraOtode.

¦ • .I I I * q « e e o e o


| 08 the E9th ult, tbons dlsd at the Convent ofMercy; Commerclsl Boad, ' London, Sister VaryAugustine ((ormnly EUta Veale) dauRhlei of tbeUta Wptaln Veale, ot Waterford, and sister of MrsO'Grady, Tbe Quay. Sister Augustine had en-deareJdGortelf to all during life by her gentle and»wee() ilemeajionr, and her |death, -though at anearly, tie,- wu not wholly «nexpa3te<<, as she badbeen i ailing 'for some considerable time. MrsO'Ortdy travellad from Waterford to sea tbe last ofher itir sister, and to bar, as well as to the othermem^et/t of,tbe family, we tender our sincere con-dolenpeL A Solemn Reqlacm Hen wu colebratodat S6 Mary and Ulohaal's, Commerclsl Road, ofwhich lite Celebrant was Bav Jcroma Dcady, Osacon,Bev JolMi JiCtinlficld, Holy Cress, Parsoa's Qrcca,and 8nb-Deacon, Bev J Dnrcant, Wenbloy Park.The Inlorment; took place at Loytomstone. Mayaha Eeat in Pcaco.

. - • O O O O S H O O O

IiN/rBtlSION M THE OOUNOEL BOOH.We read with astonishment in our report ot

the proceedings of tbo Dnagarvan Urban DlstrlotOotznc l i of an Incident ot ,a very discreditablechsractMlnblob occurred at the last moetlDS ofthat body. For some years past it has been allow-able for butaldirs to enter tbt room while the busi-ness b xirocesdins, and tbls prlvilcca vrso takcaadvaDt»(je of witb more than anunal impsrtineuoaby B> p«rcon wbo actually snatched a book, con-taining tbs harbour bye-laws, from tbs hands ofthe Town Clerk wbo waa officiall y explaining somepart ot their contents, Tbe affair so disgusted tbamajority of the members that they left thr room ioa body. ! Such conduct at e publio board la repre-hensible; and Its rccurrenca la calculated to bringgreat discredit upon the Conncil. The representa-tives of: tba rotopayers moat ba protected againstraid* of eueh a highly objectionable character, andetrofc measures ought to bs taken to obvisto tbapcolbUEty of sdeh rude conduct In fatare.


A: (Mirjtleman resident In Cloncel, of long ex-perience ! In agrloalturc, htj j written us a verypractical letter on tbo abova subject. Ho pointsout trj»v Oort Bco-Keepars' i uodatlon had underdlBcnijIon at a recent meellob a most Importantsubjooi, jrts, '' Tbe Marketing of Honey.' It is afact well-known to bco-keepsrs tbat irrocers in pro-vincial cities and towns buy Brrt olaxs sections ofbocey jEttifrom;Za to 4s per dozes, which they retailat from 8d to Is per eecilon, this is about thrcotimes lbs profit tba bce-kcczcr >i"i , Hewishes ua to lnforta oar b$3-ke£plngreaders that thero ia in existence ioDublin the " Irish Bee-Kccpsrs' Federatloo," whichwen formed, and Is managed, by Irlsb bee-keepers.Its objoc'i is being to improve tbe prospecUfQf beo-Irecplng In Ireland aa a national .'ndustry, and Itamottoo is " Fair prices—quick returns." I boy boyhonqy ia any quantity from members' and supplyfree for packlog purposes, tins for run aonev andoasei for seotions. They buy 6rst class, secondolas*, sod third clou, all being graded and p ld forat r.boQi twico tbo prica obtainable In provincialtowns.

o o o o o o o o

WOBTH NOTING." L»at year " continues ocr eorrcspoodent, " 1

got from the Federation 7s per dozen (dedaerinjcarriage . As Cd) for (lotions for wbloh I was onlyoffered 8s 6d in Cloomel. I woold strongly rewm-mood every bee-keeper In Irelsod to enquire fromthe Federation what they ara paying before dlspos-lop! of bis boney locally. Tho lion secretary Ii mcztobliging In giving Information ( his addren 's 11 HBead. E'q, 44 Tembla Bar, Dublin." \7e cordiallyrecommend to our numerous beo-keaplcg readerstbe araeticol sngaestlons given abova, and we trailtbey|may see their way towards adopting whetwould bo to tbom of vory material edvnntaso.

TIFPEOABY CfTCLIlfa ilIO) AOHIiEfroOfiBOElB. ;On 1 Sunday on the well-koovrn Tipptrary sports

Held thiii fixture takes place, snd by all accounts thepresent meeting will eclipse all previous ventures on(he came ground. Tbo entries number over 160athletes and cyclists, amongst whom we mightmention, Dents Horgan, worldVrccord holder 161bshot ; T F Ktely. Irisb record boldet 181b hammersnd C6lb unlimited run and follow ; P Ryan, Pallas,Irish I cbtmplop 161b hammer ; P Leahy, bolderBritish [record ! blgb jump i J J paly, cross-countrycbampioo j M pfDan , Irlab cbampioo one mile, aodhalf mile i J Monteey, holder two milss champion-ship of' Ireland; J B Fioneftao,' JDobllo. bolder 440yards championship j J J Barry, bolder 101b¦hot kibamplonsbip ; T Pbriaa, UaUInahco. 3 JMaoHamara. Tulla; J J Leahy, hartaville. In tbeatbleto (lspsrttssot whllet tho leading dyellats aiorepr«iented amongct others, by J J Condon, Kil-mallock, W H Bussell, Wtterford, J J Bsrgeo,Atby.i r :M Ooakley. Cork ; U FbeUa, New host,P O'Uoiioboty Birr, O Oimaof, Ennls. TLo tr*ci,wblch |ii considered th» best in Ireland, la under-going a tborbush preparation, and Is being rolledby the fctcam-lroller kindly lent tor the purpose bytbo 8outb Tlpperary • ounty Council under thesupervision of a practical committee, including tbeAssistant County Surveyor, Mr J B KJrby, CH , tothat cycillsts can be assured of tho going being al-most perfect ' Vlsitois to Tramore Races will havean opportunity of witnessing atbleilo and cyollnj ofa high dun order, as an excursion train at verycbcapl fnres runs from Watarford to Tlpperary oathe mornlog ot the tporti, returning In tha evzaiastfrom Tipperary about 7 80.

o o o o o o o oQKOCBE8 A$3I8TAHT»' I1XCUB810N.

In connection viltb the excursion to Yonghaloo 8undt7, we bavo bean requested ta ttaia tbat toroonvcnleaoo of tbosa Ictandlag ta travel, Ua£3 willbe celebrated i in tho Cathedra! coranencioj tl Co'clock. p i I

o o c o o o o o oMOUNT Sioi* 6ODALIT?.

We b»ve!bec3 requested tosnaounea that troDanday Ciectfan* of tho Podallty olj ImmacubvtsMary, Mount! Blon, vrill bo renamed ,c3 Sun&j

: o o o o o o o o oHELD OVEB. :

We haviibsca obliged to held over c3tH to-,morrow's bsse! a report of tha mestliC Of tbe YII O ACricket Club's) farewell addno to their captain, sirA H Jatvie t 'several intertitlcj O A A Betas, anda variety ot generally Intorutiap; paragraph*. Thareport of the annual meetlnj of tbe Irish OatManagtis' Association baa beta unavoidablycrushed put owing to o. sudden Isflux ot latex localBaUeH b o o o 0 o oFIRST AlDj '¦¦

In the brief paragraph cablttbsd Io laet nlgbf tIssue, jrcgarding tbo fire «t Railway Square, wtomitted to mention that Ur William JBenigaB, aporter; of the Waterford and Trtmore Ball way wutht firit | lersoia wbo was cm the scene-and by whosestd and that of hi * fellow-workmen the fire wuquickly jot under. Mr William Kirkham altorendered valpablt assistance, i We may add thatBe-TlgM not only lott his .watch on tbe occasion,hut also jot bis clothes destroys, d, by flre and water,Wt trwfthat be will be awplj woeaptnst* for hislOSt. I '1 ¦


On ths 2*th instant Ueswt Wajth and Son,auetlosei r, win offer for sals on* of tho bett-tltaattjkMloeas prenUea in Waterfard. Wt refer to 7iTht Q»» r, until recently carrlei ta hy the executors ofthe late: Alderman a C Ks Wing, and too wn tormany yetn ai « Richard SiUoa^** O» of. tht BoeakMtd bt2-ftoek*4 Jewellery tttablUiatnta la tike8o*tbot lrtlaod. lbs d«*cttpjl«tparttesjlaraianow «»» - tb»lmj>s*lat^rf^mvests»et*for wfclch . BO doubt, tbtrt «IU ba ktsm oom-

*"% J . ...i* ;! .- . •:;•.;:, =TB* XrOEp UBOTKKAfcird; VI8IT.-\ ; • ¦. tl' W«aS^ad to ttf*bU JoaHttttios ths*!w»a»lt«i

the leadinakosltesshoussjitsi dteorsMuWrtttao-rn*n- ort tb; oocasioa J UsiLord UMlMuft

vW»tribt«ty. Wt cwnltJiy««tVwti thk dtssaaJl b. MayW, for w. Mbvt -oVtoatoysrdf-

'M&iM'•». w> OoKdTa UytorlUcwtafcotvtie UM&M V U

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zssaamBeaBeem-mmn-m-mi mwrnhi-x- f7 ¦ " ^ ^^ ^ *» »s s 3s |U M ' I - I

peis nA n-De^i! I! : ; — ¦tev H i ^ i


POfwaaott among the many aUraptloof of rije. • iprUevsrlDnen* Conceit at Dangarvau, oa Sao-d»»nlght,lnooaMCtiosiwith eip hA n-"Oft»|i, iww the exblbUdo of dancinp; by Mr1. Henry ;BeyiB»for<J, . Tp' many of ¦ the riiltort fKiai 'r.DoWin and efeewiierc, w*<o never had aa opjxrr-tnnity of witne«ing>hifl'i»onderf9l step« be-fore, it was a revelation. Many who had Menthe best dancers at tbe Oircschtaa tnd ManlierFete, affirmed th«t hfr» was nomrthlog new to 'them- -Lo clpgjlanwng or any other Import*tion, but the. real old critical rtyle, bit wbiti),perhaps, there it no other living 'exponent atthe present time. Wh->t a pity if tb.it dancewere to be lo»t >filch contnlns all the IntricatemovcmetiU of the old Irish dancing. : | i

: Oqg6t not the Gaelic League mate an effdttto indoce Henry Beresford to tAach this to tbeypooger members of Ihe Language Movement.He is himself a rather old man—paot half acentury—and in,the oatoral course o( «veati becahoot expect to live for erer. He mast bdvnverykng follow the old profesaoas who uujjithim, and thep the best of onr old steps wouldbe lost. When requested last year to take speomo classes he refr^eJ. Can it be that he iatoo proud to take up this profession whidjmany prominent members of the Gaelic LeaguewoDld gladly adopt, or Is it that bis^ffocSsofor "TV R 'd-hafrfid Man's Wife" ii io strongtbnt he- A .euoa to take her to tbe grave witnhim. • i

We have had enough of clog and siegedauci.-g, and it is about time,that the trueIrish .- vie camo to tho front. In'conclusion,we wouid suggest to concert-organisers inDnblin and the other cities to try to engajoHenry Beresford for one of tbeir concert1!, andgive the people aa idea of what Irish tradi-tional ctcp-darjcing really means. [


The following appeared in our respectiveevening icaues of the week :— !

Slokca' Hotel, Fethard, Ck>. Tippejary,Saturday, August 8th. '

(Dear Bedmond,—I am extremely sorry htocrf having replied to yonra much earlier, b'ltioavo been roving about. I was more tbjjidelighted to ihear of the wocees you havo nai.I enclose my cheque now for £5. •

With b«ot wiahes for a moat successfulmootinj, and with kindeot Tegardj, i

Yours einccroly,DAOTEL D. MOIiONKT.

Aglioh Bouse, Cappoquin.11th Ausust,1 1&03.

(Dcax lir. Bcdmond<—Please place enclosedcheqiie, value £1 Is., to credit ol I (be UaztiaIXnrpby PreocBtatdom, Fond. As a colleague cl

Jus on. the County Council I eerid you tihiiaiinu.aa & cmalj ««cognition of fais-good quail-tea C3 a public man ond a opoxtaioan.—'xooxitruly, . |

J. (V. O'BRIEN.i

¦ . ;'

Cork, Uth August, 1903.Ocsr Mr. Bedmond,—As & constant viaitoi'

/o Waterford and Tramore I have jyleasuro it.eending yoo half a guinea towards the FICE.¦Meeting t Tramore. Hortin J. ifurpby dA-Serve3 tbe support oi 1, and 3 eiocerely wishthis veek'c race meeting will be the moot tuc-iesaiul ever held in' Trcmnore.—Bincerely y«ur»,


Wo' recehrod this evening from llesars. Jas.and William BobertsoTi ten guineas for the'iunsd. Thla 'briiies up the total' amount te-•ceived to the fine figure of £572 23 Od. i

OfScea : New B033,7th August, 1S03.

Bear Hi. Eodmond—I have pleasure in en-¦clooinj chemie tor £3 2a. my subscription tothe Uartin ITurphy Tetiiiaonial. 1

Youre truly, ' !JOHN S. COIiFER. |

C. P. Eedmond. Ejq.,¦ "Woteriord News " Office. Wateriord. ;

A ram admirer of IT. J. M. eenda £1 to-wards the fund; and wiihca that tha movemea'-will bo the bos4, over hold in Trainoro, !

; Gracedieru. Wateriord, I, August Uth, 1S03.C. P. Itedmond, £q., ".Waterford News." i

; Dear air- Plcaso lind enclosed £3 towardsMT. IT. J. Murphy's Preeeotation Plates. ThoTrillion) mcctinga have always been most!cn>oyab!o. , '¦ 1

Youis truly, :T. Wai. ANDERSON.

' ¦ ¦ o , ; I

, Pleaca find £3 enclosed, bein? the mibecrip-tioa of John Morris Esq., Elm villa, Kilkenny,toB-ardo the Presentation Meeting to Mr.Wurpaj. _jith his very best wishes.—Youi«Aruly, J. Hartaett. ;


j The programme for to-morrow ia a splendidbnej and, no doubt,' ehould tha -wearier amprorrl-tbcare will T>o a record attendance. \

I A number of new arrivals have been notifiedtnd good fields are certain. ¦ j

My selections- for to-morrow are:— I: Grand Finale Plate—Gnango err Terrapin. ;! BummerviBe- Kate-®ird Call or Fricndsbir?/; August Plate—Betty Agnca. [ / . .\ July Plat«—(Lamorna* ' 1

¦Bcxcsford Halo—ilr. Buckley's Seloctcd. ! !.ToTin Plate—Sabino Kin-j. ¦)

•Bp«cial seleotion. /

, r Sporting Ohionido.") j; August Plate—Agony, or Boyal Mantla.; July Plate—Queen Caroline or White Cross i: Scresford Plate—Mysterious Lady or Master"eltoa. Ct . 1Town Plate—Captain Dewhuzsfa1 selected, j

July IP3at«—RoaroiSie Sing or Lssdy of thoIXXOU30. ' . \! Bercsford Pl&tc—Proolahcat or" Wonry! Town Piste—Capitain Do-whurat'* bcsV '

CUTTING OF PEICE9Hcame & Oo'o. price lor Humanic Boot!

thb Tftek is Us. Cd. per pair. l


We beg to direct attention to! the fact thatthe eighth annual show of the Kilkenny Agri-cultural Society trill be held ou the 10th and11 th of September, and we are told on the bestauthority that the farmore' classes are Dume1-rona tod important. ' Intending competitor)should send in tbetr entries at once, u theyclose on the 22nd lost., to Mr. M. M. Murphy,the Hon- 8ec, St. James Park, Kill' enny. Tblsshow has been tlwtya taeellecUy mtntgecl,and this year's exhibition will possess »U theeltnenttof inccew.. L :' . • . t , . ¦ ' . :¦ •

QffiB SQntjt Si "•! ¦?yWrWsWUJSMBsBBSJEflW |



! ¦ . -

¦ '¦

Messrs Thomas Walsh aad! Son, Auction- ;eers, tbe Mall, Wsterfofd, aaaoane the eon- "'thruaMon of U» important tale which they as! '¦aoccfstfulty carried oa at their auction rxwtfHdonvf ttaw i*rjr» ol latt *«*; As .ttrfjImmw»aj4vihnibhi «ock» i rfrkh ba« Mjitfitutwted from Mi Richani D lian'« MiiMMMiilBK'jt for D* iw najaaiiu <4 ¦¦Oe,- a&Mm

mulct at l* ridriL'jj .,. / I;: ;,i • ydp»jnTiia saiiin 'nimtiiiMiis a t> i i^mmrMtr*r— —— — — p—— .— * —r— T- P ¦> vv ¦ ¦ EB sT^ ^ s s Bfirj kin1{an* the salt of growl I***

1 |H9P Cfumitort *u «ur ****** mummW.

ditcription, forth«r_p«rtJiW £»ttik! Wf-.;iMdtra will ftnd Smj^m l

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PB^EI^I0N|:'p6j ilB. A. &

"|!;¦; ¦; ¦ jAitm ; ;'

, . / /On Wednesday evenijg, at the Adelpihi

(Hotel, a number of thsj bcada ol Mr. A. H.Jorvis{oJ iMeasri. Harvey and )Oo.) 'assembledtajna&e a prtoentatkrain the shape of a hand-eotfns Ht bag, on -tie occasion of his! departurefar iondon, whire he is : about' ti>. take up! an,important position. •Mr.' ijftrvja has .been be-tween four iahdj five years in! this • city, anddoxi g that period ho] 'made «nany friendsnanongst «H1 'Classes, . <» 4 :,vw» .particularlywell; liked toy his cricket and cycling oom-nades. ; He teavjes -with | the heartiest wishestor his7 future success and prosperity.

¦Jfx.'O. (P. BedmondwaS called to the -chair.and in. greaentipg the kit-bag to 1 Mr. Jarvis,fce . &aidiit afforded hini very much pleasureto poakethe presentation, bat at. the pame timebe regretted very much {the departure of Mi.tf-sms, ; ¦& gentleman whoi ihad *lone BO muchfor sport and social life iA Waterfoid. It wasa consolation- to the friends of Ativ Jarvis toknow that he vdaa going to the capital of. theworld to (fulfil a position: <M much importance.Mr. Eedtoond spoke at length on the mannerin. whiob i Mr/J-arvia irorited as captain of theWaterfowl Bicycle, Olub, the Christian YoungMen'a Association Cycle' Club, and on hisefforts on behalf of Mount Conereve and othercricket't^ams, and on the good work he haddona in [ the city .

Mi. iBertie "WaUis, of Arihuistown. followedand supported everything MJ. Eedmond hadsaid, and mentioned the fact that wheneverMr.' larvae's services were asked for in South"WerfordJ he most willingly gave them.

Mi. Jams replied in feeling terms and saidha enjoyed his |«tay in Waterford very omuchand never met a better lot of apoxtsmen .thanhe found: in t.hi?) city. He hoped to see themoften again, and he thanked them extremelyfor their great kindness thotweninfr.

Songs were then rendered by Mr. J. H.Higgiiis and Mr. E. BL i Burchall. The flrettoast erven was Sport in Waterford, and it wasdone full justice to by Mr. T.'longmire andMr. ,0. iDunne. Songs were then rendered byMessrs. B. Wallis and J! IA. Gdlmor.

In connection with ,the toast AbsentFriends,": the chairman road a telegram fromMr.'John. Slattery, regretting very much hisjnabijity-.to attend, and thentkming thai Mr.Joe Mahony, Sir. Cobbe, and others weregreatly disappointed that they could not bepresent, owing ti> previous engagements. Thetoast wAS warmly responded to toy Mr. Banand Mr. :E. Jones. Songs were then ren-dered by:<Mr. John Boyce and Mr. Herdman,after irhich Mi, A. P. CfBriea proposed thetoast ".The organisers of the supper," which¦was acknowledged by Mr. J. McElroy sad Mr.E. A. , Bntta. Constable"Boddie then made aTery amusing speech, and 'Mr. A_ Oesui fol-lowed with a numerous eohg.

¦Mr. J. JJoyce | proposed -and Mr. iPred Toddseconded a vote 01 thanks to Mr. Beaefley,iCap tho -excellent manner in wKieh he hadcatered that etaming. .This was heartilycarried, «nd Mr. Beaeley; i returned thanks inthe warmest manner, stating that %e bad beenreceived Trith tlje greatest;kindness in Water-ford since hiB arrival in tlie chv • he found bebad already many friends in •Waterford, andbo promised to do everything possible <to meetthe washes of the "Waterfoxa peorde.

Songs were then- given -by Mr. EToxton,(Fetlhard), itr.- Jams, and others, and thenthe jjgines of tho. viottoro, counted witih thenames; of-Mr. Herd men and, Mr. Bobmson,concluded the formal toast.

Mr. Michael Eea t?as moved to the oecondchair; sod'a cordial vote <& thanks -was passedto the chairman, on the motion of Mr. JohnBoyee. and the h'appy proceedings ururotaraghtto a close before dawn. ,

;MT. Artiwcrth presided' tA tlus piancflBrte•milh his accustomed ehilitv.


la our wcjerooma. JutA esU end coo tot ?cas-cdvej; Coonan land Co.. VSIX CR . Provldora.

WATEHFORp Kanaosa corj-MiooiorjEno.

T° -I ¦The monthly meetiajj of tha membecs -of

Uris board was Jield on. llond y, trhen there¦vrere present-Mr. A. E. Qteves, in the chair;Alderman W. Gl D. Gofl, JJP. ; M ara Alex.Nelson, J.P., DiL. ; X«(ha N. W!hit«, J-P. ; &¦IX. Aidagh, Edgar White, Edvaird Jacob, iH.J. Forde, and E.1, Fhslsa.

Mr. John kili-ng hnmt jun jsearsttciiy, ' andM!r. W; IViel, engineer were da ittendsnoeC3 usual. : ' I

HABBODB MA62EBS EBPOET.Dear Sir—J beg to report) that the mootinps

in qoaya, and above oad below bridge are ingood order; aleo lights ctyve Baasoge. Thepainting and overhauling of ths tetoyo mock-ing the channel is in ihamja,—'Toms etc,, A.

KNOINEKE'8 EEPCffiT.Harbour Office, Weietfard.

Dear Sir—I beg to report that during the.past month the dredger Kcily" haa removed.tram opposite the coal quaV berths 23 600 tonsof mud and sand at a east!of 129. id. per ton

[tor dredging and, removal. ' Tbz cost of repairs-to hulks ana stages for. ths past mcath waa£52 23. 3d.—Tours, etc.. \Tm. Ftiel.

PILOT MAOTE3EW fiEPOET.iKie Pilot Masfar reported &si all tb© buoye

below Passage are in good prder; and [ho iiogaato.Thave the Ml [buoy in -position, dioatlr. Thepilot cutter ds in; good order, as is also Pticsagelighttiorufie. 1 : _±

I PHJOT OOMM37BTEE.Messrs. J. V. i White in tha dair ; alca pre-

cenVnMessrs. W. H. Fairell and E. TOhite.A letter was read from the eldest doafhter

of the late John Bodgera; Applying to jhave-the allowance of £1 per mooui to herself andher Bister continued, and a certificate from'Jfcr. Stepbenson ,was enclosed to the effect tbat-tie yoimge t daj&gnter is dflHcate and unaik>to assist towards aer ova eupport

The board was recommended to aoniiatiethe alloprftdce for a further period ot twelvet&azrtha. i I

Captain Keniaedy repodtdd - {he death ofWddow Delcner) w5fe of :«klormer pilot.


MieEars. 3. W JWJiite In thft chair. Alao pre-eent—Messa. W. H. rarrelli end E. iWhite.

A circular Irom the Home Office was readcontaining new (draft remilatiana for the pre-veaUon<of flCcidm3 in aocfet and harbcniru.—Approved- i ! '

A letter vzs read from itosiB. W. end K.Choulding stating that tier eirpect e, vessel todisoharge atltbeir Kcrwratn ctorka, and askingto have (he berth dredged th ro, as there wasnot sufflcienl water.

Ordered toj reply that as tha berth wo3oleared last autumn ct coacdcrablo cort, weresret that W« Icannot at vtdehi trndftrtnkofurther work! tiere, and'Croald enggest that avessel should not be chtiSafod o3 -only euchlimited draftj aa the bertli <an now <xcom-tnodate. | \ \

Captain Parle reported thst the upper por-tion of tho Scotch Pill rajdireg clearing andthat at John'* Bridge; the old quay wall willtumble out mto jth© stream. :ia view of tfcefrequency with which the Pill has been clearedof stones and rabbisb, iA 'mis ordered to donotMng farther there. «t preseat, and ire havenothing to do with the w«fll» at tha John'sBridge. : ¦ ; I ¦ ¦: ¦ . ' ¦ ;

Tenders for the eupplv <»f coal for thedredgers for the Anan^ng twelve month* wereoonrfdered, snd that of Mr: 8. Morrio ct 16s.par ton -was accepted, ,, ' ! ;| :Tie meeting then adjourned.

I OLD PRI NBSI ABE TRUE FRIENDS.I !«»««rh tohdd ronWlw hwa|2*»Wbut«irto tho hMlt»j ;mml com-

E pt:aSSfSgi ?35&55§5S£ iSiSi^k ;<«>¦¦


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¦; ¦¦ v-.r'0T i* :il£- 'iT.M :;¦ ITT O'l i ^P ' T f r i - i . ,'; r '¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' JgoMtlUi i

IVATERFQRD, BOARD; OF CyARDIAKO! -,. ;[., f . . j w . -V i ¦• a

v' H ' - - » i l r !•¦ ¦ ! = ¦• >: •


¦ rMa sffiLs siHBaENsaN,-a>iri«MOBE.' ¦

. ;i - • :j ¦, . . ¦: ; 'I .

¦ ¦— ; r ¦!" • ' - ; ' ¦


:' The week^r mfcetlng1 b(tiii*'Bbiid "wa Tieldon Wednesday. ' Mr. 7Davld;r(Hy,land, T.C.,ohairman," preaided.'. and the other membereSreieat weTe—Cajrt. E.¦'•¦ C. Oaiw.'^JjP-i

tessri. Palrick'Grant; J.P.; H; ! D. 'Rsh«,1.0.; H. LJ Ward, T.C: i iWiniam OX^rady,TC • James' Murphy, Tfe'Manor ;' WxUiantEoo'keU ' Eobert AValsh ' iBallindud j ' John©unpljy, Riohard, Ihinphy. Patrick Foskin,ThomSs Power; 'OallaghW; Michael OBior-dan, Martin Darmody, ' 8fephen' iFarrell, A.Irish and Richard (Roche. : ! . '' Mt. Jdhn Mackey, Olerk; Mr. P. Kennedy,

Assistant Clerk; Mr Wm. Reidy, Master,were also present. ' ,; . . ' . ' . ,BBOEiiT IM'PORTBD CA#E 6F. ' afLLPOX

The Clerki informed the, board that) .he re-ceived ' before tia last board day-^ com-munications with reference ;to the reoent im-ported, case oi amallpox, but the (rud50ianfi ,deoided to postpone consideration of these

' letters until that day . He then read the

; 3 OX3onnell-stree<. Watet ord, ,' : .

¦ , 8rd August, lBttt.

; iDear] Sir—IWith reference U> the iremoval- ofi tHe Bmallpox patient to the |Paf6?ge hostntai,I ¦wish ' to state when aemding Ihim there I washilly ¦ under the impression that 'the "UrbanSanitarv Authority (which is now "also "by arecent order of the Local Government Board,

! sanitary port authority for 1 all that part oi; Waterford Harbour lying Within ' its boun-daries) had a direct claim uijon 1i)8 service, U;reouired, of the Passage isolation, hospital.;¦in d« much a.s the latter wad built to serve «JXthe districts ' abutting on tie Eivera Shir and-¦BaitraW from Carrick Bridge! and St. Mullins

ito ' Bagfan-Bun and Kiifarraeey, and presum-ably ab the local bodies had to contributetheir share towards its erection when theBoard ot Guardians—then sole p o p sanitaryauthority—undertook ite construction li itcan be &hewn that District Ooaneil No ) has¦now the eole right to use it for the purpos<lor which it was built, I shall be maoh oblige*1for an early intimation of tiie fact, in order.tihat I may recommend the Urban Sanitary, Authority to erect at once at a &ai« distan«'from the city, another isolation hospital fo*' the reooptton of the most dangerous typfe? of'sea-bortie infectious disease, fi , however, m^' original conviction is correct, the questionbeoMces narrowed down to tme of prope- ap-portioning of expenses, over which, ir th<

' preaeni case, there ought to bo no difficultyin coming to a settlement. I aiao wish tostate that I was prepared myself to undertak<all details of adminictration once I got aocesito the hospital. In case fho Master or D:Stepheneon expressed any objection to proviA.supplies or medical attendanct In the mattf,o! medical attendance 1 volunteered to coritinue in charge of the patient, unlest Dr;8teph<!jisan wished to take tip the oaaf bu:he chose to take it up, and I thought thai h>:'had an official claim upon it II you wi;:kindly place thia letter betfore the Boar<? o*Guardians and the District Counci ' yov w: 'muaa ohllye

Youre fcuthlu.'D EBNiraDT , M .S.O.i

Waterford BorouifCapt. Carew said they wer? asked tf> SP *

whetnsr they had a claim or not on tti<? int<» 'oepting hospital at PaEia!?

Clerli—That u ao, app&renr' Mi. Murphy said that the CorporatiOL wthe No 1 District Council were tijp ganita—authority, and that the guarduuu h&d DOUHJat ail to do with the COB*Xhe .Clptk intimated tiat toe (fuaraiani'Khe previous meeting aaado 6 cmmit* tt u^effect that they considered tax- c&se stioui'have been treated in the tev-o- hospita. andnot sent down to Pasaaa-

MT. Darmody asked Tcasn'i ttu intercepting m higto lernu of tho manner in cablet the'hospital built by the old boarc a: jruardianfi. children had been treated by the ladies and

Clerk—Yea. Gentlemen mentioned, and caid thai thpi Mr. Dumody—Tiien No. 2 Distne Oouuoil ohildren never 'had a more" plea&mt oiitmthas &3 mucb clsan on it a* »«. • I>isinct ' A vote of thanJ« was Da icd bv the bojia toCounci

Mr O/Grady said li the Board of (juardiansdid their-duty thia case of amajlpox woui£i not(have come Into Waterford at aL i\ am allthe fault, of the guardian

Clerk—tt am atraio., MT. CUraaj you arein error there. It waa not the tauH oJ theBoard of Guardians or of any sanitary autho-rity but lit w&3 the f&uLf of <tih© captain ofithe veEael .in not flying .his fiaji

Hz. O*Giady said it isas anlj- ngh\ to stateShat the jOorporation were going u. becomethe pon canitiary authority for 'WatertorG, andUrith that abject in view they bod maa© applica-tion to the .Local Gwvernmemrt Boai

Mi. John Duaphy aaid he> mwught tee Oor-poratioD wpuJd be the proper authorit>

Mr. O'Grady oadd that Be imported caat ofsmallpox haa created a scare in the citj . andthe citizens were up in arms againa> i. H*•wished to tmow how was it jneaiu to oe ooveyed that tfae city had no.ciaiiri to the mueepting hospital, although rt<cxmtribu-t«<i u> uerection

Mr. John Murphy—It t_After some further diaeuosloi., tha ioUowia.*,

mdmite was anadc, on the proposition of Cam.Oarew, seconded by Mr. H. 1,. Ward—TiiaAoarznedical ofBce(rs be requested to express theiropinion that in the event of oases of smallpox•arising in theicity, can theybe-euitably treatedin the fever .Hospital without .the risk oL in-fection to the .citizens of Waterfoi*.¦ Mr. Thomas Power eaid ii .the doctor* .wereOlf opinion that the ferver hospital was «w* a&% place for treatment of smwlpoi casej he.wculd move that it be done otwaj nm. HeflSied the Master how many cases u-ere m thelarer hospital xi, presec'

tlaster—On*¦ A letter was lecd from Dr. Etepheuson stov-ihg that he had received a re<f ticket serveiUnoa him by RfEeving OfBcer Martin in co»neatimi with the jase of the bo/ flr-esct «.wcoidance witlh the directions of tne gu *.diana he was 'coatanuin ilia ofiettdance o^the oise, but as it was no parf. of hb officialduty ito visit the hospital , he would exp<xr> tobe paid the usual professional feea tor ouohattendance.

Mr U'Grady -afiked why did D:. £teptoen6oi>take the case out oi Dr. 'Kennedy'* heads1J he had not done so, it would be tie Cbrporo-tion that would have to pay instead oi theQioocd oi Guardian*.

•Mr. O'Biordan—Does Dr. Keonedy csy -CE21Irr. Stenheneon took over the case from hun tMr. O'Oiady—Dr. Kennedy wrote taa t»vt!ut Dr. Stepihenaoii look it cr>

¦Mr. O'Riordan—'Where does the rea uc .ortmfl i n 'ilhe Chairman said the red ticket was tei.

to Dr. 6tephettson by the Bpard of Guamiani.Mr. 0*Rioni&n—I t "w a a very poor invii*toon.Clerk—All the same 1 think , Dr. Stepnen-ccn« claim wiU bo still against Che COTpora-tion not the guardiansMr. O'Riordan—'1 believe Djf Stepbencoo

attendedlto the patient before the red ticketvis issued at all. under the directions of r>iKennedy. - :

3Ir. Jdhn Dunphy—'Let Vti Kenned? pavhim then—(laughter).

A minute was made by the guaroUans u, theeffect that they were of opinion it wra theduty oi Dr. Stephenson to attend the case ono, red ticket. , « - • * •

Mr. O'Riordan dissented.• ¦ . .' . DOCTORS LEAVE,

3>r. , Coghlan,t MX>., .Ullid IDispensaxy Du-trirt,: applied *or his iusual month's holiday,and stated thatj Drj Kennedy had kindly coo-»ented, with the board* approval; to look aftertha vork ia "hia absence. ., The application was gsaated, and Dx. HayC3MJO. i of Kilmackevomie Dbpensary Dictnct.waa ittppodnted enbatitute for Sr. Ooghlan, ontha proposition of Mr. Grant, seconded by Mr.

to: O Eiordan said he thought they shouldcomply with Dr.'OoAltta'e w^1n the. matter.ttwt Vr. Kennedy *e i appointed' and; havingprevious experience .of goanx against the wiehe*of ;medioal mea -he would dissent from theresolution. ' ¦

. - ! ¦ , THE mmSE INS1W0TBES 3.! -!Miss Tcornss, mtrse instroctrees, wroto xa ¦

*ollowB-rI »houH like, M I; may do eo] to Itake>ait of, my remaining fortnight of annual leave * ¦rota eaiurday. Aogust Tim, to IJufesday,

Anfuot %th, aid the remaiaioc three idave at¦omai later dalaT \ 7! - | | ¦¦¦ ' .

: 03hl# recpiew w»» iadteded to. - ; > ' ; ' ;•-. Tr. n

¦ OBP lAV -BOY,- j j! : . ¦ ¦¦JU. Boohe, Tip., wwwted to 'the efl«ct :tintoe'ioBter j B f x a i x of toe ovphaiv boy, Xihomas .

OoonelL lui, (JMBKI, informed *"rr» .v> jjj©would lorl«U wk\Um*d'*m o o & 7 H the-guar-dttb* allowed Jjer. j» leep Ua | She! would

1 3t» 0kS«»i4Sit«.u> women »W £b» boy .wt inwmgK into!the tolegmpta department, ., ,«Aioh »he bad i Wtfaocltirto dof • ; ' ' / '.Jfc fl. FemUjeai aiat iiHe-iwonwn waaas . \'* *i^&f w U i?j JWjj:<»wA eihdW. • .k«ta' SfSi.'?'*d\ 7SX^!' Gdat t t t0

' :

^fl^ffiffiHsro ;H ^aSsaSai [JCr^ *«e(J. On^Hnan oi i-ttnj boSumid

Iw^ill^ w^' l-^ 1- :i' i '¦¦¦' ¦ '¦

¦ 1 ,.

-.• ; -

i V < ¦ ¦ " ! ' ' " •.•: - ¦ : " ' -

;; - i 'J 'M i t h^niTrvf T )

» « ? • »* •

I ' I ¦ • ¦ I I )

- - .Ili -Ji-"-"'

§m<sn is tidxdGredHin¦iiavafoFiesiSisKRserasC®iS^,pO@I^ S@W<SI*§;, &€. . :.

Uher© Sdm

! n ' r^p !"' , » n*' ?ClLftins* (Sutmtui u rB«?ir© I)© [i l lHat i is

deares3 \ihuu


^c-i3©sf iroys vereuiim .(^p) ign hospitals & publicinsKtytions 'JOT ihlnmcTmm*/ CV?v $t t \ n n •

Dmd dlEgiinifecIi'iuiIi1.« S7 C.:ZA //S;,7ZJ. F ZI T S V ZJ ZJK CJZZ'X.

tho partieoa muned tof thoir tdndneaj towivrditiie hO f 1 *7! :

. LEiVE OJ? MT3Er:OIiMr. H&aly, fi.O., applied for find uas

Gcratedl thice week's leav« of cjx&nos, bioduties tq be ipcrtormed by Bcliovmg OfficeriWalsh. .

Mr. Oofley, .-o-orkhouta engineer, waa grantedte-o wecVe leave.

: TEMJPORAiBY MI0WIPE.1!he T fi"-t.«T reported that ho employed MT&

Nolan iA do-temporary duly ca raidtrue —Approved oiPROPPED nSIEUOTUIRAlL AI/TEEATlONfl

Tlhe mMpfipr of the proposed enlargement odtho acooausodtiion foi the idiota in the trora-"house came on tor consideration, and MsScully, CLE.,,wa5 instructed to drai? ap plansof the OC3 c-tfib.

his concizxied thn burjinftEn AJ thn Rrri r«.

js.n i o u c i

OHiRTSTEirDOlI 2nd XI v. Y.J.1.O.X C C

ThiB m-ici.Nrsai ployed at Ohrirteadcm caSatuidayi Auburn. 8th, and citor o plcioamgame resulted in & win for Y.liX)^. by 6 runj.Scoro;-

.¦ChiKtEndom.V! Pade c I. Daviss b. Jarvia fJ\amea Paris t> A. Hi jina - ~ lJ Murphy run out. %G Gilligan c. end b. Jcrvia .._ iG MacMahon run out „ _ 6W J. Nolcn b C Dobbjrn bP Haydea l.b.w ., b. O. Dobbj-n 0J. J . Mjirphy .i>. Jorvio 0C Mhirphy not oui .„ 4P Hand run otu Ai Parlc c. A. Hijgico b, Jarvb 3

15E*,T.--> 4

¦Totoi ... 6.¦Z If. C. A.S> Higijino I I Pule tfl (Oarrj- c H nd b. Vi Pcrlo .._ IC- Dobbyn b VT Parlo .._ 2A. Hignns L . i Pcrle 0A. H. Jarvia et GiUlgRC b. W. Parlo CC. Nicholson b W Parle 2F. J>avieo b J Parle ..._ 0E., Devlin c. W Parie b IJ. Parlo £P.:H1 -ginfl c. J. Parlo b. J. Murphj .. \i iBnrcholl roc oat iR InviD noi ou.

Er' a" t

TV;tj : f>'

"Made to

i;siccas sterling goodnessthe V7orld ot'er. EnglandCany be "beaten in price ;never in quality. •EKpericGce, skill, . bestmaterial all enter into themalang of Colinan'«Starch.,There are starches a littlelower in | price, muchlower in quality,G)lman'3 Stircn is a purestarch—a Btirch that doeathe work of ¦ ctarch in thsbest manner^

.;¦ ., I. .; -,-I i ' i . i ¦¦ - ¦ > . - , 1 ¦ ¦ .

: - \ i i/SS gMJai J'^M i; f f ivtil fk.-'-w-'Vi*' -

1 - "W: [ ¦, ;¦ ¦

Sold in Cardbokrd Boztt.

Ota' tbU ^&§§G& X—iid^2»J \

.- Kvsla uid ISa/MB ¦ *h* »u« '

unp. . i - .. ': ¦ ¦ ( : ' • ' i • < tjijL

1 ¦ EliBCTSO-'PUt.'TijD Vf A JBS . ¦ ]' Wek«r W«Uh and B o b *.bee to intimate

1iat < r &«

T« TOrcbMedjkll toft better i»ol ebtro-pTited'ware Jirtd by tfa* azaoototaof ibet late M»T KichardDttUon, wd 4ltst:tki <ylire ttnpuedio fljyft tmii' iwtTicniofT thft bint ft

ii '' ' ' ; '¦ ' ' ; i

' • ! • • ' j • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• *

BoberUon, I*ffll& SVitfif cm UMI CO., WAV r>

h- : . ';ii ' :- . i{ ;; ! - : - .i ,] :i .v;( i : r' IT . ¦> ¦ : :, : ¦-: = i| " j- - . ., -M -v J I -£ V i - -- * - - - ^ ^ -

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nrftaT '"• 'CsolfiiiTi'1 •*•'-'t*t»ii

rM* -T T K ,. : i ,J" :. ..'. i,...TTr TT!T'

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JfflyJJ^ ^ i ^t lJ ":;i .' ' , i ^ . ' I I 'i' i i i - . » .'*i

ntk-t i - '.tJ ;!. , ,' ' .>Bna^ !¦ • ... - i ; • . "¦i t. -frj !

f Blla poweI -*Km- and dw' f^een mcoj isorarsG1.——"""

i1 ,,tl, , , , , ,, ,. i

' ¦ ' . .•;¦. :.v.r :.•;.¦:¦-. . \ i- .;.ii .::¦:: .¦•• ii ,

i i^p^wa^fsr^wo SF ^ir 'sALu ?iorK^dw 'isu ' ' H I B ly'Sss'V W V*^^B %#H SJW I &S.UiB^Vsi!A tl

t. ' ll- V' i. l ) , ¦ ^«: . !!. } - '¦! • ¦:! ¦ » i > ' . - :

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_ i . ;

>si j ri4f COP la^iphrj i*' j s-ys©3 iiferofei" i



AWOTt^f 18, 19, and g©0




Comprising the CiDemiitojrc?!!, with cH its ';Lcteat Pieturoa, including a fall ca&> '

of Vioro of tha

(E-ordon-Bsaaott Eaco i !C A N A D I A N T O B O G G A N '

100 ycuio lonj,, First timo I D WctGrford).

Hall of Laughter .Electric Plch Pon<i3.


GRAND CARE CELANTAWT,/cr which o hoat of talaut has been cccurcd


Afternoon and Evening.

Grounda und Buildings IHaaiin^tcd by2LECTR30ITW

CCr Fully 'Eouipned Rcctnarcnt in Grounds.

£r®'im;dlH IPario¦ '' . . Priocs.of Adntoloa— ' ¦Optniajj Caciaony „ w £3 ei ¦

'Aftcrcbonq, 10tb& CClii (2 to G-CO) U ClE:ci Erccisfj (7 to 1CW0) «. d ¦'

P>O P U L A B iOunmcn ^ouiasJi (Inclcdlnat Ttatc OJJ4Hotel J ' ' ¦ '¦', •

A Wook in Stritzarlaqd j ~ J

~.X5 6Eight Dijra' CondoeWd Tour to Loccrna .. JS7 : fElsbfc Dtn'Touto iUiterlakea ' ...£7 7TbiAcrabmr 'ToBlrjto SwltsnlaBd ..jei»I»A Woekonth«Ehln«i • >. _.<fi l»rA W»*J» lo Scotland or Irolapfl : _43 3A Weikia WalM ! ;,, .. /3 15PmirUwiD»7»'CrQl»«to No rw«[» ' ...GU «

FU1 tMurttesIat* ol mbori In "HelUUV'toori,**Por Bploct d>n<J*otoa; Puttm, «ndi Ind»p«o<l<Wl

' ¦ ¦¦;¦ - ¦! ' ¦ V m«Sum3ttSl , IHUfcJ f .

to' i iMPRbyfei YtoHfe $ cf

gjBsatPssiES^food,o«to i«M tbu; OB» \\m»j *m f i k t i" m.'imtbooi. Jit. pa mrt; ft ntH U 'tpmirtt chum #; ; ! :;,. .. .- . . : . ; ' -.. . \y ., . . .; ¦: ': ,. . - ; i r. :/n. -. ^

i t 1. . , • ; ¦ ¦¦ <¦ - '| \ ' ' ' ': !..' ' '


W* bold UM LitfUJtook te.lWttiUlil

S^^B L 9D^ ^lu : MV IH PD H H D flB S flllK flfli^ B 'i ^ 1 I " ' I*


,Ut>S5vI JlniiyiiW !>• IJIRTIIW ?!nJjT(u.ii"|i n.iFifj.-iWi oloMi lo amihnt lu ui ihtsnip) :(J i^-iii'MKiJ .Jil • :iJ ni lt .'^ec-.o a:.'): '-aO 1 jiij .'.t>-i '< :;iilui|fcy i.l.. .; - y. i -i t 1 ¦;¦¦'< >»i/ ^ V.;-ij !^. -. t . -i.< :i.ii..'

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>, .

1n_ . ' .:;j,^ i

^v , .. .


disinfectantloriser has !¦

S 'jj^8* !\4.



^U'rA lJ 6j)o

[JJ3T? -4^ LAST [LC: :JI?

l/!f BLLB 0.n M0BBV sPractical Pltualj or and cScllttor'

5fi, VC0NNELL-8T* X7ATERF 0P.D,Having opened tlio; above, 13 praparcd to

accutc . . !¦A LL cbeceo of 8anitary Arrangcscata

Ji\. by Competent 'Woriutca ni)d:r hui ownpcrcoaal onpirvision. ' .

C7 fl'oi f7c:cr Heating a : Spxiolity .

Tocm and Country Orders proof trjr cttccdid to.

TT.nMn 0D2HAW].

MONEY TO LEND.At £5, Eallybriofioiv. ' VJfitorford

*»< -wi m- |i ' ¦'¦ 7« 1 I :

/plABII IHxTonr tdTECocd to :tar c= si ca¦O D!;nufflb , GoU tad 811»ti T7t«c£o, Jetrdtry,G2TC? Fhta, PLuan, OJCJSI, Plitcd. V7UA FcrnJSiroQcra, Homes, ead every dectiptioal P! $xl ?j lj .

Ctih fortTardtd ca rcodpt of property \=f Ec l rcdcr C odaPcri |¦cr Privcta oaco Attachod.'

4tS0 A?C7c=r GATD t:d £3, QuDctoan G rarn?, Ctosuri



COHPANY LIlirrii*/. , ,O B A M D ' ! '. J . " '



: . - ¦ . . . 1 ¦ •

1 1 •

I 1 \ ".

TB3 B«t Eoate for Ourriirall, Davon; Willa,tad for tho eeOly blond*, thUuie of Wjrfrt.the Channel ItUsda and Prtaje*. The Com«paay's Jargo tad powerful 6t«i(Mhip*, fitted¦pith electros lioht. and viQittitiri iaentnmnAA.tion for puMOfcn, o»rtyio« noodjkTbom*,ocd carri»«siv «te.. «t mod«nto wi&L IMT*Dublin And Londoo Md i WiftETetBfaifS^wayr

et f A L U O X J T H r FWaHOUTri;

QOTtXY I8LA VSB.-^atwMTt lot thes*bpaatlful ;«l«nd» Und at F«!mo ith and ttsrolrl«'P«nt«ac«. ,. , .- -. ¦, j , -¦ BVmj/.©U IiN — WEDNE8DATO ANDSArCTEOAYS. ¦¦: . . \ , ¦ ' ¦ ! ¦ :¦ .j^^Epdrakto^uimiYe AND WED.

tb«J<«x»fy«l StaffI litlt .il> . Si., '.h. l f;. ¦,..;¦;Itr lfBAd^aiUa

Hmftook* MO paii 6tt 4^HL4

iiiSiiffiffl ^M

i: i: - J'.. ;. . 'Li J - . -;:::^

A: . J.' ¦ '

- y \ '¦ f

¦'"¦ '

-^ .

ir<t damitto,i",,{ l M

iflL ' ¦ WORD

WITH 1 WI¦ Wo have had Miuioal and AmusiDg^ :¦1 Entcrtoinmcnta before in connection ¦ •' /! with Bazaars in -Waterford, but


^th. 10th and fiOtli AUGUC?'. i AT THE

BOAT CLUB FETEWill introduce tho

:v' •! I ' ¦ '¦' ¦ i f . . ' • "• ' ¦ ' !

" Genii UQU!OB...I GGS=;!OO- -o5-¦ ; Enfto pj lQlliaBmonto . . '.; . "EVER HELD IN 'irHE SOUTH OF

, IRELAiND.• / ¦

' ¦ r • - ¦-¦' . ; ,. . , ;-

¦ ¦

Lcadiilfi Si'rJso^O. bdnceiuand. Entortalneto - -havo - bsan:

; opeolally .engaged at jverjr. / ¦hoary e^Ddns^lor tMo iUfj t^rior

FHEN LET US REMEMBER ALSOIf wo want'rofreshihg Tea delightfully

corvoa -no uiust GOjTO THE CAFE.If wo think a Corp of Qoffee a la Paris wpald

refreah, YES MAKE FOBTHE 0Rl?E.

li wo are depressed and need that Wine whichmaketli the heart grow !glad then MAKE A

BEE-LINR FOR THE CAFE.If wo need tho consolation of a good Havana,




will bo held on

S U N D A Y . 1 6 li h A U G U S T

Undcr G~A-A. lz I.O.A. GnJO.1 The Programma consisfo of 16 Athletic

CvcDto, including .tho TWO HILE8 FLATCHAMPIONSHIP OF IRELAND, and 6Cycling Eventa.

' Excursion Trains ut; Reduced Fores ranfrom Waterford, Limerieit, ' and IntcrmedhtaEtition3 to Tippcrary on|obova dato.

Entry Forms can bd had ct the oSicca ofthb Papar, or oa application to tho Hda. Scca.,v ith nhom ell Entries cJo:3 oa


JOHN BOURKE, Hcndiccppcr.J. J. t7YSE, i Hoa.T7 H01URIGAN. f Scco.


Now Llaanftcturcd tX

21IG T/atorford Glarp Bottle Co, l>tdNoto Addrcrs: Bn.nifcET, WxTihiOED. ,


rjriHE Coonty Council of Watctford willJL rccclTO Tcndurs tor tho purchaaa of

Ttnbcr at Cooltibal. Kir FlortorbUL on eitaot x^ow Koad in courca cJ constracboo.

Tho Trees to be rooted up co as to toko thercota with tbem when felling. Thoy consist o<SI Beech, 6 Aob, 1 Scotch, 1 Sprnrc, 1 Larch,all marked. Timber to bo removed in onefortnight. Tenders to bo addressed to me attho Court House, Waterford, and to be receivedcaor before SatnrJay, 15th August, 1903.

R. G: PAUL,Secretary to the County Council.

County Secretary's Ofuco,Watcrford. SOtK Jal». 1903.


npHE Coonty Couneil dt Wcterford will, atJL thoir Qnwteily Heeling to be held In

tho Court Houce, Dunganran, on Monday, 17thAngUBt, 1903, elect a person as Keeper of theCourt Hon;o, Liamore, ct a salary of £8 petCDnam.

E. 0.1 PAUL,Secretory to thi Coanty Council.

Ccnnty Scvcretsry's Offlca,

Tho Coanty of Watorford '(No. © Order, VXQ.as' amended and coaflrmsd 07 Order in Conn--oil, bearing date tho lOih da/ of Ftebrcaxr,1203. j ; ;

1 iKOTIOE ' AS TO DEM6ET OPABBiraAT0R"8 ATWUBD AND ASOX) , DBLWEBY OF OLAIMB.WHBEBA8 CLIFFE OWEN, of Knock-t»t imnUeo; Gorey, In th» Ooonty Waxford.EBqulre^.^rM *pi>ofnted AitbHsator 'Detweta thoOonablljrf, th».AdmlnUlwkUt«-O<«toty <rfW wlordjmd ibe pei»ow laterettod li.aUJmnd«i proMe4 to *« Ukan compaliorar,,orquired, for the jnrpoie at mtklns "frro n«w

*nd dfoojolldp.vB«rony of Ootfunow oToStSgg,«°j 5?9?*r W««toM. M f«. M «o«-IMpwtnoa- te*to« hid -not t»«n md> »K.

gg to. lniyeeiUoa *y «ny pstfca iatcmtodnjJSlfsfe »»Ue»Wai*tfJBHwrf th*i*n

[¦rP'W"M F;v ' ' ¦¦ : !t* 1 ,'L ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' '¦ "i ' ¦

i < I¦i '-

. j - ;r.. ¦¦ ¦

. : .' ; • '

;• ;.¦


fKtpUI I^/^ .rt j jSS dT-<j -l'^flT l:JL ;::':

TL'iJ/U^^ 'Zim j d l *\'- '. ' • '/ '' ' '• ' ! f ' '' ' \C ir.ti f T.vinCE*! ' . ' j I¦ ¦¦4' M'l"wN^MiliiA ^ iUMMM

'--i >A iiiiii i 'iliV iii liTT-;—: .' 1 "'I 1 - J V i > ¦ ¦ l i "¦" " I "

., r r/' 'r i'^:.*g22!352ir- |J ¦ :

¦ 3 .; ' l ' CARPEL, ri ; r ;. ¦ : '. . PraU i •-: :i-4--Posseases nniquo edocational advantages,healtb.3yHeMn;r!«*ig5 4< l?ies°0«:|)<???t. lrvU

I rextenKive playgrcmnos weu, iam uui «» "^amesj j ;

excplleut ctommodatioq .; newtetScience an3 jirt'L*bcrft(ories, 'etc.; Studioifcted ' to all students; ' Brilliant; Successes,Civil Service, Univ., Intermediate, folly mata-tained under, lateft terti. I Sinoa '95 ;RodtnbIlhotrtg a leading rank, pissing 784 |Intenn|d.StudofU, anil giiinhig'"454~distioctionsl 234ekhiblU?nii ,( 20

to £50 each), 6 mpdah, 214composition and other "priiei,'nn6ierpai Un!v.honours, exhibitiona, iind schplarahips^, m: njCivil Servlco and other, appointments.

[YEARLY PENSIOS, £30 ; redaction or

i 18 BOHOLAiaSHire, «l . .eaa, offiSbd Sapt, ', ' , ' ';'

v'i '¦ ''. ' ' ; I. _

, ScholasUc received lloir Holy Ghost OrdI For ?1I psrfcqtara apply w :- • : . !L • m1!Vi: , . .f7: . . , , TBE PRE3IDEN'

7i\:U.EJ JN'S .C O'L L'E.GB. j C 0 Ej K

|]J; FACULTY' Of , -MEDfOI^B. I¦' ffoEiiinlDitlairt tot tbeEi^bt Medlisl Schojir-jWp^and rotth^Bttyej SchoUuWtw

»nd Sodlor

ifibWon, will tterio <x» rarjB3DA.Y,OOro8^B22hd,' lani 'ind' l otnitw on MONPlY, £Sth

Tha attention ot C&DdiilaU* I* directed to p 16,: mi, 2 to p. 20, put. I ud *, and Co p. t& of thaColleg* BeKu!»tloiu. |

Cliss B»e»—T«3 Ponndi for e&cb class, exceptPracU?«l Anatomy, r*c|lc»l Phrsioto'gy, PrftctlealCKemtotrr, and Amatoiuy- std ' PbyriolOfry O5Oouras), lor trhlch the Pse U Three Bopnds.

I Clinical Iaitrner.ioo ji alr« a ut tho ,General BOJ-pitala, which »«reo»nW.bJ all tha Ltecaing BotiiiThsre«real«Oi«Terif8peciuHo«yitiiIi opeii to8tnicat3

Further lnformitlon can bo obtuaed from|thoCollegs Calendar, or on tppllo&tloo to tha Kcjl iar,Qtu«o's Oollfg«, Cork. .

' Bj Orrter of tboiPrerfden*,A1.BX; jAOKj liTiA., jEcglttrsr.

C]iRLO¥ ill COLLEGE.BlTUATEDtii ttfintfDemesno'bfiLiwn jcd

. yVoodland of'iuTer 20» l teres, ±iaCollege A affords nn'rivlilled; oi(portuniHei forOdtdpor •Qanjsj; Wn'd |Amo«emenlsi inclii* £»gBoating-an'd Ba ihlng tir s'WwcJm J ^ ] : • '

The course ol studiiia Is based onj the Ictcr-modiate Programme, ibut . inakes special ; >ro-visio'n for the brepjfatloo' 'ofj papiU forCommercial life, for the Learned P. rofesStdaa,and for the Mablca'atiim and First |Univer :ilyExaminations of the Itoyal Univereity.

In the Junior Department, Boys under 12yean of age ore adraltled, and in addition t > athorough educat ion recjeire all the , care wh chtheir tender years require. <gj £ HifrjwJMifaummer Voctitim Uvmizatta Jit SeptcrrU 'Cr.

For terms and further particulars apply to



Grand Excursion U> Ipugb'alSunday, ISftfi of Auguofc.

THE Commitiee htve anuAged for Spc iaJTralu"JeSviing ."V\raterford at 7.50 ¦ C-BS,

Cappoquin arrival, 9.45. 8pocial Ston isrleaves Csppoquln at 1 10.15 o.tn (limitod to200), rcturnltig from iroaghal at G.30 p ia.Time in YoaghsJ , 6 hoW '-r^? ~2.Z=±=5FARI3, including TrafJi' and Steaiser, g/g,'

Tickets can l>e hai from tho 1 follow:a;Committee :—li. Gall/gner, 5, MldbtBl trc tW. J, Wnkh, Arundei 8qoare ; MJ CarrigaDBroad-strcat j oi tho Eton. Ssaetsry,

J. BYAN, 46, John-street


Cycling '& Athletic Spoito-(Under I.CJL isd O_a A. Rala).

vnx us Hxin jOi MONDA Y AUG UST; 17tk, 1903

T7ndcr tha p&troaagtel 0M Kijht WorciipW Aui-OUi U0DiltSXT,lkI»jar «f OlosisL ' I.. Coraiteadag •* l'»'ci>ck.

Etailiijper—Mr.' J&A 'liootke, TTcacntrT. OC hlHtsdfafepirl.C.A. 'ijrf.d^.A. __


I'BOOIUMUE. ! -^^0T0UKQ EVEJilTS-i J»lf MIU,' opea' hutdica; > ;

OlM MP IL nwm h*rwtlMn • llSvn XfiT^a rmrni »*»^f**«*. .Xw* MIITL £I«b fakadistji ; Tsrea llilai, toua n te(S vdil4),'eoafiiMd t<>mniUrT «o4-i>ollc*' •* OUac el•ad Clcomtl O-C. itiaiissA-vdgh* «f taachlu to i»csaj, XSH*. - ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦• ' - I

ATBLUTIO EVENTS j-109 Y$I4M Slit, opUt*adir»p; S29 lardi lUt (wxn hiodkap) ; OnsUCsFlat, opea htniiaj.; «0| fr«rd« FUt, Kntck firu M.jw-i ' Coy," jrte^el by Aldtfcua Nn ct(Kayorv IS88); promt hok!«y U B IVjoett, DnbS,Untrnty ; to b« wco uiw timai—not seadsuilT bttuoealco 1 Tw« Uila WiJk, opea Uodkap; 1 1'Y«rdj HnnHe, «pai Undlcay ; Ttj-sf-yVu', tcztoss cf tea ; irain'¦wdgMi 12st per tun ; 4i5Terdi Flat, ehb hudlnp. { ' '

Alxo—Wkaelkamv E*>i, Sac2c Boca, Zoo!» ck]B*ee, Coetam* Boot [co cjtio). i

TR« Splendid .Band \<tf the Royal, IrishT7111bofa*Stodjaaa. ' '

B*ee, Coetam* Boot [on cjtio). i

Ths Splendid .Band \<tf the Royal, IrishT7111bofa*Stodjaas. ' !

Entnujco TeaSiiif iemtrx,U ;g m nlentry, 2J 'Gf JFntrfa eloM mbi, tfan f ton. Betm. ea ilOKDA^

ADO08HOfl»,WS ; B«»7 forms «• be had ST.tjp3csOonto U>eBeont»rlai . . : - , .

AdmJadMi-jneM . field «ad Enolswre;1!*

: : : ' ' <£;t)WtlIR : :-7 »<*- WC:

AVbby, Loaa ital plaoodat.1 SaaV» ! ' . < **fm1*T*'l*t > '¦ - i fA DYANCE3 m»d« from 25 npw»ra» la kn» ca-iSL ol lrehodto lZoi talfflrX kaepentsi F*rmet» oa'th^ awn sienrftyji u «w>mr«a:of , T \ . \- >.

; E»*yB ««i«iUp . , ABplj, , .

110 UIDDtiB ABSEX1; StifcBr: DrjJBClK


. ¦ I • 1888 to i«&?.' :\ ;,. .NO' ICE TC> CKINTBAOTORSA

nr»HE} DnngMvto BM -0.1 District jiOoMociX : TL at their MeOina tn bo ieM oc

TUE89AY, the 18th AUGUST, t-968, «»n.M at a&n froni«6moet nt /peockts tor theBUILltoQ OP 4 SI1IQL& COr rAGB3ud 1 DOUBLE CDTrAQS, «nd Uy. PESC-1NQ OP 0 PLOT3;in ioeordwc« iri b pto^and siwdficatioa to be wn at the offlo ¦ of theClwk'ofjthe CoondL; "• • - ¦- ¦ .: - ' i ' , - •j, *°*«pJ . cootaiaJok-; foil - Mrt^Urt,. p *.ditiooa, etc, c« ta .M^TpTUtiooto¦;.;.::¦ : JOtttf B.-pO«?itti - <

Zcie* 10 !4AJA«iS!iSi£-?rT**!¦' ;'

'emm mmmmm * **«




I tL^ J


¦ ¦ ;. . •

¦ !! I '

i : ! ; iGPOEITIMCS* OVOUKO ARO ftTMLO^ia' I ¦ NOTED. | : ' [ • ¦!' • V

¦ ' '

Tipperarjf Athletic and Cycling! Sports—ICthAugust.

¦ : ¦ ' ¦""¦'""¦ ' ." ' j : . : ' j " ' ' '

Annual 17—Cloamel Sporte. I :

&EB. A. H. JiAlSraB ?jj ¦ £ ] '¦ .[• •¦. ii . ;¦:porting W&terftxrd will' Join mo in the

¦ ciucere expression of regret| t i aX Af af yL. -2L• Jarvis, <A this city, tis tearing to-cay Xo it&kd•OT-a perssantait poidKnn 4a.|Modeijnr,Bal>yl{m.¦fiinci he'e^ae heieWoie iji jearB'ia j, Mz.'• vjarvis proved him&eif to to& -f QJ ?pyf tb? best."A^ 6iBs ;

:iaccat<&', ' c^Mwdad |ek«t r;. he" could always lie" relied' ia w&Sem""needed.Mr. Jarria filled with mucj), /sjoeptanoe thepoeitioo, of eaptain ol' itha iWtaterioni Bicycle

"Club Ia?i'j ar,-: a4d ' ureter) has;jwisle ' guidancethe club" revived r&u6h of its' 'did \vexve. Nogreater iiidic tiop.-..--could( ..l>s5 giyeo oi M vJams' popularity than trae faenK&tstrated 'aVtbe Adelphi Hotel on Wednesday night, when,d an Siiinosji Irap2ami*ia:> 3upfesh ; laTBJ fortjr-oix attended, &a & mark of reepect and est ento our sporting friend. Mr. J&rvis leaves to

-Improve his position. Good rack to him.©; o?. «"•;•! . ¦Oi " . ' » .'ii <•]' d / p c:'

A liDTE FHOM OXFORD., Fellow feeling makes «3. vnandxona kind I't&eived jhis. ye§ »'aS; leist» hundred

¦¦le Vo

breaking thougbAs'of 'friendsHp^

for th« goodold Waterford BisW)ltitl.. 'Eroin; •giwnjst thenumber I -gladly, select iha ioU<mPTJ for. J>?.?>-lication:—

The Lemmas, Eaher, Surrey, ;, ,;; .

¦ August .aothi isod.

IDear Sir—'I enclose a postal order ior 10s.,ea the amount due from roe as purchaser of the:fi«kets:for your . Grand Drawing, j Being de-sirous to assist the.cport of rowing in every.tray, I have muoh.pleasure in -buyingthetickets, and in wishing yon «very: Guccesa inthe buUdiPS of yp« boct house. ; .;

YouKj' trtuy.E. G. MONEEIBWiiiLlllAMS,

President of the Oxford UBiveasity Boat dub.Evidently our Oxford friends !have not yet

.forgotten their viaili to Waterfowl on a memor-cfole occasion. On behalf of my cju"b, I thankHr. Monier-WiUliams tor his kindly latter.

TBE FETE , ;1 feel quit© confident that next" week's Fete

in aid oltha Boat Club trill Icnock into epliAteraall Southern, records. A good.programme, 083been arranged) r'nA if we caa only^oqua18 fh*elements and arrange for floods of snnahine,days of pleasure are 4a store lar.m GIL

o o o ' o o o o o .OLAY PIGEON SaOOTllfG,

(The Waterfowl Gun Chib made & very finecdiow on Baturday ajainsS the Champions ofIreland, Using the Inter-Club Match, after aclose and most exciting contest by: tha narrowmargin of two points. TShe Queen's Countyvisitors are fine eportsmen indeed, and 3 ampleased to say they one and all enjoyed theirttip dmmensely, and were well pleased withthe warmth of their reception in Waterfordand Tramore. They, left on .Tuesday for theI2th to enioy:some irrouse Bhoorting.


AT T.RAMOBiE. .Tie diooting at , Tramore on Monday was

fairly good, all things conBidered.- Messrs.Cobbe, A. Walsh, cud Percy OTOonneil werenot in their best '.fonp, but our friends of tiheOommercial Club' finowed up right well, andI am glad to say secured some of the prizes.

o o O-- O- o o o ¦ oMCLTOM IN PABVO.

' Hx. 3: J."ParfaWm is now training lira-'Joseph Widgerfc Btring.

A. A. Lilley will, otter all, form one of tihe•M.C.C.. team to. visit 'Australia. ,

Sceptre has been' entered for both Cessre-wilch and Oambildgeshire, and tha presenceat the post of this popular mare, would lenda spirit of eclat to either contest, i

The lot&l memibei&nip of ths Oyoliufcj' Tour-ing Club, at the end af June, 1903, was S8.847,as compared with »23/134 the corre3pondragperiod of 1902. ' I '

•Holbein will attempt to crrim the Channelobont August OBUh. |

The weights tor the Aotumn Handicaps willbe published on September 3. I

liaihew will be trained for future engage-ments by Mr. Garrett Moore. ;

It is to be regretted that such a valuableisce as the Prince Edward Handicap hasfailed to fill'at the first ;Hme of csking. Tierace, for which 60 totrlea are stipulated,. hasibeen re-opened, and wiD. ol6se on Augnst JLS.

Mi. V. Murphy» Christendom;; th> • -tt-ell-:known cricket player and yachtsman, left cmThursday for America, to witness;the race forthe American Cap. , . -. Mr. J. J: Parkinson ¦ has registered an

authority to act ;for Mr. George Edwardes inIreland, and Mi. T. M. 0arei7. |

W. Lane will 'not be long in Teachine his" century" ahonld ha continue in the good formbe has shown during the past •steel, in theootzrse of whicn be haa won niite races .andbrought his, score, to 90. A little while agoHolfley and Madden appeared liialy to' over-take him, but he has'gone away again with asubstantial lead, ondiHabey, hii nearest at-tendant, has now a leeway of 22 to make up,while Madden is 25 behmd.

T. B. Wchoyon, the amateur cliampionfaammer thrower, continues 16 make improve-ment. At the Celtic P. C Sportsj \at Glasgowon Saturday he sent it l&3 feet,,the best effortyet done in Scotland. He- also placed onj re-cord new Scottish figures for the weightrputt,his 44 feet beating J. ip. M*lntoph'«' 43cfeetQ inohe* 1833) ; at the fi&znO' ^TTII>' Nicholson¦t&.tt-a ^Aa4 >rk O faat. 1 t f\^vK'Vk«y H(WMn nr /s trr vt>

the event.In the Cesarewitch this year ninety-four en-

trant^ figure in the list, amongst trhicih may bementioned Sceptre . and St. Maclou, who willprobably . occupy; pride of .place1 when ;theweights are: aUbtted. Throwsway, : 'RisingGlass, Zinfandel,' Wavelet'a PrideJ Grey Tick,Sundorne and Rightful are a lot v&o haveGhown their abihty to; fitay.' iOnr Lassie,Bachelor's Button, Alancon, Loveite, ' Fer-tnoyle. Prince ¦Flprisel, and 'that jood Frenchhorse Quo Vadia/we shall doubtles: iear talkedo/bou before the , decision of . the evept-i Mr.Leopold de' Rothschild is responsible foe , no.(awer than five, chilJt lli_ .' Seene, the'American, bos also: four, down to his name.

, . i . -. \ . ¦•:

T. G. F^TER^O'WFLasHma,- "BOhhAtw

; . ¦ ¦ ¦

i '


Gto tia " TUBF BEOiSTEB,'' crab port ttzoca eppUoaUon.

VJcahlj Cspdit JV connB 'jpeneiJ, iuabjact to. • v ' ; tpprgvedtefefneci;,. ; .' . . , ' i .


SUrttef ftrloetatJWneWi.W aas* „BASZZBS :—Enrfaa'—X«»4oa *oa Watminttez But

Lasdos. Sootltn Eok ot Soctluut 0Iw(O». Ire uxl-EsBtc of IMIud. Dakltoi '' : '

The <l Tnrf OrouWtT. tree oa tssdjl of uiistst.

Kugget: : Sporting Agency,MIDPEa irBG ^

j^LAHD. i

. The cert great sjreepdaka> on T&e STEWABD'SCUP, GOODWOOD ;TUe,BT\ IffiGEtt , &e+ 8£, fie¦Fctoxe, DooiJe «nd|TwM« lBv«at< Uifl iAocomnlitor'j

, ; ¦. Bf titm, Jto, ftc, i i - . . "

ap, ov ALC: BAOB3;

*Prio8 list (ioMd! dtOy) «nd «ent poet free, wiUj booko fula andtelegr«plit«oo<le>oo •CTliofUon.,| ., :• ¦

.Tnstmctioui by Ttlecnslv «*s b* reedri4tt:t *don

i :« ¦¦ ¦Fliisttaig,"- HoMad., ;:, :

:! : lil»t« *&d Sales pent fre^ Vmi icodpt of NameK :f -JbZW vhHWWtMliJ 'U" ' i ^:- ;

° niLif<i kff ti 'iir{M JMti '*-V ' '- i :\-mtisff i®miiBB ' i

i: '- TffgfflW 9??* rtnti ofl] Jtefoor» to>¦i , , HflBlBBJHt iftHMK VMyk&Jfl tk fciti MA i i ^ M m ~L At±*!' < ; > ~WAC^ ^ ^ 'I^ ^ JT ^1

' P* : j" * I HI *4HMSJ K JPM

I Sfe aisSil&iitt. ^«- ;V :n'l:M'' 'j i ':.. 1 SS/ 'l- i i.'.l! - :- i ' i


! . i ¦ ! ¦ I i ; ; I ; ! ¦

I i I :. • i 1'



¦ j < •


i _! ' '<BlK»a out Eeportor). • ¦' ; 'J jT^weeHy meeting! oTthy Boar iwas held

OTSSfWW, tte proefeedlngs powered Wanjr«toir» of publw interest. Mr. rJaan« V.Vi*raB chajrraian, preeifledj end -the' oilier

Owincil; fffUliam jIJtaeii JJ.L M,O.d.fei0hair-B»a Eurali(Di8trict!Co53cil ; Obiw>j. oomin;JIM MJO.C:; Jamer-H yes. UJO.O. J IftcholsiMgjfiaaey, 4I.O.C ; Thomas J?ow«Tj i&Jp-C. igwui -Ryan, VJC.; Jaines Orowfl* Maurice'rower. Edmond O'Shea, iThom*» 'ilclMrtlhy, 'natqek Foley, J'&mes Kirwan,1 Patrick Flynn,M«nsi® fFlynn, J. w-C&tter, John Wahh, R.

•Tobiq. .'':¦' t . . . . - ¦ ' ;,- , -r

r / . . :,' , ¦: ' . ,

¦. . .

! FN fdHotwir .ofuciabwer* n attch<Jan«&caJgcocI: —iMeeara. John : fR. Dower, Olefk ;.Jhllnyan, Assistant Clerk; Thomas !Wal*hettaweft^aad Reliew OfBoenr- iped.-and1 'WlOHS(HlCW«B-WAiTBR-«m»BB&-«PBWr~

» J ' ' ilNSrn XOIBNT i »" ¦Thisiju li&i'. wSiciilias' been"'eniig'feg t&aftmtiOT.'rf the, guardiana or m>me-tin»:past«.again c&me.bn'tor corisfderaUi>n. "Tie Master,ar-his weekly diary, referred to the matter,. intimating rthat he tested Uie t>ipca aTidifoundnd leaks:" However", the supply; tie iadd6<i','i UotiUdnsuffloisnU • —- _ . Q MSL OJphea—*Aa you i are .on that question,laWKnalfinan, will you fcindly tread MriBdjry*rfrepoij, which camsto'.itr from ti.o tTrbai- Die-tnct Council on thd cnbfoct. ';. ;; - 1 •:• ' I

Clerk—There da no report from the TJi'biniDistrici. Oonncii : _ „Mr. (y&hea—That is an extraordinary thing.'Ur. JBearya ireport was read at the UrbanU/i3triot Council; meeting last Monday "vteek. 'Clenk—-What was the mature <rf tho *«i>ortJ-Mr. O-SbgAt l&ijd it :bes>: on this matter?, Mr. O'Shea—It did, ,cmd: it 'is a very dmpor>

ant ieport. ¦• • •¦ ¦' ¦' , ¦ ¦\- \ i - i

Mi. Thomafl Power—J would'ang eSt that wea3k for a eop- y of thafieport. ¦ • • ¦ T"Mr. <yShea—Did Mr.' Walahe test the pipes;Master—I did,Mr- O fjhea—-I may say that the water is

Pflramg at the meter at itiie' rate of SoO eaUonaaa aour. - ¦ • • . j ¦ '¦ ¦ ,

Mr. O'fe eBe- r donJt - think, when Mr.Beary came here in connection witih this mat-tar, ¦aiat he waited to 6ee it fillBd.Mr. OBhea—The water was! passing at the<xf SOO gallons an ihonr, and tne question iawnere TS it going to. '

. Mr. Ryan— It is proved now that there isno''teak, ibnt that the meter ia wrong.Mr. OXJonnor—-Did Mr. Barr ca« thn nirw?

when they were exposed?'_ Master—*HB , did, Mr.: O'Connor (Be washere yesterday_aiid saw. all tie pipeiMr; fiyanj-Wiat did i*e say?iMiaster -iBfe said he would report on thematter Unlay. He thought dt extraordinarytWt there «ould T>e ad ilelfi(Mt. Cflhea—iBPow doe3 he account &>r thetraste of SOO'gallons tin hour?IMaater -J dontt know.Mr. CShea- lftanytihing la paasing irom themeter H will remain (Stationery. There arewo or three cisterns in thi3 house to whichfw pipes are attached, aad these cistemaononld be filled up ibefore the meter 13 workedI think I aaked you, master, did yon removeany of the flags going out to the field ©idyou remove them?Master—No.Mr. O'Shea—Jf ,you remove them vot willeee wiat is going on. Mr Bearj- tell* me thatMere 18 an overflow oL water there that wouldyimarttin; The queatiot is whether we shouldcxrt to-dax aak Mr 'Reary to come out to-moT-

f°Y fW examine those pipes, as they are ex-! Vt.H'8 f ? * * ttat "ere branches oi«pes there that are unknown to thie masterEheTe.were a number ofjunctiona mad« «ithOM pipes which, MT. iBeary told me themaster of the union at the time said would

STM &$*<&$& K^"0 in th« to>"e Itwould ¦&& ¦well J the. chairman made an ordernow to have the master eee Mr. Bean andaa^tam to -come out apd examine the ninoacgam. ,' MT.S> i ~la il Poasi'ble

that there is non T <" J-b} a water echeme through the house?Jta. O'Shea—MT. Beary told mo that Mraciieisue, the former master, wanted to havea ap provided. There: chouid .be a charteredmap of it certainly showing where the branches

Mr (Beary be sent for either to-day or to-nior-s-a-jfsi^ brhiF a °f bis rwrtover him made an

order, which has nott>een carrred outi'^

r; O' onaor seconded Mr O'Sttea-ff propoai-

•"T? (°J?er 'V lt Vnvat*Jy msde WJi3 Qs follows ¦ -Ihat the clerk be requested to writ* to MrBeary. asking him to attend A * tne pipes. system

are now exposed he may

A1W». ,eabI* tO ' ^ f where tie leak heS2SSit0« S{.-may be> and that *o^ S8^6111

H wai < «ded 10 ask Air BajrSfnM fommittee oI guardians formerly ap!.Hd

COnneetion with the matter u. aV


i«!?3 ?d ??nlajk?dthat Mr B«ary, whenml ™

b0n8e *? .C0M«^ -witt thermng and that thing.|and went awav afterf° mmutea. It wia OD

i7 when % *™*

w^erXt COlmnit^ ^ W «» ^The matter then dropoe.


plg Vs ra rar^genHenJen?^

111 y°U ^

ant to aPPHcation,Several members—Ye3.

ceded lo*hooIlDasler's fequ«3t wai tnei «••

" ThW S 0

T£EATMEOTTOe Clerk^brought under the. notice ol the

¦?£"£, e °*"6 ¦«* a Patient who waa eent forfl^? v? eatment

to Cpt£. The . patient was

2Sin fh-('SlmVC01*- d Saniord wroteasting that he be sent on againclerk lT mOe With !£9 «n88«8tion of theSj"A was made that tfo p^tiont beiMo the 'Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital.

.WAR0>3MAirine Local GovemmotH Board writing inerence to tte appomtmeBTS

HanTah flu^-£ MT***1*

thfir motioned a? athat^hi i^

a year

m'oa3' P0"3 onlhat Uiey did co on the oaderatanding that

shg dSLs™ aoM<? ^ empbyed ^innAn—WShat arelher duties¦ Vlcrk—8hg is a wcrd3mai<!;

i»Tv" tacfc~Tlhat. K T?°3 2Jto?etb«i Who•&' , IH^S if she!doesn't'Clerk—They won't allow her to do anr ac-tive aurerng. " ""' "

¦nr r!' i3™?? Hayes, ac'eompcniod by Captain2LS C<


^P-,lri CJ0 • ier« eitertSine

SJ?«S*J.ntroducod ' the latt«r gentleman!n5h^

1Ved »1BK»t «0?dial welcome .from theut°an Councillor the previous eveninK

rosbi^ ht0^1"1 wdl an^iu h-

^Chairman—Not the eli hiest.

OLAIU EX>R EECOTJPMENT.rine .Local Government Board, writing in! ESclf t?uthoir F1 t0T rocoupment mrespect of the expenditure, for medical andeducatapal purpbaeff,! pointed out that it

? ?£.!Taii.worisious? the 4th January,m ii i i &* ihlouSh an oversight of themedical officer the samples were not Bent foronalyais m lime. i ¦ '

^S££&tt£*I I'O ?" iMoGrath sent in an

applicationto? £225Ja., balance of contract for the 6e3-.sinane Utepensary residence, and stated • " Ifyop have not got Ae money yet trom the Board.of i .T7orks,.Mr. Gardner . win IJOM; over thechenqe qinta von eet £t. OTIA »¦»+.«.« /..n K«MJ

6!.10? n,n,til iexl financial meeting:. X64 —WonWn't:it te.ietter now to«lthe cheque and hold at?

, !Cl rk-^T«3, : ,Mr. OBhea—.You wilt lose nothing bv it

n.A^H iTv"!? tte cheque ?or twelvemtoOia if I don't- get a certificate. If the cer^tmcate came m to-morrow I could'iasue thecheque. I think it will meet the case if youmake an order ihat tiif cheque ibe passed to-giySfiP :183- "?- ffW :ah°^; An order, was made accordingly/ .' : .? .? j ILMr, /Thomaa Power-^Has treat cJ-thi»tejTdeice 'been fixed yet? , j |i Q?*?JY«>, *ut it .is:.noi doducted fxom themedical-iofflber'a ealary «nlil be comes into1

2SS?S?ii.?t *• hotP»- YlDU « e iosin**i i%S* "f UTO9o *wv ©eing occupied.

.i P eetfer anenvthiag be done to hurry:

«rfr- 8J* -Y«a. can, make.the doctor go tonwj oa ft te-moTrttw if jouJike ! ii&fr. .Thomas Power—? suppose it ii the (Looalujvjemmen»i.iB rABi»jiiiear.who is delayingna now? i : : ; . I ;,-iClerk—It |s the Boaid of Works. I i ¦ i . , • . iAfar. OBh«4-There >as' a' letter ! last we >Kto eay certain thdnga were done, «nd S «u>pc soair OM-booae is it «of final faspeirtiSa; ' i; Clerk—I iconldni as*. i : j£jM> BMnj JTtojcicri nrrbie' Jait ireelt 16 UH>Boaid of Work«! <o Ihave the engineer eehtSy* !*?

1??1-' " 6


' Jt "ems *o «M

B hRSO» thing ib&s been engineered by the^ Kj^MrJ Jthni',-ire .honld!iriia DOTCo titeJhwid-ofiiforkstto «srit^a eow'fli *»

¦: ¦¦ '(' !¦¦¦

-' ' ; ' •¦ { ' ' i '

.- •>•¦ ¦

h i'

• •!

¦; ¦ •i^ ;Hi '~ - 1 • ¦ ¦ • ¦¦ i- ; • ' I : ! i- i ' ¦ i

THE I W[ATEklit>itD NEWS FRlMrk < I:

• ¦ • -. . . i. -. v«-i .v :: : ?.4;; * -»-:>.-, ¦:¦ ¦¦. ,. | k . ,..^.,,. ¦ ! ¦ . .. i . - . .

I ¦

; ! ¦ -

, -J : ¦¦¦¦

¦ - '

. ¦ '


¦ .M;

Anal inspfectioiLJrbei.-'ailL.thsn send dowa-! Mr. IStaS l agr4»4withrthal«ttgw»tlon'w!'Mr. OBhea. i j . . ' ¦" ¦' ]"

.> Ub. (T!oom«« iPowcr-i 'egeett.inar&iS , H66.] 'I •Mi. OVihea—There is nothing stirs tip *ptfbliq body better than ft wire. . I ¦] ¦| Mx. IRyin—I«n't j,i extraordinary to eat *wire! will haw tha «fleot that a public body

canH prodiw lauibter). ¦ '' air. Jamea fHayeS—Well, you see a wire oofftt

sixpence And a public, body cos to a psanyi Mr. jiRyan—It was suggested here that the

kind of rWirer'w»- «hoiiH-«ond tforaKhbo »Bwbed wite OatigiMr). '

V;'M f\ r'j ' *!¦F |CJerk-rli'have »^eplyiinereifrom1'-itne l!3o«a'<of- WorigjJ They (say the Utsae haa ibeen ro-f«wed*to.1tneir:««al-offloe/^dr earlr leport, •:

Mr.'tyBaea-iAnd a wire-'will 'bring bun on.,4 r. jEfeyes This

cweia iike*hat of *h» toij

many books spoiling flhe broth IfliJnghter). "W»fiKave Wir:'|oKfp- enffineer and 'other engineera¦stoed .up.itej'lt iV i ,'. , ; , :! i. i.;A > ¦. ! :-l €>fSbear-;-We»'eaJer iosi!ag livhe rent tijt-not having H' occupied. , ,ri.][i'Wg|<spUtttat4ySgreeTii5> eend a wirejtothe Board oj Works, stating that the docior>'¦house t Beskinane ; waa now certified to bo

-<ready»lorfljlflpecfcwn -VIPJT vlnn "li * iraBSEiNifl ffiEITOE OP mE'lliHDDCAI,

i i OHBTDOBR. ;The Local 'Government Board wrote request*

ing to be .informed as to where the medical

Chairman—(Mr. Itower, you ought to know.i Clerk—I- don't know4- -.M!r, ahaiimtn, or Idlon't tfrani.to have'.anyihing io do \7lth: doc-tors XkUghter). * \ ;¦ ].I.'Mti Oujran-riTta bpsfi couria. in-myopinion,to adopt io to refer 'the letter to the medicalyvfRi ftf , ,_ .. . . _ . ' . . :

Mr. Stack—But where will you eddrcca it... '-.IKs wDttrk ieH ' ii! orif Wttoifr eddressedw-th0 ttie ical offloet found him ct Finn'*itf tlla, .RAIHn tmJiTl-f ¦'' • .-i- " ti . ¦¦• .:,.,¦ • , . M . . , .¦

Tha letter was then referred to the. mpdtcoiofficer. .

M : .O > ea)' _remarkins -(l<ei iho oedicoljofBcer .bo rejponsibte for wie statement him-adlf

' ': ' ¦ ' ¦ •¦' '¦

.•>¦ Bffif CpBBCOm.A'dT.The reSolMiibri ol t&e'Ilis'mdr© Rural Dutrict

|0>uaoU,.Ui favour bf.c^&lng npon his-ilaieityw> hav« the'Coercibtl Afiirof'asT rfpcaled. alview of the fact «hat. the oet-tlen^wii. of thaland auction ia neariiig ioinple^on, \rss roaJ.

Mr O'Keeffs-l-Welead that'before us-already:' Chalrnjajtr-We will"adoj}t this reao'ution."' Mr. Ti)oma3 Power1—I 'saw the iesdlotion inthe Press., but I don't think we 'hid it be-fore us until now .

Clerk—iMav be it waa before the Rural Bi>iriot Ooiificll and not'.the Guardianj.. \The' resolution was then uncnimouslyadopted. , . . . '¦ , ¦ ' ' "PEBMISStON TO BAT SMA1&-AOCOUOT8.

The iCleri pointed out that'it iwould 1>e con?venient If !a tnlnute ww made irequestinB theLocal Gohrernritent. 5001x1110.ipsrtoitiilaitn t6pay accounts exceeding £1 ou£. of 'too pott?cash Lf a tradesman, eay, .was working Inthe establishment for a week at S03., he <thoclerk) woald hav« to mak1© two payments cAit. K\ present tie could not pay moxo thai!

At, order was> made requesting the LocalGovernment Board to give permission to thoClerk to pay cash not exce'odihef £3

THE LA/BE MOPE.Very Rev. Canon John Power, P.P., Dun-

g&rvai*. wrote acknowledging, with thanks,a copy ot the BoaTd'a resolution in refexnocdto the death of the late 5"br*. iLeo JL-ILI

NEG-LEOTED CHIIiDRBIMr. AlcCann brought under the notice oil

¦the Boardi an application, by a man namediLynch Jor the Bdioi$aion.oi his two children;to the workhouse, as. /there was no one to takecharge of them. '¦

23s. O'Keefle expresaed himself opposed totaking in : the children of any man who opent,ihia earnings in . drink He di4 not 6ee why;they should support and rear -op .children lormen who went/about squandering money thatiwould enable them to maintain and providelor their .<;hiidreu.

jili O'Shea—The -way ou: of it would be tocall the attentioL o( the Inspector of tlhoSociety of iCruelty u> Children to the case

MT McCani> stated that this man lived inClashmoiv

Mr. Currar. said be thought the guardiansshould complj with the law in this cai& Hthis man wanted his children to be main«tsined in the workhouse he eljouH como inwith Ihei"1

The man Lvncb came before the Boardand stated Ihf c rcumstancea of his case Atpresent his chi ldren w«re neglected, and inswas unable to took after them A womar. towhom he sent his children to be nursed hadrecently giver ur charge a! therr

Mr Ourran—Die you pay her to* tookinijafter Iher

Lynch-^1 ai»(Mr Curran—(how mucu.Lyncn—On« pound a monvi.The £oard uHimatelj refused admicaot.

IMPRISONMENT OP COLOKHL 1.YNCIH3Ir. James Hayea proposed the following

resolution:—"Thai in view of the new era ofpeace and prosperity which ii now dawningn Ireland, we. the members of lie iDunsarvanBoaro, expresa t> hope that his Majesty's Go-¦v^mment wil. now release Colonel Arthur(Lynch, as we are ol opinion that ench an a<4of clemency would be hailed with great aatis*faction in Ireland." Continuing, SIT. Hayessaid—Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, my reasonfor proposing is, althoirja it might not havemuch ol an effect ooaninjt from aero,, to :haveall the diQereiT) public -boards throughoutIreland pass similar resolutions. ^The prisondoors ought to be opened, and it would he agreat act ol clemencj on Ilia ¦Majesty's part,after the way ht waj received in Iralono, toreleast Colonej aithiu Lynch i(hear, hear),He ¦fought loi a brave republic, and a 'braveractistil'. dl his was ihat when he was returnedfor Gal way City he .walked straight into theenemy's camp-—the Kalter was round his neck.bgt h» walked fearlessly into Wcstminotarand gave ihhnseK up. to tho hands of thoPhilistines (heai, hear'/.

MT. O'Connor—More dwnn fool he wca./Mr. Hayes—If the;diflerent iboards through;

out Ireland pass similar resolutionus the Kui^will do this act oi olemeucy>~open the prisondoor and lei the light of heaven once morddawn on Colonel Arthur Lynch .(applause). ;

Chairman—1 must say I ajrrea fully withthat resolution. '

•Mr . T . iPower—u tniggcsl that a copy b^een-t to Sir Michael O'Donoghuo, Chaicmanof the Galway TTrban Council.,. He was createda Baronet, and ii© would h&ve great influencewith the King to carry out the object ol th©resolution '

¦Mr H&yea—Ii ia a pity the King didn|come down this way, we would have 8irWill Lam Stack <laujhter)- '

Air Stack'OaughlngV-I would rathe- havethe money (laughter) '

MJ Pttriok, 'fqlpy seconded tho resolution!,and it was Ordered that cbpiea Ibe aeut Io 8irMichael OT)onoghue, ' dth a reqiiest that hfeose his mfluence w^K his MBJeaty to carryoat the object of the Teoolution. Copies aboto 'be sent to Messrs. if. EL {Redmond and J J1.OlShee, MJP. '«, and ISx. Wyndhcm, ChieJSecretary ¦

THE 'AOVERTIcnNG. !Pursuant to notice, Mr. Jatoea (Ho-yes moved

—"' That the advertisements (A this union begiven to the "Waterford Ne s" as well 63 totheStar' in future, inasmuch' as we believe coirt-petition f o r contracts/ will.be larcely 'incTeased,and that the ' News.' 'deaerves io receive faiiraeknowledgezneat of the ncinnor in -chiah Sicaters for Qio Board and the nubile." I

Mr. Hayes then taid—Gentlemen, c? yoCdid ©ne'Act 'of clemency An passing & resolu-tion for the jreleas of 'Colonel''Arthur {Lynch,I think it Iwonld toe only fair «»Kt. ttie " News,"a rival . paper ,of the "9tar." chouid get 6,ebare dt the cdveiiisementf ihear, hear). Bothpapers are fell iropreSenWd at the Bo rd, andthey giv» gaoi report* 'if, otlJ proceedings'.Therefore tlwyonsht,to; be -treatedequally (heartear). No nvstter wbat merits; they may beBa'id to (have as to 'their ipoiitical views, byhaving J,wb rival reporters here you will al-ways nave in these paper? ip > extensive ac-count pi. yonr proceedings, and' without l alt-ing away iromone you' ought'to. iye a littlet(} the other (hear, near). Mr-'Oreen ( New&"reporterVhas attended'.!hewi Teeularly-7<»minaito ihis.fBAard and" other boards ,cnd I thinfeit ia only fair thai) 4hS''t>af>er ho- rebreaentishould get -s share of the odvertisementa (heat,hear). . , .

¦ ¦ • • ' :.' IOhairman— i Ihmk that la very fair. IMr. JFploy . and, lit. Kirwan rose eimuJ-

taneously: to' «ecoft<l . (he, motion. The lattargentleman eaid—I fronld'eecond that,' becauiaI;think it is only fai* to.let ibe readers of bothjpapere «ee JJOW we,-do ¦oprou9ine3a;;.The tt»o'pipers1 -oii very largely oreaS. - The "Kesrifiep a Largo circulation, and >I think it riiih,!?"deserves, any patroJWig&.'we can give it <he6ft:Bear). '•¦:'! ';- : ',

¦'' '¦ "¦ i> '¦ ¦ ." .•> .•. ? : ¦¦ ¦:¦: -. lu

"lit. Uatoice iFlynn—Jir. Chairman, 1 MonM-be .for giving1 the advertiaomefatff to ths.pipttthat tenda.JnXh iojreftt tender. /3 would lijte(o epoak Ion anotha point an3 especially toMr. Saves hese. ¦ • I doo't talnfc *re mil 3be 'iaspy way recouped for $be"«tjJeroe9 «iirfmolijinwill ,«ntaJl. LiOso J-donV (briHev&;one way Wthe'other! -that th* ratepayers ccn afMrdT toextraoharge.; . ¦ . ¦'¦ ? . ¦ : , ] ' \\ .• M*. TWonttT Jfcyweiri-ilrf toy opinion Uiuamotion .irregular. • There "is a contract iaexistence; ar i: Wai •contract has aof beentesdnde«J yejc Yoii' aavoj't iirvlted tendire«nd • you. ia ent 'broken up the' exiitmg oo«-tract. - <Otttil< «hat ty dbfne. ~>itr ironM ibe;per-fectly illegal to carry btri Mr. Kayet'l'oWedL

Chalnrian—JWe'iare'iKrt' intSrfermC *ith the"eta 'c^rHrictaV'all 'JThat *JH'Anif!<ml5»it is. A5r0^^^wanl«


rtvw)»-,cirf^ aretbth^Sewtf' thotrvtftkio ff «i« vrbom *he'"fit«.''' - . ¦. '..¦ •/ : : i - l C ~T :w \1.j.:Mr. Foley—I get the " Star." t>nt for all tb>tt «otikPWirt8P#T»»«l»a»'to *ie " News.1 \| Mr. Outran—In reference to What Mr My instates, I| tnsypaayj; thai ti^ree; years ago I xTfitar" (esMfegjM^Kiv* Jhie •nfl iber"NeT t"

thai timd., 8osa»tta» $tot.'ate^B^Paal


of tender wo ought to thank the .Wit«cfard.News" for the '*0verti»eittent6 (being published:aV9d. ».iinB, aid.I think.the rNews" has &

Mr. (Oagres-Oihe "Star" got « ahare iol theadvertisements/|Wflt as)we areitrylng to gelit noir for the iNews.'? • . . 'A \ . >.

<Mr. aUnSee pow It.'wiU be within iyourrecollecjioat that 1 «aid;on a former occasion

;tho'rj<<(wsrhad acr.oJttuiatioajtoimt.dlstrici,Well, such is not -the-case now. It ia th&.only/jiapeTjuld in.Bollymacarbery. j I mnder-'atand th j )' V" i|»M|/^W V*. supply;ithe, agent vt Ua lymacarb^ery, or throuzhihhcrtoiien .Vi Tapir inte tijaLiq£onni:«l,'4i6Wict atiWr'



i v " iX1 ¦' ¦ -

'• '

'¦ • ' '-¦<¦ : . ."


1" : . "'!¦ '

i* Wr. ,Lyn'am<Mito ",T7a^oid'8fAr )--May'i»*MftjWWi ¦ There *»¦ fab 'ifru'tli {& wnit fflSr.Bbwjr st&tW-aibout our refuXal'to'suppl theIBaUytaacarbery jagerit.':- He', was '.WtherUi aup-|

,.r i ,'<b^*ihe'agent iriiDungarv(tny and for borne;»cnt up. I make it my-'buaineeaWj '&end the(papers to Olojmiel, ahd (ihey. are eent 'fromf here. ¦» Sallrmacarbery.; ' : . "¦ • " j. - ; r . i

Mr. (Power—I iot. a letter eaving theywo ildnoV allow the " star; Into Baiiymacatbery. i '

J\Ji. Stack—JBoth papers got'a go< I,'chanceof coming forward,. and Mr. Redmond didn't'treat us a3 be should. The "Star' applied;and got the advertisements, ' I 'know MrjGreen comes here mow' and again, and gives.vTjry good reports, 1 must eay, tut we have thereporter, fronj the " StaV every Week; : : i. Mr ' Green (" News" i»porter) said that tjh :Stock was aware that without making a p'ro-inias at all the j* News" e nt a Bpecial repre«eentatiive , to the Board meeting every week,and that. too. at considerable expense. ' '. ' '

'Mr. Hflyes-aCpe ."fltar got the >adverttee-menta on the condition tEat it-would'iend &iroBrctaatelivo' every wees, end it' would jbobetter'for Mi. "Stack, not to oay much on thatpoint. . . • . . . i - ¦ ¦ "¦ ' ¦ : i i

A division was then taken, and there voted:/(For Mir. 'Hayes's motion—Me&sm. James

O'K^efle, Mauricje Power, N. Morriseey, C. J.1iCiifran. Jas'.. Hayes1. T. McCarthy, iPoley,P..iRynh. Jas.HKirwan, and the Chairman—10.

Agamst-JMesws. Mattrice !Plynn, W. Stack;J., Cotter, -J. Walsh, R. Tobin, T lV>wer. T.XyConnor,. Deniai Kyoa- .: •Mrli: lOTShea declined to vote. i

The Chairman .declared tho motion carried.Ox. OiConhor—Does 'that create additional

expense?'Mr. Maurice Flynn—It does. Mr Hayes

came here to caddie the ratepayers.Mr. ¦Hayewl disagree with Mr. Flynn awut

the extra expense, and be ihad better not trasaying that I came here to coddle the rate-/pnyera. The, Board only did now what tbej*dia on a former occasion. I think we' ouchtto bo generous. One man might read the" fjtar" and another the " News." They arcinot oo narrow-minded in the County Council.They give their advertisements even to a Con-oofcMive paper. We are all ratopayera.

Mr. •Manrloe Tlynn—I am against it.Mr. Hayes—TTou have a right to go ogainat

it,'and I have a right to go against yon.' tho matter then dropped.• !The weekly meeting ol the

. v nural Dlotr-lct Council

W£3 then held under the presidency of Mr. WStack, J.P., Chairman.

IMIRROVEMENT SCttTHMlB—TH<K (LOAN.A communication was read stating that n.

loan of £10/335, lor the improvement ochemeauthorised try the Council, had been oaac.tioned and would be issued in instalments.

W wta ¦ordered that formal application forthe loan be made to the Commissioners oi'Public Works.

Mr Curran—Io it through the Commicaioneniol Public Work» the Treasury is petHionedf

Olerk—-It i3 through tho Oommismoncrs orPublic Works the loan comes to you from theTreasury.MHTN&GENT ¦TUMBLE'S APPLICATION.

Tho Clerk read the following communicationfroifl Mr. Charles Nugent Humble, Oloncos-krftine:—

"Dear Mr. Dower,—Would you kindly lay;the lollowing application, before tho iRural(District Council ot their aert meeting Thatas they object to the alternative site for thaKnoeknafrrana cottage to Ballmroad , I amprepared to give an equally good one at Kil-minin, with which site the labourer, JameaTot)in, Is quite oatidfled. I trust the Councilwill eco their way to grant this application ,to wheh no valid grounds for objection on.npossibly exist."

.Mr . OTKeefle—What ground? does he sho wfor his objection I

Mr. Maurice Flynn—I move that tho letterbe marked " read '

MT. Cotter—Pitch U into the waste paperbasket. He ie long enough ' annoying -cmsBoard.

Chairman—iRe is at this Board now for lhapast six or eaven months.

The communication was marked " read."_ A1PP!LICAITION FOR A WATER SUPPLY.

MT. Timothy Coleman wrote as follows —"Gentlemen,—I am about boildine a dwellinghouse on the Bollinacourty road, and amdesirous of having a supply af water from thomain. I hope the Board will frrant my ap-plication, AS 1 am anxious to commence thework."

Chairman— Doei he offer anvthing at allfor It?

Mr. Oflieefie—Give it to him on the uouajterms.

Mr Kirwan—Th« District Councillor of thedivision ia no; .preoenl

Clerk—No , I may say that I saw the -watei;running to waste at the Clonootikraine foun^tain. .I .-

The application waa grantedOS" ACCOUNT

Mr J. H ii Rea, C E., wrote requestingthe Council to kindly allow him £10 on ac-count for tho labourers' cottage scheme.

Chairman—I euppooe you better pay that,It'js time to Give aim oome money.

Payment of the amount applied Ior was thenordered.

THE COTTAGESTenders were received and considered for

the carrying out ol repairs to labourers' cot-tages.

THE MODELIGO miNCH U II.IMT. Win. Ryan, Hon . Sec cd this Branch,

forwarded the lollowing resolution, proposedby, Mr. Richard Murray, seconded by Mr J.Bennett, and passed : —" That this Branch oltho United Irish League, comprising farmers,labourers, and artisans, beg to return oardeep sense at gratitude to the Nationalistmembers of Dnngarvan District Council intheir recent action against evicting landlord"ism, and rn defence oi the evicted tenants ofthe county , and that o. copy be forwarded byour cecretary to the Clerk of the Rural Dis-trict Council."

¦Mr. CKeefie— I am against that resolution",understand two men compose the whole

branch at Model)icoChairman—Aren't you a member?

' 'Mr. O*Kee£te—I am not a member ol tttat>r&neh.

Mr. M. Flynn—You ore going against yourprinciples.

Mr. OTKeeffe—I am not, turt J am {joijogcjain&t thia eoxt of thin<$.

Mr. KiTwan—I consider if this matter wasplaced properly ibefore the puiWic, it would notbe, regarded as a sreat Nafioaal victory.

Mr. Curran eaia in Justice to the labourerhe thought a change of ette ohould be (jran-ted.Mr. Humble would give the labourer ifiho 'bestsere of land that coold be given in a nne openneM.

•Mir. Kimran—I understand an acre of landthere is worth an acre and a half of ttst oniyhioh itiho former cite wvas eelected.

Mr. OTKeeffe—1 want to havo thia .boardworked im?epend]ent of Nationality. I ca asmod a Nationalist as is in itho oountry. but Idon't wast to be, alappod on the 'back by apetty litMe l>ranch llio Modelligo, ccasistingof two seen.

MT. M. Fiynn- I gupposa these too mem-bers, represent somebody—(laughter .

Mr, . Cotter—'They represent more .than tfioicthat jare opposed to then.

MT. M. Flynn—^Thero ere only tco cidca toevery reGOration.

flio communication was tihen marked ' read.'A IiAiBOOBIBKa OBEEVTAKCIB. '.•Michael 'Daly wrote to- aay dlhat 'unlay re-

pairs wero carried oot to his cotteffe at once,¦ho i houjd . get them ¦carried outi at his onvneimense'.

•MT. Kirwan—iWbere in thia «att£30?Clert—JBaill Inabaraissa.Chairman—I thought this matter waa re•forred to M*. (Barr,

, Clerk—I will vW»o to Mr. 'Barr cbout it. :The Oonncil lien adjourned. :

TBTJE AS 6TCBL.' 'You cannot itorcbasajbctter vahao JX Cutlerythan BarbarV TJodgurro' cad BIHotVs, makca.See «nr stock Jo! Raioa, Penknifes endBntcher'a Knives by those «minont,flnns.-r-Walter Walfth and Bond; Banonstnmd-«troat ¦'<

' ;¦' • ¦ > • • ; > v ;' ¦¦ . L

: ''.

'- : ."

. . : ' ¦ T

r,cn&UBtra....: LBABYU ; otsiiopa^OT Berit HirdWAra la *li branokes. Ubtnback if nirt eatl^fled. i Beit Good* «i LowestPrices. Otjsrr. a!o<l Co., General Warebow


\ \ ¦¦¦

¦ ¦ ¦ '.' I

': ¦

'-'H ! - • . • :•¦ r*r-, ;. . i ' ' ¦ : ; .. " r . »¦ V . ; ' .• ¦;

¦uA+f ii FntJortr's 1**4 MrJtki rssliSMsUd P^r*tioffit-Mvel1 grtaa'd: iff *«W, forI5| dellcioos

. ¦ r i . i r- r . P . T i I ) ' , . ¦ ' I . ; TT; : J 1 • j .

'' ^Wajerifck *ri4 8oxrtl^Kastern OuWe Jot

lon>»»5on, postS jar»sj)fftsienti» la itebla, i to.Of aU^ewMtfwK i, ,».> <w; p otaW$ W&» -pirtfee* 114, • ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦• ' ¦• : , .i • - ,•

¦ ¦. - ; v : ¦ ;

r. AUGIJST. «• 1903_ __ ____p__ ________•• jT^rJW o-iM rnatos, wpj t i x t a f r m i x- ;tp«

Dun«arv_a Weekly . Pwgnunme. end; Wsgv ; J '

¦ , • '¦ > punsarvan wotop.

Sunday w_» quite » B-1* y *? iDnngai—aa.Xhous_nds attended, the majority of whomcame to attend theFeda to.eld.at the BDJCOOIS oi;J_ !tt»r S»_7

1|[r9WW. AOd ) xc*tp !f ) *$*$**;?

WtM »njfe ?ctou4 .JMfred '_»• t«»»Ywthe' arujimw waslhi-e, f and the result was tnatihe ' datoiaK ^ Pwwqai

and other items on*h*!Fe ptygr«i_me yrat t i ,conducted in uia openW

The:*r*U-i*i 'pla -^^ocrBelec-to c*e\r*i' '- ffllr; iBarnw, Vhoic^mdvfoted.f dasplAyed niaixsotsl emdiency. ' ; . ."> ; . . , < ¦ *. . ¦' .. ¦ ¦.11 ¦Mf;' '. (CmigKinB, bon, iecreiiaVy of the ..branch,Was' s ubiquitous, «nd- nolwithetanaing hiswearying abboiur* rendered Jh« part throughoutthe day^and evenin^ iti cibaBacteilstic cootness and ability: VMrfiBemy. %the count?organiser, was ubo ¦' leoding

^a Ihelpin? 'hand,

while our old iritnd, >M>. -W. (Moehan, did great

The concert and play 4n the evening provedequally successful with ithe Feia. ;' TTho note last week 'in tbia column callingattention to the neglect of the hotel and iboard-ihg housa managers to eend in lists ot guestsand' visitors has been (attended to toy «ome oJthose interested; Ne_t weok we eS3>ect a greatmany more - will fallow, suit. iFour lists, havebeten isent. in, but -tihtae do not represent tiieflfteeth part of what could be done in that

lithey had to pay a foe for the advertisementpsrtvapo tbsy would - bo .rushing to ge^

it in,

but when no charge is made, the opportunityol -fiottins I incKsioed i business i» not valued.

Tto foiiowtog'vlsitorfl *re"- _t present jetayingat Uw. (Crotty 6-:cbmfortable ¦ house, OT Church-etieet*-Mr. . T. F. JJahor, Xillenaiile; Mrs._undy, Mullioahono; Mr. T. J. Landy, do. ;Mias O*aonn_n 6on.,<ioi.; Mass O'Qorman, iun.,do.; Hiss May. Powar. do:; Mr. Burke; Sydney,Australia; < 3fa. Shelley, 'Ballingarry ; MisaShelley, do. ; Mr. T. C. Cregan. Rathkeale;JMi.J«n«s. low_r, .County Surveyor's Office ; Muss•K J. Jordan. Tuam.¦ AV —S»J iFarda'a itticolyi oituated house. ElMery<treet:--Mii P.- Pitepatriek, Tipperary ;the llioaca tMoclder, Fotbard; IMTB. MrtJrathand •family, Emily;' Mra. and Mina Keating,Tipporary ; the Misses Murray, Drangan.

A* 'Jriary Cottage, 'St Augiiatine>-3treet Mrs.Mulcahy's oomfortablo and home-like cottage,there ore at present ttaying r—MadamosiHe J.gt John, London, Belgravia, 8JW , and Dublin ;Mrs. Henebery, mother of iRev. Dr. Henebery,Colorado, the ©minent Gaelic ccholar; Mra.Golvaa. Olonmol; (Misa ®aye3, Thurles; Mrs.cud 1TL83 OiQomian, Olonmel.

At Miss ilarria'« llrst-olaas establishment, 21Church-street:—iMteg Walsh, Cappoquin; MissHanrahan Clogheeh; IIIB. (Hanrahati, do. ;Mw» - Q"BaTTeH, Mitllingar ; Mrs. OTarrell, do;ill Fitejorald IXolIor, Hournalist, London; Mr.Murphy, Cork; MT iBliok, I/Jndon ; Miis Power,Carnck-on-Suir; Mro Power, do. ; Miss Bennett,Carlon : "Mr. Bennett, do. ; Mua Terraa Mol-loney, New Roca ; M'iis Mollony, do.

Th3 police would went to keep a sharp lookout for the miochievioua |uvenilea who are nowpractising tricks on cyclists by distributing alargo number ol tacks along the roads and path-ways here, wherever an inviting strip of roador path can be seen. These urchins ehowertocko along the way 1 so that it is a frequentCOUBO of complaint that bicycles are puncturedin the vicinity of the town. Now a sound birch-ing would bo the euro for this evil, should thelads be discovered " red handed." IWo maysafely leave s ch matters in the ihanda of 8ergx.Tyndall, who, cyclist himself, will p o&sczs that

nice quality of follow-fceling for his colleaguesof the wheel.

¦The DDoule of Dunffarvan •were delighted -toloarn of tie. mandtgo ill Dr. T. C Hackattwhich took place on Tuesday lastr'at Donny-brook, Dublin The bride was Miss Sheppard,o* Konturk. long and favourably known inDungarvon. The weddinjj ipresont3 wero coatlyand numerous

Dr. Hackett is of snob a retiring disposition,daoply cnjjjroa3ad by his profession, that weretrain from caying all wo would wi£h to 9ayoa thia happy occasicii. 'He has the blessingand good wishes of licii and poor alike, and wetrust that he and his ¦worthy companion may beloD t spared to each other and enjoy everyhar>nines3.

Dr. T. W. Williams io doing temporary dutyfor his friend at tho Workhouoo (Hospital

We direot attention to an advertisementappearing in those oolumnj from Mdlle. St. Johnwho during last ser&son was such a favouriten Dungaxvan Anyone ID the district wishing

tu interview this lady should avail themselvesat once of tho opportunity She is staying fora few days at Mrs. ¦Mulcahy's homely cottage,Friary-3treet Mdlle. St John brings here toDunjjarvan the reputation of being a celebratederponent of palmistry, a ccienco which withinthe last century has attracted the attention oftho moot leanred minds, who have investigatedand oystemiied the rough material of ipopularbeliefs and practices, and reduced to a GCiencewhat before- to thorn wus Oharlatinism.

In last week's iwuo we promised the readersof the Majrazino eomo extracts from the penpictures from the works of that eminent journa-list Mr. Molloy, who is tt present staying atMias Morris's, Ohurch-atreet.

The word " Ballinapoiil " in;oan3 " Piece oftho 'Foreigner," and tho peoplo who dwel l inthis remote sheltered creek are the descendants•>f shipwreokod Spaniards. They still continueto live apart from their neighbours, with wbomthev hold little intercourse, but they have be-ccme thoroughly Irish, and the English languageor Hearlu is 'hardly apoken or understood bythem, their priest preaching to them in Irishin the little chapel perched on a hill above thesea, shaded by trees and surrounded by thegraves of tho unknown dead, who year by yearotornu have fluno upon their .beach.

I was told that thtfy were scared by thopresence of etrangera and would not speak tothem, but as to that I wiahed to see foT myself.

The first of thorn I mot was-a'burly lad, broadshoulders, with well vrom garments, hia facesunburnt and tho broro eyca shaded by a softhat that was faded to a dull orange colour Heanswered questions with eomo reluctance, butwould hold no conversation. F>om him Ilearned that the people in Ballinagoul lived byfishing, but that each house, or cabin, had aplot of land attached, where potatoes andcabbagea were grown. In tho eummor time lifewaa well enough. TJha boat3 6et ofl in a fleetwith the tido to gather the harvest of the seaand take it to iDunjarvan for eale, but inwinter, when daye were short and storms wereman-v. it was bad ecouirh. Yet he made nocomplaint, gave no oxprcasion to his feelinrp,but showed a kind of vegetable contentmentwith hi3 surroundings. The sends strctch«doux for milea in front of us, rippled by the oot-goinj tide; a semi-circle of densely green landat ono aldo and at tho other tho een; a bluestreak seen afar out. No human figure in view,tho only living th£nj3 discernible biing sea-gulls, busily oearcbing for food. In places thflsands were damp and epungy, islands of aeaweed, then rivuleta crossed one's path, butwhen you euggestod to my companion that heshould follow my ezncrplo and take of! his bootshe said, "What uuo? and when I told himthat -sea water wcnld not matter, he said ihatM* boots were ea used to thct, that it isouldhave no effect pa them.

Balllnagoul which is sheltered by HelvickHead, consists .of « tiny pier, at whdea a crowdof fldning 'boats vere moored, and of a singleetrcet, ecrambling up its steero hill. 'At eitherside wore llttlo mud-built ibatched cabins,come of "them ruined and derelict, others <tenselypopulated, not only by women and children,bu» by fowl. and pigs. Mow And then. some ofthe male inhabitants, stalwart and darli, halffliher, half.faxmier. looked, from their doors,the lramework «Twhich iv&a oo.cmcdl for theirheight, but.turned away hastily, ©a aceing A>otianger. la one cabin were three handsome-young women busily snaking fiahinj sots, butwhilat courteously answering when I gave them¦tie tlmo of tho day, they wero not communi-cative. Whilst I was talking to ftam, an oldwoman canoe up, smiled in a friendly Tray, andmirt. " Be» oardon. but iis little Em&lsh I canopeak." f begged her pardon for not "being ableto tali to> iher in hor own native tongue. Mywords being interpreted for her by ono of theyonnget 'iromen, throuclh wbonk she- *old me oftho -hardships of their lives., Every time theycaw their men sail out they aover know if,,orwhen, thoy should «t» thoni: ajjaia; for suddenaqualls, and rough seas mada their lives veryriaky In .winter time.

The 8ummer God wa3 ollon cood to themeqd sont them some; tine catches of flab, thoughtho buyers who cdme from miles distant .'dudnot ve verr much for It thoogh they bargainedso hard. While to winter they suffered reost,the storm sometimes blowing the roof ofl .theircabins and swearing them off their feet H 4heyvestured out led doors; whilst eoldi and wet.1 _ _vi iV.« JUAn«Mfl4taTn nr\A nmnf Mrtv* /vf^ATt'VIVUKHV VAA VUA SV UVU^lAV fr^kJL*-*! www *> ¦ ^" v >" « v- ««-* w»*

very dose to tba'aooi'. ' But it was the will ofOod/ihB old voman added; -wjth a resignation1eonal to <oo itbidlng' contentment of the Arab,

rf» doei to«jl'1hfnijs ihe *lllTof .AllaW, ,•j There' on the besdtand carrie the s'harp sw«etdwell of the Mtai and;a ilght oi spread ing fieldsand a Dense at profound stillness of unutterablelonelineis ibidbdlnf mix *U- -; ' ;

,„Whikt itWoked It * and1 wide, an ojd man

came wdarlly jtowipds me',' gaunt, baggard :andBtooped-kw© black tooth standing prominently'in t£» cavity « hb month like the rib 6f «om«;¦wrectod •WMel, ttprisiag *ronr the .sands in,irhtohit is $H»U boded.' In beoken English he1told nw titat 'the tide was -coming «n, ,andi¦warned me tJiafol gti&iptAAm (hurry sway 'if'l!irbhed to wttfm W,»e ,tar. iRii>»ivword<»to m* Were, fWe«. <*» 'b*°«* 5«ar'0od Uke]care oJ t*on' ihrbowj" As 3 went down 4b*!etnpt •,-wh«re toe sfea«ull» and Xoirts. scarcetroubled hwr »ly« oigke way. I turned- 1tee'hkn oowooy and watchful standing'against;thi'ilSbtiike «he figure of one whom Unw.hasiforgotUni to i tber into W» 'fold. f; i'• ' ¦ !¦ •


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! .: ! V < - ' . .5

A delkiom Bewatfe <o© Tonic. p»Me from Choico ;yn^LMitfi Extract gf MUt a^tbttnctufM

bH. !

< ' : r~T rr H i nh: i l i i i i i i f i . -L - \wY'h' ,7 i 1 i tfn ,;u » i - i f I ' '

|PlnUfl ||n|v &(&7M&*oateWR **ontoiatheWotl& '¦¦'¦¦ •\ \; -

¦¦¦ ¦ • "¦¦¦ ¦< ¦ 'AW IDEAL XOICMK^JP.

! ":- :: ': - r . . ;

. '! |:¦.' I ; ' ; sem *'&&[**¦*, mtft tt *t,,m ttmm m 'mm mim. .i . '¦ - . - :

tog uumumiMM. COLEMAN Cf CO W,, NORWICH.S *U It Oaategu f t a H ad Qa mmi QUrti. t, mtf tf tmrj Mem * burnhLOnm.• ; ¦ ¦ ¦.. '¦ - ¦; '¦ ':l ' .« fto:«ilt (;4'|MM M<, liW . : ,^


MXlJDii tho Puklicthatbe hisiery, Wine & Spirit BusinessKf l E L - '

STREET * - ¦ -¦

IC1AEIOpened a Q-enetal Grd

\! f i r '3&. mn1 j 1 ' 1 * ¦¦ . . ¦ .

And is offering Gooda cccond to none In tho Trodo at LOWEST P03SIBLE PKIOES.

^inoat Toaa of Suporior Quality. Best Old Whiskies (Cork and DiilJlInl

1 ' A TBIAL SOLICITED. ' • -j1 ' , ¦

. ; . J ' /• .. 1 1 - ' , .'•- _———. : ; . :' ; '- - 'j

! NOTlj ADDBESft-@© f . MK&UMMti STBEE't-I t5lLr.iACTK0r.iab' CO£nD OZ

. . : . QOACPiACO.The .weekly meeting of ihia board wsa hold

«n Xaesday, when theroi rero prcsen'i—MT.Mochnel !3yrne, vice-chairman, presiding. Hx.Jiamov Oofiey, Mir. T. J. Dempsey, and Mr.William Buckley.

I .mho officials m citendanco K«re:—Uexru.(Dhoroas I F. Walsh, Clerk: P. ITorrissey,AjsooJ.antiClerk; P. Power, Master; and Eo-JieviDS Officers Coffey end iPower., i : MAOTEE'a BEPOBT.{ dr. Stokes has. rectified the pump in thopiale tafinaary yard, in a catisfactory meaner.

i I rcqttiie.Bheetinsb'W ds.andnaila for ceil-in- in echool-room. Abo point for the cecta inha obapsl.

i Mr. Cpffey—Tho ecstj roquiro paintingbadly, ;

Mariter—It is badly in need of it, end thoyare psnrt! to tt» painted by >an inmato of tirehouso, therefore, it will only cost you theprice of the points.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE.The Master applied fox and T«a granted one

tia o leavo of ctrecace, tho Matron to act catutotituto.! UJLEQAL.1 Th» follorainj letter waa read by the Ctterk—

Local Government Board,8th, Angust. 1003.! Sir—'Wiih xefeffcnce.to- 'tho minute of the, Joard of ¦ Quardiano of K 7Tt v*t' p-'mir»!1 Union

of tho 28th ult, , on the subject, I am directed;bw the Local Govcrrancni EocJd for Irelanda «tate<ihat the propobed expendituro of a

1 ,um of 10J. in defraying tho travelling expense, J an Inmate of tho workhouse, named Thoma3Wheatleyj to Glaegow, would not bo a legaldhargo on tho rates of the 1 Union.

1 By Order of tho . Board,I ' 1_E. ra^TLtN.¦MT. Bompoey taid ho wtai aorry it would not

be lef;al.] *JIar-ter—¦You will have to keep h-im here ain inmate now.'¦ Mr. Dcmpssy—It would b3 well if the boardfubacribod 10a. It would take him off therates, end it would only CECI 4d. or 6d. eachguardian, i

¦Masiter—(That would bo a good plan,i IMT. Dempaey—1W© had better get him away.Dlnfortunately they can tend him over to us,And we can't legally send him back. Hovrishod there waa a larger number of member^present to subscribo to lend him away.

Tho miittiCT then dropped.Thw concluded the biiiin&u ai tho board.

licneybacuHigh business is nade by the

terms for Fels-Napthi: your grocerrotuma your mencjr iJ you don'tlike it.

Nothing b equal to that forennobling trade.

Fc! >:ir;tti ZJ V7i!it3 ctrr: \AZ".ry C C

TO conncoporjDZHTOCT Oorrcapondcnta who desire cneotLona

jmiwored may rest enured tbst tho Editor will(ipaio no p|ains to meet thair wishes.

j CT Correspondents -wiil plesn coto TTOicannat reply to their question} Cy letter. - An*(questions : asked will, if ppKsible, be wawcroa:'in our current edition. Oorrcrpoodcnta, . clcoaroo, can CJk us to reply to an tiinmcdmr.mA, > |

| Wide Exptrlcnee.—Thanlta' for your lrtUn. Whea[leit TOO ui wrUinj kicdly rrnwabtr that It wonM fca;ireU to Conn! joor letten vcrf dutinctly to Out thsy czn,x ewQy read. It la ocamaiacatlo&a to written tbsVrtcdTC eaxlUst »tUntlon. :

Pampio; Station —Otad to bar yoo ar« to cngajrd.Call In when joa have a tpire momsnt t=d we da harttk chat ; ' ;

; :

Old Clab tUli —Thsak«: Toy nuclx W« ere gbdlto cse how tbe old membett are coding to the front DOTin aid of tha Bosl Clnb Frt*. YOQ will be glad to hmr,'ihat lt< IQCOCSS Is airured, II JJ.F,—Kindly call to thi oOiea to Uiat we may h»Te'* chat orcr taaKer. referrol to. Owlsj (o abseace ialEnglaijd yotr Irttar did not teach nata oaay day* tftoit tru tnittcs.

! P J.0*D.|-8ee aboTti T. !?'; Nmjent—We have f rn n yoor \tiij a.\ J.K.1 ,—CoTTecticna wm bej fociidiso desired, ThanVaI tnr TOUT iotofst in tbe matter.

¦ otaallsT. —VT« caboot i^nltdy elre TOO the ln!«r«mation Joa seek, but w«»r«of opinion that tat nvtvrirever (old from tbe first day, tndti=J th» £2,800 ijwst

Ion it 'was ao much taoney expesdtd without(KSiablt; result, '; ' ;! Bmgcu.—fbetatiryol tb s Mbfov b really on)y^200a ywr. »nj ;car* ago U vaa-4330. In lhew dayi

I two BhtxiSm were paid £100 a year each, and tiore Xf iM1 a recorder, iwo be»dle« and a pabilo eotaxy., W.H.—Very much obllgwl. Yon dM tplcadid workiat Clrsnmel,! .I JJP.—Ttu (eaUeman jcra jeftf to is, ve btlirre, laLlTetjpool at premit. VVobwt Dot yt* bean) fraa him

; <Jir<xtfo» Uje lut tii moatha. ' ' |• SporUmap, Cappoqnin.—Thanii for coegrttiJatinri.! A> yea *V } & * Prtwntatioq Pl*fe» Morcneut has bees• m»«1>*£r I mm tmB Atsiaa A» thnrt timj ainatUr. Jobo IWIdger*! letter tpuwed fa Ibew eotnwrs.We d»no« i itnd a mah wbaJUsi other papendo.

J,a—Tnank» TOTT mncb for oeogntalatlocs asdwordi of kdTles, Ws haTs carefolly coUd -j vaooumtel ul bop« to profit by tk ' ¦

CR—W« bara earsinltr OoU4 tho contebU Otyoor tottft 'sad rajtios to read joor oocspUmaBUflrretornnowto th»Frs*«atttIea M«eUng.

M Thmpaon, F«tharoVX» Wctford—W« ar« TCT|piMMditonow how popolatTai JJwis tsA Mflfift;.line ure In your dUtrlct. ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' "¦ i

Dacaaryen QBardlaar~.Thaabi' Ttry mseb (of tyour eoDgmtolatlono. da flaws, u Toawy.Isread! by «TOTJ nan ta* traffiaa oi lateUIstaaa Ia.the oonotry.; i . j

PJ3., Tallow^—Wo are Tcr* placed to learn howwell' tho; good pcopla of Talkrw U*s UMMaraulnsi Tho TU« of LUfinny Castls glren 'Ian.week U tba first efcar pblb-bsd 6f that hlttortoolao». I ' ¦ i , i '


' -' ' ¦" ' i ^a5^ > f^• ' : j ¦ ' 1 5r 'W 0if

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! ¦ ¦>;•- !4 :1


'fcolimoal ittstitato.


B^ccDszalilns & ITeodlowcil;X7UL

RE-OPEN on SEPT. MlC7 Poplb Intending to job wffl kinclly givo

in their ncmea on the 8let AUGUST to thsHoa. Sea, lira. 0. P. REDJCOHD, or to tb*Saporintendcnt at abore Institute. '





V ¦ r ¦ ¦

- :

Receptions Daily dt Mrt. ':UVtP4.HTS1

" Friary Coltagif Dungdrwa. ' '.3SCOE,T "VISIT-

Advicca ln oil Oasaa Ofven on Healtlt*Pea-left to ClfcntB on declaon, ' K 'o Bxad

chorgo mada ;



f l *S T *) fl' 'CW* '1 MaaHaa|al I) ¦ , ; . '

TlielMparb&esi'wQI tbortly proceed to airard at"more than (a) ten Open 8cbolarabfc«| and (b) tea limitedBcbolarabipt to aasUt Domeatia Eeooomy atadesta inoodertakbg • foil wane of tnunkig at tie IrishTrslnisg School of Domettio Econapy, KlldaPMtreet,Dublin. TJ» Scbolanbipi win be awarded a* tiertanlt tt competitiTB cranilnaHon. partly written, parUjTiTk-Tooe. The ExjOniiaUon wOl bt hold hi DuMiai,Belfast. Cork, and GalwaJ on Tpeaday, tb.< 16th <<September, 1903, begpaoiog at 10 aim. i

A form of Application (3 89 a) abd farther partieti-larsas to the 8cboUrabJpf (Form 8 t t ) mar be ob-tained from tbe Secretary, Uepartmeot of Agrfaoltm*aad Technical Instrocgoa for IreSaad, X7pper MerrioBttrtrt, DnWa. ; ,

Applications for Fern S. 89 (a) aboold bo taicmi» Doijctie Economy echolanbina." '


npHE rtanlts of the 8UMMER EiSAMI-JL NATIONS, of tho Royal Uulvereitjv

reoontly published, pot MUNGRET COi-LEQE in a foremost place among ths IriaiiColleges that present popils In tha .Uitivettifrr"Examinations. The HIGH PEBCEIiTAG]3OF PASSBS is the best proof ioi 0e thorosgb* <cess and efficiency of thev teaching. Of tb>THIRTY-SEVEN STUDENTS wto.: p«utented themselves for the Summer Rainlajk*-Ooss this jear, THIRTY'-'TWO hane Utmsuccessful, one in the RTnmJnition ior tieB.A. dejreo, eight in the Second Artii, Uutoin Pint Arts, and twenty in the MatricuktioiuIo the Second Arts, tbe edght students wlopnsented ¦ themselws from Mnngret iQtUeipHAVE BEEN ALL SUCCESSFUL (inexceptionally creditable achlerement),. and <9fthe twenjy-ono candidates for the iiitricoli--tion Eximlnaboa, only onfl has failed.!

Tho najno3 of tho eucceasfal c iv""!1 "1 tiieca f OIIOTTB :— ! :BJi. DEGREE EXAMINATION (PAftS

C0UR8E). • ¦ ¦ iC. Piler. ; ;

SECOND ARTS—HONOURS COUBSBlM, Crohc, J. Oallen, J. Dekney, Wi .Griffin,

P. O*CWlaghan, B; Tracy, jPASS C0UB3B. !

J. Oroke, B. Jadgo» :FIRST ARTS-PASS 00UJ18B.

J. OroTriey, P. KiUisn.C. Smytb.1IATRI0ULATION EXAMiNATION."

HONOURS COURSE.P. Barbcs A.0arrolL 8. Fan;,. J. KHan, T,

LI&digOD, G. McCarthy, M. Mdlihon,J. Murphy; tn "" l£l,~ PASS.- COURSE." •

J. Cantwell, II Clery, W. Gallagher, I>. HayiitvJ, Healy, P. Hurley, C. LeosAao, H. Uqno^D. Morris, ; Hi ' ticDermott. M. O DqnwilV


¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦_

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R o-Neai f . . • ' -

.", '

pTSirko and 8. Fahj succeeded in dbtainiogru- Honours in Latin.

fourisfc? aud Ufoi^Cannot do better tlbtiMii

procure a copy -:¦'¦- . - • :¦: - -

¦' ;

:• :'0F '. ) - ¦ ¦

^i; -'

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v-llfllP( ¦ , ; , , « : v«rt rvv .' «;iflalffir#rtjy:4


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j Tto ireatter has agaiiidfeeeived the pToplte'la.'¦ Bsia «ad storto.' BtortD.'>«nd1rain seem tlie: eola 'jor the.uwnth.<«t( AnBost, BO iar as y©have haii it jttpjto Jiib.l ...Memory. Mis to find' a parallel ca e in-. thojjMiati quarter of « . c*n-i twyj -/ThVoafr crop'M rtniaitly 'lodged'and. the;• iay it s. -.tnjped'intor lUtt r/1, 'How,, they ekyi there is no cloud, without ita .silverylinTag,no sorrow that ihasi'iiot rfo'twia joy. The"ailverllin'mg/ juidVthoAV'twto joy" on \&ne>present loocasion are !|fihat ,-Uiere y / e a n©verj a• liner; pptatoe «r6p ' ini ahs'dountry.' It'ia j along : TWIJA

¦•*» go >back,; toittrawrie people her©diaousarng the present tfeaih'er' in connection, with , folklore and tradition think that moreithari'ka are due to Sir (Walter BayLeixjh for the' introduction of what are popularly designated"The Murphya," than: to St. Swithan for hlaiorty

^ daya wet weather. ', ; ¦ • jIt is related of a man who lived near Car-

rusk that on one occasion he was rather lateihicutting- ihis hit of ha^. 'The 'country wanteda. drop of rain, and as & dyty bound the prie-slesked the congregation to join him in pray-ing that; the rain so badly needed might soonfail, to tender the -land .fruitful. Our, friendjoined in the general prayer, but with thereservation, "Oh Lord, don't send the rdnuntil , Thursday, when i Paddy iForan expeqts¦to have' hJB field of hay saved." It is notrelated whether the eaid Paddy tPoran suc-ceeded in his petition, but U ihe didn't pedeserved to,, as the sympathy of outsiders,¦who ihad no interest in (,ne result, would bewith ' him, although he ' suffered from thecharacteristic toi the country in the last genera-tion—a touch of laziness, with the hope of aUcoming right in the end. . :

•From the -advertisement in another columnit will be perceived that Mdlle. Si. John ,the famous palmist, London and IXiblin, |isat present on a visit to Ihinganran , doubtleosfor the benefit of her health, as owing to tfcelarge number of her clients during the pastseason she needed change and rest. The ladyis certainly an interesting? personality to haveamongst us, and her choice of Dungarvan in-stead of {Brighton or Bray js another proof of.the advance ol nhe Old 'Borough as a healthresort. The scientific art of hand-reading jis&j far removed from fortune telling alchemyis from modern ehemi6try. The hand, it ap-pears, is divided into seven planets, whichexplains why the septenary prevails Madamo-siue' will , during her stay ID Dungarvan, seeany clients who may visit fier rooms V ewish her every success amongst our visitoraand people.

Ther people of A'bbeyeids were startled Lastevening by seeing a young woman, .who aij>-peared to be demented, rush into the seaBhe threw herself inlo the water and wouldhave been carried off 'by the tide were it aptfor the presence of mind of a youngmannamed Iplonelly, . who, despite her franiiic

efforts ' to get into deep water, succeeded indragging :her to the beach. ' It was ascertainedthat the yotmg woman's name was FannyBarry, of Alexander-street, Waierford. Su3>-o«iu«ntly Dr. 'Williams certified that she wjisinsane, and' an order " wao obtained lor hertransmission to the Waterford Lunatic Asylum.

•An accident of a peculiar nature occurredthe otjher' evening at the iPromenade Some-inmking is being carried out here by Mx. JohnJIoGrath, the contractor. A valuable mare,his property, waa employed carting the stuff.Through eome oversight the mare was backedtoo far and slipped over the parapet wall intothe tide with .tho.heavily-laden cart attachedSt. was thought that northing1 oould be done tocave the animal, the legs of which became en-tangled in the cart in 4&e course of the franticstruggles i to free herself. Mr. McGrath wasfortunately; on the spot himself and directedeenne of the workmen to get into the cart, aridby thiowmg oil the load with shovels, lightenthe burden on the animal. 'When this was

• done several -of the men got into the eea,ioosed the Itacklin?, end-the animal waa brought-ia safety k> the landing place. We congrata-lato Mr. MdGrath, aa the loss of the valuablenfcire would be a eerious matter.

The work at Ihe (Promenade is being pushedon, and in a lew days the principal part ofthe improvement wilt be completed

At.the IPeia on Sunday .Miss tUadigan toesthe AJJ-IreDand prize for Banging: Mr.BIcSweeney for the best essay in ihe language ;Mr. P. OU)aly is the general secretary of theGaelic !League for Ireland, and now Mr Berea-ford breakB the record for danemj. Bravo,S>ungarvan!

The Peis was a record exhibition. Peoplofrom far and near thronged the schools andgrounds, while the array ol talent exceededthat of any previous gathering of the kind-.Mr. Weldaa, the Gaelic poet, was appointedchairman j erf the (Bardic Union, and withcharacteristic, ability he delivered the FeinOda to an enthusiastic audience. Dr. Hene-

, ibery, Coleradot; (D|r. Sheehan, Maynooth;Father O3yme, Bockweli CoHeae; Bev. DIWihelaii. St. John's; Mr. and Mra. Wyse•ower, iT>ublm; Mr. Fitzgerald ' .Mblloy,

journalist, ; London, and ¦Mr. Michael Foley,Sing, were amongst tie audience, as well asmany students and professors of the prin-cipal colleges and ochoob in the country. Thegeneral opinion of the Feis and concert wa»most favourable. ¦

A meeting of the West Waterford ExecutiveUnited Irish 'League was held in tihe TOWDHJall on Sunday. The chair waa token by Mr.P. F. Walsh, Tallow, -and there were aleopresent—Messrs. J. J. CShee, MiP Tallow:¥ . F. Walsh, Alex. Heoltiii, J. iMsGrath, Con.Eiordan, J, . J. O'Brien, P. Clancy. Cappo*quiii : Wm. Flavin, James Dunphy, John£Wis, ^Thomas Keane, bon. sec Ballinalula:Wm. Stack, J-P. ; Thomas Oriffiu , M. J,vBrien, John Sheedy. JBallyrfuff : Hichaelpiooiwii. A.bbeyvil!e : John Greene Ihmaar"Tan: Tlomas 'Power, &&. Parks, John lS.trCarthy, John Ourran. Lismore : Di DennehrModeligo: "Win. Evan, Mat Sullivan M-JomeB J. Kevin , T.OS., Sristol , also atteno&e meeting.

IA letter wos received from the Most EeviDr. Sheehan acknowledging receipt of the re-solution of 'condolence passed on the death ofthe late Sovereign Pontiff , end stating that hijLordshin would forward a oopy <to the SolySee, as requested' .Replying ',U> a resolution, moved by Mr AKeskin. 'and seconded toy itr. Power, thankingUr. O'Shee, M.P., for tos attention to the inrterestB of 'the tenant fanneia and labxrurersjthe latter gentleman said it waa a great thing¦when they found farmers, like those present;disposed to assist the labourers. He thought;the lahonreb should get justice, no matteri hat any man should f^™. and aa long sohe had the support of the Executive, he woulddo all that was possible for the workers—(apJplause). The Land Bill w.is a good BUI injco far 83 the tartness would get their faxnu!«t fair prices, and they oould only get their!tandj on ffliT iteAiis in ptroportion to the!

ctsength of the National OTgaoi»ation.| Dr. Dennehy proposed o reaphition felioitat-

i p a the Holy See on the selection made, andproposing that addresses be seat iroan thepublic bodie^ in the country «rpres3ing feaHyli the, chosen Supreme Poatifl. IIr. Heskinseconded thb resolution, 'Whioh was p aedunanimonBlyL • '

¦It having [been, decided to present a teiti-n oniai to Mr. Lynham, oi the " Star," theptoceedincs tlosed.'


jQn last Sunday cfternoon Tallow iBoadSijstion presented an unusually gay and livelyappearance by t&o prdsonc i <A some threehundred people from the !towu and 8urround-iag districts, -rcaitiag tot | the exourolon traintOjCDiuiig^rvBn. The traiu was iste, 'hut theBallynoe Fili and Drum (Bund winch was alsowesent, -witlli a very coisiderable followingfrom' their pmtty: oouthetn. village; made thewaiting boura really pleasant \tor all, by theireplendid rendering of some -very popular airs.All classes ijrexeitreU tep twsuUnli tsam <thetlifh. and mighty oliticis|a to the tittle streetcrcnin; trie lair sex were] awvereeeai to betteradvantage. .They were tbfere, flw in(ald and thetaaWoa, ihe rich and "tine poor,1 whose gay 'andR ttjy dresses with a Tery otppropriate Wend-ing 0 colour's HWB parfeotly In keeping withthe object of the exciumon, and the1 ideal enm-

.. ..¦jBjerjweMiher .'wlncfli';jprefeuled. Ail seemed, ., 4aty \tb m isaditmxt to the tnual -attraotkais

«he«w«ato>eoalri«hF<rJ«tin tt»ToiraHlall; ; TOe toon :nnmi i tooj«*er,[ totej and the, „; maaagmieotf ware enylhang but Mtk&ktor/.:: ' -ae-jcjiiJa > drtre'ia oioSapiencfe*ww4ed.

• '¦" : '• ": L lSfcSl ?**-*!11*0* li*n tieen¦; . , ptoticulfcrty! ryio ts,*t aol intolar»l>le.•ii» i'• ' ¦ ',-. T :t,;i» ,quite po««ible to« the cotop«n" did. ;! ;- . •;¦¦ to t jjexpect' i w Jumt; -nm&eir, oTp«n>lo

5; ;. •w3tild *v^;r ,abl itonbrt ln o«SS«y¦ r ; : :;tirioe; tUegait abn \Pgf Uiat mold tooTti.ii: ' ; ' ¦ oiniwi; iOn wornnylwofirntn ¦»« weret <m;.pf r .. Kobx4i»t«. "be «am«_CMjr _b*,«»k nf tha'c*-li f: | K&;t»h*rd:y fSioooiMbMEM «4«»*«or-11 'iwiii ,-xrti*«kr iUr D*fart. I mm.&Bxmebf-aatt'bxi^:V'" 'to^9imed«:trttecr:mxnBg *a»att fa- (ttr dSo-

T y Mwnore tmti new xmp ^n*

of heitthH1 1\ appears tat a jiall got Into hisloot ana after- ^txrioa extracted, blood poison-ing eet ill with latal results.'' .{' ., -Mi. (Paicfc -was a mjst;oousmj of ilie familyof 1£hat name. of. w(hom eo- muoli haa beenlieard at in to.te yeacs ia 'connection -with theirlate bolding So iB»»eviUe<, He was a memberof the-United (Irish League, and wa3 a promi-neat,figuk* in e«Mih' of ithe trials, and, in fact,ia* every iphaae' of' the recent iieA '¦ known Tal-low.case.1 He iaa great OcesJ as ihe leaves)soveral children, who tare inow;lorpbans. . He.was a good man; in ievery respect, and highlyresDeoted by aU' wio' knew'him J "

; iHis deith toccuned1 At Ihis iresldehoe, «md theintennent tobk^

place -p i Kilwatehnoy on Tues-day; ' There 1-was'.f ifiTge said representauv6attendance. : . ¦ i : - : ¦. " ' ' : • ? ¦' :

iWednesday beiiig ibutter niarkeit day in town,there was a' large supply, at p'rioea varyingfrom 7Jd. ' to SJd- per tt>. ¦ lOwing V> the irregularnature oif the wasthar, the quality was notaa good as usual. Hay is selling <at from £2to '¦£& 103. per ion. ;Potatoes at Is. -per Ollbs.Ducka at Is; eac'hj young fowl, 2s. Gd. perpair- old do. Is. 6d. to 23 per pair Eggs,8d. to 9d. per doz.

Mrs. Thompson who for some years padt haacarried oh the 'business aa a griocer in iWwn,(haa left for Wales.with (her family. 8he;ha3a «on in Cardiff, wher^ahe

is to open business.Mis. MoOarthy, a lanner, residing at Kil-

vrtnney, near this tonrri, died recently Shewaa & most respectable wonvan, of the goodoia stock, wiho by her industry ¦had1 broughtherself and her family to very comfortable cir-cumetanocs.

It appeam that Miss Hughes w^rio has beenstaying with her toother—who b a memberof the 'B.I.C. , near JCenmare—SOT the paattwelve months, u bo open .business in thehouse Lately occupied by -Mrs Thompoon

C A P P O Q U I >

On .<isl Sunday quite <a larg« num.De' oamein on Uie excuwion train trom Oarlow andthey book the cara from tihe railway stationto "Mount Melleray, where the fcooc moaiisreceived them with that, hospitality lor whichihe monastery is famous al! •flie -ftxirld over ,and we were informed 'thai our toends fromOanlow never expected to see aucn a magiiin-cent institution—as Mount Melleray certainlyis—at the base of the 'ELnoclnmealdowTi rangeoi mountains, and they oue and aU were loud"m their praise of the wonderfu. ouildingi*¦which iiaa been erected tor tfhe pasr. Jev yaar»,¦and they expressed tihemaelves delighted atthe exterior and interior beauty & the newcollege and at the- targe criapol aoec A bras*band accompanied the Oarlow oontingem. and¦we never saw anything eo picrturesaut aa themembers &. it LE their aman uniioniio undgreen cans.

ID the evening our brass bane acting inaccordance witt an old-tame ciuitoii df xre.turned out as a mark ol reapect to tne ineadlytnvadem JJrom Uainsie:. ano jrav. ,tn«in &cordiai greotii,

la wae admitted Iby al tnat itide <japp(K) umHano periormec Ihet cnoice .selecuuc insplendid style, and iiav* yus reaso. i»- iee!proud of themselves and their msirueto: . M:James Hot .proud of themselvea and their instruct^:. M: w ,'v ¦& ere ae not too harjhly dealtJtames Hop. , e

Wtl e f

•*¦ However , also in the CambridgeThe usual meetini? <r tn. U BC UK Imr. "i? n fL '' mtf t fluch a °o'd bid l^League on Sunday was we. attendee and a fri &^J -

»0uId -have beaten BalUn traofew more new memben> joinet M: John , w ,, » ,' '"* , ttad 'hat event occurrod it

OT>oniieU presided. The secretorj . M: Bichd I ™ J?vt ¦ftrc>u?!« inexpressible Jov to th«W Oollender, was In good form and delivered | „'/ K . „ ' w watl known, ougtained onean address on the Irish artuatiot. whicc waa , . ' j ™ \

crushitijj blaw3 they hav« had forlistened Ho attentively v UJ. audience ' * ?.'*a?e a' more uau mT

iMeasre. John ODcmrrall anc Baben OCaUasr- , ^Zi^ S?0™ d® S«haehild ia a liberal »ub-

han made a collection w tne lrwt Parlio- £ ' 8

hl entries are not calculatedmentary Fund in Camphirt dutrict i&si \neek . ; a-;JlTp much confidence so far as the Cfesarfvand they told Ike- meeting Uiav tnt peopi- i jl t

1° i0?0??0*' tlwuffh Venm u oatreceived them decently ev«ryw&erv and not x> 7

el J*« courae The disappointing

one amgle farmer, cottte-. or aynouitural I lonfdtt^f ^r tmiBed for thlJabourej refufled giving A »ub3cnptioL to -toe ; H.' ' , eyent, p he might posgesa un-ftind . One poor forking man in handin? a ! ¦.„ £%: !?mm£ though whether hw hearteubecription ol 2s. expressed regre; that he ' ¦££.? "V rl P'sce in doubtful

could not afford ten iiroes a» mwss. as he i w ,r~' "Ji™* ?°P=? pacntortamed of the Oakaconsidered that no amount from uw Inin n r;- "ur i assie, seems certain, eeednjr thatpeople could sufficiently compe-naaie tut Irish ! ??* i*i.b<*,Tl entered for both j svvme cad injnembera for their devouoi. to tat best iD- i S-Z j 1 } ol , the subsequent xnnninff of 7,intereato of Ireland I Jf l ae>l - her fallur» in the Manchester CUD in

There is one thing extreme,}- 6tran«f whicr ' , °? "fin oniui touo 'u it ccemed at the tin "

we cannot understand, n connectioi wiU . ~n.. °:Jr f™'' ci reumgtance ia the wholeaalnpolice duty , SJ«1 it M lira-, while tno meeting, : jS,, ?reneh ao ea Our

(Jaii coi the United IrishiLeague are goins OD atncp : ". f haT« f<» 'many years d.splared athe .branch was establUhea . a policemai.. and , ' "V* "Kinr for the great handicap* of theeometimea two, are, jtaticmeo m tnf vicinity ( mn; *"<* l( '« no wonder, teeing whal lanreand taking down tihe name* ol all *no enter ii I °* °' ™»

n they have won m differen tand there they will reman unti tru wfiole i th _ f n "olabi' wn<m Plaisantonie carried offmeeting to over, even if f, lasted lortv-eiprtn : veJ, r, evern. and when Tenebreue* bhrwhours , and lor whaV purpost noboc CAI tei. | L.zf ,, ,„' K311" a meritorious victon- overTne now nurse, Miss Jonnstoiu D after vT!°IywWo opponents The Ascot Gold Cur.coming to replace Alias Btact an< in * lias I ?.!' -y-^'mun-. ri., docs not annwar arr^n itaken up the duties for tJht pasv -wean or morb,and seerna to be a thoroughly enorgeii- youngladj She is staying al Ma Lacevt in trieMain-aueer... where she w most cojmortablysituated and very carefully attended t>. 8hecould not secure a. nicer place in towi. fromany point of view , ts it 15 no-, a'.on* healthy,but cenu

Some interesteC perion> nsKea m- t> cal.attention to the oonditioi d tttit- ok SaLter--btrid ge roaxi , v-^hich aid nov u. an a»'Tu tftau?eince the recent rain. Tn« Very he< Oan uSpratv, P P , iioc groat dim<-ulty IL (ruing upther© lately to a sick cal. and trw p«»*ajrebeinjr «o uTelched tne TO - gvntemai wasobl ed to oame back oomt oy ttti* ClogheenroadT a considerable journe; rounc Tner« Mno use in asking tfce causr o! tm delay u.getting this roac into prope- repaj. aj tn*>main roads of the county, m<- stieetfc . Uie too'-paths, and the sewers ar<- 1«* severer aloneto take care o! tihfcmseivti ;» tnf Cf>un nSurveyor and his etaff a ofhctai2> anc tneratepayers must still—Par h&r ' P«-

iA considerable <ruantitj of J10.7 WAJ eoldlast week, for £Q 60 per tou bur. ir a tewcaaes the vendors got £S ?< lor 1 superiorkind Potatoes are now 00W "in the manxeiat 6d per stone, but it muei Be said tney aremostly all pool value, evcL ai me pnc< belnjix?et and tastelesi, owing t<> tnf vay one Beasor.cam<


During the week some o: ou- loca marSeuWere very tarn* and pnoe> exh;t» t«c m-change aa compared witn las. week Tn* sup-plies of butter and new hay nave been prett>fair, and demand w&3 gcxx A duinesj amehoTVE itself in the pig trad\ Tn« saiei werfsmall during the week, wi-ir. a cons<xjueu'.falling ofi as regards the kiii-

IFbreign egga are still comma ft u largtquantities, with the result tha; tnt suppliesoi home eggsi, tor which tnere w» t fair de-mand, were limited during uie w«*The ealmon eeason closes to^

Butter —Supply and demand gooc tin topprice tieing &b. per cwt., which snowj a de-crease as compared with tnt correspondingweek of laat year, when 486 firkins wcr» dis-posed o; al price* ranging Irom 7o> i< 87»per cw.

HaT and Straw —Tne present quotations. ,as eupplted by Mr. Johx Hurtej llarke;Superintendent, are—for old hay . 70» per totnew, <0s. to 80i Supply and demanc goocOaten straw, 6S3. to it

Potatoes.—Supply plentiful ana domarj<i'brisk at from 6d. to Sd. per stone (wholesale.

'Pigs.—Me3sr». (Henry Henny and Sonsquotations ihave undergone <oo alteration

aince last treek, and iare as f olloivs : —47& percwt for overweight and unfinished, to 6O.3per cwt for sixe3 and prime sizeabk baconpigs. Sales during the week were not csnumerous ca previous wemv-

Grain.—Little doing. Puces, as returned byMessrs. J. and 8. !Phelp>. are:—Grinding¦barley , 10a. 6d. to Us 6d per barre; oats,0». 6d. per barrel.

Fish and (Fowl.—'Messca. Plynn and ^oungTeport bu8ineaj brisk all round, except insalmon. The catches lately have been veryemail, and tho; ceason closes to-da>. Pricesremain unchanged. ;

W; C I G H TO. j tj . i —— ' • J



TpaHonti, 0s\ 01b; Valenia, 8at Bib; OveriNorton and Handieapper, fist 71b; 6t. Bren-dan and Simony, ©at 6!b; Bisteraian, 6st 31b ;Bachelor'a (Button1 and Glass Jug. Bit 21b;Kaitttier, fist lib; Coioroy il. and Nabat, 7etIllb; Mima, Pistol end Oharbas, 7st 101b ;.Ballantrae andi Pollin. 7it Sib; Valient, 7stBib; Caravel,J7rt 71b: BllpUmft and Im-pemtu, 7ot ff ihj XitUeton and OTOonavanSoee% 7st <lb; I Burse* and SuzbitdnJ 7«t 21b;BMh«y ;'BeU :«M• . Flytec : Prtoce, 7*t 01b:lAt&aicna «oid AceftrU, 6n O2lb; Ohaucer andiB*yleigh,6sVlAll>; Bogwde and lAAnaseutotn,«^ 91b; MurW H.;i 6st 71b: Exchequer,8»iot« and f i p at Ivy, tot filb; -jUp; tot fib;6aakencj» «od Motgeoaafe, ¦ flM .atbi , 1

: : KEMRBCnf flCBHTINO.'; |¦ I . : DWKSICWiTpHK8TASE8 j !Av#niim »v. O«ry 'Tick, (Bane Grata,

ttDaMraa |fic4»»,- 0«rt*to KdUe, Keniple-JDOTB,' Q*n» Hen, Yriiknti. BittotiUn,. St.KkVra, B«Jn* *• Vieatt, iPadtock M., BOM-Ainrry AktDteo,! Oop B«M«r. CMpf1 Lemm>.mi»ii[HoC_ TbiV ITtiiV,I Doke oi w««tmin»ter,ItfWM#,. gifl VUyn0t •¦ fiw$pto>». OHO< ] PwwiJ QXJUpu iOy 09 iQnoiWD+jt uWuiitf Bif ' otoioiiTv Kor*

.SWpwteltHJfciSttir.-ftinie Recall'51ftrim*a,

KfiaSErffi^f.fo'(Bmiil()fl'* ' ?' " 'T'I rl' '"'' 'i * f T ' ¦• ¦

K -—i' l ¦ 11 - M, ¦ Ut- —SST- i ¦ .- :-j

SPOKTIJN G MfiMS' :• '. c i

¦ '¦. . - ¦¦

I - •¦. !. , < : ¦ ¦. .> ,¦. . .

- i; ;


Th» appearanoe1 of- tns entries for. the Oesare-:¦witch tod Oombtidgeahlre will' W .welcomedby,; & very large number of followera; of theaport. It is strange What a iasciniationi theseold-iimca ev&nta have, and. stranger 8tiH that,with-so many gopd prizes given, ihe.two bifrhandicaps in tne Autumn ot the year Shouldsocure so many, aniioala oi class. : ', , -i"" ''• IBte obijectlon l lodged ' againat. Tarnbrook,winner of the White Lodge 8eUlng ^Binjc apat laat Haydock Park ineetiing, oa we groundthst kthe fllly waa! trained with hoMea; runningat (utentered meetings', has been dismissed bythe «tewards, Majojr J. M. Gordon' and |G. <F.Fawcett, as frivolous,!arid Ihe £5 deposit wa3ordered to be fdrf&ited. ' 'The appearanoe of tie entries forihe a tamnhandicaps is a goatle but forcible reminderthat: the reason ie onitho wane. Perhaps thomost interesting J subject in regard &Q bheCesare/witch will be the question of the weightthat , will be apportioned . to Zinfandel) whohas established oia claims to be consideredone of the very beet ftayers in training;: Hehas won ell Ilia encasements tbi* year instyliah fashion, though it may bo argued thathe ha« beaten no horses of olios, and witherhe cin claim to take rank with a Derby ¦winnerlike Rock Sand, only the future can reveal,but if tne pair coald meet in the DoneasterCup it would bo oneol the moab stirring eiveataof recent years. ; . 1Vfha.1 a neal good threiMrccr>old ia capaibfe ofaocoxnpliching in' tho Cesarowitoh was em-phasiaed when Robert the Dovil follcwed uphis. St. Loger rictory -bjr appropriating thegreat loiig dstanc handicap ¦with 8st 6fb onBis back , a wonderful performance which waseclipsed a few years later by the magnificentachievement of St. Gatnen, vrho scored undar

The chief meri t oi Zinfandel'a victory a theManchester Cup lay in hia defeat of Ollfton-hali, the subsequent Northumberland Platen-jaueT, and M the eon of Galloping Lad hasalso been entered {or the Cesarewitch it willbe ourioua to ccti the estimate which thehandicapper now takes of their respectivemerits A really grand colt, Zinfandol is acredit to Persimmon, and were the latter'ereputation as a sire to rest solely on Zinfandeland Sceptre, his right to be aumbered amongstthe best horaas that have (rone to the studwould be thoroughly and firmly JustifiedMajor Beatty, in addition to Zinfandel, hasImperiout, Rising Glass and St. Maolou tochoose irott , and tieie provide a formidablearray vvher judged upon their be*, perfor-maiioes Fow will believe that we have seentin* beat of Eda inff Glass this year, for whenhe wop the Jocfoy Olub Stakes he vra^ »smashing good hoTje, and ha waa certainlynot himself at Ascot, where ho d'op'ayed now0.' tho d&xh he displayed as a tkree-year-oid,-.;ou *UJ a lidree-year-olidThe distance seems, a little too far for StMaclou, ihouph tbia fiae oon of Si. Simon ia»uch a game horco that he might nejrotiatn

. aie Bntnea, bu 1. that of Quo Vaam, the GrandI Priie winner does, and as thie ia ostensibly tihe1 bes; three-year-old in Prance, it will be worthwhile noticing how his abilities are measuredj in regard to Zinfandel . for infftancaTho aplendid performance of Sundridgts atj Lewea on Friday reminds me that h« is en-I terod for the Oambridgaihire, but at first flight1 th is courso seem! quite beyond his tetnor So¦ far 8undnd(re baa chorm himself to be an ex-I pellent spnntet and over a flve-furlony ootirsei 1. w ; que3tionable i! a better horse has been1 Be«D for many years, not even excepting Eager.vtic did some brilliant feata over shor, cuts ,1 carrying big weight* Sundridge is ft horse 01I great bone, and moreover, is nandsomt andI oymntetneai enough for anything There i» ,perhaps counc reaJwn in the argument th*t¦ ti- would nave won the Stewards' Cup had itU4 VM uup nati itn-5v been try Wie long and tedious delav ofthree^quarteri a' as honr ot the pos". Thisj was enougi u> try the patience of any horse .bu> witn a crushing burden in bhe saddle, \\1 was al. against the procpects of even a stout-1 hearted animai like the son of Amphioth h ratner & surprise to find Templerooreenhor^d lor the Oambridgeshire alone, lor hialorte ;wai pretty generally, thought to be stay-ing, and ho waa a horse whom those wh.o like1 m dapble m possibilities had eonfldentlr laidaside! to secure long1 shota about for the longejraoe He has only run twice this yeai . andOL eacc occasion He has looked far from fit ,btft that he will cic a nice rsce before tarm-lnj if .irto .K.n

« flkii'C* W!U fi3ain "-eeowhil or. SaturdaySt JBrenaai 11 already talked 0? for theOamoridge3hjr«Mr Reid 'Wallier 'i mare, Bella Gallma u¦now under tne <ihar£e of Doyle, at Chestal l ,opar Rugele-The " World' reports from 8an Frinciooo<8ayo a Renter's <o!egram) that the betting is2 to I in favour of Jeffries in hU flght withCorbott for the heavy-ceipht cfbampionjhipof the world on Friday . Tho foettinK ia eventhat Corbeit will last ten rounds. Tho grossreceipts of the flghi wil approximate 60,000dollariiBlacVwell wil l shortly move his quarter*from Beverley House, at Nevnnarkfit, to LaGrange House, vrhich citato he bought afterthe death of the late Tom Jennings. iMoan-wtole Beverley House is in the market, andone likely to take it la Sam Loates, if tormjcan bejarranged. Loatea has, however, a nleoploca ttt present at headquarters, with cccoijn-modation for fourteen animals.

1ho\ Plos-ein ; tJorpfcy ProI CBntation Plateo.' 'C-ATEST ADDITIONALSUBS0RIPTION8

\ £ s. d.Mnrphy. Esq. Clonmel ... 1 0 0 (W. Morgab) .. *..', ..; ' ' 3Dr StephenBon , Dunmore Ea3t ... I 0 0 Also'ran iBfolv Heroine (Mr. J. W. iVRdscr);

J P Kennedy. Esq. Corriclr-o-i.Sn!r 1 n ' t) Carrigeen (J. Buttle). .! . i iCl± *> ™ I :| Fig ay oiS^Sa? .uangarvon ... ... .„ 1(j 0 oolt&eta. Alter griM A. qtwuter <A'£ «nll«MiB3 ?ower, '8t Lfger PIftco, ; '. , ! Holy.Henrine dtoppedTiUwt tind .JWi* BptM. Trftmore ... ... 1 | A U took up the ninnlni from Onrrigsen, tf»:P»l»

M MOIIOT T&a HUt,«, 7> , : '"¦ ? ; A A .HettSne;rapidly taiUa* ofl. : A thT««HM JJOifOj, Kaq. Manpr-sticet ' !.. ,J 0 ' ,0 Fadrr«riaik«tiIl led. :Oarrii»en GaUfUU^Atad

. • , ' • ¦ . . - u , r < r ¦'•¦ ¦ • ".—r- dear Note following ia order.: Hoijr Jtodm.„ i_ MARRIBD. : i ,wo» polled op. Seven roriawi iron!Uj»WNXXaB*TT.HI^BBKTl.On WtdwtJ,, 1O8I lt «oldfleW Jainod SWry Spw nd tH^ptt. 12th, M St AagtMtloe'a Mm. Dasnrnh. V ¦ were ten lensfha In 1 (rant of; O rilgw* ahd

WlMiHnM.VMHBW^w-Jolfil lo wXJ: tftear Note. "*to™»&¥ ** ifW^lockt* UlwBtaiXft B*Mtey, ISi. BSfotk Port- &M challenged lot the l«*d, Mid ti *3iir n>eU-r. ; The oOaU log • Utrgfmui mtt Vbi B * • <°R< ber> °™*, la «twiih* CK*MsW tookJ»me« Kngtnt, tmtfatr oi ih» fetidenbom. mho coeamand, «nd won « tooi no* tar ttroWM M9Ut«d by tV, nOn Pwl PowwFpP isnifiui. Olear1, JJole: twenty hogumMtmdCTon«k,B«r. &r, Gtdsbry,tod UtaSar. HIoli»<J itmottA OuTtoeeo tor itfaifo potoe. »/JH > >W»M>, C.Q, Dongamn. TIM Mead* wTS tWinnar taafawd by E. Itolope. ,O»W»« Oumt).

. contracting partial wart titermrtU «otataimit BA/THD3R18 BLj&XS 6| S O B o V a,. Ct,nixVsb (o»to • (amptaoiu tadebeoo mt l+m\et'a Hotel. ' aecond reoelT«*l «ovj «.trandli»p ftrt nm.

: BriagB-itrMt. The tamr «g«pU itft « tb» -One(Mil««ndOn«j Fwii?bf.' . i - ''tit pm. t»tn for: whVrith.jLitadTD Mr .E p- Syaa> IWty A^5», « yrf, m

i - i i ¦ : :O:M« . ». • •' -'• '¦¦

! :PITZttOY OBBAGHK.-On the 12th inst,! it Traawre, after1 a brief ilbetf , lAon! Mark, widow of lie lata Rkitrd FltiKo1 CrMtfbe, K*q, ol^Atbaanl, Chtldeo, Charti TippWry, tnd r ogflrt and tea? iprritfyjI dugbttr of the lit* PJar*.Awb«r-BotUii Eeq.of G«rna»UkiCbilrj 0»:TbMnu .' t; : ft:.i|"T' ; i?Vi;iT|,"<iVJ> i l l^a'i-.'l 1 '•..!!'. .1 '..

..A,S^^4»fae ^^l^a jwklic!

WA^fihFbB^:' AND ! TttAilOiRfet: ^

jV/ -T : 'ii!iqJ8,:-^:v' l^ .: ;


V. • . • ¦ "

. ; .-. r < f , - ¦

; ; . ¦!;. ¦;

I ' ¦.. •. . • • ¦,


! . : !:. n amore. SViiay vCoing...

Thoufh. hardly a» Well attencted ia yester-day, atlll there wae1 an excellent muA edr in theenoloBure' to-day, And outaide • tnerg. traa ftfairly large attendance. Tbe ¦weftthit duringtho forenoon \roa eminently «uggeetlv« of " ThbTear1 and th4'Smile" iu the ejfo ol Pr tJte,ibut on; tha w(kol« it waa Iwtiter <i»aa.' waa ex-pected,' filter! a night of heavy, ! rain and mad¦frhteh portended ;badly • if or thia-.attemopn.However, tarring a few ehowera, wh oh pw-duoed no disodnmtur , the eeveral events -werepulled off 1 eucc€6sinlly and another f day wasclosed in a aatisriactory manneri''Harking ibicl£for a taoment to yesterday, ffeireoall tihat puri>ookmaklng friends fox the past three monthsin Ireland! and it is -roll known In turf circlesthat in Galway they; got a scorching. .'But luckBoems to 'have turned' in their:favour, and; intihe battle !lor the ehekels yesterday. tih«y qet*-tain'lv came out on top, and some 1 ol themoandidly declared that , it was a record dayfor the cognoscenti.1 It ia also plasant. to oddthat Mr. p. P. (Redmond, -who !h&3 charge ofthe Breaentation Fund received quite a ottm-ber of subacrlpUona on the spot, and thosedesirouaof contributing will and him in thePress tent to-morroiw eveningr. [ Amongst £heroOTt acceptable leitera received to-day yr-nuone,from Mr. Charles j; Curran, J J., Ballina-muck, Dungarvan, ; with best -wishes for thesuccess of the meeting. ' j

ADpended; are a lew Press irelerorieea trpmto-day's Dublin dallies:— . ' [

The " Irish Times " saya- Everybody in andabout Tramore and Wateriord flocked to fhemeeting, and there was a genuine ring' aboutthe whole proceedings that was thoroughlyindicative ol ite success.

The epeoial commissioner of the"Freeman "writes—'It was plain from the evening bcJorethat the attendance , would reach very; satisfac-tory proportions, and to my mind the oocasionahave been fow when tiere was a. bigger musterin the enclosure, while on the unreserved por-tions of .the course the assemblage waa like-wise extensive, and I believe I will be foundcorrect in stating that the receipts Trere wellin excess of tibose on the corresponding dayof Last year The going proved to bo irk goodcondition, and at all events no complairrts re-garding it reached me, while the variousarrangements were pa satisfactory as ueual.

Th« " Dailv Independent " special has thafollowing—'h would indeed W a great pityshould tie Tramore race meeting ever fail thefamous old resort tfriich at present 1$ beingpatronised by all cJasse3 Really it deservesa big consideration in this way, whatever onepara he or ahe has a very big return to theozone from the Atlantic The nist day on thecourse, which Mr Martin Murphy hj j donoso much to maintain, proved highly successful,and I am glad to say the crowd on the publicstand was one o[ the best in recent yearo

V7e omitted to mention lagt evening thatHi Walter Bishop was entrusted ¦wiui thecaterin- and his many patrons wero wellattended to

Subjoind will be found 0 list of namoa,additional to that which appears in anotherpage:—F Newport, T J. Fleming and MisFleming, A Blermeirtiasset, Limerick ; J FOroomo, R Oriffithi , Duirow . J D Oibbs, C.iBrindley, Dublin ; Vf L. Watera , do. ; R Dug-gan, J.P , Kilkenny. Tom Widjror, eenr , T.J. Widper, P. McQuire , W. B. Karby , GeorgeNolan, Ilia . Nolan,i and the Misses Nolan , tneMisses Power, Imperial Hote! ; C Fitzgorald,Clonm«l , P Walsh, Kilsheelan , Phil Carroll,Tanner Rath ; T. Hanley, Ballinochina; W.Toppln. Fetihard ; Uachael Slattory, J.P., £il-lerk ; John 1>wyer , William Dwyer, John Mul-oahy. Clonmol; P. O"Halkrrari, Dingle; P. V.Guiry, Ji» Clonmel; E. Boyle, do .vF Mul-cahv . DT Hennesay, CMojhan; T. Burke, BliB Moloney , solicitor, Licmore ; "W T. Phelan,Clonmel E Murphy, Olonmel ; E SJuloaby,do . R Padel, R McCarthy, J.P , Ferthard ;I>r Cummins, Liverpool : D CDonnell , Clon-mel J Oashin, B1. , do. ; C. Boll, do. ; F.Ritzjerald , solicitor ; N. Shea, colicitor, Clon-mo' P PUTOOU. Bachelor's Hill , Thurloa ; H.Mutu.ll . Mr Burroughfi, Cheltenham ; VillieraMorton , Japt PhUipe, Robert Hall , JamesGreen , Mr Baird , J R. COonnoT, London ;"W P Hanley, R HemphUl, W Riall, J.F. iley. E Daniels , D. Smith, B P Ryan,J P , W H Weat, JJ> .; T Bioeik JohnHaarne . T^ . P Kenneally, John HijginJ,TJC , V Reidy, W. Murphy. MiB Murphy, C.Frw-ry , J Collins, R Gleeson, P Oautlleld ,J Cominin3, J.P , L Heery, Duncannoji; J.Walsh, M Quinlan. T C.; Jonn Waltih, Black-rock ; J V O'Neill, Dungarvan; Dr Shancftan,J P , E Kyan. J Bciry

^T. P Oiloara, AHor-

man Youn" and lid. Younpc, R. Furlonx N.Pheian, John Kovanajh, E. CMeara, P A.M'urphr Mrs Murphy IMTBS Doyle, MicaOasey. J O''M)eara, Andrew Quirke , Oaxrick-on-Suir J F Qutrko. lira Quirke, M.8ullivaTi . Arthur Hunt, Rockmount , A (Doyle,New Ross , T W Anderson, D L , ilr Buck-ley, 6enr . Mr Joseph Widger . Mrs. Widjcr,and Miss WelleobyflEAHTDE HURDLE R.4CE 'of 25 SOTO., of

which tihe second receiver 3 »OVJ —One Uiloand a Half

Mr E K. Cullen 'B Libert yBell . 5 no,9sl Tib (Moran ) 1

Mr P V Guiry'e Kilconneil, ejed, ilot131b (Mr. J . F Croome) 2

Mr D Saanohon's Lady Cole . 4 yra, JOil41b (Masonj .. - S

AL«.) ran—Proofsheet (Mr J W Widger).Patrick's Saint (M. Walah^ Jack Gubblni(Anthony), Captain 3cuttle (P Nolao) v(Winner trained by II. J. Harty, ot Crcotn).

Betting—6 to 4 aijainet Lady Oble.iJ to 2Jack Gubbin«. 6 U> 1 'Liberty Bell, 7 ten 1Proofsheet , 10 to 1 Kilconneil or any other

After a couple ol. ineffectual attempts <helot got away to a good otart. Jack Gubbinaboinff olightly in advance. Alter going fiftyyards, Captain Scuttle k»oi the load and \fc3followed by Jack Gubbins and Proofsheet,witih Lady Cole laat. Approaching the standthe order was—Captain Scuttle, Jack Gubbini,Patrick s 8aint, Liberty Bell , Kilconneil, aadt<he favourite still whipping in Opposite thestand Kilconneil drew to the front, attendedby Proofshoet, Patrick'a Saint, Liberty Boll,with the favourite lying handy Round theturn Lady Colo was becton, end the rcoo WCDleft to Kileonnell and Liberty Bell. Afterjumping tho lout fence Liberty Bell took tihelead and won easily by six lengths; onolength between aecond and third rxoofohictwas fourth and Patrick'a Saint fifth.BDiRROW PILATE of £5 Sova, of which <is

second receives 2 sova ; a flat race ; foraoniwchat ihave not, up to date of entry, vroa arace under any reoojnised rulea, valua £3&OV8 —TTTO iliko

Mr John Widger'a Bijou , 4 yeaw, Jlet71b. (Mr. J. W. Widsrer) 1

Mr P S CBrien's Thistle Thorn, 5 ycaro.lC-a. 6ib. (Mr. W. A. Pallin) 0

Mr J W Murphy's UcwKeoTbh, 6 yeaxi.1251 (Mr. T. Price) 3

Also ran-JRevellle, (Ur. J. F. Croomo);Betting —6 to 4 on MawKeoriah; 4 to 1 BMt.

Biiou ; 5 to 1 Thistle Thorn; 10 to 1 BoveUls.At the start Bijou book the lead with Tidstlo

Thorn MawKeori&h and Reveille. In, a tonseconds Thistle iThora went to tho front, bcoscsucceeded by Bijou, and the favourite.Reveille thus early tailing off. Opposite thostand for the lost time the favourite wca deadbeaten , Biiou then drew to the front and ap-peared to be winning easily, until about, onoIhundred yards from home, when Thidtlcohundred yard* from homo, when Thiciloin- in favour of Bijou, by half a lencib. Averv bad third,

(iWlnner trained by Sullivan, Watojtold).'TEAUORE PILATE of 120 8ovs.; a *tceplc-

•chtao; for htorsoi that love toot, sinco HatJanutry, 1900, singly or collectively, won<Si eovs.; w»isht for 030.—/Two Miles. :

Mr. A. Buckley^ Ooldflold. 4 year*, list. 'M. Walsh), ..I.! . .. „.„.. , 1

Mi. R. .Widgery Fairy Spark, 4 yeare, lOst. .(R. Morgan) ;,..».. : 3

Mr. M. Arnold's Ole4r Noto, 0 years, list". : :

ilr.v. *. xoonrt juaunta, o m, sat mt>! ¦

Mr. J. DwyeA|iI «baVroW.6,3r», l(W,;W>j j .AJJIO rm- uHr*H*o- Borne*] Wr. »T- TOd*

Kresney). litlte Sfirflok ,«. ftulliraa); andOapUin BtnWe. KMf-pB- JWwrtf .tao>:lBlpw>

l tetting-8 Jo!f a«UnHttWwAirroP*rJi .« 1> *t5ti'*''l >i' '* |tt0m ?1 '1i»B(a<%^ atU ttto¦ trtot?iBkto« ifjie?lMMiIt«r{iaMfBaj8>•SSTo«5Stt tenxtla '•Wiming. in. ai* a,

• mSS-jLaSaBl'aSi

I i \r.' ?.tc\ "•: ¦ ¦'.¦•; • \i—\\ rii (>

^ "-v- '^' :; '¦:^ ife:;' i| :WiE^V^ ® - ;: ¦' II E;S' IT i^T il¦; . ¦ • r. h

givi %uh

MA. ¦iitapea; oir-^

na if io ^Gf£p i r<3; f»<2 &&rtf Beat Mott&tf call ; BUtf * \' .

¦ " ! . . ' ' j .' ' i ' ' ' ' ] . ' ' ' I I I I I I ¦ ¦ . ' . V : ¦ I

We only osk ypa to! favcar, eg v/ith a call of! Inspcctloa, and we shall let Feds cc37lnce: yc^i i I tliat the i CELTICS ARE SECOND TO NONE. i ! I

HD GDGaccco bff bcpaCi?o qncpo^eil E-loicpa^o ©Saopooa an6 oBtSb oftpted - Ppacptoccd

0} WP fl ; f f l Bk!WkW MM rtn ¦ ¦ 7 & 89 Great (iecifge's^str^ jLIUD W / LHI&^BB

(J K^h Wwor) W0TEBWOBB: I¦

^, - ¦

" I -

Kunainder of the running, woa eisily 'by tux Won 'by a head; four lengths dividing second TT»,nA r-o'i ¦nrrlio^XTnTi nnn T?,^lengths; (our lengths divided second and thud, tnd third. . d Ullb E«J> V7ll»U & OUL CciH i2/OtGrajmount waa fourth, and Australian Homer BOinJEY PLATE. ; AT THBfifth: 1 ! ' I ' . Convict (Randall) . _ ° _, ; . , _, | ¦ _ _ . , ,(Winner trained by Balf e, at Oabra Castb.) Mrs. Pepeotty (Wlatta) * ° KAmilft rtStrtrPR I'/iinhfl^ I-QliJoNERAXLB PLATE of |60 fiova'.; an open Mfca C.V.O. Olclntyre) 3 JTOUpiO » OtIJICH , JiUUllatJI-aO

handicap stooplashase.-^Tliree Uilea. Also ran—Sirdar, Water/wingsvGoldeo Cabin. • _ |Mr. A. Buckley's Knight ; of St. Patrick, D Gironne, Captive Pet, 8yme, Cyolodes. and TEAS. «p«dal]T blea<f*d for e» in Loadon, lti Cd,t3,

yrs, 123t TVt> (M. Walah) .. ...1 -.. 1 ILady Don. , »ad2» 6d 'xr lb. i Try » 8MDPIS.¦MT. J. B. O'Oonnor'o Vinct.nt* ft cd, list Bottinff—6 to 1 against Tho Convict, C to 1 . " I I3ib CJ. MioOonnaci) L.-. £ i-v,"V-v, a Olra. Pejqotty. 100 to'8 Mp C.G.V. BUTTER, A ' etio.uJUy. 1. pir lb ; good. [rtUalls

Also xan—iKnockaulin C^nthony), Bob Hay A dead heat; two lengths separating thiIU. qo4lia<3,l5d tndilld ix!r lb. BUM to Dltua.(T. Lynch). , i , : CASTLE HANDICAP. . I

Botting e to 4 on Knfght oi . Bt. P&tnck, Claquer (Eocott) 1 BACON. M, Jd. «ndWp«r lb j Wateriord, cbs cab3 tolagainait Vmoent»6 U) l othero. Gay Boy «Jrigg3) - 0 Od per lb. Nothing to btat It, |

At the second fence Lynch lost lus bndle, Ohildwickbury (Lane) 3 | !and Rob Roy fell. Vinctet tieni carried on Also ran—Lad of Wax ' PBUIT DEIHK8—Baipberry Vin<sar, 7d tier pci ;the rnnning from Knight ;of St. Patneit, and Betting—Even3 Chtldwickbury, 3 to 1 &C5t. Lim»Jui<xia»d liiaaon baa«eli. . l&i n.r Dkinter'KnockaulirT The pace was lairly ¦good, andthe three practically ran level until three-ouartero of a mile from bomo, when Knight ofSt. Patrick took the lead', and going away ctevery stride. Won in a cantor.(Winner trained by B. Mulonc, Gsltea Cistlo).

Sweepstakes of 2 soya, 'each, with 14 sova.added. Prafescionail rideij excluded.'iBonnie Lacaie, list. 71b. <W. J. F. Orooms) 1Tramore Boy list 31b. :(O\vnor) 2Eleanor. Ust. Tib (JW. J. , Kinsey) '¦¦¦ 3

Also ran—Mida»<aily (W. i> . ila^uire), Fran-ci3can mare 4W. John Wtibh).

Betting—Evens Bonnie Leslie; 2 to I agst.Tramore Boy.; 6 to 1 others.

A fine ©porting race. Trarooro Boy led fromEleanor, Midas, Bonnie La.3310 and Franci>can. At the turn for home the favourite chal-lenged end Uxfe tho lead, and V7on by tv.-olenjrths ; a bad third.

NOTES FBOU THE O0TJE5EUT J. R. OlOonnor, owner of two winner:)

yesterday, ia the tenoua London bcokmcier.He was precBntlto aca his horses run. MT.O'Connor is a native of Ctu/hel.

Nearly all the Bporta are booked for the Boi-•injf Tourntuneat crt Wiaterfonl Theatre to-nir;nt.

Country vititors were not so numerouj to-day booauco of the drcuuiTol mc-ming. Mi thbcsmo tho cttendance WC3 <;»:onent, ilho brightcun inducing Inmdreds tortbe course that nadalmost decided not to coincs because of thoav&lanobe.

It blew eo hand that the eoa w« tosocd intomountains of focin. The wavca breikint;dscinct Brovmctown Head formed a majestictight-, wtuoh proved a great attractjem lor th.-jvUitors

Kilcounell ran c great h«nie in the Se33id9Hurdle, concidcring tho heavy raright. Thoctioky condition of the eouroe told in the end,end Liberty Belle's light weight enabled thoOroom representative to win readily .

Tho finish in this race was a hot orfer ttStraw Hall, end it must have been moTtiiyinftto Denia Shanahcn who parted with the winnerearly this year, liberty Bells knema the coursawell , having won over it & couple of years e o.

Mr. EUkrty ia doing; well at the mooting,end we ere glad that it U eo, aa he is one ofthe most consistent supporters of TramoroMeetingB

Vaii£ino wao weighed mrt to-day for thoBurrow Plate, but ehe fell in the preliminarycanter , and MT. P. Msiguira, her rider,, didnot proceod to the poet. She did not oomounder the etortor'd orders.

¦Mr. Jack Widgor'o fliat win at tho meetingoa Bijou was received with much applause.

Tho chief event ot the meeting, tho TramorePlate, introduced us to two of the finest fouryear olda in training. Fairy Spark and Gold-field. It woa of genera] opinion that the latteroould not give lir. Dick Witlger'e representa-tive ceo otone, and tho locab hid a rare dash.It loeied libe cxaninj off until the lost fenceVis reached, v/hzn M. Wabh took the leadand won almost easily.

Mr Buckley baa a great horse in Goldfleld.It io'iho bost tnimal, we should cay, fie evermmp A

¦Mr. Nuttall made his bow at the presentmcotinj to-dsy on Betty A^nra, in the Bithcrs'Plate, and, as usual, was all there. iHe rodoa fine patient raco. and , co-'ninj through atthe right moment, won easily. Tha winneria owned by our good tri«ad, llr. Ned Ryan,J.P , who received caaEratulitiom ell round.

A Preca wag says that backers of "BettyAgnes hod a pood dip, | and another declaredthat Balie went immedis.tely for a bfthing boxto take the mire homo;

It ia rumoured that notjeo of eviction has'bean earved on these geatlen;en by their col-leagues of tbo pen. !

That Knight of St Patrick is a great, £iino¦horoe, was demonstrated emphatically to-day.He was nearly all out tali a mila from homo,but kept pejgina away tnd in thb end won¦with gnxvt es=o. i

Mr Buckley's fltable ia in fina form.

THIS DAY'S R,ACINGanscAn ucarc~2

(Spocicily TTirod to tha (V7<ita:ord ITa-ca")CX>ATHA1I HANBICAPJ

Industry (tlurrav) J .... IJacqueline (Madden) 1 36cattish Arenor QlWst) J..-.. 0

Abo ran—Dumps and Blisilla. 1Betting—6 to 3 ejjxinat 8coitJsh Arphor, 3 to 1

Jooqnolino, 6 to 1 Industry. , I"Won <by a length; three lsn tto drvidisj

cecond and third. j¦Won by a length; thxco Jcnjtha divides

cecond aid third. , !WARSENBY PLATE, i

Pcntbeon (Lyne) ..1 -... 1(Flouriah oi TruiapoU (E<jpp©U) ... 2Kenwood flXalton) .......L — ^ 0

Also ran—Crpwle, Day 1 0>rearnj celding,Shoeny Girl, Highborn Jueep c dirj.

¦Batting—3 tol against Flourish ol Trumpcl?.0 to 2 Pantheon, 0 to I Kenwood.

¦Won by half a length;1 a length dhidi acecond and third. : I

Cfan KIBfELEATHilU PLATE.. Katherfna filly (Madden) -..-_ 1

Hymeniauj <Croft) .; i..., '_.. 3Rcwebury (Fasan) - -.i... - . 3

(Also ran—Queon of the >Mqs fiQy cad'Laura.iBctUng—6 to 2on RoOBlmry. 6 toll c unst

Katherina fllly, 6 to 1 Hrmennus. <Wfon by half .«. length; flv« lengths tctv,-ecn

cccon dand third. ' ¦ I! UBLEAUBAM: HAMDIClAiP.Balute <Cwrft> *:*._ _.. 1McMoyn* (Heppen) ..*J~ <¦•¦-¦ 9Barrett.Ooddard /Medden) U.. 0

Abo rtai—(Foreman, iRe«per> und Kcld.Batting—7 to a against Salute, 6 to 1

ifcMayne. ! j ¦ ¦ j <Won by five lengths &ndt n hall; hill a

tangth dividing second end third. I. , ; "' '¦ rDV?)0-'5nEUtR-OLJ> , OTATB. ¦'Jh»«aif &.lSSSSr ir 1

. laying Star (Miller) ..^L.... . 3 '! Qucra oraB-Vate Allr i^ej.... 3

- - :Al»o ran—iK*t« IDougal fillyj Gridiron, Bcrry-taa> Bubo*. ; ¦ ¦ • .-, . ¦; .. . ; 1

¦¦ ' i, IBerttiM-U ,io l afalpat! Irritant, S to IFlrto* Star, 6 to I Queen ol the Vale wkr.. jWen by a length; » teMtb and: A bail *»¦

twehn Moond«od third. 7 I ' ! 'llr. ;£. K. OoHen'n Ubtrtf Sell, :& jn,

: - .¦ ¦ ' eEBLTOKHA tCAa?.'

BorctnM iQCQmy) *..>. .L. ._. 1'¦:¦.•-, Ltxeran* (Baat) ..-.A.;,.4..L........ i... aAaieti*fiar UarUi>>, ,..lr,....-...J... a *

: Alao ras Blytbiwooa, L» MortolA, «sa.aDa«Maia. ¦ 1 \ ¦'- B«Wnt-*«» l«v*»rt-]««Wi» «« t&ateria*&r,*to i aoi*nm.-J -L • • •' ¦ • ¦ ' ' ¦ " . •

- ^

Ota^o^^ C^MT^- X ' -, • < ' Main Hop*tetln)-.~rvi4i-i-l''p*».u.".u.vi' 8 '

8ettin4v4 to * Hf 3 aitWiVuii -Li

'¦ '¦J '.» K'*'¦' ¦' ' .'. 'ffMfflf- WM t '."n i - ' - 'C ' tii

Claquer and Gay BoyWon by <v 'length; oix lcnjjthj dividing

occond and third.GLEWHR PALATE.

Irish Gal (Lane) i < „..¦ .-... IBonnie Queen gciding XWattij) 2Mbrgantine gelding (Watts) .., 3

Also ran—St. iLuda colt, Juno, Portmcn,end Bucolion.

Betting—Even3 Irish Gal, 0 to 4 againstBonnie Queen ftllv , $0 to 1 Morgwjtino filly.

Won by half a length ; six lengths dividingcecond and third.

FORE9T -HANDICAP.Chant (Trigg) 1La Druguaya (Martin) 2Microphone (Jan'is) — - 3

Abo ran—Oloverley, HartHlcTd, and WildSport.

Betting—13 to 8 against Microphone, 0 to 2La TJrueuaya, 100 to 8 Cloverley.

Won by a length ; half a length dividingrsMtnA svnA third.

MjANOR PLATEMinie (Martin) 1Fleeting Love (Trjgg) - 0Onnes Bay (Hardy) 0

Alao ran—Olapham Lacj.SBeUing—6 to 4 against (Fleeting Love, 2 to

1 Minio, S o 1 Clapham Law, 10 to 1 OrmcsBay. '

Won by three parts of a length ; oix len tiadividing 6econd and third.


CLTTH9WOOD HANDICAP.Winconsrn II. (Wheatley) °LiWe Chapter atradahow) ..*._ °Hard Time3 fJohnston) 3

Abo ran—Bridle, Isthmus, Eoyal Don, llyMcscotte, 8ister to Addio, and Ebmo Bung.

¦Betting—3 to 1 against Winconaln II., 6 to 1Hard Time3, 10 to a OUttle Chapter.

A dead heat; a length separating third.Stakes divided.

TWO-YHAROLD PLATE.Club Queen (Wheatley) _ 1Glentyre (Wilkina) QCamclia (McCall) - 3

Also ran—Lady Strathmore, Hazard, andTrick.

Betting—Evens Club Queen, 6 to 1 againstGlentyre, 6 to 1 Camslia.

Won by a length ; two lengtha betvrcensocond and third.

SILVER BELLS HANDICAP.Lockinge (G. McCall) 1Povrderpufl (J. McCaTl) _ 0MorthuJ (Bullock) - 3

Also ran—Baton Rouge *nd AnVborite.Betting—7 to 4 axriinst 'Powderpuff , 3 to 1

Marthus, 5 to 1 Ibckange.Won by a longth; cix lengths dividing

cscond and third.OOtmTY PLATE.

Cymric fBradshaw) 1Hospitaller (Bullock) 0Tiburo <Wbiatley> 0

Abo ran—'Hoy, 'Radr/age, Violent, UartinesDe 'Rio and Aapia tfilry.

iBettiM—4 to 1 agatoflt Tiburo, 0 to 1 Cymric,7 to 1 Hospitaller.

Won by a length; threa parts of a lengthbslvrecn Eeoond tnd third.

ABERCORN 5TLAT RACE.Winoonain II. (Mr. (Bisaill) 1Didn't Know (air. iFerjjuaon) 0Sweetmoro (ilr. Ball) ... 3

iBetting- C to 4 on Winoonarn II., 6 to 4against Didn't Know, 4 to 1 Swootmoro.

Won by two lengths ; a bad third.GJBEBNOOK PLATE.

Magenta Boy (G. McCall) ..-. - 1Desert Chief (J. UcCall) 0Winter Biooa filly (Wheatley) 3

Bottmsr—<5 to 4 on- Magenta Boy, 6 to 4ajrnirut Winter Eose fllly, 4 to 1 Desert Chief.

V7on by threo tencthfl ; four lengths divid-ing cocond tnd' third.

K(0)AT (HT TF1K1


The Event of tikeSeason

W I L L BE! O P E NE Di ' 1 - 1 '



TUESDA Y, nth IN9T.•j - .. .: ¦: :;A.T !. j i.ao' . : . •• ¦ . . 'WHEN THE ADDRESSES WILL BB':;.r : . - ¦' , ; . . . . PRE8p2*T£D.

' • ". [

•• : i - ; : " "

. ' ¦ *:: ~

;' ¦ '

. - -¦A ¦

' ¦ ' ">

•¦. ;

¦ . ¦

ihriS EXCELLENCY'S entry into the Oity±X will bo from Corraghmore via Th«l&aoor,. Farnell Street, | and Oatherina 8trMj jMd departara br Cthirina Stnwt, TIM Mall,MU .The Quay (for Dublin Sta^n). - ,

' j ' - '.

' ' '¦ :

; >j



"' : ¦ "

'¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •1 Gates Open lit 1 o'clock-,: ;... :, .:- . ' ¦ . ' .i—U-s. :'- |: "";:'V.yf ;k'.; : . . . . - i i / .r. . -} t^V^'^'JlMU

*¦ t¦ *! * r , .* F 'A'L J

* § i i * * ff*' ?* jj Ayfj ue$f%v9SBm Bs/ 0^m KR

full *u« ; Yojo L'snocads CrjrtiU, 4*d r r pot ;l/cmoauis Pcnrdai, Id each. !

! |BISCUITS, <<1 1° W S«r lb- Splendid AwotlPdi.

JAIl-Snperirxf Slbs, j{d ; Clbs, 8d pa pot, |TINNED FEDTT—ApricctJ and Pern, ti per £1;

Piao Apple, 7d per Ua. ;

GEBI3H PBDIT-Grtixa. 6d par lb ; lam 'Jxa, 3dpulb ;.M<tons 4<J each ; Baiu s, la per doz.

IJJ3—DeJIrerkJ to iill Trains tnd St.:'r.ngr«.


OS 15th Anjrost OIJOJTJ Tlctcti will ba Ututa toCork frc m Watorford Soatn. bc. I

OLONMBL SPOBT -On 17th AagnrtlCieaTickets will bt> lurcott toC'onmcl from Wtf-crtorfVv tb. ¦ • I il

The Spjclal Ezeantoa Train, annoancod ip l-urVTaterford Noi-th at S 11 am for Kl'-rJoa ea 8ca-day, lrtth Aogwt Ud tbs Special Excoriloa exLtjtrlci at 9 » n foi' Wttcrford, «ts csnccTIci

rarfttrttsr psjUotlar»«a patter*. i '0 HDENT, General IXmi-cr.

; . | • ¦


COUNTY COUNCIL OP WATBOFORD.TATOTICE (• bmb;> (riren that Tmien irill beJ£i soupUd for tha fellovioz T7ork» «t th» 40£sia3Qairtatljr UMlIn« of tU Count/ OonaoQ. to ^"> h«l jla tb« Coort HOOM. CnitWTM. ad UONDA.T, 17thA KJ O! AT7QO8T, 1S03, If »ppror*i *f bj vio QmutjC- n."d\ i— ¦ i

Mo. i. Dittrirtet G.TtUk-oo-Snl'i N». 2—To to«?Ii repair fn 6} Tun 1,012 p«rob»« of tha roil froaCttrtek to DoD|P»rr«D, b»t»«to th* s*tr Coantf b*«ad«end tbt oroti if . Uotitl, towtdtatU of Cirrieibcj,Q rnreoni, Jo'iMtowii, Co»Iro«, A* Pao«d not t»•te*«4 U par yitoh p*- annam—J55012i Od. ( ' .

lit. 8. >io« SUtrttrV-To r»D«Jr 172 p«roH»l ol kloread from ft»irlok-oo-!3alr to KilniotboaM, b«t<r»oC»lljqoino Cram ud ' h« lo»»r (or1 asir) raid, la ih»tonkndi of BaDjqoin *a* Utuottticn. Pcsssi}not to txa6oi 2«' rxrr p.iroh—£17 4»-

No. VA. DlatHet w Dant»rr»n—To k»»p la rtjiirtot £} f %%t» ill pombi* «f tba row) froo Tillow t»Duimu, b< «Ma f lthlW * «m\niA »t Oooo**uerau *nA UM Usaon qtnr at Pjno»jloajh ; traro-l«od« of CoonMO. Upv>'ir Drxaora «a4 Porta»jloaj!uPuNd nt toitneM. 6d par pateli p«i «Jata-C^outi .

¦ > . i iflo. 427. 8aa> Pbtrlot-To k«t) io rtpalr f«T tkr»

*M» 840 ptrche* ofitb* »*4 froa UiDpnu UrBcWtck, Wtw*ro W.Hlaa Hosx1(Ba'* ooutrart atBrrn'i etoM aoi Joha Xtt»a*'i «oa<raoe at SkisoUU ;ttwcUsdl »t CurrUrwti and 8baM>akUl (br tbt Cha^al).Psntd sot (o tzoaadtd ptt porehparagaQo—C3 lBa.

llo. 430. 8»m» DUtiiot-To k»n>!'» repair far »a»ytv 486 p«rebM of th» ro»<J froa DssfUfU t»Cloond, batwtia tha Ua!1 Ou romi U (3oae»«l »altba CalUgta lond; Uvotaai* ol K»»ok«npo««S Dc;traad Ltvtr. Ytaai io> to eceMd 8* p«r 5 'ci—ms io» w. j ; - I nMo. tSS. DUtrW ol 'Snatctiom *-To k««t)<a r*-caJr tot 6J yaani 1,115 jiarohM ot tht p » i froo C»tl«!cto Xhmtuna, 'tatwaai Uahaa brlist aad. Kiln ulat;8sbo*)b9aww |*aM*d not to exosod 81 per pekh peraaaao—JtS$Z * ii.-: • ! ¦ I

Ho. 287. Saoi* Dtatrlot— T» fcMpia rtpalrj for C}yaam 1,021 p*rdt*i •! th» road froo Cart sk toDaogarrao, bVtwia Kahoa brfdg»i aad Qon aUjlitero«._ PM* IK* M *Wt»d g,j

p ,),

p,, tcfla a—je3I O» 8d.

" "¦ f" -' T'""~ "T"No. £41. DUtrist of U«mor«-—Tb ooapl«U reyilr*t J tha BsaohUarjr ot tka>| BH& * brldssraa4 palsj Jvcs.E»pair» to mrp!'B« kaor* and rtptlri to boU. Pact j,

09' U ezoaad £li» ' \No. 879. DltbUtol (TaUrfora Id, l.-To kxp larepair far «sa }iaar 88 parobe* ol th* road WtwcaaBiakari* Powai3;* ba«i.», LUMIIT, aad BUeiaharir»ind. i PMMd^Bot to azoeadltpsr paTOD—J UiZt.N«.a DUtriai of Teo«bal No- s -To kMplla r»-t»it lot thraa r*# 7S8 ptnbaa of tia nid hn7o«(bal to Dmf*rrao, oettraag TBOOM Fptm'aCrota, Ssaatrhai, aad CoBsory> OOM at Qr&Jl«r!i.Paced, sot to u:sead SI D«r sank f>» Cnt »ut-z-1i>i «°2f 5id M *" V*°u *** •no"«» raoalaiaj bra—«II9 Gt 0d* I i |..*¦•¦*•«•• •w«> «"*¦ »>e lKJa*l with o. aoi latertbaa Oaa c'CUok.aa8»lardaf, tha lah day oJ AajnciBi?' ^ ? ollaJaad,' and Bpr«ISeaUoai aaga for5?t*.i5r5T V " "» <>a'*' OwrthonH. Wattrferd.after tha 8th Aturut. ! I ! lTt£*V*, mj"? u •«»o«iitBl«d b» a depoiJlJof 2J

Xk* ctpoaii wlllita rataimad afta» tiapaetinjtf Maicrbasot aooaptid. if x.ito ba aeMptad depoeU ofjU ratarnad «ba» bond i« ptrfftAad/ ii

U taadn ba a-xsaaiaa tb» ptrwn toBinioa nl hU•aratiaa out txi preetiit to. parfeoJ baad at clow cfC3^a3.. . . . : i" a Q. PAUL, : i: Geoc«tat7 to Comty Ooc^O.Ocoity BoreUry'a Otiee, : IOnortaouai, Wattrford, 6th Accost, ICO).-, : i i I


/ or WATERFOXD R URAL DISTRICTNO. 1. ' . .; : • ! :

mHB poaatj GoujSl faUod taj diet at thd,JL Qumri; Ueetiar, tq ba held Ii the Coort

Datrie* o| Watatfon] Nil, 1. at a remnnetmtoo it TJ4

rSiSSES?rw8ieM.iS¦ ' -

¦¦ K. O. PATJL. j i i/,_ .i._ _,-J:*™lfr7 to

COT»tT 0<rar~il. ;County BwwUry-eOflw, ! ' ¦ • ¦ ?

w ~T !Watwlord, ltth Jlngost, W03L . j I


A . ""I** *I«; »iU be sold for! £<£

Ty^MrrED. — Good fleoena'Htni atuDI^ADeVi (eaVmfVk^km ' ' ¦' * t - ' \ * j I \ ' ' " j L \

spy'vjl .• ' itwmmm


(From the NEWS File of K-po. ait>.>r 9; 1855.)

ADDRESS : TO THE QUE^N.Lord Grranville has acknowledged the receipt

of the address of the Waterford Corporation ,together with a remonstrance from the minorityof the Council, both of which he said he hadforwarded to LordlPalmerston. We learn thUa magistrate of the city, Captain; Newport," deemed it his duty as a Justice of the Peace^"to forward a copy of THE NEWS to theGovernment, containing Mr. John: A. Blake'sspeech, deeming it a "seditious document."Mr. Blake may now look for a prosecution asa reward for his services

BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS.We learn that |the bridge proprietor are

about making a new portcullis in the biidge.Ross has (or will ihave in a few days) a freebridge, whilst Waterford will have a new port-cullis. Bravo I Watorford.


On Monday last; an experimental trip-on thisrailway took placejfrom Waterford to Tramore.Amongst those in I the carriage were, we learn ,the . Chaitmau cf ithe. Company, Sir Jame?Oombrain, Sir Matthew Barringfcon, Mr. LPower, Mr; L. 'S.jDemay (manager-in-chief),and oth^r?. The train returned at four o'clock.The whole -tri$ inlan d out was performed inabout fifty minutes.

On Tuesday, at; about 12 o'clock, anotherfirst class passenger carriage started fromWaterfo d terminfis. It: was crowded withpassengers, many iof whom went for the pur-pose of Tiewing the line $Ve reached Tramorein 18 minutes, though the engine-driver olack-ened his pace wheu passing over the embaak-ments and other newly-made 'ground- But, inreturning, an * incident occurred in 'ascendingthe slight elevation near Kettlewells whichcaused a trifling emotion amongBt some of thepassengers. It Was this : in ascending theembacLment thej engine rather ! suddenlystopped, and in two or three seconds retro-graded a few perches.. It then advanced, andproceeded at a fair pace into the ciiy, makingthe run in twenty :minutes. A .similar circum-stance occurred to the th ree o'clock train onWednesday, when it was obliged to be putback to the city for some slight change:

The engineer exhibits very commendablecaution in passing over the curves and embank-ments ; and it is necessary that he should doso until the road shall have permanently settleddowu. As to the carriages, they are verycomfortable, and ithe charges no dcubt verylow! Some gentlemen have remarked to usthat the first class carriages should have div!iBions in them ; they may have their advantage •*and disadvantages'. But there is a fault whichwe hope to see remedied, and thatj is, if we berightly informed, the engines and locomotiveson the line are of; a feeble and ulie|rior class.This statement we'heard on Wednesday on theauthority of an engineer. ; :

We have been informed that : 5,000 pej soaepassed over the line on yesterday. jSo - crondodwas the last up train last night, that the policewere obliged to interfere to keep the, peopleout of it. The company found (heir carriages,four in number, inadequate for the passengertraffic. We are glad to learn that i the poorcarmen got 2s. a riead coming into tdwu.


A committee meet ng of this body] was heldon Tuesday evening at the Industrial Schools,Gfl'tfge's-s eet, William , S. Hill, Esq., in thecb;.ir. It was proposed by Dr. Cavet andseconded by Mr. C. Redmond that the honsein which the industrial schools are held be retaken for another year.—Passed. A 1, theprevious meeting it was. proposed by Mr.Hudson, seconded by Mr. Ledh'e, end carriedunanimously, that the schools fca thrown opento all manufacturers without distinction, who*are or may be La the trade.

A SAFETY DOCK 4N TBAVtORE.The people of Triamofey aye/ thevpaople of

the county generally, blight td/agitj ate for tasafety dock or, harbour at! Newtovrn. Cove,Tramore. Nature ¦ has done: ai .great deal forthis place—the dock is already km made,there being a large laud Indention] at thislocality. Hardly a year|jpasses|1tnat we havenot to record the stranding or loss <p ,one OPmore vessels in this bay. Bint if thdre was agood dock at this place all would be ^ale—noshipwreck could possibly occur. For thisreason, because the;very southeast wind whichdrives vessels ashoret and from whicti-fW canescape, would sail th,eu right iotq thia dock ofwhich we are speaking. At present1 there iaprotection neither for yachts or fishing boats.When a storm is V looming ia the distance}'the owners must remove them to Rhineshafkor Dunmore. This is very disgraceful Hadwe a pier in Tramore vessels could make tf aplace of call like Torquay and other -wateringplaces. Besides a message could not |be trans-mitted from Tramore by rail to Dublin, Belfast,Limerick, Galway, etc. We hope the publictnB not lose sight of tfel^pubject*. i ; ;;

- . ; ¦ FATAL, AQ5DENTS..\J.;"

. HOn Saturday, Patrick Connell, of Kenmare,

i ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; - i ; ! I II-


WAffilMOKB -i . ¥MB£Y

Co. Kerry, whilst employed with! a number; of, i At- No. 8 t>oa©i;aUe »to6>- jother men in brio/ug'the Ages of ,fo< m^A%$^

*«* «P« . tartly

Railway line from Duukilt station across j o'skaughnew's. Main Street:-.

the bridge, drawn by eight horses, he waejambed between the iron gate and one of thecarriages, by which nearly all the bones in bisbody were broken. He was placed on a. boardby the police and others to be conveyed to thehospital, but .he had reached only opposite ouroffice when he expired. The deceased was 30years <f age, aud has left a wife and fourchildren. He had £3 4s. on his person.

On Monday morning Thorns Hotiifthan . 24years of age^ a poTter employed on the steamer"Citizen," -was accidentally , struck on theforehead forcibl y wiih the winch handles, bywhich he ie<peived such inj uries as caused hiadeath in thej hospital on the same night Gt 11o'clock. Coroner Delahunty held an inqueston the bodies

THE WEATHEKSince Sunday last a complete and most

propitious change has taken place in the stateof the weather, which has become as fine ascould possibly be desired. As & ri&atter ofcourse, the operations of harvest are procsso-ing with rapidity, and & few days more nill Geethe entire crop secured against the chances ofa change


' 7 R A M 0 RAt Clarence Private Hotel, Qucaa fctre»» - -

A. (H. iBliinden, Oastle BluncMrs. (H. Kelly. TramrMr. Kelly,; En£i&-¦Mr. Murphy. Can^Mr. Ryan, O'ar:Mrs. Dalton, Grange. KiliterMiss Farrell, Grange. KimcMrs. Butler, Wexic-Mrs. and Master Black. UvenMr. Lyons, Duo^..Miss O"Brien , Lona^.MT. and Mrs. Mu-Uoney , Ardnnau Oionmt>Mia3 Lannbn, Thorn asto\

At (Meiffhan a Hota.MT. iuurran, Mountmelk-Mr. Walsbe, Mounumeii.^Miss C. iWalshe, MountmeHi-Mi63 A. Walslhe, MouatmeuxMiss iCurtis, New kosMr. Lynct , iMountmeu-Mr. Kjrwsm, Maryoor^-Mr. (Metier. "W ater.Miss uoyl i. iMew ivMiss Ixaig^ New twt¦Miss T. Ifong, Mew i».uiMissea' Q'Boimell (3). uiou..

A% Ossory fiote i: —MT. UalainBy-, Rafhdo^ra^Mis. and Miss Muldowner , KilkenrMr. Ryan,! Abbevie.Mr. L&h&riy, A1>t>evi~Mr. Carey] Ra-taao-R-Mr. Malher, RathaowuiMrs. Ph.eQ.an, Mouawi.(Mrs. Roohlord, Joimsiov(MTBB (Bergin, Spring&ex-MT. McEwj>y, I/U'bh-iiMr. Moyl&n, iDu'biu-

At Hiberniai Efotiel • -^Ohidi&tian (Brothers / rMr. Dowling, Kilker-'Mir. Mulligan, Graiir(MT. Carroll, .Wftterro.-Mir.'-and Mrs, Vittie, Pembroke DociMr. J. TliompSon, G-iasar'-FMT. M. H. Oarne. iLonc(MT. J. L. : •Mitchell. 1/onc(Mr. and Mr3. Philips. LiomrMT. J. A. Tait. LoneMr. King, ; Paddinc

At Ri'ailway Hotel •Mrs. and Miss Hogar,, Kilmans..Mre- J£D&S and family , CarKMr.MRya-n, Calls.MT. E.. O'Connell, KilKen.Mr. Connolly, Kilkeni.Mr. and Mb. O'Ke"enVCah_Miss •MoOarthy, iPeihar^Mrs. Morrison, .and . family , KillcenirMiss Hogain, KilmanagLtMra. Martin, Kilkenny.Misses M'airtin (3), Kilkenny.(Mr.-and Mirs. Moloney, Oarrow, Cashe

At No. 2 Florence Place :-r-Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and family, Carrici-

da-Suir. jAt No. 4 - Florence Place :-

Mx. TP. Walsh, JWaterfora .At No. i 8t.JLeger Place:— ,

MT. Neil and family, Dublin.At No. 3 8tJ Leger Place:— P , , ;

Mr. and ¦•MTa.-zHe^me and family, Cat/herine-street, ^terlord.

At No. Siflfc. fLeger.Place;— .Mx. and Mia_J)..Keuneally and family, PcsCr¦ Visw, 'Watexfard.. ¦ i

At No. '7rSt. 'LeBer - Place;'" . . ;Mr. and ;Mira.' XJruibb and flamiiy, doilmel. > '

At No. 3,-iPrie3t'B-Eoad:— ¦Mr. and HVCEJ.- Allstoon, Waterford.

Ai West Lodge, (Priests' (Road:—<Mx. Keane, aolicitor, and MTS. Seane, Wotsr-

- ford. ; ¦ . ¦¦ _>

¦Miss Keane, Wafcer&rd-,At Woodbine libdge.'FriestQ' Boad:—" CMx. and Mrs. (Lynch and iamily, Wcterford.At ivy. Cottake:— ."!¦. .. ¦ ,Gat)ti.:«pd Mrs. Farrell and family, FcrEyhanlc.At 'Rose Cottager— ¦•••• . - i •• ¦ i ' l' Jfoj and Mirs-/ Morgan and familv Watdrteid.At iSt. /Leger lCottage:— • ¦¦ \ • v '¦ ' •¦ Alaerman and Mta. Knos^ Waterford.At ' lDoneraEe^Gottafee:— .] !

Mr. J. Widger and family, Waterford. :¦IMir. and TiSsa. Tilsooi, waterfardl ;

At No: 4-Dbti6raile Pldce:— i ; | '; !- MT. 4adrMiB,-iR4 N.-|Talbot -c1ndrfaniily, fDur-

. ' '¦ row, Queen's* •Oonnity - I ; ,


. Oork

- \ ¦ . ,

AtfJNo t' l!)oii<icEiile 'PIaW:— •' ' , !. .. .. '•

Mr. and'JMiB'.' lEgari ' and family, WatejftMxLAt No. 5 DoaeraiteT^ftCfi;'—..; ¦;, .. i ¦: . .- • .j i ;. . 'Mxs. and il^,,jFatMerald and f2ffloly-'C3U>¦¦-.- . , -! mevr'tvs fyWw&tf oTd. '¦¦ ¦ ¦ i • : i j - . . ¦At No. B Don^Kaile Place r— | i ¦'¦¦'. ' " ,j «v. « xruivoLViUO trtavvi—

Mii&. , Oopi^iai iHenijTi 'JWlaterford. |Mrs. (yeoanor, Watexford. i

Mr. Win. Sarafleld and family, Wiatenord.CIJS3 Hart, London. j

At Church Villas:— : - ¦¦ ¦< . ,Mr. T. Daviea imd Mrs. (Daviias, Wcteriord

At atre. (Power's, 3;'3;i and :4* The Terroco:—(Mrs. Bailey, do-nmel.ttlisa Hulley, Clpninel.Mm. O*Eeilly .and;! family, Waterford.Mr. 'Morriflsey, -Wesfozd.Miss Hanra'han,1 We'sford.M|3se3 M'olloy, iWiterfofd.MT. and 'Misses! Sfcally ~ (S) , Olonmel.Mir. ind (MTS. pondon, Clonmel.Misse'9 O'Connor (2), ClonmcJ.Mrs. -Power, ¦Millp'W.Mifis -iBarry, Mt lloy.(Mi&3 KMoylan, Kanlscortby.Missea O'Briej i (2)1, KilkennyiMr. Cuthibertson, Oheltenihain.Mr. Itourogih. C heltenham.Mrs. Condon, Epndacorthy.MT. and Mra . Ci 'CbmnoTj (Doiblin.MJB. Wall and faMly, W-ateriord .

At Karina.:— !Mr. and'Mr?. Shlerowitz and family, Waterford

At Cove (House: —(•Mr. and Mta. ,;p>qney and family, iQeorge'8'

street, Waterford.Miss Lennon, <Gte|M:g«'c-vsbreat, Waterford .

Kt (Miss J. McCar thy's, The Cross : —Mr. >and Mrs. 'Drew, Plymouth,Miss SDeyelin, liivprpool.Miss iDilloh, Knockvfile.MT. Barron, Knockville. ^Mi. .and Mrs,. Butler, Waterford iMr WaJsh, Go. Wexford

At No. ,1 Atlantic View:Mr. Simpson, Waterford (Mi. Julian, Wateriord.M: Daggfi , Waberford.Mr. Foley, Waberford.Mr. Shiel, Waterford.Mr. Heffernan , Waterford

At No. " 3 Atlantic View : —Mr and Mrs. MoEnery and family, Sossenerra

Co. Kilkenny. .At No. 4 Atlantic : View : —

Mr3 Sullivan and family, Broad-at., WalerfordAt No. 5 Atlantic View:—-

Mr. and Mra. Hearne and family, CatiieTine-street , Waterford.,

At Howlett's Reatauraat , Strand-atreet:—Miss Landy, Co. Kilkenny .Mr. and Mrs Biergin, Co. Kilkenny.Mrs . and Misa Power, Co. Weaford.Mr. and Mrs. Hutcliinson-, Co. Kilkenny. 'Mr3 . - Doyle, County Wexford. . >'Misa K. O'Byrne, Killenaule, Co TippenafyMias D. Comerford, Co. KilkennyMr. Ryan, Oo. Kilkenny. ;Mx. Hogan , Anierioa.

Ai Mro. Kirwan'd, Queen-otree.MTS. Nolain. Co; Wexford.

. M'iiJs Hamilton, N«w Rosa&.1 Mra; Morrisseyj'8, Main Streei -

Mr. Ryan, Thurle-s.Mr . Hayei, Tburles.Mrs. Hunt and family, Thurles, ;Missea O'O'rady, ThuxlesMr. and Mrs. Delahunty and family, KilkennjMT. Meany, Kilkenny.Miss . Troy, Tipperary. > .Mrs. ^addiganj -tKiHcennjMisa O'Sullivani, Thurliea. 0

At Terminus Villa : —Dr. EXorria and family, Waterford.

At Marine Terrace:—¦Mr. E. J. Barry. Waterford.

At No. 7,Belviaw\—Mrs. Quinn and family, Waterford.

At No. 7 and B The Terraco : —Mr. and MiSs Goug-h, donmeiMjBs;Roaolie,, Kilkenny.MiS3. Quinn, Kilkenny.Mies Byrne, Kilkenny.Mrs. ' and -Miss-- Morrissey, Oo KilkennyMr. Olampett , Waterford.

At Mr. Jo"hn Joy's, The Terrace : —Mr. and Mra . Nicb-olaii OauMeld and family

Ballybrieken, Wat-erfordAt Ardview • —

Mrs. Groing, Clonmel .At 4 Tivoli-terrajce.

Mr. and Mrs. Tt Breen and family, WaterfordAt Branch House1 : —

Mr. and MM . Bell and iamily. ClonmelAt Mis3 Tobma'J Turret-place : —

Mr., Mrs. and Misa Hickey, Kilkenny.MTS. Do&ley and family, King's Co.Mrs. and the Mis3es (Brunicardl, Town Hall,

Clonmel.At. *No. 3 AtaTJne Terrace:—SMifS. WJalsh iand family, iWa-terford .

Miss Rfidmond New Ross.At.No. a Atlahtici -Terrace:—3Sx. Wilson and family, KUbenny.MTB. Stuart and ramily, ©cotlana.

At No. 2 Bellevue TeiTaca: —At Dahlia Cottage: —

Mr. Miannox and party (4), Waterford.At Mrs.. Gahan'8, Summerhill: —Misses Keri64dy,: Catrick.

Misses Malier, BagnabtownMtr. Phelan, iAibbeyleix.(Mi^s ; Conlin, ilountmellick. ¦

"1iLlr.'i r&in<JiM!rs.i 'S3X!bon- and '&iniily, Eilkenny¦; Mrs.- ¦:Btftto;v(IJie''fi(wex .*'^IMTS. Ki&arhey, 9Eh<> ' 'Rower.^ Mrii^G6fiey; ;;P«t(h'atd.<Mr.' "Spantfbr; j iF*fcliard.

At' Cpvo' Oaita jo:—MT.' ; and "Mra. A. iCcixell end "Samily, -Watai

¦ • • ¦i ford.-; ¦• ¦ ; ¦

At iEbrinfftoa T^itec^J—¦Mr.lcntt;£lK3:"J:'Wclcli and fl -wii y, <T2ie TTclliWaterford. •

At Patrick Street:—MT. arid Mrs. McfOhsrrj end fnnily, Men

.cheater. . . . .. . . .At'tMj .-m Murpliy'a Maia' Stoeet:—

(Mr. Paddle, Castlecom r.Mr. iCyReiliyi-Ei^ ttny.Mrs. KenneaUy i and familv, NetTflath.¦flilr. <and'Mi3S /Wlaldh, Lisniit/isuo, Oo. Kil-

• :'k6nny.' '¦¦¦ •¦ \ , ¦ !

; 'Ivr. 'Eellyy 1Qu!een''q'Oo.'Mdss CBowet. Oo^-'IKilkenny.

At MM) MurphyAs Talbot ©traott—IMTS. Hi J. Hunt «md family^ I Wctcrfoi«3

At^Bay Vievr. Cottage;! ;Priest Road:—¦Mfs.-Ocragihlaii,: Nowrafih', Ojj Kilkcaay.

At MTS.; Reynolds)1, Oove Villa:—Miss Gleeaon, Belvoir, Co. dare.

: jMiss fUtzgeraldi Bolvoix,; Ob,' Glvx*.Miss HaHoran, Belvoir, Oo. C^are.Miaa Hasan, Belyoir;. ipp. Okio.

At No. a SumMeTilll Terrace :HHr. and Mk3 0'Conn.OT, LimcKcIr.

Slj aJtofjPr-TMjr^i m& i&mpoA . , '"SSref. E., Miss attd piasterW«2ah. SouthrC^eali

.i, :' i -'--N6w^Aok3j - !;.' 'U ^ ¦ -':;: r ; i i . - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦

¦dta^^and Micsea Shsiancai X $). Elsh.<jtreotjKilkciuiy. | ; ¦ . < i '

AUGUST iMc : 1903

Ai Mxa. Kenny's, No,..2 The Lodge:—, .. M".' Dote, ESQ.I Provincial 'Ban c :, .Wateriord.

MT.,jMrs/ and Master Victory, MountmelliclsM Mis3> Clancy's, §t*and- S.tP6ot:— • :¦;.•. MM .- and; the Miiaea' "Rteid, 'Kilkenny.;At Avondal<9:— i i• Mir.- JVMoson, Liverpool.>iit¦•'•Mm.' Beddy S, Queen, &tre$fc:—|. :tEsa«s Merniii . (% Waterfcrd' Misfli:Drohan, OattiiJ ; i ' • - ' :

MBsa-es'.Uarroll, Thurliera., . iMra.: and Miss Oox, Clonmel,

!Mira>.:,Conlah and family, C|arloT7.'itrsXand. MissrtMcEvoy, 'K^kenny. ..Mx. !Sehriy, Tomplemore.

At Mrs. Halliganis, Winds or Place:—Mr. and Mrs. T. Dowling and tfaj aily, Bag

nalstowp. .At Miss Boache's, 4 Toibot-street:—

¦Mr. jand Mira.'J K .Wialsih and family, George'sStreet, IWaterford.

Mrs.' Power, Wiaterford.At Morrisaey'a Baths:—.

¦Mrs. Walah and family, Thomr^town.Mts. McDoaald, Tjhomastown,

At Seafield , Newtown:-^MT. and Mrs. Brett and family, Monster and

Leinster Bank, Waterford.At Miss Murray's, Talbot Place : —

Miss Kenna, Kilkemny.MT. Purcell, Kilkenny.

At No. 1 Lyon Terrace:—Mr., iMis. and the Mosses 0'<3k>rman, Bally-

ragget, Co. Kilbenny.MTS. Sdhofleld and family, Fethard, County

Tipperary.At Mrs. Satenian 'e, P tricli Street: —

Mns. Malone .and family, Miain-otreat, Car-rick-on-Surr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edging, Oo. iKdildar©.MT. and 'MM . Hackett, Limeriok.

At No. 2 Rosebank Terrace:—Mrs. O'Connor and family, Clonmel.

At Rosebank Villa : —Mrs. Plhelan and iamily, Waterford.

At No. 1 Jfaaeliank Terracs: —Bav. Canon Hackett rvnd famfly, Montreal.

At Manor House, Priest . Road:—Mr. , and MTS. T. Oleary and family, Bridge

Carrickon-Suir.At Mowbeny Cottage >—

MT. and Mrs. Hail and family, CastlecomerCo. Kilkenny.

At Spring .Cottage: —Mj a. OKJonnor and family, Jonn3tovm. Wat«i

iford.At Mra. Kent'o, Hotel Square : —

iMas. Hogan. and fam^y, Kilkenny.!Mna..Beary;and family, Carrick-on-Suir.¦Mre. DPIitpgerald and 1 family, tQlonmel.

At Miss L'ambert'6, Queen Street - —Capt. W. tJEbborn, Waterford,'MT. Morris, Waterford.

ki Mas. R. Mitrray's, Main Street : —MT/ Kennon and family , Kilkenny.'Mr. J. Power and iainily, Ballybrieken

At No. ^ OBellevue Tei-ice: —JMT. Stephenson and family, Cork.¦•ilT.' and 'Mrs. L. A. Doyle, Ballyling House

.Graigue.Mr. Browne, Weriord .

At No. 16 The Terrace: —•Mka. QuinLan and family, Woterford.

At Mira. Crooke'a, Hotel ¦Squar-e:—Mr. and iMrs, McGregor and family, CloamelMrs. Doyle, County .Oarlow.Mis3 Squrry, Queen'o County.Mrs. Kilifoyle, Queen'e CountyMrs. GEgan, iCounty [Kilkenny.MTS. Mollea and family, County KilkennyMisa Dalton, 'County; TipperaxyMrs. O'Connell, Olonmel.

At MT3. Hasinas, Kilkenny (Hoted:—MTS. Dowling: and family, Kilkenny.Mrs. (Blancshifield,, Kilkenny.Miss Kiokham, Mullinalhone.Ml-as arid Masters "Mullally, iMullhrahono.

At Mxss .Power's, :MaTket Sbrcet:—MTS. iBowe, TipperaTy.MT.iand .Mrs. Wailaoe, New York.Mr. and (Mrs. Brennian, iCarriok-on-'SuirMiss Quilty, OasfietowTi.Mr. Barry, Waterford.

M MT3. (Rogers', 'Patridk Street: —Mrs. and the Masters Heffernan (3), OatdrAt. MT9. Reidy'a: —Mis&es .Holmes, (Kilcloney, Oo. 'KilkennyMra. Doody and family, Kilmacow.

At ©oneraile Cottage:—MT. F. Briscoa and family, Waterford.

At Mrs. O'Brien's, Windsor Place:—(Mr. and :MTs. OMaTia' and (family, WaterfordMasses Flynn, Waterford.

At Mrs. Morris3ey*8, -(Mtaiii Sfcre&t : —Mias palton, Kalsheelan.Misses O'lDriscoU (3); iCarrick.M'r.- Medny, Kilkenny.Mr. 'Bower/ Tliufles.Miss Phelan, ThurleaMir. Brenn'ai1 , ClonmeH.MT. Walsh, T'ppefary.Mra . H^nlon, Goitnty Carlow.Mr3. Potver, Cou-rity OarloniM-iss Farrell.

At Mrs. P.-'Miurphy's, Patrick Street : —Mr. J. Hayden , Paris.Mr. Griffin , Ballycallan.

, Mr. Butler, .BailyeaHan.Mr. and Mrs. 'nhompsoa end family, Esth<

dowiiey. : . . v ,, ' ;,: , r'Miiss JB^ailey, ^'tjj idownjoy., iMJisfl., .Ooibb'e, '. JEwiphd vrriey.

Blisses ' Galvin, Oarriok-on-Suii. "[Miss. iPoripey, Car,mck-jon-8uir.

Ait Mrs., Doninelly'a, Mainf.Street:—,J :MT.: Allen,' )L6ndon. ¦ :'MT.' iLeo# ;Belfast..- Mr. :cmd!iMra, (Condon: and ifojaily, Carlow.(MIBS Hynn, :Pasfi»ge..iMiifls and Maa ter-. Tyn.'an, (Oarlow. :

.'¦!Mr. 'l"and,ffiffira; Thompson, OaTriGk'OU-Suir. :.dlrai OTSeilli Oatloiw, ¦ ¦ : .

M iMlsa 'MiiSvveen'ey.'-Noo.ill.cnd lfl Queen S't:—Mr. and Mra; IDoyie, Kilkenny.JiiLss Erwin, Dublin. .¦; Mr. and Mxal Henley, <Gdiir. » ;

: :iMis3: MdS-vreaneyy .London.Mre. Reidy, Thuriea.i;Mra;rHjokey>TTh]a4e3. ... .

, .Mrs,, Dwyer.a4d^amily/^e€nVj,Oottn.ty. :.

Al Mra,;,;v^)c^,r HuaMWrMil.;1 j . . ;\mAw^mm^%mmmds&. ¦¦:<'¦¦A ' f ! ) ^^^,,ma3^vat

¦ ¦; ' ;Afc Miia,-[ EHxnoviwn'fty ,fl?aibfli f are«*:r-

: '-. IBIIT, saud. Mra. !Ki!n^la^lP¦e»Ify(bpni. /,At MT»:'i3^ho^«/StO3ian:ei(hill:^- . '

ttlirsi ¦'Carroll, Balla^hmoTe. ; '

^iMT8;'> !Wihelan;'"-BiOBcr«a. : . i : ,- ,MiBfl.lEgito{)~BbiSciea. i i ' •'¦ . )Mro^Mtoito^RoscTea.

¦ >. .. . ', . . -: • • ¦'.r¦; mt&i 'iQiiinflji , (lEVtocraft,, -Iloscrea. • ' ' ¦"."„•Mr^ pftilloin^CVjuaiy.'Gairfdw/v/ -, ! ¦ '- B.Mrai'-iiBWjj aM'iantflyi KeJHr .Bosa. ¦ .Mr. .(Bic'hiftii 'Ktetfai'g/ AibbsyHaix.

D u nnoneAt Dun-more Hotel:—! ; Maaor a^d MTS. {Joghlan , Waterior4.: iM£latld Mia. Neale, Dublin.

MxM. A, Ne^eiDtt-blia.i '¦ Ooloael and Mfea Eoxs, Newport.AtVilM Mafiittaf—| iMr., and Mrs. Newell Barron.-At Siimmerville:— :

i Mrj Robert Dobbyn and 2&>. tDobbyn.At Hjarbour View:—' • : ..

I i Surgeon-General Cherry and family, N,ew Soca¦At Cooleen:— \; i Mrs, Alcock. ;At .Se v View;--' :j i 'IMri ,.Mrs. and Mis3 Napper, Dublin.'At Pier Vi&w:— i. '•Mr] ©nd, Mrs. J. Torrio, Wcteifoxd.At Oleedagh.:— . :

Mrs. Galwey, Mr. Heatley and Miss Norris,! London.

'At Hook View:— ;i Mrj and !Mr3. Lynch and family, Limerick.

f a Ivy Cottage:— ¦ - . ;' Mir3 Pauline Flavin, WeterXord.

At No. 6 Wellington Terrace:— I'¦ Mrj Langley and family, ,Tay Lodgo, Kilmac-; Thomas. " .

At No. 7 Wellington Terraco:—Mi63 Wall Morris, and Mt&. Howard.

At Victoria:— •M«. C. Clampett. :Mxs. 'Chapm'an and family, Wat&rford.

At Ivy Cottage:—Mr^ Sheehan.

At iMio Ga|gey'6:—J. GB. Hearne, Onllcomb, NOT? ROZI .

At Oove Cottars:—!Dr. G. I. Maekeay and family, iWaterfordtMT3. Ohe.rry.

At. lAlta Vista:— .Mri Thornton end family, Wcterford.

i Mib Groome. iAt Alpine Cottage: —! Miss QBarron, iDjublin.

At Grove Lodge :4-\ Mr. and tLira. Taylor, Liverpool.

At MTS. Halley'a:—' Mr3. Lea&h. and family, Enniscort-hy

At, Woodville:— ;i Rey. Mr. Hardy, Cashel.1 Miss Patterson.:! Captain S. 'F. Heard.

At 'Kp. 6 Queen's1 Terrace:—; Mra. Grant, Waterford.At Petra:— i!. Mr1. Morley and! family, (Portlaw.At No. 1 Sunnycide:— ¦

MT. Davis and family, London.At No. 2 Sunnyside :—! Mra. Morris, and Mr. and Mm. R. W. Morriai ! Ballinakill, Waterford.

At The. Vicarage;—1 Mica Bird and 1 Mis3 Lane, iWaterford.At No. 2 Wellintrton, Terrace: —

! MiS3 Perrott. :•At No. 3 Wellington Terrace:—j

MT. Allem and family, AGhbunton.At No. 4 Wellingt6n Terraca':— i

Capt. Lindsay i Knox, MTS. end Utij .Knoz: Kilkenny. ¦; ; ¦¦ \

At No. 1 Island Road:—I MT. and MTB. W. Wallace. :¦ Mr. B. Thompson, Iiiveipool.Leicester Collier, Esq., Kesvrick

At No. 2 Ieland Road:— ;. ?fc MoCo^ey;C;diamily, C^IOTT

.At (No. 3 JJGlandL iRoiij d:—¦¦ Mr. Macbeth and family, Watorford ' "At Olematia: - ; .

i 'Mrs., and Mios Brown, Wcterford.At Applefolossom Cottage:— i

: Mr. and iMra. A E Graves and family, iRocken¦ham, Wbterford. ; 'At Poulnalinta:r-'Mrs. and Miaa Browne, Waterford.

: Mr. T. Dobinsotk, Stevere^a.Miss Devenishj Yorkshire.

: fflffisa G. Deveni&n, The Rectory, Oahir.At Olear View:—'; Captain R. B.' Crofbon, London.O. D. A. Crolton, London.

: G. H. Crofton, London. :

F G TH f e D O i.

4t Captain, Foley'o, The Wood :—MT. M-CETOV, Dublin.

iMr. McGrath, Maynootih/Mt Mi3. Lewis's, Grange:—

\ lltt., •Mrs. and the Mi£3e3 Doyle, New R033.At M«. Thompaon'o, Grange:—

• Mr. arid MT3. J. B. Karney and family, New1 'Ross. ¦ " ¦

At MT. Paralow'a, Grange :—!MT. McEiroy.:Kifteiiny.;The Mifisea McEliroy, Kilkenny.j ilra'/Porwer, Kilkenny.¦!Mr. and' iMak. E.' NeviU and family/' 'Bim-

. i i irioTe,' New Rosa. iat Lira. Foloy'o, 'Qranse:—¦Mr. and *Mira. 'rDeVlin, Thurle3.At. ^IlIr.'Eg&ri'a.'GranPe:— :

[Mr. and Mro: 1 T. Jeffarea and femily, Ash¦'¦¦¦¦ town, - New iRdss.

A-f The Oastle :—At M;rs-l WaMiSfe,;'GKliige:—' rliThe Mis3'eirilIcGfath/ Diiblin;(Mr. G6ugh;:Dublin. '; : s . :

At'Mrs.¦'¦¦ Staftdrd'a, Grange:—jMrs., Roche and family, Ballyanne.

At Mrs^Aspel'si-;." ; ,; iBrife. 'As3ie>JiewrKofl3. ¦

At - Mra. 'Comerford'a, Cliff Oottt^e':—¦Mr, and Mrs. J. J. "Hayden and familyi Waterford. | • ¦

At Ttompsou'fi Hdt©l:—¦ |M»/fewBteon-"-and family, Slfllorgan. :At.lanyard Htousei -— .. " - i r b'[ Mf o < • Pope." eiTy.bank/' alferfoid.Mte& Baziere, •Ferry.barik. l cferTdrd.:|Mifes ¦i l ttck . Mtyfcaifltj! Wateriord.

AJt Masa -Ktaioe'e^Qra^ge:— ¦• : ¦ "''• - ' . . :JjlSr*. ;aud'Mw. p $ t i Mf f :ua& family; WW.'Eflpa

At iM'TS'.O'IBrieny. Grange:—: > : ' '.IMra;.IHarVey/¦'Old iRosa.liAK^i Poole, Old1 Bo«8. '• Mm* O'Neill. '¦¦ M

i A^arding'toM*Keimit'fl iMftJ tttile Gaziatte,'''/ iH^ 'hamitiSc'-xit''J48il'u&6 ! tf £d '^£a» Seiarid^^\D^Hhhc p ^-^i^4 "M^mzWt !t WaSTi ,Vir'.'- New. .ibanSropftiy 1rjproS&©<!miH»rpu)hlliBlved.Ih tihe 'fliW&lin GM tte/' lJ deedFof arrange-

''tten|t'n^dd,'a^! vhfilBiWyrf '®&ler0ffl e. 8.-,' lStt|' fep&iUVe; iftobers r4ri!totf 'tiofrei (ponding weekf '«f/^t'y^\*er^l ' rimpW'rtlnil'j d^a iti¦ Br^ii^ement/- $; ;total,' 3;u o^gia ipet invr©as&1 'ra''p^p^piicw9 '«.''29,~'f aiid A'in et ' iiicrdafle-in'¦" deed*'5 56^'arBaaigement iiL 1903;%y date; ot #., O^emumoar «t 'bills ci Aa3e puWfaj ied in, Xrje«

:'&lioWinra';ae^»ebf 5, ibeing!a: net dWreWM''iw-&wwat&''t r r - iT* \ '"- "' ¦' ¦

r^P I

¦•¦' " ¦'. "' : ; ! S

rnn EXCURGIOIU TO KN 3-3:'..~»DERRY, :—o .—

The time-honoured excursion to Kaockaderrytook place on Wecuujsday week, and ike. invita-tion1 of the Mayor was largely av-ail?4 oi- The¦weather waa propitbua and the -Hospitality ofthoCbief'MagLstrftt* wHlmaintained the tradi-tions ot'fcho pr $n%. Subjoined ;will be found afull list .e! bis TW<WWhip*6 invitations:—Messrs.Willianv R. ' Wtird,: J;P. ; Matbhew E. Young,David 'Hyland, Michael Casbin, George I.Mackesy, XP;; Jobn Meyler, Henry L. Ward,Alexander Nelson,1 D';L. ; Richard Hearne,J.P. ; James EnoXj John J , O'§ullivan. JohnHearne, <P<bler M. i Doyle, Thomas Toole, D.MaciDonald, Joseph T. White, -Henry GraingerEdward Walsh. WilHam O'Grady, John Cur-ran, Thomas Fitzgarald, John ! Higgins, JohnHutphinson, WilliarnG. D. Goff, J.P. ; RichardMahony. John J. Rogers, James Hackett, Ed.Phelan, Andrew Farrell, William H. Farrell ,Patrick Kenny, J.P. ; Thomas Whittle, Richd.Power, J.P. ; Micliael 'Kirwan, John Flynn,Maurice 'Quittlan , Harry D. Fisher, MicliaelWyse, Philip Gnmes; all the Corporabe offi-cials, as 'well as tHe following: Messrs. WmBeddoes, R. Doyle, H. W. Craig, Jonn MackeyG. I. Bnbcoe, R. Macbeth, T. H. '[Brett, J. A*Tucker, J. J. Harty; P. Fitagibbon, E. W KeUy'James Walsh, J. R. fi. Jennings, H. J. L.Oary, John Ryan, Siamuel Morris, J. N. Whitem. A. Dobbyn, A. !S. M'cCoy, E. I. Thornton!E. S. Egan, James iMhilroney, W. D. William-John AEing^am, H. J. Forde, A. E. GravenJiames-Hearne, Jolm Murphy, James Robert-con, W. Chapman,! S. M. J. Murohv. 'CaDtainPaile, D. iDunfordi H. Keane, P. Kenny, W,I/E. Duffin , J. HJ MtoGrath, R. Whalley, PF. Lynham, J. J. IPhelan, U. Bourke, R.M. ;H. E. (Benner, Captain Ootoblan-, George Nolan,P. Walsh, W. -Slaney, John IWaMi, E. AWal&n, P. Hennebeny, J. F. Spencer, DrJackm'an, Dr. |Morris;' John CBearne, JohnHearne, jun.; Walter 'Dower, Jas. O'Connor,Jdhn Malier, Johii-McCartliy, Wzn. McLeodE. Deevy, Dr. Moxri&sey, Canon Lyne, Canon'Flynn, Father OJ 'DonneU, I Father FurlonsFather 'Power, Fattier Walsh, Father Hackett¦Father Wa&h, Brother Thomas, W. Howard'8. J. Murphy, PMip MurpOiy, John A. Tobin,P. F. Power, M, JJPower, JL R. Dowries, T. H.¦DoolaivMichael O'BTJen, E. J. Barry, DavidPdwer, H. Feely. Ji J. Power, Canon McGratn,'Lieut. Mackesy P W. KeUy, W. P. Kelly,Father Galvin,: Father Keo^h, Father Parker$•£•}' S ei R' iB2aQ' ™ - > Fatter O'Neill,(N3.>. Pre3iderit Trades CJub, PL J. PowerRTWrtn««frAa4 • T^oo. vV. "C»>11^l/^. TT r-t7- .n_ TIT '£i7 T . i ' "vwy^ Ja-euy, u. in.ktt.eaiy, Wm.Fitapatnck, J/ Greed- (PJB.j , [Dr. Ford, C. PRedmond, Mr. Underwood, HJMbO. ; Dr. J.O iSulliyan, P. J. Kenny, eolicitor; . Arthur andWillie Rolwrtaon, J. J. JEonuri, Mi^a O'Connor,City In^itute'. j ! 'The health of . flihe respected Chairman ofWaterworks, Aldeiman Henry GiaingeT, wasproposed by the | Mayor ' in felicitous terms,and most cordially: received 'by tb6 assembledcompany. During the afternoon [a Texy en-joyable .concert organised by Mr. M. F. Fitz-geraW, who most efficiently participated in theprogramme, and tihe vocalism was good endappropriate all: roond. Some' of - the membersgave capital exhibitions of Irish dancing, endaltogether the proceedings were mest enjoyableTine, catering, whicih -was in! the hands of MrGraingeT, left riotiiing to be desired, and tlisbrakes supplied by Messrs.!Kelly and Messrs.Hartigan were well appointed and well manned¦

• - • ¦ ¦ :. . ! ' I I ¦



BESSBOROUGHj v. MOUNT CC NGREVEThe following are the full derails of the

imaMi :played at Bsissborougbon M> mday wesi,\7nich. virtually won for the '-Kilkenny Club theLeague1 Championship. Tiiia -waaline c^condivin for Bessborough over, Moan'; ConCTeveTne latter club . ori the ChampMnshzp lastyear. : , ; . j :; : j '0;

: Beas-borough-HFirati innaiss.J. |k>wer c,'Fowler b. iGahen ...iLM giJ. Bone l.b.m bJ (Herbert! j . nt3 6J. Kennington'lJb.w, b. Gahen ... , . BM. Ppiver-h. , L. 'Congreve .'L. &<)D. Loughxy 0. L. Oongreve.b. )G^iien.u RHon. C. ai. PonsoDby b. Ganen.L...,nJ B?-^^

r f*


^b. J. Contrive...,,. (7J: G. Westoa c. L. Congrsve b. 1. Oon-

greve ;....;.... ¦,.,.. ;¦ m gT. Leo c. Russell bvj, Oongrev'e' "JX..Z 0R. Kennington b J. C?ongreve ...1.....,. GRev. T; Winder hot out *....; 1

Q; ¦ . ! j ., Extras .....en* i!5

. I . Total rtl..53Second Innmga.

J. Power St..Hau«hton b. J. Congreve ... aJ. Bone- ic..:tL.;:Coin.gieva b. J. Oohgreve 4J. Kennington stl Haughton b. 4. Con-greve ;...J....... '¦ j . 5o!M. Pa>yer c. J. Congreve V. A*Hxitt'!!."" 22D. Lougbjy c^Herbert b. J. Oon^mve '.'.'. 0Hon r C.; M._ Pon3oiuby c. Fowler : b JXJongreve i ....j ..... ...1 <¦¦ j

x # Z 0 *c-

^^ *>• J- Congreve 0 .., " 0J. G. Weston|run oub ...:..,.„ 0T. Leo b. Jv;Co:igreve ...-.. '¦.'''.'"'".''. 2i^- Aennington not out ..„..:. J J ' . 0¦ Rev;/T; Winder c. L.: Congreve b/j "Con-, , grevev - ....:.... ' ....-J....-....:. ..: . ,...; 0I . . ' j I ; ' ; ' Ertra3 .J..Z. 6

¦ !._ j i . . . ! Total /£- ., .Mount- Con(rr^vfer-{Fir8ti inmnss: Capt Fowler ;b; Boha ; ,;.... 0J. Congreve c.^ne b. (Leo L........... s

t.'Jgojng»ve ;b. pSwer :iZ:iT"T llJ.-Qgbm c. and b. IPower ,.:.....L Z.Z 0J. -B. iRussell b. Bone .,;..] ; 1^' SiS'i&' W** b' IBPne L -'-•"'•• °ia» iieuDart not out : i nA..

1 Dbbbyn c. IWiader' "JS r'',"'"" Q¦ . ', ". \' ¦¦¦ "[ '¦ ¦ l '$F^ Pf "» 3

^nwi^feg* "1 "!,*- Cyfeve ti:rBcme M "W*-y '"i £

A: •Dobbyn'-bJ «one -—'¦rr-^r-r- "' £" ' . I ' : . ; \ i- !- ' ' '" nrfaf "f-- s




(From our Reporter). >

On Sunday a Gaelic Tournament, compris-ing one hurling and two football contests wpsiheUd at Christendom, ; in. ¦ Mlr.; Murphy'sspacious fields Tiie weather was most favour-able and the play ground was surrounded by& large concourse of speidtabors, who evinceditflie keenest interest in the sport from start tofinish. The first j item set <§>\m for decisionwas a football match between j a combinationfrom Carlow and 'the Waterlord Orty Drapers.These teams, locking the piiik of conditiojn,lined up at 2 o'clock, and a minute later tpe'ball was set rolling. The homesters, winningthe toss, ohgse to! play wdtih the wind, which,betng slight at the time, -was of! very littj leadvantage to them. Both sides went to workwith much determination, -and m'atters allthrough "were very exjciting. The: city Gaels,however, proved themselves to be 'superior inpoint of sieienee and tact, arid at whistle in thefirs t 'half the score stood:— j '

¦Waterford .1 4 pointsOariow J 1 point

In the second period of the game, which wascontested in a friendly spirit, play! was prettyswift all over, and Waterford succeeded incapturing one goa'l and one point to threepoints for CarlowJ Final score:—|

Wateriord ...J 1 goal 5 pointsOarlow ........I..<....' ......<;.. 4 points

Amongst those! who played best for theDrapers were Stephen Veale, Michael Curry,"M. Hearne, and J:. 3urris. j

BURLING. |Dublin (Thomas Davos) v. Mooncoin.—This

was the next match played, and : as will beseen from the description of the play, it wasof an exciting and well-contested [character.

On throw in, Mooncoin were first to possess,and they drova the "leather well irito their op-ponents' terrdtoxy. Subsequenltiy; play wasvery lively near half mark, and a|good~?trokefrom the Oounty /Kilkenny side sent t5W ballthrough the point posts, when the white flag•was raised, indicating that a podnt had beenduly captured; A1 doughty dash by the Metro-politans afterwards brought the leather closeto their adversaries' sticks, but a characteristicMooncoin"itouch [again transferred play into*he (Dublin territory, and a few seconds latera second point wap recorded for .Mooncoin. Thesucceeding play was very fast and scientific ,and nice hits were at one time given along theside line. Moonioin again borej down andthreatened the Dublin fortress, but the resultwas a free puck from goal. After this mattershummed in the Dublin territory, when a fineMt from Butler,, j of Mooncoin;, sent the ballhigh, over the posts, and thus a;.- third pointwas registered for| che CountyjKilkenay men.iPlay was dull for some minute^ afterwards,"the ball being driven frequently over the sideline. When things once more assumed theirlively aspect, Moonooin hit swiftly along theside line, and R. CKeeffe drove out the fourthpoint. After this' Dublin played with grim¦determination and hustled the ball, to withina few yards of the Mooncoin sticks, when¦Quinn saved in 'Splendid style,] transferringplay to midifield : Mooncoin,<T)>Tlowing wellup, put out, amidst the unbounded enthusiasmof their friends, a' goal ; subsequently the Co.Kilkenny stalwarts augmented their score bythree points, obtained in quick; succession.A lively battle afterwards ensued in front ofthe Dublin sticks;, but it resulted in nothing,owing to a fine defence; a minute later half-time was called, the score tohen being : —

Mooncoin i.,... 1 goal! 6 pointsDu'blin ;. [ Nil

After start in the second half , play was upand down for about two minutes,[when Moon-coin went ' to work with determination, andhitting up in splendid style, shot out a point.It was then discovered that a D iblin playergot hurt , snd play ceased until a substitutewas provided. Afterwards mattera were verylively all over for about three minutes, whenthe ©avis combination for >thej first timesecured a podnt. [ Subsequently the Dublin eramade another onslaught on the Mboncoin fort-ress, but nothing [came of it; the [defenders ofthe latter again [bore down on Ijhe Du'blinsticks, and playing in a swift-and scientific.manner, shot out a goal. /The' succeedingjplay was very interesting, consisting as it didoi many lively battles in theY vicinity of theDublin posts. After this play\wjas of a givetod take character for some minutes, whenJack Keeffe,' of the Co. Kilkenny, came intopossession and hit out a straight point. Notmany minutes eldpsed before Mooncoin againtreated the spectators to another : magnificentexhibition, in which Fielding , showed himselfto advantage. At lone time Robert Kepffe took<the ball on the caman at midifield land sent outa point ; this was generally pronounced to bethe best puck given up to that;stage oi thegame. Mooncoin subsequently had things jasitaey ±i&ea, ana -weni on scoring points in xapiasuccession. At the close of the game, in whichithe 'Mooncoin caman wdelders showed theiriorm of long ago,! matter stood:— ' 1

Mooncoin :.. 2 goals : 12 pointa :Dublin L. -..A....,...-.-..: '2c3>oi!njtG j

Mr. E. Phelan, [ an old hurler : himself, and4he present proprietor of the Waterford GaelicflBax,# refereed the | match in a capital and iajn-partdal manner. I i

The teams were:— ; iDublin—P. Kelly (goal), J. Oallahan, (D.

Oallahan, Jones,! Harty, Consodinei Power,Power, Minogue, Mulcany, 0'<3orman; Lynch,Hogan, Larkin, Wial3h, Murphy, Sweeney—17.

Mooncoin—J. Quinn (captain), R. O'Keeffe,M. O*Keeffe, P. Phelan, J. Bhelan, J. Butler,T. Bntler, R. Walsh, R. Walsh, R. Morahain,E. (Doyle, T. Doyle, R. Delahunty, J. Dela-Ihunty, P. Gogian,| J. Mlaner, T. Quinnr-17.


The Dublin' Oeraldinesj ex-champioj is of allIreland, and holders of the Croke[ Cup: in foo.t-•ball, came wath an unbeaten record to i try con-clusions with the1 Demoonats of Carrick, whoare themselves a fine [and sturdy combination.The contest, wMcb,'; vf&B natuDaliy looked for-ward U> with the keenest interest, proved mostdisappointing, as; will be seen later on. Theahibliners travelled mmua some six or sevenmen, and were consequently obliged j to makea pici on the field. They could not l find theusual number, 17, eo it was decided to playthe match with fourteen each efide. : : [i

Owing 'to;"the . lateness of tihe : hour—eevienminutes'past five—when the teams lined jap,¦fifteen miniitee aside j was agreed upon. The(Democrata won the tose and elected to play<with the wind; -whSdbi-was flight at the time.On throrw in,: Oarrictseized and (sent the ball-to -WiUhni. « ientij a M s ot the !0 1m;<jt3«!k8,:- - Trtoere a foui was! perpetrated, ana p&mofc was

*'-^ow^tf ire©4*k ^• potntpMrtfl. After this matters were very fWiffc'¦~'vtti aad'' . down fojr Ab^ut! three miautefl; yrhm

tioe Tipperary fttalwarfa moWhed a point, and- -Bwartly afterwarda ia' goal waBJ iegisteredij to

Omx credit. After thus play; was very elow,dhiefly lodging Jtlong the sidej line for aboutiflve minutes, wh«ft Oaitrick went hotly, to workand through tb^ activity of! Wall, put out apoint. Sooi aftj rwawwtwo !add tionial point*y tene tafcan,::ond dtl «hem 1)eiJa| put outijtyl)dck Dalton. Subeequently] matters became

\:: "' BJey- ';t««t :;and.:: ftitfou^; -wjiiffi'|the r&sult; that

^^;' ;;: ;;;, - -v ;:;. ,

¦. ;;;.

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several players' bit the ground; ;At half-timethe score stood:— ¦ ; - : ; • . i

CSarrick ;.....,j 'J.-... 1 goal * points' Dublin ....L.,...,U..... ...;.. .... Nil

•On change of gideslboth teams weot -deter-imedly to work, arid play : waa very hot up -anddown for about five piinutes, wi en Dublin,playing in fine style, put out three points inquick succession; after this Oaizick was al-lowed a free! kick for a foul, which brought norelief, and in the succeeding play great .de-termination j and activity were shown on bothaides. ! ; " ¦ • ! ¦ !

A most regrettable and disgraceful incident,for which, as was clearly seen,! a Gleiiinoreman, who played for Dublin, was .responsible,subsequently occurred. This man kicked aCarrick player when rising from the ground ,and a free fight among the compe'ting teamswas the result. The friends oi iboth |sidescrowded in j and sticks were raised, bUjt themelee was speedily brought to a close withoutanyone, fortunately, being injured. Thematch, which was of a friendly character upto this, was 'discontinued.

It will be;8een from the description of theplay in the;second half that Dublin sboredthree points ito nil for Carrick, who came out.the victors by one goal and one point.Mr. Wm. jWalsh, Gracedieu Hurling team,

refereed the match in a manner that gave all-round satisfaction.The teams [ were : —Dublin—Rea (captain), Lane (goal), MurrayAhem, McG^ath, Callanan , Rothwell , HeskinSynnott, Leyey, Ledwidge, Hetherington , Gallaha/n, O'Brien—14Carrick—<T!. Lyons, Griffin , Shea, CrowlejDalton , Boirte, D. Power, P. Dxonan Wir.Toole, Wall ,} McGrath, Neill , Cook—1-


S A T U E D i

(From our ReporterThe weekly meeting of thia boarc was held

on above day. Mr. Jidward Walsh , and sub-sequently MT. Matthew Drohan, J.P . , chair-nuan, presided. The other members presen twere—Slisa iRebeoca Grubb , Messrs Dame:McGrath and Jame^

Dunphy .The following officials were in attendance

as usual—Messrs. Jamas JVLullins, Clerii , JKeilty, A'S3i4fcant Cl-erk; Jiamea Walsne, Masterand Relieving Offi cers Maurice HicKej , Phin^Dalton and Martin Powei.

THE MiAST(E(RiS REPOIThe Master reported as foiiow ,-Miss White, fever hospital n arst- req uest-

three weeks' vacation. Mrs . Hayes, assistan;nurse, will do duty during her a&seno —Granted .

The sancbioii o! tnt Local <j fovernmemBoard is requested for th* temporari employ-ment of Timothy Connolly, as caretaker of tntmale idiots, during the suspension of attendantCasey, reported on the 4th July lai>

I employed Bridget Fenne&sy a COOL II . tn<-place of Catherine Curran, at Is. 3c per aa\ ,and Mary Torpey, as scrubber, u p.ace u.'Catherine Keiane, at Is. 3d. per aa; I aisx:>employed Mary Anne Carey as temporaryscrubber in the fever hospital at tot same re-muneration. I bought seven pigs lo: £5 ot-There were .41 casuals during the wetThe report was marked "approved cSTOGBSTEtD IMflPROVfiilENliThe Local /Governmeoit Board wrot* rexjuesi-ing to be informed what order tne gaardiaiicmade on the report of the visiting committie*,respecting the necessity fox boarding vhe floorof the infirm men 's day room, providing asuppl y oi mattresses for the infirm inmates anachildren, and the erection of windows n tneaccident and consumptive warda of tn-e worn -house hospital.

Olerk—ii suppose you may tell tnem you madeno order. .They ask you what order you madeYou made no orderOrdered to be informed according

DISPENSiAiRY OARETAiKiER'S REQUES:The following letter was read : -Templeorum Dispen&ai,

August 6bh, ISOo.Dear Sir—(Will you kindly ask the guardiansto again consider my claim for salary as care-taker of the above dispensary for two naonUi 9of quarter ending 30th June, 190c Surelynone of them will be so unj ust to reiuse pav-ment and obligeYours respectful;

QI. COFFEIPJS.—<Dr. Quirke oan testif y thai, thougnnot appointed, I have done duty here duringthe whole quarter.—iM.CMarked "read."

LEAVE OF ABSENCMr. Maurice Hickey, R.O., applied re andwas .granted a fortnight's leave of ab^enctMr. J. Keilty, Assistant Clerk, to do duty lorhim at a remuneration of 25s. a week.Dr. Quirke, M.O., Piltown Dispensary Dis-trict, was also granted a month's leave ofabsence, his duties to be performed by DrMurphy, at :a remuneration of SA 4s. a weekRUlBlBER SHEETINGTie following was read:—

31 South Anne-etreet. iDuWiii.August 4th, 1S03.Dear Sir—In reply to your favour of the 3rdinst., we beg to enclose exact copy of the; orderin question. You will dearly see that thismatter does, not come under any contract aspreviously explained. We shall be glad if youwill place the matter before the guardians, aswe wish it satisfactorily settled. We beg topoint out that the sheeting contracted for isthe ordinary sheeting, and thi3 material can-not be iboiled, but the sheeting- we supplied¦was to your own sample, and special direc-tion. Tbjerefore. we cannot possibly see howit oan come; under any contract. We ehall beglad of your early reply. Than)nng you inanticipation.

IWte are, yours faithfully,THE MEDIOAI* SUIFELT ASSOCIATION.flttie following ia tiha copy referred to in theabove letter:—

; Osrrick-on-Suir Unj on ,! 9th U3arch, 1903.Gentlemen—The guardians of this union atlast meeting had before them the enclosedsample ol (rubber sheeting of which 12 yards isrequired- The name of the makers i& enclosedalso, and the price Qa>. 6d. per yard. It is 36inched <wid&j and the! board ordered that thacontracbor ia.'to supply ruibber according [to thesample i&heri submatted, and a berewithl: | Yours oibediently, |I : J. (MTJILIilNB, .! Clerk ot Union.Tha followingreply, drawn up; by the,ideate,was ordered' to be sent:—"The sample Jflheet-ing trefarred to in copy enclosed and Bent you, !was not that supplied., and aa it could >ba hadin the opeti market «§t Ss- 6d. per yard, theguardians felt that a.'similar sheeting shouldbe bad >pe> contract. The then contract (March !

1902Vwa3 not *ully defined, and, subsequently \In Iray, tmder a now and more defined I con-tract and Increased .-price,, ianotihejr Blieeting.was had, quoted t 33. 6d. per yard also. 1 Thecwn^raot price ia( Ss. 9d- per y«^ leseijlET peroeat., .wnkfe hai'fceen paid. aj ra i iwihi icD tre--duoed^ J^c«lo< 46 yards (notilS) M£Q

7s.10d./a9 against £2 1&i W- tovoloe. | Tfte lroar-diana need not have troubled 4he contractor if.thiey • (had any desire to depart if rom the con-tract, and j knowing the price they felt I theyshould (have, under contract, an article jo? atleast the quality supplied. The <board thinkeuch matter migiht, i th advantage, be morefuilv defined in tender form and the attentionof tne (Local Government Board is drawn to thoeubject. \ ¦¦¦ , ii ¦ : : : :; i: I -:|: i

This concluded the| (business of the board .(

: ¦ i | ! ¦ :

: : : - | . . ;

. ' ¦ ¦ !- . - J i - ; : i : i : ; ;I I

: -: ' • ¦ ! i ' j: WATGU3EORD iDflQTRICT >BtUNATIC: '" ' : -abvLUM. ' : ¦' ' " ; :HJ—<>- — :MIEETIN OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE

; .. •¦ . OF MAdfAOEMiEiNT.


The monthly meeting of the members of theCommittee of Management of the albove in-stitution : was he'ld on Monddy, the Most^tev. DT.; Sheehan, |Lord Biahoip of WaJterford,;presiding. Theie 'were also ptesenit—Very¦Rev. Canon Flynn; P.P. ; Messrs; J. Curran,City High Sheriff ; James V. O'vBrien , J.P.,Aglbh, Cappoquin i Charles J. Curran, J.P.,©allinamuck, Dungarvan; William Kearney,Gracedieu; Michael Wyae, T.C.; MathiasWalsh, J.P. ; Aid. W. ;G. (D. Goff, J.P.

Dr. Fitzgerald, Assistant Medical Superin-tendent ; Mr. W. R. Friel, C.E., ;and Mr. G.Briscoe, Clerk, were alao in attendance.

STATE OF THE HOUSE.In the Asylum last .Board day,; 280 males,

254 females ; total,: 53i; admitted since, 3males and 2 females ; total, &39. ; (Escaped, 1;died, 2 males and I femaj le; remaining ia the'house this day, 535 patients.


, The subjoined report was presented : —" My Lord and Gentlemen,—Since your last

meeting the health of tlhe patients has beensatisfactory. A male patient escaped off thefarm an the morning of the 31st July, andalthough every effort has been jmade to re-capture him , he hfts not been traced ao far.The annual excursion of tlhe female patientstook place to Tramore. Contracts have beenduly carried out.—I am, my lord and gentle-mei. - our obedient servant,


Tine following was read from the agricul-t u rist : —

"Oentlemeu ,—Since las't monthly meetingthe usual fanning operations have been car-ried out. The hay has been out and saved .The oat crop" will be fit for cutting in aboutten days . It 19 very much lodged oy the re-cent heavy rains and winds. Should theweather improve now, ,tfhe grain will not be•seriously damaged . The potatoes have beenaprayed twice , but the blight is spreading verymuch The mangel and turn ip crops oredoing well and promise a good yield Thereii an abundant suppl y of vegetables I soldsixteen pigs and bought twenty-one


During t'he reading of the minutes by theiBi^hop .

M: M ichae. Wyse irose and asked MrBriscoe if any tenders had been received fartne gas-lighting of the new building.

Clerk—No; bhe tender, as a whole , was forthe plumbing work, 'but there was an itemabout lighting in the bill of quantities

Mr Wyse—I may be out of order in raisingtne question now. I know there was no suchthing as a gas-light con'tract asked for , butweren 't gas appl iances wanted? Well , I heardIran: more than one person outside that twotenders for this particular class of work werereceived , and that the one which was £50under the other was rejected

His Lordship—1 can assure you that nosu-dh thing occurred here.

5ir Wyse said that as a member of theCommittee he had a right to put the question ,sf as to satisfy the outside public

His Lordship said that his recollection ofthe tender to which MT. Wyse was probablyreferring was one for less than £100 for aninfinitesmij a.' portion * of the plumbing work,which included bhe plumbing, drainage andheating, and the Committee did not thinkthey should exclude suoh a small i tem from& tender, which was accepted at £2,04.0 19sAs a matter of fact, the Committee had notasked for a tender for lighting at all

Mr Wyse—Are the gas fittings included inthe plumbing conltract?

His Lordship having gonB to 3onxe troubleto show that it was.

iMr Wyse said he was perfectly satisfied ,¦but he thought, as he had heard so manystories going around outside, he would clearthe air by asking for an explanation.

¦His Lordship said that the person whotendered foT less 'than one-twentieth part ofthe whole contract wrote across lour pages oft.he specification—" Not tendered for 1"

The matter then dropped.The Board them proceeded to tihe election of

a clerk of works over the new buildings ,whichare to cost over £20,000.

The tj andidates were as follows —Patrick Hearne, ButLerstown, Waterford.

Testimonials from Messrs. Ambrose Congreve,C.E. ; John Mackey, Clerk, of Waterford Union,¦and an engineering inspector connected wi'tiithe Local Government Board.

Mr. Thomas Stafford, Percy Terrace, Water-ford, who sent in quite a number of excellenttestimonials, including—The Architect, (Dis-trict Asylum, Mullangar ; the Oounty Surveyor,Westmeath; Arthur Joyce, Mullingair Asylum ;Olentwortih Works, Limerick,, for which heacted as clerk of works at St. Joseph's Church;Rev. Brother Thomas, Superior De la SalleCollege, during the erection of which applicantacted aa olerk of worko; from the Fathers ofthe Dominican Church, etc.

iMr . William Keating, Castle-street, Water-ford, was highly recommended by Messrs.(Fleming, Borough Surveyor; George Nolan,John Hearne and Son, P. W. Kiely ad Son,brewers, and others.

Mir. WinfieT Foley, Knightstawn, Valentia,sent in two very creditaWe testimonials as tocharacter and ability.

IMr. FranciB Johnson, OhaTlemont iMall,Dublin, included : amongst his testimonialsone from Sir Thoma3 (Deane and Son, archi-tects, Du'blin.

IMT. Wm. Kirlflham, Railway Square, Water-ford, enclosed in his ¦application testimonialsfrom Messrs. Graves and Co., Harvey and Co.,Gladstone-atree't; R. J. Friel, H. Ridgway,Hienry Bell, and SL Anderaom, City Gas Works.

A poll w&3 taken •without discussion, withthe following re3ult:—

For Hearne—'Meesra. O'Brien, 0- J. Curran,Kearney, Walsh, &nd Canon FJynn—5.

For: Keatrin|HMe33ra. Wyse,, the HijrhSheriff, Hylamd and Gofi- 4. - , i

The Bishop then voted for 1 Keating, thusLeaving the figures equal; co that the appoint-ment fell through !and must be i advertised foragain. s

THE AD^iESRTlSEMENTS.The Olerk havini/titiawn attention to the fact

tlhat the, contraota ttor the asylum advertise-ments would shortly expire, the Committed,eit the suggestion oi hi£; Lordship, proceededto consider tylhat course they would pursue.

DSds Lordship explained that Hast year "TheNews," the "Stary* and the ? Standard" had'been written1 to eskong , them1 ii they wouldaccept,'£7 eacli 4or 't£e ordinary adverti&e-maenxa,' and -ihls they agreed j to do. There¦was «ome difference of opinion, however, asto whicn of the papers should be got to puib-HsDx the armtial G5»<tnaot of; pibcounta, andinltimaMy it Waa decided to adviwtiae lor aoomtiiaKrt. Tendana-were reoeived from th<jffihrea .T>ftt>am miflanl«i'. "TBIA N«ma" -h*v<A UMnerifche lowest, itsTte^der was accepted. » '¦ " ::

iMr. 0. J. Chirrfin said-gie !p« sent aTranffe*ment ought to be olloma to sand, and nemoved that it be jadhered to. I o

Mr. J. V. O'Brien eeconded th^ motion.Mr. M. Walsh; moved, as an amendment,

that they advertsse for a contract for ,the in-fisrtion of the abfftiracte in one piper. MMr. Wyse eeconded tne amendment.;On a shoW; <6f bands being taken, four voted

; ¦ ' :; ' ' :

i ' • ¦ ' I : : ¦ ' -

•for Mr. Walsh's proposal and three against.: The ipropriettors, therefore,: will be; asked if

they are mlling to continue last year'a arrange-ment, as far aa the ordinary advertisementsare concerned, an.d: >a contract for publicationof tho'abstract is to be advertised for^¦ ARTIZANS VERSUS EBEEiVANTS.

•Mr. Wyse called ¦ attention to an item men-tioned in the annual report, to the effect that£6 were credited aa fines levied off tihe SOT-vanta of the asylum. He thought the wagesof these ¦ people were trivial enough withoutdocking them from time to time for everytrivial offence. *HA' reprimand would do as well.

The Clerk explained that a good deal ofthese fine3 represented stoppages upon trades-men " working in the a&ylum, and who camelate to their work.

(MT. Wyse—If that is the case why put theworkmen down as mere "servants?

Olerk—lAll the employes ;are the servants ofthe Board of Management. '<

Mr. Wyse—'Well," I would not call a work-mam a servant {laughter). '¦

¦Clerk—tl will describe it 'another way in thenext return in ,a way (that will please you(heaT, hear and 1 laughter). 1

The matter tihen dropped.THE ESCAPE AN© DT3 SEQUEL.

Dr. Fitzgerald, supplementing his report aslo the escape of a patient, said that the manwas sent to the lower part of fehe farm to work,when he climbed ove r tihe wall. He was seencrossing the railway line at Ki'lbarry, hutnothing had been seen or heard of him since.The man was ,a tramp labourer, who had beencaught some time ago in the neighbourhood of.Kilbarry . He (the doctor) had wired to somepolice stations and written to others, but therewere no tidings of the runaway.

Mx. C. J. Curran—The best way to trace him ,if he is a tnamp, is through the workhouse.

His Lordship—I think if anybody does seehim the best way would be to let nim alone,and perhaps he would find his way hack toGal way (hear, hear and laughter).

Mx. Hyland—And W€ wislh him safe home(laughter).

In conjnee'tion with this matter, an atten-dant an4 a farm hand , who were sent out totry and , trace the man who escaped, werecharged with returning to the asylum underthe influence of drink and late for duty.

After iavestigaition, the men were separatelycalled l?efore the Board, and one 'wascautioned, while the other was severely re-primanded and warned, his Tecoaxl beimgdifferent from the other man 's. Both admittedt hat they had some drink taken, but pleadedthat they had walked twenty miles that day ,and had nothing to eat from tihe time theyleft the .asylum until they returned.

VISITING. GOVERNOR.On the motion of Mr. M. J. Wyse, Mr. W.

J. Kearney was appointed as visiting gover-nor for next monthTHE PROPOSED DOCTOR'S RESIDENCE.

Two tenders were received for the erectionof a residence for t .e Resident M'edical Supeiintendent, a work which has become necessaryowing to the overcrowded stale of the building.

The first tender amounted to £1,956 18s. 4d.for tJhe residence , and £370 4s. 2d. for altera-tions to the land steward's house, total £2,32723. 6d. The second tender was for the resi-dence, £2,193 17e . lid. ; alterations as above ,£370 4s. 2d., total, £2,564 2s Id.

The names of bhose who tendered were notdisclosed by hLs Lordship.

MT. WyBe protested again &t thus outlay.The first plan that Mr. Friel gave them was fora house tnat would cost £2,000. They reducedthat to £1,500 by resolution , and Mr. Goffbacked him (Mr Wyse) up at the time. Nowit appeared tnat it was to coat something like£2,400 according to 'uhe tenders to build ahouse for the doctor Why that sum wouldbuild a mansion fit for the residence of KingEdward VII. In fact , £1,000 ought to beenough for the purpose It was a shame theway the money of the ratepayers was beingrun away ^7ithj and tlhe people of Waterfordwere condemning the whole Committee ofManagement for their extravagance. Heobj ected most strong l y to either of the tendersbeing received.

Mr. C. J. Ourran said that he specially camethere on this very subject. The expenditureof the asylum was being talked of all over thecountry . When coming from Mass the day be-fore, a large ratepayer asked him would henot be present at this meetiaig and try and dosomething to check the enormous expenditurethat was proposed . As to the doctor's newhouse, he was under the impression that itwas not to cost more than £1,500, but when itwas aeon in the papeT that over £300 were to beadded , people opened their eyes with astonish-ment, that we were so liberal as to build ahouse for one man at suoh a big outlay . Inthe Dungaryan Union they built a residencefor one of their dispensary doctors at a costof £1,000, and now both its occupant and theratepayers were agreed that the house was tooelaborate altogether for its requiremente. Evenwhen the negotiations were going on the LocalGovernment Board wanted to tack on another£300, and it took the guardians nearly twelvemonths to persuade them not to do eo.

Further discussion ensued, but we maystate it was found that owing to the fact thatthere was at present on the books an unrescind-ed resolution 'limiting the expenditure to£1,600, it was decided not to deal with thetenders, and to inform the Board of Controlof the reason for that decision .

The Committee shortly aftewards adjourned.


We note from a nortlhern contemporary thatMr. Frederick Scroope ha3 been appointedmanager of the (National Bank in Belfast,one of the moat important branches of thiabig financial Irish underfCiEinjr. Mr. Scroopehas succeeded Mr. R. F. Kennedy, wiho baaput in 33 yearo' oervice for the bank, and whois retiring. His successor is 'brother to SergeantScroope, K.I.C,of this city, and whose braveryh£3 .bean more than once referred to in thecolumns of " The News."


Tho Board of Trade retum3 for July,- com-pared with the corresponding period last yearohov7 an increase oi £1,668,360 in imports, anda decre&se of £163,025 in exporto.



- .' . _p" .I- -!¦¦'¦' ¦' ¦¦' V- . ¦¦" ;" : jj ondon, Saturday^'-'• ¦¦¦Mx. $Parkfeam asked ;'jj th:e:AttorneyjQeneralttfethSer hia attention bad been drawn to thegage o^ Brodshaw y. JKelly, and to <a; atementoi Jiiatioe Darling that tho;proceedings olf Mr.E. | T. Hooley in the case were fraudlentj andthat from the interception oJ the proceeds therehad bean nothing but fraud ; and whether heIntended to adyipe the ['Public Prosecutor tocommence criminal proceedings against those^ewonij who j havfe committedTvthese frauds.The Attorney-Gen&ral says that he has askedthe! Public Prosecutor to in/quire into the case.


QUEEN'S O0UNOT_vum.TBBFORD AND. ' |i . ] ' - ¦ ¦ TBAiMiuEiB. ' j .

Eoi tho second tiSel daring the ! last iewyears) tW members of the 'Queen'e Countydub paid a friendly viait to this city, andencountered the Waterford Gun Clubs in aoonl st for club premiership. The Queen'sCounty Club is tho leading club in Ireland,and I won the 'Irish shield a couple! of yearsago, and I has. successfully resisted five ohal-lenges from different clttba since. The leadingmenil>eTa of tlhe club, including Messrs Cobbe,Boydeill and othera, visited London 'quite re-cently, aid in the shoot open to the ..UnitedKingdom j they carried ; off some of ihe prin-cipal jprize s.. Saturday's! match was shot-off "onthe grounds of the Waierford Club,! at Pole-'berryv I ¦;"]

¦ j i i

It fwas decided that the inter-club contestshould be a triangular battle between1 Queen'sCounSiy, Waterford and Tramore. After a mostexciting struggle the visitoT3 just won by twopoints; Full score:— : !

•I j Wiaterford—First Round. '(T . McElroy 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 — 6W: A. Dobbyn 0 l/l 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 — 5M. Bower3 (capt.)... O l i O O O O O l l i — AE. W. Olampett ... 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 — 6

Waterford—Second Round. :J. Mc'Elroy 0 111 1 1 11 0 1 — 8W. A. Dobbyn 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 11 — 6M. Bowers (Capt.) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 J L O 0 — 6E. W. Olampett ... 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 11 — 6

: 21Grand Total—47.

* Queen's County—First Round.W. H. Cabbe 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 9W. R. Duncan 1 0 1 0 0 1 C L O O O — 4P. J. ODonnell ... 1 1 1 0 0 I I 1 I 1 — 6O. V. Jessop 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 I 11 — 8

29Queen's County- Second Round.

W. H. Cobbe 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 — 5W. R. Duncan 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 —. 5P. J, O'Donnell ... . 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 —' 3G. V. Je3sop 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 — 7

20Grand Total—49.

Tremor©—First Round. ¦E. A. Wabh 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 — 6W. Power 10 1 1 0 0 11 0 0 — 5G. Power 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 — 3A. Power 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 — 6

19Tramore—Second Round.

E. A. Wabhe 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 — 8W. Power 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 J L . 0 0 — 6J. Power 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 — 3A . Power 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0i0 1 — 4o

21Grand Total—40.

(FIRST SWiEEiPSTAKE AT FIVE iBIRDS.W H. Cobbo ...'.. Z 0 0 1|l l — 3W. Power 10 0 0 1 — 2G. M. Jecsop 0 0 1 0 0 — 1W. R. Duncan I 0 1 !o 1 — 3E. A. Walsh l O l J l l — 4J Power 0 0 1 1 0 — 2P. O'Donnell l l l .'Oll — 4J McElroy l O l i l l — 4

Divided between OTOonnell, Queen's Oounty;Walsh, Tramore; MoElroy, Waterford.

The referea3 .were Messrs. J. • Brownrigg(Queen's1 County), and C. P. Redmond (Water-ford). . 'Mr Jame3 Sage (Waterford) WC3 trapperand referee.


On Monday in the field at the back of theTrfimore Station House, several contests weredecided in the pre&ence of ia very large gather-ing, which included several ladies. ; The con-testants included leaxling members of theQuetm's County,,. .Waterford , Tramore, 'andWaterford-CommN _)al Gun Clubs, j The lastsweepstake was shot in semi-darkness, notrwithstanding v/hich fact some excellent scor-ing was recored. Details:—

! H'p. Tl.P. O'lDonnell 0 1 0 1!1 ecr. 3E. Wal3h "1111:0 ccr. 4Wi 11. Duncan 0 10 11 scr. 3W. Power 0 0 1 a 1 ecr. 3J. iMoir , > 0 1 1 1 0 scr. 38. Murphy 0 1 0 l! 0 1 3J.iPower 0 1 1 1 0 scr. 3J. McElroy 0111 1 0 scr. 3J. Snge 0 1 1 0 0 1 3K; Sage: 10 011 1 4O. P. Redmond 1 0 1 li ¦. S 5R: N. Talbot 0 0 0 0"b • Q 2P.;Oorc6ran 0 10 11 2 5F. Benson 0 1 1 T 1 1 : 6F.i Power ...T. 1000: 0 1 2W. Cobbe 0 1 I 01 scr. 3

fcjtakea divided betTreen Redmond j .CoTcoranarjdr Berlson. iMbtah—JB. A. Wabh'o Team v. P. OTDonnell's.^^ lit. "Walsh's Team. !C(>bl}e , l l O j O l — 3MIoElrO" 11010 — 3Mbir 1 1 010 1 — 3W. Power ; O O l j O O . — 2J.I Saga J 1 0 H 00 — 2SJ Murpihy „ 1 0 0J0 0 — 1Oircoran l lU i l l — 6E; A. tfatoh* u 1 1 liil 0 — 4

i lit. OiDonnell's Team, iDuncaai ...: ^..^... 0 0 a! 1 1 — 3Benson J O O a i O O — 1JJ Power 1 1 a| 0 0 — 3O. P. Redmond ..,. 0 0 C10 — 1B. Sasd .....~ 0 0 I1 0 1 — 2Slaney ....- ....„ 0 0^ 10 — 2Fj. Povrer 0 0 a! 0 0 — 1OlDonnell , 0 1111 — 4

¦ I ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ '

I wi Wial'S-Va team by cix points. : -Matxsh- - Powers Team v. O. 'P. Redmond's.

! Mr. F. Power'o Team, iOobba J... a 0 1 0 0 — 2F. Power ..„., ~ a 0 010 — 2Ji. Motor ..- *¦ 10 0 0 0 — 1J. MciElroy w * ,0 1 1,0 1 — 3OoTcorain ..*.*.. ,.; ....# 1 0 0 0 0 — 1J. Pow6r ...* ,.,.. 1110 1 — 4R. Sage , :, 0 0 00 0 — 0l£. BoTJ-cro -.,.: 1 0 0 0 1 — 216: JSx. C. P. Redmond'o Team.

Redmond *.- -... 11111 — 5Waldh ' ........<..«..«.,..<„, I' - l O a o — 2iDuncin .....v..... . „;....... 11110 — 4W. Potwer „ 10 10 0 — 2J. Sage ............ ....~ 1 i — 1Beneon ....„..;..* 0 — 0fi. Murphy ........ „.*... <.*... 1 \ ¦ ' —• ¦ 1plXxnaeli ...,.......*;1(..rt..w*,.. 0 l .i — .. i|I : \ \ • " ¦¦ : i .• ; • .: '

• :¦ •. • - ,': ' ; - l . - / ¦¦ ¦'

:jiRedtoond'a team won with 16 ehota to spare.! • ' : - , : . ¦¦¦ ;. H'p. Tl.JOobbo ../.. .,... 1110 010101 eor. 6jWalsh :.m.^M<t O l l l l O O i l O ecr. 6jO'Donnell ..*.«.. 0 1 0011 0 111 «or. 8[MoBlroy .w..*.. 11 0 1 0 01 Ij l 1 aor. 7Bowery ,..*.. 010 0110011' «cr. 5W. Poorer ..-.*., 10 0 0 1 00Oil 0 «er. 8Corcoran , 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 10 ecx. SMoir ! ,..........„.:. 6 0 0 0 0 a 1 Qr 0 X t 4

O Power 1 0 0 0 i 11 ;0> 0 I 1 6Duncan 0 U 0 J 0,1 01 1 1 78. Muipihy Ol f l i 010 000 0 I SEeflmond 0 0 (1'011 0 111 1 2 7iF, Power ..,....;. 0:0€ > 1001 tt |0 0 J2 5iBensqn .;; „.. 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4

Divided- between' .McElroy, (Diincan. andRedmond. ¦ ¦ i


I :

(Before Flick Bourke; |-Esq., R.M.; CaptainCarew, an dH; Si Benner, Esq.) •

A SAD. FAMILY: AFFAIR.Richard Power was charged by 'Districtr-In*

spec'tor Cacy with seriou&ly assau'lting hia wifeon the 21st July. The C£iae was a particularlysad one. On the morning in question the-defendant struck one of his children, ani ihemotbeT remonstratedi iElventually ¦ she j ;hrewhot water : at her bus-Wind, who 'got into apassion and ao: seriously assaulted i his: wife¦bhat ^he had to be attend(jd by Dr. Stephenson.

, Thomas (Solan,Orob|ally, said Power followedhis wile into his (Powers) house and draggedhex across the floor by the 'hair. He heaid the•woman said she would f epliit his head jopen.

In reply . to Mr. Bezmer, Sergeant . Hegarfcysaid : the husband and wife got on -well for thelast year. ! v : I

The defendant said . he was working! with{Danny Kelly. He was Sorry for what fib did,but the wife aggravated'him.

MT. Bourke said i they would punish, the-wife and children if ' they sent the accused togaol. Accordingly the"/ would adjourp thecase for two months in order to se« how¦Power conducted himsell. If -he offended againhe wou'ld go -to gaol :for six months.

iA BAD BOY.iMdohael Kirwan,. ia lad of 14 , years, was

charged wi'fih stealing (a scissors and [ somemoney from Mary OTDoimell, Doneraile [Walk.Thi3 wa3 his second offence within iwelvemonths. At the earheati request of his lather,tihe magi8:tiaj/e3 decided! not to Bend him to areformatory this time. j He was sentenped toa mouth's imprisonment. ;

A STREET EPISODE. |Sergeant CoHins sumnioned; three lads named

Hayes (2) and I/merian ]f or imbibing too muchand assaulting one |3tephen Power. The evi-dence wa3 that Power was 'attacked by^ eightor nine men, including' the accused, and thathe was saved by the pc-idce.

¦Mr. Benner said it .was acowardly th ug foreight-or nine men .to|atfcack one. .

Sergaant Collins said'there "was an oldspleen between the parties over pitch and tos3(laughter). i *

One of the Hayes w£3 fined 103., a second5s., and Lonergan 5s. and costs. •

John Cunningham, summoned by CotLS.tc.ble(Fadden for attempting to assault StephenPower, on the same day, was fined 23. Gd. andcosto. ¦ f I

WAGES pLAlM. jMary Ryan summoned Edward Donnelly for

9s. 10d., wages alleged Ito be due. The] plain-tiff was engaged at £JL per month for theseason. j

The defence was that'she left without givingnotice. ¦ ¦

|Diamiased on the merits.

AG&OTJT MOLOl^EY'8 CROSS.Districtrlnspector Ijoi'inds summoned a man

named Fitzgerald for being drunk on thelicensed premises of MxiMoloney, at Moloney'oOro3s. There -were a ntimber of cases arbin^out of this charge, including a charge igainstthe publican. ¦• j I ;

LMT. J. A. McCoy! applied for an adjourn-ment, pointing out ihhat; before this base aro3eoegotaatioBS for the transfer of the licensewere in progress. : • ; ¦ I

The application .was acceded to, ana afterhearing some trivial caae3,' the court rise.


—o-! : i .

The interment took place on Friday, in theNew Cemetery, of the remains of the above-named respected citiasn, who paased awayaiter a rather prolonged illness at an j a i l i tooearly age. The deceased wa3 for ! several yearsemployed in the engirieeimg department of.(Denny's bacon factory,1 in tiEifl city, and'hiaunassuming dispositiosl and generous [natureendeared him greatly to all who -were asso-ciated with him in either social life] or inbusiness. In addition to' his engineering[dutiesthe late Mr. Irwin carrixl on, for several yearaa flourisQiing bakery;, and |coinfec ionarybusiness at his residence in Axundel Square.The dearth took' place the ! p eviousWednesday, the .late Mr.- Irwin j being sur-rounded by the loving membera ot ibis family,to whom we tender .oui deep sympathy. Thefuneral was large, respootabie and representa-tive, and amongst the: wreatha: sent in b3sympathising friends W'2a?e tie following;:—

With de<n>est avnmaiihy--j fFrom I MT. T. an<Jennie Mason,, Neylancl." ! ; |

With loving sympathy—From Mrs. Power.With deepest sympathy—From Mrs. Thomas

and family. ! , j . : |With loving sympathy and j condolence—

QTrom Mr. J. and Mra. Taylor. I ',iWith heaittfelt 8vmi>a1iny—'From Mr. -and

MXQ. Meagjher, Briage-ij treet. ! ;With deispest sympathy—From, Mr. and Mrs

Hardy and family, Leeds.With deepest syinpj ithy—<Proin Tes y and

iM'ary. . . \ . ' : j :

* With d&jpest aympatny—F*om;Lizzij Kirk-man. • ! I ' • ¦ ' :

Witlh deopest dyrapatlay—From Mr. aid Mra .Ourry and family.-; | ! i

¦From -hia heart^brolj en wife I and -family—Wdth deepest eyinpathy—<Prdm; Mrs. May

and family. j i ' ; :Deepest sympathy—irirom Captain ai d UT3.

Mason and Jamily, New Mflfoird. 1, ' ', .Erom Harry and liaroella: Jacknia—Wit!

deepest eympathy. j I •' . ' ; |• Wiiih deiipest synofpatlhy—-From Mr. c id ilr3Zinkant and family. !¦ ' : '

W*t)h deepeat aympaibhy—'Erom Mrs Atkineon. ' • - ; : ; j : ;

W4tlh d&apest aympathy—From Mr. ivd MrsOurrey. : . \ '. ' •* ' : ¦ i j

¦ ¦ !Deepest sympathy--Mra. Fitzgerald, tho

Sauare. : - ' " : • ¦; ' i I : :From Mrs. Kirkhaxa and family—A floral

CTO63.' - ¦¦ : ! * ¦' ¦ ¦ :

. I I ||With deep aympatihy—-Prom |Mrs. Hawiill.

¦' i ! : : i ! : V-


J 1 i • ' i i£25.000 DIAMIA&E9! A<JAINST EB3PONiiENa5

. ¦ ¦ I ¦ ¦

. T l I 1! i

Sir FreoiCM. Jeuiae it>4»y':nM to Her. Oemetrirai Sopocbecause &f nhi wifef#iifainy <Dr. WHUtatt H«nrV Iiilrt*. «Jury bad «ir«rafld ttQf iXf r, da

Th» ratipoadgntj adaj 43bad iikmelf < onuttMNcl'inQlfe•hip bekl &aTli» uewoadtbAa, and b»[«X«n»MiA w itioafirt livodr. IAwri WM' ¦ : . : '..; :;' .

¦ ¦M!ii": :.1-ii' r!;;.i:l- <