Post on 10-Jan-2023

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Lecturer: Mr. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita

The economic, politics, and security are challenges the European states that are facing by

referring to the Ecological Triad (Sprout and Sprout). The Ecological Triad divided by the actors,

environment (internal + external), and relationship.

In my opinion, the meaning of the "actors" in question here is a part of a unit or the

parties, decide, or provide feedback about foreign policy or the country or the problems that are

happening in the country, particularly the European countries that are to be discussed this. The

actors in European state are like the European Council or European Parliament. Second is

"environment". Environment factors can come from the external and internal. Both of these can

influence each other, or even dropped. The example is when European countries are

experiencing enormous economic crisis; it will give a negative effect on the lives of the people in

it. When the environment and conditions in Europe are declining, this will certainly affect the

external environment as well. It can be the relations with other countries. And the last is

"relationship". Relationship is a relationship that is built to be able to help each other and

support. Such us: the economic, political, social, and security problems. Relationship can also

affect the relationship between the actors and the environment.

If the relationship of those third Ecological Triad could bring something or a good

outcome for the economy, politics and security in Europe, of course it will run well without

causing problems. But in a relationship especially concerned with the very sensitive such as

economic, political, and security, has had positive and negative-and pros and cons of each.


Economic is the crucial things that always happening. Economic always become the

trending topic in every countries. Because economic greatly affect the life, development, and

progress of a country. Issues ranging from trade and currency issues that can affect the global

population, all the severe problems of the economy should be finish before the situation worsens

the state of the world. For sure we will always and always face issues related to economic in our

daily life. Nowadays, Europe is experiencing huge economic problems and adversely affects the

life of the countries that are part of Europe. That is the problem of the financial crisis. The

economic crisis can be caused by many things. From the political impact, the various aspects

related to finance and the economy itself, the onset of the economic crisis may produce effects

that corrupt the world. Some impacts are expressed is poverty, the collapse of the economic and

political system in one or more countries, and a variety of matters relating to the economy and


As we know, that the euro zone is experiencing a global crisis caused Greek sovereign

debt. At first, the financial crisis led to the European experience is that the Greek government cut

state deficit and savings broader package including a public sector pay freeze and higher taxes

for low-income households and middle. Since then the Greek economy becomes very fragile and

weak that Greece continued to act with borrowed and owed from other countries and asking for a

lot of assistance from developed countries. Debt reached 340 billion euros to date. Because of

these actions without a long time, then spread to Ireland and Portugal and eventually impact

spread to almost all regions of the European Union.

Some countries outside Europe tried to strengthen the fundamentals of their respective

economies to anticipate the effects of the crisis. Actors are the units or parties that should play an

important role in the problems of the economic crisis being experienced by Europe. For example,

the European political elite made a serious effort to overcome the crisis by pursuing a policy of

economic austerity by European leaders propose to include raising taxes and reducing

government spending. Or by setting up a European finance ministry, so that the European

economy can be seen as a whole with a focus and detail by the ministry, confirmed certain

strategies that have worked in the past on issues similar to the current and increasing taxes to

fund the entire population of Europe to overcome the crisis economic certain European countries.

For the environment in Europe, the economic downturn occurred in almost all countries

in southern Europe, from Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. While Northern Europe, Germany,

Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Netherlands and Belgium

appear to have helped knocked the economic crisis. Therefore these countries, especially

Germany, to be the person who provided the most widely bail (bail out) for Greece and Spain so

that the crisis does not spread to northern Europe or the world as a whole.

In order to manage this process of increasing economic and financial interdependencies,

the European Union maintains economic dialogues with many countries and institutions in the

world. Its ultimate objective is to foster economic prosperity and stability in the EU and, while

serving the Union’s interests, also in the rest of the world.

The Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs supports this

by providing analysis and policy advice on international economic issues relevant to the EU, by

spreading the values and principles of the Union’s economic framework and policy

recommendations to other countries and by shaping the EU external economic policies and their

implementation. This includes:

- providing economic analysis and policy advice for the development and implementation

of EU external policies, for example on enlargement, the European Neighborhood Policy,

Eastern Partnership and the EU’s development policy;

- leading negotiations and regular dialogues on the economic aspects of bilateral relations,

for example with EU candidate countries and EU Neighborhood Countries, with G20

countries and within ASEM; regular exchanges with the multilateral and regional

development banks; and

- Managing macro-financial assistance to third countries. Liaising with other DGs that

manage budget support within the different external assistance programmers with the aim

of ensuring a consistent approach to the policy setting and implementation of these

operations and ensuring coordination with other international financial institutions.

If those things can be done, then not only the relations of European countries are getting

better, even economic problems that are being experienced in Europe would be much better and

can become stable again. Economic crisis must be addressed from any economic or political

system settings so that the economy of a country, especially in Europe, or the world can survive

and runs stably.


Politics is the process of formation and distribution of power in society, or matters

relating to governance and state. But politics is also very involved in inter-state relations. Due to

the political, can build relationships between countries for the betterment of the country that

those countries could be a developing country and not stand alone. This can be done by the

international relations. In the classic form of international relations are relations between states,

but in the development of this concept shifted to include all interactions that take place across

national borders. While the new concept of international relations, international organizations,

corporations, and even individuals can be actors who play an important role in international


Europe is a country rich in cultural politics. Modern political ideologies that exist in other

continents are from Europe. They embrace political culture that is used by Europe as monarchy,

communism, and the republic. The political system monarchy is the royal. Appointed a head of

the state is to the next, not by election. If a head of state is a king / queen, when he died he would

lose his throne to a child, grandchild, or so on. While the established political system of

communism goal, is to eliminate the distinction between class and the capitalists with the

proletariat. The nature of power is the same, there is no rich or the poor. All production and

economic system entirely held and controlled by the state. And the last is a republic political

system. In a republic political system, the formation of a country's governance system is the

hands of the people. A country that uses republic system, the citizens will hold of elections and

election head of state as president.

One example is the European politics in the European Union. European Union is an inter-

governmental and supra-national level, which consists of the European countries. The European

Union established diplomatic relations with almost all countries in the world. The European

Union has strategic partnerships with major actors on the international scene, has good relations

with developing countries around the world, and has signed bilateral cooperation agreements

with a number of surrounding countries.

European Union also creates policies for countries in Europe as well as external policies.

Policies for European countries:

Autonomous decision-making: the member states have given the European Commission the

power to issue decisions in certain areas such as competition such as law, State Aid control and


Harmonization: the law of the member states harmonized EU legislative by process, involving

the European Commission, the Council of the European Union Parliament. The result of this is

the European Union law was present in the systems of member states.

Co-operation: the member states, who met as the Council of the European Union agreed to

cooperate and coordinate policies in their countries.

External Policies:

A common external tariff customs, and the same position in international trade negotiations.

Funding for programs in candidate countries and the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as

assistance to developing countries through the Phare and Tacis.

The establishment of a single market through the European Energy Community Treaty Energy

Community of South East Europe

In this era of globalization, foreign policy has turned into a nation of world politics. State,

society, and the economy form a network. With the end of East-West conflict, German foreign

policy gained new opportunities, both in Europe and around the world. In line with the changes

in the world political arena, Germany international responsibilities increase. Germany accepts

the responsibility, by working with partners around the world, work sincerely for the sake of

democracy, human rights and intercultural dialogue. The main goal of German foreign policy is

the preservation of peace and security in the world.

There has long been a popular opinion in Germany has always supported the idea that

foreign affairs and security are better handled by other countries. This applies also to the global

sustainability agenda that demands high. The act together in order Policy about Energy and

Climate European or as a reaction to the financial crisis is a prerequisite for maintaining the

interests and desires of both Germany and other member states. Political integration, including

the procedures and institutions, is the center of political life in Europe, not vanity. Each is

important to the public discussion on this continent and contains questions about the EU's

participation in solving the problem.


Various problems that occur, especially concerning with a country is very crucial.

Because it will greatly affects the security of its citizens. So the government of a country or its

military will protect all citizens from the threats and the integrity of the nation and state, as well

as to preserve the sovereignty or territorial integrity of a country. A country has a security system


Since the end of World War II, the perceived threat of European countries (Western) is

always shown in the Soviet Union's military hegemony reflected in its military power in the

countries of Eastern Europe. This threat perception to the cold war which then led to four

possible scenarios of conflict can bring Europe into the arena of battle.

First, the first nuclear attacked from the countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet

Union. Second, is the sudden conventional attacked. Third, nuclear weapons attack due to

carelessness in nuclear arms control. And lastly, the increasingly of military capabilities are

uncontrolled. Conflicts such, participated to a war broke out between the two sides as seen from

the rivalry between NATO and the Pact Parsawa that should be protective in the security system.

Since NATO under U.S., the U.S. intends to maintain the security and political system as well as

extending NATO membership to include countries of the former Eastern Europe. As a result of

this, NATO had split into two camps. The first faction said that the main goal is the expansion of

NATO to promote democracy and encourage the creation of a free market system in Eastern and

Central Europe, while stating that the second camp, the expansion is related to the rise of the

Russian military threat that is considered to jeopardize the stability of European security.

Although the Cold War has ended, the problems in European countries still frequently occur.

Initially there is an opportunity for Europe to create the united states. But the difference in

perspective in terms of development, economic, and social causes of internal conflicts that led to

the creation of new states. The collapse of bipolarity system, bringing Europe into the system of

international relations is increasingly complex. This could lead to new conflicts that can be a

threat to system security and defense in the European countries.

Therefore, to anticipate that happening, European countries could set a better security

system. That is the way European countries can still leaned against the NATO security system,

of course with the system and the structure of the alliance that has been refurbished. The

structure is more widespread this assumes that the main problem facing Europe is due to

economic and political issues. This is done to promote economic and political stability in Europe,

which could encourage the creation of regional security and stability.

To create the security and defense of the country, a country must have a concept of

system security. The example is the military security system. The military security as the main

object is the country although it also includes other political entities. Understandably threat in the

military is how to survive from power weapons capable of commanding the country in terms of

both area and policies. On the issue of military security, an important instrument to be built is the

military sector (guardian): good equipment, weaponry, technology and human resources in the

face of regional and global strategic environment and protect the sovereignty of the country from

invasion or control of a foreign party sovereignty.

Second, the Political Security has traditionally been defined in terms of the threat of the

principles of the constitution, sovereignty and the state ideology. Sovereignty could be

threatened by the recognition, legitimacy or authority to rule. Political dimension is crucial in

creating the buildings of national security and stability, which it has implications for how the

state as regulator legitimized by its inhabitants. Political elements both structure and process and

the unstable political system could be a threat to the rights of its citizens.

Third, Economic Security, and the object of the security threat is rather difficult to be

lowered. In general, the companies get and sometimes the threat of bankruptcy law changes that

make them illegal or non-existent (such as after the communist revolution). Economic security is

how to gain access to resources, finance and markets, which is the essential element in the

continuity of an acceptable level of prosperity and strength of a country.


All the issues raised in Europe, be it in the economic, political, and the security has

integrity and their respective position. But all these things are mutually relevant and sustainable.

As concerns about the financial crisis that is currently going on in Europe, it will not be

separated from political interference. For in politics, there are the actors whose role as the party

that can solve the economic problems in Europe. Economic issues also can affect security

system, which is in a neighborhood. Whether the environment of the countries in Europe, or

other countries in the world that cooperating with countries in Europe. When the security system

in Europe could be run well without causing conflict, of relations of other countries in the world

with countries in Europe will work in harmony and good. Actors that should play a role as a

party that can maintain the integrity and defense. In order for the security integrity of the world

in economic, political, social or even is awake.




