Magazine August 2020 - Goodwood Islamic Society

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Transcript of Magazine August 2020 - Goodwood Islamic Society

Assalaamu Alaykum readers

Belated Eid Mubarak to ever yone.

Alhamduli l lah, despite the cur rent COVID

challenges, the annual haj has been concluded

recently w ith r epresentations from as many

countr ies as was possible under this pandemic

environment. On the Day of Wuquoof, many of

us w itnessed and were saddened by the l ive

satel l i te visuals r eceived from the Beitul lah the

next day. Only secur i ty and cleaning staff were

present in the Haram per forming Eid Salaah,

whi lst the major i ty of people in Makkah and

around the wor ld per forming Eid Salaah in

their homes on Fr iday. What we should

r emember though, ponder and appreciate, is

that the haj always continues (w ith health

safety protocols in place this year ) r egardless,

since the time of Nabie Ebrahiem.

Locally, this month, we remember Imam Omar

Abdulla. This year is the tenth year since he has

left the dunya. Imam Omar has had a huge

impact on this community. Many w i l l not know

of him, or would not have met him. I t was

Imaam Omar who led this community through

the dark days of apar theid, in to post apar theid

South Afr ica w ith integration of our society. I t

is also Imam Omar who has laid the foundation

to the expansion of our community. Read more

about our past leader in the excerpts of his l i fe

stor y.

Feedback / commen t s / s u g g es t i on s : newslet ter @goodwoodm osque.or

Our Cover : We remember Imaam Omar 10 years

after his passing. Photo Courtesy of : Anonymous.

INSIDE- Our Most Im por tant Possession

- GIS Com m i t tee Update

- Q & A - Sheikh Fuad Hendr i cks


- Im am Om ar Abdul l a

- Indepth - Vi r uses and Islam

- Recipe - Bobot ie

- Jannah

- Kids Playr oom

- ICONS Month ly Repor t

- The Most Am azing Jour ney - Par t 6

- Zainab bint Jahsh

- Inclusion of Disabled Musl im s

- Giv ing Thanks and Being Gr atefu l

- Whose Who - Gai r on i sa Johnson

Edit o r ial

For some it is their business and others their health. For some people, their children are the most important possession and they will go to the end of the world for them. Many of us would make sacrifices like not buying clothes for ourselves in order that our children can be clothed. We will make ourselves short to pay for tutors for them to pass matric.

Thus each one of us possesses something we perceive to be most important to us and therefore we are prepared to make many sacrifices to preserve it. However, our most important possession is not our homes, vehicles, business nor our children but rather the most important possession is our heart. The heart with which we either attain success or punishment in this life and the hereafter. Do we realize that the heart is the most valuable possession? Are we prepared to make the same sacrifices in order that our heart be preserved and remains sound? We will not be able to enter jannah until our heart is sound and pure. The success of man in this life and the hereafter is dependent on a sound and pure heart. Allah Almighty

says in Surah Al Shuara verse 88 -89:

?The Day when t here wil l not benef it [anyone] wealt h or children. But only one who comes t o Allah wit h a sound heart ."

So, if one wants to enter jannah in the hereafter then one must take care of one?s most important possession in this world, one?s heart.

The Messenger of Allah [Peace and blessings be upon him], said,

?Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealt h, but rather He looks at your heart s and act ions.? [Muslim]

All our organs are connected to the heart, so if the heart is sound all other organs will be sound. So, if we want to rectify our wrongs we need to start with the heart. When the heart becomes hard then it becomes void of gentleness and mercy. Among the signs of a heart that has become hard is laziness to engage in righteous deeds, especially the acts of worship. Another sign is the increased love and attachment to this life, to such a degree that one is unaffected by what is happening around one.

All praises are due t o Allah, t he

Cher isher and Sustainer of t he

universe. Peace and salutat ions

upon t he Prophet Muhammad, his

family, his companions, and all

t hose who follow him.

Every person has something which

t hey regard as important in t heir

l ives. They regard it as an integral

part of t heir survival. For t his

reason, t hey sacr if ice t heir t ime,

wealt h and energy t o preserve it ,

no mat ter t he cost .

Among us are t hose whose job is

t he most valuable possession t o

t hem, t hey sacr if ice t heir sleep,

healt h and even family t ime for

t heir job as t hey realize wit hout it ,

t hey are unable t o provide for t heir

family. For some, t heir ent ire l i fe

revolves around t heir vehicle,

washing it every day as it is t heir

means of t ransportat ion, t heir

business depends on it and t hey

cannot do wit hout it .



By Sheik Ebrahiem Tofa

The pandemic of COVID 19 is one of such examples.

I t is evident that our hear ts have become so hard that we have no concern for other s when we defy social distancing, r efuse to wear a mask and insist on continuing to social ize. A hard hear t does not only impact an individual but r ather the enti r e society. A hear t void of mercy depr ives a society from mercy. This in turn r esults in a society void of brotherhood and uni ty which ultimately leads to enmity and feuds among people.

So how do we recti fy a hard hear t? For indeed among the greatest bounties is to possess a hear t that is soft, gentle, and merci ful. Any hear t that is void of i t is tr uly at a loss. Al lah Almighty says in Surah Al Zumar , ver se 22:

?Then woe to those whose hear ts ar e har dened against the r em em br ance of Al l ah. Those ar e i n m ani fest er r or ?

One of the most effective ways of softening the hear t is to educate oneself about Al lah Almighty.

Al lah Almighty says in Surah Al Anfaal in ver se 2:

?The bel i ever s ar e on ly those who, when Al l ah i s m ent ioned, thei r hear ts becom e fear fu l , and when His ver ses ar e r eci ted to them , i t i ncr eases them in fai th ; and upon thei r Lor d they r ely?.

May Allah Almighty grant us the abi l i ty to r ecognize our greatest possession and make the necessar y sacr i f ices in this wor ld to attain a sound hear t and enter jannah in the hereafter.

And Allah knows best.

QMM News l et t er - Mont hl y Commi t t ee

Ar t i c l e ? J ul y 2020 / Dhul Qadah 1441

Over the years we have become accustomed to July being the heart of winter but for the last few years the rains have sadly been very infrequent which resulted in severe drought conditions in many parts of the Western Cape.

Alhamduliellah this year our region was blessed with rain in abundance and snow also fell in many high lying areas. The mountains of the Boland were covered in thick layers of snow which resembled the Swiss Alps with all its pristine beauty. The accompanying storms together with gale force winds, wreaked havoc over many low laying areas of the peninsula with trees being uprooted, roofs being damaged and extensive flooding, especially in informal areas. The masjied and its precincts were not saved from the effects of the storms. We had to remove the tent outside the hall area as it collected too much water and we feared that it would be damaged. Quite a bit of water ran into the hall area. Luckily this floor is not carpeted and could just be mopped up. The boxed gutter which joins the two rooves of the front section of the masjied could not handle the incessant rain. This resulted in a stream of water that poured

into the back-middle prayer area.

Alhamduliellah Boetas Naaym and Ghaziem did their utmost to contain and mop up the water damage. We are looking at solving this problem with a matter of urgency. We are exploring different options with accompanying quotes, while our architect is consulting with the local building inspector as to what is allowed per the municipal building regulations. The feedback that we received from Sheikh Numaan Roman, who is running with our rezoning application, is that he is fairly confident that it will go through successfully towards the end of October or early November, In-Sha-Allah.

During the past month we sadly had to announce the janaazas of many older stalwarts of the community. On the 4th of July, Hadji Mogamad Zain Isaacs (80 years) of Stewart Street and Hadji Achmat Damons of Gertrude Street, were both laid to rest. On the next day, 5th of July, Hadja Amina Jacobs (82 years) of Goodwood Street was buried at the Mowbray Maqbara and on the 8th July, we bid farewell to our eldest male mussallee, Hadji Yusuf Siljeur (89 years) of Alice Street.

Al Marghoum Hadji Yusuf Siljeur, was one of the most regular mussallees who attended all the 5 daily prayers for almost 19 years until he became frail and couldn?t drive anymore. He was a dedicated learner at the adult classes and he would be the first to attend any thikrs. Our monthly Khatams will not be the same without Hadji Yusuf?s trademark ?twee gevrietjies?

pink and chocolate cookies. He always kept our ?poejie? boys on their toes during Ramadaan and on quite a few occasions one would hear him starting the athkaars or correcting any mistakes made during the recital of Surah Yaasin, from his chair at the window. Even though he was a pensioner, he would be the first to contribute and participate in any fundraising initiative of the masjied. Apart from being the eldest male mussallee at the masjied, he was also the eldest revert in our area. His little shriek when tickled by Hadji Isghak Gasant and his customary red ?kwas koefieya? and ?hadji moedeering? will be sorely missed at Jumuahs and Eid mornings once the masjied re-opens again In-Sha-Allah.

Fr om the Quloobul Moemieneen Commit tee

Boet a Yusuf w it h Boet a Anwar

(.../ continued)

Just before Thur on the 9th of July Cape Town went into mourning with the announcement of the passing of the esteemed sheikh of the Azzawia Institute and former Mufti of the MJC, Sheikh Seraj Hendricks (63 years). On the 11th of July we were informed of the passing of Hadja Rukeya Mohamed (82 years) of Lenasia, the mother of one of our masjied trustees, Hadji Sulaiman Mohamed. Sadly because of Covid19 restrictions he was not able to attend the janaaza. On the 13th of July, Cape Town was once again saddened with the demise of the second doctor from Salt River, Dr Ebrahiem Khan (70 years), while on the 14th July we announced the passing of Hadji Sulaiman Jacobs (77 years) of Goulburn Street.

It is our sincere prayer that Almighty Allah grants all marghoumeen a lofty abode in Jannah and that He places patience and contentment into the hearts of all their families, friends and the fellow mussallees of Quloobul Moemieneen Masjied, Ameen Thuma Ameen.

As we traverse the days and months of Hadj, we can only just reminisce on the hive of activities and greeting of our beloved ghujaaj that would have been taking place during this time of the Islamic year. Yes, this year we witnessed a completely new dimension of Hadj that nobody has ever experienced before. Even though it was still broadcasted via the television channels and radio stations, we saw the crowds being a drop in

the ocean compared to what we have become accustomed to. It was also a younger zaghmah with healthier ghujaaj, not just donning their ighraam, but also including facial masks and adhering to strict social distancing, who were honoured to perform their Hadj for 1441 AH.

Alhamduliellah the Saudi Arabian Hadj authorities went out of their way to allow representation from 160 countries in the world to attend, so that we hope that there were South African representatives who prayed for us on the day of Wuquf while being assembled on the plains of Arafaat.

Cape Town once again had 2 Eids since the sighting of the local moon did not coincide with the Saudi sighting. As we witnessed the ghujaaj assembling on the plains of Arafaat, what used to be an ocean of white with on going waves of people arriving via foot, busses or any other form of transport, was reduced to a sprinkling of pilgrims arriving in a very controlled manner with thousands of officials overseeing the process. With only a few masaajieds open for Eid proceedings in the Cape, most people performed Eid Salaah at their homes after listening to the Eid-Dul-Adgha ghutbah via Mixlr, radio or their receivers, while some watched it on television. The traditional greeting in the masjied and the visiting of neighbours, families and friends was almost non-existent, but we did everything in our power and within Covid19 protocols to celebrate this very auspicious day as is customary in the Cape.

Our kitchens still became a hive of activities with the entire family lending a helping hand to prepare special dishes for breakfast, lunch and supper. Zoom and WhatsApp Video calls became the order of the day for families to meet via cyberspace to share in the joy, love and appreciation of this very significant religious event, where we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice and unwavering faith of Prophets Ebrahim and Ismail Alayhi Salaam.

This year due to Covid19 restrictions we could not have our annual Eidul Adgha Qurbaan Program at the masjied, which we had for the last 11 years. After comparing the different qurbaani options offered by various farms around Cape Town, we opted to go with Moerats, as they could provide for most of our needs.

Fr om the Quloobul Moemieneen Commit tee

Moerat s warehouse facil i t y

(.../ continued)

They also offered Drive-Thru and Zoom facilities which were greatly appreciated by many of our mussallees who regularly do their qurbaan with us. Even though the queues were long at the drive-thru, our mussallees were very patient and understood that this was a first and it came with some teething problems, which were expected.

The Zoom option also did not always go according to plan but in general most people who did their qurbaan with us were happy with the outcome. This year we slaughtered, 131 Sheep, 16 Rams and 3 Bulls, which included a community Ram and Sheep. Most of the meat portions were once again donated to our Beitul Maal. This magnanimous gesture normally provides our Beitul Maal recipients with meat and food for the entire year, which also means that the donors? sadaqa and rewards will continue for the year, Ameen Thuma Ameen.

Alhamduliellah, by the end of July we have completed 125 daily Quran Khaatams, which were read in just over 4 months of lockdown. We are eternally grateful to those Ghufaaths who participated in it by reading the concluding surahs via Mixlr, to those who read their individual ajjaza and to those who just said Ameen while Sheikh Ebrahiem Tofa read the daily concluding prayer.

The Fund-Raising Committee is seriously looking at other innovative ways of acquiring much needed funds, especially since the September/October Mini Food Fair has also been cancelled. They will soon be sending out a short survey to ascertain the support levels that could be expected via other ways of acquiring sustainable income. We would also once again like to call on the community to come forward with any new ideas or initiatives whereby we could together as a community, substantially augment the coffers of the masjied In-Sha-Allah.

As we are officially in the eye of the storm of the Covid19 Pandemic in South Africa, we call on all our community members and readership, to keep safe, adhere to covid19 rules and regulations and to tackle this calamity with absolute faith, relentless perseverance and sincere prayer, Ameen

Thuma Ameen. A special prayer goes out to those who are sick and especially those who are suffering with the effects of Covid19, may you all be granted ease from all pain, suffering and difficulties, with complete shifa Ameen Alfu Ameen.

~ Mogam ad SafedienChairperson

Fr om the Quloobul Moemieneen Commit tee

The M asj i ed i s now Using Snapscan

1. What are t he t h ings t hat null i fy ablut ion in t he m at hahab of Im am Shaf i?

Ulema says, anything coming out of private parts

- Urine- Stool- Blood - Fart - Loss of mind - Mental breakdown and due to use of drugs

and alcohol- Sleeping while laying down - Touching a strange woman if you are male and vice versa

(non Mahram) but not if you are touching teeth, nails, or hair (Allah knows best)

2. If a baby ur inat es on your clot hes, is it com pulsory t o wash said clot hes?

Ulema agrees on the following:

That any impurities are disliked, whether its stool or urine, even that of a breast-fed baby

If it is the mothers own baby or a stranger?s baby, the impurities must be removed, according to Shafi mathahab.

Urine (najasa) of a baby under 2 years old: the method is that one must spray water on it - the spot. Known as: najasa mugafafa (lesser impurities)

3. What does shar iah say about dua al i f t i t aah af t er t akbeer ihram ?

Most of the ulema say it is a sunnah for the musali to recite it (not fardh)

4. Is it perm issible for a person t o m ake his solaah at h is house or not ?

A masjied in Islam is a place to make solaah for muslims (especially males). The Phophet SAW said that people will receive more reward than those who stay far away from the masjied, the Prophet (SAW) also said, whoever hears the athaan there is nothing keeping the person away (ie good reason) companions asked what is a good reason: fear or sickness.

5. Is it perm issible t o m ake solaah while wear ing shoes?

It is allowed to make solaah while wearing shoes. Abu Muslimah said, I asked Malik (RA) did the prophet (SAW) make solaah in his shoes and he said yes the Prophet (SAW) did do so, and he said also be different to the Jews as they don?t pray with their shoes on.

6. What t im es does t he Takbeer st ar t ?

There is no Takbeer from the 1st of Dhul Hijjah until the 9th of Dhul Hijjah.

Takbeer can start after Thuhr which is the waqt of Wuquf

Eid al-Adha begins on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, and ends on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah, and is called the days of Tashreeq, and its duration is four consecutive days, and it is the feast that follows Eid al-Fitr

7. What is t he best A?m aal (deeds) one can do dur ing t he 10 days of Dhul Hij jah?

The best A'maal a Muslim can do in these holy days of Dhul Hijjah is

- Fasting - Tielaawah of quraan- Thikr- Tahleel- Iestiegfaar - Takbier

8. What t im e is EID solaah

An hour and half after Fajr

The sunnah for Eid ul Adhaa is to hasten with the solaah so that once can commence with the Qurbaan and the distribution of the meat so that the poor can benefit

WI T H SH EI KH Fu a d

H e n d r i c k s

So when did Imam start in Goodwood?

I started in Goodwood in 1978 ? It?s going on for 31 years now.

Let me tell you how I came here. I was at College Mosque on a Sunday night when the former Imaam (Imaam Fakie ? Imaam Fantex) was also there. We got up to make the Salami after a Nikaah, and Imaam Fakie fell down and passed away.

"..i t went ri ght

up t o 30

y ears..."

The next day at the Janaazah, Dr Mowzer told me that they were going to have problems because they did not have an Imaam. I asked what must I do and he asked if I can help. I said yes, I?ll help, but on the particular Friday immediately after the mayyit I couldn?t assist because I was booked to perform Jumuah at Cravenby Mosque, so I went the following Friday and after that Dr Mowzer asked me if I can?t come again the next Friday. I said yes. After the second Friday Dr Mowzer told me he had to go to a medical meeting in Switzerland and he?ll be away for the next three weeks and asked if I could

help out for the three weeks. I said yes but after the three weeks they would have to find someone else.

Dr Mowzer was the secretary of the mosque for 25 years and did the running around for the mosque. After the three weeks he thanked me. The following Wednesday he notified me that I must come to Cravenby Mosque but that I must bring along Sheikh Salie Abader. I picked up Sheikh Salie Abader and we went to Cravenby Mosque. We had supper there that night. After supper, they told me they had a meeting and most of the people favoured me to be the Imam of the mosque. I said fine, but I have to travel from Wynberg.

I had already counted there was about 17 robots that I had to go through and there wasn?t highways and byways. I had to go through Hienz Road. I told them I can only make it for three months. Then old Mr Natha asked what do we do after three months. I said I?ll just give you another three months. And he asked what do we do after those three months. I said we?ll see. We never saw anything.

Imam Abdullah?s father hailed

f rom India and marr ied a Cape

Town woman named Kulsum

Dowjie in 1935. They l ived in

Wynberg where t hey raised a


Imam Abdullah at t ended

Habibia, unt i l st andard 6 (grade

4) and af t er t hat he went on t o

complete his Junior Cert if icate

at Bat t swood Pr imary. He

start ed his Islamic scholar ly

journey learning hifz wit h

Sheikh Abader ?s Ustaad ? Imam

Ma?awiya Siddiq, for two years

unt i l t he demise of Imam

Ma?awiya Siddiq. Dur ing t his

t ime, he also performed

Taraweegh at Yusuf ia Mosque in

Wynberg and was one of t he

f irst youngsters t o perform

Taraweegh in t he Cape t ogether

wit h Imam Malik.

In 1952, he cont inued his

Islamic learning journey, wit h

Sheikh Salie Abader. Unt i l 1958

when he was considered

qualif ied.

His t enure as t he Imam of

Goodwood is a very interest ing

one which he shared dur ing an

interview conducted wit h him

in 2010. Herewit h an excerpt of

t hat int erview:

IIn Ho n o u r a n d r e me mb r a n c e o f Ima m Oma r A b d u l l a ...?

Imam Omar

I saw a year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, then it was 15 years, 20 years, it went right up to 30 years.

But I?m glad I did it and I?ll tell you why. Before I came here, I used to help out Sheikh Nazeem in Wynberg Mosque. He would indicate he would make the Khutbah but on the Thursday night he would come to me and tell me he won?t be able to make it. The next week the same. So, I helped him out. I also made the Taraweegh in Wynberg at that time. So when I took this job, I had to sit every week and so I?ve learnt a lot. I went to Sheikh Amien Fakier where I learnt the complete Kitaab Riyaadus Salihen, Subulls Salaam and the Ajrumiya Kiitaab ? And from this one and that one, and so, I gained knowledge and many different experiences.

When I came here, on the first Friday there was only one-and-a-half rows for Jumuah. After that it grew and grew and they started to make alterations. In the mosque there was a classroom and they took the classroom away to make more space for Jumuah. The upstairs was always there but it was never used. There were some old mats lying on top, and so on. But afterwards, we had to use the upstairs. It was cleared and mats were placed up there for Jumuah. They also had to make alterations outside.

What do you t hink about t he present alt erat ion?

The present alteration is good, but is still not good enough. A lot of people cannot believe that we take some 600-700 people on a Friday. ? the people only started moving in here again, in 1994. To me it was a completely new community that moved in. It wasn?t people who stayed here. People came for Mitchell?s Plain, Kensington, Factreton, Salt River and Cape Town. People came from all over and yet they formed a community ? a very, very successful community, I must say.

Imam Abdullah?s dream was to see the building of the mosque completed. He was a very successful fundraiser. In his interview he relays?

I used to collect for Wynberg mosque with Mr Brey, because we were part of the committee of Yusufiyyah Mosque. I was the treasurer there for 21 years. We used to go out on the second Sunday of the month of Ramadaan from about 10 in the morning till about 3 or 4 o?clock in the afternoon and collected R 20 000. That was a lot of money that time. So I?ve been in the money game for quite a while and that?s why I?m not shy to ask. But the money is not for me, it is for the mosque.

When the Chairman of Goodwood told me three-and-a-half years ago we can buy the house next door, I asked for how much? He said R 650 000. I asked him what we have in the bank. He said R 60 000 and he asked me what we should do. I said close your eyes and say Biesmiellah and go sign. We?ll see what we can do. That Ramadaan I got one or two blokes to drive me around and within 4 months and 10 days we collected the R 650 000, but that is not all. The collection went on and up till today we collected R 1,45 million. There is still about R 700 000 in the bank. The house is paid and I?m glad for that. Last year I had a record run during the month of Ramadaan. But strange enough, the people who helped me to go collect are not from Goodwood. The one fella has to do with the mosque in Surrey estate and the other, with a mosque in Belhar.

The Goodwood community has a lot to thank Imam Abdulla for, not only for his leadership as the imam but also for his vison and determination to grow the community.

Archive photo of Imam Omar at 25 year service award. Source - local newspaper

Bobot i eThis is a spicy flavourful mince dish which originated

from Indonesia. The origins of the name are not clear,

although ?bobotok? was an Indonesian dish consisting

of meat with a custard topping that was cooked in a

pan of water until the egg mixture set. It?s also one of

those dishes that reflects the history of South Africa

that melt together to create what we now know as

South African cuisine.

Bobotie is a Cape-Malay creation, and they (the

Malays) spiced it up even more with cumin, coriander

and cloves, which was influenced from the Dutch who

brought ground meat to the local cuisine in 1652. The

spices were introduced by the slaves from Indonesia

during the 17th century and the presentation is

reminiscent of English shepherd?s pie as we know it


I n g r e d ie n t s :

- Ingredients:

- 500g minced meat (lamb or beef)

- 2 slices white bread (preferably a couple of

days old)

- 2 Tbsp cooking oil

- 1 large onion, peeled and chopped

- ½ tsp ground cloves

- 1 tsp crushed garlic

- 1 tsp salt (or to taste)

- 2 tsp curry powder

- 1 tsp turmeric

- 1 large egg

- 3 Tbsp lemon juice

- 1 Tbsp sugar (optional)

- 6 bay leaves

F o r T o p p in g :- 6 large eggs

- 1 cup milk

M e t h o d :

Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Pour cold water to cover over

the bread and set aside to soak.

Meanwhile fry onions in oil until they are soft and

starting to colour, 10 minutes.

'W ha t 's C ook i n g?'

From My Kitchen To Yours - keeping our heritage alive!

Add cloves, garlic, salt, curry powder, 2 of the bay leaves and turmeric and simmer for 5 minutes

adding drops of water if necessary.In a separate bowl combine the minced meat with

the onion mixture, eggs, lemon juice and sugar. Squeeze the water from the bread and mix until

well blended.Transfer the mixture into an ovenproof dish (23 x 33cm and about 5-6cm deep). Press the mixture

down well and smooth the top. You can make this and chill 1 day ahead.

For the topping, beat the milk and eggs, then pour over the meat. Top with the remaining bay leaves and bake for 35-40 mins until the topping is set

and starting to turn golden.Serve with almond yellow rice and mango chutney,

V a r ia t io n s :

- Add a couple tablespoons of mango chutney or

apricot preserves to the meat if you like. A grated

apple is also sometimes added.

- Stir a handful of toasted, slivered almonds into

the meat mixture before cooking, or garnish the

finished dish with toasted almonds.

- One or two beaten eggs can also be stirred into

the meat mixture if you like.

- Substitute lemon leaves for the bay leaves.

Kind Regards

S a l w a a S m i t h Cape Malay Cooking & Other Delights

From My Kitchen To Yours - keeping our heritage alive!mobile: +27 78 606 9655

WhatsApp: +27 71 924 9583web:


'W ha t 's C ook i n g?'

From My Kitchen To Yours - keeping our heritage alive!

Viruses and I slam

Today?s focus is on, what is being transmitted

all over the world in an array of news outlets

and channels and that is ? Corina virus ? We can

only appeal to Allah the almighty the giver and

curer of illnesses, to preserve and protect us

and our country from this deadly virus.

I was forced to read about pandemics that

existed throughout history in order to provide

me with a better perception and understanding

about it. To my surprise I discovered that many,

if not all of these diseases, started and

originated from western countries, and not

Muslim countries. I will illustrate a few

examples ? The Black Death, a fatal flu of 1349

that appeared in London, killing about half of

all Londoner?s, from 1347-1351 killed 30% -60%

of all Europeans. The Russian flu from 1889 ?

1890, Spanish flu from 1918, bird flu ? Hong

Kong 1997, Swine flu appeared 2009 in Mexico,

Aids- the earliest case of infection was detected

in a blood sample collected from a man in

Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo ? the

virus has existed in the United States since at

least the mid 1970?s and many rare types of

pneumonia, cancer and other illness were

reported by doctors in Los Angeles and New

York. The world?s health organization has

provided some guidelines that serves as a

measure of protection against this virus ?

washing your hands at least three time daily.

However, our beautiful religion compels us to

wash more than the above amount, and does

not restrict cleanliness to only the outer

appearance, but rather includes purification of

the inner as more important. Rasul s.a.w said:

Indeed, in the body there is a lump of flesh ? the

heart ? if it is kept clean and pure, then the whole

body will be clean and function correctly. In

multiple prophetic statements the prophet

s.a.w order us towards cleanliness of the outer

body as well. The prophet s.a.w said:

Underneath every hair strand there is impurity, so

purify your hair and skin well. No salaah will be

accepted, without purification ? wudhu. Islam

also emphasises the importance of cleaning

our homes and its surrounding ? hadith.

Thus, we understand from the above prophetic

sayings, that the religion of Islam is a deen that

takes prevention and precaution in high regard.

Dear Muslims, without creating panic and fear

amongst people as is prevalent amongst many

media outlets and people, believe with

conviction that all matters - good or bad - can

only occur with the permission of God


w i t h S h e i k h N a be e l

M a j i e t


Robot i cWe check our phones more than we check on those we love

We favour Wi-Fi connect ions over int rospect ion

We back up our social media before we back up our work

We use hundreds of emot icons but have so lit t le emot ions

We seek sympathy more than we show empathy

We protest , to save the t rees, by put t ing up hundreds of posters

We fight for just ice only if it supports our narrat ive

And yet , we come home to cry into our pillows

For the day we have had

Or because of things that were said to us

But how can you be t reated like a human being

When you no longer act like one

~Ebrahiem Daniels

I n the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All thanks are due to Allah, our Nourisher and Sustainer. We put love and salutations on our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his family, companions and all those who follow him until the end of time.

?Jannah ?- also known as paradise or garden

in Islam, is described in the Quran as an eternal afterlife of peace and bliss, a place where the righteous and faithful are rewarded. The Quran states that the righteous will be at peace in the presence of Allah, in ?gardens beneath which rivers flow.? The word ?Jannah ? is derived from the Arabic word

that means ?to cover or to hide something.? Jannah, therefore, is a place that is unseen to us. Jannah is the final destination in the afterlife for good and faithful Muslims.

Jannah is "a beautiful place of final r etur n? a gar den of eter nity whose door s will a lways be open to them." (Q 38:49?50)

People who enter Jannah "will say, ?Pr aise be to Allah who has r emoved fr om us (all) sor r ow, for our Lor d is indeed Oft-For giving, appr eciative; who has settled us in the house of lasting r esidence out of His bounty. Neither toil nor sense of wear iness shall touch us ther ein." (Q 35:34?35)

In Jannah "ar e r iver s of water , the taste, and smell of which ar e never changed. River s of milk the taste of which will r emain unchanged. River s of wine that will be delicious to those who dr ink fr om and r iver s of clear , pur e honey. For them will be ever y kind of fr uit and for giveness fr om their Lor d." (Q 47:15)

According to the Quran, for Muslims, Jannah is a peaceful, lovely place, where injury and fatigue are not present and Muslims are never asked to leave. Muslims in paradise wear gold, pearls, diamonds, and garments made of the finest silk, and they recline on raised thrones. In Jannah, there is no pain, sorrow, or death? there is only joy, happiness, and pleasure Allah

~ Mualim ah Aak ifah Ant ar Hendr icks


Alhamdulillah we have now entered into the blessed and holy month of Thul Ghijjah the very last month of our Islamic year 1441. Allah Almighty honored it with prescribing two special forms of I 'badaat in it, (i.e) the performance of ghadj to the Beitullaah and the qurbani (the sacrifice of the udhiyyah). It is strongly recommended for the muslimeen who are able to undertake these obligations as the rewards are numerous and blessed.

Allah Almighty motivates the believers in honoring and respecting these days (Surah 22:30)

"And whoever honors the sacred things of Allah, then that is better for him with his Lord"

(Surah 22:32)

"And whoever honors the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety in their hearts"

We are commencing with the first ten days of this blessed month of which our beloved messenger of Allah (pbuh) had said:

"There are no days during which worship is more beloved to Allah than the first ten days of Thul Ghijjah. Fasting one of these days is equivalent to fasting of one year, and one night in standing is like the standing during the night of Qadr. So increase it in the remembrance of Allah with tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed"

Therefore, we should motivate and encourage our brethren to increase in doing good deeds as Allah says in the Glorious Quran:

"Verily good deeds remove evil and bad deeds"

Our condolences go out to the hujjaaj whom received accreditation for the performance of the pilgrimage for this year, but who due to the current challenges and test from Allah, could not fulfil their niyyah. Allah Almighty has better plans and benefits

preserved for us, as He is All-knowing and Most Merciful. May Allah open the path for us to make ziyaarat to His Kabah and all the ceremonial places.

Regarding the covid-19 reports received, our medical experts shared updates regarding the current state of affairs. We are now in the peak period of the pandemic, of which we were constantly reminded, and it seems that the Western Cape is currently managing with the numbers affected. Procedures and protocols are in place and being managed as we realize that the communities are now more conscious and observant of the measures imposed and legislated.

We are constantly reminded about staying at home as it is much safer, as well as to continue to avoid crowds and gatherings, as the virus is airborne and the risks of the spreading and transmitting in not well ventilated areas is critical. There has also been reports recently about the possibility of getting a second round of infection, depending on the immune response of patients. There were also positive responses of vaccines being tested but it is still early days to give any final analysis that will bring about positive results.

A major threat facing our communities now is the current waves of uprising in the suburbs. Some areas have now become unsafe and all forms of unlawful activities, chaos and disorder are prevalent. Major crimes are afflicted upon the community, lives and livelihoods are threatened and destroyed. It is truly a time-bomb which threatens our community and civilization with perversion and our morality and Islamic way of life with degradation and disorder.

It has now become more important upon us as Muslims to take the initiative and step forward and educate the masses from various platforms of influence, so that our knowledge and understanding may act as a buffer against its disruptive influence.

Imaamat council of t he nor t her n subur bs

Alhamdulillah all praise and thanks

are to Allah Almighty, the Beneficent,

the Most Merciful, the Creator,

Nourisher and Sustainer of the

Universe. Peace and salutations upon

our noble master Muhammad (pbuh)

the final and noble messenger of

Allah, and upon his family,

companions and those who followed


J u ly 2 0 2 0

I CON S T h u l Gh i j j a h 1 4 4 1 E d it io n


One of the main characteristics which distinguishes our community from others, is that we should at all times enjoin that which is good and right and forbid that which is evil and bad. It is for this particular reason that Allah describes us as the best of people. Allah confirms in Surah (3:110):

"You are the best of people, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is evil, and believing in Allah"

Therefore, Muslims stand for what is good and moral and have divinely prescribed set of values and standards which they follow. By leading such a decent Islamic way of life, Allah Almighty, All Wise, will bless them with mercy and guidance. When calling people to that which is good and beneficial, we should do so with sincerity, love and affection, and when we see wrong being done, it is our duty to try and abolish it with utmost wisdom, beautiful preaching, and argue with the wrongdoers in ways that are best and most gracious, as Allah Most Gracious guides in the Quran: Surah (16:125)

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best"

Muslims are one brotherhood, they work together for the common good of Islam and strive towards peace and harmony in the community, and whenever there are disputes they hastily try solving it in an amicable manner.

Our beloved prophet (pbuh) is recorded to have said:

"The likeness of the believers in their love, mercy and compassion for one another is like the body, if one limb is in pain the whole body suffers with sleeplessness and fever

A famous poet Ahmad Shawkaney summarized the importance of good character in nation and community building.

" Nations are nations as long as good morality exists amongst them, and if that disappear, so will they"

Alhamdulillah we are sincerely grateful to Allah Almighty and Most Merciful for blessing our ummah with conscious and concerned human-beings. We still have the efforts of communal cohesion working tirelessly on the established feeding scheme programs, administered by sincere community members, and funded by individuals, but mainly also the businessmen in our areas.

We urge our people to support our local business enterprises and also protect their properties and

investments in our suburbs, as it is by the will of Allah that they have been placed on our door steps. May Allah bless them and all those who sacrifice their time and families for the sake of the creation of Allah, with abundance of barakah and khayr in their undertakings insha Allah.

Directives on the Eidul Adhaa program was shared with us from the Muslim Judicial Council, and due to the legislation on the restrictions on the limited amount of attendees many of us will have to perform our Eid solaah at home, and the MJC will be issuing the directives on the procedures as well as copies of the Khutbatain (sermons) for those capable insha Allah.

Directives on the gathering of the qurbani slaughtering will also be addressed insha Allah. We are also reminded to be conscious about family visits which is critical when special care should be taken regarding interaction. Unfortunately, the virus is still a reality and a concern, therefore caution must be taken to preserve the lives of our dear ones and families, even though many has become frustrated and agitated due this lengthy period of lock down.

The membership of ICONS herewith extends their sincere greetings to our communities by wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and blessed Eidul Adhaa. May Allah Almighty shower us all with His Rahmah (mercy) and Barakaat (Blessings), protect one and all and grant safety and security to our nation, and accept all our supplications Ameen Yaa Rabbal A'lameen.

Ma assalaama

~ Im am Om ar Ef fendi secr etar y.uns@gm ai l .com

We start by praising The Almighty Allah as we entered the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah. For those who have been on Hajj, this is the time to reminisce about their journey and for those who will be on hajj, this is when the journey really started to become exciting.

We are facing difficulty by way of our hujjaaj, not being able to undertake the journey this year. May Almighty Allah facilitate ease and grant us all to visit the precincts of The Holy Lands soon again In Shaa Allah.

This is the time where the beloved hujjaaj left their hotels for Aziziyyah. Preparing for their life changing journey. Overwhelming emotions running through their minds, feelings of being happy as well as sad. This is the time that they connect to Almighty Allah by experiencing all that was taught to them in the form of Hajj classes. The true sacrifice starting now and the atmosphere is just amazing as everyone is busy in Athkaar. In a gathering or individually, showing true brotherhood and sisterhood, becoming a family and building those unbreakable friendships. Soon the hujjaaj will be making their way to Mina. Building their connection with Almighty Allah and strengthening it by means of sacrifice. This is where we start to realize, it is only myself and my Creator. The only one I can depend on is The Almighty Allah.

Let us use these most beloved days to the Almighty Allah to remember the Hujjaaj and let us indulge in abundance of worship only to please Almighty Allah. May we be among those who will be forgiven by Almighty Allah and be fortunate enough to perform our hajj next year In Shaa Allah.

On the 9th of Dhul Hijjah the Hujjaaj will be standing on Arafah! This is the day they all have been waiting for. Raising their hands in duáh, crying for forgiveness. We who are left behind

should fast on this day and as the hujjaaj are forgiven, we gain the opportunity to fast on this blessed day and our previous years sin as well as the following years sin will be forgiven. May we be among the fortunate ones who will achieve this blessing.

Baarakallahu feekum.

Wassalamu ?alaykum wa Rahmatullah.

~ Moulana Waseem Hendricks

T h e m o s t a m a z i n g j o u r n ey o f y o u r l i v es pa r t 6

Umm al-Mu-minin, Sayyidatuna Zaynab Bint

Jahsh Ibn Rubab Ibn Ya'mar al-Asadiyyah.

Her father was the leader of the Banu 'Abd

al-Shams. She was from amongst the f i r st

group of Sahabah who migrated. Her mother

was Umaymah Bint 'Abd al-Muttal ib Ibn

Hashim, who was the paternal aunt of the

Messenger of Al lah. This makes her the cousin

of Nabi SAW.

She was f i r st mar r ied to Nabi SAW?s adopted

son, Zayd. I t is concerning her that ALLAH

revealed Ayah 37 of Surah al-Ahzab: ?And

(r emember ) when you said to him (Zayd) on

whom ALLAH has showered HIS favors; and

unto whom you have show n favor : ?Keep your

w ife to yourself and fear ALLAH.? But you

concealed w ithin yourself that which ALLAH

makes manifest; and you fear people, whi le

ALLAH is more deser ving to be feared. So

when Zayd accomplished what he w ished from

her (gave her a Talaq), We gave her in

mar r iage to you, so that there be no di f f iculty

(in future) for the believer s, w i th r egards to the

w ives of their adopted chi ldren, when the

latter have no desir e to keep them in mar r iage.

And the command of ALLAH must be fulf i l led.?

So ALLAH per formed her nikah, by textual

evidence in the Quran, w ithout any Wali or

w i tness. She used to boast about this to the

other w ives of Nabi SAW, by saying: ?Your

fami l ies gave you in mar r iage (to Nabi SAW),

whi le ALLAH, from above the seven heavens,

gave me in mar r iage (to Nabi SAW).

She was an exceptionally pious, good and

generous lady. Al-Imam Muslim nar rates from

Sayyidatuna ?A-ishah RA: The Messenger of

Al lah SAW said, ?The one who has the longest

hands amongst you w i l l be the f i r st to meet me

(in Jannah).?

In another nar ration, i t continues, by

which Sayyidatuna ?A-ishah RA says that:

?When we got together after His (SAW?s)

demise we measured our arms against a

wall . We continued doing this unti l

Zaynab passed away ? and she was a shor t

woman ? not the tal lest of us (may ALLAH have

mercy on her ). So we knew that He SAW

meant giving sadaqah.? This is to be found in

Siyar A?lam al-Nubala.

Sayyidatuna ?A-ishah once said when

recounting her vir tues:

I have never seen a woman more super ior in

Din, more Allah fear ing, more tr uthful, more

conscious of maintaining family r elations,

more generous, having a greater sense of

self-sacr i f ice in practical l i fe, and a char i table

disposi tion that draws one closer to ALLAH

than Zaynab.

She passed away in the 20th year after hi jr ah,

dur ing the Khi lafah of Sayyiduna ?Umar RA.

~ Moulana Ilyaas Sam aai

Nabi Musa (AS) had a speech impediment (a stutter) and is one of the most revered Prophets. Abdullah Ibn Umm-Maktum was blind but was appointed as Madina?s muathin.

As we now coddle disabled people and do not give them rights to participate in community and strip them of agency, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) allowed people like Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah, who was physically disabled, be a Khalifa who led great armies in war. As we now keep disabled children from school and madrasa because we ?do not know how to handle them? or feel that they are incapable or learning, in the past we see that the great Imam Al-Bukhari, the Persian Islamic scholar who made one of the six major Hadith collections, was actually blind at a young age for some time. Despite his major disability, his mother took him far and wide to study under each and every sheikh she could find because she did not see his disability in learning, but rather saw that he had an amazing ability with increased memory power that was due to the skills of living with blindness and made sure that he was taught despite his disability.

Do we include, welcome and accommodate disabled people in our community? Do we include them in sport? Do we include them in community socials? Do we see them in our

madrassas? Do we accommodate for their needs in masaajid? Could the disabled child that is being kept at home due to an inaccessible madrassa be our next Bukhari that we are suppressing?

The reason we do not see many disabled Imams is because we do not nurture and include them from young in madrassas. The reason we do not see many contributing disabled community members is because most masaajid and community spaces are not accessible. The reason we do not have many happy and thriving disabled people in our communities is because of this exclusion in social circles.

Not only is it a grave sin to exclude the disabled, not only are we regressing as a society and insulting our great past, but we also losing out on amazing future leaders. It is so vitally important that we stop this exclusion of the disabled and finally start to again model the beautiful inclusion that Islam once pioneered.

~ Dureyah Abraham s

If we look at Islam in the past, we

find fully functioning disabled

Muslim people and great disabled

Islamic leaders. In the past, we see

that people with disabilities were

integrated and included in Muslim

society. Unfortunately, in today?s day

and age, we see the opposite where

the disabled are being excluded and

are seen as incapable of contributing

to society/Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a

revolutionist for many oppressed

groups of people in the world, and

one of them being disabled people.

Disabled people for years have been

dealt with acts of barbarism and

oppression, which our beloved

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) uplifted.

The modern world is only starting to

accept people with disabilities and

this acceptance only began after our

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

dispelled the superstition and stigma

that was once attached to being

disabled. When society only saw

people?s disabil i t ies, Islam taught us

to rather see abil i t ies. We have

many strong examples of past

Islamic leaders who greatly

contributed to Islam and their

communities. Examples such as

Abaan ibn ?Uthmaan ibn ?Affaan who

was the son of the third caliph and

was deaf, paralyzed, squint and had

leprosy, but he was appointed as

governor of Madina and as a judge.

Inclusion of disabled Muslims

The blessings that Al lah SWT has bestowed upon us cannot be counted, as there are many blessings that we are not even aware of.

As Allah SWT says in the Quran:

And I have enveloped you, I have immersed you in my blessings. Some of them are apparent, and some of them are hidden, they are secret to you.

As Allah SWT says in the Quran:

If you were to try and count the blessings of Allah, if you were to try and innumerate the blessings of Allah, you would never be able to finish that list.

So in l ight of al l these blessings, what is our wajib? What is r equir ed of us?

Let us concentrate on one of the impor tant character istics of the believer , and one of the most impor tant manifestations on appreciating Allah SWT blessings on us?

The concept of Shukr , of being thankful to Allah.

In fact, one of the main purpose of being created by Allah, for our ver y existence, one of the divine w isdoms of our existence, is to thank Allah SWT.

Allah SWT says in the Quran:

hear ing and seeing.We have created man from a mixture of fluids, so that we may test him and we have made him

We have showed them the path. Why?

We created him, we have him hearing and seeing, we showed

him the path and now the choice is his.

There are only 2 options:

Ei ther he shall be grateful or he shall be ungrateful and be Kafoor.

Notice that Shukr and Kufr , are actually opposi tes in the Quran and in the Arabic Language. Ei ther you are grateful to Allah or you reject Al lah SWT by being ungrateful.

So why is Kufr the opposi te of Shukr?

Because the greatest ingrati tude is to deny the existence and the worship of Al lah. The greatest ingrati tude is to turn away from submitting to Allah. So the greatest ungratefulness is to simply not accept the r el igion of Islam and hence Shukr and Kufr are antonyms ? they are opposi tes.

Kufr also tr anslates as ingrati tude, being ungrateful, because the height of being ungrateful is to r eject the worship of Al lah which is to r eject being a Muslim.

One of the ver y f i r st commandments which Allah SWT mentions in Surah al Baqarah:

Remember Me I shall r emember you, and thank me and do not r eject my favor upon you.

Once again Shukr and Kufr are made to be opposi tes.

Be Thankful, be appreciative, and do not commit Kufr of Me.

We are blessed and Allah continues to shower us w ith blessings in order to see i f we

are thankful for those blessings.

In the beauti ful stor y of Sulaiman (AS), where Allah SWT blessed him w ith al l of the powers to control the creation and to speak to the ants to cause the Jinn to do many things. We also know the stor y of the Queen of Sheba, by the w i l l of Al lah, Sulaiman (AS) asked the Jinn to br ing this throne from Yemen to Jerusalem, so the throne is tr anspor ted by the bl ink of an eye.

And when he sees this majestic throne, and he sees the blessings that Al lah SWT has given him, what does he say:

This blessing that Allah SWT has given me, it is to test me, it is from Allah

It is from Allah's blessings upon me, why?

So that can He can test me.

Giving Thanks and being Gr ateful

If you do not acknowledge, accept and appreciate what Allah SWT has given you, then you are not

a Muslim, because this is Kufr.

We find that Shukr and Iman are thus synonymous in many ways.

i f Shukr and Kufr are opposi tes, and Iman and Kufr are opposi tes ? we can deduce that Iman and Shukr are inter tw ined. I f you believe in Allah, then automatical ly there is an element of Shukr , an element of grati tude.

The more you believe in Allah, the more you w i l l thank Him, and the more you thank Allah, the more you w i l l bel ieve in Him.

One of our esteemed scholar s of the past, Al-Fayruz Abadi said:

Shukr is one of the highest levels of Iman, because i t incorporates w ithin i t many of the other pi l lar s of Iman, such as: bel ief in Al lah, aff i rming that Al lah has the r ight to be worshipped, being content w ith what Al lah has given you.

~ Sheikh Mogamad Salaam

mont hlyS C H E D U L E

07th Jum ua - Sheikh Dawood

14th Jum ua - Sheikh Tofa

21st Jum ua - Guest

28th Jum ua - Sheikh Tofa

Adult Classes Available:

Monday: Quranic Lit eracy, Seerah, Beginners/Rever t

Tuesday: Inspirat ional Talk

Wednesday: Arabic, Hadeet h, Tafsir for Ladies

Thursday: Thik r , Housew ives (m ornings)

Fem ale Hif t h classes dur ing t he day:

Monday - Fr iday:

Nurul Quran Fem ale Hif t h Inst .


Gair onisa Johnson(70 year s old)

How long have you been in the ar ea?

12 years in Goodwood

What 's your favour i te food?

Mutton akni

What 's your favour i te spor t?


What 's your favour i te team ?

Tottenham Hotspurs

What i s your favour i te book?

Learning of Islaam

Role i n the com m uni ty?

Being a mother and grandmother to the community?s children

Wher e did you gr ow up?

Vasco (Akkers)

Advice to youth?

Stay in the path of our Deen

Always be obedient to your parents and elders

Feat ur edPer sonof t heMont h M
























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