India working towards restoring 2.6 crore hectares of degraded land ...

Post on 18-Jan-2023

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Transcript of India working towards restoring 2.6 crore hectares of degraded land ...



VOL. 37 | NO.164 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : | | Price : Rs. 2.00 ��������������� ������

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Militants open fireat security forces inJ-K's Anantnag ����������������� ���,%)�#�,���/)!����

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Elderly man founddead inside train inJammu ����������������� ����((/���/)����

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3 drug peddlers heldin J-K's Reasi ����������������� ����((/���/)���

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India working towards restoring 2.6 crorehectares of degraded land by 2030: PM

HC quash PSA ofPulwama man��((/��/)!���������

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People purchase clay water pots ahead of 'Tamdeh', a traditional Dogri festival of Jammu region, in Jammu.

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Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulema appeals to people in J-K to getvaccinated against COVID-19

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Chief Secretary visits SMHS HospitalYoung woman attempts suicideby jumping into river in Jammu


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COVID-19: 599 fresh cases, nine moredeaths reported in Jammu and Kashmir

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'A year after Galwan clashes, India betterprepared to deal with any eventualities'

JAMMU tUesdAy JUne 15 , 2021Obituary2 Glimpses of Future

10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief & sorrow, we re-gret to inform about the sad demiseof our beloved SH RATTAN LALRAINA S/o Lt. Sh Kashi Nath RainaA/P R/o 24-C Om Nagar UdeywallaBohri Jammu originally from KhiramAnantnag Kashmir on 7th June2021. 10th Day Kriya will be per-formed at Muthi Ghat (nearDirectorate School of EducationOffice) on Wednesday 16th June2021 at 8 AM. In view of the ongoingCOVID-19 Pandemic, when gather-ing meets to be avoided, we humblyrequest you to convey condolenceon Phone.GRIeF STRICKeNSmt Nancy Raina -WifeMeenakshi & Rajeev -Daughter & Son-in-lawSimakshi & Kuldeep Bhat -Daughter & Son-in-lawRohini & Rajat Dhar -Daughter & Son-in-lawSmt Sheela Jee -BhabhiSmt Sarita & Sh Krishen Kumar -Bhabhi & BrotherSmt Phoola Jee & Sh Hari Krishan Koul -Sister & Brother-in-lawSmt Nancy & Sh Arun Kumar Pandita -Sister & Brother-in-lawSmt Ranjni & Sh Durga Nath Bhat -Sister & Brother-in-law(Binu, Sunita, Hemant, Bhoomi, Sarishta, Shiv, Kalhan)

Mob : 9086185272, 9811195652, 9796655706, 9149951671


OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrow, we in-form the sad demise of our beloved fa-ther Lt. Sh Badri Nath Pandita S/oLate Sh Tara Chand Pandit originallyresident of Gousani Gund AnantnagKmr at present H.No.66 J.K ColonyWard No. 59 Opp. Buva Devi MandirPaloura Top Jammu left for heavenlyabode on 7th June 2021. The TenthDay Kriya will be performed on 15-6-2021 at 8.00 am sharp at Muthi Ghatnear Director Edu. Office Jammu. It isfurther informed that due to COVID-19condolences can be offered on follow-ing telephone no. 9796017023,9541417024, 8082669866,8082732271, 9796059801,9796422638GRIeF STRICKeNSons and Daughter-in-lawSameer Pandita & Smt Raj Kumari PanditaRakesh Pandita & Smt Meenakshi PanditaPawan Pandita & Smt Manju PanditaDaughter & Son-in-lawSuman Raina W/o Karan RainaShilipi Kitchloo W/o Ankush KitchlooBrother & BhabisMohan Lal Pandita & Smt Santosh PanditaMaharaj Krishan Koul & Smt Seema JeePran Nath Bhat & Smt Soni BhatShadi Lal Pandita & Gashi PanditaSistersMohanrani Pandita W/o Lt. Mahshar Nath PanditaShakti Raina W/o Lt. Sh Ashok RainaGrand Children: Akshit, Ridhim, Dhruv, Rishit, Mannat, Ridhi

Sh Badri NathPandita

OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrowwe inform the sad demise of Sh.Tej Krishen Bhat S/o Sh. KashiNath Bhat originally resident ofChotigam Shopian at presentH.No 529, Lane A/2 NaseebNagar, Janipur, Jammu on dated10.06.2021. Tenth Day Kriya willbe performed on 19.06.2021(Saturday) at 9.00 am at MuthiGhat Near Director SchoolEducation Jammu. Due toCOVID-19 protocol theCondolences can be conveyedtelephonically also.GRIeF STRICKeN:Smt. Shanta Bhat -MotherAshok Bhat -Brother (9796668560)Vir ji Bhat & Pinky -Brother and Bhabi (9419131509)Amit Bhat (Chiku) -Brother (9008209977)Tejesvi (Silky) & Tapsavi (Milky) -DaughtersSmt. Bimla & Sh.R.N.Koul -Sister and Brother in-law Smt. Sunita & Sh.Ashok Talwar do- (9149480042)Smt. Kiran & Dr.Sameer Pandita do- (9899305130)Smt. Pariksha & Sh.Satesh Tutoo do- (7006087210)Ms Sonu Bhat –Sister

Sh. Tej KrishenBhat

KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief and deep sor-

row, we regret to inform the sad

demise of our beloved Smt. Sudhi

Sharma who left for heavenly

abode on 3rd June, 2021. KRIYA

will be performed on 13th June at

2.00 pm at their residence 801-A

Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. UTHALA

will be performed on 14th June at

5.00 pm at our residence.


Sh. Vipan Sharma- Husband

Brother & Sister-in-Law

Mr. Narotam Sharma & Dheeraj Sharma

Brother-in-Laws & Sisters

Sh. Varinder Sharma & Tripta Vaid

Sh. Ganesh Sharma & Kailash Sharma

Sh. Vivek Sharma & Uma Sharma

Vinayak Sharma- Son

Krishna Sharma- Son

Nephews & Nieces: Dhananjay, Yogesh, Vasudha,

Vatsala, Upmaniyu, Utkarsh, Ujjwal

Smt. SudhiSharma

KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief, we regret toinform you the sad demise of ourbeloved Smt Swarn Abrol, as sheleft for her heavenly abode. Kriyawill be performed on 15th June2021 at 12 Noon, and Uthala willbe performed on 16th June 2021at 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM at our resi-dence, A-4, Lane No. 1, BasantNagar, Roop Nagar, Jammu.IN GRIeF :Kuldeep Kumar Verma (Husband)Amit Verma & Surbhi (Son & Daughter-in-law)Preeti & Suresh Sawhney (Daughter & Son-in-law)Neelam & Praveen Anand (Sister-in-law & Brother-in-law)Anshul Verma (Son)Rudra, Divij, Aayush, Ananya (Grand Children)Due to COVID-19 pandemic, kindly send your condo-lences through phone and whatsapp only @9103190598, 9419190598, 9797596555

Smt Swarn Abrol

10TH DAY/KRIYAWith profound grief and sorrow,we regret to inform the sad de-mise of our beloved Sh. JanakSingh S/o Late Th. Sunder SinghR/o Nihalpur Simbal, P.O. RattianR.S. Pura, Jammu on 9th June,2021. Tenth Day and Kriya will beperformed on 18-06-2021 and 21-06-2021 respectively.GRIeF STRICKeNSharshita Kumari - WifeBrother & Sister-in-lawAtama Singh & Raksha RaniRanjeet Singh - SonSon & Daughter-in-lawBaljeet Singh & AnkushDaughter & Son-in-lawAnita Jamwal & Kuldeep Singh JamwalAnd All Family Members.7006273738, 9868503107, 9419100582

Sh. Janak Singh



FIFTH DAYWith profound grief and sorrow,we regret to inform the untimely &sad demise of our beloved Sh.Parveen Langer, S/o Late Sh. T.C.Langer, who left us for heavenlyabode on Thursday 10-06-2021.Fifth Day will be performed on14th June, Monday at our resi-dence at 11.00 am. Keeping inview of the pandemic situation allnears & dears are requested toconvey their condolences on phone.GRIeF STRICKeNFather & Mother-in-LawSh. M.L. Gupta & Late Smt. Sudershan GuptaBrother & Sister-in-LawDr. Suresh Gupta & Ashu GuptaMob.: 9622273386, 9419108863

Sh. ParveenLanger

BARKHIBARKHI of our beloved SIMRANSHARMA D/o Raj Kumar Sharmaand Vijay Sharma is performed on14 June 2021 at our residence atPlot No. 211 Rehari ColonyJammu at 12 noon (Monday).GRIeF STRICKeN:Prakash Devi -Grand MotherSushil Sharma -Taya JiSarita Sharma -Tayi JiVanshika Sharma -SisterDeeply Remembered By:-Bujis & MasiAnkush, Atul, Vandana, Ruchu, Kanu, Pallu.+919055074469


KRIYA/UTHALAWith immense grief & sorrow, weinform the sad and untimely de-mise of our beloved SH. VAISHNORAJ DUTT BALI (RAJINDERBALI) S/o Lt. Sh. Rama Nand BaliR/o Suraksha Vihar, Paloura Top,Jammu, who left for heavenlyabode on 5th June 2021. KRIYA willbe performed on 15th June 2021,Tuesday at our Residence at 12:30 pmonwards. UTHALA will be per-formed on 16th June 2021,Wednesday at BRAHMIN SABAH,Parade from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.Deeply ReMeMBeReD By:Smt. Shashi Prabha (Wife)Mrs. & Mr Mukul Bali (Son & Daughter-in-Law)Mr. Vipul Bali (Son)Mr. Pankaj Raj (Son)(Daughter & Son-In-Law)Mrs. Isha & Dr. Rishav SharmaMaster. Advaith Sharma (Grandson)Smt. Pinky & Sh. Saroop Bali (Bhabhi & Brother)Smt. Kushla Sharma (Sister)Smt. Anju & Sh. Pawan Bali (Bhabhi & Brother)Smt. Madhu & Sh. Narinder Bali (Bhabhi & Brother)Smt. Vijay & Sh. Naginder Bali (Bhabhi & Brother)Smt. & Lt.Sh. Kuldeep Bali (Bhabhi & Brother)Smt. Babli & Sh. Naresh - (Sister & Brother-in-Law)Smt. Rishu & Ashwani Kr Sharma (Bhabhi & Brother)9796105555, 9596877077, 9419702133


10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief and sorrowwe inform the sad and untimelydemise of our beloved Sh RattanLal Raina S/o Late Sham LalRaina originally resident ofChottigam Shopian Kashmir atpresent H No. 7, Lane No. 11,Geeta Colony, Lale-da-BaghJammu who left for his heavenlyabode on 10-06-2021. Tenth DayKriya will be performed at MuthiGhat near Director SchoolEducation office on 19-06-2021(Saturday) at 8 a.m.GRIeF STRICKeN :Smt Jaya Raina - (Wife)Sons and Daughters-in-lawRajinder Raina and BhavanaJatinder Raina and MeenakshiSon-in-law and DaughterSunny Pandita and RenuBrothers and BhabhisSmt and Sh P L RainaSmt and Sh M K RainaContact Nos. 6005703808, 9906192941,7889903575, 08178943899

Sh Rattan LalRaina

BARKHI"Your life was a blessing, yourmemory a treasure, your love be-yond words and missed beyondmeasure" Barkhi of our belovedmother Smt Sudershan Bhallashall be performed at our resi-dence W.No.11 Mohalla PanditaPoonch on 15-06-2021 at 12.00Noon.ReMeMBeReD By:Dr Anil Bhalla & Vatsala -Son & Daughter-in-lawAjay Bhalla & Suman -do-Madhu & Er. Vinay Malhotra -Daughter & Son-in-lawManju & Dr Naresh Chopra -do-& All Grand ChildrenContact No. 9419200840, 9419105874Bhim Sain Bansi Lal Bhalla Poonch(Due to COVID Pandemic Condolences shall be ac-cepted on telephone/WhatsApp)

Smt SudershanBhalla

BARKHIYou've gone from our sight, butnot from our hearts, your valueswill always enlighten us. BARKHIof our Beloved Father Late Sh.Sardari Lal Kohli Ji ( KOHLI SA-HAB/ AMB WALE) will be per-formed on Tuesday, June 15th,2021 at our residence 153/2Upper Roop Nagar Jammu at 1PM Sharp.Deeply ReMeMBeReD By:Smt. Premlata Kohli (Wife)Sons & Daughter-in-lawRahul Kohli and Smt Shelly KohliRohit Kohli and Smt. Himani KohliM/s JAYAMBEY JEWELLERS JAIN BAZAR JAMMU.M/s GLOBAL MEDIA (J&K)M: 99063-65311, 70066-10129,130M: 70064-57029,91498-69343

Sh. Sardari LalKohli Ji



OBITUARYOne year has passed since youleft us. From sunrise to sunset,everymoment have been morewonderful if you were with us to-day. The fragrance of your loveand guidance is still with us.BARKHI shall be performed onJune 15, 2021, Tuesday at ourresidence 1- Subhash Nagar,Jammu at 11 AM.MISSING yOU DeeplyDr Jitendra Udhampuri -Husband (9419134424)Son & Daughter-in-lawAseem & Sonam (9469777774)Karnika - Grand DaughterDr Virendar & Nirmal - Devar & DevraniSmt. Rama Gupta - DevraniSmt. Prabha Gupta - NanadSmt. Asha Lata - NanadSmt. Suman Gupta - BhabhiKaranti Bhushan Gupta & Renu - Brother & BhabhiSham Sunder Gupta & Prof. Shanti Gupta - Brother-in-law & SisterSubhash Gupta & Manju Gupta - Brother-in-law & Sister


OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrowwe inform the sad demise of ourbeloved Smt. Pity Devi(Jaikishori) W/o Late Sh. AmarNath of Bongund (Verinag)Kashmir presently H.No 122/DSector -1 Lane 2 Durga Nagar(Roopnagar) on 12/06/2021 TenthDay Kriya will be performed on21/06/2021 (Monday) at MuthiGhat near Directorate of SchoolEducation Jammu at 08:30 am.GRIeF STRICKeN :Smt. Vijay and Sh. Maharaj Krishan -Daughter-in-law and SonSmt Nancy W/o Lt Shiban Krishan Pandita -DaughterSmt. Sarla W/o Sh. Omkar nath Bhat -Daughter and Son-in-lawSmt. Piyaree W/o Lt Sh. Pushkar Nath -Daughter-in-lawSh. Jawaharlal Sharma -SonSh. Pran Nath & Smt. Ushaji -Son & Daughter-in-lawSh. Ashwani & Smt. Fancy Jee -Son & Daughter-in-lawSh. Roop Krishan & Smt. Tathi Ji -Son & Daughter-in-law& Grand Children.Samast Parivar and all nears and dears.Mobile :9419219991, 918494039419

Smt. Pity Devi

OBITUARYWith profound grief & sorrow, weinform the sad demise of ourbeloved Sh. Makhan Lal Bhat(Bobji) S/o Late Sh. Kanth Bhaterstwhile R/o Yarbal Mattan,Martand Anantnag at present H.No. 1026, Kashyap Rishi Vihar,Opp. Vishal Intl. School,Sudhamapuri, Ghaziabad (UP)who left for heavenly abode onSaturday 12th June 2021 at 5:35am. The10th Day Kriya will beheld on Monday, 21st June 2021at Chhota Haridwar, Muradnagar,Ghaziabad (U.P).GRIEF STRICKEN :Smt. Mohan Rani -WifeSons & Daughter-in-LawsSh. Sudesh Kumar Bhat & Smt. SunitaSh. Vinod Kumar Bhat & Smt. SunitaDaughters & Son-in-LawsSmt. Kiran Raina & Sh. Rakesh RainaSmt. Shakti Kaul & Sh. Sanjay KaulGrand children: Nitin, Reshu, Saavi, Kunal, Aastha,Kritik & AnwitaSamasth Bhat, Raina & Kaul PariwarContact Details: Sh. S K Bhat (Rajinder):9899002981, Sh. V K Bhat (Prince): 9910270797, Sh.Rakesh Raina (Gogi Ji): 9310630152, Sh. SanjayKaul: 9871073022

Sh. Makhan LalBhat

ADH-BARKHIAdh Barkhi of Vijay KumarGupta (S/o Late Smt Veero Devi& Late Sh Bhagwan Dass) willbe performed on 15th June2021 (Tuesday) at H No. 34,Ward No. 5Bari Brahmana. Deeply ReMeMBeReD By :Smt Pushpa Devi (W/o Lt Sh Rattan Lal Gupta)Smt Rama Gupta (Wife)Sister in law & BrotherSmt Rani Devi & Sh Harbans Lal GuptaDaughters in law & SonsSmt Neelam Gupta & Sh Nitin GuptaSmt Antima Mahajan & Sh Sanam GuptaDaughter & Son-in-lawDr Leeza Gupta & Sh Amit BhatiaGrand Children : Aadvay, Atharv, Divyanshi,Mayanshi & AvyaanVIJAY HARDWARE STOREHI-FASHION GARMENT STOREPh. 9419893655, 9419130640

Vijay Kr Gupta

BARKHIOne year has passed since youleft us for your eternal journey.Your sweet memories are stillfresh and we feel your presenceeverywhere, everytime. Yourssmiling face, caring attitude willalways remain in our heart.Barkhi of our beloved Late SmtKamla Sarin W/o Sh Amar NathSarin will be performed onTuesday, 15th June 2021 at ourresidence P-3, Sector-1Extension, Khoo Wali Gali,Trikuta Nagar Jammu at 11 AM.Deeply Missed & Remembered By :Sh Amar Nath Sarin -HusbandAbijeet Nath & Anju Sarin -Son & Daughter-in-lawAtul Sarin -SonAshish Nath Sarin & Sakshi -Son & Daughter-in-lawAditya Nath Sarin & Shefali -Son & Daughter-in-lawGrand Children: Abhishek Sarin, Anish Sarin,Ananya Sarin, Ankshit Sarin, Aadish Sarin, AashiSarin9469072900, 9419195629, 9796485454

Smt Kamla Sarin

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GL Raina applauds Chief Secretary for stressing zero-tolerance against corruption,implementation of CVC guidelines


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Atrocities against SCs unacceptable: Harsh Dev


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J&K BJP pays tributes toBrigadier Rajinder Singh

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People in Jammu suffer with unscheduled power cuts,irregular drinking water supply: Vikram Malhotra


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Chakresh seeks social relevance in Natrang'sNational Theatre Talk Show

JAMMU, tUesdAy, JUne 15, 2021lOcal/natiOnal4Glimpses of Future


A team of engineersheaded by Principalsecretary, science andtechnology department,Alok Kumar and Chiefexecutive Officer, Jammuand Kashmir energydevelopment Agency(JAKedA), Babila Rakwal,visited and inspected vari-ous small Hydro Projects(sHPs) being developed byJAKedA in Ganderbal andAnantnag districts.

JAKedA, has allotted39 Hydro sites with an ag-gregate capacity of 111 MWfor development throughIndependent Power

Producers (IPP Mode) andcommissioned 4 sHP siteswith a cumulative capacityof 15.75 MW, so far.

the team visited 2 MWcapacity Rayil sHP devel-oped by M/s Gousia RoadConstruction Company, 5MW sHP Baltikulan devel-oped by M/s Mass-n-ergyPrivate Limited, 6 MW sHPButakulan being developedby M/s s A Power UtilitiesPrivate Limited inGanderbal and 5 MW ca-pacity sHP Ichoo-Kokernag developed byM/s O2Z trading PrivateLimited in Anantnag.

Pertinently, the twosHP sites at Ichoo and

Baltikulan have been com-missioned during the lastfinancial year, 2 MW sHPRayil in May, 2021 and 6MW sHP at Butakulan inGanderbal district has beenproposed to be commis-sioned by the end of the cur-rent fiscal. the cumulativecapacity of these three com-missioned sHPs is 12 MWwith an aggregate annualenergy generation of ap-proximately 63 millionunits.

the commissioning ofthe sHPs has not only bene-fited the local populace interms of providing employ-ment opportunities but hasalso contributed towards

tapping of small hydropower potential in remoteareas of J&K.

the Power Generatedfrom the small HydelProjects has been catego-rized under white category(Clean energy) by theUnion Ministry ofenvironment and Forest(MoeF). since these proj-ects have minimal impacton environment, the energygenerated thereof fromthese sHPs shall help in re-duction of CO2 emission @50 thousand tonnes annu-ally.

during the visit,Principal secretary inter-acted with the workers and

engineers stationed at thesites, who informed therewere huge challenges dur-ing development of theseHydro Power Plants butdue to the efforts and coop-eration of engineeringteam of JAKedA the sHPswas finally commissionedsuccessfully.

Later, Principalsecretary convened a meet-ing with the developers re-garding the issues and im-pediments faced by theIPPs in development ofsmall Hydro Power sectorin J&K. He assured the IPPsof all possible support fromthe government in this re-gard.

Principal Secretary inspects progress on Small HydroPower Projects of JAKEDA at Ganderbal, Anantnag SRINAGAR, JUNE 14:

“everything about theemergence of third Covid-19 wave, its severity andimpact on children hasbeen talked about on socialMedia but there is equalpossibility of preventing orsuppressing it, by ensuringcent percent vaccination ofthe entire population”, saiddr Rouf, Public Healthconsultant.

“the strategy of vacci-nation of the entire popula-tion must be implementedproperly without leavingbehind any eligible individ-ual,” said dr Rouf whileemphasizing on the impor-tance of vaccination.

“this will increase thedefence mechanismagainst new infection in thebody and nullify chances ofcatching virus again,” hesaid while elaborating onthe benefits of vaccination.

He said that if all theadults in a family get vacci-nated, the chances of chil-dren getting infected ishighly unlikely as vaccinat-ed parents become a shieldfor children.

He maintained that in-fodemics needs to becurbed which induces fearand covid vaccination pho-bia among the people. Headvised educated people tocross check the source ofnews from the Google toascertain veracity of con-tent of news which will helpthem not to fall for fake sto-ries.

He said that the re-search regarding covid vac-

cination for children is be-ing conducted in manycountries and added that ifvaccination for children isallowed in near future thenthe process shall be takenon priority basis. this, hesaid, will protect childrenfrom the deadly disease.

“the data regarding thesecond wave shows adultsas well as children have de-veloped immunity againstthe virus and children re-mained mostly unaffectedexcept some children withco-morbidity diseases.However, the intensity ofthe third wave and its ad-verse impact depends onthe mutation of coronavirus and behavior of newvariants viz-a-viz propaga-tion and severity of infec-tion,” dr Rouf explained.

Moreover, he said thatpeople need to bring aboutbehavioral changes inthemselves correspondingto covid, like developingthe habit of mask wearing

and washing of hands fre-quently. this will protectus, in case we may have tolive with covid for a fewmore years, he added.

dr Rouf rejected theclaims of some people re-garding feeling suffocationwhile wearing masks, say-ing that there was an advi-sory for wearing doublemask and it is not appropri-ate to make such excuses.

Public health consult-ant, dr Rouf said that hehas been working in thecovid for one and a half yearand yet he never got infect-ed by covid because of vac-cination and observance ofCovid soPs, particularlywearing of masks.

Besides, he emphasizedthat the covid guidelines is-sued by the governmenttime and again like mainte-nance of physical distance,wearing of mask and wash-ing of hand with soap, shallhave to be followed withoutany lethargy.

Vaccination of entire population will inhibitseverity of third Covid-19 wave: Dr Abdul Rouf

Labour Commissionerreleases Rs 1.6 cr welfareassistance for registeredconstruction workersSRINAGAR, JUNE -

Labour Commissioner, Abdul Rashid War, to-day released an amount of Rs.1,06,99600/ as wel-fare assistance for 1,514 registered constructionworkers of srinagar district under J&K Building &Other Construction Workers Welfare Act. On theoccasion, Labour Commissioner said that the soleaim of this welfare assistance is to help theseworkers in providing education to their childrenespecially in challenging times of Covid pandemic.He lauded the role of department in timely releaseof assistance to these workers. He also appreciatedthe officers for launching twitter handle to gener-ate awareness about schemes and programmes ofthe department for socio-economic empower-ment of construction workers. LabourCommissioner impressed upon the officers towork with zeal and enthusiasm ensuring that thebenefits reach to the grassroots level workers. Heasked them to make sure that all eligible construc-tion workers are registered with the Board to availits benefits. He also asked the officers to sensitizethe general public about their schemes throughawareness camps on regular basis. deputy LabourCommissioner (Central), Abdul star, deputyLabour Commissioner, Kashmir division,Assistant Labour Commissioner srinagar besidesother officers were present.

Yoga week commences atKulgamKULGAM, JUNE 14:

With the beginning of yoga Week themed ‘Bewith yoga, Be at Home’ from today, thedepartment of AyUsH, Kulgam today organised ayoga session at Mini secretariat, here. the yogasession was inaugurated by the deputyCommissioner (dC) Kulgam, dr.Bilal Mohi-Ud-din Bhat. the dC along with employees from vari-ous departments participated in the yoga sessionand performed various yoga Asanas. speaking onthe occasion, nodal Officer AyUsH, dr. AbdulRehman said that during this week-long pro-gramme yoga sessions will be organized at differ-ent places. He informed that the focus of the pro-gramme is to involve more and more people inyoga activities for their various health benefits.

DC takes cognizance ofreports of absenteeism ofdoctors at GMC AnantnagDirects for strict monitoring ofattendance of medical staff


taking cognizance of reports regarding unau-thorized absence of some doctors from duty atGovernment Medical College (GMC) Anantnag,the deputy Commissioner (dC) also districtMagistrate Anantnag, dr. Piyush singla today di-rected the Principal of the college to strictly moni-tor the attendance and roster of the doctors andparamedical staff there. the dC further asked thePrincipal to ensure the health staff at the collegeattend the duties punctually and follow the rosterin letter and spirit besides forwarding the atten-dance to the office of the deputy Commissioner ona daily basis. Meanwhile, on directions of the dC,a team of officials headed by Additional deputyCommissioner, Ghulam Hassan sheikh andtehsildar Anantnag being members, was sent toGMC Anantnag to verify the attendance of thedoctors on ground. speaking on the matter, thedC said that the doctors should regularly attendthe duties adding that the punctuality of medicalstaff becomes even more significant during thesetesting (Covid) times.

Blood Donation camp heldat ShopianSHOPIAN, JUNE 14:

the Additional deputy Commissioner (AdC)shopian, dr. sheikh Ab Aziz today inaugurated aBlood donation camp at district Hospitalshopian. the camp was organised by the RedCross society shopian in collaboration with theHealth department. speaking at the occasion, theAdC said that the objective of conducting suchcamps is to ensure better healthcare for the peopleof far flung areas.


the district developmentCommissioner (ddC)Pulwama, Baseer Ul HaqChoudhary today visitedRajpora ,sangerwani, Abhamaand other adjoining areas toreview the status of various de-velopmental projects. duringthe visit, the ddC inspectedthe on-going constructionwork of Indoor stadium,Government degree CollegeRajpora, Pulwama-shadimargRoad, CB nath - AbhamaRoad, sangerwani-AnderwaliRoad and various Watersupply schemes in the area.On the occasion, the ddC di-

rected the executing agency toexpedite the pace of work onthese projects to ensure theirtimely completion. He also di-rected concerned officers tomonitor the ongoing develop-mental works so that people

can be benefited in due time.during the visit several dele-gations apprised the ddCabout various issues faced bythem in their respective areas.He assured delegations that alltheir genuine demands .

DDC Pulwama tours Rajpora - Sangerwaniareas of the district

Sets timelines for completion of developmental projects of the area


the department ofenvironmental education, (IAse)Government College of educationin collaboration with nss Unit 1 ofthe college organized a week longnational program to commemorate‘World environment Week’, ob-served every year as an initiative ofUnited nations for creating aware-ness and sensitization of massesabout the deteriorating conditionsof our environment. the programbegan from 5 June 2021, which isalso observed every year as ‘Worldenvironment day’. this year thetheme of the day was ‘ecosystem

Restoration’.the objective of this program

was to provide a platform for stu-dents to express their ideas andthoughts and bring together ex-perts to put forth their valuableopinions about the environmentand ecosystem restoration, both inKashmir valley and outside.

the program consisted of 5events namely Info graphicContest, Quiz contest, doodle ArtContest, debate on the topic ‘Covid-19 and environment’ and the lastday of the program was marked byinvited lectures from two eminentenvironmentalists of our valleynamely dr. F. A. Lone, Professor,

division of environmental science,sKUAst-K and Mr. Zareef AhmedZareef sahib, renowned poet, socialactivist and environmentalist.

Whole program was conductedin an online mode due to the pre-vailing Covid-19 pandemic and thesubsequent lockdown. A goodnumber of students from 9 collegesall across India actively participat-ed in the program.

the participants of debate wereassessed by three jury members viz.Fazl Illahi, Faculty, IAse, dr. MalikRoshan Ara, Faculty, IAse and dr.Asiya nazir, Faculty, Govt. degreeCollege Pattan. the top 3 positionswere taken by sunain shafi of IAse,

srinagar, Bisma Bashir of AAAMdegree College, Bemina, srinagarand s. sakthivel of College ofAgriculture, PRIst University,tamil nadu, respectively

For the Infographic contest, theentries were evaluated by dr.Bazigha Badr, Faculty, Govt. Amarsingh College, srinagar. the top 3positions were won by BismaBashir, AAAM degree College,Bemina, Aastha Rani Pandey, Gurunanak College, Chennai and MehakFatima, IAse, srinagar respective-ly.

the top 3 positions in the quizcontest were won by Irfan Ahmed,Govt. degree College, Anantnag,

Mehak Fatima, IAse, srinagar ands. sakthivel, College of Agriculture,PRIst University, tamil nadu, re-spectively. In the doodle Art con-test, 1st position was secured byPraveen Kumar, Maya College, sridev saman Uttarakhand stateUniversity and 2nd position byshariq Zahoor, IAse, srinagar.

Principal of the college, Prof.dr. Ruhi Kanth, in her address ap-preciated the efforts of organisersand sent a congratulatory messageto the participants and encouragedto organize more such programs inuture. A brief overview of the week-long program was presented byConvenor nss, Unit 1.

National level ‘World Environment Week’ celebrations, 2021


Indian Red Cross society, UtHeadquarters of Jammu &Kashmir today organised a Blooddonation camp on the eve of‘World Blood donor day-2021’themed ‘donate Blood & Keepthe World Beating’ at Red CrossHouse, exchange Road, here.

the Camp was inauguratedby Kifayat Hussain Rizvi,Honorary General secretary,IRCs-J&K in presence of M sRather, Former Generalsecretary, IRCs-J&K, G.A.Qureshi, Honorary treasurer,IRCs-J&K, M.y. Zargar,Honorary secretary, IRCs-Regional Branch, Kashmir andprominent Members andVolunteers of Red Cross.

the drive saw close to 40 vol-untary blood donors, office bear-ers of IRCs-J&K and staff mem-bers coming together to donate

blood for a noble cause.Volunteers and medical staffhelped the people and gavemoral support to the people do-nating blood. donors were pro-vided with the sealed refresh-ment packs keeping in view theCOVId sOPs. similar campswere organised at IRCs,Regional Branch Jammu anddistrict Branches of IRCs atPulwama, shopian, Kupwara,Kishtwar and Kathua with primeobjective to spread awarenessabout the benefits of blood dona-tion besides saving a human of 153 points of blood havebeen collected in these camps.

speaking on the occasion,Kifayat Hussain Rizvi appreciat-ed the blood donors for their no-ble sentiment and selfless hu-man services. He further saidthat those who donated the bloodhave in fact saved a human life.

the Honorary General

secretary while saluting the self-less and noble service of volun-teers and blood donors said thatIRCs-J&K has been at the fore-front to provide quick relief dur-ing the distressed periods likefire, floods, earthquakes andpandemics. IRCs besides dis-tributing food kits and Hygienekits during the recent months,distributed tents, blankets, buck-ets, tarpaulin to fire victims ofsweeper colony, noor Bagh areaof Baramulla, besides financialassistance to the tune of Rs. 14.50Lakhs.

the cash assistance and re-lief material to fire victims wasprovided by district Red CrossCommittee, Baramulla, throughits Chairman.

At the end, Honorarytreasurer, IRCs-J&K thankedall participants and medical staffof Associated Hospitals, srinagarfor their technical co-operation.

Red Cross celebrates ‘World Blood Donor day-2021’


A Job Fair cum Awareness camp

was today organised by district skill

Committee Ganderbal in the lawns

of Mini secretariat here.

Additional district development

Commissioner Ganderbal was the

Chief Guest on the occasion. He also

inspected the stalls installed by vari-

ous departments to disseminate in-

formation among youth regarding

various schemes offered. the AddC

while speaking on the occasion said

that the main purpose of organizing

this program was to provide a plat-

form to the unemployed youth to se-

cure the jobs and also to make them

aware regarding various

Government sponsored schemes

pertaining to self-employment.

He also highlighted the benefits

and importance of different welfare

schemes especially the Himayat

scheme and urged youth to come for-

ward and get benefits of the schemes

and the programmes.

A large gathering of pass-outs of

different institutions of the district

participated in the event.

different departments which

participated in the camp include

Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal

Husbandry, Industries,

employment, entrepreneurship

development Institute, Lead Bank,

LIC, Fisheries, KVIB, besides private

players viz. M/s Master Mechanics

Ganderbal established their stalls

and apprised the participants about

the various schemes being offered by

them for the youth. He also high-

lighted the benefits and importance

of different welfare schemes espe-

cially the Himayat scheme and urged

youth to come forward and get bene-

fits of the schemes and the pro-


A large gathering of pass-outs of

different institutions of the district

participated in the event.

On behalf of different companies

ACMe India Microsys Private

Limited conducted job interviews

via virtual mode for the desirous


M/s: Master Mechanics con-

ducted on spot interviews/ CV as-

sessment for its ten vacancies. On

the occasion representatives of the

participating departments spoke at

the event and highlighted the

schemes they offer for the unem-

ployed youth.

Mega Job Fair cumAwareness camp held at Gbl


the deputy Commissioner(dC) Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsnatoday briefed the media on the cur-rent Covid scenario and mitigationefforts put in place in the district.

Giving details, the dC said thatthe active cases have drastically de-creased in the district this month.she said last week the active casesin the district were almost 507which are now 249. Regarding thetests done in last week, she saidRAt positivity was 3.95 percentwhich has decreased to 1.97 percentand overall positivity in the districtwas 6.39 percent which has comedown to 3.47 percent. elaboratingon the RAt testing facility in thedistrict, she said that RAt testingfacility is now available in all 126Covid Care Centres and about 1700tests have been done at these cen-ters till date. she urged people toget tested at these centers if they

feel Covid related symptoms.While giving details on

Vaccination for 18-44 years for pri-ority groups, the dC said that over7000 persons are vaccinated tilldate and appealed shopkeepers,transporters, Journalist, lawyersand Amarnath yatra serviceproviders to visit vaccination cen-ters and get first dose of vaccinationwhich is prerequisite for savingthemselves from Covid pandemic.

Regarding easing of Corona re-strictions in the district, Jyotsnasaid that though restrictions areeased but easing of Covid restric-tions does not mean that pandemicis over and appealed people to fol-low the COVId appropriate behav-ior strictly as they followed earlierto avoid the resurgence of pandem-ic. the readers can also reach on theofficial twitter account of dCGanderbal: @dcganderbal andtwitter account of dIC Ganderbal:@centre Ganderbal.

Positivity rate witnesses drasticdecrease to 3.47% at Gbl: DC

Briefs media on current Covid scenario in the district

Dozens of Covid-19SOP violatorsquarantined atKulgam, shops sealedKULGAM, JUNE 14:

Acting tough against thepersons found violating sOPsand guidelines issued by ad-ministration to stop spread ofCoronavirus infection,dozens of persons who werefound without masks and vio-lating sOPs, guidelines weretoday put under administra-tive quarantine, here. severalshops found violating theCovid guidelines were alsosealed. Meanwhile, thedeputy Commissioner (dC)Kulgam, dr.Bilal Mohi-Ud-din Bhat conducted a sur-prise market inspection intown and took stock of theimplementation of the Covid-19 guidelines and sOPs inthese markets. during the in-spection of town, he urgedthe shopkeepers to sincerelyfollow the Covid-19 appropri-ate behavior.

JAMMU, tUesdAy, JUne 15, 20215 Glimpses of FuturelOcal/natiOnal



CORRIGeNDUMName.of work:- Empanelment of transport service provider/firm/individual/

NGO for Door - to door collection and transportation of

Municipal Waste generated in various wards of Jammu

Municipal Corporation to transfer stations/secondary collec-

tion points in Jammu Municipal Corporation

Ref:- EOI "issued vide No. MJI Estt/494-500 Dated:-24.04.2021.

In the Expression of Interest issued by the office of the undersigned, the follow-

ing modifications are to be made in below mentioned Clauses of Annexure

“A”(Terms & Conditions) of EOI document issued vide No. MJ/Estt/494-500


I) Following shall be added after Clause1:

Date and time of the receipt of Actual bid document in prescribed format by

the JMC alongwith requisite fee receipt from the bidder shall form the basis

for "First Come First serve" criteria.

II) Following shall be substituted at sub-para 2 of Clause 4:

With respect to thestatutory taxes, it is clarified that:

a) The service of door to door collection and transportation of waste to desig-

nated transfer stations/collection points shall attract "NIL" rate of Tax under


b) Since Rate of Tax under GST is "NIL",TDS u/s 51of the GST Act, 2017 will not

be applicable.

c) Tax deduction under section 1941 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 shall be appli-

cable at the standard rate of 2%.

d) The corporation shall not be liable to pay to the bidder or any authority, any

levy, statutory or otherwise, which may accrue arise upon the bidder as a

Consequence of this empanelment. These levies shall Include, but not be

limited to EPF, ESI etc.

in place of

"Taxes applicable under GST are subsumed in the above rate being offered

by Jammu Municipal Corporation and tax at the standard rate of 2% (1%

CGST & 1% SGST) of the taxable (before addition of GST) would be re-

quired to be deducted from payment".

III) Following shall be added after Clause 21 (a)

“However, in case of defect of GPS device/service, the matter should be im-

mediately brought to the notice of concerned supervisor and same to be ver-

ified by the concerned inspector on the same day. But it shalll be the respon-

sibility of the bidder to rectify fault within one day falling which the panalty

stipulated above shall be applicab le.

All other terms and conditions shall remain same as contained in the EOI


Joint commissioner (Adm.)

Jammu Municipal CorporationDIp/J-1050-p/21


Covid Vaccination for18-44 age-group is startingin doda district at 6 identi-fied sites from tomorrowand the eligible persons canregister themselves on thedesignated portal.

the district adminis-tration has also decided torope in religious heads tomotivate the age appropri-ate people for vaccinationin the areas where the peo-ple are reportedly showingsome reluctance.

the information wasgiven by deputyCommissioner, Vikassharma, while giving week-ly briefing to media per-sons.

Giving details, the dCinformed that over 70%population of 45 year andabove age has been vacci-

nated in the district, whilevaccination for above 18 yrage, especially the vulnera-ble section of the society, isgoing to start from tomor-row at six vaccination sitesidentified across the dis-trict.

With regard to ruralhealth care facilities (CCCentres), the dC informedthat all are functioning withall basic facilities. He saidaround 237 Panchayat levelcentres 70 have been pro-vided oxygen concentra-tors, while the rest will alsobe provided as soon as thesupply was received fromJKMsCL.

Further, the dC in-formed that pension bene-fits for the families of thepersons who died due toCovid, and scholarshipbenefits for their childrenunder sAKsHAM scheme

has been approved andshall be paid by the con-cerned department in theupcoming days.

Regarding the Covid re-strictions, he said thesehave been further eased inthe district and shops arenow allowed to open on all05 days, except on saturdayand sunday on which thereshall be complete coronacurfew,

Meanwhile, the dC at-tended a meeting attendedby religious heads, electedrepresentatives of variousareas (ddC members andBdC chairpersons) here inthe conference hall of thedC office.

the meeting was held toseek the cooperation of thecivil society members, in-cluding religious leaders,for motivating the people totake vaccines, particularly

in the areas with low per-centage.

the Chief MedicalOfficer apprised the partici-pants that the percentage ofvaccination of 45 & above inGhat Block is only around50% as against 39000 per-sons only 20000 have tak-en vaccination. He said thelow vaccination can affectthe Covid containment ef-forts.

the religious heads,ddC members and BdCchairpersons were of theopinion that collective ef-forts are imperative for thehealth and welfare of thesociety.

It was unanimously de-cided that sensitisationteams shall be constitutedfor the targeted areas,which shall include reli-gious heads, elected repre-sentatives, senior citizens,

tehsildars, Block develop-ment officers, includingfield functionaries of healthdepartment so that aggres-sive awareness campaign inthe areas which are havinglow percentage shall be car-ried out collectively underset protocol of Covid-19.

the dC asked the con-cerned officials to reach outto the targeted people & getthem vaccinated at an earli-est.

He also requested reli-gious leaders and electedrepresentatives to work intandem and serve as abridge betweenAdministration and publicto counter the false infor-mation being spreadagainst the vaccination.

the dC also sought sug-gestions from the partici-pants with regard to scalingup the vaccination.

Inoculation for 18 - 44 age-group starting in Dodadistrict from June 15 at 6 identified sites: DC

‘Religious leaders roped in to motivate people for Covid vaccination’KUPWARA, JUNE 14:

the deputyCommissioner (dC)Kupwara, Imam din todayreiterated his appeal togeneral public and all otherstakeholders to continuefollowing CovidAppropriate Behaviour(CAB) strictly for somemore days so that districtKupwara could come out ofRed Zone.

He said the joint effortsmade by the Health, Civiland Police administrationin the mitigation process ofCOVId-19 has yielded bet-ter results on ground acrossdistrict Kupwara.

the dC was addressingmedia persons here regard-ing Covid containmentmeasures in the district.

the Additional districtdevelopmentCommissioner, Kupwara,nazir Ahmad Lone andChief Medical Officer, dr.

Kouser Amin were presentat the occasion.

Giving details, the dCsaid that the recovery ratehas increased upto 92.32percent whereas, positivityrate has drastically comedown to 2.94 percent in thedistrict. He congratulatedHealth departmentOfficials and all those per-sons involved in Covid-19mitigation efforts for theirhard work and good result.

the dC said that thenumber of total positivecases in the district is 13264whileas the number of re

covered patients is12245.

He said the district wit-ness 152 deaths since thebeginning of Covid-19.

Regarding Isolation ofpositive cases, the dC saidthat 72 positive cases are inHospital Isolation while745 positive cases are un-der home isolation.

He once again ap-pealed to the people of thedistrict to religiously followthe CAB and attend nearestVaccination centres fortimely inoculation againstCovid-19 pandemic.

DC Kupwara reiterates appeal for CAB,inoculation at vaccination centres


the deputyCommissioner (dC)Kupwara, Imam din alongwith Additional districtdevelopmentCommissioner, nazirAhmad Lone and team ofconcerned officers todayvisited Mata KheerBhawani Asthapan, tikerin Kupwara district to re-view the arrangements be-ing put in place by theAdministration for smoothconduct of week longAnnual Pilgrimage of MataKheer BhawaniAsthapan(APMKB), com-menced from June 13.

the dC was informedthat elaborate arrange-ments have been made forthe smooth conduct of thepilgrimage. <Police hasmade adequate securityarrangements wherever re-quired including in andaround Asthapan.

On the occasion, thetehsildar Kupwara was or-dered to act as dutyMagistrate for the purposeand he will also monitor/coordinate the arrange-

ments being made by thedifferent departments.Likewise, Chief MedicalOfficer Kupwara was askedto keep an available team ofdoctors along with suffi-cient Medicare and testkits/vaccine doses duringthe days of Pilgrimage.

Assistant director FCs&CA Kupwara shall ensurethe availability of essentialcommodities in the areawhile as Assistant directorFire & emergency servicesKupwara was directed tokeep fire tenders availableat the venues.

the executiveengineer electric divisionKupwara shall ensure un-interrupted Power supplyto the said area duringthese days and executiveengineer Jal shakti (PHe)division Kupwara shallprovide potable drinkingwater through tanker serv-ices during the days of pil-primage.

executive Officer MCKupwara was directed tomake necessary arrange-ments in respect of sanita-tion etc. He was also askedto ensure cleaning of the

site/road leading to thevenue. the dC was in-formed that elaboratearrangements have beenmade for the smooth con-duct of the pilgrimage.

Police has made ade-quate security arrange-ments wherever requiredincluding in and aroundAsthapan.

On the occasion, thetehsildar Kupwara was or-dered to act as dutyMagistrate for the purposeand he will also monitor/coordinate the arrange-ments being made by thedifferent departments.Likewise, Chief MedicalOfficer Kupwara was askedto keep an available team ofdoctors along with suffi-cient Medicare and testkits/vaccine doses duringthe days of Pilgrimage.

the dC also urged allstakeholders including alldevotees and managementto strictly adhere toCOVId-19 appropriate be-havior and protocol includ-ing use of masks.

Later, dC inspected theundergoing constructionwork of the Asthapan.

DC Kupwara reviewsarrangements for APMKB at Tiker

Stresses for strict implementation of CAB


district Legal servicesAuthority, Reasi today or-ganized a legal awarenesswebinar on the topic of“Plea Bargaining” under theguidance and supervision ofR. n. Wattal, Chairman dL-sA, in collaboration withsub Jail Reasi. Advocate Ms Mir, the dLsA PanelAdvocate was the resourceperson, while Advocate Ajaysalalia acted as Moderatorin the saidWebinar.secretary dLsA,

Reasi, Rekha Kapoornischal, delivered the intro-ductory address.

the resource personthrew light on the impor-tance on the topic andshared his valuable knowl-edge on the subject with theparticipants of this pro-gram. All the jail inmates,along with superintendentand staff members of subJail Reasi, Panel advocatesand Advocates of districtCourt Complex, Reasi andPLVs attended the onlineprogram.


to mark the commem-oration of 'World Blooddonor day' being observedevery year on 14th of June,Government MedicalCollege Baramulla todayorganized a blood dona-tion cum awareness campin which faculty membersof GMC, medical staff andother paramedicos showedtheir enthusiastic partici-pation.

Camp was inauguratedby deputy Commissioner(dC) Baramulla,Bhupinder Kumar whereinthe Principal of GMC Prof(dr) Ruby Reshi donatedher blood as the firstdonor.

In his address, the dCcommended the organiz-ers for conducting the pro-gramme and said that such

events play an importantrole in rendering humani-tarian services to the peo-ple in distress. He advocat-ed for continuing such ac-tivities in different regionsof the district so as to sup-plement the efforts of thehealth department in de-livering patient andmedicare services.

He also appealed tovarious stakeholders tocome forward in the cur-rent crucial circumstancesand extend their helpinghand for the betterment ofthe society at large.

Complimenting theparticipants who donatedtheir blood, the Principalsaid that blood donationnot only saves lives of oth-ers but also keeps one selfhealthy as it gets regener-ated within a short dura-tion of time.

she added that thehealth department in col-laboration with differentstakeholders is playing apivotal role in view of on-going COVId-19 pandemicadding that GMC's virolo-gy lab has augmented itsrange of operation so as todeal effectively with theongoing crisis thatemerged due to the 2ndwave.

she further said thatseveral initiatives are beingtaken to strengthen theblood bank of the collegeand informed that 40points were donated dur-ing todays camp.

Medicalsuperintendent, dr syedMasood, sP Baramulla,Medical officers, amongother concerned func-tionaries were also presenton the occasion.

GMC Bla organises Blood Donation cum Awarenesscamp to commemorate 'World Blood Donor Day'Such events play vital role towards humanitarian

services: DC Bhupinder Kumar

DLSA organizes Webinar‘Plea Bargaining’


deputyCommissioner, ReasiCharandeep singh todaysaid that the district ad-ministration has startedHouse to House enumer-ation to identify unvacci-nated persons and facili-tate their inoculation.

Briefing the mediaabout the scenario, hesaid the number of activecases continue to declinein the district while vacci-nation of age appropriatepersons has also shown agood coverage.

Referring to the dis-trict administration’s ini-tiative to reach out thepublic, he said the publicgrievance redress cam-paign - ReAsI BeePs -

BeAt tHe PAndeMIChas received an over-whelming response andthe same will be sched-uled as live interactionfrom tomorrow.

He said with signifi-cant improvement ob-served in the district haspaved the way for morerelaxations and appealedpeople to maintain andcontinue to follow Covidappropriate behavioursand avoid visiting mar-kets unnecessarily.Charandeep singh saidthat the Covid situationin the district has gradu-ally improved with recov-ery rate touching 97%mark, positivity ratedropping to 1.16 pc andthe number of active cas-es reducing to 153. In

view of this significantimprovement in the dis-trict, the state executiveCommittee has grantedmore relaxations in thedistrict and in compli-ance to that further relax-ation have been given, in-cluding the opening ofshops for five days aweek. On status of vacci-nation, the dC said inten-sive vaccination drive ison and House to Houseenumeration to ascertainthe leftover unvaccinatedpopulation has beenstarted in the entire dis-trict. He further said thatspecial vaccination drivehas been initiated forhigh risk groups of 18-45yrs age, for which six spe-cial sites have identifiedin the district.

Blood donation a nobledeed, vital for saving human

lives: DC Anantnag on'World Blood Donor Day'


On the occasion of World Blood donor day 2021, thedeputy Commissioner (Chairman district Red Crosssociety) Anantnag, dr. Piyush singla today inauguratedBlood donation Camp at dak Bangalow Khanabal here.the camp was organised by district Red Cross societyAnantnag in collaboration with GMC, Anantnag.speaking on the occasion, the dC said that the blood do-nation is a noble need which saves precious human lives.sometimes, even a single drop of blood can prove life sav-ing, he added. Calling upon people to come forward forblood donation, the dC said it benefits health by stimulat-ing the process of blood formation in the body and thusshould become our habit both for our personal health andfor fulfilling social responsibility. the Additional deputyCommissioner, Ghulam Hassan sheikh coordinated theactivities of the camp besides supervising the donationprocess. sheikh also led the donation drive and was thefirst person, among a total of 41 donors including officialsfrom other departments and police and security persons,who donated their blood on the occasion. ing, he added.Calling upon people to come forward for blood donation,the dC said it benefits health by stimulating the process ofblood formation in the body and thus should become ourhabit both for our personal health .


In order to improvevaccination coverage andto sensitize people aboutimportance of anti Covid-19 vaccination, the deputyCommissioner (dC)srinagar, MohammedAijaz Asad on Monday in-augurated VaccinationMelas at different loca-tions in srinagar includ-ing Panthachowk, PratapPark and Batamaloo.

On the occasion, thedC inspected the vaccina-tion procces himself andmonitored the vaccina-tion inoculation cam-paign.

Additional deputyCommissioner (AdC)srinagar, KhurshidAhmad, sdM east, seniorHealth functionaries, con-cerned tehsildars andother officers accompa-nied the dC during the vis-

it.speaking on the occa-

sion, the dC said that thebasic purpose of organiz-ing such vaccinationmelas is to further speedup the ongoing Covid-19vaccination procces insrinagar and to make peo-ple aware about the signif-icance of inoculating antiCovid-19 vaccine.

He said facilities havebeen made available at thenearest possible locationsfor public. He said theselocations have been cho-sen on the demand of localtrade bodies and otherstakeholders as people in-cluding traders,transporters,shopkeepers, street ven-dors travelers etc visitthese areas in large num-bers. the dC said ben-eficiaries are being inocu-lated Covid vaccine duringdifferent time slots in con-

sultation with local tradebodies and otherstakeholders to ensurestrict adherence to theCovid-19 sOPs.

the dC also interactedwith the Medical staff andbeneficiaries and said notVaccine but Vaccination isthe magic bullet to getprotected from Covid-19infection. He said we candefeat Covid pandemiconly by Vaccination andstrict adherence to Covid-19 protocols.He said facil-ities have been madeavailable at the nearestpossible locations for pub-lic. the dC reiterated hisappeal to the left out pop-ulation of srinagar districtto visit nearest vaccina-tion center to get vaccinat-ed at an earliest to protectthemselves, their familyand whole society fromInfection of deadly coron-avirus.

DC Srinagar inaugurates Mega VaccinationMela at Panthachowk, Batamaloo, Pratap Park

Urges left out population of Srinagar to takeCovid-19 jab to defeat Covid pandemic

House to House enumeration started in Reasidistrict to enlist unvaccinated population: DC


the fund allocated to all MPs forlocal area development is hardlyutilised for above-board projectsthat would really benefit the locals.Members of Parliament Local Areadevelopment scheme, or MPLAds,which allots Rs 5 crore annually toevery MP, was suspended for 2020-21 and 2021-22, and for good rea-son. But several MPs feel thescheme should be revived. thereare 543 Lok sabha and 250 Rajyasabha MPs, a total of 793. each waslast entitled to Rs 5 crore for thispurpose. If fully utilised by everymember, the Government of Indiawould spend Rs 19,825 crore overfive years (the Rajya sabha’s term issix years but let us ignore the sixthyear for the time being). Over fiveyears, the Government’s outlaywould total up to Rs 99,125 crore ornearly Rs 1 lakh crore on account ofMPLAds. Individual MPs are notaccountable to anyone regardingwhat they have done with their Rs25 crore during their terms. there isno audit at all. At its most practical,it is money for jam. At its inaction, itremains unspent. It was introducedby Prime Minister narasimha Rao,in my view, to keep the MPs happyas his Congress Government wassome 50 MPs short of a majority.the figure then was Rs 2 crore an-

nually; Manmohan singh increasedthe figure to Rs 5 crore, again tokeep the MPs happier. In both cas-es, this scheme was a baksheesh toevery MP in exchange of support,present or future, to theGovernment as cynical as that.Rather than comment, let me givemy own experience of the Rs 4 croreallocable to me for my two-yearmembership. My party allocated tome Vadodara, the city as well as thedistrict. We are talking of the periodtowards the end of 2000. the party

held a meeting of local workers, ofwhom some 30 persons turned up.they warmly applauded my comingand garlanded me. I had never be-fore been so honoured. In my briefspeech, I thanked them but askedjocularly whether their warmth wasout of regard for me or in expecta-tion of our spending Rs 4 crore. theaudience laughed, which eloquent-ly meant the latter. I said we wouldmeet again to decide what develop-ment works we should do andwhere. the next day I went to see

the district Collector, who waswarm and friendly. My request tohim was to help me implement thisscheme as I had no machinery. Iwent on to say that I did not wish tomix it up with my business. His ad-vice was that I should set up an nGOand get the scheme implementedthrough it. Another wise man I con-sulted advised me to get my partyMLAs together and a few activeworkers, and then verbally distrib-ute the total fund amongst them.that meant that if an MLA was toget Rs 20 lakh, up to this figure,whatever work he recommended inhis constituency, I would sign on.He would do the rest and I wouldask no questions, except go to inau-gurate his work if he invited me. thewise man went on to say: “then yousee how these people work for youat election time in case you contestfor the Lok sabha next time.”Meanwhile, someone non-politicalsuggested that I should build asmany sulabh shauchalayas as pos-sible on Vadodara’s streets. thecommon people, especially thewomen, would bless you. this sug-gestion not only gave me confidencebut also a reliable, known and pro-fessional implementer. It took twoodd years to get all the piece of landtoo for 10 bus stops in the city. Inthe rural sector, 88 brick and mor-

JAMMU tUesdAy JUne 15 , 2021Edit/OpiniOnGlimpses of Future

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma,

Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email :,,

MPLADS: A boon or necessary evil?

India-UK trade talks: Case for tariff optimization

India gets poorer, investors richerBy : UTTAM GUPTA

Imagine if all of Rs 2100,000crore under Atmanirbhar packagehad been distributed among 40crore workers in the informal sec-tor; it would have boosted demand.the Corona pandemic may havebrought about sharp deceleration inIndia's economic growth - thesharpest ever during the lastfourdecades or so - but has yielded a bo-nanza for the investors. the wealthof investors in the stock market asrepresented by the market capital-ization of Indian equities (marketvalue of shares multiplied by theirnumber) almost doubled fromaround Rs 113 trillion (a trillionequals 100,000 crore) as on March31, 2020 to Rs 226 trillion as onMarch 31, 2021. In contrast, India'sGdP at current prices declined fromRs 203 trillion during 2019-20 to Rs197 trillion during 2020-21. As a re-sult, the market capitalization toGdP ratio almost doubled from 56per cent during 2019-20to 115 percent during 2020-21. Grossdomestic Product(GdP) of a coun-try is the total value of goods andservices produced during a specifictime frame say a quarter or a year.Used worldwide, it is the most cru-cial economic indicator for reflect-ing on the economic health of acountry. For developing countriessuch as India, a high year-on-yearGdP growth should result in in-creasing prosperity for its peopleand vice versa. during 2020-21,when the Corona pandemic de-stroyed economic activity on amammoth scale, annihilated mil-lions of micro, small and medium

enterprises (MsMes), took awayjobs of tens of millions and severelyimpacted earnings of others, onesection that went unscathed was thecorporate sector in particular, theinvestors who made huge gainsfrom their shareholdings in corpo-rate entities across all categoriessuch as large-caps, mid-caps, small-caps etc. so, what explains thisanomalous situation? the marketvalue of a share depends on the de-mand or investors' interest which inturn, is a function of the company'scurrent profitability and their as-sessment of how this is expected tobe in the years to come. during theyear, profitability of majority of thelisted firms increased despite de-cline in revenue. this was made pos-sible due to higher prices of their

products on the one hand and re-duction in expenditure (that includ-ed expenses on wages and salaries,other fixed costs, interest outgo,etc.) on the other. As regards expec-tation for the future, investors in-cluding foreign investors have con-fidence in the fundamentals of firmsand their ability to deliver good re-turns in the medium to long-term.this is vindicated by a record FPI(foreign portfolio investment) ofabout Us$37 billion during 2020-21. even the measures announcedby the Union Government and theReserve Bank of India (RBI) pur-portedly to revive growth, boost ag-gregate demandand promote 'inclu-sive' development with emphasis onreinvigorating MsMes ended upadding to the fortunes of the corpo-

rate sector. the steep reduction inthe corporate tax rate to 15 per centfor new enterprises set up afterOctober 1, 2019 and to 22 per centfor existing entities (subject to theirforegoing exemption and deduc-tions available under existing dis-pensation)meant leaving an addi-tional about Rs 150,000 crore in thehands of corporate in a full year. thecorporate entities also benefittedfrom the reduction in the policy rate(interest rate at which RBI lendsmoney to commercial banks) by 1.15per cent during 2020 over andabove a total cut of 1.35 per cent de-livered during 2019. Of the muchtrumpeted special package of Rs2100,000 crore announced by theFinance Minister, nirmalasitharaman (May, 2020) under the'Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan', amere about Rs 200,000 crore wasspent on catering to food and otherbare basic needs such as higher sub-sidy on LPG, hike in wages underMGnReGA (Mahatma Gandhinational Rural employmentGuarantee Act), financialassistanceto farmers under PM-KIsAn, ex-gratia to Jan dhan (Jd) accoun-tholder etc. under PM Garib Kalyanyojna (PM - GKy). the rest Rs1900,000 crore was given as(i) liq-uidity support by RBI (measures an-nouncedby Governor, shashikantdason March 27 and April 17,2020injected close to Rs 500,000crore followed by another Rs300,000 crore on May 22); (ii) in-creasing resources of banks and oth-er financial institutions (FIs) to en-able them on-lend; (iii) releasingpending dues to agencies tasked


A notion worth dispelling is thatscotch whiskies are costlier to pro-duce; it is 50 per cent more expensiveto produce it in India than in scotlandIn wake of the Indo-UK trade discus-sions, many 'experts' argue for reduc-tion in tariff, particularly slashingcustom tariffs on imported scotchand on 'Intermediate' products whichthey say are nothing but high-strength, potable, undenatured ethylalcohol used for bottling and blend-ing in India. they argue on threemain grounds. One, that India has alarge trade surplus in the categoryand can afford greater imports; two,customs duty reduction on interme-diate products will encourage 'Makein India'; and three, even if tariff is re-duced the bulk of consumption willremain locally produced whiskies --so why bother. this industry con-tributes nearly Rs 250,000 crore intaxes and for most states it consti-tutes 15-30 per cent of revenue.Customs duty is not even Rs 5000crore in comparison. second, this in-dustry uses agricultural products asprimary raw material and nearly 50lakh farmers depend on it. It providesemployment to 20 lakh people. Anydisruption will have widespread ram-ifications for the government, farm-

ers and labour market. the problemwith the first argument is that it hidesthe true balance of trade on alcoholicbeverages using a wider head of 'Foodand drinks'. If one separates alco-holic beverages/products for humanconsumption from the wider club-bing of Food and drinks, a very differ-ent picture emerges. As per dGFt da-ta for 2018-19, India exports only Rs 5crore worth of alcoholicproducts/beverages to the UK,against import of Rs 1300 crore.Clubbing alcohol under a much big-ger Food & drink category to claimfavourable balance of trade is highlymisleading. the second argument isalso a misconception. scotch whiskygoes through two major stages of pro-ductions -- distillation and bottling.the 'Intermediate' scotch whisky isactually the output of the first stage, ithas been produced and matured inscotland. What happens in India isonly bottling. therefore, while incen-tivising Intermediate productsthrough reduced or zero duty will leadto an increase of usage of bottlingplants in India, which will be a big lossfor Indian farmers and manufactur-ers. the third argumentmisses out onthree vital points. One, in productcategories with multiple price seg-ments like whisky, consumers seam-lessly shift to the next category up or

down depending on affordability. so,when a scotch whisky is sold at a low-er price it takes away consumers fromproducts in the price segment, start-ing a domino effect that makes thedomestic industry the net loser. two,introduction of scotch whisky at low-er price attacks the profit driving endof portfolio of Indian companies, thusjeopardising their viability.third,Indian premium whiskies like Amrut,Paul John or Rampur are now regard-ed amongst the best in the world but

are unable to make the same headwayin the domestic market due to an un-supportive regime and reducing cus-toms duty further just will not help.

Another notion worth dispellingis that scotch whiskies are costlier toproduce. Rather, it costs at least 50per cent more to produce a whisky ofsimilar quality in India than inscotland. this is primarily on accountof a higher cost of capital and highertaxes in India, interstate restrictions

MplADS on page 7

India gets on page 7

India-UK trade on page 7

Glimpses of FutureestABLIsHed In 1986

Cong needs reforms

senior Congress leader has once again raised his

voice demanding reforms innthe existing structure

of the Congress party for the party to work better

and he was very right when he said that Congress must

bring widespread reforms across all levels of the organi-

sation to show it is no longer in a state of inertia and to

present itself as a viable political alternative to the BJP.

India needs a resurgent Congress. But for that, the party

needs to show that it is active, present, aware and is in the

mood to engage meaningfully. For this to happen,

Congress will need to have widespread reforms at the or-

ganisational hierarchy both at the central and state levels

to show that the party is still a force to reckon with and is

no longer in a state of inertia. the former union minister

has voiced hope that organisational elections, recently

postponed in the wake of the COVId-19 pandemic, will

happen sooner than later. Forming committees to review

election losses is good, but it will have no impact unless

remedies suggested are implemented. the Congress has

failed to drive home the point that minority and majority

communalism are equally dangerous for the country.

this is one of the reasons for the poor performance of the

party in recent assembly polls. Amid defections of young

leaders Jyotiraditya scindia and now Jitin Prasada to the

BJP, there is an urgent need to strike a balance between

experience and youth. At present, there is definitely a void

in terms of a strong political alternative. It is exactly in

this context, that some reforms in Congress party are

needed so that the country has a strong and credible op-

position. But what comes out of it is not something for me

to foretell. the party needs to rope in the right people to

drive its poll strategy so that it can build upon the failures

of the government. Victory of non-BJP parties in recent

assembly elections has shown the chinks in the BJP's ar-

mour in terms of its vulnerability to losing when faced

with a stronger opposition. despite a poor showing of the

Congress electorally, the current mood in the country

provides an opportunity for it to emerge as a viable alter-

native, owing to the party's pan-India presence. the

Antony committee set up by Congress chief sonia Gandhi

soon after the 2014 Lok sabha elections had rightly point-

ed out that fighting the polls on secularism versus com-

munalism plank hurt the Congress that was identified as

pro-minority, resulting in substantial electoral gains for

the BJP.


the world froze in prayers for a good half hour when Christian eriksencollapsed during a UeFA match. the past weekend had barely tiptoed intoinfancy when the entire world suddenly went numb and stood still. Apartfrom praying lips, the only other thing that moved were zillions of nimble,and concerned, fingers on twitter and other social media sites. no, itwasn’t because of a hallucination-inducing party drug but becausedenmark’s ace attacking midfielder Christian eriksen had suddenly gonedown. For no apparent reason. Inexplicably. Right there on the field, nearthe touchline, just four minutes before the referee would have blown hiswhistle to indicate half time. the boisterous Copenhagen stadium sudden-ly went into mute mode; not only the home crowd but even the visitingFinnish spectators were taken aback by the sudden turn of events as mil-lions of pairs of palm after palm pierced through the evening air in its hurryto clasp the unbelieving eyes and quivering lips. the palpitation in thehearts is an altogether different story. In sadness, in wonderment, in care,in concern, in poignancy, it was an emotional union of the two rivals andtheir spectator fans in the face of the fear of the unknown. As a dark hushfell down upon the stadium, clamorous as hell only a few seconds ago withthe hosts dominating the on-field proceedings and the Finland nativesegging their team on to put some spirit into the game, the Finnish fans alsofell quiet with discernible distress. For their part, the Finland players whohad been getting the short shrift in the exchange of affairs thus far also nowstood as heroes, shoulder to shoulder with their danish counterparts toshield eriksen from the view of the public and roving television cameras sothat he could receive immediate medical attention in relative peace andprivacy. It reminds one of several similar incidents where competing play-ers and the spectators immediately forged into one entity, a solid mass ofhumanity, in the face of unanticipated adversity; the most notable being inthe 1982 FIFA World Cup when West German goalie toni schumacher de-liberately thudded into French player Patrick Battiston and knocked himdown unconscious. But saturday night’s scene was a tad more touching,

Compassion on on page 7


JAMMU tUesdAy JUne 15, 2021natiOnal7 Glimpses of Future

and higher evaporation losses. Also, many states offer concessionary taxes on imported

products, but reduction in customs tariffs cannot be donewithout removing compensatory state-based concessions asotherwise it will create a hugely discriminatory tax regimeagainst Indian products. If we talk about reciprocal dutyconcessions, the problem is that barriers put up by the UKare not tariff based but non-tariff ones. India, being a sugarproducing country, has evolved whisky recipes based onspirit distilled from molasses. the UK does not accept this asit is not "recipe standards". the result of these non-tariff bar-riers is that of the 70 lakh cases of whisky exported from

India every year, the whole of the eU including the UK ac-counts for less than 30,000! Indian industry is not againstreducing customs duty on alcohol, but it should be in aphased manner and up to a point where it creates a levelplaying field. Accordingly, it has put forward its recommen-dation to reduce import taxes, aggregate of customs dutyand AIdC, from 150% to 100% now and to 75% in five years'time. It has also recommended a threshold import price fortaxation at $5 per bottle, and reciprocal concessions fromthe UK allowing whiskies from India to be allowed in the UKmarket as 'Indian Whisky' without minimum maturity con-ditions.

INDIA-UK .....................................................

perhaps a reminder as it were in these trying times of theCOVId-19 pandemic that whatever our nationality, reli-

gion, gender or belief, we are one race, one people:Humans, first of all and after everything else!

compasssion ............................................................

Contn. from Page 6 ........................................................

with implementation of welfare schemes of theUnionGovernment. A big slice of these fundseither landed withcorporate entities or remained un-utilized. For instance,out of the Rs 100,000 crore auction of targeted long-termrepo operations (tLtRO - 1) of three-year tenor bythe RBI,Rs 75,000 crore went to the big corporate. the apex banktried to rectify this anomaly when under the tLtRO 2.0(April 17, 2020) it reserved 50 per cent of additional liquid-ity injection Rs 50,000 crore for small and mid-sized non-banking financial companies (nBFCs) and micro-financeinstitutions (MFIs). One wonders whether this reservedquota of Rs 25,000 crore actually went to small players.

Consider Rs 300,000 crore meant for MsMes or iden-tified stressed sectors under the emergency Credit LineGuarantee scheme (eCLGs). As against a target of eightmillion MsMes beneficiaries, only four million got loanaggregating to Rs 150,000 crore. even today, the moneyavailable under the scheme remains un-utilized; this hasprompted the Government to extend the scheme tillseptember 30 and even relaxed the conditions to allow-firms with outstanding up to Rs 50 crore (up from existingRs 25 crore) avail of the facility. Look at the payment of Rs65,000 crore to fertilizer manufacturers (in additionto Rs71,000 crore allocated in the budget for 2020-21) towardssubsidy dues being carry forward from previous years.these payments went towards bolstering their bottom-line. Likewise, Rs 90,000 crore given to power distributioncompanies (PdCs) (amount since raised to Rs 130,000crore) eventually landed with power generation companiesbeing former's pending dues to the latter. As for food sub-

sidy, the Government paid to the Food Corporation ofIndia (FCI) Rs 350,000 crore (as per Re) over and abovethe budget provision of Rs 116,000 crore for 2020-21. Agood chunk of this was used by the FCI for clearing dues toits creditors/companies. thus, contrary to the stated in-tent of the Atmanirbhar package to provide succor toMsMes and millions of workers in informal sector etc., onground zero, the money was given mostly by way of taxcuts, reduction in interest rate, loans, liquidity support andclearance of dues which contributed to enrichment ofthose (read: corporate) who were already well-off. the lat-ter also gained a lot from the reckless spending by govern-ments in developed countries (a gargantuan Us$9 trillionwas pumped in) even as a lot of that money found its way toemerging market economies including India. to sum up,the highly inequitable outcome during 2020-21 was duethe Government relying too much on monetary support-which was availed mostly by corporate entities and too lit-tle fiscal support (free food, subsidized LPG, PM-KIsAnetc) which barely helped tens of millions low-income earn-ers keep their head above water. In contrast, imagine if allof the Rs 2100,000 crore under the Atmanirbharpackagewere to be distributed among 40 crore workers in the infor-mal sector. this would have given the much-needed boostto demand across all sectors and resultant fillip to inclusivegrowth, but that was not to be. even as the pandemic con-tinues to bite during the current year as well (though, to alesser extent), will the Government give a big fiscal push di-rected at these most vulnerable people? Going by FinanceMinister's stance thus far, it seems unlikely.

India gets ..........................................................................

tar bus stops were built, fortunately obliged by the sameagency. Medical equipment for Ahmedabad’s public hos-pital sheth Vadilal sarabhai, a computer system in aschool in Vadodara city and several anganwadis in a fewvillages were also set up. Imagine the amount of work thatcould be done with a mere Rs 4 crore! In many cases, theMP finds it difficult to implement projects. In my time, noparticular item could entail more than Rs 10 lakh. thismeant that I had to spend my total grant on at least 40small projects. therefore, some MPs have a go at a fewprojects and leave the remaining funds unspent. somedistribute the money among local MLAs and others.Others use their own nGOs.

the whole scheme is so clumsy that it is wasteful. Itwas comprehensively useful if the purpose was only to dis-tribute perquisites to the MPs. In spite of these shortcom-ings, if there be a parliamentary consensus for resumingthe grants to MPs, be it so. But a change in procedure isnecessary; let a keen MP apply to the Finance Ministergiving what s/he proposes to do and how, within howmuch time. If an earmarked joint secretary finds the pro-posal viable and useful for the particular area, an approvalcould be given but subject to audit by a licensed auditorempanelled for MPLAds. the result would be beneficialto the area’s people, executed economically and with a de-gree of uprightness.

MPLADS ......................................................................


Five of the six LokJanshakti Party MPs in theLok sabha have joinedhands against their leaderChirag Paswan and electedPashupati Kumar Paras inhis place, causing a bigchurn in Bihar politics.Paras on Monday laudedBihar Chief Minister nitishKumar as a good leader and"vikas purush" (develop-ment-oriented man), high-lighting the deep fault lineswithin the party as hisnephew Chirag Paswan hasbeen a strong critic of theJd(U) president.

" I have not broken theparty but saved it," Paras,

MP from Hajipur, said, as-serting that 99 per cent ofLJP workers were unhappywith the turn of events inBihar as Paswan led his par-ty against the Jd(U) andfared poorly in the 2020 as-sembly polls. Paras said his

group will continue to bepart of the BJP-led ndAand said Paswan can re-main part of the organisa-tion. the group of five MPshas conveyed their decisionof electing Paras as the LJPleader in Lok sabha to the

speaker. there has been nocomment from Paswan onthe issue. While the rebelgroup, which includes MPsPrince Raj, Chandan singh,Veena devi and MehboobAli Kaiser, has long beenunhappy with his style offunctioning, sources said,the LJP president has nowbeen left virtually isolatedat the top after taking on themantle following his fatherRam Vilas Paswan's deathin 2020. sources close tohim have blamed the Jd(U)for the split, saying the par-ty had long been working toisolate the LJP president af-ter his decision to go all outagainst Chief MinisterKumar in the 2020 assem-bly polls.

LJP MPs join hands against Chirag PaswanPRESS TRUST Of INDIAAgra, Jun 14

A five-year-old child fell into a 150-feet-deep borewell while playing indhariyai village here on Monday, policesaid, adding that rescue operation is un-derway. the incident took place about8:30 am under nibohara police stationarea in Fatehabad in Agra rural. so far,the child's movement can be noticed andhe was responding, station HouseOfficer sooraj Prasad told PtI. Headded, "the rescue of the child was onsince the police got information aboutthe incident." An eyewitness said thechild fell into the borewell that was dugby his father, Chhotelal. "We haddropped a rope into the borewell whichthe child had caught and he has been re-sponding to our queries," the villageradded.

UP: 5-yr-old falls in150-ft-deep borewell,rescue operation on


Rumours regard-ing the death of BJPMLA Babulal Kharadiwent viral on social me-dia on sunday, butwere soon dismissed bythe legislator. the ru-mours started after aman posted a status onhis social media ac-count about the MLA'sdeath. the man's loca-tion was traced toUdaipur, followingwhich police teamsstarted searching forhim, Jhadol CircleOfficer Girdhar singh

said. His mobile phonewas found to beswitched off, the circleofficer said. no FIR hasbeen lodged in this re-gard till now, he said,adding that action isbeing taken for breachof peace. the JhadolMLA told PtI that his

party workers were up-set over the incidentand he had to put out astatement on socialmedia about his wellbeing. He alleged thatit is a conspiracy of aBhartiya tribal Party(BtP) worker. A com-plaint has been given inthis matter by theworkers at Jhadol po-lice station, the MLAsaid. "I have also toldthe Kotda police sta-tion officer that if anysuch news has come,then it should be inves-tigated. He has assuredme of an investigation,Kharadi said.

BJP MLA Babulal Kharadiquashes death rumours


Mizoram reported 98new COVId-19 cases andfour more fatalities in thelast 24 hours, pushing thestate's coronavirus tally to15,364 and death toll to 67,an official statement saidon Monday. state informa-tion and public relationsdepartment said that fourpersons aged between 42and 91 years died within aspan of 10 hours betweensunday and Monday. Allthe victims belonged toAizawl district, it said.

the department saidthat 951 samples were test-ed in the last 24 hours andthe positivity rate was 10.30per cent as 98 people havetested positive for the infec-tion out of the total samplestested. Of the fresh cases,85 cases were reportedfrom Aizawl district,

Lunglei (6), Kolasib (4),siaha (2) and Hnahthial (1),it said. More than 25 chil-dren were among the newlyinfected people, it said. twopatients have travel history,while the remaining 96were found to have locallycontracted the infection, itsaid, adding that 83 patients

have developed symptomsof COVId-19 and the re-maining 15 are asympto-matic. Mizoram now has3,549 COVId-19 active cas-es, while 11,748 people haverecovered from the infec-tion, including 203 onsunday. the state has tested4,31,357 samples for COVId-

19 till date. the COVId-19recovery rate is 76.46 percent and the death rate is0.41 per cent. According tostate immunisation officerdr Lalzawmi, a total of2,85,982 people have beeninoculated so far, of which53,226 people have receivedboth doses of the vaccine.

Mizoram reports 98 new COVId-19cases, 4 more deaths


A married couple and their twosons were found dead at their home indhanbad town in Jharkhand onMonday morning, police said. Munnayadav (45), his wife Meena devi (35),and sons Rahul (20) and Rohit (14)were found dead at their rented ac-commodation in Gandhi Road in thedhansar police station area, they said.

It is suspected that Rahul, who isMeena's son from her previous mar-riage, stabbed the others to death andthen slit his throat with a sharpweapon, police said after the initial in-vestigation. the neighbours first spot-ted the bodies after seeing blood com-ing out from the house. All the fourwere found lying in a pool of blood af-ter police broke in as the door waslocked from inside, an officer said.

two sharp weapons were recov-ered from the room, police said.Additional superintendent of PoliceManoj swargyari said the incident ap-pears to be the result of a family dis-pute. "the bodies were sent for post-mortem. An investigation is under-way," he told reporters. Meena mar-ried Munna after the death of her firsthusband and had another son Rohit.Munna was working at a local factoryfor years, police said.

Stepson kills all offamily, then diesby suicide: Police

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAItanagar, Jun 14

Arunachal Pradeshwitnessed a dip inCOVId-19 cases as 134people tested positivefor the virus, pushingthe coronavirus tally to31,282, an official saidon Monday. the statehad reported 298 caseson sunday. the COVId-19 death toll in the staterose to 145 as two morepersons succumbed tothe disease in the pasttwo days, statesurveillance Officer drLobsang Jampa said.the Capital ComplexRegion continued to re-port high number offresh cases with 35, fol-lowed by West Kameng(19), Anjaw (18),Changlang (15) andLower subansiri at 11.Five new cases eachwere also recorded attawang, Kra daadi andLohit, three each inUpper subansiri, Lower

siang, Kurung Kumeyand east Kameng, twoeach from Papumpare,east siang, Leparadaand tirap and one fromLongding district, thessO said. Of the freshcases 130 were detectedthrough rapid antigentests and two eachthrough Rt-PCR andtruenat methods, theofficial said, adding that51 people have symp-toms of COVId-19. thestate now has 2,885 ac-tive COVId-19 cases, hesaid. As many as 434 pa-tients were cured of thedisease on sunday tak-ing the total number ofCOVId-19 recoveries inthe state to 28,252,Jampa said. theCOVId-19 recovery ratenow is 90.31 per centwhile the active percent-age stands at 9.22 andthe positivity rate at3.58 per cent, he said.the Capital ComplexRegion - comprisingItanagar, naharlagun,

nirjuli and Banderdewaareas - has the highestnumber of active casesat 462, followed byChanglang (285), WestKameng (220), namsai(190), Lohit (169) andUpper subansiri at 166cases. Altogether,6,73,167 samples havebeen tested for COVId-19 in the state so far, in-cluding 3,739 onsunday, Jampa said.Meanwhile, stateImmunisation Officerdr dimong Padung saidthat a total of 4,21,082people have been ad-ministered COVId-19vaccine so far in thestate since the inocula-tion drive began inJanuary. the state as onsunday had a total of1,45,640 vaccine dosesavailable including,1,19,030 supplied by theCentre and 26,610 pur-chased by the state gov-ernment from serumInstitute of India, drPadung added.

Arunachal Pradesh logs134 new COVId-19 cases

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAPratapgarh, Jun 14

A 42-year-old news channel re-porter died after his motorcyclerammed a pole near a brick kiln here,police said on Monday. the reporter,sulabh srivastava, recently ran a newsstory against the liquor mafia, and twodays back, he had written to thePrayagraj additional director generalof police, seeking protection. Also,Additional superintendent of Policesurendra dwivedi said the crash tookplace on sunday when srivastava wasreturning from Asrahi village underthe Lalganj police station area afterreporting on an illegal arms manufac-turing unit uncovered there. After thecrash, srivastava was taken to the dis-trict hospital, where doctors declaredhim dead, he said. the officer said po-lice were probing various angles andthe body of the deceased was sent for apost-mortem examination.

Journalist dead inroad crash in UP's

Pratapgarh PRESS TRUST Of INDIAJodhpur, Jun 14

supreme Court BarAssociation (sCBA)president Vikas singh'sproposal to considerapex court lawyers forelevation as high courtjudges is detrimental tothe autonomy of HC col-legiums and humiliatingfor the advocates prac-tising in these courts,lawyers of the RajasthanHC here said. taking ob-jection to the proposal,the Rajasthan HighCourt Advocates'Association (RHCAA)has written to the chiefjustice of India (CJI),urging him not to con-sider it as it will lead todiscrimination amongadvocates based on thecourts where they prac-

tise. the sCBA presidenthad written to CJI n VRamana on May 31. Onsunday, singh issued aclarification, saying hislimited purpose behindthe proposal was topress for the elevation oflawyers practising at thesupreme Court as highcourt judges. He addedthat he had only raised along-pending demand ofapex court lawyers.Objecting to the propos-al in his letter to the CJI,RHCAA presidentnathu singh Rathoresaid appointment ofjudges was an exclusiveprivilege of the highcourts concerned. "thisproposal not only inter-feres with this privilegeand this autonomy of thehigh courts, but alsoquestions the talent and

competence of advo-cates practising in thevarious high courts ofthe country," Rathorewrote. the land ofRajasthan may be aridbut it has no drought oftalented and meritori-ous lawyers, he added.the Rajasthan HighCourt has produced thefinest of jurists, Rathorewrote, adding that manyof them rose to becomechief justices of varioushigh courts and judges atthe supreme Court."One of them went on toserve as a judge at theInternational Court ofJustice," he said. Withthese assertions, the as-sociation appealed to theCJI not to accept theproposal of the sCBAunder any circum-stances.

Rajasthan HC lawyers write to CJI againstsCBA proposal on elevation of advocates


the Congress onsunday alleged that scamsare happening by taking do-nations in the name of LordRam after two oppositionleaders accused shriramJanmabhoomi teerth Kshetratrust general secretaryChampat Rai of buying apiece of land at an inflated

price for the Ram templepremises. the allegationthat the land worth Rs 2crore was brought at an in-flated price of Rs 18.5 crorewas made by two opposi-tion leaders AAP's Rajyasabha member sanjaysingh and a former minis-ter in the samajwadi Partygovernment, Pawan Pandey.the allegation was stronglyrefuted by Rai. tagging a

tweet on Rai refuting the al-legation, Congress' chiefspokesperson Randeepsurjewala said, "Lord Ram,what kind of days are these?scams are happening bytaking donations in yourname. shameless robbersare intoxicated with arro-gance like Ravana and areselling faith. the question ishow the land bought for Rs2 crore was sold after 10

minutes to 'RamJanmabhoomi' for Rs 18.50crores?" he asked. "now itseems Kans are ruling,Ravana is everywhere!"surjewala said in a tweet inHindi. terming it a case ofmoney laundering, singhand Pandey both sought aprobe by the CentralBureau of Investigation andthe enforcementdirectorate.

scams happening by taking donationsin name of Lord Ram, alleges Cong


Five gangsters selling hooch to agovernment liquor shop were arrest-ed, police said on sunday. Circle offi-cer Prayank Jain said the accused per-sons Ramchandra Maurya, Rehanm,

shakeel, Jai singh and Brijesh singhwere arrested late saturday night. thefive accused have a total of 108 casesregistered against them in differentdistricts of eastern Uttar Pradesh, saidJain, adding as many as 43 cases areregistered against RamchandraMaurya. A Bolero sUV, a motorcycle,

two pistols and a huge amount of am-munition besides Rs 14,000 cash wereseized from the arrested persons, Jainsaid, adding police also recovered 10crates of illicit liquor from them. thesixth gangster, however, managed toflee and efforts are on to arrest him,Jain said.

Five gangsters selling hooch to govtliquor vends arrested: Police

JAMMU, tUesdAy, JUne 15, 2021wOrld8 Glimpses of Future

In Brief

By ADITI KHANNALondon, Jun 14 (PTI)

Us President Joe Biden has re-vealed how China tried to warn himoff strengthening the Quadrilateralsecurity dialogue, referred to as theQuad as an informal strategic partner-ship between India, Japan, Australiaand the United states.

Addressing a press conference atthe conclusion of the UK-hosted G7summit in Cornwall on sunday, thePresident who took charge in theWhite House earlier this year said thatin his conversation with a Chineseleader he was asked about his interna-tional relations plans before he as-sumed the presidency. Biden did notreveal the identity of the Chineseleader.

Chinese President Xi Jinpingspoke to Biden for two hours inFebruary, days after he assumed officeas the Us President.

On February 11, President Bidensaid: "Last night, I was on the phonefor two straight hours with Xi Jinping.And you all know as well as I do, thesefolks - and it was a good conversation.I know him well. We spent a lot of timetogether over the years I was Vice

President."When I was asked what I was go-

ing to be doing after being elected, Isaid we're going to re-establish thestrength of American relationships sowe can be counted on again , Biden re-called on sunday of the meeting withthe unidentified Chinese leader.

the Chinese leader then request-ed him to not get India, Japan,Australia, and the Us together underthe Quad umbrella.

Biden said the Chinese leader sug-gested that, "Well, maybe you (Biden)shouldn't get the Quad " - meaningIndia, Japan, Australia, and theUnited states - " working together."

Known as the "Quadrilateralsecurity dialogue, representatives forthe four member nations have met pe-riodically since its establishment in2007. Interestingly, Biden hosted thefirst virtual summit of Quad leaderson March 12. during the summit,President Biden told leaders of thecoalition that a "free and open" Indo-Pacific is essential to their countriesand vowed that his country was com-mitted to working with its partnersand allies in the region to achieve sta-bility.

Prime Minister narendra Modi,

Australian Prime Minister scottMorrison and his Japanese counter-part yoshihide suga attended the vir-tual summit. the Quad member stateshave been resolving to uphold a rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific amid growing Chinese as-sertiveness in the region. theQuadrilateral alliance is often project-ed in the official media in China as analliance against the Communist gi-ant's rise.

China's military and the foreignministry have repeatedly criticised theBiden administration for continuingthe trump era "Indo-Pacific strategy",saying the Us should not form"cliques" or provoke "new Cold War"featuring bloc confrontation.

In november 2017, India, Japan,the Us and Australia gave shape to thelong-pending proposal of setting upthe Quad to develop a new strategy tokeep the critical sea routes in theIndo-Pacific free of any influence.

the Us has been favouring Quadas a security architecture to checkChina's growing assertiveness.

China claims sovereignty over allof the south China sea. Vietnam,Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei andtaiwan have counter claims.

China is engaged in hotly contest-ed territorial disputes in both thesouth China sea and the east Chinasea. Beijing has built up and mili-tarised many of the islands and reefs itcontrols in the region. Both areas arestated to be rich in minerals, oil andother natural resources and are alsovital to global trade.

With reference to China, the UsPresident pointed out that unlike theprevious G7 summits there was aclear action plan related to the regionthis time, including a climate-friend-ly, transparent alternative to the Beltand Road Initiative in the Us-pro-posed Belt and Road Initiative: theBuild Back Better.

"I think we're in a contest not withChina per se, but a contest with auto-crats, autocratic governments aroundthe world, as to whether or not democ-racies can compete with them in therapidly changing 21st century, he said.

"you're going to see just straight-forward dealing with China. Andagain, we're not looking as I've told Ximyself, I'm not looking for conflict.Where we can cooperate, we'll cooper-ate. Where we disagree, I'm going tostate it frankly, and we are going to re-spond to actions that are inconsistent,

noted Biden, in response to a questionon China.

the Us President on sunday alsohighlighted American leadership ofthe "Build Back Better" theme acrossthe fields of transitioning the world tocleaner energy sources on an urgentbasis and also fighting corruption andcyber threats at a global level.

On the issue of the COVId-19 pan-demic and vaccinations, Biden made aspecial reference to India's role in theglobal vaccination drive.

"this is a gigantic logistical effortwe are also providing the ability forother countries to manufacture theirvaccines. We've all agreed on that.India has the capacity to do that. theydon't have the material capacity thusfar to do the manufacturing. Butthere's a lot going on to provide notonly to, quote, 'give' vaccines, but toprovide the ability of the countries inquestion to produce their own vac-cines," he said.

And, to send out a clear signal toRussian President Vladimir Putin,Biden responded to a question about alow point in Us-Russia relations witha message about the importance ofacting consistent with internationalnorms .

China tried to warn US off strengthening Quad, reveals Joe Biden

London, Jun 14 (PTI)

Cloudtail India Pvt Ltd - theonline retailing joint venture ofInfosys co-founder n R narayanaMurthy's firm and -faced a 5.5 million pounds de-mand, including interest andpenalties, from tax authorities af-ter it paid "meagre" taxes over thepast four years, a media reportsaid on Monday.

Amazon reportedly devel-oped independent sellers such asCloudtail, as 'special merchant'which enjoyed over 35 per cent oftotal sales on the platform until2019.

While Murthy's CatamaranVentures indirectly holds 76 percent in Cloudtail and Amazon theremaining 24 per cent, the firm'stwo top posts - chief executiveand finance director - were withthe Us retailer. Cloudtail's hold-ing company, Prione is also runby a former Amazon manager, thereport in 'the Guardian' newspa-per said. It said that it is notknown precisely what the tax dis-pute is about and the companysaid that it was contesting the bill,adding that since the "matter issub judice, we are unable to com-ment any further .

Following the report, the of-fice of UK Chancellor of theexchequer Rishi sunak, who isson-in-law of Murthy, was forcedto comment.

the revelations come justdays after sunak led the G7 fi-nance ministers' charge to agreeto a global deal designed to maketech companies pay more tax.

"Reaching an internationalagreement on how large digitalcompanies are taxed has been apriority for the chancellor sincehe took office," said a spokesper-son for his UK treasury office.

"the Chancellor's consistentposition has been that it matterswhere tax is paid, and any agree-ment must ensure digital busi-nesses pay tax in the UK that re-

flects their economic activities.that is what our taxpayers wouldexpect and is the right thing," thespokesperson said.

sunak has been dubbed theUK's richest minister, largely as aresult of his wife Akshata Murty'sfamily wealth. the latestGuardian' report claims that ananalysis of Cloudtail's accountsand activities shows that it is oneof the largest sellers, as part of a 76-24 percent joint venture with Amazon.

"the company has received ashow cause notice in the currentyear from directorate General ofGoods and service taxIntelligence amounting to InR5,455 lakhs [ 5.5m] along with in-terest and penalties for servicetax-related matters, it quotesCloudtail's most recent accountsas saying.

It claims that the annual re-port further reveals that Cloudtailwhich only sells via the Amazonplatform paid Amazon fees of 95million pounds last year, almost10 times more than the Indianbusiness reported in profit.

According to its analysis,Murthy created the venture capi-tal firm Catamaran, a trustee ofthe Hober Mallow trust, whichultimately owns the stake inCloudtail and whose beneficiaries

are the Murthy family."the whole structure raises

questions if Cloudtail is really anasset of Amazon and if theMurthys are the name lenders.the exact detail of the deal willonly be known if the investigationagencies seek details of theirshareholder agreements, Rashmidas, an author specialising inIndian e-commerce, is quoted assaying by the newspaper.

the questions around thecontrol of Cloudtail also recentlyprompted the Confederation ofAll India traders (CAIt) to askthe Indian minister of commerce,Piyush Goyal, in February to in-vestigate the joint venture to dis-cover why its key personnel havetypically joined from Amazon.

In a letter to Goyal, found onCAIt's twitter account, it notes:even though Murthy holds themajority of shares, he has allowedthe (so-called) former employeesof Amazon on the driver's seat ofboth Cloudtail and Prione therole of Murthy requires appropri-ate investigation.

Amazon maintains that it isoperating in full compliance withlocal laws. However, last week theIndian competition commissiongot the go-ahead to relaunch aninvestigation into Amazon's sell-ing practices in India.

Rishi Sunak drawn into in-lawNarayana Murthy Amazon tax dispute

Islamabad, Jun 14 (PTI)

Pakistan's supremeCourt has ordered theKarachi administration tostop the demolition of aHindu dharamshala andleasing out the heritageproperty located in the heartof the city.

A three-judge bench ledby Chief Justice of PakistanGulzar Ahmed issued the or-der on Friday while hearinga case regarding the imple-mentation of a 2014 judg-ment on minorities' rights.

during the hearing, drRamesh Kumar a co-optedmember of a one-man com-mission on minorities statedthat the property at saddartown-I in Karachi measur-ing about 716 square yardswas a dharamshala, theexpress tribune reportedon sunday.

Kumar also placed be-fore the court photographsof the building.

He said the evacueetrust Property Board(etPB) leased out the prop-erty to some private person,

who was demolishing thedharamshala to construct acommercial plaza.

Kumar said the etPBchairman contended thatthe sindh High Court (sHC)has allowed the etPB tolease the place out, have itdemolished and raise a newbuilding there.

the supreme Courtbench, however, said suchan order of the sHC was notbefore it.

"the very photographapparently shows that thebuilding is of dharamshalaconstructed in the year 1932,which can be read from themarble slab affixed on thebuilding and must be a pro-tected heritage building, theapex court said.

the court issued noticeto sindh's secretary of her-itage, asking him to file a re-port regarding the building.

In the meantime, nodemolition activity of thesaid building shall be con-ducted by anyone, and pos-session of the building andthe land shall be taken overby the Commissioner

Karachi, who shall managethe same and not allow anyperson to enter it.

"no demolished materi-al shall be allowed to be re-moved. this [should] bedone by the CommissionerKarachi today and [a] re-port, in this respect, be sub-mitted to the Office of thesupreme Court," the reportquoted the court's order.

the order noted that theone-man commission hasalso filed an application withthe request that it may be al-located more funds as earli-er funds of Rs 7 million (70lakh) allocated to it have al-ready been spent and someliabilities have also accrued.

the apex issued a noticeto the Ministry of ReligiousAffair and the AttorneyGeneral for Pakistan on thisapplication, the report said.

"In the meanwhile, theamount of Rs.14.994 millionbe disbursed to the commis-sion. For allocation of a newbudget, let a proper re-sponse be filed by theMinistry of Religious Affairsand Interfaith Harmony.

Pak Supreme Court stops demolitionof Hindu dharamshala in Karachi

Putin calls accusationof cyberattacks againstUS ''farcical''Moscow, Jun 14

Russian President VladimirPutin has sharply dismissed alle-gations that his country is carry-ing out cyberattacks against theUnited states as baseless. Putin'scomments in an interview airedon nBC on Monday come twodays before he is to meet U.s.President Joe Biden in Genevaand underline the tensions be-tween the two countries. Where isthe evidence? Where is proof? It'sbecoming farcical, Putin said. Wehave been accused of all kinds ofthings election interference, cy-berattacks and so on and so forthand not once, not once, not onetime, did they bother to produceany kind of evidence or proof, justunfounded accusations. In April,the United states announced theexpulsion of 10 Russian diplo-mats and new sanctions connect-ed to the hacking of thesolarWinds information technol-ogy company. (AP)

Bangladeshi businessman arrestedafter actress allegesrape, murder attemptDhaka, Jun 14

A Bangladeshi businessmanwas on Monday arrested afterprominent film actressshamsunnahar smriti filed a po-lice complaint against him alleg-ing that he tried to rape and mur-der her at a club here. earlier, the28-year-old actress, popularlyknown as Pori Moni, sought jus-tice from Prime Minister sheikhHasina in a Facebook post andheld a media briefing on sundaynight accusing businessmennasir U Mahmood, a real estatebusinessman and entertainmentand cultural affairs secretary ofdhaka Boat Club, of assaultingher. On Monday, she filed a policecomplaint against the business-man, the prime accused, and fourothers, alleging that nasir as-saulted her at the club in dhaka'sUttara four days ago. Followingthe complaint, police carried outa raid and arrested the business-man and four others. two of thearrestees are FIR named accusedin the case filed by the actresswhile three others are their asso-ciates, the daily star newspaperreported. Harun or Rashid, jointcommissioner (north) ofdetective Branch of dhakaMetropolitan Police, told the dai-ly that a case under narcoticsControl Act against the five willalso be filed as drugs and alcoholwere recovered during the raid.Harun said the accused used tohold parties at different clubs, of-ten exploiting young women. theofficial said they received verbalcomplaints from several otherpersons against the accused.detectives will take legal action ifanyone officially files complaints,he said. earlier, calling PrimeMinister Hasina "mother, the ac-tress in her Facebook post hadclaimed that she sought helpfrom law enforcement agenciesbut failed to get justice. "Wherewill I seek justice? the post read. Icouldn't find it in the last fourdays everyone listens to the de-tails and never follows through.I'm a girl, I'm an actor, but beforethat, I'm a human being. I can'tremain silent, she said in the postin Bangla. Pori Moni rose to famefast after joining the movie indus-try in 2015. she has played thelead female role in two dozenBangladeshi movies. Forbesmagazine last year named her asone of 100 digital stars of Asia.

Heavy rains, windstormleave 9 people dead, 17injured in PakistanPeshawar, Jun 14

Heavy rains and windstormhave claimed at least 9 lives andinjured 17 people in northwestPakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwaprovince, the Provincial disasterManagement Authority (PdMA)said on Monday. It said the inces-sant rainfall - that mostly hit thehilly and mountainous districtsincluding Chitral, dir, Mansehraand swat - left four more peopledead and injured 12 others in thelast 24 hours. the death toll fromthe rainfall has gone up to 9,while 17 people have been in-jured, the PdMA said, addingthat three more houses were par-tially damaged due to torrentialrains.

PM Oli virtually lays foundation stone of liquefiedoxygen plant in Nepal's Rupandehi district

Kathmandu, Jun 14 (PTI)

nepal's Prime Minister KP sharma Oli on Monday virtually laid the foundation stoneof nepal's first-ever liquefied oxygen plant in the Lumbini Province which will help caterto growing domestic demand and reduce oxygen imported from India, amidst the secondwave of COVId-19 pandemic. the plant is being set up at simarhawa of Rupandehi dis-trict in the province. the country has been facing a shortage of oxygen and oxygen cylin-ders as the second wave of COVId 19 hit nepal, Prime Minister Oli noted while laying thefoundation stone from his official residence Baluwatar. It was an unprecedented event ofhappiness at a time when the country had been reeling under an acute crisis of oxygen, henoted. the government was compelled to import oxygen and other essential medicalequipment, he said. "Later, the government thought that it would be appropriate to set upan oxygen plant on its own," he added. the oxygen plant being installed in Rupandehi canproduce 60 metric tonnes of oxygen daily, which can refill 7,000 big oxygen cylinders inday?," he noted. He also said that the government was ready to waive customs tax to en-courage the establishment of as many oxygen plants as possible in the country.

By ADITI KHANNALondon, Jun 14 (PTI)

UK Prime Minister BorisJohnson is expected to announce afour-week delay to an end to all legallockdown restrictions in the countrywhen he makes a statement later on

Monday in relation to so-calledFreedom day , which was set for June21. the last and fourth stage of thelockdown roadmap is now expectedaround July 19 instead amid a worry-ing spike in cases of the delta variant,which experts fear will result ingreater hospitalisations in the com-

ing weeks.On sunday, the UK recorded

7,490 new cases of COVId-19 andeight deaths, with the seven-day av-erage for cases up 49 per cent com-pared with the seven days before.

scientists and health officialshave called for a delay in lifting all so-cial distance norms in order to allowthe vaccination programme to gainfurther ground, with second doses forthe older age groups and first dosesfor the younger population cohorts ofover-25s now eligible for jabs.

It is one last heave. It is a straightrace between the vaccine and thevirus, a senior government sourcewas quoted by the daily telegraph'as saying after Johnson met hisCabinet ministers and scientific ad-visers to assess the latest data.

Johnson is expected to blame thedelay on the third wave of COVId-19infections and say it will allow mil-lions of more people to be vaccinatedand more to receive a second jab bythe end of July. As well as a delay inlifting restrictions to allow scientistsmore time to monitor the delta vari-

ant first identified in India the UKPrime Minister is also likely to an-nounce a drive to accelerate the vac-cination programme.

the extension will be put to aHouse of Commons vote this monthand could trigger a backbench rebel-lion from Johnson's ownConservative Party MPs, who havebeen calling for an end to all lock-down measures for some time.

Under stage four of the roadmap,venues and events would be allowedto operate without capacity limitsand the cap on guests at weddingswould also be lifted.

However, a further delay meansentertainment venues like nightclubsand theatres and pubs and bars mustcontinue to operate with restrictednumbers. the guidance that "every-one who can work from home mustdo so" will remain in place and wed-dings can be attended only by 30guests.

the June 21 timeline was tied toseveral criteria being met, includingthe vaccine rollout continues suc-cessfully; evidence shows vaccines

effectively reduce hospitalisationsand deaths in those vaccinated; in-fection rates do not risk a surge inhospitalisations which would put un-sustainable pressure on the nHs,and the assessment of risks is notfundamentally changed by new vari-ants of concern (VOCs).

Of these four criteria, the one re-lated to VOCs is the one tripping upthe schedule as Public Healthengland's latest analysis last weekfound that the delta VOC was about60 per cent more transmissible thanthe Alpha VOC identified in the UKand also reduces the effectiveness ofvaccines to some extent.

senior ministers, includingChancellor Rishi sunak and Healthsecretary Matt Hancock are under-stood to have signed off on the plansto delay June 21 after being briefedby Chris Whitty, the Chief MedicalOfficer, and sir Patrick Vallance, theChief scientific Adviser.

Johnson is expected to promise areview of the continuing restrictionsafter the first two weeks, as a way ofappeasing his party MPs.

UK PM expected to delay COVID lockdown end by 4 weeks to July 19

JAMMU, tUesdAy, JUne 15, 2021hEalth9Glimpses of Future

Anew study is thefirst to identifyhow human

brains grow much larger,with three times as manyneurons, compared withchimpanzee and gorillabrains. the study, led by re-searchers at the MedicalResearch Council (MRC)Laboratory of MolecularBiology in Cambridge, UK,identified a key molecularswitch that can make apebrain organoids grow morelike human organoids, andvice versa.

the study, published inthe journal Cell, compared'brain organoids' -- 3d tis-sues grown from stem cellswhich model early brain de-velopment -- that weregrown from human, gorillaand chimpanzee stem cells.

similar to actual brains,the human brain organoidsgrew a lot larger than theorganoids from other apes.

dr Madeline Lancaster,from the MRC Laboratoryof Molecular Biology, wholed the study, said: "thisprovides some of the firstinsight into what is differ-ent about the developinghuman brain that sets usapart from our closest livingrelatives, the other greatapes. the most striking dif-ference between us and oth-er apes is just how incredi-bly big our brains are."

during the early stagesof brain development, neu-rons are made by stem cellscalled neural progenitors.these progenitor cells ini-tially have a cylindricalshape that makes it easy forthem to split into identicaldaughter cells with thesame shape.

the more times the

neural progenitor cells mul-tiply at this stage, the moreneurons there will be later.

As the cells mature andslow their multiplication,they elongate, forming ashape like a stretched ice-cream cone.

Previously, research inmice had shown that theirneural progenitor cells ma-ture into a conical shapeand slow their multiplica-tion within hours.

now, brain organoidshave allowed researchers touncover how this develop-ment happens in humans,gorillas and chimpanzees.

they found that in go-rillas and chimpanzees thistransition takes a long time,occurring over approxi-mately five days.

Human progenitorswere even more delayed inthis transition, takingaround seven days. the hu-man progenitor cells main-tained their cylinder-likeshape for longer than otherapes and during this timethey split more frequently,producing more cells.

this difference in thespeed of transition fromneural progenitors to neu-rons means that the humancells have more time to mul-tiply. this could be largelyresponsible for the approxi-mately three-fold greaternumber of neurons in hu-man brains compared withgorilla or chimpanzeebrains.

dr Lancaster said: "Wehave found that a delayedchange in the shape of cellsin the early brain is enoughto change the course of de-velopment, helping deter-mine the numbers of neu-rons that are made.

"It's remarkable that arelatively simple evolution-ary change in cell shapecould have major conse-quences in brain evolution.I feel like we've really learntsomething fundamentalabout the questions I'vebeen interested in for aslong as I can remember --what makes us human."

to uncover the geneticmechanism driving thesedifferences, the researcherscompared gene expression -- which genes are turned onand off -- in the humanbrain organoids versus theother apes.

they identified differ-ences in a gene called'ZeB2', which was turnedon sooner in gorilla brainorganoids than in the hu-man organoids.

to test the effects of thegene in gorilla progenitorcells, they delayed the ef-fects of ZeB2. this slowedthe maturation of the pro-genitor cells, making thegorilla brain organoids de-velop more similarly to hu-man -- slower and larger.

Conversely, turning onthe ZeB2 gene sooner inhuman progenitor cellspromoted premature tran-sition in human organoids,so that they developed morelike ape organoids.

the researchers notethat organoids are a modeland, like all models, do notto fully replicate real brains,especially mature brainfunction. But for funda-mental questions about ourevolution, these brain tis-sues in a dish provide an un-precedented view into keystages of brain develop-ment that would be impos-sible to study otherwise.

How humans develop largerbrains than other apes

studies representingnearly 2 million adultsworldwide show that eat-

ing about five daily servings offruits and vegetables, in which 2are fruits and 3 are vegetables, islikely the optimal amount for alonger life, according to new re-search published today in theAmerican Heart Association'sflagship journal Circulation.

diets rich in fruits and vegeta-bles help reduce risk for numerouschronic health conditions that areleading causes of death, includingcardiovascular disease and cancer.yet, only about one in 10 adults eatenough fruits or vegetables, ac-cording to the U.s. Centers fordisease Control and Prevention.

"While groups like theAmerican Heart Association rec-ommend four to five servings eachof fruits and vegetables daily, con-sumers likely get inconsistentmessages about what defines opti-mal daily intake of fruits and veg-etables such as the recommendedamount, and which foods to in-clude and avoid," said lead studyauthor dong d. Wang, M.d.,

sc.d., an epidemiologist, nutri-tionist and a member of the med-ical faculty at Harvard Medicalschool and Brigham and Women'sHospital in Boston.

Wang and colleagues analyzeddata from the nurses' Healthstudy and the HealthProfessionals Follow-Up study,two studies including more than100,000 adults who were followedfor up to 30 years. Both datasetsincluded detailed dietary informa-tion repeatedly collected every twoto four years. For this analysis, re-searchers also pooled data on fruitand vegetable intake and deathfrom 26 studies that includedabout 1.9 million participantsfrom 29 countries and territoriesin north and south America,europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Analysis of all studies, with acomposite of more than 2 millionparticipants, revealed:

Intake of about five servings offruits and vegetables daily was as-sociated with the lowest risk ofdeath. eating more than five serv-ings was not associated with addi-tional benefit.

eating about two servings dai-ly of fruits and three servings dailyof vegetables was associated withthe greatest longevity.

Compared to those who con-sumed two servings of fruit andvegetables per day, participantswho consumed five servings a dayof fruits and vegetable had a 13%lower risk of death from all causes;a 12% lower risk of death from car-diovascular disease, includingheart disease and stroke; a 10%lower risk of death from cancer;and a 35% lower risk of death fromrespiratory disease, such as chron-ic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPd).

not all foods that one mightconsider to be fruits and vegeta-bles offered the same benefits. Forexample: starchy vegetables, suchas peas and corn, fruit juices andpotatoes were not associated withreduced risk of death from allcauses or specific chronic diseases.

On the other hand, green leafyvegetables, including spinach, let-tuce and kale, and fruit and vegeta-bles rich in beta carotene and vita-min C, such as citrus fruits, berriesand carrots, showed benefits.

"Our analysis in the two co-horts of U.s. men and womenyielded results similar to thosefrom 26 cohorts around the world,which supports the biologicalplausibility of our findings andsuggests these findings can be ap-plied to broader populations,"Wang said.

Wang said this study identifiesan optimal intake level of fruitsand vegetables and supports theevidence-based, succinct publichealth message of '5-a-day,' mean-ing people should ideally consumefive servings of fruit and vegetableeach day. "this amount likely of-fers the most benefit in terms ofprevention of major chronic dis-ease and is a relatively achievable

intake for the general public," hesaid. "We also found that not allfruits and vegetables offer thesame degree of benefit, eventhough current dietary recom-mendations generally treat alltypes of fruits and vegetables, in-cluding starchy vegetables, fruitjuices and potatoes, the same."

A limitation of the research isthat it is observational, showing anassociation between fruit and veg-etable consumption and risk ofdeath; it does not confer a directcause-and-effect relationship.

"the American HeartAssociation recommends filling atleast half your plate with fruits andvegetables at each meal," saidAnne thorndike, M.d., M.P.H.,chair of the American HeartAssociation's nutrition committeeand an associate professor of med-icine at Harvard Medical school inBoston. "this research providesstrong evidence for the lifelongbenefits of eating fruits and veg-etables and suggests a goalamount to consume daily for idealhealth. Fruits and vegetables arenaturally packaged sources of nu-trients that can be included inmost meals and snacks, and theyare essential for keeping ourhearts and bodies healthy."

Co-authors are yanping Li,Ph.d.; shilpa n. Bhupathiraju,Ph.d.; Bernard A. Rosner, Ph.d.;Qi sun, M.d., sc.d.; edward L.Giovannucci; eric B. Rimm, sc.d.;JoAnn e. Manson, M.d., M.P.H.,dr.P.H., FAHA; Walter C. Willett,M.d., dr.P.H.; Meir J. stampfer,M.d., dr.P.H.; and Frank B. Hu,M.d., Ph.d.

the study was funded by thenational Institutes of Health, theAmerican Heart Association andthe national Institute of diabetesand digestive and Kidney diseasesof the national Institutes ofHealth.

The right '5-a-day' mix is 2 fruit and3 vegetable servings for longer life

If you have felt increased screentime is doing a number on your eyesand potentially contributing to digi-tal eye strain, a survey shows you’renot alone. Findings show that 80percent of respondents say pan-demic-prompted screen time puttheir eyes in “overdrive”. In fact,two-thirds of respondents reportexperiencing some degree of eyediscomfort every day and nearly aquarter say their eyes feel worsenow than they did a year ago. Allthat is adding up to a new sense ofurgency: 90 percent say it’s impor-tant to take care of their eyes —starting now.

the VsP Vision Care survey alsofound that a quarter says their eyesfeel worse now than before the pan-demic.

Over half of the respondents re-port looking at a computer most ofthe day, every day, say the findings,adding that nearly 2 in 3 experiencesome degree of eye discomfort on adaily basis. eighty percent would be

willing to schedule routine comput-er breaks to relieve digital eyestrain, while roughly 1 in 5 prioritisepaying regular visits to the eye doc-tor.

In the survey, more than half ofrespondents defined a “digitaldetox” as a break from screen time.However, there are other ways to re-lieve your eyes other than steppingaway from screens completely:

Finding relief from digital eyestrain: digital eye strain can occurfrom prolonged and frequent use ofscreens, which engages our near vi-sion, and exposes us to the blue lightemitted by screens. symptoms canappear as watery, dry, sore eyes,blurred vision and headaches.Although around 65 percent reportexperiencing eye discomfort on adaily basis, half of Americans some-times miss their annual exam ornever go, according to the survey.

even if you have perfect vision,prolonged screen time — pandemic-related or not — can tire out your

eyes. during an eye exam, your eyedoctor may suggest a computer lensor a blue light-reducing, anti-reflec-tive lens coating that can help re-duce your exposure and combat dig-ital eye strain. If you don’t wear pre-scription glasses, non-prescriptionlenses with a blue light-reducing,anti-reflective coating can be used.

In the 20-20-20 rule, whereevery 20 minutes, you take 20 sec-onds to look at something 20 feetaway. this will help to reset your fo-cus and help your eyes feel less fa-tigued due to digital eye strain.Blinking more frequently also helpsto relieve the discomfort by mois-tening your eyes.

Finding relief from digital eyestrain: digital eye strain can occurfrom prolonged and frequent use ofscreens, which engages our near vi-sion, and exposes us to the blue lightemitted by screens. symptoms canappear as watery, dry, sore eyes,blurred vision and headaches.Although around 65 percent report

experiencing eye discomfort on adaily basis, half of Americans some-times miss their annual exam ornever go, according to the survey.

Keeping an eye out for kids: thesurvey found that more than half ofparents are worried about the ef-fects of their children’s increasedscreen time. Men are more likelythan women to be worried abouttheir children’s eyes and, when itcomes to millennial dads, 6 in 10 areconcerned about their children’s vi-sion due to increased screen time.Inthe 20-20-20 rule, where every 20minutes, you take 20 seconds tolook at something 20 feet away. thiswill help to reset your focus and helpyour eyes feel less fatigued due todigital eye strain. Blinking more fre-quently also helps to relieve the dis-comfort by moistening your eyes.

eyecare is health care, andthrough a comprehensive eye exam,an eye doctor can detect early signsof serious health conditions like di-abetes and hypertension.

Do You Have Digital Eye Strain Due toPandemic? You Are Not Alone

every festival comes with its ownessence and flavour. Holi is a festivalof colours and playful bonhomie,

and one inevitably ends up in self- indulgenceand overeating. sweets and fried foods have al-ways been an integral part of festivities. sugaryand fried foods always end up making you feelsluggish, tired and bloated. But none of thisstops us from either playing Holi or binging onour favourite sweets.

So, what do people usually do?the most common and popular solution is

doing a detox plan. But, do you really need it?Let me bust a few myths about doing a detoxfirst:

Myth 1: Your body needs help todetox

Fact: the body has an innate ability to notonly assimilate nutrients, but also to limit theaccumulation of potentially harmful toxins. Itis naturally protected from toxins by naturalbarriers, which include the GI system, lungsand the skin. the toxins which somehow crossthese barriers are shuttled to the body’s detoxi-fication system (liver), which decreases thenegative impact of toxins and finally removesthem from the body via urine and faeces. thus,the body needs no external help to remove tox-ins as long as its vital organs are healthy andfunctioning normally.

Myth 2: A detox helps in restoringhealth in the long run

Fact: Our bodies are already equipped to

handle occasional indulgences, but if youoverindulge too often, even detox can’t repair it.excess fat and sugar gets stored as fat in the liv-er, leading to a condition called fatty liver. thiscondition gradually deteriorates its function-ing. to restore health, switching to a sustain-able diet with lean protein, whole grains, fruitsand vegetables will give you all the benefits.

Myth 3: Detox is always safeFact: If done for a longer duration, it can be

dangerous, as it can lead to electrolyte imbal-ance, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, diar-rhoea, other stomach problems and extreme fa-tigue.

Myth 4: Detox aids in permanentweight loss

Fact: due to loss of fluids and muscle mass,detox might trigger weight loss, but it’s neitherhealthy nor sustainable. On resuming normaleating, you will regain the lost weight.

The right way to DETOX:never use detox as a weight loss

a detox plan (like fasting, full day liquid or rawfruit and vegetable diet etc.) only for a day ormaximum two days, just to help the body easeoff its digestive system and remove excessbloating.the best time to do a detox plan isright after a party, festival or a holiday that in-volves a lot of binge eating and noexercise.Always get an appropriate detox planin consultation with a nutritionist to avoid pos-sible after effects.

But external detox is and will always be a

quick fix. For a more permanent solution, fol-low the rule of “ReLAX”, and help your bodydetox and rejuvenate naturally.

1. ‘R’est WeLLto help your body rejuvenate quickly, give

it adequate rest. sound sleep helps relax thenervous system, reduces stress hormones andreplenishes other hormones that enable thebody to recharge faster.

2. ‘e’at healthy foodsimple homemade food with balanced nu-

trients will naturally support the body’s owndetoxification process. do not miss any mealjust to compensate for all the junk you’ve eaten.Have nourishing light meals that includehealthy carbs, lean protein and vegetables likeveg khichdi or veg pulao with homemade curd.

3. Have enough ‘l’iquidsHydrate yourself thoroughly. drink loads

of non-alcoholic and non-sugary fluids. sugarand alcohol lead to dehydration, inducing fre-quent urination. this causes loss of elec-trolytes, leading to fatigue and tiredness. to re-plenish, drink lots of fluids like fresh coconutwater, lemon water, soups, infused water orsimply plain water.

4. ‘A’dd pre and probiotics to your mealsdue to binge eating, the digestive system

goes for a toss. Adding natural pre and probi-otics to your meals like home set curd, ferment-ed pickles, fermented rice water, kanji (fer-mented carrot water), raw veggies (salads) willaid your gut’s digestive abilities. this will help

relieve indigestion issues like gas, flatulenceand bloating.

5. ‘X’ercise regularlydon’t miss out on your workout. exercise

will help burn extra calories and will enable theheart to pump faster, ensuring good oxygenand nutrition supply to body cells. this will in-

stantly energize your body. exercise helps thebody release its happy hormones called endor-phins that will help uplift your mood, post fes-tive binging and fatigue.

therefore, post Holi do not stress and go forrandom detox plans. Rather, just ReLAX andrejuvenate the right way.

Don’t fall for myths, rather detox the right way post Holi with these tips

JAMMU tUesdAy JUne 15 , 2021EntErtainmEnt10 Glimpses of Future

Boxing champion Dingko Singh passes awayafter battling liver cancer; Shahid Kapoor,

Farhan Akhtar and other celebs express grief

Yami Gautam defines new sister goals with the love she showers on younger sis,

Surilie, in her new mehndi video

SHOCKING! The Family Man actress Priyamani reveals she'sbeen fat-shamed; called 'aunty',

'black, 'old' multiple time

Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput:Filmmaker Rumi Jaffrey remembers theactor; says, 'Knowing Sushant he would

have hated every moment of thetamasha that ensued after his death

Taapsee Pannu: I wasn't firstchoice for 'Haseen Dillruba'

sushant singh Rajput left us last year on thisdate. It has been a year since the tragedy and peo-ple still cannot get over the tragic turn of events.Filmmaker Rumi Jaffrey who was supposed todo a film with him after the lockdown gets emo-tional as he remembers the late star. He toldspotboye that he has not deleted his numberfrom his phone. He said, "Would you believe, Istill continue to read his messages on the phone.Usska number delete karne ka mann nahin kar-ta. I still feel he’s alive. His enthusiasm, his ex-citement about life was so infectious. He wantedto so many things. He wanted to act, direct films,write, do organic farming. I am reminded ofsinger noorjehan’s song Jo na mil sake wohi be-wafa, ye badi ajeeb si baat hain Jo chala gaya mu-jhe chodkar, Wohi aaj tak mere saath hai. Hesays June 14, 2020 will forever be a dark day forhim. He says he is dismayed with the hatred, ac-cusations and court cases that followed the de-mise of the actor. Rumi Jaffrey says he is painedto see how Rhea Chakraborty was targeted by thepress and public alike. "All of this was so painfulfor those of us who really cared about him, hesays. He says that he is afraid to say anything asno one knows what kind of social media lynchingis in store for them. He says that sushant singhRajput would have hated such negativity andslams people who became overnight claiming tobe his friends.

taapsee Pannu has revealed that she was not the firstchoice of the upcoming mystery thriller "Haseen dillruba".the actress claims the film came to her after all optionswere exhausted. "'Haseen dillruba' was a film I had a verygut feeling about the day I heard the basic idea from(writer) Kanika (dhillon). Unfortunately, I wasn't the firstchoice for the film and it came to me after all their optionswere exhausted," taapsee said. she calls the film a candy inan actor's hand. "the good old saying that, if it's meant foryou it will come to you stands true for this case. It's not justa beautifully written mystery, it has such wonderful char-acters, which is candy in an actor's hands," taapsee said.she added: "I am glad I got to experiment with my look andperformance with this one because I am definitely not thego-to person for this kind of character conventionally, andwe all love to take risks." the film, which also stars VikrantMassey and Harshvardhan Rane, is about a woman whoseheart longs to live like the words captured in a novel, butwho finds herself entangled in the murder of her husband.Vikrant calls the film a perfect blend of humour, quirk, re-venge and romance. "I hope it surprises the audience asmuch as it surprised me when I heard it first. It was an en-thralling experience shooting for," he said. Harshvardhanfeels honoured to be in the same frame with some of our"country's finest talent". "taapsee and Vikrant, have onething in common I could never make out if they were jokingor if they were serious. I always had to look for tiny nuancesto understand the pretext," he added. "Haseen dilruba",directed by "Hasee toh Phasee", helmer Vinil Mathew, willbe released on netflix.

Asian Games gold-

medalist in boxing, dingko

singh passed away yesterday

after his battle with liver can-

cer in Imphal. the demise of

the 42-year-old personality

came across shocker to not

only the sport fraternity but

also to the millions of people,

who saw him as in inspira-

tion. Bollywood celebs like

shahid Kapoor, Randeep

Hooda and Farhan Akhtar

too expressed grief and paid

tribute to the boxer.

Interestingly, shahid

Kapoor had the rights to

make the film on the life of

dingko singh as he said in

2019, "I have the rights for

dingko singh. It's a film I re-

ally want to make, and I'll

make it. But I don't know

what I'm doing next." Airlift

helmer, Raja Krishna

Menon, who was set to direct

the biopic told PtI, “It is un-

fortunate and terrible. this

has come as a shock. I knew

he was ill and suffering but I

didn’t know it was this bad.

He was a wonderful human

being and a spiritual person.

It is unfortunate that we

couldn’t make the film be-

fore he could have seen it.”

national Award winner Priyamani has en-deared herself to a pan-India audience with herweb series, the Family Man, after having won ac-colades and hearts across tamil, telugu andMalayalam cinema for years. And the stunner hasbeen as talked about for her acting chops as hehas for her gorgeous looks and effortless sex ap-peal. However, there are always the naysayers,which, too, we guess are fine, till it starts gettingpersonal and nasty, which is kind of the normthese days, at least on social media. Priyamani,too, has dealt with her fair share of nasty trollsand their vitriolic comments, which she recentlyopened up about in a tell-all interview to a leadingentertainment portal. Revealing toBollywoodBubble how she has been fat-shamedand been called everything from “aunty” to“black” to “old” on numerous occasions,Priyamani said that there was a time when herweight had increased to 65 kg and she did lookbigger than what she's at present, so a lot of peo-ple called her “fat” and “big”. Conversely, sheadded that people are now calling her “thin”,which makes her wonder what do they really pre-fer, and why aren't people simply allowed to becomfortable as they are and why should anyonebe body-shamed at all by being called “fat” to“pig”? Commenting further on all the unwantedthings she's had to hear over the years, Priyamanistated that she’s “looking black,” to which she'sretorted in the past by asking what's the problemin being “a dark-skinned person”, and why can'tthey change their opinion and why can't they re-alise that “black is beautiful”. Furthermore, shealso revealed that there were other who said she's“looking like an aunty” or “looking old” whenshe's posted pics without makeup.

yami Gautam

recently and unex-

pected tied the

knot with her Uri:

the surgical strike

director, Aditya

dhar. While the


decision by the

lovebirds did catch

many unaware,

nobody was com-

plaining once their

gorgeous wedding

and mehndi pic-

tures and videos

began streaming

in. And now, a few

days after the nup-

tials, a new video

from yami

Gautam's mehndi

ceremony, where

she can be seen

showering love on

younger sis, surilie

Gautam, and re-

ceiving the same

back in return. the

two define new sis-

ter goals for on and


Nick Jonas is 'Missing his heart' Priyanka Chopra;shares the most romantic picture ever

nick Jonas andPriyanka Chopra makefor one of the coolestcouples ever. never dothey miss out of settingsome major relationshipgoals for all. they tiedthe knot in a lavish wed-ding in december, 2018and ever since then, theyhave been portrayingthemselves to be the per-fect couple we have everseen. they are head overheels in love with eachother and every they donot miss opportunitiesto showcase their love.Once again, nick Jonashad proved to be the besthusband. the suckersinger recently took tohis Instagram account toshare the mushiest pic-ture ever with PriyankaChopra. He did so toshare that he is missinghis wifey too much. Inthe picture, we see

Priyanka looking ravish-ing as ever in a floral sareewith silver bangles. nickJonas is dressed in semi-formals. As they strike aromantic pose appearinglost in each other's eyes,nick Jonas captioned it as,"Her. that’s it. that’s thepost. Missing my heart."Aww, he is so cute, isn't it?nick definitely raises thebar for all the husbands to-be out there. nick Jonas isreportedly busy shootingfor a reality show whilePriyanka Chopra is com-plying with her work com-mitments. thus they areaway from each other.earlier, it was Priyankawho had made a post stat-ing that she is missing herman. she shared a pictureof nick with her lipstickmark on her head. In thecaption she wrote, "My lip-stick on his fade miss u al-ready.

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HC issue policy for transfer of Subordinate Staffs

Increasing unemploymentamong the unemployedyouths of DistrictKishtwar is a major issue:Ajeet Bhagat����������������

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Full credit to PM for successfully handling 2nd waveof COVID-19: Langeh

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LJP implodes, five MPsoust Chirag Paswan asleader, elect PashupatiKumar Paras����������������� ���!1� !'$%���/)����

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DDC Chairperson, former Deputy CM, former Secy JKAACL,President JKNPF, Political leader call on Lt Governor

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Army distributes essentialCOVID-related items to Udhampur district admin

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Delta plus: New Covid variant identified,experts say no cause of concern for now

Taj Mahal, other monumentsto reopen from June 16

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PDD issues revised curtailment schedule

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Swarnim Vijay Mashaal reaches NorthernCommand in J-K's Udhampur


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Delhi bans soaps, detergents not conforming tolatest BIS standards to curb pollution in Yamuna