Junior Farmers Showers Fete Miss Shafer

Post on 02-Mar-2023

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Transcript of Junior Farmers Showers Fete Miss Shafer

At a special meeting Tuesday

evening the Board of Education

hired Robert E . Stuckey of New­

ton as superintendent of U n it No.

Register For Kindergarten Friday,.April 7 At Schoolw Home on Urge Lot

cm Setting In Town. S. d Condition, Two Foilw tin "v w n o n v x t t q in

ament. O il Hot Wole*L J ____i 4_ e . l ln co o io won*

Children entering kindergarten Reg istratieein the fa ll should reg ister F rid a y , to H a a * . ■ i A p ril 7, at the Chatsworth Gradeschool in the p rincipal's office.Leo Horostein received 116 votes

for Road Com m issioner in the

Chatsworth T o w n s h i p election Tuesday. Don Hobart received one write-in vote. Only 117 votes were cast from a total of 960 registered voters due to the fact that there was no contest.

E i g h t attended the township meeting which was moderated by John Ruppel. L e v i e s approved were the general fund of $8,100 and the cem etery fund of $1,600. There was no levy for general as­sistance. Last year the general fund and cem etery fund totaled $8,200 and the general assistance was $3,000.

The town budget was approved and the corortiissioner's sa lary was raised from $3,300 to $4,300.

In the Charlotte Township elec­tion O liver P ric k received 48 votes on the People’s P arty ticket while Duane H arm s and Gerald Kem m er each received one w rite-in vote on the Union P a rty ticket. There were four spoiled and four ballots not voted. Of the 170 registered voters, 58 cast th e ir ballot.

The special tax for road pur­poses carried with 42 ballots cast in favor and 14 in the negative. Two ballots w eren't m arked.

Dan Kerber moderated the town meeting at which the road com-

Stuckey, a native of Effingbhm , is a graduate of Eastern Illin o is at Charleston and received h is MS from the same institution. A lso , he has an a ll grade supervisory cer­tificate .

Stuckey has been employed as superintendent-principal of Grove Consolidated Elem entary School.

Chatsworth U n i t One schools have been without a superintendent since last fa ll when E a rl Jones of Kankakee was released from his co n trict.

Russell K irkham , guidance coun­selor, was appointed acting p rin ­cipal and since then has been hired as principal for next year.

reg ister. Parents m ust prove 4 at b irth by presenting either birth certificate or a n o sp ita l : ord on the day of reg istratiaa

Physica l exam inations are I required for each child before tering kindergarten. H ealth ca w ill be given the parent at fi of registration in order th at 1 m ay be completed during sum m er.

It is im portant that aU k in garten children are registered A p ril 7. I f it is im possible fo r parent to reg ister on F rid a y , A 7, kindly contact the kindergai teacher, M rs. Helen C u lk in , bet that date.

m issioner received an advance in pay and the cem etery fund was in­creased. Levies were approved as fo llow s: the town fund $7,265 and the general assistance $500 as compared with $5,680 last year.

Crescentia A . Bachtold received 33 votes for supervisor in the G erm anville T o w n s h i p election Tuesday while John M. Friedm an received 35 for Road Commission­e r. There were no write-in votes.

Of the 108 registered voters, 15 attended the meeting. Approved were levies for the general fund and the road and bridge fund.

ary b rick dw elling—I b« living , dining, fu ll bag tear M ain street—3 Iota,

ftfer’s Agency

r A . A D A M S A G E N C Y


story residence. Double ittached. W W carpeting : is central a ir conditioning: t repair. Located on largo

lo t. South aide.

m eat* such aa the M ethodist M other-Daughter Banquet whk-h she attended Monday evening.


Chatsworth Junior Women Receive Project Awards

to ry. 1 Vfi baths. Gas hot. eat; alum inum storm w ln- d screens; fire place. T h is ' i availab le fo r Immediate m a n d h In the best o f re* forth side.

Rev. V . Ramsey To Speak Here

J u n io r F a r m e r s as - \ M ike K a ise r, son at M r. and Mira,u r a a m z e Fran c is K a ise r, a sophomore ad

^ St. Bede Academ y, Peru , receivedC ~ l, i n T l l k « exceptionally good s ix w eakv J r U l l V - I U U grade recently. He received tw e

Chatsworth Junior Farm ers 4-H A plus grades and four A’a. He can club met at the high school Mon- be quite proud of these grad**, day night. Under discussion was the form ing of two baseball teams for the county games this year .and the securing of a m anager. D i i r a | f n r r i o r c

The club started a gun club, one I n U I u l k - Q I I I C I 9 ——4 of the new county projects, w ith » • , • •Wes Johnson and Leonard Kerber, /V \6 T H G T © the leaders.

Ta lks were given by Raymond o S t U T C I Q V Gerdcs, Controling Corn D iseases; 7G ary Irw in , Triconosis Knocks The R u ra l M ail C a rrie rs and Hog Production; Duane Dassow, members of the Lad ies A u x ilia ry Keeping Your Best G ilts ; N eil of the 17th D istric t m et a t the Dassow, Good Management Keeps Chatsworth High acbool cafeteria Down Scours; M ark Haberkorn, Saturday night, A pr. i , w ith 6$ Iowa Top Com State in 1966; and members and guests present

By Ficld A rea* M r. and M ra. R . V . M cG rea lDemonstrations were given by and M r. and M rs. Joseph W ittier

David Gcrdes, P arts of the Eng lish were hosts for the evening*Saddle and Steve Getdes, How To FO lM rtflg t c h i e Ire n 'd fo a a r Put a H alter on a Horse. served fam ily sty le , the iiHUiting

Refreshm ents were served by w** opened by R . V . M cG real. H a Duane and Neil Dassow and G ary welcomed the guests, gave a short Irw in . talk on the Area Centennial, then

Local Chapter Observes Cvanlf T m n lf FHA Week, April 2-8 r r a n K I T U R K

The local FH A chapter is ob T i l O C / J f i Userving National Future Homemak- I U C o v I O jers of Am erica week, A p ril 2-8, _ • aw ith each day designated in a dif- I f IfQ C p f | f | d V ferent w ay. _ . _ /

Showers Fete Miss Shafer

M iss Karen Shafer was honored w ith a m iscellaneous bridal show­er at the home of M rs. Donald Haberkorn M arch 18. Hostesses were M ra. Harold K rueger, M rs.W illiam Uviagaton, M ra. A llen Dil-le r and Ifo a . A lan Keitam an. your career-day. Thursday was

She was also honored w ith a t)ie day t0 w earberm uda shorts linen shower at the home of M iss or , - - . -Sue Henrichs . M arch 25. M iss (_______________ ___ ______M argie Flessner assisted with the charm representative ta lk , shower fo r classm ates. The week w ill be clim axed with

M ra. John K e lly was hostess for the annua| trip to Chicago on Sat- a luncheon and personal shower, urd, y fo r M iss Shafer, at her home last Saturday.

MU« Shafer w ill become thebride of M ichael Kam in in the A A « l / , L .Chatsworth B U B church A p ril 22. /V\OTnGr S V ^ IU D

V icto r E . Ram sey, public relations director of M eth­odist Sunset Home, Q uincy, w ill

------- — , . - , be the guest m inister fo r two ap-Monday was dress up day; Tues Frank M. T runk, 74, of Chats- p ra n c e s at the Methodist church

day was the day to w ear their worth, died at 2:24 a.m . Tuesday, of chatsw orth on Sunday, A p r. 9.FH A pins and red and w hite; and Apr. 4, at Fa lrb u ry hospital, Fa ir- according to an announcement byWednesday was the dress-up for bury, where he had been a patient Reverend Leroy E . B u la , pastor.

— fo r a short tim e.^ _________________________ V isitation w ill be held at Culkin Preaching at the 10:45 a .m . wor-

siacks to "school and Frid ay is M em orial Home in Chatsworth aft- ship service , Sunday, A pr. 9, Revthe day for the Nancy Taylo r e r 7 p.m . Wednesday, Apr. 5, and erend Ram sey's topic w ill fie

tedroom cottage sty le real- G is heat. Basem ent and garage. N orth side. in E l Paso Monday evening. They <*her Federation Pro jects donat-

were Mesdames Ronald Perkin s, f d to were $1® eacj 1 *° Illin o is Cot- Tom Edw ards. Alan Keitzm an, tage Park Ridge School for G irls Donald Haberkorn. Leo Hubly, Jim f " d L ln c®1" Lodge-Boys Town of Kessinger, and Howard Kem netz. Illin o is , Veteran s Hospitals in I l­

linois (5 , Scholarship for Indian The Chatsworth club received Students $5 and Pennies for A rt

award certificates in two d ivisions: $2.50.In Cultural Heritage they received _ . . . ,an award for their work on the lo- J * * c,ub ls _?lso s p r i n g an ca l Centennial, including buying *« e r prom party and swimming one and one half shares of Cen ,essons fo r loc>1 youngsters, tennial Stock, taking care of a ll Mbney for the above projects was costumes for the pageant, enter- raised by selling cookies, a lunch ing a float in the parade, and stand at farm sale and a bake sale, m aintaining the hospitality center with the Woman's club one day during the celebration. A ll mem­bers were urged to participate in D * C lthe pageant D f O W n i e S t l e C T

The other award was in the Pub- ■. . f *Uc Education division for the $150 | \ | P \ A / ( j t t i r P r ^ scholarship given to a local high 1 W 1 1 °school graduate studying for the Brownies of Troop 117 met at the teaching fie ld . Methodist Education building last

T . M atern November 23, 1917, at Methodist church. Methodist 9 u v Cabery. set Home is a part of the regular

She survfifea along with tw o and special emphases in world daughters, M rs. Jam es ( M a r y service and conference benevolenc- Fran ces) G rady of Bloomington <■* of The Methodist charch of and M rs. Fred (G enevieve) End- Chatsworth.res of Chatsw orth; one son. Jam es Methodist Sunset Home current- Trunk, Chatsw orth; five grandchU- ly porvides both sheltered care and dren and one great grandchild. akU I«l nursing care fa c ilitie s for

He was an area farm er, retiring 140 aged men and women resi 15 years ago. He was a member dents. The home is supported by

— ' ■ residents' fees and by g ifts fromconcerned churches and persons.

Future plans of Methodist Sun­set Home, the oldest church-relat­ed, non-profit retirem ent home 'w est of Ch icago", include a pro­posed additional in firm ary with 57 more beds m ostly in private rooms, 18 sheltered care rooms, a chapel, physical therapy room s, and new adm inistration offices. The recent­ly re-evaluated project is estim at­ed at a probable cost of $1,557,020.

Expansion w ill make possible the admission of some of the average daily “ three persons turned aw ay” for lack of space!

The new in firm ary w ill be an 'addition to the present modern, hospital-like in firm ary constructed in 1997. Other building's in use were erected at dates varying^ from the mid-1800's until 1928, and the two oldest units w ill be razed and replaced in the new construc­tion program .

Sunday’s guest m in ister at The Methodist church of Chatsworth is a graduate of DePauw university and of C hristian Theological Sem­in a ry . Reverend V icto r E . Ram sey was a pastor fo r several years :n the Northwest Indiana conference of The Methodist church. The Methodist Sunset Home public re­lations appointment is h is firs t in Illin o is ; however, a native of this state, Ram sey entered the m in­is try from the congregation of F irs t Methodist church, Robinson. Active in Cub Scout leadership, he also is a Lion’s club m em ber.

Both Reverend V icto r E . Ram-

f t i ■ a a i n n r Sts. Peter and Paul M other's \ 9 F a lT 1 5 m g m p e r Club met at the K . of C . h a ll Mon-

The Chatsworth Investors met at day night with Dad's night being the Old Susswnsh in Fa irb u ry Mon- observed.day night at 6:10 p.m . Tw elve of An election of officers was held the 15 members were present for w ith M rs. Donald Low ery, presi­d e dinner meeting at which guest dent; M rs. Dave F rye , vice presi- speaker, M firk Tuccl of Blooming- dent; and M rs. Ly le Kem netz, sec ton. Stock Broker of White and Co ., retary-treas.spoke to the club. Tucci comment- T h e annual Mother-Daughter ^ Peter and Pau l church.

the new member, D ick Rosenboom, M r. and Mra. Donald LaFona ot to the dub. Pau l W hittenbarger, Bloomington were the guest speak- vice president, and P erry V lrk- era for the evening They were )e r treasurer, conducted the voting w ith the Papal Volunteers for La* oo 'the stock purchase fo r the eve- fin Am erica and spent two years ning, as Kenneth Rosenboom, sec- in Britiah Honduras, re ta ry , recorded the club’s deci- Social committee for the evening sion in the m inutes. was Mlrs. Gene W ait, M rs. Francis. The Chatsworth Investors was Haberkorn, M rs. Anton Boomgar-

. form ed last August and they meet den and M rs. Dan Keca. the firs t Monday night of each

A . L . H a r t

l E. f t VOIGT

w ill sponsor a cancer fund The M ethodist Adult Fellowship e , 100 percent of members par- sponsored a Mother-Daughter Ban- >ated in Pap Sm ear program , quet. held at the church Monday

evening. The potluck supper was eaten at tables decorated with dolls of a ll types. The men served the

T food and were on the clean-up de-remen I O ta il. M any of those In attendancewore their centennial dresses.

P a m i IO C M rs. E lm er Dassow, J r ., gave* I C I a i l I I I I C O the invocation. M rs. Charles Cos-tie Verm ilion V alley M utual tello served as toastm istress andfirem en met at the Chatsworth gave a tribute to her daughter,station T h .’r iay sight for Dawn Costello, accompanied by

r monthly meeting. The Chats- Mirs. C larence Bennett, s a n g ,th Volunteer :nen also held “ M other.” r A p ril meeting at the same

A rm y P riva te P e rry G . W ilson, 19, aon of M r. and M ra. Verne B . W ilson o f Pontiac, completed a light vehicle d rive r course at F t D ix , N . J . M arch IT .

During the course, be was tra in ­ed hi the operation and main ten-

Town Board1. McIntosh,M.D.

!* Lockntr, MJ>

9. Branch,Mj),A t the annual meeting of the

stockholders of the Citisena Bonk I n e t Tuesday the incumbent d i­rectors were re-elected fo r the en-

Bnd H err cash ier reported on the operatfeas of the book fo r the year * Mrs. StoNor's

, Brother Diettown F re a k of M artin , 6 1, of G rid ley i. He brother of M ra. Ed StoBer of Chats- leke t worth, died Wednesday, M arch 23.

R t e Funeral services w ere held Sat- uncU urday, A p ril 1, at the Fro elich

M em orial Home end at the Grid- ley Apostolic C hristian church.

•Mkotball T W Cloan Seaton WMi U 2 Record

T h e Chatsworth Independent Basketb all team dos 1 its season r i k a' 19-2 Fecord ) y defeating Dw ight 97 to n Sun ay evening. The game was played a the Chets- worth Elem entary sc m l court.

Scoring fo r the at ' sponsored team w ere : B B l HueL fo ur; K e ith

D rake » ; Je rry K« rbmrjpgj

rar year te i the Peoples

u n ive rsity “ D on't even know about about th- <*h?m kal com position p lant nu trien t* trite It y e t.” O r he sa y s , “ They won t am i whether the elem ents a re equal nu trien t* la al teat the a a a te ria ls .” a va ila b le . U ser*.

A ld rich ad vises fa rm e r* tttn k in g —Aak whether t ..c m ate ria l ha* A ld rich a d ri* ** 1about buy in * unusual so il treat- been tjrte d by an v < ihaed re- c a n t decide ahe«t a m eat m a te ria ls to consider these search institu tio n , such o s the U . to contact th e ir term po ints: • o f I . estab lished fe rtilis e r

—Study the sp ec ific c la im s . Aak —Com pare the cost o f actu a l fo re they buy.a * •* v

M rs. Christens Johnson U rs . Arnold Ashman' am Spec. 4 H arvey Ashman, M rs. Hubert Qerth and fa and M rs. Wesley Johnson, n H J t t e , Dale M iller. Jm m jlw a r Funeral h o l * S d a y evening for Mr M Rqeder whose funeral

Fre d Horn stein was I j/J# sy , an observance -^mnhday anniversary,' lly dinner at the home

M N. Lloyd ftornstel C ity . Others present Hornatein, the D arre ll Uy of Sh irley , the Do horn fam ily , the Le it fam ily , the Edmond 1 Uy, and the Lester K<

: I :■ ■. - a

; . ‘ v > i

One only - size 10 Duster - Re®. $5.99 ............................. ................We're Krazy if you can't find a Ship n' Shore Blue, Shell or Knit Top to *mK you. We're looded with Jama leas, Cut Off's and Slacks. , iDON'T BE KRAZY - Look nOw f or a MOTHER'S DAY GIFT - We have Lorra Beautiful and feminine—$4 to $11. Gowns, SHps and Dusters — REALLY PR

,* n « y u r ,3W ,equipment. Their incomer have increased...

and most of it is spent here in town.

Throughout 0 * state, the electric cooperative* pay an annual payroll of 17,000.000. These loe*l businesses have Invested additional mil­lions in plants and equipment, and continually add to this Investment. This helps buMd pro­sperity throughout the state. The electric cooperatives really do help b ns tarsi. And t e r i help mors in the years ahead. There I* *sMw as* cent* proof that thsyAx/ ' a V , ,v . . ml'

Free Gift for Aug Woman Over SO in a MM Skirt

I * P s M w y

■■■ -A 'm

The ChafsWorth Plaindealerh i

^ ( A Product of The Blade Publishing CompanyJam ea H . Roberta, Ed ito r and Publisher

i 43S-M1I

C IT Y ED ITO R —M rs. A llen (Jo yce ) G rdesED IT O R IA L AND A D V ER TIS IN G P R u D U C T IO N -Lo is F . Roberts

H iah, Lucy Sohn, Elizabeth Mowery, Carole Roberts, Bridget

Appaloosa's Nam* Queen, Virginia Howell

rog. iwo _ Advisor's DeskThe Chatsworih Plaindealer ~g_______ Y | _ _ *"---------

Thursday. April 6, 1967 ■*<>171 1 1 1 6 M r I I I


M urray. Forem an: Joe Don Weber, Pau l Fehr,

IC A L D EPA R TM EN T — Robert M illard M a.'son, M illie C rites,

David Roberts, Scott Fischer BU SIN ESS M AN AGER—Harel Spence.C IRC U LA TIO N F U LF ILL M E N T —Roberta Meyer.E N T E R E D A S SECO N D C LA SS M A T T E R A T T H E P O S T C F F IC *

C H A TS W O RTH , IL L IN O IS , E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y U N D ER A CT O F M ARCH 3, 1179.

S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S IN IL L IN O IS ; O N E Y E A R 53.B0;S IX M O S., *1.75; S IN G LE C O P IE S . 7 C EN TS O U T O F IL L IN O IS ; O N E Y E A R , *3.50; S IX

M O S., S3 .M ; T E L E P H O N E 435-3S1S A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S

D isplay advertising 56c per column inch.A ll news, photos and advertising m aterial in this publication is the

property of The Blade Publishing Company. Advertising is accepted «e * l i prem ise. Use of any m aterial without the consent of the owner Is a violation of property rights and such trespassers w ill be subjectto legal action. _____ • ______ ______

---------------------------- o ^ m o e m e o

The Centennial C o rn e r . . . . .


We have a complete line of products

for all your grains

Stephen S. H itch, an early terra- er In Livingston county, held a record of gallant service during the C iv il W ar. Hitch was born at Wisbeach Cam bridgeshire. Eng­land. A pril 8. 1938. ilia parents. Robert and M ary H itch, came to the U . S. in 1963 and went to E l Paso. Stephen was 15 years old when he arrived in this country. He located at Washington, III ., where he first worked as a farm hand then moved to E l Paso.

V irg inia H ew all

Liquid and dry fertilizers in plow down

forms of slurry and blend

Also, starter fertilizer of liquid and dry

Nitrogen needs in anhydrous ammonia,

aqua ammonia and nitrogen solution

37% and Spencer Uran 32%

V irg in ia Howell, daughter of M r. and M rs. John Howell of Chats- worth was chosen by unanimous vote to represent the Illino is Ap- paloosa Association for the 19G7 year as their queen.

At the five club regional in Van W ert. Ohio, she w ill compete for

regional queen in Ju ly . She w ill a l­so represent, the association at the National in W alla W alla. Washing­ton. this summer.

V irg in ia , who plans to ride T iro Tornado. 1966 World Champion Ap- paloosa Calf Roping Horse and 1955 W o r l d Champion Western Pleas re Horse, was the 1955 jun­ior Western Pleasure champion of the association.

The queen is chosen on the basis of her character, riding ab ility ,

and poise in the saddle.

In 1862 on August 27 he entllsted in the Fourth Regiment Illino is Volunteer C ava lry , fighting under General Grierson and other noted cavalry leaders. He was with that famous officer in his memorable raid through M ississippi. He was mustered out at Memphis. Tenn., June 15, 18S5. He joined the Eben G. Trask Post No. 388 Grand Arm y of the Republic.

On returning from the w ar. he devoted his attention to farm ing, in 1865 he bought 80 acres in Chats- worth township and in 1890 40 acres in Charlotte township.

Miss Phipps To Be May Bride

We also carry your complete line of

Herbicides and Insecticide needs.

Our prices include applicator rentals

On June 17. 1864. Hitch was mat- r i e d to Henrietta who was also born in England. The ir son, Dick H itch, continued to operate the home farm . He m arried Miss Sadie Dann in 1898. They were the parents of three children. A lfred , Irene and Florence.

Hitch served seven years as chairm an of the O liver and Corn Grove Drainage Board, as Town­ship assessor, president of Board of Highway Commissioners and member of the Board of Education.

He attended religious services at the Baptist church and his fra ­ternal affiliation was with the A . F . and A.M . Chatsworth l.odge No. 539.

The farm is now in th? hands of the fourth generation of Hitch men. having been farmed by Stephen. D ick. Alfred and at pres­ent by Stephen, the son of A lfred .

You can save money if you check before you buy one of the new soil treatm ent m aterials.

Sam uel R . A ld rich . U niversity of Illin o is soil fe rtility specialist, saya that many of the m aterials have no proven value on Illino is aoils.

The quacks are easy to spot, A ldrich says. They ta lk persuasive­ly and make great claim s lo r their products.

They often claim that the m ater­ial stim ulate the rehease of locked- up soil nutrients, feeds the soil bacteria, conditions, the s o i l , guards against drought and in gen­era l supplies nutrients more e ffi­ciently t h a n conventional fe rt ili­zers.

A ldrich warns that the sales­man Joes not guarantee a level of nitrogen, phosphorous ot potas­sium . thereby sidestepping regula­tions of the lllin o i- fe rtilire r law .

Some of the m aterials supposed­ly provide benefits from m icro­nutrients, but the content is not guaranteed and may be less than is already in the so il. A ldrich points out that the nutrients may not be available even if they are present. And some elements pres­ent are not used in plant growth.

The salesm an often claim s that vour farm adviser and the state

hon of

. wit of

w Be

the Donal Leroy


Uy. He received a money $75 on it. H is birthdate it F rid a y , A pr. 7.

Relatives have heard fr 4 M ichael Feely , that Easter in Rome and atten w ith the Pope. Hia parent and M rs. Fran cis Feely worth.

Rev. aad Mbs. A lien M Lockport spent F rid ay v Chatsworth.

H pays to plant th# best gardtn MedAsk for

SHOW N A K E T H E •Iterance kindergarten students as they w alk down Chatsw orth'* main street a fte r m aking th e ir annual trip to the

I-onmis H atchery. Before re tu rn jp f to the school, by but, they each received a treat from their teacher, 'M rs. Helen C u lk ln .

P laindealer Photo


L A R R Y ' S Maytag Store

R kh o i

G enei

X X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - v

CHATSWORTH LEGION POST NO. 613 will sponsor a



G as F e rtilize r Co.A n h yd ro u s A m m o nia P la n t, O n a rg a , 26 8-4541

T h a w v ille , 3 8 7 -2 4 2 5 G ilm a n 2 6 5 -4 3 5 7 o r 2 6 5 -4 5 2 9

P ip e r C ity , 6 8 6 -2 2 3 9 P ip e r C ity , 6 8 6 -2 4 6 9

C h a tsw o rth , 6 3 5 -3 4 7 2

Miss Linda Phipps

.Mr. and M rs. L l o y d Jam es Phipps. Urbana. announce the en­gagement and approaching m ar­riage of their daughter, l.inda Lou, to Jam es R. S lifc . son of Mr. and M rs. Robert Slife . R . R . 3 M ilford.

Miss Phipps graduated from Ur- I bana High school in 1964 and is a senior majoring in elem entary edu­cation at Eastern Illino is univer­sity at Charle-ton. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and M rs. Ja n u s Ph.pps. Roberts.

S life . a 1962 graduate of M ilford High school and a 1951 graduate of Illino is Com m ercial college, is an accounting m ajor at Eastern I l­linois university.

The wedding is planned for May 27.


Legion Hall — 8:30 until 11:30 p.m.

The Regent Combo will provide music

K E L L Y ' SA P R I L 6 , 8

WIN A FIVE DOLLAR GIFT CERTIFICATE!We're so Krazy, we'll give a five dollar gift certificate on each floor just for coming in to see our Krazy Day bargains. Register on each floor for the drawing Saturday evening, April 8th at 9 o'clock. Drawing is for 18 years and over. Need not be present to win.

Admission 75c

D o theelectric cooperatives

reallyhelp business???

Certainly! A bank is the hub of business acti­vity in a town like ours. Sometime ago, a group of us wenl to work IQ attract new industry to our area. Industrial development here, and in surrounding areas, is the result.

But. we would never have attracted them here j without a dependable source of power in the

area . . . such as that provided by our home- owned electric cooperative.

Today, the combined payroll of these factories and their local purchases, are an important source of income for us.

But even without the plants. . . there are many ways we benefit from the electric cooperatives. With dependable, low-cost electricity our farm families have become more prosperous. They can use, and afford, air conditioners, televisions and score* of appliances, not to mention power equipment. Their incomes and

SHOES! SHOES! SHOES!LADIES HEELS—bone and white, guaranteed to hurt........................ .....................$3 and $4LADIES FLATS—Spring Styles, bunion makers..................................................... $1 and $2MEN'S RED WING WORK SHOES AND BOOTS-Real Krdzy-we'll subtract your weight,

plus 10 pounds from the regular price!

HIDDEN SPECIALS IN STORETERRY TABLECLOTH—52x70—Reg. $4 - One only ....................................................!... 40cLADIES SUMMER PURSE - $2.99 - Hunt it ............................................................... 29cPRINT TABLECLOTHS - 6 only - 52x70 ...... ........................................ U .............$1 eachBEAUTY CASE for Vacations — one only — Reg. $5.99.... ........................................ .r. 59cKOTEX — 12 pack — 25c box; one to a customerINDIAN BLANKET — Good for picnics and wow — Reg. $3.99 .................... ................. 39c

These items will be most anywhere in the store. r V

J- «- .* j » rfn*i if11*- -1• '• "V 't • '• TVYr


, AVRIL AND COTTON SPRING PRINTS - Reg. 59c yd. - KRAZY - 2 yds. for 88c.LARGE PRINT BATH TOWELS - Horrible Patterns - Poor Quality...................... 3 for $1BATH MAT SETS - Reg. $2.99 - Outhouse Quality...................................................j$1.88DACRON BED PILLOWS - Special for your head - Reg. $4.99 ...:...................... 2 for $8.88

Fine Frame* and Photos Reflect Your Good Taste

Our experts -create frames and photos to your exact specifica­tions . . . at no extra cost!

MEN’S WEARBOYS' and MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS - One table.............................. $1 eachMEN and BOYS' SPRING JACKETS - One group - Krazy................................... . $1 each

CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENTGIRLS' AND BOYS' SPRING JACKETS - Valuer, to $4.99..........................CRAWLERS - 9, 12, 18 mo. - HOT COLORS..........................................3 ONLY - RAIN AND SHINE COATS - 1 size 12; 2 size 14 .................We have a beautiful new line of HEALTH TEX for boys and girls and


.......$2 each..... $1 each


S3 8-~ V

X ■ i jNewly .

A A H A P A Ilt metete


g v n v r o m b m

-Balanced H even racks. 1pan • .. aasia

j *ia choice of 4


il One hundred seventy At approxim ately 6:15 p.m . Ens**tt«Kled y te r Sunday evening 31 seniora and Frid ay morning we were ached

four sponsors waved good-bye to uled to meet at 9:30. When eight M rs. Fred Horasteln, Chatsworth and headed (o r the of the seniors g irls failed to appear

4 Propes, and M r. and E a st. A fter a tiring journey through at the appointed tim e, the rest of d Haberkorn called at Indiana the group-was detained in the class and especially the spon- Funeral home in Pent S t. C laresv ille , O h i o , w ith bus sors became worried. When phone /evening fo r Sheriann trouble. Here we boarded another ca lls failed to draw any response, , . 16 year old daughter bus which delivered us to the Hotel the sponsors resorted to banging ! -p ro , M erlen Grosen- Continental in downtown Washing- on the door of the g irls ’ room, ■hn w?k 1n .an auto ac- ton, D. C . Monday evening we F in a lly there was an answer—the i Sunday Ip which her w e r e on our own. M any seniors g irls had overslept! The group and bar 'grandm other took this opportunity to tour the then walked to the Em pire State

S capitol which was w ithin walking Building. We were then given theThorpe and daughter, distance of the hotel. afternoon to shop along F ifth Avq.

Corridan of T e rra Tuesday morning everyone as- nue. F rid ay evening we were on are visiting the Weldeh sembled in the hotel lobby at 8, our own once again. Many of us ionday they spent the wide-awake and ready fo r a day found the restaurants in New Yo rk Ir . and M rs. Ed . Ber- of touring. A fter a quick look at more expensive than those in to. the capitiol we bad a rather un Washington, D . C-.* " '* M ----‘----------------- -------------- ----- .o k ------------ - on Saturday at 8~ we again board­

ed a Greyhound fo r Washington, D . C . where we were to meet “ Ik e .” A fter a quick lunch in our nation’s c a p i t o l , w e boarded Dehm’s bus and were homeward- bound. We had planned on stopping

------- - . . -------- . . . in Gettysburg on the way home,weekend with her the Washington Monument Many but due t0 more bus trouble and a

fla t tire we did not stop.At approxim ately 10:15 a.m . Sun­

day morning 31 tired seniors and four exhausted sponsors arrived at Chatsworth High school a bit sad

ar' because the trip w as over, but glnd. - . - . . to be home,

giving our w eary feet a rest. A fter viewing the Jefferson and Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . .M em orials and the National A r­chives building, we spent the r e - ^ _ . g k ^ g gm ainder of the morning in the Ray- f ' g j K f g J L f * U g n f t t § U A burn building w ith Congressman J M U A J U i aLeslie Arends. On behalf of the ..................................................................... ...

_ citizens of Chatsworth Jim Culkin • • • • • • • H H M M I I I M M I I r '"of^"chatsworth* left presented Congressman Arends i w ish to thank everyone fo r the

ning to jo in a group wiUl ■ Centennial T ie and an in- cards, prayers and v is its while inbegin their National vitation to attend the celebration the Tucson General hospital, Tuc-

ing at F t . Knox, K y . ,h is sum m er. We boarded )>. min son, A riz . They were greatly ap- 166 graduate of Chats- Mature subway in the basement of predated, school, attended a disel the Rayburn building which took Jam es Phipps, e at Detroit Mich us 10 the capitol where we had our Cb employed at Aust- Pcitures taken with Congressman j want t0 lhan]In Pontiac as an auto Arends. A fter a v is it to the Wax membering me?■ Museum, we toured Washington s gifts during my

plantation, M o u n t Vernon. Ike ^ and gince then took us to Arlington National Je rry Birkccem etery where we viewed the im-

It is perm issible occasionally to pressive changing of the guard forget your engagements, but it ts ceremony and President Kennedy's 1 . wlsh worse to forget your honesty and g r a v e . W ednesday1 evening we ?a . • * “ ” *• aM what you have learned. . boarded the Wilson L in e '30$ tju is - j^ p,!a l. AUo- a

< l t ed “ PJ ! ndJ 0Wn thC P0tr a" L s I Leslie0” . *Schand the sponsors, M r. and M rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Do you enjoy sm eUlaf your | ) bora* burning:, smoldering gam i

Do you hare a right to make smell your ref uaeT, is.-.’ - •«As o f now — Chatsworth stinks!

r ;Let’s upgrade our town.

One Taxpayer who hates air polls

M rs. Christens Johnson, M r. and Mka. Arnold Ashman and Wayne, 8pac. 4 H arvey Ashm an. M r. and M rs. Hubert Gerth and fam ily , M r. and M rs. Wesley Johnson, and M r. W R TJttp . Dale M ille r, called at n ju g M a r Funeral h o m e last TU lBM hy evening fo r M rs. Bertha SM ned er whose funeral was F ri-

M r. and M rs. Wayne Van D erryt of Paxton and their son w ith the U . 8 . A ir Fo rce , M ajor H alted L>Van D erryt of Colorado Springs, the Colorado, spent Sunday .aveam c i>st with M r. and Mira. A- B . CdUins Qra

M r. and M rv. A rthur G . W itte r ot j returned home Frid ay after abend- bad ing the w in ter months in F lo rid a . c|ge

M r. and Hubert Gerth and twoTom , M rs. Arnold Ashman and were in jt W ayne, Spec. 4 H arvey Ashm an, M rs. C . and M r. and M rs. Wesley Johnson Mka. J . attended the funeral of an aunt, Hutte, ln« M rs. Bertha Schroeder, at the Schades. Lutheran church in Crescent C ity day with last F rid ay .

M r. and M rs. Donald Higgins and Donna attended the camping and outdoor s p o r t s show at Indianapolis. In d .. Sunday.

M r. and M rs. Ed Stoller and Curt and M r. and M rs. Ed Traub attended the funeral of M rs. S e l­le r's brother, Frank M artin in G rid ley, last Saturday.

M iss M ary Ann ElUnger, student at Winston Churchill college at Pontiac, spdnt her Easte r vaca­tion with her parents, the E a r l E l- lingers. She reurned to school Monday.

. Fred Hornstein was honored Sun- d ay, an observance of his 75th birthday anniversary, with a fam ­ily dinner at the home of M r. and Mte. Lloyd Hornstein in Piper C ity . Others present were M rs. Hornstein, the D arre ll Beehn fam ­ily of Sh irley , the Donald Haber- korii fam ily , the Leroy Hornstein fam ily , the Edmond Propes fam ­ily , and the Lester Kem netz fam ­ily . He received a money tree with 675 on it. H is birthdate is actually F rid a y , A pr. 7.

Relatives have heard from Spec. 4 M ichael Feely , that he spent Easter in Rome and attended Mass w ith the Pope. H is parents are M r. and M rs. Fran cis Feely of Chats­worth.

Rev. and Mka. A llen M arshall of Lockport spent F rid ay visiting in Chatsworth.

Mias Je rry ln Jtennedy to David by a Congressman. The rest of the Brown where 'CJail was the flower morning was spent in the Smith- g irl and M argin was in charge of sonian Institute. A fter lunch in the the- guest reg ister. They spent the institute’s cafeteria , we walked torem ainder of the 1L‘ .......................” ' "parents, M r. rod M rs. Simon John- of the sturd ier seniors and spoil son in Ottawa. sors trudged up its 800 odd steps.

Thom as Alan Snow, son of M r. The view was m arvelous and Well­and M rs. H arley Snow of Chats- worth the clim b. We were on our worth, left Pontiac Monday for in- own for the rest of the day. duction into the A rm y, according Wednesday morning ” Ike' to Mka. M arilyn B la ck , chief clerk rived with his new ly repaired bus of U . S. Selective Service System local board.

Ask about our Loans on that new

Combine Pick-up Track Picker

Wheel DiscPlowBaler

• Tractor• Planter• Cultivator

See us first, then go to the dealer of your choice and make a CASH deal!

R ich ard Underw ood* l

G en eral C ontractor

r e t u n i |p f to th e sch o o l, le d a tr e a t fro m th e ir

Roberts, 111.

• ra iv *

Free Estimates-Chats. 635-3449

f o i o b t s


21h- can $1-09



10c Pk&*



3 pgks. $ 1

LIBBY'S 14 Oz.Deep Brown Beans

it for coming in to see ■day evening, April 8th it to win.






Pork SausageWINDSOR







C U R IT S S A g N IA T U R E lO V i O z .MARSHMALLOWS .....

lb. 35c..................$3 and $4..................$1 and $2subtract your weight,


DEL MONTE Chunks or Crushed—No. 211 cansPINEAPPLE.......................... 4 foROYAL >GELATIN DESSERT

RED ROBE No- 303 cansTOMATOES................



Tfco Roper 2406 30-inch Counter Built-in


FRESH TEXASCARROTS. . . . . . . . 3 2 each

........................ ........... $1 e ach....*....................$3.00nd new CINDERELLA

Hl l t i l l 'l 'H"l"t* WITH THIS COUPON j WITH

D ean or S ea lte s t ; f M I L K || I C E

Vi gal. 39c :: VuONE ONLY O



w v e Lo rra in e L in g e rie , tE A LLY P R E T T Y - W E 3W - S'

W I T K T H I S C O U P O N j WI T H T HI S C O U P O NG R O U N D C H U C K i R E D P O T A T O E S


C H A TSW O BTH........................................................................................................................................................ ..............................

V i

W H »M I4 t l t l t »H <

vh-T “it "tC- A ' i . lie.' »

Th* Chotowortfi Plaindeak

Thursday, Apnl 6, 1967

, Now’s the time to buy that electric range you’ve always wanted. Besides all the advantages of flameless cooking, you may qualify for a nine* piece set of Teflon-coated aluminum cookware;, FREE! This set has the new hard-coat Teflon that ' lets you use regular kitchen utensils for- stirring and turning.

This offer available tot

• C1JP8

Free Transistor Radio(with case and ear phono)

or 30 Cup Automatic Coffee * Maker

___ are not nowgas for cooking; and


• buy a qualified new or used electric range from a participating dealer fc&Apnl SO, and install it within SO days.aftoP purchase.

^ 7 ^ '»PpU*n« dealer. You also nuly qualify

Find out from any owner of an American on* the-farm Automatic dryer how economical and easy R k to dry high moisture com and p t a premium price. Model 2412T dries up to 6900 bushels of wft com per 24 hdur period. Loads, dries, cools, unloads and repeats around the dock unattended. Liberal trades and terms. CIP8 cash wiring allowance on your

nqge. It amid save jea up to $50. Ash

C tJa b S w u fJtoA p iia t

T U B S D A Y , M A RC H M

in them , wire- I a n o ccasionally a problem ,

heptachlor w ill con- the year follow-

_____le ast lik e ly to be D iazinon is recom m ended fo r uaeI e re tv *— follow ing sm a ll on d a iry fa rm s fo r Corn Rootworm

control, and other farm s where Northern Corn Rootworms have developed a resistance to chlorinat- ed hydrocarbons. Reports from

” ln“ "three" ,rf"ifive other states indicate that diazinon er, the difference in wiU be effecUve for about six

seen the year-old treat- weeks. Th is means that when dia- the new treatm ents was zinon is applied at planting time to

!■ )((• enough to pay for the early-planted corn, it w ill not con- ( SSSt o f tbs new application. tro l rootworms that are hatching

On dairy farm s, treatment for in late June or Ju ly . Thus in 11- insocts requires considerable linois do not expect rootworm con­

trol from planting time applica­tion of diazinon applied to corn planted before May 15. When ap-

cautiohed against the use plied to corn planted after May 15, chlorinated hydrocarbons, it should control rootworms.

Lora Wunsch, Saunem in, Surgi c a l; Bertha M akinson, Forrest, Accident; M arvin Abbey, Cropsey, M edical; Leona Stroh, Pontiac, M edical; Ross D ickson, Fa irb u ry M edical; M arcus M aier. Fo rrest. Surg ical.

H A IL STO RM S TU D Y B »A spring and summer fact-find­

ing program on hail storm s in Cen­tra l Illino is began A p ril 3. The pro­gram w ill involve cooperation of many farm ers living in the study area as w ell as insurance adjust-

to insure that the m ilk w ill become contaminated with any

In Illin o is, dairy farm -

O itm issed :M rs. David Billington and son,

Cullom ; M rs. David W atkins and son, Fo rre st; M rs. Donnie Wine- brinner. Anchor; Dorothy Boma. P iper C ity ; Duane M orris, F a ir ­bury; Denton Hodges, Fa irb u ry ; Linda Stephens, Fo rrest. W ED N ESD A Y, M ARCH 29 Adm itted:

Susan Raber. Lexington. Medi­ca l; Thomas K incade, Chatsworth,

chlordane, dieldrin, D D T, heptachlor, or lindane w ith­

es a fo lier spra yor soil treat-To control other soil insects w ill

_ ___________ require other methods and insecti-_g. H ow ever, they may be used cides. Fo r complete recommenda- ao il treatm ent, but dairym en tions, ask for a copy of C ircu lar

I a n urged not to use them for soil 899 — Insect Control fo r Field ! o r fo lia r treatm ent. Crops.

NOTICE Cope's Flowers

SH SO UTH 7TH S T R E E T . F A IR B U R Y P H O N E: 492-3024


SATURDAY, 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON aad Sat. Afternoons and All Day Sunday

For a mortgage loan at reasonable rates, you’re w ise to m a k e . . •

S A V E YO U R S O ILSave Your Soil From Wind and

W ater Erosion is the topic we w ill discuss at our A p ril 12 Coopera-

| tive Extension meeting.Ralph C. H ay. Agr. Engineering

Specialist at the U . of I ., w ill lead the discussion. Th is meeting w ill be held in the Farm Bureau auditorium in Pontiac at 7:30 p m.

, You can learn how to save your soil from blowing by employing one of the minimum t i l l a g e system s that have proved to be successful on other farm s, and you can learn how to save soil and water by constructing an broad-based paralle l terrace that has a tile line to ca rry off the water instead of grass waterways. To learn these two methods of Conservation Farm ing , you w ill need to attend, listen to the d is­cussion. and ask questions to c la r­ify any inform ation that is not c learly understood.

The new ASCS Conservation T ill­age practice w ill also be explain­ed. This practice w ill be a va il­able to only a few Livingston Coun­ty farm ers on an experim ental basis this year. However, the in­formation on "How to use various minimum tillage practices and cover crops to prevent wind and soil Erosion” w ill be of interest to many Livingston County farm ers.

Spend these two hours with us A p ril 12, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m .

Your interest w ill be aroused, and you may find an idea or two that you can use on your farm .

April 17 Deadline ForSocial Sec'ty Reports


A bee-line straight to

our front door!

I Social security beneficiaries who worked during 1966 have an im-

| portant deadline coming up soon. It is tim e once again for those who

‘ earned over $1500 in 1966 to file their annual reports. The deadline is A pril 15, 1967; however, since that date fa lls on a weekend, the due date has been extended to A p ril 17.

hr —

p <ONTI AkCl <Nyi - W

SAVINGS & LOAN inmri:1tl -* " it fL ASSOCIATIONl m N . M IL L S T .1 PO N TIA C PH O N E 643-11(1

— —

A n n iv e rsa ry Sa le

Save 10 % —2 0 % —4 0 %

Any person receiving social se­curity benefits for any month in 1966, who worked and earned over $1500 in 1966, is required to file this report, this applies to a ll adult beneficiaries who were under age 72 at least one month of 1966. Child beneficiaries under age 18 for at least one month of 1966 are also required to file the report if they earned over $1500 in 1966. Th is a l­so applies to student beneficiaries between the age of 18 and T> This is true even though they did not start to work uniu a l t e r their benefits stopped.

Persons who reported to Social Security in 1966 that they expect­ed to earn over $1500 w ill receive a prepunched card through the m ail. It is requested that this card be used because it w ill speed up processing. Persons who did not receive the card through the m ail should contact the Social Security office and request the Annual Re­port Card. There is a penalty for fa ilu re to file the annual report.

The address is Social Security O ffice, 527 N. Center, Bloomington, Illin o is , 61701. The phone nulnber is 829-9436. The office is open from 8:45 am i. to 4:45 p .m ., M o n d a y through F rid ay , and Thuraday eve­ning until 7:45

Su rg ica l; Ronald Lucek, Chata- tforth. S u rg ica l; Je ffrey C h rist, Onarga. Su rg ical; Daniel Schmid- gall, Fo rrest, Su rg ical; Anna B e r­ber, Chatsworth. M edical. D ism issed :

W alter Henning, Fa irb u ry . A dm itted :

Je ffrey Newmann, Cullom , Med­ic a l; Cindy Kam m erm an, F a ir­bury, M edical; Laura Haab, Fo r­rest; L a rry Gualandi, Kempton, Su rg ical; Donna Trunk, Chats­worth. Su rg ica l; M argaret B e r­lin s , Chatsworth, M edical; M ar­lene Tim m ons, Fa irb u ry , Su rg ical; M ichael Arends, M elvin, M edical. D ism issed :

E a rl Anderson, Fo rre st; Delphia Weakman, Fo rrest; M rs. Wayne Fehr and son, Fa irb u ry ; Armand Doeden, Onarga; M arcus M ai?r, Fo rrest; Lora Wunsch, Saunemin. F R ID A Y , M ARCH 1 Adm itted :

M aria Sto ller, Fa irb u ry , Medi­ca l; Laura Hanley, Streator, Med­ic a l; Glen Denniston, P iper C ity, M edical; George Schade, F a ir­bury, M ed ical; Thom as Nance, Fa irb u ry , M edical.D ism issed :

Everett Crew s, Fa irb u ry ; Susan Raber. Lexington; Lu cille Moser, Fairbury" E a rl Lehm an. Piper C ity ; R ichard Dale Reinagle, P ip­er C ity ; Je ffe ry C h rist, Onarga; Ross Dickson. Fa irb u ry . S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 1 A dm itted :

John Fatka . Danforth, M edical; Leslie Beal, Fo rrest, M edical; Ju l­ie , Tony and M ichael Graham , Toledo, Ohio, M edical; Deretha Haab. Fo rrest, M edical; E d n a Birge, Fa irb u ry , M edical; R o s s Mowery. Fa irb u ry , M edical; Ed ­ward Moore. Chatsworth, M edical; Linda Stephens, Fo rrest, M edical. D ism issed :

N. M. La Rochelle, Chatsworth; M argaret K e r r i n s . Chatsworth; Mabel Vaughan, Cropsey; M ary Bolander. Lew istown; Ju lie , M ich­ael and Tony G raham , Toledo Ohio.SU N D A Y , A P R IL 2 A dm itted :

Albert Lange, Thaw ville , Medi­ca l; Bessie Luckett, Chatsworth, Accident; Irene F ick w ile r. M elvin, Su rg ical; G l a c e Gagnon, La- Hogue. Su rg ical; Josephine Co- operider, Cropsey, Su rg ica l; Reta Benson, Thaw ville . Su rg ica l; Mae Hack. Fo rrest, Su rg ica l; L a rry Wenger, Fo rrest, Su rg ica l; C . C . Runyon, Fa irb u ry , M edical; H . E . C arter, Fa irb u ry , M edical; Tam ­my W inebrinner, Anchor, M edical. D ism issed :

E lla Nethercott, P iper C ity ; Ber­tha M akinson, Fo rre st; D a n i e l Schm idgall, Fo rre st; Randall Mc­Daniel, E llsw o rth ; M rs. D a l e Reinagle. P iper C ity ; S y lv ia Hoff- an, Fa irb u ry .M O N D A Y, A P R IL 3 A dm itted :

Pam ela Rolf. Fa irb u ry , M edical; Betty W illis , Fa irb u ry , M edical; Hugh W allace. Fo rrest, M edical; Flossie Steinlicht, Co lfax, M edical; Elizabeth Stew art, Fo rrest, Meui- ca l; M a r c e l l a R o lf, Fa irb u ry , Surgical.D ism issed :

Leslie Beal, Fo rrest; L a rry Gua­landi, Kempton; M ichael Arends, M elvin; Ross Mowery, Fa irb u ry ; John Fatka , Danforth; L e s l i e Schade, Chatsworth; Ronald Lu cek, Chatsworth; M rs. John Stork and son, Roberts; M rs. Richard Wartenberg and son, Fa irb u ry ; Irene F ickw ile r. M elvin ; L i n d a Stephen^, Fo rrest; L a rry Wenger, Fo rrest; Grace Gagnon, LaHogue.

• rs investigating hall damage, ac­cording to the niinoia State Wa­ter Survey.

The study w ill combine complete radar and surface observations of any bail occuring over a 29-county area and a study of damage.

Fie ld operations, to be conducted A p ril through September in 1967 and 1968, are part of a highly de­tailed hail study supported by a two-and-a-half-year grant from the National Science Foundation and by the Crop H ail Insurance Actu­a ria l Association.RO D EO SHOW R E P R A T

The popularity of the firs t Na­tional Championship Rodeo ever held at the Illin o is State F a ir has prompted the management to con­sider the attraction as an annual event. Franklin Rust, general m an­ager of the fa ir , said the RCA Rodeo attracted more than 20,000 spectators to four perform ances during the 1966 exposition.

Sponsored by the Rodeo Cow­boys Association, In c ., the State F a ir rodeo w ill o ffer six perfor­m ances on August 11, 12 and 13 at a special co rral on the fairgrounds.

Joe Passin i, m anager of the unit, said advance ticket sales w ill be started after June 1 at the State F a ir Ticket Department.■ V EN TS C A LE N D A R A V A IL A B L E

Distribution of the annual Illin o is Calendar of Events was begun last week by the Illino is Inform ationService.

The 48-page booklet lists dates of community events and county fa irs , baseball and football sched­ules. it also describes tours of­fered by plants, museums and edu­cational institutions.

A free copy is available through the Illino is Inform ation Service , 406 State Cap itol, Springfield , 111. 62706.D IS C O V ER IL L IN O IS W E E K

A team of more than 500 business and community organizations w ill k ick off the week-long stateside campaign of “ D iscover Illino is W eek" on A pril 16. The project is aimed at encouraging traveling and vacationing Illino isans to see and enjoy Illin o is firs t.

By proclamation of Gov. Otto Berner the week of A pril 16-22 has been set as “ Discover Illino is W eek" to coincide with the nation­a l “ Discover Am erica Week” and be observed sim ultaneously with tourist promotion groups through­out the United States. The pro-' ject is under the direction of the Tourism D ivision of the Illino is Department of B u s i n e s s and Econom ic Development.

“ Discover Illin o is" is the firs t m pjor coordinated statewide pro­motion designed to attract Illin o is­ans and out-of-state visito rs to see

linois.T IC P O LLU T IO N M E E T

e effects of pesticides apd d if­ferent kinds of pollution on aquatic life w ill be among the 50 subjects discussed at the 15th annual m eet­ing of the Midwest Benthological Society. The meeting, A p ril 5-7 at Southern Illino is U niversity in Car- bondale, is open to the public.

A1 Lopinot, chief fisheries biol­ogist for the Illino is Department of Conservation, is president of the society. Polution biologists, sani ta ry engineers, fisheries techni-

rlana , chem ists andfrom a ll the states and several foreign countries a rt members. S P R IN O L A B I C R E E L C EN SU S

A creel census w ill be taken at Spring Lake near Mhaito this year, the Illin o is Department of Conser­vation announced.

Fisheries D ivision personnel w ill interview sportsmen fishing the lake two days a week, from A pril 15 to Sept. 5. to determ ine how long they fished, the distance they traveled , their success, etc. Infor­mation gained from sportsmen is useful to management of the lake.

In 1964 and 1965 anglers caught b luegill, crappie, bullheads, carp , drum , spotted sunfish. channel catfish , largemouth bass, war- mouth and grass p ickerel at Spring j Lake . B lueg ill, crappie and b u ll-! heads comprised about 80 percent of the total catch. The catch rate was about a fish for every two hours of angling. .-.

The Chatsworth Plaindealer Thursday, April 6, 1967 - J ariT Pag# Four

-----i rr


FREE STORAGEA ll CloHiIng Stored TIN N o t h it

F R E ESavo Space At Homo

FREE Pick Up 6 Delivery

SANITARY CLEANERSFairbury, Illinois Phono 692-3133


OptometristChildren's Theatre April 29 At Pontiac

U niversity of IU inoit Children's theater w ill present King Arthur and H is Magic Sword at Pontiac Township High school at 10 a.m . Saturday, Apr. 29.

Anyone who is interested in at­tending may contact the principal of h is school for further details.

GENERAL OPTOMETRY & CONTACT LENS One Trip Service for New Glasaes


H O U RS :AH D ay M on., W ad ., S a t.

T E L E P H O N E 329411)119 South M arkat. Paxto n . IIL



- ' J m

1 7 2 S Q . i



A n n o u n cin g B u ickfe n ew G S -3 4 0 .

The RESO RT * XITH£ SUM UNE SEEN ewu#ScefuUyi tone color cabine and Off-W hite c Handle. Monop<

20,000 Volts...com b ir shine Piet picture bi

HANDCRAFTIEvery cl fully ha ating de c h a ss ii greater than ph 'cuit bo; The quah

(The minipriced GS400.)

If yon read the papers, you know how great our now- fa mou* GS-400 i». (If» the one in the background.)

And you alio know you don't get a GS-400 for peanuts. It's a great'ear. But it’s just a little rich Tor some people.

So we let to work and designed the GS-340. It has a (but Mm* whole weighs less). Its

interior it clean and simple and tasteful. And It has Rt own ornamentation, paint job (see the rally stripe and bond scoops?), and. of course, all the GM safety features.

So now you have a car that costs let* than the GS4H^but one with its own special brand of excitement.

How can you beat that kind of • gpubuuuouf


Open Friday-t-K-w -SM -:-:-*



O n c e

F A IR B U R Y H O S P IT A L B IR T H STo M r. and M rs. R ichard W ar­

tenberg, Fa irb u ry , on Thursday.M ar. 30, at 11:26 a .m ., a 6 lb . 15oz. boy.

To M r. and M rz. Dale Reinagle, Piper C ity , on F rid ay , M ar. 31, at 1:28 a .m ., a 7 lb . livfc oi . boy.

To M r. and M rs. John W. Stork, Roberta, on F rid ay , M ar. 31, at 6:07 a .m ., a 9 lb . 8 oz. boy.

To I f r . and M rs. Randy Turn e r, Fa irb u ry , on Saturday, Mar 4, at 2:09 p .m ., a • lb . 13 oz. g irl. G e t n e w h a r d - c o a t *

c o o k w a r e F R E E w i t h y o u r

f l a m e l e s s e l e c t r i c r a n g e ! %

Save on gas yardights c Boy now and pay later - to 36 months, if you wisl

G as mokes sense for s A gaslight oddf charm a i your properly—affords protection. Styles f qr a ll t

Permanent-type briqui the gas grill give you ch without moss o f fuss, lig l heat quickly. Adjuitable

^ r”»T

State AM Increase* April 17 DeadlisThe number o f peraons in alt File Income T l*

The Chahworth Plaindealer

Thursday, Apnl 6, 1967

Try ACornbelt Classified

25,000 Readers

Homemaker's News Notes

the public assistance programs In A final rem :m|er lha, the doarf. Illino is increased during January ijne A p ril IT> ig i? p r i, c:Ung

for taxpayers who have not a'.; yet Harold O. Swank, director of the filed their Federal income tax re-

lUinols Department of Public A id, turns was offered tnis week by Jay said an over a ll increase of 4,876 g . Philpott, d istrict director of In- raised the total caseload to 420,058 te rca l Revenue for central and in January, compared to 415,182 in southern Illin o is . Income tax re-

t-y these December. The current caseload is turns for 19S6 must be filed before 16,785 above the January 1936 total, m idnight, A pril 17, or if m ailed,

In Livingston county, a total of postmarked prior to the midnight 635 persons received a total oi deadline.$35,330 in aid in January. Of Illi- _ _ _ _ _ nois’ 102 counties, 43 cornties bud . fewer persons on aid, and 44 coun­ties received less money than L iv ­ingston, putting Livingston county quite close to the median in botu regards.

The totals for Livingston county break down as follows: old age assistance, 213 persons received

their thoug tlokee** «hosp italised .

M rs. C . r . D ayR H R P H P B 11 B y Helen L. S u lliva n

L tv lw fstew Ham a A d viser

|y C ir c u it C le rk !i f r s p a r in o f r e s h c it r u sr a d t lia w With an abundance of citrus

fru its in the m arkets, t , “ ____tributing to the sexual delinquency auggestiona for ways to prepare of a child , sentenced to one year and use grapefruit and oranges, in Illino is State F a rm . Vandalia. Te SecHen a G rapefruit

G e n a Shockey, Cornell, Over- e r Orange weight on posted highway, $HX> Wash ch)1| and fru it in a and coata. continuous sp ira l as you would anJU R Y T R IA L apple.

M A G ISTR A TE D IVISIO N Go over the fru it again and re-Lleyd B . Outel, Judge move remaining white membrane.

A complaint by Charles S . Sloan Cut down along inside of mem of Long Point, against August Jen- brane, to seperate it from the sen, Ancona, was tried before a fru it.six-m an ju ry in the M agistrate Gently turn the knife outward D ivision on March 28, 1967. The along the membrane of the other complaint alleged that on May 7, side of the section to completely 1966, the defendant negligently o?- remove a section at a tim e, erated his motor vehicle, causing Eat sections plain or serve them


I w ish to thank a ll fo r so mw kindness shown a t th is tim e sorrow. M ay God b less you a ll.

G uy S lo tilivGry

\NERS .M i o m 4*2-3131 ' Magdaleno L . Chavez, 30, Gray-

mont, illegal possession of alcohol, $50.

Stephen L . W ilken, 18, Pontiac, illegal transportation of liquor, $50.

G ary P . Irw in , 18, Cbataworth, driving too fast for conditions, $10.

Howard M. Simmons, 22, Che- noa, im proper passing, opposite direction, $15.

Everett C . G ay, 55, Odell, op­erator’s license expired, $50.

Douglas L . A ttig , 17, Fa irb u ry , improper lane usage, $10..

C o 11 e en A . Moyemont, 18, Dwight, illeg a l transportation of liquor, $25.

Linda K . C a ll. 18. Dwight, il­legal possession of liquor (m ino r),


OUTCH2 Pc. Suites From $139.95

iuites with Mr. & Mrs. Chairs $199.95172 SQ . IN . PICTUREAm erica's M ost Popular TV EXCEPTIONAL VALUESONTACT LENS

iw Glasses4 CH A M PA IG N Pontiac Discount Sales, Inc.

844-5237N. Mill St. Pontiac, Illinois

• Edw ard T . Dunn, 19, Pontiac, ant was Terry O. Helm ich, of the Cut close to membrane aro md I illegal possession of liquor (min- firm of Roberts and Kepner, At- each section, loosening fru it from j o r), $25. . torneys of Springfield. Members of membrane.

G aray L . Waldron, 16, Pon tiac,1 the ju ry were: Jane Bahler and serve as a dessert, or as a first illegal .possession of liquor (m in- Stanley Weeks, Fa irb u ry ; Charles course for a meal, o r), $25. E . B lue, Cornell; Ruth E . Frand- For a taste treat, sprinkle with

Richard D . Schroeder, 23, Em- sen. Dwight; and M. Jean Bodding- brown sugar and place under the ington, speeding 40-30, $10. ton and Pauline M. Sm ith of Pon- broiler until sugar is bubbly.

Vernon D . Edelm an, 33. Strawn, tia c . T . Prepare Orange Cartw heitsdisobeyed stop sign, $10. Charles R . Hensen, 35, Chicago. Wash and peel orange. Slice

Fred A. A llen , IS , Streator, too Henson was charged with offer- crossw ise, making circ les. Remove fast for conditions, $15. ing a bribe to a police o fficer, cn seeds.

W illiam L . Raber, 32, Pontiac, January 21, 1967, by State Police. Use slices or half slices to eat left scene of personal in ju ry ac- He entered a plea of not gu ilty, plain, in a salad, or as a garnish cident, $100. and his case was tried by a ju ry 0n the meat plate.

Tbomas G . Verdun, 20, Odeli, in the M agistrate D ivision on To Prepare Orange B its speeding 70-40, $40. March 29. The ju ry returned a ver- Wash, but do not peel oranges.

Jam es D . R ieger, 17, Fo rrest, diet of not guilty. Prosecuting at- s lice crosswise in circles, loud or improper m ufflers, $10. torney was Ronald K . Fe llhe im er, Cut circles into bite-size triangu-

John D . Defenbaugh, 23, Strea- assistant state's attorney. The de- |a r shapes, slice off the rim of tor, disobeyed stop sign. $10. fendant was not represented by peel or leave it on as you wish.

John R . Jam es, 24, Pontiac, a counsel. Members of the ju ry were Serve on a plate and spear each charge of disorderly conduct was V ivian A lteberry, Fa irb u ry ; Irm a piece with a wood or p lastic pick, dism issed by the court on motion L . Zim m erm an. Flanagan; Donald This is a good between meal fru it of the arresting o fficer. $10. A . M orrison, C ornell; M argaret *nack.

Jam es P . Fo rrest, 45, Pontiac, D a v i s , Straw n; Mary Council, Because of a man-made m ater-!failu re to reduce speed to avoid Streator; W illiam E . Jordan, Long ia l called Corfam , footwear has accident, $15. Point; Jerom e A . H allam , For- joined the easy-care fashion pa-1

Clifford J . Schaefer, 45, Odctl, re st; Annette S. F ry , Dwight; and rade. And this m aterial offers speeding 45 30, $15. Claude C u rtiss, Eileen B. Fahs- many other built-in benefits.

Elizabeth Krum wiede, 38, Cul- bender. Jew ell Snider, and Pauline Corfam ’s construction helps keeplorn, too fast for conditions, $15. M. Sm ith, a ll of Pontiac. comfortable. This product used for

Dale L . Gerdes, 18. Chatsworth, A complaint by Betty Fanch i, shoe uppers has m illions of tinytoo fast for conditions, $10. Pontiac, against W illiam Snow of pores that let water vapor pass ,

G ary W. Sassenger, 17, Dwight. Pontiac, was tried before a ju ry from the inside to the outside. But illegal possession of liquor (m in- of 12 in the M agistrate D ivision it also repels outside m oisture.] o r). $25. on March 29. The complaint al- shedding water better than tradi-

Charles J . Voyles, 18, Dwight, il- leged that on or about May 7, 1966, tional shoe m aterials, legal possession of liquor (m ino r), defendant negligently operated his Corfam can take freezing, soak- 125 . motorcycle thereby causing dam- lng and drying and rem ain soft

V irg il J . Dixon. 39. Pontiac, op age to p la in tiff's automobile, plain- and pliable, erato r's lieensenone, $50. t iff asking damages in the sum of Properly fitted shoes need little

M A G IS T R A T E D IV IS IO N $700 in each of two counts in the or po breaking in. When a Cor-J L lo yd E . Gutel, Judge com plaint. The accident occurred fatn shoe is comfortably fitted, you ,

Gene G ard iner, 28, Chatsworth, on Verm illion street in Pontiac, can be sure it w ill stay that w a y .. battery, and, crim inal damage to The p lain tiff’s ca r was parked on Because of i t s shape-retention property, $400 and costs. the side of said Verm illion , street, properties, Corfam keeps its new -,■ E a rl M. Jones, 35, M anville, con- and the defendant was operating shoe look longer than other ma-

----------U --------— - ----------- ----- his motorcycle in a northerly di- te ria ls. In addition, it weighs aboutrection on said street. The ju ry one-third less than traditional shoe returned a verd ict in favor of Betty m aterials.Fanch i, and awarded her dam ages---------------------------------------------in the sum of $435.86. Attorney for Fanchi was Roger Gomien, at torney, of the firm of Sm ith, Satter A Gomien, Pontiac. Defense _attorney was W alter Stodd, of the \ 8F irm of Fellheim er A V ica rs. Pon Itiac . Members of the ju ry w ere: 1M ary Council and Rudolph Gay Ion, J r ., of Streator; W illiam E . Jo r Idan. Long Point; Donald A . Mor risen and Charles E . B lue, Cornell:Herman H arm s, Fo rrest; Irm a L Zim m erm an, Flanagan; V ivian Atteberry, Fa irb u ry ; Ruth E . Frand Isen, Dwight; Vernettia I . M im s H isey, Eileen B . Fahs bender, and. a m

■ Jew el Snider, of Pontiac.G E N E R A L D IV IS IO N

H P atrick J . Heenan, 17, Pontiac.Carson. Heenan's case was contlnued to Tuesday, Apr. 11, 10 a.m . ................ . g j

Pennington Martin (smoothwatl)TIM RESO RT • X201OCTHt SUM UN£ senttsN ew>*rkccfully slim molded two- tone color cabinet. Charcoal color and Off-W hite color. Top C arry Handle. Monopole Antenna.

Hydra-Fold Auger For Gravity Beds Sudunga Augers And Handling Equipment

Clay Meyer Belt Bucket Legs M &W Continuous Flow Dryers

20,000 Volts of Picture Power. . .combines with Zenith's own Sun­shine PictureTube for unsurpassed picture brightness and clarity!

Q u ality P roducts & Q u ality S e rv iceFOR A LL YOUR GRAIN NEEDS

Ask About Early Order Discount


Every chassis connection is care­fully handwired for greater oper­ating dependability! Rugged metal ch a ss is has up to 200 tim es greater heat conduction ab ility than phenolic used in printed cir- 'cuit boards. (The quality goes in before the name goes on


asteful. And It has to t the rally (tripe and tie CM afety features, lie * than theGSAXfcof excitement,

iItnpihinal intif

Ashkum, III

DEPARTMENT STOREOpen Friday Nights 'til 9 p.m.

Gene Corban Chatsworth, III. Ph. 635-3685


Realty TraasfersW A R R A N TY D ilO S

Esther Barnes, to Jacob W. Ul- fe rs, an undivided 2-3rds of lot 4 block 37, North Addition, Fa irb u ry .

Joseph D . Broquard and Janice Broquard to Lyd ia Broquard and u o u i Broquard, part NW SEW Section 27-26-7.

Save on gas yardights and gas grills. controlled cooking. Single and doublo- Buy now and pay later — take up burner models. Rotisserie equipmentto 36 months, il you wish. is also available.

G as mokes sense (or summer fun. You’ll particulady like the sturdyA gaslight odd} charm and distinction to cast aluminum construction ond easy your property — affords all-night care features o i these gaslights andprotection. Stylesiqr a ll types of homes, grills. Place your order now for an early

Permanent-type briquettes used in start on summer fun. Coll or visit ony the gas grill give you charcoal flavor of our stores or offices, or ask any without muss o f fuss, light instantly. Company employee. Sale ends heat quickly. Adjuitable Borne gives May 31, 1967.

t ^ N o r t h e r n l l l i n o i s ^ ^ *

G a s C o m p a n y pAvailable in Ytr and H-ton models,


Suburban ’67 puts new style in one solidly built package. There’s new convenience with a second right side door for passengers and cargo. More room inside because of a longer 127' wheelbase. More nut prevention due to aelf-waahing fender skirts. The great ride you’ll have to discover for yourself . . . at your Chevrolet dealer’s.,

Dashing new design included new, durable aheet metal construction. 1 127* wheelbaae nddx to cargo a n a .i K -to a model* available. Sea «*■+"! U

T h e Illin o is C e n tra l D ia - »ad (a b o v e ) Am ra ilro a d 's d e m a ik fo r m ore th an a ifo ry , b aa g iven w a y to a * co rp o ra te sym b o l w h ich See the brand Chevy truck at


C H F V R O l F I

C A L V A R Y B A P T IS T CH U RC Hg .a r .r c

Sunday. A p ril I tSunday School 9:45 a jn . M orning W o rftip 10:45 a.m . Church T ra in in g Hour 6:45 p.m,

A ciaaa fo r a ll ages.Evening Compel Service 7:30

On Saturday and day before P-m- firs t Frid ay and Holyday of Ob- Wednesday. A p ril IS : lig a tio n — 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p .m .—M idweek Bib le Study f:30 to 8 .SO p.m. and P ra ye r M eeting.

—Jerom e V . M orriasey, F ssto r — W ayne Squires, P astr

s a in t s r r r a a y d p a ir .C A T H O L IC C H U R C H

Telephone 684-3230 H oly Maaa

Sunday—8:00 and 10:00 a m W eekday*—8:15 a.m .F irs t F rid ays — 7:00 a jn . a i

11 .-00 a m .

The Chotsworth PtalJ Thundery, April <S

Poq* Six ,

. „ M M Speaker

JtomOutJUu.T v , " lege of Commerce Charm School

• ■* Peoria, come here F rid a y , A pr. T

A P R IL 4. t n r bach is V fto rb a fe h lo * m arriage “ 7:30 p m 'Thom ai Jerom e BaM win, S r ., a , to Charles C uu in , which i* to U ke The Nancy Taylo r repre scuta tiv i

a ChaUwortb business man for op- place Saturday morning of th is wm be M iss Karen Lehm ann. Shproxim ately 43 years, died uaex- week at 7:30 o’clock in Saints w j 1 1 ta lk of “ You and Youpectedly at his home at 13:43 a .m . Peter and P au l’% church. Im age.” Th is w ill include hai

M*r ’ » • _ vt H- B . Speer has sold the resi- styling , make-up, visual poise, amEd Todden was honored on h is dance property la the western edge other social and business etiquette

76th birthday Saturday, M ar. 30, of Chat*worth so long occupied by Th is should be a very enjoyabk at his home by re latives and the Speer fam ily , to W allace D ick- meeting, friends. m an, o f near M elvin, possession to'

M r. and M rs. E a r l Stickles are be given soon, i- The FH A is extending an invitaannouncing the m arriage of their C larence Entires died at about tion to a ll high school g irls ant daughter Evelyn to David M cCar- l l o’clock fyia forenoon at S t. a ll g irls may invite their mothers ty , son of M r. and M rs. Geo. Me- Jam es hospital in Pontiac. or some one else as a guest.C arty of Chats worth. Thd executive committee of the The meeting w ill be held in the

Miss M ary Graham , 79, died at Livingston County Centennial Ap- study h all on the second floor of l p.m . Wednesday at Fa irb u ry bos- sociabon have held several meet- the high school, p ital where she had been a pa- ings in Pontiac the past two weeks tient for five days. to form ulate the organisation and

Charles Costello announced on plan fo r.th e proper observance of Monday the winner and the name the 100th Anniversary of Livingston «r_/vselected for his grocery store. M rs. county. S *• „V irg il Ferren was declared the A p ril 12, 1*17winner fo r her selection of “ Cos- lj * , t Sunday morning Are wastello’s Town and Country M arket.” 49 Y R A R S AGO discovered about 8:30 at the home

At the Fourth Q uarterly Confet*- A p ril 19V ®*d. M arxm iUer and the depart*ence held W edneld .y evening in B F N orm .n has purchased and ™ n t was called out. the Methodist church, the pastor, installed a new Hoffman steam . A* • mf eUn* of J , ? *Rev. J . R . Kesterson, submitted presser and. is going to do gar- J*, * r*] ®n Tuesday evening, thehis resignation to the D istrict Su- ment pressing in the latest approv- {>° * rd “ e?. for |perintendent. ed sty le . a T w e ll as conduct ad Obenchain Boyer chem ical

Te rry W eller, son of M r. and agency fo r cleaning. ,force engines the price paid be-M rs. K a rl W eller, was surprised in£ *?r th* lw °- ° n* 07 the**on the occasion of his tenth birth- Upon leaving-his home after din engines is mounted on narrowday, when the boys from h is class ®er Tuesday L . J . Haberkorn d is truck so that it can be hauledwere entertained at his home. covered smoke arising from the about on the sidewalk and the

second story porch of the Petei other is built to be hauled behind Kurtenbach residence. an automobile.

C a rl M ilstead w ill move from The Village of Chatsworth w ill the residence on the A . K . P ratt sell to the highest cash bidder onfarm southwest of town and oc- Saturday, Apr. 14, 1917, at 8 o'clockcupy the residence to be vacates p .m ., the old "P ra irie B ird ” fireby the John C rites fam ily . engine.

M ETH O D IS T C H U RC HSunday School 9:30 a.m .W orship Hour 10:45 a.m .The Rev. V icto r E . Ram sey w ill

be guest m inister on Sunday, A p ril 9th, in the absence of the pastor. M r. Ram sey is fie ld Representa­tive of the Methodist Sunset Home at Q uincy. Besides preaching the sermon at the w orship hour he w ill be a t the meeting of the Methodist Men’s C lub at 7:30 p.m . He w ill then show slide view s of Sunset Home.

Representatives from the Dwight Sub-D istrict M Y F Council w ill meet at a D istric t Council meeting to elect o fficers of the D istric t or­ganization. Th is meeting w ill be at the P ip er C ity Methodist Church a t 2 p.m ., Saturday, A p ril 8th.

—Leroy E . B u la , Pasto r

S T . P A U L ’S E V A N G E L IC A L LU T H E R A N C H U R C H H our* of W orship:

Sunday School 8:45 a.m .Church 10:00 a.m .Thursday—Naomi C irc le 1:30 p.

m ., Ruth C irc le 7:30 p.m ., C ho ir 7 p.m.

F rid a y—A LC W Packing fo r New Guinea a t Chicago.

Saturday—Confirm ation C lasses 8:30 - 10:30 am.

Monday—Brotherhood 7:30 p.m.Tuesday—A LC W Conference a l

RantoulWednesday—Ju n io r Lutherans

7:30 p.m.—W . C . B urm cister, Pasto r

E V A N G E L IC A L U N IT E D B R E T H R E N C H U RC H Sunday, A p ril • :

9:30 — Sunday School Lesson. “ Power fo r the T a sk ."

10:30—College Day announced and sermon, " I Am the W ay."

2 :0 0 —Packing of Church W orld Service clothing.

7:00 — Local Conference and Q uarterly Reports.W ednesday. A p ril 12

1:30—"Know Your B ib le" class resumed.

7:30—M onthly Youth Fellow ship at the church. Hosted by P atric ia Sandoval and Joyce G roskreutz.

7 :30—Regular w eekly choral practice.Thursday, A p ril IS

7:15 Conference members to ’go to Dw ight meeting on “Church U nion."

—La Roy H untley. Pastor

F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H W ednesday, A p ril 3

Q uarterly business meeting Sunday. A p ril 9 <'

Sunday School 9:30 a.m . J* *M orning W orship 10:3Q R jp .

Rev. B lakeney, speaker.Monday. A p ril 10

W M S meeting at the church. A ll ladies of the church to be present. The W M S of the Fa irb u ry Map- tist Church as guests.

C H A R LO T T E E U R C H U RC H Saturday, A p ril 8

The Young Adults w ill meet at 7 p.m .. at the parsonage for study and fellow ship.Sunday. A p ril 9

Sunday School at 9:30 a.m . G a­len H aren, Supt. Lesson: “ Power fo r the T a sk ."

M orning W orship at 10:30 a.m ., followed by congregational meet­ing to recommend a member to the m in istry.

A t 2 p.m .. Boys and G irls F e l­lowship at Duane Flessner home. Thursday, A p ril 13

R etreat fo r our active retired people, 9 a.m . to 3 p.m .. at G race E U B Church , Bloom ington.

Sunday, Hedy Communion, 7:30 and 9:00 a jn

Church School 10 a jn .—B ru ce F . P e tte tt. V ic a r

Four-year-o ld tri- le v e l home, rh re e bedroom s; 1 4 baths. C is te n t; W W ca rp etin g . So uth s i e. The Cornl

'SupeFrets run 6,-000 Copiet

Tw o sto ry residence. 1 4 h at s ; tew gas ho t w a te r banting s s~ 'e m ; alum inum sto rm whtdc vs rad scre e n s; attache?! J ^ f f e .

LO C A LF IR S T W C G K : 3 lin e s ,! T H B R E A F T B R : $ 1 J9 M

(Must be ordered consecutively

D IA D L IN I W ID ., • A .M .

Where O ss ilfle d advert!sem e 10c b illing charge is m ade, wl titu la r advertisem ent Count w ith order.


N C ard s e f Thanks e r M am tr Hanal w ards e r* charged a t 3

|MA fte r an ad la o rdered . I t c i publication w ithout c h a r ts . 1

In the finest condition. N ear, pub­lic school.

iality— By Harkor China Company, America'sTw o bedroom cot La*

home. G as heat; basement, rep a ir. N orth side.

T h re e bedroom 1 4 sto ry re s i­dence w ith basem ent. Lo cated dn targ e lo t; w est aide. { .



Spacious Home on Large Got with Farm Setting in Town. ‘S. E. Good Condition, Two fyll Baths, with even an extra in the basenridht. Oil Hot Water Hea. Priced to Sell.


S A JN . t o S P .M . — f SA TU RD A Y!

l i t W . Lscw st Street, Fa lrb u ri 414 I . Lscw st, Chatsw srth 113th I . K ra ck , PfK***


M Y E A R S AGO A p ril 3. 1*47

George Reeves of Chatsworth died at 11:22 a.m . F rid ay at St. Joseph's h o s p i t a l , Blooming­ton, after a lingering illness.

M rs. P . J . Law less died in St. Joseph hospital, Bloomington, on Tuesday morning, Apr. 1, at 4:20 o'clock, following an extended i l l­ness.

A boy, Terence G erard , was born to M r. and M rs. R ichard W eller M arch 31 at the Fa irb u ry hospital.

The Sears corporation has made arrangem ents to handle credit ac­counts at the Chatsworth store.

The pre view showing of the new Baldwin Federated s t o r e last Thursday evening attracted m any people who leisurely inspected the remodeled building, its beautiful modern fixtu res and lighting and its stock of drygoods, shoes, and furnishings.

M ss Ruth E v e l y n Dugger, daughter of M r. and M rs. Joe Dug­ger of Hammond, Ind ., and form er­ly of H illsboro, w ill become the bride of Joseph Hubly, of Chats­worth on A pril 16.

w ith $5 .00 m T ra d * Punched on M erchand ise C ard


90%!V a lu e s to $ 1 .8 0 fo r o n ly 9 4

O ven Proof D ishw asher S a fe

C ra x e Proof C h ip R e sistan t

D etergent Proof C o lo r Fa st


1 4 sto ry b rick dw elling—4 bed­rooms. liv ing , dining, fu ll base­m ent. N ear M ain street—3 lots.

S A V IN G S O F M O R E T H A N 5 0 % O N O P E N S T O C K C O M P L E T E R IT E M S !

1 4 sto ry, 2 bedroom S .W . Bath down, attached garage.

Shafer's AgencyChatsw orth , Illin o is <

FO U R BEDROOM home In Ch worth w ith im mediate occupai D r. D . E . K iU ip , 23» North F A ve .. Iowa C ity , Iow a, 52240.


...most advanced in history!

I Unmatched Yield Power n Proven fir Narrow Rows

YES, you can own this beautiful Satin Iron­stone Dinnerware for only 9c per piece just by trading with us. With each $5.00 in trade punched on merchandise card, you may buy one piece for only 9c (values up to $1.80). Pick up a merchandise card and start toward your complete set today!

Im a g in e ! A c o m p le te 4 8 -p c . s e rv ic e to r 8 ($ 4 8 .8 0 v a lu e ) fo r o n ly $ 4 .3 2 ! O r a 7 2 -p c . s e rv ic e fo r 1 2 ($ 7 3 .2 0 v a lu e ) fo r o n ly $ 6 .4 8 . . . . B u ild a s la rg e a s e t a s yo u w ish .

SEW IN G M ACH IN E rep a ir service ou aB m akes. New used m achines for sa le . C a ll free home dssnonrtratlon. WUi B ew A S e a San itary Clean Fftsae 6934173. C-5!


E LE C T R O LU X Sales and Serv M r. and M rs. W alter K ing . 6574toi. ....................... C-l!

Unzieker*a Jewelry36 Y E A R S AOO A p ril • , 1*37

Abdut eighty guests participated in a shower for M iss N ellie K u r­tenbach Saturday afternoon at the M rs. Hattie Cline country home. The event honored M ist Kurten-

N BED S E E D corn? P lant i Zea 4 Funk* G H ybrid . D ei P e rry Honegger. Ph. F o rre st S358. c-2

L A D Y D E Beauty Shop °

C H A TSW O R TH , B A *

F irs t door E a s t o f C a s t C lip


Phone 635-3108Open Tuesday th ru Saturday


TWO STO R Y home, good co tion, s ix rooms plus bath. P I owner, M ichael Doran, 657-1 Fo rre st c-l


N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV EN that on A p ril 18, 1*67, next, at the Town Council Room in the Town of Chatsworth. in the County of Livingston and State of Illin o is , an election w ill be held fo r:

Three Members of the Board of Trustees;

Two Members of the lib ra ry Board.

Which election w ill be opened at s ix o’clock in the morning, and shall be dosed at s ix o'clock In the afternoon of that day.

Dated at Chatsworth, th is 30th day of M arch in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-seven. -

10 x 55 FO O T m obile home, 3 rooms, good condition. Ph . 657-: Fo rrest. c-32

DINING room suite, table i pad, s ix chairs and buffet. G condition, $55. Norman Young 3717. *-33

S IX ROOM house, close to t (F a irb u ry ). Reasonable. Con W illis A lford . Ph . 692-2973.

N EIGHBO RHO OD garage sale day, Apr. 7 ; baby bed. clot tnlscellaneous. 522 S. F ifth , 9 t

C-4Edw ard J . Y o rk , Pastor

DR. B, H. VOIGT NSW R E G IS T E R E D .'A m to y bean seed, 90-lb. bags. Gon Seed Service , W ilm ington, 111. 815-476-7514. •-«

S A L L Y ’S IN-LAW S coming, didn’t fluster—cleaned the cari with Blue Lustre . Rent elec shampooer $1, W alton's, Fa irb

c-4H. A. McIntosh, M.D.rataC SA N AMD SUMROM -.




M A Y T A GB p |!r* o o d e |i5 !i lia is e wad lo w e r fa r conuot- $9d V e n tila tio n b u t T I L T to th e in s id e fo r e a sy w a sh in g . N o need to remove sa sh . . . fu s t T I L T them ! T I L T ac tio n le t s yo u clearn b ffk a id e s from th e in s id e . . %

T h e D A N -D T I L T w ill g iv e yo u d ie c o u v c * . itm ee so d year teuud com fort yo u w an t Jr you r hom e. T h e y ’ re d esigned Jr a fu ll ran g *

C, E. Branch. MJ).ra ra o A M a n d bosomon In the 1966 O F F IC IA L I I


T E S T S a t Ashkum : Pioneeriv ,r*> ,

.rie tiag placed f irs t ; second,

‘ th ird fo r h igher yield in the 3 ]

average. A good supply of I

yielding varie tie s la s t ill a va il

to r th is area .

This Maytag Halo-of-Haat dryer will make your home laun­dry installation truly mo<l«rn and automatic. A single dial controls three separate cycles . . * Regular drying, W oeh'n WeHr-and Air Fluff. High speed, low gentle gas heat for even drying of all fahrica.



n t t P s m i l i n g w i i n G R A N T f O N I R F A R

C O N I B f / i i M , i O R E

HAP-, W - - c. j ; -i



y f ("• '*4 j .. ■M o w Toward e On Feed

Conservation County Holp,

“ Under the pressure of more D irectors of soil and water con- cattle being fed fo r slaughter, and serration d istricts attending a re ­sudden appearance of about 4.0 m t area at u S a llem illion more beef cattle in the in- , . , _ . . . .ventory, the quickest way for feed- *®re apprised of new state legis- ers to restore some price strength lation pending to help d istricts with in the m arket is to supply less their economic problems. However, beef from each head of fed cattle reports Harold Stab ler, chairm an to be m arketed.” the feeders offi- of the Livingston county Soil and c ia l explained. “ Obviously, it is W ater Conservation d istrict, who firs t necessary to clear out those attended the workshop, State of cattle which at this tim e are Illin o is appropriations w ill prob-

“ If the recent slaughter rate of M K j . ' s t e e r s and heifers continues, it is

| / § 1 f f a n l entirely possible that cattle (ced I era w ill ca rry out their January 1

intentions to m arket eight per cent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more fed cattle in the firs t quarter

Of 1967,” says Don F . Magdanz, ★ HELP WANTED executive secretary of the National_________________________________________ Livestock Feeders association.

D EN TA L Assistant—fu ll tim e. E x- John Roth of Fa lrb u ry . presb perience preferred , but not neces- dent of the Livingston county Live- aary. ConUct D r. John R . Me- *tock Feeders Assoc., ca lls atten- Donald, Box 14, Fa irb u ry . Ph . an- tion to his association's campaign 2512. C-323-tf _ . ..------------------ -

jr-year-o ld tri-le ve l home. t bedrooms; 1H baths. C u W W carpeting. South s i e. The Cornbelt Class

'Supermarket'Preasniit 6,000 Copies 25

Each day of datapad e o n s t a ll' * ing after the earliest recoin Su e d- ed date can reduce yie lds by an much as one-aad-oue h a lf buahataper acre , says a U n iversity s f I l ­linois agronomist.

In a report sum m arised by Na­tional P lant Food Institu te , L . V . Boone says Illin o is testa showed that for each day that p lan H K was delayed after M ay 1, corn yields were reduced.

In three years of study, HHaale agronomists found that early plant- ings showed yield increases of 48 bushels per acre where ISO pounds of nitrogen were applied. Late plantings showed no response to nitrogen.

The agronom ists also found that as planting date was delayed, c a n height, lodging and grain m oisten content at harvest were increased.

STE1D IN G ER Jew e lry , watch add clock repa ir. C l o s e d Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday a f t e r - noons. H i Steidinger, Chatsworth.


u sto ry residence. l t t h at ■; gas hot w ater haating a aj-

LO C A L CA SH R A T E SF IR S T W IR K : 3 lin e s , 51.50; 10c each addH ienal word. T H S R S A F T S R : $1 JO M in ., 7c each addIH snal w ard .

(Must be ordered consecutively inserted at the tim e of original order)

D R A D LIN R W S D ., I A .M . B L IN D A D S : 51 E X T R A

W hen C lassified advertisem ents are charged on Open Account, a 10c billing charge is made, which covers a ll insertions of that par­ticu lar advertisem ent. Count the words and send cash or check with order.

C L A S S IP IR D D IS P L A Y , 2-in . M in ................... ........ p er In . SM BC A R D O P TH A N K S ........ ............................. ............ ..............— 51 J0IN M RM O RIA M N O T IC ES ............ ............... .. ...... ....... ......... _ S1.SS

N C ard s o f Than ks a r Mem or lam N otices a re over OS w ords, addi­tional word s a re ch irp e d a t 3 cents each .

ree bedroom, tw o-story re li *. lv t baths. Located psi

specious lo t. ' T h is home, ii e finest condition. N ear PSb Jk>o1.

lag and spreading. Russell Mow- M O TEL housekeeper. Male or le ­e ry , T e l. 092-2441. ctf m ale. Good starting pay. Inquire

1 !■ -■ Midwest Motel 657 8274 Fo rrest.c-39-tf


Phone 844-6671 240 Payson Pontiac,.!!!

MAN TO help w ith concrete and m asonry work. Eugene Zim m er­man 692-3373. c 223-tf

ro bedroom cotta* . G as heat; basement, r . N orth side.

ADM ISSION C L E R K , secretarial w ork, and general d ietary. F a ir­bury Hospital, Ph . 692-2346. c-46-46

T h e C h a tsw o rth P la in d e a ie r

Thursday, April 6, 1967

Page Seven

ree bedroom l t t sto ry resl- » w ith basem ent. Located dn

lo t; west side. ,J ! , j .

BIT A. ADAMS AGENCYChatsworth 11 I

K A N E 'S T V Sales and Service, Phone 689-4881 Culiom . F ree esti­mates on antenna Jobs. t f

H E L P FO R sales work in paint store. Sa lary plus commission for re liab le ambitious person. C a ll 692- 2980 after 6 p.m . c-46-46Don Haerr

Real EstateHori.es Farms Lots

Phone 692-3245

f o r s a l eclout Home on Large Got Farm Setting in Town. S.

ropfl Condition, Two Fjill is, with even an extra in baseitidht. Oil Hot Wafer . Priced to Sell.

publicatien w ithout ch arg e . The re a re abso lutely no refunds.


B A .M . TO 5 P .M . — M O N D AY TH RO U G H F R ID A Y S A T U R D A Y S : • A .M . TO NOON

I I I W . Lecu st S tre e t, F a lrb u ry Telephene 492-2344414 B . Le cu st, C tiatsw erth Telephone 435-3911llB t t R . K re cfc , F o re s t Telephone 457-8443

R E P O R T R R R O R S A T O N CECheck ye u r ad vertisem ent upon lir e ! in sertio n , and p lease notify us M there is an e rro r. B ach ad it ca re fu lly proof re ad , but s t ill an e rro r can o ccu r. I f yew no tify we the f ir s t day of an e rro r, w e 'll re ­peat the ad w ithout ch arg e . B e rry , H we are net notif ied a t once, the re spons ib ility Is yo u r*.

ALW AYS ca ll us firs t and see il we have avadable a furnished or sem i-furnished aparim ent at our new six-apartm ents located at 305 South 8th street. Phone 692-2224 or after 5 p .m ., c a ll 692-2855. c-1218-tf

610 North 2nd Fairbury

Meadowbrook Grade School Gym, ForrestC O M P LE T E LY furnished a ll mod- to move fed cattle to m arket in era two-bedroom mobile home, an orderly fashion and bring down C a ll Kenneth K a fe r 692-3761. the average slaughter weights,

c-39-tf adding. “ There is no tim e to wait“ ---------- — with the industry’s ‘do-it-ourselves’A T T R A C T IV E 3-room u p s t r i r s program aimed at reducing total apartm ent, carpeted, stove, refrig- beef production from the numbers erator. P rivate entrance. A ll utili- of cattle to be fed th is year and ties furnished. Ph . 692-2274. c-330-tf the total beef cattle inventory.’’

» bedroom, Magdanz explained that in the Good loca- first 10 weeks of 1967, steer slaugh-

)n, Ph . 657- ter under federal inspection was c -48-46 up 5.7 per cent over the same

-------------- period in 1966. and heifer slaughterapartm ent, was higher by 6.9 per cent. At the

c-330-46 game tim e, total slaughter of cattle was up only 1.7 per cent, and beef production was higher by 5.3 per cent.

“ The production of 3,269.2 m il­lion pounds of beef in th is 10-week period compared to 3,104.6 m illion pounds a year earlie r c learly in­dicates the situation — more fed cattle in the slaughter picture and higher average weights,” Magdanz said.

E V E R G R E E N S and shade trees. P lant NOW white they are still dormant. F isher Landscape Serv­ice, Chatsworth. Ph . 635-3631.

> c-323-tf

TO FEATUREi sto ry b rick dw elling—4 bed- is. living , dining, fu ll base. » N ear M ain street—3 lo ts.

1C64 C H EV R O LET Im pala 4 door, power steering. Only 10,600 m iles, priced at 31.750 because of excel­lent condition. C a ll W arren Beck- ley . c-330-tf

Ken Headly

ELECTR ICFarm-Home-Industrial



i sto ry, 2 bedroom S .W . Bath i, attached garage.

Shafer's AgencyChatsw orth, Illtao U *

FO U R BEDROOM home in Chats- nN „ a ir r s n i t « 7 3 ,worth w ith im m ediate occupancy *2J e' ‘ 6 i" chr\r n m trn ii- m a *tAriL pt^.4 tuDC suitable for ^ n in trsDsfcT'J r e Io 5 . a te P’ fo ?a 5240 ring Forrest M ilk Products. Ph. A ve .. Iowa U ly , Iow a, 5240. ^ ^ 657-8623 Fo rrest. c 330-46

^ ~ “ “ S E T O F Wilson golf clubs with bag SEW IN G M ACH IN E repa ir and aBd new cart. Ja ck MiUor, Chats service op a l m ake*. New and worth, Ph. 635-3352. c-330-46

b u « m » o E s a l e . r „ . A M

111 L IV ESTO C K Auction every Thurs-E LE C T R O LU X Sales and Service, day night, 7 p.m . Come register for M r. and M r*. W alter K ing . Ph. door prizes. Everyone welcome.657-S2ui. ....................... c-112-tf Fo r top vlo llar consign to our sale.-------- ----------------- — — ------- Midwest growing livestock auction.N B ED S E E D corn? P lant new A R T F E L L E R L IV ES T O C K AUC Zea 4 Funk* G H ybrid . D ealer, T IO N , E l Paso, 111. c 46-tfP e rry Honegger. Ph. F o rre st 8 5 7 --------------------------------------------8358. c-216-tf 1966 J .D . 4020 D ., wide front 1100--------------------------------- ------- — 16F 16.9. 34 R . 3 point power lock

TWO STO R Y home, good condi- 6 weights cylinders. 56250. Ph area tion, six moms plus bath. Phone code 815-832 4985. *-46-46owner, M ichael Doran, 657-8246. . — Fo m a L c-32-tf M IN I-B IK E , 3 hsp., just overhaul---------- -----— — ---------— new tires and tubes, 565. Ph. 69210 x 55 FO O T m obile home, 3 bed 2798. *-46-46room *, good condition. P h . 657-8527 - ------------------— --------------------Forrest. c-323-46 280 A C R E STO CK farm approxi-

------------------- — ------—r m ately 90 acres open. Heavy soil.D IN IN G room suite, tahle with Modem 8 room house, fu ll base

T H R E E B E >OM Ph. 692 2455.



LATEX PAINT $2.99 per gal.


M. Dan Fugate 115 E. Elm St.

Fairbury, Illinois


nzieker'a Jewelry

A SH M A N ’S FA R M S E R V IC E —General repairs. — G erald Ash­man, O iatsw orth , 638-8108. t f

L A D Y D EBeauty Shop


re t door E a s t o f C s s l C u p


Phone 635-3108?en Tuesd ay th ru S a tu rd a y


Replace Your Old Range Nowl

O v e n R a n g eS E LF -C L E A N IN G R A N G ES

S ta rt as Law as

Low ( Priced!■330-46 U SED B A B Y crih-^six year size;

day, Apr. 7 ; baby bed. clothes, “ H ID E-AW AY” sofa bed, like new. tnlscellaneous. 5 2 S. F ifth , 9 to 6. c lean . Minnie Bacbtold, Ph. Fa ir- ■ -- - -____________________c-46-46 bury 692 3558. *-46-46

N EW R E G IS T E R E D . Amsoy soy HOM E W ITH downstairs cormptet^ •Wb- bags. Gorman jy remodeled. U pstairs to com

Seed Service , W ilm ington, H I. Ph . piete. Suitable for large fam ily . 816-476-7514. _____________ *-46-427 Sm all down payment. W ill finance.

S A L L Y ’S IN-LAW S coming. She Ph 6578532___________________c4fi46didn’t flu ster-cleaned the carpets E L E C T R IC STO V E with double with Blue Lustre . Rent e lectric oven. Ph. 657-8308. c 48-46shampooer $1, W alton's, Fa irb u ry . — — ------------------------------------

c-46-46 FO U R BEDROOM house, gas heat, ■ ■ — ----- -------------------- near schools. Ph. 657-8308. c-46-46

Grease, grime, even the most stubborn spills vanish in your P-7 oven. All you do is set the dials, ldtch the door. . . it cleans itself. . . electrically!

• Hi-Speed, self-cleaning Calrod® surface units.

• Set oven timer to turn on and > off automatically.• 3 roomy storage drawers pot

cooking utensils where you use them.

• Pushbutton controls! Easy to operate. . . even when hands are fulL

• Automatic dock and minnte timer.

• Large Capacity oven with light


F l a m e l e s s


N O TIC E: The Fashionaire Beauty Shop in Chatsworth w ill be closed the week of A pril 10-15. G inny.

c-46-46A. McIntosh, M.D.re tn c iA N a n d iu m r w -.

a m c m . Il l in o is

Um Sm at C b lm r ik IrtStetM490. 6-row bean planter and six- f h 6823276 Thomas Aaron ra lr-row cu ltivato r. Jim Coleman, 657- ^ ry -____________________________ 485258384 F o rre st.______________ c-46-413 B E AN earty blrd and get your

14-FOOT frostless refrigerator and f»M repaired before hot weather freezer; like new. Ph. 657-8178 *et® here N ,ck K ap b -Sm all Ap- Fo rrest. *-46-413 Pli,n c e R «P*ir - ph W2-2282.--------------------------- c-46-413

L . L o c k n e r , M . D .ra rn cxA N a n d tPRoapN

S EV EN ROOM home, basement, V-3';’} 8a* furnace, 209 E . John, Forrest.

Contact Mrs .A . B. Mayleo. <■ 46 46

WOOD PLAYPEN ^ good condition, rcaaonable. M ra. Jam es Coleman, Ph . 657-8384 Fo r re at

In the 1966 O F F IC IA L IL L I- i .A n ip^’ n x rO R Q j

N O IS CO RN P ER FO R M A N C E heel- *,,e ***• «

T E S T S a t Aahkum ; Pioneer va- 'i- P IC K U P Cam per, g

.rie tlag placed fira t; second, and Smith-Corona addin;

‘ th ird fo r h igher yield in the 3 year o k L ^ L a L iy 'Bavenge . A good supply of high worth, Ph . B35-3577.

Fielding varie ties la s t ill availab le MSB 3-4 ton C H B V I . . . . truck . Howard Pafo r th is a n a . worth. Ph . 636-3643,

r«4 OHM., CMOwmHiI Adh f l a i i l g ■ ■■ . i n . hi i. ■ i ■ ■■ i

.•V W W i F R E E - Good faW ----- s*--A|J f l a a i .

E. Branch, MJ),r e r n c tA M a n d a u x o a o N

c-46-46 W AN TED , garden tillin g —do gar- ■» den too sm all. Phone Lloyd Bach- “ • “ w told 692-3684. p-330-413or rest. - .c-46-46 IN T ER IO R painting and papering. ■ ■ Don Le iste r, Fa lrb u ry . *316-46

T J L U iruur d in lariWalton Dop't. Stow

F a lrb u ry P h . 493JS15


C hatew erth , P h . 4354841


Tcflon-coatad cookwar* M l on flam oloss olocfnc r a n jts

The Chahworth Plaindealer Local WiThursday, April 6, 1967 D M vkt (

L U C K Y . FO U R Le a f 4 H club wiU meet after school at the high school Wednesday. Apr. 12.

T H E C H 1R LO TTE 1 IEA A p ril meeting lias been canceled and the next meeting w ill be held May 9 .

WMS OF F irst Baptist church w ill meet at the church on Monday, Apr. 10, at 7:30 p.m. A ll ladies of the church are urged to b3 present. The Fa irbury WMS w ill be guests.

D AU G H TER'S O F Isabella w ill meet at the K . of C. hall Tues­day, Apr. 11, at 7:30 p.m . Host­esses are M rs. Veronica Ford, M rs. Chas. J . Hubly. and M rs. N. M. La Rochelle.

CHATSW ORTH U N IT . H EA w ill meet Tuesday, April 11. at the home of M rs. J . S. Conibear at 1:30 p.m. Home Adviser Helen Sullivan w ill give the lesson. Roll ca ll w ill be "Strange But T ru e .”

PA R EN TS O F students in a ll of the Chatsworth schools and the teachers are asked to turn in their $2 donation to the P .-T .A . Ways and Means. Leave with M rs. Kenneth Som ers, secretary.

WOMAN S C LU B w ill meet at the home of M rs. Lee Sm ith Wed­

nesday, Apr. IS , at S : 15 p.m. Joe G inter, T ra ffic Safety cap­

tain with the Illin o is State Police, w ill give the program on Prob­lem s of Law Enforcem ent.

} » >i| m i l l l 4-1 -M-H-4A IL K nc BAN Q U ET t o n i g h t

‘ ' ■” .) at the high school cafe­teria at 6:30 p.m .

K ” G IIT 3 O F Columbus w ill meet ‘ he K . of C . hall at 8 p.m.

HInsight (T h u rs.).

K U T .I C IR C LE of the ALCW w ill m^et at 7:30 p.m . t o n i g h t ( . h ir s .) .

NAOMI C IR C LE of the-ALCW w ill n if .t today (T h u rs .) at 1:30 p.m.

V . (VS W ILL meet at the EU B «h, r .h today (T h u rs .) at 1:30

A M ERICAN LEG IO N A u xilia ry w ill meet at the Legion home

Monday, Apr. 10, at 7:30 p.m . Bring pictures for Foreign Re lations scrapbook.

T H E G E R M A N V ILLE Community club w ill meet with M rs. Lois Thompson Thursday, Apr. 13, at 2 p.m . Roll ca ll w ill be a safety hint.

17TH D IS T R IC T Annual S p r i n g Woman's Club Convention w ill be held A pril 14 at Pontiac. Reg­istration begins at 8:45 a.m . Res­ervations must be made with .Mrs. Howard Keninetz by Mon­day, Apr .10.

S T A R T S.VS C LU B w ill meet at the

lo r .il Cup Monday, A pril 10, at 6:45 p.m .

M other-Daughter Banquet at the M ethodist Church Monday evening. ,

P laindealer Photo

T H E S E R E A L IS T IC dotls are a part of M rs. V . J . Opperman’s doll collection*. They were the basts fo r her program . “ D o lls an- People,” at the

Release First Honor Roll Of New Grading System

HONOR R O LL na Dehm 4.50; V icto ria DohmanSEN IO RS 4.25; M arcia Fisher (5 sub) 4.60;

M ichael B erry (5 sub .) 4.60; Dan Gallow ay (5 sub) 4.60; Dale P atric ia Dehm 4.25; Betty E llin g e r G illett (5 sub) 4.40; Caro l Hanna (5 sub .) 4.60; Darlene G ille tt 4.25 , 4.75; Cheryl Honegger 4.75; Jane V irg in ia H o w e l l 5.00; VaRet- Hornstein 4.25; M ary Kem netz (5 ta Hughes 4.75; Dan Keca (5 sub .) sub) 5.00; Dennis Kurtenbach (5 4.40; Nancy Lighty 4.00; Jane sub) 4.40; P risc illa Lang 4.50; Mullens 4.75; Cecelia Reising (5 Carol Schade 4.25; J i l l Shafer 4.25; sub) 4.40; P a tric ia Sandoval 4.75, T e rri Som ers 5.00.Linda Schrocn 5.00; Sheryl Wall- SOPHOM ORES

R ichard Cording 5.00; Nadine DiUer 5.00; David Gerdes 4.00; Deborah Gregory 4.00; Carol H ar­vey 4.75; Diane Hubly 4.75; Eld- ward Hubly 4.75; Austeen Hughes

CHATSW ORTH Republican Worn an’s Club w ill m e e t F rid ay . Apr. 7 ,'at 7:30 p.m . at the home of M rs. Conrad Heppe.

Scouts To Show Games N O R M A I t 's

GIFTS - ANTIQUESIncluding Golden Books for Children

The following a w a r d s were Brian Bachtold (5 sub) 4.00; m ade: Steven Kem netz. W o l f , David Boomgarden (5 sub) 4.60; badge and Round-Up badge; Keith [ \ anCy Cording (5 sub) 4.80; GlenRunyon, Denner S trip e ; D ick Liv- ! ........ ......................— ---------—ingston. Gold arrow and Wolf badge; Steven Gerdes, DennerStripe ; B rian Gerdes, Round-Up E L f E D V T U I A I fbadge; Danny Sterrenberg, Wolf E v E R T I l l l l w U

D R IP O R R E G U LA R — F O L G E R ‘8COFFEE............................ 3 lbs. $ 1 .8 9SUPER VALU COFFEE 2 lbs. $ 1 .1 $SNO D R IF T or S U P E R V A LUSHORTENING................ 3 lb. can 8 9 c



Miss Gardner Plans August Wedding

F R E S HSWEET CORNWELCHADE.............. 46 oz. cans 2 9 c

S U P ER V A LUCake Mixes or Frosting Mixes. 4 tor s i20 O U N CEHEINZ KETCHUP

The Roper 2406 30-inch Counter Built-in PEAT SOIL8 U N K I8 Y N A V E LORANGES ..........do*. 8 9 c

10 lb- ta g 8 9 c

........dozen 5 9 c

3 bottles 8 9 cNO. 1 R E D

POTATOESS U P ER V A LU —6Vj OZ. C A N STUNA FISHNewly designed oven has 10.1% increase in capacity . . .

generous space for largest roast, widest pan . . . big family meals. "Balanced Heat"design assures even baking, better results. Two oven racks. Extra capacity broiling with porcelain enamel grid and pan . . . easiest to clean; removable oven door makes it even easier.

3 cans 7 9 cS U N R IR TLEMONS


ORANGE JU IC E ........... 6 oz. c12 oz. can — 19c

W IT H B EA N S — Ift OZ. C A N SHORMEL CHILI 3 cans S 9 cThis attractive Roper Built-in Electric Range is available in

a choice of custom colors: Coppertone, Turquoise, or White . . , all lifetime porcelain enamel finishes.




BISCUIT...........F L A V - O - R IT E F R O Z E N


2 cans 3 9 cF L A V-<>-RITE -COOKIES

M iss Jan e G ard ner

M iss Jane Edith Gardner of Fo r­rest and Eldon L . Haab of ru ra l Strawn are engaged to be m ar­ried , as told by her mother, Mrs. Burdeil Gardner of Fo rrest. Her father is the late Mjr. Gardner.

Haab is the son of M r. and M rs. Burton Haab of ru ra l Straw n.

-The bride-elect is a graduate of Forrest-Strawn-\Ung High school and is a February graduate of Elk- hart Institute of Technology at E lkh a rt, Ind. She is employed by Fa irb u ry hospital in Fa irb u ry .

Haab is a 1963 graduate of Chats- worth High school and is a senior at the U niversity of Illino is and w ill graduate in June.

An August wedding is being planned.

1 8 ^ pkr. 7 9 c: O R B U m C R M IL K

... 3 tubes 2 5 cF LA V -O -R IT E W H IT E O R VELM 1WPOPCORN......................


F L A V - O - R IT E A M E R IC A N


SealtestS U P ER V A LU 24 O U N CESALAD OIL....... 24 oz. bottle 4 7 cI r S A L E —R E G . $2.86VO 5 HAIR SPRAY

Garden Seeds — Lawn Seed Onion Sets and Plants

Seed PotatoesF A N C Y L E A N B O N E L E S S



T h u r., F r l„ H at. A p ril 0 , 7. D O U B L E F E A T U R E

Th e Im m o rta l H an k W illia m *"YOUR CHEATIN' HEART"

P in a Buddy Eb aea In"MAIL ORDER BRIDE"


*t eDoubol Fe a tu re luraday 7 :3 0 GROUND BEEF lb. S fcS a tu rd a y 6 :3 0 Cont.


O fficia l R ecord

O f C ounty B oard O f S up ervisors

e lu tio n s e n d O th e r B u s in e s s

P e rcy W a lke r sad Mrs. C U r- Bennett.

i . F . L . L iv in g sto n , who w as • to attend tb s m eeting , w aa id e a d is tric t se cre ta ry o f pro- i m a te ria ls .I . Bennett w aa elected i t dent o f the d is tric t.

le vy o f the Rond and B rid g e ta x fo r the two ye a rs la s t past in sa id Tow n w as in each y e a r not le ss than the fo il am ount provided by la w on the One Hundred D o lla rs on the la te st assessm ent ro ll fo r a ll road and bridge purposes, except fo r la y ­ing out, a lte rin g , w idening and vaca tin g ro ad s, the m a jo r p a rt o f w hich le v y is needed fo r the o rd in ary re p a ir o f roads and bridges.

W herefo re, the sa id Com m is­sio n er o f H ighw ays hereby pe­titio n s you fo r aid and fo r an appropriation from the County T re a su ry , a sum su ffic ie n t to m eet one • h a lf o f the cost o f re p a irin g sa id bridge, sa id Tow n being prepared to fu rn ish one- h a lf o f the am ount req u ired .

D ated a t P o n tiac , Illin o is th is 12th day o f Septem ber A . D . 1906.

(R iv e r L . F r ic k , Com m issioner of H ig hw ays.

S tate of Illin o is , County of L iv ­ingston, Tow n of C h arlo tte , s s . I , the undersigned Com m is­

sio ner o f H ighw ays in the ToWn o f C h arlo tte , County a fo re sa id , hereby sta te th at I have m ade an estim ate o f the cost o f re ­p a irin g sa id bridge

D escrip tion o f the P ropos ed Im provem ent

N ecessary re p a irs as determ ­ined by the County Superin ten­dent o f H ighw ays and I do es­tim ate th at the probable cost of re p a irin g sa id bridge w ill be One Thousand E g h it Hundred F ifty D o lla rs .

W itness m y hand , th is 12th day o f Septem ber, A . D . 1986.

O liv e r C . F r ic k , Com m issioner o f H ig hw ays.

S tate of Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, Tow n o f C h arlo tte , s s .

I , O live r C . F r ic k , C om m is­sio ner of H ighw ays o f sa id Tow n o f C h arlo tte , being d u ly sw orn on oath say th a t One Thousand E ig h t Hundred F ifty D o lla rs m entioned in the estim ate to w hich th is a ffid a v it is attached is necessary and th a t the sam e w ill not be m ore expensive than Is needed fo r the purpose re ­q u ired .

O liv e r C . F r ic k , Com m issioner of H ighw ays. Subscribed and sw orn to be­

fo re me th is 12th day o f Sep­tem ber, A . D . 1966.

G ay le E . B ro w n , N o tary P u b lic .

the m em bers o f the Bo ard to at- to en te r in to a co n tract as fo l- W . M . Noonan,tend the annual convention o f lew s:-to -w it:- P a rty o f the B aco n ! P a rt ,the Tow nship O ffic ia ls to be The p a rty o f the f ir s t p a rt foe P a rtie s o f the Second P a rt , held O ctober 23 th ru the 39th, and in consideration o f the cov- County o f L iv in g sto n and M ate1969, at the P e re M arquette Ho- enants and agreem ents herein- o f Illin o iste l, P e o ria , Illin o is . a fte r contained and underta ken, b y :

--------- covenants and agrees on the 8th — —Le tte rs day o f Septem ber, 1986, to cn- R eport o f M larrllaaaano

L e tte rs w ere read and ordered te r upon the duties o f Superin- C la im s Com m itteep laced on file . tendent and M atron o f the Coun- R ep o rt a t the M iscellaneous

L e tte r R e : ty N ursing Hom e and F a rm o f C la im s Com m ittee waa re ad .In v ita tio n F ro m P ont iac Ledg e sa id County, and fa ith fu lly per- and on m otion o f R ie g e r, sec-

N e. IS IS , B anavol snt A form d ie labors and duties o f ooded by Baehto ld , w aa ap- Pro tocttve O rd er o f E lk s Superintendent and M atron fo r proved as read .

Le tte r fro m Po n tiac Lodge N o. the term o f two ye a rs from and To the Bo ard o f Su p erv iso rs o f1019, Benevo lent and P ro te ctive a fte r Decem ber 1. 1986 and to Liv in g sto n C ounty, Illin o is :O rd er o f E lk s , P o n tiac , Illin o is , the f ir s t day o f D ecem ber, 1966: Y o u r Com m ittee on M ieeeBas-in v itin g the Liv in g sto n County th at the said P a u l Bo len and eous C la im s respec tfully r eport B o ard o f Sup erviso rs to d inner Lo is Bo len w ill under the ad- th a t they have exam ined the to be held a t the E lk s C ountry v ice and d irection o f the Com- c la im s presented to them and C lub on T h u rsd a y , Septem ber m ittee , appointed b y the p a rty recom m ended th at th e C lo ck is- 13, 1966, w as re ad . o f the second p a rt, o r the sue- sue o rd ers on the County T ree s-

-------- cessors of said Com m ittee, u re r to the se ve ra l c la im a n tsA rrang ed To u r o f W inston fa ith fu lly and honestly perform fo r the am ounts allow ed a s fot-

C h a rc h ill College a ll o f the duties necessary asM rs. L u c ile G oodrich , County general Su p erviso r and M atron

Superintendent o f Schools, a r- o f sa id County N ursing Hom e ranged a tour o f W inston Chur- and F a rm , devoting th e ir en tire c h ill College fo r dm Board lm - tim e to the thorough and prof- m ediately fo llow ing adjournm ent (tab le cu ltivatio n o f sa id fa rm , th is afternoon. x and by th e ir own lab o r and s k ill

-------- and to the best o f th e ir a b ilityR eport o f P u b lic D efender prom ote the in te rests of sa id

Reports o f the P u b lic Defen- County in the m anagem ent o f d e r fo r the m onths o f Ju n e , Ju ly ta id Hom e and F a rm : that they and August w ere read and or- w ill ca re fo r and p ro p erly use dered p laced on file . a ll the residents o f sa id County

------- F a rm , and a t a ll tim es seek toResignation o f D r . George prom ote th e ir hea lth and com-

T . C ro at fo rt; th a t they w ill ca re fo r a llC hairm an W eeks read a le t- property of sa id County, in­

te r from D r. George T . C ro u t trusted to th e ir c a re , and a t a ll regard ing h is resignation fro m tim es fo llow the ad vice and di- the Board of H ealth . I t w as rection o f sa id Com m ittees a s m oved by M eyer, secooded by a fo re sa id ; th at they w ill see C anham , th a t the Board o f Su- th a t the s ick and unfortunate p erv iso rs accep t the resignation persons in th e ir charge a re o f D r. C rout as a .m em ber o f p roperly fed , nursed , clothed the Liv in g sto n County Bo ard a t and cared fo r in sickness o r in H ealth . M otion ca rrie d . hea lth , a t the expense of sa id

county.T h a t the said p a rtie s of the

f ir s t p a rt fu rth er ag ree th at the said M atron w ill g ive h er en tire tim e to the duties o f M atron and Housekeeper o f sa id County N ursing Hom e and F a rm , and a t a ll tim es endeavor to keep the p rem ises in a clean , com ­fo rtab le and healthy condition.

T h a t sa id p arties o f the f irs t p a rt ag ree to keep a co rre ct copy o f a ll rece ip ts and expen­d itu res m ade by them and in b ehalf o f sa id County Her rin g

• lu t io n s m m O th w r B u s in n sa T ra n s a c te d b y th e L iv in g ­sto n C o u n ty B o a rd o f S u p e r­v is o rs a t tn o R e g u la r M eet-

P etitio n N o. *-^>we»o Town- 100 d o U m ($7008.98) few sh ip , and on motion o f P atte r- County A id B rid g e fia n l i son, seconded by tto rtim o re , fo r L iv ing sto n County's M i w as accepted and o rdered m ade the to ta l r est o f f f t t f t n a m atte r of reco rd . fo r the construction a tState o f Illin o is , County o f L iv - b ridge,

ingston, town o f Owego, ss B n i l i t l in N e . t f r sTo the Board o f Sup erviso rs o f i h . __ I Ir ia g r liH 1 afli

L iv in g sto n County, Illin o is : R ^ p luG o n N o. 3 — CThe undersigned Com m ission- ] iM _ L iv in g sto n -LsS slk

e r of H ighw ays o f the Tow n o f on m otion o f Patterson , Owego in . . id County, would re- ended by R up p el, w as sd sp ectfu liy represent th a t a u m j bridge needs to be rep laced R eaaM ian b y B ea rd i w ith a corrugated m etal-p late Su p erv iso rs e f U viag atsw C pipe-arch cu lve rt in a stream A ppropriating Msaury $ w here the sam e is crossed by a f s a s t ia r t lin o f B rid g e h ighw ay leading fro m the S .W . I iila g a tsn I .n o lle O saafy co rner o f section 29 to the S .E . W hereas, it is necessa ry co rner of section 34 in sa id a bridge be constructed a Tow n, fo r which sa id w ork the L iv in g sto n -LaS a lle County Tow n of Owego is w ho lly re- between section 2 in R e sponsib le ; th st the to ta l coat o f Tow nship , L iv in g sto n C said w ork w ill be ap proxim ate ly and section 34 in E a g le 1 Th ree Thousand E ig h t Hundred sh ip , L a S a lle C ounty, and D o lla rs , w hich sum w ill be m ore W hereas, L iv in g sto n am than two cento on the One Hun- S a lle Counties a re whoQ; dred D o lla rs on the la te st as- sponsible fo r the co n stru ct sessm ent ro ll of sa id Tow n and sa id b rid g e ; the le v y o f the Road and B rid g e The re fo re , ha it resolve ta x fo r the two y e a n la s t past th is Bo ard o f Supe rv is ors in sa id Tow n w as in each y e a r there is hereby appropriate not le ss than the fu ll am ount sum o f S ix provided by law on the One Hundred and no-188 # Hundred D o lla rs on the la te st (16508.00) fro m the Count] assessm ent ro ll fo r a ll road and B rid g e fund to p ay fo r L bridge purposes, excep t fo r toy- ston County’s sh are o f (ha ing out, a lte rin g , w idening and coat o f $17900.00 needed fo vaca tin g roads, the m a jo r p art construction o f — M bridge.of w hich le vy is needed fo r the R rss ln tte n N e . 4 ___ Ono rd in ary re p a ir o f roads and i i — — I l i ia p la n la S ibridges. R roo lution N o. 4 O

W herefore, the sa id Com m is- Une — Liv in g sto n -LaSa lle , sioner o f H ighw ays hereby pc- on m otion o f Patterso n , titio n s you fo r aid and . fo r an onded by M u ir, waa adopt appropriation from the County road.T re a su ry , a sum su ffic ie n t to ResetnUsn b y Baaed a m eet one h a lf o f the cost Sup erviso rs o f 1 — Q of constructing sa id im prove- A p p ro p riate^ M sway fo m ent, sa id Town being prepared Csnatrnrtfow e f R rtd B i < to fu rn ish one-half o f foe am ount U vteg rtan -LaB aEe CeaWfo required W h ereat, i t fo naeaasary

D ated a t Po n tiac , n lt~nh th is a bridge be eonatnw tad w 13th day of Septem ber, A . D . L iv in g sto n -LaSa lle County

R eport o f the County Co l­lecto r’s Com m ittee was read , and on m otion o f R u p p el, sec­onded by H e lm ers, w as approved as read .To the H onorable C hairm an and

M em bers o f the Liv in g sto n County Board o f Su p erv iso rs: Y o u r Specia l Com m ittee on

A u d it o f the County C o llecto r, met w ith the County C o llecto r on Ju ly 11, 1888, a ll m em bers p resent, and having exam ined the C o llecto r’s repo rt and can­ce lled checks on a test check basis, request the fo llo w ing re­port on the second d istrib u tio n of the 1985 taxes be accepted.


P o n tiac , Illin o isSeptem ber 13, 1966

The Bo ard of Sup erviso rs m et in th e ir room in the Courthouse on the above date a t 9 :40 A . M ., pursuant to ad journm ent, and w ere ca lled to o rd er by C h a ir­m an C u rtis W eeks. Th e m eeting w as opened w ith p ra ye r by R ev . Gordon R e if, P asto r o f the P re s­b yte rian Church o f F a irb u ry , I l l ­ino is.

R o ll c a ll w as m ade and the ch airm an announced a quorum present.

O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . Dippon, C a rl E . S a ss, C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Iv a n M orlan , N . J . W agner, H .J . K ip fo r, T . R . B ennett, H er­b ert C . Le a th e rs, E lw in B row n , Jaco b H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . P atterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r lC . M ortim ore, Ja m e s R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argarefoa G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen, F re d M . R ie g e r, J r . , John M . Spaffo rd , F ra n k S tab le r, C rescen tia A . Baehto ld , John R up p el, Le ste r H u b ly, M erle H aag , LaV e rn e E . C anham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan .

B 'sriQUESks for Children

Appointm ent e f Com m ittee an C red en tia ls

C hairm an W eeks appointed K le in , F innegan and R e ig er as a Com m ittee on C red en tia ls to exam ine the cred en tia ls of M r. P a u l M . F in ch o f D w ight, I l l i ­no is, who w as appointed to f il l the vacan cy caused b y the re s­ignation of M r. C h arle s Lau rit- sen.

R obert F . B e rt C hairm an W eeks appointed

D r. Robert F . B o rt of F a irb u ry , Illin o is , as a m em ber o f the L iv ing sto n Com ity Board of H ealth . I t w as moved by K le in , seconded b y H aag , th a t D r. R obert F . B o rt be appointed as a m em ber o f the Liv in g sto n County Board o f H ealth . M otion ca rrie d .

A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctfu lly subm itted th is 11th day o f Ju ly , A .D . 1988.

Jo h n A . R uppel,C hairm an .

C h arles Lau ritae n ,Jo h n M . Spafford .

the One Hundred D o lla rs on the la te st assessm ent ro ll fo r a ll road and bridge purposes, e x­cept fo r la y in g out. a lte rin g , w idening and vaca tin g roads, the m a jo r p a rt o f w h ich le v y is needed fo r foe o rd in ary re p a ir of roads and bridges.

W herefore, the sa id Com m is­sioner o f H ighw ays hereby pe­titio n s you fo r aid and fo r an appropriation from the County T re a su ry , a sum su ffic ie n t to m eet one - h a lf o f the cost o f constructing said bridge, said Tow n being prepared to fu rn ish one - h a lf o f the am ount re ­q u ired .

D ated a t Po n tiac, Illin o is th is 12th day o f Septem ber A . D . I960.

Leo H ornstein ,.Com m issioner o f H ig hw ays,.

S tate of Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, Tow n of Chatoworth

an C red en tia lsR eport of the Com m ittee on

C red en tia ls w as re ad , ajtd on m otion o f K le in , seconded by F inn eg an , waa approved asre a d .’ ■ ■ “* ~ 'S tate o f Illin o is , L iv in g sto n County, ss.To the H onorable C u rtis W eeks,

C hairm an o f the L ivingston County Board o f Su p erv iso rs: Y o u r Com m ittee on Creden­

tia ls appointed th is 13th day o f Septem ber, A .D . 1996 being the day set fo r the m eeting of the L iv in g sto n County Board of Su­p e rv iso rs, appointed to exam ine the cred en tia ls and q u a lifica ­tions o f M r. P au l M . F in ch , ap­pointed to succeed M r. C h arles La u ritse n , and sa id com m ittee having exam ined the ce rtifica te o f appointm ent, oath and bond, find each in proper o rd er, and th at the said P a u l F in c h , is en­title d to be seated as the duly appointed, q ualified and acting Su p erv iso r o f D w ight Tow nship of Liv in g sto n County, Illin o is , and as a m em ber of the L iv in g ­ston County Board o f Sup ervis­o rs .

The re fo re , your com m ittee re ­sp ectfu lly reports th a t the c re ­d en tia ls of the sa id P au l M . P in ch , be accepted and filed in the o ffice o f foe county c le rk o f Liv in g sto n County, Illin o is , and th a t he be seated a s a m em ber o f the Liv in g sto n County Board of Su p erv iso rs a t th e ir m eeting th is 13fo day o f Septem ber, A .D . 1888.

A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctfu lly subm itted .

C a rt F . K le in ,C hairm an . ,

F re d M . R e ig e r, J r . ,

S a l R eve t,Com m issioner o f H ighw ays

State o f Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, town o f Owego, ss I , the undersigned Com m is­

sioner of H ighw ays in the Town o f Owego, County afo resa id , hereby state that I have made an estim ate of the coat o f con­stru ctin g said im provem ent

D escrip tion of the proposed im provem ent: Type and size of corrugated m etal-plate pipe-arch cu lve rt to be determ ined by the County Superintendent of H igh­w ays and I do estim ate th at the probable cost o f constructing said im provem ent w ill be Three Thousand E ig h t Hundred Dol­la rs .

W itness m y hand th is 13th day of Septem ber, A . D . 1988.

S a l F a ve t.Com m issioner o f H ighw ays

State o f Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, town of Owego, ss I , S a l F a ve t, Com m issioner of

H ighw ays o f sa id Town of Owego, being du ly sworn on oath say that Th ree Thousand E ig h t Hundred D o lla rs men­tioned in the estim ate to w hich th is a ffid a v it is attached is nec­e ssa ry and that the sam e w ill not be m ore expensive than is needed fo r the purpose required .

Sa l F a ve t,Com m issioner o f H ighw ays

Subscribed and sw orn to be­fore me th is 13th day o f Sep­tem b er, A . D . 1966.(S e a l) G ayle E . B row n ,

N otary P u b lic . Reseintien No. 1—Ep p ard s

Point Tow nship Resolution No. 1 — Eppards

Po int Tow nship, and on motion of Patterso n , seconded by W ag­n er, w as adopted as read .

and section M In O m t i r o * sh ip , L a S a lle County, and

W hereas, L iv in g sto n and La * S a lle Counties a re w holly t * sponsible fo r the construction a I sa id b ridge ;

There fo re , be it reso lved for th is Board o f Superviso rs th a t there is hereby appropriated fo a sum o f Fo u r Thousand F iv e Hundred and no-100 d o lla rs ($4500.00) from the County AM B rid g e fund to pay fo r f ir in g ston County's share o f foe to ta l' cost o f $12000 00 needed fo r foa construction o f sa id bridge. R ese la ttea No. IT OddjMana to C enaty Fe d e ra l A id " T in Ini J

And foe said p a rtie s of the a « jis is m id msecond p a rt agree th a t upon the I t w as m oved by B ro w n , sec- fa ith fu l perform ance of foe ooded by F re y , th a t foe Board agreem ents hereto m ade by the ad journ u n til 8 :00 a .m ., Wednes- p a rtie s o f the f ir s t p a rt, it w ill d a y , Septem ber 14, 1888. Motion pay to foe p arties o f foe fir s t ca rrie d .p a rt, foe sum of Fourteen Thoa- — ------sand D o lla rs per annum fo r SEC O N D D A Yth e ir lab o r and se rv ic e s : foe M erntog flts r is asum to be paid sem i-m onthly to P o n tiac , IUtootoin sta llm en ts o f F iv e Hundred Septem ber 14, 1888E ig h ty Thro e D o lla rs and T h ir- The Bo ard o f Sup erviso rs m et ty T h ree Cents on the f ir s t and to th e ir room in the Courthouse sixteenth o f each and e ve ry ea foe above date a t 9 :30 a .m ., month during the life o f th is con- pursuant to ad journm ent, and t ra c t w ere ca lle d to o rd er by Chair-

The sa id p a rties o f the see- m an C u rtis W eeks, ond p a rt fu rth e r ag ree to fu r- R o ll c a ll w as m ade and the n ish as a p a rt o f sa id com pen- ch a irm an announced a quorum sation a ll necessary room s to p re se n tsa id county nursing home fo r O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . Dippon, the benefit, use and com fort C a r l E . S a ss , Ronald Lo sey, and a ll necessary food fo r C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , the p a rtie s o f the f ir s t p a rt and W ayne P atte rso n , N . J . W agner, th e ir fa m ily daring the term o f H . J . K ip fo r, T . R . B ennett, Her- fo is co n tract. b e rt C . Le a th e rs, E lw in Brow n ,

Said p a rtie s o f the second p a rt Jaco b H . H e lm e rs, Ja n ie s A . agree to f in is h e ve ry a rtic le P atte rso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l n ecessa ry and proper fo r the C . M ortim ore, Jam e s R . M u ir, keeping o f sa id Hom e and foa W m . Noonan, M argarefoa G . m ain tain ing of sa id fa rm , and M ayer, B . D . H ippen, F re d M . also a t its own expense to fu r- R ie g e r, J r . , John M . Spaffo rd , n ish an necessary lab o r and as- F ra n k S tab le r, P a u l M . F la c k , sistan ts fo r the fa rm and fo a C resce n tia A . Baehto ld , John m ain tain ing of sa id County N ur- Rappel,* L e tte r H u b ly , M erle sing Hom e. H aag , LaV e rn e E . Canham

It la fu rth e r agreed by and F ra n c is J . Finnegan , between the le sp c tllo e p a rties■ rwsfs wwm msw sveprosiv w wwhereto , th a t to the event th at R ead P it t t lin a A R u i ln t l ia : fo a saM p a rtie s o f the fo r t po rt M r. Ja n ie s A . Patterso n totro- sh a ll fa il, o r in s a y w ay ne- dneed M r. George H . C a v ie te l, g leet to m anage sa id County County H ighw ay gq pcrln tcn- N ursing Hom e and F a rm to the dent, who read the fo llow ing pe- sa tisfactio n o f sa id C tatm ltto e titio n s and n so ta tio a :

Jo in t o rd er o f the C irc u it Jud g es, fo r foe Selection o f eight hundred nam es from the Ju ry lis t fo r the use as petit Ju ro rs w as read and re ferre d to foe Com m ittee on Ju ro rs .

Adjournm entIt w as m oved by F re y , sec­

onded by K ip fo r, that the Board ad journ u n til 1 :30 P . M . M otion ca rrie d .

Petitio n No. 3 • Ep p a rd s Po in t Tow nship , and on motion o f P a t­terson , seconded by W agner, w as accepted and ordered m ade a m atter of reco rd .State of lU in o is. County o f L iv ­

ingston, Tow n of Ep p ard s Po in t, ss.To the Board o f Sup erviso rs

o f L ivingston County, Illin o is : The undersigned Com m ission­

e r o f H ighw ays of the Tow n of Ep p ard s Po in t in sa id County, would re sp e ctfu lly rep resent th a t a bridge needs to be re ­p aired over a stream w here the sam e is crossed by a h ighw ay leading from the S . W . co rner o f section 20 to the S . E . co rner o f section 20 in sa id Tow n , fo r w hich said w ork the Tow n o f Ep p ard s Po int is w ho lly respon­s ib le ; that the to tal cost o f sa id w ork w ill be ap proxim ate ly Tw o Thousand S ix Hundred D o lla rs , w hich sum w ill be m ore than two cents on the One Hundred D o lla rs on the la te st assessm ent ro ll of sa id Tow n and the le vy of the Road and B rid g e ta x fo r foe W o y e a rs la s t past in sa id Tow n w as in each y e a r not le ss than the fu ll am ount provided by law on the One Hundred D o lla rs on the la te st assessm ent ro ll fo r a ll road and bridge purposes, ex­cept fo r lay in g out, a lte rin g , w idening and vacating road s, the m ajo r p a rt o f w hich le v y is needed fo r the o rd in ary re p a ir o f roads and bridges.

W herefore, the said Com m is­sioner o f H ighw ays hereby pe­titio n s you fo r a id and fo r an appropriation from the County T re a su ry , a sum su ffic ie n t to m eet one - h a lf o f the cost of re p a irin g said b ridge , sa id Town being prepared to fu rn ish one- h a lf o f the am ount req u ired .

Dated a t P o n tiac , Illin o is th is 12th day o f Septem ber, A . D . 1986.

L . M . B ro ck .Com m issioner o f H ig hw ays.

S tate o f Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, Tow n o f Ep p ard s P o in t ss .I , the undersigned Com m is­

sioner o f H ighw ays in the Tow n e f Ep p ard s P o in t, County afo re­sa id , hereby sta te th a t I have m ade an estim ate o f the cost o f

.......... do*. 6 9 c


........ dozen B B cA FTER N O O N SESS IO N

Septem ber 13, 1986 The Board o f Sup erviso rs re ­

convened a t 1 :30 P . M . R o ll c a ll w as m ade and foe ch airm an an­nounced a quorum p re se n t

O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a rt E . S a ss, C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Iv a n M orton, N . J . W ag ner, T . R . Bennett, E lw in B row n , Jaco bH . H e lm ers, Jam e s A . P atter- son, C u rtis W eeks, Jam e s R . M u ir, M argarefoa G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen, F re d M . R ie g e r. J r ., F ra n k S ta b le r, P a u l M. F in c h , C rescen tia A . Baehto ld , John R ap p e l, M erle H aag , La- V erne E . C anham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan .

I , the undersigned Com m is­sio ner of H ighw ays in the Town o f C hats w orth , County afore­sa id , hereby state that I have m ade an estim ate o f the cost of constructing said bridge.

D escrip tion a t foe Prepssed Im provem ent

Typ e and size of bridge to be determ ined by the County Su­perintendent of H ighw ays and I do estim ate that the probable cost o f constructing sa id bridge w ill be F ifte en Thousand Dol­la rs .

W itness m y hand th is 12th day o f Septem ber, A . D . 1988.

Leo H ornstein , Com m issioner o f H ighw ays.

S tate o f Illin o is , County o f L iv ­ingston, Tow n o f C hats w orth.

Reso lution N o. 5 — additions to the County Fe d e ra l A id Sec­ondary Road System , and on m otion o f Patterso n , seconded by A n trim , was adopted as read .R rs s ln tlsn by Cenaty Bo ard o f

W hereas, it is the d esire o f th is Board of Sup erviso rs o f L iv ing sto n County that ce rta in County H ighw ays be added to the County F e d e ra l A id 8 o e a * d a ry Road System ; therefo re bo it

Reso lved , th st foe Illin o is D i­visio n of H ighw ays is hereby requested to add the fo llow ing described roads to the Fe d e ra l A id Secondary Road System to L iving sto n C ounty:

1. County H ighw ay 27 extend­ing from F .A .S . Route 354 a t foe S .W . co rner o f section 6 to Rooks C reek Road D is tric t to a general e a ste rly d irection to D- lin o is Route 23 a t foe S .E . com er of section 16 in Pontiac Bond D istric t.

2. County H ighw ay 31 extend­ing from F .A .S . Route 354 a t foa S .W . co rner of foe N .W . *4 o f section 28 in A m ity Road D is­tr ic t in an e a ste rly d irection and thence in a no rth erly d irection to Illin o is Route 23 at foa N .W . com er of the N .E . W o f section 14 to A m ity Road D is tric t to C o rn e ll, Illin o is .

3. County H ighw ay I t B risto l

I , Leo H ornstein , Com m ission­e r of H ighw ays o f sa id Tow n of C hatsw orth , being d u ly sw orn on oath say that F ifte en Thousand D o lla rs m entioned to the e sti­m ate to w hich th is a ffid a v it is attached is necessary and that the sam e w ill not be m ore ex­pensive than Is needed fo r the purpose requ ired .

Leo H ornstein , Com m issioner o f H ighw ays. Subscribed and sw orn to be­

fo re m e th is 12th day of Septem ­b e r, A .D . 1998.

G ayle E . B ro w n , N o tary P u b lic .

C hairm an W eeks appointed M r. R o y H ippen to introduce M r. P a u l M . F in ch as a m em ­b er o f foe Bo ard o f Su p erv iso rs, and to esco rt h im to h is c h a ir. So p ervisars of U vtagaten Osonty

Appropriating Money fa r foe W idening o f a Concrete B rid g eW hereas, it is necessary that

a concrete bridge, w hich is lo ­cated between the S .E . 14 of section 17 and the N .E . M of section 20 in Ep p ard s Po in t Tow nship on County H ighw ay S, be w idened from a roadway w idth o f tw enty fee t to a road­w ay w idth of th irty-tw o fo o t and _ -

W hereas, it is fo a d esire o f S .W . t ills Board of Su p erv iso rs th at foe cost o f said w idening be paid ***7 out o f the County A id B rid g e 1354

M rs. M argsretha G

T re a su re r • B o u n d f G rove Ttownahlp, fo r

ren ta l o f Tow nshiptra cks ...............................

County H ighw ay P a y ­ro ll. Cor m aintain ing M PT sections foe the month o f Ju ly , 1MB . 4

C h arles B a rtle y D ig­ging S e rv ice , fo r ra n -- ta l o f tru ck hauling

D is tric t be aw arded to the B u rn e ll G . W atson, fo r ',n How ard Arnold Construction In c . re p a ir o f three bridg-

a t th e ir bids o f $2213.75 and es on County high-$2286.65 re sp ective ly . Motion w ay ........................................ca rrie d . Sears, Roebuck and

Motion by M orlan, seconded C o ., fo r supplies fo r■” * by M u ir, that the contract lo r m ach inery ......................■ .S e c t io n 101(1 )-Q -TR in Newtown R o o f M anufacturing f “ Road D istric t be aw arded to Com pany, fo r re p a ir' (be Cephas W illiam s Co. a t th e ir parts fo r m o w e r____

. lo w bid of $4837.40. Motion car- M arion Brum bach , fo r *" rie d . storage o f m ach inery, Motion by A n trim , seconded IU . A ss’n . of County j " , b y M u ir, that the contract fo r Sup 'ts. o f H w ys. fo r

' the m aintenance of P a tro l No. 1 Co. share o f 1966 leg-h i Beading Hoad D istric t be is la tive assessm ent .aw arded to the Cephas W illiam s Haag A H aag , fo r

" v . Co . a t th e ir low bid o f $1189.80. erad icating obnoxiousM otion ca rrie d . w e e d s on County

* " M otion by Bennett, seconded highw ay ............b y M arian , th a t the contract fo r K eu ffe l A E s se r C o ., Section 1044J1-TK in Pontiac f t * o ffice supplies . . .

^ ; fo n d D istric t be aw arded to (he HooneBs, fo r (d ik e sup-IW co P a rin g fo e . a t th e ir le w id les ....................................M d f l4 8 8 .l l M otion ca rrie d . Hum boldt M fg. C o ., fo r

* * M otion by B ennett, seconded supplies fo r testing .„ by Can ham , th at the contract Com m onwealth Ed iso n

L ,! ' fo r fo e m aintenance o f P a tro l Com pany, fo r e le c tric

De Long’s G arage A M achine Shop, fo r m achine w o r k onCounty lo a d e r...............

S e a rs , Roebuck A C o ., fo r supplies fo r m a­ch inery .............................

R o o f M anufacturing Com pany, fo r m ow er

M arion Brum bach , fo r storage o f m ach inery

N orthern HlbmU G as Com pany, fo r gas se r­v ice .......................................

Com m onwealth »Com pany, fo r e le c trics e rv ic e ................................

C la ren ce E . Ruppel, A gent, fo r County H ighw ay em ployees sh a re to L H .B JP . . . .

• ••*•••*••••....... %

e a ••• #*• a Me*** ••••••• •••••••# • • **aafaj.e••♦•asaoeeSseas'dassesaaf »%•••••#% ••oe

N A <•*»«"(>............

• — .

is the d esire of_ ¥ Superviso rs g f U v-County th a t the sa la ry le a fe expense o f the Superintendent o f H igh

be p e ri out o f money a l­to the County under the

o f the Motor Fu e l


___________ , be it reso lved , thatthe re is hereby appropriated the r a n o f fiftee n thousand two bun­d le d d o lla rs ($15,209.00) from the County's allotm ent o f Motor f b r i T a x foods to pay foe sa l­a ry and m ileage expense of foe County Superintendent of H igh­w ays fo r the period beginning Septem ber l , 1906 and ending Septem ber l , 1987; and

B n it fu rth e r reso lved , that the C le rk is hereby d irected to tran sm it two ce rtifie d copies of fid s resolution to the D epart­m ent of P u b lic W orks and Build- in g s, D ivisio n o f H ighw ays, Sp rin g fie ld , Illin o is , through its D is tric t En g in eer.

B e » « t a f County H ighw ay ftan d A B rid g e fam m H tor

ltep o rt of the County H ighw ay B o ad and B rid ge Com m ittee w as read , and on motion o f Canham , seconded by A n trim , w as approved as read . R E P O R T O F C O U N TY H IG H ­


State o f Illin o is , L ivingston County Board o f Superviso rs, Septem ber Term 1966.

M t. C hairm an and M em bers of The Board o f Sup erviso rs:W e, your Com m ittee on Coun­

ty H ighw ays and B rid g es, beg le ave to subm it the follow ing

.a . Y o u r Com m ittee met June 30, - rt 1996. A ll m em bers w ere present .r r " except M orlan..r „ M otion by A n trim , seconded .b , b y Buppel, th at a ll b ills pay- ,do ab le to date be allowed and od ordered paid . M otion ca rrie d .

B id s w ere opened a t 10:00 ,m o 'clock A .M . (C .D .T .) on the

fo llow ing Boad D is tric t sections: V> M otion by Bennett, seconded

b y M u ir, th at the contract fo r jt Section 115-G-TR in Sunbury A Road D is tric t be aw arded to

The G lenn M cCann Co. a t th e ir bo: low bid o f $11009.13. Motion car- 1,u. rie d . <••xe M otion by A n trih i, seconded by - a ' by A n trim , that the contract fo r

Section 105 R S-TR in Fo rre st Road D is tric t be aw arded to the

lc :; Rowe Construction Co. a t th e ir (« .. bid of $7240.20. Motion ca rrie d . 0 0 M otion by M u ir, seconded by ■jo Bennett, that the contract fo r 8 2 Section 113-G-TR in P leasan t 00 R idge Road D is tric t be awarded 0C. to the How ard Arnold Construe- M tion In c ., a t th e ir bid of $6012.30. m i M otion ca rrie d , uo Motion by A n trim , seconded 0 0 . Bennett, that the contract fo r r i i ; Section 108-G-TR in A m ity Road

D is tric t be aw arded to the V a l­le y V iew D irt and G rave l Co. at

,t th e ir low bid o f $10850.16. Mo- tion ca rrie d .

M cftkn by M u ir, seconded by C anham , that foe contract fo r fu rn ish ing corrugated steel cu l­v e rt pipe fo r Section 115-G-TR In S u llivan Road D istric t be

, aw arded to the Young M etal . ' Products Co. a t th e ir low bid of

$516.00. Motion ca rrie d .Y o u r Com m ittee met Ju ly 16,

1966. A ll m em bers w ere present.B id s w ere opened a t 10:00

X o’clo ck A M . (C .D .T .) on the follow ing Road D istric t sections:

.,J Motion by M u ir, seconded by ' ' A n trim , that the contract for

“ Section U l-G -T R in Fayette _ Boad D istric t be aw arded to ihe

Rowe Construction Co. a t th e ir bid o f 93388.00. Motion ca rrie d .

Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ruppel, that the contracts fo r Sections 113-G-TR and 103 (2 )-R S -TR in C harlo tte Road

M afiosi ca rrie d : for M u ir, i n Midi

, th at a ll h ills |I allow ed am lo tion ra n te d .

_ _ _ AH nreaeut ex cent M orion.P*S d a w ere iopanod at 10:00 o 'clock A .M . (C .D .T .) on the fo llow ing Road D istric t sections:

Motion for Ruppel, seconded by A n trim , th at the contract fo r Section 105(1 IR S , 107(1 )R S T R in Chats worth Road D istric t be aw arded to the Howard Arnold Construction In c . a t th e ir low bid of <8239.06. Motion ca rrie d .

Motion by M u ir, seconded by Bennett, that foe contract fo r Section 1 2 0 -G -TR in Saunem in Road D istric t be aw arded to the Howard Arnold Construction In c . a ( th e ir low bid o f $11786.40. Motion ca rrie d .

Motion by A n trim , seconded by M u ir, that the oootract fo r Section 112-G-TR in Eppards Po in t Road D istric t be aw arded to the L ivingston Stone Co. at th e ir low bid of $5464.20. Motion ca rrie d .

Motion by A n trim , seconded by Bennett, that foe co ntract fo r Section 111-Q-TR in Ep p ard s Po in t Road D istric t be aw arded to foe T rico P aving In c . a t th e ir low bid of $4752.42. M otion ca r­rie d .

Motion by M u ir, seconded by Canham , th a t the co n tract fo r Section 113-G-TR in O dell Road D istric t be aw arded to W alter W arm bir a t h is low bid of $45892.96. M otion ca rrie d .

Motion by Bennett, seconded by M u ir, that the co n tract fo r the m aintenance of P a tro l N o. 1 in N evada Road D is tric t be aw arded to the G lenn M cCann Co. a t th e ir low bid o f $25029.00. Motion ca rrie d .

Motion by Ruppel, seconded by A n trim , that the co ntract fo r Section 102(1), 108-RS T R in Av- oca Road D istric t be aw arded to the L iv ing sto n Stone Co. at th e ir bid o f $8041.95. Motion ca r­rie d .

Motion by A n trim , seconded by Bennett, that the co ntract fo r the m aintenance of P a tro l No. 1 in Esm en Road D is tric t be aw arded to the T rico Paving In c . a t th e ir low bid of $650.00. Motion ca rrie d .

Patterson and Bennett met w ith the Road and B rid g e Com ­m ittee o f M cLean County in Bloom ington on August 10, 1966 to open bids fo r the construction of a bridge on the Livingston- M cLean County line on the south side of section 32 in Eppards

.- Po in t, Tow nship., M otion'by P atterso n , seconded

by fiennett, that the co ntract fo r the construction of bridge be awarded to the H . J . Ep p e l A Co. a t th e ir low bid o f $17,937.90. Motion ca rrie d .

Y o u r Com m ittee m et August 31, 1966. A ll m em bers w ere present except M orlan. B id s were opened at 10:00 o 'clock A .M . (C .D .T .) fo r the construc­tion of a non M F T bridge on the L iv ing sto n-LaSa lle County lin e .

Motion by M uir, seconded by Bennett, that the co n tract fo r the construction of bridge be awarded to E lm e r L . R ib e r at h is low bid of $17,394.30. M otion ca rrie d .

Motion by A n trim , seconded by Ruppel, that a ll b ills payable to date be allowed and ordered paid- Motion ca rrie d .

The follow ing b ills w ere a l­lowed and ordered paid sinee the June M eeting, 1966. The fo l­lowing b ills w ere paid from County H ighw ay funds:County H ighw ay Pay-

o ril, fo r month ofJun e , 1966 ........................ 3,037.76

S in c la ir Refin ing C o ., fo r gaso line, o il, e tc . 219.54

Cushing P a in t C o ., fo r supplies fo r road re ­p a ir ...................................... 1.59

Howard Arnold Con­struction In c ., fo r renta l o f equipm ent . 226.50

Hom er Reed, fo r hau l­ing stone fo r patching County h ig h w a y s____ 68.50

**r road r$-1*40


G aw ky highways . . . .

Uto StSL Mwltoe* • »

h ig h w a y s ........................... 47.73W oif-Jaoobson, b e ., fo r

re p a ir p a rts and la ­bor oa County tru ck 107(33

Pontiac H lcksg as, la * .; fo r supplies fo r m a­ch inery ............................. 30.25

W o lfs B a tte ry A E le c ­tr ic S e rv ice , fo r sup­p lies fo r asachinery . 35.40

County H ighw ay P a y ­ro ll, fo r month- ofJu ly , 1386 ........................ 4,213.55

S in c la ir R efin ing C o ., fo r gaaoiine, o il, e tc . 395.57

Liv ing sto n S e r v i c e Com pany, fo r Gaso­lin e , o il, etc...................... 9*19

W est S i d e Lum b er Y a rd s , fo r suppliesfo r road re p a ir ............. 11.75

Hom er Reed, fo r tra c kre n ta l A m ile a g e ____ 196.05

M arion Brum bach , fo r storage of m ach inery 50.00

De Long 's G arage A M achine Shop, fo r w elding and m achine w ork on m ach inery . 16.55

W alter’s T ra c to r A M a­chine Shop, fo r sup­p lies fo r m ach inery . 5.50

W H t-Arautroug E q u ip ­m ent C o ., fo r re p a ir p arts and lab o r onm ach inery ...................... 316.03

Le ste r Sengpiel, fo r supplies fo r m achine­ry .................................................. 2 .0 0

B a y G i o v a n i n i , f o r w elding on equip, cut­

ting cu lve rts , etc............ 79.43Illin o is W ater S e rv ice

Com pany, fo r w a terse rv ice ............................... 2 .9 0

Pantograph P rin tin g A S tationery Com pany, fo r o ffice supplies . . . 37.63

S ears, Roebuck A C o ., fo r supplies fo r Coun­ty s h e d ..................................... 1 1 . 9 7

Po ntiac Lead er Pub­lish ing Com pany, Im ­p rin ting “ N otices toC ontracto rs” ................. 72.00

C larence E . Ruppel, agent, fo r County H ighw ay em ployeesshare to I.M R .F ............ 647.31

T re a su re r - Ep p ard s Po int Tow nship, fo r re n ta l of Tow nshiptru cks ............................... 91.00

How ard Arnold Con­struction la c ., fo r constr. o f riooe su r­face course, type A . 5,924.56

L iv ing sto n Couaty Gen­e ra l Fund , fo r pay­m ent for. money bo r­rowed to purchasegrader ............................... 20,400.00

W olf-Jacobson, In c ., fo r re p a ir parts and la ­bor on County tru ck .

A ssociated B a g A Apron C o ., fo r testbeam covers .................

T re a su re r - Pontiac Tow nship, fo r re n ta l of Tow nship tru ck . . .

County H ighw ay P a y ­ro ll, fo r month o f Au­gust, 1906 ........................ 3,410.30

Mason A M cents Con­struction C o ., fo r sea l coat aggregate used on County h ighw ay . 40.33

Livingston Stone C o ., fo r stone furn ished fo r patching Countyh ig h w a y ............................. 64.75

E rn s t A Son, fo r c lean ­ing box cu lve rts onCounty h ig h w a y .......... 464.70

Hom er Beed, fo r re n ta l o f tru ck hauling d irt on County highw ay . . 205.90

D avid Shane, fo r ren ta l o f tra c to r and posthole auger ...................... 3 0 ,9 0

E lm e r L . R ib e r, fo r re n ta l of m ach inery . 444.00

B u rn e ll G . W atson, fo r concrete cu lve rt ex­tensions on Countyhighw ay ........................... 9 1 5 . 7 5

D an iels O il C o ., fox- tire s and tubes as per contract A supplies

chhtery ...................... I H B * • *» s*•t o f i t a a * * tea re- Hom er f ta a d .fo r h ag -

5LZS“ <Wl > , w i t " 55,14*99

H . J . E p p e l A C o ., fo r fin a l aafim ate fo r oew-

" Of 00CT


i Heat-41.63





....................................W olf-JaoebaoQ. In c ., lo r

re p a irs a f t i r e ............... 4.83W ittrA rm strong Eq u ip ­

m ent G o ., fo r re p a ir p a rts fo r m ach inery 8 *3 0

F ra h e r Fo rd S o la * foe re p a ir p a rts and la ­bor oa County tru ck 3*33

Nussbaum T ru ck in g ,In c ., fo r f r e i g h t charges on r e p a i rp a r t s .................................... *7 0The fo llow ing b ills w ere a l­

low ed aad ordered p a id sin ce the Jun e M eeting, 1306. T b s fo l­low ing b ills w ere paid from M otor F u e l T a x la n d s:County H ighw ay Pay*

ro ll, lo r m aintain ing M F T sections fo r the month of Ju n e , 1966 . 4 ,71*80

T ric o P av in g In c ., fo r E-4 road o il fo r patch­ing M F T sections . . . 209.09

Th e Crow n Rock A s­phalt C o ., fo r B-2. fo r patching M F T sec­tions ................. 72.25

How ard A rno ld Con­struction In c ., fo r stone furn ished fo r patching M F T sec­tions ..................................... 87.11

C h arles B a rtle y D ig­ging S e rv ice , fo r ren­ta l of b a ckh o e ............... 195.90

Hom er Reed , fo r hau l­ing stone fo r patching M F T sections andtra ck r e n ta l................... 1,883.33

C h a itea B a rtle y D ig­ging S e rv ice , fo r ren­ta l o f b a ckh o e ............... 38*08

H ow ard A rno ld Con­stru ctio n In c ., fo r g rave l fu rn ished fo r patching M F T sec­tion ....................................... 86.58

T tk o P av in g la c ., fo r f ir s t estim ate fo r con­struction o f A -l b itu­m inous su rface .......... 27,96*70

Po ntiac Stone Compa­n y , fo r stone fUni- ished fo r patchingM F T sections ............... 1,955.19

D ilte r T ile C o ., fo r sup­p lie s fo r road re p a ir . 198.14

A lla n Verdun , foe re n ta l of tru ck hauling d irt 84.50

Liv ing sto n Stone C o ., fo r stone furn ished fo r patching M F Tsections ............................. 52.58

Ocoya Stone Com pany, fo r stone furn ished fo r patching M FTsections ............................. 388.57

H . J . Ep p e l A C o ., fo r firs t estim ate fo r con­struction a f section123-B1-M FT ................... *647.74

E lm e r L . R ib e r. fo r f irs t estim ate fo r con­struction o f sectionI3 4 B -M F T ...................... 8,855.10

D ille r T ile C o ., fo r sup- to r road re-

. . . 1,834.38Hom er Rood, fo r re n ta l

o f tru ck hauling d irt 487.35 E t o n L . R ib e r, fo r

t ia n e t U U M O T * " * *185.86 The C ro w n R o ck A s­

p h a lt 0 * , fo r hom ao furn ished 8m patch-

. ing M F T aeef iy s . . . 38*25

a y , fo r stone funs-



M F T sections ..............7Po n tiac Stone Com pa­

n y , fa r supp lies lo rread ’ re p a ir ....................

H ow ard A rno ld Con­stru ctio n In c ., fo r stone fu rn ished fo r patching M F T sec-

O coya Stone Com pany, fo r stone fu rn ished fo r patching M F T sections ..............................

L iv ing sto n Stone Com ­pany. fo r stone fu rn ­ished fo r patch ingM F T sections ...............

F a irb u ry Stone Com pa­n y , fo r stone fu rn ­ished fo r patch ing M F T sections






od bridges b i C reek

....................Afo r County

o f coat o f de­sign o f bridge deck in A vo te Tow nship . .

G . B . S tegall C onstruc­tio n , fo r County share a f the coat o f re p a ir o f br id fao ia Owego Tow nship ......................... 2,881.25

B u rn e ll G . W atson, fo r construction o f drop box on box cu lve rt op County h ighw ay in B e lle P ra ir ie Tow n­sh ip ............................. 1 ,28*50

W alter E . Hanson A Com pany, fo r County sh are o f f ir s t e sti­m ate fo r design o f bridge in Chatsm orthTow nship ......................... 25*05

G . E . S lsp e ll C onstruc­tio n , fo r County share o f fin a l estim ate fo r re p a ir o f b ridge be­tw een P le asan t R idge and Saunem in Tow n­sh ips ..................................... 5,901.62

B u rn e ll G . W atson, fo r County sh are o f cost o f re p a ir o f bridge in C harlo tte Tow nship . 911.36

10th d a y o f Sep-186*

O rlyn F re y ,C h a irm an .

Jaco b H . H e lm ers,C a r l Spas,H . D . H p p en ,

W eeksK le in , L o ssy and B eo aett a# a Com m itte e lo r the Supervis ors ' A nnual P a rty .

F a y fu r JU ra raF a y lo r Ju ro rs w as brought up

a t th is tim e . I t w as m oved by ttp p a u , seconded b y Looey, that L iv in g sto n County p e tit and grand Ju ro rs he paid 810.0Q per dtem and 10 cento p e r m ile e f­fe c tive a s o f Decem ber 1, M otion ca rrie d .

u s BtlMMASsIM S

•riJ* 1AM-IS Mea.it

........................oi r u lUada TIMS.................................................. mam1 ...................... im am

s ssm s.n........................... I S.TSUS......................... n m s .it

1 u rm rm

S 1T.1M-STs 1 m .tit. is

A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctfu lly subm itted .

County H ighw ay Boad and B rid g e Com m ittee

J . A . Patterso n ,C hairm an , v

LaV e rn e E . Canham , Secre ta ry .

Jam as * M u ir.Tom R . B en n ett,Jo h n A . R u p p e l.G lena

M rs. C la ra Ed w ard s, Ju ve n ile P robation O ffice r, read her an­n e a l repo rt.

C h a in e a e W eeks appointed M r. P a u l M . F in ch oa a ll cam- l i t t s t s w hich M r. ™ “ itrfrn Lau- ritpen served om

M ayerto

Pontiac Bu ild ing at n a ta l, and in-

M . L e v in ,P u b lic H a akh N urse.

U a t aad R ep o rt a f

reposted renting o ffice space the B an k a f Po n tiac Bu ild ing W5.SO m onthly n a ta l, and tiodocod M rs. Ann M . L a i

ad and prepared to be filed w ith the County C le rk o f L iv ing sto n County, Illin o is , in the m anner a s provided by la w .

" Y m r Com m ittee recom m ends the selection o f eight hundred persons whose noases and p laces o f rs tid enos a f each o f sa id p er­sons is hereto attached , and by re ference m ade a p a rt o f th is rep o rt, aad th a t sa id eight hun­d red persons so selected sh a ll be known as the “ P e tit Ju ry L is t ” fo r Liv in g sto n County, H lino is , fo r the en tilin g y e a r, end­ing in Septem ber, A .D . 1087, and th at said lis t be Med w ith the County C le rk a f L iv ing sto n County, Illin o is .

AH o f w hich is respectfu lly subm itted.

H . J . K ip fe r,C ha irm an ,

■aoald Looey,EN vin Brow n ,LaV e rn e E . C anham , W m . Noonan,

R ep o rt N o. 1 o f the F in an ce Com m ittee w as re a d , and on m otion o f Lo sey, seconded by F in a l* , w as approved a s tend .To the Bo ard o f Su p erv iso rs o f

L iv in g sto n County, Illin o is : Y o u r Com m ittee on F in a n ce

N o. 1 re sp ectfu lly rep o st H ist they have exam ined the c la im s presented to them and recom ­mended th a t the C le rk issu e o r­d e rs an the County T re a su re r to the se v e ra l c la im a n ts fa r the am ounts allow ed aa fo llo w s: N sm as Am ountE d w in H . C o o ke .................$ 1 * 9 0

Burd ette Sm ith Co.—6 4*0 8 6 3 *59 65.50

Shepards C itations40.00 4 *00 80.90

Pantograph P rin tin g Co .16.48 77.22

17.50 111.30Illin o is R eco rd s. D iv .—

116.21 3 *33 140.54Lan g F u lle r P rin tin g

C e................................................Illin o is O ffice Supply—

2*8 3 6L72 8*15F ra n k Thornb er Co .—

60*80 95564.15 764.00

P o n tiac O ffice Supply . . *9 8D r. A lb e rt W .

Schw e itser ......................... 235.061 A A o f w h ich ia n to finctfu lly subm itted th is 30th d a y o f Ju ly , A .D . 168* -

Bo land Lossy,

Co .—$ 64556 $ 30*81

121.30 $ 610.59 P o n tiac O ffic e Supply

C o . ............................................ 1.05B y a rs P rin tin g Com pany 6 *7 9 The Goa. A . B a rn a rd

C o m p an y .............................. 2.93X a re x .......................................... 32.50

......................... 1*64Supply Co.

g 1 *63 8 * 8 6 6*15V o m iB ia u Stud io .......... 33.66H aro ’s D rag S to r e .......... 1 *3Sargeat-Sow eU , In c ............ *3 7O tis H . L a w , M .D . .......... 19*00Vernon VonQ ualen

8 4055 $ 00.50M .M 186.05

B ills P a id Betw een Sessions 108.00 4 *50

A . D . A sk e w -6 *0 9 *1 0 69,00*00 *186.10

E lw ia B row n , C h arles La u ritxe n , B . a H ippen,C a rt F .

August 37, 1506To the Board o f Sup erviso rs of

L iv in g sto n County. Illin o is : Y o u r Com m ittee 0 0 F inan ce

N o. 1 re sp ectfu lly rep o rt th at they have exam ined the cla im s presented to m en* ana reco in- mended th at the C le rk issue o r­d ers on th e County T re a su re r to the se v e ra l c la im an ts fo r the

(em b ers.

L is t a f p etit ju ro rs w as read an# repost o f tbe^Cwnm lttce^an

c a l* m as approved ’as read .A ges — O rlyn F re y , l a r i B .

H ip p o s, C a rl E . Sasa, Ranald L o ssy , C a rl F . K le in . G iro n A n trim , W ayne Pattesaon, N . J . W ag ner, H . J . K ip fe r , T . B . Ben­n e tt, H erb ert C . Le a th e rs, E l-

Resolution o f the Sanatorium Com m ittee w as read , aad 0 0

motion o f F ra y , seconded by H elm ero , aad on ro ll c a ll, w as adopted aa re ad .

A yes—O iiy n . F re y , B a il | . D ippen. C a r i B . Seas. R anald L o ssy , C a ri F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , N . J . W agner. H . J . K ip fe r, T . 8 Bennett, H e rb e rt C . I,a e th e rs . E l w in Brow n , Jaco b H . Haim - e ss. Jam as A P atterso n , C a rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M ortlm ore, W m . Noonan. M asg an th a Q . M oyer, R- D . H ippen, F re d M . R tog ar.l r In k , I f C ,,« n _ l

Nam es

BraM n A Com pany,Iae ..........................................g

Liv in g sto n County E le c-trie S e rv ice ....................... *6 0

Paxtons ..................................... 1*00T h e Peegad Com panies,

In c ...............................................B y e rs P rin tin g Com pany

8 04JO g 672.65 45751O ffice Supply C o . 631.78

A uni-.................. 16.10

L e M essu rie r In su ran ce• Agency ................................ 10.00

B to p a n t is n .......... 8*00ir A Cham bers Co.

8 4650 g *1 3 5*635 . M cGee. M .D .,

G . Peterson ,M .D . ....................................... 10,60

G ets F ir e Control Equ ip -

6 15*30 8 300.005 *0 6 1,060.30 1,456.40

G . S e tte r, J r . .......... 27.00H a rry B a ld w to .................... 99.90Khde H . F r y ......................... 25.00D ire cto ry S e rv ice Co —

8 6750 g 7.50 65.00Illin o is W ater Serv ice—

8 50.30 g 21.7958.14 47.97 175.20

G en era l Telephone Co. . 1,100.37 The Pontiac N ational

B a n k ....................................... 4.31Com m onwealth Ed iso n —

% 306.76 8 846.96 639.75Jam e s L . Robinson,

ft>. ............................................ 6*35N orthern m . G as Co -

8 10.95 8 37.04 48.00* F . B rad le y M otor Co. 1,318.00W ayside D rug Store . . . 74.00N am es Am ountMUtoe H . Je n s e n ............... 87*00F rim k L . C asey ................. 981.50C u rtis W eeks—

8 870.10 g 27.60 1,003.70Je lm a Q u a n d t...................... 7 2 5 . 0 0

X e ro x Corporation .......... 48*17Ju ve n ile F r o b a t i o n

D e p t, O ttaw a, U . . . . . 135.00George B . H o ffoer, J r . . 1*10F e to r L . M eberiy ............. |0 .33P o n tiac Lead er Pu b l.

Co................................................ 5*00Roger G oralen .................... 25.00

.................... 11.00

.................... 11.60M artin J . S u lliva n .......... 12.73Kenneth B . M unson . . . . 11.83L a r ry R o b isky .................... 11.44Jo seph R . T r im s ............... 2 .0 0

L u c ille L . E h e a rt ............. 25.00C h arle s H ighland ............ 12.00K h rin B ro w n ......................... 1.95C u rtis W eeks ...................... 45.97W ayne P a tte rso n ............... 40.90Jrty n F r e y .............................. 40.90How ard R a m s e y ............... 35.00B o ss H o ithau er ................. 2 0 .3 0

M yra M e C a rre y ................. U8.40K> L . H a h h a u e r................. 4.75H enry C lassen .................... 3 5 . 5 0

B u rto n ........................... 13.00C afe ............................. 8 8 . 4 7

House R e stau ran t. 88.90B e y A . Jaco b s .................... 35.50C h arle s W . S ch ie le r, S r. 30.00O yd o B a rp ........................... 104.00Ben M o ssb e rg er................. 3 4 .0 0

C . K . S p r in g e r .................... 36.00Ir e L . B e ye r ........................ 43.00M ae D e a n e .............................. 1 0 .0 0

Jo e S h ie ld s .............................. 3 0 .0 0

W ayside D ru g sto re . . . . 74.00H o taA auo r................. 59.10

G eneral Telephone Co. . 8 1 7 . 1 3

A B o f w hich is re sp ectfu lly —W nfitod th is 14th day o f Sep-

A .D . l i t *Ronald Looey,

C hairm an .R- D . H ippen,P a u l M . F in ch ,K h rin Brow n,C a ri F . K le in


L iv in g sto n C o unty, Illin o is : H . J . K ip fe r.Y o u r Com m ittee oo F in a n ce --------

N o. I re sp ectfu lly report th at M lm a m tth ey have exam ined the c la im s I t w as m oved by F re y , sec- presented to them and recoin- onded by R ie g e r, that the Board m ended that the C le rk issue or- ad journ u n til 9 :00 A .M . M otion d e rs on the County T re a su re r to ca rrie d .the se ve ra l c la im an ts fo r the —-----am ounts allowed as fo llo w s: t J l ik D D A TN am es N ature o f C la im B ra d y ’s clothing

purchased fo r w ard o fthe Court ...........................$

C a rp ’ s clothing purchased fo r w ardso f the C o u rt ......................

H ech t’s clothing purchased fo r w ardso f the C o u rt ......................

Leh m an 's Boys’ Shop clo th ing purchased fo rw ard of the Court ____

P le tx Shoe M art clo th­ing purchased fo r w ard s of the C ourt . . .

Spurgeon's M ercantile Com pany clothing pur­chased fo r w ard ofthe Court ...........................

W e ste ll’s , In c . clo th ing purchased fo r w ards

A m t --------M O RN IN G SESS IO N

P o n tiac , Illin o is9.00 Septem ber IS , 1 W

The Board o f Sup erviso rs m etin th e ir room in the Courthouse

32.90 on the above date at 9 :99 A .M ., pursuant to ad jo u rnm ent and w ere ca lled to o rder by C hair-

11.98 m an C u rtis W eeks.R o ll c a ll w as m ade and the

chairm an announced a quorum 1.49 present.

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B .Dippon, C a rt E . S a ss, Ronald

45.46 Lo sey, C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , Iva n M orlan , N . J . W agner, H . J .K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, N orm an

42.66 L . H o lih au e r, H erb ert C . Lea th ­e rs , E l w in B ro w n , Jaco b H .H e lm ers, Jam e s A . P atte rso n ,

7.00 C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M orti- raore, Jam e s R . M u ir, W m .Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer,

48.58 R . D . H ippen, John M . Spaffo rd ,F ra n k S ta h le r, P a u l M . F in c h ,C rescen tia A . B achto id , John Ruppel, L e ste r H u b ly . M erle

4.60 H aag , LaV e rn e E . C anham ,F ra n c is J . Finnegan .

Report o f Com m ittee an Tow n A 12.05 Tow n Accounts—Tow n Le v ie s

Report of the Com m ittee on Tow n A Tow n Accounts—Tow n Le v ie s , w as re ad , and on m otion

36.77 of Bachto id , seconded by D ippon, E sm en ............and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved S u n b u ry ..........as read . In d ia n G rove

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . A voca ...............40.00 Dippon, C a rl E . S a ss, C a rt F . O dell .................

K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne N evada ..........Patterso n , N . J . W agner, T . R . Fa ye tte ..........Bennett, N orm an L . H o lih au e r, F o rre st ..........

14.50 H erbert C . Le a th e rs, Jam e s A . P le asan t R id j fa tte rso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . Saunem in . . . M ortim ore, Jam e s R . M u ir, W m . Union ...............

5.00 Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, D w ight ............John M . Spaffo rd , F ra n k Stab- G erm an ville le r, C rescen tia A . Bachto id , C hstsw orth .

25.00 John Ruppel, Le ste r H u b ly, S u lliva n .........M erle H aag , LaV e rn e E . Can- ham .

4.00 To the Board o f Sup erviso rs of L iv ing sto n County, Illin o is :Yo u r Com m ittee on Tow n A

24.00 Town Accounts—Tow n Le v ie s re ­sp ectfu lly report that they haveexam ined the le v ie s presented

41.20 to them and recom m ended thatthe C le rk extend taxes fo r the taxing d istric ts fo r the am ounts

57.80 • * fo llo w s:N am es Am ountW a ld o ........................................| 7,989.99

3.25 N ebraska ............................. 10,000.09-------- Long P o in t .............. 9,535.00

$ 467.24 Reading .................................. 12,400.00P ike ......................................... 4,500.00

) Rooks C reek ...................... 8,899.9040.00 A m ity ....................................... 9,840.00

Newtown ........................... 7,500.00Eppards Po in t ............. 7,490.09

106.00 Pontiac .................................. 8,009.90---------- Esm en .................................... 8,290.00$ 613.24 Sunbury .................................. 6.000 00(ssions BeUe P r« in e ................. 1,800.008 360 0 0 In d i,n G rove ................... 8,000.80

150 00 Avoca ...................................... 5,200.00300 00 G w e * 0 .................................... 5,000.091 5 0 0 0 Odell ..................................... 9,075.00120 00 N evada .................................. 7,000.00U 0 0 0 Faye tte .................................. 4,000.00

I 1 2 0 .0 0 E ? ™ * 10.000.09135 00 P*e«««nt R idge ............... 4,500 09

4,550 62 Saunem in ............................. 9,009.00: 90L67 U n io n ....................................... 6.900 00

2 1 0 0 0 D w ight ..................................... 12,950.0040 0 0 G e rm an ville ..................... 4,872.5063 61 Chatew orth ......................... 8,200.008 8 oe C h a rlo tte ................... 5,085.002 5 0 0 S u lliva n .................................. 10,000.008 1 3 0 Broughton ........................... 5,100.00

6 0 0 Round G rove .................... 8,000.002 0 .0 0 AU of w hich is re sp e ctfu lly2 0 .0 0 subm itted th is 15th day o f Sep-

ip ectfu lly tem ber, A .D . 1966.f of Sep- C rescen tia A . Bachto id ,

C h a irm an .E a r l B . D ippon,

ilrm an . R - D - H ippen,N . J . W agner,Ronald Lo sey.

TVU1 uodUtributed ....................

A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctifu lly subm itted th is 14th day o f Sep­tem ber, A .D . 1906.

John A . R uppel,C hairm an.

C harles La u ritse n ,John M . Spafford .

>-v-;3suspects and no re a cto rs .

The re w ere 295 ca ttle ON 71 fa rm s tested fo r tu b ercu lo sis, there w ere no re a cto rs .

57 ca lve s w ere vaccin ated ag ainst b ru ce llo s is . D u ring th is sam e period 949 b ack tag s w ere applied a t the P o n tiac and F o r­re st Sa le B a ra s .

D uring th is sam e p erio d , 129 4-H ste e rs, 58 4-H ho rses and 32 flo cks o f sheep w ere e xa m ined.

10 w a te r sam p les o f w ater w ere te fted fo r n itra te during

onded b y D ippon, and on ro ll N evada ..................................... j S |c a ll, w as approved as rend . P aye tte . . : ........................... 12,9

A yes — O rlyn P re y , E a r l B . F o rre s t .................................... R JD ippon, C a rl E . S a ss , G lenn P le asan t R idge .............. M JA n trim , W ayne P atte rso n , N . J . Saunem in ............................... 9 MW agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . U nion .............................1 MBennett, N orm an L . H o lih a u e r, D w ight .......................................9 MH erb ert C . Le a th e rs, Jam e s A . G e rm an v ille ...................... MP atterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C hatsw orth ...........................R JC . M ortim ore, Jam e s R . M u ir, C h a rlo tte ..................................9 9 jlW m . Noonan, M argaretha G . S u lliv a n .................................... 17,1M eyer, John M . Spaffo rd , F ra n k Broughton ..............................U JS ta h le r, C rescentia A . B ach to id , Bound G ro ve ...................... 2 9 JJo h n Ruppel, L e ste r H u b ly , AU o f w h ich is respect M erle Haag, LaV e rn e E . Can- subm itted th is 15th day o f ham . tem b er, A .D . 1988.To the Board o f Su p erv iso rs o f C res cent ia A . BacM

It w as m oved by J . A . P a tte r­son, seconded by Bachto id , that the Board ad journ u n til 1:90 P .M . Motion ca rrie d .

A FTER N O O N 8E8810N Septem ber 14, 1988

The Board o f Sup erviso rs re ­convened a t 1:30 P .M . RoU c a ll tested fro m 1 to 40 ppm . 2 tested w as m ade and the chairm an an- o v c r so ppm . O f the 2 th a t tested nounced a quorum present o ve r 40 co m . 1 w as fro m a shal-

A ye s—O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . fow dug w e ll and 1 w as fro m a D ippon, C a rt E . S a ss , R onald Lo se y , C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , N . J .W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R .B ennett, E lw in B ro w n , Jacob H .H e lm ers, Jam e s A . P atterso n ,C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M orti­m ore , Jam e s R . M u ir, M arga­re th a G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen,F re d M . R ieg e r, J r . . John M.Sp affo rd , F ra n k S tab le r, P a u l M . F in c h , C rescen tia A . B ach ­to id , John Ruppel, Le ste r H uM y,M erle H aag , LaV e rn e E . Can- ham .

R ep art of P u b lic P ia p s ity( i f M iu w i F o rre st M ilk

R eport o f the P u b lic Proper ty P roducts ...............52 neg. 3 pos.Com m ittee w as re ad , and on Country C h armm otion of P atte rso n , seconded D a iry ....................... 5 neg.by H e lm ers, w as approved a s B e a trice Foodsre ad . Co................................ 90 neg.To the Board of Sup erviso rs o f Sw ansons .................. 1 neg.

L iv ing sto n C ounty, Illin o is : T o ta l ...............275 neg. 8 pos.Y o u r Com m ittee oo P u b lic A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctfu lly

P ro p e rty re sp e ctfu lly report th a t subm itted th is 14th d ay o f Sep- they have exam ined the c laim s tem b er, A .D . 1988. presented to them and reco in C a rt F . K le in ,mended th at the C le rk issue or- n ..fw B n id e rs oo the Cojm ty T re a su re r to r re d M . R ie g e r, J r .the se ve ra l c la im a n ts fo r the # ^ - 1 «,—am ounts allow ed as fo llo w s: M erle H aagN am es Am ount O rlyn F re y ’'Tiklv.44.* Com iian O a lin n

appropriation th e re fo r,’* ap­proved Ju ly 12, 1989, a s am end­ed and the p ro visions o f “ A n A c t to re v ise the la w in re la tio n to foe suppression , p revention , and exterpetioo o f contagious and in fectious d isease am ong do­m estic an im a ls , approved Ju ly 90, 1949, as am ended) and in o rd er to q u a lify thereunder fo r sta te fin a n c ia l assistan ce in con­nection w ith th e paym ent o f s a l­a ry o f the County V e te rin a ria n th a t the County V e te rin a ria n be em ployed and th at toe fo llow ing sum s a re hereby ap propriated fo r h is s a la ry and fo r o ther item s in connection w ith the County A re a w o rk fo r the pe­riod beginning D ecem ber 1 , 1996 and ending N ovem ber 90, 1987.(a ) F o r s a la ry of

County V e te rin a r­ia n ................................ $10,000.00

(b ) F o r C le ric a l helpfo r County V e te ri­n a rian ........................... 2,400.00

(c ) F o r o ffice supp liesand p o sta g e ............. 700.00

(d ) F o r e a r tag s andfie ld expenses . . . 295.00

(e ) F o r tra v e l expens­es o f County V e te r­in a ria n ......................... 2,000.00

M ilk rin g tests m ade b y thefo llow ing :H I. V a lle y Ic e

C ream Co................... 5 neg.M inonk D a iry . . . . 78 neg.Se attest Foods . . . 5 neg.Borden Co...................... 2 neg.A ssociated

D a ir ie s .................24 neg . 2 pos.Meadow Gold

D a iry .................... 8 neg.111. S tate Pen iten ­

tia ry ......................84 neg. 1 pos.G rid le y Cheese

C o n tract Agreem ent W tth D r . W . J . Beddbagton

C o n tract Agreem ent w ith D r. W . J . Boddington w as re ad , and on m otion o f F re y , seconded by K le in , and on ro ll c a ll, w as ac­cepted as read .

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a r l E . S a ss, Ronald Lo se y , C a rt F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patte rso o , H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, E lw in B ro w n , Jaco b H . H e l m e r s , Jam e s A . P atte rso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M ortim ore , Jam e s R . M u ir, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . t ) . H ippen, F re d M . R ie g e r, J r . , John M . Spaffo rd , F ra n k S ta h le r, P a u l M . F in ch , C rescen tia A . B achto id , John Ruppel, M erle H aag , LaV e rn e E . Canham .

C O N TR A C TT h is agreem ent, entered into

th is 19th d ay o f Septem ber, 1968 by the A g ricu ltu re Com m ittee of the Bo ard o f Su p erv iso rs o f L iv ­ingston C ounty, Illin o is , P a rty of the f ir s t p a rt, and D r. W . J . Bodd ington, P a rty o f the second p a rt

T h a t w hereas, the B o ard of Su p erv iso rs o f L iv in g sto n Coun­ty , Illin o is , have in accordance w ith the Illin o is R ab ies L a w , 1959, provided fo r the em ploy­m ent o f a County R ab ies Insp ec­to r fa r L iv in g sto n C ounty. *■

I t is hereby agreed , by and betw een toe p a rtie s hereto as

88.88R98 4,186.10o n ,

B e n K lg e r .................................. 8.75 B*P<*rt o f the Com m ittee onIn d u stria l Tow el A Uni- * >b*“

fo rm S e rv ............................... 9 JS tion o f S a ss , seconded by Rlefi-S te im le E le c t r ic - , w “

$118.89 $ $.00 ,1^ .89 Your^ Com m ittee on RabtaeG . C . M urphy C d rttp an/rr «[ reo p ectfrilly rep o rt th a t they

$ 10.18 $21.66 91.84 k *v e exam ined the c la im s pro-C oast to Coast Stores— r* C0M‘

8 1 5 9 $ 7A2 8.41 mended th a t the C le rk issue or-D A Yco A In c 74.08 d e rs on the County T re a su re r toC lean Tow el S e rv ic e - toe severa l c l . lm anU fo r the

| u k a m 97 am ounts allow ed as fo llo w s:12 00 179 82 To the H onorable C h a irm an o f

A rw c ll— *>» County B o ard o f Super-$ 8 95 $18.00 24.96 v iso rs :

M adison C h em ica l Corpo- com m ittee on R ah imra tio !, .................................... gp.75 begs le a ve to rep o rt the follow-

H a ra e r’s G ift Shop 2 8 J2 *“ g :Eby-Brow n Com pany . . . . 93.00 B ills P a id Betw een Sessions Roof M anufacturing Com- N am es Am ount

pany ........................... 41.74 D r. W. J . Boddington . .$ 199.98J im Cam pagna ...................... 19.96 Gordon M cC orm ick . . . . 79.99

B ills P a id Betw een Sessions C lin t Benton ........................... 274.95A rw e ll ............................................ 11.00 D w ight S ta r A H era ld . . 4.90S . P . B rad le y M otor Co. 962.99 D r. B . W . F l in t .................. 8.00

A ll of w hich is re sp e ctfu lly D r. Low enthal .................... 10.00subm itted th is 14th day o f Sop- D r. W a r re n ............................ 7JOtem b er, A .D . 1988. D r. D e te rd in g .............. L . . . 84.80

W ayne P atterso n , Po n tiac V e te rin a ry Hoe-C ha irm an . p tta l .......................................... 199.89

H . J . K ip fe r, C h ro n icle - H eadlight-E a r l C . M ortim ore, E n q u ire r ................................ 9.99

, Jaco b H . H e lm ers, D r . Boddington E x -John M . Spaffo rd , p ress ........................................ 8.50F ra n k S ta h le r, S t. Jam e s H o sp ita l . . . . 94.50F re d M . R ieg e r, J r . P a in te r C h em ica l C o . . . 21.49

L . . . 196.00J r . . m g

............ 98.92Pqb l.

............ 84.80

............ 28.00.......... 11.80.......... 11.80.......... 12.72

l - . . . 11.92.......... 11.44......... 2.00.......... 25.00......... 12.00

1.96.......... 45.87..... 40.80.......... 40.90.......... 95.00.......... 29.90.......... 116.40.......... 4.75.......... 96.50.......... 13.00.......... 82.47«nt 98.90.......... 95.50. S r . 30.00

. . . 104.00......... 24.00. . . 98.00. . . 42.00. . . 10.00. . . . 30.00•••• 74.90- . . 58.10b- • 687.13resp ectfu lly

Tow n A Tow n Accounts — L i­b ra ry L e v ie s , w as read , and on motion o f Bachto id , seconded by W agner, and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved as read .

A yes — O rlyn F re y . E a r l B . D ippon, C a rl E . Sass, G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , N . J W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, N orm an L H o lih au e r, H erb ert C . Le a th e rs, Jam e s A . Patterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M ortim ore. Jam ea R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, John M . Spaffo rd , F ra n k S tab le r, C reecentia A . Bachto id , John R up p el, Le ste r H u b ly , M erle H aag, LaV e rn e E . Can- ham .To the Board o f Sup erviso rs o f

L iv ing sto n County, Illin o is : Y q u r Com m ittee oo Tow n A

Tow n A ccounts, L ib ra ry Le v ie s r es pectfu lly report that they have exam ined the le v ie s p re­sented to them and recom m end­ed that the C le rk extend taxes fo r the tax in g d istric ts fo r the am ounts as fo llo w s:N am es Am ountF o rre st .................................. $5,000.00

A ll of w hich is re sp ectfu lly subm itted th is 15th day of Sep­tem ber, A .D . 1986.

C rescen tia A . Bachto id , C h airm an .

E a r l B . Dippon,R . D . Hippen,N . J . W agner,Ronald Losey.

N e w to w n .................................. 2,459.89Fa ye tte ..................................... 2,099.89F o rre st ..................................... 4,099.09P leasan t R id g e .................... 1,999.09S u lliva n ..................................... 3,899.69Round G ro v e ......................... 2,599.09

A ll o f w hich is res pectfully subm itted th is 15th day o f Sep­tem ber, A .D . 1888.

C rescen tia A . B achto id ,

to B rid g e Le v ie sReport o f the Com m ittee on

Town A Tow n Accounts—Town- ' ^ sh ip A id to B rid g e L e v ie s , w as read , and oo m otion a t Bach- to ld , seconded by Looey, and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved as read .

A ye s — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B .D ippon, C a rl E . S a ss . Ronald Lo ssy , C a rl F . K le in . G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atte rso n , Iv a nM orten, N . J . W agner. H . J . _____ iK ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, N orm an L . H o lih au e r, H e rb e rt C. Leath ­e r !, E lw in B ro w n , Jacob H . H e lm e rs, Jam e s A . P atterso n .C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M orti­m ore, Jam ea R . M u ir, W m .Noonan, M argaretha G M eyer,R . D . H ippen, F re d M. R ieg er,J r . , John M . Spaffo rd . F ra n k S ta h le r, P an t M . F in c h , Cresceo- tia A . Bachto id , John Ruppel,L e ste r H uM y, M erle H aag , La - -• -^3 V erne E . Canham , F ra n c is J .

P aso , 111. T im e s ....................................P o n tiac , IQ . T im es-Presa Pub lish ingtetafcnry, H L On. ............................................height, m . T h e Schu lte Pub lish ing

A G R EEM EN TAgreement, made th is 13th

day of September, A .D ., 1968 by and between the County of L iv ­ingston of the State of Illin o is , acting by and through the Com­mittee on Education of the L iv ­ingston County Board of Super­visors, as party of the firs t part, and M rs. Frances M aley, of 319V4 E a st Washington Street, Pontiac, State of Illin o is , party of the secood part.

W itnessed):Th a t p a rty of the f ir s t p art

em ploys kakt p arty of the second p a rt to r the purpose o f acting as County P u b lic H ealth N urse to r a period o f tw e lve m onths, com ­m encing on d ie 1st day of De­cem ber, A .D ., 1M8, and ending on toe 80th d iy o f N ovem ber, A .D ., U t7 . This p arty o f the sec and p a rt hereby agrees to de- veto h er e d tii* tone (48 hour w a lk ) to p e rfc rm id f the dnttos as County Publ ic H ealth N urse

■On n r Mm fiscal

‘H 'm H V& tm W "


rtos as a W halemoved b y Bachto ld ,

by W agner, that the aa a whole be approved

.a r i l can . M otion ca rrie d . A yes — O rtyn F re y , E a r l &

C a rl E . Seas, Ranald C a rl F . K le in , G lenn W ayne P atterso n , Iv a n N . J . W agner. H . J .

_ T . R . Bennett, Norm an H olahauer, H erb ert C . Leath-

e n , to w in B ro w n , Jacob H . H elm era , Jam es A . Patterso n , S a t o W eeks, E a r l C . M orti m ore , Jam es R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer,

D . Hippen, John M . SpaffOrd, S tab le r, P a u l M . F in ch ,

A . Bachto ld , John Le ste r H ubty, M erle

. H aag , LaV e rae E . Canham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan .

< The m inutes o f the previous m eeting w ere read and ap­proved.

Exp la in ed A nnual ReportM r. E tw in Brow n introduced

M rs. L a d le G oodrich, County Superintendent o f Schools, who •■ plained her annual report of Jtd y 1, 1965, to June 80, 1966, and on motion o f Brow n, sec­onded by Bachto ld , w as ap­proved as read .

■■pa rt o f Com m ittee ea JaH | J a il Accounts

I? R eport of the Com m ittee onJaH A J a il Accounts w as read , and on motion of H ub ly, second­ed by Finnegan , w as approved as read .1b the Hoard of Superviso rs o f

Livingston County, Illin o is :Y o u r Com m ittee on J a il ft J a il

Accounts re sp ectfu lly report that they have exam ined the cla im s presented to them and recom ­mended that the C le rk issue o r­d e rs an the County T re a su re r to , M e seve ra l cla im an ts fo r the am ounts allow ed as fo llo w s: N am es Am ountS in c la ir R efin ing Com pa­

n y .............................................. $364 45T ib b etts’ Serv ice-S tatio n 94.87Texaco ............................................ 173.44Standard O il ............................. 190.46■ m il O il Com pany ............... 375.57P h illip * Petro leum Com-

•— i i p a n y ........................................... 136.67M obil O il Corporation . . . 77.00 Bnnray D X O il Com pany 76.44 C itie s Serv ice O il Com ­

pany ......................................... 73.58H icksatom ic Stations, In c . 33.42V erm illio n Studio ................. 12.47R a y ’s Laund ry ...................... 24.30C hats worth Lo cke r ............ 158.22B e a trice Foods Co................. 88.22H ood ie's G rocery .............. 995.96C oste llo 's Tow n and

Country M arket .............. 203.67A . D . A skew , S h e riff . . . 84.75

B ills Paid Betw een SessionsW illiam F ry e ........................ $ 26.65A . D . A sk e w ............................. 29.90E d Rapp .................................... 9.63Bloom ington P ro visio n

Co................................................... 134.15E d Rapp .................................... 7.71. A ll of w hich is re sp ectfu lly

' subm itted th is 14th day o f Sep­tem ber, A .D . 1986..v . Le ste r H ub ly,

A 1 , • C h airm an .S N W ayne Patterso n ,

C a rl S ass,oo . Ivan M orlan,

F ra u c ia .J . Finnegan.

Report o f Ed acatien a l 7 Com m ittee

Report of the Educational Com­m ittee w as read , and on motion o f Brow n, seconded by B ach ­to ld , w as approved as read.T o the Board o f Superviso rs of

Livingston County, Illin o is : Y o u r Com m ittee on Education

resp ectfu lly report that they have exam ined the c la im s p re­sented to them and recom m end­ed that the C le rk issue o rders on the County T re a su re r to the se ve ra l c la im an ts f o r the am ounts allowed as fo llow s: N am es N ature of C la im A m t.

Septem ber 13, 1986f r in a c e .....................................$2,199.45Jd fC o rm ick • M athers

Publish ing C o ., Book 3.37 Paxton Typ e w rite r Com- . pany, M im eograph re- 7 p a in , In k , M imeo­

g raph , p a p e r................... 192.78Ham m ond A Stephens , Com pany, Teach er’s f D a ily Record Books . . 334.20Po n tiac O ffice Supply,, R e p a ir oh adding ma- ! m ach in e , Dym o Tape . 9.75

Ntowto Reading S e rv ice ,Books ........................ . . . 82.90

’-R io ter Com pany,7 , men re fills ......................... LSO

m J PrihLon M a ch in e .................................. 87.18R e in h a rt f t W in-

Book . . . . . .I

*'# V *•

M M , Handbook M ap ^ And H to ftg th r f MutoaMr

■ oeti " p r i n t Shdp, to N a t a rid p a rty o f the firs tp a rt agrees to pay la id p arty of the second p a rt, as compeusa-

52.78 tion fo r h er said se rv ice s , the---------- sum of (F iv e thousand fiv e hun-

T o ta l..................................$ 814.98 dred d o llars ($5,300.00) fo r a pe..................................$1,879.07 rio d o f tw elve m onths, payable

E l w in B ro w n , in equal m onthly installm ents ofC h airm an . (F o u r hundred fifty eight do llars

CraeeeftUa A . Bachto ld , and th irty-th ree cento ($458.33) La V e ra e E . C e riu m , each , com m encing on the 1st Leato r H ub ly, day q f D ecem ber, A .D ., 1966.B a r i C . M ortim ore. P a rty o f the f irs t p a rt fu rther

------- covenants and agrees to payB rg ir t o f County PaM to p a rty o f the second p a rt the

H e rito N urse sum o f ten ($ .10) p er m ile fo rReport o f M rs. F ra n ce s m iles n ecessa rily trave led in the

M aley, County P u b lic H e rito perform ance of her duties, as N urse , w as re ad , and on m otion afo resa id , provided fu rth e r, how- o f Brow n, seconded by H u b ly , e ve r, th at p arty of the second w as accepted and ordered m ade p a rt sh a ll not expend in excess • m atter of reco rd . of toe sum o f (one thousand twolb : The Honorable Board o f hundred fifty ($1,250.00) fo r trav- Supervtoors of L iving sto n Coun-. eling expenses, as afo resaid , ty A s p a rty of the f ir s t p art

Report Jun e 1— August 31,1988 fu rth e r agrees to provide a ll Hom e V is its— necessary supplies fo r the party

School fo llow u p ...........................63 of the second p a rt fo r the con-C hlld ren u n d e r ca re of duct o f h er o ffice as afo resaid ,DSCC ...................................................30 not to exceed the sum of OnePrem ature in fa n ts ..................... 10 Hundred F ifty D ollars ($150.00).P ro je ct Head S ta rt ................... 90 Dated at Po n tiac, Illin o is th isTub ercu losis .................................. 20 15th day of Septem ber, A .D .,Adults .................................................. 8 1986, Livingston County, Illin o is .

V ision and hearing screening E lw in Brow n ,P ro je ct Head S t a r t ................... 29 C hairm an .

M eetings Attended ...........................8 C rescentia A . Bachto ld .Bfoodm obile Program .................. 3 E « r l C . M ortim ore,Tub ercu lin T e s t i n g (H ead L a Verne E . Canham ,

S ta rt) ...................................................29 Le ste r H ub ly,In terview s Concerning Pro- P a rtie s of the F ir s t P a rt

gram .....................................................25 F ra n ces M aley, ■»R e fe rra l to D ivisio n S e rv ices P a rty of the Second P a rt.

CC .........................................................3 -------V is its from Regional O ffice . 3 Adjournm entA ssisted at DSCC C lin ic ............ 2 I t w as moved by Ruppel. sec-F trs t Aid-4H F a ir 2 days onded by H aag, that the BoardP a rt of Vacation during August, ad journ u n til 1:30 P .M . Motion

R esp ectfu lly subm itted , ca rrie d .M rs. F ran ces M aley -------

Livingston Co. P u b lic A FTER N O O N SESS IO NH ealth N urse Septem ber 15, 1966

------- The Board of Superviso rs re ­convened at 1:30 P .M . R o ll ca ll w as m ade and the chairm an an­nounced a quorum present.

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . Dippon, C a rl E . S a ss , Ronald Losey, C a rl F . K le in , Glenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , Ivan M orlan, N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, Norm an L . H o lthauer, H erbert C . Leath ­e rs , E lw in Brow n , Jacob H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . Patterson , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . Morti- m ore, Jam es R . M u ir, W m. Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen, Fre d M . R ieg er, J r . , John M. Spaffo rd , P au l M. F in ch , C rescentia A . Bachto ld , John Ruppel, Le ste r Hubly, M erle H aag, LaV ern e E . Can­ham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan.

C e n tra * w ith Pub lic H ealth N urse

Contract w ith M r*. Frances H aley, Livingaton County Pub­lic Health Nurse, was read, and on motion of Brown, seconded by Canham, and on ro ll ca ll, was accepted as read.

Aye* — O rlyn F rey , E a r l B . Dippon, C a rl E . Sass, C a rl F . K le in , Glenn Antrim , Wayne P a­terson, Ivan M orlan, N. J . Wag­ner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, Norman L . Holthauer, Herbert C . Leathers, E lw in Brown, Ja ­cob H. Helm ers, Jam es A . Pat­terson, Curtis Weeks, E a r l C . Mortimore, Wm. Noonan, M ar­garetha G . M eyer, R . D. H ip­pen, John M. Spafford, Frank Stahler, P a ri M. Finch , Crescen­tia A . Bachtold, John Ruppel, Lester Hubly, Merle Haag, L a ­Verne E . Canham, Fran cis J . Finnegan.

Pontiac, Illino isTo : th e Honorable Curtis

Weeks, Chairm an, and the Members of the Board of Su­pervisors of Livingston Coun­ty , Illino is.Your Committee on Educa­

tion entered into a contract, subject to confirmation by the Board, with M rs. Frances M al­ey, Pontiac, Illin o is, for a period of employment beginning De­cember 1st, 1966 and ending No­vember 30th, 1967, with a vaca­tion of one month's duration, at a sa lary of (95,500.00) for the twelve month period (o f $458.33 per month), together with an a l­lowance of ($ .10 ) per m ile, not to exceed the sum of $1,250.00 for the defraying of necessary traveling expenses in perform ­ance of her duties as county health nurse, and further sum of 8150.00 for the purpose of the supplies and equipment neces­sary to ca rry on the work of her office.

Your Committee on Education recommends that the Board con­firm the contract.

A ll of which is respectfully submitted.

E lw in Brown,Chairm an.

Crescentia A . Bachtold, E a r l C . Mortimore, LaVerae E . Canham , Lester Hubly.

Petition R e : L iU p u t Subdivision

Petition of J . C . Ebach . Rob­e rt Slayton, and W ilm a Slayton and plat survey of L illip u t Sub­division was presented to the Board, and on motion of J . A. Patterson, seconded by Canham, was allowed.

g rid p lat m ade a s r d k t o s R eco rd e r's O ffice a t Livingston C ounty, n ite r is , and

W hereas, th is County Board has submitted said plait to Chea­te r Crabtree, Livingaton County State's Attorney, fo r hia approv­a l, and

Whereas, said Cheater C rab­tree, Livingston County State's Attorney, has indicated to th is County Board h is approval of said plat, and

Whereas, it is the determ ina­tion of this County Board that said plat should be approved and made a m atter of record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Livingston County, Illin o is , and

Whereas, under the Illin o is Statutes in such case made and provided this County Board m ay provide for a fee of not more than $1.00 fo r each lo t, and not less than $10.00 fo r each p lat, and

Whereas, said p lat disclosesseven lots, and

W hereas, the said J . C . Ebach, Robert Slayton and W ilm a S lay­ton have paid into the general corporate fund of Livingston County, the sum of $10.00;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Livingston County Board of Supervisors at th is meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of September, 1986, that said plat so made by the said V a il H . Moore on the 8th day of September, 1966, should be and the same is now by th is Board approved.

Be it further resolved that the p lat so made by the said V a il H . Moore on the 8th day of Sep­tem ber, 1966, should be and the same is now by th is Board de­clared to be entited to record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Livingston County, I l­lino is, and that the va lid ity of said plat should be and is now by this Board established.

Be it further resolved that a certified copy of th is Resolution should be prepared by Ira L . Boyer, County C lerk of L iv in g ­ston County, Illin o is , and ex- officio clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Livingston Coun­ty , Illino is, and that said ce rti­fied copy of th is resolution shall be attached to said p lat fo r re­cording in the office of the said Recorder of Deeds of Livingston County, Illin o is .

Salary Change* Made byFees ft Sa laries CommitteeIt was moved by H elm ers,

seconded by Brown, that the Board a p p r o v e the sa lary changes made by the Fees ft Salaries Committee. Motion ca r­ried.

.-V ~fW


7 OX 00 M IM I5,300.00w

m u7X00.00

t *7.400

« . u i i c o ' 'm a m ' ' a x *to Corny. ~ # s too do

S .000-00 IftoOto

50* 00

....... a

SSk::::;:MI9VUM. JtBIU 10.000-00 1.300.00

I 40X30.00


I 34.375.00

13.335 000 10

itoo-oon .

ReoolnUon R e : L illip u t Subdivision

Resolution concerning Lillip u t Subdivision was read, and on motion of J . A . Patterson, sec­onded by Canham, was adopted as read.R eselatio a of the Board of Su­

p erviso r* of L iv ing sto n Coun­ty , IU in o ii, adopted at its m eeting on Septem ber 15th, 1998.W hereas, on the 15th day of

September, 1966, J . C . Ebach, Robert Slayton, and Wilma Slay­ton caused to be filed in the of­fice of Ira L . Boyer, County C lerk of Livingston County, I l ­lino is, and ex-officio C lerk of the Board of Supervisors of Living­ston County, Illin o is , their cer­tain verified petition to which there was attached a certain plat made by one V ail H. Moore, and in which said ve ri­fied petition the said J . C. Ebach, Robert Slayton and W il­ma Slayton have requested that th is Board by appropriate reso­lution, submit to either this Board itse lf, or to some officer to be designated by this Board, said p lat for purposes of approv­a l and to the end that said plat might be received for record by the Recorder of Deeds, of L iv ­ingston County, Illin o is , and

Whereas, it would appear from said verified petition that the said J . C . Ebach , Robert Slayton and W ilm a Slayton are the owners of certain real estate in Livingston County, Illino is, described as follows, to-wit:

The W est 330 feet of the North 924 feet of the South 990 feet of the Southwest Q u arte r of the Southeast Q uarter o f Section 34 in Tow nship 27 N orth , Range 6 E a s t o f the T h ird P rin c ip a l Me­rid ia n , consisting o f Seven A cre s , in the County of L iv in g ­ston and State o f Illin o is , and w hich re a l estate is located outside o f the corporate lim its of any c ity , v illag e o r town, and is not affected by an y o ffic ia l p lan o r p a rt thereof o f any c ity , v il­lage o r town, and

W hereas, oo the 8th day o f Septem ber, 1886, the said V a il H . M oore, a R eg istered Illin o is Lan d S u rveyo r, C e rtifica te No. 1718, porsnaat to the request m ade by the sa id J . C . Eb ach , R obert S layton nod W ilm a S la y ­ton , M ade a su rve y o f fiw afore-

■ bed re d ! estate , and it is the d esiro r i the

J . C . E b a c h , R obert t t y -

Judges Appointed fo r N ew ly Estab lish ed P re cin cts

Judges appointed for the new­ly established precincts in Read­ing, Forrest and Chatsworth townships were read. It was moved by Ruppel, seconded by Losey, that these persons be appointed as Judges of the new­ly established precincts, and on ro ll ca ll, confirmed.

Ayes — E a r l B . Dippon, Ron­ald Losey, C a rl F . K le in , Glenn Antrim , Wayne Patterson, Ivan Morlan, N. J . Wagner, H. J . K ip fer, T . R . Bennett, NormanL . Holzhauer, Herbert C . Leath­ers, E lw in Brown, Jacob H . * Helm ers, Jam es A . Patterson, Curtis Weeks, E a r l C . M orti­more, Wm. Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D . Hippen, FredM. Rieger, J r ., John M. Spaf­ford, Paul M. Finch , Crescentia A . Bachtold, John Ruppel, Le s­ter Hubly, M erle Haag, LaVerne E . Canham, Fran cis J . Finne­gan.

RcadiDg No. 2 — Jeanne E . Kruger, R .R . 2. Strcato r; Char­lotte Arm strong, R .R . 2, Streat- o r; Betty Kochis, 210 W. Je ffe r­son. Streator.

Reading No. 3—Elm er E . B a r­ber, 1417 S. Monroe S t., Strea­to r; Edward F . Hornick, 1622 S. Bloomington, Streator.

Reading No. 4 — Ruth M. W arfield, 1417 S. Illino is S t., Streator; Helen J . Novak, 1501 S. Illino is S t., Streator; John J . Urichko, 1808 Hewitt S t., R . 2, Streator; M ary Cole, 1814 Jacob S t., Streator; Dorothy L ich t, 1311 E . 12th S t., Streator.

Forest No. 1 - M arjorie J . Kuntz, Fo rre st; M ary Lee Ho­negger, Fo rre st; Roger Linden- baum, Fo rest; W alter K ing , Fo r­rest.

Forrest No. 2 — V iv ian E . Broad head, Fo rrest.

Chatsworth No. 1 — M arilyn G roskreuti, Chatsworth; Ida Kurtenbach, Chatsworth.

Chatsworth No. 1 — Runeli F ie ld s, Chatsworth; C larice Ger- bracht, Chats worth; M ary Ha- berkorn, Chatsworth; Dolores Somers, Chatsworth.

Cauuty Budget The County Budget fo r De­

cember 1, 1986 to December 1, 1987, was read, and on motion of Loaoy, seconded by Hippen, attd on ro ll ca ll, was approved as read.

A yes — E a r l B . D ippon, Ron­a ld Losey, C a rl F . K le in , G lekn A n trim , Iv a ii M orlan , N . 1 . W ag­n e r, H . 1 . K ip fe r, T . B . Bennett, N tfrm an L . H o lzhauer, H erb ert C . Lea th e rs, E lw in B ro w n , Ja ­cob H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . P it- te n o n , C u rtis W eoks, E a r l C . M ortim ore, W m . garetha O . E te y fir, _ prod M . n lm h r J r .

d U fM icuff Cm

__________. Vaiartaailsas Salary ________ ______

Talal Raealpta — actual aad aattNata* ............. Sratal nscaftt* aad nsiauca ................. ................. * ttl.lST.lt

A dal waist « iS it lr iliiN ii beta Dec. 1. IMS. to Dae. 1.

L ...................•<b> im ip iS u r . Prakalina otflcar .................4c) Jaaltor. Court Hauaa .......................................(d> a u u n if i r . County Judge ......................... 41*7410) Office AoaloUat. Co. Soot, of(f) Stoaocraphor. Co. Swt. of School! ............. T,(h) Probation Officer. Circuit<1> Jailor aad Matron .........U) County Huron ........... .......................................41) S m it y t ir . Bute’s Attorney .....................4m) S w ra iiir of *(a) Cterfca 41) ,& R& . £ SCq> Aootetaot State’s Attorney ..................... MIS.**

----------- S MJ33.T4A County Officer! — Salaries

la ) Stats’* Attorney ..............................................*A Coro*it. Jurars. Commissioners ted County Offices

Foes uncollected, cfcontcobte to County.& I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* SR24c) Jurors. Circuit Court - AU DtvteloaO ............ 1MM.Kto) Coauuostoaors .............................................ID BaUtft. Circuit Court .................................th> Sheriff‘a uncollected fees, people's cases _______

----------- t at.rss.ss«• nogotrggg^Btector’* Equipment ................................ * M U H

ln) Light .................................................................... *(b) Host ...................................................................... JXMM40 Water .................................................................... M MId) Repairs ................................................................ f.IS) Supplier, Janitor .............................................. fXSAIIf) Equipment aad Supplies ............................... SXM.I4*> Moteteuonco of Equlpmout ...................... 1A4AC.

A Ja il 1<*) U«M ...............................................................S IX**.**lb) Heat ..................................................................... IJM M40 Water ................................................................... W Mld) Repairs ................................................................ #00.00l*> Supplies ................................................................ MM*ID Equipment aad Supplies ............................... M Mt(> Matetesiaa ia of Equipment

. ■ ■ | 3,450 00T. County Officer!. BuppUet aad Equipment

la) Circuit Jud«e ............................................... I 1XMM(aZ> Circuit Court Reporter ....................................... A Hlb) Couaty Judge ...................................................... ISMSle) Comity Clerk i....................................................... 7XSAMld) Circuit Clerk ....................................................... MMMle) State’s Attorney ................................................. MOMID Couaty Superintendent of School! ................ TXMMla) County Treasurer ............................................ SAM.Mlb) Coroner ................................................................ MM*11) Sheriff .................................................................. tm .Mlj> Probatleo Officer ............................................ W Mlk) County Nurse ....................................................... MM*ll) Photostat. Addraasocraph and Radio ............ 4 AW JO<m> I. M R. F. Ascot .............................................. 73 Mld) Public Defender .............................................. 1M.M

. ___„ ________ ___________ • IM1S.MS. Probation Officerla ) Cora of Dep. and Dal. Children ...................... t MAMMlb) B ill! paid by Cooaty, no State Share ......... MMM

A Bovine T. B. Eradication *Is ) Salary. County Veterinarian ........... Ilb) Stenographer. Couaty Veterinarian .............. j.nle) Office Supplies. Pootafeld) Ear Ta*s and other supplies

----------- I H4)S M13. Slate's Atty. expenses chargeable to rises ud F«m | IM $ §0S : » 2 £ S i£ £ Cnm ..................................... • 9jm M

la) Board Work ........................................................* SXMMlb) Committee Work .............................................. TXMMle) intense ................................................................ 3X00 00

13. Board of Review ' n jm MSST M*mbe" X 8

<c> Office SuppMaa .................................................. MM*

IS: SCSI y r s y c****J,u .................... - • wW*to) TotraUd# ........................................................... | m mlb) Couaty ................................................................ 11AMMle) Etactteu Exponas. Judges ...................... 13.SM.M

1*. Civil Defoun ................................................................... {U . Insurance *

la) Public Bulldtest ................................................. | 13.0*4 Mlb) Employes’ Campeneoitea ............................... 4XMM

IS. ladifeols. Soldiers and 8elten ...................................... * " J 2 '21*. Miscellaneous ........... a .a J i gM. Audits ............................................................................ a X jZ m*1. Office Ea mints *

la ) Couaty Clark ....................................................* SXMMlb) circuM Clerk ..................................................... tlXM N40 Sheriff ................................................................ MAMS*

*3 Automobile Expense * **’* * " '«•> _...................................... ...........................» TXMMlb) County SuperMHoadoat of Schools ................ |dAM

fcjMtauT County Superintendent of Schools lXMXO Id) Prabatloo Officer. Corny Court ................ SMMlo) Couaty Noras ..................................................... 1XMMID Coooly Vstaftoortaa ....................................... SXW.Wla) Probation Officer. Circuit court ................ MAMu> Sheriff, Auto Rental ................................... 7.4M00

----------- •*4. Couaty Farm aad Homo

la) PayrollA ms la lot rot loo ..........................11443344NorateH aad Medical ........... SlJM.M■Notary ........................................ 1A‘ “Mate, and HouseXeeptrvi . . . . 14 Medical Director ........................ J,

<b) fm j. ..............................................5 1 8 :5id) ElectricHy ...........................................................Jo S F . . : : : : : : : : : : : ........................................... i Z Z

t8> t s sID Transportation 1/j gas ................................... S .Eli) Physical Plant .................................................. SXMM»’ !U a P n * W s a .- ;;; ; ; : : ;™ ,^ 8, » Total Noralns Homo Budcet .................... t 340.13144vm) te rn e x p iin

i= S 5 ™ * o 4 8 ra d o m .......... • *i- frs rsL ^ ...*asaft= as- g (A AM BAM. County ComrtbmteilT^l*m" r *?* . ^ ! ^ * . * * * * * *

8: cm - * Tram. r,m . official B*ad Prem ium *..............." j : ; : *

.7 i ^ - S k r T r 1. . : : : : : : : : : :r m STMM ............................................................................................* *13.1*7.1*

issshmu*•4*0 so 4 e e 000*00 a a* a . . e e . . e a* e . . • a a a o » * *.# see** *• . .« ooaeoao posoo# - i 9.00

1 1M7 •* *U MMtebta income ter too fiscal year Doe. I . 1IM. to Doc.

p I S oK o f£m s S y . e^ ^ . : : : : : : : : ; : : : :v .* .7 . : ; ; ’ . y - r i j *

................. - fa t a y u ’ - T t e w *Um Dapatteo tu ............. V xM M • $ MJM.M |

$ 33JM.H..................................... '-i/MXMX* ,• aaxMx* •

,**IO0*e0OO #000*0 14 A 1 k -- 0 0UM0M

M Pirite k u ^ : : : : : M B * .m w * '........................ . 3 pdf.r^f*

..........•........... .. ............ / ' 7 7 v .v a

f S H , ,— - S MXM.M I 1MXMX*

M ai svsuaote «» te fw te . .................................... ............. .X 1XMX**X*' * iriM ua to pritobaft - 9 0 4 * - k - a___ _ « . ..•jtfiri. to* room i w


fa) Ltoto ....................................................................I 1XM.M{ 6 S . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : * « 8Id) KbSto ............................................................... AMM<•) Samoa* ............................................................... UM .IJi’, SSSSSc -to............................. ®

Couaty officers. MipolkaIk l) CMvuM .Ju d ao T ............ * ISSN<**) CircuM Court Reporter .................................... TS.Mlb) emm* JudCO ....................................................... MS.Mfc> Courtly d o t .................................................... SXM.MId) CircuM Clerk .................................................... MM.W<•> Mato’S Attorney ............................................... 4D0 MIf) County Bupnrtntandant of Schools .............. *JIf ) County Traanurar ............................................... 4AW.Mlb) Coroner ................................................................ 1M.MID Sheriff ................................ SXM.Mt)> Probation Officer — County Court .............t 3*0 004k> Cooaty Nora* ............................................. 1M.MID Photostat, Address, Radio and Microfilm .. SXM.MIn ) I. M. R. F , Aaoat .............................................. MAWin) Public Dateador ............................ MS.M

Probation Officer — County Cedrtla) Cara of Dep- and Del. CtUdran ...................• Z7XM.M

Bills paid by Co. — No StaleBovine T. B. Eradication

la) Salary Co. ValartaaHaB ............................... t MXM.Mlb) SteMMrapbor. Co. Vatortoartan ....................... SXM.tt<c> Office Supplies, Postage ................................. 700 00Id) Ear tags and other supplies ........................... MS.M

State’s Atty. V if in n chargeable to fees aad County Fox aad Crow P

la) Board Work .........................................................* 7X00.00lb) Comatetto* Work .............................................. 7X00.00lc) Mileage ................................................................ 3X00 00

Board of Reviewla) Member* 41) ..................................................... * 4XM.Mlb) Clerk .................................................................... M0.M4c) Office lupplteo ................................................... 330 40

Board aad can of Prisoners, Co. Ja il ........................Election supplies aad oxpanacs

(a) Township ............................................................ * 3X00 00Civil Defense ....................................................................IficurtBot

IS) Public Buildings ...............................................4 1X0000lc> E mployee cemponsalien ................................. 4X00.M

4 17X00.00

4 SXM.M 4 4X00.00


Office aamtegsto) Caonty Clark ....................................................4<b) Circuit Clerk .....................................................tc) Sheriff ...................................................................

Automobile expensela) Sheriff, explained ..............................................4 4X00.00lb) Caonty Superintendent of he hoots ................ 730.00tc) Aral. Couaty Superintendent of Schools . . . . 1X3*0*td) Probation Officer. Cooaty Court ................. 7M.Mto) County Nunn ..................................................... ixsao*(I) Couaty Veterinarian ........................................ SXM.Mta) Probation Officer. CircuM Court .................. SOONtn> Coroner ................................................................ MONU) Sheriff, auto natal ......................................... 7X00.00

County Romo far Payroll

I. Adas total ration Dept...........4 lt.OOOMA Nursing and Medical . . . . MXM.MA Dietary .............................. ’. ISXM.MA Mate, and HouaeAaaptng.. ISXM.M4. Medical Director ................. 3X00 M

------------ 4 1 ISXM.M(b) Pood — provisions ............................................ 30.000N<*> Fuel ....................................................................... ISXM.MId) EtetlrlcMy ........................................................... 4X00.M(0) Tetepbotw ............................................................ 1X00.Mft) Ssmilaa ................................................................ 7xooooft) Medical aad aura lag supplies ........................ 7X00 00to) Bends, Insurance and miscellaneous ......... SXM.Mti) Physical Plant ................................................... 5 X00 0*tkl Furatakings aad equlpmeel ........................... 14XM.Mtl) Addttisnto present Nursing Home .............. ................v Total Nursing Home Budgat ....................4tin) Farm oapenaa

1. Form Salaries ..............................................4 4.A Gas, OU and grease ................................... LA EqalpmsM ...................................................J- Form Bim . — Four* repair ....................I S fe -R X k : tom ^ iM d :::: iS S7. Mine.. Inc. Insurance ......................

Total Farm BiiSast ........................... 4 14Total Nursing Hama aad Farm Budget

County ceMrilmtlsa* to iI T r .F .............................................................Printing, all office* tu . C*. CBt . c ir. Ok.. SBartff and Treas . ..CarUftcatas. birth aad daatb ta ngtatrara .........................................

all iff. Cl. Ha*, axe. Co. C k„ d r. Clk . Sheriff A Trees

4 10XM.M

4 SXMM 4 JM.M 4 1IXM.M 4 4XM.M

I 74 X00 SO

4 43.400 M

4 43PX30.M MXM.M

44. OfficialTotal Appropriated

atod balance Dec 1. 1437Total

TXMM 1X4441

ISXM.M.4 S33.4MM


.41X74.974 M

Om iUty H ighw ay Budget „T h e County H ighw ay Budget “ r i C . Lea th e rs, E lw in B ro w n ,

wns read , and on m otion o f H H e lm ers, Jam es A .Lo sey, seconded by B ro w n , and Patterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l on ro ll c a ll, w as approved a* M ortim ore, W m . Noonan, re#d M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D .

.idEUTS3 r S S T cK «:fisrv iw -as


M raealpta an* revan a i far Uw fiscal year Dec. 1. IMS. to Dec. an* estimatedC M M ..................... .................................................................... 4 44X44 7*

ra a ts la . ate.................................................................................................................114.4 ISXM.M


i ^ m r a . to ,or “ * n« * 1 * • " »•

«•; ................ • g 2Co# offVc# u t it i saury^ ...........* *............... 4490.00(*) OtetlfsM SagartMatedteN of Highways, salary AM

ir f iS S S S & n S lS m- ■ ........................... MXM.M

•roalr ............. ^ “ 1*‘ 1.M

1:8...in to - : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - : : : S LI.M .E.P. ..................................... 7XM.M

tlM.IM.M 43,414 7»

IMAS44 79

( 43,414 74

4 4A4U.74

Dippon, C a rl E . S a ss, Ronald L o te y , C art F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , Iv a n M orian , H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett. Norm an L M oixhanor, H erb ert C . Le a th e rs, E l w in Brow n , Jacob H . H e lm ers, Jam e s A . P atte rso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M ortim ore, Jam e s R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen , Prod M . R ieg e r, J r ., John M . Spaffo rd , P a u l M . P in ch , C rescen tia A . B ack to ld , John R uppd , L e ste r H u b ly , M erle H aag, La V e rn e E . Can- ham , F ra n c is J . F inneg an . N . J . W agner.L e v y fa r Caro and I r t a l n i d o f

today’s m inutes. M otion, c a rrie d .

A ye s — E a r l B . D ippon, a id Looey, C a rl P . K le in , G A n trim , Iva n M orton, R W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R .

M r. Chairm an and m em bers of the Livingston County Bo ard of Sup erviso rs:Y o u r Com m ittee on F in an ce

resp ectfu lly reports th at it has estim ated the am ount necessary to ra ise by taxatio n fo r the ca re and treatm ent o f tu b ercu la r pa­tien ts and operation o f tubercu­la r c lin ic fo r the y e a r D ec. I , 1966 to D ec. 1, 1967, and it would recom m end the levying of the follow ing sum s o f money fo r the respective purposes, to-w it: F o r the hosp italisation

fo r tubercu losis ...........$46,500.00F o r ca re and treatm ent

and c lin ica l w ork fo r tubercu losis ( o t h e r than ho sp ita lizatio n ) 20,000.09

To ta l ................................ $66,500.00Y o u r com m ittee would there­

fo re recom m end th at the sum of S ix ty S ix Thousand F iv e Hun­dred and no-100 D o lla rs ($66,- 500.00) being the sum o f the ap­propriations f o r the above nam ed purposes, be levied on a ll re a l, personal, ra ilro a d , te le­phone and telegraph property in the said County as assessed and equalized fo r d ie sa id ye a r 1966 in the m anner a s is provided in the Statute in such cases m ade and provided fo r the fis c a l y e a r D ec. 1, 1966 to D ec. 1, 1967.

Ronald Lo se y ,C hairm an .

P au l M . F in c h .R . D . H ippen,E lw in B ro w n ,C a rl F . K le in .

Y o u r Com m ittee on F inan ce No. 3 re sp e ctfu lly report th at they have exam ined the cla im s presented to them and recom ­m ended th at the C le rk issue o r­d ers on the County T re a su re r to the se ve ra l c la im a n ts fo r the am ounts allow ed as fo llo w s:

R eport No. 3 o f the F in a n ce Com m ittee w as read , and on m otion o f Lo se y , seconded by K le in , w as approved as read . To the Board of Sup erviso rs o f

Liv in g sto n C ounty, Illin o is :A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Iva n M orian , N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . B ennett, Norm an L . H o lzhauer, H erb ert C . Le a th ­e rs , E lw in B ro w n , Jacob H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . Patterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M orti­m ore, Jan tes R . M u ir, W m . Noonap, M argatetha G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen , F re d M . R ieg e r, J r ., John M . Spaffo rd , P au l ML F in c h , C rescen tia A . B ach to ld .

Rem em ber, too, th a t a s s peeds Increase o r road surface condi­tions worsen because o f ra in , sleet o r snow , the d istance yea allow between your ca r and the one ahead m ust be increased. N ational Safety C ouncil expert- m eats have shown th at, under good road condit ions, yon need only 47 feet to stop a t 99 m iles an hour. B u t a t 69 m iles an hour yon need 366 feet. Th e speed o n ly trip led , but the stopping d istance in creased ah

Orlyn Frey ___Earl B. Dippon .. Carl E . 8m Ronald Looey .. Cart F . Klein .. Glenn Antrim .. Wayne Patterson Ivan Morian . . . N. J . Wasner ..

The C are and Treatm en t o f T u b e rcu la r P a tie n ts and O pera­tion o f T u b ercu la r C lin ic Budget w as re ad , and on motion o f Lo se y , seconded by Noonan, and on ro ll c a ll, w aa approved a s read .

A ye s — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a rl E . Bass, Ronald L o te y , C a rl F . K le in , G lenn

F o r you r copy o f the booklet. Ruins e f the Road, w rite to Pau l Pow ell, Secretary o f M ate,

<k> New Canstractim (Phyaicnl Plant) ...................County ContrtSutMn to I.M .R.F..................................................Cast, at but* and dnntfe to roglrtran payabto by Statute

TOTAL LEVY ................

Y o u r com m ittee would there­fo re recom m end th at the sum o f Tw o Hundred Tw en ty E ig h t Thousand , Seven Hundred S ix ty D o lla rs ($$$8,790.00) being the to ta l sum of the appropriations fo r the above nam ed purposes, be le v ied on a ll re a l,p erso n a l, ra ilro a d , telephone and te le ­graph property in the said Coun­ty aa assessed and equalized fo r the y e a r 1906 In the m anner as is provided In the Statute in such cases m ade and provided fo r the fis c a l ye a r D ec. I , 1966, to Due. 1, 1967.

Ronald Lo se y ,C h airm an .

P a u l M . F in c h ,R . D . H ippen,E lw in B ro w n ,C a rl F . K le in .

Fe d era l AM M atching Fund L e v y

The Fed era l A id M atching Fund Levy w as read , and on motion of Lo sey, seconded by H ippen, and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved as read .

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a rl E . Saas, Ronald Lo se y . C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Iv a n M orian , N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett, Norm an L . H o lzhauer, H e rb e rt C . Le a th ­e rs , E lw in B ro w n , Jacob H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . P atterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M o rti­m ore, Jam es R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D . Hippen, F re d M. R ieg e r, J r ., John M. Spafford , P au l M. F in c h , C rescentia A . Bachto ld , John R up pel, Le ste r H ub ly, M erle H aag, LaV e rn e E . Can- ham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan.

Fe d e ra l A id M atching Fund M r. C hairm an and m em bers of

the Livingston County Board of Su p erv iso rs:Y o u r Com m ittee on F inan ces

re sp ectfu lly reports that it has estim ated the am ount necessary to ra ise by taxatio n fo r Fe d era l A id M atching Fund fo r the ye a r D ec. 1, 1966 to D ec. 1, 1967, and it would recom m end the appro­p riatio n and levying of the fo l­low ing sum of money fo r the fo l­low ing purposes, to-w it:Fe d e ra l A id M atching

Fund $63,175.00Y o u r com m ittee would there­

fore recom m end th at the sum of S ix ty Three Thousand One Hun­dred Seventy F iv e and no-100 D o lla rs ($63,175.00) being the to ta l sum appropriated tor the above nam ed purpose, be levied on a ll re a l, personal, ra ilro a d , telephone and telegraph proper­ty in said County as assessed and equalized fo r the year 1966 in the m anner as is provided in the Statute in such cases m ade and provided fo r the fisca l y e a r D ec. 1, 1966 to D ec. 1, 1967.

Ronald Losey.C hairm an .

P au l M . F in ch ,R . D . H ippen,E lw in B row n ,C a rl F . K le in .

D ippon, C a rl E . Sass, Ronald Lo sey, C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Ivan M orian , N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . B ennett, N orm an L . H o lzhauer, H erb ert C . Le a th ­e rs , E lw in B ro w n , Jacob H . H e lm ers, Jam es A . Patterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M orti­m ore, Jam es R . M u ir, W m . Noonan, M argaretha G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen, F re d M . R ie g e r, J r ., John M- Spaffo rd , P au l M . F in c h , C rescen tia A . B ach to ld , John R uppo l, Le ste r H u b ly , M erle H aag, La V e rn e E . Can- ham , F ra n c is J . Finnegan .

C O U N TY H IG H W A Y L E V Y M r. C h airm an and m em bers o f the L iv in g sto n County Bo ard o f Su p erv iso rs:

Y o u r com m ittee on finances re sp e ctfu lly reports th a t it has estim ated the am ount necessary to ra ise by taxatio n fo r a ll Coun­ty H ighw ay purpoaes fo r the y e a r D ec. 1, 1966 to D ec. 1, 1967 and would therefo re recom m end the appropriations and levying of the sum s o f money fo r the resp ective purposes, to -w it:

FTiacte J . Etongas ............. C .ttSIJSOM

A ll o f w hich is re sp e ctfu lly subm itted th is 15th day o f S e p t, A . D . 1966.

Ronald Lo sey,C ha irm an .

P a u l M . F in ch ,R . D . H ippen,E lw in B row n ,C a rt F . K le in .

In w itness w hereof the p a rties hereto set th e ir hands the day and date as afo resa id .

The County o f L iving sto n and the S tate of Illin o is , by the P u b lic Property Com m ittee o f the Board of Sup erviso rs thereof.

W ayne Patterso n ,C h airm an .

Jaco b H . H e lm ers,John M. Spaffo rd ,E a r l C . M ortim ore,F re d M . R ie g e r, J r . ,H . J . K ip fe r,

M em bersP a rtie s o f the F irs t p a rt. W illia m R . H a llo ck, P a rty o f the second p a rt.

C o n tract w ith Ja n ito rC ontract w ith W illiam H a llo ck ,

Ja n ito r o f the Courthouse and the P u b lic P ro p erty Com m ittee w as read , and on motion o f P a t­terson , seconded by Spaffo rd , and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved as read .

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r i B . Dippon, C a rl E . S ass, Ronald Lo se y , C a rl F . < K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne Patterso n , Iv a n M orian, N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R Bennett, N orm an L . H o lzhauer, H erb ert C . Lea th ­e rs , E lw in Brow n , Jaco b H . H e lm ers, Jam e s A . P atterso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r i C . M orti­m ore, Jam e s R . M u ir, M arg ar­etha G . M eyer, R . D . H ippen, F re d M . R ieg e r, J r . . John M Spaffo rd , P a u l M . F in c h , C res­centia A . Bachto ld , John Ruppel, Le ste r H u b ly, M erle H aag , La- V erne E . Canham , F ra n c is J . . Finnegan .

A G R E E M E N TT h is agreem ent, m ade th is

15th day of Septem ber, A .D ., 1966, between the county o f L iv ­ingston and state of Illin o is , act­ing by and through the P u b lic P ro p erty C o m m l 11 e e of the Board of Su p erv iso rs, thereo f, p a rty o f the firs t p a rt, and W il­liam H a llo ck , p a rty o f the sec­ond p a rt

W itnessed ):T h a t the p arty of the second

p a rt is em ployed by the p a rty of the f irs t p a rt as Jan ito r o f the courthouse, located in the c ity of P o n tiac , L iv in g sto n C o unty, I l l i ­no is, a t an annual sa la ry o f fifty - two hundred d o lla rs ($5^00.00) p er y e a r, payab le la tw e lve m onthly in sta llm ents o f four hundred th irty-th ree d o lla rs and th irty-th ree cents ($ 6 3 S .tt) each .

Now, there fo re , sa id p a rty of the second p a rt ag rees to g ive h is undivided tim e and se rv ice s in the em ploy o f sa id p a rty of the f ir s t p a rt to and inelud ing the f ir s t day of D ecem ber, A .D ., 1966, sa id sum o f to u r hundred th irty-th ree d o lla rs and th irty - th ree cents ($431.33) payab le m onthly a t the end a t each month during sa id te rm . In con­sid eratio n o f the a fo resa id se r­vice# so perform ed and to he

County C le rk .

The Fe d era l A id M atching Fund Budget w as re ad , and an motion of Lo se y , seconded by H ippen, and on ro ll c a ll, w as approved as read .

A yes — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a rl E . Saas, Ronald Lo se y , C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , Iva n M orian . N . J . W agner, H . J .

Leath ers, E lw in B ro w n , I . H e lm ers, Jam es A . n, C u rtis W eeks, E a r l tim ore, W m . Noonan, U u G . M eyer, R . D .

F re d M. R ieg er, J r ., I. Spaffo rd , P au l M. Crescentia A . Bachto ld , tnppel, Le ste r H ub ly laag , LaV e rn e E . Can- and s J . Finnegan .

is te r H u b ly . T0TAL ................................................................irn e E . Can- Y o u r com m ittee would the re ­in negan. gore recom m end th at the sum o f

One Hundred S ix Thousand F iv e H undred Tw enty D o lla rs ($106,-

n _ , ju ism to 536.66) being the sum o f the ap­p ro p riatio ns fo r the shove

£ 3 nam ed purposes, he le v ied en--------— a ll re a l, personal, ra ilro a d ,

............* fend telegraphis d k . i . im si e rty In the so ld County as as-.......... * m s sossod and equalized fo r the

------- — y e a r 1966 in the m anner as is............ * * ** provided in the Statu te in such

case s m ade and provided to r the ............ f is c a l y e a r D ec. i , 1*66 to D oc.

mend the appropriation and levying o f the fo llow ing sum of m oney fo r the fo llow ing pur­poses, to -w it:County A id to Tow n­

sh ip B rid g es ...............$169,009.00Y o u r com m ittee w ould there­

fo re recom m end th a t the sum o f Ono Hundred Thousand and no- 169 D o lto n ($109,000.60) being the to ta l sum ap propriated fo r the above nam ed purpose, be le v ied on a ll re a l, p erso n a l, ra il- re ad , to lsphsne and teleg raph p roperty to sa id County a s a s­sessed aad equalised fo r the y e a r 1966 to th e m anne r as Is

Le v ie s as a W haleI t w as moved by Losey, sec­

onded by Brow n, that the le v ie s as a whole be approved by ro ll c a lL Motion ca rrie d .

A ye s — O rlyn F re y , E a r l B . D ippon, C a rl E . S a ss, Ronald Looey, C a rl F . K le in , G lenn A n trim , W ayne P atterso n , Iv a n M orian , N . J . W agner, H . J . K ip fe r, T . R . Bennett. N orm an L . H o lzhauer, H erb ert C . Le a th ­e rs , E lw in B ro w n , Jaco b H . HatoM ra, Jam e s A . P atte rso n , C u rtis W eeks, E a r l C . M ortt- m ore , Jam e s R . M u ir, Wm. Noonan, M argaretha G- M ty e r,

I t w as m oved b y Lo ssy , onded by K le in , th a t tha I e ta as a w ho le ho a p p n ro ro ll c a ll. M otion ca rrie d . ,

A ye s — O rlyn F ra y , $ • D ippon, C a rt B . la s s . I s Lo se y . C a rl P . B r in ; € A n trim , W ayne Patterso n ,

ham . F ra n c is J . F inneg an . m e * shaU r o m m e n r o a n d i t o



O N T H E S E T — Charlie McCarthy and Claudia Cardlnala gat together In Hollywood aa ventriloqulet Edgar •organ returned to dim work after a 17-year absence.

T H E S C E N E N O W — The Unisphere ie a reminder of the 196446 New York World's Fa ir which closed a year ago. The Singer Bowl, left rear, and entrance gate, center rear, are a few structures that remain yet amid the tree-dotted, roadway-laced landscape.

J . C . B e c k t S e r v ic e s A t O n a rg s

A S D A Y I S D O N E — Betting aun oinking through eleude art ocena ever Gulf of Mexico near B t Petersburg, F la . Telephoto lone Increased

JO H N C . B IC K B RJohn C . Becker, 7*. of C

died Wednesday, Apr. S, Iroquois hospitsl, Watseka.

Funeral services were h 2 p.m . Saturday, Apr. I , Middleton Funeral Chapel, fa , w ith Rev. Waheeb Ay (I fic ia tiiig . B u ria l was In i cess sis ry. . H

He was born September I at Chat*worth, the son of M M rs. C hristian Becker. He n M yrtle Oppennan, M arch 1< at P iper C ity .

Surviving a r e h is wif< daughter, M rs. M axine Osgil P a s o , T exas; one sisterl Frances Klehm , T ra cy , C a lil grandchildren; and one g grandchild.

He was a m ember of the <1 Presbyterian c h u r c h , <1 member of the Onarga Uonl member of the Onarga III L o d |t SOS A F A AM , O nargil SOB and the D anville Coasts I

W hile he was in Chatsw il was a member of the Chatl band and was form erly as*I w ith the C IP S in the area. I

John w ill alw ays be rem eil fo r h is thoughtful considertl hospitalised frien d ! and n e il He would trave l m any m l ’ook after their needs.

E N V O Y - RobinsonM cllvaino, 63, Ip the now United States ambassador te the Republic of Guinea In A frica. A career foreign service officer, bo Is a native of Pennsylvania.

A F T E R T H E B A T T L E — Defoliated tree stumps Is a ll that rsmalna of what enc* was tangled Jungle In an area of th* demilitarised xone in V iet Nam. A ir strikes, artille ry and fighting caused th* clearing and the U .B. Marines occupied th* ravaged hilltop.

T I M E M A R K S — Florentine aculptor Pedro Frledeberg'o wooden work, “ Th* Clock,” was on* of th * more unusual pieces of art displayed at West Berlin Festiva l.

W oman’s Sc Service Elec

Llew ellyn E . Thom peon, 62, form erly U A . envoy to Rueele, le returning there again. He eueoeeds Fey Kohler who la to be an undersecretary of state.

tab les when the W SCS m nseday m orning fo r a 9 a mfa s t a t the M ethodist Rc build ing .H ostesses w ere M i Sco tt, M rs. T . C . M elee M rs. How ard D ille r , M rs. Ed w ard s aad M rs. A rth u r I

T ab le devotions w ere gl M rs. D w ain P a rk e r.

Ten ta tive p lan s w are m entertain ing the M M hodist a t a fu tu re M .Y .F . m eetii porta w are g iven on btanll clothing donations and on ce n tly com pleted study cl

T A L L O R D E R — A giant Douglas fire log f ar outsize* lumberjack at Eugene, Or*. Local sawm ill couldn't handls the S-foot diameter eo log had to b* quartered.

D A Z Z L E R F O R D I N I N G — atrlking Luolterod chandelier, deelenod by aVienna firm , Is carofully ducted by bootees at Austrian exhibition In Hamburg. Tbs pricef (M b

Jam e s aad I P e te r.O ffice rs w ill m eet Tweed

a ia g , A p ril l l , to com plete a lie n rep o rts. S e ve ra l m p in to attend C en tra l DUno

M a s o n i <


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