Eosinophil overview: structure, biological properties, and key functions

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Garry M. Walsh (ed.), Eosinophils: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1178,DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1016-8_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Chapter 1

Eosinophil Overview: Structure, Biological Properties, and Key Functions

Paige Lacy , Helene F. Rosenberg , and Garry M. Walsh


The eosinophil is an enigmatic cell with a continuing ability to fascinate. A considerable history of research endeavor on eosinophil biology stretches from the present time back to the nineteenth century. Perhaps one of the most fascinating aspects of the eosinophil is how accumulating knowledge has changed the perception of its function from passive bystander, modulator of infl ammation, to potent effector cell loaded with histotoxic substances through to more recent recognition that it can act as both a positive and negative regulator of complex events in both innate and adaptive immunity. This book consists of 26 chapters written by experts in the fi eld of eosinophil biology that provide comprehensive and clearly written protocols for techniques designed to underpin research into the function of the eosinophil in health and disease.

Key words Eosinophil , Accumulation , Apoptosis , Degranulation , Animal models

1 Introduction

Eosinophil involvement in infl ammatory conditions affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and upper and lower airways is well documented [ 1 ]. Although asthma is recognized as a heteroge-neous condition, eosinophilic asthma is a recently described phe-notype of the disease characterized by increased blood or sputum eosinophils [ 2 ] whose numbers correlate with disease severity [ 3 ]. Infi ltrating tissue eosinophils release their potent pro- infl ammatory arsenal including granule-derived basic proteins, lipid mediators, cytokines, and chemokines. These contribute to airway infl amma-tion and lung tissue remodelling that includes epithelial cell damage and loss, airway thickening, fi brosis, and angiogenesis [ 4 ]. More recent evidence suggests that in addition to their role as degranu-lating effector cells, eosinophils have the capacity to act as antigen-presenting cells resulting in T cell proliferation and activation thereby propagating infl ammatory responses [ 5 , 6 ].


2 Accumulation and Fate

In healthy individuals, eosinophils are present in the circulation in low numbers and are rarely found in the lung, being mostly con-fi ned to the tissues surrounding the gut. Eosinophil accumulation during infl ammatory events is complex, involving their maturation in and release from the bone marrow, adhesion to and transmigra-tion through the post-capillary endothelium, followed by their chemotaxis to and activation/degranulation at infl ammatory foci [ 7 ]. The processes controlling eosinophil accumulation are of obvious importance and represent potential therapeutic targets for antagonism of their accumulation in allergic-based disease [ 8 ]. Asthma pathology is characterized by excessive leukocyte infi ltra-tion that leads to tissue injury. Cell adhesion molecules, i.e., selectins, integrins, and members of the immunoglobulin super-family control leukocyte extravasation, migration within the inter-stitium, cellular activation, and tissue retention. Numerous animal studies have demonstrated essential roles for these cell adhesion molecules in lung infl ammation including L-selectin, P-selectin, and E-selectin, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 together with many of the β1 and β2 integrins. These families of adhesion molecules have there-fore been under intense investigation to inform the development of novel therapeutics [ 9 ]. Furthermore, a number of in vitro stud-ies of currently available drugs have shown these to be potential antagonists of eosinophil adhesion under physiological fl ow condi-tions [ 10 – 12 ].

The ultimate fate of eosinophils is also important, apoptosis and the disposal of apoptotic cells by phagocytic removal (effero-cytosis) is a vital aspect of infl ammation resolution in all multicel-lular organisms. Eosinophils have a limited life-span in the circulation of 8–18 h, which is extended to 3–4 days in tissues. Similar to neutrophils, they are terminally end-differentiated cells programmed to undergo apoptosis in the absence of viability- enhancing stimuli [ 13 ]. Eosinophil persistence in the tissues is enhanced by the presence of several asthma-relevant cytokines that prolong eosinophil survival by inhibition of apoptosis. The roles of interleukin (IL)-3, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13, IL-15, and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in this regard are well established, [ 14 – 16 ] and there is ample evidence that all are present in the asthmatic lung in signifi cant quantities [ 17 ].

Thymic stromal protein (TSLP), IL-25, and IL-33 represent a triad of cytokines released by airway epithelial cells in response to various environmental stimuli or by cellular damage. They act in concert to drive Th2 polarization through overlapping mecha-nisms causing remodelling and pathological changes in the airway walls, suggesting pivotal roles in the pathophysiology of asthma. All three have been shown to have a number of effects on eosino-phil function including enhancement of their receptor expression,

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adhesion, and viability through inhibition of apoptosis [ 18 – 20 ]. Eosinophil interactions with the proteins of the extracellular matrix are likely to contribute to their persistence within the tissues. For example, integrin-mediated eosinophil adhesion to fi bronectin results in the autocrine production of viability-enhancing cytokines GM-SCF, IL-3, and IL-5 [ 21 , 22 ]. These interactions between multiple cytokines and extracellular matrix components antagonize eosinophil programmed cell death thereby prolonging their lon-gevity for weeks. Thus, a balance in the tissue microenvironment between pro- and anti-apoptotic signals is likely to greatly infl u-ence the load of eosinophils in the tissues.

3 Secretion and Receptors

Eosinophils express a wide repertoire of granule proteins, cyto-kines, growth factors, and chemokines that are secreted in response to receptor stimulation [ 23 ]. These are synthesized at early stages of eosinophil maturation in the bone marrow and are packaged into various intracellular organelles, including the eosinophil crys-talloid granule [ 24 , 25 ]. During activation, eosinophils generate an elaborate tubulovesicular network that is composed of small secretory vesicles and elongated tubules, which appear to carry the contents of the crystalloid granule to the cell surface [ 26 – 28 ]. Both the crystalloid granule, and the tubulovesicular network that forms during eosinophil activation, are remarkable and only recently characterized features of this enigmatic cell.

The crystalloid granule in eosinophils is comprised of two compartments: a core and a surrounding matrix [ 29 ]. Both the core and matrix are enriched in highly cationic proteins, principally major basic protein (MBP) [ 30 ]. Electron microscopy images of sectioned eosinophils display the strikingly electron-dense crystal-line cores in crystalloid granules, visible in eosinophils from many different mammalian species [ 31 ]. In the matrix that envelopes the MBP-rich core, eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) are found in high concentrations, along with many other granule pro-teins, including cytokines [ 30 ]. Typically, eosinophils do not release granule products during transit through the bloodstream, and these cells are relatively benign even as they marginate into tis-sues, predominantly the gut in healthy individuals [ 24 , 25 ]. However, in diseases such as allergy and atopic asthma, eosinophils undergo a high degree of proliferation, and may be found degran-ulating in nasal and airway mucosa [ 32 ]. Degranulation is a general term that describes an activated phenotype ranging from piecemeal degranulation to degradation of cells and cytolysis (necrosis) [ 33 ]. When eosinophils encounter secretagogues, they will release the contents of their crystalloid granules by mobilizing granules and

Eosinophil Overview: Structure, Biological Properties, and Key Functions


secretory vesicles to the cell surface, inducing granule-membrane fusion in a regulated manner; hence the term, “regulated exocyto-sis” [ 33 , 34 ].

In the case of cytolysis, eosinophils release intact crystalloid granules with their lipid bilayer membranes still surrounding their core and matrix components, and whole granules infi ltrating tissues may be readily visible upon appropriate staining of tissue sections [ 35 ]. Mechanisms that may control eosinophil cytolysis, or whether any mechanisms are involved at all, are of current research interest.

A wide range of pro-infl ammatory mediators are capable of activating eosinophils. Eosinophils express and present on their cell surface a large variety of receptors allowing them to interact with, and respond to, their environmental milieu [ 36 ]. However, in in vitro experiments, it is diffi cult to induce eosinophil degranulation by soluble secretagogues, and they frequently require potent or multiple stimuli to evoke signifi cant secretory responses. This is likely related to the observation that eosinophils do not degranu-late readily in the blood, but rather release their granule contents only after they transmigrate into tissues and become activated by infl ammatory reactions. At some types of infl ammatory foci, eosin-ophils appear to undergo degranulation in response to both solu-ble and immobilized stimuli that activate multiple receptors [ 35 ]. Only a minority of these receptors are capable of directly evoking secretion from eosinophils in vitro. Secretagogue-binding recep-tors include those to complement factors (C5aR), immunoglobu-lins (FcαRc, FcγRcs), platelet activating factor (PAF), and fungal extracts (such as Alternaria acting on protease-activated receptor-2, PAR-2) [ 33 , 37 ].

Receptors are generally classifi ed by their signaling mecha-nisms, such as G protein-coupled receptors that activate dissocia-tion of α and βγ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins, and immunoglobulin- or cytokine-binding families that activate a cas-cade of tyrosine kinase phosphorylation. Eosinophils have been demonstrated to express many of the signaling components neces-sary for receptor activation of cellular events [ 33 ]. Perhaps some-what surprisingly, eosinophils do not undergo degranulation in response to the potent eosinophil differentiation and maturation- inducing cytokines, IL-3, IL-5, or GM-CSF, when these are applied individually. These three cytokines must be combined together in a “cytokine cocktail” in order to elicit degranulation in human eosinophils [ 38 ]. This is likely associated with the relatively quiescent state of eosinophils during their proliferation and matu-ration in the bone marrow in response to these cytokines.

Following binding and activation of specifi c receptors, secreta-gogues induce the mobilization of granules through the cytoplasm of the eosinophil, which may be associated with the formation of large tubulovesicular structures containing small secretory vesicles

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and elongated tubules that may extend from crystalloid granules [ 26 , 28 , 39 ]. The tubulovesicular structure appears in the cyto-plasm in correlation with piecemeal degranulation, where membrane- bound vesicles bud off from crystalloid granules and selectively shuttle specifi c granule contents to the plasma mem-brane for release. The tubulovesicular network is responsible for traffi cking cytokines and chemokines such as IL-4 and CCL5/RANTES [ 40 , 41 ]. The movement of granules and vesicles through the cells is controlled by actin cytoskeleton remodeling. Actin remodeling in eosinophils is regulated by a family of guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), particularly Rac2 [ 42 ]. When vesicles and granules approach the inner leafl et of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane, they bind to specifi c intracellular receptors known as SNAREs (soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive attach-ment protein receptors) which facilitate their docking and fusion with the cell membrane. This is followed by membrane fusion, in which the internal surface of the granule membrane becomes exposed to the outside of the cell membrane [ 43 , 44 ]. Concurrently with this, vesicle fusion is mediated by another membrane-bound GTPase, Rab27a, which conveys the secretagogue signal through to SNARE binding and ensures that granule membranes come into close proximity with cell membrane lipid bilayer [ 45 ]. Eosinophils exhibit granule polarization towards their leading edges during shape change and degranulation [ 42 , 45 ], suggesting that they may have the ability to focus their granule contents onto target surfaces, as previously observed in vitro using opsonized helmin-thic parasites [ 46 ].

4 Clinical Overview

A substantial body of clinical evidence has demonstrated that eosinophils degranulate upon recruitment and activation at infl am-matory foci in tissue biopsies from many different diseases, includ-ing allergy and asthma [ 24 , 25 , 32 ]. Eosinophil degranulation is thought to be an essential component of the late phase mucosal tissue response to allergen challenge. Evidence of tissue eosinophil degranulation has been detected in allergic rhinitis, cutaneous allergic reactions, and atopic asthma, which in many cases corre-lates with a deteriorating clinical outcome [ 47 ].

Furthermore, eosinophils and their granule products are ele-vated in specifi c types of respiratory virus, fungal, and parasitic infections [ 37 , 48 – 50 ]. Infectious diseases involving helminthic parasite infestation or respiratory viruses have been shown to be associated with eosinophilia and degranulation from tissue eosino-phils. While early studies suggested that eosinophils were essential for controlling or containing helminthic parasite infections, new

Eosinophil Overview: Structure, Biological Properties, and Key Functions


evidence has emerged suggesting that in contrast to these earlier studies, eosinophils have little effect on helminthic larval transmis-sion and survival in the host, at least in eosinophil-deleted mouse models of parasitic infection [ 51 ]. Recent discoveries show that activated eosinophils may have an important role in maintaining host survival in life-threatening respiratory viral infections [ 52 ]. Thus, identifi cation of signaling steps occurring in eosinophil degranulation is essential for developing novel targets for thera-peutic strategies.

5 Functional Studies in Animal Models

Numerous animal models have been developed to model eosinophil- driven infl ammation and they have been instrumental in furthering our understanding of the role of eosinophils in dis-ease. While there are certain advantages inherent in working with guinea pigs [ 53 ], the availability of sophisticated genetic and molecular tools has led to a preference for inbred strains of mice (particularly BALB/c and C57BL/6) for most in vivo studies of eosinophil biology. However, it is important to emphasize that mouse models have limitations in general, and for the study of eosinophils in particular. Specifi cally, one must recognize that no single experiment carried out in an inbred mouse strain can reca-pitulate all facets and features of human health and disease. Likewise, while clearly recognizable and generally of similar nature, the mouse eosinophil has distinct features that differentiate it from its human counterpart. A very complete review of the unique biol-ogy of the mouse eosinophil has recently been published by Lee and colleagues [ 54 ]. The following is a very brief overview of hypereosinophilic and eosinophil-defi cient mice, with an emphasis on the most commonly used and most recently described models. More information can be found in recent reviews [ 23 , 55 ].

There are two unique strains of transgenic mice that display sys-temic hypereosinophilia secondary to overexpression of the cytokine interleukin-5 (IL-5). In the fi rst, described by Dent and colleagues [ 56 ], the IL-5 transgene is expressed under the control of the CD2 antigen promoter. The second, described by Macias and colleagues; strain NJ.1638 [ 57 ], the IL-5 transgene is expressed by the T cell CD3delta promoter/enhancer. A third set of strains, described by Ochkur and colleagues [ 58 ], display dramatic hypereosinophilia, accomplished via addition of a transgene for either human or mouse eotaxin-2, the latter under the control of the lung-specifi c Clara-cell promoter, CC10 to the IL-5 transgenic NJ.1638. In these mice, peripheral eosinophils are recruited to the lung where they undergo extensive activation and degranulation in situ.

IL-5 gene-deleted mice [ 59 ] and mice devoid of the receptor for IL-5 [ 60 ] cannot generate eosinophilia in response to (Th2)

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allergic stimuli or parasitic infection, but these mice are not eosinophil- defi cient, and maintain near homeostatic levels in the blood and bone marrow. However, there are now several strains of mice that are predominantly or fully eosinophil-defi cient. The fi rst eosinophil-defi cient strain to emerge was the ΔdblGATA, reported by Yu and colleagues [ 61 ] as a serendipitous result of deletion of a palindromic enhancer element in the hematopoietic promoter of GATA-1. These mice are fully eosinophil-defi cient at homeostasis and remain so in response to Th2 stimuli, with little to no impact on other hematopoietic lineages. However, a recent report suggests that these mice may have a functional basophil defi ciency [ 62 ] which requires further exploration. Another strain, the eosinophil- defi cient PHIL mice [ 63 ] were generated as a direct result of eosinophil per-oxidase (EPX) promoter-directed cytosuicide during hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. Lee and colleagues [ 64 , 65 ] have recently developed an inducible version of this strain (iPHIL), and have also noted that mice devoid of two major granule proteins, MBP and EPX, are likewise predominantly eosinophil- defi cient. As a fi nal note, Doyle and colleagues [ 66 ] have recently described the genera-tion of a strain of mice that express Cre recombinase, similarly under the control of the EPX promoter. When crossed with appropriately “fl oxed” mouse strains, specifi c sequences (e.g., coding sequences, stop codons) can be deleted solely and uniquely within the eosino-phil lineage. As already shown in this manuscript, crossing EoCre with a mouse strain that includes a “fl oxed” stop codon releasing Rosa26-directed diphtheria-toxin (DT) alpha, another unique eosinophil-defi cient lineage was created. Similarly, a cross with a GFP-reporter strain permits Cre- dependent, lineage-specifi c label-ing of eosinophils for isolation and in vivo traffi cking studies. The possibilities are virtually limitless [ 67 ].

6 Role in Innate and Adaptive Immunity

While eosinophils clearly respond to signals from other leukocytes, most notably cytokines from Th2 cells (i.e. IL-5), it has become clear that eosinophils in turn release cytokines and granule proteins that provide signals that promote local immune regulation and have impact on the function of other leukocyte lineages [ 68 , 69 ]. Eosinophils have been implicated in directing the functions of both B and T lymphocytes. Among them, Weller and colleagues [ 70 ] documented the expression of MHC class II, and co- stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 on human eosinophils and determined that eosinophils could likewise process antigen and direct antigen-specifi c T cell proliferation and cytokine release. Eosinophils can also promote humoral immune responses by pro-moting production of antigen-specifi c IgM [ 71 ] and supporting plasma cell growth and development in the bone marrow [ 72 ].

Eosinophil Overview: Structure, Biological Properties, and Key Functions


Eosinophils also interact directly with innate immune cells, and have a role in supporting the viability of alternatively activated macrophages in adipose tissue [ 73 ] promote migration and activa-tion of myeloid dendritic cells [ 74 ], participate in extensive bidi-rectional signaling with tissue resident mast cells [ 75 ] and elicit production and release of pro-infl ammatory mediators from iso-lated peripheral blood neutrophils [ 76 ].

While the earlier literature described anti-parasite activities of eosinophil granule proteins in experiments carried out in vitro, the role of eosinophils as providing direct host defense against these pathogens in vivo remains uncertain (reviewed in ref. 77 ). More recently, the focus on eosinophils has been on the immuno-modulatory nature of these cells in this setting. As but one exam-ple, Appleton and colleagues [ 78 , 79 ] have reported that infection of wild-type mice with the nematode, Trichinella spiralis, results in eosinophil recruitment to muscle and supports generation of nurse cells; T. spiralis l arvae are not killed by eosinophils, but paradoxi-cally, do not survive in eosinophil-defi cient mice; results suggest that this is largely due to the resulting Th2 imbalance and over-abundance of nitric oxide production in local macrophages.

As mentioned above, eosinophils are recruited to the airways as a prominent feature of the asthmatic infl ammatory response where they are broadly perceived as promoting pathophysiology. Respiratory virus infections, notably rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus, exacerbate established asthma. Among the recent concepts under exploration is the role of eosinophils in promoting antiviral host defense in this setting (reviewed in ref. 80 ). Toward this end, Percopo and colleagues [ 52 ] have recently found that activated eosinophils from both Aspergillus antigen and cytokine- driven mouse asthma models are profoundly antiviral and promote survival in response to a superimposed and otherwise lethal respi-ratory virus infection. Finally, Lehrer and colleagues [ 81 ] were among the fi rst to document the bactericidal activities of eosino-phil cationic granule proteins in experiments carried out in vitro. Torrent and colleagues [ 82 ] have since characterized a specifi c affi nity between ECP and bacterial peptidoglycan and lipopolysac-charides. More recently, Yousefi and colleagues [ 83 ] showed that eosinophils responded to lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative bacteria by releasing mitochondrial DNA complexed with cationic proteins, forming extracellular traps similar to those characterized for neutrophils. However, the question of a role for eosinophils in providing host defense against bacterial pathogens in vivo remains controversial [ 83 , 84 ]. It remains to be seen whether eosinophils serve as host defense against bacteria, or perhaps interact primarily with non-pathogenic bacteria. This hypothesis is particularly attrac-tive, given the predominance of resident eosinophils in the intes-tines, and the possibility of a more complex role involving eosinophils with commensal bacteria in the gut [ 85 , 86 ].

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7 Conclusion

Our understanding of the immunological role of the eosinophil is continually evolving, from earlier dogma that emphasized a role in combating helminthic parasitic infections and as a key effector cell in allergic infl ammation to more recent discoveries suggesting important roles in immunomodulation. Other emerging roles include life-saving functions against numerous pathogens such as respiratory viruses and in interactions with nerves that impact on the pathology of many diseases [ 87 ]. This book provides a com-prehensive series of protocols designed to address both the more established and more recent aspects of the functional properties of this truly fascinating and enigmatic cell.


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Eosinophil Overview: Structure, Biological Properties, and Key Functions


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Paige Lacy et al.