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i ; Rccnlar iste8ii. Cbxnn>timcauoa.. ' -.¦¦< ;

.<.l»wte»tttef». «ith fite.u to few ™«* fffj* £°l*- .»j ft» w fccrta ba»

? .r* t.Jr or ont o!£•£•*«=*&¦ tcwt ', to >*«•>»• atd dl»claifi« cargo, or Tor «o> oW

" VK^K iw.t.i. a^

ih.iDahUiidi cr¦

'. B< otlaid-w* Cwriaiij'a H»t>di>cok . yB««t j »cd toiapif iw *•* Channel . ifcsac*. W*

<\ - .», ./i.7i4>r0 rjy ii) Jp. " i i»l « .s. .« . : . !! .'a .• ¦ w. .

• i i . : CA EaU toGteenock'8:25.!?*? an.r,

.i::'«L-aS3Sa^ Jii-

i - wnterford to CorU „• •Tj TboMMltDin'cO _ _ „ . . -. KT

: '¦ 'CoVk to XV oterford. •; ¦ \v aterlord to Ldndoa.

^ _KtnJ J'WKjM (T > GlMRO").^^*111' -• 9

| , > i. . yl atorford to, fcaftot. •

Belfast to tV atertolrd Wia Dablln). >3te» *«e»d»j

'¦-¦.-¦ ¦¦

J ' ¦'¦• -•::

'¦¦ .iiLJ:*s *



Bate7ior"d to Woatt WUrocJ^. .

•WedtwdtJ.lHh . •.' .. - - fP.o

\7K.Be«U; 15lh - * J-»

fffi to ^aterlord .idlrco;1; .

S»tswUj. 25ib . • • * p<nS

I \v aterlord to Wewhoron., Ctirj £»tn.-Ci)-Ukfct.i>U>»i>Hu ; .. . , . - * pD

ETBVJ Tridt) Bcrt-CiHi '• ; '1 Wateiford to Southampton.

. *ai B»tnitw (DlKot) ». - - * p4a

I Bontbampton to YJotonora- .E»«t» Thur«<J»j. (TU Newb»»«D>

1 Vk aterfad to Dovor-ET«» B»tonl»> l»» btotboapfc n * Ne»h»Ton) 4 p.m

i Cover to VN aterfordiGmV Tces4»* Atwraoco (jt» 8o«b.Bploa) esrs° only

. I ¦' ¦

• ¦ * "¦k M ^ "Ste c Bet.ni

' .' ¦ ¦• &J i«Bi ttaa Lca<)OB peTTlian<J»j't »M«»«. ___'""NorB-Tbe 'tljfl* Blippmj Coapjaj, Liaiw, raw

ctti«n to t» b»<» •» «!>• OQota. ,

t>T V»ifiTnH ' . • ~ . H J W»niig ft uoMIIDON ' •- '¦'•>*>»¦E H«wkiM. trad<» «?dWiipON ~ toith Wert«M B4U»»j Co.1 ¦ , ' £z«ter BotMlB-j . ittbnt

8t»et TVe»t, «>a «t t A S WBail**; Beooirlcj Hoooeathroojboot London.

• nNiwiN - Cljde 6bippJu« Co, I<'d;.LOHPOM - Bocbetter BniiaiiiE* 133,L»asob»ll 8t., E.p.

OUVEB ! - ©<yttbpb» OD., .Btal*tk

nrxvyAVEN . l?>rP2n«» ofl«

« a -I¦¦% 8a5«2 -

EiaJfAbr i *~ tr** rr* «?jiM, O-AYTvnTit iw ; ¦ — Do ***• jioen H A/2>UAXaX« ;. ; , *** ZL _ .«.L_I.V. AM«SnsS"' ¦ - i C Do. T»trfsV. Qaj^ ICK " T D« Toci E«d

¦¦; lOydD GhipBins Oojrf| RH1>CB*tcB-!"Bcwe, 4 Qcoy, WATEBFOBEh• ! 1 • : i ¦• _-.

' -M^iftphlo Ad l«s* »-» CUISBEAE.-¦ : • i :

I ' —^——— —

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j QtaaXosaea end Sample* Frca.i i r • . . i . ¦

! ' /i , . ,

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•Dort^e, a Btoib JETiKTbo,I nil mJda. GUJBET, TTAniEiroaD.

BiQ'IEEFFE&SOWl-ab&WJc* aosnfa .ei 'n«an»c3w

: TJjat^t^twda

erf FPwfc1 £==•=» ¦ . ;

; 03lt(o!0gc e3 to Osactno,- ca

- : • J J - i ' ¦ ¦ . ;

: ¦¦ riiiiA^Sfrw"'*1 ""

Mmn4 m^mm&- -m


;;',.:' r! i ;!?:!! 1 :;'.. fiik -WMMfi

WATEBFORD -STtofSHlP . '; :; COMPANY.' T " • ' •""j, |. lilMlTBIX. !

j (M i '.'i -- ..-" ;:-.• ¦•

INTEN DJ5D j '< ' OBDE&""b?' silLlUG—¦ -> - :

^. 'TllAYy 1907. . ¦:• • • '¦"¦"'¦'' :. . .. I dTKJOTEEB , : :;CLODAOH, DUNHRODT, EKOINALD,

. •• ¦. '• • » findrAPuy yfci. . .

v.' : > : ; liTO TIOE - m>..T.'s£rfQid<—JC -P., : ;• .. l>/ Bt«ftcliUfc Ooiap>oj(ljiaited<. --t> w'..*. ' raaeiT* Ooo<t*«na U>«St^ak tor, Shis.?if ""I'V- BKot on »k« «)Bditioni ountionrfln

; • *-" • ;•-."". i"|) : BJCM* »J«>. *«« y> ¦ W *»* »* ">•''. " ' ; i " . ' OH OM.. . : I •• ' i ' l .- . . •. i : ,•¦'. '

XX Da eulj Ucrsiitif Ulllt;, O»bln» oj tb*!tW*c«r» willM opa to laMi * Ttsanjt n txilriti I T tb* Ml^bt - tUlin»tt» • '. . i ; " : ' ' 'j '¦ i n i .fMI O E D H O i B B I 8 I « L»IO« WlXUMtO tO UIRD1. I1CB XsmCI< t(> «UTTUC3JTtliiy, . MJJ ' 3!» '4 ;>J» W«aa«a»j t\*J !_ '; jo pja¦ eadax, „ 7. . 3 pjn Satanliori .. 4 .10 ova

ftldar j jo . unooo Thsndi;, K 9.. . j t in'luesdij, . „ 14 .. 1 pan. S«tlrtUr. n "~'5 0 jua)iUn. ,, i !7_3p.n WedDMJVj ,, I S- 7 o p.aTumuj, ,. 31.„ 6 pjn Siturdiy,—• •*!-!»..-9.0 pa

TuodiT. *v .VU.Viiioon HundjyT .1 so.. 4. o»j aKi-idaj _ ; ji.. j jun WedoctJliy, „ 39.. 6 jo pja

intifi tM iWitUloUlioiia,Loadisr B«rt^—Omnbtrliad Bljln.! BrU ol.Ectnrn Tloketa lisati i* Bilitol to Cprk par Bristol 8. n.i

0 <. , *n »T»11»WI( lor ntura ftorn Dublin: wtt&out «tr»e>ujty cr from TTaltxfonl or t7uford M Bristol brv ttonocd Sl9±m Ship Oa'i, StMmnt ea p^rsfeaVofi -3 54

ittara Tlcisaj toa»d it .Bristol M DaUla per Erlstolb II. Co. »t» »nil>bl* for r*tura froa V/iiirforJ orMeiford lo Cxiitoi b/ W»Urtord CUUd £il? . Oc'i¦ «UD*IW on Ftgrcatoi of Ci. «zti*i of tro j C*rk oa r*/- '

Uvtura Koiwi : lWaoi at Wuilijicd or | Wexford tai ristol by W«tec(»rd SM»m8hlp Co. tr» irtiUbl* for retortftrBrutol S. (4. Co. (rum Brijtol to Cort br to Dablln»iUioat (4jnitss.L ': ' ' , ' i '¦ ¦ ' W A T E E r O E D ; A«O-t'l

E B FjO.O L.

n C3 mAiritovo, ¦ ¦ r ^ ' 'nox uranoiWedaacjj tUy I_ . 3 , tua Wedna i*j )Iay;t . 11 coon ,iiid«j." 1. 3- 4 pTm 'TrfiUjr,- » ij— i 3> p.BSi Dd»j. . 5.. 7 un 1 Moadiir. f. * ~ S ° P mw cdiKsdij, ,,| S _ i ] pan :.Wedoe»J«7i > 8... 7 30 p.ntifcUj, „ 10 .. j ! p,u Frktajr.' » f0 - 9 o a.aSH Ldiy „ u.M 7 ; LD I MoatUy, • »J.« «i o «jnW edseodsj, „ 15 . j ' pm W«daetdJ/ ., ks— " nooaFlld« „ «7... 4 ip.m rtidv. . 17- 1:-op«Fild»j „ 17... 4jp.m FtidJor. , H™ 1 o pfltewndv. ¦ „. i»_ 7imj a Uooday. • „ ao_ 3 o juaUedn«U/ . M M~ ,l ! |ua WydnMday. „ jU.. 6 0 pja

Sunday" * . S.. 7 \ia Maoday. ¦ • .Ij7.. »o o pjnWedoeulay 7 io.. 1 n.m Wednctdaj .i>9.. 11 o a.mfililay, ., 31,. 4.pjn FriiUy,' ¦.„ b«.. " 000a

lo«diBir B *nt—mi w'M ueo *. utorooLThe SuaiaT Voi«l» Load «t Norta \Vbarf, W»lttfocdL

At»n£« Csl i>*cas*Jl<toUBoau^ _ |-*»rt -W»tertord »nd IjTepooJ »od Cttcriord »adWexford and lalitol—Cabin, Mail*. I5fc I do ao, Chfldrcaond»r U y«r. o* M» orb»r»irt. tr»t»Ulajr Jriti1 taUie»10* 1 do, Mm, MaiUbl* for Two UonUu, mtioatX to ntsrnto or frin Brl.tulorTutwpool.tSa. | Cabla lUtata. CiUdroaasdet Ur*araj,]lfi< . D^ua, •ln«l», [»oJ | do. do, ChlUna

"'tasststSbooMa Unoosh b«t»»ea' WaUrtori »adiCh«»alx«UatfEcJwv 8Uooa»'»ad JUaoiaalr* aod Tocosn Cailwaifl agon ' 'uoodicad Pa«ol« Booa»d tbxooich bttirosn a pnaap*6tauoai OB OttaVHorlaem. Oraat W<*ttra, Uhwiiin , aadY**iihJr.,Lond«i'»i>9>,»piUi I7eStatJi Usdoa usd SouthWttMn, Onat i IO*au*4, «ad U>dUu4 Caljlqan " tad

J . f f B I r O I F , A B U «* *Vjt v« *»\Tttford to Brlrtol'tnesfiiJJ. . - Erts*4 w TTjHort. JWd«ji

WIHIOIfi ilB ' DUlHI*fi«OSTurn Dmc *AcmZatUi.eiu£W«x»»?t««V»t8L« a a.

. W S-TBiW aJSntCS2al OOB.>«yTU»u5^ «ar.OoodaBhlpj J. b» tMM IJoM Cl bt*ua«» tt S». <d. ptz

ont. to Tn£i»r>< iiaru«; kuiv Asi*Jiutit3t ESd.U> pu^W^Oa oatlbU»n«, t<£• to M •Itslucd tt tlru of2fi!aJ0T o^

' SiSSriaropBatl.l-.. to to ti4 »t tbjnffinai ' I ! : : I 'SaZs Mound and jreb labaaatkxi (lna> ty antu at

Ofloiit.TJu Uil1-! WaUdDoI X»l«pboa» Ko. li. II4TK«»OOJ -Wauilora otMrniaiy Onopaa/il aHjd), l»

txra»wl(*«t«elw»Bd Prt30»» Book, tttaphad* Ho. CXIaauW- TaS ort tet«ua»al» Oomyauy (liau&rt;. «h

Qiiiwi flaiiir* iiiii rin-ftr*'*'*'* '<"*»• ¦ IWixioin.—yrirtarNtd ; BWaaiblp Coapsaj (Ltcat*l.

national Tttovhca* Ho. 24. IDnoinoa-WaUrfordStc&mtBlp 0ospuT(ualtcd)OS»>IITMUIOI—!«««•• Btanoon Stwnihlp OSoa* (loaat £caa«t

Lioar Uatloail telavhou No : ' ' ' |l3iaB»»— !**• «iaanoa8te»»>iaU>. JO"» l&mifaj. IJaStOTd4ditafdrT«W»=J>-''trn:iir »» Watu-

irdTMwpnol BriJWl. Liawrieaior gtiH'wi I



HVEEPOOIi 19, P ^I L A D C i b P H I A ,Calling •t<,oe«n«to*itf'eTei7 Thoitiij,

'Vtaangm tkA Oobdi iw Itcdci al PMlidolrbU03 tb« IVbtr{«r lbs FeaoiVlriaU Cittiotc!, onl:bba» tit Sbortut and xaoet Oixtet Gocti to til P caia4)se We9tera:8ute«. i


SATD&DAY8 tt H6sa. 'Hi/bwt Cfcti of eooommcdatioaior 17I i,Cc:csd|

and Totrd 0Ii«» Possnfier*,Ihlrd Cba P«W •» tooesi rsiii Oatflt c t.

. .. . i j: I 'nm i i jApplj to Aaiilssa Wn«, SooSbAopiai c» LUcr-

pooL ov to i I ' ; ' ! ^ IWATIBJOOI>—Harrey A Son, IS, OUd sco-otrcai

Ward ilrqs. 9, BarrcBrtrtddHittDti

lOTBaAni-Jchn OarriW 81. Ualn-etr t.< ,».«iAr-ni..wn|m—Bianard LondjiCLonoav—P Hpseot;w. O'CoanBtUtta u£ixnia*BTAB—J! CulUntil, Tto Sqairc 'CAWOOOIM—WUcoM 1 roy. 81, Allea-oSec*.GKAIOUB—JobtJ ilnrphy, Grooer. j ' |

¦WUll»ia».' ! ! | ¦

! iTkOHttsTotrB—H Westcroaa, CbutcJi-cirost.W«XK>BD—T7 Tiapsoal North li!a.tuc;t.hiuucnKuus^W O^Poncstios. ' !

(gArjn0inP hPA©BFO© B-BrJE


M .. . . ' , j • i , ,

Frca r-*" !' ' ' ; ¦¦ ' 2fea Liverpool.Hay 0 hT liAEB OHAMPLilN ...; I M*y 8

... |.. JJIDPBES^OF BBITAIW.. J | May 17

WOOiJC 'AKX) (WAGES jpaicjililtt¦ /«»• ForBKSO apply *» O .' I Tu. Victpria C:..B «,- «a!!2i. -Jesses &. Ll«=3»d, crlood Jtjoat9.

:|: ; : j | . . '.

¦ - I

XI1E0XK2H; xiO2Er3 TIS ai2*l3>A to



' ot 6oi.taca|.; cnaaca. : DUCJU::.. ';. ij i V \ :

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HLSJIULIDN pBtnoiQHPf Esq.. JT.P.lyp^TT.Tthii J. ! aEOGfHBOAW, JEsq. :

STOICS 6. RUTTON, ¦ E«i-. 7'f'fO®» VOOtSST, E*!. JJ?. !/iacBs'ik ptJosatps. Eaj. BX. M>.

> ¦ . t 1 1 ' : ¦' ' i ¦ ' ' Li ! ' . . . .

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3RD GHR0K1CLS Aim HUt^^S;+ . • . t- ;ii ' ioc<i f i : A - d i i) ' •Kv'H':¦¦*'¦'• ¦' '-»'i;o rt 'Wi i'.P"3 ;^|> J> -.rr .i,',imj T-:J ..> " l i . v i i t i : • :'*; • !- v i .- • ir|. - "i%'.! ¦

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.;. :;: . '¦;:: ;J;. |;ipSii|ti'|t|;, : rj l'1Have reH^ (or; iPublk Pilrcaase i)n the iSfciABItfXyioiri1 TBfi iaOdDS¦• ¦ ; , .

- THEY 'SELL . : lJ#ifriv«e':;»^

Ch\irintf l/&;f ' PtP C&k^m 'M sSt r i i if t* &h3&$: \ direct : irsa. VJIIUflLCy . riCi, ...!!!! ;iVidpH^;'jp. ubilHnd Italy. ! ; ;". • ¦¦^' ¦ f -

¦'¦'¦ ¦ ¦. ¦"V99 , ' ; r;';-\ ,. • j:Mllll0|| P ;; ] VyoODS/

; : ;= i/v>f :yi . ., ; ; . . , ' ^: ' :;|ii«lle f ate moiife'

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{jQJ igg ' 'FOE totoGJEtAIJ^; PEC3C2nb;;, Er3 'titi£&&, ' Q2Ptf &' 'J %&

/f 7 . ' fl

' :\l7 J,^U INMPRl^-'icOPPEJS, I0AK, , '

IN VARIOUS COLOUES riT^o * i - > M %X ih:'- :-f y '. - \x \ X .V

AKD BESto.8. . ' Hgi •#^lllli<,rft) jT i, A

J] , Ia thesc t&ey 'low one c? tlie largest1 varietiesrD(S(Q SfflSSKn S«-"ta Ireland. In LBOASS, COMPOSITE, AND,


Kifcfeeta aiicl. Stable.;Kegi!i|i|fk,,;: l i

fioiisepolS ^d' alj le$^h^h-.V "' • *' " ¦;

Ecamsllcd ond Galvanize/} Goods. Plain ccd'Portable ' febSIers. :I ;

' ¦ '" ;

" ' :' - ' I'

GaluacJ^c!] Clzoiiz^. Cp^otei end FBWInjp, "Cibrolld, "icj ij ica

Bolsters9 Ironmongery j iiM orna 'Sheets & Loin Co.uerd ln gf osf i] tPnrt&tj /

THE liAKOEST ;STOCi]C #| ^ SpgdlB ry m&darifess in : W&terford io selecjt IrriW. ' l

" V/JWE'8'< '- 'GFJURfy S and ' B&^TEf o WQ

f tRf ids.-Eca Jpf5;i:::;i St ti, 'At ^a, Ten,- P::Ja, j ,

ki Cat Ebifaiti; - . .. , i .



¥ *rrf if mi\ -HisHPsuftoiMi

I . __ - ~ _. J > ^ a* ¦ ¦ ' " ' . \ , . ¦ j 4

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Wbon yo* •»' i** ; *$ Ukbw toye<*i»p-

TS lo m? Md*[l :«m 1 «cod josBool; whWj «be»1»» a?w, •»W|8*0» :l«*;»fcj tHj *y -la-qulolthr; mod' wtwsblj '

B. 7, Bullart iBaileW No* I ftetei,cliinlki***. «ud jftaWaai ttUe eisce.

« . Tbaito to nd{jc3 of1 0 L

oLH SIli l i|.. aoiaj jj^ccoi¦ " ¦

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i FORTY-FdVB YJ2A!t$ UNBLEMISHED¦ ¦ ' I ' ' I ¦ ; ! EJOKFORD'S, Im>., DUB]

f F0LE¥ '4 SONS,J^Si*fi-0 :»¦ VWlW B j ! **• fcJ Vrl. l /a —~——«——

VTEOLESALE AND EMAIL ; jF iiiSfi iP iilnT.aaaloflBJox© |. •Bl^UJ JOfflH^ - . 1

C^oatryorder]o4T8lBaritto»»i8!*l:;i'. '. ;." I . ! . -v : 'i;r;- ¦ '.¦-, ¦¦/ " , . ¦¦ • ¦

¦¦¦¦- \A ^r TWXti Vwmm ^'m&

'M*Ic» I Ira | Io I \~M. liutyd hi bop wnuSttj i - .¦!#™»fff l"••cartljp»ck«Uo»oMirt/a< fcjr ir(in,toLt,%r<t'*i. «&*r^|*tate>.rpoli^|oa' I : .^, - .[ i -V |^. M ;!|H . ; -Xl - Sm^

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UPWABDS.toallp«Sm«an. tholrowti APPROVED PBR8ONA4 iW^IRITY• • ¦ 1 ' !-

'„" '• I . ¦' ' •' ¦ • ! ¦ ! | i ; :l : ! in any paifofjpeland. ; • , ; ; ' j ;' ;]_ ; :

: j " , ,, -, »

Barin i caried on In a mort etralghtfonraM and exact manner, . ! 1 I . . . '. y .I!pcc3r.:ci!cra T7ithcny other Loan Ofucca or so-culled Banks in tfci» Ooauty ! "¦: '

; : - .: -i :i : l i A PiJy~THE!' MANAGERv :, ; 'V" ;V'. ;> ; . - ; :;• ¦

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Mass Said and!. • i . . i ¦ ; - i : .

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t*o cndOTnKat, -TrLitiTcr, except HXJPfi. EC27, c<xxJ tcsdor. Ah, ; frollI /Who ka<rcaP 0cioaincs* Xhoro wo ti?<i etoblo «i Bothltheni,(EAVE .hojb. I baTO GREAT Bsopes that thiof Uorth.aniptoa, trfll, ia| duo oourco, beoomo a.; . Oct ouWda.help'bJ iTidcniiyi'.wxScisarT. fl

Ulnsly lltho OLIENaa U'.^BT. ANMKWY

1; OP

"iRADUA- tidily

! : poor, ] c4rnc2&J3 -Pri«jrfa. ' -May I not hoj> j ths* they trfD,' tcojtylntr oyo npos ras ii) my, ctrnctjl* to< csthUia&j en locfjxpt ofb.;«o 'jir w-.-th*' Cijl fiHo. ;Pdih 'b;coa^ffla4i »a»fflDl /i j!ck»:idcT,1 thu yon. In yot r tt*l .for th«:'pniqKdt :; of tliot Is i,!

.i I havo1 !aotic<id horri-riUlBsly ,tho 0LIEN18 WJET. AJOTHOOT<»2K> lo thtt cfostanca1 d : poor, !etrnciiln3 -Pr|<rta. iiay I aot-hiciii a cyisjiitioUc and pitylnu eyo upas ras in my, ctxuczlt tO' cJtta'CitisUB. .-Falti .-lojiifa.1 *© !tir «s- tho G tello. 'pdUx' ;b- .cdaC 7 I cot toppi /*ocd liddcr/ tHal yen. In yoar' teil .tor thaMw

' i i l l ' I ' •" . • • - I ¦ • ¦ ¦¦' - .j . M - ; - .j l — - ^f - | i 'I •

trill «£tcnd a ttijliij hand to cqf 1 cry to yoa tritJi all c3raccisis3;'to' 'c<Hao;fc?' oy

.ecsktaaca.. . .Yon' csry.|iioi fco xMs.^ do mnch; bet yon-OAIU. DO 'A!l3GtIIaB.hr ¦;Boftbit ltttfo «Mei jfa In your power, *w God'o CAts> a»i' with tho oihnr 'IJlittia*1 tisij 'eifodona I OBSU bo tU* 10 !crtiWl»h tfl»:new -Mlii lon firmly.. . . ; '!¦ . . ' . ; . ; .

¦ '{ v- ? \'J,'• : DOWT TDEN: A J DEAP EAB TO. ugr xrEOENT jiwEiL ' ' • .-' ' ' '?'\

1 ' I - . . ¦¦" : 1

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"Hay God blea and:; prosper your cndoaVout»in establishing a 1!teloo $t tctrjiam.'. | | ii! ¦ '

j ;: . • ""fc.LBBEOB,;- Bkiop c!' oiOai!,ptco.M:- ! ¦ |

AddKCii-Ppthcr Qny. Bcmj/ tca road, Pc&t nian, NorfoDt, Endcnd-i . ; < - ¦ '•¦ \:

P .—ii Trill j gratefully and j proaytly acknowledge th« anaEe=l|; |d<mtii(», - cadiread TT1&; lay ficinorrJcd cTEcnt A beautiful piolnro of tho Sacrod-Heart. ' . ¦¦ . ¦ ;' i :- .' i ; 'j' ¦: Thb -uetr lEcdoa' l wal bo|d«dicatsd to 6 linlbomy oi Pedua. ¦ .[.-; ¦ ' : ¦ ; :. i - i 's* -:'-.! :.:1,

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©REAT M0NEOcdcp:iifc6 C a'pan^co off ffi:


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nay ta T?ca xa tijhc;* 'prio In Cu| sodf to>ktscj' Lotterybuir* Govon-

. -I ¦ ¦ ! i j I ¦ :


taBraa ovcit la ibi B«r <Jroat lloacjciiti btP -t"- y <i? Eanbnj-;cizt ¦' !: ' : I /- '' : !'


; !100000¦ i 60000! SOOOO

! ¦¦¦ 45p°°¦ iobboi 35000j soopo' 20000

':; :! » ;' boasa

ci Ulrti'' botua •

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oi jtelacitzc*'



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•• ¦'i- TwATBnpbMi^ . . \ r :f ,: ! ¦ !

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I PANT MISSIONf rfiihatHroFi j,i; -ShjiiEaGite'jEraGlaUiniiD/' i i r - i l v - - . ' ^:::":-!' ' :!!

dictiogi v iri:" a;; jO iairi^f 11L t..M.»...... ..M... .M,.L .... i: 60;; : od. ' •¦¦¦ /

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N »t a ffrcat tied ol j aidtypnMi t, you THU 13'p jii thlncs havo, ta i role,. T017 carJl bo> !1, ond God'o tzad i ' icoli thwtc=cd.' i - I :


jis litist 2Ii£don, opacd - 'by <io;.Bk2«5»: |^. . eat ' lltefos; .; ;

¦' i j : ' ' | ; }.!• ¦ ¦: ;. .! , !. jlim: ii ba Jozthoa oy'' :\' \ - I '¦ " - :T- ; i

WJ :- iLQtpifftlj qouc?cr3oni off HteEsEi1 :¦¦ | !

; Thia Tery. .Importcsi'iiil y Lo^yiigauthorised by the QoVtjaJSsat andr gnu-*ateed by the wfaol* ftopor*/ of tba Sato.Thfa lottery oontaino OT.000 tl&B tesa•whijoo. 4,6939 must btt drawi - fdtb 1 vcisea;3 B IJOTAI, BOM" vnaiOH [WILL BEDBiAWN IK All, 3H3B,.GLASSES OF SHISLOTTBUY iMOTJOTraTcoTT T " ¦ TT

E 95050 I": ¦ ", ¦ ' ¦¦¦ -:¦ ; or-4b w*L

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.. ¦! . .;.;•;.; £47A oup ':<y - i: IHB MOST ADViOTAOQayiJS tiESANOE*

K1INID TIBATAIiLTHIH <S>RSS£(Bt 8 ANDi s pa»#?i" lThis hiijbert pzixe mi; '^wiiwnf a tja flisjjclais la the moei;ioctanaU eYtot t > ILtEO^OOlIn I &« ceoood, d&w oro>ita»S to H. i MJBO Qiin 1 the third elscseresiaaUy.iou. 60JOOQ.IUtoo {otu*th olasj •wstai lit"w -MJ tiXW in'tS fltth'oUa* eVniinaQj WSL'OTI 900. in'tite'aijeth ipliw *»*nta»H*' to'u. BpS? in lh«cevi oth d« . •vemaallj to; 04i>M(M!00.. but!^Wally. ttjOBB vaw: pjin* «a ;4. , ZOOfiW,¦jMi-nnfl IUOLDQOL- &A. ¦ J ¦ ¦' Ji >

¦ '¦ ¦ JJ ¦ * u ;**"*y?"> #-• wyvywnQ 17"*** v f'J r . 'J > ' ¦ . • ' I 1' xhe ttnoealcnad &ffloa* [ontarto Mrtidssta'bo!lbis QHBiiTlIttNBY;UXR3B ff'jfM f?iqaeit Jto aoamipmyitoe ,<rt<ea «ftb t*rdto^ *u^. tier-amca kosKr-,XXBSIKB& £*M3U4 iusbti *. 0(1 UOAOBVSMSIXSjomasi JPITSTAT.:' :rtrm|inM . ,g SacSnot!abdi t BfB» et'Jtabuh>H5:<ia 'SazooesD

Par ±Mt ^W-:. '] < "¦£ M «\Z " IV'*'1.- XI le.JAtaln a* <DAT AAB IMO oa; J •' iha JBdii»?«(b*iaOW.>.to:iN-f w ?-. ..v . . r -H - i H> y rti '>''; l i r5^Ff«:» i*o3« rUi ait Uoket' •

E,e »«*te, pri«. *nd- did«t*t Sr «*ji


BS^AJBjRAlD ''PHTB Amitufl nmc

m^s^mmmm^¦mmm^in } \?: OT ; JpF

"y it A ^¦i/MflPr,#3 'J A, v| ¦

"'' ¦ ''f t *~? y ^' h 'skzi 'fe>' ¦¦' J*

l iiiiwliiiijy jtread* and tubo», roletlng pqnc-l': tart eahai^W oomloi^ liad

B»V«AEiJIlA!N3Ai<'!(rot4>ii»>Bnd ."GMBOKIaf*. tfre latest''aod mcgji'l-axmiqafl -Bo > itefloBlU

¦ ,-;^*\^ -iraW\'iORi.Kiv '-. '¦ 'u: ' -T0 B< I TOHi.'.-f. >¦•

Oanifuiiw&rjSffli-.ilalyj' ',l!|teittia».Tn ? J/i'pftyr.r^OataoaMlSfxaaa.iMayT ! 8ajxo\ila, Toes., May 28Etarnria, 8»t^: May M Iv&nla,Tafek.i (Jtoo Hlibs. ¦«?. JbUSITi IMIar :::.and[' rMiiraffiXAINIA,*: Li " ; ;/:', .TO0 I>, j.We'. iuw o iJotbg, j

; ; .


:"tTNBuSaiAfeBtEiD ' AXXXxWaDimON | till!:

' .lAsi' all«waMe.of 10 ] p &r- oehfc oof] -ibq hanf rw&sd la*« iftjm tei <;» ] Saloon :a^

; ;Seoais£Oalbin Paosengers taking rptom : 'isiwtB.!1'-', -' - '-

Seoaod ffittil hlrd'Ciaak'psnsenge n > yia 7cn3' Yarit, :nMty- tmsi# .•..with<jiu«j:e*tea, I dhtoge/UiEdetotalid Phi}ade3.pM»l and vw Bostoa taNear Yoii ; 4pi&j/P&i&$$iplhla»: 1Miad-«te3

oiaig» i(>ABi41ilianoire.' . ¦:• -¦!¦''a ' ¦ .' ; ' ' [ • ' \ .

:., .-iBaisengenj.' |booj*4..;1ih»nffl» to :i l :. psrto gr:^w«3tT ft * ;A'n j^i7|

tftiJ -j - - .' _

. : ' • .! j i ^;

¦' "'•ARpBy-Hrhof XUnnard •_ SteansMp ' Oosnpbisjv' Tiftwftftrl; tittttw-fuvA; or.to ttjeir egeiutd—(WardBrollvert ejid 'HlaiTey andr 8on. 'Watarto«!nMai MJOotter, -BaUydnfl; 3Ddiafel Foleyxnt.(Pi .ipvaio, 'J>nn5saTOsn;¦: .'." M». Ka1a *B ey»CJsppdqtiin;:i ] JtanesvAbearne <r W^aaiPnflfQS.'' :I*temor©ii-

¦ ¦¦ "¦. '¦ ;-.\* ' ' < ¦ ¦ - ~*

A. FORTUNE iwilTjNG .* )B ? t^OlPtoi— ' S^ T*! 'iijaeat.lanilMsa¦ V«ay.80,OOQ«:»ter^:iTi' , , G°T

f "j j ;| ^1 —

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. * ¦ ¦ ¦ 1—•* ." } ¦ * • ' ¦ - 1 (

: ' . . '. , ¦ : An hmtaitju,to taka part fa : !¦ ¦'

#¦.; ': Mcm^i J I^^erj shl 11 ^ ; j ;Xmrttfchpayiaffiitot ail tlui prte* is g iirsatiaJ tr^¦ - ¦'• tho Qintiuuuitot the State ot Hafa^xsgJ :U SSSiOga or abbot" 476 £ 00 WaU

, ' ' ¦."¦"¦ . fa teetotal iin'of all prires. j ' ! i :| , ¦5%e&&e mntibaot tidcrfs toned U 97.1 00,(4«htd>

£9,639 ooniKqocollybcarly onfall is! all t ctealssosdC3rt.a»wi»priS^|.'. ¦•' • '• ¦4 ,; ': .•

: i t j - i - . - ..'' :11M blgbeA'ptfeS «Ol font.be 809/ 00 Mirfci aabout JE30,000 ataj. la thq moat fortraatc caso. j ' . J

.: EspedAUythCTe ttetollo iring pr Q apal|pri«a, . . f * ' l Pwminni ;of«i0;000Uar = i \\ ¦ •"¦ ¦' ¦' ' . ' "I PiSiTim 200,000 • „ ; i i i, ; ' . .

¦ '.. '¦ lPreniinm f n $0,000 i : . i f '¦ " : •

, .: ^ )Preminin 'i, ,8/y»0 'i. ;. :: . ¦ . - . : . . . f Preainm i' .45,ppo. ' '; .„ ,? | j ¦ ¦;."¦• . . ^ : Ij Premiam ;n «0,qOO ¦ •" » |j ; ! j

. ;"¦

: ¦." . . . :. I ftenjimn '„ 3M00 « [ ¦ i ¦ :

I '• , : : I, Premium . 30,000 „ ; | ; :' ¦¦ ' ; ¦ li Pria ; M 100,'QOO v

' • i >¦ ¦ ¦'-. - ,¦ i PtUt i „ 60000 .;, ; : r' : • . ; I IW18 . :., 60,000 , H ' i :- !; K .

" ,;.: ^ ifriaJ M „ ,40,000 - ,. : { ; ¦ . ;. ,- .

¦ , . . .. . . - ,. lgS; ,. , , 80,000 ¦„ .! , ! . :¦

• ! .; . . . . 7 jPrlri i ,- 2 0 ,000 „ • . '. 1 ; ; • ¦: ¦,, , ;. : • .; iP t b i ! '». .ii«joo „• : ! : ¦ ; ¦ .:. : : . . , . ,- ,; ll p r i z* \. y :,i ¦ 10,000 „ i : . ¦ ¦.

¦¦ .

; ¦ .• :.- .• ¦¦

.¦•,8« ftfai , jr . -'iji '4,000 , n ; , f : r :

: :¦! • . , . 103-fti tS

¦¦. ¦ >,, .:.;HOOO ¦ ,

: i I ; •¦;• j ..;.: 10*ftisaiJi :;,:: ':|!S.00o , : .! •r l . ; ¦. . • : *l8 PrH» :i J- iUOOO „ ¦

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• ¦;. , ¦¦ '¦ ,. : --m :PHa4, - .; ¦I 'k Of ) ¦„ i ; :¦ I" :

; ;O»? Qtrman Mark ia opal to m: Kngliah "iilitlKn^in all thu Lctterj.ooataics iUJ^35 pHieii acd 3

'prtBjiud'prises.1 j *..l ¦ : • ¦ .:• ¦¦. j' .*- , ; •¦- . j j jr

( y .:,Tb» la t«r are: addlUocM pHtM »wa,r. eij la e*eV

drawing to th^ r«ipicti»ti tloke-dtaikn t :i last iritli ftPltesW prf^Mq 4wiaao»^»(|j tno egnJ»tfoag ptttooflWaHKiftBSSjikliitvi'f.-a.i;•¦ '¦**?• }• -' ;-'-r: ' "'"'."tUTpruT*- mnn'bp nnefy »oajD 7 dr njs wiHJn-tb« eiabeof»f?« 'BibntjUi ' ." } ' ; " - " ;= . '. ' "\ . : j. ;- ,j ,.';, TTht •b»«hri'.rpbj*ible . iiizjot Uu. dra rf of amount*to ilk, 50,000 fner»a»6« jo VM '&xiUnt rf Mkj65,0Wla 8 a <oMt.-60,OOOin«h-fo U;,«),000 1o5ihtoUk.70.000 in 6th toUkl 8o;oop'aid Bnall/ i i7ca'dis«la«to Marka .600,00».- '|- "'s .;r; :-l i ' {.:!T ;"?A 'trtsola tUef forj lot drawing cost > ,G ahffl. • driaira-- ! l ^,,- :'H,^r -,,j; . . :i,, ';ir- ,^ '3 j j v ' -dQwrto- njJ-B !. :., ;; . ¦¦„

¦ 4'. ¦.• S Vr SteS

ilamd t&aofildal piuaueuUnihowiag ' to «|r«Y-« IWpsrtldpaaoB isth» fiatotrtog drsv iga aaffiflt d aOsdUst o!prtes tolfTaybody; gratband poU-frw a aa-pfieatton, ; •' [r¦

¦ - 1 - ¦ '' ¦¦; '¦¦-, ¦¦¦- ¦ I ¦] ¦ ¦>. ¦ . . '¦ '¦

Tba <MaaX Bonlicb**'fc '"gsgi to inn JtidccS.hoMafm»«liatelyaftettt«dra»%. ,] "| ! :' It»paym«rtairilonr»rdmao{tiwanwia5ta;wwi bds

By'penooal and'prampt'attomoa;'] Etery traosacUoata; trtattd ooafldaiaallj, . kbtolnts p i wiy fttinggoanatorf.- :|-:: [-il :r / - | i i ¦¦fl ^

;C3".'TkkaU jaM amtoaly a^maieaahwblclijaae*tcCTthooM anmfanpnny all tedtra |: • ¦ . ; ) ¦ . ¦

p«mi «Tiw may K»miuf« W/Tft^p . £| n w» iTWaf^Pest-Offloe-Ordtn, or Postal Ordera mai paraite taSamuel HnnVnrfit* Ksr.J Hamborg, »od t> «ld ahrsyabacroaed . ' I i ;;:;1 V- ;¦!• --T j .- ¦ ] ' ¦ ¦ •

Tb8poeteff««a> ordiaary Wto»'»2Jd Jednffth^th« rtrawing1« oejr Cut approaching; I ah iU ba-otUgalU l y t J awfll »tod mo yonr order at 000s. bbwarfexncSUtathte:.: i i ! :-l ¦i; ' .:, 1j • ' ¦ r I j ! •; • .

I T}t\jAui*$f .f aiaHummpif t, ipnK i <Banaer. t^Bibnrg.iQornfimf.

^ONE; j3tpxlxU?Ep;T 0 F WH?r&"'(jostinionial j ttam. -.Xj -Conneni' ihungaOi.) I

^¦-)t ll)';B^.1v'QAPCgcunco ra CHIC

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. . Mra, ' Oonoionyi jBenia h, a9S»:-*' 1Be iro tnsai, OSOO I 'lost bail;my chick si a yearly,t inco ttoen ;I:£av&j.nji)6 lost one." -:; <,

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"VTIOLO QAIiP" MBAIi 'lBIHAiES iUaB:i. - . i f Wip^T.TIHY*' r>|>fr.T|KiR. : I ':<: Ea.% par etoineiin - .fci 'i '- tuti ¦•&- ii£33» : *'! - ¦¦/ ¦ ' •

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¦Agent . for Oa ack-oarSmp—. '; • ¦¦ .•:]> ; . L "If JPYKDB 'TOBttJEE.

iA:gent f6r Oorif .::AtSdngra,:tAgente for ltabSn—iBoyte, 'tai 1

fhmTi.iT»nlmin> MJM .TViSlnnXn« MdSgeeon ..and :Qq: [U - i j. ::; ;. » .: '|; .

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;OinJ*Bljte :

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<jFVom our Eopartor).


The "weekly (meeting al tius board was iheldcn~ .Tuesday. 'Mr. Patrick McCarthy, , pre-eidxjd, and th& other mem'ber . present were—lleaars. Wm/Stock, JJP; iJanlea 0>ttor,.Thoa.Dusgan. £. :Pfc«lAn,' Eiclia ''By.an," ;Pa.tricli;Koily, Maurice Hurley. Jonn (Bonayno, Patk.Staley, John (Dwyer, Michael IWhelan.' . , . : ¦

ttlteexa. John B.. Dower, Olerk; MichaelIFJynn, Assistant Clerk ; Thomas Wafeh,Master; Relieving Officers Thomas "Doe: andJB. Xioiy -WOT© in attendance. :

MASTER'S aEBOST.Tho Master imported that on • throe occa-

sions be lured a horee. fflte requested oneday's leave of absence, the ISCaJtron to do dutytor Jiim.—Approved of.


Tho I/>c3l Government Board wrote in-ti-tja&ting1 ih&t irom and after the 1B

May theunion would toe -placed in dhaipi d OojonelKirkwood, Local Govwmnent Boird In-epootor.

Chairman—They 6ay Hie -union will ibepUood in hh chargo.

Clerk—Yea ; be da the DOT 'Local >JQover«-5tnj&n% Board inspector, ivh« mill replace Mr.&rilly wh» lias Ibeea tamslerred to anotherunion.

Tiho mslttar "then dropped.KRitPOEAKY WAwDSMAiD. '

The (Local Government (Board«writing: in•relation-to.. JEae lainparary'.eintployxneni ofKate Foley, as "wardsmaid, sanctioned pay-m«nt at too rate oi 5a. <a wook with, rations;

¦TOTEHSSONtAiBiai. ^' The resolution oi the tftoasrboy lUnma •poi.nt-Cng out that it would be unreasonable it» im-ptno om ibe several officers o< tuiiona nock A

£oeaidfl3>le task 33 preparing returns idt Iheinformation of 'the Cbmnriecion on Poor 1«w(vrithout fee <or reward, and lequcsting -thoboard) not to direct that i-tiese returns ibeprepared.

Air. Stack—<5ul it ehort and tell ua . whatit as about.

CUerk—(Ptactic ly what at etiUs. is, theideal Government Board directed «s to pre-pare oertain returns "Which, are ivory elaborate.1 don't know what they- i re.roquirod for/Theyappear to say they are for the English Com-mission. They told -ua to have them madeout in & oertain time, by the end, ol tiie year,I itihink. They are returns principally oJ out-door and indoor relief.'

-Chainnan-MWruxt -will -wo do alboot it?Clerk—That is-B matter, for the Iboard.Mr. Stack—Mark it "rebd."This <vaa don©. ¦ ..- • ¦¦

EJOJt&GiROIWN T0BAO0O.The resolution of the Navan Board ol Guar-

dians expressing the_ 3x>po that othor (Boards

d. Guardians in d and «puld, us they bad, <i>ne, purchaso . homegrown tobacco tar use1 in the worldhopee, -waairead1.I Chaonnan—Will you approve ott tiue?

M*. 8fA -£ertalnly, odopt ft. ,iMr. Eyan—Sijpport iioxne. imanufaictTire.The reaolotioh vias nnatunooualy.adopted. '

DTJN)QMCW\N DI3PHN£UKY.i The Clerk 'inlormcd the ¦. Ibaard tbej. |Mr,

'A IUJW, 'Board of IWorks •Encin ir, liad-oomoto inspect tho Qyungarvan diopensary bouae.TOw guardians, be pointed :out, -were in amaw&ward position over the lasmp t. (Mr. JCiely

t bad given them <the conveyanea. at' the pre*mieee and they -were no-w ownesra in.1<M c(them, but they Jva4 not given Mr. JCiely any.money so Jar. Tniy could not'do BO, 1>ecau8aihe& aad not got tho money tihemeolvcs. ilrjXielyihad now a clahn lor either xent oointerest. Mr. wAgaaw did not aee hia !way tnpass the bouse until the guardians Wd outeomo Tnore money on at. He RiuJ thxj-otoir-case .was positively dangerous, and tlh'are was

1 some ¦vork to be done to the attic. 11 the; guaTddans' gave some uaraoteo that tthey

would carry out the work he <would.. be. in-clinod to advance a portion of tho money:iHa l[C3erk) pointed out to JJr. Apiew that n.portion of Hihe money would trot bo eufficdent;as tho Xull amount -was due to Mr. Kiely> and.that be would tako nothing lees than tho fullamount. I

Mr. J. A. Byan, OJE., in. reply ito the Clerk,fsadd the repairs would, in hie opinion, costofcout £10. . .:. . . '.

i Cfferk—Jt is an urg«nt matter one -way, be-j cause Mr. Kiely will require to got hi* money.I He has got Eeilher rent nor interest up to this.

and he lias a very equitable claim to cither.li we did not purchase from him we •wouldbave ipaid bini a year's nent up to this. i\Sedid not give him any money, tut be trusted«ts. and 'We have not yet' got the money. '

Chairman—<As the case stands, tho Board otWoria -want you to expand, £00 before theyXBffua the loan.

Mr. J. A. fiyan—We ihave already wepended£13, <but it appears that is not eufflqient. '

Cttiainnan—The c*nly thing to do as to ipasathis <aroenditnr» and gdt the .work done.

B£r. Stack—Make on order to co' the > orkcomod out.

Clerk—Will you make an order that Mr.fiyan pet >the work done witiiout advertisinacs it is an , orgeat matter . , .

Mr. Duegan—X think it is better to Jeaveit in tho hands ol Mr. iRyan. Tt would1 bebetter than to be delaying over it.

Mr. Kelly—(I ¦would .be Jor advertising everyertra work.

Chairman—(Will the contractor do it?Mr. Ryan', OJE—The contractor is working

there.• Chairman;—But ¦will the contractor,do tin;trorlc lor that amount?

Mr. Kelly—We mwht gat it done* for Ies3.It would w Jjotter, I think, to advertise.

•Mr. -Ryan, O.E.—Mr. - Greany is -workingthere at prpeent, and hia contract is iE12.

Mr. IDuggan—'A .better contractor you couldoot have. • , ;

Mr. Kyari, C.E.—if you 6^™ «t to anotherman he must wait until iMr. (Jreany (joee ou<ol it. Tt ia a mere ijobbing1 irork—(repaire hereithere and everywhere. . ' '!

Mr lOotter—The present contractor is theman to do: it. . . !

Mr. ©ugjjan—I propoee that >wo leave it in*ix» hands of Mr. iliyan to have the workcompleted.

Mr Cotter seconded.This was .unanimously agreed to. i


Mr. Stack—€ would iike to ask the -Masterbow is ihe tnem horse going on?

Master—He couldn't be going on ibetter. iMr. Slack—The reason I ask "about the

horse is, because there was a rumour we tilaround 'that iwe bought a bad cur-by horse.! idid not interier* in the buying of this horde.iifr. Frank Stuart and Mr. Byrne Baw.-tK<hoiBO and he was galloped for his wind. \V«¦wero t)ld he <was free of his wind. They ithenbought the boree, and 'I think they, got goodvalue. 1 think those who bought the hor4«should not r« criticised because they boughtoi pood oue at a very reasonable price, llthink he is as good a horse as ever canieinside the gates of the .workhouse. I

Master—He couldn't be better. He was nitat fault in hia work. ,

Chairman- JHaye you t<*ted .him? |ICaster—I havd itestod him under the cart

the plough, and the ambulance. [Chairman—You have found him satisfac-

tory?Master—Yes, very satisfactory.Mr. Kelly-—I earw him yesterday under t'l)«

ambualnce and he was very quiet. 1 thinkbo is "worth- the money. : i

Mr. 'Eonayne—H you had a horee yours llyou nrould not like to sell him lor lcos money.

Mr. Kelly—You didn't buy him ¦with- curb*on him. ¦ ¦ : < ¦

Tho matter ifchon dropped. ¦ i i. • : - ' IBUDS AND CHAimS. i j

It was decided to defer consideration.©/ uietenders received lor a Bupply of Ct beds andone dozenj chairs for a fortnight, to cdmit ofsamples being cent in for in6pection by tiiopnawianfi: ; : , ' -n.. .-. i -


i ¦ RESIDENCE. . ; '.'


Mr. Matthew Walsh being Tabacnt,- tha.lol-lowinjr motion, which tood in bis name, m*nropoeed by I Mr. PiuJan, seconded by Mr.KolK : and ' passed'! tmanimously—That ,t)io«rddr.of the word, .te the alterations jn; £\:plans ol i the Whitechurtli ' dispensary ;jercBdnded.i ¦ . -. , J

¦ " s ¦' ' . f .yThis concluded the businpes. ; ¦: . .- : i i .

[,/. Browa j§ Polsoa's ) j'ef :h Hi^^im M ij ,¦ •> - .-; _ ;, ing :at bome--;iqiiK^aQa r - i

kts Wter requured. t ., 'Si •.Harnties.thatplcas^ wdf niost critical late.

¦ Afe*n«brt*<*h

iw» Brftknvwuiy aM

TTtlMii£itiit'dF**ZS52 ti orfac«4:46;1 b ««*< to UxiiJL J. <&*<&, and

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THE ' HEAlilHQ YAIiUB. OP EI,tIMAM ;S :-:. iu? :?the 4t a*nciit l of:'^

"U \; Acbea w<(i PaSMl^-.too firmly eatobli ed to.D|M:ifc^6W*l

j| \:\\\1 fapon as the bestlremedjr for Rheumatism, iLumbaa*. 8pi*n81 ; Br|aisaj 8br^ ! M j -^&t frbm Cold,' Ne aU ftomiColi Cold at the tc .C om iBjpnoh.tjB, Jr:-v .Rickacbe, Cramp,' Wounds,- StiffBK* Borcnea of i the

^h%™%-.7f »*> t ! ¦ '

l! I

Ei3? »— . t i P t tj , n fv i y V :, FPL TO ALL COMCBBHtD

1fff tp%?? ' I A ' ¦ ¦ \L ^¦ ¦ ¦m %~ P«in Handbook, 1 246 pages

V I bm KA El C& f f % f * A I r\ t i J lUuiliited, elotb bo»rf coven),Vt iCl IO RvW wi5^ 11V^ *bich

book ?"r°itdi mnch P"" *7.1 ™ / - > </ 5* : ' » /*Kf ''it&*~*<i*f *>~ ctl Infomution: commonly re-

A \Y ~%*yJ+ +'ri*"'> <j f »' J rt '...t !Zl. . j t a

ittd.taJ) &..kDtttm, f atk.MVf \ ™''V • • *"¦> __2 ' * " ~ ]_ • r ¦*¦" Uve r»tionaJ tteitrocntof pnea«f I U\ ;L,i J*»<_J "|riC^^*~ " <i

rS"*"' tnonis, Pleurisy,1 »11. kinds of' i'tS c ^S / ^r i S X i "upiwl& X '*mJ « .fett*ii ** AHments ui»ing fiom. " Takingh V Sff c&r f e<:t l ' < L/HtTTN' CoM," Wounds, Varicose Veins,/^ IL^*7*V^I S wi*" ¦* £7*fV \ Ksloe» on». Fractures,. Cute,UvJ/NWi yOsl *-x_ S vT' v ¦ //ALIVLV Bnrn*i"'i F«»««*» Snooping' ' ' i / > \ ¦ / *>-»-// liv^V ' 17/h»*» ii CoaghJHannorthage, Malaria,> •'- '\..W /<V Ua /fli TVW •7l/< j\ J&aJSLJ &c,_THE R.E.P. BOOK also'//^UlA'siiiHri f> /#irtvVvtVl 'l t^^l InlRSS? resting Ihe Man-J B §-\ ' Jt A'^ r 4'V'f IW I"" fly® ! egcmeot of , the Sick ftobti ,XS^W -tt r.tV 1 Jw\K

V' M - \^ MPV' Nursing, ftcjalsn How to Make' ¦rsZpJ& 'JrAJ Al 1<* vis I«/;i -V*-/rill«i3' BeefTeaj How taPeptonUeBeef£ K $ClMi\Jt\ 't&XSfa? *) irl Hy ^ Tea, How to Peptoniit Milk,iL£l£2Z U%ir f i t Pf c F z t \l ' / ; K J ^M - HOW to Make Buley Water,.Jto e^ ?/ /'f _ l y>V^V V fl IfWWltt/i How to Make Whey, How to" CWi i I iry / ' rr1\ L. :V \ 11 "l / S TX Make Humanised Mift, How to

V7? KV 1 v rifS^yi^^KM^ I \4^ . - I MokeiKaw IMtit' Jnitt, How7fv^ \™^W¥&ktAJ ' « • ¦ - " t0 w*1"* Crdl£a Mixture for

.A^S>N ¦ i \ 8C\T1 / ' •""*] Children, H6w to.Ma>e Altni-

vc*V W-\S&;l\ifi! «r\'- " '- '• *\ men Water, and iteives other use-: Wl JH IJJ 'CWRA , -, >T .. !: ful First A14 Jruowution, also

f-'c-K i S -i»flV^ \ ' ! ctthe.Hvcfc'of the Athlete.

y -S ^JH\' :i3Nf 3J J . ) [¦' EjnbrboUioa; price in*,or one

:i >> N ¦'/•"¦ ilpfV ^ ' 1 ''/')!' i fa?'-1**^ -®*^y , . * S ( i» ST SAI •/ ^ • • .IT post>&ce.tp >iEl> parts -of the

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UONBY imffldinr iJxrE BY OIHE -it. IAM). ^ SL. BANK. . _,

CEi«a our -Ecsscrtar). -sThe -weekly mooting of thia body was heldin the Council .Room, Town Hall, on, iiVl,ondaynight. Mr. John Walsh presivred, ' ftnd theother members preG€int ware—Messm, JohnM- lilurphy, Kdward Aeohan, John Ourran,litatthew Scanlon, John J. O'Shea, MichaelMahony

Mr. ti*. Mulcahy, Town Olerk, was in attend-ance. '

The Town Clerk submitted the estimate ofratca for the comin'jf year, vfhich hud beenatraroved of by the Finance Committee. Itwaa as follows:—Poor ;Rate, . 8s.: Od; • TownEatca: Towna Improvement, 8d., a decrease!of 3d as compared whh last year; iPubucHealth, Od,,;a docreaael .of . M.; K3en«r«l IWatei;Bato,. .. eanw, &B Uat,jrcir; Domestic \Vit«Sate,'''6d., ft decrease of 4d; 'Boads -Rate,Ja. 00d. " ' i ¦ 1 "*

TJbo-Cbainnan.- add. <ha.l i there -was onematter to'whjchl he waahfod to direct tho atten-tion of the'members, imd'-thaf was in con-nection -with ithineo mctrtga(j>a>7hich. lb«d beengiven Dome years ago iby the UAan Councilto -Cie ¦• Munstct and Leinster ¦ Bank—«xne- -wason. the- roads Account] for £78; one on theharbour for £35, and the third on the marketaooount for £371 Via. j The auditor liad difi-allcwsd and eurchirg4d i£ho3e morteages tothe Muustor isnd i bcunfeter - Bank. The iatt«took -proceedings ' E aihst the Council' In alonier and superior wort. - They wens beatenat the Queen a Bonchi and were ortlered toreplace to-the credit of the Council hetmbunto of' tho mortgages. -Two 'oJ ' theseamounts had been replaced->one on- the xoadsand '.tho other on Iha harbour, ibut t)ie thirdon thej market of £271 had not yet been re-funded, i | ; ;

Mr. 'Keohau—Do you mean to tell me thattho bank owes 'us £274?

Chairman—Certainlyj I do.'Mi. Keohon aakod the Clerk had not tho

£2Tl ever been placed to the credit of theCouncil? ' I

The Clerk' replied that it had not, and addedthat dt was not Icreditcd in the Council's booksor the bank book. i - i

Mr. ikeohan (said that as a matter of fact,the. Ibank had only., lojt sw63 on the transac-tion.

The Chairman eaidii^iat they wervvtted ,t><believe that this money , had been replacedby the bann, (but it wqs not 6O. At the timethese mortgages were given there wore over-drafts due to the bank amounting U> nearly£2,000. W hen , the aiidixor came there amisurchared niortgages I he (Chairman) hadquestioned him concerning the overdrafts, andthe auditor stated that the bank could notlegally get back the; amount | of the over-drafts nor the imorlgages. The 'Council hadsince paid up both interest and principle onthe overdrafts, land he thought; the l>ank gotvery well out of the Itransactibn.

Mr. Keohan ftaid thit at the time the ques-tion of those mortgages arose, the ProvincialBank wa3 treasurer \4> the Oouncil , and , theCouncil were in difficulties financially. TheProvincial Bank refused to advance anymoney to the CouncilJ and dishonoured theircheques. "Mr. Gardiner, of the Minister andLeinstex Bank , was waited upon with, a viewto hia beooming treasurer to the Council. HefiouffhH. counsel^ opinibn, and was advised' totake 'over the liabilities if the Council gavemortgages on their icoount3. Th« Councildi<j to. and tlio iMunster and Leinster Bankpaid the Provincial in hard cash, lie askedi\lr. tCurran -R-asn't that oo.

Mr) Curran—\es; l(iii you were here at thetime, Mr. 'Xeohan. i

Mr; Xeohan—a was); but I did not say oneiviord , about the mortgages.

"The Chairman saidithat the ostimrxte of therates which ,&ad ibeen placed before thornamounted to 6s. 7d. jin the £., 'but he ¦wouldresist the striking of any rate until tliis monevhad (been placed to the credit of tho Council.Ho Tvould pay rates' amounting only to 7s.Gd, in the £. ,

Mr; Keohan eaid hat it was Mr. Curranwho had pilotod an< encineercd all . mattersin connection iwith tie mortgages—(laughter).

•Mr. Currin—You were here at the time,Mir. Koohan, and from your-ke&n conceptiqaof these transactiansjeince '98 and your vividrecollection, you most have been vcr- deeplyinlere ttd-rilaughter). . , i

It -was ordejred tha the treaeuxer 1>e writtenIto .o»n<fcrning tho rnortgapo on tln> marketsaccount of X2T\ , ' which had ibeen declaredillegal, snd'that he be asked for an explana-tion- '

¦ ¦ _ ,_ _ __"W | THE FXT.VL PI.RE.Scirgt. Grace; submitted reports in connection

with the recent fiiy« tohich occurred at Abbey-6ido:and .Mary-etteei, and gave the lists olmehl employed in extinguishing 6fime. H«stated (that it ihad come to hia Jcnowiedge thathe had been censured by people in the tov.-nwith regard to the delav in putting in orderthe fire appliances (at the lilary-etreet burn-dnjj, ibut'as Jar as hie was concerned—and he¦had experience in [fires for itho 'past fortyyears and in | iDungirvan for 6oventeen, years—he, bad always discharged his duties satis-factorily, to the jMary-street fim he washampered and impeded by epme 'people iii-terfering with him Jin the discharge of hisduty. They i; wcre faking away,. screws andcouplings, <ytc . IDelBys -were icaused by thedifficulty in ilndicg the hydrants, and he wasnot ttie~;-water bailifl of tho Oounoil. Anothermatter, the hose used by the!'Council was acanraa hose, ani Staving ibeon .u&od at theflrd dn Abbeyeide two days previouffly, i{ hadto be cleaned andhjing up to dry underneaththo Town Hall. Wt ile it -was hanging up, thepark. Beits fR-ere <pu in the same place, andit "wiaa 1mpossible - vhen the cry of ifire waa'aieed *o G«' at the hose without ooosiderablelelay.. ••: '; . ' ' ! . ¦

'¦ '' Mr. Mnirliy said that he had epoken -twoyears ago bout -the! necessity oi a lire escape,and it waa now admitted by all 'that a arefcscape -was'intecsaariy for tho twn. 'He wouldal9oiurge the Council to.procure about a haltdo£en axeairi connection with the/fire enginemtoidh might bo used for the -cuttir^ aW9y oftfanbim in1 houaoa adjoining that in whichthere -was fire. ) ' " ' ¦ ! • '-'The Clerk <was «quosted to write for quota-tacraa ea to firo e«oapcs, hook ladders, . axes,et«.. and cn-bmtt em at next mooting; Hewas" also wq oca "ted I to communicate with th<Mvtsal . inswanoe (companies wjth l refarenw;to)4he xeoebt inroa *nd to procure from thiraaill* *nro of £32. i tAicJi tbe Council tbbnghlreja0n&J)W i<Jr th* I payment of the; men en-mood M< tif oo toe».\ ' '¦- > ' ¦ " \ \ ¦ '

Qi tb« TWOpositicin of Mi. Curran, *econdodJ>y Vf. gBM i i a. *-a*olntian

wnt varied to the<&cltb»t,*pe DtWa,Councili>lai»i<(n te oti«heiri<ie«P » nM Of r«jr«t »i the <ie«th of thetete;Mf;:PS«Wek:Il<»*ef » 'which ««d' «ve)rit rejuit«t from *h« U uing atTyMw freet,

] - titti Keohin ¦ eropesed, ; and: .Mr, ScanJon«e«wdei, • ifi»t uu Council . oommend Mr<3«orge Tjeww to h< proper • -autbbrities forhw xouraccbla. ooi)duc_t in rushinj into thebornintf hooj e arid esviog tbe life of a youngchUd ¦which he «a :riW ;into the etiSwtJ ) ¦ -» < '¦"; -Mr Scania a f«m irked that thw man riskedhta |o1fni.W« tto,5Wye <*« «hiW.' <>n comingout 1« had & >Uea to the yround 4n the flames,bnt i gorifjpfti i onj ljla.leet. . ¦; . - . : ¦ , : ,y tf e:&$&m:f t a i p^s«d'junanlmoU8lyV

' 'iiW poaft5 1 Mr- Corran Beccmded%rarf.»BcSta(«v*,iwpi^lon

ol BympatJjJryMpiiftd !«ri I tae d*iih oi -Dr. K«nn*flc, i Cton-nitfi-inoM Jiftitr » m -» Jirga tntteij c«rch»ntht ,jynx&u *ia, *ni' *jBHsmber of jtaa ;TotraOdtfinSiKiCft^* tap o t to t t y e e n'. Ogpieff f ere

¦' ! ."

: •¦.!¦

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ¦

¦1 : . ::¦! 1' - ! '''. - .¦¦¦¦

: . l . .;| h :i l •

" - 1 '; - :!: i ] M^ 1: ':<W> ' :/>


-I ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ l "I - * j ^L^ - - - - !. -! : :

H ^t -i ;-;: " ;|r -i-=;^ J" tflfe£.tt ?H^V:. ^-

i i ¦ ¦'» '¦'¦. ¦ - : ; ¦. . . i

¦ ' ' ¦ '^ril'' !¦ ¦¦¦¦ . : P M I V "V : ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Hvl ' -V, -! ¦: . - -¦: ¦'

iJ..:-.::-l: jj :;; iii-i-^il Ur 'T,


rW\\ B.E.P.Cobit.Htj atKTretUital'




[Fcoii oarb Bcronriai], , \ -The weeMy meeting of this board -was -held

on Saturday. Hr. James iDoyle, V.O., -andsubsequently Mr. John'OT>cmaell, Chairman,presided.- -Tho other-miomlbots pressoV ¦woror'Measra. Thomas P. MorrisBoy, iD.VX?: Jiunes'Bone, David 'Phelari,. Jamea Wolah, Temple-oxum; E. iPurooll. !' •¦ . ,_ '

Mr. VJohn.OISullivan, Olerk e Assistant; Mr,Jamc3 WaliiwUIIastar; t^ lieving Officers M,Hrokey, 'Philip Dalton and: Martin Borrcr wcro


^ jMASTEni's. jipiparr. ¦ ¦ ¦ - '¦.Miss (Burke, night nutpe, -was a-bsent , on

private' ' ibusiw-s-.far-i~J d *j a ¦ during thoweek. The held'nurse tod her dutiea attentfetf4 _ ¦ ¦ '

On a jequj ition from the MJO. on tlio 33rdinet., he omntoved Slurae Paraooa, County claiifirmary, IWatirford;, ataie. 6d- per week, -witaications-end (ravel!in4' expenecs, for night dutyia tholcreib06pit:di7-iAi>proyied. , ¦ '

It ia ,necessary to- adveaaso for a femaleattendant for *he chronic ward.—O-rdarailaocoiidingly.. . . . ¦' ' •_ •¦ |•There mero GQ casuals during the week. |Mr. MorriBaeyT-^'UIi-xcsard *o the. chronii

ward, I thought -we! •worcn-'t to make a permanent 'isppointment. ¦ • • • • ' ¦ ¦

Chairman—<Where is tho, ottendanS, that watthere before? ' . , \

;.^. „/ ¦ . . _ . ' ¦_.;,;.Maatex—She resifftiod cbout three ¦week

sgo, and" 'I' "was un hlo to make a temporar,arrangement.

.Tho Chairman said it tfas very expensive-.v

Dr P. -,-Pt.ephenson, 'M.O., imported as follows—On 23rd inst., a . taosc of diptheria waiadmitted to the fever hospital. I requisitionecu trained nurse for night duty .

As So. , 0 diet is not necessary he Bubmittecmodifications for approval- The cos*. h<pointed out . was practically the eame as herelofore. ,„ • < / '. -

It was decided to try itho modtflBd scale-10:a months _ "VESTING COilMJTTEE'a EEPOBnC- I

Messrs. M. V. Power,.David POaelan arid ElPurcell reported as follows—(We visited thehouse this day, and found ihe several apart*ments clean and in a sanitary condition. Th4inniatjes appear ,to .be well attended to. ¦ Tiifood is of good quality and eerved out da avery saiasfactory manner. The institution, higeneral , reflects credit on the several officers ,

Chairman—.That ia a very satisfactory re-port.

Mr. iforrissey—It is indeed.IMr. Doyle^—It is &atisfactory to know tha .

things are in such good order. I ¦ ¦ i¦ THE TEA (QUESTION. i

Mr. J O'Kara, tea teeter, -vvrote under dats24th inst., -from ' Dublin:-©ear Sir—Thesamples you now sent iroto delivery aro equalto sample tendered'.' As J mentioned to you jtwas qaito the iiret eaipple that 'H'as, perhap3,from outer portion of chest and did' not 'fairlyrepresent bulk. ThereiU no douttt -CHe eamplasreceived to-day are satisfactory. ;

Mr. O'Hara'cnclosed an •account for £1 Itfor examining and reporting . on samples. •

MT. iDoyle asked how the matter arose. {The Assistant Clerk explained that a lette

was read from Mr. O'Hara laat day intimaiing thut the eamplo aemt him , Irom deliverwas not up to the cample which accompaaictho tender. :

¦Mr. Morrissey—Mr. O ara said it was qui'possible that the caase of it was the samp ,was taken from the outside. 1 think tt6ample should Ibe taken irom the centre uthe chest. .

Chairman—What difference would it mal;to take it from tho outside?

Maater— M.r. OSullivan and -I took &.>sample. \Ve put down our hands fully e:;inches for it' Assistant Clark—It was mentioned here tniday week that we put down our anna almo ato the elbow... . . . . .'.: Mr. Doyle—(Has the contractor made satb-factory arrangements about it since? j, Assistant Clerk—(He eny e it ia all right nofv .

Mr. ilorrissey t is on unfair thing iahave a. report go about and published in tfcenewspapers that DAr.' -Walsh'esample was notup to tender sample, and now it turns outthat the other eh iSt is all right.' The matter then dropped, i ,¦ .

MONEY FOR TttE UNION: : i[Mr. George J. Morria, Secretary of the -Kil-

kenny County Council, forwarded- a nbtiflca-iLion of tranafer of a eum of £423 14a. Od., Itothe credit of Ch« union, 'being the ilrat instal-ment of the -money to bo supplied upou 4Vmand. i . . .. : ; ¦ . . :|! (Mr. iDoyle—They Ihave great i courage aftierjthe <r?vernment stopping ibetwoen £6,000 and£0,000 from them, i i ' ¦ • '" IBHSH ~O-ROWN TOBACCO ' |

The followinc1 «soolution trom the NavasUnion wa3 read—That 'we, the Navan Boardof Guardians, i having Beeurod an excellentqual ity of plug ior use in ; the i Navan wo k-house, guaranteed ito -contain 60 per cent, o)Irish-gxoun leaf, l eamestly Qiope the jo$erBoarA of Guardiane in (Ireland win adopt!aBrmihlr course, iri order to practicall}..sip-port- an industry jiwhkh means' £25 oni a'< reto labourv and I that a '«opy of thia.xeool.uti >nbe sent !lo eao1*- ^Board ox Guardians, i

Assistant Clerk -They want you to biyIni i tobacco. j ¦ ' : i

Ci'alrman-^And Sdon't we buy it? i. -Mr. :Doyl«—rYou 'ibuy Irish tobacco made inLiverpool— laughter). , , ' ! ' ; , j

. The! resolution woa, .adopted. : i ;i ' I TIRED OtP RESOIiUHONS. i Ji The! resolution ol the Mountmelllck Boc rdof Guardians,! mewjfnnning. »pproval ox <ljne

;Tec«nt; report of the Vioe-Bcgafi CommtsauonIon Pc'or Lnw Refotro was wad.; . i : • / 'I Mr. Morrksey—We; have K^lutipno

on fbiS;

:eul;j«rt -coming before Us; for | the 'last j uljn^'"Mr. fioyie^We have Adopted quite a 'sheafof xesolutfons' on :ib s ;subject, and I thijk¦we might mark this one 'read. . ; ¦ «JJ^Ut MoTz] £ZQ7-mxk .ft ''read." ThieeKBolutions are comdng up since the tep irtappeared, aod 'iboyVfcro about six or d; hSmoothS ibehind tinw. f i _ j , i 4( , ' „ !

"* CHAIB3 JTOK^HB GUARDIANS., .1'. : TO»• A88feta t CledcAdd lhat ,duT.7«ek 1 hilwaid decided to £«.' *wolve <jhairs ona;(lheMaster wa3 aakc<fl •»• proenrt «ample8| .'rindestimates,- wlueh heidid. . - :|- \ .v --i- - :

The eample chaira;|w«ie placed an the bw rdroom fcr inspec*ian..V i :', i , I , , , • i ¦, -'•Mr.! Doyle—Are1 thofia 'choirs . Irish vm&tiu-faotnref ! -' ,• '¦¦ ,! ,: ¦ i 7 ' ;i ; ;- ; : - ;jt; ': ;-v1 ,Maatet|-Th«y dtt. . . ¦'¦ • j ' '. ' { ' :

Thei cuardtana having ex-o-mined the chaim.Proc e4

to c nakler, lh« endera. todUl atof Mri Thomaa Oleary, «t ato: per dozen, bei ogthe lowest; .«nd: hifl emtfy op* • Mrter- wn-Bldered the beat ol itJiose «»tijn. vaaunaii-movKly' iicegpUsA !"_ -"* , ¦ r*ji- i - - V"? " : * - » • ; ' : i - i v ""

ThU concluded ;thtr tousintea, , {. j ,

M jP:;ji*',PWiii l":ipr" , 'iBAKING DfBlAfliLjEi

ip i msiI';' i \i ¦;|:JcMM| ^||l | i7jg.*r - ! ' bjrunici; Dp tt^ w. V»t«rf3ral~ -Sr\ 'Will Gtiand. this Jeeasott. on ThuiBday* *ndjmBcfivomis, and ^ tte H tw^rtlUgeticd' Kfl' 1 on th vtp& ubvof rf Qn ''n*1** fg^n 1 11,'and oi Saturdaya! and'-'Fair 'Days at Mrs.i- . ¦ ^J IT. - ¦ J _„ 1 fc J Mn*AZ . . *.T» _J^ r»- - —¦ — ^every omar <jay i p & u i q - y w & i t; «x iaams. ,

II : iFbal! westiMr iir iibl<jsfl, esccpted. - - r -J / TK

ibid, IB haadafT inchja Jieight,' itaSflr on; iSertbeet of short •[Jegs',1 ; nsith rreatM»ne and

loina, .witi faultieaa action. ;! ; r ; -.j i ' I ¦ ' ¦ I : JPBDQXIEEE..'] : ' ' ¦• ' '!-i ¦' YOVNQ W&iaLAiWi * eot: W tt» lit* Mr.,IllJiattiid <T !i'l i-r»fl.W» [ 'TBpifT-PiP'. by I*ij5YBa^&niby Lord KolindJ ft&mify/Ctara. '.a&m'by,

-lAteddiaaa Umpto, h&. > dam; Batwi&jAt;. by.Qmntooirt.; i '. ¦}- ;¦ ¦ - ':h-- . ¦ ¦¦ V : I I 'i v :\ V-\ '[ \ \, .:/ ^ y ;- ; -] \j . \mp m.j\ Jy ct'Wh-• '<3oo.'Q«aaen'«. Mar«,lX3. G«K«aV-F««; 6/-J-:-¦ '(FlaBmenj" Msres, £l| 103. Gioom'o F«e, 9.! iGroomlj F«« wi be-paid ait'totjaenrdce. ¦ ¦j :EOTvtfoe money to bo paid on or before the¦let October, JSOTi. : Tha QwneriJTiU' DJJ6I>» !»:eponoiWo lon.ioeidciifcj to. any. mareaieeat|to:t£ifl horafe, 1>ilt-th© (befit «f*oah9' will -b*'lik«n:©J them. j 1 : ¦ i« .' ¦ -i | ; . ¦ ' !i- IFor iurthe pakicfuiliil* »PP-y W. 'flia Groom.:No.. «Sloadanoel on Sondaya.!- Csi in ends:i2thrjuly; ! | ¦"¦—-' " "; ""'T - " 7. "

j - . . ¦•¦|:--i i -jv«B4Spi --(i3ar, - ;^; - ' ' ¦¦]- \

1 UA^M ki/ak 'jlamJSSjriiteD,- !K1U, Cci. V 1

¦;¦ ' ' •••^^*- 't-W o C f f l t o a/ .i ; '>•¦{ . v' - .;:.¦; i^.''

¦ "do-ciiw.T.nfli":;: - . ; . '¦'

. ' ¦ '.: - :• . '- ¦.•VfSa -ifisai tibiaj-flcsnonL -. ,. . . '' !<S0CrE2S; Sii £fBanfcp«Jdtowiv Craatcd.Owoatt» cots. *n4 IGoMaa. Treasurer, 'OsphanGiri, Oahir;Qarf, tod '8«v»ral oiUjuer xsrinnera.By Bend Or| (winner jot the Derby, 183W, dam(by Htermit (irinncr of tho ©erlqr), oc* oi W«7(Blanche Ibyi Tiloridcirboit,-; her ¦asm Cordeilaiby V©ng«anlco; l otrtlpi Queen ol Essuty " vj\MeOibrinrne. i f'.-VJiU ' ; - :: ¦ . -jj TXBXXIlIMiJ iiW et'. olber.iraaca isrottr.LheTWrYeaTJ6Id,P} e ilk JN&wutfk,et'J'unelfee$'iiuS. ''tiW vl jfwW'S'':'.*** .'. ' Tartan*(Banner and'otStCsfthe ©rakelow Stoke* at'IDerby, the Two Thousand , ,.Gudn6as Trial,Ne-wroaitket, a Weltor CHandlcap ct lEemntotiCPcrk;, .np .4} the* .-.So thfleld•: 'Pla1« i «,t N«w-'rnirieft/'OfoWber. beating and, giving , ,Kjlireflfcgbaa 'let, Dlb, He - «tt."5o'\' eEowe3' goodform by mnniiijr -roiuhth. ioiiLblFlecho in th<Oasmlbrtdgeshdrei EtaSwTol MJSI& (ltrSt?) leavuur Jjweuty-«dx |otber» behirui him.paBQNTES wpff .teied 3>y-'tjae ;Diik© ol West.miniier, '«nd Ifi <i i sak- clieslinut h<)r&e, fuljOf gnadity, etaiiddnf, 15 hands SJ indhee highjpjii..ehoPtf legs, wjai :> oyoUiplaocd- • ¦¦qhtwJ4w3igood' back and loine

powerful Quarters, bi|$i$£jix9r , &nd i -has., poiilodtljy t tvmfi$ vbind- •? 7^iloan ' nonfl?h», IftiiM A owmtutxl'. Kimpof» v 1;i ' Hiasi ibwn»^r*ime , rfecitjlyi !ao«nd 'by.- HID. ljambetft," FJBLCJVJST. ' J5!«i7it

<XRONT[E8 is I sire of Sonny, who ran secondin tJi* KdMaTe!-Huni Cup and! DownBhireSeUinfj .POate, a,i 'Pwnoh«a{own,, AnriL48Qr&«n<L W*Sn it£d .slnWCup 'WsOS1 Aha-TlSSat_JKiliiare;.. obi ol Ehdne- - Wdm .-.^rho- paiooaond at Iiwgfleld May, 1904, in th« Hhin.''ftera';Httrdle iRfpev ¦ Ppe<ual jtfcrajs fop: ir?Jatj«gana Idame of wfnnera. • ' i

-:-— —. ¦-•— - ' • - .; •XKBM8. '1 •¦-:;•*-,- —- *•GehiUcinen's. iSawja, £6.V GTOom'a fee, 6/-JFarmers', Mato;-£3 JJOp.' Giw>m.>ff > F'Ca,''2/d.-

. aeivice mon y wi» paid 1st August; SZm.Oroom's Fee- a* &a& fiecvi-oe. Sei^on 'endsW\ Xul'V. . ¦ ¦

. , . , . ,PS.-^No"; axwounte.'birity foY* accMemta > t/i.

maTej3 or ' foals. ,' -. - 1|. ' - ' : j ,;-For Inrther paiitdpulars: apply to Owner,,


SEASON 1S07' ¦ ' : THEiI'JHJlUlTl N'O'1;8IEE, • '¦

/ . .'. ; " '


'¦¦ > '<¦

Will I latarid- tfcis'-'i&eaeon; ¦' o|» ¦'. W«t|ne»fayia' .'anaThoiiddarys of Mr. Michael1' -Phelan/a''Yard,Ballnibrioken, Wtatoriord, and the remaindcirof the: week a&'iha' Stud Farm, Ballyvadeh(Fair Days, fo#, leather, a'ccidcntiS. ind; 111-

OIHliEflrTONiB » .by'Young Wild <W byWild OartsJ ao cif Wild DayneJl, hia danii;slater. to.iMaidi St SCralee, by rthe RoTer: «.dam:' .by<i;;lf«wit<»nJLe-Willl«wai . i 'Young ¦ WiltiOato, stre of Telephone, was ant ol a mambyjPiannct* her.dam by Birdcatcher... - . '¦ i J-i

THEB'BOiVlE i, 'ftltb' 'of Telephone's dard,waa-airo.of^ Stj Gatien; wtj a --dead heat forfoe Donby with Hiaiiveeter, 1691. : ; i" TTHLHRHiCXNiE is *'drak brown horca;-' -fc>-solutoly eourid, ' stands cfvop, 18 hands hijil,on short leas, with-plenty of bone, 'eubstanci,(runlity. an<j beautirul atraight action.

aBLEPHONlE }9; exceedingly heailhy. ;arJ4.fmitiul. ¦' ¦ i > > '.

¦ - - .- ' ¦ • '¦' • '- ' '

At the WaKjnford1 Agirioultural Show, July,1906, iniOiaas .13, , the Silver - Cup . pree nwd,by th* 'Marquis ol Waterford was won WySilly Girl, a Tdophone, mare. In daea 16at the' aaihe Show Silly Girl abo took firstprize. „ H5s/-eaH8». gained pri zes, e.y TildatMarid Kilkenny Showx l!i . i . . ¦ , : '- '

• ¦- ??" ¦ •• THBttia. ; - Gentlemen's ;Mares, £5. Groom's Fee, b\- 'OTa bred' 1SAV ,\

£3; Groom'e Fee' .2/3!

rb.rmere''Marea. £2. Grodm'B 'Fee,' 2/0/ 'Secrac<Ljnoneiy..to..b&-paid^on-tho-l&t"A«gTidt;

lS(f T, Groom's: .Ffcs Xo be paid at'first'CStyicb.-Season end» w-'h J.nly.- '> ¦ '- ¦¦' ¦• <• '¦- > ¦¦ -y

The. Owner,- Thomas-Power, will -not—peresponaiila fori ccjdentai to .marea.lor-.'loclf !

hSBASOK asm. . r

That lighi rtepping;,. Powentful, Well-toed-' i '

: I H ,1-. :*?¦?•>

¦•:'il "U/ ;- :•' .

VOUfiQ OVVPRDCr.k'lWill stand thi*:.season en WodnesdayB 'andThuredayB, at j Mr. : Michael Phdaa'« Yard,BallyJwacken^LWiCJferford, and 1 Ihe .remainderof the Week at1' the -Stud Fann, ¦ Ballyvaden(Balr Days, fouf weather, accidents and HI-ness exoepted). i . . ,. I

i YKXTJiMG: ¦SW«KJ>SaEAN ia by an IrishiDraajht !'H<>nje, pis .-.dam by SwordBmiai ?orRonian IBeelvy.-ATtilleTy.' dam Queen Bee ibyHarkawaiy!, ottt ol Oavilla, by Birdoatcu'er.

INJU 'JNK, . BWAjucuauvjiAoi, . ia-. a darK iivsiohestaultj'w hands 2: (iSnrheh \ high, iwltlpleinty I bx>he tmf r:,

tnajg'h^ faction. Mare*by Youri? Swrdsman have won prir<»-i alWoterford] Kilkenny and : PiUtown Shows.

: i] :|!' -": ifeRlM S.: - . -: ¦:",- • • '¦ i ¦¦" ¦

Gentlejjneny! Mate, £4.' : Groom's Fee;. 6/ !¦Half-bred Marea, £3. G-roonVe Fee, 2/6.Farmers' M*re3; £1 10s.1 ; Groom's Fee,i» 8,Service money -to be ! paid on the 1st

Aujuet, WOT. IGropm'a Fee to be naid at flistaenyloe: [Season endB.: 8th J.uly. [ Kbt acooun-fablo or flccdd-enis:: ,: J;; : ' ; : ¦' < ! '"

¦For ; driy Iflurther panticulam "¦ apply ¦'¦toOwner, , 1; . i j ¦ ¦ .

THOMAS BOWER. EaTJyraden Stud .Farm, rK#l. Kiimaothoroas,

; : : |;;. - ;[¦ ,coj? wa^pfordiH. ¦ ; h f||-i :¦ ITO :BE ET TO : MAiRES

SEASON 1907. |That Powerful: and -I ighly;-Brtd':YoungHoac5,

| |i f ' nk 'b iJ^r lH" 1" ' ; I "•- iRAGIiiAN'i ip '^ M &

i -nor^c,: fitandhgeb ut [J6l handi';i|lin-ob. > Blan'djl on; the 'v«ry,best ot shortjeound, good!tegs, -with fauIUiesaction; [I !'¦¦ : - i ¦ ; ¦. :

¦¦ i - i ¦ ¦ ' [

—RAGIiAN was : orbyTiari**" Eaglah7~"o!ndLord Raglan w-a«] got by] Lord Roland, a'adhis dam .by Monarch.. 'J ;.:¦ ; . » ' ...,r L ,

platKfil beatthj &nfi .j r6a.lherj p6nnitl&rig:X-pa 'W^d nf sdiys, fey. M,a. - JElyn n 'i,-> Cl ooea*. iegin*ing 8th Mav. Saturdays ;»nd Fair Dust atMr;. Minfiael Phelan'd, :iBaUy5)TickeiT^"W*W-ey*n|n(y,,'and| Q:h^r dsyd ¦ of jhe 1" w&k «O^rqert ¦ • 'wsJderK ¦-.'>^M«bai»/.' i C&nb f t .--H- l' iV- ' .* ¦ T8BM?i& i lM J1': ¦

>¦¦¦ fAWBert1;-^ Aw | . tt'lto.; TSr^Sm'a FeV- 1»f .'*. jj"fc"l * ; ? I '} r t ''¦' T ''''"%£'' '-, ! <1< **JL ,1 ! *T-

" The ; Prop3i»rVlIl' not be > accountable (ortp tMeatB lo^MtoW.ViJanyfahbold -odcur;-'-! <af1U b flft ,)1 4t4^WU, b kW ,<s* th«BVj «i ,V(Eteason 'ctuta WJ Jnljr/j ismfX ,Vri U\U'.

The] Propriptor ijirill.- kup Maaa b«ten?jn({to thcise Jmatr afis' 4i«4fln6« ai 2». per W,

/«t . <:->'| '1 ' |T |l,,-.. -j...U^. | . . . .- V • , . i - ' i- ;


¦" > 5fcB»APri< 'Horn im by $<>&$*¦ '<mmTai'btf5(>h«i': t '6ffnnfr6; ol i F,rj»ncl};, O«l«y-K »TSf S Uti',. j IJa ¦.; <^v^i'V^^ 6M 't BM mf^aAprK. w Irn'r' . or»^M*|'' i i#

ThAndi bi«J ,: iw-wj bor*''«Bdf?«jti n;'ind WI *l»n 3J J iJ f Can Umonr loi «bj» * ukiBOO* at tfe f!«' !n«--«wnf s.^;i- '-;- :'~f; i . • >

Gr5o '« ¦JPeei/ 8Wi- :\ ~ v;.;. , !¦f:|:- ;- . '!;- Jv, :,-;- . ¦ ¦:¦!: '¦ ¦:.

F«rtiK«d, ©H-l^ fififcJffillMjWS feThelowiwr i •flJj not hold; h(&iWH M^KU{! Ig.(o«r My i tide 9m4;-u«A Jntay ocic3ix wvimai «•


•. f i i "" - - .: I:!-. ;l-i:! - :- . ' •.'¦I 'LI-

S| M %$ P«ftVSfi*J

giadyi Win<rennfln>,; by J Kendal, ou> ol My

¥^%TmmR$?bt mtlfai chtetant horiei'(with |fln« b oae and aubatance. A . winner pimany Races. (He.Was second;to- -'SV TIWM.ini|*fflc»9hk >Ste«p^b*8i,«nd4hirdr-t<>--MoU«;»HTin . Grano. National. |Won Lord UcuwnAn**Oup .PhcBnix P^tfk/ j ; . . - : " - "'" i ' «, ' ¦ 'rKERMB—fPw ^cty (approved1 HaJi'tevd Marts,£tr<««oh; Jen Tl»rough|brod Mares, jElOeaoa.!Gtoon>'« IFw, Sh' '! "¦ ti l " ¦ ' ' \ "L' ;--i.» ~

: O BWTM tinder Hoose Breeding'i JOMWft,^i. Uu&FM08It( «>, «;3Bay ;<>r r'lBr^m Hows, ,

I JwiS Dictator ¦:«;-. K«n««b Fin '\o«l,'«f ,-yoid.K kHj BtxjjJOj JXUJj tfoon, oui oi. xwu paw;- -o/Jluii vP«d<Hirif' out Wf Bosn.'; - ' i J 1,J (DICU^TGEi-by-Arbitlrator, out ofjPionooo,¦ fetnasa FEBB. bjr Torpedo,1 *

ol Fair'kaid- ol K«nt; by Gl£diateur. : - ; .: ¦ :

; ' HlCARFBTlKNIOHT.O ,CUiRBEnqKNM.Hr.> Bay Bfor«), by [ Sir

Vfato.(wian«t.cif tW iSerbjr,. 1f%5). <mV;of¦Prlsarcae Leayue iDJjf ¦ ' > * : ' ;¦ :'¦''. ; , ' : ,'•JffoaMlBOaE.v.IiBAOuB-i'II., M i eaHsbttry.j.iher torn Peal of :Beia, J)y Petowci, -'604 ofBeH; Metal; t>y 0f«rlirnf. • l |j T- . ¦'•.. aUR.Jfli^TO. iby Ba oaMine oat.iof vista,tai'r.Macaroni; her :dJim--Voidure5 ¦ by - Tt<r>3-Tian, out « May Bloom, by Nawm aster.

:- ' : : ' 1 ¦ < » OAnBATT." ¦ •:• - :• " •.- :> ',- ?. : '.DAIBBAlTfr-, •a'^Chestntit Hoaa.by gtAfijclo,

ojit-icS Ifidy ' Jiithb.>.: ¦ " - ' , ' i l .. CJAiI>Y - wUHOJ. wr Althora; nor dam,lEjhland.'Lady, by lllffhiindor,1 xnjt olLodyti&>:1bf . Zfenca:. ¦, '~ > .' ; — ¦' :i."i , ';/i ';- ¦ .

GT. . ACCGELO !fffi3 got-by CUi^Tcux. CJGalopdn, Out of An&eta.- M ¦ : : ¦ , '.' ,".¦'.-. ¦'- -,! i - i i.-ITBIlD:- •¦!¦!

¦ • ¦:-¦!.-ivTiorousliAraJ Mares/ £6 eccb; Grocqao

(Pcia/ 10/* ].". -. , i ! ¦ : ! • ¦¦ ! • " 'i "Genttenoa'kj Morei, £3 eaoi; Groooi'oFcs,

67-! ¦

i T J i 1 - . -'¦' ^ > - ::| .

¦- . .; ¦¦ •¦


Tenant Fawnere' M ires, £2 taahi Groom'aFee, m. \

¦¦ ' i - : ; ; .: f - T -Service !F-eo to [be paid let Inly, 1C07.

Gman'**l?ea:*&. ifirst .Samoe. ' :| ¦ ;"¦ iNb'MAros ^{.tended (to on 8undaya. Sessosendrf. bn tha Irt i Auyttst, 1207. : , [' i

'No acoounUbilityI tor eceidcntJ ito llcrca;tbe best ol cara [TTTTJ (bo tairan of them. .. i:For furtliAr .partiionlare: «££& *° :4- j ' -j ¦ ¦, ;.3IB. !.: JOHN.- , W^^.. :' .•? i ; .. ,|fljr to]tha Stud, Gwom...

THOiROUOfHiBiRilD SURE FOR 1807.((Registered uSdorl lh«: DepaHnicnt ot¦ : : • lAj lculture). ' J ' - !


,» / . ' "MM iafo T B R,H - ' .J ,' ¦¦ •¦ ! , -: '^Foaled-1901, ihe property oil Martin Kennedy,Sto'minoiG©, -Kilmaadon, ;Coun'tyi Waterfowl.;(MDtNSXiE2 "la a. |bayi horse with black

pointa, stands 16 hands', hi^h,' with greatdepth; ,and , power and; immenco bone, ninaInchca -cmcler knee, jAq <i yenrHng this coltvai_cnraide4 2nd! -j '. ?rite' at ¦.the,T W«t«rfprdAjrriculturtJJShow;! it two : years] old, Fif»tPnz« at jlvftrk Fanning-Society's Show; 'r-Has i-dajnf TAiert ;-lt;.', Vijinner olj five ! FirstEriiesj at! looaV Showi. tded with; .iPartrideo"for Firet Prize'flV toe Iverk Farmitifr Socie&'aShow. Th« latter Won 8econd Pnte at'&<T.ovd 'DtiWin. 'Eadotiy'e- Snow; Ball> -BridiJtin Augut(t2last.*V " T I ¦ ; - , [ : , . _ „ - -r- DKSra?R^ yttun#*e£cick"'ore|very; pre-mising. I i he eaTUnjra, his . first [produce,w<fdj &\i KBf a-yffy teTtora 8how . Second andThlwi Prizes,; v&Uojhi^Uy coarrnended; Atthe-Cl-onriiel Show last year, the jonjy yearlingcf hia exhibited thef« won Secoad.and Third'PriiftT irt Idiffewht cla«ise«. .' ¦ ¦ i|-. . . ' > . .>

MTOISTEE will 4tand every ' Wednieodayand Satorday.. iat jMr. Michael Phelan'a.BaWybriciken.-' .WateHord', and otb-sr days oltbe _wee!k: i 'ai OwnerJB residence. ! Tuwday,THj Sgaxmbi. | ' .! ' ¦! ' ¦ , ' ': ;-'- ¦¦ - | i . i - a TERMS. ¦

'¦ '.

'¦ \ [

'¦ '¦ ': ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

. Gentlemin'a Mores' £4. GrdoBtffl Feea,' C/<V workirigi Farmers'' Mores, '£3J Groom'i7ibd) if i - -- -- -- i ' - - - ¦ ¦¦

- : . , ¦> ! ¦ , - • . ¦¦

Nominated Mares (Fee fixed by Co. Comniittes). 'M&wjpmjBjE* , Z». 6d. , : ¦ . , , .ifGrQOJn'a jjces to/ bel paid at Firfet Service.

|i i- PBDIGKEE. . ' ll ¦ ¦' •- MONSTER, by Yobng Harden by Harden,by Hermit;' hfo d'am AIeTt:II.-, Own Sister,t«IdonUty:;W 'DeteoHTa , by Robertlltno I>evU.g;d. Alecio/iby Prid<- ol Prussia; .g.d.'Fnry,By Thunderbolt s g& g.A. FraHcesca. by' ITew-minstar;!ij L g.^ 4.

Lsdy\ Fiances, Tby

VenlsbAr * i i f » \ ] . ¦',' \- ' " -.. ': ¦ ¦

¦\\ - <• ¦ ¦'¦"(For farther particulars see SWd BookJ.,- JNo accountability j for any ; accident that

may' napipen -to Mares or iFoals ieai to tbl»horso. .- ||,'! ' : I , ¦ ' l| • i :- ¦ ¦

No M4ro3 attended to on SuhdoyB ; ' ' '. ' Seaoonij enaa -Iat Tply.- . • ' i | . :

TH1B TflKKBCAjGiH-iBRBD BERE' •¦'i *, . !; ;¦ , "9 iv^

CMY'" ' I ' • ¦

.) Dark' %\xy' ' Wrfie.f' with 'black: poin'to, .'¦ lflbands 1 inch, with nine inches of bone, willstand on| (Wednesdays.- and Fair! Days al'owner's iyard, Ballybrlcken, an< i the' re^rnainderl'of the' weeOc at the otdhlea,! Mon-mahogueJ \ T i ¦


r { ' . •• • ¦ ¦ i I} w.Winnci rjf many .rptxjs' ovei! Jior ilea and onthelJDati in".be£t oi company. ! ; - ' '' • !'

He is got by Geolagut, by 'Sterling, out oiSiluria- bjv Lordj Cl ften, out' ol Jilineral.. byRataplarf^ oni ?oi- Mbngereae, ,by Sirdcateher.His danf: ferine; br Nerine, by-Fjavo, iont oijnghfSisre; by DbJl ene.i out of Ante Deima,V& Wtt-et;;> -?i\.l, '

l \:i » , , .]} .- - .- : ¦ . .j ¦ .....k 'OHRTuTPI'lVTB OF yJB. ¦- . - ¦¦

: .1 hereby.J.certdlTj thia-;; day, Jabuary 27th,iftKl^exotoiriea.raY ;be request offaiir. - JameaArnold; r !BaUyl bWrir" ate-rfo«l, tbe baystallion Ganragny.jfix years old, and in myopinion ithe said a:iimal is t free;| from here-ditary doeeaae. and sound .for »tnd purpoaea,

:,| i : ¦;' ¦' j ¦' AB.TJHJOIB«; -/rcTni3p-Tho.roTiSih.fee, 6/-; : Gentlemeiigroom's fee; 5/- i Te¦groom's 'fae, 88]: i: <Jroom'e-Fcc3| at"» JAll^geryice money

, IA few dams o i w: No BccounSabilitjmay ^-ppe tq ^- VL%xn cv«yrop» i dll. For .furiholf paifti

:_CT . to' tjhe i.'Grooiai¦ i . ;; -I i

¦ I ¦ | ill I

TSOGOtrGH-BSHr: STEE aaiSON'. 1907."¦¦!". r-\ \ \ J' HIDERUIAN," idda. \i '. lOTlikRlNTAiN" waa bred \h Mr. ¦.BaitKerr, Rathmoyle, t nd was sold ab a yearlingat the Don«ast^r.fiale9 to Mr. IS mpaon,Jay,for 650 guineas. Ifle is a rico cbestnut,fltandins 18 haodjs high, with; iekception-aUy,good aBtion,' beaut iul cjrnmetry, fine boneand aubi-tan , I and perfectly epund. ':v . "He JB ; **by Gallinule', eire . of: tnnntneralble•wdnneMj ont of Svenska, : darn ol severalwinnersJ ioolading Eric, Souvahff,1 Winkle,'8^eft».(Wini, j Sa4:, Jflep/Jntf! otber«, bySrrcitbread (winner1, of ib« K>y,al Hnnt Cupat lsfcotrand Stewards' 'Cup t Goodwood).out of Peffaf by Adventurer, by I flevrrhin*t«r,vt>y Touohstone' out jot OaMer- Qb (winner- otthe 8t.j Lager), by! Stockwell, Vf, The: Baron,'out of |Pooahpnta» by Glencoe; i j - ¦ :

i'Amojjgst other eiyearling was inolul OS, but; owing tjohe was- never racet.ir"Hn;BEaNI!AIN;"i

pnmbSri-l of; a)ppri>MThorbpsh'bred MJree.'M ; gwdW* few.'b/"-;Winn«im~.!»rkl-Dams> of :Winoe» j epecjal leergroom«I lees, 5/. j !;Genll«nen'»! Msres, £3;stoom'ejfees. o/t; Firmer*'Marw: £2: jrrocnriV,|Orto&> . r««3t$ Be .j fil «l!|tMt. ServiwKeen' of-Mares, 7A[toer »-f*k. n i V y¦H 'oapns'OFloBttirTFieitas- OF •1 i : . ' ' • ¦ ¦<_L8'P..?MW?8S.:; i if. ! . n-. iUPAK¦ i t'v ' : i yeW^Bfiijfi'EsHblfehirjent Waterlord ."¦'U ¦ ' '< H' j i ; '^ylisth. im\ \ r . . .ls«;ber»l)j^c«rtifv,jbaflng. at Uia reque« /-<>l

\ilrh JtqbBri* Pa *tjrJ ?} eXanildedl *, 'oheatou»i-Hf>reeviiJameffl "(Si serniao.". :In ray opinioni^said ttorte'flf ipeHe«Jy sound.; - . ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ \ ¦ ' • ¦-"I 'lii *'t;y: /ROBfe| BILEBj 'MJ&C.JJB.. 3; p. ; ' \?!j:5^"iAiisl ea. Street,; Ctonmcl, '1 PT*

¦¦'¦ \b\ ; t I- -I ¦ ¦ February l-jLO^b.-f »06.:'- ¦¦"H berftyeerUry-jJnwtng, ¦*(, thiB.TOipert; ol.Mr,; Robert. Bower, eiamlaed 1 a 'ofieetnavHoW-%n*rl pemS fiWid !0jp»» ta.1irjrcry: opinion, p und! and free from here-:^Ufy 'dweas«.i I- . ; . ; . ' , -. ¦

1 i ' -, : \ :;. - . .! - ,, ', : '- j

itot&MF. j tp&Mmf lknmim. ¦ «na!; wWedotift sjti •*¦' jl lit: - |W»Whe>l IS'r BwynrJek'ew ~ WiSntiiM j1Uifa~'*eM Jfcf \mki:a \r.

tf[ ffia5 fiia;>l, l on iJyifey l^erJrare, taieohuKDnirMPonaibUlty1 fbr aecldentt

! ffi pl WpSy^l! $$2

¦hm w%?!' MwM

ifijjtj * >®j*jf


I. . ,': ¦ : - ij' .;: .-.. ¦

¦:-. :-

- > '"-^\ ,i - , [ ¦¦• ' \ ' ¦¦'

; . •' !¦'.¦

[&LO^;witk. Breeding &ch«i«

apBSTO, I M.'S.O.VJS.>red : irarcs, ;i6; 'groom'i'e 'HhUJbred . Marea, £4;Lant Farmore' Mares, £3;Firsft Service. '¦to be paid 1st September,innera free. I , i '

tor; any ace identa thatiwd i .eeht -to: this j'Horee',be.takerj. i ! ; ,",;,;.oulars apply to owner,tSNOM).. ; ; i ' , . - - .allybricken, l yVaterford ,

tries made fdr him a*, aled the Epaoto - D*rby i J¦ an accident1 in - trainingJ i " :i ' :. 'fill,' be let t > s limUedj«d! ; ¦ Marea "li .t fqJlQyvinj



^Cfonntyij f aieraodj -!5ttS®^ ^SSNO r lOB jla hereby; giveo,trM tlie CooacU &lJa»?4


inad <Poor iRatei ooj the property iritest to tb«f?to Iprfb* ( riwrj^mgNc

i The 4a'te8 for the prfinafy iaJMttoUur o^^rvoTmty ft

Bates iu 'tn* Pdondi~f~- ~-rii'~r-~:-'t;v '-' 1!l ' ; .;- '.?~t:::r- ;r2\ ' J "i:"<

. • ¦; . . . . -I .-.:.M y- S'!'.- -'-^Xand- ^1-:^ ! - -- iS[ft»I«ntmnaGri' ¦ ¦ : '¦ " ¦'•¦[: :

! : - i v v' : : i '

: ; :- ; P»ioc«:- l - ' ; : - i ; :•!: Fence- :

toSp r doatty in^M:::;:ritr:t?TK8SO:-ta:he^ i! ¦• -i - vmin-^' . : „ j , UtWCbWeb j' . i ; .;\ ;_.J5*S1. ,.:, I ', \ ,S ^Cf:Iirrwppo» irtJoaut»»i;hiwrgcs * : -;;; -t~7"IF8S0 ln:[« . ¦ ¦ '• -'•vajw,

'¦¦'• 'v:r'

" ¦ • f-i » - - "{^!v :'- '-'«]•• '• '¦} ¦'¦¦ ateiai '-

;fL^'f^si^sis in' ; i"14 -4- '- -i i s: la- ,

i Rate o One Penny "nithe hasten incln?W;ipo foregftig*;for

, j : . | '.\ I tore arid Technical Inittcc ion (Ireland) Act, 1. i/ , •,At d whereas, certain !ceparat«f chalrgea erei chargeable on

Pace's Lbei eurjrder mentioned, t^ej f'oilowiog ]iJpec|a1 Poundage RateRates abore mentlodwi for j the paymontot-sach iseparate


>uid wiU bsraUectecl.T!ithihe^ e ,norM,Rste>r7 . |. J; ',, V .

-' ; ' rlt K '/ofCjsJIalkr'«» or'ConbilnSoryPlaebj; ' "" ;; " 'Parjowcr Nanw ol¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦'' 'M- :'

- !" ¦ I "' ¦¦' ••'.' i - : ¦ : '': ¦: ' :' - : ' j ' ' .' ' : i * ' -I - - ' -' -: i ; - ' - | • ¦•! '' .- : i - , j . ,

•Vn l-0»rricV-ooiSnlr«(i2EoriH)Utrlot -V . ., : ». :W»t«rrforo,Dnogw»aai:uW: \t ; ; v^p]i.:;i:lL;;\!;;.;'f^ui -?y^

;¦'"¦-'- "'ic^d' tyTql /^terfordL: ;: iural^lhMot of C'• •;•• ; ; - i V ' i '- l 1 - ! ' ,¦ '¦> > '¦ ' '¦ ' •< « s'To be levied' oa >>J fiiaik'.dedsdBa' " : ' . ' ' ' ¦ r ' - : i ; ¦-.''.'; !. l i } ' , : Aitlbnltuial - . . :-i iwttscMiI-.tfje

if . / ,¦'• ': ',} '.. ) '] ", ''¦ ' . i ' - ' 1-- - - ' i li-'j i- taid

¦¦:! ;¦'. • .¦ Agrle6ltttral'8r

, ,r ¦ .;i ¦ i i

'. . ' j ' ¦ ij !- ' ,| ^' i .' , - Pence "j ". "•• !•¦.}¦' • ¦¦'¦' 'P tncir ~ -,

In roapoct of County Cbargca ;,p <| -I 15*8fiO ,Ju ,i J5 ' i- p? :S«7T. .ni ¦

¦ i '

V^v l/ .' ttTctlCbyge*! j U' 'j * 15-253 "iXj :

^- : p j^JlfM ' ,

¦• •!''¦-¦ [•' iw, .1'. I itotai- '

j }!;•¦• '•¦;; ¦ ss'233 'ip]^';:: .|,. , - iw 'iiTj

A. HaW;W 6i« Ponuy in ;the £ jbiisf be«n .tnoju'e-sd ia' 'fo'regning .-frjf• r . '-'I ' i ; tureand Technical InsbdctlOo fIrelandi Act;

. .' Alnd!ohereM,. <terta{ni^parate.. .clurge3;,6ro-^Places birednder roentione.d, the-follQwing 8pecja|.-.ponndage BateRoles ibove mentioned for the jment ofj8uchrfiepacate.,ob6rges,and will be; collected with the.aboVtf geneiW;Wite;}r ;; (•; -| - ¦¦ , f .

'"¦'" ¦¦ KatM oiflDeclaj Arfli Jii (Djritfffiotprjr Pl«c& ¦• ,: ;i ,

¦ Pnii»s9«17Bfisi <:. -:' -. ' .TX,.: I i|... ."..' . - ..¦':.:, \-'- '. : ' ¦' \

' ¦' [ ~_ -^l •>•! ' .-^ J ? I !' -.'; .' : '•Jfc.:l-—<3pnnel JTo S SunJ Watrfo* ~ - iWdtortirffl, Dacsarran onfl

. . A ' , • i - . j !¦ ; - ' . : ' I ¦¦' •"•¦"

¦ I . ¦' ¦¦'¦ l i l l '.. 0C? UQBrailtS?

''.' 21-i! ' - ; : - D'tto ' . , ¦ ¦ : - L. BnrDJotr 15i*oriB cl PUflbtiea••.'jj-ii - J - : Dttto.

- ; ;^ .; : .tD CAai».ppror >>.^ , $[,,, - <.

; ; ' ;' •' !1 C^imtsi of ^ierfojfd('i:i':'i;; EiKiDlJiSttiot ioj

. . . ' !:' - i - I - ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ : r^obelsv-eioa '¦: ' '8umHedn6t¦ •¦ • ¦ '¦¦ ¦ • : ' ! • •¦ ¦( • .' -i 'V ,

-1 '' . ¦ '. Agrioaltttml I ' 1 ". re»pect, ot, -¦•¦:' . : ¦ • ¦ : • " t" . ¦ .iV .V. \ ] '. ; . .' g LaBd - ; - V ' i : Agtfcoltural-G


-V !' : • ' ' '¦¦¦ - ::; ¦::.'¦¦;. . I ' w .p pen«! - : ¦> ¦¦! ¦ 'Peace

In rcjpocjf of County Charges : , ... ' : l58S0 in, je . : > '[ -^ 8-077-(' ¦¦ ", ; :• ¦ Union -Charges .> : - ' ». :'i ¦ 11*062 ;^ ;j

' |

'¦ . ¦ 12-352' ¦ :¦ ¦;, ; -Dlatricif CharEsa

1 • ; . ...;: i 6'899j-.;J, ;- . - ; > -

'¦) ![, . 7'894.¦'.,:;;: j .

- . : ./ j .;'• \sJ i»i \ ¦ ~ ] : i szmJa-.s^ :

.. [¦ji .'sB^i7

A Bate of One Feuny ,in the £ has; been tacladedin foregoing fc. -" : 'j v • j . tnraand Technical Inslrnctidn (Ireland) Act,

!And wWeas,! certain: ssparntb chargea are" changeable- <Placca.here'nuder jneptioned, trie folioning special Ponodago 'RalRates above mentioned for tbojpuyment of, sach esparatej charges,Ah'4 ;will j be;collectod ; itb |the flboye general Rcta. : —:| ¦» ( - , :• ;!¦ . ¦ .

1 Haine' q< Special Aroa or Contributory Place> - -11 ' ' Parpota'ot Nuns of. , :'

' i i - ; • ¦ -

| • • '! ' i : ¦ -


:.• , .

¦ • ,i : h

- ¦: , : i J i- ;

¦ ¦; • • .-

Soi'l—Danc»r»»n Enrol D«W<^ , ; „ ', ¦ ¦ „ V7»tortonlJ Drio?«r»ao o¦¦-.'• - i-j- '-I , - •, -. . - I '. : [ ¦ ¦ ! I !!' i ¦ ¦' '\ ] h. '£ ^&>l.l«»»rQniriin

,V 2O-+P«iitheBof Donr»ncoondKilrcab' „. ; ' . - DnrnloSQlFtfci H: ), «8-fP*rfah Elu«flooSBali " | - I . ¦ :! | «. ¦' I ; BorD<sg of Born *ai„ 84-lpoB*«r»*D EariU DictSot ¦ ¦ : . _ ' I Do. - • Bit Bli"5^"'"7T.»"t£"'|. ~^"'7 ; ^

'; : " !- |- ;;" PuWioHeslt

CountF of T7c,terford.; ''fti :}lHfjirio*'rof' . ' ! ¦ ; >' ' '. ¦; ", ' ¦ :i ' To^ loTt'ed'on'" ': ' ; Sami . 'do

! ' ¦ ' . ' . ! V . .- , ,: Agrtonllniai; . . :-: , : : ;;.r«P?;to

i . * : I ' : ¦¦¦ ¦¦ i P'B* •"¦¦ :: - . ,' i f : - JP*?1

In roipfot of Ooontjl Obfttgot ' . ';\ ¦¦ ,i ¦ !U ion Chtigw. i:> . ,, (DiicriaijObvgra . . :

¦:- - j . l ., - f. !?*i :: -A Rate bf iOne Kenny In the £

i p S i ' ' ture ap'd Technical InstTuctioQ (IrelandVAci"' ' j I A&*J wberetsi cerUln eoparate charges ara |ohargeable:bn tha Ar

tipd'ex mo.ntlb4ed. th9 following Special .Poona o.E.los bars been added tthopaynbnti ol inon' Kparrto obArgts, and tho nma form pat

of ina i

¦:• U«m9('Spedil 4r»«< tribo{otylPlaee ;'/ i'i'PnrposaorHoaiBol C: *¦¦ t - j .(• - • .i

¦•> ¦! ¦.. ¦•!/ , •' . i - '. : ' I ' , : - . . '

-¦- |'-j ;. -r :::

¦ : ijv- - ; , .

No 1K Untctbbmii Eutal Dbtntt • ¦ . : . ! LWatetford, -Danjorn' ;'

' • ! '

j " ; ' ' •

. :¦ ¦ ¦

- ". ' i ;'¦: ' . . - ¦ '¦ j . ] ¦

¦¦•: h ¦'BaShnrOrazta

W -2S .- ) - :• J)ltto - .: . ; - , ' - . [ y ! ' ¦ •• '¦

¦¦ -'• | i« - >• iPttblIa-HealtJ») .

: .;¦ I Countyj ot'Wbterfor

Cd' .e«pcot oi C-.ontj inrgos |.-. - . i. , „ . , UnlooChireea ...

-i . - ,i ' -j-DlitrfcvC&arsca. .,. ' ... ;

I '¦ '" \ 'Total' ' ! !!.... A iataof OaoRany w the jebasbeonlDomaedlntj-egotng tor pn: : j ¦ ! . ¦¦;. . - i| < : 1 1 and Technical Icstr sttoa Ireland) Aot, 183!!¦ <—,.. LnS wherefi, cottaln iep»nt» 'otorrfe* »or« xih»r(pi«bl» on toaAT>» '<

tnotjtone). th» tpUtTnojiipcolal PoQadago E»te* h«T<i'booa ad3«d to thiDSimont at anoh »«rf»r»toob»rgei, »ud'ho tstaa iorapait bfMi wtll btt eollac."'..' i ;;¦- : - . -i. ;:¦:¦ - .* , i " ':^ •¦¦¦•]7 i fi : ' : ; - '¦• - i. j !.' Ham i ot Special Area or Contributory Pl&coJ ,| ; - Porpso or Kamo q

No 1—tlmiioro Bnral, District'- ' ' ; i , : ' • ¦ . ; f ..i:.iOSTaterfcrti;Daagar»j'. " ' ¦ L' . <: .irF': - - ; i (- •¦ ; !¦• ;::(:• • ¦ ¦;. ; ;::1'V i iK;-E»h«gf6w• , •W—Bajlydnff JWUpinaary Dietrich ; . I :

'! PabUo Health,. 23rJDappoqulnjDUpcn6ary Oiatrici !'. .,^^ , ,. ,'t ;: ; i ' do \ .,,.-29^C;l«Sor,DUp8WjyI)istrlot | . -' v " ¦ Li1'-'I i!"T ; ! s:«Jo!- ¦;'-•'¦, „ «0.-jr»]l6» DUfproJary Dliifato , : I .i . j. ;¦; ; . ; \[ .<to ;'• ' '

Cottnt/ of w»te«brd

I .;¦ !• •- .! :.• • • . :i[ . ' .j - ..-;//. '.. . ';. ; : i . V/.-^p^n^-f;-:^Ll':.irr i.^In rsrisoct of Conntj.OWoa; : !' !,..[¦ H:16WIO"ij> ](.K i^A'UfM

! ; -V?--- .-i BDtowOiiawi . : ; -10-l«??.|}.V .'«n?'/f f- -r:'iill<18

, - . =j .i a!. - :, , :J «.r^L|B gMfe«P, ABateof OnoPerioy m tho£hi3bo^iaaladedli»l6rBtoing frir p', :." T'Asa wberaii, eertalb/MctntelehaigMiM'ab .b^m^baArMoentlon*a,|tb» followlo? Sp t::Poonati»!B»»««'b*vi;ttefr'uflaad to tlp»jmeptof:tnob tel^^^riey.Md ttoM^ oraftit

>« fRb**", (., .tfitnt ol S ocikl Aro* or Qintrfb tary.ElBD^^'i.jr v- ifj&u gW.fej Bd

JTo.'l W»ibrforfMo 1-Enral Dirtrloi Ji /:vs'i^m^ #«ifclNwrij -„ SI; «ownlaaa$ 5»mor»,Eai /rrijBtoj«WiwtfeS tfesfri

tW CMWotlo

nJndliig|loUJk«).- wob*lK'v'Opr r,\T»«BW«''BiWlQf1il'*'ii> &t ;»j Efe'.\l' :!-&Elector*! PivMonjud »hi Tow'nknaor^Rt^a-NJV-'f'it.jV'Jis.sf^A

l i lV'83' ToifaU4d« i:B»U#o»riU4i»;iOrob«ny V?p«'r: -siSj, -- <& ¦¦*. \i y, i.Tr«mot».Ef«t«oaW«it . ; - ' %&' \ ! : " , - - !4 : -Tramow Sawcra, :!:« M |TV«riil»nduDoDn»r««ndNjeipl)»n, inKUIe* • ! - j ' |{ ' ' i ' ;T-„ vkilfotbrVi OrftKa^r-- \ \J - ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ - ..J - Dttamow -WaW T, ,1 , IOtfcor T6»Bl»ndain Kul« Hoetoral DiThtaoH' -fr *>"; -L

>X , .S^«eTer*l.'!rc«»nlanai comptUlng Bath7vi ' ; '.!L¦. !~ : ;

iJ b6fo»J,Und.(cbrrlok.Hgirt, CrbbKs"Kio6fc- T '. '-p»rtori, ; Knockroei N«wtown,i Patljaijobd ilinrOTii- "; -r ' i [ *~1»- ~i '

: Kn«.aL;Elec{oial ,l)lTision.-:..' • ¦ | '¦¦-,'. : : ;'-.'sDaaiaere B(j*ea^ ,,,;.;..OtJiierToIiBd»ioBaDca21ect6ralDlTl«ioa"r !. >-( . po.4-> i

/• „ Jflto ",S«wralj Tofcnla«d«,s',B9mpiU|ig ; !-Eata-i*5--'.4i .ii'ii.'.ii- *v.-:-ij> : -\-\ ,;:mo^^ tido?; - . ¦ fT . , vr:rt^

..;. ; i: ; ": ;

j , ;^:; flb^ra^<;d^7W t|r£oi;di,,;; VSw|fali^.M«ti;o

.• • ;j ; i ; :: ? i -v ;- ki i. ;>> ^ j;;; ! i To;b&le«W'«i-'f(K:Hli Swkd

X V ;\f . ;t: J l i i ll W / i - I ;..¦; J-Agrfcfoltaml; .7: .;|~l&e

¦\' '' i h. : ¦ -, . - • : ; . v . : - - - ." ' ¦ ; ¦ , |. ,,. i*nai u,i.,i; \A S,lalrespJot o! jOonnty1 Obanwi . j !i . '•¦ -\; • ; ' I" K-880 ta V, f «''

;I t?'IfW

Vii : K &f ^ .^i i ;-T '|; fe JH-<if»-8wi«]e -: i s ^'!^2u 'l AWto'bfCpa Penny mJ3^be«aiocladeaiofOrtgoiog'tor Dttrpc

^"rlia jV ¦ SO :.i,V!?O .RlftolibloallortrooUbtt (Ireland^ Act, UomtleoMl »h» fo lowio* 8peoi»l, P«ina««'BiS>*1ti»y3ibeii-'«aa»4*(»r

¦H fj i tiiil ^i';i n.L':fi i-^iH^-r wt^M¦ ¦': Tl ieiBate iBooka are aepoaiteJi for thein otisi<«£ 'kjMf¦!

4 :p^ 6glheioofteen; .iJQitoWSi' -86^ liljjj

f f l § M $ nWM$tf 0; lirMkmM^mM

1 - . -.¦¦in- : . .:-: <-.H- : :'.;l ¦• : 'tj

X5«» in:d ' : . ; i ' :¦ -JW - :M 183 ,. <:. : ! ; 12 025¦;W97 ¦f^i - -:.

; ' : - i ' r '.- '-'8' 88-'

beon inciadod lQ {ongoing fo

Kursa DTbbe lerW oo '¦ '¦¦' '. 8am» a8d

; ;- X*nd S f" J Agrlonto! Peno»ri' ' - ; ' , ' ,*2. 15-80 '-la 'ie' . : :':; «J'¦ 7-315 - . ",;¦! . - ; ¦ • • : ¦¦ , W¦ .;w: «!:|i;;.i.-;:* :;.! . ;7?8i

82315-liri1'1 ,-''!;, !' : '/> 2V5W

Bur«l !DiBtriot:;OfToboloTledon . ; |Sami|ded

AfrricnlUuu : ¦ i : 1 i"' ftspsct¦¦' Tiffl y l''1 ' ' •" N - .AfflWuiKto

j iftSfiWI' HiiJ


.' '^i-i - :.T- :. '¦' ¦;JVi' .- |' " iv


M ¦ I - 1- iff : : ': -¦ !: — ii»;

MrSiilr Novif fc :-'1 WIT are aboat to mats, »:Di9 ot

;-::1 _ j ¦ ;i ;

sbeia6rirtc8 of tta yK» ;fti-JMRJ^ tho'follpvrlnrji

1 t , t.iJUM ''** ' ¦ ' "' ; t: ' : . f I

,v 'T'" j To boj \«A& "\¦ ; ¦¦; ] , ¦¦ on other |

j'.' !' - i-' Hereditaments. : • . ' ! ' Peoca. |:- ¦ I

- i 18-957 in I Ji ¦¦;•-T"'-?i!2-«9 ' U ;

; . - :. J ,;;'J . l7-2p3 / !•• ,-¦ :

j ! v . 48-699 ' 14 H


nrp'oses of the AgrfcttJ-59. ! :. -, ' - . : ! ' i

¦ J : , ¦ • . ;

ia Area or Opntrlbntarjhave been added to tind tha same form part c3¦" •-: " : : " P I'top. SpeeW a sco;

j^Wwtu*:bniiieriTo:2.' ; : j :0 • ( • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ I To DO lortod' ' ;

- .- •.-; ,' -!, •¦-¦''j - i on-othor !• . -

it 1 j ; HerodiWJDcntj: -j i . -'.'r-1 -'-- "A I ;-. .PBax» -i ¦ :¦'.:- ;i - ¦'{•l - | ' .:-i8-857!Jo *


^ -• ¦ •A -P.SO-CM-. '. ',,!

;y- :- gg-CQg ; ,;; • .-

jj- v ; -! 65:144 '

: !mrpecej-bf -the AjjrficK ;-¦9*

¦'¦ ':' " - ' 'L :: : r

the1 Area or OoiUjribntprytav'e been added, to to;¦J tfco"earne ; form part, c? i¦ r i t - --yr- ; : 1-; ! : ! ,

- . f U- . ¦ : Epsdal - !Dharno : ¦ ?ban&c3 :- ¦j "- ; ' . 'ICatoj ¦

:ilsiaor* flail- ¦ • I •

A: ^ : I'¦•If . - ..; 2-0*4 »/:i.

¦ : «, . -605 „::

. !

l . ¦

. '

: . :'

In!-I ¦'•'•; 'Tobeletieai, - i t . . .• on other !;A 1 1"-

¦'''• Heredltamcnb¦£\

¦¦ 18 967 in Jft,' ¦ i * 23-414 ,, .(

j 18-801 „ |ti is - i - ¦ ' Se-2iZ la £r'l pnrposs3 of the |Agr£ccI-1899. ¦¦

¦ : ¦¦: ¦' l i - [ :

il the Area or Contribato7y£ bjiye been addpd to thsfind the same form port o3

dhiiih - SpoJlol Poanda o. ¦' . - j ! ¦ ¦ : Bato ::i l Tjjeao ** I 1 " N<b ' 1 , ...IO^*S«D 4:As ,- 'fco. : ... ' 84 M ' 'lliftbica 8*141 „B ' ' - : . - '119 .,; ;

¦ ' -'¦ '¦' ' '» aO

ff •» ;

pimaothomao. i;Jain To bojloTlcaiho .1 ' '- on othef , .3rtat . - H ndlUmeats

1 ¦ , . - • .::.• . ... . . Poioa 1, J $: \ i 18-9:'7In JJ

t ; - ¦ , w ^- n


, «.'¦' ¦ S6-7si ln J3purposes of the -Agrical-189V :: ' . I • - [ ¦or Contributory Flacea has-te rates above meatjocei tcx|. be collected frith tha ofcoTO1 ' .I - . - ': ¦ ¦

I; :|

W - . Spr al Poaniafp; i •

¦ Bata " ;i - :

iai linnore I :- . :i j 'i : " ¦ ^.10-3JQ, la ^; :: i - : : - ' ¦

«. -2i7 i „ • ; ! '

it 9f LiomoreJ ;ed la ToWl8Tl»a

I tiis on o'her i : 'Gr*nt Horoditinoato '

!\ P^BC9 ,' ; ;ij e! - - : ! lfl-fl^ in 'iJ ' ;,; :! • . ; ; :- : 17-989 ,;: : ;;, ;r ' , - . 16785 ,; . ;

JQ| , i . - . . 63731 In ij • *}sei of tbe A?rloulturo ! i ; ;

(Xx tnbatorf PIM IS. horennCsri»U)5 »boT»mootioa»d for tha1 srith th« nboia gflnoral rato t

• ¦i! ' :- i- "- M i iJbirge. : Special Poacds o¦ ¦¦• ¦¦. . -¦

¦ v Bafcv i : ,

&,usaore ' • ¦¦ i .it«l ' , . ¦: , 8-222lnX j 1J|-i - ¦ : ¦: I-7U5 - ,;: i j

: :!¦ • ¦¦ . . ¦ ! . . 8-395 J,: : iK : • : • . ! '. ^ - S ,: •!

Waterford Ko. i . |ted In TobtZerbd 'lllfl ¦ ' oq oUior '8aat - ;i: i , HaedlUjaeatj i0' : it . j

1 :' - ",- - . i j ¦¦ ' PenCS ¦ ¦: :

ttiB' :•¦;¦. ; -- | . ' i8S57 ia J3 ::

:i,l. r. ;v' - -j - 15-235; j,, ' 'j» i9 . .' - : v[. 66-037 to !a '(xww of thj Agriculture; ; .'•¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦• : :- '

J :' ¦ ' ' s i'

irt«ttfh,if/tw m.-— i-i-— 1—VVBHIU14WIJ cuwss oontnass :Estsa tttow mnit'onedfor tha 'Ct^RitittbsaboTe grnarklnts !=l»1«r' ¦'¦ + • ' 'iBpertU j :t«iPn>rg9;ii : . Pponaigo ) ;Mvrf:.^-;-.: ;'.-

¦•: 5 • ¦ ¦! H*to - ; : ¦ina'/Uistota i ¦ i - ' :Wr- ') \ r-} l i ~ S«a iai0 . ' ¦' . ¦ ,; ',?pf:«, ¦?ow . ; s ; !i'W-M ' ' • !: ¦ i- ' i ' ; : !^!t:;l-W ^ : i : I' ir ' ¦• ' . ' t! -*i'^ . ' I ' ;

•4V4;*'i •.'!. ».¦; : . ' . ' ¦

. ; ;J . . : ¦ .|

. ':.;; . ' , V~ 5.874. ti : I '.

rtai : .- ; '¦«-. 7*655 ;/ : ! ' '•; ; :i

¦ : . -;: - .r ; i-»i

; j , ¦

l ^ 'p l ':: i®i .


'' I'

¦! " : -: •:

'"' "- . !

; ' !i :¦

;'• ¦


"^^ -.mo9j

i j . - ;

vj . v-'. -! v-i^ J .;- J . j

[T!iraghal. ; Ho.|:!: j i V i yeficil '.-. ' Tobelarixl ' | 'ttSta' : :\ -: .on.btWj . IGrprt., , . , ; , Herodttamlaas jtt''M'i '¦>7!:'-'.; M«5 7-to < .- j - "«f-i"::'lt-"< '.«0-749' Tk - ' I,- ;j .i^ :> ;;- ': ¦ !lw°» .-f . ¦ - i .

Vi.;- ...4,r '.S7-S03ia!e-|'1 of the'Agriooltars ud : ¦ ;>'

\ I : '• ' i ( : : - ¦ ¦¦ ' j " i

¦¦- !' ¦ j "' i

-04iiteftnt«y PUeis lurtanije ^> EUS«alMrf»'esBti6a«a tor «M»^WU tlwsbpre t atia) ntri

> .|^^¦ fwSsfi f *

epayw :ia; the O?fe« !if *h« ¦'

Mto hoture of .10 •.*!. «W' •

j ! - - - :- = - ; - i ' - ;/ p i |- •- : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;;; !^.

!¦ ' : : ' ; - i - .

: ; : i ; - > v . * : .. :>¦ ¦-

¦¦{ i



i : HALL. . :¦ ¦ •

iPBACTlCAi ^IklPATHy >I jj §; , ! :GENERO,US j lilXPtfESSION.

1, 9?^ ^'! "« i

thej Council Chamber' ]fthe j City - (Rail, * public meeting -of oiSwns

once with, toe following extensively circu-lated myitation] asa-uedj by.-ithe Mayor:— S

^i- vJ « I/l^i"1 H^1' W«t«rfo'td. r >, ¦: > ¦ Dear Sir- t the \ nequeet of many in-j fluential citizens!! invite your attendance¦ tat a meeting to "be held in th© Town Hull. on Tuesday nixt,! SOth inftt., at one o'cioWc.for the purpose of giving; th« citizens anopportunity of ¦showing their Bympathy -withthe most .fieri (Dr.| Sheehan In too •tryim?, ordeal he has. juisfc passed through ia the. iFour Courts, ij Dublin, .and to take stepsto manifest that pyupathy in a toooomiusand practical.manner. .

The Mavor (Ald&rraan Manr-i^ OnUUn\occupied tho chair, -tand there -were olso pre»Bent:—.Very IRey. (Dean Flynn, pip.', - F:EoY. a.P. jBeglley, O.8.F; £ev. Patrick Power.Chaplain; De ILa Salle College; iRev. FatherT. iloOonnatk, OvPi Very (Rev.JDenifi (WhelanDJD., et. John's! College; Bcv. M. J Dooley.do;! !Bev.;P. Keily. |O-P ; (HOT. J. O'Conaefl ,Oja. The Cathedral'; <Bov; Win. J. Kehoe.C.C., do; Bev. IL. Ormond, CJC., St. John's;fiev. William iDelanej,CJC.- Ferrybank; Kev.John iFoley, CC.:. 8L Patrick's; 'Bev. Patrickfiheeiy. Chaplam Holy Ghost (Hospital: SRev.R. : Henelbry, iPhJD: | (Dr. J. (H. J. Jackman.3>r. (W. B. Morris, Samuel Morria, JJP.; New-ta-flir'E. i f f . Kelly, Ghrifltopher iDunne, jun.;Joseph <Koox, J. A. Tucker, Manager Na-tional Bank; James Young, TJO: PhilipDevereux, iBroad-etroet;' James J. , Feely,Town Clerk; P. iWaJsh.l cBarronetrand-fltroet;Alderman Andrew !Farre)l, <P. Kent, iBorougbTreasurer; James J. IPbelaa> £. Pheian.-IjC:OSiomao Fitzgerald, iT.O; Captain Coghlan,JJf ; ; D. ^ DuntoW, Robert Furlong, H. D.Eeane; John Higgina T.C; J. Mulrooney.B.GleoEcm, T. P. Canollj dunetor :aad teiisterBank ; George- Noljan; Midhael J. naming,B S; William -CuBaa, I John Hutehiafion, W;CoEinan, tLloyd rHhrtohinson; John Heame,Cafherine-street; [Edward iEgaa, John's. Hill ;Theodore 'Qetz , ffl(. <yShaughne88y, WaterfordTexihnical School j Pi tilyward, £. Deevy, N.Power,: John .FlynnJ ete.J etc .

Th«- Mayor, in opening the meeting, aaid—Fellow: Citizens—(In) the first place ,1 have tothank you: tor your I attendance here to-dayto express your sympathy with hda [Lordshipthe lost -(Rev. (Dry ehoww, <wbo b&s capon-dK94 ^bfti-: i I : . ; | .

: I NO ' .OilSSfJR BISHaPm Ireland has ever {&$ io go through, la lawcourts1 lately. We *ro here for a practicalpurpose-to open & BUbscnption list 0 pay ellhis lordship's expenew U> tvhith, ha yrsa. putin: the! recent law suit'. \ . \ , - ¦ ¦¦

Mr 'Edm-und (Eh«lani propoaed, and ialdo>maa (Fartell seconded.) that tho Town Olerkbe aprpointed-BecTetaryito the meeting. ¦ ..

MrT'Feelvthen l *ead- letters from the lol-

Re ~"canon -Walsh1,: (President SU John|sCollege, wrote expreaang his regret eA hisinability to be' present, i and etating that itxtCiM ' give ^™ great pleasure to ooorperate¦with, tho Mayor and ihoeo associated ¦ isitiihim in carrying out the object for which the

MrTpWilliam Kearney, J.P., wrote—I. ieelit ie the bounden duty ;ol every Catholic mthe diocese to give expneesion and tM sym-liathy. with ilia' lordship' in a practical man-ner When A euibacription list will be ojienedI shall be' happy to forward you my mite.;

Mx i A P, O'SeiU. Mtmager Ulster Bank,¦wiotei-It da a matter :ot much regret 1x> ¦ :methat I wmnot "be> .wilh.yola on Tuesday an theTWHall, asl hav*. jd attend our suh


in (Kilmacthomas on that day. It w HardlyDece aTior P» *» WL *fe* «IiI1SS!SinSLto express eympainy ,yiiw> WM> «I»> UW».. IWI >SMJehan at. the present ' moment, has my

^ fjohn Curran, T.C.; wrote-J sympathisofittingly >witb. t jobjeWuO' jwM' " S' S ^I, beg to tender i|o. hi* Bor ship, the Bwhop,niy! fieartfelt congratulations on. Ithe tesun ol

TI ^U W*?* a A co..¦wrote—The object off lib* meeting has my

*tSS? nrWe/ T.C.. te-It .to now

^dd^ fc m'i^x^fi^with cheque, Walue £lU and hope lie meeting•will foe a great success. !

Mr William Munffly, 1 Mary-street, .wrote—I »m quite in sympathy with the meeting youcall for our worthy Biehop but owing to de-c^

nif*._ Tn< ~v4/vi- .TL ,1U B. Jcnnince wrote—I diali be happy to join in any move to mani-LS practical sympathy! irith the objecM :ofihV'meeting dlie citi^ens to- which you hav emvited me! I only |regret .1 cannot person-ally,: attend on|that occasion. . ^The tollowing wire? wa*3 ireoaved trom Qlr-WiiSam Gallwey. ar-P-'. ;irom .Baateer-«orryI i <ainot >e at home tri time fer meetuig.

Mayor called upon Mr. Patnck, WalshtoTDropose : the first Tesolution. ¦ . - ,

Sir IT Walsh, who was warmly received,theirose atrf «id-Mt. Mayor,, B *t. (Father*

Sg& fflfA SUSSStf ^SK^ s^ Th wt

^citi.eU of

Waterford, to rpiibaic j meeting aa&enmrbtea.do aierriby tenderTto ¦<**. revered Bishop, theMost Re£ ©r. Sheohan. our heartfelt sym.^ to bimlinW arraxrtable andColorable 'actiott which he waa recentlyX «lv to} Swd! " the TV>ur. CourtsDuWin' and our : congratulations on theChriiSan aiiner in wWch he met the nn-

causTwhich iade; their presence there thatday 'ia Bad,1 though ; j

jj iMPESATIV-B ©UTY.Tet hies' could!not but! rejoice at

^the oppor-

Snity U afloidod them of! congratutatingtieir

5Seip?AaSSfcE from ohaxge» as unmerited.ri ~r ii ~~A «b iKkAPless oa ever the malig-Sty bT'hate-oF, he wonjd --»»tfpr 'to lay-mSS Satance—the :fflusdona which urespon-ibfliVin^etlM-<applau6e).

He hopc/ hei^wiila ; !

wSS asfe!E&apnaargt'?'sSLKrw-SaSta^

£rSe JTioEwW hU «»«<i d»B. Ana noj,

¦oith kimJn hiBihoure of Borrow and^gnef fpr

Se Tfrom whom|hi8lo5bcaranc hia too*i a I and hia forgivenesi received

eo lU j a

^f^^ttliuy :'Jdd *. tad ««ihv!eLure in seconding theltnotion. which -aanput to the me« ii>g; and cordmUy adopted, .

! TTHE 1 SECONiD i&BSOLUTION. iAlderman1 barrel! proposed tha following

llt^feijgthis oWigatioto. ysnux \ne. i™- *£•,, •—

lr&y£! ra fflsL&*k vidd«-Mr|1 T I?fi <Sd nothing to that resolution.

SISlSfeiesBtfsft-aa4 *tesW%?* f JSS SLKl oi right and proper"i* eve, M1SS ver.- eOcli en action

leeUng l**2^ iT?L*(S the law courts.;¦"*• j '*wu lli hi rn» of the resolution.Ba.vinc, quoted i the

^t BW « *» c k nre


. AfrSorH bT wminded th«*» *^ JfwiSVft »4

their bemnden doty.

• IS17 iSh ^ .'w"*^ ^rjftl«a tlkey 5(BPr l*^SU. kmioort Uhem, «od »"?

p!'lf.i]':i?HiH'¦ i i . ¦¦. ! ': :l . :

".¦ : . A ¦

^TERFofibf itojj^. I

ilM* »StfffiS£»!!JS2r8r' ,<^Shan0w«iordan, Nicholas Jaeaxae Patrick BOWAT I

SSg'agSSl'W naanoloushfTa,.!-_££¦• John . Mjtckey. cierk, and Mr. J Cos-1B»ve, Mastori jere L5 attendance.. ! ¦,


ZITnj ¦ ?„ » ««¦*"»» Jtxia laat iyear; ouWoor

S^feo^iSSS-' .P-i 1^^ «H:*r T „„

' FINA^^E. : . - . j !

o,Ur- J i Qfttrphy informed % ooard ithat heKgnod bills that morning ¦ amauntdne to«0Q 18s. 4d. ¦ , |! . \. .." | . ¦ | T• (paOBATrONEB .feUKCTTONBD; :

The Local Gorornment Board, approved of%-jippourtment of 3Ii^ iBritot Mary .Oon-ooiry as •probationer nurse in the rtrorkhouse^ ^

tfnna specjfled.liamely. 'an allowanceof jaa.jqd.^a^wlSnin Mu 'of rations. ;

_ I THE NEW INSPECTOR... lie Local. Qoyemmenl iBoaidwroUi intimat-'ing that from and after tho flst iMayi theunion would be placed in charge pi iii. E.fBoupke «s !Lp«aI GOTeroment (Board InspAtor.'

! derk-QIr* Kelly^ (has gone :t0 the DuMimoiatnct. ' .'• . .. i ! i ¦' ¦; .. : I :Noted. ' ' " ' ' ' " ¦ "¦

. ; - • :

SPDKnHiBE lETTEDa FIROM MR. FRBDK ;_ . : POWER. ;Clerk—.Thero appears to have been COTC&-¦onde'nee between the board and 31r iFlrslkPower of 'BeUovue. ! • : i f ~

- .Ml - J.- ,?°'*<x ^ CKAthnaamolacJi)- thereanother letter to-JayP ¦ | r^ ° ¦¦*Clerk—Thor© is another: letter to-dayj Iwas not here this day week, and I am I notquite in tetfeh. .with th« conrcepondcnccj. adon t know how matters stand. I I - iMr. Frederick Power, Bellevue House. t>c&iWaterford, wrote under date Ctth April, latrr,as follows— . . I . ;i .. • .r«s fouows—• . •: . . . ;i .. •. ¦ , .

T S£>TTI? rePly *° your «ot« ol Hho 2Tth iiist. .I ehall be obliged by thel Board of Guardianewtting me know :iow lar ¦ lArticlo' 23 of I theKules of the Local Government1 Board Wasconformed to in the case of (Jlieverue j) :peneary on the find instl : ,your jeferenod to''Form E 2 is not an answer to the 4th ques-tioa •contained in my letter of tho 20th, irist.,&s the memorandum olealrly pre-supposes thoattendance of a medical] i officer at the dis-pensary oa the appointed day. i ¦¦ '¦ \

¦Chairman—What does that mean?Vierk-JI don't know, BAT. I ' ;Mr. Tomig—He is nofl satkflod with tlio

answer that we sent laetiweek. ¦ .Chairman—Why is t.hi« orxeepondence with

tho Board of Guardians it all?¦Mr. Young—I don't know.Chairman—I don't sob untthinrr in thia

caser* - 'CJerk—If you like - -in can icfor it to Dr.

Coghlan.mhairman—ii will marl it " read."Mr. Fieber—I .th ink there is a lot in it.Mr. Flynn—Did any doctor attend Slieverno

dispensary that day f ! ¦Ule-rk—I dou t know i anything whatever

about it. i ¦ ,'¦¦

Mr. Young—It was 6tnled ho did not—thatle was very. Dusy On -thtl-day. !¦ ¦ ' ' <

* Mr. Flynn—My idea isl if iDr. Ojghlan wasunable to attend the dispensary he chouldhave got a certificate.'- j • " : ; ) : : < ' \ ' i ¦ 1

ClerS—It is quite post-iblo that an emer- ;gency may- have arisen.! Supposing! on the'moming of the day- the doctor was 'to attendthe dispensary he got an accident case or any(bad case. : . i i . ' ', \

Chairman—Dr. Ooghlan sent 'in an expla-nation h<re,> and -I thought that would end!this correspondence. . 1 . . :¦ , : i : .

:Mr. tFlynn—If Dr. Ccphlan was attending:on an urgent caee—a paying patient? '. i : i

Clerk—I wasn't referring to paying patiehta.iMr; Flynn—Beading the leport'of the idio-

cussian that took place hero, tit .-would appear:it was a paying patient he \?aa attending.;Could he attend 0 paying patient and ' leavehis dispensary work undone? ¦ ¦ ¦

Clerk—Certainly not. : 1Sir. Flynn—Well thes« are jnattere that re-

quire to be threshed out.Mr. J. power ^KathnaamologhV If ho Tfent 1

on this ooae thinking he jwould be in time forthe dispensary, and then to find the case EOserious that fie could not leave at. '

ClerJc—There ia ' one'jlnk wanting in 'thechain of evidence aa £ari as , ilr. Powor'p

statement is concerned. ;Thene is no evidencowhatever that the ticket "Was presented to iDrCoghlan. What the regfulations provide ' is,that the ticket may be] presented, but thereply to that might i» if was eont-io thedispensary." . . 1 1 : 1 ¦ : 1 : ¦ ¦

MJ. Thomas Power—JJ (Dr. Coghlan tookthe trouble to call to thd dispensary later; onhe. would flnd the ticket, ibut he neglected thedispensary altogethir.

Mr. J. Power—,H.e did.Mr. Cashin—He did noU ¦ ;Mr. Fisher—-Docs he deay that there was a

ticket issued at all PClerk—He appears not to know anything

at all about it. : > . .iltr. Fisher — Suppose there were ten

tickets at tho dispensary, am) .Ihcre was:acase—Jet it. ibo private *r otherwise—whichkept the doctor, 1 ask what , would1 happen, tothose t«n . people? : 1 . :

Mr. Thotnaa Power—/Th it is risht, ' and it iaa very pertinent question . ', r

Xho Olerk said tho regulations.made no pro-vision for the two emerge ncies, but if a c fieof emergency arose at wc uld te the duty ; ofih& relieving officer to pnvide a doctor.

<Mr. iFiflher—<I hold evcrj red ticket is urgentSeveral Guardians—Oh, no. . ¦¦ . j -ifr. T. Power—I would not go eo far as 'to

say that : i .Chairman—I'have it . 0:1 ycry good autho-

rity that all' red tifketa are not urgent. ! 1think w«'Jmight let the matter drop now. ' Ithink the Co. Kilkenny guardians have eoinoittterest in tho matter, .and!they think thatDr. Ooghlan was not to blame. , , '

Mr. 'Power's letter was then marked "read."DB. KEu\.>EDY3 JU3PORT)

Dre. James J. H. Jackir an and 'Alex. Ford,M.O'e, wrote as follows -Gentlemen—With¦reference to the report of 3>r. iKonnedy,M^X).H.. te the Public Health Committeeof the Corporation, we bog to say that thopublic already receive th<| facilities .referredto in his report. . 1 i

Chairman—That is eatisaactory. ¦THE DI3INFECTIN<B K>HAMBBB. ¦ 1

Dre. Jackman and Ford wrote as followoj-Gentlemen—With referenoe to the «rport fromthe Public Health CommilW of the Corpora-tion, respecting -disinfectiitg chaniber at tliefever hospital, we are of o union that an effi-cient disinfecting chamber should be erectodin some euitablo portion sf the city, ttiorodisinfection of personal ai d 'bed clothing' incases other than fever, cotald be thoroughlycarried out. : : '

Chairman—We will 6en i a copy of thiltletter to the Public tHealtl Committee. '

Ordered accordingly.THE SCHOOL CHILDREN. ¦

Dr. Jackman wrote statii g that ho inspect-ed the school boys, and tl eir general condi-tion reflects great credit >n Mr. . Drea undMr. Haughton. ; :

A aatiBfactery report WJJ also rcid fromDr. Ford in reference to the school girls. I iILXITKSS OF. A RELIETTNG OnFICER^Dr. M. P. OPshlan M.O., UUid dispensary

District, certified that 'Mr. Wm. Hcaly, R.0 .was ill and would . not bo fit for duty for »WCek. J , , . , : •: . • f. . . 1 i| . •¦'

Week's leave" of absence ( [ranted. . jAPPOINTMENT ,QF ; jf[GHT NURSE!

' (Miss Anastatla Power, ol the City land Co.Infirmary, was t unanimoni ly apolntod nightnurse of the fever boepitaJ , on the -reposi-tion of Mr. Thomas Powe ¦, ' seconded by Dr.ilackcoj. Both gentlcm< n spoke in high

terms of Mies Power, who • »as the only candi-date for the position. . 1 ; . . 1 1

• MASTER'S RKPORT.:.:. . ' ! !' ¦' .'The Master's weekly di ary contained. Jthe

fol lowing—Will the ' board pleSee : cancel :tKolist of clothing, bedding, etc., .counted ! f6rpaah; at irecent etoektafai g, as floor clothsare 'badly needed.—Cancel!ed. ¦ !• j | i\- The nuns request leave of absenpo to beavailed of during the sumi ler months. Theitplaces will be supolied >y other Siitem.—Granted. . .. - . : : • . . . - : ¦ | ¦ ¦ | !1 The 'njjns¦ also KKjuest the convent pb bepainted.—To b« done.' • - . • • I ! :

- ¦ ¦ ¦. ': THE MJIiK S tJiPPXTj • . ¦ I 1; The .Master submitted tl ie following returnBViewing the 'degrees 'of dream registered, tarthe new milk during the T cek^PatkJ Pheian,10: &M; Robt. Kirwan, JO 2.7; John,<Phelan,10.4.7} Win. -Sheeijan. 1). 4JT; jE.liPhehn,10 3.7; Wm.¦'Spencer, lt> 3.7: 'R. 'Goughi 103.U; James Flvnn.-IM: I!. Maher. 10 9M . 'I VOTE OF eri PATHy. : ¦

I 1On the propoaitian ol ¦ Mr. IM1. -Poker,

seconded' by Mr. Thoma< Power,- q Tote pisympathy WM passed with : Mr., ; <Gei>rgaQimble, a respected tnem&er of tie ©oardl on0>« -a«»tirot w3. iaUier. : • • ! . 1 ¦ ; ¦ •f a .-Mard.tJien.Maouned- ¦

f ; ;; . . f.

1 .OMHffi^HHu^ui. jr i*i»«71ithj i&oa

.1' ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦" • ' -Vs 'l i ' i i - ¦*> i «¦* '*¦', • « 1 » -¦¦' •¦ . i 't


. , ys wk

mk*\t or Miorae ueaoio^Fbr WcciSworlliiFpr Paintworli.Fpr Glassware.

> * ¦ ¦

Fpr Crockery.For Cutlery;

Dorj 'T APPL V-VI b rob.i bnw .- ' ; • : ' ¦ '^; '

' . - c

\ '

*• ¦. ¦

LGVER BROS., LTn;, PORT SUNLIGHT, BNlfculA^d1 *" i 1 ¦ '

The nscd Lever bo Vrn is a gaahmitcs of parity and eicelltei);



' ELK3JBLB PARTIS. , ;.Prince Artliur of Cbnnausihi ifl underctood

to hive no desir* to reildnquiah KB bachelortreediMn yet awhiJe, but rumour baa lateOypeen buisy credclfin^ Prince FnanciB of Tock.v.ilh mtylrdmomial intentions. He baa lonrjinanked 03 a Saci«fcy 'eli~Me, but, like tupther classes, lh younp.men "bom in t5;apurple" ceom Iws ready thin f n formert£me3 to encourage th« hopce of mothem andchaperons who have marriagealble girls tol*anch uponi the world. lAanong other notaWeeligible partis w3io have rank and richca tooffer with their hand are Lord Anglesey, oneOf the weaiihiect of the peers, and LordCbnyngham, who ia. -the largest landownersin Ireland, !Lord Levera of Melvifle. wh»has lately come erf axe. baa siso mucb <to.tffer the girl of his choice. 'It fo, however,pmong the widows that eoms: of: the frect*cat . matrimcniil. praxes arc caioga.1, ap4 . d•fhiose there are several eftiU1 in wie prime ofUle, inoluding I/ord Ourzon of Kedleston;SJ Edward Grey. Lord AJKihorp, Lord Tweed-mouth, Lord <How*-;and (Lord'Sandhurst.

i ' . t . ? ?-~-*- . ¦¦ : i :. i .1 U> i


'Apparently the atarting of "6aeial circles"b!aa oeen' attended witih eame eucfceE3. Ayear or so ago a Hampatead Vicar ond hiflTvife, rciaitaipx tbe lanery lives led by someof their parishioners, started a sort of' Oxlbto. afford opportonibeB for . ooedafi opaverEdbetween educated meo and women, and thisexample is now 5>einpf followed in . other dis-itricf iB in London;, and Abo it scorns1 in eomeof tho provincial cities. There ia nothingmore depressing tih&a the kmeiinees of thegreat-aity1. Younj? people htwe many oppor-tuniticB for makdng fnends, but tor thicu-einds of people wiho have no longer the en-thusiasm of youifti, the lonoldivCEB of Londonis as the loneHnccs of the depart. It "da ,therefore, an altiraUier • laudable object toendesvaur to provide thleae friendleBs people,"who live reputable livea, witih. oome oppor-tuuiiieB foT eocial enjornKiat. end ' althoi hMrs. GrundV; may sniff at thenlr a8 'eavour-ing of oottrtinjr cRute, one is glad to learncihe worthy efforts in this dlrefctioni we: mcni-inn wdfh. euccess.

THH EHHlUBLUlDCXNi OF WOOEEC WOEK.• 5Lady B:auchamp, .who tes cootrltratednot a littlo to tbo 6Ocicl Gucoca of thoCotonial Premiers' ivisit, is taking an active'interest in tho Australian Exhibition of'Women-'s Work. The holding of Iho Exhi'bi-tiw was iflret 6ugge6ted (by Hlady Nortih'cote,th,e -wife of tho Govemor-General of theCommonwealth, and: is intended' ifor •the dis-piny of Women's Work iram all- countries.A I'London Cbmmit'tee was formed, and manyinfluential <-5romen in- Society are helping iontake the ; contributions from this- . counlryworthy of its grea",, industrial reputation . Allthe exhibits -mill lie shewn in London nextmonth, keforo fbeiPK forwarded for the Ex-htbition, to Ibo faeJd in, McOlbaurne in theatftumn. Lady Jcraey, Lady Tennyeon, xvndiu ; fact all the ladies who have held thehjghest Eocial; positions in (the Ooloniea, aretaking an swftivo ontereet in the scheme.Laidy tBeauchamp, U-hos© marriage took placein 1 1902, after [Lord Beauchamp's return fromAustralia, da one of the leading hostesses forthe Liberal (Party , iand especially oesociateshoxself with OoloniaJ1 affaarB.

liAOY HTNTO AND ILADT? SBLBOKNiE.The Countess of Minto, tho wife of the

Viceroy of 'India, und the Countess of Sel-borne, the wife o( the High Commissionerfoil South Africa, are both spending thosummer in this country. 'Lady Minto is ac-companied by bar two elder .daughters, thoLrt&iee (Eileen and Cftuby Elliot, whilst .IfcvdyViilet Elliot, her youn«jer dau^htor, is je-irisining in- india <o act os hostess for , theViceroy. Lady 22il<!jn ia a very plover ama-teur cctrcs. and nhe end her sisters : areveiy popuiir in Simla end Calcutta. It iathought (probable that [Lord" Beiborne , willretire and return from : South Africa thisyear, but (Lady Selbome expects to go! outajjain .after 8pendir.ff a> few ; months visitingher numerous friends and r«lative3 at home.tfljs* t**r -her daughter -WAS (married' to LordHowick , the wedding taking.place from Lordand Lady Salisbury a house.

[¦ •¦ • .¦¦• ¦¦ . . liHE PTN OITRiL. ;¦ , .

^Vlie'n tho .VeomLng "tilt ioirward" of ourMs. waa altered «ome weeks ago. te . tlie"hhlo" pceition, it .waa prophesied .that the¦biirjIreoBors' harvest, reaped Irom bunchesof j Curls, ¦would quickly, ccrnie to.aa.end. Sofar,:-ni6thing-af tho kind Jias occurred, ashowever farlback the (601 13 nrorn therealways seems' a void to fill op somewhere,arid the jnodbi;. .womaa>still fcgurda -her pineux&' 03 ;indisp&n&B,bIe. ' 6n»ll . fcunchea,toouhiod oh laifly large tortods shell combs,ijr jdpfmed tiho-inoot dcoirttlbl*y;'UK> .cnrlnbeing «o arranged that they ' ban '. be .turned.5ndr lfwialed"!a«>- required. Moreover : such:bttn<&ea are 4ntich» 'les/J likely to becomb dls-.JodbocL-thao nrhen mottntod 'and fixed 46 th<sb<jad in 'Iefl3 . etfbat8ntlil''lashion. ••• '•¦ • ¦ '¦ '• [¦ i ' ". • A '.BBbdwuro: aiaBVE. .: ;'

¦''A new.elknre, which'promises to obtain: a

wide voguo during the-kn n r. '-a |,ut intc-a [deep shuolder;e«am,-j front •wbenco it 'en-clKlo<the' anm dn a Boose'r straight'; band,Coding just above 4<ho ;«lt>ow. Under this: isiwa tiie lorsg, full ! sH«v« of- maelin, j net,lUie, ;»oft eilk, or chiffon, which reaches .toth mist, where it is finisbod' off in & daintyto>p*-in»eTted band, i The collar iand : vestahpuld cnatch.- the; Vridersleeves, of couree.Apparently/ Mi b*ve ibecomo, a titUo wearyofl the "lEIrnitiioi" eleevo, with it*, cumbrous,tcidfi: ibotit the. srmhok, 'which :none 'savettajexpett "dan; cut,, or. .build,.And' -which!varylf 1f : .ct. o» n an weaf jflocce6sfoHy»;i[,-;;i :, - :7.i

i i ; / : ¦ <y -imto':MCB;

¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ • , •" .¦

'. X ie-craw tot djW¦• taee.-rx»atinne» • un«bated, and. many j women nowadays semdu£te choi6«~lBngw» and frfeecs t<$ ith« dyer,ri a» fc- pattern ,of the colour they desirehpm to return, fluch procedWe etat only>e' regretted *nd ragarded ,as an Instance* of







l^aiM Wl:

B WMkMMMMM,i «;» |, ,j£ e^cAit-: edgxii i^dj^iiwiMW...

. • ¦ ;" ( tliit)Aiir!T)A |rt(f'it> cl fflin;tuj5n4r4» i> 8P3»i' mtlajik'folt^rti^n, t fepA jroe^pM)*^

•¦ I ' -• '; - % C c^V'.jcflisf'nk-tni'be.- \;Axi p $&ti ; - ; 6\xi9« J4f « F«W 1*6 (nfoi« :t>u4it,-»on/eqUj ;¦ • ¦ ¦ ; f401 % A ro' AtCeJinc iSfe; T **

$0^, i I * cein54Cfrie 4SJ.'$4eteAUib,r-45uf n4n» ^

! An J?SanlA 6. .'¦ tAtftit-p^W'VcuitJ'Atcpiri . cust< pop fe'fl':,A jdiB . j Acp W A T»4tC

: ! Antiroinn. ! Cuiit) r4 Af^PPS HA

Cft4njS*"1: Anonji if inAlV; |IA, f o iatjivMijSCC nd gttlj

i Cutp » eoUr 4f cOjpWjopne i-as ] A ] $mI ¦ . . .! • otrno ¦ 'eiwn K<i 6ilT:d. fO'AtmriS re' <J»'o •

|!f! fA tiii tun evince] lee> t i-piAim '-^suf j te; leAS^n tii|ee ii5Ain A Fjiigiit, ^SMfpJAi rj fd foinnt VA ii&tA. \\ :\ : : . • ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ]; ' miit mbluOnU tlfiAgVA 61 r n«A1

t^i CaAVp l |"6 ! ipceAb go ^pWirt)© . ntw jejej tta' «Ac : t« t>ei<f tii fijs rc 1 c |l; :eifi CoUin>e tidoitk ponniiirj rAt1 [ QAtiiAt

^VASM cMit> r [50 j -oc»: puts HttAt>4C.tl! [ Gf iACA l . UJtjf J Hi f O f A f ¦¦¦'£!$ t ttltltg

]!¦ nui*|c j Ate Us ' S4**iW t?< 1?...-j5fte-;!i .* Si E^! i"le H ro^ri^f-M^. ts?'!*0!'! yfiih> jjiuj- : jsfeim; Corh .vote. f4n'' *$:**¦I ! ceiuisArt dip 51S mbi»tioiv!iins fie<inn:teir'jj Bett i Ufilkipc,"ASUTT ¦4;:tft$$wMsoiM!! rBP usa*. t>A tiApeAC le wAomifr eitei I UJ6A)PC ;An. u tji fin|r Ati| c6 Ji TV"6 1 r|Y 4150 fAn - \ CbUtrbe " jri! "fo' Ajtti .-'ffi'^ort: CAirtc tie'tfein. An cSAtwittrf Aise.CAOtt

Amuig te'ti CoUipoe deit . t m& Of AOJIrhear «5© : <Jf» fein. [ A6tj fuAp'.' eo AtiO'SJu)|iinAi$ sjteitnAip CtirJ(-t»AU;Aitt: -45 AjtaiO At) ; JAetiils A »T ' p 'f ; Se*W 5Vf>euiseit)Aj\ Sup /LIS^'A »f A|> ceAnc,;i5ur| AK>Q\t Ag lAppAi^ mOAr jA eAPAIflC AJl te riSArlA ri^eifteAtin Avf it- MA V, VP V, 6m S^A AT)f AittigeAc: 50 teop e.j tAJt £ Ce p A Corn-pinACA nAt ni6 nA xjuine Dejt Ar 4 ?6i j \A toftiociAit) An jAeiiitSi A1 i*5AipeA>6 At\putt) nid cfpe Aguf iwiAp iA .^AOAijic-uip'pr.¦

I. . [ ¦ • ¦ . (n!i.cpjo6.) ;ii : ;¦¦¦

¦¦¦. ; ' :\k

riiBEWS JKHfTimwiiilim IMIM « iiiii ff M

U§9- i£ PoyDsfalf&'' .llJssii-oia -SIii boardUse it ia Factor^ -fC

" ' ; ¦ . •; iJJ.:-. '• '• ' ''¦ ' I - ¦ '

Uss it at ciiic^iUss itialwa^.; i

is. ¦»««*—.¦ v .JL_. i^¦ ' .r !IV ' 1 : ¦ i

'painting! tho . ffily. ' S'Biinrever iibeaTOihil thelace, and however well'dlyed, there is alwayssomething about the iidea that fare, and if''wd'must o'ave trimmirigai to matca the fatoricupon svhich they are- p?aoed there are eiid-|less other varietiea jfroni;l.;wbiohl to chtJjse.i' .

'V y ¦ I ! ,,MiOBNIN.G 'WniAOTERB. !

: So far wo have not 'learned, as jour F161!10Bisters luive, to wear; the momning -wrapperwith., any measure of Bi)ccess..i , We!<are aptwhenl eo garbed to look rtatflnisjied, end. eyen,uatid" . with skirts trailing- tho floor} widefrilled sleeves that dip mad catch in-t,o eve^ry-.

i t'ijng, and 1 ill-fitting, fl<>ppy-lopKirj3: collars.The French wrapper is !a very'' different cre-ation, it is well off the' ground,] all roupd,'and fasiena";down I the fro l. from collar. : tohorn. The'skirt and sleeves are somewhatfull , the latter being ohpsel'- gathered! intoneat, cuffs at the wrist. |Ja delaiijiesi'and col-.la»,' these dainty (French wxappetrsi .whichare now nnding_ a place an. our shopfl^arefas-:cinating garmeht3( ahdi|wlien jnppcfthngil atthe .brea|vfc3t 'ta'ble ; .inc one of tt(om no (jirll 6rwoman ooujd 'be accuiodifof ibei&jj miignilsblyattired. This particular jlform of wrapper; ismore suJUIble ifor early (bjoming householddu-ties than the skirt arid shirt me usuallyjCect, tviVh the •irtevitalblef foliar, tie. .ajid>jl ,fyiiich take;;time'"i(o:'<rnanipu|afe. > aiore»':over, ifis economical, d'wal'le, and last but¦by- -mo -moans- least; easily washed.1 THiB' (ROYAL- -ACADiiMJY• tBiLTODER. -. The 'buart oi.the youn* Queen of Spain,which was ' first : rejected i ' and then restoredt« the -Royal Academy ij a beautifuliy ex-fccutod modoi

^of the original ¦ ¦ inarMe bustpresented b» '*The Ladiel'of England'' as' awedding gift 1 to iKing iAM6neo. Tho ddea wasoriganatexl:by the, Duche of JButlAnd,,whosedaughters were the intimate , friends ;ofPrincess Ena, and the marble 'bust, the work<rf Mr Dressier, • was, forwarded to Madridabout a month ago.,. When 'the model wasrejected iby the Selection ! Committee of theRoyal Academy' it was promptly e«tcured bytho New Gallery, and tho difficulties in theivay of getting it restored to 'tfvfe Acadeihywere only overcome by the pei&onal dnt :r-yention off thi& King. This mistake recaUs aiiimilar ono-.tyw y«ars' iag<>;..7whcnitJw5Acadeniyrejected Mr.'-'-jff .' Thoifaas s, "Lycidas," andceems to justify the;criticism . ¦that the Selec-tion- ¦ Committee,- -being; icranpoaddi"ventisejyoi painters, has little authority <or iudgitgstatuary. ¦! I I • • 1

1 ! ! ! ' I i

"Rio. foilonvins; • is a outtirig worn ycote'r«day'o "Freemaale Journal";— ¦ I ¦ . | ¦

"\>ur Flat" is onolof thi verj> 'ibest of theirolliicking faAxical comeddee, wmph one oajniecancely eee often enough j I Hi tun ooavuteod'HxrucanSA upon thousand? .wfilh.' 'laughter,and at tho Gaiety last liiKh't it weal to

:toisily/fle over, and kept! the'iuxuie- In I ia-consaint roar. It is a. pieoe' thit &c\st likeon instant and eplendid \ tonic, and1 it cer-tainly has' lost hono of i"j8 power' ; to exedtemocrament; even up U> bojeterous' pitch. Allthe old quips, all the old jpxcrucia&ngly fun»ny odfuaiJons, excite . la-pghter; a;freah-, andthe 'curtain fell after yet anotnori.-euccees forono, of the most BBOCOSS&U and j irresistihlycarrua pieteea of modern ctayB. ThW company•which presente the play isr. an excollent oneall round. "Mr. (Rallo. rEamnain appearB asour prepoBterouB but knot weflcome friendLNathaniel Glover, ^N.Cr.. No Good," and, oloourse, WOQ rounds of . delighted ei)r>la-u6efor his efSuajve elcicentricitiee. The part-affords endlosa opportunities to a coimediraniindeed, scarcely ever,: could its , possibilities'be exhauBrted, and the bettt praise' • that cai¦be given Mr. Balmndn is tibat one looks foriward with pleasure to 6eejng 'has ICathaniearain. Mr. MTOullun, thia wealthy; comically-crate father, wiaa: splendidlv represenAa ,by Mr. J. W. Braithwaile, Who was verjfamusing in all his scenes.1 ; ifisa Sara Mi^nan is a very capable little, artdcte, ; Sheha^tho keenest eonee of hiunour, tio ' eprdgiht*liest nxinnor,' and imparts the meet in»fecfious gaiety to everything she does anceajyu. Bh« effooted the . 'transformation 0:ifhe ddsmanfled,flat in , tho. (most sido*plittin{faehdan, ¦ and altogether irilade a Ibrillian'eucocas. MT^B. Lome Weab I made a • delightfuly' impoesi'ble Bella. Th«| othep--.p\artawer<'adequately cast as followd:—-BeiXafiM-, MrSydney Leyton; Charles Vtine. Mr.' Lau^fow,R««d ; • Tinchard, Mr. Wilfred i Comptonf adaTne Volant, the Cockney (FronchTrottvan.

iMisS: May Beatrice Luqy Qliea Atirlam

Hait ' ' Hbe . porioifmanicej! -was one good!,sound, heart" healthy laugh from beginningto end." There was , a good scurtsin-raiser,entitled "One of the Mrd/ . in . which the¦parts were taken by .Mn ! .Kollo Balnvin(Sergeant 'Bransooinbe), Mr.- . Weired OofjA-ton.i(Sir Harry Harding) iiftes ' Miriam. Holt(Ifclly). r<Mr. Balmain's dcacription of .hoihe won tho Victoria.lOroeaj waa capitally d<liirered. ¦ . ' ¦- ':. "' : ! . ':


1 1 1 ' in kil1 lil > i -I "' ! fj ¦ . .'i .. ' < i : VV' -{| ft ¦- !;'« i"! ¦' ¦ ;. '

¦, <41>ny, -peopte thJnk [ em h'.'-wiQ .go *wanr ii 1itiahe. . &&&• itheory j as"¦ fitmsbllng ; with HUf^*ipr "while ;it may go i off it may go .on. eveicntil iacaname con umptio i

has otitaimed he

Jhold/'tiheij.Jall ds 6vet;!w6 late.- !: It .m?gih|tHmve, been: different if CUframon, :the GreatCough Car <from th,« fonroila. of an eminentLbmaon flltyialiciaa), had .'bten . taien in thsearly ,BtAg«a ! iof , the: ooughi We adv&e ourrflodetB to Tjel vfee , and not take chiarucee'roit;)a, v6t>gh wiheb'. *2&, danger may1 brf opiated ¦ b; ri irw;0* 40*071'aowndingi to direotiona.' it.lH-T and' l M - of: CbenustB. Parcels Poetfrora

^Carrasnon lAd.j; Is.. iW»iterorr>by | Placed

XMUiaWlJ ik J ¦

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iThe .auresfei of a liad; cold ie -»;<wu gh,. ': i .*Vf r«va»gB> (d itfl Icure: by (

th5 use of iCarramoiMjthat oough' and, paid dia? ppeaif.,; j . h > „ ; .¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦:I? ; :iv j-!1::'H-^M^;;!-

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¦: f. : ; ; ; I ' NOTEB. ' o>^aR <r7*7' >*A short sketch of the Llfe of;iV.O'Growney

3tlU5k*. ; | , ' , f . J ' , "¦ ' ; 'Was x>rn. ; ;•; . S. - '¦ ¦¦ ) , • {, i . . - r, ' \/ - L i , iOiTieACAj*; ' ¦' ' "• j

;- H !'! ; '¦*' ' • '•; \ ;iKduc ition, I . . " | ;CUAI« r6 AJ\ lopj, -n., ; J ; . , i ;Ho Went in search of the language through

tho neighbourhood, j . j. - . i . - ' ¦ ' j ¦ j \tCOtt lAf fA Tt ^A t C, ¦ ', , ;| " ¦

; .•¦• '

; : |. '

Nelgtbourhood; from COrhAftTA, a neighbour1t\A\f: TIUA AC, I JMaynooth. ; '. . . .| '. ". ', ' \ '. ' . "' :;: , ,;. ,t)A riAlJlBAC te "OAOiniO, jPeople w.$nb-'ashamed. ¦ ] ' -.T ~ ¦ '¦ '• ' : - :People v<ero-'p.siiamca. % :- :T - ¦"¦ '¦ • ' ' ¦¦

tn tieArnA,;_^.., K|CT ;Would not ao.vSHil'* i- mgrra czi SISi.Corti.t3AtCAit>,""''"]Crr;"j. rf»: ¦ ; : , - ; iA fellow .member or felloTfjtndent^ ¦' ¦""'.

Endeavouring to, -1 '. j . Jj) | 'MSP. <•• '• • iSU'CA* FAtlttg^c Ko 'ledffi .^ /JbHe was taken lndlflerentlj/ enongi. E3 ^&r & ce\\x, ¦ ..i',.?! \ :rrTZ '- - . 'Out Of hia'Esnceai _j.ij,'- " - - W¦¦• ¦'¦ ¦•l >u#/A tornocAt> ; :; CJLI3«N —£; ', $Would <iommencQ.|i . I . ' - I -j [ ^ - '••'


SgAtpeAttj . -. . 'p . \ ,- I L}'" 1 ' 1 ,; ',|"5f -; ;.. j ¦To Bproadi'¦'• ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ |" I -I ' .- . : ' ' : - i - .

In a short time branches oil the Gaelic Leagueand schools everywhere! will j be holding ' theirFelseanna and examinations, and Fels com-mittee and school jteachdrs'anq-managers -willbe looking: around : for ebitablo prizes for thd¦wlnnlnj? < competitors.. The jcoromittee: of the

..Wexford TeiB, one of th6 biggest events ot Itsbind In! Ireland, set a good example to the coun-try a (ionple of years agd by1 abolishing, as faras possible,; money prlzcoj in i thfe' language oddhlstorjf competitions, and' giving instead ; asprizes books, either In the Irish language or ininteresting and Informing Irish;topics. -Inorderto meet the demand for bioks sol table for prizeslat FelBeanna, etc., Messrs. Gill 4 8oti, thooia-eatabll ihed and well-known firm of . Dublin pub-lishers have daring the past few months issuedB large number of worka relating to Ireland,some (fithem original , and others reprints ofWell-known ana rare books.' Fols committeesand Bctoblsl should Bhow j tbelr appreciation.ofthe en rprise of Messrs. i Gill Iby placing theirorders 'or booliB roqulrcd lor! prizes with them.In advanced competitions iln the i Irish languagewe would always like to sda books in Irish givenas prlzpBi Eev. t[r..Bbeelian> eAn CAinc DA

n*O6tfe : (2/-), Pournler'sl "^ngllah-Irish Dic-tionary (2/6) , and Father pipeen's FAGipTJlrntiiioirh JD4t)fUitj; are throe, books that wouiabo very acceptable. Dr. Shoeban's book shouldhave a place in the prize' list of every Feis inMonster, 'and Mr. Fbnrnlet's work Is one of themost hclrlfnl books for . Btridents that has beenpublished dnrlng the jiastj ten jyears. For thpelementary language competitions, competitionB-in history, singing, etc., works in English deal-ing with I Ireland aro«morp appropriate, and olthis buid MeEsrs. GUI havejprepared a very largosolectlan.i A few of the latest editions are a newedition of Cardinal Moron's " P«rsccntionRof theTrish Catholics under Cromwell ;" "The Poemsof Speranra " (Lady, Wilde)i. '¦"In Barflfleld'sDoyB,"^k romance of the alege of Umerlck,1 byh. McManus; "Innlsfall ; lor, Distant Days inTipperdry,'1 1 by an Irian-Australian Priest !" True Hearts' Trials," 'a nlow edition ot a stirriing and ,Vbry touching story of Irish life, by that;veterad Irish scholar, T. p'Neill BUSBOII ; anadozens : p t others. The literature ot the ¦ M8Movement onght to have | a great interest tpiGaelic Leaoaers. The vlcorous militant 'poetry.ot" Bporanzs " and Davlsr^osed in their iiay theldormant] soul of Eire as did tlie, eloquence of"An Craolbhln," and the enthusing writings ' of!Dr. O'fliclfoy in recent yetlrs. j To tho readinfijof Davis essays Dr. O'Hlckeyi attributes thesowing !pi"| the seed that inadcj him work so!strenuously for tho Irish Lbnguage Movement.'"r8pcrani!a'8 " poems can |be had for 1/- and!p vis's for 6d., and Irish .Revivalists would bedblng a ood work by making the New YoungIreland . familiar with them. The Irish heart jthat can I remain unmoved to work for the ro-genoratlonlof Biro is unsusceptible to the purest:and 'grandest of human emotlone, and Anglicisedbeyond hope. j .

i - i 1 ¦ ; SeAn.

$& t i l l . ; .sk' d.;d . ed i ^ c o t i h>, 1 G »

Corn Flour has Hie valuablepro perty of preventing' milkcur 1] ing in the stcmach: Thediff cully some have of digestingmilk is in this way removed' iporn Flour also forms, withmi!|f, a very nourishing idlet forthe lybutig. ' -I

; : For these reasons, milk boiled :; with' /a little Com Flour is I. excellent food for cjiildreri after \I ' teething. " . . 1 ;: i : ¦ [: ¦/j For ; this purpos^ use only \ .'Bskw/B g?PoM<pm®fpa til ?] CQFM Flo&FrI.

'. ' j i 1

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: | j -\ / YOSmOK .; / J ';¦ ; J | ' . '

Persona • requiring loansl .cf jinoney taoald.bo carefnl to avoSi ttooA, 8o»c«lled. . l«i4e»who demand fees an* cKaiges ;»h Mivauoe.Suob feea I and charges arts, frequently-de-manded |by people who liave n<x intentionofilen<Hng|ftnd:<w*o h»v« .jno' p<m«y W land,the sole! dbieei: beln« i ito : <*tam the 'toes.Genuine lendftw AT« *lv ayft| prepare*.;.u>ma*«Ta4v|asic«a.Trttl><>nt rinu*to)R ' :»nr '•<»«}

never dryiilgi their Bameii ." «r parlicnteri: ofth-feir position to maney-l* ode «i without flr»tbalM satlfifiWia* •.to - .-.tl l» .'l Aw«-. :wBp6cWability.; ! IPublfcity aaid other diaal ewueroBulwIttoiwrtimea foJlorw . ract indlscretian.

Intending1 ;bostaw»ra: oottd flpt do. bettertUafi apply to An oH<stioMied i flnn «uchaa thd Cto and Ctran r toaoi tmd1 DiMotmiBank,! O'Cooaell Street, W«terf6rd,: whlca i>now well! known vto ^tt» eublio fon th*stfatebtforiward i manner' id which-they««rry<wl their jbfaeihaeB, and whsre fcB applicationsfrom horrowewJAM treat* 1 with prompt'*t-tchtionl ftri 'the rtrioUrt ttcvecy. ¦ . '• '• ' ' '\ '¦ 'i , : !^;.

¦ ¦M^:BBptoJUii^.^v.'d:i ;:i ' 'S

we ihi/v e • (made very;.« stenaive' nurcnaee* ' Qand offer | above 4f t L o ij ^- Pj i c t s lhaikl any Zhouse, iri be Bouth Of It aSaud.: No'rtokeW,* t,Uf ai frMm. bat, *onod; - (SutBtanl&l iSJea-. °5te l, $aS e3uf if ::m^ CteU tod;

-**S;. iWr !?prces;!'then .try the v*lu<i off irW/eMewiae.' ¦'•;W s : aaki to jM«ferao«,;;foi <:iMNi»a;,-: iod «ttt.- ¦ ¦¦ '¦{ei givtoe yw .'-ihatfer-JvAl ft - .- WaiiS. i\cfr^^ aiewhe ij;—,WAK« W; M 'S *M' ) &&*.' di

, :;.' ! . ¦. ,.4.;;|.- ',^4 h'-Mm^mm'i- ¦ ¦- ! : . - . f N - f ., ¦ . '::•: ;.-;.yiv;.: - - ¦'¦Vl! l i^a^

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f 'i.It lL without,jfMVj'' .:.'' -.r';i. :'j:;:l-i. *- Th< Ou»rtntter !»/« reii ;one',-'' i' c<Srtiflcate.' 6f if Is »ttacheil by,ee«levery michine. . ; . . -; : j : |.

.:<$& Cfi. .' FRPM'iltS-iMieiia .freeand: JarrUge- pald., .jNo«xtni'ebarse'

~&t'Ul »/P«yaen«; f *:f : ^|4 > ¦;

:Th< NewrCatolocue.fif pai[eii«ota'ready post, free from ,.u\-. {- ¦. ,-,,'

l^d }eWhrvorfli.Xt&, i := ?\

• ' i tit; • il) *» h '¦ irieiuibt .J-* -jl •'.'• -i; l "n ¦ ¦ Waterforj. ' l i i/f 7•ifi- 1-i .-f ¦_ '¦

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/ISoo I £F EcHiOycIhaoea! j [Scoped \ KSm§o': fconsai ; 1®/B ' i -fi¦ r • -' E(i>/» each. ! Aro ^siiriaBa^^pii^Si

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neVc^etkt^ ^;ir Bi'Rb> ;)iBJ ':M^;'.tifi*$i %\.

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' ISAVOID COMMON AKD JNJFBJRiOR J PAINTS, J JSlrCl praiSOl .0 , :' VTilch are the dearcit iii thejend. . : < .' . ¦ j i ] -r : : 1 . - ., ". :;

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COLE AGEKTS FOR WATER^OHD : ' • ' ¦' - ¦ ¦>' .'! i ! ¦ ( ; .* ' : ¦ ' ¦ i ' ! ' '¦ "!'¦. ' ¦ ' I !V

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::: ¦:. ' ,: V ' I / - . USE I«f SH, "llM. MU R^ ,.; | ¦ \ - \. {\\, ,i 'KELLTS EOI E AND BLOOD¦MAilII ^!|i ;f ''ACLM^ACrillbB^ 1-i» illEELAMXFrom the Bone: and Bloodi of the Pigs Slaughtered j in -the ' Waterford jBaeon: CeHera.They have:.<woi hundreds of; prizes $gainflfr;Engliah! and- Foreign ltanur,ei i in aU tho: ! ; !' : ¦ ' ¦ leading Enjliah And Iriah! JSQJOWB.-., ; '¦ ¦; ' ". j :• . ! - .L . .!. :( - ; -.They Give the; quiofcest ,am) most 'pennanent |reauMs lor 4 ;to 5 years after being 'applied,i- ; : ; - -\ ' ;,

¦• '¦ ¦¦ ''] ¦¦ ,6QLD OOTiY. ON Otyi!^ 'AB TSES. ;•! - • L i - p

'. i' -.-f ¦ ¦'raiDi iaJuiaro'rain ¦ Manure

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: . :¦ gRT.T.VTS iSpecially selected from choice

i- i : ; ! . : KELL Yi«ad OfBcesr-Jcihn'o Lone. Mills atied and Mantue Slore3-M>'Connell


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Sir Charles Ctatte^M.D;;-T.B.ciM..?a 4'n^I 1 1 have analysed a specimen ^-ft niTBT jffinTjN'g PTtHTflW RTom*.rf rm uf c f t f o irn+ 4m-l-,

thai purpo«« from the' M61TNTJOY B»liWtE'RY,"IXtrBIiIINj 'I hav« neter examined ©cpotsimen of Port<r in which tha Solid, or NatrUivai pon«aifaieat«'j*Bto"ep teSxmdistVim- '¦in UM oaa« ot *hji -Stool. It contain* Hen p6r ceaA. ;<rf , tt« rfght <yf Bolidi tnattef.' •¦'ati'\nearly the ansml :cf solids oontained: in ulllfc -' K» fiairoar iaicooa,':ead \U jte tttnaaav iftWir fwe ftom«Witjr, . i • •

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if ; : ASK pocijiT. I J9ES " ' xiaitT IPW f3®" j^9'*3^3 P''i

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3 |; igflfjHS^Bglfj !

«»6iaS3 Sole A4«ato>:-to", <mDgMin' ,

CBmmptoo), ;SP #1*Klra


Best Bicycle

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PRUGGistS, blL |mA COLOUR, \S&:Um.UWM\ \

LannroKiiariey,p, Manure.: j

> 8 8TE|WiaiB!D> 'wrrioi?wI7TOa'' '«wap3ea" "ti ; iHrefait .Show.1 - : hose wo^Iwere rown

in ,the worst'|latuiJy ' {fair' j to mention that jwere [ft 'not for. -Kel|/»iranttre•rcjeljy.jhave aj Tuniip; ti ASV 'I . . . \ . . \ . , .;; . ' ; _ , ]. i . ; r . | :Ammonia, Muriate of Potash; Kairdi Cdllir ISilt, eto..¦«J -|I wtet'S[4ntet-,Prieea. _ .;, -

¦.'¦ ¦ ; : ; , u- \r [

¦ 1 \ . -.obtain' . bestiesnltBr use 1 ,?/.:' :: -' •¦ ¦ • '' ¦ - - .[i ;. !. . I ' , ' ' ' I '. ¦' .lairaxAiKD*? &QtBi<j( rtmmhi. i SEEDS. !!:-h i .. ¦! I • ;

st<ck3|of th« :leadinjr growess regardlesa" '/A dos*. tc.Waiaibestyarioties.ovy.;: ¦

."i. 'V., - s >./';' : ¦ . ] . . K - \ ¦L^IJSliOXOBaSD'l^B'ilVr.i-

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,V ^

; !'l?oaP^wy.,: :' ; .h : r r I i j . ,j and' Seed iWarehoo6«s-T$olra'e Lane. Manure foatory.¦ . -. Grace jtfen. . ¦ ! ' . - "\ . -¦ ¦ ; ' '' ¦ '

. - ' . : ' .¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦) ¦ ,

¦ '[ J I ' '

iell Street, jXail Street, Quay/ John's Lane and Ncwrat

' Wtfn and g»hm»U<1, »ni l-,«'«61nt«lr bmlnitU.TO I OBTAIN. A- injrit J«AM>LK BOTTlO

mnt oott ol purlift. nnrM«f Itanto t

^¦-/f-'-T : - ; ; ! .'¦'!• ;¦-< '- ¦'¦' ¦: '!'

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tiiiaiitiPOURI^HirJG STOUT. : ' : ¦ ' ,iBISEJ ,¦ BARLEY OrJLY, . • ; :vt Fb!R-;:iwVAiiios;>^'; ' :i ' ¦ '; ¦ -i; u { v . K - iJUT FOR BEAUtli.- •:!•; '. •' ¦:¦• ¦ ' , M-i - - :- -:r - t : ! 'i

"!Pr«! R!SSKSSBSf Wh # sp$



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I and vJedaatrb td drain? Daedal attention to theM ; . • : ¦' 'Cholca N 'oiteltteal In all kinds of ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦< • ] ¦

M ; ' made up/Xice' i&ojbdlsi, Tob^ i SiuMes/ 'i


f ln$thlri&-n&trJ\ln f nvaaola\£ Gtoveo¦ I D' nf s 'o on\ tH etrJ. ' ¦ \

. l ; ! i i '



Aj ME8SENGER BOY Wanted. Apply to C.! Badge, O'Connell-Btroet, City.

* PABTMENT8—Gentlemen con have com-xL| fortablo Furnlahod Apartments, cleanlinessand good attendance at 99, Quay, next the PostOffice ' '

A' NEW Discovery. ¦ Glafceit will produce ahard and brilliant enamelled polish on all

prints. A Is. box sufficient (or 300 prints. SoloBgents. Bell Bros., 89 Quay. •

IA MATEUB Photographers who vrant troshi"X ¦. and reliable photographic materials call to

Boll Bros., The Pharmacy, 89 Quay. ¦A C1DINE, an efficacious Cough Core. A

JO. certain remedy for an old congb. A'valu-dble expectorant. Manufactured by Bell Bros.,S9i Quay.

BOON to Photographers. Tho use of a woll-ec|nlppod dark room, arid useful hints to

amateurs, tree at Bell Bros., 89 Quay.BLACK Voiles, Venetians and Alpaca dress

: lengths, m&rvelloua value, 3/11 carolagepaid; Patterns post free. Birkett's Dreaa Ware-house (B), Bradford.TJICYCLES.—8paro-tlme AGENT, In eachX)j district, to take orders for us. Largeprofits 'easily made outside ordinary employ-ment. Write for trade terms and particulars,Mefld Cycle Co., Agency Dept. 562 X, Liverpool./ \ABINET Maker required. Apply to Bobert-VJ :| BOD, Ledlle Ferguson 6 Co., Ltd., Water-lord1. ! /'lnVENlNG HEKAIiD".-.16th Year of PnbU-! JCi caUon. Head Office, 111 Middle AbbeyOtreet, Dublin. The "Evening Herald" has a{forger circulation than any other Evening News-paper In Dublin. It la read by all classes. Ad-vertisements which do not appear in its columnstoll to secure thorough and. effective publicity,cot only lnDublln City and County, bat throughout the,Country.:OABMEB8 should try the "Weekly IndepenLC | dent" for six months if they want a goodbed interesting Irish Weekly Paper. Can bebad by post for six months at 3/3 from all novrs-agents. John Hearne, District Agent, Lovrc*Thomas-street. FANFATL Pigeons.—Hiss Cantwoll has 20

j Fan tail Pigeons for Sale. To bo sold cheap.Termlnna Honse, Waterford. f MDOB Cook General wasted Immediately ;\T I temporary. 1667, this offlco. pi BOCEB8' Bottle Wrappers—Assorted colors.K X ) Enquire our prices. Redmond & Co.,Watertard. j T i XS.liI required for Sewing Carpets. Apply toXX \ Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co., Ltd.,¦Waterford.TJ EAXiTH Salt, best quality, In four-pennyJH tins, at G. White & Sons, O'Connell-street.Forms a cooking and refreshing drinli. CuresbUltjms headaches. /__ ;TT ONEY 1 Honey! I Honey 111 A luxury foiXI tho table at bargain prices. Sections, 6deaci. 1 l ib jars 7d. G. White & Sons, FamilyCht mists, Waterford. "II OlISE TO UST, No. 78, Quay, contaunngJZL shop, S rooms, kitchen, scullery; newlypainted'; suitable Millinery. Dressmaking, BootTrade, 'Gents' Outfitter , Restaurant. ApplyP. M.'Doyle, 79, Quay, Waterford. JOSEPH CONWAY, Indentured Chlmnoy0 I Cleaner, thoroughly understands all kindsof {Ranges and Chimneys. Robinson's Lane(off Bhortooaree.)T ADY, requiring respectable Home, " nicelyJU ¦ situated, most healthy part of Tramoro;If permanent terms moderate*; only two intamily. j Address 1666, " Homo," this office.T AJRGE Pots Spirea in flower, 1/6 each.'JLJ \ Tomato Plants, 2d. each. Apply 34,Gcorge'B-itroet. IT OST. April 27th, White Fox Terrier, blackJj sppt'over eye. Anyone bringing samo toIBeWiilero, Newtown, will be rewarded. T ADIES—Dainty Boyalotte Cashmeres, SpringJU j Colorings,, Shepherd Checks, Tartans, 3/ 11dress'length carriage paid; Patterns post free.Dread 'Warehouse, Quebec, Bradford. "PHOTOGRAPHIC Beason is now commencing"X Call and see tbe latest In cameras at G.White | & Sons, Photographic Chemist. Darkroom free to customers.EAT8 1 RATS 1—Mr. G. H. Corleton, Chemist,

; iJarne, reports: This morning a customerof mine got the full of a meal bag of dead rataafter' using Rodine Bat Polsonl Bats like it, eatIt ana die. 6d., Is., 2s., 3s., 5s. Post2d.—Harloy,Chemiit, Perth. Agent, H. Bell, Cbcmist, 62,Quay, Waterford.RELIABLE High-Class PAWN OFFCE and

| Sales Sop, 31 , Bally bricken Stores —Green's Lone. BICHARD GLEESON, Proprio-tor. bending Department—Highest Sums onWatches, .jewellery, Furniture, Bedding (Feather abd Hair), Bicycles, Wheels. Musical In<Btruments, Leather Goods, Including Harness-etc., ejc. No Second Price. " Sole Department—Forfeited Pledges, which Include the generaltun of Unredeemed Hodges from this High-classOffice, Wz.—Wearing Apparel, Bedding, Featherbeas. Bolsters and Pillows, Watches, Rings,Bedsteads, Furniture, Boots, Shoes, and sundryGoods.] Solid Silver Watches from Ss. Guaran-teed Military Boots 7a. lid. Furniture BoughtBest Price paid for Furnlturo, leli-«tr Clothingetc.,.removed free of charge. Buslncus trans-acted, by letter or otherwise. • )

EE AD the Waterford NotesViti the " Satur| day Herald" every week and learn foi

yourself of the principal events In the old City .EASlDE Apartments are always looked up 11

advertised in the "Evening NOWB," 24words for 4d.

UtTE of Booms (3 and annex) to let. Partially' famished, Bay-window, Saloon doors. Apply

to J. J.IBoll . 65, Qnay. SPONGES—now Importation. Toilet Sponges

I 6dJ bath sponges from Is. Special valueIn stable and carriage sponges. Chamois, 3d. to3s.; Q.jWhite A Sons, Waterford.SALVATOR Corn Plaster. Tho most c.vu

; cacions corn cure on the market. Price.;' 1 .per box. Monoy returned if not cured. Aacnu,Georco White & Sons, Chomists, Waterford.SERVANTS Begistry Office—Ladles requiring

, flrst-class'Malds and Men and. Maid-servantsSituations, should apply at once. Colgan'sRegistry Office, Tnllbw-street, Carlow. TO: XcET— Comfortable Furnished Apartments.¦ Perfect cleanliness. Good attendance.13) Gladstone.Btreet. - : : fpHBl "SATDBDAY H^BALD" la the Best,JL {Brightest and Spicest of Irish Eveningpapers. Can be had by post for 19 weeks forIs. 1<X± from tho "Independent" Office, LowerThomas-street. John He&roe, District Agent.rnUKl Leading Adrertising Modlning In IrelandX i(H the present time are the "Dally inde-pesdeat," ''Weekly Independent," "EveningHerald," and "Saturday Herald." , Advertise-ments for these Papers BIS received at thoIndependent Office,' Lower Thomas-street, from10 aimi to 6 p.m. dally. John Hearno. DistrictMetal

¦ - ¦ ¦ • . r ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦

yi iHK Best Sportlnfl Morntntf Papcx i Irol&nd.Ji' ((a tbe "Daily Independent.* §%»* try itHii ' I tt| |0 tor youTseU. ' 76h& Hearoe.. DistrictAjjentJ LowerThomaa-etreet. . . ; . •f HO BE : LET.—Stable and Coach-hOnse - inX j Cathorlno-etreet.: Also roomy Store* andXWta lln O'Connellstreet. : T., M. Murphy,Oya cU-Btreet • "¦¦ ' ; ' . ': ' ¦;¦ i '•: '- .

¦ ¦ ¦

rhdkkOBB'— CotUep to Let extrsj; cheap,:JTW] •urntthed;' S bedroom*; to* mo»tb« ofWai; Mgost and'Beptember, or separately.E3&t &ri Xlf a m Vmn. i- \ - : t > : : -fpOl b IK LET to* AJignst and September, or

-.i :I

¦!' !¦ ¦

i i ! II ' ' '' I Iiw3l \


¦ - i ¦¦• ¦ •¦ '. } > ¦ • i i

r-' i: ^; '!

. IUac0:TiQp, j Setb, - ; : .a'- 'Ban£fG ' .lff-isliij; ' ajntf j .acc i of the

in MatM\ 'V ] ¦

¦¦ . : I ¦

; ; . . ;

I i

I I ¦ i

(iil lj vJilf ^iknJ u (liJbvJl^uli uTH |S


||r Gite it a Triali

. . ¦

First-class Restaurant! and PrivateTea K©o'm§,

10,- QUiTTTTALL PAPERS from t J. per roll. Any quan-W tlty, large or small, supplied at Wholesale

Prices, pur etock exceeds 00,000 rolls. Wrltofor patUms, stating what oUsa. you require.Dept- 602. Barnett's Wallpaper WarehouBo,Campfleld Avenue, Manchester. ¦ TiJTANtED lmrnedlately—Steady, respectableW coantry girl or. woman need to children.

Plain wishing.' Bcferenco roqulrcd. Apply668, this jofflce. ; ' WANTED—A young lady about 25 for Sta-

tionery buainccs. Ono ,with knowledge oithe business preferrod. Apply,1 by letter only1639, NewB Office. ' \ TirANTED—Two TalloreK;03 and Girl to learnW machino. Apply L. J. Fjynn; W.John-

street. : , . ! ; • '''¦

WAKTED a Junior Clerk. (Apply in ownhandwriting to 1602) Nows Offlce.

WA N T E D immediately— Strong, steadyyonng girl capable of taking charge of

baby throe months old. Must bo well recom-mended, i Addrses and reference to 1664, NewsOffleo. I - lWANTED, on tho 29th May, smart, tidy girl

as General Servant, plain oook. Must bewell recommended. ¦ . Address arid reference to16S5, Novrs Offlco, CAs. A. head can bo saved by feeding CalvesO\J on Univdrsino Food and Separated Milkfor tho first 20 •weeks. Cwt. bags I3s. G. White& Bons, Waterford.

UCLLY'b 0CCD0SfEA'KDARD TDRNTIPiS' STAN.DARD MANGELS Folly tested for germiriatioo and purity,

and guaranteed to grow larger and 6oundeiroots thaa other dearer and more expensiveljswtve rids Seedfi. In lacrt monoy cannot buybetter qtality Seed*.

UGLUY AHD CO.,John'e lane, O'Conn-ell Street, Waterford,

LO/lrJO FROM £5 TO £1,000To Noblemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, andall otheia, in any part of Great Britain andIreland, on. their own wguature, without6ureti«<6. Easy Payments. Apply •personallyor by lbtter to J. C. WALSHE, M&na^rAbbey £/oan and Disconni Banik (under newownagertient), 110 MiddJo lAibey Street,DubliQ.:

» MAThlrV.OKIAL POST A>1> PASHIOJJ-ABLEI itAfiiRlAG-E ADVERT1SBB." 8calcdenvelope, Oi,; with CitcuUrl gd.-^Addrcsa(Editor, Booms O. 14, iTrafeftjar-buildiufs.London. W.C. Esltblliihcd one-third CM-tury. Distanoe inunat«rial.


'E. P1HELAN. 27, I JOHN : filHEBT,

WATBEPODDJBess to rlxa nbtioa to bill Fiicadj tnd CxaPdblle i£it the Caimney Cleaning Bcslaccsolth«lAi» Viaeeat , Ho?an' is now trsa errodto Mr. E. Phelin. 27. John-oireot. Wttcrfwd.In future all business communications

should be AddressedE. P H B I * N.

O. John Street. Waterford.

Dor.iEOTic ocnvAraTOBy tht> Workmen'e Compeneaition Act, 1003.

all Householders are liaWe forj accidental in-jury to 'thcir domestic eervarrte. It is there-lore necessary Jot householdefs to insuroagainst ri£k oi lc^s. i ' ;

MBS. VINCENT HOGACf ,Servsnta' Reffisiry Office. 8 Beau 6treet,

Waterford; ¦. 'lHafl been appointed District lAgent for theLondon and Lancashire IntiiMnce Company,and enquiries for the aboVe branch ' olbuainesj are reapoctiully coJibited. Formaand all particulars on application.

I i ¦' '

THE: iviccaoiv D:OTCL,0- : , : . 1


DUBLINCsnUally situated. Uoo«r«i* tnd lloc\

. ComJorUiOla.

ffljb-Cla j R«auur'an.t aUocbcdi T7eddinj Broitlrtf.a a CTcatlixj.

' l i ' P. ¦p lAHOt3t \ ' 'Ua\z.zx.

-T" D j - -j ¦—j

tJ ;r ; ; \r \ : -] gt W££WE I Wtlll ±X j I DlfJDERG, MOWCRO, £% nAKEO & TEDDERO. ±% y —ttv mlf t if o rlJ&it oimf t. A

ii.AfiD rOHIVtflSAL J ClILWATiXmt>)»iypiit9 extWnt^ ; .


Three Sitting Booroa, Fior Bedrooma, Bath,h. and l.c water . Stabling for Two Horses,and. Coach House. . :

Eead/[ for imjnodiaie ocoupatica. Apply1C09 "Nawfl " Oijace.

| iittttimtuiit * w*tn\**rt/ *fH*ti*: l .'¦ i I _ .. _ _u —. a Mini

j ^ j M l y " j |j [£liS1IW WK T, CiJSia ' ;J' ;

¦ l\

"- ' ; ' ' ¦

|'l ' : ;

I ¦ • : ! !!, ¦: J ! i ' I ' , :u - 'Mi };AqKN«^vtE06ei> FACT,;. . -i iThe fefeb etiridird! !exioeil*i <¦ quality, : «n<ipuriiyjhftbe Druca rind, Che n&als used 10th*, prt§«rBtijMi; oi Doqtos* Prescription*end l K»L t> B*n*ral ton/M i> isineas &t j BellBroa' ]]toanrjioy, 89 QuayViie reJl known;(hsreloM'IU you have o{ npoeicriptibn to be^ro*ti|; bri« « to Bilf*. ' . v; >"¦ni i i ' :TT- - i -

¦¦ l l l ! ¦ ; . -


SMEST*' ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦. 1 ;: '-

9d. per lhOd.

?HB W:; • ' I ) . : '. - J :J \

¦ .. . J . : !..|. . : , . ,

! , Ferguson & Co.,©


B E :S T


TEACHERS OF IRISHHhould note tnose who are eecming flrot

t£aoes in ill parts of ths country havetoUorod »B. 3NRY'S 1IETHOD OFTEACHING, ea exenrplified in hia pruncm

n mot> "oTReAcCun n& 540^1150 w'fogluim,

Cuit) A hA'on.An "OoCcuin X WAC 6n .\, "DO Ssfttob.

LEESOiNS 'FOR TE.iCH'IiN'G IRISH TOOHIDDiBEIN OiN 'HEB DERBCT METHOD."Dr. Henry is careful to give, whercvei

possiWe, the different forms of expre««ionneed in various partB'.ot Irdand, GO that theJearner IB at Liberty to adopt whichevcijtfeases him."—X). tl* ConCoB.up. [Kerry]


The Books are profusely niostrated by a-well-known Irish Artist.



Gut XO hits anly. eocnmeaiciEs MOWDHiT,MAY CSh.

Grtand Matinee on Saturday Hay nth,

MR ROLLO BALMAO'S CO.,At pes nt appearing witih. great 6UCOCB8 at

the Gaiety Theaire, DaLblin,lnchrding



(Utatine© and Bvenung),Tbe most guicceisslul Fa.rcicaJ Comedy,

U OUR FLAT"(By arrangement with Mr. Willie Edouin),Whidh ran over 1,000 porfonnanccB at the

Strand and Comedy TJieatrei, London.

Wodnesday and Thursday—Tom Taylor'B WorloVRenowncd Piay,

u THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN.'Friday, llay 10th—

" EAST LYNNE."(By Special Requeat)

MISS SLMK S . MIGNON' £3 'UJM>Y ISABEL.'Puioeo—Drees Oircle, S». ; Stoile, fc.; Re

nerved 6lall3, as. Od. ; 8econd Circle, la Cd.Pit, 1B. ; Q-ailery, Gd.

Doors open &t 7.30 pjn. Comancmce at 8(Booking t Poole'e. 134, Quay.



Lightlng, Cooltlng,Meeting, etc.


May be obtained Gratis onapplication at tbe



; ! j RIMIiWAIY. ! ¦ . ;;

IRISH Oikfl'HRN'ATION'AL BXiBIBlTIO ,OUBLTN. OPESOWiG1 OAi'V. [SATUiRDAY,4ih MAY. JC07. i ¦ . . ¦ : " I ; : - I ;

On above date 'HXiabmSIiON TJXlkiEaS ' willI .be iisuedi toi DuWin as under:— , !;j KET.DBiN' R.VRE3T • ' ' ¦ 'I (Rosslarc Strand departure 8.1T a.m. ; Kil!i-aJcki B.ffi J^m.;l 'Bridwtawn, 8.35 !«Jn. ; Dua-rniicik, 8.47 aim; .Wellington h ridae, :8.50

4.laI Kallycullane, 9^S &.m;> Campale, B.1Bijii.i—Oet class, ilSe. ;i 3rd clata.'jOfi.

i \\1i1erfoifet fSorth) departure ; Q.^5 am. tndOJCO ajn; £dlmaoow,;643 tun and 10_l ajn;Mullinavat, 7-3 ; a.in and 10 ajn.—1st1 class,ISi.i 3rd cla£3.r8a. ; ¦ ; ¦ : I .' '; ¦i -Ballyhale departure 7J18 &xa and 10SS3 &m;Th<nr»a&ta*ni 7X3 a.tn and- 10 33 a,m.—.TBIclaai, JO&J; 3rd olasa, Ca. ; i " ' ¦. . i i v ;i (Bennett'e Bridge pat*"! 7.33 a.nl ¦¦ and10.43 a.im.-Hl»t class,' 10B.; 3rd does, ii. - ,

i Balrynag^et departure 850 a.m.; Aitinayli,6.37 : ft tn; l.^beylefr/ 8.49 a.m.—-let olaes, . Ca.6d: 3£d clnRS , 4s. ¦¦ '

,' . '• ¦¦¦' : . . . ,

¦ . ;

i 'JKiilkenny departur« 8.V a.m and l<li) a.tn;Goftvran , 8J13 sin and 11.13 a.ni; Borria, 7.40a.m :and TttB ajm ; pforesbTidge., 7.48 «4n: andW JIO jjjn} fta^enalijiown , 8.0,ajn and 11.83ajn.-tot clasa, !88 ; 3rd clae»; Se. i ; iI ALilflond,i 8.40 is^mija nd T1.S3 nan; Carlaw.6 43 ajn snd 1<1.48 ia.m; Mag-ency, 8.57i B.mAnd WJa9 a.m.-j.l&t dlsss. 0a. Bd ; 3n* claaai 4fl.

i ..Why departure 9»0 a.m and 12J10 aJin.—:1st jlaoB, 5s. : 3rd class, 3». . . , ;. . -: i , "f IHtketa ivrai'Iaible for ret-ara '.m 'io ' and in-Muding Tueiday. 7ih .>Hay, . : i)y. OrdinaryTraia*. (Express ITii J excepted)/ ; !f JO. IT. DHNT, GenemJ Mina er.I .KJng!srt>rid?e Sfaiion, Dublin, April, 1807:

! . . ; . , '. ¦ DUTTEfi/ ; 'E^G-a; ;; : ;!¦ ¦ ;; j ' -

! GoamnenoaJ Txavetler, residing in Cardiff,i7 years experience; flreticlaef connection j «open to eell Oentrifogal Creaiteries and-^gB6a conKniasdon in Soitb Wales. ' References*nd eeoority eupplied IB81 "Waterford NVSTW"Offloe. ! ;. . '¦' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ i ! v ; ;

¦ • j : ¦

h i ; ; : ! : • ¦¦ • i ¦ !'

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i. t i i-. :i

V^Trr1.During Next week we phall makcra Special DiBploy,of i!onr,

Seconil Ptrri-haep foi* the Summer Trade ii.

• ¦' . . , <??$$ iLateat UoVelties in . 'v

'¦ -!'." ¦ -¦¦ ""''

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I '^ i i t ; - . I f ' - , w \ * ^ "


LA^EB, S&- . TpiMMIlirGii j (ic« , \\ ¦ ,|

A Visit will convince you of above Facts¦ ' • - ¦ • ; ¦ "' i :

¦ i

A CARD , CALL or 'PHOI^E (83) brioss jour Vao to your doorPromptness. Civility. ' !


; ; :: BeothanVa Olycarlno ' " ;¦ • ;. I '! and pucutnber ... 1/ toico Brown's Satin Polloh 1 - 4jd^JJ. .; pAUPo tWf i ir tm ! l^^THE POPULAR CORN COHft,

; Exceptionally Efficaijoua. ;* Udy, wrlil*| aiogt EXtNBl; kan W'l

>m h.ippy to leu you th»l thq Corn Cure you•old me Ui« older day hn crttlrrlit maavpimicontjyucti ifUTtrjr Iroubletein*. - 1 . . ' ': i

A p»Uenun \yhn hu lr(o*mi(ry,r«ro«<ila(or corntL nn s-' A few applldtUo* of ytmerctUrnl 'EXINB* (Corn: Cur«i took iW£rtgfit<Mit6y llitroot«. Hm *ottbenfth«d beent»tmWtd wlUr f*r. ij yesr*. rtrtcdlcarn curiapr>tk>(j«Iy In th« United SHIM ted oihet parti oftbe yf oi ULbtitu f wert owwctwfo^T ..¦ ¦"

Exldej spread oa Slllf , f t Wrf ler pk(;Exlfe In Bottles, ' {- 7 1/ ,|i»er bo<l

S^^i®Lll4:#tt;(Q)67, ' ; (!PlllriVj U"J/3TTEC3'p|©BSE)i _ . ' j ; . ;

SMTTKlp@ "tliilio,Fittest) Quality MMt ; iUrafiforflBiityo

o di * "©-JklLJL JL uffiL uy >.. < ¦ ,yU,Pastry Godlio amd' fetor^o j

12, Cjladotonoiniomste AWto

£4i\3 D LBFE

cps !





%W' W. n,. i f^AH %«

* Plaatore ».if ci mvr *?* Hair Restorer<&{Hl< n Milk (and ©ul-«# ./ ; phurjaoap ... ...

Scocham'a PHIo' ; jBongor'oj Fpbd..'. ' . ...|i Beneror'a Ffrba ... : ...

i - Slaud a Pills |' ..:. . ;iVvu¦ •!. :¦¦ r Bishop'o[citmto ¦*'. -¦ :"!:t '.¦- ' ''•¦Gaf M n m 'j ; . ¦; .£ ¦,;: J .


HWRV BBLL* tiELt BROS]"I j ',. ' SQX.B;i(fBS9a.' ! " [i

tf 4 «», jQnair, ;WATERFORD. ii

1 ;• ; ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ; ^rm tf"^: p .. --,

gSdntebi dnrc? ,

1/6 .-1/3ye nil *-*•.:¦.fi/o

GU rGRF9&2®B: ;¦ •

! ¦ : :¦.

: , |

: •! :


s ; I Jf i^• rv»- ; . in ¦ •vn

! ! M ' I I ' ] \ ¦

•Cash Received en DcpcMt cj 8 per cent., n

payablo|(proctlct,ily)on fJernonii. jAdvaocea nado to o limittid extent;do senn

•c4un y;: ; i I j

¦ -. ¦;! ( ; ; I

O'lQpq'ao : CiLilit-.d. • j ¦: . ;




1Oid- 2/-

*& *>* ««» ' !// :, , . ¦ ... . . ¦ • • , (

?in ii # ' r '¦ ¦. I 1 - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '-f f f :: j ¦ : Tho Lasrf 0©

%# . ! . arid ffATE WT ' i

Cocklo'8 Pills i U: ¦ • 1/1MO d.Clark'e E lood Mixture 21) a 5Cutlcurc Soap j ..' 1/i ibjdi

I PcWti ir ! j.. .;; >¦>;, ; 64. d.

i ;:'!¦ - ¦¦': ' ¦¦•¦1i' - - - " ¦ '. l : ,:•-. '.p k^^^dSM £#!

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^ziBTsaI|]ljftP '¦/ .¦jSsil©¦" I ' ; TOll jbi heldL'. : yH • • : ¦ ¦ •:; ¦

• ; J ( ' '' * MJ'o.l|dto<i:.y." '; ':i: ' ]' \' ' ' ''

: ', \ ' i | | ||l i . • j . - ' h-i ! -¦ EJB.-/Eho G.8. find; W. (Railway ¦will issae

Cheap Ticketo from I&'M'' Ptriiiciixal Stationsfori ik£d SiJ«, ' and' ;ivave arranged SpecialCTEJAin BLWffiS forl janimals | purmaecd. ¦

' ¦• Barticnlare of theco1 on ¦ appjdeiatioo.!

OitalosneD now

'Amctioneor. <3,

COTOJTT OOTOi* ! WMBBKM8H>._ i . > X^ SpiffipiLEaEm: «^Mwr oomOTJy

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I ¦ ¦ j 8 y®£P . ¦ !. .! ¦ -!, : .|-:-iro. a,jMaisB«, Vi«?. Tt i

ITCanCE IS' EfeilSBiY ; GTVEH' t3iat the ' ".T^ 3?yMi*?Jv hleOoittnity. Ooimcil -oi l Waterlprd. will; at-jtbeir ,, m e

&rM M^rcb,Qoarterjjr Meeting t« fce -iidd1: in- the Ooort , • ¦inrvm^

Ti, diiu,L. t Iy^rrit2ou«. fiungaTvaSuloa TUESDAY. Met MAY, | i,^1^^^ ?1

.?^mUN S oK

iff salary tf £180 :SM«M'

0a.: Od per aammn.fiabiedt to the oonmrrence , f & & &$£?AJ%1' £?*£oi I the Local <Jovemxn4atBoa«l. , : ' . ¦; I ; . ' I Sf JjSffi f*^" fe »F^Theipeison el ed nrastlsatisfy ««¦• local ! gLfJff ¦ffi^^JSfA=%,-.,J

• lA-ppliSnfil-iili be i recMT d ly j HM |i not ! fS.A0 1 21 t^2^toVtban two o'o ock on Saturday. 18th day , SSg ' gL?" f

OI 'M AV i<«7 - i i i : M ¦ i • ¦ ¦ ; , . ' ¦ •! I Bix». IA : rrsmoxe, £20. , .ro04 ,.iLay. 1907. . | |_ ¦ • ¦ _ '._ i t a-gJ-, . ! «t. thereame tiro ¦ Sf jlw &sj ^w^^ffisj srt4- s j fitr j SsiFApril, 1907.,;, ¦ r ] .. , . . . • ; : . . .. _ ; - mnnits' at 'Wiqiertora. XlO. T]


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.. . DIVISION.-: ;. : [ j - ; ; >; :.¦- , { : - 1 - • ¦ ¦ : . '.:.-, |, .!

KKXDIGB IS;. iHBBEBfSr,.|QJV i'ib4l tbe'

<Joumt7 Council oil Waterford -will, at theirQuarterly Metitnngl jto be held. in. th« Coart(Hause, ahmgarvatl] .on. -TU<BgaAY> !2l6* dayof MAY, . 1)907) proceed to elect A POOR EASEOOOJL/BCTOR for |the Rxtr&l District.- of IILis*more (No. 2 Division) at d remuMerairan oi7* Peace na the £>on amount oi lufl.CaUeoturn. - .. . . . i ¦ ;' J ! l ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

- j , ¦ , ' . ¦! - ; : ; : '; • ¦ •Tho appointmeni iwill be made dader j'Ths

Public Bodies; Order, a904,"| and will be| sab-ject to the eauctfon.1

1 of th> Local Govern-njairt Board.

1 r.v i [¦ .; ; • ¦ ] ¦ ¦ ¦_ • : .- :¦ - . | r 1

. The pereoa 'appointed, wi be ireqnired togive euah Secwrnyi to shall satisfy ibeOonnty.OouaoU and th«: Local Govenuxumt Boird.

(Applications, trill; be received ,by^ mel 1 notlater than Wo o'clock on Saturday; 18th. dayof May, 1807. ' ! : ! . -!. « . . .

¦! ¦ ; : •

¦' . - ) , ¦ - .

- . , - , ' • ¦¦' . : ' IE. G. PAUL, Secretary.Oomity Seoretary'B j Office,! Dangarranji 23rd

ABiiV-aor -;:¦ . ; l \ \ : ¦ ' :! s! ¦ ; ; - i ; :;-

: :• WATJjiflfcKXHi I cpuwry oorjNcinji - ; .VilLUATION (IHB iiN©) lAOTS, 18524-18741

and. OB3>HB UN : OOTOfOIL made UnderBeti. 103, I*«al <3orenuire<at (Ireland),, Act,


cordance -mith the; provisdotuji of, <jhe iilbovelAeto and Order in (Ooimcil, Ithe OatmniEsionerof Vjaiuatioai.hiaa, «ai . the! 18th dayi of April,1907,: tranemitted to:me listsiof th« ¦ aereraltenements and h« reditamerite the valuationsof -which h»v^ tKeniappealed cgainst in tho

s County of WaterioinJ (except in the oaSee of> '• ¦ Urban Ddetricte), land haa Bbown in ithese.

Hats th« reniaioDfii of the|'*ainaiiotia -which.«, ihav«. -been made Vjt him oa appeal.M : L•r Thieoo licia ax& (now opeii for inepedtion «t

my office, and capi.'be aeea1 any day beiweentne noirre of 10 afm. i 'aiid A pjn. ' ¦ : ¦ :

Dated this 18tt j day of '-itpiuL 1907. '& ^ i: : - ¦ ¦ '¦¦ :! ?. Kla .^ PAUi;,' ::1 • ' Sec wtdry, oi Ckrauty Cotuwdl.:

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' ; ; MONOK-tTBlBBT,' XTEXFOBD. ; 1' ' ' i ! ; * * ! «M«HH.M^ ' ;¦' j : : > : i

T(118 Old HOM] h fambm fciffottl pdi«t7hlakMi »n6 »li oihe»- Dr«alEa. |;| .77:- !¦ ¦ :: i

• ;." ¦ ; , . • . M'BtVKKLMF, PKo»-4n>T»»»» . I

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arlsbadon 8ascam TablNO'dlPRUITidward'o Hatdword'o Hararind'8 Eau >i- Coloarn«: :,f !ranx Josof 1IpiHlliie • : • ¦.> ' , - 1ellow> Syrujamart^ Tfsatoddaixi'e piiiollovray-o Pllunyadf Wat««wif*M«ilti

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— ::,---,|- _ .-,.o .. . , ;> . ..enATTOKXEfy NOTICE TJQ

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in .' the ¦¦ Goods oi: Simoah (.;iNo. 2, Mafcrie (View, Iran

o4 WaterfoM/ Widow; ;De«V

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iNODICE Ift flBREBY GIVi S J, |pn»iiaai toStetwte 23 arid 23 Vic., cap. iByibiA all pei-eon* haTiri«.>G!i2|ms fifl , ..Cremtorajor otner-TOfie against fth© i Aoseis j trf- the .Eara: HJCTn.-.h'OlDwyer.J ' Deceabed l irfii>.<&«¦• : on"'-.th«vSr4:day of Mar«h.;i-l£)07,liare::iier^

y:|re4airad.oa¦or belore-iaie'--tsai day oi :M , IB07, io .iur-nieh, ;(ia |wri!ting) the i partaoularB, of*ea«>..daSsoa or Demandd • tp tlk .-JuaderaTrneaSftlicitora i for Edward' A; •. Stepiheneori, : Eeq.,MJOJ TmimoTe^DanieM^Byii , *gent, Tr»rioore, and ' atrflfck J^Kepayl, Solicitor, Wa-teittord-, ' fh«'Bnmving Ereourom-Jolithe per*eoniEl Estate jof the eaid'Deciisefl, to wboioProbata was duly! granted/f off i ol the-Water-iord DistmoiiBesastrir of Ihe ' iigh; .Court olJ-ustfce iii ¦ Iwldnd, I Kirig'fl' Kenob. :.DiviEioaPrcftjate) |.on [the ;29th day of:

. And1 ' JibUc*- Is hereby r fmthafter the) eaidi th l day . of :6addvExeouftot9 will brocee'd ^lABfrerta, . Saving-- regard otfly.&nd Demarida of -which-if<;ibeen giv<in ea abow refftured

Dated this Ifet dayl-of lfayjEENOTYiAM) 3'EEBilHN'i

••for the said Exflcotori,Street, ¦::: (Dublin, !. 'an 3¦

- . '. ¦ ¦ Street, ^WateMordJ •

legacies to - be applied lor ujfeote io Ireland ol the TeepeeThe Teettatri 'beque.albed toat tbe time of :her deatii etctian -'of AbWt of1 Moani MelWaterfoai, £50;^and ,to thedhe ' eain time of "jTnamore,the Roman Cattioli<;-jO^rat€<of '£33 «®ch ffor ; Majeaes!, t<j 'piibHic in Ireland for the reof TeBtatrix aad the :«onl» ofarid' eon-.i/ [Teststrii? ftirtbeiher ExetnrJoTB | the sum ;of £¦towards' havinig ja ¦Hig'b MiaMeinorj:peleihTOtedrfor the r<in, a Orarah in Iiekad Vhilie service.'ji ' .r. 1 ' i ¦ , - -,!¦ ' . '.

PEJOtKi/BE <tf the said ..WdiBwas on th* 23Bh. day- od Amforth of |the-;WaterfordvDustbe HSg^h Court of Jttstice hIBesvib ! D4vte>Q' rofaiate>fitepheusoin, Esq., M.D.. Ck•Baalel! Byanii oi the Core,and Patifisk J. Kenny.: flollSfhe firmiiring1 EtreoutoiB aeisid Wdffl.

' ¦ i - !- - -i -:' ¦ ¦

; ; Oateid jthte lbt'day . af-^Mas:l HEKDfY AND 'OTEHHIE

\ioi ,4he ¦ ExectftorB.: : ! ®fieert,;,.Dublin, . ai'¦ ' . : • esw . .afertard..;.¦T o *bt!'l:Coin3ni£8iohet9:DcnatioiiB & Ireland end'JConcern; -- :' : .r ¦¦ ' ¦ ..

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EIILMACTHX>iriAS • .RTi& i; . ;:.; - ! j - .; ;;;j OOOTOTL. ¦

NXXrHCIB W ItBHEHBT GtAttd&t of iha Accounts of' tOonBefl i fbr! tbei flirandal' t«30ft, daj .of: Seplenifber, 190£,in toe Board- Room by A -I*cal Qorerniment!. Auditor,oi Mav, ]19O7. at; the boat deni 'here' dbjeptiona to any jin .the tp ia. «evferal -Aiuxmais,The ¦Accounts; j will be ¦ oixboureJ W-Jhe ¦. jnapection oilterestoB w» | eeren daya > befon

IDat^djtbo atfih day ai Api

' ¦• •/• ¦ KmiAia'; A2©/-,S?IQ<B. .WaltenjW&yb.and- '8omreat, WateJJowl, aoM thoof Cnps! and Twphaea: for i

the Bomb-of Ireland.'

¦**W2»S>: PHameinH,

Pink Bomclc Wool .Bimiiiwfp-T6iiirt ;;i^


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jpnil, IS07.sr fgi*cni; ---th£Sfor, 1£OT, -ti»dtetribut* tbo

o the ¦ Claian3cej ' ebaU.-bsvo

fl«J '' ¦

• •. :¦ . . :ON, Solirftoro30 Mokswortb:4 - Gladstons


¦ :- . •

Dwyer, late ofrei- in' the (3d.seed; who' diedJ9fi7J , '. ¦• ' -¦

IS, pnrBtiaiit top. -54; that thoWall iiteditie

Jodidl of samexe: at tihetimenoent de PatdWiateTford.V650.ie' tiine or the,. Jeao; To thethe Chrietaaa

he! Superioressere 'cd Charity¦he- BDperioreca-aiepherd Oom-ii© \saii several ]Charitaible ob- i

rellnstittttidns. jJia peTsonilwho >d f i f l the ipoai-Jray Atfoey; Oo.arisbi' Pnest at-jind. to each ofthere the sum) celebrated inee'of tie 6oul -,*r late husband!beq-aeathed to;,:to be jyiplied j» and ¦ MOU-WB !«©e :of her eonl,]'open for ¦ puib- \

wJtb' :5CodicaTfl.j!. 1907, i granted [UA\ JSesistry of;Ireland, Em ej« !.13dwaNl fA. !ivdHe, Tramore; \teinore,. Agent,;.itor.i.WaterfoTd,!Minted by the!

™k- t u]SON. Solidtpro30! 'Moleaworth!:.' ,jt !l Gladstone-!of -'i.Ohlaritaftlo !

i -wheon it may r


DISfTBICT |¦ . - I '-: !¦ ;. . 1CV!E?H,- thisi tho-le ; above-namedJod endbd ihewail be opened!- ,!Faynnj Beq.>.;a! the 1st dayI o'clock j whoaattar containedw«H be, heaid.i idtrrinj ofBco-111 persons "In- ¦' thq - Aiodit." ", . 1807.

the' OonndL

KEK3E3. :BarronstraadrosBt eeleotioa% Pj-izea :ia


Priqe; : Price. :¦:

'¦'iW ;' - i ; - ' im WJA^5d. die!.12/0 1/3

'- if ¦¦i>- -! ri.!iv . :ij ' ¦¦?¦¦fmf m.il

liSl S¦¦


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33HE BAE&DOcks, 'T^ T CjBSESf \;

QXTUmiXY, 4tb.! ilix" Jtf&ilB; DAY). •'<¦'¦¦


¦! j : at our ¦ i |


Entries -frill 'be received up to mornins olBale. : I ; ; ! ' \ I ' ' ' .

THOMAS WALSH AND SON,I Auctioneers,1 e.toi,i Ih« MaU, \7cAoriord.



TO BS SOtDD BY LVUiOTION. on HOOT>AiY.CSh. MLWj IDOr, at Ifl oVelook.1 a* oar Sale-rooms, the Miall, W&tertord, by I diiwSdoM olMis. K. yeale, tho EOTEHEBT; in the Valu-able 7-day; licensed Preonises, No. 10, lira-chaate' Quay within' 6 mrautea walk ol theBridge ana Oenitral 'Railway, Station, heidunder Lease from : Wsterfora CrcjpOafion lora term of 75 Years foam ffith-Maroh,' 1000, atthe Yearty Rent oi ££fl Qs. 04. iilmmodtatopoB3eEskm[ will ibe given and all . Bent paidto last Gale- Day. : j ¦ \

JVxr fufflthcr pajttjtoolam apply I to©AiNTBL IMJOTKXBID, SoUiicdtor,

:¦ 0'OonineU«tree*», Waterfordi; . orTEO3XAS WALSH AND 60N,• Auctiorneero, .

!M , The Mall; Waterford.



Awarded Champion ' and SilverM edal ; ior Beat Butter! at the RoyalLublin; Society 'd Spij ing Show,A pril, 1907, in competition 'with theleading Creameries -and privateDaixies;in Ireland.



; ' in above. J ;State prioe to i !¦ ! "OOPBHB,"O'KEEFJFE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY.

. : .- Dublin.' ) : ¦


/ \OMFOSTABLY-fumishod , Sitting-room and\J Bedroom, bath h. and C, to bo let In goodlocality ; terms moderate. Apply 1670, Newsofllce. . : i

"I \ANKO AmerieanOrgon, good condition ; etataXJ lowest price. I Apply 1669, this office. :

tiOUND—Gold King, jset with' Stones. OwnerJJ can have sarno by paying advertisementand giving description, '24 Btephen-atreet. "POTATOES, finest quality, 5Jd. per stone by_L tbe bag at Fanning'B, O'Connell-strcet.


The anuoal general meesing maa .held inthe Ctouwhoufie oa Tuesday i evening, 23rdiApril at 8 p-m. to i hear report and stzf csntuioi aocouote and lo eJcct|ofi<em tot ensuingTear. Tie foLotwiny joniieai j wer« elected:—Presdden-t, W. B. iMehy d T&e-pncaitleai, F.Gcahaj n; cajitiii), .MiaslGarr; vdco-csaptain,W. Htand<en5on; 'boo. i&ecixJtexjj^and treaBurer,ii. Russell. OommiUee-tAEKes KslkTi, H.Wiilley, G. Wialley] G<«r.iN . TbompBon;il«a3m a. WtaHej, $. Ujn-gj L. Hiighcs. W.K. BueaeU- Tbe opeahigj run will be' be Id on(Tuesday, iSti- Slay. 4 ?2rt

** os<3« foiiWooj torwn ad 6.-© pjai. ebirp, wnere tea wallie" served.1 Weekly" panel «11 be h»M everyTuesday, i Waiting tram Cawaovx av 7&).

TOATBHE10laD|BDOTCILE OLUB..Tb« great aanual «v«ni held andex to«

aegis « tbto papulafl cJt*|«. of couwe, theannual Wiit Monday Wpoju» **** ^place ' as 'a ual, ore-r the; GFoff track on the20th instant. iAmonist |th'e Imany atittactivetfeat-ufeB ; ' <sf : a i hind*xmely.*ndfln»ed pro-jnvizKne -aiil 'be the itilf tttampionebip o*Ireland. Hast year, |cmJ cycling rdaden* wulrecoUeot,: that Iwwery jrf: BeUast won Jtojnach.: coveted pme; aft«r, a; gallani Btrosslatmder very tiynw ¦ cuoim»t&nc«. Lavery f•he noldw ol We Oofl CteUenw Shield.

While dniving on ajhaiekney car aJonsr withr^p*rion tta- vd taKet

and gfl

w«eViol«a5y flung on I th4 tqbare.«ctefl cd therortrar. They were] baiy ehaken andIsrvery'B ann3 -werd la*eiat«d, £0 mucn so,Sndeod, that it was feaied he wouJd be un-ablpito rMe in the Bark.| However, he

¦wiisl Aa elbow wei^ dicoraicd lyilh. stickingplaster. TihiB natUrally| Jtandicappod himseverely, and nobody thourht when h« en-tered tie la&t lap tha he had the hofct ofa chance. (However, neieiuKk to his wockin tbe most gamey taahdon, and ttpurting forall he: waB »x>sth won [ by a wheel andds; ahearty puibunst of cheeritig. There ib nodoubt biit that he will again wnie here and•make a ibid for the | retention oi bis hard-iWM)"poshion in Irish csyciing. | We expect alsoto eee Cofclougb-of Cork to -tie same event,¦but do not fancy hte chances; against Lavery.Pive mi;le8 is more; in hds }uie. rSowevcr, aswe get nearer to the d-ay| wp shall have moreio 6ay ae to the general' details.

IXHH3 llOT anA sTuXlNQ OLITB.Tbe unsettled' state- otf j tho woacher for the

paat two or three i weefcf has been anythingbut'laivoirrable fori pleasuxe boat Bailing overrjhe ' waters of the ¦Rdver ' Suu1 and Wateriord"H lbour. Ae lar jas l-|h^v« been able

to¦learn there; are only two.bivatfl in ccomnieaionat preoont -Mr. H. F. Kjelan's "Eire" anditr, Jiack Bhalloe'b. i However, when theatmospheric condStson' beepme more eattled ICTDpeor. : to 6«e a gc Iry l fleet oi white wingsHamming peacefully herd and in Ihirnoore

¦THE C.Y.M.S. G.A,A | YCIirMG CLUB.¦'"Tide club, whicWnow b-um'ber over 70 mem-

¦bere purpc*« boldin,? (hoir 'openong run onISSday iSy I2tb". U> 4odWown«6nd Dun-m-ie «WD« via Tralmore', where tea v?Jl

ironTihe han-; ol |be |S ty.

': : The adjourned kneeling ol the members ol| the (Sty R&riblfcm Cycjle \ CJub \ras held oni the 2Sih alt., wb*n tn« metabera decided on; postponing th« op ening run to . June 2nd.: ©wing to eevend i ol MM jmemben being un-1 able to Atteod; on; th* first and second Sun-j <iar in May. ; The metn!ber» also decided to:- Ji3A-j6 a HM??on€tte to Carrie* via ©ucragh-

more on W'iut Sunday, ijay IKh, »nd failing.: a pass tihrdugh CurciihtDore that the drive

, J», to StradbaHy |ar,<jl Joine via Kill. ' Owing¦ ¦ , 't.-v -fhe.newly-elected1 cr tiin; noi fulCHina iher wii-fc-?s cf; the ' meznb tr ! they -deoiOcd en' electing another.l tyj4.b ; tn« re&uh that Vice-

CapUin PWI»« Panninir waa elected C- apl »in.and M;ch.a<jlir>*er Vi. -Cap^aia.

Tiie tun*inr Jirnc appear Jin another column,

r ¦!• ¦ •!. v 1 —-H' '' " . '¦' ¦ ¦

Wejntill be; gJcd to inbert in thia: olumnffriy q-cafi fter"3| of newa abovl any of tb«WeJetfoKJ CT6hsi il rek Ted here not Uteribafi ^Th'Uteday momiif 1 i : ':

i Good Speotacles' top yj Adapted, 'teiiiroTOT

'eiX- ': 8i|5iV

B QU2MS tssi- ecslttre*? ! linjuriooa. !

t ; keep tho, ri^Qoality.-'Nkkel or GolS itQed iFiaap/ £9 ehipca. '> '¦ : ¦ ¦j , , . OOUiLISanar' jPEESOaiBHOiNg |4 stEOIiiLltY. v ' ; : , :

Physicians' Prescription* ioowatoly Citopdiinded. . P tost Hcaicince Bi < < iI ' i i : j Lowe?t;Co-Oper4tiyeetorojPri«xs. . . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ; : • j j

Bi ll W; Wlim ; «> I niliV v Iff t l IJI 111 I if R-:& H. aall'aW Wly M t J p j 82, QuAV, . Ba ia-vyi iyl Ut v , Grain store. ]

Cfei ' flSrteifortii ' SUWsV KKIDAY, , UAY 3, ii!jO7 ; ! !



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THE Important jndinnont of tho mmlcsloncrBIn tho COEO In -which tho G.S.&'V?. RailTniy, thoD. & B.E. Railway, and the Dublin Port ahdDocks Board are concerned was p'ronoancod onlWednesday lust. It is a judgment franght irith'the gravest danger for the Interests of! Water-ford. Practically, It is a victory I for Dublin andthe Dublin Port and Docks Board who scckj tosuck Into tho Liffey all the cross-channel trafllcfrom tho South: of Ireland. ¦ Th'o corporationwhich -wlU obtain most benefit by mtktnp Dublinthe out-port and In-port for thobulkof ttocrcj-Chttonol tr&do Is tho London and North WesternRailway, lir. Justice Ucddcn, if ho propoundedthe judgment (which was confirmed by tho Eos.Gathorno Hardy) admitted than the L. & N.W.Railway was' naturally Interested In attractlnftraffic to Us eyBtem, bat ho orgied that tho in.teresta of the Dublin Port and Docks Board andthe h. <£ N.W. Railway were 'Identical with fieiutere3t3 of tho general public 1 J We hold i BObrief for the O.8. & W. Railway ot for tho GreatWestern Railway Co., but we can BOO In llr.Justice Madden's doclsloa prospects of ' cxavatroublo for the Ro^alaxoTonto. ' It may be thatthe port of Waterford ' is injured by the estab-llsbmont of this route, but li vrlll undoubtedlybo Injured to a far greater extent If .cross-Channel traffic to and from the South of Irelandgenerally is diverted to tho port of Dublin. Andour concern Is naturally for ourotm poirt.

In his opening remarks Judge gladden msdoastrange statsmontr-lf he is cortpcUy reported,and wo presume ho has been. Bo said :—

" It would also be necessary to enter' Into therelations of tbe principal ports on tho South-eiEternDcaboardandeaaternscsboard of Ireland,the respective routes of .v.hlcb. furmed* th,o raabtbranch of tbe Inquiry. , • Before theoe Acts theDunlin traffic was brought from a lurgo portionof tho South of Ireland by two relates -urst, tbeGreat Southern and Western In.connection withthe Llmerich RrJlway, Limeriok Junction, andMaryborough,'and secondly by-the Dublin andWlcklow Rallvray, which'was ib connection notonly with Dublin,' but had a tea route fromKingstown to Holyhcad. South' of Dublin -wastho port of Wateriord with thr4d r&ilv^&yo-fthO:Limerick, the Central, and tho Watorford and'Dangarvan llicaf. Between Wfttertord and NewMilford tbcro-was a lino of stcamors carryingpassengers and goods traffic. Tflio distance fromNew tuiford to Bosslare Was 114 miles,' and toWaterford 160 miles, and henoe'it waslnovitablothat the greater portion of tho cross-Channeltrafflo ehould be attracted by the abort ic» routesof Dublin end Kingstown, and go from Holyheadby the system of the London and North-WesternCompany. It was thcae'geographical condltionawhich suggested the establishment of the nowshort aea route from the harbour in the neigh,bourhood of Watorford, which would bo In abottsr position as regards the Sooth of Ireland,at all events, than the route bom Dublin toHolyhead and Kingstown to HglyhcftO." ,

Now tho contention here la that tho long ccariute in the South was by the: establishment oftheRosslarc-Fishguard Borvlcei 'pnt Into unfaircompetition with the Dublin and Holyhead eor-vlco. It is news to as to learn that the distancebstwoen Iliirord und Wa'tcrfcrais ICO miles,andIf tho learned judge wca lnflulaaccd by this ex-traordinary piece of geographical Information,and if he hosed upon It any portion ol his judg-ment, wo should bo inclined to think thst hisdecision may require to bo revtccd. It io notquite dear to no cither what the distance be-tween Milford and Rosslaro has to do with thomatter. .. i

In dealing with other points Judge Uoddondeclared that one of tho most, important dutiesentrusted to tho Court waB the maintenance ofthe rights of tho public No one will quarrelwith this, but when tho Judgo goes onj to Insistthat tho interests of the general public ore thogame as tbe interests of the LJ A N.W. Railway,wo—in Waterford, at any rota—can only openour eyes in wonderment. :< ' .

Mr. Molcomson of Sbrowsbilry hod given oyi-denco of the difficulty of gcttlna cattle forwardedfrom Cahir to DubUn and thence to Shrewsburyand from Mallow (through Dublin) ' to Shrews-bury, and tbe Judge m&ce a point of this. Onowould have supposed that WaterCord- or Rops-jlaro—would bo tho natural p )rt through whlcli,cattle should be forwarded tc Shrewsbury, endthat Cork might bo regarded is tho natural portfor cross-Channel trafllc fron Mallow. Barely,no baslncaa man would surest that Cahir orMallow was In the Dublin rope. j '

Altogether wo view tbe decision of the CourtAS ono prejudicial to tho intorr "y of tho por ofWaterford. We foil to BCO why traffic 'should bifdlrertedout of its natural channol and passedon to the Liffey. Tho M Freeman's Journal" and"Tho Irish Times" aro dcli^htoa with tho deci-sion of tho Court; but our argument is that—inIreland, at any rate—centralization is' bad fortho country at large. -Thy amoller, cities andtowns aro suffering acutely from business <3C-preaalon, and can very br.dly afford to loso anatom of their trado ; and In the lonjg run Dublin,now triumphant, will find , that Its*' efforts todivert traffic from its natural channcls 'will notbo psodactive qf lasting becieU^ to j tho Oapltal OfIreland. ' . ¦ \ \- ¦¦. . ¦) ' ' ] \

\ T0 CORRESPONDENTS. |_Poulmounty, Ot>. Wexford—We' "have ' IIIRI to

ennulrles In .tho, proper'.(piorter, and_ flod thatthere U no priest of the B.«no yon niontl^n ntpresent In the diocese of Waterford. We shallbe clad to help yon torthetU possible. , . , . | '

To Various. CorrcBpondents—Every • | postbrines as circulars and. puffs of ev^ry descriptionaccompanied by modest requests ;for gratuitousinscrttonn. Wo could fill ear pftper jWlth ihosecrotuitous advexasomehtn.'i We won<lex1f thoseouoUcauta for free s])nco'jasli tholi'tailor|fo* atftatultons; pair of i nnmoptiooablc* or th sirSrocer for gratuitous tea onq sugar. ¦ ¦ ¦ |* To "BroeBawn.r-i.Wo toe iobUgcd ;to tpri> •cold BhoaWe*. to poetry :; news matter Md ad;vertlsements, »» » role, crowd eTerytbJug elsdout of oar papers. Still we shiill try to fmda. place . to . the ETENIKO!|NEWB for jr<mr|yery

f SS SS^ i '.wp canj iot' fo^;tho[ momint

remSber any dteKmtoijinlBlster.1 ether^' thjon

fuo oT, B«DJ»mtn W»ngtt who hM)» sonjnjhoCaihSlb WO«Uiooa. Thft gen&anisiProoChurch minister, his two dawghtdw era raeitofewot Iha S2io«» ChnrcbTThis y«o a CaftoUo

bf onr waders taw* of othert. • ! ' . ; ¦ ] > ]¦ .'-

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; ¦ ' 11 V . ''. ' LoitDOH,' Tmiasn*t; (¦ J ; tCffiB iDXJBIiSN rOJLKP VO2S.

Tho debate in< tii« EoUwj. io-night .on todiLublin liletropolitka P<Jico Vote, gave Mr.Ke).tl« a& opportunity of making Jb-la maidenepeeoH. {(He was Varmly coEgcaliilaVed by hifi«olleagiiee at the i close ol hia obeerrationis.Ho! ask«d tbe I'riaid Minister whether hisattention had beet) called] to-the > fact thatnol vota {for the purpose oi Intermediate Edu-cation, in! Ireland''speared oa .the Irish- Esti-mates, And that consequently no' di&ciuaionof this etfbject could bo caked in.tluj. liiu'.i!way; and, whether', in view of he> conaid^r-tvblo income at the diepoeal of the Inter-mediate ! Education': .Board (Ireland), the foil-uhef of ihe Board (a put into operation eomeof ] tho phief reoommendations o| : the V>o©:repil .Commission; of 1BSO, and; the generaldiesatisZactiaa with it» policy in other re-golds,: he would give *u ' opportunity to en-able (the state of eoconcTary education, in Ire-land io .be brought under the review of Ptr-liainenti ..- '¦ : , > • ¦, The Brime iliniiter, in bis -reply, eaid hedoubted; if thero .' wonld ibe any. opportuhityof ;di3 cussing the subject of the ordinary¦votes , ibut be would oco if be could .find anopportunity later.: I J. ; • •"': Sir/ John Redmond then : aaVcd that . invdtfw: laf the fact that this nominated boardhaving on income of £30,000 a year was notresponsible to tho Chief Secretary, wouldtho Prime Minister coDeider: tho advisabilityof putting1 down one email nominal <vole inorder ! Ui&t it would tw poeaiblo to bate adiscussion in tbe Houso. The' PrimeManisteh' promised to consider ¦ Ifr. ; Bed-mond'a pussesticaii ¦ r : ¦ |

1 : :DJiR.jiWM. £E1>MOKI> JNTEOVTENES. !Treating1 the matter in;a aomewhai lighter

fujhlonj Mr. "W. Jtedmood. expreaaed A hopeUiat .tho'!Bouse> vrould <!&treated to a. speechfrom Mr. Walter::Lonff—for the matter at-iedtid 'his constituency. Against 'the DublinMetropolitan 'Police tbesre was no ! sort oiobjection generally — the objection wastgeinei | the ey stem .wh'Jch. depayod the Cor-,pordttaa of control while tiey ;-had to pay,tho l«vy. Mr. Redmond wen-t oa to say mat.¦Dublin:' was trczt from crime ' than anyiother city in th-j -United Kingdom—iadeed:in! the 'world—and with, a etnile the memberfor .EtiBt Clare edded' that there .was no realcrarw in 'Dubliz; except ai Horse Showtime,when invariabtj'-lthe criminals came * fromEngland and Scotland.-STLVRTLETG, SHOdiaiKa, "ODilBAXXEOTJiS

i UBEU3."Tberej y taa clmost a "aceno" 'when 'Mr.

Jcrcmiih' McVc.ijh asked tho Ohirf Secre-tary .whether bu cttentjon had been calledto. an argent appeal issued to members dtho lit use to provide lord Aehtown with£3,000 la year to . enable him to circulatestatesnents all<gin(j QXAI crimes •crcro* Ibcingcommitted in Ireland oi a 1 startling, eiiack-inff, and outrageous ohoracter; whether thepolice I rcportB""oomflnned these-allegations;'mid whetfiet any ateps could bo token to puta j stop to tLora Advtown'e ecandalous enm-p4iffn. ;: ¦ > i dj> not, Yiiisit ," oii tho Cpciicr. "theiltst expression in ord«r when TCferrinj toa mozdber of the other iHou&o "

'MIe'a not a. memlber pi the other Jlouce,"corrocted llr. 'HiaoNeill, • ' andd erica of"ardor/ "he's an Irish Peer.'

"And when," continued the Speaker, "h*has not an opportunit- of defending- him-e lf." " " ¦' !

"in deference io you," (Mr. Speaker,' saidMr. JlacVeag'h, "and if you deqiro ms, 1will substitute tha -word "miBchicfvous."

"<\ iave d great many things to read ?ustnow," 6aid: tie Chief Bacrctsrjr. l^ut I did800 the-paper in quention, and 1 may cay,BO far as 1 am eutttlr«f to speak, that H isa. mi»leadinjr account of the ctato ol thingsin Ireland, and' thit (t bope tho people oilJ^Tg-lorid will not «E»uroe that the con-dition ,of that country is ae it is describedin thai paper."

! "I9 the Chief Becrolary csware," asked Mr.Craw, I "that evfcry statement in that pub-Hcafcon. whicli Ksa been referred to is takenout of j one or other ot ibe ilriah JCationcinowspapeiB?"

Thu<ws3 mot. ili Rationalist cries ofTNo. no," and no reptiy was giyca

iEHViAiLUATrON OF IEHLAND.A (BiH, backed by four nienibers of the

Irisb. 'Party wa» iflsuod to-day. ; It «oeks Ueileot an oquitablo odnnniBtramoo of any nowgeneral .valuation in Ireland. Tho idea ulhat untdl a general Tevaluatioa ol all thetenements and Jjereditimente in Ireland &hallhave been completed, and shall iho in opera-tion ; no effect shall be given to any additicaialsum th^at may tave been added to tho valua-tion of business promises bjr reason of alicoa&s} tor iho cafe of ¦ intoxicating* liouorBtieing lattached ithcreto, or on account of thevolum<> of business done therein, ond anvrates 6r lixjenee duty paid <on Bccount of suchadditi<nal eum prior fe> -th* passing of thiflAct el all ibe remitted ifoy tho authoritiee inrcc©ip> of the samo.

, aEi. SWIFT llaeNEHUL'S RETOMN.Eis wolle^Tuea rrave a ¦warm -welcome to-day

to Mr[ Swift MacNeill. who reaumed his par-liamentary duties. Mr. iM«cNcill looked id(rood health and eocroed to Ibe in good Qgbting

TOBY OP!TNiION 0(F THE THTSH KCUL.Of ipourae. She aU-*lbGorb3n«r kopic for th»

Irish alembere of the (Houee is tiiei Bill' whichis io; pe produced next Tuesday, Tho LondonTory papers eay that Mr. ¦Birrell is about tosteal 6ome of lilr. ChRmberlain'e 1683 thunder,with tho addition of his own. thunder, in theshape of tho nominated element in the Coun-cil. What tho Tory papers dosinea to cee—or what they pTofesAi to desire to &ee—is a.Bill ' fcbicb. will, etrivo to cGtablieh. betweenEngCind and Ireland the relations rwbich existbetween the iDominani iParlioment oi Canadaand tie Provincial /Le' ialativcs.

LIBEailirJ OPIOTON.Tho "Daily Newsj'-J-the chiol|organ of the

(Liberd Party—veniurea upon .the opinionthat ,' tho Ineh. ¦warit,1 not BO much cows-and-acresiand. material'- proeperity os" simply liesupreme rift of 'beinjj tr-uetod. They rebela aiqst the idea ol < an Indian Council at*Dublin, with Sir Antony .MaoDonneil as Pre-ddeivt, with a oafely neminated majority athis ipack. Such a settlement ¦nxiuld at onceprovoke towards Sir lAntony precisely thatresentment which has overtaken Sir HoracePlunkett. Happily th« plan io bo proposed!t>y !MV. Birroll is one .which, if rumour beaccurate, wili receive Iriah support. Upon,tho iDulblin Council there Trill Bit doubtleee a1nominated clement. This, at any rate, us thegenexal expectation. But there -will probablybe full representation of the Irish con6b-.tuencies."

i SIB Hc^ACE'S SVCCESSOR.Tho question of ilir 'Horace Plunkett's BUCI

eessor was raised in the House to-day. MrjWilliam Moore ex-pressed ta facpo that nonebut |a O/UaMfied pereon should tw , appointedto preside over th<? Agricultural Department—in thort (ae Air. Micawbor "would eay) [ thatit Wfis not to ibe a. "jab." Mr. John. JSochefifiked tho iPrime Jlinieter whether <he wouldnot Mnsider the claims of tho Unionist mem>ibera of the "Bar who were quite Trilling tooecept any job. &Ss. Thohias Loush and Mr.T. W. liusfiell aro «tiO in the junning for SirHorace's post. : ¦ i ¦ . . ¦ |

| BOER XA3HES IN THE HOUSE. :Bpeoking of ITr. Lough, it is interesting to

noto that he .piloted General Botha's eiflterand; daughter 'through the 'House tc-da>J .Magy enem'bere of the ou6« were' introducedto the two iDtorcatdttr visitors. ,

i i ' . 'v¦BOY \3L mmxRs ax> (WATBRFOCRID. |

It w considered iairly certain that Watc .ford will .be the place where King Edwardwill land when hr>:visits Ireland in July Itlias' been pointed out id tne that Watorford¦ eems to W6sess [a peculiar attraction forEnirlifih. rulers. (Itenry II. ianded there. Sodid King John. Bo'durRichard (!J., who uponthe occasion of his eecond insit brought 30,000troops .with him. Apd the unfortunate Jnm&3II- leaw the lost of hie 'Kinfjdom' from tbo deckof the ship which conveyed him out of tbeSuir. ¦ " ; . 1 o V _;

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! | WATERFOUD LADY'S WILL.: i1 The -will has iusi 'been proved of DameAdelaide Sidney Keane, of Cappoqnin House,Cappoquin, Oounty Waterford, Jrolarid, -whodied at The 'Dill, (StratlordJon-Avon, "Warwick,on] tha Wth Pflbruary. tasli. widow .'of SiiJtiohard Francis' Keane, fourth .Baronet, anddaughter of <he lat« !MT. J. Vance, J.P. Thegroja .value ol the estate is £29 03 ills. 8d:,with net pereonallty £29,19? 13a. lid: ' Probat*oi her will of tho 4th February, (1000, with tcodicil of the SOCh January cost, lias beengranted <o her eon, Qap'tain Sir John' (Keane,BoA., fifth 'Baronet, <f i Cappoquin (Hou*e, andMi. (Robert LoveUnd Fuliord, of ThoobaM'«Koad. Gray s1nn,:6olicitor. The testatrix left£6 000 to Florence 'Keane, and, <&« H«*t <cer-.ta n seatJemtot 'lunda to her son, jGnjrgeMichael Keane, find her interest in tho Cap-poruin Houae efltote , to hex eon, EichardiUnry 'Keane, and miWect to other ptorhumBjsh fcrft the readd i of

her ««tlat«*, to i>er son,

¦Sflf ' Joha Keane. : - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - . • . ; - .¦ ;


'DoteryBa" Powdtre «ct ,lik? magic I Taeyremove . th« -woiBt forms oi Ue&dache tadNituralyia m!* fow-ir^nuUa. tUosey retw&edif Dot n«ca|Rra111 Boxes, Od.*ndrl«, 3d. ««ch.Prepared only, by.Hj I.. ,OorrDiaii,.y.o.»., 126Qji«yi_^, ;'|Juayf . ;snd ' Barronst«ujd-«tr«8t.


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k SYMPATHETIC FT.OCK. . 11 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ [ ' : .

i The largo aud repregeiitjatiro meeting whichwa8.1v(Md In the CouncWChiuaher i >fj the' Water-,,(ord Clcy Hall on rnti*day, t'j'axpi atWsymiiaUiyin 'a'prucUcal manner witl) tho Lord lilshop ofWaterford in connection with; tho rooent ordeal'which lie waB called upon to undergo' in! thoFour Courts recently, left nothing to be dcHired.It •was cnthugiastlo, , and .faUy,iequal_ to , t)ieoccasion for; which: It was convenes by MayorQnbalhni--Without dc irin'g for 'aj moment toenter upon tbe uncongenial, task}of discussing,tbo merits ot tho case; into .whicte ils LordshipWtt» .Bo. ruthlessly di;a{»!j J» we

th^nk .wef niar 'say with certainty' tha'i lTever in!taoderntifiio3was the patlenco and forbearan ei 'of a'Bliliopio tried, or his long-Buffering so tested* as: werethose Characteristics i which the pastor of . thisanolent ,diocose of ^8B. Otteran -ana Carthagehad to jendoro. Bat, his Lordahipi his faltbfolpriestsi and the lay -gentlemen1 wboj wore associ-ated -with him in this memorable) law suit werevindicated from' what Mr. Patrick Walsh atTuesday's meeting appropriatels described asunmerited, as cruol, and as bosel cs as ever themalignity' ot hate, or, as he would prefer to say.In this Instance—the Illusions Which lrrcspon-Blbjllty1 inventea. ' '¦ ¦' !;' *¦ ¦ . ¦¦"¦ ¦ '¦


THE 1U58OLtJTION8. : j j !i ! .; The xaeetlng to which wo [refer , was notonly, oympathotio b,nt prncjlcal to an, eminentdegree. !Its koynoto Vf^i-ctrnck In tho Hfstresolution, which was one of heartfelt sympathywith ooi-i revered Bishop, ond'us import -was-well . accentuated by the / bricl j!»nd ', warmlyeloquent'npoech In which,; Mr. patriot- Walshaccompanied tho. proposal.' -Tt a' second .reso-lution ; WAS . fit tho really practi cal sort, for Itpledged tho meeting, and the p riests and lay-men ot tho Bishop's Diocese £3 we 1, to Indemnifyhis Lordship from any persons 1 loss bo willeusJtain by reason of his having been forced todefend tho authority and-dlgnltW of his sacredoffice. That the terms of that re >olntion will begenerously and filially responded to we have notthe remotest doubt; but apart £ ltogether fromtfiioaopbranohifinvifcesInt&e pi dctlcalmannerdescribed, It contains further fosnmohy of theaffection and esteem in which vie. Sbjeohau isregarded by his people. - '¦ j - • ;

CAPTAIN WILLIAM WAESH.! CaptainfWilllam Walsh, who lor many yean

commapdodl the Waterford ship, "Gcraldine," itat present in Watorford. Since he left Water-ford Captain Walsh has beenjii c ommand pi the"Eve,*Va'steamboat of upwards < f two thousandtons *e#&tcr. Jn the nioutb. of February, intho course bt a voyage troarSi vona to Hullnatho "Eve" encountered a violent storm. Whilestruggling fo - force her woj t<> the mouth' ofBalinSi oho 1 sighted tho turret steamship"Penvcarn"| flying Blgnals^pt d istress. Withgreat difficulty Captain Walsh turned his shipm'the-dlnxition -of tba Penream." (which JESSashore on ISulina Spit), • and ( ucceeded aftertremendousi efforts on the port of hlmse)t andbis crow in towing th»distrccseq steamboat intoopen TvnterJ Tho value ot the "jPenveaxn" andher cargo was placed at £63,535. '

AN ADMIRADT-Y'AWABD. . . "¦ ', 'In the Court of Admiralty, before Mr. Justice

Burgravo and tbe Elder Brothen 1 of the TrinityHOMO, tho| trvrnors of tho "E roni brought t anaction for salvage. Mr. Justic e Borgrave, Ingiving judstnent, said that -onln for the "Eve"the PejTearn" would In-oil probability havebeen lo.t, a'Jd that she v?as,oav with a gooddeal of conra o and-skill on'the 1 >art ot CaptainWalsh- and his crew. ' He awi ,rded £3,000 tothe "Eve" for her services, £25d of this Bum togo to the Master. Tonsit Bocm almost absurdthat £250 should bo considered by anyone inauthority' to represent ' the value of Captain.Walsh's, Borrlecs. ' £250 for salving qt seaproperty valued at £63,000! r-{¦¦ , " ' :

NEW L. a. B. INBPECTOR.It was annonncod* at Wednesday's mooting

ot the Watorford Board of Guirdians that Mr.T. H. Kelly, who has been for & ireral years theLocal Qorommont Board Onion Inspector. In theSonth-East of Ireland, has boon replaced by Mr.E. Bourko, a near rotative ot Mr. Uilck Bourke,the KcoWcta-t Uofilntrote for. Watorford Countyand City. Mr. Kelly has boa 1 transferred tothe Dublin, district. Both gen' lemon ,»re welland favourably known In official circles. Inconnection with this meeting it affords as ranchpleasure to add that Mlsa Anaataala Power, oftbe County and City Infirmar , -was appointedhead night nuroo In the FevoriHospital. . Thisofficial has obtained a cortlflchto as: &-trainednurse and another ono for praflcioncy in fevernursing from tho City Hospital, Liverpool, oneof the best diplomas which an hoapital attendantconldj*DCcnro^ _- ; ~ 'f f - \

AS TO DISINFECTION. ' .Our anticipation &s to tho action of the

medical ofuoera of tho Workhouse—DoctorsFord and Jackman—has been fulfllled in relationto tho suggestion mode by Dr. Kennedy, M.S.O.H.of-tho city, that better facilitlca should beafforded tor dlftnfoction In tbb Fever HospitalIn'-b ard to tho Infections dlsoases from time totime received in that institution. The UnionMedical Officers have suggested that it wouldbe well If a apodal dlsinfectlDg chamber wereprovided at a convenient and central portion oftho city. Wo presume that ; this proposal in-cludes fiscal co-operation on the part ot bothof tho sanitary; bodies concerned. Thepublic T/ill, no donbt, await -with interest -whataction will bo taken now that tho Doctors'report bos been csnt to the Corporation PublioHealth Committee. '

CARRICK JAM FACTORS.. We understand from a correspondent that

the- greater portion of tho capital required tostart tho jam factory project In Corrlck-on-Sub:has been already guaranteed, and that theprospectus will shortly be lssacd. '

INDUSTRIAL ilATTERD IN WATERFORD.- Tho Waterford branch ;of 'tho Indnstrlal

DoTel6pmeit Association held a racottng yester-day evening to consider matters in connectionwith another Industrial Exhibition which is' tobe bold in Waterford during the coming summer.Some of tho members of tbe local committeewaited on Sir Horace Plubkett : during thepresent week, and ho promised that tho Depart-ment would do everything In its power to assistthe local Executive. It 1B very encouraging tofind that tho gentlemen at the head of affairshave decided to go on with the good work, andwe hope this year's Exhibition will prove even agreater success than that of last year.

FORTHCOMING CONCERT' IN P0&TLAW.Tbo Amateur Dromatloj: Company In Port-

law bovo issued on Invitation to tho ClonmelAmateur Dramatic Companyi who will presentin tho Town Hall, Portlavj ob Wednosday next,May 8tb, "Charles 0'MaHcy;" There: will alsobe a concert in which Mr. Tom O'KoUoher, fromClonmol, will appear. AB la usual otter theseperformancoa In Fortlaw, a Sabocrlptlon Dance'will be beld, and from our! knowledge of thesereunions it Is; sure to bo! very enjoyable. Theovont Is advertised In the[; Evening Newt, andparticulars con bo seen there. It is a pity thatthere is not , such a thing as an AmateurDramatic Company in Waterford; years ago jvecould boost ot so much in this direction, and weore quite auro it is not for want of talent. ' !

WATEBFORD AND THE EXHIBITION.Watorford people .might have ospectod to

receive more liberal treatment from the O. S.h W Railway in the master of fares for . theopening days of tho Exhibition. Some thou-sands of pounds bave already been spent by, theExecutive Commltteo In ttjo erection of attrac-tive buildings, in the making of roads, ana- theinclusion of exhibits of more than exceptionalInterest. • We are of opinion, however, that byfar the greatest tncentive to people to visit thoExhibition lies with the Railway Companies.U some arrangement be loot made to procureextraordinary railway facilities tbero is littleuso in providing extratipdjnary; exhibits as Itcould only result in creating a, harvest for therailways. Ono might haVe imagined that/orthe ODontng a cheaper fare than 8s. return mighthavo ooen offered. : The i PornoU Anniversarytlmo sees an excursion tor 6A. le«g 3rd doss (withopportunity to remain until Wednosday) than labeing offercfl now for a flay; less. Many-personsof the artisan class vrtll!bo;temptoo to visit thoExhibition .only If & 'w«jli moderate tra-rclUngtariff bo provided. . \ . ' j . , \ ¦ ,

A YOUNG WATEHFOBD 'AUTHOR , r : t: Xn tho Boy'* US* thorejla at present running

a otory by Mr. Frank Matlowo, 'JTho Becret oltho Bandhllls,1* It is a'piratlcal-romance of. theeighteenth century, and <j»ecnpios thoi promlerMlon In this very interesting jouifnal^orbpys^

Marlowe is a son! of jMr; X. H. Marlowe^up to recently wa* Sbperiotennent of, tho

jPr dontial Insurance Comjpany In

Waterford. | |

OOMINQ' HlfecORICAI. itEN*.' T J: ' ;;

; i" i\ ;Tho ceremony of! laying tho . f^undotlpn

Btone for tho extension1] of the1 FranciscancSnrch will take place nfext 8unday|£*mboWformed by the MOstKarerond Dr.|8heBh4p,tSa Bishop of Wtttertorld and .LisTnbre.i.ThejyJW ana JCorporation -iirtll &ttwA <ln State;anil many other publio fodies hayel'signified'th ir Intention ot being present also. ¦ The band*'of the city have notified |heir intention of oon-'trihutlng to tho Micnm fieromony,, which ¦ willcoinmenco, ol half-past tbieeo'clock' ,1'The tol-.loWlng circular has .petii:jtent,to the|ineaiberc!ana offldals of the Corpor«ition:—"Town Clerk'iOificO, Town Hall, Wat&tara, 2nd M»yi 1007.iDiir Slr-The Bight .Worshipful the Mayor tosdirected mo to roqualnt you that at the wquestof itbe Very JIOT. F»thet- Bogloy. O.£.M.7lt iahi 1 intontiott to attend in his officla) capacityvr th' tbe other CathoUojjmeinberB. or the'Ooi;

1!' i ; 1 1 N¦ i ; , J :| ' I .¦ ¦'



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poro'tlon bt thp-Jayingof the "fonudauon stone pitntfjiei^ aaaiaoirto >iff-JPranqiw:4n: Ohurcb- onSunday-poxti'44. 3.15'itfrilobfci- -iifte.' 'BaiainjierflwlUjplease assemble In tho Llbrary.at 3 o'ctocjc,ond| si Bpeoial ' ilaoe will bo reserved' for theirAcccttmnadatibn -^Youta truly,,'j Al lE$} . J'£Ety,TowaClerlt^? b .i -^T \\ WW-CHlJiF .i'f;ATI BES OF'THE"Bqir<Dr|f.Oi'?r, ,"¦ i.riruq [buUdiii,' operations, 'as mah» of ourmajors are awatt, \.'iUlci)x.siMc'orexu!iuivct ii|i-clitioh8 td ciio o: i^fn;;,clidrcii , !nvoJvln ^ch.iBfi<«and; miuajiiiaous (ii.iiu^r ;i> nfaure'fea tb." provide:what wiil viitii4)iyitti:' . 'a'jtiGw'-cUlircU:o r rffoinhftituy ami itvje'i; ilic^S/a of t|ip old one.;. • jL'Bf^latt«v' ft|re'.vt;i|i:'ifu ajimfccUtoU by tbi 'vi-qyeuipt worsbinjKUri-iiho brteri Lave-'dillfcultyilo;!iii-:talnii;llr.,.», n.n ;IJ V.... ... ^ . . n \^. : A ...„....! -.ii.iuuiuy XIXJIU iu 6uu ino<cai ciliiiae. ; /viiinii^r'tliai iucu^tecturi^Kfeaiurve'UC .vUciaiow. O' UK)^wi)l;:bo- B -traa8e'pt.~-liay;n!; a >:t»tncd : ccilnli,'Bi)ri!il6inf<; fiOuij lua-'wivo 'wilqlnns Untl ,a donnjitapso'large uuou^h ui receive'iho liigh .altar al llallow of space bet.tad it (suafoieo4 i°e, tSo pifr/poifea.'ofi ft choir. Tlie uiiiefe^ternar^eftturbsfwill be a. lofty; ca.upauille1 over iOO roetUgh,wlilcli wtii^tand at tlio L^dy ¦Xaiie' aide-of tbeChurch, .'where! it may tii>t' t bo obt of, place tbadd; thepew Btato of thli!;;s \VU ( Allow Ota'co i-etderable lncroaao :in \, ldlli otj. tbat nAlfqwthoroughfare.*" 'The now POI\IJ basboehilesLnedby ' Mr. . ficullyi . of this city, and tho.butidliiSoperations are in the hx^uils of Air. 3. JUearno,also of ,Waterford. iThe'.tindortaJldliii.has pif<£vlded a great deAl of local om'ployinent, 'aud irecongratulate thoiReyd. Fathurliejiley, Guardliinof '.tho' . Franciscan! ConVepr., ' oa the successwhich has attended his efforts forUts prooioUdi).

MOUNT'SION'iJObALITy. I . ! '|"~: The!- members j pf tho Sodality of Marj-

Immacalate and their frieads [are ' remindedthat the!annual Retreat will oomiiience on Wed-nesday! ovehlng, May 8tlu at TOO, and will beconducted by the Bev. Father Cullen, B.J. TheProcession: will take place on Sunday, May 12tn:¦*¦ •



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R.I.C..PROM9TION. p. i. i.The'many friends u tho city of ConstableJohn Treaoy, B4.C, Oorcatrridgc, Co. Kilkenny,and whol for.avnuinber of years was stationed atHary-stireet, this, city;- Will bo glad to near hehas beeji, on th'a rocommondation of his County|Inspector, Mr. M. G. Foloy. 'and of hia officer ,!Mr. H. O. V. Ireland, promoted 16 tho rank andpay of Acting-sergeant, dating from the 1st nit.,1and transferred to Parliament-street, Kilkenny;

INTEBksTINO:PBESiJNTAT«lN. .. . .. "j .j .There la now on .'view at Dillon's JewelleryEstablishments,125,, Quay, .the liandsomo. solidsilver tea set'which has been inoOe to order forpresontfitlon to the Bev. J. and Urs. Ukcartnoyon tho pecaalon ot their marriage! by the'-mem-berB of 'tho Presbyterian Church/ Waterford. ~WEDDING OS'Ml^BSV'ATTS, OF ' I '• ; -'

: BONMAHQN. ' „.,( .. ¦< : : ¦- : ¦: . ¦

¦' Seldom hail Monislapd Parish Church bioathis scenB of such an' exhibition of local' interestasWos evidenced oh Monday ¦ morning, the 28thult., atj .the marriage^of Mitjs Blanche Watts,second 'daughter of Mrs. James! Watts, or TheQlebo, Bonmohon,! and ot Mr. T. F. Buckley,eldest con of Mr. and Mrs. Thoni&3 Buc'iiey of3toko Newlngton,"London.' ' Th,e Church vastastjfully decorated, t Tho servlo»wa« conducted-by Ute Rev. Canon H. Barkltt, MiA., Vicar of thePariah.!, The bride ' was given}:away by hereJdost hrotber, Mr. B. 3, Watts, aod was attendedby two|< bridesmaldB, Miss '.Violet Watts, hersister, and Miss1 Evelino Dawcs, her cousin llr.Herbert' Dodd; BucWey was beet', man. . Alterthe reception, which closed wltti the playing ofMendelssohn's ' " Wedding Mirch," I a largereception was' held at the Glebe, the residenceof the bride's mother. Froceddings took theusual form, and ln dno course, amid tho unitedcongratulations of' their friends j and assembledguests, the happy: couple left for Delgany, Co.Wlcklow, whore tbe honoymooh'ls being spent.-

MIBS OB MRS. REGINA ROCHE'. ' j' Mr. James Coileman writes to us from

Queenstown :—".With reference to' your . NoteBook Items in this, w&ck's NEWS, I haVe got theidea that Regiua,, Uaria CBojshe i was nevermarried. At lany rate In the ofcituary notice o(hor. which' appeared 'shortly after her death intho! Gentleman's Magaxinp,- there, was nothingto indicate she was a married woman, l i t statedthat 'iThe Children, of the Abbey v -was firstpublished so far back aa 1708 { that she wrotenearly a dozen other-romancfh,,and, that] shedied at her residence in The Mall, Waterford,on the'mh of May, 1MB, ngea.31 yajro." 1MRS. MART ELIZABETH BliAKE.

Mr. Colemah continues—"Ural Mary EUsabethBlake died about1 tho end ot February or| ibeend, of March lost. : . Some paraferapho referringto her death1 wero reprinted jfrom. Americannewspapers in The lrith. Calhbllc,-In xrhiqh Itwas 'stated- that sho! published five volumes ofpoems, several volumes of travel sketches, aboob, on Mexico, and "A Bummer'Holiday inEurope,'* of which last work Ijhavo got a copy.Miss Blake's patrioUe poem,| "Greeting," lereprinted in this X7es!k'tt Irish People. V': . ,

JOHN STIRLING COYNE. . : 'Another correspondent icformo us |thot

In tho work ' " Scoucrles and Antiquities otIreland,'' pictures t y W. H. Borlett, the! his-:torical and descriptive text, Is bylj . BtirllngCoyne, N. P,;WUUsi cto. In VCl II. J there1 arodellgbttul drawings: of Watehrford | quayj andriver—also ot Dunbrody Abbey! the latter shewnIn the moonlight with the tide In tutd the APhlngboats out. Possibly It was ih the1 writing ofthis descriptive matter about the Suir thatStirling Coyne picked up Information aboutPassage and Bally hack. , I .¦ i : . J I . j ' ,BUCOESS OF CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' ;

I BTUDENTSi ¦ . | / j .This month on examination of candidates

toon puce in JJUDUH tor cicrsniupa on tus mid-land . Great Western Railway!, the I nnmher' otvacancies being eigbtcon. The age. limit' isfrom! sixteen to eighteen ycaroi ana the salaryto begin with-Is thirty-nine pounds a year! . Wonotice with1 pleasuro tho succesa of the'threostudents presented by tho1 CtirisUau Brothers*,Tramoro. ! Master John Foriin obtalnedl sixthpJac*, Master Patrick Haheiiy toventhi . andMaster Johh! Hearno eleventh place, oni of atotal of elghteeh vocancicai The result;,Iscreditable fojr both i Btudents nnd teachers, andwo' (heartily) congratulate them ; on' havingobtained threo appointments lout bf so limited anun bor

of Vaoancies. " ' ¦ | '

CATTLE EXPORTS. :\ : ' ; " ¦! •The return' of i tho nhmlje* pf { animals ex-

ported from Ireland for thci week ended 27thApril, 1907; again shows ft distinct advance inthe I shipping fron) ; Northern: po/is, especiallyfrom Londonderry. Waterfoid comes fourth onthe .list. The retnrcs from the principal portsshow the following figures :—Dublin, 9,047; Bel-fasti, 3,224 ;: Londonderry, 2,600 ; Waterford,2,290 ; Cork, 1,282; Lame, 1.114. i The! entiretotal for the wpek rwas23,$54, agafsst, 24,287 inthe previous woei, and 24,603 in the correspond-

FAX BTOQK : PRI0EB.' j :: | ; ' j ¦• ' '¦ ' .! According - to tho weekly ;return .lot :itho

Statlstio find Intolllgotico Department iof theDepartment! of Agriculture, (the! following werethe highest arorego prioos paid during tbe -weekin Dublin! market t—BullocW, per cwt: 38/2;heifers, 35/0; cows, 31/9 ; wBthera, 46/2 i' ewes,ioi'a.iA».t. A i l n. i«mi.n dolt ¦¦. I ¦ I46/B; noggeis, 47/7;; lames, ia/a. ¦ !THE DEATH 'RATE |. i j ' . • ' .

! According to the RegUtror-Glencral'a return,the death' : rate In the city if Waterford fox theweek endhig ] April 27th Waj equal to 40*9per 1,000 per annum of the population In otherIrish cities and towns tho death rate' was :—Clonmel, 1 20-5 ; : Cork, 21'9 ; Kilkenny, 5 4 1 ;Limerick 17*8 ; Wcxford, 9p; Dublin.33-5.

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THE BECENT FIRE AT.DUNGARVAN.N The Jpent disastrous toe which took place

inDungarvan and wbloh rdsulted In loss ot lifewill, perhipsj bave the ; effect of Inciting theUrban District) Council ahd the ratepayersgenerally I to provide adoquajto flre-oxtinguishlngapparatus : and i proper lifa-savlng appliances.Bjid these been : forthcoming it' was a,moralcertainty! that this catastrophe would have beenayoided—that poor Mrs. power would not havebeen obliged to jump from! a window, and thather ill-fated husband would have been rescuedfrom his terrible tate amid ' tho tjmoko' andflames.. I.What fho Coroner's jury, wb6 inquiredInto the pause of Mr. Powcifn death, is embodiedla their yerdlot which statcn that " tho absenceof laddeis and fire escapes Ws to be deplored,"and that f the whole system of fire preventionand extonslon: -within th 1 Borough Requires;revision.land improvement" ,In Dangarvan,as In m t ; places where the means for flre-jOghtlng are either; defectivi or altogether Absent;the publio begin to wake u; > spasmodically to asense of j what thoy owe \o themselves^ but itiusually end without effecttive! measurea beingadoptedii: Nat many yearsjago we in Wateriordhf«A experience oOiow difficult 1 ¦ ¦ as.evonlnthlslar 'o cominnhity,< to get a f t lrc Brigade And weljdqnlpped. station provided,} frnd It was hot untilplace after place was attaokefl,: and In Mveralcases destroyed,: that the Corporation took heartOf grace land did all that w»s pfessod for so'long.

WAKE tJP OUNQABVAlll I " ' i"'.:j i'. ! : '- '- - v I

1 • Tlif.1' Rrod peoplo of '©ungartan' aadi theirrepresentative cannot! pltadjthaf this niattorhas notjjbcen prought jbeffcre [their minds timiand again. : Mt. Jamos Hajyesj Ohalrmoii of th*tjfrban| |Dlstrict ; Council, f has;; frequently atmectinf B of that body, called attentipn to theInodedtaoy bfi their appllinqea is case 1a«putbrea*; ofj nj-e. but ,Wbfle Be] reoelred readyverbal 1 JcqulMoo: j ee oil the put pf his oollijiguesothlog praqtioal "DM don , with the lamd^ntAhl£othin^-praoHcal wMdooi, w ththplamoiuhlc

WsnltiM the Bt. Mary s roef tire, .Welw^tu^suggest that there should » either, laddfitt PXAlire escape obtained and ilaced In tke 8qn*rs.md; th \h a. key of th ei glue. house'should b!

: eft wi ti the keeper of tl a vrelfth-hoiMe.tddeeto whidh, a properly oqntroliei 1 ore pxttaj tuahershould bo obtained. ; Tbo pbbllo will >f»tehtrith #torw6:;tor what tinngkntin .;*tt .;tf>) l|p

. "M^- i-j f - ^- - - . ' - r: . l ! :¦'¦: \i-:-*;$\-Whi:- -

MB^'REDMOND'AT^TlBa trNioilS--"- U-, - - •¦¦.',. i'lirfU6bj .iiedmbn^|liR^n ihi).inynaUou !Oladst^Bo's, igrMdsooi ria'6 |*esWeii4"of" tlj cUnloq--<br Bpeak"at tfio:'Oxio l "Union'on'-Jij ie6H1, tha1 subject being Hopia [Bule.i It wiU •} <?;romembeiert that Mr. Beilmond spoke at Cat^i-bjflg».' ttb4'- ' .doi .H<i>n o.^^^'*u»!sa..that decasioh was reu lcabiejftpnjijtho fact thatit wai the first'timeiOutPreJ iBtapreseotatlycjs.were adnutted, to .thejUploi debatefci ; ThKinight (Jr.iiioiiinbna-aliapt in,-'t ii/. r joVj-j'occUii^ '¦jy oit1. ^(iii.rmHarcuurtwboi tio

T wu.S"a 8tuucJi .;iiiidjjtio ciiiritfi of .wiiicnJpuatj.int. '¦ths?jilaicujii Aarms.! rl -- '-| l ! - :' 'V . 'i|'-:":'f


¦:¦¦' ¦ • '' i-- '-is <t' : . . s i

ALTJJRi' ?IONS 'iN jaWiB. SiiRVICE. ',. - .( .•V! iiiui> JiiijX)'rCai)t uiti;k:ii;pnii:will'.bv.inadej if:

the traUMer dioea1 or tliei Orcatj Western Rallw.t -.for day ahaMiluo, iiartajnlarly la South ,Wau «T't.f 1''' Mi<Ti4 "0° 1 4WHT\C t'.'ipy1 't may 'lu-noted tiiat-the 8.45 a.ni.ijlrlabbuai^ iipresa ftoi':Pnddmgton' to! Fwhjibaitt 'wiil caU a*-Nowpor ,al':new service will be/ yen) - to* ifewport a.uifearaUr bt'the i.*O p.th.irqm Paddlngton, au.it he 4.iW. w tii.', from Paddlnfjtod -win 'give a servjlouto SUlfott) naveif; Z>n .'l^esdoij-ts, Tbarsdays, wl^"ff^f

.Vi 'v,^;^. ¦ ' - - ' V- . • ¦¦; ;¦!-;THE IKIN(J'B1 vtBixi--":' v- ': • ¦ l \ : ¦ : -' i -;' '' The. ftlng, according] to the latest rumour 01tbe klndjls to come to Ireland in Julv. and thedotollls an this occasion! added that he will finuland «t .Waterford. : It frill ntft, says the "Weat^minster Gazette," bo hisTnajesty 's first experi-ence of-she iBirer Suit should this particularrumour to jusMflcS by the Jevent. Whenjljieacoompai lied the )ato Queen Victoria on her nretvisit to I reland in 1849 the Royal yacht soileddp the 8t Iri and he ticecBlpaniedbiB father, thePrince OinsortitQ Watefforditho Qtieenremain/Ing on' b]oard! the' yaohti The jnrst King: oiEngland to stand on Irljh soil landed at Wator<ford/ Hi was Henry :iII , who ¦arrived in ticSalr fwitt. a" force ot -Ui .OOO-men;— not a em: 01body! to trauspbrt acroia St. George's Cham elat that time. ii - . J -i : ~ . • ' ' -r ¦attnat ame. il l i'j ' - ' > !

CORPOBAlION 'A^AIKS." .' ii . ¦ ¦ ! • '' . A tajoro than adaiwy. largo attendance isexpected at the mectirij of the Waterford To- raCouncil 6a Tuesday next, when- the proccedbtgawill laoVade ihe- electlpn ot a teto'collector torthe South and West I Yards ot the city. fPhqmeeting [will also be aal ed to seal a mortgage' totho National Bank f 6: £2,095 , odd by way of!loj mito bay tho taxed coats of • the WaterfordCorporation and Bridge] Bill of last year. OtherImportant matters have aleo to' be discussed jamooj v^hlohis that the resolution of tho Water-works Oommittee "of j (22nd-, October, I9Q0,' InVcreaclngj the water rato charged oil all charitablyand roUgious lnstitutiot s be rescinded, and thatjtho old rkto be adhered to. I , . [ I ;

WAXES ^OJID 1NDL8TKUZ BXBIBITION. l [ i, At 1 , meeting hell In the Town Hall h ,sS'

evening of the Watcn ord." Branch of iftorlr ahIndustri J Development Ass<lciation—Mr.JameaJ. Pholt&, President,' I» tbi? flhalr-it yii)4e-;cided tof'hold on-elgh -day exhibition iitflriBb;manufacture from tbe : !7th of June to the! Szjdof July induslvo, The proc^dingg, which irerejo( a yy if toter tog c%ra6tar, uyill, vrifli other,IociU"eTferitii,r b«'t6im«"rnlly'1 fc©p6rto*l in! *6is;Evening NAi)J-of SAturt ay;, y,""" . . - • ¦ .- ; . ;. .|'i-;•


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,M()lkB^^lj eL^.jjSjjock' Ejt !!UjioB,';LfaNBOW,: ¦ ¦

. '. ' .'.' .: • . . i - • - . '' .'¦' ;-".3|aTO$i)Ay NIOHI . •

Nfaxt Account Day, 15th; May, 1907. Bt nkBate 4 per cent."since prU 25th; " '¦ /' ;' ;. ' |{- '

Cheaper money has'Tos yet done Iittle4or iheStock Exchange and ai 1 utter lack of interest isaccompanied by lower prices and' general «3nll-ness. ThinJJS] aro undoubtedly,.low fa priecl atthe present time,: bul the: gUt-edged market,which should give a liad. awalta further freshissbes, an Indian loot amongBt thenvyon thismore ori less colours other markets all round {theHouse. And the gUtiedged market Is cof theonly pn that is belpsi treated tbTnow lssMS; jthq'Argentine .Railway companies are also pretty're£ularjtn this respectl tbough'thelr lE^uerlt Istrue oxi offered in the [flrst mstance generally totheir shareholders, which more dr,le£3 conie as)a little bonus. <At the same time! oil. thls.n^w'capital ha? to be - found *n<|- digested -and. Wps'to keep prices depressed. .The Son£h AtrJjianjmlnlngj companies have to deal ¦ with 'theifUabUitfes and losses In other vaya—I xneai by,-writing down, of capital) drawing on restofvQfunds, tod placing mbst}of their profits aioinsfidepreciation, and sometimes by recaMtrnciion/,Two cases In point or before us, vlr., the An lc~Frencbj-Exploration Company: and the BechdJimalana Exploration. [ As regards the ; ( j I

I r - ' -:| ' ¦ • ¦ : . "

! • - : -. ¦ ¦¦ > : i iBECHUANALA «) EXPLOBATION '. '¦

The scheme before tye sharcholdera now wiUentitle I present holders ot ¦ each £1 share I to |r»!celve ope jiew share (f 10/- and 6/- qi Debei .tureStock, [both fully paid on the understanding thatthe -whole of the Debenture Stock thps; givenmust be' paid oft before any further drvidenaaare paid on, the share capital,1 and from wpat Ican s©) there Is riothfng for holders to do but tofill In with', the present suggestions, and hopefor bc .ter things inl futTL*. General Boiha'firecent pronouncemebto;regarding O)o,miningindnst ry are reassur|ng," and .leave llftle': to; bofeared] from the policy of bis Government In thisdirectiont and his speeches in busier times woulddoubtless1 have hadj more material eff ect '; oiprices ;tn the Kafflr Clrcua. ; ¦ • • • ¦ 'j. u, - \

• - , . ii ES^ERAN'ziu - ' . I ' ' I j ' l j jThe] fljurea conwtoed In the. third-Akuual

Report just Issued in! anticipation of the meetingon June 4th next are trulyastoni-Oilng. InileESthan four years the iompany has paid dividendsamouit'n to 2S2)J !Far'cant, or £2LI03; Sd. pheach snare ot £l ,BnAolthisl60per centwk 1 {paidlast year against, 82} per cent tor the- pb ralotisyear. I In addition to all this the ore resen es orecoosepatively ettimated et £504,000, and itf etpaying fheir !art dividend the balance bt cashand realisable ane flsurrdat£455,757,5r dthor-wordsf B'lgnUy over tne : wnoie- capiiai; 01 tnecompany of £495,090 in;£l snare«.5 Of boursethe great question with a 'share like Egp^rajnios19: hoW long wl'l thti presert condition r.u thominejaat. but inasmuch as therela xthe| wro -billfyj that they will strike itrrich again j {u! tbebordersl of the El jOro property, the 8h.aies!donot l( o very expensive oi their present j

ii-a oi

38/9, especially whoi onp renfemberB thnt ;h«> oreserives and asuetaj mentioned above, work1 >ntat 33/6 a share,- ' . \. . :: .- ; . | . ¦ ' • ¦ ! ¦ j. 1 j • •

¦ ' 1 POINTS i 3P THE WEEK. . '¦ | •! ;; Tho Stock Exchange was dosed last Tledicnvday for. tbo usual 1st May holiday. j . I . S ,- •¦ TtnUi^rt '4V.A ^AIMnlvfVn nrlnA Af ivtnrAr Yiflji flivothe sharp upward, movement to£l0710? a ton,:and Consequently BlqTintoa opened conslaorablybettt r to-day ! at about B6i "ex dividend/equljHentto993 "crum.dlvfdfflad I.<? :- J[,f I J :

I see the Nile yalley (new) Compnjny [arecalling a meeting for Monday next : to considerthe issue of somo 2 >0,000 additional Bharia cf Is.caca to: be offen d to shareholders at] 1/6 p rahaio. Thus they ir»g OB. ' : -! j 1 '

i Coalite! and Cobt It continue to be the subjectof niuch Interest. . '< - . : ¦ ¦" ! ' I { .

'¦I' ! I . - " '! # • -f . . ' ¦ I. ! - i I - ! . ' '1 WhUsti business la oa; such a restrict xl scale

on the Stock Exchange they say! trad i 1B1 etUlvery good In theNprthorn manutaoturin towiu,and,,coal anl Iron companies should still be doingwell. ; Personalty! the 'good dffeats of ibis willniter through here in duo course^

1 and to! thisconnection Cargo Fleet Iron Compiny! andSouth. Durham Cow and Iron Company (< wUnaryshares ore comparatively low at their respectivequotations ot 16 . and ,21/8, «wa bhpuhl jirdvefairly profitable purchases In this 8 ectib v, . \ ¦( ¦'

Dcmlop Deferred lops a weak market, ana awonly 18/3, closing o-nigfjt. , i ; | i

i rho new de KaapmoetiDg receritiy protod alively affair, - and the I unusual sight pifatt ink-poti flnid and :all, .flying across the ro>p,' wasthe. result ot soma rather heated arguments. I .! ! ¦ • : : ! : . '• I - -' ' • ¦ - ' "I ' i 1

j ':

¦:; i < ENQLISH 8BWING...COTTONM i.' i. -,•.. Last -week I ha^ occasion to refer to! jtho1 sur-

prise captained In the Mexican Railwij lofeort;this week X haye! >etorar me two extra -roinarynotices ; just issn id toj its, shareholder ij by ,theabove Company regarding certainpropti d alter-;ations In the: Articles jof - Association; aha the;mooting to be held on May 8th ehould, pnrte avery lively affalri Indeed. As a result 6f thesenotices tbo shared have quickly fallen 1 rtai S8s!to 33«. ' Otherwise the Company is cnid toibe(lolnR exceedingly wolli and I lookfor a' wp< n n*}«?»¦ --iij r"^-- ,.' - iia|j[

! C6risol» Money • ¦( . • .: ,• ¦ . ; .^;;( ' ^--5 .;¦!:¦

:i - ;X»b : Acct. i^Uuije ..,-;.:};. "Ji f^-^sP¦I ' -vIii sh - Tisind'rj ; ' "'l ? "-'V * - -t : «*-*- - ¦ • i-; -' • 8r|.i ¦.¦J.V;

|. Ji«ui't |;It:- '1? :M- ^V.:;\^ ; '.- :^fc! ; !?: :-[ 'Grcaf Northern Def.; ; v .^v^fch ; ]¦! " -,Great WestfTV-.j , V \ ::.;:-;^ 1?rt*j-^:*i ¦ jNpVth. Westtttt':V-T' -T.;. ¦yjs i i*. pfc^

' ;Mid!ahdt>efi p,-\ \r. - <y . . y f f l M; iJapan Jlpe centjisf. »erici1i .''4|-| :,<'{; JRuwian' Mel ' 1 i ;<i^ ,,U\ 83JV ( «!>«&>;

f.?MjSsbun»v; : ::-;:¦!!.: \f: ^!&m4i-M; Tf>unk,OTdj

^.]i- j ¦ :>vif^'«s« ml

. Mexican 2^ Prct*..;•« , ->.»;'-:l,r^:f MO'wAHvium'hiy ¦-•^¦¦¦i. i ' -ff - iUi piir >l}i;4•iRio Tiritoij - i '< ' 'f * *--->.-f /i .liv^TB i* *"*&

. JE «t.Rand»;| ; i. ->V jJ^Ui.s'ti*:-*: * W <%f tk¦fGMo'ficMt 'fi ! . M ?f kf c ''&i:.:F WM* >

: l^nd Mih«l t' '¦: f tfm iiiv&im 'A ';:i j/sfvwwp .f. ;4?f4i' '#iT''r'T*v-'>l' H ti 't


; :!"; ;:'! " l&' livte

;i ri'- !.' - !i j : l ^' ;|4;|::-' : "V'::"'- '' ::. . >. '' i - 'iH 'r -;; 'iWMWWfMW.

f - :u m&vhii ',¦¦: ¦:! ¦¦' • " •o

p: (\KX .

:j-:|At jaj iti9«)Ur .'rf'- e::;l rijnahon'"¦i/Siaee''- T r y -\ ': ljifelop en|'Byiidicaftiivh'eld! at i^'dxsdii^'T''' ' • .•''':''iBooktt, ' C«urtt|4u3e^ t riofd; ;:&&iy\ibtf c. \ - -a«vei irff l i«' siiaVehoidcrfe'lfaom'lWateriord ;ind -. , ¦'Ja rioi-. ttend«jd.¦ ;3fr'.-.' . ' fW.;;iBarioJi -iopk" j *i\.the 'ofaflir'i land 'in\a • w i l'giiard-ed:;acW£e6a.>JD-> -, -. 'Jaii i aodjencer, ;^ifi -;atated):ilhe-; ; ojjgect iof l. ti*-- ''-^i\ T^Tiwniider '.the ;adviaability of ¦ t&d axfcip- 1 :'¦- ' ¦'Itiori ol B jme joint cUo:u' .on 'the-'-part of: taic':;:• '¦»:-•jlocal -; i ibare&oldera jto xepreeent their i views'. <" ,'...and aaieg iard .their1 interests at the foriircom- ;;,ing! Eatraordiaary' i'Oenefal" Meeting1 of the . ' '

Byndidat*) OT.jthe. following Tuesday. /.;¦•: ¦;;; ; I' . I; !'[J -OonfiirifyVrig. .Qie: . j&aid 1 he' y ^&s. the'^ivrgeist:; -:

''holderj ef jhajNestih' iWaterford, iia ttng '.piiS j '¦ "chased 3,000,: hence bifl interest in catting the ¦ ;saeetfak.'l Ha- himeeH <wa^ mot <sii all 'Bii&Sed..:-J':; '-with i£ejiwarkinff of ¦ tihe-fiyndrcate :in; either - -!ibrancoesl;¦vJz.Ji we! direotorate or1 tlue.' work-:: ;: .<:ing; mjans ement: . Ho'- via • not in' 'the hami ¦.:• , !- ;¦¦of addressing1 «tH5h large audiences, ntorlwae ' ¦ ¦be aufflcieonuy'lBure- he ;W)uld not' «ay='things ' , :' jihit < 5 ^ V t e- t r u J B< &nrt; tad' ibet'ter-fce^I^ft'. v '.

! uniald. JThifl, he- would- eay. 'that his- onnion ¦¦ ; ¦¦wak, iUat: t3ie manasemenfi >waa- unmanag>ed.;:.:.H« mJgh!t;:alBo aayj-th© directorate wero-not; :fait? tb the e&awiholderB'.'-^The/.tad:irdi .yetf : .pridabed a balattc -fiheet; and be^oaldiprpvej.'.L , . ,fro mfftaJtiaticsTeceived from Somewet -'SouseMj. i. . -ith .t ah4roj io!ti» ;r*Ius of UE37.000 hfid .beemJ. • -•deilt[in:Trptetiieaist of OJecem'bei', 1906, and1 : -of thta oum: £US,OQO 'worth-.-were-Bold 'toy; tii«: > ¦¦-.,diecwrj.1 -'. 'Before!.!!j«>inff:-farther, : be. 1 .iowiii.-: .:'ipl sos d to'eayj *hai:^¦NfameB^Poivsrer:fceldl«t,'- S u )ilh > 'Mgmhrn^^andf-;bdd'etmv£JM <woiiai.:H«i 'i-.une ver) sold: a Bhare^and- th« TSsA of-Oxford!:''alpo if dd. hie -eWtres;;aiid £G8 h«ld thein! Birtt-. •

b BectetJlry, of the' Companyi Mr. Ddxon, ha<i :bposed of over £5,000 eharea, tlierefore.: mose' . :an -fihat- noW heldJno' <*iah :intera3t in ;thd .•mpany; Oug'ni-'jjot to 6d at the bead of : '&#, '. . ' ¦<aD'dg^rnertt1'Hie ;ieason-for', calling ; that ; .'aetmg was, "ibeoaii8e';4ie''beW-"KHih: «nv|i3« ! ¦ - .testi ip-'tlie Oompany, and; of coarse,' -aid :: '¦xkej morer enquiries than, others; foEy -ibe-. ¦ ¦•vinffithat theylhitd-;property^of :a good aop -:¦ ' v, -::r )helding;(nBtUie, -•and- tiitwaa likeiyj ,.ldi ¦!. .,¦i, liibi.tb© EandB-«f outeide)?''foj- wantj¦ oi : ,Ida. irle jthouBhtJJ»-would'jnake the avtgi ; • ;

¦, ¦ .¦ •;; . ;, :; i f ' , .J!: r-|jp- . . ..;.:. i^ t-ji ' ; ' ; I ! , -' ;. |[ j . J

: 'POT, DOWN lANOTHJKE-ja.OOO ! 1 f '¦ .;:;.

the'lConrpaiiy condrtioaally, vjna .the. isi^ ¦¦u . -lit rlB< > meeting w«re, with iain ia proxies to,. ;r .end iefmeefcing in-Ittodon: on.the Wh -with1. , . ,we ¦ 0 act {for yxru. Needless" |b> eay tha j. ¦sir interests-and hi*'¦wfise ;x3ik©;.- , < : <J \ :{- '

^T, 'i i7h4 iollowiflg1- ftub-ooinmittee. 'iwerne; ai>poinlti i ¦ ¦'!t§ go iato- the.matter %ith,.Mr. iBarKm, :, . ' :

>vjoue to his d«paxtur.e:for/LondbQito-niKht . :iMefistsV'B.:Wy i&atron.fj. ik tB&aa, .P.I ii it«rj~ Pi 'Setuiy', Koitori.iH."Er2eniier 'sod ¦¦' •mpx "CBievafiie. -

¦¦} •¦ - / i 7 i ; ; i ¦ r: ¦-?;: . ./ . ..- : i ; - ; l - ¦ ij' .L. i • ¦•

Mri iH/-£. Behner' prapoeed o iesoMi)orJ to . ¦¦¦ ' , ¦ }at ffect aid ©r, white eeeonded:lt/. !.-Ti«>', -': i h ; .;otiani waa ¦paes^^unanimoiJaly.'! f or '.- i - l • j! ¦ • '¦»:. * ,AlK- iit- thfrfmeettagiBigned-iiroxiea .dutlwi •: j -sing (Mir> Barion.1 to atft dor-.tpeni. i;. ..il:i i- 'j : f -n.v ¦' '"!,

'' '} ' .' ''''''' •'- '/- i : - " T '?!

|,:' ' ' : ' ' i - ' '' ' :- • " - '. ¦•' • : • •.¦: ll' •; ' •:; . ¦¦¦ :¦

. VISIT•- ot ¦Kxaam^ 'pREaJDiiBisiJ|"j ;,. . :.i. '.. 1 \ro-i» »i;"...:"'T'~»~«-.'"-i' '' .


• ' : ¦-'¦'¦ ' ¦• -¦ vrr.r r IDPDCIAI; 18LEORAMJ- ¦ ¦ •'¦ ¦,¦:.¦. . ' • ;. •.' . -¦ .;. '' ' (The ' OdMts^al- •Premiens. laf;;-lion4on: :'iibi&. ¦¦ < ¦.,aMaraibg.-for. Pocteoouth, to; tH n^Ss' w^SKajwil : '¦ "Bevjaw- .Tn^ iihearMhonoirr;',.}. . ¦¦: '; ¦¦) ; : ,|..;;' :.- ] ' \ : ". ] ¦. ; , .

ij E b e / : 'Pramiem jaanSvied'; at ,Ifcijt6niouth;: at ¦ j; .' . .¦Vi-SQ, p n d : (iVnrrwdiiaitaiy . v/eni I aboard.: ithb' \\.[ ',Xtlrajidpougihit . General. -Boi&s>. .went | alii ov r'; .'!_Vr•fS|©-i hi«g>3 i vasal;-'; and-.lappearedi1- grcaSly-ifif- . <Z '¦¦ \tenwted r* all be. saw. . (Dha weather - <waa . , ; ,' .wjuatfy-Ji :( -|. ¦ ¦.. - .] ; . ¦ ¦:¦¦ , < ¦ > ¦> :; -!. - .. . | . . :- j \

¦ // 'i i ' ,' . .¦, jiAllater-itelegram eays:—<Deetroy«T j CJoqufftper . j . ,, j ;c? JJjd«d trtlth a floalting coal depot daring .the. , ; , ;dsplay oA PoctamoTitfi to-day dam ginx hfer : V'*l t¦¦bflw'.:fihe made taaterfreely, irat, reacheialthe 1'-. '. \;dpcfcf atd saleiy. .Sbe;uoll ,$e. docked f or i . i p-j,] . ';;:piiis. '[ ¦ ¦ ', ;< . 1 ¦. : ; . , : . j '¦ . ! . " j . . : , ' ¦ M- ! . :¦ ' . .

- , • ' .'

<: Th^rfamag* ¦to;;the ;. C5oqueit« l wiai.cl Ii '• ': '. '.(,amd»;ahe'6bon rejoined' the other .ooatBi.; "; ¦ . ;- .• ' ¦, "'.

•¦ ¦ fTSje1 ' d%)la>y give% by the deBtroyeja and- ' .' ¦ - 'BuSohnarilnesj wasiTery-iefleteiifve.-Tiotwjaiatlairid :, '¦ .. ;ingj that raft jtell -the! jrihete. tirne. ; ;;: ; j7|,. : ; !; .;;;


;!.-.[. ; "''"[' ¦; [8pHcrii ;TELBoauij'. / _ i ' ' ¦ ¦¦¦• -¦

• ! I - i - i'¦! '3Jhe owners . ithe ,<«! tank t^esimer Siiver- 1EliB,; from (.Singapore ior ¦ England!, 'W£Cb j a.!caxgkj 'of itensine, ' re aived' a leleiram! from I¦the. Oaptadn at Kjanouitih this njoBoEnjr.staiSngthiat ttfie ; ^Watajer 1 -siaa. abandoned / 'on!: W«d- Jneaday eSter a ierrifiic explosion. < f benzdn«.jFoi'ity-oiightj ot we. crew were saved by! - h6 'steamer -westgalte and ))iron:?b,t to :Kynroup. fThe} engjmeer, boatswain, two.!..flr«OTen, .and,!fba '•caTpen.'tef , were ¦ lost. :R>ur i 'others . re^ !ceived JJiijuriee from burning-. P ¦'-• '! i '¦ '¦!i : j- ". '. j ;I CChe¦' .TOBfceL hiad nfnu tbarusand .. ;tons ol j(beinsBue 'arooaBd;. ¦' • \ : . : ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦; ,j ;j '- r ¦. ' ! . , .. 'J. ',{ki ¦ ;VE^SEL'S ¦ 'LOST: ij- lpMTrrirl;' '! ¦. ; - '.„• • ,. I 1 ' [BFBCUL -'.TJXBOajLkl.^: ¦.- : -' i . ' - " ' ; ••

[ CoosiderfWe' itoubt exists, as Jto the aden :iy rof jaie.vessjal (anchored iace yesterday east of;the Goodwins. | A Bam£gate .message.} Btates;; ¦that she is a. Sussian. cargo b^at, belieye .to!:be;': .kound ifor. Car4'fl. jbul her noine ia ; un-: i '

:}-^fei |3^LEm^yi -/iCMLOSlAlli POTEBMei^waarmREs GOV.HIRNMKCT-'S .«TTECD©B I'! . '"- : I. . l^WHiiFOUUPl". ' . !• . '.!j ' ¦ - J! .-. : ; [S^ECHU XELEOIUM]; ' . . .:|:[ • ij¦iMj. filfcjuri epe iSng ait thejPrimAse'LaagBa

teatherdh? \VbsB ja4ternoon ¦ at ; Alkest iHall, 'LOQ>idan,,' T€aenied jlo the : difficultiesjfWflxTchi bad(been,' ,'. Tegaidiadj ta etandaiw |liri j t ibe w&y ofCte-lorutat pKierenoe" as having been now xe-,:BDOved ;|by 'the aelnon: oi the Cokmfal E«tntfem. : rule 'y r tB - uiUerly >t: %:: 16ss;.!to!'. com-;prehe'rid th-e- cibjectiions of Fr e' tCnadera.fanjrihe dodared .tJve aitStude taken by thei GoTero-menlt to (be. - attSituda of "pure (follyj". f Wowould ' noi for i'ever;-. he siiJf; |ke«p tha euartoiatit our 'dcton : : ; . -i "-: . -: -!. - *- ;- i S - -v = ;1 i:1 r.' - ' .- !! r- ¦ !- : ; .V . : ¦:• ir:- i

I TO^OKROW'lNiQiHT;!!,:' .! ¦ ¦• ¦¦ ] i - \:^i \)> \!S Those who Were tinable to hair tb'a Iriatroi- '.meotal Society on'Tuesday eTeniiw rwilt lia^an opportunity • of , doing eo-'in j 'the .Th«atmRoyal on! Saturday evening, WueJJ, fwa Tmdedv .0tand-, th« 'Sdciety will produoe. an excelkntprogrammed music, the aingere cm the;occa- .eion (being: 3/Em ¦ Violet Elwrn,;, Air. ', Ma'uncA'(Murray and "Mir. iloBride. The comSb eS^mealmill, ibe sufftained by Lieutenant -Haaitfangbt, ~¦who, we learfa, wilf.&ippily! replace. Captainpouto, who baa eo often delighted: aterioi4jindiences.! !"j;: : . ! ¦/ ] :¦' ¦ ;• ¦ ' ;.[" ' i[i? ! - - i : j :i ; j ; ;'-'? ij - ' ¦•¦

i ¦ -. '. '¦: '¦¦ i ;J ! - T"—~-r-r~'.^--rr;:i;;, ; ; ¦ ,;'• ¦¦.ji> - ; ;

.; ¦ i%¦ -¦ AV CEBiAiN:<x)i7aH'iauKR; -t:::vJ{ --/'! Is "PierceV American Co'nghJ BafcMim." M ^iaBimiQ immediate»Uef in all oeaev «lcoufi!bjB -:iond iW>ld» from whatever caueea arising. v H.Vquiotdy »*a(««8: earmete of • fKr-icfcesF-ajid ;.Hnite'«on;oliha«i«»«a*..Bottl«. Ui |Bd;. each atjOorman f Modicai Halli, 12fl Quay, 69 iQuay. ¦• .atod^Bar^or4j tr -

:W rfcw.;:a. [ ¦: :?i:^'v

I ! ; . :" '. nnrin'vnti- itm rite-vni%-kv\:\ ¦ ¦ '¦¦¦'] W ''¦ •1j ^ ''[. ;0O ^;'im.vf ;;B^T]-|:' ¦':¦¦¦. \Z

, SfJ iseT«r«. iffiesa urbilat, going;thro $h fxe p rg'M ''

. 8tWet,,;and waa taken td a nekh$ouiing yard' ¦ih :to' |3ie. whraU.tympatbeticj^nlobketM.aoba ,mJ sugseatedr.ja remedy and: IbetookVtidmfiell :tb f h &

*?i?J Doblan?87rH£vinFg /»- \t.jjMi l^^"rf.- (aawue aou*lex6tout'he' rSUUs dittto:«he: ='¦

t . ; ' litUd suflejier.;which'ja(mT» i« i )backite'*'\, , \ 6ata4and;6nt|leC-an4to' e,gr<*t;«uipraBe'['r*''

. •¦!. 1 Bll^aT'Oa-jliiis.- =£.1 <auce'.moifr atf'iwieq'aa,***/';''•J U No .-wonder-then .1Mt the'«fta;t<«tdtfct«re'd -r ;':¦! • : < , ajooiol'- 'U>':.to'4life|8 ;;'?iirhjea>;5Jii ;:.; h| i;/j ' Mb, Uk^ j« !'<?»'-i ^^l ^^S^yS','-'-j ;f|.. *»«fla^o|£|fo1 fito^m^•. - liQtw«i i.'everr:';d r (M.-v?iriei.1ab6v«l'.j(f?'

I; ' r^etl | ^l ^.i 4Jln^ Up

:- \v


\ - :





¦ : ¦ ¦. . -


.'¦ '

• ; J i 1' ¦-- - - . ! -- - - ¦ '

'¦ ¦ ' ¦


J - : j i ;- r WEDNESDAY. ' . ' ' ;

i To-day, at half-past iten o'clock, -'Mr. W.jHemminjjway Malls,1 M.Inst., <AE., eat in thepity Courthouse and:opened ibis court of in-<qairy of arbitration into th© value of tho oldWaterford Toll Bridge.: 31<!ssre: .John Gordon. K.C., MJP;' W. G.¦ijeffejeon , ;K.C, and Samuel Mooro, BJ*. (in-et?uc|«d .by Mr. Jatnea J. Feely), appearedtor the1 Waterford Corporation. :I Mebere. fitephen ilonan, K.C, and <JeraMEUtoibbon, BJL, <instructed by Messrs.IDoboyn and ifcCoy)/;appeajed for ithe KrddgtjPropj ietora. : . '¦• ' .- ; ' ' . . _ '| The arbitrator/ on ¦ taking his s&at. eaid .ihtsupposed that counsel ana others concernedin;4ne inquiry &Ad 'knowledge of the fact thathe had ibeen deputed to take evidence anahair 'counsel on , both sides.

Counsel- signified ;their. acquaintance -withthe fact mentioned 5>y Mr. Milto.

Mrj iioaan tnon -rose, , ana audressed thoArbitrator, stating that £«. appeared with Mr,JFitzgiobon for the Bridge Oormnisaionerd, an<iproceeded to give an •outUne of the way iuvhicb. the Commisaioners' claim arose. Thoarbitrator's function ;waa determined undertho bch Section of the Bridge Act, -whichcounsel quoted, and was to determine, UMJamount of the compensation to 'bo paid tothe itinidge people. Mr. (Ronan then went onto eXplaan the 'law, with reference to, :Tcceatdecisions in tie euperior courts, regardingcompulsory purchase, and . said the- way thisinquiry should Ibe approached in the firstinstance -"was .important. This was A case oicompulsory purchase of this undertaking ofthe Jiridgo Commissioners, •who were anxiousto bo let alone and keep their bridge: goingnn M in the t>ast. and conduct their businessBceoadmg to their own discretion in tho best¦way they thought profitable to themselves.The ^pereone ibenefitially entitled;.to an in-teres in the bridge "were what -were calleddebenture holders, : po66esaed oi & certainnumber of shares, tout they .were in realitythe •proprietors. ThJeee people were entitledeither to hold their property or to sell itct any time for the foest price they could getfor it. Counsel then' went on to trace the his-tory of the bridge from the- time it -was builtuntil j the present day, and .quoted the severalActs ed -Parliament and legal decisions whichhave -been often published relating to thebridge and ferry rights.- "Our monopoly"continued Olr. JJonan, "was not definitelyascertained until ±1*04-6, and before that tii«Lord i (Lieutenant was advised, presumably bytho !Law Offioera of 'the Crown that a. bridgewas to be, and -would be, 'built alongside oure,vrtiich, of course, would1, as the Court of Ap-peal ! put it, eim-pl- : mean tho ctwolut© con-fiscation-of our interests." That eteheme waato 'build a bridge without paying tiie BridgeBropxietore one iarthing, -within the admittedlimit! between (Bilberry Sock and Catherine's'Pill-l-absolutely without any compenaation.'&. memorial 'which, iwas •presented to the iLordlieutenant made no mention, at any rate, oicompensation to the bridge awn ere. Uponthat I memorial His i Excellency appointed astrong Commission,1 presided over by aneminent member of .the T-nr^h iBar, IMr. u). B.BoEivan. The history oi the various pro-ceedings associated' -with the eittingB of iheOommlfision and its reports .were dealt '.withat length, and coming to the decision of thaHigh Court in 19M-05, to said that it -wasreally ! tho .Charter 'of the irJndgo . oommis-cioners, it was embodied in and made thebasis of the statute passed in 1906,, andclearly and unmifltake&bjy established . (theirmonopoly. It would be idle to comparer the•value of the bridge owners' security wrthi whatit *was ibetore that decision which finallyestablished, contrary to the views of theCr©)nv and the Viceregal Commission, thatthe { monopoly realiy existed. In the courseoi his further ¦remarks, counsel remarked thatsince 1622, certainly/ and perhaps for manyyears before, the dividends paid to the deben-ture holders amounted invariably to 12 percent, per annum, and -there had Ibeen nocltange'in the last twenty yeans, which con-clusively ehowed that there had not been anydecrease in the profit earning capacities -oftbe fond/re and ferry. Having quoted largelyfrom the evidence recently given at the -Lasttatting "of the Viceregal Commission, oosseelproceeded to deal with the rvalue oi deben-tures at various periods. Of these debenturesthere were three nundred, representing a sumof I £30,000—I rash. The nominal amountreached by these debenturea iwaa a.bsoiat«3yimmaterial;because the entire profits, iwlethcr)h% or small, w«re divided into three hundredparts, -one -part «oing to eachj and tor theooavenien<ce of finance tho Bridge Oommis-pwxriers delt witi £100 Iri&h as XilOO OEnglieh,vxul upon the latter the dividends were paid.Kow, those debentures had been sold in theopen market, and a return had 'been preparedwiving the sales, the result of which the arbi-trator would, doubtless, like to know. «s ihaty r&a a highly important element .when ; hecanie to consider the question of what theowners' ehoald get for tSeir propertrj if theyjtr anted to sell, and if they did, of course, theycould' only expect tninimum competnoation.¦ he; iolloiving transactions

in the etock marketwere given as to the prices of shares—(IBM.pop and £305;-1692, £205, IE2O4 and £300;1691, £200 to £202; none sold in 169U or 0696;1698. S5M0, £S47 10s. «md £245, ei .dividend;laOQ. £W8. Then came the report of the Vice-regal .Commission and the report that theCormnieeioners had no monopoly, with thefceault that in 1904 the value of bridge shareswent - elap down to 101—(laughter. Somevnfortusate roan, named Jactstm, who anetwith an accident, got a fright and he partedwith has shares at that price. But iiiere wasan even more important fact that tranopirodlater-on. From the time the rights of theBridco Commissioners were establis'hcdi ;byflio Court of 'Appeal in eratainlng the decisionol; the Maater o! -the !l?o}ls, BO onan. or womanfciid ever ¦narted' with a 6hare in "thia con-cern—<laughter).

tM>. Gordon—They remembered it ho arbi-trator and knew what was coming—(laughter).

Mr. Bonan, continuiDg, eaid that just 03tie Oocal agitation against thd <toU bridge¦was1 got up, and when it was noised abroadthat the agitators were going for the right-to ibuild a free bridge, the first signs of thocoming etonn irare made manifeet by a dropin bridge shares from £250 lo £240 all jatonce. Then, again, when the Law Officersof the Crown gave; what counsel described¦their eroneous opinion and the Viceregal Com-mission eided with Uum , again down wontthe:-shares, this time to 101; <but since thedecision o! the Master oi the fiolls—sustained,aa counsel had mentioned—tby .-the Court ofAppeal, establishing the righte of the Oom-ttkisslonors, not a single ealohad iaken place.Froceeding to describe iiow the Veo-jxriWore derived 'their income, Mr. lion&neaid they had adopted a 6pccial Bystem.

VJf t&t thev did waa to let the tolls 1o a con-tractor, they themselvae doing "Che -work x>ffeooping the bridge in order, repairing it andlighting it, the contractor collecting the tollsat Iiis own cost. For a number of years pasta 'Mr. Murphy bad been tho lessee-, and thearbitrator -would; have from him- the profitsari<j .receipts which he secured, and Uio rent•which ho paid every year to the 'Bridge Com-tnifisionore. There was one other iact, whichthoogh not strictly legal, was eminently«atisiactory, namely, thai in order to ertatolethe: Corporation to perform this excellent¦work, they -were getting a grant from theGovernment. :

tractor, they themselvee doing •the -work x>f . ^r J^fob admitted that fuch was tho

case,keeping the bridge in order, repairing it and but ft ••«« time the Gladitone Governmentlighting it, the contractor collecting the tolls was

office—(l aughtor>-ftnd they were very

at His own cost. For a number of years past parsimonious—(renewed Whter) jo 'Mr Murphy had been tho lessee-, and the Mr. Ronan—Mr. . Gordon will prdbabTyarbitrator -would have from him the profits appreciate that-Oacghtcr). ,arid .receipts which he secured, and tfio rent Mr. Jefferson—Mr1. Jacob, .will you give us¦which ho paid every year to the Bridge Com- the document in wh:ih the Treasury irefuscdmifisioncw: There waa one other iact, which >'our application? ; i .thonch not strictly legal, was eminently. Mir. Jacob: said he! had not then in his«atisfactory, namely, that in order to enable possession, j air, iMcCoy mil\ give them to you.the: Corporation to perform this excellent Mr. Ronan immediately produced th<s letters¦work, they were getting- a grant from the referred to.j There-wote tw<J of them, and theGovernment. ; nr-:t was a refusal, on tho grounds of the Cora-

Mr. Gordon objected, and eaid that had no- ml&ttionera 'being unable to 6upply adequatething to do with the arbitration. , set-upty. This letter fwas dated the 25th of

Mr. Ronan—It ds a very interesting fact. April, J836.| A further letter was to the effoctI Mr. Oordon—Ifthis statement is mad© with that the Lords CommuBionj ets of Her IMaiesty 'ethe object of aflecting tlio mind of (Mr , Mills i respury elgnificd thit tb«y <wero unable to5t :"won t do it, that's all- OaugltOT). . i . ; $*Ye !a n>orie ;.favour.&blo reply than that con-

Mr. .Ronan—We know it won't; but H is' :nin«J JO their:previous communication . ua m o!:int«r«eting informati<m--<lauffh'ter). j Mr'. JefTerson'-Mr. Jacob, don't you , know 1


S°-r?W?r'1 doii ^Tt ?%?' * *£?$£¦ (!lat :it WM: ^cause yoa-tie 03ridge Cbmmj<>Mas outside the court, but I oo object . to ite, tioncre—fwexe not sure of TOUT position as tobeing stated here. - I t is^rong, and w> one security thaV your application was refused? !

knows that better than Mr. Konan hamBeU. jw. Jacob-^That iuiTaot [fair to ask me. :; ArbitratOT—I don t thjnk to© statement JJ^ Bonan objected to this lino ol cro^s'-tv<6uM influence me one -way or another. ; | exaaiinatioh, btrt Mr ! Gordon insisted that it

i Mr. Eonar»-(I wasigoinir merely to eay that was a perfectly leaitimnto question. ;if^pk «r« called mj wn to pay money, n ia m Vtmki&f 8jt \ '- \ ¦ : !*attefactory to 'knov they <wiU not have f« M,. .<5ordon-^Becauso thle point and BUO^yiy lt

^out oi ther v-xn . pockete-fla^ht^). gt

anM ol

tha matter is that the

ground upon:i - Mr. iGordon-(We TTJU givo you every penny -. hioh the I Treasury rt fused- the loan to the«4^wha(.ife are^going

to get of your cTienV Brid3>e:Ooriimi»sioner9. .was; that they tad no<will only drop the. UttaHcm. Qwa us over security for tha loan. . :«S bridge, And^e-will'notjeei to ca*W;a ,

Jefferson (to wito<s3s>--Have you anv

V&a-y j>roflt oat of lt-<lauBJiterV; ¦ . - . : idet of thd reason ,why the Treasury refu&odf Mr. ¦Bonan , conclpdiug feia stabnent, ewi thda : money? | .: .: : ¦ ! . . ¦ ' :mfitted that his clients wete eatWe* to eomj , ajj , jaccb-_r don-t y ^ ' ^hzt wa3 in flleponsatioa, not aloon«i equivalent to wn« w«if mi&fls of ^ie Tnas^rj. \ ' ¦pteaent dnconw was, (bnt, iflcreaefa1. » "" i Mr. Jefferson— Id (hut an honest answ^rf*f increased traffic. ,thnt might be reasonabJy jjj d 70U ^

j offer Tre48Ury any security?

MtWpat«<J ir> tonaeetjop wltt. «away <!«• . iMr. Jaoob-I do not know. ¦ i.•vtlopments. They l»re ateo entitled .to com- | n,. JeffersorH-Doi you ro«an to say that youtwmsatkm i<a cormmlBorT pttrcbaso. ' , j frerH tg the Government for the loan oi monev; Tilt. Miehaet (M^ay ¦ ewom, aepoeeo

^in (<> ; build a | new; bridge without offe ring

T«pJy to Mr. Kfegibbro-My f*Ui«r baa bceri gecarityP , j | ; : : , |lease* of *e tridga since im-,M to » earner Wltoesa repeated: that ho did not know.j*od BfeJical ineravant - <h« la»V contract irafl Mr. Jefldraori—Was theri anv interview on¦33ed Sl«l IDeetttibelf. 0004; Bad a»Maonn* i j j . 5^ Oomrhiesioncra wiih tnehmt-- tUjOB6 *oe three, years; «*»5« «• "*»* Ix>rda of .tie Treason-, or C10 Board of Tradeiot Shat lea«, ire had a

^teawJ &Q * TfJJ offlciala ini(Dublin j abont Ma loan? ;

*«tore fb»t rt «^43- .. to 0895*7 & -wW iM>. JacoU-Therei may 'have bcera. ; : i|W}t»«« «&w MaSsj Oi the pmflto, wWclj ^

Mr. Jacob-Mr. Ambroee was before; Meaar^.B&ed from SHS to- «Oi ****** J6" IWW)yn «W<1 McOoyju our solicitor, and ' the™^* J<»rf«m wm^l^1ur*Bad<i.« ma.y|fcavp jbeon some corAapondenco that Il^rf£OTm:Mj^lOTth«TO traiaSK)fij

am.ihot;*wW pf.

i ! ¦ ; ;!' !

SS2S \AI Z&i *¦Sfi 'ilSoflt oTf »fl « *ofldondeny jHarWnr


ior thotjmJP- if ' ff i- i f ^ 'Tr-r W: p«^aWpeh y«arg,; depo«d: that Ba *nch lie16 b':TJf» ; i«'rl^rKi«4^-t taiimiAti «vn' -virocl »•" *uk<* "««i«| hw } <x ntrol an<J auperviaion *

l* ^S 5WSfifT^S a«2 iwBMl reos Prf .«nd kep in tader; to 8nte»r

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Pa^nificoniEy Appolntbci} TURBINE Steamcfc. ' ' > w ¦ \ ¦ i l l

, . : 1 ¦ SE3A. ¦ P'. SB^.GCEij ".21. ¦''ECiiSfipj^S. 1 ' ' ] a

WATCCJFOnD^ Czp . ¦ «. ' 11c20 a.m. - 1Q«3S p.m. . .LDNDON,'' ! ' dar}, ^' ' •: . ;

; 0 <5D fl.m. J- - ¦ 0 40 ..plBi. • ..i- i :

CAnO^FP, ! c««. - ¦

7 O p.m. «. O 10- a.m. CARDIFF, ' i ,, v ¦ m. "'¦ ¦ <) -, HI,SO:. L' - H SO L ; " ; :

tGriDsrj , , „ ¦ : pfeo o' G „ v.e eaeono, ¦ • ere; -* ¦ c»so p.m.' ... • ' . c p.4*- • ' . !•!

i Full partlcuUr* upon appHcaUon tp Ur.iE. 7. O'D. CHOITER, or Mr. E. FOQQ, 3 Lov» :r SackTllIe StreetjDubllri j Ur. A- W. PEEKS, Adelphl Wharf, VTiterford J ' . :XIr. A. ,O. OOOD, (3 Patrick Street, Cork | Ur. J. A. O'KKLLT,: KJ George Street, Llmeridc 1 Ur. W. J.'FRANCIS)' Ros« Iidn iStTeet, Kllkennji ; or fo'the Snpertniendett / / ; ' ,

i ef the Uno, Paddlnjton tinn, ondooj, W. ¦ . .. :. ¦ 1 ;|" JAME$ C INGLIS, General Manager.\' , \ f ' . / J j ;

: •¦ : ; i 1 - . 1 . . . ! . , .- . -¦

lose heart at all; fio6slare; will gat <a share otthe trade, But they won't 'get the whole; theraiiiraje will not affect tbi lbridge to anycone-iderabla extent) if there was a[ cattleservice' from iSosslare. to Fishg-uard, portionof the cattle from Waterfordj •would "never sirtfoot on thoi Waterford bridge: Murphy, as arailway carrier, had a free bridge, but Murphyos an ordinary carter, hod to pay tolls th«Bame as anyipody else;- the| Sndge Oommirt-sioneiB received irom ithe railway £840 a year,but they should have roceive<J £1 )00;, theBridge! Coinmissionora knew very well thatthe 43640 was not sufficient for the volume oftraffic over the (hrddgo, but iheij took noaction !dn" the .maVtor as ihfi bridj^ questionwas in »,dictut.bo<i state. The Bridge1 Oom-mifisioners 'would not silent more tdan sixtons, on Jour : wheels, , to cross the bridge.

At : thifl' stage 1 of tie procfeedinso the cDUrtadjourned for a short interval for luncheon.

On reauniinar,; 1 . [.Mr. iExtwird" Jacob, Chairman oi tho Com-

missioners, ;' gav6 figures as Ho the amount ofvarious sums paid for! the' letting of the tollsby the 'contractor.1 Tho affairs cf the brid™v),he faid) were managed by a committee; wit-ness1 ihad been oonnected with the committeesince tho year 1892,1 |n which year fa© w&aappointed Chairman; a position which ho hadretained ever eince.j !As to Ihimself, he heldthree debentures, and soveral other debentureai Trerp ia -the posccasion of his tamily.• '¦ Mr. . Bonan—What 1 ii the lumbep of deben-turea? 1 j

¦Wltoeaa replied- three hundred. Of theoe177 were heVf br ladica, Ao a matter of fact,81 ladies held th&mi and the remaining 123debesaturoa ,<wero held J by '63 men, which in-ciuci d nine' Add by : the Oommissioners oiCharitable lDkxrts.«ion3 aad (BeiaueEte. Tho

hold«ka of debeatu-r^a j were not local pooplfl ,but reaided all over; tho United Kingdom,whiles -there iwere ¦ othors in America. Troin1692 'to the 1 present |time aluniform dividendof 13 per cent, was paid frw of Income Tax.The sum distributed in 1871 twae £3,00O; in1B72 and 1873, £4,200 oaoh rear; in 1875, 'V6and 1*77/ £3,903; 1 11878, ^3,750; and' fro;u1679 to tho present, £3,600. Iwitneea then pr»vduced a list 'of; sales of debentures in 1904;there were, he Baid, two ealce at £101—it WMto a Mir. Kenny. But mat was after thejudgmeni of the fMaster of the Soils, and DOsalca! had einoe taken pLacel As long as wit-ness rwas oonnected with the bridge, the modeof working it was by lcaaing tha bridge andferry tolls ; the Commicaionere kept tha bridesin repair and iightod it, land provided thelerrpneo iwith boata and giear. "The railwaycompany paid a comarutation sum to th.«Coiiimisaioners, but the amount was veryinadequate, 1 and was alwaVB transferred 10the eonlraotor lor the tollflj .Also, a certainamount was placed aside <>ut of the | profileoaoh year da order to keep ft reserve fund, andthat eum always camo out of the 'moneyreceived for the letting.

On further ', examination,Witness stated that until; the Bridge Com-missioners got the decision of the Master oftlie RoHs declared 'and affirmed there vta

always an uncertainty Ttith regard to thebridape. ITo i£r. Jcffcxoon—I bcliev^ that the increasein tho traffic over the 'bridge will result froin

present 'railway devclorymerita: a now hrirf ™has been opened1 practically connecting thenorth with the south! etatj ion ; onoet of thetraffic over tho bridge was Contributed byrail , and it would bo physically possible forthe <»mpariy to 6<snd iheir igooda by tho howviaduct across tho Suir from the IhingarvanStation on the sonth. i Thia was & very un-likely thing, because; tie oc^mmodation at thesouth station -was limitod/and -the companion^x>uld havxj to provide increased stafls apdcattle yards and oilier coavenienoee.

Witness denied ihat land was to be got >nthe neighbourhood for [practically nothing.Mr. JeSerson ,pressed witness as to -whether

tho Bridge i Cornmissioners had not applied tothe Treasury for a loan for the constructionof a new. bridee. 1 , '

si ^sa

¦// 1 ,- I

¦ ' . • 'tsaanu.



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from itime to time ; he ibeliovod1 it wais w. a thatconditicrn mow -which would enable it to carry 'per >such tnaffic as waa usually ibome over; it; ha oom(thought that eix tons was a- reasonabledamit pertjfor heavy, traffic. ."Witness then gave a con- Oertisiderablo amount of. expert evidence. i (Do

Mr. iQordon—<Do you thlnfc -that an. im-. certaportani highway ought to . be limited : to tho for aU3e only of (vehicles or carriers of not more antethan eii tons? , 1 Oerti

Witness—J do not say tl;at at all. . I eay Wlthe bridgo ds able to carry tii& ordinary traffic . Com

Mr. <Jprdon—^Do you say that tnis is a Diiproper1 bridge? very

Witness—I would not eay eor classMr. Gordon—Have you to renew your own divic

wlfarte ia £>erry? I81Witness—W« have. taint(Mr. Gordon—So that th-o averago life of IDV

these, piles is ono, two or thirteen years'? land"Witness—Oh. no; ' they "wcfuld ' wet ' longer were

than that. .1 ¦¦ an fl]Ttf :the Pre8idemV-The TFaterford bridge da th«> i

not suitable for o traction engine. traffiTh© inquiry then adjourned until 10.00 this In

morning. ' Mi; ' ting

re maTHUHODAV. * by o


The inquiry was (resumed thiB morning at (joes00 JO o'clock. ' Wi

2Sx. <Eonan eaid there was one matter which, a jbilho wished to mention, and it naa that there Miwas a'mistake made the previous day by Mr. for ,j(Murphy in his evidence. He gave a. figure tbinj01 £330 odd as a loss in one year, when . it mintshould have been given as a profit—<laughtwj . 'Wl'What' ho proposed to do on oonnoction with andthe matter at present waD-r-thoy bad got Mr. MrMurphy's books, and they proposed .that Mr, gent!Pirn, the accountant on tho other eido, should ohaiiexamine the books, and if Mr, Pirn was not Wisatisfied that a mi3tako had been made then thanthey /H-ould Jwall'Mr. Murphy ond go through ' Mithe items, ilf Mr. Pim was satisfied that thisitem should be profit and not loss they wouldnot trouble farther about it.

Mr . Gordon—(But \I must have Mr. Murphy.Mr. Bonan—You must have him back with

the books.In reference to the evidence given by Mr.

Jacob, Mr. Bonan pointed out that a mistakehad been made "with .regard to the rent of thelbridge tor the year TSU8. Mr. Jacob, headded, stated that the irent was £3,900, whenthe real figure was £6,980.

Mr. Oo Vesian, Superintending Engineerto <Mr. Modhedle. tho agent is England lor tho(HJennebic/ue Contracting Company, stated, inreply to (Mr. Fitzgibbon, that Mr. Mochelleprepared designs for a ibrid^a over tho BiyerSuir at (Waterford, at the ado of the oxiatinstoll bridge; ho had got a plan prepared fromMr. Mochelle'6 design ; this bridge iw/as de-signed to carry 23 tons road rollers, and thefootpath 1401bs. to the square foot: thoro .wereto be ten spans of GOft. and two more spans;the length of the bridge would Ibo CJ&ft: iaad-•way 32lt; two footpaths Cft. (Un. eaci.; thetotal cost would be £22,000.. . To Mr. Jefferson—He and Mr. ilochollohad boon pushing the Hennobiquo aystem,and were engaged on the patent ; he wasgiving evidence as representative of thopatentee; the concrete portion of tho j bridgewould cost £19,000, exclusive of approaches;ho had not built bridges of ferro-concrCJ) «ver600ft. in the United .Kingdom ; meithorldid hobuild a fcrro-concret© ibridrjv, the piles ofwhich •would have to be driven down 38ft.into the mud ; he made ' no soundings inWaterford, neither did be settle the.' exactBite of the bridge; this estimate <wos a pro-visional one; during- the building of the newbridge the contractor would use one-half ofthe old bridge. _ ;

To Mr. Fitzgibbon—Thero would be no diffi-culty in carrying out the construction «f ihobridge in that way ; (bridges of over 600ft.had been put up outside the United Kingdom.

•Lawrence 'Farrell, in replj fi'.to. Mr, : ttkman,stated that since 11696 tie hod 'been overseerfor the Bridge Commiesioners: previous tothat ho "was their foreman tori thirteen years ,so he had been in charge, of the bridge fortwenty-four yoars; there weo an opening inthe Ibridgo of 41ft. wide; .be mover knew anydolphin to (bo at tha bridge ; tho depth, ofwater at the drawbridge at iloW tide Trias *'aboutSoft ; tbo greatest depth od water at lew tldowas at the north «ide, it . vrss (from 30 to 33ft.

In -the course of cross-examination Iby iMr.Gordon, • : ! ¦ I

Witness said ho prevented the (Dunmoromotor :wogi?on going over 1 tho bridge.

Mr. Gordon—Why? * : ' 1¦Witness—Because it was loaded with fish.Mr. Gordon—And do you object to fish,

going over the bridge?—(laughter). " ,Witness—TNO, oir; ibut tha people that have

that 'car camo to me and acked could theyput thirty passencrers on it and bring it overtho bridge; J said " Yes," and it passed overthe bridge as a passenger car, Ibot then tboy!brought it up laden with fish, and turned itinto * wnggpn , and ae a waggon propelled bymachinery it .was 6topt>ed, ' !

Mr. Gordon—Why did yquislop it? 1Witne63—On the same principle, as a trae-^

tion engine.' " . * , , ¦. : '! ' • ;Mr. Gordon—/Was that 'witWa thfl twenty-

three years- that you vine connected with tne•bridce? . . ' ' ! ' : 'i ': .

Witnes3—Certainly. ! • ':" ' ¦! " ¦ - '!To Mr. Konnn—A ecven jton gun carrlsgo

passed over the IbriJgfi. ! ![ ; ' ,Sir llobert Gardner stated, iri! reply to Mr*

Honari, that he was a metribeff off the "firmof 3fes6ra. Oraig1, Gardner, aridi' ICo.. auditorsBnd accountants, "Diftlin:: ho slnd nis reprei•Bfcntaiives mode an exflminatlonl of th« booksand accounts of tho Watirfard| Bridge' Cqm-minriionew for tho twenty; ycart commoncing,4he list January, 18P6, and iaftorwnrda com-pleted that examination, Ibringiiig it down totho Slst JJecember,iil 90fl; .from that examina-tion 'Iif conld (rive the court' the proffts fromthe '."bridge and iferry for ; tho twenty years;the met ¦ prtffits for that period | amounted toX75,2« 10B. f id; last, year the! proflta were£3,721, •and the average, profit -was! £3.760per annum for +hc twenty] year^. 1 ;

i Mr. Bonan—What .-waa ' tho iaveratfo sumexpended on the maintenance of the etructureduring •Che last -twenty years? ;.j ' , '! • Witness—Th« expenditure Upon tito' bridg«for too .twenty years <wag £34.130' 3s. 3d., andthat does not include tho iwiajw ct ferry jne*n ;tho AnalysJa of . fhat expenditur« «"how«—jnrages, £13,04(1 9a, lOd : that , n<> doubt, incln.lesall ihe maetei arid there la 'a1.portion j ot thatwhich -would not be for maintenance; of \h*btructure ; chanririf: M ! it)? iraj iro8,,!epa £150per Rtinum T«ld to those , four meri *ho liftth* draVbrii-re nn<} look Bftor the l>n d<re, itgives an awrnnre of. P.(W p e^ annum as theartna! cost; of. the liininf/'Pup'ce 1 and Wncwoil<Jf the' bridtre; 'Mi* T5rfr?ov '•rVmrnkiioners"cd'tt In the law PU;< in <Tj>f^ndIoR- thei;> !rfchttitnotbted to £4,237 ISs'. KM- -: i ¦" . '- ¦>i toross-examlned' bv . Mr. ./Oor^on—(Do<» thefaet at property pi>H<r. .t«Vfin i hy- <>ompu1floryptrchase increase ' lf< intr 'n 'ff fnltwfHr/o-. ' . ';

i !Do- 7<ra coneidet th-j t if f^Tvrfvj M t«k«jirein' -which «a inoo-n-.o h j <f«Hv*d,' !th9 '«njnj"¦' - ; : ¦' :¦ ' - :

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that oiight to' ;be given, .say, at 3J, 3}, or A/per 'verlt., 'which Should produce thje samo in-come irroopoctiy&'oliiie1 durability lOiithe pro-pertj from which th'at':incoiD©.i8 j derived?—OerUinly not. . i ' ."¦ ¦

i (Do you also consider that tid fact, that acertain, dividend has <ibeen pai<i by a concernfor a long number of yeax3>ia sufficient guar:anted ' that! that -is • going to. ¦continue?—lOertEinly.

¦ • ¦i. ,¦¦:-. ¦¦ ¦.- , . . - i 'i "

. ¦ ¦ ¦ - . , .'

Wt ai dividend .did tho -National, suraocoCompahy jpay?-Hl.don'jt ktiow. ." . :¦ "

DklnTt that j Company for many yeare payvery high, dividends?—Yes(i and ffif . the ' sameclass of business iwaa looni^nued. ibtee largodividends would , be,.payirij to-day. , ' ¦' •

Isn|'t there alwayB 'ai ;element ! 01 uncer-tainty about a. case liko this?—iNb'. ; ' '

(Do 'you conedder, (that ,if all 'tfb!e cattlolanded at thoTiorth fiide...aasuminsr that theywere taken to SJoselare, Would nit ! that' bean ekiment oi depreciation in." connection' withtho bridge?—Well, if you , itook. away all thetraffi:. of course, there would be'no 'profit.

In the course of further!crose xaihlnation,Mr J. J. feely. Town Clerk, who - was flit-

ting at the table; opposite;lie iwitnees- chair,remarked that the witness was-being1 promptedby © le of ihis 'TepresentativeB. •¦ • : •

Wi inees^-Wny do you iiternrpt me? i ;Mr IFeely—'And I -will as; long an this thins

goes on. ' ' ¦ ' « ' ¦¦' ¦ ' '.

Wi iness <hotTy>-<n yon do, 1 -will, give youa (bit of my mind. > ¦ • ; • : : ' .

Mr Fcely («icited]v)—(I •shouldn't give muchfor ,your mind. He has no right to Buggcstthing3 to you. <Ii you gave me a bit of yourjnin<] you would not have much. left. .

Wi mess—Ho bas a perfect right, to truijEcst.and '.'ST. Gordon, I am sure, has no .objection.1 Mrt i Gordon—I •will.accent what" the .other{gentlaman Bays as if ho was in the ,'witniaa

Wiineas—&o would I a great deal fiodoerthan I would this fellow's (Town Clark).1 Mr ¦ Gordon—^That will do now, fight yourown battles between -oa. ' ' •: ' !¦¦ |Wi ineas (to ,1MT. Feeffy)—Now don't' meddlewith mo again. ., , " ' ;i "

, Priaidenit—I think we -would get 'on a greatdeal better il we avoided this. '

MT . (Ronan-nLet us. return1 to the cool atmos-phere we wero in before lunch—<langhtor).'Pjre^ident—Or open some' of the winidowa—<laug hter). ' ' . ¦

Th, i witness, in eroee-examination: <by 3ilr.Jlom n, said His thought it only reasonablethat a lady with a £300 share in the bridgefihou ' d bo allowed a little time to look aroundfor a reasonable¦ investment. :• u. ¦ ¦¦ - i

Mr Midhaol Mnrphy (leaaeo of tho bniratoils) said, in reply to Mr. ! Gordon, that thecarrying 01 coaia "across >ine over in carieswas in invasion of the tolls; but as the trafficin tbjat way was not considerable be wouldnot enforce the toll. ¦-• . 1

Mil Joanaa 1*. Chaytar.i in ^^ply,,to Mr.Bon&n, stated> that - ha bad conaidoroble ex-perience in Stocks and ahares; he heard fiomSir Eobort Gardner that She net prcifiis of thebridge for all these.yeare lhad .boaa eutficiontto pay a dividend of iH per, 'cont. 'per annum,

,&o that the owner of £JO0 eh ore 1 received l£12a yey, plu? Income! Tax. ' ." ' . '

This 01080(1 the case for I the .Bridge Com-miaaionerB. , . ' | j ¦ • ,

Mi', Gordon, opening tb» case for the Water-ford iOorporation, eaid that they',' had hearda good deal about .the bridge) (but >whst theybad 'lo come down to,' was [a little more: pro-saic, namely, what waa to be paid for .taKingthis piece of property. TJiey hadf Ihiard agood- deal about the recent enactments inconnection -with the 'compulsory purcjhase oflands, but there was no. difference Ibetweenlandfl and the! property of the Bridge Com-miesionere. They did notl !.want: the bridJofor the purpose of benefitting; any one indi-vidual or community, but it wad for thebenefit of a huge slice of line1 Soritti Eafiterucorner of Ireland; Quite xetsently a great rail-way combination lhad: (beenj formed,, and Wa-teriord -was in direct communication, witj i portsin ; England.r |Two things .iKad recentlr i»i<pened—one was that 1 the railway companiestad 'constructed a-systeml'fby1, ^hicb., tratliewould be carried past ..Waterford ¦ direct toEngUnd.' and i it was oniy; q, matter of a ehorttime.until these companies [would put cm theircattle and goods (boat, ard when they didthit all the traffic from ttye •western portionof -the county |and all the traffic landed at ihenorth side would be carried right through' toKoWtare, and iwould not oroas the toll: bridireat 'all. . Then [the money that -froa go't on thebridge in respect of the cattle would cease,except the small 'portion that was paid forcattle coming to and going from, the fairs .Continuing, counsel ,eald Ml .tlhat 1 could, beawarided for tjhe propertyl'wonTd'lbeltho priceof its shares. ] In cempenefttlon/cas^g of thiskind; ihe ipointed out,,.wh'at ^was!invariably tf >twas 'the market value' of thij property, and thebest) proof they had , of;'[the |instability ofthe' security in thUcaso was the fact that 81of tlie sharesl were !hel jby ladiee,1 ifor litheyall knew that, ladies like these) : usually ' Wentfor a| high ratf of interest almost jregardleas ofsocurity—{laughter). ; ¦ ! , ¦ ; i ,

¦ ' < \ '. : " ¦

, ' ¦¦ ; :!

-Counsel baa tot concladed when tie courtadjonrned until to-momorwj .at llOJO.i ; :isecurity—^auffhter); j The net ivihie of a sharein this ibndsrd .would be t£0SO. were it mot iforthis i arbitration. £200 -was the-'high watermark, which value it-was .stated , irl .evidencewas ;put on it by the; deoiston ol the!Court ofAppeal, but xe:(counsel) held th,at ; that va.Tuewaa Eiven whnn the ehareholdere thought; thatthe lbridge1 .was going: to be taken by compul-sory! purchase. ' S» eubmitted that: the actualvalue of the jbri dsre was 300 timee £160, andhe did not think that th© CommisBioners worenot 'entitled'- ito sol much] He; intended topro\9' by evidence,1 evfcrvj.hinirtha.tj '^e! hodsaid- about , the depreciation ofi these'shares.He ' rould examino Mr. [Price, Erigi^eei't b theCorl JIailbour : Board;, «vb.o would ief l 'themthat even to I keep lie .bridge in Its present©om ition would ; involve the .expertditare/ of avery large sum, and aleo .that the (bridge aa itetool -was ineufflciepti for Iproeent day: ,traffic.!Tn < onelueion. ha 8oi4 thM eren ii jthe 'Comiimsi ioners. Were ; left j their bridge then; in-06m i in tie lutore |would he) very-MeeArioud.

Tie court I then adjourrjei Jtain 10 0 to»roor ow;., ' ¦ I s ¦¦: ^ \

¦ -¦ ; l t - '""i ( H \W\

. ; r . TSB :' .qaas^T {_ ;gaiy -'.qyyft:}-¦' { r- \¦ :B'0Tfl)iBNJS . 8iIL-:6K^i0IN!tMBj iffl willcur«T Itching after , one apilicallorij j 4vi tonever r form < f ; Eceerqa;' liaaia : oldt ! Wem*ahd 8ore»: abt* Hie ;a :cTJAnn;!ori t«idae»i t•ia I ifallible: tar PJ1«8; prevent*! <Jtit»,TrMnfestetins;. irfl :.core wnifwgrin t e Ujiife fr dtaW tTamJvea the most orMn*te' ESrttpWW andScur 17: .corei ':..0UIWj«fa« -Bw«i!f if r »gi

BExlTtf. "IM Qntaftto Mgw*' warn

\\I ^:iiffii |!|ii• Dv aV' forwl tij»* ;jw*veto - nof i Wtin An

jp ¦ * " ffe., .; ij i»f ;;}1SH v ^{ig ;.

! ¦ • - -N ¦ ' ¦ ¦: ipj 7 : ¦ '¦ |i :l. - i : - ! '- - > { ij- .i f/f ^

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//if i.-.vi

- ." ' - | . ' .' ,': ¦ ; . ;: i . . .; . ::!-

: FTOBiac BQaams 'asp im, iw; j ' •

NajMCE . FUtBUESlHmNG; IHB 503 .ASD.) : PHACE OS] litPDir. ' . ' . '||

i BbjBAI*;D01S!I5BflXir cOtJlSiQELS'OF '•I CJA!KBK3K'«N^SpiBjC^.;.l> .;a <:«id:'9!.NGOty OE 13 iHlhiK j '^Hiy : i Hyfjy , 't w j krtA

iA'\idi't ,of vthe : Aocounts of the, above-naipedCourucila for the flma.Tiiprin] pezdod ended': Itbe30thlday of Sepftemlber.. 0003, will be openedin tie .Board-room,, Wlorkhouse, by 'A 1. .A.Flyrin, Ssq:, Local. Goyeiiuneat Auditorl onthe fith, day of May, lflOT.' a* the tour- of 11o'clocdj • .; wlienr; And , irliero; objex^aons to anymatter contained in theis&dj eeveral. Awwoatewill | be heard. The Aocoui.te will be o;>enduring af&oe' hours to ithe inspootion of all.peroinp . interested for sever daya before theAudit.; M - • ¦ I - ' ' . ¦ • '. i ,' ' iBaiod the 2nd d!ay of May,-1190(7. ¦ i l

. , I •¦ i7kuiiS?B, ' ' i ¦I

¦ Cflerk of the Counci 1.


^OTBCDdB FUBMSHIliNXJ '.TESIE 'AINID HliiOE.¦ • ' o i iup ai


AudK; of i the! Atacounla-jof bhe Guardians ofthe ilbore^iamed1 Union I for the -Half-year, en-ded the ;30Sh ' day of September, JS08, will beopented At : the -Board-joom oi-tie Wtoridjouseof the Unaoa by i Ji. iA'i- Flynn,; -B?q., LocalGovdrnmcat A/UdatOT, on- the! 9tb. day of May>

HCO Ui 'at the hour , of: ia.:o:'caoci;, .when |:''m4' TThcfo dbjootdono to any matter :oontaineo in\%h& iiid caverol Ateounta wj ll be ¦heard. {TheLiovxrtMWE will be . open during office bqureto ltl)& inapeUtdlon d &1I porGOms interested forceveii daya before the Audit. .

l ODflrted the 2nd day oil Ma{r,.19O7.Oerk of the Union.

¦»' v - | - ¦ ' I

' '¦

"-Fcrm 8.—liErylam Aocount3 Order, 1333]


¦ PJLACB OPliAlDIDaT. ¦• i- : - j • •


HIaif«Ye3J ending ihe SOtih day ofSeptember,. 1SC8,,. , . : .

KX IBMIB ,T3 ¦ \HIrTRJBBY. GgJViHN^ thail inpure iaa»e:.of the. Aayhim j^iccountB Order,1G30, a oopyi of thej HaJf^Yeariyii-Abstracl oftho ilocoun-U> of the above-named. Aeyhun* to-«wvhh4r unlth. the • Ledff«r fttiH rtthAr T&mfea i «.T«Scpcedted at <tho. Board Boom oi the AsylTrm,and {will be open to be;inspected, examined,and i copied .by, or on behalf of l anybodyj or.person interested therein; at .any reasonablehour of any day (not being Sunday or s(Bank Holiday) wMn the ;CommiateQ' ia Inotedtting, until : the Tth day oil May, ,1307. 4^that I on the laeWoemfrioned day tha audit oiithe feadd Abcounte: will"M 6pened b/ A; A.(Flytai, Esq.., at the hour,of -Ul oldooK; w^ ienand jwihere cJbjeotioari to liny matter contai ledin. the eaid several t£cdc>uai6'm£U be head.

Dated i the 30th day of' April, 1907. :: ' jj 'Av -aJUKHHKXBr. ;

ISeeideat . Medi'cal; Superintendenlt.

, | Form aO-<ArtiqlQ 23); ^


J ¦ . .i ¦ i ' ¦' ' j , • , ' | . ' - -

NOfltlGB BUBMSHING TOMB AM > PLACE. i : . - OEVAUMflT*,. ¦- . . - , : ! ,t¦ fNKyniOB IS OHHBaY : ChEVEN, ¦ that' |the

Mudlt of the Aboouata! of the above-namedOouacdi for tharflnanici'al Inetiod* ended-the30th! day of Morcb and| 30th day of Septem-(ber, 1903, mill be opened' Jn the • OpiutyOou^cdil, Offioee, ©ongarvany- by: MfM 3>.\ B.Sheoban, local Government:! 'AiuaStor, On *heUtfth [ day-: of May, lW.' at ' tlvs hour of eleveno'clock; when and TViaere 'ofbjacttoha toiinymatter oonitairied '¦ in the ,! Kadd Beveraii Sic-counts will be' heard1. ¦ fThei.Aicaoun.te will beopeii during ofQce'hours 16 [the inspection ofall persons interested .for seven days beisrethe lA/udit. . ' . ' , :j : , '. ' ' ¦ " ' - j .

Bated the let 'd!ay of Mdj>.; 1007: : |. W. ; G. PAUI.,: Secretari .

¦ ¦ .1 ¦ . ; - ¦ ! . , T ' I ' ' '' -, ! :

oaiTNTY Bcmxucrs.OOITNTY B.OfBOUGH 0F|i WATEKFOED.¦ ¦ I V I - : —- --" I ! ¦:¦

"¦ ¦ . M • '

Si ind 35 Vic, Cap.. 163: !10 and Ofl Vac,;, I Cap. 34; *1 and 43 V3?.;: ;Cap., 52. j [ •


TUBSaXAnr, the 7tb day of MAY,' 1307, Hates,bia liereunder coentioqed1, -pjarBuant to • theproTJiaianB of the dbove A/Mei iare' albout toIbe xpade on the property situate in the' aboveOormty Boraujbi except tWat] portion ot eameknot^a :a» 'Ferryta nk' ¦ • i> | |

¦. : ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ : . . :

f Tlie EAtcBiare to tj oreri the : expedilui«i ofthe Wafer Supply of the ed* County Boroughiip. to the a^h-SeptenAefJlOOff;. and .are as<U1! / Uo a.'_ ' ' : ¦ ¦

. ¦ . ¦ ' I . i . : . - . I '

A, Public Water Batejjl' thb-'fi. ' - ".

¦' ¦ ¦ '' ! ' '

:' ) ¦. - ¦; ! ¦ ¦'¦ < ¦/ l / \ •

. . (A i DknneafcJc Wlater Bs (e ol Kve i P« ice•

¦ ia .the £. ' . ,| } ¦ ,.! ' :. :. : 't ,i . '¦

. A rStatemefLt of the propo Jed Uates: is ' iiowdeposited in the Town Cletk'e Office , Tdwn"Hlall, Waterford, and , may ib6 inspected- upto ia olobck on..the:eai<j rtb day of May^JWi by/ any Bitepayer oniony:- .infervidniDgCB>J (except iSunday) d-urinj ] of&» .'bouii. ' ;'> '.' . ,- i

¦' ,:¦. ! - .•»

¦.; "-: JAliTO^-a ' -ipJEEPTv !. ' > [ .

' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' I- ' - r : ' ' . ' ¦ • ¦'¦; i - > - ; - . K - -Tbwn' Cleri. ¦:

;.| Dkted -Khij arrih day' .oi A^rUi.iOSoy., J ,;.;

ij - ' . • { ¦ : ¦', '¦ ¦>¦ !¦' • ¦ ' : ' - \ : : .-. -:Tj Th" DiTO5Gi¥BVI.lN.Rt7Ili!Aa

UL ¦' * ¦"-A.. "'" '"'- ' '"' . J ' ^ i -


¦ ' . 1'| r ' , ' , .AOI.--1B9S

,T(M WfflQp 'J>B !• (rtlKFDElBiYtwNin^itVBn 'Banal 'D6Stni!ct, <'of tibe powew conferred1

oh>7 of ui6 . Intoc*i<wa- Kfl«w¦>Adt. <lBe6, h^ve made AH\0eU btoiBbra*) Farer; in 'the'east J watSfiaMe -trorJer-tieiv^toM^:W :J < --U&->¦'¦¦£

^ Saiid Oriler, pnall Vbme iiStfSStoFJ-tSB, ¦¦imiim/ -f »anai v ir^ foreO f o r A] Period;?i ;?isiS3s?ijipS


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of Three! Pekoe

¦ oaainsucx.! • ; '(;'mrmicwnQN)tnmi 'ruJnTHN, .thajt Utebuooil, iby] virtue.jQevn-* uy iceclfloA'

e»-r-(JNo{tlDc« ifian)f der, - . ixscrc dfn^ScfcednJe | tjg^PK;i".vii'fj -. <; r 'ito .openatloil ¦ on.7. and staJ. r»-tf^a^.H j&i^i;'


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f . nginteri Millmghii iff »'j v i ' . i 'V] ¦¦; <m\Gmmti:

j ,Agrkuf ioral\Impleikf its, f i ^ \Repmred: { ;; j¦ 'i-' - -l i ;

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!Vv !.' '-'ahr £e pSm f j f "-ir Bit 'W{ff i'- ^''"T|i l , ''. \ l Pronptitt Attended to. ;: i !,. - . i 1 -v '¦ ' ¦

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I f ^;:.j; f ;- -|J-rMgllB]:1;-r T/j^i; :j.-

'BOLfON-arEfiEl*, Waterfordi']

fii -ci0ici¦i :i;' . ;:?ARlS BJII.Li| s

¦¦' ¦WlJLLlAiMi^• in prppawdiio] cxobtiK

aiOIJUl NTAl j i'ANI»!:;l

. XIOCO vOO £3Igt)| tO> M "C.tsndl, {o! receive fcy -potiix.. iPrices, in' - all.^aliQjNlI

•lBatori*t «sod, i j i . , .] j , , :

; VmSLMOi' QAPPNiY "ojojf f itf i UjAiisl tertimonlsana superior. SnUh! 1 of !««CELTIO OEOSSBa AiNI

'! ¦ " I - • ' I ' l l l - i i If 'M

C 3?r-V : V;|iN |; - .- i k - i . •• | • J .-1 . . . : '\- \

• '¦ ! -INTBRl iAtEP /iClXLYA I^Eiy ; ';

:— Fffife - liiiii -¦

' Flotiaryitolo St., DUtfU 'C! :. .

' ¦ ¦ - » • ¦ : ¦¦])• - : ; ¦ ¦ - ¦ - !I ;T: , . .¦

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. ¦ ' BEOT I :TAKI*B; 2XXDATOE3. .; ¦: .' , ¦.. ,- .!AlT7a.y» dn et< ck; iAla> a few Txma Prime ¦¦ ,|

i ¦ - ¦ - . .. :¦ ', •' -llaa ff .;. : . j .- . , ' , . „ ;, ¦ ]: ' : i l . - . ' i | . ¦' " I i ' ' , '' . J i ' .i

POUIiTBlY.— Buff OrpJastoalBitUnss; 23. 7d. <(oajrriaso-.paid) .; ! ••- . '.p'! ¦:! . | - ¦. • i ; '- ,'.. . . - . .¦;¦ , |>

: KHBEY OOiwa-A jpew' G«ood Miliera; to;spare; '• : " ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ; > i ¦ ¦ , : i j : ¦ , . . : .¦' I { - . i , . . , j '.;

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. | TO OAPT. iiiREfeTTJHAMILTOfN,¦:¦ Kilmanooi Farm, New- EoC3. • - ' ;' :

' • .¦ ¦ . : f inr .KiJ . :- :.] ; :;:? -¦ ; ¦

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::¦'¦ ¦ m^iSDoss hiaV/oAiEicellently,' - Spee lily aadjj Gli»aply. -¦



;Of ChemitU A*A&mt fet'avflfywlieik.1

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If purchasers of thisfor bndirv eaT aU-Would buy the bestwhich cat ^biti o]btleading Dr ipers, ththe risks they j indpithe inferior qualitieI ! ¦¦ ' : 'A I I'V'" .' .!-

! - FLAWWELI- - ' ' . . I i ;i i ¦: ! '.

made by t bje imariucelebrated t jngcio¦ ; : . ..-.. - .:

¦ sjbeetft

: ' ^RJE ':HTH£

'fHORRoter' . ' ' : 1

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tm^&vniAiFFN-EY-:ij M ik&xa'Cca'Y. .JBjUBiaH! i^P^BLSlt;io£2i-;' NOBS.tooaoJ -citeillttn.1 ; '• ¦ •'9dAm*e,':; tod:.Be3i

j his' ' I received ¦ -¦• th«1 Jox' vtljetelessncV:f he hM .executed) INTBR-LAOrNG

. ' - . i .- '; - ¦'

j. '¦•

uncial materialhe year round.English make*

^ined from all

iy ;would ; avoidbtediyrunvrit.hi of Flannelette.

E&lSTtfeS; . ¦ -•


I '/ i i :¦ • •' •¦

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facturcrs of theihs, TwHis tand

/BEST*;' -' :' : ¦

8tdapedoat(:IveJ20enrr B 'jt rCt.}

iffililll li.¦¦-' • .':: ' " - - - - ". 1-

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...A ..-i:&m<*f tro!BI, itz ,"• I : ' I; -I'-^T—T«» "*» ' '%

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QfcL '»" ¦' ..'OPS

iwickL^sjr: (oiii-¦-: j |V- '- "'¦:p;||:B!M i

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- \- ^!-—-

. ., EsceUeait AoaixaiaaaiaMai

Most > Central'1 for iinQ&e i¦ ' v ;j i | I ' .. fitatLonfl.

I; \ 2J5jh* ¦ Planter; i V' V . : 2Telephone;Kb.. 0128/ '

¦ : f ' - ' : j •-'K ft ifJ'p.V'.'JAlMB.' .' .D

^I^TDlilA'.¦i j

¦ ;'f •r-WATii liV'o

- ThoiOkrgyl 'CommeroinlFd&illoa viflranii W&lerfoiComfort combined with Ifthia Hbteli ltd position 1¦ -¦ rlt ana beoa receatly. rd

¦: • . ; i ; ''¦ ¦, '< \ fiynifanedj


¦I Eloctrio'Bells til

•'¦; - ' 1;8SiEblAl ! 'PKEUfir" TO

.--•. ¦¦..:¦(!; JIBSTA DJIANJ A'.

• . .¦

• .¦ ¦ f ' A.tnilBir

'Swaxofca Hotel,--i Woodst*Vurton ; ' |: j "i v "\''

souma WALES AND soTonriste'1 and - Oommerc

" ¦ i ||; ¦ ¦ ! . I j;

\7Hi- mi

¦ ¦' ¦ '¦¦ ¦ • ". fPcanUyi and Co^


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•Uneqtfailied -u lor i CnosineI ; -fedroomai-Comfort,.(; . ' . *¦: '- :.jModerate T.It ii'^uite ¦con-veiuen'tf t

and business centres of t,,, ,j,, - <! - -i .i..fi. -.i -. .. ,. .AOOO^MOKATIOIf FOB..jdJJBl—Shortest , route . to'Limerick,' arid XhtbliG foibJMtiQiL jrhicfi " "will be o

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oDo NOT BUY mmWe Tested i very many

8impkat and'tha Best. "THJEfU: m.-VULL WOKYXJUBSBDTJP 'BBFOBB B'.' M 1tharo:fai VChiclan,ATiMy^lH^ flKH'llllkfTOTOand the GWSVUlIjHSCX¦Withm a 'tftaiaonable.'diWTLL BE SET UP/AndPurch*sere.' , Alflo,' , Eveand ASarSTANCTB: G1VIFSEE OF CPAEOR. "

Chicxen Feed, ;(Jrii, ¥<At Lonrost- Pricesl ' :. : ' •


I ¦ ' * f in ruT '# IT I PKTJI;, ; !. . ¦( ¦* ' ' ¦ - . * tJSDtt jZOCTj XTOC

THE WATffiFOEI>! PC'= . '! .!!!¦ FLY CO.. LTD,; 1

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i It Ifl ¦j lTnmkf /> iri jhetmade or mnddled. atQuality:1 of oar Bread,3mMj stia ;>3Al|: .;r |;

• 'Mad©!: from .tie retryiby local/eWUedl labourhere. I This-is esoentialljit a-tiiaJ.-. -:- ; ! ' i ; ; |- ¦:., City Bakery, H2j;h-6treCreamery Butfters, NewIrfeb j Bacon galore. ;. . i

' Prices !to fiuit ererybodEpan^Si IfoQses.TB

. j v i. oBd j O'pdiiner- i

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Qentlemen,: •JJO"irfll find «rcnt

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ujhOTit. ¦ ¦

BO-ABDIrca.BACfDEp;; • ¦ ¦

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rotirietpess.rn ,: now open: fC7>


il:; Men .visiting;

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iOTJBLr ; imercialj . ¦

and Wines,: Airy'sftnUneea . apd)iff]. '-Trains,': Steameit5 .f+yV. . 'JYCOiSS. - . ' j .

Kallarhey, Oori iIntjeniatiorial IS—isnsd next month.

• ' I * - : - ' - M

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ioro oeleotijij tbaiOHE AND-_8ES

AND SATISFYnraiG." ¦ : ; ; - ' • ( ¦o: tiift E j t!iai3: bring it out;BE-wiU war it.:once 'M1AOHINE3ut to rwoxk JosUNSTBUOTIOKTO BEO1OTTEES

iirja- Tronsh*, oto.»i | BY PABCOEa;


lists. :. - ¦' ¦ : - l ; !

fliBY; AM© HUP*

lULE.,!rMthe ' Laws aroWestminster,! tihond Confectionery;

£t! Irish Producta.I -PTothing foredgn!Eo'nje iRule. - Qivof

J Prize Bairy aniLaid .Bjgs,. &nd\]/-,| .| ;' ¦ • :: : . : - ;v |

»g8jTQ3t^ \< ¦ .; ':: I

iZfP-;- ;<:;;;iJ::--;yiAS . FL.yNN. -.jj i . . . . . ¦¦ .. . . .

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0WlD8 F8 !"»! meetings jwe shall »-

-^ aday - Doncaster, | FolkwUmei j aa.1' "itf

l y-Kempton indlUpon.. " '¦

j Saturday—Kempton.Pjho Parka^aSipon.^craoAN SUCCESSES: i ? ::o;. v^i: - .. :. „», \r • t?gan i* © Iwinnem at Nottingham•on Mon y, The fcbemlst securmg theNoiro*-f^ng Steeplechase >nd Donna CtUUna the-i£ S Bow Selling Hurdle Bace. He aSo hAdJWQ ;wlnnlng mounts' on| Saturday on Do BeQuick ana RedpCloth' .at SanaoW'The "four

p awtho

jyopcrtyot Mn O. Hodgson.':¦ Ei. it. Morgan stoered pawn to victory la the-fcoxhontew 'Chase at Wcjsqester on Tuesday.-ALLJIRELAHD HTJRLIHG FINAIi. '..";will be .remembered jthat;on April'. 14 the-Ireland final , fchichilald betwoefl Oork (8t.flnbarrs) and Kilkenny (Erin's Own) was playedinTfpperary, and resujtyd In » victory for Cork,¦4fco score celnc—Cork. 5 coals 10 notats •. mi.V™L?' .3 &oaiB lsi P010 Kllkeany has nowobjetted to Cork being awarded the match, andtbe secretary of the Erin's Own H.O. has lodgedthe following objection: |On behalf of Erin'sOwnj H.C., Kilkenny objects to the awarding of

the All-Ireland Championship to Cork, onlhe:grpnndsxil the latter hiving played with thalr<*im| a player named Daniel McCarthy, who wepropose proving at I your next mooting as beingto the service of the British Government by thefact of his at presentdrawing the pay of reservist(EoleS, page 9, cluba). The objection Is groundedon; the following rule:—"!That police, soldiers,•Bailors,of the Roy<d Navy, militiamen, "or pen-sioners of the constabulary, army, pr navy shallnot be allowed to play hurling or football underG.A.A. laws." ' | . . ':¦ i .

HATCHES AT DUNGABVAN. ,T\jo hurling andonofootball match wasplayod

at . Dungarvan on iBnhday last. In the firstmatoh Clonea Lower and : Ballyduff beat Dun-garvto badly. In the second match Clones, was-also [successful, beating, Ballydufl Upper by 6goals 110 points to 3 goals 5 points. DunhlUahbwid marked superiority to Tallow In theiootball match. > iULTOWM MEETING, f

There was a capital attendance at the Bouth^Kilkenny fixture on Tuesday, and tbo weatherthough cold was ideal for racing. The going wasin splendid order, and £he committee are to becongratulated on the sport provided. .' Backersbad a bad time, the1 only favourite to score beingMr.Wm. Murphy's] Sesghan Og, a good lookingson lot Cleator—Langoor, who cantered awaywith the Woodlock plate. !

AN OBJECTION. | ' L . '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' : "•"After Annie' Symons had Eocured the Bess-

borough Plato, Michael Vfidger, tho rider ofPodlceps, who finished, second, Objected to thewinner for bumping and ! striking. This wasoverruled, the deposit being returnod.

A BAD FALL.' | ¦ ; • •

\ ¦

.' ¦' '

_ ' ;Mr. T. Murphy received a bad fall whenBetty

r tell in the Woodlock Plate, but fortunately nobones were broken. ;

SliffiTE GALLION'8 ENGAGEMENTS,. Slieve GaUlod, the winner of the. Two T ou-

Essad Guineas, holds the following engagementsithli jrear ; The 'Derby, '9st ; Prince of Wales; Stakes. Ascot, 8st 61b; Ascot Derby, Bat Gib; St.-James's Palace Btakes,!Ascot, 9st { Bous Hemo-yrial gt&kes, Ascot, Sat 61b ; New Biennial Stakes,.Aseot, 8st ; Hardwicke Stiikes, Ascot, 8st 81b;

Knbwsley Stakes. Liverpool, 9st 81b ; 8t. lieger,Doncaster, 9st; JKfngsdere Stakes, Nowbury,Sst l 71b ; and Champion Stakes, Newmarket,83t' 71b. ' - ¦

| . jA rtTBCHASEj - i l l

After her success In the City Plate at Limerickon [Wednesday^ Mr. John Widger. purchased8woct Warbler for 90 EOVS. | .rNStTRANCE OF KACEHpRSES.

On jWednesday, in the King's Bench Division,T>ablin, belore Mr.-JuBtlcoJ Boyd, In a case ofWallig v. Stnrge and others, Mr. Alfred Yoffeyapplied on behalf of tho plaintiff for leavo toissue and serve Interrogatories on the dotendants.The action, counsel stated, |ia being brought byMr; W. G. A. Wallls1 , J.P., of FalryhiU, Black-

' JocJk,;Co. Dublin, against tho defendants, who-. arennderwritere at! Lloyds, London, to recover~£50O bn a policy of | insurance mado by tbe de-•'¦fendnijtB, through thdr agents, Messrs. Coyle' and Oo.| Dublin, whomoro also joined as de-fendants. ' i

hi : : ' -±-* THE POLICY. I '

Tba policy, it was alleged, indemnified tbeplaintiff against tbe death of a goldlng known as

-Great; Central. Counsel-stated that the horse-toetj with an accident at races in Navan lastyear, and in consequence hid to .bo destroyed.Tba defendants denied entering into or makingtha Jiqlicy in question, and it was, in respect of

.thisparagraph that tbe plaintiff now asked for"liberty to issne the Interrogatories. The Courtmade the order. :

WHIT-MONDAY SPOBT8. ; •The) 20th instant will be a gala day In tho

Park, when tho Annual Sports under the auspicesof the' Waterford Bicycle Club are to come off.Everything portends towards success and somevery exciting races may bo expected. I hearon good authority that WilMo Magee, of Belfast,who secured the 'Mile' Championship in 1905, butwho did not defetfd his title last year, has signi-fied | hia i Intention of coming ialong on Mondayfortnightj In which case Lavery, tho presentholder, fts referred to In Another column, willhave-all his : work cut out for him. I am tqld¦iha.te4me of' the crack cyclists, who are to com-¦1pcte,'ttrtl so keen upon their work-that they willcome to Waterford two or threo vdays previousto the 'day In order to put the finishing toucheson theirj training. Colgan, the holder of tbePattison'Cup, will/ it is hoped, como forward toretain the prize, which is regarded as one of themost desirable offered In connection with thesosports.|

¦ . ' |;; | ij I ; ¦


OAE'LIC—KILKENNI FOOTBALL FINAL.The final for the County Kilkenny Champion-

ahlp Football will he played-iln tho Marble Citynext Sunday; when that rattling good team willmeeti Glenmoro. ! Tho latter I reccnUy beat Kil-macow, who in their turn defeated tbo redoubt-able Lamogues. : If, fprm, then, means anything,the Glens should have a good look in for theChampionship, but from all I can learn it willbe anything : but a soft thing i for them on Sun-day-! ¦ : :

' :

!' : .. i i .

' ¦ ! ¦' ¦

HANDBALL. : i. :' "J.3S..," writing in tho " Sydney Freeman'sJournal," says:—"I rejoice at the revival of tbe' good old Irish gamb.' There was a time whenIn every town in Ireland thero was an alley.That! splendid ecclesiastic, the late Arcbblshop©: Cashel, Thomas Croke. was about 1866 theSector of St. Cdlman's1 College, Fermoy, Co.CoTbl, 'and no stronger ; player with the righthand ever-entered an alley-! He played everyafternoon w)th students, then John Savage, ofthe sweeping left, and slight David Barry, goodon both Bides. : As both entered the holy priest-hood, there may be many in Australia who metor knew *tbem;" '; - | i' - 1 > .

I I ; , . J _-o ¦ .¦


The following ¦ takes have been made on tbeKlUamey Lakes: TboHon. F. 8.0'Grady, 181bsalmon ; Mr. J. Johnson, one 101b ; Sir. U.J .Nolan,; lllb.!: A professional, (DJ 8hea, Wiled pno2711b; > Bocently: the largest trout kfllod since1SS4 jwas captured by T, EUiOtt'off thoMuckrossahore-i It turned tbe scale at 18Jlb. I hear thatiherc has been a very approclablo improvement-within the last few days oa thd lower waters of4he Sulr, and that 'some j very fine specimensliave boen landed. . j | ¦ | ^

¦ ' . . ; . : ;THE EBEDATORT ICAT.i | ' ¦

Those who own suburban gardens'ana sufferIromithd encroachment of'the biidnlght pro wr-ing pussy, will rejoice tojbearjhat the DivisionalCourt haa^Ud-itr oifB ithatj the ahooting

of a

Yfitwh intru'dOT liinbt; cruelty, j and 1» not punish-.able by- law. But toe snooung muss po puocn<r*>enough to kill.' Otherwise th^ legal (Uctuni doesBO* apply. Bad marksmen ihteld. note, whflefor good marksmen theffl should be a boom, witha correffbonding alumpin cats.-. Owner* of tbe;!SSS>5 wouU do |w3li;u they pine - ifSTkeeri tt' connned; to Its own quarters, or theScotsman'* f f ? ' Will yond cpme back again,"mget its iisweVin a sa* :iogaUvet as far as

pnssy Is conccrnedu | '¦ J . I - . ; ' • ¦ ¦. . • . ..;

ABBi4AL OF THE BOTJ.CT APBICANS; _r '" Thbfoatott Pacific liner Durham Castle, withSouth. iArrfaan ctioketcn on Ixiard, , arrived


IwotUh etaly'on Weahesday The team didiS«3ari tai< arranged tba« tear should ««*•¦!2Sb£k'»* S«oUuiiii!>ton, H»K«*e;tbAliner *B»

?rhOWMnCEB mm ao w««"-ii D-^TaKi.. manitfer, while thelcapiatn b Mr^

Percy Bb«r-iSjJwhP-wa*Uwniitfethe C*pe.-bat was. edn-^ Ti 3S^ ^AU«» Sated tlia» •lithe

' •V i :i^Sr?Qiw I»v»rac*i«l««-M

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!>; ¦¦ js x gg^ 'ji ' /i

POONTjiENT 'OF ; KEY.' ji HJ HBBLIE,:MA., iS.r>.i -Xip WEank ;CiCiPLAINi'Io:BISHOP OP CASHiiL.' j : t \ > ' '¦

•pSS'-Tafct EejJJliri O;ilani; iBiaho^ oi;Castdl (baa Appointed tie Kevl J. iH. aJfllie.t "rt'^rP- '- ctAr of <Jlo&hcon; 'V>-be riud :iGK &aipe Domestic au'd ibxaimming C5i«p-lain. Bey. 'ilr, O esUe ;*aa oixlained inl(18a3 'ior

^tio.IXiooesan Curacy :©f. lOashel end Bmly.ana was translerxod by! Blahop Day to; I thectt^acy «f , lWatod<wd Cathedral ia! 4© j ejuneyear. Ho has ibeen Eector of Clogtrcen ewce^¦' v - !- i : : ; - l -j -Lr I 'M : W

SESSION-1 ,IN , PASaiGE -^USTT "•Ex"' 'ifflEE¦ OAPufitHiii B&mma. ¦ \ ... i , i :- ¦ - ¦¦¦ ; : -i H—. ; i ¦ j ! i

On, aundsy ia the Paiiah CbOTob. PccaseEast, a tniceion was opei*d by the lOs-pcclunFaihars, aad'tho ccicariidniea. comiicacddj ci.oaU-psat neven o'clock.! I wliea ;a. lan-o anddevout «onigregatio(h filled th« oacred odi£ce.After, the- iBoaary, i one |of , tho;rev. F tfwrepreached, oa eloquent &n<& DUmsj; ccnaqn onthe subject- of T«'mperaiice, thit ceremony'concludihs : T7i& ;!Beiiw! ictoaa at tbe ilcstiBkEBod ' Sacmmebt. : Hia ^« -'vwi I n-^aIbrouc t tola does; on1 , ili^edacsday, ev«nlpj,PELTOWN iiPETTy: BESS to5i9. ! i \ I ! ,

' ! ¦ i»p« ^>™« p ' ' I- ¦ ¦¦ • i 1

Th* (Piltoira P«tty S« ijcas.- ««»; held;'onWedncdayJ irhsa Hr. Th>. oa DOTTCTB, Qrais-avino, i was rworn in a Ji utico of the Peacefor ih* Oouaty Kllk«nny, j tad took ids ceat bntba beach, llr. Dlick £o>Eke, JLM..,andl'Cto.V. Stuart woro alco prcaefau There; were1 booaaca of importance beyoad a f < r x "jdrunki,"doj licenses And. road trecpasa.; 1 Tho; pp6ipt'tawii <& wr, ©overs ia. f , : popular Nf>ne, opdconsraJulctioBfl wore ,plcn ty on Qu> occaaion.

I|HE CITY: POLICE oajJiiB.' i ! ; jLn the City Police Court, (Wednesday, a womannamed diary iLenneaay TJts 'cent to jail i»rfourteen -days ia default .61 !p«lyin<r a. fine; jof10e. 6d., aai Patrick SLatttry ;wa* fiaed &< fora week loi. drunkignneBS. Baveial othcri 4?*fondaula were dealt with .according to .theirmorita, and Ones of 23. Od. exoduated to U-WOTA imivwfy]. ' : . .'..' . .j . M .were impoeed. .- : : . ¦'¦•' • •-' ¦ '' I

BtJKE OF; OOJ;NAUG!rI . ¦ ¦ ; •

A good Btory is coins tbund o! .AH eipcri-enco of the Duke ox Cauuftuc t whiLs he wfuin CaJDoutta. He waa out lor a w&lk earlyone . morning, and atoppctl to tpook Jo xnold eoldier who wore .a .Mutiny inbdat ; "in.tha cArmv yourself?" asked'the old man. TheDuke admitted that b*> y aa. V Gcttiugr inwell?" was tho-next question. 1 ! Xno iDutoreplied . that ihe eeemeO ',& '. bo doing fiiirlywell, though perhaps not eo well as bo coulaliavs wisfiedi "Ho , and you.: mover will,waa th» ' vciemn'e setort. ' "Yon! want fapowerful lot of influence behind you jto makeanytbins' of a chow Lft the dnny co-day. Youtake my tip. and ' «bw?X W;" ¦ ; < ¦

'HOQKXRiiBY 6l»I)0BBa, 3iroT TO E2 HAO.

The committee of the -New 'Boss AgriculturalSociety! finding that honorary officials cje:notto 'be had have decided (to appoint a paidsecretary at a starting eaJary al '££.0. ¦ I


' It is now certain that the | Suko andDuchees of Devonshire will spend tho Whit-suntide Becees at Iism&re Cidtle. Lofdand Lady Besaborough will newain in iLoh-don until the end of the liosaon. -

IRISH CAiRPErB. i ' |: Iriah hand-woven carpcifl aro in great 'de-mand in iLandon, espocialljr iby y uns: icoupUaBibout to sot up hous<>k opin{j.. One well-known iflrm are now eihibhuijj a idosen epeci-mens of carpets made in Ireland, , which areattracting considerable attention, by, reasonof their beautiful dteigns. lExpcrta es3** ">4*in the manufacture ol c rpeu» the .wit andtaffte of the Celt has found1 yet another outlrt,which should -be " a' bounce of fconeideraibleprofit to the country. ; ;

. At the Carriek-on-Suir butter, mirliet onTuesday there were 53 boxes of ibutter foreale and prices ruled from 86s. to 003. jxjxowt; 423. Gd. to 45a. per box. Th« buyerspresent <w«re—-MesBrs. <B. Oourtenay andSon; H. 'Bidgway and Son, (Waterford, acidQAr. T. Foley, Clonmol. : '¦, \



Tha following magistrates, TV*KS in attend-ance at tho iLtamore. Petty (Sessions on Satur-day laat-il ssxs. Wm. On\. BJl. EJiI.. pro>eiding; Eatrick O'Oonnan. James E. •Penros<j,M.V.O; James C. O'Brien, John ¦CroUy, Di.B. 3. Eussell, Colonel Simpson, end Ijeuten;-aniwColoncl Cotton. ; f i' i

John O'Brien, coach'buHaer, Cliurch,-etn»t,applied for jm .order from the ntagifltratosi woompeft two duly indentured apprentiocis cuanped ichael Walsh, and John O'Bourkri t»..ro-tum to -iis employment." ' .

, iMr. lUchArd 'Moloncy, flaTicitoT, Odflmoixi ,appeared for Mr. O'Brien, while Mr. An-thoh;Cwroll, Crown. Solicitor, Fenaoy, T atehotthe pooeodinga- on ibehaH of yf aisii on<O*£ourke. . ' ¦ : .1 . , ¦: . . ;

Mr. O'Brien said all along be was of opinionthalt the employer liad acted generously i W:wards tbe apprentices,. Mr: C<Bri$n was act-ing properly iby keeping them ineidc-ndoors.Because ©y doing eo tuey STOW™ ; m<i umij,c^ol frequenting licensed housca iHe (tho magisjtrate) didn't ¦mind those Acto of ' Parliament ihe waa speaking from expari*noo., i !

ilr. Carroa-(For a man1 of your efcamppTibliohouse3 ought to be .closed tat 6ix o olockj

Mr. O'Brien, JJ*.-d went through tho mill,elr anysali; and I had to I *** *no music, r

Mr. Carroll—Thank iGod thero) rara eulcibthings as Acts of Parliament to protect youngfelkrwa at tho jprosant day.;. ¦ ; i

, Witness—The man on the ditch, is itho besthurler. . . : j

Th« majority of the benca decided to mako.the order Bocgnt. i : ! ¦¦ i ;

Mr. CarroU. or> 'bohalf of ifiia clients, tftated ,they .would aot roturn to' th> employment, ps;toey elected to go to jail instead. Hia clientowere etrangera to iLwmore .but OSnen wftsnot. ¦ Tcere -would; be taori_ about this, »o-;cause from the beginning he! intended to bringit bctar* tie County Court Judge.


In this issue we again report the con-firmation of a dtaltemcnt long oinoej nmdepublic. Tho cordial way in iwhicb th» Wa-teriord resident epokc aftet nearly.' 31; years¦is tie Ibetsit proof any of tio coul* deoore tohare of the permanence of her pood1 fortuoe.

jlit, M.. Doyle, 3 Hennc S3y'e-ro3d, wlateHtori, eays:—"For a long lime 1 1 suffered:from kidnoy complaint: tb« pains in myback and -around my loins were aiaxet morethan, I couW bear. Thor^ was a- dragging«uik In. mr eiie, *ai my- br&alih | wa»i ehoctJ«I kepf getting wo«<f , and -at list had tojke«> to my bed. The d:©adin3 bsckachedeeemed to - take *W" the life and ' go" out ;of mejand brought m» down to a very weak , state.,Many medScin<» I tried «eemcd | unable .tobelp me, for I got no better. My da.u?fc«rjneand Doari'ft baela£ch« kidney pill* ni?hly|SDoien of in tfte town, andf ehe go* m« flometo try. I' enn i hon«6tly aay they bxvo cone¦me he world"of gbod<—ttielpainfi- have.' gone,and I feel batter generally 'then I . hnvo doneifor a very long ' while. 5 !shall tecoroaendtbeee splendid , pills when -I fcear I of 'anyoneis'uflering ss-I id."' . - / ; ' • ; ¦ ' ! . " . i ¦ > ¦ ']

, >U ia getting: on t?r 3\ yeai*' «nce MM.¦T>oyl« made Cat- Jibov* statement. | Our re-,pr«ft6htative! recently eall€<| upoh .her .to en-l5uin» n-hother- ihe-cnire hJkJ puoved a ISAUB J?,one. , "It,h«»,'! declared Mse. \ Doyle. <I am.ftHl enjojin? th« beat, of health. a» I; ha.v«i&!MW»*'I W 3 <wred;by Doan'a pilk.'.';• 'Dwjn'e bwkache ktdney llla'ar* r«liabl«.in every; form : of k'.dney and bladdcri complaini-in 'bacSlche. j. rhemDotisnai djttinto*, .BleoplieBneea, freouenl urinAtione,; dropetoftii¦jwelUnirs; ,in J-wribago. ecia,tioa, w ntrTOM!dlsoraew.; They cure ;grsve}.- ; stone,) 8Bdj¦mdef '¦ lwif i>iM i ':;- iu»/l' - <**nLw you aSainatiBfa' hl'P 'dwaw 'And dJa-beU*', j' !• < ! "i 1"SWF*- H««fk*cbe KiaB& . Httr! *»- '. two!MbalHD«a and hrnepepc* put a»xj (six boxes!W . ttmr viUin©J^MSSP i*J&ftoro tteter-HieClellan Co3i, -8, - • TTel^MjeetJOrford-*tw««> ' London/ W. Eto not forert to!S# the fuai nume, Dpan'BL^ckafb* Kndneyj

i i i - ymv *¦ ' Aa9^c !&v| Sffi9pfSS

¦ ¦¦ ] Iw nojother b|cy<;!e :are, there; 8O1 '.fej»ny- exdu /feajures-f

1 i| ¦ J ,, i- .. ;60 many patented spedalities of prxjyM jutiUty'and mirif 4s iii;7i - i , , itbe Triumph. Fojr Instance— . ' • ¦ ':. _» ; . j'. - . - .> : ; :, -.- .: 'J J I ii; 'i , I 'V. ;• . : " -'j ,j : T6oTrtomi>!i

;EccedtrIi Bi k!ct : i-i8:;cb^ ^ ' i ;' |

,, ., - ' . ' . . . . .. ¦ ' adjusted by one himpIe opOTtlon jirtlhout interfering rith toe . : ) ¦ : }• ' ''. - ' ] u - ': '¦'¦ - . K baiVwhetl; i7^.ea4etttaAtfie, uiU drav*f } t

ireth6d, . .', ,'. '- . . ;

i Tbo TrlninphBandBroke—is band, appUeel—does not bind-r-- '. . ; ji ! • ' ¦ and givp* absolute control, i I ; . - | -. . .

¦ ¦•¦¦[ '¦.

¦, . '¦¦ '¦¦ ' '. . ' > ' . - . , : ¦ • ¦!'.-' k

: Tto TritJDbb ReaUIent Front Pork* aw eufBcleatly. flexible to .: .- . j ; :¦; ¦ ' ' : absorb ftflsratlon li d road Bhbcks.. i- O ' . 1 -. - i.- .:-y-. . . ¦ - .:..'.. r , j : ¦ - i i . M

; O=r Art Catalosua S]1W«M about 'th(a taiy.w««WyOT:a c6py—jK Jt free? '!

1 ••¦ l | ;- ' i -¦, [ : ¦ ¦; . ,- , Erfoc3 iranigo".&om"4P iGsl' io &iQ ,Z% ; . ¦ !¦¦'¦ • ':^i :'

'I : " .. . . . ,. I ' -' Or tf Kujr hyatst itraa io*.: tlMUhif. : ' ' j ; - i , t ,

: ¦

: 'Kotor Cycl» ' ¦» . '. .

¦- -¦

.. ¦!» r . f - i - » - . ... . '£53 :;. . ' . - . 1 •.¦¦ : '

!: .- • :. I Iiimati* IHHII f l m >TMA>» AIMMI lk«n\' jfailirAr >«rrf f *M niMi* '. ¦ > 1. '. [ ¦

_ <f» l- ' wlwft Dol rtprtsstsd ctdt^.tiiU.toecl from wotki tfokoi frea ,¦_32rs\-^: ' ' * -

Tritf ^- . -I <v v.


|v- ' .YV'-'" I " : \ - r \ -

^^6^s/rCS ^a Jwc '! w)P^l B)1BISETOT*:K^ te5)'-: iV^2iN ... W. ' J. doEibNEB. i!H«nri«l|2.nir»et;. Wa erford.::¦'

WATERFOKD ' 50 YEAltS¦ • -• ' ¦ •


¦!:' :-

"iGb.- :

I ¦ ¦ , .¦

.; : ¦ :¦(Froai The New * file of Octobqr 25th( 1857.)


i On-Friday last, in the, presence of crowds oftpectators, at tho Neptunt Iron Works,-Now-town, the launch.of tho beautiful vesselj whichVia boon built thete in such.a fery short time;¦wont off in a very g-vtlsfactory manner. .

I Tho entire proccodinga wore carried out under(ho immediate superintendence of J. Born, Esq.,manager of those- extensive works, and Mr.Murphy, master shipwright, i Tho . beautifulfabric glided from her cradle amid the plauditsof the spectators, 8\<riftly|into her future clement,where we' earnestly wish her; overy( success.She is a screw steamer: of perfect finish/ i'Sho: U240 Xeot in length, and 230 feet in her beam; andLs called the "Cloda.HIti ik said she is Intended toply botweott this pott find Liverpool in lieu of thou Mars," which is to1 Undergo a thoroughcafltting. v . ; : .

; ' - :

. ' I - ; " . ¦¦• . ' ¦ WATERFOBD MlLtllA. '.: At Ecrca o'clock, on . Saturday morning thisfine regiment proooeded en route . 'jJlipsale,County Cork. , Tha . following | offlcors aocom-panied the the men/numbering 330 privates andnon-commissioned officers :—Col. Palliacr. MajorStuart, Captains <Mubb, Meagher, Esmonde,'fit.P. ; Giles, and IJolton. '< Lieutenants Power,Meara, Newall; Green, Ball. 09w , Fitzgerald,Clarke, CrosthwalWi- Paym&»ler ¦ EUlott.A6Blstant-6urgobn Croker, and: QuartermasterWRU. Dr. WiUlam Carroll, ,surgeon of thoroginicst, accompanied them to the train. Onthe departure of the ; regiment, although theriun descended like 1 a tornado, they werefollowed by crowds of people, who cheered loudlyno1 thoy crossed over the Bridflo. Tho regimentleft by a. special.train on tbo Waterford andLimerick Railway .' for Cork. > .The arranging ofthe troops in the different carriages took placeuader the active superintendence of W. L. Payne,Esq., traffics manager pf , tbe line, aided by thesuperintendent's s*sistant, - .Mr. B/ Punch.Col. Palllser . kindly paid tho fare of coveralwomen to enable them to accompany . theirhusbands. The wives and children of tbe raon,to'the number of 260, accompanied tho regiment.A I military regiment Is expected here to replacetbb Wstsrford troopn. i

THE 8AVINGS1 BANK CLOCK.The managers of tbo Savings' Bank would

confer a favour on the citizens If they lightedtbeir clock on the cupola at night. As tho gasid jalrecdy in tho bank tho expense could not bemuch cs 'compared with tho beauty and utilityof the undertaking.

PRESENTATION.On tho 17th inst. tbe Indies of tbo Boot's

CHurch, Beieeford-fctrept , Wrtorford, presentedthblr minist-er, the1 Rev. J. Mackeown, with awriting desk, a pnlptt gown and bands.

RESULTS OF THE . WATEBFOBD. CATTLE 8H0W.At the last meetli>& of the Royal Agrtcnltnral

Botiety in Dublin, thofieerotary (Captain Croker)slid he was happy- to, inform the Council thattt Waterford Committee had upwards of

£500to the credit of their Commltloo, after paying allospen6C3, and besittesj having a groat quantityof timber on tmpfln. i i

FIRE. ENGINES ANI? EtRE-EBCAPES.•¦¦• (To the Editor of: the "News.")

(51r—To anyone who witnessed tho unfortunatecud fatal progrcssof tho ffra fa Messrs. Curtis &Boyle's premises, on lasff- ntgjht, it is unneces-sary to speak of tho total' want of arrangementos concert of action of the mesa, In charge of the" engines." To call those machines " enginos" iaindeed a misnomer, ns though undoubtedly tbeyhave all tho appearance: of flro engines, in noone instance that I am awaro of have they everaubpscsacd. or materially checked a Ore of anygr^a* extent. The fenble and- fitful jets of

wateroccasionally thrown at (rather than on) the are1,'attest their want of power, and the absence ofpropper fittings to ^oablo -them to draw waterhid to be supplied by tbe labour of boy'a andwomen running with: half-filled'buckets to a tubplaced about f ive feet above the level of an inex-haustible supply. '

! There nover is wasting in Watcr&rd on abun-dance of stout and willing hands to assist !onsuch occasions—indcod tho principal difficulty isto: brovent them trctn 'obstructing'eachother,and , running, -unnecessary'• risk.' Then -whyshould not the. Corporatlon'or tbe-dtitons; bypubuo subscripHoris,! provide the town at oncowith a powerful flre-cagtno, suppllod with plentyof hose, toil-pipe, lanterns, buckets, and-all othornecessary fittings. These, with a couple of fire-escapes, ccald be had. for about £300, and wduldform the' first: step toward establishing a wellorganised flro^brigado, who should be properlycompensated for the great risk and Inconvenienceattendant ba'their operations. :

To expect our young men to enroll themselves,as thjeir trflns-atlantio : neighbours do, Intovoltinteer "hoao, hook, and lladdot," or "engino "codpanies, would bfl.flattory. Oh, not theywould Eooner growl and isnarl like , a pack ofhungry dogs over the iUsposol of the half devoiircdcarcase of comb'petty municipal .or governmentofloo, than'think of soiling their 'delicate hands'to rescue a fellow-creatuto's life by " a littlemaaly exertion. Mora anon.

. I ¦ i ALLADDIN.Oct. 23rd, 1857. ..' ¦

^/v^QX/ I £ci Infants,o-v/ ! ^Invalids,

litj tb6Accd,i. - i

¦ '¦ . ¦

Tt* piiticclv -szi nnportantfcisso ol Bc=ia*i .Food hti;t it ccn b


to tdt

Ji7 &STC3 of dlsestive pmrcr,cccer&3 to the ecti"1?1 onczA tia. la'thh i7ay it vrisa¦

\rff \ »«;Mv end tircE~iK.;: . . i ' . . !' ¦ ' '

; . "

" ' ¦ ¦ - ': ' I

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' ; . j .¦

Vh *LatKd * ] dacrlitt . 'tl '.o - \. ' .'MrJUsisttioimiriM *p rtpmMon ?. .) '\ : :¦

-V-: -:- ' ' , ^::¦¦

'?- ' :;!^r^':'


¦. The ilarquij 'of Waterford. coimnandingifl»! 6»ttth. -of j ilrebind . . Impprisi .. V««jnitnry.haai'ibeen etanted. th« . .honorary.. irft.nk;. , .q!Odtaeli ¦ • ''¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'L_J ¦' '¦ •¦ ¦¦ -

;- '; :"/.».>i-"V '.-


I/tUi Gmt EAibiliM wfll U* Tlwtcd br ^hxminii 'el tboo «U; &W*Q btrtt <J tht s

^m^^mr ,. »d«c«.' tuT7Art p aittOti! ItM touffcp l : . •,;: 'ore |<

1 ««t»yi'w»nA : i ' '¦' ' . [ ¦ ' ': j^SIG,iBA t)SrfCOliCBRTfi;' i ,\¦ ^ ¦ ¦ r i , 9 * - I t | - j . t - |

WitCTvfmtt, SwltctUtk, «nJ «1I tit' \. r. ; <} "-M ! f ww •tttwu'Mii. |. -

¦¦ . * • ' ¦ ¦

The D Un Eihibition is the• Irijh ftature this year, r

- •: ;,'• ; :



• *• • •• [ ' : : ¦ • : ¦ " ¦

¦ i ' - .;¦ '- : - A

1 ' 'I-' ¦;!' ¦! >yUv'' ' ' - ': '¦•¦¦-'. !J - - X '¦¦! . ..I I

:!!i!t:;• :". '

'^ KiLMACTHOMAS ¦ UWiBj Ji'^ K! '• ;¦

¦ ' ' ¦. -I• Mh?a9" own- -BJBPOTiaa]. !.: ' ! ¦'¦ jv ;!¦ -


- | ) Su'i ¦¦ ¦ - . -»- - .


j ,-<¦ ¦ [ , ¦' i } ¦ '

: Ttt» ! Weekly, meetinjj oI-U -tabove.-.iboardwas . iold. on Tuesday. Jttr^ David' Gleeeph;Chairman, presided, and the ^Qiei1 >menJberflpresent Iwero—iMeaars." iMi ihaiol Byrne, - V-.OjMichael Poyer. Ballylantea JJohi'JDrobaa,M3onael| iPowr, Adramaaoe; ¦' nomae-.Tobln,ManricoiiFoleyi Prahaj Ja neu ¦ 3offey/ ,l>.y.O;jamas Power, Fewa.' ' , . , !

Th« union "6f&ciaIA .¦«¦€!« also in tt&ndanceaa lusual. ¦' ' ' , . : • ::.:


¦ '. i < i ¦ ' - ! > i '

: ', ' |,HOME-G(ROWN ' KXBACOO. ¦ , ! (; The iesQlution of the -Na- ran Union was read

expressing itihe hope- tiw t other (boards of ,guardians in Ireland wonl< , oa lthey had'don©,!purchase • tome-grown tob: .coo |fpr:«se ;ta tb,eworkhouse, i . ¦' ... . ; , •

¦ ' . ¦ ¦¦¦ -. ; „ . . ' '', . ' ;;i .. '¦ ¦¦

' Mr. Power.propoeod, <ahd Mr. Byrne eeiond-«d, and the resolution was; .unanimously:adopted; < ¦ ¦' ¦ : , - i - ¦: '

.' ¦' ' !• - 'N EW j^sPEipraR. ;

The Local Qovernpi nt JJloard wrote intimat-ing that from iand -after lBt ;May|the!uniduwould be1 *>U<«d '¦in-:' charge of Col. XMwodd.

1 ANAliYSISOP DiBUCrS. ; ¦'. ' < [i. 'Mr, Thorpe of Ximeri ik. submittedv his1report upon*;three camples 61 drum, ;that .were.sent to ibe analysed1 from the Kilmacthom&sand Stradballv dispenaarit », and frosn th« «Kport they all appeair tp bi ijenuiTO, , Jfe alsoreported upon -three earobfes f Beat Iroro the'KUmacthomas.' and KlU tttoonssrica. and.they, too, ftppear ii '.bii gertuine. -.- ' - ' ' '.. -

, ' m$ED OTJT 'CHIIfi)BBN. 'llr. Jfoin OoEfey, ;R.O.. t ent in.a coport on

tho boy Pater Power ¦who is hired out withXlf. <Buck3ey, land it appe us that itt'. is 8«(t-lhff on very welh .

Mr. Thomas Power, BJC., also reported onthe gdrl Mary Lyndon wh'> Is hirwi out withWm. O'Callaghan, and eh > is doing well.

^ OMRCHABaE.Tho.Clerk read the foil >winff:—•

iKilmaoKho: naa Union,S7th April, 1907.

8ir-.WitH reference! to ' the letter fromM, esare. Sumner and. Co., 1 ,td., reepecting..thedeductions made from the: r account, as con-tractors for medical appliances ana drugs,I have to inform [you that the articled re-quisitioned by me are on the pwsfibed list,and tho- advertisements ma le by ithe CterB areio order —Yours obediently,¦,¦ . - , . • . , . . . , THOM(,\S SHANAHlAiN.

It wab oixiered that a copy of. <3iis.be for-warded to Messrs. Sumner and Co., Ltd.

AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS.:Tho Clork said he: had received a. telegram

from Mr. Flyun, anditor,' requesting him topublish notices that he will attend;et Kil-macthomas Union on Wednesday, .let . lijtay,for the purpose of auditang thO: accounts.The Clerk eaid he had the notice juet In Vmeto have it advertiaed.

BEOREN. STONES..Clerk—We have only t«o tenders ifor the

broken .stones. One is from "Mis. Cullinane,iKilmacthomas, and she t mdere iaz all thebroken stones at Od. per .lidd. . The other, isfrom Air. Shanahan, and he tenders for 20loads at La. 'Id. per load. 1

It was ordered that Mr] Sbonah'anvget Qt>loads and that iMxs. Cullioane get the re-maining quantity. J MASTER'S .BEFaBT.

There are four pias fit for sale. 1 would wishto know ia it to the market or cellar J wil}have then eent.—Committej af the guardiansto coo the pigs and giv« d rections ae 1o thedisposal of ibem1 . , . : • . • .: . .

Would require six etoia biga wben;ltiQe re-mainder of pigs on hands are disposal of.—Xhe iltjater to purchaee ejore piss.

? have lodged to tho credit of union accounttbe aum d XI «oeived for maintenaijce.-i"Bead." j . • ' .. . :

he medical ofllcer recommenda that thowaEs in the infirmary ho coloured. witb . san>tary . -washable .distempor.-tTo jbe. done. ' •, .

Aq . inmate- nihned ' Coppa-would !be obligedfor . <M order fram ithe board -ior jOi.tJaif/ofshoos to enable him to leave the worlthouse.'—JVllofwod, cost not to exceed 10B. . ; i

This'<Joncluded the (business ol the board ofguardiane and a mectitg of i the . .* • - #«« ^i ^w m i w^J'^Pl ^ a^ _ W^T *T.V fIDJSEEICT COUNCIL 'was ,-then ield-. Mr. Oleecon presided., : A-'tLABOUBER'a GBEBVANCE.

• Th« Local Government iBoard forwarded thefollawingv and requested the guardians' - ob-eervations thereon— ¦ ,- , . . . :

"Stradbally, Kilmacthoanas,.".: ¦ ' ' ! . 7 '.': ;KQi:February.- lS07.To liiio Local'Government iBoaid, -Diiblin. - ¦

iGcntlemen—I wish-to' drajy the attention ofyour honouBiblei bqard';to 'tho' lollowingfacte—:

Vapplied; to 'Uie ©ifltrictjCouncil, Kilmac-?thi)'mn» Union,'. foj' a.',ibtUige, under the La-bourers Actr 'ap03', iand"'mV' application has.•pee'n. rejected, whilst' oilier] applications notnii 'dcanrviiiiir'na mv tasa have been oasaed.Fo instapoe/'a'man; toamo'd. Mat Kiely1, whoifl ,a irailway J'eervanC and\'living in a freehouse' (belonging to Hio r'aiVway company,made,application ior a: cottage and it "waspassed, Ekl£bough thia eame i &ely, left one ofttd Kilmaothomaa Union " HKbourer'e cbttsgeato live" in, this iail-way.- house. Another la-bourer, : pained "Walsh, muniirried, haa got acotta o' Ip'aesed,' a thou b'. Ms tatoer, motherand t>rother lhave a ; houa4j!©ach. rNow znehopce 11 live'in at preeent is an old thsftchedcottage iandi;has' been ' condcnined *y 'thedoctor aa unfit tax human habitation. If issimply A den of rtisl Trusting you will in-quira into this matter and tea justice done^—Your obedient eervant, "_ [' : ¦" \ _ '

; . ! , HUGTJ MlJFIiHEAfiN.. iHr. -Power—|The doctor did! not condemn IIM' Mr. 'iDtohan—ThiB tfr«lfihe|;ifanaily thatihelaespeaking above have only 6ne> union cottage,the houses occupied by the either1 and motherai» not under1 the union.. . !i " " i| ¦' ¦¦'¦

lAfter a' ehort discueeion,. the Council icameto the decision that in tha cose of the:Wal8hefamily, only one of them had a union pot-tigc.. and that the doctor had not condemut»dtha house occupied by Jlulh,barn. Tb« Coun-cil are eatiefled with theirj deciaibn : Jn -lotgiving him aitottage.: : !|- : ¦ : ' i '

. , lOOTTAGE SUPERVISION... j ;The Local (Government -Board wrote stating

that thoy s-iU raise, co cibjoctions td theCCUIK W'A ¦ rf opo sal to' lia-vo -th© .building andfencing worka in connection [with tho Kum»c-thomaa "Rural Dlatrict labourers Ordel- oarrloiout under Sih© 'supervision of ;l£r. '.Power, Cltf.kof .Wprks, without the eupenntendenca of anengineer. ¦ ¦!¦ • ! ! • • • ¦ ".' , ' .¦ ¦ - ! ¦

LEQAL EXFEMSB3. S! ' I- !•• ' ..Mr. H.' Williams, solicfloriiwroto asfolIowB:

—You would oblige by askuhg your board onnext finance day to pass me, a cheque for £00on account oi costs. I am, ,03 you know, on-eiderably out of pocket: in I connection wiihthe * petition of Mrs. Carroll J ' and I : will haveto pay considerable stamp duty in connectionwith the 'leases of the; plow and tho Ubourers'ecli-eme.' ' ¦ '

. I , - . ' i .j . '.:.¦'

ij i i . ¦ . ": '• ' ¦ ¦¦¦.

:Ordered to i»_paid;I f > : : '. . - ; . .| -¦ . :¦ '. ' . i - ; . ' L.OiB'a \E2PEN30E13.:• ' ! U -i . -i -; i. ; ' .; j iLocal . Government, <Biatd, Dublin, - ¦

• : : ¦ ! ¦:i\' ;'• • ' . . \. - 25th, April,. ,1307. :

th.e! Kllniacthoinaa. BJQ.C. for! a ProvisionalOrder under . the Labouxenjl (Ireland) 1 Act, Iam' directed by the Local Cfovernment Boardfor: Ireland: to state that thjeyj have incurredexpenses amounting,ibo £H \p». aod. in reia-tion io -}W)- matter- . '• The. Ifochl GovernmentBoard have tiokiq recsjop ,the piiblic funds t .earnoutit .ifdvariiScd , tat", this'1 pHirpoeej t«nd .'Jam, toi request,* that the O011 pell will: bo; eoja«nough to ' forward a t Payii K 'Order lor Uiiasmti with:'the least'possible^ditay. . . . . . .' I . ,- , ' <-:,- ;Toie' ;payment, ' was, •p oetfoied .ttatlli Bticbtime'- ias: theViiocal ,ppvernio«nl Board, willic Eifirmj-the, ec eme.U i 'ii':} ' -/ , - '" i ' (¦:;¦¦ :'!:>,y;.. i xhe;i o her fcusmees, :yja« . iplmporlantj :

¦j' ¦ '1. . 1 I ' t tV..

' . . . - ¦ i , , . I J .. . !i

¦¦'¦ ' ' ¦ '. ; ¦ ¦ ' '

: i ; ;/' -- : .v[!! :i ' M'; \. s ':

^'r.O::/ -; i ;,- i .

;;- . i . .,^ • :

rBefore ¦'MleBsra.'William OrrJ Si., ft.M.. ii .:tho1 ichairj Patrick OX orman, Janwa C. :p;B , Jahn:.; Orotte. Janws . E J?«a*xe> ¦•M.V.O; ©». a : Bv BuBseHColopel Bunpsoi, •and LteutenantOskaiel OcHtcm. , t • :ii.- i -..-. ij - . .

vj -¦¦'¦ '¦ - dTBUJNIK- ANDH>Ij90(BiDiEaLY.;:V |; i. .vI'OontftaWtf.Belxaailciiaigbdi.to jonth namedMichael jHiokie with. b«2ng. drunk''and' dis^Orderly onj «fc> B&th ii»t. Oetandanfnsediver:/t :ftSd'tangiMgie ion iha oooisios.' : Ai-dno 'of 2cj ifld.1 and costs waa impoaed.-nJ ' ; . > ¦ ..- ¦ : j .,:,|. . .ifu •:• : • ;;.A'OHAN03S»3SorAMIENa>.¦ < ¦ . <¦-. id- :

: ULUOI'tlUlf 4UOIWUIW"CtVtf WU*i 1VJU4UIRX2-rXUVTiVK'Da'ItoaJ^C yaoody,:m.i6tti u*Uyfda-t^ ¦>ing- his children on toe oSghtof o&tai- UarcU, .'and 'W 'Witb-' aacaotting. bJa daughter, Mary(Dalton, agod-12, on tho iaame ocwiflioni and :date:' " .V I I J i i-ii - it . .- , r, v, -,:. 'j' , ¦ ? { . • ¦

i \-!v- - -. - i , i : : \ •.(When tho<aso was collod, ¦ | - — i ¦¦' ¦- ! ' . -j i .¦ 'i:Bfcad"O&nl0tabk« OVLesary - lappllid i fo*-¦ ¦ eefc

miasion to prosecuts in the abeeinoeJoI iDistrict-Inspedtor, ; Preston,; .who-ifcas^oo' leave./^'-i; ;:1 ' iPemnisaion tiavuig boeai. craiited, - : - ' : • ' :: 1 .' -Head"! Constable OTLoky explained! Vhd\ .One' eas»' \yiai brought: under Section 1 ol- thisCruelty id 'Children Act. and it -was proposed .to1 ' prove; lit I <by the evidence: of deSemdant'e

¦:tHf*-aad :lahild .- . - ;;¦:.; .- < - l ; ¦- . !':! ¦> - ^ - < i : i : - U ,.) I \Mjrqj 'QC ry ©aWon -was: then'. examined; end

iher«Videncd went to shertr ¦that on tb* date -in question I her husband.-went to iBaHynoe 'Kaoes: rttuming <«i «!bont|a qnarter Io eleven- ;o'clock ;at night; flhe1 ifoianed the opiai^h.fcfe :wiia 'dnina /pithourti seeing himi aa ehe swarahim plTigifig 4Tl/t fv'pwvhlng qa^A fippfon^ .It <wae'very! dark • at W>« itim«; and ehe left '.tttfhams'd'Mloa) bo cnterid. tepng her thSbchildren'to iremain; they, however, followedlier; ianaiall|tod' to'seanainisChe fields forthe night,! ratufning to tlieii- todse d half*pa0:ten o'clock ine ioll^wing roornlng-; in ,¦ths Sneian'tinie, Mia reported:> t 26' jnaltca> t& J2s& ¦!rioli«e- fitlfTallow; bei butobdnd-was &;quietmob'o y; teh«tt he ihad drini .taken',; ¦ ; i ¦

<(* HVJ iBufi stl-^Whjrt id 'iht> aliened cruelty f,.!' ¦, -Head - 'Constable O'Lciary—Exposing: hiia .chfldre&who ivere trndor etxteeri yesre of cjK jThere'is alsAaichaigo againet bia'.of asaami* :|W» SIVIA 'Afi li {A l^Vi1il*vi n . . ¦! - ¦ ¦¦ ' :

¦> - . ' . - . I

¦ ',

:j Maty IMtcn'was next tocaminod, and hia«(vid«noe'i showed ithaV . w&en b«r. father re-turned etpbout eleven o'clock,^ was drank ;iwhen he entered to oekedf me "where ,TVaa UPnxfther, and I Eaid'ehel:waa nono to th>Sosar9; Sie then hunted ner (witness) dow.iihtoi;" )e.i*6omj . altejiwaraft cafehing :h6r - bytho throat; ishowing hor how Ihe -would eholoflcr iDOtnfer: 'Ptben ran out, he following mtil i t'wait distance.;' my mother ahdr&er tamilytad to spend the night .in-flje'Welds.¦¦ ¦ -. J 1

Defendant: bavi,Dg prodiffied ithe plcdrpo., .nnldraceiTM'jaTgbo character I from the police,' l' i. ITnii aasas.-wero <ajoomed.totil Odtober ESthiin 'order to c«e how 'defendantiTfonld wnducthimself ift' tho'«niSB\tinTO.>! ' , '¦ ' ' . ¦ • ', . ¦» , 'I |^~l;

i ii]j |iaB';i6v^' '(saAT.-- ' - - ' '- .-- - ';' - l - i• - Hdar Grace,thoDul»' <i4 iDOTonehiio dharrjedAUCOfej. iUiaaj- iwita aUC r a lni r .B coat, bis

property, j;ito j toespces on ioonrplainaat'e Candat ¦ 'Ballygallanev on llardi 2Tili. ¦. " . ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ I ¦

VlMr.i''tviUkiza l^..''V'«di%']fiolicitor; Tot^ii,ajrecojiod j'rfoelConVplainaat-1 > '¦ ', '¦ -• . i-. ¦ '. - I

j; Wood-ranger-!MoGowa»^ [having proved taacade, ihe:bettch! imposed WIG nominal penaltyfor. a igoat-f-68. - ¦ . -| ¦

¦ ' - - -• -Mr.; (Penroee,) tf.P., 'did not odjudicate inthisjeaeevj; :! . -,,¦ . : , j - . ¦ ¦ ¦ .. •¦ '• HKE aUNDAY iCttASINiG ACT.¦'Dlstrfetnjlnopjotor •Prcsbjn eSiarKed Mrs. B.¦Heelan; ptfbttcan, Main treet, with, a breachof.. ,.tih« Sunday Iwoslnj.Act/on .'tt 'Wh inst;Two men,' napied James JimdeiB end: WHUaniViinn; were eumrooiKd ior, being 41kraiHy onthe premiseaj :" ;.' ¦• ¦ . .- • l ' - i 7 ^Z7 . - \. In the -dhsentod of.IKaiict Inspector' Pre<3-

tOB tha cose w&4 «ondu<hedi iby jlead, Con-i«tabl« OTjeary. , •• / ¦ ¦¦

- • ! : , • ¦ " , • • '¦-1 Constable Richoid ¦ Johnson, in reply .Co the(Head Constable, deposed ,that at ab6ut asooln the evening! of 7th. AOT1< tie was 'on beat^1tifv «IT»'•?^*!A' ttvVWirt ntrV vrw ' !lJin jta TT »UJ>.an' „. -¦, (\2 **9J JM V <wn^>^ f n4M7U M f> 11 FT- T )iMUUVia ^ f'tP^W him and rdsked him (i*itneos) for pertnis-eion to get a drink' on: thV iown.:; witneea in-formed him that he had'no Quthority f to givehim1 pennisaionHo get drink aa t© was not aibona fide, fraveller, being ffesident only abouttwo miles ifrom i&e town ; liandenj wio wasaccompanied1 "by ,Vinn; Kton went away;, bewitne'sayjieepliig'thpm/iliiider observation all

the.while; 'in about ten minutes' time Iho.sawLano^M krioiUng1 at d«fendan,t'e publichouee,as a riaurtiof; which both irien were'admrtted;witness «hen jproceedcd'ih'lhe direction of thepubliichouee; and,whilst doing to iMiea Heelanoamie' Ito <K& dloor and lookfed in itho directionfrom which Tvitncss was |coming; eho thenwent in andicilosed the door; . .when witnessknocked' Wo '¦:was admitted - «>y.; |Mi*8 - Heelan,and on goirto to the bat''h*,found - JameaIiandew supplied; with ta "pint of porter andWilliam. V?nh with a ' fcoMJo . of etout; 4&iea'H-eelan informed witneesj that it was herbrother supplied ithe <nien, is a result of whichhe demanded n' explanation from ' PatrickHeelaii; iwbo"waa also jpresent; Iho latter in-formed' htim than iLanderel tola him (Heejan)that he had. permission:Ircdn me to get jdrink:(Landere repeated -this to ¦witneaa .when askedfor an¦ expfanstion,' wtoil* IVinn eaid Ihe'd beruined if this matter <ba reported in the Press.

Hor t!h« Idefcnce, • • |, ¦ . . , , . . . ' r ', ;¦.James (Landers iwca waam, and. he informed

the 'bedich'lthat ]lor thte pafit tharty-five yeaihihe. haa 'been going- into .piiMidiousee on 8un,-day? Ibeforo police 'who meter eaid a word tohijri; he nljvaya ;foutrd ilnineeTf a 'traveller—(laughter). '' . v " • ' - j • ¦ • ¦ ;¦ ¦ • .':¦'

'To' Ithe 'iHead:. •Cbnetablcf-d thppght' Oon-etublo Johnson jgave in<j"jwnnissipn. : f :

; The the . Court The'-iteiSon 1 was anxiousto treat thja niai' <Vinn) wis, that some yearsagb my hiother wlio .-Basl going to faserica• dropped" I at" QueenitevKJ, tajod' !ho <Vinn)¦asfiiated ,ua; in th troublai . ; ' ;" '• ¦' . -

Cbairman-i-Haw iar does (Land;era. live fromt&B '-town •^.{" ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ '. ' ; , : .[V ¦

. '.; . - ' ¦ -. - ' " .-¦

ConfiftabW i Johnson—About two i'iniles, ! yourworship.

; -; ' •• ;: ':- ¦ . '¦ ' - I . •.-. . , '-,• i >¦William 1 !(Vina was then' examined,' and

stated' that he. wts under tho impreEsion' thatLonderd gotl pfenniiiaion from: ConsUble John-eonv'. .T ' .'i ' . -. ' .

¦ ¦"! .' 'I ' i ' . '. ; ' . ' • . ¦"• .'. Colonel Cotton—Did Xandars approach itheOomitabTe aflall? ' ¦ I" '. ' /; ¦•• :; Witness-dEIo did; Ibut toft <witnesa) 'could'not Bay: if .Jiejgot permission- . - : " . '. '. ''•

¦ « ', '. ; '

¦ ¦ C<MiaBhi-. iiohnaon-Ae to ma£t!er of xifcf.your' worships,-"when I told* Jandera {'hadno authority to give him jpenzns3ion to'- 'getdrink he asked sne - not 1 1S> tfoyow him—(laughter), j ' , , ' ¦ ' | i • ¦, "i - i ' -. '. ¦

Patrick Heelan' stated . that even if Ltrndersbad not mentioned enytihuig about gettingffepm&sjcn from Constable Johnson, he wouldtwjivo supplied 'him,' as ibe (believed bo livedouteide UM*.limlt ox -very.-neki ifc. .¦; , ' ,« (Dr. Bu63ejl, :{to, the Ch-airman^That man(Landers) .eays he has been |going- into public-,houses tot the iaet thirty-fi-v* years.' ' That is",toimy mind, duo. 'to a .derolicticni ol duty,ontha part of.^he-pollw. . .!¦ I. - . ' . ' r • ' ; •:! The bench iconvioied! I radem. and ' Vann,and £ned ,«q«a, ; : i03. . ond> I costs. The caseagainst 'the 'jnublican was dioarissod1, the bench¦being of opinion that it would :not be nightto : <»nivict. - 1 : : : ; ¦ • . , , ¦ - I - : - | , . . . ;. - ¦ i1 This ieonduded; the¦ busiiiess.,- , ' , ': .. '. '. ;.• ' .

1- \ I ; - - -V-;". : ¦: ~ \ -. . i . - . ' "... . - .

• '.¦¦ ' •-, !' ' ^pib'paiMt^cfnvil ¦¦-¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: < ;!

I ._, . j .j f :* pou/{h^'o ' jUuuTaotuK>|; Terfl==n 3.'; T-,

¦! ':•. J „ - . , ,¦¦.; ¦ '< - \\i\-\\ r "¦ ) .


yf i tWWonn&ttiat iitchvt* of otunrlM, petbmpt rei. rmrniod wliUuifl*nnMik>n ulin 1M Oax wbeo JOB

tx- uyouiflof«roo«i«lail»m»dp*i ufantsihtUnprc*.-II »Ioo> I(*o, um>tt Ul« iUa7oa h««* x>li«olh»t<lefiei«ll ;1 thotCTneriltypofarada-l. whtefe yfjiof ttt*ttx i;im'> umwiingmjictpn nff3tU)» till dwib nleius :i lie Ttfh»pi!Yoor Be»i tn hrolltn. tb* Jeintt btint ,'! ufcithied.tKiliatiriibtbe »oil«tooodwikhilmiWn ; -

j mw b«<Jl»6«lourul,orth«r«iMjrb»*Dond»; Ui»di».aM.! Uanowtdto«>Mlqs«.MII<ltpti«»;oAo(ili«M«cxiewall(. :i YOB ¦»» UT«UI«ut*4ruio<ia]ia>plu1t*adBidmodlc«i:,T idbrtc**ad bwa fold )fi)Bi'cu* U lre*«U»i.«» »<1™B4 to ' ¦. ,' ) *xdiw *mpiuaan;b **4 * to;$i\t *m *U[» yoou I :.>¦dm-iM7pe>£sMLba«IriU, Bw>tk«atlMnh*Y* bU«l -

' Uiiootf MoSf &oaiO. SCTdM oet.«l^-uK*4erfc» ;1 oTSd.la B. Ci ALBERT, 71- FuriuldwtSuetlLcOica .' .| «o^ joa will «ooir# i box ol

' T I , - - ; ¦¦ , . - .|'|


S «iiiiihI*U« i^;t it EtUi» ejni of B«a ', '

, U*14 H»mnM U',i Kn «lem»*J<*U.Xl«t«id« *. : i, ' PdVon»d H«B2»;MD<1 Rtaioit- !(CodiiUM.< . Seldbfll : .lite". ' <>^' i < ':r t ':,'.''i';;' ¦''t -Tr ': ' ¦¦- ¦- - 'T' ^ !

7T«^'':{ira ::«S8iOoo - -. icjyANCEaj.'f' ;

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• - l - : - :;--f- ::; - ;:;-;,::¦ [SPECUIiLT WBITTEN FQ3 .*;THE • i(EW9."l


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" • ¦

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" ¦; . :

• If I labour the question of contracts'-In Irish -,-Dnlons too mnch I-shall be accused of > having;•cms old rndge agalnsffhai poor law' iyitom.lIf any of my leaders .should imagine this they;1

may make their minds, easy i as, lf j.-there lsbnolmatter I Know next to pothing-aSoufc It Is tho»administration of the poor law.-' One.most have.a master mind tor these matters. - On dno even-:ing last wjsek I was "watching a butohc s cart

1 being drawn up to the Watorford Union.' <I don'tthink I ovpr saw such flno looking meat'. Cor- 1tainly cot at as small a price. It was rather an;object lesson to. me in several ways! FiTBtty,the paupers are fed on meat lor -'nothing thatordinary working people—tho booe'and sinew otthe country, whoso wages help ti> keep them there*—could certainly not afford : to buy. It is nobsurprising [with such diet, to find a small army otmen who are able to work , perpetually residingon John's Hill. In this they show their soundjudgment.l I wouldn't begrudge the poor any-thing, butjil ever it becomes necessary to forman army to keep off the proud invader* thounions will be able to supply !& large sharo. otabio bocUed men to join the lighting line. Thisis another|hint for keeping down tho rates totwhich no charge will be modej ' i

However, these people often:go farther and,'fare worse. I see .that tho paupers in South- \ampton have not everything their own way :either, aijd a Local Government Board auditorhas been puicharging tho guardians simply bo- jcao3o they have been, supply ing the Inmates;with four-and-alxpenny hymn books so that they 'might join more harmoniously In tho religious jservices. 01 course there are some moro expen-;sire editions, but as these books were complete:with music they were good enough to allow the;inmates to be "Iri tnhp "witb;tho choir." , W6shave a Jew celebrities about, jihosa address .leinauallv at the local union (if you don't find themthere, try the jail , they are wire to be at one or;thoother)J and'the [prospect of these poor people ;singing off a four-acd-alxpenny hymn;book is in- ;spiring. Substitute these for tho halfpenny:ballad—which ia I tear the extent of the musicaltraining ot most ot them—and many a voice maybe ?'dtscq'verca!'; (and developed >t .another",halfpenny; in tho pound) which before has laindormant. : It Is" qulttf fashionable powadays forgreat artistes to spring from the'lowlj bred, antlwith a little encouragement, "Pudh " Walshmay find ho has a'Jbaritone-j Volco- which w.illmake his name spoken ot'down .the agcs v.TY«ihave good meat ; here's a vote for " good musicin tho unions." ' - • • ¦¦


' v ¦• ;¦•: I L

I wag shown. the other day o-saraplf bottle of .brandy which one bt the rbp c sntcrprislns flrnyin this line are giving away. All you havo to Sola to give them a visiting card and they, give y<Ju ;thc half plnf of their vintage; P By a letter In tt o" Daily News " from one of tho gentlemen whosemission in life is to put down everything, I seethat some ot the reform'ers &refuphVarrn» ah'butthis, for tjhe writer gays the'temperance partyshould " edd another plank to their platform bydemanding that the Government Bhould prohibitthe ' trade' from advertising its poisonous warek;Thcso wares should be labelled ' pOlso'hJ Manyvaluable medicines arc so labelled though-thdydo not contain anything like tho game percentaftoot poison as brandy and other liquors.". Whitare the governments doing at all that thdyhaven't banned this polsonons decoction befortj?1 broaght| this matter nnder tho notlceof a frieridot mine, i who now declares that ho has bee apoisoning; himself for the past sixty-five-year ilHis father pol&oned himself io the oamo tn&umJr-when he| was about ninotyi Another, of tt oP.D.E. gentlemen suggests in'tho satae paputthat the | samples should be returned to : tnisonders unpaid. A still further tfca is put icJr-ward by ] ' A-Temperance Boade*." Hl3 remedy1» to break the bottles and empty tho contendsdown the] sewers. These two latter gentlemenmust have forgotten my address. If they haVeobtained any bottles , under false pretences;," care ot the Editor " win find mo. Whatever ladone with them I hope ift won't be emptied (lov 11our sewers. Wo aro In trdublo enough with thema9 "18- 1 : ,. |;

A doctor—tho Klng'8'dcctor, no less—has ta»-other theory about colour. I referred-recentlyto a lady j who avers that she can tell tho eolofaxof an actress's voice i one of my pet thoorlesI isthat there ts coJoor in smell ; tho Klng'B doctfbris Btating1 that the lungs of most people in largecities are dingy bine. This, he says, Is dueltotho dirt nd soot in the air,'caused by tho fac-tory chimneys and so on. Ee also aays that thedepression in London is due to the want ot si a.In the present stagnant state of' business, mostof as on this side "would risk having a blue lu ngIf wo could mako some exchange Supposingwe lend London a square mile of sunshine- for 'asquare mile of factory chimnoyo—and,of courne,tho factories as well—to see who would eoa-plain first. ' ' . ' '

Some horrible disclosures1 aro mads by thoRussian 'Duma Commission as to the way ac-cused persons have been tortured by-gendanr.esand other administrative authorities. 0no-shudder* to read that . ID one case a victim] [istied to aj bench and men seo eawed on him uitllhis back broke ; or that others had their flnkerand toe! nails torn out and were otberViBOmaimed before being shot. £omo ot themoi eythat philanthropic folk send out to convert 1 hefacathon 'might be" directed Jrito othcij chsnni Is.•One of tho English bishops has boon com pic La-ing that noneof onrinillionalrea give their moi 9yfor missions to the heatbon in foreign parts.While such things continue- among the civiliktdcations ot tho earth there should bo very Utitlachance for the more loituvtto heathen further*flcld. . . I.

Almos^ every -day brings somo galling f-'o-minder that wo have all been born too. Boon.Some ot 1 my male readers who do not treasjabeard will envy tho rising generation It an Hp-ventlon now being, tested comee |o stay. 8otnegentleman who claims to rci on suporfladaghair from the face 1s direct in t h i attention; jtothe rembval of a three days' giowth of beard-without tho UBe of a razor. You simply rub thepreparation on your face, then take a spoon, or» bit ot stick, or Anything yon liko to scrapejitoff , and without any effort—much les* pain,—your face becomes as smooth as a baby's. Ifthe hairdressers don't secure tho royalty onthis article they will get left. Their lot Is rioteast in pleasant places at the best of tiniijs.Even the best of them could not shave morothan about twenty in an hour, and at 3d. a headthis only works out at about £3 a day for a 12-hour day, and who can llvo on that ?. '

Still we have to cooeMcr "tho greatest 'go&dfor the greatest number." Ecio have we hkdmen shaving for centuries, end many of theca,just as they aro commencing to find, tt Irksome-enough to abstain from nbavlag altogether ere-confronted with the prospect of the rising gene'ration being pampered and (potted in every-direction. 1 haven't much particulars about theinvention—bow many hours it takes for thocharm to work, or whether it romovos any ofthe organs of the face at the same time afl ittakes oft the halx I c*ni>jj say. Ot courso, thepeople who make tho tar s» will find themselvesunemployed, and tho papers will discos* whatto do with oar. old raeon. : Oorooors, too, willcot bo wanted, except some saw form of puttingin end to one's self be introduced. It the Invention succeeds I ihall send - toy rs ora to thejjenUemcn who Tircto to tho papers about the*randy. ¦ • ¦ ¦ .

¦. ¦ ¦ ; - i ' : . ; .

Taking it for granted that everything goes all«ight with it, my lyropathy will go oat to youthfal aspinnts, who will be robboa of all tho pica«urcs of. thelr< tUxl few tharss. • ¦ I- thlclc ovorjyouth attempts to become ijbii own barbor—«ome of them more Jtan otbcmj Agooflly ntnidbcr are dlscourased'by tbo first sanguinaryAttempts, while other* go oacntttetfpleccs trox;>their chlo* bniiJ It i- -difjte it, to *»cog8is4 HJ<-orlglnal piece, Althoofih it Jxt latSbioa to 4^with the invention, I eo« .ihatUbere, anf -twogentlemen giving exhlMtloM-jtitu jra sxe* t c(p<-of the placeaxif-rjopoltr smuaenWh* in DeBosu*'They fell a tree la«*in«wherp*b0ii»*%eliaotc-,and BOW they art ofittinfftt&usta a3ure£is f&v<ra»cuttin<or<ai^fa^Kii^ItlilnklS»oia£*8t«we prepsrattoB treotraeoi.. !«« generta adap-tion of the aseaa a Ihavtogiifrplemenl is mtKhto bo detinet«<edl BamebtaSy titan to wxlt«'tothepjipcrteboBfrl^ Ii'tbs nimble UtOirniarslips, your sh*ve m *y baoti tdr the day ; baft ifaa H» iliptr,-?azrbm&~ai8hr be 08, *nO.-t3i *fr i s of expeptjontt to soft as pfpf""1* osa. 1;:

Ootboen; fiMTBCsts1 ore not, M * ndo» calaa-Utod to preano«e smiles, tart oaa coaia cot b»!pif on readies of to* exploit* of the flr» Mg&dsin~Dxnwr *n zeoenUy, oaaa ooMtfoe vnea s>•attrri ud. the taU&rttam to Jbt twruofl to death.PaBjat neojJ«prtaetWn»>riTM

<«b»iiT((t|<K4 to<»loaWMoa t]setr«cD*is(oa aeafast if-£a»t isl U. »>e-nevtpaper aooottnta be.pomct.< » witDoea»« rbe t&qQM* said theVigsde worettwblo i6 rnana tJjflre eafrae, that they hod(lie wrosk ddo «i Utt base, *£a the braaws werepai on the wxtfflg ,wmy.*¦" CaaU be that they haV»erer bem brtinrtifflp to jfce way tha» • Hire.

bd »do r lanjshodld go, d» trjil ft is «acheloh8«no jinc > .tScy bki 9 Htft it etVj 'visitation thaitheir ban la hawrfoirgottea their cuining. - -it.ia<xcracW[ngls- funny,.too, tb»t thov should hateibtgottca ¦wljerh'fo get the watpr from. TUlsy-«Al«vb lM*»«*4ft6 they wete looking f<Jr tfc* ±^$3^JPJ£IK5f iL tlSCSSJS" Th*J taiw by M<e m* Pt a few raktchos. It U a fi^H^-'&^aSlP^vil?* SESf cu™pgS3t5ig S ihAf ineuginej On thisocd*- a£^»lJ^SBTflSfSniS?, 5"'

WMbvh U\ \.:r :v Lii? :-W»WIW»Bk; . Qu^ 1» US]? ^,£ffi^¥ < &<¦?:':¦.& >& \tx\W'*\:\i -i f 'A '< > '

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: [BIIOU ''croa O»VI* coilUKbi u.M>SKI.l .-.)i' -J:*" !,, ;. , V .j -J_ —^| f -% :, ; 1 v - , i.v : ; t, This' iaadt ' lacta' c<>nn«ci«i4 \r.\h. ;iive . veryierioua' flro «(hion'occiurr«<i in toX Ularyistr jet,have' :Already i .ftoca 1 pu'oliihwli Poor.' iMr.Power, , a I wfip^cteo \ . aa iuduiitrioua

j. ahjop-

,;ciepcr,-;w43 caugbt in the migcj &tmeB,. and.1L3 charred remains [were discovered ¦ in thoJebHa.; Srtiile 'iiifl wile some ddya after Buorcumoed in tho'] vf<ui(iiou3t; iuiiiuary to tht-severe injuxioe which ahe-siiitalned fcy . leap-hig |froin the' j'room! |win<iow into tho ! stre«i<Xheir only child." a little girl, was BAved.-iXtia ead to reflect that uoh -au aw{ul occurrence

_-lw>uld take plac« In the town bi jDUngarvan\t ah hour whenjiio t of' the people had .'notratired toirest. Thebe 'W is one tiun<r pain-iiillji ma'nifest on tii<) occasion, ian<J toat waenow j ili-prepai-ed we 'are in the!_ Old .Boroughtar euch ab «m«rg«nfly as a 6enous outbreakof fire. Not to apealcl of tbs I066: of lif», wjiich.atteoded -this iburnihg. the hfeu&e and its

efteeta were completely destroyed, while theadjoining :houaea and sUek wsre alfio .badlydamaged. | Truo, Seingt. ;Grace- .was promptwith .tho engine! on- the ecene, l>ut it toad: toremain intictivej iar, 4 considerable tune untilthe hydrant !was found, BO 'by ! tho - time . thewateri was put on tiie house Tvaa lalmogt con-sumed. It ! eoeme ineirplicabl© that > ther«should b« « ' delay Iftt oil in getting;at Ihehydrant, or that there ¦was mo town ;oilicialwho 'could locate-' itjinnx-odiately. However,it ia to ijeihopcd that as a iresult of tho leasonno* taiiijlit, Gioro will be no apathy «3 4o. im-proving due ! position in-iha matter ;of fir«equipment. - '; ]

¦¦ ' I . , 1OIHB' M3STTMATE. f ' i'¦> The estimate; •wiiiqii wis placed bofpie the.Urban Counpil th« ' other' , night !by itihe- TownOlerk eh6wed th.it |at loet a 'ireatiotioii <haab&cn imad-i, il Inot.in all -tie niajority of -therates. ¦ This ia Ift niatter iloT gvderal congratu-lation, because' for'all too longjtho tfttepayerBhavo felt ttie- 'excessive 1,taxation. ' JDt wouldseem that there is \* good itiibe coniingLtfoTthe old . towni Tie Chaircian <itr. JohnW.alsh) «vused[not a little surprise by Btatingthat tbo" aMoiniVi of-- , the aoortgiage,' f i S t n, dueon the. m&rl^eil account, iad o<»t -yet been re-funded,, 83 anford«( in >the laiv courts fioroeyears ago obliged them to do, 'by the Mu&storaffd'Hjenwter^Baat. I Tho matter gavej rise toconfiideraWo; ciBcufifiion ^

1 in the course otwhich thfe Towii Clerk, in reply ,to 'Mr. Keo-,v.«" aio-tivi fhat ilie: amount was not creditedin .the Council's txjok oor in the Ibani. Wwk.K' that "ia- 60, ,llr. iWatah'8 Btatement wouldriot i3«e in to <be \vithotrt, found ation. The Coun-cil are determined, [to follow tHe matter: up.and-li tro "cal{ad L"or:an explanation from thebank:- '- " "V-;., *r ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦THE LA,TE> 'DE. KESXEFIC. ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦- ¦ -

.. .The dor-th!of the above esteemed gviiitleman.who resided "in: Clorimeli' twas Icarnedi of here¦with much j ret,- Hie father,; the late Jlr.KonniilcLwAfl.Vi1} former yeara,, an ektenaiyebutter imerchant in Dun^arvan.flnd kna'ctive.tnd respected jnember of the ola Town Board;Th$ lUrbalr Council'on, Qlqnday-night paeeeda resoluilon of' sympathy in oonneotion withtho demise of Ur.JSennefic , and ordeKd that'cojfieB'-te 'sent .ttf'fllrs. \\. 3. Caecy ntid other"Tclutivei"'i-ncluain^ ''a i»uu iu the DraulineOohv«nt, /Waterioid. ; .U.\<EV'£psiT^ j E6nbAtlON

Tlie.membere, present; at the monthly meet-icg-V)J'the. lOmnty 'Joint- Committee |0f Agri-cultural arid-'Technical t Inetrurtion on Mon-Aiy, included' Dr. IP. iDennchy, 1'resideait;Vary .Itov."\Camm;!Paul J?ower, iP.P ;! Messrs.Wm. Stack/ J.l>;' John. .Walsh, M.C.C. ¦' Onthe propoeition oil the . Chairman, seconded2>y Mrt Stocjcj <iho j following .resolution wasunnnirooiisly. edoptfed—That tho ncheme (AUniversity Education outlined jby Mr. Bryce,te the'only cm^ 'boWr© the pulhttic wJxich guar-anteed equality in [the '- matter , of 'UniversityEducation ,tb ! Catbolica and <Noncoiiiormifit8 ;but thai -while noi denying the advantagesto :thosc; wl«)jean afford it of residence in auniversity i or| Ucge of university standing,¦we think thelfacili ties a-f prostnt existing forextra-mural: Jstudents obtaining naiiversitydwrreea !should_ -be I maintained.OAELIC PiOTIME.

The hurling! and 'football contests tooughta. vast crowd:to tie well laid out grounds atffiAiidori on Sunday, when tho wertther con-ditions , ialthough not aa favourable AS mightbe desiped,! were fairly goodl Clcnea triedconclusions i with Oallydufl (Upper) in hurl-ing and emended the victors «itcr n . eplendidfiatte "by 6 goals 10| points to 3 goaU S points.Durgnrv an l alfco <npssed camans w ith Bally-duff (Lower), |but the hmomeatera from a scor-ing1 paint of view, 'jnade a poor show, takingonly 2 points, I whilst their opponents securedt goals 3 points. The football, match between

'lOun'hill and iTallojw jesulted in A win forthe fpfmer toy, 1 goal IIS points to nil.UttE XLVRKEES. |

1 -Butter ia eteadily; increasing. Tho top pricepaid on Tuesday was-9d. per lb for separated.and 8d., for eeeondiquality. The buyers were—iMes^re. Jones, Paxman, Stokes and Clancy .Tbero *03 hi fair supply of pige, which 3oldat 48A. I per «wt. dead -w-eight, and 333. liveweiffht. : , , , iOOSTHRENCE OF THE CLERGY.

On 'Monday; a conference of the clergy wsaheld in the vestry! ol the parish church, hisLordship the Moat Kev . Dr. Sheehan, LordBishop of tho I)iooe8e, presided, the otherclergy In attendance were—"Right Herv. itgT.Power, : PJ\ ,; V JQ, Dungarvin; Very Rev.Dean Flynn, P.P.J V.F., BaLlybricken ; VeryRev . Archdeacon JMoGrath, P.P., Lismorc;Rov. Canon ipunptiy. PJP., Tournwna- RevGanon Tower, P,1P|., .Clonea; Hev. P. Byrne .'• P., A^beyflider.Rev. T. .Burke. P.P., Aglish;Rev. J. (McOann, f.P., Ring; Rev. T. Power,^.P.. ClaAlimore ; rRev. P. O'Donnell, P.P .linppoquin : Bev. >V. Meacher, P JP., Tallow ;Uev. -T. Mordn. PtP., Killroaacnty ; Rev E.

,:Dunphy, i?.p., Stradbally: 'R«v. F. Nagie,¦r.C.. 'A;bhc.vBi!de:rKev. M. Walsh, C.C.. Dun-eon-anr&v P.'O'Connor. CiC. do; Kev. F.¦PrendfflWBt . OJC.. do;.. Rev - father Heavey.Prior O-SiAU di;1 Eev. Father Landy, do;•Rev P: CoaBey,- do;- :Rer. P- Kearney, CO.,mlki TrL W, Chaplain D? La Sa'Ve.Waterfflrd;

1 ov. M. O'Brien C.C.. Ag^.

Rev P. ifniphy, C.Ci, do; ftev. P. WaUht ,CO.,' Ardmore; Wv O. O'ConneB, C.C., do ,Kev. E. Hosiett. $£¦. Clafihmore; Rev. FiCasey O.G.. Cappoquin; RevJ Tatiier Kirwan .C 0 likmoce: UtV. ,E. Quinn. Knockanore;Rev. Father!English. C.C.. do; B*v. FathwMurphy, C.C., TallcAv; Rev. ;J. -Moron. C C .Bilryduff; Rev. U. McGratilu C.C., KHros-6caty;;.Ber. , M. rLpperrran, .vOO,, tHradbally .Rev P. O'DonnellJ CXr., <Ki5Sobmet.¦HEARTY RECEPTION.

Hia Lordship < was received with everymanifestation of pleasure, and on all aidesha was ooiiffratt£»ted on the issue of the veijtrying ordtoti he wae obliged ¦ to undergo oythe recent action in Dublin. His 'I/Ordahip -. t,driving through ¦ the streets to thd conventswas -loudly cheered and greeted with marksnf reverence bnd affection. A collection willbe made iri u short time to help to defray theexpenses of the : lawsuit.RAILWAY ACCIDENT.. .During, ahunting ' operations, at Dungarvan«»tation i on' Thursday momig '*. -fireman fel1from the engine ' and had h» leg caught HIthe .piston, rod.' |The engine wns at oncestopped, and the man removed to the hospital,where his il«t had! to beanrputated.THE ACTjtOX 4OAIN8T THE BtSHOP.

K ro*etitK l iraa fftld in the Town Hall onThursday tittht for the purpose at. defrayingsoroo of the"exp*!16*6 °» the BLiJiop in th-?rwent ' action/, ifr. Hayes, JJ?., presided.FATAL ACCIDENT.

A young man, nvned Thomas Fi1 i?erald , >(Vbbeyelde,' fell frorn his oar near the doer 'ifhis house land broke the spinal cord of h»sback and 'di d On Tuesday from the resultof the injuries tecflved at the hoai'ital. ThisIa ' th« third death from accidents in the townduring'the -week , l and by a /strange coinci-dence drop flrca . aho.

¦ '-. ] { ¦ ¦ 'mt^OCl A2O) 00.

Are ocnr period tiw Uishect U&rkc4 Price* (01tn <C£=3 of ;Hy.3-cnd BOaa, ebtx Oov andHow* Heir banchi. Hijhcci Trios piid for>H cls=sei ;of|V7col. ; ' : • . :

• ' . : ¦¦ I N K<S*.4 A<!d«=i:~ ' ! •\ fyo 'fTrnii C?I}BET. DtmoABVAii

-.. . : , , . .¦' . I tiAWtau cnorirv ¦ ! : . .WiflbcB. to inforrn r hia • 0uswmers: Vend -theOoEKMJ iybyc thsx t« has noir added to 'hi*/. 3fcw" Oxsah :3&acrj a departrocat lor ii»£HXSBE&B3iq'a? OOADfl TOHEBtS-WltaQj'; ; • •- • -RMEEST ; BIJEFEB- JTXKE8. '.. '

' He. is/a'ao, mafciii| all Jdnds ol Two-WheeledOa«i Co&ch, Dxay *nd Cart Wheeb.; 1 \WI WoA U one; by SCdQed 'and CJompctentWorfcneaj 1' ! [ ¦« <• < \ > ".

I : P<ajbrins 4ad "Repairs; done on the£a»r1eof KiQtfyo. •• | : r [ \ :¦ ¦. j .BRIplGffl O0A0H PACTOKT. / . - .

> - . - ' : i '"I • . j - " r- ] , -*': :. ; ; . I ¦ ' ,' ¦ ;

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1) ¦ • f Uj 4W)(Dj AEECTITB ; i ¦ : ¦ - -< da/stud ea4y W hi ,rinj a perioct eotlfig liverIQO -9309 tiijumuB. 100m can M QUUISM DJttte*jOotnsaft'« tii xns^Q flliijtore of»i«m*rulQtdnlne. IftfiTe* too* to tii* tnmarh, etreng^VMS* fi» «to»Ulo3fcn, *a3 OTrirftet ihe bJood.B6ttl«,iW.la4<l l« 9d, M Qo«n«i1»-iMediCBl«Ui, 198 Qa*7, 6! Quay, sad BarwaiaK»nd-

street, W«i*rford-j _ • . ;'; '• . , \< ' n : . :. - ;• •¦: •. AnottMa- fohatift to Ireland I at

! to impos-

sible toictotain a: 'Irop «rf Irlah vfiekey "IDth»; eUa<J abd nadooci bars «t Epaom. is Uhecaasejti)^ Irish1 i lrma do Pot advtrtke on

\ '¦

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vl!We ;;i- « <V«!ry 4iipit". ?AJ . »>e inj ia, poaitiOQ lioetato that thcra ia no truth'.in vie statementxuaue wial.ilr. J. J. .\lofiii*ey, brother oJ :ilr.T. ' F. Alorriaiey, Oarrjclc-on-Suir, had rbeenkilled in a street car:accident in California,Another j&an of the: «amo. name was killed,¦but'--we.iito;.happy) W CIBW ihatliour friend. isalive-and'.well in. LiverpooL ;| ; IS0OGE3SFPL CONCERT. < ! ' ; :

• ¦ .The recently foruled VarJ*C.kr<>h-<Suir Ohbral'and Insttumentai' 3ocie y:. gave their:-firetpublic concert ot the .Town Hall on >ilon-day night last , and the success of the eventfroin :ev«ry point of ,view augerd a bxightjandBucoeaefuli future- for the society. The arrayof nrusical and ,vocal talent presented oh; th«occasion, and the high standard of muiicaltraining displayed -was a revelation toj lhtlarge audience that Assembled to give ; a ceo<{mile failto'to the society. iSo great -was; th«¦crowd that -at: eight P-?ii it yt ea impossibleto. obtain even stacaiiiffrioom in ' any parlof the Hall. The concert opened ivith a beautifnl' rendering of •Koaaiaj.'s ¦" Carnavale," bj¦the membots of the Choral Class. The tnanneiin • which> they, gave thdi, and eubeequoniljiMooro's "Oft In the Stqiy Naglit" and '.Hari,Apollo " '.{Bishop), Bhowed evidence ot , th>.Boost-skiHul and, painstaking training oh-th.piart of the society s instnictore.j lAn prehenr:cpmprdfied: entirely i6f rnembere rof the i Spciet:gtao oome very ipleasins• • eeleqMona »' Iris ia(nd pther; airs. Thjjrei.was- & Mronderful; dieplay ; of. talent . i?i: J tho .vooail iline. ittr. CJHcaly, a local.tenor, :who ¦ will ; yeH. b& heartof , gave t..The ©ear little r ;Sh,snxrock,"'.ancliod t/> regrmnd toiia loud ef t core. . ilisfi NGalVin -BUS loudly applauded, for her rendefi.ing of ?¦ Will you lo-re p n a in Itecem'ber aa yondo in May?'.' and :had-ito reappear in respondto- a aoud call.- Miss! ,8h«a. a popular, and•talented;:local cangcr,! eang - • •' Come .(Back U>Erin" with great Reeling. ; (Miaa B. Tobirj,Main-etreeti "who baa 3not. been, heard fox ; comeback, And whoee Bin3in.0frwis eagerly lookedforward.to; gave the qver -welcome "KathleenMauvourneen" in marjntficent Btyle , and hadto respond-.to tt louil encore. . Miss E. Kennywho is tllo possessor of a very musical'andcultured rroice, elicited^ great; applause 2>y hejrsinging oi.VThe Power of - Lbve," and as ainencore ga,Ve "What ,-wiill.you do, 'Love?" Mr.J. H. Powcr'a fine-TOjce-was heard to jreattflect in •"F.reedojn," a ¦ebng from "A GreekSlave." - ,; , . , . . 'SECOND PAjRT. ( . . ¦- . ¦.,v i ,

1 The second part-of the:programme included?*A BoMier'e Chorus,'-''irom v Faust - ;«ou-nod). giveiv.by a «!hpruB ebmpriaed of roembereof the eiocictyf -Sorig, "A Summer Nicftt,".-byMrs. .VicKery, .Provincial Bank. Mrs. Vickeryis the possessor of 0 very sweet and culturedVoice.' Mr'-M; Bavin, 'of Carrifckbeg. broughtdown thb ' house ¦with'-ihfa old favouritB-,."Anchored,'- Mr JJoo tOaTtdn s&t the udi-ffence in'i'T6at8 'by ; hiii ¦iniinita'ble rendering ofisome -pf : his ndft-aplitting womics. MiaaHickey - 'anj "Down'- ?li4 Vale," trad Mr. F.CXeofle',' a great local favourita and thd

possessor of a ipowerful voice, gave "In OldMadrid." Mr. Taaffe, another popular localvocalist, gave ".Flight of Ages. The Irishdancing of Mr. R. Power evoked great ap-plause. 'A- ch'orua 'by the members of thesociety -brought to:a close what ' was admitted•by all to Ji'aye been a most enjoyable and high•class concert.AN IMPORTANT MATTER. The improvement of the Suir na\Tgation be-tween Carxick and Clonmelj was the> Bubjectof, important evidence at a recent ' sitting ofthe Royal Cominiaaion on Cbaala and Iriiand1•Navigation. Mr. W. Phelan, of Uh© firm ofMessrs. '. Kielaa .and. Son . CQonrnel, who oreextensively- engaged in , tho iriv«r carrying

.trade 'botween Carrick and Clonmel, madeout a very clear and nWe case for the deepen-

ing and improvement oi [the tlver, and point-ed out that if this is not done by the XJoverh-m>ent or 6ome other body, there was eveltyfear that in the near f^iture the river trafficwould cease altojetllar. This would "be J agreat public mLstortunq, from many pointsof v'<»\v. The hauling (Hid carrying nru&uieeaemploys a larca nomhor ol hands, and moreiniporLant etili , the existence ot this eneaaaof transit, which oompftos with the nation-killing nailwaye , has been the< means of in-fluencing the railway fate to the benefit oftho trading community. Mr. J. 8. Gruhb,Chairman of the South Riding (Co. Tipporary)County Council, and VT. Hackett, Co. Sur-veyor, have aleo given Evidence in the matterbefore the Cammieaioh, The traders andpublic bodies of the districts affected shouldto up and doing, with a view to having pres-sure brought on the Government to effect thenecessary improvements in the river .before itis too iate. _. ;AN ENJOYASKLE T>AY.

The promoters ol tha Piltown Races -were-,this year, very fortunate in the 'matter |ofwea'theT. Large crowds' irom Carrick and thesurrounding districts visited the laces, jlnthe evening the streets and roads presentedquite an animated Spectacle, filled w thvohiclee ot every description, conveying thiiroccupants homewards. .THE LAB0UEER3 ACT.

The work in connection with .the carryingout of ithe new cottojro acheme in Che differentdistricts of tho unron| is progressing v^ryrapidly. The 8it«6 Committee have-alreadygone ovre -the plota with the engineer, «cideverything is now1 in readiness for tho forth-coming inquiry. Mr. James MulliM, (heefficient Clerk of the Union, and his able tndpainstaking assistarita, Mesara. O^ulmanand Hickey, are to , bo congratulated on 'heexpeditious and hipMy eafieiactory roartierin which they pushed through the -work inconnection with the scheme.URBAN COUNCIL. , . , ,. _ ,

The <usual moiitMy Biectinfl of the 'UrbanCouncil takes place Uiis Pridav) evening. Itis expected that the wateworks question \smasain occupy a prominent place in the de-liberations of the ipeoting. The qucrffion T rillcome up on a motion, by (Mr. O Oonnell, tohave Carrlckber ekempted from the echeiie^

FERMOY[vcou orm o-cnr coancirpoifDCiti.]

NEW J.P.>At the 6ecuoni3 on Monday, Dr. Afcdrne

prcsddin , -here Cda' obo preaent-r-flXr.VVUliaiTM; Meeorfi Dtuslason iR^M ; E. Rica 1 ,ndE. Fleu-ry, Mr. ' Thomai jO<Mahony, Chairman¦Urban Council, iva3 «|wom in as JJP. , 'Mr.iMichaol Kussell,': Pa-trick-otreet, . prosecutedThomofi Carey, \Vaterloo-lase, for aasaultand.breaking two ptfrics of feJaca in his wiwjowon, the lTth April. The vJilue of the. glassnmas stated to be S&; ' A<?ting Sergeant P.Graoe aaud th&t lie i had a Buinrrtone araiikfiithe defendant abo¦ forj being drunk and oifi-orderly ' on the earme ' dit« when' he had' toarrest, him, d-g«nte '| 'which h© rospisied¦violently.- (Up to tiwi time h!ia cha-racter -^"asGood, Mr. RusHftl, *aid' that on- -ttie datementioned' the deliodint oame to,him for acharacter, tvihiph he refused to five; he thenGtruck 'him "a violent blow on the nose. Inslbout tour hours ho returned and broke twopanes of • c&s»" in &> \ window. The de-icnKiant £331 he • wjp ! aorry for the preEmtoeaauitj and only lay ing daink taken heiwould sot hav« ' VctainUtttcd it. Far ihecatvult |j bo ' was ¦ cxjeiji fouTtccn days hardb/btour, (He waa ordered to pay 5s. compan-6atSon for breateieff the i wdndowe, and a fineof Is. and cosW, i and lor beinj drunk AaAddBordeTly fourteen dojs, to run' concurrerttlywilih that for the;aiaault on Mr. RUOJOIJ.SONO.VY: OLOOTNOi' ACT.

Head CtourtaWe Heggart prooccutea Mr. 0.P. OTJricn, puibbrat),! BarracK* HS11, for abreach off the SurxLcy dosing AxA on l'ilhApril. Mr. MA?M«r.i qolicdtor. seppcared (foriithe deiondant. '¦¦ It ' ajrpearcd from the en-Bonce that two roen; nametf Pyne and Bopheentered' his premise ' ifSth a ntrmlber ofGtnansen &a bona. flde : imvcillers. Lifter qon-B denpble «jumidnAtioh ot wilnftssofl the ccse«~-jinet Mr. O'Brien vtes d-srrcs&cd, lindCooho and Pyne were <c£ch fined £J. 64. itnd

URBAN OOrffNOnL.: M , : :

f ¦Th» trmaj weekly \.meeSiaa (of the urban

Council; uss ha!d oh l«st Friday, Mr. :Th<».OMohony, : PJ^O., 1 -Obaarman, pre&3±ii)g.<A3ao - ireseal—Aleseni Kcarae, j CKKeeOe, ile-Carthy. Dwio. ¦Eutgea*,- NorrS»on, 'Jrtjwcx,XyOo»TOiv>3ttai» analp- P/CBnieo. .. ,;i ,. .,(A" GEEKISE&JDS'OSUiajB*. , !' :¦'. ' - \ ' . ' ' .. '!¦. . '»

'RieCJefi.canedtoa-cliCTtiQaoi *he Coun-cil to « *Ulen>eiu in. tr*e Yrem tovtbe eCccttint "Mr. Brazier: Opeagh of . tMbllow - badoffered- o free site of' 15O.acr<a for «. oon-BompitSre eaoaitoriuni near Baittaveat, ftndebdd that thie' wa» ir| maricd contract to theoai&m of Sir Ocorgo AbercronVby, Scotlatd,6be landlord' of the I town of Feranoy, whorefused to rive even anj&ore. and thes fatterin tb« enU«nan ito-;whom the Urban Oovn-tiil ,ai, a recent, meeting detoLded to preeenst«with an •»Uamtin'al«draddTCBe oa hia »W«tn-tag b5a majority. Hheir good Intentiana s- it3Hpaaj»Ijwt bdig iNkSp qxsllaii viH not takePtfWJtM%SU - VCBTBi , 1 [ | • i j - r - , : ¦ ' - 1

¦- ¦ • , , I . ! . »-¦ , - . t I . J

GOOD |KQWO'>flRf HOM^CKSEPeHS.,Tbi» "pQlaeter IVmiliwe, Oresm". -or the

"One MlsatA"! Fares mi Bcfiieh is * boon? totbcee^wto are aprioi- (cleaning. It not onlyaom", *ndj ckaooe*, :tbt civeB ell houie^hold- turnStnre *;freih i end smart appear'arum, lAi ibatlef ¦ WTilteft-." I have nsed- <b«'Ohtetor' PomMute CW*m' , for ievcry de-ecrorAion of faroHnrel iand I find it exvea) aroost 'bnlUant poJishL", fTo be bid only )atiBelll*, Tbe Bras BAH, 63, Quay, Od. and >.per bottle. . . ; . j . ; : - ' . . . * ; ; ¦ ¦ . • *¦¦ F '

."' ' -¦ ' ' .''• " i - - | ¦ ' !• ; :| I' - ! ; . - j . - ; : ;'; .-EpBEBT8' ASteMOAN' 0OBN $HK' .

: QoloW* www* O>n*. witiqqt v»ia» 1U

IWIj. 1» On«y, 89 ftijgl, and B»ww»U«rtd-tnn, WtAtstard. . < ' ¦: L, ! i : ' v '

: : ; , ; . ; . i - " ! ¦ ij ' ; I . i - ! ¦ ' . .- J

imvm¦ .

¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ -i' - , j i ' t : - ¦' ; :- i i . - \ \: r' ,: i

^ • • ^ '^ l^^ i rl :- ;'! !i. .. . . . ... '-1.;.1 ¦¦ r 'J. i^~. inz,r L!j xi

'iT^i'iRiari^SinNiBi"-'^."h'^Fiu^"|''i'' ' 'r"* '¦ -;-j^^^* -^^S^<,iiit -nooo, oxi pr^W.5 'a: Puibflio meetmjf . j • .• \

¦ '. :¦ : ; < • > ' ? ¦ '. '¦' ' < ¦IJUaiiO'Oterl^^Viibtf^J iaiNtTw.jCtoiBrthgaied : ¦ , " "|-; ; ;vn>>[ .

^h^OT^rf^ftwUa&i (?J-fflblbffliR 'tf ^s^p iS^ i L S tf . > ¦-' "T ^n¦tenltioBi r 'ol aU-iffie-temed infffie) «aeviello|(rDeil|-' tc- .'n ; ;y ; v -. ; ..a / . . |.of Uie tormastvtreJfli. . The! teat--aooUj.erW - ^ ";t ..I . J K I I .U I ' '- ;'; iand .Western. Rai^rilot t.lo,boimetforwar(l, ; . .. ' ., j- '¦on, this; Y« iinv6orta5*';njatfe!r 'sad- UaaiBi'- irf- !'•'"» J • . *•'*» ¦• ; ; ¦! . -j .& ptaotiibial mlanrief Se eflorlBi Wihe1 public 'pinr>n DnnKt A

inay -point out', iJtiiaii ttppoaiiiari.'«ieJe wala'ia' ..-.:;! Ci .-.If \. _ J fsteamer nunnitng flm ,, thVyt't.tj^i^M l'T>fr-fanHM - •;;, i,,;t VnZOTO Q"would-- , tho :^CBalare-;€«»r( ip« J;5stoiWaippxatln(uiVi i^y . ¦ - , ; :qudn to set down lor ipickrljjprpa^aen^rB.fot, ,;- ,- . - - :. - . |oA irom vj -bo f (Let./ lv -tterejAnll .-,- [';,. -, ..„ W \. A IIbe a large and ¦ rapreseni itijvie' latitenaaneei r "'-nsa y> il i iand that-xthe'-pbo(Jiiotl-W,ll; oiivSitheietlteott! r."C S 05i G5*^Bit dese-me.. ¦ -••." --J^ --^! *i.»!'j .ii«» i!;t «.'l \L. - ti i'- '; lSffiii,2> \7iMIR. .'-V-lHlljntlf( ii i;iljUiHrP» -' <JCPlftTnaN.- i h -htf ir-zzT^ p r'¦- !Mr. a- O;''VdlldoreTSKiuail-j.:«aw wsMieacA . . : . / - : ] ¦ ¦dida-weelk'/ ibe{oTe"the -'H<)cr 5C<)qiirridsa

on: 'CEE OUK. ••"'Canole . and .Waterings. irJbe ; aaid' tbet 'werAfour • piawjBiioa. Ihe mmt. 1 B^anSw&'SieirJtj cJi;rervmred dredging: to: allow".! ;fulli . advantageibefngi taken of an ojftetoifeeS splendid waterj-way o«- Iar''«a¦'¦ GatrttoqaliL,1 .There.'wouldX'bei'da: niw oisruip>,1'fej?t5r4 «wll-iand-.i indirect' reftorn—&TBt in, -the. ojieapenom " of *' Iroi^htfl;then an. andireot ¦ reUiirn by ¦ tme- proibaiWe. eijfpaidmori '. of; ¦fcajde: in* tb« : diatriot' {trughij be{oonndeaa% looked for. Should the nv«r bbdredged- he:felt certain a steamer would becan,: ; meet f]lrainjSil.ftt Ycugjwjl and Cappoj-quio. ¦ The-Couaiy, Wlatenrord, '. . £iaid-L.MfVJiili-einvfittniaflt) to. Jreafiyilvea-vily'; taxed lorthj \'.RB ay;,gipaiaiijtee: ..otJienTFise ( he. wou]^favour- a" Q0in,ti!»huttb|4 ir<xm .the county ralea/If :the-_. ritve ,wiifli.!oa(pable *o|< being fully u ed,aod a tQiam .Pl 1

' it' woi^Ilti toe poeaible WBu-Rpdy;::Xomgh?4 v4ii,iming',! the;! eunimM1 [ eaaofawilh. butter, -;egga, ¦ truit.'Cpoultiry; ow. ¦ • ; : -¦ ' [

A Ck>inmofiqioner.Tfyouj (as| a' 1 '- landowncii,".w'ouJjd-bave no .pbieqUon.-<{o : &*', Aver b&iajdrodgedF-iNo. , . \ < ~.;\ :, !j . '\ ' - : '¦

.¦¦'.\ l -J [¦'¦'¦

'-. WcuiUl,' theidrcd^n«'in,jaiTe the fisheries?-}-:I think-.people eayj it wctald, b«i> I doulbt it;,improving,- the BLaokjwa-CeiE'jnavdgatioQi, wouldnot mean '¦ that. persMia . jp, thai fooality would.Ihavo.to pay mor© j-jfdtih regarji to:4he 'railway,guaraatee, a& they ;w«irei nolj, affected iby ;theprofit . and.loss-oj' the- .Taaiwayj, Bo dio ' nfc*Wninlc tboir:, din1irttl'(ie6. jwuid bfl;!rn€<:if sa«rates between, Dungarvan i 'pid ¦ • Oappo<iuawere'reduced ori'the raaway. -:,. . | , , ,OffluTTUiAiHY.; . . .,.( , - ... ' - 1 - .- . • - .- .- .j - ' " -- , '• lit.,is -Fith.tecSnSa' olf. ihe deepeet regi*et

'tstatt '<w#ihm Q to ;announ)(» ; i his week tiedeath, of a' reopoaied inhabrtiai t of this townin the person ,of Mr, Patnick ( ^ninlanj 'which'maliaahJoly ever t'iook plaoe L: at1 Vr-«ek;ait busilatte- readdentoe, | Otcapel-etireot, - iciter i ' cotrf-;paraitively - fcrdeifi illnes8;i Deceased, who wiiflidhoirt Biity..years of age, [wiai 'iD-oGt populiafns +K «M /-likacflj and his nnas ntminj; josaniierbad;sooceeded- in- ' gaining I the^ e toeml of all. 'Tbe funeral, .which took place on 'Friday lait,

dwaB( largely Btended. T>eftijr ' rwpt&sentajiTe atall .clseeea and(crtedfl. 'i'He last . prayers,|aithe g avesdde weicrwiiited 'by Venet«b.le'Arch-deacon MtaGfcaltti,. .Y£,, V.CL |To the afllictiedrelatdveB we. tender our: sincireat eyitupaUiyala - -'tJieir ftad1- bereiaveinenti : ! . .. ¦ ' .i , : - I 'IBIFlTjrGlOUS' dHREMONCES.' . i ] ; • . '

Tho dawytion peculiar to ittie month J ofMay, 'began: at [the Cathednali here on Wed-nesday eveningj The attendance Jor .the fl«tevenings waa jnoist/edirying. I On, next' Siin-day siter' last Mlass a pioceedion1 in 'honour[ofOur Bleesed Lady jvili take.place aioinid..<ihegrounda attached to tie Cathedral; Judgingtram the truly | ediSyinjr Idemeauour I of - tlhetinanveos© cttncourBo prc&eint on tonner'-- £c-casions we'have! no doubt' Wit .the lorthobmLogpxoce ion.'will eoiipae.'!aiU;'pS*iribu8l{jv btld',as, they are 'becoanoiiaf more1 pppular ainonjatithe faathful of the piwSsh. ¦ ¦ v ¦ -. |- |¦ ¦


Tmypiraa>. !¦¦ .- . •fljast Thursday, ttight an itinerant doalertd-n

¦wtallp«r>er was placed under arrest I by Ser-ge«ui.t Foloy oa ft charge of drunkennefeB.Hs' was in due couiBe lodged in the barrack,as well as a pack of mitfceLLanwus [articlesIbis proiperty—las they were supposed to be.All went well for some time until Mrs. 6|ar-gent made' a caarpaint to the police -fhat flbeimtescd a piece ot bacon from her house. In-quiries were at once infitiitiulted, and 6ti&-pkdon at lout fell 'on the individual who bad<been safely lodged in the lockirp. A search-was aiecordongliy made in the pack belongingto him when to Jti^-eir astonishment the policeextracted the miesiTiK peice of bacori whichhad been 1 eetoured; therein, Ithe " dsiUnfwas aoconddngly brought ni ;at a special courton Friday and , charged mth .tihe ; ' offieicowhen he was formally remanded in j custodyto the next Petty Sessions:' 1 ' HE» name: isJohn Doran, and h? balls from Cajlow.TMB ROrtlAJ, OOMMISailON. ! . .

TOie people of 'this town' are estrennelyBatiBfled' at the eyidenice' Riven' ' before theBttyal ComnEBEdorl on Canalfi and Waterwaystin London ataut a week ago by Mecsns JohnStanley and Miohael J. 'Kenaiy, M JCJO.' ThCctrrnnisaronere will eoon pay A - visit to tibiaddstriict and make «n Inspeoti n fox their dwotalomiiation. and the hope is- entertained;tfcailth« Government will eee their TVAyi ;to (jivethe small sum rieoeeaary', to Jtaye the jfrlev-anc« complaine4. J»f remoVfld. I

3BID&E;ARBITRATIO^¦pnioAV. ' I - - ! :¦ ¦:¦¦

¦¦] ¦¦¦

The ajfhitrattoni "Waa treBUoned >this [mo:rUii3at h-alf-past ten o'clock in the'County Court-house before Mt7:MiU8/; ¦ •¦ ¦ ': ;• ' . - ' ¦!: • - . < { ¦ -

Mr. Gordon-saftr-'Oia'i- then© were 6-bmeroattera tlhtt .'hiB -h>entloned tb.e :previou« jday•to; -which bo now wished to ireier i Io tneftret place. Mr. Jpitjgjb'bori "was rijljt in Ihiflcontention about; there not 'being a. iefltito"proviaioa in the JlcJt of ParUam«Tit conipellingthis railway company - to1 keep open tht Dun-garvan station;[' >ut Uisre was a proviii^nth'at they elhall receive tfanlothcrotiora fenyone 'who wante iii Then1 with regard i ito whatho had stated ithat -the shores 'would, ,>>e -wcrthjgiBO. list flsure fehould 1>e making allowancefor depreciation ;|n the money1 market, dflMor £160, instead; of 1OI8O. : ¦ :: : , .- ¦" .' . f • : i

Mr. James (Price, Ehglneor U> the OorW Har-bour iBoard, was] the daret witness cxnnilcied.He stated, in reply to Air: Jeffero >ai that henmd-o an examination of the toll brid?« inthe summer of 1904 •andl tf#ain m the ra-inth,of Apr^l. 'J9C7; he midoiiotco of the conditionin .whaoh he! found.the bridge on, b*nh' occa-sions, and his eptojon was tbe bnd&i wnsJnHsafe ; it Lad' not, sofflc ieht, lateral strength ;liho roadway [was | entirely: too -aak, ' and' | th*.bridge moved eidewaye w}th ft load; to cac89a collapse & liigh-e-tonn bj; something gettinaadrift m the river would: he eiiiflcient: I the'widfre .-was not JBuiSciently '.maintained J ' it-was a scrap bridse endj Elhauld ibe clearedaway and reconstructed;, it', would; not* -be¦buaineaa to keep! ithe 'bridge as ; a goins con-cern: » eteet Dredge, exclusive 01 aoipiuns.could -be constructed for! XSS.OOO, and -would"be capable of .bearing a flJoair rf 60 ta. 00 t^ns.

Mr. Bonan-1-Hi would i ! carry a traifl?—Certainly.

¦ ¦ ]

: ' : " | : ! ¦ . ;¦ ,.! ¦

Mr. (Ronan-HWhen did you, come Ho the eon-cluaJDn 43ie bndjje was unpaJeP—(When I teawit in ie(M. In 1 my opinicm,1 the bridge lhas'been more 'or kaa unsafe,for the last twentyyears. . " , !| ¦ ' : J ' ¦ -: ¦ i' 1Was the bridge ever eafe r-Yes;J loir ithe-traffic (that «aa on it one ihundred years' ago.

To Mr. Jeffereon—He reported; to uu> Qor~poration of Weterford ,$hat <a considerafblesum of money eWould be spent <>P> tfy bridspto- make it -aafe. 1 ¦ | • : . ! • : ' : ' : I •

-Mr. Max Airl "End*. Cffl., in reply to Mr.Oordon, eaid that he had Iforty yeanr cxpori-ence- -of,ft)ridffe ;constructian. lniot only in Jre;land, but in Rusda'and Scrarth'iAfric»!cfl wfcll :m« made an e*»miaatJoh ca'the W*terfordbridge and found tho ibtacinjr ineffloiart.l '' Mr, George Po*eB statedJS? <?$7, to M»-Oordom Mid he W «! miember at the OWbliaStock Exchanfio;; 2u» deaH la eS dasoefl. ofsecttrrties,' but he r*ov«r bad eay ina *o\ dowith the shares oi <ie Waterfonf Bridgoj ithenominal capita} <U th*' Company "»rao &XJXJ0in flharee of £1100 ]eaob,V tlnere'>ere;aOD eh4reeand.with that «roaM murfber ith^ro.coald motTxi *

rfree maricet; he did j pot; '««laiid' it!i» a'dcsiraile l inveBtroent; tbe property; 61! fqie/OconoanT mi ittpoden Ibrsd3&, *W«jh. irttebhe-raW iil;«J t',We^W<rw9lv«;yearB;ii«)',he- -thought it'.!' '?*¦ • a thinff -*hJtt must oie-appcar; >he •tron*- <M adyMe bi» client* toInvest in euch/a 'f i iUr j as foe , .'W terfbrdBrldj*. : , A - -. :t^V»>. -"j - -q ' ! | : . . ' . : '* - i- •

Mr. Samuel (Morris, . J.'P.V, ir>: reply; Jto' ' !IT.QiooM, eaid that jto was ihfarbnihly aoquajnt-

and he was of opinion tb»v th« n nt nray,developmenta would;affect the "WUs ol] fhe!bridg>e to a, Verr [conaideraiJa ieolefatr •! I

1Er. J. J. tPhclab. in («pjy,to Wj. J«flerebn,

stated that if the G& and. W. (P ailway.Co.oorrtlnued-to ke0pthei'Dta!«irvan*atJofn op?a«nd bring trafrjo trom.thetoatliem »ide aerawthe raflway bridge- to <Kat «tetkm it -wo aidundoubtedly affect the tolkia the ! biid) p;tbla effect od tfcbe 4oU« irovd be (farther &w-centnated-- ii t the(-. Oorpwa»wi: an, i Q«l)\ nay.CotDpoDT coJDblnM wftb.!«-Niaw' to nuua pgtftunw"* ftom,<lne iDuncaBvan ewftion «l4ngthe qoa'yfl cn|tihe'«onOiridt , ' ' ! .¦ ; . ', .

The «oort <womed iixiitil 1059 So-morr. wr.1 : * . . .

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i ?-^ i snmEW®OW;* v3* EOWJ li. j 0I3WAE AN '¦ ^

'¦-'' ¦i ry'. l >-'w t-''Wed^B«di7l: 'io;4. :¦": |: j-- . ; ;. : ^ . !. ' -^*ppO<n»irtl i : i ^ . f H f . . ! - -' ,

At Mr.'' OoMeadc^*> 4 ;<M

J ih r Stmi, f Vednes-f ;.T ; day*. *PP & M M *" •;.:. , -.!.¦¦;: ¦- :- : < ' ¦< - '¦,IJ t m Mi ; ; - -?- --1iTr ¦


M ] Wm ' Qmjordari l o- ijt

i j H^ VWtf WvV ! •! '• ' dayi Ai ril^Wh S l ¦ ¦P '- '- 'i- ! - '

\-iiy ^ ' \\ :; ] $'- \ 'v$&%- ] &:Mi:ita!j i -;:i i mu IL till is t&

i - .1 ¦¦¦



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DEE OUR. ,"- . t> K:|_ E2:: ' : i TrT-C i: r r l \ ¦ - . T/

H:-,> I 'I.'M.I/ J .p'lWATERFUBD :

'¦'• >¦ ':- "<- - 'Jt ¦'. ai; •:. •. i-'M.';°> •.< •-</ . - V \'• '.'.¦¦ ' :-it^

On- Tuesday ©VenSng ,the ithirdi- and•' lafitconcert of 'the' fiessiaa- 'of/ thej .Waterfordi lln-etrumerital':Sciicietyi i»ok :plaoel in Uie : Largo;Boom • of -thei Towri |irJla'U<,,a4d i was , un-douWedly ifli /inodt flucoessfulj^fthe oericbiirom *a musical- poini i of view I TharB.iwae.'uh©lUSualtlnrBeAttiendani , which ?aa m;tliie: »n%:¦vexy.:appreciative*.',wme -oif [We picupants ofthe <will6ry, ;."-™hx) w^re: old: enouga.. ixnj axtv ,better, ikept ,up a xu lning re of jcpnverBationwhidh- ttTd'lbp'-ibeardi'jBll.oyer the hall durwaBOOM, <rf , tbe BJostjJnl rioate ,'o yie utotnimeatalpieces, 'and-wHchrriithJer.marred the generalc o^nt». :;.The p ormTIto : usuaU, wasnicely,decorated «i>h-flo,weTS. &nd1 evergreens&ad otfesented! a,very bright appearance when

ihe: pfitrurpenitlal', e lactitos .were j, two; .aoribi-itidus dasioal items namely.; Mozart's < Syni-rtiony. No. ¦ M i In 43r jMinior; (and KrewtwVs,difl5cult ¦ overture "JNacbUager; inl i ChawKtti*.','jMisa Boyd JtohiJiBton -was; toe sppraao -vpeaJM,arid -Mr. Don'iJboia; i the-'; celebrated 1 Welah)tenor, was- aleo specially engiagedv,a»a -.came;in tor quite ito ovatwni pn-|iTTAitiri8tlhisjeppear-:an.<», 'at' this;:concdrt.::.13i&;op aaiag taareh.,"0>- ffVophele 'f CMeyerbeer),; .WBB .l exoelteatJyplayed'' ¦wlthr, :.good) .tiros/; attack;jondj tune*;liEss Eoyd JohnsVin ;and ilr. ;Oa: f Jonea badxthosea ee&eptiops ,itom .4be>work of Gkiunod,';"'Jt'he jQu<jej».i .of „a£ee%"'j 'ia "flu flret part.Itifie Johnstcm! eiiging;1 ihe ; reiititave aridcavdtiiifi "Far jgresm' in;,'3pa• OLbwly "State."She pdekeeeea, & very eweot'at?d ipleasant (voice.and Banff: tiiis IdifftMAifc c'onYpoaftibn Tery . ac-ceptahly. Tiiis'J iva3 Sollo' wed iby ithe "piece deirtaiwo ^ iWerUpg^^Byila .iiy/ by

Mosart, ah-eady mentioned, with ibhe usualn»v'emeatsrdi'allegro,: andanw, n enueWo trio,and t!ha final !¦ allegro: ' TSnst f is &'1 highlyci itoMe petttrmimoe/ and ane -upon whichthe : odnaiwtor! ian ;th*; 'Ordh ra 'deserveJieirty congVatulataia'.1 ' It to 00 mean tiasK • foran amateur conVbirtatipn -to essay a classicalproduction -led jthis nature. ¦ and ] tiTthougi -- itaperfoTiDarice took re -fl

ve' miiQiutes, all . themovements ehriwed proeff oi haying Ibeen! care-iully etudied:! " MT. ©an' "Johea eanjr, theviawons secrtttev« and . 'Ue i

Me iToul

Aid;" : rTJaa contpiaition Bnrts , iMr. 'Joneee¦voice adnjirably, aod. i in i tesponaa to anenwre,-be' sangiin maeterlyi MshioB;¦! "I'llBinjj the fionCTj of Araby-" Hw <jun«!ftti Belec-tiQtiirom .''iMsitba " followed,1 <aik) tajfreeablyoorrclulded *he .first part .of tb JrograinnKJ. '¦ Part II. ; opened with tha 'Kjreutiex : over-ture, "NtuAitUget; tLn XJrariada." This :eetec-tion. containe .some most¦ difficu*t -pafieagw,and is most nneful ali '.ithioufehJ The comet6olo. .ia , the final movement ¦was deservedlyadmired. 1 iMiss Soyd Johnston next eana"love *th0 Ped-iar/.' -wftji repeated succees. 611Arthur Sullivan's selection Itrrtm "H.'Mii.IKnafore," Iprofved tolibe one ofrihe 'popnlaiItems of /the.'ojynce -\. ! Mr,' (Dan Jboes saw? ajwalnt comjpositfon '; of Needaain'a, ¦' " Oh,

Clarence Mafigan,: This waa fepl>ndidly dealtwHh "by tMr1. Jones, -who. Teoeived a heartyencore. iHis: visikj to Wateriord nev&r seemto 5>e , conrplefte :"rftfcouV "Cbme ' SBto-'tWGarden, lifaud; 'This -he brngB (in. ia,'methodcrrtirel'v bis own.'i ttid with mo ah, eweetneee:tnd, «ftect;! arid ie did eo cgain, on TuesdayEvening- in the ijmosft appreciatii've manner.<But tbe audience' irerd still slot content, addMT. (Dan-Jones 'ki idW appea rec again; andBang ¦"(MiauTeen." TlrJa was .ropropriately•followed t>y I the Iriab. fanwia GreenBuehes" -rfjeh ictrpducee 'iTrJe CrmskeenXawn/ 'Bria-n¦" Borouihrne'eJ March,' :'The'Weann' : of ithe Green.'- "Tpe iRoee Tree,'lAllnego, 'Tho Shamrock,'"iHumo ire oliDonny-brook,' 'Tbe TTishJWasJjerworoan,' 'The Ha >that Once,' ana OEjioale. : This liantas a gavethe .varroua eoloiste on opportunity, and the'eclto coh) Iby Mr. Iferedita. thc: Aari<nietBoJot>y Mr. K. (Hearne.tand thct on tile eupnoaium(by -Mr. (E; W|»ller. were all veil exec'nied.: Thisclosed' a meet; entjoyaMe concert"and a° • Veryeuccccsf ul eeaisoni ( upon ; t^oth : of which -weconcratulate the Society. It is t<> easy maUerfor a', band of lamateup.(Un successfully stadyfind rwork -up baif |a doien pietee for, each of

-Jthcir three i ctraxserta, and tfctfs 6odevy octalnly deGexyea al the euppxjrt that- can1 beffiwn U.MxJtaifrom *ub«crfbeiri and ordinaryconcert goera, Missj 2,' Bobertetni presided-withihcT-usual'a'bilityifct.the plaoo,; < m)d Mr. Ash-watth.-was^ot the organ. Wb eh^uld'not omitto. add • ttert all 'the' actoompaniments wereplayed iby iIr.(iArfiworth i r if h , roirked Ability.•Mr. 1H. Malc-plm, the:8ociety'e' odnducrtor, mva,th« irorfpi^ icB . inany cor^rratnla'tkms Iromjnusical critics .after <tfie ncertl • Our -reportwould.: not W complete -xrithouti teterence' tothe' dl6i r»ted TX»k;rof the Secretary, Mr.TJ iItonffmire;Trtjo !snow tehe' eter Vas, moatindefatl^a'bld in b!a eiertions ;toj promote the

•Appended !is a ISst'of She] perfannera:— • "¦VioHne 4Mae»e» S.:iHjggin«. lLqninai'we, Ben-

sett, Puffin,1 ElwiB, Keane, Hsjckelt. Klrwan,•Heame, Kelly, Peirose, (Bidgwfe-* and ,<Bobert-8on- Meoarq; Bavideon, Fisher,'i Sarrr. ©ufan,JephbOh, Sherowit*, .Eek«n, 'Mooxe, CBiabaion,and (A»n«w.':- -- 1 ''j. ' 1 M - i . - ' i 1 " • : ; ' ' 'r ¦

violBS-i^Miea Bigsrfna.-iMiss , Jutts, OkTeeens¦J.!'A. - MoOot,|S.''iI!«nsr.' - : ¦¦• • ¦• '; • ¦¦ - .; ¦ i ¦¦

Violoneelloel-'Meesra.; . IB. JL'sB. ©uffln, CM«rediax; 'B.- ,TorrtB.- ;- I ;,-, • ., .

¦; .- ¦. ¦¦i : ; ' ¦ > ¦

Dotfble BK^CS—lleMro., E- <Q. Butta and KV.' Meredith,^ - | J , : ' ¦: ¦. ' ¦ .: r • • ; , : !• • •

Flute—aj»j <H. 3 . Htmt. , : ' ' ; : : ; •OTarmete-IMesart. iB. Hearno abd T Ootbert.Corwrt—(Messrs. JJ. McCarthy and ' E.

IBriiton. • > ! - i I ' ' i j . : . . - . ' ! : ' - ¦ '" "Trom'boae4GIr. 1; Oalryie. : ' ,ObOe-CEr.'i T, A. Losgroire.! '. : ' :lEuphonium-i-aiT. 'E.. AV&Qer.! . : • ¦ ;Tvnrpani—Mr. iW. O/Mercer-' ;-' :Piitnct-Miss IL. | Eobertsoni . I . ' ¦ ! •-

' .<hgan-MMr. \%. 'ABhTrorUi. ; ! : ; ¦ :Conductor—<Mr. C Malcolm.: ;

'¦ '• • OTCKPI A 'COnOH! W ONE 'NttGOT j ¦•

, . ; !. ;_ > i i " '^'U¦¦.-itfy, takbg '¦ J . ., ¦) '¦¦ ] ¦¦! '

,-ViHNldB IE<5!a?tN(ittai ,O9'UG a.;OIJ!BEi¦\ki coash D127 1xj due to any (f the follow-

inj.<JauE<3:—i ; ;¦ ' ! : | ¦ ;!' ¦¦ | ¦Cotiarrhlal Cold3 : Inflaiamajion of the LungaInflueosl I • ¦ ! Pneumonia !¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : 'BDteraedlUToH ' . Ooiwuraptlon, |: ; ;toffcnnedThxoaA - ' PleuesJT ! ' :¦ ¦¦ ¦¦'. . * • . - ',

¦ ¦. .BrtmcMtW ¦'> •S- • SWm&oh IhooWeci:, i. .i*tetbsna:L, i ¦„, - .: pop-:'. ¦ j • ' ' ¦' ¦ -j ': ^ \ ¦ . .-Enlarged" Tdnalta AMe Gold ,' v . • : . ' .• |;-, l4<c(WGli m»or t>» Irvand hard, af loose .withtnueb eipecfonati ix r; it may be catantol tritbA An ilrMl 'mxiitf 1 h« throatiBflOumDanded IbvA dry ¦UnrliBsr in 1 be throat [aoo mipanwd | bypartial etoppwe *1 the nc*tr f la« ad ahortneflsof breaJtb. Veno'e Mattniiw Cgugbl:Cbre to

•yiuphmlti -'trtth1 -J^m cpject of ttpoiniag > thex»ase of die boatf . 1. iooti smottjering or ;6db-doJwr U,; oe-eosin« HJ tot; etwn!n?l«he diseased-.i»r tlcA! «kbTt9tec«'i»> m h •tolwedly« «ci»atafto "Mmedy bodoMed 'And "ueed> br<£oc4cr*.-; V3»: loAdi ng" Bidtifiih' Ai^alyifts. •peakIn tbe b^heB

-tn ms bI litj - :H,|«- inflottejy

vopoidof i/0 -Ord£na Tf \ on -u lTT^iytpfft^j> **vffl p«Hateto/"OT:.any- oS- 3>e. i«i»u1fldor»-*4»cb eretot -.Uttf 'mM Vtm d BO-j»t«faBl-;-v«ttw , «x-KM« Mn'.'iHM' th* kwrirfv for: f tim tiffl* hftinff.YeooV ¦'WSriartaiiig ' Ooruph iJOure no| onlyrnddJcaUx bat& 'i&\>unA etuWbprn lOough*.baA .tf cing WtirK f i e lungs' aOd! rive vipeTlex^

" VeBoVl^ tnCbaffhCure

i» free

fromall dkngen?»d*w, *nd is tbe I i ialeBt;i {rarest«nd raort feff«8w remedy,-eitaa,.for coogto,

' ^ tn /' U*? Ii53-. w wl\ faemdste. «nd"0(VH|l yyyj^l|IS- I T *.'*. f i r ' ' * ' !-' ''' *. -: i t \ '¦ : 7 '.'

silver *»id ele Aro-Glicttr . iVitStZ&i.baUef, ,iajrwriin«

A QfMmk JPC»pten«4Ir»c ,Wcelkrtl

¦i,w*"r ¦¦• ' ¦•

Manufaotortng Oh<tree on appboi rttojo¦i .I,.: *.'

¦•VT-D., :¦*

.OT0IMA0H; {f i r , ' }j (Sm«tbIlZi'» ''i ^Mtii?'' W *H*. 0*W!.MI III ,.1

H*ll», l«f QtM•t»eeVl?W«lo

I : > - I ¦ : • : - i

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; I.' ' l"\. -.m L l.i

lijra lifti 'ftftoJlOBW riti.i - i- ¦¦ ¦i(f''-irBtf iio>t fP-ii

W'-'- ' i; ;; '^-ii';;ii£.' *-' 1,: : ! : ;; ;. :• .iu:-u!:i^:. -^{"uMdlj -lC^^Ei^^'ailCl'Otlli©!' ¦ - - , . ! - - 'r : -ji" i .- : ' j™""w j.(u^»:W,.'i,"»;'-'j ' l'i1 » - : Y"" i;J;

J:.:'M . . .1; K-. H- . -. .P-J, i , - ¦ ¦• i . 1 , n , .., .'- ~—4-——=3 ..'!•-}. ¦: . :!i - .- ; i j , ; ;- .-i i v( i:,i

!c i v ; . i-'-;ja.W >• ¦'•_ ; ii-'i'ii '•*' j i |- - - ; '- -i vX ; ¦'¦¦'¦.Ja;e,i ;-i|:' J' --"'c*t'W 'y ;!"'(

pllcatroiir!'' '

¦ •¦!' • • 1.tohdodij;i n; : ' i

WLATB PO VDEW.-'li.' KlttM i iKktoi Polish,c f* a]bigh.b ind-. biaU»n<t«n»trnt <*f IlKbopti p» allfated j«>od»' Ul 0n\ themler - juet; tii» thlqf,'."vA

to eeji. yeijti I.llrid.tie(derf tbe bea I. , It> ! cleans«r i •erttobef." TOM ,¦ :ex-;' isoid 15 oiil* Ifr'.-ai-r BeH.hS*; ,6d. I* *i ix,- .Simp'kb_ ¦* i 1": ¦ < y . . . '' '.[ " .- i ¦

¦. "i . i -j ' i . ¦ i ¦ ¦

W tBear»*K*flnttwr*«Kf andtlrerjr* t '' | f 1 Jfl.il' M .lift'

j:. - .t-.::rr v;\ VM. V\p ] V.iff i f o

j l j

ilanAo!lJi%ti^JaJXuft:V/M\:\3r': fM-eh!a'rpt«);' .'!''4io to^Van Ginlcieli (a!, •-« •!uUpTk-rj ij - '- ' fj -. >) ¦¦. • -, ¦ I ¦vi |- l '''- /.i"-:''"!;'f S-Batad^wV, ar^!.coU (W. Jones), Mark

<•- U - - . v.> ¦M-r'- ,1yn:, J,-. -^- .: ¦ I i-- - ,. !--; . - -.t. .| - . <i ifoi 'i .-.,;»*¦ *V«TI ' f fWI&H -'i.AM tx> a4 E&tuary

' la-S OflllPI^TrSAM-TaiiOTiB 0 ' SiOO

igovW.' ^ J«i5rtl»:t«|tW g£^nd

and third,

([ff ijuOaiVmn^ 4\^: itaiL-^ 1' ' '0, ' \ : .

ftraierl, tlr 'AHiaieoe'fW. -H lgfi), 2;i The Sun. 1 - - : . '. i .- -i .-i ." IL_-JJ1,.1'_ ¦ i ; i{W.r Kalsey., 3.. i ,,Bettinj-H4*4o V.'btfl Bflton I - ..,-.*;-;'":l-*r»WD0N |OETTINC. ; j ,¦Wit/ TTx;*V'—iii(-';Aiij! JiJ nA "»» i:Tt,o onn ' I . -I A ¦'Ati i i t . W .- i l - '. \L_ d± U .!' — ; ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦:ir£XK, Jr w> 1 agas ¦&iiOJ%ue, -va \u> i; J-JI

OJU.'Wvja* .byl '«f8' '

tJ 'l«s«*ha .-'af- lenj#> ', &eparaui%¦'

se«M-4^'' W' ''M1 - |«>to-:Eftar ''waB 'ifo . - - .;be.¦

•w«a3ied) out tor1 Tj iLynMorii/ jbui'ai the last-¦maimeit : Mr:>HlilliWlalk«T' decided- rW v - wiith-dr tiw" )b«> hxwSe andl rtin!lmn -in '-the'-Jiiibi'ee'-¦8tak'ee;"itrfien' It a» 'ifoundj;tbiat::Hi s cotildjide aim. (Winner1 inain«5 ' by -BJaBJcwtU '- ' alWewmjaTteet ..- .¦, ..I ¦' .T . - ¦ , . i , ¦ ; ; i - ' -_J- . I '

fl-.4i.(FWiO"B&UB C€fl> ^CESlJIililTfJ KtiKTIBitJaflff~ 6C v^ ouir telon .~4piiaii.'thu» (A. Tem-¦plemafa):'-1; -Duia' -'IKSiiloolt : Cffi :- Joaes),MJ; .-Pnmi: flny •(J -;Eaist)/,;

; 3}.'•¦ lAileb': ran-^May i Mar-

• ria*e'- (Saxfby);'' KonSgawinter x x H i . . :(Maher>,(Bldghfr q?licka!byl£::The ^Brtaierf. -' <P. <:Well6),-

l -M4rl(5ttaaiiii :'flr-. 'i Bafintai).);: ' iJtort&ein'.^QireenflUy^ EDateey),: loraza- JGm ?); I


any {Bemirtt;). 'Beiarny-a'to-1 liagst'.iflaaanus,6''w'i:KonngswinrteT' coltl,! 6;-to .lJBujn Jtamoolt tad-Pociirti:flHy, IO to .r'Bon*hem Queenfllly,;(lop '4pv.8f;'oliiem::- ,:'W«p!*y . ! a jleu«th *ttaee-mtadteni oJf l a-:; lehgjt3l'-(batw«n l eases -mid' Jindrd';' : <W.!fainer ' laiihed} [by Kallick p}iLannftiouril).- - ; '! - _ -- ; - 1 :-' r , ^ : . ; 1 . 1 ; - - - ':, '-• ¦

¦¦- -.a^oHMiRr PilVlIE! of i200 eov» -<IWe fur-J0OW-1-J!K';tI«"lOW«« 5>-' uMialier)t I.-1 Paftk-.-(berry] flH. Jon«e>, 8[; JOMweTIo'(B.jllratepji),'3.; Also " rari-JOottn.'terfeitii; tfMr. ' iTlmreby),

;<(M«iOall), .doncurry \QSaMea), Maa-Lyne), ISyMl dX)r ' ffltilkm), Beau' Side VSew (Blades), i For anjeis Bay


pieman)! Slawtfader : (Of iiifgs), Conn-Xcjadern .LIExceptaon filly (B3cott),Tears f (Spxiby) '. '¦ iMatbilde i (Tnijjv),.

" (KalfieyV jIOeiarngi-S'-As ;4r,'8^M:.Can-der«l*);r 4 t crl iNlomnan,- 7 to 1 -OuiiteoiiJeJt,100 .ti 13 UdMle Goose, 10 .to 1 FortQiv§'e;Bov,20 to 1 !orffa«T8. ; (Won !by:a ;leagfth !and-:a' half;-a he dllbetvireeaii eecona ! and : tbary.'ni(Wiilniiertrain- id!-by Blao&well al Newnrarket).; r ; ":i!.> ;2.0).- -ONOB .'KKjfUij.Wp, OXJilN'EL^SiSllAtrt.ES'

of [00 save, ejich for thtee year old fllliW,'9st eaah.—(Krtwlej; ,roile.: ; - ¦ ¦. :; ''; . ;- ; i ¦¦'

Mr. . Wj. Hail-Walkerfe ,WpiTCH) :H[iM 'by!. '• On je;-<lannici Lassie : ...i.. (Bi -jLynhism)] 1

¦Lord .Farmouthrs FEUlOAlIilTy i by BL;: Simon—Wise lyiTggi .. ..J... (G. ' MoOain! 2

ffifr. Ji i Janwafa , i aiXTT . iby KamondiJu'filefrHLuoina r.L........;.; iW.- i Haleay) 8

.-; . '¦ • ! ¦ ¦!¦ : :., - LAfco.rao- .! ¦ ' ¦¦ - .¦:-| • ¦¦ • t . -: f . VBBtoria-.j*..;.i...;*,.*;-.. i-H. Jonea ' , :

OmpeD. ....i.,.j..l.i..;..^.'J...i L. Lvne ; ; •

. Beattie , '..]...:.<...;...;.„.'„., , C. Tngg ; ¦Balralie . ...i...,.i...¦,......!¦ J". Eogera '. '. ]

.i . Corhfleld J....'u.-._ . :...;...' W.-. GMBS3 - "1 }" ¦JWhiilee .J..J.....;.; :A.; Tetnpleinan ,.; '

: OheBtn-ut Sunday .'..".,:.*.. ;B. Dillon, . |Maya ..»>j...-i—'.........;. 'P.' Soouree . ' :: '

; Great Dame I filly : O. Madden . ; ' . 'GeBoniaoai ¦ U.J.;.;; F. Kicaktoy i

: Altatude A...U ',i / .'..,.. D. Maher i '¦ " iffigjhfliet (...LL:....'..:;.:.' W.VSaxby :¦'' ' ¦

--¦-¦ Ser 'Heeled ! ..-.i...::.. H.' Esoott '. ' ' ¦

' ¦JJOCBUJJp—« K) ' l E£S( 1TUJ.-VUJ mill, U uy X

, Orj7.il|; M -. to 2 'Doirrta .Cateritia, 100 to i E3Ooriifleldi 10 toi'lLOj-eToiriana ,and Uaya, 100to. 8 'Vfcttoria etdd, i Silrwr rTeeled", 100 to 7Jubilee and Obtetndt Sunday; 20 to I otheiB.

; TT: [BpE BAiCE. ' -•: ; -¦¦\.\-. :H\ - '' -Af er! a) slight; delay through J-uibdlee break-ing the-|tapes,! Bnrdalitiy made.play fromWat^h -Elm,'the!pair 'oaing just clear of HHffh-¦flier. Sixty, Cwrofield land*- AitJftude, .wafliiMa»ia; ] '•'Donnia jCSaierinai ¦ Geroiwaa»x Orwellland Jubilee, moat jprominent of tho aShem,who weie wMjipedn In--; lrr> Bea*fie. ¦' '. Ijttt©c&aaj. e'iin tfcese .p(jaH5ona occurred till, reach-ing tbe pushes {wien Wdtoh Elm wveBted th©IARHI trtm. TTmiEalitv. ' anrf amafainiir ,t(h& Ire-

¦inaiSidor j of the : rarir4ng.;Mr. . Batl-iWalkeriBipepreaenitaitaive iwon- easry by J three '. lengths;A lea iih nad a haM ditviding second apd; tMrd.lAltltude wlaB Wnr%: 'GeraniaBa. fLftih,,:i>6nnia'Cart^rkia "eirkrtiti, jjJ.u'bSlee, eeventti; . ' Mayae«!hth,: pomfi^Ml i niMb, Great Dame' .fillynex1» and BataiEe- Issli... j • ' ¦ '" ¦ '¦, ¦

. "':' ¦ ':. !Wm$r5'mfa-J |a Moec. ' ," ' ' : ! ! ; , p - , '

IJwlinn r. fr^n"*?' iiy W. ±; Eotenson ;at^!,' ' ' I : . i:., Ji '. ' - ¦¦ . [ ¦ jTY)xlfiill);' ' ( -¦' ' ¦¦ i ' f' !' ' ! ' '. - 9J5r>l4i4UbrilBY IHAMIWaAIP of S00 SOVB:-^Six furiangs.—(Mussulman ' F. ' Tearpleinim),tt: - {Desca' aitei Gmg X S; FVwiborn :(W.Kateey). . lAll^1iia»-®roiher BSUTfMMer);

Caloy;: <13i»Juree\.'i-L»vatia'-a" <W. Saifbyl,' :Thie¦Bedbuin Ffl.n B>,!'Lai(Jy ,Cr1ngrl«- (Broadwooa),H&ria (H. Wa-trta). .uTettiii g—2 to 1 M?st BrotherBillt 111 to 4 Pfeqborn,' 5 to" 1 Lininran, 6 to01 lElraa, |8 to 1 Mnafttknan., 10 to 1 De3ca,rl00to ? otheru. I Wbnifcty two i lenaths; threelerctho betweeifi second and third. Llovsniawaslweighed oat fcr G.j Saifcy tot; the horse•wasljebb^qoen'lto'k 'wiOidriwn;,having boltedtto toe .town. ; <W inier.-:tiaiiierJ by Bandereon,Bunr.i --a-i 'TfenBiriBifcet). 1 ' ! . l. - i :-! ; : :! ' . :- ^;-.

047-Hr]HTOAY WBUHQB lEAINTOTOAP o4J03B<m .-fSaven fndwngg.^Lady . _Bil:Hiii]8_-.coUW#?>h II; Tetmtfttty «>.' iUaddenw 3; BlanltiWv, 3. Mm ran4-,Va8c*)' (G-riascO.; Pairth-*ul Don,1' {Hateey), i The ' Oherqir A <Maher>,Crafile Scai? filly dLyne), ; Anrpclion i (H Jones),ILas iTrump (Tin r), . V«rinivnt (WWrterGriji^B)¦IHWUta'e O. ¦ BrowaV jESnltiChajnpioh; fflj;oatt),§lu;? !TI.t,<Pl&at,'>; ;Kiiv4? (Heefctard).: lE^MIna-;© to! 4 agSt iTobijsiorth^Ti to'2: Lady Villr-kini : colt,;8 to 1 AjapeSioa i 7,to. 1 The ClHraK6 to i;"VfcBeo-aJid|Biani,'lO:to J Cnadle StafffllJy. ' iOOi te 8 otneni. IWion' by four ler- iibs;a- . njwk betweeii-Isecond snd thfrdi 1 .(Winnertradned) by D!a lra at ] BceSJiainplon). *" ; ¦ ;.... . . . . . . . ¦---

,jJigJMC g fJQ.; !- ¦ - -; ¦: I - - ' ;1 1.47- rJOEMUifBy JTJVEN1II1B SELIJNGPU.VDB kxf 100le6TB.-4EUve • CarJonaa.-SaiuoyJohi |<Hb«ey)J . 1' lTrue Art fiI r;i (F'0x)J '2;

•Alfr ad House '(Biltoi) i 3. - Jiso.'. ran JlSri^colt ;• fAndereoi>),: IDcrvendale fWih«it]ey), Jar-'sac ¦ ' S3]3t3n>leB>) ) !0i c2i't : {C, -Baleey)1,'- Kiriffh-iof ( trice <JOtJbonw, Lrady Hoea filly (CELBP),Jly-^Iy :_ Aj |CTyB|.- nQjdSnfiT '(XXIUIAl'Off)^ * , , PbB2VtO3Q ¦Girlj '<?. j McOa}l)J IPolly, Perkins (PraaEtmin),Oaniirre1 geManj: (Jon)eB)i ¦rBetl'in --fil to 1 asetTruS Art fllly, a t<t' 1:8auicy Joints-, to 1 PollyPerldne, ! 10 to il jliady [A<rgyll Sty ' na Can-tire geldfewr. lOCi to 8 others.: Won by & lengthAnd,"a :bsii; i a ehort head, between ¦ eecondand litUrd. (Winner: trained by WJripp, fasa.;at-Beverfley).:> :l j : i ¦ - J -' .- I - _['. - ; - ;i:: ~

¦¦» ¦:-'¦ '¦![- ¦'• •'•2JW-CJOBM1U?: BADOOuXUiP Of 100 eov»-

One mfle.—JPensian ' Garden : tw>ppinfi)i • 1;TOD j g LocMriv^rj Ein rtead),1 2j -Boyal Arch4M<<' Coy). 3. >Atoo ¦¦ Tv-A r ff tT''>*- * f'( ''"tt*T)fitol sn::: Jowel (Vla x), [Mikado -;([Mestmin),IATOSB J^a, Jo«n»>f jNapper (SJKuplee), M5ir-nzar. <tia ! colt (Sun*>n>, HJallcralg > (WI Olarka).'Bett jig^-a to 1. e«* Toung Lactewvar, | .toa r«mian Garderi, Cifoil PlalrcrBiiy. lOO to 13Stolen'J«w«l, J00 to 3 dtbera. Won by f(fl««-JvFQp' tuff '^L - 4vUKv I'll' 1 VWT M ' ftvDvCuuKr CvEvBQvW'DIft

Becond and tbpt'.i ' Cf iiaDBT tuadnedj oy-Pea-cock-»t^ModdlfS«tnU - f ' -, 'r ' ¦¦ ¦ ; '., - ¦." ;; ¦ ! , -. \\\ 'h :;i 2£jO4-iVHrlli!Uld MlilBF PliATE of 100 «pfT»—;

bsU rfWheaUey^ •¦ '| -i^^«nT 8uej ^ ,B^y»

4CU mTl .'sSimqaMJk ¦'¦ ffl. |; teele);R,(Pri> |iCJJjQjiW ) {»i A* IW Q08UCV/j| X*oJHy *TTu-DOc - l-ftf-pff*

sji ii si' L* ijPte^;: 'C i :¦no Bf mJGQsnwi y i 19 - vo v otrieT*, f.wop -.py QIK>feir«jib»: ta letiyfli M»4 * h*H between' aecutd''and thirtil <TOnr*M. iariniea byj &$)iwt & jai1:36eT>ffBtle<pntl3rn«t. r: ';'' 'ii ;tl:-:^ ;

' ' fy^! l :;- - /4 ;;I y !JBLMTP])GlrT''.' V^mHri 'WiSW^^ y :bf 100•ovitt*wSn-ftn owB>i-»<3f|cle;j fiftifT*jco4t fl op-15feS j!ij f;®9w wMri 'fflfcOdlHr^Ooo 1 :

;:* ;!:V- : f ln : ' -;->. i - !ri^i;: ^: . U- , : - ¦ " ,f v- h: -

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';. :; (atieoifll ¦ wire; tfcj;^tHfl !"'Eyenin8 New8|'>;: '¦¦ ' i - 'j '- : - 'VjjcS arEB CUP. ¦ • -

¦ '¦! -6 to a a .Tmbinie' (tA ! i !> rJ i -64o-.' a1 ¦—*^ 'Broaoe / fef Canny {o.V i \¦'¦ tfto> a; . ! 'aittPdb!;:(t.>-;:: . - ; • !¦ :

. - • - I : ! ' :! ¦ JPEPBELBE. • I - ¦ ;. :-a-4a/a-a»sit.<PoTlar rar (0.), 7 to; 2 (t.)

B/to . l - ' ;- iVelpciSy1, |(t.' and o.) 1L' -V.ftto. 0 ^ :''Mlihr4'(t.)-; > - . :

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'(Kiaibrooke a.1'•¦¦' /VEdtorffia -Blanrlii(Felbiiidge Han«

. Hajtovine Banti• rilRprehJtaees' PC:i Surrey Plate—<J.- : ' i : i . i l l . :- - r r

.• > ^. i». h " ; Y&- " - •¦

¦¦ . ¦'!-¦¦• ¦;<il- '}}'.\(sn¦'.. v 'j " 1 . .':. ; ;'. . .. J

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' i •'-OTESrliHR !O

7 ' ¦-'IKOpiELE"']"¦"V :,"; : ' IEtUIDI:'.:-;;-r- 's;p.No CoanniisaionOffice—38/BA8T

TeJegraphic .'AcTelephone1 No.

1 .-. . . ' , PBliNCE¦Will eiamd iifor •: ¦

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' HBtDNCE PvJmfas!a»h%b. . . 'HKiwherever eht(wn,- TeJKmsH£2.. • <h

i Pedlgree Shareiquzriber! of marctee, 2B.16H .; • ¦' . -, '1i ¦•

'¦¦ ¦¦ -

': - ! .- KKTiG

.¦ . Clydesdale 8tecanrber of mazelee, S . -'edv:. ¦: lAllJ feeatote. No mijieslattei,, . Owner-will not: iVfr furfcheT p


¦JOB, .esco—JoBtoJey BauI

ifei-sWEHiajnleaftjrdi : : \.[: .-.'Ssi-JPatiinfek -

. ¦&i. :6di ieaohvTOtrBej CaeesT,Tfroinas :' Ctb<VoEfctucntner, Il- .Oji.- .efioih.—33Tobin.itKiiirrKtf

Tt* Be»f Sato" ;[;.0wwiaf"¦' ;. !.! - - : - ."' ': flni

¦ll 'ITHE 0V1


(SoIe AjeiIj Swrert ", { >¦¦ •¦¦ ¦ . :


and;8KlS8;| 4.4ailV, througab


Wji!led and ¦&


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CG4QIOJJU3 Pricca.

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Keith/; ft.)¦¦¦- .

neford (I.) '3tbwell-.(l':ylaiilor (t.)OEEiBYv ¦'>ve,,;Gallib"nvani (i.)>l Winder (t.)diiHaUa .).ncTibrjo.:LD MEtrrirjQ-Slieeliahv :»p-rChJcory. :ap—Zarifer. : :a>PT-JDelarey. ,«-H0ofE3.saan of the Sloy

S^A INE,Deaperandmn;.' :

;p/ , IjuisiiiEE anuKiEs, : :• MEO POtLniAK.'¦¦DIHttBYii -"Etic.: : <

: l . . :L -JVuiiWTQ.V' ; i ; :; : -

MAHEET , PEai01E3, ¦

1U iEnglish Eaces. '¦¦ '¦

. charged'. Write for terno.E85EX 8TSBET, DUBLIN.areas—"Mignon, Dnblin."


e StallionRMHRiaK (12292), i ' :;

jpyice at ' the , Home Eanoi,urre hiuore. ; : ¦. . ' '. : ¦!

KKjfe a l%ht hay, standingBtock have been winners

is- fee, &. ea. ' :B CELT (112900),lion, will senve a

at £1 per mare

r ;OP LABouiR.«ml will serveat fll per mare

mnf a t flmt eemice. ;iod :to on Sunxlaya. •^iaeountable for aceidenfa.rticutais apply! 4x> ' ' '¦JOHN GHE iEKOTlB,

' ;¦j ! ¦ .' . ¦ ' "" OurragihinoTe. : ;

^utecmiiprriioxs TO J. :iWm EUiND. • : : iunivea and Co., Wotorfoid.ssankj-uet,' taltafdiahe House.ima|!''Breene, ; (Hjemrietta-ellendi'JJC; Wdllaain OQ>onog»eta.-)j / ¦ - ' r •• •

¦ ¦ ¦ - , 1 . ¦; ' ¦'mH; Go.: MiAtH.; Ma'rtiQSp iare, Wateafowi: 'uiray. Imperial (HtateJ, W4«-:¦. : j

¦ ¦ ¦ < • ; -. : 1 : i . ;

Sri n, Mund»ro.. . r i ' , -:|Ttib&i ifiafrony, ' -Bayioash';Jsaiirn'; . Jiaanes iPowef, do.,!iy-, -j 1 ¦ -Ba'HyftEJcJt; ¦• ;. Tconiisnacthomtafl. : : I - ' . : : ;oiaa |MoGra1ih; i Ooolroe: Joha

tot*;for Mtlk fpr VondsfisSIITM In Qnartfir, flclf,Ooe' Stone Bats, !: h ¦

>Etk ::sf o w k a l :)HADE DT : ; • ! . ;

tljpj SPICE

)¦• (¦

¦ .> ¦ .(

- . ,


¦ :| 1 ¦ 1 1

I Id Carrick for Brace Qrecs'sa Spectacles or PoHert.Mirtrnlly coapoonded, tu3post! or roil. j i

¦ : '! ¦¦

¦: 1 •

eiTOS. AiLSO , ECKSJ ,STllTTEO, .3e»t Pucea {or ill BIDS'

id] BASE SEIKS «Ru ed.

:i l - ' ! iIO« UIRQY, ' ' *'¦;U'' -

' • 1 1 'i ; : ,VAlHBiI0K:>Ol^STJllt

»¦! • ;.-.'. 'I'

O CLCAWINO. Iwea stjpnR- a» p t e p n o tNf i 4kin»B-lopk 1>rifiSr:«h*;ft:[ \imr. a hoai erty!««g ,|p;!,«xcellent ;j>p «st *$®:

:•» »e.;:--.;«te,-,'r «naKfnir,;'«lfe''^:<l««JDe^^^ttiSi^wSBp:¦[¦ _¦• • • - i ' -S'.-A-. ii ';! :'-|:f«

limited. Groom'a

a limitedi Groam'o

to-, "ChmE&dffS

MfUMii 'nf