Code switching and Code Mixing

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Transcript of Code switching and Code Mixing



1.1 Background

Language is means of communication in the society . It is

an indispensible instrument of society. It means that each

person understand ecah other and is able to make it function

together. Language as a social phenomenon is central fact of

human existence function as a means of communication by which

the number of community communication and interact with other.

Communication among or between persons can only occur because

of and by using of language. In our daily activity, language

has become aspects of life . It means it has bound people

become a strong society. Every people communicate each other

through language that can be seen through culture, tradition ,

norm and rules. All the activities can be done by language. To

express our thought in our language is not difficult, but is

different if we want to express it in foreign language.

Sometimes, we know the meaning of every word but to arrange

them become a good sentence which clear meaning is not easy.


Language influence each other when they come in contact. The

most noticeable influence in interference which usually

manifest in form of code switching or code mixing.

( )

In Indonesia the students have problems in speaking,

writing or listening English and they have difficulties in

understanding someone who is speaking in English. Though

they have been studying English since they were in primary

school but most of them are still not able to apply it in

their daily life. This happens because they just assume that

English is just one of the subjects at school , same as the

other subjects they have . They do not realize that English is

a language that must be practised in their life .

According to KTSP ( 2003 ) and Curriculum 2013 English

teachers in schools began the habit of using English in the

introduction to the teaching learning process , although not

all English. Obviously this has a very good purpose, namely

that students have the skills to convey in English listening

and reading abilities (receptive skills) or writing and

speaking (productive skills), ranging from a basic level,

skilled and proficient. So English teachers actually have to


use English as their instructions of language at least 75

percent in the teaching learning process, but what is going on

in the classroom is much different. Based on the writer’s

experiences and observations in teaching English more than 10

years , the English teachers teach mostly by using Bahasa

Indonesia than English. The English teachers confess that

they always get the difficulties when they apply the

materials in English more often than Indonesia language to the

students. The description above also occurs in teaching

English in SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar. Even all of the

English teachers say that all of them uses Indonesia more

often than English in the teaching learning processs. When

English is used to convey the materials mostly in English

teaching learning process, it will have a total

miscommunication between the teacher and the students and also

among the students. On the other words, the material cannot

be well achieved by the students if they use English as their

language of instruction in the teaching learning process. The

students totally misunderstand with the intention of the

teachers’ utterances and even the students cannot respond to

the teacher at all. Based on the experieces, when the teacher


invites their responses the students even say that they do not

understand. Of course this is a big problem in the teaching

learning process. The materials must be able to be accepted by

the students well or the teaching learning process will fail.

To avoid this, they are impossible just to keep on speaking

English mostly in the teaching learning process so at last

they have to switch or mix their languages in the teaching

learning process. The English teachers always switch or mix

their languages in one to make the students understand the

instruction, explanation or questions and the code switches

occur in word, phrase or sentence. They switch or mix the

languages from English to Bahasa Indonesia and sometimes they

insert their mother tongue such as Batak and Java languages.

The way how the English teachers switch or mix the

languages in the teaching learning process becomes a big

attention for the writer . The writer is going to search how

important the switch and the mix of languages influence the

success of English teaching learning process. In order words,

do all English teachers need to switch or mix their

instruction of language with another language like Indonesia

switch and mix with English and or mother tongue when they are


speaking in the classroom ? Is it accepted when the English

teachers switch or mix the languages to speak to their

students ? On the other hand, when the English teachers switch

or mix the languages in the teaching learning process, are the

students are easier to accept the materials ? are they able

to convey their understanding in their opinions in the

teaching learning process and in the answer sheet when they

have examination ?

Code switching and code mixing are commonly and well

documented in the speech of multilingual persons and there

must be some reasons why someone switch or mix her/his

language in the conversation. As Howard (1977 : 10 ) said the

cognitive reason for code switching , and other changes in

speech , as a person seek either to emphasize or to minimize

the social differences between him or herself and the other

person(s) in conversation. Giles ( 1977 : 12 ) posits that

when speakers seek approval in a social situation they are

likely to converge their speech with that of the other person

speaking. This can include, but is not limited to, the

language of choice , accent , dialect and para-linguistic

features used in the conversation. In contrast to convergence,


speakers might also engage in divergent speech, with which an

indivudual person emphasizes the social distance between him

or herself and other speakers by using speech with linguistic

features characteristic of his/her own group. Garcia (2007)

said that code switching and code mixing as bilinguals use

languages based on prestige, appropriateness, preference and

ability .

Code switching and code mixing mostly occur in informal

situation ,for instance among the intimacy friends in daily

conversation. But the intimacy do not only occur amongs

friends , it must also occur in the classroom between the

teacher and the students. Adendorff (1993: 11) states that

code switching in the classrooms he studied allowed the

teacher to fulfil “his academic and social agendas by enabling

him … to clarify information, encourage, provoke and involve

his pupils”. Teachers and students appear to

engage in code switching between Zulu and

English (i) in order to fulfil social functions, such as

signalling solidarity or authority and building

relationships, and (ii) for academic purposes,

such as reiteration, to ensure the adequate communication of


content. Adendorff (1993: 17) concludes that the development

of a sensitivity toward code switching should form part of

teacher training, and that teachers should be encouraged

to accept code switching as a sign of bilingual

competence, affording speakers communicative power,

and thus social power (Adendorff 1993: 19).

Further research on code switching which

underlines the necessity for teachers to be aware

of the phenomenon and its functional aspects is

reported by Kieswetter (1995), who considers

the patterns of code switching between English, Zulu and

Swazi among a particular group of high school students

in an urban English-medium school. Kieswetter (1995:

6, 59) notes that code switching is used

as a dynamic conversational strategy, and that code switching

is the unmarked choice among Zulu first language (L1)

students, where it appears to reflect their dual identity.

Kieswetter (1995: 96) echoes the sentiments

expressed by Adendorff (1993), suggesting that teachers

need to recognise the dynamic nature of language and to allow

for the influence of context in students’ language use.


Ex. When we are asleep and dreaming.

When we are asleep we dream and yonke into oyiphuphayo.

(all that we dream about is recorded inour minds )


This switch caused laughter amongst the learners. One could

say that the teacher’s switch is an attempt to gain

credibility from his learners because the learners started

laughing when he code switched to Zulu.

The example above is about the teacher who switched

his/her language from English into isiZulu language to make

the students close to him/her. From this situation , we can

see that teacher used code swithing for social reason.

There are two kinds of code switching, they are (1)

internal code switching and (2 ) external switching. Internal

code switching means the switching from one variant or dialect

in a regional language ( Indonesia to Batak Toba language ) .

External code switching means the switching from one language

into another language ( Indonesian to English ).

Here an example of of internal code switching :

Teacher : Dah sehat kamu Bonar ? ( Have you been fine Bonar ? )

Bonar : Sudah Mam ( Yes Mam )8

Teacher : Sakit apa kamu kemarin ? ( What disease did you getyesterday ? )

Bonar : Demam Mam ( Fever Mam )

Teacher : Oo ido , unang marmeami jo ho da asa ittor sehat ho ( Oh Isee, don’t play

too much in order you will get better ).

Bonar : Olo Mam ( Yes Mam )

The csonversation above is between Teacher and Bonar. The

teacher knew that Bonar didn’t attend the her class yesterday

because he was sick. So the teacher asked him what kind of

disease did he have . The teacher also emphasized that Bonar

had been feeling well and remind him not to play much so that

he would be much better by switching to Batak Toba language.

Here an example of external code switching :

Teacher : Hello , Selamat Pagi semua anak anak ! ( Hello , GoodMorning all )

Students : Pagi Mam ! ( Good Morning Mam)

Teacher : Apa kabar semuanya ? (How are you all ? )

Students : Baik Mam , Mam apakabar juga ? ( Fine Mam , and you ?)

Teacher : Saya juga baik baik saja ( I’m fine too )

By the way , You had an assignment yesterday ,didn’t you ?

Students : Yes Mam

Teacher : All right, please collect all your homework !

Students : Okay Mam


The dialogue above is performed by teacher and students in the

classroom of SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar of ninth grade.

Firstly the teacher greeted them in Indonesia and the students

responsed her in Indonesia too , but suddenly the teacher

switched from Indonesia to English. He/She switched in order

to train them speaking English.

Code mixing is natural in communication . It occurs with

the need to play social role in society. There are some

backgrounds why a speaker must mix his/her language in a


1. The presence of a third speaker, custom, stiffness, to

evoke a sense of humor, and to simply prestigious .

2. Bilingual / multilingual, speakers want to give respect to

each other, the dependence on the mother tongue, the desire to

be humble, and the language used by the teacher does not have

an expression for the concept to be expressed.

Let’s see the example below :

Teacher : Sekarang kamu bisa discuss dengan temanmu tentang soalnomor 2 ?


Semua punya dictionary kan ?

Student : Ya Mam .

Teacher of this sentence mix his/her language because of

his/her bilingual. He /she also wants to emphasize the

instrutions that he/she has to the students.

From the information , theories , and the experience

above , the writer of this thesis has an attempt to give a

little contibution to English teaching learning process by

switching and mixing the language in the classroom . In this

study the writer wants to put that code switching and code

mixing are the means to enable students to talk more freely in

the classroom , to encourage students participation , to help

the students to understand the subject matter of the lesson ,

to build and to maintain relationship between and among

teachers and students . The understanding of using code

switching and code mixing in English teaching learning process

can make the writer and the readers especially English

teachers more easily to understand or to improve one strategy

to support the success of English teaching learning process .

The research on code switching and code mixing in

teaching English at junior high school offers to benefits,


namely theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, the

results of this study adds to the study of code switching and

code mixing theory of English to Indonesia or otherwise

which occurs in an oral communication in the realm of

instructional analyzed from aspects of sociolinguistics. The

results of this study also adds to the study of theory

bilingualism in Indonesia with a focus of study happening in

code switching and code mixing in teaching English in junior

high school.

Practically, this research is very useful for English

teachers of junior high school, the students of junior high

school and the lecturer of sociolinguistics. English teachers

can use the result of this study as an illustration usage of

English and Indonesia languages in teaching English at junior

high school. English teachers gain a comprehensive

understanding of the direction in code switching and code

mixing, types of code switching and code mixing, what

dominant type they use . English teachers in general obtain a

description of the use of code switching and code mixing in

communication in the classroom concerning the function of them

in teaching English as a communication strategy. This


understanding gives confidence to the English teachers to

carry code switching and code mixing in teaching English

because the use of them have scientifically reasons and


For learners, the results of this study can motivate them

using Englsih as a medium of communication in the classroom

and may conduct code switching and code mixing as a strategy

communicaton in the English teaching learning process in the

classroom or outside the classroom. Thus, students should not

feel scared to speak English and Indonesia if they get

stagnation to speak when they convey a meaning in the concept

of target language.

The results of this research can also be used by

lecturers as a sociolinguistic lecture material, discussion of

bilingualism because they are parts of sociolinguistics.

To develop the explanation above, the researcher found

that the English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematangsiantar use code switching and code mixing in their

teaching learning process. Here the researcher is interested

in finding out what factors influence the use of code


switching and code mixing in their teaching learning process.

That kind of switching and mixing. Besides, the reseacher will

also investigate the types of code and code mixing and what

dominant type they use.

1.2 Problems of the Research

Based on the previous description, the problems of

research in this study are formulated on three questions as

the following :

1. What are the types of code switching and code mixing used

by the English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematang Siantar in teaching learning process ?

2. What is the dominant type of code switching and code mixing

used by the English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematang Siantar in the teaching learning process ?

3. What are the reasons of using code switching and codemixing used by the English teachers of ninth grade at SMPNegeri 12 Pematangsiantar in teaching learning process ?

1.3 Purpose of the Research

This research examines the code switching and code mixing

of ninth grade English teachers of SMP Negeri 12

Pematangsiantar. The codes are analyzed in the term of


conversation analysis between the English teachers and the

students .

Based on the formuation of research problem above, the

purpose of this research are stated as follows :

1. To find out the types of code switching and code mixing

used by the English teachers of ninth grade at SMP

Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar in teaching learning process .

2. To find out the dominant type of code swicthing and code

mixing used by English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri

12 Pematang Siantar in teaching learning process.

3. To find out the reasons of using code swiching and code

mixing used by English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri

12 Pematangsiantar in teaching learning process.

1.4 Scope of the Research

As has been stated in the previous section, this study is

analysing the code switching and code mixing used by the

English teachers of ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematangsiantar in teaching learning proces, so the code

refers to speech variation or dialects in a language. So the

term of code switching and code mixing can be stated as the


switching and mixing between or from one speech variation,

dialect even the language with or to the others .

In this research, there are three two types of code

switching that will be researched, they are 1) External code

switching and 2) Internal code switching. External code

switching is the switching from a language to another one,

such as the switching Bahasa Indonesia to English. And

Internal code switching is the switching from a variant or

dialect into another variant or dialect, such as the switching

Batak Toba to Batak Simalungun . Furthermore, this will

research types of code switching , namely 1) Intersential

switching, 2) Intrasentential switching and 3) Tag Switching.

There are three types of code mixing, they are 1) Unit

Insertion, 2) Unit Hybridization and 3) sentence Insertion .

Unit Insertion refers to the introduction of grammatical unit

such as word, phrase and clause in a sentence f`or form

language. Unit Hybridization refers to the use of code mixing

within a unit ( a noun phrase , a verb phrase or a compound

verb ). And sentence insertion refers to the process of

inserting a sentence a language from that of discourse .


1.5 Significance of Research

This research will be used both theoretically and

practically as follows :

1. Theoretically

1) Provides the writers and readers with some more

knowledge about learning the subject which have to do

with language variations represented by the Indonesian-

English code switching and code mixing found in the

teaching learning process of English teachers of ninth

grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar in teaching

learning process.

2) Provides for teachers a better way for code switching

and code mixing.

2. Practically

1) It is as information for the other researcher to

conduct the research relates to code switching and code



2) It is as information for the reader in knowing

knowledge about learning the subject which is related to

language variations.

3. Guided information for the university students who are

interested in studying code switching and code mixing.

1.6 Defenition of the Key Terms

Deals with the topic, the reseacher would like to define

some terms un this research as follows :


It is a verbal component that can be as small as a morpheme or

as comprehensive and complex as the entire systems of a

language . It also refers to speech varieties in a language .


It is the process of moving something into another . It is a

shift or change.

Code Switching

It is as common term for alternative use of two or more

language, varieties of a language or even speech styles .

While Hoffman (1991:104) defines code switching is the

changes over sentences and can occur during the




It is put or bring something together.

Code mixing

It refers to all cases where lexical items and grammatical

features from two languages appears in one sentence .




In this chapter the writer will describe some theories

used in this research. This theories will be the foundation of

doing this research. There will be some aspects going to be

disscussed as the following.

2.1 Sociolinguistics

A language becomes the essential use for people in

interacting with others in society at anytime and anywhere .

Without a language, people will find some troubles when they

do their activities and towards the others. All the people or

society needs a languge. The role of a language among people

in this life is very crucial . The study of the linguistics

reveals that language and society cannot be seperated to be

investigated is sociolinguistics or the sociology of language.

When a study of language in which the linguistic factors

are related to the factors beyond the language, such as

language use that is done by its speakers in a certain speech

community, it refers to sociolinguistics. According to

Fishman, for instance, socially, the language use involves

“Who speaks, what language, to whom, when and where” Fishman, 1970:244)..

When some aspects of sociology are adopted in studying a


language, this means it presents an interdisciplinary study;

and its name represents a combination of sociology and

linguistics. In this relation, some experts call it as

sociology of language; and some others call it as


Sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study.

It is derived from the word socio(logy) and linguistics. Socio

relate to the society and linguistics related to the science

of language. Fishman ( 1970 : 244 ) says that the “

Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of

language varieties, the characteristics of their functions,

and the characteristics of the speaker as these three

constanty interact, change and change one another within a

speech community’’. In the words, sociolinguistics is the

study of a language and its relationship with the user of that

language in interaction.

Holmes ( 2001 : 1) also adds that sociolinguistics is

concerned with the relationship between language and the

context in which it is used. It means that sociolinguistics

interested in explaining language use in different social

contex. It can be studied society in order to find out what


kind of language is and to understand the structure of

society. Examining the way people use language in different

social context provides a wealth information about the way of

the langauge works, as well as about the social relationships

in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their

social identiry through the language.

Sociolinguistics is one of the fastest growing stand of

linguistics as a study of a language and its social context.

In normal transfer of information through language, people use

language to deliver messages about who they are , where they

come from and who they accociate with . We can easy ralize the

background, character and intentions based simply upon the

person’ s language, or dialect. Language is thus code for the

transmission of information as well as a symbolic indicator of

behaviour. Sociolinguistics actually does not discuss a

strucrure of a language , but it focuses on how a language is

used , so it could play its function well.

The basic notion underlying sociolinguistics is quite

simple : langauge use symbolically represents fundamental

dimensions of social behaviour and human interaction. The

nation is simple , but the ways in which language reflects


behaviour can often complex and subltle. Furthermore, the

realtionship between language and society affects a wide range

of encounters from broadly based international relations to

anrrowly defined interpersonal relationship. In examing

language contact situation , it is also possible to examine

not only the details of a particular language but also the

social and the linguistics details that show how billingual

speakers use each language and switch or mix between them.

2.2 Speech Community

Human beings are social beings who are always committed

to certain groups of people called a community. A particular

community has its own characteristics, including the way of

its communication. This community is called speech community.

Bloomfield ( 1993 : 42 ) offers the simple

defenition of speech community. He says that a speech

community is a group of people who interact by means of

speech. In addition, Spolsky ( 1998 :24 ) also

defines speech community as all the people who speak a single

language and so share notions of what is same or different in

phonology or grammar. From the description above , it can be

concluded that speech community refers to a group of people


who interact by means of a single language in same or

different phonology or grammar.

The members of the same speech community should share

linguistics norms. That is they share understanding and values

of attitudes towards language varieties presents in their

community. A speech community is no more than some kind of

social group whose speech characteristics are of interest and

can be described in a coherent manner

( Wardaugh , 1986 113 ). Because of the system, Gumperz ( 1972

: 115 ) further states that the language of a speech community

can be analyzed both within the context of the language itself

and also within the broader context of social behaviour . On

example of this phenomenon is language switching and mixing.

2. 3 Language Variation

Language implies attention to the way language is played

out in societies inits full range of functions. Language is

not just denotational a term which refers to the process of

conveying meaning, refering ideas , events or identities that


exist outside language. Language is used primarily its

function, a speaker will inevitably give asignal concerning

his or her social and personal background. Language can be

indicated one’s social class, status, region of origin, gender

, age group and so on .

In the sociolinguistics, aspects of language refer to

certain features of speech ( including accent )

indicates an individual’s social group and his or her

background . The use of features shows that the person has

access to the life syle which are associated with the type of


Gumperz ( 1972 : 115 ) says that language variation is

one of the main discussion in the study of Sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that describes the

characteristics of langauge variation and sets the correlation

of those characteristics with the characteristics of the

social community. Language variation is formed not oly caused

by the users who are not homogeneous, but also caused by

various social interaction activities that people do. Every

activity needs or creates the language variation. This

variation will grow bigger if a particular language is used by


so many users, in a very large area. For example, English that

is used by people around the world or indonesian that is used

and spread around Indonesia.

According to Chaer & Agustina ( 1995 : 81 ) in terms of

language variation, there are two opinions existing. The first

opinion states that variation in language happens as a result

of the variation on society and variation in the language

functions . If the users of a language are homogeneous groups

in terms of ethnic, social status or fields of job , the

variation in language will not exist, it means that the

language itself becomes uniform. The second opinion says that

language variation already exists in order to fulfill its

function as means of interaction in doing various community

activities . Thesetwo opinions are open tobe accepted or

refused but it can be confirmed that language variation can be

classified based on the social variation and function of

activities in social community.

In this discussion part, language variation is classified

into the users, the users and a brief description about its

application on language teaching. Language variation that

focuses on the usersmeans that it focuses on which people that


use the language, where they live , what social level in the

society they have , the gender they have and when they use the

language .Language variation that focuses on the uses means

that it focuses on what the language is used for , in what

field , what courses and means and how the formality

situations are. The application of language variation briefly

discusses the most important part of styles that should be

taught well to the students.

2.3.1 Language Variation : Focus on Uses

In terms of language variation that are based on its

uses, the discussion is focused on the ways in which speech

reflects the contexts in which language is used and not the

characteristics of the speakers ( Holmes 2001 : 223 ). The

language variation that is concerning with the uses or

functions can be called as style or register .

1. Style

For the term style , there are many defenitions which are

basically the same . The first to be mentioned here is the

defenition given by Marjohan ( 1988 : 34 ) that style refers


to a variation in speech or writing from more formal to more

casual. Some markers for the formal style would be the use of

may instead of might and can and also constructions such as

“For whom did you get it ? ‘’ Instead of “ Who ‘d you get that

for ? ‘’ in ore casual speech .

Bell’s ed Jaworski ( 1997 : 15 ) statement about style is

in line with the statement made by Holmes 9 2001 : 223 above

tht style is related more with the situations thn with the

speakers themselves . This can be seen in his statement that

when we want to talk about style, it means that we talk about

the same speakers who talk in different ways on different

situations and not the different speakers who talk in

different ways from each other ( Bell, ed Jawarki 1977 : 240 )


According to Holmes ( 2001 : 246 ) the term style refers

to language variation which reflects changes in situational

factors. He also mentions that styles are often analysed

according to the levels of formality ( Holmes , 2001 : 246 ).

This is in accordance with Joos ( 1967 ) in his book The

Five Clocks as quoted by Nababan ( 1993 : 22 ) who divides the

style of formality into five levels, frozen, formal. According


to Holmes ( 2001 : 246 ) the trem style refers to language

variation which reflects changes in situational factors . she

also mentions that styles are often analysed according to the

levels of formality consultative , caual and intimate styles.

The description of these styles can be ssen in the following :

a. Frozen Style

It is the most formal syle used in formal situations and

ceremonies ( Nababan, 1993 : 22 ). It is called frozen because

the pattern has been set up firmly and can never be changed by

anyone . In written form , we can see this style in historical

documents, ratifications and other formal documents .

Ex. Biblical quotations

b. Formal Style

It is the style used in formal speech, formal meeting ,

office correspondence, lesson books for school , etc ( Chaer &

Agustina 1995 : 93 ). Formal style is basically similar to the

frozen style that is only used in formal situations and not in

informal situations. The example of formal style as quoted by

Marjohan ( 1988 : 35 ) from Nababan ( 1987 ) is the first29

paragraph of the opening of the 1945 constitution of the

republic of Indonesia that was written in a formal or even in

a frozen style .


“ Bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebabitu, maka penjajahan diatas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai denganperikemanusiaan dan perikeadilan." (That real freedom is the right of every nationand therefore, the occupation over the world should be abolished because it doesnot conform with humanity and justice " (

c. Consultative Style

This is the style used in ordinary conversation held at

school, in meeting or conversation that leads to result and

production ( Nababan 1993 : 22 ) .It can be said that this

style is the most operational one .

Ex.  "uh huh", "I see"



d. Casual Style

It is the style used to speak with friends,family or

realatives,during the leisure time , while exercising. The

casual style markers in Englsih mentioned in Majohan’s book

( 1988:35 ) are :

1. The absence of an article at the beginning of a sentence ,

for example :

a. Friend of mine saw it

b. Coffe’s cold

2. The absence of the subject at the beginning of a sentence ,for example :

a. Bought it yesterday

b. Makes no difference

3. The absence of an auxiliary, for example :

a. Leaving ?

b. Seen John lately ?

c. Intimate style

This is the style used with people who have close relationship

with the speaker ( Nababan 1993 : 22 ). By using this style

those people do no need to use complete sentences with clear


articulation, they just simply use short words. It happens

mainly because there is an understanding among those people.

A number of kinds style can also be found in the study

conducted by Labov in 1966 as mentioned by Bell ( Jaworski,

1997 : 241 ) in his writing. In gathering some ueful

information from his informants, Labov used a series of

language tasks and recorded his interview with them . From his

recordings, he found the casual speech or the condition of

paying the least attention to someone’s speech. This casual

speech was used when a speaker was speaking to someone else

who not the interviewer, or discussing topics which got the

speaker and that someone involved with each other . He also

found another style , the careful style or the condition nof

paying a bit more attention to someone ‘s speech. This style

especially revealed in the recordings when a speaker paid

more attention to his pronounciation whenever he was asked to

read aloud a brief passage of a story. Labov also found that

there was the maximum amount of attention that was paid to ane

‘s speech whenever a speaker was asked to read out a list of

isolated words and set of minimal pairs.

2. Register


For the term register, according to Holmes ( 2001 : 246 )

it refers to the language of groups of people with common

interest or jobs, or the language used in situations

associated with such groups.The examples of different

registers can be seen in the language used by journalist,

legalist , auctioneers , race-callers, sports commentator ,

airline pilots , criminals, financiers, politicians, disc

jockeys and also the language used in the courtroom and the

classroom. One example mentioned by Holmes ( 2001 : 247 )in

her book the language used by people who describe a sporting

events which can be distinguished easily from language used in

other contexts especially in the vocabulary . In cricket ,

people described positions by using terms like silly mid on,

square leg , the covers and gully and describe deliveries by

using terms like off-break , googly and leg break.

A variety of language marked by choices of vocabulary and

used in a specific situation involving particular roles and

statuses can also be considered as a register as well

( Spolsky,1998 : 34 ). The examples include a toast at wedding

, sports broadcast , or talking to a baby . As mentioned by

Brown ( 1972 : 261 ) besides maintaining solidarity ,


registers are also used to identify different occupational or

socioeconomic groups , that can be done in many ways, for

example by looking at certain phonological variants,

vocabulary , idioms or other expressions. Truckers , airline

pilots , salespersons and farmers can be good examples of

people who use words and phrases which are unique to their own


Another definition of register mentioned by Chaer &

Agustina ( 1995 : 92 ) is that regeister concerns with in what

activity , purpose or field a langauge is used for . For

example the language variation used in the field of journalism

, military services , scientific activities , etc . Language

variation in the field of journalism has specific

characteristics , it is simple , communicative and brief. The

language is simple because it has to understood easily ,

communicative because it has to deliver news appropriately ,

and brief because of the limited space ( in printed media )

and limited time ( in electronic media ).

Language variation in the field of military services has

been known with its characteristics, which are brief and

strict in line with the military duty and life that is full of


discilpline and instructions. While the scientific language

has been known with its characteristics of being straight

forward , clear and free from ambiguities, metaphors and

idioms because the language of science must give scientific

information clearly, without any doubts , and free from

possibilities of being interpreted in different meanings .

2.4 Billingualism

Most people as speakers usually occupy more than one code

and require a selected code whenever they choose to speak

with other people. The phenomenon of people having more than

one code (language) is called bilingualism or multilingualism

(Wardaugh,1986 : 101). Spolsky (199 : 45) defines a

bilingual as “a person who has some functional ability in the

second language.” This may vary from a limited ability in

one or more domains, to very strong command of

both languages. According to Bloomfield (in Rahardi,

2001 :13)

bilingualism is a situation where a speaker can use two

languages as well..From the description above , it can be seen

that bilingualism should have good skills in two languages.


Someone is called bilingualism if he/she can speak the

second language as good as the first one. Bilinguals as an

individualwho has an access to two or more different codes or

languages. ( Hammers and Blane ,1987 : 265 ), billinguals are

not limited only for the same mastery of another language .

2.5 Code

The term of code refers to speech varieties or dialects

in a language. This is used widely in linguistics and it is

always studiedin social context. In communication, a code is a

rule for converting a piece of information ( for example ,a

letter ,aword, or phrase ) into another form or representation

,not necessarily of the same sort . In communications and

information processing, encoding is the process by which a

source ( object ) performs this conversion of information into

data, which is then sent to a receiver ( observer ),such as a

data processing system (

In semiotics, the concept of a code is a fundamental

importance .Saussure emphasized that signs only acquire

meaning and value when they are interpreted in relationto each

other . He believed that the relationship between the signfier

and the signified was arbitrary. Hence,interpreting signs


requires familiarity with the sets of conventious or codes

currently in use to communicate meaning.

( ( Semiotics ). The term code is

relatively neutral conceptualization of linguistic variety .It

is a language or a dialect . Romaine ( 1995 ) ,here in a

generalsense to refer not only to different language, but also

to varieties of the same language as well as style within

language. However, not many researchers really explicate the

term in their definition. In this study, code will be taking

as verbal component that can as smalll as a morpheme or as

comprehensive and complex as the entire system of language .

Code is language system that people use for

communication. People code to make an interaction to others

( Pateda , 1983 : 83 ). It means that when someone

communicates with others , he or she is sending codes to the

listeners. This occurs in both them through a process. The

code that he or she uses should be understood by the listeners

to communicate successfully.

Variations of code can be classified into four categories

( Pateda , 1983 : 83 ), namely soft ,loud , fast and slow .

These variations could be found in daily conversation. A


speaker uses one of these variations will describe the

situation that he or she faces . For instance, when speaker is

angry the code he or she is fast and loud. On the other hand,

when a speaker is reducing, the code that he /she uses is soft

and slow,for example :

Teacher : Would you mind closing the door ? The airconditioner is on ( Teacher says it softly and inlow information )

Anita : Yes Madam

In other words , code refers to any set of linguistics

forms , is the same as variety of

language ( Holmes, 2001:14 ) .It means that the choice of code

in a conversation depends on the social relationship between

the addresses. The choice of each code is accociated with sets

ofattitudes and socio cultural values held by members of

conversation . In other words the choice of either soft or

loud andfast variety is seen as afunctions that is values and

social setting operating in interaction .

2.6. Code Switching

Switching is shift or change. Code switching is switching

between two or more languages or language varieties in the

context of a single conversation . The term of code switching38

means switching from one language variety to another when the

situation demands (Richard , 1985 ). In other

words , code mixing refers to the alternation between two or

more languages, dialects or people who have more than one

language in a conversation .

Code switching and other related language use phenomenon

occur in all linguistics situations .It happens when a speaker

requires a particular code ,in order to switch or mix one code

to another and even create a new code in process ( Wardaugh

1986 : 101 ).For example the switches occur within a sentence.

This morning I hanter my baby tu dekat babysitter tu lah

( This morning I took my baby to the babysitter ). In the

example is the mixing between Malay and English on the other

hand code switching is the changes over sentences. Code

switching can occur during the same conversation. For example,

People here get divorced too easily. Like exchanging faulty

goods. In China it is not the same. Jia gou sui gou,jia ji sui ji

( Holmes , 2001 : 38 ). As can be observed from the example

above, first, the speaker said English sentence, then he /she

switched to Mandarin.


Hoffman ( 1971 : 14 ) explains that code switching can

occur quite frequently in an informal conversation among

people who are familiar and have a shared educational ,

ethnic, and socio-economic background. It is avoided in a

formal speech situation among people especially to those who

have little in common factors in terms of social status ,

language loyalty and formality.

2.7 Types of Code Switching

According to Poplack ( 1980 ) there are three types of

Code Switching , they are :

1) Intersentential Switching , 2) Intrasentential Switching ,

3 ) Tag Switching .

2.7.1 Intersentential Switching

Intersentential switching involves a switch at a clause

or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one

language or another . Here the switching occurs outside or

between the sentences “Ah capek kalipun ngajarin kau , kog stupid kali kau !

‘’ ( You are very stupid , I am very tired to teach you ).

2.7.2 Intrasentential Switching


Intrasentential switching of different types occurs

within the clause or a single sentence boundary or takes place

within a clause or sentence boundaries with no apparent change

in topic and setting .

Example .

Perhatian anak anak , time is over ,kumpulkan lembar jawaban

kalian dimeja saya!

2.7.3 Tag Switching

Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag in one

language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in

other language .


a. You are fool … gitu aja kok nggak tau ,…man ‘’

b. Hei kawan kawan …. practise yuk .

2.8 Code Mixing

In this study , sociolinguistics theory used to analyze

code mixing used by English teachers of ninth grade at SMP

Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar in teaching learning process. Code


mixing is a phenomenon that commonly occurs in a billingual or

multilingual community . Musyken ( 2000 : 1 ) stated that code

mixing refers to all cases where lexical items and grammatical

features from two languages appear in one sentence .A speaker

sometimes inserts pieces of words from different language

when he orshe is talking to someone in formal and informal

situation .

Kachru ( 1982 : 39 ) states that code mixing is the use

of two or more languages by inserting the language inserted

and totally only supported a function .Additional, Nababan

( 1993 : 32 ) states that code mixing is a condition where two

or more languages or language variants in a speech act or

discourse are mixed without any of the situation in the

languages force to do that. In order words, code mixing refers

to the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties

in speech . Here the factor influence the speaker to do the

mixing is because of their habit and in informal situation .

In Indonesia code mixing usually occurs in conversation.

People mix Bahasa Indonesia with mother tongue. When educated

people are talking , they mix their language with foreign

language. The prominent character of code mixing is informal


situation . In a formal situation, code mixing rarely occurs ,

but when it happens it is caused by a real lexical need or on

the other hand, there is no equivalent translation for certain

words .Sometimes code mixing happens the speaker wants to show

their educational status. This happens because of many factors

. Some of them are because of their education , their habit ,

or it’s easier to tell the word in the source language .

The term of code mixing must be distinguished from code

switching .Thelander ( 1987 :103 ) says that if

there are switches from one clause of language to other

clause of different language, it is called code switching.

While if the clauses and phrases used consists of hybrid

clauses and hybrid phrases, each phraseand clause does not

support each function,it is called code mixing . In addition

to Thelander said , Wardhaugh ( 1986 : 104 ) argues that

code mixing occurs when conversant uses both together to the

extent that they change from one language to the other in the

course of a single utterance . It will be discussed

furthermore about the difference between code mixing and code

switching in the next sub topic .


2.9 The Types of Code Mixing

According to Kachru ( 1982 : 39 ) , there are some types

of code mixing . They are 1) Unit Insertion , 2) Unit

Hybridization ,3 ) Sentence Insertion, 4) Idiom and

Collocation Insertion and 5) Idiom and Collocation .

2.9.1 Unit Insertion

This refers to the introduction of grammatical unit such

as word, phrase and clause in a sentence for form language for

example :

Oh my God,apa yang terjadi padamu ?’’ . ( Oh my God , what ‘s going on

? )

In this example , the speaker mixes the code English and the

code Indonesia .The English codes are in the noun level and

the sentence uses the Indonesia codes .

2.9.2 Unit Hybridization

This refers to the use of code mixing within a unit ( a

noun phrase , a verb phrase ,or a compound verb ).Unit

hybridization differs from the unit insertion in the

linguistics lecvel. The code mixing is said to be unit


insertion if the mix occurs in the phrase level within the

sentences, while in the unit hybridization,the mix happens in

the phrase or compound verb . It means that the mix become the

part of the phrase. It is sometimes called as the

morphological adaptation , for example , Kami nonton tarian di

aula , walau ticketnya mahal , tapi pertunjukan para dancernya

bagus bagus . For the example , it can be seen the use of

suffix –nya is combined with the English words’ ticket and


2.9.3 Sentence Insertion

This refers to the process of inserting a sentence of a

language different from that of the discourse, for example ,Tu

orang ganteng banget , gue penasaran I want to know what his

name is . In this example code mixing happens between

Indonesia and English .

2.9.4 Idiom and Collocation Insertion


This code mixing is related to idioms or collocation.

Idiom is multi units which the meaning is not the sum of its

part such as grow up, get up, based o , stand up and deal

with. Collocation is the way that two or more words are

associated such as coffee and cream , bread and cheese, milk

and sugar. The example of code mixing that involved is ‘’

Hajimemashite, my name’s Vita desu. Dojo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.’’The

English idiom ‘my name’ Vita is inserted into a japan


2.9.5 Reduplication

The process of reduplication is the process of repeating

the same meaning in two codes. The example is ‘’Acting vekting

ma kya jan re ‘’. The reduplication process can be seen in the

example above where the English word ‘acting’ has the same

meaning with the Hindi word ‘vekting’.

2.10 The Reasons of Using Code Switching and Code Mixing

When code switching and code mixing occurs, the

motivation or reasons of the speaker is an important

consideration in the process. According to Hoffman ( 1971 : 13


) , there are a number of reasons for person to switch or mix

their language .Those are :

2.10.1 Talking About a Particular Topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic

in one language rather than in another . Sometimes, a speaker

feels free and more comfortable to express his/her emotional

feelings in a language that is not his/her everyday language .

The case can be found in our community , in which

Indonesia language is used to discuss trade or official

affairs ,mother tongue for region cases ( party, ceremonies ).

2.10.2 Quoting Somebody Else

A speaker switches code to quote a famous expression,

proverb ,or saying of some well known figures . The switch

like a set of quotation marks . Famous expressions or sayings

can be quoted intact in their original language , for

example :


A : Bolehkan saya tahu nama anda, Pak ? ( May I know your name ,sir ? )

B : What is a name .

In this conversation, B answers the questions from A withfamous Proverb ‘ what is a name .

2.10.3 Being Emphatic about Something ( Expressing

Solidarity )

As usual, when someone who is talking using a language

that is not his native language suddenly want to express

emphaty about something, he/she either intentionally or

unintentionally,will switch from his second language to his

first language. Or on the other hand, he switches from his

second language to his first language because he feels more

convenient to be emphatic in his second language rather than

in his first language. For example :

Teacher : Maaf ya nak , saya nggak tau kalau ibumu sudah meninggal( Sorry, I don’t

know if your mother had passed away )

Student : Ngak apa apa Mam (That’s ok Never mind )

Teaceher : Sabar ma ho ate inang , burju burju marsiajar ( Be patient ,study well ).

From the example above , it can be seen that A switches to

native language to express solidarity .


2.10.4 Interjection ( Inserting Sentence Connectors )

Interjections words or expressions, which are

inserted into a sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion ,

or togain attention .Interjection is a short exclamation

like : Darn ! Hey ! ,Well ! Look ! etc .They have no

grammatical value , but speaker uses them quite often, usually

more in speaking than in writing . Language switching and

language mixing among people can sometimes mark an

interjection or sentence connector .It may happen

unintentionally. The following are the examples of the usage

of interjection in sentence :

a. Indonesian – English : Tasku tertinggal di kantor ! Shitt (My bag was left in the office )

b. Spanish – Englsih : Chicano professionals sayinggoodbye ,and after having been

introduced by a thirdspeaker , talking briefly :

A : Well,I ‘m glad to meet you

B : Andale pues (Ok) And do come gain .Mm !

2.10.5 Repetition used for Clarification

When a person wants to clarify his speech so that it will

be understood better by listener , he /she sometimes use both49

of the language that he/she masters to say the same message .

Frequently, a message in one code in the other code

literally .A repetition is not only served to clarify what is

said , but also to amplify or emphasize a message.

For example :

English – Hindi ( Gumperz,1972 : 78 )Father calling his small

son while walking through a train compartment , “ Keep

straight, Sidha jao ’’ ( keep straight ).

2.10.6 Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content for


When a person talks to another there will be lots of code

switching and code mixing occurs. It means to make the content

of his speech runs smoothly and can be understood by the

listeners. A message in one code is repeatedly in other code

in somewhat modified form .

2.10.7 Expressing Group Identity

Code switching and code mixing can also be used to

express group identity . The way of communication of academic

people in their disciplinary groupings are obviously different

from the other groups. In other words, the way of50

communication of one community is different from the people

who are out of the community .

2.10.8 To soften or Strengthen Request or Command

For Indonesian people, switching and mixing Indonesian

into English can also function as arequestbecause English is

not their native tongue, so it does not soundasdirect as

Indonesian. However, cose switching and code mixing can also

strengthen a command since the speaker can feel more powerful

than the listener because he can use a langauge that everybody

cannot .

2.10.9 Because of Real Lexical Need

The most common reason for persons to switch or mix their

language is due to the lack of equivalent lexicon in the

languages. When an English Indonesian billingual has a word

that is lacking in English, he/she will findit easier to say

it in Indonesian . And visa versa, when he/she has a word that

is lacking in Indonesia, he/she will use the English term . If

it puts into Indonesia, the meaning will be hazy/vague, and

sometimes it would not be used. For example, In Indonesian,


the technical topics are firmly associated with English and

the topic itself can triggera switch or mix to/with English .

2.10.10 To exclude Other People When a Comment is intended for

only a Limited Audience

Sometimes people want to communicate only to certain

people or community they belong to. To avoid the other

community or interference objected to their communication by

people , they may try to exclude those people by using the

language that no everybody knows.

2.11 Code Mixing and Code Switching in Teaching

The phenomena of code switching and code mixing is mostly

seen in billinguals and mutilingguals societies. In teaching ,

code switching and code mixing use ither in teacher’sspeech or

students’ speech.

The function of code switching and code mixing are

introduced with topic switch , affective and repetitive

( Mattson and Burenhult , 1999 :61). The teacher always

performs code switching and code mixing automaticly and

unconsciously. The teacher shifts his/her language to local

langauge in dealing with a particular topic which are taught


at that moment. At this point it may be suggested that a link

from native language to new foreign language. Besides, code

switching and code mixing are used by teachers in order to

perform solodarityand intimate relation with the students .

Another reason of the teacher uses code switching and code

mixing is to transfer necessary knowledge for the students for

clarity and to explain the meaning of lack register ( real

lexical need ).

2.12 The Differences between Code Switching and Code Mixing

Actually, it is not easy to differenciate between code

switching and code mixing . however we can find some

indicators related to the difference of these two terms , code

switching and code mixing. First, in code in code mixing ,

speakers seem to apply some word or phrases from foreign

language( pieces of one language smaller than clause ) , while

the other language ( code ) functions as the base language.

Second, speakers are said to mix codes when there is no topict

that changes ,nor does the situation. ( Gumperz : 1986 ) in

Jendra ( 2010 :79 ).


A different view, if it involves changing into a foreign

clause or a sentence, it should be difined as a code switching

, but if it involves the use of foreign phrases or group of

words, it is identified as mixing . Another view how to define

between code switching and code mixing is related to the

formality of the situation. In code mixing, is said to be

found in the less formal situation, while in code switching is

possibly done in a formal one.

2.13 Related studies

To compare the usage of code switching and code mixing in

different field, the writer takes some scientific writing

related to it.




a. Problems :

- What types of code switching and mixing are in sentences of

a novel which are taken from teenlit Canting Cantiq

written by Dyan Nuranindya. .


- Why the characters in this teenlit do their code

switching and mixing when they make an interaction

with another people.

b. Theories used in the research :

The writer gave an underlying theory that explains the

types of code switching based on what is proposed by

Hoffman (1991). In addition, the writer also uses

Hoffman’s theory (1991) that explains several reasons why

people switch and mix their languages, and add the theory

that shows several reasons of code switching by Saville-


c. Methodology

The research design of this study is descriptive

qualitative method since it provides a systematic,

factual, and accurate description of a situation of area

(Issac and Michael, 1987:42). This research is also a

qualitative one since all the data collection is in the

form of words. The use of this method is appropriated with

the purpose of the study that is explaining the

types and reasons in the teenlit Canting Cantiq. The

research is conducted by using qualitative approach


because the result of the data analyzed is in the

descriptive phenomenon such as words, sentences and

utterances. There is only one kind of data source in this

research, i.e. the utterances that are spoken by the

characters in the teenlit Canting Cantiq by Dyan


d. Results of the Analysis

Based on the results of the data analysis , the authors

concluded that teenlit Cabtin Cantiq , Dyan Nuranindya use

Indonesian as the main language used the characters . In

addition , Dyan also use the English language , as well as

local language in teenlit their work . From the research ,

the authors found 6 types of language shift and mixing

languages on this teenlit , namely intra - sentential

switching , inter – sentential switching , emblematic

switching , intra - lexical code mixing , establishing

continuity with the previous speakers , and involving a

change of pronunciation . Type of code switching and mixed

eventscode is the predominant type of intra- sentential

code switching , as in teenlit Canting Cantiq there are

many speech which is implied by the words in Englishas well


as local language . In addition there are 10 causes of

events over the code and mix code , and the most dominant

group is expressing identity . This is because most of the

young characters in this teenlit life in modern communities

so they used to mix Indonesian , English and their regional

languages m in everyday conversation .

e. Findings

The authors found 6 types of language shift and mixing

languages on this teenlit , namely intra - sentential

switching, inter – sentential switching, emblematic

switching, intra - lexical code mixing, establishing

continuity with theprevious speakers, and involving a

change of pronunciation. Type of code switching and mixed

events code is the predominant type of intra- sentential

code switching, as in teenlit Canting Cantiq there are many

speech which is implied by the words in Englishas well as

local language . In addition there are 10 causes of events

over the code and mix code, and the most dominant group is

expressing identity. This is because most of the young

characters in this teenlit life in modern communities so


they used to mix Indonesian , English and their regional

languages m in everyday conversation .

f. Contribution Dias’s research to this thesis

Dias’s thesis contibutes the following to thi research :

The witer also conduct the theory that explains the types

of code switching based on what is proposed by Hoffman

(1991). In addition, the writer also uses Hoffman’s

theory (1991) that explains several reasons why people

switch and mix their languages, and add the theory that

shows several reasons of code switching by Saville-


g. The differences between Dias ’s thesis and the writer’s

There is only one kind of data source in this research, i.e.

the utterances that are spoken by the characters in the

teenlit Canting Cantiq by Dyan Nuranindya while the writer of

this research will analyze words, phrase, sentences and

utterances used in teaching learning process.




A Thesis (Maria Cecilia Velásquez : 2010)

a. Problems

1. When, how, and why code-switching was present during the

interviews of Spanish/English bilinguals ?

2. How do bilingual Latin@s high school students and

interviewers use code-switching as an expression of their

identities, in interviews discussing high school students’

experiences as Latin@s in schools?

3. What does code-switching reveal about the relationship

between different categories of identification?

b. Theories

The researcher used a theory of Alvarez- Cáccamo to define a

code switching (1990), code-switching is an alternation of

languages that occurs during bilingual conversations in which

participants have at least one language in common. To clarify,

bilinguals are individuals who are proficient in more than one

language. Their proficiency in either language may vary

according to skills in writing, reading, listening, and

speaking (Wei, 2000). These language skills may allow them to

engage in instances of code-switching. In the opinion of Wei59

(2000), when bilinguals share the same languages, changes from

first language (L1) to second language (L2) can be present in


In addition, researcher also used another theory indicates

that bilinguals sometimes code-switch because certain words

come first or are more available in one of the two languages

at a given time (Moreno, Federneier & Kutas, 2002). Gardner-

Chloros (2009) affirmed that when participants of a specific

community use two languages in the same conversation, it is

because they are “expressing group identity” (p. 5). When

interviewers and interviewees take part in code-switching, it

can serve as a way to facilitate communication because some

words are more precise in either Spanish or English, or some

words “come first,” even when these words do not have any

relationship to a participant’s identity. Because the Proyecto

Latin@ interviews were focused on questions of identity and

school engagement, they provide a window into the relationship

between code-switching and identities construction.

Sapir (1923) states that through language, we express our

reality and “no two languages are ever sufficiently similar


to be considered as representing the same social reality” (p.


c. Methodology

The reseacher provided cultural background which is an

important aspect of participants’ social life and a

significant element of context in which discourse takes place.

Proyecto Latin@ participants provided limited characteristics

such as their background, gender, age, and first language,

which are taken into consideration as part of the analysis.

For this research, the reseacher have chosen to use narrative

analysis because it also incorporates elements of the context

and larger language events in order to a certain meaning.

In order to understand the connections between language and

identity for this thesis, narratives had been facilitated

the analysis of what was said and how each interlocutor

presented it. Participants were considered active builders of

their reality through their speech. Thus, participants told

their own stories when interacting with others. Even though

the interviewer is usually the person asking, sometimes s/he

tells his own story to engage students in conversation. The


notion that narratives were co-constructed was one of the

principal reasons for analyzing the utterances of both,

interviewers and interviewees in this research.

d. The result of this research

Participants use code-switching as part of the process in

constructing various identities such as immigrants, Latin@s,

students, and bilinguals. This code-switching construction can

be seen as a result and process that Spanish-English

bilinguals employ to denote that they are different from other

groups of monolingual speakers. Eventhough a variety of

methods used by bilinguals to present their realities when

they interact, and it was evident that they alternated

languages more often with certain topics than others. Topics

such as family, school, ethnicity, and friends were some of

the themes in which code-switching stood out and that clearly

showed the connection between code-switching and their


Code-switching in the data gathered from Proyecto Latin@

research acts as an expression of identity. It reveals that

participants use code-switching as they construct identities


with English- and/or Spanish- speaking communities or

contextual circumstances. Using code-switching in conversation

is part of the process of integration into a new society and

developing a newly constructed identity in relationship to a

new social and cultural context in which language is an

important signifier.

The researcher said that this there is colloboration links

between language use, in particular code-switching and

identity. Code-switching is a representation of individual

identity construction, which for some speakers, it is already

constructed, but for others it is in the process of


e. Findings

1. The reaseacher noticed interviewers and interviewees’

language use and code-switching as a part of students’

identities construction. This opportunity brought an enormous

advantage for social and sociolinguistic analysis of the data.

The interviewers and interviewees’ different cultural

backgrounds enriched this analysis because it shows what is

linguistically, psychologically, and socially possible with


the global mobilization of people and parents from different


2. Learning a new language and moving to the country where

they can speak it may change their own .

3. The huge amount of research on code-switching is not

common for teachers to allow the usage of the first language

in the classroom. Meanwhile, the reality is that non-native

speakers (and now bilinguals) interact with other bilinguals

and code-switch outside of classrooms. Therefore, supporting

the rule of “English only” creates a conflict when learning a

second language.

f. Contribution to this thesis

From the findings of Maria’s thesis , the writer increasingly

comprehends that it is allowed for English teachers to use

their first language in the classroom as it has a relation to

her topic in this thesis. It can be a supporting findings for


g. The differences between Maria’s thesis and the writer’s


The code switching in Maria’s thesis only occurs from L1 to

the L2 while the code switching in this thesis not only

occurs from L1 to the L2 but also switch or mix the speaker’s

mother tongue .

code switching and code mixing in different occasional through





a. Problems

What types of languages are acquired at different periods in

the lives of members of the education elite in a speech

community especially in childhood in Yoruba ?

b. Theories

One is bilingualism or language contact that results “in

lexical borrowings and mixture of English and vernacular

expression” in the speech of West African bilinguals (Ansre,

1971; Bamgbose, 1971; Cheng & Butler, 1989). Some are status,

integrity, self-pride, comfortability and prestige


(Akere, 1977; Bokamba, 1989; Hymes, 1962;

Kachru, 1989; Kamwangamalu, 1989). Other

causes include modernisation, westernization,

efficiency, professionalism and social advancement

(Kachru, 1989; Kamwangamalu, 1989). According to

these scholars, some of the functions of code-

switching and code-mixing are intra-group identity (Gumperz,

1982); poetic creativity (Kachru, 1989) and the

expression of modernisation (Kamwangamalu, 1989). One of

the major characteristics of both phenomena is their

imposition as the norm of language use in the most

bilingual communities (Kamwangamalu, 1989). Among their

effects, however, are undermining of certain traditional

values (Kachru, 1989), innovations in the structure of one of

the other of the languages .

c. Methodology

In order to ascertain this point, an

investigation was conducted in a particular speech

community; the Ikale in Irele and Okitipupa Local Government

Areas of Ondo State. Here, Yoruba is mostly spoken

as the first language (L1) of the citizens. The


major towns covered in the area included

Okitipupa (the headquarters), Ode-Aye, Ode-

Erinje, Iju-Odo, Ilutitun, Igbotako, Ikoya and

Ode-Irele. A questionnaire was designed to find

out from its respondents the types of languages acquired

at different periods in their lives as well as the

various functions that the languages were meant to

perform. Fifty copies of it were randomly

distributed to secondary school teachers who

exhibited to a very large extent the traits of code-switching

and code-mixing in their speeches and were very accessible to

the investigator in the area at the ratio of three male (30)

to two female (20) respondents. Being mostly Yoruba-English

bilinguals, the respondents had qualifications equivalent to

the first University degree. Thus the difference in the ratio

of questionnaire distribution shows that there were more male

than female graduate teachers in the locality. Moreover, most

of the respondents were middle-aged, falling within the age

brackets of 25 to 40 years. They could then be said to have

reached a stage in their lives and had experience to a level

at which their linguistic habits could be said to have


stabilized. Also, their speech usages in Yoruba and/or English

could safely be assumed to be characteristically

indicative of most Yoruba-English bilinguals with

similar educational background and life

experience if the respondents’ language behaviours are

similar in identifiable situations. The same investigator who

had personally distributed the questionnaires to the

respondents equally collected back all the fifty copies issues


d. The Result of the Journal

The foregoing study appears to have shown that

code-switching and code- mixing correlate positively

with the educational attainment of individuals. As

shown also, both phenomena have their merits as well as

demerits in the speech repertoire of their users. One only

hopes that English language teachers would now devise the

means of preventing the demerits from adversely affecting the

language acquisition process of the child.

e. Findings


Forty-five (90%) of the respondents spoke Yoruba as their

first language (L1); one (2%) spoke pidgin English; three

(6%) spoke Ijaw and one (2%) spoke Urhobo

before primary school age. This demonstrates that

before children in the speech community attain

the school age, many of them are monolinguals and Yoruba is

the only language of communication for most (90%) of

them. At the primary school age, however, English

starts to play an increasingly important role in

their communicative lives, while Yoruba is still being

acquired as the first language (L1), in addition to being

taught as a school subject. Moreover, within

this Yoruba-speaking community, especially in the

urban centres, there are special private schools

where the only language of instruction and the only language

taught the pupils is

English. The point being made here is that,

right from the primary school, two languages

(Yoruba and English) start to co-exist in the

speech stock of the average child in the community. In

effect, the child starts to become bilingual right from


the primary school stage of education. Since,

at this stage, the grammar of the first language

has not been thoroughly grasped, and the child

would naturally want to express himself using all the

linguistic resources at his disposal, it is likely

that the process of “grammatical coalescence” of

Yoruba and English would have begun at this

level. This, in effect, makes code- switching and

code-mixing manifest in the child’s linguistic performance

right from his early age. A comparison of

language acquisition and language use during the pre-

primary school age with that of the primary school period

shows that while only about 2% could use some form of pidgin

English during the pre- primary school age, all pupils (100%)

could use English at the Primary school stage.

However, at secondary school stage, language use by the

pupils takes on a new dimension. Thus, in a continuum, the

sequence of language use is such that Yoruba starts to

be the dominant language at the pre-primary

period of the child’s language acquisition; a balance is

struck between Yoruba and English in the speech repertoire of


the child at the primary school level, with English being used

mainly in the classroom and Yoruba often used

outside the classroom; while the English language

is pre-dominant at the secondary school stage.

At this third stage also, three of the factors

that help to place English in its preeminent

position are that it is offered as a compulsory subject; it is

the language of instruction and that the use of its rival

language (Yoruba) as “vernacular” is forbidden to all

students. Thus, English replaces Yoruba as a dominant language


The low status and prestige of pidgin English in the

speech community under reference does not make it to

feature prominently in the language stock of

students at secondary school. Therefore, the

gradual change in status of only Yoruba and English

can be seen between infancy and adulthood in the speech

repertoire of Yoruba-English bilinguals as

represented by the respondents examined.

f. Contribution to This Thesis


This journal assists the writer how to collect the data by

conducting a questtionaire. Before reading this journal the

writer intends to collect the data by interviewing and

observing only but by this , it has motivated the writer to

modify the data to strenghten the analysis by designing a

questionnaire so that he writer will be able colllect the

data accurately.

g. The Differences with This Thesis

The problem of this journal is want to investigate the types

of language acquired by children while this thesis is going to

investigate the types of code switching and code mixing used

by teachers . So this thesis will be more specific in

discussing code mixing and code mixing than this journal.

Types of language are still more general to discuss than types

of code switching or code mixing .




3.1. Research Design

This study is an analysis of code switching and code

mixing of the English teachers of ninth grade in teaching

learning process at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar . So the

design of this study is descriptive qualitative design since

it provides a description for a situation . In other words, it

attemps to decribe what is going on and what the data shows.

The decriptive study is used to get certain information

about certain phenomenon that happens when a study is

conducted ( Razaviech 1979 : 10 ). This study applies the

qualitative since the collected data analyzed in descriptive

phenomenon such as words, sentences and utterances. In this

research the writer will describe the type of code switching


and code mixing of the English teachers of ninth grade in

teaching learning process at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar.

3.2 The Data of the Research

The data of this research are the utterances of three

English teachers contain code switching and code mixing in the

teaching learning process at SMP N 12 Pematangsiantar. This

school lies on Jalan Sibolga No 25 Pematangsiantar.

3.3 Technique of Collecting the Data

To get the data of this research , first the writer

observes and records all the English teachers’ speech

utterances during the teaching learning process in the

classroom. In this case, the writer tries to get the data as

naturally as possible which means that the English teachers

are not informed what will be researched . When observing them

in the teaching learning process, the writer also observes the

teachers’ behaviour or their body language when they do code

switching and code mixing. While observing , the writer takes

also field notes and at the same time recording by using tape

recorder. After the data has been collected, the writer

chooses the speech utterances of the English teachers which


contain form of code switching and code mixing to be analyzed.

Then the data are selected randomly.

Second, the steps in doing the interview are to prepare

the research instruments such as some written questions and

the alternative answers with the recording tools , write the

result of interviews, and confirm the result of the interviews

to the teachers by focusing on the reasons of using code

switching and code mixing.

Third , the writer will conduct a questionnaire for the

teachers. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions

accompanied by the selected answers. The teachers are asked to

choose one of the option. In the questionnaire, the teachers

are asked to choose the reason to switch or to mix their

languages in the classroom in. From the result of the

questionnaire , the writer will analyze the answers by making

every percentage of every option.

3.4 Technique of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, Miles and Huberman (1994 : 10-

12 )’s technique will be used . Miles and Huberman elaborate

some steps of analyzing the data , they are : 1) data


collection, 2) data reduction (process of classifying ,

arranging or organizing the data ), 3) data display ( the

steps to show the visuals of the data in the form of chart,

diagram or graphic ) and 4 ) data verification/conclusion( the

last step to draw conclusions from the data shown in the data

display ).

The overview of the analysis can be shown in this schematic:

The data are collected by underlying the utterances contain

words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The data were classified

by giving codes. The coding category refers to the type of the








code switching and code mixing. And after that the writer

will make the percentages of the result of the interview and

the questtionnaire. From the result of the interview and the

questionnaire, the writer will count the number of each type

of code switching and code mixing used by the teachers and the

reasons of using the code switching and code mixing. At the

end of this analysing data, the writer also analyzes the

reasons of the teacher using code switching and code mixing

by coding the transciption of the conversation . After that,

the classified data were displayed in a matrix form. From the

displayed data , some conclusions will be taken as the

findings of the research .




In this chapter the writer will describe the issues that

have been formulated on the formulation of the research

problem. This chapter deals with the data analysis,

interpretation of the data and research findings. The data are

analyzed and interpreted based on the theory of

sociolinguistics in term of code switching and code mixing

phenomena of the English teachers of SMP Negeri 12

Pematangsiantar. The data analysis tries to find out code

switching and code mixing. Then the result of the analysis

will be interpreted and it will become the findings of the


4.1 Data

The data in this research are collected by using :

1. Record Data

In this data, the writer has three respondents. They are

English teachers of SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar that teach

English for grade nine. The data are collected through

recording. The writer recorded the data when the respondents

were teaching English in the classroom. The writer did not


tell the specific topic that she was going to research so that

the the data collected ran naturally.

2. Interview

The writer interviewed the three respondents. They are

English teachers of SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar that teach

English for grade nine. The writer asked some questions

related of using code switching and code mixing and the

reasons of using them in the teaching learning process. The

data collected were transcribed based on the answer.

3. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was conducted for the same respondents

as in data collection for recording and interviewing. The

writer composed ten questions in the questionnaire in which

every questions has its own options. The respondents were

asked to choose the option and they could write the other

answer if they did not the right answer based on the options.

For number eight , nine and ten of the questionnaire, the

respondents could choose more than one answer.

Based on the data which are collected and analysed from

the three English teachers, they can be analysed as follows :


4.2 Data Analysis

4.2.1 Recorded Data of Code Switching and Code Mixing

The data analyzed in this following was taken by

recorded, selected and reduced by the writer. The data

selected and reduced based on the types of the code switching

and code mixing.

Teacher 1 Analysis Based on Intersentential Switching

Data (1)

Context : MH ( The English teacher ) was conducting a teaching

learning process in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Ada yang tidak hadir ?(S2) Students : Josua Mam(S3) Teacher : Josua ? Is there any letter ?(S4) Students : Nggak ada Mam, dari kemarin dia sudah nggak hadir Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

three (S3), “ Is there any letter ? “. The speaker

( Teacher ) switched a sentence of Indonesia language with


English. The reason of switching the language is talking for a

particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was teaching English in

the classroom in Febuary 20th 2014.

Teacher : (S1) Look at Page 31 Practise 3. (S2) Minggu lalu kita sudah membahas topik ini. (S3) There are five questions in the practise ,

now let’s answer them together.

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

two (S2), “ Minggu lalu kita sudah membahas topik ini “. The speaker (

Teacher ) switched a sentence of English language with

Indonesia . The reason of switching the language is talking

for a particular topic.

Data (3)

Context : MH ( The English teacher ) was explaining onesubject in the classroom in

Febuary 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Now look at questions number 2 !(S2) , (S3) What is the answer of number 2 ? What’s the

meaning of run away ? 81

(S4) Apa artinya ?(S5) Anto : Tunggang langgang Mam(S6) Teacher : Ya Tunggang langgang or melarikan diri

From the conversation above, the type of switching is term of

intersential switching occurs in sentence four (S4), where

the speaker ( Teacher ) switched an English sentence with

Indonesia. It is called intersential switching ( at the level

sentence ).The speaker, teacher, emphasized the sentence

‘’What’s the meaning of run away ?’’by switching into

Indonesia sentence , Apa artinya? The reason of switching the

language is repetition for clarification.

Data (4)

Context : MH ( the English Teacher ) was asking question and

answer in a teaching learning process in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Sekarang Anti tolong jawab nomor 2 Please, nobody may answer it except Anti !

(S2) Anti : ( Keep silent )(S3) Teacher : Apa jawabannya Anti ? Where did Mantu live ?(S4) Anti : He lived in the jungle

Based on the conversation above, the type of the switching is

intersential switching occurs in sentence one (S1) where the

speaker ( Teacher ) switched Indonesia sentence with English.

It is called intersentential switching ( at the level of


sentence ),”. The speaker, teacher, emphasized the sentence,”

Sekarang Anti tolong jawab nomor 2 !” to the other students not answer

beside Anti by switching into English sentence Please nobody may

answer it except Anti! To Indonesian . The reason of switching the

language is talking for a particular topic.

Data (5)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was reminding the

students for an exam in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) : Next Saturday we will have daily test . Jangan adayang tidak hadir. (S2) : Dari bab berapa Mam ?(S3) : From chapter 2 and chapter

From the conversation above, the type of switching is

intersential switching occurs in sentence one (S1) where the

speaker (teacher) switched English sentence with Indonesia. It

is called intersential switching ( at the level of sentence ).

The speaker, teacher, reminded the students and

emphasized,’Next Saturday we will have daily test “ by

switching the sentence into Indonesia “ Jangan ada yang tidak

hadir ‘’! The reason of switching the language is request or



Data (6)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was asking question and

answer in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Doni , what about questions number 6 ? Comeon !

Yang lain juga boleh mencari jawabannya. What’s theanswer Doni ? What is Mantu’s friend ? Apajawabannya ?(S2) Doni : Siapa nama teman baiknya ?(S3) Teacher : What is Mantu’s best friend ?

From the conversation above, the type of switching is

intersential switching occurs in sentence one (S1) where the

speaker (teacher) switched English sentence with Indonesia. It

is called intersential switching ( at the level of sentence ).

The speaker, teacher, asked the other students to find the

answer ,’ What about questions number 6 ? “ by switching the

sentence into Indonesia “ Yang lain juga boleh mencari

jawabannya? “ The reason of switching the language is request

or command.

Data ( 7 )

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was asking question

and answer in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Who can answer number 4 ?


(S2) Student : Me Mam (S3) Teacher : Good, please Yani ! Apa jawabannya ?(S4) Student : (answer)(S5) Teacher : Very Good

From the conversation above, the type of switching is

intersential switching occurs in sentence one (S3) where the

speaker (teacher) switched English sentence with Indonesia. It

is called intersential switching ( at the level of sentence ).

The speaker, teacher, asked the other students to find the

answer ,’Who can answer number 4 ? “ by switching the

sentence into Indonesia “ Apa jawabannya ? “ The reason of

switching the language is talking for a particular topic.

Teacher 2

Data (1)

Context : ES ( the English teacher ) was explaining a topic

in the teaching learning process in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Last time we talked about short functionaltext. What is it ? Ya apa itu functional text ?(S2) Students : Text Pendek Mam (S1) Teacher : Ya teks pendek yang mempunyai fungsi atau meaning

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential


switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

three (S1) “Ya apa itu ? ’’. The speaker

( Teacher ) switched a sentence of English with Indonesia .

The reason of switching the language is talking for a

particular topic.

Data ( 2 )

Context : ES was checking the list of presence of the

students in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Kemarin les sorenya hadir semua ? Anybody was absent?(S2) Students : Biasalah Mam si Antoni (S3) Teacher : Apalagi alasannya ?(S4) Students : Sakit katanya Mam

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

three (S1) “ Anybody was absent ? ’’.

The speaker ( Teacher ) switched a sentence of Indonesia with

English. The reason of switching the language is for

repetition for clafication.

Data (3)


Context : ES was asking the students to do some exercises in

the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Try to do them by yourself! Coba dulumengerjakan sendiri !

Siapa yang belum mengumpulkan? Lima orang lagi ini, inimasih 23 lembar, who else ? (S2) Students : Marintam Mam(S3) Teacher : Where is your Marintan ? Ini masih 26 lembar.Whohasn’t been here?

From the conversation above, the type of switching is

intersential switching occurs in sentence one (S1) where the

speaker (teacher) switched English sentence with Indonesia. It

is called intersential switching ( at the level of sentence ).

The speaker, teacher, asked the students to do a task by

saying ,’ Try to do them by yourself ! “ by switching the

sentence into Indonesia “ Coba dulu mengerjakan sendiri ! “

The reason of switching the language is repetition for


Data (4)

Context : ES was asking question and answer in the

classroom in February 21st 2014

(S1) Teacher : Perhatikan bentuk pertanyaan ! Look at theform of the questions !


Nggak usah stress ngerjakanitu. Ada yang stress ?

(S2) Students : ha ha ha , ya mam si Bernat(S3) Teacher : Just do them carefully !

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

three (S1) “Look at the form of the

questions ? ’’. The speaker ( teacher ) switched a sentence of

Indonesia with English . The reason of switching the

language is for repetition for clarification.

Data (5)

Context : ES ( the English teacher ) was explaining the

instructions of an exercise for the students in the classroom

in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Semua soal ini biasanya akan muncul di UN makanya Ialways ask

you, ya saya selalu bilang kenali setiap butir soal.(S2) Students : No mam(S3) Teacher : Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar kerja. Youstudy the

picture and try what information you can getfrom the picture. Then

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaannya based on thepicture.


Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

three (S3) ‘’ You study the picture and

try what information you can get from the picture’’. The

speaker ( teacher ) switched a sentence of Indonesia with

English. The reason of switching the language is to strenghten

a command.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic in the teaching

learning process in February 22 nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam reorientation selalu ada optional. Do you knowwhat do they

mean ?(S2) Students : No Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya reorientation maksudnya pengubahan atau makna yangdapat di-

ambil dari story tersebut. Kalau optional maksudnya tidak ada,boleh

juga tidak, so it is a choice, tergantung pada the writer.

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential


switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

one (S1) ‘’Do you know what do they

mean ?’’. The speaker ( teacher ) switched a sentence of

Indonesia with English. The reason of switching the language

is talking for a particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Now let’s see the example of the narrative !Ok ,repeat after me !

Ulangi setelah saya ! ( The teacher reads somesentences )(S2) Students : ( Repeat some sentences)

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

one (S1) ‘’Ulangi setelah saya ?’’. The

speaker ( teacher ) switched a sentence of English with

Indonesia .The reason of switching the language is repetition

for clarification.

Data (3)


Context : RSH was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : What is Narrative ? Apa itu Narrative ? (S2) Students : Narasi(S3) Teacher : Good. What is Narasi ?(S4) Students : Cerita Mam(S4) Teacher : Cerita apa ? Cerita imaginative, imagiasi

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intersential

switching ( at the level of sentence ). It occurs in sentence

one (S1) ‘’ Apa itu Narrative ?’’. The

reason of switching the language is for repetition for

clarification. Analysis Based on Intrasentential Switching

Teacher 1

The writer did not find any intersentential switching when she

conducted teaching learning process in the classroom.

Teacher 2

Data (1)


Context : ES was reminding some topics in the teaching

learning process in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Semua soal ini biasanya akan muncul di UN makanya I always ask you, ya saya selalu bilang kenalisetiap butir soal. .

(S2) Students : No mam(S3) Teacher : Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar kerja. Youstudy the

picture and try what information you can getfrom the picture. Then

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaannya based on thepicture.

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching three

times in the conversation . They occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’

I always ask you ’’ ( in the level of sentence), in sentence

three (S3) ’’ Then’’ (in the level of word) and ‘’ Based on

the picture ( in the level of phrase ) ’’ The reason of

switching the language is for talking for a particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : ES was asking the students to do some exercises

in the classroom in February 21st 2014.


(S1) Teacher : Try to do them by yourself! Coba dulumengerjakan sendiri !

Siapa yang belum mengumpulkan? Lima orang lagi ini, inimasih 23 lembar, who else ? (S2) Students : Marintam Mam(S3) Teacher : Where is your Marintan ? Ini masih 26 lembar.Whohasn’t been here?

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching . The speaker used intrasentential switching in the

conversation . It occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’ Who else ’’

( in the level of phrase) . The teacher swithed a phrase

within the sentence in the form of a question. The reason of

swithing the language is for repetition for a clarification.

Data (3)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Last time we talked about short functionaltext. What is it ? Ya apa itu functional text ?(S2) Students : Text Pendek Mam (S1) Teacher : Ya text pendek yang mempunyai fungsi atau meaning

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching . The speaker used intrasentential switching in the


conversation . It occurs in sentence three (S3)‘’ meaning ’’ (

in the level of word ) . The teacher switched a word within a

sentence in the additional of the first word. The reason of

switching the language is for repetition for clarification.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic in the teaching

learning process in February 22 nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam reorientation selalu ada optional. Do you knowwhat do they

mean ?(S2) Students : No Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya reorientation maksudnya pengubahan atau makna yangdapat di-

ambil dari story tersebut. Kalau optional maksudnya tidak ada,boleh

juga tidak, so it is a choice, tergantung pada the writer.

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching five

times in the conversation . They occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’

optional ’’ ( in the level of word ), in sentence three (S3)

’’Reorientation’’ (in the level of word), ‘’ Story ( in the

level of word ), ‘’ optional ’’ ( in the level of word ), ‘’


so it is a choice’’ ( in the level of sentence ), ‘’ the

writer’’ ( in the level of phrase ). The teacher switched a

word and a phrase within a sentence. The reason of switching

the language is talking for a particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : What is Narrative ? Apa itu Narrative ? (S2) Students : Narasi(S3) Teacher : Good. What is Narasi ?(S4) Students : Cerita Mam(S4) Teacher : Cerita apa ? Cerita imaginative, imagiasi

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching three

times in the conversation. They occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’

Narrative’’ ( in the level of word ), in sentence three (S3)

’’Narasi’’ (in the level of word ) and ‘’Imaginative’’ ( in

the level of word). The teacher switched a word within a

sentence. The reason of switching the language is for

repetition for clarification.

Data (3)


Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam cerita itu biasanya banyak conversationnya,atau actionnya.

Bagaimana ciri cirinya ? (S2) Student : Silent(S3) Teacher : OK, language featurenya biasanya mempunyai

bentuk waktu Past Tense dan biasanya diawali dengan adverb of timeseperti, a long time ago, once upon atime.

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching four

times in the conversation. They occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’

Conversationnya’’ ( in the level of phrase ), “ actionnya’’

( in the level of phrase ),in sentence three (S3) ’’Language

featurenya’’ (in the level of phrase), ‘’ Past Tense ’’ ( in

the level of phrase), and ‘’Adverb of Time’’. The teacher

switched a phrase within a sentence. The reason of switching

the language is talking for a particular topic.

Data ( 4 )

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in theclassroom in February 22nd



(S1) Teacher : Dalam setiap narasi selalu ada conflict yang terjadidalam cerita itu

tapi ada juga resolutionnya, mengerti maksudnya ? (S2) Students : Yes Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya, dalam narasi selalu ada problem tapi ada jugapemecahannya

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching three

times in the conversation. They occur in sentence one (S1)‘’

Conflict’’ ( in the level of word ) and , “ Resolutionnya’’

( in the level of phrase ), in sentence three (S3)

’’Problem’’ (in the level of word). The teacher switched a

word and a phrase within a sentence. The reason of switching

the language is talking for a particular topic.

Data (5)

Conflict : RSH was commanding the stusents to do something

in the clasroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Tolong tulis jawabannya didalam your note book ! Bisa dipahami ?

(S2) Students : Yes Mam(S3) Teacher : Ok, do then well


Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching . The speaker used intrasentential switching in the

conversation . It occurs in sentence one (S1)‘’your note book

’’ ( in the level of phrase ) . The teacher switched a phare

within a sentence . The reason of switching the language is

for real lexical need.

Data (6)

Context : ES was emphasizing the students weather they had

questions in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : If you don’t understand the question, kau bolehtanya saya, silahkan

ditanya ! Jawabannya harus complete, complete answer!(S2) Students : Sulit semua mam

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching two

times in the conversation. They occur in sentence one

(S1)‘’complete’’ ( in the level of word ) and “

Complete answer’’ ( in the level of phrase ), . The teacher


switched a word and a phrase within a sentence. The reason of

switching the language is for repetition for clarification.

Data (7)

Context : RSH ( the English teacher ) was explaining a

topic for students in a teaching learning process in February

22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Bahasa can be recognized dengan banyak hal,contohnya: picture,

symbol, misalkan kamu melihat gambar tengkorakmenunjukkan danger, symbol. Ok, bisa kitamulai latihannya ?

(S2) Students : Yes Mam (S3) Teacher : Oh. Let’s see symbol 1 .

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is intrasentential

switching. The teacher used intrasentential switching four

times in the conversation. They occur in sentence one

(S1)‘’can be recognized’’ (in the level of a phrase), “

picture ’’ ( in the level of word ), ‘’ symbol’’, ‘’ danger

’’. The teacher switched a word and a phrase within a

sentence. The reason of switching the language is talking for

a particular topic.

99 Analysis Based on Tag Switching

In this type the writer did not find such switching in

teacher 1 and teacher 2 when they were in the teachinfg

learning process.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

teaching learning process in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Apa itu orientation ? Orientation itu maksudnya apa ? (S2) Students : Orientasi Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya apa itu orientasi. Ya orientasi itu maksudnya pengenalan

tokoh ya, Waktu ya, tempat . Siapalah tokoh tokohnya ? Like playing a drama, harus dikenalkan dulu tokoh tokohnya ,ya kan ?

(S4) Students : Yes Mam

Based on the conversation data above, the type of code

switching applied in the conversation is tag switching. The

teacher used tag switching four times in the conversation.

They occur in sentence three (S3)‘’ya’’ (in the level of a

word), and “ ya kan ?’’ ( in the level of phrase ), The

teacher emphasized the sentence by using ya and ya kan. The


reason of switching the language is talking for a particular

topic. Analysis Based on Unit Insertion

Teacher 1

In this type the writer did not find unit insertion when she

was in the teaching learning process.

Teacher 2

Data (1)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for students in theclassroom in February 21st 2014

(S1) Teacher : Last time we talked about short functionaltext. What is it ? Ya apa itu functional text ?(S2) Students : Text Pendek Mam (S3) Teacher : Ya teks pendek yang mempunyai fungsi atau meaning

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of

code mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence

three (S3) ’’ meaning ’’. The speaker (teacher) emphasized the

word ’’fungsi’’ by mixing English code ,’’ meaning

’’( inserting a word in the sentence ). The reason to insert

a unit insertion is for repetition for clarification.


Data (2)

Context : ES was reminding some topics in the teaching

learning process in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Semua soal ini biasanya akan muncul di UN makanya Ialways ask

you, ya saya selalu bilang kenali setiap butir soal.(S2) Students : No mam(S3) Teacher : Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar kerja. Youstudy the

picture and try what information you can getfrom the picture. Then

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaannya based on thepicture.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence three

(S3) ’’ Then ’’ ( inserting a word in a sentence ), The

teacher intructed the students by mixing Indonesian code, ”

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaanya ”and English code,’’ based on the

picture ’’. The reasons of using the unit insertion is for

talking a about particular topic.

Data (3)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : We have studied some short functional text.Kita sudah mempelajari


beberapa bentuk short functional text. There aremany kinds of short

Functional text. Coba dulu, who still rememberthem ? What are they?(S2) Students : Short Message (S3) Teacher : Ya. Short Message. Ayo sebutkan saja ! Whatelse !(S4) Students : Letter(S5) Teacher : Ya. Next, what else ? Advertisement , apa itu ?(S6) Students : Iklan (S7) Teacher : What else(S8) Students : Greeting Cards(S9) Teacher : Ada lagi ? (S10) Students : Brochure Mam(S11) Teacher : Very good . Brosur, whatever, apasaja.Biasanya isinya tentang the

concert, the meeting, the seminar, banyaklah.Tujuannya untuk apa ? What’s the purpose ofthis ?

(S12) Students : Telling some information(S13) Teacher : Good, telling some information.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence eleven

(S11) ” Whatever ’’ ( inserting a word ),’’ the concert ’’, ’’

the meeting ’’, ” the seminar ” ( inserting a phrase ) . The

teacher described and emphasized material to the students by

mixing Indonesian code, ” Biasanya isinya tentang ”and English

code,’’ the concert, the meeting, the seminar ’’. The reason

of mixing the languages is for talking a particular topic.

Data (4)


Context : ES was giving a chance for the students to ask

some questions in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : If you don’t understand the question, kau bolehtanya saya, silahkan

ditanya ! Jawabannya harus complete, complete answer!(S2) Students : Sulit semua mam

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” complete ’’ ( inserting a word ), and ’’ complete

answer’’ ( inserting a phrase ) . The teacher described and

emphasized material to the students by mixing Indonesian

code, ” Jawabnnya harus ”and English code,’’ complete,

complete answer ’’. The reason for mixing the language is for

repetition for clarification.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic in the teaching

learning process in February 22 nd 2014.


(S1) Teacher : Dalam reorientation selalu ada optional. Do youknow what do they

mean ?(S2) Students : No Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya reorientation maksudnya pengubahan atau makna yangdapat di-

ambil dari story tersebut. Kalau optional maksudnya tidak ada,boleh

juga tidak, so it is a choice, tergantung pada the writer.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ’’ Reorientation ’’ and ’’ Optional ’’ ( inserting a word

in a sentence ). Mixing unit insertion also occurs in sentence

three ( S3 ) ” story ” and ’’ the writer ’’ ( inserting a

word and a phrase in a sentence). The teacher described the

topic by mixing Indonesian code, ” tergantung pada ”and

English code,’’ the writer ’’. The reason of mixing the

language is for talking a particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : What is Narrative ? Apa itu Narrative ? (S2) Students : Narasi(S3) Teacher : Good. What is Narasi ?(S4) Students : Cerita Mam(S5) Teacher : Cerita apa ? Cerita imaginative, imagiasi


Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ’’ Narrative ’’ ( inserting a word in a sentence ).

Mixing unit insertion also occurs in sentence three ( S3 ) ”

What is ” ( inserting a phrase ) and in sentence five (S5)

’’ imaginative ’’ ( inserting a word in a sentence). The

teacher questioned the students by mixing Indonesian code, ”

Cerita ”and English code,’’ imaginative ’’. The reason of

mixing the language if for repetition for clarification.

Data (3)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in theclassroom in February 22nd


(S1) Teacher : Dalam setiap narasi selalu ada conflict yang terjadidalam cerita itu

tapi ada juga resolutionnya, mengerti maksudnya ? (S2) Students : Yes Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya, dalam narasi selalu ada problem tapi ada jugapemecahannya

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” conflict ’’ ( inserting a word ), and in sentence three


(S3) ’’ problem ’’. The teacher described and emphasized

material to the students by mixing Indonesian code, ” Ya, dalam

narasi selalu ada ” and English code,’’ problem ’’ and mix again

with Indonesia code ’’ tapi ada juga pemecahannya ’’. The reason

of mixing the language is for talking a particular topic.

Data (4)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam cerita itu biasanya banyak conversationnya,atau actionnya.

Bagaimana ciri cirinya ? (S2) Student : Silent(S3) Teacher : OK, language featurenya biasanya mempunyai

bentuk waktu Past Tense dan biasanya diawali dengan adverb of timeseperti, a long time ago, once upon atime.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence three

(S3) ” Past Tense ’’ adverb of time ’’, ’’ a long time ago

’’, ’’ once upon a time ’’. The teacher described and

emphasized the material to the students by mixing Indonesian

code, ” biasanya diawali dengan ” and English code,’’ adverb of

time seperti, a long time ago, once upon a time. ’’ The


reason of mixing the language is for talking a particular


Data (5)

Context : : RSH ( the English teacher ) was explaining a

topic for students in a teaching learning process in February

22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher :Bahasa can be recognized dengan banyak hal,contohnya: picture,

symbol, misalkan kamu melihat gambar tengkorakmenunjukkan danger, symbol. Ok, bisa kita mulailatihannya ?

(S2) Students : Yes Mam (S3) Teacher : Oh. Let’s see symbol 1 .

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” can be recognized ’’ ( inserting a phrase ), and ’’

picture ’’, ’’ symbol ‘’, ’’ danger ’’( inserting a word ) .

The teacher described and emphasized the material to the

students by mixing Indonesian code, ” Bahasa ” and English

code,’’ ’’picture’’ ,”symbol ’’ , the teacher mixed again with

Indonesia code ‘’’ misalkan gambar tengorak menunjukkan ’’ and

remixed with English code ’’ danger ’’, ’’symbol ’’ The


reason of mixing the language is for talking a particular

topic. Analysis Based on Unit Hybridization

In this type the writer did not find unit hybridization in

teacher 1 and teacher 2 when they were in the teaching

learning process.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam cerita itu biasanya banyak conversationnya,atau actionnya.

Bagaimana ciri cirinya ? (S2) Student : Silent(S3) Teacher : OK, language featurenya biasanya mempunyai

bentuk waktu Past Tense dan biasanya diawali dengan adverb of timeseperti, a long time ago, once upon a time.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit hybridization, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” conversationnya ’’ ( inserting a phrase ), and ’’

actionnya ’’ ( inserting a phrase ) and in sentence three (S3)


’’ language featurenya ’’. The teacher described and

emphasized the material to the students by mixing Indonesian

code, ”Dalam cerita itu biasanya banyak ” and English unit

hybridization code,’’ conversationnya’’ , ‘’ actionnya ’’ The

reason of mixing the language is for talking a particular


Data (2)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in theclassroom in February 22nd


(S1) Teacher : Dalam setiap narasi selalu ada conflict yang terjadidalam cerita itu

tapi ada juga resolutionnya, mengerti maksudnya ? (S2) Students : Yes Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya, dalam narasi selalu ada problem tapi ada jugapemecahannya

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is unit hybridization, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” resolutionnya ’’ ( inserting a phrase) . The teacher

described and emphasized the material to the students by

mixing Indonesian code, ” Dalam setiap narasi selalu ada conflict yang

terjadi dalam cerita tapi ada juga ” and English unit hybridization

code,’’ resolutionnya’’ , and end the sentence by mixing


Indonesia code ‘’ mengerti maksudnya ?’’ The reason of mixing is

for talking a particular topic. Analysis Based on Sentence Insertion

Teacher 1

Data (1)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was reminding the

students for an exam in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) : Next Saturday we will have daily test . Jangan adayang tidak hadir ! (S2) : Dari bab berapa Mam ?(S3) : From chapter 2 and chapter

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Jangan ada yang tidak hadir ! ’ ( inserting a sentence) The

teacher reminded the students by mixing English code, ‘’ Next

Saturday we will have daily test ’’ with Indonesia code ’’

Jangan ada yang tidak hadir ’’. The g the reason of mixing the

language is for request or command.

Data (2)


Context : MH ( the English Teacher ) was asking question

and answer in a teaching learning process in February 20th


(S1) Teacher : Sekarang Anti tolong jawab nomor 2 Please, nobody may answer it except Anti !

(S2) Anti : ( Keep silent )(S3) Teacher : Apa jawabannya Anti ? Where did Mantu live ?(S4) Anti : He lived in the jungle

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Please nobody may answer it beside Anti ! ’’

( inserting a sentence) The teacher reminded the students by

mixing Indonesia code, ‘’ Sekarang Anti tolong jawab nomor 2’’ with

English code ’’ Please nobody may answer it except Anti ’’.

The reason of mixing the language is for request or command.

Data (3)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was asking question and

answer in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Doni , what about questions number 6 ? Comeon !

Yang lain juga boleh mencari jawabannya. What’s theanswer Doni ? What is Mantu’s friend ? Apajawabannya ?(S2) Doni : Siapa nama teman baiknya ?(S3) Teacher : What is Mantu’s best friend ?


Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Yang lain juga boleh mencari jawabannya. ’’

( inserting a sentence) The teacher asked the students by

mixing English code, ‘’ Doni , what about questions number

6 ? Come on ! ’’ with Indonesia code ’’ Yang lain juga boleh mencari

jawabannya ’’. The reason of mixing the language is for

request or command.

Teacher 2

Data (1)

Context : ES was reminding some topics in the teaching

learning process in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Semua soal ini biasanya akan muncul di UN makanya Ialways ask

you, ya saya selalu bilang kenali setiap butir soal.(S2) Students : No mam(S3) Teacher : Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar kerja. Youstudy the

picture and try what information you can getfrom the picture. Then

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaannya based on thepicture.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” I always ask you ’’ ( inserting a sentence) and in the


sentence three (S3) ’’ You study the picture and try what

information you can get from the picture. The teacher

described and emphasized the material to the students by

mixing Indonesian code, ” Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar

kerja . The reason of mixing the language is for talking a

particular topic.

Data (2)

Context : ES was giving a chance for the students to ask

some questions in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : If you don’t understand the question, kau bolehtanya saya, silahkan

ditanya ! Jawabannya harus complete, complete answer!

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” If you don’t understand the question ’’ ( inserting a

sentence) and in the sentence. The teacher described and

emphasized the material to the students by mixing Indonesian

code, ” kau boleh tanya saya, silahkan ditanya ’’ ! . The

reason of mixing the language is for talking a particular



Data (3)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : We have studied some short functional text.Kita sudah mempelajari

beberapa bentuk short functional text. There aremany kinds of short

Functional text. Coba dulu, who still rememberthem ? What are they?(S2) Students : Short Message (S3) Teacher : Ya. Short Message. Ayo sebutkan saja ! Whatelse !(S4) Students : Letter(S5) Teacher : Ya. Next, what else ? Advertisement , apa itu ?(S6) Students : Iklan (S7) Teacher : What else(S8) Students : Greeting Cards(S9) Teacher : Ada lagi ? (S10) Students : Brochure Mam(S11) Teacher : Very good . Brosur, whatever, apasaja.Biasanya isinya tentang the

The concert, the meeting, the seminar,banyaklah. Tujuannya untuk apa ? What’s the purposeof this ?

(S12) Students : Telling some information(S13) Teacher : Good, telling some information.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Kita sudah mempelajari beberapa bentu k ’’

( inserting a sentence) and in the sentence. The teacher

described and emphasized the material to the students by115

mixing English code, ” We have studied some short functional

text ’’ with Indonesia code ” Kita sudah mempelajari beberapa bentuk

’’. The reason of mixing the language is for repetition for


Data (4)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 21st 2014

(S1) Teacher : Last time we talked about short functionaltext. What is it ? Ya apa itu functional text ?(S2) Students : Text Pendek Mam (S3) Teacher : Ya teks pendek yang mempunyai fungsi atau meaning

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Ya apa itu, ’ ( inserting a sentence) and in the sentence.

The teacher described and emphasized the material to the

students by mixing Indonesia code, ” Ya apa itu, ’’ with English

code ‘’functional text’’ . The reason of mixing the language

is repetition for clarification.

Data (5)

Context : ES was asking the students to do some exercises in

the classroom in February 21st 2014.


(S1) Teacher : Try to do them by yourself! Coba dulumengerjakan sendiri !

Siapa yang belum mengumpulkan? Lima orang lagi ini, inimasih 23 lembar, who else ? (S2) Students : Marintam Mam(S3) Teacher : Where is your Marintan ? Ini masih 26 lembar.Whohasn’t been here?

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Try to do them by yourself ! ’ ( inserting a sentence)

The teacher described and emphasized the material to the

students by mixing English code, ” Try to do them by

yourself! ’’ with English code ‘Coba dulu mengerjakan sendiri !Siapa

yang belum mengumpulkan? Lima orang lagi ini, ini masih 23lembar,’’.

Sentence inserting also occurs in sentence three (S3) “ Ini

masih 26 lembar ‘’'. The teacher mixed English code with

Indonesia sentence. The reason of mixing the language is

repetition for clarification.

Data (6)

Context : ES was checking the list of presence of the

students in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Kemarin les sorenya hadir semua ? Anybody was absent?


(S2) Students : Biasalah Mam si Antoni (S3) Teacher : Apalagi alasannya ?(S4) Students : Sakit katanya Mam

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Anybody was absent ! ’’ ( inserting a sentence) The

teacher asked the students by mixing Indonesia code, ‘’ Kemarin

les sorenya hadir semua ? ’’ with English code ’’ Anybody was absent

? ’’. The reason of mixing the language is talking for a

particular topic.

Data (7)

Context : ES was asking question and answer in the classroom

in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Perhatikan bentuk pertanyaan ! Look at the form ofthe questions !

Nggak usah stress ngerjakan itu. Ada yang stress ?(S2) Students : ha ha ha , ya mam si Bernat(S3) Teacher : Just do them carefully !

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Look at the form of the questions. ’’

( inserting a sentence). The teacher asked the students by


mixing Indonesia code, ‘’ Perhatikan bentuk pertanyaan !’’ with

Indonesia code ’’ Look at the form of the questions ’’. The

reason of mixing the language is repetition for clarification.

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : What is Narrative ? Apa itu Narrative ? (S2) Students : Narasi(S3) Teacher : Good. What is Narasi ?(S4) Students : Cerita Mam(S4) Teacher : Cerita apa ? Cerita imaginative, imagiasi

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence one

(S1) ” Apa itu ? ’ ( inserting a sentence) and in the sentence.

The teacher described and emphasized the material to the

students by mixing Indonesia code, ” Apa itu ? ’’ with English

code ” Narrative ’’. The reason of mixing the language is

repetition for clarification.

Data (2)


Context : RSH was explaining a topic in the teaching

learning process in February 22 nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam reorientation selalu ada optional. Do youknow what do they

mean ?(S2) Students : No Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya reorientation maksudnya pengubahan atau makna yangdapat di-

ambil dari story tersebut. Kalau optional maksudnya tidak ada,boleh

juga tidak, so it is a choice, tergantung pada the writer.

Based on the data above, it can be found that the type of code

mixing is sentence insertion, which occurs in the sentence

three (S3) ” so it is a choice, ’ ( inserting a sentence) and

in the sentence. The teacher described and emphasized the

material to the students by mixing Indonesia code, ” Kalau

optional maksudnya tidak ada, boleh juga tidak, ’’ with English code ” so

it is a choice ’’ and end the sentence by mixing again with

Indonesia code,’’ tergantung pada the writer’’. The reason of mixing

the language is talking for a particular topic. Analysis Based on the Reasons of Using Code Switching

and Code Mixing

Teacher 1


Data (1)

Context : MH ( The English teacher ) was conducting a

teaching learning process in the classroom in February 20th


(S1) Teacher : Ada yang tidak hadir ?(S2) Students : Josua Mam(S3) Teacher : Josua ? Is there any letter ?(S4) Students : Nggak ada Mam, dari kemarin dia sudah nggak hadir

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is talking about a particular topic. It can be seen

that the teacher switches Indonesia language to English,’’ Is

there any letter ’’. When the students told the teacher that

Josua was absent, the teacher asked specifically to a

particular question by asking whether there was a letter of

Josua .

Data (2)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was teaching English

in the classroom in Febuary 20th 2014.

Teacher : (S1) Look at Page 31 Practise 3. (S2) Minggu lalu kita sudah membahas topik ini. (S3) There are five questions in the practise ,

now let’s answer them together.


Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is talking about a particular topic. It can be seen

that the teacher switches English language to Indonesia,’’Minggu

lalu kita sudah membahas topik ini ’’. When the teacher instructed

the students to look at page 31 practice 3, the teacher

strenghtened her instruction to a paticular statement by

saying that they had discussed the topic last week.

Data (3)

Context : MH ( The English teacher ) was explaining onesubject in the classroom in

Febuary 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Now look at questions number 2 !(S2) , (S3) What is the answer of number 2 ? What’s the

meaning of run away ? (S4) Apa artinya ?(S5) Anto : Tunggang langgang Mam(S6) Teacher : Ya Tunggang langgang or melarikan diri

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switches English language , ’’What’s the meaning of


run away ? ’’. The teacher repeated the same question by using

Indonesia language, ’’ Apa artinya ? ”

Data (4)

Context : MH ( the English Teacher ) was asking question andanswer in a teaching

learning process in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Sekarang Anti tolong jawab nomor 2 Please, nobody may answer it except Anti !

(S2) Anti : ( Keep silent )(S3) Teacher : Apa jawabannya Anti ? Where did Mantu live ?(S4) Anti : He lived in the jungle

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is to strengthen a command. It can be seen that the

teacher switches Indonesia language , ’’ Sekarang Anti tolong jawab

nomor 2 ! The teacher strengthen the command by using Indonesia

language, ’’ Please, nobody may answer it except Anti ! ’’

Data (5)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was reminding the

students for an exam in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) : Next Saturday we will have daily test . Jangan adayang tidak hadir. (S2) : Dari bab berapa Mam ?(S3) : From chapter 2 and chapter


Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is to strengthen a command. It can be seen that the

teacher switches English language , ’’ Next Saturday we will

have daily test’’. The teacher strengthened her statement by

giving a command by using Indonesia language, ’’ Jangan ada yang

tidak hadir ! ’’

Data (6)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was asking question and

answer in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Doni , what about question number 6 ? Come on


Yang lain juga boleh mencari jawabannya. What’s theanswer Doni ? What is Mantu’s friend ? Apajawabannya ?(S2) Doni : Siapa nama teman baiknya ?(S3) Teacher : What is Mantu’s best friend ?

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is to strengthen a command. It can be seen that the

teacher switches English language ,What about question number

6 ? Come on ! ’’. The teacher strengthened her question by


giving a command by using Indonesia language, ’’Yang lain juga boleh

mencari jawabannya !’’

Data (7)

Context : MH ( the English teacher ) was asking question

and answer in the classroom in February 20th 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Who can answer number 4 ?(S2) Student : Me Mam (S3) Teacher : Good, please Yani ! Apa jawabannya ?(S4) Student : (answer)(S5) Teacher : Very Good

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is to soften a request . It can be seen that the

teacher switches Indonesia language, ’’Good. Please Yani ! ’’.

The teacher strengthened her request in the form of a

question by using Indonesia language, ’’Apa jawabannya ?’’

Teacher 2

Data (1)

Context : ES was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 21st 2014

(S1) Teacher : Last time we talked about short functionaltext. What is it ? Ya apa itu functional text ?


(S2) Students : Text Pendek Mam (S1) Teacher : Ya teks pendek yang mempunyai fungsi atau meaning

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is a repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched English language,’’ What is it ? ’’. The

teacher repeated her question by by using Indonesia language,

’’Ya apa itu functional text ?’’

Data (2)

Context : ES was checking the list of presence of the

students in the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Kemarin les sorenya hadir semua ? Anybody was absent?(S2) Students : Biasalah Mam si Antoni (S3) Teacher : Apalagi alasannya ?(S4) Students : Sakit katanya Mam

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is a repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched Indonesia language,’’ Kemarin les sorenya hadir

semua ? ’’. The teacher repeated her question by using

English language, ’’ Anybody was absent ?’’


Data (3)

Context : ES was asking the students to do some exercises in

the classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Try to do them by yourself! Coba dulumengerjakan sendiri !

Siapa yang belum mengumpulkan? Lima orang lagi ini, inimasih 23 lembar, who else ? (S2) Students : Marintam Mam(S3) Teacher : Where is your Marintan ? Ini masih 26 lembar.Whohasn’t been here?

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is a repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched English language,’’ Try to do them by

yourself’’. The teacher repeated her question by using

Indonesia language, ’’ Coba dulu mengerjakan sendiri !’’

Data (4)

Context : ES was asking question and answer in the

classroom in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Perhatikan bentuk pertanyaan ! Look at the form ofthe questions !

Nggak usah stress ngerjakan itu. Ada yang stress ?(S2) Students : ha ha ha , ya mam si Bernat(S3) Teacher : Just do them carefully !


Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is a repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched Indonesia language,’’ Perhatikan bentuk

pertanyaan !’’. The teacher repeated her question by using

English language, ’’ Look at the form of the questions !’’

Data (5)

Context : ES was reminding some topics in the teaching

learning process in February 21st 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Semua soal ini biasanya akan muncul di UN makanya Ialways ask

you, ya saya selalu bilang kenali setiap butir soal.(S2) Students : No mam(S3) Teacher : Ok. Nanti saya akan bagikan sebuah lembar kerja. Youstudy the

picture and try what information you can getfrom the picture! Then

jawablah pertanyaan pertanyaannya based on thepicture.

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is to strengtened a command. It can be seen that the

teacher switched Indonesia language,’’ Nanti saya akan bagikan


sebuah lembar kerja ’’. The teacher strenghtened a command by

using English language, ’’ You study the picture and try

what information you can get from the picture !’’

Teacher 3

Data (1)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic in the teaching

learning process in February 22 nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Dalam reorientation selalu ada optional. Do you knowwhat do they

mean ?(S2) Students : No Mam(S3) Teacher : Ya reorientation maksudnya pengubahan atau makna yangdapat di-

ambil dari story tersebut. Kalau optional maksudnya tidak ada,boleh

juga tidak, so it is a choice, tergantung pada the writer.

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is talking about a particular topic . It can be seen

that the teacher switched Indonesia language,’’ Dalam

reorientatation selalu ada optional ’’. The teacher strenghtened the

topic by using English language, ’’ Do you know what do they

do mean ? ’’

Data (2)


Context : RSH was explaining a topic for students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : Now let’s see the example of the narrative !Ok ,repeat after me !

Ulangi setelah saya ! ( The teacher reads somesentences )(S2) Students : ( Repeat some sentences)

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code

mixing is a repetition for clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched English language,’’ Ok, repeat after

me !’’. The teacher repeated a command by using Indonesia

language, ’’Ulangi setelah saya ! ”

Data (3)

Context : RSH was explaining a topic for the students in the

classroom in February 22nd 2014.

(S1) Teacher : What is Narrative ? Apa itu Narrative ? (S2) Students : Narasi(S3) Teacher : Good. What is Narasi ?(S4) Students : Cerita Mam(S4) Teacher : Cerita apa ? Cerita imaginative, imagiasi

Based on the conversation data above, it can be seen that the

reason of using of the teacher used code switching and code130

mixing is a repetition of a clarification. It can be seen that

the teacher switched English language,’’ What is Narrative ?

’’. The teacher repeated a question by using Indonesia

language, ’’ Apa itu Narrative?’’. Data Tabulation of using code switching and code


Table 1.

Teachers Code Switching Code Mixing TOTAL

1 7 3 10

2 8 11 19

3 11 9 20

Total 26 23 49


Table 2

Data Use of Code Switching



Types Reasons











About a



































1 7 - - - - - - - - -

2 5 3 - - - - - - - - -

3 3 7 1 - - - - - - - -


Table 3

The Use of Code Mixing



Types Reasons



















About a






y Else




























1 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -

2 4 - 7 - - - - - - - - - -

3 5 2 2 - - - - - - - - -


4.2.2 Data Analysis Interview Teachers’ Interview

There are three teachers ad the data interview,

as the English teachers of the ninth grade. So, the English

teachers got some interview as the data of the researcher. Description of the Interview

The interview is a way of the writer to know

more about the teachers’ opinions about the use of cose

switching and code mixing in the teaching learning process. So

here the writer got the data as the fuctions and reasons of

using code switching and code mixing in the classroom.

Data (1) The analysis based on the types of code swithing and

code mixing and the reasons to switch and to mix the


1. The English teachers switch and mix the languages in

the teaching learning process.

Based on the data ( see appendix 2 ). Switching and

mixing the languages occur in the classroom.


2. The English teachers switch and mix the languages by

inserting words or sentences.

Based on the data ( see appendix 2 ). The English

teacher uses Intersential , Intrasential , Unit

Insertion and Sentence Insertion in teaching.

3. Reasons to switch and to mix the languages in teaching


Based on the data ( see appendix 2 ). The English

teacher has some acceptable reasons to switch and

mix the languages in teaching .

Data 2 The analysis based on the types of code swithing and

code mixing and the reasons to switch and to mix the


1. The English teachers switch and mix the languages in

the teaching learning process.

Based on the data ( see appendix 3 ). Switching and

mixing the languages occur in the classroom.

2. The English teachers switch and mix the languages by

inserting words or sentences.


Based on the data ( see appendix 3 ). The English

teacher uses Intersential , Intrasential , Unit

Insertion and Sentence Insertion in teaching.

3. Reasons to switch and to mix the languages in teaching


Based on the data ( see appendix 3 ). The English

teacher has some acceptable

reasons to switch and mix the languages in teaching .

Data 3 The analysis based on the types of code swithing and

code mixing and the reasons to switch and to mix the


1. The English teachers switch and mix the languages in

the teaching learning process.

Based on the data ( see appendix 4 ). Switching and

mixing the languages occur in the classroom.

2. The English teachers switch and mix the languages by

inserting words or sentences.


Based on the data ( see appendix 4 ). The English

teacher uses Intersential , Intrasential , Unit

Insertion and Sentence Insertion in teaching.

3. Reasons to switch and to mix the languages in teaching


Based on the data ( see appendix 4 ). The English

teacher has some acceptable

reasons to switch and mix the languages in teaching .

4.2.3. Data Analysis Questionnaire

The data analyzed in this following was taken by making a

questionnarie for the three teachers who are asked to choose

the option and to write if there is no suitable option

according to them. This questionnaire was made based on the

types of code switching and code mixing and the reasons of

using them in teaching English in the classroom.

Table 1



1 2 3Tota




Do you switch and mix Indonesialanguage and English in teaching

English ?( a ) always (c ) seldom(b ) sometimes (d) other,

please mention ……

a a a 3


Do you switch your language whenyou want to make to insert a tag

in your utterances ?(a ) always (c ) seldom( b) sometimes (d) other,

please mention……

ac c




Do you mix your language when youwant to repeat the same meaning in

your utterance while teachingEnglish ?

(a ) always ( c) seldom( b) sometimes (d ) other,

please mention…..





Do you switch your language at a clause or a sentence where each clause or sentence is in one language or another in the teachinglearning process ?( a) always (c ) seldom(b ) sometimes (d) other, please mention…..



a 2



Do you switch your language within your sentences without changing thetopic ?(a ) always (c ) seldom(b ) sometimes (d)other,pleasemention…….

a b




6 Do you mix your language by inserting word ?

b b b 3




( a) always (c ) seldom(b ) sometimes ( d) other, please mention …..


Do you mix your language by inserting sentence ?( a) always (c ) seldom(b ) sometimes ( d) other, please mention …..

b b b 3


When did you move or mix one language to another language in theteaching learning process ?(a ) Moves away without knowing thereason(b)When there is a change of topic / adjusted to topic(c) There is a separate term in a foreign language(d) Another reason , mentioned .....


Toemphasize theimportanttopic



9 Is the reason you are switching orlanguage mixing with otherlanguages to communicate inteaching learning process ?(a ) Talking About a ParticularTopic(b ) Quoting the words / statement







1 2 3 TOTAL

of somebody Else(c ) Being Emphatic about Something( Expressing Solidarity )( d) Interjection ( Inserting

Sentence Connectors )

( e) Repetition used for


( f) Intention of Clarifying the

Speech Content for


( g) Expressing Group Identity

(h ) To soften or Strengthen

Request or Command

( i) Because of Real Lexical Need

( j) To Exclude Other People When a

Comment is Intended for only a

Limited Audience

( k) Another reason ,mentioned ........








whenI amangry,givinghumor
















In your opinion , what are thebenefits of the use of languagelike this ( mix or changelanguage )( a) So that the students betterunderstand( b) To avoid confusion ininterpreting the phrase( c) To be considered to betterunderstand ( more knowledgeable )(d ) Shorten the time( e) Streamline communications(f ) Other , please specify .......















From the transcription of questionnaire above, it can

show that for the first question, 3 respondents ( 100 % of the

respondents ) answer that English and Indonesia languages are

always switched and mixed in teaching. For the second

question, there is 1 respondent ( 33.33 of the

respondents ) answer that language is always switched when

inserting a tag in an utterance and there are 2 respondents (

66.66% of the respondents ) answer that language is seldom

switched when inserting a tag in an utterance. For the

third question, there are 1 repondent (33.33% of the

respondents ) answer that language is always mixed when

repeating the same meaning in an utterance while teaching


English and 2 respondents ( 66.66% of the respondents ) answer

language is sometimes mixed when repeating the same meaning in

an utterance while teaching English. From the forth question,

there are 2 respondents ( 66.66% of the respondents ) answer

that intersentential switching is always used in teaching,

while 1 respondent ( 33.33% of the respondents) answer that

intersentential switching is sometimes used in teaching

English. From the fifth question, there are 2 respondents

( 66.66% of the respondents ) answer that intrasentential

switching is always used in teaching, while 1 respondent

( 33.33% of the respondents) answer that intersentential

switching is sometimes used in teaching English. From the

sixth question, there 3 respondents ( 1005% of the respondents

) answer that unit insertion is sometimes used in teaching

English. From the seventh question, there are 3 respondents

( 1005% of the respondents ) answer that sentence insertion is

sometimes used in teaching English.

From the eigth question, there are 3 respondents ( 100%

of the respondents) give the different answers when the

langauges are moved or mixed to another language in the

teaching learning process. None of the respondents answers the


option. The first respondent says that languages are moved or

mixed to another when she is giving instruction, joking,

angry, giving advise. The second respondent says that

languages are moved or mixed to another when she wants to

emphasize the important topic and the third respondent says

that languages are moved or mixed to another when she finds

the students confused.

For the ninth question, there are three respondents

( 100% of the respondents ) give the reasons that they switch

or mix the languages for particular topic. One respondent

( 33.33% of the respondents ) switches or mixes the languages

for quoting the words / statement of somebody else, ) for

being emphatic about something ( Expressing Solidarity )

and for interjection ( Inserting Sentence Connectors ), two

respondents ( 66.66% of the respondents) answers for

expressing group identity and to soften or strengthen request

or command and one respondent ( 33.33% of the respondents )

answers for because of real lexical need. Beside answering the

options, one respondent ( 33.33% of the respondents ) states

that the reasons the languages are switched or mixed because

she is being angry and while giving humor.


From the tenth question, three respondents ( 100% of the

repondents ) state that the benefits of the use of language

( mix or change language ) is so that the students have

better understanding. Two respondents ( 66.66% of the

respondents ) also state that to avoid confusion in

interpreting the phrase is the benefit of mixing or changing

the languages . Two respondents ( 66.66% of the respondents )

add that the benefit of mixing or changing the language are to

shorten the time and to streamline communications.

The data above shows that three respondents need to

switch and to mix the languages in the teaching learning

process. They are shown by answer number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

8 , 9, and 10. Based on the data above, intersentential

switching, intrasentential switching, unit insertion and

sentence insertion are dominatly used in teaching English.

They are shown by answer number 4, 5, 6, and 7. From the

analysis above, the writer finds the following reasons of

switching and mixing the languages in teaching English as

shown in number 9 , they are :

(a ) Talking About a Particular Topic

(b ) Quoting the words / statement of somebody Else


(c ) Being Emphatic about Something ( Expressing Solidarity )

( d) Interjection ( Inserting Sentence Connectors )

( e) Repetition used for Clarification

( f) Expressing Group Identity

(g ) To soften or Strengthen Request or Command

( h) Because of Real Lexical Need

Beside the above reasons, the three respondent also state that

they switch or mix the languages because of the following

reasons, as shown in number 8, and 9 :

a. giving instruction, joking/humor, angry, giving advise

b. when the students look confused.


After doing the analysis, the writer gets some findings

from the data. They are :

1. The English teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematang Siantar often use code switching and code mixing in

teaching learning process


2. The type code switching is used by the English teachers

of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar occurs in

intersentential switching ( in the level of sentence ),

intrasentential switching ( in the level of phrase ) and tag


3. The type of code mixing is used by the English teachers of

the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar occurs in

unit insertion, sentence insertion, hybridization unit.

4. The dominant type of code switching is used by the English

teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar

are intersentential switching (in the level of sentence ) and

intrasentential switching ( in the level of phrase ).

5. The dominant type of code mixing is used by the English

teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar

are unit insertion, sentence insertion.

6. The reasons of using code switching and code mixing by the

English teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang

Siantar are found in the followings, namely :

(a ) Talking About a Particular Topic

(b ) Quoting the words / statement of somebody Else

(c ) Being Emphatic about Something ( Expressing Solidarity )

( d) Interjection ( Inserting Sentence Connectors )

( e) Repetition used for Clarification

(f) Expressing Group Identity


(g) To soften or Strengthen Request or Command

( h) Because of Real Lexical Need

( i) Giving Instruction, Joking/Humor, Angry, Giving advise

(j). When the students look confused.


After analysing and the data, the writer tries to make

the interpretation of the findings in the form of discussion.

In data analysis, the writer assumes that Conversation

Analysis , Interview and Questionnaire are the most effective

tools used to describe code switching and code mixing as

language phenomena. It can be described how the language,

code switching and code mixing are produced and understood bt

the billingual or multilingual society. Based on the research

findings, the speech act are conducted by the participants who

have followed the cooperative principle in communication. It

can be seen from the language function are aplllied by the

participants, if the speaker asks a question to the listener,

then the listener answer the question. Through the interview

and questionnaire data, it can be described more specificly

the reasons of switching and mixing the languages in the

teaching learning process.


To find the reasons of using code switching and code

mixing by the English teachers

of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar , the

writer uses the theory of Hoffman: 1971 : 13. According to

Hoffman, there are ten reasons of using code switching and

code mixing . They are for Talking About a Particular Topic,

Quoting the words / statement of somebody Else, Being

Emphatic about Something ( Expressing Solidarity, Interjection

( Inserting Sentence Connectors ), Repetition used for

Clarification, Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content for

Interlocutor, Expressing Group Identity, To soften or

Strengthen Request or Command, Because of Real Lexical Need

and To exclude Other people When a Comment is intended for

only a Limited Audience. The three English teachers of the

ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar have another

reasons for switching or mixing the languages beside the above

reasons. According to them, switching and mixing the languages

also occur in giving instruction, giving advise, making a

joke/humor , being angry and when the students are confused.

All the explanation above shows that English teachers of

the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar are using


code switching and code mixing in the teaching learning





5.1 Conclusions

In the preceded chapter, it had been explained that this

research is about the use of code switching and code mixing by

the English teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12

Pematang Siantar.

Based on the research analysis and research findings, the

writer got some conclusion, they are :

1. Code switching and code mixing are the two linguistics

phenomena which happen in the teaching learning process by the

English teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang


2. There are three types of code switching produced by the

English teachers of the ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang

Siantar, namely Intersentential Switching ( in the level of


sentence ), Intrasentential Switching ( in the level of

phrase ) and Tag Switching .

3. There are two types of code mixing which are recognized in

the teaching learning process by the English teachers of the

ninth grade at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar, namely Internal

code mixing and External code mixing.

4. The code mixing occurs in unit insertion, sentence

insertion and unit hybridization .

5. The using of code switching and code mixing in the teaching

learning process by the English teachers of the ninth grade

at SMP Negeri 12 Pematang Siantar is due to some reasons ,

namely for Talking About a Particular Topic, Quoting the

words / statement of somebody Else, Being Emphatic about

Something ( Expressing Solidarity, Interjection

( Inserting Sentence Connectors ), Repetition used for

Clarification, Expressing Group Identity, To soften or

Strengthen Request or Command, Because of Real Lexical Need,

Giving Instruction, Joking/Humor, Angry, Giving advise and

When the students look confused.


6. The most reasons why the English teachers of SMP Negeri 12

Pematangsiantar are to talk a particular topic, to repeat a

clarification, to request or command and to have a real

lexical need as the following table

7. The writer designed the results of the using of code

switching and code mixing in the following tables :

Table 4

The Type of Code Switching Made by the English Teachers











1. MH 7 - - 7

2. ES 5 3 - 8

3. RSH 3 7 1 11


Table 5

The Type of Code Mixing Made by the English Teachers




















1. MH - - 3 - - 3

2. ES 4 - 7 - - 11

3. RSH 5 2 2 - - 9


Table 6

The Reasons of Using Code Switching and Code Mixing Made by English Teachers












About a





y Else




























MH 7 3 4 - - - 1 - - 5 - - 10

ES 8 11 7 - - - 11 - - 1 - - 19

RSH 11 9 13 - - - 6 - - - 1 - 20



After doing this research, the writer contributes some

suggestions. They are as follows:

1. Teachers

Relate to the aim in curriculum that students must be

able to use English spokenly and writtenly, the teachers

are suggested to use English more as often as possible in

the teaching learning process. It means that the use of

code switching and code mixing especially the use of

internal code ( Mother Language ) very often must be

reduced and the use of external code can be tolerated at

the beginning. The teacher must motivate the students to

practice English as often as possible.

2. Students

Based on the research findings and due to the

implication of findings, the writer suggests the students

to speak in interaction in English as often as possible.

They are suggested to enrich their vocabularly, it is


tolerate tomuse external code switching , and try to avoid

internal code switching.

3. The Other Researcher

The writer realizes that this research does not cover

all the aspects of code switching and code mixing. It is

because of limitation of the writer. This research is only

the type of code switching and code mixing and the reasons

use of code switching and code mixing. Therefoe, the writer

suggests the next researchers to research another aspects

of code switching and code mixing.


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